Environmental Pride: Jain Shrine
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
School Arts: The Art Education Magazine for Teachers, 2004
The Cincinnati Art Museum's Jain shrine is an elaborate structure that allows Jains to contemplate a life of peace, discipline, and freedom from earthly desires. This shrine, an elaborately carved canopy (typically used by royalty) with two freestanding support pillars, was made during an important growth period that saw the building of numerous…
78 FR 19012 - Pawan Kumar Jain, M.D.; Decision And Order
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Drug Enforcement Administration [Docket No. 13-13] Pawan Kumar Jain, M.D...), I order that DEA Certificate of Registration BJ5128067, issued to Pawan Kumar Jain, M.D., be, and it hereby is, revoked. I further order that any pending application of Pawan Kumar Jain, M.D., to renew or...
Multicultural Education: Raj's Story Using a Curricular Conceptual Lens of the Particular
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ross, Vicki; Chan, Elaine
In this study, we employ a curricular conceptual lens of the particular to explore the experience of multicultural education from the perspective of an immigrant student, Raj. Using a school-based narrative inquiry approach, we learn about Raj's experiences at the intersections of immigration and settlement, adaptation and assimilation,…
Recto-anal junction (RAJ) microbiota composition in Escherichia coli O157:H7 shedding cattle
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Introduction: Cattle are the asymptomatic reservoirs of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (O157) that tend to preferentially colonize the bovine recto-anal junction (RAJ). Therefore, understanding the taxonomic profile, microbial diversity, and microbiota-O157 interactions at the RAJ could give insights into...
Braun, Whitny
This article examines Sallekhana, the Jain religious ritual of fasting to death, from the American and Indian legal and ethical perspectives. Two cases are presented. The first involves a woman in her twenties who starved herself to escape a voice in her head. The second case involves a woman with terminal cancer who chose to starve to death rather than accept palliative care. Both are analyzed with attention paid to the Jain theological rationale behind the practice and the social circumstances that predicate this vow. I argue that within Jain communities the moral presumption should be that Sallekhana is a valid religious ritual and should therefore be legally protected if it is freely chosen by an informed person free from coercion.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2002-N-0106 (formerly 2002N-0291)] Baldev Raj Bhutani; Denial of Hearing on Application for Special Termination of... FR 70148 (Dec. 2, 2004)). As a result of his debarment, Mr. Bhutani may not provide services in any...
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Escherichia coli O157 (O157) persist at the recto-anal junction (RAJ) of gastrointestinal tracts (GIT) of cattle, the primary reservoirs of this human pathogen. We recently reported (Kudva et al., BMC Microbiol. 2012, 12: 103) that the previously identified and extensively documented principal O157...
Universal DC Hall conductivity of Jain's state ν = N/2N +/- 1
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nguyen, Dung; Son, Dam
We present the Fermi-liquid theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect to describe Jain's states with filling fraction ν =N/2 N +/- 1 , that are near half filling. We derive the DC Hall conductivity σH (t) in closed form within the validity of our model. The results show that, without long range interaction, DC Hall conductivity has the universal form which doesn't depend on the detail of short range Landau's parameters Fn. When long range interaction is included, DC Hall conductivity depends on both long range interaction and Landau's parameters. We also analyze the relation between DC Hall conductivity and static structure factor. This work was supported by the Chicago MRSEC, which is funded by NSF through Grant DMR-1420709.
Organising women for Panchayati Raj.
Kaushik, S
The recently passed 73rd Constitution Amendment Act in India focused on political structures and processes of rural India and vulnerable populations. Participation of women in Panchayati Raj Institutions was questioned in terms of the substance and effectiveness of representation. Rural women were particularly vulnerable as a group because of strong traditional values maintained in rural areas, patriarchal families, lack of women's education and access to information, poor exposure to the "outside" world, and lack of power. Local committees insufficiently represented women. Women were rarely heads of Panchayats and needed the lower positions to advance within the system. State acts have been passed to assure women's representation in Andhra Pradesh. The National Perspective Plan of 1988 provided for over 33% of seats for women and minorities as members and chairpersons of Panches and Sarpanches, based on proportional representation in the total population. Greater participation of women in politics was viewed as dependent not just on fulfilling the law but on assuring principles, democratic, and meaningful administration of government. Effort were equally necessary to address attitudinal, social, and structural barricades. Women needed to know where and how to direct their concerns so that solutions were found to the problems women faced. Women members of Panchayats needed to be educated and informed about politics: their rights, the nature of Indian democracy, policies and programs for women and the underprivileged, and voting rights. Women needed financial support for running for office. Women must view themselves as representatives of all people. Women's centers and other organizations can serve as catalysts to mobilize women and help solve political dilemmas. A combination of Constitutional provisions, government policies, social action, and self awareness among rural women will eventually result in Indian women becoming part of the mainstream political power
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kajla, Arun; Deshwal, Sheetal; Agrawal, P. N.
In the present paper we introduce a Durrmeyer variant of Jain operators based on a function ρ (x) where ρ is a continuously differentiable function on [0,∞), ρ (0)=0 and \\inf ρ '(x)≥ a, a >0, x \\in [0,∞) . For these new operators, some indispensable auxiliary results are established first. Then, the degree of approximation with the aid of Ditzian-Totik modulus of smoothness and the rate of convergence for functions whose derivatives are of bounded variation, is obtained. Further, we focus on the study of a Voronovskaja type asymptotic theorem, quantitative Voronovskaya and Grüss-Voronovskaya type theorems.
The new decision-making centres. An interview with L.C. Jain.
Choudhury, A R
The interview with the Indian economist and Indian Planning Commission member was directed to issues about nongovernmental organization's (NGOs) ability to function, women's representation on Panchayats, decentralized planning, social changes in Panchayati Raj Institutions, electoral issues, and local politics. With the establishment of Panchayats in every village, there will be greater demands on NGOs for resources for social and economic advancement and for creation of opportunities. About 1 million women will get elected to Panchayats and demand that government fulfill their needs. The disadvantaged who will be elected will demand development that serve the needs of the disadvantaged. There were four or five issues in decentralization: legal changes creating decentralization, dismantling of the centralized system and strategies, distribution of funds to Panchayats and development of private resources, and availability of money for hiring technical consultants by Panchayats. A hopeful sign was evidenced in the new leadership that demanded the effective functioning of primary schools and primary health centers. The bureaucracy has been oppressive, and villagers were eager to begin making decisions for themselves. Political parties at the local level were better able to get along because people demanded very practical results; gesturing about political postures became irrelevant.
Download the current and legacy versions of the BenMAP program. Download configuration and aggregation/pooling/valuation files to estimate benefits. BenMAP-CE is free and open source software, and the source code is available upon request.
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Data Downloads
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GIS Data Downloads | USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
Acknowledgments & Citation Copyright Map & Data Downloads Map Downloads Geography (GIS) Downloads Multi & Data Downloads / GIS Data Downloads Topics Map Downloads Geography (GIS) Downloads Multi-Zip Code
Padaria, Jasdeep Chatrath; Vishwakarma, Harinder; Biswas, Koushik; Jasrotia, Rahul Singh; Singh, Gyanendra Pratap
Heat stress leads to accelerated production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which causes a huge amount of oxidative damage to the cellular components of plants. A large number of heat stress related genes as HSPs, catalases, peroxidases are overexpressed at the time of stress. A potent stress responsive gene peroxisomal ascorbate peroxidase (TapAPX) obtained from heat stress (42 °C) responsive subtractive cDNA library from a thermo tolerant wheat cv. Raj3765 at anthesis stage was cloned, characterized and its role was validated under heat stress by proteomics and in-silico studies. In the present study we report the characterization at molecular and in-silico level of peroxisomal TapAPX gene isolated from heat tolerant wheat cultivar of India. qPCR studies of TapAPX gene displayed up to 203 fold level of expression at 42 °C heat stress exposure. A full length cDNA of 876 bp obtained by RACE deduced a protein of 292 amino acid residues which gives a complete 3D structure of pAPX by homology modeling. TapAPX cDNA was cloned in expression vector pET28 (a+) and the recombinant protein over-expressed in E. coli BL21 showed highest homology with APX protein as deduced by peptide mass fingerprinting. TapAPX gene from wheat cv Raj3765 has a distinct role in conferring thermo tolerance to the plants and thus can be used in crop improvement programmes for development of crops tolerant to high temperature.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Duggan, Brian
Downloading and organizing large amounts of files is challenging, and often done using ad hoc methods. This software is capable of downloading and organizing files as an OpenSearch client. It can subscribe to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds and Atom feeds containing arbitrary metadata, and maintains a local content addressable data store. It uses existing standards for obtaining the files, and uses efficient techniques for storing the files. Novel features include symbolic links to maintain a sane directory structure, checksums for validating file integrity during transfer and storage, and flexible use of server-provided metadata.
Downloading from the OPAC: The Innovative Interfaces Environment.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Spore, Stuart
Discussion of downloading from online public access catalogs focuses on downloading to MS-DOS microcomputers from the INNOPAC online catalog system. Tools for capturing and postprocessing downloaded files are described, technical and institutional constraints on downloading are addressed, and an innovative program for overcoming such constraints…
College Students' Moral Evaluations of Illegal Music Downloading
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jambon, Marc M.; Smetana, Judith G.
Although unauthorized music downloading is illegal, a majority of college students have downloaded music for free online. Evaluations of illegal music downloading and their association with downloading behavior were examined using social domain theory in a sample of 188 ethnically diverse college students (M[subscript age] = 19.80 years, SD =…
Data Downloads | ECHO | US EPA
The ECHO website with its facility search features is designed to provide easy access to EPA's compliance and enforcement data with customizable onscreen display and download. For those with larger data needs, ECHO has several types of data sets available. These large data sets may be of particular use to developers, programmers, academics, and analysts. The data available here can be downloaded and used for many different functions and are certain to meet all data retrieval needs.
CADDIS Volume 4. Data Analysis: Download Software
Overview of the data analysis tools available for download on CADDIS. Provides instructions for downloading and installing CADStat, access to Microsoft Excel macro for computing SSDs, a brief overview of command line use of R, a statistical software.
Wing download reduction using vortex trapping plates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Light, Jeffrey S.; Stremel, Paul M.; Bilanin, Alan J.
A download reduction technique using spanwise plates on the upper and lower wing surfaces has been examined. Experimental and analytical techniques were used to determine the download reduction obtained using this technique. Simple two-dimensional wind tunnel testing confirmed the validity of the technique for reducing two-dimensional airfoil drag. Computations using a two-dimensional Navier-Stokes analysis provided insight into the mechanism causing the drag reduction. Finally, the download reduction technique was tested using a rotor and wing to determine the benefits for a semispan configuration representative of a tilt rotor aircraft.
The Internet: How Fast Can You Download?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shearer, Ron
Discusses faster modems for downloading information from the Internet that may become available through cable or telephone industries. Topics include ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) modems; Direct PC--downloading satellite transmissions; Land Multichannel Distribution System (LMDS)--a wireless communication device; and Internet…
The EPA collects information about facilities or sites subject to environmental regulation. The EPA Geospatial Data Access Project provides downloadable files of these facilities or sites in KML format.
Share, steal, or buy? A social cognitive perspective of music downloading.
LaRose, Robert; Kim, Junghyun
The music downloading phenomenon presents a unique opportunity to examine normative influences on media consumption behavior. Downloaders face moral, legal, and ethical quandaries that can be conceptualized as normative influences within the self-regulatory mechanism of social cognitive theory. The music industry hopes to eliminate illegal file sharing and to divert illegal downloaders to pay services by asserting normative influence through selective prosecutions and public information campaigns. However the deficient self-regulation of downloaders counters these efforts maintaining file sharing as a persistent habit that defies attempts to establish normative control. The present research tests and extends the social cognitive theory of downloading on a sample of college students. The expected outcomes of downloading behavior and deficient self-regulation of that behavior were found to be important determinants of intentions to continue downloading. Consistent with social cognitive theory but in contrast to the theory of planned behavior, it was found that descriptive and prescriptive norms influenced deficient self-regulation but had no direct impact on behavioral intentions. Downloading intentions also had no direct relationship to either compact disc purchases or to subscription to online pay music services.
PPIS Download Product Information Data
Downloadable Pesticide Product Information System data for Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act section 3 and section 24(c) (Special Local Need), vocabulary, and U.S. companies and organizations with EPA Company Numbers.
Academic Software Downloads from Google Code: Useful Usage Indicators?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Thelwall, Mike; Kousha, Kayvan
Introduction: Computer scientists and other researchers often make their programs freely available online. If this software makes a valuable contribution inside or outside of academia then its creators may want to demonstrate this with a suitable indicator, such as download counts. Methods: Download counts, citation counts, labels and licenses…
Full-text, Downloading, & Other Issues.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tenopir, Carol
Issues having a possible impact on online search services in libraries are discussed including full text databases, front-end processors which translate user's input into the command language of an appropriate system, downloading to create personal files from commercial databases, and pricing. (EJS)
Baek, Sora; Yoon, Dae Young; Lim, Kyoung Ja; Cho, Young Kwon; Seo, Young Lan; Yun, Eun Joo
To evaluate and compare the characteristics of the most downloaded and most cited articles in radiology journals. We selected 41 radiology journals that provided lists of both the most downloaded and most cited articles on their websites, and identified the 596 most downloaded articles and 596 most cited articles. We compared the following characteristics of the most downloaded and most cited articles: year of publication, journal title, department of the first author, country of origin, publication type, radiologic subspecialty, radiologic technique and accessibility. Compared to the most cited articles, the most downloaded articles were more frequently review articles (36.1% vs 17.1%, p < 0.05), case reports (5.9% vs 3.2%, p < 0.05), guidelines/consensus statements (5.4% vs 2.7%, p < 0.05), editorials/commentaries (3.7% vs 0.7%, p < 0.05) and pictorial essays (2.0% vs 0.2%, p < 0.05). Compared to the most cited articles, the most downloaded articles more frequently originated from the UK (8.7% vs 5.0%, p < 0.05) and were more frequently free-access articles (46.0% vs 39.4%, p < 0.05). Educational and free-access articles are more frequent among the most downloaded articles. • There was only small overlap between the most downloaded and most cited articles. • Educational articles were more frequent among the most downloaded articles. • Free-access articles are more frequent among the most downloaded articles.
Performance Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer Progressive Download in Broadband Access Networks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shibuya, Megumi; Ogishi, Tomohiko; Yamamoto, Shu
P2P (Peer-to-Peer) file sharing architectures have scalable and cost-effective features. Hence, the application of P2P architectures to media streaming is attractive and expected to be an alternative to the current video streaming using IP multicast or content delivery systems because the current systems require expensive network infrastructures and large scale centralized cache storage systems. In this paper, we investigate the P2P progressive download enabling Internet video streaming services. We demonstrated the capability of the P2P progressive download in both laboratory test network as well as in the Internet. Through the experiments, we clarified the contribution of the FTTH links to the P2P progressive download in the heterogeneous access networks consisting of FTTH and ADSL links. We analyzed the cause of some download performance degradation occurred in the experiment and discussed about the effective methods to provide the video streaming service using P2P progressive download in the current heterogeneous networks.
Lin, Chin-Feng
This study examined the downloader cognitive structures toward Web service quality and the downloader ethical attitudes across various levels of participation in a virtual community. Using four types of free downloads as the research subjects, the researcher found that the users in different participation degrees have different perception preferences. Owners of the free downloading Web sites can use the findings of this study to develop effective Web marketing strategies.
The Lowdown on Audio Downloads
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Farrell, Beth
First offered to public libraries in 2004, downloadable audiobooks have grown by leaps and bounds. According to the Audio Publishers Association, their sales today account for 21% of the spoken-word audio market. It hasn't been easy, however. WMA. DRM. MP3. AAC. File extensions small on letters but very big on consequences for librarians,…
Expert Involvement Predicts mHealth App Downloads: Multivariate Regression Analysis of Urology Apps
Osório, Luís; Cavadas, Vitor; Fraga, Avelino; Carrasquinho, Eduardo; Cardoso de Oliveira, Eduardo; Castelo-Branco, Miguel; Roobol, Monique J
Background Urological mobile medical (mHealth) apps are gaining popularity with both clinicians and patients. mHealth is a rapidly evolving and heterogeneous field, with some urology apps being downloaded over 10,000 times and others not at all. The factors that contribute to medical app downloads have yet to be identified, including the hypothetical influence of expert involvement in app development. Objective The objective of our study was to identify predictors of the number of urology app downloads. Methods We reviewed urology apps available in the Google Play Store and collected publicly available data. Multivariate ordinal logistic regression evaluated the effect of publicly available app variables on the number of apps being downloaded. Results Of 129 urology apps eligible for study, only 2 (1.6%) had >10,000 downloads, with half having ≤100 downloads and 4 (3.1%) having none at all. Apps developed with expert urologist involvement (P=.003), optional in-app purchases (P=.01), higher user rating (P<.001), and more user reviews (P<.001) were more likely to be installed. App cost was inversely related to the number of downloads (P<.001). Only data from the Google Play Store and the developers’ websites, but not other platforms, were publicly available for analysis, and the level and nature of expert involvement was not documented. Conclusions The explicit participation of urologists in app development is likely to enhance its chances to have a higher number of downloads. This finding should help in the design of better apps and further promote urologist involvement in mHealth. Official certification processes are required to ensure app quality and user safety. PMID:27421338
Downloading and Installing Estuary Data Mapper (EDM)
Estuary Data Mapper is a tool for geospatial data discovery, visualization, and data download for any of the approximately 2,000 estuaries and associated watersheds in along the five US coastal regions
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... limited to software, files, data, and prize schedules. (2) Downloads must use secure methodologies that... date of the completion of the download; (iii) The Class II gaming system components to which software was downloaded; (iv) The version(s) of download package and any software downloaded. Logging of the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... limited to software, files, data, and prize schedules. (2) Downloads must use secure methodologies that... date of the completion of the download; (iii) The Class II gaming system components to which software was downloaded; (iv) The version(s) of download package and any software downloaded. Logging of the...
Open access publishing, article downloads, and citations: randomised controlled trial
Lewenstein, Bruce V; Simon, Daniel H; Booth, James G; Connolly, Mathew J L
Objective To measure the effect of free access to the scientific literature on article downloads and citations. Design Randomised controlled trial. Setting 11 journals published by the American Physiological Society. Participants 1619 research articles and reviews. Main outcome measures Article readership (measured as downloads of full text, PDFs, and abstracts) and number of unique visitors (internet protocol addresses). Citations to articles were gathered from the Institute for Scientific Information after one year. Interventions Random assignment on online publication of articles published in 11 scientific journals to open access (treatment) or subscription access (control). Results Articles assigned to open access were associated with 89% more full text downloads (95% confidence interval 76% to 103%), 42% more PDF downloads (32% to 52%), and 23% more unique visitors (16% to 30%), but 24% fewer abstract downloads (−29% to −19%) than subscription access articles in the first six months after publication. Open access articles were no more likely to be cited than subscription access articles in the first year after publication. Fifty nine per cent of open access articles (146 of 247) were cited nine to 12 months after publication compared with 63% (859 of 1372) of subscription access articles. Logistic and negative binomial regression analysis of article citation counts confirmed no citation advantage for open access articles. Conclusions Open access publishing may reach more readers than subscription access publishing. No evidence was found of a citation advantage for open access articles in the first year after publication. The citation advantage from open access reported widely in the literature may be an artefact of other causes. PMID:18669565
A Cooperative Downloading Method for VANET Using Distributed Fountain Code.
Liu, Jianhang; Zhang, Wenbin; Wang, Qi; Li, Shibao; Chen, Haihua; Cui, Xuerong; Sun, Yi
Cooperative downloading is one of the effective methods to improve the amount of downloaded data in vehicular ad hoc networking (VANET). However, the poor channel quality and short encounter time bring about a high packet loss rate, which decreases transmission efficiency and fails to satisfy the requirement of high quality of service (QoS) for some applications. Digital fountain code (DFC) can be utilized in the field of wireless communication to increase transmission efficiency. For cooperative forwarding, however, processing delay from frequent coding and decoding as well as single feedback mechanism using DFC cannot adapt to the environment of VANET. In this paper, a cooperative downloading method for VANET using concatenated DFC is proposed to solve the problems above. The source vehicle and cooperative vehicles encodes the raw data using hierarchical fountain code before they send to the client directly or indirectly. Although some packets may be lost, the client can recover the raw data, so long as it receives enough encoded packets. The method avoids data retransmission due to packet loss. Furthermore, the concatenated feedback mechanism in the method reduces the transmission delay effectively. Simulation results indicate the benefits of the proposed scheme in terms of increasing amount of downloaded data and data receiving rate.
Shuai, Xin; Pepe, Alberto; Bollen, Johan
We analyze the online response to the preprint publication of a cohort of 4,606 scientific articles submitted to the preprint database arXiv.org between October 2010 and May 2011. We study three forms of responses to these preprints: downloads on the arXiv.org site, mentions on the social media site Twitter, and early citations in the scholarly record. We perform two analyses. First, we analyze the delay and time span of article downloads and Twitter mentions following submission, to understand the temporal configuration of these reactions and whether one precedes or follows the other. Second, we run regression and correlation tests to investigate the relationship between Twitter mentions, arXiv downloads, and article citations. We find that Twitter mentions and arXiv downloads of scholarly articles follow two distinct temporal patterns of activity, with Twitter mentions having shorter delays and narrower time spans than arXiv downloads. We also find that the volume of Twitter mentions is statistically correlated with arXiv downloads and early citations just months after the publication of a preprint, with a possible bias that favors highly mentioned articles. PMID:23133597
Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET) Download Data Module
The CASTNET Download Data module allows users to select, view, and download CASTNET data (Raw, Aggregate, Modeled & Factual Data) based on user selections. CASTNET sites are located in or near rural areas and sensitive ecosystems collecting data on ambient levels of pollutants where urban influences are minimal. CASTNET, which was initiated in 1986, is able to provide data needed to assess and report on geographic patterns and long-term temporal trends in ambient air pollution and dry atmospheric deposition. CASTNET can also be used to track changes in measurements associated with climate change (such as temperature and precipitation).
Current Status of Cardiovascular Disease-Related Smartphone Apps Downloadable in China.
Xiao, Qian; Lu, Sai; Wang, Yanling; Sun, Liu; Wu, Ying
Smartphone apps present a great opportunity for the management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) as the adoption of apps becomes increasingly popular in China. Yet, little is known about the status of CVD-related Smartphone apps in the country. The aim of this study was to examine the current status of CVD-related smartphone apps available for download in China. Using CVD-related keywords written either in Chinese or English, the top 6 most popular smartphone app online stores in China were searched in September 2015. The information accountability of the selected apps was assessed with the Silberg scale. The key topic areas identified from the European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention served to determine information coverage of the top 5 downloaded apps. The average Silberg score of 151 apps was 2.87 (out of 9) with most apps not revealing authors' qualifications and information references. There was also a lack of sponsorship disclosure and information update. Moreover, none of the top 5 downloaded apps covered all key areas of CVD management as recommended by the European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention. There was little evidence of health professionals' involvement in the formation of the CVD-related apps. This study identified areas for improvement concerning information accountability and the scope of coverage of CVD-related apps downloadable in China. The findings may guide the future advancement of CVD-related apps and benefit CVD management in China.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Xiao-bo; Wang, Zhi-xue; Li, Jian-xin; Ma, Jian-hui; Li, Yang; Li, Yan-qiang
In order to facilitate Bluetooth function realization and information can be effectively tracked in the process of production, the vehicle Bluetooth hands-free devices need to download such key parameters as Bluetooth address, CVC license and base plate numbers, etc. Therefore, it is the aim to search simple and effective methods to download parameters for each vehicle Bluetooth hands-free device, and to control and record the use of parameters. In this paper, by means of Bluetooth Serial Peripheral Interface programmer device, the parallel port is switched to SPI. The first step is to download parameters is simulating SPI with the parallel port. To perform SPI function, operating the parallel port in accordance with the SPI timing. The next step is to achieve SPI data transceiver functions according to the programming parameters of options. Utilizing the new method, downloading parameters is fast and accurate. It fully meets vehicle Bluetooth hands-free devices production requirements. In the production line, it has played a large role.
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Video Download Help
a Windows Media Video (WMV) link and select "Save Target As..." from the shortcut menu. To player on the screen. You can also expand the video to play in full-screen mode using Windows Media played in Windows Media Player. Download Windows Media Player. To watch videos on a Mac, double-click the
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... OF CLASS II GAMES § 547.12 What are the minimum technical standards for downloading on a Class II... software, files, data, and prize schedules. (2) Downloads of software, games, prize schedules, or other... performed in a manner that will not affect game play. (5) Downloads shall not affect the integrity of...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... OF CLASS II GAMES § 547.12 What are the minimum technical standards for downloading on a Class II... software, files, data, and prize schedules. (2) Downloads of software, games, prize schedules, or other... performed in a manner that will not affect game play. (5) Downloads shall not affect the integrity of...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... OF CLASS II GAMES § 547.12 What are the minimum technical standards for downloading on a Class II... software, files, data, and prize schedules. (2) Downloads of software, games, prize schedules, or other... performed in a manner that will not affect game play. (5) Downloads shall not affect the integrity of...
The National Map: New Viewer, Services, and Data Download
Dollison, Robert M.
Managed by the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Geospatial Program, The National Map has transitioned data assets and viewer applications to a new visualization and product and service delivery environment, which includes an improved viewing platform, base map data and overlay services, and an integrated data download service. This new viewing solution expands upon the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) Palanterra X3 viewer, providing a solid technology foundation for navigation and basic Web mapping functionality. Building upon the NGA viewer allows The National Map to focus on improving data services, functions, and data download capabilities. Initially released to the public at the 125th anniversary of mapping in the USGS on December 3, 2009, the viewer and services are now the primary distribution point for The National Map data. The National Map Viewer: http://viewer.nationalmap.gov
Lehmann, Eldon D
AIDA is a free diabetes computer program that permits the interactive simulation of plasma insulin and blood glucose profiles for educational, demonstration, self-learning, and research purposes. To date over 70000 copies of the software have been downloaded from the AIDA Website, www.2aida.org. This column documents a survey of downloaders of the latest release of the program (AIDA v4.3a). The Internet-based survey methodology was confirmed to be robust and reliable. Over a 1-year period (from March 2001 to February 2002) in total 3864 responses were received. During the corresponding period some 8578 actual downloads of the software were independently logged via the same route at the AIDA Website, giving a response rate for this survey of 45%. Responses were received from participants in 66 countries - over half of these (n = 2,137; 55.3%) were from the United States and the United Kingdom. There were 2318 responses (60.0%) received from patients with diabetes and 443 (11.5%) from relatives of patients, with fewer responses from doctors, students, diabetes educators, nurses, pharmacists, and other end users. This study highlights considerable interest amongst patients and their relatives to learn more about balancing insulin and diet in diabetes, as well as possibly to get more involved in self-management of insulin dosages. More computer applications that can cater for this interest in diabetes patient self-care need to be developed and made available. The Internet provides an ideal medium for the distribution of such educational tools.
Tonia, Thomy; Van Oyen, Herman; Berger, Anke; Schindler, Christian; Künzli, Nino
We sought to investigate whether exposing scientific papers to social media (SM) has an effect on article downloads and citations. We randomized all International Journal of Public Health (IJPH) original articles published between December 2012 and December 2014 to SM exposure (blog post, Twitter and Facebook) or no exposure at three different time points after first online publication. 130 papers (SM exposure = 65, control = 65) were randomized. The number of downloads did not differ significantly between groups (p = 0.60) nor did the number of citations (p = 0.88). Adjusting for length of observation and paper's geographical origin did not change these results. There was no difference in the number of downloads and citations between the SM exposure and control group when we stratified for open access status. The number of downloads and number of citations were significantly correlated in both groups. SM exposure did not have a significant effect on traditional impact metrics, such as downloads and citations. However, other metrics may measure the added value that social media might offer to a scientific journal, such as wider dissemination.
Calculation of the rotor induced download on airfoils
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lee, C. S.
Interactions between the rotors and wing of a rotary wing aircraft in hover have a significant detrimental effect on its payload performance. The reduction of payload results from the wake of lifting rotors impinging on the wing, which is at 90 deg angle of attack in hover. This vertical drag, often referred as download, can be as large as 15 percent of the total rotor thrust in hover. The rotor wake is a three-dimensional, unsteady flow with concentrated tip vortices. With the rotor tip vortices impinging on the upper surface of the wing, the flow over the wing is not only three-dimensional and unsteady, but also separated from the leading and trailing edges. A simplified two-dimensional model was developed to demonstrate the stability of the methodology. The flow model combines a panel method to represent the rotor and the wing, and a vortex method to track the wing wake. A parametric study of the download on a 20 percent thick elliptical airfoil below a rotor disk of uniform inflow was performed. Comparisons with experimental data are made where the data are available. This approach is now being extended to three-dimensional flows. Preliminary results on a wing at 90 deg angle of attack in free stream is presented.
Brennan, Peter A; Habib, Ahmed
A large number of papers related to oral and maxillofacial surgery are published in many specialist journals. With the ever-increasing use of the internet it is easy to download them as part of a journal subscription on a fee per paper basis, or in some cases for free. Online access to the British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (BJOMS) is free to British Association (BAOMS) members with a $30 fee per paper download for non-members. Many colleagues use the online version of the journal, and this provides valuable information about downloading trends. Other data on articles that have been cited in subsequent publications are also readily available, and they form the basis for the calculation of a journal's impact factor. We evaluated the top 50 downloaded papers from the BJOMS website in 2010 to ascertain which articles were being read online. We also obtained data on the number of citations for papers published in 2009-2010 to see whether these papers were similar to the articles being downloaded. In 2010 there were over 360000 downloaded articles. The most popular papers were leading articles, reviews, and full length articles; only one short communication featured in the top 50 downloads. The papers most cited in subsequent publications were full length articles and leading articles or reviews, which represent 80% of the total citations of the 50 papers. Ten papers were in both the top 50 downloaded and most cited lists. We discuss the implications of this study for the journal and our readers. Copyright © 2011 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BP Spill Sampling and Monitoring Data April-September 2010 - Data Download Tool
This dataset analyzes waste from the the British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon Rig Explosion Emergency Response, providing opportunity to query data sets by metadata criteria and find resulting raw datasets in CSV format.The data query tool allows users to download air, water and sediment sampling and monitoring data that has been collected in response to the BP oil spill. All sampling and monitoring data that has been collected to date is available for download as raw structured data.The query tools enables CSV file creation to be refined based on the following search criteria: date range (between April 28, 2010 and 9/29/2010); location by zip, city, or county; media (solid waste, weathered oil, air, surface water, liquid waste, tar, sediment, water); substance categories (based on media selection) and substances (based on substance category selection).
Kudva, Indira T; Stasko, Judith A
Escherichia coli O157 (E. coli O157) has been isolated from bison retail meat, a fact that is important given that bison meat has been implicated in an E. coli O157-multistate outbreak. In addition, E. coli O157 has also been isolated from bison feces at slaughter and on farms. Cattle are well documented as E. coli O157 reservoirs, and the primary site of E. coli O157 persistence in such reservoirs is the rectoanal junction (RAJ), located at the distal end of the bovine gastrointestinal tract. Since bison and cattle share many genetic similarities manifested as common lineage, susceptibility to infection and the nature of immune responses to infectious agents, we decided to evaluate whether the RAJ of these animals were comparable both in terms of cellular architecture and as sites for adherence of E. coli O157. Specifically, we compared the histo-morphologies of the RAJ and evaluated the E. coli O157 adherence characteristics to the RAJ squamous epithelial (RSE) cells, from these two species. We found that the RAJ of both bison and cattle demonstrated similar distribution of epithelial cell markers villin, vimentin, cytokeratin, E-cadherin and N-cadherin. Interestingly, N-cadherin predominated in the stratified squamous epithelium reflecting its proliferative nature. E. coli O157 strains 86-24 SmR and EDL 933 adhered to RSE cells from both animals with similar diffuse and aggregative patterns, respectively. Our observations further support the fact that bison are likely 'wildlife' reservoirs for E. coli O157, harboring these bacteria in their gastrointestinal tract. Our results also extend the utility of the RSE-cell assay, previously developed to elucidate E. coli O157-cattle RAJ interactions, to studies in bison, which are warranted to determine whether these observations in vitro correlate with those occurring in vivo at the RAJ within the bison gastrointestinal tract.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kurtz, Michael J.; Henneken, Edwin A.
Citation measures, and newer altmetric measures such as downloads are now commonly used to inform personnel decisions. How well do or can these measures measure or predict the past, current, or future scholarly performance of an individual? Using data from the Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System we analyze the publication, citation, download, and distinction histories of a cohort of 922 individuals who received a U.S. PhD in astronomy in the period 1972-1976. By examining the same and different measures at the same and different times for the same individuals we are able to show the capabilities and limitations of each measure. Because the distributions are lognormal, measurement uncertainties are multiplicative; we show that in order to state with 95% confidence that one person's citations and downloads are significantly higher than another person's, the log difference in the ratio of counts must be at least 0.3dex, which corresponds to a multiplicative factor of 2.
Why are people downloading the freeware AIDA diabetes computing software program: a pilot study.
Lehmann, Eldon D
The purpose of this paper is to report a pilot survey about why people are downloading the AIDA interactive educational diabetes simulator. AIDA is a diabetes computer program that permits the interactive simulation of plasma insulin and blood glucose profiles for teaching, demonstration, and self-learning purposes. It has been made freely available, without charge, on the Internet as a noncommercial contribution to continuing diabetes education. Since its launch in 1996 well over 200,000 visits have been logged at the main AIDA Website--www.2aida.org--and over 40,000 copies of the AIDA program have been downloaded free-of-charge. This article documents a pilot survey of comments left by Website visitors while they were downloading the AIDA software, before they had a chance to actually use the program. The overall paradigm adopted for this study has endeavored to establish why people are resorting to the Internet to obtain diabetes information. Specific intended goals of the study were: (1) to demonstrate ongoing use of the World Wide Web for surveying diabetes software users by obtaining their free-text comments; (2) to identify what sort of things people were planning to do with the AIDA software simulator; and (3) to more generally gain some insight into why people are turning to the Web for healthcare-related information. The Internet-based survey methodology was found to be robust and reliable. Over an 8-month period (from February 2, 2001 to October 1, 2001) 642 responses were received. During the corresponding period 2,248 actual visits were made to the Website survey page--giving a response rate to this pilot study of 28.6%. Responses were received from participants in over 56 countries--although over half of these (n = 343; 53.4%) originated from the United States and United Kingdom. Two hundred forty-four responses (38.0%) were received from patients with diabetes, and 73 (11.4%) from relatives of patients, with fewer responses from doctors, students
Top of the charts: download versus citations in the International Journal of Cardiology.
Coats, Andrew J S
The medical literature is growing at an alarming rate. Research assessment exercises, research quality frameworks, league tables and the like have attempted to quantify the volume, quality and impact of research. Yet the established measures (such as citation rates) are being challenged by the sheer number of journals, variability in the "gold standard" of peer-review and the emergence of open-source or web-based journals. In the last few years, we have seen a growth in downloads to individual journal articles that now easily exceeds formal journal subscriptions. We have recorded the 10 top cited articles over a 12-month period and compared them to the 10 most popular articles being downloaded over the same time period. The citation-based listing included basic and applied, observational and interventional original research reports. For downloaded articles, which have shown a dramatic increase for the International Journal of Cardiology from 48,000 in 2002 to 120,000 in 2003 to 200,000 in 2004, the most popular articles over the same period are very different and are dominated by up-to-date reviews of either cutting-edge topics (such as the potential of stem cells) or of the management of rare or unusual conditions. There is no overlap between the two lists despite covering exactly the same 12-month period and using measures of peer esteem. Perhaps the time has come to look at the usage of articles rather than, or in addition to, their referencing.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jordon, D. E.; Patterson, W.; Sandlin, D. R.
The XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft download phenomenon was analyzed. This phenomenon is a direct result of the two rotor wakes impinging on the wing upper surface when the aircraft is in the hover configuration. For this study the analysis proceeded along tow lines. First was a method whereby results from actual hover tests of the XV-15 aircraft were combined with drag coefficient results from wind tunnel tests of a wing that was representative of the aircraft wing. Second, an analytical method was used that modeled that airflow caused gy the two rotors. Formulas were developed in such a way that acomputer program could be used to calculate the axial velocities were then used in conjunction with the aforementioned wind tunnel drag coefficinet results to produce download values. An attempt was made to validate the analytical results by modeling a model rotor system for which direct download values were determinrd..
``The Legal Bit's in Russian'': Making Sense of Downloaded Music
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kibby, Marjorie D.
Peer-to-peer sharing of music files grew in the face of consumer dissatisfaction with the compact disc and the absence of any real alternative. Many users were more or less “forced” to turn to illegal file sharing to access single tracks, back catalogues, and niche genres. Recently the almost simultaneous arrival of broadband internet and the iPod has seen music downloading become a respectable activity and a multi-billion dollar industry.
Supporting Business Students' Transition into Higher Education: The Case of Marketing Downloads
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Anderson, Deborah; Wason, Hilary; Southall, Jane
This paper discusses a student-centred learning and teaching approach, "Marketing Downloads", designed to support students in transition into Higher Education. The move from secondary to tertiary education can be stressful for students and it impacts on their academic performance, their social life and general sense of well-being.…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tsuboi, Seiji; Horikawa, Hiroki; Takaesu, Morifumi; Sueki, Kentaro; Araki, Eiichiro; Sonoda, Akira; Takahashi, Narumi
The Nankai Trough in southwest Japan is one of most active subduction zone in the world. Great mega-thrust earthquakes repeatedly occurred every 100 to 150 years in this area, it's anticipated to occur in the not distant future. For the purpose of elucidation of the history of mega-splay fault activity, the physical properties of the geological strata and the internal structure of the accretionary prism, and monitoring of diastrophism in this area, we have a plan, Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiments (NanTroSEIZE), as a part of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). We have a plan to install the borehole observation system in a few locations by the NanTroSEIZE. This system is called Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System, it consists of various sensors in the borehole such as a broadband seismometer, a tiltmeter, a strainmeter, geophones and accelerometer, thermometer array as well as pressure ports for pore-fluid pressure monitoring. The signal from sensors is transmitted to DONET (Dense Ocean-floor Network System for Earthquake and Tsunamis) in real time. During IODP Exp. 332 in December 2010, the first Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System was installed into the C0002 borehole site located 80 km off the Kii Peninsula, 1938 m water depth in the Nankai Trough. We have developed a web application system for data download, Long-Term Borehole Monitoring Data Site. Based on a term and sensors which user selected on this site, user can download monitoring waveform data (e.g. broadband seismometer data, accelerometer data, strainmeter data, tiltmeter data) in near real-time. This system can make the arbitrary data which user selected a term and sensors, and download it simply. Downloadable continuous data is provided in seed format, which includes sensor informations. In addition, before data download, user can check that data is abailable or not by data check function. In this presentation, we show our web application system and discuss our future plans for
Background Escherichia coli O157 (E. coli O157) has been isolated from bison retail meat, a fact that is important given that bison meat has been implicated in an E. coli O157-multistate outbreak. In addition, E. coli O157 has also been isolated from bison feces at slaughter and on farms. Cattle are well documented as E. coli O157 reservoirs, and the primary site of E. coli O157 persistence in such reservoirs is the rectoanal junction (RAJ), located at the distal end of the bovine gastrointestinal tract. Since bison and cattle share many genetic similarities manifested as common lineage, susceptibility to infection and the nature of immune responses to infectious agents, we decided to evaluate whether the RAJ of these animals were comparable both in terms of cellular architecture and as sites for adherence of E. coli O157. Specifically, we compared the histo-morphologies of the RAJ and evaluated the E. coli O157 adherence characteristics to the RAJ squamous epithelial (RSE) cells, from these two species. Results We found that the RAJ of both bison and cattle demonstrated similar distribution of epithelial cell markers villin, vimentin, cytokeratin, E-cadherin and N-cadherin. Interestingly, N-cadherin predominated in the stratified squamous epithelium reflecting its proliferative nature. E. coli O157 strains 86–24 SmR and EDL 933 adhered to RSE cells from both animals with similar diffuse and aggregative patterns, respectively. Conclusion Our observations further support the fact that bison are likely ‘wildlife’ reservoirs for E. coli O157, harboring these bacteria in their gastrointestinal tract. Our results also extend the utility of the RSE-cell assay, previously developed to elucidate E. coli O157-cattle RAJ interactions, to studies in bison, which are warranted to determine whether these observations in vitro correlate with those occurring in vivo at the RAJ within the bison gastrointestinal tract. PMID:24373611
Targeting Ligand-Dependent and Ligand-Independent Androgen Receptor Signaling in Prostate Cancer
Nat Commun 2013: 4:1923. PMID: 23715282. Centenera MM, Gillis JL, Hanson AR, Jindal S, Taylor RA, Risbridger GP, Sutherland PD, Scher HI, Raj GV...Risbridger GP, Sutherland PD, Scher HI, Raj GV, Knudsen KE, Yeadon T; Australian Prostate Cancer BioResource, Tilley WD, Butler LM. Evidence for
Wing Download Results from a Test of a 0.658-Scale V-22 Rotor and Wing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Felker, Fort F.
A test of a 0.658-scale V-22 rotor and wing was conducted in the 40 x 80 Foot Wind Tunnel at Ames Research Center. One of the principal objectives of the test was to measure the wing download in hover for a variety of test configurations. The wing download and surface pressures were measured for a wide range of thrust coefficients, with five different flap angles, two nacelle angles, and both directions or rotor rotation. This paper presents these results, and describes a new method for interpreting wing surface pressure data in hover. This method shows that the wing flap can produce substantial lift loads in hover.
Escherichia coli O157:H7 and rectoanal junction cell interactome
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Introduction. Cattle are the primary E. coli O157 (O157) reservoir and principal source of human infection. The anatomical site of O157 persistence is the bovine recto-anal (RAJ) junction; hence, an in-depth understanding of O157-RAJ interactions will help develop novel modalities to limit O157 in c...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Horikawa, H.; Takaesu, M.; Sueki, K.; Araki, E.; Sonoda, A.; Takahashi, N.; Tsuboi, S.
