Sample records for salivaires lymphomes sarcomes

  1. Profil épidémiologique des tumeurs malignes primitives des glandes salivaires : à propos de 154 cas

    PubMed Central

    Setti, Khadija; Mouanis, Mohamed; Moumni, Abdelmounim; Maher, Mostafa; Harmouch, Amal


    Introduction Les tumeurs des glandes salivaires sont des tumeurs rares représentant 3à 5% des tumeurs de la tête et du cou. La classification de l'OMS 2005 distingue les tumeurs épithéliales, les tumeurs mésenchymateuses, les tumeurs hématologiques et les tumeurs secondaires. Méthodes Notre travail consiste en une étude rétrospective réalisée sur une période de 10 ans allant de janvier 2002 à janvier 2012. Les critères d'inclusion étaient: l'âge, le sexe, le siège de la tumeur et le type histologique. Résultats L'incidence annuelle des tumeurs malignes primitives des glandes salivaires dans notre série était de 15 cas par an. Cent cinquante quatre cas de tumeurs malignes primitives des glandes salivaires ont été colligés sans prédominance de sexe (78 femmes (50,6%) et 76 hommes (49,4%)). La moyenne d'âge était de 60 ans avec des extrêmes de 4 et 83 ans et un pic de fréquence entre 51et 70 ans. Deux tiers des cas (65%) avaient une localisation au niveau des glandes principales avec 66 cas au niveau de la parotide (43%) et 34 cas au niveau de la glande sous maxillaire (22%). Cinquante quatre patients avaient une tumeur maligne des glandes salivaires accessoires (35%) dont 61% au niveau du palais. Aucun cas de tumeur maligne de la glande sublinguale n'a été recensé dans notre étude. Le type histologique prédominant dans notre série était le carcinome adénoïde kystique et retrouvé chez 43 patients (27,9%), suivi de l'adénocarcinome sans autre indication chez 37 patients (24%) puis du carcinome mucoépidermoïde chez 16 patients (10,4%) et de l'adénocarcinome polymorphe de bas grade également chez 16 patients (10. 4%). Conclusion Les tumeurs malignes des glandes salivaires représentent un ensemble hétérogène de maladies de caractérisation complexe et de fréquence variable. PMID:25120861

  2. Localisation buccale d’un lymphome de Burkitt: à propos d’un cas

    PubMed Central

    Kissi, Lamia; El Bouihi, Rajaa; Lamchahab, Mouna; Alaoui, Ahmed; Benyahya, Ihsane


    Le lymphome de Burkitt (LB) est une forme de lymphome malin non-Hodgkinien qui provient de l'évolution maligne et de la prolifération de cellules lymphoïdes de type B. Le diagnostic positif repose sur la biopsie d'une masse tumorale ou la ponction de la moelle osseuse révélant la présence de cellules tumorales. Le cas rapporté est celui d'un jeune homme d'une vingtaine d'années qui a été adressé pour des tuméfactions gingivales évoluant depuis 1 mois suite à des extractions dentaires. L'examen anatomopathologique après biopsie complété par l'immunohistochimie conclut à un lymphome de Burkitt. La prise en charge a consisté en une chimiothérapie. Bien que rare, le lymphome de Burkitt est une tumeur agressive qui représente un véritable problème de santé publique d'où la place importante qu'occupe le médecin dentiste dans le diagnostic précoce afin de permettre une prise en charge rapide et appropriée seule garante de la guérison. PMID:28451040

  3. Spondylodiscite granulomateuse: surtout la tuberculose mais ne pas omettre le lymphome

    PubMed Central

    Zinebi, Ali; Rkiouak, Adil; Akhouad, Yousef; Reggad, Ahmed; Kasmy, Zohour; Boudlal, Mostafa; Lho, Abdelhamid Nait; Rabhi, Moncef; Sinaa, Mohamed; Ennibi, Khalid; Chaari, Jilali


    Les douleurs lombaires relèvent d'étiologies multiples dont le diagnostic peut être source de grandes difficultés. Le lymphome rachidien primitif est rare et son diagnostic nécessite une biopsie souvent scanoguidée. Un homme de 30 ans, était hospitalisé pour lombalgies inflammatoires évoluant dans un contexte d'altération de l'état général avec à l'examen des douleurs à la palpation des apophyses épineux L2L3, sans syndrome tumoral périphérique. Le bilan biologique montrait un syndrome inflammatoire. Le bilan morphologique était en faveur d'une spondylodiscite. La première biopsie montrait une ostéite granulomateuse. L'aggravation clinique et radiologique sous anti bacillaire a mené à reconsidérer le diagnostic et la deuxième biopsie confirme le diagnostic du lymphome. Le diagnostic de tuberculose osseuse en particulier vertébrale nécessite une confirmation bactériologique et ou histologique pour ne pas méconnaître un lymphome osseux primitif. PMID:28292061

  4. Alaska SAR Facility (ASF5) SAR Communications (SARCOM) Data Compression System

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mango, Stephen A.


    The real-time operational requirements for SARCOM translation into a high speed image data handler and processor to achieve the desired compression ratios and the selection of a suitable image data compression technique with as low as possible fidelity (information) losses and which can be implemented in an algorithm placing a relatively low arithmetic load on the system are described.

  5. Pneumopathie à éosinophile révélant un lymphome non hodgkinien de type B

    PubMed Central

    Fikal, Siham; Sajiai, Hafsa; Serhane, Hind; Aitbatahar, Salma; Amro, Lamyae


    Le diagnostic de pneumonie à éosinophile est rare et l'étiologie maligne reste exceptionnelle. Les étiologies sont variables et sont dominées essentiellement par les affections allergiques et les causes médicamenteuses. Nous rapportons le cas d'un lymphome non hodgkinien de type B révélé par une pneumonie à éosinophile chez un patient de 61 ans. Le diagnostic de pneumonie à éosinophile a été confirmé par un taux d'éosinophile à 56% au lavage bronchoalvéolaire. L'étude immunohistochimique de la biopsie ostéomédullaire a révélé un lymphome malin non hodgkinien à petites cellules de phénotype B. PMID:28154647

  6. B-Zell-Lymphome der Haut - Pathogenese, Diagnostik und Therapie.


    Nicolay, Jan P; Wobser, Marion


    Primär kutane B-Zell-Lymphome (PCBCL) beschreiben reifzellige lymphoproliferative Erkrankungen der B-Zell-Reihe, die primär die Haut betreffen. Die Biologie und der klinische Verlauf der einzelnen PCBCL-Subtypen variieren untereinander stark und unterscheiden sich grundsätzlich von primär nodalen und systemischen B-Zell-Lymphomen. Primär kutane Marginalzonenlymphome (PCMZL) und primäre kutane follikuläre Keimzentrumslymphome (PCFCL) werden auf Grund ihres unkomplizierten Verlaufs und ihrer exzellenten Prognose zu den indolenten PCBCL gezählt. Demgegenüber stellen die diffus großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphome, hauptsächlich vom Beintyp (DLBCL, LT) die aggressiveren PCBCL-Varianten mit schlechterer Prognose dar. Für die Ausbreitungsdiagnostik und die Therapieentscheidung sind eine genaue histologische und immunhistochemische Klassifizierung sowie der Ausschluss einer systemischen Beteiligung in Abgrenzung zu nodalen oder systemischen Lymphomen notwendig. Die Diagnostik sollte dabei durch molekularbiologische Untersuchungen unterstützt werden. Therapeutisch stehen für die indolenten PCBCL primär operative und radioonkologische Maßnahmen im Vordergrund sowie eine Systemtherapie mit dem CD20-Antikörper Rituximab bei disseminiertem Befall. Die aggressiveren Varianten sollten in erster Linie mit Kombinationen aus Rituximab und Polychemotherapieschemata wie z. B. dem CHOP-Schema oder Modifikationen davon behandelt werden. Auf Grund der in allen seinen Einzelheiten noch nicht vollständig verstandenen Pathogenese und Biologie sowie des begrenzten Therapiespektrums der PCBCL besteht hier, speziell beim DLBCL, LT, noch erheblicher Forschungsbedarf. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Pneumopathie interstitielle diffuse révélant la leucémie-lymphome à cellules T de l’adulte HTLV1+

    PubMed Central

    Bouanani, Nouama; Lamchahab, Mouna


    La leucémie/lymphome à cellules T de l'adulte est une prolifération tumorale de cellules lymphoïdes T matures activées, dont l'agent étiologique est le rétrovirus humain T cell-leukemia virus type 1, ce virus entraine rarement des désordres inflammatoires bronchioloalveolaires. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient hospitalisé pour une pneumopathie interstitielle diffuse et dont le bilan étiologique a révélé une leucémie lymphome à cellules T de l'adulte HTLV1+. PMID:28292112

  8. Intraläsionale Therapie niedrig maligner primär kutaner B-Zell-Lymphome mit Anti-CD20-Antikörper: Nebenwirkungen korrelieren mit gutem klinischen Ansprechen.


