Sample records for skin irritation tests

  1. Comparison of human skin irritation patch test data with in vitro skin irritation assays and animal data.


    Jírová, Dagmar; Basketter, David; Liebsch, Manfred; Bendová, Hana; Kejlová, Kristina; Marriott, Marie; Kandárová, Helena


    Efforts to replace the rabbit skin irritation test have been underway for many years, encouraged by the EU Cosmetics Directive and REACH. Recently various in vitro tests have been developed, evaluated and validated. A key difficulty in confirming the validity of in vitro methods is that animal data are scarce and of limited utility for prediction of human effects, which adversely impacts their acceptance. This study examines whether in vivo or in vitro data most accurately predicted human effects. Using the 4-hr human patch test (HPT) we examined a number of chemicals whose EU classification of skin irritancy is known to be borderline, or where in vitro methods provided conflicting results. Of the 16 chemicals classified as irritants in the rabbit, only five substances were found to be significantly irritating to human skin. Concordance of the rabbit test with the 4-hr HPT was only 56%, whereas concordance of human epidermis models with human data was 76% (EpiDerm) and 70% (EPISKIN). The results confirm observations that rabbits overpredict skin effects in humans. Therefore, when validating in vitro methods, all available information, including human data, should be taken into account before making conclusions about their predictive capacity.

  2. A new alternative method for testing skin irritation using a human skin model: a pilot study.


    Miles, A; Berthet, A; Hopf, N B; Gilliet, M; Raffoul, W; Vernez, D; Spring, P


    Studies assessing skin irritation to chemicals have traditionally used laboratory animals; however, such methods are questionable regarding their relevance for humans. New in vitro methods have been validated, such as the reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) model (Episkin®, Epiderm®). The comparison (accuracy) with in vivo results such as the 4-h human patch test (HPT) is 76% at best (Epiderm®). There is a need to develop an in vitro method that better simulates the anatomo-pathological changes encountered in vivo. To develop an in vitro method to determine skin irritation using human viable skin through histopathology, and compare the results of 4 tested substances to the main in vitro methods and in vivo animal method (Draize test). Human skin removed during surgery was dermatomed and mounted on an in vitro flow-through diffusion cell system. Ten chemicals with known non-irritant (heptylbutyrate, hexylsalicylate, butylmethacrylate, isoproturon, bentazon, DEHP and methylisothiazolinone (MI)) and irritant properties (folpet, 1-bromohexane and methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI/MI)), a negative control (sodiumchloride) and a positive control (sodiumlaurylsulphate) were applied. The skin was exposed at least for 4h. Histopathology was performed to investigate irritation signs (spongiosis, necrosis, vacuolization). We obtained 100% accuracy with the HPT model; 75% with the RHE models and 50% with the Draize test for 4 tested substances. The coefficients of variation (CV) between our three test batches were <0.1, showing good reproducibility. Furthermore, we reported objectively histopathological irritation signs (irritation scale): strong (folpet), significant (1-bromohexane), slight (MCI/MI at 750/250ppm) and none (isoproturon, bentazon, DEHP and MI). This new in vitro test method presented effective results for the tested chemicals. It should be further validated using a greater number of substances; and tested in different laboratories in order to suitably

  3. CON4EI: SkinEthic™ Human Corneal Epithelium Eye Irritation Test (SkinEthic™ HCE EIT) for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals.


    Van Rompay, A R; Alépée, N; Nardelli, L; Hollanders, K; Leblanc, V; Drzewiecka, A; Gruszka, K; Guest, R; Kandarova, H; Willoughby, J A; Verstraelen, S; Adriaens, E


    Assessment of ocular irritancy is an international regulatory requirement and a necessary step in the safety evaluation of industrial and consumer products. Although a number of in vitro ocular irritation assays exist, none are capable of fully categorizing chemicals as a stand-alone assay. Therefore, the CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI (CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy) project was developed with the goal of assessing the reliability of eight in vitro/alternative test methods as well as establishing an optimal tiered-testing strategy. One of the in vitro assays selected was the validated SkinEthic™ Human Corneal Epithelium Eye Irritation Test method (SkinEthic™ HCE EIT). The SkinEthic™ HCE EIT has already demonstrated its capacity to correctly identify chemicals (both substances and mixtures) not requiring classification and labelling for eye irritation or serious eye damage (No Category). The goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of the SkinEthic™ HCE EIT test method in terms of the important in vivo drivers of classification. For the performance with respect to the drivers all in vivo Cat 1 and No Cat chemicals were 100% correctly identified. For Cat 2 chemicals the liquids and the solids had a sensitivity of 100% and 85.7%, respectively. For the SkinEthic™ HCE EIT test method, 100% concordance in predictions (No Cat versus No prediction can be made) between the two participating laboratories was obtained. The accuracy of the SkinEthic™ HCE EIT was 97.5% with 100% sensitivity and 96.9% specificity. The SkinEthic™ HCE EIT confirms its excellent results of the validation studies. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  4. The identification and classification of skin irritation hazard by a human patch test.


    Basketter, D A; Whittle, E; Griffiths, H A; York, M


    There exist various regulatory instruments the purpose of which is to ensure that the intrinsic toxic hazards associated with substances and preparations are identified. In the context of identification of skin irritation potential, the method is normally the Draize test. Guidance notes provided by the OECD and the EEC expect that corrosive substances will have been screened out by a variety of methods. Substances or preparations which cause a sufficient degree of skin irritation will be classified as skin irritants. The primary motivation behind the present work was to introduce the concept that it is possible to assess the hazard potential of a substance or preparation to produce skin irritation in a human study. In the example presented here, 20% sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) has been chosen as the positive control. With the protocol currently devised, occluded patch treatment with 20% SLS for up to 4 hr produces an irritant response in just over half of the panel. An irritant response is taken as a clinically evident and significant increase in erythema, oedema or dryness--a minimum of a+ reaction on the ICDRG scale. At such a level of response with the positive control (both in terms of intensity and in proportion of the panel), it is then possible to judge and/or to determine statistically, whether the test material has produced a level of skin irritation which is similar to, greater, or lower than the positive control. In this way a human patch test protocol can form a fundamental component of a strategy for the replacement of animals in determination of skin irritation and corrosion potential. By use of a careful and progressive protocol and by comparison of test data against a positive control it is both possible and practical to classify substances and preparations in terms of their skin irritation potential using that endpoint in the species of concern, man.

  5. An approach for development of alternative test methods based on mechanisms of skin irritation.


    Osborne, R; Perkins, M A


    Recent advances in techniques for culture of human skin cells have led to their potential for use as in vitro models for skin irritation testing to augment or replace existing rabbit skin patch tests. Our work is directed towards the development of cultured human skin cells, together with endpoints that can be linked to in vivo mechanisms of skin irritation, as in vitro models for prediction of human skin irritation, and for study of mechanisms of contact irritant dermatitis. Three types of commercial human skin cell cultures have been evaluated, epidermal keratinocytes and partially or fully cornified keratinocyte-dermal fibroblast co-cultures. Human epidermal keratinocyte cultures (Clonetics) were treated with product ingredients and formulations, and the extent of cell damage was assessed by incorporation of the vital dye neutral red. Cell damage correlated with human skin patch data for ingredient chemicals with the exception of acids and alkalis, but did not correlate with skin irritation to surfactant-containing product formulations. Cultures of human skin equivalents were evaluated as potential models for measurement of responses to test materials that could not be measured in the keratinocyte/neutral red assay. We developed a battery of in vitro endpoints to measure responses to prototype ingredients and formulations in human epidermal keratinocyte-dermal fibroblast co-cultures grown on a nylon mesh ('Skin2' from Advanced Tissue Sciences) or on a collagen gel ('Testskin' from Organogenesis). The endpoints measure cytotoxicity (neutral red and MTT vital dye staining, lactate dehydrogenase and N-acetyl glucosaminidase release, glucose utilization) and inflammatory mediator (prostaglandin E2) release. Initial experiments indicate a promising correlation between responses of the Skin2 model to prototype surfactants and in vivo human skin irritation. The responses of Testskin cultures to acids and alkalis help to prove the concept that a topical application

  6. Non-occlusive topical exposure of human skin in vitro as model for cytotoxicity testing of irritant compounds.


    Lönnqvist, Susanna; Briheim, Kristina; Kratz, Gunnar


    Testing of irritant compounds has traditionally been performed on animals and human volunteers. Animal testing should always be restricted and for skin irritancy mice and rabbits hold poor predictive value for irritant potential in humans. Irritant testing on human volunteers is restricted by the duration subjects can be exposed, and by the subjectivity of interpreting the visual signs of skin irritation. We propose an irritant testing system using viable human full thickness skin with the loss of cell viability in the exposed skin area as end point measurement. Skin was exposed to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at 20% concentration by non-occluded topical exposure to establish a positive control response and subsequent test compounds were statistically compared with the 20% SDS response. Cell viability and metabolism were measured with 3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The model presents correlation between increased concentration of SDS and decreased viability of cells in the exposed skin area (R(2) = 0.76). We propose the model to be used for cytotoxicity testing of irritant compounds. With fully intact barrier function, the model comprises all cells present in the skin with quantifiable end point measurement.