The Nankai Trough in southwest Japan is one of most active subduction zone in the world. Great mega-thrust earthquakes repeatedly occurred every 100 to 150 years in this area, it's anticipated to occur in the not distant future. For the purpose of elucidation of the history of mega-splay fault activity, the physical properties of the geological strata and the internal structure of the accretionary prism, and monitoring of diastrophism in this area, we have a plan, Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiments (NanTroSEIZE), as a part of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP).We have a plan to install the borehole observation system in a few locations by the NanTroSEIZE. This system is called Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System, it consists of various sensors in the borehole such as a broadband seismometer, a tiltmeter, a strainmeter, geophones and accelerometer, thermometer array as well as pressure ports for pore-fluid pressure monitoring. The signal from sensors is transmitted to DONET (Dense Ocean-floor Network System for Earthquake and Tsunamis) in real-time. During IODP Exp. 332 in December 2010, the first Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System was installed into the C0002 borehole site located 80 km off the Kii Peninsula, 1938 m water depth in the Nankai Trough.We have developed a web application system for data download, Long-Term Borehole Monitoring Data Site (*1). Based on a term and sensors which user selected on this site, user can download monitoring waveform data (e.g. broadband seismometer data, accelerometer data, strainmeter data, tiltmeter data) in near real-time. This system can make the arbitrary data which user selected a term and sensors, and download it simply. Downloadable continuous data is provided in seed format, which includes sensor information. In addition, before data download, user can check that data is available or not by data check function.In this presentation, we briefly introduce NanTroSEIZE and then show our web
Case study of visualizing global user download patterns using Google Earth and NASA World Wind
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zong, Ziliang; Job, Joshua; Zhang, Xuesong; Nijim, Mais; Qin, Xiao
Geo-visualization is significantly changing the way we view spatial data and discover information. On the one hand, a large number of spatial data are generated every day. On the other hand, these data are not well utilized due to the lack of free and easily used data-visualization tools. This becomes even worse when most of the spatial data remains in the form of plain text such as log files. This paper describes a way of visualizing massive plain-text spatial data at no cost by utilizing Google Earth and NASA World Wind. We illustrate our methods by visualizing over 170,000 global download requests for satellite images maintained by the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Our visualization results identify the most popular satellite images around the world and discover the global user download patterns. The benefits of this research are: 1. assisting in improving the satellite image downloading services provided by USGS, and 2. providing a proxy for analyzing the "hot spot" areas of research. Most importantly, our methods demonstrate an easy way to geo-visualize massive textual spatial data, which is highly applicable to mining spatially referenced data and information on a wide variety of research domains (e.g., hydrology, agriculture, atmospheric science, natural hazard, and global climate change).
Hemophilia Treatments Have Come a Long Way
... Nisha Jain, M.D., chief of the Clinical Review Branch in FDA’s Office of Blood Research and Review. Hemophilia A occurs when people have low levels, ... Nisha Jain, M.D., chief of the Clinical Review Branch in FDA’s Office of Blood Research and ...
Madison, WI 53706 David Lamb Paramsothy Jayakumar Michael Letherwood U.S. Army TARDEC Warren, MI 48397 Abhinandan Jain Marco Quadrelli Jet Propulsion...PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) David Lamb; Paramsothy Jayakumar ; Mike Letherwood; Dan Negrut; Abhinandan Jain 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK
Kirsch, Thomas D; Circh, Ryan; Bissell, Richard A; Goldfeder, Matthew
Personal preparedness is a core activity but has been found to be frequently inadequate. Smart phone applications have many uses for the public, including preparedness. In 2012 the American Red Cross began releasing "disaster" apps for family preparedness and recovery. The Hurricane App was widely used during Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Patterns of download of the application were analyzed by using a download tracking tool by the American Red Cross and Google Analytics. Specific variables included date, time, and location of individual downloads; number of page visits and views; and average time spent on pages. As Hurricane Sandy approached in late October, daily downloads peaked at 152,258 on the day of landfall and by mid-November reached 697,585. Total page views began increasing on October 25 with over 4,000,000 page views during landfall compared to 3.7 million the first 3 weeks of October with a 43,980% increase in views of the "Right Before" page and a 76,275% increase in views of the "During" page. The Hurricane App offered a new type of "just-in-time" training that reached tens of thousands of families in areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. The app allowed these families to access real-time information before and after the storm to help them prepare and recover. (Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2016;page 1 of 6).
EPA Facilities and Regional Boundaries Download Package, US, 2012, US EPA, SEGS
This downloadable package contains the following layers: EPA facility points, EPA region boundary polygons and EPA region boundary polygons extended to the 200nm Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Included in this package are a file geodatabase (v. 10.0), Esri ArcMap map document (v. 10.0) and XML files for this record and the layer level metadata. This SEGS dataset was produced by EPA Office of Environmental Information (OEI).
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Planetary candidates from 1st yr K2 mission (Vanderburg+, 2016)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vanderburg, A.; Latham, D. W.; Buchhave, L. A.; Bieryla, A.; Berlind, P.; Calkins, M. L.; Esquerdo, G. A.; Welsh, S.; Johnson, J. A.
During Campaign 0, K2 observed a field centered at RAJ2000=06:33:11.14,DEJ2000=+21:35:16.40, for a period of 80 days between March and May of 2014. During Campaign 1, K2 observed a field centered at RAJ2000=11:35:45.51,DEJ2000=+01:25:02.28 for 83 days between June and August of 2014. Field 2 of the K2 mission is centered at RAJ2000=16:24:30.34,DEJ2000=-22:26:50.28, and was observed for 79 days between 2014 August and November. Field 3 of the K2 mission is centered at RAJ2000=22:26:39.68,DEJ2000=-11:05:47.99, and was observed for 69 days between 2014 November and 2015 February. We observed 68 stars with the high-resolution Tillinghast Reflector Echelle Spectrograph (TRES; on the 1.5m telescope at Fred L. Whipple Observatory (FLWO) on Mt. Hopkins, Arizona; R=44000) at least once, collecting a total of 101 spectra, and extracted the spectra using the procedure described in Buchhave et al. (2010, J/ApJ/720/1118). See tables 3 and 4. (4 data files).
Draghici, Sorin; Tarca, Adi L; Yu, Longfei; Ethier, Stephen; Romero, Roberto
The BioArray Software Environment (BASE) is a very popular MIAME-compliant, web-based microarray data repository. However in BASE, like in most other microarray data repositories, the experiment annotation and raw data uploading can be very timeconsuming, especially for large microarray experiments. We developed KUTE (Karmanos Universal daTabase for microarray Experiments), as a plug-in for BASE 2.0 that addresses these issues. KUTE provides an automatic experiment annotation feature and a completely redesigned data work-flow that dramatically reduce the human-computer interaction time. For instance, in BASE 2.0 a typical Affymetrix experiment involving 100 arrays required 4 h 30 min of user interaction time forexperiment annotation, and 45 min for data upload/download. In contrast, for the same experiment, KUTE required only 28 min of user interaction time for experiment annotation, and 3.3 min for data upload/download. http://vortex.cs.wayne.edu/kute/index.html.
Hypobaric Hypoxia (380 Torr) Decreases Intracellular and Total Body Water in Goats
109-111, 1989. 16. Jain, S.C., J. Bardhan , Y.V. Swamy, B. Krishna, and H.S. Nayar. Body fluid compartments in humans during acute high- altitude...exposure. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 51:234-236, 1980. 17. Jain, S.C., J. Bardhan , Y.V. Swamy, A. Grover, and H.S. Nayar. Body water metabolism in high
Flowfield And Download Measurements And Computation of a Tiltrotor Aircraft In Hover
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Brand, Albert G.; Peryea, Martin A.; Wood, Tom L.; Meakin, Robert L.
A multipart study of the V-22 hover flowfield was conducted. Testing involved a 0.15-scale semispan model with multiple independent force balance systems. The velocity flowfield surrounding the airframe was measured using a robotic positioning system and anemometer. Both time averaged and cycle-averaged results are reported. It is shown that the fuselage download in hover can be significantly reduced using a small download reduction device. Measurements indicate that the success of the device is attributed to the substantial elimination of tiltrotor fountain flow. As part of.the study, an unsteady CFD prediction is time-averaged, and shown to have excellent agreement in predicting the baseline configuration fountain flow. Some discrepancies at the outboard edge of the rotor are discussed. An &&sessment of an advanced tip shape rotor comp"'Ietes the study. Derived from a nonrotating study, the advanced tip shape rotor was developed and tested on the Bell 0.15 scale semi-span V-22 model. The tip shape was intended to diffuse the tip vortex and reduce BVI noise. Rotor wake vorticity is extracted from the measured velocity dam to show that the advanced tip shape produces a tip vortex that is only slightly more diffuse than the baseline tip blade. The results indicate that nonrotating tests may overpredict the amount of tip vortex diffusion achieved by tip shape design in a rotating environment.
Hart, Laura M; Jorm, Anthony F; Paxton, Susan J; Cvetkovski, Stefan
Mental health first aid guidelines provide the public with consensus-based information about how to assist someone who is developing a mental illness or experiencing a mental health crisis. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the usefulness and impact of the guidelines on web users who download them. Web users who downloaded the documents were invited to respond to an initial demographic questionnaire, then a follow up about how the documents had been used, their perceived usefulness, whether first-aid situations had been encountered and if these were influenced by the documents. Over 9.8 months, 706 web users responded to the initial questionnaire and 154 responded to the second. A majority reported downloading the document because their job involved contact with people with mental illness. Sixty-three web users reported providing first aid, 44 of whom reported that the person they were assisting had sought professional care as a result of their suggestion. Twenty-three web users reported seeking care themselves. A majority of those who provided first aid reported feeling that they had been successful in helping the person, that they had been able to assist in a way that was more knowledgeable, skilful and supportive, and that the guidelines had contributed to these outcomes. Information made freely available on the Internet, about how to provide mental health first aid to someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis, is associated with more positive, empathic and successful helping behaviours. © 2012 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
Mansell, Stephanie K; Cutts, Steven; Hackney, Isobel; Wood, Martin J; Hawksworth, Kevin; Creer, Dean D; Kilbride, Cherry; Mandal, Swapna
Introduction Ventilation parameter data from patients receiving home mechanical ventilation can be collected via secure data cards and modem technology. This can then be reviewed by clinicians and ventilator prescriptions adjusted. Typically available measures include tidal volume (VT), leak, respiratory rate, minute ventilation, patient triggered breaths, achieved pressures and patient compliance. This study aimed to assess the potential impact of ventilator data downloads on management of patients requiring home non-invasive ventilation (NIV). Methods A longitudinal within-group design with repeated measurements was used. Baseline ventilator data were downloaded, reviewed and adjustments made to optimise ventilation. Leak, VT and compliance data were collected for comparison at the first review and 3–7 weeks later. Ventilator data were monitored and amended remotely via a modem by a consultant physiotherapist between the first review and second appointment. Results Analysis of data from 52 patients showed increased patient compliance (% days used >4 hours) from 90% to 96% (p=0.007), increased usage from 6.53 to 6.94 hours (p=0.211) and a change in VT(9.4 vs 8.7 mL/kg/ideal body weight, p=0.022). There was no change in leak following review of NIV prescriptions (mean (SD): 43 (23.4) L/min vs 45 (19.9)L/min, p=0.272). Conclusion Ventilator data downloads, via early remote assessment, can help optimise patient ventilation through identification of modifiable factors, in particular interface leak and ventilator prescriptions. However, a prospective study is required to assess whether using ventilator data downloads provides value in terms of patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness. The presented data will help to inform the design of such a study. PMID:29531743
Connectomic Reconstruction of the Inner Plexiform Layer in the Mouse Retina
PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 611103 6.AUTHORS Sd. PROJECT NUMBER Moritz Helmstaedter, Kevin L. Briggman, Srinivas C . Tw-aga, Viren Jain, H. Sebastian...LIMITATION OF a. REPORT b . ABSTRACT c . THIS PAGE ABSTRACT uu uu uu uu Models, Biological* New-opillphysiology 1S . NUMBER OF PAGES .. 19a. NAME...mouse retina Moritz Helmstaedter1{, Kevin L. Briggman1{, Srinivas C . Turaga2{, Viren Jain2{, H. Sebastian Seung2 & Winfried Denk1 Comprehensivehigh
A Role for Epigenetic Mechanisms in Organ-Specific Breast Cancer Metastasis
of origin. The neovasculature of tumors is typically leaky (Carmeliet and Jain, 2000; Rafii et al., 2003), a feature that would facilitate not only...and therapy selection in esophageal cancer. Cancer Cell 13, 441- 453. Rafii , S., Avecilla, S.T., and Jin, D.K. (2003). Tumor vasculature address book...origin. The neovasculature of tumors is typically leaky (Carmeliet and Jain, 2000; Rafii et al., 2003), a feature that would facilitate not only the
Basics in advanced life support: a role for download audit and metronomes.
Fletcher, David; Galloway, Robert; Chamberlain, Douglas; Pateman, Jane; Bryant, Geoffrey; Newcombe, Robert G
An intention in 2003 to undertake a multicentre trial in the United Kingdom of compressions before and after defibrillation could not be realized because of concerns at the time in relation to informed consent. Instead, the new protocol was introduced in one ambulance service, ahead of the 2005 Guidelines, with greater emphasis on compressions. The results were monitored by analysis of electronic ECG downloads. Deficiencies in the standard of basic life support were identified but were not unique to our service. The introduction of metronomes and the provision of feedback to crews led to major improvements in performance. Our experience has implications for the emergency pre-hospital care of cardiac arrest.
Lehmann, Eldon D
AIDA is a diabetes-computing program freely available at www.2aida.org on the Web. The software is intended to serve as an educational support tool and can be used by anyone who has an interest in diabetes, whether they be patients, relatives, health-care professionals, or students. In previous "Diabetes Information Technology & WebWatch" columns various indicators of usage of the AIDA program have been reviewed, and various comments from users of the software have been documented. The purpose of this column is to overview a proof-of-concept semi-automated analysis about why people are downloading the latest version of the AIDA educational diabetes program. AIDA permits the interactive simulation of plasma insulin and blood glucose profiles for teaching, demonstration, self-learning, and research purposes. It has been made freely available, without charge, on the Internet as a noncommercial contribution to continuing diabetes education. Since its launch in 1996 over 300,000 visits have been logged at the main AIDA Website-www.2aida.org-and over 60,000 copies of the AIDA program have been downloaded free-of-charge. This column documents the results of a semi-automated analysis of comments left by Website visitors while they were downloading the AIDA software, before they had a chance to use the program. The Internet-based survey methodology and semi-automated analysis were both found to be robust and reliable. Over a 5-month period (from October 3, 2001 to February 28, 2002) 400 responses were received. During the corresponding period 1,770 actual visits were made to the Website survey page-giving a response rate to this proof-of-concept study of 22.6%. Responses were received from participants in over 54 countries-with nearly half of these (n = 194; 48.5%) originating from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada; 208 responses (52.0%) were received from patients with diabetes, 50 (12.5%) from doctors, 49 (12.3%) from relatives of patients, with fewer
Beasts, Murrains, and the British Raj:
Mishra, Saurabh
Summary Assessments of colonial medicine in India have, until now, focused almost exclusively on questions related to human health. This article shifts attention to the subject of animal health and reexamines existing hypotheses about colonial medicine in India from this new perspective. It looks at the linkages between veterinary medicine and the military and fiscal policies of the colonial state, arguing that animal health in the larger colony remained neglected throughout the late nineteenth century as a result of these policies. In arguing this, the essay examines several areas related to veterinary medicine in India, including bacteriology, veterinary training, horse breeding, and disease control. PMID:22506434
An Organizational Effectiveness Officer Tackles a Management Job: A follow-Up OE Case Study
time, the COPPER "users manual " had not been updated to reflect the current methods and procedures of the PPSD. RAJ Johnson felt that documentation of...Users’ Manual , now known as PPSD Users’ Manual , to document every action and show document ilow with a flow chart. Also prior to implementing the change...comments is a document to work from. I’ll use it from my level, but let’s push it down in the organizacion ." When interviewed in December, RAJ Johnson was
PubMed Informer: Monitoring MEDLINE/PubMed through E-mail Alerts, SMS, PDA downloads and RSS feeds
Muin, Michael; Fontelo, Paul; Ackerman, Michael
Summary PubMed Informer is a Web-based monitoring tool for topics of interest from MEDLINE/PubMed primarily designed for healthcare professionals. Five tracking methods are available: Web access, e-mail, Short Message Service (SMS), PDA downloads and RSS feeds. PubMed Informer delivers focused search updates and specific information to users with varying information-seeking practices. PMID:16779344
EPA Facility Registry Service (FRS): Facility Interests Dataset Download
This downloadable data package consists of location and facility identification information from EPA's Facility Registry Service (FRS) for all sites that are available in the FRS individual feature layers. The layers comprise the FRS major program databases, including:Assessment Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) : brownfields sites ; Air Facility System (AFS) : stationary sources of air pollution ; Air Quality System (AQS) : ambient air pollution data from monitoring stations; Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) : schools data on Indian land; Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) facilities; Clean Air Markets Division Business System (CAMDBS) : market-based air pollution control programs; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) : hazardous waste sites; Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) : integrated enforcement and compliance information; National Compliance Database (NCDB) : Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) module of ICIS : NPDES surface water permits; Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) : radiation and radioactivity facilities; RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC) : best available air pollution technology requirements; Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo) : tracks generators, transporters, treaters, storers, and disposers
Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease, Metabolic Syndrome and Sleepiness in Truck Drivers.
Mansur, Antonio de Padua; Rocha, Marcos Abs; Leyton, Vilma; Takada, Julio Yashio; Avakian, Solange Desirée; Santos, Alexandre J; Novo, Gisele C; Nascimento, Arledson Lima; Muñoz, Daniel Romero; Rohlfs, Waldo J C
Truck driver sleepiness is a primary cause of vehicle accidents. Several causes are associated with sleepiness in truck drivers. Obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) are associated with sleep disorders and with primary risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). We analyzed the relationship between these conditions and prevalence of sleepiness in truck drivers. We analyzed the major risk factors for CVD, anthropometric data and sleep disorders in 2228 male truck drivers from 148 road stops made by the Federal Highway Police from 2006 to 2011. Alcohol consumption, illicit drugs and overtime working hours were also analyzed. Sleepiness was assessed using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Mean age was 43.1 ± 10.8 years. From 2006 to 2011, an increase in neck (p = 0.011) and abdominal circumference (p < 0.001), total cholesterol (p < 0.001), triglyceride plasma levels (p = 0.014), and sleepiness was observed (p < 0.001). In addition, a reduction in hypertension (39.6% to 25.9%, p < 0.001), alcohol consumption (32% to 23%, p = 0.033) and overtime hours (52.2% to 42.8%, p < 0.001) was found. Linear regression analysis showed that sleepiness correlated closely with body mass index (β = 0.19, Raj2 = 0.659, p = 0.031), abdominal circumference (β = 0.24, Raj2 = 0.826, p = 0.021), hypertension (β = -0.62, Raj2 = 0.901, p = 0.002), and triglycerides (β = 0.34, Raj2 = 0.936, p = 0.022). Linear multiple regression indicated that hypertension (p = 0.008) and abdominal circumference (p = 0.025) are independent variables for sleepiness. Increased prevalence of sleepiness was associated with major components of the MetS.
EPA Facility Registry Service (FRS): Facility Interests Dataset - Intranet Download
This downloadable data package consists of location and facility identification information from EPA's Facility Registry Service (FRS) for all sites that are available in the FRS individual feature layers. The layers comprise the FRS major program databases, including:Assessment Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) : brownfields sites ; Air Facility System (AFS) : stationary sources of air pollution ; Air Quality System (AQS) : ambient air pollution data from monitoring stations; Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) : schools data on Indian land; Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) facilities; Clean Air Markets Division Business System (CAMDBS) : market-based air pollution control programs; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) : hazardous waste sites; Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) : integrated enforcement and compliance information; National Compliance Database (NCDB) : Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) module of ICIS : NPDES surface water permits; Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) : radiation and radioactivity facilities; RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC) : best available air pollution technology requirements; Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo) : tracks generators, transporters, treaters, storers, and disposers
A Downloadable Three-Dimensional Virtual Model of the Visible Ear
Wang, Haobing; Merchant, Saumil N.; Sorensen, Mads S.
Purpose To develop a three-dimensional (3-D) virtual model of a human temporal bone and surrounding structures. Methods A fresh-frozen human temporal bone was serially sectioned and digital images of the surface of the tissue block were recorded (the ‘Visible Ear’). The image stack was resampled at a final resolution of 50 × 50 × 50/100 µm/voxel, registered in custom software and segmented in PhotoShop® 7.0. The segmented image layers were imported into Amira® 3.1 to generate smooth polygonal surface models. Results The 3-D virtual model presents the structures of the middle, inner and outer ears in their surgically relevant surroundings. It is packaged within a cross-platform freeware, which allows for full rotation, visibility and transparency control, as well as the ability to slice the 3-D model open at any section. The appropriate raw image can be superimposed on the cleavage plane. The model can be downloaded at https://research.meei.harvard.edu/Otopathology/3dmodels/ PMID:17124433
Use of Deception to Improve Client Honeypot Detection of Drive-by-Download Attacks
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Popovsky, Barbara; Narvaez Suarez, Julia F.; Seifert, Christian
This paper presents the application of deception theory to improve the success of client honeypots at detecting malicious web page attacks from infected servers programmed by online criminals to launch drive-by-download attacks. The design of honeypots faces three main challenges: deception, how to design honeypots that seem real systems; counter-deception, techniques used to identify honeypots and hence defeating their deceiving nature; and counter counter-deception, how to design honeypots that deceive attackers. The authors propose the application of a deception model known as the deception planning loop to identify the current status on honeypot research, development and deployment. The analysis leadsmore » to a proposal to formulate a landscape of the honeypot research and planning of steps ahead.« less
The US EPA Estuary Data Mapper (EDM; http://badger.epa.gov/rsig/edm/index.html) has been designed as a free stand-alone tool for geospatial data discovery, visualization, and data download for estuaries and their associated watersheds in the conterminous United States. EDM requi...
Iskander, John; Bang, Gail; Stupp, Emma; Connick, Kathy; Gomez, Onnalee; Gidudu, Jane
To describe scientific information usage and publication patterns of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Library and Information Center patrons. Administratively collected patron usage data and aggregate data on CDC-authored publications from the CDC Library for 3 consecutive years were analyzed. The CDC Public Health Library and Information Center, which serves CDC employees nationally and internationally. Internal patrons and external users of the CDC Library. Three-year trends in full-text article publication and downloads including most common journals used for each purpose, systematic literature searches requested and completed, and subscriptions to a weekly public health current literature awareness service. From 2011 to 2013, CDC scientists published a total of 7718 articles in the peer-reviewed literature. During the same period, article downloads from the CDC Library increased 25% to more than 1.1 million, completed requests for reviews of the scientific literature increased by 34%, and electronic subscriptions to literature compilation services increased by 23%. CDC's scientific output and information use via the CDC Library are both increasing. Researchers and field staff are making greater use of literature review services and other customized information content delivery. Virtual public health library access is an increasingly important resource for the scientific practice of public health.
Wang, Ou; McAllister, Tim A; Plastow, Graham; Stanford, Kim; Selinger, Brent; Guan, Le Luo
Cattle are the primary carrier of Escherichia coli O157:H7, a foodborne human pathogen, and those shedding >10 4 CFU/gram of feces of E. coli O157:H7 are defined as supershedders (SS). This study investigated the rectoanal junction (RAJ) mucosa-associated microbiota and its relationship with host gene expression in SS and in cattle from which E. coli O157:H7 was not detected (nonshedders [NS]), aiming to elucidate the mechanisms involved in supershedding. In total, 14 phyla, 66 families, and 101 genera of RAJ mucosa-associated bacteria were identified and Firmicutes (61.5 ± 7.5%), Bacteroidetes (27.9 ± 6.4%), and Proteobacteria (5.5 ± 2.1%) were the predominant phyla. Differential abundance analysis of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) identified 2 OTUs unique to SS which were members of Bacteroides and Clostridium and 7 OTUs unique to NS which were members of Coprococcus , Prevotella , Clostridium , and Paludibacter Differential abundance analysis of predicted microbial functions (using PICRUSt [phylogenetic investigation of communities by reconstruction of unobserved states]) revealed that 3 pathways had higher abundance (log 2 fold change, 0.10 to 0.23) whereas 12 pathways had lower abundance (log 2 fold change, -0.36 to -0.20) in SS. In addition, we identified significant correlations between expression of 19 differentially expressed genes and the relative abundance of predicted microbial functions, including nucleic acid polymerization and carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism. Our findings suggest that differences in RAJ microbiota at both the compositional and functional levels may be associated with E. coli O157:H7 supershedding and that certain microbial groups and microbial functions may influence RAJ physiology of SS by affecting host gene expression. IMPORTANCE Cattle with fecal E. coli O157:H7 at >10 4 CFU per gram of feces have been defined as the supershedders, and they are responsible for the most of the E. coli O157:H7 spread into farm
The US EPA Estuary Data Mapper (EDM; http://badger.epa.gov/rsig/edm/index.html) has been designed as a free stand-alone tool for geospatial data discovery, visualization, and data download for estuaries and their associated watersheds in the conterminous United States. EDM requi...
Whitfield, Richard; Colquhoun, Michael; Chamberlain, Douglas; Newcombe, Robert; Davies, C Siân; Boyle, Roger
From April 2000 to November 2002, the Department of Health (England) placed 681 automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in 110 public places for use by volunteer lay first responders. An audit has been undertaken of the first 250 deployments, of which 182 were for confirmed cardiac arrest. Of these, 177 were witnessed whilst 5 occurred in situations that were remote or initially inaccessible to the responders. The response interval between collapse and the initiation of CPR or AED placement was estimated to be 3-5 min in most cases. Ventricular fibrillation or rapid ventricular tachycardia (one case) was the first recorded rhythm in 146 cases (82%). In all, 44 of the 177 witnessed cases are known to have survived to hospital discharge (25%). Complete downloads are available for 173 witnessed cases and of these 140 were shocked: first-shock success, defined as termination of the fibrillatory waveform for 5 s or more, was achieved in 132 of them. When data quality permitted, the downloads were analysed with special reference to the numbers of compressions given and also to interruptions in compression sequences for ventilations, for rhythm analysis by the AED, for clinical checks, and for unexplained operator delays. The average rate of compressions during sequences was 120 min(-1), but because of interruptions, the actual number administered over a full minute from the first CPR prompt was a median of only 38. The speed of response by the lay first responders in relation to AED use was similar to that reported for healthcare professionals.
The Clustering of Galaxies and Dark Matter at Intermediate Redshifts
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jain, Bhuvnesh; Szalay, Alexander
Theoretical work in the study of weak lensing was begun while the Scientific PI (Jain) was at the Johns Hopkins University. A new postdoctoral fellow, Rita Kim, was hired to work for 0.5 years on the proposed research. She was unable to join JHU until March 2001 owing to delays in her PhD work. Meanwhile PI Jain moved to the University of Pennsylvania in January 2001. Owing to the above circumstances, the work for the proposed research was delayed and was expected to be carried out in the remainder of 2001. New measures of lensing based on the magnification effect were to be investigated by Drs. Jain and Kim. The simulations needed to test the analytical computations were already in place; hence the work was expected to proceed fairly rapidly. Owing to the close proximity of JHU and UPenn, the collaborative work was expected to proceed smoothly. It was requested therefore that the funds for the first grant year (2000-2001) be transferred to the second year. Part of the funding was spent at JHU on the salary for the Postdoctoral Fellow, Rita Kim, and the remainder at the University of Pennsylvania. The work from this grant is incomplete and will be continued under another grant.
Hansen, Marco Bo; Lippert, Freddy Knudsen; Rasmussen, Lars Simon; Nielsen, Anne Møller
Valuable information can be retrieved from automated external defibrillators (AEDs) used in victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). We describe our experience with systematic downloading of data from deployed AEDs. The primary aim was to compare the proportion of shockable rhythm from AEDs used by laypersons with the corresponding proportion recorded by the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) on arrival. In a 20-month study, we collected data on OHCAs in the Capital Region of Denmark where an AED was deployed prior to arrival of EMS. The AEDs were brought to the emergency medical dispatch centre for data downloading and rhythm analysis. Patient data were retrieved from the medical records from the admitting hospital, whereas data on EMS rhythm analyses were obtained from the Danish Cardiac Arrest Register between 2001 and 2010. A total of 121 AEDs were deployed, of which 91 cases were OHCAs with presumed cardiac origin. The prevalence of initial shockable rhythm was 55.0% (95% CI [44.7-64.8%]). This was significantly greater than the proportion recorded by the EMS (27.6%, 95% CI [27.0-28.3%], p<0.0001). Shockable arrests were significantly more likely to be witnessed (92% vs. 34%, p<0.0001) and the bystander CPR rate was higher (98% vs. 85%, p=0.04). More patients with initial shockable rhythm achieved return of spontaneous circulation upon hospital arrival (88% vs. 7%, p<0.0001) and had higher 30-day survival rate (72% vs. 5%, p<0.0001). AEDs used by laypersons revealed a higher proportion of shockable rhythms compared to the EMS rhythm analyses. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.. All rights reserved.
Carbone, Ignazio; White, James B; Miadlikowska, Jolanta; Arnold, A Elizabeth; Miller, Mark A; Kauff, Frank; U'Ren, Jana M; May, Georgiana; Lutzoni, François
High-quality phylogenetic placement of sequence data has the potential to greatly accelerate studies of the diversity, systematics, ecology and functional biology of diverse groups. We developed the Tree-Based Alignment Selector (T-BAS) toolkit to allow evolutionary placement and visualization of diverse DNA sequences representing unknown taxa within a robust phylogenetic context, and to permit the downloading of highly curated, single- and multi-locus alignments for specific clades. In its initial form, T-BAS v1.0 uses a core phylogeny of 979 taxa (including 23 outgroup taxa, as well as 61 orders, 175 families and 496 genera) representing all 13 classes of largest subphylum of Fungi-Pezizomycotina (Ascomycota)-based on sequence alignments for six loci (nr5.8S, nrLSU, nrSSU, mtSSU, RPB1, RPB2 ). T-BAS v1.0 has three main uses: (i) Users may download alignments and voucher tables for members of the Pezizomycotina directly from the reference tree, facilitating systematics studies of focal clades. (ii) Users may upload sequence files with reads representing unknown taxa and place these on the phylogeny using either BLAST or phylogeny-based approaches, and then use the displayed tree to select reference taxa to include when downloading alignments. The placement of unknowns can be performed for large numbers of Sanger sequences obtained from fungal cultures and for alignable, short reads of environmental amplicons. (iii) User-customizable metadata can be visualized on the tree. T-BAS Version 1.0 is available online at http://tbas.hpc.ncsu.edu . Registration is required to access the CIPRES Science Gateway and NSF XSEDE's large computational resources. icarbon@ncsu.edu. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
O'Brien, M.H.; Coon, D.M.
Time-dependent failure at elevated temperatures currently governs the service life of oxynitride glass-joined silicon nitride. Creep, devitrification, stress- aided oxidation-controlled slow crack growth, and viscous cabitation-controlled failure are examined as possible controlling mechanisms. Creep deformation failure is observed above 1000{degrees}C. Fractographic evidence indicates cavity formation and growth below 1000{degrees}C. Auger electron spectroscopy verified that the oxidation rate of the joining glass is governed by the oxygen supply rate. Time-to-failure data and those predicted using the Tsai and Raj, and Raj and Dang viscous cavitation models. It is concluded that viscous relaxation and isolated cavity growth control the rate of failuremore » in oxynitride glass-filled silicon nitride joints below 1000{degrees}C. Several possible methods are also proposed for increasing the service lives of these joints.« less
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
..., UNITED ARAB EMIRATES; and Jain Technology Co., Ltd., Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, have been added as parties to this venture. Also, Office FA.com Co., Ltd., Tochigi, JAPAN; and Salem Automation Inc., Winston...
Design and Implementation of High Interaction Client Honeypot for Drive-by-Download Attacks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Akiyama, Mitsuaki; Iwamura, Makoto; Kawakoya, Yuhei; Aoki, Kazufumi; Itoh, Mitsutaka
Nowadays, the number of web-browser targeted attacks that lead users to adversaries' web sites and exploit web browser vulnerabilities is increasing, and a clarification of their methods and countermeasures is urgently needed. In this paper, we introduce the design and implementation of a new client honeypot for drive-by-download attacks that has the capacity to detect and investigate a variety of malicious web sites. On the basis of the problems of existing client honeypots, we enumerate the requirements of a client honeypot: 1) detection accuracy and variety, 2) collection variety, 3) performance efficiency, and 4) safety and stability. We improve our system with regard to these requirements. The key features of our developed system are stepwise detection focusing on exploit phases, multiple crawler processing, tracking of malware distribution networks, and malware infection prevention. Our evaluation of our developed system in a laboratory experiment and field experiment indicated that its detection variety and crawling performance are higher than those of existing client honeypots. In addition, our system is able to collect information for countermeasures and is secure and stable for continuous operation. We conclude that our system can investigate malicious web sites comprehensively and support countermeasures.
Decentralization and Development: The Indian Balancing Act
Kerala Model’,” Working Paper 361, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 2004, 39-40. 146 Pranab Bardhan and Dilip Mookherjee...in Federal States.” World Politics 59 (2006): 1-36. Bardhan , Pranab, and Dilip Mookherjee. “Panchayati Raj and Poverty Alleviation in West Bengal
The Role of the Army in Infrastructure and Capacity Building
Issues Volume I: Theory of War and Strategy 3rd edition, ed. J. Boone Bartholomees, Jr. (Carlisle: USAWC Strategic Studies Institute, 2009), 145...efforts. 34 Raj M. Desai and Homi Kharas, Do Philanthropic Citizens Behave Like Governments? Internet-Based Platforms and the Diffusion of International
The Platform-Aware Compilation Environment (PACE)
The PACE Project provided full or partial support for the following graduate students: 1. Raj Barik (Rice) 2. Thomas Barr (Rice) 3...University, Houston, TX, Technical Report CS TR11-03, October 20, 2011. [7] Rajkishore Barik , Jisheng Zhao, and Vivek Sarkar, "Efficient Selection
Transformative politics: dimensions of women's participation in Panchayati Raj.
Sharma, K
This article explores how affirmative actions to increase the political representation of women in India have been translated into actual practice. The introduction defines the issue and notes that the struggle of Indian women involves a wide spectrum of issues and that, while there was scant controversy over the enactment of the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments that reserved a third of seats for women in local governing bodies, the 81st Constitutional Amendment, which attempted to do the same for the national governing bodies, has stalled. Next, the article reviews the debate on reservation that has occupied the women's movement for more than 70 years and notes that the 73rd Amendment led to increased debate on the possibilities, problems, and efficacy of quotas for women. The article continues by tracing the history of India's "little republics," or "panchayats," and by describing 1) women's participation in panchayats, 2) special problems encountered in the tribal areas, and 3) women's experiences after passage of the 73rd amendment. It is concluded that, since political power will remain meaningless until inequalities are resolved, the important question is whether affirmative action will bring about the required redistribution of power and resources. This article argues that the 73rd Amendment has precipitated important changes in the democratic process but that women must exceed the "numbers game" to achieve larger goals.
India - Gulf Cooperation Council Relations: Raj Version 2.0?
decrease its overreliance on Arabian Gulf oil and partner with U.S. firms to exploit fracking ( hydraulic fracturing) and other new technologies that will...does not display a currently valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 1. REPORT DATE (DD- MM -YYYY) xx-04-2013
LEO Download Capacity Analysis for a Network of Adaptive Array Ground Stations
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ingram, Mary Ann; Barott, William C.; Popovic, Zoya; Rondineau, Sebastien; Langley, John; Romanofsky, Robert; Lee, Richard Q.; Miranda, Felix; Steffes, Paul; Mandl, Dan
To lower costs and reduce latency, a network of adaptive array ground stations, distributed across the United States, is considered for the downlink of a polar-orbiting low earth orbiting (LEO) satellite. Assuming the X-band 105 Mbps transmitter of NASA s Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) satellite with a simple line-of-sight propagation model, the average daily download capacity in bits for a network of adaptive array ground stations is compared to that of a single 11 m dish in Poker Flats, Alaska. Each adaptive array ground station is assumed to have multiple steerable antennas, either mechanically steered dishes or phased arrays that are mechanically steered in azimuth and electronically steered in elevation. Phased array technologies that are being developed for this application are the space-fed lens (SFL) and the reflectarray. Optimization of the different boresight directions of the phased arrays within a ground station is shown to significantly increase capacity; for example, this optimization quadruples the capacity for a ground station with eight SFLs. Several networks comprising only two to three ground stations are shown to meet or exceed the capacity of the big dish, Cutting the data rate by half, which saves modem costs and increases the coverage area of each ground station, is shown to increase the average daily capacity of the network for some configurations.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Narayana, D.
This study analyses the impact of democratic decentralisation on the chances of socially excluded groups to participate in newly created local governance institutions--Panchayati Raj Institutions--in three Indian states. This institutional reform included a quota for the disadvantaged--women and lower castes--to ensure their effective…
Bender, Melinda S; Choi, JiWon; Arai, Shoshana; Paul, Steven M; Gonzalez, Prisila; Fukuoka, Yoshimi
Interventions using mobile health (mHealth) apps have been effective in promoting healthy lifestyle behavior change and hold promise in improving health outcomes to thereby reduce health disparities among diverse racial/ethnic populations, particularly Latino and Asian American subgroups (Filipinos and Koreans) at high risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Latinos and Asian Americans are avid digital technology owners and users. However, limited datasets exist regarding digital technology ownership and use, especially among specific racial/ethnic subgroups. Such information is needed to inform development of culturally tailored mHealth tools for use with lifestyle interventions promoting healthy behaviors for these at-risk racial/ethnic populations. The intent of the study was to examine (1) digital technology ownership and usage, and (2) factors predicting downloading health apps for Caucasian, Filipino, Korean, and Latino American subgroups. A cross-sectional survey conducted in August 2013 through December 2013 recruited 904 participants (Caucasians n=172, Filipinos n=250, Koreans n=234, and Latinos n=248), age >18 years, from California community events, clinics, churches, and online. English, Spanish, and Korean surveys were administered via paper or online. Descriptive statistics characterized the sociodemographics and digital technology ownership/usage of the 904 participants. Differences among groups in categorical variables were examined using chi-square statistics. Logistic regression was used to determine factors predicting downloading health apps. Overall, mean age was 44 years (SD 16.1), with 64.3% (581/904) female. Only 44.7% (404/904) of all participants reported English as their primary language (Caucasian 98.3%, 169/172; Filipino 67.6%, 169/250; Korean 9.4%, 22/234, and Latino 17.7%, 44/248. Overall, mobile phone ownership was 92.8% (839/904). Compared to all groups, Koreans were more likely to own a mobile phone (82.8%, 194/234), computer
Background Interventions using mobile health (mHealth) apps have been effective in promoting healthy lifestyle behavior change and hold promise in improving health outcomes to thereby reduce health disparities among diverse racial/ethnic populations, particularly Latino and Asian American subgroups (Filipinos and Koreans) at high risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Latinos and Asian Americans are avid digital technology owners and users. However, limited datasets exist regarding digital technology ownership and use, especially among specific racial/ethnic subgroups. Such information is needed to inform development of culturally tailored mHealth tools for use with lifestyle interventions promoting healthy behaviors for these at-risk racial/ethnic populations. Objective The intent of the study was to examine (1) digital technology ownership and usage, and (2) factors predicting downloading health apps for Caucasian, Filipino, Korean, and Latino American subgroups. Methods A cross-sectional survey conducted in August 2013 through December 2013 recruited 904 participants (Caucasians n=172, Filipinos n=250, Koreans n=234, and Latinos n=248), age >18 years, from California community events, clinics, churches, and online. English, Spanish, and Korean surveys were administered via paper or online. Descriptive statistics characterized the sociodemographics and digital technology ownership/usage of the 904 participants. Differences among groups in categorical variables were examined using chi-square statistics. Logistic regression was used to determine factors predicting downloading health apps. Results Overall, mean age was 44 years (SD 16.1), with 64.3% (581/904) female. Only 44.7% (404/904) of all participants reported English as their primary language (Caucasian 98.3%, 169/172; Filipino 67.6%, 169/250; Korean 9.4%, 22/234, and Latino 17.7%, 44/248. Overall, mobile phone ownership was 92.8% (839/904). Compared to all groups, Koreans were more likely to own a
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Takaesu, M.; Horikawa, H.; Sueki, K.; Kamiya, S.; Nakamura, T.; Nakano, M.; Takahashi, N.; Sonoda, A.; Tsuboi, S.
Mega-thrust earthquakes are anticipated to occur in the Nankai Trough in southwest Japan. In the source areas, we installed seafloor seismic network, DONET (Dense Ocean-floor Network System for Earthquake and Tsunamis), in 2010 in order to monitor seismicity, crustal deformations, and tsunamis. DONET system consists of totally 20 stations, which is composed of six kinds of sensors; strong-motion and broadband seismometers, quartz and differential pressure gauges, hydrophone, and thermometer. The stations are densely distributed with an average spatial interval of 15-20 km and cover near coastal areas to the trench axis. Observed data are transferred to a land station through a fiber-optical cable and then to JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) data management center through a private network in real time. The data are based on WIN32 format in the private network and finally archived in SEED format in the management center to combine waveform data with related metadata. We are developing a web-based application system to easily download seismic waveform data of DONET. In this system, users can select 20 Hz broadband (BH type) and 200 Hz strong-motion (EH type) data and download them in SEED. Users can also search events from the options of time periods, magnitude, source area and depth in a GUI platform. Event data are produced referring to event catalogues from USGS and JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency). The thresholds of magnitudes for the production are M6 for far-field and M4 for local events using the USGS and JMA lists, respectively. Available data lengths depend on magnitudes and epicentral distances. In this presentation, we briefly introduce DONET stations and then show our developed application system. We open DONET data through the system and want them to be widely recognized so that many users analyze. We also discuss next plans for further developments of the system.
Comparative genomics of two super-shedder isolates of Escherichia coli O157:H7
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (O157) are zoonotic foodborne pathogens and of major public health concern that cause considerable intestinal and extra-intestinal illnesses in humans. O157 colonize the recto-anal junction (RAJ) of asymptomatic cattle who shed the bacterium into the en...
Biochemical-Pathway Diversity in Archabacteria
8a NAME OF_ FUNDINGISFF0N Gr ... FFICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (If applicable) Office of Naval Researh ONR... BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION OF MICROORGANISMS (July 24-28. 1989) in a talk entitled "Evolution of Metabolic Pathways". TRAINING ACTIVITIES: Dr. Raj Bhatnagar, a
mouth are engineered out of the system. Fortunately, the later model of Brainport is wireless, but even so, having a device in the mouth may feel ...E. 2006. Determining the effectiveness of a vibrotactile balance prosthesis . Journal of Vestibular Research. 16: 45-56. 14 Raj, A. K., Suri, N
Chauhan, V; Dada, R; Jain, V
Retraction: 'Aetiology and clinical profile of children with 46, XY differences of sex development at an Indian referral centre' by Vasundhera Chauhan, Rima Dada, Vandana Jain The above article, published online on 8 August 2016 in Wiley Online Library (http://wileyonlinelibrary.com), has been retracted by agreement between the authors, the Journal Editors-in-Chief, Wolf-Bernhard Schill and Ralf Henkel, and Blackwell Verlag GmbH. The retraction has been agreed as the result of an unresolved dispute between the first author and a colleague research fellow due to the inclusion of data from patients who were simultaneously enrolled in two studies being conducted separately by the two parties. Reference Chauhan, V., Dada, R. and Jain, V. (2016), Aetiology and clinical profile of children with 46, XY differences of sex development at an Indian referral centre. Andrologia. doi:10.1111/and.12663. © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.
