Sample records for radicals correlacion del

  1. Produccion Gaseosa del Cometa Halley: Erupciones Y Fotodisociacion del Radical OH

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silva, A. M.; Mirabel, I. F.


    RESUMEN:En este trabajo informamos la detecci6n de 20 erupciones en la li'nea de =18cm (1667MHz) del radical OH en el Cometa Halley.Las observaciones incluyen todos los monitoreos existentes y se extienden desde 120 dias antes del perihelio hasta 90 dias despues.Se detectan bruscos crecimientos en el flujo medido,hasta un factor 1O,seguidos por decaimientos lentos asociados con la fotodisociaci6n del OH. Se obtuvieron valores para el tiempo de vida fotoquimico del OH y del H2O basandose en el modelo desarrollado previamente por Silva(1988). Esos tiempos de vida estan de acuerdo con predicciones teoricas y con las observaciones en el Ultravioleta, y los resultados, los que son fuertemente dependientes de la velocidad heliocentrica del Coineta (variando hasta un factor 6), han sido calculados para varios rangos de velocidad entre +28 y -28 km/seg. Key wo'L :

  2. Origen y evolución de la estructura del Universo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    García Lambas, D.

    Se presenta una revisión de diversos tópicos vinculados a la evolución de estructuras en el Universo y se discuten los escenarios más aceptados para la comprensión de las irregularidades primigenias y de su evolución temporal. Se analizan evidencias observacionales de la naturaleza jerárquica en los mecanismos de formación de sistemas, tales como las indicaciones provenientes de las correlaciones espaciales y de velocidades, la naturaleza del Universo a alto redshift, y la habilidad de los modelos jerárquicos en predecir diversas propiedades dinámicas, fotométricas y químicas de las galaxias.

  3. Evaluación de la utilidad diagnóstica de la versión española del cuestionario al informador «AD8»☆

    PubMed Central

    Pardo, C. Carnero; de la Vega Cotarelo, R.; Alcalde, S. López; Aparicio, C. Martos; Carrillo, R. Vílchez; Gavilán, E. Mora; Galvin, J.E.


    Introducción El AD8 es un cuestionario al informador breve que puede ser autoaplicado y facilita la identificación de deterioro cognitivo (DC); nuestro objetivo es evaluar la utilidad diagnóstica (UD) de una versión española. Material y métodos Estudio transversal en una muestra clínica de díadas paciente/ informador, 330 sujetos con sospecha de DC o demencia (DEM) y 71 controles. Se ha evaluado la consistencia interna (α de Cronbach) y la validez (correlaciones parciales con estadio GDS, Fototest e índice funcional [IF]). La UD se ha evaluado para no DC vs DC (GDS 3–4) por medio del área bajo la curva ROC (aROC) y se ha considerado mejor punto de corte aquel que hacía máximo el índice de Youden. Resultados En la muestra, 105 no tenían DC, 99 tenían DC sin DEM y 203 DEM. La consistencia interna es alta (α 0,90, IC del 95%, 0,89–0,92), al igual que las correlaciones con GDS (r = 0,72, p < 0,001), Fototest (r = −0,61, p < 0,001) e IF (r = 0,59, p < 0,001). El aROC del AD8 es 0,90 (IC del 95%, 0,86–0,93), sin diferencia significativa con la del Fototest (aROC 0,93, IC del 95%, 0,89–0,96); el mejor punto de corte es 3/4 con sensibilidad de 0,93 (IC del 95%, 0,88–0,96), especificidad de 0,81 (IC del 95%, 0,72–0,88) y el 88,8% de las clasificaciones correctas. El uso conjunto de AD8 y Fototest mejora de forma significativa la UD de ambos (aROC 0,96, IC del 95%, 0,93–0,98, p < 0,05). Conclusiones La versión española del AD8 conserva las cualidades psicométricas y la UD de la versión original; su uso combinado con el Fototest mejora de forma significativa la UD de ambos. PMID:22652137

  4. Determinacion de periodos fundamentales del suelo mediante vibraciones ambientales en el municipio de Humacao, Puerto Rico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cintron Aponte, Rommel

    La tecnica de Nakamura ha sido utilizada a nivel mundial para determinar periodos fundamentales del suelo. La tecnica consiste en calcular y graficar cocientes espectrales H/V de vibraciones ambientales registradas sobre el suelo. Mediciones de vibraciones ambientales fueron tomadas en 151 lugares dentro del municipio de Humacao, localizado al este de Puerto Rico. Los datos se procesaron utilizando espectros de Fourier y espectros de potencia. La tecnica fue validada al compararla con los resultados de cocientes espectrales H/V de registros de sismos debiles y tambien con una modelacion numerica realizada con datos de un ensayo "downhole". Las graficas de los cocientes espectrales H/V fueron divididas en casos y grupos, los cuales dependen de la facilidad para identificar el periodo fundamental pico y amplitudes en frecuencias menores de 1 Hz, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos con ambos espectros fueron comparados y se concluye que los mismos se complementan para proveer resultados mas confiables. Se crearon mapas de periodos fundamentales, factores de amplitud, isoperiodos y clasificacion sismica de sitio. Los mapas de isoperiodos fueron realizados en las zonas mas pobladas sobre depositos de suelo. El mapa de periodos fundamentales del suelo mostro buena correlacion con la geologia local. El mapa de clasificacion sismica derivado de periodos de sitio fue comparado con el mapa de clasificacion sismica derivado de barrenos geotecnicos. El mapa de clasificacion obtenido de periodos puede sobreestimar un poco algunas clasificaciones del suelo. Sin embargo, este mapa puede proveer un estimado aproximado de la velocidad de onda de corte promedio del suelo hasta una profundidad de 100 pies (30 metros).

  5. Radical distinction: Support for radical left and radical right parties in Europe

    PubMed Central

    Burgoon, Brian; van Elsas, Erika J; van de Werfhorst, Herman G


    Support for radical parties on both the left and right is on the rise, fueling intuition that both radicalisms have similar underpinnings. Indeed, existing studies show that radical left and right voters have overlapping positions and preferences. In this article, however, we focus on the differences in the voting bases of such parties. We show that radical left and right voters have sharply diverging ideological profiles. When it comes to the historical traditions of the ‘left’ and ‘right’, these voters differ radically from each other. Both groups express the traditions associated with their mainstream counterparts—particularly with respect to (non-)egalitarian, (non-)altruistic, and (anti-)cosmopolitan values. Such differences also explain why radical left voters tend to be more, not less, educated than mainstream or radical right voters. PMID:29187802

  6. Radical distinction: Support for radical left and radical right parties in Europe.


    Rooduijn, Matthijs; Burgoon, Brian; van Elsas, Erika J; van de Werfhorst, Herman G


    Support for radical parties on both the left and right is on the rise, fueling intuition that both radicalisms have similar underpinnings. Indeed, existing studies show that radical left and right voters have overlapping positions and preferences. In this article, however, we focus on the differences in the voting bases of such parties. We show that radical left and right voters have sharply diverging ideological profiles. When it comes to the historical traditions of the 'left' and 'right', these voters differ radically from each other. Both groups express the traditions associated with their mainstream counterparts-particularly with respect to (non-)egalitarian, (non-)altruistic, and (anti-)cosmopolitan values. Such differences also explain why radical left voters tend to be more, not less, educated than mainstream or radical right voters.

  7. [Lavoisier and radicals].


    Lafont, Olivier


    Lavoisier and his co-workers (Guyton de Morveau, Bertholet, Fourcroy) considered that acids were constituted of oxygen and of something else that they called radicals. These radicals were known in some cases, i.e. nitrogen for nitrous acid, carbon for carbonic acid, phosphorus for phosphoric acid. In the case of sulfur, the sulfuric radical could be associated with different quantities of oxigen leading to sulfuric or sulfurous acids. In other cases radicals remained unknown at the time i.e. muriatic radical for muriatic acid, or benzoyl radical for benzoic acid. It is interesting to notice that Lavoisier evoked the case of compound radicals constituted of different substances such as carbon and hydrogen.

  8. Desarrollo de un instrumento para medir percepciones sobre el contexto de construccion del conocimiento cientifico de estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia-Ramirez, Jaime Antonio

    fueron transformados numericamente para poder obtener el coeficiente de correlacion de Spearman-Brown para el instrumento (0.661, p < 0.01). El analisis de las contestaciones de los estudiantes refleja percepciones diversas y, en algunos casos, contradictorias con respecto al contexto de construccion del conocimiento cientifico.

  9. Pilot study of radical hysterectomy versus radical trachelectomy on sexual distress.


    Brotto, Lori A; Smith, Kelly B; Breckon, Erin; Plante, Marie


    Radical trachelectomy, which leaves the uterus intact, has emerged as a desirable surgical option for eligible women with early-stage cervical cancer who wish to preserve fertility. The available data suggest excellent obstetrical outcomes with radical trachelectomy, and no differences in sexual responding between radical trachelectomy and radical hysterectomy. There is a need to examine the effect of radical hysterectomy on sexual distress given that it is distinct from sexual function. Participants were 34 women diagnosed with early-stage cervical cancer. The authors report 1-month postsurgery data for 29 women (radical hysterectomy group: n = 17, M age = 41.8 years; radical trachelectomy group: n = 12, M age = 31.8 years), and 6-month follow-up data on 26 women. Whereas both groups experienced an increase in sex-related distress immediately after surgery, distress continued to increase 6 months after surgery for the radical hysterectomy group but decreased in the radical trachelectomy group. There were no between-group differences in mood, anxiety, or general measures of health. The decrease in sex-related distress in the radical trachelectomy but not in the radical hysterectomy group suggests that the preservation of fertility may have attenuated sex-related distress. Care providers should counsel women exploring surgical options for cervical cancer about potential sex distress-related sequelae.

  10. Erector spinae plane block for radical mastectomy: A new indication?


    Veiga, M; Costa, D; Brazão, I


    The erector spinae plane block is a technique recently described by Forero et al. in September 2016. It has applications in the control of chronic pain with neuropathic component of the chest wall, and for pain control in thoracoscopic surgery. In this article, we describe the use of this technique as part of a multimodal analgesic approach in a 40-year-old woman, who underwent radical mastectomy due to breast cancer. By performing this block before anesthetic induction, we have achieved an opioid sparing effect, avoiding a possible immunomodulatory effect, although not yet proven in humans. During hospitalization, the patient reported no pain (0/10 in numeric scale), without resorting to rescue analgesia. The easy, fast and safe execution of erector spinae plane block makes it a promising technique in the context of surgical pain during radical mastectomy. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. Expanding Radical SAM Chemistry by Using Radical Addition Reactions and SAM Analogues.


    Ji, Xinjian; Li, Yongzhen; Xie, Liqi; Lu, Haojie; Ding, Wei; Zhang, Qi


    Radical S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) enzymes utilize a [4Fe-4S] cluster to bind SAM and reductively cleave its carbon-sulfur bond to produce a highly reactive 5'-deoxyadenosyl (dAdo) radical. In almost all cases, the dAdo radical abstracts a hydrogen atom from the substrates or from enzymes, thereby initiating a highly diverse array of reactions. Herein, we report a change of the dAdo radical-based chemistry from hydrogen abstraction to radical addition in the reaction of the radical SAM enzyme NosL. This change was achieved by using a substrate analogue containing an olefin moiety. We also showed that two SAM analogues containing different nucleoside functionalities initiate the radical-based reactions with high efficiencies. The radical adduct with the olefin produced in the reaction was found to undergo two divergent reactions, and the mechanistic insights into this process were investigated in detail. Our study demonstrates a promising strategy in expanding radical SAM chemistry, providing an effective way to access nucleoside-containing compounds by using radical SAM-dependent reactions. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Isoprene Peroxy Radical Dynamics.


    Teng, Alexander P; Crounse, John D; Wennberg, Paul O


    Approximately 500 Tg of 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene (isoprene) is emitted by deciduous trees each year. Isoprene oxidation in the atmosphere is initiated primarily by addition of hydroxyl radicals (OH) to C 4 or C 1 in a ratio 0.57 ± 0.03 (1σ) to produce two sets of distinct allylic radicals. Oxygen (O 2 ) adds to these allylic radicals either δ (Z or E depending on whether the allylic radical is cis or trans) or β to the OH group forming six distinct peroxy radical isomers. Due to the enhanced stability of the allylic radical, however, these peroxy radicals lose O 2 in competition with bimolecular reactions. In addition, the Z-δ hydroxy peroxy radical isomers undergo unimolecular 1,6 H-shift isomerization. Here, we use isomer-resolved measurements of the reaction products of the peroxy radicals to diagnose this complex chemistry. We find that the ratio of δ to β hydroxy peroxy radicals depends on their bimolecular lifetime (τ bimolecular ). At τ bimolecular ≈ 0.1 s, a transition occurs from a kinetically to a largely thermodynamically controlled distribution at 297 K. Thus, in nature, where τ bimolecular > 10 s, the distribution of isoprene hydroxy peroxy radicals will be controlled primarily by the difference in the relative stability of the peroxy radical isomers. In this regime, β hydroxy peroxy radical isomers comprise ∼95% of the radical pool, a much higher fraction than in the nascent (kinetic) distribution. Intramolecular 1,6 H-shift isomerization of the Z-δ hydroxy peroxy radical isomers produced from OH addition to C 4 is estimated to be ∼4 s -1 at 297 K. While the Z-δ isomer is initially produced in low yield, it is continually reformed via decomposition of the β hydroxy peroxy radicals. As a result, unimolecular chemistry from this isomer contributes about half of the atmospheric fate of the entire pool of peroxy radicals formed via addition of OH at C 4 for typical atmospheric conditions (τ bimolecular = 100 s and T = 25 C). In contrast

  13. The benzylperoxyl radical as a source of hydroxyl and phenyl radicals.


    Sander, Wolfram; Roy, Saonli; Bravo-Rodriguez, Kenny; Grote, Dirk; Sanchez-Garcia, Elsa


    The benzyl radical (1) is a key intermediate in the combustion and tropospheric oxidation of toluene. Because of its relevance, the reaction of 1 with molecular oxygen was investigated by matrix-isolation IR and EPR spectroscopy as well as computational methods. The primary reaction product of 1 and O2 is the benzylperoxyl radical (2), which exists in several conformers that can easily interconvert even at cryogenic temperatures. Photolysis of radical 2 at 365 nm results in a formal [1,3]-H migration and subsequent cleavage of the O-O bond to produce a hydrogen-bonded complex between the hydroxyl radical and benzaldehyde (4). Prolonged photolysis produces the benzoyl radical (5) and water, which finally yield the phenyl radical (7), CO, and H2O. Thus, via a sequence of exothermic reactions 1 is transformed into radicals of even higher reactivity, such as OH and 7. Our results have implications for the development of models for the highly complicated process of combustion of aromatic compounds. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Radicalization and Radical Catalysis of Biomass Sugars: Insights from First-principles Studies

    PubMed Central

    Yang, Gang; Zhu, Chang; Zou, Xianli; Zhou, Lijun


    Ab initio and density functional calculations are conducted to investigate the radicalization processes and radical catalysis of biomass sugars. Structural alterations due to radicalization generally focus on the radicalized sites, and radicalization affects H-bonds in D-fructofuranose more than in D-glucopyranose, potentially with outcome of new H-bonds. Performances of different functionals and basis sets are evaluated for all radicalization processes, and enthalpy changes and Gibbs free energies for these processes are presented with high accuracy, which can be referenced for subsequent experimental and theoretical studies. It shows that radicalization can be utilized for direct transformation of biomass sugars, and for each sugar, C rather than O sites are always preferred for radicalization, thus suggesting the possibility to activate C-H bonds of biomass sugars. Radical catalysis is further combined with Brønsted acids, and it clearly states that functionalization fundamentally regulates the catalytic effects of biomass sugars. In presence of explicit water molecules, functionalization significantly affects the activation barriers and reaction energies of protonation rather than dehydration steps. Tertiary butyl and phenyl groups with large steric hindrances or hydroxyl and amino groups resulting in high stabilities for protonation products drive the protonation steps to occur facilely at ambient conditions. PMID:27405843

  15. Radicalization and Radical Catalysis of Biomass Sugars: Insights from First-principles Studies.


    Yang, Gang; Zhu, Chang; Zou, Xianli; Zhou, Lijun


    Ab initio and density functional calculations are conducted to investigate the radicalization processes and radical catalysis of biomass sugars. Structural alterations due to radicalization generally focus on the radicalized sites, and radicalization affects H-bonds in D-fructofuranose more than in D-glucopyranose, potentially with outcome of new H-bonds. Performances of different functionals and basis sets are evaluated for all radicalization processes, and enthalpy changes and Gibbs free energies for these processes are presented with high accuracy, which can be referenced for subsequent experimental and theoretical studies. It shows that radicalization can be utilized for direct transformation of biomass sugars, and for each sugar, C rather than O sites are always preferred for radicalization, thus suggesting the possibility to activate C-H bonds of biomass sugars. Radical catalysis is further combined with Brønsted acids, and it clearly states that functionalization fundamentally regulates the catalytic effects of biomass sugars. In presence of explicit water molecules, functionalization significantly affects the activation barriers and reaction energies of protonation rather than dehydration steps. Tertiary butyl and phenyl groups with large steric hindrances or hydroxyl and amino groups resulting in high stabilities for protonation products drive the protonation steps to occur facilely at ambient conditions.

  16. La implantacion del enfoque constructivista en el aula de ciencia: Estudio de caso multiple

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arroyo Betancourt, Luz I.

    Esta investigacion estudia la implantacion del enfoque constructivista en tres aulas de ciencia del contexto puertorriqueno. Se auscultaron las practicas educativas que utilizan maestras consideradas constructivistas y la correspondencia de sus practicas educativas con los elementos esenciales de la didactica que proponen los teoricos de los planteamientos constructivistas. Se ausculto, ademas, a que vision del enfoque constructivista responden las expresiones de las maestras acerca de su practica educativa y como compara con su quehacer, a la luz de los elementos esenciales de las visiones constructivistas piagetiana, social y radical. Se utilizo el diseno de estudio descriptivo de caso multiple. El estudio se baso en entrevistas a profundidad, revision de documentos y observacion no participativa a la sala de clases. El contexto fueron tres escuelas publicas de la Region Educativa de San Juan, una elemental, una intermedia y una superior. Los resultados confirmaron que la transicion hacia el enfoque constructivista es un proceso que toma tiempo, dedicacion y la participacion en adiestramientos y readiestramientos acerca del nuevo enfoque. Las maestras coinciden en la mayoria de las practicas educativas que utilizan para implantar el enfoque constructivista de ensenanza y difieren en algunas debido, probablemente, a que han tenido que adaptarlas a los correspondientes niveles de ensenanza: elemental, intermedio y superior. Dos de las maestras planifican por conceptos generadores, mientras que una de ellas planifica siguiendo la guia que recibe del Departamento de Educacion. Difieren ademas, en el enfasis que confieren al inquirir cientifico. Con relacion a la correspondencia entre la vision manifestada por las maestras a la luz de las visiones piagetiana, social y radical, aparentemente, las preguntas del protocolo de entrevistas no lograron evocar la informacion con suficiente profundidad, por lo que la investigadora tuvo que inferir las visiones de las

  17. Radical scavenger can scavenge lipid allyl radicals complexed with lipoxygenase at lower oxygen content.


    Koshiishi, Ichiro; Tsuchida, Kazunori; Takajo, Tokuko; Komatsu, Makiko


    Lipoxygenases have been proposed to be a possible factor that is responsible for the pathology of certain diseases, including ischaemic injury. In the peroxidation process of linoleic acid by lipoxygenase, the E,Z-linoleate allyl radical-lipoxygenase complex seems to be generated as an intermediate. In the present study, we evaluated whether E,Z-linoleate allyl radicals on the enzyme are scavenged by radical scavengers. Linoleic acid, the content of which was greater than the dissolved oxygen content, was treated with soya bean lipoxygenase-1 (ferric form) in the presence of radical scavenger, CmP (3-carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxyl). The reaction rate between oxygen and lipid allyl radical is comparatively faster than that between CmP and lipid allyl radical. Therefore a reaction between linoleate allyl radical and CmP was not observed while the dioxygenation of linoleic acid was ongoing. After the dissolved oxygen was depleted, CmP stoichiometrically trapped linoleate-allyl radicals. Accompanied by this one-electron redox reaction, the resulting ferrous lipoxygenase was re-oxidized to the ferric form by hydroperoxylinoleate. Through the adduct assay via LC (liquid chromatography)-MS/MS (tandem MS), four E,Z-linoleate allyl radical-CmP adducts corresponding to regio- and diastereo-isomers were detected in the linoleate/lipoxygenase system, whereas E,E-linoleate allyl radical-CmP adducts were not detected at all. If E,Z-linoleate allyl radical is liberated from the enzyme, the E/Z-isomer has to reach equilibrium with the thermodynamically favoured E/E-isomer. These data suggested that the E,Z-linoleate allyl radicals were not liberated from the active site of lipoxygenase before being trapped by CmP. Consequently, we concluded that the lipid allyl radicals complexed with lipoxygenase could be scavenged by radical scavengers at lower oxygen content.

  18. Development of a new free radical absorption capacity assay method for antioxidants: aroxyl radical absorption capacity (ARAC).


    Nagaoka, Shin-ichi; Nagai, Kanae; Fujii, Yuko; Ouchi, Aya; Mukai, Kazuo


    A new free radical absorption capacity assay method is proposed with use of an aroxyl radical (2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-(4'-methoxyphenyl)phenoxyl radical) and stopped-flow spectroscopy and is named the aroxyl radical absorption capacity (ARAC) assay method. The free radical absorption capacity (ARAC value) of each tocopherol was determined through measurement of the radical-scavenging rate constant in ethanol. The ARAC value could also be evaluated through measurement of the half-life of the aroxyl radical during the scavenging reaction. For the estimation of the free radical absorption capacity, the aroxyl radical was more suitable than the DPPH radical, galvinoxyl, and p-nitrophenyl nitronyl nitroxide. The ARAC value in tocopherols showed the same tendency as the free radical absorption capacities reported previously, and the tendency was independent of an oxygen radical participating in the scavenging reaction and of a medium surrounding the tocopherol and oxygen radical. The ARAC value can be directly connected to the free radical-scavenging rate constant, and the ARAC method has the advantage of treating a stable and isolable radical (aroxyl radical) in a user-friendly organic solvent (ethanol). The ARAC method was also successfully applied to a palm oil extract. Accordingly, the ARAC method would be useful in free radical absorption capacity assay of antioxidative reagents and foods.

  19. Engineering a horseradish peroxidase C stable to radical attacks by mutating multiple radical coupling sites.


    Kim, Su Jin; Joo, Jeong Chan; Song, Bong Keun; Yoo, Young Je; Kim, Yong Hwan


    Peroxidases have great potential as industrial biocatalysts. In particular, the oxidative polymerization of phenolic compounds catalyzed by peroxidases has been extensively examined because of the advantage of this method over other conventional chemical methods. However, the industrial application of peroxidases is often limited because of their rapid inactivation by phenoxyl radicals during oxidative polymerization. In this work, we report a novel protein engineering approach to improve the radical stability of horseradish peroxidase isozyme C (HRPC). Phenylalanine residues that are vulnerable to modification by the phenoxyl radicals were identified using mass spectrometry analysis. UV-Vis and CD spectra showed that radical coupling did not change the secondary structure or the active site of HRPC. Four phenylalanine (Phe) residues (F68, F142, F143, and F179) were each mutated to alanine residues to generate single mutants to examine the role of these sites in radical coupling. Despite marginal improvement of radical stability, each single mutant still exhibited rapid radical inactivation. To further reduce inactivation by radical coupling, the four substitution mutations were combined in F68A/F142A/F143A/F179A. This mutant demonstrated dramatic enhancement of radical stability by retaining 41% of its initial activity compared to the wild-type, which was completely inactivated. Structure and sequence alignment revealed that radical-vulnerable Phe residues of HPRC are conserved in homologous peroxidases, which showed the same rapid inactivation tendency as HRPC. Based on our site-directed mutagenesis and biochemical characterization, we have shown that engineering radical-vulnerable residues to eliminate multiple radical coupling can be a good strategy to improve the stability of peroxidases against radical attack. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Free Radical Reactions in Food.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taub, Irwin A.


    Discusses reactions of free radicals that determine the chemistry of many fresh, processed, and stored foods. Focuses on reactions involving ascorbic acid, myoglobin, and palmitate radicals as representative radicals derived from a vitamin, metallo-protein, and saturated lipid. Basic concepts related to free radical structure, formation, and…

  1. Vinylcyclopropylacyl and polyeneacyl radicals. Intramolecular ketene alkyl radical additions in ring synthesis.


    De Boeck, Benoit; Herbert, Nicola M A; Harrington-Frost, Nicole M; Pattenden, Gerald


    Treatment of a variety of substituted vinylcyclopropyl selenyl esters, e.g. 11, with Bu(3)SnH-AIBN in refluxing benzene leads to the corresponding acyl radical intermediates, which undergo rearrangement and intramolecular cyclisations via their ketene alkyl radical equivalents producing cyclohexenones in 50-60% yield. By contrast, treatment of conjugated triene selenyl esters, e.g. 32, with Bu(3)SnH-AIBN produces substituted 2-cyclopentenones via intramolecular cyclisations of their ketene alkyl radical intermediates. Under the same radical-initiating conditions the selenyl esters derived from o-vinylbenzoic acid and o-vinylcinnamic acid undergo intramolecular cyclisations producing 1-indanone and 5,6-dihydrobenzocyclohepten-7-one respectively in 60-70% yields. A tandem radical cyclisation from the alpha,beta,gamma,delta-diene selenyl ester 31 provides an expeditious synthesis of the diquinane 35 in 69% yield.

  2. Serum Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging Capacity as Quantified with Iron-Free Hydroxyl Radical Source

    PubMed Central

    Endo, Nobuyuki; Oowada, Shigeru; Sueishi, Yoshimi; Shimmei, Masashi; Makino, Keisuke; Fujii, Hirotada; Kotake, Yashige


    We have developed a simple ESR spin trapping based method for hydroxyl (OH) radical scavenging-capacity determination, using iron-free OH radical source. Instead of the widely used Fenton reaction, a short (typically 5 seconds) in situ UV-photolysis of a dilute hydrogen peroxide aqueous solution was employed to generate reproducible amounts of OH radicals. ESR spin trapping was applied to quantify OH radicals; the decrease in the OH radical level due to the specimen’s scavenging activity was converted into the OH radical scavenging capacity (rate). The validity of the method was confirmed in pure antioxidants, and the agreement with the previous data was satisfactory. In the second half of this work, the new method was applied to the sera of chronic renal failure (CRF) patients. We show for the first time that after hemodialysis, OH radical scavenging capacity of the CRF serum was restored to the level of healthy control. This method is simple and rapid, and the low concentration hydrogen peroxide is the only chemical added to the system, that could eliminate the complexity of iron-involved Fenton reactions or the use of the pulse-radiolysis system. PMID:19794928

  3. Radical scavenging ability of some compounds isolated from Piper cubeba towards free radicals.


    Aboul-Enein, Hassan Y; Kładna, Aleksandra; Kruk, Irena


    The purpose of this study was to identify the antioxidant activity of 16 compounds isolated from Piper cubeba (CNCs) through the extent of their capacities to scavenge free radicals, hydroxyl radical (HO(•)), superoxide anion radical O•(2)(-) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH(•)), in different systems. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide, DMPO, as the spin trap, and chemiluminescence techniques were applied. Using the Fenton-like reaction [Fe(II) + H(2)O(2)], CNCs were found to inhibit DMPO-OH radical formation ranging from 5 to 57% at 1.25 mmol L(-1) concentration. The examined CNCs also showed a high DPPH antiradical activity (ranging from 15 to 99% at 5 mmol L(-1) concentration). Furthermore, the results indicated that seven of the 16 tested compounds may catalyse the conversion of superoxide radicals generated in the potassium superoxide/18-crown-6 ether system, thus showing superoxide dismutase-like activity. The data obtained suggest that radical scavenging properties of CNCs might have potential application in many plant medicines. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  4. DFT and ENDOR Study of Bixin Radical Cations and Neutral Radicals on Silica-Alumina.


    Tay-Agbozo, Sefadzi S; Krzyaniak, Matthew D; Bowman, Michael K; Street, Shane; Kispert, Lowell D


    Bixin, a carotenoid found in annatto (Bixa orellana), is unique among natural carotenoids by being water-soluble. We stabilized free radicals from bixin on the surface of silica-alumina (Si-Al) and characterized them by pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR). DFT calculations of unpaired electron spin distribution for various bixin radicals predict the EPR hyperfine couplings. Least-square fitting of experimental ENDOR spectra by spectra calculated from DFT hyperfine couplings characterized the radicals trapped on Si-Al. DFT predicts that the trans bixin radical cation is more stable than the cis bixin radical cation by 1.26 kcal/mol. This small energy difference is consistent with the 26% trans and 23% cis radical cations in the ENDOR spectrum. The remainder of the ENDOR spectrum is due to several neutral radicals formed by loss of a H(+) ion from the 9, 9', 13, or 13' methyl group, a common occurrence in all water-insoluble carotenoids previously studied. Although carboxyl groups of bixin strongly affect its solubility relative to other natural carotenoids, they do not alter properties of its free radicals based on DFT calculations and EPR measurements which remain similar to typical water-insoluble carotenoids.

  5. Radical scavenger can scavenge lipid allyl radicals complexed with lipoxygenase at lower oxygen content

    PubMed Central

    Koshiishi, Ichiro; Tsuchida, Kazunori; Takajo, Tokuko; Komatsu, Makiko


    Lipoxygenases have been proposed to be a possible factor that is responsible for the pathology of certain diseases, including ischaemic injury. In the peroxidation process of linoleic acid by lipoxygenase, the E,Z-linoleate allyl radical–lipoxygenase complex seems to be generated as an intermediate. In the present study, we evaluated whether E,Z-linoleate allyl radicals on the enzyme are scavenged by radical scavengers. Linoleic acid, the content of which was greater than the dissolved oxygen content, was treated with soya bean lipoxygenase-1 (ferric form) in the presence of radical scavenger, CmP (3-carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxyl). The reaction rate between oxygen and lipid allyl radical is comparatively faster than that between CmP and lipid allyl radical. Therefore a reaction between linoleate allyl radical and CmP was not observed while the dioxygenation of linoleic acid was ongoing. After the dissolved oxygen was depleted, CmP stoichiometrically trapped linoleate-allyl radicals. Accompanied by this one-electron redox reaction, the resulting ferrous lipoxygenase was re-oxidized to the ferric form by hydroperoxylinoleate. Through the adduct assay via LC (liquid chromatography)–MS/MS (tandem MS), four E,Z-linoleate allyl radical–CmP adducts corresponding to regio- and diastereo-isomers were detected in the linoleate/lipoxygenase system, whereas E,E-linoleate allyl radical–CmP adducts were not detected at all. If E,Z-linoleate allyl radical is liberated from the enzyme, the E/Z-isomer has to reach equilibrium with the thermodynamically favoured E/E-isomer. These data suggested that the E,Z-linoleate allyl radicals were not liberated from the active site of lipoxygenase before being trapped by CmP. Consequently, we concluded that the lipid allyl radicals complexed with lipoxygenase could be scavenged by radical scavengers at lower oxygen content. PMID:16396633

  6. Contemporary Radical Economics.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sherman, Howard J.


    The origins of contemporary radical economics are examined. Applications of radical economics to price and value theory, labor segmentation theory, business cycles, industrial organization, government and business, imperialism and development, and comparative systems are reviewed. (Author/RM)

  7. On the Radicalization Process.


    Leistedt, Samuel J


    This study aimed to provide an in-depth description of the radicalization process, which is a very important step in terrorist activities. The author proposes a translational analysis that is first based on the author's experience in the psychological evaluation of terrorist behavior and second on an exhaustive review of the current literature. The search terms "terrorism," "radicalization," "social psychology," and "psychopathology" were used to identify relevant studies in the following databases: Scopus, Medline, PubCentral, and Science Direct. Because of its importance, understanding radicalization process should be one of the priorities of behavioral scientists. International studies should be performed with a focus on several aspects, such as radicalization risk factors, brainwashing, the role of the media, and finally, in de-radicalization programs. © 2016 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  8. Laparoscopic Radical Trachelectomy

    PubMed Central

    Rendón, Gabriel J.; Ramirez, Pedro T.; Frumovitz, Michael; Schmeler, Kathleen M.


    Introduction: The standard treatment for patients with early-stage cervical cancer has been radical hysterectomy. However, for women interested in future fertility, radical trachelectomy is now considered a safe and feasible option. The use of minimally invasive surgical techniques to perform this procedure has recently been reported. Case Description: We report the first case of a laparoscopic radical trachelectomy performed in a developing country. The patient is a nulligravid, 30-y-old female with stage IB1 adenocarcinoma of the cervix who desired future fertility. She underwent a laparoscopic radical trachelectomy and bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection. The operative time was 340 min, and the estimated blood loss was 100mL. There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications. The final pathology showed no evidence of residual disease, and all pelvic lymph nodes were negative. At 20 mo of follow-up, the patient is having regular menses but has not yet attempted to become pregnant. There is no evidence of recurrence. Conclusion: Laparoscopic radical trachelectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy in a young woman who desires future fertility may also be an alternative technique in the treatment of early cervical cancer in developing countries. PMID:23318085

  9. Laparoscopic radical trachelectomy.


    Rendón, Gabriel J; Ramirez, Pedro T; Frumovitz, Michael; Schmeler, Kathleen M; Pareja, Rene


    The standard treatment for patients with early-stage cervical cancer has been radical hysterectomy. However, for women interested in future fertility, radical trachelectomy is now considered a safe and feasible option. The use of minimally invasive surgical techniques to perform this procedure has recently been reported. We report the first case of a laparoscopic radical trachelectomy performed in a developing country. The patient is a nulligravid, 30-y-old female with stage IB1 adenocarcinoma of the cervix who desired future fertility. She underwent a laparoscopic radical trachelectomy and bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection. The operative time was 340 min, and the estimated blood loss was 100mL. There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications. The final pathology showed no evidence of residual disease, and all pelvic lymph nodes were negative. At 20 mo of follow-up, the patient is having regular menses but has not yet attempted to become pregnant. There is no evidence of recurrence. Laparoscopic radical trachelectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy in a young woman who desires future fertility may also be an alternative technique in the treatment of early cervical cancer in developing countries.

  10. Growing up Radical: Investigation of Benzyl-Like Radicals with Increasing Chain Lengths

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Korn, Joseph A.; Jawad, Khadija M.; Hewett, Daniel M.; Zwier, Timothy S.


    Combustion processes involve complex chemistry including pathways leading to polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from small molecule precursors. Resonance stabilized radicals (RSRs) likely play an important role in the pathways to PAHs due to their unusual stability. Benzyl radical is a prototypical RSR that is stabilized by conjugation with the phenyl ring. Earlier work on α-methyl benzyl radical showed perturbations to the spectroscopy due to a hindered methyl rotor. If the alkyl chain is lengthened then multiple conformations become possible. This talk will discuss the jet-cooled spectroscopy of α-ethyl benzyl radical and α-propyl benzyl radical produced from the discharge of 1-phenyl propanol and 1-phenyl butanol respectively. Electronic spectra were obtained via resonant two-photon ionization, and IR spectra were obtained by resonant ion-dip infrared spectroscopy. Kidwell, N. M.; Reilly, N. J.; Nebgen, B.; Mehta-Hurt, D. N.; Hoehn, R. D.; Kokkin, D. L.; McCarthy, M. C.; Slipchenko, L. V.; Zwier, T. S. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2013, 117, 13465.

  11. Radical constructivism: Between realism and solipsism

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martínez-Delgado, Alberto


    This paper criticizes radical constructivism of the Glasersfeld type, pointing out some contradictions between the declared radical principles and their theoretical and practical development. These contradictions manifest themselves in a frequent oscillation between solipsism and realism, despite constructivist claims to be an anti-realist theory. The paper also points out the contradiction between the relativism of the radical constructivist principles and the constructivist exclusion of other epistemological or educational paradigms. It also disputes the originality and importance of the radical constructivist paradigm, suggesting the idea of an isomorphism between radical constructivist theory and contemplative realism. In addition, some pedagogical and scientific methodological aspects of the radical constructivist model are examined. Although radical constructivism claims to be a rational theory and advocates deductive thinking, it is argued that there is no logical deductive connection between the radical principles of constructivism and the radical constructivist ideas about scientific research and learning. The paper suggests the possibility of an ideological substratum in the construction and hegemonic success of subjective constructivism and, finally, briefly advances an alternative realist model to epistemological and educational radical constructivism.

  12. The formation of DNA sugar radicals from photoexcitation of guanine cation radicals.


    Shukla, Lata I; Pazdro, Robert; Huang, James; DeVreugd, Christopher; Becker, David; Sevilla, Michael D


    In this investigation of radical formation and reaction in gamma- irradiated DNA and model compounds, we report the conversion of the guanine cation radical (one-electron oxidized guanine, G(.+)) to the C1' sugar radical and another sugar radical at the C3' or C4' position (designated C3'(.)/C4'(.)) by visible and UV photolysis. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopic investigations were performed on salmon testes DNA as well as 5'-dGMP, 3'-dGMP, 2'-deoxyguanosine and other nucleosides/nucleotides as model systems. DNA samples (25- 150 mg/ml D(2)O) were prepared with Tl(3+) or Fe(CN)(3-)(6) as electron scavengers. Upon gamma irradiation of such samples at 77 K, the electron-gain path in the DNA is strongly suppressed and predominantly G(.+) is found; after UV or visible photolysis, the fraction of the C1' sugar radical increases with a concomitant reduction in the fraction of G(.+). In model systems, 3'- dGMP(+.) and 5'-dGMP(+.) were produced by attack of Cl(.-)(2) on the parent nucleotide in 7 M LiCl glass. Subsequent visible photolysis of the 3'-dGMP(+.) (77 K) results predominantly in formation of C1'(.) whereas photolysis of 5'-dGMP(+.) results predominantly in formation of C3'(.)/C4'(.). We propose that sugar radical formation is a result of delocalization of the hole in the electronically excited base cation radical into the sugar ring, followed by deprotonation at specific sites on the sugar.

  13. Adolescent Radicalism and Family Socialization

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Christiansen, Niels; And Others


    Intention was to see if tendencies toward political and cultural radicalism could be identified as two separate dimensions of radicalism among adolescents and to study family characteristics which might explain a tendency toward radicalism. (Author/RK)

  14. Muoniated acyl and thioacyl radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McKenzie, Iain; Brodovitch, Jean-Claude; Ghandi, Khashayar; Percival, Paul W.


    The product of the reaction of muonium with tert-butylisocyanate was previously assigned as the muoniated tert-butylaminyl radical (I. McKenzie, J.-C. Brodovitch, K. Ghandi, S. Kecman, P. W. Percival, Physica B 326 (2003) 76). This assignment is incorrect since the muon and 14N hyperfine-coupling constants (hfcc) of this radical would have the opposite sign, which is in conflict with the experimental results. The radical is now reassigned as the muoniated N-tert-butylcarbamoyl radical, based on the similarities between the experimental muon and 14N hfcc and hfcc calculated at the UB3LYP/6-311G(d,p)//UB3LYP/EPR-III level. The large zero-point energy in the N-Mu bond results in the dissociation barrier of the muoniated N-tert-butylcarbamoyl radical being above the combined energy of the reactants, in contrast to the N-tert-butylcarbamoyl radical where the dissociation barrier lies below the combined energy of the reactants. The reaction of muonium with tert-butylisothiocyanate produced both conformers of the muoniated N-tert-butylthiocarbamoyl radical and their assignment was based on the similarities between the experimental and calculated muon hfcc. These are the first acyl and thioacyl radicals to be directly detected by muon spin spectroscopy.

  15. Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxy Radical Chemistry during the MCMA-2006 Field Campaign: Measurement and Model Comparison

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dusanter, S.; Vimal, D.; Stevens, P. S.; Volkamer, R.; Molina, L. T.


    The Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) field campaign, held in March 2006, was a unique opportunity to collect data in one of the most polluted megacities in the world. Such environments exhibit a complex oxidation chemistry involving a strong coupling between odd hydrogen radicals (HOX=OH+HO2) and nitrogen oxides species (NOX=NO+NO2). High levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and NOX control the HOX budget and lead to elevated tropospheric ozone formation. The HOX-NOX coupling can be investigated by comparing measured and model-predicted HOx concentrations. Atmospheric HOX concentrations were measured by the Indiana University laser-induced fluorescence instrument and data were collected at the Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo between 14 and 31 March. Measured hydroxyl radical (OH) concentrations are comparable to that measured in less polluted urban environments and suggest that the OH concentrations are highly buffered under high NOX conditions. In contrast, hydroperoxy radical (HO2) concentrations are more sensitive to the NOX levels and are highly variable between different urban sites. Enhanced levels of OH and HO2 radicals were observed on several days between 9h30-11h00 AM and suggest an additional HOX source for the morning hours and/or a fast HOX cycling under the high NOX conditions of the MCMA. A preliminary investigation of the HOX chemistry occurring in the MCMA urban atmosphere was performed using a photochemical box model based on the Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism (RACM). Model comparisons will be presented and the agreement between measured and predicted HOX concentrations will be discussed.

  16. Environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs)-2. Are free hydroxyl radicals generated in aqueous solutions?


    Khachatryan, Lavrent; Dellinger, Barry


    A chemical spin trap, 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO), in conjunction with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was employed to measure the production of hydroxyl radical (·OH) in aqueous suspensions of 5% Cu(II)O/silica (3.9% Cu) particles containing environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) of 2-monochlorophenol (2-MCP). The results indicate: (1) a significant differences in accumulated DMPO-OH adducts between EPFR containing particles and non-EPFR control samples, (2) a strong correlation between the concentration of DMPO-OH adducts and EPFRs per gram of particles, and (3) a slow, constant growth of DMPO-OH concentration over a period of days in solution containing 50 μg/mL EPFRs particles + DMPO (150 mM) + reagent balanced by 200 μL phosphate buffered (pH = 7.4) saline. However, failure to form secondary radicals using standard scavengers, such as ethanol, dimethylsulfoxide, sodium formate, and sodium azide, suggests free hydroxyl radicals may not have been generated in solution. This suggests surface-bound, rather than free, hydroxyl radicals were generated by a surface catalyzed-redox cycle involving both the EPFRs and Cu(II)O. Toxicological studies clearly indicate these bound free radicals promote various types of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease normally attributed to unbound free radicals; however, the exact chemical mechanism deserves further study in light of the implication of formation of bound, rather than free, hydroxyl radicals.

  17. Development of the radical-stable Coprinus cinereus peroxidase (CiP) by blocking the radical attack.


    Kim, Su Jin; Joo, Jeong Chan; Kim, Han Sang; Kwon, Inchan; Song, Bong Keun; Yoo, Young Je; Kim, Yong Hwan


    Despite the potential use of peroxidases as industrial biocatalysts, their practical application is often impeded due to suicide inactivation by radicals generated in oxidative reactions. Using a peroxidase from Coprinus cinereus (CiP) as a model enzyme, we revealed a dominant factor for peroxidase inactivation during phenol oxidation, and we engineered radical-stable mutants by site-directed mutagenesis of an amino acid residue susceptible to modification by phenoxyl radical. Mass spectrometry analysis of inactivated CiP identified an adduct between F230 and a phenoxyl radical, and subsequently, the F230 residue was mutated to amino acids that resisted radical coupling. Of the F230 mutants, the F230A mutant showed the highest stability against radical inactivation, retaining 80% of its initial activity, while the wild-type protein was almost completely inactivated. The F230A mutant also exhibited a 16-fold higher turnover of the phenol substrate compared with the wild-type enzyme. Furthermore, the F230A mutant was stable during the oxidation of other phenolic compounds, including m-cresol and 3-methoxyphenol. No structural changes were observed by UV-vis and CD spectra of CiP after radical coupling, implying that the F230-phenol radical adduct inactivated CiP by blocking substrate access to the active site. Our novel strategy can be used to improve the stability of other peroxidases inactivated by radicals. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Development of atomic radical monitoring probe and its application to spatial distribution measurements of H and O atomic radical densities in radical-based plasma processing

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Takahashi, Shunji; Katagiri Engineering Co., Ltd., 3-5-34 Shitte Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama 230-0003; Takashima, Seigo


    Atomic radicals such as hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) play important roles in process plasmas. In a previous study, we developed a system for measuring the absolute density of H, O, nitrogen, and carbon atoms in plasmas using vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy (VUVAS) with a compact light source using an atmospheric pressure microplasma [microdischarge hollow cathode lamp (MHCL)]. In this study, we developed a monitoring probe for atomic radicals employing the VUVAS with the MHCL. The probe size was 2.7 mm in diameter. Using this probe, only a single port needs to be accessed for radical density measurements. We successfullymore » measured the spatial distribution of the absolute densities of H and O atomic radicals in a radical-based plasma processing system by moving the probe along the radial direction of the chamber. This probe allows convenient analysis of atomic radical densities to be carried out for any type of process plasma at any time. We refer to this probe as a ubiquitous monitoring probe for atomic radicals.« less

  19. Multiple free-radical scavenging capacity in serum

    PubMed Central

    Oowada, Shigeru; Endo, Nobuyuki; Kameya, Hiromi; Shimmei, Masashi; Kotake, Yashige


    We have developed a method to determine serum scavenging-capacity profile against multiple free radical species, namely hydroxyl radical, superoxide radical, alkoxyl radical, alkylperoxyl radical, alkyl radical, and singlet oxygen. This method was applied to a cohort of chronic kidney disease patients. Each free radical species was produced with a common experimental procedure; i.e., uv/visible-light photolysis of free-radical precursor/sensitizer. The decrease in free-radical concentration by the presence of serum was quantified with electron spin resonance spin trapping method, from which the scavenging capacity was calculated. There was a significant capacity change in the disease group (n = 45) as compared with the healthy control group (n = 30). The percent values of disease’s scavenging capacity with respect to control group indicated statistically significant differences in all free-radical species except alkylperoxyl radical, i.e., hydroxyl radical, 73 ± 12% (p = 0.001); superoxide radical, 158 ± 50% (p = 0.001); alkoxyl radical, 121 ± 30% (p = 0.005); alkylperoxyl radical, 123 ± 32% (p>0.1); alkyl radical, 26 ± 14% (p = 0.001); and singlet oxygen, 57 ± 18% (p = 0.001). The scavenging capacity profile was illustrated using a radar chart, clearly demonstrating the characteristic change in the disease group. Although the cause of the scavenging capacity change by the disease state is not completely understood, the profile of multiple radical scavenging capacities may become a useful diagnostic tool. PMID:22962529

  20. Estudio ab initio del mecanismo de la reacción HSO + O3

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nebot Gil, I.

    La reacción entre el radical HSO y el ozono ha sido ampliamente estudiada desde el punto de vista experimental debido a la importancia que tiene el radical HSO en la oxidación de los compuestos de azufre reductores y a que puede contribuir a la producción de H2SO4 [1-4]. Se realizaron diversos estudios teóricos sobre la cinética de la reacción entre el radical HSO y el ozono. La reacción del HSO con el ozono presenta tres canales diferentes : HSO + O3 &rightarrow &HSO2 + O2 &rightarrow &HS + 2 O2 &rightarrow &SO + OH + O2 La controversia existente entre los grupos experimentales sobre cuál de las tres vías es la predominante, se ha resuelto mediante un estudio teórico de todas ellas utilizando métodos ab initio. La estructura de todos los reactivos, productos, intermedios y estados de transición ha sido optimizada a nivel ab initio utilizando los métodos UMP2 /6-31G** y QCISD/6-31G**.

  1. Picosecond Control of Photogenerated Radical Pair Lifetimes Using a Stable Third Radical.


    Horwitz, Noah E; Phelan, Brian T; Nelson, Jordan N; Krzyaniak, Matthew D; Wasielewski, Michael R


    Photoinduced electron transfer reactions in organic donor-acceptor systems leading to long-lived radical ion pairs (RPs) have attracted broad interest for their potential applications in fields as diverse as solar energy conversion and spintronics. We present the photophysics and spin dynamics of an electron donor - electron acceptor - stable radical system consisting of a meta-phenylenediamine (mPD) donor covalently linked to a 4-aminonaphthalene-1,8-dicarboximide (ANI) electron-accepting chromophore as well as an α,γ-bisdiphenylene-β-phenylallyl (BDPA) stable radical. Selective photoexcitation of ANI produces the BDPA-mPD(+•)-ANI(-•) triradical in which the mPD(+•)-ANI(-•) RP spins are strongly exchange coupled. The presence of BDPA is found to greatly increase the RP intersystem crossing rate from the initially photogenerated BDPA-(1)(mPD(+•)-ANI(-•)) to BDPA-(3)(mPD(+•)-ANI(-•)), resulting in accelerated RP recombination via the triplet channel to produce BDPA-mPD-(3*)ANI as compared to a reference molecule lacking the BDPA radical. The RP recombination rates observed are much faster than those previously reported for weakly coupled triradical systems. Time-resolved EPR spectroscopy shows that this process is also associated with strong spin polarization of the stable radical. Overall, these results show that RP intersystem crossing rates can be strongly influenced by stable radicals nearby strongly coupled RP systems, making it possible to use a third spin to control RP lifetimes down to a picosecond time scale.

  2. Electrophoretic analysis of quinone anion radicals in acetonitrile solutions using an on-line radical generator.


    Esaka, Yukihiro; Okumura, Noriko; Uno, Bunji; Goto, Masashi


    We have investigated analysis of anion radicals of phenanthrenequinone (PhQ) and anthraquinone (AQ) using acetonitrile-capillary electrophoresis (CE) under anaerobic conditions. PhQ and AQ have relatively high negative reduction potentials meaning that their anion radicals are re-oxidized quite readily by the surrounding O(2) to disappear during analysis and we failed to detect them with our previous system. In this work, we have developed an on-line system combining a unique electrolysis cell for generation of the radicals and a CE unit to keep the analysis system free from external O(2) molecules and to reduce analysis time remarkably. As a result, electrophoretic detection of the anion radicals of PhQ and AQ has been achieved. Furthermore, we have observed hydrogen-bonding interaction between the anion radicals and dimethylurea (DMU) using the present system and have indicated a characteristic interaction of the anion radical of PhQ as an ortho-quinone with DMU.

  3. Conversion of 3-imidazoline-3-oxide nitroxyl radicals into nitronylnitroxyl radicals

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Grigor'ev, I.A.; Shchukin, G.I.; Khramtsov, V.V.


    Continuing the studies of the effect of the pH of the medium on the EPR spectra of nitroxyl radicals (NR) containing acid-base functional groups at a distance of 2-3 sigma-bonds from the radical center, they have examined the EPR spectra of NR, which contain OH groups in the 2-position of the heterocycle. It is assumed that deprotonation of the OH group is accompanied by changes in the hfc constant a/sub N//sup 1/ and the g-factor. At pH values greater than or equal to 12, however, the EPR spectra of aqueous solutions of radicals undergo irreversible changes from a triplet tomore » a more complex multiplet, similar to the spectra of nitronylnitroxyl radicals. The EPR spectra of these solutions remain unchanged over periods of several days. The spectra have a quintet structure, with further splitting into four or three components. When similar experiments are carried out in D/sub 2/O, the additional hfs disappear as a result of deuterium exchange in the CH/sub 2/ and CH/sub 3/ groups of the radicals. A simulation of the EPR spectra was carried out, assuming splitting into two N nuclei (a/sub N//sup 1/ and a/sub N//sup 3/), with three or two equivalent H. This resulted in complete agreement between the calculated and experimental spectra. In order to assign the nitrogen hfc constants, they synthesized radicals containing the N/sup 15/ isotope in the 3-position of the imidazole ring. Comparison of the results of simulations of the EPR spectra enabled unambiguous assignments of the hfc constants a/sub N//sup 1/ and a/sub N//sup 3/ to be made.« less

  4. Peroxyl radical reactions with carotenoids in microemulsions: Influence of microemulsion composition and the nature of peroxyl radical precursor.


    El-Agamey, Ali; McGarvey, David J


    The reactions of acetylperoxyl radicals with different carotenoids (7,7'-dihydro-β-carotene and ζ-carotene) in SDS and CTAC microemulsions of different compositions were investigated using laser flash photolysis (LFP) coupled with kinetic absorption spectroscopy. The primary objective of this study was to explore the influence of microemulsion composition and the type of surfactant used on the yields and kinetics of various transients formed from the reaction of acetylperoxyl radicals with carotenoids. Also, the influence of the site (hydrocarbon phases or aqueous phase) of generation of the peroxyl radical precursor was examined by using 4-acetyl-4-phenylpiperidine hydrochloride (APPHCl) and 1,1-diphenylacetone (11DPA) as water-soluble and lipid-soluble peroxyl radical precursors, respectively. LFP of peroxyl radical precursors with 7,7'-dihydro-β-carotene (77DH) in different microemulsions gives rise to the formation of three distinct transients namely addition radical (λmax=460 nm), near infrared transient1 (NIR, λmax=700 nm) and 7,7'-dihydro-β-carotene radical cation (77DH(•+), λmax=770 nm). In addition, for ζ-carotene (ZETA) two transients (near infrared transient1 (NIR1, λmax=660 nm) and ζ-carotene radical cation (ZETA(•+), λmax=730-740 nm)) are generated following LFP of peroxyl radical precursors in the presence of ζ-carotene (ZETA) in different microemulsions. The results show that the composition of the microemulsion strongly influences the observed yield and kinetics of the transients formed from the reactions of peroxyl radicals (acetylperoxyl radicals) with carotenoids (77DH and ZETA). Also, the type of surfactant used in the microemulsions influences the yield of the transients formed. The dependence of the transient yields and kinetics on microemulsion composition (or the type of surfactant used in the microemulsion) can be attributed to the change of the polarity of the microenvironment of the carotenoid. Furthermore, the nature of

  5. Taking a Radical Position: Evidence for Position-Specific Radical Representations in Chinese Character Recognition Using Masked Priming ERP

    PubMed Central

    Su, I.-Fan; Mak, Sin-Ching Cassie; Cheung, Lai-Ying Milly; Law, Sam-Po


    In the investigation of orthographic representation of Chinese characters, one question that has stimulated much research is whether radicals (character components) are specified for spatial position in a character (e.g., Ding et al., 2004; Tsang and Chen, 2009). Differing from previous work, component or radical position information in this study is conceived in terms of relative frequency across different positions of characters containing it. A lexical decision task in a masked priming paradigm focusing on radicals with preferred position of occurrence was conducted. A radical position that encompasses more characters than other positions was identified to be the preferred position of a particular radical. The prime that was exposed for 96 ms might share a radical with the target in the same or different positions. Moreover, the shared radical appeared either in its preferred or non-preferred position in the target. While response latencies only revealed the effect of graphical similarity, both effects of graphical similarity and radical position preference were found in the event-related potential (ERP) results. The former effect was reflected in greater positivity in occipital P1 and greater negativity in N400 for radicals in different positions in prime and target characters. The latter effect manifested as greater negativity in occipital N170 and greater positivity in frontal P200 in the same time window elicited by radicals in their non-preferred position. Equally interesting was the reversal of the effect of radical position preference in N400 with greater negativity associated with radicals in preferred position. These findings identify the early ERP components associated with activation of position-specific radical representations in the orthographic lexicon, and reveal the change in the nature of competition from processing at the radical level to the lexical level. PMID:23024634

  6. Free-radical chemistry of sulfite.

    PubMed Central

    Neta, P; Huie, R E


    The free-radical chemistry of sulfite oxidation is reviewed. Chemical transformations of organic and biological molecules induced by sulfite oxidation are summarized. The kinetics of the free-radical oxidations of sulfite are discussed, as are the kinetics of the reactions of the sulfite-derived radicals SO3 and the peroxy derivative SO5 with organic compounds. PMID:3830699

  7. Feminism and Political Radicalism.


    Fowler, Marguerite Gilbert; Fowler, Robert L; Van De Riet, Hani


    The political attitudes of 50 feminist women in relation to "feminism" as a dimension were examined and contrasted with those of 50 of their contemporary female peers. They were administered the Attitudes Toward Feminism Belief-Pattern Scale (3), the Conservatism-Radicalism Opinionnaire (4), and a questionnaire providing biographical information and personal opinions regarding various timely political and feminine issues. The feminist women and their peers were found to differ significantly in the attitudinal dimensions of feminism and political conservatism-radicalism. The feminist women manifested more feminism than their peers, as well as being more politically radical. Feminism as a dimension was also found to be positively correlated with political radicalism. Both goups were also compared in their sentiments and opinions on several noteworthy issues; e.g., the potential influence of the women's vote in en- hancing the status of women. Surprisingly, the feminist women and their peers failed to differ on some of the more salient of these. In order to understand and appreciate the feminist personality, the forces potentiating the Women's movement, and the apparent similarities and differences between the feminist women and their peers, the variables of feminism, political conservatism-radicalism, and activism seem to deserve consideration.

  8. Tuning spin-spin interactions in radical dendrimers.


    Vidal-Gancedo, José; Lloveras, Vega; Liko, Flonja; Pinto, Luiz F; Muñoz-Gómez, Jose L


    Two generations of phosphorous dendrimers were synthesized and fully functionalized with TEMPO radicals via acrylamido or imino group linkers to evaluate the impact of the linker substitution on the radical-radical interactions. A drastic change in the way that the radicals interacted among them was observed by EPR and CV studies: while radicals in Gn-imino-TEMPO dendrimers presented a strong spin-spin interaction, in the Gn-acrylamido-TEMPO ones they acted mainly as independent radicals. This shows that these interactions could be tuned by the solely substitution of the radical linker, opening the perspective of controlling and modulating the extension of these interactions depending on each application. The chemical properties of the linker strongly influence the spin-spin exchange between pendant radicals. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Characteristics of Radical Reactions, Spin Rules, and a Suggestion for the Consistent Use of a Dot on Radical Species

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wojnarovits, Laszlo


    In many chemical reactions, reactive radicals have been shown to be transient intermediates. The free radical character of a chemical species is often, but not always, indicated by adding a superscript dot to the chemical formula. A consistent use of this radical symbol on all species that have radical character is suggested. Free radicals have a…

  10. Metal-Diazo Radicals of α-Carbonyl Diazomethanes

    PubMed Central

    Li, Feifei; Xiao, Longqiang; Liu, Lijian


    Metal-diazo radicals of α-carbonyl diazomethanes are new members of the radical family and are precursors to metal-carbene radicals. Herein, using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy with spin-trapping, we detect diazo radicals of α-carbonyl diazomethanes, induced by [RhICl(cod)]2, [CoII(por)] and PdCl2, at room temperature. The unique quintet signal of the Rh-diazo radical was observed in measurements of α-carbonyl diazomethane adducts of [RhICl(cod)]2 in the presence of 5,5-dimethyl-pyrroline-1-N-oxide (DMPO). DFT calculations indicated that 97.2% of spin density is localized on the diazo moiety. Co- and Pd-diazo radicals are EPR silent but were captured by DMPO to form spin adducts of DMPO-N∙ (triplet-of-sextets signal). The spin-trapping also provides a powerful tool for detection of metal-carbene radicals, as evidenced by the DMPO-trapped carbene radicals (DMPO-C∙, sextet signal) and 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane-carbene adducts (MNP-C∙, doublet-of-triplets signal). The transformation of α-carbonyl diazomethanes to metal-carbene radicals was confirmed to be a two-step process via metal-diazo radicals. PMID:26960916

  11. Metal-Diazo Radicals of α-Carbonyl Diazomethanes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Feifei; Xiao, Longqiang; Liu, Lijian


    Metal-diazo radicals of α-carbonyl diazomethanes are new members of the radical family and are precursors to metal-carbene radicals. Herein, using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy with spin-trapping, we detect diazo radicals of α-carbonyl diazomethanes, induced by [RhICl(cod)]2, [CoII(por)] and PdCl2, at room temperature. The unique quintet signal of the Rh-diazo radical was observed in measurements of α-carbonyl diazomethane adducts of [RhICl(cod)]2 in the presence of 5,5-dimethyl-pyrroline-1-N-oxide (DMPO). DFT calculations indicated that 97.2% of spin density is localized on the diazo moiety. Co- and Pd-diazo radicals are EPR silent but were captured by DMPO to form spin adducts of DMPO-N• (triplet-of-sextets signal). The spin-trapping also provides a powerful tool for detection of metal-carbene radicals, as evidenced by the DMPO-trapped carbene radicals (DMPO-C•, sextet signal) and 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane-carbene adducts (MNP-C•, doublet-of-triplets signal). The transformation of α-carbonyl diazomethanes to metal-carbene radicals was confirmed to be a two-step process via metal-diazo radicals.

  12. Metal-Diazo Radicals of α-Carbonyl Diazomethanes.


    Li, Feifei; Xiao, Longqiang; Liu, Lijian


    Metal-diazo radicals of α-carbonyl diazomethanes are new members of the radical family and are precursors to metal-carbene radicals. Herein, using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy with spin-trapping, we detect diazo radicals of α-carbonyl diazomethanes, induced by [Rh(I)Cl(cod)]2, [Co(II)(por)] and PdCl2, at room temperature. The unique quintet signal of the Rh-diazo radical was observed in measurements of α-carbonyl diazomethane adducts of [Rh(I)Cl(cod)]2 in the presence of 5,5-dimethyl-pyrroline-1-N-oxide (DMPO). DFT calculations indicated that 97.2% of spin density is localized on the diazo moiety. Co- and Pd-diazo radicals are EPR silent but were captured by DMPO to form spin adducts of DMPO-N∙ (triplet-of-sextets signal). The spin-trapping also provides a powerful tool for detection of metal-carbene radicals, as evidenced by the DMPO-trapped carbene radicals (DMPO-C∙, sextet signal) and 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane-carbene adducts (MNP-C∙, doublet-of-triplets signal). The transformation of α-carbonyl diazomethanes to metal-carbene radicals was confirmed to be a two-step process via metal-diazo radicals.

  13. 17.9.3 Radical cations of diazo compounds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Davies, A. G.

    This document is part of Subvolume E2 `Phosphorus-Centered Radicals, Radicals Centered on Other Heteroatoms, Organic Radical Ions' of Volume 26 `Magnetic Properties of Free Radicals' of Landolt-Börnstein Group II `Molecules and Radicals'.

  14. The thermal decomposition of the benzyl radical in a heated micro-reactor. II. Pyrolysis of the tropyl radical

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buckingham, Grant T.; Porterfield, Jessica P.; Kostko, Oleg; Troy, Tyler P.; Ahmed, Musahid; Robichaud, David J.; Nimlos, Mark R.; Daily, John W.; Ellison, G. Barney


    Cycloheptatrienyl (tropyl) radical, C7H7, was cleanly produced in the gas-phase, entrained in He or Ne carrier gas, and subjected to a set of flash-pyrolysis micro-reactors. The pyrolysis products resulting from C7H7 were detected and identified by vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry. Complementary product identification was provided by infrared absorption spectroscopy. Pyrolysis pressures in the micro-reactor were roughly 200 Torr and residence times were approximately 100 μs. Thermal cracking of tropyl radical begins at 1100 K and the products from pyrolysis of C7H7 are only acetylene and cyclopentadienyl radicals. Tropyl radicals do not isomerize to benzyl radicals at reactor temperatures up to 1600 K. Heating samples of either cycloheptatriene or norbornadiene never produced tropyl (C7H7) radicals but rather only benzyl (C6H5CH2). The thermal decomposition of benzyl radicals has been reconsidered without participation of tropyl radicals. There are at least three distinct pathways for pyrolysis of benzyl radical: the Benson fragmentation, the methyl-phenyl radical, and the bridgehead norbornadienyl radical. These three pathways account for the majority of the products detected following pyrolysis of all of the isotopomers: C6H5CH2, C6H5CD2, C6D5CH2, and C6H513CH2. Analysis of the temperature dependence for the pyrolysis of the isotopic species (C6H5CD2, C6D5CH2, and C6H513CH2) suggests the Benson fragmentation and the norbornadienyl pathways open at reactor temperatures of 1300 K while the methyl-phenyl radical channel becomes active at slightly higher temperatures (1500 K).

  15. The thermal decomposition of the benzyl radical in a heated micro-reactor. II. Pyrolysis of the tropyl radical


    Buckingham, Grant T.; Porterfield, Jessica P.; Kostko, Oleg; ...


    Cycloheptatrienyl (tropyl) radical, C 7H 7, was cleanly produced in the gas-phase, entrained in He or Ne carrier gas, and subjected to a set of flash-pyrolysis micro-reactors. In this study, the pyrolysis products resulting from C 7H 7 were detected and identified by vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry. Complementary product identification was provided by infrared absorption spectroscopy. Pyrolysis pressures in the micro-reactor were roughly 200 Torr and residence times were approximately 100 μs. Thermal cracking of tropyl radical begins at 1100 K and the products from pyrolysis of C 7H 7 are only acetylene and cyclopentadienyl radicals. Tropyl radicals domore » not isomerize to benzyl radicals at reactor temperatures up to 1600 K. Heating samples of either cycloheptatriene or norbornadiene never produced tropyl (C 7H 7) radicals but rather only benzyl (C 6H 5CH 2). The thermal decomposition of benzyl radicals has been reconsidered without participation of tropyl radicals. There are at least three distinct pathways for pyrolysis of benzyl radical: the Benson fragmentation, the methyl-phenyl radical, and the bridgehead norbornadienyl radical. These three pathways account for the majority of the products detected following pyrolysis of all of the isotopomers: C 6H 5CH 2, C 6H 5CD 2, C 6D 5CH 2, and C 6H 5 13CH 2. Finally, analysis of the temperature dependence for the pyrolysis of the isotopic species (C 6H 5CD 2, C 6D 5CH 2, and C 6H 5 13CH 2) suggests the Benson fragmentation and the norbornadienyl pathways open at reactor temperatures of 1300 K while the methyl-phenyl radical channel becomes active at slightly higher temperatures (1500 K).« less

  16. The thermal decomposition of the benzyl radical in a heated micro-reactor. II. Pyrolysis of the tropyl radical

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Buckingham, Grant T.; Porterfield, Jessica P.; Kostko, Oleg


    Cycloheptatrienyl (tropyl) radical, C7H7, was cleanly produced in the gas-phase, entrained in He or Ne carrier gas, and subjected to a set of flash-pyrolysis micro-reactors. The pyrolysis products resulting from C7H7 were detected and identified by vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry. Complementary product identification was provided by infrared absorption spectroscopy. Pyrolysis pressures in the micro-reactor were roughly 200 Torr and residence times were approximately 100 us. Thermal cracking of tropyl radical begins at 1100 K and the products from pyrolysis of C7H7 are only acetylene and cyclopentadienyl radicals. Tropyl radicals do not isomerize to benzyl radicals at reactor temperatures upmore » to 1600 K. Heating samples of either cycloheptatriene or norbornadiene never produced tropyl (C7H7) radicals but rather only benzyl (C6H5CH2). The thermal decomposition of benzyl radicals has been reconsidered without participation of tropyl radicals. There are at least three distinct pathways for pyrolysis of benzyl radical: the Benson fragmentation, the methyl-phenyl radical, and the bridgehead norbornadienyl radical. These three pathways account for the majority of the products detected following pyrolysis of all of the isotopomers: C6H5CH2, C6H5CD2, C6D5CH2, and C6H5 13CH2. Analysis of the temperature dependence for the pyrolysis of the isotopic species (C6H5CD2, C6D5CH2, and C6H5 13CH2) suggests the Benson fragmentation and the norbornadienyl pathways open at reactor temperatures of 1300 K while the methyl-phenyl radical channel becomes active at slightly higher temperatures (1500 K).« less

  17. Understanding political radicalization: The two-pyramids model.


    McCauley, Clark; Moskalenko, Sophia


    This article reviews some of the milestones of thinking about political radicalization, as scholars and security officials struggled after 9/11 to discern the precursors of terrorist violence. Recent criticism of the concept of radicalization has been recognized, leading to a 2-pyramids model that responds to the criticism by separating radicalization of opinion from radicalization of action. Security and research implications of the 2-pyramids model are briefly described, ending with a call for more attention to emotional experience in understanding both radicalization of opinion and radicalization of action. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  18. Detection of peroxyl radicals from polluted air by free radical reaction combined with liquid chromatography signal amplification technique.


    Wang, Guoying; Jia, Shiming; Niu, Xiuli; Liu, Yanrong; Tian, Haoqi; Chen, Xuefu; Shi, Gaofeng


    Free radicals play an important role in the oxidizing power of polluted air, the development of aging-related diseases, the formation of ozone, and the production of secondary particulate matter. The high variability of peroxyl radical concentration has prevented the detection of possible trends or distributions in the concentration of free radicals. We present a new method, free radical reaction combined with liquid chromatography photodiode array detection, for identifying and quantifying peroxyl radicals in polluted air. Functionalized graphene was used for loading peroxyl radicals and reactive molecules in air sampling system, which can facilitate reaction kinetics (charge transfers) between peroxyl radicals and reaction molecules. Separation was performed with and without a preliminary exposure of the polluted air sample to reactive molecule(s) system. The integral chromatographic peak areas before and after air sampling are used to quantify the atmospheric peroxyl radicals in polluted air. The utility of the new technique was tested with measurements carried out in the field. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. DEL phenotype.


    Kwon, Dong H; Sandler, S G; Flegel, Willy A


    DEL red blood cells (RBCs) type as D- by routine serologic methods and are transfused routinely, without being identified as expressing a very weak D antigen, to D- recipients. DEL RBCs are detected only by adsorption and elution of anti-D or by molecular methods. Most DEL phenotypes have been reported in population studies conducted in East Asia, although DEL phenotypes have been detected also among Caucasian individuals. Approximately 98 percent of DEL phenotypes in East Asians are associated with the RHD*DEL1 or RHD*01EL.01 allele. The prevalence of DEL phenotypes has been reported among D- Han Chinese (30%), Japanese (28%), and Korean (17%) populations. The prevalence of DEL phenotypes is significantly lower among D- Caucasian populations (0.1%). Among the 3-5 percent of African individuals who are D-, there are no reports of the DEL phenotype. Case reports from East Asia indicate that transfusion of DEL RBCs to D- recipients has been associated with D alloimmunization. East Asian immigrants constitute 2.1 percent of the 318.9 million persons residing in the United States, and an estimated 2.8 percent are blood donors. Using these statistics, we estimate that 68-683 units of DEL RBCs from donors of East Asian ancestry are transfused as D- annually in the United States. Given the reports from East Asia of D alloimmunization attributed to transfusion of DEL RBCs, one would expect an occasional report of D alloimmunization in the United States following transfusion of DEL RBCs to a D- recipient. If such cases do occur, the most likely reason that they are not detected is the absence of active post-transfusion monitoring for formation of anti-D.

