Singularity in the Laboratory Frame Angular Distribution Derived in Two-Body Scattering Theory
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dick, Frank; Norbury, John W.
The laboratory (lab) frame angular distribution derived in two-body scattering theory exhibits a singularity at the maximum lab scattering angle. The singularity appears in the kinematic factor that transforms the centre of momentum (cm) angular distribution to the lab angular distribution. We show that it is caused in the transformation by the…
Angular distribution of diffuse reflectance from incoherent multiple scattering in turbid media.
Gao, M; Huang, X; Yang, P; Kattawar, G W
The angular distribution of diffuse reflection is elucidated with greater understanding by studying a homogeneous turbid medium. We modeled the medium as an infinite slab and studied the reflection dependence on the following three parameters: the incident direction, optical depth, and asymmetry factor. The diffuse reflection is produced by incoherent multiple scattering and is solved through radiative transfer theory. At large optical depths, the angular distribution of the diffuse reflection with small incident angles is similar to that of a Lambertian surface, but, with incident angles larger than 60°, the angular distributions have a prominent reflection peak around the specular reflection angle. These reflection peaks are found originating from the scattering within one transport mean free path in the top layer of the medium. The maximum reflection angles for different incident angles are analyzed and can characterize the structure of angular distributions for different asymmetry factors and optical depths. The properties of the angular distribution can be applied to more complex systems for a better understanding of diffuse reflection.
The γ-ray angular distribution in fast neutron inelastic scattering from iron
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Beyer, Roland; Dietz, Mirco; Bemmerer, Daniel; Junghans, Arnd R.; Kögler, Toni; Massarczyk, Ralph; Müller, Stefan; Schmidt, Konrad; Schwengner, Ronald; Szücs, Tamás; Takács, Marcell P.; Wagner, Andreas
The angular distribution of γ-rays emitted after inelastic scattering of fast neutrons from iron was determined at the n ELBE neutron time-of-flight facility. An iron sample of natural isotopic composition was irradiated by a continuous photo-neutron spectrum in the energy range from about 0.1 up to 10 MeV. The de-excitation γ-rays of the four lowest excited states of 56Fe and the first excited state of 54Fe were detected using a setup of five high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors and five LaBr3 scintillation detectors positioned around the sample at 30°, 55°, 90°, 125° and 150° with respect to the incoming neutron beam. The resulting angular distributions were fitted by Legendre polynomials up to 4th order and the angular distribution coefficients a2 and a4 were extracted. The angular distribution coefficients of three transitions in 56Fe are reported here for the first time. The results are applied to a previous measurement of the inelastic scattering cross section determined using a single HPGe detector positioned at 125°. Using the updated γ-ray angular distribution, the previous cross section results are in good agreement with reference data.
Antonsson, E; Langer, B; Halfpap, I; Gottwald, J; Rühl, E
In order to gain quantitative information on the surface composition of nanoparticles from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, a detailed understanding of photoelectron transport phenomena in these samples is needed. Theoretical results on the elastic and inelastic scattering have been reported, but a rigorous experimental verification is lacking. We report in this work on the photoelectron angular distribution from free SiO 2 nanoparticles (d = 122 ± 9 nm) after ionization by soft X-rays above the Si 2p and O 1s absorption edges, which gives insight into the relative importance of elastic and inelastic scattering channels in the sample particles. The photoelectron angular anisotropy is found to be lower for photoemission from SiO 2 nanoparticles than that expected from the theoretical values for the isolated Si and O atoms in the photoelectron kinetic energy range 20-380 eV. The reduced angular anisotropy is explained by elastic scattering of the outgoing photoelectrons from neighboring atoms, smearing out the atomic distribution. Photoelectron angular distributions yield detailed information on photoelectron elastic scattering processes allowing for a quantification of the number of elastic scattering events the photoelectrons have undergone prior to leaving the sample. The interpretation of the experimental photoelectron angular distributions is complemented by Monte Carlo simulations, which take inelastic and elastic photoelectron scattering into account using theoretical values for the scattering cross sections. The results of the simulations reproduce the experimental photoelectron angular distributions and provide further support for the assignment that elastic and inelastic electron scattering processes need to be considered.
Angular-domain scattering interferometry.
Shipp, Dustin W; Qian, Ruobing; Berger, Andrew J
We present an angular-scattering optical method that is capable of measuring the mean size of scatterers in static ensembles within a field of view less than 20 μm in diameter. Using interferometry, the method overcomes the inability of intensity-based models to tolerate the large speckle grains associated with such small illumination areas. By first estimating each scatterer's location, the method can model between-scatterer interference as well as traditional single-particle Mie scattering. Direct angular-domain measurements provide finer angular resolution than digitally transformed image-plane recordings. This increases sensitivity to size-dependent scattering features, enabling more robust size estimates. The sensitivity of these angular-scattering measurements to various sizes of polystyrene beads is demonstrated. Interferometry also allows recovery of the full complex scattered field, including a size-dependent phase profile in the angular-scattering pattern.
SU-E-I-44: Some Preliminary Analysis of Angular Distribution of X-Ray Scattered On Soft Tissues
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ganezer, K; Krmar, M; Cvejic, Z
Purpose: The angular distribution of x-radiation scattered at small angles (up to 16 degrees) from several different animal soft tissue (skin, fat, muscle, retina, etc) were measured using standard equipment devoted to study of crystal structure which provides excellent geometry conditions of measurements. showed measurable differences for different tissues. In the simplest possible case when measured samples do not differ in structure (different concentration solutions) it can be seen that intensity of scattered radiation is decreasing function of the concentration and the peak of the maximum of scattering distribution depends on the concentration as well. Methods: An x-ray scattering profilemore » usually consists of sharp diffraction peak; however some properties of the spatial profiles of scattered radiation as intensity, the peak position, height, area, FWHM, the ratio of peak heights, etc. Results: The data contained measurable differences for different tissues. In the simplest possible case when measured samples do not differ in structure (different concentration solutions) it can be seen that intensity of scattered radiation is decreasing function of the concentration and the peak of the maximum of scattering distribution depends on the concentration as well. Measurements of different samples in the very preliminary phase showed that simple biological material used in study showed slightly different scattering pattern, especially at higher angles (around 10degrees). Intensity of radiation scattered from same tissue type is very dependent on water content and several more parameters. Conclusion: This preliminary study using animal soft tissues on the angular distributions of scattered x-rays suggests that angular distributions of X-rays scattered off of soft tissues might be useful in distinguishing healthy tissue from malignant soft tissue.« less
Improved Time-Lapsed Angular Scattering Microscopy of Single Cells
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cannaday, Ashley E.
By measuring angular scattering patterns from biological samples and fitting them with a Mie theory model, one can estimate the organelle size distribution within many cells. Quantitative organelle sizing of ensembles of cells using this method has been well established. Our goal is to develop the methodology to extend this approach to the single cell level, measuring the angular scattering at multiple time points and estimating the non-nuclear organelle size distribution parameters. The diameters of individual organelle-size beads were successfully extracted using scattering measurements with a minimum deflection angle of 20 degrees. However, the accuracy of size estimates can be limited by the angular range detected. In particular, simulations by our group suggest that, for cell organelle populations with a broader size distribution, the accuracy of size prediction improves substantially if the minimum angle of detection angle is 15 degrees or less. The system was therefore modified to collect scattering angles down to 10 degrees. To confirm experimentally that size predictions will become more stable when lower scattering angles are detected, initial validations were performed on individual polystyrene beads ranging in diameter from 1 to 5 microns. We found that the lower minimum angle enabled the width of this delta-function size distribution to be predicted more accurately. Scattering patterns were then acquired and analyzed from single mouse squamous cell carcinoma cells at multiple time points. The scattering patterns exhibit angular dependencies that look unlike those of any single sphere size, but are well-fit by a broad distribution of sizes, as expected. To determine the fluctuation level in the estimated size distribution due to measurement imperfections alone, formaldehyde-fixed cells were measured. Subsequent measurements on live (non-fixed) cells revealed an order of magnitude greater fluctuation in the estimated sizes compared to fixed cells. With
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Lei; Yu, Long; Yang, Kecheng; Li, Wei; Li, Kai; Xia, Min
The multiangle dynamic light scattering (MDLS) technique can better estimate particle size distributions (PSDs) than single-angle dynamic light scattering. However, determining the inversion range, angular weighting coefficients, and scattering angle combination is difficult but fundamental to the reconstruction for both unimodal and multimodal distributions. In this paper, we propose a self-adapting regularization method called the wavelet iterative recursion nonnegative Tikhonov-Phillips-Twomey (WIRNNT-PT) algorithm. This algorithm combines a wavelet multiscale strategy with an appropriate inversion method and could self-adaptively optimize several noteworthy issues containing the choices of the weighting coefficients, the inversion range and the optimal inversion method from two regularization algorithms for estimating the PSD from MDLS measurements. In addition, the angular dependence of the MDLS for estimating the PSDs of polymeric latexes is thoroughly analyzed. The dependence of the results on the number and range of measurement angles was analyzed in depth to identify the optimal scattering angle combination. Numerical simulations and experimental results for unimodal and multimodal distributions are presented to demonstrate both the validity of the WIRNNT-PT algorithm and the angular dependence of MDLS and show that the proposed algorithm with a six-angle analysis in the 30-130° range can be satisfactorily applied to retrieve PSDs from MDLS measurements.
Inversion of particle-size distribution from angular light-scattering data with genetic algorithms.
Ye, M; Wang, S; Lu, Y; Hu, T; Zhu, Z; Xu, Y
A stochastic inverse technique based on a genetic algorithm (GA) to invert particle-size distribution from angular light-scattering data is developed. This inverse technique is independent of any given a priori information of particle-size distribution. Numerical tests show that this technique can be successfully applied to inverse problems with high stability in the presence of random noise and low susceptibility to the shape of distributions. It has also been shown that the GA-based inverse technique is more efficient in use of computing time than the inverse Monte Carlo method recently developed by Ligon et al. [Appl. Opt. 35, 4297 (1996)].
Angular width of the Cherenkov radiation with inclusion of multiple scattering
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Zheng, Jian, E-mail:
Visible Cherenkov radiation can offer a method of the measurement of the velocity of charged particles. The angular width of the radiation is important since it determines the resolution of the velocity measurement. In this article, the angular width of Cherenkov radiation with inclusion of multiple scattering is calculated through the path-integral method, and the analytical expressions are presented. The condition that multiple scattering processes dominate the angular distribution is obtained.
Measurement of the n-p elastic scattering angular distribution at E{sub n}=14.9 MeV
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Boukharouba, N.; Bateman, F. B.; Carlson, A. D.
The relative differential cross section for the elastic scattering of neutrons by protons was measured at an incident neutron energy E{sub n}=14.9 MeV and for center-of-mass scattering angles ranging from about 60 deg. to 180 deg. Angular distribution values were obtained from the normalization of the integrated data to the n-p total elastic scattering cross section. Comparisons of the normalized data to the predictions of the Arndt et al. phase-shift analysis, those of the Nijmegen group, and with the ENDF/B-VII.0 evaluation are sensitive to the value of the total elastic scattering cross section used to normalize the data. The resultsmore » of a fit to a first-order Legendre polynomial expansion are in good agreement in the backward scattering hemisphere with the predictions of the Arndt et al. phase-shift analysis, those of the Nijmegen group, and to a lesser extent, with the ENDF/B-VII.0 evaluation. A fit to a second-order expansion is in better agreement with the ENDF/B-VII.0 evaluation than with the other predictions, in particular when the total elastic scattering cross section given by Arndt et al. and the Nijmegen group is used to normalize the data. A Legendre polynomial fit to the existing n-p scattering data in the 14 MeV energy region, excluding the present measurement, showed that a best fit is obtained for a second-order expansion. Furthermore, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test confirms the general agreement in the backward scattering hemisphere and shows that significant differences between the database and the predictions occur in the angular range between 60 deg. and 120 deg. and below 20 deg. Although there is good overall agreement in the backward scattering hemisphere, more precision small-angle scattering data and a better definition of the total elastic cross section are needed for an accurate determination of the shape and magnitude of the angular distribution.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, G. L.; Zhang, G. X.; Lin, C. J.; Lubian, J.; Rangel, J.; Paes, B.; Ferreira, J. L.; Zhang, H. Q.; Qu, W. W.; Jia, H. M.; Yang, L.; Ma, N. R.; Sun, L. J.; Wang, D. X.; Zheng, L.; Liu, X. X.; Chu, X. T.; Yang, J. C.; Wang, J. S.; Xu, S. W.; Ma, P.; Ma, J. B.; Jin, S. L.; Bai, Z.; Huang, M. R.; Zang, H. L.; Yang, B.; Liu, Y.
The elastic scattering angular distributions were measured for 50- and 59-MeV 17F radioactive ion beam on a 89Y target. The aim of this work is to study the effect of the breakup of the proton halo projectile on the elastic scattering angular distribution. The experimental data were analyzed by means of the optical model with the double-folding São Paulo potential for both real and imaginary parts. The theoretical calculations reproduced the experimental data reasonably well. It is shown that the method of the data analysis is correct. In order to clarify the difference observed at large angles for the 59-MeV incident energy data, Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels (CDCC) calculations were performed to consider the breakup coupling effect. It is found that the experimental data show the Coulomb rainbow peak and that the effect of the coupling to the continuum states is not very significant, producing only a small hindrance of the Coulomb rainbow peak and a very small enhancement of the elastic scattering angular distribution at backward angles, suggesting that the multipole response of the neutron halo projectiles is stronger than that of the proton halo systems.
The angular distribution of diffusely backscattered light
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vera, M. U.; Durian, D. J.
The diffusion approximation predicts the angular distribution of light diffusely transmitted through an opaque slab to depend only on boundary reflectivity, independent of scattering anisotropy, and this has been verified by experiment(M.U. Vera and D.J. Durian, Phys. Rev. E 53) 3215 (1996). Here, by contrast, we demonstrate that the angular distribution of diffusely backscattered light depends on scattering anisotropy as well as boundary reflectivity. To model this observation scattering anisotropy is added to the diffusion approximation by a discontinuity in the photon concentration at the source point that is proportional to the average cosine of the scattering angle. We compare the resulting predictions with random walk simulations and with measurements of diffusely backscattered intensity versus angle for glass frits and aqueous suspensions of polystyrene spheres held in air or immersed in a water bath. Increasing anisotropy and boundary reflectivity each tend to flatten the predicted distributions, and for different combinations of anisotropy and reflectivity the agreement between data and predictions ranges from qualitatively to quantitatively good.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Xuesong; Northrop, William F.
This paper describes a quantitative approach to approximate multiple scattering through an isotropic turbid slab based on Markov Chain theorem. There is an increasing need to utilize multiple scattering for optical diagnostic purposes; however, existing methods are either inaccurate or computationally expensive. Here, we develop a novel Markov Chain approximation approach to solve multiple scattering angular distribution (AD) that can accurately calculate AD while significantly reducing computational cost compared to Monte Carlo simulation. We expect this work to stimulate ongoing multiple scattering research and deterministic reconstruction algorithm development with AD measurements.
Angular distributions for the inelastic scattering of NO(X2Π ) with O2(X3Σg-)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Brouard, M.; Gordon, S. D. S.; Nichols, B.; Squires, E.; Walpole, V.; Aoiz, F. J.; Stolte, S.
The inelastic scattering of NO(X2Π ) by O2(X3Σg-) was studied at a mean collision energy of 550 cm-1 using velocity-map ion imaging. The initial quantum state of the NO(X2Π , v = 0, j = 0.5, Ω =0.5 , 𝜖 = -1 , f) molecule was selected using a hexapole electric field, and specific Λ-doublet levels of scattered NO were probed using (1 +1' ) resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization. A modified "onion-peeling" algorithm was employed to extract angular scattering information from the series of "pancaked," nested Newton spheres arising as a consequence of the rotational excitation of the molecular oxygen collision partner. The extracted differential cross sections for NO(X) f →f and f →e Λ-doublet resolved, spin-orbit conserving transitions, partially resolved in the oxygen co-product rotational quantum state, are reported, along with O2 fragment pair-correlated rotational state population. The inelastic scattering of NO with O2 is shown to share many similarities with the scattering of NO(X) with the rare gases. However, subtle differences in the angular distributions between the two collision partners are observed.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gregory, John C.; Peters, Palmer N.
The angular distribution of 5 eV atomic oxygen scattered off a polished vitreous carbon surface was measured on a recent Space Shuttle flight. The experimental apparatus was of novel design, completely passive, and used thin silver films as the recording device for oxygen atoms. Most of the incident oxygen was contained in the reflected beam and remained in an active form and probably still atoms. Allowance was made for 12 percent loss of incident atoms which are converted to CO at the carbon surface. The scattered distribution which is wide lobular, peaking 15 deg in the forward direction, shows almost but not quite full accommodation.
Angular description for 3D scattering centers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bhalla, Rajan; Raynal, Ann Marie; Ling, Hao; Moore, John; Velten, Vincent J.
The electromagnetic scattered field from an electrically large target can often be well modeled as if it is emanating from a discrete set of scattering centers (see Fig. 1). In the scattering center extraction tool we developed previously based on the shooting and bouncing ray technique, no correspondence is maintained amongst the 3D scattering center extracted at adjacent angles. In this paper we present a multi-dimensional clustering algorithm to track the angular and spatial behaviors of 3D scattering centers and group them into features. The extracted features for the Slicy and backhoe targets are presented. We also describe two metrics for measuring the angular persistence and spatial mobility of the 3D scattering centers that make up these features in order to gather insights into target physics and feature stability. We find that features that are most persistent are also the most mobile and discuss implications for optimal SAR imaging.
Low-energy electron scattering from water molecules: A study of angular distributions
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gianturco, F.A.; Scialla, S.
We report quantal calculations of elastic differential and momentum transfercross sections for the scattering of electrons by H/sub 2/O at low and intermediatecollision energies, i.e., from 2 to 20 eV. The fixed-nuclei approximation (FNA) was employed and a single-center expanded (SCE) wave function was used to represent the molecular target. The well-known divergence in the forward direction was corrected via Born closure formulas (see the text) and a parameter-free model, previously tested for methane targets, was used to describe exchange and polarization effects. The present results can be used to adequately describe angular distributions even at very small angles andmore » can be extended beyond the largest angles that have been experimentally measured. The behavior of momentum-transfer cross sections as a function of energy, and the comparison of our results with other static-exchange (SE) calculations, which use an entirely different approach, are presented and discussed.« less
Constraining ejecta particle size distributions with light scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schauer, Martin; Buttler, William; Frayer, Daniel; Grover, Michael; Lalone, Brandon; Monfared, Shabnam; Sorenson, Daniel; Stevens, Gerald; Turley, William
The angular distribution of the intensity of light scattered from a particle is strongly dependent on the particle size and can be calculated using the Mie solution to Maxwell's equations. For a collection of particles with a range of sizes, the angular intensity distribution will be the sum of the contributions from each particle size weighted by the number of particles in that size bin. The set of equations describing this pattern is not uniquely invertible, i.e. a number of different distributions can lead to the same scattering pattern, but with reasonable assumptions about the distribution it is possible to constrain the problem and extract estimates of the particle sizes from a measured scattering pattern. We report here on experiments using particles ejected by shockwaves incident on strips of triangular perturbations machined into the surface of tin targets. These measurements indicate a bimodal distribution of ejected particle sizes with relatively large particles (median radius 2-4 μm) evolved from the edges of the perturbation strip and smaller particles (median radius 200-600 nm) from the perturbations. We will briefly discuss the implications of these results and outline future plans.
Polarization resolved angular optical scattering of aerosol particles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Redding, B.; Pan, Y.; Wang, C.; Videen, G.; Cao, Hui
Real-time detection and identification of bio-aerosol particles are crucial for the protection against chemical and biological agents. The strong elastic light scattering properties of airborne particles provides a natural means for rapid, non-invasive aerosol characterization. Recent theoretical predictions suggested that variations in the polarization dependent angular scattering cross section could provide an efficient means of classifying different airborne particles. In particular, the polarization dependent scattering cross section of aggregate particles is expected to depend on the shape of the primary particles. In order to experimentally validate this prediction, we built a high throughput, sampling system, capable of measuring the polarization resolved angular scattering cross section of individual aerosol particles flowing through an interrogating volume with a single shot of laser pulse. We calibrated the system by comparing the polarization dependent scattering cross section of individual polystyrene spheres with that predicted by Mie theory. We then used the system to study different particles types: Polystyrene aggregates composed 500 nm spheres and Bacillus subtilis (BG, Anthrax simulant) spores composed of elongated 500 nm × 1000 nm cylinder-line particles. We found that the polarization resolved scattering cross section depends on the shape of the constituent elements of the aggregates. This work indicates that the polarization resolved scattering cross section could be used for rapid discrimination between different bio-aerosol particles.
Angular Distribution of Ly(alpha) Resonant Photons Emergent from Optically Thick Medium
cosmology : theory - intergalactic medium - radiation transfer - scattering 1Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA...It definitely cannot be described by the Eddington approximation. The evolution of the angular distribution of resonant photons is not trivial. We
Effect of the third π ∗ resonance on the angular distributions for electron-pyrimidine scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mašín, Zdeněk; Gorfinkiel, Jimena D.
We present a detailed analysis of the effect of the well known third π∗ resonance on the angular behaviour of the elastic cross section in electron scattering from pyrimidine. This resonance, occurring approximately at 4.7 eV, is of mixed shape and core-excited character. Experimental and theoretical results show the presence of a peak/dip behaviour in this energy range, that is absent for other resonances. Our investigations show that the cause of the peak/dip is an interference of background p-wave to p-wave scattering amplitudes with the amplitudes for resonant scattering. The equivalent resonance in pyrazine shows the same behaviour and the effect is therefore likely to appear in other benzene-like molecules. Contribution to the Topical Issue "Advances in Positron and Electron Scattering", edited by Paulo Limao-Vieira, Gustavo Garcia, E. Krishnakumar, James Sullivan, Hajime Tanuma and Zoran Petrovic.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Turcu, Ioan; Bratfalean, Radu; Neamtu, Silvia
The adequacy of the effective phase function (EPF) used to describe the light scattered at small angles was tested on aqueous suspensions of polystyrene microspheres. Angular resolved light scattering measurements were performed on two types of latex suspension, which contained polystyrene spheres of 3 µm and 5 µm diameters, respectively. The experimental data were fitted with two EPF approximants. If the polystyrene spheres are at least 3 µm in diameter the quasi-ballistic light scattering process can be described relatively well by the EPF in a small angular range centered in the forward direction. The forward light scattering by macroscopic samples containing microspheres can be modeled relatively well if the true Mie single particle scattering phase function is replaced by a simpler Henyey-Greenstein dependence having the same width at half-height as the first scattering lobe.
Network representations of angular regions for electromagnetic scattering
Network modeling in electromagnetics is an effective technique in treating scattering problems by canonical and complex structures. Geometries constituted of angular regions (wedges) together with planar layers can now be approached with the Generalized Wiener-Hopf Technique supported by network representation in spectral domain. Even if the network representations in spectral planes are of great importance by themselves, the aim of this paper is to present a theoretical base and a general procedure for the formulation of complex scattering problems using network representation for the Generalized Wiener Hopf Technique starting basically from the wave equation. In particular while the spectral network representations are relatively well known for planar layers, the network modelling for an angular region requires a new theory that will be developed in this paper. With this theory we complete the formulation of a network methodology whose effectiveness is demonstrated by the application to a complex scattering problem with practical solutions given in terms of GTD/UTD diffraction coefficients and total far fields for engineering applications. The methodology can be applied to other physics fields. PMID:28817573
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Peatross, Justin Bruce
The far-field angular distributions of high-order optical harmonics have been measured. Harmonics up to the 41st order were observed in the light scattered from noble gas targets subjected to very intense pulses of laser radiation with wavelength 1053nm. The experimental conditions minimized collective effects such as phase-mismatch due to propagation or refractive index effects caused, for example, by free electrons arising in the ionization of the target Ar, Kr, or Xe atoms. The angular distributions of many harmonic orders, ranging from the low teens to the upper thirties, all of which emerge collinear to the laser beam, could be distinguished and recorded simultaneously. Gaussian laser pulses, 1.25 -times-diffraction-limited and 1.4ps duration, were focused to intensities ranging from 1times 10^ {13} W/cm^2 to 5times 10^{14} W/cm ^2 using f/70 optics. A novel gas target localized the gas distribution to a thickness of about 1mm, less than one tenth of the laser confocal parameter, at pressures of 1 Torr and less. The narrow and low-density gas distribution employed in these experiments allows the harmonics to be thought of as emerging from atoms lying in a single plane in the interaction region. This is in contrast with previously reported harmonic generation experiments in which propagation effects played strong roles. At these pressures, an order of magnitude below pressures used in other experiments, free electrons created by ionization of target atoms had a negligible effect on the far-field harmonic profiles. We have found that the far-field distributions of nearly all of the harmonics exhibit a narrow central peak surrounded by broad wings of about the same width as the emerging laser beam. The relative widths and strengths of the wings have been found to vary with harmonic order, laser intensity, and atomic species. Since the intensity varies radially across the laser beam in the atomic source plane, an intensity-dependent phase variation among the
Characterization of the angular memory effect of scattered light in biological tissues.
Schott, Sam; Bertolotti, Jacopo; Léger, Jean-Francois; Bourdieu, Laurent; Gigan, Sylvain
High resolution optical microscopy is essential in neuroscience but suffers from scattering in biological tissues and therefore grants access to superficial brain layers only. Recently developed techniques use scattered photons for imaging by exploiting angular correlations in transmitted light and could potentially increase imaging depths. But those correlations ('angular memory effect') are of a very short range and should theoretically be only present behind and not inside scattering media. From measurements on neural tissues and complementary simulations, we find that strong forward scattering in biological tissues can enhance the memory effect range and thus the possible field-of-view by more than an order of magnitude compared to isotropic scattering for ∼1 mm thick tissue layers.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Espinosa, W. Reed
A comprehensive understanding of atmospheric aerosols is necessary both to understand Earth's climate as well as produce skillful air quality forecasts. In order to advance our understanding of aerosols, the Laboratory for Aerosols, Clouds and Optics (LACO) has recently developed the Imaging Polar Nephelometer instrument concept for the in situ measurement of aerosol scattering properties. Imaging Nephelometers provide measurements of absolute phase function and polarized phase function over a wide angular range, typically 3 degrees to 177 degrees, with an angular resolution smaller than one degree. The first of these instruments, the Polarized Imaging Nephelometer (PI-Neph), has taken part in five airborne field experiments and is the only modern aerosol polar nephelometer to have flown aboard an aircraft. A method for the retrieval of aerosol optical and microphysical properties from I-Neph measurements is presented and the results are compared with existing measurement techniques. The resulting retrieved particle size distributions agree to within experimental error with measurements made by commercial optical particle counters. Additionally, the retrieved real part of the refractive index is generally found to be within the predicted error of 0.02 from the expected values for three species of humidified salt particles, whose refractive index is well established. A synopsis is then presented of aerosol scattering measurements made by the PI-Neph during the Studies of Emissions and Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys (SEAC4RS) and the Deep Convection Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) field campaigns. To better summarize these extensive datasets a novel aerosol classification scheme is developed, making use of ancillary data that includes gas tracers, chemical composition, aerodynamic particle size and geographic location, all independent of PI-Neph measurements. Principal component analysis (PCA) is then used to reduce the
Light Scattering by Fractal Dust Aggregates. I. Angular Dependence of Scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tazaki, Ryo; Tanaka, Hidekazu; Okuzumi, Satoshi; Kataoka, Akimasa; Nomura, Hideko
In protoplanetary disks, micron-sized dust grains coagulate to form highly porous dust aggregates. Because the optical properties of these aggregates are not completely understood, it is important to investigate how porous dust aggregates scatter light. In this study, the light scattering properties of porous dust aggregates were calculated using a rigorous method, the T-matrix method, and the results were then compared with those obtained using the Rayleigh-Gans-Debye (RGD) theory and Mie theory with the effective medium approximation (EMT). The RGD theory is applicable to moderately large aggregates made of nearly transparent monomers. This study considered two types of porous dust aggregates—ballistic cluster-cluster agglomerates (BCCAs) and ballistic particle-cluster agglomerates. First, the angular dependence of the scattered intensity was shown to reflect the hierarchical structure of dust aggregates; the large-scale structure of the aggregates is responsible for the intensity at small scattering angles, and their small-scale structure determines the intensity at large scattering angles. Second, it was determined that the EMT underestimates the backward scattering intensity by multiple orders of magnitude, especially in BCCAs, because the EMT averages the structure within the size of the aggregates. It was concluded that the RGD theory is a very useful method for calculating the optical properties of BCCAs.
Staggering of angular momentum distribution in fission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tamagno, Pierre; Litaize, Olivier
We review here the role of angular momentum distributions in the fission process. To do so the algorithm implemented in the FIFRELIN code [?] is detailed with special emphasis on the place of fission fragment angular momenta. The usual Rayleigh distribution used for angular momentum distribution is presented and the related model derivation is recalled. Arguments are given to justify why this distribution should not hold for low excitation energy of the fission fragments. An alternative ad hoc expression taking into account low-lying collectiveness is presented as has been implemented in the FIFRELIN code. Yet on observables currently provided by the code, no dramatic impact has been found. To quantify the magnitude of the impact of the low-lying staggering in the angular momentum distribution, a textbook case is considered for the decay of the 144Ba nucleus with low excitation energy.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Tazaki, Ryo; Tanaka, Hidekazu; Okuzumi, Satoshi
In protoplanetary disks, micron-sized dust grains coagulate to form highly porous dust aggregates. Because the optical properties of these aggregates are not completely understood, it is important to investigate how porous dust aggregates scatter light. In this study, the light scattering properties of porous dust aggregates were calculated using a rigorous method, the T -matrix method, and the results were then compared with those obtained using the Rayleigh–Gans–Debye (RGD) theory and Mie theory with the effective medium approximation (EMT). The RGD theory is applicable to moderately large aggregates made of nearly transparent monomers. This study considered two types of porousmore » dust aggregates—ballistic cluster–cluster agglomerates (BCCAs) and ballistic particle–cluster agglomerates. First, the angular dependence of the scattered intensity was shown to reflect the hierarchical structure of dust aggregates; the large-scale structure of the aggregates is responsible for the intensity at small scattering angles, and their small-scale structure determines the intensity at large scattering angles. Second, it was determined that the EMT underestimates the backward scattering intensity by multiple orders of magnitude, especially in BCCAs, because the EMT averages the structure within the size of the aggregates. It was concluded that the RGD theory is a very useful method for calculating the optical properties of BCCAs.« less
Spatial frequency spectrum of the x-ray scatter distribution in CBCT projections
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bootsma, G. J.; Verhaegen, F.; Department of Oncology, Medical Physics Unit, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4
Purpose: X-ray scatter is a source of significant image quality loss in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The use of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations separating primary and scattered photons has allowed the structure and nature of the scatter distribution in CBCT to become better elucidated. This work seeks to quantify the structure and determine a suitable basis function for the scatter distribution by examining its spectral components using Fourier analysis.Methods: The scatter distribution projection data were simulated using a CBCT MC model based on the EGSnrc code. CBCT projection data, with separated primary and scatter signal, were generated for a 30.6more » cm diameter water cylinder [single angle projection with varying axis-to-detector distance (ADD) and bowtie filters] and two anthropomorphic phantoms (head and pelvis, 360 projections sampled every 1°, with and without a compensator). The Fourier transform of the resulting scatter distributions was computed and analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. A novel metric called the scatter frequency width (SFW) is introduced to determine the scatter distribution's frequency content. The frequency content results are used to determine a set basis functions, consisting of low-frequency sine and cosine functions, to fit and denoise the scatter distribution generated from MC simulations using a reduced number of photons and projections. The signal recovery is implemented using Fourier filtering (low-pass Butterworth filter) and interpolation. Estimates of the scatter distribution are used to correct and reconstruct simulated projections.Results: The spatial and angular frequencies are contained within a maximum frequency of 0.1 cm{sup −1} and 7/(2π) rad{sup −1} for the imaging scenarios examined, with these values varying depending on the object and imaging setup (e.g., ADD and compensator). These data indicate spatial and angular sampling every 5 cm and π/7 rad (∼25°) can be used to properly
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Budzanowski, A.; Grotowski, K.
Recentiy optical model analysis has been applied to fit the experimental angular distribution data of the elastic scattering of deuterons by nuclei. In view of a considerable dependence of sigma /sub R/ on the shape of the real and imaginary part of the potential at the nuclear surface, it was thought worthwhile to measure both sigma /sub el/ ( theta ) and sigma /sub R/ for 12.8 Mev deuterons on targets of separated Ni/sup 58/ and Ni/sup 60/ isotopes. (W.D.M.)
Observation of circular dichroism in photoelectron angular distributions
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Appling, J.R.; White, M.G.; Orlando, T.M.
The first observations of dichroic effects in photoelectron angular distributions are reported for photoionization of aligned molecular excited states with circularly polarized light. Photoelectron angular distributions resulting from the two-color, (2+1) REMPI of NO via the A /sup 2/summation/sup +/, v = 0, J = 3/2,5/2 excited states exhibit significant left--right asymmetry. The experimental CD angular distributions are found to be well described by the general theoretical framework recently developed by Dubs, Dixit, and McKoy and are in good qualitative agreement with their calculated REMPI--CD distributions.
Observation of circular dichroism in photoelectron angular distributions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Appling, Jeffrey R.; White, Michael G.; Orlando, Thomas M.; Anderson, Scott L.
The first observations of dichroic effects in photoelectron angular distributions are reported for photoionization of aligned molecular excited states with circularly polarized light. Photoelectron angular distributions resulting from the two-color, (2+1) REMPI of NO via the A 2∑+, v=0, J=3/2,5/2 excited states exhibit significant left-right asymmetry. The experimental CD angular distributions are found to be well described by the general theoretical framework recently developed by Dubs, Dixit, and McKoy and are in good qualitative agreement with their calculated REMPI-CD distributions.
The distribution of the scattered laser light in laser-plate-target coupling
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xiao-bo, Nie; Tie-qiang, Chang; Dong-xian, Lai; Shen-ye, Liu; Zhi-jian, Zheng
Theoretical and experimental studies of the angular distributions of scattered laser light in laser-Au-plate-target coupling are reported. A simple model that describes three-dimensional plasmas and scattered laser light is presented. The approximate shape of critical density surface has been given and the three-dimensional laser ray tracing is applied in the model. The theoretical results of the model are consistent with the experimental data for the scattered laser light in the polar angle range of 25° to 145° from the laser beam.
Low-energy Auger electron diffraction: influence of multiple scattering and angular momentum
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chassé, A.; Niebergall, L.; Kucherenko, Yu.
The angular dependence of Auger electrons excited from single-crystal surfaces is treated theoretically within a multiple-scattering cluster model taking into account the full Auger transition matrix elements. In particular the model has been used to discuss the influence of multiple scattering and angular momentum of the Auger electron wave on Auger electron diffraction (AED) patterns in the region of low kinetic energies. Theoretical results of AED patterns are shown and discussed in detail for Cu(0 0 1) and Ni(0 0 1) surfaces, respectively. Even though Cu and Ni are very similar in their electronic and scattering properties recently strong differences have been found in AED patterns measured in the low-energy region. It is shown that the differences may be caused to superposition of different electron diffraction effects in an energy-integrated experiment. A good agreement between available experimental and theoretical results has been achieved.
Kim, Uihan; Song, Jaewoo; Lee, Donghak; Ryu, Suho; Kim, Soocheol; Hwang, Jaehyun; Joo, Chulmin
We present a direct, rapid and chemical-free detection method for hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]), based on photothermal angular light scattering. The iron oxides contained in hemoglobin molecules exhibit high absorption of 532-nm light and generate heat under the illumination of 532-nm light, which subsequently alters the refractive index of blood. We measured this photothermal change in refractive index by employing angular light scattering spectroscopy with the goal of quantifying [Hb] in blood samples. Highly sensitive [Hb] measurement of blood samples was performed by monitoring the shifts in angularly dispersed scattering patterns from the blood-loaded microcapillary tubes. Our system measured [Hb] over the range of 0.35-17.9 g/dL with a detection limit of ~0.12 g/dL. Our sensor was characterized by excellent correlation with a reference hematology analyzer (r>0.96), and yielded a precision of 0.63 g/dL for a blood sample of 9.0 g/dL. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Method for improving the angular resolution of a neutron scatter camera
Mascarenhas, Nicholas; Marleau, Peter; Gerling, Mark; Cooper, Robert Lee; Mrowka, Stanley; Brennan, James S.
An instrument that will directly image the fast fission neutrons from a special nuclear material source wherein the neutron detection efficiency is increased has been described. Instead of the previous technique that uses a time-of-flight (TOF) between 2 widely spaced fixed planes of neutron detectors to measure scatter neutron kinetic energy, we now use the recoil proton energy deposited in the second of the 2 scatter planes which can now be repositioned either much closer together or further apart. However, by doubling the separation distance between the 2 planes from 20 cm to a distance of 40 cm we improved the angular resolution of the detector from about to about A further doubling of the separation distance to 80 cm provided an addition improvement in angular resolution of the detector to about without adding additional detectors or ancillary electronics. The distance between planes also may be dynamically changed using a suitable common technique such as a gear- or motor-drive to toggle between the various positions. The angular resolution of this new configuration, therefore, is increased at the expanse of detection sensitivity. However, the diminished sensitivity may be acceptable for those applications where the detector is able to interrogate a particular site for an extended period.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Omar, Artur; Andreo, Pedro; Poludniowski, Gavin
Different theories of the intrinsic bremsstrahlung angular distribution (i.e., the shape function) have been evaluated using Monte Carlo calculations for various target materials and incident electron energies between 20 keV and 300 keV. The shape functions considered were the plane-wave first Born approximation cross sections (i) 2BS [high-energy result, screened nucleus], (ii) 2BN [general result, bare nucleus], (iii) KM [2BS modified to emulate 2BN], and (iv) SIM [leading term of 2BN]; (v) expression based on partial-waves expansion, KQP; and (vi) a uniform spherical distribution, UNI [a common approximation in certain analytical models]. The shape function was found to have an important impact on the bremsstrahlung emerging from thin foil targets in which the incident electrons undergo few elastic scatterings before exiting the target material. For thick transmission and reflection targets the type of shape function had less importance, as the intrinsic bremsstrahlung angular distribution was masked by the diffuse directional distribution of multiple scattered electrons. Predictions made using the 2BN and KQP theories were generally in good agreement, suggesting that the effect of screening and the constraints of the Born approximation on the intrinsic angular distribution may be acceptable. The KM and SIM shape functions deviated notably from KQP for low electron energies (< 50 keV), while 2BS and UNI performed poorly over most of the energy range considered; the 2BS shape function was found to be too forward-focused in emission, while UNI was not forward-focused enough. The results obtained emphasize the importance of the intrinsic bremsstrahlung angular distribution for theoretical predictions of x-ray emission, which is relevant in various applied disciplines, including x-ray crystallography, electron-probe microanalysis, security and industrial inspection, medical imaging, as well as low- and medium (orthovoltage) energy radiotherapy.
Schouten, P; Parisi, A V
Several broadband ultraviolet (UV) radiation angular distribution investigations have been previously presented. As the biologically damaging effectiveness of UV radiation is known to be wavelength dependent, it is necessary to expand this research into the distribution of the spectral UV. UV radiation is also susceptible to Rayleigh and Mie scattering processes, both of which are completely wavelength dependent. Additionally, the majority of previous measurements detailing the biologically damaging effect of spectral UV radiation have been oriented with respect to the horizontal plane or in a plane directed towards the sun (sun-normal), with the irradiance weighted against action spectra formulated specifically for human skin and tissue. However, the human body consists of very few horizontal or sun-normal surfaces. Extending the previous research by measuring the distribution of the spectral irradiance across the sky for the complete terrestrial solar UV waveband and weighting it against erythemal, photoconjunctivital and photokeratital action spectra allowed for the analysis of the differences between the biologically effective irradiance (UV(BE)) values intercepted at different orientations and the effect of scattering processes upon the homogeneity of these UV(BE) distributions. It was established that under the local atmospheric environment, the distribution profile of the UV(BE) for each biological response was anisotropic, with the highest intensities generally intercepted at inclination angles situated between the horizontal and vertical planes along orientations closely coinciding with the sun-normal. A finding from this was that the angular distributions of the erythemal UV(BE) and the photoconjunctivital UV(BE) were different, due to the differential scattering between the shorter and longer UV wavelengths within the atmosphere. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Stern-Gerlach-like approach to electron orbital angular momentum measurement
Harvey, Tyler R.; Grillo, Vincenzo; McMorran, Benjamin J.
Many methods now exist to prepare free electrons into orbital-angular-momentum states, and the predicted applications of these electron states as probes of materials and scattering processes are numerous. The development of electron orbital-angular-momentum measurement techniques has lagged behind. We show that coupling between electron orbital angular momentum and a spatially varying magnetic field produces an angular-momentum-dependent focusing effect. We propose a design for an orbital-angular-momentum measurement device built on this principle. As the method of measurement is noninterferometric, the device works equally well for mixed, superposed, and pure final orbital-angular-momentum states. The energy and orbital-angular-momentum distributions of inelastically scattered electronsmore » may be simultaneously measurable with this technique.« less
Stern-Gerlach-like approach to electron orbital angular momentum measurement
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Harvey, Tyler R.; Grillo, Vincenzo; McMorran, Benjamin J.
Many methods now exist to prepare free electrons into orbital-angular-momentum states, and the predicted applications of these electron states as probes of materials and scattering processes are numerous. The development of electron orbital-angular-momentum measurement techniques has lagged behind. We show that coupling between electron orbital angular momentum and a spatially varying magnetic field produces an angular-momentum-dependent focusing effect. We propose a design for an orbital-angular-momentum measurement device built on this principle. As the method of measurement is noninterferometric, the device works equally well for mixed, superposed, and pure final orbital-angular-momentum states. The energy and orbital-angular-momentum distributions of inelastically scattered electronsmore » may be simultaneously measurable with this technique.« less
The angular distribution of solar wind ˜20-200 keV superhalo electrons at quiet times
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Liu; Wang, Linghua; Li, Gang; He, Jiansen; Salem, Chadi S.; Tu, Chuanyi; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.; Bale, Stuart D.
We present a comprehensive study of the angular distribution of ˜20-200 keV superhalo electrons measured at 1 AU by the WIND 3DP instrument during quiet times from 1995 January through 2005 December. According to the interplanetary magnetic field, we re-bin the observed electron pitch angle distributions to obtain the differential flux, Jout (Jin), of electrons traveling outward from (inward toward) the Sun, and define the anisotropy of superhalo electrons as A =2/(Jo u t-Ji n) Jo u t+Ji n at a given energy. We found that for out in ˜96% of the selected quiet-time samples, superhalo electrons have isotropic angular distributions, while for ˜3% (˜1%) of quiet-time samples, superhalo electrons are outward-anisotropic (inward-anisotropic). All three groups of angular distributions show no correlation with the local solar wind plasma, interplanetary magnetic field and turbulence. Furthermore, the superhalo electron spectral index shows no correlation with the spectral index of local solar wind turbulence. These quiet-time superhalo electrons may be accelerated by nonthermal processes related to the solar wind source and strongly scattered/ reflected in the interplanetary medium, or could be formed due to the electron acceleration through the interplanetary medium.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, W. B.; Gozali, Richard; Nguyen, Thien An; Alfano, R. R.
Light scattering and transmission of optical Laguerre Gaussian (LG) vortex beams with different orbital angular momentum (OAM) states in turbid scattering media were investigated in comparison with Gaussian (G) beam. The scattering media used in the experiments consist of various sizes and concentrations of latex beads in water solutions. The LG beams were generated using a spatial light modulator in reflection mode. The ballistic transmissions of LG and G beams were measured with different ratios of thickness of samples (z) to scattering mean free path (ls) of the turbid media, z/ls. The results show that in the ballistic region where z/ls is small, the LG and G beams show no significant difference, while in the diffusive region where z/ls is large, LG beams show higher transmission than Gaussian beam. In the diffusive region, the LG beams with higher orbital angular momentum L values show higher transmission than the beams with lower L values. The transition points from ballistic to diffusive regions for different scattering media were studied and determined.
Angular momentum dependence in 22 MeV $alpha$-particle elastic scattering by light nuclei
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lega, J.; Macq, P.C.
Elastic scattering of 22 MeV alpha -particles by /sup 23, /sup 24,15,26/ Mg, /sup 27/Al and /sup 28/Si was measured between 24 and 174 deg lab. Partial angular distributions, from 120 to 174 deg , were also measured at incident energies of 18.4 and 20.7 MeV for /sup 24/Mg, and 18.9 and 20.5 MeV for /sup 28/ Si. The most striking feature of the data is the large-angle behavior spin-zero nuclei display more pronounced backward oscillations and the cross section rises more steeply towards 180 deg for 4n nuclei than for the others. Optical Model analyses with an l-dependent absorptionmore » and a minimum of free parameters are used to describe the general trend of the data for A = 23 to 28 nuclei at different energies; a spinorbit coupling term, 2.75 MeV deep, is added to describe the /sup 23/Na scattering data. (auth)« less
Atmospheric particulate analysis using angular light scattering
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hansen, M. Z.
Using the light scattering matrix elements measured by a polar nephelometer, a procedure for estimating the characteristics of atmospheric particulates was developed. A theoretical library data set of scattering matrices derived from Mie theory was tabulated for a range of values of the size parameter and refractive index typical of atmospheric particles. Integration over the size parameter yielded the scattering matrix elements for a variety of hypothesized particulate size distributions. A least squares curve fitting technique was used to find a best fit from the library data for the experimental measurements. This was used as a first guess for a nonlinear iterative inversion of the size distributions. A real index of 1.50 and an imaginary index of -0.005 are representative of the smoothed inversion results for the near ground level atmospheric aerosol in Tucson.
Ion beam sputtering of Ag - Angular and energetic distributions of sputtered and scattered particles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Feder, René; Bundesmann, Carsten; Neumann, Horst; Rauschenbach, Bernd
Ion beam sputter deposition (IBD) provides intrinsic features which influence the properties of the growing film, because ion properties and geometrical process conditions generate different energy and spatial distribution of the sputtered and scattered particles. A vacuum deposition chamber is set up to measure the energy and spatial distribution of secondary particles produced by ion beam sputtering of different target materials under variation of geometrical parameters (incidence angle of primary ions and emission angle of secondary particles) and of primary ion beam parameters (ion species and energies).
Spatial distribution of angular momentum inside the nucleon
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lorcé, Cédric; Mantovani, Luca; Pasquini, Barbara
We discuss in detail the spatial distribution of angular momentum inside the nucleon. We show that the discrepancies between different definitions originate from terms that integrate to zero. Even though these terms can safely be dropped at the integrated level, they have to be taken into account when discussing distributions. Using the scalar diquark model, we illustrate our results and, for the first time, check explicitly that the equivalence between kinetic and canonical orbital angular momentum persists at the level of distributions, as expected in a system without gauge degrees of freedom.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Itoh, Harumi; Arai, Tsunenori; Kikuchi, Makoto
We measured angular distribution of the light scattering from live mouse embryo with 632.8nm in wavelength to evaluate the embryo viability. We aim to measure the mitochondrial density in human embryo which have relation to the embryo viability. We have constructed the light scattering measurement system to detect the mitochondrial density non-invasively. We have employed two optical fibers for the illumination and sensing to change the angle between these fibers. There were two dips on the scattering angular distribution from the embryo. These dips existed on 30 and 85 deg. We calculated the scattering angular pattern by Mie theory to fit the measured scattering estimated scattering size and density. The best fitting was obtained when the particle size and density were 0.9 micrometers and 1010 particles per ml, respectively. These values coincided with the approximated values of mitochondrial in the embryo. The measured light scattering may mainly originated from mitochondria in spite of the existence of the various scattering particles in the embryo. Since our simple scattering measurement may offer the mitochondrial density in the embryo, it might become the practical method of human embryo on in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer.
Conservation law of angular momentum in helicity-dependent Raman and Rayleigh scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tatsumi, Yuki; Kaneko, Tomoaki; Saito, Riichiro
In first-order Raman scattering, helicity of circularly polarized incident light is either conserved or changed depending on the Raman modes. When the helicity of incident light changes in the scattered light, the angular momentum of a photon is transferred to the material. Here, we present the conservation law of pseudoangular momentum in the helicity-dependent Raman scattering for a N -fold (N =1 -4 ,6 ) rotational symmetry of a crystal. Furthermore, the conservation law of electron-phonon interaction is discussed by considering the vibration direction of a phonon that has the same or lower symmetry than the symmetry of the crystal, which is essential to allow the helicity change in Raman scattering in a highly symmetric material, such as graphene. We also discuss the conservation law of pseudoangular momentum in Rayleigh scattering and show that the helicity change is allowed only in the crystal with one- or twofold rotational symmetry.
Statistical prescission point model of fission fragment angular distributions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
John, Bency; Kataria, S. K.
In light of recent developments in fission studies such as slow saddle to scission motion and spin equilibration near the scission point, the theory of fission fragment angular distribution is examined and a new statistical prescission point model is developed. The conditional equilibrium of the collective angular bearing modes at the prescission point, which is guided mainly by their relaxation times and population probabilities, is taken into account in the present model. The present model gives a consistent description of the fragment angular and spin distributions for a wide variety of heavy and light ion induced fission reactions.
Angular distribution of electrons from powerful accelerators
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stepovik, A. P.; Lartsev, V. D.; Blinov, V. S.
A technique for measuring the angular distribution of electrons escaping from the center of the window of the IGUR-3 and ÉMIR-M powerful accelerators (designed at the All-Russia Institute of Technical Physics, Russian Federal Nuclear Center) into ambient air is presented, and measurement data are reported. The number of electrons is measured with cable detectors (the solid angle of the collimator of the detector is ≈0.01 sr). The measurements are made in three azimuthal directions in 120° intervals in the polar angle range 0 22°. The angular distributions of the electrons coming out of the accelerators are represented in the form of B splines.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Burger, D.E.
The extraction of morphological parameters from biological cells by analysis of light-scatter patterns is described. A light-scattering measurement system has been designed and constructed that allows one to visually examine and photographically record biological cells or cell models and measure the light-scatter pattern of an individual cell or cell model. Using a laser or conventional illumination, the imaging system consists of a modified microscope with a 35 mm camera attached to record the cell image or light-scatter pattern. Models of biological cells were fabricated. The dynamic range and angular distributions of light scattered from these models was compared to calculatedmore » distributions. Spectrum analysis techniques applied on the light-scatter data give the sought after morphological cell parameters. These results compared favorably to shape parameters of the fabricated cell models confirming the mathematical model procedure. For nucleated biological material, correct nuclear and cell eccentricity as well as the nuclear and cytoplasmic diameters were determined. A method for comparing the flow equivalent of nuclear and cytoplasmic size to the actual dimensions is shown. This light-scattering experiment provides baseline information for automated cytology. In its present application, it involves correlating average size as measured in flow cytology to the actual dimensions determined from this technique. (ERB)« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mirazita, M.; Ronchetti, F.; Rossi, P.; de Sanctis, E.; Adams, G.; Ambrozewicz, P.; Anciant, E.; Anghinolfi, M.; Asavapibhop, B.; Audit, G.; Avakian, H.; Bagdasaryan, H.; Ball, J. P.; Barrow, S.; Battaglieri, M.; Beard, K.; Bektasoglu, M.; Bellis, M.; Benmouna, N.; Berman, B. L.; Bertozzi, W.; Bianchi, N.; Biselli, A. S.; Boiarinov, S.; Bonner, B. E.; Bouchigny, S.; Bradford, R.; Branford, D.; Briscoe, W. J.; Brooks, W. K.; Burkert, V. D.; Butuceanu, C.; Calarco, J. R.; Carman, D. S.; Carnahan, B.; Chen, S.; Cole, P. L.; Cords, D.; Corvisiero, P.; Crabb, D.; Crannell, H.; Cummings, J. P.; de Vita, R.; Degtyarenko, P. V.; Denizli, H.; Dennis, L.; Deppman, A.; Dharmawardane, K. V.; Dhuga, K. S.; Djalali, C.; Dodge, G. E.; Doughty, D.; Dragovitsch, P.; Dugger, M.; Dytman, S.; Dzyubak, O. P.; Egiyan, H.; Egiyan, K. S.; Elouadrhiri, L.; Empl, A.; Eugenio, P.; Fatemi, R.; Feuerbach, R. J.; Ficenec, J.; Forest, T. A.; Funsten, H.; Gai, M.; Gavalian, G.; Gilad, S.; Gilfoyle, G. P.; Giovanetti, K. L.; Gordon, C. I.; Griffioen, K.; Guidal, M.; Guillo, M.; Guo, L.; Gyurjyan, V.; Hadjidakis, C.; Hakobyan, R. S.; Hardie, J.; Heddle, D.; Hersman, F. W.; Hicks, K.; Hicks, R. S.; Holtrop, M.; Hu, J.; Hyde-Wright, C. E.; Ilieva, Y.; Ito, M. M.; Jenkins, D.; Joo, K.; Kellie, J. D.; Khandaker, M.; Kim, K. Y.; Kim, K.; Kim, W.; Klein, A.; Klein, F. J.; Klimenko, A. V.; Klusman, M.; Kossov, M.; Kramer, L. H.; Kuhn, J.; Kuhn, S. E.; Kuhn, J.; Lachniet, J.; Laget, J. M.; Lawrence, D.; Li, Ji; Lima, A. C.; Livingston, K.; Lukashin, K.; Manak, J. J.; Marchand, C.; McAleer, S.; McCarthy, J.; McNabb, J. W.; Mecking, B. A.; Mehrabyan, S.; Melone, J. J.; Mestayer, M. D.; Meyer, C. A.; Mikhailov, K.; Miskimen, R.; Mokeev, V.; Morand, L.; Morrow, S. A.; Muccifora, V.; Mueller, J.; Mutchler, G. S.; Napolitano, J.; Nasseripour, R.; Niccolai, S.; Niculescu, G.; Niculescu, I.; Niczyporuk, B. B.; Niyazov, R. A.; Nozar, M.; O'Brien, J. T.; O'Rielly, G. V.; Osipenko, M.; Ostrovidov, A.; Park, K.; Pasyuk, E.; Peterson, G.; Philips, S. A.; Pivnyuk, N.; Pocanic, D.; Pogorelko, O.; Polli, E.; Pozdniakov, S.; Preedom, B. M.; Price, J. W.; Prok, Y.; Protopopescu, D.; Qin, L. M.; Raue, B. A.; Riccardi, G.; Ricco, G.; Ripani, M.; Ritchie, B. G.; Rosner, G.; Rowntree, D.; Rubin, P. D.; Sabatié, F.; Salgado, C.; Santoro, J. P.; Sapunenko, V.; Schumacher, R. A.; Serov, V. S.; Sharabian, Y. G.; Shaw, J.; Simionatto, S.; Skabelin, A. V.; Smith, E. S.; Smith, L. C.; Sober, D. I.; Spraker, M.; Stavinsky, A.; Stepanyan, S.; Stokes, B.; Stoler, P.; Strakovsky, I. I.; Strauch, S.; Taiuti, M.; Taylor, S.; Tedeschi, D. J.; Thoma, U.; Thompson, R.; Tkabladze, A.; Todor, L.; Tur, C.; Ungaro, M.; Vineyard, M. F.; Vlassov, A. V.; Wang, K.; Weinstein, L. B.; Weller, H.; Weygand, D. P.; Whisnant, C. S.; Wolin, E.; Wood, M. H.; Yegneswaran, A.; Yun, J.; Zhang, B.; Zhou, Z.
Nearly complete angular distributions of the two-body deuteron photodisintegration differential cross section have been measured using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer detector and the tagged photon beam at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The data cover photon energies between 0.5 and 3.0 GeV and center-of-mass proton scattering angles 10° 160° . The data show a persistent forward-backward angle asymmetry over the explored energy range, and are well described by the nonperturbative quark gluon string model.
Influence of the angular scattering of electrons on the runaway threshold in air
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chanrion, O.; Bonaventura, Z.; Bourdon, A.; Neubert, T.
The runaway electron mechanism is of great importance for the understanding of the generation of x- and gamma rays in atmospheric discharges. In 1991, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) were discovered by the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory. Those emissions are bremsstrahlung from high energy electrons that run away in electric fields associated with thunderstorms. In this paper, we discuss the runaway threshold definition with a particular interest in the influence of the angular scattering for electron energy close to the threshold. In order to understand the mechanism of runaway, we compare the outcome of different Fokker-Planck and Monte Carlo models with increasing complexity in the description of the scattering. The results show that the inclusion of the stochastic nature of collisions smooths the probability to run away around the threshold. Furthermore, we observe that a significant number of electrons diffuse out of the runaway regime when we take into account the diffusion in angle due to the scattering. Those results suggest using a runaway threshold energy based on the Fokker-Planck model assuming the angular equilibrium that is 1.6 to 1.8 times higher than the one proposed by [1, 2], depending on the magnitude of the ambient electric field. The threshold also is found to be 5 to 26 times higher than the one assuming forward scattering. We give a fitted formula for the threshold field valid over a large range of electric fields. Furthermore, we have shown that the assumption of forward scattering is not valid below 1 MeV where the runaway threshold usually is defined. These results are important for the thermal runaway and the runaway electron avalanche discharge mechanisms suggested to participate in the TGF generation.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shao, Lin; Peng, Luohan
Although multiple scattering theories have been well developed, numerical calculation is complicated and only tabulated values have been available, which has caused inconvenience in practical use. We have found that a Pearson VII distribution function can be used to fit Lugujjo and Mayer's probability curves in describing the dechanneling phenomenon in backscattering analysis, over a wide range of disorder levels. Differentiation of the obtained function gives another function to calculate angular dispersion of the beam in the frameworks by Sigmund and Winterbon. The present work provides an easy calculation of both dechanneling probability and angular dispersion for any arbitrary combination of beam and target having a reduced thickness ⩾0.6, which can be implemented in modeling of channeling spectra. Furthermore, we used a Monte Carlo simulation program to calculate the deflection probability and compared them with previously tabulated data. A good agreement was reached.
Direct observation of forward-scattering oscillations in the H+HD→H2+D reaction
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yuan, Daofu; Yu, Shengrui; Chen, Wentao; Sang, Jiwei; Luo, Chang; Wang, Tao; Xu, Xin; Casavecchia, Piergiorgio; Wang, Xingan; Sun, Zhigang; Zhang, Dong H.; Yang, Xueming
Accurate measurements of product state-resolved angular distributions are central to fundamental studies of chemical reaction dynamics. Yet, fine quantum-mechanical structures in product angular distributions of a reactive scattering process, such as the fast oscillations in the forward-scattering direction, have never been observed experimentally and the nature of these oscillations has not been fully explored. Here we report the crossed-molecular-beam experimental observation of these fast forward-scattering oscillations in the product angular distribution of the benchmark chemical reaction, H + HD → H2 + D. Clear oscillatory structures are observed for the H2(v' = 0, j' = 1, 3) product states at a collision energy of 1.35 eV, in excellent agreement with the quantum-mechanical dynamics calculations. Our analysis reveals that the oscillatory forward-scattering components are mainly contributed by the total angular momentum J around 28. The partial waves and impact parameters responsible for the forward scatterings are also determined from these observed oscillations, providing crucial dynamics information on the transient reaction process.
Direct observation of forward-scattering oscillations in the H+HD→H2+D reaction.
Yuan, Daofu; Yu, Shengrui; Chen, Wentao; Sang, Jiwei; Luo, Chang; Wang, Tao; Xu, Xin; Casavecchia, Piergiorgio; Wang, Xingan; Sun, Zhigang; Zhang, Dong H; Yang, Xueming
Accurate measurements of product state-resolved angular distributions are central to fundamental studies of chemical reaction dynamics. Yet, fine quantum-mechanical structures in product angular distributions of a reactive scattering process, such as the fast oscillations in the forward-scattering direction, have never been observed experimentally and the nature of these oscillations has not been fully explored. Here we report the crossed-molecular-beam experimental observation of these fast forward-scattering oscillations in the product angular distribution of the benchmark chemical reaction, H + HD → H 2 + D. Clear oscillatory structures are observed for the H 2 (v' = 0, j' = 1, 3) product states at a collision energy of 1.35 eV, in excellent agreement with the quantum-mechanical dynamics calculations. Our analysis reveals that the oscillatory forward-scattering components are mainly contributed by the total angular momentum J around 28. The partial waves and impact parameters responsible for the forward scatterings are also determined from these observed oscillations, providing crucial dynamics information on the transient reaction process.
Confining the angular distribution of terrestrial gamma ray flash emission
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gjesteland, T.; Østgaard, N.; Collier, A. B.; Carlson, B. E.; Cohen, M. B.; Lehtinen, N. G.
Terrestrial gamma ray flashes (TGFs) are bremsstrahlung emissions from relativistic electrons accelerated in electric fields associated with thunder storms, with photon energies up to at least 40 MeV, which sets the lowest estimate of the total potential of 40 MV. The electric field that produces TGFs will be reflected by the initial angular distribution of the TGF emission. Here we present the first constraints on the TGF emission cone based on accurately geolocated TGFs. The source lightning discharges associated with TGFs detected by RHESSI are determined from the Atmospheric Weather Electromagnetic System for Observation, Modeling, and Education (AWESOME) network and the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). The distribution of the observation angles for 106 TGFs are compared to Monte Carlo simulations. We find that TGF emissions within a half angle >30° are consistent with the distributions of observation angle derived from the networks. In addition, 36 events occurring before 2006 are used for spectral analysis. The energy spectra are binned according to observation angle. The result is a significant softening of the TGF energy spectrum for large (>40°) observation angles, which is consistent with a TGF emission half angle (<40°). The softening is due to Compton scattering which reduces the photon energies.
Effects of anisotropic electron-ion interactions in atomic photoelectron angular distributions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dill, D.; Starace, A. F.; Manson, S. T.
A summary of the angular momentum transfer formulation of the differential photoionization cross section is presented and photoionization amplitudes in LS coupling are considered. The application of the theoretical concepts and relations developed is illustrated with the aid of an example involving the calculation of the angular distribution of photoelectrons ionized from atomic sulfur according to a certain reaction. The investigation shows that anisotropic electron-ion interactions in atomic sulfur lead to measurable differences between photoelectron angular distribution asymmetry parameters corresponding to alternative ionic term levels.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Volodin, V. A., E-mail:; Sachkov, V. A.; Sinyukov, M. P.
The angular dependence of Raman scattering selection rules for optical phonons in short-period (001) GaAs/AlAs superlattices is calculated and experimentally studied. Experiments are performed using a micro-Raman setup, in the scattering geometry with the wavevectors of the incident and scattered light lying in the plane of superlattices (so-called in-plane geometry). Phonon frequencies are calculated using the Born model taking the Coulomb interaction into account in the rigid-ion approximation. Raman scattering spectra are calculated in the framework of the deformation potential and electro-optical mechanisms. Calculations show an angular dependence of the selection rules for optical phonons with different directions of themore » wavevectors. Drastic differences in the selection rules are found for experimental and calculated spectra. Presumably, these differences are due to the Fröhlich mechanism in Raman scattering for short-period superlattices.« less
Angular distributions in multifragmentation
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Stoenner, R.W.; Klobuchar, R.L.; Haustein, P.E.
Angular distributions are reported for {sup 37}Ar and {sup 127}Xe from 381-GeV {sup 28}Si+Au interactions and for products between {sup 24}Na and {sup 149}Gd from 28-GeV {sup 1}H+Au. Sideward peaking and forward deficits for multifragmentation products are significantly enhanced for heavy ions compared with protons. Projectile kinetic energy does not appear to be a satisfactory scaling variable. The data are discussed in terms of a kinetic-focusing model in which sideward peaking is due to transverse motion of the excited product from the initial projectile-target interaction.
Angular-dependent light scattering from cancer cells in different phases of the cell cycle.
Lin, Xiaogang; Wan, Nan; Weng, Lingdong; Zhou, Yong
Cancer cells in different phases of the cell cycle result in significant differences in light scattering properties. In order to harvest cancer cells in particular phases of the cell cycle, we cultured cancer cells through the process of synchronization. Flow cytometric analysis was applied to check the results of cell synchronization and prepare for light scattering measurements. Angular-dependent light scattering measurements of cancer cells arrested in the G1, S, and G2 phases have been performed. Based on integral calculations for scattering intensities from 5° to 10° and from 110° to 150°, conclusions have been reached. Clearly, the sizes of the cancer cells in different phases of the cell cycle dominated the forward scatter. Accompanying the increase of cell size with the progression of the cell cycle, the forward scattering intensity also increased. Meanwhile, the DNA content of cancer cells in every phase of the cell cycle is responsible for light scattering at large scatter angles. The higher the DNA content of cancer cells was, the greater the positive effect on the high-scattering intensity. As expected, understanding the relationships between the light scattering from cancer cells and cell cycles will aid in the development of cancer diagnoses. Also, it may assist in the guidance of antineoplastic drugs clinically.
Instrument for underwater high-angular resolution volume scattering function measurements
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dueweke, Paul W.; Bolstad, Jay; Leonard, Donald A.; Sweeney, Harold E.; Boyer, Philip A.; Winkler, Erik M.
A prototype instrument for in situ measurements of the volume scattering function (VSF) and the beam attenuation of water has been built and tested in the EOO laboratory. The intended application of the instrument is the enhancement of Navy operational optical systems for finding and imaging underwater objects such as mines. A description of the apparatus that was built and preliminary laboratory data will be presented. The instrument measures the VSF, (beta) ((theta) ), near the optical axis in both the forward and back directions from approximately 0.2 degrees off axis to approximately 5 degrees in 0.1 degree steps and at side angles of 45 degrees, 90 degrees, and 135 degrees. A diode- pumped, frequency-doubled, Nd:YAG laser provides the 532 nm light. This is the most used wavelength for underwater optical systems. The forward and back scattered light is collected and focused to a plane where scattering angles in the water are mapped onto concentric rings. At this focal plane, a conical reflector compresses the annular optical data onto a line along the cone axis where it is read by a MOS linear image array providing over 500 separate angular measurements. The beam attenuation coefficient, c, is also measured by means of a unique dual path configuration.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Danailov, Daniel M.
Previous simulations of glancing incidence ion-surface interaction have demonstrated that classical dynamics using the row-model have successfully reproduced multimodal azimuthal and polar spectra. These studies have also shown considerable sensitivity to the form of the interatomic potential thus making it a strong test of the validity of such potentials and even allow deduction of the ion-surface potentials. In these simulations the individual pairwise interactions between the projectile and the target atoms have been replaced by cylindrical potentials. Comparison to numerous experimental studies have confirmed the existence of rainbow scattering phenomena and successfully tested the validity of the cylindrical potential used in these simulations. The use of cylindrical potentials avoids stochastic effects due to thermal displacements and allows faster computer simulations leading to reliable angular distributions. In the present work we extend the row-model to consider scattering from binary alloys. Using He+ scattered at glancing incidence from NiAl surfaces, Al or Ni terminated, a faster method has been developed to easily and accurately quantize not only the maximum deflection azimuthal angle but all the singular points in the angular distribution. It has been shown that the influence of the surface termination on the rainbow angle and the inelastic losses is small.
Integrated Raman and angular scattering of single biological cells
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Smith, Zachary J.
Raman, or inelastic, scattering and angle-resolved elastic scattering are two optical processes that have found wide use in the study of biological systems. Raman scattering quantitatively reports on the chemical composition of a sample by probing molecular vibrations, while elastic scattering reports on the morphology of a sample by detecting structure-induced coherent interference between incident and scattered light. We present the construction of a multimodal microscope platform capable of gathering both elastically and inelastically scattered light from a 38 mum2 region in both epi- and trans-illumination geometries. Simultaneous monitoring of elastic and inelastic scattering from a microscopic region allows noninvasive characterization of a living sample without the need for exogenous dyes or labels. A sample is illuminated either from above or below with a focused 785 nm TEM00 mode laser beam, with elastic and inelastic scattering collected by two separate measurement arms. The measurements may be made either simultaneously, if identical illumination geometries are used, or sequentially, if the two modalities utilize opposing illumination paths. In the inelastic arm, Stokes-shifted light is dispersed by a spectrograph onto a CCD array. In the elastic scattering collection arm, a relay system images the microscope's back aperture onto a CCD detector array to yield an angle-resolved elastic scattering pattern. Post-processing of the inelastic scattering to remove fluorescence signals yields high quality Raman spectra that report on the sample's chemical makeup. Comparison of the elastically scattered pupil images to generalized Lorenz-Mie theory yields estimated size distributions of scatterers within the sample. In this thesis we will present validations of the IRAM instrument through measurements performed on single beads of a few microns in size, as well as on ensembles of sub-micron particles of known size distributions. The benefits and drawbacks of the
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Waggoner, William Tracy
Experimental capture cross sections d sigma / dtheta versus theta , are presented for various ions incident on neutral targets. First, distributions are presented for Ar ^{rm 8+} ions incident on H_{rm 2}, D _{rm 2}, and Ar targets. Energy gain studies indicate that capture occurs to primarily a 5d,f final state of Ar^{rm 7+} with some contributions from transfer ionization (T.I.) channels. Angular distribution spectra for all three targets are similar, with spectra having a main peak located at forward angles which is attributed to single capture events, and a secondary structure occurring at large angles which is attributed to T.I. contributions. A series of Ar^{rm 8+} on Ar spectra were collected using a retarding grid system as a low resolution energy spectrometer to resolve single capture events from T.I. events. The resulting single capture and T.I. angular distributions are presented. Results are discussed in terms of a classical deflection function employing a simple two state curve crossing model. Angular distributions for electron capture from He by C, N, O, F, and Ne ions with charge states from 5 ^+-8^+ are presented for projectile energies between 1.2 and 2.0 kV. Distributions for the same charge state but different ion species are simlar, but not identical with distributions for the 5 ^+ and 7^+ ions being strongly forward peaked, the 6^+ distributions are much less forward peaked with the O^{6+} distributions showing structure, the Ne^{8+} ion distribution appears to be an intermediate case between forward peaking and large angle scattering. These results are discussed in terms of classical deflection functions which utilize two state Coulomb diabatic curve crossing models. Finally, angular distributions are presented for electron capture from He by Ar^{rm 6+} ions at energies between 1287 eV and 296 eV. At large projectile energies the distribution is broad. As the energy decreases below 523 eV, distributions shift to forward angles with a second
Spatial Angular Compounding Technique for H-Scan Ultrasound Imaging.
Khairalseed, Mawia; Xiong, Fangyuan; Kim, Jung-Whan; Mattrey, Robert F; Parker, Kevin J; Hoyt, Kenneth
H-Scan is a new ultrasound imaging technique that relies on matching a model of pulse-echo formation to the mathematics of a class of Gaussian-weighted Hermite polynomials. This technique may be beneficial in the measurement of relative scatterer sizes and in cancer therapy, particularly for early response to drug treatment. Because current H-scan techniques use focused ultrasound data acquisitions, spatial resolution degrades away from the focal region and inherently affects relative scatterer size estimation. Although the resolution of ultrasound plane wave imaging can be inferior to that of traditional focused ultrasound approaches, the former exhibits a homogeneous spatial resolution throughout the image plane. The purpose of this study was to implement H-scan using plane wave imaging and investigate the impact of spatial angular compounding on H-scan image quality. Parallel convolution filters using two different Gaussian-weighted Hermite polynomials that describe ultrasound scattering events are applied to the radiofrequency data. The H-scan processing is done on each radiofrequency image plane before averaging to get the angular compounded image. The relative strength from each convolution is color-coded to represent relative scatterer size. Given results from a series of phantom materials, H-scan imaging with spatial angular compounding more accurately reflects the true scatterer size caused by reductions in the system point spread function and improved signal-to-noise ratio. Preliminary in vivo H-scan imaging of tumor-bearing animals suggests this modality may be useful for monitoring early response to chemotherapeutic treatment. Overall, H-scan imaging using ultrasound plane waves and spatial angular compounding is a promising approach for visualizing the relative size and distribution of acoustic scattering sources. Copyright © 2018 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Mass and angular distributions of the reaction products in heavy ion collisions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nasirov, A. K.; Giardina, G.; Mandaglio, G.; Kayumov, B. M.; Tashkhodjaev, R. B.
The optimal reactions and beam energies leading to synthesize superheavy elements is searched by studying mass and angular distributions of fission-like products in heavy-ion collisions since the evaporation residue cross section consists an ignorable small part of the fusion cross section. The intensity of the yield of fission-like products allows us to estimate the probability of the complete fusion of the interacting nuclei. The overlap of the mass and angular distributions of the fusion-fission and quasifission products causes difficulty at estimation of the correct value of the probability of the compound nucleus formation. A study of the mass and angular distributions of the reaction products is suitable key to understand the interaction mechanism of heavy ion collisions.
Neutron Angular Scatter Effects in 3DHZETRN: Quasi-Elastic
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wilson, John W.; Werneth, Charles M.; Slaba, Tony C.; Badavi, Francis F.; Reddell, Brandon D.; Bahadori, Amir A.
The current 3DHZETRN code has a detailed three dimensional (3D) treatment of neutron transport based on a forward/isotropic assumption and has been compared to Monte Carlo (MC) simulation codes in various geometries. In most cases, it has been found that 3DHZETRN agrees with the MC codes to the extent they agree with each other. However, a recent study of neutron leakage from finite geometries revealed that further improvements to the 3DHZETRN formalism are needed. In the present report, angular scattering corrections to the neutron fluence are provided in an attempt to improve fluence estimates from a uniform sphere. It is found that further developments in the nuclear production models are required to fully evaluate the impact of transport model updates. A model for the quasi-elastic neutron production spectra is therefore developed and implemented into 3DHZETRN.
Resonant interatomic Coulombic decay in HeNe: Electron angular emission distributions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mhamdi, A.; Trinter, F.; Rauch, C.; Weller, M.; Rist, J.; Waitz, M.; Siebert, J.; Metz, D.; Janke, C.; Kastirke, G.; Wiegandt, F.; Bauer, T.; Tia, M.; Cunha de Miranda, B.; Pitzer, M.; Sann, H.; Schiwietz, G.; Schöffler, M.; Simon, M.; Gokhberg, K.; Dörner, R.; Jahnke, T.; Demekhin, Ph. Â. V.