    Eberle, Franziska C; Holstein, Julia; Scheu, Alexander; Fend, Falko; Yazdi, Amir S


    Die intraläsionale Gabe von Anti-CD20-Antikörpern (Rituximab) wurde als effektive Therapieoption für Patienten mit niedrig malignen primär kutanen B-Zell-Lymphomen beschrieben. Bis heute wurden allerdings keine Parameter identifiziert, welche reproduzierbar ein gutes klinisches Ansprechen dieser Therapie vorhersagen. Ziel dieser Studie ist, sowohl das klinische Ansprechen und die unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen als auch die Patientenwahrnehmung hinsichtlich intraläsionaler Injektionen von anti-CD20-Antikörpern zur Behandlung indolenter primär kutaner B-Zell-Lymphome im Vergleich mit anderen Therapien zu evaluieren. Elf Patienten mit einem primär kutanen B-Zell-Lymphom, namentlich primär kutanes Keimzentrumslymphom (n = 9) und primär kutanes Marginalzonenlymphom (n = 2), welche mittels intraläsionalem Anti-CD20-Antikörper behandelt wurden, wurden retrospektiv evaluiert hinsichtlich der Ansprechrate und unerwünschter Nebenwirkungen sowie in Bezug auf deren Selbsteinschätzung dieser und anderer Therapien des primär kutanen B-Zell-Lymphoms. Patienten, deren primär kutanes B-Zell-Lymphom mittels intraläsionaler Gabe von Anti-CD20-Antikörper behandelt wurde, zeigten ein komplettes oder partielles Ansprechen in 45 % beziehungsweise 27 % aller Patienten. Speziell Patienten mit grippeähnlichen Symptomen nach erfolgter Injektion zeigten ein gutes Ansprechen. Die Mehrheit der Patienten empfand die Therapie mit Rituximab als die beste Therapie im Vergleich zu anderen Therapien wie beispielsweise chirurgische Exzision oder Radiotherapie. Intraläsionales Rituximab ist eine effektive Therapie mit hoher Patientenzufriedenheit. Starke therapiebedingte Nebenwirkungen wie Fieber, Schüttelfrost und Kopfschmerzen nach Gabe von Rituximab könnten als Indikator für gute Wirksamkeit dienen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Epanchement pleuro-péricardique liquidien révélant un lymphome lymphoblastique

    PubMed Central

    N'goran, Yves N'da Kouakou; Soya, Kossa Esaïe; Beossin, Sylvanus Koui; Angoran, Ines; Traore, Fatou; Tano, Micesse; Afassinou, Yaovi; Ekou, Arnaud; Koffi, Florent; Yao, Hermann; Kramoh, Euloge Kouadio; Kakou, Maurice Guikahue


    L'atteinte cardiaque au cours des lymphomes lymphoblastiques est rare. Il s'agissait d'un patient de 17 ans de race noire qui a été admis pour une douleur médiothoracique. Le patient avait des signes d'insuffisance cardiaque droite; un syndrome d’épanchement pleural liquidien gauche; des adénopathies superficielles et une splénomégalie de type IV de Hackett. La biopsie ganglionnaire a été réalisée pour la confirmation du diagnostic par analyse histologique et immuno-histochimique. Des ponctions pleurale et péricardique ont été effectuées. Le patient a été confié au service d'oncologie pédiatrique pour la chimiothérapie. L’évolution a été marquée par le décès du patient 18 jours après. La manifestation cardiaque est une entité rare et très souvent mé confirmation histologique est parfois difficile à obtenir du vivant de la plupart des patients. Le pronostic est souvent réservé à court terme. PMID:25419294

  10. Apport de la biopsie radioguidée dans le diagnostic histopathologique des tumeurs de l'enfant: expérience de l'Hôpital d'Enfant de Rabat

    PubMed Central

    El Ochi, Mohamed Réda; Bellarbi, Salma; Rouas, Lamiae; Lamalmi, Najat; Malihy, Abderrahmane; Alhamany, Zaitouna; Cherradi, Nadia


    La biopsie radioguidée constitue une alternative à la biopsie chirurgicale invasive et à la cytologie pour le diagnostic des tumeurs pédiatriques. L'intérêt de notre étude est d’évaluer la valeur diagnostique des biopsies radioguidées examinées au laboratoire d'anatomopathologie de l'hôpital d'Enfants de Rabat (HER). L’étude a porté sur 78 biopsies radioguidées recueillies dans notre laboratoire entre janvier 2008 et décembre 2011. l’âge moyen des patients était de 5 ans et 10 mois avec une prédominance masculine (65,4%). La tumeur était abdominale dans 80% des cas, thoracique dans 15% cas, thoracique et abdominale dans 2,5% et sacrée dans 1,2%. Les biopsies étaient écho-guidées dans 90% des cas et scannoguidées dans 10% des cas. Le diagnostic histopathologique était posé dans 89% des cas. L'immuno-histochimie a été indiquée dans 35% des cas. Les diagnostics les plus fréquents étaient: tumeurs neuroblastiques (42 cas), lymphomes non hodgkiniens (10 cas), rhabdomyosarcomes (6 cas), autres (sarcome d'Ewing, néphroblastomes, tumeur myofibroblastique inflammatoire, maladies de Hodgkin, leucémie aiguë, hépatoblastome et ostéosarcome). Dans notre série, la biopsie radioguidée a permis un diagnostic histopathologique certain dans 89% des cas. Elle nécessite une étroite collaboration entre clinicien, radiologue et anatomopathologiste pour discuter son indication, afin de diminuer le nombre de biopsies peu ou non représentatives. PMID:26587165

  11. European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer and Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte very favorable and favorable, lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin disease.


    Wilder, Richard B; Schlembach, Pamela J; Jones, Dan; Chronowski, Gregory M; Ha, Chul S; Younes, Anas; Hagemeister, Fredrick B; Barista, Ibrahim; Cabanillas, Fernando; Cox, James D


    Lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin disease (LPHD) is rare and has a natural history different from that of classic Hodgkin disease. There is little information in the literature regarding the role of chemotherapy in patients with early-stage LPHD. The objective of this study was to examine recurrence free survival (RFS), overall survival (OS), and patterns of first recurrence in patients with LPHD who were treated with radiotherapy alone or with chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy. From 1963 to 1996, 48 consecutive patients ages 16-49 years (median, 28 years) with Ann Arbor Stage I (n = 30 patients) or Stage II (n = 18 patients), very favorable (VF; n = 5 patients) or favorable (F; n = 43 patients) LPHD, according to the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer and Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte (EORTC-GELA) criteria, received radiotherapy alone (n = 37 patients) or received chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy (n = 11 patients). The percentages of patients with VF disease (11% vs. 9% in the radiotherapy group vs. the chemotherapy plus radiotherapy group, respectively) or F disease (89% vs. 91%, respectively) within the two treatment groups were similar (P = 1.00). A median of three cycles of chemotherapy with mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone (MOPP) or with mitoxantrone, vincristine, vinblastine, and prednisone (NOVP) was given initially to six patients and five patients, respectively. A median total radiotherapy dose of 40 grays (Gy) given in daily fractions of 2.0 Gy was delivered to both treatment groups. The median follow-up was 9.3 years, and 98% of patients were observed for > or = 3.0 years. RFS was similar for patients who were treated with radiotherapy alone and patients who were treated with chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy (10-year survival rates: 77% and 68%, respectively; P = 0.89). The OS rate also was similar for the two groups (10-year survival rates: 90% and 100%, respectively; P = 0

  12. Cancer du sein au Cameroun, profil histo-épidémiologique: à propos de 3044 cas

    PubMed Central

    Engbang, Jean Paul Ndamba; Essome, Henri; Koh, Valère Mve; Simo, Godefroy; Essam, Jean Daniel Sime; Mouelle, Albert Sone; Essame, Jean Louis Oyono


    Décrire les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et histo-pathologiques des tumeurs malignes du sein au Cameroun. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective descriptive portant sur les tumeurs malignes du sein, colligées, dans les registres des différents laboratoires d'Anatomie Pathologique publiques et privés repartis dans cinq régions (centre, littoral, Ouest, Nord-ouest, Sud-ouest), pendant une période de 10 ans (2004-2013). Les paramètres étudiés étaient la fréquence, l’âge, le sexe, la localisation, le type et le grade histologique, et les récepteurs hormonaux. Un total de 3044 cas de cancers du sein a été recensé, soit une fréquence annuelle de 304,4 cas en moyenne. Le sexe féminin était le plus représenté avec 2971 cas (97,60%) et les hommes avec 73 cas (2,40%), soit un sexe ratio (H/F) de 0,02. L’âge moyen des patients était de 46±15,87 ans, avec des extrêmes de 13 et 95 ans. Selon la localisation, le sein gauche était atteint dans 1244 cas (52%) et le sein droit dans 1115 cas (47%). Au plan histologique, on retrouvait essentiellement des carcinomes avec 96,50% des cas, des sarcomes 1,39%, des lymphomes 1,07% et la maladie de Paget du mamelon, 1,03%. Les tumeurs épithéliales étaient infiltrantes dans 2049 cas (84,46%), avec une prédominance du carcinome canalaire infiltrant (1870 cas) et non infiltrantes dans 377 cas (15,54%). Le grade histo-pronostic de SBR avait révélé une prédominance du grade II dans 66% des cas. Les cancers du sein restent une pathologie fréquente au Cameroun et atteignent principalement la population féminine en âge de procréer. Ils sont caractérisés par la prédominance du carcinome canalaire infiltrant. PMID:26523182

  13. Outcome of and prognostic factors for relapse in children and adolescents with mature B-cell lymphoma and leukemia treated in three consecutive prospective "Lymphomes Malins B" protocols. A Société Française des Cancers de l'Enfant study.