  7. Proof of concept testing of a positive reference material for in vivo and in vitro skin irritation testing.


    Nomura, Yusuke; Lee, Michelle; Fukui, Chie; Watanabe, Kayo; Olsen, Daniel; Turley, Audrey; Morishita, Yuki; Kawakami, Tsuyoshi; Yuba, Toshiyasu; Fujimaki, Hideo; Inoue, Kaoru; Yoshida, Midori; Ogawa, Kumiko; Haishima, Yuji


    In vivo and in vitro irritation testing is important for evaluating the biological safety of medical devices. Here, the performance of positive reference materials for skin irritation testing was evaluated. Four reference standards, referred to as Y-series materials, were analyzed: a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheet spiked with 0 (Y-1), 1.0 (Y-2), 1.5 (Y-3), or 10 (Y-4) parts of Genapol X-080 per 100 parts of PVC by weight. Y-1, Y-2, and Y-3 did not induce skin irritation responses in an in vitro reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) tissue model, as measured by tissue viability or interleukin-1α release, or in an in vivo intracutaneous response test using rabbits. In contrast, Y-4 extracts prepared with saline or sesame oil at 37°C and 50°C clearly elicited positive irritation responses, including reduced viability (< 50%) and significantly higher interleukin-1α release compared with the solvent alone group, in the RhE tissue model and an intracutaneous response test, where substantial necrosis was observed by histopathology. The positive skin irritation responses induced in vitro under various extraction conditions, as well as those elicited in vivo, indicate that Y-4 is an effective extractable positive control material for in vivo and in vitro skin irritation tests of medical devices. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. HSP27 as a biomarker for predicting skin irritation in human skin and reconstructed organotypic skin model.


    Chen, Hongxia; Li, Shuhua; Meng, Tian; Zhang, Lei; Dai, Taoli; Xiang, Qi; Su, Zhijian; Zhang, Qihao; Huang, Yadong


    In vitro alternative tests aiming at replacing the traditional animal test for predicting the irritant potential of chemicals have been developed, but the assessing parameters or endpoints are still not sufficient. To discover novel endpoints for skin irritation responses, 2DE-based proteomics was used to analyze the protein expression in human skin exposed to sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) following the test protocol of the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) in the present study. HSP27 was up-regulated most significantly among the eight identified proteins, consistent with our previous reports. Acid and basic chemicals were applied on human skin for further validation and results showed that the up-regulated expression of HSP27 was induced in 24h after the exposure. Skin-equivalent constructed with fibroblasts, basement membrane and keratinocytes was used to investigate the potential of HSP27 as a biomarker or additional endpoint for the hazard assessment of skin irritation. Our skin-equivalent (Reconstructed Organotypic Skin Model, ROSM) had excellent epidermal differentiation and was suitable for the skin irritation test. HSP27 also displayed an up-regulated expression in the ROSM in 24h after the irritants exposure for 15min. All these results suggest that HSP27 may represent a potential marker or additional endpoint for the hazard assessment of skin irritation caused by chemical products. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Effects of different base agents on prediction of skin irritation by sodium lauryl sulfate using patch testing and repeated application test.


    Horita, Kotomi; Horita, Daisuke; Tomita, Hiroyuki; Yasoshima, Mitsue; Yagami, Akiko; Matsunaga, Kayoko


    Animal testing for cosmetics was banned in the European Union (EU) in 2013; therefore, human tests to predict and ensure skin safety such as the patch test or usage test are now in demand in Japan as well as in the EU. In order to investigate the effects of different bases on the findings of tests to predict skin irritation, we performed patch testing (PT) and the repeated application test (RAT) using sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a well-known irritant, dissolved in 6 different base agents to examine the effects of these bases on skin irritation by SLS. The bases for PT were distilled water, 50% ethanol, 100% ethanol, a gel containing 50% ethanol, white petrolatum, and hydrophilic cream. The concentrations of SLS were 0.2% and 0.5%. Twelve different base combinations were applied to the normal back skin of 19 individuals for 24h. RAT was performed with distilled water, 50% ethanol, 100% ethanol, a gel containing 50% ethanol, white petrolatum, and hydrophilic cream containing SLS at concentrations of 0.2%, 2%, and 5%, being applied to the arms of the same PT subjects. The test preparation of each base was applied at the same site, with 0.2% SLS being used in the first week, 2% SLS in the following week, and 5% SLS in the final week. The results of PT revealed that skin irritation scores varied when SLS at the same concentration was dissolved in a different base. The results of RAT showed that although skin irritation appeared with every base at a concentration of 5%, the positive rate was approximately the same. In conclusion, our results suggest that skin irritation elicited in PT depends on the base, while in RAT, it does not depend on the type of base employed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. A tiered approach to the use of alternatives to animal testing for the safety assessment of cosmetics: skin irritation.


    Macfarlane, Martin; Jones, Penny; Goebel, Carsten; Dufour, Eric; Rowland, Joanna; Araki, Daisuke; Costabel-Farkas, Margit; Hewitt, Nicola J; Hibatallah, Jalila; Kirst, Annette; McNamee, Pauline; Schellauf, Florian; Scheel, Julia


    Evaluation of the skin irritancy and corrosivity potential of an ingredient is a necessity in the safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients. To date, there are two formally validated alternatives to the rabbit Draize test for skin corrosivity in place, namely the rat skin transcutaneous electrical resistance (TER) assay and the Human Skin Model Test using EpiSkin, EpiDerm and SkinEthic reconstructed human epidermal equivalents. For skin irritation, EpiSkin, EpiDerm and SkinEthic are validated as stand-alone test replacements for the rabbit Draize test. Data from these tests are rarely considered in isolation and are evaluated in combination with other factors to establish the overall irritating or corrosive potential of an ingredient. In light of the deadlines established in the Cosmetics Directive for cessation of animal testing for cosmetic ingredients, a COLIPA scientific meeting was held in Brussels on 30th January, 2008 to review the use of alternative approaches and to set up a decision tree approach for their integration into tiered testing strategies for hazard and safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients and their use in products. In conclusion, the safety assessments for skin irritation/corrosion of new chemicals for use in cosmetics can be confidently accomplished using exclusively alternative methods.

  11. Skin irritability to sodium lauryl sulfate is associated with increased positive patch test reactions.


    Schwitulla, J; Brasch, J; Löffler, H; Schnuch, A; Geier, J; Uter, W


    As previous observations have indicated an inter-relationship between irritant and allergic skin reactions we analysed data of synchronous allergen and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) patch tests in terms of a relationship between SLS responsiveness and allergic patch test reactions. To analyse differences in terms of allergen-specific and overall reaction profiles between patients with vs. those without an irritant reaction to SLS. Clinical data of 26 879 patients patch tested from 2008 to 2011 by members of the Information Network of Departments of Dermatology were analysed. After descriptive analyses, including the MOAHLFA index, the positivity ratio and the reaction index, a negative binomial hurdle model was adopted to investigate the correlation between SLS reactivity and positive patch test reactions. Men, patients aged ≥ 40 years and patients with an occupational dermatitis background were over-represented in the SLS-reactive group. Patients with an irritant reaction to SLS showed a higher proportion of weak positive reactions, as well as more questionable and irritant reactions to contact allergens than patients not reactive to SLS. The risk of an additional positive patch test reaction increased by 22% for SLS-reactive patients compared with those who were SLS negative. The marked association between SLS reactivity and the number of positive reactions in patch test patients may be due to nonspecific increased skin reactivity at the moment of patch testing only. However, increased SLS reactivity could also be due to longer-lasting enhanced skin irritability, which may have promoted (poly-)sensitization. Further studies, for example with longitudinal data on patients repeatedly patch tested with SLS and contact allergens, are necessary. © 2014 British Association of Dermatologists.

