St. René: the Patron Saint of Anaesthetists and a Patron Saint of Canada.
Calverley, R K
René Goupil, the Patron Saint of Anaesthetists, and a Patron Saint of Canada, was born in Angers, France in 1608 and studied surgery. He joined the Jesuits as a donné or volunteer worker in 1640 and served in the then tiny colony of Quebec as one of the first medical workers of Canada. After earning meritorious praise for his skills, he again volunteered to attend the Hurons at Sainte Marie, a mission far beyond the frontiers. René's canoe party was ambushed. He was captured by the Mohawks and endured eight weeks of cruel torture before being killed on September 29, 1642. René was the first of eight North American martyrs whose dedication was recognized by canonization in 1930. St. René was appointed Patron Saint of Anaesthetists in 1951.
Saint Marina: the protectress of nephrology.
Eftychiadis, A C; Marketos, S G
Saint virgin and martyr Marina (Margarita) of Antioch in Pisidia (255-270) is recognized as the patron saint of kidney sufferers and the protectress of nephrology. Beginning in the 13th century she heals in particular patients suffering from nephropathies, pregnant women having a difficult childbirth, barren women and sickly children. She protects the patients from every side effect and complication. Saint Marina is represented in hagiography as a victor, defeating the dragon satan, holding a hammer or a cross and wearing a belt around her back in the area of kidneys. According to writers, artists and sculptors the belt is the perceivable means of Saint Marina for the miraculous recovery from and healing of kidney diseases. Therefore, kidney sufferers and pregnant women put belts upon her relics for blessing and then wore them. From the Middle Ages and Renaissance and up to the contemporary period Saint Marina (Margarita) was considered the patron saint of kidney sufferers. Justifiably she is recognized by the modern medical world as the protectress of nephrology.
Tulupov, A N; Afonchikov, V Iu; Chikin, A E; Taniia, S Sh; Ganin, A S
The number of road accidents, fatal outcomes and victims exceeded in 1.5 times in Saint-Petersburg in comparison with Moscow. At the average, 600 victims were treated in each of 6 first-level traumatology centers every year. The quantity of patients, who were admitted to 3 second-level traumatology centers, numbered 10 times less. About 300 people entered to others hospitals. The lethality consisted of 15%, 20% and 37%, respectively. There are a lot of matters, that should be discussed, such as an importance of better treatment financing of multitrauma by using compulsory medical insurance system, an optimization of pre-admission treatment and a necessity of patient delivery by mobile medical team using the anaesthesiology and resuscitation.
Ziegler, J
This article shows that recourse to expert medical judgement for authenticating miracles has medieval roots which lead to the thirteenth century. It provides a survey of those cases in the printed versions of canonization processes from c. 1200 to c. 1500 where medical men actively appeared as witnesses. It shows how, from the second half of the thirteenth century, many canonization processes (overwhelmingly in southern Europe) included at least one medical man who witnessed or gave expert testimony as a supplier of medicine. The physicians who appeared as expert witnesses were expected to rule out the possibility that there was a natural explanation for the wonderous cure. To acquire medical confirmation that a certain cure was miraculous seemed highly desirable to those wishing to substantiate claims of sanctity. Physician witnesses were often called upon to evaluate cases of which they had personal knowledge because of the medical know-how they possessed: however, medical science was not considered so universal that any physician could review the case (as is theoretically the case today in the medical council at the Vatican). Thus, to the therapeutic function of physicians and surgeons in southern Europe from the second half of the thirteenth century, a hitherto neglected duty should be added: whenever necessary, the community as well as the local ecclesiastical authorities expected the suppliers of medical services to contribute to the formal recognition of an apparent saint.
Two African Saints in Medieval Germany.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Grimm, Reinhold
The origin and development of two African saints are discussed: Saint Maurice, patron saint of the eastern empire of Otto I; and Caspar, the youngest of the three Magi. Their representation in German art is described and illustrated. (Author/LB)
[On the medical and publishing activities of the community of Saint Eugene].
The article deals with the role the physicians played in organization and functioning of the Community of Saint Eugene in St. Petersburg in 1882-1918. The typography production of the Community being of interest for history of medicine is examined.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...-AA00 Safety Zone; Sault Sainte Marie 4th of July Fireworks, St. Mary's River, Sault Sainte Marie, MI... restrict vessels from a portion of the St. Mary's River during the Sault Sainte Marie 4th of July Fireworks... the setup and launching of fireworks in conjunction with the Sault Sainte Marie 4th of July Fireworks...
Saint: a lightweight integration environment for model annotation.
Lister, Allyson L; Pocock, Matthew; Taschuk, Morgan; Wipat, Anil
Saint is a web application which provides a lightweight annotation integration environment for quantitative biological models. The system enables modellers to rapidly mark up models with biological information derived from a range of data sources. Saint is freely available for use on the web at The web application is implemented in Google Web Toolkit and Tomcat, with all major browsers supported. The Java source code is freely available for download at The Saint web server requires an installation of libSBML and has been tested on Linux (32-bit Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04).
Minneapolis-Saint Paul air cargo study
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Minneapolis-Saint Paul Task Force commissioned this study. It was established to address the apparent decline in air cargo through Minneapolis-Saint Paul airport in recent years. Distribution services, especially international air cargo, are stra...
Notice of Proposed Assessment of Class II Civil Penalty and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing under Sections 309(g) and 311(b)(6) of the Clean Water Act for Saint-Gobain Abrasives, Inc. and Saint-Gobain Ceramics & Plastics, Inc., CWA-01-2016-0057
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Carlson, Scott
A visitor to Saint John's University and Saint John's Abbey, in north-central Minnesota, sees something of Gothic heritage while standing in front of the abbey church, designed and built around 1960. The church's 112-foot campanile--a trapezoidal slab made of 2,500 tons of steel and concrete--stands boldly in front of a huge concrete honeycomb…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Casas, Paula; Isarowong, Nucha
Physicians affiliated with small community hospitals face numerous barriers to using developmentally oriented best practices in primary care with young children. Saint Anthony Hospital's Developmental Support Project model promotes improved developmental outcomes for children through two complementary strands of services: (a) training and…
[Saints and illnesses in faith and paleopathological evidences].
Fulcheri, Ezio
The exhumation of the natural mummies of Beata Margherita di Savoia (1390-1464) and of St. Caterina Fieschi Adorno (1447-1510) has not been followed by autopsy or histological exams. The aim has been to preserve the integrity of the saints' corpses. We have thus proceeded to a confrontation between data gathered from chronicles and hagiographies and radiological exams and macroscopic observations. The article aims at establishing a model for a multidisciplinar approach to paleopathological research, integrating historical research and medical knowledge.
A "Sacra Rappresentazione" of Saint Apollonia's Martyrdom.
Eramo, Stefano; Natali, Alessio; Bravi, Monia; Cella, Diana; Milia, Egle
The literary sources of Saint Apollonia's martyrdom and the evolution of Medieval and Renaissance religious drama are presented along with the compendium of a "Sacra Rappresentazione" from Italian Renaissance regarding Saint Apollonia's Martyrdom. Copyright American Academy of the History of Dentistry.
René Goupil: patron saint of anesthetists.
Quintal, J
René Goupil, the patron saint of anesthetists, is addressed mainly as a 17th century French surgeon who practiced his art in North America. He is also presented as a Jesuit martyr and saint. The article freely borrows from past writings of Jesuits on René Goupil.
SAINT: A combined simulation language for modeling man-machine systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Seifert, D. J.
SAINT (Systems Analysis of Integrated Networks of Tasks) is a network modeling and simulation technique for design and analysis of complex man machine systems. SAINT provides the conceptual framework for representing systems that consist of discrete task elements, continuous state variables, and interactions between them. It also provides a mechanism for combining human performance models and dynamic system behaviors in a single modeling structure. The SAINT technique is described and applications of the SAINT are discussed.
Soliño, Lucía; Widgy, Saha; Pautonnier, Anthony; Turquet, Jean; Loeffler, Christopher R; Flores Quintana, Harold A; Diogène, Jorge
Lionfish (Pterois spp.) are invasive species that have recently spread throughout the Caribbean. Lionfish are available for purchase in local markets for human consumption in several islands of the region. We examined the prevalence of ciguatoxins (CTXs) in lionfish from the French Antilles, a ciguatera-endemic region. The neuroblastoma-2a (N2a) cell assay was used to assess composite cytotoxicity in 120 fish samples collected from the surrounding waters of Guadeloupe (n = 60), Saint Barthélemy Islands (n = 55) and Saint Martin (n = 5). Twenty-seven of these samples exhibited CTX-like activity by the N2a assay. Ciguatoxin (CTX) was confirmed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in multiple samples that presented highest composite toxicity levels by N2a. Those fish found to contain CTXs were all from Saint Barthélemy. Lionfish from Guadeloupe and Saint Martin did not exhibit toxin activity, although the sample size from Saint Martin was insufficient to draw any conclusions as to the incidence of CTXs. In this study, we provide information about the potential hazard of ciguatera associated with the consumption of lionfish from known endemic areas. We also demonstrate the utility of the cell-based assay combined with LC-MS/MS to assess activity and to provide structural confirmation of CTXs respectively. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The sacred disease and its patron saint.
Fatović-Ferencić, S; Dürrigl, M A
Although the Hippocratic natural theory of epilepsy as a brain disorder originated around 400 bc , it did not begin to take root until the 18th and 19th centuries, leaving the intervening centuries dominated by mostly supernatural concepts. This article provides historical insight into human behavior when afflicted with disease: supplication to a patron saint, Saint Valentine, a cult that spread throughout Europe.
Visible saints: social cynosures and dysphoria in the Mediterranean tradition.
Gaines, A D; Farmer, P E
"Visible saints" are individuals in the Mediterranean culture area who lead lives of heroic, exemplary and public suffering. This paper offers an analysis of visible saints as social cynosures as a means of exploring critical cultural psychiatric issues. We examine the changing nature of saintly suffering in the culture area and look at the media through which familiarity with the saints and their passions is developed and maintained. A detailed clinical case study is presented of "Madame Lorca," identified by her peers as a "saint." We focus on a particular illness episode which proved to be an amplification of symptoms of long standing. Psychiatric diagnostic instruments were administered and indicated the presence of severe clinical depression. However, our research suggests that Mme. Lorca's symptomatology reflects culturally specific methods of coping with dysphoric affects and chronic illness. The paper concludes with an exploration of the nature of personal illness as it relates to a wider cultural system of meaning. The findings demonstrate that the visible saint and her symptomatology are part of a cultural system which generates, promotes, patterns and frames the experience of dysphoric affect in a cultural complex quite distinct from that of clinical depression.
Ciguatera fish poisoning in an international ship crew in Saint John Canada: 2015.
Muecke, C; Hamper, L; Skinner, A L; Osborne, C
An international ship crew presented for medical care in Saint John, New Brunswick, following rapid onset of gastrointestinal and in some cases neurological and cardiac symptoms after a common fish meal. Ciguatera poisoning was identified as the cause of illness. This report describes the public health investigation and management of this incident, including collaboration between the implicated provincial and federal authorities.
Ciguatera fish poisoning in an international ship crew in Saint John Canada: 2015
Muecke, C; Hamper, L; Skinner, AL; Osborne, C
An international ship crew presented for medical care in Saint John, New Brunswick, following rapid onset of gastrointestinal and in some cases neurological and cardiac symptoms after a common fish meal. Ciguatera poisoning was identified as the cause of illness. This report describes the public health investigation and management of this incident, including collaboration between the implicated provincial and federal authorities. PMID:29769923
The Saint Louis River Idea-Slam crowd sourcing good ideas ...
As part of the 2017 Saint Louis River Summit, we propose hosting an “Idea-Slam” using software originally developed by the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Idea-box is an open source online app/website used to collect and surface ideas from members of an organization, or the public in general. Using the app, users login, view a request or challenge for new ideas, can submit their own ideas and/or view, comment and vote on other previously submitted ideas. Initially we will start with three idea request or “challenges” as listed below. The first will be run prior to the Summit to help generate additional challenges that might be added for the summit depending on the results. Initial Idea Challenges:1. (Prior to summit) If you could ask a large group of Saint Louis River focused scientist, stakeholders, managers, politicians and the public a question about the SLR, what would you ask?2. How might we better engage students and educators with the Saint Louis River?3. How might we employ citizen science for the Saint Louis River?The Idea-box app will be available for users two weeks before the Saint Louis Summit. We will e-mail previous summit participants and others an invitation to participate in “The Saint Louis River Idea-Slam” with clear instruction on how to proceed. During the morning of the first day at the Saint Louis Summit we will make a brief announcement about the Idea-Slam (< 2min.), and invite everyone to participate.
Gilard-Pioc, Séverine; Dang-Hauter, Catherine; Denis, Céline; Boraud, Cyril; Chariot, Patrick
The number of detainees held in police custody in France increased up to 792,000 yearly in 2009. Medical examination is a right for every detainee. Our objective was to assess medical characteristics and addictive behaviours of arrestees. In this study, we systematically evaluated arrestees detained in police custody in Seine-Saint-Denis, a suburban area near Paris over one year (June 1, 2010-May 31, 2011). A total of 22,379 medical examinations were performed. Males accounted for 94% of detainees. Median age was 23 (range: 13-78). In 2968 of 18,466 cases (16%), the detainee had at least one chronic somatic disease. Asthma, diabetes, and arterial hypertension were the most commonly encountered. A history of psychiatric disorder was reported in 819 of 16,697 cases (5%). Daily alcohol consumption was reported by 14% of detainees and 77% smoked tobacco. Drug use was reported by 40% of detainees, cannabis in most cases (38%), infrequently cocaine or crack (4%) or heroine (1%). Assaults were reported by 20% of detainees, at the time of arrest in most cases (11%). The present study showed the high frequency of addictive behaviours and reported assaults or traumatic injuries in arrestees. Attending physicians should pay particular attention to addictive disorders and recent traumatic lesions in arrestees, both for immediate care and for prevention. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Hazin, F H V; Vaske Júnior, T; Oliveira, P G; Macena, B C L; Carvalho, F
The Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago in the central tropical Atlantic, is an important ground of whale sharks that are commonly sighted throughout the year close to the fishing boats in the adjacencies of the islands. In sightings reported between February 2000 and November 2005, the lengths of the individuals ranged between 1.8 to 14.0 m. The causes of these concentrations in the archipelago are still unclear, once there are no upwellings and plankton concentrations for feeding, and no reproductive activities were reported. Nevertheless, they could be associated to the spawning period of the abundant flying fishes, mainly in the first semester, when sightings were more frequent.
[Three centuries with the Fleet (to the 300th anniversary of the Saint-Petersburg naval hospital)].
Buzov, E Ya; Kasatkin, V I; Makarenko, B G; Shilov, S A
The authors analysed the history of the Saint-Petersburg naval hospital, founded in October, 1715 by Peter the Great, defined its role in the key historical events during organisation of medical, aid delivery to wounded and patients, discussed current tasks, concerning development of hospital art when forming modern image of the navy of the Russian Federation.
Paracelsus confronts the saints: miracles, healing and the secularization of magic.
Webster, C
The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries witnessed an erosion of the role played by the church in healing. Magical practices mediated by the church were replaced by the resources of medicine. This represented an important cultural development and it is often regarded as a manifestation of increasing secularization, the decline of magic and rise of science. This paper examines this issue with special reference to miraculous healing associated with saints, which constituted one of the most important facets of magic controlled by the church. It will be suggested that Paracelsus (Theophrast von Hohenheim, 1493-1541) played an important part in the argument concerning the miraculous powers of saints. Many works by Paracelsus produced at various points in his career were relevant to this issue, but De causis morborum invisibilium, the sequel to his important Opus Paraminum (1531), was especially significant. The question of miraculous healing was therefore important in the first, full presentation of the new system of medicine developed by Paracelsus. Modern commentators have understandably found De causis morborum invisibilium less intelligible and congenial than the more accessible Opus Paramirum. But the former was important to Paracelsus, and it addressed problems that were fundamental to his audience. This case-study shows how conclusions reached by Paracelsus about medical questions were integrally tied up with his theological standpoint and with his wider reaction to the acute crisis of confidence which affected the church and the established social order at the beginning of the sixteenth century. By eliminating the miraculous intervention of saints and promoting the secularization of magic, Paracelsus was contributing to one of the important cultural changes associated with the Reformation.
The first leg transplant for the treatment of a cancer by Saints Cosmas and Damian.
Androutsos, G; Diamantis, A; Vladimiros, L
The most renowned of all medically inclined saints must have been St. Cosmas and St. Damian. They became the special patrons of surgery, due to their miraculous operations. On one occasion, they amputated a cancerous leg and replaced it with another, taken from a Moor who had just died. This dramatic cure was meat and drink for artists, and has been portrayed many times.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
de Melo, Guilherme W. S.; do Nascimento, Aderson F.
We have investigated several relationships between ML, M(NEIC) and Mw for the earthquakes locally recorded in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (SPSPA), Equatorial Atlantic. Because we only have one station in the area, we could not derive attenuation relations for events recorded at different distances at different stations. Our approach was then to compare our ML estimates with magnitudes reported by NEIC. This approach produced acceptable results particularly for epicentral distance smaller than 100 km. For distances greater that 100 km, there is a systematic increase in the residuals probable due to the lack of station correction and our inability to accurately estimate Q. We also investigate the Mw—M(NEIC) relationship. We find that Mw estimates using S-wave produce smaller residuals when compared with both M(NEIC). Finally, we also investigate the ML—Mw relationship and observe that given the data set we have, the 1:1 holds. We believe that the use of the present methodologies provide consistent magnitude estimates between all the magnitudes investigated that could be used to better assess seismic hazard in the region.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
de Melo, Guilherme W. S.; do Nascimento, Aderson F.
We have investigated several relationships between ML, M(NEIC) and Mw for the earthquakes locally recorded in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (SPSPA), Equatorial Atlantic. Because we only have one station in the area, we could not derive attenuation relations for events recorded at different distances at different stations. Our approach was then to compare our ML estimates with magnitudes reported by NEIC. This approach produced acceptable results particularly for epicentral distance smaller than 100 km. For distances greater that 100 km, there is a systematic increase in the residuals probable due to the lack of station correction and our inability to accurately estimate Q. We also investigate the Mw—M(NEIC) relationship. We find that Mw estimates using S-wave produce smaller residuals when compared with both M(NEIC). Finally, we also investigate the ML—Mw relationship and observe that given the data set we have, the 1:1 holds. We believe that the use of the present methodologies provide consistent magnitude estimates between all the magnitudes investigated that could be used to better assess seismic hazard in the region.
Umbilical hernia with cholelithiasis and hiatal hernia: a clinical entity similar to Saint's triad.
Yamanaka, Takahiro; Miyazaki, Tatsuya; Kumakura, Yuji; Honjo, Hiroaki; Hara, Keigo; Yokobori, Takehiko; Sakai, Makoto; Sohda, Makoto; Kuwano, Hiroyuki
We experienced two cases involving the simultaneous presence of cholelithiasis, hiatal hernia, and umbilical hernia. Both patients were female and overweight (body mass index of 25.0-29.9 kg/m(2)) and had a history of pregnancy and surgical treatment of cholelithiasis. Additionally, both patients had two of the three conditions of Saint's triad. Based on analysis of the pathogenesis of these two cases, we consider that these four diseases (Saint's triad and umbilical hernia) are associated with one another. Obesity is a common risk factor for both umbilical hernia and Saint's triad. Female sex, older age, and a history of pregnancy are common risk factors for umbilical hernia and two of the three conditions of Saint's triad. Thus, umbilical hernia may readily develop with Saint's triad. Knowledge of this coincidence is important in the clinical setting. The concomitant occurrence of Saint's triad and umbilical hernia may be another clinical "tetralogy."
The Saint Louis River Idea-Slam crowd sourcing good ideas for the Saint Louis River
As part of the 2017 Saint Louis River Summit, we propose hosting an “Idea-Slam” using software originally developed by the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Idea-box is an open source online app/website used to collect and surface ideas from members of an or...
Cortés, Manuel E; Del Río, Juan Pablo; Vigil, Pilar
The objective of this editorial is to show that a harmonious relationship between science and faith is possible, as exemplified by great saints of the Catholic Church. It begins with the definitions of science and faith, followed by an explanation of the apparent conflict between them. A few saints that constitute an example that a fruitful relationship between these two seemingly opposed realities has been possible are Saint Albert the Great, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Giuseppe Moscati, and Saint Edith Stein, among others, and this editorial highlights their deep contributions to the dialogue between faith and reason. This editorial ends with a brief discussion on whether it is possible to be both a scientist and a man of faith.
Cortés, Manuel E.; del Río, Juan Pablo; Vigil, Pilar
The objective of this editorial is to show that a harmonious relationship between science and faith is possible, as exemplified by great saints of the Catholic Church. It begins with the definitions of science and faith, followed by an explanation of the apparent conflict between them. A few saints that constitute an example that a fruitful relationship between these two seemingly opposed realities has been possible are Saint Albert the Great, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Giuseppe Moscati, and Saint Edith Stein, among others, and this editorial highlights their deep contributions to the dialogue between faith and reason. This editorial ends with a brief discussion on whether it is possible to be both a scientist and a man of faith. PMID:25698837
Shine, Daniel; Jessen, Laurie; Bajaj, Jasmeet; Pencak, Dorothy; Panush, Richard
CONTEXT The impact of residents on hospital finance has been studied; there are no data describing the economic effect of residents on attending physicians. OBJECTIVE In a community teaching hospital, we compared allowable inpatient visit codes and payments (based on documentation in the daily progress notes) between a general medicine teaching unit and nonteaching general medicine units. DESIGN Retrospective chart review, matched cohort study. SETTING Six hundred fifty–bed community teaching hospital. PATIENTS Patients were discharged July 1998 through February 1999 from Saint Barnabas Medical Center. We randomly selected 200 patients in quartets. Each quartet consisted of a pair of patients cared for by residents and a pair cared for only by an attending physician. In each pair, 1 of the patients was under the care of an attending physician who usually admitted to the teaching service, and 1 was under the care of a usually nonteaching attending. Within each quartet, patients were matched for diagnosis-related group, length of stay, and discharge date. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES We assigned the highest daily visit code justifiable by resident and attending chart documentation, determining relative value units (RVUs) and reimbursements allowed by each patient's insurance company. RESULTS Although more seriously ill, teaching-unit patients generated a mean 1.75 RVUs daily, compared with 1.84 among patients discharged from nonteaching units (P = .3). Median reimbursement, daily and per hospitalization, was similar on teaching and nonteaching units. Nonteaching attendings documented higher mean daily RVUs than teaching attendings (1.83 vs 1.76, P = .2). Median allowable reimbursements were $267 per case ($53 daily) among teaching attendings compared with $294 per case ($58 daily) among nonteaching attendings (Z = 1.54, P = .1). When only the resident note was considered, mean daily RVUs increased 39% and median allowable dollars per day 27% (Z = 4.21, P < .001
Sanctified madness: the God-intoxicated saints of Bengal.
Morinis, A
The saintly madman is a familiar character in South Asia. To outer appearances he is no different from a lunatic, but the mad saint comes to be revered because his idiocy is popularly believed to arise from a different cause than ordinary madness. The common psychopath neglects social conventions because his consciousness is dimmed by incapacity; the saintly madman also breaches convention, but does so because his heightened consciousness has liberated him from the bonds of convention that entrap ordinary people. In the terms of Hinduism, he has tasted the divine nectar of God-realization and has returned to the human realm intoxicated by the experience. In this paper two popular God intoxicated saints of Bengal are discussed. The question is posed whether 'God intoxication' can be considered a culture-bound syndrome of Bengal. The concept of 'culture bound syndrome' is found to be too narrow to encompass the most significant issues to arise from reflection on the characteristics of the God intoxicated. These larger issues have to do with the relationship between cultural practices and models and mental states (whether deviant, as implied by the term 'syndrome' although deviance does not always carry the negative connotation implicit in 'syndrome', or normal). It is suggested that all cultures culture a limited range of mental states and thus the questions posed by the notion of culture bound syndromes are subsumed by larger questions about the relationship of all mind-states to the socio-cultural environment which conditions them. The conclusion is that God intoxication is indeed a uniquely Bengali mental condition, with variants throughout South Asia and kinship to other mystical states, but that the concept of 'syndrome' is not useful.
Prayer to the Saints or the Virgin And Health Among Older Mexican Americans
Krause, Neal; Bastida, Elena
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a conceptual model that assesses whether praying to the saints or the Virgin is associated with the health of older Mexican Americans. A survey was conducted of 1,005 older Mexican Americans (Mean age = 73.9 years; SD = 6.6 years). Data from 795 of the Catholic respondents are presented in this study. The findings support the following relationships that are embedded in the conceptual model: (1) older Mexican Americans who attend church more often are more likely to believe in the efficacy of prayer to the saints or the Virgin; (2) stronger beliefs in the efficacy of intercessory prayer are associated with more frequent prayer to the saints or the Virgin; (3) frequent prayer is to the saints or the Virgin is associated with greater God-mediated control beliefs; (4) stronger God-mediated control beliefs are associated with greater optimism; and (5) greater optimism is associated with better self-rated health. PMID:21415935
Evidence supporting an intentional Neandertal burial at La Chapelle-aux-Saints.
Rendu, William; Beauval, Cédric; Crevecoeur, Isabelle; Bayle, Priscilla; Balzeau, Antoine; Bismuth, Thierry; Bourguignon, Laurence; Delfour, Géraldine; Faivre, Jean-Philippe; Lacrampe-Cuyaubère, François; Tavormina, Carlotta; Todisco, Dominique; Turq, Alain; Maureille, Bruno
The bouffia Bonneval at La Chapelle-aux-Saints is well known for the discovery of the first secure Neandertal burial in the early 20th century. However, the intentionality of the burial remains an issue of some debate. Here, we present the results of a 12-y fieldwork project, along with a taphonomic analysis of the human remains, designed to assess the funerary context of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neandertal. We have established the anthropogenic nature of the burial pit and underlined the taphonomic evidence of a rapid burial of the body. These multiple lines of evidence support the hypothesis of an intentional burial. Finally, the discovery of skeletal elements belonging to the original La Chapelle aux Saints 1 individual, two additional young individuals, and a second adult in the bouffia Bonneval highlights a more complex site-formation history than previously proposed.
The Obscurantist Design in Saint Augustine's Rhetoric.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wiethoff, William E.
This paper examines Saint Augustine's obscurantist preferences in popular preaching (as distinguished from his episcopal instructions to other clergy) as a way of identifying one of the classical influences on Christian rhetorical strategy. The first section of the paper offers a comparison of Augustine's theoretical approval of homiletic…
Microseismic noise in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, equatorial Atlantic
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
de Queiroz, Daniel É.; do Nascimento, Aderson F.; Schimmel, Martin
Microseismic noise, also known as ambient seismic noise, are continuous vibrations mostly composed of Rayleigh waves pervasively recorded in the mili Hertz to 1 Hz frequency range. Their precise source mechanisms are under investigations and related to atmospheric perturbations and ocean gravity waves. Our purpose is to show the behavior of the microseismic noise recorded in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (SPSPA) with respect to wind intensity and ocean waves height in this region, between the North and South Atlantic Ocean. We have recorded both primary microseisms (PM) 0.04-0.12 Hz and the secondary microseisms (SM) 0.12-0.4 Hz during almost four years (2012-2015) and we used frequency, temporal, spatial and statistical correlation analysis to do qualitative and quantitative analysis with respect to wind speed intensity and significant wave height for the same periods. The results indicate a good correlation between the PM and the SM noise in the region particularly during the winter in the Northern Hemisphere and a poor correlation during the summer. We have also shown that probably most of the PM are generated in the SPSPA itself. We note that the intensity of SM recorded in SPSPA appears to have a seasonal behavior with the summer and winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and seems to influence the correlation between the PM and the SM, suggesting that the sources of the PM and the SM are not related to the same atmospheric event and from different places. PM generation would occur near the SPSPA whilst the SM would have distant sources towards the North Atlantic.
The Relationship between Proficiency in French and Academic Achievement for Students in Saint Martin
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wilson, Martin Ezikiel
School administrators and educational policy makers have made a substantial effort to address the learning needs of students in Saint Martin, yet the achievement gap between students in Saint Martin and students in metropolitan France still persists. Risk factors such as family structure, socioeconomic status, immigration, and difficulty of…
The Saint Mary's Woman: toward Intellectual Leadership.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
White, Patrick E.
This two-year project at Saint Mary's College, a women's college in Notre Dame (Indiana), focused on building intellectual community and fostering student leadership skills. The study targeted two student groups: (1) students with much to contribute to the intellectual life of the college but alienated from traditional forms of leadership, and (2)…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Freire, A. S.; Pinheiro, M. A. A.; Karam-Silva, H.; Teschima, M. M.
Eleven expeditions were undertaken to the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago to study the reproductive biology of Grapsus grapsus, providing additional information on limb mutilation and carapace colour. MATURE software was used to estimate morphological maturity, while gonadal analyses were conducted to estimate physiological maturity. The puberty moult took place at larger size in males (51.4 mm of carapace length) than in females (33.8 mm), while physiological maturity occurred at a similar size in males (38.4 mm) and in females (33.4 mm). Above 50 mm, the proportion of red males increased in the population, indicating that functional maturity is also related to colour pattern. Small habitat and high local population density contributed to the high rate of cannibalism. The low diversity of food items, absence of predators of large crabs and high geographic isolation are the determinants of unique behavioural and biological characteristics observed in the G. grapsus population.
Chen, Serena H; Pascale, Claudia; Jackson, Maria; Szvetecz, Mary Ann; Cohen, Jacques
Experimental ooplasmic transplantation from donor to recipient oocyte took place between 1996 and 2001 at Saint Barnabas Medical Center, USA. Indication for 33 patients was repeated implantation failure. Thirteen couples had 17 babies. One patient delivered twins from mixed ooplasmic and donor egg embryos. A limited survey-based follow-up study on the children is reported: 12 out of 13 parents completed a questionnaire on pregnancy, birth, health, academic performance and disclosure. Parents of a quadruplet did not participate. Prenatal development and delivery were uneventful. School grades ranged from good to excellent. Children were of good health. Body mass index (BMI) was normal in 12 out of 13 children. One child had chronic migraine headaches, two mild asthma, three minor vision and three minor skin problems. One boy from a boy/girl twin was diagnosed with borderline pervasive developmental disorder - not otherwise specified at age 18 months, but with no later symptoms. One couple disclosed the use of egg donor to their child. One reported intention to disclose; six were undecided and four reported they would not disclose. This limited follow-up strategy presents a high risk of bias. Parents may not assent to standardized clinical analysis owing to lack of disclosure to their children. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.
[A short history of René Groupil, patron saint of anesthetists].
Quintal, J
Born in 1608 near Angers, France, René Goupil looked after the native people at Sillery, Québec between 1640 and 1642 as surgeon and donné. Ambushed and captured by Mohawk warriors, he was killed in September 1642 near Auriesville NY. He was canonized in 1930. The life of Goupil is reviewed with regards to primitive medicine of the 17th century. In 1951, american nurse anesthetists chose René Goupil, health worker and saint of North America, as the patron saint of the anaesthetists. Since, he has been recognized by more and more practitioners of anaesthesia.
Overview of environmental and hydrogeologic conditions at Saint Marys, Alaska
Nakanishi, Allan S.; Dorava, Joseph M.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) owns or operates airway support facilities near Saint Marys along the Yukon River in west-central Alaska. The FAA is evaluating the severity of environmental contamination and options for remediation of environmental contamination at their facilities. Saint Marys is on a flood plain near the continence of the Yukon and Andreafsky Rivers and has long cold winters and short summers. Residents obtain their drinking water from an infiltration gallery fed by a creek near the village. Surface spills and disposal of hazardous materials combined with potential flooding may affect the quality of the surface and ground water. Alternative drinking-water sources are available, but would likely cost more than existing supplies to develop.
Saint Petersburg magnetic observatory: from Voeikovo subdivision to INTERMAGNET certification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sidorov, Roman; Soloviev, Anatoly; Krasnoperov, Roman; Kudin, Dmitry; Grudnev, Andrei; Kopytenko, Yury; Kotikov, Andrei; Sergushin, Pavel
Since June 2012 the Saint Petersburg magnetic observatory is being developed and maintained by two institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) - the Geophysical Center of RAS (GC RAS) and the Saint Petersburg branch of the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS (IZMIRAN SPb). On 29 April 2016 the application of the Saint Petersburg observatory (IAGA code SPG) for introduction into the INTERMAGNET network was accepted after approval by the experts of the first definitive dataset over 2015, produced by the GC RAS, and on 9 June 2016 the SPG observatory was officially certified. One of the oldest series of magnetic observations, originating in 1834, was resumed in the 21st century, meeting the highest quality standards and all modern technical requirements. In this paper a brief historical and scientific background of the SPG observatory foundation and development is given, the stages of its renovation and upgrade in the 21st century are described, and information on its current state is provided. The first results of the observatory functioning are discussed and geomagnetic variations registered at the SPG observatory are assessed and compared with geomagnetic data from the INTERMAGNET observatories located in the same region.
de Ceglia, Francesco Paolo
The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the way in which early modem science questioned and indirectly influenced (while being in its turn influenced by) the conceptualization of the liquefaction of the blood of Saint Januarius, a phenomenon that has been taking place at regular intervals in Naples since the late Middle Ages. In the seventeenth century, a debate arose that divided Europe between supporters of a theory of divine intervention and believers in the occult properties of the blood. These two theoretical options reflected two different perspectives on the relationship between the natural and the supernatural. While in the seventeenth century, the emphasis was placed on the predictable periodicity of the miraculous event of liquefaction as a manifestation of God in his role as a divine regulator, in the eighteenth century the event came to be described as capricious and unpredictable, in an attempt to differentiate miracles from the workings of nature, which were deemed to be normative. The miracle of the blood of Saint Januarius thus provides a window through which we can catch a glimpse of how the natural order was perceived in early modern Europe at a time when the Continent was culturally fragmented into north and south, Protestantism and Catholicism, learned and ignorant.
3-D Perspective View, Miquelon and Saint Pierre Islands
This image shows Miquelon and Saint Pierre Islands, located south of Newfoundland, Canada. These islands, along with five smaller islands, are a self-governing territory of France. North is in the top right corner of the image.
Matheus, Séverine; Chappert, Jean-Loup; Cassadou, Sylvie; Berger, Franck; Labeau, Bhetty; Bremand, Laetitia; Winicki, Alain; Huc-Anais, Patricia; Quenel, Philippe; Dussart, Philippe
To strengthen active dengue surveillance in Saint Martin and Saint Barthélemy, two French Caribbean islands, we evaluated the epidemiological usefulness of collecting blood samples from NS1-positive dengue patients on filter paper to identify the dengue serotypes circulating in these regions during a 27-month period. This approach allowed dengue serotypes to be identified by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction in 90.1% of the total set of 666 samples analyzed and, in 95.5% of the samples collected during the acute phase of the disease. This prospective virological surveillance using blood samples absorbed onto filter paper, which were stored at 4°C and shipped at ambient temperature to a specialized laboratory for analysis, allowed us to avoid the logistic and financial costs associated with shipping frozen venous blood samples. This surveillance system offers a low-cost alternative for reinforcing dengue prevention in areas where specialized laboratories do not exist, notably by facilitating the early detection of potentially new dengue serotypes. PMID:22232467
High Resolution Elevation Data for the Saint Louis River
Several data collections in the area of the Saint Louis River Estuary have recently become available. These include the Minnesota Elevation Mapping Project (MN Statewide LIDAR collect), South Shore LIDAR project (WI Collect), and NOAA’s bathymetric LIDAR. The EPA Mid-Continent ...
Geologic map of Saint Lawrence Island, Alaska
Patton, William W.; Wilson, Frederic H.; Taylor, Theresa A.
Saint Lawrence Island is located in the northern Bering Sea, 190 km southwest of the tip of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, and 75 km southeast of the Chukotsk Peninsula, Russia (see index map, map sheet). It lies on a broad, shallow-water continental shelf that extends from western Alaska to northeastern Russia. The island is situated on a northwest-trending structural uplift exposing rocks as old as Paleozoic above sea level. The submerged shelf between the Seward Peninsula and Saint Lawrence Island is covered mainly with Cenozoic deposits (Dundo and Egiazarov, 1982). Northeast of the island, the shelf is underlain by a large structural depression, the Norton Basin, which contains as much as 6.5 km of Cenozoic strata (Grim and McManus, 1970; Fisher and others, 1982). Sparse test-well data indicate that the Cenozoic strata are underlain by Paleozoic and Proterozoic rocks, similar to those exposed on the Seward Peninsula (Turner and others, 1983). Saint Lawrence Island is 160 km long in an east-west direction and from 15 km to 55 km wide in a north-south direction. The east end of the island consists largely of a wave-cut platform, which has been elevated as much as 30 m above sea level. Isolated upland areas composed largely of granitic plutons rise as much as 550 m above the wave-cut platform. The central part of the island is dominated by the Kookooligit Mountains, a large Quaternary shield volcano that extends over an area of 850 km2 and rises to an elevation of 630 m. The west end of the island is composed of the Poovoot Range, a group of barren, rubble-covered hills as high as 450 m that extend from Boxer Bay on the southwest coast to Taphook Mountain on the north coast. The Poovoot Range is flanked on the southeast by the Putgut Plateau, a nearly flat, lake-dotted plain that stands 30?60 m above sea level. The west end of the island is marked by uplands underlain by the Sevuokuk pluton (unit Kg), a long narrow granite body that extends from Gambell on the
Jung, Philipp; Abdelbary, Mohamed M H; Kraushaar, Britta; Fetsch, Alexandra; Geisel, Jürgen; Herrmann, Mathias; Witte, Wolfgang; Cuny, Christiane; Bischoff, Markus
Livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) isolates of clonal complex 398 (CC398) are frequently found in Europe, and recent studies highlighted the importance of mobile genetic element (MGE) exchange for host adaptation of this lineage. Of note, one of the MGEs commonly found in human S. aureus isolates, the immune evasion cluster (IEC) harboring bacteriophage Saint3, is very rarely found in LA-MRSA CC398 isolates obtained from farm animals, but more frequently found in LA-MRSA CC398 that were retransmitted to humans. Here, we analyzed with a set of S. aureus CC398 isolates harboring/lacking φSaint3 how this MGE affects (i) phagocytosis of CC398 isolates by polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs), and (ii) hemolysis of human and livestock-derived erythrocytes. Isolates lacking φSaint3 were more efficiently phagocytosed by human PMNs in whole blood phagocytosis assays than isolates harboring this bacteriophage, irrespective of their origin. Notably, a similar effect was observed when equine blood was utilized, but not detected with porcine blood. Integration of φSaint3 into LA-MRSA CC398 strains lacking this MGE confirmed these findings, as φSaint3-harboring recipients were again less efficiently ingested by PMNs in equine and human blood than their parental strains. Integration of φSaint3 strongly reduced the hemolytic potential of the culture supernatants against human-derived erythrocytes, and to a smaller extent also against porcine-derived erythrocytes, while φSaint3 integration only slightly affected the hemolytic capacities against equine-derived red blood cells. The significant protective effect of φSaint3 against phagocytosis by equine PMNs suggests that the host specificity of the IEC components might be broader than currently assumed. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... relating to the manufacture and sale of alumina wear tiles. To resolve the competitive concerns raised by... exclude Saint-Gobain's North American alumina wear tile business operated out of a facility in Latrobe... tile business in Latrobe or certain other assets owned or controlled by Saint-Gobain relating to the...
The International Law Program at Saint Louis University.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dore, Isaak
Saint Louis University (Missouri) has designed an international law curriculum to inculcate in students the idea that the Kantian notion of nations naturally united by mutual self-interest is truer today than ever, to expose students to the challenges of globalization in preparation for decision-making, and to equip them with intellectual tools to…
Understanding Latter-Day Saints Education: Principles and Resources
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Morgan, Barbara
Using historic documents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and resources of its leaders, the principles of LDS or Mormon education and its key characteristics are described. In particular, the following characteristics are discussed: (1) the critical role of the Spirit in both teaching and learning, (2) the worthiness,…
Classification and Counter-Classification of Language on Saint Barthelemy.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pressman, Jon F.
Analyzes the use of metapragmatic description in the ethnoclassification of language by native speakers on the Franco-Antillean island of Saint Barthelemy. A prevalent technique for metapragmatic description based on honorific pronouns that reflects the varied geolinguistic and generational attributes of the speakers is described. (Author/MSE)
A Mosquito Survey of the Twin-Island Caribbean Nation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, 2010.
Mohammed, Hamish; Evanson, Jessica; Revan, Floyd; Lee, Elise; Krecek, Rosina C; Smith, Joshua
Adult mosquito surveys of Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN) were performed in the dry season (March 16-23, 2010) in Saint Kitts, and the rainy season (October 18-25, 2010) in SKN. Biogents (BG) Sentinel Traps were set with CO₂and BG Lure in urban, rural, mangrove, and dry forest habitats. Mosquitoes were identified to species, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was performed on potential vector species for dengue virus (DENV), chikungunya virus (CHIKV), and West Nile virus (WNV). The most abundant species during both seasons in St. Kitts were Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes taeniorhynchus, and Aedes aegypti. There were 3 new records for Saint Kitts: Aedes tortilis, Anopheles albimanus, and Culex nigripalpus. Traps were also set in Nevis. No mosquito pool tested positive for DENV, CHIKV, or WNV.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Coast Guard 33 CFR Part 165 [Docket No. USCG-2010-0290] RIN 1625-AA00 Safety Zones; Blasting Operations and Movement of Explosives, St. Marys River, Sault Sainte Marie... Movement of Explosives, St. Marys River, Sault Sainte Marie, MI. (a) Location. The following areas are...
Analogies between Kirchhoff plates and functionally graded Saint-Venant beams under torsion
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Barretta, Raffaele; Luciano, Raimondo
Exact solutions of elastic Kirchhoff plates are available only for special geometries, loadings and kinematic boundary constraints. An effective solution procedure, based on an analogy between functionally graded orthotropic Saint-Venant beams under torsion and inhomogeneous isotropic Kirchhoff plates, with no kinematic boundary constraints, is proposed. The result extends the one contributed in Barretta (Acta Mech 224(12):2955-2964, 2013) for the special case of homogeneous Saint-Venant beams under torsion. Closed-form solutions for displacement, bending-twisting moment and curvature fields of an elliptic plate, corresponding to a functionally graded orthotropic beam, are evaluated. A new benchmark for computational mechanics is thus provided.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hicks, Brian A.; Lyon, Richard G.; Petrone, Peter; Ballard, Marlin; Bolcar, Matthew R.; Bolognese, Jeff; Clampin, Mark; Dogoda, Peter; Dworzanski, Daniel; Helmbrecht, Michael A.; Koca, Corina; Shiri, Ron
This work presents an overview of the Segmented Aperture Interferometric Nulling Testbed (SAINT), a project that will pair an actively-controlled macro-scale segmented mirror with the Visible Nulling Coronagraph (VNC). SAINT will incorporate the VNC's demonstrated wavefront sensing and control system to refine and quantify end-to-end high-contrast starlight suppression performance. This pathfinder testbed will be used as a tool to study and refine approaches to mitigating instabilities and complex diffraction expected from future large segmented aperture telescopes.
Ferreira, Elthon G; Torres, Maria da Conceição M; da Silva, Alison B; Colares, Larissa L F; Pires, Karine; Lotufo, Tito M C; Silveira, Edilberto R; Pessoa, Otília D L; Costa-Lotufo, Leticia V; Jimenez, Paula C
Saint Peter and Saint Paul's Archipelago is a collection of 15 islets and rocks remotely located in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. In this particular site, the present project intended to assess the biodiversity and biotechnological potential of bacteria from the actinomycete group. This study presents the first results of this assessment. From 21 sediment samples, 268 strains were isolated and codified as BRA followed by three numbers. Of those, 94 strains were grown in liquid media and submitted to chemical extractions with AcOEt (A), BuOH (B), and MeOH (M). A total of 224 extracts were screened for their cytotoxic activity and 41 were significantly active against HCT-116 cancer cells. The obtained IC 50 values ranged from 0.04 to 31.55 μg/ml. The HR-LC/MS dereplication analysis of the active extracts showed the occurrence of several known anticancer compounds. Individual compounds, identified using HR-MS combined with analysis of the AntiMarin database, included saliniketals A and B, piericidins A and C and glucopiericidin A, staurosporine, N-methylstaurosporine, hydroxydimethyl-staurosporine and N-carbamoylstaurosporine, salinisporamycin A, and rifamycins S and B. BRA-199, identified as Streptomyces sp., was submitted to bioassay-guided fractionation, leading to isolation of the bioactive piericidins A and C, glucopiericidin, and three known diketopiperazines, cyclo(l-Phe-trans-4-OH-l-Pro), cyclo(l-Phe-l-Pro), and cyclo(l-Trp-l-Pro). © 2016 Wiley-VHCA AG, Zürich.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hicks, Brian A.; Lyon, Richard G.; Petrone, Peter, III; Bolcar, Matthew R.; Bolognese, Jeff; Clampin, Mark; Dogoda, Peter; Dworzanski, Daniel; Helmbrecht, Michael A.; Koca, Corina;
This work presents an overview of the This work presents an overview of the Segmented Aperture Interferometric Nulling Testbed (SAINT), a project that will pair an actively-controlled macro-scale segmented mirror with the Visible Nulling Coronagraph (VNC). SAINT will incorporate the VNCs demonstrated wavefront sensing and control system to refine and quantify the end-to-end system performance for high-contrast starlight suppression. This pathfinder system will be used as a tool to study and refine approaches to mitigating instabilities and complex diffraction expected from future large segmented aperture telescopes., a project that will pair an actively-controlled macro-scale segmented mirror with the Visible Nulling Coronagraph (VNC). SAINT will incorporate the VNCs demonstrated wavefront sensing and control system to refine and quantify the end-to-end system performance for high-contrast starlight suppression. This pathfinder system will be used as a tool to study and refine approaches to mitigating instabilities and complex diffraction expected from future large segmented aperture telescopes.
Pathology and the posture of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neandertal.
Trinkaus, E
The depiction of the Neandertals as incompletely erect was based primarily on Boule's (1911, 1912a, 1913) analysis of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 partial skeleton. The inaccurate aspects of Boule's postural reconstruction were corrected during the 1950s. However, it has come to be believed, following Straus and Cave (1957), that Boule's errors of reconstruction were due to the diseased condition of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 remains, rather than to Boule's misinterpretation of morphology. The abnormalities on the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 postcranium include: lower cervical, upper thoracic, and lower thoracic intervertebral degenerative joint disease (DJD), a distal fracture of a mid-thoracic rib, extensive DJD of the left hip, DJD of the right fifth proximal interphalangeal articulation, bilateral humeral head eburnation, and minor exostosis formation on the right humerus, ulna, and radius. These were associated with extensive alveolar inflammation including apical abscesses and antemortem tooth loss, some temporomandibular DJD, bilateral auditory exostoses, and minimal occipital condyle DJD. None of these abnormalities significantly affected Boule's Neandertal postural reconstruction, and a review of his analysis indicates that early twentieth century interpretations of skeletal morphology (primarily of the cranium, cervical vertebrae, lumbar and sacral vertebrae, proximal femora and tibiae, posterior tarsals, and hallucial tarsometatarsal joint), combined with Boule's evolutionary preconceptions, were responsible for his mistaken view of Neandertal posture.
SRTM Stereo Pair with Landsat Overlay: Miquelon and Saint Pierre Islands
This stereoscopic satellite image showing Miquelon and Saint Pierre Islands, located south of Newfoundland, Canada, was generated by draping NASA Landsat satellite image over a preliminary Shuttle Radar Topography Mission SRTM elevation model.
Egg deposition by lithophilic-spawning fishes in the Detroit and Saint Clair Rivers, 2005–14
Prichard, Carson G.; Craig, Jaquelyn M.; Roseman, Edward F.; Fischer, Jason L.; Manny, Bruce A.; Kennedy, Gregory W.
A long-term, multiseason, fish egg sampling program conducted annually on the Detroit (2005–14) and Saint Clair (2010–14) Rivers was summarized to identify where productive fish spawning habitat currently exists. Egg mats were placed on the river bottom during the spring and fall at historic spawning areas and candidate fish spawning habitat restoration sites throughout both rivers. Widespread evidence was found of lithophilic spawning by numerous native fish species, including walleye (Sander vitreus), lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), suckers (Catostomidae spp.), and trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus). Walleye, lake whitefish, and suckers spp. spawned in nearly every region of each river in all years on both reef and nonreef substrates. Lake sturgeon eggs were collected almost exclusively over constructed reefs. Catch-per-unit effort of walleye, lake whitefish, and sucker eggs was much greater in the Detroit River than in the Saint Clair River, while Saint Clair River sites supported the greatest collections of lake sturgeon eggs. Collections during this study of lake sturgeon eggs on man-made spawning reefs suggest that artificial reefs may be an effective tool for restoring fish populations in the Detroit and Saint Clair Rivers; however, the quick response of lake sturgeon to spawn on newly constructed reefs and the fact that walleye, lake whitefish, and sucker eggs were often collected over substrate with little interstitial space to protect eggs from siltation and predators suggests that lack of suitable spawning habitat may continue to limit reproduction of lithophilic-spawning fish species in the Saint Clair-Detroit River System.
Diet and behavior of the Saint-Césaire Neanderthal inferred from biogeochemical data inversion.
Balter, Vincent; Simon, Laurent
Biogeochemistry is a powerful tool for dietary reconstruction, and mixing equations can be used to quantify the contribution of multiple sources to an individual's diet. The goals of this paper are: 1) to generalize the inverse method to dietary mixtures; and 2) to reconstruct the diet of the Saint-Césaire Neanderthal using Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca data of the mineral fraction of bone (hydroxylapatite), and with published delta13C and delta15N data of the associated organic fraction of bone (collagen). A new method is proposed to calculate the maximum diagenetic contribution of the Sr/Ba ratio, assuming that the soil soluble fraction is the diagenetic end-member and, for a given fraction of diagenesis, allows the restoration of the original Sr/Ba ratio. Considering the Saint-Césaire Châtelperronian mammalian assemblage as the meat source, and on the basis of available Sr, Ba, and Ca contents of plants, the results indicate that the percentage of plants in the Neanderthal's diet must have been close to zero for realistic Sr and Ba impoverishment between diet and hydroxylapatite. Contrary to previous studies, it is shown that fish could constitute a significant proportion (30%) of the diet of the Saint-Césaire Neanderthal. However, this mass balance solution is not supported by the zooarchaeological data. When the entire faunal assemblage is considered as the dietary source, the calculation shows that bovids (except reindeer) represent the greatest percentage of consumed meat (58%), followed by horses/rhinoceros (22%), reindeer (13%), and mammoths (7%). These respective percentages are in close accordance with zooarchaeological records, suggesting that the faunal assemblage associated with the Neanderthal of Saint-Césaire reliably reflects what he ate during the last few years of his life. In behavioral terms, this result supports the hypothesis that this Neanderthal carried the foodstuffs back to the Saint-Césaire shelter before their consumption.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
..., Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. (a) Location. A moving and fixed security zone is established that surrounds all cruise ships entering, departing, mooring or anchoring in the Port of Fredericksted, Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The security zone extends from the cruise ship outward and forms a 50-yard...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
..., Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. (a) Location. A moving and fixed security zone is established that surrounds all cruise ships entering, departing, mooring or anchoring in the Port of Fredericksted, Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The security zone extends from the cruise ship outward and forms a 50-yard...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
..., Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. (a) Location. A moving and fixed security zone is established that surrounds all cruise ships entering, departing, mooring or anchoring in the Port of Fredericksted, Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The security zone extends from the cruise ship outward and forms a 50-yard...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
..., Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. (a) Location. A moving and fixed security zone is established that surrounds all cruise ships entering, departing, mooring or anchoring in the Port of Fredericksted, Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The security zone extends from the cruise ship outward and forms a 50-yard...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
..., Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. (a) Location. A moving and fixed security zone is established that surrounds all cruise ships entering, departing, mooring or anchoring in the Port of Fredericksted, Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The security zone extends from the cruise ship outward and forms a 50-yard...
Deformation during terrane accretion in the Saint Elias orogen, Alaska
Bruhn, R.L.; Pavlis, T.L.; Plafker, G.; Serpa, L.
The Saint Elias orogen of southern Alaska and adjacent Canada is a complex belt of mountains formed by collision and accretion of the Yakutat terrane into the transition zone from transform faulting to subduction in the northeast Pacific. The orogen is an active analog for tectonic processes that formed much of the North American Cordillera, and is also an important site to study (1) the relationships between climate and tectonics, and (2) structures that generate large- to great-magnitude earthquakes. The Yakutat terrane is a fragment of the North American plate margin that is partly subducted beneath and partly accreted to the continental margin of southern Alaska. Interaction between the Yakutat terrane and the North American and Pacific plates causes significant differences in the style of deformation within the terrane. Deformation in the eastern part of the terrane is caused by strike-slip faulting along the Fairweather transform fault and by reverse faulting beneath the coastal mountains, but there is little deformation immediately offshore. The central part of the orogen is marked by thrusting of the Yakutat terrane beneath the North American plate along the Chugach-Saint Elias fault and development of a wide, thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt. Strike-slip faulting in this segment may he localized in the hanging wall of the Chugach-Saint Elias fault, or dissipated by thrust faulting beneath a north-northeast-trending belt of active deformation that cuts obliquely across the eastern end of the fold-and-thrust belt. Superimposed folds with complex shapes and plunging hinge lines accommodate horizontal shortening and extension in the western part of the orogen, where the sedimentary cover of the Yakutat terrane is accreted into the upper plate of the Aleutian subduction zone. These three structural segments are separated by transverse tectonic boundaries that cut across the Yakutat terrane and also coincide with the courses of piedmont glaciers that flow from
[Saint-Jacques de Besançon Hospital].
Deridder, Annick
The first plan (1670) was carried out by Archbishop Antoine Pierre 1st de Grammont under the Spanish administration, with the aid of the Community Saint Marthe whose Congregation was at the start of a new monastic order and whose last members left Besançon a few years ago. At the beginning King Louis XIVth supported the building of the new hospital (1865) which was intended to shelter numerous soldiers like some other hospitals of the time. The main walls were ended in 1701 and the garden in 1702. The first patients were received in 1691. The cross-shaped Italian building is centred on a chapel and looks like many other buildings such as "La Salpêtriere" in Paris. It superseded the ancient medieval building "Saint-Jacques des Arènes" vowed to the travellers and pilgrims, the site of which was on the main crossing roads but on too small a space. The main architect was Canon Jacques Magnin, the material was found in the country and the gorgeous railings were forged by a local craftsman Chappuis. A local practitioner Gabriel Gascon bequeathed his sumptuous apothecary's shop. Some extensions of the building occured during the following centuries: a wing towards the garden, the "Couvent du Refuge" and its brilliant baroque chapel allowed the whole building to have a praise worthy chapel. At last the "Hôtel de Mont martin" initially built for Cardinal Granvelle was joined to the main hospital and became the Maternity Hospital.
Scripture-Based Discourses of Latter-Day Saint and Methodist Youths
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rackley, Eric D.
Drawing on social and cultural perspectives of literacy, conceptualizations of religious literacies, and Gee's notion of Discourses, I develop a framework for exploring 16 Latter-day Saint and Methodist youths' religious literacies as social and cultural practice. This work grows out of the increasingly important role that religion plays…
Architecture, religion, and tuberculosis in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Quebec.
