Sample records for qualite des sols

  1. Caracterisation Physique des Sols Camp Militaire de Petawawa (Physical Characterization of the Soil in Military Camp of Petawawa).

    DTIC Science & Technology



  2. Etude de l'amelioration de la qualite des anodes par la modification des proprietes du brai

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bureau, Julie

    La qualite des anodes produites se doit d'etre bonne afin d'obtenir de l'aluminium primaire tout en reduisant le cout de production du metal, la consommation d'energie et les emissions environnementales. Or, l'obtention des proprietes finales de l'anode necessite une liaison satisfaisante entre le coke et le brai. Toutefois, la matiere premiere actuelle n'assure pas forcement la compatibilite entre le coke et le brai. Une des solutions les plus prometteuses, pour ameliorer la cohesion entre ces deux materiaux, est la modification des proprietes du brai. L'objectif de ce travail consiste a modifier les proprietes du brai par l'ajout d'additifs chimiques afin d'ameliorer la mouillabilite du coke par le brai modifie pour produire des anodes de meilleure qualite. La composition chimique du brai est modifiee en utilisant des tensioactifs ou agents de modification de surface choisis dans le but d'enrichir les groupements fonctionnels susceptibles d'ameliorer la mouillabilite. L'aspect economique, l'empreinte environnementale et l'impact sur la production sont consideres dans la selection des additifs chimiques. Afin de realiser ce travail, la methodologie consiste a d'abord caracteriser les brais non modifies, les additifs chimiques et les cokes par la spectroscopie infrarouge a transformee de Fourier (FTIR) afin d'identifier les groupements chimiques presents. Puis, les brais sont modifies en ajoutant un additif chimique afin de possiblement modifier ses proprietes. Differentes quantites d'additif sont ajoutees afin d'examiner l'effet de la variation de la concentration sur les proprietes du brai modifie. La methode FTIR permet d'evaluer la composition chimique des brais modifies afin de constater si l'augmentation de la concentration d'additif enrichit les groupements fonctionnels favorisant l'adhesion coke/brai. Ensuite, la mouillabilite du coke par le brai est observee par la methode goutte- sessile. Une amelioration de la mouillabilite par la modification a l'aide d

  3. Méthode d'estimation des tassements des sols fins sous les remblais d'infrastructures ferroviaires pour lignes à grande vitesse

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Said Alami, Soukaina; Reiffsteck, Philippe; Cuira, Fahd


    Le besoin de maîtriser les déformations des sols sous les remblais destinés à recevoir les structures de lignes à grande vitesse, en fait un enjeu important pour ces projets. Toutefois, de nombreuses difficultés ont été soulevées liées principalement au grand nombre d'incertitudes qui entourent le phénomène. En effet, la caractérisation géologique et géotechnique dépend de sondages et d'essais où le risque de remaniement est important et dont l'interprétation est, souvent, délicate. Cet article présente une procédure de calcul qui permettrait en pratique d'évaluer le tassement sous remblai avec une bonne précision et qui a été validée sur un certain nombre d'ouvrages. Pour cela, des corrections sont introduites aux méthodes usuelles de calcul permettant d'approcher les valeurs mesurées sur chantier.

  4. Fundamentals of sol-gel dip-coating

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brinker, C. Jeffrey; Hurd, Alan J.


    During the process of dip-coating, the substrate is withdrawn from the sol at a constant rate. After several seconds, the process becomes steady. The entrained film thins by evaporation of solvent and gravitational draining. Because the shape of the depositing film remains constant with respect to the reservoir surface, it is possible to use analytical methods such as ellipsometry and fluorescence spectroscopy to characterize the depositing film in situ. The microstructure and properties of the film depend on the size and structure of the inorganic sol species, the magnitude of the capillary pressure exerted during drying, and the relative rates of condensation and drying. By controlling these parameters, it is possible to vary the porosity of the film over a wide range. Pendant l'opération de " dip-coating ", le substrat est retiré du sol à vitesse constante. La couche s'amincit du fait de l'évaporation du solvant et de l'écoulement gravitationnel. Après plusieurs secondes, le processus atteint un régime stationnaire. Le profil du film déposé reste alors constant par rapport à la surface du sol. On peut le caractériser in situ par des méthodes optiques telles que l'ellipsométrie et la spectroscopie de fluorescence. La texture et les propriétés de la couche dépendent de la taille et de la structure (par exemple de la dimension fractale) des espèces en solution, de l'importance de la tension capillaire pendant le séchage, et des cinétiques de condensation. En contrôlant ces paramètres, on peut faire varier la porosité de la couche dans une large gamme.

  5. Effet paradoxal du type d’excision sur la prise et le délai de cicatrisation des greffes expansées pour le traitement des brûlures aiguës: a propos de 1129 cas

    PubMed Central

    Guibert, M.; Chaouat, M.; Boccara, D.; Marco, O.; Lavocat, R.; Alameri, O.; Deslandes, E.; Montlahuc, C.; Mimoun, M.


    Summary La greffe de peau mince expansée est très employée dans le traitement des brûlures aiguës. Nous avons étudié l’influence de la préparation du sous-sol sur le taux de prise et le délai de cicatrisation des greffes expansées. Nous avons analysé rétrospectivement les 1 129 greffes expansées réalisées dans notre service entre 1995 et 2005 pour le traitement des brûlures aiguës. Leur taux de prise a été significativement meilleur après une préparation du sous-sol par avulsion (82%) par rapport à une préparation du sous-sol par excision tangentielle (75%). Ce taux était meilleur lorsque l’avulsion était pratiquée dans les 7 jours suivant la brûlure (83% vs 73%). Pour une prise en charge entre 7 et 21 jours, ce taux a semblé être meilleur après excision tangentielle, mais de façon non significative. La durée d’évolution jusqu’à cicatrisation était significativement raccourcie pour une préparation du sous-sol par excision tangentielle par rapport à une préparation du sous-sol par avulsion. Ces résultats montrent, paradoxalement, qu’une préparation du sous-sol par avulsion favorise la prise des greffes expansées mais rallonge leur délai de cicatrisation au contraire de l’excision tangentielle. PMID:28149235

  6. Turbulent transport regimes and the SOL heat flux width

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Myra, J. R.; D'Ippolito, D. A.; Russell, D. A.


    Understanding the responsible mechanisms and resulting scaling of the scrape-off layer (SOL) heat flux width is important for predicting viable operating regimes in future tokamaks, and for seeking possible mitigation schemes. Simulation and theory results using reduced edge/SOL turbulence models have produced SOL widths and scalings in reasonable accord with experiments in many cases. In this work, we attempt to qualitatively and conceptually understand various regimes of edge/SOL turbulence and the role of turbulent transport in establishing the SOL heat flux width. Relevant considerations include the type and spectral characteristics of underlying instabilities, the location of the gradient drive relative to the SOL, the nonlinear saturation mechanism, and the parallel heat transport regime. Recent SOLT turbulence code results are employed to understand the roles of these considerations and to develop analytical scalings. We find a heat flux width scaling with major radius R that is generally positive, consistent with older results reviewed in. The possible relationship of turbulence mechanisms to the heuristic drift mechanism is considered, together with implications for future experiments. Work supported by US DOE grant DE-FG02-97ER54392.

  7. Determination dans les Installations au Sol des Parametres Aerodynamiques de Stabilite des Aeronefs (Determination in Ground Facilities of Aerodynamic Stability Parameters of Aircraft),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    7 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 12 CHAPITRE I : ELEMENTS DE DYNAMIQUE...daone Ie texts. 12 INTRODUCTION La ddtermination des ddrivdes adrodynamiques de stabilitd, en soufflerie et au tunnel de tir, aur des maquettes...ddtection des forces eat effectuds de fegon classiqus depuis plus de vingt ana par des barreaux d’acier dquipds de jauges de contrainte, gdndralament en

  8. Maladie des vibrations

    PubMed Central

    Shen, Shixin (Cindy); House, Ronald A.


    Résumé Objectif Permettre aux médecins de famille de comprendre l’épidémiologie, la pathogenèse, les symptômes, le diagnostic et la prise en charge de la maladie des vibrations, une maladie professionnelle importante et courante au Canada. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée sur MEDLINE afin de relever les recherches et comptes rendus portant sur la maladie des vibrations. Une recherche a été effectuée sur Google dans le but d’obtenir la littérature grise qui convient au contexte canadien. D’autres références ont été tirées des articles relevés. Message principal La maladie des vibrations est une maladie professionnelle répandue touchant les travailleurs de diverses industries qui utilisent des outils vibrants. La maladie est cependant sous-diagnostiquée au Canada. Elle compte 3 éléments : vasculaire, sous la forme d’un phénomène de Raynaud secondaire; neurosensoriel; et musculosquelettique. Aux stades les plus avancés, la maladie des vibrations entraîne une invalidité importante et une piètre qualité de vie. Son diagnostic exige une anamnèse minutieuse, en particulier des antécédents professionnels, un examen physique, des analyses de laboratoire afin d’éliminer les autres diagnostics, et la recommandation en médecine du travail aux fins d’investigations plus poussées. La prise en charge consiste à réduire l’exposition aux vibrations, éviter les températures froides, abandonner le tabac et administrer des médicaments. Conclusion Pour assurer un diagnostic rapide de la maladie des vibrations et améliorer le pronostic et la qualité de vie, les médecins de famille devraient connaître cette maladie professionnelle courante, et pouvoir obtenir les détails pertinents durant l’anamnèse, recommander les patients aux cliniques de médecine du travail et débuter les demandes d’indemnisation de manière appropriée. PMID:28292812

  9. Impact de la preparation des anodes crues et des conditions de cuisson sur la fissuration dans des anodes denses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amrani, Salah

    La fabrication de l'aluminium est realisee dans une cellule d'electrolyse, et cette operation utilise des anodes en carbone. L'evaluation de la qualite de ces anodes reste indispensable avant leur utilisation. La presence des fissures dans les anodes provoque une perturbation du procede l'electrolyse et une diminution de sa performance. Ce projet a ete entrepris pour determiner l'impact des differents parametres de procedes de fabrication des anodes sur la fissuration des anodes denses. Ces parametres incluent ceux de la fabrication des anodes crues, des proprietes des matieres premieres et de la cuisson. Une recherche bibliographique a ete effectuee sur tous les aspects de la fissuration des anodes en carbone pour compiler les travaux anterieurs. Une methodologie detaillee a ete mise au point pour faciliter le deroulement des travaux et atteindre les objectifs vises. La majorite de ce document est reservee pour la discussion des resultats obtenus au laboratoire de l'UQAC et au niveau industriel. Concernant les etudes realisees a l'UQAC, une partie des travaux experimentaux est reservee a la recherche des differents mecanismes de fissuration dans les anodes denses utilisees dans l'industrie d'aluminium. L'approche etait d'abord basee sur la caracterisation qualitative du mecanisme de la fissuration en surface et en profondeur. Puis, une caracterisation quantitative a ete realisee pour la determination de la distribution de la largeur de la fissure sur toute sa longueur, ainsi que le pourcentage de sa surface par rapport a la surface totale de l'echantillon. Cette etude a ete realisee par le biais de la technique d'analyse d'image utilisee pour caracteriser la fissuration d'un echantillon d'anode cuite. L'analyse surfacique et en profondeur de cet echantillon a permis de voir clairement la formation des fissures sur une grande partie de la surface analysee. L'autre partie des travaux est basee sur la caracterisation des defauts dans des echantillons d'anodes crues

  10. Paternité des articles et intérêts concurrents : une analyse des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique

    PubMed Central

    Courbon, Ève; Tanguay, Cynthia; Lebel, Denis; Bussières, Jean-François


    RÉSUMÉ Contexte : La présence d’auteurs honorifiques et fantômes ainsi que les intérêts concurrents représentent des difficultés bien documentées, liées à la publication d’articles scientifiques. Il existe des lignes directrices encadrant la rédaction et la publication de manuscrits scientifiques, notamment celles de l’International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Objectifs : L’objectif principal de cette étude descriptive et transversale visait à recenser les instructions portant sur la paternité des articles et les intérêts concurrents provenant des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. L’objectif secondaire visait à déterminer des mesures correctrices pour une paternité des articles plus transparente. Méthode : La recherche a débuté par l’identification des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. La consultation des instructions aux auteurs des journaux a permis ensuite de recenser les recommandations destinées à éviter les problèmes de paternité des articles et d’intérêts concurrents. Finalement, les membres de l’équipe de recherche se sont consultés afin de définir des mesures correctrices possibles à l’intention des chercheurs. Résultats : Des 232 journaux traitant de pharmacie, 33 ont été définis comme traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. Un total de 24 (73 %) journaux mentionnaient suivre la politique de l’ICMJE, 14 (42 %) demandaient aux auteurs de remplir un formulaire de déclaration d’intérêts concurrents au moment de la soumission de l’article, 17 (52 %) présentaient une définition de la qualité d’auteur et 5 (15 %) demandaient de détailler les contributions de chaque auteur. Une grille de 40 critères a été élaborée pour définir l’attribution du statut d’auteur. Conclusion : Moins de la moitié des journaux demandait aux auteurs de transmettre un formulaire de déclaration des intérêts concurrents au moment de la

  11. Qualité des certificats de coups et blessures volontaires sur adultes à Dakar et Diourbel, Sénégal

    PubMed Central

    Soumah, Mohamed Maniboliot; Ngwa, Hugues Elie Elame; Ndiaye, Mor; Sow, Mamadou Lamine


    Introduction Le certificat médical est une attestation écrite, destinée à constater un fait d'ordre médical. L'intérêt de cette étude résultait de la fréquence du contentieux entre représentants de la loi et médecins à propos des certificats médicaux descriptifs de coups et blessures volontaires. Les objectifs étaient d’étudier les critères d’établissement des certificats médicaux dans les cas de coups et blessures volontaires, d’évaluer la qualité des certificats médicaux dans les procédures judiciaires dans les régions de Dakar et de Diourbel, d'apprécier l’évaluation de l'Incapacité Totale de Travail fixée par les médecins et leurs implications judiciaires. Méthodes Nous avons étudié 201 certificats descriptifs de constatation de coups et blessures volontaires. L'incapacité totale de travail (ITT) au sens pénal a été revue par un médecin légiste. Les données recueillies ont été saisies et analysées par logiciel Epi Data version 3.1 et Epi Info 6.04. Résultats Le nom et les prénoms du médecin étaient mentionnés sur les 201 certificats. Sur les 201 certificats étudiés, 170 mentionnaient les faits rapportés par la victime. En proposant de manière comparative pour chacune des ITT fixées par le médecin, une ITT pénale, nous trouvions des erreurs entre ITT pénale et ITT civile (dans 95% des cas). Conclusion Les certificats médicaux délivrés sont incomplets. Les recommandations concernent la création d'unités médico-judiciaires et de centres d'accueil des victimes d'agression. PMID:22384305

  12. Evaluation d’une grille de supervision des laboratoires des leishmanioses cutanées au Maroc

    PubMed Central

    El Mansouri, Bouchra; Amarir, Fatima; Hajli, Yamina; Fellah, Hajiba; Sebti, Faiza; Delouane, Bouchra; Sadak, Abderrahim; Adlaoui, El Bachir; Rhajaoui, Mohammed


    Introduction Afin d’évaluer une grille de contrôle standardisée de laboratoire de diagnostic des leishmanioses, comme nouveau outil de supervision. Méthodes Un essai pilote a été pratiqué sur sept laboratoires provinciaux, appartenant à quatre provinces au Maroc, en suivant l’évolution de leurs performances tous les deux ans, entre l’année 2006 et 2014. Cette étude détaille la situation des laboratoires provinciaux avant et après la mise en œuvre de la grille de supervision. Au total vingt et une grille sont analysées. Résultats En 2006, les résultats ont montré clairement une insuffisance des performances des laboratoires: besoin en formation (41.6%), personnel pratiquant le prélèvement cutané (25%), pénurie en matériels et réactifs (65%), gestions documentaire et local non conformes (85%). Différentes actions correctives ont été menées par le Laboratoire National de Référence des Leishmanioses (LNRL) durant la période d’étude. En 2014, le LNRL a enregistré une nette amélioration des performances des laboratoires. Les besoins en matière de formation, qualité du prélèvement, dotation en matériels et réactifs ont été comblés et une coordination efficace s’est établie entre le LNRL et les laboratoires provinciaux. Conclusion Ceci montre l'efficacité de la grille comme outil de supervision de grande qualité, et comme pierre angulaire de tout progrès qui doit être obtenu dans les programmes de lutte contre les leishmanioses. PMID:29187922

  13. Developpement des betons semi autoplacants a rheologie adaptee pour des infrastructures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sotomayor Cruz, Cristian Daniel

    Au cours des dernières décennies, les infrastructures canadiennes et québécoises comportent plusieurs structures en béton armé présentant des problèmes de durabilité dus aux conditions climatiques sévères, à la mauvaise conception des structures, à la qualité des matériaux, aux types des bétons choisis, aux systèmes de construction ou à l'existence d'événements incontrôlables. En ce qui concerne le choix du béton pour la construction des infrastructures, une vaste gamme de béton divisée en deux principaux types peut être utilisée: le béton conventionnel vibré (BCV) et le béton autoplaçant (BAP). Dans le cas d'un BCV, la consolidation inadéquate par vibration a été un problème récurrent, occasionnant des dommages structuraux. Ceci a conduit à une réduction de la durabilité et à une augmentation du coût d'entretien et de réparation des infrastructures. Rien que l'utilisation d'un BAP a des avantages tels que l'élimination de la vibration, la réduction des coûts de main d'oeuvre et l'amélioration de la qualité des structures, néanmoins, le coût initial d'un BAP par rapport à un BCV ne permet pas encore de généraliser son utilisation dans l'industrie de la construction. Ce mémoire présente la conception d'une nouvelle gamme de béton semi-autoplaçant pour la construction des infrastructures (BSAP-I) exigeant une vibration minimale. Il s'agit de trouver un équilibre optimal entre la rhéologie et le coût initial du nouveau béton pour conférer une bonne performance structurale et économique aux structures. Le programme expérimental établi a premièrement permis d'évaluer la faisabilité d'utilisation des BSAP-I pour la mise en place des piliers d'une infrastructure de pont à Sherbrooke. En plus, l'utilisation d'un plan d'expériences a permis l'évaluation de trois paramètres de formulation sur les propriétés des mélanges de BSAP-I à l'état frais et durci. Finalement, l'évaluation de la performance des

  14. Metal-silica sol-gel materials

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stiegman, Albert E. (Inventor)


    The present invention relates to a single phase metal-silica sol-gel glass formed by the co-condensation of a transition metal with silicon atoms where the metal atoms are uniformly distributed within the sol-gel glass as individual metal centers. Any transition metal may be used in the sol-gel glasses. The present invention also relates to sensor materials where the sensor material is formed using the single phase metal-silica sol-gel glasses. The sensor materials may be in the form of a thin film or may be attached to an optical fiber. The present invention also relates to a method of sensing chemicals using the chemical sensors by monitoring the chromatic change of the metal-silica sol-gel glass when the chemical binds to the sensor. The present invention also relates to oxidation catalysts where a metal-silica sol-gel glass catalyzes the reaction. The present invention also relates to a method of performing oxidation reactions using the metal-silica sol-gel glasses. The present invention also relates to organopolymer metal-silica sol-gel composites where the pores of the metal-silica sol-gel glasses are filled with an organic polymer polymerized by the sol-gel glass.

  15. Déprescription des agonistes des récepteurs des benzodiazépines

    PubMed Central

    Pottie, Kevin; Thompson, Wade; Davies, Simon; Grenier, Jean; Sadowski, Cheryl A.; Welch, Vivian; Holbrook, Anne; Boyd, Cynthia; Swenson, Robert; Ma, Andy; Farrell, Barbara


    Résumé Objectif Formuler des lignes directrices fondées sur les données probantes visant à aider les cliniciens à décider du moment et de la façon sécuritaire de réduire la dose des agonistes des récepteurs des benzodiazépines (BZRA) pour mettre fin au traitement; se concentrer sur le niveau le plus élevé des données disponibles et obtenir les commentaires des professionnels de première ligne durant le processus de rédaction, de révision et d’adoption des lignes directrices. Méthodes L’équipe comptait 8 cliniciens (1 médecin de famille, 2 psychiatres, 1 psychologue clinique, 1 pharmacologue clinique, 2 pharmaciennes cliniques et 1 gériatre) et une spécialiste de la méthodologie; les membres ont divulgué tout conflit d’intérêts. Nous avons eu recours à un processus systématique, y compris l’approche GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) pour formuler les lignes directrices. Les données ont été générées par une revue systématique d’études portant sur la déprescription des BZRA contre l’insomnie, de même que par une revue des revues sur les torts liés à la poursuite du traitement par BZRA et des synthèses narratives sur les préférences des patients et les répercussions sur les ressources. Ces données et le score GRADE de qualité des données ont servi à formuler les recommandations. L’équipe a peaufiné le texte sur le contenu et les recommandations des lignes directrices par consensus et a synthétisé les considérations cliniques afin de répondre aux questions des cliniciens de première ligne. Une version préliminaire des lignes directrices a été révisée par les cliniciens et les intervenants. Recommandations Nous recommandons d’offrir la déprescription (réduction lente de la dose) des BZRA à tous les patients âgés (≥ 65 ans) sous un BZRA, sans égard à la durée de l’usage, et suggérons d’offrir la déprescription (réduction lente de la dose)

  16. Application de la technologie des materiaux sol-gel et polymere a l'optique integree

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saddiki, Zakaria


    With the advancement of optical telecommunication systems, "integrated optics" and "optical interconnect" technology are becoming more and more important. The major components of these two technologies are photonic integrated circuits (PICs), optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs), and optoelectronic multichip modules ( OE-MCMs). Optical signals are transmitted through optical waveguides that interconnect such components. The principle of optical transmission in waveguides is the same as that in optical fibres. To implement these technologies, both passive and active optical devices are needed. A wide variety of optical materials has been studied, e.g., glasses, lithium niobate, III-V semiconductors, sol-gel and polymers. In particular, passive optical components have been fabricated using glass optical waveguides by ion-exchange, or by flame hydrolysis deposition and reactive ion etching (FHD and RIE ). When using FHD and RIE, a very high temperatures (up to 1300°C) are needed to consolidate silica. This work reports on the fabrication and characterization of a new photo-patternable hybrid organic-inorganic glass sol-gel and polymer materials for the realisation of integrated optic and opto-electronic devices. They exhibit low losses in the NIR range, especially at the most important wavelengths windows for optical communications (1320 nm and 1550 nm). The sol-gel and polymer process is based on photo polymerization and thermo polymerization effects to create the wave-guide. The single-layer film is at low temperature and deep UV-light is employed to make the wave-guide by means of the well-known photolithography process. Like any photo-imaging process, the UV energy should exceed the threshold energy of chemical bonds in the photoactive component of hybrid glass material to form the expected integrated optic pattern with excellent line width control and vertical sidewalls. To achieve optical wave-guide, a refractive index difference Delta n occurred between

  17. Sol concentration effect on ZnO nanofibers photocatalytic activity synthesized by sol-gel dip coating method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Toubane, M.; Tala-Ighil, R.; Bensouici, F.; Bououdina, M.; Souier, M.; Liu, S.; Cai, W.; Iratni, A.


    ZnO thin films were deposited onto glass substrate by sol-gel dip coating method. The initial sol concentrations were varied from 0.2 to 0.5 M. Zinc acetate dihydrate, ethanol and Diethanolamine (DEA) were used as staring material, solvent and stabilizer respectively. The evolution of structural, optical properties and methylene blue (MB) photodegradation of the as-deposited films on sol concentration was investigated. Rietveld refinements of x-ray patterns reveal that all the as-prepared thin films have a Zincite-type structure with grain orientation along to c-axis. The strongest sol concentration is favorable for the highest crystallization quality. However, the high preferred orientation factor (POF) occurs for 0.3 M sol concentration. The field emission scanning electron microscopy observations reveals nanofibrous morphology with different lengths. The nanofibers density increases with increasing sols concentrations until forming a flower-like morphology. The EDS analysis confirms the high purity of the as-deposited ZnO films. It is found that all films present good transparency greater than 95% in the visible range; the optical band gap is slightly reduced with the increase in sol concentration. The photocatalytic degradation is enhanced by 90% with the sol concentration. The K app rate reaction increased with increasing sol concentration. The films stability is found to slightly decrease after the third cycle, especially for 0.5 M sol concentration.


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Scotti, S. J.


    SOL is a computer language which is geared to solving design problems. SOL includes the mathematical modeling and logical capabilities of a computer language like FORTRAN but also includes the additional power of non-linear mathematical programming methods (i.e. numerical optimization) at the language level (as opposed to the subroutine level). The language-level use of optimization has several advantages over the traditional, subroutine-calling method of using an optimizer: first, the optimization problem is described in a concise and clear manner which closely parallels the mathematical description of optimization; second, a seamless interface is automatically established between the optimizer subroutines and the mathematical model of the system being optimized; third, the results of an optimization (objective, design variables, constraints, termination criteria, and some or all of the optimization history) are output in a form directly related to the optimization description; and finally, automatic error checking and recovery from an ill-defined system model or optimization description is facilitated by the language-level specification of the optimization problem. Thus, SOL enables rapid generation of models and solutions for optimum design problems with greater confidence that the problem is posed correctly. The SOL compiler takes SOL-language statements and generates the equivalent FORTRAN code and system calls. Because of this approach, the modeling capabilities of SOL are extended by the ability to incorporate existing FORTRAN code into a SOL program. In addition, SOL has a powerful MACRO capability. The MACRO capability of the SOL compiler effectively gives the user the ability to extend the SOL language and can be used to develop easy-to-use shorthand methods of generating complex models and solution strategies. The SOL compiler provides syntactic and semantic error-checking, error recovery, and detailed reports containing cross-references to show where

  19. Sol-Gel Derived Hafnia Coatings

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Feldman, Jay D.; Stackpoole, Mairead; Blum, Yigal; Sacks, Michael; Ellerby, Don; Johnson, Sylvia M.; Venkatapathy, Ethiras (Technical Monitor)


    Sol-gel derived hafnia coatings are being developed to provide an oxidation protection layer on ultra-high temperature ceramics for potential use in turbine engines (ultra-efficient engine technology being developed by NASA). Coatings using hafnia sol hafnia filler particles will be discussed along with sol synthesis and characterization.

  20. Validation d’indicateurs de la prise en charge des atteintes des fonctions cognitives dans les unités d’évaluation gériatrique

    PubMed Central

    Payot, Isabelle; Latour, Judith; Massoud, Fadi; Kergoat, Marie-Jeanne


    RÉSUMÉ OBJECTIF Analyser et adapter des indicateurs de qualité pour l’évaluation et la prise en charge des personnes avec atteinte des fonctions cognitives, dont la prévalence est très élevée dans les unités d’évaluation gériatrique au Québec. DEVIS Une méthode de type Delphi-modifiée. CONTEXTE Province de Québec. PARTICIPANTS Sept praticiens de milieux hospitaliers affiliés à 3 universités du Québec choisis pour leur compétence reconnue en démence et soins gériatriques. MÉTHODE Parmi les indicateurs développés en 2001 par la méthode RAND, 22 items sélectionnés pour leur pertinence au cours du processus d’évaluation et de prise en charge d’une atteinte des fonctions cognitives ont été adaptés aux conditions de pratique du milieu hospitalier québécois. Les indicateurs, accompagnés d’évidences de la littérature, ont été soumis, par la poste, à un panel d’experts. Chaque expert a coté, sur une échelle de 1 à 9, son degré d’accord à des affirmations concernant la validité, la qualité et la nécessité d’être inscrit dans le dossier médical. Pour qu’un indicateur soit retenu, il devait faire consensus selon les valeurs médianes, être situé dans le tertile supérieur et recevoir l’agrément des experts. Les indicateurs incertains étaient modifiés en fonction des commentaires des experts, puis soumis au même panel pour un second tour. RÉSULTATS Des 22 indicateurs soumis au premier tour, 21 ont été validés. Ils prenaient en compte le dépistage, l’investigation, l’évaluation, le traitement et le suivi. L’indicateur considéré comme incertain a été modifié puis accepté lors du second tour. CONCLUSION Cette étude a identifié 22 indicateurs pertinents pour l’évaluation et la prise en charge de l’atteinte des fonctions cognitives dans une unité d’évaluation gériatrique. Ils serviront de base à l’appréciation de la problématique de la démence, dans une étude ayant cours

  1. Hybrid sol-gel optical materials


    Zeigler, J.M.


    Hybrid sol-gel materials comprise silicate sols cross-linked with linear polysilane, polygermane, or poly(silane-germane). The sol-gel materials are useful as optical identifiers in tagging and verification applications and, in a different aspect, as stable, visible light transparent non-linear optical materials. Methyl or phenyl silicones, polyaryl sulfides, polyaryl ethers, and rubbery polysilanes may be used in addition to the linear polysilane. The linear polymers cross-link with the sol to form a matrix having high optical transparency, resistance to thermooxidative aging, adherence to a variety of substrates, brittleness, and a resistance to cracking during thermal cycling.

  2. Hybrid sol-gel optical materials


    Zeigler, John M.


    Hybrid sol-gel materials comprise silicate sols cross-linked with linear polysilane, polygermane, or poly(silane-germane). The sol-gel materials are useful as optical identifiers in tagging and verification applications and, in a different aspect, as stable, visible light transparent non-linear optical materials. Methyl or phenyl silicones, polyaryl sulfides, polyaryl ethers, and rubbery polysilanes may be used in addition to the linear polysilane. The linear polymers cross-link with the sol to form a matrix having high optical transparency, resistance to thermooxidative aging, adherence to a variety of substrates, brittleness, and a resistance to cracking during thermal cycling.

  3. Hybrid sol-gel optical materials


    Zeigler, John M.


    Hybrid sol-gel materials comprise silicate sols cross-linked with linear polysilane, polygermane, or poly(silane-germane). The sol-gel materials are useful as optical identifiers in tagging and verification applications and, in a different aspect, as stable, visible light transparent non-linear optical materials. Methyl or phenyl silicones, polyaryl sulfides, polyaryl ethers, and rubbery polysilanes may be used in addition to the linear polysilane. The linear polymers cross-link with the sol to form a matrix having high optical transparency, resistance to thermooxidative aging, adherence to a variety of substrates, brittleness, and a resistance to cracking during thermal cycling.

  4. So, Why Sol-Mi? American Music Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bennett, Peggy D.


    Walk into any primary grade music class in the U.S., and you will likely hear teacher and students singing a musical greeting, such as "Good morning boys and girls" (sol-mi-mi-sol-sol-mi) and the response "Good morning Miss Purdy" (sol-mi-mi-sol-mi-mi). Since about the 1970s, teachers have been beginning and ending music class for young children…

  5. DynEarthSol3D: numerical studies of basal crevasses and calving blocks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Logan, E.; Lavier, L. L.; Choi, E.; Tan, E.; Catania, G. A.


    DynEarthSol3D (DES) is a thermomechanical model for the simulation of dynamic ice flow. We present the application of DES toward two case studies - basal crevasses and calving blocks - to illustrate the potential of the model to aid in understanding calving processes. Among the advantages of using DES are: its unstructured meshes which adaptively resolve zones of high interest; its use of multiple rheologies to simulate different types of dynamic behavior; and its explicit and parallel numerical core which both make the implementation of different boundary conditions easy and the model highly scalable. We examine the initiation and development of both basal crevasses and calving blocks through time using visco-elasto-plastic rheology. Employing a brittle-to-ductile transition zone (BDTZ) based on local strain rate shows that the style and development of brittle features like crevasses differs markedly on the rheological parameters. Brittle and ductile behavior are captured by Mohr-Coulomb elastoplasticity and Maxwell viscoelasticity, respectively. We explore the parameter spaces which define these rheologies (including temperature) as well as the BDTZ threshold (shown in the literature as 10-7 Pa s), using time-to-failure as a metric for accuracy within the model. As the time it takes for a block of ice to fail can determine an iceberg's size, this work has implications for calving laws.

  6. Project SOL: Shining Light on Teaching Secondary Level, Spanish-Dominant English Learners Using "Colegio De Bachilleres" Content

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Guerrero, Lourdes R.


    This qualitative research study focused on the eight bilingual, content area high school teachers implementing Project SOL (Secondary Online Learning) in Southern California during the 2008-2009 school year. It documents their effort to integrate an online curriculum from the "Colegio de Bachilleres" in Mexico obtained through the UCLA…

  7. Nanocrystal/sol-gel nanocomposites


    Petruska, Melissa A [Los Alamos, NM; Klimov, Victor L [Los Alamos, NM


    The present invention is directed to solid composites including colloidal nanocrystals within a sol-gel host or matrix and to processes of forming such solid composites. The present invention is further directed to alcohol soluble colloidal nanocrystals useful in formation of sol-gel based solid composites.

  8. Nanocrystal/sol-gel nanocomposites


    Petruska, Melissa A [Los Alamos, NM; Klimov, Victor L [Los Alamos, NM


    The present invention is directed to solid composites including colloidal nanocrystals within a sol-gel host or matrix and to processes of forming such solid composites. The present invention is further directed to alcohol soluble colloidal nanocrystals useful in formation of sol-gel based solid composites

  9. Lignes directrices sur la prise en charge en soins primaires des céphalées chez l’adulte

    PubMed Central

    Becker, Werner J.; Findlay, Ted; Moga, Carmen; Scott, N. Ann; Harstall, Christa; Taenzer, Paul


    Résumé Objectif Accroître l’utilisation d’approches éclairées par des données probantes pour diagnostiquer, investiguer et traiter en soins primaires les céphalées des patients. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire exhaustive a été effectuée pour trouver des lignes directrices et des révisions systématiques publiées entre janvier 2000 et mai 2011. La grille d’évaluation de la qualité des recommandations pour la pratique clinique AGREE a servi à l’analyse critique des lignes directrices. Les 6 guides de pratique clinique de la plus grande qualité ont servi de base dans le processus d’adaptation. Message principal Un groupe d’élaboration multidisciplinaire de professionnels des soins primaires ont formulé 91 recommandations précises à l’aide d’un processus consensuel. Les recommandations portent sur le diagnostic, l’investigation et la prise en charge de la migraine, de la céphalée de tension, de la céphalée due à une surmédication et de la céphalée vasculaire de Horton. Conclusion Un guide de pratique clinique adapté au contexte des soins de santé au Canada a été produit en suivant un processus d’adaptation de lignes directrices dans le but d’aider les professionnels de toutes les disciplines des soins primaires à dispenser des soins éclairés par des données probantes aux patients souffrant de céphalées.

  10. SolTrace | Concentrating Solar Power | NREL Websites

    NREL packaged distribution or from source code at the SolTrace open source project website. NREL Publications Support FAQs SolTrace open source project The code uses Monte-Carlo ray-tracing methodology. The -tracing capabilities. With the release of the SolTrace open source project, the software has adopted

  11. Sol-gel layers for ceramic microsystems application

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Czok, Mateusz; Golonka, Leszek


    This paper describes research on sol-gel solutions preparation process. Utilize of a sol-gel layers in the LTCC technology for reduction of surface roughness and influence on the ceramics properties is examined and described. The influence of sol-gel layer on possible sedimentation of dyes or biological substances in channels, mixers or chambers of ceramic microfluidic structures was investigated. Moreover, properties of sol-gel coated surfaces have been precisely examined and described. Finally, positive results of conducted experiments made it possible to design and manufacture a simple microfluidic ceramic structure, with embedded protective layer of sol-gel, for fluorescence measurements.

  12. Apport des neutrons à l'analyse structurale des composés partiellement désordonnés

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cousson, A.


    La cristallographie est un outil extrêmement puissant qui pourrait être utilisé par de nombreux scientifiques dont les sujets de recherche sont en fait très éloignés. L'évolution des techniques ces dernières années a relégué par exemple la cristallographie des rayons X des petites molécules à un rôle mineur, un rôle de service. Certains ont même le sentiment semble-t-il que toutes les connaissances sont contenues dans de multiples logiciels capables par eux-mêmes de conduire une analyse structurale à un résultat correct unique. Il est souhaitable que chacun soit capable de réaliser l'étude structurale du composé qui l'intéresse et bien entendu nécessaire de comprendre ce que l'on fait, la qualité des résultats et leur analyse en dépend. L'objet de cette présentation est de montrer l'apport spécifique de la diffraction de neutrons sur monocristaux à l'étude du désordre, en particulier des atomes d'hydrogène, et ses conséquences sur la compréhension des propriétés physiques, à partir de développements et d'exemples récents.

  13. Des recommandations probantes pour surveiller l’innocuité des antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Pringsheim, Tamara; Panagiotopoulos, Constadina; Davidson, Jana; Ho, Josephine


    HISTORIQUE : Au Canada, l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques, notamment les antipsychotiques de deuxième génération (ADG), a augmenté de façon considérable depuis cinq ans chez les enfants ayant des troubles de santé mentale. Ces médicaments ont le potentiel de causer de graves complications métaboliques et neurologiques lorsqu’on les utilise de manière chronique. OBJECTIF : Synthétiser les données probantes relatives aux effets secondaires métaboliques et neurologiques précis associés à l’usage d’ADG chez les enfants et fournir des recommandations probantes sur la surveillance de ces effets secondaires. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Les auteurs ont procédé à une analyse systématique des essais cliniques contrôlés des ADG auprès d’enfants. Ils ont fait des recommandations à l’égard de la surveillance de l’innocuité des ADG d’après un modèle de classification fondé sur le système GRADE (système de notation de l’évaluation et de l’élaboration des recommandations). Lorsque les données probantes n’étaient pas suffisantes, ils fondaient leurs recommandations sur le consensus et l’avis d’experts. Un groupe consensuel multidisciplinaire a analysé toutes les données probantes pertinentes et est parvenu à un consensus à l’égard des recommandations. RÉSULTATS : Les recommandations probantes portant sur la surveillance de l’innocuité des ADG figurent dans les présentes lignes directrices. Les auteurs indiquent la qualité des recommandations relatives à des examens physiques et tests de laboratoire précis à l’égard de chaque ADG à des moments déterminés. CONCLUSION : De multiples essais aléatoires et contrôlés ont permis d’évaluer l’efficacité de bon nombre des ADG utilisés pour traiter les troubles de santé mentale en pédiatrie. Toutefois, leurs avantages ne sont pas sans risques : on observe à la fois des effets secondaires métaboliques et neurologiques chez les enfants traités au moyen d

  14. Sol-gel processing to form doped sol-gel monoliths inside hollow core optical fiber and sol-gel core fiber devices made thereby

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Shaw, Harry C. (Inventor); Ott, Melanie N. (Inventor); Manuel, Michele V. (Inventor)


    A process of fabricating a fiber device includes providing a hollow core fiber, and forming a sol-gel material inside the hollow core fiber. The hollow core fiber is preferably an optical fiber, and the sol-gel material is doped with a dopant. Devices made in this manner includes a wide variety of sensors.

  15. 3-(Triethoxysilyl)propionitrile sol-gel coating.


    Li, Ying-Sing; Xiao, Yun; Wright, Paul B; Tran, Tuan


    3-(Triethoxysilyl)propionitrile (TESPN) sol-gel has been prepared under different conditions. It was employed for coating the surfaces of quartz and aluminum. Infrared (IR) and Raman spectra of TESPN and TESPN sol-gels have been recorded in the study of the sol-gel process. Transmission and reflection absorption IR (RAIR) spectra of TESPN sol-gel coated quartz and aluminum have also been collected for better understanding the film formation on the substrate surfaces. Spectra collected at different temperatures indicated that the silane film on quartz decomposes at 700 degrees C. Results from thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) supported this result. Based on the group frequencies and the spectral behavior in different states, some vibrational modes were assigned to the observed bands. The anticorrosion behavior of the sol-gel coated aluminum in comparison with the uncoated metal was evaluated by measuring the potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS).

  16. Caracterisation des proprietes acoustiques des materiaux poreux a cellules ouvertes et a matrice rigide ou souple

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Salissou, Yacoubou

    L'objectif global vise par les travaux de cette these est d'ameliorer la caracterisation des proprietes macroscopiques des materiaux poreux a structure rigide ou souple par des approches inverses et indirectes basees sur des mesures acoustiques faites en tube d'impedance. La precision des approches inverses et indirectes utilisees aujourd'hui est principalement limitee par la qualite des mesures acoustiques obtenues en tube d'impedance. En consequence, cette these se penche sur quatre problemes qui aideront a l'atteinte de l'objectif global precite. Le premier probleme porte sur une caracterisation precise de la porosite ouverte des materiaux poreux. Cette propriete en est une de passage permettant de lier la mesure des proprietes dynamiques acoustiques d'un materiau poreux aux proprietes effectives de sa phase fluide decrite par les modeles semi-phenomenologiques. Le deuxieme probleme traite de l'hypothese de symetrie des materiaux poreux selon leur epaisseur ou un index et un critere sont proposes pour quantifier l'asymetrie d'un materiau. Cette hypothese est souvent source d'imprecision des methodes de caracterisation inverses et indirectes en tube d'impedance. Le critere d'asymetrie propose permet ainsi de s'assurer de l'applicabilite et de la precision de ces methodes pour un materiau donne. Le troisieme probleme vise a mieux comprendre le probleme de transmission sonore en tube d'impedance en presentant pour la premiere fois un developpement exact du probleme par decomposition d'ondes. Ce developpement permet d'etablir clairement les limites des nombreuses methodes existantes basees sur des tubes de transmission a 2, 3 ou 4 microphones. La meilleure comprehension de ce probleme de transmission est importante puisque c'est par ce type de mesures que des methodes permettent d'extraire successivement la matrice de transfert d'un materiau poreux et ses proprietes dynamiques intrinseques comme son impedance caracteristique et son nombre d'onde complexe. Enfin, le

  17. The preliminary SOL (Sizing and Optimization Language) reference manual

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lucas, Stephen H.; Scotti, Stephen J.


    The Sizing and Optimization Language, SOL, a high-level special-purpose computer language has been developed to expedite application of numerical optimization to design problems and to make the process less error-prone. This document is a reference manual for those wishing to write SOL programs. SOL is presently available for DEC VAX/VMS systems. A SOL package is available which includes the SOL compiler and runtime library routines. An overview of SOL appears in NASA TM 100565.

  18. Support de source de radioactivité à base de PEDT, amélioration des qualités métrologiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Geffroy, B.; Rosilio, Ch.; de Sanoit, J.; Bouchard, J.; Hainos, D.


    Self-supported conducting membranes with a thickness in the range of 150 to 600 nm have been obtained with a composite of poly(3-4ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDT) and PVC. The PEDT is prepared by oxydation of the EDT monomer with ferric tosylate. The best conductivity of the PEDT/PVC composite is around 20 S/cm. High quality metrology radioactive 60Co sources are prepared with these thin conducting membranes. The advantages of this radioactive source preparation are presented throuth comparative results. Des membranes conductrices, auto-supportées, d'une épaisseur comprise entre 150 et 600 nm ont été obtenues à partir d'un composite de poly(3-4 éthylènedioxythiophène) (PEDT) et de PVC. Le PEDT est synthétisé par oxydation chimique du monomère par le tosylate ferrique et la conductivité maximale du composite est de 20 S/cm. Ces membranes sont utilisées pour préparer des sources de 60Co de bonnes qualités métrologiques. Les avantages de cette méthode de préparation de sources radioactives sont présentés au travers de mesures comparatives.

  19. Spirit Traverse Map, Sol 680

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Annotated Spirit Traverse Map

    This image shows the route that NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has driven inside Gusev Crater from its first Martian day (sol 1) to its 680th sol (Dec. 1, 2005), more than a complete Martian year. The underlying image (previously released as PIA07849) is a mosaic of images from the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor orbiter. The scale bar at lower left is 500 meters (0.31 mile). As of sol 680, Spirit had driven a total of 5,495 meters (3.41 miles).

  20. Method of making ionic liquid mediated sol-gel sorbents


    Malik, Abdul; Shearrow, Anne M.


    Ionic liquid (IL)-mediated sol-gel hybrid organic-inorganic materials present enormous potential for effective use in analytical microextraction. One obstacle to materializing this prospect arises from high viscosity of ILs significantly slowing down sol-gel reactions. A method was developed which provides phosphonium-based, pyridinium-based, and imidazolium-based IL-mediated advanced sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrid materials for capillary microextraction. Scanning electron microscopy results demonstrate that ILs can serve as porogenic agents in sol-gel reactions. IL-mediated sol-gel coatings prepared with silanol-terminated polymers provided up to 28 times higher extractions compared to analogous sol-gel coatings prepared without any IL in the sol solution. This study shows that IL-generated porous morphology alone is not enough to provide effective extraction media: careful choice of the organic polymer and the precursor with close sol-gel reactivity must be made to ensure effective chemical bonding of the organic polymer to the created sol-gel material to be able to provide the desired sorbent characteristics.

  1. Effect of Chelating Agents on the Stability of Nano-TiO2 Sol Particles for Sol-Gel Coating.


    Maeng, Wan Young; Yoo, Mi


    Agglomeration of sol particles in a titanium alkoxide (tetrabutyl orthotitanate (TBOT), > 97%) solution during the hydrolysis and condensation steps makes the sol solution difficult to use for synthesizing homogeneous sol-gel coating. Here, we have investigated the effect of stabilizing agents (acetic acid and ethyl acetoacetate (EAcAc)) on the agglomeration of Ti alkoxide particles during hydrolysis and condensation in order to determine the optimized conditions for controlling the precipitation of TiO2 particles. The study was conducted at R(AC) ([acetic acid]/[TBOT]) = 0.1-5 and R(EAcAc)([EAcAc]/[TBOT]) = 0.05-0.65. We also studied the effects of a basic catalyst ethanolamine (ETA), water, and HCl on sol stability. The chelating ligands in the precursor sol were analyzed with FT-IR. The coating properties were examined by focused ion beam. The stabilizing agents (acetic acid and EAcAc) significantly influenced the agglomeration and precipitation of TBOT precursor particles during hydrolysis. As R(AC) and R(EAcAc) increased, the agglomeration remarkably decreased. The stability of the sol with acetic acid and EAcAc arises from the coordination of the chelating ligand to TBOT that hinders hydrolysis and condensation. A uniform fine coating (thickness: 30 nm) on stainless steel was obtained by using an optimized sol with R(AC) = 0.5 and R(EAcAc) = 0.65.

  2. Outdoor weathering of sol-gel-treated wood


    Mandla A Tshabalala; Ryan Libert; Nancy Ross Sutherland


    Outdoor weathering of wood specimens treated with sol-gel formulations based on methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMOS), hexadecyltrimethoxysilane (HDTMOS), and ferric-zirconia-titania (Fe-Zr-Ti) sol was evaluated. The sol-gel process allowed deposition of a thin film of hybrid inorganic-organic networks (gel) in the wood cell wall that resulted in improved outdoor weathering...

  3. Sol-gel method for encapsulating molecules


    Brinker, C. Jeffrey; Ashley, Carol S.; Bhatia, Rimple; Singh, Anup K.


    A method for encapsulating organic molecules, and in particular, biomolecules using sol-gel chemistry. A silica sol is prepared from an aqueous alkali metal silicate solution, such as a mixture of silicon dioxide and sodium or potassium oxide in water. The pH is adjusted to a suitably low value to stabilize the sol by minimizing the rate of siloxane condensation, thereby allowing storage stability of the sol prior to gelation. The organic molecules, generally in solution, is then added with the organic molecules being encapsulated in the sol matrix. After aging, either a thin film can be prepared or a gel can be formed with the encapsulated molecules. Depending upon the acid used, pH, and other processing conditions, the gelation time can be from one minute up to several days. In the method of the present invention, no alcohols are generated as by-products during the sol-gel and encapsulation steps. The organic molecules can be added at any desired pH value, where the pH value is generally chosen to achieve the desired reactivity of the organic molecules. The method of the present invention thereby presents a sufficiently mild encapsulation method to retain a significant portion of the activity of the biomolecules, compared with the activity of the biomolecules in free solution.

  4. Sol-gel derived sorbents


    Sigman, Michael E.; Dindal, Amy B.


    Described is a method for producing copolymerized sol-gel derived sorbent particles for the production of copolymerized sol-gel derived sorbent material. The method for producing copolymerized sol-gel derived sorbent particles comprises adding a basic solution to an aqueous metal alkoxide mixture for a pH.ltoreq.8 to hydrolyze the metal alkoxides. Then, allowing the mixture to react at room temperature for a precalculated period of time for the mixture to undergo an increased in viscosity to obtain a desired pore size and surface area. The copolymerized mixture is then added to an immiscible, nonpolar solvent that has been heated to a sufficient temperature wherein the copolymerized mixture forms a solid upon the addition. The solid is recovered from the mixture, and is ready for use in an active sampling trap or activated for use in a passive sampling trap.

  5. Determination des Parametres Atmospheriques des Etoiles Naines Blanches de Type DB

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beauchamp, Alain


    , ML1, ML2 et ML3, de la theorie de longueur de melange. Nous avons calcule une grille de spectres synthetiques avec les memes parametrisations que la grille de modeles d'atmospheres. Notre traitement de l'elargissement des raies de l'helium neutre a ete ameliore de facon significative par rapport aux etudes precedentes. D'une part, nous tenons compte de l'elargissement des raies produit par les interactions entre l'emetteur et les particules neutres (elargissements par resonance et de van der Waals) en plus de celui par les particules chargees (elargissement Stark). D'autre part, nous avons calcule nous-memes les profils Stark avec les meilleures theories d'elargissement disponibles pour la majorite des raies observees; ces profils depassent en qualite ce qui a ete publie jusqu'a ce jour. Nous avons calcule la distribution de masse des etoiles DB plus chaudes que 15,000 K. La distribution de masse des DB est tres etroite, avec environ les trois quarts des etoiles incluses dans l'intervalle 0.55-0.65 Modot. La masse moyenne des etoiles DB est de 0.58 M_⊙ avec sigma = 0.07. La difference principale entre les distributions de masse des DB et DA est la faible proportion de DB dans les ailes de la distribution, ce qui implique que les DA moins massives que ~0.4 M odot et plus massives que ~0.8 M_⊙ ne se convertissent pas en DB. Les objets les plus massifs de notre echantillon sont de type DBA, ce qui suggere que la masse elevee favorise la visibilite de l'hydrogene. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).

  6. La planification préalable des soins pour les patients en pédiatrie

    PubMed Central


    RÉSUMÉ Les progrès médicaux et technologiques ont permis d’ac-croître les taux de survie et d’améliorer la qualité de vie des nourrissons, des enfants et des adolescents ayant des maladies chroniques mettant la vie en danger. La planifi-cation préalable des soins inclut le processus relié aux discussions sur les traitements essentiels au maintien de la survie et la détermination des objectifs des soins de longue durée. Les dispensateurs de soins pédiatriques ont l’obligation éthique d’assimiler cet aspect des soins médicaux. Le présent document de principes vise à aider les dispensateurs de soins à discuter de la planification préalable des soins des patients pédiatriques dans diverses situations. La planification préalable des soins exige des communications efficaces afin de clarifier les objectifs des soins et de s’entendre sur les traitements pertinents ou non pour réaliser ces objectifs, y compris les mesures de réanimation et les mesures palliatives.

  7. Relation entre les caractéristiques des table-bancs et les mesures anthropométriques des écoliers au Benin

    PubMed Central

    Falola, Stève Marjelin; Gouthon, Polycarpe; Falola, Jean-Marie; Fiogbe, Michel Armand; Nigan, Issiako Bio


    Introduction Le mobilier scolaire et la posture assise en classe sont souvent impliqués dans l'apparition des douleurs rachidiennes, influant de fait sur la qualité des tâches réalisées par les apprenants. Aucune étude n'a encore vérifié le degré d'adéquation entre les caractéristiques du mobilier et celles des écoliers au Bénin. L'objectif de cette étude transversale est donc de déterminer la relation entre les dimensions des table-bancs utilisées en classe et les mesures anthropométriques des écoliers au Bénin. Methods Elle a été réalisée avec un échantillon probabiliste de 678 écoliers, âgés de 4 à 17 ans. Les mesures anthropométriques des écoliers et les mensurations relatives aux longueurs, largeurs et hauteurs des table-bancs ont été mesurées, puis intégrées aux équations proposées dans la littérature. Les pourcentages des valeurs situées hors des limitesacceptables, dérivées de l'application des équations ont été calculés. Results La largeur et la hauteur des table-bancs utilisées par les écoliers étaient plus élevées (p < 0,05) que les valeurs de référence recommandées par les structures officielles de contrôle et de production des mobiliers scolaires au Bénin. Quel que soit le sexe, il y avait une inadéquation entre la largeur du banc et la longueur fesse-poplité, puis entre la hauteur de la table et la distance coude-bancdes écoliers. Conclusion Les résultats suggèrent de prendre en compte l’évolution des mesures anthropométriques des écoliers dans la confection des table-bancs, afin de promouvoir de bonnes postures assises en classe et de réduire le risque de troubles du rachis. PMID:25317232

  8. Etude du processus de changement vecu par des familles ayant decide d'adopter volontairement des comportements d'attenuation des changements climatiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Leger, Michel T.

    recension des ecrits sur le changement de comportement en environnement. Nous explorons egalement la famille comme systeme fonctionnel de sorte a mieux comprendre ce contexte d'action environnementale qui est, a notre connaissance, peu etudie. Dans le deuxieme article, nous presentons nos resultats de recherche concernant les facteurs d'influence observes ainsi que les competences manifestees au cours du processus d'adoption de nouveaux comportements environnementaux dans trois familles. Enfin, le troisieme article presente les resultats du cas d'une quatrieme famille ou les membres vivent depuis longtemps des modes de vie ecologique. Dans le cadre d'une demarche d'analyse par theorisation ancree, l'etude de ce cas modele nous a permis d'approfondir les categories conceptuelles identifiees dans le deuxieme article de sorte a produire une modelisation de l'integration de comportements environnementaux dans le contexte de la famille. Les conclusions degagees grace a la recension des ecrits nous ont permis d'identifier les elements qui pourraient influencer l'adoption de comportements environnementaux dans des familles. La recension a aussi permis une meilleure comprehension des divers facteurs qui peuvent affecter l'adoption de comportements environnementaux et, enfin, elle a permis de mieux cerner le phenomene de changement de comportement dans le contexte de la famille consideree comme un systeme. En appliquant un processus d'analyse inductif, a partir de nos donnees qualitatives, les resultats de notre etude multi-cas nous ont indique que deux construits conceptuels semblent influencer l'adoption de comportements environnementaux en famille : 1) les valeurs biospheriques communes au sein de la famille et 2) les competences collectivement mises a profit collectivement durant l'essai de nouveaux comportements environnementaux. Notre modelisation du processus de changement dans des familles indique aussi qu'une dynamique familiale collaborative et la presence d'un groupe de

  9. The Sizing and Optimization Language, (SOL): Computer language for design problems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lucas, Stephen H.; Scotti, Stephen J.


    The Sizing and Optimization Language, (SOL), a new high level, special purpose computer language was developed to expedite application of numerical optimization to design problems and to make the process less error prone. SOL utilizes the ADS optimization software and provides a clear, concise syntax for describing an optimization problem, the OPTIMIZE description, which closely parallels the mathematical description of the problem. SOL offers language statements which can be used to model a design mathematically, with subroutines or code logic, and with existing FORTRAN routines. In addition, SOL provides error checking and clear output of the optimization results. Because of these language features, SOL is best suited to model and optimize a design concept when the model consits of mathematical expressions written in SOL. For such cases, SOL's unique syntax and error checking can be fully utilized. SOL is presently available for DEC VAX/VMS systems. A SOL package is available which includes the SOL compiler, runtime library routines, and a SOL reference manual.

  10. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1687

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 360-degree view of the rover's surroundings on the 1,687th Martian day, or sol, of its surface mission (Oct. 22, 2008).

    Opportunity had driven 133 meters (436 feet) that sol, crossing sand ripples up to about 10 centimeters (4 inches) tall. The tracks visible in the foreground are in the east-northeast direction.

    Opportunity's position on Sol 1687 was about 300 meters southwest of Victoria Crater. The rover was beginning a long trek toward a much larger crater, Endeavour, about 12 kilometers (7 miles) to the southeast.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  11. Hydrophobicity of hemp shiv treated with sol-gel coatings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hussain, Atif; Calabria-Holley, Juliana; Schorr, Diane; Jiang, Yunhong; Lawrence, Mike; Blanchet, Pierre


    This is the first time sol-gel technology is used in the treatment of hemp shiv to develop sustainable thermal insulation building materials. The impact on the hydrophobicity of hemp shiv by depositing functionalised sol-gel coatings using hexadecyltrimethoxysilane (HDTMS) has been investigated. Bio-based materials have tendency to absorb large amounts of water due to their hydrophilic nature and highly porous structure. In this work, the influence of catalysts, solvent dilution and HDTMS loading in the silica sols on the hydrophobicity of hemp shiv surface has been reported. The hydrophobicity of sol-gel coated hemp shiv increased significantly when using acid catalysed sols which provided water contact angles of up to 118° at 1% HDTMS loading. Ethanol diluted sol-gel coatings enhanced the surface roughness of the hemp shiv by 36% as observed under 3D optical profilometer. The XPS results revealed that the surface chemical composition of the hemp shiv was altered by the sol-gel coating, blocking the hydroxyl sites responsible for hydrophilicity.

  12. Modified silica sol coatings for surface enhancement of leather.


    Mahltig, Boris; Vossebein, Lutz; Ehrmann, Andrea; Cheval, Nicolas; Fahmi, Amir


    The presented study reports on differently modified silica sols for coating applications on leather. Silica sols are prepared by acidic hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane and modified by silane compounds with fluorinated and non-fluorinated alkylgroups. In contrast to many earlier investigations regarding sol-gel applications on leather, no acrylic resin is used together with the silica sols when applying on leather. The modified silica particles are supposed to aggregate after application, forming thus a modified silica coating on the leather substrate. Scanning electron microscopy investigation shows that the applied silica coatings do not fill up or close the pores of the leather substrate. However, even if the pores of the leather are not sealed by this sol-gel coating, an improvement of the water repellent and oil repellent properties of the leather substrates are observed. These improved properties of leather by application of modified silica sols can provide the opportunity to develop sol-gel products for leather materials present in daily life.

  13. Application of the docking program SOL for CSAR benchmark.


    Sulimov, Alexey V; Kutov, Danil C; Oferkin, Igor V; Katkova, Ekaterina V; Sulimov, Vladimir B


    This paper is devoted to results obtained by the docking program SOL and the post-processing program DISCORE at the CSAR benchmark. SOL and DISCORE programs are described. SOL is the original docking program developed on the basis of the genetic algorithm, MMFF94 force field, rigid protein, precalculated energy grid including desolvation in the frame of simplified GB model, vdW, and electrostatic interactions and taking into account the ligand internal strain energy. An important SOL feature is the single- or multi-processor performance for up to hundreds of CPUs. DISCORE improves the binding energy scoring by the local energy optimization of the ligand docked pose and a simple linear regression on the base of available experimental data. The docking program SOL has demonstrated a good ability for correct ligand positioning in the active sites of the tested proteins in most cases of CSAR exercises. SOL and DISCORE have not demonstrated very exciting results on the protein-ligand binding free energy estimation. Nevertheless, for some target proteins, SOL and DISCORE were among the first in prediction of inhibition activity. Ways to improve SOL and DISCORE are discussed.

  14. Sol-gel processing with inorganic metal salt precursors


    Hu, Zhong-Cheng


    Methods for sol-gel processing that generally involve mixing together an inorganic metal salt, water, and a water miscible alcohol or other organic solvent, at room temperature with a macromolecular dispersant material, such as hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) added. The resulting homogenous solution is incubated at a desired temperature and time to result in a desired product. The methods enable production of high quality sols and gels at lower temperatures than standard methods. The methods enable production of nanosize sols from inorganic metal salts. The methods offer sol-gel processing from inorganic metal salts.

  15. Multicomponent micropatterned sol-gel materials by capillary molding

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lochhead, Michael J.; Yager, Paul


    A physically and chemically benign method for patterning multiple sol-gel materials onto a single substrate is described. Structures are demonstrated for potential micro- optical chemical sensor, biosensor, and waveguiding applications. Fabrication is based on the micro molding in capillaries (MIMIC) approach. A novel mold design allows several sols to be cast simultaneously. Closely spaced, organically modified silica ridges containing fluorescent dyes are demonstrated. Ridges have cross sectional dimensions from one to 50 micrometers and are centimeters in length. Processing issues, particularly those related to mold filling, are discussed in detail. Because sol-gel MIMIC avoids the harsh physical and chemical environments normally associated with patterning, the approach allows full exploitation of sol- gel processing advantages, such as the ability to entrap sensitive organic dopant molecules in the sol-gel matrix.

  16. Identification, expression, and immuno-reactivity of Sol i 2 & Sol i 4 venom proteins of queen red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).


    Lockwood, Stephanie A; Haghipour-Peasley, Jilla; Hoffman, Donald R; Deslippe, Richard J


    We report on two low-molecular weight proteins that are stored in the venom of queen red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta). Translated amino acid sequences identified one protein to have 74.8% identity with the Sol i 2w worker allergen, and the other protein was found to have 96/97% identity with Sol i 4.01w/4.02w worker allergens. Both Sol i 2 and Sol i 4 queen and worker proteins were expressed using pEXP1-DEST vector in SHuffle™ T7 Express lysY Escherichia coli. Proteins were expressed at significant concentrations, as opposed to the μg/ml amounts by our previous expression methods, enabling further study of these proteins. Sol i 2q protein bound weakly to human IgE, sera pooled from allergic patients, whereas Sol i 2w, Sol i 4.01w, and Sol i 4q proteins bound strongly. Despite Sol i 2w and Sol i 2q proteins having 74.8% identity, the queen protein is less immuno-reactive than the worker allergen. This finding is consistent with allergic individuals being less sensitive to queen than worker venom. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Surface Water Qualit: Revisiting Nitrate Concentrations in the Des Moines River: 1945 and 1976-2001

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    McIsaac, G.F.; Libra, R.D.


    Recent compilations of historical and contemporary riverine nitrate (NO3) concentrations indicate that concentrations in many rivers in the north-central USA increased during the second half of the 20th century. The Des Moines River near Des Moines, Iowa, however, was reported to have had similar NO3 concentrations in 1945 and the 1980s, in spite of substantially greater N input to the watershed during the latter period. The objective of this study was to reconsider the comparison of historical and contemporary NO3 concentrations in the Des Moines River near Des Moines in light of the following: (i) possible errors in the historical data used, (ii) variations in methods of sample collection, (iii) variations in location of sampling, and (iv) additional data collected since 1990. We discovered that an earlier study had compared the flow-weighted average concentration in 1945 to arithmetic annual average concentrations in the 1980s. The intertemporal comparison also appeared to be influenced by differences in sample collection methods and locations used at different times. Depending on the model used and the estimated effects of composite sample collection, the 1945 arithmetic average NO3 concentration was between 44 and 57% of the expected mean value at a similar water yield during 1976-2001. The flow-weighted average NO3 concentration for 1945 was between 54 and 73% of the expected mean value at a similar water yield during 1976-2001. The difference between NO3 concentrations in 1945 and the contemporary period are larger than previously reported for the Des Moines River.

  18. The Sol-Gel-Xerogel Transition

    DTIC Science & Technology


    basic pH. Bioactive sol-gel glasses obtained by a surface adsorption of trypsin to a readymade xerogel were also completley * L...presence of siloxane chains and hydrophobic methyl groups an easy film deposition on glass sheets can be obtained. Rhodamine 6G and Coumarin 4 were...Research Proposal was prepared (early 1989) have witnessed a tremendous, almost explosive, progress in the field of organically doped sol-gel glasses

  19. Digging Movie from Phoenix's Sol 18

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander recorded the images combined into this movie of the lander's Robotic Arm enlarging and combining the two trenches informally named 'Dodo' (left) and 'Goldilocks.'

    The 21 images in this sequence were taken over a period of about 2 hours during Phoenix's Sol 18 (June 13, 2008), or the 18th Martian day since landing.

    The main purpose of the Sol 18 dig was to dig deeper for learning the depth of a hard underlying layer. A bright layer, possibly ice, was increasingly exposed as the digging progressed. Further digging and scraping in the combined Dodo-Goldilocks trench was planned for subsequent sols.

    The combined trench is about 20 centimeters (about 8 inches) wide. The depth at the end of the Sol 18 digging is 5 to 6 centimeters (about 2 inches).

    The Goldilocks trench was the source of soil samples 'Baby Bear' and 'Mama Bear,' which were collected on earlier sols and delivered to instruments on the lander deck. The Dodo trench was originally dug for practice in collecting and depositing soil samples.

    The Phoenix Mission is led by the University of Arizona, Tucson, on behalf of NASA. Project management of the mission is by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Spacecraft development is by Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver.

  20. New Record Five-Wheel Drive, Spirit's Sol 1856

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images that have been combined into this stereo, 180-degree view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,856th Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's surface mission (March 23, 2009). The center of the view is toward the west-southwest.

    The rover had driven 25.82 meters (84.7 feet) west-northwestward earlier on Sol 1856. This is the longest drive on Mars so far by a rover using only five wheels. Spirit lost the use of its right-front wheel in March 2006. Before Sol 1856, the farthest Spirit had covered in a single sol's five-wheel drive was 24.83 meters (81.5 feet), on Sol 1363 (Nov. 3, 2007).

    The Sol 1856 drive made progress on a route planned for taking Spirit around the western side of the low plateau called 'Home Plate.' A portion of the northwestern edge of Home Plate is prominent in the left quarter of this image, toward the south.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  1. Method of making particles from an aqueous sol


    Rankin, G.W.; Hooker, J.R.


    A process for preparing gel particles from an aqueous sol by forming the sol into droplets in a liquid system wherein the liquid phase contains a liquid organic solvent and a barrier agent. The barrier agent prevents dehydration from occurring too rapidly and permits surface tension effects to form sol droplets into the desired spheroidal shape. A preferred barrier agent is mineral oil. (Official Gazette)

  2. Curiosity Arm Holding Steady, Sol 915

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This image from the Navigation Camera (Navcam) on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows the position in which the rover held its arm for several days after a transient short circuit triggered onboard fault-protection programming to halt arm activities on Feb. 27, 2015, the 911th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars. The rover team chose to hold the arm in the same position for several days of tests to diagnose the underlying cause of the Sol 911 event. Observations with instruments on the rover's mast continued during this period. The Navcam took this image on March 4, 2015, during Sol 915.

  3. Sol-gel chemistry-based Ucon-coated columns for capillary electrophoresis.


    Hayes, J D; Malik, A


    A sol-gel chemistry-based novel approach for the preparation of a Ucon-coated fused-silica capillary column in capillary electrophoresis is presented. In this approach the sol-gel process is carried out inside 25 microm I.D. fused-silica capillaries. The sol solution contained appropriate quantities of an alkoxide-based sol-gel precursor, a polymeric coating material (Ucon), a crosslinking reagent, a surface derivatizing reagent, controlled amounts of water and a catalyst dissolved in a suitable solvent system. The coating procedure involves filling a capillary with the sol solution and allowing the sol-gel process to proceed for an optimum period. Hydrolysis of the alkoxide precursor and polycondensation of the hydrolyzed products with the surface silanol groups and the hydroxy-terminated Ucon molecules lead to the formation of a surface-bonded sol-gel coating on the inner walls of the capillary. The thickness of the coated film can be controlled by varying the reaction time, coating solution composition and experimental conditions. Commercial availability of high purity sol-gel precursors (e.g., TEOS 99.999%), the ease of coating, run-to-run and column-to-column reproducibility, and long column lifetimes make sol-gel coating chemistry very much suitable for being applied in analytical microseparations column technology. Test samples of basic proteins and nucleotides were used to evaluate the column performance. These results show that the sol-gel coating scheme has allowed for the generation of bio-compatible surfaces characterized by high separation efficiencies in CE. For different types of solutes, the sol-gel coated Ucon column consistently provided migration time R.S.D. values of the order of 0.5%.

  4. SolTrace Support | Concentrating Solar Power | NREL Websites

    Support SolTrace Support The best place to find answers about using SolTrace are found in the that may be useful for the community. You may send questions and comments to the user support team at

  5. Spectroscopic studies of triethoxysilane sol-gel and coating process.


    Li, Ying-Sing; Ba, Abdul


    Silica sol-gels have been prepared under different conditions using triethoxysilane (TES) as precursor. The prepared sol-gels have been used to coat aluminum for corrosion protection. Vibrational assignments have been made for most vibration bands of TES, TES sol-gel, TES sol-gel-coated aluminum and xerogel. It has been noticed that air moisture may have helped the hydrolysis of the thin coating films. Xerogels have been obtained from the sol-gel under different temperature conditions and the resulting samples have been characterized by using infrared and Raman spectroscopic methods. IR data indicate that the sol-gel process is incomplete under the ambient conditions although an aqueous condition can have slightly improved the process. Two nonequivalent silicon atoms have been identified from the collected 29Si NMR spectra for the sol-gel, supporting the result derived from the IR data. The frequency of Si-H bending vibration has been found to be more sensitive to the skeletal structure than that of the Si-H stretching vibration. A higher temperature condition could favor the progression of hydrolysis and condensation. A temperature higher than 300 degrees C would cause sample decomposition without seriously damaging the silica network. From infrared intensity measurements and thermo-gravimetric analyses, the fractions of incomplete hydrolysis and condensation species have been estimated to be 4% and 3%, respectively. Electrochemical data have shown that the sol-gel coating significantly improves the corrosion protection properties of aluminum.

  6. Sol-gel-based biosensing applied to medicinal science.


    Moreira, Felismina T C; Moreira-Tavares, Ana P; Sales, M Goreti F


    Biosensors have opened new horizons in biomedical analysis, by ensuring increased assay speed and flexibility, and allowing point-of-care applications, multi-target analyses, automation and reduced costs of testing. This has been a result of many studies merging nanotechnology with biochemistry over the years, thereby enabling the creation of more suitable environments to biological receptors and their substitution by synthetic analogue materials. Sol-gel chemistry, among other materials, is deeply involved in this process. Sol-gel processing allows the immobilization of organic molecules, biomacromolecules and cells maintaining their properties and activities, permitting their integration into different transduction devices, of electrochemical or optical nature, for single or multiple analyses. Sol-gel also allows to the production of synthetic materials mimicking the activity of natural receptors, while bringing advantages, mostly in terms of cost and stability. Moreover, the biocompatibility of sol-gel materials structures of biological nature allowed the use of these materials in emerging in vivo applications. In this chapter, biosensors for biomedical applications based on sol-gel derived composites are presented, compared and described, along with current emerging applications in vivo, concerning drug delivery or biomaterials. Sol-gel materials are shown as a promising tool for current, emerging and future medical applications.

  7. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1687 (Vertical)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 360-degree view of the rover's surroundings on the 1,687th Martian day, or sol, of its surface mission (Oct. 22, 2008).

    Opportunity had driven 133 meters (436 feet) that sol, crossing sand ripples up to about 10 centimeters (4 inches) tall. The tracks visible in the foreground are in the east-northeast direction.

    Opportunity's position on Sol 1687 was about 300 meters southwest of Victoria Crater. The rover was beginning a long trek toward a much larger crater, Endeavour, about 12 kilometers (7 miles) to the southeast.

    This view is presented as a vertical projection with geometric seam correction.

  8. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1687 (Polar)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 360-degree view of the rover's surroundings on the 1,687th Martian day, or sol, of its surface mission (Oct. 22, 2008).

    Opportunity had driven 133 meters (436 feet) that sol, crossing sand ripples up to about 10 centimeters (4 inches) tall. The tracks visible in the foreground are in the east-northeast direction.

    Opportunity's position on Sol 1687 was about 300 meters southwest of Victoria Crater. The rover was beginning a long trek toward a much larger crater, Endeavour, about 12 kilometers (7 miles) to the southeast.

    This view is presented as a polar projection with geometric seam correction.