A downloadable meshed human canine tooth model with PDL and bone for finite element simulations.
Boryor, Andrew; Hohmann, Ansgar; Geiger, Martin; Wolfram, Uwe; Sander, Christian; Sander, Franz Günter
The aim of this study is to relieve scientists from the complex and time-consuming task of model generation by providing a model of a canine tooth and its periradicular tissues for Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations. This was achieved with diverse commercial software, based on a micro-computed tomography of the specimen. The Finite Element (FE) Model consists of enamel, dentin, nerve (innervation), periodontal ligament (PDL), and the surrounding cortical bone with trabecular structure. The area and volume meshes are of a very high quality in order to represent the model in a detailed form. Material properties are to be set individually by every user. The tooth model is provided for Abaqus, Ansys, HyperMesh, Nastran and as STL files, in an ASCII format for free download. This can help reduce the cost and effort of generating a tooth model for some research institutions, and may encourage other research groups to provide their high quality models for other researchers. By providing FE models, research results, especially FEM simulations, could be easily verified by others.
Self-Concept and Achievement Motivation of High School Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lawrence, A. S. Arul; Vimala, A.
The present study "Self-concept and Achievement Motivation of High School Students" was investigated to find the relationship between Self-concept and Achievement Motivation of High School Students. Data for the study were collected using Self-concept Questionnaire developed by Raj Kumar Saraswath (1984) and Achievement Motive Test (ACMT)…
Fictionalized Indian English Speech and the Representations of Ideology in Indian Novels in English
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Muthiah, Kalaivahni
I investigate the spoken dialogue of four Indian novels in English: Mulk Raj Anand's "Untouchable" (1935), Khushwant Singh's "Train to Pakistan" (1956), Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayan's "The World of Nagaraj" (1990), and Rohinton Mistry's "Family Matters" (2002). Roger Fowler has said that literature, as a form of discourse, articulates ideology;…
Global 93: Deterrence Theory for the Coming Decade
likely to create in the near future. They will not create contingencies in which U.S. power is a relevant deterrent." Raj Krishna , "India and the Bomb...Obsolescence of MaiorWar (New York: Basic Books, 1989) Naroll, Raoul, Vern L. Bullough, and Frada Naroll, Military Deterrence in History (Albany: State
LEA Title VII Program Evaluations. Panel Presentations.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Balu, Raj
These panel presentations focus on LEA Title VII Program Evaluations. Raj Balu, an administrator of bilingual programs in Chicago presents information regarding the bilingual education program in the Chicago public schools, as well as information on Title VII programs and what kind of evaluation is being done. Jesus Salazar, who is currently…
Methods for Identifying Object Class, Type, and Orientation in the Presence of Uncertainty
on Range Finding Techniques for Computer Vision," IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intellegence PAMI-5 (2), pp 129-139 March 1983. 15. Yang... Artificial Intelligence Applications, pp 199-205, December 1984. 16. Flynn, P.J. and Jain, A.K.," On Reliable Curvature Estimation, " Proceedings of the
High Temperature Deformation Behavior of YBa2Cu3O6+x Superconducting Ceramic Materials
Mocellin , High Tech. Ceramics, ed P. Vinvinzini, Pub. Elsevier Science Publisher (1986). 15. F. Wakai, S. Sakaguchi and M. Matsuno, Adv. Ceram. Mater...Soc., 68r101, 552 (1985). 18. C. Carry and A. Mocellin , J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 69f91, C215 (1986). 19. P. C. Panda, E. R. Seydal and R. Raj, US Patent
Terahertz MMICs and Antenna-in-Package Technology at 300 GHz for KIOSK Download System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tajima, Takuro; Kosugi, Toshihiko; Song, Ho-Jin; Hamada, Hiroshi; El Moutaouakil, Amine; Sugiyama, Hiroki; Matsuzaki, Hideaki; Yaita, Makoto; Kagami, Osamu
Toward the realization of ultra-fast wireless communications systems, the inherent broad bandwidth of the terahertz (THz) band is attracting attention, especially for short-range instant download applications. In this paper, we present our recent progress on InP-based THz MMICs and packaging techniques based on low-temperature co-fibered ceramic (LTCC) technology. The transmitter MMICs are based on 80-nm InP-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). Using the transmitter packaged in an E-plane split-block waveguide and compact lens receiver packaged in LTCC multilayered substrates, we tested wireless data transmission up to 27 Gbps with the simple amplitude key shifting (ASK) modulation scheme. We also present several THz antenna-in-packaging solutions based on substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. A vertical hollow (VH) SIW was applied to a compact medium-gain SIW antenna and low-loss interconnection integrated in LTCC multi-layer substrates. The size of the LTCC antennas with 15-dBi gain is less than 0.1 cm3. For feeding the antenna, we investigated an LTCC-integrated transition and polyimide transition to LTCC VH SIWs. These transitions exhibit around 1-dB estimated loss at 300 GHz and more than 35 GHz bandwidth with 10-dB return loss. The proposed package solutions make antennas and interconnections easy to integrate in a compact LTCC package with an MMIC chip for practical applications.
Monosodium Luminol for Improving Brain Function in Gulf War Illness
Jain et al., PLoS One, 7: e46340, 2012; McAvoy et al., Front Syst Neurosci , 9:120. eCollection 2015; Oomen et al., Wiley Interdiscip Rev Cogn Sci...2007; Yassa and Stark, Trends Neurosci , 34: 515-525). In this test, each rat successively explored two different sets of identical objects (object
Huang, Hsin-Chia Carol; Hillman, David R.; McArdle, Nigel
Study Objectives: To investigate the factors associated with physiologic control of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) during automatic positive airway pressure (APAP) titration in a clinical series. To also assess the usefulness of apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) data downloaded from the APAP device (Dev AHI). Design: Retrospective review of a consecutive series of patients with OSA who underwent APAP titration (Autoset Spirit, ResMed, Bella Vista, New South Wales, Australia ) with simultaneous polysomnographic (PSG) monitoring in the sleep laboratory. Setting: Tertiary sleep clinic. Participants: There were 190 consecutive patients with OSA referred for APAP titration. Measurements and Results: There were 58% of patients who achieved optimal or good control of OSA (titration PSG AHI < 10, or at least 50% reduction in AHI if diagnostic AHI < 15/hr) during APAP titration. The independent predictors of titration PSG AHI were a history of cardiac disease and elevated central apnea and arousal indices during the diagnostic study. Although the median and interquartile range (IQR) AHI from the device (7.0, 3.9-11.6 events/hr) was only slightly less than the PSG AHI (7.8, 3.9-14.4 events/hr, P = 0.04) during titration, case-by-case agreement between the two measures was poor (chi-square < 0.001). Conclusion: In a clinical sample control of OSA during APAP titration is often poor, and close clinical follow-up is particularly needed in patients with a history of cardiac disease or with high arousal or central apnea indices on the diagnostic study. Device AHI does not reliably assess control during APAP titration, and PSG assessment may be required if clinical response to treatment is poor. The findings relate to the ResMed AutoSet device and may not apply to other devices. Citation: Huang HCC; Hillman DR; McArdle N. Control of OSA during automatic positive airway pressure titration in a clinical case series: predictors and accuracy of device download data. SLEEP 2012;35(9):1277
VizieR Online Data Catalog: AzTEC/ASTE source catalogue (Aretxaga+, 2011)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aretxaga, I.; Wilson, G. W.; Aguilar, E.; Alberts, S.; Scott, K. S.; Scoville, N.; Yun, M. S.; Austermann, J.; Downes, T. P.; Ezawa, H.; Hatsukade, B.; Hughes, D. H.; Kawabe, R.; Kohno, K.; Oshima, T.; Perera, T. A.; Tamura, Y.; Zeballos, M.
We imaged a 2800 arcmin2 field centred at right ascension RA(J2000.0)=10:00:30.00 and declination DE(J2000.0)=2:14.00 with AzTEC mounted on the 10-m ASTE, located at 4800m in the Atacama Desert of Chile. The survey was carried out from 2008 October 20 to November 30. (1 data file).
Artificial Intelligence: A ’User Friendly Introduction
computer sVste-. They are tc not only ’magnify’ human nental abilitieL, but perform tasks with an waerring tirele-snets . while serving as ’intelligent...Can’t See (Yet)," Abacus, Vol. I, Iq83, 17-26. 1.6. Kevin McKean, "Computers That See," Discover, September 1984, 1-74. 17. Takeo Kanade and Raj
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Manjunath, Naren; Samajdar, Rhine; Jain, Sudhir R., E-mail: srjain@barc.gov.in
Recently, the nodal domain counts of planar, integrable billiards with Dirichlet boundary conditions were shown to satisfy certain difference equations in Samajdar and Jain (2014). The exact solutions of these equations give the number of domains explicitly. For complete generality, we demonstrate this novel formulation for three additional separable systems and thus extend the statement to all integrable billiards.
High-Performance Solid-State and Fiber Lasers Controlled by Volume Bragg Gratings
Glebov: Proc. SPIE 8237 (2012) 823705. 12) I. Divliansky, D. Ott, B. Anderson, G. Venus, and L. Glebov: To be published in Opt. Express. 13) A. Jain...B. Anderson, D. Drachenberg, V. Rotar, G. Venus, and L. Glebov: Proc. SPIE 8237 (2012) 823705. 47) B. Anderson, S. Kaim, G. B. Venus, J. Lumeau, V
; Emmett E. Perl, John Simon, Daniel J. Friedman, Nikhil Jain, Paul Sharps, Claiborne McPheeters, Yukun Sun , Kevin L. Schulte, Ryan M. France, William E. McMahon, Emmett E. Perl, Daniel J. Friedman, Journal of ; E.E. Perl, D. Kuciauskas, J. Simon, D.J. Friedman, M.A. Steiner, Journal of Applied Physics, 122
RECOGNITION by Graig T. Diefenderfer June 2006 Thesis Advisor: Monique P. Fargues Second Reader: Roberto Cristi...Approved by: Monique P. Fargues Thesis Advisor Roberto Cristi Second Reader Jeffrey B. Knorr Chairman, Department of Electrical and...matching for low- quality fingerprints. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2, 33- 36. Jain, A., Hong. L., & Bolle
Target Recognition in Ultra-Wideband SAR Imagery
Poles in a Transfer Function for Real Frequency Informa- tion," Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, UCRL -52050 (April 1974). 24. V. K Jain, T. K. Sarker, and...0.777 Gaussian 0.849 1 5,265 0.978 93 Distribution Adrnnstr ARPAJASTO Defris Techi Info Ctr Attn T DePersia Attn DTIC-DDA (2 copies) 3701 N Fairfax Dr
Tissue culture of woody plants and its relevance to molecular biology
R. Minocha; S.M. Jain
The ever increasing demand for forest products and the progressive deterioration of natural forests means that the forest industry cannot continue to rely on the exploitation of natural forests ( Jain, 1997; Tzfira et al., 1998). To meet the increasing demand for forest products while more forest land is needed for non-timber uses, the replacement of natural...
Reinvestigation of growth of 'L-valine zinc sulphate' crystal.
Srinivasan, Bikshandarkoil R; Jyai, Rita N
A reinvestigation of the growth of l-valine zinc sulphate crystal is reported. The slow evaporation of an aqueous solution containing l-valine and zinc sulphate heptahydrate results in the fractional crystallization of l-valine and not the organic inorganic hybrid nonlinear optical l-valine zinc sulphate crystal, as reported by Puhal Raj and Ramachandra Raja (2012). Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Militancy in Pakistan: A Schizophrenic Problem
and must protect the vulnerable Punjabi plain. Pakistan’s major population centers and much of its infrastructure are situated near the Indian...that Pashtun tribes have had a strong aversion to invading armies. With 75% of military personnel from the Punjabi region, the ethnic disparity... Punjabi dominated social strata. Initial Pashtun incorporation into the state’s jurisdiction began when the British Raj formally recognized the two
Bayesian Regularization for Normal Mixture Estimation and Model-Based Clustering
describe a four-band magnetic resonance image (MRI) consisting of 23,712 pixels of a brain with a tumor 2. Because of the size of the dataset, it is not...the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 56, 363–375. Figueiredo, M. A. T. and A. K. Jain (2002). Unsupervised learning of finite mixture models. IEEE...20 5.4 Brain MRI
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ramachandran, R.; Murphy, K. J.; Baynes, K.; Lynnes, C.
With the volume of Earth observation data expanding rapidly, cloud computing is quickly changing the way Earth observation data is processed, analyzed, and visualized. The cloud infrastructure provides the flexibility to scale up to large volumes of data and handle high velocity data streams efficiently. Having freely available Earth observation data collocated on a cloud infrastructure creates opportunities for innovation and value-added data re-use in ways unforeseen by the original data provider. These innovations spur new industries and applications and spawn new scientific pathways that were previously limited due to data volume and computational infrastructure issues. NASA, in collaboration with Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, have jointly developed a set of recommendations to enable efficient transfer of Earth observation data from existing data systems to a cloud computing infrastructure. The purpose of these recommendations is to provide guidelines against which all data providers can evaluate existing data systems and be used to improve any issues uncovered to enable efficient search, access, and use of large volumes of data. Additionally, these guidelines ensure that all cloud providers utilize a common methodology for bulk-downloading data from data providers thus preventing the data providers from building custom capabilities to meet the needs of individual cloud providers. The intent is to share these recommendations with other Federal agencies and organizations that serve Earth observation to enable efficient search, access, and use of large volumes of data. Additionally, the adoption of these recommendations will benefit data users interested in moving large volumes of data from data systems to any other location. These data users include the cloud providers, cloud users such as scientists, and other users working in a high performance computing environment who need to move large volumes of data.
things. - Gerald M. Weinberg 1 Author‟ s Note: This paper is a theoretical exercise that attempts to deliver one possible Army...military and the overarching web of government agencies and international actors could approach Mexico‟ s current issues- however, this is a purely...interact.” 2 Raj Kumar, Why Mexico‟ s Violence is America‟ s Problem (CNN Opinion, April 11, 2011, http://www.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/04/11
spontaneous jihads led by illiterate charismatic mullahs that the British frontier administrators of the Victorian era dubbed them “mad mullah movements...International Peace, 1981). 15. David Gilmour, The Ruling Caste: Imperial Lives in the Victorian Raj (London: Pimlico, 2007), p. 171. 16. Coalition to Stop the...consider veiled, or in purdah, conquered.17 (Considered good but unreliable ªghters by the British during the colonial era , the Waziris and several other
Real-Time and High-Fidelity Simulation Environment for Autonomous Ground Vehicle Dynamics
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM (GVSETS), SET FOR AUG. 21-22, 2013 14. ABSTRACT briefing charts 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17...EDL & Aero-Flight DSENDS Airships Planetary & Terrain models SimScape Simulation framework Dshell Flex & Multibody dynamics DARTS 3D...7 DARTS Rigid/Flexible Real-Time Multibody Dynamics Engine Recipient of the NASA Software of the Year Award. Abhinandan Jain, "Robot and
Metrics for Uncertainty in Organizational Decision-Making
measurement and computational agents. Computational Economics : A Perspective from Computational Intelligence book. S.- H. Chen, Jain, Lakhmi, & Tai...change and development." Annual Review of Psychology 50: 361-386. Von Neumann, J., and Morgenstern, O. (1953). Theory of games and economic ...2006 Interviews versus Field data MI MPU Hanford/HAB (CR: cooperation) Savannah River Site/SAB (MR: competition) ER ER about 7.1% in 2002 ER
Prachanda: The Mastermind Behind the Maoist Insurgency in Nepal
2007, p.126). The split in CPN (Unity Centre) in 1994 gave birth to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), led by Prachanda. In 1992 CPN (Unity...Pushpa Kamal Dahal after his English teacher, Raj Krishna Kandel, thought that Chabilal deserved a more appropriate name—Pushpa Kamal ( Lotus ) (Roy, 2008...and many development projects emerged in the country. However, these developments only benefited those who were already well off and the society who
Arai, Yumiko; Arai, Asuna; Mizuno, Yoko; Kamimura, Naoto; Ikeda, Manabu
Driving cessation is a likely consequence of progressive dementia. Patients and families can benefit from support through this transition, both to safeguard the patient and public and to help preserve healthy social activity of the patient. To provide appropriate supportive information, we developed a 35-page manual ('Supporting family caregivers of older drivers with dementia') available as a free download from our department website. We then informed municipal governments of its availability, tracked website access metrics, and followed up 7 months later with a postal survey to the heads of each municipal government's department of welfare for older citizens. From February to September 2010, the manual was accessed 33 494 times. Of the 1750 municipalities sent surveys, we received 1067 responses (61%). The responses showed that 943 professionals (94.6%) were able to obtain information they needed from the manual, 247 (23%) had used the manual to help residents during the 7 months, and 89% of those who used the manual used it to provide relevant advice to family caregivers. The responses also showed that significantly more use occurred in towns and villages as opposed to cities, consistent with the limited public transportation options in smaller municipalities (P = 0.002). We anticipate that use of this manual will raise general awareness of this social health issue and facilitate collaborations to provide more social support for those with dementia and their family members. © 2017 Japanese Psychogeriatric Society.
Prostate Cancer Progression and Serum Sibling (Small Integrin Binding N-Linked Glycoprotein) Levels
Alka Jain,2 Matt Tayback,2 and Neal S. Fedarko2 1Craniofacial and Skeletal Diseases Branch, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research... Dental and Craniofacial Research, NIH, DHHS, Bethesda, MD, U.S.A. 2Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, School of...hypophosphatemia [ Carey et al., 1986]. We have previously reported on a patient with LSNS and hypophosphatemia where the plasma phosphatonin, fibroblast
Merging Surface Reconstructions of Terrestrial and Airborne LIDAR Range Data
Mangan and R. Whitaker. Partitioning 3D surface meshes using watershed segmentation . IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 5(4), pp...Jain, and A. Zakhor. Data Processing Algorithms for Generating Textured 3D Building Facade Meshes from Laser Scans and Camera Images. International...acquired set of overlapping range images into a single mesh [2,9,10]. However, due to the volume of data involved in large scale urban modeling, data
Joint Sparse Representation for Robust Multimodal Biometrics Recognition
described in III. Experimental evaluations on a comprehensive multimodal dataset and a face database have been described in section V. Finally, in...WVU Multimodal Dataset The WVU multimodal dataset is a comprehensive collection of different biometric modalities such as fingerprint, iris, palmprint ...Martnez and R. Benavente, “The AR face database ,” CVC Technical Report, June 1998. [29] U. Park and A. Jain, “Face matching and retrieval using soft
Improving the Selection Classification, and Utilization of Army Enlisted Personnel. Supplement
Consumer Research, 5, 103-123. Jain, Arun K ., Acito, Franklin, Malhotra , Naresh , and Mahajan, Vijay (1978). A comparison of predictive validity of...Technical Area Lawrence M. Hanser, Chief MANPOWER AND PERSONNEL RESEARCH LABORATORY Newell K . Eaton, Director DTIC "p S "LIEC T E .,J. JUN 221988 U. S. Army...8217 , w .. CONTENTS Page ’ Utility Estimation in Five Enlisted Occupations. . . . . . . . . . . . . Newell K . Eaton, Hilda Wing, and Alan Lau (ARI
Real-Time and High-Fidelity Simulation Environment for Autonomous Ground Vehicle Dynamics
Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Paramsothy Jayakumar , Ph.D. U.S. Army TARDEC Jim Overholt, Ph.D. U.S. Air Force...NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Paramsothy Jayakumar ; Jim Overholt; Calvin Kuo; Abhi Jain; Havard Grip 5d. PROJECT...Dynamics, Cameron, et al. UNCLASSIFIED Page 10 of 11 REFERENCES [1] P. Jayakumar , W. Smith, B. A. Ross, R. Jategoankar and K. Konarzewski
A Likelihood Ratio Test Regarding Two Nested But Oblique Order Restricted Hypotheses.
Report #90 DIC JAN 2 411 ISMO. H American Mathematical Society 1979 subject classification Primary 62F03 Secondary 62E15 Key words and phrases: Order...model. A likelihood ratio test for these two restrictions is studied . Asa *a .on . r 373 RA&J *iii - ,sa~m muwod [] v~ -F: :.v"’. os "- 1...investigation was stimulated partly by a problem encountered in psychiatric research. [Winokur et al., 1971] studied data on psychiatric illnesses afflicting
by memory copyin g will degrade system performance on shared-memory multiprocessors. Virtual memor y (VM) remapping, as opposed to memory copying...Bershad, G.D. Giuseppe Facchetti, Kevin Fall, G . Scott Graham, Ellen Nelson , P. Venkat Rangan, Bruno Sartirana, Shin-Yuan Tzou, Raj Vaswani, and Robert...Remote Execution in NEST", IEEE Trans. on Software Eng. 13, 8 (August 1987), 905-912. 3. G . T. Almes, A. P. Black, E. Lazowska and J. Noe, "The Eden
Kostadinova, Aneta; Vaucher, Claude; Gibson, David I
Two species of echinostomatid trematodes from Paraguayan birds are redescribed: these are Drepanocephalus spathans Dietz, 1909 from Phalacrocorax olivaceus and Paryphostomum segregatum Dietz, 1909 from Coragyps atratus. The genera Drepanocephalus Dietz, 1909 and Paryphostomum Dietz, 1909 are redefined and the species previously assigned to them reviewed. Paryphostomum mexicanum (Lamothe-Argumedo & Pérez-Ponce de León, 1989) n. comb. and P. parvicephalum (Rietschel & Werding, 1978) n. comb. are transferred from Drepanocephalus to Paryphostomum. A key to the species of Paryphostomum is presented, and the nominal species of Echinostoma Rudolphi, 1809, Nephrostomum Dietz, 1909 and Artyfechinostomum Lane, 1915 previously ascribed to this genus are commented upon. New combinations for species previously attributed to Paryphostomum are: Echinostoma pentalobum (Verma, 1936) n. comb.; E. baiyangdienense (Ku, Pan, Chiu, Li & Chu, 1973) n. comb.; Nephrostomum dollfusi (Agarwal, 1959) n. comb.; and Artyfechinostomum neotoma (Jain, 1953) n. comb. Species attributed to Paryphostomum which are here considered species inquirendae are: Paryphostomum (Lepustomum) mehrii Jain, 1953 sp. inq.; P. fragosum (Dietz, 1909) sp. inq.; P. horai Baugh, 1950 sp. inq.; P. huaccaci Ibáñez, 1974 sp. inq.; P. agrawali Gupta & Singh, 1986 sp. inq.; P. siddiqui Gupta & Singh, 1986 sp. inq.; P. durgensis Sapre, 1969 sp. inq.; and P. globorchum Oshmarin, 1970 sp. inq.
Treatment, Photodynamic Therapy, Biological Response 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT 18 . NUMBER OF PAGES 19a. NAME OF...photodynamic therapy in a rat prostate tumor model. Clin Cancer Res 2005;11:720-7. 18 . Fukumura D, Yuan F, Monsky WL, Chen Y, Jain RK. Effect of host...angiogenesis and microvascular functions in human breast cancer xenografts : Mammary fat pad versus cranial tumors. Clin Cancer Res 2002;8:1008-13. 20. Hasan T
Studies on Decomposition and Combustion Mechanism of Solid Fuel Rich Propellants
thrust to cruise at supersonic speed. This was followed by the test of large diameter ramjet called burner test vehicle (BTV). Advanced low volume...propellant surface. Vernekar et al (43) found that in pressed AP-Al pellets , maximum burn rate is obtained at intermediate metal content. Jain et al...conjunction with high pressure window strand burner . They found that the propellant combustion was irregular and regression rate varied from 0.3 to 3
Prostate Can Men: The Effect of Body Habitus and Physical Activity
throughout the active phase of the study and 35 men had died of prostate cancer by 1980 . An additional 88 prostate cancer deaths 7 between 1981...prostate cancer by 1980 . An additional 88 prostate cancer deaths between 1981 and 2002 were ascertained using passive follow-up by matching participants...6(4):865- 70. (3) Jain MG, Hislop GT, Howe GR, Ghadirian P. Plant foods, antioxidants, and prostate cancer risk: findings from case-control
Computer Modeling of Complete IC Fabrication Process.
James Shipley National Semi.Peter N. Manos AMD Ritu Shrivastava Cypress Semi. Corp.Deborah D. Maracas Motorola, Inc. Paramjit Singh Rockwell Intl.Sidney...Carl F Daegs Sandia Hishan Z Massoud Duke* UnIVersdy Anant Dix* Silicon Systems David Matthews Hughes Rese~arch Lab DIolidi DoIIos Spery Tmioomly K...Jaczynski AT&T Bell Labs Jack C. Carlson Motorola Sanjay Jain AT&T Bell Labs Andrew Chan Fairchild Weston Systems Werner Juengling AT&T Bell Labs
Influences on visitor behavior at a modern immersive zoo exhibit.
Ross, Stephen R; Gillespie, Katie L
Zoos serve as centers for both research and education. The challenge is to convey messages about their conservation projects while meeting visitor expectations, which often include recreation and entertainment. One way this can be achieved is through the design of immersive exhibits that draw visitors in and engage them with interactive educational elements. Regenstein African Journey (RAJ) opened at Lincoln Park Zoo in 2003 and was designed to take visitors on a simulated safari through Africa. Because visitor experience was a major design goal, we conducted a timing and tracking study to evaluate use of the building and educational components. For a 9-week period in 2003, we tracked 338 visitors to RAJ and recorded continuous data as they moved through the building. Data were collected on handheld computers that provided precise timing data. The median visit was 11.08 min, 41% of which was spent looking at animals and 9% of which was spent engaged with interpretive elements. We found significant differences in the way visitors used signage: those in groups without children spent more of their visit engaged with signage than those with children and visitors who spent more of their visit interacting socially spent less time engaged with signage. By understanding how visitors use the educational opportunities presented to them, we can better meet their expectations and more effectively achieve the goal of conservation education.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kuo, Kwo-Sen; Rilee, Michael Lee
Current data processing practice limits the volume and variety of relevant geoscience data that can practically be applied to important problems. File archives in centralized data centers are the principal means by which Earth Science data are accessed. This approach, however, requires laborious search, retrieval, and eventual customization/adaptation for the data to be used. Such fractionation makes it even more difficult to share outcomes, i.e. research artifacts and data products, hampering reusability and repeatability, since end users generally have their own research agenda and preferences as well as scarce resources. Thus, while finding and downloading data files from central data centers are already costly for end users working in their own field, using data products from other disciplines rapidly becomes prohibitive. This curtails scientific productivity, limits avenues of study, and endangers quality and reproducibility. The Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Resolution Encoding (STARE) is a unifying scheme that facilitates the indexing, access, and fusion of diverse Earth Science data. STARE implements an innovative encoding of geo-spatiotemporal information, originally developed for aligning datasets with diverse spatiotemporal characteristics in an array database. The spatial component of STARE recursively quadfurcates a root polyhedron, producing a hierarchical scheme for addressing geographic locations and regions. The temporal component of STARE uses conventional date-time units as an indexing hierarchy. The additional encoding of spatial and temporal resolution information in STARE enables comparisons and conditional selections across diverse datasets. Moreover, spatiotemporal set-operations, e.g. union and intersection, are mapped to efficient integer operations with STARE. Applied to existing data models (point, grid, spacecraft swath) and corresponding granules, STARE indexes provide a streamlined description usable as geo-spatiotemporal metadata. When
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kuo, K. S.; Rilee, M. L.
Current data processing practice limits the volume and variety of relevant geoscience data that can practically be applied to important problems. File archives in centralized data centers are the principal means by which Earth Science data are accessed. This approach, however, requires laborious search, retrieval, and eventual customization/adaptation for the data to be used. Such fractionation makes it even more difficult to share outcomes, i.e. research artifacts and data products, hampering reusability and repeatability, since end users generally have their own research agenda and preferences as well as scarce resources. Thus, while finding and downloading data files from central data centers are already costly for end users working in their own field, using data products from other disciplines rapidly becomes prohibitive. This curtails scientific productivity, limits avenues of study, and endangers quality and reproducibility. The Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Resolution Encoding ( STARE ) is a unifying scheme that facilitates the indexing, access, and fusion of diverse Earth Science data. STARE implements an innovative encoding of geo-spatiotemporal information, originally developed for aligning datasets with diverse spatiotemporal characteristics in an array database. The spatial component of STARE recursively quadfurcates a root polyhedron, producing a hierarchical scheme for addressing geographic locations and regions. The temporal component of STARE uses conventional date-time units as an indexing hierarchy. The additional encoding of spatial and temporal resolution information in STARE enables comparisons and conditional selections across diverse datasets. Moreover, spatiotemporal set-operations, e.g. union and intersection, are mapped to efficient integer operations with STARE. Applied to existing data models (point, grid, spacecraft swath) and corresponding granules, STARE indexes provide a streamlined description usable as geo-spatiotemporal metadata. When
Machining Data Handbook. 3rd Edition. Volume 2
17.2 The power required in machining can be determined by vided in figures 17.2-3 through 17.2-10 for deternining the several different methods as...patterns and require not caused problems. and the. e have been reports of im- different methods of checking. proved die life in speial applications...microinches Ra 11.25 to 5.0 Am application of this method the surface is subjected to melt- RaJ) and wide differences in recast layer thicknesses ing
Unit Hydrograph Peaking Analysis for Goose Creek Watershed in Virginia: A Case Study
ER D C/ CH L TR -1 7- 6 Unit Hydrograph Peaking Analysis for Goose Creek Watershed in Virginia: A Case Study Co as ta l a nd H yd ra...default. ERDC/CHL TR-17-6 May 2017 Unit Hydrograph Peaking Analysis for Goose Creek Watershed in Virginia: A Case Study Nawa Raj Pradhan and...confidence interval precipitation depths to the watershed in addition to the 50% value. This study concluded that a design event with a return period greater
A Handbook for Alcohol and Drug Control Officers. Volume I.
Lester R ., Management by Exception (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1964). *Cleland, David I ., Management (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1972). - * *Dale...b Option 1: By Battaliono n // Enough Matel ials I I . Yes ~Analyze objective to determine if a / Enough change in hours of training, number... 1971 ). IV-40 -4. i 16. R.A.J. Webb, "Fear and Communication," Journal of Drug Education 4:97-103 (Spring 1974). 17. A. A. Lumsdaine and I . L. Janis
A New Type of Carbon Nanostructure Formed Within a Metal-Matrix
A New Type of Carbon Nanostructure Formed Within a Metal-Matrix 1 Lourdes Salamanca-Riba, 1 Romaine Isaacs, 2 Azzam N. Mansour, 3 Adam Hall, 2...HAADF imaging. REFERENCES [1] D.A. Muller, Y. Tzou, R. Raj, and J . Silcox, Nature 366, 725 (1993). [2] R.R. Schlittler, J.W. Seo, J.K...Gimzewiski, C. Durkan, M.S.M. Saifullah, M.E. Welland, Science 292, 1136 (2001). [3] A.C. Ferrari, and J . Robertson, Phys. Rev. B 61, 14095 (2000). [4
Just Do It: Close the Collection Gap
Just Do It: Close The Collection Gap A Monograph by (V) Major James A. Marks Military Intelligence NDTIC 9ELECTE 0%1 8AU 211990 u School of Advanced...UNIT ELEMENT NO. NO. NO. ACCESSION NI 11. TITLE (Include Security Classification) Just Do It: Close The Collection Gap (U) 1,. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) RAJ...cont. ’long-range surveillance (LRS) teams as a possible means to close the collection gap . It uses the Soviet experience with LRS type units as a
mechanisms that take into account this new reality. TERRORISM Lastly is the question of terrorism. There can be no two opinions on this most heinous crime ...the notion of an empire "essentially based on force" that had to be maintained, if necessary, "by brute force" see Suhash Chakravarty, The Raj Syndrome ...over power to the National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Aung San Suu Xyi , the daughter of Burma’s independence leader, Aung San. Since then, the
C; P PA ?A. 4~ 1 7* 1 ~1 P 4 t 3* r (4 ~ ~~ P; CA~~ ~ I", 3 ~ 1 1 4 rAj 3 ?!2 ’A~ P~ FA1 1 ? 2 ’A ?I P11 1 SrFP PIOPARTI.TTY q ;(A ’.1 f4 .9iri...Goodman, S. Kaplan , E. Mehr, W. J. Pierson, R. Stevens and L. J. Tick (1958): Theoretical and observed results for the zero and ordinate crossing problems
Acoustic Directivity Patterns for Army Weapons
work was performed by the Environmental Division (EN), u.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL). Dr. R. K. Jain is Chief of EN...V) P.0. Schomer,,, L. M./Little I rTPRFORMING ORGANI ZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 0.PROG3RAM ELEMENT. PPOJECT, TAWF U.S. ARMY AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS...34Environmental Quality for Construction and Operation of Military Facilities" Task 03, "Pollution Control Technology" and Work Unit 001, "Prediction of
Free Carrier Induced Spectral Shift for GaAs Filled Metallic Hole Arrays
Bahae , G. I . Stegeman, K. Al-hemyari, J. S. Aitchison, and C. N. Ironside, “Limitation due to three-photon absorption on the useful spectral range...Free carrier induced spectral shift for GaAs filled metallic hole arrays Jingyu Zhang 1,2,* , Bin Xiang 3 , Mansoor Sheik- Bahae 4 , and S. R. J...OCIS codes: (310.6628) Subwavelength structures;(190.4350) Nonlinear optics at surfaces References and links 1. J. M. Luther, P. K. I . Jain, T. Ewers
Src Kinase: A Novel Target of Early-Stage ER-Negative Breast Cancer
patients with early stage ErbB2-overexpressing biopsies and ER- atypia . 13 REFERENCES: 1. Jordan VC. Tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention. Proc Soc...Summary01-03-2012 Src Kinase: A Novel Target of Early-Stage ER-Negative Breast Cancer Shalini Jain University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Houston...SUBTITLE “Src Kinase: A Novel Target of Early-Stage ER-Negative Breast Cancer” 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER W81XWH-11-1-0004 5b. GRANT NUMBER
Effects of Pollutants on Vertebrate Cells in Vitro.
ex- Barkla and Tutton, 1978). More specifically, perimental setups, the cells were enzymatically re- some of these effects are produced in moved from...upon re- biological membranes (Balduini et al., 1977, exposure to fresh hydrazine, they appeared Barkla and Tutton, 1977; Braun and Wolfe, to attain a...Schneideberg’s Phartna- Chient. 358. 1143-1148. col. 298, 75-77. BARKLA . D. H., AN D TUTTON. P. J. M. (1977). Surface JAIN, S. K.. AND SUBRAHMANVAm. D. (1978
www.ciaonet.org/pbei/csis/sam/sam55/. 32 Pathak, K. K. Of Jaswant Singh, the BJP and the RSS. Mumbai : The Rajaji Foundation, 2010. Accessed 10 August...common holy ground, a common blood and a common culture . It is also noteworthy to mention that Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs were included in this...martin-marty/hindu-fundamentalism _b_5352547.html . 71 Ibid. 72 Pathak, K. K. Of Jaswant Singh, the BJP and the RSS. Mumbai : The Rajaji
Group Γ (2) and the fractional quantum Hall effect
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Georgelin, Yvon; Wallet, Jean-Christophe
We analyze the action of the inhomogeneous modular group Γ (2) on the three cusps of its principal fundamental domain in the Poincaré half plane. From this, we obtain an exhaustive classification of the fractional quantum Hall numbers. This classification, in which the integer and the fractional states appear on an equal level, is somehow similar to the one given by Jain. We also present some resulting remarks concerning direct phase transitions between the different quantum Hall states.
Weighted Parzen Windows for Pattern Classification
Nearest-Neighbor Rule The k-Nearest-Neighbor ( kNN ) technique is nonparametric, assuming nothing about the distribution of the data. Stated succinctly...probabilities P(wj I x) from samples." Raudys and Jain [20:255] advance this interpretation by pointing out that the kNN technique can be viewed as the...34Parzen window classifier with a hyper- rectangular window function." As with the Parzen-window technique, the kNN classifier is more accurate as the
Emerging Technologies Program Integration Report. Volume 1. Narrative, Analyses and Assessment
James S. (T) 31. GREGG, Dr. Michael C. (T) 61. REDDY, Dr. Raj (T) 2. ATLAS, Dr. David (T) 32. HADDAD, Dr. Genevieve M. 62. REDIKER, Dr. Robert H. 3...Dr. Martin C. 83. WEEKS, Dr. Wilford 6 24. FAETH, Dr. Gerald 54. MUNSON, Mr. John 84. WEINTRAUB, Dr. Daniel 1. (T) 25. FETTERMAN , Dr. Harold 55...T) 2. ATLAS, Dr. David (T) 32. HADDAD, Dr. Genevieve M. 62. REDIKER, Dr. Robert H. 3. BALDESCHWIELER, Dr. John (T) 33. HAMMOND, Dr. George S. 63
Office of Naval Research Graduate Traineeship Award in Ocean Acoustics for Ankita Deepak Jain
Ziegesar, O., “Population structure of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA variation among humpback whales in the North Pacific,” Molecular Ecology 7(6): 695-707 (1998) ...ocean, and correlating measured noise with local wind speed. Mexican waters of the North Pacific Ocean are known to be wintering grounds for humpback ... whales [10]. During this experiment, many marine mammal vocalizations were recorded by the deployed hydrophones. We are in the process of
Bad Language in the Raj: The "Frightful Encumbrance" of Gottlieb Leitner, 1865-1888
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Allender, Tim
This article traces the exceptional career of Gottlieb Leitner, one of the most significant European educators in north India in the second half of the nineteenth century. Leitner's career is important because he was responsible for changing government attitudes about teaching in the local languages and he was pivotal in the foundation of the…
VizieR Online Data Catalog: The MIT-Green Bank 5GHz Survey (Bennett+, 1986-91)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bennett, C. L.; Lawrence, C. R.; Burke, B. F.; Hewitt, J. N.; Mahoney, J.
The MIT-Green Bank 5GHz survey catalog was produced from four separate surveys with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) 91m transit telescope (Bennett et al., 1986ApJS...61....1B (MG1); Langston et al., 1990ApJS...72..621L (MG2); Griffith et al., 1990ApJS...74..129G (MG3); Griffith et al. 1991ApJS...75..801G (MG4)). The sky coverage of the various surveys is: 00h < RAB < 24h, -00d30'13" < DECB < +19d29'47" for MG1; 04h < RAJ < 21h, +17.0d < DECJ < +39d09' for MG2; 16h30m < RAB < 05h, +17d < DECB < +39d09' for MG3; and 15h30m < RAB < 02h30m, +37.00d < DECB < +50d58'48" for MG4; where RAB and DECB refer to B1950 coordinates, and RAJ and DECJ refer to J2000 coordinates. The catalog contains 20344 sources detected with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 5 and 3836 possible detections (MG1) with a signal-to-noise ratio less than 5. Spectral indices are computed for MG1 sources also identified in the Texas 365MHz survey (Douglas et al. 1980), and for MG1-MG4 sources also identified in the NRAO 1400MHz Survey (Condon and Broderick 1985). (1 data file).
VizieR Online Data Catalog: The MIT-Green Bank 5GHz Survey (Bennett+, 1986-91)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bennett, C. L.; Lawrence, C. R.; Burke, B. F.; Hewitt, J. N.; Mahoney, J.
The MIT-Green Bank 5 GHz survey catalog was produced from four separate surveys with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) 91m transit telescope (Bennett et al., 1986ApJS...61....1B (MG1); Langston et al., 1990ApJS...72..621L (MG2); Griffith et al., 1990ApJS...74..129G (MG3); Griffith et al. 1991ApJS...75..801G (MG4)). The sky coverage of the various surveys is: 00h < RAB < 24h, -00d30'13" < DECB < +19d29'47" for MG1; 04h < RAJ < 21h, +17.0d < DECJ < +39d09' for MG2; 16h30m < RAB < 05h, +17d < DECB < +39d09' for MG3; and 15h30m < RAB < 02h30m, +37.00d < DECB < +50d58'48" for MG4; where RAB and DECB refer to B1950 coordinates, and RAJ and DECJ refer to J2000 coordinates. The catalog contains 20344 sources detected with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 5 and 3836 possible detections (MG1) with a signal-to-noise ratio less than 5. Spectral indices are computed for MG1 sources also identified in the Texas 365 MHz survey (Douglas et al. 1980), and for MG1-MG4 sources also identified in the NRAO 1400 MHz Survey (Condon and Broderick 1985). (1 data file).
Endogenous 6-Hydroxylmelatonin Excretion and Subsequent Risk of Breast Cancer: A Prospective Study
Prevention and Biomarkers of Susceptibility (in press , BBA-Reviews on Cancer) 8 3) Barba M, Cavalleri A, Schünemann HJ, Krogh V, Micheli A, Evangelista A...diagnosed with asthma or COPD (in press , Eur J Clin Nutr) 13) Colombo C, Muti P, Pala V, Cavalleri A, Venturelli E, Locardi M, Berrino F, Secreto...applications (Yu HS & Reiter R, eds) CRC Press , Boca Raton, FL, pp. 447-475, 1993. Bartsch C. Bartsch H. Jain AK. Laumas KR. Wetterberg L. Urinary
Military Families: A Selected Bibliography
34 Armed Forces & Society 30, no. 1 (Fall 2003): 7-24. Sage 6 Darwin, Jaine. "When War Hits Home." Proceedings: U.S. Naval Institute 137, no. 2...of American Families on the Homefront . Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. 317pp. (DS79.76 .H25 2006) Hightower, Kathie. Help! I’m a Military Spouse—I...College. The Battlebook III: A Guide for Spouses in Leadership Roles; Spouses’ Project 2007. Carlisle Barracks: U.S. Army War College, 2007. 1 vol
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Massaro, F.; Paggi, A.; D'Abrusco, R.