    Jourdain, Anne; Auperin, Anne; Minard-Colin, Véronique; Aladjidi, Nathalie; Zsiros, Josef; Coze, Carole; Gandemer, Virginie; Bertrand, Yves; Leverger, Guy; Bergeron, Christophe; Michon, Jean; Patte, Catherine


    To describe relapsed B-cell lymphoma or leukemia in children/adolescents treated with a "Lymphomes Malins B" regimen and their outcome and to identify prognostic factors for survival, we studied relapses in the LMB89, 96 and 2001 studies of the Société Française d'Oncologie Pédiatrique (Société Française des Cancers de l'Enfant). Therapeutic guidelines at relapse were to obtain a second complete remission and to consolidate the remission with high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem-cell transplantation. Between July 1989 and March 2007, 67 patients of 1322 (5%) relapsed: 57 had Burkitt lymphoma and 10 had large-cell histology. Three patients were initially treated in risk group A, 41 in group B and 23 in group C. Thirty-three patients had a relapse in one site (15 in the central nervous system) and 34 at multiple sites. Sixty-five patients received salvage chemotherapy and 33 achieved complete remission. Forty-one patients also received high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous (n=33) or allogeneic (n=8) transplantation. With a median follow-up of 6.4 years, the 5-year survival rate was 29.9%. Nineteen patients were still alive, all but one (group A) received consolidation treatment. Multivariate analysis showed the following factors to be significantly associated with better survival: relapse at one site (P=0.0006), large-cell histology (P=0.012), initial prognostic group A or B with lactate dehydrogenase level below twice the normal value (P=0.005), and time to relapse more than 6 months (P=0.04). Copyright© Ferrata Storti Foundation.

  14. La tuberculose extra-ganglionnaire primitive de la sphère ORL: à propos de 15 cas

    PubMed Central

    Touati, Mohamed Mliha; Darouassi, Youssef; Chihani, Mehdi; Lakouichmi, Mohammed; Tourabi, Khalid; Ammar, Haddou; Bouaity, Brahim


    Les localisations ORL extra ganglionnaires de la tuberculose sont rares. La symptomatologie clinique ainsi que les examens paracliniques sont souvent trompeurs,posant ainsi le problème de diagnostic différentiel avec la pathologie tumorale. Nous rapportons 15 cas de localisations extra ganglionnaires de tuberculose, colligés au service ORL et CCF de l'Hopital Militaire Avicenne de Marrakech colligés entre 2009 et 2013. L’âge moyen de nos patients est de 33 ans. L’étude topographique a montré 6 cas au niveau du cavum, un cas de miliaire tuberculeuse pharyngée, 4 cas laryngés; 2 localisations auriculaires; 1 parotidienne et 1 localisation sous maxillaire. Le diagnostic était anatomopathologiquedans tous les cas. Tous nos patients ont reçu un traitement antituberculeux avec une bonne évolution. Mots-clés: Tuberculose, amygdale, rhinopharynx, larynx, glandes salivaires,Oreille moyenne. PMID:25815100

  15. The Haiti research-based model of international public health collaboration: the GHESKIO Centers.


    Pape, Jean W; Severe, Patrice D; Fitzgerald, Daniel W; Deschamps, Marie M; Joseph, Patrice; Riviere, Cynthia; Rouzier, Vanessa; Johnson, Warren D


    For 3 decades, GHESKIO (the Groupe Haitien d'Etude du Sarcome de Kaposi et des Infections Opportunistes), the Haitian Ministry of Health, and Weill Cornell have pursued a tripartite mission of service, training, and translational research. The initial focus was on AIDS and tuberculosis. The mission has expanded to include the local community and now provides maternal-child health, family planning, cancer prevention and treatment, immunizations (including human papillomavirus, cholera), and primary education through vocational and microcredit programs. Outcome measures include a reduction in HIV prevalence from 6.2% to the current 2.2%, extensive tuberculosis and cholera prevention and treatment programs, and national training programs for biomedical and community health workers.

  16. Association maladie cœliaque et tuberculose multifocale: à propos d’un cas avec revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Sarghini, Khadija; Oubaha, Sofia; Samlani, Zouhour; Krati, Khadija


    La maladie cœliaque est une entéropathie auto-immune liée à l'intolérance au Gluten qui survient sur un terrain génétiquement prédisposé. Le diagnostic repose sur la combinaison d'arguments cliniques, biologiques et histologiques. Elle est associée à de nombreuses complications, notamment le lymphome. Le risque de tuberculose chez les patients cœliaques est augmenté. Plusieurs hypothèses expliquant cette association ont été discutées. Nous rapportons un cas de maladie cœliaque associée à la tuberculose multifocale chez une patiente âgée de 17 ans. PMID:28979616

  17. Liposarcome dorsal: aspect clinique rare

    PubMed Central

    Agbessi, Odry; Arrob, Adil; Fiqhi, Kamal; Khalfi, Lahcen; Nassih, Mohammed; El Khatib, Karim


    Décrit la première fois par Virchow en 1860, le liposarcome est une tumeur mésenchymateuse rare. Cette rareté est relative car les liposarcomes représentent quand même 14 à 18% de l'ensemble des tumeurs malignes des parties molles et ils constituent le plus fréquent des sarcomes des parties molles. Pour la majorité des auteurs, il ne se développerait jamais sur un lipome ou une lipomatose préexistant. Nous rapportons un cas de volumineux liposarcome de la face dorsale du tronc. L'histoire de la maladie, l'aspect clinique inhabituel « de tumeur dans tumeur », l'aspect de la pièce opératoire nous fait évoquer la possibilité de la transformation maligne d'un lipome bénin préexistant. PMID:26113914

  18. Prevalence and Phenotypic Expression of Mutations in the MYH7, MYBPC3 and TNNT2 Genes in Families with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in the South of Brazil: A Cross-Sectional Study.


    Mattos, Beatriz Piva E; Scolari, Fernando Luís; Torres, Marco Antonio Rodrigues; Simon, Laura; Freitas, Valéria Centeno de; Giugliani, Roberto; Matte, Úrsula


    Mutations in sarcomeric genes are found in 60-70% of individuals with familial forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). However, this estimate refers to northern hemisphere populations. The molecular-genetic profile of HCM has been subject of few investigations in Brazil, particularly in the south of the country. To investigate mutations in the sarcomeric genes MYH7, MYBPC3 and TNNT2 in a cohort of HCM patients living in the extreme south of Brazil, and to evaluate genotype-phenotype associations. Direct DNA sequencing of all encoding regions of three sarcomeric genes was conducted in 43 consecutive individuals of ten unrelated families. Mutations for CMH have been found in 25 (58%) patients of seven (70%) of the ten study families. Fourteen (56%) individuals were phenotype-positive. All mutations were missense, four (66%) in MYH7 and two (33%) in MYBPC3. We have not found mutations in the TNNT2 gene. Mutations in MYH7 were identified in 20 (47%) patients of six (60%) families. Two of them had not been previously described. Mutations in MYBPC3 were found in seven (16%) members of two (20%) families. Two (5%) patients showed double heterozygosis for both genes. The mutations affected different domains of encoded proteins and led to variable phenotypic expression. A family history of HCM was identified in all genotype-positive individuals. In this first genetic-molecular analysis carried out in the south of Brazil, we found mutations in the sarcomeric genes MYH7 and MYBPC3 in 58% of individuals. MYH7-related disease was identified in the majority of cases with mutation. Mutações em genes do sarcômero são encontradas em 60-70% dos indivíduos com formas familiares de cardiomiopatia hipertrófica. (CMH). Entretanto, essa estimativa refere-se a populações de países do hemisfério norte. O perfil genético-molecular da CMH foi tema de poucos estudos no Brasil, particularmente na região sul do país. Realizar a pesquisa de mutações dos genes sarcoméricos MYH


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Khomutovskii, O.A.