  20. Stabilization of Two Radicals with One Metal: A Stepwise Coupling Model for Copper-Catalyzed Radical–Radical Cross-Coupling

    PubMed Central

    Qi, Xiaotian; Zhu, Lei; Bai, Ruopeng; Lan, Yu


    Transition metal-catalyzed radical–radical cross-coupling reactions provide innovative methods for C–C and C–heteroatom bond construction. A theoretical study was performed to reveal the mechanism and selectivity of the copper-catalyzed C–N radical–radical cross-coupling reaction. The concerted coupling pathway, in which a C–N bond is formed through the direct nucleophilic addition of a carbon radical to the nitrogen atom of the Cu(II)–N species, is demonstrated to be kinetically unfavorable. The stepwise coupling pathway, which involves the combination of a carbon radical with a Cu(II)–N species before C–N bond formation, is shown to be probable. Both the Mulliken atomic spin density distribution and frontier molecular orbital analysis on the Cu(II)–N intermediate show that the Cu site is more reactive than that of N; thus, the carbon radical preferentially react with the metal center. The chemoselectivity of the cross-coupling is also explained by the differences in electron compatibility of the carbon radical, the nitrogen radical and the Cu(II)–N intermediate. The higher activation free energy for N–N radical–radical homo-coupling is attributed to the mismatch of Cu(II)–N species with the nitrogen radical because the electrophilicity for both is strong. PMID:28272407

  1. Jet-Cooled Chlorofluorobenzyl Radicals: Spectroscopy and Mechanism

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yoon, Young; Lee, Sang


    Whereas the benzyl radical, a prototypic aromatic free radical, has been the subject of numerous spectroscopic studies, halo-substituted benzyl radicals have received less attention, due to the difficulties associated with production of radicals from precursors. In particular, chloro-substituted benzyl radicals have been much less studied because of the weak visible emission intensity and weak C-Cl bond dissociation energy. The jet-cooled chlorofluorobenzyl radicals were generated in a technique of corona excited supersonic jet expansion using a pinhole-type glass nozzle for the vibronic assignments and measurements of electronic energies of the D_1 → D_0 transition. The 2,4-,2.5-, and 2.6- chlorofluorobenzyl radicals were generated by corona discharge of corresponding precursors, chlorofluorotoluenes seeded in a large amount of helium carrier gas. The vibronic emission spectra were recorded with a long-path monochromator in the visible region. The emission spectra show the vibronic bands originating from two types of benzyl-type radicals, chlorofluorobenzyl and fluorobenzyl benzyl radicals, in which fluorobenzyl radicals were obtained by displacement of Cl by H produced by dissociation of methyl C-H bond. From the analysis of the spectra observed, we could determine the electronic energies in D_1 → D_0 transition and vibrational mode frequencies at the D_0 state of chlorofluorobenzyl radicals, which show the origin band of the electronic transition to be shifted to red region, comparing with the parental benzyl radical. From the quantitative analysis of the red-shift, it has been found that the additivity rule can be applied to dihalo-substituted benzyl radicals. In this presentation, the dissociation process of precursors in corona discharge is discussed in terms of bond dissociation energy as well as the spectroscopic analysis of the radicals. C. S. Huh, Y. W. Yoon, and S. K. Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 174306 (2012). Y. W. Huh, S. Y. Chae, and S. K. Lee, Chem

  2. An oxygen radical absorbance capacity-like assay that directly quantifies the antioxidant's scavenging capacity against AAPH-derived free radicals.


    Kohri, Shunji; Fujii, Hirotada; Oowada, Shigeru; Endoh, Nobuyuki; Sueishi, Yoshimi; Kusakabe, Miku; Shimmei, Masashi; Kotake, Yashige


    A new method is proposed for the evaluation of oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). The current fluorescence-based ORAC assay (ORAC-FL) is an indirect method that monitors the antioxidant's ability to protect the fluorescent probe from free radical-mediated damage, and an azo-radical initiator, AAPH (2,2-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride), has been used as a thermal free radical source. The new ORAC assay employs a short in situ photolysis of AAPH to generate free radicals. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin trapping method was employed to identify and quantify AAPH radicals. In the presence of antioxidant, the level of AAPH radicals was decreased, and ORAC-EPR values were calculated following a simple kinetic formulation. Alkyl-oxy radical was identified as the sole decomposition product from AAPH; therefore, we concluded that ORAC-FL is the assay equivalent to alkyl-oxy radical scavenging capacity measurement. ORAC-EPR results for several antioxidants and human serum indicated that the overall tendency is in agreement with ORAC-FL, but absolute values showed significant discrepancies. ORAC-EPR is a rapid and simple method that is especially suitable for thermally labile biological specimens because the sample heating is not required for free radical production.

  3. Radical chemistry of artemisinin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Denisov, Evgenii T.; Solodova, S. L.; Denisova, Taisa G.


    The review summarizes physicochemical characteristics of the natural sesquiterpene peroxide artemisinin. The kinetic schemes of transformations of artemisinin radicals under anaerobic conditions are presented and analyzed. The sequence of radical reactions of artemisinin in the presence of oxygen is considered in detail. Special emphasis is given to the intramolecular chain oxidation resulting in the transformation of artemisinin into polyatomic hydroperoxide. The kinetic characteristics of elementary reaction steps involving alkyl, alkoxyl, and peroxyl radicals generated from artemisinin are discussed. The results of testing of artemisinin and its derivatives for the antimalarial activity and the scheme of the biochemical synthesis of artemisinin in nature are considered.

  4. Iodine(III) Reagents in Radical Chemistry

    PubMed Central


    Conspectus The chemistry of hypervalent iodine(III) compounds has gained great interest over the past 30 years. Hypervalent iodine(III) compounds show valuable ionic reactivity due to their high electrophilicity but also express radical reactivity as single electron oxidants for carbon and heteroatom radical generation. Looking at ionic chemistry, these iodine(III) reagents can act as electrophiles to efficiently construct C–CF3, X–CF3 (X = heteroatom), C–Rf (Rf = perfluoroalkyl), X–Rf, C–N3, C–CN, S–CN, and C–X bonds. In some cases, a Lewis or a Bronsted acid is necessary to increase their electrophilicity. In these transformations, the iodine(III) compounds react as formal “CF3+”, “Rf+”, “N3+”, “Ar+”, “CN+”, and “X+” equivalents. On the other hand, one electron reduction of the I(III) reagents opens the door to the radical world, which is the topic of this Account that focuses on radical reactivity of hypervalent iodine(III) compounds such as the Togni reagent, Zhdankin reagent, diaryliodonium salts, aryliodonium ylides, aryl(cyano)iodonium triflates, and aryl(perfluoroalkyl)iodonium triflates. Radical generation starting with I(III) reagents can also occur via thermal or light mediated homolysis of the weak hypervalent bond in such reagents. This reactivity can be used for alkane C–H functionalization. We will address important pioneering work in the area but will mainly focus on studies that have been conducted by our group over the last 5 years. We entered the field by investigating transition metal free single electron reduction of Togni type reagents using the readily available sodium 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl salt (TEMPONa) as an organic one electron reductant for clean generation of the trifluoromethyl radical and perfluoroalkyl radicals. That valuable approach was later successfully also applied to the generation of azidyl and aryl radicals starting with the corresponding benziodoxole (Zhdankin reagent


    DTIC Science & Technology

    deduced. The reactions of methyl and ethyl radicals with a variety of amino compounds were studied. The reactions of difluoroamino radicals in the...Hydrazines, Anilines and Cyanides were pyrolysed and the heats of formation of the resultant radicals and the strengths of the bonds formed by them

  6. A Stable Room-Temperature Luminescent Biphenylmethyl Radical.


    Ai, Xin; Chen, Yingxin; Feng, Yuting; Li, Feng


    There is only one family of room-temperature luminescent radicals, the triphenylmethyl radicals, to date. Herein, we synthesize a new stable room-temperature luminescent radical, (N-carbazolyl)bis(2,4,6-tirchlorophenyl)methyl radical (CzBTM), which has improved properties compared to the triphenylmethyl radicals. X-ray crystallography, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and magnetic susceptibility measurements confirmed the radical structure. CzBTM shows room-temperature deep-red to near-infrared emission in various solutions. Both thermal and photo stability were significantly enhanced by the replacement of trichlorobenzene by the carbazole moiety. The electroluminescence results of CzBTM verify its potential application to circumvent the problem of triplet harvesting in traditional fluorescent OLEDs. A new family of stable luminescent radicals based on CzBTM is anticipated. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Social Radicalism as a Framework for Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nelson, Jack L.

    This paper examines the nature of radicalism, proposes definitions and dimensions, and suggests the dynamics of radical thoughts and their interrelation with schools. A radical idea is one which is highly divergent from the normative values, behaviors, ideals or traditions of a culture at a point in time. This paper views radical ideas as…

  8. What is Radical Behaviorism? A Review of Jay Moore's Conceptual Foundations of Radical Behaviorism

    PubMed Central

    Baum, William M


    B. F. Skinner founded both radical behaviorism and behavior analysis. His founding innovations included: a versatile preparation for studying behavior; explicating the generic nature of stimulus and response; a pragmatic criterion for defining behavioral units; response rate as a datum; the concept of stimulus control; the concept of verbal behavior; and explicating the explanatory power of contingencies. Besides these achievements, however, Skinner also made some mistakes. Subsequent developments in radical behaviorist thought have attempted to remedy these mistakes. Moore's book presents a “party line” version of radical behaviorism. It focuses narrowly on a few of Skinner's concepts (mostly mentalism and verbal behavior) and contains no criticism of his mistakes. In fact, Moore adds a few mistakes of his own manufacture; for example, he insists that the mental realm does not exist—an unprovable and distracting assertion. The book's portrayal of behavior analysis would have been current around 1960; it mentions almost none of the developments since then. It also includes almost no developments in radical behaviorism since Skinner. Moore's book would give an unwary reader a highly distorted picture of contemporary behavior analysis and radical behaviorism.

  9. The thermal decomposition of the benzyl radical in a heated micro-reactor. II. Pyrolysis of the tropyl radical

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Buckingham, Grant T.; National Bioenergy Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 15013 Denver West Parkway, Golden Colorado 80401; Porterfield, Jessica P.


    Cycloheptatrienyl (tropyl) radical, C{sub 7}H{sub 7}, was cleanly produced in the gas-phase, entrained in He or Ne carrier gas, and subjected to a set of flash-pyrolysis micro-reactors. The pyrolysis products resulting from C{sub 7}H{sub 7} were detected and identified by vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry. Complementary product identification was provided by infrared absorption spectroscopy. Pyrolysis pressures in the micro-reactor were roughly 200 Torr and residence times were approximately 100 μs. Thermal cracking of tropyl radical begins at 1100 K and the products from pyrolysis of C{sub 7}H{sub 7} are only acetylene and cyclopentadienyl radicals. Tropyl radicals do not isomerize tomore » benzyl radicals at reactor temperatures up to 1600 K. Heating samples of either cycloheptatriene or norbornadiene never produced tropyl (C{sub 7}H{sub 7}) radicals but rather only benzyl (C{sub 6}H{sub 5}CH{sub 2}). The thermal decomposition of benzyl radicals has been reconsidered without participation of tropyl radicals. There are at least three distinct pathways for pyrolysis of benzyl radical: the Benson fragmentation, the methyl-phenyl radical, and the bridgehead norbornadienyl radical. These three pathways account for the majority of the products detected following pyrolysis of all of the isotopomers: C{sub 6}H{sub 5}CH{sub 2}, C{sub 6}H{sub 5}CD{sub 2}, C{sub 6}D{sub 5}CH{sub 2}, and C{sub 6}H{sub 5}{sup 13}CH{sub 2}. Analysis of the temperature dependence for the pyrolysis of the isotopic species (C{sub 6}H{sub 5}CD{sub 2}, C{sub 6}D{sub 5}CH{sub 2}, and C{sub 6}H{sub 5}{sup 13}CH{sub 2}) suggests the Benson fragmentation and the norbornadienyl pathways open at reactor temperatures of 1300 K while the methyl-phenyl radical channel becomes active at slightly higher temperatures (1500 K).« less

  10. Free Radical-Surface Interactions Using Multiphoton Ionization of Free Radicals

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Atoms, Rgf4PI 9 t Free Radl!cals)aj" i Atoms, Cross Section -’r RE)* I of Free Radicals arid Atonn. 𔄃 43S’RACT (Conti n reverse if necessary Ind identi...these surfaces. The basic philosophy of our CF 3I -+- nhv-CF, - t - I . program consists of generating a particular neutral species at A low pressures...constant for the escape of radicals out of the " reactor is shown in Eq. (6): .= k =, 4 .4,., I /V, (6) L !J 7 where t ,,, is the thermal molecular

  11. Radical-pair based avian magnetoreception

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Procopio, Maria; Ritz, Thorsten


    Behavioural experiments suggest that migratory birds possess a magnetic compass sensor able to detect the direction of the geomagnetic. One hypothesis for the basis of this remarkable sensory ability is that the coherent quantum spin dynamics of photoinduced radical pair reactions transduces directional magnetic information from the geomagnetic field into changes of reaction yields, possibly involving the photoreceptor cryptochrome in the birds retina. The suggested radical-pair based avian magnetoreception has attracted attention in the field of quantum biology as an example of a biological sensor which might exploit quantum coherences for its biological function. Investigations on such a spin-based sensor have focussed on uncovering the design features for the design of a biomimetic magnetic field sensor. We study the effects of slow fluctuations in the nuclear spin environment on the directional signal. We quantitatively evaluate the robustness of signals under fluctuations on a timescale longer than the lifetime of a radical pair, utilizing two models of radical pairs. Our results suggest design principles for building a radical-pair based compass sensor that is both robust and highly directional sensitive.

  12. Orthographic Skills Important to Chinese Literacy Development: The Role of Radical Representation and Orthographic Memory of Radicals

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yeung, Pui-sze; Ho, Connie Suk-han; Chan, David Wai-ock; Chung, Kevin Kien-hoa


    A 3-year longitudinal study among 239 Chinese students in Grades 2-4 was conducted to investigate the relationships between orthographic skills (including positional and functional knowledge of semantic radicals and phonetic radicals, and orthographic memory of radicals) and Chinese literacy skills (word reading, word spelling, reading…

  13. The scavenging reactions of nitrogen dioxide radical and carbonate radical by tea polyphenol derivatives: a pulse radiolysis study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Miao, Jin-Ling; Wang, Wen-Feng; Pan, Jing-Xi; Lu, Chang-Yuan; Li, Rong-Qun; Yao, Si-De


    The reactions of tea polyphenol derivatives, including epicatechin (EC) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), with nitrogen dioxide radical (NO 2rad ) and carbonate radical (CO 3rad - ) have been studied in detail using time-resolved pulse radiolysis technique. In all the cases, the corresponding phenoxyl radical was formed through electron transfer reaction. From the build-up kinetics of the phenoxyl radicals and the decay kinetics of CO 3rad - radical, the reaction rate constants of EC, EGCG with NO 2rad and CO 3rad - were determined to be 9.0×10 7, 1.2×10 8 and 5.6×10 8, 6.6×10 8 dm 3 mol -1 s -1, respectively. Therefore, tea polyphenol derivatives proved to be efficient scavengers of NO 2rad and CO 3rad - radicals.

  14. Crystalline bipyridinium radical complexes and uses thereof


    Fahrenbach, Albert C.; Barnes, Jonathan C.; Li, Hao; Stoddart, J. Fraser; Basuray, Ashish Neil; Sampath, Srinivasan


    Described herein are methods of generating 4,4'-bipyridinium radical cations (BIPY.sup..cndot.+), and methods for utilizing the radical-radical interactions between two or more BIPY.sup..cndot.+ radical cations that ensue for the creation of novel materials for applications in nanotechnology. Synthetic methodologies, crystallographic engineering techniques, methods of physical characterization, and end uses are described.

  15. Myeloperoxidase-induced Genomic DNA-centered Radicals*

    PubMed Central

    Gomez-Mejiba, Sandra E.; Zhai, Zili; Gimenez, Maria S.; Ashby, Michael T.; Chilakapati, Jaya; Kitchin, Kirk; Mason, Ronald P.; Ramirez, Dario C.


    Myeloperoxidase (MPO) released by activated neutrophils can initiate and promote carcinogenesis. MPO produces hypochlorous acid (HOCl) that oxidizes the genomic DNA in inflammatory cells as well as in surrounding epithelial cells. DNA-centered radicals are early intermediates formed during DNA oxidation. Once formed, DNA-centered radicals decay by mechanisms that are not completely understood, producing a number of oxidation products that are studied as markers of DNA oxidation. In this study we employed the 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide-based immuno-spin trapping technique to investigate the MPO-triggered formation of DNA-centered radicals in inflammatory and epithelial cells and to test whether resveratrol blocks HOCl-induced DNA-centered radical formation in these cells. We found that HOCl added exogenously or generated intracellularly by MPO that has been taken up by the cell or by MPO newly synthesized produces DNA-centered radicals inside cells. We also found that resveratrol passed across cell membranes and scavenged HOCl before it reacted with the genomic DNA, thus blocking DNA-centered radical formation. Taken together our results indicate that the formation of DNA-centered radicals by intracellular MPO may be a useful point of therapeutic intervention in inflammation-induced carcinogenesis. PMID:20406811

  16. The gamut of alkoxy radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Box, Harold C.; Budzinski, Edwin E.; Freund, Harold G.


    It is shown that various radicals exhibiting diverse ESR and ENDOR spectral characteristics are nonetheless a closely related family of alkoxy radicals. The relationship is established by correlating the g tensor with crystal structure and by relating dihedral angles inferred from proton hyperfine couplings to dihedral angles inferred from the g tensor and crystal structure. The analysis also serves to demonstrate that an ESR absorption observed in x-irradiated single crystals of uridine 5'-monophosphate is due to an alkoxy radical.

  17. Oxidative stress, free radicals and protein peroxides.


    Gebicki, Janusz M


    Primary free radicals generated under oxidative stress in cells and tissues produce a cascade of reactive secondary radicals, which attack biomolecules with efficiency determined by the reaction rate constants and target concentration. Proteins are prominent targets because they constitute the bulk of the organic content of cells and tissues and react readily with many of the secondary radicals. The reactions commonly lead to the formation of carbon-centered radicals, which generally convert in vivo to peroxyl radicals and finally to semistable hydroperoxides. All of these intermediates can initiate biological damage. This article outlines the advantages of the application of ionizing radiations to studies of radicals, with particular reference to the generation of desired radicals, studies of the kinetics of their reactions and correlating the results with events in biological systems. In one such application, formation of protein hydroperoxides in irradiated cells was inhibited by the intracellular ascorbate and glutathione. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Pyrimidine Nucleobase Radical Reactivity in DNA and RNA.


    Greenberg, Marc M


    Nucleobase radicals are major products of the reactions between nucleic acids and hydroxyl radical, which is produced via the indirect effect of ionizing radiation. The nucleobase radicals also result from hydration of cation radicals that are produced via the direct effect of ionizing radiation. The role that nucleobase radicals play in strand scission has been investigated indirectly using ionizing radiation to generate them. More recently, the reactivity of nucleobase radicals resulting from formal hydrogen atom or hydroxyl radical addition to pyrimidines has been studied by independently generating the reactive intermediates via UV-photolysis of synthetic precursors. This approach has provided control over where the reactive intermediates are produced within biopolymers and facilitated studying their reactivity. The contributions to our understanding of pyrimidine nucleobase radical reactivity by this approach are summarized.

  19. Pyrimidine nucleobase radical reactivity in DNA and RNA

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Greenberg, Marc M.


    Nucleobase radicals are major products of the reactions between nucleic acids and hydroxyl radical, which is produced via the indirect effect of ionizing radiation. The nucleobase radicals also result from hydration of cation radicals that are produced via the direct effect of ionizing radiation. The role that nucleobase radicals play in strand scission has been investigated indirectly using ionizing radiation to generate them. More recently, the reactivity of nucleobase radicals resulting from formal hydrogen atom or hydroxyl radical addition to pyrimidines has been studied by independently generating the reactive intermediates via UV-photolysis of synthetic precursors. This approach has provided control over where the reactive intermediates are produced within biopolymers and facilitated studying their reactivity. The contributions to our understanding of pyrimidine nucleobase radical reactivity by this approach are summarized.

  20. Quantification of hydroxyl radical produced during phacoemulsification.


    Gardner, Jonathan M; Aust, Steven D


    To quantitate hydroxyl radicals produced during phacoemulsification with various irrigating solutions and conditions used in cataract surgery. Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA. All experiments were performed using an Infiniti Vision System phacoemulsifier with irrigation and aspiration. Hydroxyl radicals were quantitated using electron spin resonance spectroscopy and a spectrophotometric assay for malondialdehyde, which is formed by the oxidation of deoxyribose by the hydroxyl radical. Hydroxyl radical production increased during longitudinal-stroking phacoemulsification as power levels were increased in a nonlinear, nonexponential fashion. The detection of hydroxyl radical was reduced in irrigating solutions containing organic molecules (eg, citrate, acetate, glutathione, dextrose) and further reduced in Navstel, an irrigating solution containing a viscosity-modifying agent, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Hydroxyl radicals produced in settings representative of those used in phacoemulsification cataract surgery were quantitated using the deoxyribose method. Hydroxyl radical production was dependent on the level of ultrasound power applied and the irrigating solution used. Oxidative stress on the eye during phacoemulsification may be minimized by using irrigating solutions that contain organic molecules, including the viscosity-modifying agent hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, that can compete for reaction with hydroxyl radicals.

  1. Monolignol radical-radical coupling networks in western red cedar and Arabidopsis and their evolutionary implications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kim, Myoung K.; Jeon, Jae-Heung; Davin, Laurence B.; Lewis, Norman G.


    The discovery of a nine-member multigene dirigent family involved in control of monolignol radical-radical coupling in the ancient gymnosperm, western red cedar, suggested that a complex multidimensional network had evolved to regulate such processes in vascular plants. Accordingly, in this study, the corresponding promoter regions for each dirigent multigene member were obtained by genome-walking, with Arabidopsis being subsequently transformed to express each promoter fused to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene. It was found that each component gene of the proposed network is apparently differentially expressed in individual tissues, organs and cells at all stages of plant growth and development. The data so obtained thus further support the hypothesis that a sophisticated monolignol radical-radical coupling network exists in plants which has been highly conserved throughout vascular plant evolution.

  2. Scavenging of free-radical metabolites of aniline xenobiotics and drugs by amino acid derivatives: toxicological implications of radical-transfer reactions.


    Michail, Karim; Baghdasarian, Argishti; Narwaley, Malyaj; Aljuhani, Naif; Siraki, Arno G


    We investigated a novel scavenging mechanism of arylamine free radicals by poly- and monoaminocarboxylates. Free radicals of arylamine xenobiotics and drugs did not react with oxygen in peroxidase-catalyzed reactions; however, they showed marked oxygen uptake in the presence of an aminocarboxylate. These free-radical intermediates were identified using the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometry. Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), a polyaminocarboxylate, caused a concentration-dependent attenuation of N-centered radicals produced by the peroxidative metabolism of arylamines with the subsequent formation of secondary aliphatic carbon-centered radicals stemming from the cosubstrate molecule. Analogously, N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG) and N-methyliminodiacetate (MIDA), but not iminodiacetic acid (IDA), demonstrated a similar scavenging effect of arylamine-derived free radicals in a horseradish peroxidase/H2O2 system. Using human promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cell lysate as a model of human neutrophils, DTPA, MIDA, and DMG readily reduced anilinium cation radicals derived from the arylamines and gave rise to the corresponding carbon radicals. The rate of peroxidase-triggered polymerization of aniline was studied as a measure of nitrogen-radical scavenging. Although, IDA had no effect on the rate of aniline polymerization, this was almost nullified in the presence of DTPA and MIDA at half of the molar concentration of the aniline substrate, whereas a 20 molar excess of DMPO caused only a partial inhibition. Furthermore, the yield of formaldehyde, a specific reaction endproduct of the oxidation of aminocarboxylates by aniline free-radical metabolites, was quantitatively determined. Azobenzene, a specific reaction product of peroxidase-catalyzed free-radical dimerization of aniline, was fully abrogated in the presence of DTPA, as confirmed by GC/MS. Under aerobic conditions, a radical-transfer reaction

  3. Kinetic studies of retinol addition radicals.


    El-Agamey, Ali; Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Naqvi, K Razi; McGarvey, David J


    Retinol neutral radicals (RS-retinol˙), generated from the reaction of retinol with 4-pyridylthiyl and 2-pyridylthiyl radicals in argon-saturated methanol, undergo β-elimination, which can be monitored via the slow secondary absorption rise at 380 nm attributed to the rearrangement of the unstable retinol neutral addition radicals to the more stable addition radicals. Rate constants for the β-elimination reactions (k(β)) of 4-PyrS-retinol˙ were measured at different temperatures and the Arrhenius equation for the reaction is described by log (k(β)/s(-1)) = (12.7 ± 0.2) - (54.3 ± 1.3)/θ, where θ = 2.3RT kJ mol(-1). The reactivities of retinol addition radicals (RS-retinol˙), generated from the reaction of retinol with various thiyl radicals, towards oxygen have also been investigated in methanol. In the presence of oxygen, the decay of RS-retinol˙ fits to biexponential kinetics and both observed rate constants for the RS-retinol˙ decay are oxygen-concentration dependent. This suggests that at least two thiyl addition radicals, formed from the reaction of RS˙ with retinol, undergo oxygen addition reactions. In light of the estimated rate constants for oxygen addition to RS-retinol˙ and RS-CAR˙ (CAR: carotenoid), the antioxidant-prooxidant properties of retinol are discussed.

  4. Standard Electrode Potentials Involving Radicals in Aqueous Solution: Inorganic Radicals

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Armstrong, David A.; Huie, Robert E.; Koppenol, Willem H.


    Recommendations are made for standard potentials involving select inorganic radicals in aqueous solution at 25 °C. These recommendations are based on a critical and thorough literature review and also by performing derivations from various literature reports. The recommended data are summarized in tables of standard potentials, Gibbs energies of formation, radical pK a’s, and hemicolligation equilibrium constants. In all cases, current best estimates of the uncertainties are provided. An extensive set of Data Sheets is appended that provide original literature references, summarize the experimental results, and describe the decisions and procedures leading to each of the recommendations

  5. Health-related quality of life in the first year after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy compared with open radical prostatectomy.


    Hashine, Katsuyoshi; Nakashima, Takeshi; Iio, Hiroyuki; Ueno, Yoshiteru; Shimizu, Shinjiro; Ninomiya, Iku


    To assess health-related quality of life in the first year after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy compared with that after open radical prostatectomy. The subjects were 105 consecutive patients with localized prostate cancer treated with laparoscopic radical prostatectomy between January 2011 and June 2012. Health-related quality of life was evaluated using the International Prostate Symptom Score, Medical Outcome Study 8-Items Short Form Health Survey (SF-8) and Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite at baseline and 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery. Comparisons were made with data for 107 consecutive patients treated with open radical prostatectomy between October 2005 and July 2007. The International Prostate Symptom Score change was similar in each group. The laparoscopic radical prostatectomy group had a better baseline Medical Outcome Study 8-Items Short Form Health Survey mental component summary score and a better Medical Outcome Study 8-Items Short Form Health Survey physical component summary score at 1 month after surgery. In Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite, obstructive/irritative symptoms did not differ between the groups, but urinary incontinence was worse until 12 months after surgery and particularly severe after 1 month in the laparoscopic radical prostatectomy group. The rate of severe urinary incontinence was much higher in the laparoscopic radical prostatectomy group in the early period. Urinary bother was worse in the laparoscopic radical prostatectomy group at 1 and 3 months, but did not differ between the groups thereafter. Urinary function and bother were good after nerve sparing procedures and did not differ between the groups. Bowel and sexual function and bother were similar in the two groups. Urinary function in the first year after laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is worse than that after open radical prostatectomy. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please

  6. Vertically resolved measurements of nighttime radical reservoirs in Los Angeles and their contribution to the urban radical budget.


    Young, Cora J; Washenfelder, Rebecca A; Roberts, James M; Mielke, Levi H; Osthoff, Hans D; Tsai, Catalina; Pikelnaya, Olga; Stutz, Jochen; Veres, Patrick R; Cochran, Anthony K; VandenBoer, Trevor C; Flynn, James; Grossberg, Nicole; Haman, Christine L; Lefer, Barry; Stark, Harald; Graus, Martin; de Gouw, Joost; Gilman, Jessica B; Kuster, William C; Brown, Steven S


    Photolabile nighttime radical reservoirs, such as nitrous acid (HONO) and nitryl chloride (ClNO(2)), contribute to the oxidizing potential of the atmosphere, particularly in early morning. We present the first vertically resolved measurements of ClNO(2), together with vertically resolved measurements of HONO. These measurements were acquired during the California Nexus (CalNex) campaign in the Los Angeles basin in spring 2010. Average profiles of ClNO(2) exhibited no significant dependence on height within the boundary layer and residual layer, although individual vertical profiles did show variability. By contrast, nitrous acid was strongly enhanced near the ground surface with much smaller concentrations aloft. These observations are consistent with a ClNO(2) source from aerosol uptake of N(2)O(5) throughout the boundary layer and a HONO source from dry deposition of NO(2) to the ground surface and subsequent chemical conversion. At ground level, daytime radical formation calculated from nighttime-accumulated HONO and ClNO(2) was approximately equal. Incorporating the different vertical distributions by integrating through the boundary and residual layers demonstrated that nighttime-accumulated ClNO(2) produced nine times as many radicals as nighttime-accumulated HONO. A comprehensive radical budget at ground level demonstrated that nighttime radical reservoirs accounted for 8% of total radicals formed and that they were the dominant radical source between sunrise and 09:00 Pacific daylight time (PDT). These data show that vertical gradients of radical precursors should be taken into account in radical budgets, particularly with respect to HONO.

  7. Spin Polarization Transfer from a Photogenerated Radical Ion Pair to a Stable Radical Controlled by Charge Recombination.


    Horwitz, Noah E; Phelan, Brian T; Nelson, Jordan N; Mauck, Catherine M; Krzyaniak, Matthew D; Wasielewski, Michael R


    Photoexcitation of electron donor-acceptor molecules frequently produces radical ion pairs with well-defined initial spin-polarized states that have attracted significant interest for spintronics. Transfer of this initial spin polarization to a stable radical is predicted to depend on the rates of the radical ion pair recombination reactions, but this prediction has not been tested experimentally. In this study, a stable radical/electron donor/chromophore/electron acceptor molecule, BDPA • -mPD-ANI-NDI, where BDPA • is α,γ-bisdiphenylene-β-phenylallyl, mPD is m-phenylenediamine, ANI is 4-aminonaphthalene-1,8-dicarboximide, and NDI is naphthalene-1,4:5,8-bis(dicarboximide), was synthesized. Photoexcitation of ANI produces the triradical BDPA • -mPD +• -ANI-NDI -• in which the mPD +• -ANI-NDI -• radical ion pair is spin coupled to the BDPA • stable radical. BDPA • -mPD +• -ANI-NDI -• and its counterpart lacking the stable radical are found to exhibit spin-selective charge recombination in which the triplet radical ion pair 3 (mPD +• -ANI-NDI -• ) is in equilibrium with the 3 *NDI charge recombination product. Time-resolved EPR measurements show that this process is associated with an inversion of the sign of the polarization transferred to BDPA • over time. The polarization transfer rates are found to be strongly solvent dependent, as shifts in this equilibrium affect the spin dynamics. These results demonstrate that even small changes in electron transfer dynamics can have a large effect on the spin dynamics of photogenerated multispin systems.

  8. Thiyl radicals and induction of protein degradation

    PubMed Central

    Schöneich, Christian


    Thiyl radicals are important intermediates in the redox biology and chemistry of thiols. These radicals can react via hydrogen transfer with various C-H bonds in peptides and proteins, leading to the generation of carbon-centered radicals, and, potentially, to irreversible protein damage. This review summarizes quantitative information on reaction kinetics and product formation, and discusses the significance of these reactions for protein degradation induced by thiyl radical formation. PMID:26212409

  9. Biochemistry of free radicals: from electrons to tissues.


    Boveris, A


    Free radicals are chemical species with an unpaired electron in the outer valence orbitals. The unpaired electron makes them paramagnetic (physics) and relatively reactive (chemistry). The free radicals that are normal metabolites in aerobic biological systems have varied reactivities, ranging from the high reactivity of hydroxyl radical (t1/2 = 10(-9) s) to the low reactivity of melanins (t1/2 = days). The univalent reduction of oxygen that takes place in mammalian organs produces superoxide radicals at a rate of about 2% of the total oxygen uptake. The primary production of superoxide radicals sustains a free radical chain reaction involving a series of reactive oxygen species (hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl and peroxyl radical and singlet oxygen). Nitric oxide is almost unreactive as free radical except for its termination reaction with superoxide radical to yield the strong oxidant peroxynitrite. Nitric oxide also reacts with ubiquinol in a redox reaction, with cytochrome oxidase competitively with oxygen, and oxymyoglobin and oxyhemoglobin displacing oxygen. Septic shock and endotoxemia produce muscle dysfunction and oxidative stress due to increased steady state concentrations of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.

  10. Oxygen radical-mediated mutagenic effect of asbestos on human lymphocytes: suppression by oxygen radical scavengers.


    Korkina, L G; Durnev, A D; Suslova, T B; Cheremisina, Z P; Daugel-Dauge, N O; Afanas'ev, I B


    The mutagenic effect of chrysotile asbestos fibers and zeolite and latex particles on human lymphocytes in whole blood has been studied. It was concluded that their mutagenic activities were mediated by oxygen radicals because they were inhibited by antioxidant enzymes (SOD and catalase) and oxygen radical scavengers (rutin, ascorbic acid, and bemitil). It was proposed that oxygen radicals were released by phagocytes activated upon exposure to mineral dusts and fibers. The study of lucigenin- and luminol-amplified chemiluminescence of peritoneal macrophages stimulated by chrysotile fibers and zeolite and latex particles has shown that their mutagenic action is probably mediated by different oxygen species, namely, by the iron-oxygen complexes (perferryl ions) plus hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and superoxide ion, respectively. From the oxygen radical scavengers studied, rutin was the most effective inhibitor of the mutagenic effect of mineral fibers and dusts.

  11. Online Radicalization: Bangladesh Perspective

    DTIC Science & Technology


    rapidly in Bangladesh where peoples ’ ethnoreligious sentiment is very high .16 Hate speeches may have already triggered communal violence in the country...Understanding online radicalization will examine the potential power of the internet to influence people . The section on online radicalization...Ibid., 8-9. 73 Ibid., 30. 74 Fathali M Moghaddam, “The Staircase to Terrorism, a Psychological Exploration,” American Psychologist 60, no. 2 (2005

  12. Peroxy radical measurements with NCAR's chemical amplifier

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Cantrell, Christopher; Shetter, Richard; Calvert, Jack G.


    The present NCAR instrument for HO2/RO2 measurements has been described previously. It is based on the reactions involving HO2, RO2, and HO radicals with CO and NO. Since (HO2) + (RO2) + (HO) is much greater than (HO) for most atmospheres, it is useful as a peroxy radical detector. Operation of the instrument depends on the creation of a chemical chain reaction which is initiated as HO2 and RO2 radicals in ambient air encounter added NO gas; this forms an NO2 molecule and an HO or RO radical: HO2(RO2) + NO yields HO(RO) + NO2. RO radicals react relatively efficiently with O2 to form an HO2 radical, and subsequently an HO-radical, by reaction with NO. CO gas added to the reaction chamber during part of the operating cycle, recycles the HO to HO2; HO + CO (+O2) yields HO2 + CO2. The reaction sequence may form several hundred NO2 molecules per HO2 (RO2) originally present, before chain termination occurs. The added CO is replaced by N2 addition periodically so that the chain reaction is suppressed, and a 'blank' signal resulting from NO2, O3 and possibly other NO2-forming species (non-chain processes) in ambient air is recorded. The difference between the signal with and without CO is proportional to the peroxy radical concentration. The NO2 produced is monitored using a sensitive luminol chemiluminescence detector system. In the NCAR instrument the length of the amplification chain is determined using a stable source of HO2 radicals (H2O2 thermal decomposition); the ratio of the signal seen with CO present to that with N2 present gives the sensitivity of the instrument to HO2 (molecules of NO2 formed/peroxy radical). The instrument is automated to carry out in hourly repeated cycles: (1) chain length determination; (2) NO2 calibration; and (3) linearity check on the response of signals. One minute averages of signals are normally recorded. The sensitivity of the instrument to detect peroxy radicals is in the pptv range. The present instrument has operated

  13. Near-Infrared Free-Radical and Free-Radical-Promoted Cationic Photopolymerizations by In-Source Lighting Using Upconverting Glass.


    Kocaarslan, Azra; Tabanli, Sevcan; Eryurek, Gonul; Yagci, Yusuf


    A method is presented for the initiation of free-radical and free-radical-promoted cationic photopolymerizations by in-source lighting in the near-infrared (NIR) region using upconverting glass (UCG). This approach utilizes laser irradiation of UCG at 975 nm in the presence of fluorescein (FL) and pentamethyldiethylene triamine (PMDETA). FL excited by light emitted from the UCG undergoes electron-transfer reactions with PMDETA to form free radicals capable of initiating polymerization of methyl methacrylate. To execute the corresponding free-radical-promoted cationic polymerization of cyclohexene oxide, isobutyl vinyl ether, and N-vinyl carbazole, it was necessary to use FL, dimethyl aniline (DMA), and diphenyliodonium hexafluorophosphate as sensitizer, coinitiator, and oxidant, respectively. Iodonium ions promptly oxidize DMA radicals formed to the corresponding cations. Thus, cationic polymerization with efficiency comparable to the conventional irradiation source was achieved. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. OH radical induced depolymerization of poly(methacrylic acid)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ulanski, Piotr; Bothe, Eberhard; von Sonntag, Clemens


    Hydroxyl radicals (generated pulse radiolytically in dilute N 2O-saturated aqueous solutions) react with poly(methacrylic acid) producing two kinds of radicals. The primary radical is converted into a secondary one by H-abstraction ( k=3.5 × 10 2 s -1) as monitored by changes in the UV spectrum. Subsequently, the secondary radicals undergo chain scission ( k=1.8 s -1 at pH 7-9). This process has been followed both by spectrophotometry as well as by conductometry. In competition with the bimolecular decay of the radicals the ensuing end-chain radicals undergo efficient depolymerization resulting in the release of monomer. Since the lifetime of the radicals is much longer at high pH, where the polymer attains a rod-like conformation, depolymerization is most efficient in basic solution.

  15. Quantitative determination of atmospheric hydroperoxyl radical


    Springston, Stephen R.; Lloyd, Judith; Zheng, Jun


    A method for the quantitative determination of atmospheric hydroperoxyl radical comprising: (a) contacting a liquid phase atmospheric sample with a chemiluminescent compound which luminesces on contact with hydroperoxyl radical; (b) determining luminescence intensity from the liquid phase atmospheric sample; and (c) comparing said luminescence intensity from the liquid phase atmospheric sample to a standard luminescence intensity for hydroperoxyl radical. An apparatus for automating the method is also included.

  16. Porphyrinoids as a platform of stable radicals

    PubMed Central

    Shimizu, Daiki


    The non-innocent ligand nature of porphyrins was observed for compound I in enzymatic cycles of cytochrome P450. Such porphyrin radicals were first regarded as reactive intermediates in catabolism, but recent studies have revealed that porphyrinoids, including porphyrins, ring-contracted porphyrins, and ring-expanded porphyrins, display excellent radical-stabilizing abilities to the extent that radicals can be handled like usual closed-shell organic molecules. This review surveys four types of stable porphyrinoid radical and covers their synthetic methods and properties such as excellent redox properties, NIR absorption, and magnetic properties. The radical-stabilizing abilities of porphyrinoids stem from their unique macrocyclic conjugated systems with high electronic and structural flexibilities. PMID:29675188

  17. Practicing Radical Pedagogy: Balancing Ideals with Institutional Constraints.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sweet, Stephen


    Describes radical pedagogy and observes that an overview of "Teaching Sociology" suggests that few teachers fully practice it. Argues that while professors are free to teach radical theory, radical pedagogy is hindered by institutional constraints. Concludes that radical teachers may benefit from remaining more within the confines imposed by their…

  18. Fragmentation of alpha-Radical Cations of Arginine-Containing Peptides

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Laskin, Julia; Yang, Zhibo; Ng, Dominic C.


    Fragmentation pathways of peptide radical cations, M+, with well-defined initial location of the radical site were explored using collision-induced dissociation (CID) experiments. Peptide radical cations were produced by gas-phase fragmentation of CoIII(salen)-peptide complexes [salen = N,N´-ethylenebis (salicylideneaminato)]. Subsequent hydrogen abstraction from the -carbon of the side chain followed by Ca-C bond cleavage results in the loss of a neutral side chain and formation of an a-radical cation with the radical site localized on the a-carbon of the backbone. Similar CID spectra dominated by radical-driven dissociation products were obtained for a number of a-radicals when the basic arginine side chain wasmore » present in the sequence. In contrast, proton-driven fragmentation dominates CID spectra of a-radicals produced via the loss of the arginine side chain. Our results suggest that in most cases radical migration precedes fragmentation of large peptide radical cations.« less

  19. Thermochemical and kinetic analyses on oxidation of isobutenyl radical and 2-hydroperoxymethyl-2-propenyl radical.


    Zheng, X L; Sun, H Y; Law, C K


    In recognition of the importance of the isobutene oxidation reaction in the preignition chemistry associated with engine knock, the thermochemistry, chemical reaction pathways, and reaction kinetics of the isobutenyl radical oxidation at low to intermediate temperature range were computationally studied, focusing on both the first and the second O2 addition to the isobutenyl radical. The geometries of reactants, important intermediates, transition states, and products in the isobutenyl radical oxidation system were optimized at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) and MP2(full)/6-31G(d) levels, and the thermochemical properties were determined on the basis of ab initio, density functional theory, and statistical mechanics. Enthalpies of formation for several important intermediates were calculated using isodesmic reactions at the DFT and the CBS-QB3 levels. The kinetic analysis of the first O2 addition to the isobutenyl radical was performed using enthalpies at the CBS-QB3 and G3(MP2) levels. The reaction forms a chemically activated isobutenyl peroxy adduct which can be stabilized, dissociate back to reactants, cyclize to cyclic peroxide-alkyl radicals, and isomerize to the 2-hydroperoxymethyl-2-propenyl radical that further undergoes another O2 addition. The reaction channels for isomerization and cyclization and further dissociation on this second O2 addition were analyzed using enthalpies at the DFT level with energy corrections based on similar reaction channels for the first O2 addition. The high-pressure limit rate constants for each reaction channel were determined as functions of temperature by the canonical transition state theory for further kinetic model development.

  20. Tyrosyl Radicals in Dehaloperoxidase

    PubMed Central

    Dumarieh, Rania; D'Antonio, Jennifer; Deliz-Liang, Alexandria; Smirnova, Tatyana; Svistunenko, Dimitri A.; Ghiladi, Reza A.


    Dehaloperoxidase (DHP) from Amphitrite ornata, having been shown to catalyze the hydrogen peroxide-dependent oxidation of trihalophenols to dihaloquinones, is the first oxygen binding globin that possesses a biologically relevant peroxidase activity. The catalytically competent species in DHP appears to be Compound ES, a reactive intermediate that contains both a ferryl heme and a tyrosyl radical. By simulating the EPR spectra of DHP activated by H2O2, Thompson et al. (Thompson, M. K., Franzen, S., Ghiladi, R. A., Reeder, B. J., and Svistunenko, D. A. (2010) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 17501–17510) proposed that two different radicals, depending on the pH, are formed, one located on either Tyr-34 or Tyr-28 and the other on Tyr-38. To provide additional support for these simulation-based assignments and to deduce the role(s) that tyrosyl radicals play in DHP, stopped-flow UV-visible and rapid-freeze-quench EPR spectroscopic methods were employed to study radical formation in DHP when three tyrosine residues, Tyr-28, Tyr-34, and Tyr-38, were replaced either individually or in combination with phenylalanines. The results indicate that radicals form on all three tyrosines in DHP. Evidence for the formation of DHP Compound I in several tyrosine mutants was obtained. Variants that formed Compound I showed an increase in the catalytic rate for substrate oxidation but also an increase in heme bleaching, suggesting that the tyrosines are necessary for protecting the enzyme from oxidizing itself. This protective role of tyrosines is likely an evolutionary adaptation allowing DHP to avoid self-inflicted damage in the oxidative environment. PMID:24100039

  1. The role of melanin as protector against free radicals in skin and its role as free radical indicator in hair

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Herrling, Thomas; Jung, Katinka; Fuchs, Jürgen


    Throughout the body, melanin is a homogenous biological polymer containing a population of intrinsic, semiquinone-like radicals. Additional extrinsic free radicals are reversibly photo-generated by UV and visible light. Melanin photochemistry, particularly the formation and decay of extrinsic radicals, has been the subject of numerous electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy studies. Several melanin monomers exist, and the predominant monomer in a melanin polymer depends on its location within an organism. In skin and hair, melanin differs in content of eumelanin or pheomelanin. Its bioradical character and its susceptibility to UV irradiation makes melanin an excellent indicator for UV-related processes in both skin and hair. The existence of melanin in skin is strongly correlated with the prevention against free radicals/ROS generated by UV radiation. Especially in the skin melanin (mainly eumelanin) ensures the only natural UV protection by eliminating the generated free radicals/ROS. Melanin in hair can be used as a free radical detector for evaluating the efficacy of hair care products. The aim of this study was to investigate the suitability of melanin as protector of skin against UV generated free radicals and as free radical indicator in hair.

  2. Investigation of the antioxidant and radical scavenging activities of some phenolic Schiff bases with different free radicals.


    Marković, Zoran; Đorović, Jelena; Petrović, Zorica D; Petrović, Vladimir P; Simijonović, Dušica


    The antioxidant properties of some phenolic Schiff bases in the presence of different reactive particles such as (•)OH, (•)OOH, (CH2=CH-O-O(•)), and (-•)O2 were investigated. The thermodynamic values, ΔH BDE, ΔH IP, and ΔH PA, were used for this purpose. Three possible mechanisms for transfer of hydrogen atom, concerted proton-electron transfer (CPET), single electron transfer followed by proton transfer (SET-PT), and sequential proton loss electron transfer (SPLET) were considered. These mechanisms were tested in solvents of different polarity. On the basis of the obtained results it was shown that SET-PT antioxidant mechanism can be the dominant mechanism when Schiff bases react with radical cation, while SPLET and CPET are competitive mechanisms for radical scavenging of hydroxy radical in all solvents under investigation. Examined Schiff bases react with the peroxy radicals via SPLET mechanism in polar and nonpolar solvents. The superoxide radical anion reacts with these Schiff bases very slowly.

  3. Radical-Mediated Enzymatic Polymerizations

    PubMed Central

    Zavada, Scott R.; Battsengel, Tsatsral; Scott, Timothy F.


    Polymerization reactions are commonly effected by exposing monomer formulations to some initiation stimulus such as elevated temperature, light, or a chemical reactant. Increasingly, these polymerization reactions are mediated by enzymes―catalytic proteins―owing to their reaction efficiency under mild conditions as well as their environmental friendliness. The utilization of enzymes, particularly oxidases and peroxidases, for generating radicals via reduction-oxidation mechanisms is especially common for initiating radical-mediated polymerization reactions, including vinyl chain-growth polymerization, atom transfer radical polymerization, thiol–ene step-growth polymerization, and polymerization via oxidative coupling. While enzyme-mediated polymerization is useful for the production of materials intended for subsequent use, it is especially well-suited for in situ polymerizations, where the polymer is formed in the place where it will be utilized. Such polymerizations are especially useful for biomedical adhesives and for sensing applications. PMID:26848652

  4. Understanding titanium-catalysed radical-radical reactions: a DFT study unravels the complex kinetics of ketone-nitrile couplings.


    Streuff, Jan; Himmel, Daniel; Younas, Sara L


    The computational investigation of a titanium-catalysed reductive radical-radical coupling is reported. The results match the conclusions from an earlier experimental study and enable a further interpretation of the previously observed complex reaction kinetics. Furthermore, the interplay between neutral and cationic reaction pathways in titanium(iii)-catalysed reactions is investigated for the first time. The results show that hydrochloride additives and reaction byproducts play an important role in the respective equilibria. A full reaction profile is assembled and the computed activation barrier is found to be in reasonable agreement with the experiment. The conclusions are of fundamental importance to the field of low-valent titanium catalysis and the understanding of related catalytic radical-radical coupling reactions.

  5. Covalently Bound Nitroxyl Radicals in an Organic Framework

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hughes, Barbara K.; Braunecker, Wade A.; Bobela, David C.


    A series of covalent organic framework (COF) structures is synthesized that possesses a tunable density of covalently bound nitroxyl radicals within the COF pores. The highest density of organic radicals produces an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal that suggests the majority of radicals strongly interact with other radicals, whereas for smaller loadings the EPR signals indicate the radicals are primarily isolated but with restricted motion. The dielectric loss as determined from microwave absorption of the framework structures compared with an amorphous control suggests that free motion of the radicals is inhibited when more than 25% of available sites are occupied.more » The ability to tune the mode of radical interactions and the subsequent effect on redox, electrical, and optical characteristics in a porous framework may lead to a class of structures with properties ideal for photoelectrochemistry or energy storage.« less

  6. SOMO–HOMO Level Inversion in Biologically Important Radicals

    PubMed Central


    Conventionally, the singly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO) of a radical species is considered to be the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), but this is not the case always. In this study, we considered a number of radicals from smallest diatomic anion radicals such as superoxide anion radical to one-electron oxidized DNA related base radicals that show the SOMO is energetically lower than one or more doubly occupied molecular orbitals (MOs) (SOMO–HOMO level inversion). The electronic configurations are calculated employing the B3LYP/6-31++G** method, with the inclusion of aqueous phase via the integral equation formalism of the polarized continuum model solvation model. From the extensive study of the electronic configurations of radicals produced by one-electron oxidation or reduction of natural-DNA bases, bromine-, sulfur-, selenium-, and aza-substituted DNA bases, as well as 20 diatomic molecules, we highlight the following important findings: (i) SOMO–HOMO level inversion is a common phenomenon in radical species. (ii) The more localized spin density in σ-orbital on a single atom (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, or selenium), the greater the gap between HOMO and SOMO. (iii) In species with SOMO–HOMO level inversion, one-electron oxidation takes place from HOMO not from the SOMO, which produces a molecule in its triplet ground state. Oxidation of aqueous superoxide anion producing triplet molecular oxygen is one example of many. (iv) These results are for conventional radicals and in contrast with those reported for distonic radical anions in which SOMO–HOMO gaps are smaller for more localized radicals and the orbital inversions vanish in water. Our findings yield new insights into the properties of free radical systems. PMID:29240424

  7. Radical prostatectomy - discharge


    ... prostatectomy - discharge; Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy - discharge; LRP - discharge; Robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy - discharge; RALP - discharge; Pelvic lymphadenectomy - discharge; Prostate cancer - prostatectomy

  8. Involvement of free radicals in breast cancer.


    Ríos-Arrabal, Sandra; Artacho-Cordón, Francisco; León, Josefa; Román-Marinetto, Elisa; Del Mar Salinas-Asensio, María; Calvente, Irene; Núñez, Maria Isabel


    Researchers have recently shown an increased interest in free radicals and their role in the tumor microenvironment. Free radicals are molecules with high instability and reactivity due to the presence of an odd number of electrons in the outermost orbit of their atoms. Free radicals include reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, which are key players in the initiation and progression of tumor cells and enhance their metastatic potential. In fact, they are now considered a hallmark of cancer. However, both reactive species may contribute to improve the outcomes of radiotherapy in cancer patients. Besides, high levels of reactive oxygen species may be indicators of genotoxic damage in non-irradiated normal tissues. The purpose of this article is to review recent research on free radicals and carcinogenesis in order to understand the pathways that contribute to tumor malignancy. This review outlines the involvement of free radicals in relevant cellular events, including their effects on genetic instability through (growth factors and tumor suppressor genes, their enhancement of mitogenic signals, and their participation in cell remodeling, proliferation, senescence, apoptosis, and autophagy processes; the possible relationship between free radicals and inflammation is also explored. This knowledge is crucial for evaluating the relevance of free radicals as therapeutic targets in cancer.

  9. Cobalt(II) ion as a promoter of hydroxyl radical and possible 'crypto-hydroxyl' radical formation under physiological conditions. Differential effects of hydroxyl radical scavengers.


    Moorhouse, C P; Halliwell, B; Grootveld, M; Gutteridge, J M


    Co(II) ions react with hydrogen peroxide under physiological conditions to form a 'reactive species' that can hydroxylate aromatic compounds (phenol and salicylate) and degrade deoxyribose to thiobarbituric-acid-reactive material. Catalase decreases the formation of this species but superoxide dismutase or low concentrations of ascorbic acid have little effect. EDTA, present in excess over the Co(II), can accelerate deoxyribose degradation and aromatic hydroxylation. In the presence of EDTA, deoxyribose degradation by the reactive species is inhibited competitively by scavengers of the hydroxyl radical (.OH), their effectiveness being related to their second-order rate constants for reaction with .OH. In the absence of EDTA the scavengers inhibit only at much higher concentrations and their order of effectiveness is changed. It is suggested that, in the presence of EDTA, hydroxyl radical is formed 'in free solution' and attacks deoxyribose or an aromatic molecule. In the absence of EDTA, .OH radical is formed in a 'site-specific' manner and is difficult to intercept by .OH scavengers. The relationship of these results to the proposed 'crypto .OH' radical is discussed.

  10. [Research progress on free radicals in human body].


    Wang, Q B; Xu, F P; Wei, C X; Peng, J; Dong, X D


    Free radicals are the intermediates of metabolism, widely exist in the human bodies. Under normal circumstances, the free radicals play an important role in the metabolic process on human body, cell signal pathway, gene regulation, induction of cell proliferation and apoptosis, so as to maintain the normal growth and development of human body and to inhibit the growth of bacteria, virus and cancer. However, when organic lesion occurs affected by external factors or when equilibrium of the free radicals is tipped in the human body, the free radicals will respond integratedly with lipids, protein or nucleic acid which may jeopardize the health of human bodies. This paper summarizes the research progress of the free radicals conducted in recent years, in relations to the perspective of the types, origins, test methods of the free radicals and their relationship with human's health. In addition, the possible mechanisms of environmental pollutants (such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) mediating oxidative stress and free radicals scavenging in the body were also summarized.

  11. Inactivation of Bacillus atrophaeus by OH radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ono, Ryo; Yonetamari, Kenta; Tokumitsu, Yusuke; Yonemori, Seiya; Yasuda, Hachiro; Mizuno, Akira


    The inactivation of Bacillus atrophaeus by OH radicals is measured. This study aims to evaluate the bactericidal effects of OH radicals produced by atmospheric-pressure nonthermal plasma widely used for plasma medicine; however, in this study, OH radicals are produced by vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photolysis of water vapor instead of plasma to allow the production of OH radicals with almost no other reactive species. A 172 nm VUV light from a Xe2 excimer lamp irradiates a He-H2O mixture flowing in a quartz tube to photodissociate H2O to produce OH, H, O, HO2, H2O2, and O3. The produced reactive oxygen species (ROS) flow out of the quartz tube nozzle to the bacteria on an agar plate and cause inactivation. The inactivation by OH radicals among the six ROS is observed by properly setting the experimental conditions with the help of simulations calculating the ROS densities. A 30 s treatment with approximately 0.1 ppm OH radicals causes visible inactivation.

  12. Zwitterion radicals and anion radicals from electron transfer and solvent condensation with the fingerprint developing agent ninhydrin.


    Schertz, T D; Reiter, R C; Stevenson, C D


    Ninhydrin (the fingerprint developing agent) spontaneously dehydrates in liquid ammonia and in hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA) to form indantrione, which has a sufficiently large solution electron affinity to extract an electron from the solvent (HMPA) to produce the indantrione anion radical. In liquid NH(3), the presence of trace amounts of amide ion causes the spontaneous formation of an anion radical condensation product, wherein the no. 2 carbon (originally a carbonyl carbon) becomes substituted with -NH(2) and -OH groups. In HMPA, the indantrione anion radical spontaneously forms condensation products with the HMPA to produce a variety of zwitterionic radicals, wherein the no. 2 carbon becomes directly attached to a nitrogen of the HMPA. The mechanisms for the formation of the zwitterionic paramagnetic condensation products are analogous to that observed in the reaction of ninhydrin with amino acids to yield Ruhemann's Purple, the contrast product in fingerprint development. The formation of anion and zwitterionic radical condensation products from ninhydrin and nitrogen-containing solvents may represent an example of a host of analogous polyketone-solvent reactions.

  13. Cyclooxygenase Reaction Mechanism of PGHS ------- Evidence for a Reversible Transition between a Pentadienyl Radical and a New Tyrosyl Radical by Nitric Oxide Trapping

    PubMed Central

    Lü, Jian-Ming; Rogge, Corina E.; Wu, Gang; Kulmacz, Richard J.; van der Donk, Wilfred A.; Tsai, Ah-lim


    Incubation of prostaglandin H synthase-1 (PGHS-1) under anaerobic conditions with peroxide and arachidonic acid leads to two major radical species: a pentadienyl radical and a radical with a narrow EPR spectrum. The proportions of the two radicals are sensitive to temperature, favoring the narrow radical species at 22 °C. The EPR characteristics of this latter radical are somewhat similar to the previously reported narrow-singlet tyrosine radical NS1a and are insensitive to deuterium labeling of AA. To probe the origin and structure of this radical, we combined EPR analysis with nitric oxide (NO) trapping of tyrosine and substrate derived radicals for both PGHS-1 and -2. Formation of 3-nitrotyrosine in the proteins was analyzed by immunoblotting, whereas NO adducts to AA and AA metabolites were analyzed by mass spectrometry and by chromatography of 14C-labeled products. The results indicate that both nitrated tyrosine residues and NO-AA adducts formed upon NO trapping. The NO-AA adduct was predominantly an oxime at C11 of AA with three conjugated double bonds, as indicated by absorption at 275 nm and by mass spectral analysis. This adduct amounted to 10% and 20% of the heme concentration of PGHS-1 and -2, respectively. For PGHS-1, the yield of NO-AA adduct matched the yield of the narrow radical signal obtained in parallel EPR experiments. High frequency EPR characterization of this narrow radical, reported in an accompanying paper, supports assignment to a new tyrosyl radical, NS1c, rather than an AA-based radical. To reconcile the results from EPR and NO-trapping studies, we propose that the NS1c is in equilibrium with an AA pentadienyl radical, and that the latter reacts preferentially with NO. PMID:21403766

  14. Semiquinone-bridged bisdithiazolyl radicals as neutral radical conductors.


    Yu, Xin; Mailman, Aaron; Lekin, Kristina; Assoud, Abdeljalil; Robertson, Craig M; Noll, Bruce C; Campana, Charles F; Howard, Judith A K; Dube, Paul A; Oakley, Richard T


    Semiquinone-bridged bisdithiazolyls 3 represent a new class of resonance-stabilized neutral radical for use in the design of single-component conductive materials. As such, they display electrochemical cell potentials lower than those of related pyridine-bridged bisdithiazolyls, a finding which heralds a reduced on-site Coulomb repulsion U. Crystallographic characterization of the chloro-substituted derivative 3a and its acetonitrile solvate 3a·MeCN, both of which crystallize in the polar orthorhombic space group Pna2(1), revealed the importance of intermolecular oxygen-to-sulfur (CO···SN) interactions in generating rigid, tightly packed radical π-stacks, including the structural motif found for 3a·MeCN in which radicals in neighboring π-stacks are locked into slipped-ribbon-like arrays. This architecture gives rise to strong intra- and interstack overlap and hence a large electronic bandwidth W. Variable-temperature conductivity measurements on 3a and 3a·MeCN indicated high values of σ(300 K) (>10(-3) S cm(-1)) with correspondingly low thermal activation energies E(act), reaching 0.11 eV in the case of 3a·MeCN. Overall, the strong performance of these materials as f = ½ conductors is attributed to a combination of low U and large W. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements were performed on both 3a and 3a·MeCN. The unsolvated material 3a orders as a spin-canted antiferromagnet at 8 K, with a canting angle φ = 0.14° and a coercive field H(c) = 80 Oe at 2 K. © 2012 American Chemical Society

  15. Spectroscopic identification of dichlorobenzyl radicals: Jet-cooled 2,3-dichlorobenzyl radical

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chae, Sang Youl; Yoon, Young Wook; Lee, Sang Kuk


    The vibronically excited but jet-cooled 2,3-dichlorobenzyl radical was generated from the corona discharge of precursor 2,3-dichlorotoluene seeded in a large amount of carrier gas He using a pinhole-type glass nozzle. From an analysis of the visible vibronic emission spectrum observed, we obtained the electronic energy of the D1 → D0 transition and vibrational mode frequencies in the D0 state of the 2,3-dichlorobenzyl radical by comparing the observation with the results of ab initio calculations. In addition, we discussed substituent effect of Cls on electronic transition energy in terms of substituent orientation for the first time.

  16. Tropospheric reactions of the haloalkyl radicals formed from hydroxyl radical reaction with a series of alternative fluorocarbons

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Atkinson, Roger


    In the present assessment, the hydrogen containing halocarbons being considered as alternatives to the the presently used chlorofluorocarbons are the hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) 123 (CF3CHCl2), 141b (CFCl2CH3), 142b (CF2ClCH3), 22 (CHF2Cl) and 124 (CF3CHFCl) and the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) 134a (CF3CH2F), 152a (CHF2CH3) and 125 (CF3CHF2). All of these HCFCs and HFCs will react with the hydroxyl (OH) radical in the troposphere, giving rise to haloalkyl radicals which then undergo a complex series of reactions in the troposphere. These reactions of the haloalkyl radicals formed from the initial OH radical reactions with the HCFCs and HFCs under tropospheric conditions are the focus here.

  17. VUV Photoionisation of hydrocarbon radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alcaraz, C.; Noller, Bastian; Hemberger, Patrick; Fischer, Ingo; Gans, Bérenger; Boyé-Peronne, Séverine; Douin, Stéphane; Gauyacq, Dolorès; Soldi-Lose, Héloïse; Garcia, Gustavo


    Hydrocarbon radicals CxHy are constituents of various planetary atmospheres, in particular Titan, as a result of the methane photochemistry induced by the solar radiation. They contribute to the neutral chemistry, but are also important for the ionosphere through their photoionisation leading to their cations CxHy +. These cations are also produced by ion-molecule reactions starting from the reaction of the primary ions CH4 + and CH3 + which are created in the non-dissociative and dissociative photoionisation of CH4. This work aims at caracterizing the VUV photoionisation of small hydrocarbon radicals as a function of photon energy. The objective is to provide laboratory data for modelers on the spectroscopy, the thermochemistry, and the reactivity of the radicals and their cations. The hydrocarbon radicals are much less caracterized than stable molecules since they have to be produced in situ in the laboratory experiment. We have adapted at Orsay [1-3] a pyrolysis source (Figure 1) well suited to produce cold beams of hydrocarbon radicals to our experimental setups. Available now at Orsay, we have two new sources of VUV radiation, complementary in terms of tunability and resolution, that can be used for these studies. The first one is the DESIRS beamline [4] at the new french synchrotron, SOLEIL. The second one is the VUV laser developped at the Centre Laser de l'Université Paris-Sud (CLUPS) [5]. At SOLEIL, a photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectrometer is used to monitor the photoionisation on a large photon energy range. At the CLUPS, a pulsedfield ionisation (PFI-ZEKE) spectrometer allows studies at higher resolution on selected photon energies. The first results obtained with these new setups will be presented. References [1] Fischer, I., Schussler, T., Deyerl, H.J., Elhanine, M. & Alcaraz, C., Photoionization and dissociative photoionization of the allyl radical, C3H5. Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 261 (2-3), 227-233 (2007) [2] Schüßler, T., Roth, W., Gerber

  18. Calculations of Electron Transport through Radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smeu, Manuel; Dilabio, Gino


    Organic radicals are of interest in molecular electronics because a singly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO) would have a higher energy than its doubly occupied analog, suggesting they might make better conductors. The unpaired electron present in a radical leads to degeneracy splitting in other energy levels and such molecules may act as spin filters. Our study employs first principles transport calculations that are performed using a combination of density functional theory and a non-equilibrium Green's function technique. The conductance of 1,4-benzenediamine (BDA) molecules bridging two Au electrodes was modeled. These molecules were substituted in the 2-position with: -CH3, -NH2, and -OH; as well as with their radical analogs: -CH2, -NH, and -O, all of which have π-type SOMOs. The conductance of a radical with a σ-type SOMO was also calculated from a BDA molecule with the H atom in the 2-position removed. Comparing the transmission spectra for these species will yield insight into the nature of electron transport through radicals vs. transport through their reduced form as well as the nature of transport through π- and σ-type molecular orbitals.

  19. Kinetics and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Organic Peroxy Radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smarte, M. D.; Okumura, M.


    Organic peroxy radicals are important intermediates in atmospheric chemistry with fates that control the rate of radical propagation in an oxidation mechanism. Laboratory methods for detecting peroxy radicals are essential to measuring precise rate constants that constrain these fates. In this work, we discuss the use of near-infrared cavity ringdown spectroscopy to detect organic peroxy radicals for the purpose of laboratory kinetics measurements. We focus on chlorine-substituted peroxy radicals generated in the oxidation of alkenes by chlorine, a minor tropospheric oxidant found in marine and coastal regions. Previous kinetics experiments on peroxy radicals have largely used UV absorption spectroscopy via the dissociative B-X transition. However, the spectra produced are featureless and exhibit substantial overlap; determining the concentration profile of an individual peroxy radical can be an arduous task. In our work, we probe the forbidden peroxy radical A-X transition in the near-infrared. While this approach requires overcoming small cross sections ( 10-21 cm2), the A state is bound and leads to structured absorption spectra that may be useful in constraining the kinetics of mixtures of organic peroxy radicals formed in the oxidation of complex hydrocarbons. Only a few kinetics studies utilizing the A-X transition exist in the literature and they are focused on small, unsubstituted species. This presentation explores the ability of the A-X transition to unravel the kinetics of more complex peroxy radicals in laboratory experiments using several example systems: (1) Determining rate constants for the self and cross reactions of β-chloroethylperoxy and HO2. (2) Detecting the second generation of peroxy radicals formed from alkoxy radical decomposition in the chlorine-initiated oxidation of 2-butene. (3) Observing different rates of reactivity with NO across the pool of peroxy radical isomers formed in the chlorine-initiated oxidation of isoprene.

  20. Leadership Styles for the Five Stages of Radical Change

    DTIC Science & Technology


    radical change. This article continues prior work on radical change with theory and research on leadership style. The result is a model of radical...every stage of that process. Leadership style and organiza- tional change theory and re- search have ex- isted for de- cades, but have rarely con... Leadership Styles for the Five Stages of Radical Change 129 TUTORIAL LEADERSHIP STYLES FOR THE FIVE STAGES OF RADICAL CHANGE Dr. Kathleen K. Reardon

  1. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in malonaldehyde and its radical analogues.


    Lin, Chen; Kumar, Manoj; Finney, Brian A; Francisco, Joseph S


    High level Brueckner doubles with triples correction method-based ab initio calculations have been used to investigate the nature of intramolecular hydrogen bonding and intramolecular hydrogen atom transfer in cis-malonaldehyde (MA) and its radical analogues. The radicals considered here are the ones that correspond to the homolytic cleavage of C-H bonds in cis-MA. The results suggest that cis-MA and its radical analogues, cis-MA RS , and cis-MA RA , both exist in planar geometry. The calculated intramolecular O-H⋯O=C bond in cis-MA is shorter than that in the radical analogues. The intramolecular hydrogen bond in cis-MA is stronger than in its radicals by at least 3.0 kcal/mol. The stability of a cis-malonaldehyde radical correlates with the extent of electron spin delocalization; cis-MA RA , in which the radical spin is more delocalized, is the most stable MA radical, whereas cis-MA RS , in which the radical spin is strongly localized, is the least stable radical. The natural bond orbital analysis indicates that the intramolecular hydrogen bonding (O⋯H⋯O) in cis-malonaldehyde radicals is stabilized by the interaction between the lone pair orbitals of donor oxygen and the σ * orbital of acceptor O-H bond (n → σ * OH ). The calculated barriers indicate that the intramolecular proton transfer in cis-MA involves 2.2 kcal/mol lower barrier than that in cis-MA RS .

  2. Addition products of alpha-tocopherol with lipid-derived free radicals.


    Yamauchi, Ryo


    The addition products of alpha-tocopherol with lipid-derived free radicals have been reviewed. Free radical scavenging reactions of alpha-tocopherol take place via the alpha-tocopheroxyl radical as an intermediate. If a suitable free radical is present, an addition product can be formed from the coupling of the free radical with the alpha-tocopheroxyl radical. The addition products of alpha-tocopherol with lipid-peroxyl radicals are 8a-(lipid-dioxy)-alpha-tocopherones, which are hydrolyzed to alpha-tocopherylquinone. On the other hand, the carbon-centered radicals of lipids prefer to react with the phenoxyl radical of alpha-tocopherol to form 6-O-lipid-alpha-tocopherol under anaerobic conditions. The addition products of alpha-tocopherol with peroxyl radicals (epoxylinoleoyl-peroxyl radicals) produced from cholesteryl ester and phosphatidylcholine were detected in the peroxidized human plasma using a high-sensitive HPLC procedure with postcolumn reduction and electrochemical detection. Thus, the formation of these addition products provides us with much information on the antioxidant function of vitamin E in biological systems.