  12. Effect of topically applied lipids on surfactant-irritated skin.


    Lodén, M; Andersson, A C


    Moisturizers are used daily by many people to alleviate symptoms of dry skin. All of them contain lipids. It has been suggested that topically applied lipids may interfere with the structure and function of the permeability barrier. The influence of a single application of nine different lipids on normal skin and skin irritated by sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) was studied in 21 healthy subjects. Parameters assessed were visible signs of irritation, and objectively measured cutaneous blood flow and transepidermal water loss (TEWL). The substances tested were hydrocortisone, petrolatum, fish oil, borage oil, sunflower seed oil, canola oil, shea butter, and fractions of unsaponifiable lipids from canola oil and shea butter. Water was included as a control. On normal skin, no significant differences in the effects of the test substances were found, whereas significant differences were observed when they were applied to SLS-irritated skin. The visible signs of SLS-induced irritation were significantly less pronounced after treatment with the sterol-enriched fraction from canola oil than after treatment with water. This fraction, and hydrocortisone, reduced cutaneous blood flow. Furthermore, application of hydrocortisone, canola oil, and its sterol-enriched fraction, resulted in significantly lower TEWL than with water. The other lipids had no effect on the degree of irritation. In conclusion, lipids commonly used in moisturizers may reduce skin reactions to irritants. Previous studies have shown that, in barrier perturbed skin, the synthesis of sterols is increased. The observed effects of canola oil and its fraction of unsaponifiable lipids on SLS-induced irritation suggest the possibility that they assisted the skin in supplying the damaged barrier with adequate lipids.

  13. Assessment of test method variables for in vitro skin irritation testing of medical device extracts.


    Olsen, Daniel S; Lee, Michelle; Turley, Audrey P


    Skin irritation is an important component of the biological safety evaluation of medical devices. This testing has typically been performed using in vivo models. However, in an effort to reduce the need for in vivo testing, alternative methods for assessing skin irritation potential in vitro have been developed using a Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RhE) model. During the development of the protocol for the round robin validation of in vitro irritation testing for medical device extracts, it became clear that there were three points in the procedure where different options may be validated within each laboratory for routine testing: sample exposure time (18 vs 24h), SDS positive control concentration, and cytokine (IL-1α) release testing. The goal of our study was to evaluate the effect of these variables. EpiDerm™ tissues were exposed to extracts of three plain polymer samples, and four polymers embedded with known irritant chemicals. Exposures were performed for 18 and 24h. Resulting tissue viability was assessed by MTT reduction and IL-1α release was assessed by ELISA. Testing was also performed using various concentrations of SDS ranging from 0.5 to 1% (w/v). Overall, results were similar for samples tested and 18 and 24h, but the 18h exposure time has the potential to have an impact on the results of some sample types. IL-1α testing was shown to be useful to clarify conflicting tissue viability results. Use of a lower concentration of SDS as a positive control can help prevent issues that arise from excessive tissue damage often caused by 1% SDS. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  14. Assessment of human epidermal model LabCyte EPI-MODEL for in vitro skin irritation testing according to European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM)-validated protocol.


    Katoh, Masakazu; Hamajima, Fumiyasu; Ogasawara, Takahiro; Hata, Ken-Ichiro


    A validation study of an in vitro skin irritation testing method using a reconstructed human skin model has been conducted by the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM), and a protocol using EpiSkin (SkinEthic, France) has been approved. The structural and performance criteria of skin models for testing are defined in the ECVAM Performance Standards announced along with the approval. We have performed several evaluations of the new reconstructed human epidermal model LabCyte EPI-MODEL, and confirmed that it is applicable to skin irritation testing as defined in the ECVAM Performance Standards. We selected 19 materials (nine irritants and ten non-irritants) available in Japan as test chemicals among the 20 reference chemicals described in the ECVAM Performance Standard. A test chemical was applied to the surface of the LabCyte EPI-MODEL for 15 min, after which it was completely removed and the model then post-incubated for 42 hr. Cell v iability was measured by MTT assay and skin irritancy of the test chemical evaluated. In addition, interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1alpha) concentration in the culture supernatant after post-incubation was measured to provide a complementary evaluation of skin irritation. Evaluation of the 19 test chemicals resulted in 79% accuracy, 78% sensitivity and 80% specificity, confirming that the in vitro skin irritancy of the LabCyte EPI-MODEL correlates highly with in vivo skin irritation. These results suggest that LabCyte EPI-MODEL is applicable to the skin irritation testing protocol set out in the ECVAM Performance Standards.

  15. A retrospective analysis of in vivo eye irritation, skin irritation and skin sensitisation studies with agrochemical formulations: Setting the scene for development of alternative strategies.


    Corvaro, M; Gehen, S; Andrews, K; Chatfield, R; Macleod, F; Mehta, J


    Analysis of the prevalence of health effects in large scale databases is key in defining testing strategies within the context of Integrated Approaches on Testing and Assessment (IATA), and is relevant to drive policy changes in existing regulatory toxicology frameworks towards non-animal approaches. A retrospective analysis of existing results from in vivo skin irritation, eye irritation, and skin sensitisation studies on a database of 223 agrochemical formulations is herein published. For skin or eye effects, high prevalence of mild to non-irritant formulations (i.e. per GHS, CLP or EPA classification) would generally suggest a bottom-up approach. Severity of erythema or corneal opacity, for skinor eye effects respectively, were the key drivers for classification, consistent with existing literature. The reciprocal predictivity of skin versus eye irritation and the good negative predictivity of the GHS additivity calculation approach (>85%) provided valuable non-testing evidence for irritation endpoints. For dermal sensitisation, concordance on data from three different methods confirmed the high false negative rate for the Buehler method in this product class. These results have been reviewed together with existing literature on the use of in vitro alternatives for agrochemical formulations, to propose improvements to current regulatory strategies and to identify further research needs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Validation study of the in vitro skin irritation test with the LabCyte EPI-MODEL24.


    Kojima, Hajime; Ando, Yoko; Idehara, Kenji; Katoh, Masakazu; Kosaka, Tadashi; Miyaoka, Etsuyoshi; Shinoda, Shinsuke; Suzuki, Tamie; Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro; Yoshimura, Isao; Yuasa, Atsuko; Watanabe, Yukihiko; Omori, Takashi


    A validation study on an in vitro skin irritation assay was performed with the reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) LabCyte EPI-MODEL24, developed by Japan Tissue Engineering Co. Ltd (Gamagori, Japan). The protocol that was followed in the current study was an optimised version of the EpiSkin protocol (LabCyte assay). According to the United Nations Globally Harmonised System (UN GHS) of classification for assessing the skin irritation potential of a chemical, 12 irritants and 13 non-irritants were validated by a minimum of six laboratories from the Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (JSAAE) skin irritation assay validation study management team (VMT). The 25 chemicals were listed in the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) performance standards. The reconstructed tissues were exposed to the chemicals for 15 minutes and incubated for 42 hours in fresh culture medium. Subsequently, the level of interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 α) present in the conditioned medium was measured, and tissue viability was assessed by using the MTT assay. The results of the MTT assay obtained with the LabCyte EPI-MODEL24 (LabCyte MTT assay) demonstrated high within-laboratory and between-laboratory reproducibility, as well as high accuracy for use as a stand-alone assay to distinguish skin irritants from non-irritants. In addition, the IL-1α release measurements in the LabCyte assay were clearly unnecessary for the success of this model in the classification of chemicals for skin irritation potential. 2012 FRAME.