  9. Synthesis of phthalocyanine doped sol-gel materials

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dunn, Bruce


    The synthesis of sol-gel silica materials doped with three different types of metallophthalocyanines has been studied. Homogeneous materials of good optical quality were prepared and the first optical limiting measurements of dyes in sol-gel hosts were carried out. The properties of these solid state limiters are similar to limiters based on phthalocyanine (Pc) in solution. Sol-gel silica materials containing copper, tin and germanium phthalocyanines were investigated. The initial step in all cases was to prepare silica sols by the sonogel method using tetramethoxy silane (TMOS), HCl and distilled water. Thereafter, the synthesis depended upon the specific Pc and its solubility characteristics. Copper phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid tetra sodium salt (CuPc4S) is soluble in water and various doping levels (1 x 10 (exp -4) M to 1 x 10 (exp -5) M) were added to the sol. The group IV Pc's, SnPc(OSi(n-hexyl)3)2 and GePc(OSi(n-hexyl)3)2, are insoluble in water and the process was changed accordingly. In these cases, the compounds were dissolved in THF and then added to the sol. The Pc concentration in the sol was 2 x 10(exp -5)M. The samples were then aged and dried in the standard method of making xerogel monoliths. Comparative nanosecond optical limiting experiments were performed on silica xerogels that were doped with the different metallophthalocyanines. The ratio of the net excited state absorption cross section (sigma(sub e)) to the ground state cross section (sigma(sub g)) is an important figure of merit that is used to characterize these materials. By this standard the SnPc sample exhibits the best limiting for the Pc doped sol-gel materials. Its cross section ratio of 19 compares favorably with the value of 22 that was measured in toluene. The GePc materials appear to not be as useful as those containing SnPc. The GePc doped solids exhibit a higher onset energy (2.5 mj and lower cross section ratio, 7. The CuPc4S sol-gel material has a still lower cross

  10. Nanocrystal/sol-gel nanocomposites


    Klimov, Victor L.; Petruska, Melissa A.


    The present invention is directed to a process for preparing a solid composite having colloidal nanocrystals dispersed within a sol-gel matrix, the process including admixing colloidal nanocrystals with an amphiphilic polymer including hydrophilic groups selected from the group consisting of --COOH, --OH, --SO.sub.3H, --NH.sub.2, and --PO.sub.3H.sub.2 within a solvent to form an alcohol-soluble colloidal nanocrystal-polymer complex, admixing the alcohol-soluble colloidal nanocrystal-polymer complex and a sol-gel precursor material, and, forming the solid composite from the admixture. The present invention is also directed to the resultant solid composites and to the alcohol-soluble colloidal nanocrystal-polymer complexes.

  11. Analyse des interactions energetiques entre un arena et son systeme de refrigeration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Seghouani, Lotfi

    La presente these s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet strategique sur les arenas finance par le CRSNG (Conseil de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles et en Genie du Canada) qui a pour but principal le developpement d'un outil numerique capable d'estimer et d'optimiser la consommation d'energie dans les arenas et curlings. Notre travail s'inscrit comme une suite a un travail deja realise par DAOUD et coll. (2006, 2007) qui a developpe un modele 3D (AIM) en regime transitoire de l'arena Camilien Houde a Montreal et qui calcule les flux de chaleur a travers l'enveloppe du batiment ainsi que les distributions de temperatures et d'humidite durant une annee meteorologique typique. En particulier, il calcule les flux de chaleur a travers la couche de glace dus a la convection, la radiation et la condensation. Dans un premier temps nous avons developpe un modele de la structure sous la glace (BIM) qui tient compte de sa geometrie 3D, des differentes couches, de l'effet transitoire, des gains de chaleur du sol en dessous et autour de l'arena etudie ainsi que de la temperature d'entree de la saumure dans la dalle de beton. Par la suite le BIM a ete couple le AIM. Dans la deuxieme etape, nous avons developpe un modele du systeme de refrigeration (REFSYS) en regime quasi-permanent pour l'arena etudie sur la base d'une combinaison de relations thermodynamiques, de correlations de transfert de chaleur et de relations elaborees a partir de donnees disponibles dans le catalogue du manufacturier. Enfin le couplage final entre l'AIM +BIM et le REFSYS a ete effectue sous l'interface du logiciel TRNSYS. Plusieurs etudes parametriques on ete entreprises pour evaluer les effets du climat, de la temperature de la saumure, de l'epaisseur de la glace, etc. sur la consommation energetique de l'arena. Aussi, quelques strategies pour diminuer cette consommation ont ete etudiees. Le considerable potentiel de recuperation de chaleur au niveau des condenseurs qui peut reduire l'energie requise par

  12. Sol-gel applications for ceramic membrane preparation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Erdem, I.


    Ceramic membranes possessing superior properties compared to polymeric membranes are more durable under severe working conditions and therefore their service life is longer. The ceramic membranes are composed of some layers. The support is the layer composed of coarser ceramic structure and responsible for mechanical durability under filtration pressure and it is prepared by consolidation of ceramic powders. The top layer is composed of a finer ceramic micro-structure mainly responsible for the separation of components present in the fluid to be filtered and sol-gel method is a versatile tool to prepare such a tailor-made ceramic filtration structure with finer pores. Depending on the type of filtration (e.g. micro-filtration, ultra-filtration, nano-filtration) aiming separation of components with different sizes, sols with different particulate sizes should be prepared and consolidated with varying precursors and preparation conditions. The coating of sol on the support layer and heat treatment application to have a stable ceramic micro-structure are also important steps determining the final properties of the top layer. Sol-gel method with various controllable parameters (e.g. precursor type, sol formation kinetics, heat treatment conditions) is a practical tool for the preparation of top layers of ceramic composite membranes with desired physicochemical properties.

  13. Implementation en VHDl/FPGA d'afficheur video numerique (AVN) pour des applications aerospatiales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pelletier, Sebastien

    L'objectif de ce projet est de developper un controleur video en langage VHDL afin de remplacer la composante specialisee presentement utilisee chez CMC Electronique. Une recherche approfondie des tendances et de ce qui se fait actuellement dans le domaine des controleurs video est effectuee afin de definir les specifications du systeme. Les techniques d'entreposage et d'affichage des images sont expliquees afin de mener ce projet a terme. Le nouveau controleur est developpe sur une plateforme electronique possedant un FPGA, un port VGA et de la memoire pour emmagasiner les donnees. Il est programmable et prend peu d'espace dans un FPGA, ce qui lui permet de s'inserer dans n'importe quelle nouvelle technologie de masse a faible cout. Il s'adapte rapidement a toutes les resolutions d'affichage puisqu'il est modulaire et configurable. A court terme, ce projet permettra un controle ameliore des specifications et des normes de qualite liees aux contraintes de l'avionique.

  14. Influence des interactions entre écrans de soutènement sur le calcul de la butée

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Magnan, Jean-Pierre; Meyer, Grégory


    La mobilisation de la butée devant un écran implique un volume de sol important, sur une distance plus grande que la fiche et qui dépend des paramètres du calcul. L'article passe en revue les méthodes de calcul utilisées pour évaluer la butée, en insistant sur la distance nécessaire au libre développement du mécanisme de butée. Il évalue ensuite de différentes façons l'effet de l'interaction entre deux écrans placés face à face de part et d'autre d'une excavation. La méthode recommandée pour calculer la butée mobilisable consiste à faire un calcul en éléments finis avec des valeurs réduites des paramètres de résistance au cisaillement dans la zone où se développera la butée. Cette démarche permet de déterminer des facteurs correctifs à appliquer au calcul de la butée d'un écran isolé en fonction du rapport de la distance entre écrans à leur fiche.

  15. [Basic Studies on Locoregional Injection of a Newly Designed Chitin Sol].


    Chiba, Takehiro; Sugitachi, Akio; Kume, Kouhei; Segawa, Takenori; Nishinari, Yutaka; Ishida, Kaoru; Noda, Hironobu; Nishizuka, Satoshi; Kimura, Yusuke; Koeda, Keisuke; Sasaki, Akira


    Systemic chemotherapy in advanced cancer cases often provokes serious adverse events. We aimed to examine the fundamental properties and efficacy of a novel chitin sol, an anti-cancer agent with minor side effects designed to avoid the adverse effects of chemotherapy and enhance the QOL and ADL of patients. DAC-70 was used to create the novel agent termed DAC-70 sol. The anti-proliferative activity was assayed by the WST method using different types of cell lines. The anti-cancer efficacy of the novel agent was examined using cancer-bearing mice. DAC-70 sol was easily injectable through a 21-G needle. The sol suppressed proliferation of the cells in vitro. Intra-tumor injection of DAC-70 sol inhibited the rapid growth of solid tumors in the mice. CDDP-loaded DAC-70 sol, CDDP/DAC-70 sol, successfully controlled malignant ascites in the mice (p<0.05). Neither recurrence nor severe complications were encountered in these animals. These basic data strongly suggest that locoregional administration of our newly designed DAC-70 sol and CDDP/DAC-70 sol is clinically useful as novel cancer chemotherapy for advanced cases. This warrants further clinical studies in cancer chemotherapy.

  16. Sol-gel modification of wood substrates to retard weathering


    Mandla A Tshabalala; Sam Williams


    Wood specimens were treated with sol-gel systems based on metalorganic precursors of silicon (Si), iron (Fe), zirconium (Zr), and titanium (Ti). The effect of these sol-gel systems on weathering properties of wood was investigated. These sol-gel systems were found to have a positive effect on surface color stability and water vapor resistance of the specimens. Under...

  17. Electrochemical and spectroscopic characterization of surface sol-gel processes.


    Chen, Xiaohong; Wilson, George S


    (3-Mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (MTS) forms a unique film on a platinum substrate by self-assembly and sol-gel cross-linking. The gelating and drying states of the self-assembled MTS sol-gel films were probed by use of electrochemical and spectroscopic methods. The thiol moiety was the only active group within the sol-gel network. Gold nanoparticles were employed to detect the availability of the thiol group and their interaction further indicated the physicochemical states of the sol-gel inner structure. It was found that the thiol groups in the open porous MTS aerogel matrix were accessible to the gold nanoparticles while thiol groups in the compact MTS xerogel network were not accessible to the gold nanoparticles. The characteristics of the sol-gel matrix change with time because of its own irreversible gelating and drying process. The present work provides direct evidence of gold nanoparticle binding with thiol groups within the sol-gel structures and explains the different permeability of "aerogel" and "xerogel" films of MTS on the basis of electrochemical and spectroscopic results. Two endogenous species, hydrogen peroxide and ascorbic acid, were used to test the permeability of the self-assembled sol-gel film in different states. The MTS xerogel film on the platinum electrode was extremely selective against ascorbic acid while maintaining high sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide in contrast to the relatively high permeability of ascorbic acid in the MTS aerogel film. This study showed the potential of the MTS sol-gel film as a nanoporous material in biosensor development.

  18. Passive and active sol-gel materials and devices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Andrews, Mark P.; Najafi, S. Iraj


    This paper examines sol-gel materials for photonics in terms of partnerships with other material contenders for processing optical devices. The discussion in four sections identifies semiconductors, amorphous and crystalline inorganic dielectrics, and amorphous and crystalline organic dielectrics as strategic agents in the rapidly evolving area of materials and devices for data communications and telecommunications. With Zyss, we trace the hierarchical lineage that connects molecular hybridization (chemical functionality), through supramolecular hybridization (collective properties and responses), to functional hybridization (device and system level constructs). These three concepts thread their way through discussions of the roles sol-gel glasses might be anticipated to assume in a photonics marketplace. We assign a special place to glass integrated optics and show how high temperature consolidated sol-gel derived glasses fit into competitive glass fabrication technologies. Low temperature hybrid sol-gel glasses that combine attractive features of organic polymers and inorganic glasses are considered by drawing on examples of our own new processes for fabricating couplers, power splitters, waveguides and gratings by combining chemical synthesis and sol-gel processing with simple photomask techniques.

  19. Sol-gel based oxidation catalyst and coating system using same

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Leighty, Bradley D. (Inventor); Watkins, Anthony N. (Inventor); Patry, JoAnne L. (Inventor); Schryer, Jacqueline L. (Inventor); Oglesby, Donald M. (Inventor)


    An oxidation catalyst system is formed by particles of an oxidation catalyst dispersed in a porous sol-gel binder. The oxidation catalyst system can be applied by brush or spray painting while the sol-gel binder is in its sol state.

  20. Hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel materials and components for integrated optoelectronics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lu, Dong

    On the technical platform of hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel, the integrated optoelectronics in the forms of heterogeneous integration between the hybrid sol-gel waveguide and the high refractive index semiconductors and the nonlinear functional doping of disperse red chromophore into hybrid sol-gel is developed. The structure of hybrid sol-gel waveguide on high index semiconductor substrate is designed with BPM-CAD software. A hybrid sol-gel based on MAPTMS and TEOS suitable for lower cladding for the waveguide is developed. The multi-layer hybrid sol-gel waveguide with good mode confinement and low polarization dependence is fabricated on Si and InP. As proof of concept, a 1 x 12 beam splitter based on multimode interference is fabricated on silicon substrate. The device shows excess loss below 0.65 dB and imbalance below 0.28 dB for both TE and TM polarization. A nonlinear active hybrid sol-gel doped with disperse red 13 has been developed by simple co-solvent method. It permits high loading concentration and has low optical loss at 1550 nm. The second-order nonlinear property of the active sol-gel is induced with corona poling and studied with second harmonic generation. A 3-fold of enhancement in the poling efficiency is achieved by blue light assisted corona poling. The chromophore alignment stability is improved by reducing the free volume of the formed inorganic network from the sol-gel condensation reaction. An active sol-gel channel waveguide has been fabricated using active and passive hybrid sol-gel materials by only photopatterning and spin-coating. An amplitude modulator based on the active sol-gel containing 30 wt.% of DR13 shows an electro-optic coefficient of 14 pm/V at 1550 nm and stable operation within the observation time of 24 days.

  1. Caracterisation des proprietes dielectriques de materiaux composites a base de polyethylene terephtalate recycle =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mebarki, Fouzia

    Cette etude vise a etudier la possibilite d'utiliser des materiaux composites a matrice thermoplastique pour des applications electriques comme les supports des systemes d'allumage dans les moteurs d'automobile. Nous nous interessons plus particulierement aux composites a base de polyethylene terephtalate (PET) recycle. Les isolants classiques comme le PET ne peuvent pas satisfaire toutes les exigences. L'introduction des renforts comme les fibres de verre et le mica peuvent ameliorer les caracteristiques mecaniques de ces materiaux. Toutefois, cette amelioration peut etre accompagnee d'une diminution des proprietes electriques surtout que ces materiaux doivent operer sous contraintes thermiques et electriques tres severes. Afin d'estimer la duree de vie de ces isolants, des essais de vieillissement accelere ont ete effectues a une frequence de 300Hz dans une plage de temperature allant de la temperature ambiante a 140°C. L'etude a haute temperature permettra de determiner la temperature de service des materiaux candidats. Des essais de la rupture dielectrique ont ete realises sur un grand nombre d'echantillon selon la norme ASTM D-149 relative aux mesures de rigidite dielectrique des isolants solides. Ces tests ont permis de deceler les echantillons problematiques et de verifier la qualite de ces isolants solides. Les differentes connaissances acquises lors de cette analyse ont servi a predire les performances des materiaux en service et vont permettre a la compagnie Groupe Lavergne d'apporter des ameliorations au niveau des formulations existantes et par la suite developper un materiau ayant les proprietes electriques et thermiques adequates pour ce type d'application. None None None None

  2. Infrared and Raman spectra of triacetoxyvinylsilane, aqueous sol-gel and xerogel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Ying-Sing; Ba, Abdul; Mahmood, Maleeha S.


    Triacetoxyvinylsilane (TAVS) has been used as a precursor to prepare sol-gel under aqueous conditions. The sol-gel product has been applied for the surface treatment of aluminum. Infrared and Raman spectra have been collected for TAVS and for TAVS sol-gel, xerogel and sol-gel-coated aluminum. Vibrational analyses have been suggested for the recorded spectra based essentially on the group frequencies and the spectral variation with the change of the sol-gel product states and the vibrational assignments of similar molecules. From the recorded infrared and Raman spectra of the sol-gel and xerogel, it is found that the sol-gel produced in the process with TAVS is essentially the same as that prepared from vinyltriethoxysilane. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) of TAVS xerogel has been conducted, and an explanation has been given in coordination with the results obtained from IR spectroscopic study of the xerogels cured at different temperatures. The study has demonstrated the thermal effect on the condensation of the sol-gel process and on the vinyl decomposition of TAVS xerogel.

  3. Qualität auf dem Prüfstand

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michaelis, Michael

    An einem Wochenende im Dezember 2009 beendete der chinesische Eisenbahn-Vizeminister Hu Yadong in Begleitung einer hochrangigen Delegation aus Experten des Department of Safety seines Ministeriums eine mehrtägige Europareise mit einem Besuch in der Konzernzentrale des weltweit führenden Herstellers von Bremssystemen für Schienen- und Nutzfahrzeuge in München. Schon in wenigen Jahren wird China über die weltweit größte Flotte an Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen verfügen und dabei sind Sicherheit und Qualität vorrangige Anforderungen. Knorr-Bremse liefert 100% der Bremsanlagen dieser Züge und hat vor kurzem mit rund 500 Millionen Euro den größten Auftrag in der Firmengeschichte erhalten. Das Unternehmen wird zusammen mit seinen chinesischen Partnern insgesamt 2.720 neue Wagen des chinesischen Hochgeschwindigkeitszuges CRH3 mit Brems- und Türsystemen ausrüsten.

  4. Nouvelle approche à la prise en charge des condylomes

    PubMed Central

    Lopaschuk, Catharine C.


    Résumé Objectif Faire le résumé des anciens et des nouveaux moyens de traitement des verrues génitales ou condylomes et déterminer comment les utiliser de manière appropriée. Sources des données Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans les bases de données suivantes: MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, base de données des synthèses systématiques et registre central des études contrôlées de la Collaboration Cochrane (en anglais), ACP Journal Club et Trip. Les bibliographies des articles extraits ont aussi été examinées. Les études cliniques, les articles de révision qualitative, les rapports consensuels et les guides de pratique clinique ont été retenus. Message principal Les verrues symptomatiques sont présentes chez au moins 1 % des personnes âgées entre 15 et 49 ans et on estime que jusqu’à 50 % des gens sont infectés par le virus du papillome humain à un moment donné de leur vie. L’imiquimod et la podophyllotoxine sont 2 nouveaux traitements pour les verrues génitales externes qui sont moins douloureux et peuvent être appliqués par les patients à la maison. De plus, il a été démontré que le vaccin quadrivalent contre le virus du papillome humain est efficace pour prévenir les condylomes et le cancer du col. Les plus anciennes méthodes thérapeutiques ont aussi leur place dans certaines situations, comme les verrues intravaginales, urétrales, anales ou récalcitrantes ou encore pour les patientes enceintes. Conclusion Les nouveaux traitements des verrues génitales externes peuvent réduire la douleur causée par la thérapie et le nombre de visites au cabinet. Les autres méthodes thérapeutiques demeurent utiles dans certaines situations.

  5. Sol-gel optics for biomeasurements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lechna-Marczynska, Monika I.; Podbielska, Halina; Ulatowska-Jarza, Agnieszka; Holowacz, Iwona; Andrzejewski, Damian


    Sol-gel technique is a method for producing of glass-like materials without involving a melting process. Organic compounds such as alcoholates of silicon, sodium or calcium can be used. The irregular non-crystalline network forms a gel structure where the metallic atoms are bonded to oxygen atoms. Low-temperature treatment turns this gel into an inorganic glass-like structure. There are numbers of applications of these materials that can be produced in various forms and shapes. Here, silica based sol-gel bulks and thin films optodes for biomedical applications will be presented.

  6. Biocatalysis with Sol-Gel Encapsulated Acid Phosphatase

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kulkarni, Suhasini; Tran, Vu; Ho, Maggie K.-M.; Phan, Chieu; Chin, Elizabeth; Wemmer, Zeke; Sommerhalter, Monika


    This experiment was performed in an upper-level undergraduate biochemistry laboratory course. Students learned how to immobilize an enzyme in a sol-gel matrix and how to perform and evaluate enzyme-activity measurements. The enzyme acid phosphatase (APase) from wheat germ was encapsulated in sol-gel beads that were prepared from the precursor…

  7. Modelisation de l'erosion et des sources de pollution dans le bassin versant Iroquois/Blanchette dans un contexte de changements climatiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coulibaly, Issa

    Principale source d'approvisionnement en eau potable de la municipalite d'Edmundston, le bassin versant Iroquois/Blanchette est un enjeu capital pour cette derniere, d'ou les efforts constants deployes pour assurer la preservation de la qualite de son eau. A cet effet, plusieurs etudes y ont ete menees. Les plus recentes ont identifie des menaces de pollution de diverses origines dont celles associees aux changements climatiques (e.g. Maaref 2012). Au regard des impacts des modifications climatiques annonces a l'echelle du Nouveau-Brunswick, le bassin versant Iroquois/Blanchette pourrait etre fortement affecte, et cela de diverses facons. Plusieurs scenarios d'impacts sont envisageables, notamment les risques d'inondation, d'erosion et de pollution a travers une augmentation des precipitations et du ruissellement. Face a toutes ces menaces eventuelles, l'objectif de cette etude est d'evaluer les impacts potentiels des changements climatiques sur les risques d'erosion et de pollution a l'echelle du bassin versant Iroquois/Blanchette. Pour ce faire, la version canadienne de l'equation universelle revisee des pertes en sol RUSLE-CAN et le modele hydrologique SWAT ( Soil and Water Assessment Tool) ont ete utilises pour modeliser les risques d'erosion et de pollution au niveau dans la zone d'etude. Les donnees utilisees pour realiser ce travail proviennent de sources diverses et variees (teledetections, pedologiques, topographiques, meteorologiques, etc.). Les simulations ont ete realisees en deux etapes distinctes, d'abord dans les conditions actuelles ou l'annee 2013 a ete choisie comme annee de reference, ensuite en 2025 et 2050. Les resultats obtenus montrent une tendance a la hausse de la production de sediments dans les prochaines annees. La production maximale annuelle augmente de 8,34 % et 8,08 % respectivement en 2025 et 2050 selon notre scenario le plus optimiste, et de 29,99 % en 2025 et 29,72 % en 2050 selon le scenario le plus pessimiste par rapport a celle

  8. Silica- and germania-based dual-ligand sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrid sorbents combining superhydrophobicity and π-π interaction. The role of inorganic substrate in sol-gel capillary microextraction.


    Seyyal, Emre; Malik, Abdul


    Principles of sol-gel chemistry were utilized to create silica- and germania-based dual-ligand surface-bonded sol-gel coatings providing enhanced performance in capillary microextraction (CME) through a combination of ligand superhydrophobicity and π-π interaction. These organic-inorganic hybrid coatings were prepared using sol-gel precursors with bonded perfluorododecyl (PF-C 12 ) and phenethyl (PhE) ligands. Here, the ability of the PF-C 12 ligand to provide enhanced hydrophobic interaction was advantageously combined with π-π interaction capability of the PhE moiety to attain the desired sorbent performance in CME. The effect of the inorganic sorbent component on microextraction performance of was explored by comparing microextraction characteristics of silica- and germania-based sol-gel sorbents. The germania-based dual-ligand sol-gel sorbent demonstrated superior CME performance compared to its silica-based counterpart. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the created silica- and germania-based dual-ligand sol-gel sorbents suggested higher carbon loading on the germania-based sorbent. This might be indicative of more effective condensation of the organic ligand-bearing sol-gel-active chemical species to the germania-based sol-gel network (than to its silica-based counterpart) evolving in the sol solution. The type and concentration of the organic ligands were varied in the sol-gel sorbents to fine-tune extraction selectivity toward different classes of analytes. Specific extraction (SE) values were used for an objective comparison of the prepared sol-gel CME sorbents. The sorbents with higher content of PF-C 12 showed remarkable affinity for aliphatic hydrocarbons. Compared to their single-ligand sol-gel counterparts, the dual-ligand sol-gel coatings demonstrated significantly superior CME performance in the extraction of alkylbenzenes, providing up to ∼65.0% higher SE values. The prepared sol-gel CME coatings provided low ng L -1 limit of detections (LOD

  9. Sol-Gel Manufactured Energetic Materials


    Simpson, Randall L.; Lee, Ronald S.; Tillotson, Thomas M.; Hrubesh, Lawrence W.; Swansiger, Rosalind W.; Fox, Glenn A.


    Sol-gel chemistry is used for the preparation of energetic materials (explosives, propellants and pyrotechnics) with improved homogeneity, and/or which can be cast to near-net shape, and/or made into precision molding powders. The sol-gel method is a synthetic chemical process where reactive monomers are mixed into a solution, polymerization occurs leading to a highly cross-linked three dimensional solid network resulting in a gel. The energetic materials can be incorporated during the formation of the solution or during the gel stage of the process. The composition, pore, and primary particle sizes, gel time, surface areas, and density may be tailored and controlled by the solution chemistry. The gel is then dried using supercritical extraction to produce a highly porous low density aerogel or by controlled slow evaporation to produce a xerogel. Applying stress during the extraction phase can result in high density materials. Thus, the sol-gel method can be used for precision detonator explosive manufacturing as well as producing precision explosives, propellants, and pyrotechnics, along with high power composite energetic materials.

  10. Sol-gel manufactured energetic materials


    Simpson, Randall L.; Lee, Ronald S.; Tillotson, Thomas M.; Hrubesh, Lawrence W.; Swansiger, Rosalind W.; Fox, Glenn A.


    Sol-gel chemistry is used for the preparation of energetic materials (explosives, propellants and pyrotechnics) with improved homogeneity, and/or which can be cast to near-net shape, and/or made into precision molding powders. The sol-gel method is a synthetic chemical process where reactive monomers are mixed into a solution, polymerization occurs leading to a highly cross-linked three dimensional solid network resulting in a gel. The energetic materials can be incorporated during the formation of the solution or during the gel stage of the process. The composition, pore, and primary particle sizes, gel time, surface areas, and density may be tailored and controlled by the solution chemistry. The gel is then dried using supercritical extraction to produce a highly porous low density aerogel or by controlled slow evaporation to produce a xerogel. Applying stress during the extraction phase can result in high density materials. Thus, the sol-gel method can be used for precision detonator explosive manufacturing as well as producing precision explosives, propellants, and pyrotechnics, along with high power composite energetic materials.

  11. Spatially resolved speckle-correlometry of sol-gel transition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Isaeva, A. A.; Isaeva, E. A.; Pantyukov, A. V.; Zimnyakov, D. A.


    Sol-gel transition was studied using the speckle correlometry method with a localized light source and spatial filtering of backscattered radiation. Water solutions of technical or food gelatin with added TiO2 nanoparticles were used as studied objects. Structural transformation of "sol-gel" system was studied at various temperatures from 25°C to 50°C using analysis of the correlation and structure functions of speckle intensity fluctuations. The characteristic temperatures of "sol - gel" transition were evaluated for studied systems. Obtained results can be used for various applications in biomedicine and food industry.

  12. Time for a Change; Spirit's View on Sol 1843

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images that have been combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,843rd Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's surface mission (March 10, 2009). South is in the middle. North is at both ends.

    The rover had driven 36 centimeters downhill earlier on Sol 1854, but had not been able to get free of ruts in soft material that had become an obstacle to getting around the northeastern corner of the low plateau called 'Home Plate.'

    The Sol 1854 drive, following two others in the preceding four sols that also achieved little progress in the soft ground, prompted the rover team to switch to a plan of getting around Home Plate counterclockwise, instead of clockwise. The drive direction in subsequent sols was westward past the northern edge of Home Plate.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  13. Lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse

    PubMed Central

    Kahan, Meldon; Mailis-Gagnon, Angela; Wilson, Lynn; Srivastava, Anita


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux médecins de famille un résumé clinique pratique des lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse, produites par le National Opioid Use Guideline Group. Qualité des données Pour produire les lignes directrices, les chercheurs ont effectué une synthèse critique de la littérature médicale sur l’efficacité et l’innocuité des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse et ont rédigé une série de recommandations. Un panel de 49 cliniciens experts de toutes les régions du Canada ont passé en revue l’ébauche et ont atteint un consensus sur 24 recommandations. Message principal Il est recommandé de faire un dépistage du risque de dépendance avant de prescrire des opioïdes. On recommande des opioïdes faibles (codéine et tramadol) pour une douleur de légère à modérée qui n’a pas répondu aux traitements de première intention. On peut essayer l’oxycodone, l’hydromorphone et la morphine chez les patients qui n’ont pas eu de soulagement avec des opioïdes plus faibles. Une faible dose initiale et une lente hausse du titrage sont recommandées, ainsi qu’une étroite surveillance du patient qu’on a d’abord renseigné. Les médecins doivent surveiller l’apparition de complications comme l’apnée du sommeil. La dose optimale est celle qui améliore le fonctionnement ou atténue les cotes d’évaluation de la douleur d’au moins 30 %. Pour la grande majorité des patients, la dose optimale sera bien en deçà de l’équivalent de 200 mg de morphine par jour. On recommande le sevrage progressif pour les patients qui n’ont pas répondu à un essai d’opioïdes adéquat. Conclusion Les opioïdes jouent un rôle important dans la prise en charge de la douleur chronique non cancéreuse, mais il faut en prescrire avec prudence pour limiter les dommages potentiels. Les nouvelles lignes directrices

  14. Optimisation thermique de moules d'injection construits par des processus génératifs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boillat, E.; Glardon, R.; Paraschivescu, D.


    Une des potentialités les plus remarquables des procédés de production génératifs, comme le frittage sélectif par laser, est leur capacité à fabriquer des moules pour l'injection plastique équipés directement de canaux de refroidissement conformes, parfaitement adaptés aux empreintes Pour que l'industrie de l'injection puisse tirer pleinement parti de cette nouvelle opportunité, il est nécessaire de mettre à la disposition des moulistes des logiciels de simulation capables d'évaluer les gains de productivité et de qualité réalisables avec des systèmes de refroidissement mieux adaptés. Ces logiciels devraient aussi être capables, le cas échéant, de concevoir le système de refroidissement optimal dans des situations où l'empreinte d'injection est complexe. Devant le manque d'outils disponibles dans ce domaine, le but de cet article est de proposer un modèle simple de moules d'injection. Ce modèle permet de comparer différentes stratégies de refroidissement et peut être couplé avec un algorithme d'optimisation.

  15. Lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse

    PubMed Central

    Kahan, Meldon; Wilson, Lynn; Mailis-Gagnon, Angela; Srivastava, Anita


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux médecins de famille un résumé clinique pratique sur la prescription d’opioïdes à des populations particulières en se fondant sur les recommandations faites dans les lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse. Qualité des données Pour produire les lignes directrices, les chercheurs ont effectué une synthèse critique de la littérature médicale en insistant plus précisément sur les études de l’efficacité et de la sécurité des opioïdes dans des populations particulières. Message principal Les médecins de famille peuvent atténuer les risques de surdose, de sédation, d’usage abusif et de dépendance grâce à des stratégies adaptées à l’âge et à l’état de santé des patients. Dans le cas de patients à risque de dépendance, on devrait réserver les opioïdes aux douleurs nociceptives ou neuropathiques bien définies qui n’ont pas répondu aux traitements de première intention. Il faut procéder lentement au titrage des opioïdes, avec des dispensations fréquentes et une étroite surveillance pour dépister tout signe d’usage abusif. Une dépendance aux opioïdes suspectée est prise en charge au moyen d’une thérapie structurée aux opioïdes, d’un traitement à la méthadone ou à la buprénorphine ou encore d’un traitement fondé sur l’abstinence. Les patients souffrant de troubles de l’humeur ou d’anxiété ont tendance à avoir une réponse analgésique atténuée aux opioïdes, sont à risque plus élevé d’usage abusif et prennent souvent des sédatifs qui interagissent défavorablement avec les opioïdes. Il faut prendre des précautions semblables à celles utilisées avec d’autres patients à risque élevé. Il faut faire un sevrage progressif si la douleur du patient demeure sévère même avec un essai adéquat de thérapie aux opioïdes. Chez les personnes âgées, la s

  16. Asymmetric SOL Current in Vertically Displaced Plasma

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cabrera, J. D.; Navratil, G. A.; Hanson, J. M.


    Experiments at the DIII-D tokamak demonstrate a non-monotonic relationship between measured scrape-off layer (SOL) currents and vertical displacement event (VDE) rates with SOL currents becoming largely n=1 dominant as plasma is displaced by the plasma control system (PCS) at faster rates. The DIII-D PCS is used to displace the magnetic axis 10x slower than the intrinsic growth time of similar instabilities in lower single-null plasmas. Low order (n <=2) mode decomposition is done on toroidally spaced current monitors to attain measures of asymmetry in SOL current. Normalized to peak n=0 response, a 2-4x increase is seen in peak n=1 response in plasmas displaced by the PCS versus previous VDE instabilities observed when vertical control is disabled. Previous inquiry shows VDE asymmetry characterized by SOL current fraction and geometric parameters of tokamak plasmas. We note that, of plasmas displaced by the PCS, short displacement time scales near the limit of the PCS temporal control appear to result in larger n=1/n=2 asymmetries. Work supported under USDOE Cooperative Agreement DE-FC02-04ER54698 and DE-FG02-04ER54761.

  17. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1818

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,818th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (March 5, 2009). South is at the center; north at both ends.

    The rover had driven 80.3 meters (263 feet) southward earlier on that sol. Tracks from the drive recede northward in this view.

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and lighter-toned bedrock.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  18. Sol-Terra - AN Operational Space Weather Forecasting Model Framework

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bisi, M. M.; Lawrence, G.; Pidgeon, A.; Reid, S.; Hapgood, M. A.; Bogdanova, Y.; Byrne, J.; Marsh, M. S.; Jackson, D.; Gibbs, M.


    The SOL-TERRA project is a collaboration between RHEA Tech, the Met Office, and RAL Space funded by the UK Space Agency. The goal of the SOL-TERRA project is to produce a Roadmap for a future coupled Sun-to-Earth operational space weather forecasting system covering domains from the Sun down to the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere and neutral atmosphere. The first stage of SOL-TERRA is underway and involves reviewing current models that could potentially contribute to such a system. Within a given domain, the various space weather models will be assessed how they could contribute to such a coupled system. This will be done both by reviewing peer reviewed papers, and via direct input from the model developers to provide further insight. Once the models have been reviewed then the optimal set of models for use in support of forecast-based SWE modelling will be selected, and a Roadmap for the implementation of an operational forecast-based SWE modelling framework will be prepared. The Roadmap will address the current modelling capability, knowledge gaps and further work required, and also the implementation and maintenance of the overall architecture and environment that the models will operate within. The SOL-TERRA project will engage with external stakeholders in order to ensure independently that the project remains on track to meet its original objectives. A group of key external stakeholders have been invited to provide their domain-specific expertise in reviewing the SOL-TERRA project at critical stages of Roadmap preparation; namely at the Mid-Term Review, and prior to submission of the Final Report. This stakeholder input will ensure that the SOL-TERRA Roadmap will be enhanced directly through the input of modellers and end-users. The overall goal of the SOL-TERRA project is to develop a Roadmap for an operational forecast-based SWE modelling framework with can be implemented within a larger subsequent activity. The SOL-TERRA project is supported within

  19. Verona Coding Definitions of Emotional Sequences (VR-CoDES): Conceptual framework and future directions.


    Piccolo, Lidia Del; Finset, Arnstein; Mellblom, Anneli V; Figueiredo-Braga, Margarida; Korsvold, Live; Zhou, Yuefang; Zimmermann, Christa; Humphris, Gerald


    To discuss the theoretical and empirical framework of VR-CoDES and potential future direction in research based on the coding system. The paper is based on selective review of papers relevant to the construction and application of VR-CoDES. VR-CoDES system is rooted in patient-centered and biopsychosocial model of healthcare consultations and on a functional approach to emotion theory. According to the VR-CoDES, emotional interaction is studied in terms of sequences consisting of an eliciting event, an emotional expression by the patient and the immediate response by the clinician. The rationale for the emphasis on sequences, on detailed classification of cues and concerns, and on the choices of explicit vs. non-explicit responses and providing vs. reducing room for further disclosure, as basic categories of the clinician responses, is described. Results from research on VR-CoDES may help raise awareness of emotional sequences. Future directions in applying VR-CoDES in research may include studies on predicting patient and clinician behavior within the consultation, qualitative analyses of longer sequences including several VR-CoDES triads, and studies of effects of emotional communication on health outcomes. VR-CoDES may be applied to develop interventions to promote good handling of patients' emotions in healthcare encounters. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Radiation hardening in sol-gel derived Er{sup 3+}-doped silica glasses

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hari Babu, B., E-mail:, E-mail:; León Pichel, Mónica; Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay, UMR CNRS-UPSud 8182, Université Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay


    The aim of the present paper is to report the effect of radiation on the Er{sup 3+}-doped sol-gel silica glasses. A possible application of these sol-gel glasses could be their use in harsh radiation environments. The sol-gel glasses are fabricated by densification of erbium salt-soaked nanoporous silica xerogels through polymeric sol-gel technique. The radiation-induced attenuation of Er{sup 3+}-doped sol-gel silica is found to increase with erbium content. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies reveal the presence of E′{sub δ} point defects. This happens in the sol-gel aluminum-silica glass after an exposure to γ-rays (kGy) and in sol-gel silica glass after an exposuremore » to electrons (MGy). The concentration levels of these point defects are much lower in γ-ray irradiated sol-gel silica glasses. When the samples are co-doped with Al, the exposure to γ-ray radiation causes a possible reduction of the erbium valence from Er{sup 3+} to Er{sup 2+} ions. This process occurs in association with the formation of aluminum oxygen hole centers and different intrinsic point defects.« less

  1. Opportunity's View After Long Drive on Sol 1770

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings just after driving 104 meters (341 feet) on the 1,770th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (January 15, 2009).

    Tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    Prior to the Sol 1770 drive, Opportunity had driven less than a meter since Sol 1713 (November 17, 2008), while it used the tools on its robotic arm first to examine a meteorite called 'Santorini' during weeks of restricted communication while the sun was nearly in line between Mars and Earth, then to examine bedrock and soil targets near Santorini.

    The rover's position after the Sol 1770 drive was about 1.1 kilometer (two-thirds of a mile) south southwest of Victoria Crater. Cumulative odometry was 13.72 kilometers (8.53 miles) since landing in January 2004, including 1.94 kilometers (1.21 miles) since climbing out of Victoria Crater on the west side of the crater on Sol 1634 (August 28, 2008).

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  2. Etude de la qualité bactériologique de l’eau utilisée dans l’industrie agroalimentaire dans le Nord du Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Haijoubi, El Houcine; Benyahya, Fatiha; Bendahou, Abdrezzak; Essadqui, Faima Zahra; Behhari, Mohammed El; El Mamoune, Ahmed Fouad; Ghailani, Naima Nourouti; Mechita, Mohcine Bennani; Barakat, Amina


    Introduction L'eau est utilisée d'une façon primordiale dans tout le processus de la fabrication des produits alimentaires. Les industries agroalimentaires du Nord du Maroc utilisent différentes sources d'eaux mais l'eau de réseau public et l'eau de puits sont les principales sources d'eau utilisée. Cette eau peut s'avérer la source principale des éventuelles contaminations et altérations des aliments. Notre but est d'évaluer la qualité bactériologique de l'eau utilisée par les industries agroalimentaires dans la région du Nord du Maroc, d'identifier les différents germes responsables de la pollution de ces eaux et de définir les principales causes de cette pollution. Méthodes Des échantillons d'eau prélevés aux robinets ou des puits ont été analysés pour la recherche des germes indicateurs de la pollution (coliformes totaux (CT), coliformes fécaux (CF), entérocoques intestinaux (E), microorganismes revivifiables (MOR), anaérobies sulfitoréducteurs) et les germes pathogènes (Salmonelles, Staphylocoques, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Le dénombrement des bactéries a été fait par la technique de filtration et par incorporation en milieu solide en surfusion. Résultats Les résultats ont montré que les eaux du réseau public ont été de qualité bactériologique satisfaisante tandis que 40% des eaux des puits ont été non conformes aux normes à cause de la présence des indicateurs de pollution CT, CF, E et MOR. En revanche, les germes pathogènes, en particulier les Salmonelles, ont été absents dans les eaux de tous les puits analysés. Conclusion La pollution de ces puits a été généralement liée au non-respect des conditions de puisage hygiéniques. La qualité bactériologique des eaux de ces puits peut être améliorée par une protection adéquate. PMID:28450992

  3. Strength of interactions between immobilized dye molecules and sol-gel matrices.


    Ismail, Fanya; Schoenleber, Monika; Mansour, Rolan; Bastani, Behnam; Fielden, Peter; Goddard, Nicholas J


    In this paper we present a new theory to re-examine the immobilization technique of dye doped sol-gel films, define the strength and types of possible bonds between the immobilized molecule and sol-gel glass, and show that the immobilized molecule is not free inside the pores as was previously thought. Immobilizing three different pH sensitive dyes with different size and functional groups inside the same sol-gel films revealed important information about the nature of the interaction between the doped molecule and the sol-gel matrix. The samples were characterized by means of ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (UV-VIS), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), mercury porosimetry (MP), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((29)Si NMR) and field-emission environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM-FEG). It was found that the doped molecule itself has a great effect on the strength and types of the bonds. A number of factors were identified, such as number and types of the functional groups, overall charge, size, pK(a) and number of the silanol groups which surround the immobilized molecule. These results were confirmed by the successful immobilization of bromocresol green (BCG) after a completely polymerized sol-gel was made. The sol-gel consisted of 50% tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and 50% methyltriethoxysilane (MTEOS) (w/w). Moreover, the effect of the immobilized molecule on the structure of the sol-gel was studied by means of a leaky waveguide (LW) mode for doped films made before and after polymerization of the sol-gel.

  4. Sol-gel encapsulation for controlled drug release and biosensing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fang, Jonathan

    The main focus of this dissertation is to investigate the use of sol-gel encapsulation of biomolecules for controlled drug release and biosensing. Controlled drug release has advantages over conventional therapies in that it maintains a constant, therapeutic drug level in the body for prolonged periods of time. The anti-hypertensive drug Captopril was encapsulated in sol-gel materials of various forms, such as silica xerogels and nanoparticles. The primary objective was to show that sol-gel silica materials are promising drug carriers for controlled release by releasing Captopril at a release rate that is within a therapeutic range. We were able to demonstrate desired release for over a week from Captopril-doped silica xerogels and overall release from Captopril-doped silica nanoparticles. As an aside, the antibiotic Vancomycin was also encapsulated in these porous silica nanoparticles and desired release was obtained for several days in-vitro. The second part of the dissertation focuses on immobilizing antibodies and proteins in sol-gel to detect various analytes, such as hormones and amino acids. Sol-gel competitive immunoassays on antibody-doped silica xerogels were used for hormone detection. Calibration for insulin and C-peptide in standard solutions was obtained in the nM range. In addition, NASA-Ames is also interested in developing a reagentless biosensor using bacterial periplasmic binding proteins (bPBPs) to detect specific biomarkers, such as amino acids and phosphate. These bPBPs were doubly labeled with two different fluorophores and encapsulated in silica xerogels. Ligand-binding experiments were performed on the bPBPs in solution and in sol-gel. Ligand-binding was monitored by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between the two fluorophores on the bPBP. Titration data show that one bPBP has retained its ligand-binding properties in sol-gel.

  5. Slow Release of Plant Volatiles Using Sol-Gel Dispensers.


    Bian, L; Sun, X L; Cai, X M; Chen, Z M


    The black citrus aphid, also known as the tea aphid, (Toxoptera aurantii Boyer) attacks economically important crops, including tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). In the current study, silica sol-gel formulations were screened to find one that could carry and release C. sinensis plant volatiles to lure black citrus aphids in a greenhouse. The common plant volatile trans-2-hexen-1-al was used as a model molecule to screen for suitable sol-gel formulations. A zNose (Electronic Sensor Technology, Newbury Park, CA) transportable gas chromatograph was used to continuously monitor the volatile emissions. A sol-gel formulation containing tetramethyl orthosilicate and methyltrimethoxysilane in an 8:2 (vol:vol) ratio was selected to develop a slow-release dispenser. The half-life of trans-2-hexen-1-al in the sol-gel dispenser increased slightly with the volume of this compound in the dispenser. Ten different volatiles were tested in the sol-gel dispenser. Alcohols of 6-10 carbons had the longest half-lives (3.01-3.77 d), while esters of 6-12 carbons had the shortest (1.53-2.28 d). Release of these volatiles from the dispensers could not be detected by the zNose after 16 d (cis-3-hexenyl acetate) to 26 d (3,7-dimethylocta-1,6-dien-3-ol). In greenhouse experiments, trans-2-hexen-1-al and cis-3-hexen-1-ol released from the sol-gel dispensers attracted aphids for ≍17 d, and release of these volatiles could not be detected by the zNose after ≍24 d. The sol-gel dispensers performed adequately for the slow release of plant volatiles to trap aphids in the greenhouse. © 2014 Entomological Society of America.

  6. Vecteurs Singuliers des Theories des Champs Conformes Minimales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Benoit, Louis

    En 1984 Belavin, Polyakov et Zamolodchikov revolutionnent la theorie des champs en explicitant une nouvelle gamme de theories, les theories quantiques des champs bidimensionnelles invariantes sous les transformations conformes. L'algebre des transformations conformes de l'espace-temps presente une caracteristique remarquable: en deux dimensions elle possede un nombre infini de generateurs. Cette propriete impose de telles conditions aux fonctions de correlations qu'il est possible de les evaluer sans aucune approximation. Les champs des theories conformes appartiennent a des representations de plus haut poids de l'algebre de Virasoro, une extension centrale de l'algebre conforme du plan. Ces representations sont etiquetees par h, le poids conforme de leur vecteur de plus haut poids, et par la charge centrale c, le facteur de l'extension centrale, commune a toutes les representations d'une meme theorie. Les theories conformes minimales sont constituees d'un nombre fini de representations. Parmi celles-ci se trouvent des theories unitaires dont les representation forment la serie discrete de l'algebre de Virasoro; leur poids h a la forme h_{p,q}(m)=[ (p(m+1) -qm)^2-1] (4m(m+1)), ou p,q et m sont des entiers positifs et p+q<= m+1. L'entier m parametrise la charge centrale: c(m)=1 -{6over m(m+1)} avec n>= 2. Ces representations possedent un sous-espace invariant engendre par deux sous-representations avec h_1=h_{p,q} + pq et h_2=h_{p,q} + (m-p)(m+1-q) dont chacun des vecteurs de plus haut poids portent le nom de vecteur singulier et sont notes respectivement |Psi _{p,q}> et |Psi_{m-p,m+1-q}>. . Les theories super-conformes sont une version super-symetrique des theories conformes. Leurs champs appartiennent a des representation de plus haut poids de l'algebre de Neveu-Schwarz, une des deux extensions super -symetriques de l'algebre de Virasoro. Les theories super -conformes minimales possedent la meme structure que les theories conformes minimales. Les representations

  7. Water-based sol-gel synthesis of hydroxyapatite: process development.


    Liu, D M; Troczynski, T; Tseng, W J


    Hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramics were synthesized using a sol-gel route with triethyl phosphite and calcium nitrate as phosphorus and calcium precursors, respectively. Two solvents, water and anhydrous ethanol, were used as diluting media for HA sol preparation. The sols were stable and no gelling occurred in ambient environment for over 5 days. The sols became a white gel only after removal of the solvents at 60 degrees C. X-ray diffraction showed that apatitic structure first appeared at a temperature as low as 350 degrees C. The crystal size and the HA content in both gels increase with increasing calcination temperature. The type of initial diluting media (i.e., water vs. anhydrous ethanol) did not affect the microstructural evolution and crystallinity of the resulting HA ceramic. The ethanol-based sol dip-coated onto a Ti substrate, followed by calcination at 450 degrees C, was found to be porous with pore size ranging from 0.3 to 1 microm. This morphology is beneficial to the circulation of physiological fluid when the coating is used for biomedical applications. The satisfactory adhesion between the coating and substrate suggests its suitability for load-bearing uses.

  8. Caracterisation des revetements par projection thermique a haute vitesse obtenus a partir de differentes poudres de wc-10co-4cr pour des applications en aeronautique =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Quintero Malpica, Alfonso

    Les revetements par projection thermique HVOF (High Velocity Oxy-Fuel) sont communement utilises dans l'industrie aeronautique, notamment au sein du partenaire industriel du projet (Tecnickrome Aeronautique Inc), comme des remplacants pour les revetements produits par l'electrodeposition du chrome dur due aux problemes environnementaux. Ce projet avait pour but de trouver une poudre alternative a celle qui est actuellement utilisee pour la production des revetements de type WC-10Co-4Cr obtenus avec la technologie de projection thermique a haute vitesse HVOF et en utilisant le systeme de projection HVOF-JET KOTERTM III. Dans un premier temps, cinq poudres incluant celle de reference, ayant des distributions granulometriques differentes, ont ete projetees dans le but d'identifier quelles poudres pouvaient etre utilisees avec le systeme de projection HVOF-JET KOTERTM III en gardant des parametres similaires (debit d'hydrogene, debit d'oxygene, debit de poudre et distance de projection) que pour la poudre de reference. Les revetements obtenus a partir des poudres etudiees ont ete evalues selon les criteres d'acceptation des revetements sollicites par les principaux manufacturiers des trains d'atterrissage. Les tests ont porte sur l'epaisseur, l'adhesion, la microstructure, la microdurete, les contraintes residuelles et la rugosite. A partir des resultats obtenus, seulement deux poudres ont rencontre toutes les proprietes demandees par les specifications aeronautiques. L'influence de la variation de la distance de projection sur la qualite des revetements a ete etudiee. Cinq distances (100, 125, 150, 175 et 200 mm) ont ete choisies pour faire la projection des deux poudres selectionnees. Les revetements obtenus ont montre de proprietes des revetements similaires (epaisseur, adhesion, microstructure, microdurete, contraintes residuelles et rugosite). Il a ete trouve que la distance de projection est un parametre indirect du systeme de projection HVOF-JET KOTERTM III et

  9. Production of continuous mullite fiber via sol-gel processing

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tucker, Dennis S.; Sparks, J. Scott; Esker, David C.


    The development of a continuous ceramic fiber which could be used in rocket engine and rocket boosters applications was investigated at the Marshall Space Flight Center. Methods of ceramic fiber production such as melt spinning, chemical vapor deposition, and precursor polymeric fiber decomposition are discussed and compared with sol-gel processing. The production of ceramics via the sol-gel method consists of two steps, hydrolysis and polycondensation, to form the preceramic, followed by consolidation into the glass or ceramic structure. The advantages of the sol-gel method include better homogeneity and purity, lower preparation temperature, and the ability to form unique compositions. The disadvantages are the high cost of raw materials, large shrinkage during drying and firing which can lead to cracks, and long processing times. Preparation procedures for aluminosilicate sol-gel and for continuous mullite fibers are described.

  10. Ultrasound-assisted sol-gel synthesis of ZrO2.


    Guel, Marlene Lariza Andrade; Jiménez, Lourdes Díaz; Hernández, Dora Alicia Cortés


    Synthesis of tetragonal ZrO 2 by both conventional sol-gel and ultrasound-assisted sol-gel methods and using a non-ionic surfactant Tween-20, was performed. A porous microstructure composed of nanometric particles was observed. Tetragonal ZrO 2 was obtained using a low heat treatment temperature of powders, 500°C by both methods. A higher crystallinity and a shorter reaction time were observed when ultrasound was used in the sol-gel method due to the cavitation phenomenon. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Opportunity's View After Drive on Sol 1806

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings just after driving 60.86 meters (200 feet) on the 1,806th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (Feb. 21, 2009). North is at the center; south at both ends.

    Tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    Engineers designed the Sol 1806 drive to be driven backwards as a strategy to redistribute lubricant in the rovers wheels. The right-front wheel had been showing signs of increased friction.

    The rover's position after the Sol 1806 drive was about 2 kilometer (1.2 miles) south southwest of Victoria Crater. Cumulative odometry was 14.74 kilometers (9.16 miles) since landing in January 2004, including 2.96 kilometers (1.84 miles) since climbing out of Victoria Crater on the west side of the crater on Sol 1634 (August 28, 2008).

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  12. Sol-gel chemistry by ring-opening polymerization

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Sol-gel processing of materials is plagued by shrinkage during polymerization of the alkoxide monomers and processing (aging and drying) of the resulting gels. The authors have developed a new class of hybrid organic-inorganic materials based on the solventless ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of monomers bearing the 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-2,5-disilaoxacyclopentyl group, which permits them to drastically reduce shrinkage in sol-gel processed materials. Because the monomers are polymerized through a chain growth mechanism catalyzed by base rather than the step growth mechanism normally used in sol-gel systems, hydrolysis and condensation products are entirely eliminated. Furthermore, since water is not required for hydrolysis, an alcohol solventmore » is not necessary. Monomers with two disilaoxacyclopentyl groups, separated by a rigid phenylene group or a more flexible alkylene group, were prepared through disilylation of the corresponding diacetylenes, followed by ring closure and hydrogenation. Anionic polymerization of these materials, either neat or with 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-2,5-disila-1-oxacyclopentane as a copolymer, affords thermally stable transparent gels with no visible shrinkage. These materials provide an easy route to the introduction of sol-gel type materials in encapsulation of microelectronics, which they have successfully demonstrated.« less

  13. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1798

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 180-degree view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,798th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (Feb. 13, 2009). North is on top.

    The rover had driven 111 meters (364 feet) southward on the preceding sol. Tracks from that drive recede northward in this view. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and lighter-toned bedrock.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  14. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1687 (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11739 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11739

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this stereo, 360-degree view of the rover's surroundings on the 1,687th Martian day, or sol, of its surface mission (Oct. 22, 2008). The view appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses.

    Opportunity had driven 133 meters (436 feet) that sol, crossing sand ripples up to about 10 centimeters (4 inches) tall. The tracks visible in the foreground are in the east-northeast direction.

    Opportunity's position on Sol 1687 was about 300 meters southwest of Victoria Crater. The rover was beginning a long trek toward a much larger crater, Endeavour, about 12 kilometers (7 miles) to the southeast.

    This panorama combines right-eye and left-eye views presented as cylindrical-perspective projections with geometric seam correction.

  15. Sol-Gel Chemistry for Carbon Dots.


    Malfatti, Luca; Innocenzi, Plinio


    Carbon dots are an emerging class of carbon-based nanostructures produced by low-cost raw materials which exhibit a widely-tunable photoluminescence and a high quantum yield. The potential of these nanomaterials as a substitute of semiconductor quantum dots in optoelectronics and biomedicine is very high, however they need a customized chemistry to be integrated in host-guest systems or functionalized in core-shell structures. This review is focused on recent advances of the sol-gel chemistry applied to the C-dots technology. The surface modification, the fine tailoring of the chemical composition and the embedding into a complex nanostructured material are the main targets of combining sol-gel processing with C-dots chemistry. In addition, the synergistic effect of the sol-gel precursor combined with the C-dots contribute to modify the intrinsic chemo-physical properties of the dots, empowering the emission efficiency or enabling the tuning of the photoluminescence over a wide range of the visible spectrum. © 2018 The Chemical Society of Japan & Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Cutoff Probe for Tokamak SOL Measurement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Na, Byung-Keun; You, Kwang-Ho; Kim, Dae-Woong; You, Shin-Jae; Kim, Jung-Hyung; Chang, Hong-Young


    Since a cutoff probe was developed, there have been a lot of improvements in methodology and analysis for low temperature plasmas. However, in order to apply the cutoff probe to the Tokamak scrape-off layer (SOL), three important issues should be solved - speed, thermal protection, and short-distance (a few mm) wave propagation in magnetized plasmas. In this presentation, the improvement of cutoff probe for Tokamak is shown. The above problems can be solved using the following methods: (a) the cutoff probe can be used with short impulse of a few nano-seconds for speed improvement. (b) Ceramic covers were used for thermal protection. (c) In magnetized plasmas, the cutoff peak can be analyzed using circuit modeling and CST Microwave studio. To verify the proposed methods, the cutoff probe was applied to a Helicon plasma, and the results were compared to laser Thomson scattering results. Based on the result in the Helicon plasma, the cutoff probe will be applied to far-SOL region at the KSTAR 2013 campaign, and SOL region at the later campaign.

  17. Division of Labor Among the Yeast Sol Proteins Implicated in tRNA Nuclear Export and Carbohydrate Metabolism

    PubMed Central

    Stanford, D. R.; Whitney, M. L.; Hurto, R. L.; Eisaman, D. M.; Shen, W.-C.; Hopper, A. K.


    SOL1, the founding member of the S. cerevisiae SOL family, was previously identified as a multi-copy suppressor of the los1 defect in tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression. Here we report that the four-member SOL family is not essential and that individual family members appear to have distinct functions. SOL1–SOL4 are homologous to genes encoding 6-phosphogluconolactonase (6Pgl) involved in the pentose phosphate pathway. Both Sol3p and Sol4p affect this activity. However, Sol4p does not act as a los1 multi-copy suppressor. In contrast, neither Sol1p nor Sol2p, both of which correct the los1 defect in nonsense suppression, possess detectable 6Pgl activity. Rather, Sol1p and Sol2p appear to function in tRNA nuclear export as sol1 and sol2 mutants possess elevated levels of nuclear tRNA. Members of the Sol protein family appear to have different subcellular distributions. Thus, Sol3p and Sol4p likely function in carbohydrate metabolism, while Sol1p and Sol2p appear to have roles in tRNA function and nuclear export, thereby defining an unusual protein family whose individual members are biochemically distinct and spatially dispersed. PMID:15454531

  18. Division of labor among the yeast Sol proteins implicated in tRNA nuclear export and carbohydrate metabolism.


    Stanford, D R; Whitney, M L; Hurto, R L; Eisaman, D M; Shen, W-C; Hopper, A K


    SOL1, the founding member of the S. cerevisiae SOL family, was previously identified as a multi-copy suppressor of the los1 defect in tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression. Here we report that the four-member SOL family is not essential and that individual family members appear to have distinct functions. SOL1-SOL4 are homologous to genes encoding 6-phosphogluconolactonase (6Pgl) involved in the pentose phosphate pathway. Both Sol3p and Sol4p affect this activity. However, Sol4p does not act as a los1 multi-copy suppressor. In contrast, neither Sol1p nor Sol2p, both of which correct the los1 defect in nonsense suppression, possess detectable 6Pgl activity. Rather, Sol1p and Sol2p appear to function in tRNA nuclear export as sol1 and sol2 mutants possess elevated levels of nuclear tRNA. Members of the Sol protein family appear to have different subcellular distributions. Thus, Sol3p and Sol4p likely function in carbohydrate metabolism, while Sol1p and Sol2p appear to have roles in tRNA function and nuclear export, thereby defining an unusual protein family whose individual members are biochemically distinct and spatially dispersed.

  19. New Record Five-Wheel Drive, Spirit's Sol 1856 (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11962 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11962

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images that have been combined into this stereo, 180-degree view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,856th Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's surface mission (March 23, 2009). The center of the view is toward the west-southwest.

    This view combines images from the left-eye and right-eye sides of the navigation camera. It appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses with the red lens on the left.

    The rover had driven 25.82 meters (84.7 feet) west-northwestward earlier on Sol 1856. This is the longest drive on Mars so far by a rover using only five wheels. Spirit lost the use of its right-front wheel in March 2006. Before Sol 1856, the farthest Spirit had covered in a single sol's five-wheel drive was 24.83 meters (81.5 feet), on Sol 1363 (Nov. 3, 2007).

    The Sol 1856 drive made progress on a route planned for taking Spirit around the western side of the low plateau called 'Home Plate.' A portion of the northwestern edge of Home Plate is prominent in the left quarter of this image, toward the south.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical-perspective projection with geometric seam correction.

  20. Optical Sensors for Biomolecules Using Nanoporous Sol-Gel Materials

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fang, Jonathan; Zhou, Jing C.; Lan, Esther H.; Dunn, Bruce; Gillman, Patricia L.; Smith, Scott M.


    An important consideration for space missions to Mars is the ability to detect biosignatures. Solid-state sensing elements for optical detection of biological entities are possible using sol-gel based biologically active materials. We have used these materials as optical sensing elements in a variety of bioassays, including immunoassays and enzyme assays. By immobilizing an appropriate biomolecule in the sol-gel sensing element, we have successfully detected analytes such as amino acids and hormones. In the case of the amino acid glutamate, the enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase was the immobilized molecule, whereas in the case of the hormone cortisol, an anti-cortisol antibody was immobilized in the sensing element. In this previous work with immobilized enzymes and antibodies, excellent sensitivity and specificity were demonstrated in a variety of formats including bulk materials, thin films and fibers. We believe that the sol-gel approach is an attractive platform for bioastronautics sensing applications because of the ability to detect a wide range of entities such as amino acids, fatty acids, hopanes, porphyrins, etc. The sol-gel approach produces an optically transparent 3D silica matrix that forms around the biomolecule of interest, thus stabilizing its structure and functionality while allowing for optical detection. This encapsulation process protects the biomolecule and leads to a more "rugged" sensor. The nanoporous structure of the sol-gel matrix allows diffusion of small target molecules but keeps larger, biomolecules immobilized in the pores. We are currently developing these biologically active sol-gel materials into small portable devices for on-orbit cortisol detection

  1. Environmentally benign sol-gel antifouling and foul-releasing coatings.


    Detty, Michael R; Ciriminna, Rosaria; Bright, Frank V; Pagliaro, Mario


    Biofouling on ships and boats, characterized by aquatic bacteria and small organisms attaching to the hull, is an important global issue, since over 80000 tons of antifouling paint is used annually. This biofilm, which can form in as little as 48 hours depending on water temperature, increases drag on watercraft, which greatly reduces their fuel efficiency. In addition, biofouling can lead to microbially induced corrosion (MIC) due to H2S formed by the bacteria, especially sulfate-reducing bacteria. When the International Maritime Organization (IMO) international convention banned the use of effective but environmentally damaging coatings containing tributyl tin in 2008, the development of clean and effective antifouling systems became more important than ever. New nonbiocidal coatings are now in high demand. Scientists have developed new polymers, materials, and biocides, including new elastomeric coatings that they have obtained by improving the original silicone (polydimethylsiloxane) formulation patented in 1975. However, the high cost of silicones, especially of fluoropolymer-modified silicones, has generally prevented their large-scale diffusion. In 2009, traditional antifouling coatings using cuprous oxide formulated in copolymer paints still represented 95% of the global market volume of anti-fouling paints. The sol-gel nanochemistry approach to functional materials has emerged as an attractive candidate for creating low fouling surfaces due to the unique structure and properties of silica-based coatings and of hybrid inorganic-organic silicas in particular. Sol-gel formulations easily bind to all types of surfaces, such as steel, fiberglass, aluminum, and wood. In addition, they can cure at room temperature and form thin glassy coatings that are markedly different from thick silicone elastomeric foul-releasing coatings. Good to excellent performance against biofouling, low cure temperatures, enhanced and prolonged chemical and physical stability, ease of

  2. Time for a Change; Spirit's View on Sol 1843 (Polar)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images that have been combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,843rd Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's surface mission (March 10, 2009). South is in the middle. North is at both ends.

    This view is presented as a polar projection with geometric seam correction. North is at the top.

    The rover had driven 36 centimeters downhill earlier on Sol 1854, but had not been able to get free of ruts in soft material that had become an obstacle to getting around the northeastern corner of the low plateau called 'Home Plate.'

    The Sol 1854 drive, following two others in the preceding four sols that also achieved little progress in the soft ground, prompted the rover team to switch to a plan of getting around Home Plate counterclockwise, instead of clockwise. The drive direction in subsequent sols was westward past the northern edge of Home Plate.

  3. Time for a Change; Spirit's View on Sol 1843 (Vertical)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images that have been combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,843rd Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's surface mission (March 10, 2009). South is in the middle. North is at both ends.

    This view is presented as a vertical projection with geometric seam correction. North is at the top.

    The rover had driven 36 centimeters downhill earlier on Sol 1854, but had not been able to get free of ruts in soft material that had become an obstacle to getting around the northeastern corner of the low plateau called 'Home Plate.'

    The Sol 1854 drive, following two others in the preceding four sols that also achieved little progress in the soft ground, prompted the rover team to switch to a plan of getting around Home Plate counterclockwise, instead of clockwise. The drive direction in subsequent sols was westward past the northern edge of Home Plate.

  4. Solventless sol-gel chemistry through ring-opening polymerization of bridged disilaoxacyclopentanes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Disilaoxacyclopentanes have proven to be excellent precursors to sol-gel type materials. These materials have shown promise as precursors for encapsulation and microelectronics applications. The polymers are highly crosslinked and are structurally similar to traditional sol-gels, but unlike typical sol-gels they are prepared without the use of solvents and water, they have low VOC's and show little shrinkage during processing.

  5. Retour vers le futur: l'expérience des patients et le lien avec la qualité, la sécurité et le rendement financier.


    Cochrane, Bonnie S; Hagins, Mitch; King, John A; Picciano, Gino; McCafferty, Maureen M; Nelson, Brian


    Au Canada, l'amélioration de l'expérience des patients est devenue une priorité des politiques de santé. Le perfectionnement et la normalisation des outils et systèmes pour surveiller les mesures de l'expérience des patients augmentent, tandis que la tendance vers une plus grande reddition de compte sur des améliorations durables et abordables se confirme. Pour de nombreux professionnels de la santé, ce phénomène fait foi d'un intérêt renouvelé pour les besoins et priorités fondamentaux des patients, après des décennies où les changements structurels et technologiques ont dominé les programmes de santé. Pour les leaders en santé canadiens, l'amélioration de l'expérience des patients comporte actuellement de grands défis et de belles possibilités. À cet égard, l'expérience des organisations partenaires du groupe Studer au Canada est à la fois pertinente et instructive. Ces organisations ont adopté un modèle, du nom de Evidence-Based Leadership (EBL, ou leadership fondé sur des données probantes), qui favorise et soutient l'harmonisation de l'ensemble des activités et des comportements, conformément à des objectifs organisationnels précis, y compris des améliorations mesurables de l'expérience des patients. Le présent article expose des études de cas d'organisations qui ont adopté l'EBL. Ces organisations ont réalisé des progrès rapides en matière d'indicateurs de l'expérience des patients, ainsi que dans des secteurs essentiels comme les résultats cliniques, la sécurité et le rendement financier. Les données émergentes sur les facteurs et processus qui sous-tendent ces améliorations sont également abordées. © 2015 Collège canadien des leaders en santé

  6. Soins primaires aux adultes ayant des déficiences intellectuelles et développementales

    PubMed Central

    Sullivan, William F.; Diepstra, Heidi; Heng, John; Ally, Shara; Bradley, Elspeth; Casson, Ian; Hennen, Brian; Kelly, Maureen; Korossy, Marika; McNeil, Karen; Abells, Dara; Amaria, Khush; Boyd, Kerry; Gemmill, Meg; Grier, Elizabeth; Kennie-Kaulbach, Natalie; Ketchell, Mackenzie; Ladouceur, Jessica; Lepp, Amanda; Lunsky, Yona; McMillan, Shirley; Niel, Ullanda; Sacks, Samantha; Shea, Sarah; Stringer, Katherine; Sue, Kyle; Witherbee, Sandra


    Résumé Objectif Mettre à jour les Lignes directrices consensuelles canadiennes 2011 en matière de soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale. Méthodes Des médecins de famille et d’autres professionnels de la santé expérimentés dans les soins aux personnes ayant des DID ont examiné et synthétisé les récentes connaissances empiriques, d’écosystèmes, expertes et expérientielles. Un système a été conçu pour catégoriser la qualité des recommandations. Recommandations Les adultes ayant des DID sont un groupe hétérogène de patients qui présentent des affections médicales et des facteurs qui influent sur leur santé, qui diffèrent de ceux qui touchent les autres membres de la communauté de par leur nature, leurs manifestations, leur gravité ou leur complexité. Ces personnes nécessitent une approche de soins et des interventions adaptées à leurs besoins. Les présentes lignes directrices offrent des conseils en matière de normes de soins. Nous avons incorporé des références à des outils cliniques et à d’autres ressources pratiques. Les approches de soins décrites ici s’appliquent aussi à d’autres groupes de patients ayant un déficit cognitif ou de la communication, ou d’autres déficits des fonctions adaptatives. Conclusion À titre de fournisseurs de soins de première ligne, les médecins de famille jouent un rôle vital de promotion de la santé et de bien-être auprès des adultes ayant des DID. Ces lignes directrices peuvent les aider à prendre des décisions avec les patients et les aidants naturels. PMID:29650617

  7. Fabrication of advanced electrochemical energy materials using sol-gel processing techniques

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chu, C. T.; Chu, Jay; Zheng, Haixing


    Advanced materials play an important role in electrochemical energy devices such as batteries, fuel cells, and electrochemical capacitors. They are being used as both electrodes and electrolytes. Sol-gel processing is a versatile solution technique used in fabrication of ceramic materials with tailored stoichiometry, microstructure, and properties. The application of sol-gel processing in the fabrication of advanced electrochemical energy materials will be presented. The potentials of sol-gel derived materials for electrochemical energy applications will be discussed along with some examples of successful applications. Sol-gel derived metal oxide electrode materials such as V2O5 cathodes have been demonstrated in solid-slate thin film batteries; solid electrolytes materials such as beta-alumina for advanced secondary batteries had been prepared by the sol-gel technique long time ago; and high surface area transition metal compounds for capacitive energy storage applications can also be synthesized with this method.

  8. Iron Oxide Silica Derived from Sol-Gel Synthesis

    PubMed Central

    Darmawan, Adi; Smart, Simon; Julbe, Anne; Diniz da Costa, João Carlos


    In this work we investigate the effect of iron oxide embedded in silica matrices as a function of Fe/Si molar ratio and sol pH. To achieve homogeneous dispersion of iron oxide particles, iron nitrate nonahydrate was dissolved in hydrogen peroxide and was mixed with tetraethyl orthosilicate and ethanol in a sol-gel synthesis method. Increasing the calcination temperature led to a reduction in surface area, although the average pore radius remained almost constant at about 10 Å, independent of the Fe/Si molar ratio or sol pH. Hence, the densification of the matrix was accompanied by similar reduction in pore volume. However, calcination at 700 °C resulted in samples with similar surface area though the iron oxide content increased from 5% to 50% Fe/Si molar ratio. As metal oxide particles have lower surface area than polymeric silica structures, these results strongly suggest that the iron oxides opposed the silica structure collapse. The effect of sol pH was found to be less significant than the Fe/Si molar ratio in the formation of molecular sieve structures derived from iron oxide silica. PMID:28879999

  9. Métamatériaux pour la protection sismique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guenneau, Sébastien; Enoch, Stefan; Colombi, Andrea; Roux, Philippe; Brule, Stéphane


    Les physiciens des ondes élaborent des modèles théoriques et numériques pour un contrôle accru de la lumière dans des matériaux structurés à l'échelle nanométrique et s'en inspirent pour contrôler les ondes mécaniques de Rayleigh dans des sols structurés à l'échelle métrique, avec des trous dans un sol ou des arbres en surface savamment agencés. Un transfert de paradigme s'opère entre les métamatériaux électromagnétiques pour la photonique et les métamatériaux sismiques pour le génie civil.

  10. Bactericidal micron-thin sol-gel films prevent pin tract and periprosthetic infection.


    Qu, Haibo; Knabe, Christine; Burke, Megan; Radin, Shula; Garino, Jonathan; Schaer, Thomas; Ducheyne, Paul


    Orthopedic injuries constitute the majority of wounds sustained by U.S. soldiers in recent conflicts. The risk of infection is considerable with fracture fixation devices. In this pilot study, we examined the use of unique bactericidal micron-thin sol-gel films on fracture fixation devices and their ability to prevent and eradicate infections. External fixation was studied with micron-thin sol-gel coated percutaneous pins releasing triclosan and inserted medially into rabbit tibiae. A total of 11 rabbits received percutaneous pins that were either uncoated or sol-gel/triclosan coated. Internal fracture fixation was also studied using sol-gel coated intramedullary (IM) nails releasing vancomycin in the intramedullary tibiae. Six sheep received IM nails that were coated with a sol-gel film that either contained vancomycin or did not contain vancomycin. All animals were challenged with Staphylococcus aureus around the implant. Animals were euthanized at 1 month postoperative. Rabbits receiving triclosan/sol-gel coated percutaneous pins did not show signs of infection. Uncoated percutaneous pins had a significantly higher infection rate. In the sheep study, there were no radiographic signs of osteomyelitis with vancomycin/sol-gel coated IM nails, in contrast to the observations in the control cohort. Hence, the nanostructured sol-gel controlled release technology offers the promise of a reliable and continuous delivery system of bactericidals from orthopedic devices to prevent and treat infection. Reprint & Copyright © 2014 Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S.

  11. Ionogel Electrolytes through Sol-Gel Processing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Horowitz, Ariel I.