    Bone sarcomas were induced in rats by the intraperitoneal injection of two doses of Sr/sup 90/ at monthly intervals using a dosage of 0.32 mu C of Sr/ sup 90/ per gram of body weight. The sarcomas appeared in 15 out of 60 rats on the 170th to 200th day after injection of the injection of the Sr/sup 90/. Induced sarcom as were given a local x-ray dose of 9 kr and 18 kr. With an irradiation dose of 18 kr, growth of the sarcoma is retarded, and the parts of the tumor where formation of osteoid material occurs aremore » almost completely destroyed. With a dose of 9 kr, the tumor continues to grow, and the destruction is less marked. Cancer cells from the irradiated sarcoma can be transplanted. However, in the transplanted tumor, the cells lose their ability to metastasize to other sites, to lyse osseous tissue, and to form osteoid materiai. Changes in the size and form of the mitochrondria snd the shell nucleus of the cells were observed after x-ray irradiation of the bone sarcoma. (TTT)« less

  20. Occlusion veineuse rétinienne et syndrome d'hyperviscosité

    PubMed Central

    Younes, Samar; Abdellaoui, Meriem; Zahir, Fadoua; Benatiya, Idriss A; Tahri, Hicham


    Les occlusions veineuses rétiniennes secondaires aux syndromes d'hyperviscosité sont rares. Plusieurs cas d'occlusion de la veine centrale de la rétine [OVCR] compliquant une hémopathie ont été décrits, principalement au cours des polycythémies primitives ou secondaires, des lymphomes ou des leucémies. A travers cette observation, nous rapportons le cas d'un patient qui présente une OVCR de l’œil droit survenant dans le cadre d'un myélome multiple. La rétinopathie du syndrome d'hyperviscosité est liée au ralentissement circulatoire qui affecte de manière prépondérante le secteur veineux et donne un aspect de rétinopathie de stase bilatérale, avec dilatation et tortuosité de l'ensemble des veines rétiniennes. A un certain degré d'hyperviscosité, une occlusion veineuse véritable peut survenir. Le traitement comprend la réhydratation, phlébotomie, et plasmaphérèse. PMID:25995806

  1. Cyclic glycine-proline regulates IGF-1 homeostasis by altering the binding of IGFBP-3 to IGF-1

    PubMed Central

    Guan, Jian; Gluckman, Peter; Yang, Panzao; Krissansen, Geoff; Sun, Xueying; Zhou, Yongzhi; Wen, Jingyuan; Phillips, Gemma; Shorten, Paul R.; McMahon, Chris D.; Wake, Graeme C.; Chan, Wendy H. K.; Thomas, Mark F.; Ren, April; Moon, Steve; Liu, Dong-Xu


    The homeostasis of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is essential for metabolism, development and survival. Insufficient IGF-1 is associated with poor recovery from wounds whereas excessive IGF-1 contributes to growth of tumours. We have shown that cyclic glycine-proline (cGP), a metabolite of IGF-1, can normalise IGF-1 function by showing its efficacy in improving the recovery from ischemic brain injury in rats and inhibiting the growth of lymphomic tumours in mice. Further investigation in cell culture suggested that cGP promoted the activity of IGF-1 when it was insufficient, but inhibited the activity of IGF-1 when it was excessive. Mathematical modelling revealed that the efficacy of cGP was a modulated IGF-1 effect via changing the binding of IGF-1 to its binding proteins, which dynamically regulates the balance between bioavailable and non-bioavailable IGF-1. Our data reveal a novel mechanism of auto-regulation of IGF-1, which has physiological and pathophysiological consequences and potential pharmacological utility. PMID:24633053

  2. Cyclic glycine-proline regulates IGF-1 homeostasis by altering the binding of IGFBP-3 to IGF-1

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guan, Jian; Gluckman, Peter; Yang, Panzao; Krissansen, Geoff; Sun, Xueying; Zhou, Yongzhi; Wen, Jingyuan; Phillips, Gemma; Shorten, Paul R.; McMahon, Chris D.; Wake, Graeme C.; Chan, Wendy H. K.; Thomas, Mark F.; Ren, April; Moon, Steve; Liu, Dong-Xu


    The homeostasis of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is essential for metabolism, development and survival. Insufficient IGF-1 is associated with poor recovery from wounds whereas excessive IGF-1 contributes to growth of tumours. We have shown that cyclic glycine-proline (cGP), a metabolite of IGF-1, can normalise IGF-1 function by showing its efficacy in improving the recovery from ischemic brain injury in rats and inhibiting the growth of lymphomic tumours in mice. Further investigation in cell culture suggested that cGP promoted the activity of IGF-1 when it was insufficient, but inhibited the activity of IGF-1 when it was excessive. Mathematical modelling revealed that the efficacy of cGP was a modulated IGF-1 effect via changing the binding of IGF-1 to its binding proteins, which dynamically regulates the balance between bioavailable and non-bioavailable IGF-1. Our data reveal a novel mechanism of auto-regulation of IGF-1, which has physiological and pathophysiological consequences and potential pharmacological utility.

  3. Contraction produced by intracellular injection of calcium, strontium, and barium in the single crayfish muscle fibers.


    Matsumura, M; Mashima, H


    Ca ions were ionophoretically injected through an intracellular microelectrode into the single muscle fiber of a crayfish, and the resulting contraction sphere was observed under a microscope and photographed with a movie camera. The minimum contraction produced by the threshold current involved usually three or four, sometimes two, sarcomers on both sides of the injecting pipette but contraction involving only one sarcomere was not observered. The rheobase of the Ca-injecting current was 3.2 X 10(-9) A. The strength-duration curves were determined for Ca-, Sr-, and Ba-injecting currents; all fitted a similar hyperbolic equation. The threshold amount of Ca above rheobasic injection was 2.1 X 10(-15)mol, and the ratios between threshold amounts were Ca: Sr: Ba=1: 1.9: 3.0. The effects of Ca and Sr were additive for the contraction. More current was required for the Ca-injection to produce the contraction in the K-depolarized-or 15mM-procaine-treated muscle, although less current was sufficient for the muscle treated with 0.5-1.0 mM of caffeine. The participation of the Ca-induced Ca release mechanism in the contraction produced by Ca injection and the role of Sr or Ba as a substitute for Ca were discussed.

  4. Diffuse large B cell lymphoma of thyroid as a masquerader of anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid, diagnosed by FNA: a case report.


    Daneshbod, Yahya; Omidvari, Shapour; Daneshbod, Khosrow; Negahban, Shahrzad; Dehghani, Mehdi


    Both thyroid lymphoma and anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid present with rapidly growing mass in eldery patients. Anaplastic carcinoma has high mortality rate and combination of surgery, radiation therapy and multidrug chemotherapy are the best chance for cure. Prognosis of thyroid lymphoma is excellent and chemotherapy for widespred lymphoms and radiotherapy with or without adjuvant chemotherapy for tumors localized to the gland, are the treatment of choice. This article reports a 70 year old man presenting with diffuse neck swelling and hoarseness of few weeks duration. Fine needle aspiration was done and reported as anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid which thyroidectomy was planned. The slides were sent for second opinion. After review, with initial diagnosis of anaplastic carcinoma versus lymphoma, immunocytochemical study was performed. Smears were positive for B cell markers and negative for cytokeratin, so with the impression of diffuse large B cell lymphoma, the patient received two courses of chemotherapy by which the tumor disappeared during two weaks. Despite previous reports, stating easy diagnosis of high-grade thyroid lymphoma on the grounds of cytomorphological features we like to emphasize, overlapping cytologic features of the curable high grade thyroid lymphoma form noncurable anaplastic thyroid carcinoma and usefulness of immunocytochemistry to differentiate these two disease.

  5. Diffuse large B cell lymphoma of thyroid as a masquerader of anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid, diagnosed by FNA: a case report

    PubMed Central

    Daneshbod, Yahya; Omidvari, Shapour; Daneshbod, Khosrow; Negahban, Shahrzad; Dehghani, Mehdi


    Background Both thyroid lymphoma and anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid present with rapidly growing mass in eldery patients. Anaplastic carcinoma has high mortality rate and combination of surgery, radiation therapy and multidrug chemotherapy are the best chance for cure. Prognosis of thyroid lymphoma is excellent and chemotherapy for widespred lymphoms and radiotherapy with or without adjuvant chemotherapy for tumors localized to the gland, are the treatment of choice. Case report This article reports a 70 year old man presenting with diffuse neck swelling and hoarseness of few weeks duration. Fine needle aspiration was done and reported as anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid which thyroidectomy was planned. The slides were sent for second opinion. After review, with initial diagnosis of anaplastic carcinoma versus lymphoma, immunocytochemical study was performed. Smears were positive for B cell markers and negative for cytokeratin, so with the impression of diffuse large B cell lymphoma, the patient received two courses of chemotherapy by which the tumor disappeared during two weaks. Conclusion Despite previous reports, stating easy diagnosis of high-grade thyroid lymphoma on the grounds of cytomorphological features we like to emphasize, overlapping cytologic features of the curable high grade thyroid lymphoma form noncurable anaplastic thyroid carcinoma and usefulness of immunocytochemistry to differentiate these two disease. PMID:17052355

  6. Factors influencing survival among Kenyan children diagnosed with endemic Burkitt lymphom between 2003 and 2011: a historical cohort study

    PubMed Central

    Buckle, Geoffrey; Maranda, Louise; Skiles, Jodi; Ong'echa, John Michael; Foley, Joslyn; Epstein, Mara; Vik, Terry A.; Schroeder, Andrew; Lemberger, Jennifer; Rosmarin, Alan; Remick, Scot C.; Bailey, Jeffrey A.; Vulule, John; Otieno, Juliana A.; Moormann, Ann M.


