Sample records for salt cavern storage

  1. Challenges of constructing salt cavern gas storage in China

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xia, Yan; Yuan, Guangjie; Ban, Fansheng; Zhuang, Xiaoqian; Li, Jingcui


    After more than ten years of research and engineering practice in salt cavern gas storage, the engineering technology of geology, drilling, leaching, completion, operation and monitoring system has been established. With the rapid growth of domestic consumption of natural gas, the requirement of underground gas storage is increasing. Because high-quality rock salt resources about 1000m depth are relatively scarce, the salt cavern gas storages will be built in deep rock salt. According to the current domestic conventional construction technical scheme, construction in deep salt formations will face many problems such as circulating pressure increasing, tubing blockage, deformation failure, higher completion risk and so on, caused by depth and the complex geological conditions. Considering these difficulties, the differences between current technical scheme and the construction scheme of twin well and big hole are analyzed, and the results show that the technical scheme of twin well and big hole have obvious advantages in reducing the circulating pressure loss, tubing blockage and failure risk, and they can be the alternative schemes to solve the technical difficulties of constructing salt cavern gas storages in the deep rock salt.

  2. Mathematical model of salt cavern leaching for gas storage in high-insoluble salt formations.


    Li, Jinlong; Shi, Xilin; Yang, Chunhe; Li, Yinping; Wang, Tongtao; Ma, Hongling


    A mathematical model is established to predict the salt cavern development during leaching in high-insoluble salt formations. The salt-brine mass transfer rate is introduced, and the effects of the insoluble sediments on the development of the cavern are included. Considering the salt mass conservation in the cavern, the couple equations of the cavern shape, brine concentration and brine velocity are derived. According to the falling and accumulating rules of the insoluble particles, the governing equations of the insoluble sediments are deduced. A computer program using VC++ language is developed to obtain the numerical solution of these equations. To verify the proposed model, the leaching processes of two salt caverns of Jintan underground gas storage are simulated by the program, using the actual geological and technological parameters. The same simulation is performed by the current mainstream leaching software in China. The simulation results of the two programs are compared with the available field data. It shows that the proposed software is more accurate on the shape prediction of the cavern bottom and roof, which demonstrates the reliability and applicability of the model.

  3. Instability risk analysis and risk assessment system establishment of underground storage caverns in bedded salt rock

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jing, Wenjun; Zhao, Yan


    Stability is an important part of geotechnical engineering research. The operating experiences of underground storage caverns in salt rock all around the world show that the stability of the caverns is the key problem of safe operation. Currently, the combination of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation are the mainly adopts method of reserve stability analysis. This paper introduces the concept of risk into the stability analysis of underground geotechnical structure, and studies the instability of underground storage cavern in salt rock from the perspective of risk analysis. Firstly, the definition and classification of cavern instability risk is proposed, and the damage mechanism is analyzed from the mechanical angle. Then the main stability evaluating indicators of cavern instability risk are proposed, and an evaluation method of cavern instability risk is put forward. Finally, the established cavern instability risk assessment system is applied to the analysis and prediction of cavern instability risk after 30 years of operation in a proposed storage cavern group in the Huai’an salt mine. This research can provide a useful theoretical base for the safe operation and management of underground storage caverns in salt rock.

  4. Performance Study of Salt Cavern Air Storage Based Non-Supplementary Fired Compressed Air Energy Storage System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Xiaotao; Song, Jie; Liang, Lixiao; Si, Yang; Wang, Le; Xue, Xiaodai


    Large-scale energy storage system (ESS) plays an important role in the planning and operation of smart grid and energy internet. Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is one of promising large-scale energy storage techniques. However, the high cost of the storage of compressed air and the low capacity remain to be solved. This paper proposes a novel non-supplementary fired compressed air energy storage system (NSF-CAES) based on salt cavern air storage to address the issues of air storage and the efficiency of CAES. Operating mechanisms of the proposed NSF-CAES are analysed based on thermodynamics principle. Key factors which has impact on the system storage efficiency are thoroughly explored. The energy storage efficiency of the proposed NSF-CAES system can be improved by reducing the maximum working pressure of the salt cavern and improving inlet air pressure of the turbine. Simulation results show that the electric-to-electric conversion efficiency of the proposed NSF-CAES can reach 63.29% with a maximum salt cavern working pressure of 9.5 MPa and 9 MPa inlet air pressure of the turbine, which is higher than the current commercial CAES plants.

  5. Sensitivity of storage field performance to geologic and cavern design parameters in salt domes.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ehgartner, Brian L.; Park, Byoung Yoon


    A sensitivity study was performed utilizing a three dimensional finite element model to assess allowable cavern field sizes for strategic petroleum reserve salt domes. A potential exists for tensile fracturing and dilatancy damage to salt that can compromise the integrity of a cavern field in situations where high extraction ratios exist. The effects of salt creep rate, depth of salt dome top, dome size, caprock thickness, elastic moduli of caprock and surrounding rock, lateral stress ratio of surrounding rock, cavern size, depth of cavern, and number of caverns are examined numerically. As a result, a correlation table between the parametersmore » and the impact on the performance of storage field was established. In general, slower salt creep rates, deeper depth of salt dome top, larger elastic moduli of caprock and surrounding rock, and a smaller radius of cavern are better for structural performance of the salt dome.« less

  6. Modeling deformation processes of salt caverns for gas storage due to fluctuating operation pressures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Böttcher, N.; Nagel, T.; Goerke, U.; Khaledi, K.; Lins, Y.; König, D.; Schanz, T.; Köhn, D.; Attia, S.; Rabbel, W.; Bauer, S.; Kolditz, O.


    In the course of the Energy Transition in Germany, the focus of the country's energy sources is shifting from fossil to renewable and sustainable energy carriers. Since renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, are subjected to annual, seasonal, and diurnal fluctuations, the development and extension of energy storage capacities is a priority in German R&D programs. Common methods of energy storage are the utilization of subsurface caverns as a reservoir for natural or artificial fuel gases, such as hydrogen, methane, or the storage of compressed air. The construction of caverns in salt rock is inexpensive in comparison to solid rock formations due to the possibility of solution mining. Another advantage of evaporite as a host material is the self-healing capacity of salt rock. Gas caverns are capable of short-term energy storage (hours to days), so the operating pressures inside the caverns are fluctuating periodically with a high number of cycles. This work investigates the influence of fluctuating operation pressures on the stability of the host rock of gas storage caverns utilizing numerical models. Therefore, we developed a coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) model based on the finite element method utilizing the open-source software platform OpenGeoSys. Our simulations include the thermodynamic behaviour of the gas during the loading/ unloading of the cavern. This provides information on the transient pressure and temperature distribution on the cavern boundary to calculate the deformation of its geometry. Non-linear material models are used for the mechanical analysis, which describe the creep and self-healing behavior of the salt rock under fluctuating loading pressures. In order to identify the necessary material parameters, we perform experimental studies on the mechanical behaviour of salt rock under varying pressure and temperature conditions. Based on the numerical results, we further derive concepts for monitoring THM quantities in the

  7. Failure Analysis of Overhanging Blocks in the Walls of a Gas Storage Salt Cavern: A Case Study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Tongtao; Yang, Chunhe; Li, Jianjun; Li, Jinlong; Shi, Xilin; Ma, Hongling


    Most of the rock salt of China is bedded, in which non-salt layers and rock salt layers alternate. Due to the poor solubility of the non-salt layers, many blocks overhang on the walls of the caverns used for gas storage, constructed by water leaching. These overhanging blocks may collapse at any time, which may damage the tubing and casing string, and even cause instability of the cavern. They are one of the main factors threatening the safety of caverns excavated in bedded rock salt formations. In this paper, a geomechanical model of the JJKK-D salt cavern, located in Jintan salt district, Jintan city, Jiangsu province, China, is established to evaluate the stability of the overhanging blocks on its walls. The characters of the target formation, property parameters of the rock mass, and actual working conditions are considered in the geomechanical model. An index system composed of stress, displacement, plastic zone, safety factor, and equivalent strain is used to predict the collapse length of the overhanging blocks, the moment the collapse will take place, and the main factors causing the collapse. The sonar survey data of the JJKK-D salt cavern are used to verify the reliability and accuracy of the proposed geomechanical model. The results show that the proposed geomechanical model has a good reliability and accuracy, and can be used for the collapse prediction of the overhanging blocks on the wall of the JJKK-D salt cavern. The collapse length of the overhanging block is about 8 m. We conclude that the collapse takes place during the debrining. The reason behind the collapse is the sudden decrease of the fluid density, leading to the increase of the self-weight of the overhanging blocks. This study provides a basis for the collapse prediction method of the overhanging blocks of Jintan salt cavern gas storage, and can also serve as a reference for salt cavern gas storage with similar conditions to deal with overhanging blocks.

  8. Systematic Evaluation of Salt Cavern Well Integrity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roberts, B. L.; Lord, D. L.; Lord, A. S.; Bettin, G.; Sobolik, S. R.; Park, B. Y.


    The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) holds a reserve of crude oil ( 700 million barrels) to help ease any interruptions in oil import to the United States. The oil is stored in a set of 63 underground caverns distributed across four sites along the U.S. Gulf Coast. The caverns were solution mined into salt domes at each of the four sites. The plastic nature of the salt is beneficial for the storage of crude oil as it heals any fractures that may occur in the salt. The SPR is responsible for operating and maintaining the nearly 120 wells used to access the storage caverns over operational lifetimes spanning decades. Salt creep can induce deformation of the well casing which must be remediated to insure cavern and well integrity. This is particularly true at the interface between the plastic salt and the rigid caprock. The Department of Energy, the SPR Management and Operations contractor, and Sandia National Laboratories has developed a multidimensional well-grading system for the salt cavern access wells. This system is designed to assign numeric grades to each well indicating its risk of losing integrity and remediation priority. The system consists of several main components which themselves may consist of sub-components. The main components consider such things as salt cavern pressure history, results from geomechanical simulations modeling salt deformation, and measurements of well casing deformation due to salt creep. In addition, the geology of the salt domes and their overlying caprock is also included in the grading. These multiple factors are combined into summary values giving the monitoring and remediation priority for each well. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc. for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Michael M. McCall; William M. Bishop; Marcus Krekel


    This cooperative research project validates use of man made salt caverns to receive and store the cargoes of LNG ships in lieu of large liquid LNG tanks. Salt caverns will not tolerate direct injection of LNG because it is a cryogenic liquid, too cold for contact with salt. This research confirmed the technical processes and the economic benefits of pressuring the LNG up to dense phase, warming it to salt compatible temperatures and then directly injecting the dense phase gas into salt caverns for storage. The use of salt caverns to store natural gas sourced from LNG imports, particularly whenmore » located offshore, provides a highly secure, large scale and lower cost import facility as an alternative to tank based LNG import terminals. This design can unload a ship in the same time as unloading at a tank based terminal. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve uses man made salt caverns to securely store large quantities of crude oil. Similarly, this project describes a novel application of salt cavern gas storage technologies used for the first time in conjunction with LNG receiving. The energy industry uses man made salt caverns to store an array of gases and liquids but has never used man made salt caverns directly in the importation of LNG. This project has adapted and expanded the field of salt cavern storage technology and combined it with novel equipment and processes to accommodate LNG importation. The salt cavern based LNG receiving terminal described in the project can be located onshore or offshore, but the focus of the design and cost estimates has been on an offshore location, away from congested channels and ports. The salt cavern based terminal can provide large volumes of gas storage, high deliverability from storage, and is simplified in operation compared to tank based LNG terminals. Phase I of this project included mathematical modeling that proved a salt cavern based receiving terminal could be built at lower capital cost, and would have

  10. Thermo-mechanical modelling of salt caverns due to fluctuating loading conditions.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Böttcher, N.


    This work summarizes the development and application of a numerical model for the thermo-mechanical behaviour of salt caverns during cyclic gas storage. Artificial salt caverns are used for short term energy storage, such as power-to-gas or compressed air energy storage. Those applications are characterized by highly fluctuating operation pressures due to the unsteady power levels of power plants based on renewable energy. Compression and expansion of the storage gases during loading and unloading stages lead to rapidly changing temperatures in the host rock of the caverns. This affects the material behaviour of the host rock within a zone that extends several meters into the rock mass adjacent to the cavern wall, and induces thermo-mechanical stresses and alters the creep response.The proposed model features the thermodynamic behaviour of the storage medium, conductive heat transport in the host rock, as well as temperature dependent material properties of rock salt using different thermo-viscoplastic material models. The utilized constitutive models are well known and state-of-the-art in various salt mechanics applications. The model has been implemented into the open-source software platform OpenGeoSys. Thermal and mechanical processes are solved using a finite element approach, coupled via a staggered coupling scheme. The simulation results allow the conclusion, that the cavern convergence rate (and thus the efficiency of the cavern) is highly influenced by the loading cycle frequency and the resulting gas temperatures. The model therefore allows to analyse the influence of operation modes on the cavern host rock or on neighbouring facilities.

  11. Simulation of Mechanical Processes in Gas Storage Caverns for Short-Term Energy Storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Böttcher, Norbert; Nagel, Thomas; Kolditz, Olaf


    In recent years, Germany's energy management has started to be transferred from fossil fuels to renewable and sustainable energy carriers. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power are subjected by fluctuations, thus the development and extension of energy storage capacities is a priority in German R&D programs. This work is a part of the ANGUS+ Project, funded by the federal ministry of education and research, which investigates the influence of subsurface energy storage on the underground. The utilization of subsurface salt caverns as a long-term storage reservoir for fossil fuels is a common method, since the construction of caverns in salt rock is inexpensive in comparison to solid rock formations due to solution mining. Another advantage of evaporate as host material is the self-healing behaviour of salt rock, thus the cavity can be assumed to be impermeable. In the framework of short-term energy storage (hours to days), caverns can be used as gas storage reservoirs for natural or artificial fuel gases, such as hydrogen, methane, or compressed air, where the operation pressures inside the caverns will fluctuate more frequently. This work investigates the influence of changing operation pressures at high frequencies on the stability of the host rock of gas storage caverns utilizing numerical models. Therefore, we developed a coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) model based on the finite element method utilizing the open-source software platform OpenGeoSys. The salt behaviour is described by well-known constitutive material models which are capable of predicting creep, self-healing, and dilatancy processes. Our simulations include the thermodynamic behaviour of gas storage process, temperature development and distribution on the cavern boundary, the deformation of the cavern geometry, and the prediction of the dilatancy zone. Based on the numerical results, optimal operation modes can be found for individual caverns, so the risk of host rock damage

  12. Horizontal natural gas storage caverns and methods for producing same


    Russo, Anthony


    The invention provides caverns and methods for producing caverns in bedded salt deposits for the storage of materials that are not solvents for salt. The contemplated salt deposits are of the bedded, non-domed variety, more particularly salt found in layered formations that are sufficiently thick to enable the production of commercially usefully sized caverns completely encompassed by walls of salt of the formation. In a preferred method, a first bore hole is drilled into the salt formation and a cavity for receiving insolubles is leached from the salt formation. Thereafter, at a predetermined distance away from the first bore hole, a second bore hole is drilled towards the salt formation. As this drill approaches the salt, the drill assumes a slant approach and enters the salt and drills through it in a horizontal direction until it intersects the cavity for receiving insolubles. This produces a substantially horizontal conduit from which solvent is controlledly supplied to the surrounding salt formation, leaching the salt and producing a concentrated brine which is removed through the first bore hole. Insolubles are collected in the cavity for receiving insolubles. By controlledly supplying solvent, a horizontal cavern is produced with two bore holes extending therefrom.

  13. Crater Formation Above Salt Caverns: Piston vs Hour-glass

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Berest, P.


    Conditions leading to crater formation above salt caverns are discussed. In most cases, at the end of leaching, the cavern roof had reached the top of the salt formation, allowing direct contact between brine and marl (or argillite) layers that compose the overburden of the salt formation. These layers are prone to weathering when in contact with saturated brine. Stoping takes place, and the cavern roof rises through the overburden. This process may be several years or dozens of years long. In Lorraine salt formations, stoping stops when the rising cavern top reaches a competent layer, the Beaumont Dolomite. Operators then lower cavern-brine pressure to trigger collapse. A rigid cylinder of rock (a "piston") drops into the cavern, and a crater whose initial edges are vertical is created. Cavern drop is more abrupt when the cavern top is filled partly with air. The contour of the piston is circular, as a circle is the shape such that the ratio between perimeter and area is minimal. In other cases, for instance in Kansas, the cavern rises until the uppermost keystone in the bedrock at shallow depth is breached, permitting loose materials to flow into the cavern through a relatively narrow hole at the bottom of the sink hole, as in an hour glass.

  14. Salt deposits in Arizona promise gas-storage opportunities

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Rauzi, S.L.


    Massive salt formations and their proximity to pipeline systems and power plants make Arizona attractive for natural gas storage. Caverns dissolved in subsurface salt are used to store LPG at Ferrellgas Partners LP facility near Holbrook and the AmeriGas Partners LP facility near Glendale. Three other companies are investigating the feasibility of storing natural gas in Arizona salt: Copper Eagle Gas Storage LLC, Desert Crossing Gas Storage and Transportation System LLC, and Aquila Inc. The most extensive salt deposits are in the Colorado Plateau Province. Marine and nonmarine salt deposits are present in Arizona.

  15. Natural gas storage in bedded salt formations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Macha, G.


    In 1990 Western Resources Inc. (WRI) identified the need for additional natural gas storage capacity for its intrastate natural gas system operated in the state of Kansas. Western Resources primary need was identified as peak day deliverability with annual storage balancing a secondary objective. Consequently, an underground bedded salt storage facility, Yaggy Storage Field, was developed and placed in operation in November 1993. The current working capacity of the new field is 2.1 BCF. Seventy individual caverns are in service on the 300 acre site. The caverns vary in size from 310,000 CF to 2,600,000 CF. Additional capacity can bemore » added on the existing acreage by increasing the size of some of the smaller existing caverns by further solution mining and by development of an additional 30 potential well sites on the property.« less

  16. Micro-Macro Analysis and Phenomenological Modelling of Salt Viscous Damage and Application to Salt Caverns

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhu, Cheng; Pouya, Ahmad; Arson, Chloé


    This paper aims to gain fundamental understanding of the microscopic mechanisms that control the transition between secondary and tertiary creep around salt caverns in typical geological storage conditions. We use a self-consistent inclusion-matrix model to homogenize the viscoplastic deformation of halite polycrystals and predict the number of broken grains in a Representative Elementary Volume of salt. We use this micro-macro modeling framework to simulate creep tests under various axial stresses, which gives us the critical viscoplastic strain at which grain breakage (i.e., tertiary creep) is expected to occur. The comparison of simulation results for short-term and long-term creep indicates that the initiation of tertiary creep depends on the stress and the viscoplastic strain. We use the critical viscoplastic deformation as a yield criterion to control the transition between secondary and tertiary creep in a phenomenological viscoplastic model, which we implement into the Finite Element Method program POROFIS. We model a 850-m-deep salt cavern of irregular shape, in axis-symmetric conditions. Simulations of cavern depressurization indicate that a strain-dependent damage evolution law is more suitable than a stress-dependent damage evolution law, because it avoids high damage concentrations and allows capturing the formation of a damaged zone around the cavity. The modeling framework explained in this paper is expected to provide new insights to link grain breakage to phenomenological damage variables used in Continuum Damage Mechanics.

  17. "Tepid" Geysers above salt caverns

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bérest, Pierre; Brouard, Benoît; Zakharov, Vassily


    The formation of a brine geyser erupting from the wellhead of a large underground salt cavern is described. In most cases, the brine outflow from an opened cavern is slow; it results from the cavern creep closure and the thermal expansion of the cavern brine. These two processes are smooth; however, the brine outflow often is bumpy, as it is modulated by atmospheric pressure variations that generate an elastic increase (or decrease) of both cavern and brine volumes. In addition, when the flow is fast enough, the brine thermodynamic behavior in the wellbore is adiabatic. The cold brine expelled from the cavern wellhead is substituted with warm brine entering the borehole bottom, resulting in a lighter brine column. The brine outflow increases. In some cases, the flow becomes so fast that inertia terms must be taken into account. A geyser forms, coming to an end when the pressure in the cavern has dropped sufficiently. A better picture is obtained when head losses are considered. A closed-form solution can be reached. This proves that two cases must be distinguished, depending on whether the cold brine initially contained in the wellbore is expelled fully or not. It can also be shown that geyser formation is a rare event, as it requires both that the wellbore be narrow and that the cavern be very compressible. This study stemmed from an actual example in which a geyser was observed. However, scarce information is available, making any definite interpretation difficult. xml:lang="fr"

  18. Analysis of SPR salt cavern remedial leach program 2013.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Weber, Paula D.; Gutierrez, Karen A.; Lord, David L.

    The storage caverns of the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) exhibit creep behavior resulting in reduction of storage capacity over time. Maintenance of oil storage capacity requires periodic controlled leaching named remedial leach. The 30 MMB sale in summer 2011 provided space available to facilitate leaching operations. The objective of this report is to present the results and analyses of remedial leach activity at the SPR following the 2011 sale until mid-January 2013. This report focuses on caverns BH101, BH104, WH105 and WH106. Three of the four hanging strings were damaged resulting in deviations from normal leach patterns; however, themore » deviations did not affect the immediate geomechanical stability of the caverns. Significant leaching occurred in the toes of the caverns likely decreasing the number of available drawdowns until P/D ratio criteria are met. SANSMIC shows good agreement with sonar data and reasonably predicted the location and size of the enhanced leaching region resulting from string breakage.« less

  19. Analogue of Caldera Dynamics: the Controlled Salt Cavern Collapse

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jousset, P. G.; Rohmer, J.


    Caldera collapse (or pit-crater) dynamics are inferred from geological observations and laboratory experiments. Here, we present an analogue of caldera collapse at field scale and possible analogy with large scale caldera dynamics. Through an original exploitation technique in sedimentary environment, a salt layer is emptied, leaving a brine-filled cavern, which eventually collapses after overburden falls into the cavern. Such a collapse was monitored in East France by many instruments (including GPS, extensometers, geophones, broadband seismological sensors, tiltmeter, gravity meter, … ), which allowed us to describe mechanisms of the collapse. Micro-seismicity is a good indicator of spatio-temporal evolution of physical properties of rocks prior to catastrophic events like volcanic eruptions or landslides and may be triggered by a number of causes including dynamic characteristics of processes in play or/and external forces. We show evidence of triggered micro-seismicity observed in the vicinity of this underground salt cavern prone to collapse by a remote M~7.2 earthquake, which occurred ~12000 kilometres away. High-dynamic broadband records reveal the strong time-correlation between a dramatic change in the rate of local high-frequency micro-seismicity and the passage of low-frequency seismic waves, including body, Love and Rayleigh surface waves. Pressure was lowered in the cavern by pumping operations of brine out of the cavern. We demonstrate the near critical state of the cavern before the collapse by means of 2D axisymmetric elastic finite-element simulations. Stress oscillations due to the seismic waves may have exceeded the strength required for the rupture of the complex media made of brine and rock triggering micro-earthquakes and leading to damage of the overburden and eventually collapse of the salt cavern. The increment of stress necessary for the failure of a Dolomite layer is of the same order or magnitude as the maximum dynamic stress magnitude

  20. Sonar surveys used in gas-storage cavern analysis

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Crossley, N.G.


    Natural-gas storage cavern internal configuration, inspection information, and cavern integrity data can be obtained during high-pressure operations with specialized gas-sonar survey logging techniques. TransGas Ltd., Regina, Sask., has successfully performed these operations on several of its deepest and highest pressurized caverns. The data can determine gas-in-place inventory and assess changes in spatial volumes. These changes can result from cavern creep, shrinkage, or closure or from various downhole abnormalities such as fluid infill or collapse of the sidewall or roof. The paper discusses conventional surveys with sonar, running surveys in pressurized caverns, accuracy of the sonar survey, initial development of Cavernmore » 5, a roof fall, Cavern 4 development, and a damaged string.« less

  1. Simulation of Cavern Formation and Karst Development Using Salt

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kent, Douglas C.; Ross, Alex R.


    A salt model was developed as a teaching tool to demonstrate the development of caverns and karst topography. Salt slabs are placed in a watertight box to represent fractured limestone. Erosion resulting from water flow can be photographed in time-lapse sequence or demonstrated in the laboratory. (Author/CP)

  2. Interactive evolution concept for analyzing a rock salt cavern under cyclic thermo-mechanical loading

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    König, Diethard; Mahmoudi, Elham; Khaledi, Kavan; von Blumenthal, Achim; Schanz, Tom


    The excess electricity produced by renewable energy sources available during off-peak periods of consumption can be used e.g. to produce and compress hydrogen or to compress air. Afterwards the pressurized gas is stored in the rock salt cavities. During this process, thermo-mechanical cyclic loading is applied to the rock salt surrounding the cavern. Compared to the operation of conventional storage caverns in rock salt the frequencies of filling and discharging cycles and therefore the thermo-mechanical loading cycles are much higher, e.g. daily or weekly compared to seasonally or yearly. The stress strain behavior of rock salt as well as the deformation behavior and the stability of caverns in rock salt under such loading conditions are unknown. To overcome this, existing experimental studies have to be supplemented by exploring the behavior of rock salt under combined thermo-mechanical cyclic loading. Existing constitutive relations have to be extended to cover degradation of rock salt under thermo-mechanical cyclic loading. At least the complex system of a cavern in rock salt under these loading conditions has to be analyzed by numerical modeling taking into account the uncertainties due to limited access in large depth to investigate material composition and properties. An interactive evolution concept is presented to link the different components of such a study - experimental modeling, constitutive modeling and numerical modeling. A triaxial experimental setup is designed to characterize the cyclic thermo-mechanical behavior of rock salt. The imposed boundary conditions in the experimental setup are assumed to be similar to the stress state obtained from a full-scale numerical simulation. The computational model relies primarily on the governing constitutive model for predicting the behavior of rock salt cavity. Hence, a sophisticated elasto-viscoplastic creep constitutive model is developed to take into account the dilatancy and damage progress, as well as

  3. Induced Seismicity Monitoring of an Underground Salt Cavern Prone to Collapse

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mercerat, E. D.; Driad-Lebeau, L.; Bernard, P.


    Within the framework of a large research project launched to assess the feasibility of microseismic monitoring of growing underground caverns, this specific work focuses on the analysis of the induced seismicity recorded in a salt mine environment. A local seismic network has been installed over an underground salt cavern located in the Lorraine basin (Northeast of France). The microseismic network includes four 3-components and three single component geophones deployed at depths between 30 and 125 m in cemented boreholes drilled in the vicinity of the study area. The underground cavern under monitoring is located within a salt layer at 180 m depth and it presents a rather irregular shape that can be approximated by a cylindrical volume of 50 m height and 180 m diameter. Presently, the cavern is full of saturated brine inducing a significant pressure on its walls (~2.0 MPa) to keep the overburden mechanically stable. Nevertheless some small microseismic events were recorded by the network and analyzed (approximately 2,000 events in 2 years of recording). In October 2005 and April 2007, two controlled pressure transient experiments were carried out in the cavern, in order to analyze the mechanical response of the overburden by tracking the induced microseismicity. The recorded events were mainly grouped in clusters of 3-30 s of signal duration with emergent first arrivals and rather low frequency content (between 20 and 120 Hz). Some of these events have been spatially located by travel-time picking close to the actual cavern and its immediate roof. Preliminary spectral analysis of isolated microearthquakes suggests sources with non-negligible tensile components possibly related to fluid-filled cracks. Rock-debris falling into the cavern from delamination of clay marls in the immediate roof is probably another source of seismic excitation. This was later confirmed when the most important seismic swarms occurred at the site during May 2007, accompanied by the

  4. Building the 3D Geological Model of Wall Rock of Salt Caverns Based on Integration Method of Multi-source data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yongzhi, WANG; hui, WANG; Lixia, LIAO; Dongsen, LI


    In order to analyse the geological characteristics of salt rock and stability of salt caverns, rough three-dimensional (3D) models of salt rock stratum and the 3D models of salt caverns on study areas are built by 3D GIS spatial modeling technique. During implementing, multi-source data, such as basic geographic data, DEM, geological plane map, geological section map, engineering geological data, and sonar data are used. In this study, the 3D spatial analyzing and calculation methods, such as 3D GIS intersection detection method in three-dimensional space, Boolean operations between three-dimensional space entities, three-dimensional space grid discretization, are used to build 3D models on wall rock of salt caverns. Our methods can provide effective calculation models for numerical simulation and analysis of the creep characteristics of wall rock in salt caverns.

  5. Evidence for remotely triggered micro-earthquakes during salt cavern collapse

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jousset, P.; Rohmer, J.


    Micro-seismicity is a good indicator of spatio-temporal evolution of physical properties of rocks prior to catastrophic events like volcanic eruptions or landslides and may be triggered by a number of causes including dynamic characteristics of processes in play or/and external forces. Micro-earthquake triggering has been in the recent years the subject of intense research and our work contribute to showing further evidence of possible triggering of micro-earthquakes by remote large earthquakes. We show evidence of triggered micro-seismicity in the vicinity of an underground salt cavern prone to collapse by a remote M~7.2 earthquake, which occurred ~12000 kilometres away. We demonstrate the near critical state of the cavern before the collapse by means of 2D axisymmetric elastic finite-element simulations. Pressure was lowered in the cavern by pumping operations of brine out of the cavern. We demonstrate that a very small stress increase would be sufficient to break the overburden. High-dynamic broadband records reveal a remarkable time-correlation between a dramatic increase of the local high-frequency micro-seismicity rate associated with the break of the stiffest layer stabilizing the overburden and the passage of low-frequency remote seismic waves, including body, Love and Rayleigh surface waves. Stress oscillations due to the seismic waves exceeded the strength required for the rupture of the complex media made of brine and rock triggering micro-earthquakes and leading to damage of the overburden and eventually collapse of the salt cavern. The increment of stress necessary for the failure of a Dolomite layer is of the same order or magnitude as the maximum dynamic stress magnitude observed during the passage of the earthquakes waves. On this basis, we discuss the possible contribution of the Love and Rayleigh low-frequency surfaces waves.

  6. Threat of a sinkhole: A reevaluation of Cavern 4, Bayou Choctaw salt dome, Louisiana

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Neal, J.T.; Todd, J.L.; Linn, J.K.


    Cavern Lake at Bayou Choctaw salt dome resulted from the failure of Cavern 7 in 1954. Uncontrolled solutioning of this cavern through the thin caprock had set the stage for overburden to collapse into the cavern below. A similar situation developed with nearby Cavern 4, but with less dissolutioning of the caprock. Because pressure loss was already a problem and because another 800 ft diameter lake would have endangered surface operations, solutioning of Cavern 4 was stopped and the cavern abandoned in 1957 in order to protect the already-small site. In 1978 the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) acquired a numbermore » of caverns at Bayou Choctaw, including Cavern 4, and the possible repeat of the Cavern 7 failure and formation of another lake thus became an issue. The cavern dimensions were re-sonared in 1980 for comparison with 1963 and 1977 surveys. Annual surface leveling between 1982--1992 showed less subsidence occurring than the site average, and a cavern monitoring system, installed in 1984, has revealed no anomalous motion. Repeat sonar surveys in 1992 showed very little, if any, change occurred since 1980 although a small amount of uncertainty exists as a result of changing sonar techniques. We conclude that significant additional solutioning or erosion of the caprock has not occurred and that there is no increased threat to SPR operations.« less

  7. Long-period Seismicity at the Napoleonville Salt Dome: Implications for Local Seismic Monitoring of Underground Hydrocarbon Storage Caverns

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dreger, D. S.; Ford, S. R.; Nayak, A.


    The formation of a large sinkhole at the Napoleonville salt dome, Assumption Parish, Louisiana, in August 2012 was accompanied by a rich sequence of complex seismic events, including long-period (LP) events that were recorded 11 km away at Transportable Array station 544A in White Castle, Louisiana. The LP events have relatively little energy at short periods, which make them difficult to detect using standard high-frequency power detectors, and the majority of energy that reaches the station is peaked near 0.4 Hz. The analysis of the local records reveals that the onset of the 0.4 Hz signals coincides with the S-wave arrival, and therefore it may be a shaking induced resonance in a fluid filled cavern. We created a low-frequency (0.1-0.6 Hz) power detector (short-term average / long-term average) that operated on all three components of the broadband instrument, since considerable energy was detected on the horizontal components. The detections from the power detector were then used as templates in three-channel correlation detectors thereby increasing the number of detections by a little more than a factor of two to nearly 3000. The rate of LP events is approximately one event every other day at the beginning of recording in March 2011. Around 2 May 2012 the rate changes to approximately 7 events per day and then increases to 25 events per day at the beginning of July 2012. Finally, in the days leading up to the sinkhole formation there are approximately 200 LP events per day. The analysis of these events could aid in the development of local seismic monitoring methods for underground industrial storage caverns. Prepared by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.

  8. Dilatancy Criteria for Salt Cavern Design: A Comparison Between Stress- and Strain-Based Approaches

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Labaune, P.; Rouabhi, A.; Tijani, M.; Blanco-Martín, L.; You, T.


    This paper presents a new approach for salt cavern design, based on the use of the onset of dilatancy as a design threshold. In the proposed approach, a rheological model that includes dilatancy at the constitutive level is developed, and a strain-based dilatancy criterion is defined. As compared to classical design methods that consist in simulating cavern behavior through creep laws (fitted on long-term tests) and then using a criterion (derived from short-terms tests or experience) to determine the stability of the excavation, the proposed approach is consistent both with short- and long-term conditions. The new strain-based dilatancy criterion is compared to a stress-based dilatancy criterion through numerical simulations of salt caverns under cyclic loading conditions. The dilatancy zones predicted by the strain-based criterion are larger than the ones predicted by the stress-based criteria, which is conservative yet constructive for design purposes.

  9. Visualization of hydraulic connections using Borehole Array around LPG Underground Storage Cavern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shimo, M.; Mashimo, H.; Maejima, T.; Aoki, K.


    This paper presents a systematic approach to visualize the hydraulic connections within the fractured rock mass around the underground LPG storage caverns using array of water injection boreholes. By taking advantage that water injection boreholes are located so as to cover the storage caverns, a complete sketch of hydraulic conditions around the caverns, such as locations of water conducting fractures, hydraulic conductivity and groundwater pressure can be obtained. Applicability of the proposed techniques have been tested in an on-going construction project operated by JOGMEC, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation, at Namikata, Western part of Japan. Three 26m x 30m x 485m caverns, located at 150 - 200 m below the ground surface in a granitic rock, are under construction. By systematically monitoring the pressure responses between the neighboring boreholes during drilling of total 387 boreholes around the two propane caverns, a spatial profile of the hydraulic connections and hydraulic conductivity around the caverns has been successfully obtained. Locations of localized depressurized zones created during an arch excavation have been detected by monitoring pressure in each borehole after stopping water supply to that borehole temporarily. Measurement has been conducted using each one of the 302 boreholes, one at a time. Observation shows that there is a clear correlation between total pressure drop and pressure gradient versus time curve on semi-logarithmic plot, dH/log10t, as expected by the numerical prediction. Regions where dH/log10t is larger than a certain criteria, determined by a numerical simulation for flow around a cavern in a rock with uniform hydraulic conductivity, have been evaluated as a depressurized zone caused by insufficient water supply, possibly due to existence of the high permeable zones. Separate pore pressure measurement around the caverns also supports this interpretation that a low pressure is prevailing near the borehole

  10. Monitoring and/or Detection of Wellbore Leakage In Energy Storage Wells

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ratigan, J.


    Energy (compressed natural gas, crude oil, NGL, and LPG) storage wells in solution-mined caverns in salt formations are required to be tested for integrity every five years. Rules promulgated for such testing typically assume the cavern interval in the salt formation is inherently impermeable, even though some experience demonstrates that this is not always the case. A protocol for testing the cavern impermeable hypothesis should be developed. The description for the integrity test of the "well" component of the well and cavern storage system was developed more than 30 years ago. However, some of the implicit assumptions inherent to the decades-old well test protocol are no longer applicable to the large diameter, high flow rate wells commonly constructed today. More detailed test protocols are necessary for the more contemporary energy storage wells.

  11. Manufactured caverns in carbonate rock


    Bruce, David A.; Falta, Ronald W.; Castle, James W.; Murdoch, Lawrence C.


    Disclosed is a process for manufacturing underground caverns suitable in one embodiment for storage of large volumes of gaseous or liquid materials. The method is an acid dissolution process that can be utilized to form caverns in carbonate rock formations. The caverns can be used to store large quantities of materials near transportation facilities or destination markets. The caverns can be used for storage of materials including fossil fuels, such as natural gas, refined products formed from fossil fuels, or waste materials, such as hazardous waste materials. The caverns can also be utilized for applications involving human access such as recreation or research. The method can also be utilized to form calcium chloride as a by-product of the cavern formation process.

  12. High temperature underground thermal energy storage system for solar energy

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Collins, R. E.


    The activities feasibility of high temperature underground thermal storage of energy was investigated. Results indicate that salt cavern storage of hot oil is both technically and economically feasible as a method of storing huge quantities of heat at relatively low cost. One particular system identified utilizes a gravel filled cavern leached within a salt dome. Thermal losses are shown to be less than one percent of cyclically transferred heat. A system like this having a 40 MW sub t transfer rate capability and over eight hours of storage capacity is shown to cost about $13.50 per KWh sub t.

  13. Coupled thermal-hydrological-mechanical behavior of rock mass surrounding a high-temperature thermal energy storage cavern at shallow depth


    Park, Jung-Wook; Rutqvist, Jonny; Ryu, Dongwoo; ...


    The present study is aimed at numerically examining the thermal-hydrological-mechanical (THM) processes within the rock mass surrounding a cavern used for thermal energy storage (TES). We considered a cylindrical rock cavern with a height of 50 m and a radius of 10 m storing thermal energy of 350ºC as a conceptual TES model and simulated its operation for 30 years using THM coupled numerical modeling. At first, the insulator performance was not considered for the purpose of investigating the possible coupled THM behavior of the surrounding rock mass; then, the effects of an insulator were examined for different insulator thicknesses.more » The key concerns were focused on the hydro-thermal multiphase flow and heat transport in the rock mass around the thermal storage cavern, the effect of evaporation of rock mass, thermal impact on near the ground surface and the mechanical behavior of the surrounding rock mass. It is shown that the rock temperature around the cavern rapidly increased in the early stage and, consequently, evaporation of groundwater occurred, raising the fluid pressure. However, evaporation and multiphase flow did not have a significant effect on the heat transfer and mechanical behavior in spite of the high-temperature (350ºC) heat source. The simulations showed that large-scale heat flow around a cavern was expected to be conductiondominated for a reasonable value of rock mass permeability. Thermal expansion as a result of the heating of the rock mass from the storage cavern led to a ground surface uplift on the order of a few centimeters and to the development of tensile stress above the storage cavern, increasing the potentials for shear and tensile failures after a few years of the operation. Finally, the analysis showed that high tangential stress in proximity of the storage cavern can some shear failure and local damage, although large rock wall failure could likely be controlled with appropriate insulators and reinforcement.« less

  14. Sonar atlas of caverns comprising the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Volume 4, West Hackberry site, Louisiana.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rautman, Christopher Arthur; Lord, Anna Snider


    Downhole sonar surveys from the four active U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve sites have been modeled and used to generate a four-volume sonar atlas, showing the three-dimensional geometry of each cavern. This volume 4 focuses on the West Hackberry SPR site, located in southwestern Louisiana. Volumes 1, 2, and 3, respectively, present images for the Bayou Choctaw SPR site, Louisiana, the Big Hill SPR site, Texas, and the Bryan Mound SPR site, Texas. The atlas uses a consistent presentation format throughout. The basic geometric measurements provided by the down-cavern surveys have also been used to generate a number of geometric attributes,more » the values of which have been mapped onto the geometric form of each cavern using a color-shading scheme. The intent of the various geometrical attributes is to highlight deviations of the cavern shape from the idealized cylindrical form of a carefully leached underground storage cavern in salt. The atlas format does not allow interpretation of such geometric deviations and anomalies. However, significant geometric anomalies, not directly related to the leaching history of the cavern, may provide insight into the internal structure of the relevant salt dome.« less

  15. Sonar atlas of caverns comprising the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Volume 2, Big Hill Site, Texas.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rautman, Christopher Arthur; Lord, Anna Snider


    Downhole sonar surveys from the four active U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve sites have been modeled and used to generate a four-volume sonar atlas, showing the three-dimensional geometry of each cavern. This volume 2 focuses on the Big Hill SPR site, located in southeastern Texas. Volumes 1, 3, and 4, respectively, present images for the Bayou Choctaw SPR site, Louisiana, the Bryan Mound SPR site, Texas, and the West Hackberry SPR site, Louisiana. The atlas uses a consistent presentation format throughout. The basic geometric measurements provided by the down-cavern surveys have also been used to generate a number of geometric attributes,more » the values of which have been mapped onto the geometric form of each cavern using a color-shading scheme. The intent of the various geometrical attributes is to highlight deviations of the cavern shape from the idealized cylindrical form of a carefully leached underground storage cavern in salt. The atlas format does not allow interpretation of such geometric deviations and anomalies. However, significant geometric anomalies, not directly related to the leaching history of the cavern, may provide insight into the internal structure of the relevant salt dome.« less

  16. Sonar atlas of caverns comprising the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Volume 1, Bayou Choctaw site, Louisiana.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rautman, Christopher Arthur; Lord, Anna Snider


    Downhole sonar surveys from the four active U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve sites have been modeled and used to generate a four-volume sonar atlas, showing the three-dimensional geometry of each cavern. This volume 1 focuses on the Bayou Choctaw SPR site, located in southern Louisiana. Volumes 2, 3, and 4, respectively, present images for the Big Hill SPR site, Texas, the Bryan Mound SPR site, Texas, and the West Hackberry SPR site, Louisiana. The atlas uses a consistent presentation format throughout. The basic geometric measurements provided by the down-cavern surveys have also been used to generate a number of geometric attributes,more » the values of which have been mapped onto the geometric form of each cavern using a color-shading scheme. The intent of the various geometrical attributes is to highlight deviations of the cavern shape from the idealized cylindrical form of a carefully leached underground storage cavern in salt. The atlas format does not allow interpretation of such geometric deviations and anomalies. However, significant geometric anomalies, not directly related to the leaching history of the cavern, may provide insight into the internal structure of the relevant salt dome.« less

  17. Geotechnical Feasibility Analysis of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) in Bedded Salt Formations: a Case Study in Huai'an City, China

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Guimin; Li, Yinping; Daemen, Jaak J. K.; Yang, Chunhe; Wu, Yu; Zhang, Kai; Chen, Yanlong


    The lower reaches of the Yangtze River is one of the most developed regions in China. It is desirable to build compressed air energy storage (CAES) power plants in this area to ensure the safety, stability, and economic operation of the power network. Geotechnical feasibility analysis was carried out for CAES in impure bedded salt formations in Huai'an City, China, located in this region. First, geological investigation revealed that the salt groups in the Zhangxing Block meet the basic geological conditions for CAES storage, even though the possible unfavorable characteristics of the salt formations include bedding and different percentages of impurities. Second, mechanical tests were carried out to determine the mechanical characteristics of the bedded salt formations. It is encouraging that the samples did not fail even when they had undergone large creep deformation. Finally, numerical simulation was performed to evaluate the stability and volume shrinkage of the CAES under the following conditions: the shape of a single cavern is that of a pear; the width of the pillar is adopted as two times the largest diameter; three regular operating patterns were adopted for two operating caverns (internal pressure 9-10.5 MPa, 10-11.5 MPa, and 11-12.5 MPa), while the other two were kept at high pressure (internal pressure 10.5, 11.5, and 12.5 MPa) as backups; an emergency operating pattern in which two operating caverns were kept at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa) for emergency while the backups were under operation (9-10.5 MPa), simulated for 12 months at the beginning of the 5th year. The results of the analysis for the plastic zone, displacement, and volume shrinkage support the feasibility of the construction of an underground CAES power station.

  18. Assessment of the Available Drawdowns for Oil Storage Caverns at the West Hackberry SPR Site

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sobolik, Steven R.

    The Department of Energy, in response to requests from the U.S. Congress, wishes to maintain an up-to-date table documenting the number of available full drawdowns of each of the caverns owned by the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. This information is important for assessing the SPR’s ability to deliver oil to domestic oil companies expeditiously if national or world events dictate a rapid sale and deployment of the oil reserves. What factors go into assessing available drawdowns? The evaluation of drawdown risks require the consideration of several factors regarding cavern and wellbore integrity and stability, including stress states caused by cavern geometrymore » and operations, salt damage caused by dilatant and tensile stresses, the effect on enhanced creep on wellbore integrity, the sympathetic stress effect of operations on neighboring caverns. Based on the work over the past several months, a consensus has been built regarding the assessment of drawdown capabilities and risks for the SPR caverns. This paper draws upon the recently West Hackberry model upgrade and analyses to reevaluate and update the available drawdowns for each of those caverns. Similar papers for the Bryan Mound, Big Hill, and Bayou Choctaw papers will be developed as the upgrades to those analyses are completed. The rationale and documentation of the methodology is described in the remainder of this report, as are the updated estimates of available drawdowns for the West Hackberry caverns.« less

  19. 76 FR 52649 - Golden Triangle Storage, Inc.; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Triangle Storage, Inc.; Notice of Application On August 5, 2011, Golden Triangle Storage, Inc. (Golden... construct and operate two new salt dome storage caverns at its existing storage site located in Jefferson... Triangle Storage, Inc., 1200 Smith Street, Suite 900, Houston, TX 77002, (832) 397-8642 or John F...

  20. Salinization of groundwater around underground LPG storage caverns, Korea : statistical interpretation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, J.; Chang, H.


    In this research, we investigate the reciprocal influence between groundwater flow and its salinization occurred in two underground cavern sites, using major ion chemistry, PCA for chemical analysis data, and cross-correlation for various hydraulic data. The study areas are two underground LPG storage facilities constructed in South Sea coast, Yosu, and West Sea coastal regions, Pyeongtaek, Korea. Considerably high concentration of major cations and anions of groundwaters at both sites showed brackish or saline water types. In Yosu site, some great chemical difference of groundwater samples between rainy and dry season was caused by temporal intrusion of high-saline water into propane and butane cavern zone, but not in Pyeongtaek site. Cl/Br ratios and δ 18O- δ D distribution for tracing of salinization source water in both sites revealed that two kind of saline water (seawater and halite-dissolved solution) could influence the groundwater salinization in Yosu site, whereas only seawater intrusion could affect the groundwater chemistry of the observation wells in Pyeongtaek site. PCA performed by 8 and 10 chemical ions as statistical variables in both sites showed that intensive intrusion of seawater through butane cavern was occurred at Yosu site while seawater-groundwater mixing was observed at some observation wells located in the marginal part of Pyeongtaek site. Cross-correlation results revealed that the positive relationship between hydraulic head and cavern operating pressure was far more conspicuous at propane cavern zone in both sites (65 ~90% of correlation coefficients). According to the cross-correlation results of Yosu site, small change of head could provoke massive influx of halite-dissolved solution from surface through vertically developed fracture networks. However in Pyeongtaek site, the pressure-sensitive observation wells are not completely consistent with seawater-mixed wells, and the hydraulic change of heads at these wells related to the

  1. 78 FR 77445 - Tres Palacios Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Application Take notice that on December 6, 2013, Tres Palacios Gas Storage... working gas storage capacity in its salt cavern natural gas storage facility located in Matagorda, Colorado, and Wharton Counties, Texas. Tres Palacios states that the proposed abandonment of storage...

  2. 75 FR 70727 - Perryville Gas Storage LLC ; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Storage LLC ; Notice of Application November 10, 2010. Take notice that on November 5, 2010, Perryville Gas Storage LLC (Perryville), Three Riverway, Suite 1350, Houston, Texas 77056, filed in Docket No... interpretations for the location of the edge of the salt dome relative to the approved natural gas storage Cavern...

  3. Historical Cavern Floor Rise for All SPR Sites

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Moriarty, Dylan Michael


    The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) contains the largest supply is the largest stockpile of government-owned emergency crude oil in the world. The oil is stored in multiple salt caverns spread over four sites in Louisiana and Texas. Cavern infrastructure near the bottom of the cavern can be damaged from vertical floor movement. This report presents a comprehensive history of floor movements in each cavern. Most of the cavern floor rise rates ranged from 0.5-3.5 ft/yr, however, there were several caverns with much higher rise rates. BH103, BM106, and BH105 had the three highest rise rates. Information from this report willmore » be used to better predict future vertical floor movements and optimally place cavern infrastructure. The reasons for floor rise are not entirely understood and should be investigated.« less

  4. 75 FR 52937 - Turtle Bayou Gas Storage Company, LLC; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...] Turtle Bayou Gas Storage Company, LLC; Notice of Application August 20, 2010. Take notice that on August 6, 2010, Turtle Bayou Gas Storage Company, LLC (Turtle Bayou), One Office Park Circle, Suite 300..., operate, and maintain a new salt dome natural gas storage facility in two caverns and related facilities...

  5. 78 FR 63179 - Notice of Request Under Blanket Authorization; Petal Gas Storage, LLC.

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Request Under Blanket Authorization; Petal Gas Storage, LLC. Take notice that on October 9, 2013, Petal Gas Storage, L.L.C. (Petal), 9 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2800, Houston, Texas 77046, filed in Docket No... storage capacity in the Petal Salt Dome's Cavern 12A, located in Forrest County, Mississippi, from 8.2 Bcf...

  6. Energy storage as heat-of-fusion in containerized salts. Report on energy storage boiler tank

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chubb, T. A.; Nemecek, J. J.; Simmons, D. E.


    This report is concerned with energy storage based on heat-of-fusion in containerized salt. The 'energy storage boiler tank' uses evaporation and condensation of a heat transfer fluid to provide heat transfer into and out of stacked cans of salt. The 'energy storage superheater tank' uses a network of alkali metal heat pipes to distribute heat throughout a building filled with salt cans. It uses a radiation to transfer energy to and from stacked cans of salt. The paper summarizes the rationale for energy storage in containerized salt, it discusses salt availability, salt processing, container requirements, can technology and heat transfer fluid degradation problems. These discussions lead to estimates of energy storage system costs. The Naval Research Laboratory is building a 2 MWht proof-of-concept energy storage boiler tank. Laboratory investigations studying the compatibility of the heat transfer fluid with the molten storage salt are described, along with measurements of temperature drops associated with the energy input process. An assessment of the current status of the energy storage boiler tank is presented.

  7. Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage Systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Maru, H. C.; Dullea, J. F.; Kardas, A.; Paul, L.; Marianowski, L. G.; Ong, E.; Sampath, V.; Huang, V. M.; Wolak, J. C.


    The feasibility of storing thermal energy at temperatures of 450 C to 535 C in the form of latent heat of fusion was examined for over 30 inorganic salts and salt mixtures. Alkali carbonate mixtures were chosen as phase-change storage materials in this temperature range because of their relatively high storage capacity and thermal conductivity, moderate cost, low volumetric expansion upon melting, low corrosivity, and good chemical stability. Means of improving heat conduction through the solid salt were explored.

  8. High temperature molten salt storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ives, J.; Newcomb, J. C.; Pard, A. G.


    The design of a high-temperature molten salt thermal energy storage (TES) concept, including some materials testing, was developed by Rockwell International's Rocketdyne Division (RD), under contract to SERI, and is described in this document. The main features of the concept are a conical hot tank with a liner and internal insulation that allows unrestricted relative thermal expansion and the use of cathodic protection (impressed voltage) to inhibit corrosion. The RD design uses two tanks and ternary eutectic lithium-sodium-potassium carbonates for sensible heat storage. The tanks were sized for 6 h of storage at a discharge rate of 300 MW, giving 1800 MWh total usable thermal storage capacity. The molten carbonate storage medium is cycled between 425 and 900C. From the design study, no definitive statement can be made as to the cost-effectiveness of cathodic protection. Several anode design issues need to be resolved before cathodic protection can significantly reduce corrosion where the liner comes in contact with molten salts. However, where the tank is exposed to salt vapor, the large corrosion allowance required for the liner without cathodic protection results in a much thicker liner wall and shorter liner life than originally perceived, which affects system costs significantly.

  9. Analysis of cavern and well stability at the West Hackberry SPR site using a full-dome model.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sobolik, Steven R.


    This report presents computational analyses that simulate the structural response of caverns at the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) West Hackberry site. The cavern field comprises 22 caverns. Five caverns (6, 7, 8, 9, 11) were acquired from industry and have unusual shapes and a history dating back to 1946. The other 17 caverns (101-117) were leached according to SPR standards in the mid-1980s and have tall cylindrical shapes. The history of the caverns and their shapes are simulated in a three-dimensional geomechanics model of the site that predicts deformations, strains, and stresses. Future leaching scenarios corresponding to oil drawdowns usingmore » fresh water are also simulated by increasing the volume of the caverns. Cavern pressures are varied in the model to capture operational practices in the field. The results of the finite element model are interpreted to provide information on the current and future status of subsidence, well integrity, and cavern stability. The most significant results in this report are relevant to Cavern 6. The cavern is shaped like a bowl with a large ceiling span and is in close proximity to Cavern 9. The analyses predict tensile stresses at the edge of the ceiling during repressurization of Cavern 6 following workover conditions. During a workover the cavern is at low pressure to service a well. The wellhead pressures are atmospheric. When the workover is complete, the cavern is repressurized. The resulting elastic stresses are sufficient to cause tension around the edge of the large ceiling span. With time, these stresses relax to a compressive state because of salt creep. However, the potential for salt fracture and propagation exists, particularly towards Cavern 9. With only 200 feet of salt between the caverns, the operational consequences must be examined if the two caverns become connected. A critical time may be during a workover of Cavern 9 in part because of the operational vulnerabilities, but also because

  10. Characterizing Excavation Damaged Zone and Stability of Pressurized Lined Rock Caverns for Underground Compressed Air Energy Storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Hyung-Mok; Rutqvist, Jonny; Jeong, Ju-Hwan; Choi, Byung-Hee; Ryu, Dong-Woo; Song, Won-Kyong


    In this paper, we investigate the influence of the excavation damaged zone (EDZ) on the geomechanical performance of compressed air energy storage (CAES) in lined rock caverns. We conducted a detailed characterization of the EDZ in rock caverns that have been excavated for a Korean pilot test program on CAES in (concrete) lined rock caverns at shallow depth. The EDZ was characterized by measurements of P- and S-wave velocities and permeability across the EDZ and into undisturbed host rock. Moreover, we constructed an in situ concrete lining model and conducted permeability measurements in boreholes penetrating the concrete, through the EDZ and into the undisturbed host rock. Using the site-specific conditions and the results of the EDZ characterization, we carried out a model simulation to investigate the influence of the EDZ on the CAES performance, in particular related to geomechanical responses and stability. We used a modeling approach including coupled thermodynamic multiphase flow and geomechanics, which was proven to be useful in previous generic CAES studies. Our modeling results showed that the potential for inducing tensile fractures and air leakage through the concrete lining could be substantially reduced if the EDZ around the cavern could be minimized. Moreover, the results showed that the most favorable design for reducing the potential for tensile failure in the lining would be a relatively compliant concrete lining with a tight inner seal, and a relatively stiff (uncompliant) host rock with a minimized EDZ. Because EDZ compliance depends on its compressibility (or modulus) and thickness, care should be taken during drill and blast operations to minimize the damage to the cavern walls.

  11. Evaluation of Computational Method of High Reynolds Number Slurry Flow for Caverns Backfilling

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bettin, Giorgia


    The abandonment of salt caverns used for brining or product storage poses a significant environmental and economic risk. Risk mitigation can in part be address ed by the process of backfilling which can improve the cavern geomechanical stability and reduce the risk o f fluid loss to the environment. This study evaluate s a currently available computational tool , Barracuda, to simulate such process es as slurry flow at high Reynolds number with high particle loading . Using Barracuda software, a parametric sequence of simu lations evaluated slurry flow at Re ynolds number up to 15000 and loading up tomore » 25%. Li mitations come into the long time required to run these simulation s due in particular to the mesh size requirement at the jet nozzle. This study has found that slurry - jet width and centerline velocities are functions of Re ynold s number and volume fractio n The solid phase was found to spread less than the water - phase with a spreading rate smaller than 1 , dependent on the volume fraction. Particle size distribution does seem to have a large influence on the jet flow development. This study constitutes a first step to understand the behavior of highly loaded slurries and their ultimate application to cavern backfilling.« less

  12. Technical Feasibility of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Utilizing a Porous Rock Reservoir

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Medeiros, Michael; Booth, Robert; Fairchild, James

    Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) conducted a project to explore the viability of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) technology. CAES uses low-cost, off-peak electricity to compress air into a storage system in an underground space such as a rock formation or salt cavern. When electricity is needed, the air is withdrawn and used to drive a generator for electricity production.

  13. Numerical study on criteria for design and operation of water curtain system in underground oil storage cavern using site descriptive fracture networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moon, Jiwon; Yeo, In Wook


    Underground unlined caverns have been constructed in fractured rocks to stockpile oil and petroleum products, where they are hydraulically contained by natural groundwater pressure. However, for the case that natural groundwater pressure is not maintained at the required level, water curtain boreholes, through which water is injected, are often constructed above the cavern as engineering barrier to secure water pressure enough to overwhelm the operational pressure of the cavern. For secure containment of oil and petroleum products inside the cavern, it is essential to keep water pressure around the cavern higher than operational pressure of the cavern using either natural groundwater pressure or engineering barrier. In the Republic of Korea, a number of underground stockpile bases are being operated by Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) and private companies, most of which have water curtain system. The criterion that KNOC adopts for water curtain system design and operation such as the vertical distance from the cavern and operational injection rate is based on the Åberg hypothesis that the vertical hydraulic gradient should be larger than one. The criterion has been used for maintaining oil storage cavern without its thorough review. In this study, systematic numerical works have been done for reviewing the Åberg criterion. As groundwater predominantly takes places through fractures in underground caverns, discrete fracture modeling approach is essential for this study. Fracture data, obtained from boreholes drilled at the stage of site investigation at the Yeosu stockpile base in Korea, were statistically analyzed in terms of orientation and intensity, which were used to generate the site descriptive three dimensional fracture networks. Then, groundwater flow modeling has been carried out for the fracture networks. Constant head boundaries were applied along the circumference of the cavern and water curtain boreholes. Main flow channel and hydraulic

  14. Experimental investigation of a molten salt thermocline storage tank

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Xiaoping; Yang, Xiaoxi; Qin, Frank G. F.; Jiang, Runhua


    Thermal energy storage is considered as an important subsystem for solar thermal power stations. Investigations into thermocline storage tanks have mainly focused on numerical simulations because conducting high-temperature experiments is difficult. In this paper, an experimental study of the heat transfer characteristics of a molten salt thermocline storage tank was conducted by using high-temperature molten salt as the heat transfer fluid and ceramic particle as the filler material. This experimental study can verify the effectiveness of numerical simulation results and provide reference for engineering design. Temperature distribution and thermal storage capacity during the charging process were obtained. A temperature gradient was observed during the charging process. The temperature change tendency showed that thermocline thickness increased continuously with charging time. The slope of the thermal storage capacity decreased gradually with the increase in time. The low-cost filler material can replace the expensive molten salt to achieve thermal storage purposes and help to maintain the ideal gravity flow or piston flow of molten salt fluid.

  15. Technical Feasibility of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Utilizing a Porous Rock Reservoir (Appendix)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Medeiros, Michael

    Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) conducted a project to explore the viability of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) technology. CAES uses low-cost, off-peak electricity to compress air into a storage system in an underground space such as a rock formation or salt cavern. When electricity is needed, the air is withdrawn and used to drive a generator for electricity production.

  16. Alkali Metal/Salt Thermal-Energy-Storage Systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Phillips, Wayne W.; Stearns, John W.


    Proposed thermal-energy-storage system based on mixture of alkali metal and one of its halide salts; metal and salt form slurry of two immiscible melts. Use of slurry expected to prevent incrustations of solidified salts on heat-transfer surfaces that occur where salts alone used. Since incrustations impede heat transfer, system performance improved. In system, charging heat-exchanger surface immersed in lower liquid, rich in halide-salt, phase-charge material. Discharging heat exchanger surface immersed in upper liquid, rich in alkali metal.

  17. Storage, transmission and distribution of hydrogen

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kelley, J. H.; Hagler, R., Jr.


    Current practices and future requirements for the storage, transmission and distribution of hydrogen are reviewed in order to identify inadequacies to be corrected before hydrogen can achieve its full potential as a substitute for fossil fuels. Consideration is given to the storage of hydrogen in underground solution-mined salt caverns, portable high-pressure containers and dewars, pressure vessels and aquifers and as metal hydrides, hydrogen transmission in evacuated double-walled insulated containers and by pipeline, and distribution by truck and internal distribution networks. Areas for the improvement of these techniques are indicated, and these technological deficiencies, including materials development, low-cost storage and transmission methods, low-cost, long-life metal hydrides and novel methods for hydrogen storage, are presented as challenges for research and development.

  18. Technical Feasibility of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Utilizing a Porous Rock Reservoir, Appendix — Chapter 7

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Medeiros, Michael

    Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) conducted a project to explore the viability of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) technology. CAES uses low-cost, off-peak electricity to compress air into a storage system in an underground space such as a rock formation or salt cavern. When electricity is needed, the air is withdrawn and used to drive a generator for electricity production.

  19. Technical Feasibility of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Utilizing a Porous Rock Reservoir, Appendix — Chapter 6

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Medeiros, Michael

    Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) conducted a project to explore the viability of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) technology. CAES uses low-cost, off-peak electricity to compress air into a storage system in an underground space such as a rock formation or salt cavern. When electricity is needed, the air is withdrawn and used to drive a generator for electricity production.

  20. Technical Feasibility of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Utilizing a Porous Rock Reservoir, Appendix — Chapter 4

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Medeiros, Michael

    Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) conducted a project to explore the viability of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) technology. CAES uses low-cost, off-peak electricity to compress air into a storage system in an underground space such as a rock formation or salt cavern. When electricity is needed, the air is withdrawn and used to drive a generator for electricity production.

  1. Technical Feasibility of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Utilizing a Porous Rock Reservoir, Appendix — Chapter 9

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Medeiros, Michael

    Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) conducted a project to explore the viability of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) technology. CAES uses low-cost, off-peak electricity to compress air into a storage system in an underground space such as a rock formation or salt cavern. When electricity is needed, the air is withdrawn and used to drive a generator for electricity production.

  2. Technical Feasibility of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Utilizing a Porous Rock Reservoir, Appendix — Chapter 3

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Medeiros, Michael

    Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) conducted a project to explore the viability of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) technology. CAES uses low-cost, off-peak electricity to compress air into a storage system in an underground space such as a rock formation or salt cavern. When electricity is needed, the air is withdrawn and used to drive a generator for electricity production.

  3. Technical Feasibility of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Utilizing a Porous Rock Reservoir, Appendix — Chapter 5

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Medeiros, Michael

    Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) conducted a project to explore the viability of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) technology. CAES uses low-cost, off-peak electricity to compress air into a storage system in an underground space such as a rock formation or salt cavern. When electricity is needed, the air is withdrawn and used to drive a generator for electricity production.

  4. Technical Feasibility of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Utilizing a Porous Rock Reservoir, Appendix — Chapter 8

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Medeiros, Michael

    Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) conducted a project to explore the viability of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) technology. CAES uses low-cost, off-peak electricity to compress air into a storage system in an underground space such as a rock formation or salt cavern. When electricity is needed, the air is withdrawn and used to drive a generator for electricity production.

  5. Limestone Caverns

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Powell, Richard L.


    Describes the origin of limestone caverns, using Mammoth Cave as an example, with particular reference to the importance of groundwater information of caverns, the present condition of groundwater, and how caverns develop within fluctuating groundwater zones. (BR)

  6. Seneca Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Project

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    None, None


    Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) is a hybrid energy storage and generation concept that has many potential benefits especially in a location with increasing percentages of intermittent wind energy generation. The objectives of the NYSEG Seneca CAES Project included: for Phase 1, development of a Front End Engineering Design for a 130MW to 210 MW utility-owned facility including capital costs; project financials based on the engineering design and forecasts of energy market revenues; design of the salt cavern to be used for air storage; draft environmental permit filings; and draft NYISO interconnection filing; for Phase 2, objectives included plant constructionmore » with a target in-service date of mid-2016; and for Phase 3, objectives included commercial demonstration, testing, and two-years of performance reporting. This Final Report is presented now at the end of Phase 1 because NYSEG has concluded that the economics of the project are not favorable for development in the current economic environment in New York State. The proposed site is located in NYSEG’s service territory in the Town of Reading, New York, at the southern end of Seneca Lake, in New York State’s Finger Lakes region. The landowner of the proposed site is Inergy, a company that owns the salt solution mining facility at this property. Inergy would have developed a new air storage cavern facility to be designed for NYSEG specifically for the Seneca CAES project. A large volume, natural gas storage facility owned and operated by Inergy is also located near this site and would have provided a source of high pressure pipeline quality natural gas for use in the CAES plant. The site has an electrical take-away capability of 210 MW via two NYSEG 115 kV circuits located approximately one half mile from the plant site. Cooling tower make-up water would have been supplied from Seneca Lake. NYSEG’s engineering consultant WorleyParsons Group thoroughly evaluated three CAES designs and concluded

  7. Research opportunities in salt hydrates for thermal energy storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Braunstein, J.


    The state of the art of salt hydrates as phase change materials for low temperature thermal energy storage is reviewed. Phase equilibria, nucleation behavior and melting kinetics of the commonly used hydrate are summarized. The development of efficient, reliable inexpensive systems based on phase change materials, especially salt hydrates for the storage (and retrieval) of thermal energy for residential heating is outlined. The use of phase change material thermal energy storage systems is not yet widespread. Additional basic research is needed in the areas of crystallization and melting kinetics, prediction of phase behavior in ternary systems, thermal diffusion in salt hydrate systems, and in the physical properties pertinent to nonequilibrium and equilibrium transformations in these systems.

  8. Novel Molten Salts Thermal Energy Storage for Concentrating Solar Power Generation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Reddy, Ramana G.