  17. The use of nanoencapsulation to decrease human skin irritation caused by capsaicinoids

    PubMed Central

    Contri, Renata V; Frank, Luiza A; Kaiser, Moacir; Pohlmann, Adriana R; Guterres, Silvia S


    Capsaicin, a topical analgesic used in the treatment of chronic pain, has irritant properties that frequently interrupt its use. In this work, the effect of nanoencapsulation of the main capsaicinoids (capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin) on skin irritation was tested in humans. Skin tolerance of a novel vehicle composed of chitosan hydrogel containing nonloaded nanocapsules (CH-NC) was also evaluated. The chitosan hydrogel containing nanoencapsulated capsaicinoids (CH-NC-CP) did not cause skin irritation, as measured by an erythema probe and on a visual scale, while a formulation containing free capsaicinoids (chitosan gel with hydroalcoholic solution [CH-ET-CP]) and a commercially available capsaicinoids formulation caused skin irritation. Thirty-one percent of volunteers reported slight irritation one hour after application of CH-NC-CP, while moderate (46% [CH-ET-CP] and 23% [commercial product]) and severe (8% [CH-ET-CP] and 69% [commercial product]) irritation were described for the formulations containing free capsaicinoids. When CH-NC was applied to the skin, erythema was not observed and only 8% of volunteers felt slight irritation, which demonstrates the utility of the novel vehicle. A complementary in vitro skin permeation study showed that permeation of capsaicinoids through an epidermal human membrane was reduced but not prevented by nanoencapsulation. PMID:24611011

  18. Tandem repeated application of organic solvents and sodium lauryl sulphate enhances cumulative skin irritation.


    Schliemann, Sibylle; Schmidt, Christina; Elsner, Peter


    The objective of our study was to investigate the tandem irritation potential of two organic solvents with concurrent exposure to the hydrophilic detergent irritant sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). A tandem repeated irritation test was performed with two undiluted organic solvents, cumene (C) and octane (O), with either alternating application with SLS 0.5% or twice daily application of each irritant alone in 27 volunteers on the skin of the back. The cumulative irritation induced over 4 days was quantified using visual scoring and non-invasive bioengineering measurements (skin colour reflectance, skin hydration and transepidermal water loss). Repeated application of C/SLS and O/SLS induced more decline of stratum corneum hydration and higher degrees of clinical irritation and erythema compared to each irritant alone. Our results demonstrate a further example of additive harmful skin effects induced by particular skin irritants and indicate that exposure to organic solvents together with detergents may increase the risk of acquiring occupational contact dermatitis. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  19. In vitro assessment of skin irritation potential of surfactant-based formulations by using a 3-D skin reconstructed tissue model and cytokine response.


    Walters, Russel M; Gandolfi, Lisa; Mack, M Catherine; Fevola, Michael; Martin, Katharine; Hamilton, Mathew T; Hilberer, Allison; Barnes, Nicole; Wilt, Nathan; Nash, Jennifer R; Raabe, Hans A; Costin, Gertrude-Emilia


    The personal care industry is focused on developing safe, more efficacious, and increasingly milder products, that are routinely undergoing preclinical and clinical testing before becoming available for consumer use on skin. In vitro systems based on skin reconstructed equivalents are now established for the preclinical assessment of product irritation potential and as alternative testing methods to the classic Draize rabbit skin irritation test. We have used the 3-D EpiDerm™ model system to evaluate tissue viability and primary cytokine interleukin-1α release as a way to evaluate the potential dermal irritation of 224 non-ionic, amphoteric and/or anionic surfactant-containing formulations, or individual raw materials. As part of our testing programme, two representative benchmark materials with known clinical skin irritation potential were qualified through repeated testing, for use as references for the skin irritation evaluation of formulations containing new surfactant ingredients. We have established a correlation between the in vitro screening approach and clinical testing, and are continually expanding our database to enhance this correlation. This testing programme integrates the efforts of global manufacturers of personal care products that focus on the development of increasingly milder formulations to be applied to the skin, without the use of animal testing. 2016 FRAME.

  20. Catch-up validation study of an in vitro skin irritation test method based on an open source reconstructed epidermis (phase II).


    Groeber, F; Schober, L; Schmid, F F; Traube, A; Kolbus-Hernandez, S; Daton, K; Hoffmann, S; Petersohn, D; Schäfer-Korting, M; Walles, H; Mewes, K R


    To replace the Draize skin irritation assay (OECD guideline 404) several test methods based on reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) have been developed and were adopted in the OECD test guideline 439. However, all validated test methods in the guideline are linked to RHE provided by only three companies. Thus, the availability of these test models is dependent on the commercial interest of the producer. To overcome this limitation and thus to increase the accessibility of in vitro skin irritation testing, an open source reconstructed epidermis (OS-REp) was introduced. To demonstrate the capacity of the OS-REp in regulatory risk assessment, a catch-up validation study was performed. The participating laboratories used in-house generated OS-REp to assess the set of 20 reference substances according to the performance standards amending the OECD test guideline 439. Testing was performed under blinded conditions. The within-laboratory reproducibility of 87% and the inter-laboratory reproducibility of 85% prove a high reliability of irritancy testing using the OS-REp protocol. In addition, the prediction capacity was with an accuracy of 80% comparable to previous published RHE based test protocols. Taken together the results indicate that the OS-REp test method can be used as a standalone alternative skin irritation test replacing the OECD test guideline 404. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  1. Ethnic differences in objective and subjective skin irritation response: an international study.


    Lee, E; Kim, S; Lee, J; Cho, S-A; Shin, K


    Due to global marketing in the cosmetics industry, it is important to assess ethnic population susceptibility when evaluating the safety of cosmetic products or chemicals. To investigate ethnic variations in skin irritation response to positive irritants. Clinical testing was performed in four countries on two ethnic groups - Asian and Caucasian. We performed patch tests on the subjects' back with 0.5% aqueous sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and 0.15% retinol prepared in 1,3-butylene glycol. Stinging tests were performed using 5% aqueous lactic acid and 0.001% (w/v) capsaicin prepared in 10% ethanol solution separately. The incidence of self-perceived skin sensitivity was similar in the two ethnic groups. However, the incidence of adverse skin reaction to cosmetics appeared significantly higher in Asian (33.0%) than in Caucasian subjects (11.3%). For standard positive irritants such as 0.5% aqueous SLS solution, Asian subjects showed significantly higher scores than Caucasian subjects. The incidence of positive reaction to the 0.15% retinol patch test tended to be higher in Asian than in Caucasian subjects. Our data also showed that neurosensitivity to 5% lactic acid and 0.001% capsaicin was higher in Asian than in Caucasian subjects. Although self-reported skin sensitivity does not appear to differ according to ethnicity, there are ethnic differences in objective and subjective skin irritation responses to several standard positive materials. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Skin irritation, false positives and the local lymph node assay: a guideline issue?


    Basketter, David A; Kimber, Ian


    Since the formal validation and regulatory acceptance of the local lymph node assay (LLNA) there have been commentaries suggesting that the irritant properties of substances can give rise to false positives. As toxicology aspires to progress rapidly towards the age of in vitro alternatives, it is of increasing importance that issues relating to assay selectivity and performance are understood fully, and that true false positive responses are distinguished clearly from those that are simply unpalatable. In the present review, we have focused on whether skin irritation per se is actually a direct cause of true false positive results in the LLNA. The body of published work has been examined critically and considered in relation to our current understanding of the mechanisms of skin irritation and skin sensitisation. From these analyses it is very clear that, of itself, skin irritation is not a cause of false positive results. The corollary is, therefore, that limiting test concentrations in the LLNA for the purpose of avoiding skin irritation may lead, unintentionally, to false negatives. Where a substance is a true false positive in the LLNA, the classic example being sodium lauryl sulphate, explanations for that positivity will have to reach beyond the seductive, but incorrect, recourse to its skin irritation potential. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. A study of the relationship between susceptibility to skin stinging and skin irritation.


    Basketter, D A; Griffiths, H A


    In an evaluation of the safety of new chemicals, of products containing them, or of novel formulations of existing chemicals which may come into contact with the skin, it is important to incorporate an assessment of specially susceptible sub-populations. Such a group is represented by those who are more likely to experience sensory effects such as stinging. Since these individuals are easily and rapidly identifiable, we investigated whether they represented a group who were also more susceptible to the effects of an irritant. The primary purpose was to discover whether 'stingers' might represent an easily and rapidly identifiable sub-population with a more generally increased tendency to give skin responses. The response to a 0.3% sodium dodecyl sulphate patch test was assessed in a group of 25 'stingers' and compared to the response in 25 'non-stingers'. There was no difference in either the pattern or strength of the irritant response assessed by subjective erythema and dryness scores. Thus the data suggest that there is no correlation between the susceptibility of an individual to a skin stinging response and an irritation reaction.

