Safety inspection of plant products
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Advances in hyperspectral imaging technology have provided enormous opportunity for the food industry and research community to develop rapid and non-invasive inspection methods for food safety inspection. This chapter reviews and discusses different aspects of using this technology in safety inspec...
[Recommendations for inspections of the French nuclear safety authority].
Rousse, C; Chauvet, B
The French nuclear safety authority is responsible for the control of radiation protection in radiotherapy since 2002. Controls are based on the public health and the labour codes and on the procedures defined by the controlled health care facility for its quality and safety management system according to ASN decision No. 2008-DC-0103. Inspectors verify the adequacy of the quality and safety management procedures and their implementation, and select process steps on the basis of feedback from events notified to ASN. Topics of the inspection are communicated to the facility at the launch of a campaign, which enables them to anticipate the inspectors' expectations. In cases where they are not physicians, inspectors are not allowed to access information covered by medical confidentiality. The consulted documents must therefore be expunged of any patient-identifying information. Exchanges before the inspection are intended to facilitate the provision of documents that may be consulted. Finally, exchange slots between inspectors and the local professionals must be organized. Based on improvements achieved by the health care centres and on recommendations from a joint working group of radiotherapy professionals and the nuclear safety authority, changes will be made in the control procedure that will be implemented when developing the inspection program for 2016-2019. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier SAS.
46 CFR 126.480 - Safety Management Certificate.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Safety Management Certificate. 126.480 Section 126.480 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Inspection for Certification § 126.480 Safety Management Certificate. (a) All offshore supply vessels of 500 gross tons or over to...
[Legislation and inspection for the health and safety of workers. Efficacy and limits].
Tozzi, G A
To provide information regarding Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Inspections in Europe. The dynamics that are transforming regulatory subsystems and complementary inspection services are described. Simplification initiatives, the limits and difficulties of applying the different models of Health and Safety Management Systems are discussed. Examples are given on how to evaluate legislation and technical standards during planning and enforcement. Different approaches for studying characteristics, methodologies and efficacy in practice of OHS Inspection are provided. Targeted inspections need to respond to the needs of enterprises and workers. Impartiality must be guaranteed and workers' participation should be facilitated.
33 CFR 159.97 - Safety: inspected vessels.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Safety: inspected vessels. 159.97...) POLLUTION MARINE SANITATION DEVICES Design, Construction, and Testing § 159.97 Safety: inspected vessels. The Commanding Officer, USCG Marine Safety Center, approves the design and construction of devices to...
33 CFR 159.97 - Safety: inspected vessels.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Safety: inspected vessels. 159.97...) POLLUTION MARINE SANITATION DEVICES Design, Construction, and Testing § 159.97 Safety: inspected vessels. The Commanding Officer, USCG Marine Safety Center, approves the design and construction of devices to...
33 CFR 159.97 - Safety: inspected vessels.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Safety: inspected vessels. 159.97...) POLLUTION MARINE SANITATION DEVICES Design, Construction, and Testing § 159.97 Safety: inspected vessels. The Commanding Officer, USCG Marine Safety Center, approves the design and construction of devices to...
33 CFR 159.97 - Safety: inspected vessels.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Safety: inspected vessels. 159.97...) POLLUTION MARINE SANITATION DEVICES Design, Construction, and Testing § 159.97 Safety: inspected vessels. The Commanding Officer, USCG Marine Safety Center, approves the design and construction of devices to...
33 CFR 159.97 - Safety: inspected vessels.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Safety: inspected vessels. 159.97 Section 159.97 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) POLLUTION MARINE SANITATION DEVICES Design, Construction, and Testing § 159.97 Safety: inspected vessels...
46 CFR 107.415 - Safety Management Certificate.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Safety Management Certificate. 107.415 Section 107.415 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) A-MOBILE OFFSHORE DRILLING UNITS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 107.415 Safety Management Certificate. (a)...
46 CFR 91.60-30 - Safety Management Certificate.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Safety Management Certificate. 91.60-30 Section 91.60-30 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CARGO AND MISCELLANEOUS VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 § 91.60-30 Safety Management Certificate. All...
Continental United States Military Housing Inspections Southeast
and safety, including focus on mold, asbestos , radon, lead-based paint, drinking water quality, and pest management. We conducted this inspection in...electrical system safety inspections. In addition, we inspected to EPA standards governing safe drinking water and toxic substances, radon, asbestos , and...inspections focused on mold, asbestos , radon, lead-based paint, drinking water quality, and pest management. We evaluated the associated plans and
46 CFR 115.925 - Safety Management Certificate.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
Safety inspections in construction sites: A systems thinking perspective.
Saurin, Tarcisio Abreu
Although safety inspections carried out by government officers are important for the prevention of accidents, there is little in-depth knowledge on their outcomes and processes leading to these. This research deals with this gap by using systems thinking (ST) as a lens for obtaining insights into safety inspections in construction sites. Thirteen case studies of sites with prohibited works were carried out, discussing how four attributes of ST were used in the inspections. The studies were undertaken over 6 years, and sources of evidence involved participant observation, direct observations, analysis of documents and interviews. Two complementary ways for obtaining insights into inspections, based on ST, were identified: (i) the design of the study itself needs to be in line with ST; and (ii) data collection and analysis should focus on the agents involved in the inspections, the interactions between agents, the constraints and opportunities faced by agents, the outcomes of interactions, and the recommendations for influencing interactions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Equipment Safety, Maintenance and Inspection: What the Oral Surgeon Needs to Know.
Keeley, Katherine A
Many oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures are done in an office-based setting, with many oral and maxillofacial surgeons involved in oversight of equipment maintenance. Goals in equipment management are to prevent harm to patients and staff, stay compliant with current regulations, and increase equipment longevity. This article covers the safety, maintenance, and inspection related to electrical equipment used in the treatment of patients, autoclaves, radiograph machines, nitrous oxide and oxygen medical gases, and required back-up power and lighting. An office should always follow manufacturer's recommendations regarding maintenance and inspection and document policies and monitoring so compliance can be assured. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
46 CFR 153.1504 - Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment... BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES SHIPS CARRYING BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Operations Maintenance § 153.1504 Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment. The master shall...
Post-earthquake building safety inspection: Lessons from the Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquakes
Marshall, J.; Jaiswal, Kishor; Gould, N.; Turner, F.; Lizundia, B.; Barnes, J.
The authors discuss some of the unique aspects and lessons of the New Zealand post-earthquake building safety inspection program that was implemented following the Canterbury earthquake sequence of 2010–2011. The post-event safety assessment program was one of the largest and longest programs undertaken in recent times anywhere in the world. The effort engaged hundreds of engineering professionals throughout the country, and also sought expertise from outside, to perform post-earthquake structural safety inspections of more than 100,000 buildings in the city of Christchurch and the surrounding suburbs. While the building safety inspection procedure implemented was analogous to the ATC 20 program in the United States, many modifications were proposed and implemented in order to assess the large number of buildings that were subjected to strong and variable shaking during a period of two years. This note discusses some of the key aspects of the post-earthquake building safety inspection program and summarizes important lessons that can improve future earthquake response.
Demystifying the Occupational Safety and Health Administration inspection process.
Price, Lowell L; Goodman, Terri
Being prepared for an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspection can save a facility money, as well as potentially protect employees from serious illness or injury. This article explains the OSHA inspection process, types of violations that may be cited and the appeals process for employers and employees. Actual citations given in four recent OSHA health care facility inspections are discussed and general recommendations to prepare for an OSHA site visit are given.
Food Safety and Quality. Uniform, Risk-Based Inspection System Needed to Ensure Safe Food Supply,
Concerned about the effectiveness of the federal food safety inspection system, the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, House...federal resources for inspection, and (3) agencies are effectively coordinating their food safety and quality inspection efforts.
Sample size allocation for food item radiation monitoring and safety inspection.
Seto, Mayumi; Uriu, Koichiro
The objective of this study is to identify a procedure for determining sample size allocation for food radiation inspections of more than one food item to minimize the potential risk to consumers of internal radiation exposure. We consider a simplified case of food radiation monitoring and safety inspection in which a risk manager is required to monitor two food items, milk and spinach, in a contaminated area. Three protocols for food radiation monitoring with different sample size allocations were assessed by simulating random sampling and inspections of milk and spinach in a conceptual monitoring site. Distributions of (131)I and radiocesium concentrations were determined in reference to (131)I and radiocesium concentrations detected in Fukushima prefecture, Japan, for March and April 2011. The results of the simulations suggested that a protocol that allocates sample size to milk and spinach based on the estimation of (131)I and radiocesium concentrations using the apparent decay rate constants sequentially calculated from past monitoring data can most effectively minimize the potential risks of internal radiation exposure. © 2014 Society for Risk Analysis.
Autonomous Mission Manager for Rendezvous, Inspection and Mating
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zimpfer, Douglas J.
To meet cost and safety objectives, space missions that involve proximity operations between two vehicles require a high level of autonomy to successfully complete their missions. The need for autonomy is primarily driven by the need to conduct complex operations outside of communication windows, and the communication time delays inherent in space missions. Autonomy also supports the goals of both NASA and the DOD to make space operations more routine, and lower operational costs by reducing the requirement for ground personnel. NASA and the DoD have several programs underway that require a much higher level of autonomy for space vehicles. NASA's Space Launch Initiative (SLI) program has ambitious goals of reducing costs by a factor or 10 and improving safety by a factor of 100. DARPA has recently begun its Orbital Express to demonstrate key technologies to make satellite servicing routine. The Air Force's XSS-ll program is developing a protoflight demonstration of an autonomous satellite inspector. A common element in space operations for many NASA and DOD missions is the ability to rendezvous, inspect anclJor dock with another spacecraft. For DARPA, this is required to service or refuel military satellites. For the Air Force, this is required to inspect un-cooperative resident space objects. For NASA, this is needed to meet the primary SLI design reference mission of International Space Station re-supply. A common aspect for each of these programs is an Autonomous Mission Manager that provides highly autonomous planning, execution and monitoring of the rendezvous, inspection and docking operations. This paper provides an overview of the Autonomous Mission Manager (AMM) design being incorporated into many of these technology programs. This AMM provides a highly scalable level of autonomous operations, ranging from automatic execution of ground-derived plans to highly autonomous onboard planning to meet ground developed mission goals. The AMM provides the
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Salgado, M.M.; Benitez, J.C.; Pernas, R.
The Center for Radiation Protection and Hygiene (CPHR) is the institution responsible for the management of radioactive wastes generated from nuclear applications in medicine, industry and research in Cuba. Radioactive Waste Management Service is provided at a national level and it includes the collection and transportation of radioactive wastes to the Centralized Waste Management Facilities, where they are characterized, segregated, treated, conditioned and stored. A Quality Management System, according to the ISO 9001 Standard has been implemented for the RWM Service at CPHR. The Management System includes the radiation safety requirements established for RWM in national regulations and in themore » Licence's conditions. The role of the Regulatory Body and the Radiation Protection Officer in the Quality Management System, the authorization of practices, training and personal qualification, record keeping, inspections of the Regulatory Body and internal inspection of the Radiation Protection Officer, among other aspects, are described in this paper. The Quality Management System has shown to be an efficient tool to demonstrate that adequate measures are in place to ensure the safety in radioactive waste management activities and their continual improvement. (authors)« less
49 CFR 237.109 - Bridge inspection records.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Bridge inspection records. 237.109 Section 237.109..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE SAFETY STANDARDS Bridge Inspection § 237.109 Bridge inspection records... performed on those bridges under this part. (b) Each record of an inspection under the bridge management...
49 CFR 237.109 - Bridge inspection records.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Bridge inspection records. 237.109 Section 237.109..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE SAFETY STANDARDS Bridge Inspection § 237.109 Bridge inspection records... performed on those bridges under this part. (b) Each record of an inspection under the bridge management...
Truck safety regulation, inspection, and enforcement in Virginia : a report.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
In response to a request from the Director of the Virginia Department of Transportation Safety an evaluation of the state and federal regulations, inspection programs and enforcement activities regarding truck safety was carried out. The purpose of t...
49 CFR 237.103 - Bridge inspection procedures.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Bridge inspection procedures. 237.103 Section 237... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE SAFETY STANDARDS Bridge Inspection § 237.103 Bridge inspection procedures. (a) Each bridge management program shall specify the procedure to be used for...
49 CFR 237.103 - Bridge inspection procedures.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Bridge inspection procedures. 237.103 Section 237... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE SAFETY STANDARDS Bridge Inspection § 237.103 Bridge inspection procedures. (a) Each bridge management program shall specify the procedure to be used for...
Assisting New York Dairy Farms with Preparing for OSHA Safety Inspections.
Tinc, Pamela J; Carrabba, Jim; Meyerhoff, Anna; Horsman, Melissa
In 2013, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced a Local Emphasis Program targeted at New York farmers. This program involved random inspections of dairy farms across the state. This article provides an overview of the efforts made in New York to prepare farmers for these inspections. As a result of this program launch, several safety services offered by the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health were significantly impacted, and required expansion and modification in order to meet the needs of New York farmers.
Randomized government safety inspections reduce worker injuries with no detectable job loss.
Levine, David I; Toffel, Michael W; Johnson, Matthew S
Controversy surrounds occupational health and safety regulators, with some observers claiming that workplace regulations damage firms' competitiveness and destroy jobs and others arguing that they make workplaces safer at little cost to employers and employees. We analyzed a natural field experiment to examine how workplace safety inspections affected injury rates and other outcomes. We compared 409 randomly inspected establishments in California with 409 matched-control establishments that were eligible, but not chosen, for inspection. Compared with controls, randomly inspected employers experienced a 9.4% decline in injury rates (95% confidence interval = -0.177 to -0.021) and a 26% reduction in injury cost (95% confidence interval = -0.513 to -0.083). We find no evidence that these improvements came at the expense of employment, sales, credit ratings, or firm survival.
Food safety in food services in Lombardy: proposal for an inspection-scoring model
Balzaretti, Claudia M.; Razzini, Katia; Ziviani, Silvia; Ratti, Sabrina; Milicevic, Vesna; Chiesa, Luca M.; Panseri, Sara; Castrica, Marta
The purpose of this study was to elaborate a checklist with an inspection scoring system at national level in order to assess compliance with sanitary hygiene requirements of food services. The inspection scoring system was elaborated taking into account the guidelines drawn up by NYC Department of Food Safety and Mental Hygiene. Moreover the checklist was used simultaneously with the standard inspection protocol adopted by Servizio Igiene Alimenti Nutrizione (Servizio Igiene Alimenti Nutrizione - Ss. I.A.N) and defined by D.G.R 6 March 2017 – n. X/6299 Lombardy Region. Ss. I.A.N protocol consists of a qualitative response according to which we have generated a new protocol with three different grading: A, B and C. The designed checklist was divided into 17 sections. Each section corresponds to prerequisites to be verified during the inspection. Every section includes the type of conformity to check and the type of violation: critical or general. Moreover, the failure to respect the expected compliance generates 4 severity levels that correspond to score classes. A total of 7 food services were checked with the two different inspection methods. The checklist results generated a food safety score for each food service that ranged from 0.0 (no flaws observed) to 187.2, and generates three grading class: A (0.0-28.0); B (29.0-70.0) and C (>71.00). The results from the Ss. I. A. N grading method and the checklist show positive correlation (r=0.94, P>0.01) suggesting that the methods are comparable. Moreover, our scoring checklist is an easy and unique method compared to standard and allows also managers to perform effective surveillance programs in food service. PMID:29564236
Food safety in food services in Lombardy: proposal for an inspection-scoring model.
Balzaretti, Claudia M; Razzini, Katia; Ziviani, Silvia; Ratti, Sabrina; Milicevic, Vesna; Chiesa, Luca M; Panseri, Sara; Castrica, Marta
The purpose of this study was to elaborate a checklist with an inspection scoring system at national level in order to assess compliance with sanitary hygiene requirements of food services. The inspection scoring system was elaborated taking into account the guidelines drawn up by NYC Department of Food Safety and Mental Hygiene. Moreover the checklist was used simultaneously with the standard inspection protocol adopted by Servizio Igiene Alimenti Nutrizione ( Servizio Igiene Alimenti Nutrizione - Ss. I.A.N) and defined by D.G.R 6 March 2017 - n. X/6299 Lombardy Region. Ss. I.A.N protocol consists of a qualitative response according to which we have generated a new protocol with three different grading: A, B and C. The designed checklist was divided into 17 sections. Each section corresponds to prerequisites to be verified during the inspection. Every section includes the type of conformity to check and the type of violation: critical or general. Moreover, the failure to respect the expected compliance generates 4 severity levels that correspond to score classes. A total of 7 food services were checked with the two different inspection methods. The checklist results generated a food safety score for each food service that ranged from 0.0 (no flaws observed) to 187.2, and generates three grading class: A (0.0-28.0); B (29.0-70.0) and C (>71.00). The results from the Ss. I. A. N grading method and the checklist show positive correlation ( r =0.94, P>0.01) suggesting that the methods are comparable. Moreover, our scoring checklist is an easy and unique method compared to standard and allows also managers to perform effective surveillance programs in food service.
Natural Gas Vehicle Cylinder Safety, Training and Inspection Project
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hank Seiff
Under the auspices of the National Energy Technology Laboratory and the US Department of Energy, the Clean Vehicle Education Foundation conducted a three-year program to increase the understanding of the safe and proper use and maintenance of vehicular compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel systems. High-pressure fuel systems require periodic inspection and maintenance to insure safe and proper operation. The project addressed the needs of CNG fuel containers (cylinders) and associated high-pressure fuel system components related to existing law, codes and standards (C&S), available training and inspection programs, and assured coordination among vehicle users, public safety officials, fueling station operators andmore » training providers. The program included a public and industry awareness campaign, establishment and administration of a cylinder inspector certification training scholarship program, evaluation of current safety training and testing practices, monitoring and investigation of CNG vehicle incidents, evaluation of a cylinder recertification program and the migration of CNG vehicle safety knowledge to the nascent hydrogen vehicle community.« less
30 CFR 285.811 - When must I follow my Safety Management System?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Environmental and Safety Management, Inspections, and Facility Assessments for Activities Conducted Under SAPs... COP, SAP, or GAP. You must conduct all activities described in your approved COP, SAP, or GAP in...
Sun, Xinlu; Chong, Heap-Yih; Liao, Pin-Chao
Navigated inspection seeks to improve hazard identification (HI) accuracy. With tight inspection schedule, HI also requires efficiency. However, lacking quantification of HI efficiency, navigated inspection strategies cannot be comprehensively assessed. This work aims to determine inspection efficiency in navigated safety inspection, controlling for the HI accuracy. Based on a cognitive method of the random search model (RSM), an experiment was conducted to observe the HI efficiency in navigation, for a variety of visual clutter (VC) scenarios, while using eye-tracking devices to record the search process and analyze the search performance. The results show that the RSM is an appropriate instrument, and VC serves as a hazard classifier for navigation inspection in improving inspection efficiency. This suggests a new and effective solution for addressing the low accuracy and efficiency of manual inspection through navigated inspection involving VC and the RSM. It also provides insights into the inspectors' safety inspection ability.
49 CFR 237.101 - Scheduling of bridge inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Scheduling of bridge inspections. 237.101 Section... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE SAFETY STANDARDS Bridge Inspection § 237.101 Scheduling of bridge inspections. (a) Each bridge management program shall include a provision for scheduling an...
49 CFR 237.101 - Scheduling of bridge inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Scheduling of bridge inspections. 237.101 Section... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE SAFETY STANDARDS Bridge Inspection § 237.101 Scheduling of bridge inspections. (a) Each bridge management program shall include a provision for scheduling an...
Determining Safety Inspection Thresholds for Employee Incentives Programs on Construction Sites
Sparer, Emily; Dennerlein, Jack
The goal of this project was to evaluate approaches of determining the numerical value of a safety inspection score that would activate a reward in an employee safety incentive program. Safety inspections are a reflection of the physical working conditions at a construction site and provide a safety score that can be used in incentive programs to reward workers. Yet it is unclear what level of safety should be used when implementing this kind of program. This study explored five ways of grouping safety inspection data collected during 19 months at Harvard University-owned construction projects. Each approach grouped the data by one of the following: owner, general contractor, project, trade, or subcontractor. The median value for each grouping provided the threshold score. These five approaches were then applied to data from a completed project in order to calculate the frequency and distribution of rewards in a monthly safety incentive program. The application of each approach was evaluated qualitatively for consistency, competitiveness, attainability, and fairness. The owner-specific approach resulted in a threshold score of 96.3% and met all of the qualitative evaluation goals. It had the most competitive reward distribution (only 1/3 of the project duration) yet it was also attainable. By treating all workers equally and maintaining the same value throughout the project duration, this approach was fair and consistent. The owner-based approach for threshold determination can be used by owners or general contractors when creating leading indicator incentives programs and by researchers in future studies on incentive program effectiveness. PMID:28638178
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration [Docket ID... Management Programs AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), DOT. ACTION... Nation's gas distribution pipeline systems through development of inspection methods and guidance for the...
Management of radioactive material safety programs at medical facilities. Final report
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Camper, L.W.; Schlueter, J.; Woods, S.
A Task Force, comprising eight US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and two Agreement State program staff members, developed the guidance contained in this report. This report describes a systematic approach for effectively managing radiation safety programs at medical facilities. This is accomplished by defining and emphasizing the roles of an institution`s executive management, radiation safety committee, and radiation safety officer. Various aspects of program management are discussed and guidance is offered on selecting the radiation safety officer, determining adequate resources for the program, using such contractual services as consultants and service companies, conducting audits, and establishing the roles of authorized usersmore » and supervised individuals; NRC`s reporting and notification requirements are discussed, and a general description is given of how NRC`s licensing, inspection and enforcement programs work.« less
MODU marine safety: Structural inspection and readiness surveys
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Cole, M.W.; Marucci, T.F.; Taft, D.G.
Several years ago, Exxon instituted a survey of mobile offshore drilling units (MODU's) under contract to the corporation to evaluate structural integrity and readiness to respond properly to marine emergencies. This paper briefly describes results of the inspections and our on-going marine safety program. Industry activity is also highlighted.
32 CFR 636.33 - Vehicle safety inspection criteria.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Vehicle safety inspection criteria. 636.33 Section 636.33 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (CONTINUED) LAW...) Tires—every vehicle will be equipped with serviceable rubber tires which will have a tread depth of at...
32 CFR 636.33 - Vehicle safety inspection criteria.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Vehicle safety inspection criteria. 636.33 Section 636.33 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY (CONTINUED) LAW...) Tires—every vehicle will be equipped with serviceable rubber tires which will have a tread depth of at...
Road Infrastructure Safety Management in Poland
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Budzynski, Marcin; Jamroz, Kazimierz; Kustra, Wojciech; Michalski, Lech; Gaca, Stanislaw
The objective of road safety infrastructure management is to ensure that when roads are planned, designed, built and used road risks can be identified, assessed and mitigated. Road transport safety is significantly less developed than that of rail, water and air transport. The average individual risk of being a fatality in relation to the distance covered is thirty times higher in road transport that in the other modes. This is mainly because the different modes have a different approach to safety management and to the use of risk management methods and tools. In recent years Poland has had one of the European Union’s highest road death numbers. In 2016 there were 3026 fatalities on Polish roads with 40,766 injuries. Protecting road users from the risk of injury and death should be given top priority. While Poland’s national and regional road safety programmes address this problem and are instrumental in systematically reducing the number of casualties, the effects are far from the expectations. Modern approaches to safety focus on three integrated elements: infrastructure measures, safety management and safety culture. Due to its complexity, the process of road safety management requires modern tools to help with identifying road user risks, assess and evaluate the safety of road infrastructure and select effective measures to improve road safety. One possible tool for tackling this problem is the risk-based method for road infrastructure safety management. European Union Directive 2008/96/EC regulates and proposes a list of tools for managing road infrastructure safety. Road safety tools look at two criteria: the life cycle of a road structure and the process of risk management. Risk can be minimized through the application of the proposed interventions during design process as reasonable. The proposed methods of risk management bring together two stages: risk assessment and risk response occurring within the analyzed road structure (road network, road
Su, Teh-Sheng; Tsai, Way-Yi; Yu, Yi-Chun
A voluntary compliance program for occupational health and safety management, Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP), was implemented with a strategy of cooperation and encouragement in Taiwan. Due to limitations on increasing the human forces of inspection, a regulatory-based guideline addressing the essence of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) was promulgated, which combined the resources of third parties and insurance providers to accredit a self-improving worksite with the benefits of waived general inspection and a merit contributing to insurance premium payment reduction. A designated institute accepts enterprise's applications, performs document review and organizes the onsite inspection. A final review committee of Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) confers a two-year certificate on an approved site. After ten years, the efforts have shown a dramatic reduction of occupational injuries and illness in the total number of 724 worksites granted certification. VPP worksites, in comparison with all industries, had 49% lower frequency rate in the past three years. The severity rate reduction was 80% in the same period. The characteristics of Taiwan VPP program and international occupational safety and health management programs are provided. A Plan-Do-Check-Act management cycle was employed for pursuing continual improvements to the culture fostered. The use of a quantitative measurement for assessing the performance of enterprises' occupational safety and health management showed the efficiency of the rating. The results demonstrate that an employer voluntary protection program is a promising strategy for a developing country.
Application of color mixing for safety and quality inspection of agricultural products
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ding, Fujian; Chen, Yud-Ren; Chao, Kuanglin
In this paper, color-mixing applications for food safety and quality was studied, including two-color mixing and three-color mixing. It was shown that the chromaticness of the visual signal resulting from two- or three-color mixing is directly related to the band ratio of light intensity at the two or three selected wavebands. An optical visual device using color mixing to implement the band ratio criterion was presented. Inspection through human vision assisted by an optical device that implements the band ratio criterion would offer flexibility and significant cost savings as compared to inspection with a multispectral machine vision system that implements the same criterion. Example applications of this optical color mixing technique were given for the inspection of chicken carcasses with various diseases and for the detection of chilling injury in cucumbers. Simulation results showed that discrimination by chromaticness that has a direct relation with band ratio can work very well with proper selection of the two or three narrow wavebands. This novel color mixing technique for visual inspection can be implemented on visual devices for a variety of applications, ranging from target detection to food safety inspection.
Kroeker, Amber M.; Teddy, Amy J.; Macy, Michelle L.
Background Motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) are a leading cause of unintentional death and disability among children ages 4-12 in the United States. Despite this high risk of injury from MVCs in this age group, parental awareness, and child passenger safety programs in particular may lack focus on this age group. Methods Retrospective cross-sectional analysis of child passenger safety seat checklist forms from two Safe Kids coalitions in Michigan (2013) to identify restraint type upon arrival to car seat inspections. Other variables included, if the coalition provided a new child safety seat and if the child had a sibling who underwent a car seat inspection. Chi-square statistics were used to compare change in restraint use upon arrival and at departure, the proportion of children attending a car seat inspection event by age, the age category of children by site, the proportion of children with siblings also undergoing a car seat inspection by age, and the distribution of a new child safety seat by age. Results Data were available from 1,316 Safe Kids Huron Valley and 3,215 Safe Kids Greater Grand Rapids car seat inspections. Just 10.8% of total seats inspected were booster seats. Child safety seats for infant and young children were more commonly inspected [rear-facing carrier (40.3%), rear-facing convertible (10.2%), and forward-facing (19.3%) car seats]. Few children at inspections used a seat belt only (5.4%) or had no restraint (13.8%). Children age 4 and above were found to be in a sub-optimal restraint at least 30% of the time. Conclusion Low proportions of parents use car seat inspections for children in the booster seat age group. The proportion of children departing the inspection in a more protective restraint increased with increasing age. This highlights an area of weakness in child passenger safety programs and signals an opportunity to strengthen efforts on The Forgotten Child. Level of Evidence Level III PMID:26308122
Choi, Jihee; Scharff, Robert L
The increased frequency with which people are dining out coupled with an increase in the publicity of foodborne disease outbreaks has led the public to an increased awareness of food safety issues associated with food service establishments. To accommodate consumer needs, local health departments have increasingly publicized food establishments' health inspection scores. The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of the color-coded inspection score disclosure system in place since 2006 in Columbus, OH, by controlling for several confounding factors. This study incorporated cross-sectional time series data from food safety inspections performed from the Columbus Public Health Department. An ordinary least squares regression was used to assess the effect of the new inspection regime. The introduction of the new color-coded food safety inspection disclosure system increased inspection scores for all types of establishments and for most types of inspections, although significant differences were found in the degree of improvement. Overall, scores increased significantly by 1.14 points (of 100 possible). An exception to the positive results was found for inspections in response to foodborne disease complaints. Scores for these inspections declined significantly by 10.2 points. These results should be useful for both food safety researchers and public health decision makers.