    The explicit UA program objective is to develop low melting point (LMP) molten salt thermal energy storage media with high thermal energy storage density for sensible heat storage systems. The novel Low Melting Point (LMP) molten salts are targeted to have the following characteristics: 1. Lower melting point (MP) compared to current salts (<222ºC) 2. Higher energy density compared to current salts (>300 MJ/m3) 3. Lower power generation cost compared to current salt In terms of lower power costs, the program target the DOE's Solar Energy Technologies Program year 2020 goal to create systems that have the potential to reducemore » the cost of Thermal Energy Storage (TES) to less than $15/kWh-th and achieve round trip efficiencies greater than 93%. The project has completed the experimental investigations to determine the thermo-physical, long term thermal stability properties of the LMP molten salts and also corrosion studies of stainless steel in the candidate LMP molten salts. Heat transfer and fluid dynamics modeling have been conducted to identify heat transfer geometry and relative costs for TES systems that would utilize the primary LMP molten salt candidates. The project also proposes heat transfer geometry with relevant modifications to suit the usage of our molten salts as thermal energy storage and heat transfer fluids. The essential properties of the down-selected novel LMP molten salts to be considered for thermal storage in solar energy applications were experimentally determined, including melting point, heat capacity, thermal stability, density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, vapor pressure, and corrosion resistance of SS 316. The thermodynamic modeling was conducted to determine potential high temperature stable molten salt mixtures that have thermal stability up to 1000 °C. The thermo-physical properties of select potential high temperature stable (HMP) molten salt mixtures were also experimentally determined. All the salt mixtures align with

  9. Modeling of coupled thermodynamic and geomechanical performance of underground compressed air energy storage in lined rock caverns

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rutqvist, Jonny; Kim, Hyung-Mok; Ryu, Dong-Woo

    We applied coupled nonisothermal, multiphase fluid flow and geomechanical numerical modeling to study the coupled thermodynamic and geomechanical performance of underground compressed air energy storage (CAES) in concrete-lined rock caverns. The paper focuses on CAES in lined caverns at relatively shallow depth (e.g., 100 m depth) in which a typical CAES operational pressure of 5 to 8 MPa is significantly higher than both ambient fluid pressure and in situ stress. We simulated a storage operation that included cyclic compression and decompression of air in the cavern, and investigated how pressure, temperature and stress evolve over several months of operation. Wemore » analyzed two different lining options, both with a 50 cm thick low permeability concrete lining, but in one case with an internal synthetic seal such as steel or rubber. For our simulated CAES system, the thermodynamic analysis showed that 96.7% of the energy injected during compression could be recovered during subsequent decompression, while 3.3% of the energy was lost by heat conduction to the surrounding media. Our geomechanical analysis showed that tensile effective stresses as high as 8 MPa could develop in the lining as a result of the air pressure exerted on the inner surface of the lining, whereas thermal stresses were relatively smaller and compressive. With the option of an internal synthetic seal, the maximum effective tensile stress was reduced from 8 to 5 MPa, but was still in substantial tension. We performed one simulation in which the tensile tangential stresses resulted in radial cracks and air leakage though the lining. This air leakage, however, was minor (about 0.16% of the air mass loss from one daily compression) in terms of CAES operational efficiency, and did not significantly impact the overall energy balance of the system. However, despite being minor in terms of energy balance, the air leakage resulted in a distinct pressure increase in the surrounding rock that could

  10. Performance evaluation of molten salt thermal storage systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kolb, G. J.; Nikolai, U.


    The molton salt thermal storage system located at the Central Receiver Test Facility (CRTF) was recently subjected to thermal performance tests. The system is composed of a hot storage tank containing molten nitrate salt at a temperature of 1050 F and a cold tank containing 550 F salt with associated valves and controls. It is rated at 7 MWht and was designed and installed by Martin Marietta Corporation in 1982. The results of these tests were used to accomplish four objectives: (1) to compare the current thermal performance of the system with the performance of the system soon after it was installed, (2) to validate a dynamic computer model of the system, (3) to obtain an estimate of an annual system efficiency for a hypothetical commercial scale 1200 MWht system and (4) to compare the performance of the CRTF system with thermal storage systems developed by the European solar community.

  11. Nuclear Hybrid Energy System: Molten Salt Energy Storage (Summer Report 2013)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sabharwall, Piyush; mckellar, Michael George; Yoon, Su-Jong


    Effective energy use is a main focus and concern in the world today because of the growing demand for energy. The nuclear hybrid energy system (NHES) is a valuable technical concept that can potentially diversify and leverage existing energy technologies. This report considers a particular NHES design that combines multiple energy systems including a nuclear reactor, energy storage system (ESS), variable renewable generator (VRG), and additional process heat applications. Energy storage is an essential component of this particular NHES because its design allows the system to produce peak power while the nuclear reactor operates at constant power output. Many energymore » storage options are available, but this study mainly focuses on a molten salt ESS. The primary purpose of the molten salt ESS is to enable the nuclear reactor to be a purely constant heat source by acting as a heat storage component for the reactor during times of low demand, and providing additional capacity for thermo-electric power generation during times of peak electricity demand. This report will describe the rationale behind using a molten salt ESS and identify an efficient molten salt ESS configuration that may be used in load following power applications. Several criteria are considered for effective energy storage and are used to identify the most effective ESS within the NHES. Different types of energy storage are briefly described with their advantages and disadvantages. The general analysis to determine the most efficient molten salt ESS involves two parts: thermodynamic, in which energetic and exergetic efficiencies are considered; and economic. Within the molten salt ESS, the two-part analysis covers three major system elements: molten salt ESS designs (two tank direct and thermocline), the molten salt choice, and the different power cycles coupled with the molten salt ESS. Analysis models are formulated and analyzed to determine the most effective ESS. The results show that the

  12. Hydrogen underground storage in siliciclastic reservoirs - intention and topics of the H2STORE project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pudlo, Dieter; Ganzer, Leonhard; Henkel, Steven; Liebscher, Axel; Kühn, Michael; De Lucia, Marco; Panfilov, Michel; Pilz, Peter; Reitenbach, Viktor; Albrecht, Daniel; Würdemann, Hilke; Gaupp, Reinhard


    The transfer of energy supply from nuclear and CO2-emitting power generation to renewable energy production sources is strongly reliant to the potential of storing high capacities of energy in a safe and reliable way in time spans of several months. One conceivable option can be the storage of hydrogen and (related) synthetic natural gas (SNG) production in appropriate underground structures, like salt caverns and pore space reservoirs. Successful storage of hydrogen in the form of town gas in salt caverns has been proven in several demonstration projects and can be considered as state of the art technology. However, salt structures have only limited importance for hydrogen storage due to only small cavern volumes and the limited occurrence of salt deposits suitable for flushing of cavern constructions. Thus, regarding potential high-volume storage sites, siliciclastic deposits like saline aquifers and depleted gas reservoirs are of increasing interest. Motivated by a project call and sponsored by the German government the H2STORE ("Hydrogen to Store") collaborative project will investigate the feasibility and the requirements for pore space storage of hydrogen. Thereby depleted gas reservoirs are a major concern of this study. This type of geological structure is chosen because of their well investigated geological settings and proved sealing capacities, which already enable a present (and future) use as natural (and synthetic) reservoir gas storages. Nonetheless hydrogen and hydrocarbon in porous media exhibit major differences in physico-chemical behaviour, essentially due to the high diffusivity and reactivity of hydrogen. The biotic and abiotic reactions of hydrogen with rocks and fluids will be necessary observed in siliciclastic sediments which consist of numerous inorganic and organic compounds and comprise original formation fluids. These features strongly control petrophysical behaviour (e.g. porosity, permeability) and therefore fluid (hydrogen

  13. Salt-hydrate thermal-energy-storage system for space heating and air conditioning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    MacCracken, C. D.; Armstrong, J. M.; MacCracken, M. M.; Silvetti, B. M.


    Latent heat storage equipment using three different salts was developed. The salts are: sodium sulfate pentahydrate which melts at 460 C, magnesium chloride hexahydrate which melts at 1150 C, and a eutectic combination of seven different materials which melts at 70 C. Stirring pumps, tanks, and tubing materials, and field filling of the salts into their tanks are developed. good performance for the tank/heat exchangers with all three salts is reported. Both the 1150 C and 460 C salts are almost equivalent in volume storage to water/ice. The 79.0 C salt, however, begins at about 56% of the BTU's per cubic foot of water/ice and declines due to separation to 40% after repeated cycling.

  14. High-temperature molten salt thermal energy storage systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Petri, R. J.; Claar, T. D.; Tison, R. R.; Marianowski, L. G.


    The results of comparative screening studies of candidate molten carbonate salts as phase change materials (PCM) for advanced solar thermal energy storage applications at 540 to 870 C (1004 to 1600 F) and steam Rankine electric generation at 400 to 540 C (752 to 1004 F) are presented. Alkali carbonates are attractive as latent heat storage materials because of their relatively high storage capacity and thermal conductivity, low corrosivity, moderate cost, and safe and simple handling requirements. Salts were tested in 0.1 kWhr lab scale modules and evaluated on the basis of discharge heat flux, solidification temperature range, thermal cycling stability, and compatibility with containment materials. The feasibility of using a distributed network of high conductivity material to increase the heat flux through the layer of solidified salt was evaluated. The thermal performance of an 8 kWhr thermal energy storage (TES) module containing LiKCO3 remained very stable throughout 5650 hours and 130 charge/discharge cycles at 480 to 535 C (896 to 995 F). A TES utilization concept of an electrical generation peaking subsystem composed of a multistage condensing steam turbine and a TES subsystem with a separate power conversion loop was defined. Conceptual designs for a 100 MW sub e TES peaking system providing steam at 316 C, 427 C, and 454 C (600 F, 800 F, and 850 F) at 3.79 million Pa (550 psia) were developed and evaluated. Areas requiring further investigation have also been identified.

  15. Hazard assessment of the stability of a cavern roof along the coastline

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reina, A.; Lollino, P.


    This work concerns the hazard assessment about the stability of a large shallow depth cavern, located along the coastline rocky sector of Polignano town (Apulia, Southern Italy) under an intensely urbanised area. This cavern, which lies at the sea level, has been created by a prolonged process of sea erosion within a rock mass formed of a lower stratified limestone mass and an upper Gravina Calcarenite mass. The thickness of the cavern roof, which has a dome shape, is less than 10 metres in the centre. Important buildings, as hotels and private houses, are located just above the top of the roof. Erosion processes have been observed to be still active along the whole cavern due to climate factors and, in particular, to sea salt weathering and sea spray effects. In 2007 a large calcarenite block, 3 m large, fell down from the cavern roof and consequently a field investigation campaign was carried out for a rational stabilization plan in order to understand the current stability conditions of the roof and the potential failure mechanism. Therefore, a thorough geo-structural survey has firstly been carried out, together with laboratory and in-situ testing for measuring the physical and mechanical properties of the calcarenite rock and of the corresponding joints. A monitoring system has also been planned and installed in order to measure the erosional rate and the block displacements in the cavern.

  16. Comparison and Tensorial Formulation of Inelastic Constitutive Models of Salt Rock Behaviour and Efficient Numerical Implementatio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nagel, T.; Böttcher, N.; Görke, U. J.; Kolditz, O.


    The design process of geotechnical installations includes the application of numerical simulation tools for safety assessment, dimensioning and long term effectiveness estimations. Underground salt caverns can be used for the storage of natural gas, hydrogen, oil, waste or compressed air. For their design one has to take into account fluctuating internal pressures due to different levels of filling, the stresses imposed by the surrounding rock mass, irregular geometries and possibly heterogeneous material properties [3] in order to estimate long term cavern convergence as well as locally critical wall stresses. Constitutive models applied to rock salt are usually viscoplastic in nature and most often based on a Burgers-type rheological model extended by non-linear viscosity functions and/or plastic friction elements. Besides plastic dilatation, healing and damage are sometimes accounted for as well [2]. The scales of the geotechnical system to be simulated and the laboratory tests from which material parameters are determined are vastly different. The most common material testing modalities to determine material parameters in geoengineering are the uniaxial and the triaxial compression tests. Some constitutive formulations in widespread use are formulated based on equivalent rather than tensorial quantities valid under these specific test conditions and are subsequently applied to heterogeneous underground systems and complex 3D load cases. We show here that this procedure is inappropriate and can lead to erroneous results. We further propose alternative formulations of the constitutive models in question that restore their validity under arbitrary loading conditions. For an efficient numerical simulation, the discussed constitutive models are integrated locally with a Newton-Raphson algorithm that directly provides the algorithmically consistent tangent matrix for the global Newton iteration of the displacement based finite element formulation. Finally, the finite

  17. Molten salt thermal energy storage subsystem for solar thermal central receiver plants

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wells, P. B.; Nassopoulos, G. P.


    The development of a low cost thermal energy storage subsystem for large solar plants is described. Molten nitrate salt is used as both the solar plant working fluid and the storage medium. The storage system consists of a specially designed hot tank to hold salt at a storage temperature of 839K (1050 deg F) and a separate carbon steel cold tank to hold the salt after its thermal energy has been extracted to generate steam. The hot tank is lined with insulating firebrick to reduce the shell temperature to 561K (550 deg F) so that a low cost carbon steel shell is used. The internal insulation is protected from the hot salt by a unique metal liner with orthogonal corrugations to allow for numerous cycles of thermal expansion and contraction. A preliminary design for a large commercial size plant (1200 MWh sub +), a laboratory test program for the critical components, and the design, construction, and test of a small scale (7 MWH sub t) research experiment at the Central Receiver Test Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico is described.

  18. Thermal energy storage - overview and specific insight into nitrate salts for sensible and latent heat storage.


    Pfleger, Nicole; Bauer, Thomas; Martin, Claudia; Eck, Markus; Wörner, Antje


    Thermal energy storage (TES) is capable to reduce the demand of conventional energy sources for two reasons: First, they prevent the mismatch between the energy supply and the power demand when generating electricity from renewable energy sources. Second, utilization of waste heat in industrial processes by thermal energy storage reduces the final energy consumption. This review focuses mainly on material aspects of alkali nitrate salts. They include thermal properties, thermal decomposition processes as well as a new method to develop optimized salt systems.

  19. 77 FR 74838 - Perryville Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Amendment

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CP13-23-000] Perryville Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Amendment Take notice that on December 3, 2012, Perryville Gas Storage LLC... the approved storage cavern wells (Cavern Well PGS- 2) approximately 400 feet, all as more fully set...

  20. Fracture Dissolution of Carbonate Rock: An Innovative Process for Gas Storage

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    James W. Castle; Ronald W. Falta; David Bruce


    The goal of the project is to develop and assess the feasibility and economic viability of an innovative concept that may lead to commercialization of new gas-storage capacity near major markets. The investigation involves a new approach to developing underground gas storage in carbonate rock, which is present near major markets in many areas of the United States. Because of the lack of conventional gas storage and the projected growth in demand for storage capacity, many of these areas are likely to experience shortfalls in gas deliverability. Since depleted gas reservoirs and salt formations are nearly non-existent in many areas,more » alternatives to conventional methods of gas storage are required. The need for improved methods of gas storage, particularly for ways to meet peak demand, is increasing. Gas-market conditions are driving the need for higher deliverability and more flexibility in injection/withdrawal cycling. In order to meet these needs, the project involves an innovative approach to developing underground storage capacity by creating caverns in carbonate rock formations by acid dissolution. The basic concept of the acid-dissolution method is to drill to depth, fracture the carbonate rock layer as needed, and then create a cavern using an aqueous acid to dissolve the carbonate rock. Assessing feasibility of the acid-dissolution method included a regional geologic investigation. Data were compiled and analyzed from carbonate formations in six states: Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York. To analyze the requirements for creating storage volume, the following aspects of the dissolution process were examined: weight and volume of rock to be dissolved; gas storage pressure, temperature, and volume at depth; rock solubility; and acid costs. Hydrochloric acid was determined to be the best acid to use because of low cost, high acid solubility, fast reaction rates with carbonate rock, and highly soluble products (calcium

  1. Molten salt thermal energy storage subsystem for Solar Thermal Central Receiver plants

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wells, P. B.; Nassopoulos, G. P.

    The development of a low-cost thermal energy storage subsystem for large solar plants is analyzed. Molten nitrate salt is used as both the plant's working fluid and as the storage medium. The storage system comprises a specially designed hot tank to hold salt at a storage temperature of 839 K (1050 F) and a separate carbon steel cold tank to hold the salt after its thermal energy has been extracted to generate steam. The hot tank is lined with insulating firebrick to lower the shell temperature to 561 K (550 F) so that a low-cost carbon steel shell can be used. A preliminary design is described for a large commercial-size plant (1200 MWht). Also described are a laboratory test program for the critical components and the design, construction, and test of a small-scale research experiment at the Central Receiver Test Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

  2. 75 FR 57747 - Tres Palacios Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Application September 15, 2010. Take notice that on September 3, 2010, Tres Palacios Gas Storage LLC (Tres Palacios), 53 Riverside Avenue, Westport, Connecticut 06880, filed in Docket... natural gas storage caverns to the actual capacities available in each cavern as established by the most...

  3. Strains and stresses in the rock around and unlined hot water cavern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rehbinder, Göran


    Hot water stored in an unlined rock cavern is an efficient energy storage. A research program has been carried out with a test plant at the city of Avesta, Sweden. The plant consists of a rock cavern, the volume of which is 15000 m3, which serves as an energy buffer in the district heating system of the city. The water is heated from a garbage incinerator located close to the cavern. During the first test period the temperature of the stored water has varied between 40°C and 95°C. The heating of the rock causes strains and stresses in the rock. The measurements show that the state in the rock does mainly respond to the average temperature and not to the fluctuations. The maximum thermal stress is 9 MPa occurring at the wall of the cavern. The heave of the ground is less than 5 mm. The development of stress and strain will continue after the first test period since thermal equilibrium was not reached during this period.

  4. Thermal energy storage – overview and specific insight into nitrate salts for sensible and latent heat storage

    PubMed Central

    Bauer, Thomas; Martin, Claudia; Eck, Markus; Wörner, Antje


    Summary Thermal energy storage (TES) is capable to reduce the demand of conventional energy sources for two reasons: First, they prevent the mismatch between the energy supply and the power demand when generating electricity from renewable energy sources. Second, utilization of waste heat in industrial processes by thermal energy storage reduces the final energy consumption. This review focuses mainly on material aspects of alkali nitrate salts. They include thermal properties, thermal decomposition processes as well as a new method to develop optimized salt systems. PMID:26199853

  5. Supai salt karst features: Holbrook Basin, Arizona

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Neal, J.T.


    More than 300 sinkholes, fissures, depressions, and other collapse features occur along a 70 km (45 mi) dissolution front of the Permian Supai Formation, dipping northward into the Holbrook Basin, also called the Supai Salt Basin. The dissolution front is essentially coincident with the so-called Holbrook Anticline showing local dip reversal; rather than being of tectonic origin, this feature is likely a subsidence-induced monoclinal flexure caused by the northward migrating dissolution front. Three major areas are identified with distinctive attributes: (1) The Sinks, 10 km WNW of Snowflake, containing some 200 sinkholes up to 200 m diameter and 50 mmore » depth, and joint controlled fissures and fissure-sinks; (2) Dry Lake Valley and contiguous areas containing large collapse fissures and sinkholes in jointed Coconino sandstone, some of which drained more than 50 acre-feet ({approximately}6 {times} 10{sup 4} m{sup 3}) of water overnight; and (3) the McCauley Sinks, a localized group of about 40 sinkholes 15 km SE of Winslow along Chevelon Creek, some showing essentially rectangular jointing in the surficial Coconino Formation. Similar salt karst features also occur between these three major areas. The range of features in Supai salt are distinctive, yet similar to those in other evaporate basins. The wide variety of dissolution/collapse features range in development from incipient surface expression to mature and old age. The features began forming at least by Pliocene time and continue to the present, with recent changes reportedly observed and verified on airphotos with 20 year repetition. The evaporate sequence along interstate transportation routes creates a strategic location for underground LPG storage in leached caverns. The existing 11 cavern field at Adamana is safely located about 25 miles away from the dissolution front, but further expansion initiatives will require thorough engineering evaluation.« less

  6. Latent energy storage with salt and metal mixtures for solar dynamic applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Crane, R. A.; Konstantinou, K. S.


    This paper examines three design alternatives for the development of a solar dynamic heat receiver as applied to power systems operating in low earth orbit. These include a base line design used for comparison in ongoing NASA studies, a system incorporating a salt energy storage system with the salt dispersed within a metal mesh and a hybrid system incorporating both a molten salt and molten metal for energy storage. Based on a typical low earth orbit condition, designs are developed and compared to determine the effect of resultant conductivity, heat capacity and heat of fusion on system size, weight, temperature gradients, cycle turbine inlet temperature and material utilization.

  7. Effects of Various Kinds of Salt on the Quality and Storage Characteristics of Tteokgalbi

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Jae-Joon


    This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of various kinds of salt on the quality and storage characteristics of tteokgalbi. The tteokgalbi was prepared using four types of salt: 1.5% purified salt (control, C), 1.5% five-year-old solar salt (FS), 1.5% Topan solar salt (TS), and 1.5% French Guérande solar salt (GS). The moisture, crude lipid, crude ash, crude protein and calorie contents, water holding capacity, and cooking loss were not significantly different between control and all other treatments. As for the textural characteristics, the use of GS increased the hardness of the tteokgalbi. According to the sensory evaluation, the use of TS had the best score in springiness. Tteokgalbi made with TS and GS had the two highest scores in flavor and total acceptability. During 15 d of storage, the contents of 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) and the total microbial counts increased, while the pH decreased. The TBA values of the tteokgalbi containing TS and GS were lower than that of C. Lightness (L) and yellowness (b) values decreased during storage, but redness (a) displayed no significant difference during storage. Overall, the best results, in terms of TBA value and sensory attributes, were obtained for the tteokgalbi containing TS and GS. PMID:26761494

  8. Effects of Various Kinds of Salt on the Quality and Storage Characteristics of Tteokgalbi.


    Lee, Hyun-Joo; Lee, Jae-Joon


    This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of various kinds of salt on the quality and storage characteristics of tteokgalbi. The tteokgalbi was prepared using four types of salt: 1.5% purified salt (control, C), 1.5% five-year-old solar salt (FS), 1.5% Topan solar salt (TS), and 1.5% French Guérande solar salt (GS). The moisture, crude lipid, crude ash, crude protein and calorie contents, water holding capacity, and cooking loss were not significantly different between control and all other treatments. As for the textural characteristics, the use of GS increased the hardness of the tteokgalbi. According to the sensory evaluation, the use of TS had the best score in springiness. Tteokgalbi made with TS and GS had the two highest scores in flavor and total acceptability. During 15 d of storage, the contents of 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value, volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) and the total microbial counts increased, while the pH decreased. The TBA values of the tteokgalbi containing TS and GS were lower than that of C. Lightness (L) and yellowness (b) values decreased during storage, but redness (a) displayed no significant difference during storage. Overall, the best results, in terms of TBA value and sensory attributes, were obtained for the tteokgalbi containing TS and GS.

  9. Characterization and environmental management of stormwater runoff from road-salt storage facilities.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The objectives of this study were to assess the quantity and quality of salt-contaminated water generated from stormwater runoff at VDOT's salt storage facilities and to evaluate management/treatment alternatives to reduce costs and better protect th...

  10. High-temperature molten salt thermal energy storage systems for solar applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Petri, R. J.; Claar, T. D.


    Alkali and alkaline earth carbonate latent-heat storage salts, metallic containment materials, and thermal conductivity enhancement materials were investigated to satisfy the high temperature (704 to 871 C) thermal energy storage requirements of advanced solar-thermal power generation concepts are described. Properties of the following six salts selected for compatibility studies are given: three pure carbonates, K2CO3, Li2CO3 and Na2CO3; two eutectic mixtures, BaCO3/Na2CO3 and K2CO3/NaCO3, and one off-eutectic mixture of Na2CO3/K2CO3.

  11. High-temperature molten salt thermal energy storage systems for solar applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Petri, R. J.; Claar, T. D.


    Alkali and alkaline earth carbonate latent-heat storage salts, metallic containment materials, and thermal conductivity enhancement materials were investigated to satisfy the high temperature (704 to 871 C) thermal energy storage requirements of advanced solar-thermal power generation concepts are described. Properties of the following six salts selected for compatibility studies are given: three pure carbonates, K2CO3, Li2CO3 and Na2CO3; two eutectic mixtures, BaCO3/Na2CO3 and K2CO3/NaCO3, and one off-eutectic mixture of Na2CO3/K2CO3.

  12. Numerical simulation for the coupled thermo-mechanical performance of a lined rock cavern for underground compressed air energy storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Shu-Wei; Xia, Cai-Chu; Zhao, Hai-Bin; Mei, Song-Hua; Zhou, Yu


    Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is a technology that uses compressed air to store surplus electricity generated from low power consumption time for use at peak times. This paper presents a thermo-mechanical modeling for the thermodynamic and mechanical responses of a lined rock cavern used for CAES. The simulation was accomplished in COMSOL Multiphysics and comparisons of the numerical simulation and some analytical solutions validated the thermo-mechanical modeling. Air pressure and temperatures in the sealing layer and concrete lining exhibited a similar trend of ‘up-down-down-up’ in one cycle. Significant temperature fluctuation occurred only in the concrete lining and sealing layer, and no strong fluctuation was observed in the host rock. In the case of steel sealing, principal stresses in the sealing layer were larger than those in the concrete and host rock. The maximum compressive stresses of the three layers and the displacement on the cavern surface increased with the increase of cycle number. However, the maximum tensile stresses exhibited the opposite trend. Polymer sealing achieved a relatively larger air temperature and pressure compared with steel and air-tight concrete sealing. For concrete layer thicknesses of 0 and 0.1 m and an initial air pressure of 4.5 MPa, the maximum rock temperature could reach 135 °C and 123 °C respectively in a 30 day simulation.

  13. Final Report UCLA-Thermochemical Storage with Anhydrous Ammonia

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lavine, Adrienne

    In ammonia-based thermochemical energy storage (TCES), ammonia is dissociated endothermically as it absorbs solar energy during the daytime. When energy is required, the reverse reaction releases energy to heat a working fluid such as steam, to produce electricity. Ammonia-based TCES has great advantages of simplicity, low cost reactants, and a strong industrial base in the conventional ammonia industry. The concept has been demonstrated over three decades of research at Australian National University, achieving a 24-hour demonstration of a complete system. At the start of this project, three challenges were identified that would have to be addressed to show that themore » system is technically and economically viable for incorporation into a CSP plant with an advanced, high temperature power block. All three of these challenges have now been addressed: 1. The ammonia synthesis reaction had not, to our knowledge, been carried out at temperatures consistent with modern power blocks (i.e., ~650°C). The technical feasibility of operating a reactor under high-temperature, near-equilibrium conditions was an unknown, and was therefore a technical risk. The project has successfully demonstrated steam heating to 650°C and energy recovery to steam at the 5 kWt level. 2. The ammonia system has a relatively low enthalpy of reaction combined with gas phase reactants. This is not a direct disadvantage since the reactants themselves are low cost. The challenge lies in storing the required volume of reactants cost effectively. Therefore, a second key goal was to show, through techno-economic analysis, that underground storage technologies can be used to store the energy-rich gas at a cost that is consistent with the SunShot cost goal. We have identified two promising technologies for gas storage: storage in salt caverns has an estimated cost of 1(USD)/kWht and storage in drilled shafts could be on the order of 7(USD)/kWht. Together these two options answer the technical

  14. Thermal Storage Properties of Molten Nitrate Salt-Based Nanofluids with Graphene Nanoplatelets.


    Xie, Qiangzhi; Zhu, Qunzhi; Li, Yan


    In this study, the effect of concentration of nanoparticles on the thermal storage properties of molten nitrate salt-based nanofluids with graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) was investigated. Solar salt consisting of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate was utilized as the base material for the nanofluids. Homogeneous dispersion of GNPs within the solar salt was observed through scanning electron microscopy analysis. For both solar salt and resultant nanofluids, differential scanning calorimetry was employed to measure the thermal storage properties, including characteristic temperatures of phase change, startup heat, and specific heat capacity (SHC). A maximum increase of 16.7 % in SHC at the liquid phase was found at an optimal concentration of 1 wt% of GNPs. At the same concentration, the onset temperature decreased by 10.4 °C, the endset temperature decreased by 4.7 °C, and the startup heat decreased by 9 %.

  15. Considerations and measurements of latent-heat-storage salts for secondary thermal battery applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koenig, A. A.; Braithwaite, J. W.; Armijo, J. R.


    Given its potential benefits, the practicality of using a latent heat-storage material as the basis for a passive thermal management system is being assessed by Chloride Silent Power Ltd. (CSPL) with technical assistance from Beta Power, Inc. and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). Based on the experience gained in large-scale solar energy storage programs, fused salts were selected as the primary candidates for the heat-storage material. The initial phase of this assessment was directed to an EV battery being designed at CSPL for the ETX-II program. Specific tasks included the identification and characterization of potential fused salts, a determination of placement options for the salts within the battery, and an assessment of the ultimate benefit to the battery system. The results obtained to date for each of these tasks are presented in this paper.

  16. Considerations and measurements of latent-heat-storage salts for secondary thermal battery applications

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Koenig, A.A.; Braithwaite, J.W.; Armijo, J.R.

    Given its potential benefits, the practicality of using a latent heat-storage material as the basis for a passive thermal management system is being assessed by Chloride Silent Power Ltd. (CSPL) with technical assistance from Beta Power, Inc. and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). Based on the experience gained in large-scale solar energy storage programs, fused salts were selected as the primary candidates for the heat-storage material. The initial phase of this assessment was directed to an EV battery being designed at CSPL for the ETX-II program. Specific tasks included the identification and characterization of potential fused salts, a determination of placementmore » options for the salts within the battery, and an assessment of the ultimate benefit to the battery system. The results obtained to date for each of these tasks are presented in this paper.« less

  17. Thermal performance analysis of a thermocline thermal energy storage system with FLiNaK molten salt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, C.; Cheng, M. S.; Zhao, B. C.; Dai, Z. M.


    A thermocline thermal storage unit with a heat transfer fluid (HTF) of high-temperature molten salt is considered as one of the most promising methods of thermal storage due to its lower cost and smaller size. The main objective of this work is to analyze the transient behavior of the available molten salt FLiNaK used as the HTF in heat transfer and heat storage in a thermocline thermal energy storage (TES) system. Thermal characteristics including temperature profiles influenced by different inlet velocities of HTF and different void fractions of porous heat storage medium are analyzed. The numerical investigation on the heat storage and heat transfer characteristics of FLiINaK has been carried out. A comparison between two different molten salts, FLiNaK and Hitec, has been explored in this paper with regards to their charging and discharging operations. The results indicate the system with FLiNaK has a greater energy storage capability, a shorter charging time and a higher output power. The numerical investigation reveals heat storage and heat transfer characteristics of the thermocline TES system with FLiNaK, and provide important references for molten salt selection of the TES system in the future.

  18. Brainstem and cerebellar cavernous malformations.


    Atwal, Gursant S; Sarris, Christina E; Spetzler, Robert F


    Cavernous malformations are vascular lesions that occur throughout the central nervous system, most commonly in the supratentorial location, with brainstem and cerebellar cavernous malformations occurring more rarely. Cavernous malformations are associated with developmental venous anomalies that occur sporadically or in familial form. Patients with a cavernous malformation can present with headaches, seizures, sensorimotor disturbances, or focal neurologic deficits based on the anatomic location of the lesion. Patients with infratentorial lesions present more commonly with a focal neurologic deficit. Cavernous malformations are increasingly discovered incidentally due to the increasing use of magnetic resonance imaging. Understanding the natural history of these lesions is essential to their management. Observation and surgical resection are both reasonable options in the treatment of patients with these lesions. The clinical presentation of the patient, the location of the lesion, and the surgical risk assessment all play critical roles in management decision-making. © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. 75 FR 61463 - The Narragansett Electric Company; Arcadia Gas Storage, LLC; Salt Plains Storage, LLC; Jefferson...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. PR10-114-000; Docket No. PR10-117-000; Docket No. PR10-118- 000; Docket No. PR10-119-000; Docket No. PR10-120-000; Docket No. PR10- 121-000; Docket No. PR10-122-000 (Not Consolidated)] The Narragansett Electric Company; Arcadia Gas Storage, LLC; Salt Plains Storage, LLC;...

  20. Densities of some molten fluoride salt mixtures suitable for heat storage in space power applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Misra, Ajay K.


    Liquid densities were determined for a number of fluoride salt mixtures suitable for heat storage in space power applications, using a procedure that consisted of measuring the loss of weight of an inert bob in the melt. The density apparatus was calibrated with pure LiF and NaF at different temperatures. Density data for safe binary and ternary fluoride salt eutectics and congruently melting intermediate compounds are presented. In addition, a comparison was made between the volumetric heat storage capacity of different salt mixtures.

  1. High-temperature molten salt thermal energy storage systems for solar applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Petri, R. J.; Claar, T. D.; Ong, E.


    Experimental results of compatibility screening studies of 100 salt/containment/thermal conductivity enhancement (TCE) combinations for the high temperature solar thermal application range of 704 deg to 871 C (1300 to 1600 F) are presented. Nine candidate containment/HX alloy materials and two TCE materials were tested with six candidate solar thermal alkali and alkaline earth carbonate storage salts (both reagent and technical grade of each). Compatibility tests were conducted with salt encapsulated in approx. 6.0 inch x 1 inch welded containers of test material from 300 to 3000 hours. Compatibility evaluations were end application oriented, considering the potential 30 year lifetime requirement of solar thermal power plant components. Analyses were based on depth and nature of salt side corrosion of materials, containment alloy thermal aging effects, weld integrity in salt environment, air side containment oxidation, and chemical and physical analyses of the salt. A need for more reliable, and in some cases first time determined thermophysical and transport property data was also identified for molten carbonates in the 704 to 871 C temperature range. In particular, accurate melting point (mp) measurements were performed for Li2CO3 and Na2CO3 while melting point, heat of fusion, and specific heat determinations were conducted on 81.3 weight percent Na2CO3-18.7 weight percent K2CO3 and 52.2 weight percent BaCO3-47.8 weight percent Na2CO3 to support future TES system design and ultimate scale up of solar thermal energy storage (TES) subsystems.

  2. Computational Analysis of Nanoparticles-Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage for Concentrated Solar Power Systems

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kumar, Vinod


    High fidelity computational models of thermocline-based thermal energy storage (TES) were developed. The research goal was to advance the understanding of a single tank nanofludized molten salt based thermocline TES system under various concentration and sizes of the particles suspension. Our objectives were to utilize sensible-heat that operates with least irreversibility by using nanoscale physics. This was achieved by performing computational analysis of several storage designs, analyzing storage efficiency and estimating cost effectiveness for the TES systems under a concentrating solar power (CSP) scheme using molten salt as the storage medium. Since TES is one of the most costly butmore » important components of a CSP plant, an efficient TES system has potential to make the electricity generated from solar technologies cost competitive with conventional sources of electricity.« less

  3. [Physical and chemical evaluation during refrigeration storage of salted catfish (Pseudoplatystoma sp.) in brine solution, and packed under vacuum].


    Rodríguez, Diana; Barrero, Marinela; Kodaira, Makie


    Salting fish in the south Venezuelan towns are still the main method of preserving fish including cutt, and salting fish process, storage and commercialization. As the result, salted-dried fish is particularly susceptible to spoilage by a number of factors, including lipid oxidation, browning meat. Packing salted fish product is an alternative increasing storage life time reducing lost of quality and enhancing the storage time. The present study evaluated the physic, chemist, and sensory quality of fish fillet from cat fish (Pseudoplatystoma sp.) from Apure state, Venezuela. Fillet fish were placed in brine solution at 36% of sodium chloride 1:2 fillet: brine solution; after, they were packed under followed conditions: vacuum, vacuum and storage under refrigeration condition, and room temperature. The results showed significant differences (p < 0.01) for moisture, salt content, and Aw. The fillets packed at vacuum and storage at 4 degrees C were significant different from the resting treatments; not significant differences were presented at room and refrigeration temperature after three moths. The best conditions treatment was vacuum packing and refrigeration at 4 degrees C.

  4. Density-dependent groundwater flow and dissolution potential along a salt diapir in the Transylvanian Basin, Romania

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zechner, Eric; Danchiv, Alex; Dresmann, Horst; Mocuţa, Marius; Huggenberger, Peter; Scheidler, Stefan; Wiesmeier, Stefan; Popa, Iulian; Zlibut, Alexandru; Zamfirescu, Florian


    Salt diapirs and the surrounding sediments are often involved in a variety of human activities, such as salt mining, exploration and storage of hydrocarbons, and also storage of radioactive waste material. The presence of highly soluble evaporitic rocks, a complex tectonic setting related to salt diapirsm, and human activities can lead to significant environmental problems, e.g. land subsidence, sinkhole development, salt cavern collapse, and contamination of water resources with brines. In the Transylvanian town of Ocna Mures. rock salt of a near-surface diapir has been explored since the Roman ages in open excavations, and up to the 20th century in galleries and with solution mining. Most recently, in 2010 a sudden collapse in the adjacent Quaternary unconsolidated sediments led to the formation of a 70-90m wide salt lake with a max. depth of 23m. Over the last 3 years a Romanian-Swiss research project has led to the development of 3D geological and hydrogeological information systems in order to improve knowledge on possible hazards related to uncontrolled salt dissolution. One aspect which has been investigated is the possibility of density-driven flow along permeable subvertical zones next to the salt dome, and the potential for subsaturated groundwater to dissolve the upper sides of the diapir. Structural 3D models of the salt diapir, the adjacent basin sediments, and the mining galleries, led to the development of 2D numerical vertical density-dependent models of flow and transport along the diapir. Results show that (1) increased rock permeability due to diapirsm, regional tectonic thrusting and previous dissolution, and (2) more permeable sandstone layers within the adjacent basin sediments may lead to freshwater intrusion towards the top of the diapir, and, therefore, to increased potential for salt dissolution.

  5. Investigation of nitrate salts for solar latent heat storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kamimoto, M.; Tanaka, T.; Tani, T.; Horigome, T.


    The properties of heat transfer in the discharging of a model solar latent heat storage unit based on various nitrate salts and salt mixtures are investigated. A shell-and-tube-type passive heat exchanger containing NaNO3 or eutectic or off-eutectic mixtures of NaNO3 with KNO3 and Ca(NO3)2 was heated to 40 K above the melting temperature of the salt, when air was made to flow through a heat transfer tube at a constant flow rate, and heat transfer material and air temperatures were monitored. Thermal conductivity and the apparent heat transfer coefficient are estimated from the heat extraction rate and temperature profiles, and it is found that although the thermal conductivities of the materials are similar, the off-eutectic salts exhibit higher heat transfer coefficients. Temperature distributions in the NaNO3-KNO3 mixtures are found to be in fairly good agreement with those predicted by numerical solutions of a one-dimensional finite difference equation, and with approximate analytical solutions. It is observed that the temperature of the heat transfer surface drops rapidly after the appearance of a solid phase, due to the low thermal conductivity of the salts, and means of avoiding this temperature drop are considered.

  6. Solidification of high temperature molten salts for thermal energy storage systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sheffield, J. W.


    The solidification of phase change materials for the high temperature thermal energy storage system of an advanced solar thermal power system has been examined theoretically. In light of the particular thermophysical properties of candidate phase change high temperature salts, such as the eutectic mixture of NaF - MgF2, the heat transfer characteristics of one-dimensional inward solidification for a cylindrical geometry have been studied. The Biot number for the solidified salt is shown to be the critical design parameter for constant extraction heat flux. A fin-on-fin design concept of heat transfer surface augmentation is proposed in an effort to minimize the effects of the salt's low thermal conductivity and large volume change upon fusing.

  7. Storage systems for solar thermal power

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Calogeras, J. E.; Gordon, L. H.


    The development status is reviewed of some thermal energy storage technologies specifically oriented towards providing diurnal heat storage for solar central power systems and solar total energy systems. These technologies include sensible heat storage in caverns and latent heat storage using both active and passive heat exchange processes. In addition, selected thermal storage concepts which appear promising to a variety of advanced solar thermal system applications are discussed.

  8. Heat storage with an incongruently melting salt hydrate as storage medium based on the extra water principle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Furbo, S.


    The extra water principle, a heat of fusion storage method, is described. The extra water principle uses an inorganic, incongruently melting salt hydrate as a reliable and stable storage medium in an inexpensive way. Different heat storages using the extra water principle are described. The advantages of using a heat fusion storage unit based on Na2S2O(3).5H2O and the extra water principle instead of a traditional hot water tank in small solar heating systems for domestic hot water supply are shown. In small solar heating systems the heat fusion storage supplies all the wanted hot water in the summer during longer periods than an ordinary hot water storage. It is concluded that the heat of fusion storage is favourable in domestic hot water supply systems with an auxiliary energy source which during the summer have a large energy consumption compared with the energy demands for the hot water supply.

  9. Submarine groundwater discharge into the coast revealed by water chemistry of man-made undersea liquefied petroleum gas cavern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Jin-Yong; Cho, Byung Wook


    SummaryThe occurrence of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) as well as its supply of many nutrients and metals to coastal seawaters is now generally known. However, previous studies have focused on the chemical and radiological analysis of groundwater, surface seawater, shallow marine sediments and their pore waters, as well as the measurement of upward flow through the marine sediments, as end members of the discharge process. In this study, chemical and isotopic analysis results of marine subsurface waters are reported. These were obtained from deep boreholes of an undersea liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage cavern, located about 8 km off the western coast of Korea. The cavern is about 130-150 m below the sea bottom, which is covered by a 4.8-19.5 m silty clay stratum. An isotopic composition (δ 2H and δ 18O) of the marine subsurface waters falls on a mixing line between terrestrial groundwater and seawater. Vertical EC profiling at the cavern boreholes revealed the existence of a fresh water zone. An increase in the contents of ferrous iron and manganese and a decrease in levels of nitrate, bicarbonate and cavern seepage were recorded in August 2006, indicating a decreased submarine groundwater flux originating from land, mainly caused by an elevated cavern gas pressure. It is suggested in this study that the main source of fresh waters in the man-made undersea cavern is the submarine groundwater discharge mainly originating from the land.

  10. Assessment of a Novel Ternary Eutectic Chloride Salt for Next Generation High-Temperature Sensible Heat Storage

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Vidal, Judith C; Mohan, Gowtham; Venkataraman, Mahesh

    A novel ternary eutectic salt mixture for high-temperature sensible heat storage, composed of sodium chloride, potassium chloride and magnesium chloride (NaKMg-Cl) was developed based on a phase diagram generated with FactSage(R). The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) technique was used to experimentally validate the predicted melting point of the ternary eutectic composition, which was measured as 387 degrees C, in good agreement with the prediction. The ternary eutectic was compared to two binary salts formulated based on prediction of the eutectic composition by FactSage, but unfortunately DSC measurements showed that neither binary salt composition was eutectic. Nonetheless, the measured thermo-physical propertiesmore » of the ternary and the two binary mixtures are compared. Liquid heat capacities of both the ternary and binary salts were determined by using DSC with sapphire as the standard reference. The average heat capacity of the ternary mixture was recorded as 1.18 J g-1 K-1. The mass loss of the molten eutectic salts was studied up to 1000 degrees C using a thermogravimetric analyser in nitrogen, argon and air. The results showed a significant mass loss due to vaporisation in an open system, particularly above 700 degrees C. However, simulation of mass loss in a closed system with an inert cover gas indicates storage temperatures above 700 degrees C may be feasible, and highlights the importance of the design of the storage tank system. In terms of storage material cost, the NaKMg-Cl mixture is approximately 4.5 USD/kWh, which is 60% cheaper than current state-of-the-art nitrate salt mixtures.« less

  11. Development of media for dynamic latent heat storage for the low-temperature range. Part 1: Thermal analyses of selected salt hydrate systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kanwischer, H.; Tamme, R.


    Phase change temperatures and phase change enthalpies of seventeen salt hydrates, three double salts, and four eutectics were measured thermodynamically and the results reported herein. Good results were obtained, especially for congruently melting salt hydrates. Incongruently melting salt hydrates appear less suitable for heat storage applications. The influence of the second phase - water, acid and hydroxide - to the latent heat is described. From these results, basic values of the working temperatures and storage capabilities of various storage media compositions may be derived.

  12. The association of carotid cavernous fistula with Graves’ ophthalmopathy

    PubMed Central

    Celik, Ozlem; Buyuktas, Deram; Islak, Civan; Sarici, A Murat; Gundogdu, A Sadi


    Graves’ ophthalmopathy (GO) is one of the frequent manifestations of the disorder which is an inflammatory process due to fibroblast infiltration, fibroblast proliferation and accumulation of glycosaminoglycans. Eye irritation, dryness, excessive tearing, visual blurring, diplopia, pain, visual loss, retroorbital discomfort are the symptoms and they can mimic carotid cavernous fistulas. Carotid cavernous fistulas are abnormal communications between the carotid arterial system and the cavernous sinus. The clinical manifestations of GO can mimic the signs of carotid cavernous fistulas. Carotid cavernous fistulas should be considered in the differential diagnosis of the GO patients especially who are not responding to the standard treatment and when there is a unilateral or asymmetric eye involvement. Here we report the second case report with concurrent occurrence of GO and carotid cavernous fistula in the literature. PMID:23571267

  13. Impacts of Irradiation Sources on Quality Attributes of Low-salt Sausage during Refrigerated Storage

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Hyun-Wook; Choi, Yun-Sang


    This study was performed to investigate the impacts of irradiation sources on quality attributes of low-salt sausage during refrigerated storage. Control sausage was prepared with 1.5% sodium chloride (NaCl), whereas low-salt sausage was formulated with 0.75% NaCl (a 50% reduction; L-control). Sausage samples were vacuum-packaged, and low-sausages were irradiated with gamma-ray, electron-beam and X-ray at 5 kGy, respectively. The samples were stored at 4°C for 28 d to determine changes in quality attributes. The pH of low-salt sausages was unaffected by irradiation at 5 kGy (p>0.05). Higher redness values were found at irradiated low-salt sausages compared to control (p<0.05). The hardness, gumminess and chewiness of control sausage were higher than those of low-salt sausages (p<0.05). However, there were no significant differences in the textural parameters between low-salt sausage treatments. The overall sensory acceptability score of irradiated/low-salt sausages were lower than L-control due to decreased scores for cooked meat flavor but increased radiolytic off-flavor (p<0.05). The initial 2-thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) values of irradiated/low-salt sausages were higher than control and L-control (p<0.05). However, the TBARS values of irradiated treatments were significantly lower than control at the end of storage. Irradiation could effectively inhibit the microorganism growth (total aerobic bacteria, coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae, and Pseudomonas spp.) in low-salt sausages (p<0.05). Therefore, our findings show that irradiation could be to improve microbial safety of low-salt sausages, and suggest that further studies should be necessary to reducing radiolytic off-flavor of irradiated/low-salt sausages. PMID:29147093

  14. Molten salt thermal energy storage for utility peaking loads

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ferrara, A.; Haslett, R.; Joyce, J.


    This paper considers the use of thermal energy storage (TES) in molten salts to increase the capacity of power plants. Five existing fossil and nuclear electric utility plants were selected as representative of current technology. A review of system load diagrams indicated that TES to meet loads over 95% of peak was a reasonable goal. Alternate TES heat exchanger locations were evaluated, showing that the stored energy should be used either for feedwater heating or to generate steam for an auxiliary power cycle. Specific salts for each concept are recommended. Design layouts were prepared for one plant, and it was shown that a TES tube/shell heat exchanger system could provide about 7% peaking capability at lower cost than adding steam generation capacity. Promising alternate heat exchanger concepts were also identified.

  15. November 2016 West Hackberry Subsidence Report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Moriarty, Dylan Michael; Lord, Anna C. Snider

    Subsidence monitoring is a critical component to understanding the cavern integrity of salt storage caverns. This report looks at historical and recent data from two of the three West Hackberry dome cavern operators. DOE SPR and LA Storage are coordinating subsidence surveys to create a comprehensive understanding of ground movement above the dome. Data from annual level and rod surveys, GPS, and tiltmeter data show the sites are experiencing typical ground movement. The highest subsidence rate is seen in the middle of the DOE SPR site at just under one inch per year with less ground movement around the edgemore » of the site. A GPS and tiltmeter instrument in the northeast areas of the DOE SPR site has not seen any trend change since the devices were installed in 2013. Comparison between recent ground movement data and historical trends suggest that there is no reason to believe that any DOE SPR or LA Storage caverns have been structurally compromised.« less

  16. Thermophysical properties of low cost lithium nitrate salts produced in northern Chile for thermal energy storage

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fernández, Ángel G.; Gomez-Vidal, Judith C.

    In recent years, lithium containing salts have been studied for thermal energy storage (TES) applications because of their excellent thermophysical properties. In solar power plants, lithium is seen as a way to improve the properties of state-of-the art molten salts used today. Lithium nitrate is a good candidate for sensible heat storage, because of its ability to increase the salt mixture's working temperature range. In the present research, thermophysical properties characterization of lithium nitrate containing salts, produced in Chile, have been carried out. Corrosion evaluations at 390° and 565 °C for 1000 h were performed for low chromium steel T22more » and stainless steels (AISI 430 and AISI 316), respectively. Chemical composition of the salts including identification of corrosion products and impurities was determined and an estimation of the Chilean production costs is reported. The study shows a loss of thermal properties after the corrosion tests. The heat capacity was reduced, possibly caused by the formation of oxides at high temperatures. As a result, the partial thermal decomposition of the salt was probably produced by the incorporation of corrosion products from the steel.« less

  17. Thermophysical properties of low cost lithium nitrate salts produced in northern Chile for thermal energy storage


    Fernández, Ángel G.; Gomez-Vidal, Judith C.


    In recent years, lithium containing salts have been studied for thermal energy storage (TES) applications because of their excellent thermophysical properties. In solar power plants, lithium is seen as a way to improve the properties of state-of-the art molten salts used today. Lithium nitrate is a good candidate for sensible heat storage, because of its ability to increase the salt mixture's working temperature range. In the present research, thermophysical properties characterization of lithium nitrate containing salts, produced in Chile, have been carried out. Corrosion evaluations at 390° and 565 °C for 1000 h were performed for low chromium steel T22more » and stainless steels (AISI 430 and AISI 316), respectively. Chemical composition of the salts including identification of corrosion products and impurities was determined and an estimation of the Chilean production costs is reported. The study shows a loss of thermal properties after the corrosion tests. The heat capacity was reduced, possibly caused by the formation of oxides at high temperatures. As a result, the partial thermal decomposition of the salt was probably produced by the incorporation of corrosion products from the steel.« less

  18. Experimental results from a laboratory-scale molten salt thermocline storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Seubert, Bernhard; Müller, Ralf; Willert, Daniel; Fluri, Thomas


    Single-tank storage presents a valid option for cost reduction in thermal energy storage systems. For low-temperature systems with water as storage medium this concept is widely implemented and tested. For high-temperature systems very limited experimental data are publicly available. To improve this situation a molten salt loop for experimental testing of a single-tank storage prototype was designed and built at Fraunhofer ISE. The storage tank has a volume of 0.4 m3 or a maximum capacity of 72 kWhth. The maximum charging and discharging power is 60 kW, however, a bypass flow control system enables to operate the system also at a very low power. The prototype was designed to withstand temperatures up to 550 °C. A cascaded insulation with embedded heating cables can be used to reduce the effect of heat loss on the storage which is susceptible to edge effects due to its small size. During the first tests the operating temperatures were adapted to the conditions in systems with thermal oil as heat transfer fluid and a smaller temperature difference. A good separation between cold and hot fluid was achieved with temperature gradients of 95 K within 16 cm.

  19. Brainstem Cavernous Angioma


    ... echo” (as opposed to spin-echo or proton beam) imaging. Gradient-echo MRI is most efficient at ... radiosurgery for cavernous malformations: Kjellberg's experience with proton beam therapy in 98 cases at the Harvard Cyclotron. ...

  20. Dissolution of salt on the east flank of the Permian Basin in the southwestern U.S.A.

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Johnson, K.S.


    Hydrogeologic studies prove that natural dissolution of bedded salt occurs at shallow depths in many parts of the Permian Basin of the southwestern U.S.A. This is especially well-documented on the east side of the basin in study areas on the Cimarron River and Elm Fork in western Oklahoma, and on the Red River in the southeastern part of the Texas Panhandle. Four requirements for salt dissolution are: (1) a deposit of salt; (2) a supply of water unsaturated with respect to NaCl; (3) an outlet for removal of brine; and (4) energy to cause water to flow through the system. The supply of fresh groundwater in the region is recharged through permeable rocks, alluvium, terrace deposits, karstic features and fractures. Groundwater dissolves salt at depths of 10-250 m, and the resulting brine moves laterally and upward under hydrostatic pressure through caverns, fractures in disrupted rock, and clastic or carbonate aquifers until it reaches the land surface, where it forms salt plains and salt springs. In many areas, salt dissolution produces a self-perpetuating cycle: dissolution causes cavern development, followed by collapse and subsidence of overlying rock; then the resulting disrupted rock has a greater vertical permeability that allows increased water percolation and additional salt dissolution. ?? 1981.

  1. Cation exchange in a glacial till drumlin at a road salt storage facility

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ostendorf, David W.; Xing, Baoshan; Kallergis, Niki


    We use laboratory and field data to calibrate existing geochemical and transport models of cation exchange induced by contamination of an unconfined aquifer at a road salt storage facility built upon a glacial till drumlin in eastern Massachusetts. A Gaines and Thomas selectivity coefficient K models the equilibrium sodium and divalent cation distribution in the groundwater and solid matrix, while an existing method of characteristics model describes the advective transport of total dissolved cations and sorbed sodium. Laboratory isotherms of split spoon soil samples from the drumlin calibrate K with an average value of 0.0048 (L/g) 1/2 for a measured cation exchange capacity of 0.057 meq/g dry soil. Ten years of monitoring well data document groundwater flow and the advection of conservative chloride due to outdoor storage and handling of road salt at the site. The monitoring well cation data and retarded transport model offer an independent K calibration of 0.0040 to 0.0047 (L/g) 1/2: the consistency of the field and laboratory selectivity coefficient calibrations endorse this application of the Gaines and Thomas and method of characteristics models. The advancing deicing agent plume releases divalent cations from the till into the groundwater, so that monitoring well samples do not reflect the chemical composition of the road salt. In this regard, dissolved divalent cation milliequivalent concentrations are as high as 80% of the total dissolved cationic concentrations in the salt contaminated monitoring well samples, far greater than their 2.5% level in the road salt stored at the site. Cation exchange can thus obscure attempts to hindcast stored road salt sodium water table concentration from monitoring well sample stoichiometry, or to predict sodium impacts on groundwater or receiving stream quality downgradient of the well.

  2. Cation exchange in a glacial till drumlin at a road salt storage facility.


    Ostendorf, David W; Xing, Baoshan; Kallergis, Niki


    We use laboratory and field data to calibrate existing geochemical and transport models of cation exchange induced by contamination of an unconfined aquifer at a road salt storage facility built upon a glacial till drumlin in eastern Massachusetts. A Gaines and Thomas selectivity coefficient K models the equilibrium sodium and divalent cation distribution in the groundwater and solid matrix, while an existing method of characteristics model describes the advective transport of total dissolved cations and sorbed sodium. Laboratory isotherms of split spoon soil samples from the drumlin calibrate K with an average value of 0.0048 (L/g)(1/2) for a measured cation exchange capacity of 0.057 meq/g dry soil. Ten years of monitoring well data document groundwater flow and the advection of conservative chloride due to outdoor storage and handling of road salt at the site. The monitoring well cation data and retarded transport model offer an independent K calibration of 0.0040 to 0.0047 (L/g)(1/2): the consistency of the field and laboratory selectivity coefficient calibrations endorse this application of the Gaines and Thomas and method of characteristics models. The advancing deicing agent plume releases divalent cations from the till into the groundwater, so that monitoring well samples do not reflect the chemical composition of the road salt. In this regard, dissolved divalent cation milliequivalent concentrations are as high as 80% of the total dissolved cationic concentrations in the salt contaminated monitoring well samples, far greater than their 2.5% level in the road salt stored at the site. Cation exchange can thus obscure attempts to hindcast stored road salt sodium water table concentration from monitoring well sample stoichiometry, or to predict sodium impacts on groundwater or receiving stream quality downgradient of the well.

  3. Use of Encapsulated Zinc Particles in a Eutectic Chloride Salt to Enhance Thermal Energy Storage Capacity for Concentrated Solar Power

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cingarapu, Sreeram; Singh, Dileep; Timofeeva, Elena V.


    Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is considered as a viable large-scale renewable energy source to produce electricity. However, current costs to produce electricity from CSP are not cost competitive as compared to the traditional energy generation technologies based on fossil fuels and nuclear. It is envisioned that development of high efficiency and high heat capacity thermal storage fluids will increase system efficiency, reduce structural storage volume, and hence, contribute to reducing costs. Particularly, with respect to CSP, current high temperature energy storage fluids, such as molten salts, are relatively limited in terms of their thermal energy storage capacity and thermal conductivity.more » The current work explores possibility of boosting the thermal storage capacity of molten salts through latent heat of added phase change materials. We studied the advantage Of adding coated Zn micron-sized particles to alkali chloride salt eutectic for enhanced thermal energy storage. Zinc particles (0.6 mu m and 5 mu m) obtained from commercial source were coated with an organo-phosphorus shell to improve chemical stability and to prevent individual particles from coalescing with one another during melt/freeze cycles. Thermal cycling tests (200 melt/freeze cycles) showed that coated Zn particles have good thermal stability and are chemically inert to alkali chloride salt eutectic in both N-2 and in air atmospheres. Elemental mapping of the cross-sectional view of coated Zn particles from the composite after thermal cycles showed no signs of oxidation, agglomeration or other type of particle degradation. The measured enhancement in volumetric thermal storage capacity of the composite with just similar to 10 vol% of coated Zn particles over the base chloride salt eutectic varies from 15% to 34% depending on cycling temperature range (Delta T = 50 degrees C -100 degrees C. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.« less

  4. Estimated heats of fusion of fluoride salt mixtures suitable for thermal energy storage applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Misra, A. K.; Whittenberger, J. D.


    The heats of fusion of several fluoride salt mixtures with melting points greater than 973 K were estimated from a coupled analysis of the available thermodynamic data and phase diagrams. Simple binary eutectic systems with and without terminal solid solutions, binary eutectics with congruent melting intermediate phases, and ternary eutectic systems were considered. Several combinations of salts were identified, most notable the eutectics LiF-22CaF2 and NaF-60MgF2 which melt at 1039 and 1273 K respectively which posses relatively high heats of fusion/gm (greater than 0.7 kJ/g). Such systems would seemingly be ideal candidates for the light weight, high energy storage media required by the thermal energy storage unit in advanced solar dynamic power systems envisioned for the future space missions.

  5. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rautman, Christopher Arthur; Lord, Anna Snider

    Downhole sonar surveys from the four active U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve sites have been modeled and used to generate a four-volume sonar atlas, showing the three-dimensional geometry of each cavern. This volume 3 focuses on the Bryan Mound SPR site, located in southeastern Texas. Volumes 1, 2, and 4, respectively, present images for the Bayou Choctaw SPR site, Louisiana, the Big Hill SPR site, Texas, and the West Hackberry SPR site, Louisiana. The atlas uses a consistent presentation format throughout. The basic geometric measurements provided by the down-cavern surveys have also been used to generate a number of geometric attributes,more » the values of which have been mapped onto the geometric form of each cavern using a color-shading scheme. The intent of the various geometrical attributes is to highlight deviations of the cavern shape from the idealized cylindrical form of a carefully leached underground storage cavern in salt. The atlas format does not allow interpretation of such geometric deviations and anomalies. However, significant geometric anomalies, not directly related to the leaching history of the cavern, may provide insight into the internal structure of the relevant salt dome.« less

  6. LOOP marine and estuarine monitoring program, 1978-95 : volume 2 : water chemistry.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The proposed construction and use of facilities in an environmentally sensitive area led to questions about various consequential environmental impacts arising from the following activities: 1) oil storage caverns were created by leaching out a salt ...

  7. Analysis and test results for a molten salt thermal energy storage system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sterrett, R. H.; Scott, O. L.

    A system has been developed to provide low cost thermal energy storage using molten salt. It consists of a hot tank to store the 565 C (1050 F) salt and a cold tank to store the 289 C (550 F) salt. The hot tank uses internal insulation protected by a liner to enable the use of a carbon steel shell for structural support. Due to the lower salt temperature, the cold tank can be a carbon steel shell with external insulation. This paper describes an analytical method used to predict the thermal performance of such systems and presents experimental data from a Subsystem Research Experiment (SRE) conducted by Martin Marietta Aerospace, Solar Energy Systems under contract from Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA. The results from three of the SRE test cases are compared with the STS model results. These are (1) steady state operation, (2) concurrent charging and discharging, and (3) transient cooldown. The temperature differences between the analytical and experimental results were less than 10%. The internally insulated hot tank performed well.

  8. Cavernous sinus thrombosis caused by contralateral sphenoid sinusitis: a case report

    PubMed Central


    Objective To report a rare case of unilateral cavernous sinus thrombosis caused by contralateral sphenoid sinusitis. Case report A 33-year-old female visited our hospital for severe, right-sided, temporal headache, chemosis, periorbital edema, and proptosis. These signs were associated with congested erythematous nasal mucosa with purulent discharge from the right superior nasal meatus. Contrast enhanced CT showed dilated left superior ophthalmic vein, suggestive of thrombosis, contrast enhancement of the left cavernous sinuses, and dilation of cavernous sinus, indicating cavernous sinus inflammation. The right maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses showed mucosal thickening and retention of purulent material. She was diagnosed with cavernous sinus thrombosis caused by contralateral sphenoid sinusitis. All clinical symptoms and signs improved after endoscopic sphenoidotomy and appropriate medical treatment. Conclusions Sphenoiditis can cause contralateral cavernous sinus thrombosis. Early surgical sphenoidotomy and aggressive medical treatment are the cornerstones of successful management of this life-threatening complication. PMID:23497466

  9. [Endovascular treatment of carotid-cavernous fistula type A with platinium coils].


    Culafić, Slobodan; Juszkat, Robert; Rusović, Sinisa; Stefanović, Dara; Minić, Ljubodrag; Spaić, Milan


    Carotid-cavernous fistulas are abnormal communications between carotid arteries or their branches and the cavernous system caused mostly by trauma. Posttraumatic fistulas represent 70% of all carotid-cavernous fistulas and they are mostly high-flow shunts (type A). This type gives characteristic eye symptoms. This paper presents a 44-year old male patient with carotid-cavernous fistula as a result of penetrating head injury. In clinical presentation the patient had exophthalmos, conjunctival chemosis and weakening of vision on the right eye, headache and diplopia. Digital subtracted angiography showed high-flow carotid-cavernous fistula, which was vascularised from the left carotid artery and from vertebrobasilar artery. Endovascular embolization with platinum coils was performed through the transarterial route (endoarterial approach). Check angiogram confirmed that the fistula was closed and that no new communications developed. Embolization of complex carotid-cavernous fistula type A was successfully performed with platinum coils by endovascular approach.

  10. Carotid-cavernous fistula after functional endoscopic sinus surgery.


    Karaman, Emin; Isildak, Huseyin; Haciyev, Yusuf; Kaytaz, Asim; Enver, Ozgun


    Carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCFs) are anomalous communications between the carotid arterial system and the venous cavernous sinus. They can arise because of spontaneous or trauma causes. Most caroticocavernous fistulas are of spontaneous origin and unknown etiology. Spontaneous CCF may also be associated with cavernous sinus pathology such as arteriosclerotic changes of the arterial wall, fibromuscular dysplasia, or Ehler-Danlos syndrome. Traumatic CCFs may occur after either blunt or penetrating head trauma. Their clinical presentation is related to their size and to the type of venous drainage, which can lead to a variety of symptoms, such as visual loss, proptosis, bruit, chemosis, cranial nerve impairment, intracranial hemorrhage (rare), and so on. Treatment by endovascular transarterial embolization with electrolytically detachable coils is a very effective method for CCF with good outcomes. Carotid-cavernous fistulas have been rarely reported after craniofacial surgery and are uncommon pathologies in otolaryngology practice. In this study, we report a 40-year-old woman with CCF secondary to blunt trauma of functional endoscopic sinus surgery.

  11. Role of salt concentration in blend polymer for energy storage conversion devices

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Arya, Anil; Sharma, A. L., E-mail:; Sadiq, M.


    Solid Polymer Electrolytes (SPE) are materials of considerable interest worldwide, which serves dual purpose of electrolyte and separator between electrode compartments in renewable energy conversion/storage devices such as; high energy density batteries, electrochromic display devices, and supercapacitors. Polymer blend electrolytes are prepared for various concentration of salt (Ö/Li) with the constant ratio (0.5 gm) of each PEO and PAN polymers (blend polymer) using solution casting technique. Solid polymeric ionic conductor as a separator is the ultimate substitute to eliminate the drawback related to liquid and gel polymer ionic conductors. In the present work, solid polymer electrolyte film consisting of PEO,more » PAN and LiPF{sub 6} are examined for various concentration of lithium salt by keeping PEO/PAN blend ratio as a constant with a view to optimize the dominant salt concentration which could give the maximum conductivity at ambient temperature.« less

  12. Thermophysical Properties and Corrosion Characterization of Low Cost Lithium Containing Nitrate Salts Produced in Northern Chile for Thermal Energy Storage

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fernandez, Angel G.; Gomez, Judith C.; Galleguillos, Hector

    In recent years, lithium containing salts have been studied for thermal energy storage (TES) systems applications, because of their optimal thermophysical properties. In solar power plants, lithium is seen as a way to improve the properties of molten salts used today. Lithium nitrate is a good candidate for sensible heat storage, due to its ability to increase the salt mixture's working temperature range. In the present research, thermophysical properties characterization of lithium nitrate containing salts, produced in Chile, have been carried out. Corrosion evaluations of carbon and low chromium steels were performed at 390 degrees C for 1000 hours. Thermophysicalmore » properties of the salt mixtures, such as thermal stability and heat capacity, were measured before and after corrosion tests. Chemical composition of the salts was also determined and an estimation of Chilean production costs is reported. Results showed that purity, thermal stability and heat capacity of the salts were reduced, caused by partial thermal decomposition and incorporation of corrosion products from the steel.« less

  13. 36 CFR 7.47 - Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Carlsbad Caverns National Park. 7.47 Section 7.47 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SPECIAL REGULATIONS, AREAS OF THE NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM § 7.47 Carlsbad Caverns National Park. (a...

  14. 36 CFR 7.47 - Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Carlsbad Caverns National Park. 7.47 Section 7.47 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SPECIAL REGULATIONS, AREAS OF THE NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM § 7.47 Carlsbad Caverns National Park. (a...

  15. 36 CFR 7.47 - Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Carlsbad Caverns National Park. 7.47 Section 7.47 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SPECIAL REGULATIONS, AREAS OF THE NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM § 7.47 Carlsbad Caverns National Park. (a...

  16. 36 CFR 7.47 - Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Carlsbad Caverns National Park. 7.47 Section 7.47 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SPECIAL REGULATIONS, AREAS OF THE NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM § 7.47 Carlsbad Caverns National Park. (a...

  17. 36 CFR 7.47 - Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Carlsbad Caverns National Park. 7.47 Section 7.47 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SPECIAL REGULATIONS, AREAS OF THE NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM § 7.47 Carlsbad Caverns National Park. (a...