We present a joint experimental and theoretical study of resonant interatomic Coulombic decay (RICD) in HeNe employing high resolution cold target recoil ion momentum spectroscopy and ab initio electronic structure and nuclear dynamics calculations. In particular, laboratory- and molecular-frame angular emission distributions of RICD electrons are examined in detail. The exciting-photon energy-dependent anisotropy parameter β (ω ) , measured for decay events that populate bound HeNe+ ions, is in agreement with the calculations performed for the ground ionic state X2Σ1/2 + . A contribution from the a2Π3 /2 final ionic state is found to be negligible. For the He +Ne+ fragmentation channel, the observed laboratory-frame angular distribution of RICD electrons is explained by a slow homogeneous dissociation of bound vibrational levels of the final ionic state A2Π1 /2 into vibrational continua of the lower lying states X2Σ1/2 + and a2Π3 /2 . Our calculations predict that the angular distributions of RICD electrons in the body-fixed dipole plane provide direct access to the electronic character (i.e., symmetry) of intermediate vibronic resonances. However, because of the very slow dissociation of the A2Π1 /2 state, the molecular-frame angular distributions of RICD electrons in the He +Ne+ fragmentation channel are inaccessible to our coincidence experiment.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Difilippo, Felix C.
Within the context of general relativity theory we calculate, analytically, scattering signatures around a gravitational singularity: angular and time distributions of scattered massive objects and photons and the time and space modulation of Doppler effects. Additionally, the scattering and absorption cross sections for the gravitational interactions are calculated. The results of numerical simulations of the trajectories are compared with the analytical results.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Eremenko, D. O.; Drozdov, V. A.; Fotina, O. V.; Platonov, S. Yu.; Yuminov, O. A.
Background: It is well known that the anomalous behavior of angular anisotropies of fission fragments at sub- and near-barrier energies is associated with a memory of conditions in the entrance channel of the heavy-ion reactions, particularly, deformations and spins of colliding nuclei that determine the initial distributions for the components of the total angular momentum over the symmetry axis of the fissioning system and the beam axis. Purpose: We develop a new dynamic approach, which allows the description of the memory effects in the fission fragment angular distributions and provides new information on fusion and fission dynamics. Methods: The approach is based on the dynamic model of the fission fragment angular distributions which takes into account stochastic aspects of nuclear fission and thermal fluctuations for the tilting mode that is characterized by the projection of the total angular momentum onto the symmetry axis of the fissioning system. Another base of our approach is the quantum mechanical method to calculate the initial distributions over the components of the total angular momentum of the nuclear system immediately following complete fusion. Results: A method is suggested for calculating the initial distributions of the total angular momentum projection onto the symmetry axis for the nuclear systems formed in the reactions of complete fusion of deformed nuclei with spins. The angular distributions of fission fragments for the 16O+232Th,12C+235,236,238, and 13C+235U reactions have been analyzed within the dynamic approach over a range of sub- and above-barrier energies. The analysis allowed us to determine the relaxation time for the tilting mode and the fraction of fission events occurring in times not larger than the relaxation time for the tilting mode. Conclusions: It is shown that the memory effects play an important role in the formation of the angular distributions of fission fragments for the reactions induced by heavy ions. The
Evidence for the distribution of angular velocity inside the sun and stars
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
A round table discussion of problems of solar and stellar spindown and theory is presented. Observational evidence of the angular momentum of the solar wind is included, emphasizing the distribution of angular velocity inside the sun and stars.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xiang, Jingen
X-rays are absorbed and scattered by dust grains when they travel through the interstellar medium. The scattering within small angles results in an X-ray ``halo''. The halo properties are significantly affected by the energy of radiation, the optical depth of the scattering, the grain size distributions and compositions, and the spatial distribution of dust along the line of sight (LOS). Therefore analyzing the X-ray halo properties is an important tool to study the size distribution and spatial distribution of interstellar grains, which plays a central role in the astrophysical study of the interstellar medium, such as the thermodynamics and chemistry of the gas and the dynamics of star formation. With excellent angular resolution, good energy resolution and broad energy band, the Chandra ACIS is so far the best instrument for studying the X-ray halos. But the direct images of bright sources obtained with ACIS usually suffer from severe pileup which prevents us from obtaining the halos in small angles. We first improve the method proposed by Yao et al to resolve the X-ray dust scattering halos of point sources from the zeroth order data in CC-mode or the first order data in TE mode with Chandra HETG/ACIS. Using this method we re-analyze the Cygnus X-1 data observed with Chandra. Then we studied the X-ray dust scattering halos around 17 bright X-ray point sources using Chandra data. All sources were observed with the HETG/ACIS in CC-mode or TE-mode. Using the interstellar grain models of WD01 model and MRN model to fit the halo profiles, we get the hydrogen column densities and the spatial distributions of the scattering dust grains along the line of sights (LOS) to these sources. We find there is a good linear correlation not only between the scattering hydrogen column density from WD01 model and the one from MRN model, but also between N_{H} derived from spectral fits and the one derived from the grain models WD01 and MRN (except for GX 301-2 and Vela X-1): N
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Fasoli, U.; Zago, G.
The angular distribution of 14.1-Mev neutrons elastically scattered by alpha particles was measured by observing the alpha recoils in a helium-filled cloud chamber. The results are in satisfactory agreement with those previously obtained by others. Inspection of the small-angle region of the measured distribution shows that phase shifts of orbital angular momentum higher than L = 1 are not negligible, although, according to the present experiment, quantitative information on D-waves turns out to be somewhat elusive. The azimuthal angular distribution agrees well with the value P = 0.02 of the neutron beam polarization, as measured by Perkins. (auth)
Handheld directional reflectometer: an angular imaging device to measure BRDF and HDR in real time
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mattison, Phillip R.; Dombrowski, Mark S.; Lorenz, James M.; Davis, Keith J.; Mann, Harley C.; Johnson, Philip; Foos, Bryan
Many applications require quantitative measurements of surface light scattering, including quality control on production lines, inspection of painted surfaces, inspection of field repairs, etc. Instruments for measuring surface scattering typically fall into two main categories, namely bidirectional reflectometers, which measure the angular distribution of scattering, and hemispherical directional reflectometers, which measure the total scattering into the hemisphere above the surface. Measurement of the bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) gives the greatest insight into how light is scattered from a surface. Measurements of BRDF, however, are typically very lengthy measurements taken by moving a source and detector to map the scattering. Since BRDF has four angular degrees of freedom, such measurements can require hours to days to complete. Instruments for measuring BRDF are also typically laboratory devices, although a field- portable bi-directional reflectometer does exist. Hemispherical directional reflectance (HDR) is a much easier measurement to make, although care must be taken to use the proper methodology when measuring at wavelengths beyond 10 micrometer, since integrating spheres (typically used to make such measurements) are very energy inefficient and lose their integrating properties at very long wavelengths. A few field- portable hemispherical directional reflectometers do exist, but typically measure HDR only at near-normal angles. Boeing Defense and Space Group and Surface Optics Corporation, under a contract from the Air Force Research Laboratory, have developed a new hand-held instrument capable of measuring both BRDF and HDR using a unique, patented angular imaging technique. A combination of an hemi-ellipsoidal mirror and an additional lens translate the angular scatter from a surface into a two-dimensional spatial distribution, which is recorded by an imaging array. This configuration fully maps the scattering from a half
On the theory and simulation of multiple Coulomb scattering of heavy-charged particles.
Striganov, S I
The Moliere theory of multiple Coulomb scattering is modified to take into account the difference between processes of scattering off atomic nuclei and electrons. A simple analytical expression for angular distribution of charged particles passing through a thick absorber is found. It does not assume any special form for a differential scattering cross section and has a wider range of applicability than a gaussian approximation. A well-known method to simulate multiple Coulomb scatterings is based on treating 'soft' and 'hard' collisions differently. An angular deflection in a large number of 'soft' collisions is sampled using the proposed distribution function, a small number of 'hard' collision are simulated directly. A boundary between 'hard' and 'soft' collisions is defined, providing a precise sampling of a scattering angle (1% level) and a small number of 'hard' collisions. A corresponding simulating module takes into account projectile and nucleus charged distributions and exact kinematics of a projectile-electron interaction.
Dijet angular distributions in direct and resolved photoproduction at HERA
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Derrick, M.; Krakauer, D.; Magill, S.; Mikunas, D.; Musgrave, B.; Okrasinski, J. R.; Repond, J.; Stanek, R.; Talaga, R. L.; Zhang, H.; Mattingly, M. C. K.; Bari, G.; Basile, M.; Bellagamba, L.; Boscherini, D.; Bruni, A.; Bruni, G.; Bruni, P.; Cara Romeo, G.; Castellini, G.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Contin, A.; Corradi, M.; Gialas, I.; Giusti, P.; Iacobucci, G.; Laurenti, G.; Levi, G.; Margotti, A.; Massam, T.; Nania, R.; Palmonari, F.; Polini, A.; Sartorelli, G.; Zamora Garcia, Y.; Zichichi, A.; Amelung, C.; Bornheim, A.; Crittenden, J.; Deffner, R.; Doeker, T.; Eckert, M.; Feld, L.; Frey, A.; Geerts, M.; Grothe, M.; Hartmann, H.; Heinloth, K.; Heinz, L.; Hilger, E.; Jakob, H.-P.; Katz, U. F.; Mengel, S.; Paul, E.; Pfeiffer, M.; Rembser, Ch.; Schramm, D.; Stamm, J.; Wedemeyer, R.; Campbell-Robson, S.; Cassidy, A.; Cottingham, W. N.; Dyce, N.; Foster, B.; George, S.; Hayes, M. E.; Heath, G. P.; Heath, H. F.; Piccioni, D.; Roff, D. G.; Tapper, R. J.; Yoshida, R.; Arneodo, M.; Ayad, R.; Capua, M.; Garfagnini, A.; Iannotti, L.; Schioppa, M.; Susinno, G.; Caldwell, A.; Cartiglia, N.; Jing, Z.; Liu, W.; Parsons, J. A.; Ritz, S.; Sciulli, F.; Straub, P. B.; Wai, L.; Yang, S.; Zhu, Q.; Borzemski, P.; Chwastowski, J.; Eskreys, A.; Jakubowski, Z.; Przybycień, M. B.; Zachara, M.; Zawiejski, L.; Adamczyk, L.; Bednarek, B.; Jeleń, K.; Kisielewska, D.; Kowalski, T.; Przybycień, M.; Rulikowska-Zarȩbska, E.; Suszycki, L.; Zajaç, J.; Duliński, Z.; Kotański, A.; Abbiendi, G.; Bauerdick, L. A. T.; Behrens, U.; Beier, H.; Bienlein, J. K.; Cases, G.; Deppe, O.; Desler, K.; Drews, G.; Flasiński, M.; Gilkinson, D. J.; Glasman, C.; Göttlicher, P.; Große-Knetter, J.; Haas, T.; Hain, W.; Hasell, D.; Heßling, H.; Iga, Y.; Johnson, K. F.; Joos, P.; Kasemann, M.; Klanner, R.; Koch, W.; Kötz, U.; Kowalski, H.; Labs, J.; Ladage, A.; Löhr, B.; Löwe, M.; Lüke, D.; Mainusch, J.; Mańczak, O.; Milewski, J.; Monteiro, T.; Ng, J. S. T.; Notz, D.; Ohrenberg, K.; Piotrzkowski, K.; Roco, M.; Rohde, M.; Roldán, J.; Schneekloth, U.; Schulz, W.; Selonke, F.; Surrow, B.; Voß, T.; Westphal, D.; Wolf, G.; Wollmer, U.; Youngman, C.; Zeuner, W.; Grabosch, H. J.; Kharchilava, A.; Mari, S. M.; Meyer, A.; Schlenstedt, S.; Wulff, N.; Barbagli, G.; Gallo, E.; Pelfer, P.; Maccarrone, G.; De Pasquale, S.; Votano, L.; Bamberger, A.; Eisenhardt, S.; Trefzger, T.; Wölfle, S.; Bromley, J. T.; Brook, N. H.; Bussey, P. J.; Doyle, A. T.; Saxon, D. H.; Sinclair, L. E.; Utley, M. L.; Wilson, A. S.; Dannemann, A.; Holm, U.; Horstmann, D.; Sinkus, R.; Wick, K.; Burow, B. D.; Hagge, L.; Lohrmann, E.; Poelz, G.; Schott, W.; Zetsche, F.; Bacon, T. C.; Brümmer, N.; Butterworth, I.; Harris, V. L.; Howell, G.; Hung, B. H. Y.; Lamberti, L.; Long, K. R.; Miller, D. B.; Pavel, N.; Prinias, A.; Sedgbeer, J. K.; Sideris, D.; Whitfield, A. F.; Mallik, U.; Wang, M. Z.; Wang, S. M.; Wu, J. T.; Cloth, P.; Filges, D.; An, S. H.; Cho, G. H.; Ko, B. J.; Lee, S. B.; Nam, S. W.; Park, H. S.; Park, S. K.; Kartik, S.; Kim, H.-J.; McNeil, R. R.; Metcalf, W.; Nadendla, V. K.; Barreiro, F.; Fernandez, J. P.; Graciani, R.; Hernández, J. M.; Hervás, L.; Labarga, L.; Martinez, M.; del Peso, J.; Puga, J.; Terron, J.; de Trocóniz, J. F.; Corriveau, F.; Hanna, D. S.; Hartmann, J.; Hung, L. W.; Lim, J. N.; Matthews, C. G.; Patel, P. M.; Riveline, M.; Stairs, D. G.; St-Laurent, M.; Ullmann, R.; Zacek, G.; Tsurugai, T.; Bashkirov, V.; Dolgoshein, B. A.; Stifutkin, A.; Bashindzhagyan, G. L.; Ermolov, P. F.; Gladilin, L. K.; Golubkov, Yu. A.; Kobrin, V. D.; Korzhavina, I. A.; Kuzmin, V. A.; Lukina, O. Yu.; Proskuryakov, A. S.; Savin, A. A.; Shcheglova, L. M.; Solomin, A. N.; Zotov, N. P.; Botje, M.; Chlebana, F.; Engelen, J.; de Kamps, M.; Kooijman, P.; Kruse, A.; van Sighem, A.; Tiecke, H.; Verkerke, W.; Vossebeld, J.; Vreeswijk, M.; Wiggers, L.; de Wolf, E.; van Woudenberg, R.; Acosta, D.; Bylsma, B.; Durkin, L. S.; Gilmore, J.; Li, C.; Ling, T. Y.; Nylander, P.; Park, I. H.; Romanowski, T. A.; Bailey, D. S.; Cashmore, R. J.; Cooper-Sarkar, A. M.; Devenish, R. C. E.; Harnew, N.; Lancaster, M.; Lindemann, L.; McFall, J. D.; Nath, C.; Noyes, V. A.; Quadt, A.; Tickner, J. R.; Uijterwaal, H.; Walczak, R.; Waters, D. S.; Wilson, F. F.; Yip, T.; Bertolin, A.; Brugnera, R.; Carlin, R.; Dal Corso, F.; De Giorgi, M.; Dosselli, U.; Limentani, S.; Morandin, M.; Posocco, M.; Stanco, L.; Stroili, R.; Voci, C.; Zuin, F.; Bulmahn, J.; Feild, R. G.; Oh, B. Y.; Whitmore, J. J.; D'Agostini, G.; Marini, G.; Nigro, A.; Tassi, E.; Hart, J. C.; McCubbin, N. A.; Shah, T. P.; Barberis, E.; Dubbs, T.; Heusch, C.; Van Hook, M.; Lockman, W.; Rahn, J. T.; Sadrozinski, H. F.-W.; Seiden, A.; Williams, D. C.; Biltzinger, J.; Seifert, R. J.; Schwarzer, O.; Walenta, A. H.; Zech, G.; Abramowicz, H.; Briskin, G.; Dagan, S.; Levy, A.; Fleck, J. I.; Inuzuka, M.; ishii, T.; Kuze, M.; Mine, S.; Nakao, M.; Suzuki, I.; Tokushuku, K.; Umemori, K.; Yamada, S.; Yamazaki, Y.; Chiba, M.; Hamatsu, R.; Hirose, T.; Homma, K.; Kitamura, S.; Matsushita, T.; Yamauchi, K.; Cirio, R.; Costa, M.; Ferrero, M. I.; Maselli, S.; Peroni, C.; Sacchi, R.; Solano, A.; Staino, A.; Dardo, M.; Bailey, D. C.; Benard, F.; Brkic, M.; Fagerstroem, C.-P.; Hartner, G. F.; Joo, K. K.; Levman, G. M.; Martin, J. F.; Orr, R. S.; Polenz, S.; Sampson, C. R.; Simmons, D.; Teuscher, R. J.; Butterworth, J. M.; Catterall, C. D.; Jones, T. W.; Kaziewicz, P. B.; Lane, J. B.; Saunders, R. L.; Shulman, J.; Sutton, M. R.; Lu, B.; Mo, L. W.; Bogusz, W.; Ciborowski, J.; Gajewski, J.; Grzelak, G.; Kasprzak, M.; Krzyżanowski, M.; Muchorowski, K.; Nowak, R. J.; Pawlak, J. M.; Tymieniecka, T.; Wróblewski, A. K.; Zakrzewski, J. A.; Żarnecki, A. F.; Adamus, M.; Coldewey, C.; Eisenberg, Y.; Hochman, D.; Karshon, U.; Revel, D.; Zer-Zion, D.; Badgett, W. F.; Breitweg, J.; Chapin, D.; Cross, R.; Dasu, S.; Foudas, C.; Loveless, R. J.; Mattingly, S.; Reeder, D. D.; Silverstein, S.; Smith, W. H.; Vaiciulis, A.; Wodarczyk, M.; Bhadra, S.; Cardy, M. L.; Frisken, W. R.; Khakzad, M.; Murray, W. N.; Schmidke, W. B.; ZEUS Collaboration
Jet photoproduction, where the two highest transverse energy ( ETjet) jets have ETjet above 6 GeV and a jet-jet invariant mass above 23 GeV, has been studied with the ZEUS detector at the HERA ep collider. Resolved and direct photoproduction samples have been separated. The cross section as a function of the angle between the jet-jet axis and the beam direction in the dijet rest frame has been measured for the two samples. The measured angular distributions differ markedly from each other. They agree with the predictions of QCD calculations, where the different angular distributions reflect the different spins of the quark and gluon exchanged in the hard subprocess.
Semiclassical multi-phonon theory for atom-surface scattering: Application to the Cu(111) system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Daon, Shauli; Pollak, Eli
The semiclassical perturbation theory of Hubbard and Miller [J. Chem. Phys. 80, 5827 (1984)] is further developed to include the full multi-phonon transitions in atom-surface scattering. A practically applicable expression is developed for the angular scattering distribution by utilising a discretized bath of oscillators, instead of the continuum limit. At sufficiently low surface temperature good agreement is found between the present multi-phonon theory and the previous one-, and two-phonon theory derived in the continuum limit in our previous study [Daon, Pollak, and Miret-Artés, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 201103 (2012)]. The theory is applied to the measured angular distributions of Ne, Ar, and Kr scattered from a Cu(111) surface. We find that the present multi-phonon theory substantially improves the agreement between experiment and theory, especially at the higher surface temperatures. This provides evidence for the importance of multi-phonon transitions in determining the angular distribution as the surface temperature is increased.
Development of an ejecta particle size measurement diagnostic based on Mie scattering
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Schauer, Martin Michael; Buttler, William Tillman; Frayer, Daniel K.
The goal of this work is to determine the feasibility of extracting the size of particles ejected from shocked metal surfaces (ejecta) from the angular distribution of light scattered by a cloud of such particles. The basis of the technique is the Mie theory of scattering, and implicit in this approach are the assumptions that the scattering particles are spherical and that single scattering conditions prevail. The meaning of this latter assumption, as far as experimental conditions are concerned, will become clear later. The solution to Maxwell’s equations for spherical particles illuminated by a plane electromagnetic wave was derived bymore » Gustav Mie more than 100 years ago, but several modern treatises discuss this solution in great detail. The solution is a complicated series expansion of the scattered electric field, as well as the field within the particle, from which the total scattering and absorption cross sections as well as the angular distribution of scattered intensity can be calculated numerically. The detailed nature of the scattering is determined by the complex index of refraction of the particle material as well as the particle size parameter, x, which is the product of the wavenumber of the incident light and the particle radius, i.e. x = 2rπ= λ. Figure 1 shows the angular distribution of scattered light for different particle size parameters and two orthogonal incident light polarizations as calculated using the Mie solution. It is obvious that the scattering pattern is strongly dependent on the particle size parameter, becoming more forward-directed and less polarizationdependent as the particle size parameter increases. This trend forms the basis for the diagnostic design.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dixon, David A.; Hughes, H. Grady
This paper presents a validation test comparing angular distributions from an electron multiple-scattering experiment with those generated using the MCNP6 Monte Carlo code system. In this experiment, a 13- and 20-MeV electron pencil beam is deflected by thin foils with atomic numbers from 4 to 79. To determine the angular distribution, the fluence is measured down range of the scattering foil at various radii orthogonal to the beam line. The characteristic angle (the angle for which the max of the distribution is reduced by 1/e) is then determined from the angular distribution and compared with experiment. Multiple scattering foils tested herein include beryllium, carbon, aluminum, copper, and gold. For the default electron-photon transport settings, the calculated characteristic angle was statistically distinguishable from measurement and generally broader than the measured distributions. The average relative difference ranged from 5.8% to 12.2% over all of the foils, source energies, and physics settings tested. This validation illuminated a deficiency in the computation of the underlying angular distributions that is well understood. As a result, code enhancements were made to stabilize the angular distributions in the presence of very small substeps. However, the enhancement only marginally improved results indicating that additional algorithmic details should be studied.
Collision-energy-resolved angular distribution of Penning electrons for N 2-He ∗(2 3S)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hanzawa, Yoshinori; Kishimoto, Naoki; Yamazaki, Masakazu; Ohno, Koichi
The collision-energy-resolved angular distributions of Penning electrons for individual ionic state of N 2-He ∗(2 3S) were measured. The angular distributions showed increasing intensity in the backward (rebounding) directions with respect to initial He ∗(2 3S) beam vector because Penning ionization occurs with a collision against repulsive interaction wall followed by the electron emission from 2s orbital of He ∗. We also analyzed internal angular distribution by means of fitting parameters using classical trajectory calculations for N 2-He ∗(2 3S) on the modified interaction potential. These internal angular distributions suggested the electron emission from 2s orbital of He ∗ and they depended on collision energy and electron kinetic energy.
Sisniega, A.; Zbijewski, W.; Badal, A.; Kyprianou, I. S.; Stayman, J. W.; Vaquero, J. J.; Siewerdsen, J. H.
Purpose: The proliferation of cone-beam CT (CBCT) has created interest in performance optimization, with x-ray scatter identified among the main limitations to image quality. CBCT often contends with elevated scatter, but the wide variety of imaging geometry in different CBCT configurations suggests that not all configurations are affected to the same extent. Graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerated Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are employed over a range of imaging geometries to elucidate the factors governing scatter characteristics, efficacy of antiscatter grids, guide system design, and augment development of scatter correction. Methods: A MC x-ray simulator implemented on GPU was accelerated by inclusion of variance reduction techniques (interaction splitting, forced scattering, and forced detection) and extended to include x-ray spectra and analytical models of antiscatter grids and flat-panel detectors. The simulator was applied to small animal (SA), musculoskeletal (MSK) extremity, otolaryngology (Head), breast, interventional C-arm, and on-board (kilovoltage) linear accelerator (Linac) imaging, with an axis-to-detector distance (ADD) of 5, 12, 22, 32, 60, and 50 cm, respectively. Each configuration was modeled with and without an antiscatter grid and with (i) an elliptical cylinder varying 70–280 mm in major axis; and (ii) digital murine and anthropomorphic models. The effects of scatter were evaluated in terms of the angular distribution of scatter incident upon the detector, scatter-to-primary ratio (SPR), artifact magnitude, contrast, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), and visual assessment. Results: Variance reduction yielded improvements in MC simulation efficiency ranging from ∼17-fold (for SA CBCT) to ∼35-fold (for Head and C-arm), with the most significant acceleration due to interaction splitting (∼6 to ∼10-fold increase in efficiency). The benefit of a more extended geometry was evident by virtue of a larger air gap—e.g., for a 16 cm
Angular distribution of ions and extreme ultraviolet emission in laser-produced tin droplet plasma
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Hong; Wang, Xinbing; Duan, Lian; Lan, Hui; Chen, Ziqi; Zuo, Duluo; Lu, Peixiang
Angular-resolved ion time-of-flight spectra as well as extreme ultraviolet radiation in laser-produced tin droplet plasma are investigated experimentally and theoretically. Tin droplets with a diameter of 150 μm are irradiated by a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. The ion time-of-flight spectra measured from the plasma formed by laser irradiation of the tin droplets are interpreted in terms of a theoretical elliptical Druyvesteyn distribution to deduce ion density distributions including kinetic temperatures of the plasma. The opacity of the plasma for extreme ultraviolet radiation is calculated based on the deduced ion densities and temperatures, and the angular distribution of extreme ultraviolet radiation is expressed as a function of the opacity using the Beer-Lambert law. Our results show that the calculated angular distribution of extreme ultraviolet radiation is in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Cloud, Stanley D.
A computer calculation of the expected angular distribution of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) from micrometer size polystyrene spheres based on a Mie-type model, and a pilot experiment to test the feasibility of measuring CARS angular distributions from micrometer size polystyrene spheres by simply suspending them in water are discussed. The computer calculations predict a very interesting structure in the angular distributions that depends strongly on the size and relative refractive index of the spheres.
Distribution functions of air-scattered gamma rays above isotropic plane sources
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Michael, J A; Lamonds, H A
Using the moments method of Spencer and Fano and a reconstruction technique suggested by Berger, the authors have calculated energy and angular distribution functions for air-scattered gamma rays emitied from infinite-plane isotropic monoenergetic sources as iunctions of source energy, radiation incidence angle at the detector, and detector altitude. Incremental and total buildup factors have been calculated for both number and exposure. The results are presented in tabular form for a detector located at altitudes of 3, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 1000 feet above source planes of 15 discrete energies spanning the range of 0.1 to 3.0 MeV.more » Calculational techniques including results of sensitivity studies are discussed and plots of typical results are presented. (auth)« less
On the small-x behavior of the orbital angular momentum distributions in QCD
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hatta, Yoshitaka; Yang, Dong-Jing
We present the numerical solution of the leading order QCD evolution equation for the orbital angular momentum distributions of quarks and gluons and discuss its implications for the nucleon spin sum rule. We observe that at small-x, the gluon helicity and orbital angular momentum distributions are roughly of the same magnitude but with opposite signs, indicating a significant cancellation between them. A similar cancellation occurs also in the quark sector. We explain analytically the reason for this cancellation.
Angular distributions and mechanisms of fragmentation by relativistic heavy ions
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Stoenner, R.W.; Haustein, P.E.; Cumming, J.B.
Angular distributions of massive fragments from relativistic heavy-ion interactions are reported. Sideward peaking is observed for the light fragment /sup 37/Ar, from 25-GeV /sup 12/C+Au, while the distribution for /sup 127/Xe is strongly forward peaked. Conflicts of these observations and other existing data with predictions of models for the fragmentation process are discussed.
Hunting the Gluon Orbital Angular Momentum at the Electron-Ion Collider.
Ji, Xiangdong; Yuan, Feng; Zhao, Yong
Applying the connection between the parton Wigner distribution and orbital angular momentum (OAM), we investigate the probe of the gluon OAM in hard scattering processes at the planned electron-ion collider. We show that the single longitudinal target-spin asymmetry in the hard diffractive dijet production is very sensitive to the gluon OAM distribution. The associated spin asymmetry leads to a characteristic azimuthal angular correlation of sin(ϕ_{q}-ϕ_{Δ}), where ϕ_{Δ} and ϕ_{q} are the azimuthal angles of the proton momentum transfer and the relative transverse momentum between the quark-antiquark pair. This study may motivate a first measurement of the gluon OAM in the proton spin sum rule.
Inclusive inelastic scattering of heavy ions and nuclear correlations
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Cucinotta, Francis A.; Townsend, Lawrence W.; Wilson, John W.; Khandelwal, Govind S.
Calculations of inclusive inelastic scattering distributions for heavy ion collisions are considered within the high energy optical model. Using ground state sum rules, the inclusive projectile and complete projectile-target inelastic angular distributions are treated in both independent particle and correlated nuclear models. Comparisons between the models introduced are made for alpha particles colliding with He-4, C-12, and O-16 targets and protons colliding with O-16. Results indicate that correlations contribute significantly, at small momentum transfers, to the inelastic sum. Correlation effects are hidden, however, when total scattering distributions are considered because of the dominance of elastic scattering at small momentum transfers.
Angular distribution of ions and extreme ultraviolet emission in laser-produced tin droplet plasma
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chen, Hong; Duan, Lian; Lan, Hui
Angular-resolved ion time-of-flight spectra as well as extreme ultraviolet radiation in laser-produced tin droplet plasma are investigated experimentally and theoretically. Tin droplets with a diameter of 150 μm are irradiated by a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. The ion time-of-flight spectra measured from the plasma formed by laser irradiation of the tin droplets are interpreted in terms of a theoretical elliptical Druyvesteyn distribution to deduce ion density distributions including kinetic temperatures of the plasma. The opacity of the plasma for extreme ultraviolet radiation is calculated based on the deduced ion densities and temperatures, and the angular distribution of extreme ultraviolet radiation is expressedmore » as a function of the opacity using the Beer–Lambert law. Our results show that the calculated angular distribution of extreme ultraviolet radiation is in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.« less
Shan, Xiao; Xiahou, Chengkui; Connor, J N L
In earlier research, we have demonstrated that broad "hidden" rainbows can occur in the product differential cross sections (DCSs) of state-to-state chemical reactions. Here we ask the question: can pronounced and localized rainbows, rather than broad hidden ones, occur in reactive DCSs? Further motivation comes from recent measurements by H. Pan and K. Liu, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2016, 120, 6712, of a "bulge" in a reactive DCS, which they conjecture is a rainbow. Our theoretical approach uses a "weak" version of Heisenberg's scattering matrix program (wHSMP) introduced by X. Shan and J. N. L. Connor, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 8392. This wHSMP uses four general physical principles for chemical reactions to suggest simple parameterized forms for the S matrix; it does not employ a potential energy surface. We use a parameterization in which the modulus of the S matrix is a smooth-step function of the total angular momentum quantum number, J, and (importantly) its phase is a cubic polynomial in J. We demonstrate for a Legendre partial wave series (PWS) the existence of pronounced rainbows, supernumerary rainbows, and other interference effects, in reactive DCSs. We find that reactive rainbows can be more complicated in their structure than the familiar rainbows of elastic scattering. We also analyse the angular scattering using Nearside-Farside (NF) PWS theory and NF PWS Local Angular Momentum (LAM) theory, including resummations of the PWS. In addition, we apply full and NF asymptotic (semiclassical) rainbow theories to the PWS - in particular, the uniform Airy and transitional Airy approximations for the farside scattering. This lets us prove that structure in the DCSs are indeed rainbows, supernumerary rainbows as well as other interference effects.
Effects of ultrashort laser pulses on angular distributions of photoionization spectra.
Ooi, C H Raymond; Ho, W L; Bandrauk, A D
We study the photoelectron spectra by intense laser pulses with arbitrary time dependence and phase within the Keldysh framework. An efficient semianalytical approach using analytical transition matrix elements for hydrogenic atoms in any initial state enables efficient and accurate computation of the photoionization probability at any observation point without saddle point approximation, providing comprehensive three dimensional photoelectron angular distribution for linear and elliptical polarizations, that reveal the intricate features and provide insights on the photoionization characteristics such as angular dispersions, shift and splitting of photoelectron peaks from the tunneling or above threshold ionization(ATI) regime to non-adiabatic(intermediate) and multiphoton ionization(MPI) regimes. This facilitates the study of the effects of various laser pulse parameters on the photoelectron spectra and their angular distributions. The photoelectron peaks occur at multiples of 2ħω for linear polarization while odd-ordered peaks are suppressed in the direction perpendicular to the electric field. Short pulses create splitting and angular dispersion where the peaks are strongly correlated to the angles. For MPI and elliptical polarization with shorter pulses the peaks split into doublets and the first peak vanishes. The carrier envelope phase(CEP) significantly affects the ATI spectra while the Stark effect shifts the spectra of intermediate regime to higher energies due to interference.
Coherent Multiple Light Scattering in Ultracold Atomic Rb
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kulatunga, Pasad; Sukenik, C. I.; Balik, Salim; Havey, M. D.; Kupriyanov, D. V.; Sokolov, I. M.
Wave transport in mesoscopic systems can be strongly influenced by coherent multiple scattering,which can lead to novel magneto-optic, transmission, and backscattering effects of light in atomic vapors. Although related to traditional studies of radiation trapping, in ultracold vapors negligible frequency or phase redistribution takes place in the scattering, and high-order coherent light scattering occurs. Among other things, this leads to enhancement of the influence of otherwise small non-resonant terms in the scattering amplitudes. We report investigation of multiple coherent light scattering from ultracold Rb atoms confined in a magneto-optic trap (MOT). In experimental studies, measurements are made of the angular, spectral, and polarization-dependent coherent backscattering profile of a low-intensity probe beam tuned near the F = 3 - F' = 4 hyperfine transition. The influence of higher probe beam intensity is also studied. In a theoretical study of angular intensity enhancement of backscattered light, we consider scattering orders up to 10 and a realistic and asymmetric Gaussian atom distribution in the MOT. Supported by NSF, NATO, and RFBR.
Monte Carlo simulations for angular and spatial distributions in therapeutic-energy proton beams
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lin, Yi-Chun; Pan, C. Y.; Chiang, K. J.; Yuan, M. C.; Chu, C. H.; Tsai, Y. W.; Teng, P. K.; Lin, C. H.; Chao, T. C.; Lee, C. C.; Tung, C. J.; Chen, A. E.
The purpose of this study is to compare the angular and spatial distributions of therapeutic-energy proton beams obtained from the FLUKA, GEANT4 and MCNP6 Monte Carlo codes. The Monte Carlo simulations of proton beams passing through two thin targets and a water phantom were investigated to compare the primary and secondary proton fluence distributions and dosimetric differences among these codes. The angular fluence distributions, central axis depth-dose profiles, and lateral distributions of the Bragg peak cross-field were calculated to compare the proton angular and spatial distributions and energy deposition. Benchmark verifications from three different Monte Carlo simulations could be used to evaluate the residual proton fluence for the mean range and to estimate the depth and lateral dose distributions and the characteristic depths and lengths along the central axis as the physical indices corresponding to the evaluation of treatment effectiveness. The results showed a general agreement among codes, except that some deviations were found in the penumbra region. These calculated results are also particularly helpful for understanding primary and secondary proton components for stray radiation calculation and reference proton standard determination, as well as for determining lateral dose distribution performance in proton small-field dosimetry. By demonstrating these calculations, this work could serve as a guide to the recent field of Monte Carlo methods for therapeutic-energy protons.
Angular distribution of scission neutrons studied with time-dependent Schrödinger equation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wada, Takahiro; Asano, Tomomasa; Carjan, Nicolae
We investigate the angular distribution of scission neutrons taking account of the effects of fission fragments. The time evolution of the wave function of the scission neutron is obtained by integrating the time-dependent Schrodinger equation numerically. The effects of the fission fragments are taken into account by means of the optical potentials. The angular distribution is strongly modified by the presence of the fragments. In the case of asymmetric fission, it is found that the heavy fragment has stronger effects. Dependence on the initial distribution and on the properties of fission fragments is discussed. We also discuss on the treatment of the boundary to avoid artificial reflections
Drell-Yan Angular Distributions at the E906 SeaQuest Experiment
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kleinjan, David
Measurement of Drell-Yan angular distributions in the Collins-Soper frame provide a unique study of QCD. Previous experimental results showed a violation of the Lam-Tung relation (1 - λ ≠ 2 ν). This violation could be described by a range of non-perturbative effects, including the naive T-odd Boer-Mulders TMD, which describes spin-momentum correlations in the nucleon. Presently, E906/SeaQuest experiment at Fermilab can measure Drell-Yan dimuon pairs produced from a 120 GeV unpolarized proton beam directed on various nuclear targets. The Drell-Yan angular distributions will be measured at higher-x than previous experiments, further disentangling the role the Boer-Mulders TMD and other non-perturbative effects play in the structure of the nucleon. SeaQuest.
Stimulated scattering of electromagnetic waves carrying orbital angular momentum in quantum plasmas.
Shukla, P K; Eliasson, B; Stenflo, L
We investigate stimulated scattering instabilities of coherent circularly polarized electromagnetic (CPEM) waves carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) in dense quantum plasmas with degenerate electrons and nondegenerate ions. For this purpose, we employ the coupled equations for the CPEM wave vector potential and the driven (by the ponderomotive force of the CPEM waves) equations for the electron and ion plasma oscillations. The electrons are significantly affected by the quantum forces (viz., the quantum statistical pressure, the quantum Bohm potential, as well as the electron exchange and electron correlations due to electron spin), which are included in the framework of the quantum hydrodynamical description of the electrons. Furthermore, our investigation of the stimulated Brillouin instability of coherent CPEM waves uses the generalized ion momentum equation that includes strong ion coupling effects. The nonlinear equations for the coupled CPEM and quantum plasma waves are then analyzed to obtain nonlinear dispersion relations which exhibit stimulated Raman, stimulated Brillouin, and modulational instabilities of CPEM waves carrying OAM. The present results are useful for understanding the origin of scattered light off low-frequency density fluctuations in high-energy density plasmas where quantum effects are eminent.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schroer, M. A.; Gutt, C.; Grübel, G.
Recently the analysis of scattering patterns by angular cross-correlation analysis (CCA) was introduced to reveal the orientational order in disordered samples with special focus to future applications on x-ray free-electron laser facilities. We apply this CCA approach to ultra-small-angle light-scattering data obtained from two-dimensional monolayers of microspheres. The films were studied in addition by optical microscopy. This combined approach allows to calculate the cross-correlations of the scattering patterns, characterized by the orientational correlation function Ψl(q), as well as to obtain the real-space structure of the monolayers. We show that CCA is sensitive to the orientational order of monolayers formed by the microspheres which are not directly visible from the scattering patterns. By mixing microspheres of different radii the sizes of ordered monolayer domains is reduced. For these samples it is shown that Ψl(q) quantitatively describes the degree of hexagonal order of the two-dimensional films. The experimental CCA results are compared with calculations based on the microscopy images. Both techniques show qualitatively similar features. Differences can be attributed to the wave-front distortion of the laser beam in the experiment. This effect is discussed by investigating the effect of different wave fronts on the cross-correlation analysis results. The so-determined characteristics of the cross-correlation analysis will be also relevant for future x-ray-based studies.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Singh, Manoj K.; Gautam, Ritesh; Gatebe, Charles K.; Poudyal, Rajesh
The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) is a fundamental concept for characterizing the reflectance property of a surface, and helps in the analysis of remote sensing data from satellite, airborne and surface platforms. Multi-angular remote sensing measurements are required for the development and evaluation of BRDF models for improved characterization of surface properties. However, multi-angular data and the associated BRDF models are typically multidimensional involving multi-angular and multi-wavelength information. Effective visualization of such complex multidimensional measurements for different wavelength combinations is presently somewhat lacking in the literature, and could serve as a potentially useful research and teaching tool in aiding both interpretation and analysis of BRDF measurements. This article describes a newly developed software package in Python (PolarBRDF) to help visualize and analyze multi-angular data in polar and False Color Composite (FCC) forms. PolarBRDF also includes functionalities for computing important multi-angular reflectance/albedo parameters including spectral albedo, principal plane reflectance and spectral reflectance slope. Application of PolarBRDF is demonstrated using various case studies obtained from airborne multi-angular remote sensing measurements using NASA's Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR). Our visualization program also provides functionalities for untangling complex surface/atmosphere features embedded in pixel-based remote sensing measurements, such as the FCC imagery generation of BRDF measurements of grasslands in the presence of wild fire smoke and clouds. Furthermore, PolarBRDF also provides quantitative information of the angular distribution of scattered surface/atmosphere radiation, in the form of relevant BRDF variables such as sunglint, hotspot and scattering statistics.
Scattering of 42 MeV alpha particles from copper-65
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Stewart, W. M.; Seth, K. K.
Beams of 42-MeV alpha particles were elastically and inelastically scattered from Cu-65 in an attempt to excite states which may be described in terms of an excited core model. Angular distributions were measured for 17 excited states. Seven of the excited states had angular distributions similar to a core quadrupole excitation and eight of the excited states had angular distributions similar to a core octupole excitation. The excited state at 2.858 MeV had an angular distribution which suggests that it may have results from the particle coupling to a two-phonon core state. An extended particle-core coupling calculation was performed and the predicted energy levels and reduced transition probabilities compared to the experimental data. The low lying levels are described quite well and the wavefunctions of these states explain the large spectroscopic factors measured in stripping reactions. For Cu-65 the coupling of the particle to the core is no larger weak as in the simpler model, and configuration mixing results.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, X. W.; Zhao, C. Y.; Wang, B. X.
Thermal barrier coatings are common porous materials coated on the surface of devices operating under high temperatures and designed for heat insulation. This study presents a comprehensive investigation on the microstructural effect on radiative scattering coefficient and asymmetry factor of anisotropic thermal barrier coatings. Based on the quartet structure generation set algorithm, the finite-difference-time-domain method is applied to calculate angular scattering intensity distribution of complicated random microstructure, which takes wave nature into account. Combining Monte Carlo method with Particle Swarm Optimization, asymmetry factor, scattering coefficient and absorption coefficient are retrieved simultaneously. The retrieved radiative properties are identified with the angular scattering intensity distribution under different pore shapes, which takes dependent scattering and anisotropic pore shape into account implicitly. It has been found that microstructure significantly affects the radiative properties in thermal barrier coatings. Compared with spherical shape, irregular anisotropic pore shape reduces the forward scattering peak. The method used in this paper can also be applied to other porous media, which designs a frame work for further quantitative study on porous media.
Angular distribution of species in pulsed laser deposition of LaxCa1-xMnO3
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ojeda-G-P, Alejandro; Schneider, Christof W.; Döbeli, Max; Lippert, Thomas; Wokaun, Alexander
The angular distribution of species from a La0.4Ca0.6MnO3 target irradiated with a 248 nm nanosecond pulsed laser was investigated by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry for four different Ar pressures. The film thickness angular distribution was also analyzed using profilometry. Depending on the background gas pressure, the target to substrate distance, and the angular location the film thickness and composition varies considerably. In particular the film composition could vary by up to 17% with respect to the composition of the target material.
Nonlinear effects in the laser-assisted scattering of a positron by a muon
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Du, Wen-Yuan; Wang, Bing-Hong; Li, Shu-Min
The scattering of a positron by a muon in the presence of a linearly polarized laser field is investigated in the first Born approximation. The theoretical results reveal: (1) At large scattering angle, an amount of multiphoton processes take place in the course of scattering. The photon emission processes predominate the photon absorption ones. (2) Some nonlinear phenomena about oscillations, dark angular windows, and asymmetry can be observed in angular distributions. We analyze the cause giving rise to dark windows and geometric asymmetry initially noted in the potential scattering. (3) We also analyze the total differential cross-section, the result shows that the larger the incident energy is, the smaller the total differential cross-section is. The reasons of these new results are analyzed.
Thermal effects in light scattering from ultracold bosons in an optical lattice
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lakomy, Kazimierz; Idziaszek, Zbigniew; Trippenbach, Marek
We study the scattering of a weak and far-detuned light from a system of ultracold bosons in one-dimensional and three-dimensional optical lattices. We show the connection between angular distributions of the scattered light and statistical properties of a Bose gas in a periodic potential. The angular patterns are determined by the Fourier transform of the second-order correlation function, and thus they can be used to retrieve information on particle number fluctuations and correlations. We consider superfluid and Mott-insulator phases of the Bose gas in a lattice and we analyze in detail how the scattering depends on the system dimensionality, temperature,more » and atom-atom interactions.« less
Characterization of Diesel Soot Aggregates by Scattering and Extinction Methods
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kamimoto, Takeyuki
Characteristics of diesel soot particles sampled from diesel exhaust of a common-rail turbo-charged diesel engine are quantified by scattering and extinction diagnostics using newly build two laser-based instruments. The radius of gyration representing the aggregates size is measured by the angular distribution of scattering intensity, while the soot mass concentration is measured by a two-wavelength extinction method. An approach to estimate the refractive index of diesel soot by an analysis of the extinction and scattering data using an aggregates scattering theory is proposed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Morcelle, V.; Lichtenthäler, R.; Lépine-Szily, A.; Guimarães, V.; Pires, K. C. C.; Lubian, J.; Mendes Junior, D. R.; de Faria, P. N.; Kolata, J. J.; Becchetti, F. D.; Jiang, H.; Aguilera, E. F.; Lizcano, D.; Martinez-Quiroz, E.; Garcia, H.
We present 8B 27Al elastic scattering angular distributions for the proton-halo nucleus 8B at two energies above the Coulomb barrier, namely Elab=15.3 and 21.7 MeV. The experiments were performed in the Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil facility (RIBRAS) in São Paulo, and in the TwinSol facility at the University of Notre Dame, USA. The angular distributions were measured in the angular range of 15-80 degrees. Optical model and continuum discretized coupled channels calculations were performed, and the total reaction cross sections were derived. A comparison of the 8B+27Al total reaction cross sections with similar systems including exotic, weakly bound, and tightly bound projectiles impinging on the same target is presented.
Measurement of the Drell-Yan angular distribution in the dimuon channel using 2011 CMS data
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Silvers, David I.
The angular distributions of muons produced by the Drell-Yan process are measured as a function of dimuon transverse momentum in two ranges of rapidity. Events from pp collisions at sqrt( s) = 7 TeV were collected with the CMS detector using dimuon triggers and selected from data samples corresponding to 4.9 fb-1 of integrated luminosity. The two-dimensional angular distribution dN/dO of the negative muon in the Collins-Soper frame is fitted to determine the coefficients in a parametric form of the angular distribution. The measured coefficients are compared to next-to-leading order calculations. We observe that qq and leading order qg production dominate the Drell-Yan process at pT (mumu) <55 GeV/c, while higher-order qg production dominates the Drell-Yan process for 55< pT (mumu) <120 GeV/c.
Fiber optic light-scattering measurement system for evaluation of embryo viability: model experiment
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Itoh, Harumi; Arai, Tsunenori; Kikuchi, Makoto
We evaluated the particle density detectability and particle size detectivity of our fiber-optic light-scattering measurement system. In order to prevent the multiple pregnancy on current in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer, we have aimed to develop a new quantitative and non- invasive method to select a single viable human embryo. We employed the measurement of mitochondria localization in an embryo, which may have the correlation with development ability. We applied the angular distribution measurement of the light-scattering intensity from the embryo to obtain the information originated from the mitochondria. The latex spheres with a diameter of 1.0 micrometers were used to simulate the scattering intensity of the mitochondria. The measurement probes of our system consisted of two fibers for illumination and sensing. They were arranged at a right angle to a microscope optical axis to measure the angular distribution of the light-scattering intensity. We observed that the light-scattering intensity increased monotonically in the range from 106 to 1010 particles per ml. Since the mitochondria density in a human embryo corresponded to 2.5 X 107 per ml in the measurement chamber, we may measure the mitochondria density in the human embryo. The angular dependence of light-scattering intensity changed with the sphere diameters. This result showed the possibility of the selective measurement of the mitochondria density in the embryo in spite of the presence of the other cell organelle. We think that our light-scattering measurement system might be applicable to the evaluation method for the embryo viability.
Angular Superresolution for a Scanning Antenna with Simulated Complex Scatterer-Type Targets
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. The Scan- MUSIC (MUltiple SIgnal Classification), or SMUSIC, algorithm was developed by the Millimeter...with the use of a single rotatable sensor scanning in an angular region of interest. This algorithm has been adapted and extended from the MUSIC ...simulation. Abstract ii iii Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Extension of the MUSIC Algorithm for Scanning Antenna 2 2.1 Subvector Averaging Method
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Singh, Manoj K.; Gautam, Ritesh; Gatebe, Charles K.; Poudyal, Rajesh
The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) is a fundamental concept for characterizing the reflectance property of a surface, and helps in the analysis of remote sensing data from satellite, airborne and surface platforms. Multi-angular remote sensing measurements are required for the development and evaluation of BRDF models for improved characterization of surface properties. However, multi-angular data and the associated BRDF models are typically multidimensional involving multi-angular and multi-wavelength information. Effective visualization of such complex multidimensional measurements for different wavelength combinations is presently somewhat lacking in the literature, and could serve as a potentially useful research and teaching tool in aiding both interpretation and analysis of BRDF measurements. This article describes a newly developed software package in Python (PolarBRDF) to help visualize and analyze multi-angular data in polar and False Color Composite (FCC) forms. PolarBRDF also includes functionalities for computing important multi-angular reflectance/albedo parameters including spectral albedo, principal plane reflectance and spectral reflectance slope. Application of PolarBRDF is demonstrated using various case studies obtained from airborne multi-angular remote sensing measurements using NASA's Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR). Our visualization program also provides functionalities for untangling complex surface/atmosphere features embedded in pixel-based remote sensing measurements, such as the FCC imagery generation of BRDF measurements of grasslands in the presence of wildfire smoke and clouds. Furthermore, PolarBRDF also provides quantitative information of the angular distribution of scattered surface/atmosphere radiation, in the form of relevant BRDF variables such as sunglint, hotspot and scattering statistics.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Poudyal, R.; Singh, M.; Gautam, R.; Gatebe, C. K.
The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) is a fundamental concept for characterizing the reflectance property of a surface, and helps in the analysis of remote sensing data from satellite, airborne and surface platforms. Multi-angular remote sensing measurements are required for the development and evaluation of BRDF models for improved characterization of surface properties. However, multi-angular data and the associated BRDF models are typically multidimensional involving multi-angular and multi-wavelength information. Effective visualization of such complex multidimensional measurements for different wavelength combinations is presently somewhat lacking in the literature, and could serve as a potentially useful research and teaching tool in aiding both interpretation and analysis of BRDF measurements. This article describes a newly developed software package in Python (PolarBRDF) to help visualize and analyze multi-angular data in polar and False Color Composite (FCC) forms. PolarBRDF also includes functionalities for computing important multi-angular reflectance/albedo parameters including spectral albedo, principal plane reflectance and spectral reflectance slope. Application of PolarBRDF is demonstrated using various case studies obtained from airborne multi-angular remote sensing measurements using NASA's Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR)- Our visualization program also provides functionalities for untangling complex surface/atmosphere features embedded in pixel-based remote sensing measurements, such as the FCC imagery generation of BRDF measurements of grasslands in the presence of wildfire smoke and clouds. Furthermore, PolarBRDF also provides quantitative information of the angular distribution of scattered surface/atmosphere radiation, in the form of relevant BRDF variables such as sunglint, hotspot and scattering statistics.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gong, Tao; Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan 621900; Zheng, Jian, E-mail:
A 2D cylindrically symmetric model with inclusion of both diffraction and self-focus effects is developed to deal with the stimulated scattering processes of a single hotspot. The calculated results show that the transverse distribution of the scattered light is sensitive to the longitudinal profiles of the plasma parameters. The analysis of the evolution of the scattered light indicates that it is the frequency mismatch of coupling due to the inhomogeneity of plasmas that determines the transverse distribution of the scattered light.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Turcksin, Bruno; Ragusa, Jean C.; Morel, Jim E.
It is well known that the diffusion synthetic acceleration (DSA) methods for the Sn equations become ineffective in the Fokker-Planck forward-peaked scattering limit. In response to this deficiency, Morel and Manteuffel (1991) developed an angular multigrid method for the 1-D Sn equations. This method is very effective, costing roughly twice as much as DSA per source iteration, and yielding a maximum spectral radius of approximately 0.6 in the Fokker-Planck limit. Pautz, Adams, and Morel (PAM) (1999) later generalized the angular multigrid to 2-D, but it was found that the method was unstable with sufficiently forward-peaked mappings between the angular grids. The method was stabilized via a filtering technique based on diffusion operators, but this filtering also degraded the effectiveness of the overall scheme. The spectral radius was not bounded away from unity in the Fokker-Planck limit, although the method remained more effective than DSA. The purpose of this article is to recast the multidimensional PAM angular multigrid method without the filtering as an Sn preconditioner and use it in conjunction with the Generalized Minimal RESidual (GMRES) Krylov method. The approach ensures stability and our computational results demonstrate that it is also significantly more efficient than an analogous DSA-preconditioned Krylov method.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Jia; Zhang, Yongming; Zhang, Qixing; Wang, Jinjun
The complete scattering matrix for cement dust was measured as a function of scattering angle from 5° to 160° at a wavelength of 532 nm, as a representative of mineral dust of anthropogenic origin in urban areas. Other related characteristics of cement dust, such as particle size distribution, chemical composition, refractive index, and micromorphology, were also analyzed. For this objective, a newly improved apparatus was built and calibrated using water droplets. Measurements of water droplets were in good agreement with Lorenz-Mie calculations. To facilitate the direct applicability of measurements for cement dust in radiative transfer calculation, the synthetic scattering matrix was computed and defined over the full scattering angle range from 0° to 180°. The scattering matrices for cement dust and typical natural mineral dusts were found to be similar in trends and angular behaviors. Angular distributions of all matrix elements were confined to rather limited domains. To promote the application of light-scattering matrix in atmospheric observation and remote sensing, discrimination methods for various atmospheric particulates (cement dust, soot, smolder smoke, and water droplets) based on the angular distributions of their scattering matrix elements are discussed. The ratio -F12/F11 proved to be the most effective discrimination method when a single matrix element is employed; aerosol identification can be achieved based on -F12/F11 values at 90° and 160°. Meanwhile, the combinations of -F12/F11 with F22/F11 (or (F11 - F22)/(F11 + F22)) or -F12/F11 with F44/F11 at 160° can be used when multiple matrix elements at the same scattering angle are selected.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pu, Yang; Chen, Jun; Wang, Wubao
The scattering coefficient, μs, the anisotropy factor, g, the scattering phase function, p(θ), and the angular dependence of scattering intensity distributions of human cancerous and normal prostate tissues were systematically investigated as a function of wavelength, scattering angle and scattering particle size using Mie theory and experimental parameters. The Matlab-based codes using Mie theory for both spherical and cylindrical models were developed and applied for studying the light propagation and the key scattering properties of the prostate tissues. The optical and structural parameters of tissue such as the index of refraction of cytoplasm, size of nuclei, and the diameter of the nucleoli for cancerous and normal human prostate tissues obtained from the previous biological, biomedical and bio-optic studies were used for Mie theory simulation and calculation. The wavelength dependence of scattering coefficient and anisotropy factor were investigated in the wide spectral range from 300 nm to 1200 nm. The scattering particle size dependence of μs, g, and scattering angular distributions were studied for cancerous and normal prostate tissues. The results show that cancerous prostate tissue containing larger size scattering particles has more contribution to the forward scattering in comparison with the normal prostate tissue. In addition to the conventional simulation model that approximately considers the scattering particle as sphere, the cylinder model which is more suitable for fiber-like tissue frame components such as collagen and elastin was used for developing a computation code to study angular dependence of scattering in prostate tissues. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to deal with both spherical and cylindrical scattering particles in prostate tissues.
Measurement of 240Pu Angular Momentum Dependent Fission Probabilities Using the (α ,α') Reaction
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Koglin, Johnathon; Burke, Jason; Fisher, Scott; Jovanovic, Igor
The surrogate reaction method often lacks the theoretical framework and necessary experimental data to constrain models especially when rectifying differences between angular momentum state differences between the desired and surrogate reaction. In this work, dual arrays of silicon telescope particle identification detectors and photovoltaic (solar) cell fission fragment detectors have been used to measure the fission probability of the 240Pu(α ,α' f) reaction - a surrogate for the 239Pu(n , f) - and fission fragment angular distributions. Fission probability measurements were performed at a beam energy of 35.9(2) MeV at eleven scattering angles from 40° to 140°e in 10° intervals and at nuclear excitation energies up to 16 MeV. Fission fragment angular distributions were measured in six bins from 4.5 MeV to 8.0 MeV and fit to expected distributions dependent on the vibrational and rotational excitations at the saddle point. In this way, the contributions to the total fission probability from specific states of K angular momentum projection on the symmetry axis are extracted. A sizable data collection is presented to be considered when constraining microscopic cross section calculations.
Angular distribution of γ rays from neutron-induced compound states of 140La
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Okudaira, T.; Takada, S.; Hirota, K.; Kimura, A.; Kitaguchi, M.; Koga, J.; Nagamoto, K.; Nakao, T.; Okada, A.; Sakai, K.; Shimizu, H. M.; Yamamoto, T.; Yoshioka, T.
The angular distribution of individual γ rays, emitted from a neutron-induced compound-nuclear state via radiative capture reaction of 139La(n ,γ ) has been studied as a function of incident neutron energy in the epithermal region by using germanium detectors. An asymmetry ALH was defined as (NL-NH) /(NL+NH) , where NL and NH are integrals of low- and high-energy region of a neutron resonance respectively, and we found that ALH has the angular dependence of (A cosθγ+B ) , where θγ is the emitted angle of γ rays, with A =-0.3881 ±0.0236 and B =-0.0747 ±0.0105 in 0.74 eV p -wave resonance. This angular distribution was analyzed within the framework of interference between s - and p -wave amplitudes in the entrance channel to the compound-nuclear state, and it is interpreted as the value of the partial p -wave neutron width corresponding to the total angular momentum of the incident neutron combined with the weak matrix element, in the context of the mechanism of enhanced parity-violating effects. Additionally, we use the result to quantify the possible enhancement of the breaking of time-reversal invariance in the vicinity of the p -wave resonance.
Angular distribution of photoelectrons at 584A using polarized radiation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hancock, W. H.; Samson, J. A. R.
Photoelectron angular distributions for Ar, Xe, N2, O2, CO, CO2, and NH3 were obtained at 584 A by observing the photoelectrons at a fixed angle and simply rotating the plane of polarization of a highly polarized photon source. The radiation from a helium dc glow discharge source was polarized (84%) using a reflection type polarizer.
Bayesian Deconvolution for Angular Super-Resolution in Forward-Looking Scanning Radar
Zha, Yuebo; Huang, Yulin; Sun, Zhichao; Wang, Yue; Yang, Jianyu
Scanning radar is of notable importance for ground surveillance, terrain mapping and disaster rescue. However, the angular resolution of a scanning radar image is poor compared to the achievable range resolution. This paper presents a deconvolution algorithm for angular super-resolution in scanning radar based on Bayesian theory, which states that the angular super-resolution can be realized by solving the corresponding deconvolution problem with the maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion. The algorithm considers that the noise is composed of two mutually independent parts, i.e., a Gaussian signal-independent component and a Poisson signal-dependent component. In addition, the Laplace distribution is used to represent the prior information about the targets under the assumption that the radar image of interest can be represented by the dominant scatters in the scene. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed deconvolution algorithm has higher precision for angular super-resolution compared with the conventional algorithms, such as the Tikhonov regularization algorithm, the Wiener filter and the Richardson–Lucy algorithm. PMID:25806871
Light scattering properties of new materials for glazing applications
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bergkvist, Mikael; Roos, Arne
Several new materials are available for glazing applications, many of which require careful optical characterization, especially with regards to light scattering. Measuring scattering requires special equipment and is inherently difficult. An integrating sphere can be used for the total and diffuse components but great care must be taken in interpreting the instrument readings. Angular resolved scattering measurements are necessary for a complete characterization, and this is difficult for low levels of scattering. In this paper, measurements on electrically switchable NCAP materials and thick panes of aerogel are reported. The NCAP films switch reversibly from a translucent, scattering state to a transparent, clear state with the application of an ac-voltage. Airglass has a porous SiO2 structure with a refractive index n equals 1.04 and a very low heat transfer coefficient. Integrated scattering measurements were performed in the wavelength range 300 to 2500 nm on a Beckman 5240 spectrophotometer equipped with a 198851 integrating sphere. In this instrument we can measure the total and diffuse components of the reflectance or transmittance separately. The angular distribution of the scattered light was measured in a scatterometer, which can perform scattering measurements in the wavelength range 400-1100 nm in both transmittance and reflectance mode with variable angle of incidence.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Petrović, V. M.; Miladinović, T. B., E-mail:
Within the framework of the Ammosov–Delone–Krainov theory, we consider the angular and energy distribution of outgoing electrons due to ionization by a circularly polarized electromagnetic field. A correction of the ground ionization potential by the ponderomotive and Stark shift is incorporated in both distributions. Spatial dependence is analyzed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sun, Wenbo; Hu, Yongxiang; Weimer, Carl; Ayers, Kirk; Baize, Rosemary R.; Lee, Tsengdar
Electromagnetic (EM) beams with orbital angular momentum (OAM) may have great potential applications in communication technology and in remote sensing of the Earth-atmosphere system and outer planets. Study of their interaction with optical lenses and dielectric or metallic objects, or scattering of them by particles in the Earth-atmosphere system, is a necessary step to explore the advantage of the OAM EM beams. In this study, the 3-dimensional (3D) scattered-field (SF) finite-difference time domain (FDTD) technique with the convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) absorbing boundary conditions (ABC) is applied to calculate the scattering of the purely azimuthal (the radial mode number is assumed to be zero) Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beams with the OAM by dielectric particles. We found that for OAM beam's interaction with dielectric particles, the forward-scattering peak in the conventional phase function (P11) disappears, and light scattering peak occurs at a scattering angle of 15° to 45°. The disappearance of forward-scattering peak means that, in laser communications most of the particle-scattered noise cannot enter the receiver, thus the received light is optimally the original OAM-encoded signal. This feature of the OAM beam also implies that in lidar remote sensing of the atmospheric particulates, most of the multiple-scattering energy will be off lidar sensors, and this may result in an accurate profiling of particle layers in the atmosphere or in the oceans by lidar, or even in the ground when a ground penetration radar (GPR) with the OAM is applied. This far-field characteristics of the scattered OAM light also imply that the optical theorem, which is derived from plane-parallel wave scattering case and relates the forward scattering amplitude to the total cross section of the scatterer, is invalid for the scattering of OAM beams by dielectric particles.
Repulsive nature of optical potentials for high-energy heavy-ion scattering
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Furumoto, T.; Sakuragi, Y.; Yamamoto, Y.
The recent works by the present authors predicted that the real part of heavy-ion optical potentials changes its character from attraction to repulsion around the incident energy per nucleon E/A=200-300 MeV on the basis of the complex G-matrix interaction and the double-folding model (DFM) and revealed that the three-body force plays an important role there. In the present paper, we have precisely analyzed the energy dependence of the calculated DFM potentials and its relation to the elastic-scattering angular distributions in detail in the case of the {sup 12}C+{sup 12}C system in the energy range of E/A=100-400 MeV. The tensor forcemore » contributes substantially to the energy dependence of the real part of the DFM potentials and plays an important role to lower the attractive-to-repulsive transition energy. The nearside and farside (N/F) decompositions of the elastic-scattering amplitudes clarify the close relation between the attractive-to-repulsive transition of the potentials and the characteristic evolution of the calculated angular distributions with the increase of the incident energy. Based on the present analysis, we propose experimental measurements for the predicted strong diffraction phenomena of the elastic-scattering angular distribution caused by the N/F interference around the attractive-to-repulsive transition energy together with the reduced diffractions below and above the transition energy.« less
Observation of cooperative Mie scattering from an ultracold atomic cloud
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bender, H.; Stehle, C.; Slama, S.
Scattering of light at a distribution of scatterers is an intrinsically cooperative process, which means that the scattering rate and the angular distribution of the scattered light are essentially governed by bulk properties of the distribution, such as its size, shape, and density, although local disorder and density fluctuations may have an important impact on the cooperativity. Via measurements of the radiation pressure force exerted by a far-detuned laser beam on a very small and dense cloud of ultracold atoms, we are able to identify the respective roles of superradiant acceleration of the scattering rate and of Mie scattering inmore » the cooperative process. They lead, respectively, to a suppression or an enhancement of the radiation pressure force. We observe a maximum in the radiation pressure force as a function of the phase shift induced in the incident laser beam by the cloud's refractive index. The maximum marks the borderline of the validity of the Rayleigh-Debye-Gans approximation from a regime, where Mie scattering is more complex. Our observations thus help to clarify the intricate relationship between Rayleigh scattering of light at a coarse-grained ensemble of individual scatterers and Mie scattering at the bulk density distribution.« less
Angular Broadening of Intraday Variable AGNs II. Interstellar and Intergalactic Scattering
scin - tillators’’ and ‘‘nonscintillators.’’ Since the publication of that paper, it has been realized that some of the AGNs identified as...these results is obtained if the scin - tillation is produced from small ‘‘clumps’’ of scattering material, distributed throughout the Galactic disk. For
Photoelectron angular distributions from rotationally resolved autoionizing states of N 2
Chartrand, A. M.; McCormack, E. F.; Jacovella, U.; ...
The single-photon, photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectrum of N 2 has been recorded at high (~1.5 cm -1) resolution in the region between the N 2 + X 2Σ g +, v + = 0 and 1 ionization thresholds by using a double imaging spectrometer and intense vacuum-ultraviolet light from the Synchrotron SOLEIL. This approach provides the relative photoionization cross section, the photoelectron energy distribution, and the photoelectron angular distribution as a function of photon energy. The region of interest contains autoionizing valence states, vibrationally autoionizing Rydberg states converging to vibrationally excited levels of the N 2 + X 2Σ g +more » ground state, and electronically autoionizing states converging to the N 2 + A 2Π and B 2Σ u + states. The wavelength resolution is sufficient to resolve rotational structure in the autoionizing states, but the electron energy resolution is insufficient to resolve rotational structure in the photoion spectrum. Here, a simplified approach based on multichannel quantum defect theory is used to predict the photoelectron angular distribution parameters, β, and the results are in reasonably good agreement with experiment.« less
The Gaussian Laser Angular Distribution in HYDRA's 3D Laser Ray Trace Package
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Sepke, Scott M.
In this note, the angular distribution of rays launched by the 3D LZR ray trace package is derived for Gaussian beams (npower==2) with bm model=3±. Beams with bm model=+3 have a nearly at distribution, and beams with bm model=-3 have a nearly linear distribution when the spot size is large compared to the wavelength.
Stereodynamics in state-resolved scattering at the gas–liquid interface
Perkins, Bradford G.; Nesbitt, David J.
Stereodynamics at the gas–liquid interface provides insight into the important physical interactions that directly influence heterogeneous chemistry at the surface and within the bulk liquid. We investigate molecular beam scattering of CO2 from a liquid perfluoropolyether (PFPE) surface in vacuum [incident energy Einc = 10.6(8) kcal/mol, incident angle θinc = 60°] to specifically reveal rotational angular-momentum directions for scattered molecules. Experimentally, internal quantum state populations and MJ distributions are probed by high-resolution polarization-modulated infrared laser spectroscopy. Analysis of J-state populations reveals dual-channel scattering dynamics characterized by a two-temperature Boltzmann distribution for trapping–desorption and impulsive scattering. In addition, molecular dynamics simulations of CO2 + fluorinated self-assembled monolayers have been used to model CO2 + PFPE dynamics. Experimental results and molecular dynamics simulations reveal highly oriented CO2 distributions that preferentially scatter with “top spin” as a strongly increasing function of J state. PMID:18678907
Testing the anisotropy in the angular distribution of Fermi/GBM gamma-ray bursts
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tarnopolski, M.
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) were confirmed to be of extragalactic origin due to their isotropic angular distribution, combined with the fact that they exhibited an intensity distribution that deviated strongly from the -3/2 power law. This finding was later confirmed with the first redshift, equal to at least z = 0.835, measured for GRB970508. Despite this result, the data from CGRO/BATSE and Swift/BAT indicate that long GRBs are indeed distributed isotropically, but the distribution of short GRBs is anisotropic. Fermi/GBM has detected 1669 GRBs up to date, and their sky distribution is examined in this paper. A number of statistical tests are applied: nearest neighbour analysis, fractal dimension, dipole and quadrupole moments of the distribution function decomposed into spherical harmonics, binomial test and the two-point angular correlation function. Monte Carlo benchmark testing of each test is performed in order to evaluate its reliability. It is found that short GRBs are distributed anisotropically in the sky, and long ones have an isotropic distribution. The probability that these results are not a chance occurrence is equal to at least 99.98 per cent and 30.68 per cent for short and long GRBs, respectively. The cosmological context of this finding and its relation to large-scale structures is discussed.
Three-Dimensional Model of the Scatterer Distribution in Cirrhotic Liver
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yamaguchi, Tadashi; Nakamura, Keigo; Hachiya, Hiroyuki
Ultrasonic B-mode images are affected by changes in scatterer distribution. It is hard to estimate the relationship between the ultrasonic image and the tissue structure quantitatively because we cannot observe the continuous stages of liver cirrhosis tissue clinically, particularly the beginning stage. In this paper, we propose a three-dimensional modeling method of scatterer distribution for normal and cirrhotic livers to confirm the influence of the change in the form of scatterer distribution on echo information. The algorithm of the method includes parameters which determine the expansion of nodules and fibers. Using the B-mode images which are obtained from these scatterer distributions, we analyze the relationship between the changes in the form of biological tissue and the changes in the B-mode images during progressive liver cirrhosis.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hishiyama, N.; Hoshino, M.; Blanco, F.; García, G.; Tanaka, H.
We report absolute elastic differential cross sections (DCSs) for electron collisions with phosphorus trifluoride, PF3, molecules (e- + PF3) in the impact energy range of 2.0-200 eV and over a scattering angle range of 10°-150°. Measured angular distributions of scattered electron intensities were normalized by reference to the elastic DCSs of He. Corresponding integral and momentum-transfer cross sections were derived by extrapolating the angular range from 0° to 180° with the help of a modified phase-shift analysis. In addition, due to the large dipole moment of the considered molecule, the dipole-Born correction for the forward scattering angles has also been applied. As a part of this study, independent atom model calculations in combination with screening corrected additivity rule were also performed for elastic and inelastic (electronic excitation plus ionization) scattering using a complex optical potential method. Rotational excitation cross sections have been estimated with a dipole-Born approximation procedure. Vibrational excitations are not considered in this calculation. Theoretical data, at the differential and integral levels, were found to reasonably agree with the present experimental results. Furthermore, we explore the systematics of the elastic DCSs for the four-atomic trifluoride molecules of XF3 (X = B, N, and P) and central P-atom in PF3, showing that, owing to the comparatively small effect of the F-atoms, the present angular distributions of elastic DCSs are essentially dominated by the characteristic of the central P-atom at lower impact energies. Finally, these quantitative results for e- - PF3 collisions were compiled together with the previous data available in the literature in order to obtain a cross section dataset for modeling purposes. To comprehensively describe such a considerable amount of data, we proceed by first discussing, in this paper, the vibrationally elastic scattering processes whereas vibrational and electronic
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arneodo, M.; Arvidson, A.; Aubert, J. J.; Badełek, B.; Beaufays, J.; Bee, C. P.; Benchouk, C.; Berghoff, G.; Bird, I.; Blum, D.; Böhm, E.; de Bouard, X.; Brasse, F. W.; Braun, H.; Broll, C.; Brown, S.; Brück, H.; Calen, H.; Chima, J. S.; Ciborowski, J.; Clifft, R.; Coignet, G.; Combley, F.; Coughlan, J.; D'Agostini, G.; Dahlgren, S.; Dengler, F.; Derado, I.; Dreyer, T.; Drees, J.; Düren, M.; Eckardt, V.; Edwards, A.; Edwards, M.; Ernst, T.; Eszes, G.; Favier, J.; Ferrero, M. I.; Figiel, J.; Flauger, W.; Foster, J.; Ftáčnik, J.; Gabathuler, E.; Gajewski, J.; Gamet, R.; Gayler, J.; Geddes, N.; Grafström, P.; Grard, F.; Haas, J.; Hagberg, E.; Hasert, F. J.; Hayman, P.; Heusse, P.; Jaffré, M.; Jachołkowska, A.; Janata, F.; Jancsó, G.; Johnson, A. S.; Kabuss, E. M.; Kellner, G.; Korbel, V.; Krüger, J.; Kullander, S.; Landgraf, U.; Lanske, D.; Loken, J.; Long, K.; Maire, M.; Malecki, P.; Manz, A.; Maselli, S.; Mohr, W.; Montanet, F.; Montgomery, H. E.; Nagy, E.; Nassalski, J.; Norton, P. R.; Oakham, F. G.; Osborne, A. M.; Pascaud, C.; Pawlik, B.; Payre, P.; Peroni, C.; Peschel, H.; Pessard, H.; Pettinghale, J.; Pietrzyk, B.; Pietrzyk, U.; Pönsgen, B.; Pötsch, M.; Renton, P.; Ribarics, P.; Rith, K.; Rondio, E.; Sandacz, A.; Scheer, M.; Schlagböhmer, A.; Schiemann, H.; Schmitz, N.; Schneegans, M.; Schneider, A.; Scholz, M.; Schröder, T.; Schultze, K.; Sloan, T.; Stier, H. E.; Studt, M.; Taylor, G. N.; Thénard, J. M.; Thompson, J. C.; de La Torre, A.; Toth, J.; Urban, L.; Urban, L.; Wallucks, W.; Whalley, M.; Wheeler, S.; Williams, W. S. C.; Wimpenny, S. J.; Windmolders, R.; Wolf, G.
The multiplicity distributions of charged hadrons produced in the deep inelastic muon-proton scattering at 280 GeV are analysed in various rapidity intervals, as a function of the total hadronic centre of mass energy W ranging from 4 20 GeV. Multiplicity distributions for the backward and forward hemispheres are also analysed separately. The data can be well parameterized by binomial distributions, extending their range of applicability to the case of lepton-proton scattering. The energy and the rapidity dependence of the parameters is presented and a smooth transition from the negative binomial distribution via Poissonian to the ordinary binomial is observed.