Following the near infrared NIR brightening of the QSO PKS1725+123 (=BZQJ1728+1215) (ATEL #4201), associated to the gamma-ray source 2FGL J1727.9+1220 in Nolan et al. (2012 ApJS, 199, 31), we searched in the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE; Wright et al. 2010 AJ, 140, 1868) catalog at the VLBI position of the QSO PKS1725+123 (R.A.(J2000): 17h28m07.0512s, Dec.(J2000): +12d15m39.485s) reported in Beasley et al.
Nanoporous Polymeric Grating-Based Optical Biosensors (Preprint)
Tombelli, S.; Mascini, M.; Bilia, A; Bergonzi, M. C.; Vincieri, F. F. Talanta 2005, 65, 578-585. Haughey, S. A; Baxter, G. A J of AOAC Inter. 2006 , 89, 862...C.; Bowers, M. T. JAm. Chem. Soc 2006 , 128,8484-8492. (6) Wang, l et. al. Anal. Chim. Acta 1997, 347, 1-8. Jena, B. K.; Raj, C. R. Anal. Chem. 2006 ...78, 6332-6339. Hansen, J. A; Wang, l; Kawde, A; Xiang, Y.; Gothelf, K. V.; Collins, G JAm. Chem. Soc 2006 , 128,2228-2229. Huang, T; 14 Liu, M.; Knight
Discovery of Optical Transient in M82 : P60-M82-081119
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Cenko, S. B.; Rau, A.; Ofek, E. O.; Quimby, R.; Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2008 Nov 19.536, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered a possible nova in M82 at RA(J2000) = 09:55:58.390 DEC(J2000) = +69:40:56.17, offset from the nucleus by 29.5"E, 10.4"N. P60-M82-081119 had a brightness of g = 20.0 +/- 0.1 at peak corresponding to Mg = -7.8 at the distance of M82 (uncorrected for extinction). There is no counterpart in SDSS or SIMBAD.
SCREENOP: A Computer Assisted Model for ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) Screen Design.
AD-A736 892 SCREENOP: A COMPUTER ASSISTED MODEL FOR ASW I (ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE) SCREEN DESIGN (S) NAVAL , POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA W J...POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL £ Monterey, California DTIC $ELECTE f JAIN17 1984J THESIS SCREENOP: A COMPUTER ASSISTED MODEL FOR ASH SCREEN DESIGN by William Joseph... Design SL AVSIUACY rCin do msiwoS 0ddst aO memeo mE Idm.M& 6y 61-k imwel) This chesis is a description of the Naval Postgraduate School’s version of
functions and the H- function," Boletin do la Academia de Ciencias Fisicas Matematicas v Naturales (Caracas), 31, 95- 102 (1971). 120. Jain, U. C...Society, 37, 329- 334 (1973). 32. Oliver, M. L., and S. L. Kalla, "On the derivative of Fox’s H- function," (Spanish) Acta 14,dlcana de Ciencia -v...34 Universidade de Lisboa Revista de Faculdade de Ciencias FMatematicas, II, Series A, 13, 109-114 (1969-70). 92. Bajpai, S. D., "On some results involving Fox’s H
Electron Interactions with Non-Linear Polyatomic Molecules and their Radicals and Ions
is the usual antisymmetrization operator to ensure Pauli principle. In the expansion (4.1.2), we have neglected the correlation functions of the (N...Kochem, K M Scheuerlein, K Jung and H Ehrhardt, J. Phys. B19, 3625 (1986). [27]. A Jain, Ph.D. thesis (Queen’s University, Belfast) 1983. [2S]. D M...Winstead and V McLoy, Phys. Rev. A42, 5357 (1990). [52]. R Muiller, K Jung , K H Kochem, W Sohn and H Ehrhardt, J. Phys. B 18, 3971 (1985). [53]. L
Blackwell, Miranda; Wheeler, Benjamin J
Despite advances in technology, the frequent self-measurement of blood glucose (SMBG) remains fundamental to the management of 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Once measured, SMBG results are routinely reported back to health professionals and other interested parties, either verbally, via a logbook, or electronically downloaded from a pump or meter. The misreporting of SMBG using various techniques represents a classic non-adherence behavior and carries with it both acute and chronic dangers. In addition, while this behavior appears very prevalent, many aspects remain largely unstudied. With this in mind, we aimed to summarize literature addressing the misreporting of SMBG in T1DM via a detailed literature search. This produced both recent and past literature. While most of these studies examined the prevalence of deliberate misreporting in a verbal or logbook context, others focused on the motivations behind this behavior, and alternative forms of misreporting, including deliberate manipulation of meters to produce inaccurate results and true technological errors. This timely review covers all aspects of misreporting and highlights multiple patient techniques, which are clearly adapting to advances in technology. We believe that further understanding and attention to this aspect of adherence may lead not only to improvements in glycemic control and safety, but also to the psychological well-being of those affected by type 1 diabetes.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Wojs, Arkadiusz; Institute of Physics, Wroclaw University of Technology, 50-370 Wroclaw,; Quinn, John J.
The pseudopotentials describing the interactions of quasiparticles in fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states are studied. Rules for the identification of incompressible quantum fluid ground states are found, based upon the form of the pseudopotentials. States belonging to the Jain sequence {nu}=n(1+2pn){sup -1}, where n and p are integers, appear to be the only incompressible states in the thermodynamic limit, although other FQH hierarchy states occur for finite size systems. This explains the success of the composite Fermion picture. (c) 2000 The American Physical Society.
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NASA Administrator Speaks at Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorati
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, right, joins in a group portrait with the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., Alveda King, far left, Father Frank Pavone, wife of Martin Luther King, Jr's brother, Mrs. Naomi Barber King, Dr. Cameron Alexander, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III, daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. Bernice A. King, Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta, Dr. Christine King Farris, Martin Luther King, Jr's sister, and Ms. Raj Razdan shortly after the 44th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Service on Monday, Jan. 16, 2012 at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)
Swift/XRT detection of the hard X-ray source IGR J14549-6459
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fiocchi, M.; Bazzano, A.; Landi, R.; Bassani, L.; Gehrels, N.; Kennea, J.; Bird, A. J.
We report the result of a short (900 sec) Swift/XRT observation of the field containing IGR J14549-6459, a new INTEGRAL source recently reported in the 4th IBIS catalogue (Bird et al. 2010, ApJS, 186, 1). The XRT data analysis is performed using the standard procedure described in details in Landi et al. 2010 (MNRAS, 403, 945). The XRT observation locates the X-ray counterpart of IGR J14549-6459 at RA(J2000)= 14h 55m 23.9s, Dec(J2000)= -65d 00m 03.2s with an error of 6".
Discovery of Possible Nova in M81 : P60-M81-081027
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Cenko, S. B.; Rau, A.; Ofek, E. O.; Quimby, R.; Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2008 Oct 27.402, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered a nova in M81 at RA(J2000) = 09:55:36.105 DEC(J2000) = +69:03:22.04, offset from the nucleus by 15.8"E, 33.1"S. P60- M81-081027 had a peak brightness of g = 20.6 +/- 0.1 at discovery and has since faded to g = 21.5 +/- 0.3 on Oct 30.501. There is no counterpart in SDSS or SIMBAD. It is not detected to g > 21.8 on Oct 20.453.
Discovery of Possible Nova in M31 : P60-M31-080913
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Cenko, S. B.; Rau, A.; Ofek, E. O.; Quimby, R.; Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2008 Sep 13.18, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered a possible nova in M31 at RA(J2000) = 00:41:46.72, DEC(J2000) = 41:07:52.1, offset from the nucleus by 10.8'W, 8.3'S. P60- M31-080913 has a brightness of g = 19.0 +/- 0.2 at discovery (photometric calibration wrt NOMAD catalog). It is further confirmed to rise to g=18.1 on Sep 14.18. It is not detected to g > 21.5 on images obtained on Sep 12.30.
Discovery of Possible Bright Nova in NGC891 : P60-NGC891-080813
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Cenko, S. B.; Rau, A.; Ofek, E. O.; Quimby, R.; Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2008 Aug 13.45, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered an optical transient at RA(J2000)=02:22:32.70, DEC(J2000)=42:21:56.1 in the field of NGC891. P60-NGC891-080813 is offset from the nucleus of NGC891 by 8"W,59"N. The light curve thus far is g>22 (Jul 30.48), g=21.2 (Aug 13.45), g=21.0 (Aug 14.32), g=21.0 (Aug 15.32). Photometric calibration is wrt USNO-B1 and uncertain by 0.2 mags.
Discovery and Classification of Nova in M81 : P60-M81-090213
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Cenko, S. B.; Ofek, E. O.; Quimby, R.; Rau, A.; Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2009 Feb 13.404, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered a nova in M81 at RA(J2000) = 09:55:35.96 and DEC(J2000) = +69:01:51.0, offset from the nucleus by 15"E, 124"S. P60- M81-090213 had a brightness of g=20.1 +/- 0.1 at discovery (photometric calibration wrt SDSS catalog) and faded to g=21.5 on Feb 20.237. It is not detected, with 3-sigma upper limits of g > 21.9 on Feb 3.262.
Discovery and Classification of Nova in M81 : P60-M81-080925
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Quimby, R.; Cenko, S. B.; Rau, A.; Ofek, E. O.; Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2008 Sep 25.49, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered a nova in M81 at RA(J2000) = 09:55:59.35 DEC(J2000) = +69:05:57.1, offset from the nucleus by 2.35'E, 2.03'N. P60-M81-080925 had a brightness of g=19.5 +/- 0.1 at discovery (photometric calibration wrt SDSS catalog) and faded to g=20.8 on Oct 4.49. It is not detected, with 3-sigma upper limits of g > 21.5 on Jul 9.19.
TRIM.FaTE is a spatially explicit, compartmental mass balance model that describes the movement and transformation of pollutants over time, through a user-defined, bounded system that includes both biotic and abiotic compartments.
All of the WASP Installers are listed below. There is a 64 Bit Windows Installer, 64 Bit Mac OS X (Yosemite or Higher), 64 Bit Linux (Built on Ubuntu). You will need to have knowledge on how to install software on your target operating system.
TRIM.Risk is used to integrate the information on exposure received from TRIM.FaTE or TRIM.Expo with that on dose-response or hazard assessment and to provide quantitative descriptions of risk or hazard and some of the attendant uncertainties.
Nonlocal theory of beam-driven electron Bernstein waves
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Jain, V.K.; Tripathi, V.K.
A nonlocal theory of electron Bernstein waves driven unstable by an axial beam (V = V/sub b/z-italic-circumflex) of finite width has been developed. Assuming a parabolic density profile for the background plasma, an equation describing the mode structure of the wave is obtained in the slab geometry. The eigenfunctions are found to be Hermite polynomials. Expressions for the growth rates of the instabilities caused by Cerenkov and slow cyclotron interactions are derived. The results of the theory are applied to explain some of the experimental observations of Jain and Christiansen (Phys. Lett. A 82, 127 (1981)).
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Massaro, F.; D'Abrusco, R.; Paggi, A.
Following the rapid optical variability detected in the QSO GB6 J1604+5714 (=BZQJ1604+5714) (ATEL #4184), associated to the gamma-ray source 2FGL J1604.6+5710 (=1FGL J1604.3+5710) in Nolan et al. (2012 ApJS, 199, 31), we searched in the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE; Wright et al. 2010 AJ, 140, 1868) catalog at the VLBI position of the QSO GB6 J1604+5714 (R.A.(J2000): 16h04m37.3546s, Dec.(J2000): +57d14m36.660s) reported in Beasley et al......
Discovery of Possible Nova in M31 : P60-M31-080723
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Cenko, S. B.; Rau, A.; Ofek, E. O.; Quimby, R.; Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2008 July 23.33, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered a faint optical transient in M31 at RA(J2000)=00:43:27.28, DEC(J2000) = +41:10:03.3. P60-M31-080723 has a brightness of g = 19.3 +/- 0.2 (photometric calibration wrt USNO-B) and it is offset by 8.1'E,6.1'S from the center of M31. It was also marginally detected on July 22.32 at g = 19.8 +/- 0.2. It was not detected on the previous several nights with 3-sigma upper limits in table below.
Discovery of Classical Nova in NGC2403 : P60-NGC2403-090314
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Cenko, S. B.; Ofek, E. O.; Quimby, R.; Rau, A.; Caltech, Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2009 Mar 14.160, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered an optical transient in NGC2403 at RA(J2000) = 07:36:35.00, DEC(J2000)=+65:40:20.8, offset from the nucleus by 101.0"W, 252.0"N. P60-NGC2403-090314 had a brightness of g = 20.6 +/- 0.1 at discovery. At peak, on Mar 15.147, the apparent g = 19.6 corresponded to Mg = -8.2, at the distance of NGC2403. It was not detected by P60 to g > 21.8 on Mar 2.164.
Atmospheric Science Data Center
Order online ASDC Web Ordering Tool data available for ftp download. Order online CERES Subsetter Ordering Page data available for ftp download. Order online Earthdata Search Tool data available for download. Download the ...
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NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Noguchi, Hiroshi
Micelle formation in binary mixtures of surfactants is studied using a coarse-grained molecular simulation. When a vesicle composed of lipid and detergent types of molecules is ruptured, a disk-shaped micelle, the bicelle, is typically formed. It is found that cup-shaped vesicles and bicelles connected with worm-like micelles are also formed depending on the surfactant ratio and critical micelle concentration. The obtained octopus shape of micelles agree with those observed in the cryo-TEM images reported in [S. Jain and F. S. Bates, Macromol. 37, 1511 (2004).]. Two types of connection structures between the worm-like micelles and the bicelles are revealed.
Manimekalai: The ancient Buddhist Tamil epic, its relevance to psychiatry
Somasundaram, Ottilingam; Tejus Murthy, A. G.
This article refers to materials of psychiatric interest found in the Manimekalai written by the 2nd Century CE Buddhist poet Sathanar. From the early description of a wandering psychotic in the streets of Pukar, the ancient maritime capital of the Cholas it is opined that this description fits that of present-day schizophrenia. A drunkard making fun of a Jain monk and a cross-dressed individual are also found in the same streets. Manimekalai's request to the Chola king to convert the prison to a place of piety with Buddhist monks is mentioned. Lord Buddha's teachings on the compassionate way of life are presented. PMID:27385862
Indo-Tibetan Philosophical and Medical Systems: Perspectives on the Biofield
Daubenmier, Jennifer; Muehsam, David; Rapgay, Lopsang; Chopra, Deepak
The word biofield is a term that Western scientists have used to describe various aspects of energy and information fields that guide health processes. Similar concepts and descriptions of energy and information patterns exist in various cultures and have guided whole systems of medicine such as Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine. This article describes Vedic, Jain, and Tibetan philosophical and medical systems' concepts of consciousness and subtle energy and their relationships to health processes in order to foster deeper crosscultural dialogue on the nature of the biofield. Similarities and differences within the 3 traditions are noted, and suggestions for considering these concepts to extend current biofield research are discussed. PMID:26665038
Raj, Sonika; Sharma, Vijay Lakshmi; Singh, Amarjeet; Goel, Sonu
This article represents two-firsts for the feature--it is the first to report on a study outside the UK and the first to examine the health information needs of community health workers. Sonika Raj is pursuing PhD at the Centre for Public Health, Panjab University, Chandigarh, in India and she conducted her research in Chandigarh. The article outlines the important role that health workers at community level play in determining health outcomes in the developing world, including Chandigarh. It demonstrates that while those workers recognise their information needs, there are many issues affecting their ability to access health information effectively, not least their limited access to appropriate technology and training. AM. © 2015 Health Libraries Group.
Drs. Smith Brothers: dental surgeons of Calcutta.
Sanjeev, Kumar
During the British raj, India attracted dental practitioners from all over the world who set up practices in the Presidency towns of Calcutta, Bombay, Madras and Bangalore. Lured by the abundant opportunity to make good money, these mercenary but courageous dentists counted Viceroys, Indian royalty and political leaders amongst their clients. Some, like the famous American Smith Brothers of Calcutta, were sought after even by the rulers of neighboring countries. Dr. Mark Smith's hazardous visit to the Amir of Afghanistan made worldwide headlines more than 100 years ago for the fabulous fee he was paid for the dental treatment. This paper briefly describes the exploits and experiences of the Smith brothers while in India.
PTF discovers and follows-up nearby, young, Type II supernova
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Quimby, R. M.; Ofek, E. O.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Gal-Yam, A.; Arcavi, I.; Green, Y.; Walker, E.; Mazzali, P.; Nugent, P. E.; Poznanski, D.; Howell, D. A.; Dilday, B.; Fox, D. B.
On UT 2010 Sep 15.243, the Palomar Transient Factory discovered an optical transient, PTF10vdl at RA(J2000) = 23:05:49.001 and DEC(J2000)=03:31:20.50 near NGC 7483. We obtained Target Of Opportunity spectra with Gemini-S/GMOS (PI Kasliwal) on Sep 16.29. The spectrum was extremely blue (f_nu proportional to nu^4.5) and nearly featureless. We further obtained a spectrum with the TNG/DOLORES (PI Walker) on Sep 17.40 and P-Cygni profiles of four Balmer lines were clearly visible, consistent with the redshift of NGC 7483, suggesting this is a Type II supernova.
Discovery and Classification of Optical Transient in M81 : P60- M81-081203
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Cenko, S. B.; Quimby, R.; Rau, A.; Ofek, E. O.; Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2008 Dec 3.303, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered an optical transient in M81 at RA(J2000) = 09:55:16.920, DEC(J2000)=+69:02:17.68, offset from the nucleus by 87.2"W, 97.4"S. P60-M81-081203 had a brightness of g = 20.5 +/- 0.1 at discovery. It was not detected by P60 to g > 22.3 on Nov 30.410. There is no counterpart in SDSS or SIMBAD. Follow-up spectroscopy with the Double Beam Spectrograph on the Palomar Hale telescope showed a featureless spectrum on Dec 4 UT and Dec 5 UT.
Discovery of Possible Nova in M31 : P60-M31-080915
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Cenko, S. B.; Rau, A.; Ofek, E. O.; Quimby, R.; Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2008 Sep 15.36, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered a possible nova in M31 at RA(J2000) = 00:42:51.42, DEC(J2000) = 41:01:54.0, offset from the nucleus by 1.34'E, 14.24'S. P60-M31-080915 has a brightness of g=19.1 +/- 0.2 at discovery (photometric calibration wrt NOMAD catalog). It is further confirmed to rise to g=17.6 on Sep 16.16. It is not detected, with 3-sigma upper limits of g > 20.5, g > 21.0, g > 21.7 on Sep 14.16, Sep 13.39 and Sep 11.39 respectively.
Discovery and Classification of Nova in M31 : P60-M31-081230
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kasliwal, M. M.; Rau, A.; Salvato, M.; Cenko, S. B.; Ofek, E. O.; Quimby, R.; Kulkarni, S. R.
On UT 2008 Dec 30.207, P60-FasTING (Palomar 60-inch Fast Transients In Nearby Galaxies) discovered an optical transient in M31 at RA(J2000) = 00:43:05.027, DEC(J2000)=+41:17:52.25, offset from the nucleus by 233.4"E,103.8"N. P60-M31-081230 had a brightness of g = 20.5 +/- 0.2 at discovery. It was not detected by P60 to g > 22.0 on Dec 29.140. There is no counterpart in SIMBAD. Follow-up spectroscopy with the Double Beam Spectrograph on the Palomar Hale telescope on Dec 31.104 revealed prominent Balmer emission and strong P Cygni profiles of several Fe II lines.
Software Mechanisms for Multiprocessor TLB Consistency
thanks. Raj V aswani implemented the DASH message-passing system. Ramesh Govindan implemented part of the DASH virtual memory system. G . Scott...1 Latency (ma) 5 ---·-r··-·r···r··-T·-·-r··-·r····r····-r··-·r··- . g ~~~R=r 18 -----1·--·-r··-T·----1·--··r·---1·----1·--··r·---T·----1 16...model development. Synchronizing TLBs is similar to updating replicated data in a distributed environment. Lee and Garcia-Molina both used an M/ G /1
Huang, Hsin-Chia Carol; Hillman, David R; McArdle, Nigel
To investigate the factors associated with physiologic control of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) during automatic positive airway pressure (APAP) titration in a clinical series. To also assess the usefulness of apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) data downloaded from the APAP device (Dev AHI). Retrospective review of a consecutive series of patients with OSA who underwent APAP titration (Autoset Spirit, ResMed, Bella Vista, New South Wales, Australia ) with simultaneous polysomnographic (PSG) monitoring in the sleep laboratory. Tertiary sleep clinic. There were 190 consecutive patients with OSA referred for APAP titration. There were 58% of patients who achieved optimal or good control of OSA (titration PSG AHI < 10, or at least 50% reduction in AHI if diagnostic AHI < 15/hr) during APAP titration. The independent predictors of titration PSG AHI were a history of cardiac disease and elevated central apnea and arousal indices during the diagnostic study. Although the median and interquartile range (IQR) AHI from the device (7.0, 3.9-11.6 events/hr) was only slightly less than the PSG AHI (7.8, 3.9-14.4 events/hr, P = 0.04) during titration, case-by-case agreement between the two measures was poor (chi-square < 0.001). In a clinical sample control of OSA during APAP titration is often poor, and close clinical follow-up is particularly needed in patients with a history of cardiac disease or with high arousal or central apnea indices on the diagnostic study. Device AHI does not reliably assess control during APAP titration, and PSG assessment may be required if clinical response to treatment is poor. The findings relate to the ResMed AutoSet device and may not apply to other devices.
Particle Data Group - Downloads
1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 Older Publications Review of Particle Properties 1970 Aug. Review of Particle Properties 1970 Jan. Review of Particle Properties 1969 Review of Particle Properties 1968 Aug
Particle Data Group - Downloads
Particle Data Group HOME: pdgLive Summary Tables Reviews, Tables, Plots Particle Listings Errata ; inverted mass hierarchy Page 10 of Leptons Summary Table, Neutrino Mixing: Leptons Summary Tables (page 10 . Pages 3 and 63 of Mesons Summary Tables: Bottom Mesons Summary Tables (page 3) Mesons Summary Tables
Downloadable Computational Toxicology Data
EPA’s computational toxicology research generates data that investigates the potential harm, or hazard of a chemical, the degree of exposure to chemicals as well as the unique chemical characteristics. This data is publicly available here.
Smart Location Database - Download
The Smart Location Database (SLD) summarizes over 80 demographic, built environment, transit service, and destination accessibility attributes for every census block group in the United States. Future updates to the SLD will include additional attributes which summarize the relative location efficiency of a block group when compared to other block groups within the same metropolitan region. EPA also plans to periodically update attributes and add new attributes to reflect latest available data. A log of SLD updates is included in the SLD User Guide. See the user guide for a full description of data sources, data currency, and known limitations: https://edg.epa.gov/data/Public/OP/SLD/SLD_userguide.pdf
Chain of Custody Item Monitor Message Viewer v.1.0 Beta
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Schwartz, Steven Robert; Fielder, Laura; Hymel, Ross W.
The CoCIM Message Viewer software allows users to connect to and download messages from a Chain of Custody Item Monitor (CoCIM) connected to a serial port on the user’s computer. The downloaded messages are authenticated and displayed in a Graphical User Interface that allows the user a limited degree of sorting and filtering of the downloaded messages as well as the ability to save downloaded files or to open previously downloaded message history files.
Suhasini, G; Sonaa, E; Shila, S; Srikumari, C R; Jayaraman, G; Ramesh, A
We analysed the genetic structure of ≈ 1000 samples representing 27 ethnic groups settled in Tamil Nadu, south India, derived from two linguistic families (Dravidians and Indo-Europeans) representing four religious groups (Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Jainism) using 11 mtDNA markers. Out of 27 ethnic groups, four are in situ populations (Anglo-Indian, Labbai Muslim, Nadar Christian and south Indian Jain) and two are migrants (Gypsy and north Indian Jain) from north India to Tamil Nadu, and 21 are native ethnic groups. Six of the markers we used were monomorphic (HaeIII663, HpaI3592, AluI5176, AluI7025, AluI13262, 9-bp deletion) and five markers were polymorphic (DdeI10394, AluI10397, HinfI12308, HincII13259 and HaeIII16517). Haplogroup frequencies, genetic affinities and admixture analysis are based on the genotype data of polymorphic markers observed in these populations. Haplogroup frequencies indicate that various ethnic groups entered Tamil Nadu during different time periods. Genetic affinities and admixture estimates revealed that the ethnic groups possessing advanced knowledge of farming cluster in a branch (C), and could be the late arrived settlers as agriculture, was introduced to this region at about 5 to 3 thousand years ago. In situ ethnic groups appear to have arisen at various times as a result of the prevailing dominant socio-cultural forces. Hierarchical Hindu caste system created many ethnic groups in the history of its existence; some of them became isolated for considerable period of time. Over all, among Tamil ethnic groups, in spite of caste systems' rigidity, built in flexibility in the system in the form of hypergamy and hypogamy had allowed maternal gene flow between them.
Gulzar, Jamshaid; Ali, Moazzam; Kuroiwa, Chushi
In the 1990s, social marketing approach was introduced in Pakistan to improve the quality and accessibility of family planning methods involving private practitioners. This study measured six quality elements using a Bruce-Jain framework. Cross-sectional survey data were collected from 29 randomly selected Green Star clinics. The study's four components were 1) an inventory of each outlet (infrastructure, equipment, and supplies); 2) an observation guide for interaction between family planning clients and service providers; 3) exit interviews with clients attending the outlet; and 4) interviews with providers at the outlet. Of the 29 clients participating in the exit interviews, 72% were new users of family planning. The clients' mean age was 32 years; all clients were married; 93% had received formal education. Housework was the principal activity of 93% of clients. The mean number of children reported was three. Both hormonal and intrauterine contraceptives (IUCDs) were available in all facilities; 86% of the clients reported being able to obtain their contraceptive of choice. Most facilities had the equipment and supplies needed to deliver services; service personnel were trained and regularly supervised; the service outlets emphasized mechanisms to ensure continuity of use. Notable shortcomings included a shortage of information on alternative methods, contraindications, and side-effect management, as well as a dearth of registration records. In conclusion, this is a good example of public-private partnership involving private practitioners using a social marketing approach. The quality components of a Bruce-Jain framework were achieved, resulting in a satisfied clientele. Involvement of private service outlets increased the accessibility and enhanced the use of services. Social marketing may be expanded to improve quality and access by involving further components of health care.
Pustovalov, V; Astafyeva, L; Jean, B
Recently, several groups of investigators (Anderson, Halas, Zharov, El-Sayed and their co-workers (Pitsillides et al 2003 Biophys. J. 84 4023-31, Zharov et al 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 83 4897-9, Zharov et al 2004 Proc. SPIE 5319 291-9, Loo et al 2005 Nano Lett. 5 709-11, Gobin et al 2007 Nano Lett. 7 1929-34, Fu et al 2008 Nanotechnology 19 045103, Huang et al 2006 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 2115-20, Jain et al 2006 J. Phys. Chem. B 110 7238-48, Jain et al 2007 Nano Today 2 18-29)) demonstrated, through pioneering results, the great potential of laser thermal therapy of cells and tissues conjugated with gold nanoparticles. It was also proposed to use combined diagnostics and therapy on the basis of nanoparticle selection for achievement of efficient contrast for laser imaging applications, as well as for photothermal therapy. However, the current understanding of the relationship between optical properties (absorption, backscattering) of nanoparticles, the efficiency of nanoparticle heating and the possibility to use them for combined imaging and therapy is limited. Here, we report the results of computer modeling of optical absorption and backscattering properties and laser heating of gold and silica-gold spherical nanoparticles for laser combined imaging and photothermal treatment of cells and tissues conjugated with nanoparticles. The efficiencies of nanoparticle heating and backscattering by nanoparticles, depending upon their radii, structure and optical properties of the metal, were investigated. This paper focuses on the analysis and determination of appropriate ranges of nanoparticle sizes for the purposes of laser combined imaging and photothermal treatment. The possibility to use spherical gold and silica-gold nanoparticles in determined ranges of radii for these purposes for laser wavelengths 532 and 800 nm is investigated.
Vaidyavallabha: An Authoritative Work on Ayurveda Therapeutics.
Jain, Arhanth Kumar; Manjunath, Shreevathsa
The text " Vaidyavallabha " is an authoritative work on Ayurvedic therapeutics written by Hastiruci , a Jain scholar. It belongs to the time period of 1673-1726 CE. Different physical and mental ailments with their treatments are addressed in the 274 verses spanned over eight chapters in this work. In this text many unique, special and simple medicinal preparations for different diseases are given. Many drugs which were easily available in the local area are given much more importance in the treatment. Added to this, method and uniqueness of naming the diseases in the text stand differently when compared to other texts. Even though the text seems to be small, the contribution to the field of Ayurveda practice is priceless.
Jain, Mamta; Kumar, Anil; Choudhary, Rishabh Charan
In this article, we have proposed an improved diagonal queue medical image steganography for patient secret medical data transmission using chaotic standard map, linear feedback shift register, and Rabin cryptosystem, for improvement of previous technique (Jain and Lenka in Springer Brain Inform 3:39-51, 2016). The proposed algorithm comprises four stages, generation of pseudo-random sequences (pseudo-random sequences are generated by linear feedback shift register and standard chaotic map), permutation and XORing using pseudo-random sequences, encryption using Rabin cryptosystem, and steganography using the improved diagonal queues. Security analysis has been carried out. Performance analysis is observed using MSE, PSNR, maximum embedding capacity, as well as by histogram analysis between various Brain disease stego and cover images.
Technical Support | Division of Cancer Prevention
To view the live webinar, you will need to have the software, Microsoft Live Meeting, downloaded onto your computer before the event. In most cases, the software will automatically download when you open the program on your system. However, in the event that you need to download it manually, you can access the software at the link below: Download the Microsoft Office Live
Bartlett, Richard D; Radenkovic, Dina; Mitrasinovic, Stefan; Cole, Andrew; Pavkovic, Iva; Denn, Peyton Cheong Phey; Hussain, Mahrukh; Kogler, Magdalena; Koutsopodioti, Natalia; Uddin, Wasima; Beckley, Ivan; Abubakar, Hana; Gill, Deborah; Smith, Daron
Medical simulators offer an invaluable educational resource for medical trainees. However, owing to cost and portability restrictions, they have traditionally been limited to simulation centres. With the advent of sophisticated mobile technology, simulators have become cheaper and more accessible. Touch Surgery is one such freely downloadable mobile application simulator (MAS) used by over one million healthcare professionals worldwide. Nevertheless, to date, it has never been formally validated as an adjunct in undergraduate medical education. Medical students in the final 3 years of their programme were recruited and randomised to one of three revision interventions: 1) no formal revision resources, 2) traditional revision resources, or 3) MAS. Students completed pre-test questionnaires and were then assessed on their ability to complete an undisclosed male urinary catheterisation scenario. Following a one-hour quarantined revision period, all students repeated the scenario. Both attempts were scored by allocation-blinded examiners against an objective 46-point mark scheme. A total of 27 medical students were randomised (n = 9 per group). Mean scores improved between baseline and post-revision attempts by 8.7% (p = 0.003), 19.8% (p = 0.0001), and 15.9% (p = 0.001) for no resources, traditional resources, and MAS, respectively. However, when comparing mean score improvements between groups there were no significant differences. Mobile simulators offer an unconventional, yet potentially useful adjunct to enhance undergraduate clinical skills education. Our results indicate that MAS's perform comparably to current gold-standard revision resources; however, they may confer significant advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness and practice flexibility. Not applicable.
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Alternative Fuels Data Center: Hydrogen Drive
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Normal Female Reproductive Anatomy
... hyphen, e.g. -historical Searches are case-insensitive Reproductive System, Female, Anatomy Add to My Pictures View /Download : ... 1500x1575 View Download Large: 3000x3150 View Download Title: Reproductive System, Female, Anatomy Description: Anatomy of the female reproductive ...
Background In this study, we present evidence that proteins encoded by the Locus of Enterocyte Effacement (LEE), considered critical for Escherichia coli O157 (O157) adherence to follicle-associated epithelial (FAE) cells at the bovine recto-anal junction (RAJ), do not appear to contribute to O157 adherence to squamous epithelial (RSE) cells also constituting this primary site of O157 colonization in cattle. Results Antisera targeting intimin-γ, the primary O157 adhesin, and other essential LEE proteins failed to block O157 adherence to RSE cells, when this pathogen was grown in DMEM, a culture medium that enhances expression of LEE proteins. In addition, RSE adherence of a DMEM-grown-O157 mutant lacking the intimin protein was comparable to that seen with its wild-type parent O157 strain grown in the same media. These adherence patterns were in complete contrast to that observed with HEp-2 cells (the adherence to which is mediated by intimin-γ), assayed under same conditions. This suggested that proteins other than intimin-γ that contribute to adherence to RSE cells are expressed by this pathogen during growth in DMEM. To identify such proteins, we defined the proteome of DMEM-grown-O157 (DMEM-proteome). GeLC-MS/MS revealed that the O157 DMEM-proteome comprised 684 proteins including several components of the cattle and human O157 immunome, orthologs of adhesins, hypothetical secreted and outer membrane proteins, in addition to the known virulence and LEE proteins. Bioinformatics-based analysis of the components of the O157 DMEM proteome revealed several new O157-specific proteins with adhesin potential. Conclusion Proteins other than LEE and intimin-γ proteins are involved in O157 adherence to RSE cells at the bovine RAJ. Such proteins, with adhesin potential, are expressed by this human pathogen during growth in DMEM. Ongoing experiments to evaluate their role in RSE adherence should provide both valuable insights into the O157-RSE interactions and new
Cote, Rebecca; Katani, Robab; Moreau, Matthew R.; Kudva, Indira T.; Arthur, Terrance M.; DebRoy, Chitrita; Mwangi, Michael M.; Albert, Istvan; Raygoza Garay, Juan Antonio; Li, Lingling; Brandl, Maria T.; Carter, Michelle Q.; Kapur, Vivek
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (O157) are significant foodborne pathogens and pose a serious threat to public health worldwide. The major reservoirs of O157 are asymptomatic cattle which harbor the organism in the terminal recto-anal junction (RAJ). Some colonized animals, referred to as “super-shedders” (SS), are known to shed O157 in exceptionally large numbers (>104 CFU/g of feces). Recent studies suggest that SS cattle play a major role in the prevalence and transmission of O157, but little is known about the molecular mechanisms associated with super-shedding. Whole genome sequence analysis of an SS O157 strain (SS17) revealed a genome of 5,523,849 bp chromosome with 5,430 open reading frames and two plasmids, pO157 and pSS17, of 94,645 bp and 37,446 bp, respectively. Comparative analyses showed that SS17 is clustered with spinach-associated O157 outbreak strains, and belongs to the lineage I/II, clade 8, D group, and genotype 1, a subgroup of O157 with predicted hyper-virulence. A large number of non-synonymous SNPs and other polymorphisms were identified in SS17 as compared with other O157 strains (EC4115, EDL933, Sakai, TW14359), including in key adherence- and virulence-related loci. Phenotypic analyses revealed a distinctive and strongly adherent aggregative phenotype of SS17 on bovine RAJ stratified squamous epithelial (RSE) cells that was conserved amongst other SS isolates. Molecular genetic and functional analyses of defined mutants of SS17 suggested that the strongly adherent aggregative phenotype amongst SS isolates is LEE-independent, and likely results from a novel mechanism. Taken together, our study provides a rational framework for investigating the molecular mechanisms associated with SS, and strong evidence that SS O157 isolates have distinctive features and use a LEE-independent mechanism for hyper-adherence to bovine rectal epithelial cells. PMID:25664460
Sharma, V K; Sacco, R E; Kunkle, R A; Bearson, S M D; Palmquist, D E
The locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (O157) encodes a type III secretion system (T3SS) for secreting LEE-encoded and non-LEE-encoded virulence proteins that promote the adherence of O157 to intestinal epithelial cells and the persistence of this food-borne human pathogen in bovine intestines. In this study, we compared hha sepB and hha mutants of O157 for LEE transcription, T3SS activity, adherence to HEp-2 cells, persistence in bovine intestines, and the ability to induce changes in the expression of proinflammatory cytokines. LEE transcription was upregulated in the hha sepB and hha mutant strains compared to that in the wild-type strain, but the secretion of virulence proteins in the hha sepB mutant was severely compromised. This reduced secretion resulted in reduced adherence of the hha sepB mutant to Hep-2 cells, correlating with a significantly shorter duration and lower magnitude of fecal shedding in feces of weaned (n = 4 per group) calves inoculated with this mutant strain. The levels of LEE transcription, T3SS activity, and adherence to HEp-2 cells were much lower in the wild-type strain than in the hha mutant, but no significant differences were observed in the duration or the magnitude of fecal shedding in calves inoculated with these strains. Examination of the rectoanal junction (RAJ) tissues from three groups of calves showed no adherent O157 bacteria and similar proinflammatory cytokine gene expression, irrespective of the inoculated strain, with the exception that interleukin-1β was upregulated in calves inoculated with the hha sepB mutant. These results indicate that the T3SS is essential for intestinal colonization and prolonged shedding, but increased secretion of virulence proteins did not enhance the duration and magnitude of fecal shedding of O157 in cattle or have any significant impact on the cytokine gene expression in RAJ tissue compared with that in small intestinal tissue from the same calves.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Krumdieck, Susan Pran
Several years ago, a method for depositing ceramic coatings called the Pulsed-MOCVD system was developed by the Raj group at Cornell University in association with Dr. Harvey Berger and Sono-Tek Corporation. The process was used to produce epitaxial thin films of TiO2 on sapphire substrates under conditions of low pressure, relatively high temperature, and very low growth rate. The system came to CU-Boulder when Professor Raj moved here in 1997. It is quite a simple technique and has several advantages over typical CVD systems. The purpose of this dissertation is two-fold; (1) understand the chemical processes, thermodynamics, and kinetics of the Pulsed-MOCVD technique, and (2) determine the possible applications by studying the film structure and morphology over the entire range of deposition conditions. Polycrystalline coatings of ceramic materials were deposited on nickel in the low-pressure, cold-wall reactor from metalorganic precursors, titanium isopropoxide, and a mixture of zirconium isopropoxide and yttria isopropoxide. The process utilized pulsed liquid injection of a dilute precursor solution with atomization by ultrasonic nozzle. Thin films (less than 1mum) with fine-grained microstructure and thick coatings (up to 1mum) with columnar-microstructure were deposited on heated metal substrates by thermal decomposition of a single liquid precursor. The influence of each of the primary deposition parameters, substrate temperature, total flow rate, and precursor concentration on growth rate, conversion efficiency and morphology were investigated. The operating conditions were determined for kinetic, mass transfer, and evaporation process control regimes. Kinetic controlled deposition was found to produce equiaxed morphology while mass transfer controlled deposition produced columnar morphology. A kinetic model of the deposition process was developed and compared to data for deposition of TiO2 from Ti(OC3H7) 4 precursor. The results demonstrate that growth
... Topics Osteoarthritis English Español 繁體中文 한국어 tiếng Việt Osteoarthritis Basics In-Depth Download Download EPUB Download PDF What is it? Points To Remember About Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is a disease that damages the slippery ...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 385.11 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights COPYRIGHT ROYALTY BOARD, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS RATES AND... MAKING AND DISTRIBUTING OF PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL PHONORECORDS Interactive Streaming and Limited Downloads... interactive streams or limited downloads of musical works, as applicable. Limited download means a digital...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nguyen, Dung Xuan; Gromov, Andrey; Son, Dam Thanh
We perform a detailed comparison of the Dirac composite fermion and the recently proposed bimetric theory for a quantum Hall Jain states near half filling. By tuning the composite Fermi liquid to the vicinity of a nematic phase transition, we find that the two theories are equivalent to each other. We verify that the single mode approximation for the response functions and the static structure factor becomes reliable near the phase transition. We show that the dispersion relation of the nematic mode near the phase transition can be obtained from the Dirac brackets between the components of the nematic order parameter. The dispersion is quadratic at low momenta and has a magnetoroton minimum at a finite momentum, which is not related to any nearby inhomogeneous phase.
Double differential cross sections of ethane molecule
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kumar, Rajeev
Partial and total double differential cross sections corresponding to various cations C2H6+, C2H4+, C2H5+, C2H3+, C2H2+, CH3+, H+, CH2+, C2H+, H2+, CH+, H3+, C2+ and C+ produced during the direct and dissociative electron ionization of Ethane (C2H6) molecule have been calculated at fixed impinging electron energies 200 and 500eV by using modified Jain-Khare semi empirical approach. The calculation for double differential cross sections is made as a function of energy loss suffered by primary electron and angle of incident. To the best of my knowledge no other data is available for the comparison.
... Rheumatoid Arthritis English Español 繁體中文 한국어 tiếng Việt Rheumatoid Arthritis Basics In-Depth Download Download EPUB Download PDF What is it? Points To Remember About Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that causes pain, ...
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Optical to NIR spectra of nova V2676 Oph 2012 (Raj+, 2017)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Raj, A.; Das, R. K.; Walter, F. M.
Near-infrared observations were obtained using the 1.2m telescope of Mt.Abu Infrared Observatory from 2012 March 29 to June 18 and the SMARTS/CTIO 1.3m telescope. The SMARTS photometry is available on the SMARTS atlas (Walter+, 2012PASP..124.1057W). Optical spectra were obtained with the Asiago 1.22m telescope + B&C spectrograph. Further low-dispersion spectra and photometry were obtained using the SMARTS 1.5m facilities. We obtained 19 spectra on an irregular cadence and with various sky conditions from 2012 April 5 through 2012 June 24. The target was observed using the COSMOS long slit spectrograph at CTIO on 2015 May 8, some three years after the outburst. (3 data files).
Reddy, R C; Ravindra Rao, R; Kelkar, P S; Rao, I R; Ramarao, K G; Elyas, S I
Panchayat Raj Engineering Department (PRED), Government of Andhra Pradesh installed package water treatment plants on a trial basis, in some villages in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. These plants with a design capacity of 6000-12000 lph were supplied and erected by a firm in Hyderabad. These plants consist of three stage treatment comprising of pulverized quartz filter bed, activated carbon bed and micro filter unit followed by disinfection. At the request of PRED, comprehensive studies were carried on individual plants which includes a detailed appraisal of the performance of the individual components of the plant, infrastructure at the village level for routine O&M of the plants as also views of the community regarding their acceptability of the system. This paper presents the findings and conclusions of the performance evaluation study.
The Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool (WMOST) is a decision support tool that facilitates integrated water management at the local or small watershed scale. WMOST models the environmental effects and costs of managemen
The Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool (WMOST) allows water-resource managers and planners to screen a wide range of practices for cost-effectiveness in achieving watershed or water utilities management goals.
The Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool (WMOST) is a decision support tool that facilitates integrated water management at the local or small watershed scale. WMOST models the environmental effects and costs of management.