  18. Spontaneous dural cavernous fistula in infancy.


    Johnson, Paul B; Lelli, Gary J; Khorsandi, Azita; Dellarocca, David A


    A 4-month-old boy presented with the sudden onset of proptosis and dilated episcleral veins. CT revealed an enlarged superior ophthalmic vein and diffusely thickened extraocular muscles. MRI and angiography confirmed a dural middle meningeal--cavernous sinus fistula. Embolization was performed leading to successful resolution of the patient's signs and symptoms. Spontaneous atraumatic arteriovenous cavernous fistulae in infancy are extremely rare, but should be included in the differential diagnosis of infants with orbital congestion. Appropriate treatment leads to prevention of amblyopia, glaucoma, and anisometropia.

  19. Surgical Outcomes of Cavernous Sinus Syndrome in Pituitary Adenomas.


    Fu, Weilun; Duan, Lian; Geng, Sumin


    The type of pituitary adenoma with a manifestation that includes cavernous sinus syndrome is rare. Based on the clinical data of 70 patients, this study investigated the pathogenesis, imaging characteristics, and prognostic factors of pituitary adenoma with cavernous sinus syndrome. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the characteristics of patients with pituitary adenoma with cavernous sinus syndrome who received surgical treatment. The patients were classified into different prognosis groups according to the time required for them to recover from the cavernous sinus syndrome. Univariate analyses were conducted for the correlations between the prognosis and factors. Of the 3598 cases of pituitary adenomas, 70 (1.95%) presented cavernous sinus syndrome. Of the patients, 55.7% recovered within 2 weeks of surgery, 24.3% recovered from 2 weeks to 1 year after surgery, and 20% had not returned to normal after more than 1 year after surgery. Univariate analyses showed that shorter disease duration (P < 0.001), lower Knosp grade (P = 0.045), a transsphenoidal approach (P < 0.001), and associated pituitary apoplexy (P = 0.012) were predictive factors of early postoperative recovery. The prognosis of cavernous sinus syndrome differs depending on the mechanism of the syndrome. There was no significant difference in the prognosis between patients with total pituitary adenoma resection and subtotal resection. Timely surgery within 100 days of symptom occurrence, Knosp grade 0-2, and associated pituitary apoplexy are predictive factors of good prognosis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Extraosseous, epidural cavernous hemangioma with back pain.


    Ozkal, Birol; Yaldiz, Can; Yaman, Onur; Ozdemır, Nail; Dalbayrak, Sedat


    Cavernous malformations are characterized by enlarged vascular structures located in benign neural tissues within the cerebellum and spinal cord of the central nervous system. Cavernous hemangiomas (CHs) account for 5% to 12% of all spinal vascular malformations. We removed a hemorrhagic thoracic mass in a 40-year-old male patient who presented with progressive neurological deficits. We found it appropriate to present this case due to its rarity.

  1. Analysis of the evolution of the instability process of a coastal cavern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lollino, P.; Reina, A.


    This work concerns the study performed for the interpretation of the potential failure mechanism of a large natural cavern, which is located along the rocky cliffs of Polignano a Mare town (Apulia, Southern Italy) under an intensely urbanised area. This cavern, which is located at the sea level, was formed due to an intense process of salt and wave erosion, mainly acting during sea storms, within a rock mass formed of a lower stratified limestone mass and an upper soft calcarenite mass. Therefore, the influence of the climatic factors and of the upward erosion process within the cavern has been specifically investigated. At present, the thickness of the cave roof, which has a dome shape, is less than 10 metres in the centre and several buildings are founded on the ground surface above. In 2006 a large calcarenite block, of about 1.5 m diameter, fell down from the roof of the cavern and afterwards field and laboratory investigations as well as both simple analytical methods and elasto-plastic numerical modelling were carried out in order to assess the current state of the roof and to interpret the effects of the potential evolution of the inner erosion and of the local failure processes of the cave. As such, a detailed geo-structural survey has firstly been carried out, together with laboratory and in-situ testing for the geomechanical characterisation of the rock materials and of the corresponding joints. An analysis of the sea storms occurred within the observation period has also been performed by considering daily rainfall and wind data. The rate of erosion has been measured by means of special nets installed at the sea level to collect the material falling down from the roof and the corresponding measurements, which lasted for about one year, indicate an erosion rate of at least 0.005 m3/month. A structural monitoring system, including extensometers and joint-meters, was also installed in several points of the cave in order to measure eventual block

  2. Effect of salt, kinnow and pomegranate fruit by-product powders on color and oxidative stability of raw ground goat meat during refrigerated storage.


    Devatkal, Suresh K; Naveena, B M


    Effects of salt, kinnow and pomegranate fruit by-product powders on color and oxidative stability of raw ground goat meat stored at 4+/-1 degrees C was evaluated. Five treatments evaluated include: control (only meat), MS (meat+2% salt), KRP (meat+2% salt+2% kinnow rind powder), PRP (meat+2% salt+2% pomegranate rind powder) and PSP (meat+2% salt+2% pomegranate seed powder). Addition of salt resulted in reduction of redness scores. Lightness increased in control and unchanged in others during storage. Redness scores declined and yellowness showed inconsistent changes during storage. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values were higher (P<0.05) in MS followed by control and KRP samples compared to PRP and PSP samples throughout storage. The PSP treated samples showed lowest TBARS values than others. Percent reduction of TBARS values was highest in PSP (443%) followed by PRP (227%) and KRP (123%). Salt accelerated the TBARS formation and by-products of kinnow and pomegranate fruits counteracted this effect. The overall antioxidant effect was in the order of PSP>PRP>KRP>control>MS. Therefore, these powders have potential to be used as natural antioxidants to minimize the auto-oxidation and salt induced lipid oxidation in raw ground goat meat. Crown Copyright 2010. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Quantifying induced effects of subsurface renewable energy storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bauer, Sebastian; Beyer, Christof; Pfeiffer, Tilmann; Boockmeyer, Anke; Popp, Steffi; Delfs, Jens-Olaf; Wang, Bo; Li, Dedong; Dethlefsen, Frank; Dahmke, Andreas


    New methods and technologies for energy storage are required for the transition to renewable energy sources. Subsurface energy storage systems such as salt caverns or porous formations offer the possibility of hosting large amounts of energy or substance. When employing these systems, an adequate system and process understanding is required in order to assess the feasibility of the individual storage option at the respective site and to predict the complex and interacting effects induced. This understanding is the basis for assessing the potential as well as the risks connected with a sustainable usage of these storage options, especially when considering possible mutual influences. For achieving this aim, in this work synthetic scenarios for the use of the geological underground as an energy storage system are developed and parameterized. The scenarios are designed to represent typical conditions in North Germany. The types of subsurface use investigated here include gas storage and heat storage in porous formations. The scenarios are numerically simulated and interpreted with regard to risk analysis and effect forecasting. For this, the numerical simulators Eclipse and OpenGeoSys are used. The latter is enhanced to include the required coupled hydraulic, thermal, geomechanical and geochemical processes. Using the simulated and interpreted scenarios, the induced effects are quantified individually and monitoring concepts for observing these effects are derived. This presentation will detail the general investigation concept used and analyze the parameter availability for this type of model applications. Then the process implementation and numerical methods required and applied for simulating the induced effects of subsurface storage are detailed and explained. Application examples show the developed methods and quantify induced effects and storage sizes for the typical settings parameterized. This work is part of the ANGUS+ project, funded by the German Ministry

  4. The probability of growth of Listeria monocytogenes in cooked salmon and tryptic soy broth as affected by salt, smoke compound, and storage temperature.


    Hwang, Cheng-An


    The objectives of this study were to examine and model the probability of growth of Listeria monocytogenes in cooked salmon containing salt and smoke (phenol) compound and stored at various temperatures. A growth probability model was developed, and the model was compared to a model developed from tryptic soy broth (TSB) to assess the possibility of using TSB as a substitute for salmon. A 6-strain mixture of L. monocytogenes was inoculated into minced cooked salmon and TSB containing 0-10% NaCl and 0-34 ppm phenol to levels of 10(2-3) cfu/g, and the samples were vacuum-packed and stored at 0--25 degrees C for up to 42 days. A total 32 treatments, each with 16 samples, selected by central composite designs were tested. A logistic regression was used to model the probability of growth of L. monocytogenes as a function of concentrations of salt and phenol, and storage temperature. Resulted models showed that the probabilities of growth of L. monocytogenes in both salmon and TSB decreased when the salt and/or phenol concentrations increased, and at lower storage temperatures. In general, the growth probabilities of L. monocytogenes were affected more profoundly by salt and storage temperature than by phenol. The growth probabilities of L. monocytogenes estimated by the TSB model were higher than those by the salmon model at the same salt/phenol concentrations and storage temperatures. The growth probabilities predicted by the salmon and TSB models were comparable at higher storage temperatures, indicating the potential use of TSB as a model system to substitute salmon in studying the growth behavior of L. monocytogenes may only be suitable when the temperatures of interest are in higher storage temperatures (e.g., >12 degrees C). The model for salmon demonstrated the effects of salt, phenol, and storage temperature and their interactions on the growth probabilities of L. monocytogenes, and may be used to determine the growth probability of L. monocytogenes in smoked

  5. Novel Evidence-Based Classification of Cavernous Venous Occlusive Disease.


    Pathak, Ram A; Rawal, Bhupendra; Li, Zhuo; Broderick, Gregory A


    The primary aim of our study was to determine whether an evidence-based rationale could categorize cavernous venous occlusive disease into mild, moderate and severe erectile dysfunction. A total of 863 patients underwent color duplex Doppler ultrasound from January 2010 to June 2013 performed by a single urologist. We identified a cohort of 75 patients (8.7%) with a diagnosis of cavernous venous occlusive disease based on a unilateral resistive index less than 0.9, and right and left peak systolic velocity 35 cm per second or less after visual sexual stimulation. At a median followup of 13 months patients were evaluated for treatment efficacy. A total of 75 patients with a median age of 60 years (range 19 to 83) and a mean body mass index of 26.3 kg/m(2) (range 19.0 to 39.3) satisfied the criteria of cavernous venous occlusive disease. When substratified into tertiles, resistive index cutoffs were obtained, including mild cavernous venous occlusive disease-81.6 to 94.0, moderate disease-72.6 to 81.5 and severe disease-59.5 to 72.5. Using these 3 groups the phosphodiesterase type 5-inhibitor failure rate (p = 0.017) and SHIM (Sexual Health Inventory for Men) score categories (1 to 10 vs 11 to 20, p = 0.030) were statistically significantly different for mild, moderate and severe cavernous venous occlusive disease. Treatment satisfaction was also statistically significantly different. Penile prosthetic placement was a more common outcome among patients with erectile dysfunction and more severe cavernous venous occlusive disease. Our retrospective analysis supports a correlation between the phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor failure rate, SHIM score and the rate of surgical intervention using resistive index values. Our data further suggest that an evidence-based classification of cavernous venous occlusive disease by color Doppler ultrasound is possible and can triage patients to penile prosthetic placement. Copyright © 2016 American Urological Association

  6. Beta electron fluxes inside a magnetic plasma cavern: Calculation and comparison with experiment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stupitskii, E. L.; Smirnov, E. V.; Kulikova, N. A.


    We study the possibility of electrostatic blanking of beta electrons in the expanding spherical blob of a radioactive plasma in a rarefied ionosphere. From numerical studies on the dynamics of beta electrons departing a cavern, we obtain the form of a function that determines the portion of departing electrons and calculate the flux density of beta electrons inside the cavern in relation to the Starfish Prime nuclear blast. We show that the flux density of electrons in geomagnetic flux tubes and inside the cavern depend on a correct allowance for the quantity of beta electrons returning to the cavern. On the basis of a physical analysis, we determine the approximate criterion for the return of electrons from a geomagnetic flux tube to the cavern. We compare calculation results in terms of the flux density of beta electrons inside the cavern with the recently published experimental results from operation Starfish Prime.

  7. Japan's exploration of vertical holes and subsurface caverns on the Moon and Mars

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haruyama, J.; Kawano, I.; Kubota, T.; Yoshida, K.; Kawakatsu, Y.; Kato, H.; Otsuki, M.; Watanabe, K.; Nishibori, T.; Yamamoto, Y.; Iwata, T.; Ishigami, G.; Yamada, T. T.


    Recently, gigantic vertical holes exceeding several tens of meters in diameter and depth were discovered on the Moon and Mars. Based on high-resolution image data, lunar holes and some Martian pits (called 'holes' hereafter) are probably skylights of subsurface caverns such as lava tubes or magma chambers. We are starting preparations for exploring the caverns through the vertical holes. The holes and subsurface caverns have high potential as resources for scientific studies. Various important geological and mineralogical processes could be uniquely and effectively observed inside these holes and subsurface caverns. The exposed fresh lava layers on the vertical walls of the lunar and Martian holes would provide information on volcanic eruption histories. The lava layers may also provide information on past magnetic fields of the celestial bodies. The regolith layers may be sandwiched between lava layers and may preserve volatile elements including solar wind protons that could be a clue to understanding past solar activities. Water molecules from solar winds or cometary/meteorite impacts may be stored inside the caverns because of mild temperatures there. The fresh lava materials forming the walls and floors of caverns might trap endogenic volatiles from magma eruptions that will be key materials for revealing the formation and early evolution of the Moon and Mars. Furthermore, the Martian subsurface caverns are highly expected to be life cradles where the temperatures are probably stable and that are free from ultra-violet and other cosmic rays that break chemical bonds, thus avoiding polymerization of molecules. Discovering extraterrestrial life and its varieties is one of our ultimate scientific purposes for exploring the lunar and Martian subsurface caverns. In addition to scientific interests, lunar and Martian subsurface caverns are excellent candidates for future lunar bases. We expect such caverns to have high potential due to stable temperatures; absence

  8. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography of Retinal Cavernous Hemangioma.


    Pierro, Luisa; Marchese, Alessandro; Gagliardi, Marco; Bandello, Francesco


    Retinal cavernous hemangioma is a rare, benign, retinal tumor characterized by angiomatous proliferation of vessels within the inner retina or the optic disc.1 Here we report a case of retinal cavernous hemangioma on the margin of the optic disc in the right eye of a 61-year-old asymptomatic female. The lesion was studied with multimodal imaging which included structural optical coherence tomography, fluorescein angiography, blue fundus auto-fluorescence, optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) (DRI OCT Triton; Topcon, Tokyo, Japan) and visual field examination. Blood circulation inside retinal cavernous hemangioma lesion is typically low-stagnant.2 However, OCTA demonstrated blood flow inside the lesion, illustrating its vascular circulation.3 Visual field was within the normal limits, except from a slight enlargement of the blind spot. [Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2017;48:684-685.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  9. Construction of the bridge in the cavern in the Vrata tunnel (Croatia)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garasic, Mladen; Sasa Kovacevic, Meho; Juric-Kacunic, Danijela


    In the Dinaric karst system in Croatia some 11500 speleological objects have been explored so far, more than 1000 of which were discovered during construction works. Such speleological objects without natural entrance on the terrain surface (which are called "caverns") have been discovered on the construction sites of the highways. Over the past twenty years they have been systematically investigated and treated. A special kind of remediation was conducted in the cavern's large hall of the "Vrata" tunnel on the Zagreb - Rijeka highway. Due to size, shape, cavern's position and hydrogeological parameters (fissured and karstified aquifers) within the karst system it was necessary to design and construct a 58 m bridge over the cavern. In addition, the cavern's vault had to be reinforced and stabilized, as the overburden was very thin. The beam-and -stringer grid with special anchors was used. The cavern's rehabilitation in the "Vrata" tunnel was a unique undertaking, and the bridge (without piers) is the cavern's longest bridge in the world. A speleological object of large dimensions was discovered in the "Vrata"tunnel's right tube on the Rijeka-Zagreb highway. Speleological, geotechnical, engineering geological and hydrogeological investigation works were carried out for the purpose of preservation the speleological object (cavern). On the basis of classification results of rock masses and conducted numerical analyses the support system for the cavern's vault stabilization was selected. The support system's elements include the beam-and-stringer grid constructed on the terrain's surface above the cavern, tendons and geotechnical anchors. To ensure stability of the speleological object, and to conduct the backward numerical analyses the measurement of vertical deformations from the terrain's surface along the rock's mass by means of sliding micrometers was undertaken. Backward numerical analyses combined with geotechnical measurements enable safer and more rational

  10. A singular case of cavernous internal carotid artery aneurysm in patient with cavernous sinus syndrome and bacterial meningitis.


    Sacchetti, Federico; Stagni, Silvia; Spinardi, Luca; Raumer, Luigi; Dentale, Nicola; Cirillo, Luigi


    We report the uncommon case of an acute cavernous sinus syndrome in a patient who was consequently discovered to have both a cavernous internal carotid artery aneurysm and bacterial meningitis. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Which of the two, the aneurysm or the meningitis, gave rise to the patient's symptoms? We briefly reviewed the literature of similar cases and tried to analyze the possible pathophysiological relationship between these findings. Moreover, this case highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary management of these patients to better decide between a medical and a surgical and/or endovascular treatment.

  11. Direct carotid cavernous fistula after submucous resection of the nasal septum.


    Bizri, A R; al-Ajam, M; Zaytoun, G; al-Kutoubi, A


    A carotid cavernous fistula (CCF) is an abnormal arteriovenous anastomosis between the carotid artery and the cavernous sinus. Etiologies of this condition reported in the literature so far include facial trauma, rupture of an intracavernous aneurysm of the carotid artery, Ehler-Danlos syndrome and fibromuscular dysplasia of the cerebral arteries. Such fistulae were reported as complications of rhinoplasty, transsphenoidal surgery, embolization of cavernous sinus meningioma, and rhinocerebral mucormycosis. CCF may also occur spontaneously in children or as a congenital malformation. However, to our knowledge, submucous resection of the nasal septum has not been reported before to cause direct carotid-cavernous fistula. CT and angiographic findings are presented and a review of the literature for reported causes of CCF is made as well as a brief discussion of the possible pathophysiology.

  12. Super chilling enhances preservation of the freshness of salted egg yolk during long-term storage.


    Yanagisawa, T; Watanuki, C; Ariizumi, M; Shigematsu, Y; Kobayashi, H; Hasegawa, M; Watanabe, K


    Pasteurized egg yolk with 10% (w/w) salt was stored at 5, -5, -15, -20, and -30 degrees C for 1 to 6 mo, respectively. Changes in generation of volatiles of the stored samples (5 and -5 degrees C for 6 mo) were analyzed by SPME-GC-MS. Emulsifying properties of egg yolk stored at -5, -15, -20, and -30 degrees C for 1 mo, respectively, were also evaluated by measurement of emulsion particle diameters in model emulsions prepared with the yolk samples. In addition, structural changes in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the egg yolks dependent on storage conditions for 6 mo were evaluated by (31)P-NMR. Volatile compounds such as hexanal, 2-methylbutanal, and 3-methylbutanal increased in egg yolk during storage at 5 degrees C; however, volatile compounds hardly increased in any samples stored at -5 degrees C (super chilling). The mean emulsion particle diameter in super chilled egg yolk was significantly smaller than that in egg yolk stored at the other lower temperatures. In addition, the results of (31)P-NMR evaluation suggested that prevention of structural changes of LDL resulted in maintenance of emulsifying properties of egg yolk. Thus, these results indicate that super chilling is an effective means of preserving salted egg yolk during long-term storage.

  13. 75 FR 14590 - Petal Gas Storage, L.L.C.; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment for the...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Conversion Gas Storage Project and Request for Comments on Environmental Issues March 19, 2010. The staff of... (EA) that will discuss the environmental impacts of the Cavern 12A Conversion Gas Storage Project...

  14. Brainstem cavernous malformations: anatomical, clinical, and surgical considerations.


    Giliberto, Giuliano; Lanzino, Desiree J; Diehn, Felix E; Factor, David; Flemming, Kelly D; Lanzino, Giuseppe


    Symptomatic brainstem cavernous malformations carry a high risk of permanent neurological deficit related to recurrent hemorrhage, which justifies aggressive management. Detailed knowledge of the microscopic and surface anatomy is important for understanding the clinical presentation, predicting possible surgical complications, and formulating an adequate surgical plan. In this article the authors review and illustrate the surgical and microscopic anatomy of the brainstem, provide anatomoclinical correlations, and illustrate a few clinical cases of cavernous malformations in the most common brainstem areas.

  15. Microbiological changes occurring in trout fillets (Oncorhynchus mykiss W. 1792) salted and treated with potassium sorbate during production and storage.


    Oksüztepe, Gülsüm; Gürel Inanli, Ayşe


    In this study, microbiological changes during processing and storage of salted-cured trout fillets treated with potassium sorbate were investigated. For this purpose, 10 and 15% (w/w) NaCl and 1, 5 and 10% (w/v) potassium sorbate were applied to the fillets. The processed fillets were vacuum-packed and storage at 4 degrees C. The samples were analyzed in some periods of production and in the storage days of 7, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 for numbers of total mesophilic aerob, psycrophylic, yeast and mould. In conclusion, the microbiological quality of all samples treated with 15% NaCl and potassium sorbate were found better. Consequently, it can be concluded that the usage of potassium sorbate may be useful and a synergistic effect between salt and potassium sorbate determined.

  16. Simultaneous and sequential hemorrhage of multiple cerebral cavernous malformations: a case report.


    Louis, Nundia; Marsh, Robert


    The etiology of cerebral cavernous malformation hemorrhage is not well understood. Causative physiologic parameters preceding hemorrhagic cavernous malformation events are often not reported. We present a case of an individual with sequential simultaneous hemorrhages in multiple cerebral cavernous malformations with a new onset diagnosis of hypertension. A 42-year-old white man was admitted to our facility with worsening headache, left facial and tongue numbness, dizziness, diplopia, and elevated blood pressure. His past medical history was significant for new onset diagnosis of hypertension and chronic seasonal allergies. Serial imaging over the ensuing 8 days revealed sequential hemorrhagic lesions. He underwent suboccipital craniotomy for resection of the lesions located in the fourth ventricle and right cerebellum. One month after surgery, he had near complete resolution of his symptoms with mild residual vertigo but symptomatic chronic hypertension. Many studies have focused on genetic and inflammatory mechanisms contributing to cerebral cavernous malformation rupture, but few have reported on the potential of hemodynamic changes contributing to cerebral cavernous malformation rupture. Systemic blood pressure changes clearly have an effect on angioma pressures. When considering the histopathological features of cerebral cavernous malformation architecture, changes in arterial pressure could cause meaningful alterations in hemorrhage propensity and patterns.

  17. A cavernous sinus lesion clinically responsive to steroids.


    Ruff, M W; Carabenciov, I D; Johnson, D R; Pollock, B E; Parisi, J E; Klaas, J P


    Tolosa Hunt syndrome (THS) is characterized by painful ophthalmoplegia secondary to idiopathic granulomatous inflammation of the cavernous sinus. The characteristic finding on MRI is an enhancing T1 isointense and T2 hypo- or hyperintense cavernous sinus mass lesion, which may result in focal narrowing of the ipsilateral internal carotid artery. Although the incidence is quite rare, it is a common diagnostic consideration in cases that present with multiple cranial neuropathies. However, the differential diagnosis for a unilateral cavernous sinus lesion in adults is broad and includes neoplastic, inflammatory (such as sarcoidosis and immunoglobulin G4-related disease [IgG4-RD]), infectious etiologies (such as syphilis and leprosy), as well as vascular lesions. We describe a patient presenting with neurologic symptoms referable to a persistent unilateral cavernous sinus MRI abnormality, initially thought to be consistent with Tolosa-Hunt syndrome, that was clinically but not radiographically responsive to steroids. Following reevaluation due to the presence of new symptoms, pathology revealed that the abnormality was most consistent with chordoma, a rare skull based tumor. In patients with a presumed diagnosis of Tolosa-Hunt syndrome, close clinical and radiographic follow-up is imperative, with early consideration for biopsy in patients that fail to respond to treatment both clinically and radiographically. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Effect of nanoparticles on heat capacity of nanofluids based on molten salts as PCM for thermal energy storage

    PubMed Central


    In this study, different nanofluids with phase change behavior were developed by mixing a molten salt base fluid (selected as phase change material) with nanoparticles using the direct-synthesis method. The thermal properties of the nanofluids obtained were investigated. These nanofluids can be used in concentrating solar plants with a reduction of storage material if an improvement in the specific heat is achieved. The base salt mixture was a NaNO3-KNO3 (60:40 ratio) binary salt. The nanoparticles used were silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), titania (TiO2), and a mix of silica-alumina (SiO2-Al2O3). Three weight fractions were evaluated: 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 wt.%. Each nanofluid was prepared in water solution, sonicated, and evaporated. Measurements on thermophysical properties were performed by differential scanning calorimetry analysis and the dispersion of the nanoparticles was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results obtained show that the addition of 1.0 wt.% of nanoparticles to the base salt increases the specific heat of 15% to 57% in the solid phase and of 1% to 22% in the liquid phase. In particular, this research shows that the addition of silica-alumina nanoparticles has a significant potential for enhancing the thermal storage characteristics of the NaNO3-KNO3 binary salt. These results deviated from the predictions of the theoretical model used. SEM suggests a greater interaction between these nanoparticles and the salt. PMID:24168168

  19. Preliminary analytical study on the feasibility of using reinforced concrete pile foundations for renewable energy storage by compressed air energy storage technology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tulebekova, S.; Saliyev, D.; Zhang, D.; Kim, J. R.; Karabay, A.; Turlybek, A.; Kazybayeva, L.


    Compressed air energy storage technology is one of the promising methods that have high reliability, economic feasibility and low environmental impact. Current applications of the technology are mainly limited to energy storage for power plants using large scale underground caverns. This paper explores the possibility of making use of reinforced concrete pile foundations to store renewable energy generated from solar panels or windmills attached to building structures. The energy will be stored inside the pile foundation with hollow sections via compressed air. Given the relatively small volume of storage provided by the foundation, the required storage pressure is expected to be higher than that in the large-scale underground cavern. The high air pressure typically associated with large temperature increase, combined with structural loads, will make the pile foundation in a complicated loading condition, which might cause issues in the structural and geotechnical safety. This paper presents a preliminary analytical study on the performance of the pile foundation subjected to high pressure, large temperature increase and structural loads. Finite element analyses on pile foundation models, which are built from selected prototype structures, have been conducted. The analytical study identifies maximum stresses in the concrete of the pile foundation under combined pressure, temperature change and structural loads. Recommendations have been made for the use of reinforced concrete pile foundations for renewable energy storage.

  20. Brainstem cavernous malformations: Natural history versus surgical management.


    Walcott, Brian P; Choudhri, Omar; Lawton, Michael T


    While brainstem cavernous malformations were once considered inoperable, improvements in patient selection, surgical exposures, intraoperative MRI-guidance, MR tractography, and neurophysiologic monitoring have resulted in good outcomes in the majority of operated patients. In a consecutive series of 104 patients with brainstem cavernous malformations, only 14% of patients experienced cranial nerve or motor dysfunction that was worse at late follow-up, relative to their preoperative condition. Outcomes were predicted by several factors, including larger lesion size, lesions that crossed the midline, the presence of a developmental venous anomaly, older age, and greater time interval from lesion hemorrhage to surgery. The 14% of patients who experienced a persistent neurological deficit as a result of surgery, while substantial from any perspective, compares favorably with the risks of observation based on a recent meta-analysis. Curative resection is a safe and effective treatment for brainstem cavernous malformations that will prevent re-hemorrhage in symptomatic patients. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Hypophysopexy technique for radiosurgical treatment of cavernous sinus pituitary adenoma.


    Couldwell, William T; Rosenow, Joshua M; Rovit, Richard L; Benzil, Deborah L


    Stereotactic radiosurgery is being used with increased frequency in the treatment of residual or recurrent pituitary adenomas. The major risk associated with radiosurgical treatment of residual or recurrent pituitary tumor adjacent to normal functional pituitary gland is radiation of the pituitary, which frequently leads to the development of hypopituitarism. The authors describe a technique of pituitary transposition to reduce the radiation dose to the normal pituitary gland in cases of planned radiosurgical treatment of residual pituitary adenoma within the cavernous sinus. A sellar exploration for tumor resection is performed, the pituitary gland is transposed from the region of the cavernous sinus, and a fat and fascia graft is interposed between the normal pituitary gland and the residual tumor in the cavernous sinus. The residual tumor may then be treated with stereotactic radiosurgery. The increased distance between the normal pituitary gland and the residual tumor facilitates treatment of the tumor with radiosurgery and reduces the radiation to the normal pituitary gland. An illustrative case of a young female with recurrent acromegaly and a pituitary adenoma invading the cavernous sinus is described.

  2. The sensory quality of allergen-controlled, fat-reduced, salt-reduced pork-ostrich sausages during storage.


    Guzek, Dominika; Głąbska, Dominika; Brodowska, Marta; Godziszewska, Jolanta; Górska-Horczyczak, Elżbieta; Pogorzelska, Ewelina; Wojtasik-Kalinowska, Iwona; Wierzbicka, Agnieszka


    New meat products tailored to consumer health should be characterised by reduced sodium, fat and cholesterol contents and other health-promoting benefits. However, the food sector's greatest challenge is allergen-free production. Consumers are not willing to compromise the sensory quality of meat products for health. The aim of the present study was to analyse the influence of the storage time on the physical properties and consumer acceptance of allergen-controlled, fat-reduced, salt-reduced pork-ostrich sausages. The study focused on pork-ostrich sausages produced in accordance with a new patented technology, which focused on eliminating cross-contamination on-line in the plant, eliminating cross-contamination after preparation, and eliminating spices with high allergy potential. The production was focused on reducing fat (by approximately 50%) and salt (by approximately 30%) levels. No changes in the texture parameters of the sausage were observed during storage time; however, some changes in colour were observed. There were no significant differences in sensory consumer acceptability of pork-ostrich sausage after 14 days of storage; thus, it may be stated that the instrumentally assessed differences in colour did not influence consumer acceptance. The applied fat and NaCl reduction in the pork-ostrich sausages contributed to high consumer ratings and was not correlated with saltiness acceptability. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  3. [Pericardial Cavernous Hemangioma;Report of a Case].


    Marui, Tsutomu; Azuma, Kenichirou; Arakawa, Yuki; Murakami, Eiji; Murakawa, Shinji


    A case of pericardial cavernous hemangioma is presented. A 62-year-old man had a chest pain and was referred to our hospital because of an abnormal shadow in the mediastinum. Chest computed tomography showed a hypervascular tumor of 2.0 cm in size at the left side of pulmonary artery. Magnetic resonance imaging findings suggested the mucinous part of the tumor, suggesting liposarcoma, thymoma, and neurinoma etc. At surgery, the tumor was found to be in the pericardial cavity. After pericardotomy, the tumor was resected. The diagnosis of the tumor was cavernous hemangioma. There was no evidence of recurrence 2 years after the operation.

  4. Cavernous hemangioma of the orbit: an unusual acute presentation

    PubMed Central

    Louisraj, Sophia; Ponnudurai, Thendral; Rodriguez, Dominic; Thomas, Philip A; Nelson Jesudasan, Christadoss Arul


    We report an unusual presentation of an orbital cavernous hemangioma in a 26-year-old female, who noted sudden redness and swelling of the left eye (LE) on waking up. At presentation, upper eyelid edema with periorbital ecchymosis and subconjunctival hemorrhage were noted in the LE. Although there was transient symptomatic relief with topical medications, blurring of vision developed in the LE. When seen 10 days later, the patient’s LE showed axial proptosis. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an intraconal soft tissue mass in the superomedial quadrant of the left orbit. Superior orbitotomy with mass excision was done; histopathological examination of the excised mass revealed a cavernous hemangioma. The patient had complete visual recovery following surgery. To our knowledge, an acute presentation of an orbital cavernous hemangioma with subconjunctival hemorrhage and periorbital ecchymosis has not previously been reported. PMID:28769595

  5. Frontal Lobe Cavernous Malformations in Pediatric Patients: Clinical Features and Surgical Outcomes.


    Wang, Chengjun; Zhao, Meng; Wang, Jia; Wang, Shuo; Jiang, Zhongli; Zhao, Jizong


    The purpose of this study is to investigate the clinical manifestations, surgical treatment, and neurologic outcomes of frontal lobe cavernous malformations in children. A retrospective analysis of 23 pediatric frontal lobe cavernous malformation patients who underwent surgical treatment in Beijing Tiantan Hospital was performed. The case series included 16 boys and 7 girls. Gross total removal without surgical mortality was achieved in all patients. The mean follow-up period after surgery was 33.1 months. Two patients who left hospital with motor deficits gradually recovered after rehabilitative treatment, and other patients were considered to be in excellent clinical condition. For symptomatic frontal lobe cavernous malformations, neurosurgical management should be the treatment of choice. Conservative treatment may be warranted in asymptomatic frontal lobe cavernous malformations, especially the deep-seated or eloquently located cases.

  6. Cerebral Cavernous Malformation and Hemorrhage


    ... of the bleeding can be divided into three groups: “Slow ooze”: blood slowly seeps through the cavern “walls” inside the ... after a bleed. This allows time for excess blood absorption, unmasking the ... were recorded in the group over this period. A 2015 Mayo study determined ...

  7. Transvenous embolization in spontaneous direct carotid-cavernous fistula in childhood

    PubMed Central

    Mercado, Glenna B.; Irie, Keiko; Negoro, Makoto; Moriya, Shigeta; Tanaka, Teppei; Ohmura, Masahiro; Sadato, Akiyo; Hayakawa, Motuharu; Sano, Hirotoshi


    Carotid cavernous fistula (CCF) is an abnormal arteriovenous communication in the cavernous sinus. Direct CCF results from a tear in the intracavernous carotid artery. Typically, it has a high flow and usually presents with oculo-orbital venous congestive features such as exophthalmos, chemosis, and sometimes oculomotor or abducens cranial nerve palsy. Indirect CCF generally occurs spontaneously with subtle signs. We report a rare case of spontaneous direct CCF in childhood who did not have the usual history of craniofacial trauma or connective tissue disorder but presented with progressive chemosis and exophthalmos of the right eye. This report aims also to describe the safety and success of transvenous embolization with coils of the superior ophthalmic vein and cavernous sinus through the inferior petrosal sinus. PMID:22059104

  8. Production of salted and pressed anchovies (stolephorus sp.) and it's quality evaluation during storage.


    Siriskar, Dipty A; Khedkar, Gulab Dattarao; Lior, David


    Present study deals with the production of low cost salted and dried product from anchovy fish (Stolephorus spp.) using traditional technology application of different inhibitory factors to achieve a reasonable shelf life at ambient tropical temperature. Microbial safety, nutrient retention and product quality in terms of flavor and texture after rehydration have been tested. This product has been subjected to storage studies, with respect to product quality and microbial status. It can be kept well for a period of 5 weeks. The quality changes during storage are; decrease in sensory scores for the overall acceptance and also for the individual attributes. Increase in nitrogenous components such as Total Volatile Bases Nitrogen (TVB-N), Tri Methyl Amine Nitrogen (TMA-N) and Alpha Amino Nitrogen (AAN) was obtained with the advancement of the storage period. The lipid quality of the fish showed gradual increase in Preoxide Value (PV) and Free Fatty Acid (FFA) accompanied by decrease in flavor and odor scores. Activity of microorganisms showed a marginal increase with increase in storage period.

  9. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Weber, Paula D.; Flores, Karen A.; Lord, David L.

    Bryan Mound 5 ( BM5 ) and West Hackberry 9 ( WH9 ) have the potential to create a significant amount of new storage space should the caverns be deemed "leach - ready". This study discusses the original drilling history of the caverns, surrounding geology, current stability, and, based on this culmination of data, makes a preliminary assessment of the leach potential for the cavern. The risks associated with leaching BM5 present substantial problems for the SPR . The odd shape and large amount of insoluble material make it difficult to de termine whether a targeted leach would have themore » desired effect and create useable ullage or further distort the shape with preferential leaching . T he likelihood of salt falls and damaged or severed casing string is significant . In addition, a targeted le ach would require the relocation of approximately 27 MMB of oil . Due to the abundance of unknown factors associated with this cavern, a targeted leach of BM5 is not recommended. A targeted leaching of the neck of WH 9 could potentially eliminate or diminis h the mid - cavern ledge result ing in a more stable cavern with a more favorable shape. A better understanding of the composition of the surrounding salt and a less complicated leaching history yields more confidence in the ability to successfully leach this region. A targeted leach of WH9 can be recommended upon the completion of a full leach plan with consideration of the impacts upon nearby caverns .« less

  10. Salt and smoke simultaneously affect chemical and sensory quality of cold-smoked salmon during 5 degrees C storage predicted using factorial design.


    Leroi, F; Joffraud, J J


    Simultaneous effect of salt and smoke on chemical indices of cold-smoked salmon and on its shelf life, estimated by sensory analysis, was investigated during vacuum-packed storage at 5 degrees C. Salting salmon immediately decreased the pH in the flesh, probably due to the increase of the ionic force, then pH remained constant during storage. Total volatile base nitrogen and trimethylamine productions were mainly inhibited by the salt concentration in the flesh, whereas phenol had no effect. A highly synergistic effect between the two factors was observed on the shelf life response. When a high level of salt (5% wt/wt) or phenol (1 mg 100 g(-1)) was added separately, shelf life did not exceed 1 week, whereas it could reach more than 10 weeks when salt and smoke were added simultaneously. Different combinations were examined for shelf life characteristics of the product. For instance, 2 and 3% (wt/wt) of salt with, respectively, 0.80 and 0.45 mg 100 g(-1) of phenol were sufficient for a 4-week shelf life, satisfying most of French cold-smoked salmon producers and consumers. Correlation between microbiological responses measured in a previous study and chemical and sensory data were also established.

  11. Expansion analyses of strategic petroleum reserve in Bayou Choctaw : revised locations.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ehgartner, Brian L.; Park, Byoung Yoon


    This report summarizes a series of three-dimensional simulations for the Bayou Choctaw Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The U.S. Department of Energy plans to leach two new caverns and convert one of the existing caverns within the Bayou Choctaw salt dome to expand its petroleum reserve storage capacity. An existing finite element mesh from previous analyses is modified by changing the locations of two caverns. The structural integrity of the three expansion caverns and the interaction between all the caverns in the dome are investigated. The impacts of the expansion on underground creep closure, surface subsidence, infrastructure, and well integrity are quantified.more » Two scenarios were used for the duration and timing of workover conditions where wellhead pressures are temporarily reduced to atmospheric pressure. The three expansion caverns are predicted to be structurally stable against tensile failure for both scenarios. Dilatant failure is not expected within the vicinity of the expansion caverns. Damage to surface structures is not predicted and there is not a marked increase in surface strains due to the presence of the three expansion caverns. The wells into the caverns should not undergo yield. The results show that from a structural viewpoint, the locations of the two newly proposed expansion caverns are acceptable, and all three expansion caverns can be safely constructed and operated.« less

  12. Tolerance of cranial nerves of the cavernous sinus to radiosurgery

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tishler, R.B.; Loeffler, J.S.; Alexander, E. III


    Stereotactic radiosurgery is becoming a more accepted treatment option for benign, deep seated intracranial lesions. However, little is known about the effects of large single fractions of radiation on cranial nerves. This study was undertaken to assess the effect of radiosurgery on the cranial nerves of the cavernous sinus. The authors examined the tolerance of cranial nerves (II-VI) following radiosurgery for 62 patients (42/62 with meningiomas) treated for lesions within or near the cavernous sinus. Twenty-nine patients were treated with a modified 6 MV linear accelerator (Joint Center for Radiation Therapy) and 33 were treated with the Gamma Knife (Universitymore » of Pittsburgh). Three-dimensional treatment plans were retrospectively reviewed and maximum doses were calculated for the cavernous sinus and the optic nerve and chiasm. Median follow-up was 19 months (range 3-49). New cranial neuropathies developed in 12 patients from 3-41 months following radiosurgery. Four of these complications involved injury to the optic system and 8 (3/8 transient) were the result of injury to the sensory or motor nerves of the cavernous sinus. There was no clear relationship between the maximum dose to the cavernous sinus and the development of complications for cranial nerves III-VI over the dose range used (1000-4000 cGy). For the optic apparatus, there was a significantly increased incidence of complications with dose. Four of 17 patients (24%) receiving greater than 800 cGy to any part of the optic apparatus developed visual complications compared with 0/35 who received less than 800 cGy (p = 0.009). Radiosurgery using tumor-controlling doses of up to 4000 cGy appears to be a relatively safe technique in treating lesions within or near the sensory and motor nerves (III-VI) of the cavernous sinus. The dose to the optic apparatus should be limited to under 800 cGy. 21 refs., 4 tabs.« less

  13. Self-Healing Characteristics of Damaged Rock Salt under Different Healing Conditions

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Jie; Ren, Song; Yang, Chunhe; Jiang, Deyi; Li, Lin


    Salt deposits are commonly regarded as ideal hosts for geologic energy reservoirs. Underground cavern construction-induced damage in salt is reduced by self-healing. Thus, studying the influencing factors on such healing processes is important. This research uses ultrasonic technology to monitor the longitudinal wave velocity variations of stress-damaged rock salts during self-recovery experiments under different recovery conditions. The influences of stress-induced initial damage, temperature, humidity, and oil on the self-recovery of damaged rock salts are analyzed. The wave velocity values of the damaged rock salts increase rapidly during the first 200 h of recovery, and the values gradually increase toward stabilization after 600 h. The recovery of damaged rock salts is subjected to higher initial damage stress. Water is important in damage recovery. The increase in temperature improves damage recovery when water is abundant, but hinders recovery when water evaporates. The presence of residual hydraulic oil blocks the inter-granular role of water and restrains the recovery under triaxial compression. The results indicate that rock salt damage recovery is related to the damage degree, pore pressure, temperature, humidity, and presence of oil due to the sealing integrity of the jacket material. PMID:28811444

  14. Self-Healing Characteristics of Damaged Rock Salt under Different Healing Conditions.


    Chen, Jie; Ren, Song; Yang, Chunhe; Jiang, Deyi; Li, Lin


    Salt deposits are commonly regarded as ideal hosts for geologic energy reservoirs. Underground cavern construction-induced damage in salt is reduced by self-healing. Thus, studying the influencing factors on such healing processes is important. This research uses ultrasonic technology to monitor the longitudinal wave velocity variations of stress-damaged rock salts during self-recovery experiments under different recovery conditions. The influences of stress-induced initial damage, temperature, humidity, and oil on the self-recovery of damaged rock salts are analyzed. The wave velocity values of the damaged rock salts increase rapidly during the first 200 h of recovery, and the values gradually increase toward stabilization after 600 h. The recovery of damaged rock salts is subjected to higher initial damage stress. Water is important in damage recovery. The increase in temperature improves damage recovery when water is abundant, but hinders recovery when water evaporates. The presence of residual hydraulic oil blocks the inter-granular role of water and restrains the recovery under triaxial compression. The results indicate that rock salt damage recovery is related to the damage degree, pore pressure, temperature, humidity, and presence of oil due to the sealing integrity of the jacket material.

  15. Postmortem aging and freezing and thawing storage enhance ability of early deboned chicken pectoralis major muscle to hold added salt water.


    Zhuang, H; Savage, E M


    The effects of postdeboning aging and frozen storage on water-holding capacity (WHC) of chicken breast pectoralis major muscle were investigated. Broiler breast muscle was removed from carcasses either early postmortem (2 h) or later postmortem (24 h). Treatments included: no postdeboning aging; 1-d postdeboning aging at 2°C, 7-d postdeboning aging (2-h deboned meat only), and 6-d storage at -20°C plus 1-d thawing at 2°C (freezing and thawing treatment, 2-h deboned meat only). The WHC was determined by cooking loss, drip loss, a filter paper press method (results were presented as expressible fluid), and a salt-induced swelling and centrifugation method (results were presented as percentage of salt-induced water gain). There were no differences for WHC estimated by cooking loss and expressible fluid between the treatments. Only the freezing and thawing treatment resulted in a significant increase in drip loss. The average percentage of salt-induced water gains by the 24-h deboned samples, postdeboning aged 2 h samples, and frozen 2 h sample, which did not differ from each other, were significantly higher than that by the 2-h deboned sample. These results indicate that regardless of method (carcass aging vs. postdeboning aging) and time (aging for 1 d vs. for 7 d), postmortem aging more than 1 d does not affect WHC of the early deboned samples measured by dripping, cooking, and pressing. However, postmortem carcass aging, postdeboning aging, and freezing and thawing storage can significantly enhance the ability of chicken breast meat to hold added salt water or WHC measured by the salt-induced swelling and centrifuge method.

  16. The large scale structures of the Late Permian Zechstein 3 intra-salt stringer, northern Netherlands

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    van Gent, H.; Strozyk, F.; Urai, J. L.; de Keijzer, M.; Kukla, P. A.


    The three dimensional study of the internal structure of salt structures on the several different scales is of fundamental importance to understand mechanisms of salt tectonics, for intra-salt storage cavern stability, and for drilling in salt-prone petroleum systems with associated problems like borehole instability and overpressured fluids. While most salt-related studies depict salt as structureless bodies, detailed field-, well- and mining gallery mapping have shown an amazing spectrum of brittle, complexly folded, faulted and boudinaged intra-salt layers ("stringers"), but mostly on a very local scale. First detailed insights into these three-dimensionally heterogeneous and very complex structures of the layered evaporites were provided by observations in modern high-resolution 3D seismic data, such as across the Late Permian Zechstein in the Southern Permian Basin (SPB). In the northern Dutch onshore part of the SPB, the Z2 and Z3 halite interface is characterized by the seismically visible reflections of the 30-150 m thick Z3 anhydrite-carbonate layer that clearly resolves the complex intra-salt structure. This stringer shows a high fragmentation into blocks of several tens of meters to kilometres diameter with complexly folded and faulted structures that correlate to the regionally varying deformation stages of the Zechstein, as it is implied by the shape of Top Salt. After an extensive seismic mapping over the entire northern Netherlands, structures observed include an extensive network of thicker zones, inferred to result from early karstification. Later, this template of relatively strong zones was deformed into large scale folds and boudins as the result of salt tectonics. Non-plane-strain salt flow produced complex fold and boudin geometries that overprint each other. There are some indications of a feedback between the early internal evolution of this salt giant and the position of later salt structures. The stringer has a higher density then the

  17. Cavernous antioxidant effect of green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate with/without sildenafil citrate intake in aged diabetic rats.


    Mostafa, T; Sabry, D; Abdelaal, A M; Mostafa, I; Taymour, M


    This study aimed to assess the cavernous antioxidant effect of green tea (GT), epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) with/without sildenafil citrate intake in aged diabetic rats. One hundred and four aged male white albino rat were divided into controls that received ordinary chow, streptozotocin (STZ)-induced aged diabetic rats, STZ-induced diabetic rats on infused green tea, induced diabetic rats on epigallocatechin-3-gallate and STZ-induced diabetic rats on sildenafil citrate added to EGCG. After 8 weeks, dissected cavernous tissues were assessed for gene expression of eNOS, cavernous malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), and serum testosterone (T). STZ-induced diabetic rats on GT demonstrated significant increase in cavernous eNOS, cGMP, GPx and significant decrease in cavernous MDA compared with diabetic rats. Diabetic rats on EGCG demonstrated significant increase in cavernous eNOS, cGMP, GPx and significant decrease in cavernous MDA compared with diabetic rats or diabetic rats on GT. Diabetic rats on EGCG added to sildenafil showed significant increase in cavernous eNOS, cGMP and significant decrease in cavernous MDA compared with other groups. Serum T demonstrated nonsignificant difference between the investigated groups. It is concluded that GT and EGCG have significant cavernous antioxidant effects that are increased if sildenafil is added. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  18. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma presented as cavernous sinus tumour.


    Moona, Mohammad Shafi; Mehdi, Itrat


    A 32 year Libyan male presented with the complaints of headache and diplopia. He was diagnosed with a cavernous sinus meningioma on the basis of MRI findings but no initial biopsy was taken. Depending on the radiologic diagnosis the patient was treated with gamma knife surgery twice, abroad. During follow up he developed left ear deafness and left cervical lymph adenopathy. An ENT evaluation with biopsy from the nasopharynx and cervical lymph node was taken. The histopathologic diagnosis of the resected tumour showed a nasopharyngeal carcinoma with cervical lymph node metastasis (poorly differentiated lympho-epithelial carcinoma). The cavernous sinus tumour which was initially treated as a meningioma was in fact metastasis from the nasopharyngeal carcinoma, making this an interesting and rare occurrence.

  19. Hexahedral Finite Element Mesh Capturing Realistic Geometries of Bayou Choctaw Strategic Petroleum Reserve

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Park, B. Y.; Roberts, B. L.; Sobolik, S. R.


    The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) stores crude oil in 60 caverns located at four sites located along the Gulf Coast. As a matter of normal operation of caverns in a salt dome, the continuous mechanical creep of salt, along with the change in internal cavern and casing pressure due to cavern closure and fluid exchanges, impose several mechanical conditions on the skin, well, and casing of a cavern that could potentially create damage. Sandia, on behalf of DOE, is evaluating the structural integrity of the salt surrounding existing caverns in the Bayou Choctaw (BC) salt dome in Louisiana. In reality, the geometry, spacing, and depths of the caverns are irregular. It is not easy to realize the naturally and artificially formed cavern and salt dome for numerical analysis. It is harder to convert the geometries into the meshed mass consisting of only hexahedral finite elements. A three-dimensional (3D) finite element mesh capturing realistic geometries of the Bayou Choctaw site has been constructed using the seismic and sonar survey data obtained from the field (see Figures below). The mesh consists of hexahedral elements because the salt constitutive model is coded using hexahedral elements. Techniques to reduce the number of elements as much as possible to save on computer run time while maintaining computational accuracy are also developed. These methodologies could also be applied to construct computational meshes for the Big Hill, Bryan Mound, and West Hackberry SPR sites. The methodology could be applied to the complicated shape masses for not only various civil and geological structures but also biological applications such as artificial limbs. The newly developed mesh is expected to provide more accurate solutions of geotechnical concerns that arise due to the close proximity of the caverns to each other or to the edge of salt. Also, there are nine abandoned caverns, one of which is believed to be in a quasi-stable condition. Stability issues for these


    PubMed Central

    Yilmaz, Ugur; Vicars, Brenda; Yang, Claire C.


    We investigated the autonomic innervation of the penis by using evoked cavernous activity (ECA). We recruited 7 males with thoracic spinal cord injury (SCI) and sexual dysfunction and 6 males who were scheduled to have pelvic surgery (PS), specifically non-nerve-sparing radical cystoprostatectomy. In the PS subjects, ECA was performed both pre- and postoperatively. The left median nerve was electrically stimulated and ECA was recorded with two concentric electromyography needles placed into the right and left cavernous bodies. We simultaneously recorded hand and foot sympathetic skin responses (SSRs) as controls. In the SCI group, all but one subject had reproducible hand SSRs. None of these subjects had ECA or foot SSRs. All the PS subjects had reproducible ECA and SSRs, both preoperatively and postoperatively. There was no difference in the latency and amplitude measurements of ECA and SSRs in the postoperative compared to the preoperative period (p>0.05). In conclusion, ECA is absent in men with SCI above the sympathetic outflow to the genitalia. In men following radical pelvic surgery, ECA is preserved, indicating the preservation of sympathetic fibers. PMID:19609298

  1. Seasonal thermal storage: Swedish practice, developments and cost projections

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Margen, P.


    The types of heat store being developed in Sweden for seasonal storage of heat are discussed. This type of storage allows summer excess heat from industrial waste heat plants, garbage burning plants and future central solar heat stations to be stored for winter use on district heating networks. Whereas above ground steel or concrete tanks are usually too expensive insulated earth pits, uninsulated rock caverns and deep ground schemes using rock or clay promise to achieve sufficiently low costs to justify storage when supplied with free or cheap summer treat. For all these concepts demonstration plants were or are being built in Sweden.

  2. Energy storage by compressed air. [using windpowered pumps

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Szego, G. C.


    The feasibility of windpower energy storage by compressed air is considered. The system is comprised of a compressor, a motor, and a pump turbine to store air in caverns or aquifiers. It is proposed that storage of several days worth of compressed air up to 650 pounds per square inch can be used to push the aquifier up closer to the container dome and thus initiate piston action by simply compressing air more and more. More energy can be put into it by pressure increase or pushing back the water in the aquifier. This storage system concept has reheat flexibility and lowest cost effectiveness.

  3. Salt dissolution sinkhole at the Weeks Island, Louisiana, Strategic Petroleum Reserve storage site

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Neal, J.T.; Myers, R.E.


    A sinkhole was first observed in May 1992 over the outer edge of the two-tiered former salt mine that was converted for oil storage by the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Results of diagnostic studies which included geophysical, geochemical, drilling, and hydrological methods suggest a direct connection exists between the surface collapse area and the underground mine. The connection was confirmed by correlative measurements of sediment slump rates, piezometric surface deflection, and brine influx rates into the mine. The dissolution of salt below the sinkhole that initiated the leak into the mine was likely caused by several confluent geologic processes,more » and exacerbated by mining-induced stresses that created fractures which severed as hydrologic flowpaths. Modeling studies of mine stresses show that years of tensional stresses may be required before cracking begins to occur, but once begun can continue to develop, and relieve the stress in that specific regime. The crack regime creates the avenue for incursion of groundwater, very slowly initially, but gradually enlarging as undersaturated groundwater dissolves salt on the sides of the crack. Mitigative measures include increasing the mine pressurization, slowing the dissolution by injecting brine into the sinkhole throat, and permeation grouting in hydrologic flowpaths.« less

  4. SANSMIC design document.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Weber, Paula D.; Rudeen, David Keith


    The United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) maintains an underground storage system consisting of caverns that were leached or solution mined in four salt domes located near the Gulf of Mexico in Texas and Louisiana. The SPR comprises more than 60 active caverns containing approximately 700 million barrels of crude oil. Sandia National Labo- ratories (SNL) is the geotechnical advisor to the SPR. As the most pressing need at the inception of the SPR was to create and fill storage volume with oil, the decision was made to leach the caverns and fill them simultaneously (leach-fill). Therefore, A.J. Russo developedmore » SANSMIC in the early 1980s which allows for a transient oil-brine interface (OBI) making it possible to model leach-fill and withdrawal operations. As the majority of caverns are currently filled to storage capacity, the primary uses of SANSMIC at this time are related to the effects of small and large withdrawals, expansion of existing caverns, and projecting future pillar to diameter ratios. SANSMIC was identified by SNL as a priority candidate for qualification. This report continues the quality assurance (QA) process by documenting the "as built" mathematical and numerical models that comprise this document. The pro- gram flow is outlined and the models are discussed in detail. Code features that were added later or were not documented previously have been expounded. No changes in the code's physics have occurred since the original documentation (Russo, 1981, 1983) although recent experiments may yield improvements to the temperature and plume methods in the future.« less

  5. Experimental characterization of a solar cooker with thermal energy storage based on solar salt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coccia, G.; Di Nicola, G.; Tomassetti, S.; Gabrielli, G.; Chieruzzi, M.; Pierantozzi, M.


    High temperature solar cooking allows to cook food fast and with good efficiency. An unavoidable drawback of this technology is that it requires nearly clear-sky conditions. In addition, evening cooking is difficult to be accomplished, particularly on the winter season during which solar radiation availability is limited to a few hours in the afternoon in most of countries. These restrictions could be overcome using a cooker thermal storage unit (TSU). In this work, a TSU based on solar salt was studied. The unit consists of two metal concentric cylindrical vessels, connected together to form a double-walled vessel. The volume between walls was filled with a certain amount of nitrate based phase change material (solar salt). In order to characterize the TSU, a test bench used to assess solar cooker performance was adopted. Experimental load tests with the TSU were carried out to evaluate the cooker performance. The obtained preliminary results show that the adoption of the solar salt TSU seems to allow both the opportunity of evening cooking and the possibility to better stabilize the cooker temperature when sky conditions are variable.

  6. Reliability analysis of hydrologic containment of liquefied petroleum gas within unlined rock caverns.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gao, X.; Yan, E. C.; Yeh, T. C. J.; Wang, Y.; Liang, Y.; Hao, Y.


    Notice that most of the underground liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage caverns are constructed in unlined rock caverns (URCs), where the variability of hydraulic properties (in particular, hydraulic conductivity) has significant impacts on hydrologic containment performance. However, it is practically impossible to characterize the spatial distribution of these properties in detail at the site of URCs. This dilemma forces us to cope with uncertainty in our evaluations of gas containment. As a consequence, the uncertainty-based analysis is deemed more appropriate than the traditional deterministic analysis. The objectives of this paper are 1) to introduce a numerical first order method to calculate the gas containment reliability within a heterogeneous, two-dimensional unlined rock caverns, and 2) to suggest a strategy for improving the gas containment reliability. In order to achieve these goals, we first introduced the stochastic continuum representation of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of fractured rock and analyzed the spatial variability of Ks at a field site. We then conducted deterministic simulations to demonstrate the importance of heterogeneity of Ks in the analysis of gas tightness performance of URCs. Considering the uncertainty of the heterogeneity in the real world situations, we subsequently developed a numerical first order method (NFOM) to determine the gas tightness reliability at crucial locations of URCs. Using the NFOM, the effect of spatial variability of Ks on gas tightness reliability was investigated. Results show that as variance or spatial structure anisotropy of Ks increases, most of the gas tightness reliability at crucial locations reduces. Meanwhile, we compare the results of NFOM with those of Monte Carlo simulation, and we find the accuracy of NFOM is mainly affected by the magnitude of the variance of Ks. At last, for improving gas containment reliability at crucial locations at this study site, we suggest that vertical

  7. Relative Evaluation of the Independent Volume Measures of Caverns

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Throughout the construction and operation of the caverns of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), three types of cavern volume measurements have been maintained. These are: (1) the calculated solution volume determined during initial construction by solution mining and any subsequent solutioning during oil transfers, (2) the calculated sonar volume determined through sonar surveys of the cavern dimensions, and (3) the direct metering of oil to determine the volume of the cavern occupied by the oil. The objective of this study is to compare these measurements to each other and determine, if possible, the uncertainties associated with a given type ofmore » measurement. Over time, each type of measurement has acquired a customary, or an industry accepted, stated uncertainty. This uncertainty is not necessarily the result of a technical analysis. Ultimately there is one definitive quantity, the oil volume measure by the oil custody transfer meters, taken by all parties to the transfer as the correct ledger amount and for which the SPR Project is accountable. However, subsequent transfers within a site may not be with meters of the same accuracy. In this study, a very simple theory of the perfect relationship is used to evaluate the correlation (deviation) of the various measures. This theory permits separation of uncertainty and bias. Each of the four SPR sites are examined, first with comparisons between the calculated solution volumes and the sonar volumes determined during construction, then with comparisons of the oil inventories and the sonar volumes obtained either by surveying through brine prior to oil filling or through the oil directly.« less

  8. [Septic cavernous sinus thrombosis following ethmoiditis: a case report].


    Ben Abdallah Chabchoub, R; Kmiha, S; Turki, F; Trabelsi, L; Maalej, B; Ben Salah, M; Abdelhédi Gargouri, L; Boukédi, A; Ben Halima, N; Mahfoudh, A


    Acute ethmoiditis is a rare infection of ethmoidal cells. The pathognomonic sign is an edema of the internal corner of the eye. Imaging may be necessary to verify the absence of orbital or endocranial complications. Thrombophlebitis of the cavernous sinus is a serious complication of this infectious process. We report the case of an 11-year-old boy who presented with ethmoiditis complicated with thrombophlebitis of the cavernous sinus, with right hemiplegia and left Bell palsy sequelae. Early diagnosis of this disorder and urgent therapy are essential. Treatment is based on the antibiotic therapy. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  9. Pythium Keratitis Leading to Fatal Cavernous Sinus Thrombophlebitis.


    Rathi, Anubha; Chakrabarti, Arunaloke; Agarwal, Tushar; Pushker, Neelam; Patil, Mukesh; Kamble, Hemant; Titiyal, Jeewan S; Mohan, Rishi; Kashyap, Seema; Sharma, Sanjay; Sen, Seema; Satpathy, Gita; Sharma, Namrata


    To report a case of Pythium insidiosum keratitis leading to fatal cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis. Case report. A 70-year-old man presented with excruciating pain, redness, and diminution of vision in his left eye for 2 weeks after washing his hair with tap water. A total corneal ulcer with surrounding infiltrates and associated corneal thinning was present. Corneal scraping revealed the presence of Gram-positive cocci. KOH wet mount and in vivo confocal microscopy revealed branching hyphae. Combined antibacterial and antifungal treatment was started, but 4 days later, the ulcer showed signs of worsening with perforation for which a large therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty was done. The host cornea showed branching septate hyphae on Sabarouds Dextrose Agar. Two weeks later, the patient developed left eye proptosis with associated extraocular movement restriction. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head and orbit revealed cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis. Lid sparing partial exenteration was performed. Polymerase chain reaction revealed P. insidiosum. The patient subsequently developed a cerebrovascular attack and died of its complications. Ocular pythiosis may lead to cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis and can even be life threatening. Timely diagnosis and early radical surgery are of value. A high index of suspicion must be kept for P. insidiosum in cases with suspected fungal etiology not responding to conventional treatment.

  10. [A case of multiple cavernous angioma with dementia].


    Kariya, S; Kawahara, M; Suzumura, A


    We reported a 65-year-old man who developed dementia since 50 years of age. His consciousness was clear but he was indifferent to his illness. Also, the luck of attention was recognized when we underwent examinations and the result of intellectual test varied every time we performed. His memory function was almost normal on the examination which was performed when he was cooperative. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) disclosed multiple tiny lesions (more than 130 in all) in cerebrum, brainstem, cerebellum and spinal cord. These lesions were compatible with multiple cavernous angioma. Most of lesions manifested high-density area on cranial CT. Though the multiplicity of foci indicated the possibility of familial occurrence, he was considered to be a sporadic case on his lineage investigation and the brain MRI of his only son. In this case, neither headache nor seizures which were known as the major clinical features of intracerebral cavernous angioma was observed. He was diagnosed as having white matter dementia characterized by attentional dysfunction, decrement of volition and less memory disturbance. We speculated that he developed symptomatic dementia by the sum of multiple minor degeneration, especially in frontal lobe white matter, caused by repeated minor bleeding from cavernous angiomas.

  11. Cavernous sinus syndrome in a Holstein bull.


    Jacob, Sarah I; Drees, Randi; Pinkerton, Marie E; Bentley, Ellison M; Peek, Simon F


    A 13-month-old Holstein bull was presented for right-sided exophthalmos. Ophthalmologic examination noted that the animal was visual in both eyes, but that the right pupil was persistently dilated and very sluggish to constrict when stimulated with a bright light and that normal ocular motility was absent. Fundic examination of the right eye was normal as was a complete ophthalmologic examination of the left eye. Radiographs at presentation did not reveal the presence of sinusitis or other skull abnormalities. Initial treatment comprised intravenous antibiotics and anti-inflammatories for orbital inflammation over a 14-day period. There was no perceptible change in the appearance or neuro-ophthalmologic examination of the right eye during hospitalization. The animal was discharged to the owner's care, but 3 weeks later was found recumbent with unilateral strabismus of the left eye and a fixed right pupil. Due to the inability to rise and rapid deterioration, humane euthanasia was performed, and a full postmortem examination, preceded by a MRI, was performed that identified abscesses extending bilaterally through the round foramina obliterating the cavernous sinus region, as well as abscessation of the right mandible, right trigeminal neuritis, right-sided sinusitis, and right-sided otitis media. Cavernous sinus syndrome should be considered in cattle with a combination of exophthalmos and neuro-ophthalmologic abnormalities involving cranial nerves III, IV, V, and VI, whose branches are located within the cavernous sinus. © 2013 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.

  12. The Role of Palliative Radiosurgery When Cancer Invades the Cavernous Sinus

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kano, Hideyuki; Niranjan, Ajay; Kondziolka, Douglas


    Purpose: Involvement of the cavernous sinus by direct invasion from skull base cancer or from metastatic spread of cancers is a challenging problem. We evaluated the role of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) in the treatment of patients who developed cavernous sinus metastases or direct invasion. Methods and Materials: We retrospectively reviewed the data from 37 patients who had cavernous sinus metastases or had cavernous sinus invasion from adjacent skull base cancers and who underwent SRS between 1992 and 2006 at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The median patient age was 57.8 years. Previous adjuvant management included fractionated radiotherapy in 8, chemotherapymore » in 16, and both radiotherapy and chemotherapy in 5. The primary sites of metastases or invasion were nasopharyngeal carcinoma (n = 7), parotid gland carcinoma (n = 7), and metastases from systemic cancer (n = 23). The median target volume was 6.3 cm{sup 3} (range, 0.3-33.6), and the median margin dose was 14 Gy (range, 12-20). Results: At a mean of 12.9 months (range, 0.8-63.9), 32 patients had died and 5 were living. The overall survival rate after SRS was 36.6% and 19.4% at 1 and 2 years, respectively. Progression-free survival was related to a greater marginal dose. After SRS, 12 (35.3%) of 34 patients with neurologic symptoms exhibited improvement. SRS early after diagnosis was significantly associated with improvement of cranial nerve dysfunction. Conclusion: SRS is a minimally invasive palliative option for patients whose cancer has invaded the cavernous sinus. The benefits for cranial nerve deficits are best when SRS is performed early.« less

  13. The cavernous sinus in cluster headache - a quantitative structural magnetic resonance imaging study.


    Arkink, Enrico B; Schoonman, Guus G; van Vliet, Jorine A; Bakels, Hannah S; Sneeboer, Marjolein Am; Haan, Joost; van Buchem, Mark A; Ferrari, Michel D; Kruit, Mark C


    Background It has been hypothesized that a constitutionally narrow cavernous sinus might predispose individuals to cluster headache. Cavernous sinus dimensions, however, have never been assessed. Methods In this case-control study, we measured the dimensions of the cavernous sinus, skull base, internal carotid and pituitary gland with high-resolution T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in 25 episodic, 24 chronic and 13 probable cluster headache patients, 8 chronic paroxysmal hemicrania patients and 22 headache-free controls. Dimensions were compared between groups, correcting for age, sex and transcranial diameter. Results On qualitative inspection, no relevant pathology or anatomic variants that were previously associated with cluster headache or chronic paroxysmal hemicranias were observed in the cavernous sinus or paracavernous structures. The left-to-right transcranial diameter at the temporal fossa level (mean ± SD) was larger in the headache groups (episodic cluster headache: 147.5 ± 7.3 mm, p = 0.044; chronic cluster headache: 150.2 ± 7.3 mm, p < 0.001; probable cluster headache: 146.0 ± 5.3 mm, p = 0.012; and chronic paroxysmal hemicrania: 145.2 ± 9.4 mm, p = 0.044) compared with controls (140.2 ± 8.0 mm). After adjusting for transcranial diameter and correcting for multiple comparisons, there were no differences in the dimensions of the cavernous sinus and surrounding structures between headache patients and controls. Conclusion Patients with cluster headache or chronic paroxysmal hemicrania had wider skulls than headache-free controls, but the proportional dimensions of the cavernous sinus were similar.