  4. Skin and Eye Irritation Assessment of Oil Palm ( Elaeis guineensis) Leaf Extract for Topical Application.


    Yusof, Nor Zuliana; Abd Gani, Siti Salwa; Azizul Hasan, Zafarizal Aldrin; Idris, Zainab


    Many types of phytochemicals have been found to be present in oil palm leaf and could potentially be used as functional ingredients for skincare product. However, as of today, there is no published report on hazard identification and safety assessment of oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis) leaf extract (OPLE), particularly on skin and eye irritation. In this study, potential hazard of OPLE on skin and eye irritation was evaluated as an initial step to the safety assessment of OPLE. In vitro cell viability study of OPLE on normal human dermal fibroblasts showed that OPLE was nontoxic to the cells with percentage viability more than 90% after 24 and 48 hours of incubation. Skin irritation potential of OPLE was evaluated using in vitro SkinEthic reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) model (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] Test Guideline 439, 2015), while eye irritation potential was evaluated using in vitro SkinEthic Human corneal epithelium (HCE) model (OECD test guideline 492, 2017). Hazard identification results showed that OPLE at 1%, 5%, and 10% (wt/wt) was classified as nonirritant to the skin and eye where mean tissue viabilities of SkinEthic RHE and SkinEthic HCE were more than 50% and 60%, respectively. Therefore, we recommend a further safety assessment, such as human patch testing, to confirm the nonirritant of OPLE.

  5. Stratum corneum cytokines and skin irritation response to sodium lauryl sulfate.


    De Jongh, Cindy M; Verberk, Maarten M; Withagen, Carien E T; Jacobs, John J L; Rustemeyer, Thomas; Kezic, Sanja


    Little is known about cytokines involved in chronic irritant contact dermatitis. Individual cytokine profiles might explain at least part of the differences in the individual response to irritation. Our objective was to investigate the relation between baseline stratum corneum (SC) cytokine levels and the skin response to a single and a repeated irritation test. This study also aimed to determine changes in SC cytokine levels after repeated irritation. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and erythema were measured in 20 volunteers after single 24-hr exposure to 1% sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), and during and after repeated exposure to 0.1% SLS over a 3-week period. SC cytokine levels were measured from an unexposed skin site and from the repeatedly exposed site. Interleukin (IL)-1alpha decreased by 30% after repeated exposure, while IL-1RA increased 10-fold and IL-8 increased fourfold. Baseline IL-1RA and IL-8 values were predictors of TEWL and erythema after single exposure (r = 0.55-0.61). 6 subjects showed barrier recovery during repeated exposure. Baseline IL-1RA and IL-8 levels are likely to be indicators of higher skin irritability after single exposure to SLS. Barrier repair in some of the subjects might explain the lack of agreement between the TEWL response after single and repeated irritation.

  6. Tandem Repeated Irritation Test (TRIT) Studies and Clinical Relevance: Post 2006.


    Reddy, Rasika; Maibach, Howard


    Single or multiple applications of irritants can lead to occupational contact dermatitis, and most commonly irritant contact dermatitis (ICD). Tandem irritation, the sequential application of two irritants to a target skin area, has been studied using the Tandem Repeated Irritation Test (TRIT) to provide a more accurate representation of skin irritation. Here we present an update to Kartono's review on tandem irritation studies since 2006 [1]. We surveyed the literature available on PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, and the UCSF Dermatology library databases since 2006. The studies included discuss the tandem effects of common chemical irritants, organic solvents, occlusion as well as clinical relevance - and enlarge our ability to discern whether multiple chemical exposures are more or less likely to enhance irritation.

  7. Long-term repetitive sodium lauryl sulfate-induced irritation of the skin: an in vivo study.


    Branco, Nara; Lee, Ivy; Zhai, Hongbo; Maibach, Howard I


    Skin may adapt to topical irritants through accommodation. This study focuses on long-term exposure to irritants and attempts to demonstrate accommodation. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) induced irritant contact dermatitis at 3 concentrations (0.025% to 0.075%). Distilled water, acetone and an empty chamber served as controls. Experimental compounds were applied to forearms of 7 healthy volunteers for 24 hr before replacing by a fresh chamber for 6 non-consecutive weeks over 103 days. Possible accommodation was quantified by visual scoring (erythema and dryness) and by bioengineering parameters: transepidermal water loss (TEWL), capacitance, chromametry and laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Significant erythema, dryness, elevated TEWL, skin colour reflectance and LDF values occurred during the exposure periods. Upon repeat exposure, an immediate and augmented response in erythema, TEWL, skin colour reflectance and LDF developed. However, irritant skin changes were not sustained. Irritation parameters return to baseline after cessation of exposure. There was no evidence of sustained irritation or accommodation after the last exposure. Study findings do not document sustained accommodation or adaptive hyposensitivity after long-term repetitive irritant exposure under these test conditions. Alternative models should be developed to prove or disprove the accommodation hypothesis.

  8. [Development of alternative to animal experiment in evaluation of skin irritation caused by alcohol-based hand rubs].


    Yamamoto, Nobuyuki; Miyamoto, Koji; Katoh, Masakazu


    Alcohol-based hand rubs are widely used for infection control in clinical practice. However, it is known that frequent use of the alcohol-based hand rubs may cause skin irritation. To predict the skin irritation in human, animal experiments are quite useful. Especially, the Draize Test using rabbits is suitable for this purpose because their skin is highly sensitive. On the other hand, the development of alternative to animal experiments is important not only from the viewpoint of ethical aspects but also from the efficient research and development. Reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) was developed as a human skin equivalent model in vitro, and has been applied to the evaluation of skin irritation. But the RhE has not been utilized for the evaluation of alcohol-based hand rubs because of the high skin permeability and cytotoxicity of alcohols. The aim of this study was to develop a new method using the RhE in evaluation of skin irritation caused by alcohol-based hand rubs. The authors propose an experimental technique named "Skin model blowing method (SMBM)" consisting of the sequential procedure as follows; applying small amount of testing sample on RhE, blow-dry, post incubation, and cell viability measurement. According to the SMBM, the skin irritation caused by alcohol-based hand rubs could be evaluated under the similar condition of their actual use. It was found that a high correlation existed between the cell viability obtained from SMBM and the skin irritation index in rabbit which had been reported previously.

  9. Genotoxicity, acute oral and dermal toxicity, eye and dermal irritation and corrosion and skin sensitisation evaluation of silver nanoparticles.


    Kim, Jin Sik; Song, Kyung Seuk; Sung, Jae Hyuck; Ryu, Hyun Ryol; Choi, Byung Gil; Cho, Hyun Sun; Lee, Jin Kyu; Yu, Il Je


    To clarify the health risks related to silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs), we evaluated the genotoxicity, acute oral and dermal toxicity, eye irritation, dermal irritation and corrosion and skin sensitisation of commercially manufactured Ag-NPs according to the OECD test guidelines and GLP. The Ag-NPs were not found to induce genotoxicity in a bacterial reverse mutation test and chromosomal aberration test, although some cytotoxicity was observed. In acute oral and dermal toxicity tests using rats, none of the rats showed any abnormal signs or mortality at a dose level of ∼ 2000 mg/kg. Similarly, acute eye and dermal irritation and corrosion tests using rabbits revealed no significant clinical signs or mortality and no acute irritation or corrosion reaction for the eyes and skin. In a skin sensitisation test using guinea pigs, one animal (1/20) showed discrete or patchy erythema, thus Ag-NPs can be classified as a weak skin sensitiser.

  10. Hydrophobically modified polymers can minimize skin irritation potential caused by surfactant-based cleansers.


    Draelos, Zoe; Hornby, Sidney; Walters, Russel M; Appa, Yohini


    The addition of hydrophobically modified polymers (HMPs) to cleansers that contain surfactants can create polymer-surfactant complexes that are less irritating to the skin than commercially available mild cleansers. Our objective was to compare the tolerability and efficacy of a test foaming liquid facial cleanser containing HMPs with a commercial liquid nonfoaming facial cleanser in women with sensitive skin. In this randomized, prospective, double-blind, comparative study, women (n = 20 per group) with mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis (AD), eczema, acne, or rosacea used a test gentle foaming liquid facial cleanser containing HMPs or a commercial gentle liquid nonfoaming facial cleanser daily for 3 weeks. Investigators assessed irritation and skin condition. Study subjects also assessed their skin properties and the performance of each cleanser. Clinicians as well as study subjects consistently rated the test cleanser as effective or slightly more effective at improving symptoms than the commercial cleanser, although no significant differences between groups were observed. At weeks 1 and 3, respectively, more users of the commercial cleanser reported irritation (20% and 10%) than users of the test cleanser (5% and 5%). In addition, subject self-assessments of skin condition and cleansing properties were slightly more improved with the test cleanser than with the commercial cleanser. Both the test foaming cleanser containing HMPs and the commercial nonfoaming cleanser were effective and well accepted by most women in the study. Improvements were observed by both clinicians and subjects in the group using the test cleanser containing HMPs in all evaluated skin categories. © 2013 The Authors Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Alternatives to In Vivo Draize Rabbit Eye and Skin Irritation Tests with a Focus on 3D Reconstructed Human Cornea-Like Epithelium and Epidermis Models