Adams, Annmarie; Poutanen, Mary Anne
This paper explores the architecture of the Mount Sinai Sanatorium in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts (Qc) to disentangle the role of religion in the treatment of tuberculosis. In particular, we analyze the design of Mount Sinai, the jewel in the crown of Jewish philanthropy in Montreal, in relation to that of the nearby Laurentian Sanatorium. While Mount Sinai offered free treatment to the poor in a stunning, Art Deco building of 1930, the Protestant hospital had by then served paying patients for more than two decades in a purposefully home-like, Tudor-revival setting. Using architectural historian Bernard Herman's concept of embedded landscapes, we show how the two hospitals differed in terms of their relationship to site, access, and, most importantly, to city, knowledge, and community. Architects Scopes & Feustmann, who designed the Laurentian hospital, operated an office at Saranac Lake, New York, America's premier destination for consumptives. The qualifications of Mount Sinai architects Spence & Goodman, however, derived from their experience with Jewish institutions in Montreal. Following Herman's approach to architecture through movement and context, how did notions of medical therapy and Judaism intersect in the plans of Mount Sinai?
Medical Simulation Practices 2010 Survey Results
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
McCrindle, Jeffrey J.
Medical Simulation Centers are an essential component of our learning infrastructure to prepare doctors and nurses for their careers. Unlike the military and aerospace simulation industry, very little has been published regarding the best practices currently in use within medical simulation centers. This survey attempts to provide insight into the current simulation practices at medical schools, hospitals, university nursing programs and community college nursing programs. Students within the MBA program at Saint Joseph's University conducted a survey of medical simulation practices during the summer 2010 semester. A total of 115 institutions responded to the survey. The survey resus discuss overall effectiveness of current simulation centers as well as the tools and techniques used to conduct the simulation activity
Consistent initial conditions for the Saint-Venant equations in river network modeling
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yu, Cheng-Wei; Liu, Frank; Hodges, Ben R.
Initial conditions for flows and depths (cross-sectional areas) throughout a river network are required for any time-marching (unsteady) solution of the one-dimensional (1-D) hydrodynamic Saint-Venant equations. For a river network modeled with several Strahler orders of tributaries, comprehensive and consistent synoptic data are typically lacking and synthetic starting conditions are needed. Because of underlying nonlinearity, poorly defined or inconsistent initial conditions can lead to convergence problems and long spin-up times in an unsteady solver. Two new approaches are defined and demonstrated herein for computing flows and cross-sectional areas (or depths). These methods can produce an initial condition data set that is consistent with modeled landscape runoff and river geometry boundary conditions at the initial time. These new methods are (1) the pseudo time-marching method (PTM) that iterates toward a steady-state initial condition using an unsteady Saint-Venant solver and (2) the steady-solution method (SSM) that makes use of graph theory for initial flow rates and solution of a steady-state 1-D momentum equation for the channel cross-sectional areas. The PTM is shown to be adequate for short river reaches but is significantly slower and has occasional non-convergent behavior for large river networks. The SSM approach is shown to provide a rapid solution of consistent initial conditions for both small and large networks, albeit with the requirement that additional code must be written rather than applying an existing unsteady Saint-Venant solver.
Case Study of a College that Closed: Saint Mary's College
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Brown, Alice W.
Few colleges choose to close. One that did was Saint Mary's College in Raleigh, North Carolina. Although trustees resisted for a decade, they ultimately made the decision before an anticipated denial of accreditation, allowing the college to control its final days in ways not possible for those who wait until an outside agency forces closure. This…
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Report to Congressional Committees. This report (1) compares the characteristics of the Next Steps program and the PBO concept and (2) describes the changes and effects the PBO concept potentially could have on the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development C...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Safety Zones; Blasting Operations and Movement of Explosives, St. Marys River, Sault Sainte Marie, MI. 165.T09-0290 Section 165.T09-0290... Movement of Explosives, St. Marys River, Sault Sainte Marie, MI. (a) Location. The following areas are...
Homelessness and Work Experience: Two Years in Saint Paul. Final Report.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Davis, Dennis R.
A study explored the role of work experience in addressing problems of homeless people in Saint Paul (Minnesota) during the 1989-91 grant cycles of the McKinney Job Training for the Homeless Demonstration Program. The program included a number of elements: outreach, intake, assessment and enrollment, orientation, work experience, basic…
Concordia U. Saint Paul Will Slash Tuition by One-Third
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Supiano, Beckie
Concordia University Saint Paul will reduce the sticker price of its tuition and fees by $10,000, or about 33 percent, for the 2013-2014 academic year. Tuition and fees for all new and returning students in the traditional undergraduate program will drop to $19,700 next year from $29,700 this year, while the price of room and board will not…
Development of flood-inundation maps for the Mississippi River in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Czuba, Christiana R.; Fallon, James D.; Lewis, Corby R.; Cooper, Diane F.
Digital flood-inundation maps for a 6.3-mile reach of the Mississippi River in Saint Paul, Minnesota, were developed through a multi-agency effort by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and in collaboration with the National Weather Service. The inundation maps, which can be accessed through the U.S. Geological Survey Flood Inundation Mapping Science Web site at and the National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service site at, depict estimates of the areal extent and depth of flooding corresponding to selected water levels (stages) at the U.S. Geological Survey streamgage at the Mississippi River at Saint Paul (05331000). The National Weather Service forecasted peak-stage information at the streamgage may be used in conjunction with the maps developed in this study to show predicted areas of flood inundation. In this study, flood profiles were computed for the Mississippi River by means of a one-dimensional step-backwater model. The hydraulic model was calibrated using the most recent stage-discharge relation at the Robert Street location (rating curve number 38.0) of the Mississippi River at Saint Paul (streamgage 05331000), as well as an approximate water-surface elevation-discharge relation at the Mississippi River at South Saint Paul (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers streamgage SSPM5). The model also was verified against observed high-water marks from the recent 2011 flood event and the water-surface profile from existing flood insurance studies. The hydraulic model was then used to determine 25 water-surface profiles for flood stages at 1-foot intervals ranging from approximately bankfull stage to greater than the highest recorded stage at streamgage 05331000. The simulated water-surface profiles were then combined with a geographic information system digital elevation model, derived from high-resolution topography
Three saints with deformed extremities in an Italian Renaissance altarpiece.
Albury, W R; Weisz, G M
A fifteenth-century Florentine altarpiece painted by the Pollaiuolo brothers, Antonio (1433-1498) and Piero (1443-1496), shows three saints with evident deformities of the hands and feet. The pathologies concerned are tentatively identified, and various rationales for their presence in the painting are discussed. Of particular importance is the location of the altarpiece in a chapel which houses the tomb of the Cardinal of Portugal, Prince James of Lusitania (1433-1459). It is argued that both the artistic style of the day and the religious symbolism of the Cardinal's funeral chapel contributed to the artists' decision to portray the saints with deformities. An unnatural curvature of the fifth finger was apparently considered elegant in fifteenth-century paintings, and the depiction of bare feet with hallux valgus gave them a shape which approximated and could have been caused by fashionable pointed shoes. But in addition, deformities in religious art could be symbolic of suffering and martyrdom, a theme which the Cardinal's chapel emphasised in a number of ways. It is suggested therefore that the Pollaiuolo altarpiece reconciles these two disparate factors, portraying genuine deformities in a way that was artistically stylish and symbolically meaningful.
Compressive strength evolution of thermally-stressed Saint Maximin limestone.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Farquharson, J.; Griffiths, L.; Baud, P.; Wadsworth, F. B.; Heap, M. J.
The Saint Maximin quarry (Oise, France) opened in the early 1600s, and its limestone has been used extensively as masonry stone, particularly during the classical era of Parisian architecture from the 17th century onwards. Its widespread use has been due to a combination of its regional availability, its high workability, and its aesthetic appeal. Notable buildings completed using this material include sections of the Place de la Concorde and the Louvre in Paris. More recently, however, it has seen increasing use in the construction of large private residences throughout the United States as well as extensions to private institutions such as Stanford University. For any large building, fire hazard can be a substantial concern, especially in tectonically active areas where catastrophic fires may arise following large-magnitude earthquakes. Typically, house fires burn at temperatures of around 600 °C ( 1000 F). Given the ubiquity of this geomaterial as a building stone, it is important to ascertain the influence of heating on the strength of Saint Maximin limestone (SML), and in turn the structural stability of the buildings it is used in. We performed a series of compressive tests and permeability measurements on samples of SML to determine its strength evolution in response to heating to incrementally higher temperatures. We observe that the uniaxial compressive strength of SML decreases from >12 MPa at room temperature to <7 MPa at 600 °C. The rate of strength reduction increases at elevated temperature (>400 °C). We anticipate that this substantial weakening is in part a result of thermal microcracking, whereby changes in temperature induce thermal stresses due to a mismatch in thermal expansion between the constituent grains. This mechanism is compounded by the volumetric increase of quartz through its alpha - beta transition at 573 °C, and by the thermal decomposition of calcite. To track the formation of thermal microcracks, we monitor acoustic emissions
Latter-Day Saint Women and Leadership: The Influence of Their Religious Worldview
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Madsen, Susan R.
The article examines theories, assumptions, concepts, experiences, and practices from the Latter-day Saints' (LDS, or the Mormons) religious worldview to expand existing theoretical constructs and implications of leadership development and education for women. The article elucidates LDS doctrine and culture regarding women and provides specific…
Pereira, José Carlos; Pradella-Hallinan, Márcia; Alves, Rosana Cardoso
OBJECTIVE: Certain drug classes alleviate the symptoms of Willis-Ekbom's disease, whereas others aggravate them. The pharmacological profiles of these drugs suggest that drugs that alleviate Willis-Ekbom's disease inhibit thyroid hormone activity, whereas drugs that aggravate Willis-Ekbom's disease increase thyroid hormone activity. These different effects may be secondary to the opposing actions that drugs have on the CYP4503A4 enzyme isoform. Drugs that worsen the symptoms of the Willis-Ekbom's disease inhibit the CYP4503A4 isoform, and drugs that ameliorate the symptoms induce CYP4503A4. The aim of this study is to determine whether Saint John's wort, as an inducer of the CYP4503A4 isoform, diminishes the severity of Willis-Ekbom's disease symptoms by increasing the metabolism of thyroid hormone in treated patients. METHODS: In an open-label pilot trial, we treated 21 Willis-Ekbom's disease patients with a concentrated extract of Saint John's wort at a daily dose of 300 mg over the course of three months. RESULTS: Saint John's wort reduced the severity of Willis-Ekbom's disease symptoms in 17 of the 21 patients. CONCLUSION: Results of this trial suggest that Saint John's wort may benefit some Willis-Ekbom's disease patients. However, as this trial was not placebo-controlled, the extent to which Saint John's wort is effective as a Willis-Ekbom's disease treatment will depend on future, blinded placebo-controlled studies. PMID:23778343
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sanger, Michael J.; Brincks, Erik L.; Phelps, Amy J.; Pak, Maria S.; Lyovkin, Antony N.
This paper, which is a result of the collaboration between the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia in Saint Petersburg, compares the 7-12 chemistry courses in Iowa and Saint Petersburg and the chemistry teacher preparation programs at UNI and Herzen. Differences in the 7-12 chemistry courses include curriculum design (spiral versus layer cake), students' extracurricular activities, and access to technology in the classroom. Differences in the chemistry teacher preparation programs include the number of methods and chemistry content courses required, the number of chemistry teaching majors, the proportion of teaching majors enrolled in the different natural science programs, and the typical minors and endorsements received by these majors. Although we noted many differences in chemistry instruction between Iowa and Saint Petersburg, the secondary and college instructors still face many similar issues, which include overcoming student chemophobia, improving students' algorithmic and problem-solving skills, improving students' conceptual understanding at the particulate level, and dealing with shortages in qualified secondary science teachers.
Capparelli, Ignacio; Fernandez, Martín; Saadia Otero, Marcela; Steimberg, Jimena; Brassesco, María; Campobasso, Ana; Palacios, Sandra; Caro, Fabian; Alberti, María Laura; Rabinovich, Roberto A; Paulin, Francisco
Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is associated with low exercise tolerance, dyspnea, and decreased health-related quality of life (HRQL). Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is one of the most prevalent in the group. A specific version of the Saint George's questionnaire (SGRQ-I) has been developed to quantify the HRQL of IPF patients. However, this tool is not currently validated in the Spanish language. The objective was to translate into Spanish and validate the specific Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (SGRQ-I). The repeatability, internal consistency and construct validity of the SGRQ-I in Spanish were analyzed after a backtranslation process. In total, 23 outpatients with IPF completed the translated SGRQ-I twice, 7 days apart. Repeatability was studied, revealing good concordance in test-retest with an ICC (interclass correlation coefficient) of 0.96 (P<.001). Internal consistency was good for different questionnaire items (Cronbach's alpha of 0.9 including and 0.81 excluding the total value) (P<.001). The total score of the questionnaire showed good correlation with forced vital capacity FVC% (r=-0.44; P=.033), diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DL CO %) (r=-0.55; P=.011), partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood PaO 2 (r=-0.44; P=.036), Medical Research Council Dyspnea scale (r=-0.65; P<.001), and number of steps taken in 24hours (r=-0.47; P=.024). The Spanish version of SGRQ-Ideveloped by our group shows good internal consistency, reproducibility and validity, so it can be used for the evaluation of quality of life (QOL) in IPF patients. Copyright © 2017 SEPAR. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Enhancing the IT Infrastructure at Saint Philip's Hospital: Point-of-Care Solutions
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Naydenova, Iva; White, Bruce
Healthcare has become a rapidly changing field. With the introduction of value-based purchasing to determine reimbursement of Medicare providers based on the quality of care in addition to outcomes in treatment, the environment is becoming ever more competitive. Saint Philip's Hospital is among the largest non-profit hospitals in the nation…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Salvaggio, Fabio; Banfi, Massimo; Marchini, Alessandro; Papini, Riccardo
Photometric observations of the main-belt asteroids 2578 Saint-Exupery, 4297 Eichhorn, 10132 Lummelunda and (21766) 1999 RW208 performed by the authors from June to December 2017, revealed the bimodal light curves phased to 8.146 ± 0.001 h for 2578 Saint-Exupery, 4.105 ± 0.003 h for 4297 Eichhorn, 2.51 ± 0.03 h for 10132 Lummellunda and 5.841 ± 0.001 h for (21766) 1999 RW208 as the most likely solutions representing the synodic rotation periods for these asteroids.
[The embroidery work of the lady at Saint-Anne Hospital].
Thillaud, Pierre L; Postel, Jacques
In July 1974, a 72 old woman had been a patient for forty years in Sainte-Anne Hospital, Ward C. As she had again a violent brawl with her neighbour patient, she revealed being a tremendous artist. She had been confined on account of dementia paralytica in the Mecca of malariotherapy, and passionately devoted herself to embroidery. Her fancy work was rather a matter for Jean Dubuffet's art through its perfect expression and deserved being known.
Barker, Brittany S.; Rodríguez-Robles, Javier A.
The Red-eyed Coquí, Eleutherodactylus antillensis, is a terrestrial frog endemic to the Puerto Rican Bank (Puerto Rico and numerous islands and cays off its eastern coast), in the eastern Caribbean Sea. The species was likely introduced in Saint Croix, an island c. 100 km southeast of Puerto Rico, in the late 1930s, and in Panamá City, Panamá, in the late 1950s or early 1960s, but the source(s) of these introductions are unknown. We analyzed sequence data from one mtDNA locus and four nuDNA introns to infer the origin(s) of the Saint Croix and Panamá City populations and quantify their genetic diversity. Saint Croix and Panamanian populations do not share any haplotypes, and they cluster with different native populations, suggesting that they are derived from separate sources in the Puerto Rican Bank. Patterns of population structure trace the probable sources of E. antillensis in Saint Croix to islands off Puerto Rico’s eastern coast, which include Vieques, Culebra, Saint Thomas, Saint John, Tortola, and Virgin Gorda, and possibly to eastern Puerto Rico as well. In contrast, Panamá City E. antillensis probably originated from either western or eastern Puerto Rico. Genetic diversity in the introduced populations is similar to or lower than in populations in the species’ native range, indicating that genetic diversity has not increased in the alien frogs. Our findings may facilitate the development of preventive measures to minimize introductions of non-native amphibians in the Caribbean and Central America. PMID:28649148
Recent Evolution of the Mont Saint-Michel Bay as seen by ALOS AVNIR-2 Data (ADEN AO 3643)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Deroin, Jean-Paul; Bilaudeau, Clelia; Deffontaines, Benoit
The ALOS AVNIR-2 scene acquired on October 24, 2007 has been used for drawing a new map of the Mont Saint-Michel Bay. This area is characterised by a large dry-fallen tidal flat, one of the largest in the world. The tidal records indicate that the ALOS datatake was acquired in favorable conditions, the elevation of the sea at 2.56 m being very close to the theoretical minimum value (about 2.30 m). In these conditions, the largest tidal flat observed by a sun-synchronous satellite on the Mont Saint-Michel Bay is exposed.
Saint Lawrence Seaway Navigation-Aid System Study : Volume I - Text and Appendixes A and D
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The requirements for a navigation guidance system which will effect an increase in the ship processing capacity of the Saint Lawrence Seaway (Lake Ontario to Montreal, Quebec) are developed. The requirements include a specification of system position...
College of Saint Teresa: Design for Choicemakers. An Operations Manual for Faculty and Staff.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Batell, Susan; And Others
The College of Saint Teresa's value-based educational program, known as "Design for Choicemakers," is described. The program is designed to foster students' holistic learning and personal development, based on cooperation among the academic affairs, student affairs, and pastoral affairs offices. The links between the curriculum and…
Balakhonov, Aleksei V; Churilov, Leonid P; Erman, Mikhail V; Shishkin, Aleksandr N; Slepykh, Lyudmila A; Stroev, Yuri I; Utekhin, Vladimir J; Basantsova, Natalia Y
The article is devoted to the role of research activity of the medical students in higher education of physicians. The teaching of physicians in classical universities and specialized medical schools is compared. The history of physicians' training in Russia in imperial, Soviet and post-Soviet periods is reviewed and compared to development of higher medical education in other countries. Article gives the the description of all failed attempts to establish a Medical Faculty within oldest classical university of Russia, crowned by history of last and successful attempt of its establishment. Authors' experience of adjoining education and research in curriculum and extra-curricular life of this Medical Faculty is discussed. The problems of specialization and fundamentalization of medical education are subjected to analysis. Clinical reasoning and reasoning of scholar-experimentalist are compared. The article reviews the role of term and course papers and significance of self-studies and graduation thesis in education of a physician. The paper gives original definition of interactive learning, and discusses the methods and pathways of intermingling the fundamental science and clinical medicine in medical teaching for achievement of admixed competencies of medical doctor and biomedical researcher.
Zanello, Marc; Pallud, Johan; Baup, Nicolas; Peeters, Sophie; Turak, Baris; Krebs, Marie Odile; Oppenheim, Catherine; Gaillard, Raphael; Devaux, Bertrand
Sainte-Anne Hospital is the largest psychiatric hospital in Paris. Its long and fascinating history began in the 18th century. In 1952, it was at Sainte-Anne Hospital that Jean Delay and Pierre Deniker used the first neuroleptic, chlorpromazine, to cure psychiatric patients, putting an end to the expansion of psychosurgery. The Department of Neuro-psychosurgery was created in 1941. The works of successive heads of the Neurosurgery Department at Sainte-Anne Hospital summarized the history of psychosurgery in France. Pierre Puech defined psychosurgery as the necessary cooperation between neurosurgeons and psychiatrists to treat the conditions causing psychiatric symptoms, from brain tumors to mental health disorders. He reported the results of his series of 369 cases and underlined the necessity for proper follow-up and postoperative re-education, illustrating the relative caution of French neurosurgeons concerning psychosurgery. Marcel David and his assistants tried to follow their patients closely postoperatively; this resulted in numerous publications with significant follow-up and conclusions. As early as 1955, David reported intellectual degradation 2 years after prefrontal leucotomies. Jean Talairach, a psychiatrist who eventually trained as a neurosurgeon, was the first to describe anterior capsulotomy in 1949. He operated in several hospitals outside of Paris, including the Sarthe Psychiatric Hospital and the Public Institution of Mental Health in the Lille region. He developed stereotactic surgery, notably stereo-electroencephalography, for epilepsy surgery but also to treat psychiatric patients using stereotactic lesioning with radiofrequency ablation or radioactive seeds of yttrium-90. The evolution of functional neurosurgery has been marked by the development of deep brain stimulation, in particular for obsessive-compulsive disorder, replacing the former lesional stereotactic procedures. The history of Sainte-Anne Hospital's Neurosurgery Department sheds
New optical museum at Saint-Petersburg for education and training
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vasil'ev, V. N.; Stafeef, S. K.; Tomilin, M. G.
Nowadays the educational problem of teaching optics and photonics is to attract the young generation to the wonderful and magic world of light, optical science, technology and systems. The main issue is to explain that in the course of last several hundred years optics has been representing the most clear world view for humanity. In fact, the optics itself is a multidisciplinary complex of independent scientific directions, and, moreover, it has always been a generator of new fields of knowledge. Besides, optics and photonics are the fields within which the most fundamental problems of today's reality are to be resolved. It is absolutely necessary to encourage our scholars in getting optics and photonics education as an alternative physical basis to gaining solely computer knowledge. The main obstacle is the poor connection between program of optical education and the real optical researches, disintegration of different branches of the optical science, the demographic situation, some problems with teaching mathematics and physics at schools, and the collision between traditional educational methods and the mentality of the new generation. In Russia the Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics offers partial solution to these problems: the organization of a real place for interactive optical science in a form of a new museum of optics, intended for education and training, seems to be the most effective way. This was the main reason for establishing such a museum in Saint-Petersburg at the end of 2008.
Rees, Tom
Baptist Hospital Inc., Pensacola, Fla.; and Saint Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, Mo., have received the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in the category of healthcare. Named for a former secretary of commerce, the award recognizes efficiency, effectiveness and excellence. The two hospitals are among only seven companies in the U.S. to be so recognized this year.
Facts and fiction: the death of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
Rosenman, L D
The biography of Ignatius of Loyola, the sainted founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), ends with his death in curious circumstances. A careful search of the available sources written from the time of his death in 1556 to the present has reviewed the evidence. The evidence does not support the claims for a diagnosis that has been used for four centuries. So-called historical "facts" simply are the opinions of historians. Ignatius may have suffered from hyperparathyroidism that led to his death rather than from a cholangioportal venous fistula.
A second level of the Saint Petersburg skyline
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Krasnopolsky, Andrey; Bolotin, Sergey
The article considers the history of the residential development in Saint Petersburg and states corresponding landmark dates. In recent years, changes in the altitude range of the residential development are noted, the influence of this factor on the formation of the city's silhouette is assessed. Reasons for such changes are identified. Attractiveness of high-rise residential complexes for living is assessed. Conclusions are made of tendencies in further housing construction development in terms of its altitude range. It is noted that it is possible to locate multi-storied buildings in the periphery of the city, taking into account specific visual characteristics of the construction site and silhouette of erected buildings; as for central districts, strict regulations regarding the altitude range are needed.
Prayer to the Saints or the Virgin and Health among Older Mexican Americans
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Krause, Neal; Bastida, Elena
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a conceptual model that assesses whether praying to the saints or the Virgin is associated with the health of older Mexican Americans. A survey was conducted of 1,005 older Mexican Americans (Mean age = 73.9 years; SD = 6.6 years). Data from 795 of the Catholic respondents are presented in this study. The…
Koster, Michael P.; Williams, Jackson H.; Gautier, Jacqueline; Alce, Renee; Trappey, Bernard E.
Global health initiatives from academic medical centers have rapidly proliferated over the last decade. This paper endeavors to describe our 5-year experience as an academic medical collaborative supporting healthcare delivery, medical training, and research at Hôpital Saint Damien-Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs, the only freestanding children’s hospital in Haiti. Descriptions of the history and current activities of our academic medical collaborative, its partnership and communication structure, its evolution to fill the expressed needs of our host site, its funding mechanisms, and its challenges and opportunities for the future are included. PMID:28611976
A Worked Example of an Application of the Saint Simulation Program.
tApprove foX pu bldc L-- -’ -:,=* J Approved for public release. This work is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of study, research...this network are 1. there are three types of incoming messages, 2. the rate of message generation is varied between two limits and is controlled by the...SAINT controlling program, and 3. the whole scenario is run for a fixed period of time itim limit). These features were included on the basis of
High-rise construction in the Saint Petersburg agglomeration in 1703-1950s
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sementsov, Sergey; Akulova, Nadezhda; Kurakina, Severina
Regularities of high-rise construction (implemented projects and developments) in Saint Petersburg and the Saint Petersburg agglomeration since the foundation of the city in 1703 till the 1950s are considered. Based on these regularities, a single spatially developed system of vertical dominants is formed. High-rise construction in the city and its suburbs started in the 1710s and continues up to the present time. In the considered decades (1703-1950s), high-rise construction mostly performed urban-planning functions (with vertical and symbolic dominants), relying on patterns of the visual perception of man-made landscapes under development. Since the 1710s, the construction of vertical dominants (mainly temples, spires of towers, lighthouses, etc.) of five ranks (depending on the altitude range and in relation to the background development) was conducted in territories of the entire agglomeration. These dominants were arranged in landscapes of the city and suburbs with almost mathematically precise accuracy and according to special regulations. Such dominants obtained particular descriptive and silhouette characteristics in accordance with the conditions of spatial perception. In some periods of city development, attempts were made to create monuments (symbolic dominants) of specific height and include those in the spatial system of high-rise dominants as significant elements of the city silhouette.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Helal, Sumi, Ed.; Oie, Yuji, Ed.; Chang, Carl, Ed.; Murai, Jun, Ed.
This proceedings from the 2003 Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT) contains papers from sessions on: (1) mobile Internet, including a target-driven cache replacement policy, context-awareness for service discovery, and XML transformation; (2) collaboration technology I, including human-network-based filtering, virtual collaboration…
3-D Perspective View, Miquelon and Saint Pierre Islands
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
This image shows Miquelon and Saint Pierre Islands, located south of Newfoundland, Canada. These islands, along with five smaller islands, are a self-governing territory of France. North is in the top right corner of the image. The island of Miquelon, in the background, is divided by a thin barrier beach into Petite Miquelon on the left, and Grande Miquelon on the right. Saint Pierre Island is seen in the foreground. The maximum elevation of this land is 240 meters (787 feet). The land mass of the islands is about 242square kilometers (94 square miles) or 1.5 times the size of Washington, DC.This three-dimensional perspective view is one of several still photographs taken from a simulated flyover of the islands. It shows how elevation data collected by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) can be used to enhance other satellite images. Color and natural shading are provided by a Landsat 7 image taken on September 7, 1999. The Landsat image was draped over the SRTM data. Terrain perspective and shading are from SRTM. The vertical scale has been increased six times to make it easier to see the small features. This also makes the sea cliffs around the edges of the islands look larger. In this view the capital city of Saint Pierre is seen as the bright area in the foreground of the island. The thin bright line seen in the water is a breakwater that offers some walled protection for the coastal city.Elevation data used in this image was acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour, launched on February 11,2000. SRTM used the same radar instrument that comprised the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) that flew twice on the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1994. SRTM was designed to collect three-dimensional measurements of the Earth's surface. To collect the 3-D data, engineers added a 60-meter-long (200-foot) mast, installed additional C-band and X-band antennas, andNASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dear Colleagues, 1st International School and Conference "Saint Petersburg OPEN 2014" on Optoelectronics, Photonics, Engineering and Nanostructures was held on March 25 - 27, 2014 at St. Petersburg Academic University - Nanotechnology Research and Education Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The School and Conference included a series of invited talks given by leading professors with the aim to introduce young scientists with actual problems and major advances in physics and technology. The keynote speakers were: Mikhail Glazov (Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute RAS, Russia) Vladimir Dubrovskii (Saint Petersburg Academic University RAS, Russia) Alexey Kavokin (University of Southampton, United Kingdom and St. Petersburg State University, Russia) Vladimir Korenev (Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute RAS, Russia) Sergey Kukushkin (Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS, Russia) Nikita Pikhtin (Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute RAS, Russia and "Elfolum" Ltd., Russia) Dmitry Firsov (Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia) During the poster session all undergraduate and graduate students attending the conference presented their works. Sufficiently large number of participants with more than 160 student attendees from all over the world allowed the Conference to provide a fertile ground for the fruitful discussions between the young scientists as well as to become a perfect platform for the valuable discussions between student authors and highly experienced scientists. The best student papers, which were selected by the Program Committee and by the invited speakers basing on the theses and their poster presentation, were awarded with diplomas of the conference - see the photos. This year's School and Conference is supported by SPIE (The International Society for Optics and Photonics), OSA (The Optical Society), St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University and by Skolkovo Foundation. It is a continuation of the annual schools and
Stray Dogs, Saints, and Saviors: Fighting for the Soul of America's Toughest High School
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Russo, Alexander
This book tells the real-life story of Locke High School. Locke High--originally known for its excellence--became one of the toughest, most dysfunctional schools in the nation. Then in 2007 teachers voted to bring in an upstart charter school organization called "Green Dot" to try and restore the Locke Saints' past glory. It was a brave…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Martin, Jennifer; Beese, Jane A.
This case was developed for use in a learning-centered course with a focus on administrative leadership and ethical behavior. This case describes the experience of a new faculty member at Saint Ambrose University, as she discovers a wide range of ethical and management problems in her department. The case unfolds as we track her efforts to deal…
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-82,137] Naugatuck Valley Surgical Center, Department of Saint Mary's Hospital, Waterbury, CT: Notice of Affirmative Determination... application, I conclude that the claim is of sufficient weight to justify reconsideration of the U.S...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
Volume II contains the following data on Mt. Saint Elias, Alaska: geologic base map, flight path map, anomaly maps (U, Th, K, UlTh, UlK, ThlK), radiometric multiple-parameter stacked profiles, magnetic and ancillary profile data, and statistical data. (LK)
Zeidler, Henning
Raoul Dufy (1877-1953) and Niki de Saint Phalle (1930-2002) were 2 famous artists who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Both artists represent an additional outstanding example of successful coping with RA in former times when, for the first time, corticosteroids were available, but nevertheless treatment was very limited in the pre-biological era. Dufy was one of the earliest patients with RA who received corticosteroids and regained his creativity to paint for a few additional years, but finally he died of massive intestinal hemorrhages, the adverse event of the combination of corticosteroid plus aspirin. Niki de Saint Phalle, a self-taught French painter and sculptor, was one of the most significant and unconventional female artists of the 20th century. Her eventful life was full of emotional burdens and lifelong lung disease in addition to RA. Niki de Saint Phalle came out from each physical and emotional crisis with new forces and new artistic ideas. Interestingly, it has been suggested that the occupational exposure to colors contributed to the development of RA in artists, which used significantly more bright and clear colors based on toxic heavy metals such as Renoir and Dufy. Moreover, these 2 were cigarette smokers, a recently described risk factor for developing RA and increasing the severity once it does develop. Niki de Saint Phalle produced her sculptures made of plastic material without protection while she assumed that exposition to polyester and toxic fumes of polystyrene caused severe damage to her lungs, resulting in recurrent health problems.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The University of Minnesotas Center for Transportation : Studies is pleased to present its 24th Annual Transportation : Research Conference, May 22-23, 2013. The conference will : be held at the Saint Paul RiverCentre, 175 West Kellogg : Boulevard...
A Comparative Case Study of Self-Actualization in Eleanor Roosevelt and Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tyska, Cynthia Ann
Eleanor Roosevelt and Antoine de Saint-Exupery are described as strongly developed self-actualizing people. They were selected as subjects of this study because they are generally believed to possess self-actualizing characteristics and because their positions as public figures made it more likely that data on them would be accessible.…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Maxfield, Jennifer; Gozali-Lee, Edith; Mueller, Dan
Project Early Kindergarten (PEK) aims to improve the school-readiness of Saint Paul children and help close the achievement gap through offering high-quality educational experiences for preschool children. This report comes at the conclusion of the sixth year of PEK. Following an initial planning year (2004-05), PEK has served children through the…
Madden, Tessa; Allsworth, Jenifer E.; Hladky, Katherine J.; Secura, Gina M.; Peipert, Jeffrey F.
Background Many obstacles to intrauterine contraception use exist, including provider and patient misinformation, high upfront cost, and clinician practice patterns. The aim of our study was to investigate knowledge and attitudes about intrauterine contraception among obstetricians and gynecologists in the area of Saint Louis. Study Design We mailed a self-administered, anonymous survey to 250 clinicians who provide obstetric and gynecologic care in Saint Louis City and County which included questions about demographics, training, family planning visits, and intrauterine contraceptive knowledge and use. Results The overall survey response rate among eligible clinicians was 73.7%. Clinicians who had recently finished training or saw higher numbers of contraceptive patients per week were more likely to insert intrauterine contraception than clinicians who completed training prior to 1989 or saw fewer contraceptive patients. Several misconceptions among clinicians were identified, including an association between intrauterine contraceptives and an elevated risk of pelvic inflammatory disease. Conclusions Physician misconceptions about the risks of intrauterine contraception continue to occur. Improved clinician education is greatly needed to facilitate the use of these highly effective, long-acting, reversible methods of contraception. PMID:20103447
Swapnaushadhi: the embedded logic of dreams and medical innovation in Bengal.
Mukharji, Projit Bihari
Numerous medicines in South Asia have their origins in dreams. Deities, saints and other supernatural beings frequently appear in dreams to instruct dreamers about specific remedies, therapeutic techniques, modes of care etc. These therapies challenge available models of historicising dreams. Once we overcome these challenges and unearth the embedded logic of these dreams, we begin to discern in them a dynamic institution that enabled and sustained therapeutic change within a 'traditional' medical milieu.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Griffiths, Casey Paul; Esplin, Scott C.; Randall, E. Vance
In recent years the educational programs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) have received praise for their role in the high rates of religiosity and denominational retention among their youth. This study offers a historical summary of the efforts of LDS to develop the most effective methods of engaging their youth in…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
McCarthy, Deborah; Bellina, Joseph J., Jr.
In 1988 Saint Mary's College received a grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc. to create a program to improve the quality of science education in the local public and private schools. As part of applying that grant we created one-week summer work-shops for elementary and middle school teachers (K-8) based on guided inquiry methods of education. Each…
Mouly, Stéphane; Lloret-Linares, Célia; Sellier, Pierre-Olivier; Sene, Damien; Bergmann, J-F
An interaction of drug with food, herbs, and dietary supplements is usually the consequence of a physical, chemical or physiologic relationship between a drug and a product consumed as food, nutritional supplement or over-the-counter medicinal plant. The current educational review aims at reminding to the prescribing physicians that the most clinically relevant drug-food interactions may not be strictly limited to those with grapefruit juice and with the Saint John's Wort herbal extract and may be responsible for changes in drug plasma concentrations, which in turn decrease efficacy or led to sometimes life-threatening toxicity. Common situations handled in clinical practice such as aging, concomitant medications, transplant recipients, patients with cancer, malnutrition, HIV infection and those receiving enteral or parenteral feeding may be at increased risk of drug-food or drug-herb interactions. Medications with narrow therapeutic index or potential life-threatening toxicity, e.g., the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioid analgesics, cardiovascular medications, warfarin, anticancer drugs and immunosuppressants may be at risk of significant drug-food interactions to occur. Despite the fact that considerable effort has been achieved to increase patient' and doctor's information and ability to anticipate their occurrence and consequences in clinical practice, a thorough and detailed health history and dietary recall are essential for identifying potential problems in order to optimize patient prescriptions and drug dosing on an individual basis as well as to increase the treatment risk/benefit ratio. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Geologic map of the Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Reserve, Alaska
Richter, Donald H.; Preller, Cindi C.; Labay, Keith A.; Shew, Nora B.
Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve, the largest national park within the U.S. National Park Service system, extends from the northern Pacific Ocean to beyond the eastern Alaska Range into interior Alaska. It features impressively spectacular scenery such as high and craggy mountains, active and ancient volcanoes, expansive ice fields, immense tidewater glaciers, and a myriad of alpine glaciers. The park also includes the famous Kennecott Mine, a world-class copper deposit that was mined from 1911 to 1938, and remnant ghost town, which is now a National Historic Landmark. Geologic investigations encompassing Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve began in 1796, with Dmitriv Tarkhanov, a Russian mining engineer, who unsuccessfully ventured up the Copper River in search of rumored copper. Lieutenant H.T. Allen (1897) of the U.S. Army made a successful epic summer journey with a limited military crew up the Copper River in 1885, across the Alaska Range, and down the Tanana and Yukon Rivers. Allen?s crew was supported by a prospector named John Bremner and local Eyak and Ahtna native guides whose tribes controlled access into the Copper River basin. Allen witnessed the Ahtnas? many uses of the native copper. His stories about the copper prompted prospectors to return to this area in search of the rich copper ore in the years following his journey. The region boasts a rich mining and exploration history prior to becoming a park in 1980. Several U.S. Geological Survey geologists have conducted reconnaissance surveys in the area since Allen?s explorations. This map is the result of their work and is enhanced by more detailed investigations, which began in the late 1950s and are still continuing. For a better understanding of the processes that have shaped the geology of the park and a history of the geologic investigations in the area, we recommend U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1616, ?A Geologic Guide to Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park
Effects of Protection and Sediment Stress on Coral Reefs in Saint Lucia
Bégin, Chantale; Schelten, Christiane K.; Nugues, Maggy M.; Hawkins, Julie; Roberts, Callum; Côté, Isabelle M.
The extent to which Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) benefit corals is contentious. On one hand, MPAs could enhance coral growth and survival through increases in herbivory within their borders; on the other, they are unlikely to prevent disturbances, such as terrestrial runoff, that originate outside their boundaries. We examined the effect of spatial protection and terrestrial sediment on the benthic composition of coral reefs in Saint Lucia. In 2011 (10 to 16 years after MPAs were created), we resurveyed 21 reefs that had been surveyed in 2001 and analyzed current benthic assemblages as well as changes in benthic cover over that decade in relation to protection status, terrestrial sediment influence (measured as the proportion of terrigenous material in reef-associated sediment) and depth. The cover of all benthic biotic components has changed significantly over the decade, including a decline in coral and increase in macroalgae. Protection status was not a significant predictor of either current benthic composition or changes in composition, but current cover and change in cover of several components were related to terrigenous content of sediment deposited recently. Sites with a higher proportion of terrigenous sediment had lower current coral cover, higher macroalgal cover and greater coral declines. Our results suggest that terrestrial sediment is an important factor in the recent degradation of coral reefs in Saint Lucia and that the current MPA network should be complemented by measures to reduce runoff from land. PMID:26845451
Effects of Protection and Sediment Stress on Coral Reefs in Saint Lucia.
Bégin, Chantale; Schelten, Christiane K; Nugues, Maggy M; Hawkins, Julie; Roberts, Callum; Côté, Isabelle M
The extent to which Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) benefit corals is contentious. On one hand, MPAs could enhance coral growth and survival through increases in herbivory within their borders; on the other, they are unlikely to prevent disturbances, such as terrestrial runoff, that originate outside their boundaries. We examined the effect of spatial protection and terrestrial sediment on the benthic composition of coral reefs in Saint Lucia. In 2011 (10 to 16 years after MPAs were created), we resurveyed 21 reefs that had been surveyed in 2001 and analyzed current benthic assemblages as well as changes in benthic cover over that decade in relation to protection status, terrestrial sediment influence (measured as the proportion of terrigenous material in reef-associated sediment) and depth. The cover of all benthic biotic components has changed significantly over the decade, including a decline in coral and increase in macroalgae. Protection status was not a significant predictor of either current benthic composition or changes in composition, but current cover and change in cover of several components were related to terrigenous content of sediment deposited recently. Sites with a higher proportion of terrigenous sediment had lower current coral cover, higher macroalgal cover and greater coral declines. Our results suggest that terrestrial sediment is an important factor in the recent degradation of coral reefs in Saint Lucia and that the current MPA network should be complemented by measures to reduce runoff from land.
3-D perspective of Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
This image shows two islands, Miquelon and Saint Pierre, located south of Newfoundland, Canada. These islands, along with five smaller islands, are a self-governing territory of France. A thin barrier beach divides Miquelon, with Grande Miquelon to the north and Petite Miquelon to the south. Saint Pierre Island is located to the lower right. With the islands' location in the north Atlantic Ocean and their deep water ports, fishing is the major part of the economy. The maximum elevation of the island is 240 meters (787 feet). The land mass of the islands is about 242 square kilometers, or 1.5 times the size of Washington DC.This image shows how data collected by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) can be used to enhance other satellite images. Color and natural shading are provided by a Landsat 7 image acquired on September 1, 1999. Terrain perspective and shading were derived from SRTM elevation data acquired on February 12, 2000. Topography is exaggerated by about six times vertically. The United States Geological Survey's Earth Resources Observations Systems (EROS) DataCenter, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, provided the Landsat data.Elevation data used in this image was acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour, launched on February 11,2000. SRTM used the same radar instrument that comprised the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) that flew twice on the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1994. SRTM was designed to collect three-dimensional measurements of the Earth's surface. To collect the 3-D data, engineers added a 60-meter-long (200-foot) mast, installed additional C-band and X-band antennas, and improved tracking and navigation devices. The mission is a cooperative project between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and the German and Italian space agenciesFederal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [File No. 500-1] In the Matter of Quintek Technologies, Inc., The Saint James Co., Urigen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Valor Energy Corp., Wherify Wireless, Inc., and Win... Quintek Technologies, Inc. because it has not filed any periodic reports since the period ended September...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 73 [MB Docket No. 12-115; DA 12-1084] Radio Broadcasting Services; Alberton, MT; Crystal Falls, MI; Saint Paul, AR; and Waitsburg, WA AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Audio Division, on its own motion, deletes four...
Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site: Home of a Gilded Age Icon. Teaching with Historic Places.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Percoco, James A.
Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907) was a renowned 19th-century U.S. sculptor whose artistic training and talent ensured his place in Gilded Age society. In 1885, he was drawn to Cornish, New Hampshire, to find a place where he could model his latest commission, a statue of Abraham Lincoln. He and his wife established a summer home and studio in an…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wong, Arch Chee Keen; Sweat, Anthony; Gardner, Ryan
This study statistically analyzes data from 756 evangelical and Latter-day Saint youth regarding their perceived in-class spiritual experiences of twenty items related to Christian theology. The data indicates similar spiritual outcomes between the two groups, with no statistically significant differences between eleven of the twenty spiritual…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mas, Sebastien
Les mesures satellitaires de couleur des oceans sont largement determinees par les proprietes optiques inherentes (IOPs) des eaux de surface. D'autre part, le phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) est le plus souvent dominant dans les oceans, et peut donc etre une source importante de variation des IOPs dans les oceans. Dans ce contexte, le but principal de ce doctorat etait de definir l'impact du phytoplancton (<20 mum) sur les variations des proprietes optiques de l'Estuaire et du Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Canada). Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, il etait necessaire de determiner en milieu controle les facteurs de variabilite des proprietes optiques cellulaires et des IOPs du phytoplancton (<20 mum) des eaux du Saint-Laurent, et d'evaluer la contribution du phytoplancton (<20 mum) aux proprietes optiques totales des eaux du Saint-Laurent. Des experiences en laboratoire ont montre que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques soumises a un cycle jour-nuit, ainsi qu'a des changements concomitants d'intensite lumineuse, peuvent contribuer significativement a la variabilite des proprietes optiques observee en milieu naturel. D'autres experiences ont, quant a elles, mis en evidence que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques dues aux phases de croissance peuvent alterer les IOPs des oceans, particulierement pendant les periodes de floraison. De plus, la presence de bacteries et de particules detritiques peut egalement affecter la variabilite des IOPs totales, notamment la diffusion. Au printemps, dans l'Estuaire et le Golfe du Saint-Laurent, la contribution du phytoplancton <20 mum aux IOPs presentait des differences regionales evidentes pour les proprietes d'absorption et de diffusion. En plus de la variabilite spatiale, les proprietes optiques cellulaires presentaient des variations journalieres, et ce particulierement pour le picophytoplancton. Enfin, la plupart des differences observees dans les
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tavis, Patricia
The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the factors that a congregation of women religious, the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell, New Jersey, must consider in order to continue its sponsored relationship and the extent of this sponsored relationship with its secondary educational ministries for the future. This descriptive and…
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon..., Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Island, and Crystal River, Florida. (a) Location. The following areas, denoted by coordinates fixed using the North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic System 1984), are...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon..., Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Island, and Crystal River, Florida. (a) Location. The following areas, denoted by coordinates fixed using the North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic System 1984), are...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon..., Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Island, and Crystal River, Florida. (a) Location. The following areas, denoted by coordinates fixed using the North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic System 1984), are...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon..., Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Island, and Crystal River, Florida. (a) Location. The following areas, denoted by coordinates fixed using the North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic System 1984), are...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon..., Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Island, and Crystal River, Florida. (a) Location. The following areas, denoted by coordinates fixed using the North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic System 1984), are...
Structure and Tectonics of the Saint Elias Orogen
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bruhn, R. L.; Pavlis, T. L.; Plafker, G.; Serpa, L.; Picornell, C.
The Saint Elias orogen of western Canada and southern Alaska is a complex mountain belt formed by transform faulting and subduction between the Pacific and North American plates, and collision of the Yakutat terrane. The orogen is segmented into three regions of different structural style caused by lateral variations in transpression and processes of terrane accretion. Deformation is strain and displacement partitioned throughout the orogen; transcurrent motion is focused along discrete strike-slip faults, and shortening is distributed among reverse faults and folds with sub-horizontal axes. Plunging folds accommodate horizontal shortening and extension in the western part of the orogen. Segment boundaries extend across the Yakutat terrane where they coincide with the courses of huge piedmont glaciers that flow from the topographic backbone of the range onto the coastal plain. The eastern segment is marked by strike-slip faulting along the Fairweather transform fault and by a narrow belt of reverse faulting where the transpression ratio is 0.4:1 shortening to dextral shear. The transpression ratio is 1.7:1 in the central part of the orogen where a broad thin-skinned fold and thrust belt deforms the Yakutat terrane south of the Chugach-Saint Elias (CSE) suture. Dextral shearing is accommodated by strike-slip faulting beneath the Seward and Bagley glaciers in the hanging wall of the CSE suture, and partly by reverse faulting along a structural belt that cuts across the Yakutat terrane along the western edge of the Malaspina Glacier and links to the Pamplona fold and thrust belt offshore. Deformation along this segment boundary is probably also driven by vertical axis bending of the Yakutat microplate during collision. Subduction & accretion in the western segment of the orogen causes re-folding of previously formed structures when they are emplaced into the upper plate of the Alaska-Aleutian mega-thrust. Second phase folds plunge at moderate to steep angles and
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...-AA08 Special Local Regulation; Emerald Coast Super Boat Grand Prix; Saint Andrew Bay; Panama City, FL... navigable waters during the Emerald Coast Super Boat Grand Prix high speed boat races. Entry into... Marine Event Permit on January 31, 2011 from Super Boat International, Inc. to conduct a high speed boat...
Saint-Venant end effects for materials with negative Poisson's ratios
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lakes, R. S.
Results are presented from an analysis of Saint-Venant end effects for materials with negative Poisson's ratio. Examples are presented showing that slow decay of end stress occurs in circular cylinders of negative Poisson's ratio, whereas a sandwich panel containing rigid face sheets and a compliant core exhibits no anomalous effects for negative Poisson's ratio (but exhibits slow stress decay for core Poisson's ratios approaching 0.5). In sand panels with stiff but not perfectly rigid face sheets, a negative Poisson's ratio results in end stress decay, which is faster than it would be otherwise. It is suggested that the slow decay previously predicted for sandwich strips in plane deformation as a result of the geometry can be mitigated by the use of a negative Poisson's ratio material for the core.
[Rochus, patron saint of physicians and hospitals--a teledermatologic quiz].
Aberer, Werner
The painting "St. Rochus with an angel" by Quinten Massys in the Alte Pinakothek in Munich was utilized for a teledermatological quiz. First, only a detail of the plague bubo on the thigh was sent electronically to all physicians in our department. The answers were correct descriptions, but the interpretations quite heterogeneous. In a second set, the full painting together with the hint- Pinakothek - was given. Now the number of descriptively correct diagnoses was high; one resident knew the name of the featured individual and his diagnosis. This example demonstrates one problem with teledermatology - when viewing a clinical picture, relevant additional information is frequently essential in order to make a correct diagnosis. In addition, this presentation of saint physicians and hospitals, the holy Rochus, better known to those who are under his protection.
Swetz, Keith M; Crowley, Mary E; Maines, T Dean
Mayo Clinic is recognized as a worldwide leader in innovative, high-quality health care. However, the Catholic mission and ideals from which this organization was formed are not widely recognized or known. From partnership with the Sisters of St. Francis in 1883, through restructuring of the Sponsorship Agreement in 1986 and current advancements, this Catholic mission remains vital today at Saint Marys Hospital. This manuscript explores the evolution and growth of sponsorship at Mayo Clinic, defined as "a collaboration between the Sisters of St. Francis and Mayo Clinic to preserve and promote key values that the founding Franciscan sisters and Mayo physicians embrace as basic to their mission, and to assure the Catholic identity of Saint Marys Hospital." Historical context will be used to frame the evolution and preservation of Catholic identity at Saint Marys Hospital; and the shift from a "sponsorship-by-governance" to a "sponsorship-by-influence" model will be highlighted. Lastly, using the externally-developed Catholic Identity Matrix (developed by Ascension Health and the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota), specific examples of Catholic identity will be explored in this joint venture of Catholic health care institution and a secular, nonprofit corporation (Mayo Clinic).
[An image of Saint Ottilia with reading stones].
Daxecker, F; Broucek, A
Reading stones to facilitate reading in cases of presbyopia are mentioned in the literature, for example in the works of the Middle High German poet Albrecht and of Konrad of Würzburg. Most representations of the abbess, Saint Ottilia, show her holding a book with a pair of eyes in her hands. A gothic altarpiece (1485-1490), kept in the museum of the Premonstratensian Canons of Wilten in Innsbruck, Tyrol, shows a triune representation of St. Anne, the mother of the Virgin, with Mary and Jesus and St. Ursula with her companions. St. Ottilia is depicted on the edge of the painting. Two lenses, one on either side of the open book in her hand, magnify the letters underneath. As the two lenses are not held together by bows or similar devices, they are probably a rare representation of reading stones. The alter showing scenes of the life of St. Mary and St. Ursula was done by Ludwig Konraiter. A panel on the same alter, depicting the death of the Virgin, shows an apostle with rivet spectacles.
Visweswaran, Ganesh Ram R.; Gholizadeh, Shima; Ruiters, Marcel H. J.; Molema, Grietje; Kok, Robbert J.; Kamps, Jan. A. A. M.
Together with mesangial cells, glomerular endothelial cells and the basement membrane, podocytes constitute the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB) of the kidney. Podocytes play a pivotal role in the progression of various kidney-related diseases such as glomerular sclerosis and glomerulonephritis that finally lead to chronic end-stage renal disease. During podocytopathies, the slit-diaphragm connecting the adjacent podocytes are detached leading to severe loss of proteins in the urine. The pathophysiology of podocytopathies makes podocytes a potential and challenging target for nanomedicine development, though there is a lack of known molecular targets for cell selective drug delivery. To identify VCAM-1 as a cell-surface receptor that is suitable for binding and internalization of nanomedicine carrier systems by podocytes, we investigated its expression in the immortalized podocyte cell lines AB8/13 and MPC-5, and in primary podocytes. Gene and protein expression analyses revealed that VCAM-1 expression is increased by podocytes upon TNFα-activation for up to 24 h. This was paralleled by anti-VCAM-1 antibody binding to the TNFα-activated cells, which can be employed as a ligand to facilitate the uptake of nanocarriers under inflammatory conditions. Hence, we next explored the possibilities of using VCAM-1 as a cell-surface receptor to deliver the potent immunosuppressant rapamycin to TNFα-activated podocytes using the lipid-based nanocarrier system Saint-O-Somes. Anti-VCAM-1-rapamycin-SAINT-O-Somes more effectively inhibited the cell migration of AB8/13 cells than free rapamycin and non-targeted rapamycin-SAINT-O-Somes indicating the potential of VCAM-1 targeted drug delivery to podocytes. PMID:26407295
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vadnais, Marie-Ève; Assani, Ali A.; Landry, Raphaëlle; Leroux, Denis; Gratton, Denis
During the first half of the twentieth century, many hydroelectric facilities were built in the Saint-Maurice River watershed, followed by other human activities in the second half of the century (pleasure boating, boom dismantling, urbanization, etc.). The goal of the study is to constrain the effects of these various types of human activities, particularly those of the many dams in the watershed, on the hydromorphological evolution of the Saint-Maurice River downstream from the La Gabelle (dam) power plant (43,000 km2). Comparison of specific discharge in this river with streamflow measured in a natural river setting reveals a significant decrease in seasonal maximum flows, aside from winter, when daily maximum flows increased significantly. Also, unlike natural rivers, the long-term trend in spring flows is not characterized by a significant change in mean downstream from the La Gabelle plant. These hydrological changes are linked to the inversion-type management mode of the reservoirs built downstream from the plant. As for the morphological evolution, the longitudinal variability of bankfull width downstream from the plant shows two significant shifts in mean: the first, which was quasi-abrupt, took place downstream of the des Forges rapid; and the second, which was gradual, occurred upstream from the confluence of the Saint-Maurice River with the St. Lawrence River, above the point where the Saint-Maurice splits into two branches. Comparison of aerial photographs taken at various times (1948, 1964, 1975, 1996, and 2008) reveals no significant change in the mean of bankfull width over time. However, a significant increase in the surface area of islets located at the confluence was observed, which is caused by sediment accumulation. These sediments were likely derived from local bank erosion resulting from anthropogenic changes.
A Proposed Community Network For Monitoring Volcanic Emissions In Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Joseph, E. P.; Beckles, D. M.; Robertson, R. E.; Latchman, J. L.; Edwards, S.
Systematic geochemical monitoring of volcanic systems in the English-speaking islands of the Lesser Antilles was initiated by the UWI Seismic Research Centre (SRC) in 2000, as part of its volcanic surveillance programme for the English-speaking islands of the Lesser Antilles. This programme provided the first time-series observations used for the purpose of volcano monitoring in Dominica and Saint Lucia, permitted the characterization of the geothermal fluids associated with them, and established baseline studies for understanding of the hydrothermal systems during periods of quiescence (Joseph et al., 2011; Joseph et al., 2013). As part of efforts to improve and expand the capacity of SRC to provide volcanic surveillance through its geothermal monitoring programme, it is necessary to develop economically sustainable options for the monitoring of volcanic emissions/pollutants. Towards this effort we intend to work in collaboration with local authorities in Saint Lucia, to develop a monitoring network for quantifying the background exposure levels of ambient concentrations of volcanic pollutants, SO2 in air and As in waters (as health significant marker elements in the geothermal emissions) that would serve as a model for the emissions monitoring network for other volcanic islands. This programme would facilitate the building of local capacity and training to monitor the hazardous exposure, through the application and transfer of a regionally available low-cost and low-technology SO2 measurement/detection system in Saint Lucia. Existing monitoring technologies to inform evidence based health practices are too costly for small island Caribbean states, and no government policies or health services measures currently exist to address/mitigate these influences. Gases, aerosols and toxic elements from eruptive and non-eruptive volcanic activity are known to adversely affect human health and the environment (Baxter, 2000; Zhang et al., 2008). Investigations into the
Shaded Relief Image of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
This image shows two islands, Miquelon and Saint Pierre, located south of Newfoundland, Canada. These islands, along with five smaller islands, are a self-governing territory of France. A thin barrier beach divides Miquelon, with Grande Miquelon to the north and Petite Miquelonto the south. Saint Pierre Island is located to the lower right. With the islandsi location in the north Atlantic Ocean and their deep water ports, fishing is the major part of the economy. The maximum elevation of the island is 240 meters (787 feet). The land mass of the islands is about 242 square kilometers, or 1.5 times the size of Washington DC.This shaded relief image was generated using topographic data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. A computer-generated artificial light source illuminates the elevation data to produce a pattern of light and shadows. Slopes facing the light appear bright, while those facing away are shaded. On flatter surfaces, the pattern of light and shadows can reveal subtle features in the terrain. Shaded relief maps are commonly used in applications such as geologic mapping and land use planning.This image was acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour, launched on February 11, 2000. SRTM uses the same radar instrument that comprised the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) that flew twice on the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1994. The mission is designed to collect three-dimensional measurements of the Earth's surface. To collect the 3-D data, engineers added a 60-meter-long (200-foot) mast, installed additional C-band and X-band antennas, and improved tracking and navigation devices. The mission is a cooperative project between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and the German and Italian space agencies. It is managed by NASAis Jet PropulsionMercury bioaccumulation in aquatic biota along a salinity gradient in the Saint John River estuary.