  14. Effect of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium salt cations on pH, proteolysis, organic acids, and microbial populations during storage of full-fat Cheddar cheese.


    McMahon, D J; Oberg, C J; Drake, M A; Farkye, N; Moyes, L V; Arnold, M R; Ganesan, B; Steele, J; Broadbent, J R


    Sodium reduction in cheese can assist in reducing overall dietary Na intake, yet saltiness is an important aspect of cheese flavor. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of partial substitution of Na with K on survival of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and nonstarter LAB (NSLAB), pH, organic acid production, and extent of proteolysis as water-soluble nitrogen (WSN) and protein profiles using urea-PAGE, in Cheddar cheese during 9mo of storage. Seven Cheddar cheeses with molar salt contents equivalent to 1.7% salt but with different ratios of Na, K, Ca, and Mg cations were manufactured as well as a low-salt cheese with 0.7% salt. The 1.7% salt cheeses had a mean composition of 352g of moisture/kg, 259g of protein/kg and 50% fat-on-dry-basis, and 17.5g of salt/kg (measured as Cl(-)). After salting, a faster initial decrease in cheese pH occurred with low salt or K substitution and it remained lower throughout storage. No difference in intact casein levels or percentage WSN levels between the various cheeses was observed, with the percentage WSN increasing from 5% at d 1 to 25% at 9mo. A greater decrease in intact αs1-casein than β-casein was detected, and the ratio of αs1-casein (f121-199) to αs1-casein could be used as an index of ripening. Typical changes in bacteria microflora occurred during storage, with lactococci decreasing gradually and NSLAB increasing. Lowering the Na content, even with K replacement, extended the crossover time when NSLAB became dominant. The crossover time was 4.5mo for the control cheese and was delayed to 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2mo for cheeses with 10, 25, 50, and 75% K substitution. Including 10% Mg or Ca, along with 40% K, further increased crossover time, whereas the longest crossover time (7.3mo) was for low-salt cheese. By 9mo, NSLAB levels in all cheeses had increased from initial levels of ≤10(2) to approximately 10(6)cfu/g. Lactococci remained at 10(6) cfu/g in the low-salt cheese even after 9mo of storage. The propionic acid

  15. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Salt Decontamination Testing

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Demmer, Ricky Lynn; Reese, Stephen Joseph


    On February 14, 2014, americium and plutonium contamination was released in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) salt caverns. Several practical, easily deployable methods of decontaminating WIPP salt, using a surrogate contaminant and americium (241Am), were developed and tested. The effectiveness of the methods is evaluated qualitatively, and to the extent practical, quantitatively. Of the methods tested (dry brushing, vacuum cleaning, water washing, mechanical grinding, strippable coatings, and fixative barriers), the most practical seems to be water washing. Effectiveness is very high, and water washing is easy and rapid to deploy. The amount of wastewater produced (~2 L/m2) would bemore » substantial and may not be easy to manage, but the method is the clear winner from a usability perspective. Removable surface contamination levels (smear results) from water washed coupons found no residual removable contamination. Thus, whatever contamination is left is likely adhered to (or trapped within) the salt. The other option that shows promise is the use of a fixative barrier. Bartlett Nuclear, Inc.’s Polymeric Barrier System proved the most durable of the coatings tested. The coatings were not tested for contaminant entrapment, only for coating integrity and durability.« less

  16. Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage due to ruptured cavernous internal carotid artery aneurysm after medical prolactinoma treatment.


    Khalsa, Siri Sahib; Hollon, Todd C; Shastri, Ravi; Trobe, Jonathan D; Gemmete, Joseph J; Pandey, Aditya S


    Aneurysms of the cavernous segment of the internal carotid artery (ICA) are believed to have a low risk of subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH), given the confines of the dural rings and the anterior clinoid process. The risk may be greater when the bony and dural protection has been eroded. We report a case of spontaneous SAH from rupture of a cavernous ICA aneurysm in a patient whose large prolactinoma had markedly decreased in size as the result of cabergoline treatment. After passing a balloon test occlusion, the patient underwent successful endovascular vessel deconstruction. This case suggests that an eroding skull base lesion may distort normal anterior cranial base anatomy and allow communication between the cavernous ICA and subarachnoid space. The potential for SAH due to cavernous ICA aneurysm rupture should be recognised in patients with previous pituitary or other skull base lesions adjacent to the cavernous sinus. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  17. Fluoride salts and container materials for thermal energy storage applications in the temperature range 973 - 1400 K

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Misra, Ajay K.; Whittenberger, J. Daniel


    Multicomponent fluoride salt mixtures were characterized for use as latent heat of fusion heat storage materials in advanced solar dynamic space power systems with operating temperatures in the range of 973 to 1400 K. The melting points and eutectic composition for many systems with published phase diagrams were verified, and several new eutectic compositions were identified. Additionally, the heats of fusion of several binary and ternary eutectics and congruently melting intermediate compounds were measured by differential scanning calorimetry. The extent of corrosion of various metals by fluoride melts was estimated from thermodynamic considerations, and equilibrium conditions inside a containment vessel were calculated as functions of the initial moisture content of the salt and free volume above the molten salt. Preliminary experimental data on the corrosion of commercial, high-temperature alloys in LiF-19.5CaF2 and NaF-27CaF2-36MgF2 melts are presented and compared to the thermodynamic predictions.

  18. Endoscope-assisted resection of cavernous angioma at the foramen of Monro: a case report.


    Matsumoto, Yuji; Kurozumi, Kazuhiko; Shimazu, Yousuke; Ichikawa, Tomotsugu; Date, Isao


    Intraventricular cavernous angiomas are rare pathological entities, and those located at the foramen of Monro are even rarer. We herein present a case of cavernous angioma at the foramen of Monro that was successfully treated by neuroendoscope-assisted surgical removal, and review the relevant literature. A 65-year-old woman had experienced headache and vomiting for 10 days before admission to another hospital. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a mass at the foramen of Monro, and obstructive hydrocephalus of both lateral ventricles. The patient was then referred to our hospital. Neurological examination on admission to our hospital showed memory disturbance (Mini-Mental State Examination 20/30) and wide-based gait. A cavernous angioma at the foramen of Monro was diagnosed based on the typical popcorn-like appearance of the lesion on MRI. The lesion was completely removed by neuroendoscope-assisted transcortical surgery with the Viewsite Brain Access System (Vycor Medical Inc., Boca Raton, FL), leading to a reduction in the size of the ventricles. The resected mass was histologically confirmed to be cavernous angioma. The patient's symptoms resolved immediately and there were no postoperative complications. Minimally invasive neuroendoscope-assisted surgery was used to successfully treat a cavernous angioma at the foramen of Monro.

  19. Geomechanical Model Calibration Using Field Measurements for a Petroleum Reserve

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Park, Byoung Yoon; Sobolik, Steven R.; Herrick, Courtney G.


    A finite element numerical analysis model has been constructed that consists of a mesh that effectively captures the geometries of Bayou Choctaw (BC) Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) site and multimechanism deformation (M-D) salt constitutive model using the daily data of actual wellhead pressure and oil-brine interface location. The salt creep rate is not uniform in the salt dome, and the creep test data for BC salt are limited. Therefore, the model calibration is necessary to simulate the geomechanical behavior of the salt dome. The cavern volumetric closures of SPR caverns calculated from CAVEMAN are used as the field baseline measurement. The structure factor, A 2, and transient strain limit factor, K 0, in the M-D constitutive model are used for the calibration. The value of A 2, obtained experimentally from BC salt, and the value of K 0, obtained from Waste Isolation Pilot Plant salt, are used for the baseline values. To adjust the magnitude of A 2 and K 0, multiplication factors A 2 F and K 0 F are defined, respectively. The A 2 F and K 0 F values of the salt dome and salt drawdown skins surrounding each SPR cavern have been determined through a number of back analyses. The cavern volumetric closures calculated from this model correspond to the predictions from CAVEMAN for six SPR caverns. Therefore, this model is able to predict behaviors of the salt dome, caverns, caprock, and interbed layers. The geotechnical concerns associated with the BC site from this analysis will be explained in a follow-up paper.

  20. Operative management of brainstem cavernous malformations.


    Asaad, Wael F; Walcott, Brian P; Nahed, Brian V; Ogilvy, Christopher S


    Brainstem cavernous malformations (CMs) are complex lesions associated with hemorrhage and neurological deficit. In this review, the authors describe the anatomical nuances relating to the operative techniques for these challenging lesions. The resection of brainstem CMs in properly selected patients has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of rehemorrhage and can be achieved relatively safely in experienced hands.

  1. Cavernous carotid aneurysms in the era of flow diversion: a need to revisit treatment paradigms.


    Tanweer, O; Raz, E; Brunswick, A; Zumofen, D; Shapiro, M; Riina, H A; Fouladvand, M; Becske, T; Nelson, P K


    Recent techniques of endoluminal reconstruction with flow-diverting stents have not been incorporated into treatment algorithms for cavernous carotid aneurysms. This study examines the authors' institutional experience and a systematic review of the literature for outcomes and complications using the Pipeline Embolization Device in unruptured cavernous carotid aneurysms. A retrospective search for cavernous carotid aneurysms from a prospectively collected data base of aneurysms treated with the Pipeline Embolization Device at our institution was performed. Baseline demographic, clinical, and laboratory values; intrainterventional data; and data at all follow-up visits were collected. A systematic review of the literature for complication data was performed with inquiries sent when clarification of data was needed. Forty-three cavernous carotid aneurysms were included in the study. Our mean radiographic follow-up was 2.05 years. On last follow-up, 88.4% of the aneurysms treated had complete or near-complete occlusion. Aneurysm complete or near-complete occlusion rates at 6 months, 12 months, and 36 months were 81.4%, 89.7%, and 100%, respectively. Of patients with neuro-ophthalmologic deficits on presentation, 84.2% had improvement in their visual symptoms. Overall, we had a 0% mortality rate and a 2.3% major neurologic complication rate. Our systematic review of the literature yielded 227 cavernous carotid aneurysms treated with the Pipeline Embolization Device with mortality and morbidity rates of 0.4% and 3.1%, respectively. Endoluminal reconstruction with flow diversion for large unruptured cavernous carotid aneurysms can yield high efficacy with low complications. Further long-term data will be helpful in assessing the durability of the cure; however, we advocate a revisiting of current management paradigms for cavernous carotid aneurysms. © 2014 by American Journal of Neuroradiology.

  2. Effects of hyperglycemia on rat cavernous nerve axons: a functional and ultrastructural study.


    Zotova, Elena G; Schaumburg, Herbert H; Raine, Cedric S; Cannella, Barbara; Tar, Moses; Melman, Arnold; Arezzo, Joseph C


    The present study explored parallel changes in the physiology and structure of myelinated (Adelta) and unmyelinated (C) small diameter axons in the cavernous nerve of rats associated with streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia. Damage to these axons is thought to play a key role in diabetic autonomic neuropathy and erectile dysfunction, but their pathophysiology has been poorly studied. Velocities in slow conducting fibers were measured by applying multiple unit procedures; histopathology was evaluated with both light and electron microscopy. To our knowledge, these are the initial studies of slow nerve conduction velocities in the distal segments of the cavernous nerve. We report that hyperglycemia is associated with a substantial reduction in the amplitude of the slow conducting response, as well as a slowing of velocities within this very slow range (< 2.5 m/s). Even with prolonged hyperglycemia (> 4 months), histopathological abnormalities were mild and limited to the distal segments of the cavernous nerve. Structural findings included dystrophic changes in nerve terminals, abnormal accumulations of glycogen granules in unmyelinated and preterminal axons, and necrosis of scattered smooth muscle fibers. The onset of slowing of velocity in the distal cavernous nerve occurred subsequent to slowing in somatic nerves in the same rats. The functional changes in the cavernous nerve anticipated and exceeded the axonal degeneration detected by morphology. The physiologic techniques outlined in these studies are feasible in most electrophysiologic laboratories and could substantially enhance our sensitivity to the onset and progression of small fiber diabetic neuropathy.


    PubMed Central

    Zotova, Elena G.; Schaumburg, Herbert H.; Raine, Cedric S.; Cannella, Barbara; Tar, Moses; Melman, Arnold; Arezzo, Joseph C.


    The present study explored parallel changes in the physiology and structure of myelinated (Aδ) and unmyelinated (C) small diameter axons in the cavernous nerve of rats associated with streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia. Damage to these axons is thought to play a key role in diabetic autonomic neuropathy and erectile dysfunction, but their pathophysiology has been poorly studied. Velocities in slow conducting fibers were measured by applying multiple unit procedures; histopathology was evaluated with both light and electron microscopy. To our knowledge, these are the initial studies of slow nerve conduction velocities in the distal segments of the cavernous nerve. We report that hyperglycemia is associated with a substantial reduction in the amplitude of the slow conducting response, as well as a slowing of velocities within this very slow range (<2.5 m/sec). Even with prolonged hyperglycemia (> 4 months), histopathological abnormalities were mild and limited to the distal segments of the cavernous nerve. Structural findings included dystrophic changes in nerve terminals, abnormal accumulations of glycogen granules in unmyelinated and preterminal axons, and necrosis of scattered smooth muscle fibers. The onset of slowing of velocity in the distal cavernous nerve occurred subsequent to slowing in somatic nerves in the same rats. The functional changes in the cavernous nerve anticipated and exceeded the axonal degeneration detected by morphology. The physiologic techniques outlined in these studies are feasible in most electrophysiologic laboratories and could substantially enhance our sensitivity to the onset and progression of small fiber diabetic neuropathy. PMID:18687329

  4. Multiple cavernous malformations presenting in a patient with Poland syndrome: A case report

    PubMed Central


    Introduction Poland syndrome is a congenital disorder related to chest and hand anomalies on one side of the body. Its etiology remains unclear, with an ipsilateral vascular alteration (of unknown origin) to the subclavian artery in early embryogenesis being the currently accepted theory. Cavernous malformations are vascular hamartomas, which have been linked to a genetic etiology, particularly in familial cases, which commonly present with multiple lesions. Our case report is the first to describe multiple cavernous malformations associated with Poland syndrome, further supporting the vascular etiology theory, but pointing to a genetic rather than a mechanistic factor disrupting blood flow in the corresponding vessels. Case presentation A 41-year-old Caucasian man with Poland syndrome on the right side of his body presented to our hospital with a secondary generalized seizure and was found to have multiple cavernous malformations distributed in his brain, cerebellum, and brain stem, with a predominance of lesions in the left hemisphere. Conclusion The distribution of cavernous malformations in the left hemisphere and the right-sided Poland syndrome in our patient could not be explained by a mechanistic disruption of one of the subclavian arteries. A genetic alteration, as in familial cavernous malformations, would be a more appropriate etiologic diagnosis of Poland syndrome in our patient. Further genetic and pathological studies of the involved blood vessels in patients with Poland syndrome could lead to a better understanding of the disease. PMID:21933407

  5. Thermal energy storage heat exchanger: Molten salt heat exchanger design for utility power plants

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ferarra, A.; Yenetchi, G.; Haslett, R.; Kosson, R.


    The use of thermal energy storage (TES) in the latent heat of molten salts as a means of conserving fossil fuels and lowering the cost of electric power was evaluated. Public utility systems provided electric power on demand. This demand is generally maximum during late weekday afternoons, with considerably lower overnight and weekend loads. Typically, the average demand is only 60% to 80% of peak load. As peak load increases, the present practice is to purchase power from other grid facilities or to bring older less efficient fossil-fuel plants on line which increase the cost of electric power. The widespread use of oil-fired boilers, gas turbine and diesel equipment to meet peaking loads depletes our oil-based energy resources. Heat exchangers utilizing molten salts can be used to level the energy consumption curve. The study begins with a demand analysis and the consideration of several existing modern fossil-fuel and nuclear power plants for use as models. Salts are evaluated for thermodynamic, economic, corrosive, and safety characteristics. Heat exchanger concepts are explored and heat exchanger designs are conceived. Finally, the economics of TES conversions in existing plants and new construction is analyzed. The study concluded that TES is feasible in electric power generation. Substantial data are presented for TES design, and reference material for further investigation of techniques is included.

  6. Spinal extradural cavernous haemangioma in an elderly man

    PubMed Central

    Rahman, Asifur; Hoque, Saif Ul; Bhandari, Paawan Bahadur; Abu Obaida, Abu Saleh Md


    Cavernous haemangiomas are vascular malformations that may affect any part of the central nervous system. Epidural haemangiomas are rare and constitute ∼4% of all epidural tumours and 12% of all intraspinal haemangiomas. These tumours enlarge slowly and produce symptoms of progressive myelopathy or radiculopathy or both. History, clinical examination, routine radiographs, MRI and histopathological studies are the aids for a definitive diagnosis. Surgery can give a very beneficial result with good functional and neurological improvement. Chance of recurrence is less after a good surgical removal. Here we present a case of spinal extradural cavernous haemangioma in a 65- year-old man who had a good functional and neurological recovery after surgery. At 9 months postoperative follow-up, he did well without any new problems with regard to recurrence. We report this case for its rarity. PMID:22878996

  7. Geomechanical Model Calibration Using Field Measurements for a Petroleum Reserve


    Park, Byoung Yoon; Sobolik, Steven R.; Herrick, Courtney G.


    A finite element numerical analysis model has been constructed that consists of a mesh that effectively captures the geometries of Bayou Choctaw (BC) Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) site and multimechanism deformation (M-D) salt constitutive model using the daily data of actual wellhead pressure and oil–brine interface location. The salt creep rate is not uniform in the salt dome, and the creep test data for BC salt are limited. Therefore, the model calibration is necessary to simulate the geomechanical behavior of the salt dome. The cavern volumetric closures of SPR caverns calculated from CAVEMAN are used as the field baseline measurement.more » The structure factor, A 2, and transient strain limit factor, K o, in the M-D constitutive model are used for the calibration. The value of A 2, obtained experimentally from BC salt, and the value of K o, obtained from Waste Isolation Pilot Plant salt, are used for the baseline values. To adjust the magnitude of A 2 and K0, multiplication factors A 2 F and K o F are defined, respectively. The A 2 F and K0F values of the salt dome and salt drawdown skins surrounding each SPR cavern have been determined through a number of back analyses. The cavern volumetric closures calculated from this model correspond to the predictions from CAVEMAN for six SPR caverns. Therefore, this model is able to predict behaviors of the salt dome, caverns, caprock, and interbed layers. In conclusion, the geotechnical concerns associated with the BC site from this analysis will be explained in a follow-up paper.« less

  8. Geomechanical Model Calibration Using Field Measurements for a Petroleum Reserve

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Park, Byoung Yoon; Sobolik, Steven R.; Herrick, Courtney G.

    A finite element numerical analysis model has been constructed that consists of a mesh that effectively captures the geometries of Bayou Choctaw (BC) Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) site and multimechanism deformation (M-D) salt constitutive model using the daily data of actual wellhead pressure and oil–brine interface location. The salt creep rate is not uniform in the salt dome, and the creep test data for BC salt are limited. Therefore, the model calibration is necessary to simulate the geomechanical behavior of the salt dome. The cavern volumetric closures of SPR caverns calculated from CAVEMAN are used as the field baseline measurement.more » The structure factor, A 2, and transient strain limit factor, K o, in the M-D constitutive model are used for the calibration. The value of A 2, obtained experimentally from BC salt, and the value of K o, obtained from Waste Isolation Pilot Plant salt, are used for the baseline values. To adjust the magnitude of A 2 and K0, multiplication factors A 2 F and K o F are defined, respectively. The A 2 F and K0F values of the salt dome and salt drawdown skins surrounding each SPR cavern have been determined through a number of back analyses. The cavern volumetric closures calculated from this model correspond to the predictions from CAVEMAN for six SPR caverns. Therefore, this model is able to predict behaviors of the salt dome, caverns, caprock, and interbed layers. In conclusion, the geotechnical concerns associated with the BC site from this analysis will be explained in a follow-up paper.« less

  9. Geomechanical Simulation of Bayou Choctaw Strategic Petroleum Reserve - Model Calibration.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Park, Byoung


    A finite element numerical analysis model has been constructed that consists of a realistic mesh capturing the geometries of Bayou Choctaw (BC) Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) site and multi - mechanism deformation ( M - D ) salt constitutive model using the daily data of actual wellhead pressure and oil - brine interface. The salt creep rate is not uniform in the salt dome, and the creep test data for BC salt is limited. Therefore, the model calibration is necessary to simulate the geomechanical behavior of the salt dome. The cavern volumetric closures of SPR caverns calculated from CAVEMAN aremore » used for the field baseline measurement. The structure factor, A 2 , and transient strain limit factor, K 0 , in the M - D constitutive model are used for the calibration. The A 2 value obtained experimentally from the BC salt and K 0 value of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) salt are used for the baseline values. T o adjust the magnitude of A 2 and K 0 , multiplication factors A2F and K0F are defined, respectively. The A2F and K0F values of the salt dome and salt drawdown skins surrounding each SPR cavern have been determined through a number of back fitting analyses. The cavern volumetric closures calculated from this model correspond to the predictions from CAVEMAN for six SPR caverns. Therefore, this model is able to predict past and future geomechanical behaviors of the salt dome, caverns, caprock , and interbed layers. The geological concerns issued in the BC site will be explained from this model in a follow - up report .« less

  10. Fluoride salts and container materials for thermal energy storage applications in the temperature range 973 to 1400 K

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Misra, Ajay K.; Whittenberger, J. Daniel


    Multicomponent fluoride salt mixtures were characterized for use as latent heat of fusion heat storage materials in advanced solar dynamic space power systems with operating temperatures in the range of 973 to 1400 K. The melting points and eutectic composition for many systems with published phase diagrams were verified, and several new eutectic compositions were identified. Additionally, the heats of fusion of several binary and ternary eutectics and congruently melting intermediate compounds were measured by differential scanning calorimetry. The extent of corrosion of various metals by fluoride melts was estimated from thermodynamic considerations, and equilibrium conditions inside a containment vessel were calculated as functions of the initial moisture content of the salt and free volume above the molten salt. Preliminary experimental data on the corrosion of commercial, high-temperature alloys in LiF-19.5CaF2 and NaF-27CaF2-36MgF2 melts are presented and compared to the thermodynamic predictions.

  11. Geohydrology of the northern Louisiana salt-dome basin pertinent to the storage of radioactive wastes; a progress report

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Hosman, R.L.


    Salt domes in northern Louisiana are being considered as possible storage sites for nuclear wastes. The domes are in an area that received regional sedimentation through early Tertiary (Eocene) time with lesser amounts of Quaternary deposits. The Cretaceous-Tertiary accumulation is a few thousand feet thick; the major sands are regional aquifers that extend far beyond the boundaries of the salt-dome basin. Because of multiple aquifers, structural deformation, and variations in the hydraulic characteristics of cap rock, the ground-water hydrology around a salt dome may be highly complex. The Sparta Sand is the most productive and heavily used regional aquifer. It is either penetrated by or overlies most of the domes. A fluid entering the Sparta flow system would move toward one of the pumping centers, all at or near municipalities that pump from the Sparta. Movement could be toward surface drainage where local geologic and hydrologic conditions permit leakage to the surface or to a surficial aquifer. (Woodard-USGS)

  12. Detection of cavernous transformation of the portal vein by contrast-enhanced ultrasound.


    Hwang, Misun; Thimm, Matthew A; Guerrerio, Anthony L


    Cavernous transformation of the portal vein can be missed on color Doppler exam or arterial phase cross-sectional imaging due to their slow flow and delayed enhancement. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) offers many advantages over other imaging techniques and can be used to successfully detect cavernous transformations of the portal vein. A 10-month-old female was followed for repeat episodes of hematemesis. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) and magnetic resonance arteriogram (MRA) and portal venography were performed. Color Doppler exam of the portal vein was performed followed by administration of Lumason, a microbubble US contrast agent. Magnetic resonance arteriogram, CTA, and color Doppler exam at the time of initial presentation was unremarkable without obvious vascular malformation within the limits of motion degraded exam. At 8-month follow-up, esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed a vascular malformation in the distal esophagus which was sclerosed. At 6 month after sclerosis of the lesion, portal venography revealed occlusion of the portal vein with extensive collateralization. Color Doppler revealed subtle hyperarterialization and periportal collaterals. CEUS following color Doppler exam demonstrated extensive enhancement of periportal collaterals. Repeat color Doppler after contrast administration demonstrated extensive Doppler signal in the collateral vessels, suggestive of cavernous transformation. We describe a case of cavernous transformation of the portal vein missed on initial color Doppler, CTA and MRA, but detected with contrast-enhanced ultrasound technique.

  13. Molten salt power towers operating at 600–650 °C: Salt selection and cost benefits


    Turchi, Craig S.; Vidal, Judith; Bauer, Matthew


    This analysis examines the potential benefit of adopting the supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO 2) Brayton cycle at 600-650 degrees C compared to the current state-of-the-art power tower operating a steam-Rankine cycle with solar salt at approximately 574 degrees C. The analysis compares a molten-salt power tower configuration using direct storage of solar salt (60:40 wt% sodium nitrate: potassium nitrate) or single-component nitrate salts at 600 degrees C or alternative carbonate- or chloride-based salts at 650 degrees C.

  14. Molten salt power towers operating at 600–650 °C: Salt selection and cost benefits

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Turchi, Craig S.; Vidal, Judith; Bauer, Matthew

    This analysis examines the potential benefit of adopting the supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO 2) Brayton cycle at 600-650 degrees C compared to the current state-of-the-art power tower operating a steam-Rankine cycle with solar salt at approximately 574 degrees C. The analysis compares a molten-salt power tower configuration using direct storage of solar salt (60:40 wt% sodium nitrate: potassium nitrate) or single-component nitrate salts at 600 degrees C or alternative carbonate- or chloride-based salts at 650 degrees C.

  15. Derivation and application of an analytical rock displacement solution on rectangular cavern wall using the inverse mapping method.


    Gao, Mingzhong; Yu, Bin; Qiu, Zhiqiang; Yin, Xiangang; Li, Shengwei; Liu, Qiang


    Rectangular caverns are increasingly used in underground engineering projects, the failure mechanism of rectangular cavern wall rock is significantly different as a result of the cross-sectional shape and variations in wall stress distributions. However, the conventional computational method always results in a long-winded computational process and multiple displacement solutions of internal rectangular wall rock. This paper uses a Laurent series complex method to obtain a mapping function expression based on complex variable function theory and conformal transformation. This method is combined with the Schwarz-Christoffel method to calculate the mapping function coefficient and to determine the rectangular cavern wall rock deformation. With regard to the inverse mapping concept, the mapping relation between the polar coordinate system within plane ς and a corresponding unique plane coordinate point inside the cavern wall rock is discussed. The disadvantage of multiple solutions when mapping from the plane to the polar coordinate system is addressed. This theoretical formula is used to calculate wall rock boundary deformation and displacement field nephograms inside the wall rock for a given cavern height and width. A comparison with ANSYS numerical software results suggests that the theoretical solution and numerical solution exhibit identical trends, thereby demonstrating the method's validity. This method greatly improves the computing accuracy and reduces the difficulty in solving for cavern boundary and internal wall rock displacements. The proposed method provides a theoretical guide for controlling cavern wall rock deformation failure.

  16. Derivation and application of an analytical rock displacement solution on rectangular cavern wall using the inverse mapping method

    PubMed Central

    Gao, Mingzhong; Qiu, Zhiqiang; Yin, Xiangang; Li, Shengwei; Liu, Qiang


    Rectangular caverns are increasingly used in underground engineering projects, the failure mechanism of rectangular cavern wall rock is significantly different as a result of the cross-sectional shape and variations in wall stress distributions. However, the conventional computational method always results in a long-winded computational process and multiple displacement solutions of internal rectangular wall rock. This paper uses a Laurent series complex method to obtain a mapping function expression based on complex variable function theory and conformal transformation. This method is combined with the Schwarz-Christoffel method to calculate the mapping function coefficient and to determine the rectangular cavern wall rock deformation. With regard to the inverse mapping concept, the mapping relation between the polar coordinate system within plane ς and a corresponding unique plane coordinate point inside the cavern wall rock is discussed. The disadvantage of multiple solutions when mapping from the plane to the polar coordinate system is addressed. This theoretical formula is used to calculate wall rock boundary deformation and displacement field nephograms inside the wall rock for a given cavern height and width. A comparison with ANSYS numerical software results suggests that the theoretical solution and numerical solution exhibit identical trends, thereby demonstrating the method’s validity. This method greatly improves the computing accuracy and reduces the difficulty in solving for cavern boundary and internal wall rock displacements. The proposed method provides a theoretical guide for controlling cavern wall rock deformation failure. PMID:29155892

  17. Carbon burial and storage in tropical salt marshes under the influence of sea level rise.


    Ruiz-Fernández, A C; Carnero-Bravo, V; Sanchez-Cabeza, J A; Pérez-Bernal, L H; Amaya-Monterrosa, O A; Bojórquez-Sánchez, S; López-Mendoza, P G; Cardoso-Mohedano, J G; Dunbar, R B; Mucciarone, D A; Marmolejo-Rodríguez, A J


    Coastal vegetated habitats can be important sinks of organic carbon (C org ) and mitigate global warming by sequestering significant quantities of atmospheric CO 2 and storing sedimentary C org for long periods, although their C org burial and storage capacity may be affected by on-going sea level rise and human intervention. Geochemical data from published 210 Pb-dated sediment cores, collected from low-energy microtidal coastal wetlands in El Salvador (Jiquilisco Bay) and in Mexico (Salada Lagoon; Estero de Urias Lagoon; Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve) were revisited to assess temporal changes (within the last 100years) of C org concentrations, storage and burial rates in tropical salt marshes under the influence of sea level rise and contrasting anthropization degree. Grain size distribution was used to identify hydrodynamic changes, and δ 13 C to distinguish terrigenous sediments from those accumulated under the influence of marine transgression. Although the accretion rate ranges in all sediment records were comparable, C org concentrations (0.2-30%), stocks (30-465Mgha -1 , by extrapolation to 1m depth), and burial rates (3-378gm -2 year -1 ) varied widely within and among the study areas. However, in most sites sea level rise decreased C org concentrations and stocks in sediments, but increased C org burial rates. Lower C org concentrations were attributed to the input of reworked marine particles, which contribute with a lower amount of C org than terrigenous sediments; whereas higher C org burial rates were driven by higher mass accumulation rates, influenced by increased flooding and human interventions in the surroundings. C org accumulation and long-term preservation in tropical salt marshes can be as high as in mangrove or temperate salt marsh areas and, besides the reduction of C org stocks by ongoing sea level rise, the disturbance of the long-term buried C org inventories might cause high CO 2 releases, for which they must be protected as a part of

  18. Fractionated Proton Radiotherapy for Benign Cavernous Sinus Meningiomas

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Slater, Jerry D., E-mail:; Loredo, Lilia N.; Chung, Arthur


    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of fractionated proton radiotherapy for a population of patients with benign cavernous sinus meningiomas. Methods and Materials: Between 1991 and 2002, 72 patients were treated at Loma Linda University Medical Center with proton therapy for cavernous sinus meningiomas. Fifty-one patients had biopsy or subtotal resection; 47 had World Health Organization grade 1 pathology. Twenty-one patients had no histologic verification. Twenty-two patients received primary proton therapy; 30 had 1 previous surgery; 20 had more than 1 surgery. The mean gross tumor volume was 27.6 cm{sup 3}; mean clinical target volume was 52.9 cm{sup 3}. Median totalmore » doses for patients with and without histologic verification were 59 and 57 Gy, respectively. Mean and median follow-up periods were 74 months. Results: The overall 5-year actuarial control rate was 96%; the control rate was 99% in patients with grade 1 or absent histologic findings and 50% for those with atypical histology. All 21 patients who did not have histologic verification and 46 of 47 patients with histologic confirmation of grade 1 tumor demonstrated disease control at 5 years. Control rates for patients without previous surgery, 1 surgery, and 2 or more surgeries were 95%, 96%, and 95%, respectively. Conclusions: Fractionated proton radiotherapy for grade 1 cavernous sinus meningiomas achieves excellent control rates with minimal toxicities, regardless of surgical intervention or use of histologic diagnosis. Disease control for large lesions can be achieved by primary fractionated proton therapy.« less

  19. Effect of chronic low-dose tadalafil on penile cavernous tissues in diabetic rats.


    Mostafa, Mohamed E; Senbel, Amira M; Mostafa, Taymour


    To assess the effect of chronic low-dose administration of tadalafil (Td) on penile cavernous tissue in induced diabetic rats. The study investigaged 48 adult male albino rats, comprising a control group, sham controls, streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, and induced diabetic rats that received Td low-dose daily (0.09 mg/200 g weight) for 2 months. The rats were euthanized 1 day after the last dose. Cavernous tissues were subjected to histologic, immunohistochemical, morphometric studies, and measurement of intracavernosal pressure and mean arterial pressure in anesthetized rats. Diabetic rats demonstrated dilated cavernous spaces, smooth muscles with heterochromatic nuclei, degenerated mitochondria, vacuolated cytoplasm, and negative smooth muscle immunoreactivity. Nerve fibers demonstrated a thick myelin sheath and intra-axonal edema, where blood capillaries exhibited thick basement membrane. Diabetic rats on Td showed improved cavernous organization with significant morphometric increases in the area percentage of smooth muscles and elastic tissue and a significant decrease of fibrous tissue. The Td-treated group showed enhanced erectile function (intracavernosal pressure/mean arterial pressure) at 0.3, 0.5, 1, 3, and 5 Hz compared with diabetic group values at the respective frequencies (P <.05) that approached control values. Chronic low-dose administration of Td in diabetic rats is associated with substantial improvement of the structure of penile cavernous tissue, with increased smooth muscles and elastic tissue, decreased fibrous tissue, and functional enhancement of the erectile function. This raises the idea that the change in penile architecture with Td treatment improves erectile function beyond its half-life and its direct pharmacologic action on phosphodiesterase type 5. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Cavernous Transformation of Portal Vein Secondary to Portal Vein Thrombosis: A Case Report

    PubMed Central

    Ramos, Radhames; Park, Yoojin; Shazad, Ghulamullah; A.Garcia, Christine; Cohen, Ronny


    There are few reported cases of cavernous transformation of the portal vein (CTPV) in adults. We present a case of a 58 year-old male who was found to have this complication due to portal vein thrombosis (PVT). A 58-year old African American male with chronic alcohol and tobacco use presented with a 25-day history of weakness, generalized malaise, nausea and vomiting associated with progressively worsening anorexia and weight loss. The patient was admitted for severe anemia in conjunction with abnormal liver function tests and electrolyte abnormalities, and to rule out end stage liver disease or hepatic malignancy. The work-up for anemia showed no significant colon abnormalities, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis, or liver abnormalities but could not rule out malignancy. An esophageogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) was suspicious for a mass compressing the stomach and small bowel. After further work-up, the hepatic mass has been diagnosed as a cavernous transformation of the portal vein (CTPV), a very rare complication of portal vein thrombosis (PVT). Cavernous Transformation of the Portal Vein (CTPV) is a rare and incurable complication of portal vein thrombosis (PVT) that should be considered as one of the differential diagnoses of a hepatic mass. Keywords Cavernous transformation of the portal vein; Portal vein thrombosis; Portal hypertension; Hyperbilirubinemia; Hepatic mass PMID:22383935

  1. Energy storage-boiler tank

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chubb, T. A.; Nemecek, J. J.; Simmons, D. E.


    Activities performed in an effort to demonstrate heat of fusion energy storage in containerized salts are reported. The properties and cycle life characteristics of a eutectic salt having a boiling point of about 385 C (NaCl, KCl, Mg Cl2) were determined. M-terphenyl was chosen as the heat transfer fluid. Compatibility studies were conducted and mild steel containers were selected. The design and fabrication of a 2MWh storage boiler tank are discussed.

  2. Energy storage-boiler tank

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chubb, T. A.; Nemecek, J. J.; Simmons, D. E.


    Activities performed in an effort to demonstrate heat of fusion energy storage in containerized salts are reported. The properties and cycle life characteristics of a eutectic salt having a boiling point of about 385 C (NaCl, KCl, Mg Cl2) were determined. M-terphenyl was chosen as the heat transfer fluid. Compatibility studies were conducted and mild steel containers were selected. The design and fabrication of a 2MWh storage boiler tank are discussed.

  3. Fibroblast Viability after Storage at 20 °C in Milk, Hank's Balanced Salt Solution and Coconut Water.


    Souza, Beatriz Dulcineia Mendes de; Alves, Ana Maria Hecke; Santos, Luciane Geanini Pena Dos; Simões, Claudia Maria de Oliveira; Felippe, Wilson Tadeu; Felippe, Mara Cristina Santos


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of various storage media at 20 °C in maintaining the viability of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPLF) over time. HPLF were maintained at 20 °C in skim milk (SM), whole milk (WM), freshly prepared Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS), Save-A-Tooth(r), natural coconut water (NCW), coconut water industrialized (ICW) and tap water (negative control) for 3, 6, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h. Cells maintained in Minimal Essential Medium (MEM-37) at 37 °C served as a positive control. Cell viability was determined by MTT assay. Statistical analysis was performed by Kruskal-Wallis test and Scheffe test (α = 5%). From 24 h, NCW was significantly better in maintaining cell viability than all other tested storage media (p<0.05). SM and WM were significantly better than HBSS for up to 72 h. Save-A-Tooth(r) and ICW were the worst conservation storage media. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the tested storage media to maintain the viability of the periodontal ligament cells was as follows, in a descending order: NCW > MEM-37> SM and IM> HBSS> ICW > Save-A-Tooth(r)> tap water.

  4. A creative therapy in treating cavernous hemangioma of penis with copper wire.


    Zhang, Dong; Zhang, Haiyang; Sun, Peng; Li, Peng; Xue, Aibing; Jin, Xunbo


    Cavernous hemangiomas of penis are rare benign lesions infrequently described in the literature. No completely satisfactory treatment has been found to correct the cosmetic deformities especially the extensive hemangiomas of corpus penis. In light of the promising application of copper wire/needle in vascular malformations, we began a clinical study to investigate the safety, feasibility, and cosmetic effect of copper wire therapy in treating cavernous hemangioma of penis. Seven patients ranging in age from 12 to 32 years with penile cavernous hemangiomas entered our study from 2005 to 2011. All patients received treatments with percutaneous copper wires. Perioperative data including mean operation time, estimated blood loss, length of copper wire retention, and length of hospital stay were analyzed. All possible complications were noted, and cosmetic result was evaluated. Patients were followed up after discharge from the hospital. All operations were successful, and no obvious complications were observed. The patients were satisfied with the aesthetic results. Follow-up time ranged from 1 to 5 years. Recurrence was discovered in a patient with the largest lesion of corpus penis 2 months after the treatment. Secondary procedure was carried out with the same technique, and no lesions were found later. The shortage of studies on this topic prevented us from defining a therapeutic reference standard. The results of our study confirmed that copper wire therapy was a simple, safe, and useful option for penile cavernous hemangioma. © 2013 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  5. Speckle reduction during all-fiber common-path optical coherence tomography of the cavernous nerves

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chitchian, Shahab; Fiddy, Michael; Fried, Nathaniel M.


    Improvements in identification, imaging, and visualization of the cavernous nerves during prostate cancer surgery, which are responsible for erectile function, may improve nerve preservation and postoperative sexual potency. In this study, we use a rat prostate, ex vivo, to evaluate the feasibility of optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a diagnostic tool for real-time imaging and identification of the cavernous nerves. A novel OCT system based on an all single-mode fiber common-path interferometer-based scanning system is used for this purpose. A wavelet shrinkage denoising technique using Stein's unbiased risk estimator (SURE) algorithm to calculate a data-adaptive threshold is implemented for speckle noise reduction in the OCT image. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was improved by 9 dB and the image quality metrics of the cavernous nerves also improved significantly.

  6. The 1980 report on NRL energy storage program

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chubb, T. A.; Nemecek, J. J.; Simmons, D. E.; Veith, R. J.


    The development of a means for bulk storage of energy in a form capable of providing demand sensitive steam, heat, or cooling is described. Salt eutectic systems availability and costs of salts, progress on the 2 MWht energy storage boiler tank under construction at NRL, and major elements of storage system costs for this 2 MWht tank which employs a heat transfer fluid are discussed. A radiation coupled energy storage tank concept is also discussed.

  7. Repairing casing at a gas storage field

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hollenbaugh, B.


    This paper reports on the Leyden gas storage field which is a 1.5-Bcf working volume underground gas storage facility locating at the northwest edge of the Denver, Colo., metropolitan area. The field is owned by Public Service Co. of Colorado and operated by its wholly owned subsidiary, Western Gas Supply Co. Logging technology was instrumental in locating casing damage at two wells, identifying the extent of the damage and ensuring a successful repair. The well casings were repaired by installing a liner between two packers, with one packer set above the damage and the other set below it. Special equipmentmore » and procedures were required for workover and drilling operations because of the complications associated with cavern storage. Logging technology can locate damaged casing and evaluate the type and extent of the damage, and also predict the probability of gas migration behind the casing.« less

  8. Deep Fracturing of the Hard Rock Surrounding a Large Underground Cavern Subjected to High Geostress: In Situ Observation and Mechanism Analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feng, Xia-Ting; Pei, Shu-Feng; Jiang, Quan; Zhou, Yang-Yi; Li, Shao-Jun; Yao, Zhi-Bin


    Rocks that are far removed from caverns or tunnels peripheries and subjected to high geostress may undergo `deep fracturing'. Deep fracturing of hard rock can cause serious hazards that cause delays and increase the cost of construction of underground caverns with high sidewalls and large spans (especially when subjected to high geostress). To extensively investigate the mechanism responsible for deep fracturing, and the relationship between fracturing and the excavation & support of caverns, this paper presents a basic procedure for making in situ observations on the deep fracturing process in hard rock. The basic procedure involves predicting the stress concentration zones in the surrounding rocks of caverns induced by excavation using geomechanical techniques. Boreholes are then drilled through these stress concentration zones from pre-existing tunnels (such as auxiliary galleries) toward the caverns before its excavation. Continuous observations of the fracturing of the surrounding rocks are performed during excavation using a borehole camera in the boreholes in order to analyze the evolution of the fracturing process. The deep fracturing observed in a large underground cavern (high sidewalls and large span) in southwest China excavated in basalt under high geostress is also discussed. By continuously observing the hard rock surrounding the arch on the upstream side of the cavern during the excavation of the first three layers, it was observed that the fracturing developed into the surrounding rocks with downward excavation of the cavern. Fracturing was found at distances up to 8-9 m from the cavern periphery during the excavation of Layer III. Also, the cracks propagated along pre-existing joints or at the interfaces between quartz porphyry and the rock matrix. The relationship between deep fracturing of the surrounding rocks and the advance of the cavern working faces was analyzed during excavation of Layer Ib. The results indicate that the extent of the

  9. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ehgartner, Brian L.; Sobolik, Steven Ronald

    This report presents computational analyses that simulate the structural response of caverns at the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Bryan Mound site. The cavern field comprises 20 caverns. Five caverns (1, 2, 4, and 5; 3 was later plugged and abandoned) were acquired from industry and have unusual shapes and a history dating back to 1946. The other 16 caverns (101-116) were leached according to SPR standards in the mid-1980s and have tall cylindrical shapes. The history of the caverns and their shapes are simulated in a 3-D geomechanics model of the site that predicts deformations, strains, and stresses. Future leaching scenariosmore » due to oil drawdowns using fresh water are also simulated by increasing the volume of the caverns. Cavern pressures are varied in the model to capture operational practices in the field. The results of the finite element model are interpreted to provide information on the current and future status of subsidence, well integrity, and cavern stability. The most significant result in this report is relevant to caverns 1, 2, and 5. The caverns have non-cylindrical shapes and have potential regions where the surrounding salt may be damaged during workover procedures. During a workover the normal cavern operating pressure is lowered to service a well. At this point the wellhead pressures are atmospheric. When the workover is complete, the cavern is repressurized. The resulting elastic stresses are sufficient to cause tension and large deviatoric stresses at several locations. With time, these stresses relax to a compressive state due to salt creep. However, the potential for salt damage and fracturing exists. The analyses predict tensile stresses at locations with sharp-edges in the wall geometry, or in the case of cavern 5, in the neck region between the upper and lower lobes of the cavern. The effects do not appear to be large-scale, however, so the only major impact is the potential for stress-induced salt falls in cavern 5, potentially

  10. Dural cavernous sinus fistula: an unusual presentation.

    PubMed Central

    Procope, J. A.; Kidwell, E. D.; Copeland, R. A.; Perry, A. F.


    This article describes a 22-year-old man who presented to the Howard University Hospital emergency room with acute onset of swelling, proptosis, and decreased vision in the right eye preceded by 24 hours of nausea and vomiting. The patient's visual acuity was count fingers in the involved eye with marked proptosis and limitation of ocular motility. There was no history given of any ocular or head trauma. A computed tomography scan of the orbits showed diffuse symmetric enlargement of the extraocular muscles of the right eye, felt to be consistent with an orbital inflammatory pseudotumor. The patient was treated with intravenous steroids initially, then placed on oral prednisone. After minimal improvement on the steroids, a selective external carotid angiogram showed a moderate-sized dural cavernous sinus fistula. The patient underwent selective embolization of the fistula with rapid resolution of periorbital edema and proptosis. Visual acuity was stabilized at 20/200 in the right eye. The differential diagnosis and pathogenesis of carotid cavernous sinus fistulas and the likely pathogenesis of the fistula in this case are discussed. Images Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 PMID:8046763

  11. Pure Spinal Epidural Cavernous Hemangioma with Intralesional Hemorrhage: A Rare Cause of Thoracic Myelopathy

    PubMed Central

    Jang, Donghwan; Kim, Choonghyo; Lee, Seung Jin; Ryu, Young-Joon


    Although cavernous hemangiomas occur frequently in the intracranial structures, they are rare in the spine. Most of spinal hemangiomas are vertebral origin and "pure" epidural hemangiomas not originating from the vertebral bone are very rare. Our spinal hemangioma case is extremely rare because of its "pure" epidural involvement and intralesional hemorrhage. A 64-year-old man presented with progressive paraparesis from two months ago. His motor weakness was rated as grade 4/5 in bilateral lower extremities. He also complained of decreased sensation below the T4 sensory dermatome, which continuously progressed to the higher dermatome level. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated thoracic spinal tumor at T3-T4 level. The tumor was located epidural space compressing thoracic spinal cord ventrally. The tumor was not involved with the thoracic vertebral bone. We performed T3-5 laminectomy and removed the tumor completely. The tumor was not infiltrating into intradural space or vertebral bone. The histopathologic study confirmed the epidural tumor as cavernous hemangioma. Postoperatively, his weakness improved gradually. Four months later, his paraparesis recovered completely. Here, we present a case of pure spinal epidural cavernous hemangioma, which has intralesional hemorrhage. We believe cavernous hemangioma should be included in the differential diagnosis of the spinal epidural tumors. PMID:25110490

  12. Results of stereotactic radiosurgery for patients with imaging defined cavernous sinus meningiomas

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pollock, Bruce E.; Stafford, Scott L.


    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of stereotactic radiosurgery as primary management for patients with imaging defined cavernous sinus meningiomas. Methods: Between 1992 and 2001, 49 patients had radiosurgery for dural-based masses of the cavernous sinus presumed to be meningiomas. The mean patient age was 55.5 years. The mean tumor volume was 10.2 mL; the mean tumor margin dose was 15.9 Gy. The mean follow-up was 58 months (range, 16-144 months). Results: No tumor enlarged after radiosurgery. Twelve of 38 patients (26%) with preexisting diplopia or facial numbness/pain had improvement in cranial nervemore » function. Five patients (10%) had new (n = 3) or worsened (n = 2) trigeminal dysfunction; 2 of these patients (4%) underwent surgery at 20 and 25 months after radiosurgery despite no evidence of tumor progression. Neither patient improved after partial tumor resection. One patient (2%) developed an oculomotor nerve injury. One patient (2%) had an ischemic stroke related to occlusion of the cavernous segment of the internal carotid artery. Event-free survival was 98%, 85%, and 80% at 1, 3, and 7 years after radiosurgery, respectively. Univariate analysis of patient and dosimetric factors found no analyzed factor correlated with postradiosurgical morbidity. Conclusions: Radiosurgery was an effective primary management strategy for patients with an imaging defined cavernous sinus meningioma. Except in situations of symptomatic mass effect, unusual clinical presentation, or atypical imaging features, surgery to confirm the histologic diagnosis is unlikely to provide clinical benefit.« less

  13. Cataract surgery in a case of carotid cavernous fistula

    PubMed Central

    Nair, Akshay Gopinathan; Praveen, Smita Vittal; Noronha, Veena Olma


    A carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF) is an abnormal communication between the cavernous sinus and the carotid arterial system. The ocular manifestations include conjunctival chemosis, proptosis, globe displacement, raised intraocular pressure and optic neuropathy. Although management of CCF in these patients is necessary, the ophthalmologist may also have to treat other ocular morbidities such as cataract. Cataract surgery in patients with CCF may be associated with many possible complications, including suprachoroidal hemorrhage. We describe cataract extraction surgery in 60-year-old female with bilateral spontaneous low-flow CCF. She underwent phacoemulsification via a clear corneal route under topical anesthesia and had an uneventful postoperative phase and recovered successfully. Given the various possible ocular changes in CCF, one must proceed with an intraocular surgery with caution. In this communication, we wish to describe the surgical precautions and the possible pitfalls in cataract surgery in patients with CCF. PMID:25370401

  14. West Hackberry Strategic Petroleum Reserve site brine-disposal monitoring, Year I report. Volume III. Biological oceanography. Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    DeRouen, L.R.; Hann, R.W.; Casserly, D.M.


    The Department of Energy's Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program began discharging brine into the Gulf of Mexico from its West Hackberry site near Cameron, Louisiana in May 1981. The brine originates from underground salt domes being leached with water from the Intracoastal Waterway, making available vast underground storage caverns for crude oil. The effects of brine discharge on aquatic organisms are presented in this volume. The topics covered are: benthos; nekton; phytoplankton; zooplankton; and data management.

  15. Effects of storage temperature on tyramine production by Enterococcus faecalis R612Z1 in water-boiled salted ducks.


    Liu, Fang; Du, Lihui; Wu, Haihong; Wang, Daoying; Zhu, Yongzhi; Geng, Zhiming; Zhang, Muhan; Xu, Weimin


    Tyramine production by Enterococcus faecalis R612Z1 in water-boiled salted ducks was evaluated during storage at different temperatures. The results showed that E. faecalis R612Z1 could produce tyramine in meat samples when the storage temperature was no less than 4°C. The E. faecalis R612Z1 counts of the meat samples reached 10(8) CFU/g on day 7 at 4°C and on day 4 at 10°C. However, the tyramine content of the meat samples stored at 10°C increased to 23.73 μg/g (on day 10), which was greater than the level in the samples stored at 4°C (7.56 μg/g). Reverse transcription quantitative PCR detection of the expression level of the tyrDC gene in E. faecalis R612Z1 in the meat samples revealed no significant changes at different storage temperatures. Thus, the changes in tyramine production of E. faecalis R612Z1 may be due to the different enzymatic activities at different storage temperatures.

  16. Power plant I - Fused salt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roche, M.

    A solar thermal power plant using fused salt as the heat transfer fluid for steam power generation is analyzed for the feasibility of economic operation. The salt is also stored in a tank reservoir for maintaining the primary heat loop at temperatures high enough for the salts to remain liquid, and also to provide reserve power for the steam generator. Initial studies were with eutectic (hitec) salt comprising Na, KOH, and nitrites melting at 146 C, and further studies were performed employing draw salt, which has no nitrite, is more stable at high temperature, and melts at 225 C. The use of draw salt was found to allow a 5 percent reduction in storage capacity. Further examinations of the effects of the hitec salts on corrosion and composition degradation at high temperatures are indicated. The molten salt system is projected to offer an efficiency of 26 percent.

  17. [Deposition and burial of organic carbon in coastal salt marsh: research progress].


    Cao, Lei; Song, Jin-Ming; Li, Xue-Gang; Yuan, Hua-Mao; Li, Ning; Duan, Li-Qin


    Coastal salt marsh has higher potential of carbon sequestration, playing an important role in mitigating global warming, while coastal saline soil is the largest organic carbon pool in the coastal salt marsh carbon budget. To study the carbon deposition and burial in this soil is of significance for clearly understanding the carbon budget of coastal salt marsh. This paper summarized the research progress on the deposition and burial of organic carbon in coastal salt marsh from the aspects of the sources of coastal salt marsh soil organic carbon, soil organic carbon storage and deposition rate, burial mechanisms of soil organic carbon, and the relationships between the carbon sequestration in coastal salt marsh and the global climate change. Some suggestions for the future related researches were put forward: 1) to further study the underlying factors that control the variability of carbon storage in coastal salt marsh, 2) to standardize the methods for measuring the carbon storage and the deposition and burial rates of organic carbon in coastal salt marsh, 3) to quantify the lateral exchange of carbon flux between coastal salt marsh and adjacent ecosystems under the effects of tide, and 4) to approach whether the effects of global warming and the increased productivity could compensate for the increase of the organic carbon decomposition rate resulted from sediment respiration. To make clear the driving factors determining the variability of carbon sequestration rate and how the organic carbon storage is affected by climate change and anthropogenic activities would be helpful to improve the carbon sequestration capacity of coastal salt marshes in China.

  18. Phase II Study to Assess the Efficacy of Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Patients With Large Cavernous Sinus Hemangiomas

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang Xin; Liu Xiaoxia; Mei Guanghai

    Purpose: Cavernous sinus hemangioma is a rare vascular tumor. The direct microsurgical approach usually results in massive hemorrhage. Although radiosurgery plays an important role in managing cavernous sinus hemangiomas as a treatment alternative to microsurgery, the potential for increased toxicity with single-session treatment of large tumors is a concern. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in patients with large cavernous sinus hemangiomas. Methods: Fourteen patients with large (volume >20 cm{sup 3}) cavernous sinus hemangiomas were enrolled in a prospective Phase II study between December 2007 and December 2010. The hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapymore » dose was 21 Gy delivered in 3 fractions. Results: After a mean follow-up of 15 months (range, 6-36 months), the magnetic resonance images showed a mean of 77% tumor volume reduction (range, 44-99%). Among the 6 patients with cranial nerve impairments before hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy, 1 achieved symptomatic complete resolution and 5 had improvement. No radiotherapy-related complications were observed during follow-up. Conclusion: Our current experience, though preliminary, substantiates the role of hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for large cavernous sinus hemangiomas. Although a longer and more extensive follow-up is needed, hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy of 21 Gy delivered in 3 fractions is effective in reducing the tumor volume without causing any new deficits and can be considered as a treatment modality for large cavernous sinus hemangiomas.« less

  19. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Stein, Joshua S.; Rautman, Christopher Arthur

    The Bryan Mound salt dome, located near Freeport, Texas, is home to one of four underground crude oil-storage facilities managed by the U. S. Department of Energy Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) Program. Sandia National Laboratories, as the geotechnical advisor to the SPR, conducts site-characterization investigations and other longer-term geotechnical and engineering studies in support of the program. This report describes the conversion of two-dimensional geologic interpretations of the Bryan Mound site into three-dimensional geologic models. The new models include the geometry of the salt dome, the surrounding sedimentary units, mapped faults, and the 20 oil-storage caverns at the site. Thismore » work provides an internally consistent geologic model of the Bryan Mound site that can be used in support of future work.« less

  20. Calvarial bone cavernous hemangioma with intradural invasion: An unusual aggressive course-Case report and literature review.


    Nasi, Davide; Somma, Lucia di; Iacoangeli, Maurizio; Liverotti, Valentina; Zizzi, Antonio; Dobran, Mauro; Gladi, Maurizio; Scerrati, Massimo


    Cavernous hemangioma of the skull is a rare pathological diagnosis, accounting for 0.2% of bone tumors and 7% of skull tumors. Usually calvarial bone cavernous hemangioma are associated with a benign clinical course and, despite their enlargement and subsequent erosion of the surrounding bone, the inner table of the skull remains intact and the lesion is completely extracranial. The authors present the unique case of a huge left frontal bone cavernous malformation with intradural extension and brain compression determining a right hemiparesis. Calvarial cavernous hemangiomas are benign tumors. They arise from vessels in the diploic space and tend to involve the outer table of the skull with relative sparing of the inner table. More extensive involvement of the inner table and extradural space is very unusual and few cases are reported in literature. To the best of our knowledge, intradural invasion of calvarial hemangioma has not been previously reported. Our case highlights the possibility of an aggressive course of this rare benign pathology. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  1. Calvarial bone cavernous hemangioma with intradural invasion: An unusual aggressive course—Case report and literature review

    PubMed Central

    Nasi, Davide; Somma, Lucia di; Iacoangeli, Maurizio; Liverotti, Valentina; Zizzi, Antonio; Dobran, Mauro; Gladi, Maurizio; Scerrati, Massimo


    Introduction Cavernous hemangioma of the skull is a rare pathological diagnosis, accounting for 0.2% of bone tumors and 7% of skull tumors. Usually calvarial bone cavernous hemangioma are associated with a benign clinical course and, despite their enlargement and subsequent erosion of the surrounding bone, the inner table of the skull remains intact and the lesion is completely extracranial. Presentation of a case The authors present the unique case of a huge left frontal bone cavernous malformation with intradural extension and brain compression determining a right hemiparesis. Discussion Calvarial cavernous hemangiomas are benign tumors. They arise from vessels in the diploic space and tend to involve the outer table of the skull with relative sparing of the inner table. More extensive involvement of the inner table and extradural space is very unusual and few cases are reported in literature. To the best of our knowledge, intradural invasion of calvarial hemangioma has not been previously reported. Conclusion Our case highlights the possibility of an aggressive course of this rare benign pathology. PMID:27061482

  2. Designed angiopoietin-1 variant, COMP-angiopoietin-1, rescues erectile function through healthy cavernous angiogenesis in a hypercholesterolemic mouse

    PubMed Central

    Ryu, Ji-Kan; Kim, Woo Jean; Koh, Young Jun; Piao, Shuguang; Jin, Hai-Rong; Lee, Sae-Won; Choi, Min Ji; Shin, Hwa-Yean; Kwon, Mi-Hye; Jung, Keehoon; Koh, Gou Young; Suh, Jun-Kyu


    Despite the advent of oral phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, curative treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) remains unavailable. Recently, the link between ED and cardiovascular disease was unveiled and the main etiology of ED was found to be vasculogenic. Therefore, neovascularization is a promising strategy for curing ED. Angiopoietin-1 (Ang1) is an angiogenic growth factor that promotes the generation of stable and functional vasculature. Here, we demonstrate that local delivery of the soluble, stable, and potent Ang1 variant, COMP-Ang1 gene or protein, into the penises of hypercholesterolemic mice increases cavernous angiogenesis, eNOS phosphorylation, and cGMP expression, resulting in full recovery of erectile function and cavernous blood flow up to 8 weeks after treatment. COMP-Ang1-induced promotion of cavernous angiogenesis and erectile function was abolished in Nos3-/- mice and in the presence of the NOS inhibitor, L-NAME. COMP-Ang1 also restored the integrity of endothelial cell-cell junction by down-regulating the expression of histone deacetylase 2 in the penis of hypercholesterolemic mice and in primary cultured mouse cavernous endothelial cells. These findings constitute a new paradigm toward curative treatment of both cavernous angiopathy and ED. PMID:25783805

  3. Flow diversion in the treatment of carotid injury and carotid-cavernous fistula after transsphenoidal surgery

    PubMed Central

    Lum, Cheemum; Ahmed, Muhammad E; Glikstein, Rafael; dos Santos, Marlise P; Lesiuk, Howard; Labib, Mohamed; Kassam, Amin B


    We describe a case of iatrogenic carotid injury with secondary carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF) treated with a silk flow diverter stent placed within the injured internal carotid artery and coils placed within the cavernous sinus. Flow diverters may offer a simple and potentially safe vessel-sparing option in this rare complication of transsphenoidal surgery. The management options are discussed and the relevant literature is reviewed. PMID:26015526

  4. High temperature thermal energy storage, including a discussion of TES integrated into power plants

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Turner, R. H.


    Storage temperatures of 260 C and above are considered. Basic considerations concerning energy thermal storage are discussed, taking into account general aspects of thermal energy storage, thermal energy storage integrated into power plants, thermal storage techniques and technical considerations, and economic considerations. A description of system concepts is provided, giving attention to a survey of proposed concepts, storage in unpressurized fluids, water storage in pressurized containers, the use of an underground lined cavern for water storage, a submerged thin insulated steel shell under the ocean containing pressurized water, gas passage through solid blocks, a rock bed with liquid heat transport fluid, hollow steel ingots, heat storage in concrete or sand, sand in a fluidized bed, sand poured over pipes, a thermal energy storage heat exchanger, pipes or spheres filled with phase change materials (PCM), macroencapsulated PCM with heat pipe concept for transport fluid, solid PCM removed from heat transfer pipes by moving scrapers, and the direct contact between PCM and transport fluid.

  5. Successful Transarterial Embolization of a Posttraumatic Fistula Between a Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm and the Cavernous Sinus: A Case Report.


    Jinbo, Yin; Jun, Liu; Kejie, Mou; Zheng, Zhou


    Posterior communicating artery (PCoA) aneurysm-cavernous sinus fistulae are an extremely rare complication of head injury . The treatment of PCoA aneurysm-cavernous sinus fistulae has not been well described. A 27-year-old man was admitted with a retroocular bruit and blurred vision of the left eye seven months after a severe head injury. We report the angiographic appearance of a posterior communicating artery (PCoA) aneurysm with a fistula to the cavernous sinus. This injury had been previously misinterpreted to be a PCoA aneurysm by computerized tomographic angiography (CTA). The patient was successfully treated with coils and Onyx of a fistula between the PCoA aneurysm and cavernous sinus.

  6. Distillation and condensation of LiCl-KCl eutectic salts for a separation of pure salts from salt wastes from an electrorefining process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eun, Hee Chul; Yang, Hee Chul; Lee, Han Soo; Kim, In Tae


    Salt separation and recovery from the salt wastes generated from a pyrochemical process is necessary to minimize the high-level waste volumes and to stabilize a final waste form. In this study, the thermal behavior of the LiCl-KCl eutectic salts containing rare earth oxychlorides or oxides was investigated during a vacuum distillation and condensation process. LiCl was more easily vaporized than the other salts (KCl and LiCl-KCl eutectic salt). Vaporization characteristics of LiCl-KCl eutectic salts were similar to that of KCl. The temperature to obtain the vaporization flux (0.1 g min -1 cm -2) was decreased by much as 150 °C by a reduction of the ambient pressure from 5 Torr to 0.5 Torr. Condensation behavior of the salt vapors was different with the ambient pressure. Almost all of the salt vapors were condensed and were formed into salt lumps during a salt distillation at the ambient pressure of 0.5 Torr and they were collected in the condensed salt storage. However, fine salt particles were formed when the salt distillation was performed at 10 Torr and it is difficult for them to be recovered. Therefore, it is thought that a salt vacuum distillation and condensation should be performed to recover almost all of the vaporized salts at a pressure below 0.5 Torr.

  7. Storage of Residual Fuel Oil in Underground Unlined Rock Caverns.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    underground space as the above-mentioned companies.) These companies are anxious to market their experience and cite contacts with the U.S. Department of...expanding marketing efforts. Detailed descriptions 13. In the original plan for producing a generic study of the four storage media, it was decided to...Jollanssonr and Mr. Tuomlo SaarniI Manager, Market ing Energy Sector (Bibl: 14, 15, arid 16). 13 . Ekono Oy is one ol the four companies forming the

  8. Severe progressive scoliosis due to huge subcutaneous cavernous hemangioma: A case report

    PubMed Central


    Cavernous hemangioma consists mainly of congenital vascular malformations present before birth and gradually increasing in size with skeletal growth. A small number of patients with cavernous hemangioma develop scoliosis, and surgical treatment for the scoliosis in such cases has not been reported to date. Here we report a 12-year-old male patient with severe progressive scoliosis due to a huge subcutaneous cavernous hemangioma, who underwent posterior correction and fusion surgery. Upon referral to our department, radiographs revealed a scoliosis of 85° at T6-L1 and a kyphosis of 58° at T4-T10. CT and MR images revealed a huge hemangioma extending from the subcutaneous region to the paraspinal muscles and the retroperitoneal space and invading the spinal canal. Posterior correction and fusion surgery using pedicle screws between T2 and L3 were performed. Massive hemorrhage from the hemangioma occurred during the surgery, with intraoperative blood loss reaching 2800 ml. The scoliosis was corrected to 59°, and the kyphosis to 45° after surgery. Seven hours after surgery, the patient suffered from hypovolemic shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation due to postoperative hemorrhage from the hemangioma. The patient developed sensory and conduction aphasia caused by cerebral hypoxia during the shock on the day of the surgery. At present, two years after the surgery, although the patient has completely recovered from the aphasia. This case illustrates that, in correction surgery for scoliosis due to huge subcutaneous cavernous hemangioma, intraoperative and postoperative intensive care for hemodynamics should be performed, since massive hemorrhage can occur during the postoperative period as well as the intraoperative period. PMID:21414205

  9. Artificial embolization of carotid-cavernous fistula with post-operative patency of internal carotid artery

    PubMed Central

    Isamat, Fabian; Salleras, V.; Miranda, A. M.


    This report deals with a patient of 86 who developed a carotid-cavernous fistula. Artificial embolization alone was considered the safest treatment for this patient and proved to be adequate. Post-operative preservation of the patency of the internal carotid artery was demonstrated by angiography. We believe this method is particularly appropriate for carotid-cavernous fistulas if it is demonstrated by angiography that the major blood flow of the carotid artery pours into the fistula. A soft-iron clip attached to the muscle can be used for external and forceful guidance of the embolus into the fistula with the help of an electromagnet, hence the patency of the internal carotid artery can be preserved. The embolus should be introduced through the external carotid artery. This is the only case known to us in which patency of the internal carotid artery was post-operatively maintained. We have reviewed 545 reported cases of surgically treated carotid-cavernous fistulas and analysed the results from simple cervical carotid ligation to the more sophisticated methods of artificial embolizations. The results obtained by artificial embolization have been consistently good, while the other techniques have failed in large percentages. Artificial embolization should be used as the primary treatment for carotid-cavernous fistula, since ligation of the internal carotid artery precludes its embolization at a later date. Images PMID:5478949

  10. [Clinical picture and complex treatment of septic thromboses of the cavernous sinuses].


    Mozhaev, S V; Zubkov, Iu N; Ponomarev, A M; Shimchenko, P Ia


    Under analysis are etiology, clinical picture and diagnosis of a septic thrombosis of cavernous sinuses in 28 patients. The authors have shown the interrelationship between local manifestations of the disease, injuries of the brain and its sheaths and septic complications (abscessing pneumonia as the most severe of them). A scheme of the complex treatment of patients with thrombosis of the cavernous sinus is proposed. The leading role in this treatment is played by intracarotid infusion of antibiotics in combination with anticoagulant drugs, vasodilatatory agents and novocaine as well as the therapy of septic complications (abscesses of the face and hairy part of the head, meningoencephalitis, pneumonia).