  3. Radical dematerialization and degrowth

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kallis, Giorgos


    The emission targets agreed in Paris require a radical reduction of material extraction, use and disposal. The core claim of this article is that a radical dematerialization can only be part and parcel of degrowth. Given that capitalist economies are designed to grow, this raises the question of whether, and under what circumstances, the inevitable `degrowth' can become socially sustainable. Three economic policies are discussed in this direction: work-sharing, green taxes and public money. This article is part of the themed issue 'Material demand reduction'.

  4. Protonated o-semiquinone radical as a mimetic of the humic acids native radicals: A DFT approach to the molecular structure and EPR properties

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Witwicki, Maciej; Jezierska, Julia


    Organic radicals are known to be an indispensable component of the humic acids (HA) structure. In HA two forms of radicals, stable (native) and short-lived (transient), are identified. Importantly, these radical forms can be easily differentiated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. This article provides a DFT-based insight into the electronic and molecular structure of the native radicals. The molecular models including an increase of the radical aromaticity and the hydrogen bonding between the radical and other functional groups of HA are taken under investigation. In consequence the interesting pieces of information on the structure of the native radical centers in HA are revealed and discussed, especially in terms of differences between the electronic structure of the native and transient forms.

  5. Free Radical Mechanisms in Autoxidation Processes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Simic, Michael G.


    Discusses the use of steady-state radiation chemistry and pulse radiolysis for the generation of initial free radicals and formation of peroxy radicals in the autoxidation process. Provides information regarding the autoxidation process. Defines autoxidation reactions and antioxidant action. (CS)

  6. Acetyl radical generation in cigarette smoke: Quantification and simulations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hu, Na; Green, Sarah A.


    Free radicals are present in cigarette smoke and can have a negative effect on human health. However, little is known about their formation mechanisms. Acetyl radicals were quantified in tobacco smoke and mechanisms for their generation were investigated by computer simulations. Acetyl radicals were trapped from the gas phase using 3-amino-2, 2, 5, 5-tetramethyl-proxyl (3AP) on solid support to form stable 3AP adducts for later analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry/tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS/MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Simulations were performed using the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM). A range of 10-150 nmol/cigarette of acetyl radical was measured from gas phase tobacco smoke of both commercial and research cigarettes under several different smoking conditions. More radicals were detected from the puff smoking method compared to continuous flow sampling. Approximately twice as many acetyl radicals were trapped when a glass fiber particle filter (GF/F specifications) was placed before the trapping zone. Simulations showed that NO/NO2 reacts with isoprene, initiating chain reactions to produce hydroxyl radical, which abstracts hydrogen from acetaldehyde to generate acetyl radical. These mechanisms can account for the full amount of acetyl radical detected experimentally from cigarette smoke. Similar mechanisms may generate radicals in second hand smoke.

  7. Microhydration and the Enhanced Acidity of Free Radicals.


    Walton, John C


    Recent theoretical research employing a continuum solvent model predicted that radical centers would enhance the acidity (RED-shift) of certain proton-donor molecules. Microhydration studies employing a DFT method are reported here with the aim of establishing the effect of the solvent micro-structure on the acidity of radicals with and without RED-shifts. Microhydration cluster structures were obtained for carboxyl, carboxy-ethynyl, carboxy-methyl, and hydroperoxyl radicals. The numbers of water molecules needed to induce spontaneous ionization were determined. The hydration clusters formed primarily round the CO₂ units of the carboxylate-containing radicals. Only 4 or 5 water molecules were needed to induce ionization of carboxyl and carboxy-ethynyl radicals, thus corroborating their large RED-shifts.

  8. The Legitimization of the Radical Tradition in France, 1789-1901.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gough, Hugh


    Traces the development of radicalism from the 1789 French Revolution to the present. States that radical philosophy has its roots in rationalism and Enlightenment thought and was linked to positivism during the nineteenth century. Despite the failings of radicalism and the Radical Party, the radical tradition set precedents for current political…

  9. Radical dematerialization and degrowth.


    Kallis, Giorgos


    The emission targets agreed in Paris require a radical reduction of material extraction, use and disposal. The core claim of this article is that a radical dematerialization can only be part and parcel of degrowth. Given that capitalist economies are designed to grow, this raises the question of whether, and under what circumstances, the inevitable 'degrowth' can become socially sustainable. Three economic policies are discussed in this direction: work-sharing, green taxes and public money.This article is part of the themed issue 'Material demand reduction'. © 2017 The Author(s).

  10. Free-radical reactions induced by OH-radical attack on cytosine-related compounds: a study by a method combining ESR, spin trapping and HPLC.

    PubMed Central

    Hiraoka, W; Kuwabara, M; Sato, F; Matsuda, A; Ueda, T


    Free-radical reactions induced by OH-radical attack on cytosine-related compounds were investigated by a method combining ESR, spin trapping with 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Cytidine, 2'-deoxycytidine, cytidine 3'-monophosphate, cytidine 5'-monophosphate, 2'-deoxycytidine 5'-monophosphate and their derivatives, of which 5,6-protons at the base moiety were replaced by deuterons, and polycytidylic acid (poly(C] were employed as samples. OH radicals were generated by X-irradiating an N2O-saturated aqueous solution. Five spin adducts were separated by HPLC. Examination of them by ESR spectroscopy and UV photospectrometry showed that spin adducts assigned to C5 and C6 radicals due to OH addition to the 5,6 double-bond, a deaminated form of the spin adduct derived from a C5 radical due to the cyclization reaction between C5' of the sugar and C6 of the base, and a spin adduct assigned to the C4' radical due to H abstraction by OH radicals were produced. From these results the sites of OH-radical attack and the subsequent radical reactions in cytosine-related compounds were clarified. PMID:2157193

  11. Education Research Will Not Profit from Radical Constructionism.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cobern, William W.

    This paper examines the historical roots of critical realism in western thought, highlights the dramatic nature of the shift in thought that the radical constructivists are seeking, and critically considers the relevance of radical constructivism in science teacher education. Radical constructivism is an epistemological philosophy that divorces…

  12. Spin polarization transfer by the radical pair mechanism

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zarea, Mehdi, E-mail:; Ratner, Mark A.; Wasielewski, Michael R.


    In a three-site representation, we study a spin polarization transfer from radical pair spins to a nearby electron or nuclear spin. The quantum dynamics of the radical pair spins is governed by a constant exchange interaction between the radical pair spins which have different Zeeman frequencies. Radical pair spins can recombine to the singlet ground state or to lower energy triplet states. It is then shown that the coherent dynamics of the radical pair induces spin polarization on the nearby third spin in the presence of a magnetic field. The spin polarization transfer depends on the difference between Zeeman frequencies,more » the singlet and triplet recombination rates, and on the exchange and dipole-dipole interactions between the different spins. In particular, the sign of the polarization depends on the exchange coupling between radical pair spins and also on the difference between singlet and triplet recombination rate constants.« less

  13. Laser induced photoluminescence spectroscopy of cometary radicals

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jackson, W. M.; Cody, R. J.; Sabety-Dzvonik, M.


    Flash photolysis together with laser excitation of the product fragments was used in laboratory studies of cometary radicals. The LIPS method has been applied to the CN radical to determine: (1) Radiative lifetimes of individual rotational levels in the zeroth vibrational level of the B state; (2) energy partitioning during photodissociation of C2N2; and (3) vibrational and rotational excitation during formation of CN radicals in the photodissociation of dicyanoacetylene.

  14. Acerca del moho

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    El moho forma parte del medio ambiente natural. Afuera del hogar, el moho juega un papel en la naturaleza al desintegrar materias organicas tales como las hojas que se han caido o los arboles muertos. El moho puede crecer adentro del hogar cuando las espor

  15. Emerging themes in radical SAM chemistry

    PubMed Central

    Shisler, Krista A; Broderick, Joan B


    Enzymes in the radical SAM (RS) superfamily catalyze a wide variety of reactions through unique radical chemistry. The characteristic markers of the superfamily include a [4Fe–4S] cluster coordinated to the protein via a cysteine triad motif, typically CX3CX2C, with the fourth iron coordinated by S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). The SAM serves as a precursor for a 5′-deoxyadenosyl radical, the central intermediate in nearly all RS enzymes studied to date. The SAM-bound [4Fe–4S] cluster is located within a partial or full triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel where the radical chemistry occurs protected from the surroundings. In addition to the TIM barrel and a RS [4Fe–4S] cluster, many members of the superfamily contain additional domains and/or additional Fe–S clusters. Recently characterized superfamily members are providing new examples of the remarkable range of reactions that can be catalyzed, as well as new structural and mechanistic insights into these fascinating reactions. PMID:23141873

  16. Stable Radical Materials for Energy Applications.


    Wilcox, Daniel A; Agarkar, Varad; Mukherjee, Sanjoy; Boudouris, Bryan W


    Although less studied than their closed-shell counterparts, materials containing stable open-shell chemistries have played a key role in many energy storage and energy conversion devices. In particular, the oxidation-reduction (redox) properties of these stable radicals have made them a substantial contributor to the progress of organic batteries. Moreover, the use of radical-based materials in photovoltaic devices and thermoelectric systems has allowed for these emerging molecules to have impacts in the energy conversion realm. Additionally, the unique doublet states of radical-based materials provide access to otherwise inaccessible spin states in optoelectronic devices, offering many new opportunities for efficient usage of energy in light-emitting devices. Here, we review the current state of the art regarding the molecular design, synthesis, and application of stable radicals in these energy-related applications. Finally, we point to fundamental and applied arenas of future promise for these designer open-shell molecules, which have only just begun to be evaluated in full.

  17. Measurements of hydroxyl and hydroperoxy radicals during CalNex-LA: Model comparisons and radical budgets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Griffith, S. M.; Hansen, R. F.; Dusanter, S.; Michoud, V.; Gilman, J. B.; Kuster, W. C.; Veres, P. R.; Graus, M.; de Gouw, J. A.; Roberts, J.; Young, C.; Washenfelder, R.; Brown, S. S.; Thalman, R.; Waxman, E.; Volkamer, R.; Tsai, C.; Stutz, J.; Flynn, J. H.; Grossberg, N.; Lefer, B.; Alvarez, S. L.; Rappenglueck, B.; Mielke, L. H.; Osthoff, H. D.; Stevens, P. S.


    Measurements of hydroxyl (OH) and hydroperoxy (HO2*) radical concentrations were made at the Pasadena ground site during the CalNex-LA 2010 campaign using the laser-induced fluorescence-fluorescence assay by gas expansion technique. The measured concentrations of OH and HO2* exhibited a distinct weekend effect, with higher radical concentrations observed on the weekends corresponding to lower levels of nitrogen oxides (NOx). The radical measurements were compared to results from a zero-dimensional model using the Regional Atmospheric Chemical Mechanism-2 constrained by NOx and other measured trace gases. The chemical model overpredicted measured OH concentrations during the weekends by a factor of approximately 1.4 ± 0.3 (1σ), but the agreement was better during the weekdays (ratio of 1.0 ± 0.2). Model predicted HO2* concentrations underpredicted by a factor of 1.3 ± 0.2 on the weekends, while measured weekday concentrations were underpredicted by a factor of 3.0 ± 0.5. However, increasing the modeled OH reactivity to match the measured total OH reactivity improved the overall agreement for both OH and HO2* on all days. A radical budget analysis suggests that photolysis of carbonyls and formaldehyde together accounted for approximately 40% of radical initiation with photolysis of nitrous acid accounting for 30% at the measurement height and ozone photolysis contributing less than 20%. An analysis of the ozone production sensitivity reveals that during the week, ozone production was limited by volatile organic compounds throughout the day during the campaign but NOx limited during the afternoon on the weekends.

  18. Free radical propulsion concept

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hawkins, C. E.; Nakanishi, S.


    The concept of a free radical propulsion system, utilizing the recombination energy of dissociated low molecular weight gases to produce thrust, is analyzed. The system, operating at a theoretical impulse with hydrogen, as high as 2200 seconds at high thrust to power ratio, is hypothesized to bridge the gap between chemical and electrostatic propulsion capabilities. A comparative methodology is outlined by which characteristics of chemical and electric propulsion for orbit raising mission can be investigated. It is noted that free radicals proposed in rockets previously met with difficulty and complexity in terms of storage requirements; the present study proposes to eliminate the storage requirements by using electric energy to achieve a continuous-flow product of free radicals which are recombined to produce a high velocity propellant. Microwave energy used to dissociate a continuously flowing gas is transferred to the propellant via three-body-recombination for conversion to propellant kinetic energy. Microwave plasma discharge was found in excess of 90 percent over a broad range of pressure in preliminary experiments, and microwave heating compared to electrothermal heating showed much higher temperatures in gasdynamic equations.

  19. Mars Oxidant and Radical Detector

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Yen, A. S.; Kim, S. S.


    The Mars Oxidant and Radical Detector is an instrument designed to characterize the reactive nature of the martian surface environment. Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) techniques, this instrument can detect, identify, and quantify radical species in soil samples, including those inferred to be present by the Viking experiments. This instrument is currently funded by the Mars Instrument Development Program and is compatible with the Mars Science Laboratory mission.

  20. A randomized prospective trial of radical (Halsted) mastectomy versus modified radical mastectomy in 311 breast cancer patients.

    PubMed Central

    Maddox, W A; Carpenter, J T; Laws, H L; Soong, S J; Cloud, G; Urist, M M; Balch, C M


    This study reports the results of a prospectively randomized trial for treatment of carcinoma of the breast comparing standard (Halsted) radical mastectomy to a modified radical mastectomy. Three hundred eleven patients with primary operable carcinoma of the breast were entered in a surgical and adjunctive chemotherapy trial in Alabama between 1975 and 1978. A total of 91 surgeons participated (all Diplomats of the American Board of Surgery and Members of the American College of Surgeons). All operative reports, pathology and therapy were reviewed by referees. Histologically node positive patients were randomized after operation to receive melphalan or C.M.F.(cytoxan, methotrexate, and 5-FU) for 1 year. After a median follow-up of 5.5 years, there was no significant difference in disease-free survival or in overall survival between the two groups. There was a trend toward improved 5-year survival rates in the radical mastectomy group compared to the modified radical mastectomy group (84% vs. 76%, p = 0.14). There was also an increased incidence of local wound recurrence in those patients receiving modified radical mastectomy, but the differences were not statistically significant (p = 0.09). Longer follow-up will be necessary to evaluate these results more fully. PMID:6870379

  1. Role of alkoxyl radicals on the fluorescein-based ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) assay.


    Dorta, E; Atala, E; Aspee, A; Speisky, H; Lissi, E; Lopez-Alarcon, C


    During the last decades the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) assay has been widely employed to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant capacity of polyphenol-rich fruits, vegetables and beverages. The method employs fluorescein (FLH) as target molecule and AAPH (2,2'-azo-bis(2-amidinopropane)dihydrochloride) as the source of peroxyl radicals (ROO•). The protection of FLH, afforded by antioxidants (XH), is often characterized by kinetic profiles with clear lag times (LT), which are directly associated with the stoichiometry (n) of the XH-ROO• reaction. However, even for simple phenolic compounds, the LT measured imply large n values (defined as the number of ROO• moles trapped by each antioxidant molecule) which cannot be explained by a simple reaction mechanism. Nonetheless, they can be explained when considering the formation of alkoxyl radicals (RO•) from the recombination of two AAPH-derived ROO•. In the present work, we provide kinetic data showing that, in the zero order kinetic limit of FLH consumption, there is a low reaction rate incompatible with total trapping of ROO•. Thus, the consumption of FLH should be mostly related to its reaction with RO•. In addition, we present data regarding the assumption that in competitive measurements, the LT is due to efficient trapping of the ROO• by the added phenols, leading to high n values (1.7 to 23) for mono and polyphenols. These values are not in agreement with kinetic studies of the antioxidant consumption mediated by the presence of AAPH carried out by HPLC-DAD technique, which imply a competition by RO•. The results suggest that the use of FLH as probe at low concentrations give, for several antioxidants, ORAC values mainly related to their reaction towards RO• radicals instead of primary ROO•radicals. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. Diffusive confinement of free radical intermediates in the OH radical oxidation of semisolid aerosols


    Wiegel, Aaron A.; Liu, Matthew J.; Hinsberg, William D.; ...


    Multiphase chemical reactions (gas + solid/liquid) involve a complex interplay between bulk and interface chemistry, diffusion, evaporation, and condensation. Reactions of atmospheric aerosols are an important example of this type of chemistry: the rich array of particle phase states and multiphase transformation pathways produce diverse but poorly understood interactions between chemistry and transport. Their chemistry is of intrinsic interest because of their role in controlling climate. Their characteristics also make them useful models for the study of principles of reactivity of condensed materials under confined conditions. Previously, we have reported a computational study of the oxidation chemistry of a liquidmore » aliphatic aerosol. In this study, we extend the calculations to investigate nearly the same reactions at a semisolid gas-aerosol interface. A reaction-diffusion model for heterogeneous oxidation of triacontane by hydroxyl radicals (OH) is described, and its predictions are compared to measurements of aerosol size and composition, which evolve continuously during oxidation. Our results are also explicitly compared to those obtained for the corresponding liquid system, squalane, to pinpoint salient elements controlling reactivity. The diffusive confinement of the free radical intermediates at the interface results in enhanced importance of a few specific chemical processes such as the involvement of aldehydes in fragmentation and evaporation, and a significant role of radical-radical reactions in product formation. The simulations show that under typical laboratory conditions semisolid aerosols have highly oxidized nanometer-scale interfaces that encapsulate an unreacted core and may confer distinct optical properties and enhanced hygroscopicity. This highly oxidized layer dynamically evolves with reaction, which we propose to result in plasticization. The validated model is used to predict chemistry under atmospheric conditions, where the OH

  3. 1,2-Fluorine Radical Rearrangements: Isomerization Events in Perfluorinated Radicals.


    Van Hoomissen, Daniel J; Vyas, Shubham


    Devising effective degradation technologies for perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) is an active area of research, where the molecular mechanisms involving both oxidative and reductive pathways are still elusive. One commonly neglected pathway in PFAS degradation is fluorine atom migration in perfluoroalkyl radicals, which was largely assumed to be implausible because of the high C-F bond strength. Using density functional theory calculations, it was demonstrated that 1,2-F atom migrations are thermodynamically favored when the fluorine atom migrated from a less branched carbon center to a more branched carbon center. Activation barriers for these rearrangements were within 19-29 kcal/mol, which are possible to easily overcome at elevated temperatures or in photochemically activated species in the gas or aqueous phase. It was also found that the activation barriers for the 1,2-F atom migration are lowered as much as by 10 kcal/mol when common oxidative degradation products such as HF assisted the rearrangements or if the resulting radical center was stabilized by vicinal π-bonds. Natural bond orbital analyses showed that fluorine moves as a radical in a noncharge-separated state. These findings add an important reaction to the existing knowledge of mechanisms for PFAS degradation and highlights the fact that 1,2-F atom shifts may be a small channel for isomerization of these compounds, but upon availability of mineralization products, this isomerization process could become more prominent.

  4. Analysis of Potential Radical Chemistry on Kuiper Belt Objects

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yanez, Maya Danielle; Hodyss, Robert; Cable, Morgan; Johnson, Paul


    Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) are of high interest following the New Horizons encounter with the Pluto system and the extended mission to 2014MU69. We aimed to clarify questions raised concerning the possible presence of organic radicals formed from photolysis on the surface of KBOs and other Trans-Neptunian Objects, and obtain laboratory spectra of these radicals for comparison to remote sensing data. We explored the photochemical generation of methyl radical from matrix-isolated CH3I in an attempt to create sufficient amounts of the methyl radical to obtain spectra in the near infrared. Both Ar and N2 matrices were studied, as well as varying guest:matrix ratios. Hydrogen lamp irradiation was found to be more effective than mercury lamp irradiation. The irradiation time was a significant factor when we switched matrices: methyl radical depleted rapidly in the N2 matrix with prolonged irradiation (~10 hours) whereas it survived for over 48 hours in some experiments with the Ar matrix. Reaction of the methyl radical with the N2 matrix to form HCN was observed. Future experiments will focus on alternate methods of radical generation in order to increase the yield of trapped radical.

  5. Molecular architectures and functions of radical enzymes and their (re)activating proteins.


    Shibata, Naoki; Toraya, Tetsuo


    Certain proteins utilize the high reactivity of radicals for catalysing chemically challenging reactions. These proteins contain or form a radical and therefore named 'radical enzymes'. Radicals are introduced by enzymes themselves or by (re)activating proteins called (re)activases. The X-ray structures of radical enzymes and their (re)activases revealed some structural features of these molecular apparatuses which solved common enigmas of radical enzymes—i.e. how the enzymes form or introduce radicals at the active sites, how they use the high reactivity of radicals for catalysis, how they suppress undesired side reactions of highly reactive radicals and how they are (re)activated when inactivated by extinction of radicals. This review highlights molecular architectures of radical B12 enzymes, radical SAM enzymes, tyrosyl radical enzymes, glycyl radical enzymes and their (re)activating proteins that support their functions. For generalization, comparisons of the recently reported structures of radical enzymes with those of canonical radical enzymes are summarized here. © The Authors 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Japanese Biochemical Society. All rights reserved.

  6. Radical-Mediated Enzymatic Carbon Chain Fragmentation-Recombination

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Qi; Li, Yuxue; Chen, Dandan; Yu, Yi; Duan, Lian; Shen, Ben; Liu, Wen


    The radical S-adenosylmethionine (S-AdoMet) superfamily contains thousands of proteins that catalyze highly diverse conversions, most of which are poorly understood due to a lack of information regarding chemical products and radical-dependent transformations. We here report that NosL, involved in forming the indole side ring of the thiopeptide nosiheptide (NOS), is a radical S-AdoMet 3-methyl-2-indolic acid (MIA) synthase. NosL catalyzed an unprecedented carbon chain reconstitution of L-Trp to give MIA, showing removal of the Cα-N unit and shift of the carboxylate to the indole ring. Dissection of the enzymatic process upon the identification of products and a putative glycyl intermediate uncovered a radical-mediated, unusual fragmentation-recombination reaction. This finding unveiled a key step in radical S-AdoMet enzyme-catalyzed structural rearrangements during complex biotransformations. Additionally, NosL tolerated fluorinated L-Trps as the substrates, allowing for production of a regiospecifically halogenated thiopeptide that has not been found in over 80 entity-containing, naturally occurring thiopeptide family. PMID:21240261

  7. New tricks for the glycyl radical enzyme family

    PubMed Central

    Backman, Lindsey R.F.; Funk, Michael A.; Dawson, Christopher D.; Drennan, Catherine. L.


    Glycyl radical enzymes (GREs) are important biological catalysts in both strict and facultative anaerobes, playing key roles both in the human microbiota and in the environment. GREs contain a backbone glycyl radical that is post-translationally installed, enabling radical-based mechanisms. GREs function in several metabolic pathways including mixed acid fermentation, ribonucleotide reduction, and the anaerobic breakdown of the nutrient choline and the pollutant toluene. By generating a substrate-based radical species within the active site, GREs enable C-C, C-O, and C-N bond breaking and formation steps that are otherwise challenging for non-radical enzymes. Identification of previously unknown family members from genomic data and the determination of structures of well-characterized GREs have expanded the scope of GRE-catalyzed reactions as well as defined key features that enable radical catalysis. Here we review the structures and mechanisms of characterized GREs, classifying members into five categories. We consider the open questions about each of the five GRE classes and evaluate the tools available to interrogate uncharacterized GREs. PMID:28901199


    PubMed Central

    Schafer, Freya Q.; Yue Qian, Steven; Buettner, Garry R.


    Brain tissue being rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, is very susceptible to lipid peroxidation. Iron is well known to be an important initiator of free radical oxidations. We propose that the principal route to iron-mediated lipid peroxidations is via iron-oxygen complexes rather than the reaction of iron with hydrogen peroxide, the Fenton reaction. To test this hypothesis, we enriched leukemia cells (K-562 and L1210 cells) with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as a model for brain tissue, increasing the amount of DHA from approximately 3 mole % to 32 mole %. These cells were then subjected to ferrous iron and dioxygen to initiate lipid peroxidation in the presence or absence of hydrogen peroxide. Lipid-derived radicals were detected using EPR spin trapping with α-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-t-butylnitrone (POBN). As expected, lipid-derived radical formation increases with increasing cellular lipid unsaturation. Experiments with Desferal demonstrate that iron is required for the formation of lipid radicals from these cells. Addition of iron to DHA-enriched L1210 cells resulted in significant amounts of radical formation; radical formation increased with increasing amount of iron. However, the exposure of cells to hydrogen peroxide before the addition of ferrous iron did not increase cellular radical formation, but actually decreased spin adduct formation. These data suggest that iron-oxygen complexes are the primary route to the initiation of biological free radical oxidations. This model proposes a mechanism to explain how catalytic iron in brain tissue can be so destructive. PMID:10872752

  9. Free radical scavenging injectable hydrogels for regenerative therapy.


    Komeri, Remya; Thankam, Finosh Gnanaprakasam; Muthu, Jayabalan


    Pathological free radicals generated from inflamed and infarcted cardiac tissues interferes natural tissue repair mechanisms. Hypoxic microenvironment at the injured zone of non-regenerating cardiac tissues hinders the therapeutic attempts including cell therapy. Here we report an injectable, cytocompatible, free radical scavenging synthetic hydrogel formulation for regenerative therapy. New hydrogel (PEAX-P) is prepared with D-xylitol-co-fumarate-co-poly ethylene adipate-co-PEG comaromer (PEAX) and PEGDiacrylate. PEAX-P hydrogel swells 4.9 times the initial weight and retains 100.07kPa Young modulus at equilibrium swelling, which is suitable for cardiac applications. PEAX-P hydrogel retains elastic nature even at 60% compressive strain, which is favorable to fit with the dynamic and elastic natural tissue counterparts. PEAX-P hydrogel scavenges 51% DPPH radical, 40% hydroxyl radicals 41% nitrate radicals with 31% reducing power. The presence of hydrogel protects 62% cardiomyoblast cells treated with stress inducing media at LD 50 concentration. The free hydroxyl groups in sugar alcohols of the comacromer influence the free radical scavenging. Comparatively, PEAX-P hydrogel based on xylitol evinces slightly lower scavenging characteristics than with previously reported PEAM-P hydrogel containing mannitol having more hydroxyl groups. The possible free radical scavenging mechanism of the present hydrogel relies on the free π electrons associated with uncrosslinked fumarate bonds, hydrogen atoms associated with sugar alcohols/PEG and radical dilution by free water in the matrix. Briefly, the present PEAX-P hydrogel is a potential injectable system for combined antioxidant and regenerative therapy. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Complex Biotransformations Catalyzed by Radical S-Adenosylmethionine Enzymes*

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Qi; Liu, Wen


    The radical S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) superfamily currently comprises thousands of proteins that participate in numerous biochemical processes across all kingdoms of life. These proteins share a common mechanism to generate a powerful 5′-deoxyadenosyl radical, which initiates a highly diverse array of biotransformations. Recent studies are beginning to reveal the role of radical AdoMet proteins in the catalysis of highly complex and chemically unusual transformations, e.g. the ThiC-catalyzed complex rearrangement reaction. The unique features and intriguing chemistries of these proteins thus demonstrate the remarkable versatility and sophistication of radical enzymology. PMID:21771780

  11. Even free radicals should follow some rules: a guide to free radical research terminology and methodology.


    Forman, Henry Jay; Augusto, Ohara; Brigelius-Flohe, Regina; Dennery, Phyllis A; Kalyanaraman, Balaraman; Ischiropoulos, Harry; Mann, Giovanni E; Radi, Rafael; Roberts, L Jackson; Vina, Jose; Davies, Kelvin J A


    Free radicals and oxidants are now implicated in physiological responses and in several diseases. Given the wide range of expertise of free radical researchers, application of the greater understanding of chemistry has not been uniformly applied to biological studies. We suggest that some widely used methodologies and terminologies hamper progress and need to be addressed. We make the case for abandonment and judicious use of several methods and terms and suggest practical and viable alternatives. These changes are suggested in four areas: use of fluorescent dyes to identify and quantify reactive species, methods for measurement of lipid peroxidation in complex biological systems, claims of antioxidants as radical scavengers, and use of the terms for reactive species. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Standard electrode potentials involving radicals in aqueous solution: inorganic radicals (IUPAC Technical Report)


    Armstrong, David A.; Huie, Robert E.; Koppenol, Willem H.; ...


    We made recommendations for standard potentials involving select inorganic radicals in aqueous solution at 25 °C. These recommendations are based on a critical and thorough literature review and also by performing derivations from various literature reports. We also summarized the data in tables of standard potentials, Gibbs energies of formation, radical pKa’s, and hemicolligation equilibrium constants. In all cases, current best estimates of the uncertainties are provided. An extensive set of Data Sheets is appended that provide original literature references, summarize the experimental results, and describe the decisions and procedures leading to each of the recommendations.

  13. Glycyl radical activating enzymes: Structure, mechanism, and substrate interactions☆

    PubMed Central

    Shisler, Krista A.; Broderick, Joan B.


    The glycyl radical enzyme activating enzymes (GRE–AEs) are a group of enzymes that belong to the radical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) superfamily and utilize a [4Fe–4S] cluster and SAM to catalyze H-atom abstraction from their substrate proteins. GRE–AEs activate homodimeric proteins known as glycyl radical enzymes (GREs) through the production of a glycyl radical. After activation, these GREs catalyze diverse reactions through the production of their own substrate radicals. The GRE–AE pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme (PFL-AE) is extensively characterized and has provided insights into the active site structure of radical SAM enzymes including GRE–AEs, illustrating the nature of the interactions with their corresponding substrate GREs and external electron donors. This review will highlight research on PFL-AE and will also discuss a few GREs and their respective activating enzymes. PMID:24486374

  14. Radicals are required for thiol etching of gold particles

    PubMed Central

    Dreier, Timothy A.


    Etching of gold with excess thiol ligand is used in both synthesis and analysis of gold particles. Mechanistically, the process of etching gold with excess thiol is opaque. Previous studies have obliquely considered the role of oxygen in thiolate etching of gold. Herein, we show that oxygen or a radical initator is a necessary component for efficient etching of gold by thiolates. Attenuation of the etching process by radical scavengers in the presence of oxygen, and the restoration of activity by radical initiators under inert atmosphere, strongly implicate the oxygen radical. These data led us to propose an atomistic mechanism in which the oxygen radical initiates the etching process. PMID:26089294

  15. Free radicals in tetanic activity of isolated skeletal muscle.


    Koren, A; Sauber, C; Sentjurc, M; Schara, M


    1. The concentration of the free radicals in muscle tissue mitochondria changes with the phase of muscle contraction. 2. Potassium cyanide (KCN) influences the shape of the isotonic tetani mechanograms; the contraction is still strong and qualitatively comparable in amplitude to untreated controls. 3. On the other hand, the correlation between the free radical concentration and muscle contraction is lost. 4. The free radical concentration in isolated mitochondria is influenced by KCN and potassium ferricyanide. 5. The free radical concentration changes due to the electron flow in the respiratory chain. 6. Inhibition of the respiratory phosphorylation by KCN could affect the free radical level.

  16. Radical scavenging propensity of Cu2 +, Fe3 + complexes of flavonoids and in-vivo radical scavenging by Fe3 +-primuletin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jabeen, Erum; Janjua, Naveed Kausar; Ahmed, Safeer; Murtaza, Iram; Ali, Tahir; Hameed, Shahid


    Cu2 + and Fe3 + complexes of three flavonoids (morin or mo, quercetin or quer and primuletin or prim) were synthesized with the objective of improving antioxidant capacities of flavonoids. The radical scavenging activities of pure flavonoids and their metal complexes were assayed to monitor their tendencies towards sequestering of radicals at physiological conditions. The scavenger potencies of metal-flavonoid complexes were significantly higher than those of the parent flavonoids. Further, influence of the solvent polarity on the radical capturing by flavonoids and their metal complexes was in favor for the polar solvent. Fe3 +-prim displayed its radical scavenging ability via up gradation of CAT and SOD activities in in-vivo antioxidant assays.

  17. Elucidating the Charge Transfer Mechanism in Radical Polymer Thin Films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mukherjee, Sanjoy; Boudouris, Bryan

    The active role of polymers in organic electronics has attracted significant attention in recent decades. Beyond conventional conjugated polymers, recently radical polymers have received a great deal of consideration by the community. Radical polymers are redox-active macromolecules with non-conjugated backbones functionalized with persistent radical sites. Because of their nascent nature, many open questions regarding the physics of their solid-state charge transfer mechanism still exist. In order to address these questions, well-defined radical polymers were synthesized and blended in a manner such that there was tight control over the radical density within the conducting thin films. We demonstrate that the systematic manipulation of the radical-to-radical spacing in open-shell macromolecules leads to exponential changes in the macroscopic electrical conductivity, and temperature-independent charge transport behaviour. Thus, a clear picture emerges that charge transfer in radical polymers is dictated by a tunnelling mechanism between proximal sites. This behavior is consistent with a distinct mechanism similar to redox reactions in biological media, but is unique relative to transport in common conjugated polymers. These results constitute the first experimental insight into the mechanism of solid-state electrical conduction in radical polymers.


    PubMed Central

    McCrimmon, Kevin


    In this paper we define a Jacobson radical for Jordan algebras analogous to that for associative algebras and show that it enjoys many of the properties of the associative radical. We then relate the corresponding notion of “semisimplicity” to the previously defined notion of “nondegeneracy” (Jacobson, N., these Proceedings, 55, 243-251 (1966)). PMID:16591736

  19. Modeling Radicalization Phenomena in Heterogeneous Populations.


    Galam, Serge; Javarone, Marco Alberto


    The phenomenon of radicalization is investigated within a mixed population composed of core and sensitive subpopulations. The latest includes first to third generation immigrants. Respective ways of life may be partially incompatible. In case of a conflict core agents behave as inflexible about the issue. In contrast, sensitive agents can decide either to live peacefully adjusting their way of life to the core one, or to oppose it with eventually joining violent activities. The interplay dynamics between peaceful and opponent sensitive agents is driven by pairwise interactions. These interactions occur both within the sensitive population and by mixing with core agents. The update process is monitored using a Lotka-Volterra-like Ordinary Differential Equation. Given an initial tiny minority of opponents that coexist with both inflexible and peaceful agents, we investigate implications on the emergence of radicalization. Opponents try to turn peaceful agents to opponents driving radicalization. However, inflexible core agents may step in to bring back opponents to a peaceful choice thus weakening the phenomenon. The required minimum individual core involvement to actually curb radicalization is calculated. It is found to be a function of both the majority or minority status of the sensitive subpopulation with respect to the core subpopulation and the degree of activeness of opponents. The results highlight the instrumental role core agents can have to hinder radicalization within the sensitive subpopulation. Some hints are outlined to favor novel public policies towards social integration.

  20. Modeling Radicalization Phenomena in Heterogeneous Populations

    PubMed Central


    The phenomenon of radicalization is investigated within a mixed population composed of core and sensitive subpopulations. The latest includes first to third generation immigrants. Respective ways of life may be partially incompatible. In case of a conflict core agents behave as inflexible about the issue. In contrast, sensitive agents can decide either to live peacefully adjusting their way of life to the core one, or to oppose it with eventually joining violent activities. The interplay dynamics between peaceful and opponent sensitive agents is driven by pairwise interactions. These interactions occur both within the sensitive population and by mixing with core agents. The update process is monitored using a Lotka-Volterra-like Ordinary Differential Equation. Given an initial tiny minority of opponents that coexist with both inflexible and peaceful agents, we investigate implications on the emergence of radicalization. Opponents try to turn peaceful agents to opponents driving radicalization. However, inflexible core agents may step in to bring back opponents to a peaceful choice thus weakening the phenomenon. The required minimum individual core involvement to actually curb radicalization is calculated. It is found to be a function of both the majority or minority status of the sensitive subpopulation with respect to the core subpopulation and the degree of activeness of opponents. The results highlight the instrumental role core agents can have to hinder radicalization within the sensitive subpopulation. Some hints are outlined to favor novel public policies towards social integration. PMID:27166677

  1. Glycyl radical activating enzymes: structure, mechanism, and substrate interactions.


    Shisler, Krista A; Broderick, Joan B


    The glycyl radical enzyme activating enzymes (GRE-AEs) are a group of enzymes that belong to the radical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) superfamily and utilize a [4Fe-4S] cluster and SAM to catalyze H-atom abstraction from their substrate proteins. GRE-AEs activate homodimeric proteins known as glycyl radical enzymes (GREs) through the production of a glycyl radical. After activation, these GREs catalyze diverse reactions through the production of their own substrate radicals. The GRE-AE pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme (PFL-AE) is extensively characterized and has provided insights into the active site structure of radical SAM enzymes including GRE-AEs, illustrating the nature of the interactions with their corresponding substrate GREs and external electron donors. This review will highlight research on PFL-AE and will also discuss a few GREs and their respective activating enzymes. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. Photoisomerization and photodissociation dynamics of reactive free radicals

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bise, Ryan T.


    The photofragmentation pathways of chemically reactive free radicals have been examined using the technique of fast beam photofragment translational spectroscopy. Measurements of the photodissociation cross-sections, product branching ratios, product state energy distributions, and angular distributions provide insight into the excited state potential energy surfaces and nonadiabatic processes involved in the dissociation mechanisms. Photodissociation spectroscopy and dynamics of the predissociativemore » $$\\tilde{A}$$ 2A 1 and $$\\tilde{B}$$ 2A 2 states of CH 3S have been investigated. At all photon energies, CH 3 + S( 3P j), was the main reaction channel. The translational energy distributions reveal resolved structure corresponding to vibrational excitation of the CH 3 umbrella mode and the S( 3P j) fine-structure distribution from which the nature of the coupled repulsive surfaces is inferred. Dissociation rates are deduced from the photofragment angular distributions, which depend intimately on the degree of vibrational excitation in the C-S stretch. Nitrogen combustion radicals, NCN, CNN and HNCN have also been studied. For all three radicals, the elimination of molecular nitrogen is the primary reaction channel. Excitation to linear excited triplet and singlet electronic states of the NCN radical generates resolved vibrational structure of the N 2 photofragment. The relatively low fragment rotational excitation suggests dissociation via a symmetric C 2V transition state. Resolved vibrational structure of the N 2 photofragment is also observed in the photodissociation of the HNCN radical. The fragment vibrational and rotational distributions broaden with increased excitation energy. Simple dissociation models suggest that the HNCN radical isomerizes to a cyclic intermediate (c-HCNN) which then dissociates via a tight cyclic transition state. In contrast to the radicals mentioned above, resolved vibrational structure was not observed for the ICNN radical

  3. Total free radical species and oxidation equivalent in polluted air.


    Wang, Guoying; Jia, Shiming; Niu, Xiuli; Tian, Haoqi; Liu, Yanrong; Chen, Xuefu; Li, Lan; Zhang, Yuanhang; Shi, Gaofeng


    Free radicals are the most important chemical intermediate or agent of the atmosphere and influenced by thousands of reactants. The free radicals determine the oxidizing power of the polluted air. Various gases present in smog or haze are oxidants and induce organ and cellular damage via generation of free radical species. At present, however, the high variability of total free radicals in polluted air has prevented the detection of possible trends or distributions in the concentration of those species. The total free radicals are a kind of contaminants with colorless, tasteless characteristics, and almost imperceptible by human body. Here we present total free radical detection and distribution characteristics, and analyze the effects of total free radicals in polluted air on human health. We find that the total free radical values can be described by not only a linear dependence on ozone at higher temperature period, but also a linear delay dependence on particulate matter at lower temperature period throughout the measurement period. The total free radical species distribution is decrease from west to east in Lanzhou, which closely related to the distribution of the air pollutants. The total free radical oxidation capacity in polluted air roughly matches the effects of tobacco smoke produced by the incomplete combustion of a controlled amount of tobacco in a smoke chamber. A relatively unsophisticated chromatographic fingerprint similarity is used for indicating preliminarily the effect of total free radicals in polluted air on human health. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Reactions of inorganic free radicals with liver protecting drugs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    György, I.; Blázovics, A.; Fehér, J.; Földiák, G.

    Liver protecting drugs, silibinin, a flavonolignane, and the dihydroquinoline derivates, CH 402 and MTDQ-DA, were shown to inhibit processes in which enzymatically or non-enzymatically generated free radicals were involved. Inorganic free radicals (N 3, (SCN) -2, OH, Trp, CO -2, O -2) produced by pulse radiolysis readily react with the compounds, which transform into exceptionally long-lived, unreactive transients. Time evolution of the UV and visible spectra indicate that oxidising radicals form a phenoxyl type radical from silibinin, while OH forms an adduct by attacking, simultaneously, at various sites of the molecule. Superoxide radicals reduce silibinin and oxidise CH 402 and MTDQ-DA. It is concluded that the drugs might exhibit antioxidant behavior in living systems.

  5. Repair Activity of trans-Resveratrol toward 2'-Deoxyguanosine Radicals.


    Cheng, Xing; An, Ping; Li, Shujin; Zhou, Liping


    In the present study, the repair activity of trans-resveratrol toward 2'-deoxyguanosine (dGuo) radicals in polar and nonpolar solvents was studied using density functional theory. The hydrogen transfer/proton coupled electron transfer and single electron transfer (SET) mechanisms between trans-resveratrol and dGuo-radicals were considered. Taking into consideration the molar fraction of neutral trans-resveratrol (ROH) and anionic trans-resveratrol (RO - ), the overall rate constants for repairing dGuo-radicals by trans-resveratrol are 9.94 × 10 8 and 2.01 × 10 9 dm 3 mol -1 s -1 in polar and nonpolar solvents, respectively, and the overall rate constant of repairing cation radical (dGuo •+ ) by trans-resveratrol via an SET mechanism is 7.17 × 10 9 dm 3 mol -1 s -1 . The repair activity of RO - toward dGuo-radicals is better than that of ROH, but the repair activity of ROH toward dGuo •+ is better than that of RO - . Unfortunately, neither ROH nor RO - can repair the 2'-deoxyribose radicals of dGuo. It can therefore be concluded that trans-resveratrol is an effective antioxidant for repairing base radicals of dGuo and dGuo •+ . The study can help us understand the repair activity of trans-resveratrol toward dGuo radicals.

  6. Hybrid radical energy storage device and method of making


    Gennett, Thomas; Ginley, David S.; Braunecker, Wade; Ban, Chunmei; Owczarczyk, Zbyslaw


    Hybrid radical energy storage devices, such as batteries or electrochemical devices, and methods of use and making are disclosed. Also described herein are electrodes and electrolytes useful in energy storage devices, for example, radical polymer cathode materials and electrolytes for use in organic radical batteries.

  7. Hybrid radical energy storage device and method of making


    Gennett, Thomas; Ginley, David S; Braunecker, Wade; Ban, Chunmei; Owczarczyk, Zbyslaw


    Hybrid radical energy storage devices, such as batteries or electrochemical devices, and methods of use and making are disclosed. Also described herein are electrodes and electrolytes useful in energy storage devices, for example, radical polymer cathode materials and electrolytes for use in organic radical batteries.

  8. Reduction of protein radicals by GSH and ascorbate: potential biological significance.


    Gebicki, Janusz M; Nauser, Thomas; Domazou, Anastasia; Steinmann, Daniel; Bounds, Patricia L; Koppenol, Willem H


    The oxidation of proteins and other macromolecules by radical species under conditions of oxidative stress can be modulated by antioxidant compounds. Decreased levels of the antioxidants glutathione and ascorbate have been documented in oxidative stress-related diseases. A radical generated on the surface of a protein can: (1) be immediately and fully repaired by direct reaction with an antioxidant; (2) react with dioxygen to form the corresponding peroxyl radical; or (3) undergo intramolecular long range electron transfer to relocate the free electron to another amino acid residue. In pulse radiolysis studies, in vitro production of the initial radical on a protein is conveniently made at a tryptophan residue, and electron transfer often leads ultimately to residence of the unpaired electron on a tyrosine residue. We review here the kinetics data for reactions of the antioxidants glutathione, selenocysteine, and ascorbate with tryptophanyl and tyrosyl radicals as free amino acids in model compounds and proteins. Glutathione repairs a tryptophanyl radical in lysozyme with a rate constant of (1.05±0.05)×10(5) M(-1) s(-1), while ascorbate repairs tryptophanyl and tyrosyl radicals ca. 3 orders of magnitude faster. The in vitro reaction of glutathione with these radicals is too slow to prevent formation of peroxyl radicals, which become reduced by glutathione to hydroperoxides; the resulting glutathione thiyl radical is capable of further radical generation by hydrogen abstraction. Although physiologically not significant, selenoglutathione reduces tyrosyl radicals as fast as ascorbate. The reaction of protein radicals formed on insulin, β-lactoglobulin, pepsin, chymotrypsin and bovine serum albumin with ascorbate is relatively rapid, competes with the reaction with dioxygen, and the relatively innocuous ascorbyl radical is formed. On the basis of these kinetics data, we suggest that reductive repair of protein radicals may contribute to the well

  9. Vigilando la Calidad del Agua de los Grandes Rios de la Nacion: El Programa NASQAN del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte)

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Lurry, Dee L.; Reutter, David C.; Wells, Frank C.; Rivera, M.C.; Munoz, A.


    La Oficina del Estudio Geologico de los Estados Unidos (U.S. Geological Survey, 0 USGS) ha monitoreado la calidad del agua de la cuenca del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) desde 1995 como parte de la rediseiiada Red Nacional para Contabilizar la Calidad del Agua de los Rios (National Stream Quality Accounting Network, o NASOAN) (Hooper and others, 1997). EI programa NASOAN fue diseiiado para caracterizar las concentraciones y el transporte de sedimento y constituyentes quimicos seleccionados, encontrados en los grandes rios de los Estados Unidos - incluyendo el Misisipi, el Colorado y el Columbia, ademas del Rio Grande. En estas cuatro cuencas, el USGS opera actualmente (1998) una red de 40 puntos de muestreo pertenecientes a NASOAN, con un enfasis en cuantificar el flujo en masa (la cantidad de material que pasa por la estacion, expresado en toneladas por dial para cada constituyente. Aplicacando un enfoque consistente, basado en la cuantificacion de flujos en la cuenca del Rio Grande, el programa NASOAN esta generando la informacion necesaria para identificar fuentes regionales de diversos contaminantes, incluyendo sustancias qui micas agricolas y trazas elementos en la cuenca. EI efecto de las grandes reservas en el Rio Grande se puede observar segun los flujos de constituyentes discurren a 10 largo del rio. EI analisis de los flujos de constituyentes a escala de la cuenca proveera los medios para evaluar la influencia de la actividad humana sobre las condiciones de calidad del agua del Rio Grande.

  10. Carnivorous pitcher plant uses free radicals in the digestion of prey.


    Chia, Tet Fatt; Aung, Hnin Hnin; Osipov, Anatoly N; Goh, Ngoh Khang; Chia, Lian Sai


    A study of the involvement of free oxygen radicals in trapping and digestion of insects by carnivorous plants was the main goal of the present investigation. We showed that the generation of oxygen free radicals by pitcher fluid of Nepenthes is the first step of the digestion process, as seen by EPR spin trapping assay and gel-electrophoresis. The EPR spectrum of N. gracilis fluid in the presence of DMPO spin trap showed the superposition of the hydroxyl radical spin adduct signal and of the ascorbyl radical signal. Catalase addition decreased the generation of hydroxyl radicals showing that hydroxyl radicals are generated from hydrogen peroxide, which can be derived from superoxide radicals. Gel-electrophoresis data showed that myosin, an abundant protein component of insects, can be rapidly broken down by free radicals and protease inhibitors do not inhibit this process. Addition of myoglobin to the pitcher plant fluid decreased the concentration of detectable radicals. Based on these observations, we conclude that oxygen free radicals produced by the pitcher plant aid in the digestion of the insect prey.

  11. Multiple free-radical scavenging (MULTIS) capacity in cattle serum.


    Sueishi, Yoshimi; Kamogawa, Erisa; Kimura, Anna; Kitahara, Go; Satoh, Hiroyuki; Asanuma, Taketoshi; Oowada, Shigeru


    Multiple free-radical scavenging (MULTIS) activity in cattle and human sera was evaluated with electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Scavenging rates against six active species, namely hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion, alkoxyl radical, alkylperoxyl radical, methyl radical, and singlet oxygen were quantified. The difference in the electron spin resonance signal intensity in the presence and absence of the serum was converted into the scavenging rates. Comparative MULTIS measurements were made in sera from eight beef cattle, three fetal calves and fifteen healthy human volunteers. Further, we determined the MULTIS value of albumin, the most abundant component in serum. MULTIS values in cattle sera indicated higher scavenging activity against most free radical species tested than human sera. In particular, cattle serum scavenging activities against superoxide and methyl radical were higher than human serum by 2.6 and 3.7 fold, respectively. In cattle serum, albumin appears to play a dominant role in MULTIS activity, but in human serum that is not the case. Previous data indicated that the abundance of uric acid in bovine blood is nearly 80% less than humans; however, this difference does not explain the deviation in MULTIS profile.

  12. Current Status of Robot-Assisted Radical Cystectomy: What is the Real Benefit?


    Takenaka, Atsushi


    In recent years, robot-assisted radical cystectomy has received attention worldwide as a useful procedure that helps to overcome the limitations of open radical cystectomy. We compared the surgical technique, perioperative and oncological outcomes, and learning curve of robot-assisted radical cystectomy with those of open radical cystectomy. The indications for robot-assisted radical cystectomy are identical to those of open radical cystectomy. Relative contraindications are due to patient positioning in the Trendelenburg position for long periods. Urinary diversion is performed either extracorporeally with a small skin incision or intracorporeally with a totally robotic-assisted maneuver. Accordingly, robot-assisted radical cystectomy can be performed safely with an acceptable operative time, little blood loss, and low transfusion rates. The lymph node yield and positive surgical margin rate were not significantly different between robot-assisted radical cystectomy and open radical cystectomy. The survival rates after robot-assisted radical cystectomy are estimated to be similar to that after open radical cystectomy. However, the recurrence pattern is different between robot-assisted radical cystectomy and open radical cystectomy, i.e., extrapelvic lymph node recurrence and peritoneal carcinomatosis were more frequently found in patients who underwent robot-assisted radical cystectomy than in those who underwent open radical cystectomy. Further validation is necessary to prove the feasibility of oncological control. A steep learning curve is one of the benefits of the new technique. The experience of only 50 robot-assisted radical prostatectomies is a minimum requirement for performing feasible robot-assisted radical cystectomy, and surgeons who have performed only 30 surgeries can reach an acceptable level of quality for robot-assisted radical cystectomy.

  13. Aerosol Fragmentation Driven by Coupling of Acid-Base and Free-Radical Chemistry in the Heterogeneous Oxidation of Aqueous Citric Acid by OH Radicals.


    Liu, Matthew J; Wiegel, Aaron A; Wilson, Kevin R; Houle, Frances A


    A key uncertainty in the heterogeneous oxidation of carboxylic acids by hydroxyl radicals (OH) in aqueous-phase aerosol is how the free-radical reaction pathways might be altered by acid-base chemistry. In particular, if acid-base reactions occur concurrently with acyloxy radical formation and unimolecular decomposition of alkoxy radicals, there is a possibility that differences in reaction pathways impact the partitioning of organic carbon between the gas and aqueous phases. To examine these questions, a kinetic model is developed for the OH-initiated oxidation of citric acid aerosol at high relative humidity. The reaction scheme, containing both free-radical and acid-base elementary reaction steps with physically validated rate coefficients, accurately predicts the experimentally observed molecular composition, particle size, and average elemental composition of the aerosol upon oxidation. The difference between the two reaction channels centers on the reactivity of carboxylic acid groups. Free-radical reactions mainly add functional groups to the carbon skeleton of neutral citric acid, because carboxylic acid moieties deactivate the unimolecular fragmentation of alkoxy radicals. In contrast, the conjugate carboxylate groups originating from acid-base equilibria activate both acyloxy radical formation and carbon-carbon bond scission of alkoxy radicals, leading to the formation of low molecular weight, highly oxidized products such as oxalic and mesoxalic acid. Subsequent hydration of carbonyl groups in the oxidized products increases the aerosol hygroscopicity and accelerates the substantial water uptake and volume growth that accompany oxidation. These results frame the oxidative lifecycle of atmospheric aerosol: it is governed by feedbacks between reactions that first increase the particle oxidation state, then eventually promote water uptake and acid-base chemistry. When coupled to free-radical reactions, acid-base channels lead to formation of low molecular

  14. Aerosol Fragmentation Driven by Coupling of Acid–Base and Free-Radical Chemistry in the Heterogeneous Oxidation of Aqueous Citric Acid by OH Radicals


    Liu, Matthew J.; Wiegel, Aaron A.; Wilson, Kevin R.; ...


    A key uncertainty in the heterogeneous oxidation of carboxylic acids by hydroxyl radicals (OH) in aqueous-phase aerosol is how the free-radical reaction pathways might be altered by acid-base chemistry. In particular, if acid-base reactions occur concurrently with acyloxy radical formation and unimolecular decomposition of alkoxy radicals, there is a possibility that differences in reaction pathways impact the partitioning of organic carbon between the gas and aqueous phases. To examine these questions, a kinetic model is developed for the OH-initiated oxidation of citric acid aerosol at high relative humidity. The reaction scheme, containing both free-radical and acid-base elementary reaction steps withmore » physically validated rate coefficients, accurately predicts the experimentally observed molecular composition, particle size, and average elemental composition of the aerosol upon oxidation. The difference between the two reaction channels centers on the reactivity of carboxylic acid groups. Free-radical reactions mainly add functional groups to the carbon skeleton of neutral citric acid, because carboxylic acid moieties deactivate the unimolecular fragmentation of alkoxy radicals. In contrast, the conjugate carboxylate groups originating from acid-base equilibria activate both acyloxy radical formation and carbon-carbon bond scission of alkoxy radicals, leading to the formation of low molecular weight, highly oxidized products such as oxalic and mesoxalic acid. Subsequent hydration of carbonyl groups in the oxidized products increases the aerosol hygroscopicity and accelerates the substantial water uptake and volume growth that accompany oxidation. These results frame the oxidative lifecycle of atmospheric aerosol: it is governed by feedbacks between reactions that first increase the particle oxidation state, then eventually promote water uptake and acid-base chemistry. When coupled to free-radical reactions, acid-base channels lead to formation of low

  15. Aerosol Fragmentation Driven by Coupling of Acid–Base and Free-Radical Chemistry in the Heterogeneous Oxidation of Aqueous Citric Acid by OH Radicals

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Liu, Matthew J.; Wiegel, Aaron A.; Wilson, Kevin R.

    A key uncertainty in the heterogeneous oxidation of carboxylic acids by hydroxyl radicals (OH) in aqueous-phase aerosol is how the free-radical reaction pathways might be altered by acid-base chemistry. In particular, if acid-base reactions occur concurrently with acyloxy radical formation and unimolecular decomposition of alkoxy radicals, there is a possibility that differences in reaction pathways impact the partitioning of organic carbon between the gas and aqueous phases. To examine these questions, a kinetic model is developed for the OH-initiated oxidation of citric acid aerosol at high relative humidity. The reaction scheme, containing both free-radical and acid-base elementary reaction steps withmore » physically validated rate coefficients, accurately predicts the experimentally observed molecular composition, particle size, and average elemental composition of the aerosol upon oxidation. The difference between the two reaction channels centers on the reactivity of carboxylic acid groups. Free-radical reactions mainly add functional groups to the carbon skeleton of neutral citric acid, because carboxylic acid moieties deactivate the unimolecular fragmentation of alkoxy radicals. In contrast, the conjugate carboxylate groups originating from acid-base equilibria activate both acyloxy radical formation and carbon-carbon bond scission of alkoxy radicals, leading to the formation of low molecular weight, highly oxidized products such as oxalic and mesoxalic acid. Subsequent hydration of carbonyl groups in the oxidized products increases the aerosol hygroscopicity and accelerates the substantial water uptake and volume growth that accompany oxidation. These results frame the oxidative lifecycle of atmospheric aerosol: it is governed by feedbacks between reactions that first increase the particle oxidation state, then eventually promote water uptake and acid-base chemistry. When coupled to free-radical reactions, acid-base channels lead to formation of low

  16. Primary radical yields in pulse irradiated alkaline aqueous solution

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fielden, E. M.; Hart, E. J.


    Primary radical yields of hydrated electrons, H atoms, and OH radicals are determined by measuring hydrated electron formation following a 4 microsecond pulse of X rays. The pH dependence of free radical yields beyond pH 12 is determined by observation of the hydrated electrons.

  17. Mechanisms of free radical-induced damage to DNA.


    Dizdaroglu, Miral; Jaruga, Pawel


    Endogenous and exogenous sources cause free radical-induced DNA damage in living organisms by a variety of mechanisms. The highly reactive hydroxyl radical reacts with the heterocyclic DNA bases and the sugar moiety near or at diffusion-controlled rates. Hydrated electron and H atom also add to the heterocyclic bases. These reactions lead to adduct radicals, further reactions of which yield numerous products. These include DNA base and sugar products, single- and double-strand breaks, 8,5'-cyclopurine-2'-deoxynucleosides, tandem lesions, clustered sites and DNA-protein cross-links. Reaction conditions and the presence or absence of oxygen profoundly affect the types and yields of the products. There is mounting evidence for an important role of free radical-induced DNA damage in the etiology of numerous diseases including cancer. Further understanding of mechanisms of free radical-induced DNA damage, and cellular repair and biological consequences of DNA damage products will be of outmost importance for disease prevention and treatment.

  18. Highly reactive free radicals in electronic cigarette aerosols.


    Goel, Reema; Durand, Erwann; Trushin, Neil; Prokopczyk, Bogdan; Foulds, Jonathan; Elias, Ryan J; Richie, John P


    Electronic cigarette (EC) usage has increased exponentially, but limited data are available on its potential harmful effects. We tested for the presence of reactive, short-lived free radicals in EC aerosols by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) using the spin-trap phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone (PBN). Radicals were detected in aerosols from all ECs and eliquids tested (2.5 × 10(13) to 10.3 × 10(13) radicals per puff at 3.3 V) and from eliquid solvents propylene glycol and glycerol and from "dry puffing". These results demonstrate, for the first time, the production of highly oxidizing free radicals from ECs which may present a potential toxicological risk to EC users.

  19. OH Radical Reactions with Nitroimidazole and Nitrotriazole Derivatives

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gümüş, Selçuk


    The reactions between hydroxyl radical and 5-nitro-1H-imidazole (A), 2-nitro-1H-imidazole (B), and 3-nitro-4H-1,2,4-triazole (C) were theoretically investigated using B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. The OH radical additions to double bonds were explored in bulk solvent (water). The data presented show that the barriers to reaction were very low, 3-7 kcal/mol, indicating fast reactions. Thermodynamically, OH addition to position 2 of structure A leads to the most stable radical product. The main geometrical parameters are reported for reactants, transition states, and radical products together with some energetic data of the nitro-imidazolone-type final compounds.

  20. Hearing Status after Radical Mastoidectomy without Tympanoplasty.


    Khan, Shamaila Nawaz; Udaipurwala, Iqbal Hussain; Mehmood, Talat; Rahat, Zahid Mehmood


    To find out the impairment of hearing associated with radical mastoidectomy by measuring the quantitative difference in the functional hearing level before and after radical mastoidectomy operation without tympanoplasty. Cross-sectional comparative study. Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur and PNS Shifa Hospital, Karachi, from November 2009 to January 2013. Eighty-five patients, diagnosed clinically as chronic suppurative otitis media with extensive cholesteatoma having history of ear discharge and hearing impairment for more than 6 weeks duration and requiring radical mastoidectomy for treatment, were included in this study. Pure tone audiogram was done before and after radical mastoidectomy. Hearing impairment was compared in each patient before and after the operation. Among the 85 patients, 54 (63.5%) were males and 31 (36.5%) were females, with the age ranged between 18 to 63 years, mean age being 42.31 4.8 years. The mean increase in hearing loss after radical mastoidectomy in air conduction was 7.19 dB, bone conduction was 4.16 dB, and air-bone gap was 3.75 dB (0.001). The ear became dry and safe in 82 patients (96.5%) out of a total of 85, and only 3 patients required revision surgery at a second stage. Radical mastoidectomy has a least negligible effect on hearing status and one should not limit this technique due to the concern of aggravated hearing in patients with extensive cholesteatoma at the cost of dry and safe ears, which should be of prime importance.

  1. Preparation of optically active bicyclodihydrosiloles by a radical cascade reaction

    PubMed Central

    Miyazaki, Koichiro; Yamane, Yu; Yo, Ryuichiro; Uno, Hidemitsu


    Summary Bicyclodihydrosiloles were readily prepared from optically active enyne compounds by a radical cascade reaction triggered by tris(trimethylsilyl)silane ((Me3Si)3SiH). The reaction was initiated by the addition of a silyl radical to an α,β-unsaturated ester, forming an α-carbonyl radical that underwent radical cyclization to a terminal alkyne unit. The resulting vinyl radical attacked the silicon atom in an SHi manner to give dihydrosilole. The reaction preferentially formed trans isomers of bicyclosiloles with an approximately 7:3 to 9:1 selectivity. PMID:23946827

  2. Enolization of acetone in superheated water detected via radical formation.


    Ghandi, Khashayar; Addison-Jones, Brenda; Brodovitch, Jean-Claude; McCollum, Brett M; McKenzie, Iain; Percival, Paul W


    Muoniated free radicals have been detected in muon-irradiated aqueous solutions of acetone at high temperatures and pressures. At temperatures below 250 degrees C, the radical product is consistent with muonium addition to the keto form of acetone. However, at higher temperatures, a different radical was detected, which is attributed to muonium addition to the enol form. Muon hyperfine coupling constants have been determined for both radicals over a wide range of temperatures, significantly extending the range of conditions under which these radicals and the keto-enol equilibrium have been studied.

  3. Radicals Are Required for Thiol Etching of Gold Particles.


    Dreier, Timothy A; Ackerson, Christopher J


    Etching of gold with an excess of thiol ligand is used in both synthesis and analysis of gold particles. Mechanistically, the process of etching gold with excess thiol is unclear. Previous studies have obliquely considered the role of oxygen in thiolate etching of gold. Herein, we show that oxygen or a radical initiator is a necessary component for efficient etching of gold by thiolates. Attenuation of the etching process by radical scavengers in the presence of oxygen, and the restoration of activity by radical initiators under inert atmosphere, strongly implicate the oxygen radical. These data led us to propose an atomistic mechanism in which the oxygen radical initiates the etching process. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Aluminum stress increases carbon-centered radicals in soybean roots.


    Abo, Mitsuru; Yonehara, Hiroki; Yoshimura, Etsuro


    The formation of radical species was examined in roots of soybean seedlings exposed to aluminum (Al). Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of root homogenates with the spin-trapping reagent 5-diethoxyphosphoryl-5-methyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DEPMPO) indicated the presence of carbon-centered radicals in plants not exposed to Al. Plants exposed to 50 microM Al showed a similar spectrum, with increased signal intensity. These radicals were likely produced through a H-atom abstraction reaction by hydroxyl (*OH) radicals, the synthesis of which was initiated by the formation of superoxide (O2*-) anions. The increased production of the carbon-centered radicals may be responsible for the lipid peroxidation in Al-treated roots. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  5. Robot assisted radical prostatectomy: current concepts.


    Sairam, K; Dasgupta, P


    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has evolved from being a reluctantly accepted novelty to the most widely adopted procedure. It reached a high popularity even before randomized trials could be carried out. Open cholecystectomy was at one time considered the ''gold standard'', only to be replaced by laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Today the same is happening with radical prostatectomy. Open radical prostatectomy (ORP) was the reference standard. Afterwards, came laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP), which matched ORP in terms of the trifecta of oncological, continence and sexual function outcomes. Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) was the next step in the evolution. Since 2000, it has become very widespread because of private practice promotion among surgeons and marketing hype by the manufacturers. Furthermore, patients ask for this operation. In the last eight years, there has been a rise in conceptual changes, especially in operative techniques, to improve outcomes following RARP. This review will focus on some of the key concepts emerged in the field of robotic surgery, to improve outcomes following RARP. The lack of randomized controlled trials makes it difficult to make true comparisons with ORP, LRP and other methods of treating localized prostate cancer.

  6. Free radicals in adolescent varicocele testis.


    Romeo, Carmelo; Santoro, Giuseppe


    We examine the relationship between the structure and function of the testis and the oxidative and nitrosative stress, determined by an excessive production of free radicals and/or decreased availability of antioxidant defenses, which occur in the testis of adolescents affected by varicocele. Moreover, the effects of surgical treatment on oxidative stress were provided. We conducted a PubMed and Medline search between 1980 and 2014 using "adolescent," "varicocele," "free radicals," "oxidative and nitrosative stress," "testis," and "seminiferous tubules" as keywords. Cross-references were checked in each of the studies, and relevant articles were retrieved. We conclude that increased concentration of free radicals, generated by conditions of hypoxia, hyperthermia, and hormonal dysfunction observed in adolescent affected by varicocele, can harm germ cells directly or indirectly by influencing nonspermatogenic cells and basal lamina. With regard to few available data in current literature, further clinical trials on the pre- and postoperative ROS and RNS levels together with morphological studies of the cellular component of the testis are fundamental for complete comprehension of the role played by free radicals in the pathogenesis of adolescent varicocele and could justify its pharmacological treatment with antioxidants.

  7. Auxiliary iron-sulfur cofactors in radical SAM enzymes.


    Lanz, Nicholas D; Booker, Squire J


    A vast number of enzymes are now known to belong to a superfamily known as radical SAM, which all contain a [4Fe-4S] cluster ligated by three cysteine residues. The remaining, unligated, iron ion of the cluster binds in contact with the α-amino and α-carboxylate groups of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM). This binding mode facilitates inner-sphere electron transfer from the reduced form of the cluster into the sulfur atom of SAM, resulting in a reductive cleavage of SAM to methionine and a 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical. The 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical then abstracts a target substrate hydrogen atom, initiating a wide variety of radical-based transformations. A subset of radical SAM enzymes contains one or more additional iron-sulfur clusters that are required for the reactions they catalyze. However, outside of a subset of sulfur insertion reactions, very little is known about the roles of these additional clusters. This review will highlight the most recent advances in the identification and characterization of radical SAM enzymes that harbor auxiliary iron-sulfur clusters. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Fe/S proteins: Analysis, structure, function, biogenesis and diseases. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Functionalized graphene quantum dots loaded with free radicals combined with liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry to screen radical scavenging natural antioxidants from Licorice and Scutellariae.


    Wang, Guoying; Niu, XiuLi; Shi, Gaofeng; Chen, Xuefu; Yao, Ruixing; Chen, Fuwen


    A novel screening method was developed for the detection and identification of radical scavenging natural antioxidants based on a free radical reaction combined with liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Functionalized graphene quantum dots were prepared for loading free radicals in the complex screening system. The detection was performed with and without a preliminary exposure of the samples to specific free radicals on the functionalized graphene quantum dots, which can facilitate charge transfer between free radicals and antioxidants. The difference in chromatographic peak areas was used to identify potential antioxidants. This is a novel approach to simultaneously evaluate the antioxidant power of a component versus a free radical, and to identify it in a vegetal matrix. The structures of the antioxidants in the samples were identified using tandem mass spectrometry and comparison with standards. Fourteen compounds were found to possess potential antioxidant activity, and their free radical scavenging capacities were investigated. The order of scavenging capacity of 14 compounds was compared according to their free radical scavenging rate. 4',5,6,7-Tetrahydroxyflavone (radical scavenging rate: 0.05253 mL mg(-1) s(-1) ) showed the strongest capability for scavenging free radicals. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) for the study of ascorbyl radical and lipid radicals in marine organisms.


    González, Paula Mariela; Aguiar, María Belén; Malanga, Gabriela; Puntarulo, Susana


    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy detects the presence of radicals of biological interest, such as ascorbyl radical (A(•)) and lipid radicals. A(•) is easily detectable by EPR even in aqueous solution at room-temperature. Under oxidative conditions leading to changes in total ascorbate (AH(-)) content, the A(•)/AH(-) ratio could be used to estimate early oxidative stress in the hydrophilic milieu. This methodology was applied to a wide range of aquatic systems including algae, sea urchin, limpets, bivalves and fish, under physiological and oxidative stress conditions as well. The A(•)/AH(-) ratio reflected the state of one part of the oxidative defense system and provided an early and simple diagnosis of environmental stressing conditions. Oxidative damage to lipids was assessed by the EPR-sensitive adduct formation that correlates well with cell membrane damage with no interference from other biological compounds. Probe instability, tissue metabolism, and lack of spin specificity are drawback factors for employing EPR for in vivo determination of free radicals. However, the dependability of this technique, mostly by combining it with other biochemical strategies, enhances the value of these procedures as contributors to the knowledge of oxidative condition in aquatic organisms. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Biological Relevance of Free Radicals and Nitroxides.


    Prescott, Christopher; Bottle, Steven E


    Nitroxides are stable, kinetically-persistent free radicals which have been successfully used in the study and intervention of oxidative stress, a critical issue pertaining to cellular health which results from an imbalance in the levels of damaging free radicals and redox-active species in the cellular environment. This review gives an overview of some of the biological processes that produce radicals and other reactive oxygen species with relevance to oxidative stress, and then discusses interactions of nitroxides with these species in terms of the use of nitroxides as redox-sensitive probes and redox-active therapeutic agents.

  11. Fate of the CHBrsub2O radical in air

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bayes, K. D.; Friedl, R. F.


    Trace amounts of bromoform in air have been photolyzed at 266 and 303 nm to form Br atoms and CHBr2 radicals. The Br concentration as a funtion of time is followed by resonance fluorescence. The CHBr2 radicals react with O2 in the air to form peroxy radicals.