    Electrical energy needs have intensified due to the ubiquity of personal electronics, the decarbonization of energy services through electrification, and the use of intermittent renewable energy sources. Despite developments in mechanical and thermal methods, electrochemical technologies are the most convenient and effective means of storing electrical energy. These technologies include both electrochemical cells, commonly called batteries, and electrochemical double-layer capacitors, or "supercapacitors", which store energy electrostatically. Both device types require an ion-conducting electrolyte. Current devices use solutions of complex salts in organic solvents, leading to both toxicity and flammability concerns. These drawbacks can be avoided by replacing conventional electrolytes with room-temperature molten salts, known as ionic liquids (ILs). ILs are non-volatile, non-flammable, and offer high conductivity and good electrochemical stability. Device mass can be reduced by combining ILs with a solid scaffold material to form an "ionogel," further improving performance metrics. In this work, sol-gel chemistry is explored as a means of forming ionogel electrolytes. Sol-gel chemistry is a solution-based, industrially-relevant, well-studied technique by which solids such as silica can be formed in situ. Previous works used a simple acid-catalyzed sol-gel reaction to create brittle, glassy ionogels. Here, both the range of products that can be accomplished through sol-gel processing and the understanding of interactions between ILs and the sol-gel reaction network are greatly expanded. This work introduces novel ionogel materials, including soft and compliant silica-supported ionogels and PDMS-supported ionogels. The impacts of the reactive formulation, IL identity, and casting time are detailed. It is demonstrated that variations in formulation can lead to rapid gelation and open pore structures in the silica scaffold or slow gelation and more dense silica

  12. Human SolCD39 Inhibits Injury-induced Development of Neointimal Hyperplasia

    PubMed Central

    Drosopoulos, Joan H. F.; Kraemer, Rosemary; Shen, Hao; Upmacis, Rita K.; Marcus, Aaron J.; Musi, Elgilda


    SUMMARY Blood platelets provide the initial response to vascular endothelial injury, becoming activated as they adhere to the injured site. Activated platelets recruit leukocytes, and initiate proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) within the injured vessel wall, leading to development of neointimal hyperplasia. Endothelial CD39/NTPDase1 and recombinant solCD39 rapidly metabolize nucleotides, including stimulatory ADP released from activated platelets, thereby suppressing additional platelet reactivity. Using a murine model of vascular endothelial injury, we investigated whether circulating human solCD39 could reduce platelet activation and accumulation, thus abating leukocyte infiltration and neointimal formation following vascular damage. Intraperitoneally-administered solCD39 ADPase activity in plasma peaked 1 hr post-injection, with an elimination half-life of 43 hr. Accordingly, mice were administered solCD39 or saline 1 hr prior to vessel injury, then either sacrificed 24 hr post-injury or treated with solCD39 or saline (3X weekly) for an additional 18 days. 24 hr post-injury, solCD39-treated mice displayed a reduction in platelet activation and recruitment, P-selectin expression, and leukocyte accumulation in the arterial lumen. Furthermore, repeated administration of solCD39 modulated the late stage of vascular injury by suppressing leukocyte deposition, macrophage infiltration and SMC proliferation/migration, resulting in abrogation of neointimal thickening. In contrast, injured femoral arteries of saline-injected mice exhibited massive platelet thrombus formation, marked P-selectin expression, and leukocyte infiltration. Pronounced neointimal growth with macrophage and SMC accretion was also observed (intimal-to-medial area ratio 1.56±0.34 at 19 days). Thus, systemic administration of solCD39 profoundly affects injury-induced cellular responses, minimizing platelet deposition and leukocyte recruitment, and suppressing

  13. Permanent Habitats in Earth-Sol/Mars-Sol Orbit Positions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Greenspon, J.

    Project Outpost is a manned Earth-Sol/Mars-Sol platform that enables permanent occupation in deep space. In order to develop the program elements for this complex mission, Project Outpost will rely primarily on existing/nearterm technology and hardware for the construction of its components. For the purposes of this study, four mission requirements are considered: 1. Outpost - Man's 1st purpose-produced effort of space engineering, in which astructure is developed/constructed in an environment completely alien to currentpractices for EVA guidelines. 2. Newton - a concept study developed at StarGate Research, for the development ofa modified Hohmann personnel orbital transport operating between Earth andMars. Newton would serve as the primary crew delivery apparatus throughrepeatable transfer scheduling for all Earth-Lpoint-Mars activities. Thispermanent "transit system" would establish the foundations for Solar systemcolonization. 3. Cruis - a concept study developed at StarGate Research, for the development of amodified Hohmann cargo orbital transport operating between Earth and Mars.Cruis would serve as the primary equipment delivery apparatus throughrepeatable transfer scheduling for all Earth-Lpoint-Mars activities. Thispermanent "transit system" would establish the foundations for Solar systemcolonization, and 4. Ares/Diana - a more conventional space platform configuration for Lunar andMars orbit is included as a construction baseline. The operations of these assetsare supported, and used for the support, of the outpost. Outpost would be constructed over a 27-year period of launch opportunities into Earth-Sol or Mars-Sol Lagrange orbit (E-S/M-S L1, 4 or 5). The outpost consists of an operations core with a self-contained power generation ability, a docking and maintenance structure, a Scientific Research complex and a Habitation Section. After achieving initial activation, the core will provide the support and energy required to operate the outpost in a 365

  14. Spirit Beside 'Home Plate,' Sol 1809

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images assembled into this 120-degree view southward after a short drive during the 1,809th Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's mission on the surface of Mars (February 3, 2009).

    Spirit had driven about 2.6 meters (8.5 feet) that sol, continuing a clockwise route around a low plateau called 'Home Plate.' In this image, the rocks visible above the rovers' solar panels are on the slope at the northern edge of Home Plate.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  15. Neutron detector using sol-gel absorber


    Hiller, John M.; Wallace, Steven A.; Dai, Sheng


    An neutron detector composed of fissionable material having ions of lithium, uranium, thorium, plutonium, or neptunium, contained within a glass film fabricated using a sol-gel method combined with a particle detector is disclosed. When the glass film is bombarded with neutrons, the fissionable material emits fission particles and electrons. Prompt emitting activated elements yielding a high energy electron contained within a sol-gel glass film in combination with a particle detector is also disclosed. The emissions resulting from neutron bombardment can then be detected using standard UV and particle detection methods well known in the art, such as microchannel plates, channeltrons, and silicon avalanche photodiodes.

  16. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1818 (Polar)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,818th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (March 5, 2009). South is at the center; north at both ends.

    This view is presented as a polar projection with geometric seam correction. North is at the top.

    The rover had driven 80.3 meters (263 feet) southward earlier on that sol. Tracks from the drive recede northward in this view.

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and lighter-toned bedrock.

  17. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1818 (Vertical)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,818th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (March 5, 2009). South is at the center; north at both ends.

    This view is presented as a vertical projection with geometric seam correction. North is at the top.

    The rover had driven 80.3 meters (263 feet) southward earlier on that sol. Tracks from the drive recede northward in this view.

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and lighter-toned bedrock.

  18. Santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescentes de Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso: place de la communication parents-adolescentes pour la réduction des risques

    PubMed Central

    Some, Donmozoun Télesphore; Some, Der Adolphe; Hien, Hervé; Diallo, Ramata; Zingue, Dézémon; Diallo, Ibrahim; Diagbouga, Serge; Dao, Blami


    Introduction Les adolescentes sont très vulnérables face aux Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles (IST) et au VIH/SIDA. Notre étude a pour objectifs d’explorer la qualité de la communication entre les adolescentes et leurs parents sur les IST/VIH/SIDA et de recueillir leurs suggestions pour l’amélioration de cette communication. Méthodes L’étude était transversale qualitative sur 2 mois. La population de l’étude était composée par des adolescentes de 13 à 17 ans et leurs parents habitant la ville de Bobo Dioulasso. Vingt (20) adolescentes scolarisées ont été tirés au sort dans trois établissements secondaires et 20 autres non scolarisées choisies de façon accidentelle dans la ville. Les informations ont été collectées à l’aide de 8 focus groups. Les discussions ont été enregistrées sur cassettes, retranscrites en verbatim, et analysées à l’aide du logiciel QSR NVIVO 2.0. Résultats Les adolescentes et leurs parents communiquent très peu ou pas sur les questions des IST/VIH/SIDA; l’auto-information par les paires ou les médias est la première source d’information. Pour les parents, l’information existe et est accessible aux adolescentes alors que pour ces dernières, leurs connaissances de ces maladies sont parfois erronées. L’abstinence, la fidélité et le dépistage volontaire comme moyen de prévention sont très peu évoqués par les adolescentes de même que par leurs parents. Conclusion La communication parents-adolescentes est insuffisante voire absente dans certains milieux. Il est urgent de conduire des actions auprès des adolescentes et leurs parents pour mieux les informer sur les IST/VIH/SIDA et améliorer la communication sur ces maladies. PMID:22655099

  19. Les implications du phénomène des médecins hospitaliers

    PubMed Central

    Lehmann, François; Brunelle, Yvon; Dawes, Martin; Boulé, Richard; Bergeron, Rénald


    RÉSUMÉ OBJECTIF Évaluer l’impact de 2 systèmes de soins hospitaliers par une revue de la littérature. QUALITÉ DES DONNÉES Il reste des zones nébuleuses car plusieurs des études sont opportunistes, signalant une expérience isolée ou de simples avant-après. Peu sont vraiment expérimentales et toutes ont été menées dans des milieux universitaires, limitant ainsi leur validité externe. MESSAGE PRINCIPAL Les données supportent l’utilisation de médecins hospitaliers qui consacrent un minimum de 2 mois par année à ce travail et qui sont alors à plein temps sur les étages. Les coûts sont plus souvent qu’autrement réduits et l’enseignement est amélioré. Point de repère important de la qualité des soins, la mortalité est égale dans les 2 systèmes de soins. CONCLUSION Certaines questions demeurent sans réponse dont le choix de la meilleure formation en vue de préparer les résidents au travail hospitalier et la façon de maintenir les compétences acquises. PMID:18077751

  20. The zinc fingers of the Small Optic Lobes (SOL) calpain bind polyubiquitin.


    Hastings, Margaret H; Qiu, Alvin; Zha, Congyao; Farah, Carole A; Mahdid, Yacine; Ferguson, Larissa; Sossin, Wayne S


    The Small Optic Lobes (SOL) calpain is a highly conserved member of the calpain family expressed in the nervous system. A dominant negative form of the SOL calpain inhibited consolidation of one form of synaptic plasticity, non-associative facilitation, in sensory-motor neuronal cultures in Aplysia, presumably by inhibiting cleavage of protein kinase Cs (PKCs) into constitutively active protein kinase Ms (PKMs) (Hu et al, 2017a). SOL calpains have a conserved set of 5-6 N-terminal zinc fingers. Bioinformatic analysis suggests that these zinc fingers could bind to ubiquitin. In this study, we show that both the Aplysia and mouse SOL calpain (also known as Calpain 15) zinc fingers bind ubiquitinated proteins, and we confirm that Aplysia SOL binds poly- but not mono or di-ubiquitin. No specific zinc finger is required for polyubiquitin binding. Neither polyubiquitin nor calcium was sufficient to induce purified Aplysia SOL calpain to autolyse or to cleave the atypical PKC to PKM in vitro. In Aplysia, overexpression of the atypical PKC in sensory neurons leads to an activity-dependent cleavage event and an increase in nuclear ubiquitin staining. Activity-dependent cleavage is partially blocked by a dominant negative SOL calpain, but not by a dominant negative classical calpain. The cleaved PKM was stabilized by the dominant negative classical calpain and destabilized by a dominant negative form of the PKM stabilizing proteinKIdney/BRAin protein(KIBRA). These studies provide new insight into SOL calpain's function and regulation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  1. Durable flame retardant finish for silk fabric using boron hybrid silica sol

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Qiang-hua; Gu, Jiali; Chen, Guo-qiang; Xing, Tie-ling


    A hybrid silica sol was prepared via sol gel method using tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) as a precursor and boric acid (H3BO3) as flame retardant additive and then applied to silk fabric. In order to endow silk fabric with durable flame retardancy, 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) was used as cross-linking agent for the sake of strong linkage formation between the hybrid silica sol and silk fabric. The FT-IR and XPS analysis demonstrated the Si-O-B formation in the sol system, as well as the linkage between the sol and silk after the treatment. The limiting oxygen index (LOI) and smoke density test indicated good flame retardancy and smoke suppression of the treated silk fabrics. The micro calorimeter combustion (MCC) test and thermo gravimetric (TG) analysis showed that the treated samples had less weight loss in the high temperature and lower heat release rate when burning. The washing durability evaluation results indicated that there was a distinct improvement for the silk samples treated with BTCA even after 30 times washing. In addition, the influence of the processing order of BTCA and silica sol treatment on the limiting oxygen index (LOI) of the finished silk fabric was also investigated. And the results demonstrated that the sample treated with BTCA first and then with the silica sol exhibited better LOI value (32.3%) than that of the sample by the conversed treatment order. Moreover the tensile property of treated samples was nearly unchanged, but the handle of sol treated samples obviously decreased.

  2. Evolution of heterogeneity accompanying sol-gel transitions in a supramolecular hydrogel.


    Matsumoto, Yuji; Shundo, Atsuomi; Ohno, Masashi; Tsuruzoe, Nobutomo; Goto, Masahiro; Tanaka, Keiji


    When a peptide amphiphile is dispersed in water, it self-assembles into a fibrous network, leading to a supramolecular hydrogel. When the gel is physically disrupted by shaking, it transforms into a sol state. After aging at room temperature for a while, it spontaneously returns to the gel state, called sol-gel transition. However, repeating the sol-gel transition often causes a change in the rheological properties of the gel. To gain a better understanding of the sol-gel transition and its reversibility, we herein examined the thermal motion of probe particles at different locations in a supramolecular hydrogel. The sol obtained by shaking the gel was heterogeneous in terms of the rheological properties and the extent decreased with increasing aging time. This time course of heterogeneity, or homogeneity, which corresponded to the sol-to-gel transition, was observed for the 1st cycle. However, this was not the case for the 2nd and 3rd cycles; the heterogeneity was preserved even after aging. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering, and atomic force and confocal laser scanning microscopies revealed that, although the molecular aggregation states of amphiphiles both in the gel and sol remained unchanged with the cycles, the fibril density diversified to high and low density regions even after aging. The tracking of particles with different sizes indicated that the partial mesh size in the high density region and the characteristic length scale of the density fluctuation were smaller than 50 nm and 6 μm, respectively.

  3. Entrapment of subtilisin in ceramic sol-gel coating for antifouling applications.


    Regina, Viduthalai Rasheedkhan; Søhoel, Helmer; Lokanathan, Arcot Raghupathi; Bischoff, Claus; Kingshott, Peter; Revsbech, Niels Peter; Meyer, Rikke Louise


    Enzymes with antifouling properties are of great interest in developing nontoxic antifouling coatings. A bottleneck in developing enzyme-based antifouling coatings is to immobilize the enzyme in a suitable coating matrix without compromising its activity and stability. Entrapment of enzymes in ceramics using the sol-gel method is known to have several advantages over other immobilization methods. The sol-gel method can be used to make robust coatings, and the aim of this study was to explore if sol-gel technology can be used to develop robust coatings harboring active enzymes for antifouling applications. We successfully entrapped a protease, subtilisin (Savinase, Novozymes), in a ceramic coating using a sol-gel method. The sol-gel formulation, when coated on a stainless steel surface, adhered strongly and cured at room temperature in less than 8 h. The resultant coating was smoother and less hydrophobic than stainless steel. Changes in the coating's surface structure, thickness and chemistry indicate that the coating undergoes gradual erosion in aqueous medium, which results in release of subtilisin. Subtilisin activity in the coating increased initially, and then gradually decreased. After 9 months, 13% of the initial enzyme activity remained. Compared to stainless steel, the sol-gel-coated surfaces with active subtilisin were able to reduce bacterial attachment of both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria by 2 orders of magnitude. Together, our results demonstrate that the sol-gel method is a promising coating technology for entrapping active enzymes, presenting an interesting avenue for enzyme-based antifouling solutions.

  4. All optical controlled photonic integrated circuits using azo dye functionized sol-gel material

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ke, Xianjun

    The main focus of this dissertation is development and characterization of all-optical controllable azo dye functionized sol gel material, demonstrating a PIC fabrication technique on glass substrate using such material, and exploration and feasibility demonstration of three PIC functional devices namely optical variable attenuator, optical switches, and optical tunable filters using the material. The realization of all the devices in this dissertation are based on one material: dye functionalized sol-gel material. A photochromic sol-gel material functionalized with azo dye was synthesized and characterized. It possesses a photochromic characteristic under the control of green laser beam illumination. The material characteristics suggest the possibility of a new promising material platform candidate for the fabrication of alloptical controlled photonic integrated circuits. As the first potential application of the dye functionalized sol-gel material, an alloptical variable attenuator was designed and demonstrated. The optical variable attenuation is achieved in Mach-Zehnder interferometric configuration through all-optical modulation of sol-gel waveguide phase shifters. A 2 x 2 optical switch based on multimode interference (MMI) waveguide structure is proposed in the dissertation. The schematic configuration of the optical switch consists of a cascade of two identical MMIs with two all-optical controlled phase shifters realized by using the photochromic sol-gel material. The cross or bar switch state of the optical switch is determined by the phase difference between the two sol-gel waveguide phase shifters. An all-optical tunable filter is designed and its feasibility demonstrated by using the sol-gel photochromic material. Except for the phase change demonstrated on sol-gel waveguide phase shifters, dynamic gratings were observed on sol-gel film when exposed to two interference beams. This reveals the possibility of realizing Bragg grating-based tunable filters

  5. Opportunity's View After Drive on Sol 1806 (Polar)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings just after driving 60.86 meters (200 feet) on the 1,806th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (Feb. 21, 2009). North is at the center; south at both ends.

    Tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    Engineers designed the Sol 1806 drive to be driven backwards as a strategy to redistribute lubricant in the rovers wheels. The right-front wheel had been showing signs of increased friction.

    The rover's position after the Sol 1806 drive was about 2 kilometer (1.2 miles) south southwest of Victoria Crater. Cumulative odometry was 14.74 kilometers (9.16 miles) since landing in January 2004, including 2.96 kilometers (1.84 miles) since climbing out of Victoria Crater on the west side of the crater on Sol 1634 (August 28, 2008).

    This view is presented as a polar projection with geometric seam correction.

  6. Opportunity's View After Drive on Sol 1806 (Vertical)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings just after driving 60.86 meters (200 feet) on the 1,806th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (Feb. 21, 2009). North is at the center; south at both ends.

    Tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    Engineers designed the Sol 1806 drive to be driven backwards as a strategy to redistribute lubricant in the rovers wheels. The right-front wheel had been showing signs of increased friction.

    The rover's position after the Sol 1806 drive was about 2 kilometer (1.2 miles) south southwest of Victoria Crater. Cumulative odometry was 14.74 kilometers (9.16 miles) since landing in January 2004, including 2.96 kilometers (1.84 miles) since climbing out of Victoria Crater on the west side of the crater on Sol 1634 (August 28, 2008).

    This view is presented as a vertical projection with geometric seam correction.

  7. Sol-gel open tubular ODS columns with reversed electroosmotic flow for capillary electrochromatography.


    Hayes, J D; Malik, A


    Sol-gel chemistry was successfully used for the fabrication of open tubular columns with surface-bonded octadecylsilane (ODS) stationary-phase coating for capillary electrochromatography (OT-CEC). Following column preparations, a series of experiments were performed to investigate the performance of the sol-gel coated ODS columns in OT-CEC. The incorporation of N-octadecyldimethyl[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]ammonium chloride as one of the sol-gel precursors played an important role in the electrochromatographic performance of the prepared columns. This chemical reagent possesses a chromatographically favorable, bonded ODS moiety, in conjunction with three methoxy groups allowing for sol-gel reactivity. In addition, a positively charged nitrogen atom is present in the molecular structure of this reagent and provides a positively charged capillary surface responsible for the reversed electroosmotic flow (EOF) in the columns during CEC operation. Comparative studies involving the EOF within such sol-gel ODS coated and uncoated capillaries were performed using acetonitrile and methanol as the organic modifiers in the mobile phase. The use of a deactivating reagent, phenyldimethylsilane, in the sol-gel solution was evaluated. Efficiency values of over 400,000 theoretical plates per meter were achieved in CEC on a 64 cm x 25 microm i.d. sol-gel ODS open tubular column. Test mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene derivatives, and aromatic aldehydes and ketones were used to evaluate the CEC performances of both nondeactivated and deactivated open tubular sol-gel columns. The effects of mobile-phase organic modifier contents and pH on EOF in such columns were evaluated. The prepared sol-gel ODS columns are characterized by switchable electroosmotic flow. A pH value of approximately 8.5 was found correspond to the isoelectric point for the prepared sol-gel ODS coatings.

  8. Spirit Near 'Stapledon' on Sol 1802

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera for the images assembled into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,802nd Martian day, or sol, (January 26, 2009) of Spirit's mission on the surface of Mars. South is at the center; north is at both ends.

    Spirit had driven down off the low plateau called 'Home Plate' on Sol 1782 (January 6, 2009) after spending 12 months on a north-facing slope on the northern edge of Home Plate. The position on the slope (at about the 9-o'clock position in this view) tilted Spirit's solar panels toward the sun, enabling the rover to generate enough electricity to survive its third Martian winter. Tracks at about the 11-o'clock position of this panorama can be seen leading back to that 'Winter Haven 3' site from the Sol 1802 position about 10 meters (33 feet) away. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about one meter (40 inches).

    Where the receding tracks bend to the left, a circular pattern resulted from Spirit turning in place at a soil target informally named 'Stapledon' after William Olaf Stapledon, a British philosopher and science-fiction author who lived from 1886 to 1950. Scientists on the rover team suspected that the soil in that area might have a high concentration of silica, resembling a high-silica soil patch discovered east of Home Plate in 2007. Bright material visible in the track furthest to the right was examined with Spirit's alpha partical X-ray spectrometer and found, indeed, to be rich in silica.

    The team laid plans to drive Spirit from this Sol 1802 location back up onto Home Plate, then southward for the rover's summer field season.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  9. Opportunity's View After Long Drive on Sol 1770 (Polar)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings just after driving 104 meters (341 feet) on the 1,770th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (January 15, 2009).

    This view is presented as a polar projection with geometric seam correction. North is at the top.

    Tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    Prior to the Sol 1770 drive, Opportunity had driven less than a meter since Sol 1713 (November 17, 2008), while it used the tools on its robotic arm first to examine a meteorite called 'Santorini' during weeks of restricted communication while the sun was nearly in line between Mars and Earth, then to examine bedrock and soil targets near Santorini.

    The rover's position after the Sol 1770 drive was about 1.1 kilometer (two-thirds of a mile) south southwest of Victoria Crater. Cumulative odometry was 13.72 kilometers (8.53 miles) since landing in January 2004, including 1.94 kilometers (1.21 miles) since climbing out of Victoria Crater on the west side of the crater on Sol 1634 (August 28, 2008).

  10. Opportunity's View After Long Drive on Sol 1770 (Vertical)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings just after driving 104 meters (341 feet) on the 1,770th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (January 15, 2009).

    This view is presented as a vertical projection with geometric seam correction. North is at the top.

    Tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    Prior to the Sol 1770 drive, Opportunity had driven less than a meter since Sol 1713 (November 17, 2008), while it used the tools on its robotic arm first to examine a meteorite called 'Santorini' during weeks of restricted communication while the sun was nearly in line between Mars and Earth, then to examine bedrock and soil targets near Santorini.

    The rover's position after the Sol 1770 drive was about 1.1 kilometer (two-thirds of a mile) south southwest of Victoria Crater. Cumulative odometry was 13.72 kilometers (8.53 miles) since landing in January 2004, including 1.94 kilometers (1.21 miles) since climbing out of Victoria Crater on the west side of the crater on Sol 1634 (August 28, 2008).

  11. The SOL-2/Neto Auxiliary Protein Modulates the Function of AMPA-Subtype Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Rui; Mellem, Jerry E.; Jensen, Michael; Brockie, Penelope J.; Walker, Craig S.; Hoerndli, Frédéric J.; Madsen, David M.; Maricq, Andres V.


    Summary The neurotransmitter glutamate mediates excitatory synaptic transmission by gating ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs). AMPA receptors (AMPARs), a subtype of iGluR, are strongly implicated in synaptic plasticity, learning and memory. We previously discovered two classes of AMPAR auxiliary proteins in C. elegans that modify receptor kinetics and thus change synaptic transmission. Here, we have identified another auxiliary protein, SOL-2, a CUB-domain protein that associates with both the related auxiliary subunit SOL-1 and with the GLR-1 AMPAR. In sol-2 mutants, behaviors dependent on glutamatergic transmission are disrupted, GLR-1-mediated currents are diminished, and GLR-1 desensitization and pharmacology are modified. Remarkably, a secreted variant of SOL-1 delivered in trans can rescue sol-1 mutants and this rescue depends on in cis expression of SOL-2. Finally, we demonstrate that SOL-1 and SOL-2 have an ongoing role in the adult nervous system to control AMPAR-mediated currents. PMID:22958824

  12. The SOL-2/Neto auxiliary protein modulates the function of AMPA-subtype ionotropic glutamate receptors.


    Wang, Rui; Mellem, Jerry E; Jensen, Michael; Brockie, Penelope J; Walker, Craig S; Hoerndli, Frédéric J; Hauth, Linda; Madsen, David M; Maricq, Andres V


    The neurotransmitter glutamate mediates excitatory synaptic transmission by gating ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs). AMPA receptors (AMPARs), a subtype of iGluR, are strongly implicated in synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory. We previously discovered two classes of AMPAR auxiliary proteins in C. elegans that modify receptor kinetics and thus change synaptic transmission. Here, we have identified another auxiliary protein, SOL-2, a CUB-domain protein that associates with both the related auxiliary subunit SOL-1 and with the GLR-1 AMPAR. In sol-2 mutants, behaviors dependent on glutamatergic transmission are disrupted, GLR-1-mediated currents are diminished, and GLR-1 desensitization and pharmacology are modified. Remarkably, a secreted variant of SOL-1 delivered in trans can rescue sol-1 mutants, and this rescue depends on in cis expression of SOL-2. Finally, we demonstrate that SOL-1 and SOL-2 have an ongoing role in the adult nervous system to control AMPAR-mediated currents. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Mechanical compatibility of sol-gel annealing with titanium for orthopaedic prostheses.


    Greer, Andrew I M; Lim, Teoh S; Brydone, Alistair S; Gadegaard, Nikolaj


    Sol-gel processing is an attractive method for large-scale surface coating due to its facile and inexpensive preparation, even with the inclusion of precision nanotopographies. These are desirable traits for metal orthopaedic prostheses where ceramic coatings are known to be osteoinductive and the effects may be amplified through nanotexturing. However there are a few concerns associated with the application of sol-gel technology to orthopaedics. Primarily, the annealing stage required to transform the sol-gel into a ceramic may compromise the physical integrity of the underlying metal. Secondly, loose particles on medical implants can be carcinogenic and cause inflammation so the coating needs to be strongly bonded to the implant. These concerns are addressed in this paper. Titanium, the dominant material for orthopaedics at present, is examined before and after sol-gel processing for changes in hardness and flexural modulus. Wear resistance, bending and pull tests are also performed to evaluate the ceramic coating. The findings suggest that sol-gel coatings will be compatible with titanium implants for an optimum temperature of 500 °C.

  14. Fabrication of piezoelectric ceramic fibers by extrusion of PZT powder and PZT sol mixture

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kobayashi, Yoshimasa; Um, Tae Y.; Qiu, Jinhao; Tani, Junji; Takahashi, Hirofumi


    This study aims to fabricate Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) piezoelectric ceramic fibers by extrusion with mixture of PZT powder and PZT sol. The added PZT sol in this study played a role as a binder; the sol changed into PZT crystalline during sintering, and removal process of additives before sintering was not required. To obtain PZT fibers, the condition of sol viscosity adjustment, the mixture ratio of powder and sol for fiber extrusion, and the sintering condition for obtaining polycrystalline fibers were investigated. PZT precursor solution was synthesized from lead acetate trihydrate, zirconium n-propoxide and titanium isopropoxide by reflux at 120 degree(s)C for 3 hours with 2-methoxyethanol. The appropriate adjustment of spinnable sol was achieved by the addition of acetic acid for suppressing the hydrolysis reaction and the curing sol at 80 degree(s)C for promoting the condensation of sol. Green fibers with diameter of about 300micrometers were successfully extruded from the mixture of PZT powder and sol. The extruded fibers sintered at 1200 degree(s)C had the microstructure with 2-6micrometers grains and had no pores or cracks. From the result of displacement behavior measurement, PZT fibers fabricated by firing at 1200 degree(s)C in this study were considered to have desired piezoelectric properties.

  15. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1798 (Vertical)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 180-degree view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,798th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (Feb. 13, 2009). North is on top.

    This view is presented as a vertical projection with geometric seam correction.

    The rover had driven 111 meters (364 feet) southward on the preceding sol. Tracks from that drive recede northward in this view. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and lighter-toned bedrock.

  16. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1798 (Polar)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 180-degree view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,798th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (Feb. 13, 2009). North is on top.

    This view is presented as a polar projection with geometric seam correction.

    The rover had driven 111 meters (364 feet) southward on the preceding sol. Tracks from that drive recede northward in this view. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and lighter-toned bedrock.

  17. One-step sol-gel imprint lithography for guided-mode resonance structures.


    Huang, Yin; Liu, Longju; Johnson, Michael; C Hillier, Andrew; Lu, Meng


    Guided-mode resonance (GMR) structures consisting of sub-wavelength periodic gratings are capable of producing narrow-linewidth optical resonances. This paper describes a sol-gel-based imprint lithography method for the fabrication of submicron 1D and 2D GMR structures. This method utilizes a patterned polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) mold to fabricate the grating coupler and waveguide for a GMR device using a sol-gel thin film in a single step. An organic-inorganic hybrid sol-gel film was selected as the imprint material because of its relatively high refractive index. The optical responses of several sol-gel GMR devices were characterized, and the experimental results were in good agreement with the results of electromagnetic simulations. The influence of processing parameters was investigated in order to determine how finely the spectral response and resonant wavelength of the GMR devices could be tuned. As an example potential application, refractometric sensing experiments were performed using a 1D sol-gel device. The results demonstrated a refractive index sensitivity of 50 nm/refractive index unit. This one-step fabrication process offers a simple, rapid, and low-cost means of fabricating GMR structures. We anticipate that this method can be valuable in the development of various GMR-based devices as it can readily enable the fabrication of complex shapes and allow the doping of optically active materials into sol-gel thin film.

  18. Solventless sol-gel chemistry through ring-opening polymerization of bridged disilaoxacyclopentanes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of disilaoxacyclopentanes has proven to be an excellent approach to sol-gel type hybrid organic-inorganic materials. These materials have shown promise as precursors for encapsulation and microelectronics applications. The polymers are highly crosslinked and are structurally similar to traditional sol-gels, but unlike typical sol-gels they are prepared by an organic base or Bronsted acid (formic or triflic acid), without the use of solvents and water, they have low VOC's and show little shrinkage during processing.

  19. Laboratory Testing of Silica Sol Grout in Coal Measure Mudstones

    PubMed Central

    Pan, Dongjiang; Zhang, Nong; Xie, Zhengzheng; Feng, Xiaowei; Kong, Yong


    The effectiveness of silica sol grout on mudstones is reported in this paper. Using X-ray diffraction (XRD), the study investigates how the silica sol grout modifies mudstone mineralogy. Micropore sizes and mechanical properties of the mudstone before and after grouting with four different materials were determined with a surface area/porosity analyser and by uniaxial compression. Tests show that, after grouting, up to 50% of the mesopore volumes can be filled with grout, the dominant pore diameter decreases from 100 nm to 10 nm, and the sealing capacity is increased. Uniaxial compression tests of silica sol grouted samples shows that their elastic modulus is 21%–38% and their uniaxial compressive strength is 16%–54% of the non-grouted samples. Peak strain, however, is greater by 150%–270%. After grouting, the sample failure mode changes from brittle to ductile. This paper provides an experimental test of anti-seepage and strengthening properties of silica sol. PMID:28774061

  20. Laboratory Testing of Silica Sol Grout in Coal Measure Mudstones.


    Pan, Dongjiang; Zhang, Nong; Xie, Zhengzheng; Feng, Xiaowei; Kong, Yong


    The effectiveness of silica sol grout on mudstones is reported in this paper. Using X-ray diffraction (XRD), the study investigates how the silica sol grout modifies mudstone mineralogy. Micropore sizes and mechanical properties of the mudstone before and after grouting with four different materials were determined with a surface area/porosity analyser and by uniaxial compression. Tests show that, after grouting, up to 50% of the mesopore volumes can be filled with grout, the dominant pore diameter decreases from 100 nm to 10 nm, and the sealing capacity is increased. Uniaxial compression tests of silica sol grouted samples shows that their elastic modulus is 21%-38% and their uniaxial compressive strength is 16%-54% of the non-grouted samples. Peak strain, however, is greater by 150%-270%. After grouting, the sample failure mode changes from brittle to ductile. This paper provides an experimental test of anti-seepage and strengthening properties of silica sol.

  1. Synthesis of polymeric fluorinated sol-gel precursor for fabrication of superhydrophobic coating

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Qianqian; Yan, Yuheng; Yu, Miao; Song, Botao; Shi, Suqing; Gong, Yongkuan


    A fluorinated polymeric sol-gel precursor (PFT) is synthesized by copolymerization of 2,3,4,5,5,5-hexafluoro-2,4-bis(trifluorinated methyl)pentyl methacrylate (FMA) and 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (TSMA) to replace the expensive long chain fluorinated alkylsilanes. The fluorinated silica sol is prepared by introducing PFT as co-precursor of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) in the sol-gel process with ammonium hydroxide as catalyst, which is then used to fabricate superhydrophobic coating on glass substrate through a simple dip-coating method. The effects of PFT concentrations on the chemical structure of the formed fluorinated silica, the surface chemical composition, surface morphology, wetting and self-cleaning properties of the resultant fluorinated silica coatings were studied by using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectrophotometer (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and water contact angle measurements (WCA). The results show that the fluorinated silica sols are successfully obtained. The size and size distribution of the fluorinated silica particles are found greatly dependent on the concentration of PFT, which play a crucial role in the surface morphology of the corresponding fluorinated silica coatings. The suitable PFT concentration added in the sol-gel stage, i.e. for F-sol-1 and F-sol-2, is helpful to achieve both the low surface energy and multi-scaled microstructures, leading to the formation of the superhydrophobic coatings with bio-mimicking self-cleaning property similar to lotus leaves.

  2. Hybrid sol-gel planar optics for astronomy.


    Ghasempour, A; Leite, A M P; Reynaud, F; Marques, P V S; Garcia, P J V; Alexandre, D; Moreira, P J


    Hybrid sol-gel planar optics devices for astronomy are produced for the first time. This material system can operate from the visible (0.5 microm) up to the edge of astronomical J-band (1.4 microm). The design, fabrication and characterization results of a coaxial three beam combiner are given as an example. Fringe contrasts above 94% are obtained with a source with spectral bandwidth of 50 nm. These results demonstrate that hybrid sol-gel technology can produce devices with high quality, opening the possibility of rapid prototyping of new designs and concepts for astronomical applications.

  3. Ecological differentiation within a cosmopolitan group of planktonic freshwater bacteria (SOL cluster, Saprospiraceae, Bacteroidetes).


    Schauer, Michael; Kamenik, Christian; Hahn, Martin W


    Members of the monophyletic SOL cluster are large filamentous bacteria inhabiting the pelagic zone of many freshwater habitats. The abundances of SOL bacteria and compositions of SOL communities in samples from 115 freshwater ecosystems around the globe were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization with cluster- and subcluster-specific oligonucleotide probes. The vast majority (73%) of sampled ecosystems harbored SOL bacteria, and all three previously described SOL subclusters (LD2, HAL, and GKS2-217) were detected. The morphometric and chemicophysical parameters and trophic statuses of ecosystems were related to the occurrence and subcluster-specific composition of SOL bacteria by multivariate statistical methods. SOL bacteria did not occur in acidic lakes (pH < 6), and their abundance was negatively related to high trophy and pH. The subcluster-specific variation in the compositions of SOL communities could be related to the pH, electrical conductivity, altitude, and trophic status of ecosystems. All three known SOL subclusters differed in respect to their tolerated ranges of pH and conductivity. Complete niche separation was observed between the vicarious subclusters GKS2-217 and LD2; the former occurred in soft-water lakes, whereas the latter was found in a broad range of hard-water habitats. The third subgroup (HAL) showed a wide environmental tolerance and was usually found sympatrically with the LD2 or GKS2-217 subcluster. Ecological differentiation of SOL bacteria at the subcluster level was most probably driven by differential adaptation to water chemistry. The distribution of the two vicarious taxa seems to be predominantly controlled by the geological backgrounds of the catchment areas of the habitats.

  4. Correlation of structural properties with energy transfer of Eu-doped ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gel process and magnetron reactive sputtering

    PubMed Central

    Petersen, Julien; Brimont, Christelle; Gallart, Mathieu; Schmerber, Guy; Gilliot, Pierre; Ulhaq-Bouillet, Corinne; Rehspringer, Jean-Luc; Colis, Silviu; Becker, Claude; Slaoui, Abdelillah; Dinia, Aziz


    We investigated the structural and optical properties of Eu-doped ZnO thin films made by sol-gel technique and magnetron reactive sputtering on Si (100) substrate. The films elaborated by sol-gel process are polycrystalline while the films made by sputtering show a strongly textured growth along the c-axis. X-ray diffraction patterns and transmission electron microscopy analysis show that all samples are free of spurious phases. The presence of Eu2+ and Eu3+ into the ZnO matrix has been confirmed by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. This means that a small fraction of Europium substitutes Zn2+ as Eu2+ into the ZnO matrix; the rest of Eu being in the trivalent state. This is probably due to the formation of Eu2O3 oxide at the surface of ZnO particles. This is at the origin of the strong photoluminescence band observed at 2 eV, which is characteristic of the 5D0→7F2 Eu3+ transition. In addition the photoluminescence excitonic spectra showed efficient energy transfer from the ZnO matrix to the Eu3+ ion, which is qualitatively similar for both films although the sputtered films have a better structural quality compared to the sol-gel process grown films. PMID:20644657

  5. Los1p, involved in yeast pre-tRNA splicing, positively regulates members of the SOL gene family.


    Shen, W C; Stanford, D R; Hopper, A K


    To understand the role of Los1p in pre-tRNA splicing, we sought los1 multicopy suppressors. We found SOL1 that suppresses both point and null LOS1 mutations. Since, when fused to the Ga14p DNA-binding domain, Los1p activates transcription, we tested whether Los1p regulates SOL1. We found that las1 mutants have depleted levels of SOL1 mRNA and Sol1p. Thus, LOS1 appears to positively regulate SOL1. SOL1 belongs to a multigene family with at least two additional members, SOL2 and SOL3. Sol proteins have extensive similarity to an unusual group of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases. As the similarities are restricted to areas separate from the catalytic domain, these G6PDs may have more than one function. The SOL family appears to be unessential since cells with a triple disruption of all three SOL genes are viable. SOL gene disruptions negatively affect tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression and the severity increases with the number of mutant SOL genes. However, tRNA levels do not vary with either multicopy SOL genes or with SOL disruptions. Therefore, the Sol proteins affect tRNA expression/ function at steps other than transcription or splicing. We propose that LOS1 regulates gene products involved in tRNA expression/function as well as pre-tRNA splicing.

  6. Infrared wire-grid polarizer with sol-gel antireflection films on both sides

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yamada, Itsunari; Ishihara, Yoshiro


    We fabricated an infrared wire-grid polarizer with the high transverse magnetic (TM) polarization transmittance and high extinction ratio by soft imprint lithography, sol-gel method, and Al shadow coating processes. A zilconia film was coated on Si substrate by using sol-gel method and spin coating method. Then, sol-gel zirconia grating was formed on the back side using imprinting using a silicone mold. The polarizer was produced by depositing Al obliquely on the grating. The TM transmittance of the fabricated element was greater than 80% at a wavelength of 4.8 μm. The sol-gel zilconia films acted as antireflection films. The extinction ratio exceeded 26 dB at its wavelength.

  7. Dépistage précoce des retards du développement moteur

    PubMed Central

    Harris, Susan R.


    Résumé Objectif Décrire le test HINT (Harris Infant Neuromotor Test), un test d’évaluation du développement neuromoteur chez les nourrissons publié en 2010, qui s’appuie sur les normes canadiennes et peut être utilisé pour dépister les retards du développement moteur durant la première année de la vie. Qualité des données D’abondantes recherches ont été publiées sur la fiabilité intra-évaluateur, inter-évaluateur et test-retest ainsi que sur la validité convergente, prédictive, du contenu et des groupes connus du test HINT, de même que sur la sensibilité, la spécificité et les valeurs prédictives négatives et positives des inquiétudes des parents, telles qu’évaluées par le test HINT. La plupart des données probantes sont de niveau II. Message principal Il est important de diagnostiquer les retards du développement moteur durant la première année de vie, car ils sont souvent le signe de retards du développement généralisés ou de déficiences précises, telles que la paralysie cérébrale. Les inquiétudes des parents quant au développement moteur de leur enfant sont une valeur prédictive robuste de diagnostics subséquents de retard du développement moteur. Conclusion Seul le dépistage précoce des retards du développement moteur, initialement par l’entremise d’outils de dépistage comme le test HINT, permet de recommander le patient à une intervention précoce qui profiterait tant à l’enfant qu’à sa famille. PMID:27521405

  8. Thermal stability and degradation kinetics of kenaf/sol-gel silica hybrid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yusof, F. A. M.; Hashim, A. S.; Tajudin, Z.


    Thermal stability and degradation kinetics of kenaf/sol-gel silica hybrid materials was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Model-free iso-conversion Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) and Coats-Redfern-modified (CRm) were chosen to evaluate the activation energy of the kenaf (KF) and kenaf/sol-gel silica (KFS) at heating rates (β) of 10, 20, 30 and 40 °C/min. The results shows that an apparent activation energy was increased for the kenaf/sol-gel silica hybrid (211.59 kJ/mol for FWO and 191.55 kJ/mol for CRm) as compared to kenaf fiber (202.84 kJ/mol for FWO and 186.20 kJ/mol for CRm). Other parameters such as integral procedure decomposition temperature (IPDT), final residual weight (Rf), temperature of maximum degradation rate (Tmax) and residual at maximum temperature (RTmax) were obtained from TGA curves, additionally confirmed the thermal stability of the kenaf/sol-gel silica hybrid. These activation energy values and other findings developed the simplified approach in order to understand the thermal stability and degradation kinetics behavior of kenaf/sol-gel silica hybrid materials.

  9. Fast wave power flow along SOL field lines in NSTX

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perkins, R. J.; Bell, R. E.; Diallo, A.; Gerhardt, S.; Hosea, J. C.; Jaworski, M. A.; Leblanc, B. P.; Kramer, G. J.; Phillips, C. K.; Roquemore, L.; Taylor, G.; Wilson, J. R.; Ahn, J.-W.; Gray, T. K.; Green, D. L.; McLean, A.; Maingi, R.; Ryan, P. M.; Jaeger, E. F.; Sabbagh, S.


    On NSTX, a major loss of high-harmonic fast wave (HHFW) power can occur along open field lines passing in front of the antenna over the width of the scrape-off layer (SOL). Up to 60% of the RF power can be lost and at least partially deposited in bright spirals on the divertor floor and ceiling [1,2]. The flow of HHFW power from the antenna region to the divertor is mostly aligned along the SOL magnetic field [3], which explains the pattern of heat deposition as measured with infrared (IR) cameras. By tracing field lines from the divertor back to the midplane, the IR data can be used to estimate the profile of HHFW power coupled to SOL field lines. We hypothesize that surface waves are being excited in the SOL, and these results should benchmark advanced simulations of the RF power deposition in the SOL (e.g., [4]). Minimizing this loss is critical optimal high-power long-pulse ICRF heating on ITER while guarding against excessive divertor erosion.[4pt] [1] J.C. Hosea et al., AIP Conf Proceedings 1187 (2009) 105. [0pt] [2] G. Taylor et al., Phys. Plasmas 17 (2010) 056114. [0pt] [3] R.J. Perkins et al., to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. [0pt] [4] D.L. Green et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011) 145001.

  10. Optical pH detector based on LTCC and sol-gel technologies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tadaszak, R. J.; Łukowiak, A.; Golonka, L. J.


    This paper presents an investigation on using sol-gel thin film as a material for sensors application in LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics) technology. This material gives the opportunity to make new, low-cost highly integrated optoelectronic devices. Sensors with optical detection are a significant part of these applications. They can be used for quick and safe diagnostics of some parameters. Authors present a pH detector with the optical detection system made of the LTCC material. The main part of the device is a flow channel with the chamber and sol-gel active material. The silica sol-gel with bromocresol green indicator was used. As the absorbance of sol-gel layer changes with the pH value of a measured medium, the transmitted light power was measured. The pH detector was integrated with the electronic components on the LTCC substrate.

  11. Porous alumina scaffold produced by sol-gel combined polymeric sponge method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hasmaliza, M.; Fazliah, M. N.; Shafinaz, R. J.


    Sol gel is a novel method used to produce high purity alumina with nanometric scale. In this study, three-dimensional porous alumina scaffold was produced using sol-gel polymeric sponge method. Briefly, sol gel alumina was prepared by evaporation and polymeric sponge cut to designated sizes were immersed in the sol gel followed by sintering at 1250 and 1550°C. In order to study the cell interaction, the porous alumina scaffold was sterilized using autoclave prior to Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (HMSCs) seeding on the scaffold and the cell proliferation was assessed by alamarBlue® assay. SEM results showed that during the 21 day period, HMSCs were able to attach on the scaffold surface and the interconnecting pores while maintaining its proliferation. These findings suggested the potential use of the porous alumina produced as a scaffold for implantation procedure.

  12. Investigation of optical properties of anthocyanin doped into sol-gel based matrix

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hashim, Hasrina; Abdul Aziz, Nik Mohd Azmi Nik; Isnin, Aishah


    Anthocyanin dye was extracted from petal of Hibiscus rosasinensis (Bunga Raya) and doped into sol-gel based matrix to investigate an effect of pH change on its optical properties. Sol-gel matrix based on Vinyl triethoxysilene (VTES) as a precursor was prepared through Sol-gel process at pH 7. The sol was doped with 0.1% of Anthocyanin and the same amount of dye was also dissolved in ethanol as a comparative sample. Hydrochloric Acid, HCl and Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide, TMAH were used to change the pH value by adding them at various concentrations into each sample. The emission spectra and chemical structures of the samples were measured by Spectrofluorometer and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) respectively. When excited at 410 nm, two emission peaks at about 492 and 574 nm were observed for Anthocyanin in acidic environment both in ethanol and VTES sol. In base environment however, only Anthocyanin dissolved in ethanol produced emission peak with a single peak at about 539 nm. The sensitivity of Anthocyanin dye toward pH changes in VTES open a possibility to use it as sensing element in which sol-gel based matrix are known to have higher mechanical strength and thermal stability.

  13. SOL Thermal Instability due to Radial Blob Convection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    D'Ippolito, D. A.


    C-Mod datafootnotetextM. Greenwald, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 44, R27 (2002). suggests a density limit when rapid perpendicular convection dominates SOL heat transport. This is supported by a recent analysisfootnotetextD.A. Russell et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 265001 (2004). of BOUT code turbulence simulations, which shows that rapid outwards convection of plasma by turbulent blobs is enhanced when the X-point collisionality is large, resulting in a synergistic effect between blob convection and X-point cooling. This work motivates the present analysis of SOL thermal equilibrium and instability including an RX-regime modelfootnotetextJ.R. Myra and D.A. D'Ippolito, Lodestar Report LRC-05-105 (2005). of blob particle and heat transport. Two-point (midplane, X-point) SOL thermal equilibrium and stability models are considered including both two-field (T) and four-field (n,T) treatments. The conditions under which loss of thermal equilibrium or thermal instabilities occur are established, and relations to the C-Mod data are described.

  14. La Station Laser ultra mobile: de l'Obtention d'une Exactitude centimétrique des Mesures à des Applications en Océanographie et Géodésie Spatiales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nicolas, Joëlle


    La Station Laser Ultra Mobile est la plus petite station de télémétrie laser au monde, ne pesant que 300 kg, dédiée à la poursuite de satellites équipés de rétroréflecteurs laser. Elle utilise un petit télescope de 13 cm de diamètre placé sur une monture issue d'un théodolite de précision et motorisé, un laser très compact et une photodiode à avalanche permettant la détection au niveau du simple photo-électron. Les premières expériences (Corse, fin 1996) ont révélé de nombreuses instabilités dans la qualité des mesures. Ce travail concerne l'étude et la mise en place de nombreuses modifications techniques afin d'atteindre une exactitude centimétrique des mesures et de pouvoir participer à la campagne de validation des orbites et d'étalonnage de l'altimètre du satellite océanographique JASON-1 (2001). La précision instrumentale souhaitée a été vérifiée avec succès en laboratoire. Outre cet aspect instrumental et métrologique, une analyse a été développée afin de pouvoir estimer l'exactitude et la stabilité des observations de la station mobile après intégration des modifications. A partir d'une expérience de co-localisation entre les deux stations laser fixe du plateau de Calern, l'analyse est basée sur l'ajustement, par station, de coordonnées et d'un biais instrumental moyen à partir d'une orbite de référence des satellites LAGEOS. Des variations saisonnières ont été mises en évidence dans les séries temporelles des différentes composantes. La comparaison locale des déformations de la croûte terrestre se traduisant par des variations d'altitude issues des données laser a montré une cohérence remarquable avec les mesures du gravimètre absolu transportable FG5. Des signaux de même amplitude ont aussi été observés par GPS. Ces variations sont également mises en évidence à l'échelle mondiale et leur interprétation géophysique est faite (combinaison des effets de marées terrestres et polaire

  15. Fiabilité des structures mécaniques adaptatives: effet de la panne des actionneurs ou des capteurs sur la stabilité

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fall, H.; Charon, W.; Kouta, R.


    Ces dernières décennies, des activités significatives dans le monde étaient dirigées autour du contrôle actif. Le but de ces recherches était essentiellement d'améliorer les performances, la fiabilité et la sécurité des systèmes. Notamment dans le cas des structures soumises à des vibrations aléatoires. D'importants travaux ont été consacré à l'utilisation des “matériaux intelligents” comme capteurs et actionneurs. Cette article propose l'analyse de la fiabilité des systèmes mécaniques en étudiant les pannes des actionneurs ou des capteurs. L'effet de ces pannes sur la stabilité et la performance du système y est démontré. Les méthodologies de conception y sont rappelées. Des exemples numériques sont fournis à travers le contrôle d'un panneau sous chargement dynamique pour illustrer la méthode proposée.

  16. Sol-gel antireflective coating on plastics


    Ashley, C.S.; Reed, S.T.


    An antireflection film made from reliquified sol-gel hydrolyzation, condensation polymeric reaction product of a silicon, alkoxides and/or metal alkoxides, or mixtures thereof. The film is particularly useful for coating plastics.

  17. Los1p, involved in yeast pre-tRNA splicing, positively regulates members of the SOL gene family

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Shen, W.C.; Stanford, D.R.; Hopper, A.K.


    To understand the role of Los1p in pre-tRNA splicing, we sought los1 multicopy suppressors. We found SOL1 that suppresses both point and null LOS1 mutations. Since, when fused to the Gal4p DNA-binding domain, Los1p activates transcription, we tested whether Los1p regulates SOL1. We found that los1 mutants have depleted levels of SOL1 mRNA and Sol1p. Thus, LOS1 appears to positively regulate SOL1. SOL1 belongs to a multigene family with at least two additional members, SOL2 and SOL3. Sol proteins have extensive similarity to an unusual group of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases (G6PDs). As the similarities are restricted to areas separate from themore » catalytic domain, these G6PDs may have more than one function. The SOL gene disruptions negatively affect tRNA-mediated nonsense suppression and the severity increases with the number of mutant SOL genes. However, tRNA levels do not vary with either multicopy SOL genes or with SOL disruptions. Therefore, the Sol proteins affect tRNA expression/function at steps other than transcription or splicing. We propose that LOS1 regulates gene products involved in tRNA expression/function as well as pre-tRNA splicing. 64 refs., 6 figs., 6 tabs.« less

  18. Sol-gel antireflective coating on plastics


    Ashley, Carol S.; Reed, Scott T.


    An antireflection film made from a reliquified sol-gel hydrolyzation, condensation polymeric reaction product of a silicon, alkoxides and/or metal alkoxides, or mixtures thereof. The film is particularly useful for coating plastics.

  19. Production and characterization of europium doped sol-gel yttrium oxide

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krebs, J. K.; Hobson, Christopher; Silversmith, Ann


    Sol-gel produced materials have recently gained attention for their use in producing nanoscale dielectric materials for confinement studies. Lanthanide impurities in the dielectric enable experimenters to optically probe the structure and dynamic properties of the nanoparticle hosts. We report on an alkoxide sol-gel production method used to produce trivalent europium doped yttrium oxide. Our process follows the standard hydrolysis of an alkoxide precursor with water containing the lanthanide ions. The sol is then aged and calcined at 800 ^oC to produce the powder samples. X-ray diffraction confirms the structure of the powder is that of Y_2O_3. The emission and excitation of the europium impurities is consistent with that of europium doped single crystal yttrium oxide, where it is known that the europium ions substitute for yttrium in the lattice. We therefore conclude that the sol-gel process enables the incorporation of europium ions into the yttrium oxide structure at temperatures far below the melting temperature. The results of preliminary dynamics measurements will also be discussed.

  20. Evaluation de la sécurité du circuit des médicaments anticancéreux dans un hôpital régional en Tunisie

    PubMed Central

    Sahli, Jihène; El Ghardallou, Meriam; Bougmiza, Iheb; Henchiri, Besma; Limam, Manel; Mejdoub, Rim; Mtiraoui, Ali; Ajmi, Thouraya


    Introduction Parmi les événements indésirables, ceux liés au circuit des médicaments occupent une place importante et risquent de causer un préjudice grave aux patients. Dans ce contexte, nous avons mené cette étude dans l'optique de décrire et d’évaluer le circuit des médicaments anticancéreux dans un hôpital régional tunisien. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude évaluative du risque lié aux médicaments anticancéreux, type « visite de risque » menée sur une période de 15 jours au cours de l'année 2014 au service de cancérologie de l'hôpital régional de Gafsa (Tunisie). Cette méthode d’évaluation est inspirée de celle conduite par le projet « SECURIMED » développé par le Comité de Coordination de l'Evaluation Clinique et de la Qualité en Aquitaine (CCECQA), en France. Résultats Dans notre étude, l'observation du circuit des médicaments anticancéreux a révélé certaines insuffisances. On a noté que la répartition des missions des différents acteurs est sujette parfois à des glissements de tâches. Un manque important ainsi que une inadéquation aux normes au niveau des équipements nécessaires pour la préparation et la protection des professionnels manipulant ces médicaments ont été également décelés. Conclusion La sécurisation du circuit des médicaments devrait être une priorité inscrite dans l'ensemble des démarches nationales et partagée par tous les intervenants et ce dans l'optique d'atteindre un objectif prémium: la qualité de la prise en charge globale et la sécurité des patients. PMID:27200135

  1. Mise à jour sur la prévention et le dépistage selon l’âge à l’intention des médecins de soins primaires canadiens

    PubMed Central

    Shimizu, Tawnya; Bouchard, Manon; Mavriplis, Cleo


    Résumé Objectif Faire la synthèse des meilleures lignes directrices fondées sur des données probantes concernant la prévention et le dépistage chez les adultes canadiens selon l’âge. Qualité des données Les recommandations du Groupe d’étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs représentent la source principale des renseignements et sont complétées par les recommandations pertinentes du Preventive Services Task Force des États-Unis lorsque celles du Groupe d’étude canadien étaient inaccessibles ou désuètes. Les guides de pratique des principales organisations nationales axées spécifiquement sur une maladie ou une spécialité ont aussi fait l’objet d’une révision pour prendre en compte les données factuelles les plus récentes. Message principal Les interventions de dépistage recommandées selon l’âge et le sexe sont présentées dans un tableau de synthèse où est mise en évidence la qualité des données à l’appui de ces recommandations. Un exemple de modèle à suivre dans les dossiers médicaux électroniques ou sur papier est aussi proposé. Conclusion Qu’il s’agisse d’une visite consacrée à la prévention ou d’une occasion saisie autrement de faire du counseling et du dépistage de prévention chez leurs patients, les médecins de soins primaires peuvent se servir de cette synthèse des recommandations fondées sur des données probantes pour maximiser leur efficience et prévenir d’importantes omissions ou des dépistages inutiles.

  2. Molecular receptors in metal oxide sol-gel materials prepared via molecular imprinting


    Sasaki, Darryl Y.; Brinker, C. Jeffrey; Ashley, Carol S.; Daitch, Charles E.; Shea, Kenneth J.; Rush, Daniel J.


    A method is provided for molecularly imprinting the surface of a sol-gel material, by forming a solution comprised of a sol-gel material, a solvent, an imprinting molecule, and a functionalizing siloxane monomer of the form Si(OR).sub.3-n X.sub.n, wherein n is an integer between zero and three and X is a functional group capable of reacting with the imprinting molecule, evaporating the solvent, and removing the imprinting molecule to form the molecularly imprinted metal oxide sol-gel material. The use of metal oxide sol-gels allows the material porosity, pore size, density, surface area, hardness, electrostatic charge, polarity, optical density, and surface hydrophobicity to be tailored and be employed as sensors and in catalytic and separations operations.

  3. SOL Tests Create Unfair Pressure.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ernst, Katie


    A seventh-grader explains why the Virginia Standards of Learning tests unfairly pressure her and her teachers. She wants her free reading time restored and wishes politicians would worry more about students understanding--not just memorizing--facts. She praises teachers who go beyond the SOL. (MLH)

  4. The SOL: No Easy Answers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pasi, Raymond


    Since the state board adopted the Standards of Learning, Virginia high-school teachers maintain tighter schedules and more often use direct instruction instead of group activities to cover the new curriculum. A two-edged sword, the SOL has engendered an increased interest in professional collaboration. (MLH)

  5. Amoeba-like self-oscillating polymeric fluids with autonomous sol-gel transition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Onoda, Michika; Ueki, Takeshi; Tamate, Ryota; Shibayama, Mitsuhiro; Yoshida, Ryo


    In the field of polymer science, many kinds of polymeric material systems that show a sol-gel transition have been created. However, most systems are unidirectional stimuli-responsive systems that require physical signals such as a change in temperature. Here, we report on the design of a block copolymer solution that undergoes autonomous and periodic sol-gel transition under constant conditions without any on-off switching through external stimuli. The amplitude of this self-oscillation of the viscosity is about 2,000 mPa s. We also demonstrate an intermittent forward motion of a droplet of the polymer solution synchronized with the autonomous sol-gel transition. This polymer solution bears the potential to become the base for a type of slime-like soft robot that can transform its shape kaleidoscopically and move autonomously, which is associated with the living amoeba that moves forward by a repeated sol-gel transition.

  6. Vibrational spectroscopic studies of (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxylsilane sol-gel and its coating.


    Li, Ying-Sing; Wang, Yu; Tran, Tuan; Perkins, Anshion


    Organosilane sol-gels have been prepared under different conditions from mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS) and mercaptopropyltriethoxysilane (MPTES). These sol-gels were applied for the thin film coating on aluminum. Vibrational spectroscopy has been employed to trace and to study the proceeding of the sol-gel formation and the curing of the coated films on Al. Based on the group frequencies as well as their spectral behavior under different conditions, vibrational assignments have been made for most of the observed bands. Surface enhanced Raman scattering has revealed the chemical adsorption of MPTMS sol-gel on silver particles. Recorded reflection and absorption infrared (RAIR) spectra of coated tiles cured at different temperatures have indicated that surface reaction may occur at high temperature. The anticorrosion characters of the coated metals have been evaluated with the measured electrochemical data. Results from cyclic voltammographs have indicated that each layer of sol-gel coating would reduce the redox current across the electrode/electrolyte solution interface. Tafel plots have shown that the anodic current of the coated electrode decreases significantly and the corrosion potentials shift to the positive side.

  7. Preparation and characterization of conductive and transparent ruthenium dioxide sol-gel films.


    Allhusen, John S; Conboy, John C


    RuO2 conductive thin films were synthesized using the sol-gel method and deposited onto transparent insulating substrates. The optical transmission, film thickness, surface morphology and composition, resistivity, and spectroelectrochemical performance have been characterized. The optical transmission values of these films ranged from 70 to 89% in the visible region and from 56 to 88% in the infrared region. Resistivity values of the RuO2 sol-gel films varied from 1.02 × 10(-3) to 1.13 Ω cm and are highly dependent on the initial solution concentration of RuO2 in the sol-gel. The RuO2 sol-gel films were used as electrodes for the electrochemical oxidation and reduction of ferrocenemethanol. The electrochemical behavior of our novel RuO2 sol-gel films was compared to that of a standard platinum disk electrode and showed no appreciable differences in the half-wave potential (E1/2). The mechanical and chemical stability of the coatings was tested by physical abrasion and exposure to highly acidic, oxidizing Piranha solution. Repeated exposure to these extreme conditions did not result in any appreciable decline in electrochemical performance. Finally, the use of the novel RuO2 sol-gel conductive and transparent films was demonstrated in a spectroelectrochemistry experiment in which the oxidation and reduction of ferrocenemethanol was monitored via UV-vis spectroscopy as the applied potential was cycled.

  8. Rationale and Design of the Echocardiographic Study of Hispanics/Latinos (ECHO-SOL).


    Rodriguez, Carlos J; Dharod, Ajay; Allison, Matthew A; Shah, Sanjiv J; Hurwitz, Barry; Bangdiwala, Shrikant I; Gonzalez, Franklyn; Kitzman, Dalane; Gillam, Linda; Spevack, Daniel; Dadhania, Rupal; Langdon, Sarah; Kaplan, Robert


    Information regarding the prevalence and determinants of cardiac structure and function (systolic and diastolic) among the various Hispanic background groups in the United States is limited. The Echocardiographic Study of Latinos (ECHO-SOL) ancillary study recruited 1,824 participants through a stratified-sampling process representative of the population-based Hispanic Communities Health Study - Study of Latinos (HCHS-SOL) across four sites (Bronx, NY; Chicago, Ill; San Diego, Calif; Miami, Fla). The HCHS-SOL baseline cohort did not include an echo exam. ECHO-SOL added the echocardiographic assessment of cardiac structure and function to an array of existing HCHS-SOL baseline clinical, psychosocial, and socioeconomic data and provides sufficient statistical power for comparisons among the Hispanic subgroups. Standard two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography protocol, including M-mode, spectral, color and tissue Doppler study was performed. The main objectives were to: 1) characterize cardiac structure and function and its determinants among Hispanics and Hispanic subgroups; and 2) determine the contributions of specific psychosocial factors (acculturation and familismo) to cardiac structure and function among Hispanics. We describe the design, methods and rationale of currently the largest and most comprehensive study of cardiac structure and function exclusively among US Hispanics. ECHO-SOL aims to enhance our understanding of Hispanic cardiovascular health as well as help untangle the relative importance of Hispanic subgroup heterogeneity and sociocultural factors on cardiac structure and function.

  9. Silk flame retardant finish by ternary silica sol containing boron and nitrogen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Qiang-hua; Chen, Guo-qiang; Xing, Tie-ling


    A ternary flame retardant sol system containing Si, B and N was prepared via sol gel method using tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) as a precursor, boric acid (H3BO3) and urea (CO(NH2)2) as flame retardant additives and then applied to silk fabric flame retardant finish. The FT-IR and SEM results showed that the nitrogen-boron-silica ternary sol was successfully prepared and entrapped onto the surface of silk fibers. The limiting oxygen index (LOI) test indicated that the silk fabric treated with 24% boric acid and 6% urea (relative to the TEOS) doped ternary silica sol system performed excellent flame retardancy with the LOI value of 34.6%. Furthermore, in order to endow silk fabric with durable flame retardancy, the silk fabric was pretreated with 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) before the ternary sol system treatment. The BTCA pretreat ment applied to silk could effectively promote the washing durability of the ternary sol, and the LOI value of the treated sample after 10 times washing could still maintain at 30.8% compared with that of 31.0% before washing. Thermo gravimetric (TG), micro calorimeter combustion (MCC) and smoke density test results demonstrated that the thermal stability, heat release and smoke suppression of the nitrogen-boron-silica ternary system decreased somewhat compared with the boron-silica binary flame retardant system.

  10. Time for a Change; Spirit's View on Sol 1843 (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11973 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11973

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images that have been combined into this stereo, full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,843rd Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's surface mission (March 10, 2009). South is in the middle. North is at both ends.

    This view combines images from the left-eye and right-eye sides of the navigation camera. It appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses with the red lens on the left.

    The rover had driven 36 centimeters downhill earlier on Sol 1854, but had not been able to get free of ruts in soft material that had become an obstacle to getting around the northeastern corner of the low plateau called 'Home Plate.'

    The Sol 1854 drive, following two others in the preceding four sols that also achieved little progress in the soft ground, prompted the rover team to switch to a plan of getting around Home Plate counterclockwise, instead of clockwise. The drive direction in subsequent sols was westward past the northern edge of Home Plate.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical-perspective projection with geometric seam correction.

  11. Caracterisation des melanges developpes pour le moulage basse pression des poudres metalliques (LPIM) =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fareh, Fouad

    Le moulage par injection basse pression des poudres metalliques est une technique de fabrication qui permet de fabriquer des pieces possedant la complexite des pieces coulees mais avec les proprietes mecaniques des pieces corroyees. Cependant, l'optimisation des etapes de deliantage et de frittage a ete jusqu'a maintenant effectuee a l'aide de melange pour lesquels la moulabilite optimale n'a pas encore ete demontree. Ainsi, la comprehension des proprietes rheologiques et de la segregation des melanges est tres limitee et cela presente le point faible du processus de LPIM. L'objectif de ce projet de recherche etait de caracteriser l'influence des liants sur le comportement rheologique des melanges en mesurant la viscosite et la segregation des melanges faible viscosite utilises dans le procede LPIM. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, des essais rheologiques et thermogravimetriques ont ete conduits sur 12 melanges. Ces melanges ont ete prepares a base de poudre d'Inconel 718 de forme spherique (chargement solide constant a 60%) et de cires, d'agents surfactants ou epaississants. Les essais rheologiques ont ete utilises entre autre pour calculer l'indice d'injectabilite ?STV des melanges, tandis que les essais thermogravimetriques ont permis d'evaluer precisement la segregation des poudres dans les melanges. Il a ete demontre que les trois (3) melanges contenant de la cire de paraffine et de l'acide stearique presentent des indices alpha STV plus eleves qui sont avantageux pour le moulage par injection des poudres metalliques (MIM), mais segregent beaucoup trop pour que la piece fabriquee produise de bonnes caracteristiques mecaniques. A l'oppose, le melange contenant de la cire de paraffine et de l'ethylene-vinyle acetate ainsi que le melange contenant seulement de la cire de carnauba segregent peu voire pas du tout, mais possedent de tres faibles indices alphaSTV : ils sont donc difficilement injectables. Le meilleur compromis semble donc etre les melanges contenant de

  12. Amoeba-like self-oscillating polymeric fluids with autonomous sol-gel transition

    PubMed Central

    Onoda, Michika; Ueki, Takeshi; Tamate, Ryota; Shibayama, Mitsuhiro; Yoshida, Ryo


    In the field of polymer science, many kinds of polymeric material systems that show a sol-gel transition have been created. However, most systems are unidirectional stimuli-responsive systems that require physical signals such as a change in temperature. Here, we report on the design of a block copolymer solution that undergoes autonomous and periodic sol-gel transition under constant conditions without any on–off switching through external stimuli. The amplitude of this self-oscillation of the viscosity is about 2,000 mPa s. We also demonstrate an intermittent forward motion of a droplet of the polymer solution synchronized with the autonomous sol-gel transition. This polymer solution bears the potential to become the base for a type of slime-like soft robot that can transform its shape kaleidoscopically and move autonomously, which is associated with the living amoeba that moves forward by a repeated sol-gel transition. PMID:28703123

  13. La participation des enfants et des adolescents à la boxe

    PubMed Central

    Purcell, Laura K; LeBlanc, Claire MA


    RÉSUMÉ Des milliers de garçons et de filles de moins de 19 ans font de la boxe en Amérique du Nord. Même si la boxe comporte des avantages pour ceux qui y participent, y compris l’exercice, l’autodiscipline et la confiance en soi, le sport lui-même favorise et récompense des coups délibérés à la tête et au visage. Les personnes qui font de la boxe risquent de subir des blessures à la tête, au visage et au cou, y compris des traumatismes neurologiques chroniques et même fatals. Les commotions cérébrales sont l’une des principales blessures causées par la boxe. En raison du risque de blessures crâniennes et faciales, la Société canadienne de pédiatrie et l’American Academy of Pediatrics s’opposent vigoureusement à la boxe comme activité sportive pour les enfants et les adolescents. Ces organismes recommandent que les médecins s’élèvent contre la boxe auprès des jeunes et les encouragent à participer à d’autres activités dans lesquelles les coups intentionnels à la tête ne constituent pas un élément essentiel du sport.

  14. Spirit Near 'Stapledon' on Sol 1802 (Vertical)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera for the images assembled into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,802nd Martian day, or sol, (January 26, 2009) of Spirit's mission on the surface of Mars. North is at the top.

    This view is presented as a vertical projection with geometric seam correction.

    Spirit had driven down off the low plateau called 'Home Plate' on Sol 1782 (January 6, 2009) after spending 12 months on a north-facing slope on the northern edge of Home Plate. The position on the slope (at about the 9-o'clock position in this view) tilted Spirit's solar panels toward the sun, enabling the rover to generate enough electricity to survive its third Martian winter. Tracks at about the 11-o'clock position of this panorama can be seen leading back to that 'Winter Haven 3' site from the Sol 1802 position about 10 meters (33 feet) away. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about one meter (40 inches).

    Where the receding tracks bend to the left, a circular pattern resulted from Spirit turning in place at a soil target informally named 'Stapledon' after William Olaf Stapledon, a British philosopher and science-fiction author who lived from 1886 to 1950. Scientists on the rover team suspected that the soil in that area might have a high concentration of silica, resembling a high-silica soil patch discovered east of Home Plate in 2007. Bright material visible in the track furthest to the right was examined with Spirit's alpha partical X-ray spectrometer and found, indeed, to be rich in silica.

    The team laid plans to drive Spirit from this Sol 1802 location back up onto Home Plate, then southward for the rover's summer field season.

  15. Spirit Near 'Stapledon' on Sol 1802 (Polar)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera for the images assembled into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,802nd Martian day, or sol, (January 26, 2009) of Spirit's mission on the surface of Mars. North is at the top.

    This view is presented as a polar projection with geometric seam correction.

    Spirit had driven down off the low plateau called 'Home Plate' on Sol 1782 (January 6, 2009) after spending 12 months on a north-facing slope on the northern edge of Home Plate. The position on the slope (at about the 9-o'clock position in this view) tilted Spirit's solar panels toward the sun, enabling the rover to generate enough electricity to survive its third Martian winter. Tracks at about the 11-o'clock position of this panorama can be seen leading back to that 'Winter Haven 3' site from the Sol 1802 position about 10 meters (33 feet) away. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about one meter (40 inches).

    Where the receding tracks bend to the left, a circular pattern resulted from Spirit turning in place at a soil target informally named 'Stapledon' after William Olaf Stapledon, a British philosopher and science-fiction author who lived from 1886 to 1950. Scientists on the rover team suspected that the soil in that area might have a high concentration of silica, resembling a high-silica soil patch discovered east of Home Plate in 2007. Bright material visible in the track furthest to the right was examined with Spirit's alpha partical X-ray spectrometer and found, indeed, to be rich in silica.

    The team laid plans to drive Spirit from this Sol 1802 location back up onto Home Plate, then southward for the rover's summer field season.

  16. Optical fiber sensor having a sol-gel fiber core and a method of making


    Tao, Shiquan; Jindal, Rajeev; Winstead, Christopher; Singh, Jagdish P.