25 CFR 15.504 - Who may inspect records and records management practices?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 25 Indians 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Who may inspect records and records management practices... Records § 15.504 Who may inspect records and records management practices? (a) You may inspect the probate... Secretary and the Archivist of the United States may inspect records and records management practices and...
25 CFR 15.504 - Who may inspect records and records management practices?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 25 Indians 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Who may inspect records and records management practices... Records § 15.504 Who may inspect records and records management practices? (a) You may inspect the probate... Secretary and the Archivist of the United States may inspect records and records management practices and...
25 CFR 15.504 - Who may inspect records and records management practices?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 25 Indians 1 2012-04-01 2011-04-01 true Who may inspect records and records management practices... Records § 15.504 Who may inspect records and records management practices? (a) You may inspect the probate... Secretary and the Archivist of the United States may inspect records and records management practices and...
25 CFR 15.504 - Who may inspect records and records management practices?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 25 Indians 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Who may inspect records and records management practices... Records § 15.504 Who may inspect records and records management practices? (a) You may inspect the probate... Secretary and the Archivist of the United States may inspect records and records management practices and...
25 CFR 15.504 - Who may inspect records and records management practices?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Who may inspect records and records management practices... Records § 15.504 Who may inspect records and records management practices? (a) You may inspect the probate... Secretary and the Archivist of the United States may inspect records and records management practices and...
30 CFR 285.810 - What must I include in my Safety Management System?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Environmental and Safety Management, Inspections, and Facility Assessments for Activities Conducted Under SAPs... under § 285.627(d)) and, when required by this part, your SAP (as provided in § 285.614(b)) or GAP (as...
46 CFR 31.40-30 - Safety Management Certificate-T/ALL.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 46 Shipping 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Safety Management Certificate-T/ALL. 31.40-30 Section 31.40-30 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION... Certificate—T/ALL. All tankships to which 33 CFR part 96 applies on an international voyage must have a valid...
46 CFR 31.40-30 - Safety Management Certificate-T/ALL.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Safety Management Certificate-T/ALL. 31.40-30 Section 31.40-30 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION... Certificate—T/ALL. All tankships to which 33 CFR part 96 applies on an international voyage must have a valid...
FAA National Aviation Safety Inspection Program. Annual Report FY90
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This report was undertaken to document, analyze, and place : into national perspective the findings from the 1990 National : Aviation Safety Inspection Program (NASIP). This report is the : fifth in a series of annual reports covering the results of ...
29 CFR 1960.25 - Qualifications of safety and health inspectors and agency inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... environments where there are less complex hazards, such safety and health specializations as cited above may... 29 Labor 9 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Qualifications of safety and health inspectors and agency... OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS AND RELATED MATTERS Inspection and Abatement § 1960.25 Qualifications...
29 CFR 1960.25 - Qualifications of safety and health inspectors and agency inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... environments where there are less complex hazards, such safety and health specializations as cited above may... 29 Labor 9 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Qualifications of safety and health inspectors and agency... OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS AND RELATED MATTERS Inspection and Abatement § 1960.25 Qualifications...
29 CFR 1960.25 - Qualifications of safety and health inspectors and agency inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... environments where there are less complex hazards, such safety and health specializations as cited above may... 29 Labor 9 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Qualifications of safety and health inspectors and agency... OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS AND RELATED MATTERS Inspection and Abatement § 1960.25 Qualifications...
29 CFR 1960.25 - Qualifications of safety and health inspectors and agency inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... environments where there are less complex hazards, such safety and health specializations as cited above may... 29 Labor 9 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Qualifications of safety and health inspectors and agency... OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS AND RELATED MATTERS Inspection and Abatement § 1960.25 Qualifications...
29 CFR 1960.25 - Qualifications of safety and health inspectors and agency inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... environments where there are less complex hazards, such safety and health specializations as cited above may... 29 Labor 9 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Qualifications of safety and health inspectors and agency... OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS AND RELATED MATTERS Inspection and Abatement § 1960.25 Qualifications...
The use of GIS tools for road infrastructure safety management
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Budzyński, Marcin; Kustra, Wojciech; Okraszewska, Romanika; Jamroz, Kazimierz; Pyrchla, Jerzy
There are many factors that influence accidents and their severity. They can be grouped within the system of man, vehicle and environment. The article focuses on how GIS tools can be used to manage road infrastructure safety. To ensure a better understanding and identification of road factors, GIS tools help with the acquisition of road parameter data. Their other role is helping with a clear and effective presentation of risk ranking. GIS is key to identifying high-risk sections and supports the effective communication of safety levels. This makes it a vital element of safety management. The article describes the use of GIS for the collection and visualisation of road parameter data which are not available in any of the existing databases, i.e. horizontal curve parameters. As we know from research and statistics, they are important factors that determine the safety of road infrastructure. Finally, new research is proposed as well as the possibilities for applying GIS tools for the purposes of road safety inspection.
Kroeker, Amber M; Teddy, Amy J; Macy, Michelle L
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of unintentional death and disability among children 4 years to 12 years of age in the United States. Despite the high risk of injury from motor vehicle crashes in this age group, parental awareness and child passenger safety programs in particular may lack focus on this age group. This is a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of child passenger safety seat checklist forms from two Safe Kids coalitions in Michigan (2013) to identify restraint type upon arrival to car seat inspections. Other variables were included if the coalition provided a new child safety seat and if the child had a sibling who underwent a car seat inspection. χ statistics were used to compare change in restraint use on arrival and at departure, the proportion of children attending a car seat inspection event by age, the age category of children by site, the proportion of children with siblings also undergoing a car seat inspection by age, and the distribution of a new child safety seat by age. Data were available from 1,316 Safe Kids Huron Valley and 3,215 Safe Kids Greater Grand Rapids car seat inspections. Just 10.8% of the total seats inspected were booster seats. Child safety seats for infant and young children were more commonly inspected (rear-facing carrier [40.3%], rear-facing convertible [10.2%], and forward-facing [19.3%] car seats). Few children at inspections used a seat belt only (5.4%) or had no restraint (13.8%). Children 4 years and older were found to be in a suboptimal restraint at least 30% of the time. Low proportions of parents use car seat inspections for children in the booster seat age group. The proportion of children departing the inspection in a more protective restraint increased with increasing age. This highlights an area of weakness in child passenger safety programs and signals an opportunity to strengthen efforts on The Booster Age Child. Epidemiologic/prognostic study, level III.
[A report on the inspection of the Shinkansen Multiple Inspection Train].
Niijima, Kuniyuki; Enta, Kazuhiko; Sashihara, Shunsuke
The multiple inspection train nicknamed "Doctor Yellow" is capable of taking necessary measurements of the track and electrical facilities, and maintains the safety and reliability of the Tokaido Shinkansen corridor. We performed a workplace inspection to examine environmental conditions in this train. The workers were engaged in VDT (visual display terminal) work including the inspection task. The labor environments such as vibration, noise, temperature and lighting, were comfortable. However, some of the working conditions while the Bullet train is running are inevitably restricted. The occupational physicians of the Central Japan Railway Company are expected to play important roles in providing effective health management for the employees under the characteristic work environments on the railroad.
Borescope Inspection Management for Engine
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhongda, Yuan
In this paper, we try to explain the problems need to be improved from the two perspectives of maintenance program management and maintenance human risk control. On the basis of optimization analysis of borescope inspection maintenance scheme, the defect characteristics and expansion rules of engine heat terminal components are summarized, and some optimization measures are introduced. This paper analyses human risk problem of engine hole from the aspects of qualification management, training requirements and perfection of system, and puts forward some suggestions on management.
Uniformity of roadside safety inspections of commercial vehicles and drivers on the national level
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
To examine the issue of roadside inspection uniformity, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiated a research project to provide practical information to FMCSA, commercial carriers, Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSA...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah. 3.35-15 Section 3.35-15 Navigation..., SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES Seventh Coast Guard District § 3.35-15 Sector Charleston Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah. 3.35-15 Section 3.35-15 Navigation..., SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES Seventh Coast Guard District § 3.35-15 Sector Charleston Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah. 3.35-15 Section 3.35-15 Navigation..., SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES Seventh Coast Guard District § 3.35-15 Sector Charleston Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah. 3.35-15 Section 3.35-15 Navigation..., SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES Seventh Coast Guard District § 3.35-15 Sector Charleston Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah. 3.35-15 Section 3.35-15 Navigation..., SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES Seventh Coast Guard District § 3.35-15 Sector Charleston Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Savannah...
Health and safety executive inspection of U.K. semiconductor manufacturers.
Watterson, Andrew; LaDou, Joseph
Europe plays a major role in the international semiconductor industry, but has conducted few studies of the occupational health of its workers. An exception is in the United Kingdom, where, in two small studies, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) evaluated some health effects of semiconductor work. Neither of these studies, largely restricted to Scotland, produced definitive results, and both were misused by industry to assert that they demonstrated no adverse health effect on workers. The results of the studies prompted semiconductor industry inspections recently completed by the HSE that included chip manufacturers in Scotland and other U.K. areas. The results of these inspections are disappointing.
[B-BS and occupational health and safety management systems: the SGSL certification].
Calabrese, G; Candura, G
The social costs deriving from the lack of occupational safety, which nowadays constitute approximately 2.8% of the GDP, tend not to come down despite the regulations, the inspections and the sanctions. The problems may be ascribed both to a shortage of systemic actions and to inappropriate training of the workers. Possible solutions are represented by the adoption of organizational models (D. Lgs. 81 art. 30) and by the implementation of protocols such as the Behavior-Based Safety (B-BS). Organisational and Management Models have been introduced with art. 30 D.Lgs. 81/2008 and with art. 6 D.Lgs. 231/2001. The comparison between their requisites and the ones specified by the OHSAS 18001 standards, confirms the partial overlapping of the Organizational Models with the Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems. Nevertheless such Systems are rarely adopted by Italian companies and their implementation still doesn't grant complete effectiveness. The B-BS protocol is proving to be a tool of extraordinary value to increase the level of safety, especially when used along with the known Health & Safety Management Systems.
46 CFR 153.1504 - Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment. 153.1504 Section 153.1504 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CERTAIN BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES SHIPS CARRYING BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS...
46 CFR 153.1504 - Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment. 153.1504 Section 153.1504 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CERTAIN BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES SHIPS CARRYING BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS...
46 CFR 153.1504 - Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment. 153.1504 Section 153.1504 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CERTAIN BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES SHIPS CARRYING BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS...
46 CFR 153.1504 - Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment. 153.1504 Section 153.1504 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CERTAIN BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES SHIPS CARRYING BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS...
Surface and subsurface inspection of food safety and quality using a line-scan Raman system
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
This paper presents a line-scan Raman platform for food safety and quality research, which can be configured for Raman chemical imaging (RCI) mode for surface inspection and spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) mode for subsurface inspection. In the RCI mode, macro-scale imaging was achieved u...
30 CFR 18.96 - Preparation of machines for inspection; requirements.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Preparation of machines for inspection... Field Approval of Electrically Operated Mining Equipment § 18.96 Preparation of machines for inspection; requirements. (a) Upon receipt of written notice from the Health and Safety District Manager of the time and...
30 CFR 18.96 - Preparation of machines for inspection; requirements.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Preparation of machines for inspection... Field Approval of Electrically Operated Mining Equipment § 18.96 Preparation of machines for inspection; requirements. (a) Upon receipt of written notice from the Health and Safety District Manager of the time and...
30 CFR 18.96 - Preparation of machines for inspection; requirements.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Preparation of machines for inspection... Field Approval of Electrically Operated Mining Equipment § 18.96 Preparation of machines for inspection; requirements. (a) Upon receipt of written notice from the Health and Safety District Manager of the time and...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth. 3.45-45 Section 3.45-45 Navigation..., SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES Ninth Coast Guard District § 3.45-45 Sector Sault Ste. Marie Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth. 3.45-45 Section 3.45-45 Navigation..., SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES Ninth Coast Guard District § 3.45-45 Sector Sault Ste. Marie Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth. 3.45-45 Section 3.45-45 Navigation..., SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES Ninth Coast Guard District § 3.45-45 Sector Sault Ste. Marie Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth. 3.45-45 Section 3.45-45 Navigation..., SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES Ninth Coast Guard District § 3.45-45 Sector Sault Ste. Marie Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth. 3.45-45 Section 3.45-45 Navigation..., SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES Ninth Coast Guard District § 3.45-45 Sector Sault Ste. Marie Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth...
Leinwand, Sarah E; Glanz, Karen; Keenan, Brendan T; Branas, Charles C
We explored how restaurant inspection frequency and restaurant neighborhood sociodemographic characteristics are related to food safety inspection outcomes in chain and nonchain restaurants to better understand external factors that may influence inspection outcomes. We categorized the results of restaurant inspections in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 2013 and 2014 by restaurant type (chain or nonchain), inspection frequency (1, 2, or ≥3 per 2-year study period), and violation type (total number of violations, foodborne-illness risk factor violation, or good retail practice violation). We collected 2013 US Census block group sociodemographic data for each restaurant neighborhood. We used nested mixed-effects regression analyses to determine the association between restaurant inspection frequency and inspection violations, as well as between inspection violations and restaurant neighborhood sociodemographic variables, stratified by restaurant type. Compared with nonchain restaurants, chain restaurants had significantly fewer total violations per inspection (mean [SD]: 6.5 [4.6] vs 9.6 [6.8] violations, P < .001). For nonchain restaurants, an increase from 1 to 2 inspections resulted in 0.8 ( P < .001) fewer mean violations per inspection, and an increase from 1 to ≥3 inspections resulted in 1.6 ( P < .001) fewer mean violations; this association was not seen in chain restaurants. For nonchain restaurants, a higher proportion of black residents in a restaurant neighborhood was associated with 0.6 ( P < .001) fewer mean foodborne-illness risk factor violations but 1.0 ( P < .001) more mean good retail practice violations per inspection. A risk-based stratified approach to restaurant food safety inspection frequency, based on whether or not restaurants are part of chains, could reduce the frequency of violations, particularly in restaurants with the most violations.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Safety and Security Zones: New York Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. 165.169 Section 165.169 Navigation and... Areas First Coast Guard District § 165.169 Safety and Security Zones: New York Marine Inspection Zone...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Safety and Security Zones: New York Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. 165.169 Section 165.169 Navigation and... Areas First Coast Guard District § 165.169 Safety and Security Zones: New York Marine Inspection Zone...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Safety and Security Zones: New York Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. 165.169 Section 165.169 Navigation and... Areas First Coast Guard District § 165.169 Safety and Security Zones: New York Marine Inspection Zone...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Safety and Security Zones: New York Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. 165.169 Section 165.169 Navigation and... Areas First Coast Guard District § 165.169 Safety and Security Zones: New York Marine Inspection Zone...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Safety and Security Zones: New York Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. 165.169 Section 165.169 Navigation and... Areas First Coast Guard District § 165.169 Safety and Security Zones: New York Marine Inspection Zone...
Implementation of the Air Program Information Management System (APIMS) Inspection Module
7 5 T H A I R B A S E W I N G Implementation of the Air Program Information Management System (APIMS) Inspection Module 2009 Environment...Implementation of the Air Program Information Management System (APIMS) Inspection Module 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... inspectors or Minerals Management Service inspectors. 140.101 Section 140.101 Navigation and Navigable Waters... Inspections § 140.101 Inspection by Coast Guard marine inspectors or Minerals Management Service inspectors... Minerals Management Service (MMS). (c) Under the direction of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection...
Glanz, Karen; Keenan, Brendan T.; Branas, Charles C.
Objectives: We explored how restaurant inspection frequency and restaurant neighborhood sociodemographic characteristics are related to food safety inspection outcomes in chain and nonchain restaurants to better understand external factors that may influence inspection outcomes. Methods: We categorized the results of restaurant inspections in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 2013 and 2014 by restaurant type (chain or nonchain), inspection frequency (1, 2, or ≥3 per 2-year study period), and violation type (total number of violations, foodborne-illness risk factor violation, or good retail practice violation). We collected 2013 US Census block group sociodemographic data for each restaurant neighborhood. We used nested mixed-effects regression analyses to determine the association between restaurant inspection frequency and inspection violations, as well as between inspection violations and restaurant neighborhood sociodemographic variables, stratified by restaurant type. Results: Compared with nonchain restaurants, chain restaurants had significantly fewer total violations per inspection (mean [SD]: 6.5 [4.6] vs 9.6 [6.8] violations, P < .001). For nonchain restaurants, an increase from 1 to 2 inspections resulted in 0.8 (P < .001) fewer mean violations per inspection, and an increase from 1 to ≥3 inspections resulted in 1.6 (P < .001) fewer mean violations; this association was not seen in chain restaurants. For nonchain restaurants, a higher proportion of black residents in a restaurant neighborhood was associated with 0.6 (P < .001) fewer mean foodborne-illness risk factor violations but 1.0 (P < .001) more mean good retail practice violations per inspection. Conclusions: A risk-based stratified approach to restaurant food safety inspection frequency, based on whether or not restaurants are part of chains, could reduce the frequency of violations, particularly in restaurants with the most violations. PMID:28060568
Development of fluorescence based handheld imaging devices for food safety inspection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lee, Hoyoung; Kim, Moon S.; Chao, Kuanglin; Lefcourt, Alan M.; Chan, Diane E.
For sanitation inspection in food processing environment, fluorescence imaging can be a very useful method because many organic materials reveal unique fluorescence emissions when excited by UV or violet radiation. Although some fluorescence-based automated inspection instrumentation has been developed for food products, there remains a need for devices that can assist on-site inspectors performing visual sanitation inspection of the surfaces of food processing/handling equipment. This paper reports the development of an inexpensive handheld imaging device designed to visualize fluorescence emissions and intended to help detect the presence of fecal contaminants, organic residues, and bacterial biofilms at multispectral fluorescence emission bands. The device consists of a miniature camera, multispectral (interference) filters, and high power LED illumination. With WiFi communication, live inspection images from the device can be displayed on smartphone or tablet devices. This imaging device could be a useful tool for assessing the effectiveness of sanitation procedures and for helping processors to minimize food safety risks or determine potential problem areas. This paper presents the design and development including evaluation and optimization of the hardware components of the imaging devices.
Keall, Michael D; Newstead, Stuart
Although previous research suggests that safety benefits accrue from periodic vehicle inspection programmes, little consideration has been given to whether the benefits are sufficient to justify the often considerable costs of such schemes. Methodological barriers impede many attempts to evaluate the overall safety benefits of periodic vehicle inspection schemes, including this study, which did not attempt to evaluate the New Zealand warrant of fitness scheme as a whole. Instead, this study evaluated one aspect of the scheme: the effects of doubling the inspection frequency, from annual to biannual, when the vehicle reaches six years of age. In particular, reductions in safety-related vehicle faults were estimated together with the value of the safety benefits compared to the costs. When merged crash data, licensing data and roadworthiness inspection data were analysed, there were estimated to be improvements in injury crash involvement rates and prevalence of safety-related faults of respectively 8% (95% CI 0.4-15%) and 13.5% (95% CI 12.8-14.2%) associated with the increase from annual to 6-monthly inspections. The wide confidence interval for the drop in crash rate shows considerably statistical uncertainty about the precise size of the drop. Even assuming that this proportion of vehicle faults prevented by doubling the inspection frequency could be maintained over the vehicle age range 7-20 years, the safety benefits are very unlikely to exceed the additional costs of the 6-monthly inspections to the motorists, valued at $NZ 500 million annually excluding the overall costs of administering the scheme. The New Zealand warrant of fitness scheme as a whole cannot be robustly evaluated using the analysis approach used here, but the safety benefits would need to be substantial--yielding an unlikely 12% reduction in injury crashes--for benefits to equal costs. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Liao, Pin-Chao; Sun, Xinlu; Liu, Mei; Shih, Yu-Nien
Navigated safety inspection based on task-specific checklists can increase the hazard detection rate, theoretically with interference from scene complexity. Visual clutter, a proxy of scene complexity, can theoretically impair visual search performance, but its impact on the effect of safety inspection performance remains to be explored for the optimization of navigated inspection. This research aims to explore whether the relationship between working memory and hazard detection rate is moderated by visual clutter. Based on a perceptive model of hazard detection, we: (a) developed a mathematical influence model for construction hazard detection; (b) designed an experiment to observe the performance of hazard detection rate with adjusted working memory under different levels of visual clutter, while using an eye-tracking device to observe participants' visual search processes; (c) utilized logistic regression to analyze the developed model under various visual clutter. The effect of a strengthened working memory on the detection rate through increased search efficiency is more apparent in high visual clutter. This study confirms the role of visual clutter in construction-navigated inspections, thus serving as a foundation for the optimization of inspection planning.
Safety management vs. picking leaves.
Wright, D
A safety program will generally have as its base a comprehensive written document made available for everyone in the organization. The document should indicate a positive commitment to safety by management. It should not be a "how to" guide, but rather a broad outline to establish responsibilities, goals, and methods. The safety manager is appointed in writing and answers to the highest level of management. As opposed to a "doer," the safety manager acts as a director and administrator of the safety program. This is accomplished through the advisory capacity of the safety program for solicited and unsolicited problems. The focus of the safety manager is on the system and how it contributes to safety problems, rather than individual problems. Management has the ultimate responsibility for safety. Their efforts should reflect a proactive attitude to correct problems in the system. In order to identify areas of interest, technically competent input from the safety manager should be required. The support of the safety program by top management determines the success of the program. Without a clear and firm commitment by the organization, safety will receive no more than lip service from the employees. The benefits of a proactive approach will be realized in the organization's ability to manage safety issues, rather than reacting to them.
Restaurant Inspection Scores and Foodborne Disease
Pavlin, Boris I.; LaFleur, Bonnie J.; Ingram, L. Amanda; Schaffner, William
Restaurants in the United States are regularly inspected by health departments, but few data exist regarding the effect of restaurant inspections on food safety. We examined statewide inspection records from January 1993 through April 2000. Data were available from 167,574 restaurant inspections. From 1993 to 2000, mean scores rose steadily from 80.2 to 83.8. Mean inspection scores of individual inspectors were 69–92. None of the 12 most commonly cited violations were critical food safety hazards. Establishments scoring <60 had a mean improvement of 16 points on subsequent inspections. Mean scores of restaurants experiencing foodborne disease outbreaks did not differ from restaurants with no reported outbreaks. A variety of factors influence the uniformity of restaurant inspections. The restaurant inspection system should be examined to identify ways to ensure food safety. PMID:15200861
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Morgan City. 3.40-15 Section 3.40-15... Morgan City. Sector New Orleans' office is located in New Orleans, LA. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Morgan City, is located in Morgan City, LA. (a) Sector New Orleans' Marine Inspection Zone...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Morgan City. 3.40-15 Section 3.40-15... Morgan City. Sector New Orleans' office is located in New Orleans, LA. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Morgan City, is located in Morgan City, LA. (a) Sector New Orleans' Marine Inspection Zone...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Wilmington: Cape Fear River Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones. 3.25-20 Section 3.25-20 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY GENERAL COAST GUARD AREAS, DISTRICTS, SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND...
Continental United States Military Housing Inspection National Capital Region
that was flaking, peeling, or chalking. JBAB did not have an asbestos management program, plan, or an appointed asbestos program manager...housing partner to ensure inspection and maintenance plan is achieved; and • Implement an asbestos management plan and appoint an asbestos environmental health and safety requirements, such as those for drinking water, radon, asbestos , and lead based paint. We conducted this
Workers inspect the range safety cable between the ET and SRBs
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Terry Kent (left), United Space Alliance, and James Silviano (right), NASA, inspect the range safety cable between the external tank and solid rocket boosters (SRB) on Space Shuttle Discovery. The cable, which relays a redundant emergency destruction signal between the SRBs in the unlikely event of a contingency, was damaged during close-out operations and is being replaced. Discovery's processing schedule leads to a target launch date of Dec. 6.
This paper aims to promote a national and international occupational health and safety (OHS) intervention for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) within internal and external resources. Based on the characteristics of small SME management, the work environment and occupational health may be positively affected by the dual-effects of employees and government. Evolutionary game theory is utilized to identify relevant interactions among the government, small enterprises, and employees. Furthermore, dynamic simulations of the evolutionary game model are used to explore stability strategies and to identify modes of equilibrium. PMID:29707574
Thermal Protection System Imagery Inspection Management System -TIIMS
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Goza, Sharon; Melendrez, David L.; Henningan, Marsha; LaBasse, Daniel; Smith, Daniel J.
TIIMS is used during the inspection phases of every mission to provide quick visual feedback, detailed inspection data, and determination to the mission management team. This system consists of a visual Web page interface, an SQL database, and a graphical image generator. These combine to allow a user to ascertain quickly the status of the inspection process, and current determination of any problem zones. The TIIMS system allows inspection engineers to enter their determinations into a database and to link pertinent images and video to those database entries. The database then assigns criteria to each zone and tile, and via query, sends the information to a graphical image generation program. Using the official TIPS database tile positions and sizes, the graphical image generation program creates images of the current status of the orbiter, coloring zones, and tiles based on a predefined key code. These images are then displayed on a Web page using customized JAVA scripts to display the appropriate zone of the orbiter based on the location of the user's cursor. The close-up graphic and database entry for that particular zone can then be seen by selecting the zone. This page contains links into the database to access the images used by the inspection engineer when they make the determination entered into the database. Status for the inspection zones changes as determinations are refined and shown by the appropriate color code.
Expanding the scope of practice for radiology managers: radiation safety duties.
Orders, Amy B; Wright, Donna
In addition to financial responsibilities and patient care duties, many medical facilities also expect radiology department managers to wear "safety" hats and complete fundamental quality control/quality assurance, conduct routine safety surveillance in the department, and to meet regulatory demands in the workplace. All managers influence continuous quality improvement initiatives, from effective utilization of resource and staffing allocations, to efficacy of patient scheduling tactics. It is critically important to understand continuous quality improvement (CQI) and its relationship with the radiology manager, specifically quality assurance/quality control in routine work, as these are the fundamentals of institutional safety, including radiation safety. When an institution applies for a registration for radiation-producing devices or a license for the use of radioactive materials, the permit granting body has specific requirements, policies and procedures that must be satisfied in order to be granted a permit and to maintain it continuously. In the 32 U.S. Agreement states, which are states that have radiation safety programs equivalent to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission programs, individual facilities apply for permits through the local governing body of radiation protection. Other states are directly licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and associated regulatory entities. These regulatory agencies grant permits, set conditions for use in accordance with state and federal laws, monitor and enforce radiation safety activities, and audit facilities for compliance with their regulations. Every radiology department and associated areas of radiation use are subject to inspection and enforcement policies in order to ensure safety of equipment and personnel. In today's business practice, department managers or chief technologists may actively participate in the duties associated with institutional radiation safety, especially in smaller institutions, while
A management system for evaluating the Virginia periodic motor vehicle inspection program.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
A system for management evaluation of Virginia's periodic motor vehicle inspection (PMVI) program was developed which is similar to that currently in use by the Virginia Department of State Police, except for changes in the sample size of inspection ...
Perceptions of Physical Inspections as a Tool to Protect Housing Quality and Promote Health Equity.
Holtzen, Holly; Klein, Elizabeth G; Keller, Brittney; Hood, Nancy
Physical inspections that assess how well affordable housing properties meet quality and safety standards help to ensure that low-income tenants live in a healthy built environment. This study was part of a larger Health Impact Assessment (HIA) conducted between January 2012 and November 2013 to inform policymakers about the potential health consequences of a proposed policy decision to align the physical inspections required by housing funding agencies, which would result in a reduction of the frequency of physical inspections. Key informant interviews (n=18) of property managers and tenants were used to explore the inspection process, identification of housing quality issues, and potential effects on the health of affordable housing tenants and the impact on property management practices. Results indicate that physical inspection frequency may be an important trigger for property managers and tenants to adhere to proper maintenance schedules.