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Miri; Hwang, Jee-Hyun; Lim, Kyung-Min


    Human eyes and skin are frequently exposed to chemicals accidentally or on purpose due to their external location. Therefore, chemicals are required to undergo the evaluation of the ocular and dermal irritancy for their safe handling and use before release into the market. Draize rabbit eye and skin irritation test developed in 1944, has been a gold standard test which was enlisted as OECD TG 404 and OECD TG 405 but it has been criticized with respect to animal welfare due to invasive and cruel procedure. To replace it, diverse alternatives have been developed: (i) For Draize eye irritation test, organotypic assay, in vitro cytotoxicity-based method, in chemico tests, in silico prediction model, and 3D reconstructed human cornea-like epithelium (RhCE); (ii) For Draize skin irritation test, in vitro cytotoxicity-based cell model, and 3D reconstructed human epidermis models (RhE). Of these, RhCE and RhE models are getting spotlight as a promising alternative with a wide applicability domain covering cosmetics and personal care products. In this review, we overviewed the current alternatives to Draize test with a focus on 3D human epithelium models to provide an insight into advancing and widening their utility. PMID:28744350

  12. [Changes of nitric oxide after trichloroethylene irritation in hairless mice skin and protection of ginkgo biloba extract and vitamin E].


    Wang, Liang; Shen, Tong; Zhou, Cheng-fan; Yu, Jun-feng; Zhu, Qi-xing


    To study the changes of nitric oxide (NO) in the BALB/c hairless mice skin after trichloroethylene (TCE) irritation and the protection of ginkgo biloba extract (GbE) and vitamin E (VE). 132 BALB/c hairless mice were randomly divided into blank control group, solvent group (olive oil), TCE groups (20%TCE, 40%TCE, 80%TCE and 100%TCE), GbE groups (0.1%GbE, 1%GbE and 10%GbE) and VE groups (5%VE, 10% VE and 20% VE), with 11 animals in each group, 5 for acute irritation test and 6 for the cumulative irritation test. The skin irritation was observed, and the levels of NO in the dorsal skin of BALB/C hairless mice were detected. The kit of NO was used to detect the levels of NO in the dorsal skin of BALB/c hairless mice. (1) The skin presented erythema and edema after TCE irritation both in acute irritation and cumulative irritation test and the skin inflammation showed time-dose effect relationship; the mice skin was protected in GbE or VE groups. (2) In the acute stimulation test, the levels of NO in 80%TCE group (69.895 +/- 9.605 micromol/mg pro) and 100%TCE group (77.273 +/- 9.290 micromol/mg pro) were significantly different compared with blank control group and solvent control group (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). In the protection group, the NO level were reduced, with the statistically significant differences. (3) In acute irritation test, the levels of NO in 80%TCE group (60.362 +/- 9.817 micromol/mg pro) and 100%TCE group (68.027 +/- 9.354 micromol/mg pro) were significantly different compared with blank control group and solvent control group, (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01); In the protection group, 1% GbE, 10% GbE, 10% VE and 20%VE could reduce the levels of NO, with statistically significant differences. TCE can produce the irritation on the dorsal skin of BALB/c hairless mice and induce the significant increase of the NO levels. GbE and VE can protect the skin from TCE irritation damage.

  13. Evaluation of fibrin-based dermal-epidermal organotypic cultures for in vitro skin corrosion and irritation testing of chemicals according to OECD TG 431 and 439.


    Morales, Mariana; Pérez, David; Correa, Luis; Restrepo, Luz


    Reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) models have been used for in vitro testing of the potential harmful effects of exposure to chemical compounds on health. In the past, skin irritation and corrosion were evaluated in animal models; however, in recent years, due to the bioethics implications of the method and, to minimize the use of experimental animals, alternative procedures have been proposed. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in its test guidelines (TG) 431 and 439 indicates the requirements for validating new methods for the evaluation of skin corrosion and irritation, respectively. Here, we present an in-house human dermal-epidermal model, useful for the performance of these tests. Using the methods described in this work, it was possible to obtain human fibrin-based dermal-epidermal organotypic skin cultures (ORGs) displaying similar histological characteristics to native skin and expressing specific differentiation epithelial proteins. The end points to classify a substance as irritant or corrosive were cell viability evaluated by MTT assay, and cytokine release measured by BD CBA for human inflammatory cytokines. According to the MTT test, the ORGs correctly classified irritating and corrosive substances. Moreover, the cytokine release assay was difficult to interpret in the context of testing chemical hazard classification. Further experiments are needed to validate this new model for the evaluation of surfactants because the fibrin matrix was affected in the presence of these substances. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Experimental study on skin irritation of bone spur powder on rabbit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ma, Zhenzhen; Zhang, Xuhui; Hao, Shaojun; Shen, Huiling; Wang, Huamin; Ji, Xianghui; Zhang, Zhengchen; Huang, Youling


    To observe the effect of bone powder of rabbit skin, provide the basis for the safety of clinical use of bone powder, 24 rabbits were randomly divided into 6 groups, complete skin test and damaged skin test each divided into 3 groups (n=4), high, low, 3 doses tested daily administered 1 times, continuous administration for 7 days, in 24 hours after the last administration of drug residues, wash with warm water, the removal of L hours after drug for 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and seventh days, observed and recorded to apply position before administration and administration during the skin no erythema and edema, and observe the smear Parts of any pigmentation, bleeding, rough skin or thin skin etc., record the occurrence time and duration time. Through comparative observation, intact skin group before administration and dosing period, there were no erythema and edema, pigmentation, bleeding, rough skin or thin skin etc., there is no difference with the control group; the damaged skin group after administration of 1 to 5 days, each rabbit skin there are different degrees of erythema and edema, especially to skin injury after 24-48 hours is obvious, 2 days (48 hours) after 4 days gradually reduced, significantly subsided after 6 days, erythema and edema phenomenon subsided completely, not out of blood, pigmentation, rough skin or thin skin and so on. The bone spur powder has no irritation on the intact skin of rabbits. The bone spur powder has moderate irritation on the damaged skin of rabbits, but after 48 hours, the stimulation reaction subsided spontaneously, which is caused by the inflammatory reaction caused by skin injury, rather than the medication. The bone spur powder is safe for clinical use.

  15. Assessment of Irritation and Sensitization Potential of Eight Baby Skin Care Products.


    Galzote, Carlos; Thomas, Mini; Sachdev, Mukta


    Ethnic differences in skin sensitivity suggest that greater emphasis be focused on understanding a product's effect in diverse populations. The irritation and/or sensitization potential of 8 baby skin care products in Indian adults were evaluated using cumulative irritation tests (CIT) and human repeat insult patch testing (HRIPT) protocols. Healthy males or females aged 18 to 65 years of Indian ethnicity were treated with each of 6 products (cream, hair oil, lotion, body wash, shampoo, and baby soap) using CIT (n = 25) and HRIPT (n = 200). Baby powder and baby oil were evaluated by CIT (n = 25) and HRIPT (n = 107) in separate studies. CITs were conducted over 14 days; HRIPTs were conducted over 10 weeks. In both CIT and HRIPT, most products were considered mild, with no irritation. Baby soap and powder elicited reactions in the HRIPT induction phase, with positive challenge phase reactions (3 subjects), but were affirmed to be nonallergenic in the rechallenge phase. In these studies, 8 baby skin care products were evaluated by both CIT and HRIPT in Indian adults. The results of the studies indicated that all of the tested products were nonallergenic and nonirritating.

    J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;15(10):1244-1248.