Stellar Angular Momentum Distributions and Preferential Radial Migration
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wyse, Rosemary; Daniel, Kathryne J.
I will present some results from our recent investigations into the efficiency of radial migration in stellar disks of differing angular momentum distributions, within a given adopted 2D spiral disk potential. We apply to our models an analytic criterion that determines whether or not individual stars are in orbits that could lead to radial migration around the corotation resonance. We couch our results in terms of the local stellar velocity dispersion and find that the fraction of stars that could migrate radially decreases as the velocity dispersion increases. I will discuss implications and comparisons with the results of other approaches.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mumma, M. J.; Misakian, M.; Jackson, W. M.; Faris, J. L.
Angular intensity distributions of helium (n 1P - 1 1S) resonance photons with respect to the exciting electron beam are presented. The angular intensity distributions were measured at selected electron impact energies from 25 eV (near threshold) to 150 eV. Polarization fractions (Pi) were obtained by analyzing the data in terms of the theoretical relation between angular intensity distribution and Pi, i.e. Iota (theta) = Iota (90) (1 - Pi sq cos theta). The experimental values for Pi are compared with recent theoretical results and with previous experimental values for the (3 1P - 2 1S) transition.
Kinetic Energy and Angular Distributions of He and Ar Atoms Evaporating from Liquid Dodecane.
Patel, Enamul-Hasan; Williams, Mark A; Koehler, Sven P K
We report both kinetic energy and angular distributions for He and Ar atoms evaporating from C 12 H 26 . All results were obtained by performing molecular dynamics simulations of liquid C 12 H 26 with around 10-20 noble gas atoms dissolved in the liquid and by subsequently following the trajectories of the noble gas atoms after evaporation from the liquid. Whereas He evaporates with a kinetic energy distribution of (1.05 ± 0.03) × 2RT (corrected for the geometry used in experiments: (1.08 ± 0.03) × 2RT, experimentally obtained value: (1.14 ± 0.01) × 2RT), Ar displays a kinetic energy distribution that better matches a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at the temperature of the liquid ((0.99 ± 0.04) × 2RT). This behavior is also reflected in the angular distributions, which are close to a cosine distribution for Ar but slightly narrower, especially for faster atoms, in the case of He. This behavior of He is most likely due to the weak interaction potential between He and the liquid hydrocarbon.
Smith, Zachary J.; Wang, Jyh-Chiang E.; Quataert, Sally A.; Berger, Andrew J.
Integrated Raman and angular-scattering microscopy (IRAM) is a multimodal platform capable of noninvasively probing both the chemistry and morphology of a single cell without prior labeling. Using this system, we are able to detect activation-dependent changes in the Raman and elastic-scattering signals from CD8+ T cells stimulated with either Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). In both cases, results obtained from the IRAM instrument correlate well with results obtained from traditional fluorescence-based flow cytometry for paired samples. SEB-mediated activation was distinguished from resting state in CD8+ T cells by an increase in the number and mean size of small (∼500-nm) elastic scatterers as well as a decrease in Raman bands, indicating changes in nuclear content. PMA-mediated activation induced a different profile in CD8+ T cells from SEB, showing a similar increase in small elastic scatterers but a different Raman change, with elevation of cellular protein and lipid bands. These results suggest the potential of this multimodal, label-free optical technique for studying processes in single cells. PMID:20615023
Elastic electron scattering from formamide
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Buk, M. V.; Bardela, F. P.; da Silva, L. A.; Iga, I.; Homem, M. G. P.
Differential cross sections for elastic electron scattering by formamide (NH2CHO) were measured in the 30–800 eV and 10°–120° ranges. The angular distribution of scattered electrons was obtained using a crossed electron beam-molecular beam geometry. The relative flow technique was applied to normalize our data. Integral and momentum-transfer cross sections were derived from the measured differential cross sections. Theoretical results in the framework of the independent-atom model at the static-exchange-polarization plus absorption level of approximation are also given. The present measured and calculated results are compared with those available in the literature showing a generally good agreement.
Multiple scattering and the density distribution of a Cs MOT.
Overstreet, K; Zabawa, P; Tallant, J; Schwettmann, A; Shaffer, J
Multiple scattering is studied in a Cs magneto-optical trap (MOT). We use two Abel inversion algorithms to recover density distributions of the MOT from fluorescence images. Deviations of the density distribution from a Gaussian are attributed to multiple scattering.
Neutron angular distribution in a plasma focus obtained using nuclear track detectors.
Castillo-Mejía, F; Herrera, J J E; Rangel, J; Golzarri, J I; Espinosa, G
The dense plasma focus (DPF) is a coaxial plasma gun in which a high-density, high-temperature plasma is obtained in a focused column for a few nanoseconds. When the filling gas is deuterium, neutrons can be obtained from fusion reactions. These are partially due to a beam of deuterons which are accelerated against the background hot plasma by large electric fields originating from plasma instabilities. Due to a beam-target effect, the angular distribution of the neutron emission is anisotropic, peaked in the forward direction along the axis of the gun. The purpose of this work is to illustrate the use of CR-39 nuclear track detectors as a diagnostic tool in the determination of the time-integrated neutron angular distribution. For the case studied in this work, neutron emission is found to have a 70% contribution from isotropic radiation and a 30% contribution from anisotropic radiation.
Polarized Optical Scattering Measurements of Metallic Nanoparticles on a Thin Film Silicon Wafer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Cheng-Yang; Liu, Tze-An; Fu, Wei-En
Light scattering has shown its powerful diagnostic capability to characterize optical quality surfaces. In this study, the theory of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) was used to analyze the metallic nanoparticles' sizes on wafer surfaces. The BRDF of a surface is defined as the angular distribution of radiance scattered by the surface normalized by the irradiance incident on the surface. A goniometric optical scatter instrument has been developed to perform the BRDF measurements on polarized light scattering on wafer surfaces for the diameter and distribution measurements of metallic nanoparticles. The designed optical scatter instrument is capable of distinguishing various types of optical scattering characteristics, which are corresponding to the diameters of the metallic nanoparticles, near surfaces by using the Mueller matrix calculation. The metallic nanoparticle diameter of measurement is 60 nm on 2 inch thin film wafers. These measurement results demonstrate that the polarization of light scattered by metallic particles can be used to determine the size of metallic nanoparticles on silicon wafers.
Effects of molecular and particle scatterings on the model parameter for remote-sensing reflectance.
Lee, ZhongPing; Carder, Kendall L; Du, KePing
For optically deep waters, remote-sensing reflectance (r(rs)) is traditionally expressed as the ratio of the backscattering coefficient (b(b)) to the sum of absorption and backscattering coefficients (a + b(b)) that multiples a model parameter (g, or the so-called f'/Q). Parameter g is further expressed as a function of b(b)/(a + b(b)) (or b(b)/a) to account for its variation that is due to multiple scattering. With such an approach, the same g value will be derived for different a and b(b) values that provide the same ratio. Because g is partially a measure of the angular distribution of upwelling light, and the angular distribution from molecular scattering is quite different from that of particle scattering; g values are expected to vary with different scattering distributions even if the b(b)/a ratios are the same. In this study, after numerically demonstrating the effects of molecular and particle scatterings on the values of g, an innovative r(rs) model is developed. This new model expresses r(rs) in two separate terms: one governed by the phase function of molecular scattering and one governed by the phase function of particle scattering, with a model parameter introduced for each term. In this way the phase function effects from molecular and particle scatterings are explicitly separated and accounted for. This new model provides an analytical tool to understand and quantify the phase-function effects on r(rs), and a platform to calculate r(rs) spectrum quickly and accurately that is required for remote-sensing applications.
Angular distribution of fusion products and x rays emitted by a small dense plasma focus machine
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Castillo, F.; Herrera, J. J. E.; Gamboa, Isabel; Rangel, J.; Golzarri, J. I.; Espinosa, G.
Time integrated measurements of the angular distributions of fusion products and x rays in a small dense plasma focus machine are made inside the discharge chamber, using passive detectors. The machine is operated at 37kV with a stored energy of 4.8kJ and a deuterium filling pressure of 2.75torr. Distributions of protons and neutrons are measured with CR-39 Lantrack® nuclear track detectors, on 1.8×0.9cm2 chips, 500μm thick. A set of detectors was placed on a semicircular Teflon® holder, 13cm away from the plasma column, and covered with 15μm Al filters, thus eliminating tritium and helium-3 ions, but not protons and neutrons. A second set was placed on the opposite side of the holder, eliminating protons. The angular distribution of x rays is also studied within the chamber with TLD-200 dosimeters. While the neutron angular distributions can be fitted by Gaussian curves mounted on constant pedestals and the proton distributions are strongly peaked, falling rapidly after ±40°, the x-ray distributions show two maxima around the axis, presumably as a result of the collision of a collimated electron beam against the inner electrode, along the axis.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Nowak, Wolf-Dieter
Results are reported on the transverse target-spin asymmetry (TTSA) associated with deeply virtual Compton scattering on the proton. The data have been accumulated in the years 2002-2004 by the HERMES experiment at DESY, in which the HERA 27.6 GeV e+ beam scattered on a transversely polarized hydrogen target. Two azimuthal amplitudes of the TTSA appearing to LO in 1/Q and {alpha}s, A{sub UT}{sup sin({phi}-{phi}{sub S})cos{phi}} and A{sub UT}{sup cos({phi} -{phi}{sub S})sin{phi}}, are given as a function of -t,xB,Q2 in the kinematic range |t| < 0.7 GeV2, 0.03 < xB < 0.35 and 1 < Q2 < 10 GeV2. The firstmore » amplitude is found to be sensitive to the generalized parton distribution (GPD) E of the proton, which can be parameterized in a GPD model through quark total angular momentum Jq(q = u, d). Within the context of this model, a constraint in the (Ju,Jd) plane is obtained from HERMES TTSA data.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guzzi, Marco; Nadolsky, Pavel M.; Wang, Bowen
We present an analysis of nonperturbative contributions to the transverse momentum distribution of Z/γ* bosons produced at hadron colliders. The new data on the angular distribution ϕη* of Drell-Yan pairs measured at the Tevatron are shown to be in excellent agreement with a perturbative QCD prediction based on the Collins-Soper-Sterman (CSS) resummation formalism at next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy. Using these data, we determine the nonperturbative component of the CSS resummed cross section and estimate its dependence on arbitrary resummation scales and other factors. With the scale dependence included at the NNLL level, a significant nonperturbative component is needed to describe the angular data.
Two hump-shaped angular distributions of neutrons and soft X-rays in a small plasma focus device.
Habibi, Morteza
Angular distributions of soft X-rays (SXRs) and neutrons emitted by a small plasma focus device (PFD) were investigated simultaneously using TLD-100 dosimeters and Geiger-Muller activation counters, respectively. The distributions represented two humps with a small dip at the angular position 0° and reduced from the angles of ± 15° and ± 30° for the neutrons and SXRs, respectively. The maximum yield of 2.98 × 10 8 neutrons per shot of the device was obtained at 13.5kV and 6.5mbar. A time of flight (TOF) of 75.2ns between the hard X-ray and the neutron peaks corresponds to neutrons with energy of 2.67MeV. A similar behavior was observed between the angular distributions of neutron and soft X-ray emissions. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Angular and velocity distributions of tungsten sputtered by low energy argon ions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Marenkov, E.; Nordlund, K.; Sorokin, I.; Eksaeva, A.; Gutorov, K.; Jussila, J.; Granberg, F.; Borodin, D.
Sputtering by ions with low near-threshold energies is investigated. Experiments and simulations are conducted for tungsten sputtering by low-energy, 85-200 eV Ar atoms. The angular distributions of sputtered particles are measured. A new method for molecular dynamics simulation of sputtering taking into account random crystallographic surface orientation is developed, and applied for the case under consideration. The simulations approximate experimental results well. At low energies the distributions acquire "butterfly-like" shape with lower sputtering yields for close to normal angles comparing to the cosine distribution. The energy distributions of sputtered particles were simulated. The Thompson distribution remains valid down to near-threshold 85 eV case.
Vesicle sizing by static light scattering: a Fourier cosine transform approach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Jianhong; Hallett, F. Ross
A Fourier cosine transform method, based on the Rayleigh-Gans-Debye thin-shell approximation, was developed to retrieve vesicle size distribution directly from the angular dependence of scattered light intensity. Its feasibility for real vesicles was partially tested on scattering data generated by the exact Mie solutions for isotropic vesicles. The noise tolerance of the method in recovering unimodal and biomodal distributions was studied with the simulated data. Applicability of this approach to vesicles with weak anisotropy was examined using Mie theory for anisotropic hollow spheres. A primitive theory about the first four moments of the radius distribution about the origin, excluding the mean radius, was obtained as an alternative to the direct retrieval of size distributions.
Effect of Bimodal Grain Size Distribution on Scatter in Toughness
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chakrabarti, Debalay; Strangwood, Martin; Davis, Claire
Blunt-notch tests were performed at -160 °C to investigate the effect of a bimodal ferrite grain size distribution in steel on cleavage fracture toughness, by comparing local fracture stress values for heat-treated microstructures with uniformly fine, uniformly coarse, and bimodal grain structures. An analysis of fracture stress values indicates that bimodality can have a significant effect on toughness by generating high scatter in the fracture test results. Local cleavage fracture values were related to grain size distributions and it was shown that the largest grains in the microstructure, with an area percent greater than approximately 4 pct, gave rise to cleavage initiation. In the case of the bimodal grain size distribution, the large grains from both the “fine grain” and “coarse grain” population initiate cleavage; this spread in grain size values resulted in higher scatter in the fracture stress than in the unimodal distributions. The notch-bend test results have been used to explain the difference in scatter in the Charpy energies for the unimodal and bimodal ferrite grain size distributions of thermomechanically controlled rolled (TMCR) steel, in which the bimodal distribution showed higher scatter in the Charpy impact transition (IT) region.
Systematic analysis of α elastic scattering with the São Paulo potential
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Charry-Pastrana, F. E., E-mail:; Pinilla, E. C.
We describe systematically by collision energy and target mass, alpha elastic scattering angular distributions by using the São Paulo potential as the real part of the optical potential. The imaginary part is proportional to the real one by a factor N{sub i}. We find this parameter by fitting the theoretical angular distributions to the experimental cross sections through a χ{sup 2} minimization. The N{sub i} and their respective uncertainties, σ{sub Ni}, fall in the range 0.4 ≤ N{sub i} ± σ{sub N{sub i}} ≤ 0.8 for all the systems studied.
Ho, Derek; Kim, Sanghoon; Drake, Tyler K.; Eldridge, Will J.; Wax, Adam
We present a fast approach for size determination of spherical scatterers using the continuous wavelet transform of the angular light scattering profile to address the computational limitations of previously developed sizing techniques. The potential accuracy, speed, and robustness of the algorithm were determined in simulated models of scattering by polystyrene beads and cells. The algorithm was tested experimentally on angular light scattering data from polystyrene bead phantoms and MCF-7 breast cancer cells using a 2D a/LCI system. Theoretical sizing of simulated profiles of beads and cells produced strong fits between calculated and actual size (r2 = 0.9969 and r2 = 0.9979 respectively), and experimental size determinations were accurate to within one micron. PMID:25360350
The Effects of Scattered Light from Optical Components on Visual Function
zones (e.g., 0-5° vs 5-10°) occurs, then the general distribution of scatter, uniform or not, or that some ratio of scatter between different angular...affect the sensitivity of the eye and none reported having refractive surgery within the past year (photorefractive keratectomy ( PRK ) or laser...assisted in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK )). They performed all the visual function tasks monocularly, using the right eye. 2.3 Visual Function Assessment
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Higginson, Drew P.
We describe and justify a full-angle scattering (FAS) method to faithfully reproduce the accumulated differential angular Rutherford scattering probability distribution function (pdf) of particles in a plasma. The FAS method splits the scattering events into two regions. At small angles it is described by cumulative scattering events resulting, via the central limit theorem, in a Gaussian-like pdf; at larger angles it is described by single-event scatters and retains a pdf that follows the form of the Rutherford differential cross-section. The FAS method is verified using discrete Monte-Carlo scattering simulations run at small timesteps to include each individual scattering event. We identify the FAS regime of interest as where the ratio of temporal/spatial scale-of-interest to slowing-down time/length is from 10-3 to 0.3-0.7; the upper limit corresponds to Coulomb logarithm of 20-2, respectively. Two test problems, high-velocity interpenetrating plasma flows and keV-temperature ion equilibration, are used to highlight systems where including FAS is important to capture relevant physics.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Misakian, M.; Mumma, M. J.; Faris, J. F.
Dissociative excitation of CO2 by electron impact was studied using the methods of translational spectroscopy and angular distribution analysis. Earlier time of flight studies revealed two overlapping spectra, the slower of which was attributed to metastable CO(a3 pi) fragments. The fast peak is the focus of this study. Threshold energy, angular distribution, and improve time of flight measurements indicate that the fast peak actually consists of five overlapping features. The slowest of the five features is found to consist of metastable 0(5S) produced by predissociation of a sigma u + state of CO2 into 0(5S) + CO(a3 pi). Oxygen Rydberg fragments originating directly from a different sigma u + state are believed to make up the next fastest feature. Mechanisms for producing the three remaining features are discussed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xie, Hui; Li, Min; Luo, Siqiang; Li, Yang; Zhou, Yueming; Cao, Wei; Lu, Peixiang
We measure the photoelectron momentum distributions from atoms ionized by strong elliptically polarized laser fields at the wavelengths of 400 and 800 nm, respectively. The momentum distributions show distinct angular shifts, which sensitively depend on the electron energy. We find that the deflection angle with respect to the major axis of the laser ellipse decreases with the increase of the electron energy for large ellipticities. This energy-dependent angular shift is well reproduced by both numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation and the classical-trajectory Monte Carlo model. We show that the ionization time delays among the electrons with different energies are responsible for the energy-dependent angular shifts. On the other hand, for small ellipticities, we find the deflection angle increases with increasing the electron energy, which might be caused by electron rescattering in the elliptically polarized fields.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Figueroa-Vinas, Adolfo; Gurgiolo, Chris A.; Nieves-Chinchilla, Teresa; Goldstein, Melvyn L.
It has been suggested by a number of authors that the solar wind electron halo can be formed by the scattering of the strahl. On frequent occasions we have observed in electron angular skymaps (Phi/Theta-plots) of the electron 3D velocity distribution functions) a bursty-filament of particles connecting the strahl to the solar wind core-halo. These are seen over a very limited energy range. When the magnetic field is well off the nominal solar wind flow direction such filaments are inconsistent with any local forces and are probably the result of strong scattering. Furthermore, observations indicates that the strahl component is frequently and significantly anisotropic (Tper/Tpal approx.2). This provides a possible free energy source for the excitation of whistler waves as a possible scattering mechanism. The empirical observational evidence between the halo and the strahl suggests that the strahl population may be, at least in part, the source of the halo component.
Analyzing angular distributions for two-step dissociation mechanisms in velocity map imaging.
Straus, Daniel B; Butler, Lynne M; Alligood, Bridget W; Butler, Laurie J
Increasingly, velocity map imaging is becoming the method of choice to study photoinduced molecular dissociation processes. This paper introduces an algorithm to analyze the measured net speed, P(vnet), and angular, β(vnet), distributions of the products from a two-step dissociation mechanism, where the first step but not the second is induced by absorption of linearly polarized laser light. Typically, this might be the photodissociation of a C-X bond (X = halogen or other atom) to produce an atom and a momentum-matched radical that has enough internal energy to subsequently dissociate (without the absorption of an additional photon). It is this second step, the dissociation of the unstable radicals, that one wishes to study, but the measured net velocity of the final products is the vector sum of the velocity imparted to the radical in the primary photodissociation (which is determined by taking data on the momentum-matched atomic cophotofragment) and the additional velocity vector imparted in the subsequent dissociation of the unstable radical. The algorithm allows one to determine, from the forward-convolution fitting of the net velocity distribution, the distribution of velocity vectors imparted in the second step of the mechanism. One can thus deduce the secondary velocity distribution, characterized by a speed distribution P(v1,2°) and an angular distribution I(θ2°), where θ2° is the angle between the dissociating radical's velocity vector and the additional velocity vector imparted to the product detected from the subsequent dissociation of the radical.
Calculation of the angular radiance distribution for a coupled atmosphere and canopy
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Liang, Shunlin; Strahler, Alan H.
The radiative transfer equations for a coupled atmosphere and canopy are solved numerically by an improved Gauss-Seidel iteration algorithm. The radiation field is decomposed into three components: unscattered sunlight, single scattering, and multiple scattering radiance for which the corresponding equations and boundary conditions are set up and their analytical or iterational solutions are explicitly derived. The classic Gauss-Seidel algorithm has been widely applied in atmospheric research. This is its first application for calculating the multiple scattering radiance of a coupled atmosphere and canopy. This algorithm enables us to obtain the internal radiation field as well as radiances at boundaries. Any form of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) as a boundary condition can be easily incorporated into the iteration procedure. The hotspot effect of the canopy is accommodated by means of the modification of the extinction coefficients of upward single scattering radiation and unscattered sunlight using the formulation of Nilson and Kuusk. To reduce the computation for the case of large optical thickness, an improved iteration formula is derived to speed convergence. The upwelling radiances have been evaluated for different atmospheric conditions, leaf area index (LAI), leaf angle distribution (LAD), leaf size and so on. The formulation presented in this paper is also well suited to analyze the relative magnitude of multiple scattering radiance and single scattering radiance in both the visible and near infrared regions.
Rapid Inversion of Angular Deflection Data for Certain Axisymmetric Refractive Index Distributions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rubinstein, R.; Greenberg, P. S.
Certain functions useful for representing axisymmetric refractive-index distributions are shown to have exact solutions for Abel transformation of the resulting angular deflection data. An advantage of this procedure over direct numerical Abel inversion is that least-squares curve fitting is a smoothing process that reduces the noise sensitivity of the computation
Sugita, Mitsuro; Weatherbee, Andrew; Bizheva, Kostadinka; Popov, Ivan; Vitkin, Alex
The probability density function (PDF) of light scattering intensity can be used to characterize the scattering medium. We have recently shown that in optical coherence tomography (OCT), a PDF formalism can be sensitive to the number of scatterers in the probed scattering volume and can be represented by the K-distribution, a functional descriptor for non-Gaussian scattering statistics. Expanding on this initial finding, here we examine polystyrene microsphere phantoms with different sphere sizes and concentrations, and also human skin and fingernail in vivo. It is demonstrated that the K-distribution offers an accurate representation for the measured OCT PDFs. The behavior of the shape parameter of K-distribution that best fits the OCT scattering results is investigated in detail, and the applicability of this methodology for biological tissue characterization is demonstrated and discussed.
Results on angular distributions of thermal dileptons in nuclear collisions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Usai, Gianluca; NA60 Collaboration
The NA60 experiment at the CERN SPS has studied dimuon production in 158 AGeV In-In collisions. The strong pair excess above the known sources found in the mass region 0.2
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Koglin, Johnathon
8:0MeV and one bin from 4:5MeV to 5:5MeV. Across energy bins the fission probability increases approximately linearly with increasing alpha' scattering angle. At 90° the fission probability increases from 0:069(6) in the lowest energy bin to 0:59(2) in the highest. Likewise, within a single energy bin the fission probability increases with alpha' scattering angle. Within the 6:5MeV and 7:0MeV energy bin, the fission probability increased from 0:41(1) at 60° to 0:81(10) at 140°. Fission fragment angular distributions were also measured integrated over each energy bin. These distributions were fit to theoretical distributions based on combinations of transitional nuclear vibrational and rotational excitations at the saddle point. Contributions from specific K vibrational states were extracted and combined with fission probability measurements to determine the relative fission probability of each state as a function of nuclear excitation energy. Within a given excitation energy bin, it is found that contributions from K states greater than the minimum K = 0 state tend to increase with the increasing alpha' scattering angle. This is attributed to an increase in the transferred angular momentum associated with larger scattering angles. The 90° alpha' scattering angle produced the highest quality results. The relative contributions of K states do not show a discernible trend across the energy spectrum. The energy-binned results confirm existing measurements that place a K = 2 state in the first energy bin with the opening of K = 1 and K = 4 states at energies above 5:5MeV. This experiment represents the first of its kind in which fission probabilities and angular distributions are simultaneously measured at a large number of scattering angles. The acquired fission probability, angular distribution, and K state contribution provide a diverse dataset against which microscopic fission models can be constrained and further the understanding of the properties of the 240Pu
Heating and scattering of ring-beam distributions by turbulence
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gray, P. C.; Pontius, D. H., Jr.; Matthaeus, W. H.
Pickup ions in the solar wind are initially are born in ring-beam distributions, i.e. f(v) varies as delta(v(sub perpendicular) - V(sub sw)sin(Theta)) delta(v(sub parallel) - V(sub sw)cos(Theta)), where Theta is the angle between the solar wind velocity and the IMF(Interplanetary Magnetic Field), and V(sub sw) is the solar wind speed. Often the distribution has been presumed to relax to a distribution that is isotropic in Theta and essentially mono-energetic, a shell or a 'bi-spherical distribution.' However solar wind turbulence is capable of heating the ring distribution on the timescale of a few tens of gyroperiods, a timescale not greatly distinct from that required for pitch angle scattering to a shell. To describe this effect, we have performed test-particle studies of the heating/scattering of the ring beam distribution by MHD turbulence, adopting various models for the MHD fluctuations, including slab and fully dynamic 2D and 3D incompressible turbulence. Furthermore, a system composed of a cold ion ring and a background plasma is unstable to several kinetic plasma instabilities. We carried out kinetic simulations of the ring beam distribution, showing that plasma instabilities also rapidly energize and scatter particles. Results will be presented comparing relaxation and heating rates of the ring-beam distribution by the various mechanisms.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Czakó, Gábor
Motivated by a recent experiment [H. Pan and K. Liu, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 191101 (2014)], we report a quasiclassical trajectory study of the O(3P) + CH4(vk = 0, 1) → OH + CH3 [k = 1 and 3] reactions on an ab initio potential energy surface. The computed angular distributions and cross sections correlated to the OH(v = 0, 1) + CH3(v = 0) coincident product states can be directly compared to experiment for O + CH4(v3 = 0, 1). Both theory and experiment show that the ground-state reaction is backward scattered, whereas the angular distributions shift toward sideways and forward directions upon antisymmetric stretching (v3) excitation of the reactant. Theory predicts similar behavior for the O + CH4(v1 = 1) reaction. The simulations show that stretching excitation enhances the reaction up to about 15 kcal/mol collision energy, whereas the O + CH4(vk = 1) reactions produce smaller cross sections for OH(v = 1) + CH3(v = 0) than those of O + CH4(v = 0) → OH(v = 0) + CH3(v = 0). The former finding agrees with experiment and the latter awaits for confirmation. The computed cold OH rotational distributions of O + CH4(v = 0) are in good agreement with experiment.
Czakó, Gábor
Motivated by a recent experiment [H. Pan and K. Liu, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 191101 (2014)], we report a quasiclassical trajectory study of the O((3)P) + CH4(vk = 0, 1) → OH + CH3 [k = 1 and 3] reactions on an ab initio potential energy surface. The computed angular distributions and cross sections correlated to the OH(v = 0, 1) + CH3(v = 0) coincident product states can be directly compared to experiment for O + CH4(v3 = 0, 1). Both theory and experiment show that the ground-state reaction is backward scattered, whereas the angular distributions shift toward sideways and forward directions upon antisymmetric stretching (v3) excitation of the reactant. Theory predicts similar behavior for the O + CH4(v1 = 1) reaction. The simulations show that stretching excitation enhances the reaction up to about 15 kcal/mol collision energy, whereas the O + CH4(vk = 1) reactions produce smaller cross sections for OH(v = 1) + CH3(v = 0) than those of O + CH4(v = 0) → OH(v = 0) + CH3(v = 0). The former finding agrees with experiment and the latter awaits for confirmation. The computed cold OH rotational distributions of O + CH4(v = 0) are in good agreement with experiment.
Some examples of exact and approximate solutions in small particle scattering - A progress report
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Greenberg, J. M.
The formulation of basic equations from which the scattering of radiation by a localized variation in a medium is discussed. These equations are developed in both the differential and the integral form. Primary interest is in the scattering of electromagnetic waves for which the solution of the vector wave equation with appropriate boundary conditions must be considered. Scalar scattering by an infinite homogeneous isotropic circular cylinder, and scattering of electromagnetic waves by infinite circular cylinders are treated, and the case of the finite circular cylinder is considered. A procedure is given for obtaining angular scattering distributions from spheroids.
Detection of a Divot in the Scattering Population's Size Distribution
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shankman, Cory; Gladman, B.; Kaib, N.; Kavelaars, J.; Petit, J.
Via joint analysis of the calibrated Canada France Ecliptic Place Survey (CFEPS, Petit et al 2011, AJ 142, 131), which found scattering Kuiper Belt objects, and models of their orbital distribution, we show that there should be enough kilometer-scale scattering objects to supply the Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs). Surprisingly, our analysis favours a divot (an abrupt drop and then recovery) in the size distribution at a diameter of 100 km, which results in a temporary flattening of the cumulative size distribution until it returns to a collisional equilibrium slope. Using the absolutely calibrated CFEPS survey we estimate that there are 2 x 10**9 scattering objects with H_g < 18, which is sufficient to provide the currently estimated JFC resupply rate. We also find that the primordial disk from which the scattering objects came must have had a "hot" initial inclination distribution before the giant planets scattered it out. We find that a divot, in the absolute magnitude number distribution, with a bright-end logarithmic slope of 0.8, a drop at a g-band H magnitude of 9, and a faint side logarithmic slope of 0.5 satisfies our data and simultaneously explains several existing nagging puzzles about Kuiper Belt luminosity functions (see Gladman et al., this meeting). Multiple explanations of how such a feature could have arisen will be discussed. This research was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Effect of scattering on coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) signals.
Ranasinghesagara, Janaka C; De Vito, Giuseppe; Piazza, Vincenzo; Potma, Eric O; Venugopalan, Vasan
We develop a computational framework to examine the factors responsible for scattering-induced distortions of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) signals in turbid samples. We apply the Huygens-Fresnel wave-based electric field superposition (HF-WEFS) method combined with the radiating dipole approximation to compute the effects of scattering-induced distortions of focal excitation fields on the far-field CARS signal. We analyze the effect of spherical scatterers, placed in the vicinity of the focal volume, on the CARS signal emitted by different objects (2μm diameter solid sphere, 2μm diameter myelin cylinder and 2μm diameter myelin tube). We find that distortions in the CARS signals arise not only from attenuation of the focal field but also from scattering-induced changes in the spatial phase that modifies the angular distribution of the CARS emission. Our simulations further show that CARS signal attenuation can be minimized by using a high numerical aperture condenser. Moreover, unlike the CARS intensity image, CARS images formed by taking the ratio of CARS signals obtained using x- and y-polarized input fields is relatively insensitive to the effects of spherical scatterers. Our computational framework provide a mechanistic approach to characterizing scattering-induced distortions in coherent imaging of turbid media and may inspire bottom-up approaches for adaptive optical methods for image correction.
Effect of scattering on coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) signals
Ranasinghesagara, Janaka C.; De Vito, Giuseppe; Piazza, Vincenzo; Potma, Eric O.; Venugopalan, Vasan
We develop a computational framework to examine the factors responsible for scattering-induced distortions of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) signals in turbid samples. We apply the Huygens-Fresnel wave-based electric field superposition (HF-WEFS) method combined with the radiating dipole approximation to compute the effects of scattering-induced distortions of focal excitation fields on the far-field CARS signal. We analyze the effect of spherical scatterers, placed in the vicinity of the focal volume, on the CARS signal emitted by different objects (2μm diameter solid sphere, 2μm diameter myelin cylinder and 2μm diameter myelin tube). We find that distortions in the CARS signals arise not only from attenuation of the focal field but also from scattering-induced changes in the spatial phase that modifies the angular distribution of the CARS emission. Our simulations further show that CARS signal attenuation can be minimized by using a high numerical aperture condenser. Moreover, unlike the CARS intensity image, CARS images formed by taking the ratio of CARS signals obtained using x- and y-polarized input fields is relatively insensitive to the effects of spherical scatterers. Our computational framework provide a mechanistic approach to characterizing scattering-induced distortions in coherent imaging of turbid media and may inspire bottom-up approaches for adaptive optical methods for image correction. PMID:28437941
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bogdanov, O. V., E-mail:; Fiks, E. I.; Pivovarov, Yu. L.
Numerical methods are used to study the dependence of the structure and the width of the angular distribution of Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation with a fixed wavelength in the vicinity of the Cherenkov cone on the radiator parameters (thickness and refractive index), as well as on the parameters of the relativistic heavy ion beam (charge and initial energy). The deceleration of relativistic heavy ions in the radiator, which decreases the velocity of ions, modifies the condition of structural interference of the waves emitted from various segments of the trajectory; as a result, a complex distribution of Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation appears. The main quantitymore » is the stopping power of a thin layer of the radiator (average loss of the ion energy), which is calculated by the Bethe-Bloch formula and using the SRIM code package. A simple formula is obtained to estimate the angular distribution width of Cherenkov radiation (with a fixed wavelength) from relativistic heavy ions taking into account the deceleration in the radiator. The measurement of this width can provide direct information on the charge of the ion that passes through the radiator, which extends the potentialities of Cherenkov detectors. The isotopic effect (dependence of the angular distribution of Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation on the ion mass) is also considered.« less
Nature of light scattering in dental enamel and dentin at visible and near-infrared wavelengths
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fried, Daniel; Glena, Richard E.; Featherstone, John D. B.; Seka, Wolf
The light-scattering properties of dental enamel and dentin were measured at 543, 632, and 1053 nm. Angularly resolved scattering distributions for these materials were measured from 0 deg to 180 deg using a rotating goniometer. Surface scattering was minimized by immersing the samples in an index-matching bath. The scattering and absorption coefficients and the scattering phase function were deduced by comparing the measured scattering data with angularly resolved Monte Carlo light-scattering simulations. Enamel and dentin were best represented by a linear combination of a highly forward-peaked Henyey-Greenstein (HG) phase function and an isotropic phase function. Enamel weakly scatters light between 543 nm and 1.06 mu m, with the scattering coefficient ( mu s) ranging from mu s = 15 to 105 cm-1. The phase function is a combination of a HG function with g = 0.96 and a 30-60% isotropic phase function. For enamel, absorption is negligible. Dentin scatters strongly in the visible and near IR ( mu s approximately equals 260 cm-1) and absorbs weakly ( mu a approximately equals 4 cm-1). The scattering phase function for dentin is described by a HG function with g = 0.93 and a very weak isotropic scattering component ( approximately 2%).
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Teklu, Adelheid F.; Remus, Rhea-Silvia; Dolag, Klaus
The evolution and distribution of the angular momentum of dark matter (DM) halos have been discussed in several studies over the past decades. In particular, the idea arose that angular momentum conservation should allow us to infer the total angular momentum of the entire DM halo from measuring the angular momentum of the baryonic component, which is populating the center of the halo, especially for disk galaxies. To test this idea and to understand the connection between the angular momentum of the DM halo and its galaxy, we use a state-of-the-art, hydrodynamical cosmological simulation taken from the set of Magneticummore » Pathfinder simulations. Thanks to the inclusion of the relevant physical processes, the improved underlying numerical methods, and high spatial resolution, we successfully produce populations of spheroidal and disk galaxies self-consistently. Thus, we are able to study the dependence of galactic properties on their morphology. We find that (1) the specific angular momentum of stars in disk and spheroidal galaxies as a function of their stellar mass compares well with observational results; (2) the specific angular momentum of the stars in disk galaxies is slightly smaller compared to the specific angular momentum of the cold gas, in good agreement with observations; (3) simulations including the baryonic component show a dichotomy in the specific stellar angular momentum distribution when splitting the galaxies according to their morphological type (this dichotomy can also be seen in the spin parameter, where disk galaxies populate halos with slightly larger spin compared to spheroidal galaxies); (4) disk galaxies preferentially populate halos in which the angular momentum vector of the DM component in the central part shows a better alignment to the angular momentum vector of the entire halo; and (5) the specific angular momentum of the cold gas in disk galaxies is approximately 40% smaller than the specific angular momentum of the total
Interstellar Scattering Towards the Galactic Center as Probed by OH/IR Stars
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Vanlangevelde, Huib Jan; Frail, Dale A.; Cordes, James M.; Diamond, Philip J.
Angular broadening measurements are reported of 20 OH/IR stars near the galactic center. This class of sources is known to have bright, intrinsically compact (less than or equal to 20 mas) maser components within their circumstellar shells. VLBA antennas and the VLA were used to perform a MKII spectral line VLBI experiment. The rapid drop in correlated flux with increasing baseline, especially for sources closest to the galactic center, is attributed to interstellar scattering. Angular diameters were measured for 13 of our sources. Lower limits were obtained for the remaining seven. With the data, together with additional data taken from the literature, the distribution was determined of interstellar scattering toward the galactic center. A region was found of pronounced scattering nearly centered on SgrA*. Two interpretations are considered for the enhanced scattering. One hypothesis is that the scattering is due to a clump of enhanced turbulence, such as those that lie along lines of sight to other known objects, that has no physical relationship to the galactic center. The other model considers the location of the enhanced scattering to arise in the galactic center itself. The physical implications of the models yield information on the nature of interstellar scattering.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Reed Espinosa, W.; Vanderlei Martins, J.; Remer, Lorraine A.; Puthukkudy, Anin; Orozco, Daniel; Dolgos, Gergely
This work provides a synopsis of aerosol phase function (F11) and polarized phase function (F12) measurements made by the Polarized Imaging Nephelometer (PI-Neph) during the Studies of Emissions, Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys (SEAC4RS) and the Deep Convection Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) field campaigns. In order to more easily explore this extensive dataset, an aerosol classification scheme is developed that identifies the different aerosol types measured during the deployments. This scheme makes use of ancillary data that include trace gases, chemical composition, aerodynamic particle size and geographic location, all independent of PI-Neph measurements. The PI-Neph measurements are then grouped according to their ancillary data classifications and the resulting scattering patterns are examined in detail. These results represent the first published airborne measurements of F11 and -F12/F11 for many common aerosol types. We then explore whether PI-Neph light-scattering measurements alone are sufficient to reconstruct the results of this ancillary data classification algorithm. Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to reduce the dimensionality of the multi-angle PI-Neph scattering data and the individual measurements are examined as a function of ancillary data classification. Clear clustering is observed in the PCA score space, corresponding to the ancillary classification results, suggesting that, indeed, a strong link exists between the angular-scattering measurements and the aerosol type or composition. Two techniques are used to quantify the degree of clustering and it is found that in most cases the results of the ancillary data classification can be predicted from PI-Neph measurements alone with better than 85 % recall. This result both emphasizes the validity of the ancillary data classification as well as the PI-Neph's ability to distinguish common aerosol types without additional information.
New algorithm and system for measuring size distribution of blood cells
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yao, Cuiping; Li, Zheng; Zhang, Zhenxi
In optical scattering particle sizing, a numerical transform is sought so that a particle size distribution can be determined from angular measurements of near forward scattering, which has been adopted in the measurement of blood cells. In this paper a new method of counting and classification of blood cell, laser light scattering method from stationary suspensions, is presented. The genetic algorithm combined with nonnegative least squared algorithm is employed to inverse the size distribution of blood cells. Numerical tests show that these techniques can be successfully applied to measuring size distribution of blood cell with high stability.
Angular distribution of photoelectrons from atomic oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. [in upper atmosphere
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Manson, S. J.; Kennedy, D. J.; Starace, A. F.; Dill, D.
The angular distributions of photoelectrons from atomic oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon are calculated. Both Hartree-Fock and Hartree-Slater (Herman-Skillman) wave functions are used for oxygen, and the agreement is excellent; thus only Hartree-Slater functions are used for carbon and nitrogen. The pitch-angle distribution of photoelectrons is discussed, and it is shown that previous approximations of energy-independent isotropic or sin squared theta distributions are at odds with the authors' results, which vary with energy. This variation with energy is discussed, as is the reliability of these calculations.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pandit, Rishi; Sentoku, Yasuhiko
Spectral and angular distribution of photons produced in the interaction of extremely intense laser (> 10^22,/cm^2) with dense plasma are studied with a help of a collisional particle-in-cell simulation, PICLS. In ultra-intense laser-plasma interaction, electrons are accelerated by the strong laser fields and emit γ-ray photons mainly via two processes, namely, Bremsstrahlung and radiative damping. We had developed numerical models of these processes in PICLS and study the spectrum and the angular distribution of γ-rays produced in the relativistic laser regime. Such relativistic γ-rays have wide range of frequencies and the angular distribution depends on the hot electron source. From the power loss calculation in PICLS we found that the Bremsstrahlung will get saturated at I > 10^22,/cm^2 while the radiative damping will continuously increase. Comparing the details of γ-rays from the Bremsstrahlung and the radiative damping in simulations, we will discuss the laser parameters and the target conditions (geometry and material) to distinguish the photons from each process and how to catch the signature of the radiative damping in future experiments.
Quantum angular momentum diffusion of rigid bodies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Papendell, Birthe; Stickler, Benjamin A.; Hornberger, Klaus
We show how to describe the diffusion of the quantized angular momentum vector of an arbitrarily shaped rigid rotor as induced by its collisional interaction with an environment. We present the general form of the Lindblad-type master equation and relate it to the orientational decoherence of an asymmetric nanoparticle in the limit of small anisotropies. The corresponding diffusion coefficients are derived for gas particles scattering off large molecules and for ambient photons scattering off dielectric particles, using the elastic scattering amplitudes.
Measurements of the Angular Distributions of Muons from Υ Decays in pp¯ Collisions at s=1.96TeV
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aaltonen, T.; Álvarez González, B.; Amerio, S.; Amidei, D.; Anastassov, A.; Annovi, A.; Antos, J.; Apollinari, G.; Appel, J. A.; Arisawa, T.; Artikov, A.; Asaadi, J.; Ashmanskas, W.; Auerbach, B.; Aurisano, A.; Azfar, F.; Badgett, W.; Bae, T.; Barbaro-Galtieri, A.; Barnes, V. E.; Barnett, B. A.; Barria, P.; Bartos, P.; Bauce, M.; Bedeschi, F.; Behari, S.; Bellettini, G.; Bellinger, J.; Benjamin, D.; Beretvas, A.; Bhatti, A.; Bisello, D.; Bizjak, I.; Bland, K. R.; Blumenfeld, B.; Bocci, A.; Bodek, A.; Bortoletto, D.; Boudreau, J.; Boveia, A.; Brigliadori, L.; Bromberg, C.; Brucken, E.; Budagov, J.; Budd, H. S.; Burkett, K.; Busetto, G.; Bussey, P.; Buzatu, A.; Calamba, A.; Calancha, C.; Camarda, S.; Campanelli, M.; Campbell, M.; Canelli, F.; Carls, B.; Carlsmith, D.; Carosi, R.; Carrillo, S.; Carron, S.; Casal, B.; Casarsa, M.; Castro, A.; Catastini, P.; Cauz, D.; Cavaliere, V.; Cavalli-Sforza, M.; Cerri, A.; Cerrito, L.; Chen, Y. C.; Chertok, M.; Chiarelli, G.; Chlachidze, G.; Chlebana, F.; Cho, K.; Chokheli, D.; Chung, W. H.; Chung, Y. S.; Ciocci, M. A.; Clark, A.; Clarke, C.; Compostella, G.; Convery, M. E.; Conway, J.; Corbo, M.; Cordelli, M.; Cox, C. A.; Cox, D. J.; Crescioli, F.; Cuevas, J.; Culbertson, R.; Dagenhart, D.; d'Ascenzo, N.; Datta, M.; de Barbaro, P.; Dell'Orso, M.; Demortier, L.; Deninno, M.; Devoto, F.; d'Errico, M.; Di Canto, A.; Di Ruzza, B.; Dittmann, J. R.; D'Onofrio, M.; Donati, S.; Dong, P.; Dorigo, M.; Dorigo, T.; Ebina, K.; Elagin, A.; Eppig, A.; Erbacher, R.; Errede, S.; Ershaidat, N.; Eusebi, R.; Farrington, S.; Feindt, M.; Fernandez, J. P.; Field, R.; Flanagan, G.; Forrest, R.; Frank, M. J.; Franklin, M.; Freeman, J. C.; Funakoshi, Y.; Furic, I.; Gallinaro, M.; Garcia, J. E.; Garfinkel, A. F.; Garosi, P.; Gerberich, H.; Gerchtein, E.; Giagu, S.; Giakoumopoulou, V.; Giannetti, P.; Gibson, K.; Ginsburg, C. M.; Giokaris, N.; Giromini, P.; Giurgiu, G.; Glagolev, V.; Glenzinski, D.; Gold, M.; Goldin, D.; Goldschmidt, N.; Golossanov, A.; Gomez, G.; Gomez-Ceballos, G.; Goncharov, M.; González, O.; Gorelov, I.; Goshaw, A. T.; Goulianos, K.; Grinstein, S.; Grosso-Pilcher, C.; Group, R. C.; Guimaraes da Costa, J.; Hahn, S. R.; Halkiadakis, E.; Hamaguchi, A.; Han, J. Y.; Happacher, F.; Hara, K.; Hare, D.; Hare, M.; Harr, R. F.; Hatakeyama, K.; Hays, C.; Heck, M.; Heinrich, J.; Herndon, M.; Hewamanage, S.; Hocker, A.; Hopkins, W.; Horn, D.; Hou, S.; Hughes, R. E.; Hurwitz, M.; Husemann, U.; Hussain, N.; Hussein, M.; Huston, J.; Introzzi, G.; Iori, M.; Ivanov, A.; James, E.; Jang, D.; Jayatilaka, B.; Jeon, E. J.; Jindariani, S.; Jones, M.; Joo, K. K.; Jun, S. Y.; Junk, T. R.; Kamon, T.; Karchin, P. E.; Kasmi, A.; Kato, Y.; Ketchum, W.; Keung, J.; Khotilovich, V.; Kilminster, B.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, H. S.; Kim, J. E.; Kim, M. J.; Kim, S. B.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Kim, Y. J.; Kimura, N.; Kirby, M.; Klimenko, S.; Knoepfel, K.; Kondo, K.; Kong, D. J.; Konigsberg, J.; Kotwal, A. V.; Kreps, M.; Kroll, J.; Krop, D.; Kruse, M.; Krutelyov, V.; Kuhr, T.; Kurata, M.; Kwang, S.; Laasanen, A. T.; Lami, S.; Lammel, S.; Lancaster, M.; Lander, R. L.; Lannon, K.; Lath, A.; Latino, G.; LeCompte, T.; Lee, E.; Lee, H. S.; Lee, J. S.; Lee, S. W.; Leo, S.; Leone, S.; Lewis, J. D.; Limosani, A.; Lin, C.-J.; Lindgren, M.; Lipeles, E.; Lister, A.; Litvintsev, D. O.; Liu, C.; Liu, H.; Liu, Q.; Liu, T.; Lockwitz, S.; Loginov, A.; Lucchesi, D.; Lueck, J.; Lujan, P.; Lukens, P.; Lungu, G.; Lys, J.; Lysak, R.; Madrak, R.; Maeshima, K.; Maestro, P.; Malik, S.; Manca, G.; Manousakis-Katsikakis, A.; Margaroli, F.; Marino, C.; Martínez, M.; Mastrandrea, P.; Matera, K.; Mattson, M. E.; Mazzacane, A.; Mazzanti, P.; McFarland, K. S.; McIntyre, P.; McNulty, R.; Mehta, A.; Mehtala, P.; Mesropian, C.; Miao, T.; Mietlicki, D.; Mitra, A.; Miyake, H.; Moed, S.; Moggi, N.; Mondragon, M. N.; Moon, C. S.; Moore, R.; Morello, M. J.; Morlock, J.; Movilla Fernandez, P.; Mukherjee, A.; Muller, Th.; Murat, P.; Mussini, M.; Nachtman, J.; Nagai, Y.; Naganoma, J.; Nakano, I.; Napier, A.; Nett, J.; Neu, C.; Neubauer, M. S.; Nielsen, J.; Nodulman, L.; Noh, S. Y.; Norniella, O.; Oakes, L.; Oh, S. H.; Oh, Y. D.; Oksuzian, I.; Okusawa, T.; Orava, R.; Ortolan, L.; Pagan Griso, S.; Pagliarone, C.; Palencia, E.; Papadimitriou, V.; Paramonov, A. A.; Patrick, J.; Pauletta, G.; Paulini, M.; Paus, C.; Pellett, D. E.; Penzo, A.; Phillips, T. J.; Piacentino, G.; Pianori, E.; Pilot, J.; Pitts, K.; Plager, C.; Pondrom, L.; Poprocki, S.; Potamianos, K.; Prokoshin, F.; Pranko, A.; Ptohos, F.; Punzi, G.; Rahaman, A.; Ramakrishnan, V.; Ranjan, N.; Redondo, I.; Renton, P.; Rescigno, M.; Riddick, T.; Rimondi, F.; Ristori, L.; Robson, A.; Rodrigo, T.; Rodriguez, T.; Rogers, E.; Rolli, S.; Roser, R.; Ruffini, F.; Ruiz, A.; Russ, J.; Rusu, V.; Safonov, A.; Sakumoto, W. K.; Sakurai, Y.; Santi, L.; Sato, K.; Saveliev, V.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Schlabach, P.; Schmidt, A.; Schmidt, E. E.; Schwarz, T.; Scodellaro, L.; Scribano, A.; Scuri, F.; Seidel, S.; Seiya, Y.; Semenov, A.; Sforza, F.; Shalhout, S. Z.; Shears, T.; Shepard, P. F.; Shimojima, M.; Shochet, M.; Shreyber-Tecker, I.; Simonenko, A.; Sinervo, P.; Sliwa, K.; Smith, J. R.; Snider, F. D.; Soha, A.; Sorin, V.; Song, H.; Squillacioti, P.; Stancari, M.; St. Denis, R.; Stelzer, B.; Stelzer-Chilton, O.; Stentz, D.; Strologas, J.; Strycker, G. L.; Sudo, Y.; Sukhanov, A.; Suslov, I.; Takemasa, K.; Takeuchi, Y.; Tang, J.; Tecchio, M.; Teng, P. K.; Thom, J.; Thome, J.; Thompson, G. A.; Thomson, E.; Toback, D.; Tokar, S.; Tollefson, K.; Tomura, T.; Tonelli, D.; Torre, S.; Torretta, D.; Totaro, P.; Trovato, M.; Ukegawa, F.; Uozumi, S.; Varganov, A.; Vázquez, F.; Velev, G.; Vellidis, C.; Vidal, M.; Vila, I.; Vilar, R.; Vizán, J.; Vogel, M.; Volpi, G.; Wagner, P.; Wagner, R. L.; Wakisaka, T.; Wallny, R.; Wang, S. M.; Warburton, A.; Waters, D.; Wester, W. C., III; Whiteson, D.; Wicklund, A. B.; Wicklund, E.; Wilbur, S.; Wick, F.; Williams, H. H.; Wilson, J. S.; Wilson, P.; Winer, B. L.; Wittich, P.; Wolbers, S.; Wolfe, H.; Wright, T.; Wu, X.; Wu, Z.; Yamamoto, K.; Yamato, D.; Yang, T.; Yang, U. K.; Yang, Y. C.; Yao, W.-M.; Yeh, G. P.; Yi, K.; Yoh, J.; Yorita, K.; Yoshida, T.; Yu, G. B.; Yu, I.; Yu, S. S.; Yun, J. C.; Zanetti, A.; Zeng, Y.; Zhou, C.; Zucchelli, S.
The angular distributions of muons from Υ(1S,2S,3S)→μ+μ- decays are measured using data from pp¯ collisions at s=1.96TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6.7fb-1 and collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. This analysis is the first to report the full angular distributions as functions of transverse momentum pT for Υ mesons in both the Collins-Soper and s-channel helicity frames. This is also the first measurement of the spin alignment of Υ(3S) mesons. Within the kinematic range of Υ rapidity |y|<0.6 and pT up to 40GeV/c, the angular distributions are found to be nearly isotropic.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Daniel, Kathryne J.; Wyse, Rosemary F. G.
The orbital angular momentum of individual stars in galactic discs can be permanently changed through torques from transient spiral patterns. Interactions at the corotation resonance dominate these changes and have the further property of conserving orbital circularity. We derived in an earlier paper an analytic criterion that an unperturbed stellar orbit must satisfy in order for such an interaction to occur, i.e. for it to be in a trapped orbit around corotation. We here use this criterion in an investigation of how the efficiency of induced radial migration for a population of disc stars varies with the angular momentum distribution of that population. We frame our results in terms of the velocity dispersion of the population, this being an easier observable than is the angular momentum distribution. Specifically, we investigate how the fraction of stars in trapped orbits at corotation varies with the velocity dispersion of the population, for a system with an assumed flat rotation curve. Our analytic results agree with the finding from simulations that radial migration is less effective in populations with `hotter' kinematics. We further quantify the dependence of this trapped fraction on the strength of the spiral pattern, finding a higher trapped fraction for higher amplitude perturbations.
Atmospheric neutrino oscillations from upward throughgoing muon multiple scattering in MACRO
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
MACRO Collaboration; Ambrosio, M.; Antolini, R.; Bakari, D.; Baldini, A.; Barbarino, G. C.; Barish, B. C.; Battistoni, G.; Becherini, Y.; Bellotti, R.; Bemporad, C.; Bernardini, P.; Bilokon, H.; Bloise, C.; Bower, C.; Brigida, M.; Bussino, S.; Cafagna, F.; Calicchio, M.; Campana, D.; Carboni, M.; Caruso, R.; Cecchini, S.; Cei, F.; Chiarella, V.; Chiarusi, T.; Choudhary, B. C.; Coutu, S.; Cozzi, M.; de Cataldo, G.; Dekhissi, H.; de Marzo, C.; de Mitri, I.; Derkaoui, J.; de Vincenzi, M.; di Credico, A.; Favuzzi, C.; Forti, C.; Fusco, P.; Giacomelli, G.; Giannini, G.; Giglietto, N.; Giorgini, M.; Grassi, M.; Grillo, A.; Gustavino, C.; Habig, A.; Hanson, K.; Heinz, R.; Iarocci, E.; Katsavounidis, E.; Katsavounidis, I.; Kearns, E.; Kim, H.; Kumar, A.; Kyriazopoulou, S.; Lamanna, E.; Lane, C.; Levin, D. S.; Lipari, P.; Longo, M. J.; Loparco, F.; Maaroufi, F.; Mancarella, G.; Mandrioli, G.; Manzoor, S.; Margiotta, A.; Marini, A.; Martello, D.; Marzari-Chiesa, A.; Mazziotta, M. N.; Michael, D. G.; Mikheyev, S.; Monacelli, P.; Montaruli, T.; Monteno, M.; Mufson, S.; Musser, J.; Nicolò, D.; Nolty, R.; Orth, C.; Osteria, G.; Palamara, O.; Patera, V.; Patrizii, L.; Pazzi, R.; Peck, C. W.; Perrone, L.; Petrera, S.; Popa, V.; Rainò, A.; Reynoldson, J.; Ronga, F.; Rrhioua, A.; Satriano, C.; Scapparone, E.; Scholberg, K.; Sciubba, A.; Serra, P.; Sioli, M.; Sirri, G.; Sitta, M.; Spinelli, P.; Spinetti, M.; Spurio, M.; Steinberg, R.; Stone, J. L.; Sulak, L. R.; Surdo, A.; Tarlè, G.; Togo, V.; Vakili, M.; Walter, C. W.; Webb, R.
The energy of atmospheric neutrinos detected by MACRO was estimated using multiple Coulomb scattering of upward throughgoing muons. This analysis allows a test of atmospheric neutrino oscillations, relying on the distortion of the muon energy distribution. These results have been combined with those coming from the upward throughgoing muon angular distribution only. Both analyses are independent of the neutrino flux normalization and provide strong evidence, above the /4σ level, in favour of neutrino oscillations.
A possible divot in the Kuiper belt's scattered-object size distribution
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shankman, C.; Kavelaars, J.; Gladman, B.; Petit, J.
The formation and evolution history of the Solar System, while not directly accessible, has measurable signatures in the present-day size distributions of the Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) populations. The form of the size distribution is modelled as a power law with number going as size to some characteristic slope. Recent works have shown that a single power law does not match the observations across all sizes; the power law breaks to a different form [1, 2, 3]. The large- size objects record the accretion history, while the small-size objects record the collision history. The changes of size-distribution shape and slope as one moves from 'large' to 'medium' to 'small' KBOs are the signature needed to constrain the formation and collision history of the Solar System. The scattering TNOs are those TNOs undergoing strong (scattering) interactions Neptune. The scattering objects can come to pericentre in the giant planet region. This close-in pericentre passage allows for the observation of smaller objects, and thus for the constraint of the small-size end of the size distribution. Our recent analysis of the Canada France Ecliptic Plane Survey's (CFEPS) scattering objects revealed an exciting potential form for the scattering object size distribution - a divot (see Figure). Our divot (a sharp drop in the number of objects per unit size which then returns at a potentially different slope) matches our observations well and can simultaneously explain observed features in other inclined (so-called "hot") Kuiper Belt populations. In this scenario all of the hot populations would share the same source and have been implanted in the outer solar system through scattering processes. If confirmed, our divot would represent a new exciting paradigm for the formation history of the Kuiper Belt. Here we present the results of an extension of our previous work to include a new, deeper, Kuiper Belt survey. By the addition of two new faint scattering objects from this survey which
On the angular and energy distribution of solar neutrons generated in P-P reactions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Efimov, Y. E.; Kocharov, G. E.
The problem of high energy neutron generation in P-P reactions in the solar atmosphere is reconsidered. It is shown that the angular distribution of emitted neutrons is anisotropic and the energy spectrum of neutrons depends on the angle of neutron emission.
First Results on Angular Distributions of Thermal Dileptons in Nuclear Collisions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arnaldi, R.; Banicz, K.; Castor, J.; Chaurand, B.; Cicalò, C.; Colla, A.; Cortese, P.; Damjanovic, S.; David, A.; de Falco, A.; Devaux, A.; Ducroux, L.; En'Yo, H.; Fargeix, J.; Ferretti, A.; Floris, M.; Förster, A.; Force, P.; Guettet, N.; Guichard, A.; Gulkanian, H.; Heuser, J. M.; Keil, M.; Kluberg, L.; Lourenço, C.; Lozano, J.; Manso, F.; Martins, P.; Masoni, A.; Neves, A.; Ohnishi, H.; Oppedisano, C.; Parracho, P.; Pillot, P.; Poghosyan, T.; Puddu, G.; Radermacher, E.; Ramalhete, P.; Rosinsky, P.; Scomparin, E.; Seixas, J.; Serci, S.; Shahoyan, R.; Sonderegger, P.; Specht, H. J.; Tieulent, R.; Usai, G.; Veenhof, R.; Wöhri, H. K.
The NA60 experiment at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron has studied dimuon production in 158AGeV In-In collisions. The strong excess of pairs above the known sources found in the complete mass region 0.2
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tzeng, Yi-Ren; Alexander, Millard H.
We report quantum mechanical calculations of center-of-mass differential cross sections (DCS) for the F+H2→HF+H reaction performed on the multistate [Alexander-Stark-Werner (ASW)] potential energy surfaces (PES) that describe the open-shell character of this reaction. For comparison, we repeat single-state calculations with the Stark-Werner (SW) and Hartke-Stark-Werner (HSW) PESs. The ASW DCSs differ from those predicted for the SW and HSW PES in the backward direction. These differences arise from nonadiabatic coupling between several electronic states. The DCSs are then used in forward simulations of the laboratory-frame angular distributions (ADs) measured by Lee, Neumark, and co-workers [J. Chem. Phys. 82, 3045 (1985)]. The simulations are scaled to match experiment over the range 12°<Θlab<80°. As a natural consequence of the reduced backward scattering, the ASW ADs are more forward and sideways scattered than predicted by the HSW PES. At the two higher collision energies (2.74 and 3.42 kcal/mol) the enhanced sideways scattering of HF v'=2 products bring the ASW ADs in very good agreement with the experiment. At the lowest collision energy (1.84 kcal/mol), the simulations, for all three sets of PESs consistently underestimate the sideways scattering. The residual disagreements, particularly at the lowest collision energy, may be due to the known deficiencies in the PESs.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stude, Joan; Wieser, Martin; Barabash, Stas
Time-of-flight mass spectrometers for upcoming space missions into enhanced radiation environments need to be small, light weight and energy efficient. Time-of-flight systems using surface interactions as start-event generation can be smaller than foil-type instruments. Start surfaces for such applications need to provide narrow angular scattering, high ionization yields and high secondary electron emissions to be effective. We measured the angular scattering, energy distribution and positive ionization yield of micro pore optics for incident hydrogen, nitrogen and water ions at 2 keV. Positive ionization yields of 2% for H+ , 0.5% for N+ and 0.2% for H2O+ were detected.
Dam, Jan S; Yavari, Nazila; Sørensen, Søren; Andersson-Engels, Stefan
We present a fast and accurate method for real-time determination of the absorption coefficient, the scattering coefficient, and the anisotropy factor of thin turbid samples by using simple continuous-wave noncoherent light sources. The three optical properties are extracted from recordings of angularly resolved transmittance in addition to spatially resolved diffuse reflectance and transmittance. The applied multivariate calibration and prediction techniques are based on multiple polynomial regression in combination with a Newton--Raphson algorithm. The numerical test results based on Monte Carlo simulations showed mean prediction errors of approximately 0.5% for all three optical properties within ranges typical for biological media. Preliminary experimental results are also presented yielding errors of approximately 5%. Thus the presented methods show a substantial potential for simultaneous absorption and scattering characterization of turbid media.
Ahmad, Moiz; Bazalova-Carter, Magdalena; Fahrig, Rebecca; Xing, Lei
In this work, we demonstrated that an optimized detector angular configuration based on the anisotropic energy distribution of background scattered X-rays improves X-ray fluorescence computed tomography (XFCT) detection sensitivity. We built an XFCT imaging system composed of a bench-top fluoroscopy X-ray source, a CdTe X-ray detector, and a phantom motion stage. We imaged a 6.4-cm-diameter phantom containing different concentrations of gold solution and investigated the effect of detector angular configuration on XFCT image quality. Based on our previous theoretical study, three detector angles were considered. The X-ray fluorescence detector was first placed at 145 (°) (approximating back-scatter) to minimize scatter X-rays. XFCT image quality was compared to images acquired with the detector at 60 (°) (forward-scatter) and 90 (°) (side-scatter). The datasets for the three different detector positions were also combined to approximate an isotropically arranged detector. The sensitivity was optimized with detector in the 145 (°) back-scatter configuration counting the 78-keV gold Kβ1 X-rays. The improvement arose from the reduced energy of scattered X-ray at the 145 (°) position and the large energy separation from gold K β1 X-rays. The lowest detected concentration in this configuration was 2.5 mgAu/mL (or 0.25% Au with SNR = 4.3). This concentration could not be detected with the 60 (°) , 90 (°) , or isotropic configurations (SNRs = 1.3, 0, 2.3, respectively). XFCT imaging dose of 14 mGy was in the range of typical clinical X-ray CT imaging doses. To our knowledge, the sensitivity achieved in this experiment is the highest in any XFCT experiment using an ordinary bench-top X-ray source in a phantom larger than a mouse ( > 3 cm).
Light scattering regimes along the optical axis in turbid media
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Campbell, S. D.; O'Connell, A. K.; Menon, S.; Su, Q.; Grobe, R.
We inject an angularly collimated laser beam into a scattering medium of a nondairy creamer-water solution and examine the distribution of the scattered light along the optical axis as a function of the source-detector spacing. The experimental and simulated data obtained from a Monte Carlo simulation suggest four regimes characterizing the transition from unscattered to diffusive light. We compare the data also with theoretical predictions based on a first-order scattering theory for regions close to the source, and with diffusionlike theories for larger source-detector spacings. We demonstrate the impact of the measurement process and the effect of the unavoidable absorption of photons by the detection fiber on the light distribution inside the medium. We show that the range of validity of these theories can depend on the experimental parameters such as the diameter and acceptance angle of the detection fiber.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Vanhoy, J. R.; Ramirez, A. P.; Alcorn-Dominguez, D. K.
Neutron inelastic scattering cross sections measured directly through (n,n) or deduced from g-ray production cross sections following inelastic neutron scattering (n,n0) are a focus of basic and applied research at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory ( For nuclear data applications, angle-integrated cross sections are desired over a wide range of fast neutron energies. Several days of experimental beam time are required for a data set at each incident neutron energy, which limits the number of angular distributions that can be measured in a reasonable amount of time. Approximations can be employed to generate cross sections with a higher energymore » resolution, since at 125°, the a 2P 2 term of the Legendre expansion is identically zero and the a 4P 4 is assumed to be very small. Provided this assumption is true, a single measurement at 125o would produce the g-ray production cross section. Finally, this project tests these assumptions and energy dependences using the codes CINDY/SCAT and TALYS/ECIS06/SCAT. It is found that care must be taken when interpreting g-ray excitation functions as cross sections when the incident neutron energy is <1000 keV above threshold or before the onset of feeding.« less
Vanhoy, J. R.; Ramirez, A. P.; Alcorn-Dominguez, D. K.; ...
Neutron inelastic scattering cross sections measured directly through (n,n) or deduced from g-ray production cross sections following inelastic neutron scattering (n,n0) are a focus of basic and applied research at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory ( For nuclear data applications, angle-integrated cross sections are desired over a wide range of fast neutron energies. Several days of experimental beam time are required for a data set at each incident neutron energy, which limits the number of angular distributions that can be measured in a reasonable amount of time. Approximations can be employed to generate cross sections with a higher energymore » resolution, since at 125°, the a 2P 2 term of the Legendre expansion is identically zero and the a 4P 4 is assumed to be very small. Provided this assumption is true, a single measurement at 125o would produce the g-ray production cross section. Finally, this project tests these assumptions and energy dependences using the codes CINDY/SCAT and TALYS/ECIS06/SCAT. It is found that care must be taken when interpreting g-ray excitation functions as cross sections when the incident neutron energy is <1000 keV above threshold or before the onset of feeding.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vanhoy, J. R.; Ramirez, A. P.; Alcorn-Dominguez, D. K.; Hicks, S. F.; Peters, E. E.; McEllistrem, M. T.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Yates, S. W.
Neutron inelastic scattering cross sections measured directly through (n,n) or deduced from γ-ray production cross sections following inelastic neutron scattering (n,n'γ) are a focus of basic and applied research at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory (
Spin in Compton scattering with pronounced polarization dynamics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ahrens, Sven; Sun, Chang-Pu
We theoretically investigate a scattering configuration in Compton scattering, in which the orientation of the electron spin is reversed and, simultaneously, the photon polarization changes from linear polarization into circular polarization. The intrinsic angular momentum of electron and photon are computed along the coincident propagation direction of the incoming and outgoing photon. We find that this intrinsic angular momentum is not conserved in the considered scattering process. We also discuss the generation of entanglement for the considered scattering setup and present an angle-dependent investigation of the corresponding differential cross section, Stokes parameters, and spin expectation.
Angular Distribution of light emission in ELVES events
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mussa, Roberto
The Pierre Auger Observatory, located in Malargüe (Argentina), is the largest facility (3000 kmq ) for the study of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (E>0.3 EeV). The four sites of the Fluorescence Detector (FD) are continuously observing the night sky with moon fraction below 50% (13% duty cycle) with 100 ns time resolution and a space resolution below one degree. Since 2013, the Observatory has implemented a dedicated trigger for the study of ELVES events, produced by lightning activity in Northern Argentina during summer months. A network of ancillary devices (lidars, cloud cameras, weather stations, lightning sensors, E-field mills) complements the FD data to correct for the variation of atmospheric optical properties. This paper will report about the angular distribution of the light emission around the vertical above the lightning source and compare with existing models.
Electromagnetic backscattering from a random distribution of lossy dielectric scatterers
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lang, R. H.
Electromagnetic backscattering from a sparse distribution of discrete lossy dielectric scatterers occupying a region 5 was studied. The scatterers are assumed to have random position and orientation. Scattered fields are calculated by first finding the mean field and then by using it to define an equivalent medium within the volume 5. The scatterers are then viewed as being embedded in the equivalent medium; the distorted Born approximation is then used to find the scattered fields. This technique represents an improvement over the standard Born approximation since it takes into account the attenuation of the incident and scattered waves in the equivalent medium. The method is used to model a leaf canopy when the leaves are modeled by lossy dielectric discs.
First Results on Angular Distributions of Thermal Dileptons in Nuclear Collisions
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Arnaldi, R.; Colla, A.; Cortese, P.
The NA60 experiment at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron has studied dimuon production in 158A GeV In-In collisions. The strong excess of pairs above the known sources found in the complete mass region 0.2
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, YanLan; Yu, ShaoGang; Lai, XuanYang; Liu, XiaoJun; Chen, Jing
We theoretically investigate the atomic polarization effect on photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) in above-threshold ionization of noble gases with elliptically polarized laser fields at wavelength of 800 nm, ellipticity of 0.25, and intensity of 1.5 ×1014W/cm2 . Simulations based on a semiclassical model that includes both the ionic Coulomb potential and the atomic polarization effect show surprisingly little difference between PADs for Ar, Kr, and Xe, which is in good agreement with recent experimental observations. Our calculations reveal that the atomic polarization effect increases the distance of the tunnel exit point of the photoelectron to the parent ion and weakens the strength of the interaction between the parent ion and the photoelectron on its subsequent classical propagation. As a result, the forward-scattering electrons which contribute to the main lobes in PADs are substantially suppressed. Our results indicate that the insensitivity of PADs for Ar, Kr, and Xe may be closely related to the influence of the atomic polarization effect on the photoelectron dynamics in the strong laser field.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pushkarev, A. B.; Kovalev, Y. Y.
We have measured the angular sizes of radio cores of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and analysed their sky distributions and frequency dependences to study synchrotron opacity in AGN jets and the strength of angular broadening in the interstellar medium. We have used archival very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) data of more than 3000 compact extragalactic radio sources observed at frequencies, ν, from 2 to 43 GHz to measure the observed angular size of VLBI cores. We have found a significant increase in the angular sizes of the extragalactic sources seen through the Galactic plane (|b| ≲ 10°) at 2, 5 and 8 GHz, about one-third of which show significant scattering. These sources are mainly detected in directions to the Galactic bar, the Cygnus region and a region with galactic longitudes 220° ≲ l ≲ 260° (the Fitzgerald window). The strength of interstellar scattering of the AGNs is found to correlate with the Galactic Hα intensity, free-electron density and Galactic rotation measure. The dependence of scattering strengths on source redshift is insignificant, suggesting that the dominant scattering screens are located in our Galaxy. The observed angular size of Sgr A* is found to be the largest among thousands of AGNs observed over the sky; we discuss possible reasons for this strange result. Excluding extragalactic radio sources with significant scattering, we find that the angular size of opaque cores in AGNs scales typically as ν-1, confirming predictions of a conical synchrotron jet model with equipartition.
Measurements of the Angular Distributions of Muons from Υ Decays in pp̄ Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Aaltonen, T.; Álvarez González, B.; Amerio, S.
The angular distributions of muons from Υ(1S,2S,3S)→μ⁺μ⁻ decays are measured using data from pp̄ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6.7 fb⁻¹ and collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. This analysis is the first to report the full angular distributions as functions of transverse momentum p T for Υ mesons in both the Collins-Soper and s-channel helicity frames. This is also the first measurement of the spin alignment of Υ(3S) mesons. Within the kinematic range of Υ rapidity |y|<0.6 and p T up to 40 GeV/c, the angular distributions are found tomore » be nearly isotropic.« less
Measurements of the Angular Distributions of Muons from Υ Decays in pp̄ Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen, T.; Álvarez González, B.; Amerio, S.; ...
The angular distributions of muons from Υ(1S,2S,3S)→μ⁺μ⁻ decays are measured using data from pp̄ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6.7 fb⁻¹ and collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. This analysis is the first to report the full angular distributions as functions of transverse momentum p T for Υ mesons in both the Collins-Soper and s-channel helicity frames. This is also the first measurement of the spin alignment of Υ(3S) mesons. Within the kinematic range of Υ rapidity |y|<0.6 and p T up to 40 GeV/c, the angular distributions are found tomore » be nearly isotropic.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nelson, Robert M.; Boryta, Mark D.; Hapke, Bruce W.; Shkuratov, Yuriy; Vandervoort, Kurt; Vides, Christina L.
The reflectance and polarization of light reflected from a solar system object indicates the chemical and textural state of the regolith. Remote sensing data are compared to laboratory angular scattering measurements and surface properties are determined.We use a Goniometric Photopolarimeter (GPP) to make angular reflectance and polarization measurements of particulate materials that simulate planetary regoliths. The GPP employs the Helmholtz Reciprocity Principle ( 2, 1) - the incident light is linearly polarized - the intensity of the reflected component is measured. The light encounters fewer optical surfaces improving signal to noise. The lab data are physically equivalent to the astronomical data.Our reflectance and polarization phase curves of highly reflective, fine grained, media simulate the regolith of Jupiter's satellite Europa. Our lab data exhibit polarization phase curves that are very similar to reports by experienced astronomers (4). Our previous reflectance phase curve data of the same materials agree with the same astronomical observers (5). We find these materials exhibit an increase in circular polarization ratio with decreasing phase angle (3). This suggests coherent backscattering (CB) of photons in the regolith (3). Shkuratov et al.(3) report that the polarization properties of these particulate media are also consistent with the CB enhancement process (5). Our results replicate the astronomical data indicating Europa's regolith is fine-grained, high porous with void space exceeding 90%.1. Hapke, B. W. (2012). ISBN 978-0-521-88349-82. Minnaert, M. (1941).Asrophys. J., 93, 403-410.3. Nelson, R. M. et al. (1998). Icarus, 131, 223-230.4. Rosenbush, V. et al. (2015). ISBN 978-1-107-04390-9, pp 340-359.5. Shkuratov, Yu. et al. (2002) Icarus 159, 396-416.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bunakov, V. E.; Kadmensky, S. G., E-mail:; Lyubashevsky, D. E.