Downloadable 2006 IUR Public Database
The following file contains information reported to EPA under the 2006 IUR. Please note that no information claimed as TSCA Confidential Business Information by an IUR reporter is contained in this file.
& Legislation Links Discussion Lists Quick Links AAPT eMentoring ComPADRE Review of High School Take Physics" Poster Why Physics Poster Thumbnail Download normal resolution JPEG Download high resolution JPEG Download Spanish Version Recruiting Physics Students in High School (FED newsletter article
Modes of Access: The Influence of Dissemination Channels on the Use of Open Access Monographs
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Snijder, Ronald
Introduction: This paper studies the effects of several dissemination channels in an open access environment by analysing the download data of the OAPEN Library. Method: Download data were obtained containing the number of downloads and the name of the Internet provider. Based on public information, each Internet provider was categorised. The…
Drive Cycle Data | Transportation Secure Data Center | NREL
one file. Download Individual Survey and Study Drive Cycle Data Below you'll find drive cycle data download files for individual surveys and studies. Greater Fairbanks, Alaska, Transportation Survey Drive Cycle Data by Vehicle (24-hour period of operation) Download Learn more about the survey. California
Graphing Online Searches with Lotus 1-2-3.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Persson, Olle
This article illustrates how Lotus 1-2-3 software can be used to create graphs using downloaded online searches as raw material, notes most commands applied, and outlines three required steps: downloading, importing the downloading file into the worksheet, and making graphs. An example in bibliometrics and sample graphs are included. (EJS)
On the Web, a Textbook Proliferation of Piracy
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Young, Jeffrey R.
Book publishers are stepping up efforts to stop college students from downloading illegal copies of textbooks online. One Web site, Textbook Torrents, promises more than 5,000 textbooks for download in PDF format, complete with the original books' layouts and full-color illustrations. Users must simply set up a free account and download a free…
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Schwan's Home Service Delivers With
distribute products across the United States. For information about this project, contact Twin Cities Clean Cities Coalition. Download QuickTime Video QuickTime (.mov) Download Windows Media Video Windows Media (.wmv) Video Download Help Text version See more videos provided by Clean Cities TV and FuelEconomy.gov
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maine's Only Biodiesel Manufacturer Powers
this project, contact Maine Clean Communities. Download QuickTime Video QuickTime (.mov) Download Windows Media Video Windows Media (.wmv) Video Download Help Text version See more videos provided by truck Krug Energy Opens Natural Gas Fueling Station in Arkansas June 18, 2016 photo of natural gas
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Propane Powers Airport Shuttles in New
Clean Fuel Partnership. Download QuickTime Video QuickTime (.mov) Download Windows Media Video Windows Media (.wmv) Video Download Help Text version See more videos provided by Clean Cities TV and Vehicles in California Nov. 18, 2017 Photo of a car Smart Car Shopping Nov. 4, 2017 Photo of a truck
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Texas Taxis Go Hybrid
information about this project, contact Alamo Area Clean Cities (San Antonio). Download QuickTime Video QuickTime (.mov) Download Windows Media Video Windows Media (.wmv) Video Download Help Text version See more car Hydrogen Powers Fuel Cell Vehicles in California Nov. 18, 2017 Photo of a car Smart Car Shopping
The preconditioned Gauss-Seidel method faster than the SOR method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Niki, Hiroshi; Kohno, Toshiyuki; Morimoto, Munenori
In recent years, a number of preconditioners have been applied to linear systems [A.D. Gunawardena, S.K. Jain, L. Snyder, Modified iterative methods for consistent linear systems, Linear Algebra Appl. 154-156 (1991) 123-143; T. Kohno, H. Kotakemori, H. Niki, M. Usui, Improving modified Gauss-Seidel method for Z-matrices, Linear Algebra Appl. 267 (1997) 113-123; H. Kotakemori, K. Harada, M. Morimoto, H. Niki, A comparison theorem for the iterative method with the preconditioner (I+Smax), J. Comput. Appl. Math. 145 (2002) 373-378; H. Kotakemori, H. Niki, N. Okamoto, Accelerated iteration method for Z-matrices, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 75 (1996) 87-97; M. Usui, H. Niki, T.Kohno, Adaptive Gauss-Seidel method for linear systems, Internat. J. Comput. Math. 51(1994)119-125 [10
Cognitive impairments associated with CFS and POTS.
Shanks, Lindzi; Jason, Leonard A; Evans, Meredyth; Brown, Abigail
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by fatigue, sleep dysfunction, and cognitive deficits (Fukuda et al., 1994). Research surrounding cognitive functioning among patients with CFS has found difficulty with memory, attention, and information processing. A similar disorder, postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS), is characterized by increased heart rate, fatigue, and mental cloudiness (Raj et al., 2009). Potential implications of cognitive deficits for patients with CFS and/or POTS are discussed, including difficulties with school and/or employment. A few biological theories (i.e., kindling, impairments in the central nervous system, and difficulty with blood flow) have emerged as potential explanations for the cognitive deficits reported in both CFS and POTS Future research should continue to examine possible explanations for cognitive impairments in CFS and POTS, and ultimately use this information to try and reduce cognitive impairments for these patients.
New redshift determinations for three 3C radio sources.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Reynaldi, V.
I report the new redshift determinations of three radio sources 3C 196.1, 3C 268.2 and 3C 303.1 by using GMOS/Gemini North long-slit optical spectroscopy. The details of the observations are summarized in the following table (the B600 grating was used for the three observations): Object | RA(J2000) | DEC(J2000) | Date of obs. | width-slit(arcsec) | PA(deg) | Exp.Time(sec) 3C 196.1 | 8:15:27.8 | -03:08:27 | Mar 2012 | 0.5 | 50 | 2560 3C 268.2| |12:00:59.1 | 31:33:28 | Feb 2011 | 0.5 | 165 | 2576 3C 303.1 | 14:43:14.5 | 77:07:28 | Feb 2012 | 1 | 145 | 2560 The three of the sources have extended regions of ionized gas that do not obey a spherical distribution.
Hypertension is one of the most common co-morbidities associated with DM and substantially contributes to the macrovascular disease that occurs in...After Numera terminated the contract to provide glucometer download support Estenda activated the patient portal , Diabetes Mellitus Everywhere...several patients. Problem areas include having to download JAVA with first upload and accessing the DME portal . d. PO has downloaded glucose
Alternative Fuels Data Center: America's Largest Home Runs on Biodiesel in
Coalition (Western North Carolina). Download QuickTime Video QuickTime (.mov) Download Windows Media Video Windows Media (.wmv) Video Download Help Text version See more videos provided by Clean Cities TV and Photo of a car Hydrogen Powers Fuel Cell Vehicles in California Nov. 18, 2017 Photo of a car Smart Car
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Rhode Island EV Initiative Adds Chargers
Ocean State Clean Cities. Download QuickTime Video QuickTime (.mov) Download Windows Media Video Windows Media (.wmv) Video Download Help Text version See more videos provided by Clean Cities TV and Photo of a car Hydrogen Powers Fuel Cell Vehicles in California Nov. 18, 2017 Photo of a car Smart Car
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Worcester Regional Transit Authority Drives
Clean Cities. Download QuickTime Video QuickTime (.mov) Download Windows Media Video Windows Media (.wmv ) Video Download Help Text version See more videos provided by Clean Cities TV and FuelEconomy.gov Fuel Cell Vehicles in California Nov. 18, 2017 Photo of a car Smart Car Shopping Nov. 4, 2017 Image of
Assessment of Department of Defense Basic Research
Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council: • Download hundreds of free books in PDF...with our innovative research tools Thank you for downloading this free PDF. If you have comments, questions or just want more information... downloaded from: http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11177.html Assessment of Department of Defense Basic Research Committee on Department of Defense Basic
Privacy as Part of the App Decision-Making Process
concerns they may not actively consider privacy while downloading apps from smartphone application marketplaces. Currently Android users have only the... Android permissions display which appears after they have selected an app to download to help them understand how applications access their information...marketplaces. Currently, Android users have only the Android permissions display, which appears after they have selected an app to download, to help
A two dimensional study of rotor/airfoil interaction in hover
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lee, Chyang S.
A two dimensional model for the chordwise flow near the wing tip of the tilt rotor in hover is presented. The airfoil is represented by vortex panels and the rotor is modeled by doublet panels. The rotor slipstream and the airfoil wake are simulated by free point vortices. Calculations on a 20 percent thick elliptical airfoil under a uniform rotor inflow are performed. Variations on rotor size, spacing between the rotor and the airfoil, ground effect, and the influence upper surface blowing in download reduction are analyzed. Rotor size has only a minor influence on download when it is small. Increase of the rotor/airfoil spacing causes a gradual decrease on download. Proximity to the ground effectively reduces the download and makes the wake unsteady. The surface blowing changes the whole flow structure and significantly reduces the download within the assumption of a potential solution. Improvement on the present model is recommended to estimate the wall jets induced suction on the airfoil lower surface.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bingham, Andrew W.; McCleese, Sean W.; Deen, Robert G.; Chung, Nga T.; Stough, Timothy M.
Datacasting V3.0 provides an RSSbased feed mechanism for publishing the availability of Earth science data records in real time. It also provides a utility for subscribing to these feeds and sifting through all the items in an automatic manner to identify and download the data records that are required for a specific application. Datacasting is a method by which multiple data providers can publish the availability of new Earth science data and users download those files that meet a predefined need; for example, to only download data files related to a specific earthquake or region on the globe. Datacasting is a server-client architecture. The server-side software is used by data providers to create and publish the metadata about recently available data according to the Datacasting RSS (Really Simple Syndication) specification. The client software subscribes to the Datacasting RSS and other RSS-based feeds. By configuring filters associated with feeds, data consumers can use the client to identify and automatically download files that meet a specific need. On the client side, a Datacasting feed reader monitors the server for new feeds. The feed reader will be tuned by the user, via a graphical user interface (GUI), to examine the content of the feeds and initiate a data pull after some criteria are satisfied. The criteria might be, for example, to download sea surface temperature data for a particular region that has cloud cover less than 50% and during daylight hours. After the granule is downloaded to the client, the user will have the ability to visualize the data in the GUI. Based on the popular concept of podcasting, which gives listeners the capability to download only those MP3 files that match their preference, Earth science Datacasting will give users a method to download only the Earth science data files that are required for a particular application.
Ultrasound-Based Guidance for Partial Breast Irradiation Therapy
displace- 0278-0062/$20.00 © IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore . Downloaded on January 5, 2009 at 17:37 from IEEE Xplore . Restrictions...Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore . Downloaded on January 5, 2009 at 17:37 from IEEE Xplore . Restrictions apply. RIVAZ et al...better CNR values: the Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore . Downloaded on January 5, 2009 at 17:37 from IEEE Xplore . Restrictions apply
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Iversen, C.M.; Powell, A.S.; McCormack, M.L.
The second version of the Fine-Root Ecology Database is available for download! Download the full FRED 2.0 data set, user guidance document, map, and list of data sources here. Prior to downloading the data, please read and follow the Data Use Guidelines, and it's worth checking out some tips for using FRED before you begin your analyses. Also, see here for an updating list of corrections to FRED 2.0.
Truncated Calogero-Sutherland models
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pittman, S. M.; Beau, M.; Olshanii, M.; del Campo, A.
A one-dimensional quantum many-body system consisting of particles confined in a harmonic potential and subject to finite-range two-body and three-body inverse-square interactions is introduced. The range of the interactions is set by truncation beyond a number of neighbors and can be tuned to interpolate between the Calogero-Sutherland model and a system with nearest and next-nearest neighbors interactions discussed by Jain and Khare. The model also includes the Tonks-Girardeau gas describing impenetrable bosons as well as an extension with truncated interactions. While the ground state wave function takes a truncated Bijl-Jastrow form, collective modes of the system are found in terms of multivariable symmetric polynomials. We numerically compute the density profile, one-body reduced density matrix, and momentum distribution of the ground state as a function of the range r and the interaction strength.
Invisible Trojan-horse attack.
Sajeed, Shihan; Minshull, Carter; Jain, Nitin; Makarov, Vadim
We demonstrate the experimental feasibility of a Trojan-horse attack that remains nearly invisible to the single-photon detectors employed in practical quantum key distribution (QKD) systems, such as Clavis2 from ID Quantique. We perform a detailed numerical comparison of the attack performance against Scarani-Ac´ın-Ribordy-Gisin (SARG04) QKD protocol at 1924 nm versus that at 1536 nm. The attack strategy was proposed earlier but found to be unsuccessful at the latter wavelength, as reported in N. Jain et al., New J. Phys. 16, 123030 (2014). However at 1924 nm, we show experimentally that the noise response of the detectors to bright pulses is greatly reduced, and show by modeling that the same attack will succeed. The invisible nature of the attack poses a threat to the security of practical QKD if proper countermeasures are not adopted.
Particle-hole symmetry and composite fermions in fractional quantum Hall states
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nguyen, Dung Xuan; Golkar, Siavash; Roberts, Matthew M.; Son, Dam Thanh
We study fractional quantum Hall states at filling fractions in the Jain sequences using the framework of composite Dirac fermions. Synthesizing previous work, we write an effective field theory consistent with all symmetry requirements, including Galilean invariance and particle-hole symmetry. Employing a Fermi-liquid description, we demonstrate the appearance of the Girvin-Macdonald-Platzman algebra and compute the dispersion relation of neutral excitations and various response functions. Our results satisfy requirements of particle-hole symmetry. We show that while the dispersion relation obtained from the modified random-phase approximation (MRPA) of the Halperin-Lee-Read (HLR) theory is particle-hole symmetric, correlation functions obtained from this scheme are not. The results of the Dirac theory are shown to be consistent with the Haldane bound on the projected structure factor, while those of the MPRA of the HLR theory violate it.
Nonlinear system identification technique validation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rudko, M.; Bussgang, J. J.
This final technical report describes the results obtained by SIGNATRON, Inc. of Lexington MA on Air Force Contract F30602-80-C-0104 for Rome Air Development Center. The objective of this effort is to develop a technique for identifying system response of nonlinear circuits by measurements of output response to known inputs. The report describes results of a study into the system identification technique based on the pencil-of-function method previously explored by Jain (1974) and Ewen (1979). The procedure identified roles of the linear response and is intended as a first step in nonlinear response and is intended as a first step in nonlinear circuit identification. There are serious implementation problems associated with the original approach such as loss of accuracy due to repeated integrations, lack of good measures of accuracy and computational iteration to identify the number of poles.
Nagaraj, Anil Kumar Mysore
Sex is a mysterious phenomenon, which has puzzled even great sages. Human beings have researched and mastered the biology of sex. But that is not all. Sex needs to be understood from the spiritual perspective too. The vision of Osho is an enlightening experience in this regard. Out of the thousands of lectures, five lectures on sex made Osho most notorious. Born into a Jain family of Madhya Pradesh, Rajneesh, who later wanted himself to be called Osho, is a great master. He has spoken volumes on a wide range of topics ranging from sex to super-consciousness. His contributions in the area of sex are based on the principles of "Tantra" which has its origin from Buddhism. This article focuses on his life and insights on sex, which if understood properly, can be a stepping stone for enlightenment.
Understanding Medical Words Tutorial: Download Instructions
... are compressed into a zip format, not all software packages will follow the step-by-step directions ... http://www.winzip.com/aboutzip.htm) or similar software and be sure to extract ALL the files ...
7 CFR 318.13-14 - Movement of processed fruits, vegetables, and other products.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
.../import_export/plants/manuals/ports/downloads/hawaii.pdf and http://www.aphis.usda.gov/import_export/plants/manuals/ports/downloads/puerto_rico.pdf. (b) Consignments of processed fruits, vegetables, or...
licensed use limited to: UNIV OF HAWAII LIBRARY. Downloaded on June 18,2010 at 22:24:49 UTC from IEEE Xplore . Restrictions apply. KIM et al.: MODIFIED...limited to: UNIV OF HAWAII LIBRARY. Downloaded on June 18,2010 at 22:24:49 UTC from IEEE Xplore . Restrictions apply. 404 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON...licensed use limited to: UNIV OF HAWAII LIBRARY. Downloaded on June 18,2010 at 22:24:49 UTC from IEEE Xplore . Restrictions apply. KIM et al
EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online
The Environmental Protection Agency's Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) website provides customizable and downloadable information about environmental inspections, violations, and enforcement actions for EPA-regulated facilities related to the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and Safe Drinking Water Act. These data are updated weekly as part of the ECHO data refresh, and ECHO offers many user-friendly options to explore data, including:? Facility Search: ECHO information is searchable by varied criteria, including location, facility type, and compliance status. Search results are customizable and downloadable.? Comparative Maps and State Dashboards: These tools offer aggregated information about facility compliance status, regulatory agency compliance monitoring, and enforcement activity at the national and state level.? Bulk Data Downloads: One of ECHO??s most popular features is the ability to work offline by downloading large data sets. Users can take advantage of the ECHO Exporter, which provides summary information about each facility in comma-separated values (csv) file format, or download data sets by program as zip files.
Biblio-Link and Pro-Cite: The Searcher's Workstation.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hoyle, Norman; McNamara, Kathleen
Describes the Biblio-Link and Pro-Cite software packages, which can be used together to create local databases with downloaded records, or to reorganize and repackage downloaded records for client reports. (CLB)
Analysis of United States’ Broadband Policy
compared with the minimum speed the FCC uses in its definition of broadband access. For example, using a 56K modem connection to download a 10...transmission rates multiple times faster than a 56K modem , users can view video or download software and other data-intensive files in a matter of seconds...boast download speeds from 144Kbps (roughly three times faster than a 56K dial-up modem connection) to 2.4Mbps (close to cable- modem speed). Although
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Cough and Cold Medicine (DXM and Codeine Syrup)
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DefenseLink Special: Doolittle Raid, April 18, 1942
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NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bolliet, Timothé; Brockmann, Patrick; Masson-Delmotte, Valérie; Bassinot, Franck; Daux, Valérie; Genty, Dominique; Landais, Amaelle; Lavrieux, Marlène; Michel, Elisabeth; Ortega, Pablo; Risi, Camille; Roche, Didier M.; Vimeux, Françoise; Waelbroeck, Claire
Past climate is an important benchmark to assess the ability of climate models to simulate key processes and feedbacks. Numerous proxy records exist for stable isotopes of water and/or carbon, which are also implemented inside the components of a growing number of Earth system model. Model-data comparisons can help to constrain the uncertainties associated with transfer functions. This motivates the need of producing a comprehensive compilation of different proxy sources. We have put together a global database of proxy records of oxygen (δ18O), hydrogen (δD) and carbon (δ13C) stable isotopes from different archives: ocean and lake sediments, corals, ice cores, speleothems and tree-ring cellulose. Source records were obtained from the georeferenced open access PANGAEA and NOAA libraries, complemented by additional data obtained from a literature survey. About 3000 source records were screened for chronological information and temporal resolution of proxy records. Altogether, this database consists of hundreds of dated δ18O, δ13C and δD records in a standardized simple text format, complemented with a metadata Excel catalog. A quality control flag was implemented to describe age markers and inform on chronological uncertainty. This compilation effort highlights the need to homogenize and structure the format of datasets and chronological information as well as enhance the distribution of published datasets that are currently highly fragmented and scattered. We also provide an online portal based on the records included in this database with an intuitive and interactive platform (http://climateproxiesfinder.ipsl.fr/), allowing one to easily select, visualize and download subsets of the homogeneously formatted records that constitute this database, following a choice of search criteria, and to upload new datasets. In the last part, we illustrate the type of application allowed by our database by
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: When Worry Gets Out of Control
... of Control Download PDF Download ePub Order a free hardcopy What Is GAD? Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. You might worry about things like health, money, or family problems. But people with generalized anxiety ...
Quality of care in family planning services in Morocco.
Brown, L; Tyane, M; Bertrand, J; Lauro, D; Abou-ouakil, M; deMaria, L
This study was conducted to heighten awareness of quality of care as a programmatic issue in the Moroccan governmental family planning program and to test modified Situation Analysis instruments for measuring quality of care. Data were collected from 50 service-delivery points in five provinces to measure six elements of quality in accordance with the Bruce/Jain framework. A procedure for calculating quality-indicator scores is presented. Although facilities varied by province and within provinces, most had the equipment and supplies needed to deliver services; service personnel were trained and regularly supervised; the service-delivery points scored well on mechanisms to ensure continuity of use. Notable shortcomings included a dearth of materials for counseling and a widespread unavailability of the Ovrette pill. This study raises issues regarding the complexity of measuring quality, the ownership of results, and the appropriateness of a centralized study of quality in a decentralized program.
Diffusing diffusivity: Rotational diffusion in two and three dimensions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jain, Rohit; Sebastian, K. L.
We consider the problem of calculating the probability distribution function (pdf) of angular displacement for rotational diffusion in a crowded, rearranging medium. We use the diffusing diffusivity model and following our previous work on translational diffusion [R. Jain and K. L. Sebastian, J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 3988 (2016)], we show that the problem can be reduced to that of calculating the survival probability of a particle undergoing Brownian motion, in the presence of a sink. We use the approach to calculate the pdf for the rotational motion in two and three dimensions. We also propose new dimensionless, time dependent parameters, αr o t ,2 D and αr o t ,3 D, which can be used to analyze the experimental/simulation data to find the extent of deviation from the normal behavior, i.e., constant diffusivity, and obtain explicit analytical expressions for them, within our model.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: YSO candidates in the IR dust bubble N6 (Yuan+, 2014)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yuan, J.-H.; Wu, Y.; Li, J. Z.; Liu, H.
Observations of the infrared dust bubble N6 in J=1-0 transitions of 12CO (115.272 GHz) and 13CO (110.201 GHz) were carried out with the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) 13.7m telescope on 2012 June 29. The on-the-fly mode was used to map a 21'x25' region with a reference point at RA(J2000)=18 14 39.3, DE(J2000)=-18 24 42.9. The half-power beam width of the PMO 13.7 m telescope was about 52" at both 115GHz and 110GHz. The pointing and tracking accuracies were determined to be better than 5" by scanning planets (e.g., Jupiter and Venus). Public survey data at wavelengths ranging from infrared to centimeter were retrieved from GLIMPSE (Cat. II/293), MIPSGAL (Carey et al., 2009PASP..121...76C), and MAGPIS (Cat. J/AJ/131/2525) surveys. (3 data files).
Mutual learning and research messages: India, UK, and Europe
Kalra, Gurvinder; Bhugra, Dinesh
India and UK have had a long history together, since the times of the British Raj. Most of what Indian psychiatry is today, finds its roots in ancient Indian texts and medicine systems as much as it is influenced by the European system. Psychiatric research in India is growing. It is being influenced by research in the UK and Europe and is influencing them at the same time. In addition to the sharing of ideas and the know-how, there has also been a good amount of sharing of mental health professionals and research samples in the form of immigrants from India to the UK. The Indian mental health professionals based in UK have done a good amount of research with a focus on these Indian immigrants, giving an insight into cross-cultural aspects of some major psychiatric disorders. This article discusses the impact that research in these countries has had on each other and the contributions that have resulted from it. PMID:21836716
This interactive website provides access to cancer statistics (rates and trends) for a cancer site by gender, race, calendar year, stage, and histology. Users can create custom graphs and tables, download data and images, download SEER*Stat sessions, and share results.
30-36 Months: Your Child's Development
... Resources & Services Parenting Resource 30–36 Months: Your Child’s Development Download Files Feb 10, 2016 Older toddlers are ... go?” Then you two can switch. Downloads Your Child's Development: 30–36 Months PDF 373 KB Read more ...
12-15 Months: Your Child's Development
... Resources & Services Parenting Resource 12–15 Months: Your Child’s Development Download Files Feb 9, 2016 This is a ... who she is. Downloads 12–15 Months: Your Child’s Development PDF 418 KB Read more about: Ages and ...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
....10 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights COPYRIGHT ROYALTY BOARD, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS RATES AND TERMS... AND DISTRIBUTING OF PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL PHONORECORDS Interactive Streaming and Limited Downloads... interactive streams and limited downloads of musical works by subscription and nonsubscription digital music...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kumaran, Maha; Geary, Joe
Technology has transformed libraries. There are digital libraries, electronic collections, online databases and catalogs, ebooks, downloadable books, and much more. With free technology such as social websites, newspaper collections, downloadable online calendars, clocks and sticky notes, online scheduling, online document sharing, and online…
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 385.21 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights COPYRIGHT ROYALTY BOARD, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS RATES AND... MAKING AND DISTRIBUTING OF PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL PHONORECORDS Limited Offerings, Mixed Service Bundles..., permanent digital downloads, restricted downloads or ringtones; (3) In the case of a music bundle, the...
A communication efficient and scalable distributed data mining for the astronomical data
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Govada, A.; Sahay, S. K.
In 2020, ∼60PB of archived data will be accessible to the astronomers. But to analyze such a paramount data will be a challenging task. This is basically due to the computational model used to download the data from complex geographically distributed archives to a central site and then analyzing it in the local systems. Because the data has to be downloaded to the central site, the network BW limitation will be a hindrance for the scientific discoveries. Also analyzing this PB-scale on local machines in a centralized manner is challenging. In this, virtual observatory is a step towards this problem, however, it does not provide the data mining model (Zhang et al., 2004). Adding the distributed data mining layer to the VO can be the solution in which the knowledge can be downloaded by the astronomers instead the raw data and thereafter astronomers can either reconstruct the data back from the downloaded knowledge or use the knowledge directly for further analysis. Therefore, in this paper, we present Distributed Load Balancing Principal Component Analysis for optimally distributing the computation among the available nodes to minimize the transmission cost and downloading cost for the end user. The experimental analysis is done with Fundamental Plane (FP) data, Gadotti data and complex Mfeat data. In terms of transmission cost, our approach performs better than Qi et al. and Yue et al. The analysis shows that with the complex Mfeat data ∼90% downloading cost can be reduced for the end user with the negligible loss in accuracy.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Siemens, Jennifer Christie; Kopp, Steven W.
Universities have become sensitized to the potential for students' illegal downloading of copyrighted materials. Education has been advocated as one way to curb downloading of copyrighted digital content. This study investigates the effectiveness of a university-sponsored computing ethics education program. The program positively influenced…
The Environmental Protection Agency's Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) website provides customizable and downloadable information about environmental inspections, violations, and enforcement actions for EPA-regulated facilities, like power plants and factories. ECHO advances public information by sharing data related to facility compliance with and regulatory agency activity related to air, hazardous waste, clean water, and drinking water regulations. ECHO offers many user-friendly options to explore data, including:1. Facility Search (http://echo.epa.gov/facilities/facility-search?mediaSelected=all): ECHO information is searchable by varied criteria, including location, facility type, and compliance status related to the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and Safe Drinking Water Act. Search results are customizable and downloadable.2. Comparative Maps (http://echo.epa.gov/maps/state-comparative-maps) and State Dashboards (http://echo.epa.gov/trends/comparative-maps-dashboards/state-air-dashboard): These tools offer aggregated information about facility compliance status and regulatory agency compliance monitoring and enforcement activity at the national and state level.3. Bulk Data Downloads (http://echo.epa.gov/resources/echo-data/data-downloads): One of ECHO's most popular features is the ability to work offline by downloading large data sets. Users can take advantage of the ECHO Exporter, which provides su
Zaremba, Nicholas J.; Bernier, Julie C.; Forde, Arnell S.; Smith, Christopher G.
This report serves as an archive of GPR and DGPS data collected from Assateague Island in October 2014. Data products, including raw GPR and processed DGPS data, elevation corrected GPR profiles, and accompanying Federal Geographic Data Committee metadata can be downloaded from the Data Downloads page.
Medical Device Plug-and-Play Interoperability Standards and Technology Leadership
downloads/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/OfficeofMedicalProductsandTobacco/ CDRH /CDRHReports/UCM391521.pdf. Dr. Goldman spoke in multiple panels at this workshop...downloads/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/OfficeofMedicalProductsandTo bacco/ CDRH /CDRHReports/UCM391521.pdf Arney D, Plourde J, Schrenker R, Mattegunta P
Loomis, John; Koontz, Steve; Miller, Holly M.; Richardson, Leslie A.
While the U.S. government does not charge for downloading Landsat images, the images have value to users. This paper demonstrates a method that can value Landsat and other imagery to users. A survey of downloaders of Landsat images found: (a) established US users have a mean value of $912 USD per scene; (b) new US users and users returning when imagery became free have a mean value of $367 USD per scene. Total US user benefits for the 2.38 million scenes downloaded is $1.8 billion USD. While these benefits indicate a high willingness-to-pay among many Landsat downloaders, it would be economically inefficient for the US government to charge for Landsat imagery. Charging a price of $100 USD a scene would result in an efficiency loss of $37.5 million a year. This economic information should be useful to policy-makers who must decide about the future of this and similar remote sensing programs.
ICIS-NPDES Biosolids Annual Report Download Summary ...
ECHO, Enforcement and Compliance History Online, provides compliance and enforcement information for approximately 800,000 EPA-regulated facilities nationwide. ECHO includes permit, inspection, violation, enforcement action, and penalty information about facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Stationary Source Program, Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES), and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Information also is provided on surrounding demographics when available.
Map Downloads | USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
formats. National, regional, and state maps are available under the View Maps section. Print Quality Maps dpi Graphic TIF 222 MB US Map 300 dpi Adobe Photoshop PS 25 MB *Print quality maps are very large | Non-Discrimination Statement | Information Quality | USA.gov | Whitehouse.gov
Download SolarPILOT | Concentrating Solar Power | NREL
fill out this input box. First Name Last Name Email Address * Organization Planned Use of SolarPILOT software's Help system. Just click Help Contents under the Help menu, or press F1 from any input page to
NPDES Monitoring Data Download | ECHO | US EPA
ECHO, Enforcement and Compliance History Online, provides compliance and enforcement information for approximately 800,000 EPA-regulated facilities nationwide. ECHO includes permit, inspection, violation, enforcement action, and penalty information about facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Stationary Source Program, Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES), and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Information also is provided on surrounding demographics when available.
FRS Download Summary and Data Element Dictionary ...
ECHO, Enforcement and Compliance History Online, provides compliance and enforcement information for approximately 800,000 EPA-regulated facilities nationwide. ECHO includes permit, inspection, violation, enforcement action, and penalty information about facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Stationary Source Program, Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES), and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Information also is provided on surrounding demographics when available.
ICIS-NPDES Download Summary and Data Element ...
ECHO, Enforcement and Compliance History Online, provides compliance and enforcement information for approximately 800,000 EPA-regulated facilities nationwide. ECHO includes permit, inspection, violation, enforcement action, and penalty information about facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Stationary Source Program, Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES), and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Information also is provided on surrounding demographics when available.
RCRAInfo Download Summary and Data Element Dictionary ...
ECHO, Enforcement and Compliance History Online, provides compliance and enforcement information for approximately 800,000 EPA-regulated facilities nationwide. ECHO includes permit, inspection, violation, enforcement action, and penalty information about facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Stationary Source Program, Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES), and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Information also is provided on surrounding demographics when available.
The National Informal STEM Education Network
Evaluation and Research Kits Explore Science: Earth & Space toolkit Building with Biology Kit Explore 2018 toolkits now available for download. Download the 2018 Digital Toolkit! Building with Biology ACTIVITY KIT Building with Biology Conversations and activities about synthetic biology; this emerging
Animal welfare in different human cultures, traditions and religious faiths.
Szűcs, E; Geers, R; Jezierski, T; Sossidou, E N; Broom, D M
Animal welfare has become a growing concern affecting acceptability of agricultural systems in many countries around the world. An earlier Judeo-Christian interpretation of the Bible (1982) that dominion over animals meant that any degree of exploitation was acceptable has changed for most people to mean that each person has responsibility for animal welfare. This view was evident in some ancient Greek writings and has parallels in Islamic teaching. A minority view of Christians, which is a widespread view of Jains, Buddhists and many Hindus, is that animals should not be used by humans as food or for other purposes. The commonest philosophical positions now, concerning how animals should be treated, are a blend of deontological and utilitarian approaches. Most people think that extremes of poor welfare in animals are unacceptable and that those who keep animals should strive for good welfare. Hence animal welfare science, which allows the evaluation of welfare, has developed rapidly.
Management of Pigmented Gingiva in Child Patient: A New Era to the Pediatric Dentistry
Singh, Parul; Jain, Eesha; Khurana, Heena; Badole, Gautam
ABSTRACT Gingival health in the form of size, shape, consistency and appearance are essential components responsible for an attractive smile as well as may cause unpleasant appearance. Melanin pigmentation often occurs in the gingiva as a result of an abnormal deposition of melanin which can compromise the confidence level from the age of childhood. The present article describes and discusses the two cases of gingival melanin pigmentation in 12 and 13 years of female patient and their early surgical intervention with successful follow-up of 9 and 6 months. Patients were instructed to prevent sun exposure, intake of hot foods or beverages like cold drinks, tea, coffee and brushing immediately after surgery. How to cite this article: Bahadure RN, Singh P, Jain E, Khurana H, Badole G. Management of Pigmented Gingiva in Child Patient: A New Era to the Pediatric Dentistry. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2013;6(3):197-200. PMID:25206222
Leclère, F M; Duquennoy-Martinot, V; Schoofs, M; Buys, B; Mordon, S
Since the first studies by Jain and Gorisch (1979), laser-assisted anastomoses have been steadily developed to a stage where clinical use is within reach. The laser-assisted vascular microanastomosis (LAMA) procedure is performed more quickly than conventional anastomosis, the surgically induced vessel damage is limited, and reduced bleeding after unclamping is observed. A Medline literature search, for the January 1979 to February 2010 period, was performed to review articles focusing on the LAMA technique. The search yielded a total of 354 publications, of which 87 were relevant: 82 were animal series and five clinical studies. Microsurgical techniques and principal characteristics of LAMA in patients are the focus of the analysis. This study discusses the technological innovations and new orientations in laser welding. The first two clinical series using the 1.9-μm diode laser appear promising. Technical innovation will most likely lead to greater ease of use of the laser handpiece in the operating room. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Animal Welfare in Different Human Cultures, Traditions and Religious Faiths
Szűcs, E.; Geers, R.; Jezierski, T.; Sossidou, E. N.; Broom, D. M.
Animal welfare has become a growing concern affecting acceptability of agricultural systems in many countries around the world. An earlier Judeo-Christian interpretation of the Bible (1982) that dominion over animals meant that any degree of exploitation was acceptable has changed for most people to mean that each person has responsibility for animal welfare. This view was evident in some ancient Greek writings and has parallels in Islamic teaching. A minority view of Christians, which is a widespread view of Jains, Buddhists and many Hindus, is that animals should not be used by humans as food or for other purposes. The commonest philosophical positions now, concerning how animals should be treated, are a blend of deontological and utilitarian approaches. Most people think that extremes of poor welfare in animals are unacceptable and that those who keep animals should strive for good welfare. Hence animal welfare science, which allows the evaluation of welfare, has developed rapidly. PMID:25049508
Current laser applications in reconstructive microsurgery: A review of the literature.
Leclère, Franck Marie; Vogt, Peter; Schoofs, Michel; Delattre, Maryline; Mordon, Serge
Microvascular surgery has become an important method for reconstructing surgical defects following trauma, tumor resection, or burns. Laser-assisted microanastomoses (LAMA) were introduced by Jain in 1979 in order to help the microsurgeon reduce both operating time and complications. This article reviews the literature on clinical applications of LAMA. A Medline literature search was performed and cross-referenced. Articles between 1979 and 2014 were included. Keywords used were laser, laser microanastomoses, laser microanastomosis, LAMA, and microsurgery. Only seven clinical studies using three different wavelengths were found in the literature: 1,064 nm (Nd: YAG), 10,600 nm (CO2), 514 nm (Argon), and 1,950 nm (Diode). Clinical outcomes, type of procedures, laser wavelength and parameters, and possible wider applications in the operating room are discussed in each case. The success rate for reconstructive free flap surgery and hand surgery achieved with LAMA appears promising. In particular, use of the 1950-nm diode laser for microsurgery is likely to increase in the near future.
Hashash, Ahmad; Kirkpatrick, D Lynn; Lazo, John S; Block, Lawrence H
Alkyl 2-imidazolyl disulfide compounds are novel antitumor agents, one of which is currently being evaluated in Phase I clinical trials. These molecules contain an unsymmetrical disulfide fragment, the lipophilic and electronic contributions of which are still not defined in the literature. Lipophilicity, ionization, and solubility of a number of alkyl 2-imidazolyl disulfides were studied. Based on the additivity of lipophilicity and ionization properties, the contribution of the unsymmetrical disulfide fragment to lipophilicity and ionization was elucidated. The unsymmetrical disulfide fragment contributed a Rekker's hydrophobic constant of 0.761 to the lipophilicity of these compounds and an approximated Hammett constant (sigma) of 0.30 to their ionization. The applicability of the general solubility equation (GSE) proposed by Jain and Yalkowsky in predicting the aqueous solubility of these analogs was evaluated. The GSE correctly ranked the aqueous solubilities of these compounds and estimated their log molar solubilities with an average absolute error of 0.35. Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss Inc.
18 CFR 284.13 - Reporting requirements for interstate pipelines.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... following information on its Internet web site, and provide the information in downloadable file formats, in... index of customers must also posted on the pipeline's Internet web, in accordance with standards adopted in § 284.12 of this part, and made available from the Internet web site in a downloadable format...
18 CFR 284.13 - Reporting requirements for interstate pipelines.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... following information on its Internet web site, and provide the information in downloadable file formats, in... index of customers must also posted on the pipeline's Internet web, in accordance with standards adopted in § 284.12 of this part, and made available from the Internet web site in a downloadable format...
18 CFR 284.13 - Reporting requirements for interstate pipelines.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... following information on its Internet web site, and provide the information in downloadable file formats, in... index of customers must also posted on the pipeline's Internet web, in accordance with standards adopted in § 284.12 of this part, and made available from the Internet web site in a downloadable format...
18 CFR 284.13 - Reporting requirements for interstate pipelines.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... following information on its Internet web site, and provide the information in downloadable file formats, in... index of customers must also posted on the pipeline's Internet web, in accordance with standards adopted in § 284.12 of this part, and made available from the Internet web site in a downloadable format...
18 CFR 284.13 - Reporting requirements for interstate pipelines.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... following information on its Internet web site, and provide the information in downloadable file formats, in... index of customers must also posted on the pipeline's Internet web, in accordance with standards adopted in § 284.12 of this part, and made available from the Internet web site in a downloadable format...
Chapter 10: Enclosure--Building enclosure design for cross-laminated timber construction
Samuel V. Glass; Jieying Wang; Steve Easley; Graham Finch
 Note: Clicking on the \\'View\\' option to download the PDF copy of the publication will redirect you to the web site www.masstimber.com where you will need to register prior to downloading.Cross-laminated timber #CLT# was developed in Europe for the prefabricated construction of wall, roof, and...
DOE Research and Development Accomplishments Help
be used to search, locate, access, and electronically download full-text research and development (R Browse Downloading, Viewing, and/or Searching Full-text Documents/Pages Searching the Database Search Features Search allows you to search the OCRed full-text document and bibliographic information, the
Schmedes, Sarah E; King, Jonathan L; Budowle, Bruce
Whole-genome data are invaluable for large-scale comparative genomic studies. Current sequencing technologies have made it feasible to sequence entire bacterial genomes with relative ease and time with a substantially reduced cost per nucleotide, hence cost per genome. More than 3,000 bacterial genomes have been sequenced and are available at the finished status. Publically available genomes can be readily downloaded; however, there are challenges to verify the specific supporting data contained within the download and to identify errors and inconsistencies that may be present within the organizational data content and metadata. AutoCurE, an automated tool for bacterial genome database curation in Excel, was developed to facilitate local database curation of supporting data that accompany downloaded genomes from the National Center for Biotechnology Information. AutoCurE provides an automated approach to curate local genomic databases by flagging inconsistencies or errors by comparing the downloaded supporting data to the genome reports to verify genome name, RefSeq accession numbers, the presence of archaea, BioProject/UIDs, and sequence file descriptions. Flags are generated for nine metadata fields if there are inconsistencies between the downloaded genomes and genomes reports and if erroneous or missing data are evident. AutoCurE is an easy-to-use tool for local database curation for large-scale genome data prior to downstream analyses.
WILBER and PyWEED: Event-based Seismic Data Request Tools
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Falco, N.; Clark, A.; Trabant, C. M.
WILBER and PyWEED are two user-friendly tools for requesting event-oriented seismic data. Both tools provide interactive maps and other controls for browsing and filtering event and station catalogs, and downloading data for selected event/station combinations, where the data window for each event/station pair may be defined relative to the arrival time of seismic waves from the event to that particular station. Both tools allow data to be previewed visually, and can download data in standard miniSEED, SAC, and other formats, complete with relevant metadata for performing instrument correction. WILBER is a web application requiring only a modern web browser. Once the user has selected an event, WILBER identifies all data available for that time period, and allows the user to select stations based on criteria such as the station's distance and orientation relative to the event. When the user has finalized their request, the data is collected and packaged on the IRIS server, and when it is ready the user is sent a link to download. PyWEED is a downloadable, cross-platform (Macintosh / Windows / Linux) application written in Python. PyWEED allows a user to select multiple events and stations, and will download data for each event/station combination selected. PyWEED is built around the ObsPy seismic toolkit, and allows direct interaction and control of the application through a Python interactive console.
18 CFR 37.7 - Auditing Transmission Service Information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REGULATIONS UNDER THE FEDERAL POWER ACT OPEN ACCESS SAME-TIME INFORMATION... time stamped. (b) Audit data must remain available for download on the OASIS for 90 days, except ATC/TTC postings that must remain available for download on the OASIS for 20 days. The audit data are to...
18 CFR 37.7 - Auditing Transmission Service Information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REGULATIONS UNDER THE FEDERAL POWER ACT OPEN ACCESS SAME-TIME INFORMATION... time stamped. (b) Audit data must remain available for download on the OASIS for 90 days, except ATC/TTC postings that must remain available for download on the OASIS for 20 days. The audit data are to...
18 CFR 37.7 - Auditing Transmission Service Information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REGULATIONS UNDER THE FEDERAL POWER ACT OPEN ACCESS SAME-TIME INFORMATION... time stamped. (b) Audit data must remain available for download on the OASIS for 90 days, except ATC/TTC postings that must remain available for download on the OASIS for 20 days. The audit data are to...
18 CFR 37.7 - Auditing Transmission Service Information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REGULATIONS UNDER THE FEDERAL POWER ACT OPEN ACCESS SAME-TIME INFORMATION... time stamped. (b) Audit data must remain available for download on the OASIS for 90 days, except ATC/TTC postings that must remain available for download on the OASIS for 20 days. The audit data are to...