DACW-51-81-C-0006 . PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT PROJECT. TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS ~ Flaherty-Giauara Associates...olie It neceary and Idontily b block number) Dam Safety National Dam Safety Program Visual Inspection Lake Muskoday Dam Hydrology, Structural Stability...DELAWARE RIVER BASIN LAKE MUSKODAY DAM SULLIVAN COUNTY, NEW YORK INVENTORY No.NY341 PHASE I INSPECTION REPORT NATIONAL DAM SAFETY PROGRAM J T C NEW YORK
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Inspection. 592.650 Section 592.650 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Sanitary and Processing Requirements § 592.650 Inspection. Examinations of the ingredients,...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Inspection. 592.650 Section 592.650 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Sanitary and Processing Requirements § 592.650 Inspection. Examinations of the ingredients,...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Inspection. 592.650 Section 592.650 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Sanitary and Processing Requirements § 592.650 Inspection. Examinations of the ingredients,...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Inspection. 592.650 Section 592.650 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Sanitary and Processing Requirements § 592.650 Inspection. Examinations of the ingredients,...
9 CFR 390.4 - Facilities for inspection and copying.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
.... 390.4 Section 390.4 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC... Coordinator (FOIA), Food Safety and Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250-3700 ...
Restaurant inspection frequency: The RestoFreq Study.
Medu, Olanrewaju; Turner, Hollie; Cushon, Jennifer A; Melis, Deborah; Rea, Leslie; Abdellatif, Treena; Neudorf, Cory O; Schwandt, Michael
Foodborne illness is an important contributor to morbidity and health system costs in Canada. Using number of critical hazards as a proxy for food safety, we sought to better understand how to improve food safety in restaurants. We compared the current standard of annual inspections to twice-yearly inspections among restaurants "at risk" for food safety infractions. These were restaurants that had three or more elevated-risk inspection ratings in the preceding 36 months. We conducted a two-arm randomized controlled trial between November 2012 and October 2014. The intervention was twice-yearly routine restaurant inspection compared to standard once-yearly routine inspection. Included were all restaurants within Saskatoon Health Region that were assessed as "at risk", with 73 restaurants in the intervention arm and 78 in the control arm. Independent sample t-tests were conducted between groups to compare: i) average number of critical hazards per inspection; and ii) proportion of inspections resulting in a rating indicating an elevated hazard. Over time we noted statistically significant improvements across both study arms, in number of both critical food safety hazards (decreased by 61%) and elevated-risk inspection ratings (decreased by 45%) (p < 0.0001). We observed no significant differences between the two groups pre- or post-intervention. Results suggest increasing the number of annual routine inspections in high-risk restaurants was not associated with a significant difference in measures of compliance with food safety regulations. Findings of this study do not provide evidence supporting increased frequency of restaurant inspection from annually to twice annually.
New Automated System Available for Reporting Safety Concerns | Poster
A new system has been developed for reporting safety issues in the workplace. The Environment, Health, and Safety’s (EHS’) Safety Inspection and Issue Management System (SIIMS) is an online resource where any employee can report a problem or issue, said Siobhan Tierney, program manager at EHS.
Wu, Tsung-Chih
The perspectives of both internal and external members have to be considered when developing safety curricula. This study discusses perceptional differences between safety educators (SEs) and safety professionals (SPs) regarding the function of SPs. The findings will serve as a reference framework for the establishment of core safety competencies and the development of safety curricula for SPs. 248 respondents, including both SEs and SPs, completed self-administered questionnaires, which included the 45-item safety function scale (SFS). Nine factors were extracted from the scale using exploratory factor analysis (EFA), namely inspection and research, regulatory tasks, emergency procedures and settlement of damage, management and financial affairs, culture change, problem identification and analysis, developing and implementing solutions, knowledge management, and training and communications. Descriptive statistical results indicated that SPs and SEs hold differing views on the rank of the frequency of safety functions. MANOVA results indicated that SPs' perceptions of developing and implementing solutions, training and communications, inspection and research, and management and financial affairs were significantly higher than that of SEs. On the other hand, SE's perceptions regarding participation in regulatory tasks were significantly higher than those of SPs. Based on these results, the author suggests that a clear communication channel should be established between universities and industry to reduce the gap between the perceptions of SEs and SPs. The results of the study are statistically and practically significant. In addition to serving as a reference for the development of safety curricula, the results are also conducive to the establishment of SP roles and functions. Ultimately the development of more suitable safety curricula would open up employment competition for students who graduate from safety-related programs. SPs, on the other hand, can correctly
Joint road safety operations in tunnels and open roads
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Adesiyun, Adewole; Avenoso, Antonio; Dionelis, Kallistratos; Cela, Liljana; Nicodème, Christophe; Goger, Thierry; Polidori, Carlo
The objective of the ECOROADS project is to overcome the barrier established by the formal interpretation of the two Directives 2008/96/EC and 2004/54/EC, which in practice do not allow the same Road Safety Audits/Inspections to be performed inside tunnels. The projects aims at the establishment of a common enhanced approach to road infrastructure and tunnel safety management by using the concepts and criteria of the Directive 2008/96/CE on road infrastructure safety management and the results of related European Commission (EC) funded projects. ECOROADS has already implemented an analysis of national practices regarding Road Safety Inspections (RSI), two Workshops with the stakeholders, and an exchange of best practices between European tunnel experts and road safety professionals, which led to the definition of common agreed safety procedures. In the second phase of the project, different groups of experts and observers applied the above common procedures by inspecting five European road sections featuring both open roads and tunnels in Belgium, Albania, Germany, Serbia and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This paper shows the feedback of the 5 joint safety operations and how they are being used for a set of - recommendations and guidelines for the application of the RSA and RSI concepts within the tunnel safety operations.
KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. - Jeff Thon, an SRB mechanic with United Space Alliance, tests a technique for vertical solid rocket booster propellant grain inspection. The inspection of segments is required as part of safety analysis.
30 CFR 56.7003 - Drill area inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Drill area inspection. 56.7003 Section 56.7003... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Drilling and Rotary Jet Piercing Drilling § 56.7003 Drill area inspection. The drilling area shall be inspected for hazards before...
30 CFR 56.7003 - Drill area inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Drill area inspection. 56.7003 Section 56.7003... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Drilling and Rotary Jet Piercing Drilling § 56.7003 Drill area inspection. The drilling area shall be inspected for hazards before...
30 CFR 56.7003 - Drill area inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Drill area inspection. 56.7003 Section 56.7003... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Drilling and Rotary Jet Piercing Drilling § 56.7003 Drill area inspection. The drilling area shall be inspected for hazards before...
30 CFR 56.7003 - Drill area inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Drill area inspection. 56.7003 Section 56.7003... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Drilling and Rotary Jet Piercing Drilling § 56.7003 Drill area inspection. The drilling area shall be inspected for hazards before...
30 CFR 56.7003 - Drill area inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Drill area inspection. 56.7003 Section 56.7003... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Drilling and Rotary Jet Piercing Drilling § 56.7003 Drill area inspection. The drilling area shall be inspected for hazards before...
75 FR 56502 - National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Food Safety and Inspection Service [Docket No. FSIS-2010-0030] National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection AGENCY: Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice of public meeting. SUMMARY: The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is announcing, pursuant...
Multispectral fluorescence imaging techniques for nondestructive food safety inspection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Moon S.; Lefcourt, Alan M.; Chen, Yud-Ren
The use of spectral sensing has gained acceptance as a rapid means for nondestructive inspection of postharvest food produce. Current technologies generally use color or a single wavelength camera technology. The applicability and sensitivity of these techniques can be expanded through the use of multiple wavelengths. Reflectance in the Vis/NIR is the prevalent spectral technique. Fluorescence, compared to reflectance, is regarded as a more sensitive technique due to its dynamic responses to subtle changes in biological entities. Our laboratory has been exploring fluorescence as a potential means for detection of quality and wholesomeness of food products. Applications of fluorescence sensing require an understanding of the spectral characteristics emanating from constituents and potential contaminants. A number of factors affecting fluorescence emission characteristics are discussed. Because of relatively low fluorescence quantum yield from biological samples, a system with a powerful pulse light source such as a laser coupled with a gated detection device is used to harvest fluorescence, in the presence of ambient light. Several fluorescence sensor platforms developed in our laboratory, including hyperspectral imaging, and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and steady-state fluorescence imaging systems with multispectral capabilities are presented. We demonstrate the potential uses of recently developed fluorescence imaging platforms in food safety inspection of apples contaminated with animal feces.
Jung, Juergen
We explore the determinants of inspection outcomes across 1.6 million Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) audits from 1990 through 2010. We find that discretion in enforcement differs in state and federally conducted inspections. State agencies are more sensitive to local economic conditions, finding fewer standard violations and fewer serious violations as unemployment increases. Larger companies receive greater lenience in multiple dimensions. Inspector issued fines and final fines, after negotiated reductions, are both smaller during Republican presidencies. Quantile regression analysis reveals that Presidential and Congressional party affiliations have their greatest impact on the largest negotiated reductions in fines. PMID:24659856
Line-scan spatially offset Raman spectroscopy for inspecting subsurface food safety and quality
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qin, Jianwei; Chao, Kuanglin; Kim, Moon S.
This paper presented a method for subsurface food inspection using a newly developed line-scan spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) technique. A 785 nm laser was used as a Raman excitation source. The line-shape SORS data was collected in a wavenumber range of 0-2815 cm-1 using a detection module consisting of an imaging spectrograph and a CCD camera. A layered sample, which was created by placing a plastic sheet cut from the original container on top of cane sugar, was used to test the capability for subsurface food inspection. A whole set of SORS data was acquired in an offset range of 0-36 mm (two sides of the laser) with a spatial interval of 0.07 mm. Raman spectrum from the cane sugar under the plastic sheet was resolved using self-modeling mixture analysis algorithms, demonstrating the potential of the technique for authenticating foods and ingredients through packaging. The line-scan SORS measurement technique provides a new method for subsurface inspection of food safety and quality.
Johnson, Kenneth A; Ruppe, Joan
This project was conducted with a multicultural construction company in Hawaii, USA. The job duties performed included drywall and carpentry work. The following objectives were selected for this project: (a) fire prevention training and inspection of first aid equipment; (b) blood-borne pathogen training and risk evaluation; (c) ergonomic and risk evaluation intervention program; (d) electrical safety training and inspection program; (e) slips, trips, and falls safety training; (f) stress assessment and Personal Profile System; (g) safety and health program survey; (h) improving employee relations and morale by emphasizing spirituality; and (i) computer-assisted biofeedback stress management training. Results of the project indicated that observed safety hazards, reported injuries, and levels of perceived stress. were reduced for the majority of the population.
Achieving Safety through Security Management
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ridgway, John
Whilst the achievement of safety objectives may not be possible purely through the administration of an effective Information Security Management System (ISMS), your job as safety manager will be significantly eased if such a system is in place. This paper seeks to illustrate the point by drawing a comparison between two of the prominent standards within the two disciplines of security and safety management.
From the traditional concept of safety management to safety integrated with quality.
García Herrero, Susana; Mariscal Saldaña, Miguel Angel; Manzanedo del Campo, Miguel Angel; Ritzel, Dale O
This editorial reviews the evolution of the concepts of safety and quality that have been used in the traditional workplace. The traditional programs of safety are explored showing strengths and weaknesses. The concept of quality management is also viewed. Safety management and quality management principles, stages, and measurement are highlighted. The concepts of quality and safety guarantee are assessed. Total Quality Management concepts are reviewed and applied to safety quality. Total safety management principles are discussed. Finally, an analysis of the relationship between quality and safety from data collected from a company in Spain is presented.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Inspection. 27.30 Section 27.30 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR TESTING, EVALUATION, AND APPROVAL OF MINING PRODUCTS METHANE-MONITORING SYSTEMS Test Requirements § 27.30 Inspection. A detailed inspection...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Inspection. 27.30 Section 27.30 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR TESTING, EVALUATION, AND APPROVAL OF MINING PRODUCTS METHANE-MONITORING SYSTEMS Test Requirements § 27.30 Inspection. A detailed inspection...
Luria, Gil; Morag, Ido
"Management by walking around" (MBWA) is a practice that has aroused much interest in management science and practice. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate adaptation of this practice to safety management. We describe a three-year long case study that collected empirical data in which a modified MBWA was practiced in order to improve safety in a semiconductor fabrication facility. The main modification involved integrating an information system with the MBWA in order to create a practice that would generate safety leadership development and an organizational safety learning mechanism, while promoting employee safety participation. The results of the case study demonstrate that the SMBWA practice facilitated thousands of tours in which safety leadership behaviors were practiced by managers and by employees (employees performed five times as many tours as managers). The information system collected information about safety behaviors and safety conditions that could not otherwise be obtained. Thus, this study presents a new organizational safety practice SMBWA, and demonstrates the ways in which SMBWA may improve safety in organizations. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
9 CFR 352.7 - Marking inspected products.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Section 352.7 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE..., the inspection mark applied to inspected and passed exotic animal carcasses, meat or meat food... abbreviations shall have the same force and effect as the inspection mark. The inspection mark or approved...
9 CFR 352.7 - Marking inspected products.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Section 352.7 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE..., the inspection mark applied to inspected and passed exotic animal carcasses, meat or meat food... abbreviations shall have the same force and effect as the inspection mark. The inspection mark or approved...
9 CFR 352.7 - Marking inspected products.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Section 352.7 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE..., the inspection mark applied to inspected and passed exotic animal carcasses, meat or meat food... abbreviations shall have the same force and effect as the inspection mark. The inspection mark or approved...
Management of health and safety in the organization of worktime at the local level.
Jeppesen, H J; Bøggild, H
This study examined the consideration of health and safety issues in the local process of organizing worktime within the framework of regulations. The study encompassed all 7 hospitals in one region of Denmark. Twenty-three semi-structured interviews were carried out with 2 representatives from the different parties involved (management, cooperation committees, health and safety committees from each hospital, and 2 local unions). Furthermore, a questionnaire was sent to all 114 wards with day and night duty. The response rate was 84%. Data were collected on alterations in worktime schedules, responsibilities, reasons for the present design of schedules, and use of inspection reports. The organization of worktime takes place in single wards without external interference and without guidelines other than the minimum standards set in regulations. At the ward level, management and employees were united in a mutual desire for flexibility, despite the fact that regulations were not always followed. No interaction was found in the management of health and safety factors between the parties concerned at different levels. The demands for flexibility in combination with the absence of guidelines and the missing dynamics between the parties involved imply that the handling of health and safety issues in the organization of worktime may be accidental and unsystematic. In order to consider the health and safety of night and shift workers within the framework of regulations, a clarification of responsibilities, operational levels, and cooperation is required between the parties concerned.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Sector Ohio Valley Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Pittsburgh. 3.40-65 Section 3.40-65 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY GENERAL COAST GUARD AREAS, DISTRICTS, SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Sector Ohio Valley Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Pittsburgh. 3.40-65 Section 3.40-65 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY GENERAL COAST GUARD AREAS, DISTRICTS, SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Sector Ohio Valley Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Pittsburgh. 3.40-65 Section 3.40-65 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY GENERAL COAST GUARD AREAS, DISTRICTS, SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Sector Ohio Valley Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Pittsburgh. 3.40-65 Section 3.40-65 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY GENERAL COAST GUARD AREAS, DISTRICTS, SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2011-N-0366] Food and Drug Administration Food Safety Modernization Act: Focus on Inspections and Compliance AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Notice of public meeting; request for comments. SUMMARY: The...
1 . REPORT NUMB» NJ00015 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO ’base I Inspection Report* lational Dam Safety Program* found Valley South Dam> ’Hunterdon...Springfield, Virginia, 22151. 1 «. KEY WOROS (Continue on rereree elde II neeeeeery end Identity by block number) National Dam Safety Program Dam...IW,. 1 ,W,,.^U„UI,H..l,. 1 ,«.M,.„—II SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OP THIS PAOEfWhan Dmtm gnlafQ SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEfWhan Data Fnr.r.di
5 CFR 8301.104 - Additional rules for employees of the Food Safety and Inspection Service.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Additional rules for employees of the Food Safety and Inspection Service. 8301.104 Section 8301.104 Administrative Personnel DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE § 8301.104 Additional rules for employees of the...
5 CFR 8301.104 - Additional rules for employees of the Food Safety and Inspection Service.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Additional rules for employees of the Food Safety and Inspection Service. 8301.104 Section 8301.104 Administrative Personnel DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE § 8301.104 Additional rules for employees of the...
5 CFR 8301.104 - Additional rules for employees of the Food Safety and Inspection Service.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Additional rules for employees of the Food Safety and Inspection Service. 8301.104 Section 8301.104 Administrative Personnel DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE § 8301.104 Additional rules for employees of the...
5 CFR 8301.104 - Additional rules for employees of the Food Safety and Inspection Service.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Additional rules for employees of the Food Safety and Inspection Service. 8301.104 Section 8301.104 Administrative Personnel DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE § 8301.104 Additional rules for employees of the...
5 CFR 8301.104 - Additional rules for employees of the Food Safety and Inspection Service.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Additional rules for employees of the Food Safety and Inspection Service. 8301.104 Section 8301.104 Administrative Personnel DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE § 8301.104 Additional rules for employees of the...
Wireless Roadside Inspection Proof of Concept Test Final Report
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Capps, Gary J; Franzese, Oscar; Knee, Helmut E
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) FMCSA commissioned the Wireless Roadside Inspection (WRI) Program to validate technologies and methodologies that can improve safety through inspections using wireless technologies that convey real-time identification of commercial vehicles, drivers, and carriers, as well as information about the condition of the vehicles and their drivers. It is hypothesized that these inspections will: -- Increase safety -- Decrease the number of unsafe commercial vehicles on the road; -- Increase efficiency -- Speed up the inspection process, enabling more inspections to occur, at least on par with the number of weight inspections; -- Improve effectiveness --more » Reduce the probability of drivers bypassing CMV inspection stations and increase the likelihood that fleets will attempt to meet the safety regulations; and -- Benefit industry -- Reduce fleet costs, provide good return-on-investment, minimize wait times, and level the playing field. The WRI Program is defined in three phases which are: Phase 1: Proof of Concept Test (POC) Testing of commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) or near-COTS technology to validate the wireless inspection concept. Phase 2: Pilot Test Safety technology maturation and back office system integration Phase 3: Field Operational Test Multi-vehicle testing over a multi-state instrumented corridor This report focuses on Phase 1 efforts that were initiated in March, 2006. Technical efforts dealt with the ability of a Universal Wireless Inspection System (UWIS) to collect driver, vehicle, and carrier information; format a Safety Data Message Set from this information; and wirelessly transmit a Safety Data Message Set to a roadside receiver unit or mobile enforcement vehicle.« less
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 9 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Wastewater-Inspection and Monitoring... and Monitoring Requirements for Waste Management Units To comply with Inspection or monitoring requirement Frequency of inspection or monitoring Method Tanks: 63.133(b)(1) Inspect fixed roof and all...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 10 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Wastewater-Inspection and Monitoring... and Monitoring Requirements for Waste Management Units To comply with Inspection or monitoring requirement Frequency of inspection or monitoring Method Tanks: 63.133(b)(1) Inspect fixed roof and all...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 10 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Wastewater-Inspection and Monitoring... and Monitoring Requirements for Waste Management Units To comply with Inspection or monitoring requirement Frequency of inspection or monitoring Method Tanks: 63.133(b)(1) Inspect fixed roof and all...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 10 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Wastewater-Inspection and Monitoring... and Monitoring Requirements for Waste Management Units To comply with Inspection or monitoring requirement Frequency of inspection or monitoring Method Tanks: 63.133(b)(1) Inspect fixed roof and all...
Occupational health and safety in China: the case of state-managed enterprises.
Chen, Meei-Shia; Chan, Anita
The widely held image, inside and outside China, of the total absence of an occupational health and safety (OHS) system in that country is not an accurate picture. This article argues that the unsafe working conditions and prevalent occupational diseases and injuries widely reported in the Chinese and foreign media occur mostly in private mines and in the Asian foreign-funded and domestic private manufacturing sectors. In contrast, the capital-intensive, larger state-owned enterprises and enterprises that have been transformed from state enterprises generally have better OHS systems. An in-depth study of two such enterprises reveals viable OHS systems, worker-management OHS committees, regular health and safety inspections, and trade unions' and workers congresses' oversight and supervision. Above all, there is an enterprise culture that regards accidents as avoidable, and both workers and management feel distressed and guilty when accidents happen. The authors believe it is important to acknowledge and champion these positive examples of "best practices" that can be emulated in workplaces throughout China, which is under great pressure from competitive domestic and global forces to relax its OHS standards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 12 2012-07-01 2011-07-01 true Wastewater-Inspection and Monitoring..., Subpt. GGG, Table 7 Table 7 to Subpart GGG of Part 63—Wastewater—Inspection and Monitoring Requirements for Waste Management Units To comply with Inspection or monitoring requirement Frequency of inspection...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 11 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Wastewater-Inspection and Monitoring..., Subpt. GGG, Table 7 Table 7 to Subpart GGG of Part 63—Wastewater—Inspection and Monitoring Requirements for Waste Management Units To comply with Inspection or monitoring requirement Frequency of inspection...
77 FR 75118 - National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Food Safety and Inspection Service [Docket No. FSIS-2012-0051] National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection AGENCY: Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice of public meeting. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Food Safety and...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... safety and environmental requirements? 285.800 Section 285.800 Mineral Resources MINERALS MANAGEMENT... OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF Environmental and Safety Management, Inspections, and Facility Assessments for... safety and environmental requirements? (a) You must conduct all activities on your lease or grant under...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Who may request an appeal inspection or review of an inspection program employee's decision. 592.400 Section 592.400 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Appeals § 592.400...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Who may request an appeal inspection or review of an inspection program employee's decision. 592.400 Section 592.400 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Appeals § 592.400...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Who may request an appeal inspection or review of an inspection program employee's decision. 592.400 Section 592.400 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Appeals § 592.400...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Who may request an appeal inspection or review of an inspection program employee's decision. 592.400 Section 592.400 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Appeals § 592.400...
33 CFR 164.80 - Tests, inspections, and voyage planning.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Tests, inspections, and voyage... SECURITY (CONTINUED) PORTS AND WATERWAYS SAFETY NAVIGATION SAFETY REGULATIONS § 164.80 Tests, inspections... shall ensure that the following tests and inspections of gear occur before the vessel embarks on a...
33 CFR 164.80 - Tests, inspections, and voyage planning.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Tests, inspections, and voyage... SECURITY (CONTINUED) PORTS AND WATERWAYS SAFETY NAVIGATION SAFETY REGULATIONS § 164.80 Tests, inspections... shall ensure that the following tests and inspections of gear occur before the vessel embarks on a...
33 CFR 164.80 - Tests, inspections, and voyage planning.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Tests, inspections, and voyage... SECURITY (CONTINUED) PORTS AND WATERWAYS SAFETY NAVIGATION SAFETY REGULATIONS § 164.80 Tests, inspections... shall ensure that the following tests and inspections of gear occur before the vessel embarks on a...
33 CFR 164.80 - Tests, inspections, and voyage planning.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Tests, inspections, and voyage... SECURITY (CONTINUED) PORTS AND WATERWAYS SAFETY NAVIGATION SAFETY REGULATIONS § 164.80 Tests, inspections... shall ensure that the following tests and inspections of gear occur before the vessel embarks on a...
Pathology Residents Comprise Inspection Team for a CAP Self-Inspection.
Beal, Stacy G; Kresak, Jesse L; Yachnis, Anthony T
We report our experience at the University of Florida in which residents and fellows served as the inspection team for a College of American Pathologists (CAP) self-inspection. We aimed to determine whether the CAP self-inspection could serve as a learning opportunity for pathology residents and fellows. To prepare for the inspection, we provided a series of 4 lunchtime seminars covering numerous laboratory management topics relating to inspections and laboratory quality. Preparation for the inspection began approximately 4 months prior to the date of the inspection. The intent was to simulate a CAP peer inspection, with the exception that the date was announced. The associate residency program director served as the team leader. All residents and fellows completed inspector training provided by CAP, and the team leader completed the team leader training. A 20 question pre- and posttest was administered; additionally, an anonymous survey was given after the inspection. The residents' and fellows' posttest scores were an average of 15% higher than on the pretest ( P < .01). The surveys as well as subjective comments were overwhelmingly positive. In conclusion, the resident's and fellow's experience as an inspector during a CAP self-inspection was a useful tool to learn accreditation and laboratory management.
Pathology Residents Comprise Inspection Team for a CAP Self-Inspection
Kresak, Jesse L.; Yachnis, Anthony T.
We report our experience at the University of Florida in which residents and fellows served as the inspection team for a College of American Pathologists (CAP) self-inspection. We aimed to determine whether the CAP self-inspection could serve as a learning opportunity for pathology residents and fellows. To prepare for the inspection, we provided a series of 4 lunchtime seminars covering numerous laboratory management topics relating to inspections and laboratory quality. Preparation for the inspection began approximately 4 months prior to the date of the inspection. The intent was to simulate a CAP peer inspection, with the exception that the date was announced. The associate residency program director served as the team leader. All residents and fellows completed inspector training provided by CAP, and the team leader completed the team leader training. A 20 question pre- and posttest was administered; additionally, an anonymous survey was given after the inspection. The residents’ and fellows’ posttest scores were an average of 15% higher than on the pretest (P < .01). The surveys as well as subjective comments were overwhelmingly positive. In conclusion, the resident’s and fellow’s experience as an inspector during a CAP self-inspection was a useful tool to learn accreditation and laboratory management. PMID:28725788
Effective Safety Management in Construction Project
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Othman, I.; Shafiq, Nasir; Nuruddin, M. F.
Effective safety management is one of the serious problems in the construction industry worldwide, especially in large-scale construction projects. There have been significant reductions in the number and the rate of injury over the last 20 years. Nevertheless, construction remains as one of the high risk industry. The purpose of this study is to examine safety management in the Malaysian construction industry, as well as to highlight the importance of construction safety management. The industry has contributed significantly to the economic growth of the country. However, when construction safety management is not implemented systematically, accidents will happen and this can affect the economic growth of the country. This study put the safety management in construction project as one of the important elements to project performance and success. The study emphasize on awareness and the factors that lead to the safety cases in construction project.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Who may request an appeal inspection or review of an inspection program employee's decision. 592.400 Section 592.400 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY...
9 CFR 355.7 - Inauguration of inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Inauguration of inspection. 355.7 Section 355.7 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION CERTIFIED PRODUCTS FOR DOGS, CATS, AND OTHER CARNIVORA; INSPECTION...
9 CFR 355.7 - Inauguration of inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Inauguration of inspection. 355.7 Section 355.7 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION CERTIFIED PRODUCTS FOR DOGS, CATS, AND OTHER CARNIVORA; INSPECTION...
Safety, Health, and Fire Prevention Guide for Hospital Safety Managers
Safety committee S 2-5 Oxygen quality assurance program 0 2-6 Safety and fire prevention library 0 2-7 Safety services to Dental Activities • 2-8...Chapter 2 Safety Management 2-1. Safety policy statement Health Services Command (HSC) Supplement (Suppl) 1 to Army Regulation (AR) 385-10 and the...Management. (b) The medical staff. (c) The nursing service . (d) Logistics. (e) Nutritional care. (f) Preventive medicine. * 2-3 USAEHA TG No. 152 March 1993 (g
Automated management for pavement inspection system (AMPIS)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chung, Hung Chi; Girardello, Roberto; Soeller, Tony; Shinozuka, Masanobu
An automated in-situ road surface distress surveying and management system, AMPIS, has been developed on the basis of video images within the framework of GIS software. Video image processing techniques are introduced to acquire, process and analyze the road surface images obtained from a moving vehicle. ArcGIS platform is used to integrate the routines of image processing and spatial analysis in handling the full-scale metropolitan highway surface distress detection and data fusion/management. This makes it possible to present user-friendly interfaces in GIS and to provide efficient visualizations of surveyed results not only for the use of transportation engineers to manage road surveying documentations, data acquisition, analysis and management, but also for financial officials to plan maintenance and repair programs and further evaluate the socio-economic impacts of highway degradation and deterioration. A review performed in this study on fundamental principle of Pavement Management System (PMS) and its implementation indicates that the proposed approach of using GIS concept and its tools for PMS application will reshape PMS into a new information technology-based system providing a convenient and efficient pavement inspection and management.