  12. OH Production from Reactions of Organic Peroxy Radicals with HO2 : Recent Studies on Ether-Derived Peroxy Radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Orlando, J. J.; Tyndall, G. S.; Kegley Owen, C. S.; Reynoldson, N.


    There is now ample evidence supporting significant formation of OH radicals in the reaction of HO2 with certain organic peroxy radicals (RO2). These reaction channels serve to promote radical propagation, and thus have the potential to alter HOx budgets and partitioning and hence tropospheric oxidative capacity. While much focus has been placed on OH production from reactions involving carbonyl-containing RO2 species, it is also the case that other oxygen- substituted peroxy species (e.g., CH3OCH2OO, HOCH2OO) likely generate OH in their reactions with HO2 (see ref. 1 and refs therein). In this work, the Cl-atom-initiated oxidation of two ethers, diethyl and diisopropyl ether, is investigated over ranges of conditions in an environmental chamber, using both FTIR and GC-FID methods for product quantification. Preliminary analysis suggests that significant OH production is occurring in the reaction of HO2 with CH3CH2OCH(OO)CH3, and also provides evidence for a rapid unimolecular reaction of diisopropyl ether-derived peroxy radicals. Details of these and other results will be described. 1. Orlando, J. J., and G. S. Tyndall, 2012: Laboratory studies of organic peroxy radical chemistry: an overview with emphasis on recent issues of atmospheric significance, Chemical Society Reviews, 41, 6294-6317, doi: 10.1039/C2CS35166H.

  13. Radical production from photosensitization of imidazoles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Corral Arroyo, P.; Gonzalez, L.; Steimer, S.; Aellig, R.; Volkamer, R. M.; George, C.; Bartels-Rausch, T.; Ammann, M.


    Reactions promoted by light are key in atmospheric chemistry. Some of them occur in the condensed phase of aerosols containing light absorbing organic compounds (George et al., 2015). This work explores the radical reactions initiated by near-UV light in mixtures of citric acid (CA) and imidazole-2-carboxaldehyde (IC) using NO as a probe molecule for HO2, by means of coated wall flow tube experiments. Citric acid may act as H atom or electron donor in condensed phase radical cycles. IC may act as a photosensitizer. The loss of NO was measured by a chemiluminescence detector. The dependence of the NO loss on the NO concentration, the IC/CA ratio in the film, relative humidity, light intensity, oxygen molar fraction were investigated as well as the HONO and NO2 yields. We also added halide salts to investigate the effect of a competing electron donor in the system and the output of halogens to the gas phase. We found a correlation between the loss of NO above the film and the molar ratio of IC/CA and the light intensity. The variation of the NO loss with oxygen corroborates a mechanism, in which the triplet excited state of IC is reduced by citric acid, to a reduced ketyl radical that transfers an electron to molecular oxygen, which in turn leads to production of HO2 radicals. Therefore, the NO loss in the gas phase is related to the production of HO2 radicals. Relative humidity had a strong impact on the HO2 output, which shows a maximum production rate at around 30%. The addition of halide ions (X- = Cl-, Br-, I-) increases the HO2 output at low concentration and decrease it at higher concentration when X2- radical ions likely scavenge HO2. We could preliminarily quantify for the first time the contribution of these processes to the oxidative capacity in the atmosphere and conclude that their role is significant for aerosol aging and potentially a significant source of halogen compounds to the gas phase.

  14. [Radical prostatectomy - pro robotic].


    Gillitzer, R


    Anatomical radical prostatectomy was introduced in the early 1980s by Walsh and Donker. Elucidation of key anatomical structures led to a significant reduction in the morbidity of this procedure. The strive to achieve similar oncological and functional results to this gold standard open procedure but with further reduction of morbidity through a minimally invasive access led to the establishment of laparoscopic prostatectomy. However, this procedure is complex and difficult and is associated with a long learning curve. The technical advantages of robotically assisted surgery coupled with the intuitive handling of the device led to increased precision and shortening of the learning curve. These main advantages, together with a massive internet presence and aggressive marketing, have resulted in a rapid dissemination of robotic radical prostatectomy and an increasing patient demand. However, superiority of robotic radical prostatectomy in comparison to the other surgical therapeutic options has not yet been proven on a scientific basis. Currently robotic-assisted surgery is an established technique and future technical improvements will certainly further define its role in urological surgery. In the end this technical innovation will have to be balanced against the very high purchase and running costs, which remain the main limitation of this technology.

  15. Are free radicals involved in thiol-based redox signaling?


    Winterbourn, Christine C


    Cells respond to many stimuli by transmitting signals through redox-regulated pathways. It is generally accepted that in many instances signal transduction is via reversible oxidation of thiol proteins, although there is uncertainty about the specific redox transformations involved. The prevailing view is that thiol oxidation occurs by a two electron mechanism, most commonly involving hydrogen peroxide. Free radicals, on the other hand, are considered as damaging species and not generally regarded as important in cell signaling. This paper examines whether it is justified to dismiss radicals or whether they could have a signaling role. Although there is no direct evidence that radicals are involved in transmitting thiol-based redox signals, evidence is presented that they are generated in cells when these signaling pathways are activated. Radicals produce the same thiol oxidation products as two electron oxidants, although by a different mechanism, and at this point radical-mediated pathways should not be dismissed. There are unresolved issues about how radical mechanisms could achieve sufficient selectivity, but this could be possible through colocalization of radical-generating and signal-transducing proteins. Colocalization is also likely to be important for nonradical signaling mechanisms and identification of such associations should be a priority for advancing the field. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Strategies for generating peptide radical cations via ion/ion reactions.


    Gilbert, Joshua D; Fisher, Christine M; Bu, Jiexun; Prentice, Boone M; Redwine, James G; McLuckey, Scott A


    Several approaches for the generation of peptide radical cations using ion/ion reactions coupled with either collision induced dissociation (CID) or ultraviolet photo dissociation (UVPD) are described here. Ion/ion reactions are used to generate electrostatic or covalent complexes comprised of a peptide and a radical reagent. The radical site of the reagent can be generated multiple ways. Reagents containing a carbon-iodine (C-I) bond are subjected to UVPD with 266-nm photons, which selectively cleaves the C-I bond homolytically. Alternatively, reagents containing azo functionalities are collisionally activated to yield radical sites on either side of the azo group. Both of these methods generate an initial radical site on the reagent, which then abstracts a hydrogen from the peptide while the peptide and reagent are held together by either electrostatic interactions or a covalent linkage. These methods are demonstrated via ion/ion reactions between the model peptide RARARAA (doubly protonated) and various distonic anionic radical reagents. The radical site abstracts a hydrogen atom from the peptide, while the charge site abstracts a proton. The net result is the conversion of a doubly protonated peptide to a peptide radical cation. The peptide radical cations have been fragmented via CID and the resulting product ion mass spectra are compared to the control CID spectrum of the singly protonated, even-electron species. This work is then extended to bradykinin, a more broadly studied peptide, for comparison with other radical peptide generation methods. The work presented here provides novel methods for generating peptide radical cations in the gas phase through ion/ion reaction complexes that do not require modification of the peptide in solution or generation of non-covalent complexes in the electrospray process. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  17. Free radical development in phacoemulsification cataract surgery.


    Takahashi, Hiroshi


    Phacoemulsification and aspiration (PEA) has become the most popular cataract surgery, due to the establishment of safe surgical techniques and development of associated instruments. However, corneal endothelial damage still represents a serious complication, as excessive damage can lead to irreversible bullous keratopathy. In addition to causes such as mechanical or heat injuries, free radical formation due to ultrasound has been posited as another cause of corneal endothelium damage in PEA. Ultrasound in aqueous solution induces cavitation, directly causing water molecule disintegration and resulting in the formation of hydroxylradicals, the most potent of the reactive oxygen species. Considering the oxidative insult to endothelial cells caused by free radicals, their presence in the anterior chamber may represent one of the most harmful factors during these procedures. Indeed, some researchers have recently started to evaluate PEA from the perspective of oxidative stress. Conversely, the major ingredient in ophthalmic viscosurgical devices (OVDs), which are indispensable for maintaining the anterior chamber in PEA surgery, is sodium hyaluronate, a known free radical scavenger. OVDs can thus be expected to provide some anti-free radical effect during PEA procedures. In addition, since commercially available OVDs display different properties regarding retention in the anterior chamber during PEA, the anti-free radical effect of OVDs is likely to depend on behavior during irrigation and aspiration. The present study followed standard PEA procedures in an eye model and measured hydroxylradicals in the anterior chamber using electron spin resonance. The kinetics of free radical intensity and effects of several OVDs during clinical PEA were also demonstrated. These studies may be of significance in re-evaluating OVDs as a chemical protectant for corneal endothelium, since the OVD has thus far only been regarded as a physical barrier. In addition, many reports about

  18. Free Radical Scavenging and Cellular Antioxidant Properties of Astaxanthin.


    Dose, Janina; Matsugo, Seiichi; Yokokawa, Haruka; Koshida, Yutaro; Okazaki, Shigetoshi; Seidel, Ulrike; Eggersdorfer, Manfred; Rimbach, Gerald; Esatbeyoglu, Tuba


    Astaxanthin is a coloring agent which is used as a feed additive in aquaculture nutrition. Recently, potential health benefits of astaxanthin have been discussed which may be partly related to its free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties. Our electron spin resonance (ESR) and spin trapping data suggest that synthetic astaxanthin is a potent free radical scavenger in terms of diphenylpicryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and galvinoxyl free radicals. Furthermore, astaxanthin dose-dependently quenched singlet oxygen as determined by photon counting. In addition to free radical scavenging and singlet oxygen quenching properties, astaxanthin induced the antioxidant enzyme paroxoanase-1, enhanced glutathione concentrations and prevented lipid peroxidation in cultured hepatocytes. Present results suggest that, beyond its coloring properties, synthetic astaxanthin exhibits free radical scavenging, singlet oxygen quenching, and antioxidant activities which could probably positively affect animal and human health.

  19. Effect of hydrogen radical on decomposition of chlorosilane source gases

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sumiya, Masatomo; Akizuki, Tomohiro; Itaka, Kenji; Kubota, Makoto; Tsubouchi, Kenta; Ishigaki, Takamasa; Koinuma, Hideomi


    The effect of hydrogen radical on production of Si from chlorosilane sources has been studied. We used hydrogen radical generated from pulsed thermal plasma to decompose SiHCl3 and SiCl4. Hydrogen radical was effective for lowering the temperature to produce Si from SiHCl3. SiCl4 source, which was chemically stable and by-product in Siemens process, was decomposed effectively by hydrogen radical. The decomposition of SiCl4 was consistent with the thermo-dynamical calculation predicting that the use of hydrogen radical could drastically enhance the yield of Si production rather than case of H2 gas.

  20. Synthesis and spectral properties of polymethine-cyanine dye-nitroxide radical hybrid compounds for use as fluorescence probes to monitor reducing species and radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sato, Shingo; Tsunoda, Minoru; Suzuki, Minoru; Kutsuna, Masahiro; Takido-uchi, Kiyomi; Shindo, Mitsuru; Mizuguchi, Hitoshi; Obara, Heitaro; Ohya, Hiroaki


    Various hybrid compounds comprised of two types of nitroxide radicals and either a pentamethine (Cy5) or trimethine cyanine (Cy3) were synthesized. The nitroxide radicals were linked either via an ester-bond to one or two N-alkyl carboxyl-terminated groups of Cy5, or via two amido-bonds (aminocarbonyl or carbonylamino group) to the 5-position of the indolenine moieties of Cy5 and Cy3. Changes in fluorescence and ESR intensities of the hybrid compounds were measured before and after addition of Na ascorbate in PBS (pH 7.0) to reduce the radicals. Among the hybrid compounds synthesized, those that linked the nitroxide radicals via an aminocarbonyl residue at the 5-position of the indolenine moieties on Cy5 and Cy3 exhibited a 1.8- and 5.1-fold increase in fluorescence intensity with the reduction of the nitroxide segment by the addition of Na ascorbate, respectively. In contrast, fluorescence intensity was not enhanced in the other hybrid compounds. Thus, the hybrid compounds which exhibited an increase in fluorescent intensity with radical reduction can be used in the quantitative measurement of reducing species such as Fe 2+ and ascorbic acid, and hydroxyl radicals. Because these hybrid compounds have the advantage of fluorescing at longer wavelengths—661 (Cy5) or 568 (Cy3) nm, respectively, they can be used to measure radical-reducing species or radicals either in solution or in vivo.

  1. Noncanonical Radical SAM Enzyme Chemistry Learned from Diphthamide Biosynthesis.


    Dong, Min; Zhang, Yugang; Lin, Hening


    Radical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzymes are a superfamily of enzymes that use SAM and reduced [4Fe-4S] cluster to generate a 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical to catalyze numerous challenging reactions. We have reported a type of noncanonical radical SAM enzymes in the diphthamide biosynthesis pathway. These enzymes also use SAM and reduced [4Fe-4S] clusters, but generate a 3-amino-3-carboxypropyl (ACP) radical to modify the substrate protein, translation elongation factor 2. The regioselective cleavage of a different C-S bond of the sulfonium center of SAM in these enzymes comparing to canonical radical SAM enzymes is intriguing. Here, we highlight some recent findings in the mechanism of these types of enzymes, showing that the diphthamide biosynthetic radial SAM enzymes bound SAM with a distinct geometry. In this way, the unique iron of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in the enzyme can only attack the carbon on the ACP group to form an organometallic intermediate. The homolysis of the organometallic intermediate releases the ACP radical and generates the EF2 radial.

  2. Free radical scavenging abilities of polypeptide from Chlamys farreri

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Han, Zhiwu; Chu, Xiao; Liu, Chengjuan; Wang, Yuejun; Mi, Sun; Wang, Chunbo


    We investigated the radical scavenging effect and antioxidation property of polypeptide extracted from Chlamys farreri (PCF) in vitro using chemiluminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR) methods. We examined the scavenging effects of PCF on superoxide anions (O{2/-}), hydroxyl radicals (OH·), peroxynitrite (ONOO-) and the inhibiting capacity of PCF on peroxidation of linoleic acid. Our experiment suggested that PCF could scavenge oxygen free radicals including superoxide anions (O{2/-}) (IC50=0.3 mg/ml), hydroxyl radicals (OH·) (IC50=0.2 μg/ml) generated from the reaction systems and effectively inhibit the oxidative activity of ONOO- (IC50=0.2 mg/ml). At 1.25 mg/ml of PCF, the inhibition ratio on lipid peroxidation of linoleic acid was 43%. The scavenging effect of PCF on O{2/-}, OH· and ONOO- free radicals were stronger than those of vitamin C but less on lipid peroxidation of linoleic acid. Thus PCF could scavenge free radicals and inhibit the peroxidation of linoleic acid in vitro. It is an antioxidant from marine products and potential for industrial production in future.

  3. Robotic radical hysterectomy is superior to laparoscopic radical hysterectomy and open radical hysterectomy in the treatment of cervical cancer

    PubMed Central

    Jin, Yue-Mei; Liu, Shan-Shan; Chen, Yan-Nan; Ren, Chen-Chen


    Objective Cervical cancer (CC) continues to be a global burden for women, with higher incidence and mortality rates reported annually. Many countries have witnessed a dramatic reduction in the prevalence of CC due to widely accessed robotic radical hysterectomy (RRH). This network meta-analysis aims to compare intraoperative and postoperative outcomes in way of RRH, laparoscopic radical hysterectomy (LTH) and open radical hysterectomy (ORH) in the treatment of early-stage CC. Methods A comprehensive search of PubMed, Cochrane Library and EMBASE databases was performed from inception to June 2016. Clinical controlled trials (CCTs) of above three hysterectomies in the treatment of early-stage CC were included in this study. Direct and indirect evidence were incorporated for calculating values of weighted mean difference (WMD) or odds ratio (OR), and drawing the surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA). Results Seventeen 17 CCTs were ultimately enrolled in this network meta-analysis. The network meta-analysis showed that patients treated by RRH and LRH had lower estimated blood loss compared to patients treated by ORH (WMD = -399.52, 95% CI = -600.64~-204.78; WMD = -277.86, 95%CI = -430.84 ~ -126.07, respectively). Patients treated by RRH and LRH had less hospital stay (days) than those by ORH (WMD = -3.49, 95% CI = -5.79~-1.24; WMD = -3.26, 95% CI = -5.04~-1.44, respectively). Compared with ORH, patients treated with RRH had lower postoperative complications (OR = 0.21, 95%CI = 0.08~0.65). Furthermore, the SUCRA value of three radical hysterectomies showed that patients receiving RRH illustrated better conditions on intraoperative blood loss, operation time, the number of resected lymph nodes, length of hospital stay and intraoperative and postoperative complications, while patients receiving ORH demonstrated relatively poorer conditions. Conclusion The results of this meta-analysis confirmed that early-stage CC patients treated by RRH were superior to

  4. Inhomogeneous ensembles of radical pairs in chemical compasses

    PubMed Central

    Procopio, Maria; Ritz, Thorsten


    The biophysical basis for the ability of animals to detect the geomagnetic field and to use it for finding directions remains a mystery of sensory biology. One much debated hypothesis suggests that an ensemble of specialized light-induced radical pair reactions can provide the primary signal for a magnetic compass sensor. The question arises what features of such a radical pair ensemble could be optimized by evolution so as to improve the detection of the direction of weak magnetic fields. Here, we focus on the overlooked aspect of the noise arising from inhomogeneity of copies of biomolecules in a realistic biological environment. Such inhomogeneity leads to variations of the radical pair parameters, thereby deteriorating the signal arising from an ensemble and providing a source of noise. We investigate the effect of variations in hyperfine interactions between different copies of simple radical pairs on the directional response of a compass system. We find that the choice of radical pair parameters greatly influences how strongly the directional response of an ensemble is affected by inhomogeneity. PMID:27804956

  5. Inhomogeneous ensembles of radical pairs in chemical compasses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Procopio, Maria; Ritz, Thorsten


    The biophysical basis for the ability of animals to detect the geomagnetic field and to use it for finding directions remains a mystery of sensory biology. One much debated hypothesis suggests that an ensemble of specialized light-induced radical pair reactions can provide the primary signal for a magnetic compass sensor. The question arises what features of such a radical pair ensemble could be optimized by evolution so as to improve the detection of the direction of weak magnetic fields. Here, we focus on the overlooked aspect of the noise arising from inhomogeneity of copies of biomolecules in a realistic biological environment. Such inhomogeneity leads to variations of the radical pair parameters, thereby deteriorating the signal arising from an ensemble and providing a source of noise. We investigate the effect of variations in hyperfine interactions between different copies of simple radical pairs on the directional response of a compass system. We find that the choice of radical pair parameters greatly influences how strongly the directional response of an ensemble is affected by inhomogeneity.

  6. Quality of life and satisfaction with information after radical prostatectomy, radical external beam radiotherapy and postoperative radiotherapy: a long-term follow-up study.


    Nicolaisen, Marianne; Müller, Stig; Patel, Hitendra R H; Hanssen, Tove Aminda


    To assess patients' symptoms, quality of life and satisfaction with information three to four years after radical prostatectomy, radical external beam radiotherapy and postoperative radiotherapy and to analyse differences between treatment groups and the relationship between disease-specific, health-related and overall quality of life and satisfaction with information. Radical prostate cancer treatments are associated with changes in quality of life. Differences between patients undergoing different treatments in symptoms and quality of life have been reported, but there are limited long-term data comparing radical prostatectomy with radical external beam radiotherapy and postoperative radiotherapy. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The study sample included 143 men treated with radical prostatectomy and/or radical external beam radiotherapy. Quality of life was measured using the 12-item Short Form Health Survey and the 50-item Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite Instrument. Questions assessing overall Quality of life and satisfaction with information were included. Descriptive statistics and interference statistical methods were applied to analyse the data. Radical external beam radiotherapy was associated with less urinary incontinence and better urinary function. There were no differences between the groups for disease-specific quality of life sum scores. Sexual quality of life was reported very low in all groups. Disease-specific quality of life and health-related quality of life were associated with overall quality of life. Patients having undergone surgery were more satisfied with information, and there was a positive correlation between quality of life and patient satisfaction. Pretreatment information and patient education lead to better quality of life and satisfaction. This study indicates a need for structured, pretreatment information and follow-up for all men going through radical prostate cancer treatment. Long-term quality of life

  7. Loading of free radicals on the functional graphene combined with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry screening method for the detection of radical-scavenging natural antioxidants.


    Wang, Guoying; Shi, Gaofeng; Chen, Xuefu; Chen, Fuwen; Yao, Ruixing; Wang, Zhenju


    A novel free radical reaction combined with liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (FRR-LC-PDA-ESI/APCI-MS/MS) screening method was developed for the detection and identification of radical-scavenging natural antioxidants. Functionalized graphene was prepared by chemical method for loading free radicals (superoxide radical, peroxyl radical and PAHs free radical). Separation was performed with and without a preliminary exposure of the sample to specific free radicals on the functionalized graphene, which can facilitate reaction kinetics (charge transfers) between free radicals and potential antioxidants. The difference in chromatographic peak areas is used to identify potential antioxidants. The structure of the antioxidants in one sample (Swertia chirayita) is identified using MS/MS and comparison with standards. Thirteen compounds were found to possess potential antioxidant activity, and their free radical-scavenging capacities were investigated. The thirteen compounds were identified as 1,3,5-trihydroxyxanthone-8-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (PD1), norswertianin (PD2), 1,3,5,8-tetrahydroxyxanthone (PD3), 3, 3', 4', 5, 8-penta hydroxyflavone-6-β-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid-6'-pentopyranose-7-O-glucopyranoside (PD4), 1,5,8-trihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone (PD5), swertiamarin (PS1), 2-C-β-D-glucopyranosyl-1,3,7-trihydroxylxanthone (PS2), 1,3,7-trihydroxylxanthone-8-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (PL1), 1,3,8-trihydroxyl xanthone-5-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (PL2), 1,3,7-trihydroxy-8-methoxyxanthone (PL3), 1,2,3-trihydroxy-7,8-dimethoxyxanthone (PL4), 1,8-dihydroxy-2,6-dimethoxy xanthone (PL5) and 1,3,5,8-tetramethoxydecussatin (PL6). The reactivity and SC50 values of those compounds were investigated, respectively. PD4 showed the strongest capability for scavenging PAHs free radical; PL4 showed prominent scavenging capacities in the lipid peroxidation processes; it was found that all components in S. chirayita exhibited weak reactivity in the superoxide

  8. Radical Behaviorism and Buddhism: Complementarities and Conflicts

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Diller, James W.; Lattal, Kennon A.


    Comparisons have been made between Buddhism and the philosophy of science in general, but there have been only a few attempts to draw comparisons directly with the philosophy of radical behaviorism. The present review therefore considers heretofore unconsidered points of comparison between Buddhism and radical behaviorism in terms of their…

  9. Lipid-derived free radical production in superantigen-induced interstitial pneumonia

    PubMed Central

    Miyakawa, Hisako; Mason, Ronald P.; Jiang, JinJie; Kadiiska, Maria B.


    We studied the free radical generation involved in the development of interstitial pneumonia (IP) in an animal model of autoimmune disease. We observed an electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum of α-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone (POBN) radical adducts detected in the lipid extract of lungs in autoimmune-prone mice after intratracheal instillation of staphylococcal enterotoxin B. The POBN adducts detected by ESR were paralleled by infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. To further investigate the mechanism of free radical generation, mice were pretreated with the macrophage toxicant gadolinium chloride, which significantly suppressed the radical generation. Free radical generation was also decreased by pretreatment with the xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitor allopurinol, the iron chelator Desferal, and the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) inhibitor 1400W. Histopathologically, these drugs significantly reduced both the cell infiltration to alveolar septal walls and the synthesis of pulmonary collagen fibers. Experiments with NADPH oxidase knockout mice showed that NADPH oxidase did not contribute to lipid radical generation. These results suggest that lipid-derived carbon-centered free radical production is important in the manifestation of IP and that a macrophage toxicant, an XO inhibitor, an iron chelator, and an iNOS inhibitor protect against both radical generation and the manifestation of IP. PMID:19376221

  10. Influence of Free Radicals on the Intrinsic MRI Relaxation Properties.


    Tain, Rong-Wen; Scotti, Alessandro M; Li, Weiguo; Zhou, Xiaohong Joe; Cai, Kejia


    Free radicals are critical contributors in various conditions including normal aging, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and diabetes. Currently there is no non-invasive approach to image tissue free radicals based on endogenous contrast due to their extremely short lifetimes and low in vivo concentrations. In this study we aim at characterizing the influence of free radicals on the MRI relaxation properties. Phantoms containing free radicals were created by treating egg white with various H 2 O 2 concentrations and scanned on a 9.4 T MRI scanner at room temperature. T 1 and T 2 relaxation maps were generated from data acquired with an inversion recovery sequence with varied inversion times and a multi-echo spin echo sequence with varied echo times (TEs), respectively. Results demonstrated that free radicals express a strong shortening effect on T 1 , which was proportional to the H 2 O 2 concentration, and a relatively small reduction in T 2 (<10%). Furthermore, the sensitivity of this approach in the detection of free radicals was estimated to be in the pM range that is within the physiological range of in vivo free radical expression. In conclusion, the free radicals show a strong paramagnetic effect that may be utilized as an endogenous MRI contrast for its non-invasive in vivo imaging.

  11. DPPH and oxygen free radicals as pro-oxidant of biomolecules.


    Letelier, María Eugenia; Molina-Berríos, Alfredo; Cortés-Troncoso, Juan; Jara-Sandoval, José; Holst, Marianne; Palma, Karina; Montoya, Margarita; Miranda, Dante; González-Lira, Víctor


    Numerous investigations exist about the alterations that oxygen free radicals can provoke on biomolecules; these modifications can be prevented and/or reversed by different antioxidants agents. On the other hand, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH), a stable nitrogen synthetic radical, is used to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of medicinal herbal products; however, the structural changes that this radical provoke on the herbal active principles are not clear yet. In this work, we compared the redox reactivity of oxygen free radicals and DPPH radical on phospholipids and protein thiol groups present in rat liver microsomes. Cu2+/ascorbate was used as generator system of oxygen free radical and as antioxidant, an extract of Buddleja globosa's leaves. Cu2+/ascorbate provoked microsomal lipid peroxidation, microsomal thiols oxidation and oxygen consumption; all of these phenomena were inhibited by B. globosa extract. On the other hand, DPPH was bleached in different extension by the herbal extract and phosphatidyl choline; beside, DPPH decreased microsomal thiols content, but this phenomenon were not prevented by the herbal extract. Furthermore, DPPH did not induce oxygen consumption and neither modified the oxygen consumption induced by Cu2+/ascorbate. Distinct redox mechanisms may explain the differences between the reactivity of DPPH and oxygen free radicals on biomolecules, which is discussed.

  12. Free radical-scavenging delta-lactones from Boletus calopus.


    Kim, Jin-Woo; Yoo, Ick-Dong; Kim, Won-Gon


    The methanol extracts from the fruiting body of the mushroom Boletus calopus showed free radical-scavenging activity. Bioactivity-guided fractionation of the methanol extracts led to a new hydroxylated calopin named calopin B, along with the known delta-lactones calopin and cyclocalopin A. The structure of the new calopin analogue was elucidated by spectroscopic methods. All compounds showed potent free radical-scavenging activity against superoxide, DPPH, and ABTS radicals with IC (50) values of 1.2 - 5.4 microg/mL.

  13. Free Radical Scavenging and Cellular Antioxidant Properties of Astaxanthin

    PubMed Central

    Dose, Janina; Matsugo, Seiichi; Yokokawa, Haruka; Koshida, Yutaro; Okazaki, Shigetoshi; Seidel, Ulrike; Eggersdorfer, Manfred; Rimbach, Gerald; Esatbeyoglu, Tuba


    Astaxanthin is a coloring agent which is used as a feed additive in aquaculture nutrition. Recently, potential health benefits of astaxanthin have been discussed which may be partly related to its free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties. Our electron spin resonance (ESR) and spin trapping data suggest that synthetic astaxanthin is a potent free radical scavenger in terms of diphenylpicryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and galvinoxyl free radicals. Furthermore, astaxanthin dose-dependently quenched singlet oxygen as determined by photon counting. In addition to free radical scavenging and singlet oxygen quenching properties, astaxanthin induced the antioxidant enzyme paroxoanase-1, enhanced glutathione concentrations and prevented lipid peroxidation in cultured hepatocytes. Present results suggest that, beyond its coloring properties, synthetic astaxanthin exhibits free radical scavenging, singlet oxygen quenching, and antioxidant activities which could probably positively affect animal and human health. PMID:26784174

  14. Globins Scavenge Sulfur Trioxide Anion Radical*

    PubMed Central

    Gardner, Paul R.; Gardner, Daniel P.; Gardner, Alexander P.


    Ferrous myoglobin was oxidized by sulfur trioxide anion radical (STAR) during the free radical chain oxidation of sulfite. Oxidation was inhibited by the STAR scavenger GSH and by the heme ligand CO. Bimolecular rate constants for the reaction of STAR with several ferrous globins and biomolecules were determined by kinetic competition. Reaction rate constants for myoglobin, hemoglobin, neuroglobin, and flavohemoglobin are large at 38, 120, 2,600, and ≥ 7,500 × 106 m−1 s−1, respectively, and correlate with redox potentials. Measured rate constants for O2, GSH, ascorbate, and NAD(P)H are also large at ∼100, 10, 130, and 30 × 106 m−1 s−1, respectively, but nevertheless allow for favorable competition by globins and a capacity for STAR scavenging in vivo. Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking sulfite oxidase and deleted of flavohemoglobin showed an O2-dependent growth impairment with nonfermentable substrates that was exacerbated by sulfide, a precursor to mitochondrial sulfite formation. Higher O2 exposures inactivated the superoxide-sensitive mitochondrial aconitase in cells, and hypoxia elicited both aconitase and NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase activity losses. Roles for STAR-derived peroxysulfate radical, superoxide radical, and sulfo-NAD(P) in the mechanism of STAR toxicity and flavohemoglobin protection in yeast are suggested. PMID:26381408

  15. [Lower urinary tract dysfunction following radical hysterectomy].


    Aoun, F; Roumeguère, T


    Radical hysterectomy is associated with a significant amount of urinary functional complications and a negative impact on quality of life. The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the neurological etiology of lower urinary tract dysfunction following radical hysterectomy and to establish an optimal postoperative management strategy. We performed a comprehensive overview using the following terms: "radical hysterectomy" and "urologic diseases etiology" or "urologic disease prevention and control". The reported incidence of lower urinary tract dysfunction after radical hysterectomy varies from 12 to 85%. Several animal and clinical urodynamic studies corroborate the neurologic etiology of the dysfunction. Lower urinary tract dysfunction is a common postoperative finding (70-85%) but spontaneous recovery is to be expected within 6-12 months after surgery. The most frequent long term sequela is stress urinary incontinence (40% of cases) and its management is complex and challenging. Postoperative refractory overactive bladder and bladder underactivity can be treated by neuromodulation of sacral roots and superior hypogastric plexus, respectively. In the absence of good clinical predictors, preoperative urodynamic examinations could have a role in understanding the pathophysiology of the dysfunction before such interventions. The pathophysiology of lower urinary tract dysfunction following radical hysterectomy is multifactorial. Its management is complex and should be multidisciplinary. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  16. Von Glaserfeld`s Radical Constructivism: A Critical Review

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hardy, Michael D.

    We explore Ernst von Glaserfelds radical constructivism, its criticisms, and our own thoughts on what it promises for the reform of science and mathematics teaching. Our investigation reveals that many criticisms of radical constructivism are unwarranted; nevertheless, in its current cognitivist form radical constructivism may be insufficient to empower teachers to overcome objectivist cultural traditions. Teachers need to be empowered with rich understandings of philosophies of science and mathematics that endorse relativist epistemologies; for without such they are unlikely to be prepared to reconstruct their pedagogical practices. More importantly, however, is a need for a powerful social epistemology to serve as a referent for regenerating the culture of science education. We recommend blending radical constructivism with Habermas theory of communicative action to provide science teachers with a moral imperative for adopting a constructivist epistemology.

  17. Anatomical landmarks of radical prostatecomy.


    Stolzenburg, Jens-Uwe; Schwalenberg, Thilo; Horn, Lars-Christian; Neuhaus, Jochen; Constantinides, Costantinos; Liatsikos, Evangelos N


    In the present study, we review current literature and based on our experience, we present the anatomical landmarks of open and laparoscopic/endoscopic radical prostatectomy. A thorough literature search was performed with the Medline database on the anatomy and the nomenclature of the structures surrounding the prostate gland. The correct handling of puboprostatic ligaments, external urethral sphincter, prostatic fascias and neurovascular bundle is necessary for avoiding malfunction of the urogenital system after radical prostatectomy. When evaluating new prostatectomy techniques, we should always take into account both clinical and final oncological outcomes. The present review adds further knowledge to the existing "postprostatectomy anatomical hazard" debate. It emphasizes upon the role of the puboprostatic ligaments and the course of the external urethral sphincter for urinary continence. When performing an intrafascial nerve sparing prostatectomy most urologists tend to approach as close to the prostatic capsula as possible, even though there is no concurrence regarding the nomenclature of the surrounding fascias and the course of the actual neurovascular bundles. After completion of an intrafascial technique the specimen does not contain any periprostatic tissue and thus the detection of pT3a disease is not feasible. This especially becomes problematic if the tumour reaches the resection margin. Nerve sparing open and laparoscopic radical prostatectomy should aim in maintaining sexual function, recuperating early continence after surgery, without hindering the final oncological outcome to the procedure. Despite the different approaches for radical prostatectomy the key for better results is the understanding of the anatomy of the bladder neck and the urethra.

  18. Resonant CARS Detection of OH Radicals.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    EXPERIMENTAL Several important factors were considered in the design of a resonant CARS experiment which must detect a molecular free radical in the gas phase...two input frequencie±s of CARS methods is that its application corresponds to a Raman-active molecular is generally limited to those species vibration...tuned device which maintains to detect a molecular free radical in the constant output power of the second har- gas phase. The problems are compounded

  19. Robotic Surgical System for Radical Prostatectomy: A Health Technology Assessment

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Myra; Xie, Xuanqian; Wells, David; Higgins, Caroline


    Background Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer in Canadian men. Radical prostatectomy is one of the treatment options available, and involves removing the prostate gland and surrounding tissues. In recent years, surgeons have begun to use robot-assisted radical prostatectomy more frequently. We aimed to determine the clinical benefits and harms of the robotic surgical system for radical prostatectomy (robot-assisted radical prostatectomy) compared with the open and laparoscopic surgical methods. We also assessed the cost-effectiveness of robot-assisted versus open radical prostatectomy in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer in Ontario. Methods We performed a literature search and included prospective comparative studies that examined robot-assisted versus open or laparoscopic radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. The outcomes of interest were perioperative, functional, and oncological. The quality of the body of evidence was examined according to the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group criteria. We also conducted a cost–utility analysis with a 1-year time horizon. The potential long-term benefits of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy for functional and oncological outcomes were also evaluated in a 10-year Markov model in scenario analyses. In addition, we conducted a budget impact analysis to estimate the additional costs to the provincial budget if the adoption of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy were to increase in the next 5 years. A needs assessment determined that the published literature on patient perspectives was relatively well developed, and that direct patient engagement would add relatively little new information. Results Compared with the open approach, we found robot-assisted radical prostatectomy reduced length of stay and blood loss (moderate quality evidence) but had no difference or inconclusive results for functional and oncological outcomes

  20. Habitat of in vivo transformation influences the levels of free radical scavengers in Clinostomum complanatum: implications for free radical scavenger based vaccines against trematode infections.


    Zafar, Atif; Rizvi, Asim; Ahmad, Irshad; Ahmad, Masood


    Since free radical scavengers of parasite origin like glutathione-S-transferase and superoxide dismutase are being explored as prospective vaccine targets, availability of these molecules within the parasite infecting different hosts as well as different sites of infection is of considerable importance. Using Clinostomum complanatum, as a model helminth parasite, we analysed the effects of habitat of in vivo transformation on free radical scavengers of this trematode parasite. Using three different animal models for in vivo transformation and markedly different sites of infection, progenetic metacercaria of C. complanatum were transformed to adult ovigerous worms. Whole worm homogenates were used to estimate the levels of lipid peroxidation, a marker of oxidative stress and free radical scavengers. Site of in vivo transformation was found to drastically affect the levels of free radical scavengers in this model trematode parasite. It was observed that oxygen availability at the site of infection probably influences levels of free radical scavengers in trematode parasites. This is the first report showing that habitat of in vivo transformation affects levels of free radical scavengers in trematode parasites. Since free radical scavengers are prospective vaccine targets and parasite infection at ectopic sites is common, we propose that infections at different sites, may respond differently to free radical scavenger based vaccines.

  1. Donor free radical explosive composition


    Walker, Franklin E. [15 Way Points Rd., Danville, CA 94526; Wasley, Richard J. [4290 Colgate Way, Livermore, CA 94550


    An improved explosive composition is disclosed and comprises a major portion of an explosive having a detonation velocity between about 1500 and 10,000 meters per second and a minor amount of a donor additive comprising an organic compound or mixture of organic compounds capable of releasing low molecular weight free radicals or ions under mechanical or electrical shock conditions and which is not an explosive, or an inorganic compound or mixture of inorganic compounds capable of releasing low molecular weight free radicals or ions under mechanical or electrical shock conditions and selected from ammonium or alkali metal persulfates.

  2. Religious apostasy and political radicalism.


    Bruce, W E; Sims, J H


    The affirmation of radical left political ideology was examined among a total of 159 religious apostates and 272 religious believers who were undergraduates at five Chicago area colleges (study I) and seven western North Carolina colleges (study II). Contrary to current assumptions, apostates were not converts to radical ideology in any significant proportion, although they were clearly more disenchanted with their society and more sharply critical of its basic institutions. Apostates seem to take an ideological stance of critical disengagement rather than substitute conversion. Implications are discussed in the context of Erikson's theory interrelating ideological commitment and identity formation in youth.

  3. Free radicals in chemical carcinogenesis.


    Clemens, M R


    During the past decade, remarkable progress has been made in our understanding of cancer-causing agents, mechanisms of cancer formation and the behavior of cancer cells. Cancer is characterized primarily by an increase in the number of abnormal cells derived from a given normal tissue, invasion of adjacent tissues by these abnormal cells, and lymphatic or blood-borne spread of malignant cells to regional lymph nodes and to distant sites (metastasis). It has been estimated that about 75-80% of all human cancers are environmentally induced, 30-40% of them by diet. Only a small minority, possibly no more than 2% of all cases, result purely from inherent genetic changes. Several lines of evidence confirm that the fundamental molecular event or events that cause a cell to become malignant occur at the level of the DNA and a variety of studies indicate that the critical molecular event in chemical carcinogenesis is the interaction of the chemical agent with DNA. The demonstration that DNA isolated from tumor cells can transfect normal cells and render them neoplastic provides direct proof that an alteration of the DNA is responsible for cancer. The transforming genes, or oncogenes, have been identified by restriction endonuclease mapping. One of the characteristics of tumor cells generated by transformation with viruses, chemicals, or radiation is their reduced requirement for serum growth factors. A critical significance of electrophilic metabolites of carcinogenes in chemical carcinogenesis has been demonstrated. A number of "proximate" and "ultimate" metabolites, especially those of aromatic amines, were described. The "ultimate" forms of carcinogens actually interact with cellular constituents to cause neoplastic transformation and are the final metabolic products in most pathways. Recent evidence indicates that free radical derivatives of chemical carcinogens may be produced both metabolically and nonenzymatically during their metabolism. Free radicals carry no

  4. Lewis Structure Representation of Free Radicals Similar to ClO

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hirsch, Warren; Kobrak, Mark


    The study describes the Lewis structure representation of various free radicals, which are quite similar to the ClO radical and its isoelectronic analogues. The analysis of the periodic trends of these radicals shows that oxygen is the most electronegative atom among them.

  5. Role of neutrophils in radical production during ischemia and reperfusion of the rat brain: effect of neutrophil depletion on extracellular ascorbyl radical formation.


    Matsuo, Y; Kihara, T; Ikeda, M; Ninomiya, M; Onodera, H; Kogure, K


    A growing body of experimental data indicate that oxygen radicals may mediate the brain injury during ischemia-reperfusion. One potential source of oxygen radicals is activated neutrophils. To study the role of neutrophils in radical production during cerebral ischemia-reperfusion, we evaluated the effects of depletion of circulating neutrophils by administration of an anti-neutrophil monoclonal antibody (RP3) on radical formation in rats with 1-h middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion. In the present study, we employed a new electron spin resonance method coupled with brain microdialysis. The method uses the endogenous ascorbyl radical (AR) concentration as a marker of oxygen radicals and requires no spin-trapping agents. In the vehicle controls, extracellular AR decreased during MCA occlusion. After reperfusion, AR significantly increased at 30 min and 1 h, returned to near basal level until 2 h, and increased again at 24 h after reperfusion. In the rats treated with RP3, AR decreased during MCA occlusion to the same extent as in the vehicle control. However, RP3 treatment completely inhibited the increase in extracellular AR after reperfusion. RP3 treatment exerted no effect on the changes in extracellular ascorbate or tissue PO2 throughout the experimental period. In conclusion, neutrophils are a major source of oxygen radicals during reperfusion after focal cerebral ischemia.

  6. Ideals Adrift: An Educational Approach to Radicalization

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    van San, Marion; Sieckelinck, Stijn; de Winter, Micha


    These days, the radicalization of young people is above all viewed as a security risk. Almost all research into this phenomenon has been carried out from a legal, criminological or socio-psychological perspective with a focus on detecting and containing the risks posed by radicalization. In the light of the political developments since September…

  7. Free radicals mediate postshock contractile impairment in cardiomyocytes.


    Tsai, Min-Shan; Sun, Shijie; Tang, Wanchun; Ristagno, Giuseppe; Chen, Wen-Jone; Weil, Max Harry


    Previous studies demonstrated myocardial dysfunction after electrical shock and indicated it may be related to free radicals. Whether the free radicals are generated after electrical shock has not been documented at the cellular level. This study was to investigate whether electrical shock generates intracellular free radicals inside cardiomyocytes and to evaluate whether reducing intracellular free radicals by pretreatment of ascorbic acid would reduce the contractile dysfunction after electrical shock. Randomized prospective animal study. University affiliated research laboratory. Sprague-Dawley rats. Cardiomyocytes isolated from adult male rats were divided into four groups: (1) electrical shock alone; (2) electrical shock pretreated with ascorbic acid; (3) pretreated with ascorbic acid alone; and (4) control. Ascorbic acid (0.2 mM) was administrated in the perfusate of the ascorbic acid + electrical shock and ascorbic acid groups. A 2-J electrical shock was delivered to the electrical shock and ascorbic acid + electrical shock groups. DCFH-DA-loaded cardiomyocytes showed increased intracellular free radicals after electrical shock. The contractions and Ca2+ transients were recorded optically with fura-2 loading. Within 4 mins after electrical shock in the electrical shock group, the length shortening decreased from 8.4% +/- 2.5% to 5.6% +/- 3.4% (p = 0.000) and the Ca2+ transient decreased from 1.15 +/- 0.13 au to 1.08 +/- 0.1 au (p = 0.038). Compared with control, a significant difference in length shortening (p = 0.001) but not Ca2+ transient (p = 0.052) was noted. In the presence of ascorbic acid, electrical shock did not affect length shortening and Ca2+ transient. Electrical shock generates free radicals inside the cardiomyocyte, and causes contractile impairment and associated decrease of Ca transient. Administering ascorbic acid may improve such damage by eliminating free radicals.

  8. Confirmed Assignments of Isomeric Dimethylbenzyl Radicals Generated by Corona Discharge

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yoon, Young Wook; Lee, Sang Kuk


    Polymethylbenzyl radicals, multi-methyl-substituted benzyl radicals, have been believed to be an ideal model for understanding the torsional effect of methyl group and substitution effect on electronic transition. These radicals are mainly generated from polymethylbenzenes by electric discharge for spectroscopic observation. However, the existence of several methyl groups on the benzene ring may produce several isomeric polymethylbenzyl radicals by removing one of the C-H bonds of each methyl group at different substitution position, which makes the assignment of spectrum ambiguous. In this work, the controversial vibronic assignments of isomeric dimethylbenzyl radicals were clearly resolved by using different precursors. By using corresponding dimethylbenzyl chlorides as precursors, we identified the origins of the vibronic bands of the dimethylbenzyl radicals generated by corona discharge of precursors 1,2,3- and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzenes. From the analysis of the spectra observed from the dimethylbenzyl chlorides in a corona excited supersonic expansion using a pinhole-type glass nozzle, we revised previous assignments of the 2,6- and 2,3-dimethylbenzyl radicals as well as the 3,4-, 2,4-, and 2,5-dimethylbenzyl radicals. In addition, spectroscopic data of electronic transition and vibrational mode frequencies in the ground electronic state of each isomer were accurately determined by comparing them with those obtained by an ab initio calculation and with the known vibrational data of precursors.

  9. Unusual Internal Electron Transfer in Conjugated Radical Polymers.


    Li, Fei; Gore, Danielle N; Wang, Shaoyang; Lutkenhaus, Jodie L


    Nitroxide-containing organic radical polymers (ORPs) have captured attention for their high power and fast redox kinetics. Yet a major challenge is the polymer's aliphatic backbone, resulting in a low electronic conductivity. Recent attempts that replace the aliphatic backbone with a conjugated one have not met with success. The reason for this is not understood until now. We examine a family of polythiophenes bearing nitroxide radical groups, showing that while both species are electrochemically active, there exists an internal electron transfer mechanism that interferes with stabilization of the polymer's fully oxidized form. This finding directs the future design of conjugated radical polymers in energy storage and electronics, where careful attention to the redox potential of the backbone relative to the organic radical species is needed. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. How Semantic Radicals in Chinese characters Facilitate Hierarchical Category-Based Induction.


    Wang, Xiaoxi; Ma, Xie; Tao, Yun; Tao, Yachen; Li, Hong


    Prior studies indicate that the semantic radical in Chinese characters contains category information that can support the independent retrieval of category information through the lexical network to the conceptual network. Inductive reasoning relies on category information; thus, semantic radicals may influence inductive reasoning. As most natural concepts are hierarchically structured in the human brain, this study examined how semantic radicals impact inductive reasoning for hierarchical concepts. The study used animal and plant nouns, organized in basic, superordinate, and subordinate levels; half had a semantic radical and half did not. Eighteen participants completed an inductive reasoning task. Behavioural and event-related potential (ERP) data were collected. The behavioural results showed that participants reacted faster and more accurately in the with-semantic-radical condition than in the without-semantic-radical condition. For the ERPs, differences between the conditions were found, and these differences lasted from the very early cognitive processing stage (i.e., the N1 time window) to the relatively late processing stages (i.e., the N400 and LPC time windows). Semantic radicals can help to distinguish the hierarchies earlier (in the N400 period) than characters without a semantic radical (in the LPC period). These results provide electrophysiological evidence that semantic radicals may improve sensitivity to distinguish between hierarchical concepts.

  11. Lithium formate for EPR dosimetry: radiation-induced radical trapping at low temperatures.


    Krivokapić, André; Aalbergsjø, Siv G; De Cooman, Hendrik; Hole, Eli Olaug; Nelson, William H; Sagstuen, Einar


    Radiation-induced primary radicals in lithium formate. A material used in EPR dosimetry have been studied using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and ENDOR-Induced EPR (EIE) techniques. In this study, single crystals were X irradiated at 6-8 K and radical formation at these and higher temperatures were investigated. Periodic density functional theory calculations were used to assist in assigning the radical structures. Mainly two radicals are present at 6 K, the well-known CO2(•-) radical and a protonated electron-gain product. Hyperfine coupling tensors for proton and lithium interactions were obtained for these two radicals and show that the latter radical exists in four conformations with various degrees of bending at the radical center. Pairs of CO2(•-) radicals were also observed and the tensor for the electron-electron dipolar coupling was determined for the strongest coupled pair, which exhibited the largest spectral intensity. Upon warming, both the radical pairs and the reduction product decay, the latter apparently by a transient species. Above 200 K the EPR spectrum was mainly due to the CO2(•-) (mono) radicals, which were previously characterized as the dominant species present at room temperature and which account for the dosimetric EPR signal.

  12. The Expanding Role of Oxygen Free Radicals in Clinical Medicine

    PubMed Central

    Katz, Murray A.


    In 1969 McCord and Fridovich discovered superoxide dismutase, which converts the oxygen free radical O2- to hydrogen peroxide H2O2. In the presence of excess O2-, H2O2 may then undergo further reduction to the highly toxic hydroxyl radical, OH•. Since the description of this enzymatic process, there has been explosive growth in related biochemical research, which has now percolated through to clinical investigation. The hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase system originally used as a radical production model has a close counterpart in the ischemia-reperfusion phenomenon purported to cause diseases of heart, brain and gastrointestinal tract, and free radicals are now known to have a critical role in postphagocytic bacterial killing. Prototypic deficiency diseases such as chronic granulomatous disease are now recognized. Some evidence indicates that excess states such as perhaps Batten's disease also occur, and environmental influences such as selenium and vitamin E deficiency may augment free radical levels. Many disorders including microvasculopathies, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, glomerulopathies and radiation damage may owe part of their proximate pathogenesis to free radicals. Control of tissue free radical levels is now pharmacologically feasible and perhaps justified for specific diseases. PMID:3521094

  13. Development of a PERCA Instrument for Ambient Peroxy Radical Measurements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dusanter, S.; Duncianu, M.; Lahib, A.; Tomas, A.; Stevens, P. S.


    Peroxy radicals (HO2 and RO2) are key species in atmospheric chemistry, which together with the hydroxyl radical (OH), lead to the oxidation of volatile organic compounds and the formation of secondary pollutants such as ozone and secondary organic aerosols. Monitoring these short-lived species during intensive field campaigns and comparing the measured concentrations to model outputs allows assessing the reliability of chemical mechanisms implemented in atmospheric models. However, ambient measurements of peroxy radicals are still considered challenging and only a few techniques have been used for field measurements. The PEroxy Radical Chemical Amplifier (PERCA) approach, whose principle is based on amplification and a conversion of ambient peroxy radicals into nitrogen dioxide (NO2), has recently seen renewed interests due to the availability of sensitive NO2 monitors. We will present (i) the construction of a PERCA instrument, (ii) experiments conducted to quantify the radical chain length for HO2 and several RO2 radicals, including those produced during the OH-oxidation of isoprene, and (iii) a comparison of the conventional CO/NO and recently proposed ethane/NO amplification chemistries. In this context, box modelling of the PERCA chemistry will be discussed.

  14. Radicals derived from acetaldehyde and vinyl alcohol.


    Estep, Marissa L; Morgan, W James; Winkles, Alexander T; Abbott, Adam S; Villegas-Escobar, Nery; Mullinax, J Wayne; Turner, Walter E; Wang, Xiao; Turney, Justin M; Schaefer, Henry F


    Vinyl alcohol and acetaldehyde are isoelectronic products of incomplete butanol combustion. Along with the radicals resulting from the removal of atomic hydrogen or the hydroxyl radical, these species are studied here using ab initio methods as complete as coupled cluster theory with single, double, triple, and perturbative quadruple excitations [CCSDT(Q)], with basis sets as large as cc-pV5Z. The relative energies provided herein are further refined by including corrections for relativistic effects, the frozen core approximation, and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The effects of anharmonic zero-point vibrational energies are also treated. The syn conformer of vinyl alcohol is predicted to be lower in energy than the anti conformer by 1.1 kcal mol -1 . The alcoholic hydrogen of syn-vinyl alcohol is found to be the easiest to remove, requiring 84.4 kcal mol -1 . Five other radicals are also carefully considered, with four conformers investigated for the 1-hydroxyvinyl radical. Beyond energetics, we have conducted an overhaul of the spectroscopic literature for these species. Our results also provide predictions for fundamental modes yet to be reported experimentally. To our knowledge, the ν 3 (3076 cm -1 ) and ν 4 (2999 cm -1 ) C-H stretches for syn-vinyl alcohol and all but one of the vibrational modes for anti-vinyl alcohol (ν 1 -ν 14 ) are yet to be observed experimentally. For the acetyl radical, ν 6 (1035 cm -1 ), ν 11 (944 cm -1 ), ν 12 (97 cm -1 ), and accounting for our changes to the assignment of the 1419.9 cm -1 experimental mode, ν 10 (1441 cm -1 ), are yet to be observed. We have predicted these unobserved fundamentals and reassigned the experimental 1419.9 cm -1 frequency in the acetyl radical to ν 4 rather than to ν 10 . Our work also strongly supports reassignment of the ν 10 and ν 11 fundamentals of the vinoxy radical. We suggest that the bands assigned to the overtones of these fundamentals were in fact combination bands. Our

  15. Measuring Atmospheric Free Radicals Using Chemical Amplification

    DTIC Science & Technology


    CH 3Br, H2S, and SO2 [Logan et al., 1981]. Recently, the OH radical has been determined as the dominant loss mechanism for isoprene and monoterpenes ...W. Heaps, D. Philen, and T. McGee, Bondary Layer Measurements of the OH Radical in the Vicinity of an Isolated Power Plant Plume: SO2 and NO2

  16. Radical Voices; A Film Course Study Guide.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kernan, Margot

    The leftist radical ideas current in the 1960s and 1970s are expressed in the films discussed in this cinema study guide. The radical film takes extreme and avant-garde approaches to the somewhat publicly taboo topics of sex, social issues, and religion. Among the films discussed, I AM CURIOUS (YELLOW) and SOMETHING DIFFERENT show women in their…


    DTIC Science & Technology

    reactions with D2 and HD) in which R is some free radical. The discussion below is developed with those systems in mind in which R is a perfluoroalkyl ...photolysis of the appropriate perfluoroketone was used as the radical source. Recently an investigation was made of the reaction, with R = C2F5 and C3F7

  18. Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives. JAMES MADISON to W. T. BARRY August 4, 1822 RADICAL RESPONSES TO...War II, leading physicists on all sides were cognizant of the possible revolution in explosive power that might be extracted from a uranium bomb...Phantom jets, part of a larger group of aircraft attacking a conventional electric power plant near Baghdad also bombed the Osirak reactor. Minor

  19. Distal radical migration strategy: an emerging synthetic means.


    Li, Weipeng; Xu, Wentao; Xie, Jin; Yu, Shouyun; Zhu, Chengjian


    The remote radical migration strategy has gained considerable momentum. During the past three years, we have witnessed the rapid development of sustainable and practical C-C and C-H bond functionalization by means of long-distance 1,n-radical migration (n = 4, 5, 6) events. Its advent brings our chemical community a new platform to deal with the challenging migration transformations and thus complements the existing ionic-type migration protocols. In this review, the recent achievements in distal radical migration triggered C-C and C-H bond functionalization are summarized.

  20. Radio-Observaciones del OH EN la Coma del Cometa Halley Desde EL Hemisferio Sur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silva, A. M.; Bajaja, E.; Morras, R.; Cersosimo, J. C.; Martin, M. C.; Arnal, E. M.; Poppel, W. G. L.; Colomb, F. R.; Mazzaro, J.; Olalde, J. C.; Boriakoff, V.; Mirabel, I. F.


    Se utilizó una antena de 30 metros del Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía para observaciones diarias Cf ebrero a abril de 1986) de la transición en 1667 MHz ( λ = 18 cm) del OH en la coma del cometa Halley. De las observaciones realizadas se concluye: 1) El número promedio de moléculas de OH en la coma durante 37 días de observación fue de (8.9±3.5)x1034 moléculas, lo que implica una tasa de producción promedio de OH de 1.8x1029 moléculas seg-1 y consecuentemente una pérdida de masa promedio de 17±6 toneladas seg-1 . Este valor está de acuerdo con las mediciones realizadas por las sondas Vega y Giotto. 2) El monitoreo desde el lAR revela la existencia de variaciones bruscas en los flujos de absorción del OH. Estas variaciones son consistentes con los modelos que representan la producción gaseosa a partir de ejecciones y/o desprendimientos discretos de materia congelada del núcleo. 3) Las variaciones en la densidad de flujo son consistentes con las estimaciones de los tiem- pos de vida medios del H2O y del OH en presencia del campo de radiación solar. 4) Se encuentra una correlación entre la intensidad del flujo absorbido y anisotropías en Ia dinamica de la coma.

  1. Aminoxyl (nitroxyl) radicals in the early decomposition of the nitramine RDX.


    Irikura, Karl K


    The explosive nitramine RDX (1,3,5-trinitrohexahydro-s-triazine) is thought to decompose largely by homolytic N-N bond cleavage, among other possible initiation reactions. Density-functional theory (DFT) calculations indicate that the resulting secondary aminyl (R2N·) radical can abstract an oxygen atom from NO2 or from a neighboring nitramine molecule, producing an aminoxyl (R2NO·) radical. Persistent aminoxyl radicals have been detected in electron-spin resonance (ESR) experiments and are consistent with autocatalytic "red oils" reported in the experimental literature. When the O-atom donor is a nitramine, a nitrosamine is formed along with the aminoxyl radical. Reactions of aminoxyl radicals can lead readily to the "oxy-s-triazine" product (as the s-triazine N-oxide) observed mass-spectrometrically by Behrens and co-workers. In addition to forming aminoxyl radicals, the initial aminyl radical can catalyze loss of HONO from RDX.


    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eddingsaas, Nathan; Takematsu, Kana; Okumura, Mitchio


    The nitrate radical is an important atmospheric oxidant in the nighttime sky. Nitrate radicals react by addition to alkenes, and in the presence of oxygen form nitrooxyalkyl peroxy radicals. The peroxy radical formed from the reaction of 2-butene, nitrate radical, and oxygen was detected by cavity ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS) via its widetilde{A}←widetilde{X} electronic absorption spectrum. The widetilde{A}←widetilde{X} electronic transition is a bound-bound transition with enough structure to distinguish between different peroxy radicals as well as different conformers of the same peroxy radical. Two conformers of the nitrooxybutyl peroxy radical have been observed; the absorption features are red shifted from the same absorption features of sec-butyl peroxy radical. Calculations on the structure of nitrooxyalkyl peroxy radicals and general trends of the position of the widetilde{A}←widetilde{X} absorption transitions have also been performed and compared to those of unsubstituted peroxy radicals.

  3. Synthesis and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of New Hydroxybenzylidene Hydrazines.


    Sersen, Frantisek; Gregan, Fridrich; Kotora, Peter; Kmetova, Jarmila; Filo, Juraj; Loos, Dusan; Gregan, Juraj


    Hydroxybenzylidene hydrazines exhibit a wide spectrum of biological activities. Here, we report synthesis and free radical scavenging activity of nine new N-(hydroxybenzylidene)-N'-[2,6-dinitro-4-(trifluoromethyl)]phenylhydrazines. The chemical structures of these compounds were confirmed by 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, 19F-NMR, IR spectroscopy, LC-MS, and elemental analysis. The prepared compounds were tested for their activity to scavenge 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), galvinoxyl radical (GOR), and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline)-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS) radicals. The free radical scavenging activity expressed as SC50 values of these compounds varied in a wide range, from a strong to no radical scavenging effect. The most effective radical scavengers were hydroxybenzylidene hydrazines containing three hydroxyl groups in the benzylidene part of their molecules. The prepared compounds were also tested for their activity to inhibit photosynthetic electron transport in spinach chloroplasts. IC50 values of these compounds varied in wide range, from an intermediate to no inhibitory effect.

  4. Radical formation in the coma from photodissociation of ice grains

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jackson, William M.; Gerth, Christopher


    Long ago visual observations of comets suggested that there are jets in comets but it has only been recently that A'Hearn et al. have proven that some of these jets are due to emission from the CN radical. Recent studies in the lab have shown that CN radicals can be ejected directly into the gas phase from the photolysis of frozen vapors if the parent molecular has been excited to repulsive excited state. This later observation suggests that the jets that have been observed may be due to photodissociation of icy grains in the coma. A theory of radical formation from icy grains is presented. It is shown that direct formation of free radicals in the coma is an effective way to produce radicals from icy grains in the coma. The model predicts that icy grains could produce from 6 to 800,000 OH radicals/s per grain depending upon whether the radius of the grain is 0.3 to 100 micron.

  5. Radical Socioeducational Analysis.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sigmon, Scott B.

    This book describes an interactive-interdisciplinary way of looking at the social conditions which impinge upon schooling, and which impact upon the social facts of life. It examines current schooling problems from the perspective of radical social democratic thought. The book is organized into four major sections. Part 1 provides an overview and…

  6. Thermochemical properties for isooctane and carbon radicals: computational study.


    Snitsiriwat, Suarwee; Bozzelli, Joseph W


    Thermochemical properties for isooctane, its internal rotation conformers, and radicals with corresponding bond energies are determined by use of computational chemistry. Enthalpies of formation are determined using isodesmic reactions with B3LYP density function theory and composite CBS-QB3 methods. Application of group additivity with comparison to calculated values is illustrated. Entropy and heat capacities are determined using geometric parameters, internal rotor potentials, and frequencies from B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) calculations for the lowest energy conformer. Internal rotor potentials are determined for the isooctane parent and for the primary, secondary, and tertiary radicals in order to identify isomer energies. Intramolecular interactions are shown to have a significant effect on the enthalpy of formation of the isooctane parent and its radicals. The computed standard enthalpy of formation for the lowest energy conformers of isooctane from this study is -54.40 ± 1.60 kcal mol(-1), which is 0.8 kcal mol(-1) lower than the evaluated experimental value -53.54 ± 0.36 kcal mol(-1). The standard enthalpy of formation for the primary radical for a methyl on the quaternary carbon is -5.00 ± 1.69 kcal mol(-1), for the primary radical on the tertiary carbon is -5.18 ± 1.69 kcal mol(-1), for the secondary isooctane radical is -9.03 ± 1.84 kcal mol(-1), and for the tertiary isooctane radical is -12.30 ± 2.02 kcal mol(-1). Bond energy values for the isooctane radicals are 100.64 ± 1.73, 100.46 ± 1.73, 96.41 ± 1.88 and 93.14 ± 2.05 kcal mol(-1) for C3•CCCC2, C3CCCC2•, C3CC•CC2, and C3CCC•C2, respectively. Entropy and heat capacity values are reported for the lowest energy homologues.

  7. Why Nature Uses Radical SAM Enzymes so Widely: Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Studies of Lysine 2,3-Aminomutase Show the 5'-dAdo• "Free Radical" Is Never Free.


    Horitani, Masaki; Byer, Amanda S; Shisler, Krista A; Chandra, Tilak; Broderick, Joan B; Hoffman, Brian M


    Lysine 2,3-aminomutase (LAM) is a radical S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) enzyme and, like other members of this superfamily, LAM utilizes radical-generating machinery comprising SAM anchored to the unique Fe of a [4Fe-4S] cluster via a classical five-membered N,O chelate ring. Catalysis is initiated by reductive cleavage of the SAM S-C5' bond, which creates the highly reactive 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical (5'-dAdo•), the same radical generated by homolytic Co-C bond cleavage in B12 radical enzymes. The SAM surrogate S-3',4'-anhydroadenosyl-L-methionine (anSAM) can replace SAM as a cofactor in the isomerization of L-α-lysine to L-β-lysine by LAM, via the stable allylic anhydroadenosyl radical (anAdo•). Here electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy of the anAdo• radical in the presence of (13)C, (2)H, and (15)N-labeled lysine completes the picture of how the active site of LAM from Clostridium subterminale SB4 "tames" the 5'-dAdo• radical, preventing it from carrying out harmful side reactions: this "free radical" in LAM is never free. The low steric demands of the radical-generating [4Fe-4S]/SAM construct allow the substrate target to bind adjacent to the S-C5' bond, thereby enabling the 5'-dAdo• radical created by cleavage of this bond to react with its partners by undergoing small motions, ∼0.6 Å toward the target and ∼1.5 Å overall, that are controlled by tight van der Waals contact with its partners. We suggest that the accessibility to substrate and ready control of the reactive C5' radical, with "van der Waals control" of small motions throughout the catalytic cycle, is common within the radical SAM enzyme superfamily and is a major reason why these enzymes are the preferred means of initiating radical reactions in nature.

  8. Changes in free-radical scavenging ability of kombucha tea during fermentation.


    Jayabalan, R; Subathradevi, P; Marimuthu, S; Sathishkumar, M; Swaminathan, K


    Kombucha tea is a fermented tea beverage produced by fermenting sugared black tea with tea fungus (kombucha). Free-radical scavenging abilities of kombucha tea prepared from green tea (GTK), black tea (BTK) and tea waste material (TWK) along with pH, phenolic compounds and reducing power were investigated during fermentation period. Phenolic compounds, scavenging activity on DPPH radical, superoxide radical (xanthine-xanthine oxidase system) and inhibitory activity against hydroxyl radical mediated linoleic acid oxidation (ammonium thiocyanate assay) were increased during fermentation period, whereas pH, reducing power, hydroxyl radical scavenging ability (ascorbic acid-iron EDTA) and anti-lipid peroxidation ability (thiobarbituric assay) were decreased. From the present study, it is obvious that there might be some chances of structural modification of components in tea due to enzymes liberated by bacteria and yeast during kombucha fermentation which results in better scavenging performance on nitrogen and superoxide radicals, and poor scavenging performance on hydroxyl radicals. Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Radicals: Reactive Intermediates with Translational Potential.


    Yan, Ming; Lo, Julian C; Edwards, Jacob T; Baran, Phil S


    This Perspective illustrates the defining characteristics of free radical chemistry, beginning with its rich and storied history. Studies from our laboratory are discussed along with recent developments emanating from others in this burgeoning area. The practicality and chemoselectivity of radical reactions enable rapid access to molecules of relevance to drug discovery, agrochemistry, material science, and other disciplines. Thus, these reactive intermediates possess inherent translational potential, as they can be widely used to expedite scientific endeavors for the betterment of humankind.

  10. Electrochemical properties of new organic radical materials for lithium secondary batteries

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Seo Hwan; Kim, Jae-Kwang; Cheruvally, Gouri; Choi, Jae-Won; Ahn, Jou-Hyeon; Chauhan, Ghanshyam S.; Song, Choong Eui

    The use of ionic liquid (IL)-supported organic radicals as cathode-active materials in lithium secondary batteries is reported in this article. Two different types of IL-supported organic radicals based on the 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO) radical and imidazolium hexafluorophosphate IL were synthesized. The first type is a mono-radical with one unit of TEMPO and the second is a symmetrical di-radical with 2 U of TEMPO; both are viscous liquids at 25 °C. The radicals exhibit electrochemical activity at ∼3.5 V versus Li/Li + as revealed in the cyclic voltammetry tests. The organic radical batteries (ORBs) with these materials as the cathode, a lithium metal anode and 1 M LiPF 6 in EC/DMC electrolyte exhibited good performance at room temperature during the charge-discharge and cycling tests. The batteries exhibited specific capacities of 59 and 80 mAh g -1 at 1 C-rate with the mono- and di-radicals as the cathodes, respectively, resulting in 100% utilization of the materials. The performance degradation with increasing C-rate is very minimal for the ORBs, thus demonstrating good rate capability.

  11. Electronic states of aryl radical functionalized graphenes: Density functional theory study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tachikawa, Hiroto; Kawabata, Hiroshi


    Functionalized graphenes are known as a high-performance molecular device. In the present study, the structures and electronic states of the aryl radical functionalized graphene have been investigated by the density functional theory (DFT) method to elucidate the effects of functionalization on the electronic states of graphene (GR). Also, the mechanism of aryl radical reaction with GR was investigated. The benzene, biphenyl, p-terphenyl, and p-quaterphenyl radicals [denoted by (Bz) n (n = 1-4), where n means numbers of benzene rings in aryl radical] were examined as aryl radicals. The DFT calculation of GR-(Bz) n (n = 1-4) showed that the aryl radical binds to the carbon atom of GR, and a C-C single bond was formed. The binding energies of aryl radicals to GR were calculated to be ca. 6.0 kcal mol-1 at the CAM-B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level. It was found that the activation barrier exists in the aryl radical addition: the barrier heights were calculated to be 10.0 kcal mol-1. The electronic states of GR-(Bz) n were examined on the basis of theoretical results.

  12. Chemical determination of free radical-induced damage to DNA.


    Dizdaroglu, M


    Free radical-induced damage to DNA in vivo can result in deleterious biological consequences such as the initiation and promotion of cancer. Chemical characterization and quantitation of such DNA damage is essential for an understanding of its biological consequences and cellular repair. Methodologies incorporating the technique of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) have been developed in recent years for measurement of free radical-induced DNA damage. The use of GC/MS with selected-ion monitoring (SIM) facilitates unequivocal identification and quantitation of a large number of products of all four DNA bases produced in DNA by reactions with hydroxyl radical, hydrated electron, and H atom. Hydroxyl radical-induced DNA-protein cross-links in mammalian chromatin, and products of the sugar moiety in DNA are also unequivocally identified and quantitated. The sensitivity and selectivity of the GC/MS-SIM technique enables the measurement of DNA base products even in isolated mammalian chromatin without the necessity of first isolating DNA, and despite the presence of histones. Recent results reviewed in this article demonstrate the usefulness of the GC/MS technique for chemical determination of free radical-induced DNA damage in DNA as well as in mammalian chromatin under a vast variety of conditions of free radical production.

  13. Resveratrol products resulting by free radical attack

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bader, Yvonne; Quint, R. M.; Getoff, Nikola


    Trans-resveratrol ( trans-3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene; RES), which is contained in red wine and many plants, is one of the most relevant and extensively investigated stilbenes with a broad spectrum of biological activities. Among other duties, RES has been reported to have anti-carcinogenetic activities, which could be attributed to its antioxidant properties. The degradation of RES was studied under various conditions. The products (aldehydes, carboxylic acids, etc.) generated from RES by the attack of free radicals were registered as a function of the radical concentration (absorbed radiation dose). Based on the obtained data it appears that the OH radicals are initiating the rather complicated process, which involves of the numerous consecutive reactions. A possible starting reaction mechanism is presented.