    Discovering how to improve survival and establishing clinical reference points for children diagnosed with endemic Burkitt lymphoma (eBL) in resource-constrained settings has recaptured international attention. Using multivariate analyses, we evaluated 428 children with eBL in Kenya for age, gender, tumor stage, nutritional status, hemoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Plasmodium falciparum prior to induction of chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate, and doxorubicin) to identify predictive and prognostic biomarkers of survival. During this ten year prospective study period, 22% died in-hospital and 78% completed six-courses of chemotherapy. Of those, 16% relapsed or died later; 31% achieved event-free-survival; and 31% were lost to follow-up; the overall one-year survival was 45%. After adjusting for co-variates, low hemoglobin (<8g/dL) and high LDH (>400 mU/ml) were associated with increased risk of death (adjusted Hazard Ratio (aHR)=1.57 [0.97 to 2.41]) and aHR=1.84, [0.91 to 3.69], respectively). Anemic children with malaria were 3.55 times more likely to die [1.10 to 11.44] compared to patients without anemia or malarial infection. EBV load did not differ by tumor stage nor was it associated with survival. System-level factors can also contribute to poor outcomes. Children were more likely to die when inadvertently overdosed by more than 115% of the correct dose of cyclophosphamide (aHR=1.43 [0.84 to 2.43]), or doxorubicin (aHR=1.25, [0.66 to 2.35]), compared to those receiving accurate doses of the respective agent in this setting. This study codifies risk factors associated with poor outcomes for eBL patients in Africa and provides a benchmark by which to assess improvements in survival for new chemotherapeutic approaches. PMID:27136063

  7. Effectiveness of Oral Cholera Vaccine in Haiti: 37-Month Follow-Up.


    Sévère, Karine; Rouzier, Vanessa; Anglade, Stravinsky Benedict; Bertil, Claudin; Joseph, Patrice; Deroncelay, Alexandra; Mabou, Marie Marcelle; Wright, Peter F; Guillaume, Florence Duperval; Pape, Jean William


    The first oral cholera vaccine (OCV) campaign, since its prequalification by the World Health Organization, in response to an ongoing cholera epidemic (reactive vaccination) was successfully conducted in a poor urban slum of approximately 70,000 inhabitants in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in 2012. Vaccine coverage was 75% of the target population. This report documents the impact of OCV in reducing the number of culture-confirmed cases of cholera admitted to the Groupe Haïtien d'Etude du Sarcome de Kaposi et des Infections Opportunistes (GHESKIO) cholera treatment center from that community in the 37 months postvaccination (April 2012-April 30, 2015). Of 1,788 patients with culture-confirmed cholera, 1,770 (99%) were either from outside the vaccine area (1,400 cases) or from the vaccinated community who had not received OCV (370 cases). Of the 388 people from the catchment area who developed culture-confirmed cholera, 370 occurred among the 17,643 people who had not been vaccinated (2.1%) and the remaining 18 occurred among the 52,357 people (0.034%) who had been vaccinated (P < 0.001), for an efficacy that approximates 97.5%. Despite not being designed as a randomized control trial, the very high efficacy is a strong evidence for the effectiveness of OCV as part of an integrated package for the control of cholera in outbreak settings. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  8. Tumeur stromale du mésentère: à propos d'un cas rare et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Seck, Mamadou; Ka, Ibrahima; Cissé, Mamadou; Touré, Alpha Oumar; Thiam, Ousmane; Gueye, Mohamadou Lamine; Dieng, Madieng; Touré, Cheikh Tidiane


    Les tumeurs stromales du mésentère sont des sarcomes rares du tube digestif. Nous rapportons un cas rare de tumeur stromale dans sa localisation mésentérique. Il s'agit d'un patient admis aux urgences pour abdomen aigu. La tomodensitométrie a objectivé un kyste abcédé du mésentère. L'exploration chirurgicale a retrouvé une tumeur du mésentère. Une exérèse monobloc de la tumeur a été réalisée. L'histologie avec immunohistochimie de la pièce opératoire a mis en évidence une tumeur stromale à risque intermédiaire de malignité. Un traitement adjuvant à base d'imatinib a été ensuite instauré. L’évolution a été simple, sans récidive, avec un recul de 8 mois. Au plan pronostique, selon les critères de Fletcher et de l'AFIP (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology), la tumeur était classée à un risque élevé de récidive. Les tumeurs stromales du mésentère sont exceptionnelles surtout dans leur présentation clinique d'abdomen aigu. Le diagnostic repose sur l'immunohistochimie et le traitement des formes localisées sur la chirurgie, associée à l'imatinib en traitement adjuvant. PMID:26587154

  9. Helicobacter pylori eradication in gastric diffuse large B cell lymphoma.


    Paydas, Semra


    Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the stomach is a heterogenous disease. There are tumors without histological evidence of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma, which are classified as pure or de novo DLBCL and those with evidence of MALT, which are classified as DLBCL (MALT). The association between Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and gastric MALT lymphoma and remission with H. pylori eradication was shown in the 1990s. In recent years, scientists from Taiwan and others have shown that high-grade gastric lymphomas may be dependent on H. pylori and eradication of this microorganism is effective in these cases. This entity is biologically distinct from H. pylori (-) cases and has a better clinical outcome. There are sufficient data about the complete remission in some of these cases with brief treatment with antibiotics. With this strategy, it is possible to save some of these cases from the harmful effects of standard chemotherapy. It is time to treat these cases with H. pylori eradication. However, strict histopathological follow-up is crucial and histopathological response must be evaluated according to the scoring system proposed by Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte. If there is no sufficient response, chemotherapy must be given immediately. These results suggest that H. pylori dependency and high-grade transformation in gastric MALT lymphomas are distinct events.

  10. Minimal Disease Assessment in the Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Intermediate-Risk (Stage III/IV) B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Children’s Oncology Group Report

    PubMed Central

    Shiramizu, Bruce; Goldman, Stanton; Kusao, Ian; Agsalda, Melissa; Lynch, James; Smith, Lynette; Harrison, Lauren; Morris, Erin; Gross, Thomas G.; Sanger, Warren; Perkins, Sherrie; Cairo, Mitchell S.


    Summary Children/adolescents with mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL) have an excellent prognosis but relapses still occur. While chromosomal aberrations and/or clonal immunoglobulin (Ig) gene rearrangements may indicate risk of failure, a more universal approach was developed to detect minimal disease (MD). Children/adolescents with intermediate-risk B-NHL were treated with French-British-American/Lymphome Malins de Burkitt 96 (FAB/LMB96) B4 modified chemotherapy and rituximab. Specimens from diagnosis, end of induction (EOI), and end of therapy (EOT) were assayed for MD. Initial specimens were screened for IGHV family usage with primer pools followed by individual primers to identify MD. Thirty-two diagnostic/staging specimens screened positive with primer pools and unique IGHV family primers were identified. Two patients relapsed; first relapse (4 months from diagnosis) was MD-positive at EOI, the second (36 months from diagnosis) was MD-positive at EOT. At EOI, recurrent rates were similar between the MRD-positive and MRD-negative patients (p=0.40). At EOT, only 13/32 patients had MRD data available with 1 relapse in the MRD-positive group and no recurrences in the MRD-negative group (p=0.077). The study demonstrated molecular-disseminated disease in which IgIGHV primer pools could be used to assess MD. This feasibility study supports future investigations to assess the validity and significance of MD screening in a larger cohort of patients with intermediate-risk mature B-NHL. PMID:21496005

  11. Minimal disease assessment in the treatment of children and adolescents with intermediate-risk (Stage III/IV) B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a children's oncology group report.


    Shiramizu, Bruce; Goldman, Stanton; Kusao, Ian; Agsalda, Melissa; Lynch, James; Smith, Lynette; Harrison, Lauren; Morris, Erin; Gross, Thomas G; Sanger, Warren; Perkins, Sherrie; Cairo, Mitchell S


    Children/adolescents with mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL) have an excellent prognosis but relapses still occur. While chromosomal aberrations and/or clonal immunoglobulin (Ig) gene rearrangements may indicate risk of failure, a more universal approach was developed to detect minimal disease (MD). Children/adolescents with intermediate-risk B-NHL were treated with French-British-American/Lymphome Malins de Burkitt 96 (FAB/LMB96) B4 modified chemotherapy and rituximab. Specimens from diagnosis, end of induction (EOI), and end of therapy (EOT) were assayed for MD. Initial specimens were screened for IGHV family usage with primer pools followed by individual primers to identify MD. Thirty-two diagnostic/staging specimens screened positive with primer pools and unique IGHV family primers were identified. Two patients relapsed; first relapse (4 months from diagnosis) was MD-positive at EOI, the second (36 months from diagnosis) was MD-positive at EOT. At EOI, recurrent rates were similar between the MRD-positive and MRD-negative patients (P = 0·40). At EOT, only 13/32 patients had MRD data available with one relapse in the MRD-positive group and no recurrences in the MRD-negative group (P = 0·077). The study demonstrated molecular-disseminated disease in which IgIGHV primer pools could be used to assess MD. This feasibility study supports future investigations to assess the validity and significance of MD screening in a larger cohort of patients with intermediate-risk mature B-NHL. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  12. 4Pi-SHG imaging of mammalian myofibrillar structures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vogel, Martin; Hahn, Dorothea; Schürmann, Sebastian; Lang, Marion; Wegner, Frederic v.; Friedrich, Oliver; Engelhardt, Johann; Hell, Stefan W.; Fink, Rainer H.