Safety Inspection of Dams" are not available. These studies should be performed by a professional engineer experienced in the design and experienced in the design and construction of tailings dams. An inspection and maintenance program should be initiated. Periodic inspections...Page No. SECTION 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION 1.1 General 1 1.2 Description of Project 1 1.3 Pertinent Data 2 SECTION 2 - ENGINEERING DATA 2.1 Design 5 2.2
47 CFR 80.59 - Compulsory ship inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
...) Inspection of ships subject to the Communications Act or the Safety Convention. (1) The FCC will not normally conduct the required inspections of ships subject to the inspection requirements of the Communications Act... inspections are intended to ensure the availability of communications capability during a distress the...
47 CFR 80.59 - Compulsory ship inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
...) Inspection of ships subject to the Communications Act or the Safety Convention. (1) The FCC will not normally conduct the required inspections of ships subject to the inspection requirements of the Communications Act... inspections are intended to ensure the availability of communications capability during a distress the...
47 CFR 80.59 - Compulsory ship inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
...) Inspection of ships subject to the Communications Act or the Safety Convention. (1) The FCC will not normally conduct the required inspections of ships subject to the inspection requirements of the Communications Act... inspections are intended to ensure the availability of communications capability during a distress the...
47 CFR 80.59 - Compulsory ship inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
...) Inspection of ships subject to the Communications Act or the Safety Convention. (1) The FCC will not normally conduct the required inspections of ships subject to the inspection requirements of the Communications Act... inspections are intended to ensure the availability of communications capability during a distress the...
47 CFR 80.59 - Compulsory ship inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
...) Inspection of ships subject to the Communications Act or the Safety Convention. (1) The FCC will not normally conduct the required inspections of ships subject to the inspection requirements of the Communications Act... inspections are intended to ensure the availability of communications capability during a distress the...
9 CFR 390.4 - Facilities for inspection and copying.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Facilities for inspection and copying. 390.4 Section 390.4 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION § 390.4 Facilities for...
9 CFR 390.4 - Facilities for inspection and copying.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Facilities for inspection and copying. 390.4 Section 390.4 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION § 390.4 Facilities for...
9 CFR 390.4 - Facilities for inspection and copying.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Facilities for inspection and copying. 390.4 Section 390.4 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION § 390.4 Facilities for...
9 CFR 390.4 - Facilities for inspection and copying.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Facilities for inspection and copying. 390.4 Section 390.4 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION § 390.4 Facilities for...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Sector Ohio Valley Marine....40-65 Sector Ohio Valley Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Pittsburgh. Sector Ohio Valley's office is located in Louisville, KY. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Young chicken and squab slaughter inspection rate maximums under traditional inspection procedure. 381.67 Section 381.67 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS...
Gadomski, Anne M; Vargha, Marybeth; Tallman, Nancy; Scribani, Melissa B; Kelsey, Timothy W
OSHA inspection of dairy farms began in July 1, 2014 in New York State. As of September 2014, a total of eight farms were randomly selected for inspection. This case study addresses how dairy farm managers prepared for these inspections, and identifies farm level costs preparing for inspection and/or being inspected. Four farms that were OSHA inspected and 12 farms that were not inspected were included in this mixed method evaluation using a multimodal (telephone, email, or mail) survey. Descriptive analysis was carried out using frequencies, proportions, means, and medians. Overall, the impact of OSHA inspections was positive, leading to improved safety management and physical changes on the farm and worker trainings, although the farmers' perspectives about OSHA inspection were mixed. The cost of compliance was low relative to estimated overall production costs. Clarifications and engineering solutions for specific dairy farm hazard exposures are needed to facilitate compliance with OSHA regulations. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
30 CFR 57.7003 - Drill area inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Drill area inspection. 57.7003 Section 57.7003... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Drilling and Rotary Jet Piercing Drilling-Surface Only § 57.7003 Drill area inspection. The drilling area shall be...
30 CFR 57.7003 - Drill area inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Drill area inspection. 57.7003 Section 57.7003... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Drilling and Rotary Jet Piercing Drilling-Surface Only § 57.7003 Drill area inspection. The drilling area shall be...
30 CFR 57.7003 - Drill area inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Drill area inspection. 57.7003 Section 57.7003... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Drilling and Rotary Jet Piercing Drilling-Surface Only § 57.7003 Drill area inspection. The drilling area shall be...
30 CFR 57.7003 - Drill area inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Drill area inspection. 57.7003 Section 57.7003... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Drilling and Rotary Jet Piercing Drilling-Surface Only § 57.7003 Drill area inspection. The drilling area shall be...
30 CFR 57.7003 - Drill area inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Drill area inspection. 57.7003 Section 57.7003... SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Drilling and Rotary Jet Piercing Drilling-Surface Only § 57.7003 Drill area inspection. The drilling area shall be...
Backe, S; Janson, S; Timpka, T
The objective of this study was to explore whether all-purpose health or safety promotion programmes and sports safety policies affect sports safety practices in local communities. Case study research methods were used to compare sports safety activities among offices in 73 Swedish municipalities; 28 with ongoing health or safety promotion programmes and 45 controls. The offices in municipalities with the WHO Healthy Cities (HC) or Safe Communities programmes were more likely to perform frequent inspections of sports facilities, and offices in the WHO HC programme were more likely to involve sports clubs in inspections. More than every second, property management office and environmental protection office conducted sports safety inspections compared with less than one in four planning offices and social welfare offices. It is concluded that all-purpose health and safety promotion programmes can reach out to have an effect on sports safety practices in local communities. These safety practices also reflect administrative work routines and managerial traditions.
9 CFR 302.1 - Establishments requiring inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
9 CFR 302.1 - Establishments requiring inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
9 CFR 304.1 - Application for inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
9 CFR 302.1 - Establishments requiring inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
9 CFR 304.1 - Application for inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
9 CFR 304.1 - Application for inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
9 CFR 590.660 - Inspection of exempted plants.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Inspection of exempted plants. 590.660 Section 590.660 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION INSPECTION OF EGGS AND EGG PRODUCTS (EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT) Exempted Egg...
9 CFR 590.660 - Inspection of exempted plants.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Inspection of exempted plants. 590.660 Section 590.660 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION INSPECTION OF EGGS AND EGG PRODUCTS (EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT) Exempted Egg...
30 CFR 77.1501 - Auger mining; inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Auger mining; inspections. 77.1501 Section 77.1501 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND... Auger Mining § 77.1501 Auger mining; inspections. (a) The face of all highwalls, to a distance of 25...
30 CFR 77.1713 - Daily inspection of surface coal mine; certified person; reports of inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... more often if necessary for safety, each active working area and each active surface installation shall...; certified person; reports of inspection. 77.1713 Section 77.1713 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS, SURFACE COAL MINES...
Software Formal Inspections Guidebook
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The Software Formal Inspections Guidebook is designed to support the inspection process of software developed by and for NASA. This document provides information on how to implement a recommended and proven method for conducting formal inspections of NASA software. This Guidebook is a companion document to NASA Standard 2202-93, Software Formal Inspections Standard, approved April 1993, which provides the rules, procedures, and specific requirements for conducting software formal inspections. Application of the Formal Inspections Standard is optional to NASA program or project management. In cases where program or project management decide to use the formal inspections method, this Guidebook provides additional information on how to establish and implement the process. The goal of the formal inspections process as documented in the above-mentioned Standard and this Guidebook is to provide a framework and model for an inspection process that will enable the detection and elimination of defects as early as possible in the software life cycle. An ancillary aspect of the formal inspection process incorporates the collection and analysis of inspection data to effect continual improvement in the inspection process and the quality of the software subjected to the process.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hsiung, Liang-Yuan; Lai, Mu-Hui
This study intends to solve the problem that schools in Taiwan lack of the equipment for color management and inspection instruction and seek ways to improve learning results and reduce cognitive load. The researchers developed 3D courseware for color management and inspection through a research and development process. To further scrutinize the…
Predicting safety culture: the roles of employer, operations manager and safety professional.
Wu, Tsung-Chih; Lin, Chia-Hung; Shiau, Sen-Yu
This study explores predictive factors in safety culture. In 2008, a sample 939 employees was drawn from 22 departments of a telecoms firm in five regions in central Taiwan. The sample completed a questionnaire containing four scales: the employer safety leadership scale, the operations manager safety leadership scale, the safety professional safety leadership scale, and the safety culture scale. The sample was then randomly split into two subsamples. One subsample was used for measures development, one for the empirical study. A stepwise regression analysis found four factors with a significant impact on safety culture (R²=0.337): safety informing by operations managers; safety caring by employers; and safety coordination and safety regulation by safety professionals. Safety informing by operations managers (ß=0.213) was by far the most significant predictive factor. The findings of this study provide a framework for promoting a positive safety culture at the group level. Crown Copyright © 2010. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
9 CFR 352.9 - Report of inspection work.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Report of inspection work. 352.9 Section 352.9 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... inspection work. Reports of the work of inspection carried on within the field ante-mortem inspection area of...
Development of Inspection and Investigation Techniques to Prepare Debris Flow in Urban Areas
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Seong, Joo-Hyun; Jung, Min-Hyeong; Park, Kyung-Han; An, Jai-Wook; Kim, Jiseong
Due to the urban development, various facilities are located in mountainous areas near the city, and the damage to the occurrence of the debris flow is increasing in the urban area. However, quantitative inspection and investigation techniques are not sufficient for preparing debris flow in the urban area around the world. Therefore, in this study, we developed the debris flow inspection and investigation techniques, which are suitable for urban characteristics, regarding the soil hazard prevention and restoration in urban area. First, the inspection and investigation system is divided into the daily occurrence and the occurrence of the soil hazard event, and the inspection / investigation flow chart were developed based on the kind of inspection and correspondence required for each situation. The types of inspections applied in this study were determined as daily inspection, regular inspections, special emergency inspection, damage emergency inspection and In-depth safety inspection. The management agency, term of inspection, objects to be inspected, and contents of inspection work were presented according to type of each inspection. The daily inspection routinely checks for signs of collapse and conditions of facilities in urban areas which show vulnerability for soil hazard and that are conducted from the management agency. In the case of regular inspection, an expert for soil hazards regularly conducts detailed visual surveys on mountainous areas, steep slopes, prevention facilities and adjacent facilities in vulnerable areas. On the other hand, it was decided that the emergency inspection is carried out in the event of the occurrence of vulnerable element or soil hazards. Acknowledgement This study was conducted with the research iund support by the constructiontechnology research project of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (project number 16SCIP-B069989-04)
Gonçalves, R M A; Lancman, S; Trudel, L; Jardim, T A; Sznelwar, L I; Santos, M C; Freeman, Andrew
The Traffic Engineering Company of the City of São Paulo (Brazil) observed a decrease in productivity, and an increase in sick leave, accidents and psychological distress among their parking inspection agents. To document this situation, qualitative research was undertaken to obtain an in-depth comprehension of work activity. Workers, managers and health and safety professionals contributed to the documentation of the problem and to the proposal of possible solutions. Ergonomic work analysis focusing on real work activity, as well as interviews with individual or groups of stakeholders, were conducted. This research revealed that political-economic factors gradually contributed to: 1) an increasing work load; 2) growing fatigue throughout the day, increasing the workers' vulnerability to incidents and accidents and their tendency to react inappropriately to violence experienced on the street; and 3) excessive individual responsibility to manage dangerous situations. Recommendations to ameliorate the situation are proposed. These suggestions are discussed in terms of feasibility given the impact of macro social factors upon micro work activity, and the associated potential expansion of the ergonomist's role.
Associations between safety climate and safety management practices in the construction industry.
Marín, Luz S; Lipscomb, Hester; Cifuentes, Manuel; Punnett, Laura
Safety climate, a group-level measure of workers' perceptions regarding management's safety priorities, has been suggested as a key predictor of safety outcomes. However, its relationship with actual injury rates is inconsistent. We posit that safety climate may instead be a parallel outcome of workplace safety practices, rather than a determinant of workers' safety behaviors or outcomes. Using a sample of 25 commercial construction companies in Colombia, selected by injury rate stratum (high, medium, low), we examined the relationship between workers' safety climate perceptions and safety management practices (SMPs) reported by safety officers. Workers' perceptions of safety climate were independent of their own company's implementation of SMPs, as measured here, and its injury rates. However, injury rates were negatively related to the implementation of SMPs. Safety management practices may be more important than workers' perceptions of safety climate as direct predictors of injury rates. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
49 CFR 229.25 - Tests: Every periodic inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Tests: Every periodic inspection. 229.25 Section... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD LOCOMOTIVE SAFETY STANDARDS Inspections and Tests § 229.25 Tests: Every periodic inspection. Each periodic inspection shall include the following: (a) All...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 12 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Wastewater-Inspection and Monitoring... Production Pt. 63, Subpt. GGG, Table 7 Table 7 to Subpart GGG of Part 63—Wastewater—Inspection and Monitoring Requirements for Waste Management Units To comply with Inspection or monitoring requirement Frequency of...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 12 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Wastewater-Inspection and Monitoring... Production Pt. 63, Subpt. GGG, Table 7 Table 7 to Subpart GGG of Part 63—Wastewater—Inspection and Monitoring Requirements for Waste Management Units To comply with Inspection or monitoring requirement Frequency of...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Fire Prevention and Control... following schedules: (1) Fire extinguishers shall be inspected visually at least once a month to determine...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Fire Prevention and Control... following schedules: (1) Fire extinguishers shall be inspected visually at least once a month to determine...
Machine vision inspection of railroad track
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
North American Railways and the United States Department of Transportation : (US DOT) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) require periodic inspection of railway : infrastructure to ensure the safety of railway operation. This inspection is a critic...
49 CFR 180.511 - Acceptable results of inspections and tests.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
...) Safety system inspection. A tank car successfully passes the safety system inspection when each thermal..., distortion, excessive permanent expansion, or other evidence of weakness that might render the tank car...
49 CFR 237.107 - Conduct of bridge inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Conduct of bridge inspections. 237.107 Section 237... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE SAFETY STANDARDS Bridge Inspection § 237.107 Conduct of bridge inspections. Bridge inspections shall be conducted under the direct supervision of a designated...
49 CFR 237.107 - Conduct of bridge inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Conduct of bridge inspections. 237.107 Section 237... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE SAFETY STANDARDS Bridge Inspection § 237.107 Conduct of bridge inspections. Bridge inspections shall be conducted under the direct supervision of a designated...
Surviving your first OSHA inspection.
Coughlin, L; Jukkala, P
With the inception of the bloodborne pathogens standard, home care agencies are more likely to undergo an inspection by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. What should employers know, and how can they always be prepared for the startling announcement of an OSHA inspection?
9 CFR 304.1 - Application for inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Application for inspection. 304.1 Section 304.1 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY...
9 CFR 302.1 - Establishments requiring inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Establishments requiring inspection. 302.1 Section 302.1 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY...
9 CFR 354.63 - Marking inspected products.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Marking inspected products. 354.63 Section 354.63 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY...
76 FR 14592 - Safety Management System; Withdrawal
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...-06A] RIN 2120-AJ15 Safety Management System; Withdrawal AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA... (``product/ service providers'') to develop a Safety Management System (SMS). The FAA is withdrawing the... management with a set of robust decision-making tools to use to improve safety. The FAA received 89 comments...
9 CFR 381.182 - Reports of inspection work.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Reports of inspection work. 381.182 Section 381.182 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE....182 Reports of inspection work. Reports of the inspection work carried on within official...
Bruno, Santina; Bena, Antonella; Debernardi, Maria Luisa; Nava, S; Pastore, Raffaella; Proietti, C; Quarta, D
To assess the effectiveness of safety inspections in the construction industry in Piedmont in terms of exposure to risk and injuries. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the surveillance activities carried out in Piedmont between 2001 and 2005: to this purpose, we used a logical framework and we identified indicators to evaluate the process and its impact on exposure and injuries. fixed standards involving the number of safety inspections and the type of constructions under control were respected; there was always sufficient diversity among the public works under control, although local health units used different working methods. Impact on exposure and injuries: injury rates in the construction industry in Piedmont showed a decreasing trend and systematically lower values compared to national rates. Injury rates in the "roads and railways" sector showed an increasing trend owing to the great number of public works under construction. In this case, the effect of preventive measures seems less noticeable, but this mainly depends on methodological limits, such as mismatch between numerator and denominator, difficulties in estimating the number of workers actually present on the sites, underreporting of minor events. Despite the limitations of a retrospective analysis, the Piedmont safety inspection programme for the construction industry showed coherence with the objectives and had a positive impact on injury rates.
Thermographic inspection of pipes, tanks, and containment liners
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Renshaw, Jeremy B.; Lhota, James R.; Muthu, Nathan; Shepard, Steven M.
Nuclear power plants are required to operate at a high level of safety. Recent industry and license renewal commitments aim to further increase safety by requiring the inspection of components that have not traditionally undergone detailed inspected in the past, such as tanks and liners. NEI 09-14 requires the inspection of buried pipes and tanks while containment liner inspections are required as a part of license renewal commitments. Containment liner inspections must inspect the carbon steel liner for defects - such as corrosion - that could threaten the pressure boundary and ideally, should be able to inspect the surrounding concrete for foreign material that could be in contact with the steel liner and potentially initiate corrosion. Such an inspection requires a simultaneous evaluation of two materials with very different material properties. Rapid, yet detailed, inspection results are required due to the massive size of the tanks and containment liners to be inspected. For this reason, thermal NDE methods were evaluated to inspect tank and containment liner mockups with simulated defects. Thermographic Signal Reconstruction (TSR) was utilized to enhance the images and provide detailed information on the sizes and shapes of the observed defects. The results show that thermographic inspection is highly sensitive to the defects of interest and is capable of rapidly inspecting large areas.
System Enhancements for Mechanical Inspection Processes
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hawkins, Myers IV
Quality inspection of parts is a major component to any project that requires hardware implementation. Keeping track of all of the inspection jobs is essential to having a smooth running process. By using HTML, the programming language ColdFusion, and the MySQL database, I created a web-based job management system for the 170 Mechanical Inspection Group that will replace the Microsoft Access based management system. This will improve the ways inspectors and the people awaiting inspection view and keep track of hardware as it is in the inspection process. In the end, the management system should be able to insert jobs into a queue, place jobs in and out of a bonded state, pre-release bonded jobs, and close out inspection jobs.
Hogg-Johnson, Sheilah; Robson, Lynda; Cole, Donald C; Amick, Benjamin C; Tompa, Emile; Smith, Peter M; van Eerd, Dwayne; Mustard, Cameron
From 2004 to 2008, the prevention system in Ontario, Canada ran the High Risk Firm Initiative, an injury-experience based targeted consultation or inspection programme. Our objective was to establish whether prevention system targeting of firms was effective in improving injury outcomes. Randomised controlled parallel groups. Population included all manufacturing firms registered with the Ontario Workplace Safety & Insurance Board in 2005. Firms ranked between the 2nd and 10th percentile on a composite measure of occupational health and safety performance were randomised to three study arms in 2006: targeted for Health & Safety Association (HSA) consultation, targeted for Ministry of Labour (MOL) inspection, or services as usual. Data included firm characteristics (sector, size, years in business, region, branches), work injury claims 2002-2008 and measures of consulting and inspecting activity. Negative binomial generalised estimating equations modelled claim and disability day rates by study arm and year, controlling for firm characteristics. Among 2153 firms, firm characteristics and 2002-2005 rates of work injury claims and disability days were similar across arms. Firm outcomes were significantly different from year to year, but study arm by year interactions were insignificant indicating similar trends for all three study arms. 83% of HSA targeted firms were contacted and 63% engaged while 75% of MOL targeted firms were inspected with orders written in 56%. Consultation and enforcement programmes as implemented were not sufficient to reduce work injury outcomes over 21 month follow-up. Lack of benefit could be due to non-specific firm selection methods, limited firm participation in interventions, low intervention intensity or insensitivity of available outcomes.
9 CFR 304.3 - Conditions for receiving inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
9 CFR 354.90 - Report of inspection work.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Report of inspection work. 354.90 Section 354.90 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... Report of inspection work. Reports of the work of inspection carried on within official plants shall be...
Buntain, Bonnie J
Meeting the needs of public service practice is a responsibility of the veterinary profession. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has undergone significant change since 1996, when the final rule on Pathogen Reduction and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems and its regulations were published in response to food-borne illnesses and deaths due to E. coli 0157:H7 in undercooked hamburgers. As a result, the role of the veterinarian is changing from a focus on carcass inspection (reactive) to scientific-based systems analysis and enforcement (preventive). With a large pool of veterinarians eligible to retire, a critical shortage of field veterinarians is predicted. The purpose of this article is to raise educators' awareness of this need, of the competencies required, and of the challenges and opportunities for veterinarians in the new public health-focused FSIS. An invitation to collaborate with the agency is offered to help meet emerging workforce requirements in public health practice.
Database management systems for process safety.
Early, William F
Several elements of the process safety management regulation (PSM) require tracking and documentation of actions; process hazard analyses, management of change, process safety information, operating procedures, training, contractor safety programs, pre-startup safety reviews, incident investigations, emergency planning, and compliance audits. These elements can result in hundreds of actions annually that require actions. This tracking and documentation commonly is a failing identified in compliance audits, and is difficult to manage through action lists, spreadsheets, or other tools that are comfortably manipulated by plant personnel. This paper discusses the recent implementation of a database management system at a chemical plant and chronicles the improvements accomplished through the introduction of a customized system. The system as implemented modeled the normal plant workflows, and provided simple, recognizable user interfaces for ease of use.
Safety intelligence: an exploration of senior managers' characteristics.
Fruhen, L S; Mearns, K J; Flin, R; Kirwan, B
Senior managers can have a strong influence on organisational safety. But little is known about which of their personal attributes support their impact on safety. In this paper, we introduce the concept of 'safety intelligence' as related to senior managers' ability to develop and enact safety policies and explore possible characteristics related to it in two studies. Study 1 (N = 76) involved direct reports to chief executive officers (CEOs) of European air traffic management (ATM) organisations, who completed a short questionnaire asking about characteristics and behaviours that are ideal for a CEO's influence on safety. Study 2 involved senior ATM managers (N = 9) in various positions in interviews concerning their day-to-day work on safety. Both studies indicated six attributes of senior managers as relevant for their safety intelligence, particularly, social competence and safety knowledge, followed by motivation, problem-solving, personality and interpersonal leadership skills. These results have recently been applied in guidance for safety management practices in a White Paper published by EUROCONTROL. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fido, A. T.; Wood, D. O.
This document discusses the issues that need to be considered by the education and training system as it responds to the changing needs of industry in Great Britain. Following a general introduction, the development of quality management ideas is traced. The underlying principles of safety and risk management are clarified and the implications of…
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Inspection by Coast Guard marine inspectors or Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement inspectors. 140.101 Section 140... CONTINENTAL SHELF ACTIVITIES GENERAL Inspections § 140.101 Inspection by Coast Guard marine inspectors or...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Inspection by Coast Guard marine inspectors or Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement inspectors. 140.101 Section 140... CONTINENTAL SHELF ACTIVITIES GENERAL Inspections § 140.101 Inspection by Coast Guard marine inspectors or...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Inspection by Coast Guard marine inspectors or Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement inspectors. 140.101 Section 140... CONTINENTAL SHELF ACTIVITIES GENERAL Inspections § 140.101 Inspection by Coast Guard marine inspectors or...
SafetyAnalyst : software tools for safety management of specific highway sites
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
SafetyAnalyst provides a set of software tools for use by state and local highway agencies for highway safety management. SafetyAnalyst can be used by highway agencies to improve their programming of site-specific highway safety improvements. SafetyA...
9 CFR 381.14 - Inspection concerning purportedly exempted operations.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Inspection concerning purportedly exempted operations. 381.14 Section 381.14 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE... Inspection concerning purportedly exempted operations. Inspectors of the Inspection Service are authorized to...
ificatiozh Distributon/ Availabilit oe LAKEVIEW ESTATES DAM WARREN COUNTY, MISSOURI MISSOURI INVENTORY NO. 11004 PHASE I INSPECTION REPORT NATIONAL DAM SAFETY...and *impounds less than 1,000 acre-feet of water . Our inspection and evaluation indicates that the spill- way of Lakeview Estates Dam does not meet...not be measured because of high reservoir level, scalloping near the crest and a berm just under the water surface. Limestone riprap in sizes from sand
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Shull, Forrest; Feldmann, Raimund; Haingaertner, Ralf; Regardie, Myrna; Seaman, Carolyn
It is often the case in software projects that when schedule and budget resources are limited, the Verification and Validation (V&V) activities suffer. Fewer V&V activities can be afforded and moreover, short-term challenges can result in V&V activities being scaled back or dropped altogether. As a result, too often the default solution is to save activities for improving software quality until too late in the life-cycle, relying on late-term code inspections followed by thorough testing activities to reduce defect counts to acceptable levels. As many project managers realize, however, this is a resource-intensive way of achieving the required quality for software. The Full Life-cycle Defect Management Assessment Initiative, funded by NASA s Office of Safety and Mission Assurance under the Software Assurance Research Program, aims to address these problems by: Improving the effectiveness of early life-cycle V&V activities to make their benefits more attractive to team leads. Specifically, we focus on software inspection, a proven method that can be applied to any software work product, long before executable code has been developed; Better communicating this effectiveness to software development teams, along with suggestions for parameters to improve in the future to increase effectiveness; Analyzing the impact of early life-cycle V&V on the effectiveness and cost required for late life-cycle V&V activities, such as testing, in order to make the tradeoffs more apparent. This white paper reports on an initial milestone in this work, the development of a preliminary model of inspection effectiveness across multiple NASA Centers. This model contributes toward reaching our project goals by: Allowing an examination of inspection parameters, across different types of projects and different work products, for an analysis of factors that impact defect detection effectiveness. Allowing a comparison of this NASA-specific model to existing recommendations in the literature
Thermographic inspection of pipes, tanks, and containment liners
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Renshaw, Jeremy B., E-mail:; Muthu, Nathan; Lhota, James R.
Nuclear power plants are required to operate at a high level of safety. Recent industry and license renewal commitments aim to further increase safety by requiring the inspection of components that have not traditionally undergone detailed inspected in the past, such as tanks and liners. NEI 09-14 requires the inspection of buried pipes and tanks while containment liner inspections are required as a part of license renewal commitments. Containment liner inspections must inspect the carbon steel liner for defects - such as corrosion - that could threaten the pressure boundary and ideally, should be able to inspect the surrounding concretemore » for foreign material that could be in contact with the steel liner and potentially initiate corrosion. Such an inspection requires a simultaneous evaluation of two materials with very different material properties. Rapid, yet detailed, inspection results are required due to the massive size of the tanks and containment liners to be inspected. For this reason, thermal NDE methods were evaluated to inspect tank and containment liner mockups with simulated defects. Thermographic Signal Reconstruction (TSR) was utilized to enhance the images and provide detailed information on the sizes and shapes of the observed defects. The results show that thermographic inspection is highly sensitive to the defects of interest and is capable of rapidly inspecting large areas.« less
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... [Docket No. FMCSA-2011-0046] RIN 2126-AB34 Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance; Driver-Vehicle Inspection... Carrier Equipment Management Association and the Institute of International Container Lessors. DATES: . Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. Mail: Docket Management Facility: U...
49 CFR 237.111 - Review of bridge inspection reports.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Review of bridge inspection reports. 237.111... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE SAFETY STANDARDS Bridge Inspection § 237.111 Review of bridge inspection reports. Bridge inspection reports shall be reviewed by railroad bridge supervisors and railroad...
49 CFR 237.111 - Review of bridge inspection reports.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Review of bridge inspection reports. 237.111... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIDGE SAFETY STANDARDS Bridge Inspection § 237.111 Review of bridge inspection reports. Bridge inspection reports shall be reviewed by railroad bridge supervisors and railroad...
47 CFR 95.1129 - Station inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Station inspection. 95.1129 Section 95.1129 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES PERSONAL RADIO SERVICES Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS) General Provisions § 95.1129 Station inspection. All...