    A simple, economic wet chemical procedure is described for making sol-gel fibers. The sol-gel fibers made from this process are transparent to ultraviolet, visible and near infrared light. Light can be guided in these fibers by using an organic polymer as a fiber cladding. Alternatively, air can be used as a low refractive index medium. The sol-gel fibers have a micro pore structure which allows molecules to diffuse into the fiber core from the surrounding environment. Chemical and biochemical reagents can be doped into the fiber core. The sol-gel fiber can be used as a transducer for constructing an optical fiber sensor. The optical fiber sensor having an active sol-gel fiber core is more sensitive than conventional evanescent wave absorption based optical fiber sensors.

  17. Functionalizable Sol-Gel Silica Coatings for Corrosion Mitigation.


    Gąsiorek, Jolanta; Szczurek, Anna; Babiarczuk, Bartosz; Kaleta, Jerzy; Jones, Walis; Krzak, Justyna


    Corrosion is constantly a major problem of the world economy in the field of metal products, metal processing and other areas that utilise metals. Previously used compounds utilizing hexavalent chromium were amongst the most effective materials for corrosion protection but regulations have been recently introduced that forbid their use. Consequently, there is a huge drive by engineers, technologists and scientists from different disciplines focused on searching a new, more effective and environmentally-friendly means of corrosion protection. One novel group of materials with the potential to solve metal protection problems are sol-gel thin films, which are increasingly interesting as mitigation corrosion barriers. These environmentally-friendly and easy-to-obtain coatings have the promise to be an effective alternative to hexavalent chromium compounds using for anti-corrosion industrial coatings. In this review the authors present a range of different solutions for slow down the corrosion processes of metallic substrates by using the oxides and doped oxides obtained by the sol-gel method. Examples of techniques used to the sol-gel coating examinations, in terms of anti-corrosion protection, are also presented.

  18. Functionalizable Sol-Gel Silica Coatings for Corrosion Mitigation

    PubMed Central

    Gąsiorek, Jolanta; Babiarczuk, Bartosz; Kaleta, Jerzy; Jones, Walis; Krzak, Justyna


    Corrosion is constantly a major problem of the world economy in the field of metal products, metal processing and other areas that utilise metals. Previously used compounds utilizing hexavalent chromium were amongst the most effective materials for corrosion protection but regulations have been recently introduced that forbid their use. Consequently, there is a huge drive by engineers, technologists and scientists from different disciplines focused on searching a new, more effective and environmentally-friendly means of corrosion protection. One novel group of materials with the potential to solve metal protection problems are sol-gel thin films, which are increasingly interesting as mitigation corrosion barriers. These environmentally-friendly and easy-to-obtain coatings have the promise to be an effective alternative to hexavalent chromium compounds using for anti-corrosion industrial coatings. In this review the authors present a range of different solutions for slow down the corrosion processes of metallic substrates by using the oxides and doped oxides obtained by the sol-gel method. Examples of techniques used to the sol-gel coating examinations, in terms of anti-corrosion protection, are also presented. PMID:29373540

  19. Les campagnes communautaires de promotion du depistage VIH en Afrique de l’Ouest : perceptions des usagers au Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Desclaux, Alice; Ky-Zerbo, Odette; Somé, Jean-François; Makhlouf-Obermeyer, Carla


    Résumé La politique actuelle de lutte contre le sida qui repose sur l’extension de l’accès aux traitements et à la prévention exige qu’une proportion élevée de la population connaisse son statut en matière de VIH. Pour cela, l’OMS a proposé le développement de stratégies communautaires délivrant le dépistage et le conseil au-delà des services de soins, comme le test à domicile ou les campagnes de sensibilisation et dépistage de grande envergure, appliqués en Afrique australe et de l’Est. Pour définir les stratégies pertinentes dans des régions de basse prévalence comme l’Afrique de l’Ouest, les expériences communautaires de promotion du dépistage doivent y être évaluées. Cet article présente une évaluation des campagnes au Burkina Faso du point de vue des usagers. Dans le cadre d’un projet sur les pratiques et l’éthique du dépistage dans quatre pays africains (MATCH), une enquête qualitative spécifique a été menée pendant la campagne de 2008, auprès de personnes ayant fait le test pendant la campagne, ayant fait le test hors campagne ou n’ayant pas fait le test. Les appréciations sont globalement très favorables aux campagnes, notamment à cause de l’information dispensée, l’accessibilité des sites, la gratuité du test, la qualité des services et l’effet d’entrainement. Les limites ou critiques sont essentiellement liées à l’affluence ou à la crainte de ne pas être soutenu en cas de résultat positif. La démarche de recours au test ne fait plus l’objet de suspicion, au moins pendant la campagne. Cette « normalisation » du recours au test et la mobilisation collective facilitent des pratiques en groupe, ce qui peut rendre difficile de garder son statut VIH secret. L’évaluation des campagnes par les usagers les présente comme une opportunité pour accéder facilement au test et pour communiquer à ce sujet dans divers espaces sociaux à partir des informations délivrées sur le VIH

  20. Detection de la fin de la compaction des anodes par le son

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sanogo, Bazoumana

    L'objectif de ce projet etait de developper un outil de controle en temps reel du temps de compaction en se servant du son genere par le vibrocompacteur pendant le formage des anodes crues. Ainsi, une application a ete developpee pour l'analyse des sons enregistres. Des essais ont ete realises avec differents microphones pour une meilleure qualite des mesures et un a ete choisi pour la suite du projet. De meme, differents tests ont ete realises sur des anodes de laboratoire ainsi que des anodes a l'echelle industrielle afin de mettre en place une methode pour la detection du temps optimal necessaire au formage des anodes. Les travaux au laboratoire de carbone a l'Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (UQAC) ont consiste a l'enregistrement de son des anodes fabriquees sur place avec differentes configurations; et a la caracterisation de certaines anodes de l'usine. Les anodes fabriquees au laboratoire sont reparties en deux groupes. Le premier regroupe les anodes pour la validation de notre methode. Ce sont des anodes produites avec des temps de compaction differents. Le laboratoire de carbone a l'UQAC est unique et il est possible de produire des anodes avec les memes proprietes que celles des anodes industrielles. Par consequent, la validation initialement prevue a l'usine a ete effectuee avec les anodes de laboratoire. Le deuxieme groupe a servi a etudier les effets des matieres premieres sur le temps de compaction. Le type de coke et le type de brai ont constitue les differentes variations dans ce deuxieme groupe. Quant aux tests et mesures a l'usine, ils ont ete realises en trois campagnes de mesure. La premiere campagne en juin 2014 a servi a standardiser et a trouver le meilleur positionnement des appareils pour les mesures, a regler le logiciel et a faire les premieres mesures. Une deuxieme campagne en mai 2015 a fait l'objet d'enregistrement de son en classant les anodes selon differents temps de compaction. La troisieme et derniere campagne en decembre 2015 a

  1. Préoccupations de carrière chez les médecins de travail des groupements de Médecine de travail en Tunisie

    PubMed Central

    Merchaoui, Irtyah; Chouchène, Asma; Bouanène, Ines; Chaari, Néila; Zrafi, Wassim; Henchi, Adnène; Akrout, Mohamed; Amri, Charfeddine


    Introduction L'insatisfaction de carrière des médecins de travail (MT) peut influencer leur performance et la qualité des prestations fournies. L'objectif de notre étude est d'évaluer la satisfaction au travail des MT du terrain de l'ensemble des Groupements de médecine de travail (GMT) de la Tunisie et préciser les facteurs déterminants. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude nationale transversale portant sur les MT de 22 GMT, basée sur le questionnaire, validé SAPHORA JOB. Résultats 58% des MT des GMT étaient insatisfaits de leur carrière. La satisfaction de carrière était statistiquement influencée par le nombre d'entreprises en charge (p=0,016), l'organisation du travail (p=0,010),le ressenti du métier (p=0,011),le salaire (p‹10-3) et l'information sur la réglementation en vigueur (p=0,047). Conclusion L'homogénéisation des grilles salariales et des échelons de carrière des MT des GMT basée sur une révision des textes législatifs est indiquée. L'amélioration de l'organisation et des conditions de travail peut permettre un épanouissement au travail et une amélioration des prestations. PMID:28819472

  2. Optical detection of parasitic protozoa in sol-gel matrices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Livage, Jacques; Barreau, J. Y.; Da Costa, J. M.; Desportes, I.


    Whole cell parasitic protozoa have been entrapped within sol-gel porous silica matrices. Stationary phase promastigote cells of Leishmania donovani infantum are mixed with a silica sol before gelation occurs. They remain trapped within the growing oxide network and their cellular organization appears to be well preserved. Moreover protozoa retain their antigenic properties in the porous gel. They are still able to detect parasite specific antibodies in serum samples from infected patients via an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Antigen- antibody associations occurring in the gel are optically detected via the reactions of a peroxidase conjugate with ortho-phenylenediamine leading to the formation of a yellow coloration. A clear-cut difference in optical density is measured between positive and negative sera. Such an entrapment of antigenic species into porous sol-gel matrices avoids the main problems due to non specific binding and could be advantageously used in diagnostic kits.

  3. Opportunity's View After Long Drive on Sol 1770 (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11791 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11791

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this stereo, full-circle view of the rover's surroundings just after driving 104 meters (341 feet) on the 1,770th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (January 15, 2009).

    This view combines images from the left-eye and right-eye sides of the navigation camera. It appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses with the red lens on the left.

    Tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    Prior to the Sol 1770 drive, Opportunity had driven less than a meter since Sol 1713 (November 17, 2008), while it used the tools on its robotic arm first to examine a meteorite called 'Santorini' during weeks of restricted communication while the sun was nearly in line between Mars and Earth, then to examine bedrock and soil targets near Santorini.

    The rover's position after the Sol 1770 drive was about 1.1 kilometer (two-thirds of a mile) south southwest of Victoria Crater. Cumulative odometry was 13.72 kilometers (8.53 miles) since landing in January 2004, including 1.94 kilometers (1.21 miles) since climbing out of Victoria Crater on the west side of the crater on Sol 1634 (August 28, 2008).

    This view is presented as a cylindrical-perspective projection with geometric seam correction.

  4. 'Algonquin' Outcrop on Spirit's Sol 680

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    This view combines four frames from Spirit's panoramic camera, looking in the drive direction on the rover's 680th Martian day, or sol (Dec. 1, 2005). The outcrop of apparently layered bedrock has the informal name 'Algonquin.'

  5. Membrane fluidization by alcohols inhibits DesK-DesR signalling in Bacillus subtilis.


    Vaňousová, Kateřina; Beranová, Jana; Fišer, Radovan; Jemioła-Rzemińska, Malgorzata; Matyska Lišková, Petra; Cybulski, Larisa; Strzałka, Kazimierz; Konopásek, Ivo


    After cold shock, the Bacillus subtilis desaturase Des introduces double bonds into the fatty acids of existing membrane phospholipids. The synthesis of Des is regulated exclusively by the two-component system DesK/DesR; DesK serves as a sensor of the state of the membrane and triggers Des synthesis after a decrease in membrane fluidity. The aim of our work is to investigate the biophysical changes in the membrane that are able to affect the DesK signalling state. Using linear alcohols (ethanol, propanol, butanol, hexanol, octanol) and benzyl alcohol, we were able to suppress Des synthesis after a temperature downshift. The changes in the biophysical properties of the membrane caused by alcohol addition were followed using membrane fluorescent probes and differential scanning calorimetry. We found that the membrane fluidization induced by alcohols was reflected in an increased hydration at the lipid-water interface. This is associated with a decrease in DesK activity. The addition of alcohol mimics a temperature increase, which can be measured isothermically by fluorescence anisotropy. The effect of alcohols on the membrane periphery is in line with the concept of the mechanism by which two hydrophilic motifs located at opposite ends of the transmembrane region of DesK, which work as a molecular caliper, sense temperature-dependent variations in membrane properties. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. SOL and Edge Flows in DIII-D

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boedo, J. A.; Degrassie, J. S.; Grierson, B. A.; Rudakov, D. A.


    Recent measurements at DIII-D edge plasmas at the outer midplane show that, in the absence of external torque, the edge and near-SOL plasma flow is largely dominated by the intrinsic source of rotation most likely due to thermal ion loss. We also show that when NBI heating is present, the core momentum competes with the edge intrinsic momentum and can overwhelm it, in short, NBI-heated discharges at high power tend to determine edge and near SOL flows. Experiments performed in the DIII-D tokamak with OH heated, ECH-heated and NBI-heated discharges are diagnosed for core plasma flow with CER and edge/SOL plasma flow with Mach probes. We have changed the amount of NBI, OH and ECH heating while scanning the discharge collisionality. We have compared the experimental measurements to two complementary thermal ion loss theories that explain most of the observed features, including a scaling with Ti. One theory considers passing and trapped particles that are lost via a loss cone purely due to drifts and the other considers turbulence-enhanced loss of passing particles. Work supported by the US DOE under DE-FC02-04ER54698, DE-FG02-07ER54917 and DE-AC02-09CH111466.

  7. Opportunity's Surroundings After Sol 1820 Drive

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,820th to 1,822nd Martian days, or sols, of Opportunity's surface mission (March 7 to 9, 2009). South is at the center; north at both ends.

    The rover had driven 20.6 meters toward the northwest on Sol 1820 before beginning to take the frames in this view. Tracks from that drive recede southwestward. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  8. Effects of sol aging on resistive switching behaviors of HfOx resistive memories

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hsu, Chih-Chieh; Sun, Jhen-Kai; Tsao, Che-Chang; Chen, Yu-Ting


    This work investigates effects of long-term sol-aging time on sol-gel HfOx resistive random access memories (RRAMs). A nontoxic solvent of ethanol is used to replace toxic 2-methoxyethanol, which is usually used in sol-gel processes. The top electrodes are fabricated by pressing indium balls onto the HfOx surface rather than by using conventional sputtering or evaporation processes. The maximum process temperature is limited to be 100 ℃. Therefore, influences of plasma and high temperature on HfOx film can be avoided. Under this circumstance, effects of sol aging time on the HfOx films can be more clearly studied. The current conduction mechanisms in low and high electric regions of the HfOx RRAM are found to be dominated by Ohmic conduction and trap-filled space charge limited conduction (TF-SCLC), respectively. When the sol aging time increases, the resistive switching characteristic of the HfOx layer becomes unstable and the transition voltage from Ohmic conduction to TF-SCLC is also increased. This suggests that an exceedingly long aging time will give a HfOx film with more defect states. The XPS results are consistent with FTIR analysis and they can further explain the unstable HfOx resistive switching characteristic induced by sol aging.

  9. Rapid change of blob structure in the outer scrape-off layer (SOL)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cohen, R. H.


    Nonlinear structures (``blobs'') driven by the magnetic field curvature and highly elongated along the field lines may exist in the tokamak SOL.footnotetextS.I. Krasheninnikov. Phys. Lett. A 283, 368 (2001) The contact of the blob end with the divertor plate significantly affects the blob structure and velocity. However, the strong shearing of the flux-tube near the X-point makes impossible direct electrical contact of the blob in the upper SOL and the divertor, so that the sheath boundary condition (BC) has to be replaced by a BC imposed near the X point.footnotetextD. Ryutov, R.H. Cohen. Contr. Pl. Phys 44, 168 (2004) We show that, at larger distances from the separatrix, in the far SOL, the connection between the upper SOL and the divertor plate is re-established, and the sheath BC becomes again relevant. During the blob's outward radial motion, this event is reflected in a sudden change of its length, from the blob extending only to the X point to the blob extending down to the plate. Likewise, a blob initially existing only in the divertor leg becomes suddenly longer, and extends to the whole SOL.

  10. Foldable and Cytocompatible Sol-gel TiO2 Photonics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Lan; Zhang, Ping; Wang, Wei-Ming; Lin, Hongtao; Zerdoum, Aidan B.; Geiger, Sarah J.; Liu, Yangchen; Xiao, Nicholas; Zou, Yi; Ogbuu, Okechukwu; Du, Qingyang; Jia, Xinqiao; Li, Jingjing; Hu, Juejun


    Integrated photonics provides a miniaturized and potentially implantable platform to manipulate and enhance the interactions between light and biological molecules or tissues in in-vitro and in-vivo settings, and is thus being increasingly adopted in a wide cross-section of biomedical applications ranging from disease diagnosis to optogenetic neuromodulation. However, the mechanical rigidity of substrates traditionally used for photonic integration is fundamentally incompatible with soft biological tissues. Cytotoxicity of materials and chemicals used in photonic device processing imposes another constraint towards these biophotonic applications. Here we present thin film TiO2 as a viable material for biocompatible and flexible integrated photonics. Amorphous TiO2 films were deposited using a low temperature (<250 °C) sol-gel process fully compatible with monolithic integration on plastic substrates. High-index-contrast flexible optical waveguides and resonators were fabricated using the sol-gel TiO2 material, and resonator quality factors up to 20,000 were measured. Following a multi-neutral-axis mechanical design, these devices exhibit remarkable mechanical flexibility, and can sustain repeated folding without compromising their optical performance. Finally, we validated the low cytotoxicity of the sol-gel TiO2 devices through in-vitro cell culture tests. These results demonstrate the potential of sol-gel TiO2 as a promising material platform for novel biophotonic devices.

  11. Sol-gel chemical sensors for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Vincent Y.; Farquharson, Stuart; Kwon, Hueong-Chan; Shahriari, Mahmoud R.; Rainey, Petrie M.


    Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) promises to be one of the most sensitive methods for chemical detection. Unfortunately, the inability of SERS to perform quantitative chemical analysis has slowed its general use in laboratories. This is largely due to the difficulty of manufacturing either active surfaces that yield reproducible enhancements, or surfaces that are capable of reversible chemical adsorption, or both. In an effort to meet this need, we have developed metal-doped sol-gels that provide surface-enhancement of Raman scattering. The porous silica network offers a unique environment for stabilizing SER active metal particles and the high surface area increases the interaction between the analyte and metal particles. This eliminates the need to concentrate the analyte on the surface by evaporating the solvent. The sol-gel is easily coated on a variety of surfaces, such as fiber optics, glass slides, or glass tubing, and can be designed into sample flow systems. Here we present the development of both gold- and silver-doped sol-gels, which have been used to coat the inside walls of glass sample vials for SERS applications. The performance of the metal-doped sol-gels was evaluated using p-aminobenzoic acid, to establish enhancement factors, detection limits, dynamic response range, reversibility, reproducibility, and suitability to commercial spectrometers. Measurements of trace chemicals, such as adenine and cocaine, are also presented.

  12. Foldable and Cytocompatible Sol-gel TiO2 Photonics

    PubMed Central

    Li, Lan; Zhang, Ping; Wang, Wei-Ming; Lin, Hongtao; Zerdoum, Aidan B.; Geiger, Sarah J.; Liu, Yangchen; Xiao, Nicholas; Zou, Yi; Ogbuu, Okechukwu; Du, Qingyang; Jia, Xinqiao; Li, Jingjing; Hu, Juejun


    Integrated photonics provides a miniaturized and potentially implantable platform to manipulate and enhance the interactions between light and biological molecules or tissues in in-vitro and in-vivo settings, and is thus being increasingly adopted in a wide cross-section of biomedical applications ranging from disease diagnosis to optogenetic neuromodulation. However, the mechanical rigidity of substrates traditionally used for photonic integration is fundamentally incompatible with soft biological tissues. Cytotoxicity of materials and chemicals used in photonic device processing imposes another constraint towards these biophotonic applications. Here we present thin film TiO2 as a viable material for biocompatible and flexible integrated photonics. Amorphous TiO2 films were deposited using a low temperature (<250 °C) sol-gel process fully compatible with monolithic integration on plastic substrates. High-index-contrast flexible optical waveguides and resonators were fabricated using the sol-gel TiO2 material, and resonator quality factors up to 20,000 were measured. Following a multi-neutral-axis mechanical design, these devices exhibit remarkable mechanical flexibility, and can sustain repeated folding without compromising their optical performance. Finally, we validated the low cytotoxicity of the sol-gel TiO2 devices through in-vitro cell culture tests. These results demonstrate the potential of sol-gel TiO2 as a promising material platform for novel biophotonic devices. PMID:26344823

  13. Foldable and Cytocompatible Sol-gel TiO2 Photonics.


    Li, Lan; Zhang, Ping; Wang, Wei-Ming; Lin, Hongtao; Zerdoum, Aidan B; Geiger, Sarah J; Liu, Yangchen; Xiao, Nicholas; Zou, Yi; Ogbuu, Okechukwu; Du, Qingyang; Jia, Xinqiao; Li, Jingjing; Hu, Juejun


    Integrated photonics provides a miniaturized and potentially implantable platform to manipulate and enhance the interactions between light and biological molecules or tissues in in-vitro and in-vivo settings, and is thus being increasingly adopted in a wide cross-section of biomedical applications ranging from disease diagnosis to optogenetic neuromodulation. However, the mechanical rigidity of substrates traditionally used for photonic integration is fundamentally incompatible with soft biological tissues. Cytotoxicity of materials and chemicals used in photonic device processing imposes another constraint towards these biophotonic applications. Here we present thin film TiO2 as a viable material for biocompatible and flexible integrated photonics. Amorphous TiO2 films were deposited using a low temperature (<250 °C) sol-gel process fully compatible with monolithic integration on plastic substrates. High-index-contrast flexible optical waveguides and resonators were fabricated using the sol-gel TiO2 material, and resonator quality factors up to 20,000 were measured. Following a multi-neutral-axis mechanical design, these devices exhibit remarkable mechanical flexibility, and can sustain repeated folding without compromising their optical performance. Finally, we validated the low cytotoxicity of the sol-gel TiO2 devices through in-vitro cell culture tests. These results demonstrate the potential of sol-gel TiO2 as a promising material platform for novel biophotonic devices.

  14. Novel sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrid materials for drug delivery.


    Catauro, Michelina; Verardi, Duilio; Melisi, Daniela; Belotti, Federico; Mustarelli, Piercarlo


    The aim of the present study was to synthetize and characterize novel sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrid materials to be used for controlled drug delivery application. Organic-inorganic hybrid class I materials based on poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL 6, 12, 24 and 50 wt%) and zirconia-yttria (ZrO2-5%Y2O3) were synthesized by a sol-gel method, from a multicomponent solution containing zirconium propoxide [Zr(OC2H7)4], yttrium chloride (YCl3), PCL, water and chloroform (CHCl3). The structure of the hybrids was obtained by means of hydrogen bonds between the Zr-OH group (H-donor) in the sol-gel intermediate species and the carboxylic group (H-acceptor) in the repeating units of the polymer. The presence of hydrogen bonds between organic-inorganic components of the hybrid materials was suggested by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, and strongly supported by solid-state NMR. A single-step, sol-gel process was then used to precipitate microspheres containing ketoprofen or indomethacin for controlled drug delivery applications. Release kinetics in a simulated body fluid (SBF) were subsequently investigated. The amount of drug released was detected by UV-VIS spectroscopy. Pure anti-inflammatory agents exhibited linear release with time, in contrast drugs entrapped in the organic-inorganic hybrids were released with a logarithmic time dependence, starting with an initial burst effect followed by a gradual decrease. The synthesis of amorphous materials containing drugs, obtained by sol-gel methods, helps to devise new strategies for controlled drug delivery system design.

  15. Superhydrophobic properties induced by sol-gel routes on copper surfaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Raimondo, M.; Veronesi, F.; Boveri, G.; Guarini, G.; Motta, A.; Zanoni, R.


    Superhydrophobic surfaces are attracting increasing attention in different fields such as energy, transportation, building industry and electronics, as they exhibit many interesting properties such as high water repellence, anti-fogging, anti-corrosion, anti-fouling and self-cleaning abilities. Here, superhydrophobic nanostructured hybrid materials obtained by depositing alumina nanoparticles on copper surfaces via dip coating in Al2O3 sol are presented. Two different preparation routes were explored, based on either an alcoholic or an aqueous Al2O3 sol, and the resulting wetting properties were compared. Wettability measurements showed that when the alcoholic sol is used superhydrophobicity is attained, with values of water contact angle very close to the upper limit of 180°, while highly hydrophobic coatings are obtained with the aqueous sol. These findings were further supported by electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, which revealed that the surface layer deposited on Cu is more homogenous and richer in alumina nanoparticles when the alcoholic sol was used. Durability of the superhydrophobic coating was assessed by performing ageing tests in chemically aggressive environments. A remarkable resistance is displayed by the superhydrophobic coating in acid environment, while alkaline conditions severely affect its properties. Such behaviors were investigated by XPS and FE-SEM measurements, which disclosed the nature of the surface reactions under the different conditions tested. The present results underline that a thorough investigation of surface morphology, chemical composition and wetting properties reveals their strongly connection and helps optimizing the combination of substrate nanostructuring and suitable chemical coating for an improved durability in different aggressive environments.

  16. La prévention des blessures causées par les véhicules tout-terrains

    PubMed Central

    Yanchar, Natalie L


    RÉSUMÉ Les véhicules tout-terrains (VTT) sont largement utilisés au Canada dans le cadre des loisirs, du transport et du travail, tel que l’agriculture. En qualité de véhicules automobiles, ils peuvent être particulièrement dangereux lorsqu’ils sont utilisés par des enfants et des jeunes adolescents qui ne possèdent pas les connaissances, la taille physique, la force et les compétences cognitives et motrices nécessaires pour les conduire en toute sécurité. La magnitude du risque de blessures pour les jeunes conducteurs est exposée de manière explicite dans les avertissements figurant dans le manuel du conducteur et sur les étiquettes des modèles les plus récents. Elle est également et démontrée par le nombre important d’hospitalisations et de décès pédiatriques attribuables à des traumatismes liés aux VTT. Cependant, le port du casque est loin d’être universel chez les jeunes conducteurs, et les comportements de conduite non sécuritaires demeurent courants, tels que la conduite sans supervision ou avec des passagers. Malgré les avertissements de l’industrie et l’éducation publique qui font ressortir l’importance de comportements sécuritaires et les risques de graves blessures chez les enfants et les adolescents, on continue de recenser des blessures et des décès liés aux VTT. Tant que des mesures n’auront pas été prises pour réduire ces blessures de manière substantielle et efficace, il est essentiel de limiter la conduite par des jeunes, notamment ceux de moins de 16 ans, afin de réduire le fardeau des traumatismes liés aux VTT chez les enfants et les adolescents. Le présent document remplace le document de principes de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie publié en 2004.

  17. Implantation des sites de soins communautaires en République Démocratique du Congo: consécration d'un double standard dans l'accès aux soins

    PubMed Central

    Dunia, Gisèle Mawazo Binti


    Depuis 2005, la République Démocratique du Congo a amorcé l'implantation des sites de soins communautaires. Cette stratégie a pour objectif de rapprocher les services de santé des populations éloignées. Bien que cela parte d'une bonne intention, elle résulte, à notre sens, en une consécration d'un système de santé à deux vitesses. En effet, les populations vivant en ville ont accès à des soins prestés par des agents de santé formés alors que celles vivant en milieu rural reculé ont pour prestataires de soins des relais communautaires. Cette situation marginalise encore plus des populations dont la situation géographique est déjà préoccupante. Pourtant, la population est prête à parcourir des kilomètres en échange d'un service qu'elle estime de qualité. PMID:23785563

  18. Controlled release of vancomycin from thin sol-gel films on implant surfaces successfully controls osteomyelitis.


    Adams, Christopher S; Antoci, Valentin; Harrison, Gerald; Patal, Payal; Freeman, Terry A; Shapiro, Irving M; Parvizi, Javad; Hickok, Noreen J; Radin, Shula; Ducheyne, Paul


    Peri-prosthetic infection remains a serious complication of joint replacement surgery. Herein, we demonstrate that a vancomycin-containing sol-gel film on Ti alloy rods can successfully treat bacterial infections in an animal model. The vancomycin-containing sol-gel films exhibited predictable release kinetics, while significantly inhibiting S. aureus adhesion. When evaluated in a rat osteomyelitis model, microbiological analysis indicated that the vancomycin-containing sol-gel film caused a profound decrease in S. aureus number. Radiologically, while the control side showed extensive bone degradation, including abscesses and an extensive periosteal reaction, rods coated with the vancomycin-containing sol-gel film resulted in minimal signs of infection. MicroCT analysis confirmed the radiological results, while demonstrating that the vancomycin-containing sol-gel film significantly protected dense bone from resorption and minimized remodeling. These results clearly demonstrate that this novel thin sol-gel technology can be used for the targeted delivery of antibiotics for the treatment of periprosthetic as well as other bone infections. Copyright 2008 Orthopaedic Research Society

  19. Sol-gel Technology and Advanced Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chu, Chung-tse; Zheng, Haixing


    Advanced materials play an important role in the development of electrochemical energy devices such as batteries, fuel cells, and electrochemical capacitors. The sol-gel process is a versatile solution for use in the fabrication of ceramic materials with tailored stoichiometry, microstructure, and properties. This processing technique is particularly useful in producing porous materials with high surface area and low density, two of the most desirable characteristics for electrode materials. In addition,the porous surface of gels can be modified chemically to create tailored surface properties, and inorganic/organic micro-composites can be prepared for improved material performance device fabrication. Applications of several sol-gel derived electrode materials in different energy storage devices are illustrated in this paper. V2O5 gels are shown to be a promising cathode material for solid state lithium batteries. Carbon aerogels, amorphous RuO2 gels and sol-gel derived hafnium compounds have been studied as electrode materials for high energy density and high power density electrochemical capacitors.

  20. Des ballons pour demain

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Régipa, R.

    A partir d'une théorie sur la détermination des formes et des contraintes globales d'un ballon de révolution, ou s'en rapprochant, une nouvelle famille de ballons a été définie. Les ballons actuels, dits de ``forme naturelle'', sont calculés en général pour une tension circonférencielle nulle. Ainsi, pour une mission donnée, la tension longitudinale et la forme de l'enveloppe sont strictement imposées. Les ballons de la nouvelle génération sont globalement cylindriques et leurs pôles sont réunis par un câble axial, chargé de transmettre une partie des efforts depuis le crochet (pôle inférieur), directement au pôle supérieur. De plus, la zone latérale cylindrique est soumise à un faible champ de tensions circonférencielles. Ainsi, deux paramètres permettent de faire évoluer la distribution des tensions et la forme de l'enveloppe: - la tension du câble de liaison entre pôles (ou la longueur de ce câble) - la tension circonférencielle moyenne désirée (ou le rayon du ballon). On peut donc calculer et réaliser: - soit des ballons de forme adaptée, comme les ballons à fond plat pour le bon fonctionnement des montgolfières infrarouge (projet MIR); - soit des ballons optimisés pour une bonne répartition des contraintes et une meilleure utilisation des matériaux d'enveloppe, pour l'ensemble des programmes stratosphériques. Il s'ensuit une économie sensible des coûts de fabrication, une fiabilité accrue du fonctionnement de ces ballons et une rendement opérationnel bien supérieur, permettant entre autres, d'envisager des vols à très haute altitude en matériaux très légers.

  1. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and Cancer


    ... Genetics Services Directory Cancer Prevention Overview Research Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and Cancer On This Page What is DES? ... outlined in the table below. Fertility Problems in DES Daughters ( 7 ) Fertility Complication Hazard Ratio Percent Cumulative ...

  2. Spirit Look Ahead on Sol 1869

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This scene combines three frames taken by the navigation camera on NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit during the 1,869th Martian day, or sol, of Spirit mission on Mars April 6, 2009. It spans 120 degrees, with south at the center.

  3. Studies of (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxylsilane and bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane sol-gel coating on copper and aluminum.


    Li, Ying-Sing; Lu, Weijie; Wang, Yu; Tran, Tuan


    Bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane (BTMSE) and (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (MPTMS) have been used as precursors to prepare sol-gels and hybrid sol-gel under acidic condition. From the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data on MPTMS sol-gel coated aluminum and copper, it has been shown that the silane film is covalently bonded to Al surface through the interfacial condensation. There is no evidence of bonding interaction between the thiol group and the Cu. The recorded reflection adsorption IR (RAIR) spectrum has provided evidence that the coating BTMSE film covalently interacts with Al. Vibrational assignments have been suggested for pure BTMSE, BTMSE sol-gel, BTMSE xerogel, and BTMSE coated Al panel based on the group frequencies and the variation of frequencies with the sample treatment conditions. The progression of condensation reaction has been observed from the IR spectra of the BTMSE sol-gel and the sol-gel coated film after the treatments at different temperatures with different lengths of time. The corrosion protection of the sol-gel coated Al and Cu has been characterized in NaCl solutions by cyclic voltammetric, potentiodynamic polarization and impedance spectroscopy methods. All these electrochemical measurements indicate that the sol-gel coated metals have better corrosion protection than the corresponding uncoated metals.

  4. Investigations of the small-scale thermal behavior of sol-gel thermites.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Warren, Mial E.; Farrow, Matthew; Tappan, Alexander Smith


    Sol-gel thermites, formulated from nanoporous oxides and dispersed fuel particles, may provide materials useful for small-scale, intense thermal sources, but understanding the factors affecting performance is critical prior to use. Work was conducted on understanding the synthesis conditions, thermal treatments, and additives that lead to different performance characteristics in iron oxide sol-gel thermites. Additionally, the safety properties of sol-gel thermites were investigated, especially those related to air sensitivity. Sol-gel thermites were synthesized using a variety of different techniques and there appear to be many viable routes to relatively equivalent thermites. These thermites were subjected to several different thermal treatments undermore » argon in a differential scanning calorimeter, and it was shown that a 65 C hold for up to 200 minutes was effective for the removal of residual solvent, thus preventing boiling during the final thermal activation step. Vacuum-drying prior to this heating was shown to be even more effective at removing residual solvent. The addition of aluminum and molybdenum trioxide (MoO{sub 3}) reduced the total heat release per unit mass upon exposure to air, probably due to a decrease in the amount of reduced iron oxide species in the thermite. For the thermal activation step of heat treatment, three different temperatures were investigated. Thermal activation at 200 C resulted in increased ignition sensitivity over thermal activation at 232 C, and thermal activation at 300 C resulted in non-ignitable material. Non-sol-gel iron oxide did not exhibit any of the air-sensitivity observed in sol-gel iron oxide. In the DSC experiments, no bulk ignition of sol-gel thermites was observed upon exposure to air after thermal activation in argon; however ignition did occur when the material was heated in air after thermal treatment. In larger-scale experiments, up to a few hundred milligrams, no ignition was observed upon exposure

  5. Opportunity's View After Drive on Sol 1806 (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11816 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11816

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this stereo, full-circle view of the rover's surroundings just after driving 60.86 meters (200 feet) on the 1,806th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (Feb. 21, 2009). North is at the center; south at both ends.

    This view combines images from the left-eye and right-eye sides of the navigation camera. It appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses with the red lens on the left.

    Tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    Engineers designed the Sol 1806 drive to be driven backwards as a strategy to redistribute lubricant in the rovers wheels. The right-front wheel had been showing signs of increased friction.

    The rover's position after the Sol 1806 drive was about 2 kilometer (1.2 miles) south southwest of Victoria Crater. Cumulative odometry was 14.74 kilometers (9.16 miles) since landing in January 2004, including 2.96 kilometers (1.84 miles) since climbing out of Victoria Crater on the west side of the crater on Sol 1634 (August 28, 2008).

    This view is presented as a cylindrical-perspective projection with geometric seam correction.

  6. PON-Sol: prediction of effects of amino acid substitutions on protein solubility.


    Yang, Yang; Niroula, Abhishek; Shen, Bairong; Vihinen, Mauno


    Solubility is one of the fundamental protein properties. It is of great interest because of its relevance to protein expression. Reduced solubility and protein aggregation are also associated with many diseases. We collected from literature the largest experimentally verified solubility affecting amino acid substitution (AAS) dataset and used it to train a predictor called PON-Sol. The predictor can distinguish both solubility decreasing and increasing variants from those not affecting solubility. PON-Sol has normalized correct prediction ratio of 0.491 on cross-validation and 0.432 for independent test set. The performance of the method was compared both to solubility and aggregation predictors and found to be superior. PON-Sol can be used for the prediction of effects of disease-related substitutions, effects on heterologous recombinant protein expression and enhanced crystallizability. One application is to investigate effects of all possible AASs in a protein to aid protein engineering. PON-Sol is freely available at The training and test data are available at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  7. Spirit's View Beside 'Home Plate' on Sol 1823

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images that have been combined into this 180-degree view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,823rd Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's surface mission (Feb. 17, 2009).

    The center of the view is toward the south-southwest.

    The rover had driven 7 meters (23 feet) eastward earlier on Sol 1823, part of maneuvering to get Spirit into a favorable position for climbing onto the low plateau called 'Home Plate.' However, after two driving attempts with negligible progress during the following three sols, the rover team changed its strategy for getting to destinations south of Home Plate. The team decided to drive Spirit at least partway around Home Plate, instead of ascending the northern edge and taking a shorter route across the top of the plateau.

    Layered rocks forming part of the northern edge of Home Plate can be seen near the center of the image. Rover wheel tracks are visible at the lower edge.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  8. Sol-Gel-Synthesis of Nanoscopic Complex Metal Fluorides

    PubMed Central

    Rehmer, Alexander; Scheurell, Kerstin; Scholz, Gudrun; Kemnitz, Erhard


    The fluorolytic sol-gel synthesis for binary metal fluorides (AlF3, CaF2, MgF2) has been extended to ternary and quaternary alkaline earth metal fluorides (CaAlF5, Ca2AlF7, LiMgAlF6). The formation and crystallization of nanoscopic ternary CaAlF5 and Ca2AlF7 sols in ethanol were studied by 19F liquid and solid state NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy, as well as transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The crystalline phases of the annealed CaAlF5, Ca2AlF7, and LiMgAlF6 xerogels between 500 and 700 °C could be determined by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and 19F solid state NMR spectroscopy. The thermal behavior of un-annealed nanoscopic ternary and quaternary metal fluoride xerogels was ascertained by thermal analysis (TG/DTA). The obtained crystalline phases of CaAlF5 and Ca2AlF7 derived from non-aqueous sol-gel process were compared to crystalline phases from the literature. The corresponding nanoscopic complex metal fluoride could provide a new approach in ceramic and luminescence applications. PMID:29099086

  9. Etat des lieux des soins de premier recours des malades mentaux à Antananarivo : étude rétrospective

    PubMed Central

    Bakohariliva, Hasina Andrianarivony; Rafehivola, Imisanavalona Hanitrinihaja; Raobelle, Evah Norotiana; Raharivelo, Adeline; Rajaonarison, Bertille Hortense


    Résumé Religion et guérisseurs traditionnels occupent encore une place prépondérante dans la prise en charge des maladies mentales à Madagascar. Ainsi, nous nous sommes fixés comme objectif d'établir un état des lieux sur les soins de premier recours des malades mentaux. Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective descriptive s'étalant sur une période de 16 mois allant de janvier 2014 en avril 2015 au sein du service de psychiatrie du CHU de Befelatanana à Antananarivo. La prévalence des psychoses était de 25%. Le genre féminin (53%), l'ethnie merina (77%), les étudiants (45%), le niveau d'étude secondaire (40%), les célibataires (72%), la religion protestante (45%), ainsi que le niveau socio-économique moyen (57,5%) étaient prédominants. Dans les paramètres cliniques, le mode de début brutal (52%), le premier recours à la religion (40%), la présence d'antécédents des cas similaire (90%), étaient majoritaires. La schizophrénie était la pathologie la plus rencontrée dans la moitié des cas. Le délai d'amélioration en cas de traitement religieux et traditionnels était dans la moitié des cas de plus de 10 jours d'hospitalisation. Les patients ayant reçu une prise en charge psychiatrique en premier recours, étaient améliorés dans 75 % cas en moins de 10jours. Le retard du recours aux soins psychiatriques est une réalité à Madagascar qui aggrave le pronostic des psychoses. PMID:29632623

  10. Titanium (IV) sol-gel chemistry in varied gravity environments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hales, Matthew; Martens, Wayde; Steinberg, Theodore

    Sol-gel synthesis in reduced gravity is a relatively new topic in the literature and further inves-tigation is essential to realise its potential and application to other sol-gel systems. The sol-gel technique has been successfully applied to the synthesis of silica systems of varying porosity for many diverse applications [1-5]. It is proposed that current methods for the synthesis of silica sol-gels in reduced gravity may be applied to titanium sol-gel processing in order to enhance desirable physical and chemical characteristics of the final materials. The physical and chemical formation mechanisms for titanium alkoxide based sol-gels, to date, is not fully understood. However, various authors [6-9] have described potential methods to control the hydrolysis and condensation reactions of titanium alkoxides through the use of chemical inhibitors. A preliminary study of the reaction kinetics of titanium alkoxide sol-gel reaction in normal gravity was undertaken in order to determine reactant mixtures suitable for further testing under varied gravity conditions of limited duration. Through the use of 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) for structural analysis of precursor materials, Ultra-Violet-Visible spectroscopy (UV-VIS) and viscosity measurements, it was demonstrated that not only could the rate of the chemical reaction could be controlled, but directed linear chain growth within the resulting gel structure was achievable through the use of increased inhibitor concentrations. Two unique test systems have been fabricated to study the effects of varied gravity (reduced, normal, high) on the formation of titanium sol-gels. Whilst the first system is to be used in conjunction with the recently commissioned drop tower facility at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia to produce reduced gravity conditions. The second system is a centrifuge capable of providing high gravity environments of up to 70 G's for extended periods of time

  11. Increasing the activity and enantioselectivity of lipases by sol-gel immobilization: further advancements of practical interest

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tielmann, Patrick; Kierkels, Hans; Zonta, Albin; Ilie, Adriana; Reetz, Manfred T.


    The entrapment of lipases in hydrophobic silicate matrices formed by sol-gel mediated hydrolysis of RSi(OCH3)3/Si(OCH3)4 as originally reported in 1996 has been improved over the years by a number of modifications. In the production of second-generation sol-gel lipase immobilizates, a variety of additives during the sol-gel process leads to increased activity and enhanced stereoselectivity in esterifying kinetic resolution. Recent advances in this type of lipase immobilization are reviewed here, in addition to new results regarding the sol-gel entrapment of the lipase from Burkholderia cepacia. It constitutes an excellent heterogeneous biocatalyst in the acylating kinetic resolution of two synthetically and industrially important chiral alcohols, rac-sulcatol and rac-trans-2-methoxycyclohexanol. The observation that the catalyst can be used 10 times in recycling experiments without losing its significant activity or enantioselectivity demonstrates the practical viability of the sol-gel approach.The entrapment of lipases in hydrophobic silicate matrices formed by sol-gel mediated hydrolysis of RSi(OCH3)3/Si(OCH3)4 as originally reported in 1996 has been improved over the years by a number of modifications. In the production of second-generation sol-gel lipase immobilizates, a variety of additives during the sol-gel process leads to increased activity and enhanced stereoselectivity in esterifying kinetic resolution. Recent advances in this type of lipase immobilization are reviewed here, in addition to new results regarding the sol-gel entrapment of the lipase from Burkholderia cepacia. It constitutes an excellent heterogeneous biocatalyst in the acylating kinetic resolution of two synthetically and industrially important chiral alcohols, rac-sulcatol and rac-trans-2-methoxycyclohexanol. The observation that the catalyst can be used 10 times in recycling experiments without losing its significant activity or enantioselectivity demonstrates the practical viability of

  12. Tantala-based sol-gel coating for capillary microextraction on-line coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography.


    Tran, MinhPhuong; Turner, Erica B; Segro, Scott S; Fang, Li; Seyyal, Emre; Malik, Abdul


    A sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrid sorbent, consisting of chemically integrated tantalum (V) ethoxide (TaEO) and polypropylene glycol methacrylate (PPGM), was developed for capillary microextraction (CME). The sol-gel sorbent was synthesized within a fused silica capillary through hydrolytic polycondensation of TaEO and chemical incorporation of PPGM into the evolving sol-gel tantala network. A part of the organic-inorganic hybrid sol-gel network evolving in the vicinity of the capillary walls had favorable conditions to get chemically bonded to the silanol groups on the capillary surface forming a surface-bonded coating. The newly developed sol-gel sorbent was employed to isolate and enrich a variety of analytes from aqueous samples for on-line analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equipped with a UV detector. CME was performed on aqueous samples containing trace concentrations of analytes representing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols, amines, nucleosides, and nucleotides. This sol-gel hybrid coating provided efficient extraction with CME-HPLC detection limits ranging from 4.41pM to 28.19 pM. Due to direct chemical bonding between the sol-gel sorbent coating and the fused silica capillary inner surface, this sol-gel sorbent exhibited enhanced solvent stability. The sol-gel tantala-based sorbent also exhibited excellent pH stability over a wide pH range (pH 0-pH 14). Furthermore, it displayed great performance reproducibility in CME-HPLC providing run-to-run HPLC peak area relative standard deviation (RSD) values between 0.23% and 3.83%. The capillary-to-capillary RSD (n=3), characterizing capillary preparation method reproducibility, ranged from 0.24% to 4.11%. The results show great performance consistency and application potential for the sol-gel tantala-PPGM sorbent in various fields including biomedical, pharmaceutical, and environmental areas. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. La prise en charge des troubles de santé mentale par les omnipraticiens du Québec

    PubMed Central

    Fleury, Marie-Josée; Farand, Lambert; Aubé, Denise; Imboua, Armelle


    Résumé Objectif Cette recherche vise à documenter la prise en charge des troubles mentaux (TM) par les omnipraticiens. Type d’étude Il s’agit d’une étude mixte intégrant un questionnaire auto-administré et des entrevues qualitatives. La banque de données administratives des actes médicaux de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec a aussi été analysée. Contexte La province de Québec. Participants Un total de 1415 omnipraticiens de différents lieux de pratiques ont été sollicités pour le questionnaire; 970 ont été rejoints. Un sous-groupe de 60 omnipraticiens a été rejoint pour les entrevues. Principaux paramètres à l'étude La prévalence annuelle des consultations reliées à des TM courants (TMC) ou graves (TMG), les pratiques cliniques, les pratiques de collaboration, les facteurs facilitant ou entravant la prise en charge des TM, ainsi que les recommandations pour l’amélioration du système de soins. Résultats Le taux de réponse a été de 41% (n = 398 omnipraticiens) pour le questionnaire et de 63% (n = 60) pour les entrevues. Environ 25 % des visites chez les omnipraticiens sont associées à des TM. Presque tous les omnipraticiens prennent en charge des TMC et se sentent compétents pour le faire, à l’inverse de la situation retrouvée pour les TMG. Près de 20 % des TMC sont référés (principalement à des intervenants psychosociaux), alors que près de 75 % des TMG sont référés (surtout en psychiatrie et à l’urgence). Plus de 50 % des omnipraticiens affirment n’entretenir aucun contact avec l’une ou l’autre des ressources de santé mentale. Plusieurs facteurs influencent la prise en charge des TM: les profils des patients (complexité des TM, troubles concomitants); les caractéristiques des omnipraticiens (réseau informel, formation); la culture professionnelle (travail en silo, mécanismes cliniques formalisés); le milieu institutionnel (multidisciplinarité, salariat); l’organisation des

  14. Litigation involving DES.


    Rheingold, P D


    Focus is on the diethylstilbestrol (DES) litigation which has resulted from the 1971 discovery that this synthetic estrogen can cause cancer in the daughters of women who used the drug during pregnancy in an effort to prevent threatened abortion. Possibly 100 suits are pending at this time in which DES daughters claim injuries. In most of these vaginal or cervical cancer has appeared -- with or without a hysterectomy having been performed. Several women died from cancer. The fact that the use of DES occurred many years ago is the legal hurdle most troublesome to lawyers. The average women coming to a lawyer's office today has a mother who used some form of DES, perhaps in 1955. Few drugstores have records today of the prescriptions which they filled 20 years ago. It has been estimated that over the 1950-1970 period more than 200 different companies manufactured or "tabletized" under their own name DES plus a variety of similar synthetic estrogens promoted for the prevention of threatened abortion. A further hurdle caused by the passage of time is that even the records of the physicians are frequently lost. A final problem created by the age of the cases is statute of limitations. If the actual manufacturer of the DES cannot be identified, this is generally the end of the lawyer's interest in the case. The chance of the plaintiff winning may be increased if the action against all the manufacturers is a class action. Most of the pending DES suits are against the manufacturer and not against the doctor. Thus far no DES case has been tried to completion. Several have been settled by the manufacturers on the eve of the trial, generally for less than the full sum that a cancer victim would expect to receive.

  15. Médecine des voyages

    PubMed Central

    Aw, Brian; Boraston, Suni; Botten, David; Cherniwchan, Darin; Fazal, Hyder; Kelton, Timothy; Libman, Michael; Saldanha, Colin; Scappatura, Philip; Stowe, Brian


    Résumé Objectif Définir la pratique de la médecine des voyages, présenter les éléments fondamentaux d’une consultation complète préalable aux voyages à des voyageurs internationaux et aider à identifier les patients qu’il vaudrait mieux envoyer en consultation auprès de professionnels de la médecine des voyages. Sources des données Les lignes directrices et les recommandations sur la médecine des voyages et les maladies liées aux voyages publiées par les autorités sanitaires nationales et internationales ont fait l’objet d’un examen. Une recension des ouvrages connexes dans MEDLINE et EMBASE a aussi été effectuée. Message principal La médecine des voyages est une spécialité très dynamique qui se concentre sur les soins préventifs avant un voyage. Une évaluation exhaustive du risque pour chaque voyageur est essentielle pour mesurer avec exactitude les risques particuliers au voyageur, à son itinéraire et à sa destination et pour offrir des conseils sur les interventions les plus appropriées en gestion du risque afin de promouvoir la santé et prévenir les problèmes médicaux indésirables durant le voyage. Des vaccins peuvent aussi être nécessaires et doivent être personnalisés en fonction des antécédents d’immunisation du voyageur, de son itinéraire et du temps qu’il reste avant son départ. Conclusion La santé et la sécurité d’un voyageur dépendent du degré d’expertise du médecin qui offre le counseling préalable à son voyage et les vaccins, au besoin. On recommande à ceux qui donnent des conseils aux voyageurs d’être conscients de l’ampleur de cette responsabilité et de demander si possible une consultation auprès de professionnels de la médecine des voyages pour tous les voyageurs à risque élevé.

  16. Spectroscopic studies of trimetoxypropylsilane and bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane sol-gel coatings on aluminum and copper.


    Li, Ying-Sing; Tran, Tuan; Xu, Yue; Vecchio, Nicolas E


    Trimethoxypropylsilane (TMPS) and bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane (BTMSE) were used as surface modifiers of metal vie the sol-gel process and dip coating. In addition to the single coating of Al, Cu and Sn, double treatments of Al were also conducted by combining coatings with these sol-gels in different sequences. Reflection and absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIR) was employed to characterize and to trace the proceeding of the sol-gel process of the films. It was found that the silanol condensation occurs in the coating films on Al and the covalent linkage exists between the TMPS film and copper surface. From the assigned vibration modes, two conformers were identified in pure TMPS, TMPS sol-gel and coated film. A series of dip coating experiments with different concentrations of TMPS sol-gel was conducted, and the results from the collected RAIR spectra of the coated samples suggested that the coated Cu consistently has a better RAIR spectrum than that of the coated Al. The TMPS sol-gel appeared to have a better affinity to Cu than to Al. The temperature effect and the aging effect in the coating films were studied. X-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to characterize the coated film, and the XPS data confirm the formation of the siloxane film from the silane coupling agents (SCA). Electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) have been collected for bare Al and Cu, BTMSE sol-gel coated Al, and TMPS sol-gel coated Cu in 0.15M NaCl solution. The corresponding electronic circuit parameters have been determined to match the experimental EIS data.

  17. Liposomes as protective capsules for active silica sol-gel biocomposite synthesis.


    Li, Ye; Yip, Wai Tak


    Using liposome to shield an enzyme from hostile chemical environments during the sol-gel formation process has resulted in a novel approach to synthesizing silica sol-gel biocomposite materials. By reporting the encapsulation of horseradish peroxidase and firefly luciferase, we demonstrate that this new protocol can produce silica biocomposites that are more active than trapping the enzymes directly into hydrogels.

  18. Approaching Endeavour Crater, Sol 2,680

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This image from the navigation camera on NASA Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the view ahead on the day before the rover reached the rim of Endeavour crater. It was taken during the 2,680th Martian day, or sol, of the rover work on Mars.

  19. Restauration fonctionnelle du rachis : effet du niveau initial de douleur sur les performances des sujets lombalgiques chroniques

    PubMed Central

    Caby, Isabelle; Olivier, N; Mendelek, F; Kheir, R Bou; Vanvelcenaher, J; Pelayo, P


    HISTORIQUE : La lombalgie chronique est une douleur lombaire persistante d’origine multifactorielle. Le niveau de douleur initial reste faiblement utilisé pour analyser et comparer les réponses des patients lombalgiques au programme de reconditionnement. OBJECTIFS : Apprécier et évaluer les réponses des sujets lombalgiques chroniques très douloureux à une prise en charge dynamique et intensive. MÉTHODOLOGIE : 144 sujets atteints de lombalgie chronique ont été inclus dans un programme de restauration fonctionnelle du rachis de 5 semaines. Les sujets ont été classés en deux groupes de niveau de douleur: un groupe atteint de douleur sévère (n = 28) et un groupe atteint de douleur légère à modérée (n = 106). L’ensemble des sujets ont bénéficié d’une prise en charge identique comprenant principalement de la kinésithérapie, de l’ergothérapie, du reconditionnement musculaire et cardio-vasculaire ainsi qu’un suivi psychologique. Les paramètres physiques (flexibilité, force musculaire) et psychologiques (qualité de vie) ont été mesurés avant (T0) et après le programme (T5sem). RÉSULTATS : L’ensemble des performances physiques et fonctionnelles des sujets très douloureux sont moins bonnes et le retentissement de la lombalgie sur la qualité de vie, pour ces mêmes sujets, est majoré à T0. Toutes les différences significatives constatées à T0 entre les deux groupes s’effacent à T5sem. CONCLUSIONS : Les sujets lombalgiques chroniques très douloureux répondent favorablement au programme dynamique et intensif. L’intensité douloureuse de la lombalgie n’aurait pas d’effet sur les réponses au programme. La restauration fonctionnelle du rachis apporterait aux sujets la possibilité de mieux gérer leur douleur quel que soit son niveau. PMID:25299476

  20. Opportunity's Surroundings After Sol 1820 Drive (Vertical)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,820th to 1,822nd Martian days, or sols, of Opportunity's surface mission (March 7 to 9, 2009).

    This view is presented as a vertical projection with geometric seam correction. North is at the top.

    The rover had driven 20.6 meters toward the northwest on Sol 1820 before beginning to take the frames in this view. Tracks from that drive recede southwestward. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock.

  1. Opportunity's Surroundings After Sol 1820 Drive (Polar)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,820th to 1,822nd Martian days, or sols, of Opportunity's surface mission (March 7 to 9, 2009).

    This view is presented as a polar projection with geometric seam correction. North is at the top.

    The rover had driven 20.6 meters toward the northwest on Sol 1820 before beginning to take the frames in this view. Tracks from that drive recede southwestward. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock.

  2. Novel carboxy functionalized sol-gel precursors

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wolter, H.; Storch, W.; Gellermann, C.


    A novel family of inorganic-organic copolymers (ORMOCER`s) derived from urethane- and thioether(meth)acrylate alkoxysilanes has been successfully exploited for a variety of diverse applications. In order to widen the range of applications an additional functionality (carboxy group) has been incorporated int his silane type. Conventional sol-gel processing facilitates the formation of an inorganic Si-O-Si-network via hydrolysis and polycondensation reactions of alkoxysilyl moieties and in addition, the (meth)acrylate groups are available for radically induced polymerization to obtain a complementary organic polymer structure. The presence of a carboxy group would appear to have great potential for a range of diverse areas of application,more » such as an internal catalyst for the sol-gel process, complexation of elements such as Zr and Ti, increasing the adhesion to various substrates and modification of solubility. A number of novel silanes and their syntheses will be described in this paper.« less

  3. Sol-gel precursors and products thereof


    Warren, Scott C.; DiSalvo, Jr., Francis J.; Weisner, Ulrich B.


    The present invention provides a generalizable single-source sol-gel precursor capable of introducing a wide range of functionalities to metal oxides such as silica. The sol-gel precursor facilitates a one-molecule, one-step approach to the synthesis of metal-silica hybrids with combinations of biological, catalytic, magnetic, and optical functionalities. The single-source precursor also provides a flexible route for simultaneously incorporating functional species of many different types. The ligands employed for functionalizing the metal oxides are derived from a library of amino acids, hydroxy acids, or peptides and a silicon alkoxide, allowing many biological functionalities to be built into silica hybrids. The ligands can coordinate with a wide range of metals via a carboxylic acid, thereby allowing direct incorporation of inorganic functionalities from across the periodic table. Using the single-source precursor a wide range of functionalized nanostructures such as monolith structures, mesostructures, multiple metal gradient mesostructures and Stober-type nanoparticles can be synthesized. ##STR00001##

  4. Le groupe de recherches transfusionnelles d’Afrique francophone: bilan des cinq premières années

    PubMed Central

    Tagny, Claude Tayou; Murphy, Edward L.; Lefrère, Jean-Jacques


    Les travaux de recherches sur la sécurité transfusionnelle en Afrique sub-saharienne sont peu nombreux, souvent limités à des initiatives locales avec des conclusions difficilement représentatives de cette région. Le Groupe de recherches transfusionnelles en Afrique sub-saharienne francophone a été créé en mai 2007 avec pour objectif de développer des stratégies globales d’amélioration de la sécurité transfusionnelle mais adaptables à la situation de chaque pays. Les activités du Groupe à ce jour ont porté essentiellement sur l’obtention de données épidémiologiques et de laboratoire sur la transfusion sanguine et à proposer des stratégies de sécurité transfusionnelle dans le domaine des infections transmissibles par la transfusion. Pour mener à bien ces activités de recherche, le Groupe travaille en étroite collaboration avec les Centres nationaux de transfusion sanguine (CNTS), les Centres régionaux de transfusion sanguine (CRTS), les banques de sang hospitalières (BSH) et les postes de collecte de sang. Pour les 5 premières années, quatre priorités de recherche ont été identifiées: (i) des études descriptives sur les caractéristiques des donneurs de sang et des centres de transfusion; (ii) une estimation du risque résiduel post-transfusionnel des principales infections virales transmissibles par la transfusion; (iii) une analyse des stratégies de sélection médicale des donneurs de sang; et (iv) une description des stratégies de dépistage des ITT et une description du système d’assurance qualité externe existant. Durant cette période, sept projets ont été mis en œuvre au niveau national et publiés et cinq études multicentriques ont été réalisées et publiées. La présente étude rapporte les principales observations et recommandations de ces études. PMID:24360798

  5. Radiation hardening of sol gel-derived silica fiber preforms through fictive temperature reduction.


    Hari Babu, B; Lancry, Matthieu; Ollier, Nadege; El Hamzaoui, Hicham; Bouazaoui, Mohamed; Poumellec, Bertrand


    The impact of fictive temperature (Tf) on the evolution of point defects and optical attenuation in non-doped and Er3+-doped sol-gel silica glasses was studied and compared to Suprasil F300 and Infrasil 301 glasses before and after γ-irradiation. To this aim, sol-gel optical fiber preforms have been fabricated by the densification of erbium salt-soaked nanoporous silica xerogels through the polymeric sol-gel technique. These γ-irradiated fiber preforms have been characterized by FTIR, UV-vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, and photoluminescence measurements. We showed that a decrease in the glass fictive temperature leads to a decrease in the glass disorder and strained bonds. This mainly results in a lower defect generation rate and thus less radiation-induced attenuation in the UV-vis range. Furthermore, it was found that γ-radiation "hardness" is higher in Er3+-doped sol-gel silica compared to un-doped sol-gel silica and standard synthetic silica glasses. The present work demonstrates an effective strategy to improve the radiation resistance of optical fiber preforms and glasses through glass fictive temperature reduction.

  6. Synthesis of Hollow Sphere and 1D Structural Materials by Sol-Gel Process.


    Li, Fa-Liang; Zhang, Hai-Jun


    The sol-gel method is a simple and facile wet chemical process for fabricating advanced materials with high homogeneity, high purity, and excellent chemical reactivity at a relatively low temperature. By adjusting the processing parameters, the sol-gel technique can be used to prepare hollow sphere and 1D structural materials that exhibit a wide application in the fields of catalyst, drug or gene carriers, photoactive, sensors and Li-ion batteries. This feature article reviewed the development of the preparation of hollow sphere and 1D structural materials using the sol-gel method. The effects of calcination temperature, soaking time, pH value, surfactant, etc., on the preparation of hollow sphere and 1D structural materials were summarized, and their formation mechanisms were generalized. Finally, possible future research directions of the sol-gel technique were outlined.

  7. Synthesis of Hollow Sphere and 1D Structural Materials by Sol-Gel Process

    PubMed Central

    Li, Fa-Liang; Zhang, Hai-Jun


    The sol-gel method is a simple and facile wet chemical process for fabricating advanced materials with high homogeneity, high purity, and excellent chemical reactivity at a relatively low temperature. By adjusting the processing parameters, the sol-gel technique can be used to prepare hollow sphere and 1D structural materials that exhibit a wide application in the fields of catalyst, drug or gene carriers, photoactive, sensors and Li-ion batteries. This feature article reviewed the development of the preparation of hollow sphere and 1D structural materials using the sol-gel method. The effects of calcination temperature, soaking time, pH value, surfactant, etc., on the preparation of hollow sphere and 1D structural materials were summarized, and their formation mechanisms were generalized. Finally, possible future research directions of the sol-gel technique were outlined. PMID:28841188

  8. Thermodynamic analysis of sol-gel transition of gelatin in terms of water activity in various solutions.


    Miyawaki, Osato; Omote, Chiaki; Matsuhira, Keiko


    Sol-gel transition of gelatin was analyzed as a multisite stoichiometric reaction of a gelatin molecule with water and solute molecules. The equilibrium sol-gel transition temperature, Tt , was estimated from the average of gelation and melting temperature measured by differential scanning calorimetry. From Tt and the melting enthalpy, ΔHsol , the equilibrium sol-to-gel ratio was estimated by the van't Hoff equation. The reciprocal form of the Wyman-Tanford equation, which describes the sol-to-gel ratio as a function of water activity, was successfully applied to obtain a good linear relationship. From this analysis, the role of water activity on the sol-gel transition of gelatin was clearly explained and the contributions of hydration and solute binding to gelatin molecules were separately discussed in sol-gel transition. The general solution for the free energy for gel-stabilization in various solutions was obtained as a simple function of solute concentration. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Solar sanitary system (SOL-SAN)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cobb, J.C.

    Ordinary composting toilets, because of cooling by evaporation, do not heat the product (humus) hot enough to kill all pathogenic viruses, bacteria, or parasite eggs and cysts. The SOL-SAN system uses direct radiation to pasteurize incoming river water for drinking and also, separately, to pasteurize and dry the humus, and to pasteurize the effluent gray/brown water. Work is in progress on simple fool-proof methods of insuring that the water will not flow out unless it has been pasteurized. Heat exchangers recapture the heat from these very hot pasteurized liquids, thereby warming more in-coming water for washing, which is important formore » preventing transmission of pathogenic microbes. When pasteurized, the humus and gray/brown water can safely be recycled to fertilize and water the family vegetable garden. Thus no sewer would be needed, and the vegetables or fish would grow well. Widespread use of the SOL-SAN system would save water and nutrients, reduce the prevalence of infectious diseases, improve the nutrition and vitality of the population, and save the large fraction of human food now consumed by parasites.« less

  10. Recent progress towards a quantitative description of filamentary SOL transport

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carralero, D.; Siccinio, M.; Komm, M.; Artene, S. A.; D'Isa, F. A.; Adamek, J.; Aho-Mantila, L.; Birkenmeier, G.; Brix, M.; Fuchert, G.; Groth, M.; Lunt, T.; Manz, P.; Madsen, J.; Marsen, S.; Müller, H. W.; Stroth, U.; Sun, H. J.; Vianello, N.; Wischmeier, M.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team; COMPASS Team; Contributors, JET; The EUROfusion MST Team


    A summary of recent results on filamentary transport, mostly obtained with the ASDEX-Upgrade tokamak (AUG), is presented and discussed in an attempt to produce a coherent picture of scrape-off layer (SOL) filamentary transport. A clear correlation is found between L-mode density shoulder formation in the outer midplane and a transition between the sheath-limited and the inertial filamentary regimes. Divertor collisionality is found to be the parameter triggering the transition. A clear reduction of the ion temperature takes place in the far SOL after the transition, both for the background and the filaments. This coincides with a strong variation of the ion temperature distribution, which deviates from Gaussianity and becomes dominated by a strong peak below 5 eV. The filament transition mechanism triggered by a critical value of collisionality seems to be generally applicable to inter-ELM H-mode plasmas, although a secondary threshold related to deuterium fueling is observed. EMC3-EIRENE simulations of neutral dynamics show that an ionization front near the main chamber wall is formed after the shoulder formation. Finally, a clear increase of SOL opacity to neutrals is observed, associated with the shoulder formation. A common SOL transport framework is proposed to account for all these results, and their potential implications for future generation devices are discussed.

  11. Hydroxyapatite, fluor-hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite produced via the sol-gel method. Optimisation, characterisation and rheology.


    Tredwin, Christopher J; Young, Anne M; Georgiou, George; Shin, Song-Hee; Kim, Hae-Won; Knowles, Jonathan C


    Currently, most titanium implant coatings are made using hydroxyapatite and a plasma spraying technique. There are however limitations associated with plasma spraying processes including poor adherence, high porosity and cost. An alternative method utilising the sol-gel technique offers many potential advantages but is currently lacking research data for this application. It was the objective of this study to characterise and optimise the production of Hydroxyapatite (HA), fluorhydroxyapatite (FHA) and fluorapatite (FA) using a sol-gel technique and assess the rheological properties of these materials. HA, FHA and FA were synthesised by a sol-gel method. Calcium nitrate and triethylphosphite were used as precursors under an ethanol-water based solution. Different amounts of ammonium fluoride (NH4F) were incorporated for the preparation of the sol-gel derived FHA and FA. Optimisation of the chemistry and subsequent characterisation of the sol-gel derived materials was carried out using X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA). Rheology of the sol-gels was investigated using a viscometer and contact angle measurement. A protocol was established that allowed synthesis of HA, FHA and FA that were at least 99% phase pure. The more fluoride incorporated into the apatite structure; the lower the crystallisation temperature, the smaller the unit cell size (changes in the a-axis), the higher the viscosity and contact angle of the sol-gel derived apatite. A technique has been developed for the production of HA, FHA and FA by the sol-gel technique. Increasing fluoride substitution in the apatite structure alters the potential coating properties. Crown Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Reconstruction of active regular motion in amoeba extract: dynamic cooperation between sol and gel states.


    Nishigami, Yukinori; Ichikawa, Masatoshi; Kazama, Toshiya; Kobayashi, Ryo; Shimmen, Teruo; Yoshikawa, Kenichi; Sonobe, Seiji


    Amoeboid locomotion is one of the typical modes of biological cell migration. Cytoplasmic sol-gel conversion of an actomyosin system is thought to play an important role in locomotion. However, the mechanisms underlying sol-gel conversion, including trigger, signal, and regulating factors, remain unclear. We developed a novel model system in which an actomyosin fraction moves like an amoeba in a cytoplasmic extract. Rheological study of this model system revealed that the actomyosin fraction exhibits shear banding: the sol-gel state of actomyosin can be regulated by shear rate or mechanical force. Furthermore, study of the living cell indicated that the shear-banding property also causes sol-gel conversion with the same order of magnitude as that of shear rate. Our results suggest that the inherent sol-gel transition property plays an essential role in the self-regulation of autonomous translational motion in amoeba.

  13. Sol-Gel Material-Enabled Electro-Optic Polymer Modulators

    PubMed Central

    Himmelhuber, Roland; Norwood, Robert A.; Enami, Yasufumi; Peyghambarian, Nasser


    Sol-gels are an important material class, as they provide easy modification of material properties, good processability and are easy to synthesize. In general, an electro-optic (EO) modulator transforms an electrical signal into an optical signal. The incoming electrical signal is most commonly information encoded in a voltage change. This voltage change is then transformed into either a phase change or an intensity change in the light signal. The less voltage needed to drive the modulator and the lower the optical loss, the higher the link gain and, therefore, the better the performance of the modulator. In this review, we will show how sol-gels can be used to enhance the performance of electro-optic modulators by allowing for designs with low optical loss, increased poling efficiency and manipulation of the electric field used for driving the modulator. The optical loss is influenced by the propagation loss in the device, as well as the losses occurring during fiber coupling in and out of the device. In both cases, the use of sol-gel materials can be beneficial due to the wide range of available refractive indices and low optical attenuation. The influence of material properties and synthesis conditions on the device performance will be discussed. PMID:26225971

  14. Investigation of corrosion protection performance of sol-gel surface treatments on AA2024-T3

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voevodin, Natalia Nikolajevna

    The dissertation research project addresses the technologically important problem of replacement of chromate based coatings for corrosion protection of aircraft. A review of corrosion processes in high-strength aluminum alloys indicated that the strengthening intermetallic precipitates provide local cathodic areas, which may initiate surface pitting. The mechanisms of chromate inhibition in these localized corrosion processes were identified. The environmental hazard of chromates was also highlighted, serves as the impetus for chromate coating replacement. Sol-gel coatings are shown as an excellent alternative, based on environment compliance, flexibility in the composition control, and reasonable costs. Several sol-gel coatings were formulated and applied to the surface of an AA2024-T3 alloy. The coating composition and bonding were analyzed with XPS and FTIR, surface morphology was studied with SEM and AFM, and corrosion protection properties were tested with EIS, PDS, salt water immersion, and salt-fog exposure. The results demonstrated that epoxy-zirconate sol-gel coatings can provide excellent barrier properties. A novel SVET technique was applied for studies of local electrochemical processes in the pitting formation. This technique was further refined in model studies of aluminum surfaces with artificially created local cathodic regions, experimental studies of chromate inhibition with pit formation, and pitting development studies in sol-gel coatings with artificially introduced defects. Mechanisms of pitting development and inhibition with the pit initiation and growth kinetics were established. The Zr-epoxy coatings are subjected to the pit development and undercutting in the absence of the corrosion inhibitors. Several organic and non-organic inhibitors were evaluated in the sol-gel coating composition. Organic inhibitors had a better compliance with sol-gel chemistry and were identified for future studies. Experiments were performed to verify that sol

  15. Robust aptamer sol-gel solid phase microextraction of very polar adenosine from human plasma.


    Mu, Li; Hu, Xiangang; Wen, Jianping; Zhou, Qixing


    Conventional solid phase microextraction (SPME) has a limited capacity to extract very polar analytes, such as adenosine. To solve this problem, aptamer conjugating sol-gel methodology was coupled with an SPME fiber. According to the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported use of aptamer SPME. The fiber of aptamer sol-gel SPME with a mesoporous structure has high porosity, large surface area, and small water contact angle. Rather than employing direct entrapment, covalent immobilization was the dominant method of aptamer loading in sol-gel. Aptamer sol-gel fiber captured a specified analyte from among the analog molecules, thereby, exhibiting an excellent selective property. Compared with commercial SPME fibers, this aptamer fiber was suitable for extracting adenosine, presenting an extraction efficiency higher than 20-fold. The values of repeatability and reproducibility expressed by relative standard deviation were low (9.4%). Interestingly, the sol-gel network enhanced the resistance of aptamer SPME to both nuclease and nonspecific proteins. Furthermore, the aptamer sol-gel fiber was applied in human plasma with LOQ 1.5 μg/L, which is an acceptable level. This fiber also demonstrates durability and regeneration over 20-cycles without significant loss of efficiency. Given the various targets (from metal ions to biomacromolecules and cells) of aptamers, this methodology will extend the multi-domain applications of SPME. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Sol-gel synthesis and adsorption properties of mesoporous manganese oxide

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ivanets, A. I.; Kuznetsova, T. F.; Prozorovich, V. G.


    Sol-gel synthesis of mesoporous xerogels of manganese oxide with different phase compositions has been performed. The manganese oxide sols were obtained by redox reactions of potassium permanganate with hydrogen peroxide or manganese(II) chloride in aqueous solutions. The isotherms of the low-temperature adsorption-desorption of nitrogen with manganese oxide xerogels treated at 80, 200, 400, and 600°C were measured. The samples were studied by electron microscopy and thermal and XRD analysis. The phase transformation and the changes in the adsorption and capillary-condensation properties of manganese oxide were shown to depend on the sol synthesis conditions and the temperature of the thermal treatment of the gel. The X-ray amorphous samples heated at 80°C were shown to have low values of the specific surface; at higher temperatures, the xerogel crystallized into mixed phases with various compositions and its surface area increased at 200-400°C and decreased at 600°C.