It is shown that A. Bohr’s classic theory of angular distributions of fragments originating from low-energy fission should be supplemented with quantum corrections based on the involvement of a superposition of a very large number of angular momenta L{sub m} in the description of the relative motion of fragments flying apart along the straight line coincidentwith the symmetry axis. It is revealed that quantum zero-point wriggling-type vibrations of the fissile system in the vicinity of its scission point are a source of these angular momenta and of high fragment spins observed experimentally.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chang, Wen -Chen; McClellan, Randall Evan; Peng, Jen -Chieh
Here, high precision data of lepton angular distributions formore » $$\\gamma^*/Z$$ production in $pp$ collisions at the LHC, covering broad ranges of dilepton transverse momenta ($$q_T$$) and rapidity ($y$), were recently reported. Strong $$q_T$$ dependencies were observed for several angular distribution coefficients, $$A_i$$, including $$A_0 - A_4$$. Significant $y$ dependencies were also found for the coefficients $$A_1$$, $$A_3$$ and $$A_4$$, while $$A_0$$ and $$A_2$$ exhibit very weak rapidity dependence. Using an intuitive geometric picture we show that the $$q_T$$ and $y$ dependencies of the angular distributions coefficients can be well described.« less
Chang, Wen -Chen; McClellan, Randall Evan; Peng, Jen -Chieh; ...
Here, high precision data of lepton angular distributions formore » $$\\gamma^*/Z$$ production in $pp$ collisions at the LHC, covering broad ranges of dilepton transverse momenta ($$q_T$$) and rapidity ($y$), were recently reported. Strong $$q_T$$ dependencies were observed for several angular distribution coefficients, $$A_i$$, including $$A_0 - A_4$$. Significant $y$ dependencies were also found for the coefficients $$A_1$$, $$A_3$$ and $$A_4$$, while $$A_0$$ and $$A_2$$ exhibit very weak rapidity dependence. Using an intuitive geometric picture we show that the $$q_T$$ and $y$ dependencies of the angular distributions coefficients can be well described.« less
Six-State Quantum Key Distribution Using Photons with Orbital Angular Momentum
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Jun-Lin; Wang, Chuan
A new implementation of high-dimensional quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol is discussed. Using three mutual unbiased bases, we present a d-level six-state QKD protocol that exploits the orbital angular momentum with the spatial mode of the light beam. The protocol shows that the feature of a high capacity since keys are encoded using photon modes in d-level Hilbert space. The devices for state preparation and measurement are also discussed. This protocol has high security and the alignment of shared reference frames is not needed between sender and receiver.
Small angle x-ray scattering with edge-illumination
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Modregger, Peter; Cremona, Tiziana P.; Benarafa, Charaf; Schittny, Johannes C.; Olivo, Alessandro; Endrizzi, Marco
Sensitivity to sub-pixel sample features has been demonstrated as a valuable capability of phase contrast x-ray imaging. Here, we report on a method to obtain angular-resolved small angle x-ray scattering distributions with edge-illumination- based imaging utilizing incoherent illumination from an x-ray tube. Our approach provides both the three established image modalities (absorption, differential phase and scatter strength), plus a number of additional contrasts related to unresolved sample features. The complementarity of these contrasts is experimentally validated by using different materials in powder form. As a significant application example we show that the extended complementary contrasts could allow the diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema in a murine model. In support of this, we demonstrate that the properties of the retrieved scattering distributions are consistent with the expectation of increased feature sizes related to pulmonary emphysema. Combined with the simplicity of implementation of edge-illumination, these findings suggest a high potential for exploiting extended sub-pixel contrasts in the diagnosis of lung diseases and beyond.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Maréchal, F.; Suomijärvi, T.; Blumenfeld, Y.; Azhari, A.; Bazin, D.; Brown, J. A.; Cottle, P. D.; Fauerbach, M.; Glasmacher, T.; Hirzebruch, S. E.; Jewell, J. K.; Kemper, K. W.; Mantica, P. F.; Morrissey, D. J.; Riley, L. A.; Scarpaci, J. A.; Steiner, M.
We have recently studied the structure of the neutron rich sulfur isotope 40S by using elastic and inelastic proton scattering in inverse kinematics. Optical potential and folding model calculations are compared with the elastic and inelastic angular distributions. Using coupled-channel calculations, the β2 value for the 21+ excited state is determined to be 0.35±0.05. The extracted value of Mn/Mp ratio indicates a small isovector contribution to the 21+ state of 40S. The microscopic analysis of the data is compatible with the presence of a neutron skin for this nucleus.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kabachnik, N. M.; Sazhina, I. P.
New relations between the intrinsic parameters δk which describe the longitudinal spin polarization of Auger electrons and αk which describe the anisotropy of their angular distribution are found. The relations are valid for arbitrary Auger transitions with initial (Ji) and final (Jf) angular momenta satisfying the condition Ji > Jf.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Karam, M. A.; Fung, A. K.
A scattering model for defoliated vegetation is developed by treating a layer of defoliated vegetation as a collection of randomly oriented dielectric cylinders of finite length over an irregular ground surface. Both polarized and depolarized backscattering are computed and their behavior versus the volume fraction, the incidence angle, the frequency, the angular distribution and the cylinder size are illustrated. It is found that both the angular distribution and the cylinder size have significant effects on the backscattered signal. The present theory is compared with measurements from defoliated vegetations.
Time-Series INSAR: An Integer Least-Squares Approach For Distributed Scatterers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Samiei-Esfahany, Sami; Hanssen, Ramon F.
The objective of this research is to extend the geode- tic mathematical model which was developed for persistent scatterers to a model which can exploit distributed scatterers (DS). The main focus is on the integer least- squares framework, and the main challenge is to include the decorrelation effect in the mathematical model. In order to adapt the integer least-squares mathematical model for DS we altered the model from a single master to a multi-master configuration and introduced the decorrelation effect stochastically. This effect is described in our model by a full covariance matrix. We propose to de- rive this covariance matrix by numerical integration of the (joint) probability distribution function (PDF) of interferometric phases. This PDF is a function of coherence values and can be directly computed from radar data. We show that the use of this model can improve the performance of temporal phase unwrapping of distributed scatterers.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Doronin, Alexander; Meglinski, Igor
Current report considers development of a unified Monte Carlo (MC) -based computational model for simulation of propagation of Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beams in turbid tissue-like scattering medium. With a primary goal to proof the concept of using complex light for tissue diagnosis we explore propagation of LG beams in comparison with Gaussian beams for both linear and circular polarization. MC simulations of radially and azimuthally polarized LG beams in turbid media have been performed, classic phenomena such as preservation of the orbital angular momentum, optical memory and helicity flip are observed, detailed comparison is presented and discussed.
Development of wide-angle 2D light scattering static cytometry
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xie, Linyan; Liu, Qiao; Shao, Changshun; Su, Xuantao
We have recently developed a 2D light scattering static cytometer for cellular analysis in a label-free manner, which measures side scatter (SSC) light in the polar angular range from 79 to 101 degrees. Compared with conventional flow cytometry, our cytometric technique requires no fluorescent labeling of the cells, and static cytometry measurements can be performed without flow control. In this paper we present an improved label-free static cytometer that can obtain 2D light scattering patterns in a wider angular range. By illuminating the static microspheres on chip with a scanning optical fiber, wide-angle 2D light scattering patterns of single standard microspheres with a mean diameter of 3.87 μm are obtained. The 2D patterns of 3.87 μm microspheres contain both large-angle forward scatter (FSC) and SSC light in the polar angular range from 40 to 100 degrees, approximately. Experimental 2D patterns of 3.87 μm microspheres are in good agreement with Mie theory simulated ones. The wide-angle light scattering measurements may provide a better resolution for particle analysis as compared with the SSC measurements. Two dimensional light scattering patterns of HL-60 human acute leukemia cells are obtained by using our static cytometer. Compared with SSC 2D light scattering patterns, wide-angle 2D patterns contain richer information of the HL-60 cells. The obtaining of 2D light scattering patterns in a wide angular range could help to enhance the capabilities of our label-free static cytometry for cell analysis.
McCurdy, C. W.; Rescigno, T. N.; Trevisan, C. S.; ...
A dramatic symmetry breaking in K-shell photoionization of the CF 4 molecule in which a core-hole vacancy is created in one of four equivalent fluorine atoms is displayed in the molecular frame angular distribution of the photoelectrons. In observing the photoejected electron in coincidence with an F + atomic ion after Auger decay we see how selecting the dissociation path where the core hole was localized was almost exclusively on that atom. A combination of measurements and ab initio calculations of the photoelectron angular distribution in the frame of the recoiling CF 3 + and F + atoms elucidates themore » underlying physics that derives from the Ne-like valence structure of the F(1s -1) core-excited atom.« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Alikhanyan, A.I.; Kirillov-Ugryumov, V.G.; Kotenko, L.P.
In consideration of the wide use of propane bubble cameras, investigations were made of the angular distribution of electrons from pi /sup +/ -- mu /sup +/--e/sup +/ decay in propane to determine the possibility of using propane in angular correlation measurements of processes simlar to mu --e decay. The scheme of the experiment made with a bubble chamber of (7.2 x 6.5 x 16)cm/ dmensions bombarded by a 175-Mev pi -meson beam from a phasotron is described. (R.V.J.)
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Higginson, Drew P.
Here, we describe and justify a full-angle scattering (FAS) method to faithfully reproduce the accumulated differential angular Rutherford scattering probability distribution function (pdf) of particles in a plasma. The FAS method splits the scattering events into two regions. At small angles it is described by cumulative scattering events resulting, via the central limit theorem, in a Gaussian-like pdf; at larger angles it is described by single-event scatters and retains a pdf that follows the form of the Rutherford differential cross-section. The FAS method is verified using discrete Monte-Carlo scattering simulations run at small timesteps to include each individual scattering event.more » We identify the FAS regime of interest as where the ratio of temporal/spatial scale-of-interest to slowing-down time/length is from 10 -3 to 0.3–0.7; the upper limit corresponds to Coulomb logarithm of 20–2, respectively. Two test problems, high-velocity interpenetrating plasma flows and keV-temperature ion equilibration, are used to highlight systems where including FAS is important to capture relevant physics.« less
Higginson, Drew P.
Here, we describe and justify a full-angle scattering (FAS) method to faithfully reproduce the accumulated differential angular Rutherford scattering probability distribution function (pdf) of particles in a plasma. The FAS method splits the scattering events into two regions. At small angles it is described by cumulative scattering events resulting, via the central limit theorem, in a Gaussian-like pdf; at larger angles it is described by single-event scatters and retains a pdf that follows the form of the Rutherford differential cross-section. The FAS method is verified using discrete Monte-Carlo scattering simulations run at small timesteps to include each individual scattering event.more » We identify the FAS regime of interest as where the ratio of temporal/spatial scale-of-interest to slowing-down time/length is from 10 -3 to 0.3–0.7; the upper limit corresponds to Coulomb logarithm of 20–2, respectively. Two test problems, high-velocity interpenetrating plasma flows and keV-temperature ion equilibration, are used to highlight systems where including FAS is important to capture relevant physics.« less
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Fillius, W.; Mcilwain, C.; Mogro-Campero, A.; Steinberg, G.
Analysis of data from the Pioneer 10 flyby discloses that pitch angle scattering plays an important part in determining the distribution of energetic electrons in the inner magnetosphere of Jupiter. Angular distributions measured by a Cerenkov detector reveal that redistribution takes place in pitch angle. Additionally, the radial profile of phase space density along the equator demands simultaneous particle losses. The loss rates are too high to be accounted for by synchrotron radiation loss, but are reasonably attributed to pitch angle scattering into the planetary loss cone.
Angular distribution of hybridization in sputtered carbon thin film
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Y.; Wang, H.; Wei, Z. C.
The sp3/sp2 ratio of sputtered carbon thin film depends on the ion bombardment process and tailors the physical properties of carbon thin film. In present work, we report the angular distribution of hybridization in magnetron sputtered carbon thin film for the first time. By x-ray photoelectron spectra analyses, it is found that the sp3/sp2 ratio increases linearly with increasing the deposition angle from 0 to 90 degree, which could be attributed to the enhancement of direct knocking-out of near-surface target atoms. In addition, we also derive the sp3/sp2 ratio by simulation on complex permittivity in terahertz frequency using a modified percolation approximation tunneling model. Those derived data consist with the results from x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
Spin angular momentum induced by optical quasi-phonons activated in birefringent uniaxial crystals
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mohamadou, B.; Maïmounatou, B.; Erasmus, R. M.
The present report formally establishes the expression of the angular momentum of the quasi-phonons induced by linearly polarized light. The transferred mechanical torque due to phonons is then determined from the spin angular momentum and is shown to be measurable from Raman scattering experiments. To investigate this, the electric field due the excited dipoles and the associated macroscopic dielectric polarization vectors were first calculated using a lattice dynamical model in order to derive in a second step the analytical expression of the angular momentum density arising from the inelastic light scattering by quasi-phonons. The numerical results of the calculated angle dependent mode electric fields and the induced spin angular moments as well as the transferred torques were analyzed with regard to some typical behaviors of the interacting modes and it is shown that the fluctuations of the effective charges is their main origin.
Brillouin Light Scattering by Magnetic Quasivortices in Cavity Optomagnonics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Osada, A.; Gloppe, A.; Hisatomi, R.; Noguchi, A.; Yamazaki, R.; Nomura, M.; Nakamura, Y.; Usami, K.
A ferromagnetic sphere can support optical vortices in the form of whispering gallery modes and magnetic quasivortices in the form of magnetostatic modes with nontrivial spin textures. These vortices can be characterized by their orbital angular momenta. We experimentally investigate Brillouin scattering of photons in the whispering gallery modes by magnons in the magnetostatic modes, zeroing in on the exchange of the orbital angular momenta between the optical vortices and magnetic quasivortices. We find that the conservation of the orbital angular momentum results in different nonreciprocal behavior in the Brillouin light scattering. New avenues for chiral optics and optospintronics can be opened up by taking the orbital angular momenta as a new degree of freedom for cavity optomagnonics.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Choi, A.; Heymans, C.; Blake, C.; Hildebrandt, H.; Duncan, C. A. J.; Erben, T.; Nakajima, R.; Van Waerbeke, L.; Viola, M.
We determine the accuracy of galaxy redshift distributions as estimated from photometric redshift probability distributions p(z). Our method utilizes measurements of the angular cross-correlation between photometric galaxies and an overlapping sample of galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts. We describe the redshift leakage from a galaxy photometric redshift bin j into a spectroscopic redshift bin I using the sum of the p(z) for the galaxies residing in bin j. We can then predict the angular cross-correlation between photometric and spectroscopic galaxies due to intrinsic galaxy clustering when I ≠ j as a function of the measured angular cross-correlation when I = j. We also account for enhanced clustering arising from lensing magnification using a halo model. The comparison of this prediction with the measured signal provides a consistency check on the validity of using the summed p(z) to determine galaxy redshift distributions in cosmological analyses, as advocated by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS). We present an analysis of the photometric redshifts measured by CFHTLenS, which overlaps the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). We also analyse the Red-sequence Cluster Lensing Survey, which overlaps both BOSS and the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey. We find that the summed p(z) from both surveys are generally biased with respect to the true underlying distributions. If unaccounted for, this bias would lead to errors in cosmological parameter estimation from CFHTLenS by less than ˜4 per cent. For photometric redshift bins which spatially overlap in 3D with our spectroscopic sample, we determine redshift bias corrections which can be used in future cosmological analyses that rely on accurate galaxy redshift distributions.
Optical angular momentum and atoms
Any coherent interaction of light and atoms needs to conserve energy, linear momentum and angular momentum. What happens to an atom’s angular momentum if it encounters light that carries orbital angular momentum (OAM)? This is a particularly intriguing question as the angular momentum of atoms is quantized, incorporating the intrinsic spin angular momentum of the individual electrons as well as the OAM associated with their spatial distribution. In addition, a mechanical angular momentum can arise from the rotation of the entire atom, which for very cold atoms is also quantized. Atoms therefore allow us to probe and access the quantum properties of light’s OAM, aiding our fundamental understanding of light–matter interactions, and moreover, allowing us to construct OAM-based applications, including quantum memories, frequency converters for shaped light and OAM-based sensors. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Optical orbital angular momentum’. PMID:28069766
Influence of macular pigment optical density spatial distribution on intraocular scatter.
Putnam, Christopher M; Bland, Pauline J; Bassi, Carl J
This study evaluated the summed measures of macular pigment optical density (MPOD) spatial distribution and their effects on intraocular scatter using a commercially available device (C-Quant, Oculus, USA). A customized heterochromatic flicker photometer (cHFP) device was used to measure MPOD spatial distribution across the central 16° using a 1° stimulus. MPOD was calculated as a discrete measure and summed measures across the central 1°, 3.3°, 10° and 16° diameters. Intraocular scatter was determined as a mean of 5 trials in which reliability and repeatability measures were met using the C-Quant. MPOD spatial distribution maps were constructed and the effects of both discrete and summed values on intraocular scatter were examined. Spatial mapping identified mean values for discrete MPOD [0.32 (s.d.=0.08)], MPOD summed across central 1° [0.37 (s.d.=0.11)], MPOD summed across central 3.3° [0.85 (s.d.=0.20)], MPOD summed across central 10° [1.60 (s.d.=0.35)] and MPOD summed across central 16° [1.78 (s.d.=0.39)]. Mean intraocular scatter was 0.83 (s.d.=0.16) log units. While there were consistent trends for an inverse relationship between MPOD and scatter, these relationships were not statistically significant. Correlations between the highest and lowest quartiles of MPOD within the central 1° were near significance. While there was an overall trend of decreased intraocular forward scatter with increased MPOD consistent with selective short wavelength visible light attenuation, neither discrete nor summed values of MPOD significantly influence intraocular scatter as measured by the C-Quant device. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U.
Robust X-ray angular correlations for the study of meso-structures
Lhermitte, Julien R.; Tian, Cheng; Stein, Aaron; ...
As self-assembling nanomaterials become more sophisticated, it is becoming increasingly important to measure the structural order of finite-sized assemblies of nano-objects. These mesoscale clusters represent an acute challenge to conventional structural probes, owing to the range of implicated size scales (10 nm to several micrometres), the weak scattering signal and the dynamic nature of meso-clusters in native solution environments. The high X-ray flux and coherence of modern synchrotrons present an opportunity to extract structural information from these challenging systems, but conventional ensemble X-ray scattering averages out crucial information about local particle configurations. Conversely, a single meso-cluster scatters too weakly tomore » recover the full diffraction pattern. Using X-ray angular cross-correlation analysis, it is possible to combine multiple noisy measurements to obtain robust structural information. This paper explores the key theoretical limits and experimental challenges that constrain the application of these methods to probing structural order in real nanomaterials. A metric is presented to quantify the signal-to-noise ratio of angular correlations, and it is used to identify several experimental artifacts that arise. In particular, it is found that background scattering, data masking and inter-cluster interference profoundly affect the quality of correlation analyses. A robust workflow is demonstrated for mitigating these effects and extracting reliable angular correlations from realistic experimental data.« less
Geometrical-optics approximation of forward scattering by gradient-index spheres.
Li, Xiangzhen; Han, Xiang'e; Li, Renxian; Jiang, Huifen
By means of geometrical optics we present an approximation method for acceleration of the computation of the scattering intensity distribution within a forward angular range (0-60 degrees ) for gradient-index spheres illuminated by a plane wave. The incident angle of reflected light is determined by the scattering angle, thus improving the approximation accuracy. The scattering angle and the optical path length are numerically integrated by a general-purpose integrator. With some special index models, the scattering angle and the optical path length can be expressed by a unique function and the calculation is faster. This method is proved effective for transparent particles with size parameters greater than 50. It fails to give good approximation results at scattering angles whose refractive rays are in the backward direction. For different index models, the geometrical-optics approximation is effective only for forward angles, typically those less than 60 degrees or when the refractive-index difference of a particle is less than a certain value.
Scattering Resonances in the Simplest Chemical Reaction
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fernandez-Alonso, Felix; Zare, Richard N.
Recent studies of state-resolved angular distributions show the participation of reactive scattering resonances in the simplest chemical reaction. This review is intended for those who wish to learn about the state-of-the-art in the study of the H + H2 reaction family that has made this breakthrough possible. This review is also intended for those who wish to gain insight into the nature of reactive scattering resonances. Following a tour across several fields of physics and chemistry where the concept of resonance has been crucial for the understanding of new phenomena, we offer an operational definition and taxonomy of reactive scattering resonances. We introduce simple intuitive models to illustrate each resonance type. We focus next on the last decade of H + H2 reaction dynamics. Emphasis is placed on the various experimental approaches that have been applied to the search for resonance behavior in the H + H2 reaction family. We conclude by sketching the road ahead in the study of H + H2 reactive scattering resonances.
Method and apparatus for fiber optic multiple scattering suppression
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ackerson, Bruce J. (Inventor)
The instant invention provides a method and apparatus for use in laser induced dynamic light scattering which attenuates the multiple scattering component in favor of the single scattering component. The preferred apparatus utilizes two light detectors that are spatially and/or angularly separated and which simultaneously record the speckle pattern from a single sample. The recorded patterns from the two detectors are then cross correlated in time to produce one point on a composite single/multiple scattering function curve. By collecting and analyzing cross correlation measurements that have been taken at a plurality of different spatial/angular positions, the signal representative of single scattering may be differentiated from the signal representative of multiple scattering, and a near optimum detector separation angle for use in taking future measurements may be determined.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huber, Franz J. T.; Will, Stefan; Daun, Kyle J.
Inferring the size distribution of aerosolized fractal aggregates from the angular distribution of elastically scattered light is a mathematically ill-posed problem. This paper presents a procedure for analyzing Wide-Angle Light Scattering (WALS) data using Bayesian inference. The outcome is probability densities for the recovered size distribution and aggregate morphology parameters. This technique is applied to both synthetic data and experimental data collected on soot-laden aerosols, using a measurement equation derived from Rayleigh-Debye-Gans fractal aggregate (RDG-FA) theory. In the case of experimental data, the recovered aggregate size distribution parameters are generally consistent with TEM-derived values, but the accuracy is impaired by the well-known limited accuracy of RDG-FA theory. Finally, we show how this bias could potentially be avoided using the approximation error technique.
Multiple Scattering Effects on Pulse Propagation in Optically Turbid Media.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Joelson, Bradley David
The effects of multiple scattering in a optically turbid media is examined for an impulse solution to the radiative transfer equation for a variety of geometries and phase functions. In regions where the complexities of the phase function proved too cumbersome for analytic methods Monte Carlo techniques were developed to describe the entire scalar radiance distribution. The determination of a general spread function is strongly dependent on geometry and particular regions where limits can be placed on the variables of the problem. Hence, the general spread function is first simplified by considering optical regions which reduce the complexity of the variable dependence. First, in the small-angle limit we calculate some contracted spread functions along with their moments and then use Monte Carlo techniques to establish the limitations imposed by the small-angle approximation in planar geometry. The point spread function (PSF) for a spherical geometry is calculated for the full angular spread in the forward direction of ocean waters using Monte Carlo methods in the optically thin and moderate depths and analytic methods in the diffusion domain. The angular dependence of the PSF for various ocean waters is examined for a range of optical parameters. The analytic method used in the diffusion calculation is justified by examining the angular dependence of the radiance of a impulse solution in a planar geometry for a prolongated Henyey-Greenstein phase function of asymmetry factor approximately equal to that of the ocean phase functions. The Legendre moments of the radiance are examined in order to examine the viability of the diffusion approximation which assumes a linearly anisotropic angular distribution for the radiance. A realistic lidar calculation is performed for a variety of ocean waters to determine the effects of multiple scattering on the determination of the speed of sound by using the range gated frequency spectrum of the lidar signal. It is shown that the
Geometrical-optics approximation of forward scattering by coated particles.
Xu, Feng; Cai, Xiaoshu; Ren, Kuanfang
By means of geometrical optics we present an approximation algorithm with which to accelerate the computation of scattering intensity distribution within a forward angular range (0 degrees-60 degrees) for coated particles illuminated by a collimated incident beam. Phases of emerging rays are exactly calculated to improve the approximation precision. This method proves effective for transparent and tiny absorbent particles with size parameters larger than 75 but fails to give good approximation results at scattering angles at which refractive rays are absent. When the absorption coefficient of a particle is greater than 0.01, the geometrical optics approximation is effective only for forward small angles, typically less than 10 degrees or so.
Ultraviolet refractometry using field-based light scattering spectroscopy
Fu, Dan; Choi, Wonshik; Sung, Yongjin; Oh, Seungeun; Yaqoob, Zahid; Park, YongKeun; Dasari, Ramachandra R.; Feld, Michael S.
Accurate refractive index measurement in the deep ultraviolet (UV) range is important for the separate quantification of biomolecules such as proteins and DNA in biology. This task is demanding and has not been fully exploited so far. Here we report a new method of measuring refractive index using field-based light scattering spectroscopy, which is applicable to any wavelength range and suitable for both solutions and homogenous objects with well-defined shape such as microspheres. The angular scattering distribution of single microspheres immersed in homogeneous media is measured over the wavelength range 260 to 315 nm using quantitative phase microscopy. By least square fitting the observed scattering distribution with Mie scattering theory, the refractive index of either the sphere or the immersion medium can be determined provided that one is known a priori. Using this method, we have measured the refractive index dispersion of SiO2 spheres and bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions in the deep UV region. Specific refractive index increments of BSA are also extracted. Typical accuracy of the present refractive index technique is ≤0.003. The precision of refractive index measurements is ≤0.002 and that of specific refractive index increment determination is ≤0.01 mL/g. PMID:20372622
The Schiff angular bremsstrahlung distribution from composite media
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Taylor, M. L.; Dalton, B.; Franich, R. D.
The Schiff differential for the angular distribution of bremsstrahlung is widely employed, but calculations involving composite materials (i.e. compounds and mixtures) are often undertaken in a somewhat ad hoc fashion. In this work, we suggest an alternative approach to power-law estimates of the effective atomic number utilising Seltzer and Berger's combined approach in order to generate single-valued effective atomic numbers applicable over a large energy range (in the worst case deviation from constancy of about 2% between 10 keV and 1 GeV). Differences with power-law estimates of Z for composites are potentially significant, particularly for low-Z media such as biological or surrogate materials as relevant within the context of medical physics. As an example, soft tissue differs by >70% and cortical bone differs by >85%, while for high-Z composites such as a tungsten-rhenium alloy the difference is of the order of 1%. Use of the normalised Schiff formula for shape only does not exhibit strong Z dependence. Consequently, in such contexts the differences are negligible - the power-law approach overestimates the magnitude by 1.05% in the case of water and underestimates it by <0.1% for the high-Z alloys. The differences in the distribution are most pronounced for small angles and where the bremsstrahlung quanta are low energy.
Menssen, A.; Trevisan, C. S.; Schöffler, M. S.; ...
Molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions (MFPADs) are measured in this paper in electron–ion momentum imaging experiments and compared with complex Kohn variational calculations for carbon K-shell ionization of carbon tetrafluoride (CF 4), ethane (C 2H 6) and 1,1-difluoroethylene (C 2H 2F 2). While in ethane the polarization averaged MFPADs show a tendency at low energies for the photoelectron to be emitted in the directions of the bonds, the opposite effect is seen in CF 4. A combination of these behaviors is seen in difluoroethylene where ionization from the two carbons can be distinguished experimentally because of their different K-shell ionizationmore » potentials. Excellent agreement is found between experiment and simple static-exchange or coupled two-channel theoretical calculations. Finally, however, simple electrostatics do not provide an adequate explanation of the suggestively simple angular distributions at low electron ejection energies.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Duadi, Hamootal; Fixler, Dror
Light reflectance and transmission from soft tissue has been utilized in noninvasive clinical measurement devices such as the photoplethysmograph (PPG) and reflectance pulse oximeter. Incident light on the skin travels into the underlying layers and is in part reflected back to the surface, in part transferred and in part absorbed. Most methods of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy focus on the volume reflectance from a semi-infinite sample, while very few measure transmission. We have previously shown that examining the full scattering profile (angular distribution of exiting photons) provides more comprehensive information when measuring from a cylindrical tissue. Furthermore, an isobaric point was found which is not dependent on changes in the reduced scattering coefficient. The angle corresponding to this isobaric point depends on the tissue diameter. We investigated the role of multiple scattering and absorption on the full scattering profile of a cylindrical tissue. First, we define the range in which multiple scattering occurs for different tissue diameters. Next, we examine the role of the absorption coefficient in the attenuation of the full scattering profile. We demonstrate that the absorption linearly influences the intensity at each angle of the full scattering profile and, more importantly, the absorption does not change the position of the isobaric point. The findings of this work demonstrate a realistic model for optical tissue measurements such as NIR spectroscopy, PPG, and pulse oximetery.
Phase Distribution and Selection of Partially Correlated Persistent Scatterers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lien, J.; Zebker, H. A.
Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) time-series methods can effectively estimate temporal surface changes induced by geophysical phenomena. However, such methods are susceptible to decorrelation due to spatial and temporal baselines (radar pass separation), changes in orbital geometries, atmosphere, and noise. These effects limit the number of interferograms that can be used for differential analysis and obscure the deformation signal. InSAR decorrelation effects may be ameliorated by exploiting pixels that exhibit phase stability across the stack of interferograms. These so-called persistent scatterer (PS) pixels are dominated by a single point-like scatterer that remains phase-stable over the spatial and temporal baseline. By identifying a network of PS pixels for use in phase unwrapping, reliable deformation measurements may be obtained even in areas of low correlation, where traditional InSAR techniques fail to produce useful observations. Many additional pixels can be added to the PS list if we are able to identify those in which a dominant scatterer exhibits partial, rather than complete, correlation across all radar scenes. In this work, we quantify and exploit the phase stability of partially correlated PS pixels. We present a new system model for producing interferometric pixel values from a complex surface backscatter function characterized by signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR). From this model, we derive the joint probabilistic distribution for PS pixel phases in a stack of interferograms as a function of SCR and spatial baselines. This PS phase distribution generalizes previous results that assume the clutter phase contribution is uncorrelated between radar passes. We verify the analytic distribution through a series of radar scattering simulations. We use the derived joint PS phase distribution with maximum-likelihood SCR estimation to analyze an area of the Hayward Fault Zone in the San Francisco Bay Area. We obtain a series of 38
Light scattering by lunar-like particle size distributions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Goguen, Jay D.
A fundamental input to models of light scattering from planetary regoliths is the mean phase function of the regolith particles. Using the known size distribution for typical lunar soils, the mean phase function and mean linear polarization for a regolith volume element of spherical particles of any composition were calculated from Mie theory. The two contour plots given here summarize the changes in the mean phase function and linear polarization with changes in the real part of the complex index of refraction, n - ik, for k equals 0.01, the visible wavelength 0.55 micrometers, and the particle size distribution of the typical mature lunar soil 72141. A second figure is a similar index-phase surface, except with k equals 0.1. The index-phase surfaces from this survey are a first order description of scattering by lunar-like regoliths of spherical particles of arbitrary composition. They form the basis of functions that span a large range of parameter-space.
Angular-momentum couplings in ultra-long-range giant dipole molecules
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stielow, Thomas; Scheel, Stefan; Kurz, Markus
In this article we extend the theory of ultra-long-range giant dipole molecules, formed by an atom in a giant dipole state and a ground-state alkali-metal atom, by angular-momentum couplings known from recent works on Rydberg molecules. In addition to s -wave scattering, the next higher order of p -wave scattering in the Fermi pseudopotential describing the binding mechanism is considered. Furthermore, the singlet and triplet channels of the scattering interaction as well as angular-momentum couplings such as hyperfine interaction and Zeeman interactions are included. Within the framework of Born-Oppenheimer theory, potential energy surfaces are calculated in both first-order perturbation theory and exact diagonalization. Besides the known pure triplet states, mixed-spin character states are obtained, opening up a whole new landscape of molecular potentials. We determine exact binding energies and wave functions of the nuclear rotational and vibrational motion numerically from the various potential energy surfaces.
Ejected Particle Size Distributions from Shocked Metal Surfaces
Schauer, M. M.; Buttler, W. T.; Frayer, D. K.; ...
Here, we present size distributions for particles ejected from features machined onto the surface of shocked Sn targets. The functional form of the size distributions is assumed to be log-normal, and the characteristic parameters of the distribution are extracted from the measured angular distribution of light scattered from a laser beam incident on the ejected particles. We also found strong evidence for a bimodal distribution of particle sizes with smaller particles evolved from features machined into the target surface and larger particles being produced at the edges of these features.
Ejected Particle Size Distributions from Shocked Metal Surfaces
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Schauer, M. M.; Buttler, W. T.; Frayer, D. K.
Here, we present size distributions for particles ejected from features machined onto the surface of shocked Sn targets. The functional form of the size distributions is assumed to be log-normal, and the characteristic parameters of the distribution are extracted from the measured angular distribution of light scattered from a laser beam incident on the ejected particles. We also found strong evidence for a bimodal distribution of particle sizes with smaller particles evolved from features machined into the target surface and larger particles being produced at the edges of these features.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shankman, C.; Kavelaars, JJ.; Gladman, B. J.; Alexandersen, M.; Kaib, N.; Petit, J.-M.; Bannister, M. T.; Chen, Y.-T.; Gwyn, S.; Jakubik, M.; Volk, K.
We measure the absolute magnitude, H, distribution, dN(H) ∝ 10 αH , of the scattering Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) as a proxy for their size-frequency distribution. We show that the H-distribution of the scattering TNOs is not consistent with a single-slope distribution, but must transition around H g ˜ 9 to either a knee with a shallow slope or to a divot, which is a differential drop followed by second exponential distribution. Our analysis is based on a sample of 22 scattering TNOs drawn from three different TNO surveys—the Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey, Alexandersen et al., and the Outer Solar System Origins Survey, all of which provide well-characterized detection thresholds—combined with a cosmogonic model for the formation of the scattering TNO population. Our measured absolute magnitude distribution result is independent of the choice of cosmogonic model. Based on our analysis, we estimate that the number of scattering TNOs is (2.4-8.3) × 105 for H r < 12. A divot H-distribution is seen in a variety of formation scenarios and may explain several puzzles in Kuiper Belt science. We find that a divot H-distribution simultaneously explains the observed scattering TNO, Neptune Trojan, Plutino, and Centaur H-distributions while simultaneously predicting a large enough scattering TNO population to act as the sole supply of the Jupiter-Family Comets.
Angular distribution and polarization of atomic radiative emission in electric and magnetic fields
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jacobs, V. L.; Filuk, A. B.
A density-matrix approach has been developed for the angular distribution and polarization of radiative emission during single-photon atomic transitions for a general set of steady-state excitation processes in an arbitrary arrangement of static (or quasistatic) electric and magnetic fields. Particular attention has been directed at spectroscopic observations in the intense fields of the high-power ion diodes on the Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator II (PBFA II) and SABRE devices at Sandia National Laboratories and at magnetic-field measurements in tokamak plasmas. The field-dependent atomic eigenstates are represented as expansions in a complete basis set of field-free bound and continuum eigenstates. Particular emphasis has been given to directed-electron collisional excitations, which may be produced by an anisotropic incident-electron velocity distribution. We have allowed for the possibility of the coherent excitation of the nearly degenerate field-dependent atomic substates, which can give rise to a complex spectral pattern of overlapping Stark-Zeeman components. Coherent excitations may be produced by a beam of electrons that are spin-polarized at an angle with respect to the propagation direction or by nonparallel electric and magnetic fields. Our main result is a general expression for the matrix elements of the photon-polarization density operator representing the total intensity, angular distribution, and polarization of the atomic radiative emission. For the observation of radiative emission in the direction of the magnetic field, the detection of linearly polarized emission, in addition to the usual circularly polarized radiation, can reveal the presence of a perpendicular electric field or a coherent excitation mechanism.
Interior radiances in optically deep absorbing media. III Scattering from Haze L
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kattawar, G. W.; Plass, G. N.
The interior radiances are calculated within an optically deep absorbing medium scattering according to the Haze L phase function. The dependence on the solar zenith angle, the single scattering albedo, and the optical depth within the medium is calculated by the matrix operator method. The development of the asymptotic angular distribution of the radiance in the diffusion region is illustrated through a number of examples; it depends only on the single scattering albedo and on the phase function for single scattering. The exact values of the radiance in the diffusion region are compared with values calculated from the approximate equations proposed by Van de Hulst. The variation of the radiance near the lower boundary of an optically thick medium is illustrated with examples. The attenuation length is calculated for various single scattering albedos and compared with the corresponding values for Rayleigh scattering. The ratio of the upward to the downward flux is found to be remarkably constant within the medium.
Measurement of the Angular Distribution of the Electron from $$W \\to e + \
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ramos, Manuel Martin
The goal of this thesis is to scan the extensive literature dealing with the properties of the W and Z bosons. Iit is clear that, besides the measurements confirming the weak interactions theory, no specific work related to the angular distributions of the emerging particles from the leptonic decay of the boson has been done. The aim of the work is to obtain experimentally the values of α 2, as function of the transverse momentum of the W, that appear in the expression 0.3 and to compare the values obtained with the theoretical predictions.
Gluon tomography from deeply virtual Compton scattering at small x
Hatta, Yoshitaka; Xiao, Bo-Wen; Yuan, Feng
We present a full evaluation of the deeply virtual Compton scattering cross section in the dipole framework in the small-x region. The result features the cosφ and cos2φ azimuthal angular correlations, which have been missing in previous studies based on the dipole model. In particular, the cos2φ term is generated by the elliptic gluon Wigner distribution of which the measurement at the planned electron-ion collider provides important information about the gluon tomography at small x. Here, we also show the consistency with the standard collinear factorization approach based on the quark and gluon generalized parton distributions.
Angular momentum conservation law in light-front quantum field theory
Chiu, Kelly Yu-Ju; Brodsky, Stanley J.
We prove the Lorentz invariance of the angular momentum conservation law and the helicity sum rule for relativistic composite systems in the light-front formulation. We explicitly show that j 3, the z -component of the angular momentum remains unchanged under Lorentz transformations generated by the light-front kinematical boost operators. The invariance of j 3 under Lorentz transformations is a feature unique to the front form. Applying the Lorentz invariance of the angular quantum number in the front form, we obtain a selection rule for the orbital angular momentum which can be used to eliminate certain interaction vertices in QED andmore » QCD. We also generalize the selection rule to any renormalizable theory and show that there exists an upper bound on the change of orbital angular momentum in scattering processes at any fixed order in perturbation theory.« less
Angular momentum conservation law in light-front quantum field theory
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chiu, Kelly Yu-Ju; Brodsky, Stanley J.
We prove the Lorentz invariance of the angular momentum conservation law and the helicity sum rule for relativistic composite systems in the light-front formulation. We explicitly show that j 3, the z -component of the angular momentum remains unchanged under Lorentz transformations generated by the light-front kinematical boost operators. The invariance of j 3 under Lorentz transformations is a feature unique to the front form. Applying the Lorentz invariance of the angular quantum number in the front form, we obtain a selection rule for the orbital angular momentum which can be used to eliminate certain interaction vertices in QED andmore » QCD. We also generalize the selection rule to any renormalizable theory and show that there exists an upper bound on the change of orbital angular momentum in scattering processes at any fixed order in perturbation theory.« less
Angular momentum conservation law in light-front quantum field theory
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Chiu, Kelly Yu-Ju; Brodsky, Stanley J.
We prove the Lorentz invariance of the angular momentum conservation law and the helicity sum rule for relativistic composite systems in the light-front formulation. We explicitly show that j 3 , the z -component of the angular momentum remains unchanged under Lorentz transformations generated by the light-front kinematical boost operators. The invariance of j 3 under Lorentz transformations is a feature unique to the front form. Applying the Lorentz invariance of the angular quantum number in the front form, we obtain a selection rule for the orbital angular momentum which can be used to eliminate certain interaction vertices in QEDmore » and QCD. We also generalize the selection rule to any renormalizable theory and show that there exists an upper bound on the change of orbital angular momentum in scattering processes at any fixed order in perturbation theory.« less
Elastic scattering of 8He on 4He and 4 n system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wolski, R.; Sidorchuk, S. I.; Ter-Akopian, G. M.; Fomichev, A. S.; Rodin, A. M.; Stepantsov, S. V.; Mittig, W.; Roussel-Chomaz, P.; Savajols, H.; Alamanos, N.; Auger, F.; Lapoux, V.; Raabe, R.; Tchuvil'sky, Yu. M.; Rusek, K.
Elastic scattering of a 26A MeV beam of 8He on a gaseous helium target has been studied. In spite of efforts made for the observation of backward angle enhancement only upper limits could be obtained for the elastic scattering cross section at backward angles. The angular distribution of 8He nuclei scattered to CM 20°-80° was was analyzed in terms of a phenomenological Optical Model. Possible contributions from transfer reactions were estimated. The DWBA calculations indicate that the two step 2n transfer is more important than the one step 4n transfer. The transfer reaction d( 8He, 6Li)4n is discussed in terms of possible tests of a four-neutron system.
Weak scattering of scalar and electromagnetic random fields
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tong, Zhisong
This dissertation encompasses several studies relating to the theory of weak potential scattering of scalar and electromagnetic random, wide-sense statistically stationary fields from various types of deterministic or random linear media. The proposed theory is largely based on the first Born approximation for potential scattering and on the angular spectrum representation of fields. The main focus of the scalar counterpart of the theory is made on calculation of the second-order statistics of scattered light fields in cases when the scattering medium consists of several types of discrete particles with deterministic or random potentials. It is shown that the knowledge of the correlation properties for the particles of the same and different types, described with the newly introduced pair-scattering matrix, is crucial for determining the spectral and coherence states of the scattered radiation. The approach based on the pair-scattering matrix is then used for solving an inverse problem of determining the location of an "alien" particle within the scattering collection of "normal" particles, from several measurements of the spectral density of scattered light. Weak scalar scattering of light from a particulate medium in the presence of optical turbulence existing between the scattering centers is then approached using the combination of the Born's theory for treating the light interaction with discrete particles and the Rytov's theory for light propagation in extended turbulent medium. It is demonstrated how the statistics of scattered radiation depend on scattering potentials of particles and the power spectra of the refractive index fluctuations of turbulence. This theory is of utmost importance for applications involving atmospheric and oceanic light transmission. The second part of the dissertation includes the theoretical procedure developed for predicting the second-order statistics of the electromagnetic random fields, such as polarization and linear momentum
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sassen, K.
A cryogenic, 50 liter volume Planetary Cloud Simulation Chamber has been constructed to permit the laboratory study of the cloud compositions which are likely to be found in the atmospheres of the outer planets. On the basis of available data, clouds composed of water ice, carbon dioxide, and liquid and solid ammonia and methane, both pure and in various mixtures, have been generated. Cloud microphysical observations have been permitted through the use of a cloud particle slide injector and photomicrography. Viewports in the lower chamber have enabled the collection of cloud backscattering data using 633 and 838 nm laser light, including linear depolarization ratios and complete Stokes parameterization. The considerable technological difficulties associated with the collection of angular scattering patterns within the chamber, however, could not be completely overcome.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bernheim, M; Bishop, G R
Cross sections for the excitation of some levels in Li/sup 7/ up to 8- Mev excitation energy were measured by the iiielastic scattering of electrons for a variety of incident electron energies and scatiering angles. The cross section calculated in first Dorn approximation is expected to be valid for this nucleus. The calculated angular distribution is given for different spin and parity and for different levels of excitation. (R.E.U.)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Herren, Kenneth A.; Gregory, Don A.
Bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) measurements of optical surfaces both before and after molecular contamination were done using UV, VUV and visible light. Molecular contamination of optical surfaces from outgassed material has been shown in many cases to proceed from acclimation centers, and to produce many roughly hemispherical "islands" of contamination on the surface. Vacuum Ultraviolet (VW) wavelengths are used here to measure angularly scattered light from optical surfaces.
Li, Li; Zheng, Xu; Li, Zhengqiang; Li, Zhanhua; Dubovik, Oleg; Chen, Xingfeng; Wendisch, Manfred
Particle shape is crucial to the properties of light scattered by atmospheric aerosol particles. A method of fluorescence microscopy direct observation was introduced to determine the aspect ratio distribution of aerosol particles. The result is comparable with that of the electron microscopic analysis. The measured aspect ratio distribution has been successfully applied in modeling light scattering and further in simulation of polarization measurements of the sun/sky radiometer. These efforts are expected to improve shape retrieval from skylight polarization by using directly measured aspect ratio distribution.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ram, Farangis; De Graef, Marc
In an electron backscatter diffraction pattern (EBSP), the angular distribution of backscattered electrons (BSEs) depends on their energy. Monte Carlo modeling of their depth and energy distributions suggests that the highest energy BSEs are more likely to hit the bottom of the detector than the top. In this paper, we examine experimental EBSPs to validate the modeled angular BSE distribution. To that end, the Kikuchi bandlet method is employed to measure the width of Kikuchi bands in both modeled and measured EBSPs. The results show that in an EBSP obtained with a 15 keV primary probe, the width of a Kikuchi band varies by about 0 .4∘ from the bottom of the EBSD detector to its top. The same is true for a simulated pattern that is composed of BSEs with 5 keV to 15 keV energies, which validates the Monte Carlo simulations.
Light Scattering by Gaussian Particles: A Solution with Finite-Difference Time Domain Technique
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sun, W.; Nousiainen, T.; Fu, Q.; Loeb, N. G.; Videen, G.; Muinonen, K.
The understanding of single-scattering properties of complex ice crystals has significance in atmospheric radiative transfer and remote-sensing applications. In this work, light scattering by irregularly shaped Gaussian ice crystals is studied with the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. For given sample particle shapes and size parameters in the resonance region, the scattering phase matrices and asymmetry factors are calculated. It is found that the deformation of the particle surface can significantly smooth the scattering phase functions and slightly reduce the asymmetry factors. The polarization properties of irregular ice crystals are also significantly different from those of spherical cloud particles. These FDTD results could provide a reference for approximate light-scattering models developed for irregular particle shapes and can have potential applications in developing a much simpler practical light scattering model for ice clouds angular-distribution models and for remote sensing of ice clouds and aerosols using polarized light. (copyright) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Classical theory of atom-surface scattering: The rainbow effect
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Miret-Artés, Salvador; Pollak, Eli
The scattering of heavy atoms and molecules from surfaces is oftentimes dominated by classical mechanics. A large body of experiments have gathered data on the angular distributions of the scattered species, their energy loss distribution, sticking probability, dependence on surface temperature and more. For many years these phenomena have been considered theoretically in the framework of the “washboard model” in which the interaction of the incident particle with the surface is described in terms of hard wall potentials. Although this class of models has helped in elucidating some of the features it left open many questions such as: true potentials are clearly not hard wall potentials, it does not provide a realistic framework for phonon scattering, and it cannot explain the incident angle and incident energy dependence of rainbow scattering, nor can it provide a consistent theory for sticking. In recent years we have been developing a classical perturbation theory approach which has provided new insight into the dynamics of atom-surface scattering. The theory includes both surface corrugation as well as interaction with surface phonons in terms of harmonic baths which are linearly coupled to the system coordinates. This model has been successful in elucidating many new features of rainbow scattering in terms of frictions and bath fluctuations or noise. It has also given new insight into the origins of asymmetry in atomic scattering from surfaces. New phenomena deduced from the theory include friction induced rainbows, energy loss rainbows, a theory of super-rainbows, and more. In this review we present the classical theory of atom-surface scattering as well as extensions and implications for semiclassical scattering and the further development of a quantum theory of surface scattering. Special emphasis is given to the inversion of scattering data into information on the particle-surface interactions.
Classical theory of atom-surface scattering: The rainbow effect
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Miret-Artés, Salvador; Pollak, Eli
The scattering of heavy atoms and molecules from surfaces is oftentimes dominated by classical mechanics. A large body of experiments have gathered data on the angular distributions of the scattered species, their energy loss distribution, sticking probability, dependence on surface temperature and more. For many years these phenomena have been considered theoretically in the framework of the "washboard model" in which the interaction of the incident particle with the surface is described in terms of hard wall potentials. Although this class of models has helped in elucidating some of the features it left open many questions such as: true potentials are clearly not hard wall potentials, it does not provide a realistic framework for phonon scattering, and it cannot explain the incident angle and incident energy dependence of rainbow scattering, nor can it provide a consistent theory for sticking. In recent years we have been developing a classical perturbation theory approach which has provided new insight into the dynamics of atom-surface scattering. The theory includes both surface corrugation as well as interaction with surface phonons in terms of harmonic baths which are linearly coupled to the system coordinates. This model has been successful in elucidating many new features of rainbow scattering in terms of frictions and bath fluctuations or noise. It has also given new insight into the origins of asymmetry in atomic scattering from surfaces. New phenomena deduced from the theory include friction induced rainbows, energy loss rainbows, a theory of super-rainbows, and more. In this review we present the classical theory of atom-surface scattering as well as extensions and implications for semiclassical scattering and the further development of a quantum theory of surface scattering. Special emphasis is given to the inversion of scattering data into information on the particle-surface interactions.
Effective phase function of light scattered at small angles by polydisperse particulate media
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Turcu, I.
Particles with typical dimensions higher than the light wavelength and relative refraction indexes close to one, scatter light mainly in the forward direction where the scattered light intensity has a narrow peak. For particulate media accomplishing these requirements the light scattered at small angles in a far-field detecting set-up can be described analytically by an effective phase function (EPF) even in the multiple scattering regime. The EPF model which was built for monodispersed systems has been extended to polydispersed media. The main ingredients consist in the replacement of the single particle phase function and of the optical thickness with their corresponding averaged values. Using a Gamma particle size distribution (PSD) as a testing model, the effect of polydispersity was systematically investigated. The increase of the average radius or/and of the PSD standard deviation leads to the decrease of the angular spreading of the small angle scattered light.
Angular distribution and polarization of atomic radiative emission in electric and magnetic fields
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Jacobs, V.L.; Filuk, A.B.
A density-matrix approach has been developed for the angular distribution and polarization of radiative emission during single-photon atomic transitions for a general set of steady-state excitation processes in an arbitrary arrangement of static (or quasistatic) electric and magnetic fields. Particular attention has been directed at spectroscopic observations in the intense fields of the high-power ion diodes on the Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator II (PBFA II) and SABRE devices at Sandia National Laboratories and at magnetic-field measurements in tokamak plasmas. The field-dependent atomic eigenstates are represented as expansions in a complete basis set of field-free bound and continuum eigenstates. Particular emphasismore » has been given to directed-electron collisional excitations, which may be produced by an anisotropic incident-electron velocity distribution. We have allowed for the possibility of the coherent excitation of the nearly degenerate field-dependent atomic substates, which can give rise to a complex spectral pattern of overlapping Stark-Zeeman components. Coherent excitations may be produced by a beam of electrons that are spin-polarized at an angle with respect to the propagation direction or by nonparallel electric and magnetic fields. Our main result is a general expression for the matrix elements of the photon-polarization density operator representing the total intensity, angular distribution, and polarization of the atomic radiative emission. For the observation of radiative emission in the direction of the magnetic field, the detection of linearly polarized emission, in addition to the usual circularly polarized radiation, can reveal the presence of a perpendicular electric field or a coherent excitation mechanism.« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Golovin, B.M.; Dzhelepov, V.P.; Zulkarneev, R.Ya.
ABS>Experiments on triple scattering of protons are described, and the results of measurement of the spin correlation coefficients C/sub nn/ for 640-Mev protons elastically scattered by protons are presented for a number of angles in the cms which differ from 90 deg . On basis of the experimental data obtained in the presert work and available in the literature, the moduli of the pp-scattering amplitudes are qualitatively determined in a broad angular range 50 deg < yields < 130 deg and their relative contributions are given. The values of the singlet and triplet cross sections for some angles are alsomore » determined. The phase shifts for a pp-system at the indicated energy in singlet states are estimated. (auth)« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shankman, C.; Kavelaars, JJ.; Bannister, M. T.
We measure the absolute magnitude, H, distribution, dN(H) ∝ 10{sup αH}, of the scattering Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) as a proxy for their size-frequency distribution. We show that the H-distribution of the scattering TNOs is not consistent with a single-slope distribution, but must transition around H{sub g} ∼ 9 to either a knee with a shallow slope or to a divot, which is a differential drop followed by second exponential distribution. Our analysis is based on a sample of 22 scattering TNOs drawn from three different TNO surveys—the Canada–France Ecliptic Plane Survey, Alexandersen et al., and the Outer Solar System Origins Survey, all of whichmore » provide well-characterized detection thresholds—combined with a cosmogonic model for the formation of the scattering TNO population. Our measured absolute magnitude distribution result is independent of the choice of cosmogonic model. Based on our analysis, we estimate that the number of scattering TNOs is (2.4–8.3) × 10{sup 5} for H{sub r} < 12. A divot H-distribution is seen in a variety of formation scenarios and may explain several puzzles in Kuiper Belt science. We find that a divot H-distribution simultaneously explains the observed scattering TNO, Neptune Trojan, Plutino, and Centaur H-distributions while simultaneously predicting a large enough scattering TNO population to act as the sole supply of the Jupiter-Family Comets.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boer, Marie
Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) contain the correlation between the parton's longitudinal momentum and their transverse distribution. They are accessed through hard exclusive processes, such as Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS). DVCS has already been measured in several experiments and several models allow for extracting GPDs from these measurements. Timelike Compton Scattering (TCS) is, at leading order, the time-reversal equivalent process to DVCS and accesses GPDs at the same kinematics. Comparing GPDs extracted from DVCS and TCS is a unique way for proving GPD universality. Combining fits from the two processes will also allow for better constraining the GPDs. We will present our method for extracting GPDs from DVCS and TCS pseudo-data. We will compare fit results from the two processes in similar conditions and present what can be expected in term of contraints on GPDs from combined fits.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zhu, P. Y.
The effective-medium approximation is applied to investigate scattering from a half-space of randomly and densely distributed discrete scatterers. Starting from vector wave equations, an approximation, called effective-medium Born approximation, a particular way, treating Green's functions, and special coordinates, of which the origin is set at the field point, are used to calculate the bistatic- and back-scatterings. An analytic solution of backscattering with closed form is obtained and it shows a depolarization effect. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental measurements in the cases of snow, multi- and first-year sea-ice. The root product ratio of polarization to depolarization in backscattering is equal to 8; this result constitutes a law about polarized scattering phenomena in the nature.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stark, Julian; Rothe, Thomas; Kieß, Steffen; Simon, Sven; Kienle, Alwin
Single cell nuclei were investigated using two-dimensional angularly and spectrally resolved scattering microscopy. We show that even for a qualitative comparison of experimental and theoretical data, the standard Mie model of a homogeneous sphere proves to be insufficient. Hence, an accelerated finite-difference time-domain method using a graphics processor unit and domain decomposition was implemented to analyze the experimental scattering patterns. The measured cell nuclei were modeled as single spheres with randomly distributed spherical inclusions of different size and refractive index representing the nucleoli and clumps of chromatin. Taking into account the nuclear heterogeneity of a large number of inclusions yields a qualitative agreement between experimental and theoretical spectra and illustrates the impact of the nuclear micro- and nanostructure on the scattering patterns.
Stark, Julian; Rothe, Thomas; Kieß, Steffen; Simon, Sven; Kienle, Alwin
Single cell nuclei were investigated using two-dimensional angularly and spectrally resolved scattering microscopy. We show that even for a qualitative comparison of experimental and theoretical data, the standard Mie model of a homogeneous sphere proves to be insufficient. Hence, an accelerated finite-difference time-domain method using a graphics processor unit and domain decomposition was implemented to analyze the experimental scattering patterns. The measured cell nuclei were modeled as single spheres with randomly distributed spherical inclusions of different size and refractive index representing the nucleoli and clumps of chromatin. Taking into account the nuclear heterogeneity of a large number of inclusions yields a qualitative agreement between experimental and theoretical spectra and illustrates the impact of the nuclear micro- and nanostructure on the scattering patterns.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Paz, Y.; Naaman, R.
Energy distribution in aniline molecules scattered from organized organic monolayers was investigated using a resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization technique. Two type of monolayers were used, one exposing a floppy unsubstituted aliphatic chain (OTS, n-octadecyltrichlorosilane), and the second having a perfluorinated tail (PFDA, perfluorodecanoic acid). The dependence of the internal and translational energy of the scattered aniline is monitored as a function of collision energy and surface properties. The data reveal an unusually high propensity for excitation of the NH 2 inversion mode in aniline. Vibrationally excited molecules are scattered with a narrower time-of-flight (TOF) distribution than those in the ground vibrational state.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Cumming, J.B.; Haustein, P.E.; Stoenner, R.W.
Angular distributions are reported for /sup 37/Ar and /sup 127/Xe produced by the interaction of 8-GeV /sup 20/Ne and 25-GeV /sup 12/C ions with Au. A shift from a forward to a sideward peaked distribution is observed for /sup 37/Ar, similar to that known to occur for incident protons over the same energy interval. Analysis of these data and those for Z = 8 fragments indicate that reactions leading to heavy fragment emission become more peripheral as bombarding energies increase. A mechanistic analysis is presented which explores the ranges of applicability of several models and the reliability of their predictionsmore » to fragmentation reactions induced by both energetic heavy ions and protons.« less
A Universal Angular Momentum Profile for Dark Matter Halos
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liao, Shihong; Chen, Jianxiong; Chu, M.-C.
The angular momentum distribution in dark matter halos and galaxies is a key ingredient in understanding their formation. Specifically, the internal distribution of angular momenta is closely related to the formation of disk galaxies. In this article, we use halos identified from a high-resolution simulation, the Bolshoi simulation, to study the spatial distribution of specific angular momenta, j(r,θ ). We show that by stacking halos with similar masses to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, the profile can be fitted as a simple function, j{(r,θ )={j}s{\\sin }2{(θ /{θ }s)(r/{r}s)}2/(1+r/{r}s)}4, with three free parameters, {j}s,{r}s, and {θ }s. Specifically, j s correlates with the halo mass M vir as {j}s\\propto {M}{vir}2/3, r s has a weak dependence on the halo mass as {r}s\\propto {M}{vir}0.040, and {θ }s is independent of M vir. This profile agrees with that from a rigid shell model, though its origin is unclear. Our universal specific angular momentum profile j(r,θ ) is useful in modeling the angular momenta of halos. Furthermore, by using an empirical stellar mass-halo mass relation, we can infer the average angular momentum distribution of a dark matter halo. The specific angular momentum-stellar mass relation within a halo computed from our profile is shown to share a similar shape as that from the observed disk galaxies.
Angular behavior of synchrotron radiation harmonics.
Bagrov, V G; Bulenok, V G; Gitman, D M; Jara, Jose Acosta; Tlyachev, V B; Jarovoi, A T
The detailed analysis of angular dependence of the synchrotron radiation (SR) is presented. Angular distributions of linear and circular polarization integrated over all harmonics, well known for relativistic electron energies, are extended to include radiation from electrons that are not fully relativistic. In particular, we analyze the angular dependence of the integral SR intensity and peculiarities of the angular dependence of the first harmonics SR. Studying spectral SR intensities, we have discovered their unexpected angular behavior, completely different from that of the integral SR intensity; namely, for any given synchrotron frequency, maxima of the spectral SR intensities recede from the orbit plane with increasing particle energy. Thus, in contrast with the integral SR intensity, the spectral ones have the tendency to deconcentrate themselves on the orbit plane.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Fu, L. S. W.
The scattering of a single ellipsoidal inhomogeneity is studied via an eigenstrain approach. The displacement field is given in terms of volume integrals that involve eigenstrains that are related to mismatch in mass density and that in elastic moduli. The governing equations for these unknown eigenstrains are derived. Agreement with other approaches for the scattering problem is shown. The formulation is general and both the inhomogeneity and the host medium can be anisotrophic. The axisymmetric scattering of an ellipsoidal inhomogeneity in a linear elastic isotropic medium is given as an example. The angular and frequency dependence of the scattered displacement field, the differential and total cross sections are formally given in series expansions for the case of uniformly distributed eigenstrains.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lingenfelter, Richard E.
Comparisons of Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) observations of gamma-ray line and neutron emission with theoretical calculation of their expected production by flare accelerated ion interactions in the solar atmosphere have led to significant advances in the understanding of solar flare particle acceleration and interaction, as well as the flare process itself. These comparisons have enabled the determination of, not only the total number and energy spectrum of accelerated ions trapped at the sun, but also the ion angular distribution as they interact in the solar atmosphere. The Monte Carlo program was modified to include in the calculations of ion trajectories the effects of both mirroring in converging magnetic fields and of pitch angle scattering. Comparing the results of these calculations with the SMM observations, not only the angular distribution of the interacting ions can be determined, but also the initial angular distribution of the ions at acceleration. The reliable determination of the solar photospheric He-3 abundance is of great importance for understanding nucleosynthesis in the early universe and its implications for cosmology, as well as for the study of the evolution of the sun. It is also essential for the determinations of the spectrum and total number of flare accelerated ions from the SMM/GRS gamma-ray line measurements. Systematic Monte Carlo calculations of the time dependence were made as a function of the He-3 abundance and other variables. A new series of calculations were compared for the time-dependent flux of 2.223 MeV neutron capture line emission and the ratio of the time-integrated flux in the 2.223 MeV line to that in the 4.1 to 6.4 MeV nuclear deexcitation band.