Reinhart, Bethany L; Kidd, Karen A; Curry, R Allen; O'Driscoll, Nelson J; Pavey, Scott A
Although estuaries are critical habitats for many aquatic species, the spatial trends of toxic methylmercury (MeHg) in biota from fresh to marine waters are poorly understood. Our objective was to determine if MeHg concentrations in biota changed along a salinity gradient in an estuary. Fourspine Stickleback (Apeltes quadracus), invertebrates (snails, amphipods, and chironomids), sediments, and water were collected from ten sites along the Saint John River estuary, New Brunswick, Canada in 2015 and 2016, with salinities ranging from 0.06 to 6.96. Total mercury (proxy for MeHg) was measured in whole fish and MeHg was measured in a subset of fish, pooled invertebrates, sediments, and water. Stable sulfur (δ 34 S), carbon (δ 13 C), and nitrogen (δ 15 N) isotope values were measured to assess energy sources (S, C) and relative trophic level (N). There were increases in biotic δ 13 C and δ 34 S from fresh to more saline sites and these measures were correlated with salinity. Though aqueous MeHg was higher at the freshwater than more saline sites, only chironomid MeHg increased significantly with salinity. In the Saint John River estuary, there was little evidence that MeHg and its associated risks increased along a salinity gradient. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.
As the lower Saint Louis River moves closer and closer to delisting as an Area of Concern, it is incumbent that we measure, assess and report on our success. Going forward, It’s equally important that we continue monitoring to protect and sustain the healthy ecosystems we&...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cameron, J. Elliot
To examine the historical background of educational programs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Church population, and educational opportunities available to Church members, a questionnaire was sent to presidents of Church missions outside the United States. It was found that Church membership has increased rapidly and could…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vaytens, Andrey; Rusanov, Gennadiy; Skryabin, Pavel
One of the most important issues in national urban planning is arrangement of high-rise buildings in the largest cities of Russia. This issue becomes especially acute in such cities as Saint Petersburg, which has unique architectural and urban-planning heritage preserved to a great extent. In this regard, it seems important to trace the evolution of high-rise construction development and arrangement in Leningrad - Saint Petersburg in the middle of the 20th — early 21st centuries. The goal of the article is to consider high-rise construction development regarding both public and residential buildings in comparison of project ideas and results of their implementation in the 1940s-2000s. Prerequisites and issues of high-rise construction of that period are considered. Particular attention is paid to changes in the official urban-planning policy, regulatory framework and attitude of city authorities to high-rise construction. The study was carried out with the consideration of the following historic periods differing in their urban-planning policy: the late 1940s-1950s; 1960s; 1970-1980s; 1990s; 2000s-2010s. Economical prerequisites of high-rise construction and their influence on the modern urban-planning policy during the post-Soviet period are considered. In conclusion, an attempt is made to determine tendencies of high-rise construction development in Saint Petersburg.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The requirements for a navigation guidance system which will effect an increase in the ship processing capacity of the Saint Lawrence Seaway (Lake Ontario to Montreal, Quebec) are developed. The requirements include a specification of system position...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The requirements for a navigation guidance system which will effect an increase in the ship processing capacity of the Saint Lawrence Seaway (Lake Ontario to Montreal, Quebec) are developed. The requirements include a specification of system position...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 11 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Northern Bering Sea Research Area and Saint Lawrence Island Habitat Conservation Area (HCA) 17 Figure 17 to part 679 Wildlife and Fisheries FISHERY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (CONTINUED) FISHERIES OF THE EXCLUSIVE...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 13 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Northern Bering Sea Research Area and Saint Lawrence Island Habitat Conservation Area (HCA) 17 Figure 17 to part 679 Wildlife and Fisheries FISHERY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (CONTINUED) FISHERIES OF THE EXCLUSIVE...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 13 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Northern Bering Sea Research Area and Saint Lawrence Island Habitat Conservation Area (HCA) 17 Figure 17 to part 679 Wildlife and Fisheries FISHERY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (CONTINUED) FISHERIES OF THE EXCLUSIVE...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 13 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Northern Bering Sea Research Area and Saint Lawrence Island Habitat Conservation Area (HCA) 17 Figure 17 to part 679 Wildlife and Fisheries FISHERY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (CONTINUED) FISHERIES OF THE EXCLUSIVE...
Mount Saint Helens, Washington, USA, SRTM Perspective: Shaded Relief and Colored Height
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mount Saint Helens is a prime example of how Earth's topographic form can greatly change even within our lifetimes. The mountain is one of several prominent volcanoes of the Cascade Range that stretches from British Columbia, Canada, southward through Washington, Oregon, and into northern California. Mount Adams (left background) and Mount Hood (right background) are also seen in this view, which was created entirely from elevation data produced by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Prior to 1980, Mount Saint Helens had a shape roughly similar to other Cascade peaks, a tall, bold, irregular conic form that rose to 2950 meters (9677 feet). However, the explosive eruption of May 18, 1980, caused the upper 400 meters (1300 feet) of the mountain to collapse, slide, and spread northward, covering much of the adjacent terrain (lower left), leaving a crater atop the greatly shortened mountain. Subsequent eruptions built a volcanic dome within the crater, and the high rainfall of this area lead to substantial erosion of the poorly consolidated landslide material. Eruptions at Mount Saint Helens subsided in 1986, but renewed volcanic activity here and at other Cascade volcanoes is inevitable. Predicting such eruptions still presents challenges, but migration of magma within these volcanoes often produces distinctive seismic activity and minor but measurable topographic changes that can give warning of a potential eruption. Three visualization methods were combined to produce this image: shading of topographic slopes, color coding of topographic height, and then projection into a perspective view. The shade image was derived by computing topographic slope in the northeast-southwest (left to right) direction, so that northeast slopes appear bright and southwest slopes appear dark. Color coding is directly related to topographic height, with green at the lower elevations, rising through yellow and tan, to white at the highest elevations. The perspectiveNASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Culp, J. M.; Luiker, E. A.; Noel, L.; Curry, A. R.; Hryn, D.; Heard, K.
The Saint John River is the largest in Maine/New Brunswick (673 km in length, draining 55,000 km2) with a history of natural resource use and nutrient effluent release to the watershed since the late 17th century. Our objective was to obtain a basic understanding of the contemporary nutrient conditions of the non-tidal portion of the river in relation to historical conditions, and to consider how the contemporary river is affected by point and non-point source nutrient loadings. The study included review of historical provincial and federal water quality databases dating back to the 1960s. Current water quality monitoring programs have focused on nitrogen (nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, TKN), phosphorus (total, dissolved, and soluble reactive phosphorus), DIC/DOC, and biomass of periphyton and phytoplankton. To determine nutrient limitation, nutrient diffusing substrate studies were conducted in river reaches of known nutrient enrichment. Oxygen stable isotopes were also used to provide information on the photosynthesis to respiration ratio. A weight of evidence approach combining the results of these studies was used to determine trophic status of river reaches and to highlight areas of eutrophication. From this information nutrient criteria for the Saint John River will be proposed.
Haight, Scott J; Chibnall, John T; Schindler, Debra L; Slavin, Stuart J
To assess the relationships of cognitive and noncognitive performance predictors to medical student preclinical and clinical performance indicators across medical school years 1 to 3 and to evaluate the association of psychological health/wellness factors with performance. In 2010, the authors conducted a cross-sectional, correlational, retrospective study of all 175 students at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine who had just completed their third (first clinical) year. Students were asked to complete assessments of personality, stress, anxiety, depression, social support, and community cohesion. Performance measures included total Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) score, preclinical academic grades, National Board of Medical Examiners subject exam scores, United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 score, clinical evaluations, and Humanism in Medicine Honor Society nominations. A total of 152 students (87%) participated. MCAT scores predicted cognitive performance indicators (academic tests), whereas personality variables (conscientiousness, extraversion, empathy) predicted noncognitive indicators (clinical evaluations, humanism nominations). Conscientiousness predicted all clinical skills, extraversion predicted clinical skills reflecting interpersonal behavior, and empathy predicted motivation. Health/wellness variables had limited associations with performance. In multivariate analyses that included control for shelf exam scores, conscientiousness predicted clinical evaluations, and extraversion and empathy predicted humanism nominations. This study identified two sets of skills (cognitive, noncognitive) used during medical school, with minimal overlap across the types of performance (e.g., exam performance versus clinical interpersonal skills) they predict. Medical school admission and evaluation efforts may need to be modified to reflect the importance of personality and other noncognitive factors.
Crist, Thomas A; Sorg, Marcella H
Diagnosing scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) in adult skeletal remains is difficult despite documentary evidence of its past prevalence. Analysis of 20 European colonists buried at Saint Croix Island in New France during the winter of 1604-1605, accompanied by their leader Samuel de Champlain's eyewitness account of their symptoms, provided the opportunity to document lesions of adult scurvy within a tightly dated historical context. Previous diagnoses of adult scurvy have relied predominantly on the presence of periosteal lesions of the lower limbs and excessive antemortem tooth loss. Our analysis suggests that, when observed together, reactive lesions of the oral cavity associated with palatal inflammation and bilateral lesions at the mastication muscle attachment sites support the differential diagnosis of adult scurvy. Antemortem loss of the anterior teeth, however, is not a reliable diagnostic indicator. Employing a biocultural interpretive approach, analysis of these early colonists' skeletal remains enhances current understanding of the methods that medical practitioners used to treat the disorder during the Age of Discovery, performing rudimentary oral surgery and autopsies. Although limited by a small sample and taphonomic effects, this analysis strongly supports the use of weighted paleopathological criteria to diagnose adult scurvy based on the co-occurrence of specific porotic lesions. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Joseph, E. P.; Beckles, D. M.; Cox, L.; Jackson, V. B.; Alexander, D.
The role of volcano tourism is recognized as an important contributor to the economy of volcanic islands in the Lesser Antilles. However, if it is to be promoted as a sustainable sector of the tourism industry, visitors, tour operators, and vendors must be made aware of the potential health hazards facing them in volcanic environments. Volcanogenic air pollutants are of primary concern in this setting. In general, no warning signs, guidelines for recreational use, or emissions monitoring currently exists to provide warning to the public to decrease their vulnerability to the potential risks, or to minimize the liability of the agencies managing these areas. Sulphur Springs Park in Saint Lucia is a popular international destination, and concerns about the volcanic emissions and its possible health effect have been raised by visitors, staff, and management of the Park. As part of the responsibility of the UWI, Seismic Research Centre (SRC) to provide volcanic surveillance through its geothermal monitoring programme, a network was established for quantifying the ambient SO2 concentrations at Sulphur Springs in order to assess the potential risk of unsafe exposure. This effort required collaboration with the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) of Saint Lucia, as well as the staff and management of the Soufrière Regional Development Foundation (SRDF). Local personnel were trained in the active field sampling and analytical techniques required for the assessment of ambient SO2 concentrations over the monitoring period, thereby contributing to an active community-based effort. This type of approach was also thought to be an effective option for scientists to engage communities as partners in disaster risk reduction. Lessons learnt from this experience are presented for the benefit of other citizen monitoring projects, including its use as a tool for promoting volcanic hazard education, and enhancing communication and understanding between geoscientists and
Goindin, Daniella; Delannay, Christelle; Gelasse, Andric; Ramdini, Cédric; Gaude, Thierry; Faucon, Frédéric; David, Jean-Philippe; Gustave, Joël; Vega-Rua, Anubis; Fouque, Florence
In the Guadeloupe and Saint Martin islands, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the only recognized vectors of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses. For around 40 years, malathion was used as a mosquito adulticide and temephos as a larvicide. Since the European Union banned the use of these two insecticide molecules in the first decade of the 21st century, deltamethrin and Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis are the remaining adulticide and larvicide, respectively, used in Guadeloupe. In order to improve the management of vector control activities in Guadeloupe and Saint Martin, we investigated Ae. aegypti resistance to and mechanisms associated with deltamethrin, malathion, and temephos. Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were collected from six different localities of Guadeloupe and Saint Martin. Larvae were used for malathion and temephos bioassays, and adult mosquitoes for deltamethrin bioassays, following World Health Organization recommendations. Knockdown resistance (Kdr) genotyping for V1016I and F1534C mutations, and expression levels of eight enzymes involved in detoxification mechanisms were examined in comparison with the susceptible reference Bora Bora strain. Resistance ratios (RR 50 ) calculated for Ae. aegypti larvae showed high resistance levels to temephos (from 8.9 to 33.1-fold) and low resistance levels to malathion (from 1.7 to 4.4-fold). Adult females displayed moderate resistance levels to deltamethrin regarding the time necessary to affect 50% of individuals, varying from 8.0 to 28.1-fold. Molecular investigations on adult mosquitoes showed high resistant allele frequencies for V1016I and F1534C (from 85 to 96% and from 90 to 98%, respectively), as well as an overexpression of the glutathione S-transferase gene, GSTe2, the carboxylesterase CCEae3a, and the cytochrome genes 014614, CYP6BB2, CYP6M11, and CYP9J23. Ae. aegypti populations from Guadeloupe and Saint Martin exhibit multiple resistance to organophosphates (temephos and malathion), and
Orihuela, A; Averós, X; Solano, J; Clemente, N; Estevez, I
Reproduction in tropical sheep is not affected by season, whereas the reproductive cycle of temperate-climate breeds such as Suffolk depends on the photoperiod. Close contact with tropical ewes during the anestrous period might induce Suffolk ewes to cycle, making the use of artificial light or hormonal treatments unnecessary. However, the integration of both breeds within the social group would be necessary to trigger this effect, and so the aim of the experiment was to determine the speed of integration of 2 groups of Saint Croix and Suffolk ewes into a single flock, according to space allowance and previous experience. For this, 6 groups of 10 ewes (half from each breed) from both breeds, housed at 2 or 4 m/ewe (3 groups/treatment) and with or without previous contact with the other breed, were monitored for 3 d. Each observation day, the behavior, movement, and use of space of ewes were collected during 10 min at 1-h intervals between 0900 and 1400 h. Generalized linear mixed models were used to test the effects of breed, space allowance, and previous experience on behavior, movement, and use of space. Net distances, interbreed farthest neighbor distance, mean interbreed distance, and walking frequencies were greater at 4 m/ewe ( < 0.05). Intrabreed nearest neighbor, mean intrabreed neighbor, and interbreed nearest neighbor distances and minimum convex polygons at 4 m/ewe were greatest for Saint Croix ewes, whereas the opposite was found for lying down ( < 0.05). Experienced ewes showed larger intrabreed nearest neighbor distances, minimum convex polygons, and home range overlapping ( < 0.05). Experienced ewes at 4 m/ewe showed longest total distances and step lengths and greatest movement activity ( < 0.05). Experienced ewes walked longer total distances during Day 1 and 2 ( < 0.05). Lying down frequency was greater for Day 3 than Day 1 ( < 0.05), and Suffolk ewes kept longer interindividual distances during Day 1 ( < 0.05). After 3 d of cohabitation, Suffolk
Fortuna, Stefania; Moranti, Maria; Patti, Maria
During the Modern Age, in the Marche, in the Pontifical State, it was possible to study medicine and to obtain a degree in medicine in Macerata, Fermo, Urbino, Camerino and Fano. In these cities, from the end of the XVII century to the beginning of the XIX century, public libraries were founded also to support academic teaching. Private collections of medical books, generally formed in Rome, arrived in the Marche to increase the newborn public libraries. In 1720 Pope Clemens XI founded a public library in the monastery of Saint Francis in Urbino. In this library the medical books were bequeathed by the famous Roman physician Giovanni Maria Lancisi. The present article provides the first results of a research, which aims at identifying Lancisi's medical books.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Cotton, Michelle M.; Bruhn, Ronald L.; Sauber, Jeanne; Burgess, Evan; Forster, Richard R.
The Saint Elias Mountains in southern Alaska are located at a structural syntaxis where the coastal thrust and fold belt of the Fairweather plate boundary intersects thrust faults and folds generated by collision of the Yakutat Terrane. The axial trace of this syntaxis extends southeastward out of the Saint Elias Mountains and beneath Malaspina Glacier where it is hidden from view and cannot be mapped using conventional methods. Here we examine the surface morphology and flow patterns of Malaspina Glacier to infer characteristics of the bedrock topography and organization of the syntaxis. Faults and folds beneath the eastern part of the glacier trend northwest and reflect dextral transpression near the terminus of the Fairweather fault system. Those beneath the western part of the glacier trend northeast and accommodate folding and thrust faulting during collision and accretion of the Yakutat Terrane. Mapping the location and geometry of the structural syntaxis provides important constraints on spatial variations in seismicity, fault kinematics, and crustal shortening beneath Malaspina Glacier, as well as the position of the collisional deformation front within the Yakutat Terrane. We also speculate that the geometrical complexity of intersecting faults within the syntaxis formed a barrier to rupture propagation during two regional Mw 8.1earthquakes in September 1899.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
The 2nd International School and Conference ''Saint Petersburg OPEN 2015'' on Optoelectronics, Photonics, Engineering and Nanostructures was held on April 6 - 8, 2015 at St. Petersburg Academic University. The School and Conference included a series of invited talks given by leading professors with the aim to introduce young scientists with actual problems and major advances in physics and technology. The keynote speakers were Mikhail V. Maximov (Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute RAS, Russia) Vladimir G. Dubrovskii (St. Petersburg Academic University and St. Petersburg State University, Russia) Anton Yu. Egorov (JSC Connector Optics, Russia) Victor V. Luchinin (St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, Russia) Vladislav E. Bugrov (St. Petersburg University of Internet Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Russia) Vitali A. Schukin (VI Systems, Germany) Yuri P. Svirko (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) During the poster session all undergraduate and graduate students attending the conference presented their works. A sufficiently large number of participants, with more than 170 student attendees from all over the world, allowed the Conference to provide a fertile ground for fruitful discussions between the young scientists as well as to become a perfect platform for valuable discussions between student authors and highly experienced scientists. The best student papers, which were selected by the Program Committee and by the invited speakers basing on the theses and their poster presentation, were awarded with diplomas of the conference - see the photos. This year ''Saint Petersburg OPEN 2015'' is organized by St. Petersburg Academic University in cooperation with Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The School and Conference is supported by Russian Science Foundation, SPIE (The International Society for Optics and Photonics), OSA (The Optical Society) and by Skolkovo Foundation. It is a continuation of the annual schools and seminars for
Zeidler, Henning
The French artist Niki de Saint Phalle (1930-2002) is one of the most famous female painter and sculptor of the 20th century. Her eventful live was full of emotional and physical burdens such as abuse by the father as a adolescent, early separation from family, nervous collapse, turbulent relationship with the artist Jean Tinguely, and last not least serious diseases. The psychological trauma of sexual abuse together with a "nervous breakdown" years later was the start of a life as an artist and is also a key to her art of the early years. She was affected from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and was treated over 20 years with prednisolone and antimalarials leading to a good functional outcome and limited erosions of the wrist joint. Additionally, she had lifelong pulmonary disorders finally leading to death, which she attributed to polyester, the material used for her sculptures. An analysis of medical documents collected by her and provided by treating physicians gives another surprising explanation: selective IgA deficiency with multiple recurrent respiratory infections, asthma, milk intolerance, autoimmune thyroiditis, and RA compatible with hypogammaglobulinemia. Very unique in case of Niki de Saint Phalle is that IgA deficiency was transient. Nevertheless, it may be possible that the occupational exposure with art materials (polystyrene, polyester) has contributed in part or temporarily to her health problems. Altogether, her enormous artistic productivity represents an outstanding example of creative coping with RA and other lifelong health problems. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier SAS.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ruppert, N. A.; Zabelina, I.; Freymueller, J. T.
Saint Elias Mountains in southern Alaska are manifestation of ongoing tectonic processes that include collision of the Yakutat block with and subduction of the Yakutat block and Pacific plate under the North American plate. Interaction of these tectonic blocks and plates is complex and not well understood. In 2005 and 2006 a network of 22 broadband seismic sites was installed in the region as part of the SainT Elias TEctonics and Erosion Project (STEEP), a five-year multi-disciplinary study that addressed evolution of the highest coastal mountain range on Earth. High quality seismic data provides unique insights into earthquake occurrence and velocity structure of the region. Local earthquake data recorded between 2005 and 2010 became a foundation for detailed study of seismotectonic features and crustal velocities. The highest concentration of seismicity follows the Chugach-St.Elias fault, a major on land tectonic structure in the region. This fault is also delineated in tomographic images as a distinct contrast between lower velocities to the south and higher velocities to the north. The low-velocity region corresponds to the rapidly-uplifted and exhumed sediments on the south side of the range. Earthquake source parameters indicate high degree of compression and undertrusting processes along the coastal area, consistent with multiple thrust structures mapped from geological studies in the region. Tomographic inversion reveals velocity anomalies that correlate with sedimentary basins, volcanic features and subducting Yakutat block. We will present precise earthquake locations and source parameters recorded with the STEEP and regional seismic network along with the results of P- and S-wave tomographic inversion.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Carraro, F.; Valiani, A.; Caleffi, V.
Within the framework of the de Saint Venant equations coupled with the Exner equation for morphodynamic evolution, this work presents a new efficient implementation of the Dumbser-Osher-Toro (DOT) scheme for non-conservative problems. The DOT path-conservative scheme is a robust upwind method based on a complete Riemann solver, but it has the drawback of requiring expensive numerical computations. Indeed, to compute the non-linear time evolution in each time step, the DOT scheme requires numerical computation of the flux matrix eigenstructure (the totality of eigenvalues and eigenvectors) several times at each cell edge. In this work, an analytical and compact formulation of the eigenstructure for the de Saint Venant-Exner (dSVE) model is introduced and tested in terms of numerical efficiency and stability. Using the original DOT and PRICE-C (a very efficient FORCE-type method) as reference methods, we present a convergence analysis (error against CPU time) to study the performance of the DOT method with our new analytical implementation of eigenstructure calculations (A-DOT). In particular, the numerical performance of the three methods is tested in three test cases: a movable bed Riemann problem with analytical solution; a problem with smooth analytical solution; a test in which the water flow is characterised by subcritical and supercritical regions. For a given target error, the A-DOT method is always the most efficient choice. Finally, two experimental data sets and different transport formulae are considered to test the A-DOT model in more practical case studies.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ferret, Yann; Voineson, Guillaume; Pouvreau, Nicolas
Nowadays, the study of the global sea level rise is a strong societal concern. The analysis of historical records of water level proves to be an ideal way to provide relevant arguments regarding the observed trends. In France, many systematic sea level observations have taken place since the mid-1800s. Despite this rich history, long sea level data sets digitally available are still scarce. Currently, only the time series of Brest, Marseille and recently the composite one of the Pertuis d'Antioche span periods longer than a century and are available to be taken into account in studies dealing with long term sea-level evolution. In this context, an important work of "data archaeology" is undertaken to rescue the numerous existing analog historical data that is part of the French scientific and cultural heritage. The present study is focused on the measurements carried out at the sea level observatory of Saint-Nazaire, located on the French Atlantic coast in the Loire estuary mouth area. Measurements were automatically performed with the use of float tide gauges from 1863 to 2007, but include some important gaps between 1920 and 1950. Since 2007, the Saint-Nazaire observatory is part of the French RONIM network operated by SHOM, and the old mechanical tide gauge has been superseded by a radar tide gauge (operated by "Grand Port Maritime" of Nantes-Saint-Nazaire). In total, the covered period is up to 150-year-long, including at least 125 years of continuous sea level measurements. With the reconstruction of this new data set, we aim at improving our knowledge on trends in sea level components on the Atlantic coast on large scale and on the coast vulnerability at more local scale. Moreover, because of the location of the station, it should be possible as well to study the influence of the Loire River on water level since the 19th century. It has been shown that the tidal range was strongly modified during the last century because of the anthropogenic influence along
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xu, M.; van Overloop, P. J.; van de Giesen, N. C.
Model predictive control (MPC) of open channel flow is becoming an important tool in water management. The complexity of the prediction model has a large influence on the MPC application in terms of control effectiveness and computational efficiency. The Saint-Venant equations, called SV model in this paper, and the Integrator Delay (ID) model are either accurate but computationally costly, or simple but restricted to allowed flow changes. In this paper, a reduced Saint-Venant (RSV) model is developed through a model reduction technique, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), on the SV equations. The RSV model keeps the main flow dynamics and functions over a large flow range but is easier to implement in MPC. In the test case of a modeled canal reach, the number of states and disturbances in the RSV model is about 45 and 16 times less than the SV model, respectively. The computational time of MPC with the RSV model is significantly reduced, while the controller remains effective. Thus, the RSV model is a promising means to balance the control effectiveness and computational efficiency.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
St-Onge, G.; Duboc, Q.; Boyer-Villemaire, U.; Lajeunesse, P.; Bernatchez, P.
Sediment cores were sampled in the estuary of the Nelson and Churchill Rivers in western Hudson Bay, as well as in the estuary of the Moisie and Sainte-Marguerite Rivers in Gulf of St. Lawrence in order to evaluate the impact of hydroelectric dams on the sedimentary regime of these estuaries. The gravity cores at the mouth of the Nelson River recorded several cm-thick rapidly deposited layers with a reverse to normal grading sequence, indicating the occurrence of hyperpycnal flows generated by major floods during the last few centuries. These hyperpycnal flows were probably caused by ice-jam formation, which can increase both the flow and the sediment concentration following the breaching of such natural dams. Following the construction of hydroelectric dams since the 1960s, the regulation of river discharge prevented the formation of hyperpycnal flows, and hence the deposition of hyperpycnites in the upper part of the cores. In the core sampled in the estuary of the Churchill River, only one hyperpycnite was recorded. This lower frequency may be due to the enclosed estuary of the Churchill River, its weaker discharge and the more distal location of the coring site.In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, grain size measurements allowed the identification of a major flood around AD 1844±4 years in box cores from both the Sainte-Marguerite and Moisie Rivers, whereas a drastic decrease in variations in the median grain size occurred around AD ~1900 in the estuary of the Sainte-Marguerite River, highlighting the offshore impact of the SM1 dam construction in the early 1900s. Furthermore, sedimentological variations in the box cores from both estuaries have been investigated by wavelet analysis and the sharp disappearance of high frequencies around AD 1900 in the estuary of the dammed river (Sainte-Marguerite River), but not in the estuary of the natural river (Moisie River), also provides evidence of the influence of dams on the sedimentary regime of estuaries.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Broshears, R.E.; Bencala, K.E.; Kimball, B.A.
In 1986, the U.S. Geological Survey began an investigation to characterize within-stream hydrologic, chemical, and biological processes that influence the distribution and transport of hazardous constituents in the headwaters of the Arkansas River. The report describes the results of tracer-dilution experiments and associated solute-transport simulations for a 1804-meter stretch of Saint Kevin Gulch, a stream affected by acid mine drainage in Lake County, Colorado. The report describes transient changes in tracer (lithium chloride) concentration at six instream sites.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mercier de Lépinay, J.; Munschy, M.; Géraud, Y.; Diraison, M.; Navelot, V.; Verati, C.; Corsini, M.; Lardeaux, J. M.
In Les Saintes archipelago, the outcrop analysis of Terre-de-Haut island allows to point out several fault systems and geological objects such as lava domes and lava flows. Moreover an exhumed geothermal paleo-system was identified and is thought to be an interesting analogue of the active geothermal system of Bouillante, Guadeloupe. To fully understand this area, the offshore continuation of the geological features is a major concern. The previously known onshore features are visible on airborne magnetic maps due to the highly magnetized material in Les Saintes archipelago. Moreover hydrothermal processes alter the magnetized minerals of volcanic rocks, creating a significant variation in the magnetic measurements. Therefore an adapted marine magnetic study can help the geological understanding of this particular area. In order to correctly link the offshore and onshore structures, the magnetic survey must be close enough to the shoreline and detailed enough so as to correctly outline the tectonic structures. An appropriate solution for such a survey was to use a magnetometer aboard a speedboat. Such a boat allows more navigation flexibility than a classic oceanic vessel towing a magnetometer; it can sail at higher speed on calm seas and closer to the shoreline. This kind of set up is only viable because the magnetic effect of the ship can be compensated using the same algorithms than those used for airborne magnetometry. Studies were implemented through the GEOTREF program which benefits from the support of both the ADEME and the French public funds "Investments for the future". The use of magnetic field transformations allows a large variety of structures to be highlighted, providing insights that help to build a general understanding of the nature and distribution of the magnetic sources. Using a reduction to the pole map operator we are able to prolong the volcanic structures at sea. The marine part of the paleo-geothermal system extension is also roughly
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lawrence, Christopher
The author discusses the effectiveness of popular culture as a tool for the instillation of hope within a community, using as an example the ways in which a National Football League team galvanized the residents of New Orleans in the 18 months following Hurricane Katrina. This article posits that the Saints supplied an impetus for transcendence…
Medical student mental health 3.0: improving student wellness through curricular changes.
Slavin, Stuart J; Schindler, Debra L; Chibnall, John T
Medical education can have significant negative effects on the well-being of medical students. To date, efforts to improve student mental health have focused largely on improving access to mental health providers, reducing the stigma and other barriers to mental health treatment, and implementing ancillary wellness programs. Still, new and innovative models that build on these efforts by directly addressing the root causes of stress that lie within the curriculum itself are needed to properly promote student wellness. In this article, the authors present a new paradigm for improving medical student mental health, by describing an integrated, multifaceted, preclinical curricular change program implemented through the Office of Curricular Affairs at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine starting in the 2009-2010 academic year. The authors found that significant but efficient changes to course content, contact hours, scheduling, grading, electives, learning communities, and required resilience/mindfulness experiences were associated with significantly lower levels of depression symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and stress, and significantly higher levels of community cohesion, in medical students who participated in the expanded wellness program compared with those who preceded its implementation. The authors discuss the utility and relevance of such curricular changes as an overlooked component of change models for improving medical student mental health.
From Hillforts to Saints: Sun Tropoi and Patterns of Christianization in NW Spain
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Quintela, Marco V. García; García, A. César González; Veiga, Yolanda Seoane
We present three Iron Age landscapes in the province of Ourense (northwest Spain), consisting of a hill fort with an acropolis used for religious purposes, and an "extra-urban" location used for ritual functions. Both locations are associated with the solstices, corroborating the validity of considering them jointly in each case, and the three cases jointly as a model. In the three locations, the oldest Christian saints and festivals we are able to identify re-use the dates of the solstices, and others, marked by Iron Age monuments. These observations open the way for research in several directions: the definition of religious landscapes from the Iron Age; the reason why there is not a 'Roman landscape'; the relationship between the Indo-European legacy and the introduction of Christianity; and the relationship between local calendars and the Celtic, Julian and Gregorian 'cultural' calendars.
Michelangelo, the Last Judgment fresco, Saint Bartholomew and the Golden Ratio.
de Campos, Deivis; Malysz, Tais; Bonatto-Costa, João Antonio; Pereira Jotz, Geraldo; Pinto de Oliveira Junior, Lino; Oxley da Rocha, Andrea
Art and anatomy were particularly closely intertwined during the Renaissance period and numerous painters and sculptors expressed themselves in both fields. Among them was Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), who is renowned for having produced some of the most famous of all works of art, the frescoes on the ceiling and on the wall behind the altar of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Recently, a unique association was discovered between one of Michelangelo's most celebrated works (The Creation of Adam fresco) and the Divine Proportion/Golden Ratio (GR) (1.6). The GR can be found not only in natural phenomena but also in a variety of human-made objects and works of art. Here, using Image-Pro Plus 6.0 software, we present mathematical evidence that Michelangelo also used the GR when he painted Saint Bartholomew in the fresco of The Last Judgment, which is on the wall behind the altar. This discovery will add a new dimension to understanding the great works of Michelangelo Buonarroti. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sturman, V. I.
This paper studies spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of power frequency electric and magnetic fields in Saint-Petersburg. It was determined that sanitary-protection and exclusion zones of the standard size high-voltage transmission lines (HVTL) do not always ensure maximum allowable limits of the electrical field depression. A dependence of the electric field strength on meteorological factors was defined. A series of sources create a city-wide background for magnetic fields. That said, the heavier the man-caused load is, the higher the mean values of magnetic induction are. Abnormally high values of magnetic induction are explained by the influence of underground electric cables.
Ecology of Bats, Their Ectoparasites, and Associated Pathogens on Saint Kitts Island.
Reeves, Will K; Beck, Jason; Orlova, Maria V; Daly, Jennifer L; Pippin, Kristi; Revan, Floyd; Loftis, Amanda D
Ectoparasites of bats and bat-associated pathogens are poorly studied in the Lesser Antilles Islands. We report on an 11-mo field study on Saint Kitts Island of bat populations, their associated ectoparasites, and pathogens. We report on five ectoparasite species, including four Streblidae (Diptera) and a Spinturnicidae (Acari). Several genotypes of unnamed Bartonella were isolated from bats and ectoparasites. Microfilaria of an undetermined Litomosoides spp. were detected in blood from Artibeus jamaicensis Leach (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) (and associated ectoparasites: Trichobius intermedius Peterson and Hurka (Diptera: Streblidae) and Periglischrus iheringi Oudemans (Acari: Spinturnicidae)). In addition, an Ehrlichia sp. and Rickettsia africae were detected in the blood of several bat species. Our study is one of the first surveys of ectoparasite-borne pathogens in wild mammals from St. Kitts. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America 2016. This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the United States.
Flooding Risk Assessment for the Region of Neva Bay and Saint-Petersburg
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Koch, A.; Nikitin, O.
Sea level evaluations in the region of Saint-Petersburg, Russia, well known as "Neva Flooding" is the great scientific problem. This process has been investigated by various researchers for many tens of years. But they have not come to consideration regarding its nature. There are numerous factors responsible to extreme sea level rise in this location, and it is impossible to assess properly their individual and combine effect. In this Abstract the approach and primary results of the work are given. We tried to solve the task of flooding risk assessment in Neva Bay and Saint-Petersburg from the probability theory point of view. Sea level rise is considered as a stochastic process. To assess probable risk of a flooding the statistical game theory is used. There are two players in common statistical game. Each of them has the set of strategies that are used in the game. Who fails must pay. In our case one player is the Nature and the other is the Oceanographer, he chooses certain strategy to avoid flood consequences or minimize them. The Nature is the irrational and unpredictable player who has infinity set of strategies or certain conditions. But the choose of a condition is the subject of Monte Carlo model, and the Oceanographer can obtain some information about this model or Nature's behavior, that determined by the probability distribution of Nature's conditions. The main Oceanographer task is to take an optimal policy for various coastal objects regarding their protection characteristics, so that from one hand do not lose in quality and, from the other hand, do not raise its price. The policies are found out depending on some parameter that determined by the Nature condition. In our task this parameter is the evaluation of sea level near the coastal object. For the Nature condition we assumed the integral atmospheric characteristic that most completely expresses the synoptic state responsible for flooding. This characteristic includes all the cyclone parameters
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Joseph, E. P.; Beckles, D. M.; Cox, L.; Jackson, V. B.; Alexander, D.
Volcanic and geothermal emissions are known natural sources of volatiles to the atmosphere. Volcanogenic air pollutants known to cause the most serious impact are carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen chloride (HCl) and hydrogen fluoride (HF). Some studies into the potential for volcanic emissions to produce chronic diseases in humans indicate that areas of major concern include respiratory problems, particularly silicosis (Allen et al. 2000; Baxter et al. 1999; Buist et al. 1986), psychological stress (Shore et al. 1986), and chemical impacts of gas or ash (Giammanco et al. 1998). Sulphur Springs Park in Saint Lucia has a very high recreational value with >200,000 visitors annually, while the nearby town of Soufrière has >8,400 residents. Residents and visitors have raised concerns about the volcanic emissions and its health effects. As part of the volcanic surveillance programme undertaken by the UWI, Seismic Research Centre (SRC) in Saint Lucia, a new monitoring network has been established for quantifying the ambient SO2 in air, to which staff and visitors at the volcanic park are exposed to. The implementation and continued operation of this network has involved the training of local personnel in the active field sampling and analytical techniques required for the assessment of ambient SO2 concentrations, using a low cost monitor as well as commercial passive samplers. This approach recognizes that environmental hazards are a usual part of life and productive livelihoods, and to minimize post-disaster response and recovery it is beneficial to promote preparedness and mitigation, which is best achieved at the local level with community involvement. It is also intended that the volcanic emissions monitoring network could be used as a method to establish and maintain community-based initiatives that would also be helpful when volcanic threat manifests.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Strader, Matthew W.
The purpose of this study was to identify the profile of an ideal teacher for the Church Educational System (CES) for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This study surveyed 159 students, teachers, and administrators in order to find the characteristics perceived to be ideal in a CES teacher. The survey included 16 characteristics of…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Douglas, Velta
Integrating environmental education into curriculum in a way that tackles the holistic and complicated nature of multi-dimensional issues continues to be a challenge for educators and administrators. There is potential in using ecological literacy to introduce local environmental case studies into English Language Arts high school classrooms. This research examines the experiences of two ELA classrooms in one Saint John, NB, high school with a two-week unit based on stakeholder relationships within the Saint John Harbour. Through presentations by guest speakers and research sourced from local community groups, students learned about the highly complex environmental issues that inform management decisions for the Harbour. Using these materials as background, students participated in a mock stakeholders meeting. Case study methodology was used to explore student learning in both a higher-level and a lower-level grade 10 ELA class. Data for the analysis included: cognitive mapping exercises; oral and written classroom assignments and activities; a videotape of the mock stakeholder meetings; a focus group interview with selected students; and researcher field notes. Data demonstrated significant student learning about environmental issues including increased sophistication in describing links between and among environmental issues affecting the harbour, and much more complex understandings of the positions and roles of the various stakeholder groups. Some important areas of resistance to new learning were also evident. Implications for practice and policy and recommendations for future research are discussed.
Winkler, Gary R.; with contributions by MacKevett, E. M.; Plafker, George; Richter, D.H.; Rosenkrans, D.S.; Schmoll, H.R.
Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve, the largest unit in the U.S. National Park System, encompasses near 13.2 million acres of geological wonderments. This geologic guide presents history of exploration and Earth-science investigation; describes the complex geologic makeup; characterizes the vast college of accretion geologic terranes in this area of Alaska's continental margin; recapitulates the effects of earthquakes, volcanoes, and glaciers; characterizes the copper and gold resources of the parklands; and describes outstanding locales within the park and preserve area. A glossary of geologic terms and a categorized list of additional sources of information complete this report.
Khatkov, I E; Maev, I V; Bordin, D S; Kucheryavyi, Yu A; Abdulkhakov, S R; Alekseenko, S A; Alieva, E I; Alikhanov, R B; Bakulin, I G; Baranovsky, A Yu; Beloborodova, E V; Belousova, E A; Buriev, I M; Bystrovskaya, E V; Vertyankin, S V; Vinokurova, L V; Galperin, E I; Gorelov, A V; Grinevich, V B; Danilov, M V; Darvin, V V; Dubtsova, E A; Dyuzheva, T G; Egorov, V I; Efanov, M G; Zakharova, N V; Zagainov, V E; Ivashkin, V T; Izrailov, R E; Korochanskaya, N V; Kornienko, E A; Korobka, V L; Kokhanenko, N Yu; Livzan, M A; Loranskaya, I D; Nikolskaya, K A; Osipenko, M F; Okhlobystin, A V; Pasechnikov, V D; Plotnikova, E Yu; Polyakova, S I; Sablin, O A; Simanenkov, V I; Ursova, N I; Tsvirkun, V V; Tsukanov, V V; Shabunin, A V
Pancreatology Club Professional Medical Community, 1A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow; 2A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow; 3Kazan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Kazan; 4Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Kazan; 5Far Eastern State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Khabarovsk; 6Morozov City Children's Clinical Hospital, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow; 7I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Saint Petersburg; 8Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Tomsk; 9M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Moscow; 10Maimonides State Classical Academy, Moscow; 11V.I. Razumovsky State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Saratov; 12I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow; 13S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Ministry of Defense of Russia, Saint Petersburg; 14Surgut State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Surgut; 15City Clinical Hospital Five, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow; 16Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod; 17Territorial Clinical Hospital Two, Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar; 18Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Saint Petersburg; 19Rostov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Rostov-on-Don; 20Omsk Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Omsk; 21Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow; 22Novosibirsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Novosibirsk; 23Stavropol State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Stavropol; 24Kemerovo State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Kemerovo; 25N.I. Pirogov
SRTM Anaglyph with Landsat Overlay: Miquelon and Saint Pierre Islands
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
This anaglyph satellite image shows Miquelon and Saint Pierre Islands, located south of Newfoundland, Canada. These islands are a self-governing territory of France. A 'tombolo' (sand bar) unites Grande Miquelon to the north and Petite Miquelon to the south. Saint Pierre Island, located to the lower right, includes a harbor, an airport, and a small town. Glaciers once covered these islands and the direction of glacial flow is evident in the topography as striations and shoreline trends running from the upper right to the lower left. The darkest image features are freshwater lakes that fill glacially carved depressions and saltwater lagoons that are bordered by barrier beaches. The lakes and the lagoons are fairly calm waters and reflect less sunlight than do the wave covered and sediment laden nearshore ocean currents.
The stereoscopic effect was created by first draping a Landsat satellite image over preliminary digital elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), and then generating two differing perspectives, one for each eye. When viewed through special glasses, the result is a vertically exaggerated view of the Earth's surface in its full three dimensions. Anaglyph glasses cover the left eye with a red filter and cover the right eye with a blue filter.Landsat has been providing visible and infrared views of the Earth since 1972. SRTM elevation data matches the 30-meter resolution of most Landsat images and will substantially help in analyses of the large and growing Landsat image archive. The Landsat 7 Thematic Mapper image used here was provided to the SRTM project by the United States Geological Survey, Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) DataCenter, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.The elevation data used in this image was acquired by SRTM aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour, launched on February 11, 2000. SRTM used the same radar instrument that comprised the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIRHubs'kyĭ, Iu I; Khmelevs'kyĭ, Iu V; Velykyĭ, M M
In this work the most important stages of the scientific-pedagogic school of biologic and medical chemistry formation in Bogomolets National Medical University starting from the period of foundation as early as in 1863 till nowadays the Chair of Medical Chemistry and Physics as a part of Medical Faculty of Saint Volodymyr Emperor University in the city of Kyiv have been estimated and generalized. The especial attention is attracted to the fact, that it was Kyiv University where firstly the Chair of Biochemistry was created in order of stuyding the regularities of biochemical processes running in the human organism and metabolism disturbances inducing the pathologic processes at some diseases. The scientific and scientific-pedagogical trends of the chair work in different periods of its development are presented, simltneously the leading role of famous Ukrainian scientists--biochemicians in foundation and development of biologic and medical chemistry scientific school in the University are emphasized. Nowadays the Chair is the educational and scientific center supporting and developing the best traditions on training the specialists of different qualification levels: physicians Masters of Science, Philosophy Doctors and Doctors of Science in Medicine and Biology. The Chair is considered to be a basic one among the Ukraine higher medic and pharmaceutic educational institutions having the III-IV accreditation rate on the problems of teaching-organizational, educational-methodical and scientific work. On the Chair base there is functioning the Scientific Problem-Solving Commission of Ministry of health Protections of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine "Biological and medical Chemistry" (the chairman is the Corresponding-Member of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Prof. Yu.I. Gubsky. The Chair personnel compiled and issued the contemporary manuals in Ukraine language on Biologic and Bioorganic Chemistry.
Chapel of cemetery church of all saints in Sedlec - Long-term analysis of hygrothermal conditions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pavlík, Zbyšek; Balík, Lukáš; Kudrnáčová, Lucie; Maděra, Jiří; Černý, Robert
In this paper, long-term monitoring of hygrothermal conditions of the chapel of the cemetery church of All Saints in Sedlec, Czech Republic is presented as a practical tool for evaluation of functional problems of the researched structure. Within the performed experimental tests, interior and exterior climatic conditions were monitored over one year period. Herewith, surface temperature of the chapel wall was measured. Exterior climatic data were collected using weather station Vantage Pro2 placed in church tower. In interior, precise combined relative humidity/temperature sensors were installed. Based on the accessed hygrothermal state of the inspected chapel and identified periods of possible surface condensation, service conditions of the chapel will be optimized in order to prevent extensive damage of historically valuable finishing and furnishing materials, paintings, plasters, and architectural ornaments.
Photoionization sensors for non-invasive medical diagnostics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mustafaev, Aleksandr; Rastvorova, Iuliia; Khobnya, Kristina; Podenko, Sofia
The analysis of biomarkers can help to identify the significant number of diseases: lung cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes, high levels of stress, psychosomatic disorders etc. To implement continuous monitoring of the state of human health, compact VUV photoionization detector with current-voltage measurement is designed by Saint-Petersburg Mining University Plasma Research Group. This sensor is based on the patented method of stabilization of electric parameters - CES (Collisional Electron Spectroscopy). During the operation at atmospheric pressure VUV photoionization sensor measures the energy of electrons, produced in the ionization with the resonance photons, whose wavelength situated in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV). A special software was developed to obtain the second-order derivative of the I-U characteristics, taken by the VUV sensor, to construct the energy spectra of the characteristic electrons. VUV photoionization detector has an unique set of parameters: small size (10*10*1 mm), low cost, wide range of recognizable molecules, as well as accuracy, sufficient for using this instrument for the medical purposes. This device can be used for non-invasive medical diagnostics without compromising the quality of life, for control of environment and human life. Work supported by Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology.
The Soldier Medic Mettle Study
University Tulane University Traumatology Institute, School of Social Work, 6823 Saint Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70112 REPORT DATE: October...the study data: 1. Figley, C. R. (in press 2012). Traumatology of Life. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 2. Boscarino, J. & Figley, C. R. (in
Girchenko, P; Ompad, D C; Kulchynska, R; Bikmukhametov, D; Dugin, S; Gensburg, L
Commercial sex workers (CSWs) in the Russian Federation are at high risk of HIV infection and transmission as a result of unsafe sexual and injecting behaviors. Their clients might be at increased risk of acquiring HIV; however, little is known about the population of men purchasing sex services. This study aims to investigate factors associated with a history of purchasing sex services by men in Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast, Russian Federation. Data were collected as part of a cross-sectional study offering free anonymous rapid HIV testing in Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast in 2014; in total, 3565 men aged 18 years and older provided information about their behaviors associated with risk of acquiring HIV during face-to-face interviews. Prevalence of CSW use in our study was 23.9%. Multivariable analyses using log-binomial regression were stratified by self-reported HIV testing during the 12 months preceding the study interview. In both strata, older age, multiple sex partners, and a history of sex with an injection drug user (IDU) were associated with an elevated prevalence ratio (PR) for history of purchasing sex services, although the strength of the association differed by strata. Among men who reported recent HIV testing, condom use (PR = 1.22, 90% confidence interval (CI) 1.0, 1.48) was associated with a history of purchasing sex services, and among men who did not report recent HIV testing, having a consistent sex partner was associated with purchasing sex services (PR = 1.23, 90% CI 1.1, 1.37). The high prevalence of CSW service use and associations found in this study raise serious concerns about potential for sexual HIV transmission and should be investigated more closely.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Royer, Jean-Yves; Schlich, Roland
The Southeast Indian Ridge has the fastest spreading rates of the three mid-oceanic ridge systems of the Indian Ocean and has recorded the movements of Antarctica relative to Australia and India since the Late Cretaceous. New bathymetric and magnetic data have been collected by the R/V Marion Dufresne (1983) and the R/V Jean Charcot (1984), on the western part of this ridge, between the Rodriguez Triple Junction (25.5°S, 70.0°E) and the Amsterdam and Saint-Paul islands (38°S, 78°E). These data bring additional information on the seafloor magnetic pattern produced by the Southeast Indian Ridge during the past 20 m.y. A new tectonic chart is proposed for the area around the Amsterdam and Saint-Paul islands. We have mapped 17 isochrons ranging from anomalies 6 to 1 (20.5-0.7 Ma) based on the compilation of all the data available in this area (25 cruises). Their distribution clearly shows asymmetric features. Reconstructions at short time intervals show that stage poles of rotation describe oscillatory movements along a direction parallel to the Southeast Indian Ridge axis. Observed changes in spreading rates and the stability of the spreading directions since the Miocene support this result.
Popov, V L; Yagmurov, M O; Troshin, E L
The injuries to the maxillofacial region (MFR) are among the most frequently occurring problems encountered if the forensic medical practice. The objective of the present study was the analysis of the quality of the medical record documentation of the victims of the injuries to the maxillofacial region for obtaining the information necessary for forensic medical experts to make the well-founded conclusions. We undertook the in-depth analysis of random samples from the materials stored in the archive of living subjects at the Saint-Petersburg Bureau of forensic medical expertise for the period from 2010 to 2014. The results of a total of 438 forensic medical examinations were available for the analysis. The study has demonstrated the generally low forensic medical value of the expert conclusions that frequently fail to conform to the requirements of the departmental instructions on the description of MFR injuries. In all the cases, neurologists and radiologists were counselled. The results of analysis of the drawbacks of forensic medical examinations give evidence that they originate first and foremost from subjective circumstances which opens up the promising prospects for the improvement of expertise quality based on the enhancement of the professional responsibility of the forensic medical experts.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Laffaille, P.; Feunteun, E.; Lefeuvre, J.-C.
At least 100 fish species are known to be present in the intertidal areas (estuaries, mudflats and salt marshes) of Mont Saint-Michel Bay. These and other comparable shallow marine coastal waters, such as estuaries and lagoons, play a nursery role for many fish species. However, in Europe little attention has been paid to the value of tidal salt marshes for fishes. Between March 1996 and April 1999, 120 tides were sampled in a tidal creek. A total of 31 species were caught. This community was largely dominated by mullets ( Liza ramada represent 87% of the total biomass) and sand gobies ( Pomatoschistus minutus and P. lozanoi represent 82% of the total numbers). These species and also Gasterosteus aculeatus , Syngnathus rostellatus, Dicentrarchus labrax, Mugil spp., Liza aurata and Sprattus sprattus were the most frequent species (>50% of monthly frequency of occurrence). In Europe, salt marshes and their creeks are flooded only during high spring tides. So, fishes only invade this environment during short immersion periods, and no species can be considered as marsh resident. But, the salt marsh was colonized by fish every time the tide reached the creek, and during the short time of flood, dominant fishes fed actively and exploited the high productivity. Nevertheless, this study shows that there is little interannual variation in the fish community and there are three ' seasons ' in the fish fauna of the marsh. Marine straggler and marine estuarine dependent species colonize marshes between spring (recruitment period in the bay) and autumn before returning into deeper adjacent waters. Estuarine fishes are present all year round with maximum abundances in the end of summer. The presence of fishes confirms that this kind of wetland plays an important trophic and nursery role for these species. Differences in densities and stages distribution of these species into Mont Saint-Michel systems (tidal mudflats, estuaries and tidal salt marshes) can reduce the trophic
Family structure and childhood anthropometry in Saint Paul, Minnesota in 1918
Warren, John Robert
Concern with childhood nutrition prompted numerous surveys of children’s growth in the United States after 1870. The Children’s Bureau’s 1918 “Weighing and Measuring Test” measured two million children to produce the first official American growth norms. Individual data for 14,000 children survives from the Saint Paul, Minnesota survey whose stature closely approximated national norms. As well as anthropometry the survey recorded exact ages, street address and full name. These variables allow linkage to the 1920 census to obtain demographic and socioeconomic information. We matched 72% of children to census families creating a sample of nearly 10,000 children. Children in the entire survey (linked set) averaged 0.74 (0.72) standard deviations below modern WHO height-for-age standards, and 0.48 (0.46) standard deviations below modern weight-for-age norms. Sibship size strongly influenced height-for-age, and had weaker influence on weight-for-age. Each additional child six or underreduced height-for-age scores by 0.07 standard deviations (95% CI: −0.03, 0.11). Teenage siblings had little effect on height-forage. Social class effects were substantial. Children of laborers averaged half a standard deviation shorter than children of professionals. Family structure and socio-economic status had compounding impacts on children’s stature. PMID:28943749
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bouchard, A.R.; Gagnon, M.J.
The lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) is an important commercial crop of the Lac-Saint-Jean area (Quebec, Canada). The major blueberry fields are located on sandy soils relatively poor in available mineral nutrients. The nutrients originate from a thin organic layer found on the top of these sandy soils. The leaf mineral contents (N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and B) were measured in five blueberry fields during 1984 and 1985. Soil pH and soil available P, K, and Mg were also assessed. The results show that the leaf mineral contents are generally adequate. However, K and Znmore » might be occasionally deficient when compared to the actual established standards. The available Mg in soil was significantly correlated with the leaf Mg concentration. The data also suggest that the influence of the pH following the burn pruning seems to influence the nutrition of this species.« less
Bogolyubova, Olga; Skochilov, Roman; Smykalo, Lyubov
Exposure to childhood victimization and abuse has been shown to affect HIV risk in adult populations. In Russia, the existence of child abuse was largely unrecognized until 1990s and its behavioral consequences remain understudied. Our goal was to assess childhood victimization and HIV risk behavior among young adults in Saint-Petersburg, Russia: 743 students from 15 local universities were surveyed. Unprotected sexual intercourse was the most common type of HIV risk behavior: study participants reported no condom use at last intercourse (65.17%), inconsistent condom use (58.43%) and 30.81% never used condoms in the past 3 months. Childhood sexual victimization was significantly associated with unprotected sex at last intercourse and with inconsistent condom use in the past 3 months. Young adults in Russia are vulnerable to HIV epidemic due to the pervasiveness of unprotected sexual intercourse, and childhood sexual victimization is associated with risky sexual behavior in this population. Efforts to combat HIV epidemic in Russia must include programming for the prevention of childhood sexual abuse and the development of services for the survivors of childhood victimization.
Bustinza, Ray; Gagnon, Suzanne; Burigusa, Guillaume
Résumé OBJECTIF Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer l’impact sur la rétention des médecins omnipraticiens du programme d’enseignement décentralisé, des mesures incitatives financières et de l’origine du médecin. DEVIS Nos données sont tirées de la banque du suivi des effectifs médicaux de la Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux du Bas-Saint-Laurent. Les questionnaires complétés par les médecins dans le cadre de cette étude ont été envoyés par la poste. MILIEU Bas-Saint-Laurent, Qué. PARTICIPANTS Des médecins omnipraticiens pratiquant depuis 1985 à août 2003 dans la région. MÉTHODOLOGIE Pour les analyses statistiques, nous avons fait appel à l’analyse multivariée, en utilisant le modèle des taux proportionnels de Cox de l’analyse de survie. RÉSULTATS La probabilité ajustée de demeurer en région, selon l’exposition aux stages de résidence en région, présente une tendance positive avec un rapport de 2,12 (P = 0,15). La probabilité de rester dans la région grimpe jusqu’à 4,5 fois plus (P < 0,01) pour un médecin originaire du Bas-Saint-Laurent. Le lien avec les mesures incitatives financières montre que la probabilité ajustée de demeurer dans le Bas-Saint-Laurent n’est pas significativement différente selon qu’ils aient ou non reçu les primes d’installation ou la bourse de la Régie de l’assurance-maladie du Québec. CONCLUSION Les facteurs les plus prometteurs pour retenir les médecins omnipraticiens en région touchent le recrutement en médecine de candidats des régions rurales et la formation décentralisée. PMID:19752242
Southwest corner, looking north U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, ...