47 CFR 80.903 - Inspection of radiotelephone installation.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... ship passes the inspection, the technician will issue a Communications Act Safety Radiotelephony... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Inspection of radiotelephone installation. 80... Passenger Boats § 80.903 Inspection of radiotelephone installation. Every vessel subject to Part III of...
49 CFR 215.13 - Pre-departure inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD FREIGHT CAR SAFETY STANDARDS General § 215.13 Pre-departure inspection. (a) At each location where a freight car is placed in a train, the freight car shall be inspected before the train departs. This inspection may be made before or after the car is placed in the train. (b...
49 CFR 215.13 - Pre-departure inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD FREIGHT CAR SAFETY STANDARDS General § 215.13 Pre-departure inspection. (a) At each location where a freight car is placed in a train, the freight car shall be inspected before the train departs. This inspection may be made before or after the car is placed in the train. (b...
49 CFR 215.13 - Pre-departure inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD FREIGHT CAR SAFETY STANDARDS General § 215.13 Pre-departure inspection. (a) At each location where a freight car is placed in a train, the freight car shall be inspected before the train departs. This inspection may be made before or after the car is placed in the train. (b...
49 CFR 215.13 - Pre-departure inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD FREIGHT CAR SAFETY STANDARDS General § 215.13 Pre-departure inspection. (a) At each location where a freight car is placed in a train, the freight car shall be inspected before the train departs. This inspection may be made before or after the car is placed in the train. (b...
49 CFR 215.13 - Pre-departure inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAILROAD FREIGHT CAR SAFETY STANDARDS General § 215.13 Pre-departure inspection. (a) At each location where a freight car is placed in a train, the freight car shall be inspected before the train departs. This inspection may be made before or after the car is placed in the train. (b...
... Forms Standard Forms FSIS United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service About FSIS District ... must be federally inspected. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) carries ...
9 CFR 381.14 - Inspection concerning purportedly exempted operations.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Inspection concerning purportedly exempted operations. 381.14 Section 381.14 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND...
34 which identifies the program element, project, task area, and work unit or equivalent under which the work was authorized. Block 11. Controlling ...Dam Inventory and Inspection Section, LMSED-PD ULSF 210 Tucker Blvd., North, St. Louis, Mo. 63101D C O 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12m...under the National Program of Inspection of Non -Federal Dams. This report assesses the general condition of the dam with a respect to safety, based on
49 CFR 109.3 - Inspections and Investigations.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
47 CFR 95.1007 - Station inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Station inspection. 95.1007 Section 95.1007 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES PERSONAL RADIO SERVICES Low Power Radio Service (LPRS) General Provisions § 95.1007 Station inspection. All LPRS system...
47 CFR 101.201 - Station inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Station inspection. 101.201 Section 101.201 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES Operational Requirements § 101.201 Station inspection. The licensee of each station authorized in...
47 CFR 101.201 - Station inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Station inspection. 101.201 Section 101.201 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES Operational Requirements § 101.201 Station inspection. The licensee of each station authorized in...
47 CFR 101.201 - Station inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Station inspection. 101.201 Section 101.201 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES Operational Requirements § 101.201 Station inspection. The licensee of each station authorized in...
47 CFR 101.201 - Station inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Station inspection. 101.201 Section 101.201 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES Operational Requirements § 101.201 Station inspection. The licensee of each station authorized in...
47 CFR 101.201 - Station inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Station inspection. 101.201 Section 101.201 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES FIXED MICROWAVE SERVICES Operational Requirements § 101.201 Station inspection. The licensee of each station authorized in...
Dudeja, Puja; Singh, Amarjeet
Introduction: Food safety inspections serve two purposes; determine compliance with the law and gather evidence for enforcement if there is noncompliance. The present study was conducted to assess the role of regular inspections on food safety in hospital premises. Methodology: This was an intervention based before and after study. A tool was prepared based on the Food Safety and Standards Regulations (FSSR) (in India) 2011. This included major, critical, and highly critical domains. Each item in the tool scored between 1 and 3 (poor, satisfactory, and good). Based on this, each eating establishment (EE) was given a score on conformance to FSSR 2011. Monthly inspection was made over a year and corrective actions were suggested. Results: The minimum preintervention score was (41.28%), and maximum was (77.25%). There was no significant association between type of meal services and score EE (P > 0.05). Higher proportion of EEs within the hospital building had a satisfactory and good score as compared to EEs outside the hospital building but within hospital premises (P < 0.05). Postintervention, there was a significant change (increase) in the scores of EEs. There was a significant increase in mean scores of EEs under major domains namely maintenance, layout of equipment, monitoring an detection, and elimination of food sources to the pests. Under critical and highly critical domains personal cleanliness, training, and self-inspection by food business operators improved significantly. Conclusion: Regular inspections can improve the food safety standards in EEs. PMID:29184325
Dudeja, Puja; Singh, Amarjeet
Food safety inspections serve two purposes; determine compliance with the law and gather evidence for enforcement if there is noncompliance. The present study was conducted to assess the role of regular inspections on food safety in hospital premises. This was an intervention based before and after study. A tool was prepared based on the Food Safety and Standards Regulations (FSSR) (in India) 2011. This included major, critical, and highly critical domains. Each item in the tool scored between 1 and 3 (poor, satisfactory, and good). Based on this, each eating establishment (EE) was given a score on conformance to FSSR 2011. Monthly inspection was made over a year and corrective actions were suggested. The minimum preintervention score was (41.28%), and maximum was (77.25%). There was no significant association between type of meal services and score EE ( P > 0.05). Higher proportion of EEs within the hospital building had a satisfactory and good score as compared to EEs outside the hospital building but within hospital premises ( P < 0.05). Postintervention, there was a significant change (increase) in the scores of EEs. There was a significant increase in mean scores of EEs under major domains namely maintenance, layout of equipment, monitoring an detection, and elimination of food sources to the pests. Under critical and highly critical domains personal cleanliness, training, and self-inspection by food business operators improved significantly. Regular inspections can improve the food safety standards in EEs.
Tompa, Emile; Robson, Lynda; Sarnocinska-Hart, Anna; Klassen, Robert; Shevchenko, Anton; Sharma, Sharvani; Hogg-Johnson, Sheilah; Amick, Benjamin C; Johnston, David A; Veltri, Anthony; Pagell, Mark
The aim of this study was to determine whether management system practices directed at both occupational health and safety (OHS) and operations (joint management system [JMS] practices) result in better outcomes in both areas than in alternative practices. Separate regressions were estimated for OHS and operational outcomes using data from a survey along with administrative records on injuries and illnesses. Organizations with JMS practices had better operational and safety outcomes than organizations without these practices. They had similar OHS outcomes as those with operations-weak practices, and in some cases, better outcomes than organizations with safety-weak practices. They had similar operational outcomes as those with safety-weak practices, and better outcomes than those with operations-weak practices. Safety and operations appear complementary in organizations with JMS practices in that there is no penalty for either safety or operational outcomes.
9 CFR 303.2 - Experimentation: Intensity of inspection coverage.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Experimentation: Intensity of inspection coverage. 303.2 Section 303.2 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION...
9 CFR 303.2 - Experimentation: Intensity of inspection coverage.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Experimentation: Intensity of inspection coverage. 303.2 Section 303.2 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION...
9 CFR 303.2 - Experimentation: Intensity of inspection coverage.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Experimentation: Intensity of inspection coverage. 303.2 Section 303.2 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION...
Restaurant manager and worker food safety certification and knowledge.
Brown, Laura G; Le, Brenda; Wong, Melissa R; Reimann, David; Nicholas, David; Faw, Brenda; Davis, Ernestine; Selman, Carol A
Over half of foodborne illness outbreaks occur in restaurants. To combat these outbreaks, many public health agencies require food safety certification for restaurant managers, and sometimes workers. Certification entails passing a food safety knowledge examination, which is typically preceded by food safety training. Current certification efforts are based on the assumption that certification leads to greater food safety knowledge. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted this study to examine the relationship between food safety knowledge and certification. We also examined the relationships between food safety knowledge and restaurant, manager, and worker characteristics. We interviewed managers (N=387) and workers (N=365) about their characteristics and assessed their food safety knowledge. Analyses showed that certified managers and workers had greater food safety knowledge than noncertified managers and workers. Additionally, managers and workers whose primary language was English had greater food safety knowledge than those whose primary language was not English. Other factors associated with greater food safety knowledge included working in a chain restaurant, working in a larger restaurant, having more experience, and having more duties. These findings indicate that certification improves food safety knowledge, and that complex relationships exist among restaurant, manager, and worker characteristics and food safety knowledge.
Restaurant Manager and Worker Food Safety Certification and Knowledge
Brown, Laura G.; Le, Brenda; Wong, Melissa R.; Reimann, David; Nicholas, David; Faw, Brenda; Davis, Ernestine; Selman, Carol A.
Over half of foodborne illness outbreaks occur in restaurants. To combat these outbreaks, many public health agencies require food safety certification for restaurant managers, and sometimes workers. Certification entails passing a food safety knowledge examination, which is typically preceded by food safety training. Current certification efforts are based on the assumption that certification leads to greater food safety knowledge. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted this study to examine the relationship between food safety knowledge and certification. We also examined the relationships between food safety knowledge and restaurant, manager, and worker characteristics. We interviewed managers (N = 387) and workers (N = 365) about their characteristics and assessed their food safety knowledge. Analyses showed that certified managers and workers had greater food safety knowledge than noncertified managers and workers. Additionally, managers and workers whose primary language was English had greater food safety knowledge than those whose primary language was not English. Other factors associated with greater food safety knowledge included working in a chain restaurant, working in a larger restaurant, having more experience, and having more duties. These findings indicate that certification improves food safety knowledge, and that complex relationships exist among restaurant, manager, and worker characteristics and food safety knowledge. PMID:25361386
49 CFR 195.206 - Material inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Material inspection. 195.206 Section 195.206 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY... PIPELINE Construction § 195.206 Material inspection. No pipe or other component may be installed in a...
49 CFR 195.206 - Material inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Material inspection. 195.206 Section 195.206 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY... PIPELINE Construction § 195.206 Material inspection. No pipe or other component may be installed in a...
49 CFR 195.206 - Material inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Material inspection. 195.206 Section 195.206 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY... PIPELINE Construction § 195.206 Material inspection. No pipe or other component may be installed in a...
9 CFR 381.197 - Imported products; foreign inspection certificates required.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Imported Poultry... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Imported products; foreign inspection certificates required. 381.197 Section 381.197 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE...
49 CFR 193.2623 - Inspecting LNG storage tanks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Inspecting LNG storage tanks. 193.2623 Section 193... GAS FACILITIES: FEDERAL SAFETY STANDARDS Maintenance § 193.2623 Inspecting LNG storage tanks. Each LNG storage tank must be inspected or tested to verify that each of the following conditions does not impair...
49 CFR 193.2623 - Inspecting LNG storage tanks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Inspecting LNG storage tanks. 193.2623 Section 193... GAS FACILITIES: FEDERAL SAFETY STANDARDS Maintenance § 193.2623 Inspecting LNG storage tanks. Each LNG storage tank must be inspected or tested to verify that each of the following conditions does not impair...
49 CFR 193.2623 - Inspecting LNG storage tanks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Inspecting LNG storage tanks. 193.2623 Section 193... GAS FACILITIES: FEDERAL SAFETY STANDARDS Maintenance § 193.2623 Inspecting LNG storage tanks. Each LNG storage tank must be inspected or tested to verify that each of the following conditions does not impair...
Initial development of a practical safety audit tool to assess fleet safety management practices.
Mitchell, Rebecca; Friswell, Rena; Mooren, Lori
Work-related vehicle crashes are a common cause of occupational injury. Yet, there are few studies that investigate management practices used for light vehicle fleets (i.e. vehicles less than 4.5 tonnes). One of the impediments to obtaining and sharing information on effective fleet safety management is the lack of an evidence-based, standardised measurement tool. This article describes the initial development of an audit tool to assess fleet safety management practices in light vehicle fleets. The audit tool was developed by triangulating information from a review of the literature on fleet safety management practices and from semi-structured interviews with 15 fleet managers and 21 fleet drivers. A preliminary useability assessment was conducted with 5 organisations. The audit tool assesses the management of fleet safety against five core categories: (1) management, systems and processes; (2) monitoring and assessment; (3) employee recruitment, training and education; (4) vehicle technology, selection and maintenance; and (5) vehicle journeys. Each of these core categories has between 1 and 3 sub-categories. Organisations are rated at one of 4 levels on each sub-category. The fleet safety management audit tool is designed to identify the extent to which fleet safety is managed in an organisation against best practice. It is intended that the audit tool be used to conduct audits within an organisation to provide an indicator of progress in managing fleet safety and to consistently benchmark performance against other organisations. Application of the tool by fleet safety researchers is now needed to inform its further development and refinement and to permit psychometric evaluation. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Health and safety management systems: liability or asset?
Bennett, David
Health and safety management systems have a background in theory and in various interests among employers and workplace health and safety professionals. These have resulted in a number of national systems emanating from national standard-writing centres and from employers' organizations. In some cases these systems have been recognized as national standards. The contenders for an international standard have been the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). The quality and environmental management systems of ISO indicate what an ISO health and safety management standard would look like. The ILO Guidelines on Safety and Health Management Systems, by contrast, are stringent, specific and potentially effective in improving health and safety performance in the workplace.
Automated track video inspection pilot project.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This project had two main objectives. The first was to improve the safety of transit workers, specifically right-of-way safety for rail transit : workers through demonstration of advanced track inspection techniques that limit the inspectors expos...
9 CFR 381.109 - Form of official poultry inspection certificate.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Form of official poultry inspection certificate. 381.109 Section 381.109 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE.... Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Meat and Poultry Inspection Program...
77 FR 4407 - Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is proposing a new inspection system for young chicken and turkey slaughter establishments that would replace the current Streamlined Inspection System (SIS), the New Line Speed Inspection System (NELS), and the New Turkey Inspection System (NTIS). The Agency is also proposing several changes that would affect all establishments that slaughter poultry other than ratites, regardless of the inspection system under which they operate. This proposed rule is a result of the Agency's 2011 regulatory review efforts conducted under Executive Order 13563 on Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review.
46 CFR 71.75-13 - Safety Management Certificate.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Safety Management Certificate. 71.75-13 Section 71.75-13... CERTIFICATION Certificates Under the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 § 71.75-13 Safety... valid Safety Management Certificate and a copy of their company's valid Document of Compliance...
9 CFR 590.122 - Time of inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... shall be given reasonable advance notice by plant management of the hours when such inspection will be... PRODUCTS INSPECTION INSPECTION OF EGGS AND EGG PRODUCTS (EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT) Performance of...
9 CFR 354.123 - Segregation of suspects on ante-mortem inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Segregation of suspects on ante-mortem inspection. 354.123 Section 354.123 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE... Inspection Procedures; Ante-Mortem Inspections § 354.123 Segregation of suspects on ante-mortem inspection...
9 CFR 354.123 - Segregation of suspects on ante-mortem inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Segregation of suspects on ante-mortem inspection. 354.123 Section 354.123 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE... Inspection Procedures; Ante-Mortem Inspections § 354.123 Segregation of suspects on ante-mortem inspection...
30 CFR 75.1101-11 - Inspection of water sprinkler systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Inspection of water sprinkler systems. 75.1101... COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Fire Protection § 75.1101-11 Inspection of water sprinkler systems. Each water sprinkler system shall be examined weekly and a...
30 CFR 75.1101-11 - Inspection of water sprinkler systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Inspection of water sprinkler systems. 75.1101... COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Fire Protection § 75.1101-11 Inspection of water sprinkler systems. Each water sprinkler system shall be examined weekly and a...
30 CFR 75.1101-11 - Inspection of water sprinkler systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Inspection of water sprinkler systems. 75.1101... COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Fire Protection § 75.1101-11 Inspection of water sprinkler systems. Each water sprinkler system shall be examined weekly and a...
30 CFR 75.1101-11 - Inspection of water sprinkler systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Inspection of water sprinkler systems. 75.1101... COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Fire Protection § 75.1101-11 Inspection of water sprinkler systems. Each water sprinkler system shall be examined weekly and a...
30 CFR 75.1101-11 - Inspection of water sprinkler systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Inspection of water sprinkler systems. 75.1101... COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS-UNDERGROUND COAL MINES Fire Protection § 75.1101-11 Inspection of water sprinkler systems. Each water sprinkler system shall be examined weekly and a...
Evaluating North Carolina Food Pantry Food Safety-Related Operating Procedures.
Chaifetz, Ashley; Chapman, Benjamin
Almost one in seven American households were food insecure in 2012, experiencing difficulty in providing enough food for all family members due to a lack of resources. Food pantries assist a food-insecure population through emergency food provision, but there is a paucity of information on the food safety-related operating procedures used in the pantries. Food pantries operate in a variable regulatory landscape; in some jurisdictions, they are treated equivalent to restaurants, while in others, they operate outside of inspection regimes. By using a mixed methods approach to catalog the standard operating procedures related to food in 105 food pantries from 12 North Carolina counties, we evaluated their potential impact on food safety. Data collected through interviews with pantry managers were supplemented with observed food safety practices scored against a modified version of the North Carolina Food Establishment Inspection Report. Pantries partnered with organized food bank networks were compared with those that operated independently. In this exploratory research, additional comparisons were examined for pantries in metropolitan areas versus nonmetropolitan areas and pantries with managers who had received food safety training versus managers who had not. The results provide a snapshot of how North Carolina food pantries operate and document risk mitigation strategies for foodborne illness for the vulnerable populations they serve. Data analysis reveals gaps in food safety knowledge and practice, indicating that pantries would benefit from more effective food safety training, especially focusing on formalizing risk management strategies. In addition, new tools, procedures, or policy interventions might improve information actualization by food pantry personnel.
Guidance for Conducting Risk Management Program Inspections Under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)
This guidance is for implementing agencies that conduct inspections of facilities (i.e., stationary sources) subject to 40 CFR Part 68, which requires development and implementation of a Risk Management Plan.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hughes, Allen A.
Public safety can be enhanced through the development of a comprehensive medical device risk management. This can be accomplished through case studies using a framework that incorporates cost-benefit analysis in the evaluation of risk management attributes. This paper presents a framework for evaluating the risk management system for regulatory Class III medical devices. The framework consists of the following sixteen attributes of a comprehensive medical device risk management system: fault/failure analysis, premarket testing/clinical trials, post-approval studies, manufacturer sponsored hospital studies, product labeling, establishment inspections, problem reporting program, mandatory hospital reporting, medical literature surveillance, device/patient registries, device performance monitoring, returned product analysis, autopsy program, emergency treatment funds/interim compensation, product liability, and alternative compensation mechanisms. Review of performance histories for several medical devices can reveal the value of information for many attributes, and also the inter-dependencies of the attributes in generating risk information flow. Such an information flow network is presented as a starting point for enhancing medical device risk management by focusing on attributes with high net benefit values and potential to spur information dissemination.
29 CFR 1960.31 - Inspections by OSHA.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) BASIC PROGRAM ELEMENTS FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS AND RELATED... scheduled inspections as an integral part of OSHA's evaluation of an agency's safety and health program in...
29 CFR 1960.31 - Inspections by OSHA.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) BASIC PROGRAM ELEMENTS FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS AND RELATED... scheduled inspections as an integral part of OSHA's evaluation of an agency's safety and health program in...
29 CFR 1960.31 - Inspections by OSHA.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) BASIC PROGRAM ELEMENTS FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS AND RELATED... scheduled inspections as an integral part of OSHA's evaluation of an agency's safety and health program in...
29 CFR 1960.31 - Inspections by OSHA.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) BASIC PROGRAM ELEMENTS FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS AND RELATED... scheduled inspections as an integral part of OSHA's evaluation of an agency's safety and health program in...
29 CFR 1960.31 - Inspections by OSHA.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) BASIC PROGRAM ELEMENTS FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS AND RELATED... scheduled inspections as an integral part of OSHA's evaluation of an agency's safety and health program in...
Perceived safety management practices in the logistics sector.
Auyong, Hui-Nee; Zailani, Suhaiza; Surienty, Lilis
Malaysia's progress on logistics has been slowed to keep pace with its growth in trade. The Government has been pressing companies to improve the safety of their activities in order to reduce society's loss due to occupational accidents and illnesses. Occupational safety and health is a crucial part of a workplace because every worker has to take care of his/her own safety and health. The main occupational safety and health (OSH) national policy in Malaysia is the enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994. Only those companies which have excellent health and safety care have good quality and productive employees. This study investigated safety management practices in the logistics sector. The present study is concerned with the human factors to safety in the logistics industry. The authors examined the perceived safety management practices of workers in the logistics sector. The purpose was to identify the perception of safety management practices of Malaysian logistics personnel. Survey questionnaires were distributed to assess logistics personnel about management commitment. The quantitative method using the availability sampling method was applied. The data gathered from the survey were analysed using SPSS software. The responses to the survey were rated according to the Likert scale type, with '1' indicating strongly disagree and '5' indicating strongly agree. One hundred and three employees of logistics functions completed the survey. The highest mean scores were found for fire apparatus, prioritisation of safety, and safety policy. The results from this study also emphasise the importance of the management's commitment in enhancing workplace safety. Specifically, companies should maintain good relations between the employer and the employee to help reduce workplace injuries.
System safety management: A new discipline
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pope, W. C.
The systems theory is discussed in relation to safety management. It is suggested that systems safety management, as a new discipline, holds great promise for reducing operating errors, conserving labor resources, avoiding operating costs due to mistakes, and for improving managerial techniques. It is pointed out that managerial failures or system breakdowns are the basic reasons for human errors and condition defects. In this respect, a recommendation is made that safety engineers stop visualizing the problem only with the individual (supervisor or employee) and see the problem from the systems point of view.
... Forms Standard Forms FSIS United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service About FSIS District ... plants by inspectors from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service. Products made into ...
49 CFR 193.2623 - Inspecting LNG storage tanks.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
Another Approach to Enhance Airline Safety: Using Management Safety Tools
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lu, Chien-tsug; Wetmore, Michael; Przetak, Robert
The ultimate goal of conducting an accident investigation is to prevent similar accidents from happening again and to make operations safer system-wide. Based on the findings extracted from the investigation, the "lesson learned" becomes a genuine part of the safety database making risk management available to safety analysts. The airline industry is no exception. In the US, the FAA has advocated the usage of the System Safety concept in enhancing safety since 2000. Yet, in today s usage of System Safety, the airline industry mainly focuses on risk management, which is a reactive process of the System Safety discipline. In order to extend the merit of System Safety and to prevent accidents beforehand, a specific System Safety tool needs to be applied; so a model of hazard prediction can be formed. To do so, the authors initiated this study by reviewing 189 final accident reports from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) covering FAR Part 121 scheduled operations. The discovered accident causes (direct hazards) were categorized into 10 groups Flight Operations, Ground Crew, Turbulence, Maintenance, Foreign Object Damage (FOD), Flight Attendant, Air Traffic Control, Manufacturer, Passenger, and Federal Aviation Administration. These direct hazards were associated with 36 root factors prepared for an error-elimination model using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), a leading tool for System Safety experts. An FTA block-diagram model was created, followed by a probability simulation of accidents. Five case studies and reports were provided in order to fully demonstrate the usefulness of System Safety tools in promoting airline safety.
9 CFR 381.199 - Inspection of poultry products offered for entry.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Imported Poultry... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Inspection of poultry products offered for entry. 381.199 Section 381.199 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE...
Management of health and safety in micro companies in Cyprus: Results on ergonomic issues.
Boustras, Georgios; Hadjimanolis, Athanasios
Ergonomics in Cyprus is a rather neglected area of safety. The size of the country, the lack of scientific expertise, the nature of the economy and the nature of the majority of the enterprises make it a case, different from the average. The aims of the survey were to examine the views and perceptions of employees and owners/managers on safety issues of micro-firms in Cyprus, to collect information on accidents and other aspects of safety performance in micro-firms and to cross-check the above data with data collected from safety inspectors for the above firms. The authors with the collaboration of the Department of Labour Inspection of the Republic of Cyprus collected information from a relatively large number of micro companies in a National survey. Information from employees, employers and labour inspectors was drawn. Particular emphasis is paid on the exploration of the relationship of the non-use of personal protection equipment with a number of factors. Results show the resistance of employees to the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and GPM (General Protective Measures). The results of the survey are in line with the relevant literature. Micro firms illustrate several interesting findings that are discussed in detail in the paper.
Wang, Bing; Wu, Chao; Shi, Bo; Huang, Lang
In safety management (SM), it is important to make an effective safety decision based on the reliable and sufficient safety-related information. However, many SM failures in organizations occur for a lack of the necessary safety-related information for safety decision-making. Since facts are the important basis and foundation for decision-making, more efforts to seek the best evidence relevant to a particular SM problem would lead to a more effective SM solution. Therefore, the new paradigm for decision-making named "evidence-based practice (EBP)" can hold important implications for SM, because it uses the current best evidence for effective decision-making. Based on a systematic review of existing SM approaches and an analysis of reasons why we need new SM approaches, we created a new SM approach called evidence-based safety (EBS) management by introducing evidence-based practice into SM. It was necessary to create new SM approaches. A new SM approach called EBS was put forward, and the basic questions of EBS such as its definition and core were analyzed in detail. Moreover, the determinants of EBS included manager's attitudes towards EBS; evidence-based consciousness in SM; evidence sources; technical support; EBS human resources; organizational culture; and individual attributes. EBS is a new and effective approach to teaching the practice of SM. Of course, further research on EBS should be carried out to make EBS a reality. Practical applications: Our work can provide a new and effective idea and method to teach the practice of SM. Specifically, EBS proposed in our study can help safety professionals make an effective safety decision based on a firm foundation of high-grade evidence. Copyright © 2017 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhu, Wenmin; Jia, Yuanhua
Based on the risk management theory and the PDCA cycle model, requirements of the railway passenger transport safety production is analyzed, and the establishment of the security risk assessment team is proposed to manage risk by FTA with Delphi from both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The safety production committee is also established to accomplish performance appraisal, which is for further ensuring the correctness of risk management results, optimizing the safety management business processes and improving risk management capabilities. The basic framework and risk information database of risk management information system of railway passenger transport safety are designed by Ajax, Web Services and SQL technologies. The system realizes functions about risk management, performance appraisal and data management, and provides an efficient and convenient information management platform for railway passenger safety manager.
29 CFR 1960.26 - Conduct of inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... unsafe and unhealthful working conditions. (2) The Safety and Health Inspector shall determine in advance... equipment available to conduct an effective inspection. (b) Inspection. (1) For the purpose of assuring safe and healthful working conditions for employees of agencies, the head of the agency shall authorize...
New food safety law: effectiveness on the ground.
Drew, Christa A; Clydesdale, Fergus M
The demand for safety in the US food supply from production to consumption necessitates a scientific, risk-based strategy for the management of microbiological, chemical, and physical hazards in food. The key to successful management is an increase in systematic collaboration and communication and in enforceable procedures with all domestic and international stakeholders. The enactment of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) aims to prevent or reduce large-scale food-borne illness outbreaks through stricter facility registration and records standards, mandatory prevention-based controls, increased facility inspections in the United States and internationally, mandatory recall authority, import controls, and increased consumer communication. The bill provisions are expected to cost $1.4 billion over the next four years. Effective implementation of the FSMA's 50 rules, reports, studies, and guidance documents in addition to an increased inspection burden requires further funding appropriations. Additional full-time inspectors and unprecedented foreign compliance is necessary for the full and effective implementation of the FSMA.
Wireless roadside inspection phase II : final report.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Wireless Roadside Inspection (WRI) Program is demonstrating the feasibility and value of electronically assessing truck and motorcoach driver and vehicle safety at least 25 times more often than...
9 CFR 592.140 - Application for inspection in official plants; approval.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Application for inspection in official plants; approval. 592.140 Section 592.140 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Application for...
9 CFR 592.320 - Products that may bear the inspection mark.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Products that may bear the inspection mark. 592.320 Section 592.320 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Identifying and...
Improving safety in small enterprises through an integrated safety management intervention.