  14. Potent antioxidant and radical-scavenging activities of traditional Japanese cereal grains.


    Higashi-Okai, Kiyoka; Ishida, Emi; Nakamura, Yumiko; Fujiwara, Satomi; Okai, Yasuji


    To estimate the preventive potential of Japanese traditional cereals against oxygen radical-related chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, antioxidant and radical-scavenging activities in the extracts of five Japanese traditional cereal grains were analyzed by using an assay system of lipid peroxidation and a radical compound, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). DPPH radical-scavenging activities in the extracts of Japanese cereal grains were divided into two groups. One group including Japanese sorghum, black rice and red rice showed strong radical-scavenging activities, but the other group including Japanese barnyard millet and foxtail millet did not exhibit significant radical-scavenging activities. The DPPH radical-scavenging activities of these extracts were closely correlated to the contents of phenolic compound in the extracts, but not to the sugar or protein content in the extracts. In contrast, all the methanol and water extracts of the cereal grains caused significant antioxidant activities against hydroperoxide generation in the peroxidation of linoleic acid, in which the water extracts of these cereal grains caused much higher antioxidant activities than the methanol extracts of the same cereals. These results suggest that Japanese traditional cereals contain qualitatively different principles associated with antioxidant and radical-scavenging activities, and possible principles responsible for the antioxidant and radical-scavenging activities in the cereal grains are discussed.

  15. Oxidation of spin-traps by chlorine dioxide (ClO2) radical in aqueous solutions: first ESR evidence of formation of new nitroxide radicals.


    Ozawa, T; Miura, Y; Ueda, J


    The reactivities of the chlorine dioxide (ClO2), which is a stable free radical towards some water-soluble spin-traps were investigated in aqueous solutions by an electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. The ClO2 radical was generated from the redox reaction of Ti3+ with potassium chlorate (KClO3) in aqueous solutions. When one of the spin-traps, 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO), was included in the Ti3+-KClO3 reaction system, ESR spectrum due to the ClO2 radical completely disappeared and a new ESR spectrum [aN(1) = 0.72 mT, aH(2) = 0.41 mT], which is different from that of DMPO-ClO2 adduct, was observed. The ESR parameters of this new ESR signal was identical to those of 5,5-dimethylpyrrolidone-(2)-oxyl-(1) (DMPOX), suggesting the radical species giving the new ESR spectrum is assignable to DMPOX. The similar ESR spectrum consisting of a triplet [aN(1) = 0.69 mT] was observed when the derivative of DMPO, 3,3,5,5-tetramethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (M4PO) was included in the Ti3+-KClO3 reaction system. This radical species is attributed to the oxidation product of M4PO, 3,3,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidone-(2)-oxyl-(1) (M4POX). When another nitrone spin-trap, alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-t-butylnitrone (POBN) was used as a spin-trap, the ESR signal intensity due to the ClO2 radical decreased and a new ESR signal consisting of a triplet [aN(1) = 0.76 mT] was observed. The similar ESR spectrum was observed when N-t-butyl-alpha- nitrone (PBN) was used as a spin-trap. This ESR parameter [a(N)(1) = 0.85 mT] was identical to the oxidation product of PBN, PBNX. Thus, the new ESR signal observed from POBN may be assigned to the oxidation product of POBN, POBNX. These results suggest that the ClO2, radical does not form the stable spin adducts with nitrone spin-traps, but oxidizes these spin-traps to give the corresponding nitroxyl radicals. On the other hand, nitroso spin-traps, 5,5-dibromo-4-nitrosobenzenesulfonate (DBNBS), and 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane (MNP) did not trap

  16. [Free radicals and hepatic ischemia-reperfusion].


    Szijártó, Attila


    The critical importance of the ischemic-reperfusive injury is well documented with regards to numerous organs and clinical conditions. Oxygen free radicals play a central role in the mediation of the injury, which dominantly influences the prevalence of postoperative complications, (long term) organ damage, and the potential manifestation of systemic reactions. The both anatomically and pathophysiologically unique ischemic-reperfusive injury of the liver, which is expressively vulnerable to free radicals, is of utmost importance in liver surgery. Several techniques (adaptive maneuvers, chemical agents) are known to ameliorate the reperfusive injury. Based on the prior research of the workgroup of the author, the aim of the current article is to overview the set of measures capable of attenuating ischemic-reperfusive injury (ischemic preconditioning, -perconditioning, administration of adenosine, -inosine, -levosimendan, and -poly-ADP-ribose-polymerase inhibitor), with special attention to the ischemic-reperfusive injury of the liver, as well as the special pathophysiological role of free radicals in mediating hepatic damage.

  17. Copper-catalyzed radical carbooxygenation: alkylation and alkoxylation of styrenes.


    Liao, Zhixiong; Yi, Hong; Li, Zheng; Fan, Chao; Zhang, Xu; Liu, Jie; Deng, Zixin; Lei, Aiwen


    A simple copper-catalyzed direct radical carbooxygenation of styrenes is developed utilizing alkyl bromides as radical resources. This catalytic radical difunctionalization accomplishes both alkylation and alkoxylation of styrenes in one pot. A broad range of styrenes and alcohols are well tolerated in this transformation. The EPR experiment shows that alkyl halides could oxidize Cu(I) to Cu(II) in this transformation. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Phenyl radical + propene: a prototypical reaction surface for aromatic-catalyzed 1,2-hydrogen-migration and subsequent resonance-stabilized radical formation.


    Buras, Zachary J; Chu, Te-Chun; Jamal, Adeel; Yee, Nathan W; Middaugh, Joshua E; Green, William H


    The C9H11 potential energy surface (PES) was experimentally and theoretically explored because it is a relatively simple, prototypical alkylaromatic radical system. Although the C9H11 PES has already been extensively studied both experimentally (under single-collision and thermal conditions) and theoretically, new insights were made in this work by taking a new experimental approach: flash photolysis combined with time-resolved molecular beam mass spectrometry (MBMS) and visible laser absorbance. The C9H11 PES was experimentally accessed by photolytic generation of the phenyl radical and subsequent reaction with excess propene (C6H5 + C3H6). The overall kinetics of C6H5 + C3H6 was measured using laser absorbance with high time-resolution from 300 to 700 K and was found to be in agreement with earlier measurements over a lower temperature range. Five major product channels of C6H5 + C3H6 were observed with MBMS at 600 and 700 K, four of which were expected: hydrogen (H)-abstraction (measured by the stable benzene, C6H6, product), methyl radical (CH3)-loss (styrene detected), H-loss (phenylpropene isomers detected) and radical adduct stabilization. The fifth, unexpected product observed was the benzyl radical, which was rationalized by the inclusion of a previously unreported pathway on the C9H11 PES: aromatic-catalysed 1,2-H-migration and subsequent resonance stabilized radical (RSR, benzyl radical in this case) formation. The current theoretical understanding of the C9H11 PES was supported (including the aromatic-catalyzed pathway) by quantitative comparisons between modelled and experimental MBMS results. At 700 K, the branching to styrene + CH3 was 2-4 times greater than that of any other product channel, while benzyl radical + C2H4 from the aromatic-catalyzed pathway accounted for ∼10% of the branching. Single-collision conditions were also simulated on the updated PES to explain why previous crossed molecular beam experiments did not see evidence of the

  19. Photolysis and oxidation of azidophenyl-substituted radicals: delocalization in heteroatom-based radicals.


    Serwinski, Paul R; Esat, Burak; Lahti, Paul M; Liao, Yi; Walton, Richard; Lan, Jiang


    2-(4-Azidophenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-3-oxide-1-oxyl (14), 2-(4-azidophenyl)benzimidazole-1-oxide-3-oxyl (16), 2-(4-azidophenyl)-1,2,6-triphenylverdazyl (19), 2-(3-azidophenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-3-oxide-1-oxyl (21), and (3-azidophenyl)-N-tert-butyl-N-aminoxyl (25) were photolyzed in frozen solution to give S = 3/2 state ESR spectra of the corresponding nitrenophenyl radicals with the following zero-field splitting parameters: |D/hc| = 0.277 cm(-1), |E/hc| < or = 0.002 cm(-1) (7 from 14); |D/hc| = 0.256 cm(-1), |E/hc| < or = 0.002 cm(-1) (8 from 16); |D/hc| = 0.288 cm(-1), |E/hc| < or = 0.002 cm(-1) (9 from 19); |D/hc| = 0.352 cm(-1), |E/hc| = 0.006 cm(-1) (10 from 21); |D/hc| = 0.336 cm(-1), |E/hc| = 0.004 cm(-1) (11 from 25). UB3LYP/6-31G computations and ESR spectroscopic analyses suggest that these are nitreno radicals, even para-linked systems with possible quinonoidal resonance forms. Neat samples of azidophenyl radicals 14 and 21 showed bulk paramagnetic behavior, consistent with the lack of close contacts in their crystal structures. Efforts to make photolabile coordination complexes of 14 and 21 with paramagnetic transition metal ions were unsuccessful: Cu(ClO4)2 x 6H2O instead oxidized them to the corresponding diamagnetic nitrosonium perchlorate salts. Copyright 2004 American Chemical Society

  20. Espectroscopia del Cometa Halley

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Naranjo, O.; Fuenmayor, F.; Ferrin, L.; Bulka, P.; Mendoza, C.


    Se reportan observaciones espectroscópicas del cometa Halley. Los espectros fueron tomados usando el espectrógrafo del telescopio reflector de 1 metro del Observatorio Nacional de Venezuela. Se utilizó óptica azul, con una red de difracción de 600 lineas/min, obteniéndose una dispersión de 74.2 A/mm y una resolución de 2.5 A, en el rango espectral de 3500 a 6500 A. Seis placas fueron tomadas con emulsión IIa-O y dos con IIa-D. Los tiempos de exposición fueron entre 10 y 150 minutos. El cometa se encontraba entre 0.70 y 1.04 UA del Sol, y entre 1.28 y 0.73 UA de la Tierra. Las emisiones más prominentes en el espectro, son las del CN, C2, y C3. Otras emisiones detectadas corresponden a CH, NH2 y Na. Los espectros muestran un fuerte continuo, indicando un contenido significativo de polvo. Se detectó mayor intensidad del contínuo, en la dirección anti solar, lo cual es evidencia de la cola de polvo.

  1. Vitamin free radicals and their anticancer action. Review.


    Getoff, Nikola


    The antimumor effect of antioxidant vitamins (C, E and beta-carotene) as well as of the vitamins B1 up to B6 and B11 under the action of oxidizing (OH, O(2)(*-)) and reducing free radicals (e(aq)(-), H) is discussed. In addition, the synergistic action of vitamins on cytostatic agents under the influence of free radicals and the involved reaction mechanisms are briefly discussed. The very fast kinetics of electron transfer taking place within a biological molecule (vitamin B11) is shown for demonstration of the complicated free radical processes in the organism.

  2. Generation of radicals and antimalarial activity of dispiro-1,2,4-trioxolanes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Denisov, E. T.; Denisova, T. G.


    The kinetic schemes of the intramolecular oxidation of radicals generated from substituted dispiro-1,2,4-trioxolanes (seven compounds) in the presence of Fe2+ and oxygen were built. Each radical reaction was defined in terms of enthalpy, activation energy, and rate constant. The kinetic characteristics were calculated by the intersecting parabolas method. The competition between the radical reactions was considered. The entry of radicals generated by each compound into the volume was calculated. High antimalarial activity was found for 1,2,4-trioxolanes, which generated hydroxyl radicals. The structural features of trioxolanes responsible for the generation of hydroxyl radicals were determined.

  3. [From free radicals to science of nutrition].


    Blázovics, Anna


    During the decades of free radical research, we came ever closer to the knowledge that the free radical-antioxidant balance of the organs is modified fundamentally by the genetic background and surroundings. Janus-face oxygen free radicals are the secondary messengers of signal transduction routes and simultaneously they are cytotoxic agents of cells. The activation of signal transduction proteins by moderate oxidation effects and metal ions is not fairly known yet. The molecular mechanism between activators and inhibitors of signal transduction is controlled in a fine way. The balance of antioxidant-prooxidant levels of the cells can go back to the concentration relation of sulfhydril groups and disulfid bridges. Essential and toxic metal ions and selenium can play an important role in the redox homeostasis. Healthy tissues have many antioxidants, hereby they ensure the protection of the organs against free radicals. Alimentary antioxidants such as vitamin A, C and E, polyphenols, anthocyanins, flavonoids, isothiocyanates and other bioactive molecules in their natural molecular structure and derivates are able to influence the redox reactions. In our days more and more molecules from foods, or their metabolites are verified to act on genes based on the results of molecular biological research.

  4. Radical-mediated enzymatic methylation: a tale of two SAMS.


    Zhang, Qi; van der Donk, Wilfred A; Liu, Wen


    Methylation is an essential and ubiquitous reaction that plays an important role in a wide range of biological processes. Most biological methylations use S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) as the methyl donor and proceed via an S(N)2 displacement mechanism. However, researchers have discovered an increasing number of methylations that involve radical chemistry. The enzymes known to catalyze these reactions all belong to the radical SAM superfamily. This family of enzymes utilizes a specialized [4Fe-4S] cluster for reductive cleavage of SAM to yield a highly reactive 5'-deoxyadenosyl (dAdo) radical. Radical chemistry is then imposed on a variety of organic substrates, leading to a diverse array of transformations. Until recently, researchers had not fully understood how these enzymes employ radical chemistry to mediate a methyl transfer reaction. Sequence analyses reveal that the currently identified radical SAM methyltransferases (RSMTs) can be grouped into three classes, which appear distinct in protein architecture and mechanism. Class A RSMTs mainly include the rRNA methyltransferases RlmN and Cfr from various origins. As exemplified by Escherichia coli RlmN, these proteins have a single canonical radical SAM core domain that includes an (βα)(6) partial barrel most similar to that of pyruvate formate lyase-activase. The exciting recent studies on RlmN and Cfr are beginning to provide insights into the intriguing chemistry of class A RSMTs. These enzymes utilize a methylene radical generated on a unique methylated cysteine residue. However, based on the variety of substrates used by the other classes of RSMTs, alternative mechanisms are likely to be discovered. Class B RSMTs contain a proposed N-terminal cobalamin binding domain in addition to a radical SAM domain at the C-terminus. This class of proteins methylates diverse substrates at inert sp(3) carbons, aromatic heterocycles, and phosphinates, possibly involving a cobalamin-mediated methyl transfer process. Class

  5. Transformations of dissolved organic matter induced by UV photolysis, Hydroxyl radicals, chlorine radicals, and sulfate radicals in aqueous-phase UV-Based advanced oxidation processes.


    Varanasi, Lathika; Coscarelli, Erica; Khaksari, Maryam; Mazzoleni, Lynn R; Minakata, Daisuke


    Considering the increasing identification of trace organic contaminants in natural aquatic environments, the removal of trace organic contaminants from water or wastewater discharge is an urgent task. Ultraviolet (UV) and UV-based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), such as UV/hydrogen peroxide (UV/H 2 O 2 ), UV/free chlorine and UV/persulfate, are attractive and promising approaches for the removal of these contaminants due to the high reactivity of active radical species produced in these UV-AOPs with a wide variety of organic contaminants. However, the removal efficiency of trace contaminants is greatly affected by the presence of background dissolved organic matter (DOM). In this study, we use ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry to evaluate the transformation of a standard Suwanee River fulvic acid DOM isolate in UV photolysis and UV-AOPs. The use of probe compounds allows for the determination of the steady-state concentrations of active radical species in each UV-AOP. The changes in the H/C and O/C elemental ratios, double bond equivalents, and the low-molecular-weight transformation product concentrations of organic acids reveal that different DOM transformation patterns are induced by each UV-AOP. By comparison with the known reactivities of each radical species with specific organic compounds, we mechanistically and systematically elucidate the molecular-level DOM transformation pathways induced by hydroxyl, chlorine, and sulfate radicals in UV-AOPs. We find that there is a distinct transformation in the aliphatic components of DOM due to HO• in UV/H 2 O 2 and UV/free chlorine. Cl• induced transformation of olefinic species is also observed in the UV/free chlorine system. Transformation of aromatic and olefinic moieties by SO 4 •- are the predominant pathways in the UV/persulfate system. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Antioxidant Effects of Herbal Tea Leaves from Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) on Multiple Free Radical and Reducing Power Assays, Especially on Different Superoxide Anion Radical Generation Systems.


    Sugahara, Shintaro; Ueda, Yuto; Fukuhara, Kumiko; Kamamuta, Yuki; Matsuda, Yasushi; Murata, Tatsuro; Kuroda, Yasuhiro; Kabata, Kiyotaka; Ono, Masateru; Igoshi, Keiji; Yasuda, Shin


    Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), a native Andean plant, has been cultivated as a crop and locally used as a traditional folk medicine for the people suffering from diabetes and digestive/renal disorders. However, the medicinal properties of this plant and its processed foods have not been completely established. This study investigates the potent antioxidative effects of herbal tea leaves from yacon in different free radical models and a ferric reducing model. A hot-water extract exhibited the highest yield of total polyphenol and scavenging effect on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical among four extracts prepared with hot water, methanol, ethanol, and ethylacetate. In addition, a higher reducing power of the hot-water extract was similarly demonstrated among these extracts. Varying concentrations of the hot-water extract resulted in different scavenging activities in four synthetic free radical models: DPPH radical (EC50 28.1 μg/mL), 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) cation radical (EC50 23.7 μg/mL), galvinoxyl radical (EC50 3.06 μg/mL), and chlorpromazine cation radical (EC50 475 μg/mL). The yacon tea-leaf extract further demonstrated superoxide anion (O2(-)) radical scavenging effects in the phenazine methosulfate-NADH-nitroblue tetrazolium (EC50 64.5 μg/mL) and xanthine oxidase assay systems (EC50 20.7 μg/mL). Subsequently, incubating human neutrophilic cells in the presence of the tea-leaf extract could suppress the cellular O2(-) radical generation (IC50 65.7 μg/mL) in a phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-activated cell model. These results support yacon tea leaves may be a good source of natural antioxidants for preventing O2(-) radical-mediated disorders. Yacon has been considered to be a potent alternative food source for patients who require a dietary cure in regional area, while the leaf part has been provided and consumed as an herbal tea in local markets. We demonstrated here potent antioxidative effects of the tea


    EPA Science Inventory

    Novel and diversified macromolecular structures, which include polymers with designed topologies (top), compostions (middle), and functionalities (bottom), can be prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization processes. These polymers can be synthesized from a large variety of...


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fischer, H.; Hellwege, K.-H.; Neudoerfl, P.


    Peroxide radicals are formed by oxidation of carbon radicals in irradiated isotactic polypropylene. An interpretation of their ESR spectra is given. The recombination of the peroxide radicals follows a chain reaction mechanism, which is derived from the reversibility of formation of peroxide radicals, the time dependence of their concentration, and from the oxygen consumption of samples containing peroxide radicals. The reactions are discussed in view of the radiation induced oxidative degradation of polypropylene. (auth)

  9. Theoretical studies of alkyl radicals in the NaY and HY zeolites.


    Ghandi, Khashayar; Zahariev, Federico E; Wang, Yan Alexander


    Interplay of quantum mechanical calculations and experimental data on hyperfine coupling constants of ethyl radical in zeolites at several temperatures was engaged to study the geometries and binding energies and to predict the temperature dependence of hyperfine splitting of a series of alkyl radicals in zeolites for the first time. The main focus is on the hyperfine interaction of alkyl radicals in the NaY and HY zeolites. The hyperfine splitting for neutral free radicals and free radical cations is predicted for different zeolite environments. This information can be used to establish the nature of the muoniated alkyl radicals in the NaY and HY zeolites via muSR experiments. The muon hyperfine coupling constants of the ethane radical cation in these zeolites are very large with relatively little dependence on temperature. It was found that the intramolecular dynamics of alkyl free radicals are only weakly affected by their strong binding to zeolites. In contrast, the substrate binding has a significant effect on their intermolecular dynamics.

  10. New free radicals to measure antiradical capacity: a theoretical study.


    León-Carmona, Jorge Rafael; Martínez, Ana; Galano, Annia


    A new family of free radicals, that are soluble in water and stable at all pH values, were recently synthesized and used to assess the antiradical capacity of several polyphenols. In the present work, density functional calculations were used to investigate the single electron transfer reactions between these new free radicals and polyphenols in aqueous solution. The quantification of the antiradical capacity is a challenge, particularly for polyphenols, since they become unstable under experimental conditions. It was found that the electron transfer from polyphenols to the newly developed free radicals can be used to assess the efficiency of this kind of compound for preventing oxidative stress. Since one of the free radicals can be deprotonated under experimental conditions, this newly synthesized radical can help distinguish more clearly between different antiradical compounds with similar antioxidant capacity by modifying the pH in the experiments. The results reported here are in good agreement with the available experimental data and allowed making recommendations about possible experimental conditions in the design of antioxidant assays using the investigated radicals.

  11. Comparing Positively and Negatively Charged Distonic Radical Ions in Phenylperoxyl Forming Reactions.


    Williams, Peggy E; Marshall, David L; Poad, Berwyck L J; Narreddula, Venkateswara R; Kirk, Benjamin B; Trevitt, Adam J; Blanksby, Stephen J


    In the gas phase, arylperoxyl forming reactions play a significant role in low-temperature combustion and atmospheric processing of volatile organic compounds. We have previously demonstrated the application of charge-tagged phenyl radicals to explore the outcomes of these reactions using ion trap mass spectrometry. Here, we present a side-by-side comparison of rates and product distributions from the reaction of positively and negatively charge tagged phenyl radicals with dioxygen. The negatively charged distonic radical ions are found to react with significantly greater efficiency than their positively charged analogues. The product distributions of the anion reactions favor products of phenylperoxyl radical decomposition (e.g., phenoxyl radicals and cyclopentadienone), while the comparable fixed-charge cations yield the stabilized phenylperoxyl radical. Electronic structure calculations rationalize these differences as arising from the influence of the charged moiety on the energetics of rate-determining transition states and reaction intermediates within the phenylperoxyl reaction manifold and predict that this influence could extend to intra-molecular charge-radical separations of up to 14.5 Å. Experimental observations of reactions of the novel 4-(1-carboxylatoadamantyl)phenyl radical anion confirm that the influence of the charge on both rate and product distribution can be modulated by increasing the rigidly imposed separation between charge and radical sites. These findings provide a generalizable framework for predicting the influence of charged groups on polarizable radicals in gas phase distonic radical ions. Graphical Abstract.

  12. Comparing Positively and Negatively Charged Distonic Radical Ions in Phenylperoxyl Forming Reactions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Williams, Peggy E.; Marshall, David L.; Poad, Berwyck L. J.; Narreddula, Venkateswara R.; Kirk, Benjamin B.; Trevitt, Adam J.; Blanksby, Stephen J.


    In the gas phase, arylperoxyl forming reactions play a significant role in low-temperature combustion and atmospheric processing of volatile organic compounds. We have previously demonstrated the application of charge-tagged phenyl radicals to explore the outcomes of these reactions using ion trap mass spectrometry. Here, we present a side-by-side comparison of rates and product distributions from the reaction of positively and negatively charge tagged phenyl radicals with dioxygen. The negatively charged distonic radical ions are found to react with significantly greater efficiency than their positively charged analogues. The product distributions of the anion reactions favor products of phenylperoxyl radical decomposition (e.g., phenoxyl radicals and cyclopentadienone), while the comparable fixed-charge cations yield the stabilized phenylperoxyl radical. Electronic structure calculations rationalize these differences as arising from the influence of the charged moiety on the energetics of rate-determining transition states and reaction intermediates within the phenylperoxyl reaction manifold and predict that this influence could extend to intra-molecular charge-radical separations of up to 14.5 Å. Experimental observations of reactions of the novel 4-(1-carboxylatoadamantyl)phenyl radical anion confirm that the influence of the charge on both rate and product distribution can be modulated by increasing the rigidly imposed separation between charge and radical sites. These findings provide a generalizable framework for predicting the influence of charged groups on polarizable radicals in gas phase distonic radical ions.

  13. Praxis: The Making of Australia's Radical Education Dossier

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Harris, Kevin


    "Radical Education Dossier" is arguably the most successful independent continuous radical educational publication ever produced; made without financial support or institutional backing of any kind, surviving on the will and efforts of changing Editorial Collectives for more than 60 Issues over three decades, directly influencing at…

  14. Engineering radical polymer electrodes for electrochemical energy storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nevers, Douglas R.; Brushett, Fikile R.; Wheeler, Dean R.


    In principle a wide range of organic materials can store energy in the form of reversible redox conversions of stable radicals. Such chemistry holds great promise for energy storage applications due to high theoretical capacities, high rate capabilities, intrinsic structural tunability, and the possibility of low-cost "green" syntheses from renewable sources. There have been steady improvements in the design of organic radical polymers, in which radicals are incorporated into the backbone and/or as pendant groups. This review highlights opportunities for improved redox molecule and polymer design along with the key challenges (e.g., transport phenomena, solubility, and reaction mechanisms) to transitioning known organic radicals into high-performance electrodes. Ultimately, organic-based batteries are still a nascent field with many open questions. Further advances in molecular design, electrode engineering, and device architecture will be required for these systems to reach their full potential and meet the diverse and increasing demands for energy storage.

  15. Particle phase photosensitized radical production and aerosol aging.


    Corral-Arroyo, Pablo; Bartels-Rausch, Thorsten; Alpert, Peter Aaron; Dumas, Stephane; Perrier, Sebastien; George, Christian; Ammann, Markus


    Atmospheric aerosol particles may contain light absorbing (brown carbon, BrC), triplet forming organic compounds that can sustain catalytic radical reactions and thus contribute to oxidative aerosol aging. We quantify UVA induced radical production initiated by imidazole-2-carboxaldehyde (IC), benzophenone (BPh) and 4-Benzoylbenzoic acid (BBA) in the presence of the non-absorbing organics citric acid (CA), shikimic acid (SA) and syringol (Syr) at varying mixing ratios. We observed a maximum HO 2 release of 10 13 molecules min -1 cm -2 at a mole ratio Χ BPh <0.02 for BPh in CA. Mixtures of either IC or BBA with CA resulted in 10 11 -10 12 molecules min -1 cm -2 of HO 2 at mole ratios (Χ IC and Χ BBA ) between 0.01 and 0.15. HO 2 release was affected by relative humidity (RH) and film thickness suggesting coupled photochemical reaction and diffusion processes. Quantum yields of HO 2 formed per absorbed photon for IC, BBA and BPh were between 10 -7 and 5∙10 -5 . The non-photoactive organics, Syr and SA, increased HO 2 production due to the reaction with the triplet excited species ensuing ketyl radical production. Rate coefficients of the triplet of IC with Syr and SA measured by laser flash photolysis experiments were k Syr =9.4±0.3∙10 8 M -1 s -1 and k SA =2.7±0.5∙10 7 M -1 s -1 . A simple kinetic model was used to assess total HO 2 and organic radical production in the condensed phase and to upscale to ambient aerosol, indicating that BrC induced radical production may amount to an upper limit of 20 and 200 M day -1 of HO 2 and organic radical respectively, which is greater or in the same order of magnitude as the internal radical production from other processes, previously estimated to be around 15 M per day.

  16. Radical Surgery Improves Survival in Patients with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma.


    Vollmer, Katherin; Gfroerer, Stefan; Theilen, Till-Martin; Bochennek, Konrad; Klingebiel, Thomas; Rolle, Udo; Fiegel, Henning


    Neuroblastoma (NBL) is the most common extracranial solid tumor in children. Despite a good overall prognosis in NBL patients, the outcome of children with stage 4 disease, even with multimodal intensive therapy, remains poor. The role of extended surgical resection of the primary tumor is in numerous studies controversial. The aim of this study was to retrospectively analyze the impact of radical surgical resection on the overall- and event-free survival of stage 4 NBL patients. We retrospectively analyzed patient charts of 40 patients with stage 4 NBL treated in our institution between January 1990 and May 2012. All clinical and pathological findings of stage 4 NBL patients were included. Extent of surgery was assessed from the operation records and was classified as non-radical (tumor biopsy, partial 50-90% resection) or radical (near-complete >90% resection, complete resection). Overall- (OS) and event-free (EFS) survival was assessed using the Kaplan-Meier analysis and log-rank test. A multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to demonstrate independency. In total, 29/40 patients were operated radically (>90% resection), whereas 11 patients received subtotal resection or biopsy only. OS and EFS were significantly increased in patients with radical operation compared with non-radical resection (p = 0.0003 for OS, p = 0.004 for EFS; log-rank test). A multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed radical operation as a significant and independent parameter for OS and EFS. Our data indicate that radical (over 90% resection) surgery improves OS and EFS in stage 4 NBL patients.

  17. [Study of emission spectroscopy of OH radicals in pulsed corona discharge].


    Wei, Bo; Luo, Zhong-Yang; Xu, Fei; Zhao, Lei; Gao, Xiang; Cen, Ke-Fa


    In the present paper, OH radicals generated by pulsed corona discharge in humidified air, N2 and Ar in a needle-plate reactor were measured by emission spectra. With the analysis of the emission spectra, the influence of pulse peak voltage and frequency on OH radical generation was investigated in the three kinds of background gases. The influence of the gas humidity on the generation and the distribution of OH radicals in the electric field was also discussed in detail. The authors studied the influence of the gas humidity on the generation of OH radicals in the electric field by the control of accurate change in humidity, and we also studied the distribution of OH radicals in the electric field in different background gases including humidified air, N2 and Ar by the accurate change in scales. The experiment shows that the output of OH radicals grows as the pulse peak voltage and frequency grow, but the influence of gas humidity on the process of generating OH radicals by pulsed corona discharge depends on the discharge background. The rules of the generation change when the background gases change. As the humidity in the background gases grows, the amount of OH radicals grows in the air, but it grows at first and decreases at last in N2, while it decreases at first and grows at last in Ar. The distribution of OH radical shows a trend of decreasing from the needle-electrode to its circumambience.

  18. Geoscientists and the Radical Middle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tinker, S. W.


    Addressing the great challenges facing society requires industry, government, and academia to work together. I call this overlap space, where compromises are made and real solutions determined, the Radical Middle. Radical because it can appear at times as if the loudest and most publicly influential voices lie outside of the actual solution space, content to provoke but not problem-solve. One key area where geoscientists can play a lead role in the Radical Middle is in the overlap between energy, the environment, and the economy. Globally, fossil fuels still represent 85% of the aggregate energy mix. As existing conventional oil and natural-gas reservoir production continues to slowly decline, unconventional reservoirs, led today by shale and other more expensive resources, will represent a growing part of the oil and gas production mix. Many of these unconventional reservoirs require hydraulic fracturing. The positive economic impact of hydraulic fracturing and associated natural gas and oil production on the United States economy is well documented and undeniable. Yet there are environmental concerns about fracking, and some states and nations have imposed moratoria. This energy-environment-economy space is ideal for leadership from the geosciences. Another such overlap space is the potential for geoscience leadership in relations with China, whose economy and global presence continue to expand. Although China is building major hydropower and natural-gas power plants, as well as nuclear reactors, coal is still king—with the associated environmental impacts. Carbon sequestration—onshore in brine and to enhance oil recovery, as well as offshore—could prove viable. It is vital that educated and objective geoscientists from industry, government, and academia leave their corners and work together in the Radical Middle to educate the public and develop and deliver balanced, economically sensible energy and environmental strategies.

  19. Effect of Heating on DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity of Meat Substitute.


    Song, Hyeun Sung; Bae, Jun Kyu; Park, Inshik


    This study was conducted to evaluate the increase of DPPH radical scavenging activity of meat substitute by heating. The meat substitute showed higher DPPH radical scavenging activity than those of other foods rich in protein such as beef, pork, chicken, and soybean curd. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of meat substitute was dependent upon concentration, heating temperature and heating time of meat substitute. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of meat substitute was enhanced with increasing heating temperature and time. The increase of DPPH radical scavenging activity was only applied to meat substitute without showing any activation in other foods rich in protein such as beef, pork, chicken, and soybean curd.

  20. Radical versus Social Constructivism: Dilemma, Dialogue, and Defense

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Belbase, Shashidhar


    This paper aims to discuss epistemological and philosophical foundation of meaningful learning and teaching mathematics and science from the perspective of radical and social constructivism. I have reflected on my experiences of radical and social constructivism through dilemma, dialogue, and defense of my personal epistemology of learning. I went…

  1. EPR spectral investigation of radiation-induced radicals of gallic acid.


    Tuner, Hasan


    In the present work, spectroscopic features of the radiation-induced radicals of gallic acid compounds were investigated using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. While un-irradiated samples presented no EPR signal, irradiated samples exhibited an EPR spectrum consisting of an intense resonance line at the center and weak lines on both sides. Detailed microwave saturation investigations were carried out to determine the origin of the experimental EPR lines. It is concluded that the two side lines of the triplet satellite originate from forbidden "spin-flip" transitions. The spectroscopic and structural features of the radiation-induced radicals were determined using EPR spectrum fittings. The experimental EPR spectra of the two gallic acid compounds were consistent with the calculated EPR spectroscopic features of the proposed radicals. It is concluded that the most probable radicals are the cyclohexadienyl-type, [Formula: see text] radicals for both compounds.

  2. Free Radical Imaging Using In Vivo Dynamic Nuclear Polarization-MRI.


    Utsumi, Hideo; Hyodo, Fuminori


    Redox reactions that generate free radical intermediates are essential to metabolic processes, and their intermediates can produce reactive oxygen species, which may promote diseases related to oxidative stress. The development of an in vivo electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometer and its imaging enables us noninvasive and direct measurement of in vivo free radical reactions in living organisms. The dynamic nuclear polarization magnetic resonance imaging (DNP-MRI), also called PEDRI or OMRI, is also a new imaging method for observing free radical species in vivo. The spatiotemporal resolution of free radical imaging with DNP-MRI is comparable with that in MRI, and each of the radical species can be distinguished in the spectroscopic images by changing the frequency or magnetic field of ESR irradiation. Several kinds of stable nitroxyl radicals were used as spin probes to detect in vivo redox reactions. The signal decay of nitroxyl probes, which is determined with in vivo DNP-MRI, reflects the redox status under oxidative stress, and the signal decay is suppressed by prior administration of antioxidants. In addition, DNP-MRI can also visualize various intermediate free radicals from the intrinsic redox molecules. This noninvasive method, in vivo DNP-MRI, could become a useful tool for investigating the mechanism of oxidative injuries in animal disease models and the in vivo effects of antioxidant drugs. © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Free Radical Mechanisms of Xenobiotic Mammalian Cytotoxicities

    DTIC Science & Technology


    injury process was mediated through biotransformation of the halocarbons to a free radical intermediate, similar to what happens in the liver . However...peroxidation) of antioxidant agents - is not limited to the liver , but also occurs in vascular cells as well. Unlike the liver , where most of the injury is...frequent mechanism of xenobiotic liver toxicity is biotransformation by cytochrome P,5o-enzymes to toxic free radical intermediates. The primary objective

  4. Free Radical Mechanisms of Xenobiotic Mammalian Cytotoxicities

    DTIC Science & Technology


    cytochrome P450 is small compared to that of the liver (about 0.1%), cardiovascular tissues may be more susceptible to oxidative injury because of the... injury participates in the pathogenic mechanisms of many lipophilic xenobiotic compounds). The most dramatic finding is our demonstration that five...UPID PEROXIDATION BETTER THAN THE INITIAL RADICAL OR HYDROPEROXIDE. INDIRECT IRP EFFECTS ON FREE RADICAL MEMBRANE INJURY : 4) POISONING OF THE ELECTRON

  5. [Free radical oxidation in workers engaged into petrochemistry].


    Iapparov, R N; Kamilov, R F; Shakirov, D F; Sidorcheva, O V


    The article deals with results of studies covering free radical oxidation and peroxidation in RBC, serum, saliva and urine of petrochemistry workers. Individuals exposed to chemical pollutants in production of rubber, tyre and mechanical rubber goods appeared to have considerably increased free radical oxidation parameters in RBC, serum, saliva and urine.

  6. Intertextual Sexual Politics: Illness and Desire in Enrique Gomez Carrillo's "Del amor", "del dolor y del vicio" and Aurora Caceres's "La rosa muerta"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    LaGreca, Nancy


    This study explores the intertextuality between Aurora Caceres's "La rosa muerta" (1914) and the novel "Del amor, del dolor y del vicio" (1898) by her ex-husband, Enrique Gomez Carrillo. Caceres strategically mentions Gomez Carrillo's novel in "La rosa muerta" to invite a reading of her work in dialogue with his. Both narratives follow the sexual…

  7. Generation and detection of the cyclohexadienyl radical in phosphonium ionic liquids.


    Lauzon, J M; Arseneau, D J; Brodovitch, J C; Clyburne, J A C; Cormier, P; McCollum, B; Ghandi, K


    The formation of the cyclohexadienyl radical, C(6)H(6)Mu, in ionic and molecular solvents has been compared. This is the first time that a muoniated free radical is reported in an ionic liquid. In marked contrast to molecular liquids, free radical generation in ionic liquids is significantly enhanced. Comparison of the hyperfine interactions in the ionic liquid and in molecular solvents and with theoretical calculations, suggests significant and unforeseen solvent interaction with the cyclohexadienyl radical.

  8. Kr-86 Ion-Beam Irradiation of Hydrated DNA: Free Radical and Unaltered Base Yields

    PubMed Central

    Becker, David; Adhikary, Amitava; Tetteh, Smedley T.; Bull, Arthur W.; Sevilla, Michael D.


    This work reports an ESR and product analysis investigation of Kr-86 ion-beam irradiation of hydrated DNA at 77 K. The irradiation results in the formation and trapping of both base radicals and sugar phosphate radicals (DNA backbone radicals). The absolute yields (G, μmol/J) of the base radicals are smaller than the yields found in similarly prepared γ-irradiated DNA samples, and the relative yields of backbone radicals relative to base radicals are much higher than that found in γ-irradiated samples. From these results, we have elaborated our radiation chemical model of the track structure for ion-beam irradiated DNA as it applies to krypton ion-beams. The base radicals, which are trapped as ion radicals or reversibly protonated or deprotonated ion radicals, are formed almost entirely in the track penumbra, a region in which radiation chemical effects are similar to those found in γ-irradiated samples. By comparing the yields of base radicals in ion-beam samples to the yields of the same radicals in γ-irradiated samples, the partition of energy between the low-LET region (penumbra) and the core is experimentally determined. The neutral sugar and other backbone radicals, which are not as susceptible to recombination as are ion radicals, are formed largely in the track core. The backbone radicals show a linear dose response up to very high doses. Unaltered base release yields in Kr-86 irradiated hydrated DNA are equal to sugar radical yields within experimental error limits, consistent with radiation-chemical processes in which all base release originates with sugar radicals. Two phosphorus-centered radicals from fragmentation of the DNA backbone are found in low yields. PMID:23106211

  9. Kr-86 ion-beam irradiation of hydrated DNA: free radical and unaltered base yields.


    Becker, David; Adhikary, Amitava; Tetteh, Smedley T; Bull, Arthur W; Sevilla, Michael D


    This work reports an ESR and product analysis investigation of Kr-86 ion-beam irradiation of hydrated DNA at 77 K. The irradiation results in the formation and trapping of both base radicals and sugar phosphate radicals (DNA backbone radicals). The absolute yields (G, μmol/J) of the base radicals are smaller than the yields found in similarly prepared γ-irradiated DNA samples, and the relative yields of backbone radicals relative to base radicals are much higher than that found in γ-irradiated samples. From these results, we have elaborated our radiation chemical model of the track structure for ion-beam irradiated DNA as it applies to krypton ion-beams. The base radicals, which are trapped as ion radicals or reversibly protonated or deprotonated ion radicals, are formed almost entirely in the track penumbra, a region in which radiation chemical effects are similar to those found in γ-irradiated samples. By comparing the yields of base radicals in ion-beam samples to the yields of the same radicals in γ-irradiated samples, the partition of energy between the low-LET region (penumbra) and the core is experimentally determined. The neutral sugar and other backbone radicals, which are not as susceptible to recombination as are ion radicals, are formed largely in the track core. The backbone radicals show a linear dose response up to very high doses. Unaltered base release yields in Kr-86 irradiated hydrated DNA are equal to sugar radical yields within experimental error limits, consistent with radiation-chemical processes in which all base release originates with sugar radicals. Two phosphorus-centered radicals from fragmentation of the DNA backbone are found in low yields.

  10. Hydrogen Radicals, Nitrogen Radicals, and the Production of O3 in the Upper Troposphere

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wennberg, P. O.; Hanisco, T. F.; Jaegle, L.; Jacob, D. J.; Hintsa, E. J.; Lanzendorf, E. J.; Anderson, J. G.; Gao, R.-S.; Keim, E. R.; Donnelly, S. G.; hide


    The concentrations of the hydrogen radicals OH and HO2 in the middle and upper troposphere were measured simultaneously with those of NO, O3, CO, H2O, CH4, non-methane hydrocarbons, and with the ultraviolet and visible radiation field. The data allow a direct examination of the processes that produce O3 in this region of the atmosphere. Comparison of the measured concentrations of OH and HO2 with calculations based on their production from water vapor, ozone, and methane demonstrate that these sources are insufficient to explain the observed radical concentrations in the upper troposphere. The photolysis of carbonyl and peroxide compounds transported to this region from the lower troposphere may provide the source of HO(sub x) required to sustain the measured abundances of these radical species. The mechanism by which NO affects the production of O3 is also illustrated by the measurements. In the upper tropospheric air masses sampled, the production rate for ozone (determined from the measured concentrations of HO2 and NO) is calculated to be about 1 part per billion by volume each day. This production rate is faster than previously thought and implies that anthropogenic activities that add NO to the upper troposphere, such as biomass burning and aviation, will lead to production of more O3 than expected.

  11. Hydrogen Radicals, Nitrogen Radicals, and the Production of O3 in the Upper Troposphere

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wennberg, P. O.; Hanisco, T. F.; Jaegle, L.; Jacob, D. J.; Hintsa, E. J.; Lanzendorf, E. J.; Anderson, J. G.; Gao, R.-S.; Keim, E. R.; Donnelly, S. G.; hide


    The concentrations of the hydrogen radicals OH and HO2 in the middle and upper troposphere were measured simultaneously with those of NO, O3, CO, H2O, CH4, non-methane hydrocarbons, and with the ultraviolet and visible radiation field. The data allow a direct examination of the processes that produce O3, in this region of the atmosphere. Comparison of the measured concentrations of OH and HO2 with calculations based on their production from water vapor, ozone, and methane demonstrate that these sources are insufficient to explain the observed radical concentrations in the upper troposphere. The photolysis of carbonyl and peroxide compounds transported to this region from the lower troposphere may provide the source of HO(x) required to sustain the measured abundances of these radical species. The mechanism by which NO affects the production of 03 is also illustrated by the measurements. In the upper tropospheric air masses sampled, the production rate for ozone (determined from the measured concentrations of HO2 and NO) is calculated to be about 1 part per billion by volume each day.This production rate is faster than previously thought and implies that anthropogenic activities that add NO to the upper troposphere, such as biomass burning and aviation, will lead to production of more 03 than expected.

  12. Hydrogen Radicals, Nitrogen Radicals, and the Production of O3 in the Upper Troposphere

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wennberg, P. O.; Hanisco, T. F.; Jaegle, L.; Jacob, D. J.; Hintsa, E. J.; Lanzendorf, E. J.; Anderson, J. G.; Gao, R.-S.; Keim, E. R.; Donnelly, S. G.; hide


    The concentrations of the hydrogen radicals OH and HO2 in the middle and upper troposphere were measured simultaneously with those of NO, O3, CO, H2O, CH4, non-methane hydrocarbons, and with the ultraviolet and visible radiation field. The data allow a direct examination of the processes that produce O3 in this region of the atmosphere. Comparison of the measured concentrations of OH and HO2 with calculations based on their production from water vapor, ozone, and methane demonstrate that these sources are insufficient to explain the observed radical concentrations in the upper troposphere. The photolysis of carbonyl and peroxide compounds transported to this region from the lower troposphere may provide the source of HO, required to sustain the measured abundances of these radical species. The mechanism by which NO affects the production Of O3 is also illustrated by the measurements. In the upper tropospheric air masses sampled, the production rate for ozone (determined from the measured concentrations of HO2 and NO) is calculated to be about I part per billion by volume each day. This production rate is faster than previously thought and implies that anthropogenic activities that add NO to the upper troposphere, such as biomass burning and aviation, will lead to production of more 03 than expected.


    PubMed Central

    Wu, Gang; Tsai, Ah-Lim; Kulmacz, Richard J.


    Reaction of prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) isoforms 1 or 2 with peroxide forms a radical at Tyr385 that is required for cyclooxygenase catalysis, and another radical at Tyr504, whose function is unknown. Both tyrosyl radicals are transient and rapidly dissipated by reductants, suggesting that cyclooxygenase catalysis might be vulnerable to suppression by intracellular antioxidants. Our initial hypothesis was that the two radicals are in equilibrium and that their proportions and stability are altered upon binding of fatty acid substrate. As a test, we examined the effects of three competitive inhibitors (nimesulide, flurbiprofen and diclofenac) on the proportions and stability of the two radicals in PGHS-2 pretreated with peroxide. Adding nimesulide after ethyl peroxide led to some narrowing of the tyrosyl radical signal detected by EPR spectroscopy, consistent with a small increase in the proportion of the Tyr504 radical. Neither flurbiprofen nor diclofenac changed the EPR linewidth when added after peroxide. In contrast, the effects of cyclooxygenase inhibitors on the stability of the preformed tyrosyl radicals were dramatic. The half-life of total tyrosyl radical was 4.1 min in the control, >10 hr with added nimesulide, 48 min with flurbiprofen, and 0.8 min with diclofenac. Stabilization of the tyrosyl radicals was evident even at substoichiometric levels of nimesulide. Thus, the inhibitors had potent, structure-dependent, effects on the stability of both tyrosyl radicals. This dramatic modulation of tyrosyl radical stability by cyclooxygenase site ligands suggests a mechanism for regulating the reactivity of PGHS tyrosyl radicals with cellular antioxidants. PMID:19894761

  14. Effect of Heating on DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity of Meat Substitute

    PubMed Central

    Song, Hyeun Sung; Bae, Jun Kyu; Park, Inshik


    This study was conducted to evaluate the increase of DPPH radical scavenging activity of meat substitute by heating. The meat substitute showed higher DPPH radical scavenging activity than those of other foods rich in protein such as beef, pork, chicken, and soybean curd. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of meat substitute was dependent upon concentration, heating temperature and heating time of meat substitute. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of meat substitute was enhanced with increasing heating temperature and time. The increase of DPPH radical scavenging activity was only applied to meat substitute without showing any activation in other foods rich in protein such as beef, pork, chicken, and soybean curd. PMID:24471114

  15. Radical-induced chemistry from VUV photolysis of interstellar ice analogues containing formaldehyde

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Butscher, Teddy; Duvernay, Fabrice; Danger, Grégoire; Chiavassa, Thierry


    Surface processes and radical chemistry within interstellar ices are increasingly suspected to play an important role in the formation of complex organic molecules (COMs) observed in several astrophysical regions and cometary environments. We present new laboratory experiments on the low-temperature solid state formation of complex organic molecules - glycolaldehyde, ethylene glycol, and polyoxymethylene - through radical-induced reactivity from VUV photolysis of formaldehyde in water-free and water-dominated ices. Radical reactivity and endogenous formation of COMs were monitored in situ via infrared spectroscopy in the solid state and post photolysis with temperature programmed desorption (TPD) using a quadripole mass spectrometer. We show the ability of free radicals to be stored when formed at low temperature in water-dominated ices, and to react with other radicals or on double bonds of unsaturated molecules when the temperature increases. It experimentally confirms the role of thermal diffusion in radical reactivity. We propose a new pathway for formaldehyde polymerisation induced by HCO radicals that might explain some observations made by the Ptolemy instrument on board the Rosetta lander Philae. In addition, our results seem to indicate that H-atom additions on H2CO proceed preferentially through CH2OH intermediate radicals rather than the CH3O radical.

  16. Dynamics of Polarons in Organic Conjugated Polymers with Side Radicals.


    Liu, J J; Wei, Z J; Zhang, Y L; Meng, Y; Di, B


    Based on the one-dimensional tight-binding Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, and using the molecular dynamics method, we discuss the dynamics of electron and hole polarons propagating along a polymer chain, as a function of the distance between side radicals and the magnitude of the transfer integrals between the main chain and the side radicals. We first discuss the average velocities of electron and hole polarons as a function of the distance between side radicals. It is found that the average velocities of the electron polarons remain almost unchanged, while the average velocities of hole polarons decrease significantly when the radical distance is comparable to the polaron width. Second, we have found that the average velocities of electron polarons decrease with increasing transfer integral, but the average velocities of hole polarons increase. These results may provide a theoretical basis for understanding carriers transport properties in polymers chain with side radicals.

  17. Radicalizing Learning: Adult Education for a Just World

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brookfield, Stephen D.; Holst, John D.


    This book offers new readings of the theory, politics, policy, and practice of radical adult education and learning where people's lives are understood as complex and interrelated matters. Brookfield and Holst's poetics and deeply human prose sound rebellious; the authors confront some of the main radical trends in the field of adult education…

  18. Reconstruction of facial nerve after radical parotidectomy.


    Renkonen, Suvi; Sayed, Farid; Keski-Säntti, Harri; Ylä-Kotola, Tuija; Bäck, Leif; Suominen, Sinikka; Kanerva, Mervi; Mäkitie, Antti A


    Most patients benefitted from immediate facial nerve grafting after radical parotidectomy. Even weak movement is valuable and can be augmented with secondary static operations. Post-operative radiotherapy does not seem to affect the final outcome of facial function. During radical parotidectomy, the sacrifice of the facial nerve results in severe disfigurement of the face. Data on the principles and outcome of facial nerve reconstruction and reanimation after radical parotidectomy are limited and no consensus exists on the best practice. This study retrospectively reviewed all patients having undergone radical parotidectomy and immediate facial nerve reconstruction with a free, non-vascularized nerve graft at the Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland during the years 1990-2010. There were 31 patients (18 male; mean age = 54.7 years; range = 30-82) and 23 of them had a sufficient follow-up time. Facial nerve function recovery was seen in 18 (78%) of the 23 patients with a minimum of 2-year follow-up and adequate reporting available. Only slight facial movement was observed in five (22%), moderate or good movement in nine (39%), and excellent movement in four (17%) patients. Twenty-two (74%) patients received post-operative radiotherapy and 16 (70%) of them had some recovery of facial nerve function. Nineteen (61%) patients needed secondary static reanimation of the face.

  19. Serendipitous findings while researching oxygen free radicals.


    Floyd, Robert A


    This review is based on the honor of receiving the Discovery Award from the Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine. The review is reflective and presents our thinking that led to experiments that yielded novel observations. Critical questioning of our understanding of oxygen free radicals in biomedical problems led us to use and develop more direct and extremely sensitive methods. This included nitrone free radical spin trapping and HPLC-electrochemical detection. This technology led to the pioneering use of salicylate to trap hydroxyl free radicals and show increased flux in ischemia/reperfused brain regions and also to first sensitively detect 8-hydroxyl-2-deoxyguanosine in oxidatively damaged DNA and help assess its role in cancer development. We demonstrated that methylene blue (MB) photoinduces formation of 8-hydroxyguanine in DNA and RNA and discovered that MB sensitively photoinactivates RNA viruses, including HIV and the West Nile virus. Studies in experimental stroke led us serendipitously to discover that alpha-phenyl-tert-butylnitrone (PBN) was neuroprotective if given after the stroke. This led to extensive commercial development of NXY-059, a PBN derivative, for the treatment of stroke. More recently we discovered that PBN nitrones have potent anti-cancer activity and are active in preventing hearing loss caused by acute acoustical trauma.

  20. Cold and intense OH radical beam sources

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ploenes, Ludger; Meerakker, Sebastiaan Y. T. van de; Haas, Dominik


    We present the design and performance of two supersonic radical beam sources: a conventional pinhole-discharge source and a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) source, both based on the Nijmegen pulsed valve. Both designs have been characterized by discharging water molecules seeded in the rare gases Ar, Kr, or Xe. The resulting OH radicals have been detected by laser-induced fluorescence. The measured OH densities are (3.0 ± 0.6) × 10{sup 11} cm{sup -3} and (1.0 ± 0.5) × 10{sup 11} cm{sup -3} for the pinhole-discharge and DBD sources, respectively. The beam profiles for both radical sources show a relative longitudinal velocity spreadmore » of about 10%. The absolute rotational ground state population of the OH beam generated from the pinhole-discharge source has been determined to be more than 98%. The DBD source even produces a rotationally colder OH beam with a population of the ground state exceeding 99%. For the DBD source, addition of O{sub 2} molecules to the gas mixture increases the OH beam density by a factor of about 2.5, improves the DBD valve stability, and allows to tune the mean velocity of the radical beam.« less

  1. Theoretical prediction of the ionization energies of the C4H7 radicals: 1-methylallyl, 2-methylallyl, cyclopropylmethyl, and cyclobutyl radicals.


    Lau, Kai-Chung; Zheng, Wenxu; Wong, Ning-Bew; Li, Wai-Kee


    The ionization energies (IEs) for the 1-methylallyl, 2-methylallyl, cyclopropylmethyl, and cyclobutyl radicals have been calculated by the wave function based ab initio CCSD(T)/CBS approach, which involves the approximation to the complete basis set (CBS) limit at the coupled cluster level with single and double excitations plus quasiperturbative triple excitation [CCSD(T)]. The zero-point vibrational energy correction, the core-valence electronic correction, and the scalar relativistic effect correction are included in these calculations. The present CCSD(T)/CBS results are then compared with the IEs determined in the photoelectron experiment by Schultz et al. [J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106, 7336 (1984)] The predicted IE value (7.881 eV) of 2-methylallyl radical is found to compare very favorably with the experimental value of 7.90+/-0.02 eV. Two ionization transitions for cis-1-methylallyl and trans-1-methylallyl radicals have been considered here. The comparison between the predicted IE values and the previous measurements shows that the photoelectron peak observed by Schultz et al. likely corresponds to the adiabatic ionization transition for the trans-1-methylallyl radical to form trans-1-methylallyl cation. Although a precise IE value for the cyclopropylmethyl radical has not been directly determined, the experimental value deduced indirectly using other known energetic data is found to be in good accord with the present CCSD(T)/CBS prediction. We expect that the Franck-Condon factor for ionization transition of c-C4H7-->bicyclobutonium is much less favorable than that for ionization transition of c-C4H7-->planar-C4H7+, and the observed IE in the previous photoelectron experiment is likely due to the ionization transition for c-C4H7-->planar-C4H7+. Based on our CCSD(T)/CBS prediction, the ionization transition of c-C4H7-->bicyclobutonium with an IE value around 6.92 eV should be taken as the adiabatic ionization transition for the cyclobutyl radical. The present

  2. Spin relaxation of radicals in cryptochrome and its role in avian magnetoreception

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Worster, Susannah; Kattnig, Daniel R.; Hore, P. J., E-mail:


    Long-lived spin coherence and rotationally ordered radical pairs have previously been identified as key requirements for the radical pair mechanism of the avian magnetic compass sense. Both criteria are hard to meet in a biological environment, where thermal motion of the radicals creates dynamic disorder and drives efficient spin relaxation. This has long been cited as a major stumbling block of the radical pair hypothesis. Here we combine Redfield relaxation theory with analytical solutions to a rotational diffusion equation to assess the impact of restricted rotational motion of the radicals on the operation of the compass. The effects of suchmore » motions are first investigated generally in small, model systems and are then critically examined in the magnetically sensitive flavin-tryptophan radical pair that is formed photochemically in the proposed magnetoreceptor protein, cryptochrome. We conclude that relaxation is slowest when rotational motion of the radicals within the protein is fast and highly constrained; that in a regime of slow relaxation, the motional averaging of hyperfine interactions has the potential to improve the sensitivity of the compass; and that consideration of motional effects can significantly alter the design criteria for an optimal compass. In addition, we demonstrate that motion of the flavin radical is likely to be compatible with its role as a component of a functioning radical-pair compass, whereas the motion of the tryptophan radical is less ideal, unless it is particularly fast.« less

  3. Effect of flavoring chemicals on free radical formation in electronic cigarette aerosols.


    Bitzer, Zachary T; Goel, Reema; Reilly, Samantha M; Elias, Ryan J; Silakov, Alexey; Foulds, Jonathan; Muscat, Joshua; Richie, John P


    Flavoring chemicals, or flavorants, have been used in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) since their inception; however, little is known about their toxicological effects. Free radicals present in e-cigarette aerosols have been shown to induce oxidative stress resulting in damage to proliferation, survival, and inflammation pathways in the cell. Aerosols generated from e-liquid solvents alone contain high levels of free radicals but few studies have looked at how these toxins are modulated by flavorants. We investigated the effects of different flavorants on free radical production in e-cigarette aerosols. Free radicals generated from 49 commercially available e-liquid flavors were captured and analyzed using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The flavorant composition of each e-liquid was analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GCMS). Radical production was correlated with flavorant abundance. Ten compounds were identified and analyzed for their impact on free radical generation. Nearly half of the flavors modulated free radical generation. Flavorants with strong correlations included β-damascone, δ-tetradecalactone, γ-decalactone, citral, dipentene, ethyl maltol, ethyl vanillin, ethyl vanillin PG acetal, linalool, and piperonal. Dipentene, ethyl maltol, citral, linalool, and piperonal promoted radical formation in a concentration-dependent manner. Ethyl vanillin inhibited the radical formation in a concentration dependent manner. Free radical production was closely linked with the capacity to oxidize biologically-relevant lipids. Our results suggest that flavoring agents play an important role in either enhancing or inhibiting the production of free radicals in flavored e-cigarette aerosols. This information is important for developing regulatory strategies aimed at reducing potential harm from e-cigarettes. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Structure and reactivity of the distonic and aromatic radical cations of tryptophan.


    Piatkivskyi, Andrii; Osburn, Sandra; Jaderberg, Kendall; Grzetic, Josipa; Steill, Jeffrey D; Oomens, Jos; Zhao, Junfang; Lau, Justin Kai-Chi; Verkerk, Udo H; Hopkinson, Alan C; Siu, K W Michael; Ryzhov, Victor


    In this work, we regiospecifically generate and compare the gas-phase properties of two isomeric forms of tryptophan radical cations-a distonic indolyl N-radical (H3N(+) - TrpN(•)) and a canonical aromatic π (Trp(•+)) radical cation. The distonic radical cation was generated by nitrosylating the indole nitrogen of tryptophan in solution followed by collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the resulting protonated N-nitroso tryptophan. The π-radical cation was produced via CID of the ternary [Cu(II)(terpy)(Trp)](•2+) complex. CID spectra of the two isomeric species were found to be very different, suggesting no interconversion between the isomers. In gas-phase ion-molecule reactions, the distonic radical cation was unreactive towards n-propylsulfide, whereas the π radical cation reacted by hydrogen atom abstraction. DFT calculations revealed that the distonic indolyl radical cation is about 82 kJ/mol higher in energy than the π radical cation of tryptophan. The low reactivity of the distonic nitrogen radical cation was explained by spin delocalization of the radical over the aromatic ring and the remote, localized charge (at the amino nitrogen). The lack of interconversion between the isomers under both trapping and CID conditions was explained by the high rearrangement barrier of ca.137 kJ/mol. Finally, the two isomers were characterized by infrared multiple-photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy in the ~1000-1800 cm(-1) region. It was found that some of the main experimental IR features overlap between the two species, making their distinction by IRMPD spectroscopy in this region problematic. In addition, DFT theoretical calculations showed that the IR spectra are strongly conformation-dependent.

  5. Gas-Phase Ozonolysis of Cycloalkenes: Formation of Highly Oxidized RO2 Radicals and Their Reactions with NO, NO2, SO2, and Other RO2 Radicals.


    Berndt, Torsten; Richters, Stefanie; Kaethner, Ralf; Voigtländer, Jens; Stratmann, Frank; Sipilä, Mikko; Kulmala, Markku; Herrmann, Hartmut


    The gas-phase reaction of ozone with C5-C8 cycloalkenes has been investigated in a free-jet flow system at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 297 ± 1 K. Highly oxidized RO2 radicals bearing at least 5 O atoms in the molecule and their subsequent reaction products were detected in most cases by means of nitrate-CI-APi-TOF mass spectrometry. Starting from a Criegee intermediate after splitting-off an OH-radical, the formation of these RO2 radicals can be explained via an autoxidation mechanism, meaning RO2 isomerization (ROO → QOOH) and subsequently O2 addition (QOOH + O2 → R'OO). Time-dependent RO2 radical measurements concerning the ozonolysis of cyclohexene indicate rate coefficients of the intramolecular H-shifts, ROO → QOOH, higher than 1 s(-1). The total molar yield of highly oxidized products (predominantly RO2 radicals) from C5-C8 cycloalkenes in air is 4.8-6.0% affected with a calibration uncertainty by a factor of about two. For the most abundant RO2 radical from cyclohexene ozonolysis, O,O-C6H7(OOH)2O2 ("O,O" stands for two O atoms arising from the ozone attack), the determination of the rate coefficients of the reaction with NO2, NO, and SO2 yielded (1.6 ± 0.5) × 10(-12), (3.4 ± 0.9) × 10(-11), and <10(-14) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), respectively. The reaction of highly oxidized RO2 radicals with other peroxy radicals (R'O2) leads to detectable accretion products, RO2 + R'O2 → ROOR' + O2, which allows to acquire information on peroxy radicals not directly measurable with the nitrate ionization technique applied here. Additional experiments using acetate as the charger ion confirm conclusively the existence of highly oxidized RO2 radicals and closed-shell products. Other reaction products, detectable with this ionization technique, give a deeper insight in the reaction mechanism of cyclohexene ozonolysis.

  6. Missing Peroxy Radical Sources Within a Rural Forest Canopy

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wolfe, G. M.; Cantrell, C.; Kim, S.; Mauldin, R. L., III; Karl, T.; Harley, P.; Turnipseed, A.; Zheng, W.; Flocke, F.; Apel, E. C.; hide


    Organic peroxy (RO2) and hydroperoxy (HO2) radicals are key intermediates in the photochemical processes that generate ozone, secondary organic aerosol and reactive nitrogen reservoirs throughout the troposphere. In regions with ample biogenic hydrocarbons, the richness and complexity of peroxy radical chemistry presents a significant challenge to current-generation models, especially given the scarcity of measurements in such environments. We present peroxy radical observations acquired within a Ponderosa pine forest during the summer 2010 Bio-hydro-atmosphere interactions of Energy, Aerosols, Carbon, H2O, Organics and Nitrogen - Rocky Mountain Organic Carbon Study (BEACHON-ROCS). Total peroxy radical mixing ratios reach as high as 180 pptv and are among the highest yet recorded. Using the comprehensive measurement suite to constrain a near-explicit 0-D box model, we investigate the sources, sinks and distribution of peroxy radicals below the forest canopy. The base chemical mechanism underestimates total peroxy radicals by as much as a factor of 3. Since primary reaction partners for peroxy radicals are either measured (NO) or under-predicted (HO2 and RO2, i.e. self-reaction), missing sources are the most likely explanation for this result. A close comparison of model output with observations reveals at least two distinct source signatures. The first missing source, characterized by a sharp midday maximum and a strong dependence on solar radiation, is consistent with photolytic production of HO2. The diel profile of the second missing source peaks in the afternoon and suggests a process that generates RO2 independently of sun-driven photochemistry, such as ozonolysis of reactive hydrocarbons. The maximum magnitudes of these missing sources (approximately 120 and 50 pptv min-1, respectively) are consistent with previous observations alluding to unexpectedly intense oxidation within forests. We conclude that a similar mechanism may underlie many such observations.

  7. Hydrogen abstraction from deoxyribose by a neighboring 3'-uracil peroxyl radical.


    Schyman, Patric; Eriksson, Leif A; Laaksonen, Aatto


    Theoretical examination of the reactivity of the uracil-5-peroxyl radical when abstracting a hydrogen atom from a neighboring 5'-deoxyribose in 5'-ApU-5-peroxyl-3' has been performed using density functional theory with the MPWB1K functional. Halogenated uracils are often used as radiosensitizers in DNA since the reactive uracil-5-yl radical is formed upon radiation and is known to create strand break and alkali-labile sites. Under aerobic conditions, such as in the cell, it has been proposed that the uracil-5-peroxyl radical is formed and would be the damaging agent. Our results show low reactivity for the uracil-5-peroxyl radical, determined by calculating the activation and reaction energies for the plausible hydrogen abstraction sites C1', C2', and C3' of the neighboring 5'-deoxyribose. These findings support the hypothesis that hydrogen abstraction primarily occurs by the uracil-5-yl radical, also under aerobic conditions, prior to formation of the peroxyl radical.

  8. Absolute photoionization cross-section of the methyl radical.


    Taatjes, Craig A; Osborn, David L; Selby, Talitha M; Meloni, Giovanni; Fan, Haiyan; Pratt, Stephen T


    The absolute photoionization cross-section of the methyl radical has been measured using two completely independent methods. The CH3 photoionization cross-section was determined relative to that of acetone and methyl vinyl ketone at photon energies of 10.2 and 11.0 eV by using a pulsed laser-photolysis/time-resolved synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry method. The time-resolved depletion of the acetone or methyl vinyl ketone precursor and the production of methyl radicals following 193 nm photolysis are monitored simultaneously by using time-resolved synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry. Comparison of the initial methyl signal with the decrease in precursor signal, in combination with previously measured absolute photoionization cross-sections of the precursors, yields the absolute photoionization cross-section of the methyl radical; sigma(CH3)(10.2 eV) = (5.7 +/- 0.9) x 10(-18) cm(2) and sigma(CH3)(11.0 eV) = (6.0 +/- 2.0) x 10(-18) cm(2). The photoionization cross-section for vinyl radical determined by photolysis of methyl vinyl ketone is in good agreement with previous measurements. The methyl radical photoionization cross-section was also independently measured relative to that of the iodine atom by comparison of ionization signals from CH3 and I fragments following 266 nm photolysis of methyl iodide in a molecular-beam ion-imaging apparatus. These measurements gave a cross-section of (5.4 +/- 2.0) x 10(-18) cm(2) at 10.460 eV, (5.5 +/- 2.0) x 10(-18) cm(2) at 10.466 eV, and (4.9 +/- 2.0) x 10(-18) cm(2) at 10.471 eV. The measurements allow relative photoionization efficiency spectra of methyl radical to be placed on an absolute scale and will facilitate quantitative measurements of methyl concentrations by photoionization mass spectrometry.

  9. A new face of phenalenyl-based radicals in the transition metal-free C-H arylation of heteroarenes at room temperature: trapping the radical initiator via C-C σ-bond formation.


    Ahmed, Jasimuddin; P, Sreejyothi; Vijaykumar, Gonela; Jose, Anex; Raj, Manthan; Mandal, Swadhin K


    The radical-mediated transition metal-free approach for the direct C-H bond functionalization of arenes is considered as a cost effective alternative to transition metal-based catalysis. An organic ligand-based radical plays a key role by generating an aryl radical which undergoes a subsequent functionalization process. The design principle of the present study takes advantage of a relatively stable odd alternant hydrocarbon-based phenalenyl (PLY) radical. In this study, the first transition metal-free catalyzed direct C-H arylation of a variety of heteroarenes such as azoles, furan, thiophene and pyridine at room temperature has been reported using a phenalenyl-based radical without employing any photoactivation step. This protocol has been successfully applied to the gram scale synthesis of core moieties of bioactive molecules. The phenalenyl-based radical initiator has been characterized crystallographically by trapping it via the formation of a C-C σ-bond between the phenalenyl radical and solvent-based radical species.

  10. Fluorophore-based sensor for oxygen radicals in processing plasmas

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Choudhury, Faraz A.; Shohet, J. Leon, E-mail:; Sabat, Grzegorz


    A high concentration of radicals is present in many processing plasmas, which affects the processing conditions and the properties of materials exposed to the plasma. Determining the types and concentrations of free radicals present in the plasma is critical in order to determine their effects on the materials being processed. Current methods for detecting free radicals in a plasma require multiple expensive and bulky instruments, complex setups, and often, modifications to the plasma reactor. This work presents a simple technique that detects reactive-oxygen radicals incident on a surface from a plasma. The measurements are made using a fluorophore dye thatmore » is commonly used in biological and cellular systems for assay labeling in liquids. Using fluorometric analysis, it was found that the fluorophore reacts with oxygen radicals incident from the plasma, which is indicated by degradation of its fluorescence. As plasma power was increased, the quenching of the fluorescence significantly increased. Both immobilized and nonimmobilized fluorophore dyes were used and the results indicate that both states function effectively under vacuum conditions. The reaction mechanism is very similar to that of the liquid dye.« less

  11. Manometric characterization of rectal dysfunction following radical hysterectomy.


    Barnes, W; Waggoner, S; Delgado, G; Maher, K; Potkul, R; Barter, J; Benjamin, S


    Bladder dysfunction thought to be due to partial denervation has been described following radical hysterectomy. Some patients experience acute and chronic rectal dysfunction characterized by difficulty with defecation and loss of defecatory urge. To define this abnormality, anorectal pressure profiles were examined in 15 patients with Stage I carcinoma of the cervix before and after radical hysterectomy. Profiles were done using standard anorectal manometry with a water-infused system. In all patients preoperative manometric profiles were normal; postoperative studies were abnormal in all patients. Features seen include altered relaxation of the internal sphincter, increased distension needed to trigger relaxation, and decreased rectal sensation; external sphincters and resting internal sphincters were unchanged. Postoperatively, 12 patients reported problems with rectal function. A physiologic defect is definable in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy; this suggests disruption of the spinal reflex arcs controlling rectal emptying. These physiologic abnormalities correlate with the clinical symptomatology experienced by some patients. Continuing definition and evaluation of management options in this situation should be useful in developing effective therapy for rectal dysfunction following radical hysterectomy.