    Intrinsic Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) signals obtained from the motor protein myosin are of particular interest for 3D-imaging of living muscle cells. In addition, the new and powerful tool of 4Pi microscopy allows to markedly enhance the optical resolution of microscopy as well as the sensitivity for small objects because of the high peak intensities due to the interference pattern created in the focus. In the present study, we report, to our knowledge for the first time, measurements of intrinsic SHG signals under 4Pi conditions of type A. These measurements on mammalian myofibrilar structures are combined with very high resolution 4Pi fluorescence data obtained from the same preparations. We have chosen myofibrillar preparations of isolated mammalian muscle fibers as they (i) possess a regular repetitive pattern of actin and myosin filaments within sarcomers 2 to 3 μm in length, (ii) consist of single myofibrils of small total diameter of approximately 1 μm and (iii) are ideally suited to study the biomedically important process of force generation via calcium regulated motor protein interactions. Myofibrillar preparations were obtained from murine skeletal and heart muscle by using a combined chemical and mechanical fractionation1 (Both et al. 2004, JBO 9(5):882-892). BODIPY FL phallacidin has been used to fluorescently label the actin filaments. The experiments were carried out with a Leica SP2 multi photon microscope modified for 4Pi measurements using a Ti:Sa laser tuned to 850-900 nm. SHG as well as fluorescence photons were detected confocally by a counting APD detector. The approach taken our study provides new 3D-data for the analysis and simulation of the important process of excitation-contraction coupling under normal physiological as well as under pathophysiological conditions.

  13. Treatment of sporadic Burkitt lymphoma in adults, a retrospective comparison of four treatment regimens.


    Oosten, L E M; Chamuleau, M E D; Thielen, F W; de Wreede, L C; Siemes, C; Doorduijn, J K; Smeekes, O S; Kersten, M J; Hardi, L; Baars, J W; Demandt, A M P; Stevens, W B C; Nijland, M; van Imhoff, G W; Brouwer, R; Uyl-de Groot, C A; Kluin, P M; de Jong, D; Veelken, H


    Burkitt lymphoma is an aggressive B cell malignancy accounting for 1-2% of all adult lymphomas. Treatment with dose-intensive, multi-agent chemotherapy is effective but associated with considerable toxicity. In this observational study, we compared real-world efficacy, toxicity, and costs of four frequently employed treatment strategies for Burkitt lymphoma: the Lymphome Malins B (LMB), the Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster (BFM), the HOVON, and the CODOX-M/IVAC regimens. We collected data from 147 adult patients treated in eight referral centers. Following central pathology assessment, 105 of these cases were accepted as Burkitt lymphoma, resulting in the following treatment groups: LMB 36 patients, BFM 19 patients, HOVON 29 patients, and CODOX-M/IVAC 21 patients (median age 39 years, range 14-74; mean duration of follow-up 47 months). There was no significant difference between age, sex ratio, disease stage, or percentage HIV-positive patients between the treatment groups. Five-year progression-free survival (69%, p = 0.966) and 5-year overall survival (69%, p = 0.981) were comparable for all treatment groups. Treatment-related toxicity was also comparable with only hepatotoxicity seen more frequently in the CODOX/M-IVAC group (p = 0.004). Costs were determined by the number of rituximab gifts and the number of inpatients days. Overall, CODOX-M/IVAC had the most beneficial profile with regards to costs, treatment duration, and percentage of patients completing planned treatment. We conclude that the four treatment protocols for Burkitt lymphoma yield nearly identical results with regards to efficacy and safety but differ in treatment duration and costs. These differences may help guide future choice of treatment.

  14. Role of follow-up endoscopic examination in treatment response assessment for patients with gastric diffuse large B cell lymphoma.


    Yoon, Seung Bae; Lee, In Seok; Lee, Ha Ni; Kim, Eunyoung; Kim, Woohyeon; Lee, Han Hee; Lee, Bo-In; Choi, Myung-Gyu; Jung, Seung Eun; Choi, Byung Ock; Park, Gyeong Sin; Cho, Seok-Goo


    According to lymphoma guidelines, gastric diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients should undergo regular computed tomography (CT) and/or positron emission tomography (PET) examinations to assess treatment response. Endoscopic examinations are not indicated in the guidelines. The aim of this study was to investigate the utility of endoscopic examinations during and after treatment for DLBCL. We reviewed the patients diagnosed with gastric DLBCL at Seoul St. Mary's Hospital. All patients underwent endoscopy and radiologic examinations at every follow-up appointment. Radiologic response was defined according to World Health Organization criteria and endoscopic response was determined based on the Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adult grading system that is widely used in post-treatment evaluation of gastric MALT lymphoma. Forty-five patients were analyzed. Within a median follow-up period of 34 months, 35 patients achieved both radiologic and endoscopic complete remission (CR). The median times to endoscopic and radiologic CR were not significantly different (21 versus 16 weeks, p = 0.118). However, in 25 patients with stage I disease, endoscopic CR [median (range), 20 (11-36)] was achieved later than radiologic CR [median (range), 13 (8-36)] (p = 0.027). Among 40 patients who achieved radiologic CR, 35 patients who also achieved endoscopic CR maintained remission during the follow-up. Two of the five patients who achieved radiologic CR without endoscopic CR experienced recurrence. In gastric DLBCL patients, endoscopic response does not always correlate with radiologic response and might predict disease recurrence. We suggest that follow-up endoscopic examination with biopsy should be performed in addition to radiologic examination.

  15. Stage I-IIA Non-Bulky Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Is Further Distinction Based on Prognostic Factors Useful? The Stanford Experience

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Advani, Ranjana H., E-mail:; Hoppe, Richard T.; Maeda, Lauren S.


    Purpose: In the United States, early-stage Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) is defined as asymptomatic stage I/II non-bulky disease. European groups stratify patients to more intense treatment by considering additional unfavorable factors, such as age, number of nodal sites, sedimentation rate, extranodal disease, and elements of the international prognostic score for advanced HL. We sought to determine the prognostic significance of these factors in patients with early-stage disease treated at Stanford University Medical Center. Methods and Materials: This study was a retrospective analysis of 101 patients treated with abbreviated Stanford V chemotherapy (8 weeks) and 30-Gy (n = 84 patients) or 20-Gymore » (n = 17 patients) radiotherapy to involved sites. Outcomes were assessed after applying European risk factors. Results: At a median follow-up of 8.5 years, freedom from progression (FFP) and overall survival (OS) rates were 94% and 97%, respectively. From 33% to 60% of our patients were unfavorable per European criteria (i.e., German Hodgkin Study Group [GHSG], n = 55%; European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer, n = 33%; and Groupe d'Etudes des Lymphomes de l'Adulte, n = 61%). Differences in FFP rates between favorable and unfavorable patients were significant only for GHSG criteria (p = 0.02) with there were no differences in OS rates for any criteria. Five of 6 patients who relapsed were successfully salvaged. Conclusions: The majority of our patients deemed unfavorable had an excellent outcome despite undergoing a significantly abbreviated regimen. Application of factors used by the GHSG defined a less favorable subset for FFP but with no impact on OS. As therapy for early-stage disease moves to further reductions in therapy, these factors take on added importance in the interpretation of current trial results and design of future studies.« less

  16. [The distribution of B-lymphocytes in lymphoepithelial tissues as well as in tumors of the neck-, nose-, and throat region derived from lymphoreticular and lymphoepithelial tissues (author's transl)].


    Uhlmann, C; Krüger, G R; Sesterhenn, K; Wustrow, F; Fisher, R


    B-Lymphocytes carrying IgG-, IgM,- and IgA-surface receptors were estimated by fluorescence microscopy in the palatine tonsil of 50 patients aged 3 to 18 years as well as in 44 patients with various types of malignant lymphoms and lymphoepithelial carcinomas. Hyperplastic tonsillartissue contains large numbers of B-cells with a marked variability in concentration (4-30% IgG-cells, medium 12,9%;6-36 IgM-cells, medium 23.4%;3-38% IgA cells, medium 20.8%). There appears to exist an age-dependent increase in IgM-cells and an increase in IgG-and IgA-cells in patients with numerous recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract. Malignant lymphomas can be grouped into three main categories: Such with a predominance of one B-cell line (above 75-80% of one immunological cell type); these include primarily malignant lymphomas of the well differentiated lymphocytic type (IgM and IgA receptors). Secondly, such with a significant decrease in B-cells (below 10%) which include primarily malignant lymphomas of the poorly differentiated lymphocytic type. Thirdly, such with an increased B-cell content but with more than one cell line participating in cell proliferation. The latter ones comprise certain cases of Hodkin's lymphomas. Lymphoepithial carcinomas are charactersized by a significant decrease in total B-cell content, except for IgE- and IgD-cells which were not investigated. The results show that the immunologic classification of malignant lymphomas correlates only to a certain degree with the morphologic classification; i.e. the same morphologic type of tumor may possess different immunologic characteristics. Since the immunologic characteristics may reflect a certain functional potential of these tumors as well as probably a certain kind of immunologic incompetence prior to tumor development, it is suggested, that future morphologic investigations of malignant lymphomas and lymphoepithelial carcinomas are combined with immunologic classifications.