  17. Ultrapure glass optical waveguide development in microgravity by the sol-gel process

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mukherjee, S. P.; Holman, R. A.


    Multicomponent, homogeneous, noncrystalline oxide gels can be prepared by the sol-gel process and these gels are promising starting materials for melting glasses in the space environment. The sol-gel process referred to here is based on the polymerization reaction of alkoxysilane with other metal alkoxy compounds or suitable metal salts. Many of the alkoxysilanes or other metal alkoxides are liquids and thus can be purified by distillation. The use of gels offers several advantages such as high purity and lower melting times and temperatures. The sol-gel process is studied for utilization in the preparation of multicomponent ultrapure glass batches for subsequent containerless melting of the batches in space to prepare glass blanks for optical waveguides.

  18. Perceptions des jeunes victimes de violence sexuelle au sein de leurs relations amoureuses sur leur pire expérience

    PubMed Central

    Van Camp, Tinneke; Hébert, Martine; Fernet, Mylène; Blais, Martin; Lavoie, Francine


    Cette étude explore les pires expériences vécues dans les relations amoureuses de jeunes qui ont rapporté avoir vécu de la violence sexuelle dans une relation de couple récente. Quelles sont les situations perçues comme étant les plus difficiles par les jeunes et est-ce que celles-ci se limitent à des incidents violents? Le questionnaire sur les parcours amoureux des jeunes (PAJ) a été complété par des jeunes Québécois âgés de 14 à 18 ans. Au total, plus de 600 participants ont rapporté au moins un épisode de violence sexuelle (souvent en combinaison avec d’autres formes de violence). Nous présentons les résultats de l’analyse qualitative inductive fondée sur une question ouverte concernant la pire expérience vécue. Les observations suggèrent que, en plus des expériences de violence, les difficultés relationnelles, les ruptures amoureuses et les sentiments amoureux non réciproques sont des situations particulièrement difficiles selon les propos des jeunes. Ces différents enjeux vécus par les jeunes devraient être pris en considération dans l’offre de services d’intervention à leur intention. PMID:28191266

  19. Qualité des eaux de la station de traitement de la ville de Skikda, Algérie Essais d'optimisation de la clarification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meghzili, B.; Medjram, M. S.; Achour, S.


    A cause de la sécheresse qui a sévit durant une décennie, la station de traitement de l'eau potable de la ville de Skikda Algérie, en vue de combler le déficit en eau, utilise un mélange des eaux de surface (barrage) et des eaux souterraines (forage). Les résultats des analyses physico-chimiques de ces eaux montrent la présence de micropolluants, notamment le mercure, avec une concentration de 0.035 mg/l pour les eaux de surface et une concentration de 0.02 mg/l pour les eaux souterraines. Ces résultats obtenus, montrent également que la concentration en matières organiques dépasse, pour les deux sources, les normes OMS. Afin de réduire les effets de cette pollution, nous avons calculé les doses nécessaires des différents réactifs utilisés sur la base des essais d'optimisation réalisés en laboratoire. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de conclure que les doses de 30 à 60 mg/l de sulfate d'aluminium (S.A) sont nécessaires à une bonne élimination de la turbidité et des matières organiques (M.O) et que l'utilisation du charbon active en poudre (C.A.P) permet la réduction de la teneur en mercure au dessous du seuil admissible. L'utilisation d'un adjuvant (chaux vive) permet d'améliorer les résultats surtout pour la turbidité (4 mg/l). Une préchloration au break point semble intéressante pour améliorer la phase de floculation.

  20. Sol-gel immobilized short-chain poly(ethylene glycol) coating for capillary microextraction of underivatized polar analytes.


    Kulkarni, Sameer; Shearrow, Anne M; Malik, Abdul


    Sol-gel coating with covalently bonded low-molecular-weight (MW<300 Da) poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) chains was developed for capillary microextraction (CME). The sol-gel chemistry proved effective in the immobilization of low-molecular-weight PEGs thanks to the formation of chemical bonds between the organic-inorganic hybrid sol-gel PEG coating and the fused silica capillary inner surface. This chemical anchorage provided excellent thermal and solvent stability to the created sol-gel PEG coating as is evidenced by its high upper limit of allowable conditioning temperature (340 degrees C) and its practically identical performance before and after rinsing with various solvents. The prepared sol-gel PEG coating provided simultaneous extraction of moderately polar and highly polar analytes from aqueous samples without requiring derivatization, pH adjustment or salting-out procedures. Detection limits on the order of nanogram per liter (ng/L) were achieved in CME-GC-flame ionization detection experiments designed for the preconcentration and trace analysis of both highly polar and moderately polar compounds extracted directly from aqueous media using sol-gel short-chain PEG coated microextraction capillaries.

  1. Etude numerique et experimentale de la reponse vibro-acoustique des structures raidies a des excitations aeriennes et solidiennes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mejdi, Abderrazak

    Les fuselages des avions sont generalement en aluminium ou en composite renforces par des raidisseurs longitudinaux (lisses) et transversaux (cadres). Les raidisseurs peuvent etre metalliques ou en composite. Durant leurs differentes phases de vol, les structures d'avions sont soumises a des excitations aeriennes (couche limite turbulente : TBL, champs diffus : DAF) sur la peau exterieure dont l'energie acoustique produite se transmet a l'interieur de la cabine. Les moteurs, montes sur la structure, produisent une excitation solidienne significative. Ce projet a pour objectifs de developper et de mettre en place des strategies de modelisations des fuselages d'avions soumises a des excitations aeriennes et solidiennes. Tous d'abord, une mise a jour des modeles existants de la TBL apparait dans le deuxieme chapitre afin de mieux les classer. Les proprietes de la reponse vibro-acoustique des structures planes finies et infinies sont analysees. Dans le troisieme chapitre, les hypotheses sur lesquelles sont bases les modeles existants concernant les structures metalliques orthogonalement raidies soumises a des excitations mecaniques, DAF et TBL sont reexamines en premier lieu. Ensuite, une modelisation fine et fiable de ces structures est developpee. Le modele est valide numeriquement a l'aide des methodes des elements finis (FEM) et de frontiere (BEM). Des tests de validations experimentales sont realises sur des panneaux d'avions fournis par des societes aeronautiques. Au quatrieme chapitre, une extension vers les structures composites renforcees par des raidisseurs aussi en composites et de formes complexes est etablie. Un modele analytique simple est egalement implemente et valide numeriquement. Au cinquieme chapitre, la modelisation des structures raidies periodiques en composites est beaucoup plus raffinee par la prise en compte des effets de couplage des deplacements planes et transversaux. L'effet de taille des structures finies periodiques est egalement pris en

  2. SolCyc: a database hub at the Sol Genomics Network (SGN) for the manual curation of metabolic networks in Solanum and Nicotiana specific databases

    PubMed Central

    Foerster, Hartmut; Bombarely, Aureliano; Battey, James N D; Sierro, Nicolas; Ivanov, Nikolai V; Mueller, Lukas A


    Abstract SolCyc is the entry portal to pathway/genome databases (PGDBs) for major species of the Solanaceae family hosted at the Sol Genomics Network. Currently, SolCyc comprises six organism-specific PGDBs for tomato, potato, pepper, petunia, tobacco and one Rubiaceae, coffee. The metabolic networks of those PGDBs have been computationally predicted by the pathologic component of the pathway tools software using the manually curated multi-domain database MetaCyc ( as reference. SolCyc has been recently extended by taxon-specific databases, i.e. the family-specific SolanaCyc database, containing only curated data pertinent to species of the nightshade family, and NicotianaCyc, a genus-specific database that stores all relevant metabolic data of the Nicotiana genus. Through manual curation of the published literature, new metabolic pathways have been created in those databases, which are complemented by the continuously updated, relevant species-specific pathways from MetaCyc. At present, SolanaCyc comprises 199 pathways and 29 superpathways and NicotianaCyc accounts for 72 pathways and 13 superpathways. Curator-maintained, taxon-specific databases such as SolanaCyc and NicotianaCyc are characterized by an enrichment of data specific to these taxa and free of falsely predicted pathways. Both databases have been used to update recently created Nicotiana-specific databases for Nicotiana tabacum, Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana tomentosiformis by propagating verifiable data into those PGDBs. In addition, in-depth curation of the pathways in N.tabacum has been carried out which resulted in the elimination of 156 pathways from the 569 pathways predicted by pathway tools. Together, in-depth curation of the predicted pathway network and the supplementation with curated data from taxon-specific databases has substantially improved the curation status of the species–specific N.tabacum PGDB. The implementation of this

  3. Post-Drive View on Curiosity Sol 102

    NASA Image and Video Library


    NASA Mars rover Curiosity drove 83 feet eastward during the 102nd Martian day, or sol, of the mission Nov. 18, 2012. At the end of the drive, Curiosity view was toward Yellowknife Bay in the Glenelg area of Gale Crater.

  4. Solvent-resistant sol-gel polydimethyldiphenylsiloxane coating for on-line hyphenation of capillary microextraction with high-performance liquid chromatography.


    Segro, Scott S; Malik, Abdul


    A sol-gel polydimethyldiphenylsiloxane (PDMDPS) coating was developed for capillary microextraction on-line hyphenated with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This coating was created using methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS) as the sol-gel precursor and di-hydroxy-terminated PDMDPS as the sol-gel active polymer. The methyl and phenyl groups on the sol-gel active polymer and the methyl groups on the sol-gel precursor ultimately turned into pendant groups providing the ability to extract non-polar analytes. A 40-cm segment of 0.25 mm I.D. fused silica capillary containing the sol-gel PDMDPS coating was installed as an external sampling loop in an HPLC injection port. Aqueous samples containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aromatic compounds, ketones, and aldehydes were passed through this capillary wherein the analytes were extracted by the sol-gel coating. The extracted analytes were then transferred to the HPLC column using isocratic or gradient elution with an acetonitrile/water mobile phase. This capillary demonstrated excellent extraction capability for non-polar (e.g., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic compounds) as well as moderately polar compounds, such as aromatic amines, ketones, and aldehydes. The test results indicate that PDMDPS can be successfully immobilized into a sol-gel network and that the resulting solvent-resistant sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrid coating can be effectively used for on-line hyphenation of capillary microextraction with high-performance liquid chromatography. The test results also indicate that the sol-gel PDMDPS coated capillary is resistant to high-temperature solvents, making it suitable for applications in high-temperature HPLC. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the creation of a silica-based sol-gel PDMDPS coating used in capillary microextraction on-line hyphenated to HPLC.

  5. Blue light emission from trivalent cerium doped in sol-gel silica glass

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tokumitsu, Seika; Murakami, Yukon; Oda, Hisaya; Kawabe, Yutaka


    Rare earths in glass matrices are promising for active optical devices as amplifiers and lasers. Emission originating from d-f transitions in sol-gel glass has not been studied very often, while those based on f-f transitions were widely utilized. However, d-f emission in rare earths is very important because of their strong oscillator strength and broad emission widths suitable for the application to scintillators and solid-state lasers. Co-doping of aluminum in sol-gel synthesis was known to be effective for the emission enhancement of trivalent terbium and europium. Recently, we applied aluminum co-doping to cerium and europium systems in sol-gel glass to succeed in the observation of strong blue light emission originating from d-f transitions. Glass samples were prepared with conventional sol-gel process where tetramethylorthosilicate was hydrolyzed in the mixture of water, ethanol and dimethylformamide with nitric acid catalyst. After adding cerium nitrate and aluminum nitrate, the solution experienced drying followed by calcination at 1,050°C under air environment. When molar ratio of cerium to silicon was adjusted at 0.1% and Al concentration was varied in 0.1 2.0%, transparent glass products showed bright and broad blue photoluminescence under UV illumination. The fluorescence lifetimes were found to be about 50 90 ns, indicating that the emission was due to d-f transitions. Considering the simplicity of the process, blue phosphors based on sol-gel glass will be very promising for future applications.

  6. Application of the verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES) on a pediatric data set.


    Vatne, Torun M; Finset, Arnstein; Ørnes, Knut; Ruland, Cornelia M


    Adult patients present concerns as defined in the Verona Coding Definitions of Emotional Sequences (VR-CoDES), but we do not know how children express their concerns during medical consultations. This study aimed to evaluate the applicability of VR-CoDES to pediatric oncology consultations. Twenty-eight pediatric consultations were coded with the Verona Coding Definitions of Emotional Sequences (VR-CoDES), and the material was also qualitatively analyzed for descriptive purposes. Five consultations were randomly selected for reliability testing and descriptive statistics were computed. Perfect inter-rater reliability for concerns and moderate reliability for cues were obtained. Cues and/or concerns were present in over half of the consultations. Cues were more frequent than concerns, with the majority of cues being verbal hints to hidden concerns or non-verbal cues. Intensity of expressions, limitations in vocabulary, commonality of statements, and complexity of the setting complicated the use of VR-CoDES. Child-specific cues; use of the imperative, cues about past experiences, and use of onomatopoeia were observed. Children with cancer express concerns during medical consultations. VR-CoDES is a reliable tool for coding concerns in pediatric data sets. For future applications in pediatric settings an appendix should be developed to incorporate the child-specific traits. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Effectiveness of silica based sol-gel microencapsulation method for odorants and flavors leading to sustainable environment.


    Ashraf, Muhammad Aqeel; Khan, Aysha Masood; Ahmad, Mushtaq; Sarfraz, Maliha


    Microencapsulation has become a hot topic in chemical research. Technology mainly used for control release and protection purposes. The sol-gel micro encapsulation approach for fragrance and aroma in porous silica-based materials leads to sustainable odorant and flavored materials with novel and unique beneficial properties. Sol-gel encapsulation of silica based micro particles considered economically cheap as capital investment in manufacturing is very low and environmentally friendly. Amorphous sol-gel SiO2 is non-toxic and safe, whereas the sol-gel entrapment of delicate chemicals in its inner pores results in pronounced chemical and physical stabilization of the entrapped active agents, thereby broadening the practical utilization of chemically unstable essential oils (EOs). Reviewing progress in the fabrication of diverse odorant and flavored sol-gels, shows us how different synthetic strategies are appropriate for practical application with important health and environmental benefits.

  8. Evaluation d'un scenario d'apprentissage favorisant la mobilisation des habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blanchard, Samuel F. J.

    Les resultats au Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des eleves (PISA) demontrent que les jeunes neobrunswickois francophones se classent b un niveau significativement inferieur comparaiivement aux eleves anglophones du Nouveau-Brunswick, aux eleves des autres provinces canadiennes et se classent sous la moyenne internationale de tous les pays participants quant b la culture scientifique. L'evaluation de cette culture scientifique est basee sur une serie de savoirs, de savoir-faire et de savoir-etre reliee au processus d'enquete scolaire. Le processus d'enquete scolaire est une approche b l'apprentissage ou les eleves effectuent des recherches d'informations, discutent d'idees et entreprennent des investigations pour augmenter leur comprehension d'un probleme ou d'un sujet. Les recherches demontrent que le processus d'enquete scolaire est rarement une composante pedagogique importante de la salle de classe et les recherches portant sur l'implantation du processus d'enquete scolaire recommandent de rendre ce dernier plus accessible aux enseignantes et aux enseignants. Afin de rendre le processus d'enquete plus accessible aux enseignantes et aux enseignants, notre recherche porte sur l'evaluation de la valeur pedagogique d'un scenario d'apprentissage (PhaRoboS) concu specialement pour creer un environnement dans lequel les eleves auront plusieurs occasions a mobiliser les habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete. Les retombees de cette evaluation nous permettront d'offrir des pistes de remediations afin d'aider plus d'enseignantes et d'enseignants b creer un environnement dans lequel les eleves auront plusieurs occasions b mobiliser les habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete. Cette evaluation s'est faite a partir d'une methodologie inspiree de l'evaluation pour fin d'amelioration d'un objet pedagogique. L'analyse des donnees qualitatives recueillies aupres des eleves et de leur enseignante d'une ecole francophone du Nouveau-Brunswick semble montrer que

  9. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1818 (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11846 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11846

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,818th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (March 5, 2009). South is at the center; north at both ends.

    This view combines images from the left-eye and right-eye sides of the navigation camera. It appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses with the red lens on the left.

    The rover had driven 80.3 meters (263 feet) southward earlier on that sol. Tracks from the drive recede northward in this view.

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and lighter-toned bedrock.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical-perspective projection with geometric seam correction.

  10. Spirit Look Ahead After Sol 1866 Drive

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This scene combines three frames taken by the navigation camera on NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit during the 1,866th Martian day, or sol, of Spirit mission on Mars April 3, 2009. It spans 120 degrees, with south at the center.

  11. Le domaine des co-infections et des maladies concomitantes du Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des IRSC : lignes directrices canadiennes pour la prise en charge et le traitement de la co-infection par le VIH et l’hépatite C chez les adultes

    PubMed Central

    Hull, Mark; Giguère, Pierre; Klein, Marina; Shafran, Stephen; Tseng, Alice; Côté, Pierre; Poliquin, Marc; Cooper, Curtis


    HISTORIQUE : De 20 % à 30 % des Canadiens qui vivent avec le VIH sont co-infectés par le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC), lequel est responsable d’une morbidité et d’une mortalité importantes. La prise en charge du VIH et du VHC est plus complexe en raison de l’évolution accélérée de la maladie hépatique, du choix et des critères d’initiation de la thérapie antirétrovirale et du traitement anti-VHC, de la prise en charge de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies, des obstacles socioéconomiques et des interactions entre les nouvelles thérapies antivirales à action directe du VHC et les antirétroviraux OBJECTIF : Élaborer des normes nationales de prise en charge des adultes co-infectés par le VHC et le VIH dans le contexte canadien. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Le Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada a réuni un groupe d’experts possédant des compétences cliniques en co-infection par le VIH et le VHC pour réviser les publications à jour ainsi que les lignes directrices et les protocoles en place. Après une vaste sollicitation afin d’obtenir des points de vue, le groupe de travail a approuvé des recommandations consensuelles, qu’il a caractérisées au moyen d’une échelle de qualité des preuves fondée sur la classe (bienfaits par rapport aux préjudices) et sur la catégorie (degré de certitude). RÉSULTATS : Toutes les personnes co-infectées par le VIH et le VHC devraient subir une évaluation en vue de recevoir un traitement du VHC. Les personnes qui ne sont pas en mesure d’entreprendre un traitement du VHC devraient être soignées pour le VIH afin de ralentir l’évolution de la maladie hépatique. La norme de traitement du VHC de génotype 1 est un régime comprenant de l’interféron pégylé et de la ribavirine dosée en fonction du poids, associés à un inhibiteur de la protéase du VHC. Pour les génotypes 2 ou 3, une bithérapie classique est recommandée pendant 24 semaines s

  12. Impediment to Spirit Drive on Sol 1806

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The hazard avoidance camera on the front of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit took this image after a drive by Spirit on the 1,806th Martian day, or sol, (January 31, 2009) of Spirit's mission on the surface of Mars.

    The wheel at the bottom right of the image is Spirit's right-front wheel. Because that wheel no longer turns, Spirit drives backwards dragging that wheel. The drive on Sol 1806 covered about 30 centimeters (1 foot). The rover team had planned a longer drive, but Spirit stopped short, apparently from the right front wheel encountering the partially buried rock visible next to that wheel.

    The hazard avoidance cameras on the front and back of the rover provide wide-angle views. The hill on the horizon in the right half of this image is Husband Hill. Spirit reached the summit of Husband Hill in 2005.

  13. Sol-gel process for the manufacture of high power switches

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Landingham, Richard L.; Satcher, Jr, Joe; Reibold, Robert

    According to one embodiment, a photoconductive semiconductor switch includes a structure of nanopowder of a high band gap material, where the nanopowder is optically transparent, and where the nanopowder has a physical characteristic of formation from a sol-gel process. According to another embodiment, a method includes mixing a sol-gel precursor compound, a hydroxy benzene and an aldehyde in a solvent thereby creating a mixture, causing the mixture to gel thereby forming a wet gel, drying the wet gel to form a nanopowder, and applying a thermal treatment to form a SiC nanopowder.

  14. rhEGF-containing thermosensitive and mucoadhesive polymeric sol-gel for endoscopic treatment of gastric ulcer and bleeding.


    Maeng, Jin Hee; So, Jung Won; Kim, Jungju; Kim, In Ae; Jung, Ji Hoon; Min, Kyunghyun; Lee, Don Haeng; Yang, Su-Geun


    Gastrointestinal endoscopy is a standard diagnostic tool for gastrointestinal ulcers and cancer. In this study, we have developed recombinant human epidermal growth factor-containing ulcer-coating polymeric sol-gel for endoscopic application. Chitosan and pluronic F127 were employed for their thermoresponsive and bioadhesive properties. At temperatures below 21, polymeric sol-gel remains liquid during endoscopic application and transforms to gel at body temperature after application on ulcers. In an in vitro cellular wounding assay, recombinant human epidermal growth factor sol-gel significantly enhanced the cell migration and decreased the wounding area (68%) compared to nontreated, recombinant human epidermal growth factor solution, and sol-gel without recombinant human epidermal growth factor (42, 49, and 32 % decreased at day 1). The in vivo ulcer-healing study was performed in an acetic acid-induced gastric ulcer rat model and proved that our recombinant human epidermal growth factor endoscopic sol-gel facilitated the ulcer-healing process more efficiently than the other treatments. Ulcer sizes in the recombinant human epidermal growth factor sol-gel group were decreased 2.9- and 2.1-fold compared with those in the nontreated group on days 1 and 3 after ulceration, respectively. The mucosal thickness in the recombinant human epidermal growth factor sol-gel group was significantly increased compared to that in the nontreated group (3.2- and 6.9-fold on days 1 and 3 after ulceration, respectively). In a gastric retention study, recombinant human epidermal growth factor sol-gel stayed on the gastric mucosa more than 2 h after application. The present study suggests that recombinant human epidermal growth factor sol-gel is a prospective candidate for treating gastric ulcers via endoscopic application.

  15. Fast and efficient proteolysis by reusable pepsin-encapsulated magnetic sol-gel material for mass spectrometry-based proteomics applications.


    Kayili, H Mehmet; Salih, Bekir


    Hydrophobic silicon-based material having magnetic properties was fairly synthesized by a classical sol-gel approach. Pepsin enzyme was encapsulated in the sol-gel material and the enzyme activity was evaluated in consequence of the digestion of some common proteins such as α- and β-casein, cytochrome c, myoglobin, and bovine serum albumin (BSA) both in a single protein batch and in the protein mixture. The optimum digestion time of the studied proteins using pepsin-encapsulated magnetic sol-gel material was found to be 20min. To produce the magnetic sol-gel material for convenient and easy proteomics applications, Fe3O4 was doped inside sol-gel material during the gelation step. It was observed that the activity of encapsulated pepsin was not affected by the amount of Fe3O4. Poly(ethylene glycol) was also inserted in sol-gel bulk to obtain suitable roughness and increase the hydrophilicity of the material surface to let protein molecules reach to the sol-gel material easily. The digestion of the protein mixture and non-fat bovine milk was performed with the pepsin-encapsulated magnetic sol-gel material and the digested solutions were analyzed using SDS-PAGE, MALDI-TOF-MS and LC-MS/MS for the protein identification. Reusability of the pepsin-encapsulated sol-gel material was examined and it was determined that they could be used at least 20 times. Finally, IgG digestions with a fast incubation time period were carried out using pepsin-encapsulated sol-gel material for generation of (Fab)2 product to evaluate the kinetic performance of the material. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Quantification des besoins en intrants antipaludiques: contribution à l'actualisation des hypothèses pour la quantification des intrants de prise en charge des cas de paludisme grave en République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Likwela, Joris Losimba; Otokoye, John Otshudiema


    Les formes graves de paludisme à Plasmodium falciparum sont une cause majeure de décès des enfants de moins de 5 ans en Afrique Sub-saharienne. Un traitement rapide dépend de la disponibilité de médicaments appropriés au niveau des points de prestation de service. La fréquence des ruptures de stock des commodités antipaludiques, en particuliers celles utilisées pour le paludisme grave, avait nécessité une mise à jour des hypothèses de quantification. Les données issues de la collecte de routine du PNLP de 2007 à 2012 ont été comparées à celles rapportés par d'autres pays africains et utilisées pour orienter les discussions au cours d'un atelier organisé par le PNLP et ses partenaires techniques et financiers afin de dégager un consensus national. La proportion des cas de paludisme rapportés comme grave en RDC est resté autour d'une médiane de 7% avec un domaine de variation de 6 à 9%. Hormis la proportion rapportée au Kenya (2%), les pays africains ont rapporté une proportion de cas grave variant entre 5 et 7%. Il apparaît que la proportion de 1% précédemment utilisée pour la quantification en RDC a été sous-estimée dans le contexte de la gestion des cas graves sur terrain. Un consensus s'est dégagé autour de la proportion de 5% étant entendu que des efforts de renforcement des capacités seraient déployés afin d'améliorer le diagnostic au niveau des points de prestation des services. PMID:26213595

  17. Dip coating of sol-gels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schunk, P. R.; Hurd, A. J.; Brinker, C. J.

    Dip coating is the primary means of depositing sol-gel films for precision optical coatings. Sols are typically multicomponent systems consisting of an inorganic phase dispersed in a solvent mixture, with each component differing in volatility and surface tension. This, together with slow coating speeds (less than 1cm/s), makes analysis of the coating process complicated; unlike most high-speed coating methods, solvent evaporation, evolving rheology, and surface tension gradients alter significantly the fluid mechanics of the deposition stage. These phenomena were studied with computer-aided predictions of the flow and species transport fields. The underlying theory involves mass, momentum, and species transport on a domain of unknown shape, with models and constitutive equations for vapor-liquid equilibria and surface tension. Due accounting is made for the unknown position of the free surface, which locates according to the capillary hydrodynamic forces and solvent loss by evaporation. Predictions of the effects of mass transfer, hydrodynamics, and surface tension gradients on final film thickness are compared with ellipsometry measurements of film thickness on a laboratory pilot coater. Although quantitative agreement is still lacking, both experiment and theory reveal that the film profile near the drying line takes on a parabolic shape.

  18. Efficacité de la gestion de vaccins et qualité de vaccination à l'antenne PEV Kisangani en République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Labama, Matthieu Betofe; Longembe, Eugène Basandja; Likwela, Joris Losimba


    Introduction La qualité des vaccins conditionne les résultats attendus de la vaccination. Elle est tributaire de l'efficacité de système de gestion technique et logistique mis en place. Cette étude est menée pour évaluer l'efficacité de la gestion des vaccins et d'en tirer des leçons. Méthodes Une étude rétrospective est menée pendant la période de 2010 à 2014 sur la gestion logistique de vaccins au niveau de l'antenne PEV Kisangani. La revue documentaire complétée par les entretiens semi-dirigés des gestionnaires et prestataires de services de vaccination ont permis d'évaluer la gestion de vaccins en se servant des modèle GEV de l'OMS, en vue de dégager les écarts. Résultats Il est observé une faible connaissance des prestataires sur les vaccins qui ne peuvent pas être congelés, sur les tests de congélation et d'autres dommages de vaccins. La gestion informatisée des données au niveau de l'antenne est correctement assurée. Aucun critère évalué n'a atteint l'objectif de 80%. Le respect de la température de stockage est de 70% au niveau de l'antenne ; le critère relatif à la gestion de vaccins est respectivement de 65% et 67% au niveau du BCZ et CS. Le critère relatif à la maintenance est nul à tous les niveaux. Conclusion Le dysfonctionnement de système logistique est remarquable à tous les niveaux de la pyramide sanitaire, ceci pourrait interférer avec la qualité et l'impact attendu de la vaccination. Une attention particulière doit être accordée à la maintenance des équipements. PMID:28748006

  19. Les conditions d’hébergement favorables au rétablissement : perspective des usagers et usagères

    PubMed Central

    Piat, Myra; Boyer, Richard; Cloutier, Simon; Fleury, Marie-Josée; Lesage, Alain


    Cette recherche vise à mieux comprendre le rôle de l’hébergement dans le rétablissement des personnes vivant avec une maladie mentale grave. Quarante résidents et résidentes de différents types d’hébergement communautaire structuré ont été interrogés sur les conditions d’hébergement qui favorisent leur rétablissement. Les résultats indiquent qu’aux yeux des résidents et résidentes, les conditions matérielles d’existence ont une influence déterminante sur le rétablissement. Leurs préoccupations s’articulent autour des besoins de base tels que l’alimentation, le coût, les commodités et la qualité de leur hébergement. Les relations sociales avec leur entourage immédiat ont également une grande influence sur le rétablissement des personnes, lesquelles souhaitent d’abord conserver leurs modestes acquis, tant matériels que sociaux. Cette stabilité est prérequise à leur rétablissement. PMID:27099410

  20. Effect of heating scheme on SOL width in DIII-D and EAST


    Wang, L.; Makowski, M. A.; Guo, H. Y.; ...


    Joint DIII-D/EAST experiments in the radio-frequency (RF) heated H-mode scheme with comparison to that of neutral beam (NB) heated H-mode scheme were carried out on DIII-D and EAST under similar conditions to examine the effect of heating scheme on scrape-off layer (SOL) width in H-mode plasmas for application to ITER. A dimensionally similar plasma equilibrium was used to match the EAST shape parameters. The divertor heat flux and SOL widths were measured with infra-red camera in DIII-D, while with divertor Langmuir probe array in EAST. It has been demonstrated on both DIII-D and EAST that RF-heated plasma has a broadermore » SOL than NB-heated plasma when the edge electrons are effectively heated in low plasma current and low density regime with low edge collisionality. Detailed edge and pedestal profile analysis on DIII-D suggests that the low edge collisionality and ion orbit loss effect may account for the observed broadening. Finally, the joint experiment in DIII-D has also demonstrated the strong inverse dependence of SOL width on the plasma current in electron cyclotron heated (ECH) H-mode plasmas.« less

  1. Effect of heating scheme on SOL width in DIII-D and EAST

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang, L.; Makowski, M. A.; Guo, H. Y.

    Joint DIII-D/EAST experiments in the radio-frequency (RF) heated H-mode scheme with comparison to that of neutral beam (NB) heated H-mode scheme were carried out on DIII-D and EAST under similar conditions to examine the effect of heating scheme on scrape-off layer (SOL) width in H-mode plasmas for application to ITER. A dimensionally similar plasma equilibrium was used to match the EAST shape parameters. The divertor heat flux and SOL widths were measured with infra-red camera in DIII-D, while with divertor Langmuir probe array in EAST. It has been demonstrated on both DIII-D and EAST that RF-heated plasma has a broadermore » SOL than NB-heated plasma when the edge electrons are effectively heated in low plasma current and low density regime with low edge collisionality. Detailed edge and pedestal profile analysis on DIII-D suggests that the low edge collisionality and ion orbit loss effect may account for the observed broadening. Finally, the joint experiment in DIII-D has also demonstrated the strong inverse dependence of SOL width on the plasma current in electron cyclotron heated (ECH) H-mode plasmas.« less

  2. Antioxidant sol-gel improves cutaneous wound healing in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.


    Lee, Yen-Hsien; Chang, Jung-Jhih; Chien, Chiang-Ting; Yang, Ming-Chien; Chien, Hsiung-Fei


    We examined the effects of vitamin C in Pluronic F127 on diabetic wound healing. Full-thickness excision skin wounds were made in normal and diabetic Wistar rats to evaluate the effect of saline, saline plus vitamin C (antioxidant sol), Pluronic F127, or Pluronic F127 plus vitamin C (antioxidant sol-gel). The rate of wound contraction, the levels of epidermal and dermal maturation, collagen synthesis, and apoptosis production in the wound tissue were determined. In vitro data showed that after 6 hours of air exposure, the order of the scavenging abilities for HOCl, H(2)O(2), and O(2) (-) was antioxidant sol-gel > antioxidant saline > Pluronic F127 = saline. After 7 and 14 days of wound injury, the antioxidant sol-gel improved wound healing significantly by accelerated epidermal and dermal maturation, an increase in collagen content, and a decrease in apoptosis formation. However, the wounds of all treatments healed mostly at 3 weeks. Vitamin C in Pluronic F127 hastened cutaneous wound healing by its antioxidant and antiapoptotic mechanisms through a good drug delivery system. This study showed that Pluronic F127 plus vitamin C could potentially be employed as a novel wound-healing enhancer.

  3. Effectiveness of silica based sol-gel microencapsulation method for odorants and flavors leading to sustainable environment

    PubMed Central

    Ashraf, Muhammad Aqeel; Khan, Aysha Masood; Ahmad, Mushtaq; Sarfraz, Maliha


    Microencapsulation has become a hot topic in chemical research. Technology mainly used for control release and protection purposes. The sol-gel micro encapsulation approach for fragrance and aroma in porous silica-based materials leads to sustainable odorant and flavored materials with novel and unique beneficial properties. Sol-gel encapsulation of silica based micro particles considered economically cheap as capital investment in manufacturing is very low and environmentally friendly. Amorphous sol-gel SiO2 is non-toxic and safe, whereas the sol-gel entrapment of delicate chemicals in its inner pores results in pronounced chemical and physical stabilization of the entrapped active agents, thereby broadening the practical utilization of chemically unstable essential oils (EOs). Reviewing progress in the fabrication of diverse odorant and flavored sol-gels, shows us how different synthetic strategies are appropriate for practical application with important health and environmental benefits. PMID:26322304

  4. Approche aux soins en milieu communautaire à des adultes ayant une déficience développementale

    PubMed Central

    Osmun, W.E.; Chan, Nelson; Solomon, Robert


    Résumé Objectif Passer en revue les obligations d’ordre médical, éthique et juridique dans les soins aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale (DD) qui vivent dans la communauté. Sources des données Des recherches ont été faites dans Google et MEDLINE à l’aide des mots disabled, disability, vulnerable et community. Les lois pertinentes ont fait l’objet d’un examen. Message principal Le traitement d’un patient ayant une DD varie en fonction de facteurs comme la pathogenèse du problème actuel du patient, ses affections concomitantes, la gravité de ses déficiences et ses soutiens sociaux habituels. Bien que l’on s’entende sur les bienfaits du transfert des soins institutionnels vers des soins communautaires pour les patients ayant une DD, il s’est révélé difficile de leur dispenser des soins de grande qualité en milieu communautaire. Par ailleurs, il existe peu de travaux de recherche sur les façons d’offrir efficacement des soins aux adultes ayant une DD. En tant que professionnels des soins primaires, les médecins de famille sont souvent le premier point de contact pour les patients et sont à la fois responsables de la coordination et de la continuité des soins. Compte tenu de l’importance accrue accordée aux soins préventifs et à la détection précoce des maladies, la participation active du patient revêt aussi une grande importance. Les valeurs et les objectifs du patient sont des éléments essentiels à prendre en compte, même s’ils vont à l’encontre de la bonne santé du patient ou des propres valeurs du clinicien. Les lois s’appliquant aux personnes vulnérables varient d’une province à l’autre. Par conséquent, l’obligation de signaler des mauvais traitements suspectés pourrait différer selon que la personne vulnérable habite dans un centre de soins ou la communauté, que la personne qui soupçonne le comportement abusif est un fournisseur de services ou un professionnel de la santé ou

  5. Déprescription des antihyperglycémiants chez les personnes âgées

    PubMed Central

    Farrell, Barbara; Black, Cody; Thompson, Wade; McCarthy, Lisa; Rojas-Fernandez, Carlos; Lochnan, Heather; Shamji, Salima; Upshur, Ross; Bouchard, Manon; Welch, Vivian


    Résumé Objectif Formuler des lignes directrices fondées sur les données probantes afin d’aider les cliniciens à décider du moment et de la façon sécuritaire de réduire la dose des antihyperglycémiants, de mettre fin au traitement ou de passer à un autre agent chez les personnes âgées. Méthodes Nous nous sommes concentrés sur les données les plus probantes disponibles et avons cherché à obtenir les commentaires des professionnels de première ligne durant le processus de rédaction, de révision et d’adoption des lignes directrices. L’équipe était formée de 7 professionnels de la santé (2 médecins de famille, 3 pharmaciens, 1 infirmière praticienne et 1 endocrinologue) et d’une spécialiste de la méthodologie; les membres ont divulgué tout conflit d’intérêts. Nous avons eu recours à un processus rigoureux, y compris l’approche GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) pour formuler les lignes directrices. Nous avons effectué une revue systématique dans le but d’évaluer les données probantes indiquant les bienfaits et les torts liés à la déprescription des antihyperglycémiants. Nous avons révisé les revues des torts liés à la poursuite du traitement antihyperglycémiant, et effectué des synthèses narratives des préférences des patients et des répercussions sur les ressources. Ces synthèses et évaluations de la qualité des données selon l’approche GRADE ont servi à formuler les recommandations. L’équipe a peaufiné le texte sur le contenu et les recommandations des lignes directrices par consensus et a synthétisé les considérations cliniques afin de répondre aux questions courantes des cliniciens de première ligne. Une version préliminaire des lignes directrices a été distribuée aux cliniciens et aux intervenants aux fins d’examen, et des révisions ont été apportées au texte à chaque étape. Un algorithme d’appui décisionnel a été conçu pour

  6. Les effets des interfaces sur les proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches nickel/iron et cobalt/silver

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Veres, Teodor

    Cette these est consacree a l'etude de l'evolution structurale des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches Ni/Fe et nanostructures a base de Co et de l'Ag. Dans une premiere partie, essentiellement bibliographique, nous introduisons quelques concepts de base relies aux proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches metalliques. Ensuite, nous presentons une breve description des methodes d'analyse des resultats. La deuxieme partie est consacree a l'etude des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches ferromagnetiques/ferromagnetiques Ni/Fe. Nous montrerons qu'une interpretation coherente de ces proprietes necessite la prise en consideration des effets des interfaces. Nous nous attacherons a mettre en evidence, a evaluer et a etudier les effets de ces interfaces ainsi que leur evolution, et ce, suite a des traitements thermiques tel que le depot a temperature elevee et l'irradiation ionique. Les analyses correlees de la structure et de la magnetoresistance nous permettront d'emettre des conclusions sur l'influence des couches tampons entre l'interface et le substrat ainsi qu'entre les couches elles-memes sur le comportement magnetique des couches F/F. La troisieme partie est consacree aux systemes a Magneto-Resistance Geante (MRG) a base de Co et Ag. Nous allons etudier l'evolution de la microstructure suite a l'irradiation avec des ions Si+ ayant une energie de 1 MeV, ainsi que les effets de ces changements sur le comportement magnetique. Cette partie debutera par l'analyse des proprietes d'une multicouche hybride, intermediaire entre les multicouches et les materiaux granulaires. Nous analyserons a l'aide des mesures de diffraction, de relaxation superparamagnetique et de magnetoresistance, les evolutions structurales produites par l'irradiation ionique. Nous etablirons des modeles qui nous aideront a interpreter les resultats pour une serie des multicouches qui couvrent un large eventail de differents comportements magnetiques

  7. Silica-sol-based spin-coating barrier layer against phosphorous diffusion for crystalline silicon solar cells

    PubMed Central


    The phosphorus barrier layers at the doping procedure of silicon wafers were fabricated using a spin-coating method with a mixture of silica-sol and tetramethylammonium hydroxide, which can be formed at the rear surface prior to the front phosphorus spin-on-demand (SOD) diffusion and directly annealed simultaneously with the front phosphorus layer. The optimization of coating thickness was obtained by changing the applied spin-coating speed; from 2,000 to 8,000 rpm. The CZ-Si p-type silicon solar cells were fabricated with/without using the rear silica-sol layer after taking the sheet resistance measurements, SIMS analysis, and SEM measurements of the silica-sol material evaluations into consideration. For the fabrication of solar cells, a spin-coating phosphorus source was used to form the n+ emitter and was then diffused at 930°C for 35 min. The out-gas diffusion of phosphorus could be completely prevented by spin-coated silica-sol film placed on the rear side of the wafers coated prior to the diffusion process. A roughly 2% improvement in the conversion efficiency was observed when silica-sol was utilized during the phosphorus diffusion step. These results can suggest that the silica-sol material can be an attractive candidate for low-cost and easily applicable spin-coating barrier for any masking purpose involving phosphorus diffusion. PMID:25520602

  8. Silica-sol-based spin-coating barrier layer against phosphorous diffusion for crystalline silicon solar cells.


    Uzum, Abdullah; Fukatsu, Ken; Kanda, Hiroyuki; Kimura, Yutaka; Tanimoto, Kenji; Yoshinaga, Seiya; Jiang, Yunjian; Ishikawa, Yasuaki; Uraoka, Yukiharu; Ito, Seigo


    The phosphorus barrier layers at the doping procedure of silicon wafers were fabricated using a spin-coating method with a mixture of silica-sol and tetramethylammonium hydroxide, which can be formed at the rear surface prior to the front phosphorus spin-on-demand (SOD) diffusion and directly annealed simultaneously with the front phosphorus layer. The optimization of coating thickness was obtained by changing the applied spin-coating speed; from 2,000 to 8,000 rpm. The CZ-Si p-type silicon solar cells were fabricated with/without using the rear silica-sol layer after taking the sheet resistance measurements, SIMS analysis, and SEM measurements of the silica-sol material evaluations into consideration. For the fabrication of solar cells, a spin-coating phosphorus source was used to form the n(+) emitter and was then diffused at 930°C for 35 min. The out-gas diffusion of phosphorus could be completely prevented by spin-coated silica-sol film placed on the rear side of the wafers coated prior to the diffusion process. A roughly 2% improvement in the conversion efficiency was observed when silica-sol was utilized during the phosphorus diffusion step. These results can suggest that the silica-sol material can be an attractive candidate for low-cost and easily applicable spin-coating barrier for any masking purpose involving phosphorus diffusion.

  9. Le role du phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) dans les variations des proprietes optiques des eaux du Saint-Laurent

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mas, Sebastien

    Les mesures satellitaires de couleur des oceans sont largement determinees par les proprietes optiques inherentes (IOPs) des eaux de surface. D'autre part, le phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) est le plus souvent dominant dans les oceans, et peut donc etre une source importante de variation des IOPs dans les oceans. Dans ce contexte, le but principal de ce doctorat etait de definir l'impact du phytoplancton (<20 mum) sur les variations des proprietes optiques de l'Estuaire et du Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Canada). Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, il etait necessaire de determiner en milieu controle les facteurs de variabilite des proprietes optiques cellulaires et des IOPs du phytoplancton (<20 mum) des eaux du Saint-Laurent, et d'evaluer la contribution du phytoplancton (<20 mum) aux proprietes optiques totales des eaux du Saint-Laurent. Des experiences en laboratoire ont montre que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques soumises a un cycle jour-nuit, ainsi qu'a des changements concomitants d'intensite lumineuse, peuvent contribuer significativement a la variabilite des proprietes optiques observee en milieu naturel. D'autres experiences ont, quant a elles, mis en evidence que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques dues aux phases de croissance peuvent alterer les IOPs des oceans, particulierement pendant les periodes de floraison. De plus, la presence de bacteries et de particules detritiques peut egalement affecter la variabilite des IOPs totales, notamment la diffusion. Au printemps, dans l'Estuaire et le Golfe du Saint-Laurent, la contribution du phytoplancton <20 mum aux IOPs presentait des differences regionales evidentes pour les proprietes d'absorption et de diffusion. En plus de la variabilite spatiale, les proprietes optiques cellulaires presentaient des variations journalieres, et ce particulierement pour le picophytoplancton. Enfin, la plupart des differences observees dans les

  10. Sol-gel technique for the preparation of beta-cyclodextrin derivative stationary phase in open-tubular capillary electrochromatography.


    Wang, Y; Zeng, Z; Guan, N; Cheng, J


    A novel open-tubular capillary electrochromatography (OT-CEC) column coated with 2,6-dibutyl-beta-cyclodextrin (DB-beta-CD) was prepared using sol-gel technique. In the sol-gel approach, owing to the three-dimensional network of sol-gel and the strong chemical bond between the stationary phase and the surface of capillary columns, good chromatographic characteristics and unique selectivity in separating isomers were shown. We achieved high efficiencies of 5-14 x 10(4) plates/m for the isomeric nitrophenols using the sol-gel-derived DB-beta-CD columns. The migration time reproducibility of the separation of the isomeric nitrophenols was better than 2.2% over five runs and 4.5% from column to column. These sol-gel-coated DB-beta-CD columns have shown improved separations of isomeric aminophenols, isomeric dihydroxybenzenes and isomeric nitrophenols, in comparison with the sol-gel matrix capillary column. The influences of buffer pH and methanol solvent on separation were investigated. The chiral resolution of enantiomers such as ibuprofen and binaphthol was explored primarily.

  11. Accelerated weathering of wood surfaces coated with multifunctional allkoxysilanes by sol-gel deposition


    Mandla A. Tshabalala; John E. Gangstad


    Accelerated weathering of wood surfaces coated with hexadecyltrimethoxysilane (HDTMOS) in the presence of methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMOS) by the sol-gel process was investigated. The sol-gel process allowed the deposition of a covalently bound thin layer of polysiloxane networks on the wood surface that was resistant to water sorption and water leaching. The rate of...

  12. Electrochemical and In Vitro Behavior of Nanostructure Sol-Gel Coated 316L Stainless Steel Incorporated with Rosemary Extract

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Motalebi, Abolfazl; Nasr-Esfahani, Mojtaba


    The corrosion resistance of AISI 316L stainless steel for biomedical applications, was significantly enhanced by means of hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel thin films deposited by spin-coating. Thin films of less than 100 nm with different hybrid characters were obtained by incorporating rosemary extract as green corrosion inhibitor. The morphology, composition, and adhesion of hybrid sol-gel coatings have been examined by SEM, EDX, and pull-off test, respectively. Addition of high additive concentrations (0.1%) did not disorganize the sol-gel network. Direct pull-off test recorded a mean coating-substrate bonding strength larger than 21.2 MPa for the hybrid sol-gel coating. The effect of rosemary extract, with various added concentrations from 0.012 to 0.1%, on the anticorrosion properties of sol-gel films have been characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization tests in simulated body fluid (SBF) solution and has been compared to the bare metal. Rosemary extract additions (0.05%) have significantly increased the corrosion protection of the sol-gel thin film to higher than 90%. The in vitro bioactivity of prepared films indicates that hydroxyapatite nuclei can form and grow on the surface of the doped sol-gel thin films. The present study shows that due to their excellent anticorrosion properties, bioactivity and bonding strength to substrate, doped sol-gel thin films are practical hybrid films in biomedical applications.

  13. View Ahead After Spirit's Sol 1861 Drive

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 210-degree view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,861st to 1,863rd Martian days, or sols, of Spirit's surface mission (March 28 to 30, 2009).

    The center of the scene is toward the south-southwest. East is on the left. West-northwest is on the right.

    The rover had driven 22.7 meters (74 feet) southwestward on Sol 1861 before beginning to take the frames in this view. The drive brought Spirit past the northwestern corner of Home Plate.

    In this view, the western edge of Home Plate is on the portion of the horizon farthest to the left. A mound in middle distance near the center of the view is called 'Tsiolkovsky' and is about 40 meters (about 130 feet) from the rover's position.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  14. Phoenix Robotic Arm's Workspace After 90 Sols

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    During the first 90 Martian days, or sols, after its May 25, 2008, landing on an arctic plain of Mars, NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander dug several trenches in the workspace reachable with the lander's robotic arm.

    The lander's Surface Stereo Imager camera recorded this view of the workspace on Sol 90, early afternoon local Mars time (overnight Aug. 25 to Aug. 26, 2008). The shadow of the the camera itself, atop its mast, is just left of the center of the image and roughly a third of a meter (one foot) wide.

    The workspace is on the north side of the lander. The trench just to the right of center is called 'Neverland.'

    The Phoenix Mission is led by the University of Arizona, Tucson, on behalf of NASA. Project management of the mission is by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Spacecraft development is by Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver.

  15. Preparation of chitosan-graft-(β-cyclodextrin) based sol-gel stationary phase for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography.


    Lü, Haixia; Li, Qingyin; Yu, Xiaowei; Yi, Jiaojiao; Xie, Zenghong


    A novel open-tubular CEC column coated with chitosan-graft-(β-CD) (CDCS) was prepared using sol-gel technique. In the sol-gel approach, owing to the 3D network of sol-gel and the strong chemical bond between the stationary phase and the surface of capillary columns, good chromatographic characteristics and unique selectivity in separating isomers were shown. The column efficiencies of 55,000∼163,000 plates/m for the isomeric xanthopterin and phenoxy acid herbicides using the sol-gel-derived CDCS columns were achieved. Good stabilities were demonstrated that the RSD values for the retention time of thiourea and isoxanthopterin were 1.3 and 1.4% (run to run, n = 5), 1.6 and 2.0% (day to day, n = 3), 2.9 and 3.1% (column to column, n = 3), respectively. The sol-gel-coated CDCS columns have shown improved separations of isomeric xanthopterin in comparison with CDCS-bonded capillary column. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Matrix molecularly imprinted mesoporous sol-gel sorbent for efficient solid-phase extraction of chloramphenicol from milk.


    Samanidou, Victoria; Kehagia, Maria; Kabir, Abuzar; Furton, Kenneth G


    Highly selective and efficient chloramphenicol imprinted sol-gel silica based inorganic polymeric sorbent (sol-gel MIP) was synthesized via matrix imprinting approach for the extraction of chloramphenicol in milk. Chloramphenicol was used as the template molecule, 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (3-APTES) and triethoxyphenylsilane (TEPS) as the functional precursors, tetramethyl orthosilicate (TMOS) as the cross-linker, isopropanol as the solvent/porogen, and HCl as the sol-gel catalyst. Non-imprinted sol-gel polymer (sol-gel NIP) was synthesized under identical conditions in absence of template molecules for comparison purpose. Both synthesized materials were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and nitrogen adsorption porosimetry, which unambiguously confirmed their significant structural and morphological differences. The synthesized MIP and NIP materials were evaluated as sorbents for molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction (MISPE) of chloramphenicol in milk. The effect of critical extraction parameters (flow rate, elution solvent, sample and eluent volume, selectivity coefficient, retention capacity) was studied in terms of retention and desorption of chloramphenicol. Competition and cross reactivity tests have proved that sol-gel MIP sorbent possesses significantly higher specific retention and enrichment capacity for chloramphenicol compared to its non-imprinted analogue. The maximum imprinting factor (IF) was found as 9.7, whereas the highest adsorption capacity of chloramphenicol by sol-gel MIP was 23 mg/g. The sol-gel MIP was found to be adequately selective towards chloramphenicol to provide the necessary minimum required performance limit (MRPL) of 0.3 μg/kg set forth by European Commission after analysis by LC-MS even without requiring time consuming solvent evaporation and sample reconstitution step, often considered as an integral part in solid phase extraction work-flow. Intra and

  17. 3D Monte-Carlo study of toroidally discontinuous limiter SOL configurations of Aditya tokamak

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sahoo, Bibhu Prasad; Sharma, Devendra; Jha, Ratneshwar; Feng, Yühe


    The plasma-neutral transport in the scrape-off layer (SOL) region formed by toroidally discontinuous limiters deviates from usual uniform SOL approximations when 3D effects caused by limiter discreteness begin to dominate. In an upgrade version of the Aditya tokamak, originally having a toroidally localized poloidal ring-like limiter, the newer outboard block and inboard belt limiters are expected to have smaller connection lengths and a multiple fold toroidal periodicity. The characteristics of plasma discharges may accordingly vary from the original observations of large diffusivity, and a net improvement and the stability of the discharges are desired. The estimations related to 3D effects in the ring limiter plasma transport are also expected to be modified and are updated by predictive simulations of transport in the new block limiter configuration. A comparison between the ring limiter results and those from new simulations with block limiter SOL shows that for the grids produced using same core plasma equilibrium, the modified SOL plasma flows and flux components have enhanced poloidal periodicity in the block limiter case. These SOL modifications result in a reduced net recycling for the equivalent edge density values. Predictions are also made about the relative level of the diffusive transport and its impact on the factors limiting the operational regime.

  18. Spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization of cytochrome c encapsulated in a bio sol-gel matrix.


    Deriu, Daniela; Pagnotta, Sara Emanuela; Santucci, Roberto; Rosato, Nicola


    Sol-gel technique represents a remarkably versatile method for protein encapsulation. To enhance sol-gel biocompatibility, systems envisaging the presence of calcium and phosphates in the sol-gel composition were recently prepared and investigated. Unfortunately, the low pH at which solutions were prepared (pH < 2.5) dramatically limited their application to proteins, because the acidic environment induces protein denaturation. In this paper we apply a new protocol based on the introduction of calcium nitrate to the inorganic phase, with formation of a binary bioactive system. In this case protein encapsulation results versatile and secure, being achieved at a pH close to neutrality (pH 6.0); also, the presence of calcium is expected to enhance system biocompatibility. To determine the properties of the salt-doped sol-gel and the influence exerted on entrapped biosystems, the structural and functional properties of embedded cytochrome c have been investigated. Data obtained indicate that the salt-doped sol-gel induces no significant change in the structure and the redox properties of the embedded protein; also, the matrix increases protein stability. Interestingly, the presence of calcium nitrate appears determinant for refolding of the acid-denatured protein. This is of interest in the perspective of future applications in biosensoristic area.

  19. Optical properties of Na2O-TiO2-SiO2 glass films prepared by the sol-gel method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barton, Ivo; Matejec, Vlastimil; Mrazek, Jan; Predoana, Luminita; Zaharescu, Maria


    Layers based on TiO2-SiO2 systems fabricated by sol-gel method have been investigated for the preparation of planar waveguides, antireflective coatings, Bragg mirrors, etc. However, at high titania contents such materials exhibit high viscosities and tendency to phase separation. In this paper we present optical properties of films containing TiO2 which are prepared via a novel approach sol-gel on the basis of ternary Na2O-TiO2-SiO2 glasses and which can exhibit lower viscosities. Films of Na2O-TiO2-SiO2 systems were prepared from input sols mixed of silica, titania and sodium oxide sols. The silica sol was prepared from tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), ethanol, hydrochloric acid and water, with a TEOS c= 2 mol/l and water/alkoxide ratio 1.75. The titania sol was mixed from titanium tetraisopropoxide (TiPr), propan-2-ol, nitric acid and water, c= 0.5 mol/l, RW= 0.42. The sodium oxide sols with c= 0.474 mol/l were prepared from sodium ethoxide and ethanol. Input sols were prepared by mixing the silica and titania sols first and then the sodium sol was added. The input sols were aged for one hour. Stable input sols were obtained. The input sols were deposited on glass and silica slides by dip-coating technique at a withdrawing speeds of 200 mm/min. Applied gel layers were thermally treated at temperatures of 450 and 900°C. Layers containing sodium oxide and titania in concentration ranges of 0-20 mol.% and 0-30 mol.% respectively have been fabricated. Optical properties of layers were determined by UV-VIS-NIR transmission and reflection spectrophotometry. Refractive indices of layers were determined by spectral ellipsometry and from transmission spectra. Optical properties were correlated with results of XRD spectroscopy, optical microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Transparent homogenous films with a maximum refractive index of 1.61 at a wavelength of 600 nm have been obtained.

  20. Ion-irradiation-induced densification of zirconia sol-gel thin films

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Levine, T.E.; Giannelis, E.P.; Kodali, P.


    We have investigated the densification behavior of sol-gel zirconia films resulting from ion irradiation. Three sets of films were implanted with neon, krypton, or xenon. The ion energies were chosen to yield approximately constant energy loss through the film and the doses were chosen to yield similar nuclear energy deposition. Ion irradiation of the sol-gel films resulted in carbon and hydrogen loss as indicated by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and forward recoil energy spectroscopy. Although the densification was hypothesized to result from target atom displacement, the observed densification exhibits a stronger dependence on electronic energy deposition.

  1. Approche à l’égard des nouveaux anticoagulants oraux en pratique familiale

    PubMed Central

    Douketis, James; Bell, Alan David; Eikelboom, John; Liew, Aaron


    Résumé Objectif Traiter des différentes éventualités pouvant survenir durant le suivi clinique et la prise en charge prolongés des patients prenant de nouveaux anticoagulants oraux (NACO). Qualité des données Aux fins de cette révision narrative (non systématique), nous avons effectué une recherche dans la base de données PubMed afin de relever des études cliniques récentes (soit de janvier 2008 à la semaine 32 de 2013) portant sur l’emploi des NACO pour la prévention des AVC dans les cas de fibrillation auriculaire et le traitement de la thromboembolie veineuse aiguë. Nous avons utilisé cette base de données probantes pour répondre à nos questions prédéfinies ayant trait à l’emploi des NACO en pratique générale. Message principal Le dabigatran et le rivaroxaban doivent être pris avec les repas afin de limiter la dyspepsie et de favoriser l’absorption, respectivement. Aucun NACO n’est accompagné de restrictions alimentaires, à l’exception de la consommation modérée d’alcool, et le rivaroxaban et l’apixaban peuvent être écrasés, au besoin. Les antiacides ne semblent pas perturber l’efficacité des NACO. Comme c’est le cas avec la warfarine, les patients traités aux NACO doivent éviter l’emploi prolongé d’anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens et d’antiplaquettaires. Chez les patients devant subir une chirurgie, il faut interrompre la prise de NACO de 2 à 5 jours avant l’intervention, en fonction du risque de saignement, et le traitement par le NACO doit être habituellement repris au moins 24 heures après la chirurgie. Il n’est habituellement pas nécessaire d’effectuer un test préopératoire de coagulation. Chez les patients qui développent un saignement, un saignement mineur ne justifie habituellement pas un test de laboratoire ni l’interruption du traitement par le NACO; dans le cas des saignements majeurs, il faut se concentrer sur l’application de mesures localisées visant à endiguer le

  2. Trajet de soins des personnes âgées à Bobo-Dioulasso, au Burkina Faso: une enquête transversale

    PubMed Central

    Hien, Hervé; Berthé, Abdramane; Konaté, Blahima; Drabo, Maxime koiné; Tou, Fatoumata; Somda, Désiré; Badini-Kinda, Fatoumata; Macq, Jean


    Introduction En Afrique, il y n'a pas encore une maitrise du trajet de soins des personnes âgées pour construire des modèles de soins adaptés afin d'améliorer leur prise en charge. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire le trajet de soins des personnes âgées à Bobo-Dioulasso. Méthodes Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale à prédominance qualitative avec des personnes âgées vivant dans les ménages dans la ville de Bobo-Dioulasso de septembre à novembre 2012. Nous avons sélectionné 30 personnes âgées de manière raisonnée dans 22 secteurs. Des entretiens qualitatifs ont été réalisés. Le recours aux soins formels, informels et mixtes a été analysé. Résultats Le trajet de soins des personnes âgées à Bobo-Dioulasso était à prédominance mixte: elles utilisaient à la fois pour le même épisode de maladie les services publics et privés l'automédication à domicile, la médecine traditionnelle, l'utilisation des médicaments du marche informel de la rue. Les premiers recours aux soins étaient à l'initiative des personnes âgées elles-mêmes. Les recours aux soins formels étaient largement utilisés par les personnes âgées qui avaient un revenu de pension. Conclusion Devant la complexité de la prise en charge des personnes âgées présentant plusieurs pathologies et ayant différents recours des soins il y a une nécessité d'orienter le système d'offre de soins vers une coordination dite « collective ». PMID:26097632

  3. Formation and prevention of fractures in sol-gel-derived thin films.


    Kappert, Emiel J; Pavlenko, Denys; Malzbender, Jürgen; Nijmeijer, Arian; Benes, Nieck E; Tsai, Peichun Amy


    Sol-gel-derived thin films play an important role as the functional coatings for various applications that require crack-free films to fully function. However, the fast drying process of a standard sol-gel coating often induces mechanical stresses, which may fracture the thin films. An experimental study on the crack formation in sol-gel-derived silica and organosilica ultrathin (submicron) films is presented. The relationships among the crack density, inter-crack spacing, and film thickness were investigated by combining direct micrograph analysis with spectroscopic ellipsometry. It is found that silica thin films are more prone to fracturing than organosilica films and have a critical film thickness of 300 nm, above which the film fractures. In contrast, the organosilica films can be formed without cracks in the experimentally explored regime of film thickness up to at least 1250 nm. These results confirm that ultrathin organosilica coatings are a robust silica substitute for a wide range of applications.

  4. A sol-powder coating technique for fabrication of yttria stabilised zirconia

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wattanasiriwech, Darunee; Wattanasiriwech, Suthee; Stevens, Ron

    Yttria stabilised zirconia has been prepared using a simple sol-powder coating technique. The polymeric yttria sol, which was prepared using 1,3 propanediol as a network modifier, was homogeneously mixed with nanocrystalline zirconia powder and it showed a dual function: as a binder which promoted densification and a phase modifier which stabilised zirconia in the tetragonal and cubic phases. Thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction revealed that the polymeric yttria sol which decomposed at low temperature into yttrium oxide could change the m {sup {yields}} t phase transformation behaviour of the zirconia, possibly due to the small particle size and very highmore » surface area of both yttria and zirconia particles allowing rapid alloying. The sintered samples exhibited three crystalline phases: monoclinic, tetragonal and cubic, in which cubic and tetragonal are the major phases. The weight fractions of the individual phases present in the selected specimens were determined using quantitative Rietveld analysis.« less

  5. Preparation, purification, and characterization of aminopropyl-functionalized silica sol.


    Pálmai, Marcell; Nagy, Lívia Naszályi; Mihály, Judith; Varga, Zoltán; Tárkányi, Gábor; Mizsei, Réka; Szigyártó, Imola Csilla; Kiss, Teréz; Kremmer, Tibor; Bóta, Attila


    A new, simple, and "green" method was developed for the surface modification of 20 nm diameter Stöber silica particles with 3-aminopropyl(diethoxy)methylsilane in ethanol. The bulk polycondensation of the reagent was inhibited and the stability of the sol preserved by adding a small amount of glacial acetic acid after appropriate reaction time. Centrifugation, ultrafiltration, and dialysis were compared in order to choose a convenient purification technique that allows the separation of unreacted silylating agent from the nanoparticles without destabilizing the sol. The exchange of the solvent to acidic water during the purification yielded a stable colloid, as well. Structural and morphological analysis of the obtained aminopropyl silica was performed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and zeta potential measurements, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), (13)C and (29)Si MAS nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies, as well as small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Our investigations revealed that the silica nanoparticle surfaces were partially covered with aminopropyl groups, and multilayer adsorption followed by polycondensation of the silylating reagent was successfully avoided. The resulting stable aminopropyl silica sol (ethanolic or aqueous) is suitable for biomedical uses due to its purity. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. VDOE :: Standards of Learning (SOL) and Testing Websites

    Health History & Social Science Family Life Fine Arts Foreign Language Mathematics Physical Education the end of each grade or course in English, mathematics, science, history/social science and other subjects. SOL tests in reading, writing, mathematics, science and history/social science measure the

  7. "What D'ya Mean, Project SOL-FA?"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hardman, Olga S.


    Since 1977, Project Sol-fa, funded with an ESEA Title IV-C grant has provided Harrison County primary teachers with inservice training in the Kodaly method of music education. This article provides information on program funding, costs, and accomplishments. Evaluation forms and the inservice syllabus are appended. (SJL)

  8. Lower Hybrid Wave Induced SOL Emissivity Variation at High Density on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Faust, I.; Terry, J. L.; Reinke, M. L.

    Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak provides current profile control for the generation of Advanced Tokamak (AT) plasmas. Non-thermal electron bremsstrahlung emission decreases dramatically at n-bar{sub e}>1{center_dot}10{sup 20}[m{sup -3}] for diverted discharges, indicating low current drive efficiency. It is suggested that Scrape-Off-Layer (SOL) collisional absorption of LH waves is the cause for the absence of non-thermal electrons at high density. VUV and visible spectroscopy in the SOL provide direct information on collision excitation processes. Deuterium Balmer-, Lyman- and He-I transition emission measurements were used for initial characterization of SOL electron-neutral collisional absorption. Data from Helium andmore » Deuterium LHCD discharges were characterized by an overall increase in the emissivity as well as an outward radial shift in the emissivity profile with increasing plasma density and applied LHCD power. High-temperature, high-field (T{sub e} = 5keV,B{sub t} = 8T) helium discharges at high density display increased non-thermal signatures as well as reduced SOL emissivity. Variations in emissivity due to LHCD were seen in SOL regions not magnetically connected to the LH Launcher, indicating global SOL effects due to LHCD.« less

  9. Identification des risques professionnels dans l'industrie textile en République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Kitronza, Panda Lukongo


    Introduction Le but de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les facteurs de risques professionnels liés aux conditions de travail. Méthodes Cette étude qualitative basée sur les entretiens de groupe a été réalisée par une équipe pluridisciplinaire dans l'industrie textile de la région du Est de la RDC; comprenant un médecin de travail, un médecin de santé publique, un toxicologue, deux infirmiers du centre hospitalier de l'usine, un représentant du comité d'hygiène et un technicien de prévention. La démarche méthodologique a consisté en des entretiens en groupe, des observations et visites guidées de lieux de travail de l'entreprise. Résultats Dans la culture du coton, les effets d'une forte exposition aux pesticides peuvent entraîner des intoxications aiguës, chroniques et voire le décès. Les autres risques sont les accidents de travail, les maladies professionnelles, les troubles psychologiques. Dans l'industrie, les travailleurs sont exposés aux risques liés à l'empoussiérage des fibres de coton, aux facteurs des risques traumatiques, physiques (bruits, vibration) et chimiques (acides forts, bases fortes, solvants et colorants minéraux), ainsi qu'aux risques psychosociaux. La pollution de l'environnement et l’écotoxicité inhérente à ces activités restent l'effet de l'usage des grandes quantités d'intrants agricoles, engrais et produits phytosanitaires. Conclusion Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence les différents facteurs de risques auxquelles sont soumis les travailleurs textiles; ainsi que les risques environnementaux liés à cette activité. Cela est de nature à permettre la mise sur pied d'une stratégie efficace de prévention et de protection des travailleurs. PMID:25977736

  10. A new sol-gel process for producing Na(2)O-containing bioactive glass ceramics.


    Chen, Qi-Zhi; Li, Yuan; Jin, Li-Yu; Quinn, Julian M W; Komesaroff, Paul A


    The sol-gel process of producing SiO(2)-CaO bioactive glasses is well established, but problems remain with the poor mechanical properties of the amorphous form and the bioinertness of its crystalline counterpart. These properties may be improved by incorporating Na(2)O into bioactive glasses, which can result in the formation of a hard yet biodegradable crystalline phase from bioactive glasses when sintered. However, production of Na(2)O-containing bioactive glasses by sol-gel methods has proved to be difficult. This work reports a new sol-gel process for the production of Na(2)O-containing bioactive glass ceramics, potentially enabling their use as medical implantation materials. Fine powders of 45S5 (a Na(2)O-containing composition) glass ceramic have for the first time been successfully synthesized using the sol-gel technique in aqueous solution under ambient conditions, with the mean particle size being approximately 5 microm. A comparative study of sol-gel derived S70C30 (a Na(2)O-free composition) and 45S5 glass ceramic materials revealed that the latter possesses a number of features desirable in biomaterials used for bone tissue engineering, including (i) the crystalline phase Na(2)Ca(2)Si(3)O(9) that couples good mechanical strength with satisfactory biodegradability, (ii) formation of hydroxyapatite, which may promote good bone bonding and (iii) cytocompatibility. In contrast, the sol-gel derived S70C30 glass ceramic consisted of a virtually inert crystalline phase CaSiO(3). Moreover, amorphous S70C30 largely transited to CaCO(3) with minor hydroxyapatite when immersed in simulated body fluid under standard tissue culture conditions. In conclusion, sol-gel derived Na(2)O-containing glass ceramics have significant advantages over related Na(2)O-free materials, having a greatly improved combination of mechanical capability and biological absorbability. 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Social values for ecosystem services (SolVES): Documentation and user manual, version 2.0

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Sherrouse, Benson C.; Semmens, Darius J.


    In response to the need for incorporating quantified and spatially explicit measures of social values into ecosystem services assessments, the Rocky Mountain Geographic Science Center (RMGSC), in collaboration with Colorado State University, developed a geographic information system (GIS) application, Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES). With version 2.0 (SolVES 2.0), RMGSC has improved and extended the functionality of SolVES, which was designed to assess, map, and quantify the perceived social values of ecosystem services. Social values such as aesthetics, biodiversity, and recreation can be evaluated for various stakeholder groups as distinguished by their attitudes and preferences regarding public uses, such as motorized recreation and logging. As with the previous version, SolVES 2.0 derives a quantitative, 10-point, social-values metric, the Value Index, from a combination of spatial and nonspatial responses to public attitude and preference surveys and calculates metrics characterizing the underlying environment, such as average distance to water and dominant landcover. Additionally, SolVES 2.0 integrates Maxent maximum entropy modeling software to generate more complete social value maps and to produce robust statistical models describing the relationship between the social values maps and explanatory environmental variables. The performance of these models can be evaluated for a primary study area, as well as for similar areas where primary survey data are not available but where social value mapping could potentially be completed using value-transfer methodology. SolVES 2.0 also introduces the flexibility for users to define their own social values and public uses, model any number and type of environmental variable, and modify the spatial resolution of analysis. With these enhancements, SolVES 2.0 provides an improved public domain tool for decisionmakers and researchers to evaluate the social values of ecosystem services and to facilitate

  12. Bright Soil Churned by Spirit's Sol 1861 Drive

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit drove 22.7 meters (74 feet) toward the southwest on the 1,861st Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's mission on Mars (March 28, 2009). After the drive, the rover took this image with its front hazard-avoidance camera, looking back at the tracks from the drive.

    As usual since losing the use of its right-front wheel in 2006, Spirit drove backwards. The immobile right-front wheel churned up a long stripe of bright soil during this drive. Where Spirit has found such bright soil in the past, subsequent analysis of the composition found concentrations of sulfur or silica that testified to past action of water at the site. When members of the rover team saw the large quantity of bright soil exposed by the Sol 1861 drive, they quickly laid plans to investigate the composition with Spirit's alpha particle X-ray spectrometer.

    The Sol 1861 drive took the rover past the northwest corner of the low plateau called 'Home Plate,' making progress on a route around the western side of Home Plate. The edge of Home Plate forms the horizon on the right side of this image. Husband Hill is on the horizon on the left side. For scale, the parallel rover wheel tracks are about 1 meter (40 inches) apart. The rover's hazard-avoidance cameras take 'fisheye' wide-angle images.

  13. Improved Vemurafenib Dissolution and Pharmacokinetics as an Amorphous Solid Dispersion Produced by KinetiSol® Processing.


    Ellenberger, Daniel J; Miller, Dave A; Kucera, Sandra U; Williams, Robert O


    Vemurafenib is a poorly soluble, low permeability drug that has a demonstrated need for a solubility-enhanced formulation. However, conventional approaches for amorphous solid dispersion production are challenging due to the physiochemical properties of the compound. A suitable and novel method for creating an amorphous solid dispersion, known as solvent-controlled coprecipitation, was developed to make a material known as microprecipitated bulk powder (MBP). However, this approach has limitations in its processing and formulation space. In this study, it was hypothesized that vemurafenib can be processed by KinetiSol into the same amorphous formulation as MBP. The KinetiSol process utilizes high shear to rapidly process amorphous solid dispersions containing vemurafenib. Analysis of the material demonstrated that KinetiSol produced amorphous, single-phase material with acceptable chemical purity and stability. Values obtained were congruent to analysis conducted on the comparator material. However, the materials differed in particle morphology as the KinetiSol material was dense, smooth, and uniform while the MBP comparator was porous in structure and exhibited high surface area. The particles produced by KinetiSol had improved in-vitro dissolution and pharmacokinetic performance for vemurafenib compared to MBP due to slower drug nucleation and recrystallization which resulted in superior supersaturation maintenance during drug release. In the in-vivo rat pharmacokinetic study, both amorphous solid dispersions produced by KinetiSol exhibited mean AUC values at least two-fold that of MBP when dosed as a suspension. It was concluded that the KinetiSol process produced superior dosage forms containing vemurafenib with the potential for substantial reduction in patient pill burden.