18 CFR 37.7 - Auditing Transmission Service Information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REGULATIONS UNDER THE FEDERAL POWER ACT OPEN ACCESS SAME-TIME INFORMATION... time stamped. (b) Audit data must remain available for download on the OASIS for 90 days, except ATC/TTC postings that must remain available for download on the OASIS for 20 days. The audit data are to...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...ScienceResearch/UCM334110.pdf . 2. FDA, ``Appendix 4 to Draft Qualitative Risk Assessment of Risk of....regulations.gov and at http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/FoodScienceResearch/RiskSafetyAssessment/UCM377408... on a Farm,'' 2013. Available at: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/FoodScienceResearch/RiskSafety...
Integration of EGA secure data access into Galaxy.
Hoogstrate, Youri; Zhang, Chao; Senf, Alexander; Bijlard, Jochem; Hiltemann, Saskia; van Enckevort, David; Repo, Susanna; Heringa, Jaap; Jenster, Guido; J A Fijneman, Remond; Boiten, Jan-Willem; A Meijer, Gerrit; Stubbs, Andrew; Rambla, Jordi; Spalding, Dylan; Abeln, Sanne
High-throughput molecular profiling techniques are routinely generating vast amounts of data for translational medicine studies. Secure access controlled systems are needed to manage, store, transfer and distribute these data due to its personally identifiable nature. The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) was created to facilitate access and management to long-term archival of bio-molecular data. Each data provider is responsible for ensuring a Data Access Committee is in place to grant access to data stored in the EGA. Moreover, the transfer of data during upload and download is encrypted. ELIXIR, a European research infrastructure for life-science data, initiated a project (2016 Human Data Implementation Study) to understand and document the ELIXIR requirements for secure management of controlled-access data. As part of this project, a full ecosystem was designed to connect archived raw experimental molecular profiling data with interpreted data and the computational workflows, using the CTMM Translational Research IT (CTMM-TraIT) infrastructure http://www.ctmm-trait.nl as an example. Here we present the first outcomes of this project, a framework to enable the download of EGA data to a Galaxy server in a secure way. Galaxy provides an intuitive user interface for molecular biologists and bioinformaticians to run and design data analysis workflows. More specifically, we developed a tool -- ega_download_streamer - that can download data securely from EGA into a Galaxy server, which can subsequently be further processed. This tool will allow a user within the browser to run an entire analysis containing sensitive data from EGA, and to make this analysis available for other researchers in a reproducible manner, as shown with a proof of concept study. The tool ega_download_streamer is available in the Galaxy tool shed: https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/yhoogstrate/ega_download_streamer.
Integration of EGA secure data access into Galaxy
Hoogstrate, Youri; Zhang, Chao; Senf, Alexander; Bijlard, Jochem; Hiltemann, Saskia; van Enckevort, David; Repo, Susanna; Heringa, Jaap; Jenster, Guido; Fijneman, Remond J.A.; Boiten, Jan-Willem; A. Meijer, Gerrit; Stubbs, Andrew; Rambla, Jordi; Spalding, Dylan; Abeln, Sanne
High-throughput molecular profiling techniques are routinely generating vast amounts of data for translational medicine studies. Secure access controlled systems are needed to manage, store, transfer and distribute these data due to its personally identifiable nature. The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) was created to facilitate access and management to long-term archival of bio-molecular data. Each data provider is responsible for ensuring a Data Access Committee is in place to grant access to data stored in the EGA. Moreover, the transfer of data during upload and download is encrypted. ELIXIR, a European research infrastructure for life-science data, initiated a project (2016 Human Data Implementation Study) to understand and document the ELIXIR requirements for secure management of controlled-access data. As part of this project, a full ecosystem was designed to connect archived raw experimental molecular profiling data with interpreted data and the computational workflows, using the CTMM Translational Research IT (CTMM-TraIT) infrastructure http://www.ctmm-trait.nl as an example. Here we present the first outcomes of this project, a framework to enable the download of EGA data to a Galaxy server in a secure way. Galaxy provides an intuitive user interface for molecular biologists and bioinformaticians to run and design data analysis workflows. More specifically, we developed a tool -- ega_download_streamer - that can download data securely from EGA into a Galaxy server, which can subsequently be further processed. This tool will allow a user within the browser to run an entire analysis containing sensitive data from EGA, and to make this analysis available for other researchers in a reproducible manner, as shown with a proof of concept study. The tool ega_download_streamer is available in the Galaxy tool shed: https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/yhoogstrate/ega_download_streamer. PMID:28232859
History of the Universe Poster
History of the Universe Poster You are free to use these images if you give credit to: Particle Data Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. New Version (2014) History of the Universe Poster Download: JPEG version PDF version Old Version (2013) History of the Universe Poster Download: JPEG version
Challenges of working with FIADB17 data: the SOLE experience
Michael Spinney; Paul Van Deusen
The Southern On Line Estimator (SOLE) is an Internet-based Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data analysis tool. SOLE is based on data downloaded from the publicly available FIA database (FIADB) and summarized by plot condition. The tasks of downloading, processing, and summarizing FIADB data require specialized expertise in inventory theory and data manipulation....
40 CFR 1037.810 - Incorporation by reference.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... must publish a notice of the change in the Federal Register and the material must be available to the... software is also available for download at http://www.epa.gov/otaq/climate/gem.htm. (2) [Reserved] (d... working version of this software is also available for download at http://www.epa.gov/otaq/climate/gem.htm. ...
can help. Call NESC toll free at (304) 293-4191. or e-mail info@mail.nesc.wvu.edu and ask for different situations. Onsite Technologies for Small Communities Poster - NESC provides free downloads to . Downloads are free. This poster is available to order, charges apply to hard copies only. Pipeline
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maps and Data
fleet type from 1992-2014 Last update August 2016 View Graph Graph Download Data Generated_thumb20160830 Trend of S&FP AFV acquisitions by fuel type from 1992-2015 Last update August 2016 View Graph Graph transactions from 1997-2014 Last update August 2016 View Graph Graph Download Data Biofuelsatlas BioFuels Atlas
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maps and Data
-1paywcu Last update August 2014 View Graph Graph Download Data State & Alt Fuel Providers -kgi9ks Trend of S&FP AFV acquisitions by fleet type from 1992-2014 Last update August 2016 View Graph -2015 Last update August 2016 View Graph Graph Download Data Generated_thumb20160907-12999-119sgvk
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maps and Data
Fuel Standard Volumes by Year Generated_thumb20150904-8240-13hgnxh Last update August 2012 View Graph product or destination Last update August 2015 View Graph Graph Download Data Custom_thumb U.S. Ethanol , from 1866-2014 Last update August 2015 View Graph Graph Download Data Generated_thumb20160920-21993
Taiwan Ascii and Idl_save Data Archives (AIDA) for THEMIS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lee, B.; Hsieh, W.; Shue, J.; Angelopoulos, V.; Glassmeier, K. H.; McFadden, J. P.; Larson, D.
THEMIS (Time History of Events and their Macroscopic Interactions during Substorms) is a satellite mission that aims to determine where and how substorms are triggered. The space research team in Taiwan has been involved in data promotion and scientific research. Taiwan Ascii and Idl_save Data Archives (AIDA) for THEMIS is the main work of the data promotion. Taiwan AIDA is developed for those who are not familiar with the Interactive Data Language (IDL) data analysis and visualization software, and those who have some basic IDL concepts and techniques and want more flexibilities in reading and plotting the THEMIS data. Two kinds of data format are stored in Taiwan AIDA: one is ASCII format for most users and the other is IDL SAVE format for IDL users. The public can download THEMIS data in either format through the Taiwan AIDA web site, http://themis.ss.ncu.edu.tw/e_data_download.php. Taiwan AIDA provides (1) plasma data including number density, average temperature, and velocity of ions and electrons, (2) magnetic field data, and (3) state information including the position and velocity of five THEMIS probes. On the Taiwan AIDA web site there are two data-downloading options. The public can download a large amount of data for a particular instrument in the FTP equivalent option; the public can also download all the data for a particular date in the Data Search option.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
McDermid, H.E.; Budarf, M.L.; Emanuel, B.S.
A long-range restriction map of the region between the immunoglobulin lambda locus and the Ewing sarcoma breakpoint has been constructed using the rare-cutting enzymes NotI, NruI, AscI, and BsiWI. The map spans approximately 11,000 kb and represents about one-fifth of the long arm of chromosome 22. Thirty-nine markers, including seven NotI junction clones as well as numerous genes and anonymous sequences, were mapped to the region with a somatic cell hybrid panel. These probes were then used to produce the map. The seven NotI junction clones each identified a possible CpG island. The breakpoints of the RAJ5 hybrid and themore » Ewing sarcoma t(11;22) were also localized in the resulting map. This physical map will be useful in studying chromosomal rearrangements in the region, as well as providing the details to examine the fidelity of the YAC and cosmid contigs currently under construction. Comparisons of this physical map to genetic and radiation hybrid maps are discussed. 52 refs., 7 figs., 3 tabs.« less
The Concepts of Hope and Fear in the Islamic Thought: Implications for Spiritual Health.
Bahmani, Fatemeh; Amini, Mitra; Tabei, Seyed Ziaeddin; Abbasi, Mohamad Bagher
The Holy Qur'ān and medieval Islamic writings have many references to "hope" (rajā) and "fear" (khawf) as both single and paired concepts. However, a comprehensive analytical study on these two notions from an Islamic point of view still seems lacking. Both paper and electronic documents related to Islamic and Qur'ānic literature are being used in this study. Also Web resources are searched for keywords of fear, hope and Islam in three languages of Arabic, English and Persian, including Tanzil.net, Almaany.com, Tebyan.net, Holyquran.net, Noorlib.ir, Hawzah.net and Google Scholar. Findings indicate that hope and fear are comprised of three conceptual elements: emotional, cognitive and behavioral, and are identified as "praiseworthy" hope or fear, when associated with God as the ultimate object. Nonetheless, this praiseworthy hope or fear is only distinguishable as "true," when both are in equilibrium, a necessary condition for spiritual health, which results to perfection. Islam rejects excessive hope or excessive fear, describing both as a "pseudo"-type, which would respectively contribute to self-deceit and despair, and end in spiritual decline.
Blogging Is So Last Year--Now Podcasting Is Hot. Online Treasures
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Balas, Janet L.
This column describes the latest innovation in iPod use, podcasts, which are audio files that can be downloaded and played either through a computer or an MP3 player such as an iPod. Because they are feeds, users can subscribe to podcasts and have them downloaded automatically to their computers. The author discusses ways in which podcasts may be…
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maps and Data
acquisitions by fleet type from 1992-2014 Last update August 2016 View Graph Graph Download Data -m8i0e0 Trend of S&FP AFV acquisitions by fuel type from 1992-2015 Last update August 2016 View Graph transactions from 1997-2014 Last update August 2016 View Graph Graph Download Data Generated_thumb20160907
Browser-Based Online Applications: Something for Everyone!
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Descy, Don E.
Just as many people log onto a Web mail site (Gmail, Yahoo, MSN, etc.) to read, write and store their email, there are Web sites out there with word processing, database, and a myriad of other software applications that are not downloadable but used on the site through a Web browser. The user does not have to download the applications to a…
Cultivating Innovation to Ignite Organizational Transformation
over a modem . Need to have a section entitled "incoming students" The current site and design sitemap make and incoming student hunt through the...Download Times: Estimated download times (seconds) Object type Number Size (bytes) 14.4 28.8 33.6 56K 128K T1 HTML 1 8600 6.27 3.44 2.87 2.46
Walkabout the Galaxy: Podcasting for Informal and Accessible Astronomy Outreach and Education
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Colwell, J. E.; Dove, A.; Kehoe, A.; Becker, T. M.
"Walkabout the Galaxy" is a weekly podcast we have been publishing since May 2014 discussing astronomical news that is in the popular media at the time of recording. Episodes are 25-30 minutes in length and are informal in style: we emphasize one or two basic points while engaging in a free-form discussion of the topic with frequent tangential asides. The target audience is the interested layperson rather than a student, professional, or amateur of astronomy. The informal style is deliberately chosen to keep the podcast from sounding like a classroom lesson and to improve the reach of the podcast to a broader public. Guests have included both experts and laypeople. The number of episode downloads varies by nearly a factor of two from episode to episode (~450 to 750). We will present statistics on downloads and subscriptions, and correlations with episode length, subject matter, and style of episode title. The style of the content cannot influence download statistics, however, and it is not possible to track actual listenership data once the episodes are downloaded. We will discuss lessons learned in creating and producing an educational podcast as well as listener feedback.
International Disability Educational Alliance (IDEAnet)
scientists who have graduated from the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FELTP) GUI: Graphical User Interface GIS : Global Implementation Solutions...how to participate in IDEAnet programs, and background information. 47 “Materials for Download ” is used here to denote materials that will be provided...for download and use by interested parties. The materials may include: written/pictorial instructions, articles, videos, images, and other materials
PhOD - The Global Drifter Program
February 2018. (As of May 2018). Download all data Subsets of database are also available through February 2018. Download subsets of data Many historical drogue off dates have been reevaluated. As of November buoydata_15001_feb18.dat-gz, dirfl_15001_feb18.dat May 1, 2018: Milestone reached On Tuesday, May 1, 2018, NOAA's
Smithsonian Education - Families - Activity Sheets
United States and design your own flag to represent you! Download and print The True Story of the Star ? See lunch boxes from the Smithsonian and design your own! Download and print It's Pop Culture, Kid Be President (PDF). The True Story of the Star-Spangled Banner The True Story of the Star-Spangled
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Kentucky Charges Forward with All-Electric
Partnership. Download QuickTime Video QuickTime (.mov) Download Windows Media Video Windows Media (.wmv) Video Fuel Cell Vehicles in California Nov. 18, 2017 Photo of a car Smart Car Shopping Nov. 4, 2017 Image of Photo of a truck Natural Gas Fuels School Buses and Refuse Trucks in Tulsa, Oklahoma Feb. 18, 2017 Photo
Application of Optical Disc Databases and Related Technology to Public Access Settings
users to download and retain data. A Video Graphics Adapter (VGA) monitor was included. No printer was provided. 2. CD-ROM Product Computer Select, a...download facilities, without printer support, satisfy user needs? 38 A secondary, but significant, objective was avoidance of unnecessary Reader...design of User Log sheets and mitigated against attachment of a printer to the workstation. F. DATA COLLECTION This section describes the methodology
MyOcean Central Information System - Achievements and Perspectives
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Claverie, Vincent; Loubrieu, Thomas; Jolibois, Tony; de Dianous, Rémi; Blower, Jon; Romero, Laia; Griffiths, Guy
Since 2009, MyOcean (http://www.myocean.eu) is providing an operational service, for forecasts, analysis and expertise on ocean currents, temperature, salinity, sea level, primary ecosystems and ice coverage. The production of observation and forecasting data is done by 42 Production Units (PU). Product download and visualisation are hosted by 25 Dissemination Units (DU). All these products and associated services are gathered in a single catalogue hiding the intricate distributed organization of PUs and DUs. Besides applying INSPIRE directive and OGC recommendations, MyOcean overcomes technical choices and challenges. This presentation focuses on 3 specific issues met by MyOcean and relevant for many Spatial Data Infrastructures: user's transaction accounting, large volume download and stream line the catalogue maintenance. Transaction Accounting: Set up powerful means to get detailed knowledge of system usage in order to subsequently improve the products (ocean observations, analysis and forecast dataset) and services (view, download) offer. This subject drives the following ones: Central authentication management for the distributed web services implementations: add-on to THREDDS Data Server for WMS and NETCDF sub-setting service, specific FTP. Share user management with co-funding projects. In addition to MyOcean, alternate projects also need consolidated information about the use of the cofunded products. Provide a central facility for the user management. This central facility provides users' rights to geographically distributed services and gathers transaction accounting history from these distributed services. Propose a user-friendly web interface to download large volume of data (several GigaBytes) as robust as basic FTP but intuitive and file/directory independent. This should rely on a web service drafting the INSPIRE to-be specification and OGC recommendations for download taking into account that FTP server is not enough friendly (need to know
Helicopter Fuselage Active Flow Control in the Presence of a Rotor
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Martin, Preston B; Overmeyer, Austin D.; Tanner, Philip E.; Wilson, Jacob S.; Jenkins, Luther N.
This work extends previous investigations of active flow control for helicopter fuselage drag and download reduction to include the effects of the rotor. The development of the new wind tunnel model equipped with fluidic oscillators is explained in terms of the previous test results. Large drag reductions greater than 20% in some cases were measured during powered testing without increasing, and in some cases decreasing download in forward flight. As confirmed by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), the optimum actuator configuration that provided a decrease in both drag and download appeared to create a virtual (fluidic) boat-tail fairing instead of attaching flow to the ramp surface. This idea of a fluidic fairing shifts the focus of 3D separation control behind bluff bodies from controlling/reattaching surface boundary layers to interacting with the wake flow.
ICIS-NPDES Data Set Download | ECHO | US EPA
ECHO, Enforcement and Compliance History Online, provides compliance and enforcement information for approximately 800,000 EPA-regulated facilities nationwide. ECHO includes permit, inspection, violation, enforcement action, and penalty information about facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Stationary Source Program, Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES), and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Information also is provided on surrounding demographics when available.
CEM-Consumer Exposure Model Download and Install Instructions
CEM contains a combination of models and default parameters which are used to estimate inhalation, dermal, and oral exposures to consumer products and articles for a wide variety of product and article use categories.
EPA FRS Facilities State Single File CSV Download
This page provides state comma separated value (CSV) files containing key information of all facilities and sites within the Facility Registry System (FRS). Each state zip file contains a single CSV file of key facility-level information.
ICIS-Air Download Summary and Data Element Dictionary ...
ECHO, Enforcement and Compliance History Online, provides compliance and enforcement information for approximately 800,000 EPA-regulated facilities nationwide. ECHO includes permit, inspection, violation, enforcement action, and penalty information about facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Stationary Source Program, Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES), and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Information also is provided on surrounding demographics when available.
ProUCL version 4.1.00 Documentation Downloads
ProUCL version 4.1.00 represents a comprehensive statistical software package equipped with statistical methods and graphical tools needed to address many environmental sampling and statistical issues as described in various these guidance documents.
ProUCL version 4.00.04 Documentation Downloads
ProUCL Version 4.00.04 is an upgrade of ProUCL Version 4.0 (EPA, 2007). ProUCL 4.00.02 contains statistical methods to address various environmental issues for both full data sets without nondetects and for data sets with NDs (also known as left-censored d
ProUCL version 4.00.05 Documentation Downloads
ProUCL 4.00.05 serves as a companion software package for Calculating Upper Confidence Limits for Exposure Point Concentrations at Hazardous Waste Sites and Guidance for Comparing Background and Chemical Concentrations in Soil for CERCLA Sites.
NPDES Monitoring Data Download Help | ECHO | US EPA
ECHO, Enforcement and Compliance History Online, provides compliance and enforcement information for approximately 800,000 EPA-regulated facilities nationwide. ECHO includes permit, inspection, violation, enforcement action, and penalty information about facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Stationary Source Program, Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES), and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Information also is provided on surrounding demographics when available.
Jobs within a 30-minute transit ride - Download
A collection of performance indicators for consistently comparing neighborhoods (census block groups) across the US in regards to their accessibility to jobs or workers via public transit service. Accessibility was modeled by calculating total travel time between block group centroids inclusive of walking to/from transit stops, wait times, and transfers. Block groups that can be accessed in 30 minutes or less from the origin block group are considered accessible. Indicators reflect public transit service in December 2012 and employment/worker counts in 2010. Coverage is limited to census block groups within metropolitan regions served by transit agencies who share their service data in a standardized format called GTFS.All variable names refer to variables in EPA's Smart Location Database. For instance EmpTot10_sum summarizes total employment (EmpTot10) in block groups that are reachable within a 30-minute transit and walking commute. See Smart Location Database User Guide for full variable descriptions.
Access to Jobs and Workers via Transit - Download
A collection of performance indicators and regional benchmarks for consistently comparing neighborhoods (census block groups) across the US in regards to their accessibility to jobs or workers via public transit service. Accessibility was modeled by calculating total travel time between block group centroids inclusive of walking to/from transit stops, wait times, and transfers. Block groups that can be accessed in 45 minutes or less from the origin block group are considered accessible. Indicators reflect public transit service in December 2012 and employment/worker counts in 2010. Coverage is limited to census block groups within metropolitan regions served by transit agencies who share their service data in a standardized format called GTFS.
A Transmission Availability Forecast Service for Internet Protocol Networks
long term changes in the network situation. The probe measurement takes a finite period and so can aggregate and characterise short term variations in...network situation. Nevertheless, the process remains vulnerable to medium term variations, ie changes that occur after the probe and before the download...vulnerable to the medium term changes that might occur between the completion of the examination and the commencement of the download. 3.2 TAF
This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. Download details: IP Address: This content...structures with a quadratic nonlinearity, i.e. electrodes with a quadrupolar potential. The pump for this parametric coupling process is a classical...approximation. The system operates as a parametric frequency converter, with the classical drive providing pump photons which allow coherent coupling between
Ellis, Alisha M.; Marot, Marci E.; Wheaton, Cathryn J.; Bernier, Julie C.; Smith, Christopher G.
This report is an archive for sedimentological data derived from the surface sediment of Chincoteague Bay. Data are available for the spring (March/April 2014) and fall (October 2014) samples collected. Downloadable data are provided as Excel spreadsheets and as JPEG files. Additional files include ArcGIS shapefiles of the sampling sites, detailed results of sediment grain-size analyses, and formal Federal Geographic Data Committee metadata (data downloads).
Marot, Marci E.; Smith, Christopher G.; Ellis, Alisha M.; Wheaton, Cathryn J.
This report serves as an archive for sedimentological and radiochemical data derived from the surface sediments and box cores. Downloadable data are available as Excel spreadsheets, PDF files, and JPEG files, and include sediment core data plots and x-radiographs, as well as physical-properties, grain-size, alpha-spectroscopy, and gamma-spectroscopy data. Federal Geographic Data Committee metadata are available for analytical datasets in the data downloads page of this report.
Community college students conducting experiment
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... cycle, download At time of download 3 N/A Safety belt status, driver −1.0 sec N/A Frontal air bag warning lamp, on/off 2 −1.0 sec N/A Frontal air bag deployment, time to deploy, in the case of a single stage air bag, or time to first stage deployment, in the case of a multi-stage air bag, driver Event N/A...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... cycle, download At time of download 3 N/A Safety belt status, driver −1.0 sec N/A Frontal air bag warning lamp, on/off 2 −1.0 sec N/A Frontal air bag deployment, time to deploy, in the case of a single stage air bag, or time to first stage deployment, in the case of a multi-stage air bag, driver Event N/A...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... cycle, download At time of download 3 N/A Safety belt status, driver −1.0 sec N/A Frontal air bag warning lamp, on/off 2 −1.0 sec N/A Frontal air bag deployment, time to deploy, in the case of a single stage air bag, or time to first stage deployment, in the case of a multi-stage air bag, driver Event N/A...
Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome: A Rare Case Report of a 11-Year-Old Child.
Tandon, Sandeep; Chauhan, Yashwant; Sharma, Meenakshi; Jain, Manish
Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome, also known as nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS), is an autosomal dominant trait caused due to mutations in the patched tumor suppressor gene (PTCH) gene found on the long arm of chromosome 9. The syndrome is characterized by the presence of odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs), basal cell carcinomas, and skeletal malformations. Early diagnosis of the syndrome can be done by pedodontist as OKC is one of the early manifestations of the syndrome. Early diagnosis and treatment is important for long-term prognosis of the syndrome by reducing the severity of cutaneous carcinomas and deformities due to jaw cyst. The present case describes an 11-year-old patient with some typical features of NBCCS, which were diagnosed through its oral and maxillofacial manifestations. This case emphasizes the importance of pedodontist in early recognition of the syndrome. Tandon S, Chauhan Y, Sharma M, Jain M. Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome: A Rare Case Report of a 11-Year-Old Child. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2016;9(3):264-268.
Unusual Case of Calculus in Floor of Mouth: A Case Report
Thosar, Nilima; Jain, Eesha S
Abstract Calculus consists of mineralized bacterial plaque that forms on the surfaces of natural teeth. It is supragingival or subgingival depending upon its relation with gingival margin. The two most common locations for supragingival calculus are the buccal surfaces of maxillary molars and lingual surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth. It is very important to rule out the predisposing factor for calculus formation. In the present case of an 11-year- old female child, 1.2 × 1.5 cm large indurated mass suggestive of calculus in the left side of floor of mouth was observed. After surgical removal, along with indurated mass, an embedded root fragment was seen. Biochemical analysis of the specimen detected the calcium and phosphate ions approximately equals to the level in calculus. Thus, we diagnosed it as a calculus. Oral hygiene instructions and regular follow-up was advised. How to cite this article: Bahadure RN, Thosar N, Jain ES. Unusual Case of Calculus in Floor of Mouth: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2012;5(3):223-225. PMID:25206174
Paired quantum Hall states on noncommutative two-tori
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Marotta, Vincenzo; Naddeo, Adele
By exploiting the notion of Morita equivalence for field theories on noncommutative tori and choosing rational values of the noncommutativity parameter θ (in appropriate units), a one-to-one correspondence between an Abelian noncommutative field theory (NCFT) and a non-Abelian theory of twisted fields on ordinary space can be established. Starting from this general result, we focus on the conformal field theory (CFT) describing a quantum Hall fluid (QHF) at paired states fillings ν=mp/m+2 Cristofano et al. (2000) [1], recently obtained by means of m-reduction procedure, and show that it is the Morita equivalent of a NCFT. In this way we extend the construction proposed in Marotta and Naddeo (2008) [2] for the Jain series ν=>m2p/m+1. The case m=2 is explicitly discussed and the role of noncommutativity in the physics of quantum Hall bilayers is emphasized. Our results represent a step forward the construction of a new effective low energy description of certain condensed matter phenomena and help to clarify the relationship between noncommutativity and quantum Hall fluids.
Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome: A Rare Case Report of a 11-Year-Old Child
Tandon, Sandeep; Chauhan, Yashwant; Jain, Manish
Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome, also known as nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS), is an autosomal dominant trait caused due to mutations in the patched tumor suppressor gene (PTCH) gene found on the long arm of chromosome 9. The syndrome is characterized by the presence of odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs), basal cell carcinomas, and skeletal malformations. Early diagnosis of the syndrome can be done by pedodontist as OKC is one of the early manifestations of the syndrome. Early diagnosis and treatment is important for long-term prognosis of the syndrome by reducing the severity of cutaneous carcinomas and deformities due to jaw cyst. The present case describes an 11-year-old patient with some typical features of NBCCS, which were diagnosed through its oral and maxillofacial manifestations. This case emphasizes the importance of pedodontist in early recognition of the syndrome. How to cite this article Tandon S, Chauhan Y, Sharma M, Jain M. Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome: A Rare Case Report of a 11-Year-Old Child. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2016;9(3):264-268. PMID:27843260
The quality of hospital-based antenatal care in Istanbul.
Turan, Janet Molzan; Bulut, Ayşpen; Nalbant, Hacer; Ortayli, Nuriye; Akalin, A Arzu Koloğlu
The aim of this study was to gather comprehensive data from three hospitals in Istanbul, Turkey, in order to gain in-depth understanding of the quality of antenatal care in this setting. The Bruce-Jain framework for quality of care was adapted for use in evaluating antenatal care. Methods included examination of hospital records, in-depth interviews, exit questionnaires, and structured observations. The study revealed deficiencies in the quality of antenatal care being delivered at the study hospitals in all six elements of the quality-of-care framework. The technical content of visits varied greatly among the hospitals, and an overuse of technology was accompanied by neglect of some essential components of antenatal care. Although at the private hospital some problems with the technical content of care were identified, client satisfaction was higher there, where the care included good interpersonal relations, information provision, and continuity. Providers at all three hospitals felt constrained by heavy patient loads and a lack of resources. Multifaceted approaches are needed to improve the quality of antenatal care in this setting.
Polarization effects in low-energy electron-CH4 elastic collisions in an exact exchange treatment
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jain, Ashok; Weatherford, C. A.; Thompson, D. G.; McNaughten, P.
We have investigated the polarization effects in very-low-energy (below 1 eV) electron- CH4 collisions in an exact-exchange treatment. The two models of the parameter-free polarization potential are employed; one, the VpolJT potential, introduced by Jain and Thompson [J. Phys. B 15, L631 (1982)], is based on an approximate polarized-orbital method, and two, the correlation-polarization potential VpolCP, first proposed by O'Connel and Lane [Phys. Rev. A 27, 1893 (1983)], is given as a simple analytic form in terms of the charge density of the target. In this rather very low-energy region, the polarization effects play a decisive role, particularly in creating structure in the differential cross section (DCS) and producing the Ramsauer-Townsend minimum in the total cross section. Our DCS at 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 eV are compared with recent measurements. We found that a local parameter-free approximation for the polarization potential is quite successful if it is determined under the polarized-orbital-type technique rather than based on the correlation-polarization approach.
Dash, Pujarini; Kar, Banya; Mishra, Arpita; Sahoo, P K
The monogenean ectoparasite, Dactylogyrus sp. is a major pathogen in freshwater aquaculture. The immune responses in parasitized fish were analyzed by quantitation of innate immune factors (natural agglutinin level, haemolysin titre, antiprotease, lysozyme and myeloperoxidase activities) in serum and immune-relevant gene expression in gill and anterior kidney. The antiprotease activity and natural agglutinin level were found to be significantly higher and lysozyme activity was significantly lower in parasitized fish. Most of the genes viz., beta2-microglobulin (beta2M), major histocompatibility complex I (MHCI), MHCII, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) and toll-like receptor 22 (TLR22) in gill samples were significantly down-regulated in the experimental group. In the anterior kidney, the expression of superoxide dismutase and interleukin 1beta (IL1beta) were significantly up-regulated whereas a significant down regulation of MHCII and TNFalpha was also observed. The down-regulation of most of the genes viz, MHCI, beta2M, MHCII, TLR22 and TNFalpha in infected gills indicated a well evolved mechanism in this parasite to escape the host immune response. The modulation of innate and adaptive immunity by this parasite can be further explored to understand host susceptibility.
Earth Science Datacasting v2.0
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bingham, Andrew W.; Deen, Robert G.; Hussey, Kevin J.; Stough, Timothy M.; McCleese, Sean W.; Toole, Nicholas T.
The Datacasting software, which consists of a server and a client, has been developed as part of the Earth Science (ES) Datacasting project. The goal of ES Datacasting is to provide scientists the ability to automatically and continuously download Earth science data that meets a precise, predefined need, and then to instantaneously visualize it on a local computer. This is achieved by applying the concept of podcasting to deliver science data over the Internet using RSS (Really Simple Syndication) XML feeds. By extending the RSS specification, scientists can filter a feed and only download the files that are required for a particular application (for example, only files that contain information about a particular event, such as a hurricane or flood). The extension also provides the ability for the client to understand the format of the data and visualize the information locally. The server part enables a data provider to create and serve basic Datacasting (RSS-based) feeds. The user can subscribe to any number of feeds, view the information related to each item contained within a feed (including browse pre-made images), manually download files associated with items, and place these files in a local store. The client-server architecture enables users to: a) Subscribe and interpret multiple Datacasting feeds (same look and feel as a typical mail client), b) Maintain a list of all items within each feed, c) Enable filtering on the lists based on different metadata attributes contained within the feed (list will reference only data files of interest), d) Visualize the reference data and associated metadata, e) Download files referenced within the list, and f) Automatically download files as new items become available.
Davis, Philip M
Does PubMed Central--a government-run digital archive of biomedical articles--compete with scientific society journals? A longitudinal, retrospective cohort analysis of 13,223 articles (5999 treatment, 7224 control) published in 14 society-run biomedical research journals in nutrition, experimental biology, physiology, and radiology between February 2008 and January 2011 reveals a 21.4% reduction in full-text hypertext markup language (HTML) article downloads and a 13.8% reduction in portable document format (PDF) article downloads from the journals' websites when U.S. National Institutes of Health-sponsored articles (treatment) become freely available from the PubMed Central repository. In addition, the effect of PubMed Central on reducing PDF article downloads is increasing over time, growing at a rate of 1.6% per year. There was no longitudinal effect for full-text HTML downloads. While PubMed Central may be providing complementary access to readers traditionally underserved by scientific journals, the loss of article readership from the journal website may weaken the ability of the journal to build communities of interest around research papers, impede the communication of news and events to scientific society members and journal readers, and reduce the perceived value of the journal to institutional subscribers.
CCDST: A free Canadian climate data scraping tool
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bonifacio, Charmaine; Barchyn, Thomas E.; Hugenholtz, Chris H.; Kienzle, Stefan W.
In this paper we present a new software tool that automatically fetches, downloads and consolidates climate data from a Web database where the data are contained on multiple Web pages. The tool is called the Canadian Climate Data Scraping Tool (CCDST) and was developed to enhance access and simplify analysis of climate data from Canada's National Climate Data and Information Archive (NCDIA). The CCDST deconstructs a URL for a particular climate station in the NCDIA and then iteratively modifies the date parameters to download large volumes of data, remove individual file headers, and merge data files into one output file. This automated sequence enhances access to climate data by substantially reducing the time needed to manually download data from multiple Web pages. To this end, we present a case study of the temporal dynamics of blowing snow events that resulted in ~3.1 weeks time savings. Without the CCDST, the time involved in manually downloading climate data limits access and restrains researchers and students from exploring climate trends. The tool is coded as a Microsoft Excel macro and is available to researchers and students for free. The main concept and structure of the tool can be modified for other Web databases hosting geophysical data.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Mackley, Rob D.; Last, George V.; Allwardt, Craig H.
The Hanford Borehole Geologic Information System (HBGIS) is a prototype web-based graphical user interface (GUI) for viewing and downloading borehole geologic data. The HBGIS is being developed as part of the Remediation Decision Support function of the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Project, managed by Fluor Hanford, Inc., Richland, Washington. Recent efforts have focused on improving the functionality of the HBGIS website in order to allow more efficient access and exportation of available data in HBGIS. Users will benefit from enhancements such as a dynamic browsing, user-driven forms, and multi-select options for selecting borehole geologic data for export. The need formore » translating borehole geologic data into electronic form within the HBGIS continues to increase, and efforts to populate the database continue at an increasing rate. These new web-based tools should help the end user quickly visualize what data are available in HBGIS, select from among these data, and download the borehole geologic data into a consistent and reproducible tabular form. This revised user’s guide supersedes the previous user’s guide (PNNL-15362) for viewing and downloading data from HBGIS. It contains an updated data dictionary for tables and fields containing borehole geologic data as well as instructions for viewing and downloading borehole geologic data.« less
Investigations of Antiangiogenic Mechanisms Using Novel Imaging Techniques
011112-1 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 22 Feb 2010 to 1lular functions that exacerbate treatment resistance and tumor aggressiveness.9 Cycling...measurements, which further complicates ata acquisition and interpretation. Blood flow on the mi- rovessel level has traditionally been measured using laser...34ournal of Biomedical Optics 011112-2 Downloaded from SPIE Digital Library on 22 Feb 2010 to 1The goal of this study was to dynamically image changes in
the Protein Data Bank (http://www.rcsb.org/ pdb /). These structures are the most accurate and can be used for molecular docking. Target flexibility is...crystallized with the different ligands. In total, 240 files with the structures of 37 proteins were downloaded from PDB and used for docking...total, 240 files with protein structures were downloaded from the PDB and used for protein–ligand docking. It is widely accepted that ligand binding
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nakagawa, Y.; Kawahara, S.; Araki, F.; Matsuoka, D.; Ishikawa, Y.; Fujita, M.; Sugimoto, S.; Okada, Y.; Kawazoe, S.; Watanabe, S.; Ishii, M.; Mizuta, R.; Murata, A.; Kawase, H.
Analyses of large ensemble data are quite useful in order to produce probabilistic effect projection of climate change. Ensemble data of "+2K future climate simulations" are currently produced by Japanese national project "Social Implementation Program on Climate Change Adaptation Technology (SI-CAT)" as a part of a database for Policy Decision making for Future climate change (d4PDF; Mizuta et al. 2016) produced by Program for Risk Information on Climate Change. Those data consist of global warming simulations and regional downscaling simulations. Considering that those data volumes are too large (a few petabyte) to download to a local computer of users, a user-friendly system is required to search and download data which satisfy requests of the users. We develop "a database system for near-future climate change projections" for providing functions to find necessary data for the users under SI-CAT. The database system for near-future climate change projections mainly consists of a relational database, a data download function and user interface. The relational database using PostgreSQL is a key function among them. Temporally and spatially compressed data are registered on the relational database. As a first step, we develop the relational database for precipitation, temperature and track data of typhoon according to requests by SI-CAT members. The data download function using Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP) provides a function to download temporally and spatially extracted data based on search results obtained by the relational database. We also develop the web-based user interface for using the relational database and the data download function. A prototype of the database system for near-future climate change projections are currently in operational test on our local server. The database system for near-future climate change projections will be released on Data Integration and Analysis System Program (DIAS) in fiscal year 2017
Bernier, Julie C.; Douglas, Steven H.; Terrano, Joseph F.; Barras, John A.; Plant, Nathaniel G.; Smith, Christopher G.
This report serves as an archive of data that were derived from Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 imagery from 1984 to 2014, including wetland and terrestrial habitat extents; open-ocean, back-barrier, and estuarine mainland shoreline positions; and sand-line positions along the estuarine mainland and barrier shorelines from Assateague Island, Maryland to Metompkin Island, Virginia. The geographic information system data files with accompanying formal Federal Geographic Data Committee metadata can be downloaded from the Data Downloads page.
Smith, Christopher G.; Marot, Marci E.; Ellis, Alisha M.; Wheaton, Cathryn J.; Bernier, Julie C.; Adams, C. Scott
This report serves as an archive for sedimentological and radiochemical data derived from the surface sediments and marsh cores collected March 26–April 4, 2014. Select surficial data are available for the additional sampling periods October 21–30, 2014. Downloadable data are available as Excel spreadsheets and as JPEG files. Additional files include: Field documentation, x-radiographs, photographs, detailed results of sediment grain size analyses, and formal Federal Geographic Data Committee metadata (data downloads).
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Marsh, Amber; Harsch, Tim; Pitt, Julie
The computer side of the IMAGE project consists of a collection of Perl scripts that perform a variety of tasks; scripts are available to insert, update and delete data from the underlying Oracle database, download data from NCBI's Genbank and other sources, and generate data files for download by interested parties. Web scripts make up the tracking interface, and various tools available on the project web-site (image.llnl.gov) that provide a search interface to the database.
Methodically Modeling the Tor Network
relays for their circuits: the choice is weighted by the rela- tive difference in the perceived throughput of each relay in an attempt to balance...network. A lack of details about and justifications for such choices obscures the level of faithfulness to the live network and decreases confidence...first byte of the data payload is shown in (a) and (b), and time to the last byte in (c) and (d), for various download sizes. ping process . File download
Watch NASA astronaut Scott Tingle demonstrate the importance of astronaut nutrition on the International Space Station! Do you have what it takes to stay healthy in space? Try developing your own astronaut menu by checking out https://www.nasa.gov/stemonstrations for a corresponding lesson plan and see more videos like these! For a high quality copy for download, visit: For a high quality copy for download, visit: https://archive.org/details/jsc2018m000319_STEMonstrations_Nutrition_MXF
NATO Nuclear Reductions and the Assurance of Central and Eastern European Allies
entirely. 35 Endnotes 1 Ronald D. Asmus and Alexandr Vondra, “The Origins of Atlanticism in Central and Eastern Europe,” Cambridge...pp. 3-6, available at http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=195. 61 Asmus and Vondra, “The Origins of Atlanticism in Central and... Origins of Atlanticism in Central and Eastern Europe,” op. cit., p. 211. 132 Credible Deterrence for NATO in the XXI Century, op. cit, pp. 12-13
Khomtchouk, Bohdan B; Van Booven, Derek J; Wahlestedt, Claes
The graphical visualization of gene expression data using heatmaps has become an integral component of modern-day medical research. Heatmaps are used extensively to plot quantitative differences in gene expression levels, such as those measured with RNAseq and microarray experiments, to provide qualitative large-scale views of the transcriptonomic landscape. Creating high-quality heatmaps is a computationally intensive task, often requiring considerable programming experience, particularly for customizing features to a specific dataset at hand. Software to create publication-quality heatmaps is developed with the R programming language, C++ programming language, and OpenGL application programming interface (API) to create industry-grade high performance graphics. We create a graphical user interface (GUI) software package called HeatmapGenerator for Windows OS and Mac OS X as an intuitive, user-friendly alternative to researchers with minimal prior coding experience to allow them to create publication-quality heatmaps using R graphics without sacrificing their desired level of customization. The simplicity of HeatmapGenerator is that it only requires the user to upload a preformatted input file and download the publicly available R software language, among a few other operating system-specific requirements. Advanced features such as color, text labels, scaling, legend construction, and even database storage can be easily customized with no prior programming knowledge. We provide an intuitive and user-friendly software package, HeatmapGenerator, to create high-quality, customizable heatmaps generated using the high-resolution color graphics capabilities of R. The software is available for Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X. HeatmapGenerator is released under the GNU General Public License and publicly available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/heatmapgenerator/. The Mac OS X direct download is available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/heatmapgenerator/files/HeatmapGenerator_MAC_OSX.tar.gz/download
Geospatial resources for the geologic community: The USGS National Map
Witt, Emitt C.
Geospatial data are a key component of investigating, interpreting, and communicating the geological sciences. Locating geospatial data can be time-consuming, which detracts from time spent on a study because these data are not obviously placed in central locations or are served from many disparate databases. The National Map of the US Geological Survey is a publicly available resource for accessing the geospatial base map data needs of the geological community from a central location. The National Map data are available through a viewer and download platform providing access to eight primary data themes, plus the US Topo and scanned historical topographic maps. The eight themes are elevation, orthoimagery, hydrography, geographic names, boundaries, transportation, structures, and land cover, and they are being offered for download as predefined tiles in formats supported by leading geographic information system software. Data tiles are periodically refreshed to capture the most current content and are an efficient method for disseminating and receiving geospatial information. Elevation data, for example, are offered as a download from the National Map as 1° × 1° tiles for the 10- and 30- m products and as 15′ × 15′ tiles for the higher-resolution 3-m product. Vector data sets with smaller file sizes are offered at several tile sizes and formats. Partial tiles are not a download option—any prestaged data that intersect the requesting bounding box will be, in their entirety, part of the download order. While there are many options for accessing geospatial data via the Web, the National Map represents authoritative sources of data that are documented and can be referenced for citation and inclusion in scientific publications. Therefore, National Map products and services should be part of a geologist’s first stop for geospatial information and data.