Southwest corner, looking north - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
North wall, looking southeast U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, ...
North wall, looking southeast - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Basement, bathroom, looking south U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, ...
Basement, bathroom, looking south - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Northeast corner, looking southwest U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, ...
Northeast corner, looking southwest - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
DuBois, James M; Kraus, Elena M; Gursahani, Kamal; Mikulec, Anthony; Bakanas, Erin
No published curricula in the area of medical business ethics exist. This is surprising given that physicians wrestle daily with business decisions and that professional associations, the Institute of Medicine, Health and Human Services, Congress, and industry have issued related guidelines over the past 5 years. To fill this gap, the authors aimed (1) to identify the full range of medical business ethics topics that experts consider important to teach, and (2) to establish curricular priorities through expert consensus. In spring 2012, the authors conducted an online Delphi survey with two heterogeneous panels of experts recruited in the United States. One panel focused on business ethics in medical practice (n = 14), and 1 focused on business ethics in medical research (n = 12). Panel 1 generated an initial list of 14 major topics related to business ethics in medical practice, and subsequently rated 6 topics as very important or essential to teach. Panel 2 generated an initial list of 10 major topics related to business ethics in medical research, and subsequently rated 5 as very important or essential. In both domains, the panel strongly recommended addressing problems that conflicts of interest can cause, legal guidelines, and the goals or ideals of the profession. The Bander Center for Medical Business Ethics at Saint Louis University will use the results of the Delphi panel to develop online curricular resources for each of the highest rated topics.
SRTM Stereo Pair with Landsat Overlay: Miquelon and Saint Pierre Islands
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
This stereoscopic satellite image shows Miquelon and Saint Pierre Islands, located south of Newfoundland, Canada. These islands are a self-governing territory of France. A 'tombolo' (sand bar) unites Grande Miquelon to the north and Petite Miquelon to the south. Saint Pierre Island, located to the lower right, includes a harbor, an airport, and a small town. Glaciers once covered these islands and the direction of glacial flow is evident in the topography as striations and shoreline trends running from the upper right to the lower left. The darkest image features are freshwater lakes that fill glacially carved depressions and saltwater lagoons that are bordered by barrier beaches. The lakes and the lagoons are fairly calm waters and reflect less sunlight than do the wave covered and sediment laden nearshore ocean currents.
This stereoscopic image was generated by draping a Landsat satellite image over a preliminary Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)elevation model. Two differing perspectives were then calculated, one for each eye. They can be seen in 3-D by viewing the left image with the right eye and the right image with the left eye (cross-eyed viewing), or by downloading and printing the image pair and viewing them with a stereoscope. When stereoscopically merged, the result is a vertically exaggerated view of the Earth's surface in its full three dimensions.Landsat has been providing visible and infrared views of the Earth since 1972. SRTM elevation data matches the 30-meter resolution of most Landsat images and will substantially help in analyses of the large and growing Landsat image archive. The Landsat 7 Thematic Mapper image used here was provided to the SRTM project by the United States Geological Survey, Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) DataCenter, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.The elevation data used in this image was acquired by SRTM aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour, launched on February 11, 2000. SRTM used the same radarInterior, rear sunporch, looking north U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
Interior, rear sunporch, looking north - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
South (front) wall, looking northwest U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
South (front) wall, looking northwest - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Interior, east bedroom, looking southeast U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
Interior, east bedroom, looking southeast - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Interior, living room, looking west U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
Interior, living room, looking west - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Interior, dining room, looking southeast U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
Interior, dining room, looking southeast - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Analysis of Geometric Conception of the Historical Truss Church of All Saints in Vlčovice
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Augustinková, Lucie; Krušinský, Peter; Korenková, Renáta; Holešová, Michaela
Church of All Saints in Vlčovice was built likely in the second half of the XIV century and was consecrated in 1597 by catholic bishop Stanislav Pavlovsky from Olomouc. The vault and nave of the church was built in Baroque. The truss of the church was dendrochronological dating to 1767/68. Some elements of structure were dendrochronological dating to 1586 when it was constructed primary truss structure. Today’s appearance of the church is given by historicist modifications from the last quarter of the 19th century. Analysed truss has a rafter-collar tie structure with collar beams, pedestal struts. The roof structure has archaic form and we can include the structure into the earlier period by typology. These trusses were commonly used in this region and the wider cultural sphere at that time.
South wall, looking northwest, with scale bar U.S. Veterans ...
South wall, looking northwest, with scale bar - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Interior, central sunporch behind living room, looking northeast U.S. ...
Interior, central sunporch behind living room, looking northeast - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Desmeules, Martin; Thifault, Marie-Claude
In recent years, we have worked with many psychiatric records kept by the Archive Services of the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal (IUSMM). The proposed article is focused on the February 12th 1959 document Assemblée des médecins located within the records of six illegitimate children admitted to the Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu in the late 1950s. Our study, inspired by the work of historian Roy Porter and his approach from below, contributes to the historical discourse seeking to incorporate patient's voices, in this case, a gang of young offenders identified by a life course shaped by repeated institutional experience.
Cult of St. Blasius, patron saint of throat sufferers and of otolaryngologists, in Croatia.
Skrobonja, Ante; Muzur, Amir; Jurdana, Stanko
In the introductory part presented is a short hagiography of St. Blasius, and the legend of miraculous healing of a child in whose throat a bone had stuck, threatening to choke the child. Thanks to that legend, St. Blasius has become the traditional patron of the laryngeal diseases, and, since recently, the patron of the otolaryngologists, too. The second part of the paper is dedicated to the cult of St. Blasius, which is present in Croatia since the 10th century until present. Venerated all over the country, St. Blasius has been "elected" the heavenly protector of 10 parish communities, as well as of the city and the dioceses of Dubrovnik. Beside pilgrimage and prayers, among many traditional forms of folk piety, a ritual called "grlicenje" has been preserved-a curative and preventive blessing of the throat with crossed candles on the Saint's Day. In more recent times, the same day has been remembered among Croatian otolaryngologists and the societies of laryngectomized persons, who chose St. Blasius for their patron, too.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Puissant, A. P.; Kellerer, D.; Gluard, L.; Levoy, F.
Coastal landscapes are severely affected by environmental and social pressures. Their long term development is controlled by both physical and anthropogenic factors, which spatial dynamics and interactions may be analysed by Earth Observation data. The Mont-Saint-Michel Bay (Normandy, France) is one of the European coastal systems with a very high tidal range (approximately 15m during spring tides) because of its geological, geomorphological and hydrodynamical contexts at the estuary of the Couesnon, Sée and Sélune rivers. It is also an important touristic place with the location of the Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey, and an invaluable ecosystem of wetlands forming a transition between the sea and the land. Since 2006, engineering works are performed with the objective of restoring the maritime character of the Bay. These works will lead to many changes in the spatial dynamics of the Bay which can be monitored with two indicators: the sediment budget and the wetland vegetation surfaces. In this context, the aim of this paper is to map and monitor the tidal channel network and the extension of the salt marsh vegetation formation in the tidal zone of the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay by using satellite images. The spatial correlation between the network location of the three main rivers and the development of salt marsh is analysed with multitemporal medium (60m) to high spatial resolution (from 10 to 30 m) satellite images over the period 1975-2006. The method uses a classical supervised algorithm based on a maximum likelihood classification of eleven satellites images. The salt-marsh surfaces and the tidal channel network are then integrated in a GIS. Results of extraction are assessed by qualitative (visual interpretation) and quantitative indicators (confusion matrix). The multi-temporal analysis between 1975 and 2006 highlights that in 1975 when the study area is 26000 ha, salt marshes cover 16% (3000ha), the sandflat (slikke) and the water represent respectively 59% and 25
[Chemical and behavioural addiction of medical students. Comparative study in Lebanese students].
Moaouad, J; Kazour, F; Haddad, R; Rouhayem, J; Chammai, R; Richa, S
Evaluate chemical and behavioural dependence of medical students, and compare it to a control group (students in non-medical faculties), in order to underline the harmful effect of university on medical students' dependence. A three-part questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 140 medical students at the Saint-Joseph university of Beirut (USJ), and to 140 students in many other USJ faculties, and filled in anonymously. The first part is about demographic criteria and the second and third parts are respectively about chemical and behavioural dependence, based on DSM IV criteria. There is no statistically significant difference between the two studied populations concerning the dependence on alcohol, cannabis, sedatives, opiates, amphetamines, workaholism, gambling and Internet. However, the prevalence of addiction to caffeine, cocaine, nicotine; sexual addiction, and compulsive buying are significantly lower in medical students when compared to the control group. Men, compared to women, did not show significantly higher levels of dependence on chemical substances. Workaholism is not significantly more prevalent in women. Sexual addiction and compulsive buying are not significantly higher in men. However, pathological gambling and Internet addiction are significantly more prevalent in men. Finally, this study does not show a variation in dependence through the years of medical studies. Most studies show that medical students have high levels of dependence on alcohol, opiates and sedatives. The results of our study show greater dependence on caffeine followed by nicotine, alcohol and sedatives. Medical students in our population did not reveal higher dependence rates compared to other university students. Overall, substance addiction in medical students may be related to the stress of medical studies, and easy access to drugs and prescriptions. These factors may be balanced by perfectionist traits, ethical standards and knowledge of adverse effects seen in
Lofgren, C; Schieffer, T
Several years ago the management of Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, IL, decided that, with healthcare issues becoming increasingly complex, the hospital needed to find ways to share information with its community. Saint Francis's outreach effort began in 1991 with the launching of a Leadership Roundtable. Under its auspices, local leaders in business, finance, government, education, religion, and the media gather once a month to hear hospital staff members outline some aspect of healthcare or healthcare reform. A question-and-answer period follows. In 1993 James Moore, a Saint Francis administrator, began writing a monthly column on healthcare reform for a business publication that serves central Illinois. Moore's column explains to businesspeople how various healthcare reform proposals could affect them. With the column, as with the Leadership Roundtable, Saint Francis has strengthened its communication with the community.
Mathematical model of ambulance resources in Saint-Petersburg
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shavidze, G. G.; Balykina, Y. E.; Lejnina, E. A.; Svirkin, M. V.
Emergency medical system is one of the main elements in city infrastructure. The article contains analysis of existing system of ambulance resource distribution. Paper considers the idea of using multiperiodicity as a tool to increase the efficiency of the Emergency Medical Services. The program developed in programming environment Matlab helps to evaluate the changes in the functioning of the system of emergency medical service.
September 11, 2001, revisited: a review of the data.
Feeney, James M; Goldberg, Ross; Blumenthal, Jesse A; Wallack, Marc K
The September 11, 2001, World Trade Center (WTC) attack was a disaster of epic proportion in New York City, NY. It was unprecedented in terms of the number of people who were killed in the bombings, as well as in terms of the volume of patients received at local (New York City) hospitals. The strain on local emergency medical services, hospitals, and the citywide trauma system is still felt today as the hospitals, physicians, and agencies involved struggle to train for similar events that may occur in the future, cope with the psychological and social aftermath, and even pay for the response to the bombing. The objective of this review of the data was to determine the major causes of morbidity (ie, hospital visits) during the hours immediately after the September 11, 2001, WTC attack, as well as to detail the costs involved in the medical response to a disaster of this scale and to identify some lessons learned with respect to the hospital's response to an event of this magnitude. Review of records and cost data submitted by Saint Vincent's Hospital, Manhattan, NY, to the state of New York and federal sources for financial relief from the September 11, 2001, WTC attack. Saint Vincent's Hospital is an academic medical center of New York Medical College and a New York City-designated level I trauma center. All medical records for the patients registered at Saint Vincent's Hospital on September 11, 2001, after 8:50 am were reviewed. The major cause of morbidity for the September 11, 2001, patients was smoke inhalation (30.0%); followed closely by chemical conjunctivitis and corneal abrasions (16%); lacerations, abrasions, and soft-tissue injuries (15.5%); isolated orthopedic complaints (12%); and psychiatric complaints (10%). Multiple-trauma patients were 3% of the patients seen. There were 5 fatalities at Saint Vincent's Hospital. The WTC disaster was a source of major morbidity and mortality to the people of New York City. The possibility that Saint Vincent's will
A Two-Phase Intergrowth in Genthelvite from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Antao, Sytle M.; Hassan, Ishmael; West Indies)
Synchrotron high-resolution powder X-ray-diffraction (HRPXRD) data and Rietveld structure refinement were used to examine a two-phase intergrowth of genthelvite, ideally Zn{sub 8}[Be{sub 6}Si{sub 6}O{sub 24}]S{sub 2}, from the alkaline intrusive complex at Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, where genthelvite occurs in nepheline syenite pegmatites. The structural parameters obtained for the two phases are slightly different from each other. The unit-cell parameters are 8.119190(7) {angstrom} (51% phase 1) and 8.128914(9) {angstrom} (49% phase 2). The refinement gives the chemical formulae and interstitial M cation in terms of Zn and Mn (the Fe content is practically zero) for the Mn-poor genthelvite phase 1 asmore » (Zn{sub 7.8}Mn{sub 0.2}){Sigma}{sub 8}[Be{sub 6}Si{sub 6}O{sub 24}]S{sub 2}, and the Mn-rich genthelvite phase 2 as (Zn{sub 7.0}Mn{sub 1.0}){Sigma}{sub 8}[Be{sub 6}Si{sub 6}O{sub 24}]S{sub 2}. These formulae are comparable to the Mn-poor and Mn-rich phases obtained by electron-microprobe analysis. The intergrowth indicates that diffusion is absent among the interstitial M cations of similar size (Zn{sup 2+}, Fe{sup 2+} and Mn{sup 2+}). Such intergrowths may form under distinct f(O{sub 2}) conditions and probably low temperature of crystallization that inhibits diffusion of M cations.« less
de Diego Cordero, Rocío; Badanta Romero, Bárbara
The aim of the study is to discuss the relationship between lifestyle marked by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and health. PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, WOS y Scopus were the databases used for this literature review, with these descriptors: "Mormons", "mormons religion", "health". Inclusion criteria were articles with full text available, published between 2005 and 2016, in English or Spanish language. Results show that following the restrictive Mormon doctrine generates beneficial effects for the health. Habits related to toxics and food, as well as social support, from family and Mormon community are an important basis for good health. On the other hand, not following the prescriptions or leaving the group, opposed sexual identities or not fulfilling the roles associated with women are associated with worse mental and physical health.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Joseph, Erouscilla P.; Beckles, Denise M.; Cox, Leonette; Jackson, Viveka B.; Alexander, Dominic
Sulphur Springs Park in Saint Lucia is a site of energetic geothermal activity associated with the potentially active Soufrière Volcanic Centre. The Park is one of Saint Lucia's most important tourist attractions, and is marketed as the 'world's only drive-in volcano'. It has an on-site staff of tour guides and vendors, as well as over 200,000 visitors annually. There are also a number of residents living in the areas bordering the Park. Recreational use is made of the geothermal waters for bathing, application of mud masques, and in some cases drinking. As part of the University of the West Indies, Seismic Research Centre's (UWI-SRC's) overall volcano monitoring programme for Saint Lucia, the volcanic emissions at Sulphur Springs (hot springs, mud pools and fumaroles) have been regularly monitored since 2001. In recent years, visitors, staff, and management at the Park have expressed concern about the health effects of exposure to volcanic emissions from the hydrothermal system. In response to this, SRC has expanded its regular geothermal monitoring programme to include a preliminary evaluation of ambient sulphur dioxide (SO2) concentrations in and around the Park, to assess the possible implications for human health. Passive diffusion tubes were used to measure the atmospheric SO2 concentrations at various sites in Sulphur Springs Park (SSP), in the town of Soufrière and in the capital of Castries. Measurements of average monthly ambient SO2 with the passive samplers indicated that during the dry season period of April to July 2014 concentration at sites closest to the main vents at SSP (Group 1), which are routinely used by staff and visitors, frequently exceeded the WHO 10-minute AQG for SO2 of 500 μg/m3. However, for sites that were more distal to the main venting area (Groups 2 and 3), the average monthly ambient SO2 did not exceed the WHO 10-minute AQG for SO2 of 500 μg/m3 during the entire monitoring period. The measured concentrations and dispersion
Heinen, Letícia Borges da Silva; Zuchi, Nayara; Serra, Otacília Pereira; Cardoso, Belgath Fernandes; Gondim, Breno Herman Ferreira; Dos Santos, Marcelo Adriano Mendes; Souto, Francisco José Dutra; Paula, Daphine Ariadne Jesus de; Dutra, Valéria; Dezengrini-Slhessarenko, Renata
The dengue virus (DENV), which is frequently involved in large epidemics, and the yellow fever virus (YFV), which is responsible for sporadic sylvatic outbreaks, are considered the most important flaviviruses circulating in Brazil. Because of that, laboratorial diagnosis of acute undifferentiated febrile illness during epidemic periods is frequently directed towards these viruses, which may eventually hinder the detection of other circulating flaviviruses, including the Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), which is widely dispersed across the Americas. The aim of this study was to conduct a molecular investigation of 11 flaviviruses using 604 serum samples obtained from patients during a large dengue fever outbreak in the state of Mato Grosso (MT) between 2011 and 2012. Simultaneously, 3,433 female Culex spp. collected with Nasci aspirators in the city of Cuiabá, MT, in 2013, and allocated to 409 pools containing 1-10 mosquitoes, were also tested by multiplex semi-nested reverse transcription PCR for the same flaviviruses. SLEV was detected in three patients co-infected with DENV-4 from the cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande. One of them was a triple co-infection with DENV-1. None of them mentioned recent travel or access to sylvatic/rural regions, indicating that transmission might have occurred within the metropolitan area. Regarding mosquito samples, one pool containing one Culex quinquefasciatus female was positive for SLEV, with a minimum infection rate (MIR) of 0.29 per 1000 specimens of this species. Phylogenetic analysis indicates both human and mosquito SLEV cluster, with isolates from genotype V-A obtained from animals in the Amazon region, in the state of Pará. This is the first report of SLEV molecular identification in MT.
Purpose This study aimed to compare the perception of the academic learning environment between medical laboratory science students and nursing students at Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines. Methods A cross-sectional survey research design was used to measure the perceptions of the participants. A total of 341 students from the Department of Medical Laboratory Science, School of Natural Sciences, and the School of Nursing answered the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) instrument from April to May 2016. Responses were compared according to course of study, gender, and year level. Results The total mean DREEM scores of the medical laboratory science students and nursing students did not differ significantly when grouped according to course of study, gender, or year level. Medical laboratory science students had significantly lower mean scores in the sub-domains ‘perception of learning’ and ‘perception of teaching.’ Male medical laboratory science students had significantly lower mean scores in the sub-domain ‘perception of learning’ among second year students. Medical laboratory science students had significantly lower mean scores in the sub-domain ‘perception of learning.’ Nursing students identified 7 problem areas, most of which were related to their instructors. Conclusion Medical laboratory science and nursing students viewed their academic learning environment as ‘more positive than negative.’ However, the relationship of the nursing instructors to their students needs improvement. PMID:27649901
Barcelo, Jonathan M
This study aimed to compare the perception of the academic learning environment between medical laboratory science students and nursing students at Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines. A cross-sectional survey research design was used to measure the perceptions of the participants. A total of 341 students from the Department of Medical Laboratory Science, School of Natural Sciences, and the School of Nursing answered the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) instrument from April to May 2016. Responses were compared according to course of study, gender, and year level. The total mean DREEM scores of the medical laboratory science students and nursing students did not differ significantly when grouped according to course of study, gender, or year level. Medical laboratory science students had significantly lower mean scores in the sub-domains 'perception of learning' and 'perception of teaching.' Male medical laboratory science students had significantly lower mean scores in the sub-domain 'perception of learning' among second year students. Medical laboratory science students had significantly lower mean scores in the sub-domain 'perception of learning.' Nursing students identified 7 problem areas, most of which were related to their instructors. Medical laboratory science and nursing students viewed their academic learning environment as 'more positive than negative.' However, the relationship of the nursing instructors to their students needs improvement.
Rodrigues, Sueli G; Nunes, Márcio R T; Casseb, Samir M M; Prazeres, Assis S C; Rodrigues, Daniela S G; Silva, Mayra O; Cruz, Ana C R; Tavares-Neto, José C; Vasconcelos, Pedro F C
Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), a member of the genus Flavivirus (family Flaviviridae), is an encephalitogenic arbovirus broadly distributed in the Americas. Phylogenetic analysis based on the full-length E gene sequences obtained for 30 Brazilian SLEV strains was performed using different methods including Bayesian and relaxed molecular clock approaches. A new genetic lineage was suggested, hereafter named genotype VIII, which co-circulates with the previously described genotype V in the Brazilian Amazon region. Genotypes II and III were restricted to São Paulo state (South-east Atlantic rainforest ecosystem). The analysis also suggested the emergence of an SLEV common ancestor between 1875 and 1973 (mean of 107 years ago), giving rise to two major genetic groups: genotype II, more prevalent in the North America, and a second group comprising the other genotypes (I and III-VIII), broadly dispersed throughout the Americas, suggesting that SLEV initially emerged in South America and spread to North America. In conclusion, the current study demonstrates the high genetic variability of SLEV and its geographical dispersion in Brazil and other New World countries.
[Hospitals' evolution through the ages].
de Micheli, Alfredo
The predecessor institutions of modern hospitals--Byzantine nosocómeion, European hospitale and Islamic maristan--were dissimilar both in their patients and their aims. The first charitable organizations in West Europe (Rome) and in the East (Cesarea in Cappadocia) were rather hospices. After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire (476 A.D.), some monastic centers were prepared to provide medical assistance to religious and secular patients. Since the XI and XII Centuries in all of Christian Europe the charitable institutions, designated as hospitale, multiplied. Among the Italian ones, the Roman Santo Spirito (Holy Ghost) Hospital, built in the 1201-1204 period, reached a preeminet position. This one soon became the most important of the entire Christendom (archihospital), with a lot of affiliated hospitals in Europe and later in America. The first American hospital, Saint Nicholas Hospital, opened on December 29, 1503 in Santo Domingo, obtained in 1541 its affiliation to the Santo Spirito archihospital. Regarding continental America, the first health centers were established in Mexico: the Immaculate Conception Hospital and the Saint Lazarus Hospital, both established by Hernán Cortés. For its part, clinical teaching was systematized at the Saint Francis Hospital in Padua and by there moved to Leyden. In Mexico, the chair of medical clinics or practical medicine was established in 1806 at the Saint Andrew Hospital. During the XX century, Dr. Ignacio Chávez was the driving force behind the creation of the modern Mexican Health Institutes. These ones are dedicated to the treatment of poor patients, as well as to medical teaching and research.
Collisional Tectonics of the Saint Elias Orogen, Alaska, Observed by GPS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Elliott, J. L.; Freymueller, J. T.; Larsen, C. F.
The Saint Elias orogen of south central Alaska and the adjacent area of Canada is the highest coastal mountain range on earth, with peaks that exceed 6000 meters in elevation. It is located in the complex transition zone between transform motion along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault system and subduction along the Aleutian Megathrust. The Yakutat terrane lies in the gap between the end of the Megathrust and the end of the transform system. Roughly 4 cm/yr of convergence is accommodated within the continental crust, onshore and possibly offshore, as the Yakutat terrane collides with southern Alaska. This collision provides the driving force behind the stunning topographic relief of the orogen. As part of the STEEP project designed to unravel the tectonic complexities of this region, we made GPS measurements at 47 sites in south central Alaska during the summer of 2005. Here we present results from 13 campaign GPS sites that had prior measurements. The span of measurements at these campaign sites range from one to twelve years. All of the sites show northwestward motion and uplift. The highest amounts of uplift occur at several coastal sites near Icy Bay where average rates surpass 24 mm/yr. Further north, sites along the Bagley Icefield display an average uplift rate of about 20 mm/yr. A significant portion of this uplift is caused by the melting of regional icefields and the redistribution of mass in large glacier systems such as the Bering Glacier. We also examine the impact of the Denali Fault earthquake on the rates of motion in this area.
Context view, Building Nos. 2728, looking north from a spot ...
Context view, Building Nos. 27-28, looking north from a spot south of Building No. 28 - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Evarts, Russell C.
The Saint Helens 7.5' quadrangle is situated in the Puget-Willamette Lowland approximately 35 km north Portland, Oregon. The lowland, which extends from Puget Sound into west-central Oregon, is a complex structural and topographic trough that lies between the Coast Range and the Cascade Range. Since late Eocene time, Cascade Range has been the locus of a discontinuously active volcanic arc associated with underthrusting of oceanic lithosphere beneath the North American continent along the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The Coast Range occupies the forearc position within the Cascadia arc-trench system and consists of a complex assemblage of Eocene to Miocene volcanic and marine sedimentary rocks. The Saint Helens quadrangle lies in the northern part of the Portland Basin, a roughly 2000-km2 topographic and structural depression. It is the northernmost of several sediment-filled structural basins that collectively constitute the Willamette Valley segment of the Puget-Willamette Lowland (Beeson and others, 1989; Swanson and others, 1993; Yeats and others, 1996). The rhomboidal basin is approximately 70 km long and 30 km wide, with its long dimension oriented northwest. The Columbia River flows west and north through the Portland Basin at an elevation near sea level and exits through a confined bedrock valley less than 2.5 km wide about 16 km north of Saint Helens. The flanks of the basin consist of Eocene through Miocene volcanic and sedimentary rocks that rise to elevations exceeding 2000 ft (610 m). Seismic-reflection profiles (L.M. Liberty, written commun., 2003) and lithologic logs of water wells (Swanson and others, 1993; Mabey and Madin, 1995) indicate that as much as 550 m of late Miocene and younger sediments have accumulated in the deepest part of the basin near Vancouver. Most of this basin-fill material was carried in from the east by the Columbia River but contributions from streams draining the adjacent highlands are locally important. The Portland Basin has
An Altar in Honor of the Anatomical Gift
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kooloos, Jan G.M.; Bolt, Sophie; van der Straaten, Joop; Ruiter, Dirk J.
On All Saints Day 2009 a monument for body donors was unveiled by the Department of Anatomy, at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (RUNMC). Although body donation to medical science contributes substantially to the quality of medical education, the ceremony was only the first time that the RUNMC publicly reciprocated the anatomical…
Window Details U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Therapeutic Exercise ...
Window Details - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Therapeutic Exercise Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Landscape Plan U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Therapeutic Exercise ...
Landscape Plan - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Therapeutic Exercise Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
HEINEN, Letícia Borges da Silva; ZUCHI, Nayara; SERRA, Otacília Pereira; CARDOSO, Belgath Fernandes; GONDIM, Breno Herman Ferreira; dos SANTOS, Marcelo Adriano Mendes; SOUTO, Francisco José Dutra; de PAULA, Daphine Ariadne Jesus; DUTRA, Valéria; DEZENGRINI-SLHESSARENKO, Renata
The dengue virus (DENV), which is frequently involved in large epidemics, and the yellow fever virus (YFV), which is responsible for sporadic sylvatic outbreaks, are considered the most important flaviviruses circulating in Brazil. Because of that, laboratorial diagnosis of acute undifferentiated febrile illness during epidemic periods is frequently directed towards these viruses, which may eventually hinder the detection of other circulating flaviviruses, including the Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), which is widely dispersed across the Americas. The aim of this study was to conduct a molecular investigation of 11 flaviviruses using 604 serum samples obtained from patients during a large dengue fever outbreak in the state of Mato Grosso (MT) between 2011 and 2012. Simultaneously, 3,433 female Culex spp. collected with Nasci aspirators in the city of Cuiabá, MT, in 2013, and allocated to 409 pools containing 1-10 mosquitoes, were also tested by multiplex semi-nested reverse transcription PCR for the same flaviviruses. SLEV was detected in three patients co-infected with DENV-4 from the cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande. One of them was a triple co-infection with DENV-1. None of them mentioned recent travel or access to sylvatic/rural regions, indicating that transmission might have occurred within the metropolitan area. Regarding mosquito samples, one pool containing one Culex quinquefasciatus female was positive for SLEV, with a minimum infection rate (MIR) of 0.29 per 1000 specimens of this species. Phylogenetic analysis indicates both human and mosquito SLEV cluster, with isolates from genotype V-A obtained from animals in the Amazon region, in the state of Pará. This is the first report of SLEV molecular identification in MT. PMID:26200961
The ionospheric response to the Saint Patrick storm over South East Asia
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Spogli, L.; Alfonsi, L.; Di Mauro, D.; Pezzopane, M.; Cesaroni, C.; Povero, G., Sr.; Pini, M., Sr.; Dovis, F., Sr.; Romero, R.; Linty, N.; Abadi, P.; Nuraeni, F.; Husin, A.; Huy Le, M.; La The, V.; Pillat, V. G.; Floury, N.
ERICA, a project funded by the European Space Agency, aims at characterizing the ionospheric variability of the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly in the South East Asia. In particular, ERICA focuses on the variation of the plasma electron density in the southern and northern crests of the anomaly and over the dip equator identified by the Equatorial Ionospheric Trough. To achieve this goal, an ad hoc measurements campaign is on-going with ground-based instruments located in the footprints of the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly and of the Equatorial Ionospheric Trough in Vietnam and Indonesia.The campaign started on the 1st of March 2015, timing to monitor the Saint Patrick storm effects on the ionosphere by means of ionosondes, double frequency hardware and software defined radio GNSS receivers, ground based and spaceborne magnetometers and Langmuir probe. Such multi-instrumental and multi-parametric observations of the region enables an in-depth investigation of the ionospheric response to the largest geomagnetic storm of the current solar cycle. The observations record positive and negative ionospheric storms, sporadic E layer and spread F conditions, scintillations enhancement and inhibition, TEC gradients. The ancillary information on the local magnetic field allows to highlight the variety of ionospheric perturbations happened during the main and the long recovery phase of the storm.The paper presents the outcomes of the investigation evidencing the peculiarities of a region not yet extensively reported in the open literature.
First Floor Plan U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Therapeutic ...
First Floor Plan - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Therapeutic Exercise Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
North and South Elevations U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, ...
North and South Elevations - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Therapeutic Exercise Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Interior, food processing room, looking northeast U.S. Veterans Hospital, ...
Interior, food processing room, looking northeast - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Kitchen, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Magne, Sylvain; Boussoir, Jonathan; Rougeault, Stephane; Marty-Dewynter, Veronique; Ferdinand, Pierre; Bureau, Lionel
Most civil engineering structures have been built in the 50's and 60's and reach similar level of degradation accelerated by loading conditions and corrosion. In Europe, National Authorities and the European Commission promote Health Monitoring concepts, instrumentation of existing structures and help in the design of new durable structures of higher performance. In this context, the CEA-List has achieved a non-exclusive industrial transfer of its Bragg grating sensing technology for civil engineering applications to Hydrolog (French SME), supported by the European Community and the french ministry of Industry. In order to check the reliability and user-friendliness of this instrumentation, eleven spectrally-multiplexed Bragg grating-based extensometers, four FBG temperature sensors and an acquisition unit have been installed into the Saint-Jean bridge in Bordeaux, France with the help of the Infrastructure Regional Direction (DRE-Aquitaine) and the Bordeaux Authority (Communaute Urbaine de Bordeaux). A standardized loading of the bridge has been performed on October 29, 1001, with the purpose of correlating its mechanical reaction to loading conditions. Moreover, the equipment has been operating for one year to take into account the winter-summer cycle.
Promoting Exercise and Physical Fitness in the Medical School Curriculum.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cohen, Jerome D.; And Others
An elective course focusing on exercise physiology and cardiovascular fitness offered at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine consists of weekly lectures and student self-designed fitness programs. Student participation correlates with significantly increased levels of student maximum oxygen consumption, a moderate training effect.…
U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and ...
U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Saint Joseph's University Institute for Environmental Stewardship
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
McCann, Micahel P.; Springer, Clint J.
feedstocks under future climate scenarios is local adaptation and not necessarily genome size as has been hypothesized in the literature. Task B: Installation of an extensive green roof system on the Science Center at Saint Joseph's University for research, research-training and educational outreach activities. An experimental green roof system was designed and installed by an outside contractor (Roofmeadows) on the roof of the Science Center at Saint Joseph's University. The roof system includes four test plots, each with a different drainage system, instrumentation to monitor storm water retention, roof deck temperature, heat flux into and out of the building, rain fall, wind speed and direction, relative humidity and heat emission from the roof system. The vegetative roof was planted with 26 species of plants, distributed throughout the roof area, to assess species/variety growth and coverage characteristics, both in terms of the different drain layer systems, and in terms of the different exposures along the north to south axis of the building. Analysis of the drain layer performance, in terms of storm water retention, shows that the aggregate (stone) drainage layer system performed the best, with the moisture management mat system second, and the geotextile drain layer and reservoir sheet layer systems coming in last. This information is of value in the planning and design of vegetative roof systems since the different types of drainage layer systems have different installation costs and different weights. The different drainage layer systems also seem to be having an impact on plant growth and spread with the test plot with the reservoir sheet layer actually having the poorest plant coverage and plant spread of all areas of the roof studied. Plant growth performance analysis is ongoing, but significant differences have been observed in the third growing season ('13) along the north to south axis, with most species doing better towards the northern end of the roof (in
Building Sections and Detailed Wall Sections U.S. Veterans Hospital, ...
Building Sections and Detailed Wall Sections - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Therapeutic Exercise Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bonev, Boncho; Gibb, E. L.; Brewer, G.; Novak, R.; Mandell, A. M.; Seaton, P.; Price, J.; Long, T.; Bahar, S.; Edwards, S. S.
Developing a full-year program to support secondary and middle school science education is a key part of the "broader impact” component of NSF Grant AST- 0807939 (PI/Co-PI Bonev/Gibb). This program is realized at two stages: (1) a professional development course for teachers is offered during the summer; (2) during the subsequent academic year we collaborate with educators in lessons planning or curriculum development as demanded in their particular schools. We successfully offered the course “ Comets, Origins, and Life: Interdisciplinary Science in the Secondary Classroom ” (45 contact hours; 3 credits) in the summers of 2009 and 2010 at the Catholic University of America. This class demonstrates how a complex hypothesis - for the delivery of water and prebiotic organic matter to early Earth - is being tested by integrating astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, and Earth and planetary science. Collaborations with participants from the 2009 class include curriculum development within the Earth Science program in Prince Georges county, MD and strengthening science in Washington DC public schools. Our next step is to offer our class in the Saint Louis, MO area. The main challenge in our work with educators is not to present them with "interesting information", but to fit what we offer within the very particular curriculum expectations of their school districts. These curriculum expectations often vary from district to district and sometimes from year to year. We gratefully acknowledge the support by the NSF, allowing to fully integrate our research area into education. We also gratefully acknowledge our collaborations with the Goddard Center for Astrobiology and the Howard B. Owens Science Center (both in MD) in developing our class curriculum. Educators interested in this program can contact Boncho Bonev (; for the Washington DC and Baltimore, MD areas) and Erika Gibb (; for the Saint Louis, MO area).
East and West Elevations and Entrance Details U.S. Veterans ...
East and West Elevations and Entrance Details - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Therapeutic Exercise Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Stanford, Joseph B; Smith, Ken R
Utah has the highest total fertility of any state in the United States and also the highest proportion of population affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the LDS or Mormon Church). Data were used from the 1996 Utah Health Status Survey to investigate how annual household income, education and affiliation with the LDS Church affect fertility (children ever born) for married women in Utah. Younger age and higher education were negatively correlated with fertility in the sample as a whole and among non-LDS respondents. Income was negatively associated with fertility among non-LDS respondents. However, income was positively correlated with fertility among LDS respondents. This association persisted when instrumental variables were used to address the potential simultaneous equations bias arising from the potential endogeneity of income and fertility. The LDS religion's pronatalist stance probably encourages childbearing among those with higher income.
Pacca, Carolina Colombelli; Marques, Rafael Elias; Espindola, José Wanderlan P; Filho, Gevânio B O Oliveira; Leite, Ana Cristina Lima; Teixeira, Mauro Martins; Nogueira, Mauricio L
Arboviruses, arthropod-borneviruses, are frequency associated to human outbreak and represent a serious health problem. The genus Flavivirus, such as Yellow Fever Virus (YFV) and Saint Louis Encephalitis Virus (SLEV), are important pathogens with high morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Brazil, YFV is maintained in sylvatic cycle, but many cases are notified annually, despite the efficiency of vaccine. SLEV causes an acute encephalitis and is widely distributed in the Americas. There is no specific antiviral drugs for these viruses, only supporting treatment that can alleviate symptoms and prevent complications. Here, we evaluated the potential anti-YFV and SLEV activity of a series of thiosemicarbazones and phthalyl-thiazoles. Plaque reduction assay, flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and cellular viability were used to test the compounds in vitro. Treated cells showed efficient inhibition of the viral replication at concentrations that presented minimal toxicity to cells. The assays showed that phthalyl-thiazole and phenoxymethyl-thiosemicarbazone reduced 60% of YFV replication and 75% of SLEV replication. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lai, Wencong; Khan, Abdul A.
A computationally efficient hybrid finite-volume/finite-difference method is proposed for the numerical solution of Saint-Venant equations in one-dimensional open channel flows. The method adopts a mass-conservative finite volume discretization for the continuity equation and a semi-implicit finite difference discretization for the dynamic-wave momentum equation. The spatial discretization of the convective flux term in the momentum equation employs an upwind scheme and the water-surface gradient term is discretized using three different schemes. The performance of the numerical method is investigated in terms of efficiency and accuracy using various examples, including steady flow over a bump, dam-break flow over wet and dry downstream channels, wetting and drying in a parabolic bowl, and dam-break floods in laboratory physical models. Numerical solutions from the hybrid method are compared with solutions from a finite volume method along with analytic solutions or experimental measurements. Comparisons demonstrates that the hybrid method is efficient, accurate, and robust in modeling various flow scenarios, including subcritical, supercritical, and transcritical flows. In this method, the QUICK scheme for the surface slope discretization is more accurate and less diffusive than the center difference and the weighted average schemes.
Dermal arteritis of the nasal philtrum in a Giant Schnauzer and three Saint Bernard dogs.
Torres, Sheila M F; Brien, Timothy O; Scott, Danny W
Arteritis of the nasal philtrum is described in four dogs. Two of the Saint Bernards were related. The lesions were solitary, well-circumscribed, linear ulcers that were neither pruritic nor painful. The age of the dogs at the time the owners first noticed the lesion ranged from 3 to 6 years. The ulcers had been present for 0.5-5 years before diagnosis was pursued. Three of the dogs experienced repeated, mild episodes of arterial bleeding from the ulcers. Two dogs also experienced a severe episode of bleeding that required surgical intervention. Histopathological findings included a V-shaped ulcer, neutrophilic dermal inflammation subjacent to the ulcer and lymphoplasmacytic dermatitis bordering the ulcer. The most remarkable pathological findings were present in the deep dermal arteries and arterioles subjacent to the ulcer. The changes were characterized by subendothelial spindle cell proliferation with marked extracellular matrix deposition that stained blue with Alcian Blue (mucin) and Masson's trichrome (collagen) and resulted in intimal thickening, and stenosis of dermal arteries and arterioles. Immunohistochemical studies suggested that the proliferating spindle cells were of either myofibroblast or smooth muscle origin (actin and vimentin positive). Anti-inflammatory therapy (glucocorticoids; tetracycline and niacinamide; fish oil) may be beneficial for long-term control of this condition, however, long-term maintenance treatment appears to be necessary.
Schaeffer, Jeff; Rogers, Mark W.; Fielder, David G.; Godby, Neal; Bowen, Anjanette K.; O'Connor, Lisa; Parrish, Josh; Greenwood, Susan; Chong, Stephen; Wright, Greg
Long-term surveys are useful in understanding trends in connecting channel fish communities; a gill net assessment in the Saint Marys River performed periodically since 1975 is the most comprehensive connecting channels sampling program within the Laurentian Great Lakes. We assessed efficiency of that survey, with intent to inform development of assessments at other connecting channels. We evaluated trends in community composition, effort versus estimates of species richness, ability to detect abundance changes for four species, and effects of subsampling yellow perch catches on size and age-structure metrics. Efficiency analysis revealed low power to detect changes in species abundance, whereas reduced effort could be considered to index species richness. Subsampling simulations indicated that subsampling would have allowed reliable estimates of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) population structure, while greatly reducing the number of fish that were assigned ages. Analyses of statistical power and efficiency of current sampling protocols are useful for managers collecting and using these types of data as well as for the development of new monitoring programs. Our approach provides insight into whether survey goals and objectives were being attained and can help evaluate ability of surveys to answer novel questions that arise as management strategies are refined.
Southeast corner, looking northwest U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, ...
Southeast corner, looking northwest - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
West wall, looking northeast U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, ...
West wall, looking northeast - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Context view, Building Nos. 2729, with Building No. 28 in ...
Context view, Building Nos. 27-29, with Building No. 28 in the center, looking west at front of buildings, from a spot south of Building No. 29 - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Medical Officer in Charge Residence, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Ground Floor Plan (Section A) U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
Ground Floor Plan (Section A) - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Ground Floor Plan (Section B) U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
Ground Floor Plan (Section B) - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
First Floor Plan (Section A) U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
First Floor Plan (Section A) - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
First Floor Plan (Section B) U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
First Floor Plan (Section B) - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Second Floor Plan (Section A) U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
Second Floor Plan (Section A) - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Second Floor Plan (Section B) U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson ...
Second Floor Plan (Section B) - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Evans, H.T.; Konnert, J.A.; Ross, M.
The structure of tetranatrolite from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec (U.S. National Museum sample R1830) with a = 13.197(7) A, c = 6.630(9) A, and space group I42d, was refined using single-crystal X-ray data. A representative formula of tetranatrolite determined from electron microprobe analysis is Na12.50K0.01Ca2.93Sr0.11Al19.09 Si20.91O79.74??nH2O. The structure has the basic natrolite Si-Al-O framework configuration with Na, Ca, Sr, and K residing within inter-framework cages. Aluminum is disordered over the T1 and T2 tetrahedral sites, with T2 > T1. Water molecules O4 and O5 coordinate the intercage atoms and have high displacement parameters, indicating disorder within the cages. The Mont Saint-Hilaire tetranatrolite structure is compared to four previously determined structures, two tetranatrolite samples from Khibiny and Lovozero, Russia and two "gonnardite" samples from Tvedalen, Norway and Gignat, France. Observations are given to indicate that the Norwegian sample deduced to be tetranatrolite rather than gonnardite. Although the crystal structures of tetranatrolite and gonnardite are very similar, it is shown that the tetranatrolite compositions differ significantly from those of gonnardite. The tetranatrolite composition series varies along the join Na16Al16Si24O80-Na12 Ca4Al20Si20O80, and is represented by the formula Na16-xCaxAl16+xSi24-x O80??nH2O, where x extends from approximately 2.4 to 3.9. In contrast, gonnardites from Arkansas and Austria have compositions that vary along the join Na16Al16Si24O80-Na4 Ca8Al20Si20O80, which are represented by the formula ???xNa16-3xCa2xAl16+x Si24-xO80??nH2O and where ??? indicates vacant intercage cation sites and x varies from approximately 0.3 to 3.2. Tetranatrolite is a dehydration product of paranatrolite and probably does not have a true stability field.
The medical mystery of Napoleon Bonaparte: an interdisciplinary exposé.
Lugli, Alessandro; Clemenza, Massimiliano; Corso, Philip E; di Costanzo, Jacques; Dirnhofer, Richard; Fiorini, Ettore; Herborg, Costanza; Hindmarsh, John Thomas; Orvini, Edoardo; Piazzoli, Adalberto; Previtali, Ezio; Santagostino, Angela; Sonnenberg, Amnon; Genta, Robert M
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 to 1821) is one of the most studied historical figures in European history. Not surprisingly, amongst the many mysteries still surrounding his person is the cause of his death, and particularly the suspicion that he was poisoned, continue to intrigue medical historians. After the defeat of the Napoleonic Army at the battle of Waterloo in 1815, Napoleon was exiled to the small island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic, where he died 6 years later. Although his personal physician, Dr François Carlo Antommarchi, stated in his autopsy report that stomach cancer was the cause of death, this diagnosis was challenged in 1961 by the finding of an elevated arsenic concentration in one of Napoleon's hair samples. At that time it was suggested that Napoleon had been poisoned by one of his companions in exile who was allegedly supported by the British Government. Since then Napoleon's cause of death continues to be a topic of debate. The aim of this review is to use a multidisciplinary approach to provide a systematic and critical assessment of Napoleon's cause of death.
Security Station and Front Entrance to hospital property, looking northeast ...
Security Station and Front Entrance to hospital property, looking northeast - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Security Station & Front Gate, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Longuevergne, Laurent; Florsch, Nicolas; Boudin, Frédéric; Oudin, Ludovic; Camerlynck, Christian
We investigate the deformation induced by water pressure variations in hydrologically active natural fractures, and recorded by tiltmeters and strainmeters. The deformation associated with a single fracture is derived using finite-element modelling (FEM). A range in fracture geometries is explored, first to highlight the sensitivity of each geometrical parameter to the deformation, and secondly to allow transfer to observation sites. Water level variations in the fracture are then derived from a hydrological model, driven by observed rainfall, and calibrated on fracture water flow measurements. The modelling results are explicitly applied to constrain the local hydrological contribution to observations with the 100-m-long hydrostatic tiltmeter installed at Sainte-Croix-aux-Mines (France). Our study shows that well-founded physical modelling of local hydrological effect allows a substantial correction of records in observatories.
Lösch, Sandra; Kim, Mi-Ra; Dutour, Olivier; Courtaud, Patrice; Maixner, Frank; Romon, Thomas; Sola, Christophe; Zink, Albert
During the American colonization in the 18th and 19th century, Africans were captured and shipped to America. Harsh living and working conditions often led to chronic diseases and high mortality rates. Slaves in the Caribbean were forced to work mainly on sugar plantations. They were buried in cemeteries like Anse Sainte-Marguerite on the isle of Grande-Terre (Guadeloupe) which was examined by archaeologists and physical anthropologists. Morphological studies on osseous remains of 148 individuals revealed 15 cases with signs for bone tuberculosis and a high frequency of periosteal reactions which indicates early stages of the disease. 11 bone samples from these cemeteries were analysed for ancient DNA. The samples were extracted with established procedures and examined for the cytoplasmic multicopy β-actin gene and Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA (IS 6110) by PCR. An amplification product for M. tuberculosis with the size of 123 bp was obtained. Sequencing confirmed the result. This study shows evidence of M. tuberculosis complex DNA in a Caribbean slave population. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Gaviño, Maria; Hermosin, Bernardo; Vergès-Belmin, Véronique; Nowik, Witold; Saiz-Jimenez, Cesareo
The organic fraction of black crusts from Saint Denis Basilica, France, is composed of a complex mixture of aliphatic and aromatic compounds. These compounds were studied by two different analytical approaches: tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) thermochemolysis in combination with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and solvent extraction, fractionation by silica column, and identification of the fraction components by GC-MS. The first approach, feasible at the microscale level, is able to supply fairly general information on a wide range of compounds. Using the second approach, we were able to separate the complex mixture of compounds into four fractions, enabling a better identification of the extractable compounds. These compounds belong to different classes: aliphatic hydrocarbons (nalkanes, n-alkenes), aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids (n-fatty acids, alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acids, and benzenecarboxylic acids), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and molecular biomarkers (isoprenoid hydrocarbons, diterpenoids, and triterpenoids). With each approach, similar classes of compounds were identified, although TMAH thermochemolysis failed to identify compounds present at low concentrations in black crusts. The two proposed methodological approaches are complementary, particularly in the study of polar fractions.
Lambe, J; Noone, I; Lonergan, R; Tubridy, N
Fabry disease is an X-linked recessive lysosomal storage disorder that provokes multi-organ morbidity, including early-onset stroke. Worldwide prevalence may be greater than previously estimated, with many experiencing first stroke prior to diagnosis of Fabry disease. The aim of this study is to screen a cohort of stroke patients under 70 years of age, evaluating the clinical and economic efficacy of such a broad screening programme for Fabry disease. All stroke patients under 70 years of age who were entered into the Saint Vincent's University Hospital stroke database over a 6-month period underwent enzyme analysis and/or genetic testing as appropriate for Fabry disease. Patients' past medical histories were analysed for clinical signs suggestive of Fabry disease. Cost-effectiveness analysis of testing was performed and compared to overall economic impact of young stroke in Ireland. Of 22 patients tested for Fabry disease, no new cases were detected. Few clinical indicators of Fabry disease were identified at the time of testing. Broad screening programmes for Fabry disease are highly unlikely to offset the cost of testing. The efficacy of future screening programmes will depend on careful selection of an appropriate patient cohort of young stroke patients with multi-organ morbidity and a positive family history.
West wall, detail of main entrance, looking northeast U.S. ...
West wall, detail of main entrance, looking northeast - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
West (front) wall, looking southeast, showing main entrance U.S. ...
West (front) wall, looking southeast, showing main entrance - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Spinal Cord Injury Unit and Tuberculosis Neuropsychiatric Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Interior, first floor, central lobby, detail of dedication plaque of ...
Interior, first floor, central lobby, detail of dedication plaque of terrazzo floor, looking west - U.S. Veterans Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Admissions Building, VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks Division 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Independent City, MO
Geosphere - Cryosphere Interactions in the Saint Elias orogen, Alaska and Yukon (Invited)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bruhn, R. L.; Sauber, J. M.; Forster, R. R.; Cotton, M. M.
North America's largest alpine and piedmont glaciers occur in the Saint Elias orogen, where microplate collision together with the transition from transform faulting to subduction along the North American plate boundary, create extreme topographic relief, unusually high annual precipitation by orographic lift, and crustal displacements induced by both tectonic and glacio-isostatic deformation. Lithosphere-scale structure dominates the spatial pattern of glaciation; the piedmont Bering and Agassiz-Malaspina glaciers lay along deeply eroded troughs where reverse faults rise from the underlying Aleutian megathrust. The alpine Seward and Bagley Ice Valley glaciers flow along an early Tertiary plate boundary that has been reactivated by reverse faulting, and also by dextral shearing at the NW end of the Fairweather transform fault. Folding above a crustal-scale fault ramp near Icy Bay localizes orographic uplift of air masses, creating alpine glaciers that spill off the highlands into large ice falls, and rapidly dissect evolving structure by erosion. The rate and orientation of ice surface velocities, and the location of crevassing and folding partly reflect changes in basal topography of the glaciers caused by differential erosion of strata, and juxtaposition of variably oriented structures across faults. The effects of basal topography on ice flow are investigated using remote sensing measurements and analog models of glacier flow over uneven topography. Deformation of the ice in turn affects englacial hydrology and sub-ice fluvial systems, potentially impacting ice mass balance, on-set of surging, and loci of glacier quakes. The glaciers impact tectonics by localizing uplift and exhumation within the orogen, and modulating tectonic stress fields as ice masses wax and wane. This is particularly evident in crustal seismicity rates at annual to decadal time scales, while stratigraphy of coastal terraces record both earthquake deformation and glacial isostasy over
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Furgerot, Lucille; Mouazé, Dominique; Tessier, Bernadette; Perez, Laurent; Haquin, Sylvain; Weill, Pierre; Crave, Alain
Tidal bores are believed to induce significant sediment transport in macrotidal estuaries. However, due to high turbulence and very large suspended sediment concentration (SSC), the measurement of sediment transport induced by a tidal bore is actually a technical challenge. Consequently, very few quantitative data have been published so far. This paper presents SSC measurements performed in the Sée River estuary (Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, northwestern France) during the tidal bore passage with direct and indirect (optical) methods. Both methods are calibrated in laboratory in order to verify the consistency of measurements, to calculate the uncertainties, and to correct the raw data. The SSC measurements coupled with ADCP velocity data are used to calculate the instantaneous sediment transport (qs) associated with the tidal bore passage (up to 40 kg/m2/s).
Korneyev, Severyn V; Korneyev, Valery A
The type specimens of fruit flies described by Dr. Theodor Becker based on material collected in China (Xinjiang and Xizang) and Iran by Russian expeditions directed by Petr Kozlov and Mykola Zarudny are listed and figured. They are deposited in the collection of the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg with some duplicates in the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin. Current concepts of the species, their morphological characters (illustrated by photographs of type specimens), current condition, and nomenclature are discussed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fekri, A.; Mohamed, L.
Egypt has a big water shortage problem because of the high population density and the lack of the surface water resources. So it was necessary to identify additional clean water resources and among all of the other alternative water resources, groundwater should be the most appropriate choice for Egyptians to explore and develop. Saint Katherine area is located in the highest mountainous area of southern Sinai including parallel ridges separated by deep wadis which have been cut along faults and fractures and enlarged through intense precipitation events during the old pluvial periods. Katherina volcanics and the surrounding granitic rocks in Saint Katherine area, which are generally impermeable except through fractures such as faults, joints and shear zones, are recharged with 50 mm annual precipitation. The groundwater recharge find a way through sets of interconnected joints to feed the existing wells in the low-lying fault zones. After the St. Katherine Protectorate was activated in 1996, public awareness of the possible harmful impact of the existing inadequate sewage disposal increased. The groundwater contamination (nitrates and coliform bacteria) in St. Katherine area causes health problems such as diarrhea and skin infections due to the use of well water for household purposes. This study will focus on; monitoring, evaluating and cleaning up the contaminant distribution in St. Katherine groundwater, using a conceptual model for the fault control on the groundwater flow in fractured basement aquifers to understand the possible pathways for the contaminated groundwater (using remote sensing data), and by preparing disinfectant tracers. It is known that Coliform bacteria could be treated by using Sulfanilamide drug, but in this study we will modify the Sulfanilamide compounds which are considered as ligands containing N, O, S donor atoms that could be used to uptake the transition metals, and produce a colored complex. The produced complex will work as a
Rivarola, María Elisa; Tauro, Laura Beatriz; Llinás, Guillermo Albrieu; Contigiani, Marta Silvia
Saint Louis encephalitis virus caused an outbreak of febrile illness and encephalitis cases in Córdoba, Argentina, in 2005. During this outbreak, the strain CbaAr-4005 was isolated from Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. We hypothesised that this epidemic variant would be more virulent in a mouse model than two other non-epidemic strains (78V-6507 and CorAn-9275) isolated under different epidemiological conditions. To test this hypothesis, we performed a biological characterisation in a murine model, including mortality, morbidity and infection percentages and lethal infection indices using the three strains. Mice were separated into age groups (7, 10 and 21-day-old mice) and analysed after infection. The strain CbaAr-4005 was the most infective and lethal of the three variants, whereas the other two strains exhibited a decreasing mortality percentage with increasing animal age. The strain CbaAr-4005 produced the highest morbidity percentages and no significant differences among age groups were observed. The epidemic strain caused signs of illness in all inoculated animals and showed narrower ranges from the onset of symptoms than the other strains. CbaAr-4005 was the most virulent for Swiss albino mice. Our results highlight the importance of performing biological characterisations of arbovirus strains likely to be responsible for emerging or reemerging human diseases. PMID:24810175
Slavin, Stuart J; Chibnall, John T
The poor mental health of residents, characterized by high rates of burnout, depression, and suicidal ideation, is a growing concern in graduate medical education. Research is needed to gain a deeper understanding of the sources of distress as well as the sources of sustenance in residency training. The study by Mata and colleagues contributes significantly to this understanding. In addition to this line of research, however, studies are needed that assess the impact of interventions to help residents deal more effectively with the stress of training and find meaning in their work. Given the stresses of residency training, this approach may not make a dramatic difference in mental health outcomes. Efforts directed at changing the educational and clinical environments are also needed to reduce unnecessary stressors and create more positive settings for learning and clinical care. Since 2011, Saint Louis University School of Medicine has been pursuing a multipronged strategy to address these issues in the preclinical years. These efforts have led to dramatic decreases in depression and anxiety symptoms in students. An essential component of these interventions is the ongoing measurement of mental health outcomes across all four years of the curriculum. Leaders of residency programs, medical schools, and hospitals need to have the courage to measure these kinds of outcomes to spur change and track the efficacy of programs.