  12. Some aspects of radical cascade and relay reactions

    PubMed Central

    Quiclet-Sire, Béatrice; Zard, Samir Z.


    The ability to create carbon–carbon bonds is at the heart of organic synthesis. Radical processes are particularly apt at creating such bonds, especially in cascade or relay sequences where more than one bond is formed, allowing for a rapid assembly of complex structures. In the present brief overview, examples taken from the authors' laboratory will serve to illustrate the strategic impact of radical-based approaches on synthetic planning. Transformations involving nitrogen-centred radicals, electron transfer from metallic nickel and the reversible degenerative exchange of xanthates will be presented and discussed. The last method has proved to be a particularly powerful tool for the intermolecular creation of carbon–carbon bonds by radical additions even to unactivated alkenes. Various functional groups can be brought into the same molecule in a convergent manner and made to react together in order to further increase the structural complexity. One important benefit of this chemistry is the so-called RAFT/MADIX technology for the manufacture of block copolymers of almost any desired architecture. PMID:28484329

  13. Learning curve of robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy for a single experienced surgeon: comparison with simultaneous laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.


    Ku, Ja Yoon; Ha, Hong Koo


    Despite the large number of analytical reports regarding the learning curve in the transition from open to robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP), few comparative results with laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP) have been reported. Thus, we evaluated operative and postoperative outcomes in RARP versus 100 simultaneously performed LRPs. A single surgeon had performed more than 1,000 laparoscopic operations, including 415 cases of radical nephrectomy, 85 radical cystectomies, 369 radical prostatectomies, and treatment of 212 other urological tumors, since 2009. We evaluated operative (operation time, intraoperative transfusion, complications, hospital stay, margin status, pathological stage, Gleason score) and postoperative (continence and erectile function) parameters in initial cases of RARP without tutoring compared with 100 recently performed LRPs. Mean operation time and length of hospital stay for RARP and LRP were 145.5±43.6 minutes and 118.1±39.1 minutes, and 6.4±0.9 days and 6.6±1.1 days, respectively (p=0.003 and p=0.721). After 17 cases, the mean operation time for RARP was similar to LRP (less than 2 hours). Positive surgical margins in localized cancer were seen in 11.1% and 8.9% of cases in RARP and LRP, respectively (p=0.733). At postoperative 3 months, sexual intercourse was reported in 14.0% and 12.0%, and pad-free continence in 96.0% and 81.0% in patients with RARP and LRP, respectively (p=0.796 and p=0.012). Previous large-volume experience of LRPs may shorten the learning curve for RARP in terms of oncological outcome. Additionally, previous experience with laparoscopy may improve the functional outcomes of RARP.

  14. Robotic radical hysterectomy in the management of gynecologic malignancies.


    Pareja, Rene; Ramirez, Pedro T


    Robotic surgery is being used with increasing frequency in gynecologic oncology. To date, 44 cases were reported in the literature of radical hysterectomy performed with robotic surgery. When comparing robotic surgery with laparoscopy or laparotomy in performing a radical hysterectomy, the literature shows that robotic surgery offers an advantage over the other 2 surgical approaches with regard to operative time, blood loss, and length of hospitalization. Future studies are needed to further elucidate the equivalence or superiority of robotic surgery to laparoscopy or laparotomy in performing a radical hysterectomy.

  15. Intramolecular addition of benzylic radicals onto ketenimines. Synthesis of 2-alkylindoles.


    Alajarín, Mateo; Vidal, Angel; Ortín, María-Mar


    The inter- and intramolecular addition of free radicals onto ketenimines is studied. All the attempts to add intermolecularly several silicon, oxygen or carbon centered radicals to N-(4-methylphenyl)-C,C-diphenyl ketenimine were unsuccessful. In contrast, the intramolecular addition of benzylic radicals, generated from xanthates, onto the central carbon of a ketenimine function with its N atom linked to the ortho position of the aromatic ring occurred under a variety of reaction conditions. These intramolecular cyclizations provide a novel radical-mediated synthesis of 2-alkylindoles.

  16. Positive Effect of Propolis on Free Radicals in Burn Wounds

    PubMed Central

    Olczyk, Pawel; Ramos, Pawel; Komosinska-Vassev, Katarzyna; Stojko, Jerzy; Pilawa, Barbara


    Concentration and properties of free radicals in the burn wounds treated with propolis were examined by the use of electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Magnetic spin-spin interactions and complex free radicals structures in wound beds were studied. The results were compared to those obtained for silver sulphadiazine used as a standard pharmaceutical agent. The changes of free radicals in the matrix of injury with time of exposition on these substances were tested. The aim of this study was to check the hypothesis about the best influence of propolis on the burn wounds healing. It was confirmed that a relatively lower concentration of free radicals exists in the burn wounds treated with propolis. The homogeneously broadened spectra and a complex free radical system characterize the tested tissue samples. The fastening of spin-lattice relaxation processes in the matrix of injury after treatment with propolis and silver sulphadiazine was observed. Practical usefulness of electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in alternative medicine was proved. PMID:23762125

  17. Rate coefficients for the reaction of formaldehyde with HO2 radicals from fluorescence spectroscopy of HOCH2OO radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bunkan, Arne; Amédro, Damien; Crowley, John


    The reaction of formaldehyde with HO2 radicals constitutes a minor, but significant sink of formaldehyde in the troposphere as well as a possible interference in other formaldehyde photooxidation experiments. HCHO + HO2 ⇌ HOCH2OO (1) Due to the difficulty of simultaneously monitoring the reactant and product concentrations while preventing interfering secondary chemistry, there is a considerable uncertainty in the literature values for the reaction rate coefficients. We have used two photon, excited fragment spectroscopy (TPEFS), originally developed for monitoring HNO3 formation in kinetic experiments, to monitor the formation of the HOCH2OO radical. Dispersed and single wavelength fluorescence emission following the 193 nm photolysis of HOCH2OO have been recorded and analysed. Characterisation of the method is presented along with rate coefficients for the reaction of HCHO with HO2 radicals at tropospheric temperatures.

  18. Redox Properties of Free Radicals.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Neta, P.


    Describes pulse radiolysis as a useful means in studing one-electron redox potentials. This method allows the production of radicals and the determination of their concentration and rates of reaction. (CS)

  19. Trisphenalenyl-based neutral radical molecular conductor.


    Pal, Sushanta K; Itkis, Mikhail E; Tham, Fook S; Reed, Robert W; Oakley, Richard T; Haddon, Robert C


    We report the preparation, crystallization, and solid-state characterization of the first member of a new family of tris(1,9-disubstituted phenalenyl)silicon neutral radicals. In the solid state, the radical packs as weak partial pi-dimers with intermolecular carbon...carbon contacts that fall at the van der Waals atomic separation. Magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate approximately 0.7 Curie spins per molecule from room temperature down to 50 K, below which antiferromagnetic coupling becomes apparent; the compound has a room-temperature single-crystal conductivity of sigmaRT = 2.4 x 10(-6) S cm(-1).

  20. Reactions of hydroxyalkyl radicals with cysteinyl peptides in a nanoESI plume.


    Stinson, Craig A; Xia, Yu


    In biological systems, carbon-centered small molecule radicals are primarily formed via external radiation or internal radical reactions. These radical species can react with a variety of biomolecules, most notably nucleic acids, the consequence of which has possible links to gene mutation and cancer. Sulfur-containing peptides and proteins are reactive toward a variety of radical species and many of them behave as radical scavengers. In this study, the reactions between alkyl alcohol carbon-centered radicals (e.g., •CH2OH for methanol) and cysteinyl peptides within a nanoelectrospray ionization (nanoESI) plume were explored. The reaction system involved ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of a nanoESI plume using a low pressure mercury lamp consisting of 185 and 254 nm emission bands. The alkyl alcohol was added as solvent into the nanoESI solution and served as the precursor of hydroxyalkyl radicals upon UV irradiation. The hydroxyalkyl radicals subsequently reacted with cysteinyl peptides either containing a disulfide linkage or free thiol, which led to the formation of peptide-S-hydroxyalkyl product. This radical reaction coupled with subsequent MS/MS was shown to have analytical potential by cleaving intrachain disulfide linked peptides prior to CID to enhance sequence information. Tandem mass spectrometry via collision-induced dissociation (CID), stable isotope labeling, and accurate mass measurement were employed to verify the identities of the reaction products.

  1. Reactions of Hydroxyalkyl Radicals with Cysteinyl Peptides in a NanoESI Plume

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stinson, Craig A.; Xia, Yu


    In biological systems, carbon-centered small molecule radicals are primarily formed via external radiation or internal radical reactions. These radical species can react with a variety of biomolecules, most notably nucleic acids, the consequence of which has possible links to gene mutation and cancer. Sulfur-containing peptides and proteins are reactive toward a variety of radical species and many of them behave as radical scavengers. In this study, the reactions between alkyl alcohol carbon-centered radicals (e.g., •CH2OH for methanol) and cysteinyl peptides within a nanoelectrospray ionization (nanoESI) plume were explored. The reaction system involved ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of a nanoESI plume using a low pressure mercury lamp consisting of 185 and 254 nm emission bands. The alkyl alcohol was added as solvent into the nanoESI solution and served as the precursor of hydroxyalkyl radicals upon UV irradiation. The hydroxyalkyl radicals subsequently reacted with cysteinyl peptides either containing a disulfide linkage or free thiol, which led to the formation of peptide- S-hydroxyalkyl product. This radical reaction coupled with subsequent MS/MS was shown to have analytical potential by cleaving intrachain disulfide linked peptides prior to CID to enhance sequence information. Tandem mass spectrometry via collision-induced dissociation (CID), stable isotope labeling, and accurate mass measurement were employed to verify the identities of the reaction products.

  2. Weakly Bound Free Radicals in Combustion: "Prompt" Dissociation of Formyl Radicals and Its Effect on Laminar Flame Speeds

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Labbe, Nicole J.; Sivaramakrishnan, Raghu; Goldsmith, C. Franklin


    Weakly bound free radicals have low-dissociation thresholds such that at high temperatures, timescales for dissociation and collisional relaxation become comparable, leading to significant dissociation during the vibrational-rotational relaxation process. Here we characterize this “prompt” dissociation of formyl (HCO), an important combustion radical, using direct dynamics calculations for OH + CH2O and H + CH2O (key HCO-forming reactions). For all other HCO-forming reactions, presumption of a thermal incipient HCO distribution was used to derive prompt dissociation fractions. Inclusion of these theoretically derived HCO prompt dissociation fractions into combustion kinetics models provides an additional source for H-atoms that feeds chain branching reactions.more » Simulations using these updated combustion models are therefore shown to enhance flame propagation in 1,3,5-trioxane and acetylene. The present results suggest that HCO prompt dissociation should be included when simulating flames of hydrocarbons and oxygenated molecules and that prompt dissociations of other weakly bound radicals may also impact combustion simulations« less

  3. Structure of free radicals in irradiated acetyl-L-leucine single crystals at 77 K

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Almanov, G.A.; Bogdanchikov, G.A.; Usov, O.M.


    By using the EPR method, two types of radicals are observed, which are formed in acetyl-L-leucine single crystals irradiated at 77K. These are alkyl type radicals (CH/sub 3/)/sub 2/CCH/sub 2/CH(NHCOCH/sub 3/)COOH and peptide group radicals. When the crystals are defrozen to room temperatures, the radicals of the second type disappear without formation of paramagnetic particles. Two possible structures of the peptide group radicals were studied by the INDO method. On defreezing to room temperature, the alkyl group radical is retained, while the peptide radical disappears without formation of paramagnetic particles. For the protonated form of the anion-radical, a better agreementmore » is observed between the theoretically calculated and the experimentally obtained HFI constants. The quantum chemical analysis of the possible structures of the peptide group radicals indicates that the formation of the protonated form of the anion-radical is energetically favorable.« less

  4. "Fleshing Out Consensus": Radical Pragmatism, Civil Rights, and the Algebra Project

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wahman, Jessica


    It has been said that pragmatism's "merely instrumental" truths fail to motivate radical change whereas absolute ideals make excellent guiding and driving forces for justice. However, in "Radical Equations: Math Literacy and Civil Rights," Robert Moses speaks of the radical success of pragmatic principles, used in the Civil Rights Movement, that…

  5. Early Effects of Radical Position Legality in Chinese: An ERP Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yum, Yen Na; Su, I-Fan; Law, Sam-Po


    This study aimed to investigate the timecourse and neural underpinnings of the coding of radical positions in Chinese character reading. To isolate effects of radical positions, four types of pseudocharacters were created in which the constituent radicals appeared in positions varying in probability of occurrence, that is, Unique, Dominant,…

  6. Efficient depletion of ascorbate by amino acid and protein radicals under oxidative stress.


    Domazou, Anastasia S; Zelenay, Viviane; Koppenol, Willem H; Gebicki, Janusz M


    Ascorbate levels decrease in organisms subjected to oxidative stress, but the responsible reactions have not been identified. Our earlier studies have shown that protein C-centered radicals react rapidly with ascorbate. In aerobes, these radicals can react with oxygen to form peroxyl radicals. To estimate the relative probabilities of the reactions of ascorbate with protein C- and O-centered radicals, we measured by pulse radiolysis the rate constants of the reactions of C-centered radicals in Gly, Ala, and Pro with O₂ and of the resultant peroxyl radicals with ascorbate. Calculations based on the concentrations of ascorbate and oxygen in human tissues show that the relative probabilities of reactions of the C-centered amino acid radicals with O₂ and ascorbate vary between 1:2.6 for the pituitary gland and 1:0.02 for plasma, with intermediate ratios for other tissues. The high frequency of occurrence of Gly, Ala, and Pro in proteins and the similar reaction rate constants of their C-centered radicals with O₂ and their peroxo-radicals with ascorbate suggest that our results are also valid for proteins. Thus, the formation of protein C- or O-centered radicals in vivo can account for the loss of ascorbate in organisms under oxidative stress. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Polar-Nonpolar Radical Copolymerization under Li+ Catalysis

    DTIC Science & Technology


    bonds or aromatic rings. Thus, we propose that a transfer of a methyl radical from CB11Me12C to IB triggers a radical polymerization chain that yields ...b-PIB and the resulting CB11Me11 byproduct concurrently triggers a cationic polymerization chain that yields l-PIB terminated with a carborate anion...tetrahydrofuran and passed through a column of alumina about five times to remove the bulk of the catalyst. A Soxhlet apparatus was used to recover

  8. Conocimientos y autoeficacia asociados a la prevención del VIH y SIDA en mujeres chilenas

    PubMed Central

    Villegas Rodríguez, Natalia; Ferrer Lagunas, Lilian Marcela; Cianelli Acosta, Rosina; Miner, Sarah; Lara Campos, Loreto; Peragallo, Nilda


    Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la relación existente entre conocimientos y autoeficacia asociados al VIH/SIDA en mujeres chilenas en desventaja social. Metodología Estudio correlacional, que utiliza la medición basal del estudio “Testeando una intervención en VIH y SIDA en mujeres chilenas”, realizada entre 2006 y 2008, que tiene una muestra de 496 mujeres entre 18 y 49 años residentes en dos comunas de Santiago de Chile. Las participantes respondieron un cuestionario estructurado aplicado por entrevistadoras entrenadas. Este cuestionario incluyó preguntas sobre datos sociodemográficos, escala de conocimientos de conductas de riesgo y autoeficacia, entre otros. Resultados Edad promedio de 32.3±9.1 años, 72.2% vive con su pareja y 42.7% poseen educación media completa. La puntuación media de los conocimientos de la infección por el VIH fue de 8.9±2.5, mientras que para las tres escalas empleadas para medir autoeficacia fueron: “Normas de los pares” =9.8±3.6, “Intención de reducir conductas de riesgo” =12.2±3.6 y “Self Efficacy Form”=20.2±4.7. Los conocimientos tuvieron una correlación positiva débil con la “intención de reducir conductas de riesgo” (r=0.19; p<0.0001) y con la escala “Self Efficacy Form” (r=0.34; p<0.0001), pero no se relacionaron con las “normas de los pares en cuanto a relaciones sexuales seguras” (r=0.13; p=0.78). Conclusión Existe una débil correlación positiva entre el nivel de conocimientos sobre el VIH/SIDA y la autoeficacia en mujeres chilenas en desventaja social. PMID:25284914

  9. Cost analysis of open radical cystectomy versus robot-assisted radical cystectomy.


    Mmeje, Chinedu O; Martin, Aaron D; Nunez-Nateras, Rafael; Parker, Alexander S; Thiel, David D; Castle, Erik P


    Bladder cancer is the fourth and ninth most common malignancy in males and females, respectively, in the U.S. and one of the most costly cancers to manage. With the current economic condition, physicians will need to become more aware of cost-effective therapies for the treatment of various malignancies. Robot-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) is the latest minimally invasive surgical option for muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Current reports have shown less blood loss, a shorter hospital stay, and a lower morbidity with RARC, as compared with the traditional open radical cystectomy (ORC), although long-term oncologic results of RARC are still maturing. There are few studies that have assessed the cost outcomes of RARC as compared with ORC. Currently, ORC appears to offer a direct cost advantage due to the high purchase and maintenance cost of the robotic platform, although when the indirect costs of complications and extended hospital stay with ORC are considered, RARC may be less expensive than the traditional open procedure. In order to accurately evaluate the cost effectiveness of RARC versus ORC, prospective randomized trials between the two surgical techniques with long-term oncologic efficacy are needed.

  10. Bergenin Content and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Bergenia Extracts. .


    Hendrychová, Helena; Martin, Jan; Tůmová, Lenka; Kočevar-Glavač, Nina


    Our research was focused on the evaluation of bergenin content and free radical scavenging activity of extracts prepared from three different species of Bergenia - B. crassifolia (L.) Fritsch., B. ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. and B. x ornata Stein. collected during different seasons. Using an HPLC method, the highest total amount of bergenin was revealed in the leaves of B. x ornata and B. crassifolia (4.9 - 5.1 mg x g(-1)). Free radical scavenging power was determined by two methods--FRAP and NADH. The best free radical scavengers were B. crassifolia (FRAP: 6.7 - 15.9 mg GAE. 100g(-1); NADH: 20.3 - 50.9%) and B. ornata (FRAP: 13.7 - 15.2 mg GAE. 100g(-1); NADH: 29.3 - 31.1%). The lowest content of bergenin and the weakest radical scavenger was B. ciliata (bergenin: 3.1 mg x g(-1); FRAP: 5.5 - 11.0 mg GAE.100g(-1); NADH: 23.2 - 25.6%). The presence of a large percentage of bergenin is responsible for the radical scavenging activity, as shown by the results from the FRAP and NADH assays. Significant, positive correlation was found between bergenin content and radical scavenging activity in both methods.

  11. Free radical interactions between raw materials in dry soup powder.


    Raitio, Riikka; Orlien, Vibeke; Skibsted, Leif H


    Interactions at the free radical level were observed between dry ingredients in cauliflower soup powder, prepared by dry mixing of ingredients and rapeseed oil, which may be of importance for quality deterioration of such dry food products. The free radical concentrations of cauliflower soup powder, obtained by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, rapidly become smaller during storage (40°C and relative humidity of 75%) than the calculated concentrations of free radicals based on the free radical concentrations of the powder ingredients used to make the soup powder and stored separately under similar conditions. Similarly, free radical concentrations decreased faster when any combination of two powder ingredients (of the three major ingredients of the soup powder) were mixed together and stored at 50°C for 1week than when each powder component was stored separately. Furthermore, yeast extract powder was found to play a key role when free radical interactions between powder ingredients occurred. The incubation of rapeseed oil with powder ingredients at 45°C for 24h, indicated the ability of cauliflower powder to increase the concentration of hydroperoxides in rapeseed oil, while yeast extract powder was found to prevent this hydroperoxide formation. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Sugar Radical Formation by a Proton Coupled Hole Transfer in 2′-Deoxyguanosine Radical Cation (2′-dG•+): A Theoretical Treatment

    PubMed Central

    Kumar, Anil; Sevilla, Michael D.


    Previous experimental and theoretical work has established that electronic excitation of a guanine cation radical in nucleosides or in DNA itself leads to sugar radical formation by deprotonation from the dexoxyribose sugar. In this work we investigate a ground electronic state pathway for such sugar radical formation in a hydrated one electron oxidized 2′-deoxyguanosine (dG•+ + 7H2O), using density functional theory (DFT) with the B3LYP functional and the 6-31G* basis set. We follow the stretching of the C5′-H bond in dG•+ to gain an understanding of the energy requirements to transfer the hole from the base to sugar ring and then to deprotonate to proton acceptor sites in solution and on the guanine ring. The geometries of reactant (dG•+ + 7H2O), transition state (TS) for deprotonation of C5′ site and product (dG(•C5′, N7-H+) + 7 H2O) were fully optimized. The zero point energy (ZPE) corrected activation energy (TS) for the proton transfer (PT) from C5′ is calculated to be 9.0 kcal/mol and is achieved by stretching the C5′-H bond by 0.13 Å from its equilibrium bond distance (1.099 Å). Remarkably, this small bond stretch is sufficient to transfer the “hole” (positive charge and spin) from guanine to the C5′ site on the deoxyribose group. Beyond the TS, the proton (H+) spontaneously adds to water to form a hydronium ion (H3O+) as an intermediate. The proton subsequently transfers to the N7 site of the guanine (product). The 9 kcal/mol barrier suggests slow thermal conversion of the cation radical to the sugar radical but also suggests that localized vibrational excitations would be sufficient to induce rapid sugar radical formation in DNA base cation radicals. PMID:19754084

  13. Radical scavenging activity of protein from tentacles of jellyfish Rhopilema esculentum.


    Yu, Huahua; Liu, Xiguang; Xing, Ronge; Liu, Song; Li, Cuiping; Li, Pengcheng


    In this study, radical scavenging activity of protein from tentacles of jellyfish Rhopilema esculentum (R. esculentum) was assayed including superoxide anion radical and hydroxyl radical scavenging. The protein samples showed strong scavenging activity on superoxide anion radical and values EC50 of full protein (FP), first fraction (FF), second fraction (SF), and 30% (NH4)2 SO4 precipitate (Fr-1) were 2.65, 7.28, 1.10, and 22.51 microg/mL, respectively, while values EC50 of BHA, BHT, and alpha-tocopherol were 31, 61, and 88 microg/mL, respectively. Also, the protein samples had strong scavenging effect on hydroxyl radical and the values EC50 of FP, FF, SF, Fr-1, and Fr-2 were 48.91, 27.72, 1.82, 16.36, and 160.93 microg/mL, but values EC50 of Vc and mannitol were 1907 and 4536 microg/mL, respectively. Of the five protein samples, SF had the strongest radical scavenging activity and may have a use as a possible supplement in the food and pharmaceutical industries. The radical scavenging activity was stable at high temperature so that R. esculentum may be used as a kind of natural functional food.

  14. Enantioselective cyclizations and cyclization cascades of samarium ketyl radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kern, Nicolas; Plesniak, Mateusz P.; McDouall, Joseph J. W.; Procter, David J.


    The rapid generation of molecular complexity from simple starting materials is a key challenge in synthesis. Enantioselective radical cyclization cascades have the potential to deliver complex, densely packed, polycyclic architectures, with control of three-dimensional shape, in one step. Unfortunately, carrying out reactions with radicals in an enantiocontrolled fashion remains challenging due to their high reactivity. This is particularly the case for reactions of radicals generated using the classical reagent, SmI2. Here, we demonstrate that enantioselective SmI2-mediated radical cyclizations and cascades that exploit a simple, recyclable chiral ligand can convert symmetrical ketoesters to complex carbocyclic products bearing multiple stereocentres with high enantio- and diastereocontrol. A computational study has been used to probe the origin of the enantioselectivity. Our studies suggest that many processes that rely on SmI2 can be rendered enantioselective by the design of suitable ligands.

  15. Radical quenching by rosmarinic acid from Lavandula vera MM cell culture.


    Kovacheva, Elena; Georgiev, Milen; Pashova, Svetlana; Angelova, Maria; Ilieva, Mladenka


    This study was conducted to evaluate the radical scavenging capacities of extracts and preparations from a Lavandula vera MM plant cell culture with different rosmarinic acid content and to compare them with pure rosmarinic and caffeic acids as well. The methods, which were used are superoxide anion and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt radicals scavenging assays. Results showed that extracts and preparations from Lavandula vera MM possess strong radical scavengers, as the best both radical scavengers appeared to be the fractions with enriched rosmarinic acid content, obtained after ethylacetate fractioning (47.7% inhibition of superoxide radicals and 14.2 microM 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid equivalents, respectively). These data reveal the possibilities for application of these preparations as antioxidants.

  16. Halogen radicals contribute to photooxidation in coastal and estuarine waters

    PubMed Central

    Parker, Kimberly M.; Mitch, William A.


    Although halogen radicals are recognized to form as products of hydroxyl radical (•OH) scavenging by halides, their contribution to the phototransformation of marine organic compounds has received little attention. We demonstrate that, relative to freshwater conditions, seawater halides can increase photodegradation rates of domoic acid, a marine algal toxin, and dimethyl sulfide, a volatile precursor to cloud condensation nuclei, up to fivefold. Using synthetic seawater solutions, we show that the increased photodegradation is specific to dissolved organic matter (DOM) and halides, rather than other seawater salt constituents (e.g., carbonates) or photoactive species (e.g., iron and nitrate). Experiments in synthetic and natural coastal and estuarine water samples demonstrate that the halide-specific increase in photodegradation could be attributed to photochemically generated halogen radicals rather than other photoproduced reactive intermediates [e.g., excited-state triplet DOM (3DOM*), reactive oxygen species]. Computational kinetic modeling indicates that seawater halogen radical concentrations are two to three orders of magnitude greater than freshwater •OH concentrations and sufficient to account for the observed halide-specific increase in photodegradation. Dark •OH generation by gamma radiolysis demonstrates that halogen radical production via •OH scavenging by halides is insufficient to explain the observed effect. Using sensitizer models for DOM chromophores, we show that halogen radicals are formed predominantly by direct oxidation of Cl− and Br− by 3DOM*, an •OH-independent pathway. Our results indicate that halogen radicals significantly contribute to the phototransformation of algal products in coastal or estuarine surface waters. PMID:27162335

  17. Serendipitous Findings While Researching Oxygen Free Radicals

    PubMed Central

    Floyd, Robert A.


    This review is based on the honor of receiving the Discovery Award from the Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine. The review is reflective and presents our thinking which led to experiments that yielded novel observations. Critical questioning of our understanding of oxygen free radicals in biomedical problems led us to use and develop more direct and extremely sensitive methods. This included nitrone free radical spin-trapping and HPLC-electrochemical detection. This technology led to the pioneering use of salicylate to trap hydroxyl free radicals and show increased flux in ischemia/reperfused brain regions and to also first sensitively detect 8-hydroxy-droxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in oxidative-damaged DNA and help assess its role in cancer development. We demonstrated that Methylene Blue (MB) photo-induced formation of 8-hydroxy-guanine in DNA and RNA and discovered that MB sensitively photo-inactivated RNA viruses including HIV and the West Nile Virus. Studies in experimental stroke led us to serendipitously discover that α-phenyl-tert-butylnitrone (PBN) was neuroprotective if given after the stroke. This led to extensive commercial development of NXY-059, a PBN derivative, for the treatment of stroke. More recently we discovered that PBN-nitrones have potent anti-cancer activity and are active in preventing hearing loss caused by acute acoustical trauma. PMID:19439210

  18. Simultaneous laparoscopic prosthetic mesh inguinal herniorrhaphy during transperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.


    Allaf, Mohamad E; Hsu, Thomas H; Sullivan, Wendy; Su, Li-Ming


    Concurrent repair of inguinal hernias during open radical retropubic prostatectomy is well described and commonly practiced. With the advent of the laparoscopic approach to radical prostatectomy, the possibility of concurrent laparoscopic hernia repair merits investigation. We present a case of simultaneous prosthetic mesh onlay hernia repair for bilateral inguinal hernias during laparoscopic transperitoneal radical prostatectomy.

  19. Photo-induced free radicals on a simulated Martian surface

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tseng, S.-S.; Chang, S.


    Results of an electron spin resonance study of free radicals in the ultraviolet irradiation of a simulated Martian surface suggest that the ultraviolet photolysis of CO or CO2, or a mixture of both, adsorbed on silica gel at minus 170 C involves the formation of OH radicals and possibly of H atoms as the primary process, followed by the formation of CO2H radicals. It is concluded that the photochemical synthesis of organic compounds could occur on Mars if the siliceous surface dust contains enough silanol groups and/or adsorbed H2O in the form of bound water.

  20. Self-exchange reactions of radical anions in n-hexane.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Werst, D. W.; Chemistry

    The formation and reactions of radical anions in n-hexane at 190 K were investigated by pulse radiolysis and time-resolved fluorescence-detected magnetic resonance (FDMR). Electron attachment was found to occur for compounds with gas-phase electron affinities (EA) more positive than -1.1 {+-} 0.1 eV. The FDMR concentration and time dependence are interpreted as evidence for self-exchange electron-transfer reactions, indicating that formation of dimer radical anions is not prevalent for the range of molecules studied. FDMR detection of radical anions is mainly restricted to electron acceptors with EA less than approximately 0.5 eV.

  1. Electromagnetic pulse reduces free radical generation in rat liver mitochondria in vitro.


    Wang, C; Zhou, H; Peng, R; Wang, L; Su, Z; Chen, P; Wang, S; Wang, S; Liu, Y; Cong, J; Wu, K; Hu, X; Fan, E


    Non-ionizing radiation electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is generally recorded to induce the generation of free radicals in vivo. Though mitochondria are the primary site to produce free radicals, a rare report is designed to directly investigate the EMP effects on free radical generation at mitochondrial level. Thus the present work was designed to study how EMP induces free radical generation in rat liver mitochondria in vitro using electron paramagnetic resonance technique. Surprisingly, our data suggest that EMP prevents free radical generation by activating antioxidant enzyme activity and reducing oxygen consumption and therefore free radical generation. Electron spin resonance measurements clearly demonstrate that disordering of mitochondrial lipid fluidity and membrane proteins mobility are the underlying contributors to this decreased oxygen consumption. Therefore, our results suggest that EMP might hold the potentiality to be developed as a non-invasive means to benefit certain diseases.

  2. Radical behaviorism and buddhism: complementarities and conflicts.


    Diller, James W; Lattal, Kennon A


    Comparisons have been made between Buddhism and the philosophy of science in general, but there have been only a few attempts to draw comparisons directly with the philosophy of radical behaviorism. The present review therefore considers heretofore unconsidered points of comparison between Buddhism and radical behaviorism in terms of their respective goals, conceptualization of human beings, and the outcomes of following either philosophy. From these comparisons it is concluded that the commonalities discerned between these two philosophies may enhance both philosophical systems.

  3. p53 Mutagenesis by Benzo[a]pyrene derived Radical Cations

    PubMed Central

    Sen, Sushmita; Bhojnagarwala, Pratik; Francey, Lauren; Lu, Ding; Jeffrey Field, Trevor M. Penning


    Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), a major human carcinogen in combustion products such as cigarette smoke and diesel exhaust, is metabolically activated into DNA-reactive metabolites via three different enzymatic pathways. The pathways are the anti-(+)-benzo[a]pyrene 7,8-diol 9, 10-epoxide pathway (P450/ epoxide hydrolase catalyzed) (B[a]PDE), the benzo[a]pyrene o-quinone pathway (aldo ketose reductase (AKR) catalyzed) and the B[a]P radical cation pathway (P450 peroxidase catalyzed). We used a yeast p53 mutagenesis system to assess mutagenesis by B[a]P radical cations. Because radical cations are short-lived, they were generated in situ by reacting B[a]P with cumene hydroperoxide (CuOOH) and horse radish peroxidase (HRP) and then monitoring the generation of the more stable downstream products, B[a]P-1,6-dione and B[a]P-3,6-dione. Based on the B[a]P-1,6 and 3,6-dione formation, approximately 4µM of radical cation was generated. In the mutagenesis assays, the radical cations produced in situ showed a dose-dependent increase in mutagenicity from 0.25 µM to 10 µM B[a]P with no significant increase seen with further escalation to 50 µM B[a]P. However, mutagenesis was 200-fold less than with the AKR pathway derived B[a]P, 7–8 dione. Mutant p53 plasmids, which yield red colonies, were recovered from the yeast to study the pattern and spectrum of mutations. The mutation pattern observed was G to T (31%) > G to C (29%) > G to A (14%). The frequency of codons mutated by the B[a]P radical cations was essentially random and not enriched at known cancer hotspots. The quinone products of radical cations, B[a]P-1,6-dione and B[a]P-3,6-dione were more mutagenic than the radical cation reactions, but still less mutagenic than AKR derived B[a]P-7,8-dione. We conclude that B[a]P radical cations and their quinone products are weakly mutagenic in this yeast-based system compared to redox cycling PAH o-quinones. PMID:22768918

  4. The Inversion Effect for Chinese Characters is Modulated by Radical Organization.


    Luo, Canhuang; Chen, Wei; Zhang, Ye


    In studies of visual object recognition, strong inversion effects accompany the acquisition of expertise and imply the involvement of configural processing. Chinese literacy results in sensitivity to the orthography of Chinese characters. While there is some evidence that this orthographic sensitivity results in an inversion effect, and thus involves configural processing, that processing might depend on exact orthographic properties. Chinese character recognition is believed to involve a hierarchical process, involving at least two lower levels of representation: strokes and radicals. Radicals are grouped into characters according to certain types of structure, i.e. left-right structure, top-bottom structure, or simple characters with only one radical by itself. These types of radical structures vary in both familiarity, and in hierarchical level (compound versus simple characters). In this study, we investigate whether the hierarchical-level or familiarity of radical-structure has an impact on the magnitude of the inversion effect. Participants were asked to do a matching task on pairs of either upright or inverted characters with all the types of structure. Inversion effects were measured based on both reaction time and response sensitivity. While an inversion effect was observed in all 3 conditions, the magnitude of the inversion effect varied with radical structure, being significantly larger for the most familiar type of structure: characters consisting of 2 radicals organized from left to right. These findings indicate that character recognition involves extraction of configural structure as well as radical processing which play different roles in the processing of compound characters and simple characters.

  5. Sulfur Radical-Induced Redox Modifications in Proteins: Analysis and Mechanistic Aspects.


    Schöneich, Christian


    The sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine (Cys) and methionine (Met) are prominent protein targets of redox modification during conditions of oxidative stress. Here, two-electron pathways have received widespread attention, in part due to their role in signaling processes. However, Cys and Met are equally prone to one-electron pathways, generating intermediary radicals and/or radial ions. These radicals/radical ions can generate various reaction products that are not commonly monitored in redox proteomic studies, but they may be relevant for the fate of proteins during oxidative stress. Recent Advances: Time-resolved kinetic studies and product analysis have expanded our mechanistic understanding of radical reaction pathways of sulfur-containing amino acids. These reactions are now studied in some detail for Met and Cys in proteins, and homocysteine (Hcy) chemically linked to proteins, and the role of protein radical reactions in physiological processes is evolving. Radical-derived products from Cys, Hcy, and Met can react with additional amino acids in proteins, leading to secondary protein modifications, which are potentially remote from initial points of radical attack. These products may contain intra- and intermolecular cross-links, which may lead to protein aggregation. Protein sequence and conformation will have a significant impact on the formation of such products, and a thorough understanding of reaction mechanisms and specifically how protein structure influences reaction pathways will be critical for identification and characterization of novel reaction products. Future studies must evaluate the biological significance of novel reaction products that are derived from radical reactions of sulfur-containing amino acids. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 26, 388-405.

  6. Contemporary Open and Robotic Radical Prostatectomy Practice Patterns Among Urologists in the United States

    PubMed Central

    Lowrance, William T.; Eastham, James A.; Savage, Caroline; Maschino, A. C.; Laudone, Vincent P.; Dechet, Christopher B.; Stephenson, Robert A.; Scardino, Peter T.; Sandhu, Jaspreet S.


    Purpose We describe current trends in robotic and open radical prostatectomy in the United States after examining case logs for American Board of Urology certification. Materials and Methods American urologists submit case logs for initial board certification and recertification. We analyzed logs from 2004 to 2010 for trends and used logistic regression to assess the impact of urologist age on robotic radical prostatectomy use. Results A total of 4,709 urologists submitted case logs for certification between 2004 and 2010. Of these logs 3,374 included 1 or more radical prostatectomy cases. Of the urologists 2,413 (72%) reported performing open radical prostatectomy only while 961 (28%) reported 1 or more robotic radical prostatectomies and 308 (9%) reported robotic radical prostatectomy only. During this 7-year period we observed a large increase in the number of urologists who performed robotic radical prostatectomy and a smaller corresponding decrease in those who performed open radical prostatectomy. Only 8% of patients were treated with robotic radical prostatectomy by urologists who were certified in 2004 while 67% underwent that procedure in 2010. Median age of urologists who exclusively performed open radical prostatectomy was 43 years (IQR 38–51) vs 41 (IQR 35–46) for those who performed only robotic radical prostatectomy. Conclusions While the rate was not as high as the greater than 85% industry estimate, 67% of radical prostatectomies were done robotically among urologists who underwent board certification or recertification in 2010. Total radical prostatectomy volume almost doubled during the study period. These data provide nonindustry based estimates of current radical prostatectomy practice patterns and further our understanding of the evolving surgical treatment of prostate cancer. PMID:22498227

  7. The photodissociation dynamics of alkyl radicals

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Giegerich, Jens; Fischer, Ingo, E-mail:


    The photodisscociation dynamics of the alkyl radicals i-propyl (CH(CH{sub 3}){sub 2}) and t-butyl (C(CH{sub 3}){sub 3}) are investigated by H-atom photofragment imaging. While i-propyl is excited at 250 nm, the photodynamics of t-butyl are explored over a large energy range using excitation wavelengths between 347 nm and 233 nm. The results are compared to those obtained previously for ethyl, CH{sub 3}CH{sub 2}, and to those reported for t-butyl using 248 nm excitation. The translational energy (E{sub T}) distribution of the H-atom photofragments is bimodal and appears rather similar for all three radicals. The low E{sub T} part of the distributionmore » shows an isotropic photofragment angular distribution, while the high E{sub T} part is associated with a considerable anisotropy. Thus, for t-butyl, two H-atom loss channels of roughly equal importance have been identified in addition to the CH{sub 3}-loss channel reported previously. A mechanism for the photodissociation of alkyl radicals is suggested that is based on interactions between Rydberg- and valence states.« less

  8. [Radicalism and feminism: The case of Poulain de la Barre].


    Pellegrin, Marie-Frédérique


    Early modern radicalism and its criteria are described and defined by Jonathan Israel in various works. Poulain de la Barre, one of the first modern feminist thinkers, first is used by Israel as an example of the so-called radical Enlightenment and finally is rejected as such. This case study exhibed the necessity of questionning the coherence of the required criteria for defining a « radical » thinker, especially when examinating carefully the last paragraph of Spinoza's Political Treatise.

  9. Free Radical Oxidation in Rat Myocardium after Maximum Permissible Hepatic Resection.


    Ermolaev, P A; Khramykh, T P; Barskaya, L O


    Free radical oxidation in rat myocardial homogenate was studied by chemiluminescent assay during the early terms after maximum permissible liver resection. During this period, activation of free radical oxidation was biphasic. The critical terms characterized by dramatic intensification of free radical oxidation in the myocardium are the first hour and the first day after surgery. The period from 3 to 12 h after surgery, in which the indices of chemiluminescence decrease, can be tentatively termed as the period of "putative wellbeing". Normalization of the free radical oxidation processes in the myocardium occurred by day 7 after surgery.

  10. Oxidative capacity of the Mexico City atmosphere - Part 1: A radical source perspective

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Volkamer, R.; Sheehy, P.; Molina, L. T.; Molina, M. J.


    A detailed analysis of OH, HO2 and RO2 radical sources is presented for the near field photochemical regime inside the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). During spring of 2003 (MCMA-2003 field campaign) an extensive set of measurements was collected to quantify time-resolved ROx (sum of OH, HO2, RO2) radical production rates from day- and nighttime radical sources. The Master Chemical Mechanism (MCMv3.1) was constrained by measurements of (1) concentration time-profiles of photosensitive radical precursors, i.e., nitrous acid (HONO), formaldehyde (HCHO), ozone (O3), glyoxal (CHOCHO), and other oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs); (2) respective photolysis-frequencies (J-values); (3) concentration time-profiles of alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic VOCs (103 compound are treated) and oxidants, i.e., OH- and NO3 radicals, O3; and (4) NO, NO2, meteorological and other parameters. The ROx production rate was calculated directly from these observations; the MCM was used to estimate further ROx production from unconstrained sources, and express overall ROx production as OH-equivalents (i.e., taking into account the propagation efficiencies of RO2 and HO2 radicals into OH radicals). Daytime radical production is found to be about 10-25 times higher than at night; it does not track the abundance of sunlight. 12-h average daytime contributions of individual sources are: Oxygenated VOC other than HCHO about 33%; HCHO and O3 photolysis each about 20%; O3/alkene reactions and HONO photolysis each about 12%, other sources <3%. Nitryl chloride photolysis could potentially contribute ~15% additional radicals, while NO2* + water makes - if any - a very small contribution (~2%). The peak radical production of ~7.5 107 molec cm-3 s-1 is found already at 10:00 a.m., i.e., more than 2.5 h before solar noon. O3/alkene reactions are indirectly responsible for ~33% of these radicals. Our measurements and analysis comprise a database that enables testing of the representation of

  11. The role of free radicals in cold injuries

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bhaumik, G.; Srivastava, K. K.; Selvamurthy, W.; Purkayastha, S. S.


    Cold injury is a tissue trauma produced by exposure to freezing temperatures and even brief exposure to a severely cold and windy environment. Rewarming of frozen tissue is associated with blood reperfusion and the simultaneous generation of free oxygen radicals. In this review is discussed the current understanding of the mechanism of action of free oxygen radicals as related to cold injury during rewarming. Decreased energy stores during ischaemia lead to the accumulation of adenine nucleotides and liberation of free fatty acids due to the breakdown of lipid membranes. On rewarming, free fatty acids are metabolized via cyclo-oxygenase and adenine nucleotides are metabolized via the xanthine oxidase pathway. These may be the source of free oxygen radicals. Leukocytes may also play a major role in the pathogenesis of cold injury. Oxygen radical scavengers, such as superoxide dismutase and catalase, may help to reduce the cold induced injury but their action is limited due to the inability readily to cross the plasma membrane. Lipid soluble antioxidants are likely to be more effective scavengers because of their presence in membranes where peroxidative reactions can be arrested.

  12. The Rise of Radicals in Bioinorganic Chemistry.


    Gray, Harry B; Winkler, Jay R


    Prior to 1950, the consensus was that biological transformations occurred in two-electron steps, thereby avoiding the generation of free radicals. Dramatic advances in spectroscopy, biochemistry, and molecular biology have led to the realization that protein-based radicals participate in a vast array of vital biological mechanisms. Redox processes involving high-potential intermediates formed in reactions with O 2 are particularly susceptible to radical formation. Clusters of tyrosine (Tyr) and tryptophan (Trp) residues have been found in many O 2 -reactive enzymes, raising the possibility that they play an antioxidant protective role. In blue copper proteins with plastocyanin-like domains, Tyr/Trp clusters are uncommon in the low-potential single-domain electron-transfer proteins and in the two-domain copper nitrite reductases. The two-domain muticopper oxidases, however, exhibit clusters of Tyr and Trp residues near the trinuclear copper active site where O 2 is reduced. These clusters may play a protective role to ensure that reactive oxygen species are not liberated during O 2 reduction.

  13. Relationship between radicalism and ethnicity in southern Illinois coal fields

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Booth, S.E.


    The purpose of this dissertation was to determine the relationship between radicalism and ethnicity in the coal fields of southern Illinois between 1870 and 1940. Immigrant coal miners in these fields and in other fields throughout the United States have been linked by previous researchers to activities that have caused them to be labelled as radicals. They have also been judged as being detrimental to the union movement in this country because they worked for lower wages than native workers, served as strikebreakers, and did not become union members. To determine what relationship existed between radicalism and ethnicity in themore » southern Illinois coal fields, the ethnic background of the miners was obtained. After the ethnic background of the miners was known, the activities in which they participated were examined to determine where in the southern Illinois coal fields these radical activities were occurring and who was participating in them. This dissertation demonstrates that no relationship between ethnicity and radicalism existed during the period.« less

  14. EPR spin trapping of oxygen radicals in plants: a methodological overview.


    Bacić, Goran; Mojović, Milos


    We present a brief account of the difficulties involved in detection of oxygen free radicals in plants and give a rationale for using the EPR spin trapping technique in such studies. Comparative analysis of characteristics of different spin traps is given, having in mind their suitability in trapping oxygen-centered free radicals. Certain technical aspects of EPR experiments related to successful trapping of free radicals are discussed. Previous studies of trapping of oxygen radicals in plants are reviewed in terms of how efficient the experimental approach employed has been in their detection and how this influences conclusions about the mechanisms of their production. In addition, we analyze the potential of spin labels in the analysis of free radical production in plants and demonstrate that the combination of EPR spin traps and spin labels is extremely efficient for this purpose.

  15. Fostering radical conceptual change through dual-situated learning model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    She, Hsiao-Ching


    This article examines how the Dual-Situated Learning Model (DSLM) facilitates a radical change of concepts that involve the understanding of matter, process, and hierarchical attributes. The DSLM requires knowledge of students' prior beliefs of science concepts and the nature of these concepts. In addition, DSLM also serves two functions: it creates dissonance with students' prior knowledge by challenging their epistemological and ontological beliefs about science concepts, and it provides essential mental sets for students to reconstruct a more scientific view of the concepts. In this study, the concept heat transfer: heat conduction and convection, which requires an understanding of matter, process, and hierarchical attributes, was chosen to examine how DSLM can facilitate radical conceptual change among students. Results show that DSLM has great potential to foster a radical conceptual change process in learning heat transfer. Radical conceptual change can definitely be achieved and does not necessarily involve a slow or gradual process.

  16. Determining the partial photoionization cross-sections of ethyl radicals.


    FitzPatrick, B L; Maienschein-Cline, M; Butler, L J; Lee, S-H; Lin, J J


    Using a crossed laser-molecular beam scattering apparatus, these experiments photodissociate ethyl chloride at 193 nm and detect the Cl and ethyl products, resolved by their center-of-mass recoil velocities, with vacuum ultraviolet photoionization. The data determine the relative partial cross-sections for the photoionization of ethyl radicals to form C2H5+, C2H4+, and C2H3+ at 12.1 and 13.8 eV. The data also determine the internal energy distribution of the ethyl radical prior to photoionization, so we can assess the internal energy dependence of the photoionization cross-sections. The results show that the C2H4++H and C2H3++H2 dissociative photoionization cross-sections strongly depend on the photoionization energy. Calibrating the ethyl radical partial photoionization cross-sections relative to the bandwidth-averaged photoionization cross-section of Cl atoms near 13.8 eV allows us to use these data in conjunction with literature estimates of the Cl atom photoionization cross-sections to put the present bandwidth-averaged cross-sections on an absolute scale. The resulting bandwidth-averaged cross-section for the photoionization of ethyl radicals to C2H5+ near 13.8 eV is 8+/-2 Mb. Comparison of our 12.1 eV data with high-resolution ethyl radical photoionization spectra allows us to roughly put the high-resolution spectrum on the same absolute scale. Thus, one obtains the photoionization cross-section of ethyl radicals to C2H5+ from threshold to 12.1 eV. The data show that the onset of the C2H4++H dissociative photoionization channel is above 12.1 eV; this result offers a simple way to determine whether the signal observed in photoionization experiments on complex mixtures is due to ethyl radicals. We discuss an application of the results for resolving the product branching in the O+allyl bimolecular reaction.

  17. Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals and Their Lifetimes in PM2.5

    PubMed Central

    Gehling, William; Dellinger, Barry


    For the first time, an expansive study into the concentration and extended decay behavior of environmentally persistent free radicals in PM2.5 was performed. Results from this study revealed three types of radical decay—a fast decay, slow decay, and no decay—following one of four decay patterns: a relatively fast decay exhibiting a 1/e lifetime of 1–21 days accompanied by a slow decay with a 1/e lifetime of 21–5028 days (47% of samples); a single slow decay including a 1/e lifetime of 4–2083 days (24% of samples); no decay (18% of samples); and a relatively fast decay displaying an average 1/e lifetime of 0.25–21 days followed by no decay (11% of samples). Phenol correlated well with the initial radical concentration and fast decay rate. Other correlations for common atmospheric pollutants (ozone, NOx, SO2, etc.) as well as meteorological conditions suggested photochemical processes impact the initial radical concentration and fast decay rate. The radical signal in PM2.5 was remarkably similar to semiquinones in cigarette smoke. Accordingly, radicals inhaled from PM2.5 were related to the radicals inhaled from smoking cigarettes, expressed as the number of equivalent cigarettes smoked. This calculated to 0.4–0.9 cigarettes per day for nonextreme air quality in the United States. PMID:23844657

  18. Formation of ions and radicals from icy grains in comets

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jackson, William M.; Gerth, Christopher; Hendricks, Charles


    Ion and radical formation in comets are thought to occur primarily by photodissociation of gas phase molecules. Experimental evidence and theoretical calculations are presented that show that some of the radical and ions can come directly from ice grains. The experimental evidence suggest that if the frozen molecules on the surface of grains undergo direct dissociation then they may be able to release radicals directly in the gas phase. If the molecules undergo predissociation it is unlikely that they will release radicals in the gas phase since they should be quenched. Calculations of this direct photodissociation mechanism further indicate that even if the parent molecule undergoes direct dissociation, the yield will not be high enough to explain the rays structure in comets unless the radicals are stored in the grains and then released when the grain evaporates. Calculations were also performed to determine the maximum number of ions that can be stored in an icy grain's radius. This number is compared with the ratio of the ion to neutral molecular density. The comparison suggests that some of the ions observed near the nucleus of the comet could have originally been present in the cometary nucleus. It is also pointed out that the presence of these ions in icy grains could lead to radical formation via electron recombination. Finally, an avalanche process was evaluated as another means of producing ions in comets.

  19. Protective effect of Pterostilbene against free radical mediated oxidative damage

    PubMed Central


    Background Pterostilbene, a methoxylated analog of Resveratrol, is gradually gaining more importance as a therapeutic drug owing to its higher lipophilicity, bioavailability and biological activity than Resveratrol. This study was undertaken to characterize its ability to scavenge free radicals such as superoxide, hydroxyl and hydrogen peroxide and to protect bio-molecules within a cell against oxidative insult. Methods Anti-oxidant activity of Pterostilbene was evaluated extensively by employing several in vitro radical scavenging/inhibiting assays and pulse radiolysis study. In addition, its ability to protect rat liver mitochondria against tertiary-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) and hydroxyl radical generated oxidative damage was determined by measuring the damage markers such as protein carbonyls, protein sulphydryls, lipid hydroperoxides, lipid peroxides and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine. Pterostilbene was also evaluated for its ability to inhibit •OH radical induced single strand breaks in pBR322 DNA. Result Pterostilbene exhibited strong anti-oxidant activity against various free radicals such as DPPH, ABTS, hydroxyl, superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in a concentration dependent manner. Pterostilbene conferred protection to proteins, lipids and DNA in isolated mitochondrial fractions against TBHP and hydroxyl radical induced oxidative damage. It also protected pBR322 DNA against oxidative assault. Conclusions Thus, present study provides an evidence for the strong anti-oxidant property of Pterostilbene, methoxylated analog of Resveratrol, thereby potentiating its role as an anti-oxidant. PMID:24070177

  20. The first characterization of free radicals formed from cellular COX-catalyzed peroxidation.


    Gu, Yan; Xu, Yi; Law, Benedict; Qian, Steven Y


    Through free radical-mediated peroxidation, cyclooxygenase (COX) can metabolize dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DGLA) and arachidonic acid (AA) to form well-known bioactive metabolites, namely, the 1-series of prostaglandins (PGs1) and the 2-series of prostaglandins (PGs2), respectively. Unlike PGs2, which are generally viewed as proinflammatory and procarcinogenic PGs, PGs1 may possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activity. Previous studies using ovine COX along with spin trapping and the LC/ESR/MS technique have shown that certain exclusive free radicals are generated from different free radical reactions in DGLA and AA peroxidation. However, it has been unclear whether the differences were associated with the contrasting bioactivity of DGLA vs AA. The aim of this study was to refine the LC/MS and spin trapping technique to make it possible for the association between free radicals and cancer cell growth to be directly tested. Using a colon cancer cell line, HCA-7 colony 29, and LC/MS along with a solid-phase extraction, we were able to characterize the reduced forms of radical adducts (hydroxylamines) as the free radicals generated from cellular COX-catalyzed peroxidation. For the first time, free radicals formed in the COX-catalyzed peroxidation of AA vs DGLA and their association with cancer cell growth were assessed (cell proliferation via MTS and cell cycle distribution via propidium iodide staining) in the same experimental setting. The exclusive free radicals formed from the COX-catalyzed peroxidation of AA and DGLA were shown to be correlated with the cell growth response. Our results indicate that free radicals generated from the distinct radical reactions in COX-catalyzed peroxidation may represent the novel metabolites of AA and DGLA that correspond to their contrasting bioactivity. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. The First Characterization of Free Radicals Formed From Cellular COX-Catalyzed Peroxidation

    PubMed Central

    Gu, Yan; Xu, Yi; Law, Benedict; Qian, Steven Y.


    Through free radical-mediated peroxidation, cyclooxygenase (COX) can metabolize dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DGLA) and arachidonic acid(AA) to form well-known bioactive metabolites, namely, the 1-series of prostaglandins (PGs1) and 2-series of prostaglandins(PGs2), respectively. Unlike PGs2, which are generally viewed as pro-inflammatory and pro-carcinogenic PGs, PGs1 may possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activity. Previous studies using ovine COX along with spin trapping and the LC/ESR/MS technique have shown that certain exclusive free radicals are generated from different free radical reactions in DGLA and AA peroxidation. However, it has been unclear whether the differences were associated with the contrasting bioactivity of DGLA vs. AA. The aim of this study was to refine the LC/MS and spin-trapping technique to make it possible for the association between free radicals and cancer cell growth to be directly tested. Using a colon cancer cell line, HCA-7 colony 29, and LC/MS along with a solid phase extraction, we were able to characterize the reduced forms of radical adducts (hydroxylamines) as the free radicals generated from cellular COX-catalyzed peroxidation. For the first time, free radicals formed in the COX-catalyzed peroxidation of AA vs. DGLA and their association with cancer cell growth was assessed (cell proliferation via MTS and cell cycle distribution via PI staining) in the same experimental setting. The exclusive free radicals formed from the COX-catalyzed peroxidation of AA and DGLA were shown to be correlated with the cell growth response. Our results indicate that free radicals generated from the distinct radical reactions in COX-catalyzed peroxidation may represent the novel metabolites of AA and DGLA that correspond to their contrasting bioactivity. PMID:23261941

  2. Mazzini and the Radical Movement in Nineteenth-Century Italy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Noether, Emiliana P.


    Discusses the origins of radicalism in Italy, specifically the emergence in 1831 of Giuseppe Mazzini as the advocate of Italian nationalism and radicalism. Examines Mazzini's role in Italy and among European revolutionaries, concluding that his legacy led to the establishment of the Italian republic in the twentieth century. (GEA)

  3. Radical Behaviorism and Buddhism: Complementarities and Conflicts

    PubMed Central

    Diller, James W; Lattal, Kennon A


    Comparisons have been made between Buddhism and the philosophy of science in general, but there have been only a few attempts to draw comparisons directly with the philosophy of radical behaviorism. The present review therefore considers heretofore unconsidered points of comparison between Buddhism and radical behaviorism in terms of their respective goals, conceptualization of human beings, and the outcomes of following either philosophy. From these comparisons it is concluded that the commonalities discerned between these two philosophies may enhance both philosophical systems. PMID:22478509

  4. Contemporary open and robotic radical prostatectomy practice patterns among urologists in the United States.


    Lowrance, William T; Eastham, James A; Savage, Caroline; Maschino, A C; Laudone, Vincent P; Dechet, Christopher B; Stephenson, Robert A; Scardino, Peter T; Sandhu, Jaspreet S


    We describe current trends in robotic and open radical prostatectomy in the United States after examining case logs for American Board of Urology certification. American urologists submit case logs for initial board certification and recertification. We analyzed logs from 2004 to 2010 for trends and used logistic regression to assess the impact of urologist age on robotic radical prostatectomy use. A total of 4,709 urologists submitted case logs for certification between 2004 and 2010. Of these logs 3,374 included 1 or more radical prostatectomy cases. Of the urologists 2,413 (72%) reported performing open radical prostatectomy only while 961 (28%) reported 1 or more robotic radical prostatectomies and 308 (9%) reported robotic radical prostatectomy only. During this 7-year period we observed a large increase in the number of urologists who performed robotic radical prostatectomy and a smaller corresponding decrease in those who performed open radical prostatectomy. Only 8% of patients were treated with robotic radical prostatectomy by urologists who were certified in 2004 while 67% underwent that procedure in 2010. Median age of urologists who exclusively performed open radical prostatectomy was 43 years (IQR 38-51) vs 41 (IQR 35-46) for those who performed only robotic radical prostatectomy. While the rate was not as high as the greater than 85% industry estimate, 67% of radical prostatectomies were done robotically among urologists who underwent board certification or recertification in 2010. Total radical prostatectomy volume almost doubled during the study period. These data provide nonindustry based estimates of current radical prostatectomy practice patterns and further our understanding of the evolving surgical treatment of prostate cancer. Copyright © 2012 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Persistent free radical ESR signals in marine bivalve tissues

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mehlorn, R.J.; Mendez, A.T.; Higashi, R.


    Freeze-dried homogenates of the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae collected from waters in Puerto Rico near urban and industrial sites as well as at relatively pristine locations yielded electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra characteristic of free radicals as well as spectral components of transition metal ions, dominated by manganese. The magnitudes of these ESR signals and the concentrations of trace elements (determined by X-ray fluorescence) varied considerably among oyster samples, masking any potential correlation with polluted waters. Laboratory studies were initiated to identify the factors controlling the magnitudes of the tissue free radical ESR signals. Another mollusc, Mytilus californianus collected at themore » Bodega Marine laboratory in northern California, was fractionated into goneds and remaining tissue. Freeze-dried homogenates of both fractions exhibited ESR signals that increased gradually with time. ESR signals were observed in freeze-dried perchloric acid (PCA) precipitates of the homogenates, delipidated PCA precipitates, and in chloroform extracts of these precipitates. Acid hydrolysis to degrade proteins to amino acids produced a residue, which yielded much larger ESR free radical signals after freeze-drying. Freshly thawed homogenates of Crassostrea rhizophorae also exhibited ESR signals. A laboratory model of copper stress in Crassostrea rhizophorae was developed to study the effect of this transition metal on dssue free radicals. Preliminary results suggested that sublethal copper exposure had little effect on tissue fire radicals, except possibly for a signal enhancement in an oyster fraction that was enriched in kidney granules. Since kidney granules are known to accumulate heavy metals in mussels and probably other marine bivalves, this signal enhancement may prove to be an indicator of free radical processes associated with heavy metal deposition in molluscs.« less

  6. Benzoin Radicals as Reducing Agent for Synthesizing Ultrathin Copper Nanowires.


    Cui, Fan; Dou, Letian; Yang, Qin; Yu, Yi; Niu, Zhiqiang; Sun, Yuchun; Liu, Hao; Dehestani, Ahmad; Schierle-Arndt, Kerstin; Yang, Peidong


    In this work, we report a new, general synthetic approach that uses heat driven benzoin radicals to grow ultrathin copper nanowires with tunable diameters. This is the first time carbon organic radicals have been used as a reducing agent in metal nanowire synthesis. In-situ temperature dependent electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic studies show that the active reducing agent is the free radicals produced by benzoins under elevated temperature. Furthermore, the reducing power of benzoin can be readily tuned by symmetrically decorating functional groups on the two benzene rings. When the aromatic rings are modified with electron donating (withdrawing) groups, the reducing power is promoted (suppressed). The controllable reactivity gives the carbon organic radical great potential as a versatile reducing agent that can be generalized in other metallic nanowire syntheses.

  7. Mechanistic studies of the radical SAM enzyme spore photoproduct lyase (SPL).


    Li, Lei


    Spore photoproduct lyase (SPL) repairs a special thymine dimer 5-thyminyl-5,6-dihydrothymine, which is commonly called spore photoproduct or SP at the bacterial early germination phase. SP is the exclusive DNA photo-damage product in bacterial endospores; its generation and swift repair by SPL are responsible for the spores' extremely high UV resistance. The early in vivo studies suggested that SPL utilizes a direct reversal strategy to repair the SP in the absence of light. The research in the past decade further established SPL as a radical SAM enzyme, which utilizes a tri-cysteine CXXXCXXC motif to harbor a [4Fe-4S] cluster. At the 1+ oxidation state, the cluster provides an electron to the S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), which binds to the cluster in a bidentate manner as the fourth and fifth ligands, to reductively cleave the CS bond associated with the sulfonium ion in SAM, generating a reactive 5'-deoxyadenosyl (5'-dA) radical. This 5'-dA radical abstracts the proR hydrogen atom from the C6 carbon of SP to initiate the repair process; the resulting SP radical subsequently fragments to generate a putative thymine methyl radical, which accepts a back-donated H atom to yield the repaired TpT. SAM is suggested to be regenerated at the end of each catalytic cycle; and only a catalytic amount of SAM is needed in the SPL reaction. The H atom source for the back donation step is suggested to be a cysteine residue (C141 in Bacillus subtilis SPL), and the H-atom transfer reaction leaves a thiyl radical behind on the protein. This thiyl radical thus must participate in the SAM regeneration process; however how the thiyl radical abstracts an H atom from the 5'-dA to regenerate SAM is unknown. This paper reviews and discusses the history and the latest progress in the mechanistic elucidation of SPL. Despite some recent breakthroughs, more questions are raised in the mechanistic understanding of this intriguing DNA repair enzyme. This article is part of a Special Issue

  8. Transnational Islamic activism and radicalization : patterns, trends, and prognosticators.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Colbaugh, Richard; Engi, Dennis; LaViolette, Randall A.

    The research described in this report developed the theoretical and conceptual framework for understanding, recognizing, and anticipating the origins, dynamic mechanisms, perceptions, and social structures of Islamic social reform movements in the Muslim homeland and in diaspora communities. This research has revealed valuable insights into the dynamic mechanisms associated with reform movements and, as such, offers the potential to provide indications and warnings of impending violence. This study produced the following significant findings: (1) A framework for understanding Islamic radicalization in the context of Social Movement Theory was developed and implemented. This framework provides a causal structure for the interrelationshipsmore » among the myriad features of a social movement. (2) The degree to which movement-related activity shows early diffusion across multiple social contexts is a powerful distinguisher of successful and unsuccessful social movements. Indeed, this measurable appears to have significantly more predictive power than volume of such activity and also more power than various system intrinsics. (3) Significant social movements can occur only if both the intra-context 'infectivity' of the movement exceeds a certain threshold and the inter-context interactions associated with the movement occur with a frequency that is larger than another threshold. Note that this is reminiscent of, and significantly extends, well-known results for epidemic thresholds in disease propagation models. (4) More in-depth content analysis of blogs through the lens of Argumentation Theory has the potential to reveal new insights into radicalization in the context of Social Movement Theory. This connection has the potential to be of value from two important perspectives - first, this connection has the potential to provide more in depth insights into the forces underlying the emergence of radical behavior and second, this connection may provide insights into how

  9. Synthesis of Resveratrol Tetramers via a Stereoconvergent Radical Equilibrium

    PubMed Central

    Keylor, Mitchell H.; Matsuura, Bryan S.; Griesser, Markus; Chauvin, Jean-Philippe R.; Harding, Ryan A.; Kirillova, Mariia S.; Zhu, Xu; Fischer, Oliver J.; Pratt, Derek A.; Stephenson, Corey R. J.


    Persistent free radicals have become indispensable in the synthesis of organic materials by living radical polymerization. However, examples of their use in the synthesis of small molecules are rare. Herein, we report the application of persistent radical and quinone methide intermediates to the synthesis of the resveratrol tetramers nepalensinol B and vateriaphenol C. The spontaneous cleavage and reconstitution of exceptionally weak carbon-carbon bonds has enabled a stereoconvergent oxidative dimerization of racemic materials in a transformation that likely coincides with the biogenesis of these natural products. The efficient synthesis of higher-order oligomers of resveratrol will facilitate the biological studies necessary to elucidate their mechanism(s) of action. PMID:27940867

  10. Free Radical Scavenging Properties of Annona squamosa


    Vikas, Biba; Akhil B, S; P, Remani; Sujathan, K


    Annona squamosa has extensively been used in the traditional and folkloric medicine and found to possess many biological activities. Different solvents, petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Annona squamosa seeds (ASPE, ASCH, ASEA, ASME) have been used to prepare plant extracts. The present investigations dealt with the free radical scavenging activity of four extracts using various techniques such as total reducing power estimation, total phenolic count, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging effect, evaluation of ABTS cation decolorisation capacity, FRAP assay, hdroxyl radical scavenging assay, super oxide assay and Nitric oxide radical scavenging assay of the extracts. The results showed that the four extracts of Annona squamosa showed significant reducing power in four extracts. The total phenolic contents in petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol extracts and positive control were 0.64±0.17, 0.54±0.27, 0.49±0.24, 0.57±0.22 and 0.66±0.33. The antioxidant capacity by ABTS assay of ASPE, ASCH, ASEA, ASME and positive control, trolox showed 77.75±0.5,73.25±1.7,78.5± 1.2 , 80 ± 0.8 μg/ml and 94.2 ± 0.9 respectively. The (50 % scavenging activity) SA50 of ASPE and ASCH, ASEA and ASME was found to be 34.4 μg/ml, 43.8 μg/ml 34.7 μg/m and 28.8 μg/ml respectively by DPPH assay. The percentage of hydroxyl radical scavenging increased with the increasing concentration of the extracts. ASPE, ASCH, ASEA and ASME showed superoxide radical scavenging activity, as indicated by their values 66 ± 0.5, 68 ± 1 ,63 ± 1 and 70 ± 0.5 μg/ml respectively compared to gallic acid which was 97 ± 0.5 μg/ml. The values for scavenging of nitric oxide for ASPE, ASCH, ASEA and ASME were 91.0 ± 1.0, 66.75 ± 0.5, 71.75 ± 1.1 and 75.75 ± 1.15 μg/ml while value for standard ascorbic acid was 91.0 ± 1.0 μg/ml. The results revealed strong antioxidants in four extracts may lead to the development of potent

  11. Formation of methemoglobin and phenoxyl radicals from p-hydroxyanisole and oxyhemoglobin.


    Stolze, K; Nohl, H


    The reaction of p-hydroxyanisole with oxyhemoglobin was investigated using electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) and visible spectroscopy. As a reactive reaction intermediate we found the p-methoxyphenoxyl radical, the one-electron oxidation product of p-hydroxyanisole. Detection of this species required the rapid flow device elucidating the instability of this radical intermediate. The second reaction product formed is methemoglobin. Catalase or SOD had no effect upon the reaction kinetics. Accordingly, reactive oxygen species such as hydroxyl radicals or superoxide could not be observed although the spin trapping agent DMPO was used to make these short-lived species detectable. When the sulfhydryl blocking agents N-ethylmaleimide or mersalyl acid were used, an increase of the methemoglobin formation rate and of the phenoxyl radical concentration were observed. We have interpreted this observation in terms of a side reaction of free radical intermediates with thiol groups.

  12. Dynamic nuclear polarization in solid samples by electrical-discharge-induced radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Katz, Itai; Blank, Aharon


    Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a method for enhancing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals that has many potential applications in chemistry and medicine. Traditionally, DNP signal enhancement is achieved through the use of exogenous radicals mixed in a solution with the molecules of interest. Here we show that proton DNP signal enhancements can be obtained for solid samples without the use of solvent and exogenous radicals. Radicals are generated primarily on the surface of a solid sample using electrical discharges. These radicals are found suitable for DNP. They are stable under moderate vacuum conditions, yet readily annihilate upon compound dissolution or air exposure. This feature makes them attractive for use in medical applications, where the current variety of radicals used for DNP faces regulatory problems. In addition, this solvent-free method may be found useful for analytical NMR of solid samples which cannot tolerate solvents, such as certain pharmaceutical products.

  13. Evidence of high *OH radical quenching efficiency by vitamin B6.


    Matxain, Jon M; Padro, Daniel; Ristilä, Mikael; Strid, Ake; Eriksson, Leif A


    Molecules acting as antioxidants capable of scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) are of the utmost importance in the living cell. The antioxidative properties of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) have recently been discovered. Previous theoretical calculations have shown a high reactivity of pyridoxine toward hydroxyl radicals, where the latter preferably abstract H from either carbon of the two methanol substituents (C8 or C9). In this study, we have explored the reactivity of pyridoxine toward further hydroxyl radicals, considering as the first step the H abstraction from either C8 or C9, also including addition reactions and cyclization. Many of the reactions display similar DeltaG, and hence, the quenching of hydroxyl radicals by pyridoxine may undergo different pathways leading to a mix of products. In addition, we observe that pyridoxine, under high hydroxyl radical concentrations, may scavenge up to eight radicals, supporting its observed high antioxidant activity.

  14. Oxygen free radicals and acute pancreatitis: fact or fiction?


    Creagh, T A; Leahy, A L; Bouchier-Hayes, D J; Tormey, W; Leader, M; Broe, P J


    The effect of oxygen free radical suppression was studied in the taurocholate model of acute pancreatitis in the rat using systemic allopurinol, superoxide dismutase (S.O.D.) and catalase. None of the treatments were beneficial which suggests that oxygen free radical suppression is unlikely to be clinically beneficial in acute pancreatitis.

  15. Oxidative Degradation of Methyl Orange Solution by Fe-MKSF Catalyst: Identification of Radical Species

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abdullah, N. H.; Selamat, M. K. A.; Nasuha, N.; Hassan, H.; Zubir, N. A.