  17. Cost-effectiveness of rapid syphilis screening in prenatal HIV testing programs in Haiti.


    Schackman, Bruce R; Neukermans, Christopher P; Fontain, Sandy N Nerette; Nolte, Claudine; Joseph, Patrice; Pape, Jean W; Fitzgerald, Daniel W


    New rapid syphilis tests permit simple and immediate diagnosis and treatment at a single clinic visit. We compared the cost-effectiveness, projected health outcomes, and annual cost of screening pregnant women using a rapid syphilis test as part of scaled-up prenatal testing to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission in Haiti. A decision analytic model simulated health outcomes and costs separately for pregnant women in rural and urban areas. We compared syphilis syndromic surveillance (rural standard of care), rapid plasma reagin test with results and treatment at 1-wk follow-up (urban standard of care), and a new rapid test with immediate results and treatment. Test performance data were from a World Health Organization-Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases field trial conducted at the GHESKIO Center Groupe Haitien d'Etude du Sarcome de Kaposi et des Infections Opportunistes in Port-au-Prince. Health outcomes were projected using historical data on prenatal syphilis treatment efficacy and included disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) of newborns, congenital syphilis cases, neonatal deaths, and stillbirths. Cost-effectiveness ratios are in US dollars/DALY from a societal perspective; annual costs are in US dollars from a payer perspective. Rapid testing with immediate treatment has a cost-effectiveness ratio of $6.83/DALY in rural settings and $9.95/DALY in urban settings. Results are sensitive to regional syphilis prevalence, rapid test sensitivity, and the return rate for follow-up visits. Integrating rapid syphilis testing into a scaled-up national HIV testing and prenatal care program would prevent 1,125 congenital syphilis cases and 1,223 stillbirths or neonatal deaths annually at a cost of $525,000. In Haiti, integrating a new rapid syphilis test into prenatal care and HIV testing would prevent congenital syphilis cases and stillbirths, and is cost-effective. A similar approach may be beneficial in other resource-poor countries

  18. Tumeurs Stromales Gastro-Intestinales «GIST»: état des lieux et actualités à travers notre expérience portant sur 54 cas et une Revue de littérature

    PubMed Central

    Taoufiq, Nezha; Naim, Asmaa; Bouchbika, Zineb; Benchekroune, Nadia; Jouhadi, Hassan; Sahraoui, Souha; Benider, Abdelatif


    Les Tumeurs Stromales Gastro-intestinales « GIST » sont une forme très rare de cancers du tube digestif appartenant à la famille des sarcomes. Le but de ce travail est d'établir le profil épidémiologique et évolutif ainsi que les difficultés diagnostique et thérapeutique de cette pathologie maligne prise en charge dans un pays en développement. Une Etude rétrospective étalée sur 8 ans de Janvier 2002 à Mars 2010, a été mené au Service de Radiothérapie et d'Oncologie du CHU de Casablanca (Maroc) ayant colligée 54 cas de tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales. L'âge moyen de nos patients était de 55 ans. Le délai moyen d'évolution était de 11 mois (0-72 mois). La biopsie a permis de confirmer le diagnostic dans 14 cas et la chirurgie dans 40 cas. La principale forme histologique était fusiforme (92,6%). Les GIST dans notre série avaient une taille tumorale moyenne de 12,5 cm avec un C-Kit positif dans 52 cas. Le risque évolutif a pu être établi dans 47 cas dont 39 avaient un risque élevé. La chirurgie était le principal traitement des patients de notre sérieAprès un recul moyen de 31 mois, la moitié des patients évaluables de notre série (n=19) est en rémission complète maintenue, le tiers (n=13) est décédé alors que le quart (n=8) présente une récidive locale et /ou métastatique. Quoique les recommandations soient éditées pour la prise en charge de ces tumeurs, ces dernières soulèvent encore de nombreux problèmes aussi bien diagnostiques que thérapeutiques dans notre contexte. PMID:28904693

  19. Clinical, biologic, and pathologic features in 157 patients with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma treated within the Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte (GELA) trials

    PubMed Central

    Mourad, Nathalie; Mounier, Nicolas; Brière, Josette; Raffoux, Emmanuel; Delmer, Alain; Feller, Alfred; Meijer, Chris J. L. M.; Emile, Jean-François; Bouabdallah, Réda; Bosly, André; Diebold, Jacques; Haioun, Corinne; Coiffier, Bertrand; Gisselbrecht, Christian


    To evaluate the prognostic significance of clinicobiologic and pathological features in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL), 157 AITL patients were retrieved from the GELA LNH87-LNH93 randomized clinical trials. One hundred forty-seven patients received a cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (CHOP)–like regimen with intensified courses in half of them. Histologically, 41 cases were classified as “rich in large cells” and 116 as “classic” (including 19 rich in epithelioid cells, 14 rich in clear cells, and 4 with hyperplastic germinal centers). Sixty-two cases were scored for CD10 and CXCL13 expression according to the abundance of positive lymphoid cells. Median age was 62 years, with 81% advanced stage, 72% B symptoms, 65% anemia, 50% hypergammaglobulinemia, and 66% elevated LDH. Overall 7-year survival was 30%. In multivariate analysis, only male sex (P = .004), mediastinal lymphadenopathy (P = .041), and anemia (P = .042) adversely affected overall survival. Increase in large cells and high level of CD10 and CXCL13 did not affect survival. Intensive regimen did not improve survival. In conclusion, AITL is a morphologically heterogeneous T-cell lymphoma commonly expressing CXCL13 and CD10 and carrying few prognostic factors. It portends a poor prognosis even when treated intensively. However, AITL is not always lethal with 30% of patients alive at 7 years. PMID:18292286

  20. Potential for Application of PSInSAR Data for Tectonic Modelling in Subduction Areas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Musson, R. M.; Julian, B.; Mark, H.; Alessandro, F.


    ), Imperial College (UK), TeleRilevamento Europa (Italy), ImageONE (Japan), the Geographic Survey Institute (Japan), Oyo Corporation (Japan), Fugro (Netherlands) and SARCOM (ESA data distributing entity).

  1. La tuberculose abdominale pseudo-tumorale

    PubMed Central

    El Barni, Rachid; Lahkim, Mohamed; Achour, Abdessamad


    Introduction L’objectif de ce travail est de rapporter cinq cas de tuberculose abdominale pseudo-tumorale afin d’en souligner les aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques. Cinq observations sont colligées dans le service de chirurgie générale de l’hôpital militaire Avicenne de Marrakech au cours de l’année 2007. Les aspects cliniques sont disparates. Ainsi, les auteurs ont noté un syndrome péritonéal dans un cas, une masse épigastrique dans un cas, une lésion suspect du sigmoïde dans un cas, une masse de la fosse iliaque droite dans un cas et une altération de l’état général avec fièvre dans le dernier cas. Un seul patient avaient bénéficié d’une biopsie scano-guidée et les quatre patients restants avaient été opérés. Une masse du méso côlon était notée dans le premier cas. Dans le second cas, l’aspect de la masse épigastrique et son siège avaient orienté vers une tumeur du grand omentum. Une localisation tuberculeuse péritonéale et sigmoïdienne avait été trouvée dans le troisième cas. Le diagnostic d’une tumeur du côlon droit était hautement suspect chez le patient séropositif qui avait présenté une péritonite post-opératoire et décédé à J + 3 dans un tableau de choc septique. Le siège et l’aspect nécrotique des lésions trouvées à la tomodensitométrie chez la seule patiente de l’étude avaient fait discuter en premier un lymphome. Même en l’absence d’antécédents de tuberculose pulmonaire, le diagnostic tuberculose abdominale pseudo-tumorale doit être évoqué surtout dans un pays d’endémie comme le notre et le recours à une laparotomie est justifié chaque fois que persiste un doute diagnostique ou en cas de complication. PMID:23330023

  2. P17.04 Radiomics analysis of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) - A LOC network study

    PubMed Central

    Royer-Perron, L.; Bruno, A.; Daniau, M.; Labrèche, K.; Mokhtari, K.; Nguyen Them, L.; Houillier, C.; Soussain, C.; Hoang-Xuan, K.; Alentorn, A.