Stieb, D M; Burnett, R T; Beveridge, R C; Brook, J R
This study examines the relationship of asthma emergency department (ED) visits to daily concentrations of ozone and other air pollutants in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Data on ED visits with a presenting complaint of asthma (n = 1987) were abstracted for the period 1984-1992 (May-September). Air pollution variables included ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfate, and total suspended particulate (TSP); weather variables included temperature, humidex, dewpoint, and relative humidity. Daily ED visit frequencies were filtered to remove day of the week and long wave trends, and filtered values were regressed on air pollution and weather variables for the same day and the 3 previous days. The mean daily 1-hr maximum ozone concentration during the study period was 41.6 ppb. A positive, statistically significant (p < 0.05) association was observed between ozone and asthma ED visits 2 days later, and the strength of the association was greater in nonlinear models. The frequency of asthma ED visits was 33% higher (95% CI, 10-56%) when the daily 1-hr maximum ozone concentration exceeded 75 ppb (the 95th percentile). The ozone effect was not significantly influenced by the addition of weather or other pollutant variables into the model or by the exclusion of repeat ED visits. However, given the limited number of sampling days for sulfate and TSP, a particulate effect could not be ruled out. We detected a significant association between ozone and asthma ED visits, despite the vast majority of sampling days being below current U.S. and Canadian standards. Images Figure 1. A Figure 1. B Figure 2. Figure 3. PMID:9118879
Saint John's wort: An in vitro analysis of P-glycoprotein induction due to extended exposure
Perloff, Michael D; von Moltke, Lisa L; Störmer, Elke; Shader, Richard I; Greenblatt, David J
Chronic use of Saint John's wort (SJW) has been shown to lower the bioavailability for a variety of co-administered drugs including indinavir, cyclosporin, and digoxin. Decreases in intestinal absorption through induction of the multidrug resistance transporter, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), may explain decreased bioavailability. The present study characterized the response of P-gp to chronic and acute exposure of SJW and hypericin (HYP, a presumed active moiety within SJW) in an in vitro system. Experiments were performed with 3 to 300 μg ml−1 of methanol-extracted SJW and 0.03 to 3 μM HYP, representing low to high estimates of intestinal concentrations. In induction experiments, LS-180 intestinal carcinoma cells were exposed for 3 days to SJW, HYP, vehicle or a positive control (ritonavir). P-gp was quantified using Western blot analysis. P-gp expression was strongly induced by SJW (400% increase at 300 μg ml−1) and by HYP (700% at 3 μM) in a dose-dependent fashion. Cells chronically treated with SJW had decreased accumulation of rhodamine 123, a P-gp substrate, that was reversed with acute verapamil, a P-gp inhibitor. Fluorescence microscopy of intact cells validated these findings. In Caco-2 cell monolayers, SJW and HYP caused moderate inhibition of P-gp-attributed transport at the maximum concentrations tested. SJW and HYP significantly induced P-gp expression at low, clinically relevant concentrations. Similar effects occurring in vivo may explain the decreased bioavailability of P-gp substrate drugs when co-administered with SJW. PMID:11739235
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Le Solleuz, A.; Golfier, F.; Verdon, N.
Submarine gravity flows, so called hyperpycnal currents, are very fast and can be induced by a major river flood or submarine slope instability. Sedimentary deposits, due to the stacking of these events (2 or 3 per year) during millions years can constitute a very good reservoir. However, predicting the evolution of such a sedimentary filling over geological time scales is a tremendous task. Especially, the ability to predict the starting of avalanches and the knowledge of mechanisms which drive erosion and sedimentary deposits are very poor. We focus in this study on the Annot sandstones system in the Alps (SE of France) which developed a very large tertiary deep sea fan well exposed and well studied in a sedimentary point of view (tectonics, sources, facies distribution, duration, etc.). We propose here to simulate the spatial distribution of these high-concentrated submarine gravity flows taking into account density variations of the sediment-water mixture. The main difficulty of our approach consists in simulating thousands events in a reasonable computational time. The ultimate goal is to apply this numerical model to the configuration of Annot Basin and to compare our results to the different existing deposits. To understand the physical processes that drive these hyperpycnal flows (high concentrated turbidites), many researchers focused on an accurate description of the phenomenon, for example by solving the 3D Navier-Stokes equations coupled with a mass transport equation. But, if such approaches are well-suited for the description of a single event, they are too computationally expensive to predict the sedimentary deposit over millions of years, i.e. over millions of events. We propose here an adapted version of the multilayer Saint-Venant model. It allows obtaining results with a low computational time (i.e. well-suited for millions of flows). Given the difference of sediment concentration between the head and the tail of a turbidite, we have derived a
Rotela, Camilo H; Spinsanti, Lorena I; Lamfri, Mario A; Contigiani, Marta S; Almirón, Walter R; Scavuzzo, Carlos M
In response to the first human outbreak (January May 2005) of Saint Louis encephalitis (SLE) virus in Córdoba province, Argentina, we developed an environmental SLE virus risk map for the capital, i.e. Córdoba city. The aim was to provide a map capable of detecting macro-environmental factors associated with the spatial distribution of SLE cases, based on remotely sensed data and a geographical information system. Vegetation, soil brightness, humidity status, distances to water-bodies and areas covered by vegetation were assessed based on pre-outbreak images provided by the Landsat 5TM satellite. A strong inverse relationship between the number of humans infected by SLEV and distance to high-vigor vegetation was noted. A statistical non-hierarchic decision tree model was constructed, based on environmental variables representing the areas surrounding patient residences. From this point of view, 18% of the city could be classified as being at high risk for SLEV infection, while 34% carried a low risk, or none at all. Taking the whole 2005 epidemic into account, 80% of the cases came from areas classified by the model as medium-high or high risk. Almost 46% of the cases were registered in high-risk areas, while there were no cases (0%) in areas affirmed as risk free.
International Congress on Transposable Elements (ICTE) 2012 in Saint Malo and the sea of TE stories.
Ainouche, Abdelkader; Bétermier, Mireille; Chandler, Mick; Cordaux, Richard; Cristofari, Gaël; Deragon, Jean-Marc; Lesage, Pascale; Panaud, Olivier; Quesneville, Hadi; Vaury, Chantal; Vieira, Cristina; Vitte, Clémentine
An international conference on Transposable Elements (TEs) was held 21-24 April 2012 in Saint Malo, France. Organized by the French Transposition Community (GDR Elements Génétiques Mobiles et Génomes, CNRS) and the French Society of Genetics (SFG), the conference's goal was to bring together researchers from around the world who study transposition in diverse organisms using multiple experimental approaches. The meeting drew more than 217 attendees and most contributed through poster presentations (117), invited talks and short talks selected from poster abstracts (48 in total). The talks were organized into four scientific sessions, focused on: impact of TEs on genomes, control of transposition, evolution of TEs and mechanisms of transposition. Here, we present highlights from the talks given during the platform sessions. The conference was sponsored by Alliance pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé (Aviesan), Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM), Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA), Université de Perpignan, Université de Rennes 1, Région Bretagne and Mobile DNA. CHAIR OF THE ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE: Jean-Marc Deragon ORGANIZERS: Abdelkader Ainouche, Mireille Bétermier, Mick Chandler, Richard Cordaux, Gaël Cristofari, Jean-Marc Deragon, Pascale Lesage, Didier Mazel, Olivier Panaud, Hadi Quesneville, Chantal Vaury, Cristina Vieira and Clémentine Vitte.
Woodman, Neal; Koch, Claudia; Hutterer, Rainer
In 1826, Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire described the Sacred Shrew, Sorex religiosus [= Crocidura religiosa] from a series of 22 embalmed individuals that comprised a portion of the Italian archeologist Joseph Passalacqua's collection of Egyptian antiquities from an ancient necropolis near Thebes, central Egypt. Living members of the species were not discovered until the beginning of the 20th century and are currently restricted to the Nile Delta region, well north of the type locality. In 1968, the type series of S. religiosus was reported lost, and in 1978, a neotype was designated from among a small collection of modern specimens in the Natural History Museum, London. Our investigations have revealed, however, that the type series is still extant. Most of the specimens used by I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire to describe S. religiosus still form part of the Passalacqua Collection in the Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin, Germany. We summarize the taxonomic history of S. religiosus, review the history of the Passalacqua collection, and explain why the type series was thought to have been lost. We designate an appropriate lectotype from among the original syntypes of S. religiosus in the Ägyptisches Museum. Our examination of the shrew mummies in the Passalacqua collection also yielded a species previously unrecorded from either ancient or modern Egypt: Crocidura pasha Dollman, 1915. Its presence increases the number of soricid species embalmed in ancient Egypt to seven and provides additional evidence for a more diverse Egyptian shrew fauna in the archeological past. Finally, we provide details that will assist in better understanding the variety of mummification procedures used to preserve animals in ancient Egypt.
Time trend of clinical cases of Lyme disease in two hospitals in Belgium, 2000-2013.
De Keukeleire, Mathilde; Vanwambeke, Sophie O; Kabamba, Benoît; Belkhir, Leila; Pierre, Philippe; Luyasu, Victor; Robert, Annie
As several studies indicated an increase in Lyme disease (LD), notably in neighbouring countries, concerns have arisen regarding the evolution of Lyme disease in Belgium. In order to confirm or infirm the increase of LD in Belgium, we focused on hospital admissions of patients diagnosed with LD between 2000 and 2013 based on hospital admission databases from two hospitals in Belgium. Hospital databases are a stable recording system. We did a retrospective analysis of the medical files of patients hospitalized with Lyme disease in two Belgian hospitals between 2000 and 2013. The annual number of cases of LD for the two studied Belgian hospitals remained stable between 2000 and 2013, ranging from 1 for the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc to 15 for the the Clinique Saint-Pierre. No increasing trend were noted in the estimated annual incidence rate but the average estimated annual incidence rate was higher for the hospital Saint-Pierre (8.1 ± 3.7 per 100,000 inhabitants) than Saint-Luc (2.2 ± 1.5 per 100,000 inhabitants). The number of hospital cases of LD peaked between June and November. Based on hospital admissions with LD, no increasing trend was observed for the period 2000-2013 in the two studied Belgian hospitals. This is in line with other studies carried out in Belgium.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cugier, Philippe; Struski, Caroline; Blanchard, Michel; Mazurié, Joseph; Pouvreau, Stéphane; Olivier, Frédéric; Trigui, Jihane R.; Thiébaut, Eric
The macrobenthic community of Mont Saint Michel Bay (English Channel, France) is mainly dominated by filter feeders, including cultivated species (oysters and mussels). An ecological model of the bay was developed, coupling a 2D hydro-sedimentary model and two biological models for primary production and filter-feeder filtration. The filter-feeder model includes three cultivated species ( Mytilus edulis, Crassostrea gigas and Ostrea edulis), one invasive species ( Crepidula fornicata) and eight wild native species ( Abra alba, Cerastoderma edule, Glycymeris glycymeris, Lanice conchilega, Macoma balthica, Paphia rhomboides, Sabellaria alveolata, andSpisula ovalis). For cultivated and invasive species, the production of biodeposits was computed to assess their role in restimulating primary production. Chlorophyll a concentrations appeared to be strongly controlled by the filter feeders. When the pressure of each benthic compartment on phytoplankton was estimated separately wild species and the invasive slipper limpet C.fornicata were shown to be key elements in the control of primary production. Conversely, the role of cultivated species, particularly oysters, was weaker. Feedback due to the mineralization of biodeposits also appears to be crucial to fully evaluate the role of filter feeders in primary production.
Hurtado, Luis A; Santamaria, Carlos A; Fitzgerald, Lee A
The phylogenetic position of the critically endangered Saint Croix ground lizard Ameiva polops is presently unknown and several hypotheses have been proposed. We investigated the phylogenetic position of this species using molecular phylogenetic methods. We obtained sequences of DNA fragments of the mitochondrial ribosomal genes 12S rDNA and 16S rDNA for this species. We aligned these sequences with published sequences of other Ameiva species, which include most of the Ameiva species from the West Indies, three Ameiva species from Central America and South America, and one from the teiid lizard Tupinambis teguixin, which was used as outgroup. We conducted Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses. The phylogenetic reconstructions among the different methods were very similar, supporting the monophyly of West Indian Ameiva and showing within this lineage, a basal polytomy of four clades that are separated geographically. Ameiva polops grouped in a cluster that included the other two Ameiva species found in the Puerto Rican Bank: A. wetmorei and A. exsul. A sister relationship between A. polops and A. wetmorei is suggested by our analyses. We compare our results with a previous study on molecular systematics of West Indian Ameiva.
Girchenko, P; Ompad, D C; Bikmukhametov, D; Gensburg, L
Widespread use of unsafe sexual practices among women injecting drugs both practicing and not practicing sex work leads to high levels of unplanned pregnancies in this population. The goal of this study was to investigate the association between pregnancy and active drug use and sex work. Data were collected using a convenience sample of 500 women in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 2013. All women had recent experience of drug use, of which 200 were pregnant at the time of the study. The study consisted of a structured interview followed by a rapid HIV test. Pregnancy was protective against both active drug use and sex work. For HIV-positive women, these associations were stronger than for HIV-negative women: drug use prevalence ratio (PR) was 0.59 vs 0.85; for sex work, the PRs were 0.36 vs 0.64. Higher levels of education were associated with a lower prevalence ratio for active drug use and sex work in all models. Having children was not associated with active drug use or sex work. Pregnancy might be an optimal time for conducting interventions aimed at cessation of drug use and sex work among women injecting drugs.
Streaming Media Seminar--Effective Development and Distribution of Streaming Multimedia in Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mainhart, Robert; Gerraughty, James; Anderson, Kristine M.
Concisely defined, "streaming media" is moving video and/or audio transmitted over the Internet for immediate viewing/listening by an end user. However, at Saint Francis University's Center of Excellence for Remote and Medically Under-Served Areas (CERMUSA), streaming media is approached from a broader perspective. The working definition includes…
Desrosiers, Alethea; Blokhina, Elena; Krupitsky, Evgeny; Zvartau, Edwin; Schottenfeld, Richard; Chawarski, Marek
The Russian Federation is experiencing a very high rate of HIV infection among people who inject drugs (PWID). However, few studies have explored characteristics of people with co-occurring opioid use disorders and HIV, including psychiatric symptom presentations and how these symptoms might relate to quality of life. The current study therefore explored a.) differences in baseline psychiatric symptoms among HIV+ and HIV- individuals with opioid use disorder seeking naltrexone treatment at two treatment centers in Saint Petersburg, Russia and b.) associations between psychiatric symptom constellations and quality of life. Participants were 328 adults enrolling in a randomized clinical trial evaluating outpatient treatments combining naltrexone with different drug counseling models. Psychiatric symptoms and quality of life were assessed using the Brief Symptom Inventory and The World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF, respectively. Approximately 60% of participants were HIV+. Those who were HIV+ scored significantly higher on BSI anxiety, depression, psychoticism, somatization, paranoid ideation, phobic anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and GSI indexes (all p<0.05) than those HIV-. A K-means cluster analysis identified three distinct psychiatric symptom profiles; the proportion of HIV+ was significantly greater and quality of life indicators were significantly lower in the cluster with the highest psychiatric symptom levels. Higher levels of psychiatric symptoms and lower quality of life indicators among HIV+ (compared to HIV-) individuals injecting drugs support the potential importance of combining interventions that target improving psychiatric symptoms with drug treatment, particularly for HIV+ patients. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
YASIN, M. Golam; ALIM, Md. Abdul; Anisuzzaman; AHASAN, Syed Ali; MUNSI, Md. Nuruzzaman; CHOWDHURY, Emdadul Haque; HATTA, Takeshi; TSUJI, Naotoshi; MONDAL, Md. Motahar Hussain
The prevalence of snail-borne trematode (SBT) infections in farm animals on the offshore Saint (St.) Martin’s Island of Bangladesh were 68.9% for cattle, 76.7% for buffaloes, 56.3% for goats, respectively. Examination of fecal samples showed that paramphistomes infection was the most common at 50.5% followed by schistosomes at 23.7% and Fasciola at 2.3%. Fasciola infection was found in cattle (1.9%) and buffaloes (16.7%) but not in goats. Schistosome infection in cattle, buffaloes and goats were 31.1, 6.7 and 17.5%, respectively. Prevalence of SBTs was higher in older animals. Thiara tuberculata (Melanoides tuberculata) were found to serve as vector for paramphistomes and Indoplanorbis exustus for schistosomes and paramphistomes, respectively. Our results suggest that SBT and their vector snails are highly endemic on St. Martin’s Island of Bangladesh, and proper attention is needed to control these infections. PMID:29503348
Arcese, Guillaume; Drunat, Olivier; Arbault, Sylvie; Gonthier, Régis
In France between 700,000 and 800,000 people will be covered by legal protection. The opening of any measure is conditioned by a detailed medical certificate. It is drawn up by a doctor registered on the list drawn up by the public prosecutor. No specific training is required. A single piece of legislation frames the content of the certificates. We therefore investigated whether the medical certificates currently produced were in compliance with the code of civil procedure. 111 medical certificates collected and anonymized by the tribunal d'instance of Saint-Étienne, from 4 January to 3 April 2016. The certificates concerned applications for the opening of legal protection for adults over 60 years of age. 57% of detailed medical certificates satisfied the requirements of article 1219 of the code of civil procedure, with no difference between requests for curatorship and guardianship. 76% of adults had cognitive impairment, 14% had a psychiatric disability, and 10% had a functional disability. 72% medical certificates proposed a guardianship measure, 21% a reinforced curatorship and 7% a simple curatorship. The circumstances justifying the opening of a measure of protection and the way of life of the adult were respectively found in 32% and 83% of the certificates. In 49% of the cases, the doctors dispensed the majority of hearing with the judge and the right to vote was retained in 10% of the adults subject to a guardianship application. The study showed a deficiency in the application of article 1219 of the code of civil procedure but also in the information that was requested. The drafting of the detailed medical certificate requires specific medical and legal knowledge. This raises the question of the training of doctors on the list of public prosecutors. Like the medical assessment carried out in the context of the assessment of bodily injury, the detailed medical certificate must become a real expertise carried out by doctors trained in this exercise.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... 9940). The subject workers supply medical transcription services. Pursuant to 29 CFR 90.18(c... based on the Department's findings of no shift in the supply of medical transcription services (or like... supply of medical transcription services (or like or directly competitive services), and no subject firm...
Weaver, Roslyn
Metaphors of medicine are common, such as war, which is evident in much of our language about health-care where patients and healthcare professionals fight disease, or the game, which is one way to frame the nurse-doctor professional relationship. This study analyses six pilot episodes of American (Grey's Anatomy, Hawthorne, Mercy, Nurse Jackie) and Australian (All Saints, RAN) medical television programmes premiering between 1998 and 2009 to assess one way that our contemporary culture understands and constructs professional relationships between nurses and doctors. Analysis shows that these popular television programmes frequently depict conflict, with games, civil war and mutiny between nurses and doctors over patient safety rather than professionals working collaboratively in teams to deliver health-care. Although the benefit of this televised conflict is the implication that nurses are knowledgeable, skilled professionals, the negative connotations include a dysfunctional and dangerous healthcare system, and also ongoing power struggles. Given that popular culture can sometimes influence the public's understanding of real-life nursing practice, it is important to explore what these metaphors of conflict are communicating about the nurse-doctor relationship. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Hoarau, Bénédicte; Vercherin, Paul; Bois, Christophe
Irregular use of toilets can contribute to urinary and gastrointestinal disorders. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of gastrointestinal and urinary symptoms among a secondary school teenage population and to evaluate their perception and use of school toilets. 791 adolescents aged 12 to 16 filled in an anonymous questionnaire, which was administered in three secondary schools near Saint-Etienne, France. 22% reported abdominal pain at least once a week during the past two months and 26% experienced abdominal pain about once every month. 9% of schoolchildren suffered from urinary incontinence at least once during the two months before the study: 4% of boys and 13% of girls. Children had a negative perception of school toilets: 62% didn't feel safe and 54% of boys reported a lack of privacy. 34% of students avoided school toilets: 21% never used them to urinate and 85% never used them to defecate. 28% of children acknowledged they had experienced abdominal pain because they couldn't use school toilets and 29% said that they had experienced poor concentration as a result of their pain. Abdominal pain and urinary disorders are common among secondary schoolchildren. Stool and urine withholding behaviours are be widespread and affect students' concentration while at school.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhao, Jiaquan; Li, Renfu; Wu, Haiyan
In order to characterize the flow structure and the effect of acoustic waves caused by the shock-vortex interaction on the performance of the shock focusing, the incident plane shock wave with a single disturbance vortex focusing in a parabolic cavity is simulated systematically through solving the two-dimensional, unsteady Saint-Venant equations with the two order HLL scheme of Riemann solvers. The simulations show that the dilatation effect to be dominant in the net vorticity generation, while the baroclinic effect is dominate in the absence of initial vortex disturbance. Moreover, the simulations show that the time evolution of maximum focusing pressure with initial vortex is more complicate than that without initial vortex, which has a lot of relevance with the presence of quadrupolar acoustic wave structure induced by shock-vortex interaction and its propagation in the cavity. Among shock and other disturbance parameters, the shock Mach number, vortex Mach number and the shape of parabolic reflector proved to play a critical role in the focusing of shock waves and the strength of viscous dissipation, which in turn govern the evolution of maximum focusing pressure due to the gas dynamic focus, the change in dissipation rate and the coincidence of motion disturbance vortex with aerodynamic focus point.
Béliveau, Marc; Germain, Daniel; Ianăş, Ana-Neli
Diachronic analysis with a GIS-based classification of land-use changes based on aerial photographs, orthophotos, topographic maps, geotechnical reports, urban plans, and using landscape metrics has permitted insight into the driving forces responsible for landscape fragmentation in the Mont Saint-Hilaire (MSH) Biosphere Reserve over the period 1958-2015. Although the occurrence of exogenous factors, such as extreme weather and fires, can have a significant influence on the fragmentation of the territory in time and space, the accelerated development of the built environment (+470%) is nevertheless found to be primarily responsible for landscape fragmentation and the loss of areas formerly occupied by orchards, agriculture, and woodlands. The landscape metrics used corroborate these results, with a simplification of the shape of polygons, and once again reveal the difficulties of harmonizing different land uses. MSH has become somewhat of a forest island in a sea of residential development and agriculture. To counter this isolation of fragmented habitat components, forest corridors have been proposed and developed for the Biosphere Reserve and particularly for the core area. Two corridors, to the north and south, are used to connect the protected area and other wooded areas at the regional scale, in order to promote genetic exchange between populations of various species. In that regard, the forest buffer zone around the hill continues to play a key role and has great ecological value for species and ecological preservation and conservation. However, appropriate management and landscape preservation actions should recognize and focus on landscape composition and the associated geographical configuration.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
This study is part of a three-phased demonstration program to reduce energy consumption in hospitals through practical life-cycle/cost-effective modifications and alterations. Funds for the demonstration program are being provided by the American Hospital Association (AHA), the Department of Energy (DOE), and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). A thorough study and evaluation of all building systems is made to identify the most cost effective approaches to energy conservation. The primary objective of the study is to investigate and analyze energy usage of the facility and to identify all life cycle, cost-effective changes required to effect a reduction inmore » energy consumption. On November 2, 1987, Consulting Consortium, Inc., was instructed to proceed with this analysis. Initial meetings were arranged with the hospital administrators to convey the purpose of the study and to request utility billing data, small scale floor plans of the facility, and to arrange for engineering walk-through surveys. The survey at St. Anthony was initiated on December 8, 1987. This report summarizes the findings together with data and information gathered during the course of that visit and other subsequent visits. This report describes the architectural, mechanical and electrical systems of the Saint Anthony Hospital. In addition, an analysis of the base year energy usage as derived from utility bills and statement of the current energy consumption trends for the hospital, and a list of recommendations for reducing energy consumption is included.« less
Case study: improving efficiency in a large hospital laboratory.
Bartel, Marilynn
Saint Francis Health System (SFHS) consists of three hospitals and one clinic: Saint Francis Hospital (SFH); Broken Arrow Medical Center; Laureate Psychiatric Hospital; and Warren Clinic. SFHS has 670 physicians on staff and serves medical (oncology, orthopedic, neurology, and renal), surgical, cardiac, women and infant, pediatric, transplant, and trauma patients in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, which has a population of 660,000. SFH incorporates 706 staffed beds, including 126 pediatric beds and 119 critical care beds. Each year, the health system averages 38,000 admissions, 70,000 emergency department visits, 25,000 surgeries, and 3,500 births. Saint Francis Laboratory is located within the main hospital facility (SFH) and functions as a core lab for the health system. The lab also coordinates lab services with Saint Francis Heart Hospital, a physician-system joint venture. The Optimal Equipment Configuration (OEC) Project was designed by the Clinical Laboratory Services division of Premier, a group purchasing organization, with the goal of determining whether laboratories could improve efficiency and decrease unit cost by using a single-source vendor. Participants included seven business partners (Abbott, Bayer, Beckman/Coulter, Dade/Behring, J&J/ Ortho, Olympus, and Roche) and 21 laboratory sites (a small, mid-sized, and large site for each vendor). SFH laboratory staff embraced Premier's concept and viewed the OEC project as an opportunity to "energize" laboratory operations. SFH partnered with Abbott, their primary equipment vendor, for the project. Using resources and tools made available through the project, the laboratory was re-engineered to simplify workflow, increase productivity, and decrease costs by adding automation and changing to centralized specimen processing. Abbott and SFH shared a common vision for the project and enhanced their partnership through increased communication and problem solving. Abbott's area representatives provided for third
Chemical and isotopic characteristics of geothermal fluids from Sulphur Springs, Saint Lucia
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Joseph, Erouscilla P.; Fournier, Nicolas; Lindsay, Jan M.; Robertson, Richard; Beckles, Denise M.
Sulphur Springs is a vigorous, geothermal field associated with the active Soufrière Volcanic Centre in southern Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles island arc. The 'Sulphur Springs Park' is an important tourist attraction (touted as the 'world's only drive-through volcano') with some of the hot pools being developed into recreational pools. Some 200,000 people visit the park each year. Since 2001, the hydrothermal fluids of Sulphur Springs have been sampled as part of an integrated volcanic monitoring programme for the island. Gas and water samples were analysed to characterise the geochemistry of the hydrothermal system, and to assess the equilibrium state and subsurface temperatures of the reservoir. This has also enabled us, for the first time, to establish baseline data for future geochemical monitoring. The gases are of typical arc-type composition, with N2 excess and low He and Ar content. The dry gas composition is dominated by CO2 (ranging from 601-993 mmol/mol), with deeper magmatic sourced H2S-rich vapour undergoing boiling and redox changes in the geothermal reservoir to emerge with a hydrothermal signature in the fumarolic gases. Fluid contributions from magmatic degassing are also evident, mainly from the moderate to high contents of HCl and deeply-sourced H2S gas, respectively. Sulphur Springs hydrothermal waters have acid-sulphate type compositions (SO4 = 78-4008 mg/L; pH = 3-7), and are of primarily meteoric origin which have been affected by evaporation processes based on the enrichment in both δ18O and δD (δ18O = - 1 to 15‰ and δD = - 9 to 14‰ respectively) in relation to the global meteoric water line (GMWL). These waters are steam-heated water typically formed by absorption of H2S-rich gases in the near surface oxygenated groundwaters. Reservoir temperatures calculated from the evaluation of gas equilibria in the CO2-CH4-H2 system reveal higher temperatures (190 to 300 °C) than those derived from quartz geothermometry (95 to 169 °C), which
Hydrothermal Alteration in an Acid-Sulphate Geothermal Field: Sulphur Springs, Saint Lucia
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Joseph, E. P.; Barrett, T. J.
Sulphur Springs is a vigorous geothermal field associated with the Soufrière Volcanic Centre in southern Saint Lucia. Bubbling hydrothermal pools are rich in sodium-calcium sulphate, with pHs of 3-7 and temperatures of 41-97ºC. Fumaroles have temperatures up to, and at times above, 100°C. Gases from bubbling pools and fumaroles have high contents of CO2 (601-993 mmol/mol) and H2S (3-190 mmol/mol). To investigate the nature and extent of hydrothermal alteration, detailed chemical analysis was carried out on 25 altered rocks, 10 sediments from pools and creeks in the main discharge area, and 15 little-altered rocks up to 2 km away from geothermal field. Eight altered samples were also analysed for stable isotope compositions, with mineralogy determined by X-ray diffraction and mineral liberation analysis. Least-altered host rocks comprise calc-alkaline feldspar-quartz-porphyritic dacites of near-uniform composition that form massive domes and volcaniclastic units. These rocks were emplaced 10-30 Ka ago (Lindsay et al. 2013). Within the geothermal field, the dacites have been highly altered to kaolinite, quartz, cristobalite, alunite, natroalunite, smectite, native sulphur, jarosite, gypsum and amorphous compounds. Muds from grey to blackish hydrothermal pools additionally contain iron sulphides, mainly pyrite. Despite intense alteration of the original dacites, Zr and Ti have remained essentially immobile, allowing the calculation of mass changes. Major depletions of Fe, Mg, Ca, Na and commonly Si occur over an area of at least 200 x 400 m. The most altered rocks also show losses of Al, light REE and Y, implying leaching by highly acidic waters. A few altered rocks have, however, gained Al together with Si and P. Also present are m-scale zones of silica + native sulphur, wherein the silica appears to represent a residue from the leaching of dacite, rather than a hydrothermal addition. Delta-34S values of samples containing mixtures of sulphates, native sulphur and
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gerraughty, James F.; Shanafelt, Michael E.
This prototype is a continuation of a series of wireless prototypes which began in August 2001 and was reported on again in August 2002. This is the final year of this prototype. This continuation allowed Saint Francis University's Center of Excellence for Remote and Medically Under-Served Areas (CERMUSA) to refine the existing WLAN for the Saint…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nicolle, Amandine; Dumas, Franck; Foveau, Aurélie; Foucher, Eric; Thiébaut, Eric
The king scallop ( Pecten maximus) is one of the most important benthic species of the English Channel as it constitutes the first fishery in terms of landings in this area. To support strategies of spatial fishery management, we develop a high-resolution biophysical model to study scallop dispersal in two bays along the French coasts of the English Channel (i.e. the bay of Saint-Brieuc and the bay of Seine) and to quantify the relative roles of local hydrodynamic processes, temperature-dependent planktonic larval duration (PLD) and active swimming behaviour (SB). The two bays are chosen for three reasons: (1) the distribution of the scallop stocks in these areas is well known from annual scallop stock surveys, (2) these two bays harbour important fisheries and (3) scallops in these two areas present some differences in terms of reproductive cycle and spawning duration. The English Channel currents and temperature are simulated for 10 years (2000-2010) with the MARS-3D code and then used by the Lagrangian module of MARS-3D to model the transport. Results were analysed in terms of larval distribution at settlement and connectivity rates. While larval transport in the two bays depended both on the tidal residual circulation and the wind-induced currents, the relative role of these two hydrodynamic processes varied among bays. In the bay of Saint-Brieuc, the main patterns of larval dispersal were due to tides, the wind being only a source of variability in the extent of larval patch and the local retention rate. Conversely, in the bay of Seine, wind-induced currents altered both the direction and the extent of larval transport. The main effect of a variable PLD in relation to the thermal history of each larva was to reduce the spread of dispersal and consequently increase the local retention by about 10 % on average. Although swimming behaviour could influence larval dispersal during the first days of the PLD when larvae are mainly located in surface waters, it has a
Healing and morality: a Javanese example.
Woodward, M R
Javanese traditional medicine is based on Sufi Muslim notions of personhood, knowledge and magical power. This world view motivates two conflicting modalities of medical practice: one based on the magic powers of curers (dukun), the others on the religiously validated powers of Sufi saints. The association of magical and bio-medical knowledge allows Javanese to interpret traditional and bio-medical cures as components of a unified health care system. Comparison of Javanese medical, religious and political systems suggests that the structural uniformity of cultural domains derives from the hierarchical organization of cultural knowledge and that the study of traditional medicine and medical pluralism can not be undertaken apart from that of world view.
Virtual reality and medicine--from the cockpit to the operating room: are we there yet?
Saied, Nahel
Teaching medicine to medical students, physicians in training and nurses is a challenging task that has remained unchanged for decades. The airline industry has achieved a great deal of safety and quality in a technically challenging environment. Many believe that their outstanding achievement is due to team training and crew resource management using simulators and dedicated training programs. Many experts in the medical profession believe that adopting the same strategies in teaching medical students and trainees could achieve significant reductions in medical errors and improve the quality of patient care. This article explores the role of teaching medicine using virtual reality in a multitude of medical specialties and outlines the use of simulation training at Saint Louis University.
Variation of the stable isotopes of water with altitiude in the Saint Elias Mountains of Canada
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Holdsworth, G.; Fogarasi, S.; Krouse, H.R.
The stable isotopes of water, measured in melt samples taken from snow pits and cores at locations between 1,750- and 5,930-m altitude on Mount Logan and between 2,900 and 4,900 m on Mount Steele, in the Saint Elias Mountains, Yukon, show a distinctive altitudinal distribution. Several {delta}{sup 18}O and {delta}D versus altitude profiles indicate the general persistence of a nearly iso-{delta} step, or staircase structure, separating a lower region of altitude dependent isotopic fractionation between 1,750 and 3,350 m from another apparent frictionation sequence appearing above about 5,300 m. On the one hand, postdepositional changes to isotope ratios in snowmore » at different altitudes may cause distortions to an otherwise nearly monotonic isotope fractionation sequence, but the main anomaly appears to be far too large to be explained this way. On the other hand, an explanation linked to processes occuring in the lower and midtroposphere is based on established meteorological principles as well as on upper air data. This hypothesis is proposed as the primary one to explain the gross features of the observed isotope profiles. It is compatible with the concept of secondary-source moisture arriving via the upper troposphere, and it does not exclude the effects of postdepositional stratigraphic and stable isotope ratio changes. Over interannual time scales, any vertical modulation of the observed isotope-altitude structure, from, for example, changes in wind regime, would give rise to an additional signal in any ice core {delta} time series. These findings identify a potential difficulty in the interpretation of stable isotope records obtained from high mountain ice core sites. It is possible that the results may have application to atmospheric circulation modeling, where the effects of extreme topography are being studied.« less
Culp, Joseph M; Cash, Kevin J; Glozier, Nancy E; Brua, Robert B
We used mesocosms to examine the impact of different concentrations of pulp mill effluent (PME) on structural and functional endpoints of a benthic assemblage in the Saint John River (NB, Canada) during 1999 and 2000. Previous studies on this effluent's effects produced conflicting results, with field surveys suggesting a pattern of mild nutrient enrichment, while laboratory toxicity tests linked effluent exposure to moderate contaminant effects. Experimental treatments included three concentrations of sulfite pulp mill effluent (0, 5, 10% v/v PME). Endpoints for the assessment included algal biomass and taxonomic composition, benthic invertebrate abundance and composition, and insect emergence. Low concentrations of PME increased periphyton biomass and caused changes in community structure within the diatom-dominated community. Pulp mill effluent addition had little effect on several structural endpoints measured for benthic invertebrates, including abundance and taxonomic richness, but significantly changed community composition. For both periphyton and benthic invertebrates, community composition endpoints were more sensitive indicators of PME exposure. Insect emergence was a highly relevant functional endpoint. When benthic and emerged insects were combined, total abundance increased with PME addition. Results from two trophic levels, which provided multiple lines of evidence, indicated that the main impact of these PME concentrations is nutrient enrichment rather than effluent toxicity. Our findings also suggest that benthic invertebrate and periphyton assemblages, algal biomass production, and insect emergence are sensitive response measures. Future studies may confirm this observation. The consideration of both functional and structural endpoints at different trophic levels can greatly improve our understanding the effects of discharges to rivers. Such an understanding could not have been obtained using standard assessment techniques and illustrates the
Zafer, Maryam; Liu, Shiyuan; Katz, Craig L
Harmful alcohol use encompasses a spectrum of habits, including heavy episodic drinking (HED) which increases the risk of acute alcohol-related harms. The prevalence of HED in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) is 5.7% among the overall population aged 15 years and older and 10.2% among drinkers. Responsible Beverage Service interventions train alcohol servers to limit levels of intoxication attained by customers and decrease acute alcohol-related harms. The objectives of this study were to determine bar tenders' and rum shopkeepers' knowledge of and attitudes toward problem drinking and willingness to participate in server training. Researchers used convenience and purposive sampling to recruit 30 participants from Barraouile, Kingstown, and Calliaqua to participate in semi-structured interviews designed to explore study objectives. Results and conclusions were derived from grounded theory analysis. Heavy episodic drinking is common but not stigmatized. Heavy drinking is considered a "problem" if the customer attains a level of disinhibition causing drunken and disruptive or injurious behavior. Bartenders and rum shopkeepers reported intervening with visibly intoxicated patrons and encouraging cessation of continued alcohol consumption. Participants cited economic incentives, prevention of alcohol-related harms, and personal morals as motivators to prevent drunkenness. Respondents acknowledged that encouraging responsible drinking was a legitimate part of their role and were favorable to server training. However, there were mixed opinions about the intervention's perceived efficacy given absent community-wide standards on preventing intoxication and limitations of existing alcohol policy. Given respondents' motivation and lack of standardized alcohol server training in SVG, mandated server training can be an effective strategy when promoted as one piece of a multi-component alcohol policy.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ghulam, A.
DInSAR is a solid technique to estimate land subsidence and rebound using phase information from multiple SAR acquisitions over the same location from the same orbits, but from a slightly different observing geometry. However, temporal decorrelation and atmospheric effects are often a challenge to the accuracy of the DInSAR measurements. Such uncertainties may be overcome using time series interferogram stacking, e.g., permanent scatterer interferometry (Ferretti, et al., 2000, 2001). However, it requires large number of image collections. In this paper, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data pairs from the Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) sensor onboard Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) are used to measure seasonal and annual land surface deformation over Saint Louis, Missouri. The datasets cover four years of time period spanning from 2006 to 2010. With the limited data coverage that is not suitable for permanent scatterer interferometry, the paper demonstrates the efficacy of dual pair interferometry from both fine-beam single polarization mode and dual-pol polarimetric images and short baseline interferometry (SBAS) approach (Berardino, et al., 2002) with an estimation accuracy comparable to differential global position systems (DGPS). We also present the impact of using assumed phase-stable ground control points versus GPS base stations for orbital refinement and phase unwrapping on overall measurement accuracy by comparing the deformation results from DInSAR and Polarimetric InSAR with DGPS base stations and ground truthing.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sturbois, Anthony; Ponsero, Alain; Desroy, Nicolas; Le Mao, Patrick; Fournier, Jérôme
The feeding ecology of the red knot has been widely studied across its wintering range. Red knots mainly select bivalves and gastropods, with differences between sites due to variation in prey availability. The shorebird's diet is also influenced or controlled by the tidal regime. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the adaptation of foraging red knots to the megatidal environment. The variation in their diet during tidal cycles was studied in the bay of Saint-Brieuc, a functional unit for this species. The method used combined macrofauna, distribution of foraging birds and diet data. Comparative spatial analyses of macrofauna and distribution of foraging red knots have shown that the bay's four benthic assemblages are exploited by birds. By analysing droppings, we highlighted that bivalve molluscs are the main component of their diet, as shown in most overwintering sites. Fifteen types of prey were identified and Donax vittatus was discovered to be a significant prey item. The relative proportion of each main prey item differs significantly depending on the benthic assemblage used to forage. All available benthic assemblages and all potential feeding resources can be used during a single tidal cycle, reflecting an adaptation to megatidal conditions. This approach develops accurate knowledge about the feeding ecology of birds which managers need in order to identify optimal areas for the conservation of waders based on the areas and resources actually used by the birds.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Oubanas, Hind; Gejadze, Igor; Malaterre, Pierre-Olivier; Mercier, Franck
The upcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography satellite mission, to be launched in 2021, will measure river water surface elevation, slope and width, with an unprecedented level of accuracy for a remote sensing tool. This work investigates the river discharge estimation from synthetic SWOT observations, in the presence of strong uncertainties in the model inputs, i.e. the river bathymetry and bed roughness. The estimation problem is solved by a novel variant of the standard variational data assimilation, the '4D-Var' method, involving the full Saint-Venant 1.5D-network hydraulic model SIC2. The assimilation scheme simultaneously estimates the discharge, bed elevation and bed roughness coefficient and is designed to assimilate both satellite and in situ measurements. The method is tested on a 50 km-long reach of the Garonne River during a five-month period of the year 2010, characterized by multiple flooding events. First, the impact of the sampling frequency on discharge estimation is investigated. Secondly, discharge as well as the spatially distributed bed elevation and bed roughness coefficient are determined simultaneously. Results demonstrate feasibility and efficiency of the chosen combination of the estimation method and of the hydraulic model. Assimilation of the SWOT data results into an accurate estimation of the discharge at observation times, and a local improvement in the bed level and bed roughness coefficient. However, the latter estimates are not generally usable for different independent experiments.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Figueiredo, C. A. O. B.; Wrasse, C. M.; Takahashi, H.; Otsuka, Y.; Shiokawa, K.; Barros, D.
Large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (LSTIDs) were detected in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres over American sector during the geomagnetic storm on 17-18 March 2015, also known as the Saint Patrick's Day storm. Detrended total electronic content (dTEC) maps were made using dense GNSS network receiver data. The retrieved LSTIDs showed wavelengths of 1000 to 2000 km, phase velocity of 300-1000 m/s, and period of 30-50 min. Among them, three couples of LSTIDs were observed propagating from the polar regions to low latitudes. Two wave events observed in daytime showed the propagation direction of southwest in the Northern Hemisphere and northeast in the Southern Hemisphere, which means an asymmetric propagation against the geographic equator. The other wave event observed during the evening hour showed symmetric propagation direction, i.e., southwest in the Northern Hemisphere and northwest in the Southern Hemisphere, whereas their wavelength and phase velocity are significantly different between NH and SH. These observations indicate that the two groups of LSTID have different propagation conditions from polar to low-latitude regions. The observed asymmetric/symmetric propagation forms suggest asymmetric/symmetric auroral current activity between the northern and southern polar regions.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55480-0291: 1. Samuel B. Gault, Saint Peter, Minnesota, and Lisa R. Gault, Chaska, Minnesota, each to acquire 25 percent or more of the shares of Saint Peter Agency, Inc., Saint Peter, Minnesota, and thereby indirectly acquire control of The Nicollet County Bank of Saint...
Variational Assimilation of Sparse and Uncertain Satellite Data For 1D Saint-Venant River Models
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Garambois, P. A.; Brisset, P.; Monnier, J.; Roux, H.
Profusion of satellites are providing increasingly accurate measurements of continental water cyle, and water bodies variations while in situ observability is declining. The future Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission will provide maps of river surface elevations widths and slopes with an almost global coverage and temporal revisits. This will offer the possibility to address a larger variety of inverse problems in surface hydrology. Data assimilation techniques, that are broadly used in several scientific fields, aim to optimally combine models, system observations and prior information. Variational assimilation consists in iterative minimization of a discrepency measure between model outputs and observations, here for retrieving boundary conditions and parameters of a 1D Saint Venant model. Nevertheless, inferring river discharge and hydraulic parameters thanks to the observation of river surface is not straightforward. This is particularly true in the case of sparse and uncertain observations of flow state variables since they are governed by nonlinear physical processes. This paper investigates the identifiability of hydraulic controls given sparse and uncertain satellite observations of a river. The identifiability of river discharge alone and with roughness is tested for several spatio temporal patterns of river observations, including SWOT like observations. A new 1D Shallow water model with variational data assimilation, within the DassFlow chain is presented as well as postprocessing and observation operator dedicated to the future SWOT and SWOT simulator data. In view to decrease inverse problem dimensionality discharge is represented in a reduced basis. Moreover we introduce an original and reduced parametrization of the flow resistance that can account for various flow regimes along with a cross section design dedicated to remote sensing. We show which discharge temporal frequencies can be identified w.r.t observation ones and at which
Fischer, Marc; Staples, J Erin
In December 2013, the World Health Organization reported the first local transmission of chikungunya virus in the Western Hemisphere, with autochthonous cases identified in Saint Martin. Since then, local transmission has been identified in 17 countries or territories in the Caribbean or South America (Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Dominican Republic, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Sint Maarten). As of May 30, 2014, a total of 103,018 suspected and 4,406 laboratory-confirmed chikungunya cases had been reported from these areas. The number of reported cases nearly doubled during the previous 2 weeks. More than 95% of the cases have been reported from five jurisdictions: Dominican Republic (38,656 cases), Martinique (30,715), Guadeloupe (24,428), Haiti (6,318), and Saint Martin (4,113). The highest incidences have been reported from Saint Martin (115 cases per 1,000 population), Martinique (76 per 1,000), Saint Barthelemy (74 per 1,000), and Guadeloupe (52 per 1,000). Further expansion of these outbreaks and spread to other countries in the region is likely.
Diop, Cheikh; Dewaelé, Dorothée; Cazier, Fabrice; Diouf, Amadou; Ouddane, Baghdad
Trace metals have the potential to associate with sediments that have been recognised as significant source of contamination for the benthic environment. The current study aims assessing the trace metals contamination level in sediments from Dakar coast and Saint Louis estuary, and to examine their bioavailability to predict potential toxicity of sediments. Surface sediment samples were collected between June 2012 and January 2013 in three sampling periods from eight stations. Trace metals were analysed using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer. Geoaccumulation indexes (Igeo) showed strong pollution by Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb confirmed by enrichment factor (EF) suggesting that these metals derived from anthropogenic sources. Toxicity indexes exceeded one in several sites suggesting the potential effects on sediment-dwelling organisms, which may constitute a risk to populations' health. However, seasonal variability of metal bioavailability was noted, revealing the best period to monitor metal contamination. From an ecotoxicological point of view, concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb were above the effects range low threshold limit of the sediment quality guidelines for adverse biological effects. In addition, with Pb concentrations above the effect range medium values in some sites, biological effects may occur. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boivin, Maxime; Buffin-Bélanger, Thomas; Piégay, Hervé
The rivers of the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec (Canada), a coastal drainage system of the St. Lawrence River, receive and transport vast quantities of large wood. The rapid rate of channel shifting caused by high-energy flows and noncohesive banks allows wood recruitment that in turn greatly influences river dynamics. The delta of the Saint-Jean River has accumulated wood since 1960, leading to frequent avulsions over that time period. The wood raft there is now more than 3-km in length, which is unusual but natural. This jam configuration allows a unique opportunity to estimate a wood budget at the scale of a long river corridor and to better understand the dynamics of large wood (LW) in rivers. A wood budget includes the evaluation of wood volumes (i) produced by bank erosion (input), (ii) still in transit in the river corridor (deposited on sand bars or channel edges), and (iii) accumulated in the delta (output). The budget is based on an analysis of aerial photos dating back to 1963 as well as surveys carried out in 2010, all of which were used to locate and describe large wood accumulations along a 60-km river section. The main results of this paper show that the raft formation in the delta is dynamic and can be massive, but it is a natural process. Considering the estimated wood volume trapped in the delta from 1963 to 2013 (≈ 25,000 m3), two important points are revealed by the quantification of the wood recruitment volume from 1963 to 2004 (≈ 27,000 m3 ± 400 m3) and of the wood volume stored on the bars in 2010 (≈ 5950 m3). First, the recruitment of large wood from lateral migration for the 40-year period can account for the volume of large wood in the delta and in transit. Second, the excess wood volume produced by lateral migration and avulsion represents a minimum estimation of the large wood trapped on the floodplain owing to wood volume that has decomposed and large wood that exited the river system. Rafts are major trapping structures that provide
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
He, C.; McKenna, T. E.
A 3-D, transient, variable-density groundwater flow model (SEAWAT) is used to simulate the groundwater response to predicted sea level rise in the Saint Jones River watershed adjacent to the Delaware Estuary. Sea level rise directly leads to substantial changes in the depth of water table, and these changes can extend far inland due to the long tidal rivers in this area. This research studied the impacts of three different sea level rise scenarios (0.5m, 1.0m and 1.5m) on two concerned aspects in the area: failure of septic tank system and loss of agriculture land. The model results indicate that 1) 10% 13% of current existing septic tank will fail as the water table rise to less than 1.5meters from land surface, and 2) approximate 271 to 927 acres of agriculture land, which covers about 4% 13% of total current agriculture land in the study area, will be lost due to water table rise above the effective rooting depth. To count in the uncertainty of climate change in the future, Monte Carlo simulation was applied and a linear transformation model was created and verified to facilitate the tremendous computation.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tucci, G.; Bonora, V.; Conti, A.; Fiorini, L.
In recent years, the GeCo Laboratory has undertaken numerous projects to digitalize vast and complex buildings; the specific nature of the different projects has resulted in a case-by-case approach, each time working on past experiences and updating not only the hardware and software tools but also the management and processing methods. This paper presents the workflow followed for the survey of the Fortress of Saint John the Baptist in Florence, an on-going interdisciplinary project. Presently Florence's main trade fair congress centre, at the same time it hosts various buildings that bear witness to the fortress's life-history, combining constructions from the Medici and Lorraine eras with recently built exhibition facilities. Now new research has been required due to the realization of new pavilions and the regeneration of the whole complex. This has included a critical survey, material testing, diagnostic investigations and stratigraphic analyses to define the building's state of preservation. The working group comprises specialists from different institutions, amongst which the Italian Military Geographic Institute, the University of Florence, the National Research Council Institute for the Preservation and Enhancement of the Cultural Heritage, and the Florence City Council.
Welt, Marc; Mielke, Howard W; Gonzales, Chris; Cooper, Kora M; Batiste, Corey G; Cresswell, Lawrence H; Mielke, Paul W
This research examines the pattern of sediment contamination of an urban bayou of New Orleans (formerly a natural waterway) and the potential for human exposure from consumption of fish caught in the bayou. Sediments and soils of Bayou Saint John were evaluated for lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd). Sediment cores were collected at bridges (n = 130) and sites between the bridges (n = 303) of the bayou. In addition, soil samples (n = 66) were collected along the banks of the bayou. Sediments below the bridges contain significantly more (p-value approximately 10(-7)) Pb and Zn (medians of 241 and 230 mg kg(-1), respectively) than bayou sediments located between bridges (medians of 64 and 77 mg kg(-1), respectively). Sediments below bridges of the upper reaches of the bayou contain significantly larger amounts of metals (p < 10(-14) for Pb and Zn and p approximately 10(-8) for Cd) (medians of 329, 383 and 1.5, respectively) than sediments below bridges in the lower reaches of the bayou (medians of 43, 31 and 0.5 for Pb, Zn and Cd, respectively). Likewise, medians for sediments located between bridges contain significantly (p < 10(-14)) higher quantities of Pb, Zn and Cd (170, 203 and 1.8 mg kg(-1), respectively) in the upper bayou than Pb, Zn, and Cd (48, 32, and 0.8 mg kg(-1), respectively) in the lower reaches of the bayou. The potential risk for human exposure may be magnified by the fact that fishing generally occurs from the numerous bridges that cross the bayou. Poor and minority people do most of the fishing. Most people (87%) indicated they ate fish they caught from the Bayou.
Quantify ash aggregation associated to the 26 April 1979 Saint Vincent de la Soufrière eruption
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Poret, Matthieu; Costa, Antonio; Folch, Arnau
The 26 April 1979 an eruption occurred at Saint Vincent de la Soufrière volcano, West Indies, generating an extended tephra fallout deposit from the slope of the volcano toward the South of the island. This event was observed and studied by Brazier et al. (1982). This study provided a few tens of field observations that allowed an estimation of the tephra loading map and other observations on volcanological parameters such as eruptive column height, duration and erupted volume. They also provided information related to aggregation that was significant during the eruption. Here, the field observations and the meteorological fields are used in order to reconstruct the tephra dispersal by using the Fall3D model. The main goal is to better quantify the total mass of fine ash that aggregated during the eruption providing important information and constraints on aggregation processes. The preliminary results show that field observations are well captured using the simplified aggregation parameterization proposed by Cornell et al. (1983) whereas accretionary lapilli can be described adding a second aggregate class (with a diameter of 2 mm, a density of 2000 kg/m3 and a sphericity of 1) representing only a few percentage of the total amount of tephra. Such percentage was estimated by an empirical approach best fitting field observation. The simulation that best fit the field observations gives an estimation of the column height of about 12.5 km above the vent, a mass eruption rate of 6.0d+6 kg/s and a total mass of 2.2d+9 kg erupted. To go further we will use these results within the 1-D cross-section averaged eruption column model named FPLUME-1.0 based on the Buoyant Plume Theory (BPT) that considers aggregation processes within the plume.
Hublin, Jean-Jacques; Talamo, Sahra; Julien, Michèle; David, Francine; Connet, Nelly; Bodu, Pierre; Vandermeersch, Bernard; Richards, Michael P.
The transition from the Middle Paleolithic (MP) to Upper Paleolithic (UP) is marked by the replacement of late Neandertals by modern humans in Europe between 50,000 and 40,000 y ago. Châtelperronian (CP) artifact assemblages found in central France and northern Spain date to this time period. So far, it is the only such assemblage type that has yielded Neandertal remains directly associated with UP style artifacts. CP assemblages also include body ornaments, otherwise virtually unknown in the Neandertal world. However, it has been argued that instead of the CP being manufactured by Neandertals, site formation processes and layer admixture resulted in the chance association of Neanderthal remains, CP assemblages, and body ornaments. Here, we report a series of accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates on ultrafiltered bone collagen extracted from 40 well-preserved bone fragments from the late Mousterian, CP, and Protoaurignacian layers at the Grotte du Renne site (at Arcy-sur-Cure, France). Our radiocarbon results are inconsistent with the admixture hypothesis. Further, we report a direct date on the Neandertal CP skeleton from Saint-Césaire (France). This date corroborates the assignment of CP assemblages to the latest Neandertals of western Europe. Importantly, our results establish that the production of body ornaments in the CP postdates the arrival of modern humans in neighboring regions of Europe. This new behavior could therefore have been the result of cultural diffusion from modern to Neandertal groups. PMID:23112183
Scan to Bim for 3d Reconstruction of the Papal Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi in Italy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Angelini, M. G.; Baiocchi, V.; Costantino, D.; Garzia, F.
The historical building heritage, present in the most of Italian cities centres, is, as part of the construction sector, a working potential, but unfortunately it requires planning of more complex and problematic interventions. However, policies to support on the existing interventions, together with a growing sensitivity for the recovery of assets, determine the need to implement specific studies and to analyse the specific problems of each site. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the methodology and the results obtained from integrated laser scanning activity in order to have precious architectural information useful not only from the cultural heritage point of view but also to construct more operative and powerful tools, such as BIM (Building Information Modelling) aimed to the management of this cultural heritage. The Papal Basilica and the Sacred Convent of Saint Francis in Assisi in Italy are, in fact, characterized by unique and complex peculiarities, which require a detailed knowledge of the sites themselves to ensure visitor's security and safety. For such a project, we have to take in account all the people and personnel normally present in the site, visitors with disabilities and finally the needs for cultural heritage preservation and protection. This aim can be reached using integrated systems and new technologies, such as Internet of Everything (IoE), capable of connecting people, things (smart sensors, devices and actuators; mobile terminals; wearable devices; etc.), data/information/knowledge and processes to reach the desired goals. The IoE system must implement and support an Integrated Multidisciplinary Model for Security and Safety Management (IMMSSM) for the specific context, using a multidisciplinary approach.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Montes-Hugo, M.; Bouakba, H.; Arnone, R.