  11. Preoperative diagnosis of orbital cavernous hemangioma: a 99mTc-RBC SPECT study.


    Burroni, Luca; Borsari, Giulia; Pichierri, Patrizia; Polito, Ennio; Toscano, Olga; Grassetto, Gaia; Al-Nahhas, Adil; Rubello, Domenico; Vattimo, Angelo Giuseppe


    This study aimed to describe 99mTc-labeled RBC scintigraphy as a diagnostic method for orbital cavernous hemangiomas and to evaluate this diagnostic tool according to surgical outcomes. Fifty-five patients with clinical and radiological (US, CT, and/or MRI) suspicion of unilateral cavernous hemangioma of the orbit underwent 99mTc-RBC SPECT study.Qualitative and semiquantitative evaluations were performed, and results were statistically analyzed. SPECT images showed focal uptake in the orbital mass in 36 of 55 patients. Nineteen patients had a negative scintigraphic pattern, with concordance of early and late absence of uptake of 99mTc-RBC.Our procedure showed 100% sensitivity and 88.9% specificity for the diagnosis of orbital cavernous hemangioma, with a positive predictive value of 90.9% and a negative predictive value of 100%. 99mTc-RBC imaging is safe, easy to perform, and highly accurate in providing adequate clinical and surgical management. As a noninvasive and highly specific method for diagnosing orbital hemangioma, 99mTc-RBC scintigraphy can avoid more invasive imaging or biopsy.

  12. Segmentation of optical coherence tomography images for differentiation of the cavernous nerves from the prostate gland

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chitchian, Shahab; Weldon, Thomas P.; Fried, Nathaniel M.


    The cavernous nerves course along the surface of the prostate and are responsible for erectile function. Improvements in identification, imaging, and visualization of the cavernous nerves during prostate cancer surgery may improve nerve preservation and postoperative sexual potency. Two-dimensional (2-D) optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the rat prostate were segmented to differentiate the cavernous nerves from the prostate gland. To detect these nerves, three image features were employed: Gabor filter, Daubechies wavelet, and Laws filter. The Gabor feature was applied with different standard deviations in the x and y directions. In the Daubechies wavelet feature, an 8-tap Daubechies orthonormal wavelet was implemented, and the low-pass sub-band was chosen as the filtered image. Last, Laws feature extraction was applied to the images. The features were segmented using a nearest-neighbor classifier. N-ary morphological postprocessing was used to remove small voids. The cavernous nerves were differentiated from the prostate gland with a segmentation error rate of only 0.058+/-0.019. This algorithm may be useful for implementation in clinical endoscopic OCT systems currently being studied for potential intraoperative diagnostic use in laparoscopic and robotic nerve-sparing prostate cancer surgery.

  13. Segmentation of optical coherence tomography images for differentiation of the cavernous nerves from the prostate gland.


    Chitchian, Shahab; Weldon, Thomas P; Fried, Nathaniel M


    The cavernous nerves course along the surface of the prostate and are responsible for erectile function. Improvements in identification, imaging, and visualization of the cavernous nerves during prostate cancer surgery may improve nerve preservation and postoperative sexual potency. Two-dimensional (2-D) optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the rat prostate were segmented to differentiate the cavernous nerves from the prostate gland. To detect these nerves, three image features were employed: Gabor filter, Daubechies wavelet, and Laws filter. The Gabor feature was applied with different standard deviations in the x and y directions. In the Daubechies wavelet feature, an 8-tap Daubechies orthonormal wavelet was implemented, and the low-pass sub-band was chosen as the filtered image. Last, Laws feature extraction was applied to the images. The features were segmented using a nearest-neighbor classifier. N-ary morphological postprocessing was used to remove small voids. The cavernous nerves were differentiated from the prostate gland with a segmentation error rate of only 0.058+/-0.019. This algorithm may be useful for implementation in clinical endoscopic OCT systems currently being studied for potential intraoperative diagnostic use in laparoscopic and robotic nerve-sparing prostate cancer surgery.

  14. Urethral cavernous hemangioma in a female patient: a rare entity

    PubMed Central

    Bolat, Mustafa Suat; Yüzüncü, Kubilay; Akdeniz, Ekrem; Demirdoven, Ayse Nurten


    Genitourinary hemangiomas are rare entities of the urinary system. We reported a female patient who suffered dyspareunia and intermitant hematuria that was proved as urethral cavernous hemangioma. Despite its benign nature, hemangiomas may recur due to incomplet excision. PMID:26985270

  15. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Salt Decontamination Testing

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rick Demmer; Stephen Reese


    On February 14, 2014, americium and plutonium contamination was released in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) salt caverns. At the request of WIPP’s operations contractor, Idaho National Laboratory (INL) personnel developed several methods of decontaminating WIPP salt, using surrogate contaminants and also americium (241Am). The effectiveness of the methods is evaluated qualitatively, and to the extent possible, quantitatively. One of the requirements of this effort was delivering initial results and recommendations within a few weeks. That requirement, in combination with the limited scope of the project, made in-depth analysis impractical in some instances. Of the methods tested (dry brushing,more » vacuum cleaning, water washing, strippable coatings, and mechanical grinding), the most practical seems to be water washing. Effectiveness is very high, and it is very easy and rapid to deploy. The amount of wastewater produced (2 L/m2) would be substantial and may not be easy to manage, but the method is the clear winner from a usability perspective. Removable surface contamination levels (smear results) from the strippable coating and water washing coupons found no residual removable contamination. Thus, whatever is left is likely adhered to (or trapped within) the salt. The other option that shows promise is the use of a fixative barrier. Bartlett Nuclear, Inc.’s Polymeric Barrier System (PBS) proved the most durable of the coatings tested. The coatings were not tested for contaminant entrapment, only for coating integrity and durability.« less

  16. Benign mass in tonsil- cavernous hemangioma.


    Joseph, Sumitha; Prakash, M; Mohammed, Hafida K; Govar, Aberna


    Cavernous hemangioma is also called as 'ANGIOMA CAVERNOSUM' or 'CAVERNOMA' as benign lesion of blood vessels. They are similar to strawberry hemangioma but deeply situated. Although most often associated with skin it is also sometimes found in mucous membrane, brain and the viscera. The diagnosis of hemangiomas is mainly based on clinical evaluation . Isolated hemangiomas in the tonsillar tissue is a rare occurance. In this we report had a case of adult tonsillar hemangioma of left side associated with recurrent tonsillitis . He was effectively managed surgically without any complications.

  17. Navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation in preoperative planning for the treatment of motor area cavernous angiomas

    PubMed Central

    Paiva, Wellingson Silva; Fonoff, Erich Talamoni; Marcolin, Marco Antonio; Bor-Seng-Shu, Edson; Figueiredo, Eberval Gadelha; Teixeira, Manoel Jacobsen


    Since the introduction of microscopic techniques, radical surgery for cavernous angiomas has become a recommended treatment option. However, the treatment of motor area cavernous angioma represents a great challenge for the surgical team. Here, we describe an approach guided by frameless neuronavigation and preoperative functional mapping with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), for surgical planning. We used TMS to map the motor cortex and its relationship with the angioma. We achieved complete resection of the lesions in the surgeries, while avoiding areas of motor response identified during the preoperative mapping. We verified the complete control of seizures (Engel class 1A) in the patients with previous refractory epilepsy. Postsurgery, one patient was seizure-free without medication, and two patients required only one medication for seizure control. Thus, navigated TMS appears to be a useful tool, in preoperative planning for cavernous angiomas of the motor area. PMID:24353424

  18. Salt-stressed fresh cut leek accelerates CO₂ and C₂H₄ production and enhances the development of quality characteristics of traditional Greek sausages during storage.


    Madentzidou, Eleftheria; Gerasopoulos, Dimitrios; Siomos, Anastasios; Bloukas, Ioannis


    Fresh cut leek was mixed with salt for 0.5 (IM) and 5 (LM) min or remained untreated (control) and stored alone or mixed with minced meat and seasonings, cased and stored at 15 °C for 7 days. The fresh cut leek and sausage metabolics and sausage microbiological and physicochemical traits were measured during storage. Sausages with LM leek had significantly higher counts of lactic acid bacteria, faster rates of pH drop and dehydration and increased red color compared with the other treatments. Sausage to fresh cut leek peaks of CO₂ or C₂H₄ production was 5 or 2 fold higher in LM than the other treatments indicating that the sausage flora was the source of both. The use of salt-stressed fresh cut leek before manufacture of sausages enhances microbial activity as well as its stability and shortens the necessary storage time needed for the development of the quality characteristics of Greek traditional sausages. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Virtual Reality Model of the Three-Dimensional Anatomy of the Cavernous Sinus Based on a Cadaveric Image and Dissection.


    Qian, Zeng-Hui; Feng, Xu; Li, Yang; Tang, Ke


    Studying the three-dimensional (3D) anatomy of the cavernous sinus is essential for treating lesions in this region with skull base surgeries. Cadaver dissection is a conventional method that has insurmountable flaws with regard to understanding spatial anatomy. The authors' research aimed to build an image model of the cavernous sinus region in a virtual reality system to precisely, individually and objectively elucidate the complete and local stereo-anatomy. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging scans were performed on 5 adult cadaver heads. Latex mixed with contrast agent was injected into the arterial system and then into the venous system. Computed tomography scans were performed again following the 2 injections. Magnetic resonance imaging scans were performed again after the cranial nerves were exposed. Image data were input into a virtual reality system to establish a model of the cavernous sinus. Observation results of the image models were compared with those of the cadaver heads. Visualization of the cavernous sinus region models built using the virtual reality system was good for all the cadavers. High resolutions were achieved for the images of different tissues. The observed results were consistent with those of the cadaver head. The spatial architecture and modality of the cavernous sinus were clearly displayed in the 3D model by rotating the model and conveniently changing its transparency. A 3D virtual reality model of the cavernous sinus region is helpful for globally and objectively understanding anatomy. The observation procedure was accurate, convenient, noninvasive, and time and specimen saving.

  20. Thermal energy storage flight experiments

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Namkoong, D.


    Consideration is given to the development of an experimental program to study heat transfer, energy storage, fluid movement, and void location under microgravity. Plans for experimental flight packages containing Thermal Energy Storage (TES) material applicable for advanced solar heat receivers are discussed. Candidate materials for TES include fluoride salts, salt eutectics, silicides, and metals. The development of a three-dimensional computer program to describe TES material behavior undergoing melting and freezing under microgravity is also discussed. The TES experiment concept and plans for ground and flight tests are outlined.

  1. Fusible pellet transport and storage of heat

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bahrami, P. A.


    A new concept for both transport and storage of heat at high temperatures and heat fluxes is introduced and the first steps in analysis of its feasibility is taken. The concept utilizes the high energy storage capability of materials undergoing change of phase. The phase change material, for example a salt, is encapsulated in corrosion resistant sealed pellets and transported in a carrier fluid to heat source and storage. Calculations for heat transport from a typical solar collector indicate that the pellet mass flow rates are relatively small and that the required pumping power is only a small fraction of the energy transport capability of the system. Salts and eutectic salt mixtures as candidate phase change materials are examined and discussed. Finally, the time periods for melting or solidification of sodium chloride pellets is investigated and reported.

  2. Fusible pellet transport and storage of heat

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bahrami, P. A.


    A new concept for both transport and storage of heat at high temperatures and heat fluxes is introduced and the first steps in analysis of its feasibility is taken. The concept utilizes the high energy storage capability of materials undergoing change of phase. The phase change material, for example a salt, is encapsulated in corrosion resistant sealed pellets and transported in a carrier fluid to heat source and storage. Calculations for heat transport from a typical solar collector indicate that the pellet mass flow rates are relatively small and that the required pumping power is only a small fraction of the energy transport capability of the system. Salts and eutectic salt mixtures as candidate phase change materials are examined and discussed. Finally, the time periods for melting or solidification of sodium chloride pellets is investigated and reported.

  3. Focal dystonia secondary to cavernous angioma of the basal ganglia: case report and review of the literature.


    Lorenzana, L; Cabezudo, J M; Porras, L F; Polaina, M; Rodriguez-Sanchez, J A; Garcia-Yagüe, L M


    The case of a young woman with focal dystonia of the hand due to a cavernous angioma of the basal ganglia is presented. The lesion involved the anterior third of the lentiform nucleus and a large portion of white matter anterior to this nucleus and lateral to the head of the caudate, as shown by magnetic resonance imaging; it was completely removed through a computed tomography-assisted stereotactic craniotomy by microsurgical technique, resulting in the cure of the patient. These facts support the pathophysiological hypothesis of a disruption of the striatopallidothalamic projection to the premotor cortex as the cause of symptomatic dystonia. A review of the reported cases of cavernous angiomas of the deep cerebral gray nuclei shows that this is the first case of cavernous angioma associated with movement disorder.

  4. Metal salt catalysts for enhancing hydrogen spillover


    Yang, Ralph T; Wang, Yuhe


    A composition for hydrogen storage includes a receptor, a hydrogen dissociating metal doped on the receptor, and a metal salt doped on the receptor. The hydrogen dissociating metal is configured to spill over hydrogen to the receptor, and the metal salt is configured to increase a rate of the spill over of the hydrogen to the receptor.

  5. Relevance of deep-subsurface microbiology for underground gas storage and geothermal energy production.


    Gniese, Claudia; Bombach, Petra; Rakoczy, Jana; Hoth, Nils; Schlömann, Michael; Richnow, Hans-Hermann; Krüger, Martin


    This chapter gives the reader an introduction into the microbiology of deep geological systems with a special focus on potential geobiotechnological applications and respective risk assessments. It has been known for decades that microbial activity is responsible for the degradation or conversion of hydrocarbons in oil, gas, and coal reservoirs. These processes occur in the absence of oxygen, a typical characteristic of such deep ecosystems. The understanding of the responsible microbial processes and their environmental regulation is not only of great scientific interest. It also has substantial economic and social relevance, inasmuch as these processes directly or indirectly affect the quantity and quality of the stored oil or gas. As outlined in the following chapter, in addition to the conventional hydrocarbons, new interest in such deep subsurface systems is rising for different technological developments. These are introduced together with related geomicrobiological topics. The capture and long-termed storage of large amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon capture and storage (CCS), for example, in depleted oil and gas reservoirs, is considered to be an important options to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. On the other hand, the increasing contribution of energy from natural and renewable sources, such as wind, solar, geothermal energy, or biogas production leads to an increasing interest in underground storage of renewable energies. Energy carriers, that is, biogas, methane, or hydrogen, are often produced in a nonconstant manner and renewable energy may be produced at some distance from the place where it is needed. Therefore, storing the energy after its conversion to methane or hydrogen in porous reservoirs or salt caverns is extensively discussed. All these developments create new research fields and challenges for microbiologists and geobiotechnologists. As a basis for respective future work, we introduce the three major topics, that is

  6. Stabilization of molten salt materials using metal chlorides for solar thermal storage.


    Dunlop, T O; Jarvis, D J; Voice, W E; Sullivan, J H


    The effect of a variety of metal-chlorides additions on the melting behavior and thermal stability of commercially available salts was investigated. Ternary salts comprised of KNO 3, NaNO 2, and NaNO 3 were produced with additions of a variety of chlorides (KCl, LiCl, CaCl 2 , ZnCl 2 , NaCl and MgCl 2 ). Thermogravimetric analysis and weight loss experiments showed that the quaternary salt containing a 5 wt% addition of LiCl and KCl led to an increase in short term thermal stability compared to the ternary control salts. These additions allowed the salts to remain stable up to a temperature of 630 °C. Long term weight loss experiments showed an upper stability increase of 50 °C. A 5 wt% LiCl addition resulted in a weight loss of only 25% after 30 hours in comparison to a 61% loss for control ternary salts. Calorimetry showed that LiCl additions allow partial melting at 80 °C, in comparison to the 142 °C of ternary salts. This drop in melting point, combined with increased stability, provided a molten working range increase of almost 100 °C in total, in comparison to the control ternary salts. XRD analysis showed the oxidation effect of decomposing salts and the additional phase created with LiCl additions to allow melting point changes to occur.

  7. Continuous-wave vs. pulsed infrared laser stimulation of the rat prostate cavernous nerves

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tozburun, Serhat; Cilip, Christopher M.; Lagoda, Gwen A.; Burnett, Arthur L.; Fried, Nathaniel M.


    Optical nerve stimulation has recently been developed as an alternative to electrical nerve stimulation. However, recent studies have focused primarily on pulsed delivery of the laser radiation and at relatively low pulse rates. The objective of this study is to demonstrate faster optical stimulation of the prostate cavernous nerves using continuouswave (CW) infrared laser radiation, for potential diagnostic applications. A Thulium fiber laser (λ = 1870 nm) was used for non-contact optical stimulation of the rat prostate cavernous nerves, in vivo. Optical nerve stimulation, as measured by an intracavernous pressure (ICP) response in the penis, was achieved with the laser operating in either CW mode, or with a 5-ms pulse duration at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 100 Hz. Successful optical stimulation was observed to be primarily dependent on a threshold nerve temperature (42-45 °C), not an incident fluence, as previously reported. CW optical nerve stimulation provides a significantly faster ICP response time using a laser with lower power output than pulsed stimulation. CW optical nerve stimulation may therefore represent an alternative mode of stimulation for intra-operative diagnostic applications where a rapid response is critical, such as identification of the cavernous nerves during prostate cancer surgery.

  8. Origin, diagnostics, and mitigation of a salt dissolution sinkhole at the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve storage site, Weeks Island, Louisiana

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Neal, J.T.; Myers, R.E.


    A sinkhole was first observed in May 1992 over the edge of the two-level former salt mine that was converted for oil storage by the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Diagnostic studies that included geophysical, geochemical, drilling, and hydrological methods suggest a direct connection exists between the surface collapse area and the underground mine as shown by correlative measurements of sediment slump rates and brine influx into the mine. The dissolution of salt below the sinkhole that initiated the leak into the mine was likely caused by several confluent geologic processes, and exacerbated by mining-induced stresses that created fractures whichmore » served as hydrologic flowpaths. Modeling studies of mine stresses show that years may be required before tensional cracking begins to occur, but once begun can continue to develop, and relieve the stress in that specific regime. The crack regime creates the avenue for incursion of groundwater, very slowly initially, but gradually enlarging as undersaturated groundwater dissolves salt on the sides of the crack. Mitigation measures include increasing the mine pressurization, slowing the dissolution by injecting brine into the sinkhole throat, and freeze grouting to restrict hydrologic flowpaths.« less

  9. Advanced Thermal Storage for Central Receivers with Supercritical Coolants

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kelly, Bruce D.


    The principal objective of the study is to determine if supercritical heat transport fluids in a central receiver power plant, in combination with ceramic thermocline storage systems, offer a reduction in levelized energy cost over a baseline nitrate salt concept. The baseline concept uses a nitrate salt receiver, two-tank (hot and cold) nitrate salt thermal storage, and a subcritical Rankine cycle. A total of 6 plant designs were analyzed, as follows: Plant Designation Receiver Fluid Thermal Storage Rankine Cycle Subcritical nitrate salt Nitrate salt Two tank nitrate salt Subcritical Supercritical nitrate salt Nitrate salt Two tank nitrate salt Supercritical Lowmore » temperature H2O Supercritical H2O Two tank nitrate salt Supercritical High temperature H2O Supercritical H2O Packed bed thermocline Supercritical Low temperature CO2 Supercritical CO2 Two tank nitrate salt Supercritical High temperature CO2 Supercritical CO2 Packed bed thermocline Supercritical Several conclusions have been drawn from the results of the study, as follows: 1) The use of supercritical H2O as the heat transport fluid in a packed bed thermocline is likely not a practical approach. The specific heat of the fluid is a strong function of the temperatures at values near 400 °C, and the temperature profile in the bed during a charging cycle is markedly different than the profile during a discharging cycle. 2) The use of supercritical CO2 as the heat transport fluid in a packed bed thermocline is judged to be technically feasible. Nonetheless, the high operating pressures for the supercritical fluid require the use of pressure vessels to contain the storage inventory. The unit cost of the two-tank nitrate salt system is approximately $24/kWht, while the unit cost of the high pressure thermocline system is nominally 10 times as high. 3) For the supercritical fluids, the outer crown temperatures of the receiver tubes are in the range of 700 to 800 °C. At temperatures of 700 °C and above

  10. The Medial Extra-Sellar Corridor to the Cavernous Sinus: Anatomic Description and Clinical Correlation.


    Theodosopoulos, Philip V; Cebula, Helene; Kurbanov, Almaz; Cabero, Arnau Benet; Osorio, Joseph A; Zimmer, Lee A; Froelich, Sebastien C; Keller, Jeffrey T


    The zenith of surgical interest in the cavernous sinus peaked in the 1980s, as evidenced by reports of 10 surgical triangles that could access the contents of the lateral sellar compartment (LSC). However, these transcranial approaches later became marginalized, first by radiosurgery's popularity and lower morbidity, and then by clinical potential of endoscopic corridors noted in several qualitative studies. Our anatomic study, taking a contemporary look at the medial extra-sellar corridor, gives a detailed qualitative-quantitative analysis for its use with increasingly popular endoscopic endonasal approaches to the cavernous sinus. In 20 cadaveric specimens, we re-examined the anatomic landmarks of the medial corridor into the LSC with qualitative descriptions and measurements. An illustrative case highlights a recurrent symptomatic pituitary adenoma that invaded the cavernous sinus approached through the medial corridor. The corridor's shape varied from tetrahedron to hexahedron. Comparing right and left sides, width averaged 3.6 ± 4.5 mm and 4.0 ± 4.4 mm, and height averaged 2.3 mm and 2.1 mm, respectively. About 35% of sides showed ample space for access into the cavernous sinus. Our case report of successful outcome lends support for the safety and efficacy of this endoscopic approach. Our re-examination of this particular surgical access into the LSC refines the understanding of the medial extra-sellar corridor as a main endoscopic access route to this compartment. Achieving safe access to the contents of the LSC, this 11th triangle is clinically relevant and potentially superior for select lesions in this region. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Molten nitrate salt technology development

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carling, R. W.


    This paper presents an overview of the experimental programs underway in support of the Thermal Energy Storage for Solar Thermal Applications (TESSTA) program. The experimental programs are concentrating on molten nitrate salts which have been proposed as heat transfer and energy storage medium. The salt composition of greatest interest is drawsalt, nominally a 50-50 molar mixture of NaNO3 and KNO3 with a melting point of 220 C. Several technical uncertainties have been identified that must be resolved before nitrate based solar plants can be commercialized. Research programs at Sandia National Laboratories, universities, and industrial suppliers have been implemented to resolve these technical uncertainties. The experimental programs involve corrosion, decomposition, physical properties, and environmental cracking. Summaries of each project and how they impact central receiver applications such as the repowering/industrial retrofit and cogeneration program are presented.

  12. Molten salt based nanofluids based on solar salt and alumina nanoparticles: An industrial approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Muñoz-Sánchez, Belén; Nieto-Maestre, Javier; Guerreiro, Luis; Julia, José Enrique; Collares-Pereira, Manuel; García-Romero, Ana


    Thermal Energy Storage (TES) and its associated dispatchability is extremely important in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants since it represents the main advantage of CSP technology in relation to other renewable energy sources like photovoltaic (PV). Molten salts are used in CSP plants as a TES material because of their high operational temperature and stability of up to 600°C. Their main problems are their relative poor thermal properties and energy storage density. A simple cost-effective way to improve the thermal properties of molten salts is to dope them with nanoparticles, thus obtaining the so-called salt-based nanofluids. Additionally, the use of molten salt based nanofluids as TES materials and Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF) has been attracting great interest in recent years. The addition of tiny amounts of nanoparticles to the base salt can improve its specific heat as shown by different authors1-3. The application of these nano-enhanced materials can lead to important savings on the investment costs in new TES systems for CSP plants. However, there is still a long way to go in order to achieve a commercial product. In this sense, the improvement of the stability of the nanofluids is a key factor. The stability of nanofluids will depend on the nature and size of the nanoparticles, the base salt and the interactions between them. In this work, Solar Salt (SS) commonly used in CSP plants (60% NaNO3 + 40% KNO3 wt.) was doped with alumina nanoparticles (ANPs) at a solid mass concentration of 1% wt. at laboratory scale. The tendency of nanoparticles to agglomeration and sedimentation is tested in the molten state by analyzing their size and concentration through the time. The specific heat of the nanofluid at 396 °C (molten state) is measured at different times (30 min, 1 h, 5 h). Further research is needed to understand the mechanisms of agglomeration. A good understanding of the interactions between the nanoparticle surface and the ionic media would provide

  13. Myometrial cavernous hemangioma with pulmonary thromboembolism in a post-partum woman: a case report and review of the literature.


    Bhavsar, Tapan; Wurzel, John; Duker, Nahum


    Cavernous hemangiomas of the uterus are rare benign vascular lesions. Nine cases of diffuse cavernous hemangioma of the gravid uterus have been reported, most of which diffusely involved the myometrium. These vascular malformations are clinically significant, and may cause pronounced bleeding resulting in maternal or fetal demise. Thrombosis of cavernous hemangiomas of the uterus has been previously reported. We here report the first case in which a thrombosed cavernous hemangioma of the myometrium resulted in a fatal pulmonary embolism in a post-partum woman. A 25-year-old obese African-American woman who had one pregnancy and was delivered of twins by cesarean section was admitted 1 week after the successful delivery. The 12-day clinical course included ventilator-dependent respiratory failure, systemic hypertension, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the sputum, leukocytosis and asystole. A transabdominal ultrasound examination showed heterogeneous thickened and irregular products in the endometrial canal. The laboratory values were relevant for an increased prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, ferritin and a decrease in hemoglobin. The clinical cause of death was cited as acute respiratory distress syndrome. At autopsy, a 400g spongy, hemorrhagic uterus with multiple cystic spaces measuring approximately 0.5 × 0.4cm filled with thrombi within the myometrium was identified. Immunohistological examination with a CD31 stain for vascular endothelium associated antigen confirmed several endothelium-lined vessels, some of which contained thrombi. These histological features were consistent with cavernous hemangioma of the myometrium. A histological examination of the lungs revealed multiple fresh thromboemboli in small- and medium-sized pulmonary arteries in the right upper and lower lobes without organization, but with adjacent areas of fresh hemorrhagic infarction. This case underscores the importance of a high index of suspicion in

  14. Characterization of the microbiota in lightly salted bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) fillets stored at 4 °C.


    Liu, Xiaochang; Zhang, Yuemei; Li, Dapeng; Luo, Yongkang


    The microbiota of unsalted and salted (dry-cured with 2% salt) bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) fillets during storage at 4 °C were identified by 16S rRNA gene analysis. Eleven genera were present in the initial microbiota of bighead carp fillets, where Acinetobacter, Aeromonas and Kocuria were the dominant bacteria. As storage time progressed, the microbial composition of both unsalted and salted fillets became less diverse. Additionally, differences in microbiota were observed between these two treatments. For unsalted bighead carp fillets, Aeromonas became the dominant genus at the end of storage and Pseudomonas was found less commonly. For salted fillets, Pseudomonas was the only bacteria identified at the end of storage. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Thermal storage for electric utilities

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Swet, C. J.; Masica, W. J.


    Applications of the thermal energy storage (TES) principle (storage of sensible heat or latent heat, or heat storage in reversible chemical reactions) in power systems are evaluated. Load leveling behind the meter, load following at conventional thermal power plants, solar thermal power generation, and waste heat utilization are the principal TES applications considered. Specific TES examples discussed include: storage heaters for electric-resistance space heating, air conditioning TES in the form of chilled water or eutectic salt baths, hot water TES, and trans-seasonal storage in heated water in confined aquifers.

  16. Phenotypic modulation of corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells in a rat model of cavernous neurectomy.


    Yang, Fan; Zhao, Jian F; Shou, Qi Y; Huang, Xiao J; Chen, Gang; Yang, Ke B; Zhang, Shi G; Lv, Bo D; Fu, Hui Y


    Patients undergoing radical prostatectomy (RP) are at high risk for erectile dysfunction (ED) due to potential cavernous nerve (CN) damage during surgery. Penile hypoxia after RP is thought to significantly contribute to ED pathogenesis. We previously showed that corpora cavernosum smooth muscle cells (CCSMCs) undergo phenotypic modulation under hypoxic conditions in vitro. Here, we studied such changes in an in vivo post-RP ED model by investigating CCSMCs in bilateral cavernous neurectomy (BCN) rats. Sprague-Dawley rats underwent sham (n = 12) or BCN (n = 12) surgery. After 12 weeks, they were injected with apomorphine to determine erectile function. The penile tissues were harvested and assessed for fibrosis using Masson trichrome staining and for molecular markers of phenotypic modulation using immunohistochemistry and western blotting. CCSMC morphological structure was evaluated by hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Erectile function was significantly lower in BCN rats than in sham rats. BCN increased hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and collagen protein expression in corpora cavernous tissue. H&E staining and TEM showed that CCSMCs in BCN rats underwent hypertrophy and showed rough endoplasmic reticulum formation. The expression of CCSMC phenotypic markers, such as smooth muscle α-actin, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain, and desmin, was markedly lower, whereas vimentin protein expression was significantly higher in BCN rats than in control rats. CCSMCs undergo phenotype modulation in rats with cavernous neurectomy. The results have unveiled physiological transformations that occur at the cellular and molecular levels and have helped characterize CN injury-induced ED.

  17. Integrating experimental and numerical methods for a scenario-based quantitative assessment of subsurface energy storage options

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kabuth, Alina; Dahmke, Andreas; Hagrey, Said Attia al; Berta, Márton; Dörr, Cordula; Koproch, Nicolas; Köber, Ralf; Köhn, Daniel; Nolde, Michael; Tilmann Pfeiffer, Wolf; Popp, Steffi; Schwanebeck, Malte; Bauer, Sebastian


    Within the framework of the transition to renewable energy sources ("Energiewende"), the German government defined the target of producing 60 % of the final energy consumption from renewable energy sources by the year 2050. However, renewable energies are subject to natural fluctuations. Energy storage can help to buffer the resulting time shifts between production and demand. Subsurface geological structures provide large potential capacities for energy stored in the form of heat or gas on daily to seasonal time scales. In order to explore this potential sustainably, the possible induced effects of energy storage operations have to be quantified for both specified normal operation and events of failure. The ANGUS+ project therefore integrates experimental laboratory studies with numerical approaches to assess subsurface energy storage scenarios and monitoring methods. Subsurface storage options for gas, i.e. hydrogen, synthetic methane and compressed air in salt caverns or porous structures, as well as subsurface heat storage are investigated with respect to site prerequisites, storage dimensions, induced effects, monitoring methods and integration into spatial planning schemes. The conceptual interdisciplinary approach of the ANGUS+ project towards the integration of subsurface energy storage into a sustainable subsurface planning scheme is presented here, and this approach is then demonstrated using the examples of two selected energy storage options: Firstly, the option of seasonal heat storage in a shallow aquifer is presented. Coupled thermal and hydraulic processes induced by periodic heat injection and extraction were simulated in the open-source numerical modelling package OpenGeoSys. Situations of specified normal operation as well as cases of failure in operational storage with leaking heat transfer fluid are considered. Bench-scale experiments provided parameterisations of temperature dependent changes in shallow groundwater hydrogeochemistry. As a

  18. Cavernous hemangioma of the rib: a rare diagnosis.


    Gourgiotis, Stavros; Piyis, Anastasios; Panagiotopoulos, Nikolaos; Panayotopoulos, Panayotis; Salemis, Nikolaos S


    Hemangioma of the rib is an uncommon benign vascular tumour. A case of rib hemangioma in a 29-year-old woman is presented. Chest roentgenogram and computed tomography revealed a mass along the inner surface of the 7th left rib with bone destruction. She underwent resection of the 7th rib. The pathologic diagnosis was cavernous hemangioma. Hemangiomas of the rib are rare tumours but should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of rib tumours.

  19. Study on Excavation of Particular Part of Underground Cavern for Hydropower Station

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Yang; Zhang, Feng; Shang, Qin; Zheng, Huakang


    In the present study, regarding four particular parts of underground cavern for hydropower station, i.e., crown, high sidewall, the intersection between high sidewall and tunnel and tailrace tunnel, by summarizing the previous construction experience, we have proposed the excavation approach based on “middle first and edge later, soft first and hard later”, “layered construction by excavating the thin layer first and supporting as the layer advances”, “tunnel first and wall later, small tunnels into large ones” and “excavating tunnels supported by separation piers”. In addition, the proposed excavation approach has been analyzed and verified with finite element numerical simulation. The result has indicated that the proposed special approach is reasonable and effective to reduce the turbulence on surrounding rocks, lower the influence of unloading during excavating and enhance the local and global stability of caverns and surrounding rocks.

  20. Cavernous sinus involvement is not a risk factor for the primary tumor site treatment outcome of Sinonasal adenoid cystic carcinoma.


    Lee, Yi-Chan; Lee, Ta-Jen; Tsang, Ngan-Ming; Huang, Yenlin; Hsu, Cheng-Lung; Hsin, Li-Jen; Lee, Yi-Hsuan; Chang, Kai-Ping


    Sinonasal adenoid cystic carcinoma is a rare malignancy of the head and neck. Cavernous sinus invasion from sinonasal adenoid cystic carcinoma and its related management have rarely been investigated. This study evaluated the relationship between treatment outcome and cavernous sinus involvement in addition to other parameters. A retrospective case series study was conducted at a tertiary referral center. The medical records of 47 patients diagnosed with primary sinonasal adenoid cystic carcinoma between 1984 and 2015 were retrospectively reviewed. The survival impact of the primary treatment modalities and the anatomic sites of tumor involvement were analyzed. Cavernous sinus invasion was observed in 8 patients (17%), of whom 7 had ACC tumors originating from the maxillary sinus. The results of univariate analysis revealed that tumor stage, primary surgery, and the absence of skull-base and infratemporal fossa invasion were associated with better overall survival (P = 0.033, P = 0.012, P = 0.011, and P = 0.040, respectively) and better disease-free survival (P = 0.019, P = 0.001, P = 0.017, and P = 0.029, respectively). Multivariate analysis identified primary surgery as the only independent prognostic factor for disease-free survival (P = 0.026). Cavernous sinus invasion by sinonasal adenoid cystic carcinoma was not associated with worse overall survival or disease-free survival (P = 0.200 and P = 0.198, respectively). Because maxillary adenoid cystic carcinoma is associated with a higher rate of cavernous sinus invasion, such cases warrant caution during preoperative planning. Primary surgery as the initial therapy provides better locoregional control and survival for patients with sinonasal adenoid cystic carcinoma. Cavernous sinus invasion did not significantly impact survival; thus, it should not be regarded as a contraindication for curative treatment.

  1. Nuclear criticality safety evaluation of the passage of decontaminated salt solution from the ITP filters into tank 50H for interim storage

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hobbs, D.T.; Davis, J.R.

    This report assesses the nuclear criticality safety associated with the decontaminated salt solution after passing through the In-Tank Precipitation (ITP) filters, through the stripper columns and into Tank 50H for interim storage until transfer to the Saltstone facility. The criticality safety basis for the ITP process is documented. Criticality safety in the ITP filtrate has been analyzed under normal and process upset conditions. This report evaluates the potential for criticality due to the precipitation or crystallization of fissionable material from solution and an ITP process filter failure in which insoluble material carryover from salt dissolution is present. It is concludedmore » that no single inadvertent error will cause criticality and that the process will remain subcritical under normal and credible abnormal conditions.« less

  2. Thermal energy storage for solar power generation - State of the art

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shukla, K. N.


    High temperature storage for applications in solar-thermal electric systems is considered. Noting that thermal storage is in either the form of latent, sensible or chemically stored heat, sensible heat storage is stressed as the most developed of the thermal storage technologies, spanning direct heating of a storage medium from 120-1250 C. Current methods involve solids, packed beds, fluidized beds, liquids, hot water, organic liquids, and inorganic liquids and molten salts. Latent heat storage comprises phase-change materials that move from solid to liquid with addition of heat and liquid to solid with the removal of heat. Metals or inorganic salts are candidates, and the energy balances are outlined. Finally, chemical heat storage is examined, showing possible high energy densities through catalytic, thermal dissociation reactions.

  3. Brain stem venous congestion due to dural arteriovenous fistulas of the cavernous sinus.


    Kai, Y; Hamada, J I; Morioka, M; Yano, S; Ushio, Y


    Venous congestion of the brain stem due to dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) in the cavernous sinus is rare and presents therapeutic challenges. To assess the prognosis of patients with symptomatic DAVFs and brain stem dysfunction, we evaluated the degree of venous ischemia by examining pre- and post-treatment magnetic resonance images (MRI) in 2 patients presenting with venous congestion of the brain stem. A 56-year-old woman with left hemiparesis and a 70-year-old woman with gait disturbance attributable to right cavernous sinus DAVFs were referred to our hospital. In both cases, T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) disclosed a hyperintensity lesion in the brainstem due to venous congestion. Both patients underwent open surgery for direct embolization of the cavernous sinus because there were no approach routes for transvenous embolization. The patient whose pretreatment MRI demonstrated Gd enhancement continued to manifest neurological deficits and persistence of the abnormal hyperintensity on post-treatment T2-weighted MRI. In the other patient whose pretreatment MRI showed no Gd enhancement, treatment produced a complete response of her neurological deficit and disappearance of the abnormal hyperintensity area. We tentatively conclude that lesions corresponding to hyperintensity areas on non-Gd-enhanced, T2-weighted MRI may reflect a reversible condition whereas lesions identified as hyperintense areas on GD-enhanced T2-weighted MRI may be indicative of irreversibility.

  4. Cavernous Hemangioma of the Rib: A Rare Diagnosis

    PubMed Central

    Gourgiotis, Stavros; Piyis, Anastasios; Panagiotopoulos, Nikolaos; Panayotopoulos, Panayotis; Salemis, Nikolaos S.


    Hemangioma of the rib is an uncommon benign vascular tumour. A case of rib hemangioma in a 29-year-old woman is presented. Chest roentgenogram and computed tomography revealed a mass along the inner surface of the 7th left rib with bone destruction. She underwent resection of the 7th rib. The pathologic diagnosis was cavernous hemangioma. Hemangiomas of the rib are rare tumours but should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of rib tumours. PMID:20585365

  5. Rock bed thermal storage: Concepts and costs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Allen, Kenneth; von Backström, Theodor; Joubert, Eugene; Gauché, Paul


    Thermal storage enables concentrating solar power (CSP) plants to provide baseload or dispatchable power. Currently CSP plants use two-tank molten salt thermal storage, with estimated capital costs of about 22-30 /kWhth. In the interests of reducing CSP costs, alternative storage concepts have been proposed. In particular, packed rock beds with air as the heat transfer fluid offer the potential of lower cost storage because of the low cost and abundance of rock. Two rock bed storage concepts which have been formulated for use at temperatures up to at least 600 °C are presented and a brief analysis and cost estimate is given. The cost estimate shows that both concepts are capable of capital costs less than 15 /kWhth at scales larger than 1000 MWhth. Depending on the design and the costs of scaling containment, capital costs as low as 5-8 /kWhth may be possible. These costs are between a half and a third of current molten salt costs.

  6. 76 FR 63916 - Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... associated storage deliverability and capacity at the Eminence Storage Field (Eminence) in Covington County... Caverns 1, 2, 3, and 4, and reduce deliverability and capacity from 20.5 Bcf to 15.025 Bcf in Caverns 5, 6, and 7. Transco also seeks to partially abandon the total storage capacity and deliverability...

  7. Effect of sand and method of mixing on molten salt properties for an open direct absorption solar receiver/storage system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    AlQaydi, Muna; Delclos, Thomas; AlMheiri, Saif; Calvet, Nicolas


    The concept of CSPonD Demo project is based on a single and open molten salt tank as a thermal solar receiver and storage unit. Therefore, the effect of external environment such as sand and air on the thermophysical properties of nitrate salt (60 wt. % sodium nitrate, 40 wt. % potassium nitrate) has been investigated in this work. Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) was used to determine the melting, solidification temperatures while the thermal stability and mass loss measurements were carried on Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA). Measurements under nitrogen indicate that the adding 2% (w/w) sand has negative impact by increasing the solidification temperature, mass loss percentage and decreasing the stability limit. While the melting temperature was not affected by the sand and by the preparation method. On the other hand, measurement under air showed an increase of the stability limit and decrease of the mass loss percentage. Furthermore, the measurements for the mass loss under air did not reach a stable value, which required further investigation.

  8. Hypertrophic olivary degeneration following surgical resection or gamma knife radiosurgery of brainstem cavernous malformations: an 11-case series and a review of literature.


    Yun, Jung-Ho; Ahn, Jae Sung; Park, Jung Cheol; Kwon, Do Hoon; Kwun, Byung Duk; Kim, Chang Jin


    We describe 11 patients with hypertrophic olivary degeneration (HOD) after surgical resection or gamma knife radiosurgery for brainstem cavernous malformations. In addition, we statistically analyzed the predicting factors associated with the development of HOD. From January 2001 to May 2011, a total of 73 patients (30 in the surgical group and 43 in the radiosurgery group) with brainstem cavernous malformations were treated in our institute. Of them, 11 patients (incidence: 15 %) developed HOD with high signal intensity on T2-weighted MRI during follow-up. The predicting factors (location, size, age, and treatment method) associated with the development of HOD were statistically analyzed. Among the 11 HOD patients, seven patients received surgical resection and four patients received gamma knife radiosurgery. Six patients had bilateral HOD and the remaining five patients had unilateral HOD. Overall HOD-associated symptoms presented in four patients, including three palatal tremors and one ataxia. In all four patients with symptoms, these symptoms disappeared incompletely within the clinical follow-up period. The size of the cavernous malformation, age of patient, and treatment methods were not significantly correlated with the development of HOD. A significantly higher incidence of HOD was associated with midbrain cavernous malformations than with pontine or medulla cavernous malformations. HOD should be recognized as a non-infrequent complication of surgical resection or gamma knife radiosurgery within the brainstem, especially for midbrain cavernous malformations. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on HOD development after radiosurgery.

  9. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hinkebein, Thomas E.

    The intrusion of gas into oils stored within the SPR has been examined. When oil is stored in domal salts, gases intrude into the stored oil from the surrounding salt. Aspects of the mechanism of gas intrusion have been examined. In all cases, this gas intrusion results in increases in the oil vapor pressure. Data that have been gathered from 1993 to August 2002 are presented to show the resultant increases in bubble-point pressure on a cavern-by-cavern as well as on a stream basis. The measurement techniques are presented with particular emphasis on the TVP 95. Data analysis methods aremore » presented to show the methods required to obtain recombined cavern oil compositions. Gas-oil ratios are also computed from the data and are presented on a cavern-by-cavern and stream basis. The observed increases in bubble-point pressure and gas-oil ratio are further statistically analyzed to allow data interpretation. Emissions plume modeling is used to determine adherence to state air regulations. Gas intrusion is observed to be variable among the sites and within each dome. Gas intrusions at Bryan Mound and Big Hill have resulted in the largest increases in bubble-point pressure for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The streams at Bayou Choctaw and West Hackberry show minimal bubble-point pressure increases. Emissions plume modeling, using the state mandated ISCST code, of oil storage tanks showed that virtually no gas may be released when H2S standards are considered. DOE plans to scavenge H2S to comply with the very tight standards on this gas. With the assumption of scavenging, benzene releases become the next most controlling factor. Model results show that a GOR of 0.6 SCF/BBL may be emissions that are within standards. Employing the benzene gas release standard will significantly improve oil deliverability. New plume modeling using the computational fluid dynamics code, FLUENT, is addressing limitations of the state mandated ISCST model.« less

  10. Solar thermal storage applications program

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Peila, W. C.


    The efforts of the Storage Applications Program are reviewed. The program concentrated on the investigation of storage media and evaluation of storage methods. Extensive effort was given to experimental and analytical investigations of nitrate salts. Two tasks are the preliminary design of a 1200 MW/sub th/ system and the design, construction, operation, and evaluation of a subsystem research experiment, which utilized the same design. Some preliminary conclusions drawn from the subsystem research experiment are given.

  11. Losartan, an Angiotensin type I receptor, restores erectile function by downregulation of cavernous renin-angiotensin system in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats.


    Yang, Rong; Yang, Bin; Wen, Yanting; Fang, Feng; Cui, Souxi; Lin, Guiting; Sun, Zeyu; Wang, Run; Dai, Yutian


    The high incidence of erectile dysfunction (ED) in diabetes highlights the need for good treatment strategies. Recent evidence indicates that blockade of the angiotensin type I receptor (AT1) may reverse ED from various diseases. To explore the role of cavernous renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in the pathogenesis of diabetic ED and the role of losartan in the treatment of diabetic ED. The AT1 blocker (ARB) losartan (30 mg/kg/d) was administered to rats with streptozocin (65 mg/kg)-induced diabetes. Erectile function, cavernous structure, and tissue gene and protein expression of RAS in the corpora cavernosa were studied. We sought to determine the changes of cavernous RAS in the condition of diabetes and after treatment with losartan. RAS components (angiotensinogen, [pro]renin receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE], and AT1) were expressed in cavernosal tissue. In diabetic rats, RAS components were upregulated, resulting in the increased concentration of angiotensin II (Ang II) in the corpora. A positive feedback loop for Ang II formation in cavernosum was also identified, which could contribute to overactivity of cavernous RAS in diabetic rats. Administration of losartan blocked the effect of Ang II, downregulated the expression of AT1 and Ang II generated locally, and partially restored erectile function (losartan-treated group revealed an improved intracavernous pressure/mean systemic arterial pressure ratio as compared with the diabetic group (0.480 +/- 0.031 vs. 0.329 +/- 0.020, P < 0.01). However, losartan could not elevate the reduced smooth muscle/collagen ratio in diabetic rats. The cavernous RAS plays a role in modulating erectile function in corpora cavernosa and is involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic ED. ARB can restore diabetic ED through downregulating cavernous RAS.

  12. Internally insulated thermal storage system development program

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Scott, O. L.


    A cost effective thermal storage system for a solar central receiver power system using molten salt stored in internally insulated carbon steel tanks is described. Factors discussed include: testing of internal insulation materials in molten salt; preliminary design of storage tanks, including insulation and liner installation; optimization of the storage configuration; and definition of a subsystem research experiment to demonstrate the system. A thermal analytical model and analysis of a thermocline tank was performed. Data from a present thermocline test tank was compared to gain confidence in the analytical approach. A computer analysis of the various storage system parameters (insulation thickness, number of tanks, tank geometry, etc.,) showed that (1) the most cost-effective configuration was a small number of large cylindrical tanks, and (2) the optimum is set by the mechanical constraints of the system, such as soil bearing strength and tank hoop stress, not by the economics.

  13. Internally insulated thermal storage system development program

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Scott, O. L.


    A cost effective thermal storage system for a solar central receiver power system using molten salt stored in internally insulated carbon steel tanks is described. Factors discussed include: testing of internal insulation materials in molten salt; preliminary design of storage tanks, including insulation and liner installation; optimization of the storage configuration; and definition of a subsystem research experiment to demonstrate the system. A thermal analytical model and analysis of a thermocline tank was performed. Data from a present thermocline test tank was compared to gain confidence in the analytical approach. A computer analysis of the various storage system parameters (insulation thickness, number of tanks, tank geometry, etc.,) showed that (1) the most cost-effective configuration was a small number of large cylindrical tanks, and (2) the optimum is set by the mechanical constraints of the system, such as soil bearing strength and tank hoop stress, not by the economics.

  14. Postharvest application of organic and inorganic salts to control potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) storage soft rot: plant tissue-salt physicochemical interactions.


    Yaganza, E S; Tweddell, R J; Arul, J


    Soft rot caused by Pectobacterium sp. is a devastating disease affecting stored potato tubers, and there is a lack of effective means of controlling this disease. In this study, 21 organic and inorganic salts were tested for their ability to control soft rot in potato tubers. In the preventive treatment, significant control of soft rot was observed with AlCl3 (≥66%) and Na2S2O3 (≥57%) and to a lesser extent with Al lactate and Na benzoate (≥34%) and K sorbate and Na propionate (≥27%). However, only a moderate control was achieved by curative treatment with AlCl3 and Na2S2O3 (42%) and sodium benzoate (≥33%). Overall, the in vitro inhibitory activity of salts was attenuated in the presence of plant tissue (in vivo) to different degrees. The inhibitory action of the salts in the preventive treatment, whether effective or otherwise, showed an inverse linear relationship with water ionization capacity (pK') of the salt ions, whereas in the curative treatment, only the effective salts showed this inverse linear relationship. Salt-plant tissue interactions appear to play a central role in the attenuated inhibitory activity of salts in potato tuber through reduction in the availability of the inhibitory ions for salt-bacteria interactions. This study demonstrates that AlCl3, Na2S2O3, and Na benzoate have potential in controlling potato tuber soft rot and provides a general basis for understanding of specific salt-tissue interactions.

  15. Thermal gelation profile changes in reconstituted actomyosin due to storage under a high salt concentration and low temperature.


    Tanji, H; Ikeuchi, Y; Yoshizawa, M; Suzuki, A


    Changes in the heat-induced gelation properties of reconstituted rabbit skeletal actomyosin stored under a high salt concentration at pH 6.0 and 0 degree C were investigated at different weight ratios of actin to myosin by using dynamic rheological and biochemical measurements. The addition of actin resulted in a pronounced peak maximum at about 50 degrees C and an accompanying temporary reduction in the range at about 50 degrees C to 60 degrees C. The more the initial actin concentration was increased, the greater was the area of the peak/shoulder. However, this area was markedly diminished with increasing storage time. As a result, the dynamic rheological pattern was transformed from an actomyosin type into a myosin type. The relationship between the G' value at 80 degrees C and the actin/myosin weight ratio was curvilinear, with a peak at the ratio of 0.05, immediately after storage was started. This profile changed during storage, depending on the extent to denaturation of actin and myosin in the reconstituted actomyosin (RAM). The G' value of actomyosin in 0.5 M KCl with a small actin/myosin ratio of 0.05 decreased to one-half of its initial value after 7 days of storage, whereas the G' value with a large actin/myosin ratio of 0.225 increased by about 1.6 times. In 1.5 M KCl, all the G' values declined to the level with myosin alone after 7 days of storage. The time-course plots of the remaining actin concentration in RAM at different weight ratios of actin to myosin after being treated with 0.5 M or 1.5 M KCl showed a decrease in the actin content with increasing storage time, and an increase in the KCl concentration to 1.5 M KCl promoted the denaturation of actin in RAM faster than with 0.5 M KCl. The surface hydrophobicity of each RAM sample progressively increased with increasing storage time, while little significant increase in the sulfhydryl (SH) content during storage was observed. It is concluded that changes in the heat-induced gelation properties of

  16. Congenital intraosseous cavernous hemangioma of the skull: an unusual case.


    Rumana, Makhdoomi; Khursheed, Nayil; Farhat, Mustafa; Othman, Salim; Masood, Laharwal


    Intraosseous hemangiomas are benign vascular malformations mostly seen in the spine. They rarely occur in the skull. The usual age-group involved is the 2nd to 4th decades, and females outnumber males. We hereby report a rare case of congenital intraosseous cavernous hemangioma of the skull bone in a male infant. The patient underwent total excision of the lesion. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  17. Underground gas storage in the Leyden lignite mine

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Meddles, R.M.


    Underground gas storage in the Leyden lignite mine by Public Service Co. of Colorado was preceded by careful studies of mine records with respect to geologic conditions and investigation of the gas-sealing potential of the rocks surrounding the cavern. The water level in shaft No. 3 in Sept. 1958 was about 100 ft above the coal seam at that point. Wells were drilled into the mine up-dip (east) of the structurally highest point that a mine shaft intersected the coal seams, and gas was injected into the mine, using the mine water as a seal. At least the up-dip partmore » of the mine was gas-tight, and tests were expanded to the rest of the mine, which also proved to be gas-tight. All that remained to complete the preparation of the mine for permanent gas storage was sealing of the old mine shafts.« less

  18. Salt deposits in Los Medanos area, Eddy and Lea counties, New Mexico

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Jones, C.L.; with sections on Ground water hydrology, Cooley; and Surficial Geology, Bachman


    The salt deposits of Los Medanos area, in Eddy and Lea Counties, southeastern New Mexico, are being considered for possible use as a receptacle for radioactive wastes in a pilot-plant repository. The salt deposits of the area. are in three evaporite formations: the Castile, Salado, and Rustler Formations, in ascending order. The three formations are dominantly anhydrite and rock salt, but some gypsum, potassium ores, carbonate rock, and fine-grained clastic rocks are present. They have combined thicknesses of slightly more than 4,000 feet, of which roughly one-half belongs to the Salado. Both the Castile and the Rustler are-richer in anhydrite-and poorer in rock salt-than the Salado, and they provide this salt-rich formation with considerable Protection from any fluids which might be present in underlying or overlying rocks. The Salado Formation contains many thick seams of rock salt at moderate depths below the surface. The rock salt has a substantial cover of well-consolidated rocks, and it is very little deformed structurally. Certain geological details essential for Waste-storage purposes are unknown or poorly known, and additional study involving drilling is required to identify seams of rock salt suitable for storage purposes and to establish critical details of their chemistry, stratigraphy, and structure.

  19. [Pontine cavernous angioma (cavernoma) with initial ENT manifestations].


    Pino Rivero, V; González Palomino, A; Pantoja Hernández, C G; Trinidad Ruíz, G; Marqués Rebollo, L; Blasco Huelva, A


    We report the case of a 22 years old female who consulted us for facial parestesias, hearing loss in right ear and sudden tinnitus. Her audiometry showed an unilateral discreet sensorineural hipoacusia and the cranial IRM, a mass of 20 mm diameter in right pontine region and bulbus informed as cavernous angioma with signs of recent bleeding. The patient was sent to Neurosurgery but she refused the intervention. The risk of hemorrhage in the cavernomas is estimated at 0.25% to 1.6% per year and represents the main reason to advise a surgical treatment.

  20. An interesting case of angiogenesis in cavernous hemangioma.


    Das, Dipankar; Bhattacharjee, Kasturi; Deka, Panna; Bhattacharjee, Harsha; Misra, Diva Kant; Koul, Akanksha; Kapoor, Deepika; Deka, Apurba


    Cavernous hemangioma is the most common orbital tumor in adult. There is lot of literatures for clinicopathological features of this tumor. These tumors had been studied for the model of angiogenesis in many of the experimental setups. We present a case of 34-year-old male with this tumor in the left eye with computerized tomography evidence. Postsurgical laboratory findings gave interesting evidence of tumor angiogenesis with tumor endothelial cells and sprouting of the small vessels endothelial cells. Podosome rosette could be conceptualized from the characteristic patterns seen in the tumor.

  1. Stability of pharmaceutical salts in solid oral dosage forms.


    Nie, Haichen; Byrn, Stephen R; Zhou, Qi Tony


    Using pharmaceutical salts in solid dosage forms can raise stability concerns, especially salt dissociation which can adversely affect the product performance. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the salt instability encountered in solid-state formulations is imperative to ensure the product quality. The present article uses the fundamental theory of acid base, ionic equilibrium, relationship of pH and solubility as a starting point to illustrate and interpret the salt formation and salt disproportionation in pharmaceutical systems. The criteria of selecting the optimal salt form and the underlying theory of salt formation and disproportionation are reviewed in detail. Factors influencing salt stability in solid dosage forms are scrutinized and discussed with the case studies. In addition, both commonly used and innovative strategies for preventing salt dissociations in formulation, on storage and during manufacturing will be suggested herein. This article will provide formulation scientists and manufacturing engineers an insight into the mechanisms of salt disproportionation and salt formation, which can help them to avoid and solve the instability issues of pharmaceutical salts in the product design.

  2. Pyrochemical process for extracting plutonium from an electrolyte salt


    Mullins, L.J.; Christensen, D.C.


    A pyrochemical process for extracting plutonium from a plutonium-bearing salt is disclosed. The process is particularly useful in the recovery of plutonium for electrolyte salts which are left over from the electrorefining of plutonium. In accordance with the process, the plutonium-bearing salt is melted and mixed with metallic calcium. The calcium reduces ionized plutonium in the salt to plutonium metal, and also causes metallic plutonium in the salt, which is typically present as finely dispersed metallic shot, to coalesce. The reduced and coalesced plutonium separates out on the bottom of the reaction vessel as a separate metallic phase which is readily separable from the overlying salt upon cooling of the mixture. Yields of plutonium are typically on the order of 95%. The stripped salt is virtually free of plutonium and may be discarded to low-level waste storage.

  3. Pyrochemical process for extracting plutonium from an electrolyte salt


    Mullins, Lawrence J.; Christensen, Dana C.


    A pyrochemical process for extracting plutonium from a plutonium-bearing salt is disclosed. The process is particularly useful in the recovery of plutonium from electrolyte salts which are left over from the electrorefining of plutonium. In accordance with the process, the plutonium-bearing salt is melted and mixed with metallic calcium. The calcium reduces ionized plutonium in the salt to plutonium metal, and also causes metallic plutonium in the salt, which is typically present as finely dispersed metallic shot, to coalesce. The reduced and coalesced plutonium separates out on the bottom of the reaction vessel as a separate metallic phase which is readily separable from the overlying salt upon cooling of the mixture. Yields of plutonium are typically on the order of 95%. The stripped salt is virtually free of plutonium and may be discarded to low-level waste storage.

  4. Comparison and simulation of salt-ceramic composites for use in high temperature concentrated solar power

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fossile, Lauren Michelle

    Due to the inherently intermittent nature of solar energy caused by cloud cover among other sources, thermal storage systems are needed to make solar energy more consistent. This same technology could be used to prolong the daily number of useful hours of solar energy power plants. Salt-ceramic materials are a relatively new prospect for heat storage, but have been researched mostly with magnesium oxide and several different carbonate salts. Salt ceramics are a phase change material where the salt changes phase inside the ceramic structure allowing for the system to use the sensible heat of both materials and the latent heat of the salt to store thermal energy. Capillary forces within the ceramic structure hold in the salt when the salt melts. The focus here is on the possibility of creating a low-cost salt-ceramic storage material for high temperature solar energy applications. A theoretical analysis of the resulting materials is performed. While most of the existing salt ceramics have been made from magnesium oxide, aluminum oxide is more readily available from various companies in the area. Magnesium oxide is often considered a custom ceramic, so it is more expensive. A cost and material property comparison has been completed between these two materials to determine which is better suited for solar storage. Many of the existing salt-ceramics use carbonate salts, but nitrate salts are commonly used in graphite/salt composites. Therefore, a cost and theoretical performance comparison is between these materials also. For comparisons' sake, zirconia and graphite have also been analyzed as the filler in the composite. Each combination of salt and ceramic or graphite has been analyzed. In order to make the use of salt-ceramics more cost-effective and available to Nevada's energy providers, research has been done into which ceramics have high availability in Nevada, low cost, and the best material properties for this application. The thermal properties and cost of

  5. Transarterial Onyx Embolization for Patients with Cavernous Sinus Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas Who Have Failed Transvenous Embolization.


    Wen, Jun; Duan, Chuan-Zhi; Huang, Li-Jing; Zhang, Xin; He, Xu-Ying; Li, Xi-Feng


    Transvenous embolization is the treatment of choice for cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistulas (csDAVFs) despite occasional difficulty in transvenous catheterization. We reported our experience in the treatment of csDAVFs by transarterial Onyx embolization in patients who had failed transvenous catheterization. We reviewed the clinical and radiographic records of csDAVFs patients receiving transarterial Onyx embolization after failed transvenous Onyx embolization at our institution over a period of 31 months. Success was defined as complete or near complete occlusion upon angiographic examination. In seven cases, the microcatheter failed to reach the cavernous sinus; in the remaining case, the internal jugular vein was occlusive. Eight sessions of the embolization and catheterization procedures via the arterial routes were conducted. Among them, five cases via the middle meningeal artery and the other three via the accessory meningeal artery. Angiography, immediately after embolization, revealed complete occlusion in seven cases (87.5 %) and partial occlusion in the remaining case. Angiographic follow-up (range, 6-10 months) showed that all patients achieved complete embolization. In cases where transvenous embolization of the cavernous sinus is difficult, transarterial embolization of the fistulas offers a safe and effective alternative.

  6. Asymptotic solution of the problem for a thin axisymmetric cavern

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Serebriakov, V. V.


    The boundary value problem which describes the axisymmetric separation of the flow around a body by a stationary infinite stream is considered. It is understood that the cavitation number varies over the length of the cavern. Using the asymptotic expansions for the potential of a thin body, the orders of magnitude of terms in the equations of the problem are estimated. Neglecting small quantities, a simplified boundary value problem is obtained.

  7. 75 FR 36376 - Tallulah Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Storage LLC; Notice of Application June 17, 2010. Take notice that on June 11, 2010, Tallulah Gas Storage... characteristics and the feasibility of developing the South Tallulah salt dome for natural gas storage and the... Storage LLC, 10370 Richmond Avenue, Suite 510, Houston, TX 77042, or by calling (713) 403-6454 (telephone...

  8. Composite Materials for Thermal Energy Storage: Enhancing Performance through Microstructures

    PubMed Central

    Ge, Zhiwei; Ye, Feng; Ding, Yulong


    Chemical incompatibility and low thermal conductivity issues of molten-salt-based thermal energy storage materials can be addressed by using microstructured composites. Using a eutectic mixture of lithium and sodium carbonates as molten salt, magnesium oxide as supporting material, and graphite as thermal conductivity enhancer, the microstructural development, chemical compatibility, thermal stability, thermal conductivity, and thermal energy storage performance of composite materials are investigated. The ceramic supporting material is essential for preventing salt leakage and hence provides a solution to the chemical incompatibility issue. The use of graphite gives a significant enhancement on the thermal conductivity of the composite. Analyses suggest that the experimentally observed microstructural development of the composite is associated with the wettability of the salt on the ceramic substrate and that on the thermal conduction enhancer. PMID:24591286

  9. Permeability Development at Layer Interfaces in Bedded Rocksalt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Muhammad, N.; Spiers, C. J.; Peach, C. J.; De Bresser, J. H. P.; Liu, W.


    Solution mined salt caverns are of great interest for storage of fluids such as compressed air, natural gas or hydrogen fuel, and are expected to show excellent healing and sealing capacity. However, it is of utmost importance to be able to reliably quantify the permeability of salt cavern walls, so that potential loss of the stored asset may be assessed. Data on dilatancy, permeability and damage development are readily available for pure rocksalt undergoing deformation, but little is known about the permeability development at the bedding interfaces within layered salt under varying differential stresses. Layered salt samples were obtained from the walls of a pilot well in Hubei province China. The natural salt shows alternating layers of rock salt, anhydrite, mudstone and glauberite. Cylindrical samples, 50 mm diameter and 85 mm long, were prepared with layer interfaces oriented vertical, horizontal or obliquely to the core axis. Tests were conducted at room temperature and a confining pressure of 20 and (for shallower depth) 10 MPa, representing in-situ conditions. Axial deformation was performed using a triaxial machine in the HPT-laboratory at Utrecht. Compaction/dilation was measured using a servo control dilatometer for confining pressure control, and, in conjunction, the permeability was measured using Argon gas transient step permeameter. The samples were deformed at a constant displacement rate of 1 µm/s. After reaching 10, 20 and 30 MPa differential stress, deformation was halted and permeability was measured parallel to the compositional interfaces for each of the three geometries. Overall, it was found that during deformation, no shear slippage occurred at interface and the bulk permeability of most specimens decreased, where the absolute permeability value (found in the range 10-15 to <10-21 m2) depending upon the orientation of the bedding interface and composition of the sample. All samples showed a decrease in volume with axial strain

  10. Cavernous sinus tuberculoma mimicking a neoplasm: Case report, literature review, and diagnostic and treatment suggestions for tuberculomas in rare locations

    PubMed Central

    Jaimovich, Sebastián G.; Thea, Victor Castillo; Guevara, Martin; Gardella, Javier L.


    Background: Cavernous sinus tuberculomas are extremely rare, but the increasing incidence worldwide of central nervous system (CNS) tuberculosis, mostly due to human immunodeficiency virus and poor sanitary conditions, and the ability of tuberculomas to mimic a brain neoplasm makes cavernous sinus tuberculomas a suspicious pathologic finding in the differential diagnosis of a brain space-occupying lesion. Case Description: We present an immunocompetent patient with no signs of systemic tuberculosis and an isolated right cavernous sinus space-occupying lesion. A skull base approach was performed and tumor resection achieved. The postoperative course was uneventful. Pathologic findings consisted of a tuberculoma and antituberculous treatment was immediately begun with total tumor regression after a 12-month regimen. After reviewing the literature, we propose suggestions to orient the diagnosis and a treatment algorithm for tuberculomas in rare locations. Conclusion: Tuberculomas in rare locations, as the cavernous sinus, are a challenging pathology as they have the ability to mimic a brain neoplasm. Although first line treatment are antituberculous therapy (4 drugs for at least 12 months) and adjuvant steroids, in inconclusive cases, surgical biopsy or excision is recommended for histopathologic confirmation and to reduce the mass effect, always following with antituberculous therapy and adjuvant steroids. PMID:24381801

  11. Pure Epidural Cavernous Hemangioma of the Cervical Spine that Presented with an Acute Sensory Deficit Caused by Hemorrhage

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Sang-Ho; Chung, Seung-Eun; Paeng, Sung-Suk; Kim, Hye-Sung; Yoon, Sang-Wook; Yu, Jeong-Sik


    Pure epidural cavernous hemangioma of the spine without vertebral involvement is rare. Due to the slow growth of this lesion, the most common symptoms are chronic pain, myelopathy, and radiculopathy. In our case, the patient complained of an acute onset sensory deficit of the C4 dermatome. An MRI revealed an epidural mass with an acute hematoma. Here, we report a case of a pure epidural cavernous hemangioma that presented with acute neurologic symptoms caused by intralesional hemorrhage and an acute epidural hematoma, which were demonstrated on the patient's MRI. PMID:17191320

  12. Pure epidural cavernous hemangioma of the cervical spine that presented with an acute sensory deficit caused by hemorrhage.


    Jo, Byung-June; Lee, Sang-Ho; Chung, Seung-Eun; Paeng, Sung-Suk; Kim, Hye-Sung; Yoon, Sang-Wook; Yu, Jeong-Sik


    Pure epidural cavernous hemangioma of the spine without vertebral involvement is rare. Due to the slow growth of this lesion, the most common symptoms are chronic pain, myelopathy, and radiculopathy. In our case, the patient complained of an acute onset sensory deficit of the C4 dermatome. An MRI revealed an epidural mass with an acute hematoma. Here, we report a case of a pure epidural cavernous hemangioma that presented with acute neurologic symptoms caused by intralesional hemorrhage and an acute epidural hematoma, which were demonstrated on the patient's MRI.