Lahiri, S K; Mukhopadhyay, S P; Das, K K; Ray, S K; Biswas, D
There are many factors which affect intelligence as well as physical growth of children, although genetic factor plays a prime role but social, environmental and psychological factors influence significantly the physical growth and intelligence of the child and the same can be improved through intervention. Community based studies are therefore useful to understand effect of these factors for future planning. The present study was therefore undertaken in Burdwan district of West Bengal with the objectives of studying level of intelligence of children of 3 to 6 years age group and impact of the factors related to the level of intelligence of these children. 72 children of 3 to 6 years age group were studied, of which 2/3 were either normal or having Grade-I undernutrition and the rest were either Grade-II or Grade-III. A significant positive association was found between DST IQ score (Bharat Raj) and the nutritional grade. Non-formal education also was found to have significant bearing on the IQ level. No significant relationship was however found between DST IQ score and the religion indicating culture independence of the scoring system.
Poverty alleviation programmes in India: a social audit.
K Yesudian, C A
The review highlights the poverty alleviation programmes of the government in the post-economic reform era to evaluate the contribution of these programmes towards reducing poverty in the country. The poverty alleviation programmes are classified into (i) self-employment programmes; (ii) wage employment programmes; (iii) food security programmes; (iv) social security programmes; and (v) urban poverty alleviation programmes. The parameter used for evaluation included utilization of allocated funds, change in poverty level, employment generation and number or proportion of beneficiaries. The paper attempts to go beyond the economic benefit of the programmes and analyzes the social impact of these programmes on the communities where the poor live, and concludes that too much of government involvement is actually an impediment. On the other hand, involvement of the community, especially the poor has led to better achievement of the goals of the programmes. Such endeavours not only reduced poverty but also empowered the poor to find their own solutions to their economic problems. There is a need for decentralization of the programmes by strengthening the panchayat raj institutions as poverty is not merely economic deprivation but also social marginalization that affects the poor most.
Zeina, Amr F; Guerra-García, José M
The Caprellidae from the Red Sea are reviewed based on the literature data and new collections from the Hurghada coasts. So far, only six valid species has been reported from the Red Sea and Suez Canal: Caprella equilibra Say, 1818, Hemiaegina minuta Mayer, 1890, Metaprotella africana Mayer, 1903, Paracaprella pusilla Mayer, 1890 and Paradeutella multispinosa Schellenberg, 1928 and Pseudocaprellina pambanensis Sundara Raj, 1927. The type material of M. africana (deposited in the Muséum nacional d'Histoire naturelle, Paris) and Paradeutella multispinosa (deposited in the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin) are redescribed and illustrated in detail. P. pambanensis and H. minuta were the most abundant species in the collections along the northern coast. Most of the sampling effort has been focused on algae from shallow waters; additional substrates such as sediments, hydroids and coral rubble, especially from areas deeper than 15 meters should be explored. The number of caprellid species in the Red Sea is low compared to adjacent waters, as the Mediterranean Sea. However, further research and more extensive caprellid collections should be conducted along the coasts of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan and Eritrea, which are still unexplored.
PREFACE: MicroTherm' 2013 - Microtechnology and Thermal Problems in Electronics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lisik, Zbigniew; Raj, Ewa
MicroTherm is an International Conference on Microtechnology and Thermal Problems in Electronics organised as a cyclic event since 1996. The success of the first seminar, which was devoted mainly to thermal management aspects, and the successive conferences have led us to the tenth edition. Since the first meeting, the scope of the conference has expanded, following the progress of electronics. Now, it covers subjects connected with extreme temperature, electronics, sensors and measurement techniques, modelling, simulation, wide band-gap materials, packaging and reliability, renewable energy sources and photonics with special emphasis on microelectronic technologies. MicroTherm' 2013 was held in Lodz, Poland, on 25-28 June 2013. The programme consistied of invited talks and nine regular sessions in the form of planar discussions and poster presentations, including a Students' Session. The Students' session gave an opportunity for students and young researchers to present their first achievements in the field of science. The next MicroTherm Conference is going to be held on 22-25 June 2015, in Lodz — a beautiful, post-industrial city located in the centre of Poland. Please, feel invited to MicroTherm' 2015 (www.microtherm.dsod.pl). Ewa Raj and Zbigniew Lisik Editors
Better Living Through Metadata: Examining Archive Usage
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Becker, G.; Winkelman, S.; Rots, A.
The primary purpose of an observatory's archive is to provide access to the data through various interfaces. User interactions with the archive are recorded in server logs, which can be used to answer basic questions like: Who has downloaded dataset X? When did she do this? Which tools did she use? The answers to questions like these fill in patterns of data access (e.g., how many times dataset X has been downloaded in the past three years). Analysis of server logs provides metrics of archive usage and provides feedback on interface use which can be used to guide future interface development. The Chandra X-ray Observatory is fortunate in that a database to track data access and downloads has been continuously recording such transactions for years; however, it is overdue for an update. We will detail changes we hope to effect and the differences the changes may make to our usage metadata picture. We plan to gather more information about the geographic location of users without compromising privacy; create improved archive statistics; and track and assess the impact of web “crawlers” and other scripted access methods on the archive. With the improvements to our download tracking we hope to gain a better understanding of the dissemination of Chandra's data; how effectively it is being done; and perhaps discover ideas for new services.
Prior-Based Quantization Bin Matching for Cloud Storage of JPEG Images.
Liu, Xianming; Cheung, Gene; Lin, Chia-Wen; Zhao, Debin; Gao, Wen
Millions of user-generated images are uploaded to social media sites like Facebook daily, which translate to a large storage cost. However, there exists an asymmetry in upload and download data: only a fraction of the uploaded images are subsequently retrieved for viewing. In this paper, we propose a cloud storage system that reduces the storage cost of all uploaded JPEG photos, at the expense of a controlled increase in computation mainly during download of requested image subset. Specifically, the system first selectively re-encodes code blocks of uploaded JPEG images using coarser quantization parameters for smaller storage sizes. Then during download, the system exploits known signal priors-sparsity prior and graph-signal smoothness prior-for reverse mapping to recover original fine quantization bin indices, with either deterministic guarantee (lossless mode) or statistical guarantee (near-lossless mode). For fast reverse mapping, we use small dictionaries and sparse graphs that are tailored for specific clusters of similar blocks, which are classified via tree-structured vector quantizer. During image upload, cluster indices identifying the appropriate dictionaries and graphs for the re-quantized blocks are encoded as side information using a differential distributed source coding scheme to facilitate reverse mapping during image download. Experimental results show that our system can reap significant storage savings (up to 12.05%) at roughly the same image PSNR (within 0.18 dB).
Practical Considerations for Use of Mobile Apps at the Tactical Edge
and logging The commercial app stores must scale to very large numbers of users (e.g., iTunes has over 800 million accounts, most with credit cards ...over a million Android apps and a million iOS apps are available for download from the Google Play and Apple iTunes app stores, respectively. Of these...apps and a million iOS apps are available for download from the Google Play and Apple iTunes app stores, respectively. Of these, most would not be
Obtaining and processing Daymet data using Python and ArcGIS
Bohms, Stefanie
This set of scripts was developed to automate the process of downloading and mosaicking daily Daymet data to a user defined extent using ArcGIS and Python programming language. The three steps are downloading the needed Daymet tiles for the study area extent, converting the netcdf file to a tif raster format, and mosaicking those rasters to one file. The set of scripts is intended for all levels of experience with Python programming language and requires no scripting by the user.
Demand spillovers of smash-hit papers: evidence from the 'Male Organ Incident'.
Kässi, Otto; Westling, Tatu
This study explores the short-run spillover effects of popular research papers. We consider the publicity of 'Male Organ and Economic Growth: Does Size Matter?' as an exogenous shock to economics discussion paper demand, a natural experiment of a sort. In particular, we analyze how the very substantial visibility influenced the downloads of Helsinki Center of Economic Research discussion papers. Difference in differences and regression discontinuity analysis are conducted to elicit the spillover patterns. This study finds that the spillover effect to average economics paper demand is positive and statistically significant. It seems that hit papers increase the exposure of previously less downloaded papers. We find that part of the spillover effect could be attributable to Internet search engines' influence on browsing behavior. Conforming to expected patterns, papers residing on the same web page as the hit paper evidence very significant increases in downloads which also supports the spillover thesis. A11, C21. 97K80.
A Secure Content Delivery System Based on a Partially Reconfigurable FPGA
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hori, Yohei; Yokoyama, Hiroyuki; Sakane, Hirofumi; Toda, Kenji
We developed a content delivery system using a partially reconfigurable FPGA to securely distribute digital content on the Internet. With partial reconfigurability of a Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA, the system provides an innovative single-chip solution for protecting digital content. In the system, a partial circuit must be downloaded from a server to the client terminal to play content. Content will be played only when the downloaded circuit is correctly combined (=interlocked) with the circuit built in the terminal. Since each circuit has a unique I/O configuration, the downloaded circuit interlocks with the corresponding built-in circuit designed for a particular terminal. Thus, the interface of the circuit itself provides a novel authentication mechanism. This paper describes the detailed architecture of the system and clarify the feasibility and effectiveness of the system. In addition, we discuss a fail-safe mechanism and future work necessary for the practical application of the system.
Recent trends in biomedical informatics: a study based on JAMIA articles
Jiang, Xiaoqian; Tse, Krystal; Wang, Shuang; Doan, Son; Kim, Hyeoneui; Ohno-Machado, Lucila
In a growing interdisciplinary field like biomedical informatics, information dissemination and citation trends are changing rapidly due to many factors. To understand these factors better, we analyzed the evolution of the number of articles per major biomedical informatics topic, download/online view frequencies, and citation patterns (using Web of Science) for articles published from 2009 to 2012 in JAMIA. The number of articles published in JAMIA increased significantly from 2009 to 2012, and there were some topic differences in the last 4 years. Medical Record Systems, Algorithms, and Methods are topic categories that are growing fast in several publications. We observed a significant correlation between download frequencies and the number of citations per month since publication for a given article. Earlier free availability of articles to non-subscribers was associated with a higher number of downloads and showed a trend towards a higher number of citations. This trend will need to be verified as more data accumulate in coming years. PMID:24214018
Torres, Maria Beatriz; Asmar, Lucy; Danh, Thu; Horvath, Keith J
Background Although many men who have sex with men (MSM) test for HIV at least once in their lifetime, opportunities to improve regular HIV testing, particularly among Hispanic or Latino MSM, is needed. Many mHealth interventions in development, including the ones on HIV testing, have primarily focused on English-speaking white, black, and MSM of other races. To date, no studies have assessed app use, attitudes, and motivations for downloading and sustaining use of mobile apps and preferences with respect to HIV prevention among Spanish-speaking, Hispanic MSM in the United States. Objective The primary aims of this study were to determine what features and functions of smartphone apps do Hispanic, Spanish-speaking MSM believe are associated with downloading apps to their smartphones, (2) what features and functions of smartphone apps are most likely to influence men’s sustained use of apps over time, and (3) what features and functions do men prefer in a smartphone app aimed to promote regular testing for HIV. Methods Interviews (N=15) were conducted with a racially diverse group of sexually active, HIV-negative, Spanish-speaking, Hispanic MSM in Miami, Florida. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim, translated back to English, and de-identified for analysis. A constant-comparison method (ie, grounded theory coding) was employed to examine themes that emerged from the interviews. Results Personal interest was the primary reason associated with whether men downloaded an app. Keeping personal information secure, cost, influence by peers and posted reviews, ease of use, and functionality affected whether they downloaded and used the app over time. Men also reported that entertainment value and frequency of updates influenced whether they kept and continued to use an app over time. There were 4 reasons why participants chose to delete an app—dislike, lack of use, cost, and lack of memory or space. Participants also shared their preferences for an
The Why's and How's of Integrating Downloadable Academic Ebooks
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Buckley, Matthew J.; Johnson, Melissa Maria
There has been a noticeable divide the past few years within the library world regarding electronic books. Many academic libraries have been purchasing or leasing web-based academic ebooks for years. Most public libraries on the other hand (thanks in large part to services such as OverDrive) have directed their attention toward downloadable…
ICIS-FE&C Download Summary and Data Element Dictionary ...
ECHO, Enforcement and Compliance History Online, provides compliance and enforcement information for approximately 800,000 EPA-regulated facilities nationwide. ECHO includes permit, inspection, violation, enforcement action, and penalty information about facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Stationary Source Program, Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES), and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Information also is provided on surrounding demographics when available.
NPDES eRule Dashboard Download Help | ECHO | US EPA
ECHO, Enforcement and Compliance History Online, provides compliance and enforcement information for approximately 800,000 EPA-regulated facilities nationwide. ECHO includes permit, inspection, violation, enforcement action, and penalty information about facilities regulated under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Stationary Source Program, Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Elimination Discharge System (NPDES), and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Information also is provided on surrounding demographics when available.
An Analysis of Open Source Security Software Products Downloads
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Barta, Brian J.
Despite the continued demand for open source security software, a gap in the identification of success factors related to the success of open source security software persists. There are no studies that accurately assess the extent of this persistent gap, particularly with respect to the strength of the relationships of open source software…
Register to Download the Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator |
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Register to Download the Automotive Deployment Options Projection Tool |
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Forde, Arnell S.; Flocks, James G.; Wiese, Dana S.; Fredericks, Jake J.
The archived trace data are in standard SEG Y rev. 0 format (Barry and others, 1975); the first 3,200 bytes of the card image header are in American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) format instead of Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) format. The SEG Y files are available on the DVD version of this report or online, downloadable via the USGS Coastal and Marine Geoscience Data System (http://cmgds.marine.usgs.gov). The data are also available for viewing using GeoMapApp (http://www.geomapapp.org) and Virtual Ocean (http://www.virtualocean.org) multi-platform open source software. The Web version of this archive does not contain the SEG Y trace files. To obtain the complete DVD archive, contact USGS Information Services at 1-888-ASK-USGS or infoservices@usgs.gov. The SEG Y files may be downloaded and processed with commercial or public domain software such as Seismic Unix (SU) (Cohen and Stockwell, 2010). See the How To Download SEG Y Data page for download instructions. The printable profiles are provided as Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) images processed and gained using SU software and can be viewed from theProfiles page or by using the links located on the trackline maps; refer to the Software page for links to example SU processing scripts.
Development of a Mobile App for Family Planning Providers.
Halsall, Viannella; Rogers, Jennifer; Witt, Jacki; Song, Sejun; Nguyen, Hoang Duc Huy; Kelly, Patricia
To provide an overview of lessons learned during the development process of an app for iOS and Android based on national recommendations for providing quality family planning services. After a review of existing apps was conducted to determine whether an app of clinical recommendations for family planning existed, a team of clinicians, training specialists, and app developers created a resource app by first drafting a comprehensive content map. A prototype of the app was then pilot tested using smart tablets by a volunteer convenience sample of women's healthcare professionals. Outcomes measured included usability, acceptability, download analytics, and satisfaction by clinicians as reported through an investigator-developed tool. Sixty-nine professionals tested a prototype of the app, and completed a user satisfaction tool. Overall, user feedback was positive, and a zoom function was added to the final version as a result of the pilot test. Within 3 months of being publicly available, the app was downloaded 677 times, with 97% of downloads occurring on smart phones, 76% downloads occurring on iOS devices, and 24% on Android devices. This trend persisted throughout the following 3 months. Clinicians with an interest in developing an app should consider a team approach to development, pilot test the app prior to wider distribution, and develop a web-based version of the app to be used by clinicians who are unable to access smart devices in their practice setting.
Energy density in the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wesolowski, Denne; Hosotani, Yutaka; Chakravarty, Sumantra
A two-dimensional nonrelativistic fermion system coupled to both electromagnetic gauge fields and Chern-Simons gauge fields is analyzed. Polarization tensors relevant in the quantum Hall effect and anyon superconductivity are obtained as simple closed integrals and are evaluated numerically for all momenta and frequencies. The correction to the energy density is evaluated in the random phase approximation (RPA) by summing an infinite series of ring diagrams. It is found that the correction has significant dependence on the particle number density. In the context of anyon superconductivity, the energy density relative to the mean field value is minimized at a hole concentration per lattice plaquette (0.05-0.06)(pca/ħ)2 where pc and a are the momentum cutoff and lattice constant, respectively. At the minimum the correction is about -5% to -25%, depending on the ratio 2mwc/p2c where wc is the frequency cutoff. In the Jain-Fradkin-Lopez picture of the fractional quantum Hall effect the RPA correction to the energy density is very large. It diverges logarithmically as the cutoff is removed, implying that corrections beyond RPA become important at large momentum and frequency.
The role of the Standard Days Method in modern family planning services in developing countries.
Lundgren, Rebecka I; Karra, Mihira V; Yam, Eileen A
The mere availability of family planning (FP) services is not sufficient to improve reproductive health; services must also be of adequate quality. The introduction of new contraceptive methods is a means of improving quality of care. The Standard Days Method (SDM) is a new fertility-awareness-based contraceptive method that has been successfully added to reproductive health care services around the world. Framed by the Bruce-Jain quality-of-care paradigm, this paper describes how the introduction of SDM in developing country settings can improve the six elements of quality while contributing to the intrinsic variety of available methods. SDM meets the needs of women and couples who opt not to use other modern methods. SDM providers are sensitised to the potential of fertility-awareness-based contraception as an appropriate choice for these clients. SDM requires the involvement of both partners and thus offers a natural entry point for providers to further explore partner communication, intimate partner violence, condoms, and HIV/STIs. SDM introduction broadens the range of FP methods available to couples in developing countries. SDM counselling presents an opportunity for FP providers to discuss important interpersonal and reproductive health issues with potential users.
Analysis of perfusion, microcirculation and drug transport in tumors. A computational study.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zunino, Paolo; Cattaneo, Laura
We address blood flow through a network of capillaries surrounded by a porous interstitium. We develop a computational model based on the Immersed Boundary method [C. S. Peskin. Acta Numer. 2002.]. The advantage of such an approach relies in its efficiency, because it does not need a full description of the real geometry allowing for a large economy of memory and CPU time and it facilitates handling fully realistic vascular networks [L. Cattaneo and P. Zunino. Technical report, MOX, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano, 2013.]. The analysis of perfusion and drug release in vascularized tumors is a relevant application of such techniques. Blood vessels in tumors are substantially leakier than in healthy tissue and they are tortuous. These vascular abnormalities lead to an impaired blood supply and abnormal tumor microenvironment characterized by hypoxia and elevated interstitial fluid pressure that reduces the distribution of drugs through advection [L.T. Baxter and R.K. Jain. Microvascular Research, 1989]. Finally, we discuss the application of the model to deliver nanoparticles. In particular, transport of nanoparticles in the vessels network, their adhesion to the vessel wall and the drug release in the surrounding tissue will be addressed.
Cue-recruitment for extrinsic signals after training with low information stimuli.
Jain, Anshul; Fuller, Stuart; Backus, Benjamin T
Cue-recruitment occurs when a previously ineffective signal comes to affect the perceptual appearance of a target object, in a manner similar to the trusted cues with which the signal was put into correlation during training. Jain, Fuller and Backus reported that extrinsic signals, those not carried by the target object itself, were not recruited even after extensive training. However, recent studies have shown that training using weakened trusted cues can facilitate recruitment of intrinsic signals. The current study was designed to examine whether extrinsic signals can be recruited by putting them in correlation with weakened trusted cues. Specifically, we tested whether an extrinsic visual signal, the rotary motion direction of an annulus of random dots, and an extrinsic auditory signal, direction of an auditory pitch glide, can be recruited as cues for the rotation direction of a Necker cube. We found learning, albeit weak, for visual but not for auditory signals. These results extend the generality of the cue-recruitment phenomenon to an extrinsic signal and provide further evidence that the visual system learns to use new signals most quickly when other, long-trusted cues are unavailable or unreliable.
Competent for commitment: you've got to have heart!
Jain, Rajan; Epstein, Jonathan A
The mature heart is composed primarily of four different cell types: cardiac myocytes, endothelium, smooth muscle, and fibroblasts. These cell types derive from pluripotent progenitors that become progressively restricted with regard to lineage potential, giving rise to multipotent cardiac progenitor cells and, ultimately, the differentiated cell types of the heart. Recent studies have begun to shed light on the defining characteristics of the intermediary cell types that exist transiently during this developmental process and the extrinsic and cell-autonomous factors that influence cardiac lineage decisions and cellular competence. This information will shape our understanding of congenital and adult cardiac disease and guide regenerative therapeutic approaches. In addition, cardiac progenitor specification can serve as a model for understanding basic mechanisms regulating the acquisition of cellular identity. In this review, we present the concept of "chromatin competence" that describes the potential for three-dimensional chromatin organization to function as the molecular underpinning of the ability of a progenitor cell to respond to inductive lineage cues and summarize recent studies advancing our understanding of cardiac cell specification, gene regulation, and chromatin organization and how they impact cardiac development. © 2018 Jain and Epstein; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Vlahos, William
eDirectory is a computer program that makes it possible to view entries in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) telephone directory by use of PalmPilot(TradeMark) (or equivalent) personal digital assistants. When one uses eDirectory, a single click causes the downloading of a current copy of the directory (which is updated nightly) from a server. The downloaded directory data can be sorted and searched. The program can append a "JPL" category and save directory information in a file that can be imported into the Palm Desktop(TradeMark) software.
DOWNLOAD .........................76 D. TEST 3 – SAME NETWORK TRACE, DIFFERENT TCP FLOW ...86 E. TEST 4 – LARGE FILE DOWNLOAD FROM WEB .............96 V...AC1( Data 1 .. 8 ~ !!. :: ~ ACK Data 3 ~ • ~~ n ata 2·Data 3 ~ >·5 I~ n , " ~ ~ -o,,.’ ~ ACKOata 3 • "~ .. ~ < . ~ ~· ’ ~ .... ~ )II...8217---: ACK Oata 61 ;£.Y.. Oat a 31 ...,. .:<: ["" D~ta 63 Da ta 32~ ata 6l .CK ... , ACK Oata 62 -’-- - I"’ < ’ o.,. 64 Data 63 ACK Data63
Fernández, José M; Valencia, Alfonso
Downloading the information stored in relational databases into XML and other flat formats is a common task in bioinformatics. This periodical dumping of information requires considerable CPU time, disk and memory resources. YAdumper has been developed as a purpose-specific tool to deal with the integral structured information download of relational databases. YAdumper is a Java application that organizes database extraction following an XML template based on an external Document Type Declaration. Compared with other non-native alternatives, YAdumper substantially reduces memory requirements and considerably improves writing performance.
Querying and Computing with BioCyc Databases
Krummenacker, Markus; Paley, Suzanne; Mueller, Lukas; Yan, Thomas; Karp, Peter D.
Summary We describe multiple methods for accessing and querying the complex and integrated cellular data in the BioCyc family of databases: access through multiple file formats, access through Application Program Interfaces (APIs) for LISP, Perl and Java, and SQL access through the BioWarehouse relational database. Availability The Pathway Tools software and 20 BioCyc DBs in Tiers 1 and 2 are freely available to academic users; fees apply to some types of commercial use. For download instructions see http://BioCyc.org/download.shtml PMID:15961440
ZINC: A Free Tool to Discover Chemistry for Biology
ZINC is a free public resource for ligand discovery. The database contains over twenty million commercially available molecules in biologically relevant representations that may be downloaded in popular ready-to-dock formats and subsets. The Web site also enables searches by structure, biological activity, physical property, vendor, catalog number, name, and CAS number. Small custom subsets may be created, edited, shared, docked, downloaded, and conveyed to a vendor for purchase. The database is maintained and curated for a high purchasing success rate and is freely available at zinc.docking.org. PMID:22587354
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guillochon, James; Cowperthwaite, Philip S.
We announce the public release of the application program interface (API) for the Open Astronomy Catalogs (OACs), the OACAPI. The OACs serve near-complete collections of supernova, tidal disruption, kilonova, and fast stars data (including photometry, spectra, radio, and X-ray observations) via a user-friendly web interface that displays the data interactively and offers full data downloads. The OACAPI, by contrast, enables users to specifically download particular pieces of the OAC dataset via a flexible programmatic syntax, either via URL GET requests, or via a module within the astroquery Python package.
Boros, L G; Lepow, C; Ruland, F; Starbuck, V; Jones, S; Flancbaum, L; Townsend, M C
A powerful method of processing MEDLINE and CINAHL source data uploaded to the IBM 3090 mainframe computer through an IBM/PC is described. Data are first downloaded from the CD-ROM's PC devices to floppy disks. These disks then are uploaded to the mainframe computer through an IBM/PC equipped with WordPerfect text editor and computer network connection (SONNGATE). Before downloading, keywords specifying the information to be accessed are typed at the FIND prompt of the CD-ROM station. The resulting abstracts are downloaded into a file called DOWNLOAD.DOC. The floppy disks containing the information are simply carried to an IBM/PC which has a terminal emulation (TELNET) connection to the university-wide computer network (SONNET) at the Ohio State University Academic Computing Services (OSU ACS). The WordPerfect (5.1) processes and saves the text into DOS format. Using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP, 130,000 bytes/s) of SONNET, the entire text containing the information obtained through the MEDLINE and CINAHL search is transferred to the remote mainframe computer for further processing. At this point, abstracts in the specified area are ready for immediate access and multiple retrieval by any PC having network switch or dial-in connection after the USER ID, PASSWORD and ACCOUNT NUMBER are specified by the user. The system provides the user an on-line, very powerful and quick method of searching for words specifying: diseases, agents, experimental methods, animals, authors, and journals in the research area downloaded. The user can also copy the TItles, AUthors and SOurce with optional parts of abstracts into papers under edition. This arrangement serves the special demands of a research laboratory by handling MEDLINE and CINAHL source data resulting after a search is performed with keywords specified for ongoing projects. Since the Ohio State University has a centrally founded mainframe system, the data upload, storage and mainframe operations are free.
Ligand.Info small-molecule Meta-Database.
von Grotthuss, Marcin; Koczyk, Grzegorz; Pas, Jakub; Wyrwicz, Lucjan S; Rychlewski, Leszek
Ligand.Info is a compilation of various publicly available databases of small molecules. The total size of the Meta-Database is over 1 million entries. The compound records contain calculated three-dimensional coordinates and sometimes information about biological activity. Some molecules have information about FDA drug approving status or about anti-HIV activity. Meta-Database can be downloaded from the http://Ligand.Info web page. The database can also be screened using a Java-based tool. The tool can interactively cluster sets of molecules on the user side and automatically download similar molecules from the server. The application requires the Java Runtime Environment 1.4 or higher, which can be automatically downloaded from Sun Microsystems or Apple Computer and installed during the first use of Ligand.Info on desktop systems, which support Java (Ms Windows, Mac OS, Solaris, and Linux). The Ligand.Info Meta-Database can be used for virtual high-throughput screening of new potential drugs. Presented examples showed that using a known antiviral drug as query the system was able to find others antiviral drugs and inhibitors.
Joyce, Brendan; Lee, Danny; Rubio, Alex; Ogurtsov, Aleksey; Alves, Gelio; Yu, Yi-Kuo
RAId is a software package that has been actively developed for the past 10 years for computationally and visually analyzing MS/MS data. Founded on rigorous statistical methods, RAId's core program computes accurate E-values for peptides and proteins identified during database searches. Making this robust tool readily accessible for the proteomics community by developing a graphical user interface (GUI) is our main goal here. We have constructed a graphical user interface to facilitate the use of RAId on users' local machines. Written in Java, RAId_GUI not only makes easy executions of RAId but also provides tools for data/spectra visualization, MS-product analysis, molecular isotopic distribution analysis, and graphing the retrieval versus the proportion of false discoveries. The results viewer displays and allows the users to download the analyses results. Both the knowledge-integrated organismal databases and the code package (containing source code, the graphical user interface, and a user manual) are available for download at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Yu/downloads/raid.html .
Acoustic Features Influence Musical Choices Across Multiple Genres.
Barone, Michael D; Bansal, Jotthi; Woolhouse, Matthew H
Based on a large behavioral dataset of music downloads, two analyses investigate whether the acoustic features of listeners' preferred musical genres influence their choice of tracks within non-preferred, secondary musical styles. Analysis 1 identifies feature distributions for pairs of genre-defined subgroups that are distinct. Using correlation analysis, these distributions are used to test the degree of similarity between subgroups' main genres and the other music within their download collections. Analysis 2 explores the issue of main-to-secondary genre influence through the production of 10 feature-influence matrices, one per acoustic feature, in which cell values indicate the percentage change in features for genres and subgroups compared to overall population averages. In total, 10 acoustic features and 10 genre-defined subgroups are explored within the two analyses. Results strongly indicate that the acoustic features of people's main genres influence the tracks they download within non-preferred, secondary musical styles. The nature of this influence and its possible actuating mechanisms are discussed with respect to research on musical preference, personality, and statistical learning.
Acoustic Features Influence Musical Choices Across Multiple Genres
Barone, Michael D.; Bansal, Jotthi; Woolhouse, Matthew H.
Based on a large behavioral dataset of music downloads, two analyses investigate whether the acoustic features of listeners' preferred musical genres influence their choice of tracks within non-preferred, secondary musical styles. Analysis 1 identifies feature distributions for pairs of genre-defined subgroups that are distinct. Using correlation analysis, these distributions are used to test the degree of similarity between subgroups' main genres and the other music within their download collections. Analysis 2 explores the issue of main-to-secondary genre influence through the production of 10 feature-influence matrices, one per acoustic feature, in which cell values indicate the percentage change in features for genres and subgroups compared to overall population averages. In total, 10 acoustic features and 10 genre-defined subgroups are explored within the two analyses. Results strongly indicate that the acoustic features of people's main genres influence the tracks they download within non-preferred, secondary musical styles. The nature of this influence and its possible actuating mechanisms are discussed with respect to research on musical preference, personality, and statistical learning. PMID:28725200
Mitchell, Jason; Torres, Maria Beatriz; Asmar, Lucy; Danh, Thu; Horvath, Keith J
Although many men who have sex with men (MSM) test for HIV at least once in their lifetime, opportunities to improve regular HIV testing, particularly among Hispanic or Latino MSM, is needed. Many mHealth interventions in development, including the ones on HIV testing, have primarily focused on English-speaking white, black, and MSM of other races. To date, no studies have assessed app use, attitudes, and motivations for downloading and sustaining use of mobile apps and preferences with respect to HIV prevention among Spanish-speaking, Hispanic MSM in the United States. The primary aims of this study were to determine what features and functions of smartphone apps do Hispanic, Spanish-speaking MSM believe are associated with downloading apps to their smartphones, (2) what features and functions of smartphone apps are most likely to influence men's sustained use of apps over time, and (3) what features and functions do men prefer in a smartphone app aimed to promote regular testing for HIV. Interviews (N=15) were conducted with a racially diverse group of sexually active, HIV-negative, Spanish-speaking, Hispanic MSM in Miami, Florida. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim, translated back to English, and de-identified for analysis. A constant-comparison method (ie, grounded theory coding) was employed to examine themes that emerged from the interviews. Personal interest was the primary reason associated with whether men downloaded an app. Keeping personal information secure, cost, influence by peers and posted reviews, ease of use, and functionality affected whether they downloaded and used the app over time. Men also reported that entertainment value and frequency of updates influenced whether they kept and continued to use an app over time. There were 4 reasons why participants chose to delete an app-dislike, lack of use, cost, and lack of memory or space. Participants also shared their preferences for an app to encourage regular HIV testing by
Implementing eco friendly highly reliable upload feature using multi 3G service
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tanutama, Lukas; Wijaya, Rico
The current trend of eco friendly Internet access is preferred. In this research the understanding of eco friendly is minimum power consumption. The devices that are selected have operationally low power consumption and normally have no power consumption as they are hibernating during idle state. To have the reliability a router of a router that has internal load balancing feature will provide the improvement of previous research on multi 3G services for broadband lines. Previous studies emphasized on accessing and downloading information files from Public Cloud residing Web Servers. The demand is not only for speed but high reliability of access as well. High reliability will mean mitigating both direct and indirect high cost due to repeated attempts of uploading and downloading the large files. Nomadic and mobile computer users need viable solution. Following solution for downloading information has been proposed and tested. The solution is promising. The result is now extended to providing reliable access line by means of redundancy and automatic reconfiguration for uploading and downloading large information files to a Web Server in the Cloud. The technique is taking advantage of internal load balancing feature to provision a redundant line acting as a backup line. A router that has the ability to provide load balancing to several WAN lines is chosen. The WAN lines are constructed using multiple 3G lines. The router supports the accessing Internet with more than one 3G access line which increases the reliability and availability of the Internet access as the second line immediately takes over if the first line is disturbed.
Quantifying social influence in an online cultural market.
Krumme, Coco; Cebrian, Manuel; Pickard, Galen; Pentland, Sandy
We revisit experimental data from an online cultural market in which 14,000 users interact to download songs, and develop a simple model that can explain seemingly complex outcomes. Our results suggest that individual behavior is characterized by a two-step process--the decision to sample and the decision to download a song. Contrary to conventional wisdom, social influence is material to the first step only. The model also identifies the role of placement in mediating social signals, and suggests that in this market with anonymous feedback cues, social influence serves an informational rather than normative role.
Sedimentary environments of east and west Flower Garden Banks area
Scanlon, Kathryn M.; Ackerman, S.D.; Rozycki, J.E.
A summary of the sediment analyses, indicating weight percentages of gravel, sand, silt, and clay size particles and CaCO3 content, is given in Table 1. The complete analytical data are available as downloadable Excel files and in an ArcView project on a CD-ROM (Scanlon et al., 2003) or can be downloaded without charge from a USGS publications web site (http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2003/of03-002). The complete analytical data consist of 70 fields, including weight percentages of size classes for phi units from 0 to 11, means, modes, skewness, kurtosis, and other statistical data.
Quantifying Social Influence in an Online Cultural Market
Krumme, Coco; Cebrian, Manuel; Pickard, Galen; Pentland, Sandy
We revisit experimental data from an online cultural market in which 14,000 users interact to download songs, and develop a simple model that can explain seemingly complex outcomes. Our results suggest that individual behavior is characterized by a two-step process–the decision to sample and the decision to download a song. Contrary to conventional wisdom, social influence is material to the first step only. The model also identifies the role of placement in mediating social signals, and suggests that in this market with anonymous feedback cues, social influence serves an informational rather than normative role. PMID:22590493
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Raj, Abhijeet; Sander, Markus; Janardhanan, Vinod
This paper presents a theoretical study on the physical interaction between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their clusters of different sizes in laminar premixed flames. Two models are employed for this study: a detailed PAH growth model, referred to as the kinetic Monte Carlo - aromatic site (KMC-ARS) model [Raj et al., Combust. Flame 156 (2009) 896-913]; and a multivariate PAH population balance model, referred to as the PAH - primary particle (PAH-PP) model. Both the models are solved by kinetic Monte Carlo methods. PAH mass spectra are generated using the PAH-PP model, and compared to the experimentally observed spectramore » for a laminar premixed ethylene flame. The position of the maxima of PAH dimers in the spectra and their concentrations are found to depend strongly on the collision efficiency of PAH coagulation. The variation in the collision efficiency with various flame and PAH parameters is studied to determine the factors on which it may depend. A correlation for the collision efficiency is proposed by comparing the computed and the observed spectra for an ethylene flame. With this correlation, a good agreement between the computed and the observed spectra for a number of laminar premixed ethylene flames is found. (author)« less
Mellis, Ian A; Raj, Arjun
Small-scale molecular systems biology, by which we mean the understanding of a how a few parts work together to control a particular biological process, is predicated on the assumption that cellular regulation is arranged in a circuit-like structure. Results from the omics revolution have upset this vision to varying degrees by revealing a high degree of interconnectivity, making it difficult to develop a simple, circuit-like understanding of regulatory processes. We here outline the limitations of the small-scale systems biology approach with examples from research into genetic algorithms, genetics, transcriptional network analysis, and genomics. We also discuss the difficulties associated with deriving true understanding from the analysis of large data sets and propose that the development of new, intelligent, computational tools may point to a way forward. Throughout, we intentionally oversimplify and talk about things in which we have little expertise, and it is likely that many of our arguments are wrong on one level or another. We do believe, however, that developing a true understanding via molecular systems biology will require a fundamental rethinking of our approach, and our goal is to provoke thought along these lines. © 2015 Mellis and Raj; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: The magnetic field of L1544. I. NIR data (Clemens+, 2016)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Clemens, D. P.; Tassis, K.; Goldsmith, P. F.
NIR imaging polarimetric observations of L1544 were conducted on the UT nights of 2013 January 20, 2015 October 27 and 31, 2015 November 1 and 2, and 2016 January 27 and 31 using the Mimir instrument on the 1.83m Perkins Telescope, located outside Flagstaff, Arizona. Six pointing centers ("fields") were selected toward a Center direction (RAJ200=05:04:16.6, DEJ2000=+25:10:48), the four equatorial NSEW directions offset by 6 arcmin from the Center, and one field to the NW offset mostly diagonally by about 10.9 arcmin. In addition, the AllWISE (Cutri+ 2013, II/328) catalog entries for the field shown in Figure 1 were fetched, resulting in 3616 stars with a detection in at least the WISE W1 (3.6um) band or W2 (4.5um) band. These were positionally matched to the H-band catalog, yielding 1262 matches. The properties of the 450 H-band stars without WISE star matches and the WISE stars without H-band star matches were similar in being fainter than the subset of stars with H-to-WISE matches. The combined data set of 1712 stars is listed in Table 1. (1 data file).
Wang, Hue-Yu; Yeh, Ming-Kung; Ho, Chung-Han; Hu, Ming-Kuan; Huang, Yaw-Bin
To analyze and characterize data regarding the prevalence and types of outpatient drug-related problems (DRPs) found by clinical pharmacists after implementation of the Virtual Medicine Record in Cloud System (VMRCS). A cross-sectional study regarding outpatient pharmaceutical care was conducted at a medical center in Taiwan. Patients aged >20 years old with multiple chronic diseases and polypharmacy were enrolled. In Stage I (1 October-31 December 2014), patients received pharmaceutical care according to prescription data accessed online in the VMRCS. In Stage II (1 June-31 August 2015), the VMRCS were pre-download and arranged to the institute's required format, facilitated DRP detection. Clinical pharmacists then reviewed and evaluated the prescription data through pre-downloaded VMRCS. Overall, 1539 and 1600 prescriptions were evaluated in these two stages, respectively. DRPs were recorded using the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE)-DRP. DRPs were found for 50.2% of patients in Stage I and 55.2% in Stage II (p < 0.05) and were most frequently encountered for "Drugs for the cardiovascular system" and caused by "Inappropriate duplication of therapeutic group or active ingredient." In terms of problems, incidence of "Unnecessary drug treatment" was highest. Duplicate medications were most frequently seen for "Drugs for acid-related disorders." The efficiency to identify DRPs was at least 2.4 times higher with pre-downloaded prescription data than with real-time online queries. With VMRCS, DRPs were more easily identified whether patients received medical care in the same hospital or not. DRPs could be efficiently prevented through the use of pre-downloaded patient prescription data. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Fractional populations in multiple gene inheritance.
Chung, Myung-Hoon; Kim, Chul Koo; Nahm, Kyun
With complete knowledge of the human genome sequence, one of the most interesting tasks remaining is to understand the functions of individual genes and how they communicate. Using the information about genes (locus, allele, mutation rate, fitness, etc.), we attempt to explain population demographic data. This population evolution study could complement and enhance biologists' understanding about genes. We present a general approach to study population genetics in complex situations. In the present approach, multiple allele inheritance, multiple loci inheritance, natural selection and mutations are allowed simultaneously in order to consider a more realistic situation. A simulation program is presented so that readers can readily carry out studies with their own parameters. It is shown that the multiplicity of the loci greatly affects the demographic results of fractional population ratios. Furthermore, the study indicates that some high infant mortality rates due to congenital anomalies can be attributed to multiple loci inheritance. The simulation program can be downloaded from http://won.hongik.ac.kr/~mhchung/index_files/yapop.htm. In order to run this program, one needs Visual Studio.NET platform, which can be downloaded from http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/downloads/default.asp.
Trippi, Michael H.; Belkin, Harvey E.; Dai, Shifeng; Tewalt, Susan J.; Chou, Chiu-Jung; Trippi, Michael H.; Belkin, Harvey E.; Dai, Shifeng; Tewalt, Susan J.; Chou, Chiu-Jung
Geographic information system (GIS) information may facilitate energy studies, which in turn provide input for energy policy decisions. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled geographic information system (GIS) data representing the known coal mine locations and coal-mining areas of China as of 2001. These data are now available for download, and may be used in a GIS for a variety of energy resource and environmental studies of China. Province-scale maps were also created to display the point locations of coal mines and the coal-mining areas. In addition, coal-field outlines from a previously published map by Dai and others (2012) were also digitized and are available for download as a separate GIS data file, and shown in a nation-scale map of China. Chemical data for 332 coal samples from a previous USGS study of China and Taiwan (Tewalt and others, 2010) are included in a downloadable GIS point shapefile, and shown on a nation-scale map of China. A brief report summarizes the methodology used for creation of the shapefiles and the chemical analyses run on the samples.
Practical Downloading to Desktop Publishing: Enhancing the Delivery of Information.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Danziger, Pamela N.
This paper is addressed to librarians and information managers who, as one of the many activities they routinely perform, frequently publish information in such formats as newsletters, manuals, brochures, forms, presentations, or reports. It is argued that desktop publishing--a personal computer-based software package used to generate documents of…
Downloaded Lectures Have Been Shown to Produce Better Assessment Outcomes
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Parslow, Graham R.
With relevance to current students, the author has observed that when commuting by public transport, there is a near complete use of audio-visual devices by the "plugged-in" under 30 age group. New technology, new generation, and new allocations of time to work and study are combining to diminish lecture attendances. Some colleagues refuse to make…
Incentive Mechanisms for Mobile Music Distribution
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Furini, Marco; Montangero, Manuela
The mobile digital world is seen as an important business opportunity for two main reasons: the widespread usage of cellphones (more than two billions [30], most of them with sound features) and the pervasiveness of mobile technologies. As a result, music industry and telecoms are bringing the successful Internet-based music market strategy into the mobile scenario: record labels are setting up agreements with cellphone network providers (Sprint, Verizon, Vodafone, Orange just to name a few) to offer a download music service also in the mobile scenario. The strategy is to use wireless channels to distribute music contents in the attempt of replicating the success of the Internet-based download scenario.