The understanding of phytoplankton dynamics in the Gulf of the Saint Lawrence (GSL) is critical for managing major fisheries off the Canadian East coast. In this study, the accuracy of two atmospheric correction techniques (NASA standard algorithm, SA, and Kuchinke's spectral optimization, KU) and three ocean color inversion models (Carder's empirical for SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor), EC, Lee's quasi-analytical, QAA, and Garver- Siegel-Maritorena semi-empirical, GSM) for estimating the phytoplankton absorption coefficient at 443 nm (aph(443)) and the chlorophyll concentration (chl) in the GSL is examined. Each model was validated based on SeaWiFS images and shipboard measurements obtained during May of 2000 and April 2001. In general, aph(443) estimates derived from coupling KU and QAA models presented the smallest differences with respect to in situ determinations as measured by High Pressure liquid Chromatography measurements (median absolute bias per cruise up to 0.005, RMSE up to 0.013). A change on the inversion approach used for estimating aph(443) values produced up to 43.4% increase on prediction error as inferred from the median relative bias per cruise. Likewise, the impact of applying different atmospheric correction schemes was secondary and represented an additive error of up to 24.3%. By using SeaDAS (SeaWiFS Data Analysis System) default values for the optical cross section of phytoplankton (i.e., aph(443) = aph(443)/chl = 0.056 m2mg-1), the median relative bias of our chl estimates as derived from the most accurate spaceborne aph(443) retrievals and with respect to in situ determinations increased up to 29%.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shagina, N. B.; Golikov, V.; Degteva, M. O.
Purpose: To describe a methodology for reconstruction of doses due to medical exposures for members of the Techa River Cohort (TRC) who received diagnostic radiation at the clinic of the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine (URCRM) in 1952–2005. To calculate doses of medical exposure for the TRC members and compare with the doses that resulted from radioactive contamination of the Techa River. Material and Methods: Reconstruction of individual medical doses is based on data on x-ray diagnostic procedures available for each person examined at the URCRM clinics and values of absorbed dose in 12 organs per typical x-ray proceduremore » calculated with the use of a mathematical phantom. Personal data on x-ray diagnostic examinations have been complied in the computerized “Registry of x-ray diagnostic procedures.” Sources of information are archival registry books from the URCRM x-ray room (available since 1956) and records on x-ray diagnostic procedures in patient-case histories (since 1952). The absorbed doses for 12 organs of interest have been evaluated per unit typical x-ray procedure with account taken of the x-ray examination parameters characteristic for the diagnostic machines used at the URCRM clinics. These parameters have been evaluated from published data on technical characteristics of the x-ray diagnostic machines used at the URCRM clinics in 1952–1988 and taken from the x-ray room for machines used at the URCRM in 1989–2005. Absorbed doses in the 12 organs per unit typical x-ray procedure have been calculated with use of a special computer code, EDEREX, developed at the Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene after Professor P.V. Ramzaev. Individual accumulated doses of medical exposure have been calculated with a computer code, MEDS (Medical Exposure Dosimetry System), specifically developed at the URCRM. Results: At present, the “Registry of x-ray diagnostic procedures” contains information on individual x
We revised a collection of chewing lice deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia. We studied 60 slides with 107 specimens of 10 species of the genus Ricinus (De Geer, 1778). The collection includes lectotype specimens of Ricinus ivanovi Blagoveshtchensky, 1951 and of Ricinus tugarinovi Blagoveshtchensky, 1951. We registered Ricinus elongatus Olfers, 1816 ex Turdus ruficollis, R. ivanovi ex Leucosticte tephrocotis and Ricinus serratus (Durrant, 1906) ex Calandrella acutirostris and Calandrella cheleensis which were not included in Price’s world checklist. New records for Russia are R. elongatus ex Turdus ruficollis; Ricinus fringillae De Geer, 1778 ex Emberiza aureola, Emberiza leucocephalos, Emberiza rustica, Passer montanus and Prunella modularis; Ricinus rubeculae De Geer, 1778 ex Erithacus rubecula and Luscinia svecica; Ricinus serratus (Durrant, 1906) ex Alauda arvensis. New records for Kyrgyzstan are R. fringillae ex E. leucocephalos and ex Fringilla coelebs. A new record for Tajikistan is R. serratus ex Calandrella acutirostris. The new species Ricinus vaderi Valan n. sp. is described with Calandra lark, Melanocorypha calandra; from Azerbaijan, as a type host. PMID:26902646
[The organization of system of quality management in large multitype hospital].
Taĭts, B M; Krichmar, G N; Stvolinskiĭ, I Iu; Grandilevskaia, O L
The article presents the characteristics and assessment of functioning of model of quality management in large multitype hospital. The results of work of the municipal hospital of Saint Venerable martyr Elizabeth of St Petersburg concerning the implementation of system of quality management in 2001-2011 of the foundation of principles of total quality management of medical service and principles of quality management according international standards ISO and their Russian analogues.
30 CFR Appendix to Part 253 - List of U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
.... Florida (1:24,000 scale): Allanton; Alligator Bay; Anna Maria; Apalachicola; Aripeka; Bayport; Beacon...; Miramar Beach; Myakka River; Naples North; Naples South; Navarre; New Inlet; Niceville; Nutall Rise... Level; Rock Islands; Royal Palm Hammock; Safety Harbor; Saint Joseph Point; Saint Joseph Spit; Saint...
Scott, Danny W.; Paradis, Manon
Dermatological disorders accounted for 18.8% and 15.2%, respectively, of all the dogs and cats examined at the Small Animal Clinic, University of Montreal, Saint-Hyacinthe, during a one-year period. In dogs, the most common groups of dermatological disorders encountered were bacterial folliculitis and furunculosis, allergic dermatitis, endocrinopathy, neoplasia, ectoparasitism, and immune-mediated dermatitis. The most common primary final diagnoses were bacterial folliculitis and furunculosis, atopy, food hypersensitivity, flea bite hypersensitivity, hyperadrenocorticism, and hypothyroidism. Breed predispositions were found for several canine dermatoses: bacterial folliculitis and furunculosis (collie, German shepherd, golden retriever, Newfoundland), atopy (boxer, golden retriever), food hypersensitivity (boxer, German shepherd), hyperadrenocorticism (miniature poodle), hypothyroidism (Doberman pinscher, Gordon setter), castration-responsive alopecia (chow chow), demodicosis (Old English sheepdog), and idiopathic pruritus (pit bull terrier). In cats, the most common dermatoses were abscesses, otodectic mange, cheyletiellosis, flea bite hypersensitivity, atopy, flea infestation, neoplasia, and food hypersensitivity. Himalayan and Persian cats accounted for 50% of the cases of cheyletiellosis and 75% of the cases of dermatophytosis, respectively. Hereditary primary seborrhea oleosa was seen only in Persian cats. PMID:17423707
Tao, Donghua; McCarthy, Patrick G; Krieger, Mary M; Webb, Annie B
The School of Public Health at Saint Louis University is located at a greater distance from the library than other programs on the main medical center campus. Physical distance diminishes the ease of access to direct reference services for public health users. To bridge the gap, the library developed the Mobile Reference Service to deliver on-site information assistance with regular office hours each week. Between September 2006 and April 2007, a total of 57 in-depth reference transactions took place over 25 weeks, averaging 2 transactions per week in a 2-hour period. Overall reference transactions from public health users went up 28%, while liaison contacts with public health users doubled compared to the same period the year before. The Mobile Reference Service program has improved library support for research and scholarship, cultivated and strengthened liaison relationships, and enhanced marketing and delivery of library resources and services to the Saint Louis University School of Public Health.
Tao, Donghua; McCarthy, Patrick G.; Krieger, Mary M.; Webb, Annie B.
The School of Public Health at Saint Louis University is located at a greater distance from the library than other programs on the main medical center campus. Physical distance diminishes the ease of access to direct reference services for public health users. To bridge the gap, the library developed the Mobile Reference Service to deliver onsite information assistance with regular office hours each week. Between September 2006 and April 2007, a total of 57 in-depth reference transactions took place over 25 weeks, averaging 2 transactions per week in a 2-hour period. Overall reference transactions from public health users went up 28%, while liaison contacts with public health users doubled compared to the same period the year before. The Mobile Reference Service program has improved library support for research and scholarship, cultivated and strengthened liaison relationships, and enhanced marketing and delivery of library resources and services to the Saint Louis University School of Public Health. PMID:19159004
o ° .’o Dixon, S. G. 1914. Journal of the American Medical Association. Dolan, A. 1982. St...rubva red elm x x A75 Table 62 .(continued) Occurrence by hbitat C C-U 0 4J 0 4-) 4- .SU) u- a W1 o Scientific~1 name Comnnae0 A V 0 *U-C CCEA Cannabie ...for space, food and spawning sites. Muskellunge host a number of parasites. Muskie are also subject to growth of cancerous red tumors, which result
[Environmental pollution by products of wear and tear automobile-road complex].
Levanchuk, A V
North-West State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191015. There is supposed the method for the assessment of amounts of pollutants released into the environment during the operational wear of tyre treads, brake system of cars and the road pavement. There are presented results of chemical analysis of residues of combustion. The necessity of control of products of work wear of automobile-road complex has been substantiated.
Giuseppe Moscati (1880-1927): a holistic approach to medicine.
Ponti, Giovanni; Tomasi, Aldo
Giuseppe Moscati was a physician, medical school professor and a pioneer in the field of biochemistry and Italian studies on diabetes. He was declared a Catholic saint in 1987. In order to respond better to both the physical and spiritual needs of his patients, he developed his own holistic approach to healthcare involving meticulous drug regimens, meditation and discipline. © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions:
Rheaume, S.J.; Button, D.T.; Myers, Donna N.; Hubbell, D.L.
Concerns about elevated concentrations of contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls and mercury in aquatic bed sediments throughout the Great Lakes Basin have resulted in a need for better understanding of the scope and severity of the problem. Various organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, trace metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are a concern because of their ability to persist and accumulate in aquatic sediments and their association with adverse aquatic biological effects. The areal distribution and concentrations in surficial bed sediments of 20 contaminants of concern with established bed-sediment-toxicity guidelines were examined in relation to their potential effects on freshwater aquatic biota. Contaminants at more than 800 sampling locations are characterized in this report. Surficial bed-sediment-quality data collected from 1990 to 1997 in the Lake Erie?Lake Saint Clair Drainages were evaluated to reflect recent conditions. In descending order, concentrations of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenanthrene, total polychlorinated biphenyls, chrysene, benz[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, cadmium, lead, zinc, arsenic, and mercury were the contaminants that most commonly exceeded levels associated with probable adverse effects on aquatic benthic organisms. The highest concentrations of most of these contaminants in aquatic bed sediments are confined to the 12 specific geographic Areas of Concern identified in the 1987 Revisions to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1972. An exception is arsenic, which was detected at concentrations exceeding threshold effect levels at many locations outside Areas of Concern.
Guimaraes, W.B.
Localized heavy rainfall on September 7, 1987, in Lexington and Richland Counties, South Carolina, caused severe flooding in the basins of Kinley Creek, Rawls Creek, and Stoop Creek, in the vicinity of Saint Andrews Road and the town of Irmo, South Carolina. The flooding damaged homes, furnishings, and landscaping. Rainfall, peak discharges, high-water elevations, and frequency relations of rainfall and discharge are tabulated and plotted for selected streams. The rain was most intense in the area along Rawls Creek, R-2 (tributary to Rawls Creek), Koon Branch (tributary to Rawls Creek), and the upper part of Kinley Creek. A rainfall of about 5.5 inches in 3 hours, which has a recurrence interval in excess of 100 years, was reported by local residents along these streams. High-water marks are presented in this report for Stoop Creek, Kinley Creek, K-1 (tributary to Kinley Creek), K-2 (tributary to Kinley Creek), unnamed tributary to Kinley Creek, Lowery Creek (tributary to Kinley Creek), Rawls Creek, R-2 (tributary to Rawls Creek), and Koon Branch (tributary to Rawls Creek). Peak discharges at the most downstream sites on Rawls Creek and Koon Branch had recurrence intervals of 75 years and 60 years, respectively. Peak discharges on Kinley Creek varied from 20 to 25 years north of K-1 basin to less than 10 years at K-1. The Stoop Creek basin had a recurrence interval of 10 years. (USGS)
Desmet, Peter; Brouillet, Luc
The Database of Vascular Plants of Canada or VASCAN ( is a comprehensive and curated checklist of all vascular plants reported in Canada, Greenland (Denmark), and Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France). VASCAN was developed at the Université de Montréal Biodiversity Centre and is maintained by a group of editors and contributors. For every core taxon in the checklist (species, subspecies, or variety), VASCAN provides the accepted scientific name, the accepted French and English vernacular names, and their synonyms/alternatives in Canada, as well as the distribution status (native, introduced, ephemeral, excluded, extirpated, doubtful or absent) of the plant for each province or territory, and the habit (tree, shrub, herb and/or vine) of the plant in Canada. For reported hybrids (nothotaxa or hybrid formulas) VASCAN also provides the hybrid parents, except if the parents of the hybrid do not occur in Canada. All taxa are linked to a classification. VASCAN refers to a source for all name, classification and distribution information. All data have been released to the public domain under a CC0 waiver and are available through Canadensys and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). VASCAN is a service to the scientific community and the general public, including administrations, companies, and non-governmental organizations.
76 FR 64132 - Post Office Closing
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket No. A2012-6; Order No. 902] Post Office Closing AGENCY... the closing of the Saint Lucas, Iowa post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and... Postal Service's determination to close the Saint Lucas post office in Saint Lucas, Iowa. The petition...
Garcia, Tatiana; Murphy, Elizabeth A.; Jackson, P. Ryan; Garcia, Marcelo H.
The Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator (FluEgg) is a three-dimensional Lagrangian model that simulates the movement and development of Asian carp eggs until hatching based on the physical characteristics of the flow field and the physical and biological characteristics of the eggs. This tool provides information concerning egg development and spawning habitat suitability including: egg plume location, egg vertical and travel time distribution, and egg-hatching risk. A case study of the simulation of Asian carp eggs in the Lower Saint Joseph River, a tributary of Lake Michigan, is presented. The river hydrodynamic input for FluEgg was generated in two ways — using hydroacoustic data and using HEC-RAS model data. The HEC-RAS model hydrodynamic input data were used to simulate 52 scenarios covering a broad range of flows and water temperatures with the eggs at risk of hatching ranging from 0 to 93% depending on river conditions. FluEgg simulations depict the highest percentage of eggs at risk of hatching occurs at the lowest discharge and at peak water temperatures. Analysis of these scenarios illustrates how the interactive relation among river length, hydrodynamics, and water temperature influence egg transport and hatching risk. An improved version of FluEgg, which more realistically simulates dispersion and egg development, is presented. Also presented is a graphical user interface that facilitates the use of FluEgg and provides a set of post-processing analysis tools to support management decision-making regarding the prevention and control of Asian carp reproduction in rivers with or without Asian carp populations.
Minor, Katie M.; Shelton, G. Diane; Patterson, Edward E.; Bley, Tim; Oevermann, Anna; Bilzer, Thomas; Leeb, Tosso
An inherited polyneuropathy (PN) observed in Leonberger dogs has clinical similarities to a genetically heterogeneous group of peripheral neuropathies termed Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease in humans. The Leonberger disorder is a severe, juvenile-onset, chronic, progressive, and mixed PN, characterized by exercise intolerance, gait abnormalities and muscle atrophy of the pelvic limbs, as well as inspiratory stridor and dyspnea. We mapped a PN locus in Leonbergers to a 250 kb region on canine chromosome 16 (Praw = 1.16×10−10, Pgenome, corrected = 0.006) utilizing a high-density SNP array. Within this interval is the ARHGEF10 gene, a member of the rho family of GTPases known to be involved in neuronal growth and axonal migration, and implicated in human hypomyelination. ARHGEF10 sequencing identified a 10 bp deletion in affected dogs that removes four nucleotides from the 3′-end of exon 17 and six nucleotides from the 5′-end of intron 17 (c.1955_1958+6delCACGGTGAGC). This eliminates the 3′-splice junction of exon 17, creates an alternate splice site immediately downstream in which the processed mRNA contains a frame shift, and generates a premature stop codon predicted to truncate approximately 50% of the protein. Homozygosity for the deletion was highly associated with the severe juvenile-onset PN phenotype in both Leonberger and Saint Bernard dogs. The overall clinical picture of PN in these breeds, and the effects of sex and heterozygosity of the ARHGEF10 deletion, are less clear due to the likely presence of other forms of PN with variable ages of onset and severity of clinical signs. This is the first documented severe polyneuropathy associated with a mutation in ARHGEF10 in any species. PMID:25275565
How to distinguish medicalization from over-medicalization?
Kaczmarek, Emilia
Is medicalization always harmful? When does medicine overstep its proper boundaries? The aim of this article is to outline the pragmatic criteria for distinguishing between medicalization and over-medicalization. The consequences of considering a phenomenon to be a medical problem may take radically different forms depending on whether the problem in question is correctly or incorrectly perceived as a medical issue. Neither indiscriminate acceptance of medicalization of subsequent areas of human existence, nor criticizing new medicalization cases just because they are medicalization can be justified. The article: (i) identifies various consequences of both well-founded medicalization and over-medicalization; (ii) demonstrates that the issue of defining appropriate limits of medicine cannot be solved by creating an optimum model of health; (iii) proposes four guiding questions to help distinguish medicalization from over-medicalization. The article should foster a normative analysis of the phenomenon of medicalization and contribute to the bioethical reflection on the boundaries of medicine.
77 FR 68122 - Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Savings and Loan Holding Companies
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
..., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55480-0291: 1. The Miller Family 2012 Trust U/A Dated December 21, 2012, St. Cloud... Services of Saint Cloud, Inc., Saint Cloud, MN, and thereby indirectly acquire control of Liberty Savings Bank, FSB, Saint Cloud, Minnesota. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, November 9, 2012...
78 FR 66901 - Endangered Species; File No. 16482-01
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
..., University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602 [Douglas Peterson: Responsible Party], has applied in due form... (GA), and Saint Marys (GA/FL) Rivers using gill nets and trammel nets to measure, weigh, photograph... (GA), Saint Marys Rivers (GA/FL) and Saint Johns and Nassau Rivers (FL); and new takes of Atlantic...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lindsay, Jan M.; Trumbull, Robert B.; Schmitt, Axel K.; Stockli, Daniel F.; Shane, Phil A.; Howe, Tracy M.
The Soufrière Volcanic Complex (SVC), Saint Lucia, represents one of the largest silicic centres in the Lesser Antilles arc. It comprises extensive pumiceous pyroclastic flow deposits, lava flows as well as Peléan-style domes and dome collapse block-and-ash-flow deposits. These deposits occur within and around the Qualibou Depression, a ~ 10-km diameter wide sector collapse structure. To date, vent locations for SVC pyroclastic deposits and their relationship to the sector collapse have been unclear because of limited stratigraphic correlation and few radiometric ages. In this study we reconstruct the geologic history of the SVC in light of new and recently published (U-Th)/He, U-Th and U-Pb zircon chronostratigraphic data, aided by mineralogical and geochemical correlation. Compositionally, SVC deposits are monotonous medium-K, calc-alkaline rocks with 61.6 to 67.7 wt.% SiO2 and display similar trace element abundances. Combined U-Th and (U-Th)/He zircon dating together with 14C ages and mineral fingerprinting reveals significant explosive eruptions at 640, 515, 265, 104, 60 and 40 ka (producing deposits previously grouped together as the "Choiseul" unit) and at 20 ka (Belfond unit). The mineralogically and geochemically distinct Belfond unit is a large, valley-filling pumiceous pyroclastic flow deposit distributed to the north, northeast, south and southeast of the Qualibou Depression that was probably deposited during a single plinian eruption. The unit previously referred to as ‘Choiseul tuff' is much less well defined. The typical Choiseul unit comprises a series of yellowish-white, crystal-poor, non-welded pumiceous pyroclastic deposits cropping out to the north and southeast of the Qualibou depression; however its age is poorly constrained. A number of other units previously mapped as Choiseul can be distinguished based on age, and in some cases mineral and whole rock chemistry. Pyroclastic deposits at Micoud (640 ± 19 ka), Bellevue (264 ± 8 ka), Anse
Komai, Tomoyuki
Discovery of an undescribed species of axiid shrimp from French Polynesia, Southwest Pacific, led the author to assess the taxonomic status of the two nominal genera, Manaxius Kensley, 2003 and Calaxidium Sakai, 2014. As a result, these two genera are synonymized under Calaxius Sakai & de Saint Laurent, 1989, because there are no significant differences in generic characters among the three taxa. An emended generic diagnosis of Calaxius is presented. The new species, Calaxius poupini, is morphologically similar to C. euophthalmus (De Man, 1905), C. izuensis Komai, 2011, C. kensleyi Clark, Galil & Poore, 2007, C. mimasensis (Sakai, 1967), C. pailoloensis (Rathbun, 1906) and C. sibogae (De Man, 1925), but the poorly developed armature on the ventral margin of each cheliped merus distinguishes the new species from the other six allied species. Some points of taxonomic confusion relating to Calaxius are clarified.
Medical humanities in the undergraduate medical curriculum.
Supe, Avinash
The medical humanities have been introduced in medical curricula over the past 30 years in the western world. Having medical humanities in a medical school curriculum can nurture positive attitudes in the regular work of a clinician and contribute equally to personality development. Though substantial evidence in favour of a medical humanities curriculum may be lacking, the feedback is positive. It is recommended that medical humanities be introduced into the curriculum of every medical school with the purpose of improving the quality of healthcare, and the attitudes of medical graduates.
Andall-Brereton, Glennis; Brown, Eulynis; Slater, Sherian; Holder, Yvette; Luciani, Silvana; Lewis, Merle; Irons, Beryl
To characterize high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in a sample of women in two small English-speaking Caribbean countries: Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Sexually active women ≥ 30 years old attending primary care health facilities participated in the study. Each participant had a gynecological examination, and two cervical specimens were collected: (1) a specimen for a Papanicolaou (Pap) test and (2) a sample of exfoliated cervical cells for HPV DNA testing, using the HPV High Risk Screen Real-TM (Sacace). High-risk HPV genotypes were assessed in 404 women in Saint Kitts and Nevis and 368 women in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. High-risk HPV was detected in 102 of 404 (25.2%) in Saint Kitts and Nevis and in 109 of 368 (29.6%) in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. High-risk HPV genotypes 52, 35, 51, 45, and 31 were the most common high-risk types in Saint Kitts and Nevis. In Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the most common high-risk HPV genotypes were 45, 35, 31, 18, and 51. Current age was found to be significantly associated with high-risk HPV infection in both countries. In addition, in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, high parity (> 3 pregnancies) and having had an abnormal Pap smear were found to be independent risk factors for high-risk HPV. These results contribute to the evidence on HPV prevalence for small island states of the Caribbean and support the accelerated introduction of the 9-valent HPV vaccine in the two countries and elsewhere in the English-speaking Caribbean. Use of the study's results to guide the development of policy regarding implementation of HPV testing as the primary screening modality for older women is recommended.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Réveillet, Marion; Six, Delphine; Vincent, Christian; Rabatel, Antoine; Dumont, Marie; Lafaysse, Matthieu; Morin, Samuel; Vionnet, Vincent; Litt, Maxime
This study focuses on simulations of the seasonal and annual surface mass balance (SMB) of Saint-Sorlin Glacier (French Alps) for the period 1996-2015 using the detailed SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus snowpack model. The model is forced by SAFRAN meteorological reanalysis data, adjusted with automatic weather station (AWS) measurements to ensure that simulations of all the energy balance components, in particular turbulent fluxes, are accurately represented with respect to the measured energy balance. Results indicate good model performance for the simulation of summer SMB when using meteorological forcing adjusted with in situ measurements. Model performance however strongly decreases without in situ meteorological measurements. The sensitivity of the model to meteorological forcing indicates a strong sensitivity to wind speed, higher than the sensitivity to ice albedo. Compared to an empirical approach, the model exhibited better performance for simulations of snow and firn melting in the accumulation area and similar performance in the ablation area when forced with meteorological data adjusted with nearby AWS measurements. When such measurements were not available close to the glacier, the empirical model performed better. Our results suggest that simulations of the evolution of future mass balance using an energy balance model require very accurate meteorological data. Given the uncertainties in the temporal evolution of the relevant meteorological variables and glacier surface properties in the future, empirical approaches based on temperature and precipitation could be more appropriate for simulations of glaciers in the future.
[The use of medical journals by medical students. Which medical journals are read?].
Algra, Annemijn M; Dekker, Friedo W
To investigate the role of scientific medical journals in Dutch medical curricula. Descriptive questionnaire study. In 2013, medical students (from year 3 onwards) at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), were invited to respond to an online questionnaire. They were presented with 28 multiple-choice questions and 11 statements about the use of scientific medical journals in the medical curriculum. We calculated the frequencies of the answers per question and analysed differences between medical students using two-by-two tables. The questionnaire was completed by 680 (53.0%) of 1277 invited medical students enrolled at the LUMC. Most of the respondents were those doing clinical rotations (56.6%) and 60.1% had research experience. More than half of the students read at least one scientific journal a few times per month; this percentage was 38.8% among third-year students, 49.3% among fourth-year students, 60.0% among those on clinical rotation, and was higher among students with research experience (63.3%) than among those without research experience (44.1%). Nearly 90% of students agreed with the statement that the development of academic and scientific education should take place in the bachelor's phase of medical school. Medical students start to read scientific medical journals at an early phase in the medical curriculum and this increases further when students start to undertake research projects or go on clinical rotation. Medical curricula should be constructed in such a way that medical students learn to select and interpret research findings adequately for themselves before they turn to articles from scientific medical journals.
Allineamenti di tre basiliche romane con il Sole
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sigismondi, Costantino
The astronomical azimut of a wall can be measured by timing the grazing Sun and computing the ephemerides of the Sun for that place, similarly the windows can cast sunbeams into the building allowing to time the alignments. The azimut of Saint Peter's Basilica, Saint Paul and Saint Pancratius outside the walls have been measured by timing the Sun at opportune positions.
Grill, Günther; Khan, Usman; Lehner, Bernhard; Nicell, Jim; Ariwi, Joseph
Chemicals released into freshwater systems threaten ecological functioning and may put aquatic life and the health of humans at risk. We developed a new contaminant fate model (CFM) that follows simple, well-established methodologies and is unique in its cross-border, seamless hydrological and geospatial framework, including lake routing, a critical component in northern environments. We validated the model using the pharmaceutical Carbamazepine and predicted eco-toxicological risk for 15 pharmaceuticals in the Saint-Lawrence River Basin, Canada. The results indicated negligible to low environmental risk for the majority of tested chemicals, while two pharmaceuticals showed elevated risk in up to 13% of rivers affected by municipal effluents. As an integrated model, our CFM is designed for application at very large scales with the primary goal of detecting high risk zones. In regulatory frameworks, it can help screen existing or new chemicals entering the market regarding their potential impact on human and environmental health. Due to its high geospatial resolution, our CFM can also facilitate the prioritization of actions, such as identifying regions where reducing contamination sources or upgrading treatment plants is most pertinent to achieve targeted pollutant removal or to protect drinking water resources. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In search of the saddiq: visitational dreams among Moroccan Jews in Israel.
Bilu, Y; Abramovitch, H
Folk veneration of saints (hagiolatry) plays a major role in the lives of many Moroccan Jews living in Israel and constitutes a basic ingredient of their distinctive ethnic identity. In this context, pilgrimages to the saint's tomb and visitational dreams, in which he appears in person or in some symbolic guise, are related phenomena through which the linkage to the saint is maintained and his blessing is granted to his adherents. This paper is concerned with visitational dreams collected among Moroccan Jews in a major pilgrimage center in northern Israel. An attempt is made to show how personal concerns of the dreamers are mediated through the culturally shared idiom of the saint. We discuss the basic structure of visitational dreams, the major life problems conveyed by them (drawing on illustrations from the dream collection), their therapeutic qualities and their significance in the framework of the pilgrimage to the saint's sanctuary.
Medication safety initiative in reducing medication errors.
Nguyen, Elisa E; Connolly, Phyllis M; Wong, Vivian
The purpose of the study was to evaluate whether a Medication Pass Time Out initiative was effective and sustainable in reducing medication administration errors. A retrospective descriptive method was used for this research, where a structured Medication Pass Time Out program was implemented following staff and physician education. As a result, the rate of interruptions during the medication administration process decreased from 81% to 0. From the observations at baseline, 6 months, and 1 year after implementation, the percent of doses of medication administered without interruption improved from 81% to 99%. Medication doses administered without errors at baseline, 6 months, and 1 year improved from 98% to 100%.
[Euthanasia: medications and medical procedures].
Lossignol, D
The Belgian law relative to euthanasia has been published in 2002. A physician is allowed to help a patient with intractable suffering (physical or psychological). Legal conditions are clear. However, nothing is said about medical procedures or medications to be used. The present paper will present specific clinical situations at the end of life, practical procedures and medications. A special focus is made on psychological impact of euthanasia.
Onishchenko, G G
In 2006, being the presiding country at the Group of Eight Summit for the first time, Russia proposed the issue of counteraction with infectious diseases as one of the priority issues. In addition to the realization of the priority National Health Project, which is to a large degree dedicated to the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases as well as the prevention and treatment of HIV-infection/AIDS and hepatites B and C, a meeting of the Presidium of Russian Federation State Council presided by President V. V. Putin, dedicated to the problem of HIV-infection epidemic spread, was held on April 21; the meeting resulted in the formation of Governmental Commission on the problems of HIV-infection/AIDS. On July 16, the leaders of Group of Eight during their meeting in Saint-Petersburg, discussed and validated the Declaration on counteraction with infectious diseases, reflecting the position of the leaders on the entire complex of problems connected with the spread of infectious diseases, and determining the main principles of the global strategy of counteraction with epidemics under the threats associated with the appearance of new infections, such as avian influenza, HIV-infection/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. While preparing for the Summit, Russia made a range of suggestion aimed mostly on the reinforcement of possibilities to control infectious diseases in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Practically all Russia's initiatives were supported by the partners, which was also reflected in the conclusive document of the Summit. Following Russian initiatives, Group of Eight intends to increase the effectiveness of international affords on the prevention and elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, including the use of fast response teams. To provide Russia's contribution to this initiative, modernized specialized antiepidemic teams will be used. Taking into consideration the present-day financial participation of Russian Federation in the realization of
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
The Workshop continues a series of workshops started by the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (SINP MSU) in 1985 and conceived with the purpose of presenting topics of current interest and providing a stimulating environment for scientific discussion on new developments in theoretical and experimental high energy physics and physical programs for future colliders. Traditionally the list of workshop attendees includes a great number of active young scientists and students from Russia and other countries. This year the Workshop is organized jointly by the SINP MSU and the SPbSU and it will take place in the holiday hotel "Baltiets" situated in a picturesque place of the Karelian Isthmus on the shore of the Gulf of Finland in the suburb of the second largest Russian city Saint Petersburg. Scientific program, the main topics to be covered are: * Higgs searches and other experimental results from the LHC and the Tevatron; impact of the Higgs-like boson observed * Physics prospects at Linear Colliders and super B-factories * Extensions of the Standard Model and their phenomenological consequences at the LHC and Linear Colliders * Higher order corrections and resummations for collider phenomenology * Automatic calculations and Monte Carlo simulations in high energy physics * LHC/LC and astroparticle/cosmology connections * Modern nuclear physics and relativistic nucleous-nucleous collisions * Detectors for future experiments in high energy physics The Workshop will include plenary and two parallel afternoon sessions. The plenary sessions will consist of invited lectures. The afternoon sessions will include original talks. Further details are given at
Doukas, David J; McCullough, Laurence B; Wear, Stephen
Medical education accreditation organizations require medical ethics and humanities education to develop professionalism in medical learners, yet there has never been a comprehensive critical appraisal of medical education in ethics and humanities. The Project to Rebalance and Integrate Medical Education (PRIME) I Workshop, convened in May 2010, undertook the first critical appraisal of the definitions, goals, and objectives of medical ethics and humanities teaching. The authors describe assembling a national expert panel of educators representing the disciplines of ethics, history, literature, and the visual arts. This panel was tasked with describing the major pedagogical goals of art, ethics, history, and literature in medical education, how these disciplines should be integrated with one another in medical education, and how they could be best integrated into undergraduate and graduate medical education. The authors present the recommendations resulting from the PRIME I discussion, centered on three main themes. The major goal of medical education in ethics and humanities is to promote humanistic skills and professional conduct in physicians. Patient-centered skills enable learners to become medical professionals, whereas critical thinking skills assist learners to critically appraise the concept and implementation of medical professionalism. Implementation of a comprehensive medical ethics and humanities curriculum in medical school and residency requires clear direction and academic support and should be based on clear goals and objectives that can be reliably assessed. The PRIME expert panel concurred that medical ethics and humanities education is essential for professional development in medicine.
Teaching Medical Ethics to Medical Students.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Loewy, Erich H.
The evolution and goals of teaching medical ethics, the nature of medical ethics, and integrating such teaching into the curriculum are examined. Because moral considerations are as much a part of medical decisions as technical considerations, teaching is best done in the context of real cases. (Author/MLW)
Song, Peipei; Tang, Wei
In the era of the biological-psychological-social medicine model, an ideal of modern medicine is to enhance the humanities in medical education, to foster medical talents with humanistic spirit, and to promote the integration of scientific spirit and humanistic spirit in medicine. Throughout the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), other Western countries, and some Asian countries like Japan, many medical universities have already integrated the learning of medical humanities in their curricula and recognized their value. While in China, although medical education reform over the past decade has emphasized the topic of medical humanities to increase the professionalism of future physicians, the integration of medical humanity courses in medical universities has lagged behind the pace in Western countries. In addition, current courses in medical humanities were arbitrarily established due to a lack of organizational independence. For various reasons like a shortage of instructors, medical universities have failed to pay sufficient attention to medical humanities education given the urgent needs of society. The medical problems in contemporary Chinese society are not solely the purview of biomedical technology; what matters more is enhancing the humanities in medical education and fostering medical talents with humanistic spirit. Emphasizing the humanities in medical education and promoting the integration of medical scientific spirit and medical humanistic spirit have become one of the most pressing issues China must address. Greater attention should be paid to reasonable integration of humanities into the medical curriculum, creation of medical courses related to humanities and optimization of the curriculum, and actively allocating abundant teaching resources and exploring better methods of instruction.
Do we need medical leadership or medical engagement?
Spurgeon, Peter; Long, Paul; Clark, John; Daly, Frank
The purpose of this paper is to address issues of medical leadership within health systems and to clarify the associated conceptual issues, for example, leadership versus management and medical versus clinical leadership. However, its principle contribution is to raise the issue of the purpose or outcome of medical leadership, and, in this respect, it argues that it is to promote medical engagement. The approach is to provide evidence, both from the literature and empirically, to suggest that enhanced medical engagement leads to improved organisational performance and, in doing so, to review the associated concepts. Building on current evidence from the UK and Australia, the authors strengthen previous findings that effective medical leadership underpins the effective organisational performance. There is a current imbalance between the size of the databases on medical engagement between the UK (very large) and Australia (small but developing). The authors aim to equip medical leaders with the appropriate skill set to promote and enhance greater medical engagement. The focus of leaders in organisations should be in creating a culture that fosters and supports medical engagement. This paper provides empowerment of medical professionals to have greater influence in the running of the organisation in which they deliver care. The paper contains, for the first time, linked performance data from the Care Quality Commission in the UK and from Australia with the new set of medical engagement findings.
The medical students' societies and medical students' publications.
Lim, K H
The rich corporate life of the medical student and the medical students' societies at our medical school (at the present National University of Singapore) is generally unappreciated by its graduates and regrettably, even more unknown to the medical student of today. The present generation of medical students of NUS do not know of their rich history. We have published documentation of student activities from the founding of the medical school in 1905 till the establishment of the then University of Malaya in 1950, reviewed herein. Materials presented after 1950 were gathered from personal communications from key players in the students' societies and from editors of the medical students' publications.
Beyond "medical tourism": Canadian companies marketing medical travel.
Turner, Leigh
Despite having access to medically necessary care available through publicly funded provincial health care systems, some Canadians travel for treatment provided at international medical facilities as well as for-profit clinics found in several Canadian provinces. Canadians travel abroad for orthopaedic surgery, bariatric surgery, ophthalmologic surgery, stem cell injections, "Liberation therapy" for multiple sclerosis, and additional interventions. Both responding to public interest in medical travel and playing an important part in promoting the notion of a global marketplace for health services, many Canadian companies market medical travel. Research began with the goal of locating all medical tourism companies based in Canada. Various strategies were used to find such businesses. During the search process it became apparent that many Canadian business promoting medical travel are not medical tourism companies. To the contrary, numerous types of businesses promote medical travel. Once businesses promoting medical travel were identified, content analysis was used to extract information from company websites. Company websites were analyzed to establish: 1) where in Canada these businesses are located; 2) the destination countries and health care facilities that they market; 3) the medical procedures they promote; 4) core marketing messages; and 5) whether businesses market air travel, hotel accommodations, and holiday tours in addition to medical procedures. Searches conducted from 2006 to 2011 resulted in identification of thirty-five Canadian businesses currently marketing various kinds of medical travel. The research project began with what seemed to be the straightforward goal of establishing how many medical tourism companies are based in Canada. Refinement of categories resulted in the identification of eighteen businesses fitting the category of what most researchers would identify as medical tourism companies. Seven other businesses market regional, cross
Khan, L A; Khan, S A
The Internet has revolutionized information technology. Vast amounts of latest information are available on the Internet to medical professionals. Medical surfing is fast becoming part of a doctor's profession. But the way to approach the Internet and retrieve useful information from myriads of medical websites seems a daunting task to many. This review aims to help the newcomer, the medical students and doctors in obtaining fruitful medical information while surfing. It will prevent them from the feeling of getting drowned in the ocean of medical information. As medical information is not restricted to books and journals, providing Internet addresses of different medical bodies with few salient features, will go a long way in helping attain the required information without wasting time. The Internet will soon become a universal library. Medical surfing should be included in the curriculum of all medical schools and universities.
[Relevance of the hemovigilance regional database for the shared medical file identity server].
Doly, A; Fressy, P; Garraud, O
The French Health Products Safety Agency coordinates the national initiative of computerization of blood products traceability within regional blood banks and public and private hospitals. The Auvergne-Loire Regional French Blood Service, based in Saint-Etienne, together with a number of public hospitals set up a transfusion data network named EDITAL. After four years of progressive implementation and experimentation, a software enabling standardized data exchange has built up a regional nominative database, endorsed by the Traceability Computerization National Committee in 2004. This database now provides secured web access to a regional transfusion history enabling biologists and all hospital and family practitioners to take in charge the patient follow-up. By running independently from the softwares of its partners, EDITAL database provides reference for the regional identity server.
Children's color perception in relation to habitat and skin color.
Gaines, R; Powell, G J
Developmental color perception of negroid and caucasoid children in 3 societies is examined in relation to the theories that proximity to the equator and fundus pigmentation (as measured by skin color) reduce shortwave (blue-green) in comparison with long-wave perception. The 278 4- and 8-year-old native-born, urban, English-speaking children were from latitudes 6 degrees 27' N (Enugu, Nigeria), 17 degrees 18' N (Basseterre, Saint Kitts, East Caribbean), and 34 degrees 3' N (Los Angeles, Calif.). Equal numbers of boys and girls from middle socioeconomic homes were medically examined for normal nutritional status and near vision. Children were individually tested on the Gaines Color Perception Test. The results show that short-wavelength perception is less accurate than long-wave-length perception in all locations, but most of the variance is attributable to conditions of low value or chroma stimuli rather than to proximity to the equator. There were no significant differences between Nigerian, Saint Kittitian and California caucasoid children. In accord with the pigmentation theory, young California negroid children had less accurate short-wavelength color perception than California caucasoid children. However, Nigerian and Saint Kittitian negroid children's perceptual accuracy was at least as accurate as that of caucasoid children. Amount of pigmentation does not appear to be a universal variable in children's color perception. Socioeconomic status, nutritional variables, developmental growth of the eye, or controlled stimulus conditions of the present research could account for the lack of positive relationships between color perception and habitat or skin color.
Medical History: Compiling Your Medical Family Tree
... family medical history, sometimes called a medical family tree, is a record of illnesses and medical conditions ... to consult family documents, such as existing family trees, baby books, old letters, obituaries or records from ...
[Beyond suffering, schizophrenic improvisation and therapeutic challenges].
Bizot, Tatiana
Led jointly by an actress and an occupational therapist, an 'improvisation' activity has been set up within the Sainte-Anne University Hospital SHU Sector 14 for hospitalised patients, on medical prescription. This containing environment provides psychological support and encourages patients with schizophrenia to explore their creativity and to 'let go' so as to discover new physical possibilities. The group thereby becomes a support for the relationship and the development of verbal and non-verbal communication. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
[The mandatory medical insurance through eyes of medical personnel].
Semenov, V Yu; Lakunin, K Yu; Livshits, S A
The article considers the results of sociological survey carries out among medical personnel of the Moscowskaya oblast in August-September 2013. The purpose of the study was to examine opinions of medical personnel about system of mandatory insurance in conditions of implementation of the new law regulating system of mandatory medical insurance during last three years. The sampling included 932 respondents that corresponds approximately 1% of all medical personnel in the oblast. It is established that even 20 years later after the moment of organization of the system of mandatory medical insurance not all medical personnel is oriented in it. More than 70% of respondents consider this system too convoluted and over bureaucratized and only 22.2% of respondents assume that medical insurance organizations defense interests of patient and 25.8% feel no impact of mandatory medical insurance funds on functioning of medical organizations. Most of respondents consider functions of mandatory medical insurance organizations and mandatory medical insurance funds as controlling only. Only 31% of respondents support the actual system of mandatory medical insurance.
Rawson, Kerri S.; Dixon, David; Nowotny, Petra; Ricci, William M.; Binder, Ellen F.; Rodebaugh, Thomas L.; Wendleton, Leah; Doré, Peter; Lenze, Eric J.
Depressive symptoms are common in older adults after a disabling medical event and interfere with rehabilitation and recovery from the disability. This prospective study examined the role of genetic polymorphisms implicated in synaptic integrity and stress-associated depression as predictors of depressive symptoms after hip fracture. We recruited healthy comparisons from the community and participants with hip fracture after surgical fixation from Saint Louis, Missouri hospitals. We examined the valine (Val) to methionine (Met) polymorphism in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), serotonin 1A receptor (5HT1a-rs6295) polymorphism, and the serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region (5HTTLPR) interaction with the rs25531 A to G single nucleotide polymorphism (5HTTLPR-rs25531) as predictors of depressive symptoms. We also examined whether depressive symptoms mediate the influence of BDNF genotype on functional recovery. Among 429 participants with hip fracture, BDNF Met/Met carriers developed significantly more depressive symptoms than Val/Val carriers during a four-week period after the fracture (p=.012). BDNF genotype also predicted functional recovery over the ensuing year, mediated by its effects on depressive symptoms (CI: 0.07-3.37). Unlike prior studies of stressful life events, the S′ 5HTTLPR-rs25531 variant did not predict higher levels of depressive symptoms; instead, we report an exploratory finding of an epistatic effect between BDNF and 5HTTLPR-rs25531 whereby the compounded effects of two LA alleles and BDNF Met/Met genotype elevate risk of depressive symptoms after hip fracture (p=.006). No differences between 5HT1a genotypes were found. Our findings suggest plasticity-related genetic factors contribute to the neural mechanisms of mental and functional well-being after a disabling medical stressor. PMID:25781924
Beyond "medical tourism": Canadian companies marketing medical travel
Background Despite having access to medically necessary care available through publicly funded provincial health care systems, some Canadians travel for treatment provided at international medical facilities as well as for-profit clinics found in several Canadian provinces. Canadians travel abroad for orthopaedic surgery, bariatric surgery, ophthalmologic surgery, stem cell injections, “Liberation therapy” for multiple sclerosis, and additional interventions. Both responding to public interest in medical travel and playing an important part in promoting the notion of a global marketplace for health services, many Canadian companies market medical travel. Methods Research began with the goal of locating all medical tourism companies based in Canada. Various strategies were used to find such businesses. During the search process it became apparent that many Canadian business promoting medical travel are not medical tourism companies. To the contrary, numerous types of businesses promote medical travel. Once businesses promoting medical travel were identified, content analysis was used to extract information from company websites. Company websites were analyzed to establish: 1) where in Canada these businesses are located; 2) the destination countries and health care facilities that they market; 3) the medical procedures they promote; 4) core marketing messages; and 5) whether businesses market air travel, hotel accommodations, and holiday tours in addition to medical procedures. Results Searches conducted from 2006 to 2011 resulted in identification of thirty-five Canadian businesses currently marketing various kinds of medical travel. The research project began with what seemed to be the straightforward goal of establishing how many medical tourism companies are based in Canada. Refinement of categories resulted in the identification of eighteen businesses fitting the category of what most researchers would identify as medical tourism companies. Seven other
Naranjo, Diana P; Qualls, Whitney A; Jurado, Hugo; Perez, Juan C; Xue, Rui-De; Gomez, Eduardo; Beier, John C
Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) and mosquito control programs (MCPs) diverge in settings and countries, and lead control specialists need to be aware of the most effective control strategies. Integrated Vector Management (IVM) strategies, once implemented in MCPs, aim to reduce cost and optimize protection of the populations against VBDs. This study presents a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis to compare IVM strategies used by MCPs in Saint Johns County, Florida and Guayas, Ecuador. This research evaluates MCPs strategies to improve vector control activities. Methods included descriptive findings of the MCP operations. Information was obtained from vector control specialists, directors, and residents through field trips, surveys, and questionnaires. Evaluations of the strategies and assets of the control programs where obtained through SWOT analysis and within an IVM approach. Organizationally, the Floridian MCP is a tax-based District able to make decisions independently from county government officials, with the oversight of an elected board of commissioners. The Guayas program is directed by the country government and assessed by non-governmental organizations like the World health Organization. Operationally, the Floridian MCP conducts entomological surveillance and the Ecuadorian MCP focuses on epidemiological monitoring of human disease cases. Strengths of both MCPs were their community participation and educational programs. Weaknesses for both MCPs included limitations in budgets and technical capabilities. Opportunities, for both MCPs, are additional funding and partnerships with private, non-governmental, and governmental organizations. Threats experienced by both MCPs included political constraints and changes in the social and ecological environment that affect mosquito densities and control efforts. IVM pillars for policy making were used to compare the information among the programs. Differences included how the Ecuadorian
Background Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) and mosquito control programs (MCPs) diverge in settings and countries, and lead control specialists need to be aware of the most effective control strategies. Integrated Vector Management (IVM) strategies, once implemented in MCPs, aim to reduce cost and optimize protection of the populations against VBDs. This study presents a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis to compare IVM strategies used by MCPs in Saint Johns County, Florida and Guayas, Ecuador. This research evaluates MCPs strategies to improve vector control activities. Methods Methods included descriptive findings of the MCP operations. Information was obtained from vector control specialists, directors, and residents through field trips, surveys, and questionnaires. Evaluations of the strategies and assets of the control programs where obtained through SWOT analysis and within an IVM approach. Results Organizationally, the Floridian MCP is a tax-based District able to make decisions independently from county government officials, with the oversight of an elected board of commissioners. The Guayas program is directed by the country government and assessed by non-governmental organizations like the World health Organization. Operationally, the Floridian MCP conducts entomological surveillance and the Ecuadorian MCP focuses on epidemiological monitoring of human disease cases. Strengths of both MCPs were their community participation and educational programs. Weaknesses for both MCPs included limitations in budgets and technical capabilities. Opportunities, for both MCPs, are additional funding and partnerships with private, non-governmental, and governmental organizations. Threats experienced by both MCPs included political constraints and changes in the social and ecological environment that affect mosquito densities and control efforts. IVM pillars for policy making were used to compare the information among the programs. Differences
Viswanathan, Hema; Anderson, Rodney; Thomas, Joseph
The objectives of this study were to refine a scale designed to assess attitudes toward antiretroviral medication, to examine variation in medication attitudes across clinical and demographic characteristics, and to assess relationships between medication attitudes and medication nonadherence. A cross-sectional design was used to survey individuals at least 18 years of age, currently on antiretroviral therapy, and served by a regional HIV/AIDS center. The survey was administered by pharmacy students using convenience sampling between February 2002 and August 2002. Nonadherence was measured using a nine-item scale with a higher score indicative of higher nonadherence. An antiretroviral medication attitude scale was developed based on revision of a zidovudine attitude inventory. The sample of 99 patients was predominantly male (79.8%), had an annual income of less than $10,000 (74%), and was comprised of 50% whites and 40.8% blacks. Participants were between 18 and 70 years old. Item reduction using item-total correlations and factor analytic techniques resulted in a 15-item medication attitude scale with good internal consistency (Cronbach alpha coefficient = 0.84). A multiple regression model showed a significant negative relationship between attitude toward medication and medication nonadherence after controlling for covariates including age, education, gender, ethnicity, work status, social support, CD4 cell count and number of antiretroviral medications, suggesting that more positive the attitude toward medication, lower the medication nonadherence. Findings underscore the importance of attitude toward medication as a modifiable factor that can be targeted to improve medication adherence.
Introducing medical students to medical informatics.
Sancho, J J; González, J C; Patak, A; Sanz, F; Sitges-Serra, A
Medical informatics (MI) has been introduced to medical students in several countries. Before outlining a course plan it was necessary to conduct a survey on students' computer literacy. A questionnaire was designed for students, focusing on knowledge and previous computer experience. The questions reproduced a similar questionnaire submitted to medical students from North Carolina University in Chapel Hill (NCU). From the results it is clear that although almost 80% of students used computers, less than 30% used general purpose applications, and utilization of computer-aided search of databases or use in the laboratory was exceptional. Men reported more computer experience than women in each area investigated by our questionnaire but this did not appear to be related to academic performance, age or course. Our main objectives when planning an MI course were to give students a general overview of the medical applications of computers and instruct them in the use of computers in future medical practice. As our medical school uses both Apple Macintosh and IBM compatibles, we decided to provide students with basic knowledge of both. The programme was structured with a mix of theoretico-practical lectures and personalized practical sessions in the computer laboratory. As well as providing a basic overview of medical informatics, the course and computer laboratory were intended to encourage other areas of medicine to incorporate the computer into their teaching programmes.
Faye, M
This article looks to dispel the mysteries of the 'black art' of Medical Operational Planning whilst giving an overview of activity within the Medical Operational Capability area of Medical Division (Med Div) within Navy Command Headquarters (NCHQ) during a period when the Royal Naval Medical Services (RNMS) have been preparing and reconfiguring medical capability for the future contingent battle spaces. The rolling exercise program has been used to illustrate the ongoing preparations taken by the Medical Operational Capability (Med Op Cap) and the Medical Force Elements to deliver medical capability in the littoral and maritime environments.
Medical Waste Management Implications for Small Medical Facilities.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Byrns, George; Burke, Thomas
Discusses the implications of the Medical Waste Management Act of 1988 for small medical facilities, public health, and the environment. Reviews health and environmental risks associated with medical waste, current regulatory approaches, and classifications. Concludes that the health risk of medical wastes has been overestimated; makes…
Attitudes Toward Medical Cannabis Legalization Among Serbian Medical Students.
Vujcic, Isidora; Pavlovic, Aleksandar; Dubljanin, Eleonora; Maksimovic, Jadranka; Nikolic, Aleksandra; Sipetic-Grujicic, Sandra
Currently, medical cannabis polices are experiencing rapid changes, and an increasing number of nations around the world legalize medical cannabis for certain groups of patients, including those in Serbia. To determine medical students' attitudes toward medical cannabis legalization and to examine the factors influencing their attitudes. Fourth-year medical students at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, had participated in a cross-sectional study. Data were collected by an anonymous questionnaire. Overall, 63.4% students supported medical cannabis legalization, and only 20.8% supported its legalization for recreational use. Students who previously used marijuana (p <.001) and alcohol (p =.004) were significantly more in favor of medical cannabis legalization compared with students who never used them. Support for marijuana recreational use was also related to prior marijuana (p <.001) and alcohol consumption (p =.006). Only cancer (90.4%) and chronic pain (74.2%) were correctly reported approved medical indications by more than half the students. Students who supported medical cannabis legalization showed better knowledge about indications, in contrast to opponents for legalization who showed better knowledge about side effects. Beliefs that using medical cannabis is safe and has health benefits were correlated with support for legalization, and previous marijuana and alcohol use, while beliefs that medical cannabis poses health risks correlated most strongly with previous marijuana use. Conclusions/Importance: The medical students' attitudes toward medical cannabis legalization were significantly correlated with previous use of marijuana and alcohol, knowledge about medical indications and side effects, and their beliefs regarding medical cannabis health benefits and risks.
abnormalities in pressure tracings of the systemic, the central venous or pulmonary arterial circulation. At some sites (especially the Latter-Day Saints...accurate measurement of central venous pressure has been by direct venous cannulation. However, a group of Swiss doctors has extended the principle of... venous stop flow pressure to develop a noninvasive method of measuring central venous pressure. The method consists of venous auscultation at the thoracic
... before starting any new medication. First-Line Medications: Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) These medications are called "first- ... they might try a "second-line" medication instead. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) helps smokers quit by reducing ...
Medical service plans in academic medical centers.
Siegel, B
Medical service plans are of major importance to academic medical centers and are becoming increasingly so each year as evidenced by growing dependence of medical schools on resulting funds. How these funds are generated and used varies among schools. The procedures may affect the governance of the institution, modifying the authority of the central administration or the clinical departments. Recent developments in federal legislation, such as health maintenance organizations and amendments (Section 227) to the Social Security Act, and the future development of national health insurance will certainly have an effect on how academic medical centers organize their clinical activities. How successfully various medical schools deal with the dynamic problem may well determine their future survival.
Influence of medical training on self-medication by students.
James, H; Handu, S S; Khaja, K A J Al; Sequeira, R P
To examine the influence of medical training on the knowledge, attitude and practice of self-medication by medical students. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study. A self-developed, pre-validated questionnaire containing open-ended and close-ended items was used for data collection. Medical students in the 2nd and 4th year of the medical course at the Arabian Gulf University Bahrain filled in the questionnaire anonymously. Data were analyzed using SPSS and results expressed as counts and percentages. 2-tailed Chi2-test was applied and p < 0.05 was considered significant. The respondents (n = 141) had a mean age of 19.94 A+/- 1.21 years. Overall, they had a fair knowledge about appropriate self-medication but knowledge of the benefits and risks of self-medication was adequate. Self-medication was perceived to be time-saving, providing quick relief in common illnesses, a learning experience, economical, and convenient. Among the perceived disadvantages were adverse drug reactions, inappropriate drug use, and the risk of making a wrong diagnosis. Majority of the respondents had a positive attitude favoring self-medication and read the package insert. The practice of self-medication was common and often inappropriate. The commonest indications for self-medication were cough, cold and sore throat (63.2% in Year 2) and headache (78.3% in Year 4). Mild illness, previous experience, and lack of time were the most frequent reasons for resorting to self-medication. Analgesics were the commonest drugs used, and drugs were mostly obtained from private pharmacies. Students of Year 4 had better knowledge about appropriate self-medication (58.7% versus 35.8%, p = 0.02), had greater awareness of the risks of self-medication and would discourage others from practicing self-medication (58.7% versus 40.4%, p = 0.04). They had a more confident attitude (54.3% versus 35.1%, p = 0.03) and a smaller number of them would seek a prescription (34.8% versus 54.3%, p = 0.03). They
Komissarov, Andrey; Fadeev, Artem; Sergeeva, Maria; Petrov, Sergey; Sintsova, Kseniya; Egorova, Anna; Pisareva, Maria; Buzitskaya, Zhanna; Musaeva, Tamila; Danilenko, Daria; Konovalova, Nadezhda; Petrova, Polina; Stolyarov, Kirill; Smorodintseva, Elizaveta; Burtseva, Elena; Krasnoslobodtsev, Kirill; Kirillova, Elena; Karpova, Lyudmila; Eropkin, Mikhail; Sominina, Anna; Grudinin, Mikhail
A dramatic increase of influenza activity in Russia since week 3 of 2016 significantly differs from previous seasons in terms of the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infection (ARI) and in number of lethal cases. We performed antigenic analysis of 108 and whole-genome sequencing of 77 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses from Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Most of the viruses were antigenically related to the vaccine strain. Whole-genome analysis revealed a composition of specific mutations in the internal genes (D2E and M83I in NEP, E125D in NS1, M105T in NP, Q208K in M1, and N204S in PA-X) that probably emerged before the beginning of 2015/2016 epidemic season. © 2016 The Authors. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
[Involvement of medical representatives in team medical care].