Efficient Light Extraction from Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Plasmonic Scattering Layers
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Rothberg, Lewis
Our project addressed the DOE MYPP 2020 goal to improve light extraction from organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) to 75% (Core task 6.3). As noted in the 2010 MYPP, “the greatest opportunity for improvement is in the extraction of light from [OLED] panels”. There are many approaches to avoiding waveguiding limitations intrinsic to the planar OLED structure including use of textured substrates, microcavity designs and incorporating scattering layers into the device structure. We have chosen to pursue scattering layers since it addresses the largest source of loss which is waveguiding in the OLED itself. Scattering layers also have the potential tomore » be relatively robust to color, polarization and angular distributions. We note that this can be combined with textured or microlens decorated substrates to achieve additional enhancement.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aaboud, M.; Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdinov, O.; Abeloos, B.; Aben, R.; Abouzeid, O. S.; Abraham, N. L.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abreu, R.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B. S.; Adachi, S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D. L.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, S.; Adye, T.; Affolder, A. A.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.; Ahlen, S. P.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akerstedt, H.; Åkesson, T. P. A.; Akimov, A. V.; Alberghi, G. L.; Albert, J.; Albrand, S.; Alconada Verzini, M. J.; Aleksa, M.; Aleksandrov, I. N.; Alexa, C.; Alexander, G.; Alexopoulos, T.; Alhroob, M.; Ali, B.; Aliev, M.; Alimonti, G.; Alison, J.; Alkire, S. P.; Allbrooke, B. M. M.; Allen, B. W.; Allport, P. P.; Aloisio, A.; Alonso, A.; Alonso, F.; Alpigiani, C.; Alshehri, A. A.; Alstaty, M.; Alvarez Gonzalez, B.; Álvarez Piqueras, D.; Alviggi, M. G.; Amadio, B. T.; Amako, K.; Amaral Coutinho, Y.; Amelung, C.; Amidei, D.; Amor Dos Santos, S. P.; Amorim, A.; Amoroso, S.; Amundsen, G.; Anastopoulos, C.; Ancu, L. S.; Andari, N.; Andeen, T.; Anders, C. F.; Anders, G.; Anders, J. K.; Anderson, K. J.; Andreazza, A.; Andrei, V.; Angelidakis, S.; Angelozzi, I.; Angerami, A.; Anghinolfi, F.; Anisenkov, A. V.; Anjos, N.; Annovi, A.; Antel, C.; Antonelli, M.; Antonov, A.; Anulli, F.; Aoki, M.; Aperio Bella, L.; Arabidze, G.; Arai, Y.; Araque, J. P.; Arce, A. T. H.; Arduh, F. A.; Arguin, J.-F.; Argyropoulos, S.; Arik, M.; Armbruster, A. J.; Armitage, L. J.; Arnaez, O.; Arnold, H.; Arratia, M.; Arslan, O.; Artamonov, A.; Artoni, G.; Artz, S.; Asai, S.; Asbah, N.; Ashkenazi, A.; Åsman, B.; Asquith, L.; Assamagan, K.; Astalos, R.; Atkinson, M.; Atlay, N. B.; Augsten, K.; Avolio, G.; Axen, B.; Ayoub, M. K.; Azuelos, G.; Baak, M. A.; Baas, A. E.; Baca, M. J.; Bachacou, H.; Bachas, K.; Backes, M.; Backhaus, M.; Bagiacchi, P.; Bagnaia, P.; Bai, Y.; Baines, J. T.; Baker, O. K.; Baldin, E. M.; Balek, P.; Balestri, T.; Balli, F.; Balunas, W. K.; Banas, E.; Banerjee, Sw.; Bannoura, A. A. E.; Barak, L.; Barberio, E. L.; Barberis, D.; Barbero, M.; Barillari, T.; Barisits, M.-S.; Barklow, T.; Barlow, N.; Barnes, S. L.; Barnett, B. M.; Barnett, R. M.; Barnovska-Blenessy, Z.; Baroncelli, A.; Barone, G.; Barr, A. J.; Barranco Navarro, L.; Barreiro, F.; Barreiro Guimarães da Costa, J.; Bartoldus, R.; Barton, A. E.; Bartos, P.; Basalaev, A.; Bassalat, A.; Bates, R. L.; Batista, S. J.; Batley, J. R.; Battaglia, M.; Bauce, M.; Bauer, F.; Bawa, H. S.; Beacham, J. B.; Beattie, M. D.; Beau, T.; Beauchemin, P. H.; Bechtle, P.; Beck, H. P.; Becker, K.; Becker, M.; Beckingham, M.; Becot, C.; Beddall, A. J.; Beddall, A.; Bednyakov, V. A.; Bedognetti, M.; Bee, C. P.; Beemster, L. J.; Beermann, T. A.; Begel, M.; Behr, J. K.; Belanger-Champagne, C.; Bell, A. S.; Bella, G.; Bellagamba, L.; Bellerive, A.; Bellomo, M.; Belotskiy, K.; Beltramello, O.; Belyaev, N. L.; Benary, O.; Benchekroun, D.; Bender, M.; Bendtz, K.; Benekos, N.; Benhammou, Y.; Benhar Noccioli, E.; Benitez, J.; Benjamin, D. P.; Bensinger, J. R.; Bentvelsen, S.; Beresford, L.; Beretta, M.; Berge, D.; Bergeaas Kuutmann, E.; Berger, N.; Beringer, J.; Berlendis, S.; Bernard, N. R.; Bernius, C.; Bernlochner, F. U.; Berry, T.; Berta, P.; Bertella, C.; Bertoli, G.; Bertolucci, F.; Bertram, I. A.; Bertsche, C.; Bertsche, D.; Besjes, G. J.; Bessidskaia Bylund, O.; Bessner, M.; Besson, N.; Betancourt, C.; Bethani, A.; Bethke, S.; Bevan, A. J.; Bianchi, R. M.; Bianchini, L.; Bianco, M.; Biebel, O.; Biedermann, D.; Bielski, R.; Biesuz, N. V.; Biglietti, M.; Bilbao de Mendizabal, J.; Billoud, T. R. V.; Bilokon, H.; Bindi, M.; Binet, S.; Bingul, A.; Bini, C.; Biondi, S.; Bisanz, T.; Bjergaard, D. M.; Black, C. W.; Black, J. E.; Black, K. M.; Blackburn, D.; Blair, R. E.; Blanchard, J.-B.; Blazek, T.; Bloch, I.; Blocker, C.; Blue, A.; Blum, W.; Blumenschein, U.; Blunier, S.; Bobbink, G. J.; Bobrovnikov, V. S.; Bocchetta, S. S.; Bocci, A.; Bock, C.; Boehler, M.; Boerner, D.; Bogaerts, J. A.; Bogavac, D.; Bogdanchikov, A. G.; Bohm, C.; Boisvert, V.; Bokan, P.; Bold, T.; Boldyrev, A. S.; Bomben, M.; Bona, M.; Boonekamp, M.; Borisov, A.; Borissov, G.; Bortfeldt, J.; Bortoletto, D.; Bortolotto, V.; Bos, K.; Boscherini, D.; Bosman, M.; Bossio Sola, J. D.; Boudreau, J.; Bouffard, J.; Bouhova-Thacker, E. V.; Boumediene, D.; Bourdarios, C.; Boutle, S. K.; Boveia, A.; Boyd, J.; Boyko, I. R.; Bracinik, J.; Brandt, A.; Brandt, G.; Brandt, O.; Bratzler, U.; Brau, B.; Brau, J. E.; Breaden Madden, W. D.; Brendlinger, K.; Brennan, A. J.; Brenner, L.; Brenner, R.; Bressler, S.; Bristow, T. M.; Britton, D.; Britzger, D.; Brochu, F. M.; Brock, I.; Brock, R.; Brooijmans, G.; Brooks, T.; Brooks, W. K.; Brosamer, J.; Brost, E.; Broughton, J. H.; Bruckman de Renstrom, P. A.; Bruncko, D.; Bruneliere, R.; Bruni, A.; Bruni, G.; Bruni, L. S.; Brunt, Bh; Bruschi, M.; Bruscino, N.; Bryant, P.; Bryngemark, L.; Buanes, T.; Buat, Q.; Buchholz, P.; Buckley, A. G.; Budagov, I. A.; Buehrer, F.; Bugge, M. K.; Bulekov, O.; Bullock, D.; Burckhart, H.; Burdin, S.; Burgard, C. D.; Burghgrave, B.; Burka, K.; Burke, S.; Burmeister, I.; Burr, J. T. P.; Busato, E.; Büscher, D.; Büscher, V.; Bussey, P.; Butler, J. M.; Buttar, C. M.; Butterworth, J. M.; Butti, P.; Buttinger, W.; Buzatu, A.; Buzykaev, A. R.; Cabrera Urbán, S.; Caforio, D.; Cairo, V. M.; Cakir, O.; Calace, N.; Calafiura, P.; Calandri, A.; Calderini, G.; Calfayan, P.; Callea, G.; Caloba, L. P.; Calvente Lopez, S.; Calvet, D.; Calvet, S.; Calvet, T. P.; Camacho Toro, R.; Camarda, S.; Camarri, P.; Cameron, D.; Caminal Armadans, R.; Camincher, C.; Campana, S.; Campanelli, M.; Camplani, A.; Campoverde, A.; Canale, V.; Canepa, A.; Cano Bret, M.; Cantero, J.; Cao, T.; Capeans Garrido, M. D. M.; Caprini, I.; Caprini, M.; Capua, M.; Carbone, R. M.; Cardarelli, R.; Cardillo, F.; Carli, I.; Carli, T.; Carlino, G.; Carminati, L.; Carney, R. M. D.; Caron, S.; Carquin, E.; Carrillo-Montoya, G. D.; Carter, J. R.; Carvalho, J.; Casadei, D.; Casado, M. P.; Casolino, M.; Casper, D. W.; Castaneda-Miranda, E.; Castelijn, R.; Castelli, A.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Castro, N. F.; Catinaccio, A.; Catmore, J. R.; Cattai, A.; Caudron, J.; Cavaliere, V.; Cavallaro, E.; Cavalli, D.; Cavalli-Sforza, M.; Cavasinni, V.; Ceradini, F.; Cerda Alberich, L.; Cerqueira, A. S.; Cerri, A.; Cerrito, L.; Cerutti, F.; Cerv, M.; Cervelli, A.; Cetin, S. A.; Chafaq, A.; Chakraborty, D.; Chan, S. K.; Chan, Y. L.; Chang, P.; Chapman, J. D.; Charlton, D. G.; Chatterjee, A.; Chau, C. C.; Chavez Barajas, C. A.; Che, S.; Cheatham, S.; Chegwidden, A.; Chekanov, S.; Chekulaev, S. V.; Chelkov, G. A.; Chelstowska, M. A.; Chen, C.; Chen, H.; Chen, K.; Chen, S.; Chen, S.; Chen, X.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, H. C.; Cheng, H. J.; Cheng, Y.; Cheplakov, A.; Cheremushkina, E.; Cherkaoui El Moursli, R.; Chernyatin, V.; Cheu, E.; Chevalier, L.; Chiarella, V.; Chiarelli, G.; Chiodini, G.; Chisholm, A. S.; Chitan, A.; Chizhov, M. V.; Choi, K.; Chomont, A. R.; Chouridou, S.; Chow, B. K. B.; Christodoulou, V.; Chromek-Burckhart, D.; Chudoba, J.; Chuinard, A. J.; Chwastowski, J. J.; Chytka, L.; Ciapetti, G.; Ciftci, A. K.; Cinca, D.; Cindro, V.; Cioara, I. A.; Ciocca, C.; Ciocio, A.; Cirotto, F.; Citron, Z. H.; Citterio, M.; Ciubancan, M.; Clark, A.; Clark, B. L.; Clark, M. R.; Clark, P. J.; Clarke, R. N.; Clement, C.; Coadou, Y.; Cobal, M.; Coccaro, A.; Cochran, J.; Colasurdo, L.; Cole, B.; Colijn, A. P.; Collot, J.; Colombo, T.; Compostella, G.; Conde Muiño, P.; Coniavitis, E.; Connell, S. H.; Connelly, I. A.; Consorti, V.; Constantinescu, S.; Conti, G.; Conventi, F.; Cooke, M.; Cooper, B. D.; Cooper-Sarkar, A. M.; Cormier, K. J. R.; Cornelissen, T.; Corradi, M.; Corriveau, F.; Cortes-Gonzalez, A.; Cortiana, G.; Costa, G.; Costa, M. J.; Costanzo, D.; Cottin, G.; Cowan, G.; Cox, B. E.; Cranmer, K.; Crawley, S. J.; Cree, G.; Crépé-Renaudin, S.; Crescioli, F.; Cribbs, W. A.; Crispin Ortuzar, M.; Cristinziani, M.; Croft, V.; Crosetti, G.; Cueto, A.; Cuhadar Donszelmann, T.; Cummings, J.; Curatolo, M.; Cúth, J.; Czirr, H.; Czodrowski, P.; D'Amen, G.; D'Auria, S.; D'Onofrio, M.; da Cunha Sargedas de Sousa, M. J.; da Via, C.; Dabrowski, W.; Dado, T.; Dai, T.; Dale, O.; Dallaire, F.; Dallapiccola, C.; Dam, M.; Dandoy, J. R.; Dang, N. P.; Daniells, A. C.; Dann, N. S.; Danninger, M.; Dano Hoffmann, M.; Dao, V.; Darbo, G.; Darmora, S.; Dassoulas, J.; Dattagupta, A.; Davey, W.; David, C.; Davidek, T.; Davies, M.; Davison, P.; Dawe, E.; Dawson, I.; de, K.; de Asmundis, R.; de Benedetti, A.; de Castro, S.; de Cecco, S.; de Groot, N.; de Jong, P.; de la Torre, H.; de Lorenzi, F.; de Maria, A.; de Pedis, D.; de Salvo, A.; de Sanctis, U.; de Santo, A.; de Vivie de Regie, J. B.; Dearnaley, W. J.; Debbe, R.; Debenedetti, C.; Dedovich, D. V.; Dehghanian, N.; Deigaard, I.; Del Gaudio, M.; Del Peso, J.; Del Prete, T.; Delgove, D.; Deliot, F.; Delitzsch, C. M.; Dell'Acqua, A.; Dell'Asta, L.; Dell'Orso, M.; Della Pietra, M.; Della Volpe, D.; Delmastro, M.; Delsart, P. A.; Demarco, D. A.; Demers, S.; Demichev, M.; Demilly, A.; Denisov, S. P.; Denysiuk, D.; Derendarz, D.; Derkaoui, J. E.; Derue, F.; Dervan, P.; Desch, K.; Deterre, C.; Dette, K.; Deviveiros, P. O.; Dewhurst, A.; Dhaliwal, S.; di Ciaccio, A.; di Ciaccio, L.; di Clemente, W. K.; di Donato, C.; di Girolamo, A.; di Girolamo, B.; di Micco, B.; di Nardo, R.; di Simone, A.; di Sipio, R.; di Valentino, D.; Diaconu, C.; Diamond, M.; Dias, F. A.; Diaz, M. A.; Diehl, E. B.; Dietrich, J.; Díez Cornell, S.; Dimitrievska, A.; Dingfelder, J.; Dita, P.; Dita, S.; Dittus, F.; Djama, F.; Djobava, T.; Djuvsland, J. I.; Do Vale, M. A. B.; Dobos, D.; Dobre, M.; Doglioni, C.; Dolejsi, J.; Dolezal, Z.; Donadelli, M.; Donati, S.; Dondero, P.; Donini, J.; Dopke, J.; Doria, A.; Dova, M. T.; Doyle, A. T.; Drechsler, E.; Dris, M.; Du, Y.; Duarte-Campderros, J.; Duchovni, E.; Duckeck, G.; Ducu, O. A.; Duda, D.; Dudarev, A.; Chr. Dudder, A.; Duffield, E. M.; Duflot, L.; Dührssen, M.; Dumancic, M.; Dunford, M.; Duran Yildiz, H.; Düren, M.; Durglishvili, A.; Duschinger, D.; Dutta, B.; Dyndal, M.; Eckardt, C.; Ecker, K. M.; Edgar, R. C.; Edwards, N. C.; Eifert, T.; Eigen, G.; Einsweiler, K.; Ekelof, T.; El Kacimi, M.; Ellajosyula, V.; Ellert, M.; Elles, S.; Ellinghaus, F.; Elliot, A. A.; Ellis, N.; Elmsheuser, J.; Elsing, M.; Emeliyanov, D.; Enari, Y.; Endner, O. C.; Ennis, J. S.; Erdmann, J.; Ereditato, A.; Ernis, G.; Ernst, J.; Ernst, M.; Errede, S.; Ertel, E.; Escalier, M.; Esch, H.; Escobar, C.; Esposito, B.; Etienvre, A. I.; Etzion, E.; Evans, H.; Ezhilov, A.; Ezzi, M.; Fabbri, F.; Fabbri, L.; Facini, G.; Fakhrutdinov, R. M.; Falciano, S.; Falla, R. J.; Faltova, J.; Fang, Y.; Fanti, M.; Farbin, A.; Farilla, A.; Farina, C.; Farina, E. M.; Farooque, T.; Farrell, S.; Farrington, S. M.; Farthouat, P.; Fassi, F.; Fassnacht, P.; Fassouliotis, D.; Faucci Giannelli, M.; Favareto, A.; Fawcett, W. J.; Fayard, L.; Fedin, O. L.; Fedorko, W.; Feigl, S.; Feligioni, L.; Feng, C.; Feng, E. J.; Feng, H.; Fenyuk, A. B.; Feremenga, L.; Fernandez Martinez, P.; Fernandez Perez, S.; Ferrando, J.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, P.; Ferrari, R.; Ferreira de Lima, D. E.; Ferrer, A.; Ferrere, D.; Ferretti, C.; Ferretto Parodi, A.; Fiedler, F.; Filipčič, A.; Filipuzzi, M.; Filthaut, F.; Fincke-Keeler, M.; Finelli, K. D.; Fiolhais, M. C. N.; Fiorini, L.; Firan, A.; Fischer, A.; Fischer, C.; Fischer, J.; Fisher, W. C.; Flaschel, N.; Fleck, I.; Fleischmann, P.; Fletcher, G. T.; Fletcher, R. R. M.; Flick, T.; Flores Castillo, L. R.; Flowerdew, M. J.; Forcolin, G. T.; Formica, A.; Forti, A.; Foster, A. G.; Fournier, D.; Fox, H.; Fracchia, S.; Francavilla, P.; Franchini, M.; Francis, D.; Franconi, L.; Franklin, M.; Frate, M.; Fraternali, M.; Freeborn, D.; Fressard-Batraneanu, S. M.; Friedrich, F.; Froidevaux, D.; Frost, J. A.; Fukunaga, C.; Fullana Torregrosa, E.; Fusayasu, T.; Fuster, J.; Gabaldon, C.; Gabizon, O.; Gabrielli, A.; Gabrielli, A.; Gach, G. P.; Gadatsch, S.; Gadomski, S.; Gagliardi, G.; Gagnon, L. G.; Gagnon, P.; Galea, C.; Galhardo, B.; Gallas, E. J.; Gallop, B. J.; Gallus, P.; Galster, G.; Gan, K. K.; Ganguly, S.; Gao, J.; Gao, Y.; Gao, Y. S.; Garay Walls, F. M.; García, C.; García Navarro, J. E.; Garcia-Sciveres, M.; Gardner, R. W.; Garelli, N.; Garonne, V.; Gascon Bravo, A.; Gasnikova, K.; Gatti, C.; Gaudiello, A.; Gaudio, G.; Gauthier, L.; Gavrilenko, I. L.; Gay, C.; Gaycken, G.; Gazis, E. N.; Gecse, Z.; Gee, C. N. P.; Geich-Gimbel, Ch.; Geisen, M.; Geisler, M. P.; Gellerstedt, K.; Gemme, C.; Genest, M. H.; Geng, C.; Gentile, S.; Gentsos, C.; George, S.; Gerbaudo, D.; Gershon, A.; Ghasemi, S.; Ghneimat, M.; Giacobbe, B.; Giagu, S.; Giannetti, P.; Gibbard, B.; Gibson, S. M.; Gignac, M.; Gilchriese, M.; Gillam, T. P. S.; Gillberg, D.; Gilles, G.; Gingrich, D. M.; Giokaris, N.; Giordani, M. P.; Giorgi, F. M.; Giorgi, F. M.; Giraud, P. F.; Giromini, P.; Giugni, D.; Giuli, F.; Giuliani, C.; Giulini, M.; Gjelsten, B. K.; Gkaitatzis, S.; Gkialas, I.; Gkougkousis, E. L.; Gladilin, L. K.; Glasman, C.; Glatzer, J.; Glaysher, P. C. F.; Glazov, A.; Goblirsch-Kolb, M.; Godlewski, J.; Goldfarb, S.; Golling, T.; Golubkov, D.; Gomes, A.; Gonçalo, R.; Goncalves Pinto Firmino da Costa, J.; Gonella, G.; Gonella, L.; Gongadze, A.; González de La Hoz, S.; Gonzalez-Sevilla, S.; Goossens, L.; Gorbounov, P. A.; Gordon, H. A.; Gorelov, I.; Gorini, B.; Gorini, E.; Gorišek, A.; Gornicki, E.; Goshaw, A. T.; Gössling, C.; Gostkin, M. I.; Goudet, C. R.; Goujdami, D.; Goussiou, A. G.; Govender, N.; Gozani, E.; Graber, L.; Grabowska-Bold, I.; Gradin, P. O. J.; Grafström, P.; Gramling, J.; Gramstad, E.; Grancagnolo, S.; Gratchev, V.; Gravila, P. M.; Gray, H. M.; Graziani, E.; Greenwood, Z. D.; Grefe, C.; Gregersen, K.; Gregor, I. M.; Grenier, P.; Grevtsov, K.; Griffiths, J.; Grillo, A. A.; Grimm, K.; Grinstein, S.; Gris, Ph.; Grivaz, J.-F.; Groh, S.; Gross, E.; Grosse-Knetter, J.; Grossi, G. C.; Grout, Z. J.; Guan, L.; Guan, W.; Guenther, J.; Guescini, F.; Guest, D.; Gueta, O.; Gui, B.; Guido, E.; Guillemin, T.; Guindon, S.; Gul, U.; Gumpert, C.; Guo, J.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, R.; Gupta, S.; Gustavino, G.; Gutierrez, P.; Gutierrez Ortiz, N. G.; Gutschow, C.; Guyot, C.; Gwenlan, C.; Gwilliam, C. B.; Haas, A.; Haber, C.; Hadavand, H. K.; Haddad, N.; Hadef, A.; Hageböck, S.; Hagihara, M.; Hajduk, Z.; Hakobyan, H.; Haleem, M.; Haley, J.; Halladjian, G.; Hallewell, G. D.; Hamacher, K.; Hamal, P.; Hamano, K.; Hamilton, A.; Hamity, G. N.; Hamnett, P. G.; Han, L.; Hanagaki, K.; Hanawa, K.; Hance, M.; Haney, B.; Hanke, P.; Hanna, R.; Hansen, J. B.; Hansen, J. D.; Hansen, M. C.; Hansen, P. H.; Hara, K.; Hard, A. S.; Harenberg, T.; Hariri, F.; Harkusha, S.; Harrington, R. D.; Harrison, P. F.; Hartjes, F.; Hartmann, N. M.; Hasegawa, M.; Hasegawa, Y.; Hasib, A.; Hassani, S.; Haug, S.; Hauser, R.; Hauswald, L.; Havranek, M.; Hawkes, C. M.; Hawkings, R. J.; Hayakawa, D.; Hayden, D.; Hays, C. P.; Hays, J. M.; Hayward, H. S.; Haywood, S. J.; Head, S. J.; Heck, T.; Hedberg, V.; Heelan, L.; Heim, S.; Heim, T.; Heinemann, B.; Heinrich, J. J.; Heinrich, L.; Heinz, C.; Hejbal, J.; Helary, L.; Hellman, S.; Helsens, C.; Henderson, J.; Henderson, R. C. W.; Heng, Y.; Henkelmann, S.; Henriques Correia, A. M.; Henrot-Versille, S.; Herbert, G. H.; Herde, H.; Herget, V.; Hernández Jiménez, Y.; Herten, G.; Hertenberger, R.; Hervas, L.; Hesketh, G. G.; Hessey, N. P.; Hetherly, J. W.; Hickling, R.; Higón-Rodriguez, E.; Hill, E.; Hill, J. C.; Hiller, K. H.; Hillier, S. J.; Hinchliffe, I.; Hines, E.; Hinman, R. R.; Hirose, M.; Hirschbuehl, D.; Hobbs, J.; Hod, N.; Hodgkinson, M. C.; Hodgson, P.; Hoecker, A.; Hoeferkamp, M. R.; Hoenig, F.; Hohn, D.; Holmes, T. R.; Homann, M.; Honda, T.; Hong, T. M.; Hooberman, B. H.; Hopkins, W. H.; Horii, Y.; Horton, A. J.; Hostachy, J.-Y.; Hou, S.; Hoummada, A.; Howarth, J.; Hoya, J.; Hrabovsky, M.; Hristova, I.; Hrivnac, J.; Hryn'ova, T.; Hrynevich, A.; Hsu, C.; Hsu, P. J.; Hsu, S.-C.; Hu, Q.; Hu, S.; Huang, Y.; Hubacek, Z.; Hubaut, F.; Huegging, F.; Huffman, T. B.; Hughes, E. W.; Hughes, G.; Huhtinen, M.; Huo, P.; Huseynov, N.; Huston, J.; Huth, J.; Iacobucci, G.; Iakovidis, G.; Ibragimov, I.; Iconomidou-Fayard, L.; Ideal, E.; Idrissi, Z.; Iengo, P.; Igonkina, O.; Iizawa, T.; Ikegami, Y.; Ikeno, M.; Ilchenko, Y.; Iliadis, D.; Ilic, N.; Ince, T.; Introzzi, G.; Ioannou, P.; Iodice, M.; Iordanidou, K.; Ippolito, V.; Ishijima, N.; Ishino, M.; Ishitsuka, M.; Ishmukhametov, R.; Issever, C.; Istin, S.; Ito, F.; Iturbe Ponce, J. M.; Iuppa, R.; Iwanski, W.; Iwasaki, H.; Izen, J. M.; Izzo, V.; Jabbar, S.; Jackson, B.; Jackson, P.; Jain, V.; Jakobi, K. B.; Jakobs, K.; Jakobsen, S.; Jakoubek, T.; Jamin, D. O.; Jana, D. K.; Jansky, R.; Janssen, J.; Janus, M.; Jarlskog, G.; Javadov, N.; Javůrek, T.; Jeanneau, F.; Jeanty, L.; Jeng, G.-Y.; Jennens, D.; Jenni, P.; Jeske, C.; Jézéquel, S.; Ji, H.; Jia, J.; Jiang, H.; Jiang, Y.; Jiang, Z.; Jiggins, S.; Jimenez Pena, J.; Jin, S.; Jinaru, A.; Jinnouchi, O.; Jivan, H.; Johansson, P.; Johns, K. A.; Johnson, W. J.; Jon-And, K.; Jones, G.; Jones, R. W. L.; Jones, S.; Jones, T. J.; Jongmanns, J.; Jorge, P. M.; Jovicevic, J.; Ju, X.; Juste Rozas, A.; Köhler, M. K.; Kaczmarska, A.; Kado, M.; Kagan, H.; Kagan, M.; Kahn, S. J.; Kaji, T.; Kajomovitz, E.; Kalderon, C. W.; Kaluza, A.; Kama, S.; Kamenshchikov, A.; Kanaya, N.; Kaneti, S.; Kanjir, L.; Kantserov, V. A.; Kanzaki, J.; Kaplan, B.; Kaplan, L. S.; Kapliy, A.; Kar, D.; Karakostas, K.; Karamaoun, A.; Karastathis, N.; Kareem, M. J.; Karentzos, E.; Karnevskiy, M.; Karpov, S. N.; Karpova, Z. M.; Karthik, K.; Kartvelishvili, V.; Karyukhin, A. N.; Kasahara, K.; Kashif, L.; Kass, R. D.; Kastanas, A.; Kataoka, Y.; Kato, C.; Katre, A.; Katzy, J.; Kawade, K.; Kawagoe, K.; Kawamoto, T.; Kawamura, G.; Kazanin, V. F.; Keeler, R.; Kehoe, R.; Keller, J. S.; Kempster, J. J.; Keoshkerian, H.; Kepka, O.; Kerševan, B. P.; Kersten, S.; Keyes, R. A.; Khader, M.; Khalil-Zada, F.; Khanov, A.; Kharlamov, A. G.; Kharlamova, T.; Khoo, T. J.; Khovanskiy, V.; Khramov, E.; Khubua, J.; Kido, S.; Kilby, C. R.; Kim, H. Y.; Kim, S. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Kimura, N.; Kind, O. M.; King, B. T.; King, M.; Kirk, J.; Kiryunin, A. E.; Kishimoto, T.; Kisielewska, D.; Kiss, F.; Kiuchi, K.; Kivernyk, O.; Kladiva, E.; Klein, M. H.; Klein, M.; Klein, U.; Kleinknecht, K.; Klimek, P.; Klimentov, A.; Klingenberg, R.; Klinger, J. A.; Klioutchnikova, T.; Kluge, E.-E.; Kluit, P.; Kluth, S.; Knapik, J.; Kneringer, E.; Knoops, E. B. F. G.; Knue, A.; Kobayashi, A.; Kobayashi, D.; Kobayashi, T.; Kobel, M.; Kocian, M.; Kodys, P.; Koehler, N. M.; Koffas, T.; Koffeman, E.; Koi, T.; Kolanoski, H.; Kolb, M.; Koletsou, I.; Komar, A. A.; Komori, Y.; Kondo, T.; Kondrashova, N.; Köneke, K.; König, A. C.; Kono, T.; Konoplich, R.; Konstantinidis, N.; Kopeliansky, R.; Koperny, S.; Köpke, L.; Kopp, A. K.; Korcyl, K.; Kordas, K.; Korn, A.; Korol, A. A.; Korolkov, I.; Korolkova, E. V.; Kortner, O.; Kortner, S.; Kosek, T.; Kostyukhin, V. V.; Kotwal, A.; Koulouris, A.; Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi, A.; Kourkoumelis, C.; Kouskoura, V.; Kowalewska, A. B.; Kowalewski, R.; Kowalski, T. Z.; Kozakai, C.; Kozanecki, W.; Kozhin, A. S.; Kramarenko, V. A.; Kramberger, G.; Krasnopevtsev, D.; Krasny, M. W.; Krasznahorkay, A.; Kravchenko, A.; Kretz, M.; Kretzschmar, J.; Kreutzfeldt, K.; Krieger, P.; Krizka, K.; Kroeninger, K.; Kroha, H.; Kroll, J.; Kroseberg, J.; Krstic, J.; Kruchonak, U.; Krüger, H.; Krumnack, N.; Kruse, M. C.; Kruskal, M.; Kubota, T.; Kucuk, H.; Kuday, S.; Kuechler, J. T.; Kuehn, S.; Kugel, A.; Kuger, F.; Kuhl, A.; Kuhl, T.; Kukhtin, V.; Kukla, R.; Kulchitsky, Y.; Kuleshov, S.; Kuna, M.; Kunigo, T.; Kupco, A.; Kurashige, H.; Kurochkin, Y. A.; Kus, V.; Kuwertz, E. S.; Kuze, M.; Kvita, J.; Kwan, T.; Kyriazopoulos, D.; La Rosa, A.; La Rosa Navarro, J. L.; La Rotonda, L.; Lacasta, C.; Lacava, F.; Lacey, J.; Lacker, H.; Lacour, D.; Lacuesta, V. R.; Ladygin, E.; Lafaye, R.; Laforge, B.; Lagouri, T.; Lai, S.; Lammers, S.; Lampl, W.; Lançon, E.; Landgraf, U.; Landon, M. P. J.; Lanfermann, M. C.; Lang, V. S.; Lange, J. C.; Lankford, A. J.; Lanni, F.; Lantzsch, K.; Lanza, A.; Laplace, S.; Lapoire, C.; Laporte, J. F.; Lari, T.; Lasagni Manghi, F.; Lassnig, M.; Laurelli, P.; Lavrijsen, W.; Law, A. T.; Laycock, P.; Lazovich, T.; Lazzaroni, M.; Le, B.; Le Dortz, O.; Le Guirriec, E.; Le Quilleuc, E. P.; Leblanc, M.; Lecompte, T.; Ledroit-Guillon, F.; Lee, C. A.; Lee, S. C.; Lee, L.; Lefebvre, B.; Lefebvre, G.; Lefebvre, M.; Legger, F.; Leggett, C.; Lehan, A.; Lehmann Miotto, G.; Lei, X.; Leight, W. A.; Leister, A. G.; Leite, M. A. L.; Leitner, R.; Lellouch, D.; Lemmer, B.; Leney, K. J. C.; Lenz, T.; Lenzi, B.; Leone, R.; Leone, S.; Leonidopoulos, C.; Leontsinis, S.; Lerner, G.; Leroy, C.; Lesage, A. A. J.; Lester, C. G.; Levchenko, M.; Levêque, J.; Levin, D.; Levinson, L. J.; Levy, M.; Lewis, D.; Leyko, A. M.; Leyton, M.; Li, B.; Li, C.; Li, H.; Li, H. L.; Li, L.; Li, L.; Li, Q.; Li, S.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Liang, Z.; Liberti, B.; Liblong, A.; Lichard, P.; Lie, K.; Liebal, J.; Liebig, W.; Limosani, A.; Lin, S. C.; Lin, T. H.; Lindquist, B. E.; Lionti, A. E.; Lipeles, E.; Lipniacka, A.; Lisovyi, M.; Liss, T. M.; Lister, A.; Litke, A. M.; Liu, B.; Liu, D.; Liu, H.; Liu, H.; Liu, J.; Liu, J. B.; Liu, K.; Liu, L.; Liu, M.; Liu, M.; Liu, Y. L.; Liu, Y.; Livan, M.; Lleres, A.; Llorente Merino, J.; Lloyd, S. L.; Lo Sterzo, F.; Lobodzinska, E. M.; Loch, P.; Loebinger, F. K.; Loew, K. M.; Loginov, A.; Lohse, T.; Lohwasser, K.; Lokajicek, M.; Long, B. A.; Long, J. D.; Long, R. E.; Longo, L.; Looper, K. A.; López, J. A.; Lopez Mateos, D.; Lopez Paredes, B.; Lopez Paz, I.; Lopez Solis, A.; Lorenz, J.; Lorenzo Martinez, N.; Losada, M.; Lösel, P. J.; Lou, X.; Lounis, A.; Love, J.; Love, P. A.; Lu, H.; Lu, N.; Lubatti, H. J.; Luci, C.; Lucotte, A.; Luedtke, C.; Luehring, F.; Lukas, W.; Luminari, L.; Lundberg, O.; Lund-Jensen, B.; Luzi, P. M.; Lynn, D.; Lysak, R.; Lytken, E.; Lyubushkin, V.; Ma, H.; Ma, L. L.; Ma, Y.; Maccarrone, G.; Macchiolo, A.; MacDonald, C. M.; Maček, B.; Machado Miguens, J.; Madaffari, D.; Madar, R.; Maddocks, H. J.; Mader, W. F.; Madsen, A.; Maeda, J.; Maeland, S.; Maeno, T.; Maevskiy, A.; Magradze, E.; Mahlstedt, J.; Maiani, C.; Maidantchik, C.; Maier, A. A.; Maier, T.; Maio, A.; Majewski, S.; Makida, Y.; Makovec, N.; Malaescu, B.; Malecki, Pa.; Maleev, V. P.; Malek, F.; Mallik, U.; Malon, D.; Malone, C.; Malone, C.; Maltezos, S.; Malyukov, S.; Mamuzic, J.; Mancini, G.; Mandelli, L.; Mandić, I.; Maneira, J.; Manhaes de Andrade Filho, L.; Manjarres Ramos, J.; Mann, A.; Manousos, A.; Mansoulie, B.; Mansour, J. D.; Mantifel, R.; Mantoani, M.; Manzoni, S.; Mapelli, L.; Marceca, G.; March, L.; Marchiori, G.; Marcisovsky, M.; Marjanovic, M.; Marley, D. E.; Marroquim, F.; Marsden, S. P.; Marshall, Z.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Martin, B.; Martin, T. A.; Martin, V. J.; Martin Dit Latour, B.; Martinez, M.; Martinez Outschoorn, V. I.; Martin-Haugh, S.; Martoiu, V. S.; Martyniuk, A. C.; Marzin, A.; Masetti, L.; Mashimo, T.; Mashinistov, R.; Masik, J.; Maslennikov, A. L.; Massa, I.; Massa, L.; Mastrandrea, P.; Mastroberardino, A.; Masubuchi, T.; Mättig, P.; Mattmann, J.; Maurer, J.; Maxfield, S. J.; Maximov, D. A.; Mazini, R.; Maznas, I.; Mazza, S. M.; Mc Fadden, N. C.; Mc Goldrick, G.; Mc Kee, S. P.; McCarn, A.; McCarthy, R. L.; McCarthy, T. G.; McClymont, L. I.; McDonald, E. F.; McFayden, J. A.; McHedlidze, G.; McMahon, S. J.; McPherson, R. A.; Medinnis, M.; Meehan, S.; Mehlhase, S.; Mehta, A.; Meier, K.; Meineck, C.; Meirose, B.; Melini, D.; Mellado Garcia, B. R.; Melo, M.; Meloni, F.; Meng, X.; Mengarelli, A.; Menke, S.; Meoni, E.; Mergelmeyer, S.; Mermod, P.; Merola, L.; Meroni, C.; Merritt, F. S.; Messina, A.; Metcalfe, J.; Mete, A. S.; Meyer, C.; Meyer, C.; Meyer, J.-P.; Meyer, J.; Meyer Zu Theenhausen, H.; Miano, F.; Middleton, R. P.; Miglioranzi, S.; Mijović, L.; Mikenberg, G.; Mikestikova, M.; Mikuž, M.; Milesi, M.; Milic, A.; Miller, D. W.; Mills, C.; Milov, A.; Milstead, D. A.; Minaenko, A. A.; Minami, Y.; Minashvili, I. A.; Mincer, A. I.; Mindur, B.; Mineev, M.; Minegishi, Y.; Ming, Y.; Mir, L. M.; Mistry, K. P.; Mitani, T.; Mitrevski, J.; Mitsou, V. A.; Miucci, A.; Miyagawa, P. S.; Mjörnmark, J. U.; Mlynarikova, M.; Moa, T.; Mochizuki, K.; Mohapatra, S.; Molander, S.; Moles-Valls, R.; Monden, R.; Mondragon, M. C.; Mönig, K.; Monk, J.; Monnier, E.; Montalbano, A.; Montejo Berlingen, J.; Monticelli, F.; Monzani, S.; Moore, R. W.; Morange, N.; Moreno, D.; Moreno Llácer, M.; Morettini, P.; Morgenstern, S.; Mori, D.; Mori, T.; Morii, M.; Morinaga, M.; Morisbak, V.; Moritz, S.; Morley, A. K.; Mornacchi, G.; Morris, J. D.; Mortensen, S. S.; Morvaj, L.; Mosidze, M.; Moss, J.; Motohashi, K.; Mount, R.; Mountricha, E.; Moyse, E. J. W.; Muanza, S.; Mudd, R. D.; Mueller, F.; Mueller, J.; Mueller, R. S. P.; Mueller, T.; Muenstermann, D.; Mullen, P.; Mullier, G. A.; Munoz Sanchez, F. J.; Murillo Quijada, J. A.; Murray, W. J.; Musheghyan, H.; Muškinja, M.; Myagkov, A. G.; Myska, M.; Nachman, B. P.; Nackenhorst, O.; Nagai, K.; Nagai, R.; Nagano, K.; Nagasaka, Y.; Nagata, K.; Nagel, M.; Nagy, E.; Nairz, A. M.; Nakahama, Y.; Nakamura, K.; Nakamura, T.; Nakano, I.; Naranjo Garcia, R. F.; Narayan, R.; Narrias Villar, D. I.; Naryshkin, I.; Naumann, T.; Navarro, G.; Nayyar, R.; Neal, H. A.; Nechaeva, P. Yu.; Neep, T. J.; Negri, A.; Negrini, M.; Nektarijevic, S.; Nellist, C.; Nelson, A.; Nemecek, S.; Nemethy, P.; Nepomuceno, A. A.; Nessi, M.; Neubauer, M. S.; Neumann, M.; Neves, R. M.; Nevski, P.; Newman, P. R.; Nguyen, D. H.; Nguyen Manh, T.; Nickerson, R. B.; Nicolaidou, R.; Nielsen, J.; Nikiforov, A.; Nikolaenko, V.; Nikolic-Audit, I.; Nikolopoulos, K.; Nilsen, J. K.; Nilsson, P.; Ninomiya, Y.; Nisati, A.; Nisius, R.; Nobe, T.; Nomachi, M.; Nomidis, I.; Nooney, T.; Norberg, S.; Nordberg, M.; Norjoharuddeen, N.; Novgorodova, O.; Nowak, S.; Nozaki, M.; Nozka, L.; Ntekas, K.; Nurse, E.; Nuti, F.; O'Grady, F.; O'Neil, D. C.; O'Rourke, A. A.; O'Shea, V.; Oakham, F. G.; Oberlack, H.; Obermann, T.; Ocariz, J.; Ochi, A.; Ochoa, I.; Ochoa-Ricoux, J. P.; Oda, S.; Odaka, S.; Ogren, H.; Oh, A.; Oh, S. H.; Ohm, C. C.; Ohman, H.; Oide, H.; Okawa, H.; Okumura, Y.; Okuyama, T.; Olariu, A.; Oleiro Seabra, L. F.; Olivares Pino, S. A.; Oliveira Damazio, D.; Olszewski, A.; Olszowska, J.; Onofre, A.; Onogi, K.; Onyisi, P. U. E.; Oreglia, M. J.; Oren, Y.; Orestano, D.; Orlando, N.; Orr, R. S.; Osculati, B.; Ospanov, R.; Otero Y Garzon, G.; Otono, H.; Ouchrif, M.; Ould-Saada, F.; Ouraou, A.; Oussoren, K. P.; Ouyang, Q.; Owen, M.; Owen, R. E.; Ozcan, V. E.; Ozturk, N.; Pachal, K.; Pacheco Pages, A.; Pacheco Rodriguez, L.; Padilla Aranda, C.; Pagáčová, M.; Pagan Griso, S.; Paganini, M.; Paige, F.; Pais, P.; Pajchel, K.; Palacino, G.; Palazzo, S.; Palestini, S.; Palka, M.; Pallin, D.; St. Panagiotopoulou, E.; Pandini, C. E.; Panduro Vazquez, J. G.; Pani, P.; Panitkin, S.; Pantea, D.; Paolozzi, L.; Papadopoulou, Th. D.; Papageorgiou, K.; Paramonov, A.; Paredes Hernandez, D.; Parker, A. J.; Parker, M. A.; Parker, K. A.; Parodi, F.; Parsons, J. A.; Parzefall, U.; Pascuzzi, V. R.; Pasqualucci, E.; Passaggio, S.; Pastore, Fr.; Pásztor, G.; Pataraia, S.; Pater, J. R.; Pauly, T.; Pearce, J.; Pearson, B.; Pedersen, L. E.; Pedersen, M.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Pedro, R.; Peleganchuk, S. V.; Penc, O.; Peng, C.; Peng, H.; Penwell, J.; Peralva, B. S.; Perego, M. M.; Perepelitsa, D. V.; Perez Codina, E.; Perini, L.; Pernegger, H.; Perrella, S.; Peschke, R.; Peshekhonov, V. D.; Peters, K.; Peters, R. F. Y.; Petersen, B. A.; Petersen, T. C.; Petit, E.; Petridis, A.; Petridou, C.; Petroff, P.; Petrolo, E.; Petrov, M.; Petrucci, F.; Pettersson, N. E.; Peyaud, A.; Pezoa, R.; Phillips, P. W.; Piacquadio, G.; Pianori, E.; Picazio, A.; Piccaro, E.; Piccinini, M.; Pickering, M. A.; Piegaia, R.; Pilcher, J. E.; Pilkington, A. D.; Pin, A. W. J.; Pinamonti, M.; Pinfold, J. L.; Pingel, A.; Pires, S.; Pirumov, H.; Pitt, M.; Plazak, L.; Pleier, M.-A.; Pleskot, V.; Plotnikova, E.; Plucinski, P.; Pluth, D.; Poettgen, R.; Poggioli, L.; Pohl, D.; Polesello, G.; Poley, A.; Policicchio, A.; Polifka, R.; Polini, A.; Pollard, C. S.; Polychronakos, V.; Pommès, K.; Pontecorvo, L.; Pope, B. G.; Popeneciu, G. A.; Poppleton, A.; Pospisil, S.; Potamianos, K.; Potrap, I. N.; Potter, C. J.; Potter, C. T.; Poulard, G.; Poveda, J.; Pozdnyakov, V.; Pozo Astigarraga, M. E.; Pralavorio, P.; Pranko, A.; Prell, S.; Price, D.; Price, L. E.; Primavera, M.; Prince, S.; Prokofiev, K.; Prokoshin, F.; Protopopescu, S.; Proudfoot, J.; Przybycien, M.; Puddu, D.; Purohit, M.; Puzo, P.; Qian, J.; Qin, G.; Qin, Y.; Quadt, A.; Quayle, W. B.; Queitsch-Maitland, M.; Quilty, D.; Raddum, S.; Radeka, V.; Radescu, V.; Radhakrishnan, S. K.; Radloff, P.; Rados, P.; Ragusa, F.; Rahal, G.; Raine, J. A.; Rajagopalan, S.; Rammensee, M.; Rangel-Smith, C.; Ratti, M. G.; Rauch, D. M.; Rauscher, F.; Rave, S.; Ravenscroft, T.; Ravinovich, I.; Raymond, M.; Read, A. L.; Readioff, N. P.; Reale, M.; Rebuzzi, D. M.; Redelbach, A.; Redlinger, G.; Reece, R.; Reed, R. G.; Reeves, K.; Rehnisch, L.; Reichert, J.; Reiss, A.; Rembser, C.; Ren, H.; Rescigno, M.; Resconi, S.; Rezanova, O. L.; Reznicek, P.; Rezvani, R.; Richter, R.; Richter, S.; Richter-Was, E.; Ricken, O.; Ridel, M.; Rieck, P.; Riegel, C. J.; Rieger, J.; Rifki, O.; Rijssenbeek, M.; Rimoldi, A.; Rimoldi, M.; Rinaldi, L.; Ristić, B.; Ritsch, E.; Riu, I.; Rizatdinova, F.; Rizvi, E.; Rizzi, C.; Robertson, S. H.; Robichaud-Veronneau, A.; Robinson, D.; Robinson, J. E. M.; Robson, A.; Roda, C.; Rodina, Y.; Rodriguez Perez, A.; Rodriguez Rodriguez, D.; Roe, S.; Rogan, C. S.; Røhne, O.; Roloff, J.; Romaniouk, A.; Romano, M.; Romano Saez, S. M.; Romero Adam, E.; Rompotis, N.; Ronzani, M.; Roos, L.; Ros, E.; Rosati, S.; Rosbach, K.; Rose, P.; Rosien, N.-A.; Rossetti, V.; Rossi, E.; Rossi, L. P.; Rosten, J. H. N.; Rosten, R.; Rotaru, M.; Roth, I.; Rothberg, J.; Rousseau, D.; Rozanov, A.; Rozen, Y.; Ruan, X.; Rubbo, F.; Rudolph, M. S.; Rühr, F.; Ruiz-Martinez, A.; Rurikova, Z.; Rusakovich, N. A.; Ruschke, A.; Russell, H. L.; Rutherfoord, J. P.; Ruthmann, N.; Ryabov, Y. F.; Rybar, M.; Rybkin, G.; Ryu, S.; Ryzhov, A.; Rzehorz, G. F.; Saavedra, A. F.; Sabato, G.; Sacerdoti, S.; Sadrozinski, H. F.-W.; Sadykov, R.; Safai Tehrani, F.; Saha, P.; Sahinsoy, M.; Saimpert, M.; Saito, T.; Sakamoto, H.; Sakurai, Y.; Salamanna, G.; Salamon, A.; Salazar Loyola, J. E.; Salek, D.; Sales de Bruin, P. H.; Salihagic, D.; Salnikov, A.; Salt, J.; Salvatore, D.; Salvatore, F.; Salvucci, A.; Salzburger, A.; Sammel, D.; Sampsonidis, D.; Sánchez, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Sanchez Pineda, A.; Sandaker, H.; Sandbach, R. L.; Sandhoff, M.; Sandoval, C.; Sankey, D. P. C.; Sannino, M.; Sansoni, A.; Santoni, C.; Santonico, R.; Santos, H.; Santoyo Castillo, I.; Sapp, K.; Sapronov, A.; Saraiva, J. G.; Sarrazin, B.; Sasaki, O.; Sato, K.; Sauvan, E.; Savage, G.; Savard, P.; Savic, N.; Sawyer, C.; Sawyer, L.; Saxon, J.; Sbarra, C.; Sbrizzi, A.; Scanlon, T.; Scannicchio, D. A.; Scarcella, M.; Scarfone, V.; Schaarschmidt, J.; Schacht, P.; Schachtner, B. M.; Schaefer, D.; Schaefer, L.; Schaefer, R.; Schaeffer, J.; Schaepe, S.; Schaetzel, S.; Schäfer, U.; Schaffer, A. C.; Schaile, D.; Schamberger, R. D.; Scharf, V.; Schegelsky, V. A.; Scheirich, D.; Schernau, M.; Schiavi, C.; Schier, S.; Schillo, C.; Schioppa, M.; Schlenker, S.; Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K. R.; Schmieden, K.; Schmitt, C.; Schmitt, S.; Schmitz, S.; Schneider, B.; Schnoor, U.; Schoeffel, L.; Schoening, A.; Schoenrock, B. D.; Schopf, E.; Schott, M.; Schouwenberg, J. F. P.; Schovancova, J.; Schramm, S.; Schreyer, M.; Schuh, N.; Schulte, A.; Schultens, M. J.; Schultz-Coulon, H.-C.; Schulz, H.; Schumacher, M.; Schumm, B. A.; Schune, Ph.; Schwartzman, A.; Schwarz, T. A.; Schweiger, H.; Schwemling, Ph.; Schwienhorst, R.; Schwindling, J.; Schwindt, T.; Sciolla, G.; Scuri, F.; Scutti, F.; Searcy, J.; Seema, P.; Seidel, S. C.; Seiden, A.; Seifert, F.; Seixas, J. M.; Sekhniaidze, G.; Sekhon, K.; Sekula, S. J.; Seliverstov, D. M.; Semprini-Cesari, N.; Serfon, C.; Serin, L.; Serkin, L.; Sessa, M.; Seuster, R.; Severini, H.; Sfiligoj, T.; Sforza, F.; Sfyrla, A.; Shabalina, E.; Shaikh, N. W.; Shan, L. Y.; Shang, R.; Shank, J. T.; Shapiro, M.; Shatalov, P. B.; Shaw, K.; Shaw, S. M.; Shcherbakova, A.; Shehu, C. Y.; Sherwood, P.; Shi, L.; Shimizu, S.; Shimmin, C. O.; Shimojima, M.; Shirabe, S.; Shiyakova, M.; Shmeleva, A.; Shoaleh Saadi, D.; Shochet, M. J.; Shojaii, S.; Shope, D. R.; Shrestha, S.; Shulga, E.; Shupe, M. A.; Sicho, P.; Sickles, A. M.; Sidebo, P. E.; Sideras Haddad, E.; Sidiropoulou, O.; Sidorov, D.; Sidoti, A.; Siegert, F.; Sijacki, Dj.; Silva, J.; Silverstein, S. B.; Simak, V.; Simic, Lj.; Simion, S.; Simioni, E.; Simmons, B.; Simon, D.; Simon, M.; Sinervo, P.; Sinev, N. B.; Sioli, M.; Siragusa, G.; Sivoklokov, S. Yu.; Sjölin, J.; Skinner, M. B.; Skottowe, H. P.; Skubic, P.; Slater, M.; Slavicek, T.; Slawinska, M.; Sliwa, K.; Slovak, R.; Smakhtin, V.; Smart, B. H.; Smestad, L.; Smiesko, J.; Smirnov, S. Yu.; Smirnov, Y.; Smirnova, L. N.; Smirnova, O.; Smith, M. N. K.; Smith, R. W.; Smizanska, M.; Smolek, K.; Snesarev, A. A.; Snyder, I. M.; Snyder, S.; Sobie, R.; Socher, F.; Soffer, A.; Soh, D. A.; Sokhrannyi, G.; Solans Sanchez, C. A.; Solar, M.; Soldatov, E. Yu.; Soldevila, U.; Solodkov, A. A.; Soloshenko, A.; Solovyanov, O. V.; Solovyev, V.; Sommer, P.; Son, H.; Song, H. Y.; Sood, A.; Sopczak, A.; Sopko, V.; Sorin, V.; Sosa, D.; Sotiropoulou, C. L.; Soualah, R.; Soukharev, A. M.; South, D.; Sowden, B. C.; Spagnolo, S.; Spalla, M.; Spangenberg, M.; Spannowsky, M.; Spanò, F.; Sperlich, D.; Spettel, F.; Spighi, R.; Spigo, G.; Spiller, L. A.; Spousta, M.; St. Denis, R. D.; Stabile, A.; Stamen, R.; Stamm, S.; Stanecka, E.; Stanek, R. W.; Stanescu, C.; Stanescu-Bellu, M.; Stanitzki, M. M.; Stapnes, S.; Starchenko, E. A.; Stark, G. H.; Stark, J.; Staroba, P.; Starovoitov, P.; Stärz, S.; Staszewski, R.; Steinberg, P.; Stelzer, B.; Stelzer, H. J.; Stelzer-Chilton, O.; Stenzel, H.; Stewart, G. A.; Stillings, J. A.; Stockton, M. C.; Stoebe, M.; Stoicea, G.; Stolte, P.; Stonjek, S.; Stradling, A. R.; Straessner, A.; Stramaglia, M. E.; Strandberg, J.; Strandberg, S.; Strandlie, A.; Strauss, M.; Strizenec, P.; Ströhmer, R.; Strom, D. M.; Stroynowski, R.; Strubig, A.; Stucci, S. A.; Stugu, B.; Styles, N. A.; Su, D.; Su, J.; Suchek, S.; Sugaya, Y.; Suk, M.; Sulin, V. V.; Sultansoy, S.; Sumida, T.; Sun, S.; Sun, X.; Sundermann, J. E.; Suruliz, K.; Susinno, G.; Sutton, M. R.; Suzuki, S.; Svatos, M.; Swiatlowski, M.; Sykora, I.; Sykora, T.; Ta, D.; Taccini, C.; Tackmann, K.; Taenzer, J.; Taffard, A.; Tafirout, R.; Taiblum, N.; Takai, H.; Takashima, R.; Takeshita, T.; Takubo, Y.; Talby, M.; Talyshev, A. A.; Tan, K. G.; Tanaka, J.; Tanaka, M.; Tanaka, R.; Tanaka, S.; Tanioka, R.; Tannenwald, B. B.; Tapia Araya, S.; Tapprogge, S.; Tarem, S.; Tartarelli, G. F.; Tas, P.; Tasevsky, M.; Tashiro, T.; Tassi, E.; Tavares Delgado, A.; Tayalati, Y.; Taylor, A. C.; Taylor, G. N.; Taylor, P. T. E.; Taylor, W.; Teischinger, F. A.; Teixeira-Dias, P.; Temming, K. K.; Temple, D.; Ten Kate, H.; Teng, P. K.; Teoh, J. J.; Tepel, F.; Terada, S.; Terashi, K.; Terron, J.; Terzo, S.; Testa, M.; Teuscher, R. J.; Theveneaux-Pelzer, T.; Thomas, J. P.; Thomas-Wilsker, J.; Thompson, P. D.; Thompson, A. S.; Thomsen, L. A.; Thomson, E.; Tibbetts, M. J.; Ticse Torres, R. E.; Tikhomirov, V. O.; Tikhonov, Yu. A.; Timoshenko, S.; Tipton, P.; Tisserant, S.; Todome, K.; Todorov, T.; Todorova-Nova, S.; Tojo, J.; Tokár, S.; Tokushuku, K.; Tolley, E.; Tomlinson, L.; Tomoto, M.; Tompkins, L.; Toms, K.; Tong, B.; Tornambe, P.; Torrence, E.; Torres, H.; Torró Pastor, E.; Toth, J.; Touchard, F.; Tovey, D. R.; Trefzger, T.; Tricoli, A.; Trigger, I. M.; Trincaz-Duvoid, S.; Tripiana, M. F.; Trischuk, W.; Trocmé, B.; Trofymov, A.; Troncon, C.; Trottier-McDonald, M.; Trovatelli, M.; Truong, L.; Trzebinski, M.; Trzupek, A.; Tseng, J. C.-L.; Tsiareshka, P. V.; Tsipolitis, G.; Tsirintanis, N.; Tsiskaridze, S.; Tsiskaridze, V.; Tskhadadze, E. G.; Tsui, K. M.; Tsukerman, I. I.; Tsulaia, V.; Tsuno, S.; Tsybychev, D.; Tu, Y.; Tudorache, A.; Tudorache, V.; Tuna, A. N.; Tupputi, S. A.; Turchikhin, S.; Turecek, D.; Turgeman, D.; Turra, R.; Tuts, P. M.; Tyndel, M.; Ucchielli, G.; Ueda, I.; Ughetto, M.; Ukegawa, F.; Unal, G.; Undrus, A.; Unel, G.; Ungaro, F. C.; Unno, Y.; Unverdorben, C.; Urban, J.; Urquijo, P.; Urrejola, P.; Usai, G.; Usui, J.; Vacavant, L.; Vacek, V.; Vachon, B.; Valderanis, C.; Valdes Santurio, E.; Valencic, N.; Valentinetti, S.; Valero, A.; Valery, L.; Valkar, S.; Valls Ferrer, J. A.; van den Wollenberg, W.; van der Deijl, P. C.; van der Graaf, H.; van Eldik, N.; van Gemmeren, P.; van Nieuwkoop, J.; van Vulpen, I.; van Woerden, M. C.; Vanadia, M.; Vandelli, W.; Vanguri, R.; Vaniachine, A.; Vankov, P.; Vardanyan, G.; Vari, R.; Varnes, E. W.; Varol, T.; Varouchas, D.; Vartapetian, A.; Varvell, K. E.; Vasquez, J. G.; Vasquez, G. A.; Vazeille, F.; Vazquez Schroeder, T.; Veatch, J.; Veeraraghavan, V.; Veloce, L. M.; Veloso, F.; Veneziano, S.; Ventura, A.; Venturi, M.; Venturi, N.; Venturini, A.; Vercesi, V.; Verducci, M.; Verkerke, W.; Vermeulen, J. C.; Vest, A.; Vetterli, M. C.; Viazlo, O.; Vichou, I.; Vickey, T.; Vickey Boeriu, O. E.; Viehhauser, G. H. A.; Viel, S.; Vigani, L.; Villa, M.; Villaplana Perez, M.; Vilucchi, E.; Vincter, M. G.; Vinogradov, V. B.; Vittori, C.; Vivarelli, I.; Vlachos, S.; Vlasak, M.; Vogel, M.; Vokac, P.; Volpi, G.; Volpi, M.; von der Schmitt, H.; von Toerne, E.; Vorobel, V.; Vorobev, K.; Vos, M.; Voss, R.; Vossebeld, J. H.; Vranjes, N.; Vranjes Milosavljevic, M.; Vrba, V.; Vreeswijk, M.; Vuillermet, R.; Vukotic, I.; Vykydal, Z.; Wagner, P.; Wagner, W.; Wahlberg, H.; Wahrmund, S.; Wakabayashi, J.; Walder, J.; Walker, R.; Walkowiak, W.; Wallangen, V.; Wang, C.; Wang, C.; Wang, F.; Wang, H.; Wang, H.; Wang, J.; Wang, J.; Wang, K.; Wang, R.; Wang, S. M.; Wang, T.; Wang, T.; Wang, W.; Wanotayaroj, C.; Warburton, A.; Ward, C. P.; Wardrope, D. R.; Washbrook, A.; Watkins, P. M.; Watson, A. T.; Watson, M. F.; Watts, G.; Watts, S.; Waugh, B. M.; Webb, S.; Weber, M. S.; Weber, S. W.; Weber, S. A.; Webster, J. S.; Weidberg, A. R.; Weinert, B.; Weingarten, J.; Weiser, C.; Weits, H.; Wells, P. S.; Wenaus, T.; Wengler, T.; Wenig, S.; Wermes, N.; Werner, M.; Werner, M. D.; Werner, P.; Wessels, M.; Wetter, J.; Whalen, K.; Whallon, N. L.; Wharton, A. M.; White, A.; White, M. J.; White, R.; Whiteson, D.; Wickens, F. J.; Wiedenmann, W.; Wielers, M.; Wiglesworth, C.; Wiik-Fuchs, L. A. M.; Wildauer, A.; Wilk, F.; Wilkens, H. G.; Williams, H. H.; Williams, S.; Willis, C.; Willocq, S.; Wilson, J. A.; Wingerter-Seez, I.; Winklmeier, F.; Winston, O. J.; Winter, B. T.; Wittgen, M.; Wittkowski, J.; Wolf, T. M. H.; Wolter, M. W.; Wolters, H.; Worm, S. D.; Wosiek, B. K.; Wotschack, J.; Woudstra, M. J.; Wozniak, K. W.; Wu, M.; Wu, M.; Wu, S. L.; Wu, X.; Wu, Y.; Wyatt, T. R.; Wynne, B. M.; Xella, S.; Xu, D.; Xu, L.; Yabsley, B.; Yacoob, S.; Yamaguchi, D.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Yamamoto, A.; Yamamoto, S.; Yamanaka, T.; Yamauchi, K.; Yamazaki, Y.; Yan, Z.; Yang, H.; Yang, H.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Z.; Yao, W.-M.; Yap, Y. C.; Yasu, Y.; Yatsenko, E.; Yau Wong, K. H.; Ye, J.; Ye, S.; Yeletskikh, I.; Yildirim, E.; Yorita, K.; Yoshida, R.; Yoshihara, K.; Young, C.; Young, C. J. S.; Youssef, S.; Yu, D. R.; Yu, J.; Yu, J. M.; Yu, J.; Yuan, L.; Yuen, S. P. Y.; Yusuff, I.; Zabinski, B.; Zaidan, R.; Zaitsev, A. M.; Zakharchuk, N.; Zalieckas, J.; Zaman, A.; Zambito, S.; Zanello, L.; Zanzi, D.; Zeitnitz, C.; Zeman, M.; Zemla, A.; Zeng, J. C.; Zeng, Q.; Zenin, O.; Ženiš, T.; Zerwas, D.; Zhang, D.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, M.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Z.; Zhao, X.; Zhao, Y.; Zhao, Z.; Zhemchugov, A.; Zhong, J.; Zhou, B.; Zhou, C.; Zhou, L.; Zhou, L.; Zhou, M.; Zhou, N.; Zhu, C. G.; Zhu, H.; Zhu, J.; Zhu, Y.; Zhuang, X.; Zhukov, K.; Zibell, A.; Zieminska, D.; Zimine, N. I.; Zimmermann, C.; Zimmermann, S.; Zinonos, Z.; Zinser, M.; Ziolkowski, M.; Živković, L.; Zobernig, G.; Zoccoli, A.; Zur Nedden, M.; Zwalinski, L.; Atlas Collaboration
The W boson angular distribution in events with high transverse momentum jets is measured using data collected by the ATLAS experiment from proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy √{ s} = 8 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb-1. The focus is on the contributions to W +jets processes from real W emission, which is achieved by studying events where a muon is observed close to a high transverse momentum jet. At small angular separations, these contributions are expected to be large. Various theoretical models of this process are compared to the data in terms of the absolute cross-section and the angular distributions of the muon from the leptonic W decay.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tanzid, Mehbuba; Hogan, Nathaniel J.; Robatjazi, Hossein; Veeraraghavan, Ashok; Halas, Naomi J.
Imaging through scattering media can be improved with the addition of absorbers, since multiply-scattered photons, with their longer path length, are absorbed with a higher probability than ballistic photons. The image resolution enhancement is substantially greater when imaging through isotropic scatterers than when imaging through an ensemble of strongly forward-scattering particles. However, since the angular scattering distribution is determined by the size of the scatterers with respect to the wavelength of incident light, particles that are forward scatterers at visible wavelengths can be isotropic scatterers at infrared (IR) wavelengths. Here, we show that substantial image resolution enhancement can be achieved in the near-infrared wavelength regime for particles that are forward scattering at visible wavelengths using carbon black nanoparticles as a broadband absorber. This observation provides a new strategy for image enhancement through scattering media: by selecting the appropriate wavelength range for imaging, in this case the near-IR, the addition of absorbers more effectively enhances the image resolution.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shankman, C.; Gladman, B. J.; Kaib, N.
Via joint analysis of a calibrated telescopic survey, which found scattering Kuiper Belt objects, and models of their expected orbital distribution, we explore the scattering-object (SO) size distribution. Although for D > 100 km the number of objects quickly rise as diameters decrease, we find a relative lack of smaller objects, ruling out a single power law at greater than 99% confidence. After studying traditional ''knees'' in the size distribution, we explore other formulations and find that, surprisingly, our analysis is consistent with a very sudden decrease (a divot) in the number distribution as diameters decrease below 100 km, whichmore » then rises again as a power law. Motivated by other dynamically hot populations and the Centaurs, we argue for a divot size distribution where the number of smaller objects rises again as expected via collisional equilibrium. Extrapolation yields enough kilometer-scale SOs to supply the nearby Jupiter-family comets. Our interpretation is that this divot feature is a preserved relic of the size distribution made by planetesimal formation, now ''frozen in'' to portions of the Kuiper Belt sharing a ''hot'' orbital inclination distribution, explaining several puzzles in Kuiper Belt science. Additionally, we show that to match today's SO inclination distribution, the supply source that was scattered outward must have already been vertically heated to the of order 10 Degree-Sign .« less
Angular intensity and polarization dependence of diffuse transmission through random media
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Eliyahu, D.; Rosenbluh, M.; Feund, I.
A simple theoretical model involving only a single sample parameter, the depolarization ratio [rho] for linearly polarized normally incident and normally scattered light, is developed to describe the angular intensity and all other polarization-dependent properties of diffuse transmission through multiple-scattering media. Initial experimental results that tend to support the theory are presented. Results for diffuse reflection are also described. 63 refs., 15 figs.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Dasgupta, Basudeb; Sen, Manibrata; Mirizzi, Alessandro, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
It has been recently pointed out that neutrino fluxes from a supernova can show substantial flavor conversions almost immediately above the core. Using linear stability analyses and numerical solutions of the fully nonlinear equations of motion, we perform a detailed study of these fast conversions , focussing on the region just above the supernova core. We carefully specify the instabilities for evolution in space or time, and find that neutrinos travelling towards the core make fast conversions more generic, i.e., possible for a wider range of flux ratios and angular asymmetries that produce a crossing between the zenith-angle spectra ofmore » ν {sub e} and ν-bar {sub e} . Using fluxes and angular distributions predicted by supernova simulations, we find that fast conversions can occur within tens of nanoseconds, only a few meters away from the putative neutrinospheres. If these fast flavor conversions indeed take place, they would have important implications for the supernova explosion mechanism and nucleosynthesis.« less
Production of black holes and their angular momentum distribution in models with split fermions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dai, De-Chang; Starkman, Glenn D.; Stojkovic, Dejan
In models with TeV-scale gravity it is expected that mini black holes will be produced in near-future accelerators. On the other hand, TeV-scale gravity is plagued with many problems like fast proton decay, unacceptably large n-n¯ oscillations, flavor changing neutral currents, large mixing between leptons, etc. Most of these problems can be solved if different fermions are localized at different points in the extra dimensions. We study the cross section for the production of black holes and their angular momentum distribution in these models with “split” fermions. We find that, for a fixed value of the fundamental mass scale, the total production cross section is reduced compared with models where all the fermions are localized at the same point in the extra dimensions. Fermion splitting also implies that the bulk component of the black hole angular momentum must be taken into account in studies of the black hole decay via Hawking radiation.
Theories of time-dependent and time-independent nearside-farside reactive scattering dynamics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Monks, Phillip David Durrant
The first application of nearside-farside (NF) theory is made to the time-dependent partial wave series (PWS) representation of the scattering amplitude for the reaction H + D[2](v = 0,j = 0, m = 0) → HD(v' = 3,j' = 0, m'= 0) + D. Time-dependent NF angular distributions and time-dependent NF local angular momenta (LAMs) are defined and used to analyse the dynamics in terms of time- direct and time-delayed reaction mechanisms. The concept of a cumulative time-evolving differential cross section (DCS) is introduced and used to provide a new method for visualising the time evolution of a chemical reaction. Time-independent NF DCS and LAM analyses of the H + D[2] reaction are presented, highlighting a distinctive "trench-ridge" feature present in the full and N LAMs. It is used to define a cut line which separates the energy-analogs of the two time- distinct reaction mechanisms. This trench-ridge feature is shown to be an interference between the time-direct (backward-scattered) and time-delayed (forward-scattered) reaction mechanisms. Resummation PWS theory is used to "clean" plots of the NF DCSs and LAMs of unphysical effects. A limitation of the resummation theory is described, whereby unphysical behaviour is sometimes introduced into the N and F subamplitudes. A technique for predicting and avoiding these undesired effects is used to further improve the usefulness of the resummation technique. The fundamental identity for NF local angular momenta is stated and derived by two methods. This identity gives rise to a CLAM plot (where CLAM denotes Cross section x LAM), which provides insight into the empirical obsei'vation that DCS and LAM analyses give consistent, yet complementary, information on the reaction dynamics. Applications are reported for the H + D[2] reaction, as well as for F + H[2](v = 0,j=0, m = 0)→ FH(v' = 3,j' = 3, m' = 0) + H. The angular time-delay for a state-to-state reactive collision often displays complicated behaviour. It is shown for the H
Refractive effects and Airy structure in inelastic 16O+12C rainbow scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ohkubo, S.; Hirabayashi, Y.; Ogloblin, A. A.; Gloukhov, Yu. A.; Dem'yanova, A. S.; Trzaska, W. H.
Inelastic 16O+12C rainbow scattering to the 2+ (4.44 MeV) state of 12C was measured at the incident energies, EL = 170, 181, 200, 260, and 281 MeV. A systematic analysis of the experimental angular distributions was performed using the coupled-channels method with an extended double folding potential derived from realistic wave functions for 12C and 16O calculated with a microscopic α cluster model and a finite-range density-dependent nucleon-nucleon force. The coupled-channels analysis of the measured inelastic-scattering data shows consistently some Airy-like structure in the inelastic-scattering cross sections for the first 2+ state of 12C, which is somewhat obscured and still not clearly visible in the measured data. The Airy minimum was identified from the analysis and the systematic energy evolution of the Airy structure was studied. The Airy minimum in inelastic scattering is found to be shifted backward compared with that in elastic scattering.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Aaboud, M.; Aad, G.; Abbott, B.
The W boson angular distribution in events with high transverse momentum jets is measured using data collected by the ATLAS experiment from proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy √s=8 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb -1 . The focus is on the contributions to W+jets processes from real W emission, which is achieved by studying events where a muon is observed close to a high transverse momentum jet. At small angular separations, these contributions are expected to be large. Various theoretical models of this process are compared to the data inmore » terms of the absolute cross-section and the angular distributions of the muon from the leptonic W decay.« less
Aaboud, M.; Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; ...
The W boson angular distribution in events with high transverse momentum jets is measured using data collected by the ATLAS experiment from proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy √s=8 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb -1 . The focus is on the contributions to W+jets processes from real W emission, which is achieved by studying events where a muon is observed close to a high transverse momentum jet. At small angular separations, these contributions are expected to be large. Various theoretical models of this process are compared to the data inmore » terms of the absolute cross-section and the angular distributions of the muon from the leptonic W decay.« less
Acoustic scattering by arbitrary distributions of disjoint, homogeneous cylinders or spheres.
Hesford, Andrew J; Astheimer, Jeffrey P; Waag, Robert C
A T-matrix formulation is presented to compute acoustic scattering from arbitrary, disjoint distributions of cylinders or spheres, each with arbitrary, uniform acoustic properties. The generalized approach exploits the similarities in these scattering problems to present a single system of equations that is easily specialized to cylindrical or spherical scatterers. By employing field expansions based on orthogonal harmonic functions, continuity of pressure and normal particle velocity are directly enforced at each scatterer using diagonal, analytic expressions to eliminate the need for integral equations. The effect of a cylinder or sphere that encloses all other scatterers is simulated with an outer iterative procedure that decouples the inner-object solution from the effect of the enclosing object to improve computational efficiency when interactions among the interior objects are significant. Numerical results establish the validity and efficiency of the outer iteration procedure for nested objects. Two- and three-dimensional methods that employ this outer iteration are used to measure and characterize the accuracy of two-dimensional approximations to three-dimensional scattering of elevation-focused beams.
In situ measurements of scattering from contaminated optics in the Vacuum Ultraviolet
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Herren, Kenneth A.; Linton, Roger C.; Whitaker, Ann F.
NASA's In Situ Contamination Effects Facility has been used to measure the time dependence of the angular reflectance from molecularly contaminated optical surfaces in the vacuum ultraviolet. The light scattering measurements are accomplished in situ on optical surfaces in real time during deposition of molecular contaminants. The measurements are taken using noncoherent VUV sources with the predominant wavelengths being the krypton resonance lines at 1236 and 1600 angstroms. Detection of the scattered light is accomplished using a set of three solar blind VUV photomultipliers. An in-plane VUV BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function) experiment is described and details of the on-going program to characterize optical materials exposed to the space environment is reported.
In situ measurements of scattering from contaminated optics in the Vacuum Ultraviolet
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Herren, Kenneth A.; Linton, Roger C.; Whitaker, Ann F.
NASA's In Situ Contamination Effects Facility has been used to measure the time dependence of the angular reflectance from molecularly contaminated optical surfaces in the vacuum ultraviolet. The light scattering measurements are accomplished in situ on optical surfaces in real time during deposition of molecular contaminants. The measurements are taken using noncoherent VUV sources with the predominant wavelengths being the krypton resonance lines at 1236 and 1600 angstroms. Detection of the scattered light is accomplished using a set of three solar blind VUV photomultipliers. An in-plane VUV BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function) experiment is described and details of the on-going program to characterize optical materials exposed to the space environment is reported.
Narrowband Angular Reflectance Properties of the Alkali Flats at White Sands, New Mexico
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Whitlock, Charles H.; LeCroy, Stuart R.; Wheeler, Robert J.
Results from helicopter measurements of the angular properties of surface reflectance for the alkali flats regions of the White Sands Missile Range are presented for the wavelength interval of 0.4 to 0.85 microns. This work was performed to allow accurate radiative transfer calculations over the region. Detailed tables and interpolation equations are given that permit other investigators to perform satellite calibrations over the alkali flats site. The effects of wavelength and soil moisture on narrowband angular reflectance are also investigated. Although there is a spectral variation in surface albedo, there is little spectral effect in Anisotropic Factor except in the forward scattering peak at solar zenith angles greater than 60 deg. The magnitude of the forward-scattering peak is also sensitive to soil moisture, with wet conditions causing a larger peak. The significance of this result is that angular reflectance properties at the center of the alkali flats usually will be different than those at the flats edge because moisture differences typically exist.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gray, T. J.; Stuchbery, A. E.; Reed, M. W.; Akber, A.; Coombes, B. J.; Dowie, J. T. H.; Eriksen, T. K.; Gerathy, M. S. M.; Kibédi, T.; Lane, G. J.; Mitchell, A. J.; Palazzo, T.; Tornyi, T.
The time differential perturbed angular distribution technique with LaBr3 detectors has been applied to the Iπ=11/2- isomeric state (Ex=846 keV, τ =107 ns) in 107Cd, which was populated and recoil-implanted into a gadolinium host following the 98Mo(12C, 3 n )107Cd reaction. The static hyperfine field strength of Cd recoil implanted into gadolinium was thus measured, together with the fraction of nuclei implanted into field-free sites, under similar conditions as pertained for a previous implantation perturbed angular distribution g -factor measurement on the Iπ=10+ state in 110Cd. The 110Cdg (10+) value was thereby reevaluated, bringing it into agreement with the value expected for a seniority-two ν h11/2 configuration.
Relativistic Electron Beams, Forward Thomson Scattering, and ``Raman'' Scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Simon, A.
Experiments at LLE (see abstract by D. Hicks at this meeting) show that surprisingly high potentials (+0.5 to 2.0 MV) develop in plasmas irradiated by high-energy lasers. The highly conducting plasma will be a near equipotential and should attract return-current electrons in a radial beam-like distribution, especially in the outer low-density regions. This will initiate the BOT instability, creating large plasma waves with phase velocities close to c. Coherent Thomson scattering of the interaction beam from these waves must occur primarily in the forward direction. This will appear to be ``backward SRS'' upon reflection from a critical surface. We will show that the resulting spectrum is fairly broad and at short wavelengths. Collisional absorption of the scattered EM wave limits the reflectivity to low values (depending on the density scale length). Thus, a distinct difference exists between the spectrum for thick targets (nc surface present) and thin targets (gasbags, etc., from which primarily a narrow absolute-SRS backward emission occurs, at the peak density). The thick-target, reflected-wave angular distribution will be concentrated in the backward direction. The corresponding plasma-wave k-vector will be a fraction of k_0. The variation of the spectrum with potential and angle will be discussed. Comparison will be made with recent results at LLE and LLNL. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Inertial Confinement Fusion under Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC03-92SF19460, UR, and NYSERDA.
Full Angular Profile of the Coherent Polarization Opposition Effect
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Mishchenko, Michael I.; Luck, Jean-Marc; Nieuwenhuizen, Theo M.
We use the rigorous vector theory of weak photon localization for a semi-infinite medium composed of nonabsorbing Rayleigh scatterers to compute the full angular profile of the polarization opposition effect. The latter is caused by coherent backscattering of unpolarized incident light and accompanies the renowned backscattering intensity peak.
Distribution of an Acoustic Scattering Layer, Petermann Fjord, Northwest Greenland
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Heffron, E.; Mayer, L. A.; Jakobsson, M.; Hogan, K.; Jerram, K.
The Petermann 2015 Expedition was a comprehensive paleoceanographic and paleoclimatological study of the marine-terminating Petermann Glacier and its outlet system in Northwest Greenland carried out July-August 2015. The purpose was the reconstruction of glacial history and current glacial processes in Petermann Fjord to better understand the fate of the Petermann Glacier and its floating ice tongue that acts as a critical buttressing force to the outlet glacier draining about 4% of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Seafloor mapping was a critical component of the study and an EM122 multibeam sonar was utilized for this purpose; additionally, water column data were acquired with this sonar and an EK80 split-beam echosounder. During the expedition, the mapping team noted an acoustic scattering layer in the EK80 and EM122 water column data which was observed to change depth in a spatially consistent manner that appeared to be related to location. Initial onboard processing revealed what appears to be a strong spatial coherence in the layer distribution that corresponds to our understanding of the complex circulation pattern in the study area, including inflow of warmer Atlantic waters and outflow of subglacial waters. This initial processing was limited to observations at 46 discrete locations that corresponded to CTD stations, a very small subset of the 4800 line kilometers of data collected by each sonar. Both sonars were run 24 hours per day over the 30-day expedition, providing continuous time-varying acoustic coverage of the study area. Post-cruise additional data has been processed to extract the acoustic returns from the scattering layer using a combination of commercial sonar processing software and specialized MATLAB and Python routines. 3-D surfaces have been generated from the extracted points in order to visualize the continuous spatial and temporal distribution of the scattering layer across the entire study area. Multiple crossings of the same location at
An explicit canopy BRDF model and inversion. [Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Liang, Shunlin; Strahler, Alan H.
Based on a rigorous canopy radiative transfer equation, the multiple scattering radiance is approximated by the asymptotic theory, and the single scattering radiance calculation, which requires an numerical intergration due to considering the hotspot effect, is simplified. A new formulation is presented to obtain more exact angular dependence of the sky radiance distribution. The unscattered solar radiance and single scattering radiance are calculated exactly, and the multiple scattering is approximated by the delta two-stream atmospheric radiative transfer model. The numerical algorithms prove that the parametric canopy model is very accurate, especially when the viewing angles are smaller than 55 deg. The Powell algorithm is used to retrieve biospheric parameters from the ground measured multiangle observations.
Elastic scattering and total reaction cross section for the 6He +58Ni system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Morcelle, V.; Lichtenthäler, R.; Lépine-Szily, A.; Guimarães, V.; Mendes, D. R., Jr.; Pires, K. C. C.; de Faria, P. N.; Barioni, A.; Gasques, L.; Morais, M. C.; Shorto, J. M. B.; Zamora, J. C.; Scarduelli, V.; Condori, R. Pampa; Leistenschneider, E.
Elastic scattering measurements of 6He + 58Ni system have been performed at the laboratory energy of 21.7 MeV. The 6He secondary beam was produced by a transfer reaction 9Be (7Li , 6He ) and impinged on 58Ni and 197Au targets, using the Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility, RIBRAS, installed in the Pelletron Laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. The elastic angular distribution was obtained in the angular range from 15° to 80° in the center of mass frame. Optical model calculations have been performed using a hybrid potential to fit the experimental data. The total reaction cross section was derived.
Analyzing power Ay(θ) of n-3He elastic scattering between 1.60 and 5.54 MeV.
Esterline, J; Tornow, W; Deltuva, A; Fonseca, A C
Comprehensive and high-accuracy n-3He elastic scattering analyzing power Ay(θ) angular distributions were obtained at five incident neutron energies between 1.60 and 5.54 MeV. The data are compared to rigorous four-nucleon calculations using high-precision nucleon-nucleon potential models; three-nucleon force effects are found to be very small. The agreement between data and calculations is fair at the lower energies and becomes less satisfactory with increasing neutron energy. Comparison to p-3He scattering over the same energy range exhibits unexpectedly large isospin effects.
Nonlinear Thomson scattering of a relativistically strong tightly focused ultrashort laser pulse
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Vais, O. E.; Bochkarev, S. G., E-mail:; Bychenkov, V. Yu.
The problem of nonlinear Thomson scattering of a relativistically strong linearly polarized ultrashort laser pulse tightly focused into a spot with a diameter of D{sub F} ≳ λ (where λ is the laser wavelength) is solved. The energy, spectral, and angular distributions of radiation generated due to Thomson scattering from test electrons located in the focal region are found. The characteristics of scattered radiation are studied as functions of the tightness of laser focusing and the initial position of test particles relative to the center of the focal region for a given laser pulse energy. It is demonstrated that themore » ultratight focusing is not optimal for obtaining the brightest and hardest source of secondary electromagnetic radiation. The hardest and shortest radiation pulse is generated when the beam waist diameter is ≃10λ.« less
Pygmy dipole resonance in 140Ce via inelastic scattering of 17O
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Krzysiek, M.; Kmiecik, M.; Maj, A.; Bednarczyk, P.; Bracco, A.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Lanza, E. G.; Litvinova, E.; Paar, N.; Avigo, R.; Bazzacco, D.; Benzoni, G.; Birkenbach, B.; Blasi, N.; Bottoni, S.; Brambilla, S.; Camera, F.; Ceruti, S.; Ciemała, M.; de Angelis, G.; Désesquelles, P.; Eberth, J.; Farnea, E.; Gadea, A.; Giaz, A.; Görgen, A.; Gottardo, A.; Grebosz, J.; Hess, H.; Isocarte, R.; Jungclaus, A.; Leoni, S.; Ljungvall, J.; Lunardi, S.; Mazurek, K.; Menegazzo, R.; Mengoni, D.; Michelagnoli, C.; Milion, B.; Morales, A. I.; Napoli, D. R.; Nicolini, R.; Pellegri, L.; Pullia, A.; Quintana, B.; Recchia, F.; Reiter, P.; Rosso, D.; Salsac, M. D.; Siebeck, B.; Siem, S.; Söderström, P.-A.; Ur, C.; Valiente-Dobon, J. J.; Wieland, O.; Ziebliński, M.
The γ decay from the high-lying states of 140Ce excited via inelastic scattering of 17O at a bombarding energy of 340 MeV was measured using the high-resolution AGATA-demonstrator array in coincidence with scattered ions detected in two segmented Δ E -E silicon detectors. Angular distributions of scattered ions and emitted γ rays were measured, as well as their differential cross sections. The excitation of 1- states below the neutron separation energy is similar to the one obtained in reactions with the α isoscalar probe. The comparison between the experimental differential cross sections and the corresponding predictions using the distorted-wave Born approximation allowed us to extract the isoscalar component of identified 1- pygmy states. For this analysis the form factor obtained by folding microscopically calculated transition densities and optical potentials was used.
Scattering of low-energetic atoms and molecules from a boron-doped CVD diamond surface
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Allenbach, M.; Neuland, M. B.; Riedo, A.; Wurz, P.
For the detection of low energetic neutral atoms for the remote sensing of space plasmas, charge state conversion surfaces are used to ionize the neutrals for their subsequent measurement. We investigated a boron-doped Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond sample for its suitability to serve as a conversion surface on future space missions, such as NASA's Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe. For H and O atoms incident on conversion surface with energies ranging from 195 to 1000 eV and impact angles from 6° to 15° we measured the angular scattering distributions and the ionization yields. Atomic force microscope and laser ablation ionization mass spectrometry analyses were applied to further characterize the sample. Based on a figure-of-merit, which included the ionization yield and angular scatter distribution, the B-doped CVD surface was compared to other, previously characterized conversion surfaces, including e.g. an undoped CVD diamond with a metallized backside. For particle energies below 390 eV the performance of the B-doped CVD conversion surfaces is comparable to surfaces studied before. For higher energies the figure-of-merit indicates a superior performance. From our studies we conclude that the B-doped CVD diamond sample is well suited for its application on future space missions.
Characterization of micron-size hydrogen clusters using Mie scattering.
Jinno, S; Tanaka, H; Matsui, R; Kanasaki, M; Sakaki, H; Kando, M; Kondo, K; Sugiyama, A; Uesaka, M; Kishimoto, Y; Fukuda, Y
Hydrogen clusters with diameters of a few micrometer range, composed of 10 8-10 hydrogen molecules, have been produced for the first time in an expansion of supercooled, high-pressure hydrogen gas into a vacuum through a conical nozzle connected to a cryogenic pulsed solenoid valve. The size distribution of the clusters has been evaluated by measuring the angular distribution of laser light scattered from the clusters. The data were analyzed based on the Mie scattering theory combined with the Tikhonov regularization method including the instrumental functions, the validity of which was assessed by performing a calibration study using a reference target consisting of standard micro-particles with two different sizes. The size distribution of the clusters was found discrete peaked at 0.33 ± 0.03, 0.65 ± 0.05, 0.81 ± 0.06, 1.40 ± 0.06 and 2.00 ± 0.13 µm in diameter. The highly reproducible and impurity-free nature of the micron-size hydrogen clusters can be a promising target for laser-driven multi-MeV proton sources with the currently available high power lasers.