Development of the prototype data management system of the solar H-alpha full disk observation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wei, Ka-Ning; Zhao, Shi-Qing; Li, Qiong-Ying; Chen, Dong
The Solar Chromospheric Telescope in Yunnan Observatory generates about 2G bytes fits format data per day. Huge amounts of data will bring inconvenience for people to use. Hence, data searching and sharing are important at present. Data searching, on-line browsing, remote accesses and download are developed with a prototype data management system of the solar H-alpha full disk observation, and improved by the working flow technology. Based on Windows XP operating system and MySQL data management system, a prototype system of browse/server model is developed by JAVA and JSP. Data compression, searching, browsing, deletion need authority and download in real-time have been achieved.
Astronauts on the International Space Station take pictures of Earth out their windows nearly every day; over a year that adds up to thousands of photos. The people at the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston pored through this year’s crop to pick their top 16 photos of Earth for 2016—enjoy! Download the images: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasa2explore/albums/72157674260752223 HD download link: https://archive.org/details/TheSpaceProgram _______________________________________ FOLLOW THE SPACE STATION! Twitter: https://twitter.com/Space_Station Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISS Instagram: https://instagram.com/iss/
Kelso, Kyle W.; Flocks, James G.
Selection of the core site locations was based on geophysical surveys conducted around the islands from 2008 to 2010. The surveys, using acoustic systems to image and interpret the nearsurface stratigraphy, were conducted to investigate the geologic controls on island evolution. This data series serves as an archive of sediment data collected from August to September 2010, offshore of the Mississippi barrier islands. Data products, including descriptive core logs, core photographs, results of sediment grain-size analyses, sample location maps, and geographic information system (GIS) data files with accompanying formal Federal Geographic Data Committee (FDGC) metadata can be downloaded from the data products and downloads page.
Estimating Trabecular Bone Mechanical Properties From Non-Invasive Imaging
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hogan, Harry A.; Webster, Laurie
An important component in developing countermeasures for maintaining musculoskeletal integrity during long-term space flight is an effective and meaningful method of monitoring skeletal condition. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an attractive non-invasive approach because it avoids the exposure to radiation associated with X-ray based imaging and also provides measures related to bone microstructure rather than just density. The purpose of the research for the 1996 Summer Faculty Fellowship period was to extend the usefulness of the MRI data to estimate the mechanical properties of trabecular bone. The main mechanical properties of interest are the elastic modulus and ultimate strength. Correlations are being investigated between these and fractal analysis parameters, MRI relaxation times, apparent densities, and bone mineral densities. Bone specimens from both human and equine donors have been studied initially to ensure high-quality MR images. Specimens were prepared and scanned from human proximal tibia bones as well as the equine distal radius. The quality of the images from the human bone appeared compromised due to freezing artifact, so only equine bone was included in subsequent procedures since these specimens could be acquired and imaged fresh before being frozen. MRI scans were made spanning a 3.6 cm length on each of 5 equine distal radius specimens. The images were then sent to Dr. Raj Acharya of the State University of New York at Buffalo for fractal analysis. Each piece was cut into 3 slabs approximately 1.2 cm thick and high-resolution contact radiographs were made to provide images for comparing fractal analysis with MR images. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scans were also made of each slab for subsequent bone mineral density determination. Slabs were cut into cubes for mechanical using a slow-speed diamond blade wafering saw (Buehler Isomet). The dimensions and wet weights of each cube specimen were measured and recorded. Wet weights
Geochemical loading of suspended sediment carried by large monsoonal rivers in Burma
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Robinson, R. A.; Tipper, E.; Bird, M. I.; Oo, N.
processes controlling the transport of elements (including carbon) within the fluvial system and their export from land to the ocean, the degree of chemical weathering that occurs during transport, and how the sedimentary geochemistry of depocentres might be better interrogated to understand their record of chemical weathering and relationship to source and transport history. References Bird M.I., Robinson R.A.J., et al. (2008) A preliminary estimate of organic carbon transport by the Ayerawady (Irrawaddy) and Thanlwin (Salween) Rivers of Myanmar. Quaternary International, 186, 113-22. Robinson, R.A.J., Bird, M.I. et al. (2007) The Ayeyarwady River sediment budget to the Indian Ocean: the original 19th Century data revisited. Journal of Geology, 115, doi:10.1086/521607. Tipper E.T. et al. (2006) The short term climatic sensitivity of carbonate and silicate weathering fluxes: Insight from seasonal variations in river chemistry. Geochim. Cosmochim. Act. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2006.03.005.
Background Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States. Smoking cessation is challenging for many patients. Regardless of available treatment options, most quit attempts are unaided, and it takes multiple attempts before a patient is successful. With the ever-increasing use of smartphones, mobile apps hold promise in supporting cessation efforts. This study evaluates the ease of use and user satisfaction with the Pfizer Meds app to support smoking cessation among patients prescribed varenicline (Chantix). Objective Study participants included varenicline users who downloaded and used the app on their personal smartphone. The main objectives were to report mobile app download frequency and usage details and to describe the participant-reported satisfaction with and usefulness of the app over the 14-week follow-up study period. Methods Adults aged 18 years or older who had been prescribed varenicline were identified from the Express Scripts Incorporated pharmacy claims database. After meeting privacy restrictions, subjects were sent an invitation letter and second reminder letter with instructions on how to download the Pfizer Meds mobile app. Participants received a push notification to complete a smartphone-enabled survey regarding the utility of the app 12 weeks after downloading the app. Descriptive statistics summarized sociodemographics, use of varenicline, and details of use and satisfaction with the mobile app. Results Of the 38,129 varenicline users who were sent invitation letters, 1281 participants (3.35%) downloaded the Pfizer Meds app. Of the 1032 users with demographic and other data, 585 (56.68%) were females, and 446 (43.22%) were males; mean age was 46.4 years (SD 10.8). The mean number of app sessions per participant was 4.0 (SD 6.8). The end-of-study survey was completed by 131 survey respondents (10.23%, 131/1281); a large number of participants (117
Transplant Options When You Don't Have a 'Good Match'
... for Transplant Nurses , Second Edition. Visit Online Store Patient Education ITNS offers high quality patient education materials in multiple languages. Download Educational Booklets Symposium ...
Gorlin and goltz syndrome: a case report with surgical review.
Namdeoraoji Bahadure, Rakesh; Surendraji Jain, Eesha; P Badole, Gautam
Gorlin and Goltz syndrome are a very complex syndrome and a multisystemic process that is characterized by the presence of multiple pigmented basocellular carcinomas, keratocysts in the jaws, palmar and/or plantar pits and calcification of the falx cerebri. Along with these major features a great number minor features have also been described which involves numerous skeletical, dermatology related, neurological, ophthalmological and reproductive anomalies. It exhibits high penetrance and variable expressivity. Presented here is the case of Gorlin-Goltz in a 12 years old male patient which was diagnosed through its oral and maxillofacial manifestations. Treatment of odontogenic keratocyst was done by enucleation without primary suturing. Iodoform dressing was kept to enhance the healing and to reduce the recurrence of the lesion. It is important to provide the early diagnosis for detection of clinical and radiological manifestations in young patients and for provision of advice concerning preventive treatment like protection of the skin from the sunlight and genetic sensitivity testing so that possible complications associated with this syndrome can be prevented. How to cite this article: Bahadure RN, Jain ES, Badole GP. Gorlin and Goltz Syndrome: A Case Report with Surgical Review. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2013;6(2):104-108.
Gorlin and Goltz Syndrome: A Case Report with Surgical Review
Surendraji Jain, Eesha; P Badole, Gautam
ABSTRACT Gorlin and Goltz syndrome are a very complex syndrome and a multisystemic process that is characterized by the presence of multiple pigmented basocellular carcinomas, keratocysts in the jaws, palmar and/or plantar pits and calcification of the falx cerebri. Along with these major features a great number minor features have also been described which involves numerous skeletical, dermatology related, neurological, ophthalmological and reproductive anomalies. It exhibits high penetrance and variable expressivity. Presented here is the case of Gorlin-Goltz in a 12 years old male patient which was diagnosed through its oral and maxillofacial manifestations. Treatment of odontogenic keratocyst was done by enucleation without primary suturing. Iodoform dressing was kept to enhance the healing and to reduce the recurrence of the lesion. It is important to provide the early diagnosis for detection of clinical and radiological manifestations in young patients and for provision of advice concerning preventive treatment like protection of the skin from the sunlight and genetic sensitivity testing so that possible complications associated with this syndrome can be prevented. How to cite this article: Bahadure RN, Jain ES, Badole GP. Gorlin and Goltz Syndrome: A Case Report with Surgical Review. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2013;6(2):104-108. PMID:25206202
Bhat, Sathyanarayana; Udupa, Kumaraswamy
Origin of ancient Indian toxicology can be dated back to vedic literature. Toxins of both animate and inanimate world were very well understood during the era. Rig and Atharva vedic texts describe such details. After classifying such toxins, Charaka Samhitha, the basic literature of Indian Medicine used gold and ghee as panaceas to counter act them. Ayurveda considers toxicology as one among the eight specialized branches of medical wisdom. Unfortunately, the available literature on this is very limited. Moreover, they have been discussed briefly in Charaka and Sushrutha Samhitha. Mangarasa I, a Jain scholar who lived on the foothills of the Western Ghats, in Southern India in 1350 A.D., felt this vacuum and composed an independent, elaborate Kannada text on toxicology. His less known text Khagendra Mani Darpana (KMD) is the first ever documented complete text on toxicology in the world. Medieval Indian wisdom on plant and animal diversities are very well reflected in this unique toxicological text. Centuries past to Linnean era, KMD gives vivid descriptions on zoological and botanical diversities of the time. This astonishing fact is an evidence of our ancestor's curiosities about the nature around them. A critical overview of the bio-diversity described in KMD text is discussed in this paper.
Bhat, Sathyanarayana; Udupa, Kumaraswamy
Origin of ancient Indian toxicology can be dated back to vedic literature. Toxins of both animate and inanimate world were very well understood during the era. Rig and Atharva vedic texts describe such details. After classifying such toxins, Charaka Samhitha, thebasic literature of Indian Medicine used gold and ghee as panaceas to counter act them. Ayurveda considers toxicology as one among the eight specialized branches of medical wisdom. Unfortunately, the available literature on this is very limited. Moreover, they have been discussed briefly in Charaka and Sushrutha Samhitha. Mangarasa I, a Jain scholar who lived on the foothills of the Western Ghats, in Southern India in 1350 A.D., felt this vacuum and composed an independent, elaborate Kannada text on toxicology. His less known text Khagendra Mani Darpana (KMD) is the first ever documented complete text on toxicology in the world. Medieval Indian wisdom on plant and animal diversities are very well reflected in this unique toxicological text. Centuries past to Linnean era, KMD gives vivid descriptions on zoological and botanical diversities of the time. This astonishing fact is an evidence of our ancestor's curiosities about the nature around them. A critical overview of the bio-diversity described in KMD text is discussed in this paper. PMID:23905027
Position-based coding and convex splitting for private communication over quantum channels
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wilde, Mark M.
The classical-input quantum-output (cq) wiretap channel is a communication model involving a classical sender X, a legitimate quantum receiver B, and a quantum eavesdropper E. The goal of a private communication protocol that uses such a channel is for the sender X to transmit a message in such a way that the legitimate receiver B can decode it reliably, while the eavesdropper E learns essentially nothing about which message was transmitted. The ɛ -one-shot private capacity of a cq wiretap channel is equal to the maximum number of bits that can be transmitted over the channel, such that the privacy error is no larger than ɛ \\in (0,1). The present paper provides a lower bound on the ɛ -one-shot private classical capacity, by exploiting the recently developed techniques of Anshu, Devabathini, Jain, and Warsi, called position-based coding and convex splitting. The lower bound is equal to a difference of the hypothesis testing mutual information between X and B and the "alternate" smooth max-information between X and E. The one-shot lower bound then leads to a non-trivial lower bound on the second-order coding rate for private classical communication over a memoryless cq wiretap channel.
An automatic iris occlusion estimation method based on high-dimensional density estimation.
Li, Yung-Hui; Savvides, Marios
Iris masks play an important role in iris recognition. They indicate which part of the iris texture map is useful and which part is occluded or contaminated by noisy image artifacts such as eyelashes, eyelids, eyeglasses frames, and specular reflections. The accuracy of the iris mask is extremely important. The performance of the iris recognition system will decrease dramatically when the iris mask is inaccurate, even when the best recognition algorithm is used. Traditionally, people used the rule-based algorithms to estimate iris masks from iris images. However, the accuracy of the iris masks generated this way is questionable. In this work, we propose to use Figueiredo and Jain's Gaussian Mixture Models (FJ-GMMs) to model the underlying probabilistic distributions of both valid and invalid regions on iris images. We also explored possible features and found that Gabor Filter Bank (GFB) provides the most discriminative information for our goal. Finally, we applied Simulated Annealing (SA) technique to optimize the parameters of GFB in order to achieve the best recognition rate. Experimental results show that the masks generated by the proposed algorithm increase the iris recognition rate on both ICE2 and UBIRIS dataset, verifying the effectiveness and importance of our proposed method for iris occlusion estimation.
Milestones and impact factors.
Ozonoff, David M; Grandjean, Philippe
Environmental Health has just received its first Impact Factor by Thomson ISI. At a level of 2.48, this achievement is quite satisfactory and places Environmental Health in the top 25% of environmental science journals. When the journal was launched in 2002, it was still unclear whether the Open Access publishing model could be made into a viable commercial enterprise within the biomedical field. During the past eight years, Open Access journals have become widely available, although still covering only about 15% of journal titles. Major funding agencies and institutions, including prominent US universities, now require that researchers publish in Open Access journals. Because of the profound role of scientific journals for the sharing of results and communication between researchers, the advent of Open Access may be of as much significance as the transition from handwriting to printing via moveable type. As Environmental Health is an electronic Open Access journal, the numbers of downloads at the journal website can be retrieved. The top-20 list of articles most frequently accessed shows that all of them have been downloaded over 10,000 times. Back in 2002, the first article published was accessed only 49 times during the following month. A year later, the server had over 1,000 downloads per month, and now the total number of monthly downloads approaches 50,000. These statistics complement the Impact Factor and confirm the viability of Open Access in our field of research. The advent of digital media and its decentralized mode of distribution - the internet - have dramatically changed the control and financing of scientific information dissemination, while facilitating peer review, accelerating editorial handling, and supporting much needed transparency. Both the meaning and means of "having an impact" are therefore changing, as will the degree and way in which scientific journals remain "factors" in that impact.
Providing open access data online to advance malaria research and control.
Moyes, Catherine L; Temperley, William H; Henry, Andrew J; Burgert, Clara R; Hay, Simon I
To advance research on malaria, the outputs from existing studies and the data that fed into them need to be made freely available. This will ensure new studies can build on the work that has gone before. These data and results also need to be made available to groups who are developing public health policies based on up-to-date evidence. The Malaria Atlas Project (MAP) has collated and geopositioned over 50,000 parasite prevalence and vector occurrence survey records contributed by over 3,000 sources including research groups, government agencies and non-governmental organizations worldwide. This paper describes the results of a project set up to release data gathered, used and generated by MAP. Requests for permission to release data online were sent to 236 groups who had contributed unpublished prevalence (parasite rate) surveys. An online explorer tool was developed so that users can visualize the spatial distribution of the vector and parasite survey data before downloading it. In addition, a consultation group was convened to provide advice on the mode and format of release for data generated by MAP's modelling work. New software was developed to produce a suite of publication-quality map images for download from the internet for use in external publications. More than 40,000 survey records can now be visualized on a set of dynamic maps and downloaded from the MAP website on a free and unrestricted basis. As new data are added and new permissions to release existing data come in, the volume of data available for download will increase. The modelled data output from MAP's own analyses are also available online in a range of formats, including image files and GIS surface data, for use in advocacy, education, further research and to help parameterize or validate other mathematical models.
Social media release increases dissemination of original articles in the clinical pain sciences.
Allen, Heidi G; Stanton, Tasha R; Di Pietro, Flavia; Moseley, G Lorimer
A barrier to dissemination of research is that it depends on the end-user searching for or 'pulling' relevant knowledge from the literature base. Social media instead 'pushes' relevant knowledge straight to the end-user, via blogs and sites such as Facebook and Twitter. That social media is very effective at improving dissemination seems well accepted, but, remarkably, there is no evidence to support this claim. We aimed to quantify the impact of social media release on views and downloads of articles in the clinical pain sciences. Sixteen PLOS ONE articles were blogged and released via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and ResearchBlogging.org on one of two randomly selected dates. The other date served as a control. The primary outcomes were the rate of HTML views and PDF downloads of the article, over a seven-day period. The critical result was an increase in both outcome variables in the week after the blog post and social media release. The mean ± SD rate of HTML views in the week after the social media release was 18±18 per day, whereas the rate during the other three weeks was no more than 6±3 per day. The mean ± SD rate of PDF downloads in the week after the social media release was 4±4 per day, whereas the rate during the other three weeks was less than 1±1 per day (p<0.05 for all comparisons). However, none of the recognized measures of social media reach, engagement or virality related to either outcome variable, nor to citation count one year later (p>0.3 for all). We conclude that social media release of a research article in the clinical pain sciences increases the number of people who view or download that article, but conventional social media metrics are unrelated to the effect.
Looking into Pandora's Box: The Content of Sci-Hub and its Usage.
Greshake, Bastian
Despite the growth of Open Access, potentially illegally circumventing paywalls to access scholarly publications is becoming a more mainstream phenomenon. The web service Sci-Hub is amongst the biggest facilitators of this, offering free access to around 62 million publications. So far it is not well studied how and why its users are accessing publications through Sci-Hub. By utilizing the recently released corpus of Sci-Hub and comparing it to the data of ~28 million downloads done through the service, this study tries to address some of these questions. The comparative analysis shows that both the usage and complete corpus is largely made up of recently published articles, with users disproportionately favoring newer articles and 35% of downloaded articles being published after 2013. These results hint that embargo periods before publications become Open Access are frequently circumnavigated using Guerilla Open Access approaches like Sci-Hub. On a journal level, the downloads show a bias towards some scholarly disciplines, especially Chemistry, suggesting increased barriers to access for these. Comparing the use and corpus on a publisher level, it becomes clear that only 11% of publishers are highly requested in comparison to the baseline frequency, while 45% of all publishers are significantly less accessed than expected. Despite this, the oligopoly of publishers is even more remarkable on the level of content consumption, with 80% of all downloads being published through only 9 publishers. All of this suggests that Sci-Hub is used by different populations and for a number of different reasons, and that there is still a lack of access to the published scientific record. A further analysis of these openly available data resources will undoubtedly be valuable for the investigation of academic publishing.
Uptake and Usage of IntelliCare: A Publicly Available Suite of Mental Health and Well-Being Apps.
Lattie, Emily G; Schueller, Stephen M; Sargent, Elizabeth; Stiles-Shields, Colleen; Tomasino, Kathryn Noth; Corden, Marya E; Begale, Mark; Karr, Chris J; Mohr, David C
Treatments for depression and anxiety have several behavioral and psychological targets and rely on varied strategies. Digital mental health treatments often employ feature-rich approaches addressing several targets and strategies. These treatments, often optimized for desktop computer use, are at odds with the ways people use smartphone applications. Smartphone use tends to focus on singular functions with easy navigation to desired tools. The IntelliCare suite of apps was developed to address the discrepancy between need for diverse behavioral strategies and constraints imposed by typical app use. Each app focuses on one strategy for a limited subset of clinical aims all pertinent to depression and anxiety. This study presents the uptake and usage of apps from the IntelliCare suite following an open deployment on a large app marketplace. Thirteen lightweight apps, including 12 interactive apps and one Hub app that coordinates use across those interactive apps, were developed and made free to download on the Google Play store. De-identified app usage data from the first year of IntelliCare suite deployment were analyzed for this study. In the first year of public availability, 5,210 individuals downloaded one or more of the IntelliCare apps, for a total of 10,131 downloads. Nearly a third of these individuals (31.8%) downloaded more than one of these apps. The modal number of launches for each of the apps was 1, however the mean number of app launches per app ranged from 3.10 to 16.98, reflecting considerable variability in the use of each app. The use rate of the IntelliCare suite of apps is higher than public deployments of other comparable digital resources. Our findings suggest that people will use multiple apps and provides support for the concept of app suites as a useful strategy for providing diverse behavioral strategies.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Crone, T. J.; Knuth, F.; Marburg, A.
A broad array of Earth science problems can be investigated using high-definition video imagery from the seafloor, ranging from those that are geological and geophysical in nature, to those that are biological and water-column related. A high-definition video camera was installed as part of the Ocean Observatory Initiative's core instrument suite on the Cabled Array, a real-time fiber optic data and power system that stretches from the Oregon Coast to Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. This camera runs a 14-minute pan-tilt-zoom routine 8 times per day, focusing on locations of scientific interest on and near the Mushroom vent in the ASHES hydrothermal field inside the Axial caldera. The system produces 13 GB of lossless HD video every 3 hours, and at the time of this writing it has generated 2100 recordings totaling 28.5 TB since it began streaming data into the OOI archive in August of 2015. Because of the large size of this dataset, downloading the entirety of the video for long timescale investigations is not practical. We are developing a set of user-side tools for downloading single frames and frame ranges from the OOI HD camera raw data archive to aid users interested in using these data for their research. We use these tools to download about one year's worth of partial frame sets to investigate several questions regarding the hydrothermal system at ASHES, including the variability of bacterial "floc" in the water-column, and changes in high temperature fluid fluxes using optical flow techniques. We show that while these user-side tools can facilitate rudimentary scientific investigations using the HD camera data, a server-side computing environment that allows users to explore this dataset without downloading any raw video will be required for more advanced investigations to flourish.
Environmental Health has just received its first Impact Factor by Thomson ISI. At a level of 2.48, this achievement is quite satisfactory and places Environmental Health in the top 25% of environmental science journals. When the journal was launched in 2002, it was still unclear whether the Open Access publishing model could be made into a viable commercial enterprise within the biomedical field. During the past eight years, Open Access journals have become widely available, although still covering only about 15% of journal titles. Major funding agencies and institutions, including prominent US universities, now require that researchers publish in Open Access journals. Because of the profound role of scientific journals for the sharing of results and communication between researchers, the advent of Open Access may be of as much significance as the transition from handwriting to printing via moveable type. As Environmental Health is an electronic Open Access journal, the numbers of downloads at the journal website can be retrieved. The top-20 list of articles most frequently accessed shows that all of them have been downloaded over 10,000 times. Back in 2002, the first article published was accessed only 49 times during the following month. A year later, the server had over 1,000 downloads per month, and now the total number of monthly downloads approaches 50,000. These statistics complement the Impact Factor and confirm the viability of Open Access in our field of research. The advent of digital media and its decentralized mode of distribution - the internet - have dramatically changed the control and financing of scientific information dissemination, while facilitating peer review, accelerating editorial handling, and supporting much needed transparency. Both the meaning and means of "having an impact" are therefore changing, as will the degree and way in which scientific journals remain "factors" in that impact. PMID:20615249
Aung, Htet Htet; Aw, Ashley Sara; Rapple, Charlie; Theng, Yin-Leng
With the growth of scholarly collaboration networks and social communication platforms, members of the scholarly community are experimenting with their approach to disseminating research outputs, in an effort to increase their audience and outreach. However, from a researcher’s point of view, it is difficult to determine whether efforts to make work more visible are worthwhile (in terms of the association with publication metrics) and within that, difficult to assess which platform or network is most effective for sharing work and connecting to a wider audience. We undertook a case study of Kudos (https://www.growkudos.com), a web-based service that claims to help researchers increase the outreach of their publications, to examine the most effective tools for sharing publications online, and to investigate which actions are associated with improved metrics. We extracted a dataset from Kudos of 830,565 unique publications claimed by authors, for which 20,775 had actions taken to explain or share via Kudos, and for 4,867 of these full text download data from publishers was available. Findings show that researchers are most likely to share their work on Facebook, but links shared on Twitter are more likely to be clicked on. A Mann-Whitney U test revealed that a treatment group (publications having actions in Kudos) had a significantly higher median average of 149 full text downloads (23.1% more) per publication as compared to a control group (having no actions in Kudos) with a median average of 121 full text downloads per publication. These findings suggest that performing actions on publications, such as sharing, explaining, or enriching, could help to increase the number of full text downloads of a publication. PMID:28817627
... Ovarian Insufficiency Vaginal Atrophy Menopause Map Featured Resource Menopause Map™ View Featured Resource Find an Endocrinologist Search Menopause September 2016 Download PDFs English Editors Nanette F. ...
VizieR Online Data Catalog: NGC 6302 CO emission SHAPE model (Santander-Garcia+, 2017)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Santander-Garcia, M.; Bujarrabal, V.; Alcolea, J.; Castro-Carrizo, A.; Sanchez Contreras, C.; Quintana-Lacaci, G.; Corradi, R. L. M.; Neri, R.
SHAPE model of the 12CO and 13CO J=3-2 emission o nebula NGC 6302, to be matched to ALMA observations as described in the paper. The file is intended to be loaded with SHAPE v5 (http://www.astrosen.unam.mx/shape/) and makes use of the SHAPEMOL plugin to achieve the radiative transfer in CO species (i.e. The CO data tables in http://www.astrosen.unam.mx/shape/v5/Downloads/SHAPE_INSTALLERS/index. html must be downloaded and pointed at within SHAPE). For additional details on how to work with SHAPE+SHAPEMOL, see Santander-Garcia et al. (2015, Cat. J/A+A/573/A56). (1 data file).
Free and open source software for the manipulation of digital images.
Solomon, Robert W
Free and open source software is a type of software that is nearly as powerful as commercial software but is freely downloadable. This software can do almost everything that the expensive programs can. GIMP (gnu image manipulation program) is the free program that is comparable to Photoshop, and versions are available for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux platforms. This article briefly describes how GIMP can be installed and used to manipulate radiology images. It is no longer necessary to budget large amounts of money for high-quality software to achieve the goals of image processing and document creation because free and open source software is available for the user to download at will.
LEOPARD on a personal computer
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lancaster, D.B.
The LEOPARD code is very widely used to produce four- or two-group cross sections for water reactors. Although it is heavily used it had not been downloaded to the PC. This paper has been written to announce the completion of downloading LEOPARD. LEOPARD can now be run on anything from the early PC to the most advanced 80386 machines. The only requirements are 512 Kbytes of memory (LEOPARD actually only needs 235, but with buffers, 256 Kbytes may not be enough) and two disk rives (preferably, one is a hard drive). The run times for various machines and configurations aremore » summarized. The accuracy of the PC-LEOPARD results are documented.« less
APOD Data Release of Social Network Footprint for 2015
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nemiroff, Robert J.; Russell, David; Allen, Alice; Connelly, Paul; Lowe, Stuart R.; Petz, Sydney; Haring, Ralf; Bonnell, Jerry T.; APOD Team
APOD data for 2015 are being made freely available for download and analysis. The data includes page view statistics for the main NASA APOD website at https://apod.nasa.gov, as well as for APOD's social media sites on Facebook, Instagram, Google Plus, and Twitter. General APOD-specific demographic information for each site is included. Popularity statistics that have been archived including Page Views, Likes, Shares, Hearts, and Retweets. The downloadable Excel-type spreadsheet also includes the APOD title and (unlinked) explanation. This data is released not to highlight APOD's popularity but to encourage analyses, with potential examples involving which astronomy topics trend the best and whether popularity is social group dependent.
M2Lite: An Open-source, Light-weight, Pluggable and Fast Proteome Discoverer MSF to mzIdentML Tool.
Aiyetan, Paul; Zhang, Bai; Chen, Lily; Zhang, Zhen; Zhang, Hui
Proteome Discoverer is one of many tools used for protein database search and peptide to spectrum assignment in mass spectrometry-based proteomics. However, the inadequacy of conversion tools makes it challenging to compare and integrate its results to those of other analytical tools. Here we present M2Lite, an open-source, light-weight, easily pluggable and fast conversion tool. M2Lite converts proteome discoverer derived MSF files to the proteomics community defined standard - the mzIdentML file format. M2Lite's source code is available as open-source at https://bitbucket.org/paiyetan/m2lite/src and its compiled binaries and documentation can be freely downloaded at https://bitbucket.org/paiyetan/m2lite/downloads.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... service bundles, music bundles, paid locker services, and purchased content locker services. The technical... downloads, limited offerings, mixed service bundles, music bundles, paid locker services, and purchased...
Ganalyzer: A Tool for Automatic Galaxy Image Analysis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shamir, Lior
We describe Ganalyzer, a model-based tool that can automatically analyze and classify galaxy images. Ganalyzer works by separating the galaxy pixels from the background pixels, finding the center and radius of the galaxy, generating the radial intensity plot, and then computing the slopes of the peaks detected in the radial intensity plot to measure the spirality of the galaxy and determine its morphological class. Unlike algorithms that are based on machine learning, Ganalyzer is based on measuring the spirality of the galaxy, a task that is difficult to perform manually, and in many cases can provide a more accurate analysis compared to manual observation. Ganalyzer is simple to use, and can be easily embedded into other image analysis applications. Another advantage is its speed, which allows it to analyze ~10,000,000 galaxy images in five days using a standard modern desktop computer. These capabilities can make Ganalyzer a useful tool in analyzing large data sets of galaxy images collected by autonomous sky surveys such as SDSS, LSST, or DES. The software is available for free download at http://vfacstaff.ltu.edu/lshamir/downloads/ganalyzer, and the data used in the experiment are available at http://vfacstaff.ltu.edu/lshamir/downloads/ganalyzer/GalaxyImages.zip.
Lehmann, Eldon D.; DeWolf, Dennis K.; Novotny, Christopher A.; Reed, Karen; Gotwals, Robert R.
Background. AIDA is a widely available downloadable educational simulator of glucose-insulin interaction in diabetes. Methods. A web-based version of AIDA was developed that utilises a server-based architecture with HTML FORM commands to submit numerical data from a web-browser client to a remote web server. AIDA online, located on a remote server, passes the received data through Perl scripts which interactively produce 24 hr insulin and glucose simulations. Results. AIDA online allows users to modify the insulin regimen and diet of 40 different prestored “virtual diabetic patients” on the internet or create new “patients” with user-generated regimens. Multiple simulations can be run, with graphical results viewed via a standard web-browser window. To date, over 637,500 diabetes simulations have been run at AIDA online, from all over the world. Conclusions. AIDA online's functionality is similar to the downloadable AIDA program, but the mode of implementation and usage is different. An advantage to utilising a server-based application is the flexibility that can be offered. New modules can be added quickly to the online simulator. This has facilitated the development of refinements to AIDA online, which have instantaneously become available around the world, with no further local downloads or installations being required. PMID:24511312
Evaluation of smartphone oral contraceptive reminder applications.
Gal, Noga; Zite, Nikki B; Wallace, Lorraine S
Oral contraceptives (OCs) are the most widely used contraceptive method among women of reproductive age in the United States (US). Routine download and use of health-related smartphone applications (apps) continues to increase. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of English-language, smartphone-platform OC reminder apps currently available for download in the US. During June-July 2013, official Internet-based, mobile app platforms for the two major smartphone operating systems in the US-Android (Google Play Store) and iPhone (iTunes)-were searched. "Birth control," "the pill," and "contraception" were entered into the search-bar of each Smartphone store. Apps were assessed for the following: cost, health care professionals' involvement in app development, reminder mechanisms, and functionality. Of the 39 unique OC reminder apps meeting inclusion criteria, 7 (18%) did not operate as intended when downloaded. Most apps functioned without an Internet connection (97%) and included pop-up notifications (84%). Certain app features overcome common causes of missing an alarm, and hypothetically, may minimize likelihood of an OC user missing a daily pill. Health care providers should inform users of potential pitfalls and advise them that an OC reminder app should be not be used as a sole reminder method. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Media perspective - new opportunities for reaching audiences
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Haswell, Katy
The world of media is experiencing a period of extreme and rapid change with the rise of internet television and the download generation. Many young people no longer watch standard TV. Instead, they go on-line, talking to friends and downloading pictures, videos, music clips to put on their own websites and watch/ listen to on their laptops and mobile phones. Gone are the days when TV controllers determined what you watched and when you watched it. Now the buzzword is IPTV, Internet Protocol Television, with companies such as JOOST offering hundreds of channels on a wide range of subjects, all of which you can choose to watch when and where you wish, on your high-def widescreen with stereo surround sound at home or on your mobile phone on the train. This media revolution is changing the way organisations get their message out. And it is encouraging companies such as advertising agencies to be creative about new ways of accessing audiences. The good news is that we have fresh opportunities to reach young people through internet-based media and material downloaded through tools such as games machines, as well as through the traditional media. And it is important for Europlanet to make the most of these new and exciting developments.
Lehmann, Eldon D; Dewolf, Dennis K; Novotny, Christopher A; Reed, Karen; Gotwals, Robert R
Background. AIDA is a widely available downloadable educational simulator of glucose-insulin interaction in diabetes. Methods. A web-based version of AIDA was developed that utilises a server-based architecture with HTML FORM commands to submit numerical data from a web-browser client to a remote web server. AIDA online, located on a remote server, passes the received data through Perl scripts which interactively produce 24 hr insulin and glucose simulations. Results. AIDA online allows users to modify the insulin regimen and diet of 40 different prestored "virtual diabetic patients" on the internet or create new "patients" with user-generated regimens. Multiple simulations can be run, with graphical results viewed via a standard web-browser window. To date, over 637,500 diabetes simulations have been run at AIDA online, from all over the world. Conclusions. AIDA online's functionality is similar to the downloadable AIDA program, but the mode of implementation and usage is different. An advantage to utilising a server-based application is the flexibility that can be offered. New modules can be added quickly to the online simulator. This has facilitated the development of refinements to AIDA online, which have instantaneously become available around the world, with no further local downloads or installations being required.
GeneLab Phase 2: Integrated Search Data Federation of Space Biology Experimental Data
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Tran, P. B.; Berrios, D. C.; Gurram, M. M.; Hashim, J. C. M.; Raghunandan, S.; Lin, S. Y.; Le, T. Q.; Heher, D. M.; Thai, H. T.; Welch, J. D.;
The GeneLab project is a science initiative to maximize the scientific return of omics data collected from spaceflight and from ground simulations of microgravity and radiation experiments, supported by a data system for a public bioinformatics repository and collaborative analysis tools for these data. The mission of GeneLab is to maximize the utilization of the valuable biological research resources aboard the ISS by collecting genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic (so-called omics) data to enable the exploration of the molecular network responses of terrestrial biology to space environments using a systems biology approach. All GeneLab data are made available to a worldwide network of researchers through its open-access data system. GeneLab is currently being developed by NASA to support Open Science biomedical research in order to enable the human exploration of space and improve life on earth. Open access to Phase 1 of the GeneLab Data Systems (GLDS) was implemented in April 2015. Download volumes have grown steadily, mirroring the growth in curated space biology research data sets (61 as of June 2016), now exceeding 10 TB/month, with over 10,000 file downloads since the start of Phase 1. For the period April 2015 to May 2016, most frequently downloaded were data from studies of Mus musculus (39) followed closely by Arabidopsis thaliana (30), with the remaining downloads roughly equally split across 12 other organisms (each 10 of total downloads). GLDS Phase 2 is focusing on interoperability, supporting data federation, including integrated search capabilities, of GLDS-housed data sets with external data sources, such as gene expression data from NIHNCBIs Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), proteomic data from EBIs PRIDE system, and metagenomic data from Argonne National Laboratory's MG-RAST. GEO and MG-RAST employ specifications for investigation metadata that are different from those used by the GLDS and PRIDE (e.g., ISA-Tab). The GLDS Phase 2 system
Navier-Stokes flowfield computation of wing/rotor interaction for a tilt rotor aircraft in hover
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Fejtek, Ian G.
The download on the wing produced by the rotor-induced downwash of a tilt rotor aircraft in hover is of major concern because of its severe impact on payload-carrying capability. A method has been developed to help gain a better understanding of the fundamental fluid dynamics that causes this download, and to help find ways to reduce it. In particular, the method is employed in this work to analyze the effect of a tangential leading edge circulation-control jet on download reduction. Because of the complexities associated with modeling the complete configuration, this work focuses specifically on the wing/rotor interaction of a tilt rotor aircraft in hover. The three-dimensional, unsteady, thin-layer compressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a time-accurate, implicit, finite difference scheme that employs LU-ADI factorization. The rotor is modeled as an actuator disk which imparts both a radical and an azimuthal distribution of pressure rise and swirl to the flowfield. A momentum theory blade element analysis of the rotor is incorporated into the Navier-Stokes solution method. Solution blanking at interior points of the mesh has been shown here to be an effective technique in introducing the effects of the rotor and tangential leading edge jet. Results are presented both for a rotor alone and for wing/rotor interaction. The overall mean characteristics of the rotor flowfield are computed including the flow acceleration through the rotor disk, the axial and swirl velocities in the rotor downwash, and the slipstream contraction. Many of the complex tilt rotor flow features are captured including the highly three-dimensional flow over the wing, the recirculation fountain at the plane of symmetry, wing leading and trailing edge separation, and the large region of separated flow beneath the wing. Mean wing surface pressures compare fairly well with available experimental data, but the time-averaged download/thrust ratio is 20-30 percent higher than the
Health App Use Among US Mobile Phone Users: Analysis of Trends by Chronic Disease Status
Background Mobile apps hold promise for serving as a lifestyle intervention in public health to promote wellness and attenuate chronic conditions, yet little is known about how individuals with chronic illness use or perceive mobile apps. Objective The objective of this study was to explore behaviors and perceptions about mobile phone–based apps for health among individuals with chronic conditions. Methods Data were collected from a national cross-sectional survey of 1604 mobile phone users in the United States that assessed mHealth use, beliefs, and preferences. This study examined health app use, reason for download, and perceived efficacy by chronic condition. Results Among participants, having between 1 and 5 apps was reported by 38.9% (314/807) of respondents without a condition and by 6.6% (24/364) of respondents with hypertension. Use of health apps was reported 2 times or more per day by 21.3% (172/807) of respondents without a condition, 2.7% (10/364) with hypertension, 13.1% (26/198) with obesity, 12.3% (20/163) with diabetes, 12.0% (32/267) with depression, and 16.6% (53/319) with high cholesterol. Results of the logistic regression did not indicate a significant difference in health app download between individuals with and without chronic conditions (P>.05). Compared with individuals with poor health, health app download was more likely among those with self-reported very good health (odds ratio [OR] 3.80, 95% CI 2.38-6.09, P<.001) and excellent health (OR 4.77, 95% CI 2.70-8.42, P<.001). Similarly, compared with individuals who report never or rarely engaging in physical activity, health app download was more likely among those who report exercise 1 day per week (OR 2.47, 95% CI 1.6-3.83, P<.001), 2 days per week (OR 4.77, 95% CI 3.27-6.94, P<.001), 3 to 4 days per week (OR 5.00, 95% CI 3.52-7.10, P<.001), and 5 to 7 days per week (OR 4.64, 95% CI 3.11-6.92, P<.001). All logistic regression results controlled for age, sex, and race or ethnicity
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... expertise in the following disciplines: Landscape ecology; terrestrial ecology; systems ecology; and... regulation. The form may be viewed and downloaded through the ``Ethics Requirements for Advisors'' link on...
Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC)
... Sheet Categories Internet Bookmarks on AIDS Have Questions? Printing & Downloading Fact Sheets Permission to Use Fact Sheets Sponsors and Advertising Privacy Policy Project Staff Contact Us This site ...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
Too Many Cases, Too Many Deaths: Lung Cancer in African Americans
... eliminate this and other health disparities. Read the Report Download the Report Read other Disparities in Lung Health Series reports News & Events News: American Lung Association Announces Lung ...
Smoking Out a Deadly Threat: Tobacco Use in the LGBT Community
... additional research specific to this community. Read the Report Download the Report Read other Disparities in Lung Health Series reports News & Events News: American Lung Association Announces Lung ...
Relation of bedrock aquifer property and geological structure in Mockcheon area, Korea
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hamm, S.-Y.; Kang, L. S.; Choi, S. J.; Lee, B. D.
In Korea, 72 companies are producing natural mineral water mostly from bedrock aquifer of different depths (Sung et al., 2002). It is important to insure quantity of natural mineral water. However, when several natural mineral-water companies are gathered in small area, the amount of producing water can be often limited by pumping rate of the companies in the area. In the study area, five natural mineral water producing companies (Siwon Semmul, Daejeong Eumryo, Jain Guanguang, Cheongsu Eumryo and Hanju Sikpum) are located in range of 2 km radius. Consequently, wells for natural mineral water of five companies and other private wells are drilled in Mockchun area. These wells produce groundwater from bedrock with total discharge rate 1,991m3/day. Thus, it is necessary to understand the hydrogeological characteristics of bedrock groundwater to preserve groundwater quantity in the study area. Geology was investigated to understand geological structure controlling aquifer characteristics in the study area. Precambrian metamorphic rocks (metamorphosed limestone, biotite schist, augen gneiss and porphyroblastic gneiss) are intruded by Jurassic porphyritic granite and two-mica granite and by numerous acidic and intermediate dykes. Alluvium overlies older rocks by unconformity (Kang and Lim, 1974; Shin et al., 1975). Two NS-direction thrusts are developed in the study area. Main aquifer is formed between the lower thrust and the upper thrust, and the lower thrust plays role as impermeable layer. It is considered that the main aquifer was developed by brecciation during the thrust faulting. Thus, pumping wells of mineral water are also located along the thrusts. Wells of Siwon Semmul, Daejeong Eumryo and Jain Guanguang mineral water producing companies are drilled in different aquifers. However, the wells of Chungsoo Eumryo and Hanjoo Sikpoom are drilled in the same aquifer, and are influenced each other during pumping. To understand hydrogeological characteristics, field
Malaysia: where big is still better. For Malays, large families are part of the plan.
The benefits of various-sized families in Malaysia were discussed by several women and supplemented with official statements on family planning (FP). The Director of the National Population and Family Development, Dr. Raj Karim, advised that maternal health is jeopardized when women have more than five children. About 30% of reproductive age women in Malaysia have five or more children. A Federation of FP Associations spokesperson agreed that women should be advised of the dangers of bearing over five children, of the importance of spacing births two to four years apart, and of the ideal age of childbearing (21-39 years). The government lacks an official policy on family size. The government position is, however, compatible with Islamic teachings on spacing in order to protect the health of the mother and child. Islamic law does not permit sterilization or abortion. The "fatwas" of Islamic teaching may have been misconstrued by those not using any form of contraception. Dr. Karim, who has five children, reported that having a large family can be difficult for a woman with a job, a career, and a husband or when both parents work. Most Malays desire large families. The average Malay family size was 4.1 children in 1990; Malaysian Chinese have fertility of 2.3 children and Malaysian Indians have 2.6 children. People say that the benefits outweigh the hardships of a large family.