  13. Lateral sellar compartment O.T. (cavernous sinus): history, anatomy, terminology.


    Parkinson, D


    Claudios Galen (119-199 a.d.) dissected lower animals with parasellar carotid retia bathed in venous blood and transposed his findings to human anatomy. Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) corrected most of Galen's errors but apparently never looked into this small, extradural compartment, nor, apparently, did Winslow (Exposition Anatomique de la Structure du Corps Humain. London: N. Prevast, 1734), who christened it the "cavernous sinus," (CS) presumably thinking that it would resemble the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Multiple surgical explorations, gross dissections, microscopic views, and vascular casts from early fetuses to an 81 year old have been examined and reviewed. The CS is not a dural sinus nor is it cavernous. The compartment is extradural, and the venous structures contained within consist of a greatly variable plexus of extremely thin-walled veins. The name, CS, is a barrier to the understanding of the structure and function of this extradural anatomical jewel box, which contains fat, myelinated and nonmyelinated nerves, arteries, and a plexus of veins. It is proposed that this name be changed, because it is inaccurate and misleading. The replacement should leave no doubt about its meaning. The lateral sellar compartment is descriptive and accurate. The veins within are a parasellar plexus.

  14. Viability of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts in milk, Hank's balanced salt solution and coconut water as storage media.


    Souza, B D M; Lückemeyer, D D; Reyes-Carmona, J F; Felippe, W T; Simões, C M O; Felippe, M C S


    To evaluate the effectiveness of various storage media at 5 °C for maintaining the viability of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PDLF). Plates with PDLF were soaked in recently prepared Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS), skimmed milk, whole milk, Save-A-Tooth(®) system's HBSS (Save), natural coconut water, industrialized coconut water or tap water (negative control) at 5 °C for 3, 6, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h. Minimum essential medium (MEM) at 37 °C served as the positive control. PDL cell viability was determined by MTT assay. Data were statistically analysed by Kruskal-Wallis test complemented by the Scheffé test (α=5%). The greatest number of viable cells was observed for MEM. Skimmed and whole milk, followed by natural coconut water and HBSS, were the most effective media in maintaining cell viability (P<0.05). From 24 to 120 h, Save, industrialized coconut water and tap water were the worst storage media. Skimmed and whole milk had the greatest capacity to maintain PDLF viability when compared with natural coconut water, HBSS, Save, industrialized coconut water and tap water. © 2010 International Endodontic Journal.

  15. High-temperature molten salt solar thermal systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Copeland, R. J.; Leach, J. W.; Stern, G.

    Conceptual designs of a solar thermal central receiver and a thermal storage subsystem were analyzed to estimate thermal losses and to assess the economics of high-temperature applications with molten salt transport fluids. Modifications to a receiver design being developed by the Martin Marietta Corporation were studied to investigate possible means for improving efficiency at high temperatures. Computations were made based on conceptual design of internally insulated high temperature storage tanks to estimate cost and performance. A study of a potential application of the system for thermochemical production of hydrogen indicates that thermal storage at 1100 C will be economically attractive.

  16. Dietary salt intake and risk of gastric cancer.


    D'Elia, Lanfranco; Galletti, Ferruccio; Strazzullo, Pasquale


    Humans began to use large amounts of salt for the main purpose of food preservation approximately 5,000 years ago and, although since then advanced technologies have been developed allowing drastic reduction in the use of salt for food storage, excess dietary salt intake remains very common. Gastric cancer is a common neoplasia, and dietary factors, including salt consumption, are considered relevant to its causation. A number of experimental studies supported the cocarcinogenic effect of salt through synergic action with Helicobacter pylori infection, in addition to some independent effects such as increase in the rate of cell proliferation and of endogenous mutations. Many epidemiological studies analyzed the relationship between excess salt intake and risk of gastric cancer. Both cross-sectional and prospective studies indicated a possibly dose-dependent positive association. In particular, a comprehensive meta-analysis of longitudinal studies detected a strong adverse effect of total salt intake and salt-rich foods on the risk of gastric cancer in the general population. Altogether, the epidemiological, clinical, and experimental evidence supports the possibility of a substantial reduction in the rates of gastric cancer through progressive reduction in population salt intake.

  17. Vacancy structures and melting behavior in rock-salt GeSbTe


    Zhang, Bin; Wang, Xue -Peng; Shen, Zhen -Ju; ...


    Ge-Sb-Te alloys have been widely used in optical/electrical memory storage. Because of the extremely fast crystalline-amorphous transition, they are also expected to play a vital role in next generation nonvolatile microelectronic memory devices. However, the distribution and structural properties of vacancies have been one of the key issues in determining the speed of melting (or amorphization), phase-stability, and heat-dissipation of rock-salt GeSbTe, which is crucial for its technological breakthrough in memory devices. Using spherical aberration-aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy and atomic scale energy-dispersive X-ray mapping, we observe a new rock-salt structure with high-degree vacancy ordering (or layered-like ordering) atmore » an elevated temperature, which is a result of phase transition from the rock-salt phase with randomly distributed vacancies. First-principles calculations reveal that the phase transition is an energetically favored process. Furthermore, molecular dynamics studies suggest that the melting of the cubic rock-salt phases is initiated at the vacancies, which propagate to nearby regions. The observation of multi-rock-salt phases suggests another route for multi-level data storage using GeSbTe.« less

  18. Vacancy Structures and Melting Behavior in Rock-Salt GeSbTe

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Bin; Wang, Xue-Peng; Shen, Zhen-Ju; Li, Xian-Bin; Wang, Chuan-Shou; Chen, Yong-Jin; Li, Ji-Xue; Zhang, Jin-Xing; Zhang, Ze; Zhang, Sheng-Bai; Han, Xiao-Dong


    Ge-Sb-Te alloys have been widely used in optical/electrical memory storage. Because of the extremely fast crystalline-amorphous transition, they are also expected to play a vital role in next generation nonvolatile microelectronic memory devices. However, the distribution and structural properties of vacancies have been one of the key issues in determining the speed of melting (or amorphization), phase-stability, and heat-dissipation of rock-salt GeSbTe, which is crucial for its technological breakthrough in memory devices. Using spherical aberration-aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy and atomic scale energy-dispersive X-ray mapping, we observe a new rock-salt structure with high-degree vacancy ordering (or layered-like ordering) at an elevated temperature, which is a result of phase transition from the rock-salt phase with randomly distributed vacancies. First-principles calculations reveal that the phase transition is an energetically favored process. Moreover, molecular dynamics studies suggest that the melting of the cubic rock-salt phases is initiated at the vacancies, which propagate to nearby regions. The observation of multi-rock-salt phases suggests another route for multi-level data storage using GeSbTe. PMID:27140674

  19. [Cavernous sinus thrombosis as a rare cause of exophthalmos in childhood : A case report].


    Kamawal, A; Schmidt, M A; Rompel, O; Gusek-Schneider, G C; Mardin, C Y; Trollmann, R


    Complications of acute bacterial sinusitis mostly occur in children and adolescents. In particular, intracranial spread of the infection can lead to severe even fatal courses of the disease. This article is a case report about a 13-year-old boy suffering from left-sided headache, meningismus and exophthalmos as presenting symptoms. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed merely right-sided sphenoid sinusitis; however, the diffusion-weighted MRI sequence indicated a left-sided cavernous sinus thrombosis, which could be confirmed by computed tomography (CT) angiography. Cerebrospinal fluid diagnostics showed significant leukocytosis confirming secondary meningitis. Finally, exophthalmos was explained by parainfectious cavernous sinus thrombosis and periorbital edema. This case report highlights the importance of extended and specific diagnostic imaging in cases of clinically suspected complications in children and adolescents with sinusitis and the diagnostic significance of diffusion-weighted MRI.

  20. [Septic thrombosis of the cavernous sinus due to folliculitis].


    Tuettenberg, A; Tuettenberg, J; Knop, J; Enk, A


    Sinus thrombosis is an acute life-threatening disease. While cavernous sinus thrombosis secondary to facial infections is described in the literature, it is uncommon. The key clinical characteristics are a facial infection, headache, chemosis and edema of the eyelid. The main differential diagnostic consideration is meningoencephalitis. Early diagnosis by angiography, magnetic resonance imaging and examination of CSF is important as treatment should be initiated as soon as possible in order to decrease morbidity and mortality. The mainstays of therapy are heparinization and appropriate intravenous antibiotic therapy.

  1. SU-E-I-91: Quantitative Assessment of Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Cavernous Hemangioma of Live Using In-Line Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Duan, J

    Purpose: To investigate the potential utility of in-line phase-contrast imaging (ILPCI) technique with synchrotron radiation in detecting early hepatocellular carcinoma and cavernous hemangioma of live using in vitro model system. Methods: Without contrast agents, three typical early hepatocellular carcinoma specimens and three typical cavernous hemangioma of live specimens were imaged using ILPCI. To quantitatively discriminate early hepatocellular carcinoma tissues and cavernous hemangioma tissues, the projection images texture feature based on gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) were extracted. The texture parameters of energy, inertia, entropy, correlation, sum average, sum entropy, difference average, difference entropy and inverse difference moment, were obtained respectively.more » Results: In the ILPCI planar images of early hepatocellular carcinoma specimens, vessel trees were clearly visualized on the micrometer scale. Obvious distortion deformation was presented, and the vessel mostly appeared as a ‘dry stick’. Liver textures appeared not regularly. In the ILPCI planar images of cavernous hemangioma of live specimens, typical vessels had not been found compared with the early hepatocellular carcinoma planar images. The planar images of cavernous hemangioma of live specimens clearly displayed the dilated hepatic sinusoids with the diameter of less than 100 microns, but all of them were overlapped with each other. The texture parameters of energy, inertia, entropy, correlation, sum average, sum entropy, and difference average, showed a statistically significant between the two types specimens image (P<0.01), except the texture parameters of difference entropy and inverse difference moment(P>0.01). Conclusion: The results indicate that there are obvious changes in morphological levels including vessel structures and liver textures. The study proves that this imaging technique has a potential value in evaluating early hepatocellular carcinoma and

  2. Active heat exchange system development for latent heat thermal energy storage

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lefrois, R. T.; Knowles, G. R.; Mathur, A. K.; Budimir, J.


    Active heat exchange concepts for use with thermal energy storage systems in the temperature range of 250 C to 350 C, using the heat of fusion of molten salts for storing thermal energy are described. Salt mixtures that freeze and melt in appropriate ranges are identified and are evaluated for physico-chemical, economic, corrosive and safety characteristics. Eight active heat exchange concepts for heat transfer during solidification are conceived and conceptually designed for use with selected storage media. The concepts are analyzed for their scalability, maintenance, safety, technological development and costs. A model for estimating and scaling storage system costs is developed and is used for economic evaluation of salt mixtures and heat exchange concepts for a large scale application. The importance of comparing salts and heat exchange concepts on a total system cost basis, rather than the component cost basis alone, is pointed out. The heat exchange concepts were sized and compared for 6.5 MPa/281 C steam conditions and a 1000 MW(t) heat rate for six hours. A cost sensitivity analysis for other design conditions is also carried out.

  3. Immiscible fluid: Heat of fusion heat storage system

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Edie, D. D.; Melsheimer, S. S.; Mullins, J. C.


    Both heat and mass transfer in direct contact aqueous crystallizing systems were studied as part of a program desig- ned to evaluate the feasibility of direct contact heat transfer in phase change storage using aqueous salt system. Major research areas, discussed include (1) crystal growth velocity study on selected salts; (2) selection of salt solutions; (3) selection of immiscible fluids; (4) studies of heat transfer and system geometry; and (5) system demonstration.

  4. Metal-halide mixtures for latent heat energy storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, K.; Manvi, R.

    Some candidates for alkali metal and alkali halide mixtures suitable for thermal energy storage at temperatures 600 C are identified. A solar thermal system application which offer advantages such as precipitation of salt crystals away from heat transfer surfaces, increased thermal conductivity of phase change materials, corrosion inhibition, and a constant monotectic temperature, independent of mixture concentrations. By using the lighters, metal rich phase as a heat transfer medium and the denser, salt rich phase as a phase change material for latent heat storage, undesirable solidification on the heat transfer surface may be prevented, is presented.

  5. Metal-halide mixtures for latent heat energy storage

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chen, K.; Manvi, R.


    Some candidates for alkali metal and alkali halide mixtures suitable for thermal energy storage at temperatures 600 C are identified. A solar thermal system application which offer advantages such as precipitation of salt crystals away from heat transfer surfaces, increased thermal conductivity of phase change materials, corrosion inhibition, and a constant monotectic temperature, independent of mixture concentrations. By using the lighters, metal rich phase as a heat transfer medium and the denser, salt rich phase as a phase change material for latent heat storage, undesirable solidification on the heat transfer surface may be prevented, is presented.

  6. Composite materials for thermal energy storage: enhancing performance through microstructures.


    Ge, Zhiwei; Ye, Feng; Ding, Yulong


    Chemical incompatibility and low thermal conductivity issues of molten-salt-based thermal energy storage materials can be addressed by using microstructured composites. Using a eutectic mixture of lithium and sodium carbonates as molten salt, magnesium oxide as supporting material, and graphite as thermal conductivity enhancer, the microstructural development, chemical compatibility, thermal stability, thermal conductivity, and thermal energy storage performance of composite materials are investigated. The ceramic supporting material is essential for preventing salt leakage and hence provides a solution to the chemical incompatibility issue. The use of graphite gives a significant enhancement on the thermal conductivity of the composite. Analyses suggest that the experimentally observed microstructural development of the composite is associated with the wettability of the salt on the ceramic substrate and that on the thermal conduction enhancer. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Nonaqueous electrolyte for electrical storage devices


    McEwen, Alan B.; Yair, Ein-Eli


    Improved nonaqueous electrolytes for application in electrical storage devices such as electrochemical capacitors or batteries are disclosed. The electrolytes of the invention contain salts consisting of alkyl substituted, cyclic delocalized aromatic cations, and their perfluoro derivatives, and certain polyatomic anions having a van der Waals volume less than or equal to 100 .ANG..sup.3, preferably inorganic perfluoride anions and most preferably PF.sub.6.sup.-, the salts being dissolved in organic liquids, and preferably alkyl carbonate solvents, or liquid sulfur dioxide or combinations thereof, at a concentration of greater than 0.5M and preferably greater than 1.0M. Exemplary electrolytes comprise 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate dissolved in a cyclic or acylic alkyl carbonate, or methyl formate, or a combination therof. These improved electrolytes have useful characteristics such as higher conductivity, higher concentration, higher energy storage capabilities, and higher power characteristics compared to prior art electrolytes. Stacked capacitor cells using electrolytes of the invention permit high energy, high voltage storage.

  8. Weeks Island brine diffuser site study: baseline conditions and environmental assessment technical report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    This technical report presents the results of a study conducted at two alternative brine diffuser sites (A and B) proposed for the Weeks Island salt dome, together with an analysis of the potential physical, chemical, and biological effects of brine disposal for this area of the Gulf of Mexico. Brine would result from either the leaching of salt domes to form or enlarge oil storage caverns, or the subsequent use of these caverns for crude oil storage in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) program. Brine leached from the Weeks Island salt dome would be transported through a pipeline which wouldmore » extend from the salt dome either 27 nautical miles (32 statute miles) for Site A, or 41 nautical miles (47 statute miles) for Site B, into Gulf waters. The brine would be discharged at these sites through an offshore diffuser at a sustained peak rate of 39 ft/sup 3//sec. The disposal of large quantities of brine in the Gulf could have a significant impact on the biology and water quality of the area. Physical and chemical measurements of the marine environment at Sites A and B were taken between September 1977 and July 1978 to correlate the existing environmental conditions with the estimated physical extent of tthe brine discharge as predicted by the MIT model (US Dept. of Commerce, 1977a). Measurements of wind, tide, waves, currents, and stratification (water column structure) were also obtained since the diffusion and dispersion of the brine plume are a function of the local circulation regime. These data were used to calculate both near- and far-field concentrations of brine, and may also be used in the design criteria for diffuser port configuration and verification of the plume model. Biological samples were taken to characterize the sites and to predict potential areas of impact with regard to the discharge. This sampling focused on benthic organisms and demersal fish. (DMC)« less

  9. Microstructures in naturally deformed Upper Rotliegend salt rocks from Northern Germany

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Henneberg, Mareike; Hammer, Jörg; Mertineit, Michael


    Permian and Meso-/Cenozoic salt formations are represented in wide parts of the German geologic underground (Reinhold & Hammer 2016). They are of interest for cavern storage of oil and gas as well as of renewable energies (in form of compressed air or hydrogen). For industrial exploration purposes, more detailed data about the composition, barrier properties, as well as the genesis and deformation of the rocks is needed. In central Northern Germany, salt rocks from the Upper Rotliegend are implemented in diapir structures together with salt formations from the Zechstein. Rotliegend salt rocks are characterized by halite that contains patches of detrital material which account for 5 to 60 vol.% of the rock. They show a characteristic red to purple color. Drill cores containing Rotliegend halite rocks from different locations were investigated in this study by using petrographical and microstructural methods. The halite shows different fabric types: (i) euhedral to hypidiomorphic grains with grain sizes up to several millimeters, (ii) polygonal grains with smaller grain sizes between 0.1 and 3 mm, and (iii) fibrous halite. Halite grain boundaries are decorated with fluid inclusions, especially around the contact to detrital material. Subgrains in halite are abundant in all investigated samples and show average sizes between 140 µm and 217 µm. These correspond to average differential stresses of 1 MPa to 1.45 MPa (Carter et al. 1993, Schléder & Urai 2005). The detrital material consists of clasts of quartz, feldspar, mica, carbonates and metal oxides with grain sizes of clay to silt fraction. In some samples, the detrital components show internal deformation by folding and fracturing. Depending on the location, different quantities of authigenic evaporite minerals, like carbonate and anhydrite, formed. Fractures are filled with halite, anhydrite and celestine. The different types of halite fabric are an indication of locally different deformational behavior of the

  10. Intralesional hemorrhage and thrombosis without rupture in a pure spinal epidural cavernous angioma: a rare cause of acute lumbal radiculopathy

    PubMed Central

    Riemenschneider, Markus; Herdmann, Jörg


    Pure spinal epidural cavernous angiomas are extremely rare lesions, and their normal shape is that of a fusiform mass in the dorsal aspects of the spinal canal. We report a case of a lumbo-sacral epidural cavernous vascular malformation presenting with acute onset of right-sided S1 radiculopathy. Clinical aspects, imaging, intraoperative findings, and histology are demonstrated. The patient, a 27-year-old man presented with acute onset of pain, paraesthesia, and numbness within the right leg corresponding to the S1 segment. An acute lumbosacral disc herniation was suspected, but MRI revealed a cystic lesion with the shape of a balloon, a fluid level and a thickened contrast-enhancing wall. Intraoperatively, a purple-blue tumor with fibrous adhesions was located between the right S1 and S2 nerve roots. Macroscopically, no signs of epidural bleedings could be denoted. After coagulation of a reticular venous feeder network and dissection of the adhesions the rubber ball-like lesion was resected in total. Histology revealed a prominent venous vessel with a pathologically thickened, amuscular wall surrounded by smaller, hyalinized, venous vessels arranged in a back-to-back position typical for the diagnosis of a cavernous angioma. Lumina were partially occluded by thrombi. The surrounding fibrotic tissue showed signs of recurrent bleedings. There was no obvious mass hemorrhage into the surrounding tissue. In this unique case, the pathologic mechanism was not the usual rupture of the cavernous angioma with subsequent intraspinal hemorrhage, but acute mass effect by intralesional bleedings and thrombosis with subsequent increase of volume leading to nerve root compression. Thus, even without a sudden intraspinal hemorrhage a spinal cavernous malformation can cause acute symptoms identical to the clinical features of a soft disc herniation. PMID:20213297

  11. A rare case of important and recurrent abnormal uterine bleeding in a post partum woman caused by cavernous hemangioma: a case report and review of literature.


    Aka, Kacou Edele; Apollinaire Horo, Gninlgninrin; Fomba, Minata; Kouyate, Salif; Koffi, Abdoul Koffi; Konan, Seni; Fanny, Mohamed; Effi, Benjamin; Kone, Mamourou


    The cavernous hemangioma is a rare benign vascular tumor. About 50 cases of this disease were found in the literature over the last century and only 9 cases of cavernous hemangioma on the pregnant uterus were published it comes into cavernous or capillary form. The symptomatology is not unequivocal and when it occurs during pregnancy or postpartum, it causes life-threatening cataclysmic hemorrhage. Antenatal diagnosis is difficult and requires a multidisciplinary approach with pathologists, radiologists and gynecologists to avoid these complications or unnecessary hysterectomies. The diagnosis is histological. Hysterectomy is possible after failure of conservative treatment means. We report a rare case, a novel mixed cavernous hemangioma of the body associated with a capillary hemangioma of the cervix in a patient of 28 years 5th visors with recurrent genital bleeding in the postpartum period leading to a hysterectomy.

  12. Manufacture, distribution, and handling of nitrate salts for solar-thermal applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fiorucci, L. C.; Goldstein, S. L.


    The low cost and attractive physical properties of molten sodium/potassium nitrate salts were shown to be one of the most cost effective fluids for heat absorption and thermal energy storage in Solar Central Receiver (SCR) systems. Information related to the availability, transport, handling, and utilization of these salts for commercial size SCR applications is provided. The following items are reviewed: existing manufacturing processes for natural and synthetic nitrates; the upstream availability of raw materials; downstream existing and projected demand for these products in other sectors of the economy; and relevant handling and distribution technologies. Safety considerations and issues more directly related to the SCR facility, such as initial system charging, salt maintenance and regeneration, and disposal are also reviewed. Options for supply, surge storage, and initial charging are discussed for the 1 MWt to 300 MWe range of solar plant sizes.

  13. Cavernous sinus hemangioma: a fourteen year single institution experience.


    Bansal, Sumit; Suri, Ashish; Singh, Manmohan; Kale, Shashank Sharad; Agarwal, Deepak; Sharma, Manish Singh; Mahapatra, Ashok Kumar; Sharma, Bhawani Shankar


    Cavernous sinus hemangioma (CSH) is a rare extra-axial vascular neoplasm that accounts for 2% to 3% of all cavernous sinus tumors. Their location, propensity for profuse bleeding during surgery, and relationship to complex neurovascular structures are factors which present difficulty in excising these lesions. The authors describe their experience of 22 patients with CSH over 14 years at a tertiary care center. Patients were managed with microsurgical resection using a purely extradural transcavernous approach (13 patients) and with Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS; Elekta AB, Stockholm, Sweden) (nine patients). Retrospective data analysis found headache and visual impairment were the most common presenting complaints, followed by facial hypesthesia and diplopia. All but one patient had complete tumor excision in the surgical series. Transient ophthalmoparesis (complete resolution in 6-8 weeks) was the most common surgical complication. In the GKRS group, marked tumor shrinkage (>50% tumor volume reduction) was achieved in two patients, slight shrinkage in five and no change in two patients, with symptom improvement in the majority of patients. To our knowledge, we describe one of the largest series of CSH managed at a single center. Although microsurgical resection using an extradural transcavernous approach is considered the treatment of choice in CSH and allows complete excision with minimal mortality and long-term morbidity, GKRS is an additional tool for treating residual symptomatic lesions or in patients with associated comorbidities making surgical resection unsuitable. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  14. Environmental change at Kartchner Caverns: trying to separate natural and anthropogenic changes


    Rickard S. Toomey; Ginger Nolan


    Cave temperature and moisture levels are important factors in the environmental health of Kartchner Caverns. Monitoring indicates the cave has warmed and moisture levels have fallen over the past 14 years. Timing and patterns of change within the cave suggest that changes are due to development as a show cave. However, changes in other caves, surface temperature and...

  15. Scenario simulation based assessment of subsurface energy storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beyer, C.; Bauer, S.; Dahmke, A.


    Energy production from renewable sources such as solar or wind power is characterized by temporally varying power supply. The politically intended transition towards renewable energies in Germany („Energiewende") hence requires the installation of energy storage technologies to compensate for the fluctuating production. In this context, subsurface energy storage represents a viable option due to large potential storage capacities and the wide prevalence of suited geological formations. Technologies for subsurface energy storage comprise cavern or deep porous media storage of synthetic hydrogen or methane from electrolysis and methanization, or compressed air, as well as heat storage in shallow or moderately deep porous formations. Pressure build-up, fluid displacement or temperature changes induced by such operations may affect local and regional groundwater flow, geomechanical behavior, groundwater geochemistry and microbiology. Moreover, subsurface energy storage may interact and possibly be in conflict with other "uses" like drinking water abstraction or ecological goods and functions. An utilization of the subsurface for energy storage therefore requires an adequate system and process understanding for the evaluation and assessment of possible impacts of specific storage operations on other types of subsurface use, the affected environment and protected entities. This contribution presents the framework of the ANGUS+ project, in which tools and methods are developed for these types of assessments. Synthetic but still realistic scenarios of geological energy storage are derived and parameterized for representative North German storage sites by data acquisition and evaluation, and experimental work. Coupled numerical hydraulic, thermal, mechanical and reactive transport (THMC) simulation tools are developed and applied to simulate the energy storage and subsurface usage scenarios, which are analyzed for an assessment and generalization of the imposed THMC

  16. 75 FR 21288 - Henry Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CP10-125-000] Henry Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Application April 16, 2010. Take notice that on April 5, 2010, Henry Gas Storage... developing the Cote Blanche Island salt dome for natural gas storage in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, all as...

  17. Limited endoscopic transsphenoidal approach for cavernous sinus biopsy: illustration of 3 cases and discussion.


    Graillon, T; Fuentes, S; Metellus, P; Adetchessi, T; Gras, R; Dufour, H


    Advances in transsphenoidal surgery and endoscopic techniques have opened new perspectives for cavernous sinus (CS) approaches. The aim of this study was to assess the advantages and disadvantages of limited endoscopic transsphenoidal approach, as performed in pituitary adenoma surgery, for CS tumor biopsy illustrated with three clinical cases. The first case was a 46-year-old woman with a prior medical history of parotid adenocarcinoma successfully treated 10 years previously. The cavernous sinus tumor was revealed by right third and sixth nerve palsy and increased over the past three years. A tumor biopsy using a limited endoscopic transsphenoidal approach revealed an adenocarcinoma metastasis. Complementary radiosurgery was performed. The second case was a 36-year-old woman who consulted for diplopia with right sixth nerve palsy and amenorrhea with hyperprolactinemia. Dopamine agonist treatment was used to restore the patient's menstrual cycle. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a right sided CS tumor. CS biopsy, via a limited endoscopic transsphenoidal approach, confirmed a meningothelial grade 1 meningioma. Complementary radiosurgery was performed. The third case was a 63-year-old woman with progressive installation of left third nerve palsy and visual acuity loss, revealing a left cavernous sinus tumor invading the optic canal. Surgical biopsy was performed using an enlarged endoscopic transsphenoidal approach to the decompress optic nerve. Biopsy results revealed a meningothelial grade 1 meningioma. Complementary radiotherapy was performed. In these three cases, no complications were observed. Mean hospitalization duration was 4 days. Reported anatomical studies and clinical series have shown the feasibility of reaching the cavernous sinus using an endoscopic endonasal approach. Trans-foramen ovale CS percutaneous biopsy is an interesting procedure but only provides cell analysis results, and not tissue analysis. However, radiotherapy and

  18. Geohydrology of the Keechi, Mount Sylvan, Oakwood, and Palestine salt domes in the northeast Texas salt-dome basin

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Carr, J.E.; Halasz, S.J.; Peters, H.B.


    The salt within these domes has penetrated as much as 20,000 feet of Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata, and presently extends to within 120 to 800 feet of the land surface. The salt penetrates or closely underlies major freshwater and salinewater aquifers within the basin. To provide a safe repository for radioactive wastes within one or more of these domes, a thorough understanding of the geohydrology needs to be obtained, and the hydrologic stability of the domes needs to be established for the expected life of the storage facility. Dissolution may exist at all four candidate salt domes, possibly through contactmore » with Cretaceous or Tertiary aquifers, or through fault systems in the vicinity of the domes. Strata overlying and surrounding Palestine and Keechi Salt Domes have been arched into steeply-dipping folds that are complexly faulted. Similar conditions exist at Oakwood and Mount Sylvan Domes, except that the Tertiary strata have been only moderately disturbed. Additional problems concerning the hydrologic stability of Oakwood and Palestine Salt Domes have resulted from the disposal of oil-field salinewater in the cap rock at the Oakwood Dome and previous solution mining of salt at the Palestine Dome.« less

  19. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Park, Jung-Wook; Rutqvist, Jonny; Ryu, Dongwoo

    The present study is aimed at numerically examining the thermal-hydrological-mechanical (THM) processes within the rock mass surrounding a cavern used for thermal energy storage (TES). We considered a cylindrical rock cavern with a height of 50 m and a radius of 10 m storing thermal energy of 350ºC as a conceptual TES model and simulated its operation for 30 years using THM coupled numerical modeling. At first, the insulator performance was not considered for the purpose of investigating the possible coupled THM behavior of the surrounding rock mass; then, the effects of an insulator were examined for different insulator thicknesses.more » The key concerns were focused on the hydro-thermal multiphase flow and heat transport in the rock mass around the thermal storage cavern, the effect of evaporation of rock mass, thermal impact on near the ground surface and the mechanical behavior of the surrounding rock mass. It is shown that the rock temperature around the cavern rapidly increased in the early stage and, consequently, evaporation of groundwater occurred, raising the fluid pressure. However, evaporation and multiphase flow did not have a significant effect on the heat transfer and mechanical behavior in spite of the high-temperature (350ºC) heat source. The simulations showed that large-scale heat flow around a cavern was expected to be conductiondominated for a reasonable value of rock mass permeability. Thermal expansion as a result of the heating of the rock mass from the storage cavern led to a ground surface uplift on the order of a few centimeters and to the development of tensile stress above the storage cavern, increasing the potentials for shear and tensile failures after a few years of the operation. Finally, the analysis showed that high tangential stress in proximity of the storage cavern can some shear failure and local damage, although large rock wall failure could likely be controlled with appropriate insulators and reinforcement.« less

  20. Development of thermal energy storage units for spacecraft cryogenic coolers

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Richter, R.; Mahefkey, E. T.


    Thermal Energy Storage Units were developed for storing thermal energy required for operating Vuilleumier cryogenic space coolers. In the course of the development work the thermal characteristics of thermal energy storage material was investigated. By three distinctly different methods it was established that ternary salts did not release fusion energy as determined by ideality at the melting point of the eutectic salt. Phase change energy was released over a relatively wide range of temperature with a large change in volume. This strongly affects the amount of thermal energy that is available to the Vuilleumier cryogenic cooler at its operating temperature range and the amount of thermal energy that can be stored and released during a single storage cycle.

  1. Base of fresh ground water, northern Louisiana Salt-Dome Basin and vicinity, northern Louisiana and southern Arkansas

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Ryals, G.N.


    The National Waste Terminal Storage Program is an effort by the U.S. Department of Energy to locate and develop sites for disposal or storage of commercially produced radioactive wastes. As part of this program, salt domes in the northern Louisiana salt-dome basin are being studied to determine their suitability as repositories. Part of the U.S. Geological Survey 's participation in the program has been to describe the regional geohydrology of the northern Louisiana salt-dome basin. A map based on a compilation of published data and the interpretation of electrical logs shows the altitude of the base of freshwater in aquifers in the northern Louisiana salt-dome basin. (USGS)

  2. 78 FR 38704 - Mississippi Hub, LLC; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... finished drilling the injection and withdrawal wells for Cavern 3 and is presently leaching the underground salt formation. The proposed increase in capacity will entail continued leaching of Cavern 3 to reach the proposed new capacity levels. The activity will be completed using the existing leaching...

  3. The Usefulness of Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Tractography in Surgery of Brainstem Cavernous Malformations.


    Januszewski, Jacob; Albert, Lauren; Black, Karen; Dehdashti, Amir R


    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) estimates the course and connectivity patterns of white matter tracts. The objective of this study is to evaluate whether findings in the brain stem modify the preoperative surgical trajectory planning or postoperative outcome in patients with brain stem cavernous malformations. Ten patients with symptomatic brainstem cavernous malformation underwent surgical resection. Five patients received preoperative DTI evaluation and the remaining 5 did not. Reconstructed DTI tracts consisted of corticospinal, medial lemnisci, and cerebellar peduncles. The surgical planning and postoperative outcome were evaluated. In 5 patients with no preoperative DTI evaluation, surgical planning was based on anatomic landmark and the 2-point technique. The other 5 patients underwent preoperative DTI, and findings were factored into the selection of the surgical approach. In 3 of the 5 cases with DTI evaluation, the 2-point technique suggested a similar trajectory. In the other 2, the DTI findings suggested a different approach to avoid damage to the white matter tract. Two patients in the group with no DTI had immediate postoperative new or worsened deficit, which improved at long-term follow-up. No patient in the DTI group had a new neurologic deficit. Compared with the standard magnetic resonance imaging, DTI provided improved visualization of cavernous malformation involvement in eloquent fiber tracts of the brainstem. This additional information might help in selecting a more appropriate surgical trajectory in selected lesions. Larger patient cohorts are needed to assess the effect of this modality in patients' outcome. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  4. Dumbbell-Shaped Epidural Cavernous Hemangioma in the Thoracic Spine Mimicking Schwannoma.


    Wang, Shantao; Wang, Mingwei; Wang, Fuchao; Yuan, Xunhui; Xiao, Hang; Bai, Yun'an; Liu, Fucun


    Dumbbell-shaped epidural cavernous hemangiomas (CHs) are extremely rare, and they are easily misdiagnosed as spinal schwannomas. Herein, the authors report 1 rare case of dumbbell-shaped epidural CH in the thoracic spine. To the best of our knowledge, only a few cases of dumbbell-shaped epidural CHs in thoracic spine have been reported. Furthermore, the clinical characteristics and treatments for spinal epidural CHs were investigated and reviewed.

  5. Geologic appraisal of Paradox basin salt deposits for water emplacement

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Hite, Robert J.; Lohman, Stanley William


    process and that any waste-storage or disposal sites in these structures should remain dry for hundreds of thousands of years.Trace to commercial quantities of oil and gas are found in all of the black shale-dolomite-anhydrite interbeds of the Paradox Member. These hydrocarbons constitute a definite hazard in the construction and operation of underground waste-storage or disposal facilities. However, many individual halite beds are of. sufficient thickness that a protective seal of halite can be left between the openings and the gassy beds.A total of 12 different localities were considered to be potential waste-storage or disposal sites in the Paradox basin. Two Sharer dome and Salt Valley anticline, were considered to have the most favorable characteristics.

  6. Identification of salt-alloy combinations for thermal energy storage applications in advanced solar dynamic power systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Whittenberger, J. D.; Misra, A. K.


    Thermodynamic calculations based on the available data for flouride salt systems reveal that a number of congruently melting compositions and eutectics exist which have the potential to meet the lightweight, high energy storage requirements imposed for advanced solar dynamic systems operating between about 1000 and 1400 K. Compatibility studies to determine suitable containment alloys to be used with NaF-22CaF2-13MgF2, NaF-32CaF2, and NaF-23MgF2 have been conducted at the eutectic temperature + 25 K for each system. For these three NaF-based eutectics, none of the common, commercially available high temperature alloys appear to offer adequate corrosion resistance for a long lifetime; however mild steel, pure nickel and Nb-1Zr could prove useful. These latter materials suggest the possibility that a strong, corrosion resistant, nonrefractory, elevated temperature alloy based on the Ni-Ni3Nb system could be developed.

  7. Thermal energy storage for CSP (Concentrating Solar Power)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Py, Xavier; Sadiki, Najim; Olives, Régis; Goetz, Vincent; Falcoz, Quentin


    The major advantage of concentrating solar power before photovoltaic is the possibility to store thermal energy at large scale allowing dispatchability. Then, only CSP solar power plants including thermal storage can be operated 24 h/day using exclusively the solar resource. Nevertheless, due to a too low availability in mined nitrate salts, the actual mature technology of the two tanks molten salts cannot be applied to achieve the expected international share in the power production for 2050. Then alternative storage materials are under studies such as natural rocks and recycled ceramics made from industrial wastes. The present paper is a review of those alternative approaches.

  8. 77 FR 73635 - Northwest Storage GP, LLC; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CP13-18-000; PF12-2-000] Northwest Storage GP, LLC; Notice of Application Take notice that on November 21, 2012, Northwest Storage GP..., Northwest Storage GP, LLC., 295 Chipeta Way, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108, by phone at 801-584-6857 or by...

  9. Geopolymer encapsulation of a chloride salt phase change material for high temperature thermal energy storage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jacob, Rhys; Trout, Neil; Raud, Ralf; Clarke, Stephen; Steinberg, Theodore A.; Saman, Wasim; Bruno, Frank


    In an effort to reduce the cost and increase the material compatibility of encapsulated phase change materials (EPCMs) a new encapsulated system has been proposed. In the current study a molten salt eutectic of barium chloride (53% wt.), potassium chloride (28% wt.) and sodium chloride (19% wt.) has been identified as a promising candidate for low cost EPCM storage systems. The latent heat, melting point and thermal stability of the phase change material (PCM) was determined by DSC and was found to be in good agreement with results published in the literature. To cope with the corrosive nature of the PCM, it was decided that a fly-ash based geopolymer met the thermal and economic constraints for encapsulation. The thermal stability of the geopolymer shell was also tested with several formulations proving to form a stable shell for the chosen PCM at 200°C and/or 600°C. Lastly several capsules of the geopolymer shell with a chloride PCM were fabricated using a variety of methods with several samples remaining stable after exposure to 600°C testing.

  10. 75 FR 61478 - D'Lo Gas Storage, LLC; Notice of Petition

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Storage, LLC; Notice of Petition September 24, 2010. Take notice that on September 21, 2010, D'Lo Gas Storage, LLC (Petitioner), 1002 East St. Mary Boulevard, Lafayette, Louisiana 70503, filed in Docket No... determine feasibility of developing the underlying salt dome formation for natural gas storage, all as more...

  11. Influence of electro-activated solutions of weak organic acid salts on microbial quality and overall appearance of blueberries during storage.


    Liato, Viacheslav; Hammami, Riadh; Aïder, Mohammed


    The aim of this work was to study the potential of diluted electro-activated solutions of weak organic acid salts (potassium acetate, potassium citrate and calcium lactate) to extend the shelf life of blueberries during post-harvest storage. The sanitizing capacity of these solutions was studied against pathogenic bacteria Listeria monocytogenes and E. coli O157:H7 as well as phytopathogenic fungi A. alternata, F. oxysporum and B. cinerea. The results showed that a 5-min treatment of inoculated blueberries with electro-activated solutions resulted in a 4 log CFU/g reduction in Listeria monocytogenes for all solutions. For E. coli O157:H7, the electro-activated potassium acetate and potassium citrate solutions achieved a decrease of 3.5 log CFU/g after 5 min of berry washing. The most important fungus reduction was found when blueberries were washed with an electro-activated solution of potassium acetate and a NaOCl solution. After 5 min of blueberry washing with an electro-activated potassium acetate solution, a very high reduction effect was observed for A. alternata, F. oxysporum and B. cinerea, which showed survival levels of only 2.2 ± 0.16, 0.34 ± 0.15 and 0.21 ± 0.16 log CFU/g, respectively. Regarding the effect of the washing on the organoleptic quality of blueberries, the obtained results showed no negative effect on the product color or textural profile. Finally, this work suggests that washing with electro-activated solutions of weak organic acid salts can be used to enhance the shelf-life of blueberries during post-harvest storage. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Trans-zygomatic middle cranial fossa approach to access lesions around the cavernous sinus and anterior parahippocampus: a minimally invasive skull base approach.


    Melamed, Itay; Tubbs, R Shane; Payner, Troy D; Cohen-Gadol, Aaron A


    Exposure of the cavernous sinus or anterior parahippocampus often involves a wide exposure of the temporal lobe and mobilization of the temporalis muscle associated with temporal lobe retraction. The authors present a cadaveric study to illustrate the feasibility, advantages and landmarks necessary to perform a trans-zygomatic middle fossa approach to lesions around the cavernous sinus and anterior parahippocampus. The authors performed bilateral trans-zygomatic middle fossae exposures to reach the cavernous sinus and parahippocampus in five cadavers (10 sides). We assessed the morbidity associated with this procedure and compared the indications, advantages, and disadvantages of this method versus more extensive skull base approaches. A vertical linear incision along the middle portion of the zygomatic arch was extended one finger breadth inferior to the inferior edge of the zygomatic arch. Careful dissection inferior to the arch allowed preservation of facial nerve branches. A zygomatic osteotomy was followed via a linear incision through the temporalis muscle and exposure of the middle cranial fossa floor. A craniotomy along the inferolateral temporal bone and middle fossa floor allowed extradural dissection along the middle fossa floor and exposure of the cavernous sinus including all three divisions of the trigeminal nerve. Intradural inspection demonstrated adequate exposure of the parahippocampus. Exposure of the latter required minimal or no retraction of the temporal lobe. The trans-zygomatic middle fossa approach is a simplified skull base exposure using a linear incision, which may avoid the invasivity of more extensive skull base approaches while providing an adequate corridor for resection of cavernous sinus and parahippocampus lesions. The advantages of this approach include its efficiency, ease, minimalism, preservation of the temporalis muscle, and minimal retraction of the temporal lobe.

  13. In Situ Observation of Failure Mechanisms Controlled by Rock Masses with Weak Interlayer Zones in Large Underground Cavern Excavations Under High Geostress

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Duan, Shu-Qian; Feng, Xia-Ting; Jiang, Quan; Liu, Guo-Feng; Pei, Shu-Feng; Fan, Yi-Lin


    A weak interlayer zone (WIZ) is a poor rock mass system with loose structure, weak mechanical properties, variable thickness, random distribution, strong extension, and high risk due to the shear motion of rock masses under the action of tectonism, bringing many stability problems and geological hazards, especially representing a potential threat to the overall stability of rock masses with WIZs in large underground cavern excavations. Focusing on the deformation and failure problems encountered in the process of excavation unloading, this research proposes comprehensive in situ observation schemes for rock masses with WIZs in large underground cavern on the basis of the collection of geological, construction, monitoring, and testing data. The schemes have been fully applied in two valuable project cases of an underground cavern group under construction in the southwest of China, including the plastic squeezing-out tensile failure and the structural stress-induced collapse of rock masses with WIZs. In this way, the development of rock mass failure, affected by the step-by-step excavations along the cavern's axis and the subsequent excavation downward, could be observed thoroughly. Furthermore, this paper reveals the preliminary analyses of failure mechanism of rock masses with WIZs from several aspects, including rock mass structure, strength, high stress, ground water effects, and microfracture mechanisms. Finally, the failure particularities of rock masses with WIZs and rethink on prevention and control of failures are discussed. The research results could provide important guiding reference value for stability analysis, as well as for rethinking the excavation and support optimization of rock masses with WIZs in similar large underground cavern under high geostress.

  14. Stability of Drugs of Abuse in Urine Samples at Room Temperature by Use of a Salts Mixture.


    Pellegrini, Manuela; Graziano, Silvia; Mastrobattista, Luisa; Minutillo, Adele; Busardo, Francesco Paolo; Scarsella, Gianfranco


    It has long been recognized that ensuring analyte stability is of crucial importance in the use of any quantitative bioanalytical method. As analyses are usually not performed directly after collection of the biological samples, but after these have been processed and stored, it is essential that analyte stability can be maintained at storage conditions to ensure that the obtained concentration results adequately reflect those directly after sampling. The conservation of urine samples in refrigerated/ frozen conditions is strongly recommended; but not always feasible. The aim of this study was to assess the stability of some well-known drugs of abuse methamphetamine (MA), 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH), benzoylecgonine (BE), and morphine (MOR) in urine samples kept at room temperature by adding a salt mixture (sodium citrate, sodium ascorbate, borax). Two different urine samples were prepared with and without salt mixture, stored at room temperature and then analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry at 0, 1, 7, 15, and 30 days after collection/preparation to look for eventual analyte degradation. Methamphetamine showed no significant changes with respect to the time of collection/ preparation (T0) up to 7 days later (T7), with or without salt mixture addiction. Then a significant degradation occurred in both salted and non salted urine. BE decrease was observed starting from day 1 after sample collection in salted and not salted samples, respectively. Salt addition seemed to reduce at least the initial BE degradation, with a significant difference (p<0.001) at 7 and 15 days of storage. However, the degradation was not more prevented in salted samples at 30 days of storage. A 20% decrease of MOR concentration was observed starting from day 1 after collection/preparation, both in salted and not salted samples with no subsequent decrease. With regard to THCCOOH, a significant decrease was observed starting from 7 days after collection

  15. Evoked Cavernous Activity: Normal Values

    PubMed Central

    Yang, Claire C.; Yilmaz, Ugur; Vicars, Brenda G.


    Purpose We present normative data for evoked cavernous activity (ECA), an electrodiagnostic test that evaluates the autonomic innervation of the corpora cavernosa. Material and Methods We enrolled 37 healthy, sexually active and potent men for the study. Each subject completed an IIEF questionnaire and underwent simultaneous ECA and hand and foot sympathetic skin response (SSR) testing. The sympathetic skin response tests were performed as autonomic controls. Results Thirty six men had discernible ECA and SSRs. The mean IIEF erectile domain score was 27. ECA is a low frequency wave that is morphologically and temporally similar in both corpora. The amplitudes of the responses were highly variable. The latencies, although variable, always occurred after the hand SSR. There was no change in the quality or the latency of the ECA with age. Conclusions ECA is measurable in healthy, potent men in a wide range of ages. Similar to other evoked responses of the autonomic nervous system, the measured waveform is highly variable, but its presence is consistent. The association between ECA and erectile function is to be determined. PMID:18423763

  16. The combine effects of salting and thyme oil on sensory and chemical changes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yildiz, Pınar Oǧuzhan


    The present study aimed to investigate the combine effects of salting and thyme oil on chemical and sensory changes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during storage (4°C) was investigated over a period of 24 days. There groups were constituted: group A-control salted, group B-salted samples with 0.4% of thyme oil and group C-salted samples with 0.8% of thyme oil. Fillets were subject to chemical (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances-TBARS, total volatile base nitrogen-TVB-N) and sensory analyses on certain days (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24th days) of storage. Five experienced panelists, academic staff who were trained in sensory descriptors for fishes, were employed to evaluate the quality of trout fillets during storage. Rainbow trout fillets were assessed on the basis of appearance, taste, texture and odour characteristics using a nine point descriptive scale. TVB-N and TBARS values increased in the duration of storage time in all groups. TVB-N and TBARS values in control groups were higher than other groups. Group C samples were assessed as the most acceptable products by the panellists. Difference in chemical and sensory changes between samples was found to be significant (p<0.05) during storage period.

  17. Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Carbon Storage in California Coastal Salt Marshes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brown, L. N.; MacDonald, G. M.


    Coastal salt marshes rank as one of the ecosystems which sequester the most carbon (C) in the world (Chmura, 2003; Mcleod et al., 2011). California hosts multiple small marsh ecosystems outside of the San Francisco Bay that are limited in geographic extent but still contribute significantly to global soil C. We have collected over 100 sediment cores from 11 coastal marsh sites from Humboldt Bay to Tijuana River Estuary on the coast of California. Our 100 cm depth cores cover high, mid, and low elevations in the coastal salt marsh ecosystem, which are known to sequester carbon with varying rates. Approximately 40 cores of the 100 collected cores have been selected for detailed chronologic and stratigraphic analysis, 3 cores at each site minimum. Chronologies are established using 14C, 137Cs, and 210Pb. Our study estimates a carbon sequestration rate of 49 g C m-2 yr-1 for California over the past 100 years. These results are consistent with other long term estimates of soil C, which generally are lower because of natural decomposition of organic C, but also reinforces long-term persistence of soil C in salt marshes over time. These estimates provide valuable proof of the long-term capacity and spatial variability of C sequestration in coastal salt marshes of California.

  18. Using Encapsulated Phase Change Material in Thermal Energy Storage for Baseload Concentrating Solar Power (EPCM-TES)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mathur, Anoop


    Terrafore successfully demonstrated and optimized the manufacturing of capsules containing phase-changing inorganic salts. The phase change was used to store thermal energy collected from a concentrating solar-power plant as latent heat. This latent heat, in addition to sensible heat increased the energy density (energy stored per unit weight of salt) by over 50%, thus requiring 40% less salt and over 60% less capsule container. Therefore, the cost to store high-temperature thermal energy collected in a concentrating solar power plant will be reduced by almost 40% or more, as compared to conventional two-tank, sensible-only storage systems. The cost for thermal energymore » storage (TES) system is expected to achieve the Sun Shot goal of $15 per kWh(t). Costs associated with poor heat-transfer in phase change materials (PCM) were also eliminated. Although thermal energy storage that relies on the latent heat of fusion of PCM improves energy density by as much as 50%, upon energy discharge the salt freezes and builds on the heat transfer surfaces. Since these salts have low thermal conductivity, large heat-transfer areas, or larger conventional heat-exchangers are needed, which increases costs. By encapsulating PCM in small capsules we have increased the heat transfer area per unit volume of salt and brought the heat transfer fluid in direct contact with the capsules. These two improvements have increased the heat transfer coefficient and boosted heat transfer. The program was successful in overcoming the phenomenon of melt expansion in the capsules, which requires the creation of open volume in the capsules or shell to allow for expansion of the molten salt on melting and is heated above its melting point to 550°C. Under contract with the Department of Energy, Terrafore Inc. and Southwest Research Institute, developed innovative method(s) to economically create the open volume or void in the capsule. One method consists of using a sacrificial polymer coating as

  19. The role of magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging and three-dimensional arterial spin labelling perfusion imaging in the differentiation of parasellar meningioma and cavernous haemangioma.


    Xiao, Hua-Feng; Lou, Xin; Liu, Meng-Yu; Wang, Yu-Lin; Wang, Yan; Chen, Zhi-Ye; Shi, Kai-Ning; Ma, Lin


    To evaluate the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and three-dimensional arterial spin labelling perfusion imaging (3D-ASL) in distinguishing cavernous haemangioma from parasellar meningioma, using histological data as a reference standard. Patients with parasellar meningioma or parasellar cavernous haemangioma underwent conventional T1- and T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) followed by DWI and 3D-ASL using a 3.0 Tesla MRI. The minimum apparent diffusion coefficient (minADC) from DWI and the maximal normalized cerebral blood flow (nCBF) from 3D-ASL were measured in each tumour. Diagnosis was confirmed by histology. MinADC was significantly lower and nCBF significantly higher in meningioma (n = 19) than cavernous haemangioma (n = 15). There was a significant negative correlation between minADC and nCBF (r = -0.605). DWI and 3D-ASL are useful in differentiating cavernous haemangiomas from parasellar meningiomas, particularly in situations when the appearance on conventional MRI sequences is otherwise ambiguous. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions:

  20. Technetium tc 99m-labeled red blood cells in the preoperative diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma and other vascular orbital tumors.


    Polito, Ennio; Burroni, Luca; Pichierri, Patrizia; Loffredo, Antonio; Vattimo, Angelo G


    To evaluate technetium Tc 99m (99mTc) red blood cell scintigraphy as a diagnostic tool for orbital cavernous hemangioma and to differentiate between orbital masses on the basis of their vascularization. We performed 99mTc red blood cell scintigraphy on 23 patients (8 female and 15 male; mean age, 47 years) affected by an orbital mass previously revealed with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and suggesting cavernous hemangioma. In our diagnosis, we considered the orbital increase delayed uptake with the typical scintigraphic pattern known as perfusion blood pool mismatch. The patients underwent biopsy or surgical treatment with transconjunctival cryosurgical extraction when possible. Single-photon emission tomography (SPET) showed intense focal uptake in the orbit corresponding to radiologic findings in 11 patients who underwent surgical treatment and pathologic evaluation (9 cavernous hemangiomas, 1 hemangiopericytoma, and 1 lymphangioma). Clinical or histologic examination of the remaining 22 patients revealed the presence of 5 lymphoid pseudotumors, 2 lymphomas, 2 pleomorphic adenomas of the lacrimal gland, 1 astrocytoma, 1 ophthalmic vein thrombosis, and 1 orbital varix. The confirmation of the preoperative diagnosis by 99mTc red blood cell scintigraphy shows that this technique is a reliable tool for differentiating cavernous hemangiomas from other orbital masses (sensitivity, 100%; specificity, 86%) when ultrasound, CT, and MRI are not diagnostic. Unfortunately, 99mTc red blood cell scintigraphy results were positive in 1 patient with hemangiopericytoma and 1 patient with lymphangioma, which showed increased uptake in the lesion on SPET images because of the vascular nature of these tumors. Therefore, in these cases, the SPET images have to be integrated with data regarding clinical preoperative evaluation and CT scans or MRI studies. On the basis of our study, a complete diagnostic picture, CT scans or MRI studies, and

  1. Energy storage devices having anodes containing Mg and electrolytes utilized therein


    Shao, Yuyan; Liu, Jun


    For a metal anode in a battery, the capacity fade is a significant consideration. In energy storage devices having an anode that includes Mg, the cycling stability can be improved by an electrolyte having a first salt, a second salt, and an organic solvent. Examples of the organic solvent include diglyme, triglyme, tetraglyme, or a combination thereof. The first salt can have a magnesium cation and be substantially soluble in the organic solvent. The second salt can enhance the solubility of the first salt and can have a magnesium cation or a lithium cation. The first salt, the second salt, or both have a BH.sub.4 anion.

  2. Seismic-refraction survey to the top of salt in the north end of the Salt Valley Anticline, Grand County, Utah

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Ackermann, Hans D.


    A seismic-refraction survey, consisting of three lines about 2700, 2760, and 5460 meters long, was made at the north end of the Salt Valley anticline of the Paradox Basin in eastern Utah. The target was the crest of a diapiric salt mass and the overlying, deformed caprock. The interpretations reveal an undulating salt surface with as much as 80 meters of relief. The minimum depth of about 165 meters is near the location of three holes drilled by the U.S. Department of Energy for the purpose of evaluating the Salt Valley anticline as a potential site for radioactive waste storages Caprock properties were difficult to estimate because the contorted nature of these beds invalidated a geologic interpretation in terms of velocity layers. However, laterally varying velocities of the critically refracted rays throughout the area suggest differences in the gross physical properties of the caprock.

  3. Defining the Cubature Changes of Historic St. Kinga Chamber in Bochnia Salt Mine, Using Laser Scanning Technology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Szafarczyk, Anna; Gawałkiewicz, Rafał


    In Poland, there are many mining enterprises, of historic character registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List. One of the oldest mining enterprises in Poland is the Salt Mine in Bochnia. The processes inside the rock mass require that surveying services carry out regular geometric control of the cavities. A particular attention should be paid (due to its sacral function) on St. Kinga Chamber, located 195 metres below the surface, on the mine level "August". So far measurement technologies have been connected with the studies on changes in the geometry of cavities and based on linear bases used to measure convergence. This only provides discrete information (in a point) and not always presents a real state of deformation. In the scanning method, in practice a three dimension image of changes (structural deformations) is obtained, impossible to determine with the application of measurement methods, applied to measure the value of linear convergence (the method with a limited number of bases). Laser scanning, apart from determining the value of volume convergence, gives also the possibility of the visualization of 3D cavern. Moreover, it provides direct information to update mining numerical maps and make it possible to generate various cross-sections through the cavern. The authors analysed the possibility of the application of laser scanning (scanner Faro Focus 3D), as a modern tool allowing the measuring of the value of volume convergence.

  4. Surgical management of brain-stem cavernous malformations: report of 137 cases.


    Wang, Chung-cheng; Liu, Ali; Zhang, Jun-ting; Sun, Bo; Zhao, Yuan-li


    With the improvement in neuroimaging and microsurgical techniques, brain stem cavernous malformations are no longer considered inoperable. Surgical indications for brainstem cavernoma are evolving, with better understanding of its natural history and decreasing surgical complications. During 1986 through 1998, a series of 137 patients (4 patients each with two brain stem lesions, total number of lesions, 141) with brain stem cavernous malformations were treated microsurgically at Beijing Neurosurgery Institute. The age distribution, lesion location, and clinical presentations were analyzed. The bleeding rate, surgical indications and microsurgical techniques were also discussed. In our series, 92 of 137 cases (67.2%) suffered more than one hemorrhage. Female patients had a higher risk of recurrent hemorrhage than that of male patients. Unlike cavernomas malformations from other locations, repeated hemorrhages from brain stem malformations are much more common and usually lead to new neurologic deficits. Among all 137 surgically treated patients, there was no operative mortality. Ninety-nine patients (72.3%) either improved or remained clinically stable postoperatively. The size of the cavernoma/hematoma does not necessarily correlate with the surgical result. While the acute hematoma can facilitate the surgical dissection, longer clinical history with multiple hemorrhages often makes total surgical resection difficult, partially because of the firmer capsule that may not shrink or collapse after hematoma is released. Pathologically those capsules were associated with more hyaline degeneration, fibrous proliferation and even calcifications. During the follow-up period between 0.5 to 11 years in 129 cases, 115 patients (89.2%) have been working, studying, or doing house work. Three patients (2.3%) suffered recurrent hemorrhages. Surgical indications of brain stem cavernoma include (1) progressive neurologic deficits; (2) overt acute or subacute hemorrhage on MRI

  5. Thermal Energy Storage Material Comprising Mixtures of Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium Chlorides.

    DTIC Science & Technology

    This invention pertains generally to the storage of thermal energy and in particular to such storage as latent heat of fusion in a ternary eutectic ... salt mixture. Storage of thermal energy has gained great importance since the increased interest in the use of solar energy. On account of the

  6. Study on corrosion of metal materials in nitrate molten salts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhai, Wei; Yang, Bo; Li, Maodong; Li, Shiping; Xin, Mingliang; Zhang, Shuanghong; Huang, Guojia


    High temperature molten salts as a heat transfer heat storage medium has been more widely used in the field of concentrated solar thermal power generation. In the thermal heat storage system, metal material stability and performance at high temperatures are of one major limitation in increasing this operating temperature. In this paper, study on corrosion of 321H, 304, 316L, P91 metal materials in modified solar two molten salts. The corrosion kinetics of 304, 316L, 321H, P91 metal material in the modified solar two molten salts at 450°C, 500°C is also investigated. Under the same condition it was found that 304, 321H corroded at a rate of 40% less than P91. Spallation of corrosion products was observed on P91 steel, while no obvious observed on other kinds of stainless steel. Corrosion rates of 304, 321H, and 316L slowly increased with temperature. Oxidation mechanisms little varied with temperature. Corrosion products of metal materials observed at 450°C, 500°C were primarily Fe oxide and Fe, Cr oxide.

  7. Alkali metal/halide thermal energy storage systems performance evaluation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Phillips, W. M.; Stearns, J. W.


    A pseudoheat-pipe heat transfer mechanism has been demonstrated effective in terms of both total heat removal efficiency and rate, on the one hand, and system isothermal characteristics, on the other, for solar thermal energy storage systems of the kind being contemplated for spacecraft. The selection of appropriate salt and alkali metal substances for the system renders it applicable to a wide temperature range. The rapid heat transfer rate obtainable makes possible the placing of the thermal energy storage system around the solar receiver canister, and the immersing of heat transfer fluid tubes in the phase change salt to obtain an isothermal heat source.

  8. Computed tomographic diagnosis of unilateral cavernous sinus syndrome caused by a chondrosarcoma in a dog: a case report.


    Hernández-Guerra, Angel María; Del Mar López-Murcia, María; Planells, Alicia; Corpa, Juan Manuel; Liste, Fernando


    An eight-year old Rottweiler dog was presented with signs of enophthalmia, ptosis, anisocoria and mydriasis of the right eye, which showed visual disturbance, reduced or absent reflexes, and ophthalmoplegia. Consensual pupillary light reflex was also absent in the left eye. These neurological deficits were compatible with cavernous sinus syndrome. Computed tomography images of the cavernous sinus and the optical fissure revealed a mildly calcified mass arising from the right presphenoid bone extending further caudally into the orbital foramina. This extension of the mass affected the normal function of several cranial nerves. The dog was euthanased within one year of the initial presentation following development of forebrain signs. A chondrosarcoma was diagnosed histologically after necropsy.

  9. [Depiction of the cranial nerves around the cavernous sinus by 3D reversed FISP with diffusion weighted imaging (3D PSIF-DWI)].


    Ishida, Go; Oishi, Makoto; Jinguji, Shinya; Yoneoka, Yuichiro; Sato, Mitsuya; Fujii, Yukihiko


    To evaluate the anatomy of cranial nerves running in and around the cavernous sinus, we employed three-dimensional reversed fast imaging with steady-state precession (FISP) with diffusion weighted imaging (3D PSIF-DWI) on 3-T magnetic resonance (MR) system. After determining the proper parameters to obtain sufficient resolution of 3D PSIF-DWI, we collected imaging data of 20-side cavernous regions in 10 normal subjects. 3D PSIF-DWI provided high contrast between the cranial nerves and other soft tissues, fluid, and blood in all subjects. We also created volume-rendered images of 3D PSIF-DWI and anatomically evaluated the reliability of visualizing optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, and abducens nerves on 3D PSIF-DWI. All 20 sets of cranial nerves were visualized and 12 trochlear nerves and 6 abducens nerves were partially identified. We also presented preliminary clinical experiences in two cases with pituitary adenomas. The anatomical relationship between the tumor and cranial nerves running in and around the cavernous sinus could be three-dimensionally comprehended by 3D PSIF-DWI and the volume-rendered images. In conclusion, 3D PSIF-DWI has great potential to provide high resolution "cranial nerve imaging", which visualizes the whole length of the cranial nerves including the parts in the blood flow as in the cavernous sinus region.

  10. Color, flavor, and sensory characteristics of gamma-irradiated salted and fermented anchovy sauce

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Jae Hyun; Ahn, Hyun Joo; Yook, Hong Sun; Kim, Kyong Soo; Rhee, Moon Soo; Ryu, Gi Hyung; Byun, Myung Woo


    Color, flavor, and sensory characteristics of irradiated salted and fermented anchovy sauce were investigated. The filtrate of salted and fermented anchovy was irradiated at 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 kGy. After irradiation, Hunter's color values were increased, however, the color values were gradually decreased in all samples during storage. Amount of the aldehydes, esters, ketones, S-containing compounds, and the other groups were increased up to 7.5 kGy irradiation, then decreased at 10 kGy ( P<0.05), while the alcohols and furan groups were increased by irradiation. Different odor patterns were observed among samples using electronic nose system analysis. Gamma-irradiated samples showed better sensory score and the quality was sustained during storage. In conclusion, gamma irradiation of salted and fermented anchovy sauce could improve its sensory quality by reducing typical fishy smell.

  11. Genetically diagnosed Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome and familial cerebral cavernous malformations in the same individual: a case report.


    Whitworth, James; Stausbøl-Grøn, Brian; Skytte, Anne-Bine


    When faced with an unusual clinical feature in a patient with a Mendelian disorder, the clinician may entertain the possibilities of either the feature representing a novel manifestation of that disorder or the co-existence of a different inherited condition. Here we describe an individual with a submandibular oncocytoma, pulmonary bullae and renal cysts as well as multiple cerebral cavernous malformations and haemangiomas. Genetic investigations revealed constitutional mutations in FLCN, associated with Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHD) and CCM2, associated with familial cerebral cavernous malformation. Intracranial vascular pathologies (but not cerebral cavernous malformation) have recently been described in a number of individuals with BHD (Kapoor et al. in Fam Cancer 14:595-597, 10.1007/s10689-015-9807-y , 2015) but it is not yet clear whether they represent a genuine part of that conditions' phenotypic spectrum. We suggest that in such instances of potentially novel clinical features, more extensive genetic testing to consider co-existing conditions should be considered where available. The increased use of next generation sequencing applications in diagnostic settings is likely to lead more cases such as this being revealed.

  12. Efficacy of transsphenoidal surgery in achieving biochemical cure of growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas among patients with cavernous sinus invasion: a systematic review and meta-analysis.


    Briceno, Vanessa; Zaidi, Hasan A; Doucette, Joanne A; Onomichi, Kaho B; Alreshidi, Amer; Mekary, Rania A; Smith, Timothy R


    Growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas in adults can result in severe craniofacial disfigurement and potentially fatal medical complications. Surgical resection leading to remission of the disease is dependent on complete surgical resection of the tumor. Lesions that invade the cavernous sinus may not be safely accessible via an endonasal transsphenoidal surgery (TSS), and the rates of biochemical remission of patients with residual disease vary widely in the literature. We conducted a meta-analysis to examine the prevalence of biochemical remission after TSS among patients with growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas with and without cavernous sinus invasion. Embase, PubMed, and Cochrane Library databases were searched for relevant publications. Fourteen studies with 972 patients with biochemically confirmed growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas were included in the meta-analysis. The overall remission prevalence under a fixed-effect model was 47.6% (95% CI = 40.8-54.4%) for patients with invasive macroadenomas (I 2  = 74.6%, p < 0.01); 76.4% (95% CI = 72.2-80.1%) for patients with non-invasive macroadenomas (I 2  = 59.6%, p = 0.03); and 74.2% (95% CI = 66.3-80.7%) for patients with non-invasive microadenomas (I 2  = 36.4, p = 0.10). The significant difference among the three groups resulted from the difference between patients with or without cavernous sinus invasion (p = 0.01) and not from the size of adenomas among those without cavernous sinus invasion (p = 0.66). The prevalence of biochemical remission in patients with cavernous sinus invasion was lower than in patients without cavernous sinus invasion after TSS for acromegaly.

  13. Hydatid liver cyst causing portal vein thrombosis and cavernous transformation: a case report and literature review

    PubMed Central

    Kirmizi, Serdar; Kayaalp, Cuneyt; Yilmaz, Sezai


    A 33-year-old male with abdominal distention after meals was admitted to the hospital. He had a history of surgery for hydatid liver cyst. The cyst was located at the liver hilum and there were portal venous thrombosis and cavernous transformation. It had been treated with partial cystectomy, omentoplasty and albendazole. Two years later at the admission to our center, his laboratory tests were in normal ranges. Abdominal imaging methods revealed splenomegaly, portal vein thrombosis, cavernous transformation and the previously operated hydatid liver cyst. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy demonstrated esophageal and gastric fundal varices. Due to his young age and low risk for surgery, the patient was planned for surgical treatment of both pathologies at the same time. At laparotomy, hydatid liver cyst was obliterated with omentum and there was no sign of active viable hydatid disease. A meso-caval shunt with an 8 mm in-diameter graft was created. In the postoperative period, his symptoms and endoscopic varices were regressed. There were four similar cases reported in the literature. This one was the youngest and the only one treated by a surgical shunt. Hydatid liver cysts that located around the hilum can lead to portal vein thrombosis and cavernous thrombosis. Treatment should consist of both hydatid liver cyst and portal hypertension. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first case of surgically treated portal vein thrombosis that was originated from a hydatid liver cyst. PMID:27895860

  14. Design and demonstration of a storage assisted air conditioning system

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    One phase-change material, sodium sulfate decahydrate, has generated considerable interest for thermal storage. A form of this material containing salts to adjust the transition point to approximately 55/sup 0/F and a gelling agent to prevent segregation of the salts has been developed. This material is packaged in the form of a CHUB, (a cylinder two inches in diameter and twenty inches long) having a weight of 3.25 pounds and a thermal storage capability of 50 Btu per pound. Under this project, a storage-assisted (partial storage) air conditioning system was designed, installed, monitored and evaluated in a typical residential application. Thismore » feasibility demonstration was conducted under the direction of the Long Island Lighting Company in a single family residence in Melville, Long Island, New York. The demonstration system consisted of a CHUB thermal storage system utilized in conjunction with a one and one-half ton air conditioning unit to cool a house that would normally require a two and one half ton air conditioning unit.« less

  15. [A case of cavernous angioma at the convexity in the dura mater: characteristics of images in the literature].