Kines, Pete; Andersen, Dorte; Andersen, Lars Peter; Nielsen, Kent; Pedersen, Louise
This study tests the applicability of a participatory behavior-based injury prevention approach integrated with safety culture initiatives. Sixteen small metal industry enterprises (10-19 employees) are randomly assigned to receive the intervention or not. Safety coaching of owners/managers result in the identification of 48 safety tasks, 85% of which are solved at follow-up. Owner/manager led constructive dialogue meetings with workers result in the prioritization of 29 tasks, 79% of which are accomplished at follow-up. Intervention enterprises have significant increases on six of eight safety-perception-survey factors, while comparisons increase on only one factor. Both intervention and comparison enterprises demonstrate significant increases in their safety observation scores. Interview data validate and supplement these results, providing some evidence for behavior change and the initiation of safety culture change. Given that over 95% of enterprises in most countries have less than 20 employees, there is great potential for adapting this integrated approach to other industries. Copyright © 2012 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Non-destructive inspection in industrial equipment using robotic mobile manipulation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Maurtua, Iñaki; Susperregi, Loreto; Ansuategui, Ander; Fernández, Ane; Ibarguren, Aitor; Molina, Jorge; Tubio, Carlos; Villasante, Cristobal; Felsch, Torsten; Pérez, Carmen; Rodriguez, Jorge R.; Ghrissi, Meftah
MAINBOT project has developed service robots based applications to autonomously execute inspection tasks in extensive industrial plants in equipment that is arranged horizontally (using ground robots) or vertically (climbing robots). The industrial objective has been to provide a means to help measuring several physical parameters in multiple points by autonomous robots, able to navigate and climb structures, handling non-destructive testing sensors. MAINBOT has validated the solutions in two solar thermal plants (cylindrical-parabolic collectors and central tower), that are very demanding from mobile manipulation point of view mainly due to the extension (e.g. a thermal solar plant of 50Mw, with 400 hectares, 400.000 mirrors, 180 km of absorber tubes, 140m height tower), the variability of conditions (outdoor, day-night), safety requirements, etc. Once the technology was validated in simulation, the system was deployed in real setups and different validation tests carried out. In this paper two of the achievements related with the ground mobile inspection system are presented: (1) Autonomous navigation localization and planning algorithms to manage navigation in huge extensions and (2) Non-Destructive Inspection operations: thermography based detection algorithms to provide automatic inspection abilities to the robots.
Modernizing bridge safety inspection with process improvement and digital assistance.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This research effort was developed to record and analyze the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) bridge/structure inspection processes as an aid to modernizing and automating these inspection processes through the use of mobile personal comp...
Safety behavior: Job demands, job resources, and perceived management commitment to safety.
Hansez, Isabelle; Chmiel, Nik
The job demands-resources model posits that job demands and resources influence outcomes through job strain and work engagement processes. We test whether the model can be extended to effort-related "routine" safety violations and "situational" safety violations provoked by the organization. In addition we test more directly the involvement of job strain than previous studies which have used burnout measures. Structural equation modeling provided, for the first time, evidence of predicted relationships between job strain and "routine" violations and work engagement with "routine" and "situational" violations, thereby supporting the extension of the job demands-resources model to safety behaviors. In addition our results showed that a key safety-specific construct 'perceived management commitment to safety' added to the explanatory power of the job demands-resources model. A predicted path from job resources to perceived management commitment to safety was highly significant, supporting the view that job resources can influence safety behavior through both general motivational involvement in work (work engagement) and through safety-specific processes.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Louvat, D.; Lacoste, A.C.
The Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management is the first legal instrument to directly address the safety of spent fuel and radioactive waste management on a global scale. The Joint Convention entered into force in 2001. This paper describes its process and its main achievements to date. The perspectives to establish of a Global Waste Safety Regime based on the Joint Convention are also discussed. (authors)
9 CFR 352.10 - Ante-mortem inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... to loading on the transport vehicle. (7) The transport of intact exotic animal carcasses to an... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Ante-mortem inspection. 352.10 Section 352.10 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE...
18 CFR 12.32 - General inspection requirement.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REGULATIONS UNDER THE FEDERAL POWER ACT SAFETY OF WATER POWER PROJECTS AND PROJECT WORKS Inspection by Independent Consultant § 12.32 General inspection requirement. In accordance with the procedures in § 12.35, the project works of each development to which this subpart applies...
33 CFR 96.220 - What makes up a safety management system?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... SECURITY VESSEL OPERATING REGULATIONS RULES FOR THE SAFE OPERATION OF VESSELS AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Company and Vessel Safety Management Systems § 96.220 What makes up a safety management system? (a) The safety management system must document the responsible person's— (1) Safety and pollution prevention...
Management Commitment to Safety, Teamwork, and Hospital Worker Injuries.
McGonagle, Alyssa K; Essenmacher, Lynnette; Hamblin, Lydia; Luborsky, Mark; Upfal, Mark; Arnetz, Judith
Although many studies link teamwork in health care settings to patient safety, evidence linking teamwork to hospital worker safety is lacking. This study addresses this gap by providing evidence linking teamwork perceptions in hospital workers to worker injuries, and further, finds a linkage between manager commitment to safety and teamwork. Organizational records of worker injuries and survey responses regarding management commitment to safety and teamwork from 446 hospital workers within 42 work units in a multi-site hospital system were examined. Results underscored the particular importance of teamwork on worker injuries as well as the importance of management commitment to safety as relating to teamwork. To improve worker safety, organizational leaders and unit managers should work to maintain environments wherein teamwork can thrive.
Management Commitment to Safety, Teamwork, and Hospital Worker Injuries
McGonagle, Alyssa K.; Essenmacher, Lynnette; Hamblin, Lydia; Luborsky, Mark; Upfal, Mark; Arnetz, Judith
Although many studies link teamwork in health care settings to patient safety, evidence linking teamwork to hospital worker safety is lacking. This study addresses this gap by providing evidence linking teamwork perceptions in hospital workers to worker injuries, and further, finds a linkage between manager commitment to safety and teamwork. Organizational records of worker injuries and survey responses regarding management commitment to safety and teamwork from 446 hospital workers within 42 work units in a multi-site hospital system were examined. Results underscored the particular importance of teamwork on worker injuries as well as the importance of management commitment to safety as relating to teamwork. To improve worker safety, organizational leaders and unit managers should work to maintain environments wherein teamwork can thrive. PMID:27867448
41 CFR 101-27.207 - Control and inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Control and inspection... Regulations System FEDERAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS SUPPLY AND PROCUREMENT 27-INVENTORY MANAGEMENT 27.2-Management of Shelf-Life Materials § 101-27.207 Control and inspection. ...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Island Sound Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. 165.154 Section 165.154 Navigation and... Areas First Coast Guard District § 165.154 Safety and Security Zones: Long Island Sound Marine... this zone is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Long, Island Sound. (3) All...
Railroad safety program, volume 1
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Since 1981, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has annually prepared a National Inspection Plan (NIP) whose purpose is to summarize regional efforts to improve railroad transportation safety. The research concluded on the following tasks including the problems, conclusions and recommendations associated with these tasks is summarized: (1) the preparation of the 1983 NIP, with recommended procedures for improving future NIPs; (2) the development of an outline for the 1984 NIP, including a methodology for the allocation of inspection resources and other specialized regional activities; (3) the management and development of the 1984 NIP; and (4) the development of an instruction manual to be used in the preparation of future NIPs.
Safety and Waste Management for SAM Pathogen Methods
The General Safety and Waste Management page offers section-specific safety and waste management details for the pathogens included in EPA's Selected Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM).
Safety and Waste Management for SAM Biotoxin Methods
The General Safety and Waste Management page offers section-specific safety and waste management details for the biotoxins included in EPA's Selected Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM).
Research on application of GIS and GPS in inspection and management of city gas pipeline network
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhou, Jin; Meng, Xiangyin; Tao, Tao; Zhang, Fengpei
To solve the problems existing in the current Gas Company patrol management, such as inaccurate attendance, whether or not the patrol personnel exceed the scope of patrol inspection. This paper Proposed that we apply the SuperMap iDeskTop 8C plug-in desktop GIS application and development platform, the positioning function of GPS and the data transmission function of 3G/4G/GPRS/Ethernet to develop a gas pipeline inspection management system. We build association between real-time data, pipe network information, patrol data, map information, spatial data and so on to realize the bottom data fusion, use the mobile location system and patrol management client to achieve real-time interaction between the client and the mobile terminal. Practical application shows that the system has completed the standardized management of patrol tasks, the reasonable evaluation of patrol work and the maximum utilization of patrol resources.
Safety and Waste Management for SAM Chemistry Methods
The General Safety and Waste Management page offers section-specific safety and waste management details for the chemical analytes included in EPA's Selected Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM).
Safety and Waste Management for SAM Radiochemical Methods
The General Safety and Waste Management page offers section-specific safety and waste management details for the radiochemical analytes included in EPA's Selected Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM).
Military Housing Inspection-Camp Buehring, Kuwait
General DPW Director Public Works FAS Fire Alarm System HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning IAW In Accordance With ITM policies and standards regarding electrical and fire protection systems . Findings We found significant deficiencies in electrical and systems during the physical inspections of the U.S. military-occupied facilities at Camp Buehring. We identified a total of 538
9 CFR 381.72 - Segregation of suspects on ante mortem inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Segregation of suspects on ante mortem inspection. 381.72 Section 381.72 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND...
9 CFR 354.142 - Food product inspection certificates; issuance and disposition.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Food product inspection certificates; issuance and disposition. 354.142 Section 354.142 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION...
Design an optimum safety policy for personnel safety management - A system dynamic approach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Balaji, P.
Personnel safety management (PSM) ensures that employee's work conditions are healthy and safe by various proactive and reactive approaches. Nowadays it is a complex phenomenon because of increasing dynamic nature of organisations which results in an increase of accidents. An important part of accident prevention is to understand the existing system properly and make safety strategies for that system. System dynamics modelling appears to be an appropriate methodology to explore and make strategy for PSM. Many system dynamics models of industrial systems have been built entirely for specific host firms. This thesis illustrates an alternative approach. The generic system dynamics model of Personnel safety management was developed and tested in a host firm. The model was undergone various structural, behavioural and policy tests. The utility and effectiveness of model was further explored through modelling a safety scenario. In order to create effective safety policy under resource constraint, DOE (Design of experiment) was used. DOE uses classic designs, namely, fractional factorials and central composite designs. It used to make second order regression equation which serve as an objective function. That function was optimized under budget constraint and optimum value used for safety policy which shown greatest improvement in overall PSM. The outcome of this research indicates that personnel safety management model has the capability for acting as instruction tool to improve understanding of safety management and also as an aid to policy making.
Design an optimum safety policy for personnel safety management - A system dynamic approach
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Balaji, P.
Personnel safety management (PSM) ensures that employee's work conditions are healthy and safe by various proactive and reactive approaches. Nowadays it is a complex phenomenon because of increasing dynamic nature of organisations which results in an increase of accidents. An important part of accident prevention is to understand the existing system properly and make safety strategies for that system. System dynamics modelling appears to be an appropriate methodology to explore and make strategy for PSM. Many system dynamics models of industrial systems have been built entirely for specific host firms. This thesis illustrates an alternative approach. The generic system dynamicsmore » model of Personnel safety management was developed and tested in a host firm. The model was undergone various structural, behavioural and policy tests. The utility and effectiveness of model was further explored through modelling a safety scenario. In order to create effective safety policy under resource constraint, DOE (Design of experiment) was used. DOE uses classic designs, namely, fractional factorials and central composite designs. It used to make second order regression equation which serve as an objective function. That function was optimized under budget constraint and optimum value used for safety policy which shown greatest improvement in overall PSM. The outcome of this research indicates that personnel safety management model has the capability for acting as instruction tool to improve understanding of safety management and also as an aid to policy making.« less
49 CFR 392.9 - Inspection of cargo, cargo securement devices and systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
...) FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY REGULATIONS DRIVING OF COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES General § 392.9 Inspection of cargo, cargo securement devices... drives that commercial motor vehicle; (2) Inspect the cargo and the devices used to secure the cargo...
Error Sources in Proccessing LIDAR Based Bridge Inspection
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bian, H.; Chen, S. E.; Liu, W.
Bridge inspection is a critical task in infrastructure management and is facing unprecedented challenges after a series of bridge failures. The prevailing visual inspection was insufficient in providing reliable and quantitative bridge information although a systematic quality management framework was built to ensure visual bridge inspection data quality to minimize errors during the inspection process. The LiDAR based remote sensing is recommended as an effective tool in overcoming some of the disadvantages of visual inspection. In order to evaluate the potential of applying this technology in bridge inspection, some of the error sources in LiDAR based bridge inspection are analysed. The scanning angle variance in field data collection and the different algorithm design in scanning data processing are the found factors that will introduce errors into inspection results. Besides studying the errors sources, advanced considerations should be placed on improving the inspection data quality, and statistical analysis might be employed to evaluate inspection operation process that contains a series of uncertain factors in the future. Overall, the development of a reliable bridge inspection system requires not only the improvement of data processing algorithms, but also systematic considerations to mitigate possible errors in the entire inspection workflow. If LiDAR or some other technology can be accepted as a supplement for visual inspection, the current quality management framework will be modified or redesigned, and this would be as urgent as the refine of inspection techniques.
23 CFR 650.313 - Inspection procedures.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
...) Quality control and quality assurance. Assure systematic quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA... periodic field review of inspection teams, periodic bridge inspection refresher training for program managers and team leaders, and independent review of inspection reports and computations. (h) Follow-up on...
Can Civility Norms Boost Positive Effects of Management Commitment to Safety?
McGonagle, Alyssa K; Childress, Niambi M; Walsh, Benjamin M; Bauerle, Timothy J
We proposed that civility norms would strengthen relationships between management commitment to safety and workers' safety motivation, safety behaviors, and injuries. Survey data were obtained from working adults in hazardous jobs-those for which physical labor is required and/or a realistic possibility of physical injury is present (N = 290). Results showed that management commitment positively related to workers' safety motivation, safety participation, and safety compliance, and negatively related to minor injuries. Furthermore, management commitment to safety displayed a stronger positive relationship with safety motivation and safety participation, and a stronger negative relationship with minor worker injuries when civility norms were high (versus low). The results confirm existing known relationships between management commitment to safety and worker safety motivation and behavior; furthermore, civility norms facilitate the relationships between management commitment to safety and various outcomes important to worker safety. In order to promote an optimally safe working environment, managers should demonstrate a commitment to worker safety and promote positive norms for interpersonal treatment between workers in their units.
General Safety and Waste Management Related to SAM
The General Safety and Waste Management page offers section-specific safety and waste management details for chemicals, radiochemicals, pathogens, and biotoxins included in EPA's Selected Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM).
76 FR 31853 - Safety Zone; Commencement Bay, Tacoma, WA
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... inspection or copying at the Docket Management Facility (M-30), U.S. Department of Transportation, West..., to include rescue simulations performed by low-flying helicopters. This rule expands the safety zone... 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, and does not require an assessment of potential costs and...
The role of the ward manager in promoting patient safety.
Pinnock, David
In this article the role of the ward manager in promoting patient safety is explored. The background to the development of the patient safety agenda is briefly discussed and the relationship between quality and safety is illustrated. The pivotal importance of the role of the ward manager in delivering services to patients is underlined and literature on patient safety is examined to identify what a ward manager can do to make care safer. Possible actions of the ward manager to improve safety discussed in the literature are structured around the Leadership Framework. This framework identifies seven domains for the leadership of service delivery. Ward managers use their personal qualities, and network and work within teams, while managing performance and facilitating innovation, change and measurement for improvement. The challenge of promoting patient safety for ward managers is briefly explored and recommendations for further research are made.
9 CFR 592.140 - Application for inspection in official plants; approval.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Application for inspection in official plants; approval. 592.140 Section 592.140 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Application for Service § 592.140 Application for...
9 CFR 592.140 - Application for inspection in official plants; approval.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Application for inspection in official plants; approval. 592.140 Section 592.140 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Application for Service § 592.140 Application for...
9 CFR 592.140 - Application for inspection in official plants; approval.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Application for inspection in official plants; approval. 592.140 Section 592.140 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Application for Service § 592.140 Application for...
9 CFR 592.140 - Application for inspection in official plants; approval.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Application for inspection in official plants; approval. 592.140 Section 592.140 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Application for Service § 592.140 Application for...
9 CFR 381.72 - Segregation of suspects on ante mortem inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Segregation of suspects on ante mortem inspection. 381.72 Section 381.72 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT... Inspection § 381.72 Segregation of suspects on ante mortem inspection. (a) All birds, except ratites, that on...
9 CFR 381.72 - Segregation of suspects on ante mortem inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Segregation of suspects on ante mortem inspection. 381.72 Section 381.72 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT... Inspection § 381.72 Segregation of suspects on ante mortem inspection. (a) All birds, except ratites, that on...
Applying Sensor-Based Technology to Improve Construction Safety Management.
Zhang, Mingyuan; Cao, Tianzhuo; Zhao, Xuefeng
Construction sites are dynamic and complicated systems. The movement and interaction of people, goods and energy make construction safety management extremely difficult. Due to the ever-increasing amount of information, traditional construction safety management has operated under difficult circumstances. As an effective way to collect, identify and process information, sensor-based technology is deemed to provide new generation of methods for advancing construction safety management. It makes the real-time construction safety management with high efficiency and accuracy a reality and provides a solid foundation for facilitating its modernization, and informatization. Nowadays, various sensor-based technologies have been adopted for construction safety management, including locating sensor-based technology, vision-based sensing and wireless sensor networks. This paper provides a systematic and comprehensive review of previous studies in this field to acknowledge useful findings, identify the research gaps and point out future research directions.
9 CFR 355.41 - Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... for mules. 355.41 Section 355.41 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE...; INSPECTION, CERTIFICATION, AND IDENTIFICATION AS TO CLASS, QUALITY, QUANTITY, AND CONDITION Mule Meat and Animal Food, Mule Meat By-Product § 355.41 Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules. (a)(1) An...
9 CFR 355.41 - Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... for mules. 355.41 Section 355.41 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE...; INSPECTION, CERTIFICATION, AND IDENTIFICATION AS TO CLASS, QUALITY, QUANTITY, AND CONDITION Mule Meat and Animal Food, Mule Meat By-Product § 355.41 Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules. (a)(1) An...
9 CFR 355.41 - Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... for mules. 355.41 Section 355.41 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE...; INSPECTION, CERTIFICATION, AND IDENTIFICATION AS TO CLASS, QUALITY, QUANTITY, AND CONDITION Mule Meat and Animal Food, Mule Meat By-Product § 355.41 Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules. (a)(1) An...
9 CFR 355.41 - Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... for mules. 355.41 Section 355.41 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE...; INSPECTION, CERTIFICATION, AND IDENTIFICATION AS TO CLASS, QUALITY, QUANTITY, AND CONDITION Mule Meat and Animal Food, Mule Meat By-Product § 355.41 Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules. (a)(1) An...
Kassa, Hailu; Silverman, Gary S.; Baroudi, Karim
Food safety is an important public health issue in the U.S. Eating at restaurants and other food service facilities increasingly has been associated with food borne disease outbreaks. Food safety training and certification of food mangers has been used as a method for reducing food safety violations at food service facilities. However, the literature is inconclusive about the effectiveness of such training programs for improving food safety and protecting consumer health. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of food manger training on reducing food safety violations. We examined food inspection reports from the Toledo/Lucas County Health Department (Ohio) from March 2005 through February 2006 and compared food hygiene violations between food service facilities with certified and without certified food managers. We also examined the impact on food safety of a food service facility being part of a larger group of facilities. Restaurants with trained and certified food managers had significantly fewer critical food safety violations but more non-critical violations than restaurants without certified personnel. Institutional food service facilities had significantly fewer violations than restaurants, and the number of violations did not differ as a function of certification. Similarly, restaurants with many outlets had significantly fewer violations than restaurants with fewer outlets, and training was not associated with lower numbers of violations from restaurants with many outlets. The value of having certified personnel was only observed in independent restaurants and those with few branches. This information may be useful in indicating where food safety problems are most likely to occur. Furthermore, we recommend that those characteristics of institutional and chain restaurants that result in fewer violations should be identified in future research, and efforts made to apply this knowledge at the level of individual restaurants. PMID:20523880
Kassa, Hailu; Silverman, Gary S; Baroudi, Karim
Food safety is an important public health issue in the U.S. Eating at restaurants and other food service facilities increasingly has been associated with food borne disease outbreaks. Food safety training and certification of food mangers has been used as a method for reducing food safety violations at food service facilities. However, the literature is inconclusive about the effectiveness of such training programs for improving food safety and protecting consumer health. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of food manger training on reducing food safety violations. We examined food inspection reports from the Toledo/Lucas County Health Department (Ohio) from March 2005 through February 2006 and compared food hygiene violations between food service facilities with certified and without certified food managers. We also examined the impact on food safety of a food service facility being part of a larger group of facilities.Restaurants with trained and certified food managers had significantly fewer critical food safety violations but more non-critical violations than restaurants without certified personnel. Institutional food service facilities had significantly fewer violations than restaurants, and the number of violations did not differ as a function of certification. Similarly, restaurants with many outlets had significantly fewer violations than restaurants with fewer outlets, and training was not associated with lower numbers of violations from restaurants with many outlets. The value of having certified personnel was only observed in independent restaurants and those with few branches. This information may be useful in indicating where food safety problems are most likely to occur. Furthermore, we recommend that those characteristics of institutional and chain restaurants that result in fewer violations should be identified in future research, and efforts made to apply this knowledge at the level of individual restaurants.
9 CFR 592.310 - Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark. 592.310 Section 592.310 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS...
GIS-based automated management of highway surface crack inspection system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chung, Hung-Chi; Shinozuka, Masanobu; Soeller, Tony; Girardello, Roberto
An automated in-situ road surface distress surveying and management system, AMPIS, has been developed on the basis of video images within the framework of GIS software. Video image processing techniques are introduced to acquire, process and analyze the road surface images obtained from a moving vehicle. ArcGIS platform is used to integrate the routines of image processing and spatial analysis in handling the full-scale metropolitan highway surface distress detection and data fusion/management. This makes it possible to present user-friendly interfaces in GIS and to provide efficient visualizations of surveyed results not only for the use of transportation engineers to manage road surveying documentations, data acquisition, analysis and management, but also for financial officials to plan maintenance and repair programs and further evaluate the socio-economic impacts of highway degradation and deterioration. A review performed in this study on fundamental principle of Pavement Management System (PMS) and its implementation indicates that the proposed approach of using GIS concept and its tools for PMS application will reshape PMS into a new information technology-based system that can provide convenient and efficient pavement inspection and management.
Impact of access management practices to pedestrian safety.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This study focused on the impact of access management practices to the safety of pedestrians. Some : of the access management practices considered to impact pedestrian safety included limiting direct : access to and from major streets, locating signa...
30 CFR 56.12032 - Inspection and cover plates.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Inspection and cover plates. 56.12032 Section 56.12032 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Electricity...
30 CFR 56.12032 - Inspection and cover plates.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Inspection and cover plates. 56.12032 Section 56.12032 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Electricity...
30 CFR 56.12032 - Inspection and cover plates.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Inspection and cover plates. 56.12032 Section 56.12032 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Electricity...
30 CFR 56.12032 - Inspection and cover plates.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Inspection and cover plates. 56.12032 Section 56.12032 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Electricity...
30 CFR 56.12032 - Inspection and cover plates.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Inspection and cover plates. 56.12032 Section 56.12032 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS-SURFACE METAL AND NONMETAL MINES Electricity...
Research on station management in subway operation safety
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Yiman
The management of subway station is an important part of the safe operation of urban subway. In order to ensure the safety of subway operation, it is necessary to study the relevant factors that affect station management. In the protection of subway safety operations on the basis of improving the quality of service, to promote the sustained and healthy development of subway stations. This paper discusses the influencing factors of subway operation accident and station management, and analyzes the specific contents of station management security for subway operation, and develops effective suppression measures. It is desirable to improve the operational quality and safety factor for subway operations.
Mei, Qiang; Wang, Qiwei; Liu, Suxia; Zhou, Qiaomei; Zhang, Jingjing
Based on the characteristics of small-scale enterprises, the improvement of occupational health and safety management systems (OHS MS) needs an effective intervention. This study proposed a structural equation model and examined the relationships of perceived organization support for safety (POSS), person-organization safety fit (POSF) and proactivity safety behaviors with safety management, safety procedures and safety hazards identification. Data were collected from 503 employees of 105 Chinese high-risk small-scale enterprises over 6 months. The results showed that both POSS and POSF were positively related to improvement in safety management, safety procedures and safety hazards identification through proactivity safety behaviors. Our findings provide a new perspective on organizational safety for improving OHS MS for small-scale enterprises and extend the application of proactivity safety behaviors.
9 CFR 355.41 - Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Animal Food, Mule Meat By-Product § 355.41 Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules. (a)(1) An... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Antemortem and postmortem inspection for mules. 355.41 Section 355.41 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE...
Safety management in a relationship-oriented culture.
Hsu, Shang Hwa; Lee, Chun-Chia
A relationship-oriented culture predominates in the Greater China region, where it is more important than in Western countries. Some characteristics of this culture influence strongly the organizational structure and interactions among members in an organization. This study aimed to explore the possible influence of relationships on safety management in relationship-oriented cultures. We hypothesized that organizational factors (management involvement and harmonious relationships) within a relationship-oriented culture would influence supervisory work (ongoing monitoring and task instructions), the reporting system (selective reporting), and teamwork (team communication and co-ordination) in safety management at a group level, which would in turn influence individual reliance complacency, risk awareness, and practices. We distributed a safety climate questionnaire to the employees of Taiwanese high-risk industries. The results of structural equation modeling supported the hypothesis. This article also discusses the findings and implications for safety improvement in countries with a relationship-oriented culture.
Applying Sensor-Based Technology to Improve Construction Safety Management
Zhang, Mingyuan; Cao, Tianzhuo; Zhao, Xuefeng
Construction sites are dynamic and complicated systems. The movement and interaction of people, goods and energy make construction safety management extremely difficult. Due to the ever-increasing amount of information, traditional construction safety management has operated under difficult circumstances. As an effective way to collect, identify and process information, sensor-based technology is deemed to provide new generation of methods for advancing construction safety management. It makes the real-time construction safety management with high efficiency and accuracy a reality and provides a solid foundation for facilitating its modernization, and informatization. Nowadays, various sensor-based technologies have been adopted for construction safety management, including locating sensor-based technology, vision-based sensing and wireless sensor networks. This paper provides a systematic and comprehensive review of previous studies in this field to acknowledge useful findings, identify the research gaps and point out future research directions. PMID:28800061
da Cunha, Diogo T; Saccol, Ana L de Freitas; Tondo, Eduardo C; de Oliveira, Ana B A; Ginani, Veronica C; Araújo, Carolina V; Lima, Thalita A S; de Castro, Angela K F; Stedefeldt, Elke
In 2014, Brazil hosted one of the most popular sport competitions in the world, the FIFA World Cup. Concerned about the intense migration of tourists, the Brazilian government decided to deploy a food safety strategy based on inspection scores and a grading system applied to food services. The present study aimed to evaluate the results of the food safety strategy deployed during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. To assess food safety, an evaluation instrument was applied twice in 1927 food service establishments from 26 cities before the start of the competition. This instrument generated a food safety score for each establishment that ranged from 0.0 (no flaws observed) to 2565.95, with four possible grades: A (0.0-13.2); B (13.3-502.6); C (502.7-1152.2); and pending (more than 1152.3). Each food service received a stamp with the grade of the second evaluation. After the end of the World Cup, a study was conducted with different groups of the public to evaluate the acceptance of the strategy. To this end, 221 consumers, 998 food service owners or managers, 150 health surveillance auditors, and 27 health surveillance coordinators were enrolled. These participants completed a survey with positive and negative responses about the inspection score system through a 5-point Likert scale. A reduction in violation scores from 393.1 to 224.4 (p < 0.001) was observed between the first and second evaluation cycles. Of the food services evaluated, 38.7% received the A stamp, 41.4% the B stamp, and 13.9% the C stamp. All positive responses on "system reliability" presented a mean of 4.0 or more, indicating that the public believed this strategy is reliable for communicating risks and promoting food safety. The strategy showed positive results regarding food safety and public acceptance. The deployed strategy promoted improvements in the food safety of food services. The implementation of a permanent policy may be well accepted by the public and may greatly contribute to a
9 CFR 592.320 - Products that may bear the inspection mark.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Products that may bear the inspection mark. 592.320 Section 592.320 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Identifying and Marking Products § 592.320 Products that may bear th...