    Iron–immobilized montmorillonite KSF (Fe-MKSF) has been recognized as promising catalyst in degrading persistence organic contaminants. However, detailed mechanistic insight during the catalysis which involving the formation and identification of radical species were remained indeterminate due to complex reaction. Inspiring by this gap, iron-immobilized clay (Fe-MKSF) was synthesized and used as heterogeneous catalyst in the oxidative degradation of methyl orange (MO) solution. Identification of radical species were determined through the inclusion of different types of radical scavenging agent during the Fenton-like reaction at optimum condition. Interestingly, dominant radical species were found to be hydroperoxyl radicals (•OOH) which subsequently followed by hydroxyl radicals (•OH) during the catalysis. Based on the percentage of MO removal, it was suggested that approximately 88% of the •OOH radicals existed at the interface of catalyst while 39% presence in bulk solution. Meanwhile, the interface •OH radicals promoted 38% of MO removal, whilst 4% by the bulk •OH radicals. Hence, these findings have conveyed novel insight on detailed radicals’ identification as well as its’ interaction during the catalysis.

  16. Studying mechanism of radical reactions: From radiation to nitroxides as research tools

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maimon, Eric; Samuni, Uri; Goldstein, Sara


    Radicals are part of the chemistry of life, and ionizing radiation chemistry serves as an indispensable research tool for elucidation of the mechanism(s) underlying their reactions. The ever-increasing understanding of their involvement in diverse physiological and pathological processes has expanded the search for compounds that can diminish radical-induced damage. This review surveys the areas of research focusing on radical reactions and particularly with stable cyclic nitroxide radicals, which demonstrate unique antioxidative activities. Unlike common antioxidants that are progressively depleted under oxidative stress and yield secondary radicals, nitroxides are efficient radical scavengers yielding in most cases their respective oxoammonium cations, which are readily reduced back in the tissue to the nitroxide thus continuously being recycled. Nitroxides, which not only protect enzymes, cells, and laboratory animals from diverse kinds of biological injury, but also modify the catalytic activity of heme enzymes, could be utilized in chemical and biological systems serving as a research tool for elucidating mechanisms underlying complex chemical and biochemical processes.

  17. Pulsed Corona Discharge Induced Hydroxyl Radical Transfer Through the Gas-Liquid Interface.


    Ajo, Petri; Kornev, Iakov; Preis, Sergei


    The highly energetic electrons in non-thermal plasma generated by gas phase pulsed corona discharge (PCD) produce hydroxyl (OH) radicals via collision reactions with water molecules. Previous work has established that OH radicals are formed at the plasma-liquid interface, making it an important location for the oxidation of aqueous pollutants. Here, by contacting water as aerosol with PCD plasma, it is shown that OH radicals are produced on the gas side of the interface, and not in the liquid phase. It is also demonstrated that the gas-liquid interfacial boundary poses a barrier for the OH radicals, one they need to cross for reactive affinity with dissolved components, and that this process requires a gaseous atomic H scavenger. For gaseous oxidation, a scavenger, oxygen in common cases, is an advantage but not a requirement. OH radical efficiency in liquid phase reactions is strongly temperature dependent as radical termination reaction rates increase with temperature.

  18. Metabolic Activation of Sulfur Mustard Leads to Oxygen Free Radical Formation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    spin trapping results that demonstrated the enzymatic reduction of sulfur mustard sulfonium ions to carbon-based free radicals using an in vitro system ...BMPO EPR signals were reduced or eliminated when mustard carbon radical production was impeded by systematically removing system components, indicating...referred to as complete incubation mixture. EPR spectrometry Mustard-related carbon or oxygen free radical production was recorded using a Bruker EMX Plus

  19. The role of free radicals in traumatic brain injury.


    O'Connell, Karen M; Littleton-Kearney, Marguerite T


    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant cause of death and disability in both the civilian and the military populations. The primary impact causes initial tissue damage, which initiates biochemical cascades, known as secondary injury, that expand the damage. Free radicals are implicated as major contributors to the secondary injury. Our review of recent rodent and human research reveals the prominent role of the free radicals superoxide anion, nitric oxide, and peroxynitrite in secondary brain injury. Much of our current knowledge is based on rodent studies, and the authors identified a gap in the translation of findings from rodent to human TBI. Rodent models are an effective method for elucidating specific mechanisms of free radical-induced injury at the cellular level in a well-controlled environment. However, human TBI does not occur in a vacuum, and variables controlled in the laboratory may affect the injury progression. Additionally, multiple experimental TBI models are accepted in rodent research, and no one model fully reproduces the heterogeneous injury seen in humans. Free radical levels are measured indirectly in human studies based on assumptions from the findings from rodent studies that use direct free radical measurements. Further study in humans should be directed toward large samples to validate the findings in rodent studies. Data obtained from these studies may lead to more targeted treatment to interrupt the secondary injury cascades.

  20. Reaction kinetics of resveratrol with tert-butoxyl radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Džeba, Iva; Pedzinski, Tomasz; Mihaljević, Branka


    The rate constant for the reaction of t-butoxyl radicals with resveratrol was studied under pseudo-first order conditions. The rate constant was determined by measuring the phenoxyl radical formation rate at 390 nm as function of resveratrol concentration in acetonitrile. The rate constant was determined to be 6.5×108 M-1s-1. This high value indicates the high reactivity consistent with the strong antioxidant activity of resveratrol.

  1. Time-Resolved Hydroxyl Radical Footprinting of RNA with X-Rays.


    Hao, Yumeng; Bohon, Jen; Hulscher, Ryan; Rappé, Mollie C; Gupta, Sayan; Adilakshmi, Tadepalli; Woodson, Sarah A


    RNA footprinting by hydroxyl radical cleavage provides 'snapshots' of RNA tertiary structure or protein interactions that bury the RNA backbone. Generation of hydroxyl radicals with a high-flux synchrotron X-ray beam provides analysis on a short timescale (5-100 msec), which enables the structures of folding intermediates or other transient conformational states to be determined in biochemical solutions or cells. This article provides protocols for using synchrotron beamlines for hydroxyl radical footprinting. © 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  2. Polarized proton spin density images the tyrosyl radical locations in bovine liver catalase.


    Zimmer, Oliver; Jouve, Hélène M; Stuhrmann, Heinrich B


    A tyrosyl radical, as part of the amino acid chain of bovine liver catalase, supports dynamic proton spin polarization (DNP). Finding the position of the tyrosyl radical within the macromolecule relies on the accumulation of proton polarization close to it, which is readily observed by polarized neutron scattering. The nuclear scattering amplitude due to the polarization of protons less than 10 Å distant from the tyrosyl radical is ten times larger than the amplitude of magnetic neutron scattering from an unpaired polarized electron of the same radical. The direction of DNP was inverted every 5 s, and the initial evolution of the intensity of polarized neutron scattering after each inversion was used to identify those tyrosines which have assumed a radical state. Three radical sites, all of them close to the molecular centre and the haem, appear to be equally possible. Among these is tyr-369, the radical state of which had previously been proven by electron paramagnetic resonance.

  3. Observation of OH radicals produced by pulsed discharges on the surface of a liquid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kanazawa, Seiji; Kawano, Hirokazu; Watanabe, Satoshi; Furuki, Takashi; Akamine, Shuichi; Ichiki, Ryuta; Ohkubo, Toshikazu; Kocik, Marek; Mizeraczyk, Jerzy


    The hydroxyl radical (OH) plays an important role in plasma chemistry at atmospheric pressure. OH radicals have a higher oxidation potential compared with other oxidative species such as free radical O, atomic oxygen, hydroperoxyl radical (HO2), hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) and ozone. In this study, surface discharges on liquids (water and its solutions) were investigated experimentally. A pulsed streamer discharge was generated on the liquid surface using a point-to-plane electrode geometry. The primary generation process of OH radicals is closely related to the streamer propagation, and the subsequent secondary process after the discharge has an influence on the chemical reaction. Taking into account the timescale of these processes, we investigated the behavior of OH radicals using two different diagnostic methods. Time evolution of the ground-state OH radicals above the liquid surface after the discharge was observed by a laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique. In order to observe the ground-state OH, an OH [A 2∑+(v' = 1) <-- X 2Π(v'' = 0)] system at 282 nm was used. As the secondary process, a portion of OH radicals diffused from gas phase to the liquid surface and dissolved in the liquid. These dissolved OH radicals were measured by a chemical probe method. Terephthalic acid was used as an OH radical trap and fluorescence of the resulting 2-hydroxyterephthalic acid was measured. This paper directly presents visualization of OH radicals over the liquid surface by means of LIF, and indirectly describes OH radicals dissolved in water by means of a chemical method.

  4. Comparative analysis between clinical outcomes of primary radical resection and second completion radical resection for T2 gallbladder cancer: single-center experience.


    Cho, Seong Yeon; Park, Sang-Jae; Kim, Seong Hoon; Han, Sung-Sik; Kim, Young-Kyu; Lee, Kwang-Woong


    Gallbladder (GB) cancer may be discovered incidentally by histopathologic examination following simple cholecystectomy. Incidental GB cancer > or =T2 or > or =N1 needs a second radical resection. It is a matter of concern whether the prognosis may be worse in patients with T2GB cancer who undergo a second radical resection than in those who undergo primary radical resection. Between March 2001 and March 2009, 21 patients underwent a one-step operation (OSO group), and 17 patients underwent a two-step operation (TSO group) for T2GB cancer. We compared clinicopathologic factors and survival between patients in the OSO group (n = 9) and those in the TSO group (n = 9) with T2N0M0 GB cancer and between patients in the OSO group (n = 12) and those in the TSO group (n = 8) with T2N1M0 GB cancer. Except for patient age, clinicopathologic factors as well as disease-free survival were not significantly different between the OSO group and the TSO group in the aforementioned cancer stages. Patient age was significantly higher in the OSO group than in the TSO group. Second completion radical resection following initial simple cholecystectomy (TSO) provided a survival benefit similar to that of primary radical surgery (OSO) for patients with both T2N0M0 and T2N1M0 GB cancers in our study.

  5. Conformation-Specific Infrared and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of α-METHYLBENZYL Radical: Probing the State-Dependent Effects of Methyl Rocking against a Radical Site

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kidwell, Nathanael M.; Mehta, Deepali N.; Zwier, Timothy S.; Reilly, Neil J.; Kokkin, Damian L.; McCarthy, Michael C.


    Combustion processes involve a myriad of complex reaction pathways which connect smaller precursors to larger polyaromatic hydrocarbons, many of which are still unknown. In particular, benzyl-type radicals play an important role in combustible fuels due to their intrinsic resonance stabilization and consequent increase in relative concentration. Here, we present a study of the vibronic spectroscopy of α-Methylbenzyl radical (α-MeBz), in which the orientation of the methyl group adjacent to the radical site responds to the electronic interaction extending from the conjugated π-system. Probing the isolated radical, produced in an electrical discharge under jet-cooled conditions, the two-color resonant two-photon ionization, fluorescence excitation, and dispersed fluorescence spectra were obtained in order to determine the ground and excited state barriers to internal rotation and the angular change associated with electronic excitation. Resonant ion-dip infrared spectroscopy (RIDIRS) has also been implemented to elucidate the infrared signatures in the alkyl and aromatic CH stretch regions in order to probe in a complementary way the state-dependent conformational preferences of α-MeBz. We will show that the D0- and D1-RIDIR spectra report sensitively on the strong coupling between the CH stretch vibrations and the C_α-C_β torsional geometry. Furthermore, photoionization efficiency scans were carried out to reveal the adiabatic ionization threshold of α-MeBz and the quantized levels present in the radical cation state.

  6. A Model of Rapid Radicalization Behavior Using Agent-Based Modeling and Quorum Sensing

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Schwartz, Noah; Drucker, Nick; Campbell, Kenyth


    Understanding the dynamics of radicalization, especially rapid radicalization, has become increasingly important to US policy in the past several years. Traditionally, radicalization is considered a slow process, but recent social and political events demonstrate that the process can occur quickly. Examining this rapid process, in real time, is impossible. However, recreating an event using modeling and simulation (M&S) allows researchers to study some of the complex dynamics associated with rapid radicalization. We propose to adapt the biological mechanism of quorum sensing as a tool to explore, or possibly explain, rapid radicalization. Due to the complex nature of quorum sensing, M&S allows us to examine events that we could not otherwise examine in real time. For this study, we employ Agent Based Modeling (ABM), an M&S paradigm suited to modeling group behavior. The result of this study was the successful creation of rapid radicalization using quorum sensing. The Battle of Mogadishu was the inspiration for this model and provided the testing conditions used to explore quorum sensing and the ideas behind rapid radicalization. The final product has wider applicability however, using quorum sensing as a possible tool for examining other catalytic rapid radicalization events.

  7. Identification of mitochondrial electron transport chain-mediated NADH radical formation by EPR spin-trapping techniques.


    Matsuzaki, Satoshi; Kotake, Yashige; Humphries, Kenneth M


    The mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) is a major source of free radical production. However, due to the highly reactive nature of radical species and their short lifetimes, accurate detection and identification of these molecules in biological systems is challenging. The aim of this investigation was to determine the free radical species produced from the mitochondrial ETC by utilizing EPR spin-trapping techniques and the recently commercialized spin-trap, 5-(2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propoxycyclophosphoryl)-5-methyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (CYPMPO). We demonstrate that this spin-trap has the preferential quality of having minimal mitochondrial toxicity at concentrations required for radical detection. In rat heart mitochondria and submitochondrial particles supplied with NADH, the major species detected under physiological pH was a carbon-centered radical adduct, indicated by markedly large hyperfine coupling constant with hydrogen (a(H) > 2.0 mT). In the presence of the ETC inhibitors, the carbon-centered radical formation was increased and exhibited NADH concentration dependency. The same carbon-centered radical could also be produced with the NAD biosynthesis precursor, nicotinamide mononucleotide, in the presence of a catalytic amount of NADH. The results support the conclusion that the observed species is a complex I derived NADH radical. The formation of the NADH radical could be blocked by hydroxyl radical scavengers but not SOD. In vitro experiments confirmed that an NADH-radical is readily formed by hydroxyl radical but not superoxide anion, further implicating hydroxyl radical as an upstream mediator of NADH radical production. These findings demonstrate the identification of a novel mitochondrial radical species with potential physiological significance and highlight the diverse mechanisms and sites of production within the ETC.

  8. Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on free radical scavenging activity of immunosuppressants used in lung transplantation and comparative electron paramagnetic resonance study of kinetics of their interactions with model free radicals.


    Stanjek-Cichoracka, A; Żegleń, S; Ramos, P; Pilawa, B; Wojarski, J


    The immunosuppressive drugs used in solid organ transplantation or autoimmunological processes were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to estimate their free radical scavenging activity. The interactions of immunosuppressants with free radicals were examined by an X-band (9.3 GHz) EPR spectroscopy and a model of DPPH free radicals. The EPR spectra of DPPH and DPPH interacting with individual drugs were compared. Kinetic studies were performed, and the effect of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on the free radical scavenging activity of the tested drugs was determined. The free radical scavenging activity of non-irradiated drugs decreased in the order: rapamycin > mycophenolate mofetil > ciclosporin > tacrolimus. UV irradiation increased the free radical scavenging activity of all the tested immunosuppressive drugs, and the effect was highest for tacrolimus. For the non-irradiated samples, the speed of free radical interactions decreased in the order: ciclosporin > tacrolimus > mycophenolate mofetil > rapamycin. UV irradiation only slightly affected the speed of interactions of the immunosuppressive drugs with the model DPPH free radicals. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy is useful for obtaining information on interactions of immunosuppressive drugs with free radicals. We hypothesized that the long-term immunosuppressive effects of these drugs after transplantation or during autoimmune disorders may be mediated by anti-inflammatory action in addition to the known receptor/cell cycle inhibition. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Missing Peroxy Radical Sources within a Summertime Ponderosa Pine Forest

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wolfe, G. M.; Cantrell, Chris; Kim, S.


    Organic peroxy (RO2) and hydroperoxy (HO2) radicals are key intermediates in the photochemical processes that generate ozone, secondary organic aerosol and reactive nitrogen reservoirs throughout the troposphere. In regions with ample biogenic hydrocarbons, the richness and complexity of peroxy radical chemistry presents a significant challenge to current-generation models, especially given the scarcity of measurements in such environments. We present peroxy radical observations acquired within a Ponderosa pine forest during the summer 2010 Bio-hydro-atmosphere interactions of Energy, Aerosols, Carbon, H2O, Organics and Nitrogen – Rocky Mountain Organic Carbon Study (BEACHON-ROCS). Total peroxy radical mixing ratios reach as high as 180 pptvmore » and are among the highest yet recorded. Using the comprehensive measurement suite to constrain a near-explicit 0-D box model, we investigate the sources, sinks and distribution of peroxy radicals below the forest canopy. The base chemical mechanism underestimates total peroxy radicals by as much as a factor of 3. Peroxy radical sinks are unlikely to be overestimated, suggesting missing sources. A close comparison of model results with observations reveals at least two distinct source signatures. The first missing source, characterized by a sharp midday maximum and a strong dependence on solar radiation, is consistent with photolytic production of HO2. The diel profile of the second missing source peaks in the afternoon and suggests a process that generates RO2 independently of sun-driven photochemistry, such as ozonolysis of reactive hydrocarbons. The maximum magnitudes of these missing sources (~120 and 50 pptv min-1, respectively) are consistent with previous observations alluding to unexpectedly intense oxidation within the forest, and we conclude that a similar mechanism may underlie many such anomalous findings.« less

  10. The radical SAM protein HemW is a heme chaperone.


    Haskamp, Vera; Karrie, Simone; Mingers, Toni; Barthels, Stefan; Alberge, François; Magalon, Axel; Müller, Katrin; Bill, Eckhard; Lubitz, Wolfgang; Kleeberg, Kirstin; Schweyen, Peter; Bröring, Martin; Jahn, Martina; Jahn, Dieter


    Radical S -adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzymes exist in organisms from all kingdoms of life, and all of these proteins generate an adenosyl radical via the homolytic cleavage of the S-C(5') bond of SAM. Of particular interest are radical SAM enzymes, such as heme chaperones, that insert heme into respiratory enzymes. For example, heme chaperones insert heme into target proteins but have been studied only for the formation of cytochrome c -type hemoproteins. Here, we report that a radical SAM protein, the heme chaperone HemW from bacteria, is required for the insertion of heme b into respiratory chain enzymes. As other radical SAM proteins, HemW contains three cysteines and one SAM coordinating an [4Fe-4S] cluster, and we observed one heme per subunit of HemW. We found that an intact iron-sulfur cluster was required for HemW dimerization and HemW-catalyzed heme transfer but not for stable heme binding. A bacterial two-hybrid system screen identified bacterioferritins and the heme-containing subunit NarI of the respiratory nitrate reductase NarGHI as proteins that interact with HemW. We also noted that the bacterioferritins potentially serve as heme donors for HemW. Of note, heme that was covalently bound to HemW was actively transferred to a heme-depleted, catalytically inactive nitrate reductase, restoring its nitrate-reducing enzyme activity. Finally, the human HemW orthologue radical SAM domain-containing 1 (RSAD1) stably bound heme. In conclusion, our findings indicate that the radical SAM protein family HemW/RSAD1 is a heme chaperone catalyzing the insertion of heme into hemoproteins. © 2018 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  11. The Chemistry of Separations Ligand Degradation by Organic Radical Cations


    Mezyk, Stephen P.; Horne, Gregory P.; Mincher, Bruce J.; ...


    Solvent based extractions of used nuclear fuel use designer ligands in an organic phase extracting ligand complexed metal ions from an acidic aqueous phase. These extractions will be performed in highly radioactive environments, and the radiation chemistry of all these complexants and their diluents will play a major role in determining extraction efficiency, separation factors, and solvent-recycle longevity. Although there has been considerable effort in investigating ligand damage occurring in acidic water radiolysis conditions, only minimal fundamental kinetic and mechanistic data has been reported for the degradation of extraction ligands in the organic phase. Extraction solvent phases typically use normalmore » alkanes such as dodecane, TPH, and kerosene as diluents. The radiolysis of such diluents produce a mixture of radical cations (R •+), carbon-centered radicals (R •), solvated electrons, and molecular products such as hydrogen. Typically, the radical species will preferentially react with the dissolved oxygen present to produce relatively inert peroxyl radicals. This isolates the alkane radical cation species, R •+ as the major radiolytically-induced organic species that can react with, and degrade, extraction agents in this phase. Here we report on our recent studies of organic radical cation reactions with various ligands. Elucidating these parameters, and combining them with the known acidic aqueous phase chemistry, will allow a full, fundamental, understanding of the impact of radiation on solvent extraction based separation processes to be achieved.« less

  12. The Chemistry of Separations Ligand Degradation by Organic Radical Cations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mezyk, Stephen P.; Horne, Gregory P.; Mincher, Bruce J.

    Solvent based extractions of used nuclear fuel use designer ligands in an organic phase extracting ligand complexed metal ions from an acidic aqueous phase. These extractions will be performed in highly radioactive environments, and the radiation chemistry of all these complexants and their diluents will play a major role in determining extraction efficiency, separation factors, and solvent-recycle longevity. Although there has been considerable effort in investigating ligand damage occurring in acidic water radiolysis conditions, only minimal fundamental kinetic and mechanistic data has been reported for the degradation of extraction ligands in the organic phase. Extraction solvent phases typically use normalmore » alkanes such as dodecane, TPH, and kerosene as diluents. The radiolysis of such diluents produce a mixture of radical cations (R •+), carbon-centered radicals (R •), solvated electrons, and molecular products such as hydrogen. Typically, the radical species will preferentially react with the dissolved oxygen present to produce relatively inert peroxyl radicals. This isolates the alkane radical cation species, R •+ as the major radiolytically-induced organic species that can react with, and degrade, extraction agents in this phase. Here we report on our recent studies of organic radical cation reactions with various ligands. Elucidating these parameters, and combining them with the known acidic aqueous phase chemistry, will allow a full, fundamental, understanding of the impact of radiation on solvent extraction based separation processes to be achieved.« less

  13. Computational Studies of Free Radical-Scavenging Properties of Phenolic Compounds

    PubMed Central

    Alov, Petko; Tsakovska, Ivanka; Pajeva, Ilza


    For more than half a century free radical-induced alterations at cellular and organ levels have been investigated as a probable underlying mechanism of a number of adverse health conditions. Consequently, significant research efforts have been spent for discovering more effective and potent antioxidants / free radical scavengers for treatment of these adverse conditions. Being by far the most used antioxidants among natural and synthetic compounds, mono- and polyphenols have been the focus of both experimental and computational research on mechanisms of free radical scavenging. Quantum chemical studies have provided a significant amount of data on mechanisms of reactions between phenolic compounds and free radicals outlining a number of properties with a key role for the radical scavenging activity and capacity of phenolics. The obtained quantum chemical parameters together with other molecular descriptors have been used in quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analyses for the design of new more effective phenolic antioxidants and for identification of the most useful natural antioxidant phenolics. This review aims at presenting the state of the art in quantum chemical and QSAR studies of phenolic antioxidants and at analysing the trends observed in the field in the last decade. PMID:25547098

  14. Computational studies of free radical-scavenging properties of phenolic compounds.


    Alov, Petko; Tsakovska, Ivanka; Pajeva, Ilza


    For more than half a century free radical-induced alterations at cellular and organ levels have been investigated as a probable underlying mechanism of a number of adverse health conditions. Consequently, significant research efforts have been spent for discovering more effective and potent antioxidants / free radical scavengers for treatment of these adverse conditions. Being by far the most used antioxidants among natural and synthetic compounds, mono- and polyphenols have been the focus of both experimental and computational research on mechanisms of free radical scavenging. Quantum chemical studies have provided a significant amount of data on mechanisms of reactions between phenolic compounds and free radicals outlining a number of properties with a key role for the radical scavenging activity and capacity of phenolics. The obtained quantum chemical parameters together with other molecular descriptors have been used in quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analyses for the design of new more effective phenolic antioxidants and for identification of the most useful natural antioxidant phenolics. This review aims at presenting the state of the art in quantum chemical and QSAR studies of phenolic antioxidants and at analysing the trends observed in the field in the last decade.

  15. On radicalizing behaviorism: A call for cultural analysis

    PubMed Central

    Malagodi, E. F.


    Our culture at large continues many practices that work against the well-being of its members and its chances for survival. Our discipline has failed to realize its potential for contributing to the understanding of these practices and to the generation of solutions. This failure of realization is in part a consequence of the general failure of behavior analysts to view social and cultural analysis as a fundamental component of radical behaviorism. This omission is related to three prevailing practices of our discipline. First, radical behaviorism is characteristically defined as a “philosophy of science,” and its concerns are ordinarily restricted to certain epistemological issues. Second, theoretical extensions to social and cultural phenomena too often depend solely upon principles derived from the analysis of behavior. Third, little attention has been directed at examining the relationships that do, or that should, exist between our discipline and related sciences. These practices themselves are attributed to certain features of the history of our field. Two general remedies for this situation are suggested: first, that radical behaviorism be treated as a comprehensive world view in which epistemological, psychological, and cultural analyses constitute interdependent components; second, that principles derived from compatible social-science disciplines be incorporated into radical behaviorism. PMID:22478643

  16. Studies on free radicals, antioxidants, and co-factors

    PubMed Central

    Rahman, Khalid


    The interplay between free radicals, antioxidants, and co-factors is important in maintaining health, aging and age-related diseases. Free radicals induce oxidative stress, which is balanced by the body’s endogenous antioxidant systems with an input from co-factors, and by the ingestion of exogenous antioxidants. If the generation of free radicals exceeds the protective effects of antioxidants, and some co-factors, this can cause oxidative damage which accumulates during the life cycle, and has been implicated in aging, and age dependent diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, and other chronic conditions. The life expectancy of the world population is increasing, and it is estimated that by 2025, 29% of the world population will be aged ≥60 years, and this will lead to an increase in the number of older people acquiring age-related chronic diseases. This will place greater financial burden on health services and high social cost for individuals and society. In order to acheive healthy aging the older people should be encouraged to acquire healthy life styles which should include diets rich in antioxidants. The aim of this review is to highlight the main themes from studies on free radicals, antioxidants and co-factors, and to propose an evidence-based strategy for healthy aging. PMID:18044138

  17. Physiological Concentrations of Ascorbate Cannot Prevent the Potentially Damaging Reactions of Protein Radicals in Humans.


    Nauser, Thomas; Gebicki, Janusz M


    The principal initial biological targets of free radicals formed under conditions of oxidative stress are the proteins. The most common products of the interaction are carbon-centered alkyl radicals which react rapidly with oxygen to form peroxyl radicals and hydroperoxides. All these species are reactive, capable of propagating the free radical damage to enzymes, nucleic acids, lipids, and endogenous antioxidants, leading finally to the pathologies associated with oxidative stress. The best chance of preventing this chain of damage is in early repair of the protein radicals by antioxidants. Estimate of the effectiveness of the physiologically significant antioxidants requires knowledge of the antioxidant tissue concentrations and rate constants of their reaction with protein radicals. Previous studies by pulse radiolysis have shown that only ascorbate can repair the Trp and Tyr protein radicals before they form peroxyl radicals under physiological concentrations of oxygen. We have now extended this work to other protein C-centered radicals generated by hydroxyl radicals because these and many other free radicals formed under oxidative stress can produce secondary radicals on virtually any amino acid residue. Pulse radiolysis identified two classes of rate constants for reactions of protein radicals with ascorbate, a faster one in the range (9-60) × 10 7 M -1 s -1 and a slow one with a range of (0.5-2) × 10 7 M -1 s -1 . These results show that ascorbate can prevent further reactions of protein radicals only in the few human tissues where its concentration exceeds about 2.5 mM.

  18. Free radical reactions of isoxazole and pyrazole derivatives of hispolon: kinetics correlated with molecular descriptors.


    Shaikh, Shaukat Ali M; Barik, Atanu; Singh, Beena G; Modukuri, Ramani V; Balaji, Neduri V; Subbaraju, Gottumukkala V; Naik, Devidas B; Priyadarsini, K Indira


    Hispolon (HS), a natural polyphenol found in medicinal mushrooms, and its isoxazole (HI) and pyrazole (HP) derivatives have been examined for free radical reactions and in vitro antioxidant activity. Reaction of these compounds with one-electron oxidant, azide radicals ([Formula: see text]) and trichloromethyl peroxyl radicals ([Formula: see text]), model peroxyl radicals, studied by nanosecond pulse radiolysis technique, indicated formation of phenoxyl radicals absorbing at 420 nm with half life of few hundred microseconds (μs). The formation of phenoxyl radicals confirmed that the phenolic OH is the active centre for free radical reactions. Rate constant for the reaction of these radicals with these compounds were in the order k HI ≅ k HP  >   k HS . Further the compounds were examined for their ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation in model membranes and also for the scavenging of 2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical and superoxide ([Formula: see text]) radicals. The results suggested that HP and HI are less efficient than HS towards these radical reactions. Quantum chemical calculations were performed on these compounds to understand the mechanism of reaction with different radicals. Lower values of adiabatic ionization potential (AIP) and elevated highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) for HI and HP compared with HS controlled their activity towards [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] radicals, whereas the contribution of overall anion concentration was responsible for higher activity of HS for DPPH, [Formula: see text], and lipid peroxyl radical. The results confirm the role of different structural moieties on the antioxidant activity of hispolon derivatives.

  19. Radical observations during the Clean air for London project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Whalley, L. K.; Stone, D.; Clancy, N.; Lee, J. D.; Laufs, S.; Kleffmann, J.; Heard, D. E.


    With greater than 50 % of the global population residing in urban conurbations, poor urban air quality has a demonstrable effect on human health. OH and HO2 radicals, (collectively termed HOx) together with RO2 radicals, mediate virtually all of the oxidative chemistry in the atmosphere, being responsible for the transformation of primary emissions into secondary pollutants such as NO2, O3 and particulates. Understanding the chemistry of free-radicals in the atmosphere is essential in improving predictions of the lifetimes of pollutants and spatial scales of their transport within urban areas. Results from earlier field campaigns in urban and polluted regions have demonstrated the significance of HONO photolysis and alkene ozonolysis in the production of HOx radicals. In many cases, however, measurements of HONO have not been made, reducing the ability to evaluate model successes for OH in these environments. Here we present measurements of OH, HO2, RO2 and OH reactivity taken during the wintertime (January - February, 2012) and summertime (July - August, 2012) as part of the Clean air for London (ClearfLo) project in London. RO2 was detected using a newly developed flow-reactor laser-induced fluorescence technique which is able to discriminate between HO2 and organic peroxy radicals [1]. Low concentrations of radicals were observed during the wintertime, midday [OH], [HO2] and [RO2] were ~ 0.04, 0.8 and 1.5 pptv respectively, comparable to observations of radicals at other urban locations in winter [2,3,4], and which displayed a negative correlation with NO concentrations. OH reactivity was high and largely tracked the diurnal profiles of NOx and CO, with the highest reactivity ~100 s-1 observed during the morning rush hour. Analysis of factors controlling OH concentrations during the wintertime suggests that the formation of OH from the photolysis of O3 and subsequent reaction of O(1D) with H2O is a minor contribution both under high and low NOx conditions owing

  20. Charge Transfer Directed Radical Substitution Enables para-Selective C–H Functionalization

    PubMed Central

    Boursalian, Gregory B.; Ham, Won Seok; Mazzotti, Anthony R.; Ritter, Tobias


    Efficient C–H functionalization requires selectivity for specific C–H bonds. Progress has been made for directed aromatic substitution reactions to achieve ortho- and meta- selectivity, but a general strategy for para-selective C–H functionalization has remained elusive. Herein, we introduce a previously unappreciated concept which enables nearly complete para selectivity. We propose that radicals with high electron affinity elicit areneto-radical charge transfer in the transition state of radical addition, which is the factor primarily responsible for high positional selectivity. We demonstrate that the selectivity is predictable by a simple theoretical tool and show the utility of the concept through a direct synthesis of aryl piperazines. Our results contradict the notion, widely held by organic chemists, that radical aromatic substitution reactions are inherently unselective. The concept of charge transfer directed radical substitution could serve as the basis for the development of new, highly selective C–H functionalization reactions. PMID:27442288

  1. Investigating Pigment Radicals in Black Rice Using HPLC and Multi-EPR.


    Nakagawa, Kouichi; Maeda, Hayato


    We investigated the location and distribution of paramagnetic species in black and white rice using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), X-band (9 GHz) EPR imaging (EPRI), and HPLC. EPR primarily detected two paramagnetic species in black rice, which were identified as a stable radical and Mn 2+ species, based on the g values and hyperfine components of the EPR signals. The signal from the stable radical appeared at g ≈ 2.00 and was relatively strong and stable. Subsequent noninvasive two-dimensional (2D) EPRI revealed that this stable radical was primarily located in the pigmented region of black rice, while very few radicals were observed in the rice interior. Pigments extracted from black rice were analyzed using HPLC; the major compound was found to be cyanidin-3-glucoside. EPR and HPLC results indicate that the stable radical was only found within the pigmented region of the rice, and that it could either be cyanidin-3-glucoside, or one of its oxidative decomposition products.

  2. Charge-transfer-directed radical substitution enables para-selective C-H functionalization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boursalian, Gregory B.; Ham, Won Seok; Mazzotti, Anthony R.; Ritter, Tobias


    Efficient C-H functionalization requires selectivity for specific C-H bonds. Progress has been made for directed aromatic substitution reactions to achieve ortho and meta selectivity, but a general strategy for para-selective C-H functionalization has remained elusive. Herein we introduce a previously unappreciated concept that enables nearly complete para selectivity. We propose that radicals with high electron affinity elicit arene-to-radical charge transfer in the transition state of radical addition, which is the factor primarily responsible for high positional selectivity. We demonstrate with a simple theoretical tool that the selectivity is predictable and show the utility of the concept through a direct synthesis of aryl piperazines. Our results contradict the notion, widely held by organic chemists, that radical aromatic substitution reactions are inherently unselective. The concept of radical substitution directed by charge transfer could serve as the basis for the development of new, highly selective C-H functionalization reactions.

  3. Outcomes assessment in men undergoing open retropubic radical prostatectomy, laparoscopic radical prostatectomy, and robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy.


    Kowalczyk, Keith J; Yu, Hua-Yin; Ulmer, William; Williams, Stephen B; Hu, Jim C


    To review the various methods of outcomes assessment used for effectiveness studies comparing retropubic radical prostatectomy (RRP), laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP), and robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP). A review of the peer reviewed literature was performed for reported series of RRP, LRP, and RALP using Pubmed and MEDLINE with emphasis on comparing perioperative, functional, and oncologic outcomes. Common methods used for outcomes assessment were categorized and compared, highlighting the pros and cons of each approach. The majority of the literature comparing RRP, LRP, and RALP comes in the form of observational data or administrative data from secondary datasets. While randomized controlled trials are ideal for outcomes assessment, only one such study was identified and was limited. Non-randomized observational studies contribute to the majority of data, however are limited due to retrospective study design, lack of consistent endpoints, and limited application to the general community. Administrative data provide accurate assessment of operative outcomes in both academic and community settings, however has limited ability to convey accurate functional outcomes. Non-randomized observational studies and secondary data are useful resources for assessment of outcomes; however, limitations exist for both. Neither is without flaws, and conclusions drawn from either should be viewed with caution. Until standardized prospective comparative analyses of RRP, LRP, and RALP are established, comparative outcomes data will remain imperfect. Urologic researchers must strive to provide the best available outcomes data through accurate prospective data collection and consistent outcomes reporting.

  4. Distribution of stable free radicals among amino acids of isolated soy proteins.


    Lei, Qingxin; Liebold, Christopher M; Boatright, William L; Shah Jahan, M


    Application of deuterium sulfide to powdered isolated soy proteins (ISP) was used to quench stable free radicals and produce a single deuterium label on amino acids where free radicals reside. The deuterium labels rendered increases of isotope ratio for the specific ions of radical-bearing amino acids. Isotope ratio measurements were achieved by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analyses after the amino acids were released by acidic hydrolysis and converted to volatile derivatives with propyl chloroformate. The isotope enrichment data showed the stable free radicals were located on Ala, Gly, Leu, Ile, Asx (Asp+Asn), Glx (Glu+Gln), and Trp but not on Val, Pro, Met, Phe, Lys, and His. Due to the low abundance of Ser, Thr, and Cys derivatives and the impossibility to accurately measure their isotope ratios, the radical bearing status for these amino acids remained undetermined even though their derivatives were positively identified from ISP hydrolysates. The relative isotope enrichment for radical-bearing amino acids Ala, Gly, Leu, Ile, Asx (Asp+Asn), Glx (Glu+Gln), and Trp were 8.67%, 2.96%, 2.90%, 3.94%, 6.03%, 3.91%, and 21.48%, respectively. Isotope ratio increase for Tyr was also observed but further investigation revealed such increase was mainly from nonspecific deuterium-hydrogen exchange not free radical quenching. The results obtained from the present study provide important information for a better understanding of the mechanisms of free radical formation and stabilization in "dry" ISP.

  5. Robot-assisted radical cystectomy – first Polish clinical outcomes

    PubMed Central

    Juszczak, Kajetan; Poblocki, Pawel; Mikolajczak, Witold; Drewa, Tomasz


    Introduction Urothelial cell carcinoma is the most common neoplasm of the genito-urinary tract, which, in advanced stages, is treated with radical cystectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy. It can be performed by an open or minimally invasive approach (laparoscopic and robot-assisted radical cystectomy). Large meta-analyses showed a significantly lower complication rate in the RARC (robot-assisted radical cystectomy) group compared to ORC (open radical cystectomy) in thirty and ninety days after surgery, with similar oncological and functional outcomes. The clinical outcomes of the first forty Polish RARC are explored in this article. Material and methods The Polish Radical Robotic Cystectomy Program (PRRC) was started in 2016 at the Nicolaus Copernicus Hospital in Toruń. Forty consecutive patients, with indications for cystectomy were included into the study. During radical robot-assisted cystectomy, obturator, external, internal, common iliac and presacral lymph nodes were dissected. Oncological outcomes, early complication rate, and the clinical variables were analyzed. Results The mean age in the study group was sixty-seven years, with the majority of patients being overweight and assessed as American Society of Anesthesiology Scale (ASA) – ASA III and ASA IV (2/3 of patients). RARC was performed, with the median time of surgery being 324 minutes (170 minutes being the shortest). Mean blood loss was 365 ml (lowest – 50 ml), and only 2 patients required intraoperative blood transfusion. Twenty patients had ileal conduit, and nineteen had other methods of urinary diversion. Only twenty-nine out of forty patients had minor complications (Clavien I and II), 11 had Clavien III and IV. Clavien V was not present. Only 3 patients required reoperation. Conclusions RARC is a reproducible oncological procedure, which can be safely performed in centers with robotic expertise, with acceptable operative time, complications, and functional and oncologic outcomes. PMID

  6. Spectroscopic Identification of Isomeric Trimethylbenzyl Radicals Generated in Corona Discharge of Tetramethylbenzene

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yoon, Young Wook; Lee, Sang Kuk; Lee, Gi Woo


    The visible vibronic emission spectra were recorded from the corona discharge of precursor tetramethylbenzene with a large amount of inert carrier gas helium using a pinhole-type glass nozzle coupled with corona excited supersonic expansion (CESE) well developed in this laboratory. The spectra showed a series of vibronic bands in the D_1 → D_0 electronic transition of jet-cooled benzyl-type radicals formed from the precursor in a corona excitation. The analysis confirmed that two isomeric radicals, 2,3,4- and 2,3,6-trimethylbenzyl radicals and three isomeric radicals, 3,4,5-, 2,3,5- and 2,4,6-trimethylbenzyl radicals were produced, respectively, from 1,2,3,4- and 1,2,3,5-tetramethylbenzenes as a result of removal of a hydrogen atom from the methyl group at different substitution position. For each isomeric trimethylbenzyl radical generated in the corona discharge of precursor, the electronic transition and a few vibrational mode frequencies were determined in the ground electronic state by comparing with those from both ab initio calculations and the known vibrational data of the precursor. The substitution effect that states the shift of electronic transition depends on the nature, the number, and the position of substituents on the ring has been qualitatively proved for the case of benzyl-type radicals.

  7. Radical Nature of C-Lignin

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Berstis, Laura; Elder, Thomas; Crowley, Michael

    The recently discovered lignin composed of caffeoyl alcohol monolignols or C-lignin is particularly intriguing given its homogeneous, linear polymeric structure and exclusive benzodioxane linkage between monomers. By virtue of this simplified chemistry, the potential emerges for improved valorization strategies with C-lignin relative to other natural heterogeneous lignins. To better understand caffeoyl alcohol polymers, we characterize the thermodynamics of the radical recombination dimerization reactions forming the benzodioxane linkage and the bond dissociation into radical monolignol products. These properties are also predicted for the cross-coupling of caffeoyl alcohol with the natural monolignols, coniferyl alcohol, sinapyl alcohol, and p-coumaryl alcohol, in anticipation of polymers potentially enabled by genetic modification. The average BDEs for the C-lignin benzodioxanemore » $$\\alpha$$- and β-bonds are 56.5 and 63.4 kcal/mol, respectively, with similar enthalpies for heterodimers. The BDE of the $$\\alpha$$-bond within the benzodioxane linkage is consistently greater than that of the β-bond in all dimers of each stereochemical arrangement, explained by the ability the $$\\alpha$$-carbon radical generated to delocalize onto the adjacent phenyl ring. Relative thermodynamics of the heterodimers demonstrates that the substituents on the phenyl ring directly neighboring the bond coupling the monolignols more strongly impact the dimer bond strengths and product stability, compared to the substituents present on the terminal phenyl ring. Enthalpy comparisons furthermore demonstrate that the erythro stereochemical configurations of the benzodioxane bond are slightly less thermodynamically stable than the threo configurations. The overall differences in strength of bonds and reaction enthalpies between stereoisomers are generally found to be insignificant, supporting that postcoupling rearomatization is under kinetic control. Projecting the lowest

  8. Radical Nature of C-Lignin


    Berstis, Laura; Elder, Thomas; Crowley, Michael; ...


    The recently discovered lignin composed of caffeoyl alcohol monolignols or C-lignin is particularly intriguing given its homogeneous, linear polymeric structure and exclusive benzodioxane linkage between monomers. By virtue of this simplified chemistry, the potential emerges for improved valorization strategies with C-lignin relative to other natural heterogeneous lignins. To better understand caffeoyl alcohol polymers, we characterize the thermodynamics of the radical recombination dimerization reactions forming the benzodioxane linkage and the bond dissociation into radical monolignol products. These properties are also predicted for the cross-coupling of caffeoyl alcohol with the natural monolignols, coniferyl alcohol, sinapyl alcohol, and p-coumaryl alcohol, in anticipation of polymers potentially enabled by genetic modification. The average BDEs for the C-lignin benzodioxanemore » $$\\alpha$$- and β-bonds are 56.5 and 63.4 kcal/mol, respectively, with similar enthalpies for heterodimers. The BDE of the $$\\alpha$$-bond within the benzodioxane linkage is consistently greater than that of the β-bond in all dimers of each stereochemical arrangement, explained by the ability the $$\\alpha$$-carbon radical generated to delocalize onto the adjacent phenyl ring. Relative thermodynamics of the heterodimers demonstrates that the substituents on the phenyl ring directly neighboring the bond coupling the monolignols more strongly impact the dimer bond strengths and product stability, compared to the substituents present on the terminal phenyl ring. Enthalpy comparisons furthermore demonstrate that the erythro stereochemical configurations of the benzodioxane bond are slightly less thermodynamically stable than the threo configurations. The overall differences in strength of bonds and reaction enthalpies between stereoisomers are generally found to be insignificant, supporting that postcoupling rearomatization is under kinetic control. Projecting the lowest

  9. 33 CFR 80.1118 - Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Pacific Coast § 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. (a) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4. (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Marina Del Rey, CA. 80.1118...

  10. 33 CFR 80.1118 - Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Pacific Coast § 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. (a) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4. (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Marina Del Rey, CA. 80.1118...

  11. 33 CFR 80.1118 - Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Pacific Coast § 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. (a) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4. (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Marina Del Rey, CA. 80.1118...

  12. 33 CFR 80.1118 - Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Pacific Coast § 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. (a) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4. (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Marina Del Rey, CA. 80.1118...

  13. 33 CFR 80.1118 - Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Pacific Coast § 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. (a) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4. (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Marina Del Rey, CA. 80.1118...

  14. Particle size-dependent radical generation from wildland fire smoke.


    Leonard, Stephen S; Castranova, Vince; Chen, Bean T; Schwegler-Berry, Diane; Hoover, Mark; Piacitelli, Chris; Gaughan, Denise M


    Firefighting, along with construction, mining and agriculture, ranks among the most dangerous occupations. In addition, the work environment of firefighters is unlike that of any other occupation, not only because of the obvious physical hazards but also due to the respiratory and systemic health hazards of smoke inhalation resulting from combustion. A significant amount of research has been devoted to studying municipal firefighters; however, these studies may not be useful in wildland firefighter exposures, because the two work environments are so different. Not only are wildland firefighters exposed to different combustion products, but their exposure profiles are different. The combustion products wildland firefighters are exposed to can vary greatly in characteristics due to the type and amount of material being burned, soil conditions, temperature and exposure time. Smoke inhalation is one of the greatest concerns for firefighter health and it has been shown that the smoke consists of a large number of particles. These smoke particles contain intermediates of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen free radicals, which may pose a potential health risk. Our investigation looked into the involvement of free radicals in smoke toxicity and the relationship between particle size and radical generation. Samples were collected in discrete aerodynamic particle sizes from a wildfire in Alaska, preserved and then shipped to our laboratory for analysis. Electron spin resonance was used to measure carbon-centered as well as hydroxyl radicals produced by a Fenton-like reaction with wildfire smoke. Further study of reactive oxygen species was conducted using analysis of cellular H(2)O(2) generation, lipid peroxidation of cellular membranes and DNA damage. Results demonstrate that coarse size-range particles contained more carbon radicals per unit mass than the ultrafine particles; however, the ultrafine particles generated more *OH radicals in the acellular Fenton-like reaction. The

  15. Radical Change Revisited: Dynamic Digital Age Books for Youth

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dresang, Eliza T.


    Radical change, a theory described in Eliza Dresang's 1999 book, "Radical Change: Books for Youth in a Digital Age," was developed in the mid-1990s. It serves as a lens through which to examine, explain, and ultimately, use contemporary literature for youth growing up in the Digital Age. It identifies changes in forms and formats,…

  16. Hydrogen Radicals, Nitrogen Radicals, and the Production of Ozone in the Middle and Upper Troposphere

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bui, T. P.


    The concentrations of hydrogen radicals, OH and HO2, in the middle and upper troposphere were measured simultaneously with those of NO, O3,CO, H20, CH4, non-methane hydrocarbons, and with the ultraviolet and visible radiation field.

  17. Hyperoxic sheep pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells generate free radicals via mitochondrial electron transport.

    PubMed Central

    Sanders, S P; Zweier, J L; Kuppusamy, P; Harrison, S J; Bassett, D J; Gabrielson, E W; Sylvester, J T


    Free radical generation by hyperoxic endothelial cells was studied using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO). Studies were performed to determine the radical species produced, whether mitochondrial electron transport was involved, and the effect of the radical generation on cell mortality. Sheep pulmonary microvascular endothelial cell suspensions exposed to 100% O2 for 30 min exhibited prominent DMPO-OH and, occasionally, additional smaller DMPO-R signals thought to arise from the trapping of superoxide anion (O2-.), hydroxyl (.OH), and alkyl (.R) radicals. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) quenched both signals suggesting that the observed radicals were derived from O2-.. Studies with deferoxamine suggested that the generation of .R occurred secondary to the formation of .OH from O2-. via an iron-mediated Fenton reaction. Blocking mitochondrial electron transport with rotenone (20 microM) markedly decreased radical generation. Cell mortality increased slightly in oxygen-exposed cells. This increase was not significantly altered by SOD or deferoxamine, nor was it different from the mortality observed in air-exposed cells. These results suggest that endothelial cells exposed to hyperoxia for 30 min produce free radicals via mitochondrial electron transport, but under the conditions of these experiments, this radical generation did not appear cause cell death. PMID:8380815

  18. The role of hydrogels in the radical production of the Fricke-gel-dosimeter

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lazzaroni, S.; Liosi, G. M.; D'Agostino, G.; Marconi, R. P.; Mariani, M.; Buttafava, A.; Dondi, D.


    The radiolysis mechanism of the Fricke-gel-dosimeters has been investigated in order to evaluate the role of hydrogels in the radical production. For this purpose, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra were acquired for samples frozen and irradiated at 77 K. The analysis was performed by increasing stepwise the temperature and acquiring the EPR spectra at 120 K in order to follow the radical reaction mechanism. The comparison between aqueous- and gel- dosimeters were performed. Both gelatin from porcine skin and PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) were investigated as gel matrix. Different radical species were identified and qualitatively compared. For gel matrix, peroxyl radicals, stemming from the hydrogel, play an important role in the survival of radicals at higher temperature. Moreover, the Fe3+ EPR signal has been studied and compared with the radicals concentration. From this comparison, it is evident the increase of Fe3+ concentration is shifted toward higher temperatures with respect to the radical decay. To explain this phenomenon, the intervention of EPR silent species like peroxides is supposed.

  19. Biosynthetic versatility and coordinated action of 5'-deoxyadenosyl radicals in deazaflavin biosynthesis.


    Philmus, Benjamin; Decamps, Laure; Berteau, Olivier; Begley, Tadhg P


    Coenzyme F420 is a redox cofactor found in methanogens and in various actinobacteria. Despite the major biological importance of this cofactor, the biosynthesis of its deazaflavin core (8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin, F(o)) is still poorly understood. F(o) synthase, the enzyme involved, is an unusual multidomain radical SAM enzyme that uses two separate 5'-deoxyadenosyl radicals to catalyze F(o) formation. In this paper, we report a detailed mechanistic study on this complex enzyme that led us to identify (1) the hydrogen atoms abstracted from the substrate by the two radical SAM domains, (2) the second tyrosine-derived product, (3) the reaction product of the CofH-catalyzed reaction, (4) the demonstration that this product is a substrate for CofG, and (5) a stereochemical study that is consistent with the formation of a p-hydroxybenzyl radical at the CofH active site. These results enable us to propose a mechanism for F(o) synthase and uncover a new catalytic motif in radical SAM enzymology involving the use of two 5'-deoxyadenosyl radicals to mediate the formation of a complex heterocycle.

  20. Theoretical study of the reactions of the hydroselenyl radical (HSe●) with the selenenic radical (HSeO●).


    Vega-Teijido, Mauricio Angel; Kieninger, Martina; Ventura, Oscar N


    The formation of selenium species in some biological processes involves the generation of ionic and radical intermediates such as RSe ● , RSe - , RSeO ● , and RSeO - , among others. We performed a theoretical study of the possible mechanisms for the reaction of the two simplest Se radicals-the hydroselenyl (HSe ● ) and selenenic (HSeO ● ) radicals, in which the possible products, intermediates, and transition-state structures were investigated. Density functional theory (DFT) was applied at the B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) level and the Ahlrichs Coulomb fitting basis sets were employed with an effective core potential (ECP) for both Se atoms. The same procedure was used to calculate the electronic density. All calculations were also performed using the M06-2X functional, which describes weaker bonds better than B3LYP does. In the reaction of interest, the so-called CR complex (HSe····SeOH) is formed initially. After passing through the transition state TS1, cis-HSeSeOH is obtained as a product. If a low barrier is then overcome (passing through the transition state TS32), the trans-HSeSeOH species is obtained. The CR complex can also rearrange into the intermediate INT after overcoming the barrier presented by the transition state TS2. Additionally, the decomposition of INT to H 2 O and 1 Se 2 is possible through another transition state. This reaction is not included in this study. We also observed a second possible route for the conversion of INT to one of the HSeSeOH species; this route occurs through two pathways (with transition states TS31 and TS32). A comparison of some of the results with those obtained for sulfur analogs along the same pathways is also presented in this work. Graphical abstract Electronic envelopes for HSeO ● and HSe ● radicals.

  1. Characterization of the product radical structure in the Co(II)-product radical pair state of coenzyme B12-dependent ethanolamine deaminase by using three-pulse 2H ESEEM spectroscopy.


    Warncke, Kurt


    Molecular structural features of the product radical in the Co(II)-product radical pair catalytic intermediate state in coenzyme B(12)- (adenosylcobalamin-) dependent ethanolamine deaminase from Salmonella typhimurium have been characterized by using X-band three-pulse electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy in the disordered solid state. The Co(II)-product radical pair state was prepared by cryotrapping holoenzyme during steady-state turnover on excess 1,1,2,2-(2)H(4)-aminoethanol or natural abundance, (1)H(4)-aminoethanol. Simulation of the (2)H/(1)H quotient ESEEM (obtained at two microwave frequencies, 8.9 and 10.9 GHz) from the interaction of the unpaired electron localized at C2 of the product radical with nearby (2)H nuclei requires four types of coupled (2)H, which are assigned as follows: (a) a single strongly coupled (effective dipole distance, r(eff) = 2.3 A) (2)H in the C5' methyl group of 5'-deoxyadenosine, (b) two weakly coupled (r(eff) = 4.2 A) (2)H in the C5' methyl group, (c) one (2)H coupling from a beta-(2)H bonded to C1 of the product radical (isotropic hyperfine coupling, A(iso) = 4.7 MHz), and (d) a second type of C1 beta-(2)H coupling (A(iso) = 7.7 MHz). The two beta-(2)H couplings are proposed to arise from two C1-C2 rotamer states of the product radical that are present in approximately equal proportion. A model is presented, in which C5' is positioned at a distance of 3.3 A from C2, which is comparable with the C1-C5' distance in the Co(II)-substrate radical pair intermediate. Therefore, the C5'methyl group remains in close (van der Waals) contact with the substrate and product radical species during the radical rearrangement step of the catalytic cycle, and the C5' center is the sole mediator of radical pair recombination in ethanolamine deaminase.

  2. Effect of curcumin against oxidation of biomolecules by hydroxyl radicals.


    Borra, Sai Krishna; Mahendra, Jaideep; Gurumurthy, Prema; Jayamathi; Iqbal, Shabeer S; Mahendra, Little


    Among various reactive oxygen species, hydroxyl radicals have the strongest chemical activity, which can damage a wide range of essential biomolecules such as lipids, proteins, and DNA. The objective of this study was to investigate the beneficial effects of curcumin on prevention of oxidative damage of biomolecules by hydroxyl radicals generated in in vitro by a Fenton like reaction. We have incubated the serum, plasma and whole blood with H2O2/Cu2+/ Ascorbic acid system for 4 hours at 37 0C and observed the oxidation of biomolecules like albumin, lipids, proteins and DNA. Curcumin at the concentrations of 50,100 and 200 μmoles, prevented the formation of ischemia modified albumin, MDA, protein carbonyls, oxidized DNA and increased the total antioxidant levels and GSH significantly. These observations suggest the hydroxyl radical scavenging potentials of curcumin and protective actions to prevent the oxidation of biomolecules by hydroxyl radicals.

  3. A public health approach to understanding and preventing violent radicalization.


    Bhui, Kamaldeep S; Hicks, Madelyn H; Lashley, Myrna; Jones, Edgar


    Very recent acts of terrorism in the UK were perpetrated by 'homegrown', well educated young people, rather than by foreign Islamist groups; consequently, a process of violent radicalization was proposed to explain how ordinary people were recruited and persuaded to sacrifice their lives. Counterterrorism approaches grounded in the criminal justice system have not prevented violent radicalization. Indeed there is some evidence that these approaches may have encouraged membership of radical groups by not recognizing Muslim communities as allies, citizens, victims of terrorism, and victims of discrimination, but only as suspect communities who were then further alienated. Informed by public health research and practice, a new approach is proposed to target populations vulnerable to recruitment, rather than rely only on research of well known terrorist groups and individual perpetrators of terrorist acts. This paper proposes public health research and practice to guard against violent radicalization.

  4. Hydroxyl radical production in plasma electrolysis with KOH electrolyte solution

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Saksono, Nelson; Febiyanti, Irine Ayu, E-mail:; Utami, Nissa


    Plasma electrolysis is an effective technology for producing hydroxyl radical (•OH). This method can be used for waste degradation process. This study was conducted to obtain the influence of applied voltage, electrolyte concentration, and anode depth in the plasma electrolysis system for producing hydroxyl radical. The materials of anode and cathode, respectively, were made from tungsten and stainless steel. KOH solution was used as the solution. Determination of hydroxyl radical production was done by measuring H{sub 2}O{sub 2} amount formed in plasma system using an iodometric titration method, while the electrical energy consumed was obtained by measuring the electrical currentmore » throughout the process. The highest hydroxyl radical production was 3.51 mmol reached with 237 kJ energy consumption in the power supply voltage 600 V, 0.02 M KOH, and 0.5 cm depth of anode.« less

  5. A public health approach to understanding and preventing violent radicalization

    PubMed Central


    Background Very recent acts of terrorism in the UK were perpetrated by 'homegrown', well educated young people, rather than by foreign Islamist groups; consequently, a process of violent radicalization was proposed to explain how ordinary people were recruited and persuaded to sacrifice their lives. Discussion Counterterrorism approaches grounded in the criminal justice system have not prevented violent radicalization. Indeed there is some evidence that these approaches may have encouraged membership of radical groups by not recognizing Muslim communities as allies, citizens, victims of terrorism, and victims of discrimination, but only as suspect communities who were then further alienated. Informed by public health research and practice, a new approach is proposed to target populations vulnerable to recruitment, rather than rely only on research of well known terrorist groups and individual perpetrators of terrorist acts. Conclusions This paper proposes public health research and practice to guard against violent radicalization. PMID:22332998

  6. Risk of Small Bowel Obstruction After Robot-Assisted vs Open Radical Prostatectomy.


    Loeb, Stacy; Meyer, Christian P; Krasnova, Anna; Curnyn, Caitlin; Reznor, Gally; Kibel, Adam S; Lepor, Herbert; Trinh, Quoc-Dien


    Whereas open radical prostatectomy is performed extraperitoneally, minimally invasive radical prostatectomy is typically performed within the peritoneal cavity. Our objective was to determine whether minimally invasive radical prostatectomy is associated with an increased risk of small bowel obstruction compared with open radical prostatectomy. In the U.S. Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER)-Medicare database, we identified 14,147 men found to have prostate cancer from 2000 to 2008 treated by open (n = 10,954) or minimally invasive (n = 3193) radical prostatectomy. Multivariable Cox proportional hazard models were used to examine the impact of surgical approach on the diagnosis of small bowel obstruction, as well as the need for lysis of adhesions and exploratory laparotomy. During a median follow-up of 45 and 76 months, respectively, the cumulative incidence of small bowel obstruction was 3.7% for minimally invasive and 5.3% for open radical prostatectomy (p = 0.0005). Lysis of adhesions occurred in 1.1% of minimally invasive and 2.0% of open prostatectomy patients (p = 0.0003). On multivariable analysis, there was no significant difference between minimally invasive and open prostatectomy with respect to small bowel obstruction (HR 1.17, 95% CI 0.90, 1.52, p = 0.25) or lysis of adhesions (HR 0.87, 95% CI 0.50, 1.40, p = 0.57). Limitations of the study include the retrospective design and use of administrative claims data. Relative to open radical prostatectomy, minimally invasive radical prostatectomy is not associated with an increased risk of postoperative small bowel obstruction and lysis of adhesions.

  7. Conflict Prediction Through Geo-Spatial Interpolation of Radicalization in Syrian Social Media

    DTIC Science & Technology


    TRAC-M-TM-15-031 September 2015 Conflict Prediction Through Geo-Spatial Interpolation of Radicalization in Syrian Social Media ...Spatial Interpolation of Radicalization in Syrian Social Media Authors MAJ Adam Haupt Dr. Camber Warren...Spatial Interpolation of Radicalization in Syrian Social 1RAC Project Code 060114 Media 6. AUTHOR(S) MAJ Haupt, Dr. Warren 7. PERFORMING OR

  8. Unexpectedly high indoor hydroxyl radical concentrations associated with nitrous acid

    PubMed Central

    Gómez Alvarez, Elena; Amedro, Damien; Afif, Charbel; Gligorovski, Sasho; Schoemaecker, Coralie; Fittschen, Christa; Doussin, Jean-Francois; Wortham, Henri


    The hydroxyl (OH) radical is the most important oxidant in the atmosphere since it controls its self-oxidizing capacity. The main sources of OH radicals are the photolysis of ozone and the photolysis of nitrous acid (HONO). Due to the attenuation of solar radiation in the indoor environment, the possibility of OH formation through photolytic pathways indoors has been ignored up to now. In the indoor air, the ozonolysis of alkenes has been suggested as an alternative route of OH formation. Models and indirect measurements performed up to now according to this hypothesis suggest concentrations of OH radicals on the order of 104–105 molecules per cubic centimeter. Here, we present direct measurements of significant amounts of OH radicals of up to 1.8⋅106 molecules per cubic centimeter during an experimental campaign carried out in a school classroom in Marseille. This concentration is on the same order of magnitude of outdoor OH levels in the urban scenario. We also show that photolysis of HONO is an important source of OH radicals indoors under certain conditions (i.e., direct solar irradiation inside the room). Additionally, the OH concentrations were found to follow a linear dependence with the product J(HONO)⋅[HONO]. This was also supported by using a simple quasiphotostationary state model on the OH radical budget. These findings force a change in our understanding of indoor air quality because the reactivity linked to OH would involve formation of secondary species through chemical reactions that are potentially more hazardous than the primary pollutants in the indoor air. PMID:23898188

  9. Lanthanide Triangles Supported by Radical Bridging Ligands.


    Dolinar, Brian S; Alexandropoulos, Dimitris I; Vignesh, Kuduva R; James, Tia'Asia; Dunbar, Kim R


    The first examples of metallacycles containing rare earth ions bridged by radicals are reported. The molecular triangles [Ln 3 (hfac) 6 (bptz •- ) 3 ] (Ln = Dy III , Y III ; hfac = 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoro-2,4-pentanedionate; bptz = 3,6-bis(2-pyridyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine) consist of lanthanide ions bridged by bptz radical anion (bptz •- ) ligands. Magnetic susceptibility measurements and CASSCF calculations performed on [Dy 3 (hfac) 6 (bptz •- ) 3 ] reveal the presence of antiferromagnetic coupling between the Dy III centers and the bptz •- ligands, with J = -6.62 cm -1 .

  10. Palladium-Catalyzed Atom-Transfer Radical Cyclization at Remote Unactivated C(sp3 )-H Sites: Hydrogen-Atom Transfer of Hybrid Vinyl Palladium Radical Intermediates.


    Ratushnyy, Maxim; Parasram, Marvin; Wang, Yang; Gevorgyan, Vladimir


    A novel mild, visible-light-induced palladium-catalyzed hydrogen atom translocation/atom-transfer radical cyclization (HAT/ATRC) cascade has been developed. This protocol involves a 1,5-HAT process of previously unknown hybrid vinyl palladium radical intermediates, thus leading to iodomethyl carbo- and heterocyclic structures. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Screening of Potential Free Radicals Scavenger and Antibacterial Activities of Purwoceng (Pimpinella alpina Molk).


    Wahyuningrum, Retno; Utami, Pri Iswati; Dhiani, Binar Asrining; Kumalasari, Malikhah; Kusumawardani, Rizka Sari


    Purwoceng ( Pimpinella alpina Molk) is a traditional medicinal plant used for its aphrodisiac values. This plant was originated Dieng Plateu, Central Java, Indonesia. Purwoceng has been reported to contain steroid, flavonoids, glycoside, saponins, tannins, and phenolic. Based on secondary metabolite compounds of Purwoceng herbs, a research need to be done to determine the other potential free radicals scavenger and antibacterial activities of Purwoceng. The objectives of this research are to screen the potential free radicals scavenger activity of in vitro using DPPH (1,1 diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazil) radicals and NO• (nitric oxide) radicals, and antibacterial activity of Purwoceng. The extraction is done by a maceration method with petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, and ethanol solvent, respectively. Free radicals scavenger test was performed using DPPH radicals and NO• radicals, while antibacterial activity screening was performed using agar diffusion test. The results showed that ethyl acetate extract of Purwoceng has free radical scavenger activity with IC50 53.07 ppm lower than butylated hydroxytoluene. Ethyl acetate extract and ethanol extract of Purwoceng have antibacterial activity against Staphyloccus aureus , Escherichia coli , and MG42 bacterial isolate.

  12. Free radical-scavenging activities of Crataegus monogyna extracts.


    Bernatoniene, Jurga; Masteikova, Rūta; Majiene, Daiva; Savickas, Arūnas; Kevelaitis, Egidijus; Bernatoniene, Rūta; Dvorácková, Katerina; Civinskiene, Genuvaite; Lekas, Raimundas; Vitkevicius, Konradas; Peciūra, Rimantas


    The aim of this study was to investigate antiradical activity of aqueous and ethanolic hawthorn fruit extracts, their flavonoids, and flavonoid combinations. Total amount of phenolic compounds and the constituents of flavonoids were determined using a high-performance liquid chromatography. The antioxidant activity of Crataegus monogyna extracts and flavonoids (chlorogenic acid, hyperoside, rutin, quercetin, vitexin-2O-rhamnoside, epicatechin, catechin, and procyanidin B(2)) quantitatively was determined using the method of spectrophotometry (diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH.) radical scavenging assay and 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)(ABTS.+) radical cation decolorization assay). The level of tyrosine nitration inhibition was determined using a high-performance liquid chromatography. Ethanolic hawthorn fruit extract contained 182+/-4 mg/100 mL phenolic compounds, i.e. threefold more, as compared to aqueous extract. The antioxidant activity according to DPPH. reduction in the ethanolic extracts was higher 2.3 times (P<0.05). The ABTS.+ technique showed that the effect of ethanolic extracts was by 2.5 times stronger than that of aqueous extracts. Tyrosine nitration inhibition test showed that the effect of ethanolic extracts was by 1.4 times stronger than that of aqueous extracts. The investigation of the antiradical activity of the active constituents in aqueous and ethanolic extracts revealed that epicatechin and catechin contribute to radical-scavenging properties more than other components. Procyanidin B(2) only insignificantly influenced the antiradical activity of the extracts. Both aqueous and ethanolic hawthorn extracts had antiradical activity, but ethanolic extract had stronger free radical-scavenging properties, compared to the aqueous extract. The antioxidant activity of the studied preparations was mostly conditioned by epicatechin and catechin. The individual constituents of both extracts had weaker free radical

  13. Manual del McVCO 1999

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    McChesney, P.J.


    El McVCO es un generador de frecuencias basado en un microcontrolador que reemplaza al oscilador controlado por voltaje (VCO) utilizado en telemetría analógica de datos sísmicas. Acepta señales de baja potencia desde un sismómetro y produce una señal subportadora modulada en frecuencia adecuada para enlaces telefónicos o vía radio a un lugar remoto de recolección de datos. La frecuencia de la subportadora y la ganancia pueden ser seleccionadas mediante un interruptor. Tiene la opción de poder operar con dos canales para la observación con ganancia alta y baja. El McVCO fue diseñado con el propósito de mejorar la telemetría analógica de las señales dentro de la Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network (PNSN) (Red Sismográfica del Noroeste del Pacífico). Su desarrollo recibió el respaldo del Programa de Geofísica de la Universidad de Washington y del "Volcano Hazards and Earthquake Hazards programs of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) (Programa de Investigaciones de Riesgos Volcánicos y Programa de Investigaciones de Riesgos Sísmicos de los EEUU). Cientos de instrumentos se han construido e instalado. Además de utilizarlo el PNSN, el McVCO es usado por el Observatorio Vulcanológico de Alaska para monitorear los volcanes aleutianos y por el USGS Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (Programa de Ayuda en las Catástrofes Volcánicas del USGS) para responder a crisis volcánicas en otros países. Este manual cubre el funcionamiento del McVCO, es una referencia técnica para aquellos que necesitan saber con más detalle cómo funciona el McVCO, y cubre una serie de temas que requieren un trato explícito o que derivan del despliegue del instrumento.

  14. Oxidative generation of guanine radicals by carbonate radicals and their reactions with nitrogen dioxide to form site specific 5-guanidino-4-nitroimidazole lesions in oligodeoxynucleotides.


    Joffe, Avrum; Mock, Steven; Yun, Byeong Hwa; Kolbanovskiy, Alexander; Geacintov, Nicholas E; Shafirovich, Vladimir


    A simple photochemical approach is described for synthesizing site specific, stable 5-guanidino-4-nitroimidazole (NIm) adducts in single- and double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides containing single and multiple guanine residues. The DNA sequences employed, 5'-d(ACC CG(1)C G(2)TC CG(3)C G(4)CC) and 5'-d(ACC CG(1)C G(2)TC C), were a portion of exon 5 of the p53 tumor suppressor gene, including the codons 157 (G(2)) and 158 (G(3)) mutation hot spots in the former sequence with four Gs and the codon 157 (G(2)) mutation hot spot in the latter sequence with two Gs. The nitration of oligodeoxynucleotides was initiated by the selective photodissociation of persulfate anions to sulfate radicals induced by UV laser pulses (308 nm). In aqueous solutions, of bicarbonate and nitrite anions, the sulfate radicals generate carbonate anion radicals and nitrogen dioxide radicals by one electron oxidation of the respective anions. The guanine residue in the oligodeoxynucleotide is oxidized by the carbonate anion radical to form the neutral guanine radical. While the nitrogen dioxide radicals do not react with any of the intact DNA bases, they readily combine with the guanine radicals at either the C8 or the C5 positions. The C8 addition generates the well-known 8-nitroguanine (8-nitro-G) lesions, whereas the C5 attack produces unstable adducts, which rapidly decompose to NIm lesions. The maximum yields of the nitro products (NIm + 8-nitro-G) were typically in the range of 20-40%, depending on the number of guanine residues in the sequence. The ratio of the NIm to 8-nitro-G lesions gradually decreases from 3.4 in the model compound, 2',3',5'-tri-O-acetylguanosine, to 2.1-2.6 in the single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides and to 0.8-1.1 in the duplexes. The adduct of the 5'-d(ACC CG(1)C G(2)TC C) oligodeoxynucleotide containing the NIm lesion in codon 157 (G(2)) was isolated in HPLC-pure form. The integrity of this adduct was established by a detailed analysis of exonuclease digestion

  15. Explanation to the difference in the ketyl radical formation yields of benzophenone and benzil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Okutsu, Tetsuo; Muramatsu, Hidenori; Horiuchi, Hiroaki; Hiratsuka, Hiroshi


    p Ka values of benzophenone ketyl and benzil ketyl radicals were determined as 9.4 and 12.4, respectively. We can successfully explain the difference in quantum yield of the proton transfer between benzophenone ketyl and benzil ketyl radicals by these values. Reaction enthalpies of the proton transfer are the same (-80 kJ mol -1) for these radicals, and the difference in p Ka value can be explained by that reaction entropies. Reaction entropies between two radicals are discussed by the possible structure of the radicals.