  14. Antioxidant Sol-Gel Improves Cutaneous Wound Healing in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Yen-Hsien; Chang, Jung-Jhih; Chien, Chiang-Ting; Yang, Ming-Chien; Chien, Hsiung-Fei


    We examined the effects of vitamin C in Pluronic F127 on diabetic wound healing. Full-thickness excision skin wounds were made in normal and diabetic Wistar rats to evaluate the effect of saline, saline plus vitamin C (antioxidant sol), Pluronic F127, or Pluronic F127 plus vitamin C (antioxidant sol-gel). The rate of wound contraction, the levels of epidermal and dermal maturation, collagen synthesis, and apoptosis production in the wound tissue were determined. In vitro data showed that after 6 hours of air exposure, the order of the scavenging abilities for HOCl, H2O2, and O2  − was antioxidant sol-gel > antioxidant saline > Pluronic F127 = saline. After 7 and 14 days of wound injury, the antioxidant sol-gel improved wound healing significantly by accelerated epidermal and dermal maturation, an increase in collagen content, and a decrease in apoptosis formation. However, the wounds of all treatments healed mostly at 3 weeks. Vitamin C in Pluronic F127 hastened cutaneous wound healing by its antioxidant and antiapoptotic mechanisms through a good drug delivery system. This study showed that Pluronic F127 plus vitamin C could potentially be employed as a novel wound-healing enhancer. PMID:22919368

  15. Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1798 (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11850 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11850

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this stereo 180-degree view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,798th Martian day, or sol, of Opportunity's surface mission (Feb. 13, 2009). North is on top.

    This view combines images from the left-eye and right-eye sides of the navigation camera. It appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses with the red lens on the left.

    The rover had driven 111 meters (364 feet) southward on the preceding sol. Tracks from that drive recede northward in this view. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and lighter-toned bedrock.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical-perspective projection with geometric seam correction.

  16. After Sample-Delivery Attempt, Sol 62

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander collected a soil sample and attempted to deliver some of it to a laboratory oven on the deck during the mission's 62nd Martian day, or sol, (July 28, 2008). The sample came from a hard layer at the bottom of the 'Snow White' trench and might have contained water ice mixed with the soil. This image taken after the attempt to deliver the sample through the open doors to cell number zero on the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer shows that very little of the soil fell onto the screened opening.

    Not enough material reached the oven, through a funnel under the screen, to proceed with analysis of the sample material.

    Phoenix's Robotic Arm Camera took this image at 7:54 a.m. local solar time on Sol 62. The size of the screened opening is about 10 centimeters (4 inches) long by 4 centimeters (1.5 inches) wide.

    The Phoenix Mission is led by the University of Arizona, Tucson, on behalf of NASA. Project management of the mission is by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Spacecraft development is by Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver.

  17. Spirit Near 'Stapledon' on Sol 1802 (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11781 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11781

    NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera for the images assembled into this stereo, full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,802nd Martian day, or sol, (January 26, 2009) of Spirit's mission on the surface of Mars. South is at the center; north is at both ends.

    This view combines images from the left-eye and right-eye sides of the navigation camera. It appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses with the red lens on the left.

    Spirit had driven down off the low plateau called 'Home Plate' on Sol 1782 (January 6, 2009) after spending 12 months on a north-facing slope on the northern edge of Home Plate. The position on the slope (at about the 9-o'clock position in this view) tilted Spirit's solar panels toward the sun, enabling the rover to generate enough electricity to survive its third Martian winter. Tracks at about the 11-o'clock position of this panorama can be seen leading back to that 'Winter Haven 3' site from the Sol 1802 position about 10 meters (33 feet) away. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about one meter (40 inches).

    Where the receding tracks bend to the left, a circular pattern resulted from Spirit turning in place at a soil target informally named 'Stapledon' after William Olaf Stapledon, a British philosopher and science-fiction author who lived from 1886 to 1950. Scientists on the rover team suspected that the soil in that area might have a high concentration of silica, resembling a high-silica soil patch discovered east of Home Plate in 2007. Bright material visible in the track furthest to the right was examined with Spirit's alpha partical X-ray spectrometer and found, indeed, to be rich in silica.

    The team laid plans to drive Spirit from

  18. Mars climatology from viking 1 after 20 sols.


    Hess, S L; Henry, R M; Leovy, C B; Ryan, J A; Tillman, J E; Chamberlain, T E; Cole, H L; Dutton, R G; Greene, G C; Simon, W E; Mitchell, J L


    The results from the meteorology instruments on the Viking 1 lander are presented for the first 20 sols of operation. The daily patterns of temperature, wind, and pressure have been highly consistent during the period. Hence, these have been assembled into 20-sol composites and analyzed harmonically. Maximum temperature was 241.8 degrees K and minimum 187.2 degrees K. The composite wind vector has a mean diurnal magnitude of 2.4 meters per second with prevailing wind from the south and counterclockwise diurnal rotation. Pressure exhibits diurnal and semidiurnal oscillations. The diurnal is ascribed to a combination of effects, and the semidiurnal appears to be the solar semidiurnal tide. Similarities to Earth are discussed. A major finding is a continual secular decrease in diurnal mean pressure. This is ascribed to carbon dioxide deposition at the south polar cap.

  19. Polymer modified sol-gel materials for photochromic applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Janik, Ryszard; Kucharski, Stanislaw


    The chromophoric materials were prepared by copolymerization of various methacrylic monomers. The incorporation of the chromophore groups was done by coupling reaction of diazonium salts of the sulfonamide such as: sulfomethazine or sulfisomidine). The copolymers having free OH groups were able to react with 3-triethoxypropyl isocyanate forming intermediates used to prepare hybrid transparent films by sol-gel technique. The films of both copolymers as well as of hybrid sol-gel structures showed photochromic properties via trans-cis isomerization of the diazo groups. The absorption maximum of the trans form was ca. 435-445 nm depending on chemical composition of the material. Illumination of the films with coherent laser beams (two-beam coupling) resulted in formation of diffraction grating. The diffraction efficiency reached 4-5 % and refractive index modulation was in the range up to 0.0032.

  20. Solid-phase assays for small molecule screening using sol-gel entrapped proteins.


    Lebert, Julie M; Forsberg, Erica M; Brennan, John D


    With compound libraries exceeding one million compounds, the ability to quickly and effectively screen these compounds against relevant pharmaceutical targets has become crucial. Solid-phase assays present several advantages over solution-based methods. For example, a higher degree of miniaturization can be achieved, functional- and affinity-based studies are possible, and a variety of detection methods can be used. Unfortunately, most protein immobilization methods are either too harsh or require recombinant proteins and thus are not amenable to delicate proteins such as kinases and membrane-bound receptors. Sol-gel encapsulation of proteins in an inorganic silica matrix has emerged as a novel solid-phase assay platform. In this minireview, we discuss the development of sol-gel derived protein microarrays and sol-gel based monolithic bioaffinity columns for the high-throughput screening of small molecule libraries and mixtures.

  1. Innovative Formulation Combining Al, Zr and Si Precursors to Obtain Anticorrosion Hybrid Sol-Gel Coating.


    Genet, Clément; Menu, Marie-Joëlle; Gavard, Olivier; Ansart, Florence; Gressier, Marie; Montpellaz, Robin


    The aim of our study is to improve the aluminium alloy corrosion resistance with Organic-Inorganic Hybrid (OIH) sol-gel coating. Coatings are obtained from unusual formulation with precursors mixing: glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPTMS), zirconium (IV) propoxide (TPOZ) and aluminium tri-sec-butoxide (ASB). This formulation was characterized and compared with sol formulations GPTMS/TPOZ and GPTMS/ASB. In each formulation, a corrosion inhibitor, cerium (III) nitrate hexahydrate, is employed to improve the corrosion performance. Coatings obtained from sol based on GPTMS/TPOZ/ASB have good anti-corrosion performances with Natural Salt Spray (NSS) resistance of 500 h for a thickness lower than 4 µm. Contact angle measurement showed a coating hydrophobic behaviour. To understand these performances, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses were performed, results make sol-gel coating condensation evident and are in very good agreement with previous results.

  2. Rotations by Spirit Right-Front Wheel, Sol 2117

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This frame taken from a three-frame animation aids evaluation of performance of the right-front wheel on NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit during a drive on the rover 2,117th Martian day, or sol Dec. 16, 2009.

  3. Active corrosion protection of AA2024 by sol-gel coatings with corrosion inhibitors =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yasakau, Kiryl

    A industria aeronautica utiliza ligas de aluminio de alta resistencia para o fabrico dos elementos estruturais dos avioes. As ligas usadas possuem excelentes propriedades mecanicas mas apresentam simultaneamente uma grande tendencia para a corrosao. Por esta razao essas ligas necessitam de proteccao anticorrosiva eficaz para poderem ser utilizadas com seguranca. Ate a data, os sistemas anticorrosivos mais eficazes para ligas de aluminio contem cromio hexavalente na sua composicao, sejam pre-tratamentos, camadas de conversao ou pigmentos anticorrosivos. O reconhecimento dos efeitos carcinogenicos do cromio hexavalente levou ao aparecimento de legislacao banindo o uso desta forma de cromio pela industria. Esta decisao trouxe a necessidade de encontrar alternativas ambientalmente inocuas mas igualmente eficazes. O principal objectivo do presente trabalho e o desenvolvimento de pretratamentos anticorrosivos activos para a liga de aluminio 2024, baseados em revestimentos hibridos produzidos pelo metodo sol-gel. Estes revestimentos deverao possuir boa aderencia ao substrato metalico, boas propriedades barreira e capacidade anticorrosiva activa. A proteccao activa pode ser alcancada atraves da incorporacao de inibidores anticorrosivos no pretratamento. O objectivo foi atingido atraves de uma sucessao de etapas. Primeiro investigou-se em detalhe a corrosao localizada (por picada) da liga de aluminio 2024. Os resultados obtidos permitiram uma melhor compreensao da susceptibilidade desta liga a processos de corrosao localizada. Estudaram-se tambem varios possiveis inibidores de corrosao usando tecnicas electroquimicas e microestruturais. Numa segunda etapa desenvolveram-se revestimentos anticorrosivos hibridos organico-inorganico baseados no metodo sol-gel. Compostos derivados de titania e zirconia foram combinados com siloxanos organofuncionais a fim de obter-se boa aderencia entre o revestimento e o substrato metalico assim como boas propriedades barreira. Testes

  4. Brilliant molecular nanocrystals emerging from sol-gel thin films: towards a new generation of fluorescent biochips.


    Dubuisson, E; Monnier, V; Sanz-Menez, N; Boury, B; Usson, Y; Pansu, R B; Ibanez, A


    To develop highly sensitive biosensors, we made directly available to biological aqueous solutions organic nanocrystals previously grown in the pores of sol-gel films. Through the controlled dissolution of the sol-gel surface, we obtained emerging nanocrystals that remained strongly anchored to the sol-gel coating for good mechanical stability of the final sensing device. We demonstrated that in the presence of a solution of DNA functionalized with a molecular probe, the nanocrystal fluorescence is strongly quenched by Förster resonance energy transfer thus opening the way towards very sensitive fluorescent biosensors through biomolecules grafted onto fluorescent nanocrystals. Finally, this controlled dissolution, involving weak concentrated NaOH solution, is a generic process that can be used for the thinning of any kind of sol-gel layer.

  5. A novel tantalum-based sol-gel packed microextraction syringe for highly specific enrichment of phosphopeptides in MALDI-MS applications.


    Çelikbıçak, Ömür; Atakay, Mehmet; Güler, Ülkü; Salih, Bekir


    A new tantalum-based sol-gel material was synthesized using a unique sol-gel synthesis pathway by PEG incorporation into the sol-gel structure without performing a calcination step. This improved its chemical and physical properties for the high capacity and selective enrichment of phosphopeptides from protein digests in complex biological media. The specificity of the tantalum-based sol-gel material for phosphopeptides was evaluated and compared with tantalum(V) oxide (Ta2O5) in different phosphopeptide enrichment applications. The tantalum-based sol-gel and tantalum(V) oxide were characterized in detail using FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and also using a surface area and pore size analyzer. In the characterization studies, the surface morphology, pore volume, crystallinity of the materials and PEG incorporation into the sol-gel structure to produce a more hydrophilic material were successfully demonstrated. The X-ray diffractograms of the two different materials were compared and it was noted that the broad signals of the tantalum-based sol-gel clearly represented the amorphous structure of the sol-gel material, which was more likely to create enough surface area and to provide more accessible tantalum atoms for phosphopeptides to be easily adsorbed when compared with the neat and more crystalline structure of Ta2O5. Therefore, the phosphopeptide enrichment performance of the tantalum-based sol-gels was found to be remarkably higher than the more crystalline Ta2O5 in our studies. Phosphopeptides at femtomole levels could be selectively enriched using the tantalum-based sol-gel and detected with a higher signal-to-noise ratio by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometer (MALDI-MS). Moreover, phosphopeptides in a tryptic digest of non-fat bovine milk as a complex real-world biological sample were retained with higher yield using a tantalum-based sol-gel. Additionally, the sol-gel material

  6. The desA and desB genes from Clostridium scindens ATCC 35704 encode steroid-17,20-desmolase.


    Devendran, Saravanan; Mythen, Sean M; Ridlon, Jason M


    Clostridium scindens is a gut microbe capable of removing the side-chain of cortisol, forming 11β-hydro-xyandrostenedione. A cortisol-inducible operon ( desABCD ) was previously identified in C. scindens ATCC 35704 by RNA-Seq. The desC gene was shown to encode a cortisol 20α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20α-HSDH). The desD encodes a protein annotated as a member of the major facilitator family, predicted to function as a cortisol transporter. The desA and desB genes are annotated as N-terminal and C-terminal transketolases, respectively. We hypothesized that the DesAB forms a complex and has steroid-17,20-desmolase activity. We cloned the desA and desB genes from C. scindens ATCC 35704 in pETDuet for overexpression in Escherichia coli The purified recombinant DesAB was determined to be a 142 ± 5.4 kDa heterotetramer. We developed an enzyme-linked continuous spectrophotometric assay to quantify steroid-17,20-desmolase. This was achieved by coupling DesAB-dependent formation of 11β-hydroxyandrostenedione with the NADPH-dependent reduction of the steroid 17-keto group by a recombinant 17β-HSDH from the filamentous fungus, Cochliobolus lunatus The pH optimum for the coupled assay was 7.0 and kinetic constants using cortisol as substrate were K m of 4.96 ± 0.57 µM and k cat of 0.87 ± 0.076 min -1 Substrate-specificity studies revealed that rDesAB recognized substrates regardless of 11β-hydroxylation, but had an absolute requirement for 17,21-dihydroxy 20-ketosteroids. Copyright © 2018 Devendran et al.

  7. Opportunity Traverse Map, Sol 383

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Figure 1

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity drove a total of 2,801 meters (1.74 miles) between its landing in January 2004 and its 383rd martian day, or sol (Feb. 20, 2005). This map on an image taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor shows the course the rover drove during that period. Recently, Opportunity has been making rapid progress from 'Endurance Crater' toward exploration targets farther south.

  8. Variabilite temporelle des naines T et construction d'une camera infrarouge a grand champ

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Artigau, Etienne

    menées au télescope avec CPAPIR montrent que la qualité d'image obtenue et la transmission globale sont conformes aux prédictions faites à partir du design optique et des courbes de transmission des revêtements utilisées pour ses différentes composantes optiques. Mots-clefs . astronomie, naines brunes, naines T, instrumentation, caméra, relevé, infrarouge

  9. Red cell storage in E-Sol 5 and Adsol additive solutions: paired comparison using mixed and non-mixed study designs.


    Radwanski, K; Thill, M; Min, K


    If transfusion of older stored red cells is found to negatively affect clinical outcome, one possible alternative to shortened outdate is the use of new additive solutions (AS) that ameliorate the storage lesion. Erythro-Sol (E-Sol), a previously developed next-generation AS, has been reformulated into E-Sol 5, which is compatible with current anticoagulants and AS volumes. The effect of E-Sol 5 on red cells during storage compared to current AS has not been reported. Paired, ABO-matched whole-blood units were collected into CPD anticoagulant, pooled, split and processed into plasma and red cell units with either 110 ml of Adsol or 105 ml of E-Sol 5 within 8 h of collection. In Study 1, paired units in E-Sol 5 and Adsol were sampled on Day 0 and every 7 days up to Day 42 (n = 10). In Study 2, paired units in E-Sol 5 and Adsol were sampled only on Day 0 and Day 42 (n = 10). In Study 1, 2,3 DPG levels were maintained until Day 28 in E-Sol 5 units and Day 14 in Adsol units. ATP levels were higher in E-Sol 5 units until Day 21, after which they were comparable between the two groups. In both studies, metabolic activity was greater in E-Sol 5 units with respect to glucose consumption and lactate production. Morphology scores were higher, and haemolysis and microparticles generated were lower in E-Sol 5 vs. Adsol units. Weekly mixing of units lowered haemolysis and microparticle levels and increased potassium content on Day 42 in both additive solutions. Regardless of whether units are mixed weekly or are stored non-mixed, E-Sol 5 slows the progression of the red cell storage lesion and improves the overall in vitro quality of RBC throughout storage. © 2013 International Society of Blood Transfusion.

  10. Effets des electrons secondaires sur l'ADN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boudaiffa, Badia

    Les interactions des electrons de basse energie (EBE) representent un element important en sciences des radiations, particulierement, les sequences se produisant immediatement apres l'interaction de la radiation ionisante avec le milieu biologique. Il est bien connu que lorsque ces radiations deposent leur energie dans la cellule, elles produisent un grand nombre d'electrons secondaires (4 x 104/MeV), qui sont crees le long de la trace avec des energies cinetiques initiales bien inferieures a 20 eV. Cependant, il n'y a jamais eu de mesures directes demontrant l'interaction de ces electrons de tres basse energie avec l'ADN, du principalement aux difficultes experimentales imposees par la complexite du milieu biologique. Dans notre laboratoire, les dernieres annees ont ete consacrees a l'etude des phenomenes fondamentaux induits par impact des EBE sur differentes molecules simples (e.g., N2, CO, O2, H2O, NO, C2H 4, C6H6, C2H12) et quelques molecules complexes dans leur phase solide. D'autres travaux effectues recemment sur des bases de l'ADN et des oligonucleotides ont montre que les EBE produisent des bris moleculaires sur les biomolecules. Ces travaux nous ont permis d'elaborer des techniques pour mettre en evidence et comprendre les interactions fondamentales des EBE avec des molecules d'interet biologique, afin d'atteindre notre objectif majeur d'etudier l'effet direct de ces particules sur la molecule d'ADN. Les techniques de sciences des surfaces developpees et utilisees dans les etudes precitees peuvent etre etendues et combinees avec des methodes classiques de biologie pour etudier les dommages de l'ADN induits par l'impact des EBE. Nos experiences ont montre l'efficacite des electrons de 3--20 eV a induire des coupures simple et double brins dans l'ADN. Pour des energies inferieures a 15 eV, ces coupures sont induites par la localisation temporaire d'un electron sur une unite moleculaire de l'ADN, ce qui engendre la formation d'un ion negatif transitoire

  11. Surface Modification of Zirconia Substrate by Calcium Phosphate Particles Using Sol-Gel Method.


    Jin, So Dam; Um, Sang Cheol; Lee, Jong Kook


    Surface modification with a biphasic composition of hydroxyapatite (HA) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) was performed on a zirconia substrate using a sol-gel method. An initial calcium phosphate sol was prepared by mixing a solution of Ca(NO3)2 · 4H20 and (C2H5O)3P(O), while both porous and dense zirconia were used as substrates. The sol-gel coating was performed using a spin coater. The coated porous zirconia substrate was re-sintered at 1350 °C 2 h, while coated dense zirconia substrate was heat-treated at 750 °C 1 h. The microstructure of the resultant HA/TCP coatings was found to be dependent on the type of zirconia substrate used. With porous zirconia as a starting substrate, numerous isolated calcium phosphate particles (TCP and HA) were uniformly dispersed on the surface, and the particle size and covered area were dependent on the viscosity of the calcium phosphate sol. Conversely, when dense zirconia was used as a starting substrate, a thick film of nano-sized HA particles was obtained after heat treatment, however, substantial agglomeration and cracking was also observed.

  12. Sol-Gel Entrapped Levonorgestrel Antibodies: Activity and Structural Changes as a Function of Different Polymer Formats

    PubMed Central

    Shalev, Moran; Miriam, Altstein


    The paper describes development of a sol-gel based immunoaffinity method for the steroid hormone levonorgestrel (LNG) and the effects of changes in the sol-gel matrix format on the activity of the entrapped antibodies (Abs) and on matrix structure. The best sol-gel format for Ab entrapment was found to be a tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) based matrix at a TMOS:water ratio of 1:8, containing 10% polyethylene glycol (PEG) of MW 0.4 kDa. Addition of higher percentages of PEG or a higher MW PEG did not improve activity. No activity was obtained with a TMOS:water ratio of 1:12, most likely because of the very dense polymer that resulted from these polymerization conditions. Only minor differences in the non-specific binding were obtained with the various formats. TMOS was found to be more effective than tetrakis (2-hydroxyethyl)orthosilicate (THEOS) for entrapment of anti-levonorgestrel (LNG) Abs. However, aging the THEOS-based sol-gel for a few weeks at 4 °C stabilized the entrapped Abs and increased its binding capacity. Confocal fluorescent microscopy with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeled immunoglobulines (IgGs) entrapped in the sol-gel matrix showed that the entrapped Abs were distributed homogenously within the gel. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images have shown the diverse structures of the various sol-gel formats and precursors. PMID:28880001

  13. Investigations on photolon-and porphyrin-doped sol-gel fiberoptic coatings for laser-assisted applications in medicine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bindig, U.; Ulatowska-Jarza, A.; Kopaczynska, M.; Müller, G.; Podbielska, H.


    In view of laser-assisted medical applications, the construction of silica-based sol-gel fiberoptic sensors based on photolon (Ph) and protoporphyrin IX (PP IX) is discussed. Electron microscopy and AFM were used to characterize the silica sol-gel coatings. AFM measurements indicate a change in the surface porosity. The PP IX-based sensors were constructed as a one-layer optode as well as a multilayered structure. An additional hybrid sensor made up of alternate layers of PP IX-and Ph-doped sol-gel was also constructed and examined. Sol-gel matrices were prepared from silicate precursor tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) mixed with ethanol in acid-catalyzed hydrolysis. The carrier matrices of photosensitive dyes were produced with factor R = 20, where R denotes the ratio of solvent moles (ethanol) to the number of TEOS moles. A multilayered coating was built up using the reverse-dipping technique. The overall coating thickness was determined by electron microscopy. Doped sol-gels with different PP IX concentrations were used to produce fiberoptic coatings. The film optodes with a different number of layers were examined by fluorescence spectroscopy. It was found that photolon and protoporphyrin IX entrapped in sol-gel preserve their chemical reactivity and have contact with the external environment. The hybrid sensor demonstrated clear fluorescence and a reversible behavior in gaseous environments.

  14. Replaced platelet concentrates containing a new additive solution, M-sol: safety and efficacy for pediatric patients.


    Yanagisawa, Ryu; Shimodaira, Shigetaka; Kojima, Shunsuke; Nakasone, Nobuhiko; Ishikawa, Shinsuke; Momose, Kayo; Honda, Takayuki; Yoshikawa, Kentaro; Saito, Shoji; Tanaka, Miyuki; Nakazawa, Yozo; Sakashita, Kazuo; Shiohara, Masaaki; Akino, Mitsuaki; Hirayama, Junichi; Azuma, Hiroshi; Koike, Kenichi


    Allergic transfusion reactions (ATRs), particularly those caused by plasma-rich platelet concentrates (P-PCs), are an important concern in transfusion medicine. Replacing P-PCs with PCs containing M-sol (M-sol-R-PCs) is expected to prevent ATRs. However, this has not yet been verified by sufficient clinical evidence. A retrospective cohort study was performed between 2008 and 2011. Pediatric patients with hematologic disorders, solid tumors, primary immunodeficiency disorders, or inherited metabolic disorders were transfused with M-sol-R-PCs between 2010 and 2011; the transfusions of P-PCs administered between 2008 and 2011 were compared in terms of frequency and severity of ATRs, corrected count increment (CCI), and occurrence of bleeding. Data were collected for 6 consecutive months on a per-patient basis. Data obtained during 2008 to 2011 showed that of the 78 patients receiving 515 P-PC transfusions, 14 (17.9%) had 17 ATRs (3.3%); 14 and three ATRs were of Grades 1 and 2, respectively. In 2010 to 2011, 49 patients received 620 transfusions of M-sol-R-PCs, and two patients (4.1%) had Grade 1 ATRs (0.3%). Thus, the frequency of ATRs per bag and per patient differed significantly between the two transfusions. No steroid agents were used for the prevention or treatment of ATRs in the M-sol-R-PC group. The CCI (24 hr) for M-sol-R-PCs did not differ from that for P-PCs. M-sol-R-PCs were found to be effective in preventing ATRs without loss of transfusion efficiency in children; however, its efficacy should be further evaluated in prospective clinical trials. © 2012 American Association of Blood Banks.

  15. Secondary Crystal Growth on a Cracked Hydrotalcite-Based Film Synthesized by the Sol-Gel Method.


    Lee, Wooyoung; Lee, Chan Hyun; Lee, Ki Bong


    The sol-gel synthesis method is an attractive technology for the fabrication of ceramic films due to its preparation simplicity and ease of varying the metal composition. However, this technique presents some limitations in relation to the film thickness. Notably, when the film thickness exceeds the critical limit, large tensile stresses occur, resulting in a cracked morphology. In this study, a secondary crystal growth method was introduced as a post-treatment process for Mg/Al hydrotalcite-based films synthesized by the sol-gel method, which typically present a cracked morphology. The cracked hydrotalcite-based film was hydrothermally treated for the secondary growth of hydrotalcite crystals. In the resulting film, hydrotalcite grew with a vertical orientation, and the gaps formed during the sol-gel synthesis were filled with hydrotalcite after the crystal growth. The secondary crystal growth method provides a new solution for cracked ceramic films synthesized by the sol-gel method.

  16. Making MgO/SiO2 Glasses By The Sol-Gel Process

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bansal, Narottam P.


    Silicon dioxide glasses containing 15 mole percent magnesium oxide prepared by sol-gel process. Not made by conventional melting because ingredients immiscible liquids. Synthesis of MgO/SiO2 glass starts with mixing of magnesium nitrate hexahydrate with silicon tetraethoxide, both in alcohol. Water added, and transparent gel forms. Subsequent processing converts gel into glass. Besides producing glasses of new composition at lower processing temperatures, sol-gel method leads to improved homogeneity and higher purity.

  17. Evaluation d'une approche pedagogique respectant les facons d'apprendre des filles en sciences et en TIC en 9e annee au Nouveau-Brunswick

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lirette-Pitre, Nicole T.


    ) l'evaluation de l'effet du materiel en fonction de diverses variables reliees a l'interet et au sentiment d'auto-efficacite des filles en sciences et en TIC. Cette recherche s'est inscrite dans un paradigme pragmatique de recherche. Le pragmatisme a guide nos choix en ce qui a trait au modele de recherche et des techniques utilisees. Cette recherche a associe a la fois des techniques qualitatives et quantitatives, particulierement en ce qui concerne la collecte et l'analyse de donnees. Les donnees recueillies dans la premiere etape de l'evaluation de l'utilisabilite et de la convivialite du materiel par les enseignantes et les enseignants de sciences et les filles ont revele que le materiel concu est tres utilisable et convivial. Toutefois quelques petites ameliorations seront apportees a une version subsequente afin de faciliter davantage la navigation. Quant a l'evaluation des effets du materiel concu sur les variables reliees au sentiment d'auto-efficacite et aux interets lors de l'etape quasi experimentale, nos donnees qualitatives ont indique que ce materiel a eu des effets positifs sur le sentiment d'auto-efficacite et sur les interets des filles qui l'ont utilise. Toutefois, nos donnees quantitatives n'ont pas permis d'inferer un lien causal direct entre l'utilisation du materiel et l'augmentation du sentiment d'auto-efficacite et des interets des filles en sciences et en TIC. A la lumiere des resultats obtenus, nous avons conclu que le materiel a eu les effets escomptes. Donc, nous recommandons la creation et l'utilisation de materiel de ce genre dans toutes les classes de sciences de la 6e annee a la 12e annee au Nouveau-Brunswick.

  18. Modified thermoresponsive Poloxamer 407 and chitosan sol-gels as potential sustained-release vaccine delivery systems.


    Kojarunchitt, Thunjiradasiree; Baldursdottir, Stefania; Dong, Yao-Da; Boyd, Ben J; Rades, Thomas; Hook, Sarah


    Thermoresponsive, particle-loaded, Poloxamer 407 (P407)-Pluronic-R® (25R4) or chitosan-methyl cellulose (MC) formulations were developed as single-dose, sustained release vaccines. The sol-gels, loaded either with a particulate vaccine (cubosomes) or soluble antigen (ovalbumin) and adjuvants (Quil A and monophosphoryl lipid A), were free-flowing liquids at room temperature and formed stable gels at physiological temperatures. Rheological results showed that both systems meet the criteria of being thermoresponsive gels. The P407-25R4 sol-gels did not significantly sustain the release of antigen in vivo while the chitosan-MC sol-gels sustained the release of antigen up to at least 14 days after administration. The chitosan-MC sol-gels stimulated both cellular and humoral responses. The inclusion of cubosomes in the sol-gels did not provide a definitive beneficial effect. Further analysis of the formulations with small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) revealed that while cubosomes were stable in chitosan-MC gels they were not stable in P407-25R4 formulations. The reason for the mixed response to cubosome-loaded vehicles requires more investigation, however it appears that the cubosomes did not facilitate synchronous vaccine release and may in fact retard release, reducing efficacy in some cases. From these results, chitosan-MC sol-gels show potential as sustained release vaccine delivery systems, as compared to the P407-25R4 system that had a limited ability to sustain antigen release. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Functional nucleic acid entrapment in sol-gel derived materials.


    Carrasquilla, Carmen; Brennan, John D


    Functional nucleic acids (FNAs) are single-stranded DNA or RNA molecules, typically generated through in vitro selection, that have the ability to act as receptors for target molecules (aptamers) or perform catalysis of a chemical reaction (deoxyribozymes and ribozymes). Fluorescence-signaling aptamers and deoxyribozymes have recently emerged as promising biological recognition and signaling elements, although little has been done to evaluate their potential for solid-phase assays, particularly with species made of RNA due to their lack of chemical stability and susceptibility to nuclease attack. Herein, we present a detailed overview of the methods utilized for solid-phase immobilization of FNAs using a sol-gel entrapment method that can provide protection from nuclease degradation and impart long-term chemical stability to the FNA reporter systems, while maintaining their signaling capabilities. This article will also provide a brief review of the results of such entrapment studies involving fluorescence-signaling versions of a DNA aptamer, selected RNA-cleaving deoxyribozymes, and two different RNA aptamers in a series of sol-gel derived composites, ranging from highly polar silica to hydrophobic methylsilsesquioxane-based materials. Given the ability to produce sol-gel derived materials in a variety of configurations, particularly as thin film coatings on electrodes, optical fibers, and other devices, this entrapment method should provide a useful platform for numerous solid-phase FNA-based biosensing applications. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Piezoelectric Sol-Gel Composite Film Fabrication by Stencil Printing.


    Kaneko, Tsukasa; Iwata, Kazuki; Kobayashi, Makiko


    Piezoelectric films using sol-gel composites could be useful as ultrasonic transducers in various industrial fields. For sol-gel composite film fabrication, the spray coating technique has been used often because of its adaptability for various substrates. However, the spray technique requires multiple spray coating processes and heating processes and this is an issue of concern, especially for on-site fabrication in controlled areas. Stencil printing has been developed to solve this issue because this method can be used to fabricate thick sol-gel composite films with one coating process. In this study, PbTiO3 (PT)/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) films, PZT/PZT films, and Bi4Ti3O12 (BiT)/PZT films were fabricated by stencil printing, and PT/ PZT films were also fabricated using the spray technique. After fabrication, a thermal cycle test was performed for the samples to compare their ultrasonic performance. The sensitivity and signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of the ultrasonic response of PT/PZT fabricated by stencil printing were equivalent to those of PT/PZT fabricated by the spray technique, and better than those of other samples between room temperature and 300°C. Therefore, PT/PZT films fabricated by stencil printing could be a good candidate for nondestructive testing (NDT) ultrasonic transducers from room temperature to 300°C.

  1. Effect of sol aging time on the anti-reflective properties of silica coatings templated with phosphoric acid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wen, Wen; Li, Haibin; Chen, Xiaojing; Chang, Chengkang

    Silica anti-reflective coatings have been prepared by a sol-gel dip-coating process using the sol containing phosphoric acid as a pore-forming template. The effect of the aging time of the sol on the anti-reflective properties has been investigated. The surface topography of the silica AR coatings has been characterized. With increasing sol aging time, more over-sized pores larger than 100 nm are formed in the silica coatings. These could act as scattering centers, scattering visible light and thereby lowering transmittance. The optimal aging time was identified as 1 day, and the corresponding silica coatings showed a maximum transmittance of 99.2%, representing an 8% increase compared to the bare glass substrate.

  2. Spirit Beside 'Home Plate,' Sol 1809 (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11803 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11803

    NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images assembled into this stereo, 120-degree view southward after a short drive during the 1,809th Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's mission on the surface of Mars (February 3, 2009).

    By combining images from the left-eye and right-eye sides of the navigation camera, the view appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses with the red lens on the left.

    Spirit had driven about 2.6 meters (8.5 feet) that sol, continuing a clockwise route around a low plateau called 'Home Plate.' In this image, the rocks visible above the rovers' solar panels are on the slope at the northern edge of Home Plate.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical-perspective projection with geometric seam correction.

  3. Sol-Gel deposition of inorganic alkoxides on wood surfaces to enhance their durability under exposure to sunlight and moisture


    Mandla A. Tshabalala


    Wood specimens were coated with sol-gel deposits of aluminum isopropoxide, titanium isopropoxide, or zirconium propoxide in the presence of methytrimethoxysilane. Both zirconium propoxide and titanium isopropoxide sol-gel deposits reduced water sorption, whereas aluminum isopropoxide sol-gel deposit increased water sorption, compared with uncoated wood specimens. There...

  4. Aircraft Disinsection: A Guide for Military and Civilian Air Carriers (Desinsectisation des aeronefs: Un guide a l’intention des responsables des transports aeriens civils et militaires)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    regulations. - Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly). Quarantine regulations generally reduce - Rhagoletis pomonella (Apple maggot). the chances of a...d’insectes nuisibles dans un pays, en 6vitant des risques pour la sant6 des 6quipages, pour la s~curit6 de 1’a~ronef et pour l’industrie. Ce rapport examine 1...diffrrents officiels responsables de la r~glementation des insectes nuisibles introduits, de l’inscription des pesticides et de leur utilisation en

  5. Phoenix Conductivity Probe after Extraction from Martian Soil on Sol 99

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander inserted the four needles of its thermal and conductivity probe into Martian soil during the 98th Martian day, or sol, of the mission and left it in place until Sol 99 (Sept. 4, 2008).

    The Surface Stereo Imager on Phoenix took this image on the morning of Sol 99 after the probe was lifted away from the soil. This imaging served as a check of whether soil had stuck to the needles.

    The thermal and conductivity probe measures how fast heat and electricity move from one needle to an adjacent one through the soil or air between the needles. Conductivity readings can be indicators about water vapor, water ice and liquid water.

    The probe is part of Phoenix's Microscopy, Electrochemistry and Conductivity suite of instruments.

    The Phoenix Mission is led by the University of Arizona, Tucson, on behalf of NASA. Project management of the mission is by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Spacecraft development is by Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver.

  6. SolTrace FAQs | Concentrating Solar Power | NREL Websites

    that should be noted: when using a cubic spline file to describe a surface, if that file contains a help for script functions? A: Yes, when typing a script function within the scripting window, as you results. When the limit is reached, SolTrace generates the following error message (Windows version; Mac

  7. Dust Devil in Spirit's View Ahead on Sol 1854

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images that have been combined into this stereo, 180-degree view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,854th Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's surface mission (March 21, 2009).

    The rover had driven 13.79 meters (45 feet) westward earlier on Sol 1854.

    West is at the center, where a dust devil is visible in the distance. North on the right, where Husband Hill dominates the horizon; Spirit was on top of Husband Hill in September and October 2005. South is on the left, where lighter-toned rock lines the edge of the low plateau called 'Home Plate.'

    This view is presented as a cylindrical projection with geometric seam correction.

  8. Sol-gel transition of organogels observed by terahertz spectroscopy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoshina, Hiromichi; Ozaki, Atsumi; Itagaki, Yusuke; Yajima, Setsuko; Suzuki, Hal; Ishii, Shinya; Ishida, Misaki; Uchiyama, Tetsuji; Kimura, Keiichi; Otani, Chiko


    Terahertz (THz) absorption spectra of organogels consisting of (1R,2R)-1,2-bis(dodecanoylamino)cyclohexane/2-nitrophenyl octyl ether (RR-BDC/NPOE) and RR-BDC/n-dodecane were measured by Fourier-transform far-infrared (FT-FIR) spectroscopy. The vibrational peaks of the gels were observed at the same frequencies as those of the pure gelator, suggesting that the intermolecular structure around the Nsbnd H⋯Odbnd C hydrogen bond is maintained in the gel phase. Temperature-dependent spectroscopy showed a drastic spectral change at the sol-gel transition temperature, in which the vibrational peak at 3.5 THz disappears and a new peak appears at 2.9 THz. The change in THz vibrational frequency is indicative of the structural collapse of the hydrogen-bonded fibrous architecture in the sol phase.

  9. Etude des phenomenes dynamiques ultrarapides et des caracteristiques impulsionnelles d'emission terahertz du supraconducteur YBCO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Savard, Stephane

    Les premieres etudes d'antennes a base de supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique emettant une impulsion electromagnetique dont le contenu en frequence se situe dans le domaine terahertz remontent a 1996. Une antenne supraconductrice est formee d'un micro-pont d'une couche mince supraconductrice sur lequel un courant continu est applique. Un faisceau laser dans le visible est focalise sur le micro-pont et place le supraconducteur dans un etat hors-equilibre ou des paires sont brisees. Grace a la relaxation des quasiparticules en surplus et eventuellement de la reformation des paires supraconductrices, nous pouvons etudier la nature de la supraconductivite. L'analyse de la cinetique temporelle du champ electromagnetique emis par une telle antenne terahertz supraconductrice s'est averee utile pour decrire qualitativement les caracteristiques de celle-ci en fonction des parametres d'operation tels que le courant applique, la temperature et la puissance d'excitation. La comprehension de l'etat hors-equilibre est la cle pour comprendre le fonctionnement des antennes terahertz supraconductrices a haute temperature critique. Dans le but de comprendre ultimement cet etat hors-equilibre, nous avions besoin d'une methode et d'un modele pour extraire de facon plus systematique les proprietes intrinseques du materiau qui compose l'antenne terahertz a partir des caracteristiques d'emission de celle-ci. Nous avons developpe une procedure pour calibrer le spectrometre dans le domaine temporel en utilisant des antennes terahertz de GaAs bombarde aux protons H+ comme emetteur et detecteur. Une fois le montage calibre, nous y avons insere une antenne emettrice dipolaire de YBa 2Cu3O7-delta . Un modele avec des fonctions exponentielles de montee et de descente du signal est utilise pour lisser le spectre du champ electromagnetique de l'antenne de YBa 2Cu3O7-delta, ce qui nous permet d'extraire les proprietes intrinseques de ce dernier. Pour confirmer la validite du modele

  10. Developpement d'une methode calorimetrique de mesure des pertes ac pour des rubans supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dolez, Patricia

    Le travail de recherche effectue dans le cadre de ce projet de doctorat a permis la mise au point d'une methode de mesure des pertes ac destinee a l'etude des supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. Pour le choix des principes de cette methode, nous nous sommes inspires de travaux anterieurs realises sur les supraconducteurs conventionnels, afin de proposer une alternative a la technique electrique, presentant lors du debut de cette these des problemes lies a la variation du resultat des mesures selon la position des contacts de tension sur la surface de l'echantillon, et de pouvoir mesurer les pertes ac dans des conditions simulant la realite des futures applications industrielles des rubans supraconducteurs: en particulier, cette methode utilise la technique calorimetrique, associee a une calibration simultanee et in situ. La validite de la methode a ete verifiee de maniere theorique et experimentale: d'une part, des mesures ont ete realisees sur des echantillons de Bi-2223 recouverts d'argent ou d'alliage d'argent-or et comparees avec les predictions theoriques donnees par Norris, nous indiquant la nature majoritairement hysteretique des pertes ac dans nos echantillons; d'autre part, une mesure electrique a ete realisee in situ dont les resultats correspondent parfaitement a ceux donnes par notre methode calorimetrique. Par ailleurs, nous avons compare la dependance en courant et en frequence des pertes ac d'un echantillon avant et apres qu'il ait ete endommage. Ces mesures semblent indiquer une relation entre la valeur du coefficient de la loi de puissance modelisant la dependance des pertes avec le courant, et les inhomogeneites longitudinales du courant critique induites par l'endommagement. De plus, la variation en frequence montre qu'au niveau des grosses fractures transverses creees par l'endommagement dans le coeur supraconducteur, le courant se partage localement de maniere a peu pres equivalente entre les quelques grains de matiere

  11. Fabrication of piezoelectric ceramic fibers by extrusion of Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 powder and Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 sol mixture

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qiu, Jinhao; Tani, Junji; Kobayashi, Yoshimasa; Um, Tae Young; Takahashi, Hirofumi


    In this study, Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 (PZT) piezoelectric ceramic fibers were fabricated by extrusion from a mixture of PZT powder and PZT sol. The added PZT sol in this study played the role of a binder; the sol changed into crystalline PZT during sintering, and removal of additives before sintering was not required. To obtain the required PZT fibers, the sol viscosity adjustment condition, the mixture ratio of powder and sol for fiber extrusion, and the sintering condition for obtaining polycrystalline fibers were investigated. The PZT precursor solution was synthesized from lead acetate trihydrate, zirconium n-propoxide, and titanium isopropoxide by reflux at 120 °C for 3 h with 2-methoxyethanol. The appropriate adjustment of the spinnable sol was achieved by the addition of acetic acid to suppress the hydrolysis reaction and by curing the sol at 80 °C to promote the condensation of the sol. Green fibers with diameters of about 300µm were successfully extruded from the mixture of PZT powder and sol (powder:sol = 5- 8:1, molar ratio). The extruded fibers, sintered at 1200 °C, had a microstructure with 2- 6µm grains and had no pores or cracks. From the results of displacement behavior measurements, the PZT fibers fabricated by firing at 1200 °C in this study were considered to have the desired piezoelectric properties.

  12. A copper ion-selective electrode with high selectivity prepared by sol-gel and coated wire techniques.


    Mazloum Ardakani, M; Salavati-Niasari, M; Khayat Kashani, M; Ghoreishi, S M


    A sol-gel electrode and a coated wire ion-selective poly(vinyl chloride) membrane, based on thiosemicarbazone as a neutral carrier, were successfully developed for the detection of Cu (II) in aqueous solutions. The sol-gel electrode and coated electrode exhibited linear response with Nernstian slopes of 29.2 and 28.1 mV per decade respectively, within the copper ion concentration ranges 1.0 x 10(-5) - 1.0 x 10(-1) M and 6.0 x 10(-6) - 1.0 x 10(-1) M for coated and sol-gel sensors. The coated and sol-gel electrodes show detection limits of 3.0 x 10(-6) and 6.0 x 10(-6) M respectively. The electrodes exhibited good selectivities for a number of alkali, alkaline earth, transition and heavy metal ions. The proposed electrodes have response times ranging from 10-50 s to achieve a 95% steady potential for Cu2+ concentration. The electrodes are suitable for use in aqueous solutions over a wide pH range (4-7.5). Applications of these electrodes for the determination of copper in real samples, and as an indicator electrode for potentiometric titration of Cu2+ ion using EDTA, are reported. The lifetimes of the electrodes were tested over a period of six months to investigate their stability. No significant change in the performance of the sol-gel electrode was observed over this period, but after two months the coated wire copper-selective electrode exhibited a gradual decrease in the slope. The selectivity of the sol-gel electrode was found to be better than that of the coated wire copper-selective electrode. Based on these results, a novel sol-gel copper-selective electrode is proposed for the determination of copper, and applied to real sample assays.

  13. Density Limit due to SOL Convection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    D'Ippolito, D. A.; Myra, J. R.; Russell, D. A.


    Recent measurements on C-Mod(M. Greenwald, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 44), R27 (2002). suggest there is a density limit due to rapid convection in the SOL: this region starts in the far SOL but expands inward to the separatrix as the density approaches the Greenwald limit. This idea is supported by a recent analysis(D. A. Russell et al., Lodestar Report LRC-04-99 (2004).) of a 3D BOUT code turbulence simulation(X. Q. Xu et al., Bull. APS 48), 184 (2003), paper KP1-20. with neutral fueling of the X-point region. Our work suggests that rapid outwards convection of plasma by turbulent coherent structures (``blobs'') occurs when the X-point collisionality is sufficiently large. Here, we calculate a density limit due to loss of thermal equilibrium in the edge plasma due to rapid radial convective heat transport. We expect a synergistic effect between blob convection and X-point cooling. The cooling increases the parallel resistivity at the X-point, ``disconnects'' the blobs electrically from the sheaths, and increases their radial velocity,(D.A. D'Ippolito et al., 2004 Sherwood Meeting, paper 1C 43.) which in turn further cools the X-points. Progress on a theoretical model will be reported.

  14. Rheology of polyaniline-dinonylnaphthalene disulfonic acid (DNNDSA) montmorillonite clay nanocomposites in the sol state: shear thinning versus pseudo-solid behavior.


    Garai, Ashesh; Nandi, Arun K


    The melt rheology of polyaniline (PANI)-dinonylnaphthalenedisulfonic acid (DNNDSA) gel nanocomposites (GNCs) with organically modified (modified with cetyl trimethylammonium bromide)-montmorillonite (om-MMT) clay has been studied for three different clay concentrations at the temperature range 120-160 degrees C. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dc-conductivity data (approximately 10(-3) S/cm) indicate that the PANI-DNNDSA melt is in sol state and it is not de-doped at that condition. The WAXS data indicate that in GNC-1 sol clay tactoids are in exfoliated state but in the other sols they are in intercalated state. The zero shear viscosity (eta0), storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G") increase than that of pure gel in the GNCs. The pure sol and the sols of gel nanocomposites (GNCs) exhibit Newtonian behavior for low shear rate (< 6 x 10(-3) s(-1)) and power law variation for the higher shear rate region. The characteristic time (A) increase with increasing clay concentration and the power law index (n) decreases with increase in clay concentration in the GNCs indicating increased shear thinning for the clay addition. Thus the sols of om-clay nanocomposites of PANI-DNNDSA system are easily processible. The storage modulus (G') of GNC sols are higher than that of pure PANI-DNNDSA sol, GNC1 sol shows a maximum of 733% increase in storage modulus and the percent increase decreases with increase in temperature. Exfoliated nature of clay tactoids has been attributed for the above dramatic increase of G'. The PANI-DNNDSA sol nanocomposites behave as a pseudo-solid at higher frequency where G' and loss modulus (G") show a crossover point in the frequency sweep experiment at a fixed temperature. The crossover frequency decreases with increase in clay concentration and it increases with increase in temperature for GNC sols. The pseudo-solid behavior has been explained

  15. Cartographie des disques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hameury, Jean-Marie


    Two techniques are frequently used to produce images of the accretion disc in an eclipsing binary: eclipse mapping and Doppler tomography. From the light curve, one can deduce the radial distribution of the effective temperature, assuming axial symmetry. On the other hand, from the variation of the line profile one can reconstruct an image in the velocity space, which can be converted into a real image if one knows the kinematics of the system. Deux techniques sont couramment utilisées pour obtenir des images des disques dans les systèmes binaires à éclipses. En utilisant la courbe de lumière, on peut remonter à la distribution radiale de la brillance de surface, en supposant que celle-ci a une symètrie axiale. D'autre part, les profils de raies renseignent sur la distribution de vitesse des régions émissives leur variation temporelle permet de réaliser une image dans l'espace des vitesses, que l'on peut ensuite transformer en carte dans l'espace (x,y) si on connaît la cinématique du système.

  16. First results of the SOL reflectometer on Alcator C-Mod.


    Lau, C; Hanson, G; Lin, Y; Wilgen, J; Wukitch, S; Labombard, B; Wallace, G


    A swept-frequency X-mode reflectometer has been built on Alcator C-Mod to measure the scrape-off layer (SOL) density profiles adjacent to the lower hybrid launcher. The reflectometer system operates between 100 and 146 GHz at sweep rates from 10 μs to 1 ms and covers a density range of ∼10(16)-10(20) m(-3) at B(0) = 5-5.4 T. This paper discusses the analysis of reflectometer density profiles and presents first experimental results of SOL density profile modifications due to the application of lower hybrid range-of-frequencies power to L-mode discharges. Comparison between density profiles measured by the X-mode reflectometer and scanning Langmuir probes is also shown.

  17. A facile sol-gel synthesis of impurity-free nanocrystalline titania.


    Vinogradov, Alexandr V; Ermakova, Al'ena V; Butman, Mikhail F; Hey-Hawkins, Evamarie; Vinogradov, Vladimir V


    This paper reports an original technique that provides a highly pure crystalline sol of titania with controllable particle size by ultrasonic activation of the hydrolysis products of titanium isopropoxide in an aqueous medium at a near-neutral pH, which is potentially promising in impurity-sensitive electronics and biochemical engineering. Optimal conditions (H2O/TIP ratio, sonication time, etc.) for preparation of stable nanocrystalline titania sol were adopted. A new mechanism of regulation of aggregation and polycondensation under ultrasonic irradiation is proposed. Entrapment of human serum albumin (HSA) in the formed porous titania matrix results in high thermal stability of the protein dopants: the denaturation temperature of HSA is shifted by 31 °C.

  18. Ternary Phase-Separation Investigation of Sol-Gel Derived Silica from Ethyl Silicate 40

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Shengnan; Wang, David K.; Smart, Simon; Diniz da Costa, João C.


    A ternary phase-separation investigation of the ethyl silicate 40 (ES40) sol-gel process was conducted using ethanol and water as the solvent and hydrolysing agent, respectively. This oligomeric silica precursor underwent various degrees of phase separation behaviour in solution during the sol-gel reactions as a function of temperature and H2O/Si ratios. The solution composition within the immiscible region of the ES40 phase-separated system shows that the hydrolysis and condensation reactions decreased with decreasing reaction temperature. A mesoporous structure was obtained at low temperature due to weak drying forces from slow solvent evaporation on one hand and formation of unreacted ES40 cages in the other, which reduced network shrinkage and produced larger pores. This was attributed to the concentration of the reactive sites around the phase-separated interface, which enhanced the condensation and crosslinking. Contrary to dense silica structures obtained from sol-gel reactions in the miscible region, higher microporosity was produced via a phase-separated sol-gel system by using high H2O/Si ratios. This tailoring process facilitated further condensation reactions and crosslinking of silica chains, which coupled with stiffening of the network, made it more resistant to compression and densification. PMID:26411484

  19. The effect of silica-coating by sol-gel process on resin-zirconia bonding.


    Lung, Christie Ying Kei; Kukk, Edwin; Matinlinna, Jukka Pekka


    The effect of silica-coating by sol-gel process on the bond strength of resin composite to zirconia was evaluated and compared against the sandblasting method. Four groups of zirconia samples were silica-coated by sol-gel process under varied reagent ratios of ethanol, water, ammonia and tetraethyl orthosilicate and for different deposition times. One control group of zirconia samples were treated with sandblasting. Within each of these five groups, one subgroup of samples was kept in dry storage while another subgroup was aged by thermocycling for 6,000 times. Besides shear bond testing, the surface topography and surface elemental composition of silica-coated zirconia samples were also examined using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Comparison of silica coating methods revealed significant differences in bond strength among the Dry groups (p<0.001) and Thermocycled groups (p<0.001). Comparison of sol-gel deposition times also revealed significant differences in bond strength among the Dry groups (p<0.01) and Thermocycled groups (p<0.001). Highest bond strengths were obtained after 141-h deposition: Dry (7.97±3.72 MPa); Thermocycled (2.33±0.79 MPa). It was concluded that silica-coating of zirconia by sol-gel process resulted in weaker resin bonding than by sandblasting.

  20. Ring-Resonator/Sol-Gel Interferometric Immunosensor

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bearman, Gregory; Cohen, David


    A proposed biosensing system would be based on a combination of (1) a sensing volume containing antibodies immobilized in a sol-gel matrix and (2) an optical interferometer having a ring resonator configuration. The antibodies would be specific to an antigen species that one seeks to detect. In the ring resonator of the proposed system, light would make multiple passes through the sensing volume, affording greater interaction length and, hence, greater antibody- detection sensitivity.

  1. Synthesis of superhydrophobic alumina membrane: Effects of sol-gel coating, steam impingement and water treatment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ahmad, N. A.; Leo, C. P.; Ahmad, A. L.


    Ceramic membranes possess natural hydrophilicity thus tending to absorb water droplets. The absorption of water molecules on membrane surface reduces their application in filtration, membrane distillation, osmotic evaporation and membrane gas absorption. Fluoroalkylsilane (FAS) grafting allows the conversion of hydrophilic ceramic membranes into superhydrophobic thin layer, but it usually introduces a great increment of mass transfer resistance. In this study, superhydrophobic alumina membranes were synthesized by dip coating alumina support into sol-gel and grafted with the fluoroalkylsilane (FAS) named (heptadecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetra hydrodecyl) triethoxysilane. Steam impingement and water treatment acted as additional steps to generate surface roughness on sol-gel and most importantly to reduce mass transfer resistance. Superhydrophobic alumina membrane with high water contact angle (158.4°) and low resistance (139.5 ± 24.9 G m-1) was successfully formed when the alumina membrane was dip coated into sol-gel for 7 s, treated with steam impingement for 1 min and immersed in hot water at 100 °C. However, the mass transfer resistance was greatly induced to 535.6 ± 23.5 G m-1 when the dip coating time was increased to 60 s. Long dip coating time contributes more on the blockage of porous structure rather than creates a thin film on the top of membrane surface. Reducing the pore size and porosity significantly due to increase of coating molecules deposited on the membrane. Steam impingement for 1 min promoted the formation of cones and valleys on the sol-gel, but the macro-roughness was destroyed when the steam impingement duration was extended to more than 3 min. The immersions of membranes into hot water at temperatures higher than 60 °C encouraged the formation of boehmite which enhances the formation of additional roughness and enlarges pore size greatly. Thus, this work showed that the formation of superhydrophobic alumina membrane with low resistance is

  2. L’alimentation des enfants ayant une déficience neurologique

    PubMed Central


    La malnutrition, qu’il s’agisse de sous-alimentation ou de suralimentation, est courante chez les enfants ayant une déficience neurologique. Les besoins en énergie sont difficiles à définir au sein de cette population hétérogène. De plus, on manque d’information sur ce qui constitue la croissance normale chez ces enfants. Des facteurs non nutritionnels peuvent influer sur la croissance, mais des facteurs nutritionnels, tels qu’un apport calorique insuffisant, des pertes excessives d’éléments nutritifs et un métabolisme énergétique anormal, contribuent également au retard de croissance de ces enfants. La malnutrition est liée à une importante morbidité, tandis que la réadaptation nutritionnelle améliore l’état de santé global. Le soutien nutritionnel doit faire partie intégrante de la prise en charge des enfants ayant une déficience nutritionnelle et viser non seulement à améliorer l’état nutritionnel, mais également la qualité de vie des patients et de leur famille. Au moment d’envisager une intervention nutritionnelle, il faut tenir compte du dysfonctionnement oromoteur, du reflux gastro-œsophagien et de l’aspiration pulmonaire, et une équipe multidisciplinaire doit se concerter. Il faut repérer rapidement les enfants vulnérables à des troubles nutritionnels et procéder à une évaluation de leur état nutritionnel au moins une fois par année, et plus souvent chez les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants ou chez les enfants qui risquent de souffrir de malnutrition. Il faut optimiser l’apport oral s’il est sécuritaire, mais entreprendre une alimentation entérale chez les enfants ayant un dysfonctionnement oromoteur qui provoque une aspiration marquée ou chez ceux qui sont incapables de maintenir un état nutritionnel suffisant au moyen de l’apport oral. Il faut réserver l’alimentation par sonde nasogastrique aux interventions à court terme, mais si une intervention nutritionnelle prolongée s

  3. Sol gel derived hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium and its alloy Ti6Al4V

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stoch, A.; Jastrzebski, W.; Długoń, E.; Lejda, W.; Trybalska, B.; Stoch, G. J.; Adamczyk, A.


    Titanium has been used for many medical and dental applications; however, its joining to a living bone is not satisfactorily good or the implant integration with bone tissue takes several months.The aim of this work is to produce hydroxyapatite (HAP) coatings on titanium and its alloy for facilitating and shortening the processes towards osseointegration. HAP coatings were obtained by sol-gel method with sol solutions prepared from calcium nitrate tetrahydrate and triammonium phosphate trihydrate as the calcium and phosphorous sources. Two types of gelatine were added to the sol: agar-agar or animals gelatine. Both were found to enhance the formation and stability of amorphous HAP using soluble salts as the sources of calcium and phosphate. HAP coatings were deposited from HAP-GEL sol using dip-withdrawal technique, then the plates were dried and annealed at temperatures 460-750 °C. FTIR spectroscopy and XRD analysis were used to study the phase composition of phosphate coatings. Morphology and chemical analysis of HAP layers was performed using a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray analyser (SEM+EDX). The biological activity of sol-gel phosphate coatings was observed during thermostatic held in simulated body fluid (SBF). It was found that chemical composition and structure of HAP coatings depends on pH and final thermal treatment of the layer.

  4. Sol-gel preparation of hydrophobic silica antireflective coatings with low refractive index by base/acid two-step catalysis.


    Cai, Shuang; Zhang, Yulu; Zhang, Hongli; Yan, Hongwei; Lv, Haibing; Jiang, Bo


    Hydrophobic antireflective coatings with a low refractive index were prepared via a base/acid-catalyzed two-step sol-gel process using tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and methyltriethoxysilane (MTES) as precursors, respectively. The base-catalyzed hydrolysis of TEOS leads to the formation of a sol with spherical silica particles in the first step. In the second step, the acid-catalyzed MTES hydrolysis and condensation occur at the surface of the initial base-catalyzed spherical silica particles, which enlarge the silica particle size from 12.9 to 35.0 nm. By a dip-coating process, this hybrid sol gives an antireflective coating with a refractive index of about 1.15. Moreover, the water contact angles of the resulted coatings increase from 22.4 to 108.7° with the increases of MTES content, which affords the coatings an excellent hydrophobicity. A "core-shell" particle growth mechanism of the hybrid sol was proposed and the relationship between the microstructure of silica sols and the properties of AR coatings was investigated.

  5. Évaluation des caractéristiques mécaniques du polissoir en polyuréthanne utilisé comme porte abrasifs durant le processus du polissage du verre optique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aliouane, T.; Bouzid, D.; Belkhir, N.; Bouzid, S.; Herold, V.


    La fabrication des composants en verre optique nécessite des moyens de grande précision dans les procédés de finition vue l'importance accordée à leur qualité.
Durant le processus de polissage des verres optiques, le polissoir est un élément clé et a un impact direct sur les performances des composants optiques, non seulement il est utilisé comme support de grains abrasifs mais il doit posséder la fonction de transmission de la pression aux grains. La connaissance de ses propriétés, essentiellement mécanique, est impérative afin d'obtenir un état de surface optimal des composants optiques destinés à remplir des fonctions très précises dans des appareils optiques très performants.
Dans cette étude, nous avons constaté que les propriétés des polissoirs en polyuréthanne tel que la dureté, le module d'élasticité et la densité varient au cours du polissage. Ce changement a des effets sur l'état de surface de verre optique, causé par le changement microstructural de la surface du polissoir (distribution et dimensions des pores) et par conséquent sur la quantité des abrasifs (en oxyde de cérium) insérée dans les pores, ce qui influe sur la quantité de verre enlevée et sur l'état de surface du composant.
Sur la base des résultats obtenus, il a été prouvé que le polissoir subit des modifications très importantes ce qui influe considérablement sur son efficacité de polissage.

  6. Effets perturbateurs endocriniens des pesticides organochlores.


    Charlier, C; Plomteux, G


    Xenoestrogens such organochlorine pesticides are known to induce changes in reproductive development, function or behaviour in wildlife. Because these compounds are able to modify the estrogens metabolism, or to compete with estradiol for binding to the estrogen receptor, it may be possible that these products affect the risk of developing impaired fertility, precocious puberty or some kinds of cancer in man. Le plus ancien récit de lutte contre la pollution remonte à une légende indienne racontant que la divinité Sing-bonga était incommodée par les émanations des fours dans lesquels les Asuras fondaient leurs métaux (1). Evidemment depuis, la problématique n-a cessé de s-accroître et la contamination de la Terre par de nombreux polluants est devenue aujourd-hui un problème majeur de notre Société. La protection de notre environnement est une question capitale qui doit être respectée malgré la pression économique actuelle et qui ne cessera de croître au cours des prochaines années même si l-identification objective et indiscutable de ce qui est essentiel - donc devant être prioritairement garanti sur la planète - est difficile à cerner (2). « Un oiseau en mauvais état ne pond pas de bons oeufs » disait un proverbe grec. Mais ce n-est qu-à partir de la seconde moitié du XXème siècle que les toxicologues ont commencé à identifier les effets qu-avaient entraînés à l-échelle mondiale les pollutions émises aux XIXème siècle sur la faune sauvage et sur le cheptel (3). L-histoire contemporaine des pesticides industriels commence vers 1874 (synthèse des organochlorés) et se poursuit tout au long de ces 2 siècles en passant par la synthèse des organophosphorés (1950), des carbamates (1970) et des pyréthroïdes (1975) (4). Le dichlorodiphényltrichloroéthane (DDT) a été synthétisé pour la première fois par un étudiant en cours de préparation de sa thèse de doctorat : Othmer Zeidler. La production, reprise par les

  7. Effect of ethanol variation on the internal environment of sol-gel bulk and thin films with aging.


    Gupta, R; Mozumdar, S; Chaudhury, N K


    Sol-gel derived bulk and thin films were prepared from different compositions at low pH ( approximately 2.0) containing varying concentrations of ethanol from 15 to 60% at constant water (H(2)O)/tetraethyl-orthosilicate (TEOS) ratio (R=4). The fluorescence microscopic and spectroscopic measurements on fluorescent probe, Hoechst 33258 (H258) entrapped in these compositions were carried out at different days of storage to monitor the effects of concentration of ethanol on the internal environment of sol-gel materials. Fluorescence microscopic observations on sol-gel thin films, prepared by dip coating technique depicted uniform and cracked surface at withdrawal speed 1cm/min (high speed) and 0.1cm/min (low speed) respectively, which did not change during aging. Fluorescence spectral measurements showed emission maximum of H258 at approximately 535 nm in fresh sols at all concentrations of ethanol which depicted slight blue shift to 512 nm during aging in bulk. No such spectral shift has been observed in sol-gel thin films coated at high speed whereas thin films coated at low speed clearly showed an additional band at approximately 404 nm at 45 and 60% concentration of ethanol after about one month of storage. Analysis of the fluorescence lifetime data indicated single exponential decay (1.6-1.8 ns) in fresh sol and from third day onwards, invariably double exponential decay with a short (tau(1)) and a long (tau(2)) component were observed in sol-gel bulk with a dominant tau(1) at approximately 1.2 ns at all concentrations of ethanol. A double exponential decay consisting of a short component (tau(1)) at approximately 0.2 ns and a long component (tau(2)) at approximately 3.5 ns were observed at all ethanol concentrations in both fresh and aged sol-gel thin films. Further, distribution analysis of lifetimes of H258 showed two mean lifetimes with increased width in aged bulk and thin films. These results are likely to have strong implications in designing the internal

  8. Regulation of the sol Locus Genes for Butanol and Acetone Formation in Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 by a Putative Transcriptional Repressor

    PubMed Central

    Nair, Ramesh V.; Green, Edward M.; Watson, David E.; Bennett, George N.; Papoutsakis, Eleftherios T.


    A gene (orf1, now designated solR) previously identified upstream of the aldehyde/alcohol dehydrogenase gene aad (R. V. Nair, G. N. Bennett, and E. T. Papoutsakis, J. Bacteriol. 176:871–885, 1994) was found to encode a repressor of the sol locus (aad, ctfA, ctfB and adc) genes for butanol and acetone formation in Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824. Primer extension analysis identified a transcriptional start site 35 bp upstream of the solR start codon. Amino acid comparisons of SolR identified a potential helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif in the C-terminal half towards the center of the protein, suggesting a regulatory role. Overexpression of SolR in strain ATCC 824(pCO1) resulted in a solvent-negative phenotype owing to its deleterious effect on the transcription of the sol locus genes. Inactivation of solR in C. acetobutylicum via homologous recombination yielded mutants B and H (ATCC 824 solR::pO1X) which exhibited deregulated solvent production characterized by increased flux towards butanol and acetone formation, earlier induction of aad, lower overall acid production, markedly improved yields of solvents on glucose, a prolonged solvent production phase, and increased biomass accumulation compared to those of the wild-type strain. PMID:9864345

  9. Synthesis of Titania-supported Copper Nanoparticles via Refined Alkoxide Sol-gel Process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, Jeffrey C. S.; Tseng, I.-Hsiang; Chang, Wan-Chen


    Nanoparticles of titania and copper-loaded titania were synthesized by a refined sol-gel method using titanium butoxide. Unlike the conventional sol-gel procedure of adding water directly, the esterification of anhydrous butanol and glacial acetic acid provided the hydrolyzing water. In addition, acetic acid also served as a chelating ligand to stabilize the hydrolysis-condensation process and minimize the agglomeration of titania. Following the hydrolysis, Cu/TiO2 was prepared by adding copper chloride to titania sol. The sol was dried, then calcined at 500°C to remove organics and transformed to anatase titania which was verified by XRD. Cu/TiO2 was further hydrogen-reduced at 300°C. The recovery of Ti was exceeded by an average of 95% from titanium butoxide. TEM micrographs show that the Cu/TiO2 particles are near uniform. The average crystallite sizes are 17-20 nm estimated from the peak broadening of XRD spectra. The bandgaps of TiO2 and reduced Cu/TiO2 range from 2.70 to 3.15 eV estimated from the diffusive reflective UV-Vis spectra. XPS analysis shows that Cu 2p3/2 is 933.4 eV indicating primary Cu2O form on the TiO2 supports. The binding energy of Ti does not exhibit chemical shift suggesting negligible interaction of Cu cluster and TiO2 support.

  10. Sol-gel processing of bioactive glass nanoparticles: A review.


    Zheng, Kai; Boccaccini, Aldo R


    Silicate-based bioactive glass nanoparticles (BGN) are gaining increasing attention in various biomedical applications due to their unique properties. Controlled synthesis of BGN is critical to their effective use in biomedical applications since BGN characteristics, such as morphology and composition, determining the properties of BGN, are highly related to the synthesis process. In the last decade, numerous investigations focusing on BGN synthesis have been reported. BGN can mainly be produced through the conventional melt-quench approach or by sol-gel methods. The latter approaches are drawing widespread attention, considering the convenience and versatility they offer to tune the properties of BGN. In this paper, we review the strategies of sol-gel processing of BGN, including those adopting different catalysts for initiating the hydrolysis and condensation of silicate precursors as well as those combining sol-gel chemistry with other techniques. The processes and mechanism of different synthesis approaches are introduced and discussed in detail. Considering the importance of the BGN morphology and composition to their biomedical applications, strategies put forward to control the size, shape, pore structure and composition of BGN are discussed. BGN are particularly interesting biomaterials for bone-related applications, however, they also have potential for other biomedical applications, e.g. in soft tissue regeneration/repair. Therefore, in the last part of this review, recently reported applications of BGN in soft tissue repair and wound healing are presented. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Dependence of SOL widths on plasma parameters in NSTX

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ahn, Joon-Wook; Maingi, Rajesh; Boedo, Jose; Soukhanovskii, Vlad; Leblanc, Ben; Kaita, Robert


    The dependence of various upstream Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) widths on the line-averaged density (n e), plasma current (Ip), and power into the SOL (PSOL) for H-mode plasmas was investigated, using the mid-plane fast reciprocating probe and Thomson scattering diagnostics, in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX). The heat flux width (λq) at the divertor plate, measured by the IR camera, was also measured and compared with the upstream SOL widths. The edge density profile remains fixed during the H-mode, such that the separatrix density is constant even though n e is ramping. Thus λq, λTe, and λne are insensitive to n e. λTe and λjsat have strong negative dependence on Ip, whereas there was only a very weak change in λne when Ip was varied. These empirical results have been compared with scaling laws in the literature. The λTe dependence on Ip is consistent with an H-mode λTe scaling law, while the insensitivity of λne to n e is not consistent with the λne scaling law. Dependence of decay lengths on plasma parameters in a wide range of plasma conditions will be presented. This work was supported by the US Department of Energy, contract numbers DE-FG02-03ER54731, DE-AC02-76CH03073, DE-AC05-00OR22725, and DE-AC52-07NA27344.

  12. Porous Silica Sol-Gel Glasses Containing Reactive V2O5 Groups

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stiegman, Albert E.


    Porous silica sol-gel glasses into which reactive vanadium oxide functional groups incorporated exhibit number of unique characteristics. Because they bind molecules of some species both reversibly and selectively, useful as chemical sensors or indicators or as scrubbers to remove toxic or hazardous contaminants. Materials also oxidize methane gas photochemically: suggests they're useful as catalysts for conversion of methane to alcohol and for oxidation of hydrocarbons in general. By incorporating various amounts of other metals into silica sol-gel glasses, possible to synthesize new materials with broad range of new characteristics.

  13. The Preparation of TiO₂ Film by the Sol-Gel Method and Evaluation of Its Self-Cleaning Property.


    Liang, Yu; Sun, Sijia; Deng, Tongrong; Ding, Hao; Chen, Wanting; Chen, Ying


    TiO₂ sol was produced by the sol-gel method through the hydrolysis and the aging of tetrabutyl titanate and the TiO₂ film was obtained by dipping and uniform lifting of the acid-treated and ultrasound-treated clean glass slides into the TiO₂ sol followed by aging, drying, and calcination. The effect of the hydrolysis control agents to the formed sol was researched and the crystalline state, the morphology, and the photocatalytic properties of the products after calcination were characterized. The structural morphology, the contact angles before and after illumination, and the self-cleaning properties of the TiO₂ film were characterized as well. The results showed that by using acetylacetone as the hydrolysis control agent, the formed TiO₂ sol had relatively high stability. The product after the calcination of the TiO₂ sol was of single anatase type with crystalline size of 18-20 nm and it could degrade nearly 100% of methylene blue after 90 min illumination. The formed TiO₂ film is compact, continuous, smooth, and had the properties of super-hydrophilicity (after 30 min illumination due to its contact angle decreasing from 21° to nearly 0°) and anti-fogging capability, which indicated its excellent self-cleaning property.

  14. Two-point modeling of SOL losses of HHFW power in NSTX

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kish, Ayden; Perkins, Rory; Ahn, Joon-Wook; Diallo, Ahmed; Gray, Travis; Hosea, Joel; Jaworski, Michael; Kramer, Gerrit; Leblanc, Benoit; Sabbagh, Steve


    High-harmonic fast-wave (HHFW) heating is a heating and current-drive scheme on the National Spherical Torus eXperiment (NSTX) complimentary to neutral beam injection. Previous experiments suggest that a significant fraction, up to 50%, of the HHFW power is promptly lost to the scrape-off layer (SOL). Research indicates that the lost power reaches the divertor via wave propagation and is converted to a heat flux at the divertor through RF rectification rather than heating the SOL plasma at the midplane. This counter-intuitive hypothesis is investigated using a simplified two-point model, relating plasma parameters at the divertor to those at the midplane. Taking measurements at the divertor region of NSTX as input, this two-point model is used to predict midplane parameters, using the predicted heat flux as an indicator of power input to the SOL. These predictions are compared to measurements at the midplane to evaluate the extent to which they are consistent with experiment. This work was made possible by funding from the Department of Energy for the Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program. This work is supported by the US DOE Contract No. DE-AC02-09CH11466.