  16. From topical antidote against skin irritants to a novel counter-irritating and anti-inflammatory peptide

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Brodsky, Berta; Erlanger-Rosengarten, Avigail; Proscura, Elena


    The primary purpose of the present study was to investigate the mechanism of the counter-irritating activity of topical iodine against skin lesions induced by chemical and thermal stimuli. The hypothesis that iodine exerts its activity by inducing an endogenous anti-inflammatory factor was confirmed by exposing guinea pig skin to heat stimulus followed by topical iodine treatment and skin extraction. Injection of the extract into naive guinea pigs reduced heat-induced irritation by 69%. The protective factor, identified as a new nonapeptide (histone H2A 36-44, H-Lys-Gly-Asn-Tyr-Ala-Glu-Arg-Ileu-Ala-OH), caused reduction of 40% in irritation score in heat-exposed guinea pigs. The murine analog (H-Lys-Gly-His-Tyr-Ala-Glu-Arg-Val-Gly-OH, termedmore » IIIM1) reduced sulfur mustard (SM)-induced ear swelling at a dose-dependent bell-shape manner reaching peak activity of 1 mg/kg. Cultured keratinocytes transfected with the peptide were more resistant towards SM than the control cells. The peptide suppressed oxidative burst in activated neutrophils in a concentration-dependent manner. In addition, the peptide reduced glucose oxidase-induced skin edema in mice at a dose-dependent bell-shape manner. Apart from thermal and chemical-induced skin irritation this novel peptide might be of potential use in chronic dermal disorders such as psoriasis and pemphigus as well as non-dermal inflammatory diseases like multiple sclerosis, arthritis and colitis.« less

  17. Evaluation of modifications of the traditional patch test in assessing the chemical irritation potential of feminine hygiene products.


    Farage, Miranda A; Meyer, Sandy; Walter, Dave


    The first main objective of the work presented in this paper was to investigate ways of optimizing the current arm patch test protocol by (1) increasing the sensitivity of the test in order to evaluate more effectively the products that are inherently non-irritating, and/or (2) reducing the costs of these types of studies by shortening the protocol. The second main objective was to use the results of these studies and the results of the parallel studies conducted using the behind-the-knee method to better understand the contribution of mechanical irritation to the skin effects produced by these types of products. In addition, we were interested in continuing the evaluation of sensory effects and their relationship to objective measures of irritation. Test materials were prepared from three, currently marketed feminine protection pads. Wet and dry samples were applied to the upper arm using the standard 24-h patch test. Applications were repeated daily for 4 consecutive days. The test sites were scored for irritation prior to the first patch application, and 30-60 min after removal of each patch. Some test sites were treated by tape stripping the skin prior to the initial patch application. In addition, in one experiment, panelists were asked to keep a daily diary describing any sensory skin effects they noticed at each test site. All protocol variations ([intact skin/dry samples], [compromised skin/dry samples], [intact skin/wet samples], and [compromised skin/wet samples]) gave similar results for the products tested. When compared to the behind-the-knee test method, the standard upper arm patch test gave consistently lower levels of irritation when the test sites were scored shortly after patch removal, even though the sample application was longer (24 vs. 6 h) in the standard patch test. The higher level of irritation in the behind-the-knee method was likely due to mechanical irritation. The sensory skin effects did not appear to be related to a particular test

  18. Toxicity evaluation of the photoprotective compound LQFM048: Eye irritation, skin toxicity and genotoxic endpoints.


    de Ávila, Renato Ivan; de Sousa Vieira, Marcelo; Gaeti, Marilisa Pedroso Nogueira; Moreira, Larissa Cleres; de Brito Rodrigues, Laís; de Oliveira, Gisele Augusto Rodrigues; Batista, Aline Carvalho; Vinhal, Daniela Cristina; Menegatti, Ricardo; Valadares, Marize Campos


    A new molecule, LQFM048, originally designed through molecular hybridization using green chemistry approach, is in development as a photoprotective agent. Eye irritation, skin toxicity and genotoxicity evaluations are mandatory for predicting health risks. In this context, the purpose of this study was to investigate the eye irritation potential of LQFM048 by combining Short Time Exposure (STE), Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) associated with corneal histomorphometry and Hen's Egg Test-Chorioallantoic Membrane (HET-CAM). Additionally, skin toxicity was evaluated by interleukin-18 production in the HaCaT keratinocyte, Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA:BrdU-ELISA) method, 3T3 Neutral red uptake (NRU) assay and in vivo phototoxicity test. Genotoxic potential of LQFM048 was also analyzed by cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay (MNvit test-cytoB) in HepG2 cells. Our results showed that LQFM048 did not induce eye irritation and it was classified as UN GHS No Category for both STE and BCOP assays and non-irritating for HET-CAM test. LQFM048 showed non-potential skin sensitization with stimulation index (SI=0.7) in the LLNA:BrdU-ELISA method. Corroborating in vivo tests, it did not promote significant cytotoxicity in HaCaT cells and it showed similar levels of IL-18 when compared to control. Furthermore, LQFM048 induced non-phototoxic potential with photo-irritation factor (PIF) and mean photo effect (MPE) of 1 and -0.138, respectively, for 3T3 cells. Similarly, it was not phototoxic for in vivo testing with or without exposure to UVA, showing SI values of 1 and 1.2, respectively. The micronucleus test showed that LQFM048 was not genotoxic, under the conditions tested.In conclusion, LQFM048, a heterocyclic compound obtained through an environmentally acceptable simple synthetic route, seems to be safe for human use, especially for the development of a new sunscreen product, since it is neither an eye irritant, nor a contact allergen, nor mutagenic and nor

  19. In vivo skin penetration of macromolecules in irritant contact dermatitis.


    Abdel-Mottaleb, Mona M A; Lamprecht, Alf


    Recently, a selective preferential accumulation of polymeric nanoparticles (in the size range around 100nm) has been observed in the follicular system of dermatitis skin. The present investigation aimed at clearly investigating the effect of irritant contact dermatitis on the barrier permeability for colloidal systems below this size range, namely quantum dots and hydrophilic macromolecules. Irritant dermatitis was induced in mice and the penetrability of quantum dots (5nm) and hydrophilic dextran molecules has been tracked in both healthy and inflamed skin using confocal laser scanning microscopy. The selective accumulation of the quantum dots was clearly observed in inflamed skin while hydrophilic dextran behaved similarly in both healthy and inflamed skin. The therapeutic potential for the transdermal delivery of peptide drugs through inflamed skin has been also tested in rats. Results revealed that the transdermal permeation of insulin and calcitonin was not significantly enhanced in dermatitis compared to healthy skin. On the other side, permeation through stripped skin was significantly higher. However, the effect was limited and shorter compared to the SC injection where t min was 0.5h and 2h with a 70% and 46% reduction in blood glucose levels for the stripped skin and the SC injection respectively. Similarly, t min was 4h and 8h with area under the curve of 161±65% and 350±97% for the stripped skin and the SC injection respectively. In conclusion, the changes in skin permeability accompanied with skin inflammation did not affect its permeability to peptide drugs. Our findings also underline that experiments with the tape stripped skin model as a surrogate for inflamed skin can risk misleading conclusions due to significant difference of skin permeability between the tape stripped skin and inflamed skin. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Formulation of tretinoin-loaded topical proniosomes for treatment of acne: in-vitro characterization, skin irritation test and comparative clinical study.


    Rahman, Salwa Abdel; Abdelmalak, Nevine Shawky; Badawi, Alia; Elbayoumy, Tahany; Sabry, Nermeen; El Ramly, Amany


    Tretinoin (TRT) is a widely used retinoid for the topical treatment of acne, photo-aged skin, psoriasis and skin cancer which makes it a good candidate for topical formulation. Yet side effects, like redness, swelling, peeling, blistering and, erythema, in addition to its high lipophilicity make this challenging. Therefore, the aim of this study was the development of TRT-loaded proniosomes to improve the drug efficacy and to increase user acceptability and compliance by reducing its side effects. Nine formulae were prepared according to 3(2) factorial design and were evaluated for their morphology, vesicle size, entrapment efficiency (EE %), and% of drug released after 5 h. Hydrogel of the candidate formula, N8G (proniosomes prepared with 0.025% TRT, and Span60: cholesterol molar ratio of 3:1 and incorporated in 1% carbopol gel) was developed and evaluated for skin irritation test and clinical study in acne patients compared to marketed product. Candidate formula showed higher efficacy and very low irritation potential when compared to marketed product in human volunteers.


    EPA Science Inventory

    This study was designed to demonstrate that the early symptoms of chemically-induced skin irritation are neurally mediated. everal approaches were used to affect nerve transmission in adult Balb/c female mice. hese included general anesthesia (i.e., sodium pentobarbital), systemi...

  2. A catch-up validation study of an in vitro skin irritation test method using reconstructed human epidermis LabCyte EPI-MODEL24.