Particle Identification in Nuclear Emulsion by Measuring Multiple Coulomb Scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Than Tint, Khin; Nakazawa, Kazuma; Yoshida, Junya; Kyaw Soe, Myint; Mishina, Akihiro; Kinbara, Shinji; Itoh, Hiroki; Endo, Yoko; Kobayashi, Hidetaka; E07 Collaboration
We are developing particle identification techniques for single charged particles such as Xi, proton, K and π by measuring multiple Coulomb scattering in nuclear emulsion. Nuclear emulsion is the best three dimensional detector for double strangeness (S = -2) nuclear system. We expect to accumulate about 10000 Xi-minus stop events which produce double lambda hypernucleus in J-PARC E07 emulsion counter hybrid experiment. The purpose of this particle identification (PID) in nuclear emulsion is to purify Xi-minus stop events which gives information about production probability of double hypernucleus and branching ratio of decay mode. Amount of scattering parameterized as angular distribution and second difference is inversely proportional to the momentum of particle. We produced several thousands of various charged particle tracks in nuclear emulsion stack via Geant4 simulation. In this talk, PID with some measuring methods for multiple scattering will be discussed by comparing with simulation data and real Xi-minus stop events in KEK-E373 experiment.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arnison, G.; Albajar, C.; Albrow, M. G.; Allkofer, O. C.; Astbury, A.; Aubert, B.; Axon, T.; Bacci, C.; Bacon, T.; Batley, J. R.; Bauer, G.; Bellinger, J.; Bettini, A.; Bézaguet, A.; Bock, R. K.; Bos, K.; Buckley, E.; Busetto, G.; Catz, P.; Cennini, P.; Centro, S.; Ceradini, F.; Ciapetti, G.; Cittolin, S.; Clarke, D.; Cline, D.; Cochet, C.; Colas, J.; Colas, P.; Corden, M.; Coughlan, J. A.; Cox, G.; Dau, D.; Debeer, M.; Debrion, J. P.; Degiorgi, M.; Della Negra, M.; Demoulin, M.; Denby, B.; Denegri, D.; Diciaccio, A.; Dobrzynski, L.; Dorenbosch, J.; Dowell, J. D.; Duchovni, E.; Edgecock, R.; Eggert, K.; Eisenhandler, E.; Ellis, N.; Erhard, P.; Faissner, H.; Keeler, M. Fincke; Flynn, P.; Fontaine, G.; Frey, R.; Frühwirth, R.; Garvey, J.; Gee, D.; Geer, S.; Ghesquière, C.; Ghez, P.; Ghio, F.; Giacomelli, P.; Gibson, W. R.; Giraud-Héraud, Y.; Givernaud, A.; Gonidec, A.; Goodman, M.; Grassmann, H.; Grayer, G.; Guryn, W.; Hansl-Kozanecka, T.; Haynes, W.; Haywood, S. J.; Hoffmann, H.; Holthuizen, D. J.; Homer, R. J.; Honma, A.; Ikeda, M.; Jank, W.; Jimack, M.; Jorat, G.; Kalmus, P. I. P.; Karimäki, V.; Keeler, R.; Kenyon, I.; Kernan, A.; Kienzle, W.; Kinnunen, R.; Kozanecki, W.; Krammer, M.; Kroll, J.; Kryn, D.; Kyberd, P.; Lacava, F.; Laugier, J. P.; Lees, J. P.; Leuchs, R.; Levegrun, S.; Lévêque, A.; Levi, M.; Linglin, D.; Locci, E.; Long, K.; Markiewicz, T.; Markytan, M.; Martin, T.; Maurin, G.; McMahon, T.; Mendiburu, J.-P.; Meneguzzo, A.; Meyer, O.; Meyer, T.; Minard, M.-N.; Mohammad, M.; Morgan, K.; Moricca, M.; Moser, H.; Mours, B.; Muller, Th.; Nandi, A.; Naumann, L.; Norton, A.; Pascoli, D.; Pauss, F.; Perault, C.; Petrolo, E.; Mortari, G. Piano; Pietarinen, E.; Pigot, C.; Pimiä, M.; Pitman, D.; Placci, A.; Porte, J.-P.; Radermacher, E.; Ransdell, J.; Redelberger, T.; Reithler, H.; Revol, J. P.; Richman, J.; Rijssenbeek, M.; Robinson, D.; Rohlf, J.; Rossi, P.; Ruhm, W.; Rubbia, C.; Sajot, G.; Salvini, G.; Sass, J.; Sadoulet, B.; Samyn, D.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Schinzel, D.; Schwartz, A.; Scott, W.; Shah, T. P.; Sheer, I.; Siotis, I.; Smith, D.; Sobie, R.; Sphicas, P.; Strauss, J.; Streets, J.; Stubenrauch, C.; Summers, D.; Sumorok, K.; Szoncso, F.; Tao, C.; Taurok, A.; Have, I. Ten; Tether, S.; Thompson, G.; Tscheslog, E.; Tuominiemi, J.; Van Eijk, B.; Verecchia, P.; Vialle, J. P.; Villasenor, L.; Virdee, T. S.; Von der Schmitt, H.; Von Schlippe, W.; Vrana, J.; Vuillemin, V.; Wahl, H. D.; Watkins, P.; Wildish, A.; Wilke, R.; Wilson, J.; Wingerter, I.; Wimpenny, S. J.; Wulz, C. E.; Wyatt, T.; Yvert, M.; Zaccardelli, C.; Zacharov, I.; Zaganidis, N.; Zanello, L.; Zotto, P.; UA1 Collaboration
Angular distributions of high-mass jet pairs (180< m2 J<350 GeV) have been measured in the UA1 experiment at the CERN pp¯ Collider ( s=630 GeV) . We show that angular distributions are independent of the subprocess centre-of-mass (CM) energy over this range, and use the data to put constraints on the definition of the Q2 scale. The distribution for the very high mass jet pairs (240< m2 J<300 GeV) has also been used to obtain a lower limit on the energy scale Λ c of compositeness of quarks. We find Λ c>415 GeV at 95% confidence level.
Gamma-ray vortices from nonlinear inverse Thomson scattering of circularly polarized light.
Taira, Yoshitaka; Hayakawa, Takehito; Katoh, Masahiro
Inverse Thomson scattering is a well-known radiation process that produces high-energy photons both in nature and in the laboratory. Nonlinear inverse Thomson scattering occurring inside an intense light field is a process which generates higher harmonic photons. In this paper, we theoretically show that the higher harmonic gamma-ray produced by nonlinear inverse Thomson scattering of circularly polarized light is a gamma-ray vortex, which means that it possesses a helical wave front and carries orbital angular momentum. Our work explains a recent experimental result regarding nonlinear inverse Thomson scattering that clearly shows an annular intensity distribution as a remarkable feature of a vortex beam. Our work implies that gamma-ray vortices should be produced in various situations in astrophysics in which high-energy electrons and intense circularly polarized light fields coexist. Nonlinear inverse Thomson scattering is a promising radiation process for realizing a gamma-ray vortex source based on currently available laser and accelerator technologies, which would be an indispensable tool for exploring gamma-ray vortex science.
Elastic scattering and total reaction cross section of {sup 6}He+{sup 120}Sn
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Faria, P. N. de; Lichtenthaeler, R.; Pires, K. C. C.
The elastic scattering of {sup 6}He on {sup 120}Sn has been measured at four energies above the Coulomb barrier using the {sup 6}He beam produced at the RIBRAS (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil) facility. The elastic angular distributions have been analyzed with the optical model and three- and four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations. The total reaction cross sections have been derived and compared with other systems of similar masses.
Heather L. Holmes-Ross; Hall, Gregory E.; Valenti, Rebecca J.; ...
In this study, we present the results of an investigation into the rotational and angular distributions of the NO A ~ state fragment following photodissociation of the NO-He, NO-Ne and NO-Ar van der Waals complexed excited via the A ~ ← X ~ transition. For each complex the dissociation is probed for several values of E a, the available energy above the dissociation threshold.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Craven, P. D.; Gary, G. A.
The Mie theory of light scattering by spheres was used to calculate the scattered intensity functions resulting from single scattering in a polydispersed collection of spheres. The distribution used behaves according to the inverse fourth power law; graphs and tables for the angular dependence of the intensity and polarization for this law are given. The effects of the particle size range and the integration increment are investigated.
Le Bihan, Nicolas; Margerin, Ludovic
In this paper, we present a nonparametric method to estimate the heterogeneity of a random medium from the angular distribution of intensity of waves transmitted through a slab of random material. Our approach is based on the modeling of forward multiple scattering using compound Poisson processes on compact Lie groups. The estimation technique is validated through numerical simulations based on radiative transfer theory.
Measurement of multiple scattering of 13 and 20 MeV electrons by thin foils
Ross, C. K.; McEwen, M. R.; McDonald, A. F.; Cojocaru, C. D.; Faddegon, B. A.
To model the transport of electrons through material requires knowledge of how the electrons lose energy and scatter. Theoretical models are used to describe electron energy loss and scatter and these models are supported by a limited amount of measured data. The purpose of this work was to obtain additional data that can be used to test models of electron scattering. Measurements were carried out using 13 and 20 MeV pencil beams of electrons produced by the National Research Council of Canada research accelerator. The electron fluence was measured at several angular positions from 0° to 9° for scattering foils of different thicknesses and with atomic numbers ranging from 4 to 79. The angle, θ1∕e, at which the fluence has decreased to 1∕e of its value on the central axis was used to characterize the distributions. Measured values of θ1∕e ranged from 1.5° to 8° with a typical uncertainty of about 1%. Distributions calculated using the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code were compared to the measured distributions. In general, the calculated distributions are narrower than the measured ones. Typically, the difference between the measured and calculated values of θ1∕e is about 1.5%, with the maximum difference being 4%. The measured and calculated distributions are related through a simple scaling of the angle, indicating that they have the same shape. No significant trends with atomic number were observed. PMID:18841865
A diffusion approximation for ocean wave scatterings by randomly distributed ice floes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhao, Xin; Shen, Hayley
This study presents a continuum approach using a diffusion approximation method to solve the scattering of ocean waves by randomly distributed ice floes. In order to model both strong and weak scattering, the proposed method decomposes the wave action density function into two parts: the transmitted part and the scattered part. For a given wave direction, the transmitted part of the wave action density is defined as the part of wave action density in the same direction before the scattering; and the scattered part is a first order Fourier series approximation for the directional spreading caused by scattering. An additional approximation is also adopted for simplification, in which the net directional redistribution of wave action by a single scatterer is assumed to be the reflected wave action of a normally incident wave into a semi-infinite ice cover. Other required input includes the mean shear modulus, diameter and thickness of ice floes, and the ice concentration. The directional spreading of wave energy from the diffusion approximation is found to be in reasonable agreement with the previous solution using the Boltzmann equation. The diffusion model provides an alternative method to implement wave scattering into an operational wave model.
Zhang, Yin; Liang, Lanju; Yang, Jing; Feng, Yijun; Zhu, Bo; Zhao, Junming; Jiang, Tian; Jin, Biaobing; Liu, Weiwei
Suppressing specular electromagnetic wave reflection or backward radar cross section is important and of broad interests in practical electromagnetic engineering. Here, we present a scheme to achieve broadband backward scattering reduction through diffuse terahertz wave reflection by a flexible metasurface. The diffuse scattering of terahertz wave is caused by the randomized reflection phase distribution on the metasurface, which consists of meta-particles of differently sized metallic patches arranged on top of a grounded polyimide substrate simply through a certain computer generated pseudorandom sequence. Both numerical simulations and experimental results demonstrate the ultralow specular reflection over a broad frequency band and wide angle of incidence due to the re-distribution of the incident energy into various directions. The diffuse scattering property is also polarization insensitive and can be well preserved when the flexible metasurface is conformably wrapped on a curved reflective object. The proposed design opens up a new route for specular reflection suppression, and may be applicable in stealth and other technology in the terahertz spectrum.
Ion charge state distribution effects on elastic X-ray Thomson scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Iglesias, Carlos A.
Analytic models commonly applied in elastic X-ray Thomson scattering cross-section calculations are used to generate results from a discrete ion charge distribution and an average charge description. Comparisons show that interchanging the order of the averaging procedure can appreciably alter the cross-section, especially for plasmas with partially filled K-shell bound electrons. In addition, two common approximations to describe the free electron density around an ion are shown to yield significantly different elastic X-ray Thomson scattering cross-sections.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jo, Youngju; Jung, Jaehwang; Lee, Jee Woong; Shin, Della; Park, Hyunjoo; Nam, Ki Tae; Park, Ji-Ho; Park, Yongkeun
Two-dimensional angle-resolved light scattering maps of individual rod-shaped bacteria are measured at the single-cell level. Using quantitative phase imaging and Fourier transform light scattering techniques, the light scattering patterns of individual bacteria in four rod-shaped species (Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus casei, Synechococcus elongatus, and Escherichia coli) are measured with unprecedented sensitivity in a broad angular range from -70° to 70°. The measured light scattering patterns are analyzed along the two principal axes of rod-shaped bacteria in order to systematically investigate the species-specific characteristics of anisotropic light scattering. In addition, the cellular dry mass of individual bacteria is calculated and used to demonstrate that the cell-to-cell variations in light scattering within bacterial species is related to the cellular dry mass and growth.
Light scattering by magnons in whispering gallery mode cavities
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sharma, Sanchar; Blanter, Yaroslav M.; Bauer, Gerrit E. W.
Brillouin light scattering is an established technique to study magnons, the elementary excitations of a magnet. Its efficiency can be enhanced by cavities that concentrate the light intensity. Here, we theoretically study inelastic scattering of photons by a magnetic sphere that supports optical whispering gallery modes in a plane normal to the magnetization. Magnons with low angular momenta scatter the light in the forward direction with a pronounced asymmetry in the Stokes and the anti-Stokes scattering strength, consistent with earlier studies. Magnons with large angular momenta constitute Damon-Eschbach modes which are shown to inelastically reflect light. The reflection spectrum contains either a Stokes or anti-Stokes peak, depending on the direction of the magnetization, a selection rule that can be explained by the chirality of the Damon-Eshbach magnons. The controllable energy transfer can be used to manage the thermodynamics of the magnet by light.
Ξ-P Scattering and STOPPED-Ξ-12C Reaction
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ahn, J. K.; Aoki, S.; Chung, K. S.; Chung, M. S.; En'yo, H.; Fukuda, T.; Funahashi, H.; Goto, Y.; Higashi, A.; Ieiri, M.; Iijima, T.; Iinuma, M.; Imai, K.; Itow, Y.; Lee, J. M.; Makino, S.; Masaike, A.; Matsuda, Y.; Matsuyama, Y.; Mihara, S.; Nagoshi, C.; Nomura, I.; Park, I. S.; Saito, N.; Sekimoto, M.; Shin, Y. M.; Sim, K. S.; Susukita, R.; Takashima, R.; Takeutchi, F.; Tlustý, P.; Weibe, S.; Yokkaichi, S.; Yoshida, K.; Yoshida, M.; Yoshida, T.; Yamashita, S.
We report upper limits on the cross sections for the Ξ-p elastic and conversion processes based on the observation of one Ξ-p elastic scattering events with an invisible Λ decay. The cross section for the Ξ-p elastic scattering is, for simplicity, assumming an isotropic angular distribution, found to be 40 mb at 90% confidence level, whereas that for the Ξ-p → ΛΛ reaction is 11 mb at 90% confidence level. While the results on the elastic cross section give no stringent constraint on theoretical estimates, the upper limit on the conversion process suggests that the estimate of the RGM-F model prediction could be ruled out. We also report some preliminary results on the obervation of the stopped-Ξ- hyperon-nucleus interaction with respect to hypernuclear production and existence of doubly-strange H-dibaryon.
Multiple coherent light scattering in ultracold rubidium
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kulatunga, P.; Sukenik, C. I.; Havey, M. D.; Kupriyanov, D. V.; Sokolov, I. M.
We report investigation of multiple coherent light scattering from ^85Rb atoms confined in a magneto-optic trap. In a theoretical study of intensity enhancement of near-resonant backscattered light from cold ^85,87Rb atoms, we consider the dominant mode of double scattering only. Enhancement factors are calculated for all D1 and D2 hyperfine components and for both isotopes. In experimental studies, measurements are made of coherent backscattering of a low-intensity probe beam tuned near the F = 3 - F' = 4 transition in ^85Rb atoms. Polarization of backscattered light is determined by a backscattering polarimeter; the spatial distribution of light intensity is measured by a liquid-nitrogen cooled CCD camera set in the focal plane of the analyzing optics. The instrument has angular resolution of about 100 micro-radians, and a polarization analyzing power of roughly 1000. In this paper we describe the instrument details, including calibration procedures, and progress towards observation of atomic coherent backscattering.
Multiple coherent light scattering in ultracold rubidium
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Havey, M. D.; Sukenik, C. I.; Kulatunga, P.; Kupriyanov, D. V.; Sokolov, I. M.
We report investigation of multiple coherent light scattering from ^85Rb atoms confined in a magneto-optic trap. In a theoretical study of intensity enhancement of near-resonant backscattered light from cold ^85,87Rb atoms, we consider the dominant mode of double scattering only. Enhancement factors are calculated for all D1 and D2 hyperfine components and for both isotopes. In experimental studies, measurements are made of coherent backscattering of a low-intensity probe beam tuned near the F = 3 - F' = 4 transition in ^85Rb atoms. Polarization of backscattered light is determined by a backscattering polarimeter; the spatial distribution of light intensity is measured by a liquid-nitrogen cooled CCD camera set in the focal plane of the analyzing optics. The instrument has angular resolution of about 100 micro-radians, and a polarization analyzing power of roughly 1000. In this paper we describe the instrument details, including calibration procedures, and progress towards observation of atomic coherent backscattering.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Lian; Zhou, Yuan-yuan; Zhou, Xue-jun; Chen, Xiao
Based on the orbital angular momentum and pulse position modulation, we present a novel passive measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) scheme with the two-mode source. Combining with the tight bounds of the yield and error rate of single-photon pairs given in our paper, we conduct performance analysis on the scheme with heralded single-photon source. The numerical simulations show that the performance of our scheme is significantly superior to the traditional MDI-QKD in the error rate, key generation rate and secure transmission distance, since the application of orbital angular momentum and pulse position modulation can exclude the basis-dependent flaw and increase the information content for each single photon. Moreover, the performance is improved with the rise of the frame length. Therefore, our scheme, without intensity modulation, avoids the source side channels and enhances the key generation rate. It has greatly utility value in the MDI-QKD setups.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cannaday, Ashley E.; Draham, Robert; Berger, Andrew J.
The goal of this project is to estimate non-nuclear organelle size distributions in single cells by measuring angular scattering patterns and fitting them with Mie theory. Simulations have indicated that the large relative size distribution of organelles (mean:width≈2) leads to unstable Mie fits unless scattering is collected at polar angles less than 20 degrees. Our optical system has therefore been modified to collect angles down to 10 degrees. Initial validations will be performed on polystyrene bead populations whose size distributions resemble those of cell organelles. Unlike with the narrow bead distributions that are often used for calibration, we expect to see an order-of-magnitude improvement in the stability of the size estimates as the minimum angle decreases from 20 to 10 degrees. Scattering patterns will then be acquired and analyzed from single cells (EMT6 mouse cancer cells), both fixed and live, at multiple time points. Fixed cells, with no changes in organelle sizes over time, will be measured to determine the fluctuation level in estimated size distribution due to measurement imperfections alone. Subsequent measurements on live cells will determine whether there is a higher level of fluctuation that could be attributed to dynamic changes in organelle size. Studies on unperturbed cells are precursors to ones in which the effects of exogenous agents are monitored over time.
Pygmy dipole resonance in 124Sn populated by inelastic scattering of 17O
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pellegri, L.; Bracco, A.; Crespi, F. C. L.; Leoni, S.; Camera, F.; Lanza, E. G.; Kmiecik, M.; Maj, A.; Avigo, R.; Benzoni, G.; Blasi, N.; Boiano, C.; Bottoni, S.; Brambilla, S.; Ceruti, S.; Giaz, A.; Million, B.; Morales, A. I.; Nicolini, R.; Vandone, V.; Wieland, O.; Bazzacco, D.; Bednarczyk, P.; Bellato, M.; Birkenbach, B.; Bortolato, D.; Cederwall, B.; Charles, L.; Ciemala, M.; De Angelis, G.; Désesquelles, P.; Eberth, J.; Farnea, E.; Gadea, A.; Gernhäuser, R.; Görgen, A.; Gottardo, A.; Grebosz, J.; Hess, H.; Isocrate, R.; Jolie, J.; Judson, D.; Jungclaus, A.; Karkour, N.; Krzysiek, M.; Litvinova, E.; Lunardi, S.; Mazurek, K.; Mengoni, D.; Michelagnoli, C.; Menegazzo, R.; Molini, P.; Napoli, D. R.; Pullia, A.; Quintana, B.; Recchia, F.; Reiter, P.; Salsac, M. D.; Siebeck, B.; Siem, S.; Simpson, J.; Söderström, P.-A.; Stezowski, O.; Theisen, Ch.; Ur, C.; Valiente Dobon, J. J.; Zieblinski, M.
The γ decay from the high-lying states of 124Sn was measured using the inelastic scattering of 17O at 340 MeV. The emitted γ rays were detected with high resolution with the AGATA demonstrator array and the scattered ions were detected in two segmented ΔE- E silicon telescopes. The angular distribution was measured both for the γ rays and the scattered 17O ions. An accumulation of E1 strength below the particle threshold was found and compared with previous data obtained with (γ ,γ‧) and (α ,α‧ γ) reactions. The present results of elastic scattering, and excitation of E2 and E1 states were analysed using the DWBA approach. From this comprehensive description the isoscalar component of the 1- excited states was extracted. The obtained values are based on the comparison of the data with DWBA calculations including a form factor deduced using a microscopic transition density.
A Small Angle Scattering Sensor System for the Characterization of Combustion Generated Particulate
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Feikema, Douglas A.; Kim, W.; Sivathanu, Yudaya
One of the critical issues for the US space program is fire safety of the space station and future launch vehicles. A detailed understanding of the scattering signatures of particulate is essential for the development of a false alarm free fire detection system. This paper describes advanced optical instrumentation developed and applied for fire detection. The system is being designed to determine four important physical properties of disperse fractal aggregates and particulates including size distribution, number density, refractive indices, and fractal dimension. Combustion generated particulate are the primary detection target; however, in order to discriminate from other particulate, non-combustion generated particles should also be characterized. The angular scattering signature is measured and analyzed using two photon optical laser scattering. The Rayleigh-Debye-Gans (R-D-G) scattering theory for disperse fractal aggregates is utilized. The system consists of a pulsed laser module, detection module and data acquisition system and software to analyze the signals. The theory and applications are described.
Transient radiative transfer in a scattering slab considering polarization.
Yi, Hongliang; Ben, Xun; Tan, Heping
The characteristics of the transient and polarization must be considered for a complete and correct description of short-pulse laser transfer in a scattering medium. A Monte Carlo (MC) method combined with a time shift and superposition principle is developed to simulate transient vector (polarized) radiative transfer in a scattering medium. The transient vector radiative transfer matrix (TVRTM) is defined to describe the transient polarization behavior of short-pulse laser propagating in the scattering medium. According to the definition of reflectivity, a new criterion of reflection at Fresnel surface is presented. In order to improve the computational efficiency and accuracy, a time shift and superposition principle is applied to the MC model for transient vector radiative transfer. The results for transient scalar radiative transfer and steady-state vector radiative transfer are compared with those in published literatures, respectively, and an excellent agreement between them is observed, which validates the correctness of the present model. Finally, transient radiative transfer is simulated considering the polarization effect of short-pulse laser in a scattering medium, and the distributions of Stokes vector in angular and temporal space are presented.
Multiple-Fiber-Optic Probe For Light-Scattering Measurements
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dhadwal, Harbans Singh; Ansari, Rafat R.
Multiple-fiber-optical probe developed for use in measuring light scattered at various angles from specimens of materials. Designed for both static and dynamic light-scattering measurements of colloidal dispersions. Probe compact, rugged unit containing no moving parts and remains stationary during operation. Not restricted to operation in controlled, research-laboratory environment. Positioned inside or outside light-scattering chamber. Provides simultaneous measurements at small angular intervals over range of angles, made to include small scattering angles by orienting probe in appropriate direction.
Interior radiances in optically deep absorbing media. 3: Scattering from Haze L
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kattawar, G. W.; Plass, G. N.
The interior radiances are calculated within an optically deep absorbing medium scattering according to the Haze L phase function. The dependence on the solar zenith angle, the single scattering albedo, and the optical depth within the medium is calculated by the matrix operator method. The development of the asymptotic angular distribution of the radiance in the diffusion region is illustrated through a number of examples; it depends only on the single scattering albedo and on the phase function for single scattering. The exact values of the radiance in the diffusion region are compared with values calculated from the approximate equations proposed by Van de Hulst. The variation of the radiance near the lower boundary of an optically thick medium is illustrated with examples. The attenuation length is calculated for various single scattering albedos and compared with the corresponding values for Rayleigh scattering. The ratio of the upward to the downward flux is found to be remarkably constant within the medium. The heating rate is calculated and found to have a maximum value at an optical depth of two within a Haze L layer when the sun is at the zenith.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bootsma, G. J., E-mail:; Verhaegen, F.; Medical Physics Unit, Department of Oncology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4
Purpose: X-ray scatter is a significant impediment to image quality improvements in cone-beam CT (CBCT). The authors present and demonstrate a novel scatter correction algorithm using a scatter estimation method that simultaneously combines multiple Monte Carlo (MC) CBCT simulations through the use of a concurrently evaluated fitting function, referred to as concurrent MC fitting (CMCF). Methods: The CMCF method uses concurrently run MC CBCT scatter projection simulations that are a subset of the projection angles used in the projection set, P, to be corrected. The scattered photons reaching the detector in each MC simulation are simultaneously aggregated by an algorithmmore » which computes the scatter detector response, S{sub MC}. S{sub MC} is fit to a function, S{sub F}, and if the fit of S{sub F} is within a specified goodness of fit (GOF), the simulations are terminated. The fit, S{sub F}, is then used to interpolate the scatter distribution over all pixel locations for every projection angle in the set P. The CMCF algorithm was tested using a frequency limited sum of sines and cosines as the fitting function on both simulated and measured data. The simulated data consisted of an anthropomorphic head and a pelvis phantom created from CT data, simulated with and without the use of a compensator. The measured data were a pelvis scan of a phantom and patient taken on an Elekta Synergy platform. The simulated data were used to evaluate various GOF metrics as well as determine a suitable fitness value. The simulated data were also used to quantitatively evaluate the image quality improvements provided by the CMCF method. A qualitative analysis was performed on the measured data by comparing the CMCF scatter corrected reconstruction to the original uncorrected and corrected by a constant scatter correction reconstruction, as well as a reconstruction created using a set of projections taken with a small cone angle. Results: Pearson’s correlation, r, proved to be
A Model for Hydraulic Properties Based on Angular Pores with Lognormal Size Distribution
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Durner, W.; Diamantopoulos, E.
Soil water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity curves are mandatory for modeling water flow in soils. It is a common approach to measure few points of the water retention curve and to calculate the hydraulic conductivity curve by assuming that the soil can be represented as a bundle of capillary tubes. Both curves are then used to predict water flow at larger spatial scales. However, the predictive power of these curves is often very limited. This can be very easily illustrated if we measure the soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) for a drainage experiment and then use these properties to predict the water flow in the case of imbibition. Further complications arise from the incomplete wetting of water at the solid matrix which results in finite values of the contact angles between the solid-water-air interfaces. To address these problems we present a physically-based model for hysteretic SHPs. This model is based on bundles of angular pores. Hysteresis for individual pores is caused by (i) different snap-off pressures during filling and emptying of single angular pores and (ii) by different advancing and receding contact angles for fluids that are not perfectly wettable. We derive a model of hydraulic conductivity as a function of contact angle by assuming flow perpendicular to pore cross sections and present closed-form expressions for both the sample scale water retention and hydraulic conductivity function by assuming a log-normal statistical distribution of pore size. We tested the new model against drainage and imbibition experiments for various sandy materials which were conducted with various liquids of differing wettability. The model described both imbibition and drainage experiments very well by assuming a unique pore size distribution of the sample and a zero contact angle for the perfectly wetting liquid. Eventually, we see the possibility to relate the particle size distribution with a model which describes the SHPs.
Angle-resolved molecular beam scattering of NO at the gas-liquid interface
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zutz, Amelia; Nesbitt, David J.
This study presents first results on angle-resolved, inelastic collision dynamics of thermal and hyperthermal molecular beams of NO at gas-liquid interfaces. Specifically, a collimated incident beam of supersonically cooled NO (2 Π 1/2, J = 0.5) is directed toward a series of low vapor pressure liquid surfaces ([bmim][Tf2N], squalane, and PFPE) at θinc = 45(1)°, with the scattered molecules detected with quantum state resolution over a series of final angles (θs = -60°, -30°, 0°, 30°, 45°, and 60°) via spatially filtered laser induced fluorescence. At low collision energies [Einc = 2.7(9) kcal/mol], the angle-resolved quantum state distributions reveal (i) cos(θs) probabilities for the scattered NO and (ii) electronic/rotational temperatures independent of final angle (θs), in support of a simple physical picture of angle independent sticking coefficients and all incident NO thermally accommodating on the surface. However, the observed electronic/rotational temperatures for NO scattering reveal cooling below the surface temperature (Telec < Trot < TS) for all three liquids, indicating a significant dependence of the sticking coefficient on NO internal quantum state. Angle-resolved scattering at high collision energies [Einc = 20(2) kcal/mol] has also been explored, for which the NO scattering populations reveal angle-dependent dynamical branching between thermal desorption and impulsive scattering (IS) pathways that depend strongly on θs. Characterization of the data in terms of the final angle, rotational state, spin-orbit electronic state, collision energy, and liquid permit new correlations to be revealed and investigated in detail. For example, the IS rotational distributions reveal an enhanced propensity for higher J/spin-orbit excited states scattered into near specular angles and thus hotter rotational/electronic distributions measured in the forward scattering direction. Even more surprisingly, the average NO scattering angle (
Wang, Wenhao; Yu, Peng; Zhong, Zhiqin; Tong, Xin; Liu, Tianji; Li, Yanbo; Ashalley, Eric; Chen, Huanyang; Wu, Jiang; Wang, Zhiming
Au nanobipyramids (NBPs) with sharp tips and narrow plasmon linewidths are ideal candidates for plasmonic applications. In this paper, we investigated the influencing factors of longitudinal plasmon resonance wavelength (LPRW) and scattering properties of single Au NBP by simulation. Compared with the volume, we establish the aspect ratio (length/width) as the dominant factor that affects the LPRW of Au NBPs. Plasmonic nanoparticles have been widely used for light-trapping enhancement in photovoltaics. To give a profound understanding of the superior light harvesting properties of Au NBPs, the near-field localization effect and far-field scattering mechanism of Au NBPs were investigated. Under the light injection at LPRW, the tip area shows near-field enhancement and the maximum scattering intensity appears on the side area of the waist owing to the remarkable optical absorption near the tips. Additionally, we confirm the fraction of light scattered into the substrate and angular distribution of the light scattered by the Au NBPs. The fraction of light scattered into the substrate reaches up to 97% from 400-1100 nm and preserves a broadband spectrum. This suggests that the NBP has a predominant forward scattering and reduced backward scattering. The excellent plasmonic scattering properties of Au NBPs are promising in photovoltaic devices and photothermal therapy.
Characterization of Forest Opacity Using Multi-Angular Emission and Backscatter Data
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kurum, Mehmet; O'Neill, Peggy; Lang, Roger H.; Joseph, Alicia T.; Cosh, Michael H.; Jackson, Thomas J.
This paper discusses the results from a series of field experiments using ground-based L-band microwave active/passive sensors. Three independent approaches are employed to the microwave data to determine vegetation opacity of coniferous trees. First, a zero-order radiative transfer model is fitted to multi-angular microwave emissivity data in a least-square sense to provide "effective" vegetation optical depth. Second, a ratio between radar backscatter measurements with the corner reflector under trees and in an open area is calculated to obtain "measured" tree propagation characteristics. Finally, the "theoretical" propagation constant is determined by forward scattering theorem using detailed measurements of size/angle distributions and dielectric constants of the tree constituents (trunk, branches, and needles). The results indicate that "effective" values underestimate attenuation values compared to both "theoretical" and "measured" values.
Optical properties (bidirectional reflectance distribution function) of shot fabric.
Lu, R; Koenderink, J J; Kappers, A M
To study the optical properties of materials, one needs a complete set of the angular distribution functions of surface scattering from the materials. Here we present a convenient method for collecting a large set of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) samples in the hemispherical scattering space. Material samples are wrapped around a right-circular cylinder and irradiated by a parallel light source, and the scattered radiance is collected by a digital camera. We tilted the cylinder around its center to collect the BRDF samples outside the plane of incidence. This method can be used with materials that have isotropic and anisotropic scattering properties. We demonstrate this method in a detailed investigation of shot fabrics. The warps and the fillings of shot fabrics are dyed different colors so that the fabric appears to change color at different viewing angles. These color-changing characteristics are found to be related to the physical and geometrical structure of shot fabric. Our study reveals that the color-changing property of shot fabrics is due mainly to an occlusion effect.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lin, Jun; Pakhomov, Andrew V.
This work concludes our discussion of the image processing technique developed earlier for determination of specific impulse (Isp) for Ablative Laser Propulsion (ALP). The plasma plumes are recorded with a time-resolved intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD) camera. The plasma was formed in vacuum (˜ 3×10-3 Torr) by focusing output pulses of a laser system (100-ps pulsewidth at 532 nm wavelength and ˜35 mJ energy) on surfaces of C (graphite), Al, Si, Fe, Cu, Zn, Sn, and Pb elements. Angular profiles for integrated intensity and plasma expansion velocity were determined for the tested elements. Such profiles were used further for assessment of specific impulse. Specific impulses derived from angular distributions of plasma expansion velocity and integral intensity appeared in excellent agreement with the data derived earlier from force measurements.
Real-time particulate mass measurement based on laser scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rentz, Julia H.; Mansur, David; Vaillancourt, Robert; Schundler, Elizabeth; Evans, Thomas
OPTRA has developed a new approach to the determination of particulate size distribution from a measured, composite, laser angular scatter pattern. Drawing from the field of infrared spectroscopy, OPTRA has employed a multicomponent analysis technique which uniquely recognizes patterns associated with each particle size "bin" over a broad range of sizes. The technique is particularly appropriate for overlapping patterns where large signals are potentially obscuring weak ones. OPTRA has also investigated a method for accurately training the algorithms without the use of representative particles for any given application. This streamlined calibration applies a one-time measured "instrument function" to theoretical Mie patterns to create the training data for the algorithms. OPTRA has demonstrated this algorithmic technique on a compact, rugged, laser scatter sensor head we developed for gas turbine engine emissions measurements. The sensor contains a miniature violet solid state laser and an array of silicon photodiodes, both of which are commercial off the shelf. The algorithmic technique can also be used with any commercially available laser scatter system.
Scattering of elastic waves by a spheroidal inclusion
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Johnson, Lane R.
An analytical solution is presented for scattering of elastic waves by prolate and oblate spheroidal inclusions. The problem is solved in the frequency domain where separation of variables leads to a solution involving spheroidal wave functions of the angular and radial kind. Unlike the spherical problem, the boundary equations remain coupled with respect to one of the separation indices. Expanding the angular spheroidal wave functions in terms of associated Legendre functions and using their orthogonality properties leads to a set of linear equations that can be solved to simultaneously obtain solutions for all coupled modes of both scattered and interior fields. To illustrate some of the properties of the spheroidal solution, total scattering cross-sections for P, SV and SH plane waves incident at an oblique angle on a prolate spheroid, an oblate spheroid and a sphere are compared. The waveforms of the scattered field exterior to the inclusion are calculated for these same incident waves. The waveforms scattered by a spheroid are strongly dependent upon the angle of incidence, are different for incident SV and SH waves and are asymmetrical about the centre of the spheroid with the asymmetry different for prolate and oblate spheroids.
Shen, Jian; Deng, Degang; Kong, Weijin; Liu, Shijie; Shen, Zicai; Wei, Chaoyang; He, Hongbo; Shao, Jianda; Fan, Zhengxiu
By introducing the scattering probability of a subsurface defect (SSD) and statistical distribution functions of SSD radius, refractive index, and position, we derive an extended bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) from the Jones scattering matrix. This function is applicable to the calculation for comparison with measurement of polarized light-scattering resulting from a SSD. A numerical calculation of the extended BRDF for the case of p-polarized incident light was performed by means of the Monte Carlo method. Our numerical results indicate that the extended BRDF strongly depends on the light incidence angle, the light scattering angle, and the out-of-plane azimuth angle. We observe a 180 degrees symmetry with respect to the azimuth angle. We further investigate the influence of the SSD density, the substrate refractive index, and the statistical distributions of the SSD radius and refractive index on the extended BRDF. For transparent substrates, we also find the dependence of the extended BRDF on the SSD positions.
Zhang, Yin; Liang, Lanju; Yang, Jing; Feng, Yijun; Zhu, Bo; Zhao, Junming; Jiang, Tian; Jin, Biaobing; Liu, Weiwei
Suppressing specular electromagnetic wave reflection or backward radar cross section is important and of broad interests in practical electromagnetic engineering. Here, we present a scheme to achieve broadband backward scattering reduction through diffuse terahertz wave reflection by a flexible metasurface. The diffuse scattering of terahertz wave is caused by the randomized reflection phase distribution on the metasurface, which consists of meta-particles of differently sized metallic patches arranged on top of a grounded polyimide substrate simply through a certain computer generated pseudorandom sequence. Both numerical simulations and experimental results demonstrate the ultralow specular reflection over a broad frequency band and wide angle of incidence due to the re-distribution of the incident energy into various directions. The diffuse scattering property is also polarization insensitive and can be well preserved when the flexible metasurface is conformably wrapped on a curved reflective object. The proposed design opens up a new route for specular reflection suppression, and may be applicable in stealth and other technology in the terahertz spectrum. PMID:27225031
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lai, Hong; Luo, Mingxing; Zhang, Jun; Pieprzyk, Josef; Pan, Lei; Orgun, Mehmet A.
The orthogonality of the orbital angular momentum (OAM) eigenstates enables a single photon carry an arbitrary number of bits. Moreover, additional degrees of freedom (DOFs) of OAM can span a high-dimensional Hilbert space, which could greatly increase information capacity and security. Moreover, the use of the spin angular momentum-OAM hybrid entangled state can increase Shannon dimensionality, because photons can be hybrid entangled in multiple DOFs. Based on these observations, we develop a hybrid entanglement quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol to achieve three-party quantum key distribution without classical message exchanges. In our proposed protocol, a communicating party uses a spatial light modulator (SLM) and a specific phase hologram to modulate photons' OAM state. Similarly, the other communicating parties use their SLMs and the fixed different phase holograms to modulate the OAM entangled photon pairs, producing the shared key among the parties Alice, Bob and Charlie without classical message exchanges. More importantly, when the same operation is repeated for every party, our protocol could be extended to a multiple-party QKD protocol.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wunderlich, Y.; Afzal, F.; Thiel, A.; Beck, R.
This work presents a simple method to determine the significant partial wave contributions to experimentally determined observables in pseudoscalar meson photoproduction. First, fits to angular distributions are presented and the maximum orbital angular momentum Lmax needed to achieve a good fit is determined. Then, recent polarization measurements for γ p → π0 p from ELSA, GRAAL, JLab and MAMI are investigated according to the proposed method. This method allows us to project high-spin partial wave contributions to any observable as long as the measurement has the necessary statistical accuracy. We show, that high precision and large angular coverage in the polarization data are needed in order to be sensitive to high-spin resonance states and thereby also for the finding of small resonance contributions. This task can be achieved via interference of these resonances with the well-known states. For the channel γ p → π0 p, those are the N(1680)5/2+ and Δ(1950)7/2+, contributing to the F-waves.
Vermeulen, A; Devaux, C; Herman, M
A method has been developed for retrieving the scattering and microphysical properties of atmospheric aerosol from measurements of solar transmission, aureole, and angular distribution of the scattered and polarized sky light in the solar principal plane. Numerical simulations of measurements have been used to investigate the feasibility of the method and to test the algorithm's performance. It is shown that the absorption and scattering properties of an aerosol, i.e., the single-scattering albedo, the phase function, and the polarization for single scattering of incident unpolarized light, can be obtained by use of radiative transfer calculations to correct the values of scattered radiance and polarized radiance for multiple scattering, Rayleigh scattering, and the influence of ground. The method requires only measurement of the aerosol's optical thickness and an estimate of the ground's reflectance and does not need any specific assumption about properties of the aerosol. The accuracy of the retrieved phase function and polarization of the aerosols is examined at near-infrared wavelengths (e.g., 0.870 mum). The aerosol's microphysical properties (size distribution and complex refractive index) are derived in a second step. The real part of the refractive index is a strong function of the polarization, whereas the imaginary part is strongly dependent on the sky's radiance and the retrieved single-scattering albedo. It is demonstrated that inclusion of polarization data yields the real part of the refractive index.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aas, Eyvind; HøJerslev, Niels K.
A primary data set consisting of 70 series of angular radiance distributions observed in clear blue western Mediterranean water and a secondary set of 12 series from the more green and turbid Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho, have been analyzed. The results demonstrate that the main variation of the shape of the downward radiance distribution occurs within the Snell cone. Outside the cone the variation of the shape decreases with increasing zenith angle. The most important shape changes of the upward radiance appear within the zenith angle range 90°-130°. The variation in shape reaches its minimum around nadir, where an almost constant upward radiance distribution implies that a flat sea surface acts like a Lambert emitter within ±8% in the zenith angle interval 140°-180° in air. The ratio Q of upward irradiance and nadir radiance, as well as the average cosines μd and μu for downward and upward radiance, respectively, have rather small standard deviations, ≤10%, within the local water type. In contrast, the irradiance reflectance R has been observed to change up to 400% with depth in the western Mediterranean, while the maximum observed change of Q with depth is only 40%. The dependence of Q on the solar elevation for blue light at 5 m depth in the Mediterranean coincides with observations from the central Atlantic as well as with model computations. The corresponding dependence of μd shows that diffuse light may have a significant influence on its value. Two simple functions describing the observed angular radiance distributions are proposed, and both functions can be determined by two field observations as input parameters. The ɛ function approximates the azimuthal means of downward radiance with an average error ≤7% and of upward radiance with an error of ˜1%. The α function describes the zenith angle dependence of the azimuthal means of upward radiance with an average error ≤7% in clear ocean water, increasing to ≤20% in turbid lake water. The a
(16) {C}16C-elastic scattering examined using several models at different energies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
El-hammamy, M. N.; Attia, A.
In the present paper, the first results concerning the theoretical analysis of the ^{16}C + p reaction by investigating two elastic scattering angular distributions measured at high energy compared to low energy for this system are reported. Several models for the real part of the nuclear potential are tested within the optical model formalism. The imaginary potential has a Woods-Saxon shape with three free parameters. Two types of density distribution and three different cluster structures for ^{16}C are assumed in the analysis. The results are compared with each other as well as with the experimental data to give evidence of the importance of these studied items.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vikhlyantsev, O. P.; Generalov, L. N.; Kuryakin, A. V.; Karpov, I. A.; Gurin, N. E.; Tumkin, A. D.; Fil'chagin, S. V.
A hardware-software complex for measurement of energy and angular distributions of charged particles formed in nuclear reactions is presented. Hardware and software structures of the complex, the basic set of the modular nuclear-physical apparatus of a multichannel detecting system on the basis of Δ E- E telescopes of silicon detectors, and the hardware of experimental data collection, storage, and processing are presented and described.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ortiz-Montalvo, D. L.; Conny, J. M.
We study the scattering properties of irregularly shaped ambient dust particles. The way in which they scatter and absorb light has implications for aerosol optical remote sensing and aerosol radiative forcing applications. However, understanding light scattering and absorption by non-spherical particles can be very challenging. We used focused ion-beam scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (FIB-SEM-EDS) to reconstruct three-dimensional (3-D) configurations of dust particles collected from urban and Asian sources. The 3-D reconstructions were then used in a discrete dipole approximation method (DDA) to determine their scattering properties for a range of shapes, sizes, and refractive indices. Scattering properties where obtained using actual-shapes of the particles, as well as, (theoretical) equivalently-sized geometrical shapes like spheres, ellipsoids, cubes, rectangular prisms, and tetrahedrons. We use Q-space analysis to interpret the angular distribution of the scattered light obtained for each particle. Q-space analysis has been recently used to distinguish scattering by particles of different shapes, and it involves plotting the scattered intensity versus the scattering wave vector (q or qR) on a log-log scale, where q = 2ksin(θ/2), k = 2π/λ, and R = particle effective radius. Results from a limited number of particles show that when Q-space analysis is applied, common patterns appear that agree with previous Q-space studies done on ice crystals and other irregularly shaped particles. More specifically, we found similar Q-space regimes including a forward scattering regime of constant intensity when qR < 1, followed by the Guinier regime when qR ≈ 1, which is then followed by a complex power law regime with a -3 slope regime, a transition regime, and then a -4 slope regime. Currently, Q-space comparisons between actual- and geometric shapes are underway with the objective of determining which geometric shape best
Reciprocal space mapping and single-crystal scattering rods.
Smilgies, Detlef M; Blasini, Daniel R; Hotta, Shu; Yanagi, Hisao
Reciprocal space mapping using a linear gas detector in combination with a matching Soller collimator has been applied to map scattering rods of well oriented organic microcrystals grown on a solid surface. Formulae are provided to correct image distortions in angular space and to determine the required oscillation range, in order to measure properly integrated scattering intensities.
Molecular alignment and orientation with a hybrid Raman scattering technique
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bustard, Philip J.; Lausten, R.; Sussman, Benjamin J.
We demonstrate a scheme for the preparation of molecular alignment and angular momentum orientation using a hybrid combination of two limits of Raman scattering. First a weak, impulsive pump pulse initializes the system via the nonresonant dynamic Stark effect. Then, having overcome the influence of the vacuum fluctuations, an amplification pulse selectively enhances the initial coherences by transient stimulated Raman scattering, generating alignment and angular momentum orientation of molecular hydrogen. The amplitude and phase of the resulting coherent dynamics are experimentally probed, indicating an amplification factor of 4.5. An analytic theory is developed to model the dynamics.
Light scattering by hexagonal ice crystals with distributed inclusions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Panetta, R. Lee; Zhang, Jia-Ning; Bi, Lei; Yang, Ping; Tang, Guanlin
Inclusions of air bubbles or soot particles have significant effects on the single-scattering properties of ice crystals, effects that in turn have significant impacts on the radiation budget of an atmosphere containing the crystals. This study investigates some of the single-scattering effects in the case of hexagonal ice crystals, including effects on the backscattering depolarization ratio, a quantity of practical importance in the interpretation of lidar observations. One distinguishing feature of the study is an investigation of scattering properties at a visible wavelength for a crystal with size parameter (x) above 100, a size regime where one expects some agreement between exact methods and geometrical optics methods. This expectation is generally borne out in a test comparison of how the sensitivity of scattering properties to the distribution of a given volume fraction of included air is represented using (i) an approximate Monte Carlo Ray Tracing (MCRT) method and (ii) a numerically exact pseudo-spectral time-domain (PSTD) method. Another distinguishing feature of the study is a close examination, using the numerically exact Invariant-Imbedding T-Matrix (II-TM) method, of how some optical properties of importance to satellite remote sensing vary as the volume fraction of inclusions and size of crystal are varied. Although such an investigation of properties in the x>100 regime faces serious computational burdens that force a large number of idealizations and simplifications in the study, the results nevertheless provide an intriguing glimpse of what is evidently a quite complex sensitivity of optical scattering properties to inclusions of air or soot as volume fraction and size parameter are varied.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sato, Haruo; Hayakawa, Toshihiko
Short-period seismograms of earthquakes are complex especially beneath volcanoes, where the S wave mean free path is short and low velocity bodies composed of melt or fluid are expected in addition to random velocity inhomogeneities as scattering sources. Resonant scattering inherent in a low velocity body shows trap and release of waves with a delay time. Focusing of the delay time phenomenon, we have to consider seriously multiple resonant scattering processes. Since wave phases are complex in such a scattering medium, the radiative transfer theory has been often used to synthesize the variation of mean square (MS) amplitude of waves; however, resonant scattering has not been well adopted in the conventional radiative transfer theory. Here, as a simple mathematical model, we study the sequence of isotropic resonant scattering of a scalar wavelet by low velocity spheres at low frequencies, where the inside velocity is supposed to be low enough. We first derive the total scattering cross-section per time for each order of scattering as the convolution kernel representing the decaying scattering response. Then, for a random and uniform distribution of such identical resonant isotropic scatterers, we build the propagator of the MS amplitude by using causality, a geometrical spreading factor and the scattering loss. Using those propagators and convolution kernels, we formulate the radiative transfer equation for a spherically impulsive radiation from a point source. The synthesized MS amplitude time trace shows a dip just after the direct arrival and a delayed swelling, and then a decaying tail at large lapse times. The delayed swelling is a prominent effect of resonant scattering. The space distribution of synthesized MS amplitude shows a swelling near the source region in space, and it becomes a bell shape like a diffusion solution at large lapse times.
Estimation of the Scatterer Distribution of the Cirrhotic Liver using Ultrasonic Image
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yamaguchi, Tadashi; Hachiya, Hiroyuki
In the B-mode image of the liver obtained by an ultrasonic imaging system, the speckled pattern changes with the progression of the disease such as liver cirrhosis.In this paper we present the statistical characteristics of the echo envelope of the liver, and the technique to extract information of the scatterer distribution from the normal and cirrhotic liver images using constant false alarm rate (CFAR) processing.We analyze the relationship between the extracted scatterer distribution and the stage of liver cirrhosis. The ratio of the area in which the amplitude of the processing signal is more than the threshold to the entire processed image area is related quantitatively to the stage of liver cirrhosis.It is found that the proposed technique is valid for the quantitative diagnosis of liver cirrhosis.
Angular Distributions of Discrete Mesoscale Mapping Functions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kroszczyński, Krzysztof
The paper presents the results of analyses of numerical experiments concerning GPS signal propagation delays in the atmosphere and the discrete mapping functions defined on their basis. The delays were determined using data from the mesoscale non-hydrostatic weather model operated in the Centre of Applied Geomatics, Military University of Technology. A special attention was paid to investigating angular characteristics of GPS slant delays for low angles of elevation. The investigation proved that the temporal and spatial variability of the slant delays depends to a large extent on current weather conditions.
The forward rainbow scattering of low energy protons by a graphene sheet
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ćosić, M.; Petrović, S.; Nešković, N.
This article studies the rainbow scattering of 5-keV protons by the single sheet of free-standing graphene and its possible use as a tool for investigation of the ion-graphene interaction. The proton-graphene interaction potential was constructed by using the Doyle-Turner, ZBL, and Molière proton-carbon interaction potentials. The thermal motion of carbon atoms was included by averaging the potentials according to the Debye model. Proton trajectories were obtained by numerical solution of the corresponding Newton equations of motion. They were used to obtain the mapping of the proton initial positions to their scattering angles. Morphological properties of the introduced mapping including its multiplicity and the rainbow singularities were used to explain important features of the obtained angular distributions of transmitted protons.
Elastic and inelastic scattering of neutrons on 238U nucleus
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Capote, R.; Trkov, A.; Sin, M.; Herman, M. W.; Soukhovitskiĩ, E. Sh.
Advanced modelling of neutron induced reactions on the 238U nucleus is aimed at improving our knowledge of neutron scattering. Capture and fission channels are well constrained by available experimental data and neutron standard evaluation. A focus of this contribution is on elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections. The employed nuclear reaction model includes - a new rotational-vibrational dispersive optical model potential coupling the low-lying collective bands of vibrational character observed in even-even actinides; - the Engelbrecht-Weidenmüller transformation allowing for inclusion of compound-direct interference effects; - and a multi-humped fission barrier with absorption in the secondary well described within the optical model for fission. Impact of the advanced modelling on elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections including angular distributions and emission spectra is assessed both by comparison with selected microscopic experimental data and integral criticality benchmarks including measured reaction rates (e.g. JEMIMA, FLAPTOP and BIG TEN). Benchmark calculations provided feedback to improve the reaction modelling. Improvement of existing libraries will be discussed.
54Fe neutron elastic and inelastic scattering differential cross sections from 2-6 MeV
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vanhoy, J. R.; Liu, S. H.; Hicks, S. F.; Combs, B. M.; Crider, B. P.; French, A. J.; Garza, E. A.; Harrison, T.; Henderson, S. L.; Howard, T. J.; McEllistrem, M. T.; Nigam, S.; Pecha, R. L.; Peters, E. E.; Prados-Estévez, F. M.; Ramirez, A. P. D.; Rice, B. G.; Ross, T. J.; Santonil, Z. C.; Sidwell, L. C.; Steves, J. L.; Thompson, B. K.; Yates, S. W.
Measurements of neutron elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections from 54Fe were performed for nine incident neutron energies between 2 and 6 MeV. Measured differential scattering cross sections are compared to those from previous measurements and the ENDF, JENDL, and JEFF data evaluations. TALYS calculations were performed and modifications of the default parameters are found to better describe the experimental cross sections. A spherical optical model treatment is generally adequate to describe the cross sections in this energy region; however, in 54Fe the direct coupling is found to increase suddenly above 4 MeV and requires an increase in the DWBA deformation parameter by approximately 25%. This has little effect on the elastic scattering differential cross sections but makes a significant improvement in both the strength and shape of the inelastic scattering angular distribution, which are found to be very sensitive to the size and extent of the surface absorption region.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Poudyal, R.; Singh, M. K.; Gatebe, C. K.; Gautam, R.; Varnai, T.
Using airborne Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR) reflectance measurements of smoke, an empirical relationship between reflectances measured at different sun-satellite geometry is established, in this study. It is observed that reflectance of smoke aerosol at any viewing zenith angle can be computed using a linear combination of reflectance at two viewing zenith angles. One of them should be less than 30° and other must be greater than 60°. We found that the parameters of the linear combination computation follow a third order polynomial function of the viewing geometry. Similar relationships were also established for different relative azimuth angles. Reflectance at any azimuth angle can be written as a linear combination of measurements at two different azimuth angles. One must be in the forward scattering direction and the other in backward scattering, with both close to the principal plane. These relationships allowed us to create an Angular Distribution Model (ADM) for smoke, which can estimate reflectances in any direction based on measurements taken in four view directions. The model was tested by calculating the ADM parameters using CAR data from the SCAR-B campaign, and applying these parameters to different smoke cases at three spectral channels (340nm, 380nm and 470nm). We also tested our modelled smoke ADM formulas with Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI) directly computed from the CAR data, based on 340nm and 380nm, which is probably the first study to analyze the complete multi-angular distribution of AAI for smoke aerosols. The RMSE (and mean error) of predicted reflectance for SCAR-B and ARCTAS smoke ADMs were found to be 0.002 (1.5%) and 0.047 (6%), respectively. The accuracy of the ADM formulation is also tested through radiative transfer simulations for a wide variety of situations (varying smoke loading, underlying surface types, etc.).
Effects of anisotropic electron-ion interactions in atomic photoelectron angular distributions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dill, D.; Starace, A. F.; Manson, S. T.
The photoelectron asymmetry parameter beta in LS-coupling is obtained as an expansion into contributions from alternative angular momentum transfers j sub t. The physical significance of this expansion of beta is shown to be that: (1) the electric dipole interaction transfers to the atom a charcteristic single angular momentum j sub t = sub o, where sub o is the photoelectron's initial orbital momentum; and (2) angular momentum transfers indicate the presence of anisotropic interaction of the outgoing photoelectron with the residual ion. For open shell atoms the photoelectron-ion interaction is generally anisotropic; photoelectron phase shifts and electric dipole matrix elements depend on both the multiplet term of the residual ion and the total orbital momentum of the ion-photoelectron final state channel. Consequently beta depends on the term levels of the residual ion and contains contributions from all allowed values of j sub t. Numerical calculations of the asymmetry parameters and partial cross sections for photoionization of atomic sulfur are presented.
Maximum angular accuracy of pulsed laser radar in photocounting limit.
Elbaum, M; Diament, P; King, M; Edelson, W
To estimate the angular position of targets with pulsed laser radars, their images may be sensed with a fourquadrant noncoherent detector and the image photocounting distribution processed to obtain the angular estimates. The limits imposed on the accuracy of angular estimation by signal and background radiation shot noise, dark current noise, and target cross-section fluctuations are calculated. Maximum likelihood estimates of angular positions are derived for optically rough and specular targets and their performances compared with theoretical lower bounds.
Influence of single-neutron stripping on near-barrier 6He+208Pb and 8He+208Pb elastic scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Marquínez-Durán, G.; Keeley, N.; Kemper, K. W.; Mackintosh, R. S.; Martel, I.; Rusek, K.; Sánchez-Benítez, A. M.
The influence of single-neutron stripping on the near-barrier elastic scattering angular distributions for the He,86+208Pb systems is investigated through coupled reaction channels (CRC) calculations fitting recently published data to explore the differences in the absorptive potential found in the scattering of these two neutron-rich nuclei. The inclusion of the coupling reduces the elastic cross section in the Coulomb-nuclear interference region for 8He scattering, whereas for 6He its major impact is on the large-angle elastic scattering. The real and imaginary dynamic polarization potentials are obtained by inverting the CRC elastic scattering S -matrix elements. These show that the main absorptive features occur between 11 and 12 fm for both projectiles, while the attractive features are separated by about 1 fm, with their main structures occurring at 10.5 fm for 6He and 11.5 fm for 8He.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Slobodrian, R.J.
Natural lithium, polyethylene, and aluminum targets were bombarded with 28.1 Mev deuterons. The outgoing particles were analyzed with a scintillation spectrometer. The angular distributions for the following processes were measured: Li(d,d')Li, Li/sup 7/(d,d')Li/sup 7*/ -4.61 Mev, Li/sup 7/(d,t) Li/su p 6/, Cr/sup 12/(d,d')C/sup 12/, C/sup 12/(d,d')C/sup 12*/-4.43 Mev, C/sup 12/ (d,p)C/s up 13*/-3.68 Mev, Alsup 27/(d,d')Al/sup 27/, Alsup 27/(d,d')Al/sup 27*/- 2.21 Mev, and H/sup 1/(d,p)H/sup 2/. The angular distributions of the inelastic processes are due predominantly to direct nuclear interaction; there is no significant compound nucleus contribution. The Li/sup 7/(d,d')Li/sup 7*/-4.61 Mev angular distribution can be adjusted by superimposing directmore » reaction curves correspondingto l =0, a =3.4f and l =2, a =3.9f, where a is the interaction radius and l the angular momentum change; this leads to an odd parity assignement for the level. The ith a "pick-up" curve corresponding to l = 1 and a = 5f. The reaction C/sup 12/(d,d')C/sup 12*/ Mev is adjusted by superimposing the curves of l = 1, a= 4.1f and l =2, a = 4.6f. The C/sup 12/(d,p)C/sup 13*/ - 3.68 M ev angular distribution is well adjusted by superimposing the curves of l = 1, a - 3.9f, consistently with the known spin and parity change, instead the one belonging to the reaction and l = 3 with a = 3.5f. The Al/sup 27/(d,d')Al/ sup 27*/-2.21 Mev angular distribution is adequately adjusted with a curve of l = 1, a = 5.1f; therefore it follows an odd parity assignent for the level. The possible spin assignments of the levels are discussed. The angular distribution of the inraction H/sup 1/(d,p)H/sup 2/ is consistent with the measurements performed at neighboring energies and agrees with the curve obtained with a Serber type force. The elastic scattering angular distributions show the usual diffraction pattern and interaction radii for the deuteron-nucleus system ere calculated using an optical analogy. The
Elastic and inelastic scattering for the 10B+58Ni system at near-barrier energies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Scarduelli, V.; Crema, E.; Guimarães, V.; Abriola, D.; Arazi, A.; de Barbará, E.; Capurro, O. A.; Cardona, M. A.; Gallardo, J.; Hojman, D.; Martí, G. V.; Pacheco, A. J.; Rodrígues, D.; Yang, Y. Y.; Deshmukh, N. N.; Paes, B.; Lubian, J.; Mendes Junior, D. R.; Morcelle, V.; Monteiro, D. S.
Full angular distributions of the 10B elastically and inelastically scattered by 58Ni have been measured at different energies around the Coulomb barrier. The elastic and inelastic scattering of 10B on a medium mass target has been measured for the first time. The obtained angular distributions have been analyzed in terms of large-scale coupled reaction channel calculations, where several inelastic transitions of the projectile and the target, as well as the most relevant one- and two-step transfer reactions have been included in the coupling matrix. The roles of the spin reorientation, the spin-orbit interaction, and the large ground-state deformation of the 10B, in the reaction mechanism, were also investigated. The real part of the interaction potential between projectile and target was represented by a parameter-free double-folding potential, whereas no imaginary potential at the surface was considered. In this sense, the theoretical calculations were parameter free and their results were compared to experimental data to investigate the relative importance of the different reaction channels. A striking influence of the ground-state spin reorientation of the 10B nucleus was found, while all transfer reactions investigated had a minimum contribution to the dynamics of the system. Finally, the large static deformation of the 10B and the spin-orbit coupling can also play an important role in the system studied.
High-energy Electron Scattering and the Charge Distributions of Selected Nuclei
DOE R&D Accomplishments Database
Hahn, B.; Ravenhall, D. G.; Hofstadter, R.
Experimental results are presented of electron scattering by Ca, V, Co, In, Sb, Hf, Ta, W, Au, Bi, Th, and U, at 183 Mev and (for some of the elements) at 153 Mev. For those nuclei for which asphericity and inelastic scattering are absent or unimportant, i.e., Ca, V, Co, In, Sb, Au, and Bi, a partial wave analysis of the Dirac equation has been performed in which the nuclei are represented by static, spherically symmetric charge distributions. Smoothed uniform charge distributions have been assumed; these are characterized by a constant charge density in the central region of the nucleus, with a smoothed-our surface. Essentially two parameters can be determined, related to the radium and to the surface thickness. An examination of the Au experiments show that the functional forms of the surface are not important, and that the charge density in the central regions is probably fairly flat, although it cannot be determined very accurately.
Multiple elastic scattering of electrons in condensed matter
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jablonski, A.
Since the 1940s, much attention has been devoted to the problem of accurate theoretical description of electron transport in condensed matter. The needed information for describing different aspects of the electron transport is the angular distribution of electron directions after multiple elastic collisions. This distribution can be expanded into a series of Legendre polynomials with coefficients, Al. In the present work, a database of these coefficients for all elements up to uranium (Z=92) and a dense grid of electron energies varying from 50 to 5000 eV has been created. The database makes possible the following applications: (i) accurate interpolation of coefficients Al for any element and any energy from the above range, (ii) fast calculations of the differential and total elastic-scattering cross sections, (iii) determination of the angular distribution of directions after multiple collisions, (iv) calculations of the probability of elastic backscattering from solids, and (v) calculations of the calibration curves for determination of the inelastic mean free paths of electrons. The last two applications provide data with comparable accuracy to Monte Carlo simulations, yet the running time is decreased by several orders of magnitude. All of the above applications are implemented in the Fortran program MULTI_SCATT. Numerous illustrative runs of this program are described. Despite a relatively large volume of the database of coefficients Al, the program MULTI_SCATT can be readily run on personal computers.
Spatial distribution of mineral dust single scattering albedo based on DREAM model
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kuzmanoski, Maja; Ničković, Slobodan; Ilić, Luka
Mineral dust comprises a significant part of global aerosol burden. There is a large uncertainty in estimating role of dust in Earth's climate system, partly due to poor characterization of its optical properties. Single scattering albedo is one of key optical properties determining radiative effects of dust particles. While it depends on dust particle sizes, it is also strongly influenced by dust mineral composition, particularly the content of light-absorbing iron oxides and the mixing state (external or internal). However, an assumption of uniform dust composition is typically used in models. To better represent single scattering albedo in dust atmospheric models, required to increase accuracy of dust radiative effect estimates, it is necessary to include information on particle mineral content. In this study, we present the spatial distribution of dust single scattering albedo based on the Dust Regional Atmospheric Model (DREAM) with incorporated particle mineral composition. The domain of the model covers Northern Africa, Middle East and the European continent, with horizontal resolution set to 1/5°. It uses eight particle size bins within the 0.1-10 μm radius range. Focusing on dust episode of June 2010, we analyze dust single scattering albedo spatial distribution over the model domain, based on particle sizes and mineral composition from model output; we discuss changes in this optical property after long-range transport. Furthermore, we examine how the AERONET-derived aerosol properties respond to dust mineralogy. Finally we use AERONET data to evaluate model-based single scattering albedo. Acknowledgement We would like to thank the AERONET network and the principal investigators, as well as their staff, for establishing and maintaining the AERONET sites used in this work.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Reagan, J. A.; Byrne, D. M.; Herman, B. M.; King, M. D.; Spinhirne, J. D.
A method is presented for inferring both the size distribution and the complex refractive index of atmospheric particulates from combined bistatic-monostatic lidar and solar radiometer observations. The basic input measurements are spectral optical depths at several visible and near-infrared wavelengths as obtained with a solar radiometer and backscatter and angular scatter coefficients as obtained from a biostatic-monostatic lidar. The spectral optical depth measurements obtained from the radiometer are mathematically inverted to infer a columnar particulate size distribution. Advantage is taken of the fact that the shape of the size distribution obtained by inverting the particulate optical depth is relatively insensitive to the particle refractive index assumed in the inversion. Bistatic-monostatic angular scatter and backscatter lidar data are then processed to extract an optimum value for the particle refractive index subject to the constraint that the shape of the particulate size distribution be the same as that inferred from the solar radiometer data. Specifically, the scattering parameters obtained from the bistatic-monostatic lidar data are compared with corresponding theoretical computations made for various assumed refractive index values. That value which yields best agreement, in a weighted least squares sense, is selected as the optimal refractive index estimate. The results of this procedure applied to a set of simulated measurements as well as to measurements collected on two separate days are presented and discussed.
Distance within colloidal dimers probed by rotation-induced oscillations of scattered light.
van Vliembergen, Roland W L; van IJzendoorn, Leo J; Prins, Menno W J
Aggregation processes of colloidal particles are of broad scientific and technological relevance. The earliest stage of aggregation, when dimers appear in an ensemble of single particles, is very important to characterize because it opens routes for further aggregation processes. Furthermore, it represents the most sensitive phase of diagnostic aggregation assays. Here, we characterize dimers by rotating them in a magnetic field and by recording the angle dependence of light scattering. At small scattering angles, the scattering cross section can be approximated by the total cross-sectional area of the dimer. In contrast, at scattering angles around 90 degrees, we reveal that the dependence of the scattering cross section on the dimer angle shows a series of peaks per single 2π rotation of the dimers. These characteristics originate from optical interactions between the two particles, as we have verified with two-particle Mie scattering simulations. We have studied in detail the angular positions of the peaks. It appears from simulations that the influence of particle size polydispersity, Brownian rotation and refractive index on the angular positions of the peaks is relatively small. However, the angular positions of the peaks strongly depend on the distance between the particles. We find a good correspondence between measured data and calculations for a gap of 180 nm between particles having a diameter of 1 micrometer. The experiment and simulations pave the way for extracting distance-specific data from ensembles of dimerizing colloidal particles, with application for sensitive diagnostic aggregation assays.
Strength of the interatomic potential derived from angular scans in LEIS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Primetzhofer, D.; Markin, S. N.; Draxler, M.; Beikler, R.; Taglauer, E.; Bauer, P.
Angular scans were performed for a Cu(1 0 0) single crystal and He + ions. The results were compared to MARLOWE, KALYPSO and FAN simulations to obtain information on the interaction potential. The influence of the used evaluation procedure on the deduced scattering potential was investigated. The scattering potential is found to be weaker than what is predicted by an uncorrected TFM potential. It was found that the use of a single screening correction factor is applicable in a wide range of impact parameters. It is further shown that selection of single scattering trajectories and a limitation of information depth to the surface layers is possible for neutral and charge integrated spectra.
Quantum orbital angular momentum of elliptically symmetric light
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Plick, William N.; Krenn, Mario; Fickler, Robert; Ramelow, Sven; Zeilinger, Anton
We present a quantum-mechanical analysis of the orbital angular momentum of a class of recently discovered elliptically symmetric stable light fields—the so-called Ince-Gauss modes. We study, in a fully quantum formalism, how the orbital angular momentum of these beams varies with their ellipticity, and we discover several compelling features, including nonmonotonic behavior, stable beams with real continuous (noninteger) orbital angular momenta, and orthogonal modes with the same orbital angular momenta. We explore, and explain in detail, the reasons for this behavior. These features may have applications in quantum key distribution, atom trapping, and quantum informatics in general—as the ellipticity opens up an alternative way of navigating the spatial photonic Hilbert space.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vaudelle, Fabrice; L'Huillier, Jean-Pierre; Askoura, Mohamed Lamine
Red and near-Infrared light is often used as a useful diagnostic and imaging probe for highly scattering media such as biological tissues, fruits and vegetables. Part of diffusively reflected light gives interesting information related to the tissue subsurface, whereas light recorded at further distances may probe deeper into the interrogated turbid tissues. However, modelling diffusive events occurring at short source-detector distances requires to consider both the distribution of the light sources and the scattering phase functions. In this report, a modified Monte Carlo model is used to compute light transport in curved and multi-layered tissue samples which are covered with a thin and highly diffusing tissue layer. Different light source distributions (ballistic, diffuse or Lambertian) are tested with specific scattering phase functions (modified or not modified Henyey-Greenstein, Gegenbauer and Mie) to compute the amount of backscattered and transmitted light in apple and human skin structures. Comparisons between simulation results and experiments carried out with a multispectral imaging setup confirm the soundness of the theoretical strategy and may explain the role of the skin on light transport in whole and half-cut apples. Other computational results show that a Lambertian source distribution combined with a Henyey-Greenstein phase function provides a higher photon density in the stratum corneum than in the upper dermis layer. Furthermore, it is also shown that the scattering phase function may affect the shape and the magnitude of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution (BRDF) exhibited at the skin surface.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Monfared, S. K.; Buttler, W. T.; Frayer, D. K.; Grover, M.; LaLone, B. M.; Stevens, G. D.; Stone, J. B.; Turley, W. D.; Schauer, M. M.
We report on the development of a diagnostic to provide constraints on the size of particles ejected from shocked metallic surfaces. The diagnostic is based on measurements of the intensity of laser light transmitted through a cloud of ejected particles as well as the angular distribution of scattered light, and the analysis of the resulting data is done using the Mie solution. We describe static experiments to test our experimental apparatus and present initial results of dynamic experiments on Sn targets. Improvements for future experiments are briefly discussed.
Monfared, Shabnam Khalighi; Buttler, William Tillman; Frayer, Daniel K.; ...
In this paper, we report on the development of a diagnostic to provide constraints on the size of particles ejected from shocked metallic surfaces. The diagnostic is based on measurements of the intensity of laser light transmitted through a cloud of ejected particles as well as the angular distribution of scattered light, and the analysis of the resulting data is done using the Mie solution. Finally, we describe static experiments to test our experimental apparatus and present initial results of dynamic experiments on Sn targets. Improvements for future experiments are briefly discussed.
Effect of Rayleigh-scattering distributed feedback on multiwavelength Raman fiber laser generation.
El-Taher, A E; Harper, P; Babin, S A; Churkin, D V; Podivilov, E V; Ania-Castanon, J D; Turitsyn, S K
We experimentally demonstrate a Raman fiber laser based on multiple point-action fiber Bragg grating reflectors and distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering in an ~22-km-long optical fiber. Twenty-two lasing lines with spacing of ~100 GHz (close to International Telecommunication Union grid) in the C band are generated at the watt level. In contrast to the normal cavity with competition between laser lines, the random distributed feedback cavity exhibits highly stable multiwavelength generation with a power-equalized uniform distribution, which is almost independent on power.
Small Deflection Energy Analyzer for Energy and Angular Distributions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Herrero, Federico A.
The development of the Small Deflection Energy Analyzer (SDEA) charged-particle spectrometer for energy and angle distributions responds to a longstanding need to measure the wind velocity vector in Earth s thermosphere, and to obtain the ion-drift vector in the ionosphere. The air and ions above 120 km are endowed with bulk velocities and temperatures just like air near the ground, but with separate spatial and temporal variations. It is important to understand these not only for study of the physics and chemistry of the Sun-Earth connection, but also for spacecraft orbit predictions, and communications through the ionosphere. The SDEA consists of a pair of parallel conducting plates separated by a small distance, with an entrance slit on one end, and an exit slit on the other. A voltage applied to these plates develops an electric field between the plates, and this field deflects ions passing through it. If an ion has too little energy, it will strike one of the plates. If it has too much, it will strike the back wall. An ion with the amount of energy being searched for will have its trajectory bent just enough to exit the back slit. The SDEA units are compact, rectangular, and operate with low voltages. The units can be built up into small arrays. These arrays could be used either to widen the field of view or to sharpen an existing one. This approach can also be used to obtain angular distributions in two planes simultaneously, thus cutting down the ion source power requirements in half. This geometry has enabled a new mass-spectrometer concept that can provide miniaturized mass spectrometers for use in industrial plants, air-pollution monitoring, and noxious-gas detection.