  15. Identification des parametres du moteur de l'avion Cessna Citation X pour la phase de croisiere a partir des tests en vol et a base des reseaux de neurones =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zaag, Mahdi

    La disponibilite des modeles precis des avions est parmi les elements cles permettant d'assurer leurs ameliorations. Ces modeles servent a ameliorer les commandes de vol et de concevoir de nouveaux systemes aerodynamiques pour la conception des ailes deformables des avions. Ce projet consiste a concevoir un systeme d'identification de certains parametres du modele du moteur de l'avion d'affaires americain Cessna Citation X pour la phase de croisiere a partir des essais en vol. Ces essais ont ete effectues sur le simulateur de vol concu et fabrique par CAE Inc. qui possede le niveau D de la dynamique de vol. En effet, le niveau D est le plus haut niveau de precision donne par l'autorite federale de reglementation FAA de l'aviation civile aux Etats-Unis. Une methodologie basee sur les reseaux de neurones optimises a l'aide d'un algorithme intitule le "grand deluge etendu" est utilisee dans la conception de ce systeme d'identification. Plusieurs tests de vol pour differentes altitudes et differents nombres de Mach ont ete realises afin de s'en servir comme bases de donnees pour l'apprentissage des reseaux de neurones. La validation de ce modele a ete realisee a l'aide des donnees du simulateur. Malgre la nonlinearite et la complexite du systeme, les parametres du moteur ont ete tres bien predits pour une enveloppe de vol determinee. Ce modele estime pourrait etre utilise pour des analyses de fonctionnement du moteur et pourrait assurer le controle de l'avion pendant cette phase de croisiere. L'identification des parametres du moteur pourrait etre realisee aussi pour les autres phases de montee et de descente afin d'obtenir son modele complet pour toute l'enveloppe du vol de l'avion Cessna Citation X (montee, croisiere, descente). Cette methode employee dans ce travail pourrait aussi etre efficace pour realiser un modele pour l'identification des coefficients aerodynamiques du meme avion a partir toujours des essais en vol. None None None

  16. Effect of calcium source on structure and properties of sol-gel derived bioactive glasses.


    Yu, Bobo; Turdean-Ionescu, Claudia A; Martin, Richard A; Newport, Robert J; Hanna, John V; Smith, Mark E; Jones, Julian R


    The aim was to determine the most effective calcium precursor for synthesis of sol-gel hybrids and for improving homogeneity of sol-gel bioactive glasses. Sol-gel derived bioactive calcium silicate glasses are one of the most promising materials for bone regeneration. Inorganic/organic hybrid materials, which are synthesized by incorporating a polymer into the sol-gel process, have also recently been produced to improve toughness. Calcium nitrate is conventionally used as the calcium source, but it has several disadvantages. Calcium nitrate causes inhomogeneity by forming calcium-rich regions, and it requires high temperature treatment (>400 °C) for calcium to be incorporated into the silicate network. Nitrates are also toxic and need to be burnt off. Calcium nitrate therefore cannot be used in the synthesis of hybrids as the highest temperature used in the process is typically 40-60 °C. Therefore, a different precursor is needed that can incorporate calcium into the silica network and enhance the homogeneity of the glasses at low (room) temperature. In this work, calcium methoxyethoxide (CME) was used to synthesize sol-gel bioactive glasses with a range of final processing temperatures from 60 to 800 °C. Comparison is made between the use of CME and calcium chloride and calcium nitrate. Using advanced probe techniques, the temperature at which Ca is incorporated into the network was identified for 70S30C (70 mol % SiO(2), 30 mol % CaO) for each of the calcium precursors. When CaCl(2) was used, the Ca did not seem to enter the network at any of the temperatures used. In contrast, Ca from CME entered the silica network at room temperature, as confirmed by X-ray diffraction, (29)Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and dissolution studies. CME should be used in preference to calcium salts for hybrid synthesis and may improve homogeneity of sol-gel glasses.

  17. Elaboration de nouvelles approches micromecaniques pour l'optimisation des performances mecaniques des materiaux heterogenes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aboutajeddine, Ahmed

    Les modeles micromecaniques de transition d'echelles qui permettent de determiner les proprietes effectives des materiaux heterogenes a partir de la microstructure sont consideres dans ce travail. L'objectif est la prise en compte de la presence d'une interphase entre la matrice et le renforcement dans les modeles micromecaniques classiques, de meme que la reconsideration des approximations de base de ces modeles, afin de traiter les materiaux multiphasiques. Un nouveau modele micromecanique est alors propose pour tenir compte de la presence d'une interphase elastique mince lors de la determination des proprietes effectives. Ce modele a ete construit grace a l'apport de l'equation integrale, des operateurs interfaciaux de Hill et de la methode de Mori-Tanaka. Les expressions obtenues pour les modules globaux et les champs dans l'enrobage sont de nature analytique. L'approximation de base de ce modele est amelioree par la suite dans un nouveau modele qui s'interesse aux inclusions enrobees avec un enrobage mince ou epais. La resolution utilisee s'appuie sur une double homogeneisation realisee au niveau de l'inclusion enrobee et du materiau. Cette nouvelle demarche, permettra d'apprehender completement les implications des approximations de la modelisation. Les resultats obtenus sont exploites par la suite dans la solution de l'assemblage de Hashin. Ainsi, plusieurs modeles micromecaniques classiques d'origines differentes se voient unifier et rattacher, dans ce travail, a la representation geometrique de Hashin. En plus de pouvoir apprecier completement la pertinence de l'approximation de chaque modele dans cette vision unique, l'extension correcte de ces modeles aux materiaux multiphasiques est rendue possible. Plusieurs modeles analytiques et explicites sont alors proposee suivant des solutions de differents ordres de l'assemblage de Hashin. L'un des modeles explicite apparait comme une correction directe du modele de Mori-Tanaka, dans les cas ou celui ci echoue a

  18. PICARD SOL mission, a ground-based facility for long-term solar radius measurement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meftah, M.; Irbah, A.; Corbard, T.; Morand, F.; Thuillier, G.; Hauchecorne, A.; Ikhlef, R.; Rouze, M.; Renaud, C.; Djafer, D.; Abbaki, S.; Assus, P.; Chauvineau, B.; Cissé, E. M.; Dalaudier, F.; D'Almeida, Eric; Fodil, M.; Laclare, F.; Lesueur, P.; Lin, M.; Marcovici, J. P.; Poiet, G.


    For the last thirty years, ground time series of the solar radius have shown different variations according to different instruments. The origin of these variations may be found in the observer, the instrument, the atmosphere and the Sun. These time series show inconsistencies and conflicting results, which likely originate from instrumental effects and/or atmospheric effects. A survey of the solar radius was initiated in 1975 by F. Laclare, at the Calern site of the Observatoire de la Cˆote d'Azur (OCA). PICARD is an investigation dedicated to the simultaneous measurements of the absolute total and spectral solar irradiance, the solar radius and solar shape, and to the Sun's interior probing by the helioseismology method. The PICARD mission aims to the study of the origin of the solar variability and to the study of the relations between the Sun and the Earth's climate by using modeling. These studies will be based on measurements carried out from orbit and from the ground. PICARD SOL is the ground segment of the PICARD mission to allow a comparison of the solar radius measured in space and on ground. PICARD SOL will enable to understand the influence of the atmosphere on the measured solar radius. The PICARD Sol instrumentation consists of: SODISM II, a replica of SODISM (SOlar Diameter Imager and Surface Mapper), a high resolution imaging telescope, and MISOLFA (Moniteur d'Images SOLaires Franco-Alǵerien), a seeing monitor. Additional instrumentation consists in a Sun photometer, which measures atmospheric aerosol properties, a pyranometer to measure the solar irradiance, a visible camera, and a weather station. PICARD SOL is operating since March 2011. First results from the PICARD SOL mission are briefly reported in this paper.

  19. Opportunity's Surroundings After Sol 1820 Drive (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11841 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11841

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,820th to 1,822nd Martian days, or sols, of Opportunity's surface mission (March 7 to 9, 2009).

    This view combines images from the left-eye and right-eye sides of the navigation camera. It appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses with the red lens on the left.

    The rover had driven 20.6 meters toward the northwest on Sol 1820 before beginning to take the frames in this view. Tracks from that drive recede southwestward. For scale, the distance between the parallel wheel tracks is about 1 meter (about 40 inches).

    The terrain in this portion of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical-perspective projection with geometric seam correction.

  20. Profil épidémiologique des tumeurs malignes primitives des glandes salivaires : à propos de 154 cas

    PubMed Central

    Setti, Khadija; Mouanis, Mohamed; Moumni, Abdelmounim; Maher, Mostafa; Harmouch, Amal


    Introduction Les tumeurs des glandes salivaires sont des tumeurs rares représentant 3à 5% des tumeurs de la tête et du cou. La classification de l'OMS 2005 distingue les tumeurs épithéliales, les tumeurs mésenchymateuses, les tumeurs hématologiques et les tumeurs secondaires. Méthodes Notre travail consiste en une étude rétrospective réalisée sur une période de 10 ans allant de janvier 2002 à janvier 2012. Les critères d'inclusion étaient: l'âge, le sexe, le siège de la tumeur et le type histologique. Résultats L'incidence annuelle des tumeurs malignes primitives des glandes salivaires dans notre série était de 15 cas par an. Cent cinquante quatre cas de tumeurs malignes primitives des glandes salivaires ont été colligés sans prédominance de sexe (78 femmes (50,6%) et 76 hommes (49,4%)). La moyenne d'âge était de 60 ans avec des extrêmes de 4 et 83 ans et un pic de fréquence entre 51et 70 ans. Deux tiers des cas (65%) avaient une localisation au niveau des glandes principales avec 66 cas au niveau de la parotide (43%) et 34 cas au niveau de la glande sous maxillaire (22%). Cinquante quatre patients avaient une tumeur maligne des glandes salivaires accessoires (35%) dont 61% au niveau du palais. Aucun cas de tumeur maligne de la glande sublinguale n'a été recensé dans notre étude. Le type histologique prédominant dans notre série était le carcinome adénoïde kystique et retrouvé chez 43 patients (27,9%), suivi de l'adénocarcinome sans autre indication chez 37 patients (24%) puis du carcinome mucoépidermoïde chez 16 patients (10,4%) et de l'adénocarcinome polymorphe de bas grade également chez 16 patients (10. 4%). Conclusion Les tumeurs malignes des glandes salivaires représentent un ensemble hétérogène de maladies de caractérisation complexe et de fréquence variable. PMID:25120861

  1. Using XML to encode TMA DES metadata.


    Lyttleton, Oliver; Wright, Alexander; Treanor, Darren; Lewis, Paul


    The Tissue Microarray Data Exchange Specification (TMA DES) is an XML specification for encoding TMA experiment data. While TMA DES data is encoded in XML, the files that describe its syntax, structure, and semantics are not. The DTD format is used to describe the syntax and structure of TMA DES, and the ISO 11179 format is used to define the semantics of TMA DES. However, XML Schema can be used in place of DTDs, and another XML encoded format, RDF, can be used in place of ISO 11179. Encoding all TMA DES data and metadata in XML would simplify the development and usage of programs which validate and parse TMA DES data. XML Schema has advantages over DTDs such as support for data types, and a more powerful means of specifying constraints on data values. An advantage of RDF encoded in XML over ISO 11179 is that XML defines rules for encoding data, whereas ISO 11179 does not. We created an XML Schema version of the TMA DES DTD. We wrote a program that converted ISO 11179 definitions to RDF encoded in XML, and used it to convert the TMA DES ISO 11179 definitions to RDF. We validated a sample TMA DES XML file that was supplied with the publication that originally specified TMA DES using our XML Schema. We successfully validated the RDF produced by our ISO 11179 converter with the W3C RDF validation service. All TMA DES data could be encoded using XML, which simplifies its processing. XML Schema allows datatypes and valid value ranges to be specified for CDEs, which enables a wider range of error checking to be performed using XML Schemas than could be performed using DTDs.

  2. Using XML to encode TMA DES metadata

    PubMed Central

    Lyttleton, Oliver; Wright, Alexander; Treanor, Darren; Lewis, Paul


    Background: The Tissue Microarray Data Exchange Specification (TMA DES) is an XML specification for encoding TMA experiment data. While TMA DES data is encoded in XML, the files that describe its syntax, structure, and semantics are not. The DTD format is used to describe the syntax and structure of TMA DES, and the ISO 11179 format is used to define the semantics of TMA DES. However, XML Schema can be used in place of DTDs, and another XML encoded format, RDF, can be used in place of ISO 11179. Encoding all TMA DES data and metadata in XML would simplify the development and usage of programs which validate and parse TMA DES data. XML Schema has advantages over DTDs such as support for data types, and a more powerful means of specifying constraints on data values. An advantage of RDF encoded in XML over ISO 11179 is that XML defines rules for encoding data, whereas ISO 11179 does not. Materials and Methods: We created an XML Schema version of the TMA DES DTD. We wrote a program that converted ISO 11179 definitions to RDF encoded in XML, and used it to convert the TMA DES ISO 11179 definitions to RDF. Results: We validated a sample TMA DES XML file that was supplied with the publication that originally specified TMA DES using our XML Schema. We successfully validated the RDF produced by our ISO 11179 converter with the W3C RDF validation service. Conclusions: All TMA DES data could be encoded using XML, which simplifies its processing. XML Schema allows datatypes and valid value ranges to be specified for CDEs, which enables a wider range of error checking to be performed using XML Schemas than could be performed using DTDs. PMID:21969921

  3. Silence et divulgation dans des familles d’adolescents vivant avec le VIH depuis la naissance : une exploration qualitative

    PubMed Central

    Proulx-Boucher, Karène; Blais, Martin; Fernet, Mylène; Richard, Marie-Ève; Otis, Joanne; Josy Lévy, Joseph; Samson, Johanne; Lapointe, Normand; Morin, Guylaine; Thériault, Jocelyne; Trottier, Germain


    OBJECTIF : Les études ciblant les enfants nés avec le VIH se sont principalement intéressées à la période précédant l’annonce du diagnostic à l’enfant. L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer les dynamiques de communication intrafamiliale suivant l’annonce du diagnostic. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Vingt-neuf jeunes (de dix à 18 ans) vivant avec le VIH depuis la naissance ont accordé des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées portant sur : 1) le dévoilement du statut sérologique, 2) leurs relations familiales et 3) l’éducation sexuelle en milieu familial. Les témoignages ont fait l’objet d’une analyse de contenu. RÉSULTATS : Les jeunes ont appris en moyenne à l’âge de 11 ans leur diagnostic VIH+. La dynamique qui s’installe après cette annonce apparaît régie par le silence : les échanges qui s’ensuivent portent en majorité sur des questions relatives à la médication et à la prévention d’une transmission sexuelle du virus. Ce silence préserverait l’équilibre familial en occupant trois fonctions : protéger la mère d’un sentiment de culpabilité à l’égard de la transmission, assurer l’harmonie familiale, se sentir normal face aux autres. Le diagnostic de l’adolescent n’est généralement pas révélé à la famille élargie, préservant ainsi leur intégration au sein de la famille en les protégeant du rejet, de la trahison et du jugement. EXPOSÉ : Les fonctions du silence et du secret occupent une place stabilisatrice importante au sein de la famille. Toutefois, elles contribuent à isoler les adolescents d’une forme de soutien affectif dont ils ont pourtant besoin. Des pistes d’intervention sont suggérées. PMID:22851894

  4. Surface analysis and biocorrosion properties of nanostructured surface sol-gel coatings on Ti6Al4V titanium alloy implants.


    Advincula, Maria C; Petersen, Don; Rahemtulla, Firoz; Advincula, Rigoberto; Lemons, Jack E


    Surfaces of biocompatible alloys used as implants play a significant role in their osseointegration. Surface sol-gel processing (SSP), a variant of the bulk sol-gel technique, is a relatively new process to prepare bioreactive nanostructured titanium oxide for thin film coatings. The surface topography, roughness, and composition of sol-gel processed Ti6Al4V titanium alloy coatings was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray electron spectroscopy (XPS). This was correlated with corrosion properties, adhesive strength, and bioreactivity in simulated body fluids (SBF). Electroimpedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization studies indicated similar advantageous corrosion properties between sol-gel coated and uncoated Ti6Al4V, which was attributed to the stable TiO2 composition, topography, and adhesive strength of the sol-gel coating. In addition, inductive coupled plasma (ICP) and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS) analysis of substrates immersed in SBF revealed higher deposition of calcium and phosphate and low release rates of alloying elements from the sol-gel modified alloys. The equivalent corrosion behavior and the definite increase in nucleation of calcium apatite indicate the potential of the sol-gel coating for enhanced bioimplant applications. 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Les soins aux enfants et aux adolescents des familles des militaires canadiens : les considérations particulières

    PubMed Central

    Rowan-Legg, Anne


    Résumé Les familles des militaires font face à de nombreux facteurs de stress, tels que les réinstallations fréquentes, les longues pério des de séparation familiale, l’isolement géographique du réseau de soutien de la famille élargie et le déploiement en zones très dangereuses. Les enfants et les adolescents des familles des militaires vivent les mêmes trajectoires développementales et motivationnelles que leurs homologues civils, mais ils sont également aux prises avec des pressions et des facteurs de stress liés à leur développement qui sont inhabituels et qui leur sont imposés par les exigences de la vie militaire. Les effets de la vie militaire sur les familles et les enfants commencent à être admis et mieux caractérisés. Il est essentiel de comprendre les préoccupations propres aux enfants et aux adolescents des familles des militaires et de mobiliser les ressources nécessaires pour les soutenir afin de répondre à leurs besoins en matière de santé.

  6. Répercussions psychosociales de la drépanocytose sur les parents d'enfants vivant à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo: une étude qualitative

    PubMed Central

    Luboya, Evariste; Tshilonda, Jean-Christophe Bukasa; Ekila, Mathilde Bothale; Aloni, Michel Ntetani


    Introduction L'insuffisance des moyens de base pour le dépistage et la prise en charge de la socioculturel Africain. D'où la nécessité de réaliser un travail de mise en sens du vécu et des émotions en vue d'information et de soutien psychologique des familles des drépanocytaires. Cette étude a eu pour objectif d'identifier la nature des répercussions psychosociales de la drépanocytose chez les parents et chez les malades. Méthodes Une approche qualitative a été utilisée. Des entretiens ont été menés auprès des parents et des patients drépanocytaires. Nos résultats ont fait l'objet d'une analyse thématique articulée sur les circonstances de découvertes de la maladie, les répercussions de la maladie et la perception de la prise en charge. Résultats Nos interviews ont montré des répercussions psychosociales importantes chez les parents d'enfants drépanocytaires et de stigmatisation des difficultés d'insertion sociale et scolaire pour les enfants drépanocytaires. Ces derniers sont les grands oubliés des récits de parents. La prise en charge est uniquement médicale avec des ressources très limitées et aucun accompagnement psychologique de la famille n'est assuré. Conclusion La prise en charge de cette maladie nécessite la mise en place d'une politique de prise en charge basée sur une approche globale de la maladie. PMID:25574334

  7. L'astronomie des Anciens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nazé, Yaël


    Quelle que soit la civilisation à laquelle il appartient, l'être humain cherche dans le ciel des réponses aux questions qu'il se pose sur son origine, son avenir et sa finalité. Le premier mérite de ce livre est de nous rappeler que l'astronomie a commencé ainsi à travers les mythes célestes imaginés par les Anciens pour expliquer l'ordre du monde et la place qu'ils y occupaient. Mais les savoirs astronomiques passés étaient loin d'être négligeables et certainement pas limités aux seuls travaux des Grecs : c'est ce que l'auteur montre à travers une passionnante enquête, de Stonehenge à Gizeh en passant par Pékin et Mexico, fondée sur l'étude des monuments anciens et des sources écrites encore accessibles. Les tablettes mésopotamiennes, les annales chinoises, les chroniques médiévales, etc. sont en outre d'une singulière utilité pour les astronomes modernes : comment sinon remonter aux variations de la durée du jour au cours des siècles, ou percer la nature de l'explosion qui a frappé tant d'observateurs en 1054 ? Ce livre offre un voyage magnifiquement illustré à travers les âges, entre astronomie et archéologie.

  8. Radar response to crop residue cover and tillage application on postharvest agricultural surfaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McNairn, Heather

    Les informations sur les pratiques de conservation des sols comme le labourage et la gestion des residus de culture sont requises afin d'estimer avec exactitude les risques d'erosion des sols. Quoique les micro-ondes soient sensibles aux conditions d'humidite et aux proprietes geometriques des surfaces, il n'en demeure pas moins que l'on connait encore peu sur la sensibilite des micro-ondes polarisees lineaires ou des parametres polarimetriques du ROS en fonction des caracteristiques des residus. A partir de donnees prises a l'aide d'un diffusometre monte sur un camion en 1996 et lors d'une mission SIR-C menee en 1994, cette recherche a demontre que les micro-ondes sont sensibles a la fois a la quantite et au type de couverture de residus, de meme qu'a la teneur en eau des residus. La reponse des polarisations croisees lineaires et de plusieurs parametres polarimetriques, incluant la hauteur pedestre, a permis d'observer qu'une diffusion volumique importante avait lieu en presence de vegetation senescente qui se tenait debout et pour les champs non laboures. La diffusion de surface dominait cependant pour les champs avec de faibles quantites de residus et des residus plus fins. La recherche a toutefois demontre que des conditions de surface complexes etaient crees par differentes combinaisons de residus et de pratiques de labourage. Par consequent, il faudra attendre que des donnees multi-polarisees ou polarimetriques soient acquises par les capteurs prevus a bord du satellite canadien RADARSAT-2 et du satellite ENVISAT de l'Agence spatiale europeenne avant de pouvoir completement caracteriser les champs apres la recolte.

  9. A Urea Biosensor from Stacked Sol-Gel Films with Immobilized Nile Blue Chromoionophore and Urease Enzyme.


    Alqasaimeh, Muawia Salameh; Heng, Lee Yook; Ahmad, Musa


    An optical urea biosensor was fabricated by stacking several layers of sol-gelfilms. The stacking of the sol-gel films allowed the immobilization of a Nile Bluechromoionophore (ETH 5294) and urease enzyme separately without the need of anychemical attachment procedure. The absorbance response of the biosensor was monitoredat 550 nm, i.e. the deprotonation of the chromoionophore. This multi-layer sol-gel filmformat enabled higher enzyme loading in the biosensor to be achieved. The urea opticalbiosensor constructed from three layers of sol-gel films that contained urease demonstrateda much wider linear response range of up to 100 mM urea when compared with biosensorsthat constructed from 1-2 layers of films. Analysis of urea in urine samples with thisoptical urea biosensor yielded results similar to that determined by a spectrophotometricmethod using the reagent p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (R² = 0.982, n = 6). The averagerecovery of urea from urine samples using this urea biosensor is approximately 103%.

  10. Sol-to-Gel Transition in Fast Evaporating Systems Observed by in Situ Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy.


    Innocenzi, Plinio; Malfatti, Luca; Carboni, Davide; Takahashi, Masahide


    The in situ observation of a sol-to-gel transition in fast evaporating systems is a challenging task and the lack of a suitable experimental design, which includes the chemistry and the analytical method, has limited the observations. We synthesise an acidic sol, employing only tetraethylorthosilicate, SiCl4 as catalyst and deuterated water; the absence of water added to the sol allows us to follow the absorption from the external environment and the evaporation of deuterated water. The time-resolved data, obtained by attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy on an evaporating droplet, enables us to identify four different stages during evaporation. They are linked to specific hydrolysis and condensation rates that affect the uptake of water from external environment. The second stage is characterized by a decrease in hydroxyl content, a fast rise of condensation rate and an almost stationary absorption of water. This stage has been associated with the sol-to-gel transition. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. A Sol-gel Integrated Dual-readout Microarray Platform for Quantification and Identification of Prostate-specific Antigen.


    Lee, SangWook; Lee, Jong Hyun; Kwon, Hyuck Gi; Laurell, Thomas; Jeong, Ok Chan; Kim, Soyoun


    Here, we report a sol-gel integrated affinity microarray for on-chip matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) that enables capture and identification of prostate?specific antigen (PSA) in samples. An anti-PSA antibody (H117) was mixed with a sol?gel, and the mixture was spotted onto a porous silicon (pSi) surface without additional surface modifications. The antibody easily penetrates the sol-gel macropore fluidic network structure, making possible high affinities. To assess the capture affinity of the platform, we performed a direct assay using fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled PSA. Pure PSA was subjected to on-chip MALDI-TOF-MS analysis, yielding three clear mass peptide peaks (m/z = 1272, 1407, and 1872). The sol-gel microarray platform enables dual readout of PSA both fluorometric and MALDI-TOF MS analysis in biological samples. Here we report a useful method for a means for discovery of biomarkers in complex body fluids.

  12. A Urea Biosensor from Stacked Sol-Gel Films with Immobilized Nile Blue Chromoionophore and Urease Enzyme

    PubMed Central

    Alqasaimeh, Muawia Salameh; Heng, Lee Yook; Ahmad, Musa


    An optical urea biosensor was fabricated by stacking several layers of sol-gel films. The stacking of the sol-gel films allowed the immobilization of a Nile Blue chromoionophore (ETH 5294) and urease enzyme separately without the need of any chemical attachment procedure. The absorbance response of the biosensor was monitored at 550 nm, i.e. the deprotonation of the chromoionophore. This multi-layer sol-gel film format enabled higher enzyme loading in the biosensor to be achieved. The urea optical biosensor constructed from three layers of sol-gel films that contained urease demonstrated a much wider linear response range of up to 100 mM urea when compared with biosensors that constructed from 1-2 layers of films. Analysis of urea in urine samples with this optical urea biosensor yielded results similar to that determined by a spectrophotometric method using the reagent p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (R2 = 0.982, n = 6). The average recovery of urea from urine samples using this urea biosensor is approximately 103%.

  13. Sol-gel derived C-SiC composites and protective coatings for sustained durability in the space environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haruvy, Yair; Liedtke, Volker


    Composites and coatings were produced via the fast sol-gel process of a mixture of alkoxysilane precursors. The composites were comprised of carbon fibers, fabrics, or their precursors as reinforcement, and sol-gel-derived silicon carbide as matrix, aiming at high-temperature stable ceramics that can be utilized for re-entry structures. The protective coatings were comprised of fluorine-rich sol-gel derived resins, which exhibit high flexibility and coherence to provide sustained ATOX protection necessary for LEO space-exposed elements. For producing the composites, the sol-gel-derived resin is cast onto the reinforcement fibers/fabrics mat (carbon or its precursors) to produce a 'green' composite that is being cured. The 'green' composite is converted into a C-SiC composite via a gradual heat-pressure process under inert atmosphere, during which the organic substituents on the silicon atoms undergo internal oxidative pyrolysis via the schematic reaction: (SiRO3/2)n -> SiC + CO2 + H2O. The composition of the resultant silicon-oxi-carbide is tailorable via modifying the composition of the sol-gel reactants. The reinforcement, when made of carbon precursors, is converted into carbon during the heat-and-pressure processing as well. The C-SiC composites thus derived exhibit superior thermal stability and comparable thermal conductivity, combined with good mechanical strength features and failure resistance, which render them greatly applicable for re-entry shielding, heat-exchange pipes, and the like. Fluorine rich sol-gel derived coatings were developed as well, via the use of HF rich sol-gel process. These coatings provide oxidation-protection via the silica formation process, together with flexibility that allows 18,000 repetitive folding of the coating without cracking.

  14. A new sol-gel synthesis of 45S5 bioactive glass using an organic acid as catalyst.


    Faure, J; Drevet, R; Lemelle, A; Ben Jaber, N; Tara, A; El Btaouri, H; Benhayoune, H


    In this paper a new sol-gel approach was explored for the synthesis of the 45S5 bioactive glass. We demonstrate that citric acid can be used instead of the usual nitric acid to catalyze the sol-gel reactions. The substitution of nitric acid by citric acid allows to reduce strongly the concentration of the acid solution necessary to catalyze the hydrolysis of silicon and phosphorus alkoxides. Two sol-gel powders with chemical compositions very close to that of the 45S5 were obtained by using either a 2M nitric acid solution or either a 5mM citric acid solution. These powders were characterized and compared to the commercial Bioglass®. The surface properties of the two bioglass powders were assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method (BET). The Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and the X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed a partial crystallization associated to the formation of crystalline phases on the two sol-gel powders. The in vitro bioactivity was then studied at the key times during the first hours of immersion into acellular Simulated Body Fluid (SBF). After 4h immersion into SBF we clearly demonstrate that the bioactivity level of the two sol-gel powders is similar and much higher than that of the commercial Bioglass®. This bioactivity improvement is associated to the increase of the porosity and the specific surface area of the powders synthesized by the sol-gel process. Moreover, the nitric acid is efficiently substituted by the citric acid to catalyze the sol-gel reactions without alteration of the bioactivity of the 45S5 bioactive glass. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Surface modification of quartz fibres for dental composites through a sol-gel process.


    Wang, Yazi; Wang, Renlin; Habib, Eric; Wang, Ruili; Zhang, Qinghong; Sun, Bin; Zhu, Meifang


    In this study, quartz fibres (QFs) surface modification using a sol-gel method was proposed and dental posts reinforced with modified QFs were produced. A silica sol (SS) was prepared using tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (γ-MPS) as precursors. The amount of γ-MPS in the sol-gel system was varied from 0 to 24wt.% with a constant molar ratio of TEOS, ethanol, deionized water, and HCl. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and contact angle (CA) measurements were used to characterize the modified QFs, which confirmed that SS had successfully coated the surface of QFs. SEM images showed good interfacial bonding between the modified QFs and the resin matrix. The results of three-point bending tests of the fibre reinforced composite (FRC) posts showed that the QFs modified by SS with 12wt.% γ-MPS presented the best mechanical properties, demonstrating improvements of 108.3% and 89.6% for the flexural strength and flexural modulus, respectively, compared with untreated QFs. Furthermore, the sorption and solubility of the prepared dental posts were also studied by immersing the posts in artificial saliva (AS) for 4weeks, and yielded favourable results. This sol-gel surface modification method promises to resolve interfacial bonding issues of fibres with the resin matrix, and produce FRC posts with excellent properties. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  16. Actes des journees de linguistique: Colloque sur la recherche etudiante (Proceedings of the Linguistics Conference: Colloquium on Student Research) (Quebec, Canada, March 18-19, 1988).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lepage, Danielle, Ed.; Dominik, Annette, Ed.

    Presentations by students at a colloquium on student research on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the University of Laval's Faculty of Letters, March 18-19, 1988, include: "Une enquete sur la qualite du francais ecrit au Quebec"; "Amenagement linguistique et neologie"; "Analyse syntaxique des 'arrets et retours' en…

  17. Implementation Cryptography Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) Method in Communication System Based Near Field Communication (NFC)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ratnadewi; Pramono Adhie, Roy; Hutama, Yonatan; Saleh Ahmar, A.; Setiawan, M. I.


    Cryptography is a method used to create secure communication by manipulating sent messages during the communication occurred so only intended party that can know the content of that messages. Some of the most commonly used cryptography methods to protect sent messages, especially in the form of text, are DES and 3DES cryptography method. This research will explain the DES and 3DES cryptography method and its use for stored data security in smart cards that working in the NFC-based communication system. Several things that will be explained in this research is the ways of working of DES and 3DES cryptography method in doing the protection process of a data and software engineering through the creation of application using C++ programming language to realize and test the performance of DES and 3DES cryptography method in encrypted data writing process to smart cards and decrypted data reading process from smart cards. The execution time of the entering and the reading process data using a smart card DES cryptography method is faster than using 3DES cryptography.

  18. Site selective generation of sol-gel deposits in layered bimetallic macroporous electrode architectures.


    Lalo, Hélène; Bon-Saint-Côme, Yémima; Plano, Bernard; Etienne, Mathieu; Walcarius, Alain; Kuhn, Alexander


    The elaboration of an original composite bimetallic macroporous electrode containing a site-selective sol-gel deposit is reported. Regular colloidal crystals, obtained by a modified Langmuir-Blodgett approach, are used as templates for the electrogeneration of the desired metals in the form of a well-defined layered bimetallic porous electrode. This porous matrix shows a spatially modulated electroactivity which is subsequently used as a strategy for targeted electrogeneration of a sol-gel deposit, exclusively in one predefined part of the porous electrode.

  19. Social Values for Ecosystem Services, version 3.0 (SolVES 3.0): documentation and user manual

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Sherrouse, Ben C.; Semmens, Darius J.


    The geographic information system (GIS) tool, Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES), was developed to incorporate quantified and spatially explicit measures of social values into ecosystem service assessments. SolVES 3.0 continues to extend the functionality of SolVES, which was designed to assess, map, and quantify the social values of ecosystem services. Social values—the perceived, nonmarket values the public ascribes to ecosystem services, particularly cultural services, such as aesthetics and recreation—can be evaluated for various stakeholder groups. These groups are distinguishable by their attitudes and preferences regarding public uses, such as motorized recreation and logging. As with previous versions, SolVES 3.0 derives a quantitative 10-point, social-values metric—the value index—from a combination of spatial and nonspatial responses to public value and preference surveys. The tool also calculates metrics characterizing the underlying environment, such as average distance to water and dominant landcover. SolVES 3.0 is integrated with Maxent maximum entropy modeling software to generate more complete social-value maps and offer robust statistical models describing the relationship between the value index and explanatory environmental variables. A model’s goodness of fit to a primary study area and its potential performance in transferring social values to similar areas using value-transfer methodology can be evaluated. SolVES 3.0 provides an improved public-domain tool for decision makers and researchers to evaluate the social values of ecosystem services and to facilitate discussions among diverse stakeholders regarding the tradeoffs among ecosystem services in a variety of physical and social contexts ranging from forest and rangeland to coastal and marine.

  20. Dual controlled release, in situ gelling periodontal sol of metronidazole benzoate and serratiopeptidase: statistical optimization and mechanistic evaluation.


    Kumari, Neeraj; Pathak, Kamla


    In situ gelling syringeable periodontal sol capable of dual controlled delivery of metronidazole benzoate and serratiopeptidase was designed based on 2(3) factorial design with drug, poloxamer 407 and aerosil as independent variables and sol gel transition characteristics, %CDR(48h) and palatability as responses. The sols had agreeable taste, were mucoadhesive, syringeable and inverted into gels at periodontal cavity temperature. F8 with optimal drug release was identified as the best formulation. The dispersion characteristics of poloxamer significantly affected the pharmacotechnical properties of the in situ gelling systems. Extra design checkpoint generated using Design Expert software 8.02 (Stat-Ease, USA) validated the experimental design. Thus a thermoreversible, in situ gelling and syringeable periodontal sol with acceptable taste characteristics that offered controlled release of metronidazole benzoate and serratiopeptidase was developed for application into the periodontal pocket. The developed optimized sol was satisfactory in terms of taste, syringeability, palatability and incorporation of serratiopeptidase as anti-inflammatory agent, has the potential of developing a therapeutically efficacious system for treatment of periodontal inflammatory anaerobic infections.

  1. L’expérience d’une patiente qui reçoit des soins pour la démence

    PubMed Central

    Frank, Christopher; Forbes, Rev Faye


    Résumé Objectif Permettre aux médecins de famille de comprendre « l’expérience vécue » de la démence de la bouche d’une personne atteinte de démence—Faye Forbes, ministre anglicane de 64 ans atteinte de la maladie d’Alzheimer, qui donne son point de vue sur comment vivre avec la démence—et utiliser cette information pour améliorer les soins et les résultats. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée dans MEDLINE sur Ovid entre janvier 2005 et février 2015, à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : dementia, caregiver, perspectives et quality of health care. Les articles qui s’adressaient aux médecins de famille ont été sélectionnés. Des revues pertinentes et des articles de recherche originaux ont été utilisés, le cas échéant, s’ils s’appliquaient aux personnes atteintes de démence et à leurs soignants. Message principal Plusieurs cadres de référence organisent les principales expériences décrites par les patients et leurs soignants. Nous avons utilisé une revue de la littérature qualitative pour fournir un cadre de référence résumant l’expérience de Faye, en fonction des thèmes suivants : tenter d’obtenir un diagnostic, accéder au soutien et aux services, besoins en matière d’information, prise en charge de la maladie, et communication et attitudes. Conclusion Les médecins doivent tenir compte de ces thèmes lorsqu’ils planifient la prise en charge des personnes atteintes de démence. Il importe de tenter de comprendre l’expérience et le point de vue des personnes atteintes de démence et de leurs soignants afin de pouvoir dispenser des soins optimaux. PMID:28115451

  2. Iron specificity of a biosensor based on fluorescent pyoverdin immobilized in sol-gel glass

    PubMed Central


    Two current technologies used in biosensor development are very promising: 1. The sol-gel process of making microporous glass at room temperature, and 2. Using a fluorescent compound that undergoes fluorescence quenching in response to a specific analyte. These technologies have been combined to produce an iron biosensor. To optimize the iron (II or III) specificity of an iron biosensor, pyoverdin (a fluorescent siderophore produced by Pseudomonas spp.) was immobilized in 3 formulations of porous sol-gel glass. The formulations, A, B, and C, varied in the amount of water added, resulting in respective R values (molar ratio of water:silicon) of 5.6, 8.2, and 10.8. Pyoverdin-doped sol-gel pellets were placed in a flow cell in a fluorometer and the fluorescence quenching was measured as pellets were exposed to 0.28 - 0.56 mM iron (II or III). After 10 minutes of exposure to iron, ferrous ion caused a small fluorescence quenching (89 - 97% of the initial fluorescence, over the range of iron tested) while ferric ion caused much greater quenching (65 - 88%). The most specific and linear response was observed for pyoverdin immobilized in sol-gel C. In contrast, a solution of pyoverdin (3.0 μM) exposed to iron (II or III) for 10 minutes showed an increase in fluorescence (101 - 114%) at low ferrous concentrations (0.45 - 2.18 μM) while exposure to all ferric ion concentrations (0.45 - 3.03 μM) caused quenching. In summary, the iron specificity of pyoverdin was improved by immobilizing it in sol-gel glass C. PMID:21554740

  3. Fabrication and characterization of sol-gel derived 45S5 Bioglass®-ceramic scaffolds.


    Chen, Qi-Zhi; Thouas, George A


    Although Bioglass® has existed for nearly half a century its ability to trigger bone formation and tuneable degradability is vastly superior to other bioceramics, such as SiO(2)-CaO bioactive glasses. The sol-gel process of producing glass foams is well established for SiO(2)-CaO compositions, but not yet established for 45S5 composites containing Na(2)O. In this work the sol-gel derived 45S5 Bioglass® has for the first time been foamed into highly porous three-dimensional scaffolds using a surfactant, combined with vigorous mechanical stirring and subsequent sintering at 1000°C for 2 h. It was found that the mechanical strength of the sintered sol-gel derived Bioglass® scaffolds was significantly improved, attributable to the small fraction of material on the pore walls. More importantly, the compressive strength of the three-dimensional scaffolds produced by this surfactant foaming method could be predicted using Gibson and Ashby's closed cell model of porous networks. A comparative experiment revealed that ion release from the sol-gel derived Bioglass® foams was faster than that of counterparts produced by the replication technique. In vitro evaluation using osteoblast-like cells demonstrated that the sol-gel derived 45S5 Bioglass foams supported the proliferation of viable cell populations on the surface of the scaffolds, although few cells were observed to migrate into the virtually closed pores within the foams. Further work should be focused on modifications of the reaction conditions or alternative foaming techniques to improve pore interconnection. Copyright © 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Spirit's View Beside 'Home Plate' on Sol 1823 (Stereo)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Left-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11971 [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Right-eye view of a color stereo pair for PIA11971

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit used its navigation camera to take the images that have been combined into this stereo, 180-degree view of the rover's surroundings during the 1,823rd Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's surface mission (Feb. 17, 2009).

    This view combines images from the left-eye and right-eye sides of the navigation camera. It appears three-dimensional when viewed through red-blue glasses with the red lens on the left.

    The center of the view is toward the south-southwest.

    The rover had driven 7 meters (23 feet) eastward earlier on Sol 1823, part of maneuvering to get Spirit into a favorable position for climbing onto the low plateau called 'Home Plate.' However, after two driving attempts with negligible progress during the following three sols, the rover team changed its strategy for getting to destinations south of Home Plate. The team decided to drive Spirit at least partway around Home Plate, instead of ascending the northern edge and taking a shorter route across the top of the plateau.

    Layered rocks forming part of the northern edge of Home Plate can be seen near the center of the image. Rover wheel tracks are visible at the lower edge.

    This view is presented as a cylindrical-perspective projection with geometric seam correction.

  5. SolEST database: a "one-stop shop" approach to the study of Solanaceae transcriptomes.


    D'Agostino, Nunzio; Traini, Alessandra; Frusciante, Luigi; Chiusano, Maria Luisa


    Since no genome sequences of solanaceous plants have yet been completed, expressed sequence tag (EST) collections represent a reliable tool for broad sampling of Solanaceae transcriptomes, an attractive route for understanding Solanaceae genome functionality and a powerful reference for the structural annotation of emerging Solanaceae genome sequences. We describe the SolEST database which integrates different EST datasets from both cultivated and wild Solanaceae species and from two species of the genus Coffea. Background as well as processed data contained in the database, extensively linked to external related resources, represent an invaluable source of information for these plant families. Two novel features differentiate SolEST from other resources: i) the option of accessing and then visualizing Solanaceae EST/TC alignments along the emerging tomato and potato genome sequences; ii) the opportunity to compare different Solanaceae assemblies generated by diverse research groups in the attempt to address a common complaint in the SOL community. Different databases have been established worldwide for collecting Solanaceae ESTs and are related in concept, content and utility to the one presented herein. However, the SolEST database has several distinguishing features that make it appealing for the research community and facilitates a "one-stop shop" for the study of Solanaceae transcriptomes.

  6. Chemical sensing of copper phthalocyanine sol-gel glass through organic vapors

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ridhi, R.; Gawri, Isha; Abbas, Saeed J.


    The sensitivities of metallophthalocyanine to vapor phase electron donors has gained significance in many areas and disciplines due to their sensing properties and ease of operation. In the present study the interaction mechanism of organic vapors in Copper Phthalocyanine (CuPc) sol-gel glass has been studied. The interaction mechanism is affected by many factors like morphology, electrical or optical properties of film. CuPc sol-gel glass has been synthesized using chemical route sol-gel method. Its structural characterization was conducted using XRD and the amorphous nature of the silicate glass was observed with characteristic α polymorph phase of CuPc at around 6.64° withmore » 13.30Å interplanar spacing. The size of the particle as determined using Debbye Scherre’s formula comes out around 15.5 nm. The presence of α phase of CuPc was confirmed using FTIR with the appearance of crystal parameter marker band at 787 cm-1. Apart from this A2u and Eu symmetry bands of CuPc have also been observed. The UV absorption spectrum of CuPc exhibits absorption peaks owing to π→ π* and n→ π* transitions. A blue shift in the prepared CuPc glass has been observed as compared to the dopant CuPc salt indicating increase of band gap. A split in B (Soret) band and Q band appears as observed with the help of Lorentzian fitting. CuPc sol gel glass has been exposed with chemical vapors of Methanol, Benzene and Bromine individually and the electrical measurements have been carried out. These measurements show the variation in conductivity and the interaction mechanism has been analyzed.« less

  7. Optimisation of a sol-gel synthesis route for the preparation of MgF2 particles for a large scale coating process.


    Scheurell, K; Noack, J; König, R; Hegmann, J; Jahn, R; Hofmann, Th; Löbmann, P; Lintner, B; Garcia-Juan, P; Eicher, J; Kemnitz, E


    A synthesis route for the preparation of optically transparent magnesium fluoride sols using magnesium acetate tetrahydrate as precursor is described. The obtained magnesium fluoride sols are stable for several months and can be applied for antireflective coatings on glass substrates. Reaction parameters in the course of sol synthesis are described in detail. Thus, properties of the precursor materials play a crucial role in the formation of the desired magnesium fluoride nanoparticles, this is drying the precursor has to be performed under defined mild conditions, re-solvation of the dried precursor has to be avoided and addition of water to the final sol-system has to be controlled strictly. Important properties of the magnesium fluoride sols like viscosity, particle size distribution, and structural information are presented as well.

  8. Ultrafast Sol-Gel Synthesis of Graphene Aerogel Materials

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lim, Mathew; Hu, Matthew; Manandhar, Sandeep


    Graphene aerogels derived from graphene-oxide (GO) starting materials recently have been shown to exhibit a combination of high electrical conductivity, chemical stability, and low cost that has enabled a range of electrochemical applications. Standard synthesis protocols for manufacturing graphene aerogels require the use of sol-gel chemical reactions that are maintained at high temperatures for long periods of time ranging from 12 hours to several days. Here we report an ultrafast, acid-catalyzed sol-gel formation process in acetonitrile in which wet GO-loaded gels are realized within 2 hours at temperatures below 45°C. Spectroscopic and electrochemical analysis following supercritical drying and pyrolysis confirmsmore » the reduction of the GO in the aerogels to sp2 carbon crystallites with no residual carbon–nitrogen bonds from the acetonitrile or its derivatives. This rapid synthesis enhances the prospects for large-scale manufacturing of graphene aerogels for use in numerous applications including sorbents for environmental toxins, support materials for electrocatalysis, and high-performance electrodes for electrochemical capacitors and solar cells.« less

  9. A Widely Applicable Silver Sol for TLC Detection with Rich and Stable SERS Features.


    Zhu, Qingxia; Li, Hao; Lu, Feng; Chai, Yifeng; Yuan, Yongfang


    Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) coupled with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has gained tremendous popularity in the study of various complex systems. However, the detection of hydrophobic analytes is difficult, and the specificity still needs to be improved. In this study, a SERS-active non-aqueous silver sol which could activate the analytes to produce rich and stable spectral features was rapidly synthesized. Then, the optimized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)-DMF sol was employed for TLC-SERS detection of hydrophobic (and also hydrophilic) analytes. SERS performance of this sol was superior to that of traditional Lee-Meisel AgNPs due to its high specificity, acceptable stability, and wide applicability. The non-aqueous AgNPs would be suitable for the TLC-SERS method, which shows great promise for applications in food safety assurance, environmental monitoring, medical diagnoses, and many other fields.

  10. A Widely Applicable Silver Sol for TLC Detection with Rich and Stable SERS Features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhu, Qingxia; Li, Hao; Lu, Feng; Chai, Yifeng; Yuan, Yongfang


    Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) coupled with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has gained tremendous popularity in the study of various complex systems. However, the detection of hydrophobic analytes is difficult, and the specificity still needs to be improved. In this study, a SERS-active non-aqueous silver sol which could activate the analytes to produce rich and stable spectral features was rapidly synthesized. Then, the optimized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)-DMF sol was employed for TLC-SERS detection of hydrophobic (and also hydrophilic) analytes. SERS performance of this sol was superior to that of traditional Lee-Meisel AgNPs due to its high specificity, acceptable stability, and wide applicability. The non-aqueous AgNPs would be suitable for the TLC-SERS method, which shows great promise for applications in food safety assurance, environmental monitoring, medical diagnoses, and many other fields.

  11. Tantalum-tungsten oxide thermite composites prepared by sol-gel synthesis and spark plasma sintering

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kuntz, Joshua D.; Gash, Alexander E.; Cervantes, Octavio G.


    Energetic composite powders consisting of sol-gel derived nanostructured tungsten oxide were produced with various amounts of micrometer-scale tantalum fuel metal. Such energetic composite powders were ignition-tested and the results show that the powders are not sensitive to friction, spark and/or impact ignition. Initial consolidation experiments, using the High-Pressure Spark Plasma Sintering (HPSPS) technique, on the sol-gel derived nanostructured tungsten oxide produced samples with higher relative density than can be achieved with commercially available tungsten oxide. The sol-gel derived nanostructured tungsten oxide with immobilized tantalum fuel metal (Ta-WO{sub 3}) energetic composite was consolidated to a density of 9.17 g cm{sup -3}more » or 93% relative density. In addition, those samples were consolidated without significant pre-reaction of the constituents, thus retaining their stored chemical energy. (author)« less

  12. Tantalum-Tungsten Oxide Thermite Composite Prepared by Sol-Gel Synthesis and Spark Plasma Sintering

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cervantes, O; Kuntz, J; Gash, A


    Energetic composite powders consisting of sol-gel derived nanostructured tungsten oxide were produced with various amounts of micrometer-scale tantalum fuel metal. Such energetic composite powders were ignition tested and results show that the powders are not sensitive to friction, spark and/or impact ignition. Initial consolidation experiments, using the High Pressure Spark Plasma Sintering (HPSPS) technique, on the sol-gel derived nanostructured tungsten oxide produced samples with higher relative density than can be achieved with commercially available tungsten oxide. The sol-gel derived nanostructured tungsten oxide with immobilized tantalum fuel metal (Ta - WO{sub 3}) energetic composite was consolidated to a density of 9.17more »{sup -3} or 93% relative density. In addition those parts were consolidated without significant pre-reaction of the constituents, thus the sample retained its stored chemical energy.« less

  13. An application of Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) to three national forests in Colorado and Wyoming

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Sherrouse, Benson C.; Semmens, Darius J.; Clement, Jessica M.


    Despite widespread recognition that social-value information is needed to inform stakeholders and decision makers regarding trade-offs in environmental management, it too often remains absent from ecosystem service assessments. Although quantitative indicators of social values need to be explicitly accounted for in the decision-making process, they need not be monetary. Ongoing efforts to map such values demonstrate how they can also be made spatially explicit and relatable to underlying ecological information. We originally developed Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) as a tool to assess, map, and quantify nonmarket values perceived by various groups of ecosystem stakeholders. With SolVES 2.0 we have extended the functionality by integrating SolVES with Maxent maximum entropy modeling software to generate more complete social-value maps from available value and preference survey data and to produce more robust models describing the relationship between social values and ecosystems. The current study has two objectives: (1) evaluate how effectively the value index, a quantitative, nonmonetary social-value indicator calculated by SolVES, reproduces results from more common statistical methods of social-survey data analysis and (2) examine how the spatial results produced by SolVES provide additional information that could be used by managers and stakeholders to better understand more complex relationships among stakeholder values, attitudes, and preferences. To achieve these objectives, we applied SolVES to value and preference survey data collected for three national forests, the Pike and San Isabel in Colorado and the Bridger–Teton and the Shoshone in Wyoming. Value index results were generally consistent with results found through more common statistical analyses of the survey data such as frequency, discriminant function, and correlation analyses. In addition, spatial analysis of the social-value maps produced by SolVES provided information that was


    EPA Science Inventory

    In this study, the effectiveness of TiO2 nanoparticles in arsenic adsorption was examined. TiO2 particles (LS) were synthesized via sol-gel techniques and characterized for their crystallinity, surface area and pore volume. Batch adsorption studies were perf...

  15. Study of Different Sol-Gel Coatings to Enhance the Lifetime of PDMS Devices: Evaluation of Their Biocompatibility

    PubMed Central

    Aymerich, María; Gómez-Varela, Ana I.; Álvarez, Ezequiel; Flores-Arias, María T.


    A study of PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) sol-gel–coated channels fabricated using soft lithography and a laser direct writing technique is presented. PDMS is a biocompatible material that presents a high versatility to reproduce several structures. It is widely employed in the fabrication of preclinical devices due to its advantages but it presents a rapid chemical deterioration to organic solvents. The use of sol-gel layers to cover the PDMS overcomes this problem since it provides the robustness of glass for the structures made with PDMS, decreasing its deterioration and changing the biocompatibility of the surface. In this work, PDMS channels are coated with three different kinds of sol-gel compositions (60MTES/40TEOS, 70MTES/30TISP and 80MTES/20TISP). The endothelial cell adhesion to the different coated devices is evaluated in order to determine the most suitable sol-gel preparation conditions to enhance cellular adhesion. PMID:28773848

  16. Study of Different Sol-Gel Coatings to Enhance the Lifetime of PDMS Devices: Evaluation of Their Biocompatibility.


    Aymerich, María; Gómez-Varela, Ana I; Álvarez, Ezequiel; Flores-Arias, María T


    A study of PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) sol-gel-coated channels fabricated using soft lithography and a laser direct writing technique is presented. PDMS is a biocompatible material that presents a high versatility to reproduce several structures. It is widely employed in the fabrication of preclinical devices due to its advantages but it presents a rapid chemical deterioration to organic solvents. The use of sol-gel layers to cover the PDMS overcomes this problem since it provides the robustness of glass for the structures made with PDMS, decreasing its deterioration and changing the biocompatibility of the surface. In this work, PDMS channels are coated with three different kinds of sol-gel compositions (60MTES/40TEOS, 70MTES/30TISP and 80MTES/20TISP). The endothelial cell adhesion to the different coated devices is evaluated in order to determine the most suitable sol-gel preparation conditions to enhance cellular adhesion.

  17. Relations de Dispersion et Diffusion des Glueballs et des Mesons dans la Theorie de Jauge U(1)(2+1) Compacte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ahmed, Chaara El Mouez

    Nous avons etudie les relations de dispersion et la diffusion des glueballs et des mesons dans le modele U(1)_{2+1} compact. Ce modele a ete souvent utilise comme un simple modele de la chromodynamique quantique (QCD), parce qu'il possede le confinement ainsi que les etats de glueballs. Par contre, sa structure mathematique est beaucoup plus simple que la QCD. Notre methode consiste a diagonaliser l'Hamiltonien de ce modele dans une base appropriee de graphes et sur reseau impulsion, afin de generer les relations de dispersion des glueballs et des mesons. Pour la diffusion, nous avons utilise la methode dependante du temps pour calculer la matrice S et la section efficace de diffusion des glueballs et des mesons. Les divers resultats obtenus semblent etre en accord avec les travaux anterieurs de Hakim, Alessandrini et al., Irving et al., qui eux, utilisent plutot la theorie des perturbations en couplage fort, et travaillent sur un reseau espace-temps.

  18. Overview Of 100 Sols Of Chemcam Operations At Gale Crater

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maurice, Sylvestre; Wiens, Roger; MSL Science Team


    The Curiosity rover carries the ChemCam instrument suite, a Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument that can analyze the chemical composition of geological samples at distances up to 7 meters from the rover, and a high resolution camera for context imaging (RMI). In the first 100 sols after landing, ChemCam performed 343 single point measurements on approximately 50 different rocks or soil areas, for over 12,000 laser shots. Each time at least two RMI images are acquired before and after the laser shots to visualize the area of investigation and the geological context. LIBS lines are identified using primarily a martian dedicated database; to date, ChemCam has detected unambiguously major elements (Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K, O), minor/trace elements of interest (Li, Cr, Mn, Rb, Sr, Ba, Ti, S, C, H). These observations allow a qualitative/quantitative assessment of the presence of dust (first few shots), the sample surface composition and chemical heterogeneity with depth. Several techniques have been developed to analyze ChemCam's data: (1) Univariate analysis refers to peak height studies of well-chosen LIBS lines and a training dataset to build calibration curves. Peak ratios K/Si, Na/Si, Al/Si, Fe+Mg/Si, or Mg/Mg+Fe have been calculated from the onboard calibration targets. The technique also applies to minor and trace elements which yield low intensity emission lines, such as Lin, Rb, H, C. (2) Multivariate methods give better results in terms of elemental composition, since they examine simultaneously and statistically several peaks of the same elements. A Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression algorithm is used for rapid major-element abundance determination. (3) Composition trends, clusters and end-members can also be identified using component analysis methods. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) identifies components that are directly related to Chemical elements: Al, Ca, Fe, H, K, Mg, Na, O, Si, Ti, but also mixture like a "soil" component

  19. Comprendre l'influence des facteurs contextuels sur la participation communautaire à la santé : une étude de cas dans le district sanitaire de Tenkodogo, au Burkina Faso.


    Sombié, Issa; Ilboudo, David O S; Soubeiga, André Kamba; Samuelsen, Helle


    Le Burkina Faso met en œuvre depuis plusieurs années la stratégie de la participation communautaire. Des comités de gestion (CoGes) ont été mis en place dans les centres de santé de la première ligne et doivent participer aux prises de décisions. L'objectif principal de cette stratégie est de favoriser l'utilisation des services de santé et une adhésion massive des communautés aux activités de promotion de la santé. Seulement, on constate que les résultats escomptés par les autorités sanitaires tardent à se réaliser. Le présent article convoque les facteurs liés au contexte socioculturel du district sanitaire, pour analyser le phénomène de la participation communautaire. L'étude s'est déroulée dans le district sanitaire de Tenkodogo, situé dans la région administrative du Centre-est, à environ 190 km de la capitale. Cette étude exclusivement qualitative, a utilisé deux méthodes de collecte : les entretiens individuels et les focus groups. Les participants à l'étude sont les chefs de ménage ( n = 48), les membres des CoGes ( n = 10), les agents de santé ( n = 8) et les agents de santé communautaire ( n = 24). La méthode de l'analyse de contenu a été utilisée pour l'analyse des données. Les résultats de l'étude montrent que plusieurs facteurs socioculturels influencent la dynamique de la participation communautaire dans le district. Ce sont les conditions économiques, la perception négative des services de santé, les inégalités sociales de sexe et d'âge, le faible ancrage social des organisations communautaires, les rivalités inter-villages et les conflits coutumiers. L'étude relève également que les communautés ne perçoivent pas leur implication dans le processus décisionnel des services de santé comme une priorité. Leurs principales attentes s'orientent vers la disponibilité de soins de qualité et à coût réduit.

  20. Hybrid Thin Film Organosilica Sol-Gel Coatings To Support Neuronal Growth and Limit Astrocyte Growth.


    Capeletti, Larissa Brentano; Cardoso, Mateus Borba; Dos Santos, João Henrique Zimnoch; He, Wei


    Thin films of silica prepared by a sol-gel process are becoming a feasible coating option for surface modification of implantable neural sensors without imposing adverse effects on the devices' electrical properties. In order to advance the application of such silica-based coatings in the context of neural interfacing, the characteristics of silica sol-gel are further tailored to gain active control of interactions between cells and the coating materials. By incorporating various readily available organotrialkoxysilanes carrying distinct organic functional groups during the sol-gel process, a library of hybrid organosilica coatings is developed and investigated. In vitro neural cultures using PC12 cells and primary cortical neurons both reveal that, among these different types of hybrid organosilica, the introduction of aminopropyl groups drastically transforms the silica into robust neural permissive substrate, supporting neuron adhesion and neurite outgrowth. Moreover, when this organosilica is cultured with astrocytes, a key type of glial cells responsible for glial scar response toward neural implants, such cell growth promoting effect is not observed. These findings highlight the potential of organo-group-bearing silica sol-gel to function as advanced coating materials to selectively modulate cell response and promote neural integration with implantable sensing devices.

  1. Identification et prise en charge des femmes ayant des antécédents familiaux de cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Heisey, Ruth; Carroll, June C.


    Résumé Objectif Résumer les meilleures données portant sur les stratégies d’identification et de prise en charge des femmes qui présentent des antécédents familiaux de cancer du sein. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée sur PubMed à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : breast cancer, guidelines, risk, family history, management et magnetic resonance imaging screening, entre 2000 et 2016. La plupart des données sont de niveau II. Message principal Une bonne anamnèse familiale est essentielle lors de l’évaluation du risque de cancer du sein afin d’identifier les femmes qui sont candidates à une recommandation en counseling génétique pour un éventuel test génétique. On peut sauver des vies en offrant aux femmes porteuses d’une mutation au gène BRCA des interventions chirurgicales de réduction des risques (mastectomie bilatérale prophylactique, salpingo-ovariectomie bilatérale). Il faut encourager toutes les femmes qui présentent des antécédents familiaux de cancer du sein à demeurer actives et à limiter leur consommation d’alcool à moins de 1 verre par jour; certaines femmes sont admissibles à la chimioprévention. Il faut offrir aux femmes dont le risque à vie de cancer du sein est de 20 à 25 % ou plus un dépistage poussé par imagerie par résonance magnétique en plus d’une mammographie. Conclusion Une vie saine et la chimioprévention (chez les candidates) pourraient réduire l’incidence du cancer du sein; le dépistage poussé pourrait entraîner une détection plus précoce. Le fait d’aiguiller des femmes porteuses d’une mutation au BRCA vers la chirurgie de réduction des risques sauve des vies. PMID:27737991

  2. 78 FR 45268 - Notice of Availability of the San Diego Gas & Electric Ocotillo Sol Solar Project Final...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... decommission the Ocotillo Sol Solar Project, a solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant facility, on approximately... Applicant's Proposed Project to construct, operate, maintain, and decommission a 100-acre solar PV facility...] Notice of Availability of the San Diego Gas & Electric Ocotillo Sol Solar Project Final Environmental...

  3. Note des Éditeurs scientifiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Averbuch, P.

    Cette série d'articles est une revue de résultats expérimentaux sur différents "fluides" moléculaires, dans lesquels la cohésion est due à des forces de Van der Waals et à des liaisons hydrogène, l'eau étant un de ces fluides. Ces résultats sont présentés de façon à justifier expérimentalement un modèle original, non extensif, des propriétés de ces fluides, et l'ensemble se présente sous la forme de trois articles décrivant le modèle, suivis chacun par un article le comparant aux résultats expérimentaux publiés par de nombreux auteurs. Le caractère non extensif des propriétés physiques des fluides est choquant, contraire à beaucoup d'idées établies, il semble n'avoir en sa faveur qu'un argument, la comparaison avec un nombre de résultats expérimentaux assez grand pour que l'effet du hasard soit difficilement soupçonnable. En particulier, les écarts entre des résultats de mesures faits par des auteurs différents dans des conditions différentes sont expliqués, le sérieux et la compétence des différents expérimentateurs ne sont plus mis en doute : mais l'interprétation de ces résultats avec un modèle extensif non adapté est seule mise en cause. Les modèles extensifs étant utilisés systématiquement, au delà des expériences de physiciens, dans les calculs d'ingénieurs, et dans la modélisation d'appareils qui fonctionnent et de phénomènes naturels observés par tout le monde, il fallait expliquer pourquoi on pouvait renoncer à l'extensivité. Les raisons du succès pratique des modèles extensifs sont données, d'abord dans le cas des nématiques, puis dans celui des liquides ordinaires, et c'est ce qui rend l'ensemble cohérent, tant avec les mesures physiques fines qu'avec les observations quotidiennes. Il n'en reste pas moins que si l'interprétation donnée dans cette série d'articles est généralisable, une justification théorique du modèle utilisé devient nécessaire. Pour ce qui est des propriétés d

  4. Applications of Composite Materials in Helicopter Construction (Les Applications des Materiaux Composite dans la Construction des Helicopteres),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    TRANSLATION TITLE: APPLICATIONS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS IN HELICOPTER CONSTRUCTION LES APPLICATIONS DES MATERTAUX COMWSITE DANS LA CONSTRUCTION DES...International Symposium on Design and Use of Kevlar in Aircraft, Geneva, 12 October 1982 [Beziac, Gilbert;* Les applications des mat6riaux composite...the pilot’s orders to the engine and the rotors. --Rear rotor Conventional or "faired propeller" type with its overall pitch control --Vibration

  5. Weathering characteristics and moisture uptake properties of wood coated with water-borne sol-gel thin films


    M. A. Tshabalala; C. Starr; N. R. Sutherland


    In this study, wood specimens were coated with water-borne silsesquioxane oligomers by an in situ sol-gel deposition process. The effect of these water-borne sol-gel thin films on weathering characteristics and moisture-uptake properties of the wood specimens were investigated. The weathering characteristics were investigated by exposure of the specimens to artificial...

  6. Spirit View of Phobos Eclipse, Sol 675

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    [figure removed for brevity, see original site] Annotated Spirit View of Phobos Eclipse, Sol 675

    NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit observed the Martian moon Phobos entering the shadow of Mars during the night of the rover's 675th sol (Nov. 27, 2005). The panoramic camera captured 16 images, spaced 10 seconds apart, covering the period from when Phobos was in full sunlight to when it was entirely in shadow. As with our own Moon during lunar eclipses on Earth, even when in the planet's shadow, Phobos was not entirely dark. The small amount of light still visible from Phobos is a kind of 'Mars-shine' -- sunlight reflected through Mars' atmosphere and into the shadowed region.

    This view is a time-lapse composite of images taken 20 seconds apart, showing the movement of Phobos from left to right. (At 10 seconds apart, the images of the moon overlap each other.) Scientists are using information about the precise timing of Martian moon eclipses gained from observations such as these to refine calculations about the orbital path of Phobos. The precise position of Phobos will be important to any future spacecraft taking detailed pictures of the moon or landing on its surface.

  7. Infrared and Raman spectroscopic studies of tris-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl] isocyanurate, its sol-gel process, and coating on aluminum and copper.


    Li, Ying-Sing; Church, Jeffrey S; Woodhead, Andrea L; Vecchio, Nicolas E; Yang, Johnny


    Tris-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl] isocyanurate (TTPI) has been used as a precursor to prepare a sol using ethanol as the solvent under acidic conditions. The sol-gel was applied for the surface treatment of aluminum and copper. Infrared and Raman spectra have been recorded for pure TTPI and the TTPI sol, xerogel and TTPI sol-gel coated metals. From the vibrational spectra, TTPI is likely to have the C1 point group. Vibrational assignments are suggested based on group frequencies, the expected reactions in the sol-gel process and the vibrational studies of some related molecules. From the experimental infrared spectra of xerogels annealed at different temperatures and from the thermal-gravimetric analysis, it is found that the TTPI xerogel decomposes at around 450°C with silica being the major decomposition product. A cyclic voltammetric study of the metal electrodes coated with different concentrations of TTPI ranging from 5% to 42% (v/v) has shown that the films with high concentrations of sol would provide better corrosion protection for aluminum and copper. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Development of flame retardant cotton fabric based on ionic liquids via sol-gel technique.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bentis, A.; Boukhriss, A.; Boyer, D.; Gmouh, S.


    In this study, flame retardant cotton fabrics were developed by the sol-gel method, in order to enhance their flame retardant proprieties. For this aim, seven sols were prepared using tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and different ionic liquids (ILs) consist on pyridinium and Methylimidazolium cations with different anions such as: PF6-, CH3COO-, and Br-. Those sols were applied separately to the cotton fabrics by a pad-dry-cure process. The flame retardant properties of functionalized cotton fabrics before and after washing were determined by the vertical flame tests according to ISO6940:2004(F) standard. The effects of anions have been thoroughly investigated, aiming at the optimization of the targeted properties. Thermogravimetric and mechanical according to NF EN ISO 13934-1:2013standard, analyses have been also investigated. The results showed that flame retardancy, thermal stability and mechanical properties of treated fabrics were enhanced by using ionic liquids.

  9. Low temperature and UV curable sol-gel coatings for long lasting optical fiber biosensors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Otaduy, D.; Villar, A.; Gomez-Herrero, E.; Goitandia, A. M.; Gorritxategi, E.; Quintana, I.


    The use of optical fibers as sensing element is increasing in clinical, pharmaceutical and industrial applications. Excellent light delivery, long interaction length, low cost and ability not only to excite the target molecules but also to capture the emitted light from the targets are the hallmarks of optical fiber as biosensors. In biosensors based on fiber optics the interaction with the analyte can occur within an element of the optical fiber. One of the techniques for this kind of biosensors is to remove the fiber optic cladding and substitute it for biological coatings that will interact with the parameter to sensorize. The deposition of these layers can be made by sol-gel technology. The sol-gel technology is being increasingly used mainly due to the high versatility to tailor their optical features. Incorporation of suitable chemical and biochemical sensing agents have allowed determining pH, gases, and biochemical species, among others. Nonetheless, the relatively high processing temperatures and short lifetime values mean severe drawbacks for a successful exploitation of sol-gel based coated optical fibres. With regard to the latter, herein we present the design, preparation and characterization of novel sol-gel coated optical fibres. Low temperature and UV curable coating formulations were optimized to achieve a good adhesion and optical performance. The UV photopolymerizable formulation was comprised by glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GLYMO), Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and an initiator. While the thermoset coating was prepared by using 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane, GLYMO, and TEOS as main reagents. Both curable sol-gel coated fibres were analysed by FTIR, SEM and optical characterization. Furthermore, in the present work a new technique for silica cladding removal has been developed by ultra-short pulses laser processing, getting good dimensional accuracy and surface integrity.

  10. Preparation of Composite Coating on AZ91D Magnesium Alloy by Silica Sol-Micro Oxidation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shao, Zhongcai; Zhang, Feifei; Zhao, Ruiqiang; Shen, Xiaoyi


    Composite coating was prepared on AZ91D magnesium alloy with a new method which combined silica sol with micro-arc oxidation (MAO). The MAO coating was prepared on the basis of MAO solution, and then coated by sol-gel process. The composite coating was obtained after second MAO treatment. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy spectrum analysis and electrochemical testing was applied to characterize the properties of MAO coating and composite coating. The experimental test results indicated that the Si element derived from SiO2 gel particle embedded into the MAO coating by second MAO treatment. The surface of composite coating became dense and the holes were smaller with silica sol sealing process. The corrosion resistance of composite coating was improved than the MAO coating.

  11. Exploring encapsulation mechanism of DNA and mononucleotides in sol-gel derived silica.


    Kapusuz, Derya; Durucan, Caner


    The encapsulation mechanism of DNA in sol-gel derived silica has been explored in order to elucidate the effect of DNA conformation on encapsulation and to identify the nature of chemical/physical interaction of DNA with silica during and after sol-gel transition. In this respect, double stranded DNA and dAMP (2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-monophosphate) were encapsulated in silica using an alkoxide-based sol-gel route. Biomolecule-encapsulating gels have been characterized using UV-Vis, 29 Si NMR, FTIR spectroscopy and gas adsorption (BET) to investigate chemical interactions of biomolecules with the porous silica network and to examine the extent of sol-gel reactions upon encapsulation. Ethidium bromide intercalation and leach out tests showed that helix conformation of DNA was preserved after encapsulation. For both biomolecules, high water-to-alkoxide ratio promoted water-producing condensation and prevented alcoholic denaturation. NMR and FTIR analyses confirmed high hydraulic reactivity (water adsorption) for more silanol groups-containing DNA and dAMP encapsulated gels than plain silica gel. No chemical binding/interaction occurred between biomolecules and silica network. DNA and dAMP encapsulated silica gelled faster than plain silica due to basic nature of DNA or dAMP containing buffer solutions. DNA was not released from silica gels to aqueous environment up to 9 days. The chemical association between DNA/dAMP and silica host was through phosphate groups and molecular water attached to silanols, acting as a barrier around biomolecules. The helix morphology was found not to be essential for such interaction. BET analyses showed that interconnected, inkbottle-shaped mesoporous silica network was condensed around DNA and dAMP molecules.

  12. Etude spectroscopique des collisions moleculaires (hydrogene-azote et hydrogene-oxygene) a des energies de quelques MeV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Plante, Jacinthe


    Les resultats presentes ici proviennent d'une etude systematique portant sur les collisions a vitesse constante, entre les projectiles d'hydrogene (H+, H2+ et H3+ a 1 MeV/nucleon) et deux cibles gazeuses (N2 et O2), soumises a differentes pressions. Les collisions sont analysees a l'aide des spectres d'emission (de 400 A a 6650 A) et des graphiques intensite/pression. Les spectres ont revele la presence des raies d'azote atomique, d'azote moleculaire, d'oxygene atomique, d'oxygene moleculaire et d'hydrogene atomique. Les raies d'hydrogene sont observees seulement avec les projectiles H2+ et H3+. Donc les processus responsables de la formation de ces raies sont des mecanismes de fragmentation des projectiles. Pour conclure, il existe une difference notable entre les projectiles et les differentes pressions. Les raies d'azote et d'oxygene augmentent selon la pression et les raies d'hydrogene atomique presentent une relation non lineaire avec la pression.

  13. Sol-gel Derived Warfarin - Silica Composites for Controlled Drug Release.


    Dolinina, Ekaterina S; Parfenyuk, Elena V


    Warfarin, commonly used anticoagulant in clinic, has serious shortcomings due to its unsatisfactory pharmacodynamics. One of the efficient ways for the improvement of pharmacological and consumer properties of drugs is the development of optimal drug delivery systems. The aim of this work is to synthesize novel warfarin - silica composites and to study in vitro the drug release kinetics to obtain the composites with controlled release. The composites of warfarin with unmodified (UMS) and mercaptopropyl modified silica (MPMS) were synthesized by sol-gel method. The composite formation was confirmed by FTIR spectra. The concentrations of warfarin released to media with pH 1.6, 6.8 and 7.4 were measured using UV spectroscopy. The drug release profiles from the solid composites were described by a series of kinetic models which includes zero order kinetics, first order kinetics, the modified Korsmeyer-Peppas model and Hixson-Crowell model. The synthesized sol-gel composites have different kinetic behavior in the studied media. In contrast to the warfarin composite with unmodified silica, the drug release from the composite with mercaptopropyl modified silica follows zero order kinetics for 24 h irrespective to the release medium pH due to mixed mechanism (duffusion + degradation and/or disintegration of silica matrix). The obtained results showed that warfarin - silica sol-gel composites have a potential application for the development of novel oral formulation of the drug with controlled delivery. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  14. DES Science Portal: II- Creating Science-Ready Catalogs

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fausti Neto, Angelo; et al.