  16. Oxidation of DNA bases, deoxyribonucleosides and homopolymers by peroxyl radicals.

    PubMed Central

    Simandan, T; Sun, J; Dix, T A


    DNA base oxidation is considered to be a key event associated with disease initiation and progression in humans. Peroxyl radicals (ROO. ) are important oxidants found in cells whose ability to react with the DNA bases has not been characterized extensively. In this paper, the products resulting from ROO. oxidation of the DNA bases are determined by gas chromatography/MS in comparison with authentic standards. ROO. radicals oxidize adenine and guanine to their 8-hydroxy derivatives, which are considered biomarkers of hydroxyl radical (HO.) oxidations in cells. ROO. radicals also oxidize adenine to its hydroxylamine, a previously unidentified product. ROO. radicals oxidize cytosine and thymine to the monohydroxy and dihydroxy derivatives that are formed by oxidative damage in cells. Identical ROO. oxidation profiles are observed for each base when exposed as deoxyribonucleosides, monohomopolymers and base-paired dihomopolymers. These results have significance for the development, utilization and interpretation of DNA base-derived biomarkers of oxidative damage associated with disease initiation and propagation, and support the idea that the mutagenic potential of N-oxidized bases, when generated in cellular DNA, will require careful evaluation. Adenine hydroxylamine is proposed as a specific molecular probe for the activity of ROO. in cellular systems. PMID:9761719

  17. Khat a drug of abuse: roles of free radicals and antioxidants.


    Aleryani, Samir L; Aleryani, Rowaida A; Al-Akwa, Ahmed A


    Many articles have reviewed the health impact of Khat consumption; however the role of free radicals in the pathogenesis associated with short- and long-term consumption of Khat is absent in the literature. As free radicals and antioxidants converge across various mechanisms in normal physiological function and in disease, this review attempts to uncover the role of endogenous free radicals and the mechanism of cellular injury associated with Khat consumption. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  18. Transient alkylaminium radicals in n-hexane. Condensed-phase ion-molecule reactions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Werst, D.W.; Trifunac, A.D.

    Time-resolved fluorescence detected magnetic resonance (FDMR) is used to observe alkylaminium radicals formed in n-hexane solutions by electron pulse radiolysis. The ease of observation of aminium radical FDMR signals increases with increasing alkyl substitution of the amine solutes. The results are discussed in terms of the ion-molecule reactions, such as proton transfer, which compete with the electron-transfer processes, i.e, the electron transfer from solute molecules to n-hexane radical cations and geminate recombination.

  19. The Violent Islamic Radicalization Process: A Framework for Understanding

    DTIC Science & Technology


    transformation from a non-violent and religiously based understanding and practice of the Islamic faith to one with a violent, religious and politically...Group Radicalization Narrative ................................37 3. Religiously Based Pathways and Theories of Salafi-Jihadi Radicalization...of terrorists, who becomes a terrorist, and why persons become terrorists in the first place, has long been a topic of study. Research conducted based

  20. Effects of Solvent and Temperature on Free Radical Formation in Electronic Cigarette Aerosols.


    Bitzer, Zachary T; Goel, Reema; Reilly, Samantha M; Foulds, Jonathan; Muscat, Joshua; Elias, Ryan J; Richie, John P


    The ever-evolving market of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) presents a challenge for analyzing and characterizing the harmful products they can produce. Earlier we reported that e-cigarette aerosols can deliver high levels of reactive free radicals; however, there are few data characterizing the production of these potentially harmful oxidants. Thus, we have performed a detailed analysis of the different parameters affecting the production of free radical by e-cigarettes. Using a temperature-controlled e-cigarette device and a novel mechanism for reliably simulating e-cigarette usage conditions, including coil activation and puff flow, we analyzed the effects of temperature, wattage, and e-liquid solvent composition of propylene glycol (PG) and glycerol (GLY) on radical production. Free radicals in e-cigarette aerosols were spin-trapped and analyzed using electron paramagnetic resonance. Free radical production increased in a temperature-dependent manner, showing a nearly 2-fold increase between 100 and 300 °C under constant-temperature conditions. Free radical production under constant wattage showed an even greater increase when going from 10 to 50 W due, in part, to higher coil temperatures compared to constant-temperature conditions. The e-liquid PG content also heavily influenced free radical production, showing a nearly 3-fold increase upon comparison of ratios of 0:100 (PG:GLY) and 100:0 (PG:GLY). Increases in PG content were also associated with increases in aerosol-induced oxidation of biologically relevant lipids. These results demonstrate that the production of reactive free radicals in e-cigarette aerosols is highly solvent dependent and increases with an increase in temperature. Radical production was somewhat dependent on aerosol production at higher temperatures; however, disproportionately high levels of free radicals were observed at ≥100 °C despite limited aerosol production. Overall, these findings suggest that e-cigarettes can be

  1. Videolaparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy Approach: a Ten-Year Experience

    PubMed Central

    Limberger, Leo Francisco; Kalil, Antonio Nocchi; de Vargas, Gabriel Sebastião; Damiani, Paulo Agostinho; Haas, Fernanda Feltrin


    Background: Because of the advancements in surgical techniques and laparoscopic instruments, total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy can now be performed for the treatment of uterine cervical carcinoma. We assessed the feasibility, complications, and survival rates of patients who underwent total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy. Methods: We retrospectively collected data from the medical charts of 29 patients who had undergone surgery between 1998 and 2008. The following data were assessed: age, staging, histological type, number of lymph nodes retrieved, parametrial measures, operative time, length of hospital stay, surgical complications, and disease-free time. Results: The mean patient age was 37.07±10.45 years. Forty percent of the patients had previously undergone abdominal or pelvic surgeries. Mean operative time was 228.96±60.41 minutes, and mean retrieved lymph nodes was 16.9±8.12. All patients had free margins. No conversions to laparotomy were necessary. Median time until hospital dismissal was 6.5 days (range 3–38 days). Four patients had intraoperative complications: 2 lacerations of the rectum, 1 laceration of the bladder, and 1 lesion of the ureter. Three patients developed bladder or ureteral fistulas postoperatively that were successfully corrected surgically. Conclusion: Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy is feasible and has acceptable complications. The radicalism of the surgery must be considered, bearing in mind the parametrial measures and the number of lymph nodes retrieved. PMID:20202391

  2. Videolaparoscopic radical hysterectomy approach: a ten-year experience.


    Campos, Luciana Silveira; Limberger, Leo Francisco; Kalil, Antonio Nocchi; de Vargas, Gabriel Sebastião; Damiani, Paulo Agostinho; Haas, Fernanda Feltrin


    Because of the advancements in surgical techniques and laparoscopic instruments, total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy can now be performed for the treatment of uterine cervical carcinoma. We assessed the feasibility, complications, and survival rates of patients who underwent total laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy. We retrospectively collected data from the medical charts of 29 patients who had undergone surgery between 1998 and 2008. The following data were assessed: age, staging, histological type, number of lymph nodes retrieved, parametrial measures, operative time, length of hospital stay, surgical complications, and disease-free time. The mean patient age was 37.07+/-10.45 years. Forty percent of the patients had previously undergone abdominal or pelvic surgeries. Mean operative time was 228.96+/-60.41 minutes, and mean retrieved lymph nodes was 16.9+/-8.12. All patients had free margins. No conversions to laparotomy were necessary. Median time until hospital dismissal was 6.5 days (range 3-38 days). Four patients had intraoperative complications: 2 lacerations of the rectum, 1 laceration of the bladder, and 1 lesion of the ureter. Three patients developed bladder or ureteral fistulas postoperatively that were successfully corrected surgically. Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy is feasible and has acceptable complications. The radicalism of the surgery must be considered, bearing in mind the parametrial measures and the number of lymph nodes retrieved.

  3. Spatial distribution of CH3 and CH2 radicals in a methane rf discharge

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sugai, H.; Kojima, H.; Ishida, A.; Toyoda, H.


    Spatial distributions of neutral radicals CH3 and CH2 in a capacitively coupled rf glow discharge of methane were measured by threshold ionization mass spectrometry. A strong asymmetry of the density profile was found for the CH2 radical in the high-pressure (˜100 mTorr) discharge. In addition, comprehensive measurements of electron energy distribution, ionic composition, and radical sticking coefficient were made to use as inputs to theoretical modeling of radicals in the methane plasma. The model predictions agree substantially with the measured radical distributions.

  4. Investigating free radical generation in HepG2 cells using immuno-spin trapping.


    Horinouchi, Yuya; Summers, Fiona A; Ehrenshaft, Marilyn; Kawazoe, Kazuyoshi; Tsuchiya, Koichiro; Tamaki, Toshiaki; Mason, Ronald P


    Oxidative stress can induce the generation of free radicals, which are believed to play an important role in both physiological and pathological processes and a number of diseases such as cancer. Therefore, it is important to identify chemicals which are capable of inducing oxidative stress. In this study, we evaluated the ability of four environmental chemicals, aniline, nitrosobenzene (NB), N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA) and N,N-dimethyl-4-nitrosoaniline (DMNA), to induce free radicals and cellular damage in the hepatoma cell line HepG2. Cytotoxicity was assessed using lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays and morphological changes were observed using phase contrast microscopy. Free radicals were detected by immuno-spin trapping (IST) in in-cell western experiments or in confocal microscopy experiments to determine the subcellular localization of free radical generation. DMNA induced free radical generation, LDH release and morphological changes in HepG2 cells whereas aniline, NB and DMA did not. Confocal microscopy showed that DMNA induced free radical generation mainly in the cytosol. Preincubation of HepG2 cells with N-acetylcysteine and 2,2'-dipyridyl significantly prevented free radical generation upon subsequent incubation with DMNA, whereas preincubation with apocynin and dimethyl sulfoxide did not. These results suggest that DMNA induces oxidative stress and that reactive oxygen species, metals and free radical generation play a critical role in DMNA-induced cytotoxicity. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  5. Ácaros del mango

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Los ácaros constituyen un grupo abundante y diverso que ocupa diferentes hábitats en árboles frutales y la estructura y disposición del follaje y ramas del mango, contribuyen significativamente a que se presente gran diversidad de ácaros benéficos y dañinos asociados a esta especie frutal. En Colomb...

  6. Effect of Curcumin Against Oxidation of Biomolecules by Hydroxyl Radicals

    PubMed Central

    Mahendra, Jaideep; Gurumurthy, Prema; Jayamathi; Iqbal, Shabeer S; Mahendra, Little


    Background: Among various reactive oxygen species, hydroxyl radicals have the strongest chemical activity, which can damage a wide range of essential biomolecules such as lipids, proteins, and DNA. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the beneficial effects of curcumin on prevention of oxidative damage of biomolecules by hydroxyl radicals generated in in vitro by a Fenton like reaction. Materials and Methods: We have incubated the serum, plasma and whole blood with H2O2/Cu2+/ Ascorbic acid system for 4 hours at 37 0C and observed the oxidation of biomolecules like albumin, lipids, proteins and DNA. Results: Curcumin at the concentrations of 50,100 and 200 μmoles, prevented the formation of ischemia modified albumin, MDA, protein carbonyls, oxidized DNA and increased the total antioxidant levels and GSH significantly. Conclusion: These observations suggest the hydroxyl radical scavenging potentials of curcumin and protective actions to prevent the oxidation of biomolecules by hydroxyl radicals. PMID:25478334

  7. Gas-phase reactions of phenyl radicals with aromatic molecules

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fahr, A.; Stein, S.E.


    Relative rates of reactions of phenyl radicals with a series of aromatic and polycyclic aromatic compounds are reported. Most studies were done in static reactors at 450/degrees/C using diphenyl diketone (benzil) as the phenyl radical source. Reactions with the following molecules are reported: benzene, toluene, p-xylene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, phenol, bromobenzene, naphthalene, biphenyl, anthracene, 9-methylanthracene, and triphenylene. For reactions with substituted benzenes, H abstraction is the dominant reaction. Relative rates of phenylation at different sites do not closely follow established trends for rates of radical attack. It is proposed that these deviations are primarily due to a dependence of the degree ofmore » reversibility on the specific site of phenylation. These studies also show that the rates of phenyl and H-atom migration around the ring in adduct radicals are slow relative to dissociation. Also, by use of these results to link literature rate data from high and low temperatures, a rate expression for H abstraction from p-xylene by phenyl of 10/sup 9.6/ exp(-4.4 kcal/RT) M/sup /minus/1/ s/sup /minus/1/ is derived.« less

  8. Aerodynamically-Actuated Radical Shape-Change Concept

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ivanco, Thomas G.; Ivanco, Marie L.; Ancel, Ersin; Grubb, Amanda L.; Prasad, Supranamaaya


    Aerodynamically-actuated radical shape change (AARSC) is a novel concept that enables flight vehicles to conduct a mission profile containing radically different flight regimes while possibly mitigating the typical penalties incurred by radical geometric change. Weight penalties are mitigated by utilizing a primary flight control to generate aerodynamic loads that then drive a shape-change actuation. The flight mission profile used to analyze the AARSC concept is that of a transport aircraft that cruises at a lower altitude than typical transports. Based upon a preliminary analysis, substantial fuel savings are realized for mission ranges below 2000 NM by comparison to a state-of-the-art baseline, with an increasing impact as mission range is reduced. The predicted savings are so significant at short-haul ranges that the shape-change concept rivals the fuel-burn performance of turboprop aircraft while completing missions in less time than typical jet aircraft. Lower-altitude cruise has also been sought after in recent years for environmental benefits, however, the performance penalty to conventional aircraft was prohibitive. AARSC may enable the opportunity to realize the environmental benefits of lower-altitude emissions coupled with mission fuel savings. The findings of this study also reveal that the AARSC concept appears to be controllable, turbulence susceptibility is likely not an issue, and the shape change concept appears to be mechanically and aerodynamically feasible.

  9. Carbon-sulfur bond-forming reaction catalysed by the radical SAM enzyme HydE.


    Rohac, Roman; Amara, Patricia; Benjdia, Alhosna; Martin, Lydie; Ruffié, Pauline; Favier, Adrien; Berteau, Olivier; Mouesca, Jean-Marie; Fontecilla-Camps, Juan C; Nicolet, Yvain


    Carbon-sulfur bond formation at aliphatic positions is a challenging reaction that is performed efficiently by radical S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) enzymes. Here we report that 1,3-thiazolidines can act as ligands and substrates for the radical SAM enzyme HydE, which is involved in the assembly of the active site of [FeFe]-hydrogenase. Using X-ray crystallography, in vitro assays and NMR spectroscopy we identified a radical-based reaction mechanism that is best described as the formation of a C-centred radical that concomitantly attacks the sulfur atom of a thioether. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a radical SAM enzyme that reacts directly on a sulfur atom instead of abstracting a hydrogen atom. Using theoretical calculations based on our high-resolution structures we followed the evolution of the electronic structure from SAM through to the formation of S-adenosyl-L-cysteine. Our results suggest that, at least in this case, the widely proposed and highly reactive 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical species that triggers the reaction in radical SAM enzymes is not an isolable intermediate.

  10. Microscopic progression in the free radical addition reaction: modeling, geometry, energy, and kinetics.


    Zhang, Yun; Huang, Hong; Liang, Zhiling; Liu, Houhe; Yi, Ling; Zhang, Jinhong; Zhang, Zhiqiang; Zhong, Cheng; Huang, Yugang; Ye, Guodong


    The free radical addition reaction is very important in UV curing. The benzoyl radical is the most commonly observed radical. In the addition process, the benzoyl radical adds to an acrylate monomer, forming a primary radical that has great value for subsequent research. In this article, a quantum chemical method was used to study the microscopic progression from the reactive complex to the saddle point. The reactions of three monomers (amylene, allyl methyl ether and methyl acrylate) with a benzoyl radical were evaluated in terms of geometry and energy. The results were also interpreted with an expanded version of the Polanyi rules and the interaction/deformation theory. The deformation energy of methyl acrylate was found to be the smallest, and the bond formation index showed that the transition state in the methyl acrylate system forms early, and can easily reach the saddle point. The activity of the monomer was ascertained by charge analysis and was further confirmed by the reaction rate. Mayer bond order curves depicted the constantly changing chemical bonds during formation and dissociation. Reduced density gradient analysis showed a weak interaction between the monomer and the benzoyl radical.

  11. Carbon-sulfur bond-forming reaction catalysed by the radical SAM enzyme HydE

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rohac, Roman; Amara, Patricia; Benjdia, Alhosna; Martin, Lydie; Ruffié, Pauline; Favier, Adrien; Berteau, Olivier; Mouesca, Jean-Marie; Fontecilla-Camps, Juan C.; Nicolet, Yvain


    Carbon-sulfur bond formation at aliphatic positions is a challenging reaction that is performed efficiently by radical S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) enzymes. Here we report that 1,3-thiazolidines can act as ligands and substrates for the radical SAM enzyme HydE, which is involved in the assembly of the active site of [FeFe]-hydrogenase. Using X-ray crystallography, in vitro assays and NMR spectroscopy we identified a radical-based reaction mechanism that is best described as the formation of a C-centred radical that concomitantly attacks the sulfur atom of a thioether. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a radical SAM enzyme that reacts directly on a sulfur atom instead of abstracting a hydrogen atom. Using theoretical calculations based on our high-resolution structures we followed the evolution of the electronic structure from SAM through to the formation of S-adenosyl-L-cysteine. Our results suggest that, at least in this case, the widely proposed and highly reactive 5‧-deoxyadenosyl radical species that triggers the reaction in radical SAM enzymes is not an isolable intermediate.

  12. Radicals initiated by gamma-rays in collagen and its main components

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kornacka, Ewa Maria; Przybytniak, Grażyna; Zimek, Zbigniew


    Radical products generated by gamma-rays were identified in collagen and in microcrystalline powders of glycyne, L-proline and L-hydroksyproline. Reagents irradiated at 77 K were studied by EPR spectroscopy in the range of 100-350 K using temperature control system. Two radical centers found in collagen were localized in proline ring at α and γ positions to the carbonyl group. There were neither terminal radicals generated by chain scission nor transient products disrupting hydrogen bonding system of irradiated collagen.

  13. A novel property of gold nanoparticles: Free radical generation under microwave irradiation.


    Paudel, Nava Raj; Shvydka, Diana; Parsai, E Ishmael


    Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are known to be effective mediators in microwave hyperthermia. Interaction with an electromagnetic field, large surface to volume ratio, and size quantization of nanoparticles (NPs) can lead to increased cell killing beyond pure heating effects. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of free radical generation by GNPs in aqueous media when they are exposed to a microwave field. A number of samples with 500 mM 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) in 20 ppm GNP colloidal suspensions were scanned with an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)/electron spin resonance spectrometer to generate and detect free radicals. A fixed (9.68 GHz) frequency microwave from the spectrometer has served for both generation and detection of radicals. EPR spectra obtained as first derivatives of intensity with the spectrometer were double integrated to get the free radical signal intensities. Power dependence of radical intensity was studied by applying various levels of microwave power (12.5, 49.7, and 125 mW) while keeping all other scan parameters the same. Free radical signal intensities from initial and final scans, acquired at the same power levels, were compared. Hydroxyl radical (OH⋅) signal was found to be generated due to the exposure of GNP-DMPO colloidal samples to a microwave field. Intensity of OH⋅ signal thus generated at 12.5 mW microwave power for 2.8 min was close to the intensity of OH⋅ signal obtained from a water-DMPO sample exposed to 1.5 Gy ionizing radiation dose. For repeated scans, higher OH⋅ intensities were observed in the final scan for higher power levels applied between the initial and the final scans. Final intensities were higher also for a shorter time interval between the initial and the final scans. Our results observed for the first time demonstrate that GNPs generate OH⋅ radicals in aqueous media when they are exposed to a microwave field. If OH⋅ radicals can be generated close to

  14. Electron spin polarization (CIDEP) investigation of the interaction of reactive free radicals with polynitroxyl stable free radicals

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Turro, N.J.; Khudyakov, I.V.; Dwyer, D.W.


    Time-resolved electron spin resonance (TR ESR) was employed to investigate the polarized ESR (CIDEP) spectra produced by interaction of mono- and polynitroxyls with reactive free radicals (r[sup [number sign

  15. Spatial Stroop interference occurs in the processing of radicals of ideogrammic compounds.


    Luo, Chunming; Proctor, Robert W; Weng, Xuchu; Li, Xinshan


    In this study, we investigated whether the meanings of radicals are involved in reading ideogrammic compounds in a spatial Stroop task. We found spatial Stroop effects of similar size for the simple characters [symbol: see text] ("up") and [symbol: see text] ("down") and for the complex characters [symbol: see text] ("nervous") and [symbol: see text] ("nervous"), which are ideogrammic compounds containing a radical [symbol: see text] or [symbol: see text], in Experiments 1 and 2. In Experiment 3, the spatial Stroop effects were also similar for the simple characters [symbol: see text] ("east") and [symbol: see text] ("west") and for the complex characters [symbol: see text] ("state") and [symbol: see text] ("spray"), which contain [symbol: see text] and [symbol: see text] as radicals. This outcome occurred regardless of whether the task was to identify the character (Exps. 1 and 3) or its location (Exp. 2). Thus, the spatial Stroop effect emerges in the processing of radicals just as it does for processing simple characters. This finding suggests that when reading ideogrammic compounds, (a) their radicals' meanings can be processed and (b) ideogrammic compounds have little or no influence on their radicals' semantic processing.

  16. Spectroscopic Identification of p-CHLORO-α-METHYLBENZYL Radical in the Gas Phase

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Seung Woon; Lee, Gi Woo; Lee, Sang Kuk


    We report the first spectroscopic identification of the p-fluoro-α-methylbenzyl radical in the gas phase. Precursor p-fluoro-ethylbenzene seeded in a large amount of inert carrier gas helium was electrically discharged to produce the benzyl-type radicals in a corona excited supersonic expansion using a pinhole-type glass nozzle, from which the vibronic emission spectrum was recorded in the visible region using a long path monochromator. From an analysis of the spectrum observed, we found the formation of p-fluoro-α-methylbenzyl radical as well as p-fluorobenzyl radical in the jet from the precursor. After eliminating the bands belonging to p-fluorobenzyl radical using the known data, we identified spectroscopically the formation of the p-fluoro-α-methylbenzyl radical, in which the energy of the D_1 → D_0 electronic transition and a few vibrational mode frequencies in the ground electronic state were determined by comparison with those from an ab initio calculation and with those from the known data of the precursor. S. K. Lee and D. Y. Baek Chem. Phys. Lett. 301(3-4), 407-412 (1999).

  17. The Evolution of Italian Radicalism, 1780-1914: A Historiographical Review.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lovett, Clara M.


    Discusses the norms within which Italian historical literature is produced, stating that they are important generally to the work of Italian historians and particularly in understanding the recent historical literature on Italian radicalism. Surveys the post-World War II progress of the historiography of Italian radicalism, recommending areas of…



    Ramos, Paweł; Pilawa, Barbara


    Free radicals formation in the acidum boricum (AB) during thermal sterilization process was examined by an X-band (9.3 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Acidum boricum was sterilized according to the pharmacopea norms at temperatures 160°C (120 min), 170°C (60 min), and 180°C (30 min). Free radicals (~10(17) spin/g) were thermally formed in these drug. The free radicals system revealed complex character, and the asymmetrical EPR spectra were measured. Mainly oxygen free radicals exist in the tested heated AB. Slower spin-lattice relaxation processes exist in AB sterilized at 160, 170 and 180°C. AB may be sterilized at temperatures 160, 170 and 180°C. For AB thermal sterilization at temperature 170°C is recommended. Free radicals concentrations changes during storage of the examined AB, and probably interactions with oxygen molecules may be responsible for this effect.

  19. On-line separation and characterization of hyaluronan oligosaccharides derived from radical depolymerization

    PubMed Central

    Zhao, Xue; Yang, Bo; Li, Lingyun; Zhang, Fuming; Linhardt, Robert J.


    Hydroxyl radicals are widely implicated in the oxidation of carbohydrates in biological and industrial processes and are often responsible for their structural modification resulting in functional damage. In this study, the radical depolymerization of the polysaccharide hyaluronan was studied in a reaction with hydroxyl radicals generated by Fenton Chemistry. A simple method for isolation and identification of the resulting non-sulfated oligosaccharide products of oxidative depolymerization was established. Hyaluronan oligosaccharides were analyzed using ion-pairing reversed phase high performance liquid chromotography coupled with tandem electrospray mass spectrometry. The sequence of saturated hyaluronan oligosaccharides having even- and odd-numbers of saccharide units, afforded through oxidative depolymerization, were identified. This study represents a simple, effective ‘fingerprinting’ protocol for detecting the damage done to hyaluronan by oxidative radicals. This study should help reveal the potential biological outcome of reactive-oxygen radical-mediated depolymerization of hyaluronan. PMID:23768593

  20. Exercise-induced brachial artery vasodilation: role of free radicals.


    Richardson, Russell S; Donato, Anthony J; Uberoi, Abhimanyu; Wray, D Walter; Lawrenson, Lesley; Nishiyama, Steven; Bailey, Damian M


    Originally thought of as simply damaging or toxic "accidents" of in vivo chemistry, free radicals are becoming increasingly recognized as redox signaling molecules implicit in cellular homeostasis. Indeed, at the vascular level, it is plausible that oxidative stress plays a regulatory role in normal vascular function. Using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, we sought to document the ability of an oral antioxidant cocktail (vitamins C, E, and alpha-lipoic acid) to reduce circulating free radicals, and we employed Doppler ultrasound to examine the consequence of an antioxidant-mediated reduction in oxidative stress on exercise-induced vasodilation. A total of 25 young (18-31 yr) healthy male subjects partook in these studies. EPR spectroscopy revealed a reduction in circulating free radicals following antioxidant administration at rest ( approximately 98%) and as a consequence of exercise ( approximately 85%). Plasma total antioxidant capacity and vitamin C both increased following the ingestion of the antioxidant cocktail, whereas vitamin E levels were not influenced by the ingestion of the antioxidants. Brachial artery vasodilation during submaximal forearm handgrip exercise was greater with the placebo (7.4 +/- 1.8%) than with the antioxidant cocktail (2.3 +/- 0.7%). These data document the efficacy of an oral antioxidant cocktail in reducing free radicals and suggest that, in a healthy state, the aggressive disruption of the delicate balance between pro- and antioxidant forces can negatively impact vascular function. These findings implicate an exercise-induced reliance upon pro-oxidant-stimulated vasodilation, thereby revealing an important and positive vascular role for free radicals.

  1. Hydroxyl free radical production during torsional phacoemulsification.


    Aust, Steven D; Hebdon, Thomas; Humbert, Jordan; Dimalanta, Ramon


    To quantitate free radical generation during phacoemulsification using an ultrasonic phacoemulsification device that includes a torsional mode and evaluate tip designs specific to the torsional mode. Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA. Experimental study. Experiments were performed using the Infiniti Vision System and OZil handpiece. Hydroxyl radical concentrations in the aspirated irrigation solution during torsional phacoemulsification were quantitated as nanomolar malondialdehyde (nM MDA) and determined spectrophotometrically using the deoxyribose assay. The mean free radical production during phacoemulsification with torsional modality at 100% amplitude was 30.1 nM MDA ± 5.1 (SD) using a 0.9 mm 45-degree Kelman tapered ABS tip. With other tip designs intended for use with the torsional modality, free radical production was further reduced when fitted with the 0.9 mm 45-degree Kelman mini-flared ABS tip (13.2 ± 5.6 nM MDA) or the 0.9 mm 45-degree OZil-12 mini-flared ABS tip (14.3 ± 6.7 nM MDA). Although the measurements resulting from the use of the latter 2 tips were not statistically significantly different (P ≈ .25), they were different from those of the tapered tip (P<.0001). The MDA concentration in the aspirated irrigation solution using the torsional modality was approximately one half that reported for the handpiece's longitudinal modality in a previous study using the same bent-tip design (Kelman tapered, P<.0001). The level of MDA was further reduced approximately one half with torsional-specific tips. Copyright © 2010 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in the canine model.


    Price, D T; Chari, R S; Neighbors, J D; Eubanks, S; Schuessler, W W; Preminger, G M


    The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of performing laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in a canine model. Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy was performed on six adult male canines. A new endoscopic needle driver was used to construct a secure vesicourethral anastomosis. Average operative time required to complete the procedure was 304 min (range 270-345 min). Dissection of the prostate gland took an average of 67 min (range 35-90 min), and construction of the vesicourethral anastomosis took 154 min (rage 80-240 min). There were no intraoperative complications and only one postoperative complication (anastomotic leak). Five of the six animals recovered uneventfully from the procedure, and their foley catheters were removed 10-14 days postoperatively after a retrograde cystourethrogram demonstrated an intact vesicourethral anastomosis. Four (80%) of the surviving animals were clinically continent within 10 days after catheter removal. Post mortem examination confirmed that the vesicourethral anastomosis was intact with no evidence of urine extravasation. These data demonstrate the feasibility of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in a canine model, and suggest that additional work with this technique should be continued to develop its potential clinical application.

  3. [Photometric micro-titration model of DPPH radicals scavenging activity and its application].


    Gao, Yun-tao; Wei, Wei; Ye, Li-qing; Li, Xiao-fen; Liu, Ping; Zhang, Hong-jiao; Yang, Lu; Yu, Jiao-jiao; Cha, Jia-wei


    In the present paper, the stoichiometric ratio (R) for the interreaction of DPPH radicals with the antoxidant was employed as a evaluation index for DPPH radicals scavenging activity of antioxidants. This evaluation index was related only with the stoichiometric relationship between DPPH radicals and the antioxidant, not the relationship with the initial DPPH amount and the volume of sample, which could offer a solution for the problem of poor comparability of EC50 under different conditions. A novel photometric micro-titration method was proposed for the determination of the stoichiometric ratio (R) for the interreaction of DPPH radicals with the antoxidant. The titration equation was established based on the absorbance difference (deltaA) of DPPH radicals in the titration process and the added amount of antoxidant. The stoichiometric ratio (R) for the reaction of DPPH radicals with the addition amount of antoxidant was determined by the titration equation obtained, while, the DPPH median elimination concentration (EC50) of antoxidant can be calculated by the stoichiometric ratio (R). The above photometric micro-titration model was verified using rutin as DPPH radicals scavenger. As experiment results, the stoichiometric ratio (R) of DPPH radicals to rutin was determined to be in the range of 1.817-1.846. The calculated value of EC50 was 1.196 x 10(-3), 2.392 x 10(-3), 4.819 x 10(-3) and 7.292 x 10(-3) mg x mL(-1) for 1.12 x 10(-7), 2.24 x 10(-7), 4.48 x 10(-7) and 6.72 x 10(-7) mol of the additon amount of DPPH radicals, respectively. The proposed method has better precision and reliability with smaller amount of sample than conventional method. While, the obtained stoichiometric ratio value (R) of rutin was employed to calculate the rutin median elimination concentration for DPPH EC50) according to the conditions as reported in the literatures, and the calculated results were consistent with that reported in the literatures.

  4. Spectroscopic evidence of α-methylbenzyl radical in the gas phase

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Gi Woo; Ahn, Hyeon Geun; Kim, Tae Kyu; Lee, Sang Kuk


    We report the observation of the spectroscopic evidence of the α-methylbenzyl radical in a corona excited supersonic expansion using a pinhole-type glass nozzle for the first time. The precursors, toluene, ethylbenzene, and isopropylbenzene, seeded in a large amount of inert carrier gas helium, were electrically discharged to produce benzyl-type radicals as a result of the breaking off of a C-H or a C-C bond from the alkyl chain. The vibronic emission spectra, obtained in the visible region from the precursors, were compared to identify the species generated in the corona discharge of the precursors, from which we found the spectroscopic evidence of the α-methylbenzyl radical.

  5. Observational learning from a radical-behavioristic viewpoint

    PubMed Central

    Deguchi, Hikaru


    Bandura (1972, 1977b) has argued that observational learning has some distinctive features that set it apart from the operant paradigm: (1) acquisition simply through observation, (2) delayed performance through cognitive mediation, and (3) vicarious reinforcement. The present paper first redefines those three features at the descriptive level, and then adopts a radical-behavioristic viewpoint to show how those redefined distinctive features can be explained and tested experimentally. Finally, the origin of observational learning is discussed in terms of recent data of neonatal imitation. The present analysis offers a consistent theoretical and practical understanding of observational learning from a radical-behavioristic viewpoint. PMID:22478602

  6. Thermal, photonic and magnetic studies of thiazyl radicals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beldjoudi, Yassine

    Chapter 1 provides an overview of the area of 1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl (DTDA) radical chemistry which is central to this thesis, including a review of the crystal engineering principles and the physical properties of DTDA radicals, focusing on structure-property relationships. The magnetic properties of the beta-polymorph of p-NCC 6F4CNSSN have been almost exhaustively studied since 1993 when it was found to exhibit the highest magnetic ordering temperature (T N = 36 K) for an organic magnet. Conversely the structure and physical properties of the alpha-polymorph have barely been explored. The conditions for the selective preparation of alpha and beta-polymorphs of this radical are investigated in Chapter 2. The relative polymorph stability is probed through detailed DSC and PXRD studies and the magnetic properties of the alpha-polymorph fully examined through dc and ac susceptibility measurements coupled with heat capacity studies. In Chapters 3 and 4, systematic structural studies on the variation of substituent groups are undertaken, comprising a series of alkoxy-functionalised perfluorophenyl DTDA radicals, p-ROC6F4CNSSN (R = Me, Et, Pr, Bu) and a comparison of the substitution pattern of the tolyl group on PhDTDA derivatives, MeC6H4C6H 4CNSSN and their polymorphs. These studies use a combination of single crystal and VT-PXRD, SQUID magnetometry and VT EPR spectroscopy combined with DSC measurements and computational studies to probe relative polymorph stabilities and magnetic properties. A new generation of DTDA radicals where the R substituent is "non-innocent" are described in Chapters 5 and 6. In Chapter 5 the synthesis and characterisation of a series of DTDA-functionalised polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are described and their polymorphism examined as well as their solution and solid state optical properties. These reveal fluorescence quantum efficiencies up to 50%. Radical stability can be enhanced through incorporation into polymer matrices (PMMA and PS

  7. The reaction of peroxy radicals with OH: rate constants and HO2 yields

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fittschen, C. M.; Assaf, E.; Schoemaecker, C.; Vereecken, L.


    Peroxy radicals, RO2, are key species in the atmosphere. They are formed from a reaction of OH radicals with hydrocarbon: RH + OH + O2 → RO2 + H2O In polluted environments, RO2 radicals react predominantly with NO, leading to formation of NO2 and eventually through photolysis of NO2 to formation of O3. At low NOx concentrations such as in the marine boundary layer or the background troposphere, the lifetime of RO2 radicals increases and other reaction pathways become competitive. Atmospheric chemistry models have considered until recently only the self- and cross reaction with other RO2 radicals or with HO2 radicals as the major fate for RO2 radicals under low NOx conditions. Recently, the rate constants for the reaction of peroxy radicals with OH radicals RO2 + OH → products has been measured for CH3O2 [1, 2] and C2H5O2 [3] and it was shown to become competitive to other sinks [4]. However, in order to evaluate the impact of this so far neglected sink for peroxy radicals on the composition of remote atmospheres, the reaction products must be known. A recently improved experimental set-up combining laser photolysis with two simultaneous cw-CRDS detections in the near IR allowing for a time resolved, absolute quantification of OH and RO2 radicals has been used for a further investigation of this class of reactions. High-repetition rate LIF is used for determining relative OH profiles. For CH3O2 radicals, HO2 has been determined as major product recently [5]. Currently, we study the next larger perxoy, C2H5O2, using different radical precursors (C2H5I, (COCl)2/C2H6, XeF2/C2H6) and also deuterated C2D5I in order to elucidate the product yield. Preliminary results show a much lower HO2 yield for C2H5O2 compared to CH3O2. The most recent results will be presented at the conference. [1] A. Bossolasco, E. Faragó, C. Schoemaecker, and C. Fittschen, CPL, 593, 7, (2014). [2] E. Assaf, B. Song, A. Tomas, C. Schoemaecker, C. Fittschen, JPC A, 120, 8923 (2016) [3] Eszter

  8. Photodissociation dynamics and spectroscopy of free radical combustion intermediates

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Osborn, David Lewis


    The photodissociation spectroscopy and dynamics of free radicals is studied by the technique of fast beam photofragment translational spectroscopy. Photodetachment of internally cold, mass-selected negative ions produces a clean source of radicals, which are subsequently dissociated and detected. The photofragment yield as a function of photon energy is obtained, mapping out the dissociative and predissociative electronic states of the radical. In addition, the photodissociation dynamics, product branching ratios, and bond energies are probed at fixed photon energies by measuring the translational energy, P(E T), and angular distribution of the recoiling fragments using a time- and position-sensitive detector. Ab initio calculationsmore » are combined with dynamical and statistical models to interpret the observed data. The photodissociation of three prototypical hydrocarbon combustion intermediates forms the core of this work.« less

  9. [Not Available].


    Cruz-Sáez, María Soledad; Pascual Jimeno, Aitziber; Wlodarczyk, Anna; Polo-López, Rocío; Echeburúa Odriozola, Enrique


    Introducción: los problemas relacionados con el peso constituyen un problema importante de salud pública debido a su alta prevalencia y a las adversas consecuencias que tienen para la salud.Objetivo: el objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar si la depresión y la ansiedad tienen un papel mediador en la relación entre la insatisfacción corporal y las conductas de control del peso en chicas adolescentes con sobrepeso.Material y métodos: en el estudio participaron 140 mujeres de 16 a 20 años con sobrepeso. Las participantes tuvieron que cumplimentar la escala de insatisfacción corporal del EDI-2, las escalas de ansiedad y depresión del GHQ-28 y una adaptación de las escalas del EAT survey para evaluar las conductas de control del peso. Para los análisis estadísticos se utilizaron métodos de diferencias de medias, correlaciones y de mediación secuencial.Resultados: las adolescentes con sobrepeso y alta insatisfacción corporal presentaban más sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva, así como mayor cantidad de conductas de control del peso. Los resultados del análisis de mediación secuencial evidencian que el efecto de la insatisfacción corporal en las conductas de control del peso está parcialmente mediado por las variables depresión y ansiedad. Mientras que la sintomatología ansiosa presenta efectos directos e indirectos sobre las conductas de control de peso, la sintomatología depresiva solamente presenta un efecto indirecto.Conclusiones:los resultados del estudio destacan el rol mediador de la sintomatología depresiva y, especialmente, de la ansiedad en el desarrollo de conductas no saludables de control del peso.

  10. [Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Two-Dimensional Distribution of OH Radicals in Wire-Plate Pulsed Corona Discharge Reactor].


    Jiang, Jian-ping; Luo, Zhong-yang; Xuan, Jian-yong; Zhao, Lei; Fang, Meng-xiang; Gao, Xiang


    Pulsed corona discharge in atmosphere has been widely regarded as an efficient flue gas treatment technology for the generation of active radical species, such as the OH radicals. The spatial distribution of OH radicals generated by pulsed corona discharge plays an important role in decomposing pollutants. The two-dimensional (2-D) distribution of OH radicals of positive wire--plate pulsed corona discharge was detected using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). The influence of relative humidity (RH) and oxygen concentration on the 2-D distribution of OH radicals were investigated. The results indicated that the 2-D distribution of OH radicals was characterized by a fan-shaped distribution from the wire electrode to plate electrode, and both the maximum values of vertical length and horizontal width of the fan area was less than 1 cm. The 2-D distribution area of OH radicals increased significantly with increasing the RH and the optimum condition was 65% RH. The optimal level of the oxygen concentration for the 2-D distribution area of OH radicals was 2%. The process of OH radical generation and 2-D distribution area of OH radicals were significantly interfered when the oxygen concentration was larger than 15%. The total quenching rate coefficients for different RH values and oxygen concentration in this study were used to calculate the fluorescence yield of OH radical. The fluorescence yield, which is the ratio between the emission rate (Einstein coefficient) and the sum of the emission rate and quenching rate, was used to normalize the 2-D distribution area of OH radicals. The fluorescence yield of OH radical decreased with increasing the RH and oxygen concentration linearly and rapidly. It was also found that compared with the RH, the influence of the oxygen concentration had more notable effect on the fluorescence yield of OH radical and 2-D distribution area of OH radicals.

  11. Oxidative capacity of the Mexico City atmosphere - Part 1: A radical source perspective

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Volkamer, R.; Sheehy, P. M.; Molina, L. T.; Molina, M. J.


    A detailed analysis of OH, HO2 and RO2 radical sources is presented for the near field photochemical regime inside the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). During spring of 2003 (MCMA-2003 field campaign) an extensive set of measurements was collected to quantify time resolved ROx (sum of OH, HO2, RO2) radical production rates from day- and nighttime radical sources. The Master Chemical Mechanism (MCMv3.1) was constrained by measurements of (1) concentration time-profiles of photosensitive radical precursors, i.e., nitrous acid (HONO), formaldehyde (HCHO), ozone (O3), glyoxal (CHOCHO), and other oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs); (2) respective photolysis-frequencies (J-values); (3) concentration time-profiles of alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic VOCs (103 compound are treated) and oxidants, i.e., OH- and NO3 radicals, O3; and (4) NO, NO2, meteorological and other parameters. The ROx production rate was calculated directly from these observations; MCM was used to estimate further ROx production from unconstrained sources, and express overall ROx production as OH-equivalents (i.e., taking into account the propagation efficiencies of RO2 and HO2 radicals into OH radicals). Daytime radical production is found to be about 10-25 times higher than at night; it does not track the abundance of sunlight. 12-h average daytime contributions of individual sources are: HCHO and O3 photolysis, each about 20%; O3/alkene reactions and HONO photolysis, each about 15%; unmeasured sources about 30%. While the direct contribution of O3/alkene reactions appears to be moderately small, source-apportionment of ambient HCHO and HONO identifies O3/alkene reactions as being largely responsible for jump-starting photochemistry about one hour after sunrise. The peak radical production is found to be higher than in any other urban influenced environment studied to date; further, differences exist in the timing of radical production. Our measurements and analysis comprise a database

  12. The interaction of radiation-generated radicals with myoglobin in aqueous solution—V. The indirect action of 2-methyl-2-hydroxypropyl radicals on oxymyoglobin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Whitburn, Kevin D.; Hoffman, Morton Z.

    The interaction of radiation-generated 2-methyl-2-hydroxypropyl radicals (derived from t-butyl alcohol) with oxymyoglobin has been examined at pH 7.3. In N 2O-saturated solutions, oxymyoglobin is converted to the ferri and ferryl derivatives of myoglobin; the production of ferrylmyoglobin is essentially eliminated when catalase is present in solution during irradiation. In deaerated solutions containing catalase, oxymyoglobin is converted to both ferro- and ferrimyoglobin during irradiation. When added O 2 is initially present, all compositional changes occur after irradiation; the presence of catalase diminishes, but does not eliminate, the extent of these postirradiation conversions of oxymyoglobin to the ferri and ferryl derivatives. These observations are interpreted in terms of the scavenging of the 2-methyl-2-hydroxypropyl radicals by O 2 to generate their peroxy analogs, which causes a displacement of the equilibrium between oxy- and ferromyoglobin. The peroxy radicals decay to produce H 2O 2, an organic peroxide, and other products. These peroxides subsequently react with ferromyoglobin to produce the ferryl form; the rate of the reaction increases with decreasing [O 2] as [ferromyoglobin] increases. This reaction is sufficiently fast in deaerated solution that substantial conversion of ferromyoglobin to ferrylmyoglobin occurs during the time of irradiation. The formation of the ferryl derivative in the presence of unconverted ferromyoglobin drives a concurrent synproportion reaction which produces ferrimyoglobin. Overall, no direct interaction of 2-methyl-2-hydroxypropyl radicals, nor their peroxy analogs, with myoglobin is indicated; all reactivity is accountable by the peroxide products of these radicals.

  13. Non-canonical active site architecture of the radical SAM thiamin pyrimidine synthase.


    Fenwick, Michael K; Mehta, Angad P; Zhang, Yang; Abdelwahed, Sameh H; Begley, Tadhg P; Ealick, Steven E


    Radical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzymes use a [4Fe-4S] cluster to generate a 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical. Canonical radical SAM enzymes are characterized by a β-barrel-like fold and SAM anchors to the differentiated iron of the cluster, which is located near the amino terminus and within the β-barrel, through its amino and carboxylate groups. Here we show that ThiC, the thiamin pyrimidine synthase in plants and bacteria, contains a tethered cluster-binding domain at its carboxy terminus that moves in and out of the active site during catalysis. In contrast to canonical radical SAM enzymes, we predict that SAM anchors to an additional active site metal through its amino and carboxylate groups. Superimposition of the catalytic domains of ThiC and glutamate mutase shows that these two enzymes share similar active site architectures, thus providing strong evidence for an evolutionary link between the radical SAM and adenosylcobalamin-dependent enzyme superfamilies.

  14. Non-canonical active site architecture of the radical SAM thiamin pyrimidine synthase


    Fenwick, Michael K.; Mehta, Angad P.; Zhang, Yang; ...


    Radical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) enzymes use a [4Fe-4S] cluster to generate a 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical. Canonical radical SAM enzymes are characterized by a β-barrel-like fold and SAM anchors to the differentiated iron of the cluster, which is located near the amino terminus and within the β-barrel, through its amino and carboxylate groups. Here we show that ThiC, the thiamin pyrimidine synthase in plants and bacteria, contains a tethered cluster-binding domain at its carboxy terminus that moves in and out of the active site during catalysis. In contrast to canonical radical SAM enzymes, we predict that SAM anchors to an additional active sitemore » metal through its amino and carboxylate groups. Superimposition of the catalytic domains of ThiC and glutamate mutase shows that these two enzymes share similar active site architectures, thus providing strong evidence for an evolutionary link between the radical SAM and adenosylcobalamin-dependent enzyme superfamilies.« less

  15. Photodissociation of anisole and absolute photoionization cross-section of the phenoxy radical.


    Xu, Hong; Pratt, S T


    We have studied the photodissociation dynamics of anisole (C6H5OCH3) at 193 nm and determined the absolute photoionization cross-section of the phenoxy radical at 118.2 nm (10.486 eV) relative to the known cross-section of the methyl radical. Even at this energy, there is extensive fragmentation of the phenoxy radical upon photoionization, which is attributed to ionizing transitions that populate low-lying excited electronic states of the cation. For phenoxy radicals with less than ∼1 eV of internal energy, we find a cross-section for the production of the phenoxy cation of 14.8 ± 3.8 Mb. For radicals with higher internal energy, dissociative ionization is the dominant process, and for internal energies of ∼2.7-3.7 eV, we find a total cross-section (photoionization plus dissociative ionization) of 22.3 ± 4.1 Mb. The results are discussed relative to the recently reported photoionization cross-section of phenol.

  16. Relative stability of radicals derived from artemisinin: A semiempirical and DFT study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arantes, C.; de Araujo, M. T.; Taranto, A. G.; de M. Carneiro, J. W.

    The semiempirical AM1 and PM3 methods, as well as the density functional (DFT/B3LYP) approach using the 6-31g(d) basis set, were employed to calculate the relative stability of intermediate radicals derived from artemisinin, a sesquiterpene lactone having an endoperoxide bridge that is essential for its antimalarial activity. The compounds studied have their nonperoxidic oxygen atom of the trioxane ring and/or the carbonyl group replaced by a CH2 unit. Relative stabilities were calculated by means of isodesmic equations using artemisinin as reference. It was found that replacement of oxygen atoms decreases the relative stability of the anionic radical intermediates. In contrast, for compounds with inverted stereochemistry the intermediate radicals were found to be more stable than those with the artemisinin-like stereochemistry. These relative stabilities may modulate the antimalarial potency. Radicals centered on carbon are always more stable than the corresponding radicals centered on oxygen.

  17. The Other Women: Radicalizing Feminism.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Puigvert, Lidia; Darder, Antonia; Merrill, Barbara; de los Reyes, Eileen; Stromquist, Nelly

    A recent international symposium on radicalizing feminism explored ways of developing a dialogic feminism that emphasizes working in different settings under the common goal of including women who have been invisible in the dominant feminist literature by furthering theories and practices based on the principles of dialogic feminism. The seminar…

  18. Torres del Paine National Park

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Grinding glaciers and granite peaks mingle in Chile’s Torres del Paine National Park. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite captured this summertime image of the park on January 21, 2013. This image shows just a portion of the park, including Grey Glacier and the mountain range of Cordillera del Paine. The rivers of glacial ice in Torres del Paine National Park grind over bedrock, turning some of that rock to dust. Many of the glaciers terminate in freshwater lakes, which are rich with glacial flour that colors them brown to turquoise. Skinny rivers connect some of the lakes to each other (image upper and lower right). Cordillera del Paine rises between some of the wide glacial valleys. The compact mountain range is a combination of soaring peaks and small glaciers, most notably the Torres del Paine (Towers of Paine), three closely spaced peaks emblematic of the mountain range and the larger park. By human standards, the mountains of Cordillera del Paine are quite old. But compared to the Rocky Mountains (70 million years old), and the Appalachians (about 480 million years), the Cordillera del Paine are very young—only about 12 million years old. A study published in 2008 described how scientists used zircon crystals to estimate the age of Cordillera del Paine. The authors concluded that the mountain range was built in three pulses, creating a granite laccolith, or dome-shaped feature, more than 2,000 meters (7,000 feet) thick. NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon, using Advanced Land Imager data from the NASA EO-1 team. Caption by Michon Scott. Instrument: EO-1 - ALI View more info: Credit: NASA Earth Observatory NASA image use policy. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center enables NASA’s mission through four scientific endeavors: Earth Science, Heliophysics, Solar System Exploration, and Astrophysics. Goddard plays a leading role in NASA


    EPA Science Inventory

    This study investigates the degradation of recalcitrant polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) using sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation technologies. Sulfate radicals are generated through coupling of peroxymonosulfate (PMS) with iron (Fe(II), Fe(III)). Sulfate radicals have very ...

  20. Influence of Temperature on Free Radical Generation in Propolis-Containing Ointments

    PubMed Central

    Ramos, Pawel; Pilawa, Barbara


    Free radicals thermally generated in the ointments containing propolis were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The influence of temperature on the free radical concentration in the propolis ointments was examined. Two ointment samples with different contents of propolis (5 and 7%, resp.) heated at temperatures of 30°C, 40°C, 50°C, and 60°C, for 30 min., were tested. Homogeneously broadened EPR lines and fast spin-lattice interactions characterized all the tested samples. Free radicals concentrations in the propolis samples ranged from 1018 to 1020 spin/g and were found to grow in both propolis-containing ointments along with the increasing heating temperature. Free radical concentrations in the ointments containing 5% and 7% of propolis, respectively, heated at temperatures of 30°C, 40°C, and 50°C were only slightly different. Thermal treatment at the temperature of 60°C resulted in a considerably higher free radical formation in the sample containing 7% of propolis when related to the sample with 5% of that compound. The EPR examination indicated that the propolis ointments should not be stored at temperatures of 40°C, 50°C, and 60°C. Low free radical formation at the lowest tested temperatures pointed out that both examined propolis ointments may be safely stored up to the temperature of 30°C. PMID:27563336

  1. Teaching Methods in Nutrition: Free Radicals, Antioxidants, and Human Disease.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Janowiak, John J.

    This article presents a teaching methodology for free radical theory and discusses the role of antioxidants in human health. Free radicals are a normal byproduct of respiration, which allows the body to use oxygen, liberate energy, and dispose of harmful substances. The body's antioxidants and nutritional antioxidants quench most of the free…

  2. Free radicals: properties, sources, targets, and their implication in various diseases.


    Phaniendra, Alugoju; Jestadi, Dinesh Babu; Periyasamy, Latha


    Free radicals and other oxidants have gained importance in the field of biology due to their central role in various physiological conditions as well as their implication in a diverse range of diseases. The free radicals, both the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), are derived from both endogenous sources (mitochondria, peroxisomes, endoplasmic reticulum, phagocytic cells etc.) and exogenous sources (pollution, alcohol, tobacco smoke, heavy metals, transition metals, industrial solvents, pesticides, certain drugs like halothane, paracetamol, and radiation). Free radicals can adversely affect various important classes of biological molecules such as nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins, thereby altering the normal redox status leading to increased oxidative stress. The free radicals induced oxidative stress has been reported to be involved in several diseased conditions such as diabetes mellitus, neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson's disease-PD, Alzheimer's disease-AD and Multiple sclerosis-MS), cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis and hypertension), respiratory diseases (asthma), cataract development, rheumatoid arthritis and in various cancers (colorectal, prostate, breast, lung, bladder cancers). This review deals with chemistry, formation and sources, and molecular targets of free radicals and it provides a brief overview on the pathogenesis of various diseased conditions caused by ROS/RNS.

  3. Hydroxylated chalcones with dual properties: xanthine oxidase inhibitors and radical scavengers

    PubMed Central

    Hofmann, Emily; Webster, Jonathan; Do, Thuy; Kline, Reid; Snider, Lindsey; Hauser, Quintin; Higginbottom, Grace; Campbell, Austin; Ma, Lili; Paula, Stefan


    In this study, we evaluated the abilities of a series of chalcones to inhibit the activity of the enzyme xanthine oxidase (XO) and to scavenge radicals. 20 mono- and polyhydroxylated chalcone derivatives were synthesized by Claisen-Schmidt condensation reactions and then tested for inhibitory potency against XO, a known generator of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In parallel, the ability of the synthesized chalcones to scavenge a stable radical was determined. Structure-activity relationship analysis in conjunction with molecular docking indicated that the most active XO inhibitors carried a minimum of three hydroxyl groups. Moreover, the most effective radical scavengers had two neighboring hydroxyl groups on at least one of the two phenyl rings. Since it has been proposed previously that XO inhibition and radical scavenging could be useful properties for reduction of ROS-levels in tissue, we determined the chalcones’ effects to rescue neurons subjected to ROS-induced stress created by the addition of β-amyloid peptide. Best protection was provided by chalcones that combined good inhibitory potency with high radical scavenging ability in a single molecule, an observation that points to a potential therapeutic value of this compound class. PMID:26762836

  4. Ab initio evaluation of the thermodynamic and electrochemical properties of alkyl halides and radicals and their mechanistic implications for atom transfer radical polymerization.


    Lin, Ching Yeh; Coote, Michelle L; Gennaro, Armando; Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof


    High-level ab initio molecular orbital calculations are used to study the thermodynamics and electrochemistry relevant to the mechanism of atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Homolytic bond dissociation energies (BDEs) and standard reduction potentials (SRPs) are reported for a series of alkyl halides (R-X; R = CH 2CN, CH(CH 3)CN, C(CH 3) 2CN, CH 2COOC 2H 5, CH(CH 3)COOCH 3, C(CH 3) 2COOCH 3, C(CH 3) 2COOC 2H 5, CH 2Ph, CH(CH 3)Ph, CH(CH 3)Cl, CH(CH 3)OCOCH 3, CH(Ph)COOCH 3, SO 2Ph, Ph; X = Cl, Br, I) both in the gas phase and in two common organic solvents, acetonitrile and dimethylformamide. The SRPs of the corresponding alkyl radicals, R (*), are also examined. The computational results are in a very good agreement with the experimental data. For all alkyl halides examined, it is found that, in the solution phase, one-electron reduction results in the fragmentation of the R-X bond to the corresponding alkyl radical and halide anion; hence it may be concluded that a hypothetical outer-sphere electron transfer (OSET) in ATRP should occur via concerted dissociative electron transfer rather than a two-step process with radical anion intermediates. Both the homolytic and heterolytic reactions are favored by electron-withdrawing substituents and/or those that stabilize the product alkyl radical, which explains why monomers such as acrylonitrile and styrene require less active ATRP catalysts than vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate. The rate constant of the hypothetical OSET reaction between bromoacetonitrile and Cu (I)/TPMA complex was estimated using Marcus theory for the electron-transfer processes. The estimated rate constant k OSET = approximately 10 (-11) M (-1) s (-1) is significantly smaller than the experimentally measured activation rate constant ( k ISET = approximately 82 M (-1) s (-1) at 25 degrees C in acetonitrile) for the concerted atom transfer mechanism (inner-sphere electron transfer, ISET), implying that the ISET mechanism is preferred. For

  5. Trimethyl phosphite as a trap for alkoxy radicals formed from the ring opening of oxiranylcarbinyl radicals. Conversion to alkenes. Mechanistic applications to the study of C-C versus C-O ring cleavage.


    Ding, Bangwei; Bentrude, Wesley G


    Trimethyl phosphite, (MeO)(3)P, is introduced as an efficient and selective trap in oxiranylcarbinyl radical (2) systems, formed from haloepoxides 8-13 under thermal AIBN/n-Bu(3)SnH conditions at about 80 degrees C. Initially, the transformations of 8-13, in the absence of phosphite, to allyl alcohol 7 and/or vinyl ether 5 were measured quantitatively (Table 1). Structural variations in the intermediate oxiranylcarbinyl (2), allyloxy (3), and vinyloxycarbinyl (4) radicals involve influences of the thermodynamics and kinetics of the C-O (2 --> 3, k(1)) and C-C (2 --> 4, k(2)) radical scission processes and readily account for the changes in the amounts of product vinyl ether (5) and allyl alcohol (7) formed. Added (MeO)(3)P is inert to vinyloxycarbinyl radical 4 and selectively and rapidly traps allyloxy radical 3, diverting it to trimethyl phosphate and allyl radical 6. Allyl radicals (6) dimerize or are trapped by n-Bu(3)SnH to give alkenes, formed from haloepoxides 8, 9, and 13 in 69-95% yields. Intermediate vinyloxycarbinyl radicals (4), in the presence or absence of (MeO)(3)P, are trapped by n-Bu(3)SnH to give vinyl ethers (5). The concentrations of (MeO)(3)P and n-Bu(3)SnH were varied independently, and the amounts of phosphate, vinyl ether (5), and/or alkene from haloepoxides 10, 11, and 13 were carefully monitored. The results reflect readily understood influences of changes in the structures of radicals 2-4, particularly as they influence the C-O (k(1)) and C-C (k(2)) cleavages of intermediate oxiranylcarbinyl radical 2 and their reverse (k(-1), k(-2)). Diversion by (MeO)(3)P of allyloxy radicals (3) from haloepoxides 11 and 12 fulfills a prior prediction that under conditions closer to kinetic control, products of C-O scission, not just those of C-C scission, may result. Thus, for oxiranylcarbinyl radicals from haloepoxides 11, 12, and 13, C-O scission (k(1), 2 --> 3) competes readily with C-C cleavage (k(2), 2 --> 4), even though C-C scission is favored

  6. [Not Available].


    Zubiaga, Lorea; Ruiz-Tovar, Jaime; Giner, Lorena; González, Juan; Aguilar, María Del Mar; García, Alejandro; Calpena, Rafael; Durán, Manuel


    Introducción y objetivo: el IMC puede resultar engañoso para ciertas complexiones corporales, por lo que se han propuesto otros parámetros como la adiposidad (calculada a través de fórmula CUN-BAE,) el índice de Framingham de riesgo cardiovascular (IF) y el índice aterogénico (IA) (rCT/HDL-c) como predictores de riesgo cardiovascular. Se propone comparar estos factores como marcadores de éxito terapéutico tras cirugía en pacientes obesos sometidos a gastrectomía vertical laparoscópica (GVL) como procedimiento de cirugía bariátrica.Material y métodos: realizamos un estudio observacional prospectivo de pacientes sometidos a GVL y con un periodo de seguimiento mínimo de 1 año. Analizamos la evolución de IMC, adiposidad, IF e IA.Resultados: analizamos 140 pacientes. El IMC preoperatorio fue de 49,1 kg/m2, con una adiposidad del 54,8%, un IF 7,54% y un IA de 4,2. A los 12 meses el IMC era de 28,4 kg/m2, con una adiposidad del 39,4%, un IF del 3,7% y un IA de 1,64. En función de estos resultados, a los 12 meses el IMC medio está en rango de sobrepeso, la adiposidad en niveles de obesidad (obesidad: > 25% en hombres y > 35% en mujeres), el IF en rango de riesgo cardiovascular bajo (< 5%) y el IA dentro del rango de normalidad (< 3). Correlacionando estos parámetros observamos que el IMC se correlaciona con la adiposidad tanto en valores preoperatorios (Pearson 0,486; p = 0,004), posoperatorios (Pearson 0,957; p < 0,001), como en la diferencia entre ambos (Pearson 0,606; p = 0,017), lo cual es lógico, porque el IMC se incluye en la fórmula CUN-BAE para el cálculo de la adiposidad. En los valores posoperatorios se objetiva una correlación de la adiposidad con el IF (Pearson 0,814, p = 0,036) y con el IA (Pearson 0,517; p = 0,049). En los valores preoperatorios no se objetivan dichas correlaciones. El IMC no se correlacionó con la adiposidad.Conclusión: la adiposidad se correlaciona con índices de riesgo cardiovascular, como el índice de

  7. Computational study of the structure-free radical scavenging relationship of procyanidins.


    Mendoza-Wilson, Ana María; Castro-Arredondo, Sergio Ivan; Balandrán-Quintana, René Renato


    Procyanidins (PCs) are effective free radical scavengers, however, their antioxidant ability is variable because they have different degrees of polymerisation, are composed by distinct types of subunits and are very susceptible to changes in conformation. In this work the structure-free radical scavenging relationship of monomers, dimers and trimers of PCs was studied through the hydrogen atom transfer (HAT), sequential proton-loss electron-transfer (SPLET) and single electron transfer followed by proton transfer (SET-PT) mechanisms in aqueous phase, employing the Density Functional Theory (DFT) computational method. The structure-free radical scavenging relationship of PCs showed a very similar behaviour in HAT and SET-PT mechanisms, but very different in the SPLET mechanism. The structural factor that showed more effects on the ability of PCs to scavenge free radicals in aqueous phase was the conformation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Detecting free radicals in sunscreens exposed to UVA radiation using chemiluminescence.


    Millington, Keith R; Osmond, Megan J; McCall, Maxine J


    One of the current concerns with the application of nanoparticles in sunscreens, and in particular nano-TiO2 and ZnO, is their potential to photogenerate free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) when they absorb ultraviolet wavelengths from sunlight. Free radicals and ROS are known to be associated with UV-induced skin damage and oxidative stress, from which sunscreens are expected to offer significant protection. Here we describe a simple method, based on chemiluminescence emission, for detecting free radicals generated in commercial sunscreens alone, and when applied to various substrates, following exposure to UVA (320-400nm) radiation. This photo-induced chemiluminescence (PICL) technique could be used to optimise sunscreen formulations so as to minimise free radical photogeneration during exposure to sunlight. Crown Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Drops and Spray Containing Propolis-An EPR Examination.


    Olczyk, Pawel; Komosinska-Vassev, Katarzyna; Ramos, Pawel; Mencner, Lukasz; Olczyk, Krystyna; Pilawa, Barbara


    The influence of heating at a temperature of 50 °C and UV-irradiation of propolis drops and spray on their free radical scavenging activity was determined. The kinetics of interactions of the propolis samples with DPPH free radicals was analyzed. Interactions of propolis drops and propolis spray with free radicals were examined by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. A spectrometer generating microwaves of 9.3 GHz frequency was used. The EPR spectra of the model DPPH free radicals were compared with the EPR spectra of DPPH in contact with the tested propolis samples. The antioxidative activity of propolis drops and propolis spray decreased after heating at the temperature of 50 °C. A UV-irradiated sample of propolis drops more weakly scavenged free radicals than an untreated sample. The antioxidative activity of propolis spray increased after UV-irradiation. The sample of propolis drops heated at the temperature of 50 °C quenched free radicals faster than the unheated sample. UV-irradiation weakly changed the kinetics of propolis drops or spray interactions with free radicals. EPR analysis indicated that propolis drops and spray should not be stored at a temperature of 50 °C. Propolis drops should not be exposed to UV-irradiation.

  10. Combined chemical and mechanical effects on free radicals in UHMWPE joints during implantation.


    Jahan, M S; Wang, C; Schwartz, G; Davidson, J A


    An electron spin resonance (ESR) technique is employed to determine the free radical distribution in the articulating surfaces of retrieved acetabular cups and knee-joint plateaus (retrieved after more than 6 years of implantation). Similar measurements made on samples prepared from cyclically stressed and unstressed cups, and on samples following oxidations in nitric acid and intralipid solutions provided sufficient data to gain more knowledge about the combined chemical and mechanical effects on PE free radicals during implantation. In UHMWPE free radicals are primarily initiated by gamma-ray sterilization; however, during implantation, peroxy (scission type) free radicals are formed and reach a maximum concentration level (equilibrium state) due to oxidation by chemical (hemoglobin and/or synovial fluids) environment of the joints. Subsequently, due to frictional heating and stress in the loading zones, free radical reaction is accelerated and their number is reduced only in those areas. This is consistent with the observations of a temperature rise in acetabular cups during in vitro frictional wear stress tests and in vivo telemetry observations, as reported by others. Compared with the previously reported SEM micrographs the low-free-radical regions are correlated with high-wear areas and the high-free-radical regions with the low-wear areas.

  11. Sub-Lexical Phonological and Semantic Processing of Semantic Radicals: A Primed Naming Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zhou, Lin; Peng, Gang; Zheng, Hong-Ying; Su, I-Fan; Wang, William S.-Y.


    Most sinograms (i.e., Chinese characters) are phonograms (phonetic compounds). A phonogram is composed of a semantic radical and a phonetic radical, with the former usually implying the meaning of the phonogram, and the latter providing cues to its pronunciation. This study focused on the sub-lexical processing of semantic radicals which are…

  12. Free radical explosive composition


    Walker, Franklin E.; Wasley, Richard J.


    An improved explosive composition is disclosed and comprises a major portion of an explosive having a detonation velocity between about 1500 and 10,000 meters per second and a minor amount of a getter additive comprising a compound or mixture of compounds capable of capturing or deactivating free radicals or ions under mechanical or electrical shock conditions and which is not an explosive. Exemplary getter additives are isocyanates, olefins and iodine.

  13. Quantitative investigation of free radicals in bio-oil and their potential role in condensed-phase polymerization.


    Kim, Kwang Ho; Bai, Xianglan; Cady, Sarah; Gable, Preston; Brown, Robert C


    We report on the quantitative analysis of free radicals in bio-oils produced from pyrolysis of cellulose, organosolv lignin, and corn stover by EPR spectroscopy. Also, we investigated their potential role in condensed-phase polymerization. Bio-oils produced from lignin and cellulose show clear evidence of homolytic cleavage reactions during pyrolysis that produce free radicals. The concentration of free radicals in lignin bio-oil was 7.5×10(20)  spin g(-1), which was 375 and 138 times higher than free-radical concentrations in bio-oil from cellulose and corn stover. Pyrolytic lignin had the highest concentration in free radicals, which could be a combination of carbon-centered (benzyl radicals) and oxygen-centered (phenoxy radicals) organic species because they are delocalized in a π system. Free-radical concentrations did not change during accelerated aging tests despite increases in molecular weight of bio-oils, suggesting that free radicals in condensed bio-oils are stable. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  14. Imidazoline and imidazolidine nitroxides as controlling agents in nitroxide-mediated pseudoliving radical polymerization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Edeleva, M. V.; Marque, S. R. A.; Bagryanskaya, E. G.


    Controlled, or pseudoliving, radical polymerization provides unique opportunities for the synthesis of structurally diverse polymers with a narrow molecular-weight distribution. These reactions occur under relatively mild conditions with broad tolerance to functional groups in the monomers. The nitroxide-mediated pseudoliving radical polymerization is of particular interest for the synthesis of polymers for biomedical applications. This review briefly describes one of the mechanisms of controlled radical polymerization. The studies dealing with the use of imidazoline and imidazolidine nitroxides as controlling agents for nitroxide-mediated pseudoliving radical polymerization of various monomers are summarized and analyzed. The publications addressing the key steps of the controlled radical polymerization in the presence of imidazoline and imidazolidine nitroxides and new approaches to nitroxide-mediated polymerization based on protonation of both nitroxides and monomers are considered. The bibliography includes 154 references.

  15. Unusual spin-trap chemistry for the reaction of hydroxyl radical with the carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wink, David A.; Desrosiers, Marc F.

    The reaction of the potent carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) with hydroxyl radical generated via radiolysis was studied using EPR techniques. Attempts to spin trap NDMA radical intermediates with 3,5-dibromo-4-nitrosobenzene sulfonate (DBNBS) produced only unusual DBNBS radicals. One of these radicals was shown to be generated by both reaction of DBNBS with nitric oxide, and direct oxidation of DBNBS with an inorganic oxidant ( .Br -2). Another DBNBS radical was identified as a sulfite spin adduct resulting from the degradation of DBNBS by a NDMA reactive intermediate. In the absence of DBNBS, hydroxyl radical reaction with NDMA gave the dimethylnitroxide radical. Unexpectedly, addition of DBNBS to a solution containing dimethylnitroxide produced an EPR spectrum nearly identical to that of NDMA solutions with DBNBS added before radiolysis. A proposed mechanism accounting for these observations is presented.

  16. Effects of the components in rice flour on thermal radical generation under microwave irradiation.