OSSOS. VIII. The Transition between Two Size Distribution Slopes in the Scattering Disk
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lawler, S. M.; Shankman, C.; Kavelaars, J. J.; Alexandersen, M.; Bannister, M. T.; Chen, Ying-Tung; Gladman, B.; Fraser, W. C.; Gwyn, S.; Kaib, N.; Petit, J.-M.; Volk, K.
The scattering trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) can be measured to smaller sizes than any other distant small-body population. We use the largest sample yet obtained, 68 discoveries, primarily by the Outer Solar System Origins Survey (OSSOS), to constrain the slope of its luminosity distribution, with sensitivity to much fainter absolute H-magnitudes than previous work. Using the analysis technique in Shankman et al., we confirm that a single slope for the H-distribution is not an accurate representation of the scattering TNOs and Centaurs, and that a break in the distribution is required, in support of previous conclusions. A bright-end slope of α b = 0.9 transitioning to a faint-end slope α f of 0.4–0.5 with a differential number contrast c from 1 (a knee) to 10 (a divot) provides an acceptable match to our data. We find that break magnitudes H b of 7.7 and 8.3, values both previously suggested for dynamically hot Kuiper Belt populations, are equally non-rejectable for a range of α f and c in our statistical analysis. Our preferred divot H-distribution transitions to α f = 0.5 with a divot of contrast c = 3 at H b = 8.3, while our preferred knee H-distribution transitions to α f = 0.4 at H b = 7.7. The intrinsic population of scattering TNOs required to match the OSSOS detections is 3 × 106 for H r < 12, and 9 × 104 for H r < 8.66 (D ≳ 100 km), with Centaurs having an intrinsic population two orders of magnitude smaller.
Angle-resolved molecular beam scattering of NO at the gas-liquid interface.
Zutz, Amelia; Nesbitt, David J
This study presents first results on angle-resolved, inelastic collision dynamics of thermal and hyperthermal molecular beams of NO at gas-liquid interfaces. Specifically, a collimated incident beam of supersonically cooled NO ( 2 Π 1/2 , J = 0.5) is directed toward a series of low vapor pressure liquid surfaces ([bmim][Tf 2 N], squalane, and PFPE) at θ inc = 45(1)°, with the scattered molecules detected with quantum state resolution over a series of final angles (θ s = -60°, -30°, 0°, 30°, 45°, and 60°) via spatially filtered laser induced fluorescence. At low collision energies [E inc = 2.7(9) kcal/mol], the angle-resolved quantum state distributions reveal (i) cos(θ s ) probabilities for the scattered NO and (ii) electronic/rotational temperatures independent of final angle (θ s ), in support of a simple physical picture of angle independent sticking coefficients and all incident NO thermally accommodating on the surface. However, the observed electronic/rotational temperatures for NO scattering reveal cooling below the surface temperature (T elec < T rot < T S ) for all three liquids, indicating a significant dependence of the sticking coefficient on NO internal quantum state. Angle-resolved scattering at high collision energies [E inc = 20(2) kcal/mol] has also been explored, for which the NO scattering populations reveal angle-dependent dynamical branching between thermal desorption and impulsive scattering (IS) pathways that depend strongly on θ s . Characterization of the data in terms of the final angle, rotational state, spin-orbit electronic state, collision energy, and liquid permit new correlations to be revealed and investigated in detail. For example, the IS rotational distributions reveal an enhanced propensity for higher J/spin-orbit excited states scattered into near specular angles and thus hotter rotational/electronic distributions measured in the forward scattering direction. Even more surprisingly, the average NO scattering angle
Gas Accretion and Angular Momentum
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stewart, Kyle R.
In this chapter, we review the role of gas accretion to the acquisition of angular momentum, both in galaxies and in their gaseous halos. We begin by discussing angular momentum in dark matter halos, with a brief review of tidal torque theory and the importance of mergers, followed by a discussion of the canonical picture of galaxy formation within this framework, where halo gas is presumed to shock-eat to the virial temperature of the halo, following the same spin distribution as the dark matter halo before cooling to the center of the halo to form a galaxy there. In the context of recent observational evidence demonstrating the presence of high angular momentum gas in galaxy halos, we review recent cosmological hydrodynamic simulations that have begun to emphasize the role of "cold flow" accretion—anisotropic gas accretion along cosmic filaments that does not shock-heat before sinking to the central galaxy. We discuss the implications of these simulations, reviewing a number of recent developments in the literature, and suggest a revision to the canonical model as it relates to the expected angular momentum content of gaseous halos around galaxies.
Ionization, photoelectron dynamics and elastic scattering in relativistic, ultra-strong field
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Luo, Sui
wave-function spread. A relativistic rescattering enhancement occurs at 2 x 1018 W/cm2, commensurate with relativistic motion of a classical electron in a single field cycle. The good comparison between the results with available experiments suggests the theory approach is well suited to modeling scattering in the ultrastrong intensity regime. We investigate the elastic scattering process as it changes from strong to ultrastrong fields with the photoelectron angular distributions from Ne, Ar, and Xe. Noble gas species with Hartree-Fock scattering potentials show a reduction in elastic rescattering with the increasing energy of ultrastrong fields. It is found that as one increases the returning photoelectron energy, rescattering becomes the dominating mechanism behind the yield distribution as the emission angle for all the species extends from 0° to 90°. The relativistic effects and the magnetic field do not change the angular distribution until one is well into the Gamma r "1 regime where the Lorentz defection significantly reduces the yield. As we proceed to the highest energy, the angular emission range narrows as the mechanism changes over to backscattering into narrow angles along the electric field.
Deformation dependence of proton decay rates and angular distributions in a time-dependent approach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Carjan, N.; Talou, P.; Strottman, D.
A new, time-dependent, approach to proton decay from axially symmetric deformed nuclei is presented. The two-dimensional time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the interaction between the emitted proton and the rest of the nucleus is solved numerically for well defined initial quasi-stationary proton states. Applied to the hypothetical proton emission from excited states in deformed nuclei of 208Pb, this approach shows that the problem cannot be reduced to one dimension. There are in general more than one directions of emission with wide distributions around them, determined mainly by the quantum numbers of the initial wave function rather than by the potential landscape. The distribution of the "residual" angular momentum and its variation in time play a major role in the determination of the decay rate. In a couple of cases, no exponential decay was found during the calculated time evolution (2×10-21 sec) although more than half of the wave function escaped during that time.
Takada, Masashi; Kosako, Kazuaki; Oishi, Koji; Nakamura, Takashi; Sato, Kouichi; Kamiyama, Takashi; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki
Angular distributions of absorbed dose of Bremsstrahlung photons and secondary electrons at a wide range of emission angles from 0 to 135°, were experimentally obtained using an ion chamber with a 0.6 cm(3) air volume covered with or without a build-up cap. The Bremsstrahlung photons and electrons were produced by 18-, 28- and 38-MeV electron beams bombarding tungsten, copper, aluminium and carbon targets. The absorbed doses were also calculated from simulated photon and electron energy spectra by multiplying simulated response functions of the ion chambers, simulated with the MCNPX code. Calculated-to-experimental (C/E) dose ratios obtained are from 0.70 to 1.57 for high-Z targets of W and Cu, from 15 to 135° and the C/E range from 0.6 to 1.4 at 0°; however, the values of C/E for low-Z targets of Al and C are from 0.5 to 1.8 from 0 to 135°. Angular distributions at the forward angles decrease with increasing angles; on the other hand, the angular distributions at the backward angles depend on the target species. The dependences of absorbed doses on electron energy and target thickness were compared between the measured and simulated results. The attenuation profiles of absorbed doses of Bremsstrahlung beams at 0, 30 and 135° were also measured.
Control of Rotational Energy and Angular Momentum Orientation with an Optical Centrifuge
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ogden, Hannah M.; Murray, Matthew J.; Mullin, Amy S.
We use an optical centrifuge to trap and spin molecules to an angular frequency of 30 THz with oriented angular momenta and extremely high rotational energy and then investigate their subsequent collision dynamics with transient high resolution IR spectroscopy. The optical centrifuge is formed by combining oppositely-chirped pulses of 800 nm light, and overlapping them spatially and temporally. Polarization-sensitive Doppler-broadened line profiles characterize the anisotropic kinetic energy release of the super rotor molecules, showing that they behave like molecular gyroscopes. Studies are reported for collisions of CO2 super rotors with CO2, He and Ar. These studies reveal how mass, velocity and rotational adiabaticity impact the angular momentum relaxation and reorientation. Quantum scattering calculations provide insight into the J-specific collision cross sections that control the relaxation. NSF-CHE 105 8721.
Kato, Haruhisa; Nakamura, Ayako; Takahashi, Kayori; Kinugasa, Shinichi
Accurate determination of the intensity-average diameter of polystyrene latex (PS-latex) by dynamic light scattering (DLS) was carried out through extrapolation of both the concentration of PS-latex and the observed scattering angle. Intensity-average diameter and size distribution were reliably determined by asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (AFFFF) using multi-angle light scattering (MALS) with consideration of band broadening in AFFFF separation. The intensity-average diameter determined by DLS and AFFFF-MALS agreed well within the estimated uncertainties, although the size distribution of PS-latex determined by DLS was less reliable in comparison with that determined by AFFFF-MALS. PMID:28348293
Spin-orbit scattering visualized in quasiparticle interference
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kohsaka, Y.; Machida, T.; Iwaya, K.; Kanou, M.; Hanaguri, T.; Sasagawa, T.
In the presence of spin-orbit coupling, electron scattering off impurities depends on both spin and orbital angular momentum of electrons—spin-orbit scattering. Although some transport properties are subject to spin-orbit scattering, experimental techniques directly accessible to this effect are limited. Here we show that a signature of spin-orbit scattering manifests itself in quasiparticle interference (QPI) imaged by spectroscopic-imaging scanning tunneling microscopy. The experimental data of a polar semiconductor BiTeI are well reproduced by numerical simulations with the T -matrix formalism that include not only scalar scattering normally adopted but also spin-orbit scattering stronger than scalar scattering. To accelerate the simulations, we extend the standard efficient method of QPI calculation for momentum-independent scattering to be applicable even for spin-orbit scattering. We further identify a selection rule that makes spin-orbit scattering visible in the QPI pattern. These results demonstrate that spin-orbit scattering can exert predominant influence on QPI patterns and thus suggest that QPI measurement is available to detect spin-orbit scattering.
Time-resolved orbital angular momentum spectroscopy
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Noyan, Mehmet A.; Kikkawa, James M.
We introduce pump-probe magneto-orbital spectroscopy, wherein Laguerre-Gauss optical pump pulses impart orbital angular momentum to the electronic states of a material and subsequent dynamics are studied with 100 fs time resolution. The excitation uses vortex modes that distribute angular momentum over a macroscopic area determined by the spot size, and the optical probe studies the chiral imbalance of vortex modes reflected off the sample. First observations in bulk GaAs yield transients that evolve on time scales distinctly different from population and spin relaxation, as expected, but with surprisingly large lifetimes.
Aad, G.
In this study, a search for new phenomena in LHC proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of √s=8 TeV was performed with the ATLAS detector using an integrated luminosity of 17.3 fb -1. The angular distributions are studied in events with at least two jets; the highest dijet mass observed is 5.5 TeV. All angular distributions are consistent with the predictions of the standard model. In a benchmark model of quark contact interactions, a compositeness scale below 8.1 TeV in a destructive interference scenario and 12.0 TeV in a constructive interference scenario is excluded at 95% C.L.; median expected limitsmore » are 8.9 TeV for the destructive interference scenario and 14.1 TeV for the constructive interference scenario.« less
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Schaetzel, Klaus
Since the development of laser light sources and fast digital electronics for signal processing, the classical discipline of light scattering on liquid systems experienced a strong revival plus an enormous expansion, mainly due to new dynamic light scattering techniques. While a large number of liquid systems can be investigated, ranging from pure liquids to multicomponent microemulsions, this review is largely restricted to applications on Brownian particles, typically in the submicron range. Static light scattering, the careful recording of the angular dependence of scattered light, is a valuable tool for the analysis of particle size and shape, or of their spatial ordering due to mutual interactions. Dynamic techniques, most notably photon correlation spectroscopy, give direct access to particle motion. This may be Brownian motion, which allows the determination of particle size, or some collective motion, e.g., electrophoresis, which yields particle mobility data. Suitable optical systems as well as the necessary data processing schemes are presented in some detail. Special attention is devoted to topics of current interest, like correlation over very large lag time ranges or multiple scattering.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Prapavat, Viravuth; Schuetz, Rijk; Runge, Wolfram; Beuthan, Juergen; Mueller, Gerhard J.
This paper presents in-vitro-studies using the scattered intensity distribution obtained by cw- transillumination to examine the condition of rheumatic disorders of interphalangeal joints. Inflammation of joints, due to rheumatic diseases, leads to changes in the synovial membrane, synovia composition and content, and anatomic geometrical variations. Measurements have shown that these rheumatic induced inflammation processes result in a variation in optical properties of joint systems. With a scanning system the interphalangeal joint is transilluminated with diode lasers (670 nm, 905 nm) perpendicular to the joint cavity. The detection of the entire distribution of the transmitted radiation intensity was performed with a CCD camera. As a function of the structure and optical properties of the transilluminated volume we achieved distributions of scattered radiation which show characteristic variations in intensity and shape. Using signal and image processing procedures we evaluated the measured scattered distributions regarding their information weight, shape and scale features. Mathematical methods were used to find classification criteria to determine variations of the joint condition.
Evidence for the Absence of Gluon Orbital Angular Momentum in the Nucleon
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Brodsky, S.J.; Gardner, S.
The Sivers mechanism for the single-spin asymmetry in unpolarized lepton scattering from a transversely polarized nucleon is driven by the orbital angular momentum carried by its quark and gluon constituents, combined with QCD final-state interactions. Both quark and gluon mechanisms can generate such a single-spin asymmetry, though only the quark mechanism can explain the small single-spin asymmetry measured by the COMPASS collaboration on the deuteron, suggesting the gluon mechanism is small relative to the quark mechanism. We detail empirical studies through which the gluon and quark orbital angular momentum contributions, quark-flavor by quark-flavor, can be elucidated.
Liebi, Marianne; Georgiadis, Marios; Kohlbrecher, Joachim; Holler, Mirko; Raabe, Jörg; Usov, Ivan; Menzel, Andreas; Schneider, Philipp; Bunk, Oliver; Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel
Small-angle X-ray scattering tensor tomography, which allows reconstruction of the local three-dimensional reciprocal-space map within a three-dimensional sample as introduced by Liebi et al. [Nature (2015), 527, 349-352], is described in more detail with regard to the mathematical framework and the optimization algorithm. For the case of trabecular bone samples from vertebrae it is shown that the model of the three-dimensional reciprocal-space map using spherical harmonics can adequately describe the measured data. The method enables the determination of nanostructure orientation and degree of orientation as demonstrated previously in a single momentum transfer q range. This article presents a reconstruction of the complete reciprocal-space map for the case of bone over extended ranges of q. In addition, it is shown that uniform angular sampling and advanced regularization strategies help to reduce the amount of data required.
Airy structure in 16O+14C nuclear rainbow scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ohkubo, S.; Hirabayashi, Y.
The Airy structure in 16 O +14 C rainbow scattering is studied with an extended double-folding (EDF) model that describes all the diagonal and off-diagonal coupling potentials derived from the microscopic realistic wave functions for 16 O by using a density-dependent nucleon-nucleon force. The experimental angular distributions at EL=132 , 281, and 382.2 MeV are well reproduced by the calculations. By studying the energy evolution of the Airy structure, the Airy minimum around θ =76∘ in the angular distribution at EL=132 MeV is assigned as the second-order Airy minimum A 2 in contrast to the recent literature which assigns it as the third order A 3 . The Airy minima in the 90∘ excitation function is investigated in comparison with well-known 16 O +16 O and 12 C +12 C systems. Evolution of the Airy structure into the molecular resonances with the 16 O +14 C cluster structure in the low-energy region around Ec .m .=30 MeV is discussed. It is predicted theoretically for the first time for a non-4 N 16O +14 C system that Airy elephants in the 90∘ excitation function are present.
Measurement of hadron azimuthal distributions in deep inelastic muon proton scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arneodo, M.; Arvidson, A.; Aubert, J. J.; Badelek, B.; Beaufays, J.; Bee, C. P.; Benchouk, C.; Berghoff, G.; Bird, I.; Blum, D.; Böhm, E.; de Bouard, X.; Brasse, F. W.; Braun, H.; Broll, C.; Brown, S.; Brück, H.; Calen, H.; Chima, J. S.; Ciborowski, J.; Clifft, R.; Coignet, G.; Combley, F.; Conrad, J.; Coughlan, J.; D'Agostini, G.; Dahlgren, S.; Dengler, F.; Derado, I.; Dreyer, T.; Drees, J.; Düren, M.; Eckardt, V.; Edwards, A.; Edwards, M.; Ernst, T.; Eszes, G.; Favier, J.; Ferrero, M. I.; Figiel, J.; Flauger, W.; Foster, J.; Gabathuler, E.; Gajewski, J.; Gamet, R.; Gayler, J.; Geddes, N.; Grafström, P.; Grard, F.; Haas, J.; Hagberg, E.; Hasert, F. J.; Hayman, P.; Heusse, P.; Jaffre, M.; Jacholkowska, A.; Janata, F.; Jancso, G.; Johnson, A. S.; Kabuss, E. M.; Kellner, G.; Korbel, V.; Krüger, J.; Kullander, S.; Landgraf, U.; Lanske, D.; Loken, J.; Long, K.; Maire, M.; Malecki, P.; Manz, A.; Maselli, S.; Mohr, W.; Montanet, F.; Montgomery, H. E.; Nagy, E.; Nassalski, J.; Norton, P. R.; Oakham, F. G.; Osborne, A. M.; Pascaud, C.; Pavel, N.; Pawlik, B.; Payre, P.; Peroni, C.; Peschel, H.; Pessard, H.; Pettingale, J.; Pietrzyk, B.; Pönsgen, B.; Pötsch, M.; Renton, P.; Ribarics, P.; Rith, K.; Rondio, E.; Scheer, M.; Sandacz, A.; Schlagböhmer, A.; Schiemann, H.; Schmitz, N.; Schneegans, M.; Scholz, M.; Schröder, T.; Schultze, K.; Sloan, T.; Stier, H. E.; Studt, M.; Taylor, G. N.; Thénard, J. M.; Thompson, J. C.; de La Torre, A.; Toth, J.; Urban, L.; Wallucks, W.; Whalley, M.; Wheeler, S.; Williams, W. S. C.; Wimpenny, S. J.; Windmolders, R.; Wolf, G.
A study of the distribution of the azimuthal angle ϕ of charged hadrons in deep inelastic μ- p scattering is presented. The dependence of the moments of this distribution on the Feynman x variable and the momentum transverse to the virtual photon indicates that non-zero moments arise mainly from the effects of the intrinsic K T of the struck quark with < K {/T 2}>>≳(0.44 GeV)2, and to a lesser extent from QCD processes. No significant variation with Q 2 or W 2 is observed.
Kumar, Santosh; Dietz, Barbara; Guhr, Thomas; Richter, Achim
The recently derived distributions for the scattering-matrix elements in quantum chaotic systems are not accessible in the majority of experiments, whereas the cross sections are. We analytically compute distributions for the off-diagonal cross sections in the Heidelberg approach, which is applicable to a wide range of quantum chaotic systems. Thus, eventually, we fully solve a problem that already arose more than half a century ago in compound-nucleus scattering. We compare our results with data from microwave and compound-nucleus experiments, particularly addressing the transition from isolated resonances towards the Ericson regime of strongly overlapping ones.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kumar, Santosh; Dietz, Barbara; Guhr, Thomas; Richter, Achim
The recently derived distributions for the scattering-matrix elements in quantum chaotic systems are not accessible in the majority of experiments, whereas the cross sections are. We analytically compute distributions for the off-diagonal cross sections in the Heidelberg approach, which is applicable to a wide range of quantum chaotic systems. Thus, eventually, we fully solve a problem that already arose more than half a century ago in compound-nucleus scattering. We compare our results with data from microwave and compound-nucleus experiments, particularly addressing the transition from isolated resonances towards the Ericson regime of strongly overlapping ones.
Scattering for the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guo, Zihua; Hani, Zaher; Nakanishi, Kenji
We study the Cauchy problem for the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The global well-posedness in the natural energy space was proved by Gérard (Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 23(5):765-779, 2006). In this paper we prove scattering for small data in the same space with some additional angular regularity, and in particular in the radial case we obtain small energy scattering.
Disordered porous solids : from chord distributions to small angle scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Levitz, P.; Tchoubar, D.
Disordered biphasic porous solids are examples of complex interfacial media. Small angle scattering strongly depends on the geometrical properties of the internal surface partitioning a porous system. Properties of the second derivative of the bulk autocorrelation function quantitatively defines the level of connection between the small angle scattering and the statistical properties of this interface. A tractable expression of this second derivative, involving the pore and the mass chord distribution functions, was proposed by Mering and Tchoubar (MT). Based on the present possibility to make a quantitative connection between imaging techniques and the small angle scattering, this paper tries to complete and to extend the MT approach. We first discuss how chord distribution functions can be used as fingerprints of the structural disorder. An explicit relation between the small angle scattering and these chord distributions is then proposed. In a third part, the application to different types of disorder is critically discussed and predictions are compared to available experimental data. Using image processing, we will consider three types of disorder : the long-range Debye randomness, the “ correlated " disorder with a special emphasis on the structure of a porous glass (the vycor), and, finally, complex structures where length scale invariance properties can be observed. Les solides poreux biphasiques sont des exemples de milieux interfaciaux complexes. La diffusion aux petits angles (SAS) dépend fortement des propriétés géométriques de l'interface partitionant le milieu poreux. Les propriétés de la dérivée seconde de la fonction d'autocorrélation de densité définit quantitativement le niveau de connection entre la diffusion aux petits angles et les caractéristiques statistiques de cette interface. Une expression utilisable de cette seconde dérivée, impliquant les distributions de cordes associées à la phase massique et au réseau de pores, fut
Elastic scattering and total reaction cross section for the {sup 6}He+{sup 58}Ni system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Morcelle, V.; Lichtenthäler, R.; Lépine-Szily, A.
Elastic scattering measurements of {sup 6}He + {sup 58}Ni system have been performed at the laboratory energy of 21.7 MeV. The {sup 6}He secondary beam was produced by a transfer reaction {sup 9}Be ({sup 7}Li, {sup 6}He) and impinged on {sup 58}Ni and {sup 197}Au targets, using the Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility, RIBRAS, installed in the Pelletron Laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. The elastic angular distribution was obtained in the angular range from 15° to 80° in the center of mass frame. Optical model calculations have been performed using a hybridmore » potential to fit the experimental data. The total reaction cross section was derived.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Niu, Chun-Yang; Qi, Hong; Huang, Xing; Ruan, Li-Ming; Tan, He-Ping
A rapid computational method called generalized sourced multi-flux method (GSMFM) was developed to simulate outgoing radiative intensities in arbitrary directions at the boundary surfaces of absorbing, emitting, and scattering media which were served as input for the inverse analysis. A hybrid least-square QR decomposition-stochastic particle swarm optimization (LSQR-SPSO) algorithm based on the forward GSMFM solution was developed to simultaneously reconstruct multi-dimensional temperature distribution and absorption and scattering coefficients of the cylindrical participating media. The retrieval results for axisymmetric temperature distribution and non-axisymmetric temperature distribution indicated that the temperature distribution and scattering and absorption coefficients could be retrieved accurately using the LSQR-SPSO algorithm even with noisy data. Moreover, the influences of extinction coefficient and scattering albedo on the accuracy of the estimation were investigated, and the results suggested that the reconstruction accuracy decreased with the increase of extinction coefficient and the scattering albedo. Finally, a non-contact measurement platform of flame temperature field based on the light field imaging was set up to validate the reconstruction model experimentally.
Resonant states for the scattering of slow particles by screened potentials
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bruk, Yu. M., E-mail:; Voloshchuk, A. N.
Partial resonant situations for the scattering of slow particles with nonzero angular momenta by short-range screened Yukawa and Buckingham potentials are considered. The problem of electron scattering by a hydrogen atom placed in a plasma medium is discussed. A general scheme of resonances has been constructed in the Pais approximation.
Near specular scatter analysis method with a new goniophotometer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Meyen, Stephanie; Sutter, Florian; Heller, Peter
The challenge of improving component quality and reducing cost has focused the attention of the solar thermal power industry on reliable component characterization methods. Since the reflector plays a key role in the energy conversion chain, the analysis of its reflectance properties has become a lively discussed issue in recent years. State of the art measurement instruments for specular reflectance do not give satisfying results, because they do not resolve sufficiently the near specular scatter of possible low cost mirror material candidates. The measurement of the BRDF offers a better solution than the traditional approach of placing a detector in the specular reflected beam path. However, due to the requirement of high angular resolution in the range of 1 mrad (0.057°) or better and the challenge of measuring high dynamic differences between the specular peak and the scatter signal, typical commercial scanning goniophotometers capable of this are rare. These instruments also face the disadvantages of impractically long acquisition times and, to reach the high angular resolution, occupy a large space (several meters side length). We have taken on the appealing idea of a parallel imaging goniophotometer and designed a prototype based on this principle. A mirrored ellipsoid is used to redirect the reflected light coming from a sample towards a camera with a fisheye lens. This way the complete light distribution is captured simultaneously. A key feature allows the distinction of the high intensity specular peak and the low intensity scatter. In this article we explain the prototype design and demonstrate its functionality based on comparison measurements done with a commercial scanning goniophotometer. We identify limitations related in part to the concept and in part to the specific prototype and suggest improvements. Finally we conclude that the concept is well suitable for the analysis of near specular scatter of mirror materials, although less adequate for
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mesbah, Mohsen; Faraji, Ghader; Bushroa, A. R.
Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of nanostructured 1060 aluminum alloy tubes processed by tubular-channel angular pressing (TCAP) process were investigated using electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and nanoindentation analyzes. EBSD scans revealed a homogeneous ultrafine grained microstructure after the third passes of the TCAP process. Apart from that the mean grain sizes of the TCAP processed tubes were refined to 566 nm, 500 nm and 480 nm respectively after the first, second and third passes. The results showed that after the three TCAP passes, the grain boundaries with a high angle comprised 78% of all the boundaries. This is in comparison to the first pass processed sample that includes approximately 20% HAGBs. The TEM inspection afforded an appreciation of the role of very low-angle misorientation boundaries in the process of refining microstructure. Nanoindentation results showed that hardness was the smallest form of an unprocessed sample while the largest form of the processed sample after the three passes of TCAP indicated the highest resistant of the material. In addition, the module of elasticity of the TCAP processed samples was greater from that of the unprocessed sample.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Iordanov, Ivan; Gunaratne, Dasitha; Harmon, Christopher; Sofo, Jorge; Castleman, A. W., Jr.
Angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) studies of the MO2- (M=Ti, Zr, Hf, Co, Rh) clusters are presented for the first time along with theoretical calculations of their properties. We confirm previously reported non-angular PES results for the vertical detachment energies (VDE), vibrational energies and geometric structures of these clusters and further explore the effect of the 'lanthanide contraction' on the MO2- clusters by comparing the electronic spectra of 4d and 5d transition metal dioxides. Angular-resolved PES provides the angular momentum contributions to the HOMO of these clusters and we use theoretical calculations to examine the HOMO and compare to our experimental results. First-principles calculations are done using both density functional theory (DFT) and the coupled-cluster, singles, doubles and triples (CCSD(T)) methods.
Full scattering profile for detecting physiological tissue properties
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Duadi, Hamootal; Fixler, Dror
Light reflectance and transmission from soft tissue has been utilized in noninvasive clinical measurement devices such as the photoplethysmograph (PPG) and reflectance pulse oximeter. Most methods of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy focus on the volume reflectance from a semi-infinite sample, while very few measure transmission. We have previously shown that examining the full scattering profile (FSP), which is the angular distribution of exiting photons, provides more comprehensive information when measuring from a cylindrical tissue, such as earlobe, fingertip and pinched tissue. Our hypothesis is that the change in blood vessel diameter is more significant than the change in optical properties. The findings of this work demonstrate a realistic model for optical tissue measurements such as NIR spectroscopy, PPG and pulse oximetery.
Smith, Zachary J; Chu, Kaiqin; Wachsmann-Hogiu, Sebastian
We report on the construction of a Fourier plane imaging system attached to a cell phone. By illuminating particle suspensions with a collimated beam from an inexpensive diode laser, angularly resolved scattering patterns are imaged by the phone's camera. Analyzing these patterns with Mie theory results in predictions of size distributions of the particles in suspension. Despite using consumer grade electronics, we extracted size distributions of sphere suspensions with better than 20 nm accuracy in determining the mean size. We also show results from milk, yeast, and blood cells. Performing these measurements on a portable device presents opportunities for field-testing of food quality, process monitoring, and medical diagnosis.
Maruyama, Tomoyuki; Cheoun, Myung-Ki; Kajino, Toshitaka; ...
We study pion production by proton synchrotron radiation in the presence of a strong magnetic field when the Landau numbers of the initial and final protons are n(i, f) similar to 10(4)-10(5). We find in our relativistic field theory calculations that the pion decay width depends only on the field strength parameter which previously was only conjectured based upon semi-classical arguments. Moreover, we also find new results that the decay width satisfies a robust scaling relation, and that the polar angular distribution of emitted pion momenta is very narrow and can be easily obtained. This scaling implies that one canmore » infer the decay width in more realistic magnetic fields of 10(15) G, where n(i, f) similar to 10(12)-10(13), from the results for n(i, f) similar to 10(4)-10(5). The resultant pion intensity and angular distributions for realistic magnetic field strengths are presented and their physical implications discussed. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Funded by SCOAP(3).« less
Ran, Qin; Matsiev, Daniel; Wodtke, Alec M; Auerbach, Daniel J
We describe an advanced and highly sensitive instrument for quantum state-resolved molecule-surface energy transfer studies under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions. The apparatus includes a beam source chamber, two differential pumping chambers, and a UHV chamber for surface preparation, surface characterization, and molecular beam scattering. Pulsed and collimated supersonic molecular beams are generated by expanding target molecule mixtures through a home-built pulsed nozzle, and excited quantum state-selected molecules were prepared via tunable, narrow-band laser overtone pumping. Detection systems have been designed to measure specific vibrational-rotational state, time-of-flight, angular and velocity distributions of molecular beams coming to and scattered off the surface. Facilities are provided to clean and characterize the surface under UHV conditions. Initial experiments on the scattering of HCl(v = 0) from Au(111) show many advantages of this new instrument for fundamental studies of the energy transfer at the gas-surface interface.
Angular Distribution of Hyperfine Magnetic Field in Fe3O4 and Fe66Ni34 from Mössbauer Polarimetry
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Szymański, K.; Satuła, D.; Dobrzyński, L.
Experimental determination of some angular averages of hyperfine field is demonstrated. The averages relates to magnetic structure. Exemplary results of the measurements for Fe3O4 and Fe66Ni34 show that it is possible to obtain valuable information about the field magnitudes and orientations even when distributions of fields are present in the system under study.
The Angular Momentum Distribution and Baryon Content of Star-forming Galaxies at z ˜ 1-3
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Burkert, A.; Förster Schreiber, N. M.; Genzel, R.; Lang, P.; Tacconi, L. J.; Wisnioski, E.; Wuyts, S.; Bandara, K.; Beifiori, A.; Bender, R.; Brammer, G.; Chan, J.; Davies, R.; Dekel, A.; Fabricius, M.; Fossati, M.; Kulkarni, S.; Lutz, D.; Mendel, J. T.; Momcheva, I.; Nelson, E. J.; Naab, T.; Renzini, A.; Saglia, R.; Sharples, R. M.; Sternberg, A.; Wilman, D.; Wuyts, E.
We analyze the angular momenta of massive star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at the peak of the cosmic star formation epoch (z ˜ 0.8-2.6). Our sample of ˜360 log(M */M ⊙) ˜ 9.3-11.8 SFGs is mainly based on the KMOS3D and SINS/zC-SINF surveys of Hα kinematics, and collectively provides a representative subset of the massive star-forming population. The inferred halo scale angular momentum distribution is broadly consistent with that theoretically predicted for their dark matter halos, in terms of mean spin parameter < λ > ˜ 0.037 and its dispersion (σ logλ ˜ 0.2). Spin parameters correlate with the disk radial scale and with their stellar surface density, but do not depend significantly on halo mass, stellar mass, or redshift. Our data thus support the long-standing assumption that on average, even at high redshifts, the specific angular momentum of disk galaxies reflects that of their dark matter halos (j d = j DM). The lack of correlation between λ × (j d /j DM) and the nuclear stellar density Σ*(1 kpc) favors a scenario where disk-internal angular momentum redistribution leads to “compaction” inside massive high-redshift disks. For our sample, the inferred average stellar to dark matter mass ratio is ˜2%, consistent with abundance matching results. Including the molecular gas, the total baryonic disk to dark matter mass ratio is ˜5% for halos near 1012 M ⊙, which corresponds to 31% of the cosmologically available baryons, implying that high-redshift disks are strongly baryon dominated. Based on observations obtained at the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory, Paranal, Chile (ESO Programme IDs 075.A-0466, 076.A-0527, 079.A-0341, 080.A-0330, 080.A-0339, 080.A-0635, 081.B-0568, 081.A-0672, 082.A-0396, 183.A-0781, 087.A-0081, 088.A-0202, 088.A-0209, 091.A-0126, 092.A-0091, 093.A-0079, 094.A-0217, 095.A-0047, 096.A-0025).
Angular Distributions of High-Mass Dilepton Production in Hadron Collisions
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
McClellan, Randall Evan
extraction of λ has been performed, and the remaining difficulties in extracting ν have been evaluated. Although the results are not yet publishable, significant progress has been made in developing this very challenging angular distributions analysis. A simple scheme for correcting for the angular acceptances of the spectrometer, trigger, and reconstruction has been developed and demonstrated. A generally applicable correction for the kinematically-dependent, rate-dependent reconstruction efficiency has been developed and applied to all current analyses on SeaQuest data. This rate-dependence correction was the first major hurdle in the path to publication of many preliminary SeaQuest results. The last remaining major correction for all analyses, but especially important for the angular parameter extraction, is the full characterization, rate-dependence correction, and subtraction of the combinatoric background contribution to the reconstructed dimuon sample. Independently, an intuitive, kinematic derivation of the single-event definitions of the Drell-Yan angular parameters has been developed under the assumption of unpolarized annihilating quarks within unpolarized nuclei. At O(αs), where the quarks remain co-planar with the hadrons in the photon rest frame, this kinematic method reproduces the Lam-Tung relation and derives an additional equality for µ2, which is only interpretable for single-event parameters. This method has been extended to the case of quark non- coplanarity, and the coplanar equalities become inequalities. A new equality was discovered, which should be obeyed by single-event parameters even in the case of a non-coplanar quark axis. The non-coplanar parameter relations have been used to derive constraints on the experimentally accessible values of λ and ν. These constraints are compared with existing data and have been found consistent, except in the cases where significant contributions from non-zero Boer-Mulders functions are expected. Finally
Noise and analyzer-crystal angular position analysis for analyzer-based phase-contrast imaging
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Majidi, Keivan; Li, Jun; Muehleman, Carol; Brankov, Jovan G.
The analyzer-based phase-contrast x-ray imaging (ABI) method is emerging as a potential alternative to conventional radiography. Like many of the modern imaging techniques, ABI is a computed imaging method (meaning that images are calculated from raw data). ABI can simultaneously generate a number of planar parametric images containing information about absorption, refraction, and scattering properties of an object. These images are estimated from raw data acquired by measuring (sampling) the angular intensity profile of the x-ray beam passed through the object at different angular positions of the analyzer crystal. The noise in the estimated ABI parametric images depends upon imaging conditions like the source intensity (flux), measurements angular positions, object properties, and the estimation method. In this paper, we use the Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) to quantify the noise properties in parametric images and to investigate the effect of source intensity, different analyzer-crystal angular positions and object properties on this bound, assuming a fixed radiation dose delivered to an object. The CRLB is the minimum bound for the variance of an unbiased estimator and defines the best noise performance that one can obtain regardless of which estimation method is used to estimate ABI parametric images. The main result of this paper is that the variance (hence the noise) in parametric images is directly proportional to the source intensity and only a limited number of analyzer-crystal angular measurements (eleven for uniform and three for optimal non-uniform) are required to get the best parametric images. The following angular measurements only spread the total dose to the measurements without improving or worsening CRLB, but the added measurements may improve parametric images by reducing estimation bias. Next, using CRLB we evaluate the multiple-image radiography, diffraction enhanced imaging and scatter diffraction enhanced imaging estimation techniques
Noise and Analyzer-Crystal Angular Position Analysis for Analyzer-Based Phase-Contrast Imaging
Majidi, Keivan; Li, Jun; Muehleman, Carol; Brankov, Jovan G.
The analyzer-based phase-contrast X-ray imaging (ABI) method is emerging as a potential alternative to conventional radiography. Like many of the modern imaging techniques, ABI is a computed imaging method (meaning that images are calculated from raw data). ABI can simultaneously generate a number of planar parametric images containing information about absorption, refraction, and scattering properties of an object. These images are estimated from raw data acquired by measuring (sampling) the angular intensity profile (AIP) of the X-ray beam passed through the object at different angular positions of the analyzer crystal. The noise in the estimated ABI parametric images depends upon imaging conditions like the source intensity (flux), measurements angular positions, object properties, and the estimation method. In this paper, we use the Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) to quantify the noise properties in parametric images and to investigate the effect of source intensity, different analyzer-crystal angular positions and object properties on this bound, assuming a fixed radiation dose delivered to an object. The CRLB is the minimum bound for the variance of an unbiased estimator and defines the best noise performance that one can obtain regardless of which estimation method is used to estimate ABI parametric images. The main result of this manuscript is that the variance (hence the noise) in parametric images is directly proportional to the source intensity and only a limited number of analyzer-crystal angular measurements (eleven for uniform and three for optimal non-uniform) are required to get the best parametric images. The following angular measurements only spread the total dose to the measurements without improving or worsening CRLB, but the added measurements may improve parametric images by reducing estimation bias. Next, using CRLB we evaluate the Multiple-Image Radiography (MIR), Diffraction Enhanced Imaging (DEI) and Scatter Diffraction Enhanced Imaging (S
Proton-Proton Scattering at 105 Mev and 75 Mev
DOE R&D Accomplishments Database
Birge, R. W.; Kruse, U. E.; Ramsey, N. F.
The scattering of protons by protons provides an important method for studying the nature of nuclear forces. Recent proton-proton scattering experiments at energies as high as thirty Mev{sup 1} have failed to show any appreciable contribution to the cross section from higher angular momentum states, but it is necessary to bring in tensor forces to explain the magnitude of the observed cross section.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Lingling; Li, Chenxi; Zhao, Huijuan; Yi, Xi; Gao, Feng; Meng, Wei; Lu, Yiming
Radiance is sensitive to the variations of tissue optical parameters, such as absorption coefficient μa, scattering coefficient μs, and anisotropy factor g. Therefore, similar to fluence, radiance can be used for tissue characterization. Compared with fluence, radiance has the advantage of offering the direction information of light intensity. Taking such advantage, the optical parameters can be determined by rotating the detector through 360 deg with only a single optode pair. Instead of the translation mode used in the fluence-based technologies, the Rotation mode has less invasiveness in the clinical diagnosis. This paper explores a new method to obtain the optical properties by measuring the distribution of light intensity in liquid phantom with only a single optode pair and the detector rotation through 360 deg. The angular radiance and distance-dependent radiance are verified by comparing experimental measurement data with Monte Carlo (MC) simulation for the short source-detector separations and diffusion approximation for the large source-detector separations. Detecting angular radiance with only a single optode pair under a certain source-detection separation will present a way for prostate diagnose and light dose calculation during the photon dynamic therapy (PDT).
High energy helion scattering: A ``model-independent'' analysis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Djaloeis, A.; Gopal, S.
Angular distributions of helions elastically scattered from 24Mg, 58Ni, 90Zr and 120Sn at Eτ = 130 MeV have been subjected to a "model-independent" analysis in the framework of the optical model. The real part of the optical potential was represented by a spline-function; volume and surface absorptions were considered. Both the shallow and the deep families of the helion optical potential were investigated. The spline potentials are found to deviate from the Woods-Saxon shape. The experimental data are well described by optical potentials with either a volume or a surface absorption. However, the volume absorption consistently gives better fits. For 24Mg, 90Zr and 120Sn both shallow and deep potential families result in comparable fit qualities. For 58Ni the discrete ambiguity is resolved in favour of the shallow family. From the analysis the values of the rms radius of matter distribution have been extracted.
Electron scattering by laser-excited barium atoms
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Register, D. F.; Trajmar, S.; Jensen, S. W.; Poe, R. T.
Inelastic and superelastic scattering of 30- and 100-eV electrons by laser-excited 6s 6p 1P and subsequent cascade-populated 6s 6p 3P, 6s 5d 1D, and 6s 5d 3D Ba atoms have been observed. Absolute differential cross sections for the singlet and relative scattering intensities for the triplet species have been determined in the 5 to 20 deg angular region. Under the present conditions excitations dominate over deexcitations.
Paternò, Gianfranco; Cardarelli, Paolo; Contillo, Adriano; Gambaccini, Mauro; Taibi, Angelo
Advanced applications of digital mammography such as dual-energy and tomosynthesis require multiple exposures and thus deliver higher dose compared to standard mammograms. A straightforward manner to reduce patient dose without affecting image quality would be removal of the anti-scatter grid, provided that the involved reconstruction algorithms are able to take the scatter figure into account [1]. Monte Carlo simulations are very well suited for the calculation of X-ray scatter distribution and can be used to integrate such information within the reconstruction software. Geant4 is an open source C++ particle tracking code widely used in several physical fields, including medical physics [2,3]. However, the coherent scattering cross section used by the standard Geant4 code does not take into account the influence of molecular interference. According to the independent atomic scattering approximation (the so-called free-atom model), coherent radiation is indistinguishable from primary radiation because its angular distribution is peaked in the forward direction. Since interference effects occur between x-rays scattered by neighbouring atoms in matter, it was shown experimentally that the scatter distribution is affected by the molecular structure of the target, even in amorphous materials. The most important consequence is that the coherent scatter distribution is not peaked in the forward direction, and the position of the maximum is strongly material-dependent [4]. In this contribution, we present the implementation of a method to take into account inter-atomic interference in small-angle coherent scattering in Geant4, including a dedicated data set of suitable molecular form factor values for several materials of clinical interest. Furthermore, we present scatter images of simple geometric phantoms in which the Rayleigh contribution is rigorously evaluated. Copyright © 2017.
Angular dispersion of oblique phonon modes in BiFeO3 from micro-Raman scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hlinka, J.; Pokorny, J.; Karimi, S.; Reaney, I. M.
The angular dispersion of oblique phonon modes in a multiferroic BiFeO3 has been obtained from a micro-Raman spectroscopic investigation of a coarse grain ceramic sample. Continuity of the measured angular dispersion curves allows conclusive identification of all pure zone-center polar modes. The method employed here to reconstruct the anisotropic crystal property from a large set of independent local measurements on a macroscopically isotropic ceramic sample profits from the considerable dispersion of the oblique modes in ferroelectric perovskites and it can be in principle conveniently applied to any other optically uniaxial ferroelectric material.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ward, R.; Cubric, D.; Bowring, N.; King, G. C.; Read, F. H.; Fursa, D. V.; Bray, I.
Excitation function measurements for the decay of the 2s22p 2P and 2s2p2 2D triply excited negative ion resonances in helium to singly excited n = 2 states have been measured. These excitation functions have been determined across the complete angular range (0-180°) using a magnetic angle changer with a soft-iron core. The convergent close-coupling method has been used to calculate the cross sections, with the underlying complexity of the problem not yet being able to be fully resolved. Agreement between the present experimental data and previous experimental data is good, with these excitation functions confirming the presence of an unusual (2s22p)2P resonance behaviour in the 21S channel at 90°, where this would not usually be expected. Resonance energy and width values have been obtained, with a mean energy for the (2s22p)2P resonance of 57.20 ± 0.08 eV and a mean width of 73 ± 20 meV, and a mean energy of the (2s2p2)2D resonance of 58.30 ± 0.08 eV and a mean width of 59 ± 27 meV. Resonant cross section and ρ2 values have been calculated across the angular range for the first time, providing angular distribution data on decay propensities for both resonances.
The Large Local Hole in the Galaxy Distribution: The 2MASS Galaxy Angular Power Spectrum
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Frith, W. J.; Outram, P. J.; Shanks, T.
We present new evidence for a large deficiency in the local galaxy distribution situated in the ˜4000 deg2 APM survey area. We use models guided by the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) n(z) as a probe of the underlying large-scale structure. We first check the usefulness of this technique by comparing the 2dFGRS n(z) model prediction with the K-band and B-band number counts extracted from the 2MASS and 2dFGRS parent catalogues over the 2dFGRS Northern and Southern declination strips, before turning to a comparison with the APM counts. We find that the APM counts in both the B and K-bands indicate a deficiency in the local galaxy distribution of ˜30% to z ≈ 0.1 over the entire APM survey area. We examine the implied significance of such a large local hole, considering several possible forms for the real-space correlation function. We find that such a deficiency in the APM survey area indicates an excess of power at large scales over what is expected from the correlation function observed in 2dFGRS correlation function or predicted from ΛCDM Hubble Volume mock catalogues. In order to check further the clustering at large scales in the 2MASS data, we have calculated the angular power spectrum for 2MASS galaxies. Although in the linear regime (l<30), ΛCDM models can give a good fit to the 2MASS angular power spectrum, over a wider range (l<100) the power spectrum from Hubble Volume mock catalogues suggests that scale-dependent bias may be needed for ΛCDM to fit. However, the modest increase in large-scale power observed in the 2MASS angular power spectrum is still not enough to explain the local hole. If the APM survey area really is 25% deficient in galaxies out to z≈0.1, explanations for the disagreement with observed galaxy clustering statistics include the possibilities that the galaxy clustering is non-Gaussian on large scales or that the 2MASS volume is still too small to represent a `fair sample' of the Universe. Extending the 2dFGRS redshift survey
Variable Mixed Orbital Character in the Photoelectron Angular Distribution of NO_{2}
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Laws, Benjamin A.; Cavanagh, Steven J.; Lewis, Brenton R.; Gibson, Stephen T.
NO_{2} a key component of photochemical smog and an important species in the Earth's atmosphere, is an example of a molecule which exhibits significant mixed orbital character in the HOMO. In photoelectron experiments the geometric properties of the parent anion orbital are reflected in the photoelectron angular distribution (PAD), an area of research that has benefited largely from the ability of velocity-map imaging (VMI) to simultaneously record both the energetic and angular information, with 100% collection efficiency. Photoelectron spectra of NO_{2}^{-}, taken over a range of wavelengths (355nm-520nm) with the ANU's VMI spectrometer, reveal an anomalous jump in the anisotropy parameter near threshold. Consequently, the orbital behavior of NO_{2}^{-} appears to be quite different near threshold compared to detachment at higher photon energies. This surprising effect is due to the Wigner Threshold law, which causes p orbital character to dominate the photodetachment cross-section near threshold, before the mixed s/d orbital character becomes significant at higher electron kinetic energies. By extending recent work on binary character models to form a more general expression, the variable mixed orbital character of NO_{2}^{-} is able to be described. This study provides the first multi-wavelength NO_{2} anisotropy data, which is shown to be in decent agreement with much earlier zero-core model predictions of the anisotropy parameter. K. J. Reed, A. H. Zimmerman, H. C. Andersen, and J. I. Brauman, J. Chem. Phys. 64, 1368, (1976). doi:10.1063/1.432404 D. Khuseynov, C. C. Blackstone, L. M. Culberson, and A. Sanov, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 124312, (2014). doi:10.1063/1.4896241 W. B. Clodius, R. M. Stehman, and S. B. Woo, Phys. Rev. A. 28, 760, (1983). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.28.760 Research supported by the Australian Research Council Discovery Project Grant DP160102585
Index-of-refraction-dependent subcellular light scattering observed with organelle-specific dyes.
Wilson, Jeremy D; Cottrell, William J; Foster, Thomas H
Angularly resolved light scattering and wavelength-resolved darkfield scattering spectroscopy measurements were performed on intact, control EMT6 cells and cells stained with high-extinction lysosomal- or mitochondrial-localizing dyes. In the presence of the lysosomal-localizing dye NPe6, we observe changes in the details of light scattering from stained and unstained cells, which have both wavelength- and angular-dependent features. Analysis of measurements performed at several wavelengths reveals a reduced scattering cross section near the absorption maximum of the lysosomal-localizing dye. When identical measurements are made with cells loaded with a similar mitochondrial-localizing dye, HPPH, we find no evidence that staining mitochondria had any effect on the light scattering. Changes in the scattering properties of candidate populations of organelles induced by the addition of an absorber are modeled with Mie theory, and we find that any absorber-induced scattering response is very sensitive to the inherent refractive index of the organelle population. Our measurements and modeling are consistent with EMT6-cell-mitochondria having refractive indices close to those reported in the literature for organelles, approximately 1.4. The reduction in scattering cross section induced by NPe6 constrains the refractive index of lysosomes to be significantly higher. We estimate the refractive index of lysosomes in EMT6 cells to be approximately 1.6.
Lee, Hee-Seock; Ban, Syuichi; Sanami, Toshiya; Takahashi, Kazutoshi; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Shin, Kazuo; Chung, Chinwha
A study of differential photo-neutron yields by irradiation with 2 GeV electrons has been carried out. In this extension of a previous study in which measurements were made at an angle of 90 degrees relative to incident electrons, the differential photo-neutron yield was obtained at two other angles, 48 degrees and 140 degrees, to study its angular characteristics. Photo-neutron spectra were measured using a pulsed beam time-of-flight method and a BC418 plastic scintillator. The reliable range of neutron energy measurement was 8-250 MeV. The neutron spectra were measured for 10 Xo-thick Cu, Sn, W and Pb targets. The angular distribution characteristics, together with the previous results for 90 degrees, are presented in the study. The experimental results are compared with Monte Carlo calculation results. The yields predicted by MCNPX 2.5 tend to underestimate the measured ones. The same trend holds for the comparison results using the EGS4 and PICA3 codes.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Yan; Wang, Xiaorui; Zhe Zhang, Yun
By employing the different topological charges of a Laguerre–Gaussian beam as a qubit, we experimentally demonstrate a controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate with light beams carrying orbital angular momentum via a photonic band gap structure in a hot atomic ensemble. Through a degenerate four-wave mixing process, the spatial distribution of the CNOT gate including splitting and spatial shift can be affected by the Kerr nonlinear effect in multilevel atomic systems. Moreover, the intensity variations of the CNOT gate can be controlled by the relative phase modulation. This research can be useful for applications in quantum information processing.
Delay-time distribution in the scattering of time-narrow wave packets (II)—quantum graphs
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Smilansky, Uzy; Schanz, Holger
We apply the framework developed in the preceding paper in this series (Smilansky 2017 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 215301) to compute the time-delay distribution in the scattering of ultra short radio frequency pulses on complex networks of transmission lines which are modeled by metric (quantum) graphs. We consider wave packets which are centered at high wave number and comprise many energy levels. In the limit of pulses of very short duration we compute upper and lower bounds to the actual time-delay distribution of the radiation emerging from the network using a simplified problem where time is replaced by the discrete count of vertex-scattering events. The classical limit of the time-delay distribution is also discussed and we show that for finite networks it decays exponentially, with a decay constant which depends on the graph connectivity and the distribution of its edge lengths. We illustrate and apply our theory to a simple model graph where an algebraic decay of the quantum time-delay distribution is established.
Inelastic scattering in planetary atmospheres. I - The Ring effect, without aerosols
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kattawar, G. W.; Young, A. T.; Humphreys, T. J.
The contribution of inelastic molecular scattering (Rayleigh-Brillouin and rotational Raman scattering) to the filling-in of Fraunhofer lines in the light of the blue sky is studied. Aerosol fluorescence is shown to be negligible, and aerosol scattering is ignored. The angular and polarization dependences of the filling-in detail for single scattering are discussed. An approximate treatment of multiple scattering, using a backward Monte Carlo technique, makes it possible to investigate the effects of the ground albedo. As the molecular scatterings alone produce more line-filling than is observed, it seems likely that aerosols dilute the effect by contributing unaltered sunlight to the observed spectra.
Sivers asymmetries for inclusive pion and kaon production in deep-inelastic scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ellis, John; Hwang, Dae Sung; Kotzinian, Aram
We calculate the Sivers distribution functions induced by the final-state interaction due to one-gluon exchange in diquark models of a nucleon structure, treating the cases of scalar and axial-vector diquarks with both dipole and Gaussian form factors. We use these distribution functions to calculate the Sivers single-spin asymmetries for inclusive pion and kaon production in deep-inelastic scattering. We compare our calculations with the results of HERMES and COMPASS, finding good agreement for π+ production at HERMES, and qualitative agreement for π0 and K+ production. Our predictions for pion and kaon production at COMPASS could be probed with increased statistics. The successful comparison of our calculations with the HERMES data constitutes prima facie evidence that the quarks in the nucleon have some orbital angular momentum in the infinite-momentum frame.
Zavgorodni, S F
With modern urbanization trends, situations occur where a general-purpose multi-storey building would have to be constructed adjacent to a radiotherapy facility. In cases where the building would not be in the primary x-ray beam, "skyshine" radiation is normally accounted for. The radiation scattered from the roof side-wise towards the building can also be a major contributing factor. However, neither the NCRP reports nor recently published literature considered this. The current paper presents a simple formula to calculate the dose contribution from scattered radiation in such circumstances. This equation includes workload, roof thickness, field size, distance to the reference point and a normalized angular photon distribution function f(theta), where theta is the angle between central axis of the primary beam and photon direction. The latter was calculated by the Monte Carlo method (EGS4 code) for each treatment machine in our department. For angles theta exceeding approximately 20 degrees (i.e., outside the primary beam and its penumbra) the angular distribution function f(theta) was found to have little dependence on the shielding barrier thickness and the beam energy. An analytical approximation of this function has been obtained. Measurements have been performed to verify this calculation technique. An agreement within 40% was found between calculated and measured dose rates. The latter combined the scattered radiation and the dose from "skyshine" radiation. Some overestimation of the dose resulted from uncertainties in the radiotherapy building drawings and in evaluation of the "skyshine" contribution.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Terashima, S.; Sakaguchi, H.; Takeda, H.
Cross sections and analyzing powers for proton elastic scattering from {sup 116,118,120,122,124}Sn at 295 MeV have been measured for a momentum transfer of up to about 3.5 fm{sup -1} to deduce systematic changes of the neutron density distribution. We tuned the relativistic Love-Franey interaction to explain the proton elastic scattering of a nucleus whose density distribution is well known. Then, we applied this interaction to deduce the neutron density distributions of tin isotopes. The result of our analysis shows the clear systematic behavior of a gradual increase in the neutron skin thickness of tin isotopes with mass number.
Shankar, P Mohana
A compound probability density function (pdf) is presented to describe the envelope of the backscattered echo from tissue. This pdf allows local and global variation in scattering cross sections in tissue. The ultrasonic backscattering cross sections are assumed to be gamma distributed. The gamma distribution also is used to model the randomness in the average cross sections. This gamma-gamma model results in the compound scattering pdf for the envelope. The relationship of this compound pdf to the Rayleigh, K, and Nakagami distributions is explored through an analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio of the envelopes and random number simulations. The three parameter compound pdf appears to be flexible enough to represent envelope statistics giving rise to Rayleigh, K, and Nakagami distributions.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Peters, Kenneth J.
Previous theoretical work on the coherent-backscatter effect in the context of speckle time autocorrelation has gone beyond the diffusion approximation and the assumption of isotropic (point) scatterers. This paper extends the theory to include the effects of polarization and absorption, and to give the angular line shape. The results are expressions for angular variations valid for small and large scatterers and linear and circular polarizations, in lossless or lossy media. Calculations show that multiple anisotropic scattering results in the preservation of incident polarization. Application to a problem in radar astronomy is considered. It is shown that the unusual radar measurements (high reflectivity and polarization ratios) of Jupiter's icy Galilean satellites can be explained by coherent backscatter from anisotropic (forward) scatterers.
The effect of kinematic parameters on inelastic scattering of glyoxal.
Duca, Mariana D
The effect of kinematic parameters (relative velocity v(rel), relative momentum p(rel), and relative energy E(rel)) on the rotational and rovibrational inelastic scatterings of 0(0)K(0)S(1) trans-glyoxal has been investigated by colliding glyoxal seeded in He or Ar with target gases D2, He, or Ne at different scattering angles in crossed supersonic beams. The inelastic spectra for target gases He and D2 acquired with two different sets of kinematic parameters revealed no significant differences. This result shows that kinematic factors have the major influence in the inelastic scattering channel competition whereas the intermolecular potential energy surface plays only a secondary role. The well-defined exponential dependence of relative cross sections on exchanged angular momentum identifies angular momentum as the dominant kinematic factor in collision-induced rotationally and rovibrationally inelastic scatterings. This is supported by the behavior of the relative inelastic cross sections data in a "slope-p(rel)" representation. In this form, the data show a trend nearly independent of the target gas identity. Representations involving E(rel) and v(rel) show trends specific to the target gas.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Danilyan, G. V.; Klenke, J.; Kopach, Yu. N.; Krakhotin, V. A.; Novitsky, V. V.; Pavlov, V. S.; Shatalov, P. B.
The results of an experiment devoted to searches for effects of rotation of fissioning nuclei in the angular distributions of prompt neutrons and gamma rays originating from the polarized-neutron-induced fission of 233U nuclei are presented. The effects discovered in these angular distributions are opposite in sign to their counterparts in the polarized-neutron-induced fission of 235U nuclei. This is at odds with data on the relative signs of respective effects in the angular distribution of alpha particles from the ternary fission of the same nuclei and may be indicative of problems in the model currently used to describe the effect in question. The report on which this article is based was presented at the seminar held at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics and dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Yu.G. Abov, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Editor in Chief of the journal Physics of Atomic Nuclei.
A phenomenological study of photon production in low energy neutrino nucleon scattering
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Jenkins, James P; Goldman, Terry J
Low energy photon production is an important background to many current and future precision neutrino experiments. We present a phenomenological study of t-channel radiative corrections to neutral current neutrino nucleus scattering. After introducing the relevant processes and phenomenological coupling constants, we will explore the derived energy and angular distributions as well as total cross-section predictions along with their estimated uncertainties. This is supplemented throughout with comments on possible experimental signatures and implications. We conclude with a general discussion of the analysis in the context of complimentary methodologies. This is based on a talk presented at the DPF 2009 meeting inmore » Detroit MI.« less
Biophotonic applications of eigenchannels in a scattering medium (Conference Presentation)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Moonseok; Choi, Wonjun; Choi, Youngwoon; Yoon, Changhyeong; Choi, Wonshik
When waves travel through disordered media such as ground glass and skin tissues, they are scattered multiple times. Most of the incoming energy bounces back at the superficial layers and only a small fraction can penetrate deep inside. This has been a limiting factor for the working depth of various optical techniques. We present a systematic method to enhance wave penetration to the scattering media. Specifically, we measured the reflection matrix of a disordered medium with wide angular coverage for each orthogonal polarization states. From the reflection matrix, we identified reflection eigenchannels of the medium, and shaped the incident wave into the reflection eigenchannel with smallest eigenvalue, which we call anti-reflection mode. This makes reflectance reduced and wave penetration increased as a result of the energy conservation. We demonstrated transmission enhancement by more than a factor of 3 by the coupling of the incident waves to the anti-reflection modes. Based on the uneven distribution of eigenvalues of reflection eigenchannels, we further developed an iterative feedback control method for finding and coupling light to anti-reflection modes. Since this adaptive control method can keep up with sample perturbation, it promotes the applicability of exploiting reflection eigenchannels. Our approach of delivering light deep into the scattering media will contribute to enhancing the sensitivity of detecting objects hidden under scattering layers, which is universal problem ranging from geology to life science.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Khuseynov, Dmitry; Blackstone, Christopher C.; Culberson, Lori M.; Sanov, Andrei
We present a model for laboratory-frame photoelectron angular distributions in direct photodetachment from (in principle) any molecular orbital using linearly polarized light. A transparent mathematical approach is used to generalize the Cooper-Zare central-potential model to anionic states of any mixed character. In the limit of atomic-anion photodetachment, the model reproduces the Cooper-Zare formula. In the case of an initial orbital described as a superposition of s and p-type functions, the model yields the previously obtained s-p mixing formula. The formalism is further advanced using the Hanstorp approximation, whereas the relative scaling of the partial-wave cross-sections is assumed to follow the Wigner threshold law. The resulting model describes the energy dependence of photoelectron anisotropy for any atomic, molecular, or cluster anions, usually without requiring a direct calculation of the transition dipole matrix elements. As a benchmark case, we apply the p-d variant of the model to the experimental results for NO- photodetachment and show that the observed anisotropy trend is described well using physically meaningful values of the model parameters. Overall, the presented formalism delivers insight into the photodetachment process and affords a new quantitative strategy for analyzing the photoelectron angular distributions and characterizing mixed-character molecular orbitals using photoelectron imaging spectroscopy of negative ions.
Khuseynov, Dmitry; Blackstone, Christopher C; Culberson, Lori M; Sanov, Andrei
We present a model for laboratory-frame photoelectron angular distributions in direct photodetachment from (in principle) any molecular orbital using linearly polarized light. A transparent mathematical approach is used to generalize the Cooper-Zare central-potential model to anionic states of any mixed character. In the limit of atomic-anion photodetachment, the model reproduces the Cooper-Zare formula. In the case of an initial orbital described as a superposition of s and p-type functions, the model yields the previously obtained s-p mixing formula. The formalism is further advanced using the Hanstorp approximation, whereas the relative scaling of the partial-wave cross-sections is assumed to follow the Wigner threshold law. The resulting model describes the energy dependence of photoelectron anisotropy for any atomic, molecular, or cluster anions, usually without requiring a direct calculation of the transition dipole matrix elements. As a benchmark case, we apply the p-d variant of the model to the experimental results for NO(-) photodetachment and show that the observed anisotropy trend is described well using physically meaningful values of the model parameters. Overall, the presented formalism delivers insight into the photodetachment process and affords a new quantitative strategy for analyzing the photoelectron angular distributions and characterizing mixed-character molecular orbitals using photoelectron imaging spectroscopy of negative ions.
Pion Elastic Scattering and the (pion Pion' Proton) Reaction on HELIUM-4 in the DELTA(3,3) Region
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jones, Mark Kevin
This dissertation presents measurements and analyses of pi^+ and pi ^{-} elastic scattering, and ( pi^{+}, pi^ {+^'}p) and ( pi^{-},pi^{-^ '}p) reactions on ^4 He. Both experiments were done at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility using the Energetic Pion Channel and Spectrometer. The ^4He( pi,pi) elastic scattering cross sections were measured for pi^{+} scattering at scattering angles theta _{lab} = 110^circ -170^circ and five incident energies between T_{pi } = 90 and 180 MeV. Elastic pi ^{-} cross sections were measured only at T_{pi} = 180 MeV. The ^4He(pi, pi' p) angular correlation functions were measured for pi^{+} and pi^{-} at T_{pi} = 180 and theta_{pi^' } = 30^circ, 40 ^circ, 60^circ , 80^circ and at T _pi = 140 MeV and theta_{pi^'} = 40^circ. Using scintillators at eight angles the protons were detected in coincidence with the inelastically scattered pions. In the ^4He(pi, pi^' p) experiment unexpectedly large ratios R_{pi p} = {sigma(pi^{+}, pi^{+} p)}over{sigma( pi^{-},pi^{-} p)} of up to 50 were observed near the quasi -free angle in the angular correlation functions summed over 30.5 to 39.5 MeV in ^4He excitation energy. The (pi,pi' p) data were analyzed by a distorted wave impulse approximation code 3DEE (Ch 82), (Re 82). 3DEE models the ( pi,pi' p) reaction as a pion -induced proton knock-out and includes distortions in the incident pion, the outgoing pion, and the emitted proton waves. The calculations give R_{pi p} between 6 and 9 at all proton and pion angles. The pi^{+} calculations reproduce the absolute pi^ {+} cross sections fairly well. The pi^{-} calculations have a peak in the angular correlation function near the quasi-free angle, in contrast to the pi^ {-} data which displays a flat distribution. At proton angles near 180^circ in the center of mass of the struck mass 4 system, the measured pi^{-} cross sections are larger than the pi^ {+} cross section which is the reverse of the ratio at 0^circ. These features of the measured pi
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Yang, K; Li, X; Liu, B
Purpose: To accurately measure the scatter radiation from a Hologic digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) system and to provide updated scatter distribution to guide radiation shielding calculation for DBT rooms. Methods: A high sensitivity GOS-based linear detector was used to measure the angular distribution of scatter radiation from a Hologic Selenia Dimensions DBT system. The linear detector was calibrated for its energy response of typical DBT spectra. Following the NCRP147 approach, the measured scatter intensity was normalized by the primary beam area and primary air kerma at 1m from the scatter phantom center and presented as the scatter fraction. Direct comparisonmore » was made against Simpkin’s initial measurement. Key parameters including the phantom size, primary beam area, and kV/anode/target combination were also studied. Results: The measured scatter-to-primary-ratio and scatter fraction data closely matched with previous data from Simpkin. The measured data demonstrated the unique nonisotropic distribution of the scattered radiation around a Hologic DBT system, with two strong peaks around 25° and 160°. The majority scatter radiation (>70%) originated from the imaging detector assembly, instead of the phantom. With a workload from a previous local survey, the scatter air kerma at 1m from the phantom center for wall/door is 0.018mGy/patient, for floor is 0.164mGy/patient, and for ceiling is 0.037mGy/patient. Conclusion: Comparing to Simpkin’s previous data, the scatter air kerma from Holgoic DBT is at least two times higher. The main reasons include the harder primary beam with higher workload, added tomosynthesis acquisition, and strong small angle forward scattering. Due to the highly conservative initial assumptions, the shielding recommendation from NCRP147 is still sufficient for the Hologic DBT system given the workload from a previous local survey. With the data provided from this study, accurate shielding calculation can be performed
Charge distribution of the neven sulphur isotopes from elastic electron scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rychel, D.; Emrich, H. J.; Miska, H.; Gyufko, R.; Wiedner, C. A.
Elastic electron scattering experiments on the isotopes 32,34,36S were performed covering a range in momentum transfer q = 0.5-2.6 fm -. The cross sections were analysed with the Fourier-Bessel method yielding model-independent charge distributions and their differences. The extracted rms radii follow approximately the systematics of even-even nuclei; this also holds for the gross features as expressed in dms radii and skin thicknesses.
Shi, Chenyang; Teerakapibal, Rattavut; Yu, Lian; ...
Using high-brilliance high-energy synchrotron X-ray radiation, for the first time the total scattering of a thin organic glass film deposited on a strongly scattering inorganic substrate has been measured in transmission mode. The organic thin film was composed of the weakly scattering pharmaceutical substance indomethacin in the amorphous state. The film was 130 µm thick atop a borosilicate glass substrate of equal thickness. The atomic pair distribution function derived from the thin-film measurement is in excellent agreement with that from bulk measurements. This ability to measure the total scattering of amorphous organic thin films in transmission will enable accurate in situmore » structural studies for a wide range of materials.« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shi, Chenyang; Teerakapibal, Rattavut; Yu, Lian
Using high-brilliance high-energy synchrotron X-ray radiation, for the first time the total scattering of a thin organic glass film deposited on a strongly scattering inorganic substrate has been measured in transmission mode. The organic thin film was composed of the weakly scattering pharmaceutical substance indomethacin in the amorphous state. The film was 130 µm thick atop a borosilicate glass substrate of equal thickness. The atomic pair distribution function derived from the thin-film measurement is in excellent agreement with that from bulk measurements. This ability to measure the total scattering of amorphous organic thin films in transmission will enable accuratein situstructuralmore » studies for a wide range of materials.« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
de Pinho Filho, A.G.
The use of a two-body model for Be/sup 9/ permits, within the Born approximation, a complete calculation of the differential cross sections for the reactions Be/sup 9/(p,d) and Be/sup 9/(d,t). The reactions are considered as pick-up'' processes, and the influence of the Coulomb field in the angular distribution is not considered. The results are compared with experimental data. (auth)
Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering with a Polarized-Proton Target
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, S.; Avakian, H.; Burkert, V. D.; Eugenio, P.; Adams, G.; Amarian, M.; Ambrozewicz, P.; Anghinolfi, M.; Asryan, G.; Bagdasaryan, H.; Baillie, N.; Ball, J. P.; Baltzell, N. A.; Barrow, S.; Batourine, V.; Battaglieri, M.; Beard, K.; Bedlinskiy, I.; Bektasoglu, M.; Bellis, M.; Benmouna, N.; Berman, B. L.; Biselli, A. S.; Bonner, B. E.; Bouchigny, S.; Boiarinov, S.; Bosted, P.; Bradford, R.; Branford, D.; Briscoe, W. J.; Brooks, W. K.; Bültmann, S.; Butuceanu, C.; Calarco, J. R.; Careccia, S. L.; Carman, D. S.; Carnahan, B.; Cazes, A.; Cole, P. L.; Collins, P.; Coltharp, P.; Cords, D.; Corvisiero, P.; Crabb, D.; Crannell, H.; Crede, V.; Cummings, J. P.; Masi, R. De; Devita, R.; Sanctis, E. De; Degtyarenko, P. V.; Denizli, H.; Dennis, L.; Deur, A.; Dharmawardane, K. V.; Dhuga, K. S.; Djalali, C.; Dodge, G. E.; Donnelly, J.; Doughty, D.; Dugger, M.; Dytman, S.; Dzyubak, O. P.; Egiyan, H.; Egiyan, K. S.; Fassi, L. El; Elouadrhiri, L.; Fatemi, R.; Fedotov, G.; Feldman, G.; Feuerbach, R. J.; Forest, T. A.; Funsten, H.; Garçon, M.; Gavalian, G.; Gilfoyle, G. P.; Giovanetti, K. L.; Girod, F. X.; Goetz, J. T.; Golovatch, E.; Gonenc, A.; Gothe, R. W.; Griffioen, K. A.; Guidal, M.; Guillo, M.; Guler, N.; Guo, L.; Gyurjyan, V.; Hadjidakis, C.; Hafidi, K.; Hakobyan, H.; Hakobyan, R. S.; Hardie, J.; Heddle, D.; Hersman, F. W.; Hicks, K.; Hleiqawi, I.; Holtrop, M.; Huertas, M.; Hyde-Wright, C. E.; Ilieva, Y.; Ireland, D. G.; Ishkhanov, B. S.; Isupov, E. L.; Ito, M. M.; Jenkins, D.; Jo, H. S.; Joo, K.; Juengst, H. G.; Keith, C.; Kellie, J. D.; Khandaker, M.; Kim, K. Y.; Kim, K.; Kim, W.; Klein, A.; Klein, F. J.; Klusman, M.; Kossov, M.; Kramer, L. H.; Kubarovsky, V.; Kuhn, J.; Kuhn, S. E.; Kuleshov, S. V.; Lachniet, J.; Laget, J. M.; Langheinrich, J.; Lawrence, D.; Li, Ji; Lima, A. C. S.; Livingston, K.; Lu, H.; Lukashin, K.; MacCormick, M.; Markov, N.; McAleer, S.; McKinnon, B.; McNabb, J. W. C.; Mecking, B. A.; Mestayer, M. D.; Meyer, C. A.; Mibe, T.; Mikhailov, K.; Minehart, R.; Mirazita, M.; Miskimen, R.; Mokeev, V.; Morand, L.; Morrow, S. A.; Moteabbed, M.; Mueller, J.; Mutchler, G. S.; Nadel-Turonski, P.; Napolitano, J.; Nasseripour, R.; Natasha, N.; Niccolai, S.; Niculescu, G.; Niculescu, I.; Niczyporuk, B. B.; Niroula, M. R.; Niyazov, R. A.; Nozar, M.; O'Rielly, G. V.; Osipenko, M.; Ostrovidov, A. I.; Park, K.; Pasyuk, E.; Paterson, C.; Philips, S. A.; Pierce, J.; Pivnyuk, N.; Pocanic, D.; Pogorelko, O.; Polli, E.; Popa, I.; Pozdniakov, S.; Preedom, B. M.; Price, J. W.; Prok, Y.; Protopopescu, D.; Qin, L. M.; Raue, B. A.; Riccardi, G.; Ricco, G.; Ripani, M.; Ritchie, B. G.; Ronchetti, F.; Rosner, G.; Rossi, P.; Rowntree, D.; Rubin, P. D.; Sabatié, F.; Salgado, C.; Santoro, J. P.; Sapunenko, V.; Schumacher, R. A.; Serov, V. S.; Sharabian, Y. G.; Shaw, J.; Shvedunov, N. V.; Skabelin, A. V.; Smith, E. S.; Smith, L. C.; Sober, D. I.; Stavinsky, A.; Stepanyan, S. S.; Stepanyan, S.; Stokes, B. E.; Stoler, P.; Strakovsky, I. I.; Strauch, S.; Suleiman, R.; Taiuti, M.; Tedeschi, D. J.; Thoma, U.; Tkabladze, A.; Tkachenko, S.; Todor, L.; Tur, C.; Ungaro, M.; Vanderhaeghen, M.; Vineyard, M. F.; Vlassov, A. V.; Watts, D. P.; Weinstein, L. B.; Weygand, D. P.; Williams, M.; Wolin, E.; Wood, M. H.; Yegneswaran, A.; Yun, J.; Zana, L.; Zhang, J.; Zhao, B.; Zhao, Z.
The longitudinal target-spin asymmetry AUL for the exclusive electroproduction of high-energy photons was measured for the first time in ep→→e'pγ. The data have been accumulated at JLab with the CLAS spectrometer using 5.7 GeV electrons and a longitudinally polarized NH3 target. A significant azimuthal angular dependence was observed, resulting from the interference of the deeply virtual Compton scattering and Bethe-Heitler processes. The amplitude of the sinϕ moment is 0.252±0.042stat±0.020sys. Theoretical calculations are in good agreement with the magnitude and the kinematic dependence of the target-spin asymmetry, which is sensitive to the generalized parton distributions H˜ and H.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tkáč, Ondřej; Ma, Qianli; Rusher, Cassandra A.; Greaves, Stuart J.; Orr-Ewing, Andrew J.; Dagdigian, Paul J.