    We present a novel approach for creating science-ready catalogs through a software infrastructure developed for the Dark Energy Survey (DES). We integrate the data products released by the DES Data Management and additional products created by the DES collaboration in an environment known as DES Science Portal. Each step involved in the creation of a science-ready catalog is recorded in a relational database and can be recovered at any time. We describe how the DES Science Portal automates the creation and characterization of lightweight catalogs for DES Year 1 Annual Release, and show its flexibility in creating multiple catalogs withmore » different inputs and configurations. Finally, we discuss the advantages of this infrastructure for large surveys such as DES and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. The capability of creating science-ready catalogs efficiently and with full control of the inputs and configurations used is an important asset for supporting science analysis using data from large astronomical surveys.« less

  15. Whirlwind Drama During Spirit's 496th Sol

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    This movie clip shows a dust devil growing in size and blowing across the plain inside Mars' Gusev Crater. The clip consists of frames taken by the navigation camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit during the morning of the rover's 496th martian day, or sol (May 26, 2005). Contrast has been enhanced for anything in the images that changes from frame to frame, that is, for the dust moved by wind.

  16. Process of forming a sol-gel/metal hydride composite


    Congdon, James W [Aiken, SC


    An external gelation process is described which produces granules of metal hydride particles contained within a sol-gel matrix. The resulting granules are dimensionally stable and are useful for applications such as hydrogen separation and hydrogen purification. An additional coating technique for strengthening the granules is also provided.

  17. 20 CFR 10.706 - How will a beneficiary know if OWCP or SOL has determined that action against a third party is...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false How will a beneficiary know if OWCP or SOL... Third Party Liability § 10.706 How will a beneficiary know if OWCP or SOL has determined that action... is transferred to SOL, a second notification may be issued. ...

  18. A Sol-Gel-Modified Poly(methyl methacrylate) Electrophoresis Microchip with a Hydrophilic Channel Wall

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chen, Gang; Xu, Xuejiao; Lin, Yuehe


    A sol-gel method was employed to fabricate a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) electrophoresis microchip that contains a hydrophilic channel wall. To fabricate such a device, tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) was injected into the PMMA channel and was allowed to diffuse into the surface layer for 24 h. After removing the excess TEOS, the channel was filled with an acidic solution for 3 h. Subsequently, the channel was flushed with water and was pretreated in an oven to obtain a sol-gel-modified PMMA microchip. The water contact angle for the sol-gel-modified PMMA was 27.4° compared with 66.3° for the pure PMMA. In addition, the electro-osmoticmore » flow increased from 2.13×10-4 cm2 V-1 s-1 for the native-PMMA channel to 4.86×10-4 cm2 V-1 s-1 for the modified one. The analytical performance of the sol-gel-modified PMMA microchip was demonstrated for the electrophoretic separation of several purines, coupled with amperometric detection. The separation efficiency of uric acid increased to 74 882.3 m-1 compared with 14 730.5 m-1 for native-PMMA microchips. The result of this simple modification is a significant improvement in the performance of PMMA for microchip electrophoresis and microfluidic applications.« less

  19. Biological influence of Ca/P ratio on calcium phosphate coatings by sol-gel processing.


    Catauro, M; Papale, F; Sapio, L; Naviglio, S


    The objective of this work has been to develop low temperature sol-gel glass coatings to modify the substrate surface and to evaluate their bioactivity and biocompatibility. Glasses, based on SiO2·CaO·P2O5, were synthesized by the sol-gel technique using tetraethyl orthosilicate, calcium nitrate tetrahydrate and triethyl phosphate as precursors of SiO2, CaO and P2O5, respectively. Those materials, still in the sol phase, have been used to coat substrates by means of the dip-coating technique. Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) has been used for characterize coatings and a microstructural analysis has been obtained using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The potential applications of the coatings in the biomedical field were evaluated by bioactivity and biocompatibility tests. The coated substrate was immersed in simulated body fluid (SBF) for 21days and the hydroxyapatite deposition on its surface was subsequently evaluated via SEM-EDXS analysis, as an index of bone-bonding capability. In order to study the cell behavior and response to our silica based materials, prepared via the sol-gel method, with various Ca/P ratio and coating substrate, we have used the human osteoblast-like U2OS cell line. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Using the verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES) and health provider responses (VR-CoDES-P) in the dental context.


    Wright, Alice; Humphris, Gerry; Wanyonyi, Kristina L; Freeman, Ruth


    To show if cues, concerns and provider responses (defined in VR-CoDES and VR-CoDES-P manuals) are present, can be reliably coded and require additional advice for adoption in a dental context. Thirteen patients in a dental practice setting were videoed with either their dentist or hygienist and dental nurse present in routine treatment sessions. All utterances were coded using the Verona systems: VR-CoDES and the VR-CoDES-P. Rates of cue, concerns and provider responses described and reliability tested. The VR-CoDES and VR-CoDES-P were successfully applied in the dental context. The intra-rater ICCs for the detection of cues and concerns and provider response were acceptable and above 0.75. A similar satisfactory result was found for the inter-rater reliability. The VR-CoDES and the VR-CoDES-P are applicable in the dental setting with minor supporting guidelines and show evidence of reliable coding. The VR-CoDES and the VR-CoDES-P may be helpful tools for analysing patient cues and concerns and the dental professionals' responses in the dental context. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


    EPA Science Inventory

    Recently, sol-gel methods employing ionic liquids (ILs) have shown significant implications for the synthesis of well-defined nanostructured inorganic materials. Herein, we synthesized nanocrystalline TiO2 particles via an alkoxide sol-gel method employing a water-immi...

  2. The role of temperature in forming sol-gel biocomposites containing polydopamine.


    Dyke, Jason Christopher; Hu, Huamin; Lee, Dong Joon; Ko, Ching-Chang; You, Wei


    To further improve the physical strength and biomedical applicability of bioceramicsbuilt on hydroxyapatite-gelatin (HAp-Gel) and siloxane sol-gel reactions, we incorporated mussel adhesive inspired polydopamine (PD) into our original composite based on HAp-Gel cross-linked with siloxane. Surprisingly, with the addition of PD, we observed that the processing conditions and temperatures play an important role in the structure and performance of these materials. A systematic study to investigate this temperature dependence behavior discloses that the rate of crosslinking of silane during the sol-gel process is significantly influenced by the temperature, whereas the polymerization of the dopamine only shows minor temperature dependence. With this discovery, we report an innovative thermal process for the design and application of these biocomposites.

  3. The role of temperature in forming sol-gel biocomposites containing polydopamine

    PubMed Central

    Dyke, Jason Christopher; Hu, Huamin; Lee, Dong Joon; Ko, Ching-Chang; You, Wei


    To further improve the physical strength and biomedical applicability of bioceramicsbuilt on hydroxyapatite-gelatin (HAp-Gel) and siloxane sol-gel reactions, we incorporated mussel adhesive inspired polydopamine (PD) into our original composite based on HAp-Gel cross-linked with siloxane. Surprisingly, with the addition of PD, we observed that the processing conditions and temperatures play an important role in the structure and performance of these materials. A systematic study to investigate this temperature dependence behavior discloses that the rate of crosslinking of silane during the sol-gel process is significantly influenced by the temperature, whereas the polymerization of the dopamine only shows minor temperature dependence. With this discovery, we report an innovative thermal process for the design and application of these biocomposites. PMID:25485111

  4. Characterization of the Sol-Gel Transition for Zirconia-Toughened Alumina Precursors

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Moeti, I.; Karikari, E.; Chen, J.


    High purity ZTA ceramic powders with and without yttria were produced using metal alkoxide precursors. ZTA ceramic powders with varying volume percents of zirconia were prepared (7, 15, and 22%). Aluminum tri-sec butoxide, zirconium propoxide, and yttrium isopropoxide were the reagents used. Synthesis conditions were varied to control the hydrolysis and the aging conditions for the sol to gel transition. FTIR analysis and theological characterization were used to follow the structural evolution during the sol to gel transition. The greater extent of hydrolysis and the build-up of structure measured from viscoelastic properties were consistent. Heat treatment was conducted to produce submicron grain fully crystalline ZTA ceramic powders. In all experimental cases a-alumina and tetragonal zirconia phases were confirmed even in the absence of yttria.

  5. Reticulation des fibres lignocellulosiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Landrevy, Christel

    Pour faire face à la crise économique la conception de papier à valeur ajoutée est développée par les industries papetières. Le but de se projet est l'amélioration des techniques actuelles de réticulation des fibres lignocellulosiques de la pâte à papier visant à produire un papier plus résistant. En effet, lors des réactions de réticulation traditionnelles, de nombreuses liaisons intra-fibres se forment ce qui affecte négativement l'amélioration anticipée des propriétés physiques du papier ou du matériau produit. Pour éviter la formation de ces liaisons intra-fibres, un greffage sur les fibres de groupements ne pouvant pas réagir entre eux est nécessaire. La réticulation des fibres par une réaction de « click chemistry » appelée cycloaddition de Huisgen entre un azide et un alcyne vrai, catalysée par du cuivre (CuAAC) a été l'une des solutions trouvée pour remédier à ce problème. De plus, une adaptation de cette réaction en milieux aqueux pourrait favoriser son utilisation en milieu industriel. L'étude que nous désirons entreprendre lors de ce projet vise à optimiser la réaction de CuAAC et les réactions intermédiaires (propargylation, tosylation et azidation) sur la pâte kraft, en milieu aqueux. Pour cela, les réactions ont été adaptées en milieu aqueux sur la cellulose microcristalline afin de vérifier sa faisabilité, puis transférée à la pâte kraft et l'influence de différents paramètres comme le temps de réaction ou la quantité de réactifs utilisée a été étudiée. Dans un second temps, une étude des différentes propriétés conférées au papier par les réactions a été réalisée à partir d'une série de tests papetiers optiques et physiques. Mots Clés Click chemistry, Huisgen, CuAAC, propargylation, tosylation, azidation, cellulose, pâte kraft, milieu aqueux, papier.

  6. Sol-gel approach to in situ creation of high pH-resistant surface-bonded organic-inorganic hybrid zirconia coating for capillary microextraction (in-tube SPME).


    Alhooshani, Khalid; Kim, Tae-Young; Kabir, Abuzar; Malik, Abdul


    A novel zirconia-based hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel coating was developed for capillary microextraction (CME) (in-tube SPME). High degree of chemical inertness inherent in zirconia makes it very difficult to covalently bind a suitable organic ligand to its surface. In the present work, this problem was addressed from a sol-gel chemistry point of view. Principles of sol-gel chemistry were employed to chemically bind a hydroxy-terminated silicone polymer (polydimethyldiphenylsiloxane, PDMDPS) to a sol-gel zirconia network in the course of its evolution from a highly reactive alkoxide precursor undergoing controlled hydrolytic polycondensation reactions. A fused silica capillary was filled with a properly designed sol solution to allow for the sol-gel reactions to take place within the capillary for a predetermined period of time (typically 15-30 min). In the course of this process, a layer of the evolving hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel polymer got chemically anchored to the silanol groups on the capillary inner walls via condensation reaction. At the end of this in-capillary residence time, the unbonded part of the sol solution was expelled from the capillary under helium pressure, leaving behind a chemically bonded sol-gel zirconia-PDMDPS coating on the inner walls. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, and aldehydes were efficiently extracted and preconcentrated from dilute aqueous samples using sol-gel zirconia-PDMDPS coated capillaries followed by thermal desorption and GC analysis of the extracted solutes. The newly developed sol-gel hybrid zirconia coatings demonstrated excellent pH stability, and retained the extraction characteristics intact even after continuous rinsing with a 0.1 M NaOH solution for 24 h. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the use of a sol-gel zirconia-based hybrid organic-inorganic coating as an extraction medium in solid phase microextraction (SPME).

  7. Administration of a Sol-Gel Formulation of Phenylephrine Using Low-Temperature Hollow Microneedle for Treatment of Intermittent Fecal Incontinence.


    Lee, Hyunji; Park, Jung-Hwan; Park, Jung Ho


    A low temperature hollow microneedle system was devised to deliver sol-gel transition formulation near the surface of the skin for extended release and local delivery of drug by a non-invasive method. This new system can improve treatment of intermittent fecal incontinence. The low-temperature system was integrated with a hollow microneedle to maintain the low temperature of the sol formulation. Various sol-gel formulations using Pluronic F-127 (PF-127) and Hydroxy-propyl-methyl-cellulose (HPMC) were prepared, and their gelation temperature, flow property, and diffusion retardation were observed. Resting anal sphincter pressure in response to a phenylephrine (PE) sol-gel formulation was measured using an air-charged catheter. The biocompatibility of the sol-gel PE formulation was evaluated by observing the immunological response. When the PF-127 25%, HPMC 1% and PE formulation (PF25-HPMC1-PE) was injected through the peri-anal skin of the rat in vivo, the highest pressure on the anal sphincter muscle occurred at 6-8 h and anal pressure increased and lasted twice as long as with the phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-PE formulation. There was no significant difference in the number of mast cells after administration into the rat in vivo between the PF25-HPMC1-PE formulation and the PBS-PE formulation. The combination of a low-pain hollow microneedle system and an injectable sol-gel formulation improved the efficacy of treatment of intermittent fecal incontinence. A low-temperature hollow microneedle system using a sol-gel formulation has many applications in medical treatments that require depot effect, local targeting, and pain control.

  8. Effect of Sol Concentration, Aging and Drying Process on Cerium Stabilization Zirconium Gel Produced by External Gelation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sukarsono, R.; Rachmawati, M.; Susilowati, S. R.; Husnurrofiq, D.; Nurwidyaningrum, K.; Dewi, A. K.


    Cerium Stabilized Zirconium gel has been prepared using external gelation process. As the raw materials was used ZrO(NO3)2 and Ce(NO3)4 nitrate salt which was dissolved with water into Zr-Ce nitrate mixture. The concentration of the nitrate salt mixture in the sol solution was varied by varying the concentration of zirconium and cerium nitrate in the sol solution and the addition of PVA and THFA to produce a sol with a viscosity of 40-60 cP. The viscosity range of 40-60cP is the viscosity of the sol solution that was easy to produce a good gel in the gelation apparatus. Sol solution was casted in a gelation column equipped with following tools: a 1 mm diameter drip nozzle which was vibrated to adjust the best frequency and amplitude of vibration, a flow meter to measure the flow rate of sol, flowing of NH3 gas to presolidification process. Gelation column was contained NH4OH solution as gelation medium and gel container to collect gel product. Gel obtained from the gelation process than processed with ageing, washing, drying and calcinations to get round gel and not broken at calcinations up to 500°C. The parameters observed in this research are variation of Zr nitrate concentration, Ce nitrate concentration, ratio of Zr and Ce in the sol and ageing and drying process method which was appropriate to get a good gel. From the gelation processes that has been done, it can be seen that with the presolidification process can be obtained a round gel and without presolidification process, produce not round gel. In the process of ageing to get not broken gel, ageing was done on the rotary flask so that during the ageing, gels rotate in gelation media. Gels, then be washed by dilute ammonium nitrate, demireralized water and iso prophyl alcohol. The washed gel was then dried by vacuum drying to form pores on the gel which become the path for the gases resulting from decomposition of the gel to exit the gel. Vacuum drying can prevent cracking because the pores allow the gel

  9. Electrophoretically active sol-gel processes to backfill, seal, and/or densify porous, flawed, and/or cracked coatings on electrically conductive material


    Panitz, Janda K.; Reed, Scott T.; Ashley, Carol S.; Neiser, Richard A.; Moffatt, William C.


    Electrophoretically active sol-gel processes to fill, seal, and/or density porous, flawed, and/or cracked coatings on electrically conductive substrates. Such coatings may be dielectrics, ceramics, or semiconductors and, by the present invention, may have deposited onto and into them sol-gel ceramic precursor compounds which are subsequently converted to sol-gel ceramics to yield composite materials with various tailored properties.

  10. Minimisation des inductances propres des condensateurs à film métallisé

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Joubert, Ch.; Rojat, G.; Béroual, A.


    In this article, we examine the different factors responsible for the equivalent series inductance in metallized capacitors and we propose structures for capacitors that reduce this inductance. After recalling the structure of metallized capacitors we compare, by experimental measurements, the inductance due to the winding and that one added by the connections. The latter can become preponderant. In order to explain the experimental evolution of the winding impedance vs. frequency, we describe an analytical model which gives the current density in the winding and its impedance. This model enables us to determine the self resonant frequency for different types of capacitors. From where, we can infer the influence of the height of capacitors and their internal and external radius upon performances, It appears that to reduce the equivalent series inductance, it is better to use flat windings and annular windings. Dans cet article nous examinons les différents facteurs responsables de l'inductance équivalente série dans les condensateurs à film métallisé et proposons des géométries de condensateurs qui réduisent cette inductance. Après avoir rappelé la structure des condensateurs à film métallisé, nous comparons, par des mesures expérimentales, l'inductance due au bobinage et l'inductance ajoutée par les connexions. Cette dernière peut devenir prépondérante. Afin d'expliquer l'évolution de l'impédance du bobinage en fonction de la fréquence, nous décrivons un modèle analytique qui donne la densité du courant dans le bobinage et l'impédance de ce dernier. En outre, ce modèle permet de déterminer la fréquence de résonance série de divers types de condensateurs ce qui permet de déduire l'influence de la hauteur des condensateurs et de leurs rayons interne et externe sur les performances. Il apparaît ainsi que, pour diminuer l'inductance équivalente série, il vaut mieux employer des bobinages plats et des bobinages annulaires.

  11. Use of CdSe/ZnS luminescent quantum dots incorporated within sol-gel matrix for urea detection.


    Duong, Hong Dinh; Rhee, Jong Il


    In this work, urea detection techniques based on the pH sensitivity of CdSe/ZnS QDs were developed using three types of sol-gel membranes: a QD-entrapped membrane, urease-immobilized membrane and double layer consisting of a QD-entrapped membrane and urease-immobilized membrane. The surface morphology of the sol-gel membranes deposited on the wells in a 24-well microtiter plate was investigated. The linear detection range of urea was in the range of 0-10mM with the three types of sol-gel membranes. The urea detection technique based on the double layer consisting of the QD-entrapped membrane and urease-immobilized membrane resulted in the highest sensitivity to urea due to the Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters. That is, the Michaelis-Menten constant (K(m)=2.0745mM) of the free urease in the QD-entrapped membrane was about 4-fold higher than that (K(m)=0.549mM) of the immobilized urease in the urease-immobilized membrane and about 12-fold higher than that (K(m)=0.1698mM) of the immobilized urease in the double layer. The good stability of the three sol-gel membranes for urea sensing over 2 months showed that the use of sol-gel membranes immobilized with QDs or an enzyme is suitable for biomedical and environmental applications.

  12. Preparation of Flame Retardant Polyacrylonitrile Fabric Based on Sol-Gel and Layer-by-Layer Assembly

    PubMed Central

    Ren, Yuanlin; Huo, Tongguo; Qin, Yiwen; Liu, Xiaohui


    This paper aims to develop a novel method, i.e., sol-gel combined with layer-by-layer assembly technology, to impart flame retardancy on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fabrics. Silica-sol was synthesized via the sol-gel process and acted as cationic solution, and phytic acid (PA) was used as the anionic medium. Flame-retardant-treated PAN fabric (FR-PAN) could achieve excellent flame retardancy with 10 bilayer (10BL) coating through layer-by-layer assembly. The structure of the fabrics was characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The thermal stability and flame retardancy were evaluated by thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, cone calorimetry (CC) and limiting oxygen index (LOI). The LOI value of the coated fabric was up to 33.2 vol % and the char residue at 800 °C also increased to 57 wt %. Cone calorimetry tests revealed that, compared to the control fabric, the peak of heat release rate (PHRR) and total heat release (THR) of FR-PAN decreased by 66% and 73%, respectively. These results indicated that sol-gel combined with layer-by-layer assembly technique could impart PAN fabric with satisfactory flame-retardant properties, showing an efficient flame retardant strategy for PAN fabric. PMID:29570646

  13. Sol-Gel-Based Titania-Silica Thin Film Overlay for Long Period Fiber Grating-Based Biosensors.


    Chiavaioli, Francesco; Biswas, Palas; Trono, Cosimo; Jana, Sunirmal; Bandyopadhyay, Somnath; Basumallick, Nandini; Giannetti, Ambra; Tombelli, Sara; Bera, Susanta; Mallick, Aparajita; Baldini, Francesco


    An evanescent wave optical fiber biosensor based on titania-silica-coated long period grating (LPG) is presented. The chemical overlay, which increases the refractive index (RI) sensitivity of the sensor, consists of a sol-gel-based titania-silica thin film, deposited along the sensing portion of the fiber by means of the dip-coating technique. Changing both the sol viscosity and the withdrawal speed during the dip-coating made it possible to adjust the thickness of the film overlay, which is a crucial parameter for the sensor performance. After the functionalization of the fiber surface using a methacrylic acid/methacrylate copolymer, an antibody/antigen (IgG/anti-IgG) assay was carried out to assess the performance of sol-gel based titania-silica-coated LPGs as biosensors. The analyte concentration was determined from the wavelength shift at the end of the binding process and from the initial binding rate. This is the first time that a sol-gel based titania-silica-coated LPG is proposed as an effective and feasible label-free biosensor. The specificity of the sensor was validated by performing the same model assay after spiking anti-IgG into human serum. With this structured LPG, detection limits of the order of tens of micrograms per liter (10(-11) M) are attained.

  14. Preparation of Flame Retardant Polyacrylonitrile Fabric Based on Sol-Gel and Layer-by-Layer Assembly.


    Ren, Yuanlin; Huo, Tongguo; Qin, Yiwen; Liu, Xiaohui


    This paper aims to develop a novel method, i.e., sol-gel combined with layer-by-layer assembly technology, to impart flame retardancy on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fabrics. Silica-sol was synthesized via the sol-gel process and acted as cationic solution, and phytic acid (PA) was used as the anionic medium. Flame-retardant-treated PAN fabric (FR-PAN) could achieve excellent flame retardancy with 10 bilayer (10BL) coating through layer-by-layer assembly. The structure of the fabrics was characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The thermal stability and flame retardancy were evaluated by thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, cone calorimetry (CC) and limiting oxygen index (LOI). The LOI value of the coated fabric was up to 33.2 vol % and the char residue at 800 °C also increased to 57 wt %. Cone calorimetry tests revealed that, compared to the control fabric, the peak of heat release rate (PHRR) and total heat release (THR) of FR-PAN decreased by 66% and 73%, respectively. These results indicated that sol-gel combined with layer-by-layer assembly technique could impart PAN fabric with satisfactory flame-retardant properties, showing an efficient flame retardant strategy for PAN fabric.

  15. Soft nanoimprint lithography on SiO2 sol-gel to elaborate sensitive substrates for SERS detection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hamouda, Frédéric; Bryche, Jean-François; Aassime, Abdelhanin; Maillart, Emmanuel; Gâté, Valentin; Zanettini, Silvia; Ruscica, Jérémy; Turover, Daniel; Bartenlian, Bernard


    This paper presents a new alternative fabrication of biochemical sensor based on surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) by soft nanoimprint lithography (S-NIL) on SiO2 sol-gel. Stabilization of the sol-gel film is obtained by annealing which simplifies the manufacturing of these biosensors and is compatible with mass production at low cost. This detector relies on a specific pattern of gold nanodisks on a thin gold film to obtain a better sensitivity of molecules' detection. Characterizations of SERS devices were performed on a confocal Raman microspectrophotometer after a chemical functionalization. We report a lateral collapse effect on poly(diméthylsiloxane) (PDMS) stamp for specific nanostructure dimensions. This unintentional effect is used to evaluate S-NIL resolution in SiO2 sol-gel.

  16. Determination of Insulator-to-Semiconductor Transition in Sol-Gel Oxide Semiconductors Using Derivative Spectroscopy.


    Lee, Woobin; Choi, Seungbeom; Kim, Kyung Tae; Kang, Jingu; Park, Sung Kyu; Kim, Yong-Hoon


    We report a derivative spectroscopic method for determining insulator-to-semiconductor transition during sol-gel metal-oxide semiconductor formation. When an as-spun sol-gel precursor film is photochemically activated and changes to semiconducting state, the light absorption characteristics of the metal-oxide film is considerable changed particularly in the ultraviolet region. As a result, a peak is generated in the first-order derivatives of light absorption ( A' ) vs. wavelength (λ) plots, and by tracing the peak center shift and peak intensity, transition from insulating-to-semiconducting state of the film can be monitored. The peak generation and peak center shift are described based on photon-energy-dependent absorption coefficient of metal-oxide films. We discuss detailed analysis method for metal-oxide semiconductor films and its application in thin-film transistor fabrication. We believe this derivative spectroscopy based determination can be beneficial for a non-destructive and a rapid monitoring of the insulator-to-semiconductor transition in sol-gel oxide semiconductor formation.

  17. Investigation of novel sol-gel hydrophobic surfaces for desorption electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry analysis.


    Penna, Andrea; Elviri, Lisa; Careri, Maria; Mangia, Alessandro; Predieri, Giovanni


    Sol-gel-based materials were synthesized, characterized and finally tested as solid supports for desorption electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) analysis of a mixture of compounds of different polarity. Films with thickness in the 2-4 μm range were obtained by a dip-coating process using tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and octyltriethoxysilane (OTES) as sol-gel precursors. Three types of surface with different hydrophobic character were obtained by varying the TEOS/OTES ratio in the sol-gel mixture. Each coating was characterized by atomic force microscopy investigations, gaining insight into homogeneity, smoothness and thickness of the obtained films. To study hydrophobicity of each surface, surface free energy measurements were performed. Different DESI-MS responses were observed when different solvent mixture deposition procedures and solvent spray compositions were investigated. Results were finally compared to those obtained by using commercial polytetrafluoroethylene-coated slides. It was found that surface free energy plays an important role in the desorption/ionization process as a function of the polarity of analytes.

  18. Analysis of Zinc Oxide Thin Films Synthesized by Sol-Gel via Spin Coating

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wolgamott, Jon Carl

    Transparent conductive oxides are gaining an increasingly important role in optoelectronic devices such as solar cells. Doped zinc oxide is a candidate as a low cost and nontoxic alternative to tin doped indium oxide. Lab results have shown that both n-type and p-type zinc oxide can be created on a small scale. This can allow zinc oxide to be used as either an electrode as well as a buffer layer to increase efficiency and protect the active layer in solar cells. Sol-gel synthesis is emerging as a low temperature, low cost, and resource efficient alternative to producing transparent conducting oxides such as zinc oxide. For sol-gel derived zinc oxide thin films to reach their potential, research in this topic must continue to optimize the known processing parameters and expand to new parameters to tighten control and create novel processing techniques that improve performance. The processing parameters of drying and annealing temperatures as well as cooling rate were analyzed to see their effect on the structure of the prepared zinc oxide thin films. There were also preliminary tests done to modify the sol-gel process to include silver as a dopant to produce a p-type thin film. The results from this work show that the pre- and post- heating temperatures as well as the cooling rate all play their own unique role in the crystallization of the film. Results from silver doping show that more work needs to be done to create a sol-gel derived p-type zinc oxide thin film.

  19. Analyse de l'effet des courants induits sur l'impédance d'un système électromagnétique alimenté en tension BF ou HF. Utilisation de la méthode des circuits couplés

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maouche, B.; Feliachi, M.


    In this paper, a study of the interaction between the inductor and the load of an axisymmetrical induction device is proposed. This interaction concerns the effect of the eddy current on both the excitation current and on the system impedance. A half analytical model, based on a numerical discretization of the electromagnetic solution domain, is used. In each cell of the numerical discretization, an analytical calculation using the Moment Method (MM) is considered. In the case of strong skin effect (High Frequency: HF), the formulation makes use of the Impedance Boundary Condition (IBC); in the contrary case (Low Frequency: LF), the interior domain is discretized. Dans cet article nous proposons l'étude de l'influence d'une charge (induit) conductrice sur la répartition du courant inducteur ainsi que sur l'impédance du système. L'inducteur est à géométrie axisymétrique de forme solénoïdale ou pancake destiné au chauffage par induction. Une méthode semi-analytique, basée sur une discrétisation du domaine en mailles élémentaires auxquelles s'applique une formulation intégrale (Méthode des Circuits Couplés : MCC) des grandeurs électromagnétiques, est utilisée. Dans le cas où l'effet de peau est important (Haute Fréquence:HF), la formulation associe la Condition d'Impédance de Surface; dans le cas contraire (Basse Fréquence : BF), un maillage du domaine interne est pratiqué.

  20. Characterizing Tungsten Sourcing and SOL Transport during the Metal Rings Campaign

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thomas, D. M.; Abrams, T.; Unterberg, E. A.; Donovan, D.; Elder, J. D.; Wampler, W. R.; DIII-D Team


    The Metal Rings Campaign on DIII-D utilized two isotopically and poloidally distinct toroidal arrays of tungsten coated inserts in the lower divertor to study W divertor erosion near the outer strike point (OSP) and divertor entrance and subsequent migration in a mixed-material (C-W) environment. In AT hybrid discharges (PAUX = 14 MW, H98 = 1.6, βN = 3.7) with rapid ELMs (fELM 200 Hz, δW/W 0.7%) W impurities are seen to reach the midplane predominantly from the OSP region rather than the divertor entrance (far-SOL). Conversely, in scenarios with less frequent larger ELMs (fELM 60 Hz, δW/W 3.6%), the W impurities are found to transport equally from the OSP and entrance region. ELM-resolved spectroscopic measurements of W sourcing indicate that large ELMs can source W at many times the inter ELM rate. The peak W erosion rate can shift radially outwards consistent with the ELM energy flux, thereby shifting the balance between strikepoint and far-SOL sources. Changes in the peak erosion locations between forward and reversed Bt discharges are consistent with ExB ion drift effects. Evidence for a near-SOL impurity buildup between the divertors driven by the parallel grad-Ti force is also seen. Work supported under USDOE Cooperative Agreement DE-FC02-04ER54698.

  1. Determination of excipient based solubility increases using the CheqSol method.


    Etherson, Kelly; Halbert, Gavin; Elliott, Moira


    Aqueous solubility is an essential characteristic assessed during drug development to determine a compound's drug-likeness since solubility plays an important pharmaceutical role. However, nearly half of the drug candidates discovered today display poor water solubility; therefore methods have to be applied to increase solubility. Solubility determination using the CheqSol method is a novel rapid solubility screening technique for ionisable compounds. The aim of this study is to determine if the CheqSol method can be employed to determine solubility increases of four test drugs (ibuprofen, gliclazide, atenolol and propranolol) induced by non-ionising excipients such as hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and poloxamers 407 and 188. CheqSol assays were performed for the drugs alone or in combination with varying solubiliser concentrations. The measured intrinsic solubility of all four drugs increased with all the excipients tested in an excipient concentration dependent manner providing results consistent with previous literature. The results demonstrate that it may be possible to use this method to determine the solubility increases induced by non-ionic solubilising excipients with results that are comparable to standard equilibrium based solubility techniques. Since the technique is automated and requires only small drug quantities it may serve as a useful solubility or formulation screening tool providing more detailed physicochemical information than multiwell plate or similar visual systems. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  2. Sol-Gel Application for Consolidating Stone: An Example of Project-Based Learning in a Physical Chemistry Lab

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de los Santos, Desiree´ M.; Montes, Antonio; Sa´nchez-Coronilla, Antonio; Navas, Javier


    A Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology was used in the practical laboratories of the Advanced Physical Chemistry department. The project type proposed simulates "real research" focusing on sol-gel synthesis and the application of the obtained sol as a stone consolidant. Students were divided into small groups (2 to 3 students) to…

  3. Fundamental electrochemiluminescence characteristics of fluorine-doped tin oxides synthesized by sol-gel combustion.


    Moon, B H; Chaoumead, A; Sung, Y M


    Fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) materials synthesized by sol-gel combustion method were investigated for electrochemical luminescence (ECL) application. Effects of sol-gel combustion conditions on the structures and morphology of the porous FTO (p-FTO) materials were studied. ECL efficiency of p-FTO-based cell was about 251 cd/m2 at 4 V bias, which is higher than the sell using only FTO electrodes (102.8 cd/m2). The highest intensity of the emitting light was obtained at the wavelength of about 610 nm. The porous FTO layer was effective for increasing ECL intensities.

  4. Sol-gel coating of inorganic nanostructures with resorcinol-formaldehyde resin.


    Li, Na; Zhang, Qiao; Liu, Jian; Joo, Jibong; Lee, Austin; Gan, Yang; Yin, Yadong


    A general sol-gel process has been developed to form a coating of resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) resin on inorganic nanostructures of various compositions and morphologies. The RF shell can be conveniently converted into carbon through high temperature carbonization under an inert atmosphere.

  5. Linking the Virginia SOL Assessments to NWEA MAP Tests

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Northwest Evaluation Association, 2016


    Northwest Evaluation Association™ (NWEA™) is committed to providing partners with useful tools to help make inferences from the Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) interim assessment scores. Recently, NWEA completed a concordance study to connect the scales of the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) reading and math tests with those of the MAP…

  6. Fabrication of superhydrophobic and antibacterial surface on cotton fabric by doped silica-based sols with nanoparticles of copper

    PubMed Central


    The study discussed the synthesis of silica sol using the sol-gel method, doped with two different amounts of Cu nanoparticles. Cotton fabric samples were impregnated by the prepared sols and then dried and cured. To block hydroxyl groups, some samples were also treated with hexadecyltrimethoxysilane. The average particle size of colloidal silica nanoparticles were measured by the particle size analyzer. The morphology, roughness, and hydrophobic properties of the surface fabricated on cotton samples were analyzed and compared via the scanning electron microscopy, the transmission electron microscopy, the scanning probe microscopy, with static water contact angle (SWC), and water shedding angle measurements. Furthermore, the antibacterial efficiency of samples was quantitatively evaluated using AATCC 100 method. The addition of 0.5% (wt/wt) Cu into silica sol caused the silica nanoparticles to agglomerate in more grape-like clusters on cotton fabrics. Such fabricated surface revealed the highest value of SWC (155° for a 10-μl droplet) due to air trapping capability of its inclined structure. However, the presence of higher amounts of Cu nanoparticles (2% wt/wt) in silica sol resulted in the most slippery smooth surface on cotton fabrics. All fabricated surfaces containing Cu nanoparticles showed the perfect antibacterial activity against both of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. PMID:22085594

  7. Electrophoretically active sol-gel processes to backfill, seal, and/or densify porous, flawed, and/or cracked coatings on electrically conductive material


    Panitz, J.K.; Reed, S.T.; Ashley, C.S.; Neiser, R.A.; Moffatt, W.C.


    Electrophoretically active sol-gel processes to fill, seal, and/or density porous, flawed, and/or cracked coatings on electrically conductive substrates. Such coatings may be dielectrics, ceramics, or semiconductors and, by the present invention, may have deposited onto and into them sol-gel ceramic precursor compounds which are subsequently converted to sol-gel ceramics to yield composite materials with various tailored properties. 6 figs.

  8. 20 CFR 10.709 - What happens if a beneficiary directed by OWCP or SOL to take action against a third party does...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... OWCP or SOL to take action against a third party does not believe that a claim can be successfully... beneficiary directed by OWCP or SOL to take action against a third party does not believe that a claim can be... should request that OWCP or SOL release him or her from the obligation to proceed. This request should be...

  9. Sol-gel based optical sensor for determination of Fe (II): a novel probe for iron speciation.


    Samadi-Maybodi, Abdolraouf; Rezaei, Vida; Rastegarzadeh, Saadat


    A highly selective optical sensor for Fe (II) ions was developed based on entrapment of a sensitive reagent, 2,4,6-tri(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine (TPTZ), in a silica sol-gel thin film coated on a glass substrate. The thin films fabricated based on tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) as precursor, sol-gel pH∼3, water:alkoxyde ratio of 4:1 and TPTZ concentration of 0.112 mol L(-1). The influence of sol-gel parameters on sensing behavior of the fabricated sensor was also investigated. The fabricated sensor can be used for determination of Fe (II) ion with an outstanding high selectivity over a dynamic range of 5-115 ng mL(-1) and a detection limit of 1.68 ng mL(-1). It also showed reproducible results with relative standard deviation of 3.5% and 1.27% for 10 and 90 ng mL(-1) of Fe (II), respectively, along with a fast response time of ∼120 s. Total iron also was determined after reduction of Fe (III) to Fe (II) using ascorbic acid as reducing agent. Then, the concentration of Fe (III) was calculated by subtracting the concentration of Fe (II) from the total iron concentration. Interference studies showed a good selectivity for Fe (II) with trapping TPTZ into sol-gel matrix and appropriately adjusting the structure of doped sol-gel. The sensor was compared with other sensors and was applied to determine iron in different water samples with good results. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Preparation of long alumina fibers by sol-gel method using tartaric acid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tan, Hong-Bin


    Long alumina fibers were prepared by sol-gel method. The spinning sol was obtained by mixing aluminum nitrate, tartaric acid, and polyvinylpyrrolidone with a mass ratio of 10:3:1.5. Thermogravimetry-differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to characterize the properties of the gel and ceramic fibers. A little of α-Al2O3 phase is observed in the alumina precursor gel fibers sintered at 1273 K. The fibers with a uniform diameter can be obtained when sintered at 1473 K, and its main phase is also indentified as α-Al2O3.

  11. A review of photocatalysts prepared by sol-gel method for VOCs removal.


    Tseng, Ting Ke; Lin, Yi Shing; Chen, Yi Ju; Chu, Hsin


    The sol-gel process is a wet-chemical technique (chemical solution deposition), which has been widely used in the fields of materials science, ceramic engineering, and especially in the preparation of photocatalysts. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are prevalent components of indoor air pollution. Among the approaches to remove VOCs from indoor air, photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) is regarded as a promising method. This paper is a review of the status of research on the sol-gel method for photocatalyst preparation and for the PCO purification of VOCs. The review and discussion will focus on the preparation and coating of various photocatalysts, operational parameters, and will provide an overview of general PCO models described in the literature.

  12. A Review of Photocatalysts Prepared by Sol-Gel Method for VOCs Removal

    PubMed Central

    Tseng, Ting Ke; Lin, Yi Shing; Chen, Yi Ju; Chu, Hsin


    The sol-gel process is a wet-chemical technique (chemical solution deposition), which has been widely used in the fields of materials science, ceramic engineering, and especially in the preparation of photocatalysts. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are prevalent components of indoor air pollution. Among the approaches to remove VOCs from indoor air, photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) is regarded as a promising method. This paper is a review of the status of research on the sol-gel method for photocatalyst preparation and for the PCO purification of VOCs. The review and discussion will focus on the preparation and coating of various photocatalysts, operational parameters, and will provide an overview of general PCO models described in the literature. PMID:20640156

  13. Solid-state NMR study of geopolymer prepared by sol-gel chemistry

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tsai, Yi-Ling; Hanna, John V.; Lee, Yuan-Ling, E-mail:


    Geopolymers are a new class of materials formed by the condensation of aluminosilicates and silicates obtained from natural minerals or industrial wastes. In this work, the sol-gel method is used to synthesize precursor materials for the preparation of geopolymers. The geopolymer samples prepared by our synthetic route have been characterized by a series of physical techniques, including Fourier-transform infrared, X-ray diffraction, and multinuclear solid-state NMR. The results are very similar to those obtained for the geopolymers prepared from natural kaolinite. We believe that our synthetic approach can offer a good opportunity for the medical applications of geopolymer. -- Graphical abstract:more » Geopolymer prepared by the sol-gel route has the same spectroscopic properties as the sample prepared from the natural kaolinite. Display Omitted« less

  14. How to design cell-based biosensors using the sol-gel process.


    Depagne, Christophe; Roux, Cécile; Coradin, Thibaud


    Inorganic gels formed using the sol-gel process are promising hosts for the encapsulation of living organisms and the design of cell-based biosensors. However, the possibility to use the biological activity of entrapped cells as a biological signal requires a good understanding and careful control of the chemical and physical conditions in which the organisms are placed before, during, and after gel formation, and their impact on cell viability. Moreover, it is important to examine the possible transduction methods that are compatible with sol-gel encapsulated cells. Through an updated presentation of the current knowledge in this field and based on selected examples, this review shows how it has been possible to convert a chemical technology initially developed for the glass industry into a biotechnological tool, with current limitations and promising specificities.

  15. Apport des moyens endoscopiques dans la dilatation des sténoses caustiques de l’œsophage

    PubMed Central

    Seydou, Togo; Abdoulaye, Ouattara Moussa; xing, Li; Zi, Sanogo Zimogo; sekou, Koumaré; Wen, Yang Shang; Ibrahim, Sankare; Sekou, Toure Cheik Ahmed; Boubacar, Maiga Ibrahim; Saye, Jacque; Jerome, Dakouo Dodino; Dantoumé, Toure Ousmane; Sadio, Yena


    Introduction Toutes les sténoses symptomatiques de l’œsophage peuvent être dilatées par voie endoscopique. Nous évaluons l'apport des moyens endoscopiques dans la prise en charge de la dilatation œsophagienne pour sténose caustique de l’œsophage (SCO) au Mali. Méthodes IL s'agissait d'une étude descriptive et prospective réalisée dans le service de chirurgie thoracique à l'hôpital du Mali. Au total 46 dossiers cliniques de patients on été enregistrés et subdivisés en 4 groupes en fonction de la topographie des lésions cicatricielles. Le nombre de cas d'assistance endoscopique réalisé a été déterminé afin de comprendre l'apport des moyens endoscopiques dans le succès de la dilatation des SCO. Pour les 2 différentes méthodes de dilatation utilisées, le résultat du traitement et le coût ont comparés. Résultats La FOGD a été utilisée dans 19 cas (41.30%) de dilatation avec la bougie de Savary Guillard et dans 47.82% des cas dans la dilatation de Lerut. La vidéo-laryngoscopie a été utilisé 58.69% des cas de dilatation à la bougie de Lerut. Le passage de guide métallique et / ou de fil-guide a été réalisée dans 39.13% avec la vidéo laryngoscopie et dans 58.68% avec la FOGD. Dans la comparaison des deux méthodes, il existe une différence significative dans la survenue des complications (p=0.04075), l'anesthésie générale (p=0.02287), l'accessibilité à la méthode (p=0.04805) et la mortalité (p=0.00402). Conclusion La SCO est une pathologie grave et sous évaluée au Mali. Les moyens endoscopiques contribuent considérablement au succès de la dilatation œsophagienne pour sténose caustique dans les différentes méthodes utilisées. PMID:27200129

  16. The thickness correction of sol-gel coating using ion-beam etching in the preparation of antireflection coating

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dong, Siyu; Xie, Lingyun; He, Tao; Jiao, Hongfei; Bao, Ganghua; Zhang, Jinlong; Wang, Zhanshan; Cheng, Xinbin


    For the sol-gel method, it is still challenging to achieve excellent spectral performance when preparing antireflection (AR) coating by this way. The difficulty lies in controlling the film thickness accurately. To correct the thickness error of sol-gel coating, a hybrid approach that combined conventional sol-gel process with ion-beam etching technology was proposed in this work. The etching rate was carefully adjusted and calibrated to a relatively low value for removing the redundant material. Using atomic force microscope (AFM), it has been demonstrated that film surface morphology will not be changed in this process. After correcting the thickness error, an AR coating working at 1064 nm was prepared with transmittance higher than 99.5%.

  17. SAXS Combined with UV-vis Spectroscopy and QELS: Accurate Characterization of Silver Sols Synthesized in Polymer Matrices.


    Bulavin, Leonid; Kutsevol, Nataliya; Chumachenko, Vasyl; Soloviov, Dmytro; Kuklin, Alexander; Marynin, Andrii


    The present work demonstrates a validation of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) combining with ultra violet and visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy and quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS) analysis for characterization of silver sols synthesized in polymer matrices. Polymer matrix internal structure and polymer chemical nature actually controlled the sol size characteristics. It was shown that for precise analysis of nanoparticle size distribution these techniques should be used simultaneously. All applied methods were in good agreement for the characterization of size distribution of small particles (less than 60 nm) in the sols. Some deviations of the theoretical curves from the experimental ones were observed. The most probable cause is that nanoparticles were not entirely spherical in form.

  18. Fissuration en relaxation des aciers inoxydables austénitiques au voisinage des soudures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Auzoux, Q.; Allais, L.; Gourgues, A. F.; Pineau, A.


    Des fissures intergranulaires peuvent se développer au voisinage des soudures des aciers inoxydables austénitiques lorsqu'ils sont réchauffés dans le domaine de température compris entre 500^{circ}C et 700^{circ}C. A ces températures, les contraintes résiduelles post-soudage se relaxent par déformation viscoplastique. Il peut arriver que ces zones proches de la soudure soient tellement fragiles, qu'elles ne puissent accommoder cette faible déformation. Afin de préciser quelles peuvent être les modifications microstructurales qui conduisent à une telle fragilisation, on a examiné les microstructures de ces zones et révélé ainsi un écrouissage résiduel, responsable d'une forte élévation de la dureté. On a pu reproduire par hypertrempe puis laminage entre 400^{circ}C et 600^{circ}C une microstructure similaire. Des essais mécaniques (traction, fluage, relaxation, sur éprouvettes lisses et pré-fissurées) ont été réalisés à 550^{circ}C et à 600^{circ}C sur ces zones affectées simulées et sur un état de référence hypertrempé. Ils ont montré que l'écrouissage diminuait la ductilité dans le domaine de rupture intergranulaire, sans modifier qualitativement le mécanisme d'endommagement. Pendant la pré-déformation les incompatibilités de déformation entre grains conduiraient à l'existence de contraintes locales élevées qui favoriseraient la germination des cavités intergranulaires.

  19. The influence of precursor addition order on the porosity of sol-gel bioactive glasses.


    Fernando, Delihta; Colon, Pierre; Cresswell, Mark; Journet, Catherine; Pradelle-Plasse, Nelly; Jackson, Phil; Grosgogeat, Brigitte; Attik, Nina


    The superior textural properties of sol-gel derived bioactive glasses compared to conventional melt quench glasses accounts for their accelerated bioactivity in vitro. Several studies have explored ways to improve the surface properties of sol-gel glasses in order to maximise their efficiency for bone and tooth regeneration. In this study, we investigated the effect of order of network modifying precursor addition on the textural properties of sol-gel derived bioactive glasses. The effect of precursor addition order on the glass characteristics was assessed by switching the order of network modifying precursor (calcium acetate monohydrate and sodium acetate anhydrous) addition for a fixed composition of bioactive glass (75SiO 2 :5CaO:10Na 2 O:10P 2 O 5 ). The results of this study showed that the order of precursor addition does influence the porosity of these glasses. For the glasses of a fixed composition and preparation conditions we achieved a doubling of surface area, a 1.5 times increase in pore volume and a 1.2 times decrease in pore size just by the mixing the network modifying precursors and adding them together in the sol-gel preparation. This simple and straightforward route adaptation to the preparation of bioactive glasses would allow us to enhance the textural properties of existing and novel composition of bioactive glasses and thus accelerate their bioactivity. Copyright © 2018 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Free-standing coating patterns fabricated by ultraviolet contact lithography using photosensitive sol-gel coatings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xiang, Youlai; Du, Ai; Li, Xiaoguang; Sun, Wei; Wu, Shuai; Li, Tiemin; Liu, Mingfang; Zhou, Bin


    Photosensitive ZrO2-SiO2 hybrid sol-gel coatings containing large contents of chelating rings were prepared by using the zirconium n-butoxide (TBOZ) and methyltriethoxysilane (MTES) as hybrid precursors, and benzoylacetone (BZAC) as chelating agent. The change of ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectra, chemical composition, and optical properties of ZrO2-SiO2 hybrid sol-gel coatings were analyzed before and after UV exposure and calcination. The refractive index of the ZrO2-SiO2 hybrid gel coatings decreased from 1.673 to 1.561 with the increase of the molar content of MTES in precursors. The sol-gel coating patterns with the periods of 20.24 μm, 10.11 μm and 3.99 μm on the PAMS substrates were firstly obtained by using the photosensitive ZrO2-SiO2 hybrid sol-gel films as fundamental materials through a process of UV contact lithography with photo masks and etching with ethanol. Finally, the free-standing gel coating patterns supported by copper grids, with the period of 12.70 μm and line width of 4.93 μm, and the period of 14.20 μm and line width of 3.82 μm, were obtained by removing the PAMS thermal degradation sacrifice layer after being calcined at 330 °C. Micrometer-periodic free-standing gel coating patterns with different structure have potential applications in the laser physical experiments.

  1. Influence of crosslinker structure on performance of functionalised organic-inorganic hybrid sol-gel coating

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vasiljević, J.; Zorko, M.; Štular, D.; Tomšič, B.; Jerman, I.; Orel, B.; Medved, J.; Simončič, B.


    This research aimed to investigate the influence of the co-condensation of the three different organofunctional trialkoxysilane precursors with two different crosslinkers, i.e. tetraethoxysilane or organocyclotetrasiloxane on the performance and the washing fastness of this multicomponent multifunctional sol-gel coating on cellulose fibres. To this aim, a three-component equimolar sol mixture (MC), which included 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane (SiF), 3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyldimethyloctadecyl ammonium chloride (SiQ) and P,P-diphenyl-N-(3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl) phosphinic amide (SiP) in combination with two different concentrations of TEOS (T and 3T) or organocyclotetrasiloxane 2,4,6,8-tetrakis(2-(diethoxy(methyl)silyl)ethyl)-2,4,6,8-tetramethyl-cyclotetrasiloxane (T4) as crosslinkers, was applied to the cotton fibres by a pad-dry-cure process. The functional properties of the coated samples before and after repeated washing were investigated by the water θ (W) and n-hexadecane θ (C16) static contact angle as well as water sliding (roll-off) (α) angle measurements. The inclusion of both TEOS and T4 into the MC sol increased the hydrophobic affect and simultaneously decreased the oleophobic effect of the MC coating. These phenomena were more pronounced for higher concentration of TEOS and T4 crosslinker. The inclusion of T4 into the MC sol improved the coating washing fastness to a significantly higher extent than the inclusion of TEOS, with respect to the applied concentrations.

  2. Comparaison des effets des irradiations γ, X et UV dans les fibres optiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Girard, S.; Ouerdane, Y.; Baggio, J.; Boukenter, A.; Meunier, J.-P.; Leray, J.-L.


    Les fibres optiques présentent de nombreux avantages incitant à les intégrer dans des applications devant résister aux environnements radiatifs associés aux domaines civil, spatial ou militaire. Cependant, leur exposition à un rayonnement entraîne la création de défauts ponctuels dans la silice amorphe pure ou dopée qui constitue les différentes parties de la fibre optique. Ces défauts causent, en particulier, une augmentation transitoire de l'atténuation linéique des fibres optiques responsable de la dégradation voire de la perte du signal propagé dans celles-ci. Dans cet article, nous comparons les effets de deux types d'irradiation: une impulsion X et une dose γ cumulée. Les effets de ces irradiations sont ensuite comparés avec ceux induits par une insolation ultraviolette (244 nm) sur les propriétés d'absorption des fibres optiques. Nous montrons qu'il existe des similitudes entre ces différentes excitations et qu'il est possible, sous certaines conditions, d'utiliser celles-ci afin d'évaluer la capacité de certaines fibres optiques à fonctionner dans un environnement nucléaire donné.

  3. Innovative Sol-Gel Routes for the Bottom-up Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts.


    Debecker, Damien P


    Heterogeneous catalysts can be prepared by different methods offering various levels of control on the final properties of the solid. In this account, we exemplify bottom-up preparation routes that are based on the sol-gel chemistry and allow to tailor some decisive properties of solid catalysts. First, an emulsion templating strategy is shown to lead to macrocellular self-standing monoliths with a macroscopic 3D structure. The latter can be used as catalyst or catalyst supports in flow chemistry, without requiring any subsequent shaping step. Second, the aerosol-assisted sol-gel process allows for the one-step and continuous production of porous mixed oxides. Tailored textural properties can be obtained together with an excellent control on composition and homogeneity. Third, the application of non-hydrolytic sol-gel routes, in the absence of water, leads to mixed oxides with outstanding textural properties and with peculiar surface chemistry. In all cases, the resulting catalytic performance can be correlated with the specificities of the preparation routes presented. This is exemplified in catalytic reactions in the fields of biomass conversion, petro chemistry, enantioselective organic synthesis, and air pollution mitigation. © 2017 The Chemical Society of Japan & Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Electrochemical impedimetric sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymers/sol-gel chemistry for methidathion organophosphorous insecticide recognition.


    Bakas, Idriss; Hayat, Akhtar; Piletsky, Sergey; Piletska, Elena; Chehimi, Mohamed M; Noguer, Thierry; Rouillon, Régis


    We report here a novel method to detect methidathion organophosphorous insecticides. The sensing platform was architected by the combination of molecularly imprinted polymers and sol-gel technique on inexpensive, portable and disposable screen printed carbon electrodes. Electrochemical impedimetric detection technique was employed to perform the label free detection of the target analyte on the designed MIP/sol-gel integrated platform. The selection of the target specific monomer by electrochemical impedimetric methods was consistent with the results obtained by the computational modelling method. The prepared electrochemical MIP/sol-gel based sensor exhibited a high recognition capability toward methidathion, as well as a broad linear range and a low detection limit under the optimized conditions. Satisfactory results were also obtained for the methidathion determination in waste water samples. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Sol-gel derived lithium-releasing glass for cartilage regeneration.


    Li, Siwei; Maçon, Anthony L B; Jacquemin, Manon; Stevens, Molly M; Jones, Julian R


    Wnt-signalling cascade is one of the crucial pathways involved in the development and homeostasis of cartilage. Influencing this pathway can potentially contribute to improved cartilage repair or regeneration. One key molecular regulator of the Wnt pathway is the glycogen synthase kinase-3 enzyme, the inhibition of which allows initiation of the signalling pathway. This study aims to utilise a binary SiO 2 -Li 2 O sol-gel derived glass for controlled delivery of lithium, a known glycogen synthase kinase-3 antagonist. The effect of the dissolution products of the glass on chondrogenic differentiation in an in vitro 3D pellet culture model is reported. Dissolution products that contained 5 mM lithium and 3.5 mM silicon were capable of inducing chondrogenic differentiation and hyaline cartilaginous matrix formation without the presence of growth factors such as TGF-β3. The results suggest that sol-gel derived glass has the potential to be used as a delivery vehicle for therapeutic lithium ions in cartilage regeneration applications.

  6. Vers des boites quantiques a base de graphene

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Branchaud, Simon

    Le graphene est un materiau a base de carbone qui est etudie largement depuis 2004. De tres nombreux articles ont ete publies tant sur les proprietes electroniques, qu'optiques ou mecaniques de ce materiel. Cet ouvrage porte sur l'etude des fluctuations de conductance dans le graphene, et sur la fabrication et la caracterisation de nanostructures gravees dans des feuilles de ce cristal 2D. Des mesures de magnetoresistance a basse temperature ont ete faites pres du point de neutralite de charge (PNC) ainsi qu'a haute densite electronique. On trouve deux origines aux fluctuations de conductance pres du PNC, soit des oscillations mesoscopiques provenant de l'interference quantique, et des fluctuations dites Hall quantique apparaissant a plus haut champ (>0.5T), semblant suivre les facteurs de remplissage associes aux monocouches de graphene. Ces dernieres fluctuations sont attribuees a la charge d'etats localises, et revelent un precurseur a l'effet Hall quantique, qui lui, ne se manifeste pas avant 2T. On arrive a extraire les parametres caracterisant l'echantillon a partir de ces donnees. A la fin de cet ouvrage, on effectue des mesures de transport dans des constrictions et ilots de graphene, ou des boites quantiques sont formees. A partir de ces mesures, on extrait les parametres importants de ces boites quantiques, comme leur taille et leur energie de charge.

  7. Enzymatic liquefaction of agarose above the sol-gel transition temperature using a thermostable endo-type β-agarase, Aga16B.


    Kim, Jung Hyun; Yun, Eun Ju; Seo, Nari; Yu, Sora; Kim, Dong Hyun; Cho, Kyung Mun; An, Hyun Joo; Kim, Jae-Han; Choi, In-Geol; Kim, Kyoung Heon


    The main carbohydrate of red macroalgae is agarose, a heterogeneous polysaccharide composed of D-galactose and 3,6-anhydro-L-galactose. When saccharifying agarose by enzymes, the unique physical properties of agarose, namely the sol-gel transition and the near-insolubility of agarose in water, limit the accessibility of agarose to the enzymes. Due to the lower accessibility of agarose to enzymes in the gel state than to the sol state, it is important to prevent the sol-gel transition by performing the enzymatic liquefaction of agarose at a temperature higher than the sol-gel transition temperature of agarose. In this study, a thermostable endo-type β-agarase, Aga16B, originating from Saccharophagus degradans 2-40 T , was characterized and introduced in the liquefaction process. Aga16B was thermostable up to 50 °C and depolymerized agarose mainly into neoagarooligosaccharides with degrees of polymerization 4 and 6. Aga16B was applied to enzymatic liquefaction of agarose at 45 °C, which was above the sol-gel transition temperature of 1 % (w/v) agarose (∼35 °C) when cooling agarose. This is the first systematic demonstration of enzymatic liquefaction of agarose, enabled by determining the sol-gel temperature of agarose under specific conditions and by characterizing the thermostability of an endo-type β-agarase.

  8. Study of near SOL decay lengths in ASDEX Upgrade under attached and detached divertor conditions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sun, H. J.; Wolfrum, E.; Kurzan, B.; Eich, T.; Lackner, K.; Scarabosio, A.; Paradela Pérez, I.; Kardaun, O.; Faitsch, M.; Potzel, S.; Stroth, U.; the ASDEX Upgrade Team


    A database with attached, partially detached and completely detached divertors has been constructed in ASDEX Upgrade discharges in both H-mode and L-mode plasmas with Thomson Scattering data suitable for the analysis of the upstream SOL electron profiles. By comparing upstream temperature decay width, {λ }{Te,u}, with the scaling of the SOL power decay width, {λ }{q\\parallel e}, based on the downstream IR measurements, it is found that a simple relation based on classical electron conduction can relate {λ }{Te,u} and {λ }{q\\parallel e} well. The combined dataset can be described by both a single scaling and a separate scaling for H-modes and L-modes. For the single scaling, a strong inverse dependence of, {λ }{Te,u} on the separatrix temperature, {T}e,u, is found, suggesting the classical parallel Spitzer-Harm conductivity as dominant mechanism controlling the SOL width in both L-mode and H-mode over a large set of plasma parameters. This dependence on {T}e,u explains why, for the same global plasma parameters, {λ }{q\\parallel e} in L-mode is approximately twice that in H-mode and under detached conditions, the SOL upstream electron profile broadens when the density reaches a critical value. Comparing the derived scaling from experimental data with power balance, gives the cross-field thermal diffusivity as {χ }\\perp \\propto {T}e{1/2}/{n}e, consistent with earlier studies on Compass-D, JET and Alcator C-Mod. However, the possibility of the separate scalings for different regimes cannot be excluded, which gives results similar to those previously reported for the H-mode, but here the wider SOL width for L-mode plasmas is explained simply by the larger premultiplying coefficient. The relative merits of the two scalings in representing the data and their theoretical implications are discussed.

  9. 76 FR 41816 - Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Ocotillo Sol Solar...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...] Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Ocotillo Sol Solar Project... (ROW) authorization request for the Ocotillo Sol Solar Energy Facility (Project), a 15-18 megawatt (MW) solar energy facility. By this notice, the BLM is announcing the beginning of the scoping process to...

  10. The impact of patient participation direct enhanced service on patient reference groups in primary care: a qualitative study.


    Pollard, Lorraine; Agarwal, Shona; Harrad, Fawn; Lester, Louise; Cross, Ainsley; Wray, Paula; Smith, Gordon; Locke, Anthony; Sinfield, Paul


    NHS policy documents continue to make a wide-ranging commitment to patient involvement. The Patient Participation Direct Enhanced Service (PP-DES), launched in 2011, aimed to ensure patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided and commissioned by their practice through patient reference groups (PRGs). The aim of this exploratory study is to review the impact of the PP-DES (2011-13) on a sample of PRGs and assess how far it has facilitated their involvement in decisions about the services of their general practices. A qualitative methods design, using semi- structured interviews and focus groups, was employed to explore the experiences and views of GP practice staff (n = 24), PRG members (n = 80) at 12 GP practices, and other stakeholders (n = 4). Wide variation in the role and remit of the participating PRGs was found, which broadly ranged from activities to improve practice resources to supporting health promotion activities. The majority of PRG members were unfamiliar with the PP-DES scheme and its aims and purpose. Stakeholders and practice staff felt strongly that the main success of the PP-DES was that it had led to an increase in the number of PRGs being established in the locality. The PP-DES scheme has been a catalyst to establish PRGs. However, the picture was mixed in terms of the PRGs involvement in decisions about the services provided at their general practice as there was wide variation in the PRGs role and remit. The financial incentive alone, provided via the DES scheme, did not secure greater depth of PRG activity and power, however, as social factors were identified as playing an important role in PRGs' level of participation in decision making. Many PRGs have to become more firmly established before they are involved as partners in commissioning decisions at their practice.

  11. Prise en charge des troubles de consommation d’opioïdes en première ligne

    PubMed Central

    Srivastava, Anita; Kahan, Meldon; Nader, Maya


    Résumé Objectif Conseiller les médecins quant aux options thérapeutiques à recommander à des populations précises de patients : approche axée sur l’abstinence, traitement d’entretien par la buprénorphine-naloxone ou traitement d’entretien par la méthadone. Sources d’information Une recherche sur PubMed a été effectuée, et on a relevé dans les publications les données sur l’efficacité, l’innocuité et le profil d’effets indésirables de l’approche axée sur l’abstinence, du traitement par la buprénorphine-naloxone et du traitement par la méthadone. Les études d’observation et interventionnelles ont été incluses. Message principal La méthadone et la buprénorphine-naloxone sont substantiellement plus efficaces que l’approche axée sur l’abstinence. La méthadone présente un taux de rétention plus élevé que la buprénorphine-naloxone, alors que la buprénorphine-naloxone présente un risque plus faible de surdose. Les médecins devraient recommander le traitement par la méthadone ou la buprénorphine-naloxone plutôt que l’approche axée sur l’abstinence, et ce, à tous les groupes de patients (données de niveau I). La méthadone est préférable à la buprénorphine-naloxone chez les patients qui présentent un risque élevé d’abandon, comme les usagers d’opioïdes par injection (données de niveau I). Les jeunes et les femmes enceintes qui font usage d’opioïdes par injection devraient aussi recevoir la méthadone d’abord (données de niveau III). Si la buprénorphine-naloxone est prescrite en premier, il faut faire passer rapidement le patient à la méthadone si les symptômes de sevrage, les fortes envies ou la consommation d’opioïdes persistent malgré une dose optimale de buprénorphine-naloxone (données de niveau II). La buprénorphine-naloxone est recommandée chez les usagers d’opioïdes sur ordonnance par voie orale socialement stables, surtout s’ils ont un emploi ou si leurs

  12. Hydroxyapatite, fluor-hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite produced via the sol-gel method: bonding to titanium and scanning electron microscopy.


    Tredwin, Christopher J; Georgiou, George; Kim, Hae-Won; Knowles, Jonathan C


    Hydroxyapatite (HA), fluor-hydroxyapatite (FHA) with varying levels of fluoride ion substitution and fluorapatite (FA) production has been characterised and optimised by the sol-gel method and the dissolution and biological properties of these materials were investigated. It was the objective of this study to investigate the potential bond strength and interaction of these materials with titanium. HA, FHA and FA were synthesised by a sol-gel method. Calcium nitrate and triethyl phosphite were used as precursors under an ethanol-water based solution. Different amounts of ammonium fluoride (NH4F) were incorporated for the preparation of the FHA and FA sol-gels. Using a spin coating technique the sol-gels were coated onto commercially pure titanium disks and crystallised at various temperatures. Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and elemental analysis, the surface characteristics, coating thickness and interaction of the Ti substrate and coating were investigated. The bond strengths of the coating to the Ti were investigated using an Instron Universal Load Testing Machine. Statistical analysis was performed with a two-way analysis of variance and post hoc testing with a Bonferroni correction. (1) Coating speed inversely influenced the coating thickness. (2) Increasing fluoride ion substitution and heating temperature significantly increased bond strength and (3) increasing fluoride ion substitution increased the coating thickness. FHA and FA synthesised using the sol-gel technique may offer a superior alternative to coating titanium implants with HA and plasma spraying. HA, FHA and FA materials synthesised by the sol-gel method may also have a use as bone grafting materials. Copyright © 2013 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. pH-resistant titania hybrid organic-inorganic sol-gel coating for solid-phase microextraction of polar compounds.


    Li, Xiujuan; Gao, Jie; Zeng, Zhaorui


    A novel titania-hydroxy-terminated silicone oil (titania-OH-TSO) sol-gel coating was developed for solid-phase microextraction of polar compounds. In general, titania-based sol-gel reaction is very fast and need to be decelerated by the use of suitable chelating agents. But in the present work, a judiciously designed sol solution ingredients was used to create the titania-OH-TSO coating without the addition of any chelating agent, which simplified the sol-gel procedure. Thanks to the variety of titania's adsorption sites and their acid-base characteristics, aromatic amines, phenols and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were efficiently extracted and preconcentrated from aqueous samples followed by thermal desorption and GC analysis. The newly developed sol-gel hybrid titania coating demonstrated excellent pH stability, and retained its extraction characteristics intact even after continuous rinsing with a 3 M HCl or NaOH solution for 12 h. Furthermore, it could withstand temperatures as high as 320 degrees C. Practical application was demonstrated through the analysis of six aromatic amines in dye process wastewater. A linearity of four orders of magnitude was obtained with correlation coefficient better than 0.9982. The detection limits ranged from 0.22 to 0.84 microg L(-1) and the repeatability of the measurements was <7.0%. The recoveries of these compounds studied in the wastewater were in the ranges 83.6-101.4%, indicating the method accuracy.

  14. Maintenance of platelet in vitro properties during 7-day storage in M-sol with a 30-hour interruption of agitation.


    Wagner, Stephen J; Myrup, Andrew; Awatefe, Helen; Thompson-Montgomery, Dedeene; Hirayama, Junichi; Skripchenko, Andrey


    Extensive periods without agitation can occasionally occur during platelet (PLT) shipment and can affect PLT quality during 5- to 7-day storage. The use of buffer-containing PLT additive solutions (ASs) may better preserve PLT quality during storage by maintaining PLT pH and other in vitro variables. A newly described bicarbonate-containing AS, M-sol, was compared to plasma for preservation of whole blood-derived PLT concentrates in which a 30-hour interruption of agitation was included. ABO-identical PLT-rich plasma intermediate products were pooled in sets of four, split, and centrifuged with subsequent plasma expression (n = 12). Two units were resuspended with M-sol AS to produce a 70 percent solution/30 percent plasma PLT concentrate; 2 units were resuspended in 100 percent plasma. One M-sol resuspended unit and 1 plasma unit were held on a laboratory bench in a standard shipping box for 30 hours between Day 2 and Day 3, while the other M-sol and plasma unit were continuously agitated. Standard in vitro testing for PLT quality variables on each set of 4 units was performed during storage (n = 12). Interrupting agitation of PLTs suspended in M-sol resulted in less of a pH decrement during storage than that of PLTs suspended in 100 percent plasma. On Days 5 and 7, the pH differences between M-sol and plasma units were 0.56 and 0.75 pH units, respectively (p < 0.0003). In addition, PLTs suspended in M-sol and subjected to an interruption of agitation had lesser Day 7 CD62+ cells, glucose utilization, and lactate production and greater hypotonic stress response, morphology, swirling, and aggregation response than those suspended in plasma (p sol/30 percent plasma and subjected to a 30-hour interruption of agitation are better maintained during 7-day storage than those of matched units suspended in plasma.

  15. The development and characterization of sol-gel substrates for chemical and optical applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Powers, Kevin William


    The sol gel process can be used to make monolithic porous glass for various scientific and engineering uses. The porosity of the material imparts a large surface area which is advantageous in applications such as catalyst supports or in the study of surface mediated chemical reactions. The chemical stability and transparency of the porous glass also make it suitable for use in the emerging field of optical sensors. In this study fluoride catalysis is used to produce sol gel monoliths with pore radii of up to 400 Angstroms, four times larger than any previously reported using conventional drying techniques. Gel monoliths with pore radii of 200 Angstroms were found to have the best combination of surface area, pore volume and optical transparency. Typical monoliths have surface areas of 150 m2/g and pore volumes of 1.60 cm3/g with good transparency. The monoliths are chemically stable, have good mechanical strength and can be easily rehydrated without cracking. The substrates are also suitable for sintering into dense high purity silica glass with little tendency towards foaming. An in-depth study of the catalytic effect of fluoride on the sol gel process is also included. It has been theorized that fluoride serves to expand the coordination sphere of the silicon center making it more subject to nucleophilic attack. In this work an ion-specific fluoride electrode is used to monitor free fluoride concentrations in HF catalyzed sols while silicic acid is added in the form of tetramethoxysilane (TMOS). It is found that fluoride is rapidly bound by the silicic acid in a ratio of four to one, indicating the formation of silicon tetrafluoride. A concurrent decrease in pH suggests that a pentacoordinate species is formed that is more stable than previously thought. A polymerization mechanism is proposed that explains the hydrophobicity of fluoride catalyzed gels and the difficulty in retaining structural fluoride in fluoride catalyzed sol gel glasses. Finally, several

  16. Sol-Gel Matrices For Direct Colorimetric Detection Of Analytes


    Charych, Deborah H.; Sasaki, Darryl; Yamanaka, Stacey


    The present invention relates to methods and compositions for the direct detection of analytes using color changes that occur in immobilized biopolymeric material in response to selective binding of analytes to their surface. In particular, the present invention provides methods and compositions related to the encapsulation of biopolymeric material into metal oxide glass using the sol-gel method.

  17. Sol-gel matrices for direct colorimetric detection of analytes


    Charych, Deborah H.; Sasaki, Darryl; Yamanaka, Stacey


    The present invention relates to methods and compositions for the direct detection of analytes using color changes that occur in immobilized biopolymeric material in response to selective binding of analytes to their surface. In particular, the present invention provides methods and compositions related to the encapsulation of biopolymeric material into metal oxide glass using the sol-gel method.

  18. Preparation of oxide glasses from metal alkoxides by sol-gel method

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kamiya, K.; Yoko, T.; Sakka, S.


    An investigation is carried out on the types of siloxane polymers produced in the course of the hydrolysis of silicon tetraethoxide, as well as the preparation of oxide glasses from metal alkoxides by the sol-gel method.

  19. Is It Just Me, or Are There Other Parents and Teachers Out There Confused about SOL Reading Assessments?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bintz, William P.


    Describes an incident involving the author, his daughter, and sample items from a Standards of Learning (SOL) assessment. Elaborates on the author's increasing confusion with SOL assessments, especially in reading. Proposes that educators spend less time testing kids and more time "testing their theories" so that assessments better reflect recent…

  20. Digitalización de diapositivas del Sol en H α

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Missio, H.; Montenegro, C.; Montenegro, R.

    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido el de obtener imágenes digitalizadas de las diapositivas tomadas del Sol en luz de hidrógeno de la línea correspondiente a Hα, y de esta manera llegar a convertir las mismas a un archivo digital para poder ser tratadas luego por computadora y poder contabilizar con exactitud, mediante un programa adecuado para tal fin, las zonas activas del Sol en la imagen digitalizada. En principio, para llegar a esto se pensó en la utilización de medios accesibles, y como detector se utilizó un fototransistor ubicado dentro de un soporte rectangular sobre dos ejes de desplazamiento X e Y. Se han obtenido con este procedimiento imágenes de buena calidad, construídas a partir de tres datos digitalizados en cada barrido que aportan la posición X e Y y la intensidad del pixel en ese punto indicada en 255 tonos de grises.