    Yonezawa, Ushio; Ikawa, Fusao; Hamasaki, Osamu; Hidaka, Toshikazu; Kurokawa, Yasuharu; Onuma, Hideyuki


    We describe a rare case of cavernous angioma in the dura mater and discuss published MRI findings on similar cases. The patient was a 78-year-old woman who was referred to Shimane Prefectural Central Hospital with complaints of headaches. We were subsequently able to identify a tumor at the convexity in the dura mater. The tumor showed a high intensity on T2-weighted images and was heterogeneously enhanced on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images. The maximum size of the tumor was 35 mm. Moreover, preoperative angiography showed a slight vascularity in the tumor. We performed surgery with the expectation of finding a meningioma, metastatic brain tumor, or another mesenchymal tumor. The tumor was dark and red, attached to the dura mater, and adhered to the arachnoid. However, we were able to peel the tumor away from the meninges and achieved a total removal of the mass, successfully cutting a fine feeding cortical artery. The patient was discharged without neurological defects 9 days after surgery;the pathological diagnosis was cavernous angioma. In conclusion, it is difficult to discern between meningioma and cavernous angioma in the dura mater. However, the specificity of high intensity on T2-weighted images is relatively high, and preoperative diagnosis can be determined by MRI and angiography findings.

  16. Demonstration of Isothermal Compressed Air Energy Storage to Support Renewable Energy Production

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bollinger, Benjamin

    This project develops and demonstrates a megawatt (MW)-scale Energy Storage System that employs compressed air as the storage medium. An isothermal compressed air energy storage (ICAES TM) system rated for 1 MW or more will be demonstrated in a full-scale prototype unit. Breakthrough cost-effectiveness will be achieved through the use of proprietary methods for isothermal gas cycling and staged gas expansion implemented using industrially mature, readily-available components.The ICAES approach uses an electrically driven mechanical system to raise air to high pressure for storage in low-cost pressure vessels, pipeline, or lined-rock cavern (LRC). This air is later expanded through the samemore » mechanical system to drive the electric motor as a generator. The approach incorporates two key efficiency-enhancing innovations: (1) isothermal (constant temperature) gas cycling, which is achieved by mixing liquid with air (via spray or foam) to exchange heat with air undergoing compression or expansion; and (2) a novel, staged gas-expansion scheme that allows the drivetrain to operate at constant power while still allowing the stored gas to work over its entire pressure range. The ICAES system will be scalable, non-toxic, and cost-effective, making it suitable for firming renewables and for other grid applications.« less

  17. A Facile Molten-Salt Route for Large-Scale Synthesis of NiFe2O4 Nanoplates with Enhanced Lithium Storage Capability.


    Huang, Gang; Du, Xinchuan; Zhang, Feifei; Yin, Dongming; Wang, Limin


    Binary metal oxides have been deemed as a promising class of electrode materials for high-performance lithium ion batteries owing to their higher conductivity and electrochemical activity than corresponding monometal oxides. Here, NiFe2O4 nanoplates consisting of nanosized building blocks have been successfully fabricated by a facile, large-scale NaCl and KCl molten-salt route, and the changes in the morphology of NiFe2O4 as a function of the molten-salt amount have been systemically investigated. The results indicate that the molten-salt amount mainly influences the diameter and thickness of the NiFe2O4 nanoplates as well as the morphology of the nanosized building blocks. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and galvanostatic charge-discharge measurements have been conducted to evaluate the lithium storage properties of the NiFe2O4 nanoplates prepared with a Ni(NO3)2/Fe(NO3)3/KCl/NaCl molar ratio of 1:2:20:60. A high reversible capacity of 888 mAh g(-1) is delivered over 100 cycles at a current density of 100 mA g(-1). Even at a current density of 5000 mA g(-1) , the discharge capacity could still reach 173 mAh g(-1). Such excellent electrochemical performances of the NiFe2O4 nanoplates are contributed to the short Li(+) diffusion distance of the nanosized building blocks and the synergetic effect of the Ni(2+) and Fe(3+) ions. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Cost and performance of thermal storage concepts in solar thermal systems, Phase 2-liquid metal receivers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McKenzie, A. W.

    Cost and performance of various thermal storage concepts in a liquid metal receiver solar thermal power system application have been evaluated. The objectives of this study are to provide consistently calculated cost and performance data for thermal storage concepts integrated into solar thermal systems. Five alternative storage concepts are evaluated for a 100-MW(e) liquid metal-cooled receiver solar thermal power system for 1, 6, and 15 hours of storage: sodium 2-tank (reference system), molten draw salt 2-tank, sand moving bed, air/rock, and latent heat (phase change) with tube-intensive heat exchange (HX). The results indicate that the all sodium 2-tank thermal storage concept is not cost-effective for storage in excess of 3 or 4 hours; the molten draw salt 2-tank storage concept provides significant cost savings over the reference sodium 2-tank concept; and the air/rock storage concept with pressurized sodium buffer tanks provides the lowest evaluated cost of all storage concepts considered above 6 hours of storage.

  19. Thermal energy storage for power generation applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Drost, M. K.; Antoniak, Zen I.; Brown, D. R.


    Studies strongly indicate that the United States will face widespread electrical power constraints in the 1990s. In many cases, the demand for increased power will occur during peak and intermediate demand periods. While natural gas is currently plentiful and economically attractive for meeting peak and intermediate loads, the development of a coal-fired peaking option would give utilities insurance against unexpected supply shortages or cost increases. This paper discusses a conceptual evaluation of using thermal energy storage (TES) to improve the economics of coal-fired peak and intermediate load power generation. The use of TES can substantially improve the economic attractiveness of meeting peak and intermediate loads with coal-fired power generation. In this case, conventional pulverized coal combustion equipment is continuously operated to heat molten nitrate salt, which is then stored. During peak demand periods, hot salt is withdrawn from storage and used to generate steam for a Rankine steam power cycle. This allows the coal-fired salt heater to be approximately one-third the size of a coal-fired boiler in a conventional cycling plant. The general impact is to decouple the generation of thermal energy from its conversion to electricity. The present study compares a conventional cycling pulverized coal-fired power plant to a pulverized coal-fired plant using nitrate salt TES. The study demonstrates that a coal-fired salt heater is technically feasible and should be less expensive than a similar coal-fired boiler. The results show the use of nitrate salt TES reduced the levelized cost of power by between 5 and 24 percent, depending on the operating schedule.

  20. The effect of different antihypertensive drugs on cavernous tissue in experimental chronic renal insufficiency.


    Toblli, Jorge E; Stella, Inés; Mazza, Osvaldo N; Ferder, León; Inserra, Felipe


    Male erectile dysfunction increases in prevalence in patients with severe chronic renal failure. Since arterial hypertension induces significant damage in cavernous tissue (CT), and considering that hypertension is extremely common in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the most conventionally employed antihypertensive drugs on CT in a rat model of renal insufficiency. Five groups of male rats with subtotal nephrectomy (STNx) and 1 with sham operations were studied over 6 months: STNx without treatment, STNx with benazepril (BZ), STNx with losartan (LS), STNx with amlodipine (AML) and STNx with atenolol (AT) plus the sham group. All rats were sacrificed at 6 months after STNx, and penises processed for LM and immunohistochemical studies. Cavernous smooth muscle (CSM) and vascular smooth muscle (VSM) from cavernous arteries and the amount of collagen type III were evaluated. All groups with antihypertensive drugs showed similar control in blood pressure throughout the study. Un-treated STNx, STNx with AML and STNx with AT presented significant (p<0.01) hypertrophy in both VSM and CSM, together with an increased amount of collagen type III in CT. Conversely, STNx with either BZ or LS showed a substantial (p<0.01) reduction in all of these variables, with values not different from the sham group. There was a significant (p<0.01) negative correlation between creatinine clearance and the amount of VSM, CSM and collagen type III deposition in CT in untreated STNx, STNx with AML and STNx with AT, but not in STNx with BZ, STNx with LS and sham. These results suggest that the interactions against the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) either by ACE inhibitors or angiotensin AT1 receptor blockers produce considerable benefits regarding structural abnormalities in CT in this animal model of renal insufficiency beyond blood pressure control.

  1. Power-to-heat in adiabatic compressed air energy storage power plants for cost reduction and increased flexibility

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dreißigacker, Volker


    The development of new technologies for large-scale electricity storage is a key element in future flexible electricity transmission systems. Electricity storage in adiabatic compressed air energy storage (A-CAES) power plants offers the prospect of making a substantial contribution to reach this goal. This concept allows efficient, local zero-emission electricity storage on the basis of compressed air in underground caverns. The compression and expansion of air in turbomachinery help to balance power generation peaks that are not demand-driven on the one hand and consumption-induced load peaks on the other. For further improvements in cost efficiencies and flexibility, system modifications are necessary. Therefore, a novel concept regarding the integration of an electrical heating component is investigated. This modification allows increased power plant flexibilities and decreasing component sizes due to the generated high temperature heat with simultaneously decreasing total round trip efficiencies. For an exemplarily A-CAES case simulation studies regarding the electrical heating power and thermal energy storage sizes were conducted to identify the potentials in cost reduction of the central power plant components and the loss in round trip efficiency.

  2. Salt budget for West Pond, Utah, April 1987 to June 1989

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Wold, S.R.; Waddell, K.M.


    During operation of the West Desert pumping project, April 10. 1987, to June 30, 1989, data were collected as part of a monitoring program to evaluate the effects of pumping brine from Great Salt Lake into West Pond in northern Utah. The removal of brine from Great Sail was part of an effort to lower the level of Great Salt Lake when the water level was at a high in 1986. These data were used to prepare a salt budget that indicates about 695 million tons of salt or about 14.2 percent of salt contained in Great Salt Lake was pumped into West Pond. Of the 695 million tons of salt pumped into West Pond, 315 million tons (45 percent) were dissolved in West Pond, 71 million tons (10.2 percent) formed a salt crust at the bottom of the pond, 10 million tons (1.4 percent) infiltrated the subsurface areas inundated by storage in the pond, 88 million tons (12.7 percent) were withdrawn by American Magnesium Corporation, and 123 million tons (17.7 percent) discharged from the pond through the Newfoundland weir. About 88 million tons (13 percent) of the salt pumped from the lake could not be accounted for in the salt budget. About 94 million tons of salt (1.9 percent of the total salt in Great Salt Lake) flowed back to Great Salt Lake.

  3. Geomechanical analysis to predict the oil leak at the wellbores in Big Hill Strategic Petroleum Reserve

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Park, Byoung Yoon


    Oil leaks were found in wellbores of Caverns 105 and 109 at the Big Hill Strategic Petroleum Reserve site. According to the field observations, two instances of casing damage occurred at the depth of the interbed between the caprock bottom and salt top. A three dimensional finite element model, which contains wellbore element blocks and allows each cavern to be configured individually, is constructed to investigate the wellbore damage mechanism. The model also contains element blocks to represent interface between each lithology and a shear zone to examine the interbed behavior in a realistic manner. The causes of the damagedmore » casing segments are a result of vertical and horizontal movements of the interbed between the caprock and salt dome. The salt top subsides because the volume of caverns below the salt top decrease with time due to salt creep closure, while the caprock subsides at a slower rate because the caprock is thick and stiffer. This discrepancy yields a deformation of the well. The deformed wellbore may fail at some time. An oil leak occurs when the wellbore fails. A possible oil leak date of each well is determined using the equivalent plastic strain failure criterion. A well grading system for a remediation plan is developed based on the predicted leak dates of each wellbore.« less

  4. Geomechanical Simulation to Predict the Oil Leak at the Wellbores in Big Hill Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Park, Byoung; Herrick, Courtney G.


    Oil leaks were found in wellbores of Caverns 105 and 109 at the Big Hill Strategic Petroleum Reserve site. According to the field observations, two instances of casing damage occurred at the depth of the interbed between the caprock bottom and salt top. A three dimensional finite element model, which contains wellbore element blocks and allows each cavern to be configured individually, is constructed to investigate the wellbore damage mechanism. The model also contains element blocks to represent interface between each lithology and a shear zone to examine the interbed behavior in a realistic manner. The causes of the damagedmore » casing segments are a result of vertical and horizontal movements of the interbed between the caprock and salt dome. The salt top subsides because the volume of caverns below the salt top decrease with time due to salt creep closure, while the caprock subsides at a slower rate because the caprock is thick and stiffer. This discrepancy produces a deformation of the well. The deformed wellbore may fail at some time. An oil leak occurs when the wellbore fails. A possible oil leak date of each well is determined using an equivalent plastic strain failure criterion. A well grading system for a remediation plan is developed based on the predicted leak dates of each wellbore.« less

  5. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, West Hackberry oil storage cavern fire and spill of September 21, 1978: an environmental assessment. Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Taylor, A


    This report summarizes an environmental assessment of the fire and oil spill at the Strategic Petroleum Reserve site, West Hackberry, Louisiana. Subjective identification of oil contaminated habitats was supported by a more rigorous classification of samples utilizing discriminant analysis. Fourteen contaminated stations were identified along the shore of Black Lake just north and west of Wellpad 6, encompassing approximately 9 hectares. Seasonal variation in the structures of marsh and lake bottom communities in this contaminated area were not generally distinguishable from that of similar communities in uncontaminated habitats along the southern and southeastern shores of Black Lake. The major impactmore » of spilled oil on the marsh vegetation was to accelerate the natural marsh deterioration which will eventually impact animals dependent on marsh vegetation for habitat structure. Vanadium, the predominate trace metal in the oil, and pyrogenic products due to the fire were found at the most distant sampling site (5 km) from Cavern 6 during Phase I, but were not detected downwind of the fire in excess of background levels in the later phases. Remote sensing evaluation of vegetation under the plume also indicated that stress existed immediately after the fire, but had disappeared by the end of the 1-year survey.« less

  6. Characterization of Queso Fresco made with Na/K salt blends and stored for 12 weeks

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Health-conscious consumers are looking for ways to reduce dietary sodium yet want their cheeses to have the flavor, texture, and shelf-life of full-salt cheese. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of different Na-K salt blends and storage on the compositional, sensorial, micro...

  7. Modeling void growth and movement with phase change in thermal energy storage canisters

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Darling, Douglas; Namkoong, David; Skarda, J. R. L.


    A scheme was developed to model the thermal hydrodynamic behavior of thermal energy storage salts. The model included buoyancy, surface tension, viscosity, phases change with density difference, and void growth and movement. The energy, momentum, and continuity equations were solved using a finite volume formulation. The momentum equation was divided into two pieces. The void growth and void movement are modeled between the two pieces of the momentum equations. Results showed this scheme was able to predict the behavior of thermal energy storage salts.

  8. Recycling of salt-contaminated stormwater runoff for brine production at Virginia Department of Transportation road-salt storage facilities.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    A large part of the Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT's) maintenance effort comprises the implementation of its snow removal and ice control program. Earlier research confirmed that VDOT captures significant volumes of salt-laden stormwat...

  9. A new strategic neurosurgical planning tool for brainstem cavernous malformations using interactive computer graphics with multimodal fusion images.


    Kin, Taichi; Nakatomi, Hirofumi; Shojima, Masaaki; Tanaka, Minoru; Ino, Kenji; Mori, Harushi; Kunimatsu, Akira; Oyama, Hiroshi; Saito, Nobuhito


    In this study, the authors used preoperative simulation employing 3D computer graphics (interactive computer graphics) to fuse all imaging data for brainstem cavernous malformations. The authors evaluated whether interactive computer graphics or 2D imaging correlated better with the actual operative field, particularly in identifying a developmental venous anomaly (DVA). The study population consisted of 10 patients scheduled for surgical treatment of brainstem cavernous malformations. Data from preoperative imaging (MRI, CT, and 3D rotational angiography) were automatically fused using a normalized mutual information method, and then reconstructed by a hybrid method combining surface rendering and volume rendering methods. With surface rendering, multimodality and multithreshold techniques for 1 tissue were applied. The completed interactive computer graphics were used for simulation of surgical approaches and assumed surgical fields. Preoperative diagnostic rates for a DVA associated with brainstem cavernous malformation were compared between conventional 2D imaging and interactive computer graphics employing receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. The time required for reconstruction of 3D images was 3-6 hours for interactive computer graphics. Observation in interactive mode required approximately 15 minutes. Detailed anatomical information for operative procedures, from the craniotomy to microsurgical operations, could be visualized and simulated three-dimensionally as 1 computer graphic using interactive computer graphics. Virtual surgical views were consistent with actual operative views. This technique was very useful for examining various surgical approaches. Mean (±SEM) area under the ROC curve for rate of DVA diagnosis was significantly better for interactive computer graphics (1.000±0.000) than for 2D imaging (0.766±0.091; p<0.001, Mann-Whitney U-test). The authors report a new method for automatic registration of preoperative imaging data

  10. Preservation of sperm within the mouse cauda epididymidis in salt or sugars at room temperature.


    Ono, Tetsuo; Mizutani, Eiji; Li, Chong; Wakayama, Teruhiko


    The development of preservation techniques for male gametes at room temperature might allow us to store them in a simple and cost-effective manner. In this study, we studied the use of pure salt or sugar to preserve the whole cauda epididymidis, because it is known that food can be preserved in this way at room temperature for long periods. Mouse epididymides were placed directly in powdered salt (NaCl) or sugars (glucose or raffinose) for 1 day to 1 year at room temperature. Spermatozoa were recovered from the preserved organs after being rehydrated with medium and then isolated sperm heads were microinjected into fresh oocytes. Importantly, the oocyte activation capacity of spermatozoa was maintained after epididymal storage in NaCl for 1 year, whereas most untreated spermatozoa failed to activate oocytes within 1 month of storage. Pronuclear morphology, the rate of extrusion of a second polar body and the methylation status of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me3) in those zygotes were similar to those of zygotes fertilized with fresh spermatozoa. However, the developmental ability of the zygotes decreased within 1 day of sperm storage. This effect led to nuclear fragmentation at the 2-cell embryo stage, irrespective of the storage method used. Thus, although the preserved sperm failed to allow embryo development, their oocyte activation factors were maintained by salt storage of the epididymis for up to 1 year at room temperature.

  11. Agile Thermal Management STT-RX. Towards High Energy Density, High Conductivity Thermal Energy Storage Composites (PREPRINT)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    management system. This paper describes recent development of salt hydrate-based TES composites at the Air Force Research Laboratory. Salt hydrates are...composites. 15. SUBJECT TERMS thermal energy storage, composite, salt hydrate, graphic foam 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF...part of a thermal management system. This paper describes recent development of salt hydrate-based TES composites at the Air Force Research

  12. Crystal structure and physicochemical characterization of ambazone monohydrate, anhydrous, and acetate salt solvate.


    Muresan-Pop, Marieta; Braga, Dario; Pop, Mihaela M; Borodi, Gheorghe; Kacso, Irina; Maini, Lucia


    The crystal structures of the monohydrate and anhydrous forms of ambazone were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SC-XRD). Ambazone monohydrate is characterized by an infinite three-dimensional network involving the water molecules, whereas anhydrous ambazone forms a two-dimensional network via hydrogen bonds. The reversible transformation between the monohydrate and anhydrous forms of ambazone was evidenced by thermal analysis, temperature-dependent X-ray powder diffraction and accelerated stability at elevated temperature, and relative humidity (RH). Additionally, a novel ambazone acetate salt solvate form was obtained and its nature was elucidated by SC-XRD. Powder dissolution measurements revealed a substantial solubility and dissolution rate improvement of acetate salt solvated form in water and physiological media compared with ambazone forms. Also, the acetate salt solvate displayed good thermal and solution stability but it transformed to the monohydrate on storage at elevated temperature and RH. Our study shows that despite the requirement for controlled storage conditions, the acetate salt solvated form could be an alternative to ambazone when solubility and bioavailability improvement is critical for the clinical efficacy of the drug product. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.

  13. Novel ideas about salt, blood pressure, and pregnancy.


    Rakova, Natalia; Muller, Dominik N; Staff, Anne Cathrine; Luft, Friedrich C; Dechend, Ralf


    The molecular mechanisms leading to preeclampsia are poorly understood. It has been related to certain immune mechanisms, as well as the pathological regulation of the renin-angiotensin system together with perturbed salt and plasma volume regulation. Finally, a non-specific, vascular, inflammatory response is generated, which leads to the clinical syndrome. Here, we present novel findings in salt (NaCl) metabolism implying that salt is not only important in blood pressure control and volume homeostasis, but also in immune regulation. Sodium and chloride can be stored without accumulation of water in the interstitium at hypertonic concentrations through interactions with proteoglycans. Macrophages in the interstitium act as osmosensors for salt, producing increased amounts of vascular endothelial factor C, which increases the density of the lymph-capillary network and the production of nitric oxide in vessels. An increased interstitial salt concentration activates the innate immune system, especially Th17 cells, and may be an important trigger for autoimmune diseases. The novel findings with the idea of sodium storage and local mechanisms of volume and immune regulation are appealing for preeclampsia and may unify the "immune" and "vascular" hypotheses of preeclampsia. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Geology of the north end of the Salt Valley Anticline, Grand County, Utah

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Gard, Leonard Meade


    This report describes the geology and hydrology of a portion of the Salt Valley anticline lying north of Moab, Utah, that is being studied as a potential site for underground storage of nuclear waste in salt. Selection of this area was based on recommendations made in an earlier appraisal of the potential of Paradox basin salt deposits for such use. Part of sec. 5, T. 23 S., R. 20 E. has been selected as a site for subsurface investigation as a potential repository for radioactive waste. This site has easy access to transportation, is on public land, is isolated from human habitation, is not visible from Arches National Park, and the salt body lies within about 800 feet (244 m) of the surface. Further exploration should include investigation of possible ground water in the caprock and physical exploration of the salt body to identify a thick bed of salt for use as a storage zone that can be isolated from the shaly interbeds that possibly contain quantities of hydrocarbons. Salt Valley anticline, a northwest-trending diapiric structure, consists of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks arched over a thick core of salt of the Paradox Member of the Middle Pennsylvanian Hermosa Formation. Salt began to migrate to form and/or develop this structure shortly after it was deposited, probably in response to faulting. This migration caused upwelling of the salt creating a linear positive area. This positive area, in turn, caused increased deposition of sediments in adjacent areas which further enhanced salt migration. Not until late Jurassic time had flowage of the salt slowed sufficiently to allow sediments of the Morrison and younger formations to be deposited across the salt welt. A thick cap of insoluble residue was formed on top of the salt diapir as a result of salt dissolution through time. The crest of the anticline is breached; it collapsed in two stages during the Tertiary Period. The first stage was graben collapse during the early Tertiary; the second stage occurred after

  15. Source Inversion of Seismic Events Associated with the Sinkhole at Napoleonville Salt Dome, Louisiana using a 3D Velocity Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nayak, Avinash; Dreger, Douglas S.


    The formation of a large sinkhole at the Napoleonville salt dome (NSD), Assumption Parish, Louisiana, caused by the collapse of a brine cavern, was accompanied by an intense and complex sequence of seismic events. We implement a grid-search approach to compute centroid locations and point-source moment tensor (MT) solutions of these seismic events using ˜0.1-0.3 Hz displacement waveforms and synthetic Green's functions computed using a 3D velocity model of the western edge of the NSD. The 3D model incorporates the currently known approximate geometry of the salt dome and the overlying anhydrite-gypsum cap rock, and features a large velocity contrast between the high velocity salt dome and low velocity sediments overlying and surrounding it. For each possible location on the source grid, Green's functions (GFs) to each station were computed using source-receiver reciprocity and the finite-difference seismic wave propagation software SW4. We also establish an empirical method to rigorously assess uncertainties in the centroid location, MW and source type of these events under evolving network geometry, using the results of synthetic tests with hypothetical events and real seismic noise. We apply the methods on the entire duration of data (˜6 months) recorded by the temporary US Geological Survey network. During an energetic phase of the sequence from 24-31 July 2012 when 4 stations were operational, the events with the best waveform fits are primarily located at the western edge of the salt dome at most probable depths of ˜0.3-0.85 km, close to the horizontal positions of the cavern and the future sinkhole. The data are fit nearly equally well by opening crack MTs in the high velocity salt medium or by isotropic volume-increase MTs in the low velocity sediment layers. We find that data recorded by 6 stations during 1-2 August 2012, right before the appearance of the sinkhole, indicate that some events are likely located in the lower velocity media just outside the

  16. Comparison of advanced thermal and electrical storage for parabolic dish solar thermal power systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fujita, T.; Birur, G. C.; Schredder, J. M.; Bowyer, J. M.; Awaya, H. I.

    Parabolic dish solar concentrator cluster concepts are explored, with attention given to thermal storage systems coupled to Stirling and Brayton cycle power conversion devices. Sensible heat storage involving molten salt (NaOH), liquid sodium, and solid cordierite bricks are considered for 1500 F thermal storage systems. Latent heat storage with NaF-MgF2 phase change materials are explored in terms of passive, active, and direct contact designs. Comparisons are made of the effectiveness of thermal storage relative to redox, Na-S, Zn-Cl, and Zn-Br battery storage systems. Molten lead trickling down through a phase change eutectic, the NaF-MgF2, formed the direct contact system. Heat transport in all systems is effected through Inconel pipes. Using a cost goal of 120-150 mills/kWh as the controlling parameter, sensible heat systems with molten salts transport with either Stirling or Brayton engines, or latent heat systems with Stirling engines, and latent heat-Brayton engine with direct contact were favored in the analyses. Battery storage systems, however, offered the most flexibility of applications.

  17. Comparison of advanced thermal and electrical storage for parabolic dish solar thermal power systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fujita, T.; Birur, G. C.; Schredder, J. M.; Bowyer, J. M.; Awaya, H. I.


    Parabolic dish solar concentrator cluster concepts are explored, with attention given to thermal storage systems coupled to Stirling and Brayton cycle power conversion devices. Sensible heat storage involving molten salt (NaOH), liquid sodium, and solid cordierite bricks are considered for 1500 F thermal storage systems. Latent heat storage with NaF-MgF2 phase change materials are explored in terms of passive, active, and direct contact designs. Comparisons are made of the effectiveness of thermal storage relative to redox, Na-S, Zn-Cl, and Zn-Br battery storage systems. Molten lead trickling down through a phase change eutectic, the NaF-MgF2, formed the direct contact system. Heat transport in all systems is effected through Inconel pipes. Using a cost goal of 120-150 mills/kWh as the controlling parameter, sensible heat systems with molten salts transport with either Stirling or Brayton engines, or latent heat systems with Stirling engines, and latent heat-Brayton engine with direct contact were favored in the analyses. Battery storage systems, however, offered the most flexibility of applications.

  18. Bilateral Cavernous Nerve Crush Injury in the Rat Model: A Comparative Review of Pharmacologic Interventions.


    Haney, Nora M; Nguyen, Hoang M T; Honda, Matthew; Abdel-Mageed, Asim B; Hellstrom, Wayne J G


    It is common for men to develop erectile dysfunction after radical prostatectomy. The anatomy of the rat allows the cavernous nerve (CN) to be identified, dissected, and injured in a controlled fashion. Therefore, bilateral CN injury (BCNI) in the rat model is routinely used to study post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction. To compare and contrast the available literature on pharmacologic intervention after BCNI in the rat. A literature search was performed on PubMed for cavernous nerve and injury and erectile dysfunction and rat. Only articles with BCNI and pharmacologic intervention that could be grouped into categories of immune modulation, growth factor therapy, receptor kinase inhibition, phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibition, and anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic interventions were included. To assess outcomes of pharmaceutical intervention on erectile function recovery after BCNI in the rat model. The ratio of maximum intracavernous pressure to mean arterial pressure was the main outcome measure chosen for this analysis. All interventions improved erectile function recovery after BCNI based on the ratio of maximum intracavernous pressure to mean arterial pressure results. Additional end-point analysis examined the corpus cavernosa and/or the major pelvic ganglion and CN. There was extreme heterogeneity within the literature, making accurate comparisons between crush injury and therapeutic interventions difficult. BCNI in the rat is the accepted animal model used to study nerve-sparing post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction. However, an important limitation is extreme variability. Efforts should be made to decrease this variability and increase the translational utility toward clinical trials in humans. Haney NM, Nguyen HMT, Honda M, et al. Bilateral Cavernous Nerve Crush Injury in the Rat Model: A Comparative Review of Pharmacologic Interventions. Sex Med Rev 2018;6:234-241. Copyright © 2017 International Society for Sexual Medicine. Published by Elsevier

  19. Effects of Chloride and Sulfate Salts on the Inhibition or Promotion of Sucrose Crystallization in Initially Amorphous Sucrose-Salt Blends.


    Thorat, Alpana A; Forny, Laurent; Meunier, Vincent; Taylor, Lynne S; Mauer, Lisa J


    The effects of salts on the stability of amorphous sucrose and its crystallization in different environments were investigated. Chloride (LiCl, NaCl, KCl, MgCl 2 , CaCl 2 , CuCl 2 , FeCl 2 , FeCl 3 , and AlCl 3 ) and sulfate salts with the same cations (Na 2 SO 4 , K 2 SO 4 , MgSO 4 , CuSO 4 , Fe(II)SO 4 , and Fe(III)SO 4 ) were studied. Samples (sucrose controls and sucrose:salt 1:0.1 molar ratios) were lyophilized, stored in controlled temperature and relative humidity (RH) conditions, and monitored for one month using X-ray diffraction. Samples were also analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry, microscopy, and moisture sorption techniques. All lyophiles were initially amorphous, but during storage the presence of a salt had a variable impact on sucrose crystallization. While all samples remained amorphous when stored at 11 and 23% RH at 25 °C, increasing the RH to 33 and 40% RH resulted in variations in crystallization onset times. The recrystallization time generally followed the order monovalent cations < sucrose < divalent cations < trivalent cations. The presence of a salt typically increased water sorption as compared to sucrose alone when stored at the same RH; however, anticrystallization effects were observed for sucrose combined with salts containing di- and trivalent cations in spite of the increased water content. The cation valency and hydration number played a major role in dictating the impact of the added salt on sucrose crystallization.

  20. Influence of heat processing on the volatile organic compounds and microbial diversity of salted and vacuum-packaged silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) fillets during storage.


    Li, Dongping; Zhang, Jingbin; Song, Sijia; Feng, Ligeng; Luo, Yongkang


    Ready-to-eat products have become popular with most of the busy people in modern cities. Heat processing combined with vacuum-packaging is one of the most common methods to make ready-to-eat products with an extended shelf-life. In this study, the influence of heat processing [80 °C (LT) and 98 °C (HT) in water bath] on the quality of salted and vacuum-packaged silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) fillets, stored at 20 ± 1 °C, was investigated by sensory analysis, biochemical analysis, and microbial diversity. SPME-GC/MS indicated the presence of 27 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in fillets, and major VOCs were aldehydes and alcohols. Acids tended to increase during storage and caused a fetid odor at the end of storage. Culture-dependent method indicated that Bacillus dominated the spoiled LT and HT samples. In addition, Bacillus was identified as the main spoiler of deteriorated heated fillets by high-throughput sequencing. Sphingomonas and Brevibacillus dominated the indigenous bacteria of fresh raw fillets. After heat processing, LT samples exhibited higher organoleptic quality than HT samples on day 0. HT samples showed extended shelf-life at 20 °C storage compared to LT samples. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  1. Microsurgical Resection of a Solitary Spinal Epidural Cavernous Angioma: 3-Dimensional Operative Video.


    Ceccato, Guilherme H W; Henning, Lucélio; Prado, Julyana L; Rassi, Marcio S; Borba, Luis A B


    Solitary spinal epidural cavernous angiomas are rare vascular malformations. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice, as these lesions tend to grow or bleed at some point. In this 3-dimensional, narrated video, we present the case of a 61-year-old male who presented with progressive pain in the right paravertebral region secondary to an epidural cavernous angioma located at the T6/T7 level. Under intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring, a laminectomy between T5 and T7 was performed. A reddish, well delimited, and highly vascularized epidural mass was identified and dissected from the adjacent dura and nerve root, and an en bloc total resection was achieved. The patient was discharged neurologically intact on postoperative day 4, presenting a remarkable improvement of his pain at 2-month follow-up. Total excision of these lesions is possible in most of cases, remaining the standard treatment, with minimum complications. All procedures were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. All data related to patient identification were removed from this surgical video and manuscript, with no need of a written informed consent.

  2. Tightness of Salt Rocks and Fluid Percolation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lüdeling, C.; Minkley, W.; Brückner, D.


    Salt formations are used for storage of oil and gas and as waste repositiories because of their excellent barrier properties. We summarise the current knowledge regarding fluid tightness of saliferous rocks, in particular rock salt. Laboratory results, in-situ observations and natural analogues, as well as theoretical and numerical investigations, indicate that pressure-driven percolation is the most important mechanism for fluid transport: If the fluid pressure exceeds the percolation threshold, i.e. the minor principal stress, the fluid can open up grain boundaries, create connected flow paths and initiate directed migration in the direction of major principal stress. Hence, this mechanism provides the main failure mode for rock salt barriers, where integrity can be lost if the minor principal stress is lowered, e.g. due to excavations or thermomechanical uplift. We present new laboratory experiments showing that there is no fluid permeation below the percolation threshold also at high temperatures and pressures, contrary to recent claims in the literature.

  3. Posttraumatic carotid cavernous fistula that presented as seizure and focal neurological deficits with symptom resolution after therapeutic coil embolization.


    Klevtsova, Ekaterina; Nguyen-Min, Caroline; Lalani, Tania; Carlan, Stephen James; Madruga, Mario


    A posttraumatic carotid cavernous fistula can remain unrecognized and ultimately present with symptoms characteristic for a middle cerebral artery stroke. Progressive neurologic deterioration can occur until the condition is diagnosed and treated. If unrecognized and untreated, permanent damage may result. A 46-year-old white man with the history of a motor vehicle crash 6 months prior presented with complaints of acute onset of expressive aphasia and seizure-like activity for 3 days. On presentation, the patient was noted to have moderate proptosis and chemosis of the left eye. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed an arteriovenous fistula arising from the anterolateral precavernous left internal carotid artery. This was directly communicating with the adjacent cortical veins along the medial aspect of the left temporal lobe, resulting in venous congestion in the left frontal opercular region, the left insula, and subinsular tracks. The patient underwent an intracranial coil embolization of a left carotid cavernous fistula. No complications were encountered, and the patient had near-complete resolution of neurologic deficits and left eye proptosis. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Although posttraumatic carotid cavernous fistula is a rare condition, it is important to be aware of this entity because immediate diagnosis and treatment may improve outcome. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Subgrid Modeling Geomorphological and Ecological Processes in Salt Marsh Evolution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shi, F.; Kirby, J. T., Jr.; Wu, G.; Abdolali, A.; Deb, M.


    Numerical modeling a long-term evolution of salt marshes is challenging because it requires an extensive use of computational resources. Due to the presence of narrow tidal creeks, variations of salt marsh topography can be significant over spatial length scales on the order of a meter. With growing availability of high-resolution bathymetry measurements, like LiDAR-derived DEM data, it is increasingly desirable to run a high-resolution model in a large domain and for a long period of time to get trends of sedimentation patterns, morphological change and marsh evolution. However, high spatial-resolution poses a big challenge in both computational time and memory storage, when simulating a salt marsh with dimensions of up to O(100 km^2) with a small time step. In this study, we have developed a so-called Pre-storage, Sub-grid Model (PSM, Wu et al., 2015) for simulating flooding and draining processes in salt marshes. The simulation of Brokenbridge salt marsh, Delaware, shows that, with the combination of the sub-grid model and the pre-storage method, over 2 orders of magnitude computational speed-up can be achieved with minimal loss of model accuracy. We recently extended PSM to include a sediment transport component and models for biomass growth and sedimentation in the sub-grid model framework. The sediment transport model is formulated based on a newly derived sub-grid sediment concentration equation following Defina's (2000) area-averaging procedure. Suspended sediment transport is modeled by the advection-diffusion equation in the coarse grid level, but the local erosion and sedimentation rates are integrated over the sub-grid level. The morphological model is based on the existing morphological model in NearCoM (Shi et al., 2013), extended to include organic production from the biomass model. The vegetation biomass is predicted by a simple logistic equation model proposed by Marani et al. (2010). The biomass component is loosely coupled with hydrodynamic and

  5. Compatibility of molten salts with advanced solar dynamic receiver materials

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jaworske, D. A.; Perry, W. D.


    Metal-coated graphite fibers are being considered as a thermal conductivity enhancement filler material for molten salts in solar dynamic thermal energy storage systems. The successful metal coating chosen for this application must exhibit acceptable wettability and must be compatible with the molten salt environment. Contact angle values between molten lithium fluoride and several metal, metal fluoride, and metal oxide substrates have been determined at 892 C using a modification of the Wilhelmy plate technique. Reproducible contact angles with repeated exposure to the molten LiF indicated compatibility.

  6. Intracranial cavernous angioma: a practical review of clinical and biological aspects.


    Raychaudhuri, Ratul; Batjer, H Huntington; Awad, Issam A


    Cavernomas are an uncommon lesion seen in neurosurgical practice that can occasionally rupture. Recent developments in neurosurgical technique and microbiology have brought greater insight into the treatment and molecular pathogenesis of cavernoma. In this review, a historical overview of cavernous angioma, a current paradigm for treatment, promising new molecular biological developments, and suggestions for future directions in neurosurgical research are presented, with emphasis on practical clinical applications. A survey of the literature on cavernous angioma and consultation with the Department of Neurosurgery at Northwestern Memorial Hospital was conducted by the authors to gain greater insight regarding this lesion. Papers and consultation revealed the importance of careful evaluation of this lesion, new techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and frameless stereotaxy that simplify clinical management of cavernomas, and potential mechanisms by which to tackle this lesion in the future. New basic knowledge on disease biology is summarized with practical applications in the clinical arena. There appear to be a number of controversies regarding management of this lesion. These include risk factors faced by the patient, controversy over the importance of resection, and modality through which the treatment should occur. An algorithm is presented to aid the neurosurgeon in management of these lesions. Exciting developments in neurosurgery and molecular biology will continue to have a major impact on clinical treatment of this disease. Unresolved issues regarding the importance of certain risk factors, the role for radiotherapy in treatments, and the underlying molecular abnormalities must be tackled to gain greater clarity in treatment of this lesion.

  7. Experimental investigation of solid by-product as sensible heat storage material: Characterization and corrosion study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ortega-Fernández, Iñigo; Faik, Abdessamad; Mani, Karthik; Rodriguez-Aseguinolaza, Javier; D'Aguanno, Bruno


    The experimental investigation of water cooled electrical arc furnace (EAF) slag used as filler material in the storage tank for sensible heat storage application was demonstrated in this study. The physicochemical and thermal properties of the tested slags were characterized by using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microcopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and laser flash analysis, respectively. In addition, the chemical compatibility between slags and molten nitrate salt (60 wt. % NaNO3 and 40 wt. % KNO3) was investigated at 565 °C for 500 hrs. The obtained results were clearly demonstrated that the slags showed a good corrosion resistance in direct contact with molten salt at elevated temperature. The present study was clearly indicated that a low-cost filler material used in the storage tank can significantly reduce the overall required quantities of the relatively higher cost molten salt and consequently reduce the overall cost of the electricity production.

  8. Magnesium-antimony liquid metal battery for stationary energy storage.


    Bradwell, David J; Kim, Hojong; Sirk, Aislinn H C; Sadoway, Donald R


    Batteries are an attractive option for grid-scale energy storage applications because of their small footprint and flexible siting. A high-temperature (700 °C) magnesium-antimony (Mg||Sb) liquid metal battery comprising a negative electrode of Mg, a molten salt electrolyte (MgCl(2)-KCl-NaCl), and a positive electrode of Sb is proposed and characterized. Because of the immiscibility of the contiguous salt and metal phases, they stratify by density into three distinct layers. Cells were cycled at rates ranging from 50 to 200 mA/cm(2) and demonstrated up to 69% DC-DC energy efficiency. The self-segregating nature of the battery components and the use of low-cost materials results in a promising technology for stationary energy storage applications. © 2012 American Chemical Society

  9. Thermal energy storage material thermophysical property measurement and heat transfer impact

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tye, R. P.; Bourne, J. G.; Destarlais, A. O.


    The thermophysical properties of salts having potential for thermal energy storage to provide peaking energy in conventional electric utility power plants were investigated. The power plants studied were the pressurized water reactor, boiling water reactor, supercritical steam reactor, and high temperature gas reactor. The salts considered were LiNO3, 63LiOH/37 LiCl eutectic, LiOH, and Na2B4O7. The thermal conductivity, specific heat (including latent heat of fusion), and density of each salt were measured for a temperature range of at least + or - 100 K of the measured melting point. Measurements were made with both reagent and commercial grades of each salt.

  10. Analysis of Dust Samples Collected from an In-Service Interim Storage System at the Maine Yankee Nuclear Site.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David

    In July, 2016, the Electric Power Research Institute and industry partners performed a field test at the Maine Yankee Nuclear Site, located near Wiscasset, Maine. The primary goal of the field test was to evaluate the use of robots in surveying the surface of an in-service interim storage canister within an overpack; however, as part of the demonstration, dust and soluble salt samples were collected from horizontal surfaces within the interim storage system. The storage system is a vertical system made by NAC International, consisting of a steel-lined concrete overpack containing a 304 stainless steel (SS) welded storage canister. Themore » canister did not contain spent fuel but rather greater-than-class-C waste, which did not generate significant heat, limiting airflow through the storage system. The surfaces that were sampled for deposits included the top of the shield plug, the side of the canister, and a shelf at the bottom of the overpack, just below the level of the pillar on which the canister sits. The samples were sent to Sandia National Laboratories for analysis. This report summarizes the results of those analyses. Because the primary goal of the field test was to evaluate the use of robots in surveying the surface of the canister within the overpack, collection of dust samples was carried out in a qualitative fashion, using paper filters and sponges as the sampling media. The sampling focused mostly on determining the composition of soluble salts present in the dust. It was anticipated that a wet substrate would more effectively extract soluble salts from the surface that was sampled, so both the sponges and the filter paper were wetted prior to being applied to the surface of the metal. Sampling was accomplished by simply pressing the damp substrate against the metal surface for two minutes, and then removing it. It is unlikely that the sampling method quantitatively collected dust or salts from the metal surface; however, both substrates did

  11. Energy storage options for space power

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoffman, H. W.; Martin, J. F.; Olszewski, M.

    Including energy storage in a space power supply enhances the feasibility of using thermal power cycles (Rankine or Brayton) and providing high-power pulses. Superconducting magnets, capacitors, electrochemical batteries, thermal phase-change materials (PCM), and flywheels are assessed; the results obtained suggest that flywheels and phase-change devices hold the most promise. Latent heat storage using inorganic salts and metallic eutectics offers thermal energy storage densities of 1500 kJ/kg to 2000 kJ/kg at temperatures to 1675 K. Innovative techniques allow these media to operate in direct contact with the heat engine working fluid. Enhancing thermal conductivity and/or modifying PCM crystallization habit provide other options. Flywheels of low-strain graphite and Kevlar fibers have achieved mechanical energy storage densities of 300 kJ/kg. With high-strain graphite fibers, storage densities appropriate to space power needs (about 500 kJ/kg) seem feasible. Coupling advanced flywheels with emerging high power density homopolar generators and compulsators could result in electric pulse-power storage modules of significantly higher energy density.

  12. Effects on soils from hot storage tanks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ko, K. C.


    Behavioral characteristics of foundation soils for hot storage tanks were investigated on two soil models representative of the soils in the Continental U.S. The changes in the engineering properties of the foundation soils due to heating and the effects of four storage media liquids; hydrocarbon oil, silicon oil, molten nitrate salt and liquid sodium into the foundation were investigated. The remedial measures such as soil preconditioning to alleviate the detrimental effects of the heat on soils are presented and the areas for further research are delineated.

  13. Metallic phase-change materials for solar dynamic energy storage systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lauf, R. J.; Hamby, C., Jr.


    Solar (thermal) dynamic power systems for satellites require a heat storage system that is capable of operating the engine during eclipse. The conventional approach to this thermal storage problem is to use the latent heat of fluoride salts, which would melt during insolation and freeze during eclipse. Although candidate fluorides have large heats of fusion per unit mass, their poor thermal conductivity limits the rate at which energy can be transferred to and from the storage device. System performance is further limited by the high parasitic mass of the superalloy canisters needed to contain the salt. A new thermal storage system is described in which the phase-change material (PCM) is a metal (typically germanium) contained in modular graphite canisters. These modules exhibit good thermal conductivity and low parasitic mass, and they are physically and chemically stable. Prototype modules have survived over 600 melt/freeze cycles without degradation. Advanced concepts to further improve performance are described. These concepts include the selection of ternary eutectic alloys to provide a wider range of useful melting temperatures and the use of infiltration to control the location of liquid alloy and to compensate for differences in thermal expansion.

  14. Physiological and proteomic analyses of salt stress response in the halophyte Halogeton glomeratus

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Juncheng; Meng, Yaxiong; Li, Baochun; Ma, Xiaole; Lai, Yong; Si, Erjing; Yang, Ke; Xu, Xianliang; Shang, Xunwu; Wang, Huajun; Wang, Di


    Very little is known about the adaptation mechanism of Chenopodiaceae Halogeton glomeratus, a succulent annual halophyte, under saline conditions. In this study, we investigated the morphological and physiological adaptation mechanisms of seedlings exposed to different concentrations of NaCl treatment for 21 d. Our results revealed that H. glomeratus has a robust ability to tolerate salt; its optimal growth occurs under approximately 100 mm NaCl conditions. Salt crystals were deposited in water-storage tissue under saline conditions. We speculate that osmotic adjustment may be the primary mechanism of salt tolerance in H. glomeratus, which transports toxic ions such as sodium into specific salt-storage cells and compartmentalizes them in large vacuoles to maintain the water content of tissues and the succulence of the leaves. To investigate the molecular response mechanisms to salt stress in H. glomeratus, we conducted a comparative proteomic analysis of seedling leaves that had been exposed to 200 mm NaCl for 24 h, 72 h and 7 d. Forty-nine protein spots, exhibiting significant changes in abundance after stress, were identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS/MS) and similarity searches across EST database of H. glomeratus. These stress-responsive proteins were categorized into nine functional groups, such as photosynthesis, carbohydrate and energy metabolism, and stress and defence response. PMID:25124288

  15. Physiological and proteomic analyses of salt stress response in the halophyte Halogeton glomeratus.


    Wang, Juncheng; Meng, Yaxiong; Li, Baochun; Ma, Xiaole; Lai, Yong; Si, Erjing; Yang, Ke; Xu, Xianliang; Shang, Xunwu; Wang, Huajun; Wang, Di


    Very little is known about the adaptation mechanism of Chenopodiaceae Halogeton glomeratus, a succulent annual halophyte, under saline conditions. In this study, we investigated the morphological and physiological adaptation mechanisms of seedlings exposed to different concentrations of NaCl treatment for 21 d. Our results revealed that H. glomeratus has a robust ability to tolerate salt; its optimal growth occurs under approximately 100 mm NaCl conditions. Salt crystals were deposited in water-storage tissue under saline conditions. We speculate that osmotic adjustment may be the primary mechanism of salt tolerance in H. glomeratus, which transports toxic ions such as sodium into specific salt-storage cells and compartmentalizes them in large vacuoles to maintain the water content of tissues and the succulence of the leaves. To investigate the molecular response mechanisms to salt stress in H. glomeratus, we conducted a comparative proteomic analysis of seedling leaves that had been exposed to 200 mm NaCl for 24 h, 72 h and 7 d. Forty-nine protein spots, exhibiting significant changes in abundance after stress, were identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS/MS) and similarity searches across EST database of H. glomeratus. These stress-responsive proteins were categorized into nine functional groups, such as photosynthesis, carbohydrate and energy metabolism, and stress and defence response. © 2014 The Authors. Plant, Cell & Environment published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Electrospun water-soluble polymer nanofibers for the dehydration and storage of sensitive reagents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dai, Minhui; Senecal, Andre; Nugen, Sam R.


    The ability to preserve and deliver reagents remains an obstacle for the successful deployment of self-contained diagnostic microdevices. In this study we investigated the ability of bacteriophage T7 to be encapsulated and preserved in water soluble nanofibers. The bacteriophage T7 was added to mixtures of polyvinylpyrrolidone and water and electrospun onto a grounded plate. Trehalose and magnesium salts were added to the mixtures to determine their effect on the infectivity of the bacteriophage following electrospinning and during storage. The loss of T7 infectivity was determined immediately following electrospinning and during storage using agar overlay plating and plaque counting. The results indicate that the addition of magnesium salts protects the bacteriophage during the relatively violent and high voltage electrospinning process, but is not as effective as a protectant during storage of the dried T7. Conversely, the addition of trehalose into the electrospinning mix has little effect on the electrospinning, but a more significant role as a protectant during storage.

  17. Results Of Routine Strip Effluent Hold Tank, Decontaminated Salt Solution Hold Tank, Caustic Wash Tank And Caustic Storage Tank Samples From Modular Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Unit During Macrobatch 6 Operations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Peters, T. B.

    Strip Effluent Hold Tank (SEHT), Decontaminated Salt Solution Hold Tank (DSSHT), Caustic Wash Tank (CWT) and Caustic Storage Tank (CST) samples from the Interim Salt Disposition Project (ISDP) Salt Batch (“Macrobatch”) 6 have been analyzed for 238Pu, 90Sr, 137Cs, and by Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICPES). The Pu, Sr, and Cs results from the current Macrobatch 6 samples are similar to those from comparable samples in previous Macrobatch 5. In addition the SEHT and DSSHT heel samples (i.e. ‘preliminary’) have been analyzed and reported to meet NGS Demonstration Plan requirements. From a bulk chemical point of view, the ICPESmore » results do not vary considerably between this and the previous samples. The titanium results in the DSSHT samples continue to indicate the presence of Ti, when the feed material does not have detectable levels. This most likely indicates that leaching of Ti from MST has increased in ARP at the higher free hydroxide concentrations in the current feed.« less

  18. Controls on salt mobility and storage in the weathered dolerites of north-east Tasmania, Australia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sweeney, Margaret; Moore, Leah


    Changes in land use and vegetation due to agriculture, forestry practices and urbanisation can mobilise naturally occurring salts in the landscape and accelerate the expression of land and water salinisation, potentially threatening built and natural assets. Some salts are released during rock weathering or are derived from marine sediments or wind-blown dust, but in Tasmania most originate from salt dissolved in rainfall that is concentrated during evaporation. The volume of salts deposited over north-east Tasmania from precipitation exceeds 70kg/ha/year. The dominant lithology of the salt affected regions in Tasmania is dolerite which breaks down to form secondary minerals including: smectite and kaolinite clays and Fe-bearing sesquioxides. The weathering of Tasmanian dolerites, sampled from fresh corestones, weathering rinds and sequentially through the soil horizon, has been examined petrographically and geochemically. The EC1:5 increases with weathering to a maximum 4.9 dS/m and decreases in the pedogenic zone. This confirms field observations that deeply weathered dolerite can serve as a significant store for salt in the landscape. The water associated with dolerite weathering is typically a bicarbonate fluid. The pH1:5 decreases as the samples weather and increases in the pedogenic zone. Clay content increases with distance from corestones (sandy clay loam to heavy clay), and this is also reflected in the density (2.6-1.3 gm/cm3) and loss on ignition (1.3-13.3 wt%). The patterns for Na are complicated as it is enriched through NaCl accession and removed during the weathering of plagioclase. The net enrichment of Cl (up to 5239 ppm) implies decoupling of Cl from Na during weathering. Potassium, Ca and Sr are mobilised from the profile as plagioclase weathers, and silica is progressively lost from the profile with the weathering of silicate phases. Iron is initially mobilised with the weathering of pyroxene and mafic accessory minerals, but is rapidly fixed in

  19. Advanced high-temperature thermal energy storage media for industrial applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Claar, T. D.; Waibel, R. T.


    An advanced thermal energy storage media concept based on use of carbonate salt/ceramic composite materials is being developed for industrial process and reject heat applications. The composite latent/sensible media concept and its potential advantages over state of the art latent heat systems is described. Media stability requirements, on-going materials development efforts, and planned thermal energy storage (TES) performance evaluation tests are discussed.

  20. [Bilateral spontaneous carotid-cavernous fistula revealing Ehler-Danlos disease].


    Girardin, M; Puzenat, E; Humbert, P; Aubin, F


    A 34-year-old woman with an extensive surgical history developed two spontaneous carotido-cavernous fistula bilaterally. Skin examination revealed an acrogeric form of vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and this diagnosis was confirmed by genetic analysis. Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disease that may be suspected on the grounds of clinical symptoms. Severe complications can occur in early life and are associated with a high mortality rate. The prognosis of vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome has been radically changed by the use of beta-blockers. The originality of our observation lies in the long time to onset of the initial complications in the absence of any problems during the numerous operations undergone by the patient, as well as the two childbirths. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  1. The Effect of Audio Tours on Learning and Social Interaction: An Evaluation at Carlsbad Caverns National Park

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Novey, Levi T.; Hall, Troy E.


    Auditory forms of nonpersonal communication have rarely been evaluated in informal settings like parks and museums. This study evaluated the effect of an interpretive audio tour on visitor knowledge and social behavior at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. A cross-sectional pretest/posttest quasi-experimental design compared the responses of audio…

  2. Surgical cannulation of the superior ophthalmic vein for the treatment of previously embolized cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistulas: serial studies and angiographic follow-up.


    Luo, Bin; Zhang, Xin; Duan, Chuan-Zhi; He, Xu-Ying; Li, Xi-Feng; Karuna, Tamrakar; Gu, Da-Qun; Long, Xiao-Ao; Li, Tie-Lin; Zhang, Shi-Zhong; Ke, Yi-Quan; Jiang, Xiao-Dan


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of transorbital puncture for the retreatment of previously embolized cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) via a superior ophthalmic vein (SOV) approach. During a 12-year period, 9 consecutive patients with previously embolized cavernous sinus DAVFs underwent retreatment via the transorbital SOV approach. All of the nine cases of previously embolized cavernous sinus DAVFs were successfully embolized. Clinical follow-ups were conducted in all nine cases at the duration of 17-141 months (61.22 ± 39.13 months). No recanalization occurred during the follow-up period. A subtle ptosis appeared in two patients and disappeared in one of the two cases after a 4-year follow-up. One patient suffered from paroxysmal positional vertigo and bruit for nearly 2 years after the treatment, but the follow-up angiography demonstrated no recurrence. One patient had persistent visual impairment caused by the initial venous stasis retinopathy. One patient with a history of a procedure-related transient decrease in visual acuity had it return to the normal level. The remaining four cases had clear improvement in the ocular symptoms and became completely asymptomatic during the follow-up period. No patient worsened or developed new symptoms. The approach of surgical cannulation of the SOV for the retreatment of previously embolized cavernous sinus DAVFs was proved feasible and efficient, especially when the transarterial and transfemoral venous approaches were inaccessible. However, if the SOV is not dilated enough or is located deeply in the orbit, transorbital venous puncture access may not be possible.

  3. Process for synthesis of ammonia borane for bulk hydrogen storage


    Autrey, S Thomas [West Richland, WA; Heldebrant, David J [Richland, WA; Linehan, John C [Richland, WA; Karkamkar, Abhijeet J [Richland, WA; Zheng, Feng [Richland, WA


    The present invention discloses new methods for synthesizing ammonia borane (NH.sub.3BH.sub.3, or AB). Ammonium borohydride (NH.sub.4BH.sub.4) is formed from the reaction of borohydride salts and ammonium salts in liquid ammonia. Ammonium borohydride is decomposed in an ether-based solvent that yields AB at a near quantitative yield. The AB product shows promise as a chemical hydrogen storage material for fuel cell powered applications.

  4. Salt

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Franson, J.C.; Friend, M.


    Animals become victims of salt poisoning or toxicosis when toxic levels of sodium and chloride accumulate in the blood after they ingest large amounts of salt or, in some species, are deprived of water. For birds, salt sources may include saline water and road salt.Normally, the salt glands of birds (Fig. 47.1) excrete sodium and chloride to maintain the proper physiologic chemical balance. However, when there has been insufficient time for acclimation of the salt gland to the saline environment, or when salt gland function is compromised by exposure to certain pesticides or oil, the electrolyte balance of the blood may be upset by the excess sodium and chloride, resulting in toxicosis. Salt accumulation on the outside of the body, or salt encrustation, is a greater problem for waterbirds that use very saline waters than is salt toxicosis. Salt encrustation can lead to exertion, acute muscle degeneration, and eventual drowning during the struggle to escape entrapment.

  5. West Hackberry Strategic Petroleum Reserve site brine-disposal monitoring, Year I report. Volume IV. Bibliography and supporting data for physical oceanography. Final report. [421 references

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    DeRouen, L.R.; Hann, R.W.; Casserly, D.M.

    This project centers around the Strategic Petroleum Site (SPR) known as the West Hackberry salt dome which is located in southwestern Louisiana and which is designed to store 241 million barrels of crude oil. Oil storage caverns are formed by injecting water into salt deposits, and pumping out the resulting brine. Studies described in this report were designed as follow-on studies to three months of pre-discharge characterization work, and include data collected during the first year of brine leaching operations. The objectives were to: (1) characterize the environment in terms of physical, chemical and biological attributes; (2) determine if significantmore » adverse changes in ecosystem productivity and stability of the biological community are occurring as a result of brine discharge; and (3) determine the magnitude of any change observed. Volume IV contains the following: bibliography; appendices for supporting data for physical oceanography, and summary of the physical oceanography along the western Louisiana coast.« less

  6. West Hackberry Strategic Petroleum Reserve site brine-disposal monitoring, Year I report. Volume II. Physical and chemical oceanography. Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    DeRouen, L.R.; Hann, R.W.; Casserly, D.M.


    This project centers around the Strategic Petroleum Site (SPR) known as the West Hackberry salt dome which is located in southwestern Louisiana, and which is designed to store 241 million barrels of crude oil. Oil storage caverns are formed by injecting water into salt deposits, and pumping out the resulting brine. Studies described in this report were designed as follow-on studies to three months of pre-discharge characterization work, and include data collected during the first year of brine leaching operations. The objectives were to: (1) characterize the environment in terms of physical, chemical and biological attributes; (2) determine if significantmore » adverse changes in ecosystem productivity and stability of the biological community are occurring as a result of brine discharge; and (3) determine the magnitude of any change observed. Contents of Volume II include: introduction; physical oceanography; estuarine hydrology and hydrography; analysis of discharge plume; and water and sediment quality.« less

  7. Transient pituitary enlargement with central hypogonadism secondary to bilateral cavernous sinus thrombosis: pituitary oedema?


    Joubert, Michael; Verdon, Renaud; Reznik, Yves


    Design We report the case of an incidental pituitary mass discovered in the context of bilateral cavernous sinus thrombosis due to a bacterial pansinusitis. Conclusions Magnetic resonance imaging features of the pituitary lesion, together with transient central hypogonadism and total regression of the mass after anticoagulation and antimicrobial therapy, suggest that this lesion is a pituitary oedema of vascular mechanism. Other possible causes of pituitary mass in such a situation are also discussed.

  8. Cooling Curve Analysis of Micro- and Nanographite Particle-Embedded Salt-PCMs for Thermal Energy Storage Applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sudheer, R.; Prabhu, K. N.


    In recent years, the focus of phase change materials (PCM) research was on the development of salt mixtures with particle additives to improve their thermal energy storage (TES) functionalities. The effect of addition of microsized (50 μm) and nanosized (400 nm) graphite particles on TES parameters of potassium nitrate was analyzed in this work. A novel technique of computer-aided cooling curve analysis was employed here to study the suitability of large inhomogeneous PCM samples. The addition of graphite micro- and nanoparticles reduced the solidification time of the PCM significantly enhancing the heat removal rates, in the first thermal cycle. The benefits of dispersing nanoparticles diminished in successive 10 thermal cycles, and its performance was comparable to the microparticle-embedded PCM thereafter. The decay of TES functionalities on thermal cycling is attributed to the agglomeration of nanoparticles which was observed in SEM images. The thermal diffusivity property of the PCM decreased with addition of graphite particles. With no considerable change in the cooling rates and a simultaneous decrease in thermal diffusivity, it is concluded that the addition of graphite particles increased the specific heat capacity of the PCM. It is also suggested that the additive concentration should not be greater than 0.1% by weight of the PCM sample.

  9. Endovascular embolization of carotid-cavernous fistulas: A pioneering experience in Peru

    PubMed Central

    Plasencia, Andres R.; Santillan, Alejandro


    Background: Endovascular embolization represents the method of choice for the treatment of carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCFs). Methods: We report our experience using the endovascular technique in 24 patients harboring 25 CCFs treated between October 1994 and April 2010, with an emphasis on the role of detachable balloons for the treatment of direct CCFs. Results: Of the 16 patients who presented with direct CCFs (Barrow Type A CCFs) (age range, 7–62 years; mean age, 34.3 years), 14 were caused by traumatic injury and 2 by a ruptured internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysm. Eight patients (age range, 32–71 years; mean age, 46.5 years) presented with nine indirect CCFs (Barrow Types B, C, and D). The clinical follow-up after endovascular treatment ranged from 2 to 108 months (mean, 35.2 months). In two cases (8%), the endovascular approach failed. Symptomatic complications related to the procedure occurred in three patients (12.5%): transient cranial nerve palsy in two patients and a permanent neurological deficit in one patient. Detachable balloons were used in 13 out of 16 (81.3%) direct CCFs and were associated with a cure rate of 92.3%. Overall, the angiographic cure rate was obtained in 22 out of 25 (88%) fistulas. Patients presenting with III nerve palsy improved gradually between 1 day and 6 months after treatment. Good clinical outcomes [modified Rankin scale (mRS) ≤ 2] were observed in 22 out of 24 (91.6%) patients at last follow-up. Conclusions: Endovascular treatment using detachable balloons still constitutes a safe and effective method to treat direct carotid-cavernous fistulas. PMID:22363900

  10. Indirect carotid cavernous fistula mimicking ocular myasthenia.


    Leishangthem, Lakshmi; Satti, Sudhakar Reddy


    71-year-old woman with progressive left-sided, monocular diplopia and ptosis. Her symptoms mimicked ocular myasthenia, but she had an indirect carotid cavernous fistula (CCF). She was diagnosed with monocular myasthenia gravis (negative acetylcholinesterase antibody) after a positive ice test and started on Mestinon and underwent a thymectomy complicated by a brachial plexus injury. Months later, she developed left-sided proptosis and ocular bruit. She was urgently referred to neuro-interventional surgery and was diagnosed with an indirect high-flow left CCF, which was treated with Onyx liquid and platinum coil embolisation. Mestinon was discontinued. Her ophthalmic symptoms resolved. However, she was left with a residual left arm and hand hemiparesis and dysmetria secondary to a brachial plexus injury. Indirect CCF usually can present with subtle and progressive symptoms leading to delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis. It is important for ophthalmologists to consider this differential in a patient with progressive ocular symptoms. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  11. Spontaneous Carotid-Cavernous Fistula in the Type IV Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.


    Kim, Jeong Gyun; Cho, Won-Sang; Kang, Hyun-Seung; Kim, Jeong Eun


    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a rare inherited connective disease. Among several subgroups, type IV EDS is frequently associated with spontaneous catastrophic bleeding from a vascular fragility. We report on a case of carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF) in a patient with type IV EDS. A 46-year-old female presented with an ophthalmoplegia and chemosis in the right eye. Subsequently, seizure and cerebral infarction with micro-bleeds occurred. CCF was completely occluded with transvenous coil embolization without complications. Thereafter, the patient was completely recovered. Transvenous coil embolization can be a good treatment of choice for spontaneous CCF with type IV EDS. However, every caution should be kept during invasive procedure.

  12. Fatal Peritoneal Bleeding Following Embolization of a Carotid-Cavernous Fistula in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type IV

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Usinskiene, Jurgita; Mazighi, Mikael; Bisdorff, Annouk


    We report the case of a 25-year-old woman treated for a spontaneous carotid-cavernous fistula in a context of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV. Embolization with a transvenous approach was achieved without complications; however, the patient died 72 hr later of massive intraperitoneal bleeding. At autopsy, no lesion of the digestive arteries was identified. Possible causes of this bleeding are discussed.

  13. Cerebral cavernous malformations: natural history and clinical management.


    Gross, Bradley A; Du, Rose


    Cavernous malformations (CMs) are angiographically-occult clusters of dilated sinusoidal channels that may present clinically with seizures, focal neurological deficits and/or hemorrhage. Across natural history studies, the annual hemorrhage rate ranged from 1.6-3.1% per patient-year, decreasing to 0.08-0.2% per patient-year for incidental CMs and to 0.3-0.6% for the collective group of unruptured CMs. Prior hemorrhage is a significant risk factor for subsequent CM hemorrhage. Hemorrhage clustering, particularly within the first 2 years, is an established phenomenon that may confound results of natural history studies evaluating the rate of rehemorrhage. Indeed, rehemorrhage rates for hemorrhagic CMs range from 4.5-22.9% in the literature. Surgical resection is the gold standard treatment for surgically-accessible, symptomatic CMs. Incidental CMs or minimally symptomatic, surgically inaccessible eloquent lesions may be considered for observation. Stereotactic radiosurgery is a controversial treatment approach of consideration only for cases of highly aggressive, surgically inaccessible CMs.

  14. Sinkholes, collapse structures and large landslides in an active salt dome submerged by a reservoir: The unique case of the Ambal ridge in the Karun River, Zagros Mountains, Iran

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gutiérrez, Francisco; Lizaga, Iván


    Ambal ridge, covering 4 km2, is a salt pillow of Gachsaran Formation with significant salt exposures in direct contact with the Karun River, Zagros Mountains. The highly cavernous salt dome is currently being flooded by the Gotvand Reservoir, second largest in Iran. Geomorphic evidence, including the sharp deflection of the Karun River and defeated streams indicate that Ambal is an active halokinetic structure, probably driven by erosional unloading. Around 30% of the salt dome is affected by large landslides up to ca. 50 × 106 m3 in volume. Slope oversteepening related to fluvial erosion and halokinetic rise seems to be the main controlling factor. A total of 693 sinkholes have been inventoried (170 sinkholes/km2), for which a scaling relationship has been produced. The depressions occur preferentially along a belt with a high degree of clustering. This spatial distribution is controlled by the proximity to the river, slope gradient and halite content in the bedrock. A large compound depression whose bottom lies below the normal maximum level of the reservoir will likely be flooded by water table rise forming a lake. The impoundment of the reservoir has induced peculiar collapse structures 220-280 m across, expressed by systems of arcuate fissures and scarps. Rapid subsurface salt dissolution is expected to generate and reactivate a large number of sinkholes and may reactivate landslides with a significant vertical component due to lack of basal support.