9 CFR 592.320 - Products that may bear the inspection mark.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Products that may bear the inspection mark. 592.320 Section 592.320 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Identifying and Marking Products § 592.320 Products that may bear th...
9 CFR 592.320 - Products that may bear the inspection mark.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Products that may bear the inspection mark. 592.320 Section 592.320 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Identifying and Marking Products § 592.320 Products that may bear th...
9 CFR 592.320 - Products that may bear the inspection mark.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Products that may bear the inspection mark. 592.320 Section 592.320 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Identifying and Marking Products § 592.320 Products that may bear th...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Robertson, Mike Fuller
Safety Management Systems (SMS) are becoming the industry standard for safety management throughout the aviation industry. As the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) continues to mandate SMS for different segments, the assessment of an organization's safety culture becomes more important. An SMS can facilitate the development of a strong…
33 CFR 96.220 - What makes up a safety management system?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What makes up a safety management... SECURITY VESSEL OPERATING REGULATIONS RULES FOR THE SAFE OPERATION OF VESSELS AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Company and Vessel Safety Management Systems § 96.220 What makes up a safety management system? (a) The...
15 CFR 270.320 - Entry and inspection of site where a building failure has occurred.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS Collection and Preservation of Evidence... deploys a Team, the Team members will be issued notices of inspection authority to enter and inspect the...
15 CFR 270.320 - Entry and inspection of site where a building failure has occurred.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS Collection and Preservation of Evidence... deploys a Team, the Team members will be issued notices of inspection authority to enter and inspect the...
15 CFR 270.320 - Entry and inspection of site where a building failure has occurred.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS Collection and Preservation of Evidence... deploys a Team, the Team members will be issued notices of inspection authority to enter and inspect the...
15 CFR 270.320 - Entry and inspection of site where a building failure has occurred.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS Collection and Preservation of Evidence... deploys a Team, the Team members will be issued notices of inspection authority to enter and inspect the...
15 CFR 270.320 - Entry and inspection of site where a building failure has occurred.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS Collection and Preservation of Evidence... deploys a Team, the Team members will be issued notices of inspection authority to enter and inspect the...
Willmer, D R; Haas, E J
As national and international health and safety management system (HSMS) standards are voluntarily accepted or regulated into practice, organizations are making an effort to modify and integrate strategic elements of a connected management system into their daily risk management practices. In high-risk industries such as mining, that effort takes on added importance. The mining industry has long recognized the importance of a more integrated approach to recognizing and responding to site-specific risks, encouraging the adoption of a risk-based management framework. Recently, the U.S. National Mining Association led the development of an industry-specific HSMS built on the strategic frameworks of ANSI: Z10, OHSAS 18001, The American Chemistry Council's Responsible Care, and ILO-OSH 2001. All of these standards provide strategic guidance and focus on how to incorporate a plan-do-check-act cycle into the identification, management and evaluation of worksite risks. This paper details an exploratory study into whether practices associated with executing a risk-based management framework are visible through the actions of an organization's site-level management of health and safety risks. The results of this study show ways that site-level leaders manage day-to-day risk at their operations that can be characterized according to practices associated with a risk-based management framework. Having tangible operational examples of day-to-day risk management can serve as a starting point for evaluating field-level risk assessment efforts and their alignment to overall company efforts at effective risk mitigation through a HSMS or other processes.
Safety cost management in construction companies: A proposal classification.
López-Alonso, M; Ibarrondo-Dávila, M P; Rubio, M C
Estimating health and safety costs in the construction industry presents various difficulties, including the complexity of cost allocation, the inadequacy of data available to managers and the absence of an accounting model designed specifically for safety cost management. Very often, the costs arising from accidents in the workplace are not fully identifiable due to the hidden costs involved. This paper reviews some studies of occupational health and safety cost management and proposes a means of classifying these costs. We conducted an empirical study in which the health and safety costs of 40 construction worksites are estimated. A new classification of the health and safety cost and its categories is proposed: Safety and non-safety costs. The costs of the company's health and safety policy should be included in the information provided by the accounting system, as a starting point for analysis and control. From this perspective, a classification of health and safety costs and its categories is put forward.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY... into the United States. (2) Every lot of product shall routinely be given visual inspection by a... Food Safety and Inspection Service. The listing will categorize the kind or kinds of product 2 which...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement are two of : the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations : (FMCSAs) key safety programs. The Roadside : Inspection Program consists of roadside inspections : performed by qualified safety inspect...
9 CFR 590.40 - Continuous inspection not provided.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
.... 590.40 Section 590.40 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF... Egg Products Not Intended for Human Food § 590.40 Continuous inspection not provided. Continuous... are not intended for use as human food, but such articles prior to their offer for sale or...
9 CFR 590.40 - Continuous inspection not provided.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
.... 590.40 Section 590.40 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF... Egg Products Not Intended for Human Food § 590.40 Continuous inspection not provided. Continuous... are not intended for use as human food, but such articles prior to their offer for sale or...
9 CFR 590.40 - Continuous inspection not provided.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
.... 590.40 Section 590.40 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF... Egg Products Not Intended for Human Food § 590.40 Continuous inspection not provided. Continuous... are not intended for use as human food, but such articles prior to their offer for sale or...
47 CFR 80.1067 - Inspection of station.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Inspection of station. 80.1067 Section 80.1067 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) General Provisions § 80.1067...
47 CFR 80.1067 - Inspection of station.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Inspection of station. 80.1067 Section 80.1067 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) General Provisions § 80.1067...
47 CFR 80.1067 - Inspection of station.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Inspection of station. 80.1067 Section 80.1067 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) General Provisions § 80.1067...
47 CFR 80.1067 - Inspection of station.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 47 Telecommunication 5 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Inspection of station. 80.1067 Section 80.1067 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) General Provisions § 80.1067...
Safety management of complex research operators
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Brown, W. J.
Complex research and technology operations present varied potential hazards which are addressed in a disciplined, independent safety review and approval process. Potential hazards vary from high energy fuels to hydrocarbon fuels, high pressure systems to high voltage systems, toxic chemicals to radioactive materials and high speed rotating machinery to high powered lasers. A Safety Permit System presently covers about 600 potentially hazardous operations. The Safety Management Program described is believed to be a major factor in maintaining an excellent safety record.
[Quality management and safety culture in medicine: context and concepts].
Wischet, Werner; Eitzinger, Claudia
The publication of the IOM report "To err is human: building a safer health system" in 1999 put spotlight on the primacy of the principle of primum non nocere and made patient safety a central topic of quality management. A key conclusion of the report was the need for a well-developed safety culture. While concepts of quality management have evolved along the lines of ISO and Total Quality Management over the last decades patient safety still has not got the same amount of attention (PubMed). Evidence from other safety-critical areas but also from the field of medicine itself suggests that an efficient culture of safety is a conditio sine qua non for the sustainable improvement of patient safety. Considering these arguments the present paper aims at emphasizing the importance of an efficient culture of safety for patient safety and quality management in healthcare. In addition, key instruments of safety culture as well as their limitations will be presented.
A Uniform Framework of Global Nuclear Materials Management
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Dupree, S.A.; Mangan, D.L.; Sanders, T.L
Global Nuclear Materials Management (GNMM) anticipates and supports a growing international recognition of the importance of uniform, effective management of civilian, excess defense, and nuclear weapons materials. We expect thereto be a continuing increase in both the number of international agreements and conventions on safety, security, and transparency of nuclear materials, and the number of U.S.-Russian agreements for the safety, protection, and transparency of weapons and excess defense materials. This inventory of agreements and conventions may soon expand into broad, mandatory, international programs that will include provisions for inspection, verification, and transparency, To meet such demand the community must buildmore » on the resources we have, including State agencies, the IAEA and regional organizations. By these measures we will meet the future expectations for monitoring and inspection of materials, maintenance of safety and security, and implementation of transparency measures.« less
Phongsavan, Keokedthong; Phengsavanh, Alongkone; Wahlström, Rolf; Marions, Lena
To assess the safety, acceptability, and feasibility of visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) followed by immediate treatment with cryotherapy as a single-visit approach for the prevention of cervical cancer among women in rural Laos. In 2009, women from 2 provinces in Laos were recruited for cervical cancer screening using VIA. If the inspection of the cervix showed a well-defined acetowhite lesion close to the os, immediate cryotherapy was offered. Of the 1926 women who were included, 134 (7.0%) tested positive on VIA. Of these, 113 (84.3%) underwent immediate cryotherapy and none declined treatment. One year after immediate cryotherapy, 77 (68.1%) women returned for a follow-up assessment and 68 (88.3%) were now VIA-negative. There was no report of a major complication during or after treatment. The acceptance of both VIA and cryotherapy was high. Visual inspection with acetic acid is a simple test that requires minimal infrastructure and expenditure. Integration of VIA with cryotherapy at the primary care level may constitute a feasible program for the prevention of cervical cancer in Laos. Copyright © 2011 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ethical issues in patient safety: Implications for nursing management.
Kangasniemi, Mari; Vaismoradi, Mojtaba; Jasper, Melanie; Turunen, Hannele
The purpose of this article is to discuss the ethical issues impacting the phenomenon of patient safety and to present implications for nursing management. Previous knowledge of this perspective is fragmented. In this discussion, the main drivers are identified and formulated in 'the ethical imperative' of patient safety. Underlying values and principles are considered, with the aim of increasing their visibility for nurse managers' decision-making. The contradictory nature of individual and utilitarian safety is identified as a challenge in nurse management practice, together with the context of shared responsibility and identification of future challenges. As a conclusion, nurse managers play a strategic role in patient safety. Their role is to incorporate ethical values of patient safety into decision-making at all levels in an organization, and also to encourage clinical nurses to consider values in the provision of care to patients. Patient safety that is sensitive to ethics provides sustainable practice where the humanity and dignity of all stakeholders are respected.
Wireless roadside inspection phase II evaluation final report.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Wireless Roadside Inspection (WRI) Program is demonstrating the feasibility and value of electronically assessing truck and coach driver and vehicle safety at least 25 times more often than is p...
49 CFR 195.228 - Welds and welding inspection: Standards of acceptability.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Welds and welding inspection: Standards of... SAFETY TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS BY PIPELINE Construction § 195.228 Welds and welding inspection: Standards of acceptability. (a) Each weld and welding must be inspected to insure compliance with...
49 CFR 195.228 - Welds and welding inspection: Standards of acceptability.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Welds and welding inspection: Standards of... SAFETY TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS BY PIPELINE Construction § 195.228 Welds and welding inspection: Standards of acceptability. (a) Each weld and welding must be inspected to insure compliance with...
49 CFR 195.228 - Welds and welding inspection: Standards of acceptability.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Welds and welding inspection: Standards of... SAFETY TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS BY PIPELINE Construction § 195.228 Welds and welding inspection: Standards of acceptability. (a) Each weld and welding must be inspected to insure compliance with...
49 CFR 195.228 - Welds and welding inspection: Standards of acceptability.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Welds and welding inspection: Standards of... SAFETY TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS BY PIPELINE Construction § 195.228 Welds and welding inspection: Standards of acceptability. (a) Each weld and welding must be inspected to insure compliance with...
49 CFR 195.228 - Welds and welding inspection: Standards of acceptability.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 49 Transportation 3 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Welds and welding inspection: Standards of... SAFETY TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS BY PIPELINE Construction § 195.228 Welds and welding inspection: Standards of acceptability. (a) Each weld and welding must be inspected to insure compliance with...
9 CFR 381.209 - Returned United States inspected and marked poultry products; exemption.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Returned United States inspected and marked poultry products; exemption. 381.209 Section 381.209 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND...
[Implementation of a safety and health planning system in a teaching hospital].
Mariani, F; Bravi, C; Dolcetti, L; Moretto, A; Palermo, A; Ronchin, M; Tonelli, F; Carrer, P
University Hospital "L. Sacco" had started in 2006 a two-year project in order to set up a "Health and Safety Management System (HSMS)" referring to the technical guideline OHSAS 18001:1999 and the UNI and INAIL "Guidelines for a health and safety management system at workplace". So far, the following operations had been implemented: Setting up of a specific Commission within the Risk Management Committee; Identification and appointment of Departmental Representatives of HSMS; Carrying out of a training course addressed to Workers Representatives for Safety and Departmental Representatives of HSMS; Development of an Integrated Informative System for Prevention and Safety; Auditors qualification; Inspection of the Occupational Health Unit and the Prevention and Safety Service: reporting of critical situations and monitoring solutions adopted. Short term objectives are: Self-evaluation through check-lists of each department; Sharing of the Improvement Plan among the departments of the hospital; Planning of Health and Safety training activities in the framework of the Hospital Training Plan; Safety audit.
49 CFR 396.9 - Inspection of motor vehicles and intermodal equipment in operation.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 49 Transportation 5 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Inspection of motor vehicles and intermodal equipment in operation. 396.9 Section 396.9 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY REGULATIONS INSPECTION, REPAIR, AND...
Road safety issues for bus transport management.
Cafiso, Salvatore; Di Graziano, Alessandro; Pappalardo, Giuseppina
Because of the low percentage of crashes involving buses and the assumption that public transport improves road safety by reducing vehicular traffic, public interest in bus safety is not as great as that in the safety of other types of vehicles. It is possible that less attention is paid to the significance of crashes involving buses because the safety level of bus systems is considered to be adequate. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and perceptions of bus managers with respect to safety issues and the potential effectiveness of various technologies in achieving higher safety standards. Bus managers were asked to give their opinions on safety issues related to drivers (training, skills, performance evaluation and behaviour), vehicles (maintenance and advanced devices) and roads (road and traffic safety issues) in response to a research survey. Kendall's algorithm was used to evaluate the level of concordance. The results showed that the majority of the proposed items were considered to have great potential for improving bus safety. The data indicated that in the experience of the participants, passenger unloading and pedestrians crossing near bus stops are the most dangerous actions with respect to vulnerable users. The final results of the investigation showed that start inhibition, automatic door opening, and the materials and internal architecture of buses were considered the items most strongly related to bus passenger safety. Brake assistance and vehicle monitoring systems were also considered to be very effective. With the exception of driver assistance systems for passenger and pedestrian safety, the perceptions of the importance of other driver assistance systems for vehicle monitoring and bus safety were not unanimous among the bus company managers who participated in this survey. The study results showed that the introduction of new technologies is perceived as an important factor in improving bus safety, but a better understanding
KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. - Seen from below and through a solid rocket booster segment mockup, Jeff Thon, an SRB mechanic with United Space Alliance, tests the feasibility of a vertical solid rocket booster propellant grain inspection technique. The inspection of segments is required as part of safety analysis.
9 CFR 352.3 - Application by official exotic animal establishment for inspection services.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... establishment for inspection services. 352.3 Section 352.3 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND... INSPECTION Exotic Animals § 352.3 Application by official exotic animal establishment for inspection services... meat food products in an establishment under exotic animal inspection service must receive approval of...
9 CFR 352.3 - Application by official exotic animal establishment for inspection services.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... establishment for inspection services. 352.3 Section 352.3 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND... INSPECTION Exotic Animals § 352.3 Application by official exotic animal establishment for inspection services... meat food products in an establishment under exotic animal inspection service must receive approval of...
9 CFR 352.3 - Application by official exotic animal establishment for inspection services.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... establishment for inspection services. 352.3 Section 352.3 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND... INSPECTION Exotic Animals § 352.3 Application by official exotic animal establishment for inspection services... meat food products in an establishment under exotic animal inspection service must receive approval of...
9 CFR 352.3 - Application by official exotic animal establishment for inspection services.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... establishment for inspection services. 352.3 Section 352.3 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND... INSPECTION Exotic Animals § 352.3 Application by official exotic animal establishment for inspection services... meat food products in an establishment under exotic animal inspection service must receive approval of...
48 CFR 46.301 - Contractor inspection requirements.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Contractor inspection... CONTRACT MANAGEMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE Contract Clauses 46.301 Contractor inspection requirements. The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.246-1, Contractor Inspection Requirements, in solicitations...
9 CFR 592.310 - Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark. 592.310 Section 592.310 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Identifying and Marking Products § 592.310 Form of...
9 CFR 592.310 - Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark. 592.310 Section 592.310 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Identifying and Marking Products § 592.310 Form of...
9 CFR 592.310 - Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark. 592.310 Section 592.310 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Identifying and Marking Products § 592.310 Form of...
9 CFR 592.310 - Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark. 592.310 Section 592.310 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Identifying and Marking Products § 592.310 Form of...
Wireless roadside inspection phase II : final report : [technology brief].
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Wireless Roadside Inspection (WRI) Program is demonstrating the feasibility and value of electronically assessing truck and motorcoach driver and vehicle safety. Electronic assessments (or WRIs)...
75 FR 68224 - Safety Management Systems for Part 121 Certificate Holders
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... the general framework for an organization-wide safety management approach to air carrier operations... System? An SMS is an organization-wide approach to managing safety risk and assuring the effectiveness of... under 14 CFR part 121 to develop and implement a safety management system (SMS) to improve the safety of...
Safety Psychology Applicating on Coal Mine Safety Management Based on Information System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hou, Baoyue; Chen, Fei
In recent years, with the increase of intensity of coal mining, a great number of major accidents happen frequently, the reason mostly due to human factors, but human's unsafely behavior are affected by insecurity mental control. In order to reduce accidents, and to improve safety management, with the help of application security psychology, we analyse the cause of insecurity psychological factors from human perception, from personality development, from motivation incentive, from reward and punishment mechanism, and from security aspects of mental training , and put forward countermeasures to promote coal mine safety production,and to provide information for coal mining to improve the level of safety management.
46 CFR 160.064-6 - Examinations, tests and inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... labeled water safety buoyant devices shall maintain quality control of the materials used, manufacturing... available to the recognized laboratory inspector or to the Coast Guard marine inspector, or both, for review upon request. (b) Laboratory inspections and tests. Such examinations, inspections and tests as are...
Skinner, E.L.; Watterson, C.A.; Chemerys, J.C.
Safety, defined as 'freedom from danger, risk, or injury,' is difficult to achieve in a laboratory environment. Inherent dangers, associated with water analysis and research laboratories where hazardous samples, materials, and equipment are used, must be minimized to protect workers, buildings, and equipment. Managers, supervisors, analysts, and laboratory support personnel each have specific responsibilities to reduce hazards by maintaining a safe work environment. General rules of conduct and safety practices that involve personal protection, laboratory practices, chemical handling, compressed gases handling, use of equipment, and overall security must be practiced by everyone at all levels. Routine and extensive inspections of all laboratories must be made regularly by qualified people. Personnel should be trained thoroughly and repetitively. Special hazards that may involve exposure to carcinogens, cryogenics, or radiation must be given special attention, and specific rules and operational procedures must be established to deal with them. Safety data, reference materials, and texts must be kept available if prudent safety is to be practiced and accidents prevented or minimized.
49 CFR 392.7 - Equipment, inspection and use.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY REGULATIONS DRIVING OF COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES General § 392.7 Equipment, inspection and use. (a) No commercial motor vehicle shall be driven...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This report deals with the Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection Management Evaluation System software documentation and implementation procedures. A companion report entitled "A Management System for Evaluating the Virginia Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspec...
Yiu, Nicole S N; Sze, N N; Chan, Daniel W M
In the 1980s, the safety management system (SMS) was introduced in the construction industry to mitigate against workplaces hazards, reduce the risk of injuries, and minimize property damage. Also, the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Management) Regulation was introduced on 24 November 1999 in Hong Kong to empower the mandatory implementation of a SMS in certain industries including building construction. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of the SMS in improving construction safety and identify the factors that influence its implementation in Hong Kong. A review of the current state-of-the-practice helped to establish the critical success factors (CSFs), benefits, and difficulties of implementing the SMS in the construction industry, while structured interviews were used to establish the key factors of the SMS implementation. Results of the state-of-the-practice review and structured interviews indicated that visible senior commitment, in terms of manpower and cost allocation, and competency of safety manager as key drivers for the SMS implementation. More so, reduced accident rates and accident costs, improved organization framework, and increased safety audit ratings were identified as core benefits of implementing the SMS. Meanwhile, factors such as insufficient resources, tight working schedule, and high labor turnover rate were the key challenges to the effective SMS implementation in Hong Kong. The findings of the study were consistent and indicative of the future development of safety management practice and the sustainable safety improvement of Hong Kong construction industry in the long run. Copyright © 2018 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A 3D printed smartphone optosensing platform for point-of-need food safety inspection.
Liu, Zhonggang; Zhang, Yali; Xu, Shujia; Zhang, Heng; Tan, Yixun; Ma, Chenming; Song, Rong; Jiang, Lelun; Yi, Changqing
The deficiency in rapid and in-field detection methods and portable devices that are reliable, easy-to-use, and low cost, results in the difficulties to uphold the high safety standards in China. In this study, we introduce a rapid and cost-effective smartphone-based method for point-of-need food safety inspection, which employs aptamer-conjugated AuNPs as the colorimetric indicator, and a battery-powered optosensing accessory attached to the camera of a smartphone for transmission images capture. A user-friendly and easy-to-use Android application is developed for automatic digital image processing and result reporting. Streptomycin (STR) is selected as the proof-of-concept target, and its specific quantitation can be realized with a LOD of 12.3 nM (8.97 μg kg -1 ) using the reported smartphone-based method. The quantitation of STR in honey, milk and tap water confirm the reliability and applicability of the reported method. The extremely high acceptance of smartphone in remote and metropolitan areas of China and ease-of-use of the reported method facilitate active food contaminant and toxicant screening, thus making the implementation of the whole food supply chain monitoring and surveillance possible and hence significantly improving the current Chinese food safety control system. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
44 CFR 59.30 - A pilot inspection procedure.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false A pilot inspection procedure... PROVISIONS Pilot Inspection Program § 59.30 A pilot inspection procedure. (a) Purpose. This section sets forth the criteria for implementing a pilot inspection procedure in Monroe County and the Village of...
44 CFR 59.30 - A pilot inspection procedure.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false A pilot inspection procedure... PROVISIONS Pilot Inspection Program § 59.30 A pilot inspection procedure. (a) Purpose. This section sets forth the criteria for implementing a pilot inspection procedure in Monroe County and the Village of...
The evolving role and care management approaches of safety-net Medicaid managed care plans.
Gusmano, Michael K; Sparer, Michael S; Brown, Lawrence D; Rowe, Catherine; Gray, Bradford
This article provides new empirical data about the viability and the care management activities of Medicaid managed-care plans sponsored by provider organizations that serve Medicaid and other low-income populations. Using survey and case study methods, we studied these "safety-net" health plans in 1998 and 2000. Although the number of safety-net plans declined over this period, the surviving plans were larger and enjoying greater financial success than the plans we surveyed in 1998. We also found that, based on a partnership with providers, safety-net plans are moving toward more sophisticated efforts to manage the care of their enrollees. Our study suggests that, with supportive state policies, safety-net plans are capable of remaining viable. Contracting with safety-net plans may not be an efficient mechanism for enabling Medicaid recipients to "enter the mainstream of American health care," but it may provide states with an effective way to manage and coordinate the care of Medicaid recipients, while helping to maintain the health care safety-net for the uninsured.
30 CFR 18.61 - Final inspection of complete machine.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Final inspection of complete machine. 18.61 Section 18.61 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR TESTING, EVALUATION, AND APPROVAL OF MINING PRODUCTS ELECTRIC MOTOR-DRIVEN MINE EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES Inspections...
Requirements Analysis for the Army Safety Management Information System (ASMIS)
8217_>’ Telephone Number « .. PNL-6819 Limited Distribution Requirements Analysis for the Army Safety Management Information System (ASMIS) Final...PNL-6819 REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS FOR THE ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (ASMIS) FINAL REPORT J. S. Littlefield A. L. Corrigan March...accidents. This accident data is available under the Army Safety Management Information System (ASMIS) which is an umbrella for many databases
Guo, Ye; Chen, Qian; Wu, Wei; Cui, Wei
To establish a system of monitoring the key indicator of quality for inspection (KIQI) on a laboratory information system (LIS), and to have a better management of KIQI. Clinical sample made in PUMCH were collected during the whole of 2014. Next, interactive input program were designed to accomplish data collecting of the disqualification rate of samples, the mistake rate of samples and the occasions of losing samples, etc. Then, a series moment of sample collection, laboratory sample arrived, sample test, sample check, response to critical value, namely, trajectory information left on LIS were recorded and the qualification rate of TAT, the notification rate of endangering result were calculated. Finally, the information about quality control were collected to build an internal quality control database and the KIQI, such as the out-of-control rate of quality control and the total error of test items were monitored. The inspection of the sample management shows the disqualification rates in 2014 were all below the target, but the rates in January and February were a little high and the rates of four wards were above 2%. The mistake rates of samples was 0.47 cases/10 000 cases, attaining the target (< 2 cases/10 000 cases). Also, there was no occasion of losing samples in 2014, attaining the target too. The inspection of laboratory reports shows the qualification rates of TAT was within the acceptable range (> 95%), however the rates of blood routine in November (94.75%) was out of range. We have solved the problem by optimizing the processes. The notification rate of endangering result attained the target (≥ 98%), while the rate of timely notification is needed to improve. Quality inspection shows the CV of APTT in August (5.02%) was rising significantly, beyond the accepted CV (5.0%). We have solved the problem by changing the reagent. The CV of TT in 2014 were all below the allowable CV, thus the allowable CV of the next year lower to 10%. It is an objective
The determinants of employee participation in occupational health and safety management.
Masso, Märt
This article focuses on employee direct participation in occupational health and safety (OHS) management. The article explains what determines employee opportunities to participate in OHS management. The explanatory framework focuses on safety culture and safety management at workplaces. The framework is empirically tested using Estonian cross-sectional, multilevel data of organizations and their employees. The analysis indicates that differences in employee participation in OHS management in the Estonian case could be explained by differences in OHS management practices rather than differences in safety culture. This indicates that throughout the institutional change and shift to the European model of employment relations system, change in management practices has preceded changes in safety culture which according to theoretical argument is supposed to follow culture change.
49 CFR 213.367 - Special inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
..., DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRACK SAFETY STANDARDS Train Operations at Track Classes 6 and Higher § 213.367 Special inspections. In the event of fire, flood, severe storm, temperature extremes or other occurrence...
Managing aging in nuclear power plants: Insights from NRC maintenance team inspection reports
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Fresco, A.; Subudhi, M.; Gunther, W.
A plant`s maintenance program is the principal vehicle through which age-related degradation is managed. From 1988 to 1991, the NRC evaluated the maintenance program of every nuclear power plant in the United States. Forty-four out of a total of 67 of the reports issued on these in-depth team inspections were reviewed for insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the programs as related to the need to understand and manage the effects of aging on nuclear plant systems, structures, and components. Relevant information was extracted from these inspection reports and sorted into several categories, including Specific Aging Insights, Preventive Maintenance,more » Predictive Maintenance and Condition Monitoring, Post Maintenance Testing, Failure Trending, Root Cause Analysis and Usage of Probabilistic Risk Assessment in the Maintenance Process. Specific examples of inspection and monitoring techniques successfully used by utilities to detect degradation due to aging have been identified. The information also was sorted according to systems and components, including: Auxiliary Feedwater, Main Feedwater, High Pressure Injection for both BWRs and PWRs, Service Water, Instrument Air, and Emergency Diesel Generator Air Start Systems, and Emergency Diesel Generators Air Start Systems, emergency diesel generators, electrical components such as switchgear, breakers, relays, and motor control centers, motor operated valves and check valves. This information was compared to insights gained from the Nuclear Plant Aging Research (NPAR) Program. Attributes of plant maintenance programs where the NRC inspectors felt that improvement was needed to properly address the aging issue also are discussed.« less
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sabanci, Ali; Sahin, Ahmet; Özdemir, Izzet
The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between interpersonal communication skills and conflict management strategies in the case of inspection groups constituted by a number of inspectors based on the geographical and demographic dispersion of the school population in Turkey. This research was conducted as a survey. The…
Human factors in safety and business management.