Hirotsu, Misaki; Sohma, Michiro; Takagi, Hidehiko
In recent years, chemotherapies have been further advanced because of successive launch of new drugs, introduction of molecular targeting, etc., and the concept of so-called Team Medical Care ,the idea of sharing interdisciplinary expertise for collaborative treatment, has steadily penetrated in the Japanese medical society. Dr. Naoto Ueno is a medical oncologist at US MD Anderson Cancer Center, the birthplace of the Team Medical Care. He has advocated the concept of ABC of Team Oncology by positioning pharmaceutical companies as Team C. Under such team practice, we believe that medical representatives of a pharmaceutical company should also play a role as a member of the Team Medical Care by providing appropriate drug use information to healthcare professionals, supporting post-marketing surveillance of treated patients, facilitating drug information sharing among healthcare professionals at medical institutions, etc.
... this page: // Medical marijuana To use the sharing features on this page, ... have legalized marijuana for medical use. How Does Medical Marijuana Work? Medical marijuana may be: Smoked Vaporized Eaten ...
Hakimi, R; Herre, K; Seyffer, R
This study deals with the task areas of the medical consultant in private health insurance. Although insurance medical consultation for the insurance business originated in the 19th century, the tasks and competencies of the medical consultants are still mostly unknown. This study is a complete inventory count of all insurance medical consultation requests for the year 2013. All of the 5493 insurance medical consultation requests have been evaluated. Most of the consultation requests concern the medical necessity for medical drugs, followed by the medical consultation of alternative medicine and the classification of cure and rehabilitation measures of hospital medical treatments. The need for insurance medical consultation on lifestyle drugs, cosmetic operations and artificial insemination has increased significantly in the past 10 years. Since 2009, moreover, the need for medical consultation on the subject of "Ruhensleistungen" with regard to non-payers and "Notlagentarif" has strongly increased.
Rethinking the medical in the medical humanities.
O'Neill, Desmond; Jenkins, Elinor; Mawhinney, Rebecca; Cosgrave, Ellen; O'Mahony, Sarah; Guest, Clare; Moss, Hilary
To clinicians there are a number of striking features of the ever-evolving field of the medical humanities. The first is a perception of a predominantly unidirectional relationship between medicine and the humanities, generally in terms of what the arts and humanities have to offer medicine. The second is the portrayal of medical practice in terms of problems and negativities for which the medical humanities are seen to pose the solution rather than viewing medicine as an active and positive contributor to an interdisciplinary project. Paradigms that fail to recognise the contributions of medicine and its practitioners (including students) to the medical humanities, this paper argues, will continue to struggle with definition and acceptance. This paper explores the possibilities for advancing the medical humanities through recognition of the contribution of medicine to the humanities and the importance of engaging with the arts, culture and leisure pursuits of doctors and medical students. Our research shows the richness of cultural engagement of medical students, their broad range of cultural interests and their ability to contribute to research and scholarship in the medical humanities. Mutual recognition of strengths, weaknesses and differences of scholarly approach is critical to successful development of the enterprise. Recognising and building on the interests, sympathies and contributions of medicine and its practitioners to the medical humanities is a fundamental component of this task. Future directions might include introductory courses for humanities scholars in aspects of healthcare and medicine. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
Kennedy Space Center Medical Operations and Medical Kit
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scarpa, Philip
This slide presentation reviews the emergency medical operations at Kennedy Space center, the KSC launch and landing contingency modes, the triage site, the medical kit, and the medications available.
Current trends in medical ethics education in Japanese medical schools.
Kurosu, Mitsuyasu
The Japanese medical education program has radically improved during the last 10 years. In 1999, the Task Force Committee on Innovation of Medical Education for the 21st Century proposed a tutorial education system, a core curriculum, and a medical student evaluation system for clinical clerkship. In 2001, the Model Core Curriculum of medical education was instituted, in which medical ethics became part of the core material. Since 2005, a nationwide medical student evaluation system has been applied for entrance to clinical clerkship. Within the Japan Society for Medical Education, the Working Group of Medical Ethics proposed a medical ethics education curriculum in 2001. In line with this, the Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Research in Medicine has begun to address the standardization of the curriculum of medical ethics. A medical philosophy curriculum should also be included in considering illness, health, life, death, the body, and human welfare.
Medical students' experiences with medical errors: an analysis of medical student essays.
Martinez, William; Lo, Bernard
This study aimed to examine medical students' experiences with medical errors. In 2001 and 2002, 172 fourth-year medical students wrote an anonymous description of a significant medical error they had witnessed or committed during their clinical clerkships. The assignment represented part of a required medical ethics course. We analysed 147 of these essays using thematic content analysis. Many medical students made or observed significant errors. In either situation, some students experienced distress that seemingly went unaddressed. Furthermore, this distress was sometimes severe and persisted after the initial event. Some students also experienced considerable uncertainty as to whether an error had occurred and how to prevent future errors. Many errors may not have been disclosed to patients, and some students who desired to discuss or disclose errors were apparently discouraged from doing so by senior doctors. Some students criticised senior doctors who attempted to hide errors or avoid responsibility. By contrast, students who witnessed senior doctors take responsibility for errors and candidly disclose errors to patients appeared to recognise the importance of honesty and integrity and said they aspired to these standards. There are many missed opportunities to teach students how to respond to and learn from errors. Some faculty members and housestaff may at times respond to errors in ways that appear to contradict professional standards. Medical educators should increase exposure to exemplary responses to errors and help students to learn from and cope with errors.
Political and medical views on medical marijuana and its future.
Rubens, Muni
The policies, laws, politics, public opinions, and scientific inferences of medical marijuana are rapidly changing as the debate on medical use of marijuana has always been political, rather than scientific. Federal law has barred the use of medical marijuana though 18 state governments and Washington, DC, support the medical use of marijuana. Unfortunately, not many studies exist on medical marijuana to back these laws and policies. The judiciary, on the other hand, has elicited a diverse response to medical marijuana through its rulings over several decades. Some rulings favored the federal government's opinion, and others supported the larger public view and many state governments with legalized medical marijuana. Public opinion on legalizing medical marijuana has always favored the use of medical marijuana. The movement of scientific knowledge of medical marijuana follows an erratic, discontinuous pathway. The future place of medical marijuana in U.S. society remains unknown. The three forces-scientific knowledge, social-political acceptance, and laws-play a role in the direction that medical marijuana takes in society. Overcoming political-social forces requires a concerted effort from the scientific community and political leaders. The results of scientific research must guide the decisions for laws and medical use of marijuana. This article aims to trace the political dilemma and contradictory views shared by federal and state governments and predict the future of medical marijuana by tracing the past history of medical marijuana with its bumpy pathway in the social-political arena.
Leggat, Peter
Medical tourism is a burgeoning industry in our region. It involves patients travelling outside of their home country for medical treatment. This article provides an outline of the current research around medical tourism, especially its impact on Australians. Patients are increasingly seeking a variety of medical treatments abroad, particularly those involving cosmetic surgery and dental treatment, often in countries in South-East Asia. Adverse events may occur during medical treatment abroad, which raises medico-legal and insurance issues, as well as concerns regarding follow-up of patients. General practitioners need to be prepared to offer advice, including travel health advice, to patients seeking medical treatment abroad.
Genetics Home Reference: Griscelli syndrome
... Jacob CM, Cristofani L, Casella EB, Voltarelli JC, de Saint-Basile G, Espreafico EM. Griscelli syndrome: characterization ... Asal GT, Tezcan I, Metin A, Lambert N, de Saint Basile G, Sanal O. Griscelli syndrome types ...
... benefited the LFA and the Saint Thomas' Lupus Trust in London. Julian Lennon agreed to answer questions ... Foundation of America (LFA) and Saint Thomas' Lupus Trust in the UK. LFA asked me to become ...
Theories about sex and sexuality in utopian socialism.
Poldervaart, S
It was the utopian socialists of the period 1800-50 (Fourier, Saint-Simon, and the Saint-Simonians in France, as well as the Owenites in Great Britain) who not only challenged the imperialism of reason but sought to rehabilitate the flesh by valuing its pleasure and incentives. Sex and sexuality were central issues for the first socialists, who were scorned as "utopian" by Marx and Engels for seeking to improve the status of all members of society through peaceful means. Because Marxism has played a greater role in the history of socialism, the utopian socialist discussions have been largely disregarded. This essay analyzes the works of the utopian socialists Fourier, Saint-Simon, and the Saint-Simonians, arguing that resurgences of the utopian socialist tradition can be discerned around 1900 and again circa 1970.
Medical students' agenda-setting abilities during medical interviews.
Roh, HyeRin; Park, Kyung Hye; Jeon, Young-Jee; Park, Seung Guk; Lee, Jungsun
Identifying patients' agendas is important; however, the extent of Korean medical students' agenda-setting abilities is unknown. The study aim was to investigate the patterns of Korean medical students' agenda solicitation. A total of 94 third-year medical students participated. One scenario involving a female patient with abdominal pain was created. Students were video-recorded as they interviewed the patient. To analyze whether students identify patients' reasons for visiting, a checklist was developed based on a modified version of the Calgary-Cambridge Guide to the Medical Interview: Communication Process checklist. The duration of the patient's initial statement of concerns was measured in seconds. The total number of patient concerns expressed before interruption and the types of interruption effected by the medical students were determined. The medical students did not explore the patients' concerns and did not negotiate an agenda. Interruption of the patient's opening statement occurred in 4.62±2.20 seconds. The most common type of initial interruption was a recompleter (79.8%). Closed-ended questions were the most common question type in the second and third interruptions. Agenda setting should be emphasized in the communication skills curriculum of medical students. The Korean Clinical Skills Exam must assess medical students' ability to set an agenda.
Beckers, Stefan K; Timmermann, Arnd; Müller, Michael P; Angstwurm, Matthias; Walcher, Felix
Background Since June 2002, revised regulations in Germany have required "Emergency Medical Care" as an interdisciplinary subject, and state that emergency treatment should be of increasing importance within the curriculum. A survey of the current status of undergraduate medical education in emergency medical care establishes the basis for further committee work. Methods Using a standardized questionnaire, all medical faculties in Germany were asked to answer questions concerning the structure of their curriculum, representation of disciplines, instructors' qualifications, teaching and assessment methods, as well as evaluation procedures. Results Data from 35 of the 38 medical schools in Germany were analysed. In 32 of 35 medical faculties, the local Department of Anaesthesiology is responsible for the teaching of emergency medical care; in two faculties, emergency medicine is taught mainly by the Department of Surgery and in another by Internal Medicine. Lectures, seminars and practical training units are scheduled in varying composition at 97% of the locations. Simulation technology is integrated at 60% (n = 21); problem-based learning at 29% (n = 10), e-learning at 3% (n = 1), and internship in ambulance service is mandatory at 11% (n = 4). In terms of assessment methods, multiple-choice exams (15 to 70 questions) are favoured (89%, n = 31), partially supplemented by open questions (31%, n = 11). Some faculties also perform single practical tests (43%, n = 15), objective structured clinical examination (OSCE; 29%, n = 10) or oral examinations (17%, n = 6). Conclusion Emergency Medical Care in undergraduate medical education in Germany has a practical orientation, but is very inconsistently structured. The innovative options of simulation technology or state-of-the-art assessment methods are not consistently utilized. Therefore, an exchange of experiences and concepts between faculties and disciplines should be promoted to guarantee a standard level of education
Beckers, Stefan K; Timmermann, Arnd; Müller, Michael P; Angstwurm, Matthias; Walcher, Felix
Since June 2002, revised regulations in Germany have required "Emergency Medical Care" as an interdisciplinary subject, and state that emergency treatment should be of increasing importance within the curriculum. A survey of the current status of undergraduate medical education in emergency medical care establishes the basis for further committee work. Using a standardized questionnaire, all medical faculties in Germany were asked to answer questions concerning the structure of their curriculum, representation of disciplines, instructors' qualifications, teaching and assessment methods, as well as evaluation procedures. Data from 35 of the 38 medical schools in Germany were analysed. In 32 of 35 medical faculties, the local Department of Anaesthesiology is responsible for the teaching of emergency medical care; in two faculties, emergency medicine is taught mainly by the Department of Surgery and in another by Internal Medicine. Lectures, seminars and practical training units are scheduled in varying composition at 97% of the locations. Simulation technology is integrated at 60% (n = 21); problem-based learning at 29% (n = 10), e-learning at 3% (n = 1), and internship in ambulance service is mandatory at 11% (n = 4). In terms of assessment methods, multiple-choice exams (15 to 70 questions) are favoured (89%, n = 31), partially supplemented by open questions (31%, n = 11). Some faculties also perform single practical tests (43%, n = 15), objective structured clinical examination (OSCE; 29%, n = 10) or oral examinations (17%, n = 6). Emergency Medical Care in undergraduate medical education in Germany has a practical orientation, but is very inconsistently structured. The innovative options of simulation technology or state-of-the-art assessment methods are not consistently utilized. Therefore, an exchange of experiences and concepts between faculties and disciplines should be promoted to guarantee a standard level of education in emergency medical care.
Keohane, Carol A; Bates, David W
Patient safety is a state of mind, not a technology. The technologies used in the medical setting represent tools that must be properly designed, used well, and assessed on an on-going basis. Moreover, in all settings, building a culture of safety is pivotal for improving safety, and many nontechnologic approaches, such as medication reconciliation and teaching patients about their medications, are also essential. This article addresses the topic of medication safety and examines specific strategies being used to decrease the incidence of medication errors across various clinical settings.
Using a medical volunteer program to motivate medical freshmen.
Na, Beag Ju; Hur, Yera; Yun, Jungmin; Kang, Jaegu; Han, Seungyeon; Whang, Wonmin; Lee, Keumho; Lee, Jungmin
A task force identified 4 core properties of motivation-related improvement and developed a medical volunteer program for 63 medical freshmen in 2012. Three overarching topics were examined: What were the contents of the program? Did students' motivation improve? Were the students satisfied with the course? Pretest and posttest motivation levels and program evaluation forms were analyzed. We organized a series of committee meetings and identified 4 core factors of motivation. The program was conducted for 63 medical freshmen in March 2012. The program evaluation form was analyzed using SPSS 17.0. The core factors of motivation were interest in medical studies, volunteer-mindedness, medical humanities, and self-management. The program was composed of lectures, medical volunteer hours, and program evaluation and feedback sessions. Students' motivation differed significantly with regard to interest in medical studies (t=-2.40, p=0.020) and volunteer-mindedness (t=-3.45, p=0.001). Ninety percent of students were satisfied with the program, 67.8% of students were satisfied with the medical volunteer activity, and the feedback session of the program was meaningful (66.1%). The medical volunteer program, held in the first month of the medical education year, was meaningful, but the reasons for dissatisfaction with the program should be examined. We should also develop a system that has lasting beneficial effects on academic achievement and career selection.
Designated Medical Directors for Emergency Medical Services: Recruitment and Roles
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Slifkin, Rebecca T.; Freeman, Victoria A.; Patterson, P. Daniel
Context: Emergency medical services (EMS) agencies rely on medical oversight to support Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) in the provision of prehospital care. Most states require EMS agencies to have a designated medical director (DMD), who typically is responsible for the many activities of medical oversight. Purpose: To assess rural-urban…
Pooling procurement in the Belgian hospital sector.
Hebert, Guy
The Belgian hospital sector is following the example of a number of other European countries and for more than ten years now, has been striving to pool its medical supplies and equipment purchases in a bid to reduce costs. The various experiments of which we are aware come under both opportunist purchases and initiatives which are designed to encourage local-regional contracts. These attempts have now all come to nothing or are struggling in the absence of a structured and professional approach. In 2005, the Saint Luc University Clinic in Brussels decided to set up a high-performance purchasing department, the aim being to centre its initiatives around TCO or Total Cost of Ownership. Following an analysis of the various experiments into pooling procurement in hospitals in Europe, the Saint Luc University Clinic decided on a central procurement agency model, in accordance with new legislation on public procurement. This article seeks to highlight the prerequisites which are vital for a procurement pooling initiative, without underestimating the risks and limitations of implementing such a change in procurement practices. The Mercure central procurement agency is now the largest interhospital purchasing structure in Belgium.
Relationships between beliefs about medications and nonadherence to prescribed chronic medications.
Phatak, Hemant M; Thomas, Joseph
Medication beliefs of patients with a specific medical condition have been associated with nonadherence to drugs used to treat that condition. However, associations between medication beliefs and nonadherence of individuals on chronic, multiple medications have not been studied. To investigate associations between patients' medication beliefs and nonadherence to chronic drug therapy. A cross-sectional, self-administered survey of patients waiting to see pharmacists at an outpatient pharmacy in a primary care clinic was conducted. Participants' medication beliefs were assessed using the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire, and nonadherence was assessed using the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale. Pearson correlation analysis was used to assess bivariate associations between medication beliefs and nonadherence. Regression was used to assess relative strength of associations between various medication beliefs and nonadherence and also to assess the significance of the interactions between those beliefs and nonadherence. There were positive bivariate associations between specific concerns about medications (p < 0.001), perceived general harmful effects of medications (p < 0.001), and perceived overprescribing of medications by physicians (p < 0.001) and medication nonadherence. When relative strength of associations between each medication belief and nonadherence was assessed, while controlling for other medication beliefs, specific-necessity (p = 0.02) and specific-concerns (p = 0.01) exhibited significant negative and positive associations with nonadherence, respectively. All two-way interactions between variables in the model were insignificant. A model consisting of age, total number of drugs used, and medication beliefs, that is, specific-necessity, specific-concerns, general-overuse, and general-harm, accounted for 26.5% of variance. Medication beliefs alone explained 22.4% of variation in nonadherence to chronic drug therapy. Patients' medication beliefs
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
This profile provides a snapshot of the energy landscape of the northeast Caribbean island Saint Martin. The island is divided between two nations, France in the north (Saint-Martin) and the Netherlands in the south (Sint Maarten).
[Medical Humanities--the Historical Significance and Mission in Medical Education].
Fujino, Akihiro
In this paper we consider the significance and mission of medical humanities in medical education from the following six viewpoints: (1) misunderstanding of the medical humanities; (2) its historical development; (3) the criteria for the ideal physician; (4) the contents of current Medical Humanities education; (5) the basic philosophy; and (6) its relation to medical professionalism. Medical humanities consists of the three academic components of bioethics, clinical ethics and medical anthropology, and it is a philosophy and an art which penetrate to the fundamental essence of medicine. The purpose of medical humanities is to develop one's own humanity and spirituality through medical practice and contemplation by empathizing with patients' illness narratives through spiritual self-awakening and by understanding the mutual healing powers of human relations by way of the realization of primordial life. The basic philosophy is "the coincidence of contraries". The ultimate mission of medical humanities is to cultivate physicians to educate themselves and have a life-long philosophy of devotion to understanding, through experience, the coincidence of contraries.
Gener, G; Dupuy, A; Rouveau, M; Claisse, J-P; Casin, I; Dubertret, L; Morel, P; Simon, F; Viguier, M
In a bid to combat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) more efficiently in our department, we performed a study to 1) clarify the MRSA carriage rate in patients hospitalized in the department; 2) evaluate the rate of MRSA acquisition during hospitalization; 3) describe the MRSA carrier profile; 4) study the morbidity and mortality associated with MRSA. We conducted a three-month prospective study in all patients hospitalized for more than 24hours in the dermatology department of the Saint-Louis Hospital. Nasal swab cultures were performed on the day of admission, once a week thereafter and on the day of discharge. Clinical and epidemiological data were individually reviewed by means of a standardized questionnaire. In 310 patients, the prevalence of nasal MRSA carriage at admission was 6.5%. During hospitalization, 1.9% of our patients became colonized with MRSA. MRSA carriers were significantly older than non-carriers and had been hospitalized more frequently over the previous 12 months, principally in intensive care or in intermediate or long-term care facilities, and erosive and/or ulcerated dermatitis was more common in this population. Of the 27 patients colonized with MRSA, only three had MRSA infections, and these were successfully treated with antibiotics. The observed rate of MRSA carriage was close to that seen in intensive care units (7%). While systematic screening for MRSA in patients with erosive and/or ulcerated dermatitis would allow detection of twice as many cases of MRSA than the usual screening recommendations, this would be associated with little tangible benefit and high costs, and we therefore decided not to change the usual MRSA screening politic in our dermatology department.
Correlation Research of Medical Security Management System Network Platform in Medical Practice
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jie, Wang; Fan, Zhang; Jian, Hao; Li-nong, Yu; Jun, Fei; Ping, Hao; Ya-wei, Shen; Yue-jin, Chang
Objective-The related research of medical security management system network in medical practice. Methods-Establishing network platform of medical safety management system, medical security network host station, medical security management system(C/S), medical security management system of departments and sections, comprehensive query, medical security disposal and examination system. Results-In medical safety management, medical security management system can reflect the hospital medical security problem, and can achieve real-time detection and improve the medical security incident detection rate. Conclusion-The application of the research in the hospital management implementation, can find hospital medical security hidden danger and the problems of medical disputes, and can help in resolving medical disputes in time and achieve good work efficiency, which is worth applying in the hospital practice.
Meeting medical terminology needs--the Ontology-Enhanced Medical Concept Mapper.
Leroy, G; Chen, H
This paper describes the development and testing of the Medical Concept Mapper, a tool designed to facilitate access to online medical information sources by providing users with appropriate medical search terms for their personal queries. Our system is valuable for patients whose knowledge of medical vocabularies is inadequate to find the desired information, and for medical experts who search for information outside their field of expertise. The Medical Concept Mapper maps synonyms and semantically related concepts to a user's query. The system is unique because it integrates our natural language processing tool, i.e., the Arizona (AZ) Noun Phraser, with human-created ontologies, the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) and WordNet, and our computer generated Concept Space, into one system. Our unique contribution results from combining the UMLS Semantic Net with Concept Space in our deep semantic parsing (DSP) algorithm. This algorithm establishes a medical query context based on the UMLS Semantic Net, which allows Concept Space terms to be filtered so as to isolate related terms relevant to the query. We performed two user studies in which Medical Concept Mapper terms were compared against human experts' terms. We conclude that the AZ Noun Phraser is well suited to extract medical phrases from user queries, that WordNet is not well suited to provide strictly medical synonyms, that the UMLS Metathesaurus is well suited to provide medical synonyms, and that Concept Space is well suited to provide related medical terms, especially when these terms are limited by our DSP algorithm.
Bundled Payments for Care Improvement
Hardin, Lauran; Kilian, Adam; Murphy, Elizabeth
BACKGROUND The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Innovation Center introduced the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) initiative in 2011 as 1 strategy to encourage healthcare organizations and clinicians to improve healthcare delivery for patients, both when they are in the hospital and after they are discharged. Mercy Health Saint Mary’s, a large urban academic medical center, engaged in BPCI primarily with a group of medical diagnosis-related groups (DRGs). OBJECTIVES In this article, we describe our experience creating a system of response for the diverse people and diagnoses that fall into the medical DRG bundles and specifically identify organizational factors for enabling successful implementation of bundled payments. RESULTS Our experience suggests that interprofessional collaboration enabled program success. CONCLUSIONS Although still in its early phases, observations from our program’s strategies and tactics may provide potential insights for organizations considering engagement in the BPCI initiative. PMID:28509721
Shah, Jehanzaib; Haq, Usman; Bashir, Ali; Shah, Syed Aslam
To assess the awareness of medical apps and academic use of smartphones among medical students. The questionnaire-based descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in January 2015 and comprised medical students of the Rawal Institute of Health Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan. The self-designed questionnaire was reviewed by a panel of expert for content reliability and validity. Questionnaires were distributed in the classrooms and were filled by the students anonymously. SPSS 16 was used for statistical analysis. Among the 569 medical students in the study, 545 (95.8%) had smartphones and 24(4.2%) were using simple cell phones. Overall, 226(41.46%) of the smart phone users were using some medical apps. Besides, 137(24.08%) were aware of the medical apps but were not using them. Also, 391(71.7%) students were not using any type of medical text eBooks through their phone, and only 154(28.3%) had relevant text eBooks in their phones. Medical college students were using smartphones mostly as a means of telecommunication rather than a gadget for improving medical knowledge.
Medical Readers' Theater: Relevance to Geriatrics Medical Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shapiro, Johanna; Cho, Beverly
Medical Readers' Theater (MRT) is an innovative and simple way of helping medical students to reflect on difficult-to-discuss topics in geriatrics medical education, such as aging stereotypes, disability and loss of independence, sexuality, assisted living, relationships with adult children, and end-of-life issues. The authors describe a required…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gosman, Minna L.
Developed as a result of an analysis of the task of transcribing as practiced in a health facility, this study guide was designed to teach the knowledge and skills required of a medical transcriber. The medical record department was identified as a major occupational area, and a task inventory for medical records was developed and used as a basis…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gosman, Minna L.
Following an analysis of the task of transcribing as practiced in a health facility, this study guide was designed to teach the knowledge and skills required of a medical transcriber. The medical record department was identified as a major occupational area, and a task inventory for medical records was developed and used as a basis for…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gosman, Minna L.
Following an analysis of the task of transcribing as practiced in a health facility, this study guide was developed to teach the knowledge and skills required of a medical transcriber. The medical record department was identified as a major occupational area, and a task inventory for medical records was developed and used as a basis for a…
[The standardization of medical care and the training of medical personnel].
Korbut, V B; Tyts, V V; Boĭshenko, V A
The medical specialist training at all levels (medical orderly, doctor's assistant, general practitioner, doctors) should be based on the medical care standards. Preliminary studies in the field of military medicine standards have demonstrated that the medical service of the Armed Forces of Russia needs medical resources' standards, structure and organization standards, technology standards. Military medical service resources' standards should reflect the requisitions for: all medical specialists' qualification, equipment and material for medical set-ups, field medical systems, drugs, etc. Standards for structures and organization should include requisitions for: command and control systems in military formations' and task forces' medical services and their information support; health-care and evacuation functions, sanitary control and anti-epidemic measures and personnel health protection. Technology standards development could improve and regulate the health care procedures in the process of evacuation. Standards' development will help to solve the problem of the data-base for the military medicine education system and medical research.
Implementation of the Medical Education Partnership Initiative: medical students' perspective.
Bagala, John Paul; Macheka, Nyasha D; Abebaw, Hiwot; Wen, Leana S
The Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) is contributing to the transformation of medical training in Africa. In this paper, medical students present their perspective on how MEPI initiatives have influenced five key areas related to African medical trainees: educational infrastructure, information technology, community-based training, scientific research, and professional outlook and goals. They propose three new areas of focus that could further assist MEPI in bettering medical training in Africa.
Hepatitis B Shots Are Recommended for All New Babies
... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Saint Paul, Minnesota • 651-647-9009 • www. immunize. org • www. vaccineinformation. ... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Saint Paul, Minnesota • 651-647-9009 • • www.vaccineinformation. ...
Warolin, Christian
This article presents the biographies of the apothecaries who lived in the Rue Saint-Honoré in Paris in the 17th century. Two major facts emerge from this study. The first concerns the formation of a family network involving the apothecaries and the royal artists. The apothecaries Antoine and Jacques Grégoire became allied with Simon Vouet, the first painter of Louis XIII . Links were also made between Antoine Grégoire and Jacques Sarazin, the King’s sculptor, and then with Michel Corneille, painter to the King. The famous painting by Simon Vouet hanging in the assembly hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Paris is probably the fruit of his collaboration with Jacques Grégoire, his brother-in-law and an erudite botanist. The other notable fact concerns the relations between Anne de Furnes, widow of Antoine Brulon, the rich apothecary to the King Antoine Brulon, and Molière, both in Paris and in the village of Auteuil. The other notable fact concerns the relations between Anne de Furnes, widow of Antoine Brulon, the rich apothecary to the King Antoine Brulon, and Molière, both in Paris and in the village of Auteuil.
MEDIC: medical embedded device for individualized care.
Wu, Winston H; Bui, Alex A T; Batalin, Maxim A; Au, Lawrence K; Binney, Jonathan D; Kaiser, William J
Presented work highlights the development and initial validation of a medical embedded device for individualized care (MEDIC), which is based on a novel software architecture, enabling sensor management and disease prediction capabilities, and commercially available microelectronic components, sensors and conventional personal digital assistant (PDA) (or a cell phone). In this paper, we present a general architecture for a wearable sensor system that can be customized to an individual patient's needs. This architecture is based on embedded artificial intelligence that permits autonomous operation, sensor management and inference, and may be applied to a general purpose wearable medical diagnostics. A prototype of the system has been developed based on a standard PDA and wireless sensor nodes equipped with commercially available Bluetooth radio components, permitting real-time streaming of high-bandwidth data from various physiological and contextual sensors. We also present the results of abnormal gait diagnosis using the complete system from our evaluation, and illustrate how the wearable system and its operation can be remotely configured and managed by either enterprise systems or medical personnel at centralized locations. By using commercially available hardware components and software architecture presented in this paper, the MEDIC system can be rapidly configured, providing medical researchers with broadband sensor data from remote patients and platform access to best adapt operation for diagnostic operation objectives.
Non-medical influences on medical decision-making.
McKinlay, J B; Potter, D A; Feldman, H A
The influence of non-medical factors on physicians' decision-making has been documented in many observational studies, but rarely in an experimental setting capable of demonstrating cause and effect. We conducted a controlled factorial experiment to assess the influence of non-medical factors on the diagnostic and treatment decisions made by practitioners of internal medicine in two common medical situations. One hundred and ninety-two white male internists individually viewed professionally produced video scenarios in which the actor-patient, presenting with either chest pain or dyspnea, possessed various balanced combinations of sex, race, age, socioeconomic status, and health insurance coverage. Physician subjects were randomly drawn from lists of internists in private practice, hospital-based practice, and HMO's, at two levels of experience. The most frequent diagnoses for both chest pain and dyspnea were psychogenic origin and cardiac problems. Smoking cessation was the most frequent treatment recommendation for both conditions. Younger patients (all other factors being the same) were significantly more likely to receive the psychogenic diagnosis. Older patients were more likely to receive the cardiac diagnosis for chest pain, particularly if they were insured. HMO-based physicians were more likely to recommend a follow-up visit for chest pain. Several interactions of patient and physician factors were significant in addition to the main effects. The variability in decision-making evidenced by physicians in this experiment was not entirely accounted for by strictly rational Bayesian inference (the common prescriptive model for medical decision-making), in-as-much as non-medical factors significantly affected the decisions that they made. There is a need to supplement idealized medical schemata with considerations of social behavior in any comprehensive theory of medical decision-making.
... Headache You may be given medications to manage pain during and after the medical abortion. You may also be given antibiotics, although infection after medical abortion is rare. Your health care provider will explain how much pain and bleeding to expect, depending on the number ...
Digitization of Blocks and Virtual Anastylosis of AN Antique Facade in Pont-Sainte (france)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Alby, E.; Grussenmeyer, P.; Bitard, L.; Guillemin, S.; Brunet-Gaston, V.; Gaston, C.; Rougier, R.
This paper is dedicated to the digitization of blocks and virtual anastylosis of an antique façade in Pont-Sainte-Maxence (France). In 2014 during the construction of a shopping center, the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) discovered a Gallo-Roman site from the 2nd century AD. The most interesting part of the site for the study is a façade of 70 meters long by nearly 10 meters high. The state of the conservation of the blocks of the façade makes them exceptional due to the question raised by the collapse. Representative and symbolic blocks of this building have been selected for a virtual anastylosis study. The blocks discovered belong to different types: decorated architectural blocks, monumental statuary elements and details of very fine decorations. The digital reproduction of the façade will facilitate the formulation of hypothesis for the collapse of the structure. The Photogrammetry and Geomatics Group from INSA Strasbourg is in charge of the digitization, the anastylosis and the development of exploratory methods for understanding the ruin of the façade. To develop the three-dimensional model of the facade, approximately 70 blocks of various dimensions were chosen by the archaeologists. The choice of the digitization technique is made according to the following pragmatic criterion: the movable objects are acquired with a scan-arm or a hand-held scanner in the laboratory and the largest blocks are recorded by photogrammetry at the repository near Paris. The expected types of deliverables are multiple: very accurate 3D models with the most faithful representation to document the objects in the best way and with optimized size model allowing easy handling during anastylosis tests. The visual aspect of the models is also a very important issue. Indeed, textures from photos are an excellent way to bring about the realism of the virtual model, but fine details of the object are sometimes blurred by the uniformity of the color
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sammartano, G.; Spanò, A.
Delineating accurate surface water quality levels (SWQLs) always presents a great challenge to researchers. Existing methods of assessing surface water quality only provide individual concentrations of monitoring stations without providing the overall SWQLs. Therefore, the results of existing methods are usually difficult to be understood by decision-makers. Conversely, the water quality index (WQI) can simplify surface water quality assessment process to be accessible to decision-makers. However, in most cases, the WQI reflects inaccurate SWQLs due to the lack of representative water samples. It is very challenging to provide representative water samples because this process is costly and time consuming. To solve this problem, we introduce a cost-effective method which combines the Landsat-8 imagery and artificial intelligence to develop models to derive representative water samples by correlating concentrations of ground truth water samples to satellite spectral information. Our method was validated and the correlation between concentrations of ground truth water samples and predicted concentrations from the developed models reached a high level of coefficient of determination (R2) > 0.80, which is trustworthy. Afterwards, the predicted concentrations over each pixel of the study area were used as an input to the WQI developed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment to extract accurate SWQLs, for drinking purposes, in the Saint John River. The results indicated that SWQL was observed as 67 (Fair) and 59 (Marginal) for the lower and middle basins of the river, respectively. These findings demonstrate the potential of using our approach in surface water quality management.
A Smartphone-based Medication Self-management System with Realtime Medication Monitoring
Hayakawa, M.; Uchimura, Y.; Omae, K.; Waki, K.; Fujita, H.; Ohe, K.
Background Most patients cannot remember their entire medication regimen and occasionally forget to take their medication. Objectives The objective of the study was to design, develop, and demonstrate the feasibility of a new type of medication self-management system using smartphones with real-time medication monitoring. Methods We designed and developed a smartphone-based medication self-management system (SMSS) based on interviews of 116 patients. The system offered patients two main functions by means of smartphones: (1) storage and provision of an accurate, portable medication history and medication-taking records of patients; and (2) provision of a reminder to take medication only when the patient has forgotten to take his/her medication. These functions were realized by two data input methods: (a) reading of prescription data represented in two-dimensional barcodes using the smartphone camera and getting the photographic images of the pills; and (b) real-time medication monitoring by novel user-friendly wireless pillboxes. Results Interviews suggested that a pocket-sized pillbox was demanded to support patient’s medication-taking outside the home and pillboxes for home use should be adaptable to the different means of pillbox storage. In accordance with the result, we designed and developed SMSS. Ten patients participated in the feasibility study. In 17 out of 47 cases (36.2%), patients took their medication upon being presented with reminders by the system. Correct medication-taking occurrence was improved using this system. Conclusions The SMSS is acceptable to patients and has the advantage of supporting ubiquitous medication self-management using a smartphone. We believe that the proposed system is feasible and provides an innovative solution to encourage medication self-management. PMID:23650486
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Transit Administration Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Central Corridor Light Rail Transit Project, Minneapolis and Saint Paul, MN... Minneapolis and Saint Paul downtown areas as well as the University of Minnesota and the State Capitol complex...
Kupas, Douglas F; Shayhorn, Meghan A; Green, Paul; Payton, Thomas F
Medications are essential to emergency medical services (EMS) agencies when providing lifesaving care, but the EMS environment has challenges related to safe medication storage when compared with a hospital setting. We developed a structured process, based on common pharmacy practices, to review medications carried by EMS agencies to identify situations that may lead to medication error and to determine some best practices that may reduce potential errors and the risk of patient harm. To provide a descriptive account of EMS practices related to carrying and storing medications that have the potential for causing a medication administration error or patient harm. Using a structured process for inspection, an emergency medicine pharmacist and emergency physician(s) reviewed the medication carrying and storage practices of all nine advanced life support ambulance agencies within a five-county EMS region. Each medication carried and stored by the EMS agency was inspected for predetermined and spontaneously observed issues that could lead to medication error. These issues were documented and photographed. Two EMS medical directors reviewed each potential error for the risk of producing patient harm and assigned each to a category of high, moderate, or low risk. Because issues of temperature on EMS medications have been addressed elsewhere, this study concentrated on potential for EMS medication administration errors exclusive of storage temperatures. When reviewing medications carried by the nine EMS agencies, 38 medication safety issues were identified (range 1 to 8 per EMS agency). Of these, 16 were considered to be high risk, 14 moderate risk, and eight low risk for patient harm. Examples of potential issues included carrying expired medications, container-labeling issues, different medications stored in look-alike vials or prefilled syringes in the same compartment, and carrying crystalloid solutions next to solutions premixed with a medication. When reviewing
Predictive Analytics In Healthcare: Medications as a Predictor of Medical Complexity.
Higdon, Roger; Stewart, Elizabeth; Roach, Jared C; Dombrowski, Caroline; Stanberry, Larissa; Clifton, Holly; Kolker, Natali; van Belle, Gerald; Del Beccaro, Mark A; Kolker, Eugene
Children with special healthcare needs (CSHCN) require health and related services that exceed those required by most hospitalized children. A small but growing and important subset of the CSHCN group includes medically complex children (MCCs). MCCs typically have comorbidities and disproportionately consume healthcare resources. To enable strategic planning for the needs of MCCs, simple screens to identify potential MCCs rapidly in a hospital setting are needed. We assessed whether the number of medications used and the class of those medications correlated with MCC status. Retrospective analysis of medication data from the inpatients at Seattle Children's Hospital found that the numbers of inpatient and outpatient medications significantly correlated with MCC status. Numerous variables based on counts of medications, use of individual medications, and use of combinations of medications were considered, resulting in a simple model based on three different counts of medications: outpatient and inpatient drug classes and individual inpatient drug names. The combined model was used to rank the patient population for medical complexity. As a result, simple, objective admission screens for predicting the complexity of patients based on the number and type of medications were implemented.
Buscail, Camille; Menai, Mehdi; Salanave, Benoît; Daval, Paul; Painsecq, Marjorie; Lombrail, Pierre; Hercberg, Serge; Julia, Chantal
Physical activity (PA) is a key factor for facing the increasing prevalence of obesity and overweight, and should be part of every public health programs. In this context, a community-based public health program promoting PA was developed in a low-income neighborhood of the city of Saint-Denis (France). This work aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a 2-year PA promotion program. A quasi-experimental study was carried out using a pre/post design, with an assessment before (2013) and after (2015) the program. The interviewees were selected using a stratified random cluster sampling. The primary outcome was the proportion of participants practicing sufficient PA (WHO guidelines), and was measured using the RPAQ questionnaire. External interventions (on both neighborhood environment and inhabitants) were listed. We collected 199 questionnaires at baseline and 217 in 2015. There was a majority of women in both samples: 64.3 % in 2013 and 58.2 % in 2015. The average age of participants was 38.1 years (+/-1.1) and 40.6 (+/-1.1) respectively. The proportion of people practicing sufficient PA was modified from 48.1 % in 2013 to 63.5 % in 2015 (p = 0.001). This was mainly driven by women whose level of PA, increased from 40.3 % to 60.3 % (p = 0.002), reaching the average national French estimation of PA level among adults (63.5 %). This work showed a significant increase of the proportion of people practicing PA in a disadvantaged neighborhood where a community-based program promoting PA was developed. Simultaneous external interventions contributed to the results, showing the necessity of synergic interventions to reach efficiency.
Kuvshinov, K E; Klipak, V M; Chaplyuk, A L; Moskovko, V M; Belyshev, D V; Zherebko, O A
The current task of the implementation of medical information systems in the military and medical organizations is an automation of the military-medical expertise as one of the most important activities. In this regard, noteworthy experience of the 9th Medical Diagnostic Centre (9th MDC), where on the basis of medical information system "Interi PROMIS" for the first time was implemented the automation of the work of military medical commission. The given paper presents an algorithm for constructing of the information system for the military-medical examination; detailed description of its elements is given. According to military servicemen the implementation of the Military Medical Commission (MMC) subsystem of the medical information system implemented into the 9th MDC has reduced the time required for the MMC and paperwork, greatly facilitate the work of physicians and medical specialists on military servicemen examination. This software can be widely applied in ambulatory and hospital practice, especially in case of mass military-medical examinations.
Ganasegeran, K; Al-Dubai, S A R
The practice of medicine requires good communication skills to foster excellent rapport in doctor patient relationship. Reports on communication skills learning attitude among medical professionals are key essentials toward improving patient safety and quality of care. We aimed to determine factors affecting communication skills learning attitudes among medical residents in Malaysia. Cross-sectional survey, in a Malaysian public health hospital. A total of 191 medical residents across medical and surgical based rotations were included. We assessed the validated communication skills attitude scale among medical residents from different rotations. Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS®) (version 16.0, IBM, Armonk, NY) was used. Cronbach's alpha was used to test the internal consistency of the scale. Descriptive analysis was conducted for all variables. Bivariate analysis was employed across the socio-demographic variables. Majority of the residents believed that communication skills training should be made compulsory in Malaysia (78.5%). Medical residents agreed that acquiring good communication skills is essential to be a good doctor. However, the majority cited time pressures for not being able to learn communication skills. Significant differences in communication skills learning attitude scores were found between Malays and Chinese. The majority of medical residents had a positive attitude toward communication skills learning. Socio-demographic factors influenced communication skills learning attitude among medical residents. Incorporating communicative skills modules during hospital Continuous Medical Education for medical residents is essential to cultivate communicative skills attitudes for effective doctor-patient relationship during the routine medical encounters.
Medical practice in organized settings. Redefining medical autonomy.
Astrachan, J H; Astrachan, B M
Physicians are perplexed by the ongoing erosion of their individual professional autonomy. While the economic forces underlying such change have received much attention, the evolution of new organizational forms that modify and often diminish medical autonomy is less well understood. The practice of medicine is becoming more organized and more hierarchical. We emphasize the importance of organized medical groups, including the medical staff organization, as structures for appropriate peer monitoring, and for counterbalancing the burgeoning influence of governance and administrative constraints on practice. There is an ongoing tension within organizations between management, governance, and physicians. Over time one or another of these groups achieves some measure of dominance, but good management requires a balance of power. The role of the medical staff, which is poorly represented in some health care institutions and under threat in others, is considered. In general, we find that medical work is becoming more hierarchical, and that physician "leaders" do not substitute for collegial processes.
McComas, Jeffery; Riingen, Michelle; Chae Kim, Son
The study aims were to evaluate the impact of electronic medication administration record implementation on medication administration efficiency and occurrence of medication errors as well as to identify the predictors of medication administration efficiency in an acute care setting. A prospective, observational study utilizing time-and-motion technique was conducted before and after electronic medication administration record implementation in November 2011. A total of 156 cases of medication administration activities (78 pre- and 78 post-electronic medication administration record) involving 38 nurses were observed at the point of care. A separate retrospective review of the hospital Midas+ medication error database was also performed to collect the rates and origin of medication errors for 6 months before and after electronic medication administration record implementation. The mean medication administration time actually increased from 11.3 to 14.4 minutes post-electronic medication administration record (P = .039). In a multivariate analysis, electronic medication administration record was not a predictor of medication administration time, but the distractions/interruptions during medication administration process were significant predictors. The mean hospital-wide medication errors significantly decreased from 11.0 to 5.3 events per month post-electronic medication administration record (P = .034). Although no improvement in medication administration efficiency was observed, electronic medication administration record improved the quality of care with a significant decrease in medication errors.
Integrating medical informatics into the medical undergraduate curriculum.
Khonsari, L S; Fabri, P J
The advent of healthcare reform and the rapid application of new technologies have resulted in a paradigm shift in medical practice. Integrating medical Informatics into the full spectrum of medical education is a viral step toward implementing this new instructional model, a step required for the understanding and practice of modern medicine. We have developed an informatics curriculum, a new educational paradigm, and an intranet-based teaching module which are designed to enhance adult-learning principles, life-long self education, and evidence-based critical thinking. Thirty two, fourth year medical students have participated in a one month, full time, independent study focused on but not limited to four topics: mastering the windows-based environment, understanding hospital based information management systems, developing competence in using the internet/intranet and world wide web/HTML, and experiencing distance communication and TeleVideo networks. Each student has completed a clinically relevant independent study project utilizing technology mastered during the course. This initial curriculum offering was developed in conjunction with faculty from the College of Medicine, College of Engineering, College of Education, College of Business, College of Public Health. Florida Center of Instructional Technology, James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa General Hospital, GTE, Westshore Walk-in Clinic (paperless office), and the Florida Engineering Education Delivery System. Our second step toward the distributive integration process was the introduction of Medical Informatics to first, second and third year medical students. To date, these efforts have focused on undergraduate medical education. Our next step is to offer workshops in Informatics to college of medicine faculty, to residents in post graduate training programs (GME), and ultimately as a method of distance learning in continuing medical education (CME).
Disciplinary action by medical boards and prior behavior in medical school.
Papadakis, Maxine A; Teherani, Arianne; Banach, Mary A; Knettler, Timothy R; Rattner, Susan L; Stern, David T; Veloski, J Jon; Hodgson, Carol S
Evidence supporting professionalism as a critical measure of competence in medical education is limited. In this case-control study, we investigated the association of disciplinary action against practicing physicians with prior unprofessional behavior in medical school. We also examined the specific types of behavior that are most predictive of disciplinary action against practicing physicians with unprofessional behavior in medical school. The study included 235 graduates of three medical schools who were disciplined by one of 40 state medical boards between 1990 and 2003 (case physicians). The 469 control physicians were matched with the case physicians according to medical school and graduation year. Predictor variables from medical school included the presence or absence of narratives describing unprofessional behavior, grades, standardized-test scores, and demographic characteristics. Narratives were assigned an overall rating for unprofessional behavior. Those that met the threshold for unprofessional behavior were further classified among eight types of behavior and assigned a severity rating (moderate to severe). Disciplinary action by a medical board was strongly associated with prior unprofessional behavior in medical school (odds ratio, 3.0; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.9 to 4.8), for a population attributable risk of disciplinary action of 26 percent. The types of unprofessional behavior most strongly linked with disciplinary action were severe irresponsibility (odds ratio, 8.5; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.8 to 40.1) and severely diminished capacity for self-improvement (odds ratio, 3.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.2 to 8.2). Disciplinary action by a medical board was also associated with low scores on the Medical College Admission Test and poor grades in the first two years of medical school (1 percent and 7 percent population attributable risk, respectively), but the association with these variables was less strong than that with
Park, H W
Kwang Hye Won(Je Joong Won), the first western hospital in Korea, was founded in 1885. The first western Medical School in Korea was open in 1886 under the hospital management. Dr. O. R. Avison, who came to Korea in 1893, resumed the medical education there, which was interrupted for some time before his arrival in Korea. He inaugurated translating and publishing medical textbooks with the help of Kim Pil Soon who later became one of the first seven graduates in Severance Hospital Medical School. The first western medical textbook translated into Korean was Henry Gray's Anatomy. However, these twice-translated manuscripts were never to be published on account of being lost and burnt down. The existing early anatomy textbooks, the editions of 1906 and 1909, are not the translation of Gray's Anatomy, but that of Japanese anatomy textbook of Gonda. The remaining oldest medical textbook in Korean is Inorganic Materia Medica published in 1905. This book is unique among its kind that O. R. Avison is the only translator of the book and it contains the prefaces of O. R. Avison and Kim Pil Soon. The publication of medical textbook was animated by the participation of other medical students, such as Hong Suk Hoo and Hong Jong Eun. The list of medical textbooks published includes almost all the field of medicine. The medical textbooks in actual existence are as follows: Inorganic Materia Medica (1905), Inorganic Chemistry (1906), Anatomy I (1906), Physiology (1906), Diagnostics I (1906), Diagnostics II (1907), Obstetrics (1908), Organic Chemistry (1909), Anatomy (1909), and Surgery (1910).
Rethinking medical humanities.
Chiapperino, Luca; Boniolo, Giovanni
This paper questions different conceptions of Medical Humanities in order to provide a clearer understanding of what they are and why they matter. Building upon former attempts, we defend a conception of Medical Humanities as a humanistic problem-based approach to medicine aiming at influencing its nature and practice. In particular, we discuss three main conceptual issues regarding the overall nature of this discipline: (i) a problem-driven approach to Medical Humanities; (ii) the need for an integration of Medical Humanities into medicine; (iii) the methodological requirements that could render Medical Humanities an effective framework for medical decision-making.
Sadick, Neil S; Dinkes, Adam; Oskin, Larry
Medical spas are different. We are not just selling medical and dermatology services; we are offering clients viable new solutions to their skin care, body care, and hair care challenges. Traditional medical marketing becomes blurred today, as the expansion and acceptance of medical spas helps you to effectively compete with traditional skin care clinics, salons, and spas, while offering more therapeutic treatments from professionally licensed doctors, nurses, aestheticians, massage therapists, spa professionals, and medical practitioners. We recommend that you make the choice to successfully and competitively become a market-driven medical spa with an annual strategic plan, rather than an operationally driven business.
Knowledge of medical abortion among Brazilian medical students.
Fernandes, Karayna Gil; Camargo, Rodrigo Pauperio Soares; Duarte, Graciana Alves; Faúndes, Anibal; Sousa, Maria Helena; Maia Filho, Nelson Lourenço; Pacagnella, Rodolfo Carvalho
To assess the knowledge of Brazilian medical students regarding medical abortion (MA) and the use of misoprostol for MA, and to investigate factors influencing their knowledge. All students from 3 medical schools in São Paulo State were invited to complete a pretested structured questionnaire with precoded response categories. A set of 12 statements on the use and effects of misoprostol for MA assessed their level of knowledge. Of about 1260 students invited to participate in the study, 874 completed the questionnaire, yielding a response rate of 69%. The χ(2) test was used for the bivariate analysis, which was followed by multiple regression analysis. Although all students in their final year of medical school had heard of misoprostol for termination of pregnancy, and 88% reported having heard how to use it, only 8% showed satisfactory knowledge of its use and effects. Academic level was the only factor associated with the indicators of knowledge investigated. The very poor knowledge of misoprostol use for MA demonstrated by the medical students surveyed at 3 medical schools makes the review and updating of the curriculum urgently necessary. Copyright © 2012 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Attrition during graduate medical education: medical school perspective.
Andriole, Dorothy A; Jeffe, Donna B; Hageman, Heather L; Klingensmith, Mary E; McAlister, Rebecca P; Whelan, Alison J
To identify predictors of attrition during graduate medical education (GME) in a single medical school cohort of contemporary US medical school graduates. Retrospective cohort study. Single medical institution. Recent US allopathic medical school graduates. Attrition from initial GME program. Forty-seven of 795 graduates (6%) did not complete the GME in their initial specialty of choice. At bivariate analysis, attrition was associated with election to the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, being an MD-PhD degree holder, and specialty choice (all P < .05). Attrition was not associated with graduation year (P = .91), sex (P = .67), or age (P = .12). In a multivariate logistic regression model, MD-PhD degree holder (odds ratio, 3.43; 95% confidence interval, 1.27-9.26; P = .02), election to Alpha Omega Alpha (2.19; 1.04-4.66; P = .04), choice of general surgery for GME (5.32; 1.98-14.27; P < .001), and choice of 5-year surgical specialty including those surgical specialties with a GME training requirement of 5 years or longer (2.74; 1.16-6.44; P = .02) each independently predicted greater likelihood of attrition. Academically highly qualified graduates and graduates who chose training in general surgery or in a 5-year surgical specialty were at increased risk of attrition during GME.
The Medical Ethics Curriculum in Medical Schools: Present and Future.
Giubilini, Alberto; Milnes, Sharyn; Savulescu, Julian
In this review article we describe the current scope, methods, and contents of medical ethics education in medical schools in Western English speaking countries (mainly the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia). We assess the strengths and weaknesses of current medical ethics curricula, and students' levels of satisfaction with different teaching approaches and their reported difficulties in learning medical ethics concepts and applying them in clinical practice. We identify three main challenges for medical ethics education: counteracting the bad effects of the "hidden curriculum," teaching students how to apply ethical knowledge and critical thinking to real cases in clinical practice, and shaping future doctors' right character through ethics education. We suggest ways in which these challenges could be addressed. On the basis of this analysis, we propose practical guidelines for designing, implementing, teaching, and assessing a medical ethics program within a four-year medical course. Copyright 2016 The Journal of Clinical Ethics. All rights reserved.
Duguma, Dagne; Hall, Michael W; Smartt, Chelsea T; Neufeld, Josh D
Pollution from nutrients in aquatic habitats has been linked to increases in disease vectors, including mosquitoes and other pestiferous insects. One possibility is that changes in mosquito microbiomes are impacted by nutrient enrichments and that these changes affect various traits, including larval development, susceptibility to larval control agents, and susceptibility of the adult mosquitoes to pathogens. We tested this hypothesis using field mesocosms supplemented with low- and high-organic-nutrient regimens and then sampled microbial communities associated with the naturally colonizing Culex nigripalpus mosquito vector. By high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene sequences, we found no significant differences in overall microbial communities associated with sampled mosquitoes, despite detecting discernible differences in environmental variables, including pH, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient amendments. Nevertheless, indicator species analysis revealed that members of the Clostridiales were significantly associated with mosquitoes that originated from high-nutrient enrichments. In contrast, members of the Burkholderiales were associated with mosquitoes from the low-nutrient enrichment. High bacterial variability associated with the life stages of the C. nigripalpus was largely unaffected by levels of nutrient enrichments that impacted larval microbial resources, including bacteria, ciliates, and flagellates in the larval environments. IMPORTANCE Mosquito microbiota provide important physiological and ecological attributes to mosquitoes, including an impact on their susceptibility to pathogens, fitness, and sensitivity to mosquito control agents. Culex nigripalpus mosquito populations transmit various pathogens, including the Saint Louis and West Nile viruses, and proliferate in nutrient-rich environments, such as in wastewater treatment wetlands. Our study examined whether increases in nutrients within larval mosquito developmental habitats impact microbial
Medical student and medical school teaching faculty perceptions of conflict of interest.
Andresen, Nicholas S; Olson, Tyler S; Krasowski, Matthew D
Attitudes towards conflict of interest (COI) and COI policy are shaped during medical school and influence both the education of medical students and their future medical practice. Understanding the current attitudes of medical students and medical school teaching faculty may provide insight into what is taught about COI and COI policy within the 'hidden' medical curriculum. Differences between medical student and medical school teaching faculty perceptions of COI and COI policy have not been compared in detail. The authors surveyed first year medical students and medical school teaching faculty at one academic medical center. The response rate was 98.7% (150/152) for students and 34.2% (69/202) for faculty. Students were less likely than faculty to agree that lecturers should disclose COI to any learners (4.06 vs. 4.31, p = 0.01), but more likely to agree that COI disclosure decreases the presentation of biased material (3.80 vs. 3.21, p < 0.001). Student and faculty responses for all other questions were not different. Many of these responses suggest student and faculty support for stronger COI policy at academic medical centers. Students and faculty perceptions regarding COI and COI policy are largely similar, but differ in terms of the perceived effectiveness of COI disclosure. This study also suggests that medical students and medical school teaching faculty support for stronger COI policy at academic medical centers.