  15. High temperature sensible heat storage options

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, K. Y.; Kreith, F.; West, R. E.; Lynn, P.


    Design options and operation criteria for sensible heat molten salt storage with internal insulation are presented. Raft thermocline, two-tank, and two-media thermocline systems are the concepts discussed. Regenerative cooling, bottom insulation, and thermocline stability are considered in the thermal analysis. A brief discussion of the technical risks of each tank system is included. Cost estimations are also provided.

  16. Decrease in neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit and PSD-93 transcript levels in the male mouse MPG after cavernous nerve injury or explant culture.


    Girard, Beatrice M; Merriam, Laura A; Tompkins, John D; Vizzard, Margaret A; Parsons, Rodney L


    Quantitative real-time PCR was used to test whether cavernous nerve injury leads to a decrease in major pelvic ganglia (MPG) neuronal nicotinic ACh receptor (nAChR) subunit and postsynaptic density (PSD)-93 transcript levels. Subunits α3, β4, and α7, commonly expressed in the MPG, were selected for analysis. After 72 h in explant culture, MPG transcript levels for α3, β4, α7, and PSD-93 were significantly depressed. Three days after cavernous nerve axotomy or crush in vivo, transcript levels for α3, β4, and PSD-93, but not for α7, were significantly depressed. Three days after dissection of the cavernous nerve free of underlying tissue and application of a 5-mm lateral stretch (manipulation), transcript levels for α3 and PSD-93 were also significantly decreased. Seven days after all three surgical procedures, α3 transcript levels remained depressed, but PSD-93 transcript levels were still decreased only after axotomy or nerve crush. At 30 days postsurgery, transcript levels for the nAChR subunits and PSD-93 had recovered. ACh-induced currents were significantly smaller in MPG neurons dissociated from 3-day explant cultured ganglia than from those recorded in neurons dissociated from acutely isolated ganglia; this observation provides direct evidence showing that a decrease in nAChR function was coincident with a decrease in nAChR subunit transcript levels. We conclude that a downregulation of nAChR subunit and PSD-93 expression after cavernous nerve injury, or even manipulation, could interrupt synaptic transmission within the MPG and thus contribute to the loss of neural control of urogenital organs after pelvic surgeries.

  17. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Neal, J.T.; Magorian, T.R.; Ahmad, S.

    This report revises the original report that was published in 1980. Some of the topics covered in the earlier report were provisional and it is now practicable to reexamine them using new or revised geotechnical data and that obtained from SPR cavern operations, which involves 16 new caverns. Revised structure maps and sections show interpretative differences as compared with the 1980 report and more definition in the dome shape and caprock structural contours, especially a major southeast-northwest trending anomalous zone. The original interpretation was of westward tilt of the dome, this revision shows a tilt to the southeast, consistent withmore » other gravity and seismic data. This interpretation refines the evaluation of additional cavern space, by adding more salt buffer and allowing several more caverns. Additional storage space is constrained on this nearly full dome because of low-lying peripheral wetlands, but 60 MMBBL or more of additional volume could be gained in six or more new caverns. Subsidence values at Bryan Mound are among the lowest in the SPR system, averaging about 11 mm/yr (0.4 in/yr), but measurement and interpretation issues persist, as observed values are about the same as survey measurement accuracy. Periodic flooding is a continuing threat because of the coastal proximity and because peripheral portions of the site are at elevations less than 15 ft. This threat may increase slightly as future subsidence lowers the surface, but the amount is apt to be small. Caprock integrity may be affected by structural features, especially the faulting associated with anomalous zones. Injection wells have not been used extensively at Bryan Mound, but could be a practicable solution to future brine disposal needs. Environmental issues center on the areas of low elevation that are below 15 feet above mean sea level: the coastal proximity and lowland environment combined with the potential for flooding create conditions that require continuing

  18. Thermal energy storage subsystems. A collection of quarterly reports

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The design, development, and progress toward the delivery of three subsystems is discussed. The subsystem used a salt hydrate mixture for thermal energy storage. The program schedules, technical data, and other program activities from October 1, 1976, through December 31, 1977 are presented.

  19. Evaluation of alternative phase change materials for energy storage in solar dynamic applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Crane, R. A.; Dustin, M. O.


    The performance of fluoride salt and metallic thermal energy storage materials are compared in terms of basic performance as applied to solar dynamic power generation. Specific performance considerations include uniformity of cycle inlet temperature, peak cavity temperature, TES utilization, and system weights. Also investigated were means of enhancing the thermal conductivity of the salts and its effect on the system performance.

  20. 78 FR 21931 - Arlington Storage Company, LLC; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment for the...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... ``Gallery 2''), previously used for liquid propane gas (LPG) storage, to natural gas storage. The Project is... an area used for salt mining and/or natural gas activities. Project work areas have been previously... ``Gallery 2'') to natural gas storage. The addition of Gallery 2 would add an incremental 0.55 billion cubic...

  1. Effect of temperature and seven storage media on human periodontal ligament fibroblast viability.


    de Souza, Beatriz Dulcineia Mendes; Bortoluzzi, Eduardo Antunes; Reyes-Carmona, Jessie; Dos Santos, Luciane Geanini Pena; Simões, Claudia Maria de Oliveira; Felippe, Wilson Tadeu; Felippe, Mara Cristina Santos


    Natural resources, such as coconut water, propolis, and egg whites, have been examined as possible storage media for avulsed teeth. However, there is a lack of research focused on the efficacy of these three products together compared with Hank's balanced salt solution and milk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the capacity of seven storage media to maintain the viability of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PDLFs). PDLFs were kept at 5°C and 20°C, in skimmed milk (SMilk), whole milk (WMilk), recently prepared Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS), Save-A-Tooth ® system's HBSS (Save), natural coconut water (Coconut), Propolis, and egg white (Egg) for 3, 6, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h, through the analysis of tetrazolium salt-based colorimetric (MTT) assay. At 5°C, SMilk and WMilk were better than HBSS in maintaining cell viability, from 24 h onward. At 20°C, HBSS was the best storage medium at 96 and 120 h. At both temperatures, from 6 h onward, Coconut, Propolis and Egg were less effective than SMilk, WMilk, and HBSS. In general, the performance of Coconut, Propolis and Egg were not influenced by storage temperature. However, the lowest temperature undermined the effectiveness of HBSS from 24 h and favored SMilk and WMilk, from 96 and 48 h onward, respectively. Save and water were the worst storage media. SMilk was the best storage medium, followed by WMilk and HBSS. Coconut, Propolis, and Egg can be indicated for the conservation of PDLF up to 3 h. The lower temperature (5°C) undermined the effectiveness of HBSS and favored SMilk and WMilk. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Scalable salt-templated synthesis of two-dimensional transition metal oxides

    PubMed Central

    Xiao, Xu; Song, Huaibing; Lin, Shizhe; Zhou, Ying; Zhan, Xiaojun; Hu, Zhimi; Zhang, Qi; Sun, Jiyu; Yang, Bo; Li, Tianqi; Jiao, Liying; Zhou, Jun; Tang, Jiang; Gogotsi, Yury


    Two-dimensional atomic crystals, such as two-dimensional oxides, have attracted much attention in energy storage because nearly all of the atoms can be exposed to the electrolyte and involved in redox reactions. However, current strategies are largely limited to intrinsically layered compounds. Here we report a general strategy that uses the surfaces of water-soluble salt crystals as growth templates and is applicable to not only layered compounds but also various transition metal oxides, such as hexagonal-MoO3, MoO2, MnO and hexagonal-WO3. The planar growth is hypothesized to occur via a match between the crystal lattices of the salt and the growing oxide. Restacked two-dimensional hexagonal-MoO3 exhibits high pseudocapacitive performances (for example, 300 F cm−3 in an Al2(SO4)3 electrolyte). The synthesis of various two-dimensional transition metal oxides and the demonstration of high capacitance are expected to enable fundamental studies of dimensionality effects on their properties and facilitate their use in energy storage and other applications. PMID:27103200

  3. Salt balance: From space experiments to revolutionizing new clinical concepts on earth - A historical review

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gerzer, Rupert


    For a long time, sodium balance appeared to be a ;done deal; and was thought to be well understood. However, experiments in preparation of space missions showed that the concept of osmotic sodium storage and close correlations of sodium with water balance are only part of the regulatory mechanisms of body salt. By now it has turned out that the human skin is an important storage place and regulator for sodium, that sodium storage involves macrophages which in turn salt-dependently co-regulate blood pressure, that body sodium also strongly influences bone and protein metabolism, and that immune functions are also strongly influenced by sodium. In addition, the aging process appears to lead to increased body sodium storage, which in turn might influence the aging process of the human body. The current review article summarizes the developments that have led to these revolutionizing new findings and concepts as well as consequences deriving from these findings. Therefore, it is not intended in this article to give a complete literature overview over the whole field but to focus on such key literature and considerations that led to the respective developments.

  4. Long-term high-fat consumption leads to downregulation of Akt phosphorylation of eNOS at Ser1177 and upregulation of Sirtuin-1 expression in rat cavernous tissue.


    Tomada, I; Negrão, R; Almeida, H; Neves, D


    Long-term consumption of high-fat diets negatively interferes with metabolic status and promotes endothelial dysfunction and inflammation. In the cavernous tissue, these outcomes become conspicuous in the elderly and strongly affect penile erection, a vascular process highly dependent on local nitric oxide bioavailability. Although epidemiological data links erectile dysfunction to nutritional patterns, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain unclear. Therefore, we investigated the effects of long-term high-fat diet on endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)-Sirtuin-1 axis and Akt/eNOS phosphorylation in the cavernous tissue of Sprague-Dawley rats, and compared with energy-restricted animals. We demonstrated that high-fat diet intake led to a noteworthy decrease in eNOS phosphorylation at Ser1177 residue through the Akt pathway, which seems to be compensated by upregulation of phosphorylation at Ser615, but without an increment in nitric oxide production. These results are accompanied by an increase of systemic inflammatory markers and upregulation of the inducible NOS and of the deacetylase Sirtuin-1 in the cavernous tissue to levels apparently detrimental to cells and to metabolic homeostasis. Conversely, in long-term energy-restricted animals, the rate of phosphorylation of eNOS at Ser1177 diminished, but the activation of the enzyme increased through phosphorylation of eNOS at Ser615, resulting in an enhancement in nitric oxide bioavailability. Taken together, our results demonstrate that long-term nutritional conditions override the influence of age on the eNOS expression and activation in rat cavernous tissue.

  5. Molten Salt Power Tower Cost Model for the System Advisor Model (SAM)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Turchi, C. S.; Heath, G. A.


    This report describes a component-based cost model developed for molten-salt power tower solar power plants. The cost model was developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), using data from several prior studies, including a contracted analysis from WorleyParsons Group, which is included herein as an Appendix. The WorleyParsons' analysis also estimated material composition and mass for the plant to facilitate a life cycle analysis of the molten salt power tower technology. Details of the life cycle assessment have been published elsewhere. The cost model provides a reference plant that interfaces with NREL's System Advisor Model or SAM. The referencemore » plant assumes a nominal 100-MWe (net) power tower running with a nitrate salt heat transfer fluid (HTF). Thermal energy storage is provided by direct storage of the HTF in a two-tank system. The design assumes dry-cooling. The model includes a spreadsheet that interfaces with SAM via the Excel Exchange option in SAM. The spreadsheet allows users to estimate the costs of different-size plants and to take into account changes in commodity prices. This report and the accompanying Excel spreadsheet can be downloaded at« less

  6. Design and demonstration of a storage-assisted air conditioning system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rizzuto, J. E.


    The system is a peak-shaving system designed to provide a levelized air conditioning load. The system also requires minimum air conditioner and thermal storage capacity. The storage-assisted air conditioning system uses a Glauber's salt-based phase change material in sausage like containers called CHUBS. The CHUBS are two (2) inches in diameter and 20 inches long. They are stacked in modules of 64 CHUBS which are appropriately spaced and oriented in the storage system so that air may pass perpendicular to the long axis of the CHUBS. The phase change material, has a thermal storage capacity in the range of 45 to 50 Btu/lb and a transition temperature of approximately 55 F.

  7. Spontaneous Carotid-Cavernous Fistula in the Type IV Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Jeong Gyun; Cho, Won-Sang; Kim, Jeong Eun


    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a rare inherited connective disease. Among several subgroups, type IV EDS is frequently associated with spontaneous catastrophic bleeding from a vascular fragility. We report on a case of carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF) in a patient with type IV EDS. A 46-year-old female presented with an ophthalmoplegia and chemosis in the right eye. Subsequently, seizure and cerebral infarction with micro-bleeds occurred. CCF was completely occluded with transvenous coil embolization without complications. Thereafter, the patient was completely recovered. Transvenous coil embolization can be a good treatment of choice for spontaneous CCF with type IV EDS. However, every caution should be kept during invasive procedure. PMID:24653803

  8. Salt Reduction in a Model High-Salt Akawi Cheese: Effects on Bacterial Activity, pH, Moisture, Potential Bioactive Peptides, Amino Acids, and Growth of Human Colon Cells.


    Gandhi, Akanksha; Shah, Nagendra P


    This study evaluated the effects of sodium chloride reduction and its substitution with potassium chloride on Akawi cheese during storage for 30 d at 4 °C. Survival of probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, and Bifidobacterium longum) and starter bacteria (Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus), angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory and antioxidant activities, and concentrations of standard amino acids as affected by storage in different brine solutions (10% NaCl, 7.5% NaCl, 7.5% NaCl+KCl [1:1], 5% NaCl, and 5% NaCl+KCl [1:1]) were investigated. Furthermore, viability of human colon cells and human colon cancer cells as affected by the extract showing improved peptide profiles, highest release of amino acids and antioxidant activity (that is, from cheese brined in 7.5% NaCl+KCl) was evaluated. Significant increase was observed in survival of probiotic bacteria in cheeses with low salt after 30 d. Calcium content decreased slightly during storage in all cheeses brined in various solutions. Further, no significant changes were observed in ACE-inhibitory activity and antioxidant activity of cheeses during storage. Interestingly, concentrations of 4 essential amino acids (phenylalanine, tryptophan, valine, and leucine) increased significantly during storage in brine solutions containing 7.5% total salt. Low concentration of cheese extract (100 μg/mL) significantly improved the growth of normal human colon cells, and reduced the growth of human colon cancer cells. Overall, the study revealed that cheese extracts from reduced-NaCl brine improved the growth of human colon cells, and the release of essential amino acids, but did not affect the activities of potential bioactive peptides. © 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

  9. Superimpose signal processing method for micro-scale thermal imaging of solar salts at high temperature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morikawa, Junko; Zamengo, Massimiliano; Kato, Yukitaka


    The global interest in energy applications activates the advanced study about the molten salts in the usage of fluids in the power cycle, such as for transport and heat storage in solar power facilities. However, the basic properties of molten salts show a general scattering in characterization especially in thermal properties. It is suggested that new studies are required on the measurement of thermal properties of solar salts using recent technologies. In this study, micro-scale heat transfer and phase change in molten salts are presented using our originally developed device: the micro-bolometer Infrared focal plane arrays (IR FPA) measuring system is a portable type instrument, which is re-designed to measure the thermal phenomena in high temperature up to 700 °C or higher. The superimpose system is newly setup adjusted to the signal processing in high temperature to realize the quantitative thermal imaging, simultaneously. The portable type apparatus for a quantitative micro-scale thermography using a micro-bolometer has been proposed based on an achromatic lens design to capture a micro-scale image in the long-wave infrared, a video signal superimposing for the real time emissivity correction, and a pseudo acceleration of a timeframe. Combined with the superimpose technique, the micro-scale thermal imaging in high temperature is achieved and the molten flows of the solar salts, sodium nitrate, and potassium nitrate are successfully observed. The solar salt, the mixture of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate, shows a different shape of exothermic heat front morphology in the lower phase transition (solidification) temperature than the nitrates on cooling. The proposed measuring technique will be utilized to accelerate the screening step to determine the phase diagram and the eutectics of the multiple mixtures of candidate molten salts, which may be used as heat transport medium from the concentrated solar power to a processing plant for thermal energy

  10. Actinobase: Database on molecular diversity, phylogeny and biocatalytic potential of salt tolerant alkaliphilic actinomycetes.


    Sharma, Amit K; Gohel, Sangeeta; Singh, Satya P


    Actinobase is a relational database of molecular diversity, phylogeny and biocatalytic potential of haloalkaliphilic actinomycetes. The main objective of this data base is to provide easy access to range of information, data storage, comparison and analysis apart from reduced data redundancy, data entry, storage, retrieval costs and improve data security. Information related to habitat, cell morphology, Gram reaction, biochemical characterization and molecular features would allow researchers in understanding identification and stress adaptation of the existing and new candidates belonging to salt tolerant alkaliphilic actinomycetes. The PHP front end helps to add nucleotides and protein sequence of reported entries which directly help researchers to obtain the required details. Analysis of the genus wise status of the salt tolerant alkaliphilic actinomycetes indicated 6 different genera among the 40 classified entries of the salt tolerant alkaliphilic actinomycetes. The results represented wide spread occurrence of salt tolerant alkaliphilic actinomycetes belonging to diverse taxonomic positions. Entries and information related to actinomycetes in the database are publicly accessible at On clustalW/X multiple sequence alignment of the alkaline protease gene sequences, different clusters emerged among the groups. The narrow search and limit options of the constructed database provided comparable information. The user friendly access to PHP front end facilitates would facilitate addition of sequences of reported entries. The database is available for free at

  11. Effects of Stress on Corrosion in a Molten Salt Environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Girdzis, Samuel; Manos, Dennis; Cooke, William

    Molten salt is often used as a heat transfer and energy storage fluid in concentrating solar power plants. Despite its suitable thermal properties, molten salt can present challenges in terms of corrosion. Previous studies have focused extensively on mass loss due to molten salt-induced corrosion. In contrast, we have investigated how corrosion begins and how it changes the surface of stainless steel. Samples of alloys including 304 and 316 stainless steel were exposed to the industry-standard NaNO3-KNO3 (60%-40% by weight) mixture at temperatures over 500°C and then analyzed using Hirox, SEM, and TOF-SIMS. We compare the corrosion at grain boundaries to that within single grain surfaces, showing the effect of the increased internal stresses and the weakened passivation layer. Also, we have examined the enhanced corrosion of samples under mechanical stress, simulating the effects of thermal stresses in a power plant.

  12. Occipital Neuralgia from C2 Cavernous Malformation

    PubMed Central

    Ha, Sang-woo; Choi, Jin-gyu; Son, Byung-chul


    A unique case is presented of chronic occipital neuralgia (ON) caused by cavernous malformation (CM) in the intramedullary C2 spinal cord and subsequent pain relief and remodeling of allodynic pain following dorsal root rhizotomy. A 53-year-old male presented with a 30-year history of chronic allodynic, paroxysmal lancinating pain in the greater and lesser occipital nerves. Typically, the pain was aggravated with neck extension and head movement. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a CM in the right posterolateral side of the intramedullary C2 cord. Considering potential risks associated with removal of the lesion, intradural C1-3 dorsal root rhizotomy with dentate ligament resection was performed. The paroxysmal lancinating pain of ON was significantly alleviated, and the remodeling of the extent of allodynic pain was noted after C1-3 dorsal root rhizotomy. These changes gradually occurred during the second postoperative month, and this effect was maintained for 24 months postoperatively. Significant reduction in chronic allodynic pain of secondary ON caused by cervicomedullary CM involving central sensitization in the trigeminocervical complex was observed with reduction of irritating, afferent input with C1-C3 dorsal root rhizotomy. PMID:29682056

  13. Occipital Neuralgia from C2 Cavernous Malformation.


    Ha, Sang-Woo; Choi, Jin-Gyu; Son, Byung-Chul


    A unique case is presented of chronic occipital neuralgia (ON) caused by cavernous malformation (CM) in the intramedullary C2 spinal cord and subsequent pain relief and remodeling of allodynic pain following dorsal root rhizotomy. A 53-year-old male presented with a 30-year history of chronic allodynic, paroxysmal lancinating pain in the greater and lesser occipital nerves. Typically, the pain was aggravated with neck extension and head movement. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a CM in the right posterolateral side of the intramedullary C2 cord. Considering potential risks associated with removal of the lesion, intradural C1-3 dorsal root rhizotomy with dentate ligament resection was performed. The paroxysmal lancinating pain of ON was significantly alleviated, and the remodeling of the extent of allodynic pain was noted after C1-3 dorsal root rhizotomy. These changes gradually occurred during the second postoperative month, and this effect was maintained for 24 months postoperatively. Significant reduction in chronic allodynic pain of secondary ON caused by cervicomedullary CM involving central sensitization in the trigeminocervical complex was observed with reduction of irritating, afferent input with C1-C3 dorsal root rhizotomy.

  14. Salt tolerance, salt accumulation, and ionic homeostasis in an epidermal bladder-cell-less mutant of the common ice plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum.


    Agarie, Sakae; Shimoda, Toshifumi; Shimizu, Yumi; Baumann, Kathleen; Sunagawa, Haruki; Kondo, Ayumu; Ueno, Osamu; Nakahara, Teruhisa; Nose, Akihiro; Cushman, John C


    The aerial surfaces of the common or crystalline ice plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L., a halophytic, facultative crassulacean acid metabolism species, are covered with specialized trichome cells called epidermal bladder cells (EBCs). EBCs are thought to serve as a peripheral salinity and/or water storage organ to improve survival under high salinity or water deficit stress conditions. However, the exact contribution of EBCs to salt tolerance in the ice plant remains poorly understood. An M. crystallinum mutant lacking EBCs was isolated from plant collections mutagenized by fast neutron irradiation. Light and electron microscopy revealed that mutant plants lacked EBCs on all surfaces of leaves and stems. Dry weight gain of aerial parts of the mutant was almost half that of wild-type plants after 3 weeks of growth at 400 mM NaCl. The EBC mutant also showed reduced leaf succulence and leaf and stem water contents compared with wild-type plants. Aerial tissues of wild-type plants had approximately 1.5-fold higher Na(+) and Cl(-) content than the mutant grown under 400 mM NaCl for 2 weeks. Na(+) and Cl(-) partitioning into EBCs of wild-type plants resulted in lower concentrations of these ions in photosynthetically active leaf tissues than in leaves of the EBC-less mutant, particularly under conditions of high salt stress. Potassium, nitrate, and phosphate ion content decreased with incorporation of NaCl into tissues in both the wild type and the mutant, but the ratios of Na(+)/K(+) and Cl(-)/NO(3)(-)content were maintained only in the leaf and stem tissues of wild-type plants. The EBC mutant showed significant impairment in plant productivity under salt stress as evaluated by seed pod and seed number and average seed weight. These results clearly show that EBCs contribute to succulence by serving as a water storage reservoir and to salt tolerance by maintaining ion sequestration and homeostasis within photosynthetically active tissues of M. crystallinum.

  15. Cavernous sinus syndrome due to osteochondromatosis in a cat.


    Perazzi, Anna; Bernardini, Marco; Mandara, Maria T; De Benedictis, Giulia M; De Strobel, Francesca; Zotti, Alessandro


    A 1-year-old sexually intact male Korat cat was referred for ophthalmological consultation due to anisocoria. Mydriasis with external ophthalmoplegia and absence of pupillary light responses in the right eye and nasofacial hypalgesia were seen. Cavernous sinus syndrome (CSS) was suspected. Bilateral deformities of the jaw and phalangeal bones, severe spinal pain and abnormal conformation of the lumbar spine were also present. Radiographic examination revealed several mineralised masses in the appendicular and axial skeleton, indicative of multiple cartilaginous exostoses. For further investigation of the CSS-related neurological deficits, the cat underwent computed tomography (CT) examination of the skull. CT images revealed a non-vascularised, calcified, amorphous mass originating from the right lateral skull base and superimposing on the sella turcica. Based on the severity of diffuse lesions and owing to the clinical signs of extreme pain, the cat was euthanased. A diffuse skeletal and intracranial osteochondromatosis was diagnosed histologically.

  16. Modeling of Single and Dual Reservoir Porous Media Compressed Gas (Air and CO2) Storage Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Oldenburg, C. M.; Liu, H.; Borgia, A.; Pan, L.


    Intermittent renewable energy sources are causing increasing demand for energy storage. The deep subsurface offers promising opportunities for energy storage because it can safely contain high-pressure gases. Porous media compressed air energy storage (PM-CAES) is one approach, although the only facilities in operation are in caverns (C-CAES) rather than porous media. Just like in C-CAES, PM-CAES operates generally by injecting working gas (air) through well(s) into the reservoir compressing the cushion gas (existing air in the reservoir). During energy recovery, high-pressure air from the reservoir is mixed with fuel in a combustion turbine to produce electricity, thereby reducing compression costs. Unlike in C-CAES, the storage of energy in PM-CAES occurs variably across pressure gradients in the formation, while the solid grains of the matrix can release/store heat. Because air is the working gas, PM-CAES has fairly low thermal efficiency and low energy storage density. To improve the energy storage density, we have conceived and modeled a closed-loop two-reservoir compressed CO2 energy storage system. One reservoir is the low-pressure reservoir, and the other is the high-pressure reservoir. CO2 is cycled back and forth between reservoirs depending on whether energy needs to be stored or recovered. We have carried out thermodynamic and parametric analyses of the performance of an idealized two-reservoir CO2 energy storage system under supercritical and transcritical conditions for CO2 using a steady-state model. Results show that the transcritical compressed CO2 energy storage system has higher round-trip efficiency and exergy efficiency, and larger energy storage density than the supercritical compressed CO2 energy storage. However, the configuration of supercritical compressed CO2 energy storage is simpler, and the energy storage densities of the two systems are both higher than that of PM-CAES, which is advantageous in terms of storage volume for a given

  17. Examination of Liquid Fluoride Salt Heat Transfer

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yoder Jr, Graydon L


    The need for high efficiency power conversion and energy transport systems is increasing as world energy use continues to increase, petroleum supplies decrease, and global warming concerns become more prevalent. There are few heat transport fluids capable of operating above about 600oC that do not require operation at extremely high pressures. Liquid fluoride salts are an exception to that limitation. Fluoride salts have very high boiling points, can operate at high temperatures and low pressures and have very good heat transfer properties. They have been proposed as coolants for next generation fission reactor systems, as coolants for fusion reactor blankets,more » and as thermal storage media for solar power systems. In each case, these salts are used to either extract or deliver heat through heat exchange equipment, and in order to design this equipment, liquid salt heat transfer must be predicted. This paper discusses the heat transfer characteristics of liquid fluoride salts. Historically, heat transfer in fluoride salts has been assumed to be consistent with that of conventional fluids (air, water, etc.), and correlations used for predicting heat transfer performance of all fluoride salts have been the same or similar to those used for water conventional fluids an, water, etc). A review of existing liquid salt heat transfer data is presented, summarized, and evaluated on a consistent basis. Less than 10 experimental data sets have been found in the literature, with varying degrees of experimental detail and measured parameters provided. The data has been digitized and a limited database has been assembled and compared to existing heat transfer correlations. Results vary as well, with some data sets following traditional correlations; in others the comparisons are less conclusive. This is especially the case for less common salt/materials combinations, and suggests that additional heat transfer data may be needed when using specific salt eutectics in heat

  18. Numerical investigation of road salt impact on an urban wellfield.


    Bester, M L; Frind, E O; Molson, J W; Rudolph, D L


    The impact of road salt on a wellfield in a complex glacial moraine aquifer system is studied by numerical simulation. The moraine underlies an extensive urban and industrial landscape, which draws its water supply from >20 wellfields, several of which are approaching or have exceeded the drinking water limit for chloride. The study investigates the mechanisms of road salt infiltration, storage, and transport in the subsurface and assesses the effectiveness of mitigation measures designed to reduce the impact. The three-dimensional transport model accounts for increases in salt loading, as well as growth of the urbanized area and road network over the past 50 years. The simulations, which focus on one impacted wellfield, show chloride plumes originating mainly at arterial roads and migrating through aquitard windows into the water supply aquifers. The results suggest that the aquifer system contains a large and heterogeneously distributed mass of chloride and that concentrations in the aquifer can be substantially higher than the concentrations in the well water. Future impact scenarios indicate that although the system responds rapidly to reductions in salt loading, the residual chloride mass may take decades to flush out, even if road salting were discontinued. The implications with respect to urban wellfields in typical snow-belt areas are discussed.

  19. Development of an energy storage tank model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buckley, Robert Christopher

    A linearized, one-dimensional finite difference model employing an implicit finite difference method for energy storage tanks is developed, programmed with MATLAB, and demonstrated for different applications. A set of nodal energy equations is developed by considering the energy interactions on a small control volume. The general method of solving these equations is described as are other features of the simulation program. Two modeling applications are presented: the first using a hot water storage tank with a solar collector and an absorption chiller to cool a building in the summer, the second using a molten salt storage system with a solar collector and steam power plant to generate electricity. Recommendations for further study as well as all of the source code generated in the project are also provided.

  20. Experimental Results From the Thermal Energy Storage-1 (TES-1) Flight Experiment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jacqmin, David


    The Thermal Energy Storage (TES) experiments are designed to provide data to help researchers understand the long-duration microgravity behavior of thermal energy storage fluoride salts that undergo repeated melting and freezing. Such data, which have never been obtained before, have direct application to space-based solar dynamic power systems. These power systems will store solar energy in a thermal energy salt, such as lithium fluoride (LiF) or a eutectic of lithium fluoride/calcium difluoride (LiF-CaF2) (which melts at a lower temperature). The energy will be stored as the latent heat of fusion when the salt is melted by absorbing solar thermal energy. The stored energy will then be extracted during the shade portion of the orbit, enabling the solar dynamic power system to provide constant electrical power over the entire orbit. Analytical computer codes have been developed to predict the performance of a spacebased solar dynamic power system. However, the analytical predictions must be verified experimentally before the analytical results can be used for future space power design applications. Four TES flight experiments will be used to obtain the needed experimental data. This article focuses on the flight results from the first experiment, TES-1, in comparison to the predicted results from the Thermal Energy Storage Simulation (TESSIM) analytical computer code.

  1. SERI Solar Energy Storage Program: FY 1984

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luft, W.; Bohn, M.; Copeland, R. J.; Kreith, F.; Nix, R. G.


    The activities of the Solar Energy Research Institute's Solar Energy Research Institute's Solar Energy Storage Program during its sixth year are summarized. During FY 1984 a study was conducted to identify the most promising high-temperature containment concepts considering corrosion resistance, material strength at high temperature, reliability of performance, and cost. Of the two generic types of high-temperature thermal storage concepts, the single-tank system was selected using a two-medium approach to the thermocline maintenance. This concept promises low costs, but further research is required. A conceptual design for a sand-to-air direct-contact heat exchanger was developed using dual-lock hoppers to introduce the sand into the fluidized-bed exchanger, and using cyclones to remove sand particles from the output air stream. Preliminary cost estimates indicate heat exchanger subsystem annual levelized costs of about $4/GJ with compressor costs of an additional $0.75/GJ. An economic analysis comparing sensible and latent heat storage for nitrate and carbonate salts with solely sensible heat storage showed 3%-21% cost savings with combined sensible and latent heat storage.

  2. Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy Treatment of Cavernous Sinus Meningiomas: A Study of 100 Cases

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Litre, Claude Fabien; Colin, Philippe; Noudel, Remy

    Purpose: We discuss our experiences with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSR) in the treatment of cavernous sinus meningiomas. Methods and Materials: From 1995 to 2006, we monitored 100 patients diagnosed with cavernous sinus meningiomas; 84 female and 16 male patients were included. The mean patient age was 56 years. The most common symptoms were a reduction in visual acuity (57%), diplopia (50%), exophthalmy (30%), and trigeminal neuralgia (34%). Surgery was initially performed on 26 patients. All patients were treated with FSR. A total of 45 Gy was administered to the lesion, with 5 fractions of 1.8 Gy completed each week. Patientmore » treatment was performed using a Varian Clinac linear accelerator used for cranial treatments and a micro-multileaf collimator. Results: No side effects were reported. Mean follow-up period was 33 months, with 20% of patients undergoing follow-up evaluation of more than 4 years later. The tumor control rate at 3 years was 94%. Three patients required microsurgical intervention because FSR proved ineffective. In terms of functional symptoms, an 81% improvement was observed in patients suffering from exophthalmy, with 46% of these patients being restored to full health. A 52% improvement was observed in diplopia, together with a 67% improvement in visual acuity and a 50% improvement in type V neuropathy. Conclusions: FSR facilitates tumor control, either as an initial treatment option or in combination with microsurgery. In addition to being a safe procedure with few side effects, FSR offers the significant benefit of superior functional outcomes.« less

  3. An Investigation on the Thermophysical Properties of a Binary Molten Salt System Containing Both Aluminum Oxide and Titanium Oxide Nanoparticle Suspensions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Giridhar, Kunal

    Molten salts are showing great potential to replace current heat transfer and thermal energy storage fluids in concentrated solar plants because of their capability to maximize thermal energy storage, greater stability, cost effectiveness and significant thermal properties. However one of the major drawbacks of using molten salt as heat transfer fluid is that they are in solid state at room temperature and they have a high freezing point. Hence, significant resources would be required to maintain it in liquid form. If molten salt freezes while in operation, it would eventually damage piping network due to its volume shrinkage along with rendering the entire plant inoperable. It is long known that addition of nanoparticle suspensions has led to significant changes in thermal properties of fluids. In this investigation, aluminum oxide and titanium oxide nanoparticles of varying concentrations are added to molten salt/solar salt system consisting of 60% sodium nitrate and 40% potassium nitrate. Using differential scanning calorimeter, an attempt will be made to investigate changes in heat capacity of system, depression in freezing point and changes in latent heat of fusion. Scanning electron microscope will be used to take images of samples to study changes in micro-structure of mixture, ensure uniform distribution of nanoparticle in system and verify authenticity of materials used for experimentation. Due to enormous magnitude of CSP plant, actual implementation of molten salt system is on a large scale. With this investigation, even microscopic enhancement in heat capacity and slight lowering of freezing point will lead to greater benefits in terms of efficiency and cost of operation of plant. These results will further the argument for viability of molten salt as a heat transfer fluid and thermal storage system in CSP. One of the objective of this experimentation is to also collect experimental data which can be used for establishing relation between concentration

  4. Thermal energy storage heat exchanger: Molten salt heat exchanger design for utility power plants

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ferarra, A.; Yenetchi, G.; Haslett, R.; Kosson, R.


    Sizing procedures are presented for latent heat thermal energy storage systems that can be used for electric utility off-peak energy storage, solar power plants and other preliminary design applications.

  5. Pathological Evaluation of Radiation-Induced Vascular Lesions of the Brain: Distinct from De Novo Cavernous Hemangioma

    PubMed Central

    Cha, Yoon Jin; Nahm, Ji Hae; Ko, Ji Eun; Shin, Hyun Joo; Chang, Jong-Hee; Cho, Nam Hoon


    Purpose We aimed to evaluate the histologic and radiologic findings of vascular lesions after stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) categorized as radiation-induced cavernous hemangioma (RICH). Materials and Methods Among 89 patients who underwent neurosurgery for cavernous hemangioma, eight RICHs from 7 patients and 10 de novo CHs from 10 patients were selected for histopathological and radiological comparison. Results Histologically, RICHs showed hematoma-like gross appearance. Microscopically, RICH exhibited a hematoma-like area accompanied by proliferation of thin-walled vasculature with fibrin deposits and infiltrating foamy macrophages. In contrast, CHs demonstrated localized malformed vasculature containing fresh and old clotted blood on gross examination. Typically, CHs consisted of thick, ectatic hyalinized vessels lined by endothelium under a light microscope. Magnetic resonance imaging of RICHs revealed some overlapping but distinct features with CHs, including enhancing cystic and solid components with absence or incomplete popcorn-like appearance and partial hemosiderin rims. Conclusion Together with histologic and radiologic findings, RICH may result from blood-filled space after tissue destruction by SRS, accompanied with radiation-induced reactive changes rather than vascular malformation. Thus, the term "RICH" would be inappropriate, because it is more likely to be an inactive organizing hematoma rather than proliferation of malformed vasculature. PMID:26446658

  6. Multidisciplinary management of an intra-sellar cavernous hemangioma: Case report and review of the literature.


    Chibbaro, S; Cebula, H; Ganau, M; Gubian, A; Todeschi, J; Lhermitte, B; Proust, F; Noel, G


    Extra-axial cavernous hemangiomas (ECH) are rare vascular lesions with a tendency to grow within the medial structures of the middle cranial fossa. This pathological entity lacks specific symptoms, and falls into the category of differential diagnosis of space occupying lesions in the cavernous sinus (CS) with or without sellar involvement, including those of tumoral, vascular and inflammatory nature. Of note, ECH can also be indolent, and is at times discovered incidentally during autopsy investigations. On radiological studies, ECH with sellar extension are frequently mistaken at first for pituitary adenomas. Total removal of intrasellar-CS ECH is technically demanding and burdened by remarkable morbidity and mortality rates, mostly related to the complex neuroanatomy of the CS-sellar region (i.e., peri and postoperative bleeding, and transitory or permanent nerve palsies, hormonal deficits). Consequently, only a few cases of successful total removal have been reported so far in the literature. Surgical debulking with cranial nerve decompression followed by stereotactic radiosurgery is currently considered the best alternative to total removal when the latter carries excessive perioperative risks. We present a rare case of a mainly located intrasellar ECH extending to the left CS discussing its clinical features and focusing on the most relevant aspects of the surgical management along with a review of the pertinent literature. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Sea Salt vs. Table Salt: What's the Difference?


    ... Nutrition and healthy eating What's the difference between sea salt and table salt? Answers from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. The main differences between sea salt and table salt are in their taste, ...

  8. Liking, salt taste perception and use of table salt when consuming reduced-salt chicken stews in light of South Africa's new salt regulations.


    De Kock, H L; Zandstra, E H; Sayed, N; Wentzel-Viljoen, E


    This study investigated the impact of salt reduction on liking, salt taste perception, and use of table salt when consuming chicken stew in light of South Africa's new salt recommendations. In total, 432 South-African consumers (aged 35.2 ± 12.3 years) consumed a full portion of a chicken stew meal once at a central location. Four stock cube powders varying in salt content were used to prepare chicken stews: 1) no reduction - 2013 Na level; regular salt level as currently available on the South African market (24473 mg Na/100 g), 2) salt reduction smaller than 2016 level, i.e. 10%-reduced (22025 mg Na/100 g), 3) 2016 salt level, as per regulatory prescriptions (18000 mg Na/100 g), 4) 2019 salt level, as per regulatory prescriptions (13000 mg Na/100 g). Consumers were randomly allocated to consume one of the four meals. Liking, salt taste perception, and use of table salt and pepper were measured. Chicken stews prepared with reduced-salt stock powders were equally well-liked as chicken stews with the current salt level. Moreover, a gradual reduction of the salt in the chicken stews resulted in a reduced salt intake, up to an average of 19% for the total group compared to the benchmark 2013 Na level stew. However, 19% of consumers compensated by adding salt back to full compensation in some cases. More salt was added with increased reductions of salt in the meals, even to the point of full compensation. Further investigation into the impacts of nutrition communication and education about salt reduction on salt taste perception and use is needed. This research provides new consumer insights on salt use and emphasises the need for consumer-focused behaviour change approaches, in addition to reformulation of products. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Eibling, R

    The closure process for high level waste tanks at the Savannah River Site will require dissolution of the crystallized salts that are currently stored in many of the tanks. The insoluble residue from salt dissolution is planned to be removed by an Enhanced Chemical Cleaning (ECC) process. Development of a chemical cleaning process requires an insoluble salt simulant to support evaluation tests of different cleaning methods. The Process Science and Engineering section of SRNL has been asked to develop an insoluble salt simulant for use in testing potential ECC processes (HLE-TTR-2007-017). An insoluble salt simulant has been developed based uponmore » the residues from salt dissolution of saltcake core samples from Tank 28F. The simulant was developed for use in testing SRS waste tank chemical cleaning methods. Based on the results of the simulant development process, the following observations were developed: (1) A composition based on the presence of 10.35 grams oxalate and 4.68 grams carbonate per 100 grams solids produces a sufficiently insoluble solids simulant. (2) Aluminum observed in the solids remaining from actual waste salt dissolution tests is probably precipitated from sodium aluminate due to the low hydroxide content of the saltcake. (3) In-situ generation of aluminum hydroxide (by use of aluminate as the Al source) appears to trap additional salts in the simulant in a manner similar to that expected for actual waste samples. (4) Alternative compositions are possible with higher oxalate levels and lower carbonate levels. (5) The maximum oxalate level is limited by the required Na content of the insoluble solids. (6) Periodic mixing may help to limit crystal growth in this type of salt simulant. (7) Long term storage of an insoluble salt simulant is likely to produce a material that can not be easily removed from the storage container. Production of a relatively fresh simulant is best if pumping the simulant is necessary for testing purposes. The

  10. Pediatric Pontine Cavernous Malformations: The Presigmoid, Posterior Petrosal Approach.


    Kulwin, Charles G; Payner, Troy D; Nelson, Rick F; Ackerman, Laurie L; Fulkerson, Daniel H


    Brainstem cavernous malformations (cavernomas) in children have a high risk of hemorrhage and neurological deterioration. This risk is magnified if the child has a genetic predisposition for cavernoma formation. The surgical management is challenging and carries a significant risk of morbidity. To describe the feasibility of a posterior petrosal approach to brainstem cavernomas in a pediatric population. A single institution operative experience with this technique was reviewed; 2 cases were identified and are technically described here with supportive figures and illustrations, as well as a focused literature review. Two pediatric cases with multiple symptomatic hemorrhages from large expanding pontine cavernomas were identified. Both cavernomas were resected through a presigmoid posterior petrosal approach. While this approach is well described in the adult literature for ventral brainstem lesions, its description for the treatment of pontine cavernomas in the pediatric populations is scarce. This study demonstrates the utility and feasibility of the posterior petrosal approach in two pediatric patients at different points in cranial base development.

  11. In Situ Production of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in a Binary Molten Salt for Concentrated Solar Power Plant Applications.


    Lasfargues, Mathieu; Stead, Graham; Amjad, Muhammad; Ding, Yulong; Wen, Dongsheng


    Seeding nanoparticles in molten salts has been shown recently as a promising way to improve their thermo-physical properties. The prospect of such technology is of interest to both academic and industrial sectors in order to enhance the specific heat capacity of molten salt. The latter is used in concentrated solar power plants as both heat transfer fluid and sensible storage. This work explores the feasibility of producing and dispersing nanoparticles with a novel one pot synthesis method. Using such a method, CuO nanoparticles were produced in situ via the decomposition of copper sulphate pentahydrate in a KNO₃-NaNO₃ binary salt. Analyses of the results suggested preferential disposition of atoms around produced nanoparticles in the molten salt. Thermal characterization of the produced nano-salt suspension indicated the dependence of the specific heat enhancement on particle morphology and distribution within the salts.

  12. CNS cavernous haemangioma: "popcorn" in the brain and spinal cord.


    Hegde, A N; Mohan, S; Lim, C C T


    Cavernous haemangiomas (CH) are relatively uncommon non-shunting vascular malformations of the central nervous system and can present with seizures or with neurological deficits due to haemorrhage. Radiologists can often suggest the diagnosis of CH based on characteristic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features, thus avoiding further invasive procedures such as digital subtraction angiography or surgical biopsy. Although typical MRI appearance combined with the presence of multiple focal low signal lesions on T2*-weighted images or the presence of one or more developmental venous anomaly within the brain can improve the diagnostic confidence, serial imaging studies are often required if a solitary CH presents at a time when the imaging appearances had not yet matured to the typical "popcorn" appearance. Copyright © 2011 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Purely neuroendoscopic resection of an intraventricular cavernous angioma: case report.


    Giannetti, Alexandre Varella


    Intraventricular cavernomas are rare and generally treated by microsurgical approach. With the advances in neuroendoscopy, intraventricular lesions have been managed by this technique. However, tumor size and vascular nature are considered restrictive factors. As far as we are concerned, there are two cases in the literature of intraventricular cavernoma resection done by neuroendoscopy. We describe a case of a man who presented with hydrocephalus secondary to a mesencephalic cavernoma and a second cavernous angioma located at the dorsum thalamus. This second lesion was successfully removed using a pure neuroendoscopic technique at the same time as a third ventriculostomy was performed. As neuroendoscopy evolves, we see that lesions considered impossible to be managed by neuroendoscopy before today are being treated with the advantages that the minimally invasive surgery offers. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  14. Long-term room temperature preservation of corpse soft tissue: an approach for tissue sample storage

    PubMed Central


    Background Disaster victim identification (DVI) represents one of the most difficult challenges in forensic sciences, and subsequent DNA typing is essential. Collected samples for DNA-based human identification are usually stored at low temperature to halt the degradation processes of human remains. We have developed a simple and reliable procedure for soft tissue storage and preservation for DNA extraction. It ensures high quality DNA suitable for PCR-based DNA typing after at least 1 year of room temperature storage. Methods Fragments of human psoas muscle were exposed to three different environmental conditions for diverse time periods at room temperature. Storage conditions included: (a) a preserving medium consisting of solid sodium chloride (salt), (b) no additional substances and (c) garden soil. DNA was extracted with proteinase K/SDS followed by organic solvent treatment and concentration by centrifugal filter devices. Quantification was carried out by real-time PCR using commercial kits. Short tandem repeat (STR) typing profiles were analysed with 'expert software'. Results DNA quantities recovered from samples stored in salt were similar up to the complete storage time and underscored the effectiveness of the preservation method. It was possible to reliably and accurately type different genetic systems including autosomal STRs and mitochondrial and Y-chromosome haplogroups. Autosomal STR typing quality was evaluated by expert software, denoting high quality profiles from DNA samples obtained from corpse tissue stored in salt for up to 365 days. Conclusions The procedure proposed herein is a cost efficient alternative for storage of human remains in challenging environmental areas, such as mass disaster locations, mass graves and exhumations. This technique should be considered as an additional method for sample storage when preservation of DNA integrity is required for PCR-based DNA typing. PMID:21846338

  15. Dynamic modelling and simulation of linear Fresnel solar field model based on molten salt heat transfer fluid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hakkarainen, Elina; Tähtinen, Matti


    Demonstrations of direct steam generation (DSG) in linear Fresnel collectors (LFC) have given promising results related to higher steam parameters compared to the current state-of-the-art parabolic trough collector (PTC) technology using oil as heat transfer fluid (HTF). However, DSG technology lacks feasible solution for long-term thermal energy storage (TES) system. This option is important for CSP technology in order to offer dispatchable power. Recently, molten salts have been proposed to be used as HTF and directly as storage medium in both line-focusing solar fields, offering storage capacity of several hours. This direct molten salt (DMS) storage concept has already gained operational experience in solar tower power plant, and it is under demonstration phase both in the case of LFC and PTC systems. Dynamic simulation programs offer a valuable effort for design and optimization of solar power plants. In this work, APROS dynamic simulation program is used to model a DMS linear Fresnel solar field with two-tank TES system, and example simulation results are presented in order to verify the functionality of the model and capability of APROS for CSP modelling and simulation.

  16. Results Of Routine Strip Effluent Hold Tank, Decontaminated Salt Solution Hold Tank, Caustic Wash Tank And Caustic Storage Tank Samples From Modular Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Unit During Macrobatch 6 Operations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Peters, T. B.

    Strip Effluent Hold Tank (SEHT), Decontaminated Salt Solution Hold Tank (DSSHT), Caustic Wash Tank (CWT) and Caustic Storage Tank (CST) samples from several of the ''microbatches'' of Integrated Salt Disposition Project (ISDP) Salt Batch (''Macrobatch'') 6 have been analyzed for {sup 238}Pu, {sup 90}Sr, {sup 137}Cs, and by Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICPES). The results from the current microbatch samples are similar to those from comparable samples in Macrobatch 5. From a bulk chemical point of view, the ICPES results do not vary considerably between this and the previous macrobatch. The titanium results in the DSSHT samples continue tomore » indicate the presence of Ti, when the feed material does not have detectable levels. This most likely indicates that leaching of Ti from MST in ARP continues to occur. Both the CST and CWT samples indicate that the target Free OH value of 0.03 has been surpassed. While at this time there is no indication that this has caused an operational problem, the CST should be adjusted into specification. The {sup 137}Cs results from the SRNL as well as F/H lab data indicate a potential decline in cesium decontamination factor. Further samples will be carefully monitored to investigate this.« less

  17. An Analysis of the System Installation Costs of Diurnal Ice Storage Cooling Systems for Army Facilities

    DTIC Science & Technology


    integrate -into the existing -structure and HVAC system. Costs-for a eutectic salt system are shown in Table 5 to compare with the DIS cooling systems. The... eutectic salt system is not an ice storage system, but is a phase change system that stores energy iniits heat of fusion and changes phase at 47 ’F

  18. Thermodynamic properties and interactions of salt hydrates used as phase change materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Braunstein, J.


    The state-of-the-art of salt hydrates as phase change materials for low temperature thermal energy storage is reviewed with the objective of recommending research that would result in more practicable use of these materials. Areas for review included phase equilibria, nucleation behavior and melting kinetics of the commonly used hydrates.

  19. Experimental investigations and geochemical modelling of site-specific fluid-fluid and fluid-rock interactions in underground storage of CO2/H2/CH4 mixtures: the H2STORE project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Lucia, Marco; Pilz, Peter


    Underground gas storage is increasingly regarded as a technically viable option for meeting the energy demand and environmental targets of many industrialized countries. Besides the long-term CO2 sequestration, energy can be chemically stored in form of CO2/CH4/H2 mixtures, for example resulting from excess wind energy. A precise estimation of the impact of such gas mixtures on the mineralogical, geochemical and petrophysical properties of specific reservoirs and caprocks is crucial for site selection and optimization of storage depth. Underground gas storage is increasingly regarded as a technically viable option for meeting environmental targets and the energy demand through storage in form of H2 or CH4, i.e. resulting from excess wind energy. Gas storage in salt caverns is nowadays a mature technology; in regions where favorable geologic structures such as salt diapires are not available, however, gas storage can only be implemented in porous media such as depleted gas and oil reservoirs or suitable saline aquifers. In such settings, a significant amount of in-situ gas components such as CO2, CH4 (and N2) will always be present, making the CO2/CH4/H2 system of particular interest. A precise estimation of the impact of their gas mixtures on the mineralogical, geochemical and petrophysical properties of specific reservoirs and caprocks is therefore crucial for site selection and optimization of storage depth. In the framework of the collaborative research project H2STORE, the feasibility of industrial-scale gas storage in porous media in several potential siliciclastic depleted gas and oil reservoirs or suitable saline aquifers is being investigated by means of experiments and modelling on actual core materials from the evaluated sites. Among them are the Altmark depleted gas reservoir in Saxony-Anhalt and the Ketzin pilot site for CO2 storage in Brandenburg (Germany). Further sites are located in the Molasse basin in South Germany and Austria. In particular, two

  20. May the Inferior Petrosal Sinus Recanalization During Endovascular Treatment for Carotid-Cavernous Fistulas Increase the Risk of Sixth Nerve Palsy?


    Robert, Thomas; Valsecchi, Daniele; Sylvestre, Philippe; Blanc, Raphaël; Ciccio, Gabriele; Smajda, Stanislas; Redjem, Hocine; Piotin, Michel


    Sixth nerve palsy is a common complication of endovascular treatment for carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCF). Two hypotheses are evoked: the spontaneous venous congestion into the cavernous sinus and the direct compression of the nerve by the embolic agent into the cavernous sinus. Nevertheless, the evidence is still uncertain. Knowing the vicinity of the sixth nerve with the inferior petrosal sinus (IPS) in the Dorello canal, we hypothesized that the recanalization of the IPS increased the risk of nerve damage. We analyzed a prospective database of patients treated for CCFs from March 2009 to April 2016. We excluded patients who did not need treatment, cases of high-flow CCF, and patients lost to follow-up, obtaining a homogeneous population of 82 patients with indirect CCFs. This population was divided in 2 groups: patients without new-onset/worsening of sixth nerve palsy and patients with this postprocedural complication. Our main endpoints were the potential differences between patients with or without recanalization of IPS and between those who underwent or not an embolization with Onyx-18. We did not find any statistically meaningful difference between the 2 groups concerning the necessity of IPS recanalization (P > 0.999, odds ratio 0.97, 95% confidence interval 0.32-2.96) or with the use of Onyx-18 as an embolic agent (P = 0.56; odds ratio 1.41, 95% confidence interval 0.41-2.45). The recanalization of a thrombosed IPS does not increase the risk of procedural sixth nerve damage. The initial injury seems to relate with development/worsening of a sixth nerve palsy. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Improved penile histology by phalloidin stain: circular and longitudinal cavernous smooth muscles, dual-endothelium arteries, and erectile dysfunction-associated changes.


    Lin, Guiting; Qiu, Xuefeng; Fandel, Thomas M; Albersen, Maarten; Wang, Zhong; Lue, Tom F; Lin, Ching-Shwun


    To investigate whether fluorochrome-conjugated phalloidin can delineate cavernous smooth muscle (CSM) cells and whether it can be combined with immunofluorescence (IF) staining to quantify erectile dysfunction (ED)-associated changes. ED was induced by cavernous nerve crush in rats. Penile tissues of control and ED rats were stained with Alexa-488-conjugated phalloidin and/or with antibodies against rat endothelial cell antigen (RECA), CD31, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and collagen-IV (Col-IV). Phalloidin was able to delineate CSM as composed of a circular and a longitudinal compartment. When combined with IF stain for CD31 or RECA, it helped the identification of the helicine arteries as covered by endothelial cells on both sides of the smooth muscle layer. When combined with IF stain for nNOS, it helped the identification that nNOS-positive nerves were primarily localized within the dorsal nerves and in the adventitia of dorsal arteries. When combined with IF stain for Col-IV, it helped identify that Col-IV was localized around smooth muscles and beneath the endothelium. Phalloidin also facilitated the quantitative analysis of ED-related changes in the penis. In rats with cavernous nerve injury, RECA or Col-IV expression did not change significantly, but CSM and nNOS nerve contents decreased significantly. Phalloidin stain improved penile histology, enabling the visualization of the circular and longitudinal compartments in the CSM. It also worked synergistically with IF stain, permitting the visualization of the dual endothelial covering in helicine arteries, and facilitating the quantification of ED-related histologic changes. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Soil Carbon Stocks in a Shifting Ecosystem; Climate Induced Migration of Mangroves into Salt Marsh

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Simpson, L.; Osborne, T.; Feller, I. C.


    Across the globe, coastal wetland vegetation distributions are changing in response to climate change. The increase in global average surface temperature has already caused shifts in the structure and distribution of many ecological communities. In parts of the southeastern United States, increased winter temperatures have resulted in the poleward range expansion of mangroves at the expense of salt marsh habitat. Our work aims to document carbon storage in the salt marsh - mangrove ecotone and any potential changes in this reservoir that may ensue due to the shifting range of this habitat. Differences in SOM and C stocks along a latitudinal gradient on the east coast of Florida will be presented. The gradient studied spans 342 km and includes pure mangrove habitat, the salt marsh - mangrove ecotone, and pure salt marsh habitat.This latitudinal gradient gives us an exceptional opportunity to document and investigate ecosystem soil C modifications as mangroves transgress into salt marsh habitat due to climatic change.

  3. Alternative natural seasoning to improve the microbial stability of low-salt beef patties.


    García-Lomillo, Javier; González-SanJosé, M A Luisa; Del Pino-García, Raquel; Rivero-Pérez, M A Dolores; Muñiz-Rodríguez, Pilar


    The meat industry is seeking new strategies to reduce the sodium content of meat products without shortening their shelf-life. Natural seasonings as salt alternatives are more appreciated than chemical preservatives and also enable the incorporation of interesting nutrients. The present work studies the potential of a new red wine pomace seasoning (RWPS), derived from wine pomace, to inhibit spoilage growth in beef patties with different salt levels (2%, 1.5% and 1%) held in storage at 4°C. The use of RWPS (2% w/w) improved the microbial stability of the patties, delaying total aerobic mesophilic, and lactic acid bacteria growth, especially in samples with low salt levels. Satisfactory results were obtained in modified-atmosphere and air-packaged patties. RWPS also enabled the incorporation of fiber and phenolic compounds, and increased potassium and calcium levels. In summary, RWPS presented an interesting potential as a seasoning in meat products, enabling salt reduction without compromising their microbial stability. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Understanding the Risk of Chloride Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking of Interim Storage Containers for the Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel: Evolution of Brine Chemistry on the Container Surface.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Enos, David; Bryan, Charles R.

    Although the susceptibility of austenitic stainless steels to chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking is well known, uncertainties exist in terms of the environmental conditions that exist on the surface of the storage containers. While a diversity of salts is present in atmospheric aerosols, many of these are not stable when placed onto a heated surface. Given that the surface temperature of any container storing spent nuclear fuel will be well above ambient, it is likely that salts deposited on its surface may decompose or degas. To characterize this effect, relevant single and multi-salt mixtures are being evaluated as a function ofmore » temperature and relative humidity to establish the rates of degassing, as well as the likely final salt and brine chemistries that will remain on the canister surface.« less

  5. Characterizing the Weeks Island Salt Dome drilling of and seismic measurements from boreholes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sattler, A.R.; Harding, R.S.; Jacobson, R.D.


    A sinkhole 36 ft across, 30 ft deep was first observed in the alluvium over the Weeks Island Salt Dome (salt mine converted for oil storage by US Strategic Petroleum Reserve) May 1992. Four vertical, two slanted boreholes were drilled for diagnostics. Crosswell seismic data were generated; the velocity images suggest that the sinkhole collapse is complicated, not a simple vertical structure. The coring operation was moderately difficult; limited core was obtained through the alluvium, and the quality of the salt core from the first two vertical wells was poor. Core quality improved with better bit selection, mud, and drillingmore » method. The drilling fluid program provided fairly stable holes allowing open hole logs to be run. All holes were cemented successfully (although it took 3 attempts in one case).« less

  6. High-temperature thermal storage systems for advanced solar receivers materials selections

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wilson, D. F.; Devan, J. H.; Howell, M.


    Advanced space power systems that use solar energy and Brayton or Stirling heat engines require thermal energy storage (TES) systems to operate continuously through periods of shade. The receiver storage units, key elements in both Brayton and Stirling systems, are designed to use the latent heat of fusion of phase-change materials (PCMs). The power systems under current consideration for near-future National Aeronautics and Space Administration space missions require working fluid temperatures in the 1100 to 1400 K range. The PCMs under current investigation that gave liquid temperatures within this range are the fluoride family of salts. However, these salts have low thermal conductivity, which causes large temperature gradients in the storage systems. Improvements can be obtained, however, with the use of thermal conductivity enhancements or metallic PCMs. In fact, if suitable containment materials can be found, the use of metallic PCMs would virtually eliminate the orbit associated temperature variations in TES systems. The high thermal conductivity and generally low volume change on melting of germanium and alloys based on silicon make them attractive for storage of thermal energy in space power systems. An approach to solving the containment problem, involving both chemical and physical compatibility, preparation of NiSi/NiSi2, and initial results for containment of germanium and NiSi/NiSi2, are presented.

  7. High-temperature thermal storage systems for advanced solar receivers materials selections

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wilson, D. F.; Devan, J. H.; Howell, M.


    Advanced space power systems that use solar energy and Brayton or Stirling heat engines require thermal energy storage (TES) systems to operate continuously through periods of shade. The receiver storage units, key elements in both Brayton and Stirling systems, are designed to use the latent heat of fusion of phase-change materials (PCMs). The power systems under current consideration for near-future National Aeronautics and Space Administration space missions require working fluid temperatures in the 1100 to 1400 K range. The PCMs under current investigation that gave liquid temperatures within this range are the fluoride family of salts. However, these salts have low thermal conductivity, which causes large temperature gradients in the storage systems. Improvements can be obtained, however, with the use of thermal conductivity enhancements or metallic PCMs. In fact, if suitable containment materials can be found, the use of metallic PCMs would virtually eliminate the orbit associated temperature variations in TES systems. The high thermal conductivity and generally low volume change on melting of germanium and alloys based on silicon make them attractive for storage of thermal energy in space power systems. An approach to solving the containment problem, involving both chemical and physical compatibility, preparation of NiSi/NiSi2, and initial results for containment of germanium and NiSi/NiSi2, are presented.

  8. Thermal energy storage for low grade heat in the organic Rankine cycle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Soda, Michael John

    addition of graphite to augment heat transfer rates was also tested. Melting and solidification temperatures largely matched predictions. The magnesium salts were found to be less stable under thermal cycling than the waxes. Graphite was only soluble in the waxes. Mixtures of magnesium salts and waxes yielded a layered composite with the less dense waxes creating a sealing layer over the salt layer that significantly increased the stability of the magnesium salts. Research into optimum heat exchangers and storage vessels for these applications indicates that horizontally oriented aluminum pipes with vertically oriented aluminum fins would be the best method of storing and retrieving energy. Fin spacing can be predicted by an equation based on target temperatures and PCM characteristics.

  9. In Situ Production of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in a Binary Molten Salt for Concentrated Solar Power Plant Applications

    PubMed Central

    Lasfargues, Mathieu; Stead, Graham; Amjad, Muhammad; Ding, Yulong; Wen, Dongsheng


    Seeding nanoparticles in molten salts has been shown recently as a promising way to improve their thermo-physical properties. The prospect of such technology is of interest to both academic and industrial sectors in order to enhance the specific heat capacity of molten salt. The latter is used in concentrated solar power plants as both heat transfer fluid and sensible storage. This work explores the feasibility of producing and dispersing nanoparticles with a novel one pot synthesis method. Using such a method, CuO nanoparticles were produced in situ via the decomposition of copper sulphate pentahydrate in a KNO3-NaNO3 binary salt. Analyses of the results suggested preferential disposition of atoms around produced nanoparticles in the molten salt. Thermal characterization of the produced nano-salt suspension indicated the dependence of the specific heat enhancement on particle morphology and distribution within the salts. PMID:28772910

  10. Flight experiment of thermal energy storage. [for spacecraft power systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Namkoong, David


    Thermal energy storage (TES) enables a solar dynamic system to deliver constant electric power through periods of sun and shade. Brayton and Stirling power systems under current considerations for missions in the near future require working fluid temperatures in the 1100 to 1300+ K range. TES materials that meet these requirements fall into the fluoride family of salts. Salts shrink as they solidify, a change reaching 30 percent for some salts. Hot spots can develop in the TES container or the container can become distorted if the melting salt cannot expand elsewhere. Analysis of the transient, two-phase phenomenon is being incorporated into a three-dimensional computer code. The objective of the flight program is to verify the predictions of the code, particularly of the void location and its effect on containment temperature. The four experimental packages comprising the program will be the first tests of melting and freezing conducted under microgravity.

  11. Probing the salt dependence of the torsional stiffness of DNA by multiplexed magnetic torque tweezers

    PubMed Central

    Kriegel, Franziska; Ermann, Niklas; Forbes, Ruaridh; Dulin, David; Dekker, Nynke H.


    Abstract The mechanical properties of DNA fundamentally constrain and enable the storage and transmission of genetic information and its use in DNA nanotechnology. Many properties of DNA depend on the ionic environment due to its highly charged backbone. In particular, both theoretical analyses and direct single-molecule experiments have shown its bending stiffness to depend on salt concentration. In contrast, the salt-dependence of the twist stiffness of DNA is much less explored. Here, we employ optimized multiplexed magnetic torque tweezers to study the torsional stiffness of DNA under varying salt conditions as a function of stretching force. At low forces (<3 pN), the effective torsional stiffness is ∼10% smaller for high salt conditions (500 mM NaCl or 10 mM MgCl2) compared to lower salt concentrations (20 mM NaCl and 100 mM NaCl). These differences, however, can be accounted for by taking into account the known salt dependence of the bending stiffness. In addition, the measured high-force (6.5 pN) torsional stiffness values of C = 103 ± 4 nm are identical, within experimental errors, for all tested salt concentration, suggesting that the intrinsic torsional stiffness of DNA does not depend on salt. PMID:28460037

  12. A Review of Fatigue Crack Growth for Pipeline Steels Exposed to Hydrogen

    PubMed Central

    Nanninga, N.; Slifka, A.; Levy, Y.; White, C.


    Hydrogen pipeline systems offer an economical means of storing and transporting energy in the form of hydrogen gas. Pipelines can be used to transport hydrogen that has been generated at solar and wind farms to and from salt cavern storage locations. In addition, pipeline transportation systems will be essential before widespread hydrogen fuel cell vehicle technology becomes a reality. Since hydrogen pipeline use is expected to grow, the mechanical integrity of these pipelines will need to be validated under the presence of pressurized hydrogen. This paper focuses on a review of the fatigue crack growth response of pipeline steels when exposed to gaseous hydrogen environments. Because of defect-tolerant design principles in pipeline structures, it is essential that designers consider hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth behavior in these applications. PMID:27134796

  13. West Hackberry Strategic Petroleum Reserve site brine disposal monitoring, Year I report. Volume V. Supporting data for estuarine hydrology, discharge plume analysis, chemical oceanography, biological oceanography, and data management. Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    DeRouen, L.R.; Hann, R.W.; Casserly, D.M.


    This project centers around the Strategic Petroleum Site (SPR) known as the West Hackberry salt dome which located in southwestern Louisiana, and which is designed to store 241 million barrels of crude oil. Oil storage caverns are formed by injecting water into salt deposits, and pumping out the resulting brine. Studies described in this report were designed as follow-on studies to three months of pre-discharge characterization work, and include data collected during the first year of brine leaching operations. The objectives were to: (1) characterize the environment in terms of physical, chemical and biological attributes; (2) determine if significant adversemore » changes in ecosystem productivity and stability of the biological community are occurring as a result of brine discharge; and (3) determine the magnitude of any change observed. Volume V contains appendices for the following: supporting data for estuarine hydrology and hydrography; supporting data analysis of discharge plume; supporting data for water and sediment chemistry; CTD/DO and pH profiles during biological monitoring; supporting data for nekton; and supporting data for data management.« less

  14. 76 FR 28968 - Perryville Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment for the...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CP11-159-000] Perryville Gas Storage LLC; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Crowville Salt Dome Storage Project Amendment and Request for Comments on Environmental Issues The staff of the Federal Energy Regulato