    . Acknowledgements: Association pour la Recherche sur les Tumeurs Cérébrales (ARTC), Ligue contre le Cancer, Fondation pour la recherche médicale, Institut National du Cancer (INCa), Cancéropôle Île-de-France, Département de la Recherche Clinique de l’APHP, CRC de l’APHP, réseau Lymphomes Oculo-Cérébraux (LOC).

  3. Les déterminants du statut “perdu de vue” chez les patients pris en charge pour cancer au Maroc: situation avant le Plan Cancer

    PubMed Central

    Najdi, Adil; Berraho, Mohamed; Bendahhou, Karima; Obtel, Majdouline; Zidouh, Ahmed; Errihani, Hassan; Nejjari, Chakib


    Introduction Le cancer au Maroc représente un problème majeur de santé publique, sa prise en charge doit être globale, active et complète pour tous les patients. L'objectif de ce travail était d'estimer la fréquence des perdus de vue « PDV » en oncologie au Maroc durant la première année de suivi et de déterminer les facteurs associés à ce problème. Méthodes Par une étude rétrospective portant sur 2854 dossiers de malades hospitalisés dans les trois principaux centres d'oncologie au Maroc depuis janvier 2003 jusqu’à juin 2007 et concernant les cinq principales localisations de cancer au Maroc, nous avons cherché la date des dernières nouvelles des patients ayant un recul de 18 mois minimum afin de déterminer le statut de ces malades après un an de suivi. Résultats La moyenne d’âge était de 52±14 ans, une proportion féminine de 63%, les sujets actifs constituaient 28%, les mariés 71%, les analphabètes 51%, 70% des patients habitaient en milieu urbain et seulement 11% des malades disposaient d'une couverture sociale. La localisation cancéreuse la plus fréquente était le poumon (23,8%) suivie du colon-rectum (23,5%) puis le col (21,9%), le sein (20,4%) et les lymphomes (10,4%). Le taux des «PDV» à un an de suivi était de 48%, ce statut était significativement lié au sexe, à l’âge, au NSE et au statut matrimonial. Sur le plan médical, le statut «PDV» était lié à la localisation du cancer, au stade de diagnostic et au type de traitement reçu. Conclusion Notre étude a mis en évidence la grande ampleur du problème des PDV en cancérologie au Maroc ainsi que ces déterminants. Ces résultats incitent tous les acteurs dans le domaine de la cancérologie à collaborer ensemble pour prendre les mesures qui s'imposent pour y pallier PMID:25400850

  4. Cardiovascular disease after treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma: an analysis of nine collaborative EORTC-LYSA trials.


    Maraldo, Maja V; Giusti, Francesco; Vogelius, Ivan R; Lundemann, Michael; van der Kaaij, Marleen A E; Ramadan, Safaa; Meulemans, Bart; Henry-Amar, Michel; Aleman, Berthe M P; Raemaekers, John; Meijnders, Paul; Moser, Elisabeth C; Kluin-Nelemans, Hanneke C; Feugier, Pierre; Casasnovas, Olivier; Fortpied, Catherine; Specht, Lena


    Cardiovascular disease after treatment is an important concern in cancer survivors. However, knowledge of cardiotoxicity is limited by the retrospective nature of data, which often does not contain details of treatment exposure. To facilitate individual risk counselling of patients, we aimed to quantify the effect of anthracyclines, vinca-alkaloids, and radiotherapy on the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients treated for Hodgkin's lymphoma. In 2009-10, a Life Situation Questionnaire (LSQ) was distributed to patients by mail to assess late-onset effects of Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment in patients who were included in nine successive European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte (GELA, now renamed LYSA) randomised trials between 1964 and 2004. We reconstructed the mean radiation doses to the heart and carotid arteries and the cumulative doses of anthracyclines and vinca-alkaloids for all patients. Incidence of cardiovascular disease was reported during follow-up and updated through the LSQ. We applied Cox proportional hazards regression analyses to quantify the effect of chemotherapy and radiation on the risk of a first cardiovascular disease event. Information of primary treatment was complete for 6039 patients (median age at diagnosis 30 years [IQR 23-40]; median length of follow-up 9 years [6-14]). 1919 patients responded to the LSQ. 1238 first cardiovascular events were recorded in 703 patients, most were ischaemic heart disease (132 [19%]), congestive heart failure (85 [12%]), arrhythmia (110 [16%]), and valvular disease (77 [11%]). The mean heart radiation dose per 1 Gy increase (HR 1·015 [95% CI 1·006-1·024], p=0·0014) and the dose of anthracyclines per 50 mg/m(2) increase in cumulative dose (1·077 [1·021-1·137], p=0·0064) were significant predictors of cardiovascular disease. Cumulative dose of vinblastine (unadjusted model p=0·77), vincristine (p=0·36), and mean radiation

  5. Assessment of sperm nuclear quality after in vitro maturation of fresh or frozen/thawed mouse pre-pubertal testes.


    Oblette, A; Rives, N; Dumont, L; Rives, A; Verhaeghe, F; Jumeau, F; Rondanino, C


    < 0.01). Moreover, the proportion of spermatozoa containing 8-OHdG was significantly increased in frozen/thawed tissues in comparison to fresh tissues and in vivo controls (P < 0.05). None. Further studies will be needed to enhance the production of spermatozoa in organotypic cultures while preserving their quality, to investigate epigenetic modifications and embryonic development. This is the first study comparing the nuclear quality of in vitro and in vivo generated murine spermatozoa. The organotypic culture system will have to be adapted for human tissue and extensive analyses of human gamete quality will have to be performed before potential clinical applications can be envisaged. This work was supported by Rouen University Hospital, Ligue contre le Cancer, Agence de la Biomédecine, Association Laurette Fugain, France Lymphome Espoir, and co-supported by European Union and Région Normandie. Europe gets involved in Normandie with European Régional Development Fund (ERDF). The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please

  6. An English Translation of Joseph Luc Riopelle, MD, (Hôtel-Dieu of Montréal), and Jean Paul Thériault (Hôpital Général of Verdun, Québec, Canada): Sur une forme méconnue de sarcome des parties molles: le rhabdomyosarcome alvéolaire (concerning an unrecognized form of sarcoma of the soft tissues: alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma). annales d'anatomie pathologique 1956;1:88-111.


    Raney, R Beverly; Oberlin, Odile; Parham, David M


    We believe that this is the first translation into English of the first description, in French, of a disease previously unknown. JL Riopelle and JP Thériault, both pathologists, reviewed clinical and pathologic findings in six young patients with soft tissue tumors, and contributed autopsy information on four of the patients. Only one patient was initially correctly diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma; the other five initially had alternative diagnoses. Because of space limitations, we have condensed the clinical and pathologic details of their 23-page, approximately 9-font article into two Tables, but have otherwise translated the complete text of this seminal paper. The journal cited above was first published in 1956 in Paris, France, and is currently published as Annales de Pathologie. Its editor is unaware of any prior English translation of this article.

  7. An open, self-controlled study on the efficacy of topical indoxacarb for eliminating fleas and clinical signs of flea-allergy dermatitis in client-owned dogs in Queensland, Australia

    PubMed Central

    Fisara, Petr; Sargent, Roger M; Shipstone, Michael; von Berky, Andrew; von Berky, Janet


    Background Canine flea-allergy dermatitis (FAD), a hypersensitivity response to antigenic material in the saliva of feeding fleas, occurs worldwide and remains a common presentation in companion animal veterinary practice despite widespread availability of effective systemic and topical flea-control products. Hypothesis/Objectives To evaluate the clinical response in dogs with FAD treated topically with indoxacarb, a novel oxadiazine insecticide. Animals Twenty-five client-owned dogs in Queensland, Australia diagnosed with pre-existing FAD on the basis of clinical signs, flea-antigen intradermal and serological tests. Methods An open-label, noncontrolled study, in which all dogs were treated with topical indoxacarb at 4 week intervals, three times over 12 weeks. Results Twenty-four dogs completed the study. Complete resolution of clinical signs of FAD was observed in 21 cases (87.5%), with nearly complete resolution or marked improvement in the remaining three cases. Mean clinical scores (Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index-03) were reduced by 93.3% at week 12. Mean owner-assessed pruritus scores were reduced by 88% by week 12. Mean flea counts reduced by 98.7 and 100% in weeks 8 and 12, respectively. Conclusions and clinical importance Topical indoxacarb treatment applied every 4 weeks for 12 weeks, without concomitant antipruritic or ectoparasiticide therapy, completely alleviated flea infestations in all dogs and associated clinical signs of FAD in a high proportion of this population of dogs in a challenging flea-infestation environment. Résumé Contexte La dermatite par allergie aux piqures de puces (FAD), une hypersensibilité aux antigènes salivaires des puces, est décrite dans le monde entier et reste une présentation fréquente en médicine vétérinaire des animaux de compagnie malgré une large gamme d'antiparasitaires topiques et systémiques efficaces disponibles. Hypothèses/Objectifs Estimer la réponse clinique des chiens