Havard, J
If medical confidentiality is not observed patients may well be reluctant to disclose information to their doctors or even to seek medical advice. Therefore, argues the author, it is of the utmost importance that doctors strive to protect medical confidentiality, particularly now when it is under threat not only in this country but also overseas. The profession must cease to regard ethical issues to do with confidentiality, and indeed to do with all areas of medical practice, as abstract phenomena requiring no justification. If it does not then it will come under increasing and justified criticism from the community it serves. PMID:3981576
Progress integrating medical humanities into medical education: a global overview.
Pfeiffer, Stefani; Chen, Yuchia; Tsai, Duujian
The article reviews the most recent developments in integrating humanities into medical education. Global implications and future trends are illustrated. The main concern of medical humanities education is teaching professionalism; one important aspect that has emerged is the goal of nurturing emotion through reflexivity. Relating effectively to all stakeholders and being sensitive to inequitable power dynamics are essential for professional social accountability in modern medical contexts. Mediating doctors' understanding of the clinical encounter through creative arts and narrative is part of most recent pedagogic innovations aimed at motivating learners to become empowered, engaged and caring clinicians. Scenario-based and discursive-oriented evaluations of such activities should be aligned with the medical humanities' problem-based learning curriculum. Medical humanities education fosters professional reflexivity that is important for achieving patient-centered care. Countering insufficient empathy with reflective professionalism is an urgent challenge in medical education; to answer this need, creative arts and narrative understanding have emerged as crucial tools of medical humanities education. To ensure competent professional identity formation in the era of translational medicine, medical humanities programs have adopted scenario-based assessments through inclusion of different voices and emphasizing personal reflection and social critique.
Medical revolution in Argentina.
Ballarin, V L; Isoardi, R A
The paper discusses the major Argentineans contributors, medical physicists and scientists, in medical imaging and the development of medical imaging in Argentina. The following are presented: history of medical imaging in Argentina: the pioneers; medical imaging and medical revolution; nuclear medicine imaging; ultrasound imaging; and mathematics, physics, and electronics in medical image research: a multidisciplinary endeavor.
How Do Providers Assess Antihypertensive Medication Adherence in Medical Encounters?
Bokhour, Barbara G; Berlowitz, Dan R; Long, Judith A; Kressin, Nancy R
BACKGROUND Poor adherence to antihypertensives has been shown to be a significant factor in poor blood pressure (BP) control. Providers' communication with patients about their medication-taking behavior may be central to improving adherence. OBJECTIVE The goal of this study was to characterize the ways in which providers ask patients about medication taking. DESIGN Clinical encounters between primary care providers and hypertensive patients were audiotaped at 3 Department of Veterans' Affairs medical centers. PARTICIPANTS Primary care providers (n =9) and African-American and Caucasian patients (n =38) who were diagnosed with hypertension (HTN). APPROACH Transcribed audiotapes of clinical encounters were coded by 2 investigators using qualitative analysis based on sociolinguistic techniques to identify ways of asking about medication taking. Electronic medical records were reviewed after the visit to determine the BP measurement for the day of the taped encounter. RESULTS Four different aspects of asking about medication were identified: structure, temporality, style and content. Open-ended questions generated the most discussion, while closed-ended declarative statements led to the least discussion. Collaborative style and use of lay language were also seen to facilitate discussions. In 39% of encounters, providers did not ask about medication taking. Among patients with uncontrolled HTN, providers did not ask about medications 33% of the time. CONCLUSION Providers often do not ask about medication-taking behavior, and may not use the most effective communication strategies when they do. Focusing on the ways in which providers ask about patients' adherence to medications may improve BP control. PMID:16808739
Demonopolizing medical knowledge.
Arora, Sanjeev; Thornton, Karla; Komaromy, Miriam; Kalishman, Summers; Katzman, Joanna; Duhigg, Daniel
In the past 100 years, there has been an explosion of medical knowledge-and in the next 50 years, more medical knowledge will be available than ever before. Regrettably, current medical practice has been unable to keep pace with this explosion of medical knowledge. Specialized medical knowledge has been confined largely to academic medical centers (i.e., teaching hospitals) and to specialists in major cities; it has been disconnected from primary care clinicians on the front lines of patient care. To bridge this disconnect, medical knowledge must be demonopolized, and a platform for collaborative practice amongst all clinicians needs to be created. A new model of health care and education delivery called Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes), developed by the first author, does just this. Using videoconferencing technology and case-based learning, ECHO's medical specialists provide training and mentoring to primary care clinicians working in rural and urban underserved areas so that the latter can deliver the best evidence-based care to patients with complex health conditions in their own communities. The ECHO model increases access to care in rural and underserved areas, and it demonopolizes specialized medical knowledge and expertise.
Library collaboration with medical humanities in an american medical college in qatar.
Birch, Sally; Magid, Amani; Weber, Alan
The medical humanities, a cross-disciplinary field of practice and research that includes medicine, literature, art, history, philosophy, and sociology, is being increasingly incorporated into medical school curricula internationally. Medical humanities courses in Writing, Literature, Medical Ethics and History can teach physicians-in-training communication skills, doctor-patient relations, and medical ethics, as well as empathy and cross-cultural understanding. In addition to providing educational breadth and variety, the medical humanities can also play a practical role in teaching critical/analytical skills. These skills are utilized in differential diagnosis and problem-based learning, as well as in developing written and oral communications. Communication skills are a required medical competency for passing medical board exams in the U.S., Canada, the UK and elsewhere. The medical library is an integral part of medical humanities training efforts. This contribution provides a case study of the Distributed eLibrary at the Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar in Doha, and its collaboration with the Writing Program in the Premedical Program to teach and develop the medical humanities. Programs and initiatives of the DeLib library include: developing an information literacy course, course guides for specific courses, the 100 Classic Books Project, collection development of 'doctors' stories' related to the practice of medicine (including medically-oriented movies and TV programs), and workshops to teach the analytical and critical thinking skills that form the basis of humanistic approaches to knowledge. This paper outlines a 'best practices' approach to developing the medical humanities in collaboration among the medical library, faculty and administrative stakeholders.
Library Collaboration with Medical Humanities in an American Medical College in Qatar
Birch, Sally; Magid, Amani; Weber, Alan
The medical humanities, a cross-disciplinary field of practice and research that includes medicine, literature, art, history, philosophy, and sociology, is being increasingly incorporated into medical school curricula internationally. Medical humanities courses in Writing, Literature, Medical Ethics and History can teach physicians-in-training communication skills, doctor-patient relations, and medical ethics, as well as empathy and cross-cultural understanding. In addition to providing educational breadth and variety, the medical humanities can also play a practical role in teaching critical/analytical skills. These skills are utilized in differential diagnosis and problem-based learning, as well as in developing written and oral communications. Communication skills are a required medical competency for passing medical board exams in the U.S., Canada, the UK and elsewhere. The medical library is an integral part of medical humanities training efforts. This contribution provides a case study of the Distributed eLibrary at the Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar in Doha, and its collaboration with the Writing Program in the Premedical Program to teach and develop the medical humanities. Programs and initiatives of the DeLib library include: developing an information literacy course, course guides for specific courses, the 100 Classic Books Project, collection development of ‘doctors’ stories’ related to the practice of medicine (including medically-oriented movies and TV programs), and workshops to teach the analytical and critical thinking skills that form the basis of humanistic approaches to knowledge. This paper outlines a ‘best practices’ approach to developing the medical humanities in collaboration among the medical library, faculty and administrative stakeholders. PMID:24223240
long while the north-south axis coincides approximately with 96 the area of the Grisons Canton. These axial routes lead from numerous...operations. All routes, with the exception of the Engadine axis, merge into the Saint Bernard axis. The interior of Grisons , and particularly the Saint
'The medical' and 'health' in a critical medical humanities.
Atkinson, Sarah; Evans, Bethan; Woods, Angela; Kearns, Robin
As befits an emerging field of enquiry, there is on-going discussion about the scope, role and future of the medical humanities. One relatively recent contribution to this debate proposes a differentiation of the field into two distinct terrains, 'medical humanities' and 'health humanities,' and calls for a supersession of the former by the latter. In this paper, we revisit the conceptual underpinnings for a distinction between 'the medical' and 'health' by looking at the history of an analogous debate between 'medical geography' and 'the geographies of health' that has, over the last few years, witnessed a re-blurring of the distinction. Highlighting the value of this debate within the social sciences for the future development of the medical humanities, we call for scholars to take seriously the challenges of critical and cultural theory, community-based arts and health, and the counter-cultural creative practices and strategies of activist movements in order to meet the new research challenges and fulfill the radical potential of a critical medical humanities.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ineson, Sue; Seeling, Stephen S.
A Working Group on Medical Passports was established in 2002 by the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities. The goal of this group was to develop a fast-track registration process for highly qualified medical practitioners wishing to move from one jurisdiction to another. A "medical passport" would be available only to…
Differences of smoking knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors between medical and non-medical students.
Han, Min-Yan; Chen, Wei-Qing; Wen, Xiao-Zhong; Liang, Cai-Hua; Ling, Wen-Hua
Previous studies in the world reported inconsistent results about the relationship of medical professional education with medical students' smoking behaviors, and no similar research had been published in China. This paper aims to explore whether the differences of smoking-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors existed between medical and non-medical undergraduate students. Eight thousand one hundred thirty-eight undergraduate students sampled from a university in Guangzhou were investigated with a self-administered structured questionnaire about their smoking-related knowledge, attitude and behaviors, and other relevant factors. General linear model and multinomial logistic regression were conducted to test the differences in smoking-related knowledge, attitude, and behaviors between medical and non-medical students while controlling for potential confounding variables. There was no difference in smoking-related knowledge scores between medical and non-medical freshmen, but medical sophomores and juniors had higher scores of smoking-related knowledge than their non-medical counterparts. The medical sophomores had higher mean score of attitudes towards smoking than non-medical ones. Before entering university, the difference in the prevalence of experimental and regular smoking between medical and non-medical college students was not significant. After entering university, in contrast, the overall prevalence of regular smoking was significantly higher among male non-medical college students than among male medical students. Stratified by current academic year, this difference was significant only among male sophomores. Medical students have higher smoking-related knowledge, stronger anti-smoking attitude, and lower prevalence of regular smoking than non-medical college students of similar age, which may be associated with medical professional education.
Medical Students' Impressions and Satisfactions from Medical Professional Skill Education Lessons
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ongel, Kurtulus; Mergen, Haluk; Kayacan, Hacer; Yildizhan, Alpaslan
(Background) To help us understand the medical students' reflections about professional skill educations we conducted a study on medical students' conceptions of selected medical phenomena, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR. (Methods) The study was conducted in January 2008, using a sample consisting of medical students from one of the…
Postgraduation retention of medical students from Otago and Auckland medical programmes.
Shelker, William; Poole, Phillippa; Bagg, Warwick; Wood, Ian; Glue, Paul
Auckland and Otago medical programmes have different methods for selecting students. This study compared postgraduate retention in New Zealand (NZ) of medical graduates from the two medical programmes, to assess whether different selection methods influenced retention. Other variables assessed included entrance category and age at graduation. Anonymised databases were created of all graduates from the Otago Faculty of Medicine (1999-2011) and the Auckland medical programme (2000-2012). Demographic and entry category data were recorded. Retention was defined as presence on the NZ Medical Register in December 2012. Risk differences (RD) were calculated to compare retention between the two medical programmes using the Mantel-Haenszel method. The influence of medical programme entrance category on retention was also tested. The influence of covariates on retaining graduates on the register was evaluated using a multiple logistic regression model. The postgraduate retention of graduates of the two medical programmes over 13 years was identical (Auckland 74.9%, Otago 73.6%, P=0.48). Retention of graduate and non-graduate entry students from both medical programmes was similar by 6 years after graduation. Age during medical school did not affect retention. University of attendance had no effect on postgraduation retention of students on the NZ Medical Register, suggesting that retention is not influenced by the different student selection methods at each programme. The data presented shows that New Zealand graduates regardless of programme completed show a similar profile in terms of retention.
Smith, Matthew
Historians are increasingly required to produce research that makes an impact. This is particularly the case for medical historians, partly because of our funders' expectations, but also because there is a sense that medical history can inform today's thorny debates about health. Unfortunately, many historians struggle to make an impact. I suggest that participating in medical conferences (broadly defined), not only provides opportunities to make an impact on the medical community, but also offers chances to observe and participate in medical history as it happens.
[Structured medication management in primary care - a tool to promote medication safety].
Mahler, Cornelia; Freund, Tobias; Baldauf, Annika; Jank, Susanne; Ludt, Sabine; Peters-Klimm, Frank; Haefeli, Walter Emil; Szecsenyi, Joachim
Patients with chronic disease usually need to take multiple medications. Drug-related interactions, adverse events, suboptimal adherence, and self-medication are components that can affect medication safety and lead to serious consequences for the patient. At present, regular medication reviews to check what medicines have been prescribed and what medicines are actually taken by the patient or the structured evaluation of drug-related problems rarely take place in Germany. The process of "medication reconciliation" or "medication review" as developed in the USA and the UK aim at increasing medication safety and therefore represent an instrument of quality assurance. Within the HeiCare(®) project a structured medication management was developed for general practice, with medical assistants playing a major role in the implementation of the process. Both the structured medication management and the tools developed for the medication check and medication counselling will be outlined in this article; also, findings on feasibility and acceptance in various projects and experiences from a total of 200 general practices (56 HeiCare(®), 29 HiCMan,115 PraCMan) will be described. The results were obtained from questionnaires and focus group discussions. The implementation of a structured medication management intervention into daily routine was seen as a challenge. Due to the high relevance of medication reconciliation for daily clinical practice, however, the checklists - once implemented successfully - have been applied even after the end of the project. They have led to the regular review and reconciliation of the physicians' documentation of the medicines prescribed (medication chart) with the medicines actually taken by the patient. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
Medication deserts: survey of neighborhood disparities in availability of prescription medications.
Amstislavski, Philippe; Matthews, Ariel; Sheffield, Sarah; Maroko, Andrew R; Weedon, Jeremy
Only a small amount of research has focused on the relationship between socio-economic status (SES) and geographic access to prescription medications at community pharmacies in North America and Europe. To examine the relationship between a community's socio-economic context and its residents' geographic access to common medications in pharmacies, we hypothesized that differences are present in access to pharmacies across communities with different socio-economic environments, and in availability of commonly prescribed medications within pharmacies located in communities with different socio-economic status. We visited 408 pharmacies located in 168 socio-economically diverse communities to assess the availability of commonly prescribed medications. We collected the following information at each pharmacy visited: hours of operation, pharmacy type, in-store medication availability, and the cash price of the 13 most commonly prescribed medications. We calculated descriptive statistics for the sample and fitted a series of hierarchical linear models to test our hypothesis that the in-stock availability of medications differs by the socio-economic conditions of the community. This was accomplished by modeling medication availability in pharmacies on the socio-economic factors operating at the community level in a socio-economically devise urban area. Pharmacies in poor communities had significantly higher odds of medications being out of stock, OR=1.24, 95% CI [1.02, 1.52]. There was also a significant difference in density of smaller, independent pharmacies with very limited stock and hours of operation, and larger, chain pharmacies in poor communities as compared to the middle and low-poverty communities. The findings suggest that geographic access to a neighborhood pharmacy, the type of pharmacy, and availability of commonly prescribed medications varies significantly across communities. In extreme cases, entire communities could be deemed "medication deserts
Medical misconduct in Hong Kong: implications for medical education around the world.
Chan, Zenobia C Y
Medical educators emphasise responses to medical misconduct, but little is known about medical misconduct and its implications for medical education. This article investigates the nature of medical malpractice in Hong Kong and offers guidance for the inclusion of a curriculum to prevent the occurrence of medical misconduct in medical education around the world. A comprehensive review of judgements made by the Medical Council of Hong Kong during the period from July 2008 to December 2010 was conducted. Each of the 40 cases of inquiry related to medical misconduct were summarised and analysed according to 14 factors. Of the 40 cases, nearly half involved only one or two charges. The Council found the defendants guilty of professional misconduct on 148 of 169 charges, and ordered the following four types of penalty: removal order, suspension, warning letter, and reprimand. Cases are grouped into three categories involving: improper documentation, inappropriate management or prescription of drugs, and failure to interact appropriately with patients. The relevant ethical codes or legislation for each category are illustrated. Various types of medical misconduct unquestionably caused suffering to the patients involved, their families and society. Hence, it is crucial for medical educators to teach students about the importance of medical ethics and the prevention of misconduct. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012.
Smoking cessation - medications; Smokeless tobacco - medications; Medications for stopping tobacco ... Smoking cessation medicines can: Help with the craving for tobacco. Help you with withdrawal symptoms. Keep you ...
Cannabinoids: Medical implications.
Schrot, Richard J; Hubbard, John R
Herbal cannabis has been used for thousands of years for medical purposes. With elucidation of the chemical structures of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) and with discovery of the human endocannabinoid system, the medical usefulness of cannabinoids has been more intensively explored. While more randomized clinical trials are needed for some medical conditions, other medical disorders, like chronic cancer and neuropathic pain and certain symptoms of multiple sclerosis, have substantial evidence supporting cannabinoid efficacy. While herbal cannabis has not met rigorous FDA standards for medical approval, specific well-characterized cannabinoids have met those standards. Where medical cannabis is legal, patients typically see a physician who "certifies" that a benefit may result. Physicians must consider important patient selection criteria such as failure of standard medical treatment for a debilitating medical disorder. Medical cannabis patients must be informed about potential adverse effects, such as acute impairment of memory, coordination and judgment, and possible chronic effects, such as cannabis use disorder, cognitive impairment, and chronic bronchitis. In addition, social dysfunction may result at work/school, and there is increased possibility of motor vehicle accidents. Novel ways to manipulate the endocannbinoid system are being explored to maximize benefits of cannabinoid therapy and lessen possible harmful effects.
Four different ways of philanthropic aid to the blind in medieval eastern Christendom.
Diamandopoulou-Drummond, A H; Diamandopoulos, A A; Marketos, S G
The care of the blind, either as medical treatment or as divine therapy, has probably been the most ancient form of help for ill people. However, it was during the Byzantine Empire (325-1453 AD) that the state organized a 'blindness relief' plan as part of a widespread public health system. Our sources for the subject include medical writings, state decrees, Saint's 'vitae' and representations of relevant works of art. Based on the above data we classify the health care for the blind in Byzantium as: (a) support of ophthalmological education as evidenced by an abundance of medical writings on the subject; (b) establishment of charitable institutions exclusively or partially for the blind, where there was not only medical care but also provision for a wide range of social aid - the most advanced being specially trained escorts for each blind person; and (c) support by the state of an extended chain of religious institutions where miraculous help for the blind was promised. We conclude that the public health policy in Byzantium made adequate and very early provision for the blind.
Medication communication through documentation in medical wards: knowledge and power relations.
Liu, Wei; Manias, Elizabeth; Gerdtz, Marie
Health professionals communicate with each other about medication information using different forms of documentation. This article explores knowledge and power relations surrounding medication information exchanged through documentation among nurses, doctors and pharmacists. Ethnographic fieldwork was conducted in 2010 in two medical wards of a metropolitan hospital in Australia. Data collection methods included participant observations, field interviews, video-recordings, document retrieval and video reflexive focus groups. A critical discourse analytic framework was used to guide data analysis. The written medication chart was the main means of communicating medication decisions from doctors to nurses as compared to verbal communication. Nurses positioned themselves as auditors of the medication chart and scrutinised medical prescribing to maintain the discourse of patient safety. Pharmacists utilised the discourse of scientific judgement to guide their decision-making on the necessity of verbal communication with nurses and doctors. Targeted interdisciplinary meetings involving nurses, doctors and pharmacists should be organised in ward settings to discuss the importance of having documented medication information conveyed verbally across different disciplines. Health professionals should be encouraged to proactively seek out each other to relay changes in medication regimens and treatment goals. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Lyznicki, J M; Williams, M A; Deitchman, S D; Howe, J P
This report responds to resolutions asking the American Medical Association (AMA) to develop recommendations for the use of medical equipment and technology onboard commercial airlines. Information for the report was derived from a search of the MEDLINE database and references listed in pertinent articles, as well as through communications with experts in aerospace and emergency medicine. Based on this information, the AMA Council on Scientific Affairs determined that, while inflight morbidity and mortality are uncommon, serious events do occur, which require immediate emergency care. Management of serious problems requires an integrated emergency response system that ensures rapid notification of medical personnel on the ground, assistance from appropriately trained flight crews and passenger volunteers (if available), and adequate medical supplies and equipment to stabilize the victim. Physicians have an important role in the preflight evaluation and counseling of potential passengers who are at risk of inflight medical complications, and in providing inflight medical assistance. Some U.S. and foreign air carriers are upgrading inflight emergency medical kits and placing automated external defibrillators aboard aircraft. Few data are available regarding the effectiveness of such improvements in improving health or survival outcomes. Recent federal legislation requires assessment of the extent of inflight medical emergencies, including the adequacy of emergency medical supplies and equipment carried onboard commercial airliners. This legislation also should alleviate liability concerns by providing immunity for physicians and others who render inflight medical assistance.
Medicalization, markets and consumers.
Conrad, Peter; Leiter, Valerie
This paper examines the impact of changes in the medical marketplace on medicalization in U.S. society. Using four cases (Viagra, Paxil, human growth hormone and in vitro fertilization), we focus on two aspects of the changing medical marketplace: the role of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs and the emergence of private medical markets. We demonstrate how consumers and pharmaceutical corporations contribute to medicalization, with physicians, insurance coverage, and changes in regulatory practices playing facilitating roles. In some cases, insurers attempt to counteract medicalization by restricting access. We distinguish mediated and private medical markets, each characterized by differing relationships with corporations, insurers, consumers, and physicians. In the changing medical environment, with medical markets as intervening factors, corporations and insurers are becoming more significant determinants in the medicalization process.
Patient safety awareness among Undergraduate Medical Students in Pakistani Medical School.
Kamran, Rizwana; Bari, Attia; Khan, Rehan Ahmed; Al-Eraky, Mohamed
To measure the level of awareness of patient safety among undergraduate medical students in Pakistani Medical School and to find the difference with respect to gender and prior experience with medical error. This cross-sectional study was conducted at the University of Lahore (UOL), Pakistan from January to March 2017, and comprised final year medical students. Data was collected using a questionnaire 'APSQ- III' on 7 point Likert scale. Eight questions were reverse coded. Survey was anonymous. SPSS package 20 was used for statistical analysis. Questionnaire was filled by 122 students, with 81% response rate. The best score 6.17 was given for the 'team functioning', followed by 6.04 for 'long working hours as a cause of medical error'. The domains regarding involvement of patient, confidence to report medical errors and role of training and learning on patient safety scored high in the agreed range of >5. Reverse coded questions about 'professional incompetence as an error cause' and 'disclosure of errors' showed negative perception. No significant differences of perceptions were found with respect to gender and prior experience with medical error (p= >0.05). Undergraduate medical students at UOL had a positive attitude towards patient safety. However, there were misconceptions about causes of medical errors and error disclosure among students and patient safety education needs to be incorporated in medical curriculum of Pakistan.
Student Support that Works: A Solid Approach.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lang, Kathy J.; Bielejeski, Ruth
The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University (Minnesota), two coordinate, liberal arts colleges, have implemented a cost-effective student information technology (IT) support system. Project IMPACT (Implementing Academic Technology), a 5-year, $10 million plan to upgrade the technology for student and faculty use, was implemented in…
The Representation of Oral Culture in the "Vita Constantini."
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Butler, Francis
Examines a passage describing an encounter between the missionary, Saint Constantine-Cyril, and a pagan in the land of the Khazars. The main focus of the saint's discourse emphasized that without inventing the Slavic alphabet, he would have had no hope of success as a missionary. (24 references) (CK)
Medical Physics Panel Discussion
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guèye, Paul; Avery, Steven; Baird, Richard; Soares, Christopher; Amols, Howard; Tripuraneni, Prabhakar; Majewski, Stan; Weisenberger, Drew
The panel discussion will explore opportunities and vistas in medical physics research and practice, medical imaging, teaching medical physics to undergraduates, and medical physics curricula as a recruiting tool for physics departments. Panel members consist of representatives from NSBP (Paul Guèye and Steven Avery), NIH/NIBIB (Richard Baird), NIST (Christopher Soares), AAPM (Howard Amols), ASTRO (Prabhakar Tripuraneni), and Jefferson Lab (Stan Majewski and Drew Weisenberger). Medical Physicists are part of Departments of Radiation Oncology at hospitals and medical centers. The field of medical physics includes radiation therapy physics, medical diagnostic and imaging physics, nuclear medicine physics, and medical radiation safety. It also ranges from basic researcher (at college institutions, industries, and laboratories) to applications in clinical environments.
Kim, Minseong; Koo, Dong-Woo; Shin, Dong-Jin; Lee, Sae-Mi
Medical tourism organizations have increasingly recognized that loyalty makes a medical clinic a marketing success. To increase understanding of the importance of medical clinics, this study examined the roles of servicescapes, emotions, and satisfaction in the development of customer loyalty toward medical clinics and destination. Data were collected among international medical tourists visiting Korea. Results identified that dimensions of medical clinics' servicescape (ie, medical clinic environment, medical treatment, staff, and doctor) influenced emotions and satisfaction among international medical tourists. Also, positive emotions and the 2 dimensions of satisfaction with a medical clinic and doctor mediate the influence of medical clinics' servicescapes on 2 types of loyalty (the medical clinic and Korea for medical care). Overall, these findings indicate that the interrelationship of servicescapes, positive emotion, and satisfaction is essential in influencing international medical tourists' loyalty to a medical clinic.
Taking stock of medication wastage: Unused medications in US households.
Law, Anandi V; Sakharkar, Prashant; Zargarzadeh, Amir; Tai, Bik Wai Bilvick; Hess, Karl; Hata, Micah; Mireles, Rudolph; Ha, Carolyn; Park, Tony J
Despite the potential deleterious impact on patient safety, environmental safety and health care expenditures, the extent of unused prescription medications in US households and reasons for nonuse remain unknown. To estimate the extent, type and cost of unused medications and the reasons for their nonuse among US households. A cross-sectional, observational two-phased study was conducted using a convenience sample in Southern California. A web-based survey (Phase I, n = 238) at one health sciences institution and paper-based survey (Phase II, n = 68) at planned drug take-back events at three community pharmacies were conducted. The extent, type, and cost of unused medications and the reasons for their nonuse were collected. Approximately 2 of 3 prescription medications were reported unused; disease/condition improved (42.4%), forgetfulness (5.8%) and side effects (6.5%) were reasons cited for their nonuse. "Throwing medications in the trash" was found being the common method of disposal (63%). In phase I, pain medications (23.3%) and antibiotics (18%) were most commonly reported as unused, whereas in Phase II, 17% of medications for chronic conditions (hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, heart disease) and 8.3% for mental health problems were commonly reported as unused. Phase II participants indicated pharmacy as a preferred location for drug disposal. The total estimated cost for unused medications was approximately $59,264.20 (average retail Rx price) to $152,014.89 (AWP) from both phases, borne largely by private health insurance. When extrapolated to a national level, it was approximately $2.4B for elderly taking five prescription medications to $5.4B for the 52% of US adults who take one prescription medication daily. Two out of three dispensed medications were unused, with national projected costs ranging from $2.4B to $5.4B. This wastage raises concerns about adherence, cost and safety; additionally, it points to the need for public awareness and
The Hospital Medical Advisory Committee—The Cabinet of the Medical Staff
Williams, K. J.; Osbaldeston, J. B.
Before a hospital medical staff can realistically accept responsibility for the professional practices of its members, a principle initially fostered by the American College of Surgeons and adopted by both the Canadian and American accreditation programs, it must have an effectively functioning medical staff organization. The medical advisory committee is the most important committee of the medical staff organization. A representative composition, adherence to sound administrative principles, and recognition of its prime functions of co-ordination, supervision and jurisdiction will permit this committee—and the total medical staff organization—to discharge adequately the very important responsibilities delegated to them by the governing board of the hospital. Properly structured medical staff bylaws with clearly defined terms of reference assist the smooth functioning of the “cabinet” of the medical staff and safeguard the prerogatives of the individual members of the staff. PMID:14285296
Fertility awareness among medical and non-medical students: a case-control study.
Nouri, Kazem; Huber, Dagmar; Walch, Katharina; Promberger, Regina; Buerkle, Bernd; Ott, Johannes; Tempfer, Clemens B
To compare the understanding and perceptions of fertility issues among medical and non-medical University students. In a prospective case-control study, using a 43 item questionnaire with 5 sections and 43 questions regarding personal data (8 questions), lifestyle factors (9 questions), plans on having children (5 questions), age and fertility (5 questions), and lifestyle and fertility (16 questions), knowledge of fertility and influencing factors, desired age at commencement and completion of childbearing, among male and female medical and non-medical students in their first academic year at Vienna University, Vienna, Austria were evaluated. 340 students were included. 262/340 (77%) participants planned to have children in the future. Medical students (n = 170) planned to have fewer and later children and had a higher awareness of the impact of age on fertility than non-medical students (n = 170; estimated knowledge probability 0.55 [medical students] vs. 0.47 [non-medical students]; F (1, 336) = 5.18 and p = .024 (η p = .015). Gender did not independently affect estimated knowledge probability (F (1, 336) = 1.50 and p = .221). More female and male medical students had a positive attitude towards Assisted Reproductive Technology in case of infertility than non-medical students (47 and 55% vs. 23 and 29%, respectively; p = <.001). Medical students had a healthier lifestyle than non-medical students. A healthy lifestyle and female gender were associated with higher fertility awareness. Medical students have a higher awareness of fertility issues than non-medical students. Choice of academic study, gender, and personal life style are important factors affecting fertility awareness. These data may be helpful to address knowledge gaps among young non-medical Academics.
Lead User Design: Medication Management in Electronic Medical Records.
Price, Morgan; Weber, Jens H; Davies, Iryna; Bellwood, Paule
Improvements in medication management may lead to a reduction of preventable errors. Usability and user experience issues are common and related to achieving benefits of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). This paper reports on a novel study that combines the lead user method with a safety engineering review to discover an innovative design for the medication management module in EMRs in primary care. Eight lead users were recruited that represented prescribers and clinical pharmacists with expertise in EMR design, evidence-based medicine, medication safety and medication research. Eight separate medication management module designs were prototyped and validated, one with each lead user. A parallel safety review of medicaiton management was completed. The findings were synthesized into a single common set of goals, activities and one interactive, visual prototype. The lead user method with safety review proved to be an effective way to elicit diverse user goals and synthesize them into a common design. The resulting design ideas focus on meeting the goals of quality, efficiency, safety, reducing the cognitive load on the user, and improving communication wih the patient and the care team. Design ideas are being adapted to an existing EMR product, providing areas for further work.
National Survey of Medical Spanish Curriculum in U.S. Medical Schools.
Morales, Raymond; Rodriguez, Lauren; Singh, Angad; Stratta, Erin; Mendoza, Lydia; Valerio, Melissa A; Vela, Monica
Patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) may be at risk for medical errors and worse health outcomes. Language concordance between patient and provider has been shown to improve health outcomes for Spanish-speaking patients. Nearly 40 % of Hispanics, a growing population in the United States, are categorized as having limited English proficiency. Many medical schools have incorporated a medical Spanish curriculum to prepare students for clinical encounters with LEP patients. To describe the current state of medical Spanish curricula at United States medical schools. The Latino Medical Student Association distributed an e-mail survey comprising 39 items to deans from each U.S. medical school from July 2012 through July 2014. This study was IRB-exempt. Eighty-three percent (110/132) of the U.S. medical schools completed the survey. Sixty-six percent (73/110) of these schools reported offering a medical Spanish curriculum. In addition, of schools with no curriculum, 32 % (12/37) planned to incorporate the curriculum within the next two years. Most existing curricula were elective, not eligible for course credit, and taught by faculty or students. Teaching modalities included didactic instruction, role play, and immersion activities. Schools with the curriculum reported that the diverse patient populations in their respective service areas and/or student interest drove course development. Barriers to implementing the curriculum included lack of time in students' schedules, overly heterogeneous student language skill levels, and a lack of financial resources. Few schools reported the use of validated instruments to measure language proficiency after completion of the curriculum. Growing LEP patient populations and medical student interest have driven the implementation of medical Spanish curricula at U.S. medical schools, and more schools have plans to incorporate this curriculum in the near future. Studies are needed to reveal best practices for developing and
[Unravelling medical leadership].
Voogt, Judith J; van Rensen, Elizabeth L J; Noordegraaf, Mirko; Schneider, Margriet M E
Medical leadership is a popular topic in the Netherlands, and several interest groups now incorporate medical leadership into postgraduate medical education. However, there is no consensus on what this concept entails. By conducting a discourse analysis, a qualitative method which uses language and text to reveal existing viewpoints, this article reveals three perspectives on medical leadership: administrative leadership, leadership within organisations and leadership within each doctor's daily practice. Text analysis shows that the first two perspectives refer to medical leadership mainly in a defensive manner: by demonstrating medical leadership doctors could 'take the lead' once again; patient care only seems to play a small part in the process. These perspectives are not free of consequences, they will determine how the medical profession is constructed. For this reason, it is argued that there should be more emphasis on the third perspective, in which the quality of care for patients is of primary importance.
Wheeler, Russell L.; Perkins, David M.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is updating and revising its 1996 national seismic-hazard maps for release in 2001. Part of this process is the convening of four regional workshops with earth scientists and other users of the maps. The second of these workshops was sponsored by the USGS and the Mid-America Earthquake Center, and was hosted by Saint Louis University on June 13-14, 2000.The workshop concentrated on the central and eastern U.S. (CEUS) east of the Rocky Mountains. The tasks of the workshop were to (1) evaluate new research findings that are relevant to seismic hazard mapping, (2) discuss modifications in the inputs and methodology used in the national maps, (3) discuss concerns by engineers and other users about the scientific input to the maps and the use of the hazard maps in building codes, and (4) identify needed research in the CEUS that can improve the seismic hazard maps and reduce their uncertainties. These minutes summarize the workshop discussions. This is not a transcript; some individual remarks and short discussions of side issues and logistics were omitted. Named speakers were sent a draft of the minutes with a request for corrections of any errors in remarks attributed to them. Nine people returned corrections, amplifications, or approvals of their remarks as reported. The rest of this document consists of the meeting agenda, discussion summaries, and a list of the 60 attendees.
Wachtler, Caroline; Lundin, Susanne; Troein, Margareta
Background Today, there is a trend towards establishing the medical humanities as a component of medical education. However, medical humanities programs that exist within the context of a medical school can be problematic. The aim of this study was to explore problems that can arise with the establishment of a medical humanities curriculum in a medical school program. Methods Our theoretical approach in this study is informed by derridean deconstruction and by post-structuralist analysis. We examined the ideology of the Humanities and Medicine program at Lund University, Sweden, the practical implementation of the program, and how ideology and practice corresponded. Examination of the ideology driving the humanities and medicine program was based on a critical reading of all available written material concerning the Humanities and Medicine project. The practice of the program was examined by means of a participatory observation study of one course, and by in-depth interviews with five students who participated in the course. Data was analysed using a hermeneutic editing approach. Results The ideological language used to describe the program calls it an interdisciplinary learning environment but at the same time shows that the conditions of the program are established by the medical faculty's agenda. In practice, the "humanities" are constructed, defined and used within a medical frame of reference. Medical students have interesting discussions, acquire concepts and enjoy the program. But they come away lacking theoretical structure to understand what they have learned. There is no place for humanities students in the program. Conclusion A challenge facing cross-disciplinary programs is creating an environment where the disciplines have equal standing and contribution. PMID:16519815
Twelve Tips for teaching medical professionalism at all levels of medical education.
Al-Eraky, Mohamed Mostafa
Review of studies published in medical education journals over the last decade reveals that teaching medical professionalism is essential, yet challenging. According to a recent Best Evidence in Medical Education (BEME) guide, there is no consensus on a theoretical or practical model to integrate the teaching of professionalism into medical education. The aim of this article is to outline a practical manual for teaching professionalism at all levels of medical education. Drawing from research literature and author's experience, Twelve Tips are listed and organised in four clusters with relevance to (1) the context, (2) the teachers, (3) the curriculum, and (4) the networking. With a better understanding of the guiding educational principles for teaching medical professionalism, medical educators will be able to teach one of the most challenging constructs in medical education.
Bryan, Jeffrey; Miyamoto, Danelle; Holman, Vincent
Medical civil-military operations are a critical combat multiplier directly supporting the counterinsurgency fight. Army Medical Department Soldiers support medical civil affairs activities at all levels from platoon to the United States Mission-Iraq (Department of State) initiatives enhancing the legitimacy of medical services in the Iraq Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of the Interior, and Ministry of Justice. The civil-military operations mission of the deployed Task Force 62 Medical Brigade has also evolved into a broad mission encompassing over 120 contractors including Iraqi-American, Bilingual Bicultural Advisors-Subject Matter Experts serving as case management liaison officers and medical trainers, as well as Iraqi Advisor Task Force members providing medical atmospherics, assessments, training, and the overall management of Iraqi linguists supporting all level III medical facilities.
Ziaeian, Boback; Araujo, Katy L B; Van Ness, Peter H; Horwitz, Leora I
Adverse drug events after hospital discharge are common and often serious. These events may result from provider errors or patient misunderstanding. To determine the prevalence of medication reconciliation errors and patient misunderstanding of discharge medications. Prospective cohort study Patients over 64 years of age admitted with heart failure, acute coronary syndrome or pneumonia and discharged to home. We assessed medication reconciliation accuracy by comparing admission to discharge medication lists and reviewing charts to resolve discrepancies. Medication reconciliation changes that did not appear intentional were classified as suspected provider errors. We assessed patient understanding of intended medication changes through post-discharge interviews. Understanding was scored as full, partial or absent. We tested the association of relevance of the medication to the primary diagnosis with medication accuracy and with patient understanding, accounting for patient demographics, medical team and primary diagnosis. A total of 377 patients were enrolled in the study. A total of 565/2534 (22.3 %) of admission medications were redosed or stopped at discharge. Of these, 137 (24.2 %) were classified as suspected provider errors. Excluding suspected errors, patients had no understanding of 142/205 (69.3 %) of redosed medications, 182/223 (81.6 %) of stopped medications, and 493 (62.0 %) of new medications. Altogether, 307 patients (81.4 %) either experienced a provider error, or had no understanding of at least one intended medication change. Providers were significantly more likely to make an error on a medication unrelated to the primary diagnosis than on a medication related to the primary diagnosis (odds ratio (OR) 4.56, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 2.65, 7.85, p<0.001). Patients were also significantly more likely to misunderstand medication changes unrelated to the primary diagnosis (OR 2.45, 95 % CI 1.68, 3.55), p<0.001). Medication reconciliation and
Medication deserts: survey of neighborhood disparities in availability of prescription medications
Background Only a small amount of research has focused on the relationship between socio-economic status (SES) and geographic access to prescription medications at community pharmacies in North America and Europe. To examine the relationship between a community’s socio-economic context and its residents’ geographic access to common medications in pharmacies, we hypothesized that differences are present in access to pharmacies across communities with different socio-economic environments, and in availability of commonly prescribed medications within pharmacies located in communities with different socio-economic status. Methods We visited 408 pharmacies located in 168 socio-economically diverse communities to assess the availability of commonly prescribed medications. We collected the following information at each pharmacy visited: hours of operation, pharmacy type, in-store medication availability, and the cash price of the 13 most commonly prescribed medications. We calculated descriptive statistics for the sample and fitted a series of hierarchical linear models to test our hypothesis that the in-stock availability of medications differs by the socio-economic conditions of the community. This was accomplished by modeling medication availability in pharmacies on the socio-economic factors operating at the community level in a socio-economically devise urban area. Results Pharmacies in poor communities had significantly higher odds of medications being out of stock, OR=1.24, 95% CI [1.02, 1.52]. There was also a significant difference in density of smaller, independent pharmacies with very limited stock and hours of operation, and larger, chain pharmacies in poor communities as compared to the middle and low-poverty communities. Conclusions The findings suggest that geographic access to a neighborhood pharmacy, the type of pharmacy, and availability of commonly prescribed medications varies significantly across communities. In extreme cases, entire communities
Olopade, Funmilayo Eniola; Adaramoye, Oluwatosin Adekunle; Raji, Yinusa; Fasola, Abiodun Olubayo; Olapade-Olaopa, Emiola Oluwabunmi
The College of Medicine of the University of Ibadan recently revised its MBBS and BDS curricula to a competency-based medical education method of instruction. This paper reports the process of revising the methods of instruction and assessment in the core basic medical sciences directed at producing medical and dental graduates with a sound knowledge of the subjects sufficient for medical and dental practice and for future postgraduate efforts in the field or related disciplines. The health needs of the community and views of stakeholders in the Ibadan medical and dental schools were determined, and the “old” curriculum was reviewed. This process was directed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the old curricula and the newer competences required for modern-day medical/dental practice. The admission criteria and processes and the learning methods of the students were also studied. At the end of the review, an integrated, system-based, community-oriented, person-centered, and competency-driven curriculum was produced and approved for implementation. Four sets of students have been admitted into the curriculum. There have been challenges to the implementation process, but these have been overcome by continuous faculty development and reorientation programs for the nonteaching staff and students. Two sets of students have crossed over to the clinical school, and the consensus among the clinical teachers is that their knowledge and application of the basic medical sciences are satisfactory. The Ibadan medical and dental schools are implementing their competency-based medical education curricula successfully. The modifications to the teaching and assessment of the core basic medical science subjects have resulted in improved learning and performance at the final examinations. PMID:27486351
Olopade, Funmilayo Eniola; Adaramoye, Oluwatosin Adekunle; Raji, Yinusa; Fasola, Abiodun Olubayo; Olapade-Olaopa, Emiola Oluwabunmi
The College of Medicine of the University of Ibadan recently revised its MBBS and BDS curricula to a competency-based medical education method of instruction. This paper reports the process of revising the methods of instruction and assessment in the core basic medical sciences directed at producing medical and dental graduates with a sound knowledge of the subjects sufficient for medical and dental practice and for future postgraduate efforts in the field or related disciplines. The health needs of the community and views of stakeholders in the Ibadan medical and dental schools were determined, and the "old" curriculum was reviewed. This process was directed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the old curricula and the newer competences required for modern-day medical/dental practice. The admission criteria and processes and the learning methods of the students were also studied. At the end of the review, an integrated, system-based, community-oriented, person-centered, and competency-driven curriculum was produced and approved for implementation. Four sets of students have been admitted into the curriculum. There have been challenges to the implementation process, but these have been overcome by continuous faculty development and reorientation programs for the nonteaching staff and students. Two sets of students have crossed over to the clinical school, and the consensus among the clinical teachers is that their knowledge and application of the basic medical sciences are satisfactory. The Ibadan medical and dental schools are implementing their competency-based medical education curricula successfully. The modifications to the teaching and assessment of the core basic medical science subjects have resulted in improved learning and performance at the final examinations.
Patient safety awareness among Undergraduate Medical Students in Pakistani Medical School
Kamran, Rizwana; Bari, Attia; Khan, Rehan Ahmed; Al-Eraky, Mohamed
Objective: To measure the level of awareness of patient safety among undergraduate medical students in Pakistani Medical School and to find the difference with respect to gender and prior experience with medical error. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the University of Lahore (UOL), Pakistan from January to March 2017, and comprised final year medical students. Data was collected using a questionnaire ‘APSQ- III’ on 7 point Likert scale. Eight questions were reverse coded. Survey was anonymous. SPSS package 20 was used for statistical analysis. Results: Questionnaire was filled by 122 students, with 81% response rate. The best score 6.17 was given for the ‘team functioning’, followed by 6.04 for ‘long working hours as a cause of medical error’. The domains regarding involvement of patient, confidence to report medical errors and role of training and learning on patient safety scored high in the agreed range of >5. Reverse coded questions about ‘professional incompetence as an error cause’ and ‘disclosure of errors’ showed negative perception. No significant differences of perceptions were found with respect to gender and prior experience with medical error (p= >0.05). Conclusion: Undergraduate medical students at UOL had a positive attitude towards patient safety. However, there were misconceptions about causes of medical errors and error disclosure among students and patient safety education needs to be incorporated in medical curriculum of Pakistan. PMID:29805398
The teaching of medical ethics to medical students.
Glick, S M
Teaching medical ethics to medical students in a pluralistic society is a challenging task. Teachers of ethics have obligations not just to teach the subject matter but to help create an academic environment in which well motivated students have reinforcement of their inherent good qualities. Emphasis should be placed on the ethical aspects of daily medical practice and not just on the dramatic dilemmas raised by modern technology. Interdisciplinary teaching should be encouraged and teaching should span the entire duration of medical studies. Attention should be paid particularly to ethical problems faced by the students themselves, preferably at the time when the problems are most on the students' minds. A high level of academic demands, including critical examination of students' progress is recommended. Finally, personal humility on the part of teachers can help set a good example for students to follow. PMID:7861430
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
SYMED, Inc., developed a unique electronic medical records and information management system. The S2000 Medical Interactive Care System (MICS) incorporates both a comprehensive and interactive medical care support capability and an extensive array of digital medical reference materials in either text or high resolution graphic form. The system was designed, in cooperation with NASA, to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of physician practices. The S2000 is a MS (Microsoft) Windows based software product which combines electronic forms, medical documents, records management, and features a comprehensive medical information system for medical diagnostic support and treatment. SYMED, Inc. offers access to its medical systems to all companies seeking competitive advantages.
... Training Home Conditions Medication/Drug Allergy Medication/Drug Allergy Make an Appointment Find a Doctor Ask a ... risk for adverse reactions to medications. Facts about Allergies The tendency to develop allergies may be inherited. ...
MEDRIS: The Problem Oriented Electronic Medical Record in Medical Education
Rifat, Sami F.; Robert, Shanthi; Trace, David; Prakash, Sanjeev; Naeymi-Rad, Frank; Barnett, David; Pannicia, Gregory; Hammergren, David; Carmony, Lowell; Evens, Martha
MEDRIS (The Medical Record Interface System) is an object oriented HyperCard interface designed to help physicians enter patient information as comfortably and naturally as possible. It can function as a stand alone system producing its own reports or serve as an interface to a medical expert system (e.g., MEDAS). MEDRIS plays an important role in the clinical education of medical students at the Chicago Medical School. MEDRIS portrays an intuitive, graphically oriented system that will provide a learning environment for the problem oriented medical record (POMR) that forms the basis of the structure of the history and physical exam. The enthusiasm shown by the medical students for this project has garnered support for including MEDRIS in the curriculum of the Introduction to Clinical Medicine course this semester. MEDRIS, developed using HyperCard, can be used as a tool not only for teaching POMR and physical diagnosis, but also computer literacy.
Zipper, St G
Medical negligence is a matter of growing public interest. This review outlines various aspects of medical negligence: epidemiology, taxonomy, and the risks, causes, psychology, management and prevention of errors.
18. Historic American Buildings Survey PHOTOCOPY OF SKETCH BY FREDERIK ...
The Use of Portfolios in Leadership Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Olsen, Paul E.
This paper discusses the benefits of using student portfolios in undergraduate leadership education at Saint Michael's College. There appears to be a natural link between the use of portfolios as a tool to facilitate and document leadership growth and development. The Business Administration and Accounting Department at Saint Michael's College…
Medical School Research Pipeline: Medical Student Research Experience in Psychiatry
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Balon, Richard; Heninger, George; Belitsky, Richard
Objective: The authors discuss the importance of introducing research training in psychiatry and neurosciences to medical students. Methods: A review of existing models of research training in psychiatry with focus on those providing research training to medical students is presented. Results: Two research-training models for medical students that…
Mass Medication Clinic (MMC) Patient Medical Assistant (PMA) System Training Initiative
AD_________________ Award Number: W81XWH-06-2-0045 TITLE: Mass Medication Clinic (MMC) Patient ...SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Mass Medication Clinic (MMC) Patient Medical Assistant (PMA) System Training Initiative 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-06-2...sections will describe the events, results, and accomplishments of this study. With validation through this project the Patient Medical Assistant
Why change habits? Early modern medical innovation between medicalisation and medical culture.
Loetz, Francisca
Based on a discussion of the concept of medicalisation and medical culture in Anglo-American, French-, and German-speaking historiography the paper argues that medical innovation in Europe from the sixteenth to the mid-nineteenth century should be approached in a different way. Instead of asking from the perspective of a too narrow concept of medicalisation why medical innovations were rejected by the population, (medical) historians should analyse medical culture and ask why people should have changed their health and illness behaviour. This conceptual argument is deduced from four empirical examples: the introduction of smallpox vaccination, "medical police," the problem of medical professionalization, and the questions arising around the relations between the healthy/sick and their practitioners.
Sabel, Esther; Archer, Julian
The authors first aimed to ascertain how the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) could develop and support early career medical educators. They expanded their study to explore the challenges to defining medical education as a discipline because of a lack of collective identity among educators. In 2010, the authors and members of the AoME Early Careers Working Group conducted focus groups with early career medical educators (clinicians and scientists) and interviews with senior medical educators in the United Kingdom. All focus groups and interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. The authors used an interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore how medical educators described events or phenomena in their careers. They inductively identified overarching theoretical perspectives to understand observed phenomena drawing on social identity theories. The authors conducted nine focus groups with 34 participants in total and six interviews. Participants identified fundamental challenges to their identity as a medical educator; they understood their medical education role to be secondary to their primary role as clinician or scientist. Participants noted that they had not developed an emotional attachment to medical education. Their relationship with the field remained at an operational level, revolving around roles and responsibilities. Medical educators' social cohesion is threatened by their sense that educators are poor relations compared with scientists and clinicians. While medical educators' identities may be in crisis, they also are changing, a change needed for medical education, medical education research, the practice of medicine, and ultimately patient care.
Delgado, Antonio Pedro; Soares Martins, Antonieta; Ferrinho, Paulo
Cape Verde is a small insular developing state. Its first experience of undergraduate medical education began in October 2015. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the professional expectations and profile of the first class of medical students at the University of Cape Verde. A piloted, standardized questionnaire, with closed and open-ended questions, was distributed to registered medical students attending classes on the day of the survey. All data were analyzed using SPSS. Students decided to study medicine in their mid-teens with relatives and friends having had significant influence over their decisions. Other major reasons for choosing medical training include "to take care of other people", "fascination for the subject matters of medicine" and "I have always wanted to". The degree of feminization of the student population is extremely high (20/25; 80.0%). Medical students are in general satisfied with the training program, and have expectations that the training received will allow them to be good professionals. Nevertheless, they consider the course too theoretical. Medical students know that this represents an opportunity for them to contribute to public welfare. Nonetheless, their expectations are to combine public sector practice with private work. Medical students come mostly from Santiago Island where the Capital of the Country is located. They still do not know about their future area of specialization. But all of those who want to specialize want to do so abroad. They mostly expect to follow hospital careers rather than health administration or family and community medicine. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge about medical students' difficulties and expectations regarding medical schools or curriculums in lusophone countries. The decision to invest in the training of local physicians is justified by the need to be less dependent on foreigners. Local postgraduate medical training programs are already
Röhrig, R; Stausberg, J; Dugas, M
The aim of this project is to develop a catalogue of competency-based learning objectives "Medical Informatics" for undergraduate medical education (abbreviated NKLM-MI in German). The development followed a multi-level annotation and consensus process. For each learning objective a reason why a physician needs this competence was required. In addition, each objective was categorized according to the competence context (A = covered by medical informatics, B = core subject of medical informatics, C = optional subject of medical informatics), the competence level (1 = referenced knowledge, 2 = applied knowledge, 3 = routine knowledge) and a CanMEDS competence role (medical expert, communicator, collaborator, manager, health advocate, professional, scholar). Overall 42 objectives in seven areas (medical documentation and information processing, medical classifications and terminologies, information systems in healthcare, health telematics and telemedicine, data protection and security, access to medical knowledge and medical signal-/image processing) were identified, defined and consented. With the NKLM-MI the competences in the field of medical informatics vital to a first year resident physician are identified, defined and operationalized. These competencies are consistent with the recommendations of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA). The NKLM-MI will be submitted to the National Competence-Based Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Medical Education. The next step is implementation of these objectives by the faculties.
Todd, D
With the rapid advances in medical science and increasing complexities of patient care, the need for continuing medical education (CME) is widely accepted by the profession. CME follows general and higher professional training, and should be a life long process. Teaching hospitals and postgraduate professional institutions play vital roles in organising, promoting, and monitoring this activity. CME directorates should be established. University authorities must recognise the important role of medical teachers in postgraduate and continuing medical education, and the staff establishment and terms of service should be held regularly. Medical libraries should have easy borrowing facilities. Self-assessment and audio-visual material are particularly helpful to the busy practitioner and inexpensive local or regional journals of quality can provide pertinent and up-to-date information. All charges for attending scientific meetings and educational material should be tax deductible or subsidized. The effectiveness of CME is difficult to assess and participation is almost impossible to enforce. Much depends on the standard of medical practice wanted by society. Recertification of general practitioners or specialists poses many problems. On the other hand, completion of self-assessment programmes, active participation at medical meetings, contributions to scientific literature, and membership of medical societies with built-in peer review could be monitored and regularly used to evaluate professional status.
Ho, Chen-Pei; Yeh, Jih-I; Wen, Shu-Hui; Lee, Tony Jer-Fu
Abstract The aim of this study was to explore the associations among the medication regimen complexity index (MRCI), medical specialty, and medication possession ratio (MPR) in newly diagnosed hypertensive patients. Data from 19,859 newly diagnosed hypertensive patients were collected from 2,000,000 random samples of the National Health Insurance Research Database in Taiwan. All study participants were followed for 1 year after the first diagnosis of hypertension. MPR was defined as total days of antihypertensive drugs supplied/365 days. MRCI was calculated on the basis of the type of dosage forms, dosing frequency, and additional directions for use of antihypertensive drugs. Patients were further restricted to those who visited the same medical specialty to examine specialty-specific variations in the MRCI and MPR. The mean MPR was 54.83%, and the sample sizes for the low-, medium-, and high-MPR groups were 9806 (49.38%), 4619 (23.26%), and 5434 (27.36%), respectively. More than 50% of the patients visited the same medical specialty during the 1-year follow-up. The mean MRCI was 3.64; the cardiology specialty had the highest MRCI, and the family medicine specialty had the lowest. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that MRCI was negatively associated with MPR (β = −7.75, P ≤ .01) whether or not the patients visited the same medical specialty. For the patients who visited the same medical specialty, those treated by endocrinology and metabolism specialists had a significantly higher MPR (β = 9.87, P ≤ .01) than that of those treated by family medicine specialists. MRCI and medical specialty were both significantly associated with the MPR of newly diagnosed hypertensive patients. PMID:29137042
The depiction of medical education in medical school catalogs.
Kohn, M; Wear, D
Medical educators bear responsibility for the informational materials that their institutions use to communicate with potential applicants. These documents, because they are often the first official correspondence that prospective students receive, may be influential in shaping students' expectations. In March 1990 all North American medical schools that awarded MD or DO degrees were requested to send their catalogs and courses of study to the authors. In response came 175 documents, with nearly all the schools represented at least once. The photographs and other visual images in these documents were then analyzed from the perspective of a hypothetical applicant who perused what his or her initial request for information had produced. Nearly 3,400 images were analyzed and categorized according to content and stylistic approach. Two basic stylistic approaches were found: stylized and documentary. Few documents used exclusively one or the other approach, as the approaches represent poles along a continuum. The stylized approach portrays medical education as a product to be sold, whereas the documentary approach candidly tells the story of medical education. The authors conclude that the documentary approach is a more morally responsible way for schools to communicate with individuals who are in the beginning stages of building their mental images of medical education and medical care.