Comparisons are presented of experimental and theoretical studies of the rotationally inelastic scattering of CD3 radicals with H2 and D2 collision partners at respective collision energies of 680 ± 75 and 640 ± 60 cm-1. Close-coupling quantum-mechanical calculations performed using a newly constructed ab initio potential energy surface (PES) provide initial-to-final CD3 rotational level (n, k → n', k') integral and differential cross sections (ICSs and DCSs). The DCSs are compared with crossed molecular beam and velocity map imaging measurements of angular scattering distributions, which serve as a critical test of the accuracy of the new PES. In general, there is very good agreement between the experimental measurements and the calculations. The DCSs for CD3 scattering from both H2 and D2 peak in the forward hemisphere for n' = 2-4 and shift more to sideways and backward scattering for n' = 5. For n' = 6-8, the DCSs are dominated by backward scattering. DCSs for a particular CD3 n → n' transition have a similar angular dependence with either D2 or H2 as collision partner. Any differences between DCSs or ICSs can be attributed to mass effects because the PES is unchanged for CD3-H2 and CD3-D2 collisions. Further comparisons are drawn between the CD3-D2 scattering and results for CD3-He presented in our recent paper [O. Tkáč, A. G. Sage, S. J. Greaves, A. J. Orr-Ewing, P. J. Dagdigian, Q. Ma, and M. H. Alexander, Chem. Sci. 4, 4199 (2013)]. These systems have the same reduced mass, but are governed by different PESs.
Generalized parton distributions from deep virtual compton scattering at CLAS
Guidal, M.
Here, we have analyzed the beam spin asymmetry and the longitudinally polarized target spin asymmetry of the Deep Virtual Compton Scattering process, recently measured by the Jefferson Lab CLAS collaboration. Our aim is to extract information about the Generalized Parton Distributions of the proton. By fitting these data, in a largely model-independent procedure, we are able to extract numerical values for the two Compton Form Factorsmore » $$H_{Im}$$ and $$\\tilde{H}_{Im}$$ with uncertainties, in average, of the order of 30%.« less
Giant angular dependence of electromagnetic induced transparency in THz metamaterials
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Liu, Changji; Huang, Yuanyuan; Yao, Zehan; Yu, Leilei; Jin, Yanping; Xu, Xinlong
The giant electromagnetic induced transparency (EIT) phenomenon is observed in symmetrical metamaterials with angular dependence in the THz region. This is due to the asymmetrical electromagnetic field distribution on the surface of the metamaterials, which induces asymmetric current distribution. Blueshift with the increase of the unit cell period has been observed, which is due to the unusual electromagnetic interaction between units at oblique incidence. This EIT demonstrates an angular dependent high Q-factor, which is sensitive to the dielectric environment. The angle-induced EIT effect could pave the way for future tunable sensing applications in the THz region.
Khachatryan, Vardan
Our search is presented for quark contact interactions and extra spatial dimensions in proton–proton collisions at √s=8TeVusing dijet angular distributions. The search is based on a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7fb -1collected by the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. Dijet angular distributions are found to be in agreement with the perturbative QCD predictions that include electroweak corrections. Limits on the contact interaction scale from a variety of models at next-to-leading order in QCD corrections are obtained. A benchmark model in which only left-handed quarks participate is excluded up to a scale of 9.0 (11.7)TeV formore » destructive (constructive) interference at 95% confidence level. Finally, lower limits between 5.9 and 8.4TeV on the scale of virtual graviton exchange are extracted for the Arkani-Hamed–Dimopoulos–Dvali model of extra spatial dimensions.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Khachatryan, V.; Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Bergauer, T.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J.; Friedl, M.; Frühwirth, R.; Ghete, V. M.; Hartl, C.; Hörmann, N.; Hrubec, J.; Jeitler, M.; Kiesenhofer, W.; Knünz, V.; Krammer, M.; Krätschmer, I.; Liko, D.; Mikulec, I.; Rabady, D.; Rahbaran, B.; Rohringer, H.; Schöfbeck, R.; Strauss, J.; Treberer-Treberspurg, W.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C.-E.; Mossolov, V.; Shumeiko, N.; Suarez Gonzalez, J.; Alderweireldt, S.; Bansal, M.; Bansal, S.; Cornelis, T.; De Wolf, E. A.; Janssen, X.; Knutsson, A.; Lauwers, J.; Luyckx, S.; Ochesanu, S.; Rougny, R.; Van De Klundert, M.; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Remortel, N.; Van Spilbeeck, A.; Blekman, F.; Blyweert, S.; D'Hondt, J.; Daci, N.; Heracleous, N.; Keaveney, J.; Lowette, S.; Maes, M.; Olbrechts, A.; Python, Q.; Strom, D.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Van Onsem, G. P.; Villella, I.; Caillol, C.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Dobur, D.; Favart, L.; Gay, A. P. R.; Grebenyuk, A.; Léonard, A.; Mohammadi, A.; Perniè, L.; Reis, T.; Seva, T.; Thomas, L.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Wang, J.; Zenoni, F.; Adler, V.; Beernaert, K.; Benucci, L.; Cimmino, A.; Costantini, S.; Crucy, S.; Dildick, S.; Fagot, A.; Garcia, G.; Mccartin, J.; Ocampo Rios, A. A.; Ryckbosch, D.; Salva Diblen, S.; Sigamani, M.; Strobbe, N.; Thyssen, F.; Tytgat, M.; Yazgan, E.; Zaganidis, N.; Basegmez, S.; Beluffi, C.; Bruno, G.; Castello, R.; Caudron, A.; Ceard, L.; Da Silveira, G. G.; Delaere, C.; du Pree, T.; Favart, D.; Forthomme, L.; Giammanco, A.; Hollar, J.; Jafari, A.; Jez, P.; Komm, M.; Lemaitre, V.; Nuttens, C.; Pagano, D.; Perrini, L.; Pin, A.; Piotrzkowski, K.; Popov, A.; Quertenmont, L.; Selvaggi, M.; Vidal Marono, M.; Vizan Garcia, J. M.; Beliy, N.; Caebergs, T.; Daubie, E.; Hammad, G. H.; Aldá Júnior, W. L.; Alves, G. A.; Brito, L.; Correa Martins Junior, M.; Dos Reis Martins, T.; Mora Herrera, C.; Pol, M. E.; Carvalho, W.; Chinellato, J.; Custódio, A.; Da Costa, E. M.; De Jesus Damiao, D.; De Oliveira Martins, C.; Fonseca De Souza, S.; Malbouisson, H.; Matos Figueiredo, D.; Mundim, L.; Nogima, H.; Prado Da Silva, W. L.; Santaolalla, J.; Santoro, A.; Sznajder, A.; Tonelli Manganote, E. J.; Vilela Pereira, A.; Bernardes, C. A.; Dogra, S.; Fernandez Perez Tomei, T. R.; Gregores, E. M.; Mercadante, P. G.; Novaes, S. F.; Padula, Sandra S.; Aleksandrov, A.; Genchev, V.; Iaydjiev, P.; Marinov, A.; Piperov, S.; Rodozov, M.; Sultanov, G.; Vutova, M.; Dimitrov, A.; Glushkov, I.; Hadjiiska, R.; Kozhuharov, V.; Litov, L.; Pavlov, B.; Petkov, P.; Bian, J. G.; Chen, G. M.; Chen, H. S.; Chen, M.; Cheng, T.; Du, R.; Jiang, C. H.; Plestina, R.; Romeo, F.; Tao, J.; Wang, Z.; Asawatangtrakuldee, C.; Ban, Y.; Li, Q.; Liu, S.; Mao, Y.; Qian, S. J.; Wang, D.; Zou, W.; Avila, C.; Chaparro Sierra, L. F.; Florez, C.; Gomez, J. P.; Gomez Moreno, B.; Sanabria, J. C.; Godinovic, N.; Lelas, D.; Polic, D.; Puljak, I.; Antunovic, Z.; Kovac, M.; Brigljevic, V.; Kadija, K.; Luetic, J.; Mekterovic, D.; Sudic, L.; Attikis, A.; Mavromanolakis, G.; Mousa, J.; Nicolaou, C.; Ptochos, F.; Razis, P. A.; Bodlak, M.; Finger, M.; Finger, M.; Assran, Y.; Elgammal, S.; Mahmoud, M. A.; Radi, A.; Kadastik, M.; Murumaa, M.; Raidal, M.; Tiko, A.; Eerola, P.; Fedi, G.; Voutilainen, M.; Härkönen, J.; Karimäki, V.; Kinnunen, R.; Kortelainen, M. J.; Lampén, T.; Lassila-Perini, K.; Lehti, S.; Lindén, T.; Luukka, P.; Mäenpää, T.; Peltola, T.; Tuominen, E.; Tuominiemi, J.; Tuovinen, E.; Wendland, L.; Talvitie, J.; Tuuva, T.; Besancon, M.; Couderc, F.; Dejardin, M.; Denegri, D.; Fabbro, B.; Faure, J. L.; Favaro, C.; Ferri, F.; Ganjour, S.; Givernaud, A.; Gras, P.; Hamel de Monchenault, G.; Jarry, P.; Locci, E.; Malcles, J.; Rander, J.; Rosowsky, A.; Titov, M.; Baffioni, S.; Beaudette, F.; Busson, P.; Charlot, C.; Dahms, T.; Dalchenko, M.; Dobrzynski, L.; Filipovic, N.; Florent, A.; Granier de Cassagnac, R.; Mastrolorenzo, L.; Miné, P.; Mironov, C.; Naranjo, I. N.; Nguyen, M.; Ochando, C.; Paganini, P.; Regnard, S.; Salerno, R.; Sauvan, J. B.; Sirois, Y.; Veelken, C.; Yilmaz, Y.; Zabi, A.; Agram, J.-L.; Andrea, J.; Aubin, A.; Bloch, D.; Brom, J.-M.; Chabert, E. C.; Collard, C.; Conte, E.; Fontaine, J.-C.; Gelé, D.; Goerlach, U.; Goetzmann, C.; Le Bihan, A.-C.; Van Hove, P.; Gadrat, S.; Beauceron, S.; Beaupere, N.; Boudoul, G.; Bouvier, E.; Brochet, S.; Carrillo Montoya, C. A.; Chasserat, J.; Chierici, R.; Contardo, D.; Depasse, P.; El Mamouni, H.; Fan, J.; Fay, J.; Gascon, S.; Gouzevitch, M.; Ille, B.; Kurca, T.; Lethuillier, M.; Mirabito, L.; Perries, S.; Ruiz Alvarez, J. D.; Sabes, D.; Sgandurra, L.; Sordini, V.; Vander Donckt, M.; Verdier, P.; Viret, S.; Xiao, H.; Tsamalaidze, Z.; Autermann, C.; Beranek, S.; Bontenackels, M.; Edelhoff, M.; Feld, L.; Heister, A.; Hindrichs, O.; Klein, K.; Ostapchuk, A.; Raupach, F.; Sammet, J.; Schael, S.; Weber, H.; Wittmer, B.; Zhukov, V.; Ata, M.; Brodski, M.; Dietz-Laursonn, E.; Duchardt, D.; Erdmann, M.; Fischer, R.; Güth, A.; Hebbeker, T.; Heidemann, C.; Hoepfner, K.; Klingebiel, D.; Knutzen, S.; Kreuzer, P.; Merschmeyer, M.; Meyer, A.; Millet, P.; Olschewski, M.; Padeken, K.; Papacz, P.; Reithler, H.; Schmitz, S. A.; Sonnenschein, L.; Teyssier, D.; Thüer, S.; Weber, M.; Cherepanov, V.; Erdogan, Y.; Flügge, G.; Geenen, H.; Geisler, M.; Haj Ahmad, W.; Hoehle, F.; Kargoll, B.; Kress, T.; Kuessel, Y.; Künsken, A.; Lingemann, J.; Nowack, A.; Nugent, I. M.; Perchalla, L.; Pooth, O.; Stahl, A.; Asin, I.; Bartosik, N.; Behr, J.; Behrenhoff, W.; Behrens, U.; Bell, A. J.; Bergholz, M.; Bethani, A.; Borras, K.; Burgmeier, A.; Cakir, A.; Calligaris, L.; Campbell, A.; Choudhury, S.; Costanza, F.; Diez Pardos, C.; Dolinska, G.; Dooling, S.; Dorland, T.; Eckerlin, G.; Eckstein, D.; Eichhorn, T.; Flucke, G.; Garay Garcia, J.; Geiser, A.; Gunnellini, P.; Hauk, J.; Hempel, M.; Horton, D.; Jung, H.; Kalogeropoulos, A.; Kasemann, M.; Katsas, P.; Kieseler, J.; Kleinwort, C.; Korol, I.; Krücker, D.; Lange, W.; Leonard, J.; Lipka, K.; Lobanov, A.; Lohmann, W.; Lutz, B.; Mankel, R.; Marfin, I.; Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A.; Meyer, A. B.; Mittag, G.; Mnich, J.; Mussgiller, A.; Naumann-Emme, S.; Nayak, A.; Novgorodova, O.; Ntomari, E.; Perrey, H.; Pitzl, D.; Placakyte, R.; Raspereza, A.; Ribeiro Cipriano, P. M.; Roland, B.; Ron, E.; Sahin, M. Ö.; Salfeld-Nebgen, J.; Saxena, P.; Schmidt, R.; Schoerner-Sadenius, T.; Schröder, M.; Seitz, C.; Spannagel, S.; Vargas Trevino, A. D. R.; Walsh, R.; Wissing, C.; Aldaya Martin, M.; Blobel, V.; Centis Vignali, M.; Draeger, A. R.; Erfle, J.; Garutti, E.; Goebel, K.; Görner, M.; Haller, J.; Hoffmann, M.; Höing, R. S.; Kirschenmann, H.; Klanner, R.; Kogler, R.; Lange, J.; Lapsien, T.; Lenz, T.; Marchesini, I.; Ott, J.; Peiffer, T.; Perieanu, A.; Pietsch, N.; Poehlsen, J.; Poehlsen, T.; Rathjens, D.; Sander, C.; Schettler, H.; Schleper, P.; Schlieckau, E.; Schmidt, A.; Seidel, M.; Sola, V.; Stadie, H.; Steinbrück, G.; Troendle, D.; Usai, E.; Vanelderen, L.; Vanhoefer, A.; Barth, C.; Baus, C.; Berger, J.; Böser, C.; Butz, E.; Chwalek, T.; De Boer, W.; Descroix, A.; Dierlamm, A.; Feindt, M.; Frensch, F.; Giffels, M.; Gilbert, A.; Hartmann, F.; Hauth, T.; Husemann, U.; Katkov, I.; Kornmayer, A.; Kuznetsova, E.; Lobelle Pardo, P.; Mozer, M. U.; Müller, Th.; Nürnberg, A.; Quast, G.; Rabbertz, K.; Ratnikov, F.; Röcker, S.; Simonis, H. J.; Stober, F. M.; Ulrich, R.; Wagner-Kuhr, J.; Wayand, S.; Weiler, T.; Wolf, R.; Anagnostou, G.; Daskalakis, G.; Geralis, T.; Giakoumopoulou, V. A.; Kyriakis, A.; Loukas, D.; Markou, A.; Markou, C.; Psallidas, A.; Topsis-Giotis, I.; Agapitos, A.; Kesisoglou, S.; Panagiotou, A.; Saoulidou, N.; Stiliaris, E.; Aslanoglou, X.; Evangelou, I.; Flouris, G.; Foudas, C.; Kokkas, P.; Manthos, N.; Papadopoulos, I.; Paradas, E.; Strologas, J.; Bencze, G.; Hajdu, C.; Hidas, P.; Horvath, D.; Sikler, F.; Veszpremi, V.; Vesztergombi, G.; Zsigmond, A. J.; Beni, N.; Czellar, S.; Karancsi, J.; Molnar, J.; Palinkas, J.; Szillasi, Z.; Makovec, A.; Raics, P.; Trocsanyi, Z. L.; Ujvari, B.; Swain, S. K.; Beri, S. B.; Bhatnagar, V.; Gupta, R.; Bhawandeep, U.; Kalsi, A. K.; Kaur, M.; Kumar, R.; Mittal, M.; Nishu, N.; Singh, J. B.; Kumar, Ashok; Kumar, Arun; Ahuja, S.; Bhardwaj, A.; Choudhary, B. C.; Kumar, A.; Malhotra, S.; Naimuddin, M.; Ranjan, K.; Sharma, V.; Banerjee, S.; Bhattacharya, S.; Chatterjee, K.; Dutta, S.; Gomber, B.; Jain, Sa.; Jain, Sh.; Khurana, R.; Modak, A.; Mukherjee, S.; Roy, D.; Sarkar, S.; Sharan, M.; Abdulsalam, A.; Dutta, D.; Kailas, S.; Kumar, V.; Mohanty, A. K.; Pant, L. M.; Shukla, P.; Topkar, A.; Aziz, T.; Banerjee, S.; Bhowmik, S.; Chatterjee, R. M.; Dewanjee, R. K.; Dugad, S.; Ganguly, S.; Ghosh, S.; Guchait, M.; Gurtu, A.; Kole, G.; Kumar, S.; Maity, M.; Majumder, G.; Mazumdar, K.; Mohanty, G. B.; Parida, B.; Sudhakar, K.; Wickramage, N.; Bakhshiansohi, H.; Behnamian, H.; Etesami, S. M.; Fahim, A.; Goldouzian, R.; Khakzad, M.; Mohammadi Najafabadi, M.; Naseri, M.; Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S.; Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F.; Safarzadeh, B.; Zeinali, M.; Felcini, M.; Grunewald, M.; Abbrescia, M.; Calabria, C.; Chhibra, S. S.; Colaleo, A.; Creanza, D.; De Filippis, N.; De Palma, M.; Fiore, L.; Iaselli, G.; Maggi, G.; Maggi, M.; My, S.; Nuzzo, S.; Pompili, A.; Pugliese, G.; Radogna, R.; Selvaggi, G.; Sharma, A.; Silvestris, L.; Venditti, R.; Abbiendi, G.; Benvenuti, A. C.; Bonacorsi, D.; Braibant-Giacomelli, S.; Brigliadori, L.; Campanini, R.; Capiluppi, P.; Castro, A.; Cavallo, F. R.; Codispoti, G.; Cuffiani, M.; Dallavalle, G. M.; Fabbri, F.; Fanfani, A.; Fasanella, D.; Giacomelli, P.; Grandi, C.; Guiducci, L.; Marcellini, S.; Masetti, G.; Montanari, A.; Navarria, F. L.; Perrotta, A.; Primavera, F.; Rossi, A. M.; Rovelli, T.; Siroli, G. P.; Tosi, N.; Travaglini, R.; Albergo, S.; Cappello, G.; Chiorboli, M.; Costa, S.; Giordano, F.; Potenza, R.; Tricomi, A.; Tuve, C.; Barbagli, G.; Ciulli, V.; Civinini, C.; D'Alessandro, R.; Focardi, E.; Gallo, E.; Gonzi, S.; Gori, V.; Lenzi, P.; Meschini, M.; Paoletti, S.; Sguazzoni, G.; Tropiano, A.; Benussi, L.; Bianco, S.; Fabbri, F.; Piccolo, D.; Ferretti, R.; Ferro, F.; Lo Vetere, M.; Robutti, E.; Tosi, S.; Dinardo, M. E.; Fiorendi, S.; Gennai, S.; Gerosa, R.; Ghezzi, A.; Govoni, P.; Lucchini, M. T.; Malvezzi, S.; Manzoni, R. A.; Martelli, A.; Marzocchi, B.; Menasce, D.; Moroni, L.; Paganoni, M.; Pedrini, D.; Ragazzi, S.; Redaelli, N.; Tabarelli de Fatis, T.; Buontempo, S.; Cavallo, N.; Di Guida, S.; Fabozzi, F.; Iorio, A. O. M.; Lista, L.; Meola, S.; Merola, M.; Paolucci, P.; Azzi, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Bisello, D.; Branca, A.; Carlin, R.; Checchia, P.; Dall'Osso, M.; Dorigo, T.; Dosselli, U.; Galanti, M.; Gasparini, F.; Gasparini, U.; Giubilato, P.; Gozzelino, A.; Kanishchev, K.; Lacaprara, S.; Margoni, M.; Meneguzzo, A. T.; Pazzini, J.; Pozzobon, N.; Ronchese, P.; Simonetto, F.; Torassa, E.; Tosi, M.; Zotto, P.; Zucchetta, A.; Zumerle, G.; Gabusi, M.; Ratti, S. P.; Re, V.; Riccardi, C.; Salvini, P.; Vitulo, P.; Biasini, M.; Bilei, G. M.; Ciangottini, D.; Fanò, L.; Lariccia, P.; Mantovani, G.; Menichelli, M.; Saha, A.; Santocchia, A.; Spiezia, A.; Androsov, K.; Azzurri, P.; Bagliesi, G.; Bernardini, J.; Boccali, T.; Broccolo, G.; Castaldi, R.; Ciocci, M. A.; Dell'Orso, R.; Donato, S.; Fiori, F.; Foà, L.; Giassi, A.; Grippo, M. T.; Ligabue, F.; Lomtadze, T.; Martini, L.; Messineo, A.; Moon, C. S.; Palla, F.; Rizzi, A.; Savoy-Navarro, A.; Serban, A. T.; Spagnolo, P.; Squillacioti, P.; Tenchini, R.; Tonelli, G.; Venturi, A.; Verdini, P. G.; Vernieri, C.; Barone, L.; Cavallari, F.; D'imperio, G.; Del Re, D.; Diemoz, M.; Jorda, C.; Longo, E.; Margaroli, F.; Meridiani, P.; Micheli, F.; Nourbakhsh, S.; Organtini, G.; Paramatti, R.; Rahatlou, S.; Rovelli, C.; Santanastasio, F.; Soffi, L.; Traczyk, P.; Amapane, N.; Arcidiacono, R.; Argiro, S.; Arneodo, M.; Bellan, R.; Biino, C.; Cartiglia, N.; Casasso, S.; Costa, M.; Degano, A.; Demaria, N.; Finco, L.; Mariotti, C.; Maselli, S.; Migliore, E.; Monaco, V.; Musich, M.; Obertino, M. M.; Ortona, G.; Pacher, L.; Pastrone, N.; Pelliccioni, M.; Pinna Angioni, G. L.; Potenza, A.; Romero, A.; Ruspa, M.; Sacchi, R.; Solano, A.; Staiano, A.; Tamponi, U.; Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; Della Ricca, G.; Gobbo, B.; La Licata, C.; Marone, M.; Schizzi, A.; Umer, T.; Zanetti, A.; Chang, S.; Kropivnitskaya, A.; Nam, S. K.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, G. N.; Kim, M. S.; Kong, D. J.; Lee, S.; Oh, Y. D.; Park, H.; Sakharov, A.; Son, D. C.; Kim, T. J.; Kim, J. Y.; Song, S.; Choi, S.; Gyun, D.; Hong, B.; Jo, M.; Kim, H.; Kim, Y.; Lee, B.; Lee, K. S.; Park, S. K.; Roh, Y.; Choi, M.; Kim, J. H.; Park, I. C.; Ryu, G.; Ryu, M. S.; Choi, Y.; Choi, Y. K.; Goh, J.; Kim, D.; Kwon, E.; Lee, J.; Seo, H.; Yu, I.; Juodagalvis, A.; Komaragiri, J. R.; Md Ali, M. A. B.; Casimiro Linares, E.; Castilla-Valdez, H.; De La Cruz-Burelo, E.; Heredia-de La Cruz, I.; Hernandez-Almada, A.; Lopez-Fernandez, R.; Sanchez-Hernandez, A.; Carrillo Moreno, S.; Vazquez Valencia, F.; Pedraza, I.; Salazar Ibarguen, H. A.; Morelos Pineda, A.; Krofcheck, D.; Butler, P. H.; Reucroft, S.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmad, M.; Hassan, Q.; Hoorani, H. R.; Khan, W. A.; Khurshid, T.; Shoaib, M.; Bialkowska, H.; Bluj, M.; Boimska, B.; Frueboes, T.; Górski, M.; Kazana, M.; Nawrocki, K.; Romanowska-Rybinska, K.; Szleper, M.; Zalewski, P.; Brona, G.; Bunkowski, K.; Cwiok, M.; Dominik, W.; Doroba, K.; Kalinowski, A.; Konecki, M.; Krolikowski, J.; Misiura, M.; Olszewski, M.; Wolszczak, W.; Bargassa, P.; Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C.; Faccioli, P.; Ferreira Parracho, P. G.; Gallinaro, M.; Lloret Iglesias, L.; Nguyen, F.; Rodrigues Antunes, J.; Seixas, J.; Varela, J.; Vischia, P.; Bunin, P.; Gavrilenko, M.; Golutvin, I.; Gorbunov, I.; Karjavin, V.; Konoplyanikov, V.; Lanev, A.; Malakhov, A.; Matveev, V.; Moisenz, P.; Palichik, V.; Perelygin, V.; Savina, M.; Shmatov, S.; Shulha, S.; Skatchkov, N.; Smirnov, V.; Zarubin, A.; Golovtsov, V.; Ivanov, Y.; Kim, V.; Levchenko, P.; Murzin, V.; Oreshkin, V.; Smirnov, I.; Sulimov, V.; Uvarov, L.; Vavilov, S.; Vorobyev, A.; Vorobyev, An.; Andreev, Yu.; Dermenev, A.; Gninenko, S.; Golubev, N.; Kirsanov, M.; Krasnikov, N.; Pashenkov, A.; Tlisov, D.; Toropin, A.; Epshteyn, V.; Gavrilov, V.; Lychkovskaya, N.; Popov, V.; Pozdnyakov, I.; Safronov, G.; Semenov, S.; Spiridonov, A.; Stolin, V.; Vlasov, E.; Zhokin, A.; Andreev, V.; Azarkin, M.; Dremin, I.; Kirakosyan, M.; Leonidov, A.; Mesyats, G.; Rusakov, S. V.; Vinogradov, A.; Belyaev, A.; Boos, E.; Bunichev, V.; Dubinin, M.; Dudko, L.; Ershov, A.; Klyukhin, V.; Kodolova, O.; Lokhtin, I.; Obraztsov, S.; Perfilov, M.; Petrushanko, S.; Savrin, V.; Azhgirey, I.; Bayshev, I.; Bitioukov, S.; Kachanov, V.; Kalinin, A.; Konstantinov, D.; Krychkine, V.; Petrov, V.; Ryutin, R.; Sobol, A.; Tourtchanovitch, L.; Troshin, S.; Tyurin, N.; Uzunian, A.; Volkov, A.; Adzic, P.; Ekmedzic, M.; Milosevic, J.; Rekovic, V.; Alcaraz Maestre, J.; Battilana, C.; Calvo, E.; Cerrada, M.; Chamizo Llatas, M.; Colino, N.; De La Cruz, B.; Delgado Peris, A.; Domínguez Vázquez, D.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Fernandez Bedoya, C.; Fernández Ramos, J. P.; Flix, J.; Fouz, M. C.; Garcia-Abia, P.; Gonzalez Lopez, O.; Goy Lopez, S.; Hernandez, J. M.; Josa, M. I.; Navarro De Martino, E.; Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.; Puerta Pelayo, J.; Quintario Olmeda, A.; Redondo, I.; Romero, L.; Soares, M. S.; Albajar, C.; de Trocóniz, J. F.; Missiroli, M.; Moran, D.; Brun, H.; Cuevas, J.; Fernandez Menendez, J.; Folgueras, S.; Gonzalez Caballero, I.; Brochero Cifuentes, J. A.; Cabrillo, I. J.; Calderon, A.; Duarte Campderros, J.; Fernandez, M.; Gomez, G.; Graziano, A.; Lopez Virto, A.; Marco, J.; Marco, R.; Martinez Rivero, C.; Matorras, F.; Munoz Sanchez, F. J.; Piedra Gomez, J.; Rodrigo, T.; Rodríguez-Marrero, A. Y.; Ruiz-Jimeno, A.; Scodellaro, L.; Vila, I.; Vilar Cortabitarte, R.; Abbaneo, D.; Auffray, E.; Auzinger, G.; Bachtis, M.; Baillon, P.; Ball, A. H.; Barney, D.; Benaglia, A.; Bendavid, J.; Benhabib, L.; Benitez, J. F.; Bernet, C.; Bloch, P.; Bocci, A.; Bonato, A.; Bondu, O.; Botta, C.; Breuker, H.; Camporesi, T.; Cerminara, G.; Colafranceschi, S.; D'Alfonso, M.; d'Enterria, D.; Dabrowski, A.; David, A.; De Guio, F.; De Roeck, A.; De Visscher, S.; Di Marco, E.; Dobson, M.; Dordevic, M.; Dorney, B.; Dupont-Sagorin, N.; Elliott-Peisert, A.; Eugster, J.; Franzoni, G.; Funk, W.; Gigi, D.; Gill, K.; Giordano, D.; Girone, M.; Glege, F.; Guida, R.; Gundacker, S.; Guthoff, M.; Hammer, J.; Hansen, M.; Harris, P.; Hegeman, J.; Innocente, V.; Janot, P.; Kousouris, K.; Krajczar, K.; Lecoq, P.; Lourenço, C.; Magini, N.; Malgeri, L.; Mannelli, M.; Marrouche, J.; Masetti, L.; Meijers, F.; Mersi, S.; Meschi, E.; Moortgat, F.; Morovic, S.; Mulders, M.; Musella, P.; Orsini, L.; Pape, L.; Perez, E.; Perrozzi, L.; Petrilli, A.; Petrucciani, G.; Pfeiffer, A.; Pierini, M.; Pimiä, M.; Piparo, D.; Plagge, M.; Racz, A.; Rolandi, G.; Rovere, M.; Sakulin, H.; Schäfer, C.; Schwick, C.; Sharma, A.; Siegrist, P.; Silva, P.; Simon, M.; Sphicas, P.; Spiga, D.; Steggemann, J.; Stieger, B.; Stoye, M.; Takahashi, Y.; Treille, D.; Tsirou, A.; Veres, G. I.; Wardle, N.; Wöhri, H. K.; Wollny, H.; Zeuner, W. D.; Bertl, W.; Deiters, K.; Erdmann, W.; Horisberger, R.; Ingram, Q.; Kaestli, H. C.; Kotlinski, D.; Langenegger, U.; Renker, D.; Rohe, T.; Bachmair, F.; Bäni, L.; Bianchini, L.; Buchmann, M. A.; Casal, B.; Chanon, N.; Dissertori, G.; Dittmar, M.; Donegà, M.; Dünser, M.; Eller, P.; Grab, C.; Hits, D.; Hoss, J.; Lustermann, W.; Mangano, B.; Marini, A. C.; Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P.; Masciovecchio, M.; Meister, D.; Mohr, N.; Nägeli, C.; Nessi-Tedaldi, F.; Pandolfi, F.; Pauss, F.; Peruzzi, M.; Quittnat, M.; Rebane, L.; Rossini, M.; Starodumov, A.; Takahashi, M.; Theofilatos, K.; Wallny, R.; Weber, H. A.; Amsler, C.; Canelli, M. F.; Chiochia, V.; De Cosa, A.; Hinzmann, A.; Hreus, T.; Kilminster, B.; Lange, C.; Millan Mejias, B.; Ngadiuba, J.; Robmann, P.; Ronga, F. J.; Taroni, S.; Verzetti, M.; Yang, Y.; Cardaci, M.; Chen, K. H.; Ferro, C.; Kuo, C. M.; Lin, W.; Lu, Y. J.; Volpe, R.; Yu, S. S.; Chang, P.; Chang, Y. H.; Chang, Y. W.; Chao, Y.; Chen, K. F.; Chen, P. H.; Dietz, C.; Grundler, U.; Hou, W.-S.; Kao, K. Y.; Lei, Y. J.; Liu, Y. F.; Lu, R.-S.; Majumder, D.; Petrakou, E.; Tzeng, Y. M.; Wilken, R.; Asavapibhop, B.; Singh, G.; Srimanobhas, N.; Suwonjandee, N.; Adiguzel, A.; Bakirci, M. N.; Cerci, S.; Dozen, C.; Dumanoglu, I.; Eskut, E.; Girgis, S.; Gokbulut, G.; Gurpinar, E.; Hos, I.; Kangal, E. E.; Kayis Topaksu, A.; Onengut, G.; Ozdemir, K.; Ozturk, S.; Polatoz, A.; Sunar Cerci, D.; Tali, B.; Topakli, H.; Vergili, M.; Akin, I. V.; Bilin, B.; Bilmis, S.; Gamsizkan, H.; Isildak, B.; Karapinar, G.; Ocalan, K.; Sekmen, S.; Surat, U. E.; Yalvac, M.; Zeyrek, M.; Albayrak, E. A.; Gülmez, E.; Kaya, M.; Kaya, O.; Yetkin, T.; Cankocak, K.; Vardarlı, F. I.; Levchuk, L.; Sorokin, P.; Brooke, J. J.; Clement, E.; Cussans, D.; Flacher, H.; Goldstein, J.; Grimes, M.; Heath, G. P.; Heath, H. F.; Jacob, J.; Kreczko, L.; Lucas, C.; Meng, Z.; Newbold, D. M.; Paramesvaran, S.; Poll, A.; Sakuma, T.; Senkin, S.; Smith, V. J.; Williams, T.; Bell, K. W.; Belyaev, A.; Brew, C.; Brown, R. M.; Cockerill, D. J. A.; Coughlan, J. A.; Harder, K.; Harper, S.; Olaiya, E.; Petyt, D.; Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.; Thea, A.; Tomalin, I. R.; Womersley, W. J.; Worm, S. D.; Baber, M.; Bainbridge, R.; Buchmuller, O.; Burton, D.; Colling, D.; Cripps, N.; Cutajar, M.; Dauncey, P.; Davies, G.; Della Negra, M.; Dunne, P.; Ferguson, W.; Fulcher, J.; Futyan, D.; Hall, G.; Iles, G.; Jarvis, M.; Karapostoli, G.; Kenzie, M.; Lane, R.; Lucas, R.; Lyons, L.; Magnan, A.-M.; Malik, S.; Mathias, B.; Nash, J.; Nikitenko, A.; Pela, J.; Pesaresi, M.; Petridis, K.; Raymond, D. M.; Rogerson, S.; Rose, A.; Seez, C.; Sharp, P.; Tapper, A.; Vazquez Acosta, M.; Virdee, T.; Zenz, S. C.; Cole, J. E.; Hobson, P. R.; Khan, A.; Kyberd, P.; Leggat, D.; Leslie, D.; Martin, W.; Reid, I. D.; Symonds, P.; Teodorescu, L.; Turner, M.; Dittmann, J.; Hatakeyama, K.; Kasmi, A.; Liu, H.; Scarborough, T.; Charaf, O.; Cooper, S. I.; Henderson, C.; Rumerio, P.; Avetisyan, A.; Bose, T.; Fantasia, C.; Lawson, P.; Richardson, C.; Rohlf, J.; St. John, J.; Sulak, L.; Alimena, J.; Berry, E.; Bhattacharya, S.; Christopher, G.; Cutts, D.; Demiragli, Z.; Dhingra, N.; Ferapontov, A.; Garabedian, A.; Heintz, U.; Kukartsev, G.; Laird, E.; Landsberg, G.; Luk, M.; Narain, M.; Segala, M.; Sinthuprasith, T.; Speer, T.; Swanson, J.; Breedon, R.; Breto, G.; Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M.; Chauhan, S.; Chertok, M.; Conway, J.; Conway, R.; Cox, P. T.; Erbacher, R.; Gardner, M.; Ko, W.; Lander, R.; Miceli, T.; Mulhearn, M.; Pellett, D.; Pilot, J.; Ricci-Tam, F.; Searle, M.; Shalhout, S.; Smith, J.; Squires, M.; Stolp, D.; Tripathi, M.; Wilbur, S.; Yohay, R.; Cousins, R.; Everaerts, P.; Farrell, C.; Hauser, J.; Ignatenko, M.; Rakness, G.; Takasugi, E.; Valuev, V.; Weber, M.; Burt, K.; Clare, R.; Ellison, J.; Gary, J. W.; Hanson, G.; Heilman, J.; Ivova Rikova, M.; Jandir, P.; Kennedy, E.; Lacroix, F.; Long, O. R.; Luthra, A.; Malberti, M.; Olmedo Negrete, M.; Shrinivas, A.; Sumowidagdo, S.; Wimpenny, S.; Branson, J. G.; Cerati, G. B.; Cittolin, S.; D'Agnolo, R. T.; Holzner, A.; Kelley, R.; Klein, D.; Letts, J.; Macneill, I.; Olivito, D.; Padhi, S.; Palmer, C.; Pieri, M.; Sani, M.; Sharma, V.; Simon, S.; Sudano, E.; Tadel, M.; Tu, Y.; Vartak, A.; Welke, C.; Würthwein, F.; Yagil, A.; Barge, D.; Bradmiller-Feld, J.; Campagnari, C.; Danielson, T.; Dishaw, A.; Dutta, V.; Flowers, K.; Franco Sevilla, M.; Geffert, P.; George, C.; Golf, F.; Gouskos, L.; Incandela, J.; Justus, C.; Mccoll, N.; Richman, J.; Stuart, D.; To, W.; West, C.; Yoo, J.; Apresyan, A.; Bornheim, A.; Bunn, J.; Chen, Y.; Duarte, J.; Mott, A.; Newman, H. B.; Pena, C.; Rogan, C.; Spiropulu, M.; Timciuc, V.; Vlimant, J. R.; Wilkinson, R.; Xie, S.; Zhu, R. Y.; Azzolini, V.; Calamba, A.; Carlson, B.; Ferguson, T.; Iiyama, Y.; Paulini, M.; Russ, J.; Vogel, H.; Vorobiev, I.; Cumalat, J. P.; Ford, W. T.; Gaz, A.; Krohn, M.; Luiggi Lopez, E.; Nauenberg, U.; Smith, J. G.; Stenson, K.; Ulmer, K. A.; Wagner, S. R.; Alexander, J.; Chatterjee, A.; Chaves, J.; Chu, J.; Dittmer, S.; Eggert, N.; Mirman, N.; Nicolas Kaufman, G.; Patterson, J. R.; Ryd, A.; Salvati, E.; Skinnari, L.; Sun, W.; Teo, W. D.; Thom, J.; Thompson, J.; Tucker, J.; Weng, Y.; Winstrom, L.; Wittich, P.; Winn, D.; Abdullin, S.; Albrow, M.; Anderson, J.; Apollinari, G.; Bauerdick, L. A. T.; Beretvas, A.; Berryhill, J.; Bhat, P. C.; Bolla, G.; Burkett, K.; Butler, J. N.; Cheung, H. W. K.; Chlebana, F.; Cihangir, S.; Elvira, V. D.; Fisk, I.; Freeman, J.; Gao, Y.; Gottschalk, E.; Gray, L.; Green, D.; Grünendahl, S.; Gutsche, O.; Hanlon, J.; Hare, D.; Harris, R. M.; Hirschauer, J.; Hooberman, B.; Jindariani, S.; Johnson, M.; Joshi, U.; Kaadze, K.; Klima, B.; Kreis, B.; Kwan, S.; Linacre, J.; Lincoln, D.; Lipton, R.; Liu, T.; Lykken, J.; Maeshima, K.; Marraffino, J. M.; Martinez Outschoorn, V. I.; Maruyama, S.; Mason, D.; McBride, P.; Merkel, P.; Mishra, K.; Mrenna, S.; Musienko, Y.; Nahn, S.; Newman-Holmes, C.; O'Dell, V.; Prokofyev, O.; Sexton-Kennedy, E.; Sharma, S.; Soha, A.; Spalding, W. J.; Spiegel, L.; Taylor, L.; Tkaczyk, S.; Tran, N. V.; Uplegger, L.; Vaandering, E. W.; Vidal, R.; Whitbeck, A.; Whitmore, J.; Yang, F.; Acosta, D.; Avery, P.; Bortignon, P.; Bourilkov, D.; Carver, M.; Curry, D.; Das, S.; De Gruttola, M.; Di Giovanni, G. P.; Field, R. D.; Fisher, M.; Furic, I. K.; Hugon, J.; Konigsberg, J.; Korytov, A.; Kypreos, T.; Low, J. F.; Matchev, K.; Milenovic, P.; Mitselmakher, G.; Muniz, L.; Rinkevicius, A.; Shchutska, L.; Snowball, M.; Sperka, D.; Yelton, J.; Zakaria, M.; Hewamanage, S.; Linn, S.; Markowitz, P.; Martinez, G.; Rodriguez, J. L.; Adams, T.; Askew, A.; Bochenek, J.; Diamond, B.; Haas, J.; Hagopian, S.; Hagopian, V.; Johnson, K. F.; Prosper, H.; Veeraraghavan, V.; Weinberg, M.; Baarmand, M. M.; Hohlmann, M.; Kalakhety, H.; Yumiceva, F.; Adams, M. R.; Apanasevich, L.; Bazterra, V. E.; Berry, D.; Betts, R. R.; Bucinskaite, I.; Cavanaugh, R.; Evdokimov, O.; Gauthier, L.; Gerber, C. E.; Hofman, D. J.; Khalatyan, S.; Kurt, P.; Moon, D. H.; O'Brien, C.; Silkworth, C.; Turner, P.; Varelas, N.; Bilki, B.; Clarida, W.; Dilsiz, K.; Duru, F.; Haytmyradov, M.; Merlo, J.-P.; Mermerkaya, H.; Mestvirishvili, A.; Moeller, A.; Nachtman, J.; Ogul, H.; Onel, Y.; Ozok, F.; Penzo, A.; Rahmat, R.; Sen, S.; Tan, P.; Tiras, E.; Wetzel, J.; Yi, K.; Barnett, B. A.; Blumenfeld, B.; Bolognesi, S.; Fehling, D.; Gritsan, A. V.; Maksimovic, P.; Martin, C.; Swartz, M.; Baringer, P.; Bean, A.; Benelli, G.; Bruner, C.; Kenny, R. P., III; Malek, M.; Murray, M.; Noonan, D.; Sanders, S.; Sekaric, J.; Stringer, R.; Wang, Q.; Wood, J. S.; Chakaberia, I.; Ivanov, A.; Khalil, S.; Makouski, M.; Maravin, Y.; Saini, L. K.; Shrestha, S.; Skhirtladze, N.; Svintradze, I.; Gronberg, J.; Lange, D.; Rebassoo, F.; Wright, D.; Baden, A.; Belloni, A.; Calvert, B.; Eno, S. C.; Gomez, J. A.; Hadley, N. J.; Kellogg, R. G.; Kolberg, T.; Lu, Y.; Marionneau, M.; Mignerey, A. C.; Pedro, K.; Skuja, A.; Tonjes, M. B.; Tonwar, S. C.; Apyan, A.; Barbieri, R.; Bauer, G.; Busza, W.; Cali, I. A.; Chan, M.; Di Matteo, L.; Gomez Ceballos, G.; Goncharov, M.; Gulhan, D.; Klute, M.; Lai, Y. S.; Lee, Y.-J.; Levin, A.; Luckey, P. D.; Ma, T.; Paus, C.; Ralph, D.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stöckli, F.; Sumorok, K.; Velicanu, D.; Veverka, J.; Wyslouch, B.; Yang, M.; Zanetti, M.; Zhukova, V.; Dahmes, B.; Gude, A.; Kao, S. C.; Klapoetke, K.; Kubota, Y.; Mans, J.; Pastika, N.; Rusack, R.; Singovsky, A.; Tambe, N.; Turkewitz, J.; Acosta, J. G.; Oliveros, S.; Avdeeva, E.; Bloom, K.; Bose, S.; Claes, D. R.; Dominguez, A.; Gonzalez Suarez, R.; Keller, J.; Knowlton, D.; Kravchenko, I.; Lazo-Flores, J.; Malik, S.; Meier, F.; Snow, G. R.; Zvada, M.; Dolen, J.; Godshalk, A.; Iashvili, I.; Kharchilava, A.; Kumar, A.; Rappoccio, S.; Alverson, G.; Barberis, E.; Baumgartel, D.; Chasco, M.; Haley, J.; Massironi, A.; Morse, D. M.; Nash, D.; Orimoto, T.; Trocino, D.; Wang, R.-J.; Wood, D.; Zhang, J.; Hahn, K. A.; Kubik, A.; Mucia, N.; Odell, N.; Pollack, B.; Pozdnyakov, A.; Schmitt, M.; Stoynev, S.; Sung, K.; Velasco, M.; Won, S.; Brinkerhoff, A.; Chan, K. M.; Drozdetskiy, A.; Hildreth, M.; Jessop, C.; Karmgard, D. J.; Kellams, N.; Lannon, K.; Luo, W.; Lynch, S.; Marinelli, N.; Pearson, T.; Planer, M.; Ruchti, R.; Valls, N.; Wayne, M.; Wolf, M.; Woodard, A.; Antonelli, L.; Brinson, J.; Bylsma, B.; Durkin, L. S.; Flowers, S.; Hart, A.; Hill, C.; Hughes, R.; Kotov, K.; Ling, T. Y.; Puigh, D.; Rodenburg, M.; Smith, G.; Winer, B. L.; Wolfe, H.; Wulsin, H. W.; Driga, O.; Elmer, P.; Hardenbrook, J.; Hebda, P.; Hunt, A.; Koay, S. A.; Lujan, P.; Marlow, D.; Medvedeva, T.; Mooney, M.; Olsen, J.; Piroué, P.; Quan, X.; Saka, H.; Stickland, D.; Tully, C.; Werner, J. S.; Zuranski, A.; Brownson, E.; Mendez, H.; Ramirez Vargas, J. E.; Barnes, V. E.; Benedetti, D.; Bortoletto, D.; De Mattia, M.; Gutay, L.; Hu, Z.; Jha, M. K.; Jones, M.; Jung, K.; Kress, M.; Leonardo, N.; Lopes Pegna, D.; Maroussov, V.; Miller, D. H.; Neumeister, N.; Radburn-Smith, B. C.; Shi, X.; Shipsey, I.; Silvers, D.; Svyatkovskiy, A.; Wang, F.; Xie, W.; Xu, L.; Yoo, H. D.; Zablocki, J.; Zheng, Y.; Parashar, N.; Stupak, J.; Adair, A.; Akgun, B.; Ecklund, K. M.; Geurts, F. J. M.; Li, W.; Michlin, B.; Padley, B. P.; Redjimi, R.; Roberts, J.; Zabel, J.; Betchart, B.; Bodek, A.; Covarelli, R.; de Barbaro, P.; Demina, R.; Eshaq, Y.; Ferbel, T.; Garcia-Bellido, A.; Goldenzweig, P.; Han, J.; Harel, A.; Khukhunaishvili, A.; Korjenevski, S.; Petrillo, G.; Vishnevskiy, D.; Ciesielski, R.; Demortier, L.; Goulianos, K.; Lungu, G.; Mesropian, C.; Arora, S.; Barker, A.; Chou, J. P.; Contreras-Campana, C.; Contreras-Campana, E.; Duggan, D.; Ferencek, D.; Gershtein, Y.; Gray, R.; Halkiadakis, E.; Hidas, D.; Kaplan, S.; Lath, A.; Panwalkar, S.; Park, M.; Patel, R.; Salur, S.; Schnetzer, S.; Somalwar, S.; Stone, R.; Thomas, S.; Thomassen, P.; Walker, M.; Rose, K.; Spanier, S.; York, A.; Bouhali, O.; Castaneda Hernandez, A.; Eusebi, R.; Flanagan, W.; Gilmore, J.; Kamon, T.; Khotilovich, V.; Krutelyov, V.; Montalvo, R.; Osipenkov, I.; Pakhotin, Y.; Perloff, A.; Roe, J.; Rose, A.; Safonov, A.; Suarez, I.; Tatarinov, A.; Akchurin, N.; Cowden, C.; Damgov, J.; Dragoiu, C.; Dudero, P. R.; Faulkner, J.; Kovitanggoon, K.; Kunori, S.; Lee, S. W.; Libeiro, T.; Volobouev, I.; Appelt, E.; Delannoy, A. G.; Greene, S.; Gurrola, A.; Johns, W.; Maguire, C.; Mao, Y.; Melo, A.; Sharma, M.; Sheldon, P.; Snook, B.; Tuo, S.; Velkovska, J.; Arenton, M. W.; Boutle, S.; Cox, B.; Francis, B.; Goodell, J.; Hirosky, R.; Ledovskoy, A.; Li, H.; Lin, C.; Neu, C.; Wood, J.; Clarke, C.; Harr, R.; Karchin, P. E.; Kottachchi Kankanamge Don, C.; Lamichhane, P.; Sturdy, J.; Belknap, D. A.; Carlsmith, D.; Cepeda, M.; Dasu, S.; Dodd, L.; Duric, S.; Friis, E.; Hall-Wilton, R.; Herndon, M.; Hervé, A.; Klabbers, P.; Lanaro, A.; Lazaridis, C.; Levine, A.; Loveless, R.; Mohapatra, A.; Ojalvo, I.; Perry, T.; Pierro, G. A.; Polese, G.; Ross, I.; Sarangi, T.; Savin, A.; Smith, W. H.; Taylor, D.; Verwilligen, P.; Vuosalo, C.; Woods, N.
A search is presented for quark contact interactions and extra spatial dimensions in proton-proton collisions at √{ s} = 8 TeV using dijet angular distributions. The search is based on a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb-1 collected by the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. Dijet angular distributions are found to be in agreement with the perturbative QCD predictions that include electroweak corrections. Limits on the contact interaction scale from a variety of models at next-to-leading order in QCD corrections are obtained. A benchmark model in which only left-handed quarks participate is excluded up to a scale of 9.0 (11.7) TeV for destructive (constructive) interference at 95% confidence level. Lower limits between 5.9 and 8.4 TeV on the scale of virtual graviton exchange are extracted for the Arkani-Hamed-Dimopoulos-Dvali model of extra spatial dimensions.
Electron scattering by highly polar molecules. III - CsCl
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Vuskovic, L.; Srivastava, S. K.
Utilizing a crossed electron-beam-molecular-beam scattering geometry, relative values of differential electron scattering cross sections for cesium chloride at 5 and 20 eV electron impact energies and at scattering angles between 10 and 120 deg have been measured. These relative cross sections have been normalized to the cross section at 15 deg scattering angle calculated by the hybrid S-matrix technique. In the angular range between 0 and 10 deg and between 120 and 180 deg extrapolations have been made to obtain integral and momentum transfer cross sections. An energy-loss spectrum is also presented which gives various spectral features lying between the 4 and 10 eV regions in CsCl.
Polarized light scattering by macromolecular self-assembly of J-aggregates
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rebane, Aleksander; Mikhaylov, Alexander
We have recently reported that by sending a tightly collimated (0.05 - 2 mm diameter) red- or near-IR laser beam through an aqueous solution of pseudoisocyanine (PIC) J-aggregates, a macroscopic tube-like structure is formed surrounding the laser beam on the time scale of minutes. This self-assembled structure is comprised of heterogeneous material containing micrometer-size rod-like strands or microcrystals. Because the illumination wavelength is far redshifted from the linear absorption range of the PIC and J-aggregates, the self-assembly is likely induced by some very weak background absorption or dissipation. Furthermore, strong correlation of the effect with the characteristic Jaggregate peak in the absorption spectrum and critical dependence of the "tube" formation on pH of the solution indicate molecular charge related non-equilibrium nature of the underlying mechanism. Most interestingly, the structure formation is accompanied by strongly polarized scattering. When observed between crossed polarizers, the angular intensity distribution of the scattered light resembles Maltese cross figure, indicating that the scattering rods are arranged in a circular pattern around the beam axis direction. It appears that the illumination is creating in the medium a radially directed gradient of either concentration-, temperature- or other type of parameter that controls the microcrystal formation.
Coherent amplification of X-ray scattering from meso-structures
Lhermitte, Julien R.; Stein, Aaron; Tian, Cheng; ...
Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) often includes an unwanted background, which increases the required measurement time to resolve the sample structure. This is undesirable in all experiments, and may make measurement of dynamic or radiation-sensitive samples impossible. Here, we demonstrate a new technique, applicable when the scattering signal is background-dominated, which reduces the requisite exposure time. Our method consists of exploiting coherent interference between a sample with a designed strongly scattering `amplifier'. A modified angular correlation function is used to extract the symmetry of the interference term; that is, the scattering arising from the interference between the amplifier and the sample.more » This enables reconstruction of the sample's symmetry, despite the sample scattering itself being well below the intensity of background scattering. Thus, coherent amplification is used to generate a strong scattering term (well above background), from which sample scattering is inferred. We validate this method using lithographically defined test samples.« less
Orbital angular momentum of photons, plasmons and neutrinos in a plasma
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mendonca, J. T.; Thidé, Bo; Then, H.; Ali, S.
We study the exchange of angular momentum between electromagnetic and electrostatic waves in a plasma, due to the stimulated Raman and Brillouin backscatering processes [1]. Angular momentum states for plasmon and phonon fields are introduced for the first time. We demonstrate that these states can be excited by nonlinear wave mixing, associated with the scattering processes. This could be relevant for plasma diagnostics, both in laboratory and in space. Nonlinearly coupled paraxial equations and instability growth rates are derived. The characteristic features of the plasmon modes with finite angular momentum are also discussed. The potential problem is solved and the angular momentum is explicitly calculated [2]. Finally, it is shown that an electron-neutrino beam, propagating in a background plasma, can be decomposed into orbital momentum states, similar to that of photon states. Coupling between different neutrino states, in the presence of a plasma vortex, is considered. We show that plasma vorticity can be transfered to the neutrino beam, which is relevant to the understanding of the neutrino sources in astrophysics. [1] J.T. Mendonca et al., PRL 102, 185005 (2009). [2] S. Ali and J.T. Mendonca, PoP (2009) submitted. [3] J.T. Mendonca and B. Thide, Europhys. Lett. 84, 41001 (2008).
A scattering model for defoliated vegetation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Karam, M. A.; Fung, A. K.
A scattering model for defoliated vegetation is conceived as a layer of dielectric, finite-length cylinders with specified size and orientation distributions above an irregular ground surface. The scattering phase matrix of a single cylinder is computed, then the radiative transfer technique is applied to link volume scattering from vegetation to surface scattering from the soil surface. Polarized and depolarized scattering are computed and the effects of the cylinder size and orientation distributions are illustrated. It is found that size and orientation distributions have significant effects on the backscattered signal. The model is compared with scattering from defoliated trees and agricultural crops.
Sivers asymmetries for inclusive pion and kaon production in deep-inelastic scattering
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ellis, John; Hwang, Dae Sung; Kotzinian, Aram
We calculate the Sivers distribution functions induced by the final-state interaction due to one-gluon exchange in diquark models of a nucleon structure, treating the cases of scalar and axial-vector diquarks with both dipole and Gaussian form factors. We use these distribution functions to calculate the Sivers single-spin asymmetries for inclusive pion and kaon production in deep-inelastic scattering. We compare our calculations with the results of HERMES and COMPASS, finding good agreement for {pi}{sup +} production at HERMES, and qualitative agreement for {pi}{sup 0} and K{sup +} production. Our predictions for pion and kaon production at COMPASS could be probed withmore » increased statistics. The successful comparison of our calculations with the HERMES data constitutes prima facie evidence that the quarks in the nucleon have some orbital angular momentum in the infinite-momentum frame.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lees, J. P.; Poireau, V.; Prencipe, E.; Tisserand, V.; Garra Tico, J.; Grauges, E.; Martinelli, M.; Milanes, D. A.; Palano, A.; Pappagallo, M.; Eigen, G.; Stugu, B.; Sun, L.; Brown, D. N.; Kerth, L. T.; Kolomensky, Yu. G.; Lynch, G.; Koch, H.; Schroeder, T.; Asgeirsson, D. J.; Hearty, C.; Mattison, T. S.; McKenna, J. A.; Khan, A.; Blinov, V. E.; Buzykaev, A. R.; Druzhinin, V. P.; Golubev, V. B.; Kravchenko, E. A.; Onuchin, A. P.; Serednyakov, S. I.; Skovpen, Yu. I.; Solodov, E. P.; Todyshev, K. Yu.; Yushkov, A. N.; Bondioli, M.; Curry, S.; Kirkby, D.; Lankford, A. J.; Mandelkern, M.; Stoker, D. P.; Atmacan, H.; Gary, J. W.; Liu, F.; Long, O.; Vitug, G. M.; Campagnari, C.; Hong, T. M.; Kovalskyi, D.; Richman, J. D.; West, C. A.; Eisner, A. M.; Kroseberg, J.; Lockman, W. S.; Martinez, A. J.; Schalk, T.; Schumm, B. A.; Seiden, A.; Cheng, C. H.; Doll, D. A.; Echenard, B.; Flood, K. T.; Hitlin, D. G.; Ongmongkolkul, P.; Porter, F. C.; Rakitin, A. Y.; Andreassen, R.; Dubrovin, M. S.; Meadows, B. T.; Sokoloff, M. D.; Bloom, P. C.; Ford, W. T.; Gaz, A.; Nagel, M.; Nauenberg, U.; Smith, J. G.; Wagner, S. R.; Ayad, R.; Toki, W. H.; Spaan, B.; Kobel, M. J.; Schubert, K. R.; Schwierz, R.; Bernard, D.; Verderi, M.; Clark, P. J.; Playfer, S.; Watson, J. E.; Bettoni, D.; Bozzi, C.; Calabrese, R.; Cibinetto, G.; Fioravanti, E.; Garzia, I.; Luppi, E.; Munerato, M.; Negrini, M.; Piemontese, L.; Baldini-Ferroli, R.; Calcaterra, A.; de Sangro, R.; Finocchiaro, G.; Nicolaci, M.; Pacetti, S.; Patteri, P.; Peruzzi, I. M.; Piccolo, M.; Rama, M.; Zallo, A.; Contri, R.; Guido, E.; Lo Vetere, M.; Monge, M. R.; Passaggio, S.; Patrignani, C.; Robutti, E.; Bhuyan, B.; Prasad, V.; Lee, C. L.; Morii, M.; Edwards, A. J.; Adametz, A.; Marks, J.; Uwer, U.; Bernlochner, F. U.; Ebert, M.; Lacker, H. M.; Lueck, T.; Dauncey, P. D.; Tibbetts, M.; Behera, P. K.; Mallik, U.; Chen, C.; Cochran, J.; Crawley, H. B.; Meyer, W. T.; Prell, S.; Rosenberg, E. I.; Rubin, A. E.; Gritsan, A. V.; Guo, Z. J.; Arnaud, N.; Davier, M.; Derkach, D.; Grosdidier, G.; Le Diberder, F.; Lutz, A. M.; Malaescu, B.; Roudeau, P.; Schune, M. H.; Stocchi, A.; Wormser, G.; Lange, D. J.; Wright, D. M.; Bingham, I.; Chavez, C. A.; Coleman, J. P.; Fry, J. R.; Gabathuler, E.; Hutchcroft, D. E.; Payne, D. J.; Touramanis, C.; Bevan, A. J.; di Lodovico, F.; Sacco, R.; Sigamani, M.; Cowan, G.; Paramesvaran, S.; Brown, D. N.; Davis, C. L.; Denig, A. G.; Fritsch, M.; Gradl, W.; Hafner, A.; Alwyn, K. E.; Bailey, D.; Barlow, R. J.; Jackson, G.; Lafferty, G. D.; Cenci, R.; Hamilton, B.; Jawahery, A.; Roberts, D. A.; Simi, G.; Dallapiccola, C.; Salvati, E.; Cowan, R.; Dujmic, D.; Sciolla, G.; Lindemann, D.; Patel, P. M.; Robertson, S. H.; Schram, M.; Biassoni, P.; Lazzaro, A.; Lombardo, V.; Palombo, F.; Stracka, S.; Cremaldi, L.; Godang, R.; Kroeger, R.; Sonnek, P.; Summers, D. J.; Nguyen, X.; Taras, P.; de Nardo, G.; Monorchio, D.; Onorato, G.; Sciacca, C.; Raven, G.; Snoek, H. L.; Jessop, C. P.; Knoepfel, K. J.; Losecco, J. M.; Wang, W. F.; Honscheid, K.; Kass, R.; Brau, J.; Frey, R.; Sinev, N. B.; Strom, D.; Torrence, E.; Feltresi, E.; Gagliardi, N.; Margoni, M.; Morandin, M.; Posocco, M.; Rotondo, M.; Simonetto, F.; Stroili, R.; Ben-Haim, E.; Bomben, M.; Bonneaud, G. R.; Briand, H.; Calderini, G.; Chauveau, J.; Hamon, O.; Leruste, Ph.; Marchiori, G.; Ocariz, J.; Sitt, S.; Biasini, M.; Manoni, E.; Rossi, A.; Angelini, C.; Batignani, G.; Bettarini, S.; Carpinelli, M.; Casarosa, G.; Cervelli, A.; Forti, F.; Giorgi, M. A.; Lusiani, A.; Neri, N.; Oberhof, B.; Paoloni, E.; Perez, A.; Rizzo, G.; Walsh, J. J.; Lopes Pegna, D.; Lu, C.; Olsen, J.; Smith, A. J. S.; Telnov, A. V.; Anulli, F.; Cavoto, G.; Faccini, R.; Ferrarotto, F.; Ferroni, F.; Gaspero, M.; Li Gioi, L.; Mazzoni, M. A.; Piredda, G.; Bünger, C.; Hartmann, T.; Leddig, T.; Schröder, H.; Waldi, R.; Adye, T.; Olaiya, E. O.; Wilson, F. F.; Emery, S.; Hamel de Monchenault, G.; Vasseur, G.; Yèche, Ch.; Aston, D.; Bard, D. J.; Bartoldus, R.; Benitez, J. F.; Cartaro, C.; Convery, M. R.; Dorfan, J.; Dubois-Felsmann, G. P.; Dunwoodie, W.; Field, R. C.; Franco Sevilla, M.; Fulsom, B. G.; Gabareen, A. M.; Graham, M. T.; Grenier, P.; Hast, C.; Innes, W. R.; Kelsey, M. H.; Kim, H.; Kim, P.; Kocian, M. L.; Leith, D. W. G. S.; Lewis, P.; Li, S.; Lindquist, B.; Luitz, S.; Luth, V.; Lynch, H. L.; Macfarlane, D. B.; Muller, D. R.; Neal, H.; Nelson, S.; Ofte, I.; Perl, M.; Pulliam, T.; Ratcliff, B. N.; Roodman, A.; Salnikov, A. A.; Santoro, V.; Schindler, R. H.; Snyder, A.; Su, D.; Sullivan, M. K.; Va'Vra, J.; Wagner, A. P.; Weaver, M.; Wisniewski, W. J.; Wittgen, M.; Wright, D. H.; Wulsin, H. W.; Yarritu, A. K.; Young, C. C.; Ziegler, V.; Park, W.; Purohit, M. V.; White, R. M.; Wilson, J. R.; Randle-Conde, A.; Sekula, S. J.; Bellis, M.; Burchat, P. R.; Miyashita, T. S.; Alam, M. S.; Ernst, J. A.; Gorodeisky, R.; Guttman, N.; Peimer, D. R.; Soffer, A.; Lund, P.; Spanier, S. M.; Eckmann, R.; Ritchie, J. L.; Ruland, A. M.; Schilling, C. J.; Schwitters, R. F.; Wray, B. C.; Izen, J. M.; Lou, X. C.; Bianchi, F.; Gamba, D.; Lanceri, L.; Vitale, L.; Lopez-March, N.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Ahmed, H.; Albert, J.; Banerjee, Sw.; Choi, H. H. F.; King, G. J.; Kowalewski, R.; Lewczuk, M. J.; Lindsay, C.; Nugent, I. M.; Roney, J. M.; Sobie, R. J.; Gershon, T. J.; Harrison, P. F.; Latham, T. E.; Puccio, E. M. T.; Band, H. R.; Dasu, S.; Pan, Y.; Prepost, R.; Vuosalo, C. O.; Wu, S. L.
We present branching fraction and CP asymmetry measurements as well as angular studies of B→ϕϕK decays using 464×106 BB¯ events collected by the BABAR experiment. The branching fractions are measured in the ϕϕ invariant mass range below the ηc resonance (mϕϕ<2.85GeV). We find B(B+→ϕϕK+)=(5.6±0.5±0.3)×10-6 and B(B0→ϕϕK0)=(4.5±0.8±0.3)×10-6, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. The measured direct CP asymmetries for the B± decays are ACP=-0.10±0.08±0.02 below the ηc threshold (mϕϕ<2.85GeV) and ACP=0.09±0.10±0.02 in the ηc resonance region (mϕϕ in [2.94, 3.02] GeV). Angular distributions are consistent with JP=0- in the ηc resonance region and favor JP=0+ below the ηc resonance.
Magnetic effects in the paraxial regime of elastic electron scattering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Edström, Alexander; Lubk, Axel; Rusz, Ján
Motivated by a recent claim [Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 127203 (2016), 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.127203] that electron vortex beams can be used to image magnetism at the nanoscale in elastic scattering experiments, using transmission electron microscopy, a comprehensive computational study is performed to study magnetic effects in the paraxial regime of elastic electron scattering in magnetic solids. Magnetic interactions from electron vortex beams, spin polarized electron beams, and beams with phase aberrations are considered, as they pass through ferromagnetic FePt or antiferromagnetic LaMnAsO. The magnetic signals are obtained by comparing the intensity over a disk in the diffraction plane for beams with opposite angular momentum or aberrations. The strongest magnetic signals are obtained from vortex beams with large orbital angular momentum, where relative magnetic signals above 10-3 are indicated for 10 ℏ orbital angular momentum, meaning that relative signals of one percent could be expected with the even larger orbital angular momenta, which have been produced in experimental setups. All results indicate that beams with low acceleration voltage and small convergence angles yield stronger magnetic signals, which is unfortunately problematic for the possibility of high spatial resolution imaging. Nevertheless, under atomic resolution conditions, relative magnetic signals in the order of 10-4 are demonstrated, corresponding to an increase with one order of magnitude compared to previous work.
Review of ion energy and angular distributions in capacitively coupled RF plasma reactors
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kawamura, E.; Lieberman, M.A.; Birdsall, C.K.
The authors present a historical review and discussion of previous works on ion energy and angular distributions (IED and IAD) arriving at the target in the collisionless regime. This regime is of great interest to experimentalists and modelers studying the new generation of high density sources in which the sheath is much thinner than in the conventional RIE systems. The purpose of the review is to asses what has been done so far, and to clarify some issues about sheaths in high density systems. Having determined the important parameters, the authors show some particle-in-cell simulation results of a dually excitedmore » capacitively coupled plasma in which the sheath ions roughly see the scaling as in high density sources. The results show that when {tau}{sub ion}/{tau}{sub rf} < 1, the oscillating voltage and width of the rf sheath significantly affect the IEDs, where {tau}{sub ion} is the ion transit-time and {tau}{sub rf} is rf period.« less
pp Elastic Scattering: New results from EDDA (COSY)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Scobel, W.
In the EDDA experiment excitation functions of proton-proton elastic scattering are studied with narrow steps in the projectile momentum range from 0.8 to 3.4 GeV/c and the angular range 35°⩽Θcm⩽90° with a detector providing ΔΘcm≈1.4° resolution and 85% solid angle coverage. Measurements are performed continuously during projectile acceleration in the Cooler Synchrotron COSY. In phase 1 of the experiment spin-averaged differential cross sections dσ/dΩ have been measured with an internal CH2 fiber target; background corrections were derived from measurements with a carbon fiber target and from Monte Carlo simulations of inelastic pp contributions. The results provide excitation functions and angular distributions of high precision and internal consistency. In phase 2 of the experiment excitation functions of the analyzing power AN have been measured using a polarized (P⩾75%) atomic beam target, and those of the polarization correlation parameters ANN, ASS and ASL will be measured lateron with the polarized COSY beam. The measured excitation functions are compared to recent phase shift analyses, and their impact on them is discussed. So far evidence for narrow structures was neither found in the spin averaged cross sections nor in the analyzing powers.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rindani, Saurabh D.
QCD corrections to order as in the soft-gluon approximation to angular distributions of decay charged leptons in the process e+e- --> t t(bar), followed by semileptonic decay of t or t(bar), are obtained in the e+e- centre-of-mass frame. As compared to distributions in the top rest frame, these have the advantage that they would allow direct comparison with experiment without the need to reconstruct the top rest frame. The results also do not depend on the choice of a spin quantization axis for t or t (bar). Analytic expression for the triple distribution in the polar angle of t and polar and azimuthal angles of the lepton is obtained. Analytic expression is also derived for the distribution in the charged-lepton polar angle. Numerical values are discussed for (s) 1/2 = 400, 800 and 1500 GeV.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cha, Moon Hoe
The NearFar program is a package for carrying out an interactive nearside-farside decomposition of heavy-ion elastic scattering amplitude. The program is implemented in Java to perform numerical operations on the nearside and farside angular distributions. It contains a graphical display interface for the numerical results. A test run has been applied to the elastic O16+Si28 scattering at E=1503 MeV. Program summaryTitle of program: NearFar Catalogue identifier: ADYP_v1_0 Program summary URL: Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: none Computers: designed for any machine capable of running Java, developed on PC-Pentium-4 Operating systems under which the program has been tested: Microsoft Windows XP (Home Edition) Program language used: Java Number of bits in a word: 64 Memory required to execute with typical data: case dependent No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 3484 Number of bytes distributed program, including test data, etc.: 142 051 Distribution format: tar.gz Other software required: A Java runtime interpreter, or the Java Development Kit, version 5.0 Nature of physical problem: Interactive nearside-farside decomposition of heavy-ion elastic scattering amplitude. Method of solution: The user must supply a external data file or PPSM parameters which calculates theoretical values of the quantities to be decomposed. Typical running time: Problem dependent. In a test run, it is about 35 s on a 2.40 GHz Intel P4-processor machine.
Generation of first hard X-ray pulse at Tsinghua Thomson Scattering X-ray Source.
Du, Yingchao; Yan, Lixin; Hua, Jianfei; Du, Qiang; Zhang, Zhen; Li, Renkai; Qian, Houjun; Huang, Wenhui; Chen, Huaibi; Tang, Chuanxiang
Tsinghua Thomson Scattering X-ray Source (TTX) is the first-of-its-kind dedicated hard X-ray source in China based on the Thomson scattering between a terawatt ultrashort laser and relativistic electron beams. In this paper, we report the experimental generation and characterization of the first hard X-ray pulses (51.7 keV) via head-on collision of an 800 nm laser and 46.7 MeV electron beams. The measured yield is 1.0 × 10(6) per pulse with an electron bunch charge of 200 pC and laser pulse energy of 300 mJ. The angular intensity distribution and energy spectra of the X-ray pulse are measured with an electron-multiplying charge-coupled device using a CsI scintillator and silicon attenuators. These measurements agree well with theoretical and simulation predictions. An imaging test using the X-ray pulse at the TTX is also presented.
Deeply Virtual Exclusive Processes and Generalized Parton Distributions
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
The goal of the comprehensive program in Deeply Virtual Exclusive Scattering at Jefferson Laboratory is to create transverse spatial images of quarks and gluons as a function of their longitudinal momentum fraction in the proton, the neutron, and in nuclei. These functions are the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) of the target nucleus. Cross section measurements of the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) reaction ep {yields} ep{gamma} in Hall A support the QCD factorization of the scattering amplitude for Q^2 {>=} 2 GeV^2. Quasi-free neutron-DVCS measurements on the Deuteron indicate sensitivity to the quark angular momentum sum rule. Fully exclusive H(e,more » e'p{gamma} ) measurements have been made in a wide kinematic range in CLAS with polarized beam, and with both unpolarized and longitudinally polarized targets. Existing models are qualitatively consistent with the JLab data, but there is a clear need for less constrained models. Deeply virtual vector meson production is studied in CLAS. The 12 GeV upgrade will be essential for for these channels. The {rho} and {omega} channels reactions offer the prospect of flavor sensitivity to the quark GPDs, while the {phi}-production channel is dominated by the gluon distribution.« less
Fraunhofer and refractive scattering of heavy ions in strong laser fields
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mişicu, Şerban; Carstoiu, Florin
Until recently the potential scattering of a charged particle in a laser field received attention exclusively in atomic physics. The differential cross-section of laser-assisted electron-atom collisions for n emitted or absorbed photons is provided by a simple law which casts the result as a product between the field-free value and the square of the Bessel function of order n with its argument containing the effect of the laser in a non-perturbative way. From the experimental standpoint, laser-assisted electron-atom collisions are important because they allow the observation of multiphoton effects even at moderate laser intensities. The aim of this study is to calculate the nucleus-nucleus differential cross section in the field of a strong laser with wavelengths in the optical domain such that the low-frequency approximation is fulfilled. We investigate the dependence of the n-photon differential cross-section on the intensity, photon energy and shape of the pulse for a projectile/target combination at a fixed collision energy which exhibits a superposition of Fraunhofer and refractive behavior. We also discuss the role of the laser perturbation on the near and farside decomposition in the angular distribution, an issue never discussed before in the literature. We apply a standard optical model approach to explain the experimental differential cross-section of the elastic scattering of 4He on 58Ni at a laboratory energy E = 139 MeV and resolve the corresponding farside/nearside (F/N) decomposition in the field-free case. We give an example of reaction in which Fraunhofer diffraction and refractive rainbow hump effects are easily recognized in the elastic angular distribution. Next, we apply the Kroll-Watson theorem, in order to determine the n -photon contributions to the cross-section for continuous-wave (cw) and modulated pulses. In the elastic scattering of heavy ions in a radiation field of low intensity, the amplitude drops by orders of magnitude with respect
Backward-forward reaction asymmetry of neutron elastic scattering on deuterium
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pirovano, E.; Beyer, R.; Junghans, A. R.; Nankov, N.; Nolte, R.; Nyman, M.; Plompen, A. J. M.