Vogt, Joachim; Leonhardt, Jorg; Koper, Birgit; Pennig, Stefan
Human factors in safety is concerned with all those factors that influence people and their behaviour in safety-critical situations. In aviation these are, for example, environmental factors in the cockpit, organisational factors such as shift work, human characteristics such as ability and motivation of staff. Careful consideration of human factors is necessary to improve health and safety at work by optimising the interaction of humans with their technical and social (team, supervisor) work environment. This provides considerable benefits for business by increasing efficiency and by preventing incidents/accidents. The aim of this paper is to suggest management tools for this purpose. Management tools such as balanced scorecards (BSC) are widespread instruments and also well known in aviation organisations. Only a few aviation organisations utilise management tools for human factors although they are the most important conditions in the safety management systems of aviation organisations. One reason for this is that human factors are difficult to measure and therefore also difficult to manage. Studies in other domains, such as workplace health promotion, indicate that BSC-based tools are useful for human factor management. Their mission is to develop a set of indicators that are sensitive to organisational performance and help identify driving forces as well as bottlenecks. Another tool presented in this paper is the Human Resources Performance Model (HPM). HPM facilitates the integrative assessment of human factors programmes on the basis of a systematic performance analysis of the whole system. Cause-effect relationships between system elements are defined in process models in a first step and validated empirically in a second step. Thus, a specific representation of the performance processes is developed, which ranges from individual behaviour to system performance. HPM is more analytic than BSC-based tools because HPM also asks why a certain factor is
NJ00293 1. OOVT ACCESSION NO. 4. TITLE (and Submit) Phase I Inspection Report National Dan Safety Program Manalapan Lake Dam Middlesea County...ssthoriistioa of set, Fsblic Lsw M- Ss7 . k brlsf assasaasat of ths ssa’s csssltlss is giwaa is ths frost of ths rsaort. oa wlsssl iaasostlaa, svallsbla
9 CFR 11.23 - Inspection of records.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Inspection of records. 11.23 Section 11.23 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL WELFARE HORSE PROTECTION REGULATIONS § 11.23 Inspection of records. (a) The management of...
Enhanced culvert inspections - best practices guidebook : final report.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Culvert inspection is a key enabler that allows MnDOT to manage the states highway culvert system. When quantitative detail on culvert condition is required, an inspector will need to use enhanced inspection technologies. Enhanced inspection techn...
USDOT guidance summary for connected vehicle deployments : safety management.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This document provides guidance material in regards to safety management plan for the CV Pilots DeploymentConcept Development Phase. This guidance provides key concepts and references in developing the SafetyManagement Plan in Task 4, lists relevant ...
9 CFR 304.2 - Information to be furnished; grant or refusal of inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Information to be furnished; grant or refusal of inspection. 304.2 Section 304.2 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND...
9 CFR 304.2 - Information to be furnished; grant or refusal of inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Information to be furnished; grant or refusal of inspection. 304.2 Section 304.2 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND...
9 CFR 304.2 - Information to be furnished; grant or refusal of inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Information to be furnished; grant or refusal of inspection. 304.2 Section 304.2 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND...
Mariouryad, Pegah; Golbabaei, Farideh; Nasiri, Parvin; Mohammadfam, Iraj; Marioryad, Hossein
Nowadays, organizations try to improve their services and consequently adopt management systems and standards which have become key parts in various industries. One of these management systems which have been noticed in the recent years is Integrated Management System that is the combination of quality, health, safety and environment management systems. This study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the improvement trend after establishment of integrated management system for health, safety and environment indicators, in a pharmaceutical industry in Iran. First, during several inspections in different parts of the industry, indicators that should have been noted were listed and then these indicators were organized in 3 domains of health, safety and environment in the form of a questionnaire that followed Likert method of scaling. Also, the weight of each index was resulted from averaging out of 30 managers and the viewpoints of the related experts in the field. Moreover, by checking the documents and evidence of different years (5 contemplation years of this study), the score of each indicator was determined by multiplying the weight and score of the indices and were finally analysed. Over 5 years, scores of health scope indicators, increased from 161.99 to 202.23. Score in the first year after applying the integrated management system establishment was 172.37 in safety part and in the final year increased to 197.57. The changes of environmental scope rates, from the beginning of the program up to the last year increased from 49.24 to 64.27. Integrated management systems help organizations to improve programs to achieve their objectives. Although in this study all trends of health, safety and environmental indicator changes were positive, but at the same time showed to be slow. So, one can suggest that the result of an annual evaluation should be applied in planning future activities for the years ahead.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Management of Containers § 265.174 Inspections. At least weekly, the owner or operator must inspect areas where containers are stored, except for Performance Track member facilities, that must conduct..., the Performance Track member facility must follow the procedures described in § 265.15(b)(5) of this...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Management of Containers § 265.174 Inspections. At least weekly, the owner or operator must inspect areas where containers are stored, except for Performance Track member facilities, that must conduct..., the Performance Track member facility must follow the procedures described in § 265.15(b)(5) of this...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Management of Containers § 265.174 Inspections. At least weekly, the owner or operator must inspect areas where containers are stored, except for Performance Track member facilities, that must conduct..., the Performance Track member facility must follow the procedures described in § 265.15(b)(5) of this...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Management of Containers § 265.174 Inspections. At least weekly, the owner or operator must inspect areas where containers are stored, except for Performance Track member facilities, that must conduct..., the Performance Track member facility must follow the procedures described in § 265.15(b)(5) of this...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Management of Containers § 265.174 Inspections. At least weekly, the owner or operator must inspect areas where containers are stored, except for Performance Track member facilities, that must conduct..., the Performance Track member facility must follow the procedures described in § 265.15(b)(5) of this...
The Design of a Practical Enterprise Safety Management System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gabbar, Hossam A.; Suzuki, Kazuhiko
This book presents design guidelines and implementation approaches for enterprise safety management system as integrated within enterprise integrated systems. It shows new model-based safety management where process design automation is integrated with enterprise business functions and components. It proposes new system engineering approach addressed to new generation chemical industry. It will help both the undergraduate and professional readers to build basic knowledge about issues and problems of designing practical enterprise safety management system, while presenting in clear way, the system and information engineering practices to design enterprise integrated solution.
programs for non-Federal dams. (3) To update, verify and complete the National Inventory of Dams. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT a. Location. The Lovejoy Pond...BUREAU OF STANDARDS- 1963-A 41 ANDROSCOGGIN RIVER BASIN NORTH WAYNE ,MAINE LOVEJOY POND DAM ME-00022 0 PHASE I INSPECTION REPORT NATIONAL DAM INSPECTION...side of necessar mnd idenifIr bioc Sigmmber) DAMS, INSPECTION, DAM SAFETY, * Androscoggin River Basin North Wayne, Maine Lovejoy Pond * 20. ABSTRACT
Laboratory Safety and Management
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Goodenough, T. J.
Explains a scientific approach to accident prevention and outlines the safety aspects associated with the handling of chemicals in the secondary school. Provides a check list of unsafe acts and conditions, outlines features of good laboratory management, and gives hints for combating the effects of inflation on science budgets. (GS)
9 CFR 592.90 - Authority and duties of inspection program personnel performing service.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Authority and duties of inspection program personnel performing service. 592.90 Section 592.90 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Performance of Services § 592.90 Authorit...
9 CFR 592.90 - Authority and duties of inspection program personnel performing service.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Authority and duties of inspection program personnel performing service. 592.90 Section 592.90 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Performance of Services § 592.90 Authorit...
9 CFR 592.90 - Authority and duties of inspection program personnel performing service.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Authority and duties of inspection program personnel performing service. 592.90 Section 592.90 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Performance of Services § 592.90 Authorit...
9 CFR 590.920 - Importer to make application for inspection of imported eggs and egg products.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... inspection of imported eggs and egg products. 590.920 Section 590.920 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION INSPECTION OF EGGS AND EGG PRODUCTS (EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT) Imports § 590.920 Importer to make application for inspection of...
9 CFR 590.920 - Importer to make application for inspection of imported eggs and egg products.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... inspection of imported eggs and egg products. 590.920 Section 590.920 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION INSPECTION OF EGGS AND EGG PRODUCTS (EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT) Imports § 590.920 Importer to make application for inspection of...
Design of noise barrier inspection system for high-speed railway
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Bingqian; Shao, Shuangyun; Feng, Qibo; Ma, Le; Cholryong, Kim
The damage of noise barriers will highly reduce the transportation safety of the high-speed railway. In this paper, an online inspection system of noise barrier based on laser vision for the safety of high-speed railway is proposed. The inspection system, mainly consisted of a fast camera and a line laser, installed in the first carriage of the high-speed CIT(Composited Inspection Train).A Laser line was projected on the surface of the noise barriers and the images of the light line were received by the camera while the train is running at high speed. The distance between the inspection system and the noise barrier can be obtained based on laser triangulation principle. The results of field tests show that the proposed system can meet the need of high speed and high accuracy to get the contour distortion of the noise barriers.
Scale development of safety management system evaluation for the airline industry.
Chen, Ching-Fu; Chen, Shu-Chuan
The airline industry relies on the implementation of Safety Management System (SMS) to integrate safety policies and augment safety performance at both organizational and individual levels. Although there are various degrees of SMS implementation in practice, a comprehensive scale measuring the essential dimensions of SMS is still lacking. This paper thus aims to develop an SMS measurement scale from the perspective of aviation experts and airline managers to evaluate the performance of company's safety management system, by adopting Schwab's (1980) three-stage scale development procedure. The results reveal a five-factor structure consisting of 23 items. The five factors include documentation and commands, safety promotion and training, executive management commitment, emergency preparedness and response plan and safety management policy. The implications of this SMS evaluation scale for practitioners and future research are discussed. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
49 CFR 192.241 - Inspection and test of welds.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... NATURAL AND OTHER GAS BY PIPELINE: MINIMUM FEDERAL SAFETY STANDARDS Welding of Steel in Pipelines § 192.241 Inspection and test of welds. (a) Visual inspection of welding must be conducted by an individual qualified by appropriate training and experience to ensure that: (1) The welding is performed in accordance...
9 CFR 303.2 - Experimentation: Intensity of inspection coverage.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... inspection coverage. 303.2 Section 303.2 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE... under the Act and regulations is required, the frequency with which and the manner in which meat food... by Program employees is to be based on considerations relevant to effective regulation of meat food...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement are two of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations (FMCSAs) key safety programs. The Roadside Inspection program consists of roadside inspections performed by qualified safety inspectors. The...
Hadjichristodoulou, Christos; Mouchtouri, Varvara; Varzakas, Theodoros; Arvanitoyannis, Ioannis; Kremastinou, Jenny
Standardized inspections of food premises are part of environmental health systems implemented worldwide. The food safety strategy for the 2004 Olympic Games included standardized inspections to ensure uniformity and consistency of procedures and effective electronic management of data. Inspections were carried out by 196 inspectors in the five Olympic cities: Athens, Thessalonica, Volos, Iraklio, and Patra. From January 2003 to September 2004, a total of 1,249 food premises were inspected. An unsatisfactory inspection result (C grade) was received by 347 (27.8%) food premises, a relatively satisfactory result (B grade) was received by 332 (26.6%), and a satisfactory result (A grade) was received by 570 (45.6%). About 16% of inspected premises did not hold a valid permit. Unsatisfactory inspection results were more frequent for premises located in the two largest Greek cities in comparison with the other smaller cities (relative risk = 1.95, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.36 to 2.80). Based on logistic regression analysis, unsatisfactory inspection results were positively associated with food premises that were not located on a ground floor (odds ratio [OR] = 2.56, 95% CI = 1.39 to 4.73) and negatively associated with application of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) principles (OR = 0.27, 95% CI = 0.10 to 0.71). Food hygiene education through formal training programs should be encouraged to improve compliance of food premises. Food premises located on hotel floors and serving buffet meals are at higher risk for unsatisfactory conditions. Businesses that implemented a HACCP system within their operations to ensure food safety operated under more hygienic conditions. Future inspections by Public Health Authorities should involve elements of audit after the legislation for the application of HACCP principles.
9 CFR 592.430 - When an application for an appeal inspection may be refused.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false When an application for an appeal inspection may be refused. 592.430 Section 592.430 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS Appeals...
The Safety Attitudes of Senior Managers in the Chinese Coal Industry.
Zhang, Jiangshi; Chen, Na; Fu, Gui; Yan, Mingwei; Kim, Young-Chan
Introduction: Senior managers' attitudes towards safety are very important regarding the safety practices in an organization. The study is to describe the current situation of senior managers' attitudes towards safety in the Chinese coal industry. Method : We evaluated the changing trends as well as the reasons for these changes in the Chinese coal industry in 2009 and in 2014 with 168 senior manager samples from large Chinese state-owned coal enterprises. Evaluations of 15 safety concepts were performed by means of a questionnaire. Results and Conclusions : Results indicate that, in 2014, three concepts were at a very high level (mean > 4.5), and six were at a relatively high level (4.5 > mean > 4.0). Analyses of changing trends revealed that nine concepts improved significantly, while four greatly declined in 2014 compared to those in 2009. The data reported here suggest that the reasons for the significant improvement with respect to the nine concepts include the improvement in social and legal environments, the improvement of the culture of social safety, workers' safety demands being met, and scientific and technical advances in the coal industry. The decline of the four concepts seemed to be caused by a poor awareness of managers in the coal industry that safety creates economic benefits, insufficient information on safety, inadequate attention to the development of a safety culture and safety management methods, and safety organizations and workers' unions not playing their role effectively. Practical Applications : We therefore recommend strengthening the evidence that safety creates economic benefits, providing incentives for employees to encourage their participation in safety management, and paying more attention to the prevention of accidents in coal mines via safety organizations and unions. These results can provide guidelines for workers, industrialists, and government regarding occupational safety in the whole coal industry.
Naugle, Alecia Larew; Holt, Kristin G; Levine, Priscilla; Eckel, Ron
We analyzed raw ground beef testing data to determine whether a decrease in the rate of Escherichia coli O157:H7-positive raw ground beef samples has occurred since the inception of Food Safety and Inspection Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture) regulatory actions and microbiological testing concerning this commodity and pathogen. A main effects log-linear Poisson regression model was constructed to evaluate the association between fiscal year and the rate of E. coli O157:H7-positive raw ground beef samples while controlling for the effect of season for the subset of test results obtained from fiscal year (FY)2000 through FY2003. Rate ratios were used to compare the rate of E. coli O157:H7-positive raw ground beef samples between sequential years to identify year-to-year differences. Of the 26,521 raw ground beef samples tested from FY2000 through FY2003, 189 (0.71%) tested positive for E. coli O157:H7. Year-to-year comparisons identified a 50% reduction in the rate of positive ground beef samples from FY2002 to FY2003 when controlling for season (95% CI, 10 to 72% decrease; P = 0.02). This decrease was the only significant year-to-year change in the rate of E. coli O157:H7-positive raw ground beef samples but was consistent in samples obtained from both federally inspected establishments and retail outlets. We believe this decrease is attributed to specific regulatory actions by Food Safety and Inspection Service and subsequent actions implemented by the industry, with the goal of reducing E. coli O157:H7 adulteration of raw ground beef. Continued monitoring is necessary to confirm that the decrease in the rate of E. coli O157:H7 in raw ground beef samples we observed here represents the beginning of a sustained trend.
Implementing local agency safety management
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
For local agencies to mount a successful effort toward reducing motor vehicle collisions and their costs, an effective systematic approach must be taken. A Safety Management System (SMS) has two basic components: a collaborative information exchange ...
Safety management of complex research operations
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Brown, W. J.
Complex research and technology operations present many varied potential hazards which must be addressed in a disciplined independent safety review and approval process. The research and technology effort at the Lewis Research Center is divided into programmatic areas of aeronautics, space and energy. Potential hazards vary from high energy fuels to hydrocarbon fuels, high pressure systems to high voltage systems, toxic chemicals to radioactive materials and high speed rotating machinery to high powered lasers. A Safety Permit System presently covers about 600 potentially hazardous operations. The Safety Management Program described in this paper is believed to be a major factor in maintaining an excellent safety record at the Lewis Research Center.
Railroad safety program, task 2
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Aspects of railroad safety and the preparation of a National Inspection Plan (NIP) for rail safety improvement are examined. Methodology for the allocation of inspection resources, preparation of a NIP instruction manual, and recommendations for future NIP, are described. A statistical analysis of regional rail accidents is presented with causes and suggested preventive measures included.
Peterson, Kristina; Rogers, Bonnie M E; Brosseau, Lisa M; Payne, Julianne; Cooney, Jennifer; Joe, Lauren; Novak, Debra
This article compares hospital managers' (HM), unit managers' (UM), and health care workers' (HCW) perceptions of respiratory protection safety climate in acute care hospitals. The article is based on survey responses from 215 HMs, 245 UMs, and 1,105 HCWs employed by 98 acute care hospitals in six states. Ten survey questions assessed five of the key dimensions of safety climate commonly identified in the literature: managerial commitment to safety, management feedback on safety procedures, coworkers' safety norms, worker involvement, and worker safety training. Clinically and statistically significant differences were found across the three respondent types. HCWs had less positive perceptions of management commitment, worker involvement, and safety training aspects of safety climate than HMs and UMs. UMs had more positive perceptions of management's supervision of HCWs' respiratory protection practices. Implications for practice improvements indicate the need for frontline HCWs' inclusion in efforts to reduce safety climate barriers and better support effective respiratory protection programs and daily health protection practices. © 2016 The Author(s).
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Risoluti, P.
The Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (the Joint Convention) is the only legally binding international treaty in the area of radioactive waste management. It was adopted by a Diplomatic Conference in September 1997 and opened for signature on 29 September 1997. The Convention entered into force on 18 June 1998, and to date (September 04) has been signed by 42 States, of which 34 have formally ratified, thus becoming Contracting Parties. The Joint Convention applies to spent fuel and radioactive waste resulting from civilian application. Its principal aim ismore » to achieve and maintain a high degree of safety in their management worldwide. The Convention is an incentive instrument, not designed to ensure fulfillment of obligations through control and sanction, but by a peer pressure. The obligations of the Contracting Parties are mainly based on the international safety standards developed by the IAEA in past decades. The Convention is intended for all countries generating radioactive waste. Therefore it is relevant not only for those using nuclear power, but for any country where application of nuclear energy in medicine, conventional industry and research is currently used. Obligations of Contracting Parties include attending periodic Review Meetings and prepare National Reports for review by the other Contracting Parties. The National Reports should describe how the country is complying with the requirements of the Articles of the Convention. The first such meeting was held at the IAEA headquarters in November 2003. This paper will describe the origin of the Convention, present its content, the expected outcome for the worldwide safety, and the benefits for a country to be part of it.« less
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
9 CFR 381.115 - Containers of inspected and passed poultry products required to be labeled.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... poultry products required to be labeled. 381.115 Section 381.115 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY... AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Labeling and Containers § 381.115 Containers of inspected and passed poultry products required to...
Quality management, a directive approach to patient safety.
Ayuso-Murillo, Diego; de Andrés-Gimeno, Begoña; Noriega-Matanza, Concha; López-Suárez, Rafael Jesús; Herrera-Peco, Ivan
Nowadays the implementation of effective quality management systems and external evaluation in healthcare is a necessity to ensure not only transparency in activities related to health but also access to health and patient safety. The key to correctly implementing a quality management system is support from the managers of health facilities, since it is managers who design and communicate to health professionals the strategies of action involved in quality management systems. This article focuses on nursing managers' approach to quality management through the implementation of cycles of continuous improvement, participation of improvement groups, monitoring systems and external evaluation quality models (EFQM, ISO). The implementation of a quality management system will enable preventable adverse effects to be minimized or eliminated, and promote patient safety and safe practice by health professionals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... applied in determining inspection due times under the new program. (Approved by the Office of Management... for hire in an aircraft which that person provides, unless within the preceding 100 hours of time in... time used to reach a place where the inspection can be done must be included in computing the next 100...
The Art World's Concept of Negative Space Applied to System Safety Management
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Goodin, James Ronald (Ronnie)
Tools from several different disciplines can improve system safety management. This paper relates the Art World with our system safety world, showing useful art schools of thought applied to system safety management, developing an art theory-system safety bridge. This bridge is then used to demonstrate relations with risk management, the legal system, personnel management and basic management (establishing priorities). One goal of this presentation/paper is simply to be a fun diversion from the many technical topics presented during the conference.
14 CFR 91.1109 - Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 14 Aeronautics and Space 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program... Ownership Operations Program Management § 91.1109 Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program. Each program... conduct of inspections for the particular make and model aircraft, including necessary tests and checks...
14 CFR 91.1109 - Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 14 Aeronautics and Space 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program... Ownership Operations Program Management § 91.1109 Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program. Each program... conduct of inspections for the particular make and model aircraft, including necessary tests and checks...
14 CFR 91.1109 - Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 14 Aeronautics and Space 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program... Ownership Operations Program Management § 91.1109 Aircraft maintenance: Inspection program. Each program... conduct of inspections for the particular make and model aircraft, including necessary tests and checks...
Automobile inspection system based on wireless communication
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Miao, Changyun; Ye, Chunqing
This paper aims to research the Automobile Inspection System based on Wireless Communication, and suggests an overall design scheme which uses GPS for speed detection and Bluetooth and GPRS for communication. The communication between PDA and PC was realized by means of GPRS and TCP/IP; and the hardware circuit and software for detection terminal were devised by means of JINOU-3264 Bluetooth Module after analyzing the Bluetooth and its communication protocol. According to the results of debugging test, this system accomplished GPRS based data communication and management as well as the real-time detection on auto safety performance parameters in crash test via PC, whereby the need for mobility and reliability was met and the efficiency and level of detection was improved.
Food Safety for People with HIV/AIDS
... been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service U.S. Department of ... for you. That’s why the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service and the U.S. ...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The main objective of the present study is to analyze roadside inspection data and its relationship to safety/compliance review and accident data. Data used for this analysis is provided by the Office of Motor Carriers and includes a sample of larger...
49 CFR 392.8 - Emergency equipment, inspection and use.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY REGULATIONS DRIVING OF COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES General § 392.8 Emergency equipment, inspection and use. No commercial motor vehicle shall be driven unless the driver thereof is satisfied that the emergency equipment...
48 CFR 846.302-71 - Inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Inspection. 846.302-71 Section 846.302-71 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS CONTRACT MANAGEMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE Contract Clauses 846.302-71 Inspection. The contracting officer shall include a...
48 CFR 246.472 - Inspection stamping.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
..., DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE Government Contract Quality Assurance 246.472 Inspection stamping. (a) DoD quality inspection approval marking designs (stamps) may be used for both prime...) Policies and procedures regarding the use of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) quality...
Steam generator tube inspection in Japan
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Fukui, Shigetaka
Steam generator tube inspection was first carried out in 1971 at Mihama Unit-1 that is first PWR plant in Japan, when the plant was brought into the first annual inspection. At that time, inspection was made on sampling basis, and only bobbin coil probe was used. After experiencing various kinds of tube degradations, inspection method was changed from sampling to all number of tubes, and various kinds of probes were used to get higher detectability of flaw. At present, it is required that all the tubes shall be inspected in their full length at each annual inspection using standard bobbinmore » coil probe, and some special probes for certain plants that have susceptibility of occurrence of flaw. Sleeve repaired portion is included in this inspection. As a result of analyses of eddy current testing data, all indications that have been evaluated to be 20% wall thickness or deeper shall be repaired by either plugging or sleeving, where flaw morphology is to be a wastage or wear. Other types of flaw such as IGA/SCC are not allowed to be left inservice when those indications are detected. These inspections are performed according to inspection procedures that are approved by regulatory authority. Actual inspections are witnessed by the Japan Power engineering and inspection corporation (JAPEIC)`s inspectors during data acquisition and analysis, and they issue inspection report to authority for review and approval. It is achieved high safety performance of steam generator through this method of inspections, however. some tube leakage problems were experienced in the past. To prevent recurrence of such events, government is conducting development and verification test program for new eddy current testing technology.« less
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Tests and Inspections for Compliance With Maximum Authorized Train Speeds and Other Speed Restrictions... safety advisory; Operational tests and inspections for compliance with maximum authorized train speeds and other speed restrictions. SUMMARY: FRA is issuing Safety Advisory 2013-08 to stress to railroads...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Two of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations (FMCSAs) key safety programs are the Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement programs. The Roadside Inspection program consists of roadside inspections performed by qualified safety in...
Leino, Antti
In the European Union, Council Directive 96/82/EC requires operators producing, using, or handling significant amounts of dangerous substances to improve their safety management systems in order to better manage the major accident potentials deriving from human error. A new safety management system for the Viikinmäki wastewater treatment plant in Helsinki, Finland, was implemented in this study. The system was designed to comply with both the new safety liabilities and the requirements of OHSAS 18001 (British Standards Institute, 1999). During the implementation phase experiences were gathered from the development processes in this small organisation. The complete documentation was placed in the intranet of the plant. Hyperlinks between documents were created to ensure convenience of use. Documentation was made accessible for all workers from every workstation.
9 CFR 304.2 - Information to be furnished; grant or refusal of inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Information to be furnished; grant or refusal of inspection. 304.2 Section 304.2 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION...
Cheah, Whye Lian; Giloi, Nelbon; Chang, Ching Thon; Lim, Jac Fang
This study aimed to determine the perception and level of safety satisfaction of staff nurses with regards to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) management practice in the Sabah Health Department, and to associate the OSH management dimensions, to Safety Satisfaction and Safety Feedback. A cross-sectional study using a validated self-administered questionnaire was conducted among randomly respondents. 135 nurses responded the survey. Mean (SD) score for each dimension ranged from 1.70 ± 0.68-4.04 ± 0.65, with Training and Competence dimension (mean [SD], 4.04 ± 0.65) had the highest while Safety Incidence was the least score (mean [SD], 1.70 ± 0.68). Both mean (SD) scores for Safety Satisfaction and Safety Feedback was high, 3.28 ± 0.51 and 3.57 ± 0.73, respectively. Pearson's correlation analysis indicated that all OSH dimensions had significant correlation with Safety Satisfaction and Safety Feedback (r coefficient ranged from 0.176-0.512) except for Safety Incidence. The overall perception of OSH management was rather low. Significant correlation between Safety Satisfaction and Safety Feedback and several dimensions, suggest that each organization to put in place the leaders who have appropriate leadership and supervisory skills and committed in providing staff training to improve staff's competency in OSH practice. In addition, clear goals, rules, and reporting system will help the organization to implement proper OSH management practice.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lacey, D.; Bacon, M.L.
The UK fully supports the objective of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management to achieve and maintain a high level of safety worldwide in spent fuel and radioactive waste management, through the enhancement of national measures and international co-operation, including where appropriate, safety-related co-operation. The UK's Health and Safety Executive, through its Nuclear Safety Directorate (NSD), has been committed to the Convention since the initial negotiations to set up the Convention and provided the president of the first review meeting in 2003. It would be wrong of anymore » nation to believe that they have all the best solutions to managing spent fuel and radioactive waste. The process of compiling reports for the Convention review meetings provides a structured process through which every contracting party can review its provisions against a common set of standards and identify for itself possible areas of improvements. The sharing of reports and the asking and answering of questions then provides a further opportunity for both sharing of experience and learning. The UK was encouraged by the spirit of constructive discussion rather than negative criticism that pervaded the first review meeting that provided an incentive for all to learn and improve. While, as could be expected of the first meeting of such a group, not everything worked as well as could be hoped for, all parties seemed committed to learn from mistakes and to make the process more effective. Lessons were learned from the Nuclear Safety Convention on the process of submitting reports electronically and the UK actively supported aims to use IAEA requirements documents as an additional focus for reports. This should, we hope, provide for even better benchmarking of achievements and provide feedback for improvements of the IAEA requirements where appropriate. In summary, the UK finds the Joint Convention process to be a
49 CFR 452.5 - Examinations made in conjunction with other inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... inspections. 452.5 Section 452.5 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SAFETY APPROVAL OF CARGO CONTAINERS EXAMINATION OF CONTAINERS § 452.5 Examinations made in conjunction with other inspections. (a) Periodic examinations may be made...
49 CFR 452.5 - Examinations made in conjunction with other inspections.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... inspections. 452.5 Section 452.5 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SAFETY APPROVAL OF CARGO CONTAINERS EXAMINATION OF CONTAINERS § 452.5 Examinations made in conjunction with other inspections. (a) Periodic examinations may be made...