    Kojima, Hajime; Katoh, Masakazu; Shinoda, Shinsuke; Hagiwara, Saori; Suzuki, Tamie; Izumi, Runa; Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro; Nakamura, Maki; Kasahawa, Toshihiko; Shibai, Aya


    Three validation studies were conducted by the Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments in order to assess the performance of a skin irritation assay using reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) LabCyte EPI-MODEL24 (LabCyte EPI-MODEL24 SIT) developed by the Japan Tissue Engineering Co., Ltd. (J-TEC), and the results of these studies were submitted to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for the creation of a Test Guideline (TG). In the summary review report from the OECD, the peer review panel indicated the need to resolve an issue regarding the misclassification of 1-bromohexane. To this end, a rinsing operation intended to remove exposed chemicals was reviewed and the standard operating procedure (SOP) revised by J-TEC. Thereafter, in order to confirm general versatility of the revised SOP, a new validation management team was organized by the Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (JaCVAM) to undertake a catch-up validation study that would compare the revised assay with similar in vitro skin irritation assays, per OECD TG No. 439 (2010). The catch-up validation and supplementary studies for LabCyte EPI-MODEL24 SIT using the revised SOPs were conducted at three laboratories. These results showed that the revised SOP of LabCyte EPI-MODEL24 SIT conformed more accurately to the classifications for skin irritation under the United Nations Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN GHS), thereby highlighting the importance of an optimized rinsing operation for the removal of exposed chemicals in obtaining consistent results from in vitro skin irritation assays. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  3. Proposal of limit concentrations for skin irritation within the context of a new EEC directive on the classification and labeling of preparations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jacobs, G.; Martens, M.; Mosselmans, G.


    In this study, solvents belonging to different chemical families were tested for their irritating properties to the skin. The irritating potential of a chemical is expressed as its concentration in a nonirritant diluent beyond which irritation of the skin may be expected in the sense of EEC Directive 79/831/EEC. The substances were applied onto the shaved skin of rabbits by means of a modified Finn chamber for 4 hr. Afterward the exposure chamber was removed and the skin cleaned. Reading of erythema and edema was performed according to the scale of Draize at 1, 24, 48, and 72 hr aftermore » the removal of the patch. On the basis of the readings obtained the different dilutions of the organic solvents tested were classified as irritant or not according to the interpretation rules laid down in EEC Directive 83/467/EEC. On the basis of the structure-activity relationships found within each chemical family the irritation potential of the other members of the family could be derived via interpolation.« less

  4. Evaluation of the skin irritation using a DNA microarray on a reconstructed human epidermal model.


    Niwa, Makoto; Nagai, Kanji; Oike, Hideaki; Kobori, Masuko


    To avoid the need to use animals to test the skin irritancy potential of chemicals and cosmetics, it is important to establish an in vitro method based on the reconstructed human epidermal model. To evaluate skin irritancy efficiently and sensitively, we determined the gene expression induced by a topically-applied mild irritant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in a reconstructed human epidermal model LabCyte EPI-MODEL (LabCyte) using a DNA microarray carrying genes that were related to inflammation, immunity, stress and housekeeping. The expression and secretion of IL-1alpha in reconstructed human epidermal culture is known to be induced by irritation. We detected the induction of IL-1alpha expression and its secretion into the cell culture medium by treatment with 0.075% SDS for 18 h in LabCyte culture using DNA microarray, quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and ELISA. DNA microarray analysis indicated that the expression of 10 of the 205 genes carried on the DNA microarray was significantly induced in a LabCyte culture by 0.05% or 0.075% SDS irritation for 18 h. RT-PCR analysis confirmed that SDS treatment significantly induced the expressions of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN), FOS-like antigen 1 (FOSL1), heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A (HSPA1) and myeloid differentiation primary response gene (88) (MYD88), as well as the known marker genes for irritation IL-1beta and IL-8 in a LabCyte culture. Our results showed that a DNA microarray is a useful tool for efficiently evaluating mild skin irritation using a reconstructed human epidermal model.

  5. Acute irritant threshold correlates with barrier function, skin hydration and contact hypersensitivity in atopic dermatitis and rosacea.


    Darlenski, Razvigor; Kazandjieva, Jana; Tsankov, Nikolai; Fluhr, Joachim W


    The aim of the study was to disclose interactions between epidermal barrier, skin irritation and sensitization in healthy and diseased skin. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and stratum corneum hydration (SCH) were assessed in adult patients with atopic dermatitis (AD), rosacea and healthy controls. A 4-h patch test with seven concentrations of sodium lauryl sulphate was performed to determine the irritant threshold (IT). Contact sensitization pattern was revealed by patch testing with European baseline series. Subjects with a lower IT had higher TEWL values and lower SCH. Subjects with positive allergic reactions had significantly lower IT. In AD, epidermal barrier deterioration was detected on both volar forearm and nasolabial fold, while in rosacea, impeded skin physiology parameters were observed on the facial skin only, suggesting that barrier impediment is restricted to the face in rosacea, in contrast with AD where the abnormal skin physiology is generalized. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Effect of Skin Protection and Skin Irritation on the Internal Exposure to Carbon Disulfide in Employees of the Viscose Industry.


    Kilo, Sonja; Zonnur, Nina; Uter, Wolfgang; Göen, Thomas; Drexler, Hans


    Occupational exposure to carbon disulfide (CS2) leads to inhalative and dermal uptake and thereby to internal exposure. In order to prevent occupational contact dermatitis, gloves and skin protection creams are used at the workplace. The aim of the study was the evaluation of the influence of personal skin protection and irritation on the internal exposure to CS2 of employees in the viscose industry. One hundred and eighty-two male CS2-exposed employees were included in the study and were examined regarding working conditions, use of personal protective measures und skin status. Personal air monitoring and biological monitoring was performed and the 'relative internal exposure' (RIE, internal exposure in relation to external exposure) calculated. A multiple regression analysis calculated the influence of skin protection and irritation on CS2 uptake. Usage of skin protection creams and gloves (and both in combination) while working was associated with a significantly higher RIE indicating a higher dermal penetration of CS2. Equally, irritated skin and younger age was associated with a higher internal burden. Gloves and skin protection creams are useful for preventing occupational skin diseases. However, when handling skin-resorptive substances like CS2, they can increase internal exposure or skin irritation. Therefore, we recommend the careful consideration of benefits and risks of protective creams and gloves at the workplace. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Occupational Hygiene Society.

  7. Kinetic analysis on the skin disposition of cytotoxicity as an index of skin irritation produced by cetylpyridinium chloride: comparison of in vitro data using a three-dimensional cultured human skin model with in vivo results in hairless mice.


    Kano, Satoshi; Sugibayashi, Kenji


    The aim of this study was to kinetically and dynamically analyze in vitro cytotoxicity as an index of skin irritation by use of a three-dimensional cultured human skin model and to compare the in vitro assay data with data from living animals. A cationic surfactant, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), was selected as a model irritant. Living skin equivalent-high (LSE-high) and hairless mice were used for the in vitro and in vivo tests, respectively. Skin irritation dermatodynamics was evaluated by calorimetric thiazoyl blue (MTT) conversion assay both for in vitro and in vivo tests, whereas dermatokinetics of CPC in LSE-high and mouse skin were evaluated using HPLC. The time course of cell viability in the skin after application of CPC to intact skin was distinctly different from that of stratum-corneum-stripped skin in both LSE-high and hairless mice. Biphasic behavior characterized by two first-order rates with an inflection time point was observed in intact skin, whereas cell viability monoexponentially decreased immediately after CPC application in stripped skin. The time courses of cell viability in the skin and dermatodynamics were closely related to that of dermatokinetics of CPC. The present study demonstrates that the in vitro cytotoxic profile was similar to the in vivo cytotoxicity test and that dermatodynamics was related to dermatokinetics of CPC.

  8. [Cytotoxicity of chemicals used in household products: estimation of eye irritating potency of 25 chemicals tested during 1991-1996].


    Ikarashi, Y; Tsuchiya, T; Nakamura, A


    Cytotoxicity potential of chemicals was evaluated by determining the concentrations inducing 50% reduction of neutral red (NR) uptake into Chinese hamster fibroblast V79 cells compared with control culture (IC50). The results of cytotoxicity test for surfactants with the data produced by the in vivo Draize eye and skin irritation test were compared. There was a good correlation between cytotoxicity and eye irritation score obtained from the Draize test. In contrast, no correlation was observed between Draize skin irritation score and cytotoxic potential of chemicals. Therefore, the NR cytotoxicity test was regarded as a possible in vitro model for predicting eye irritation. Based on the IC50 values in the NR cytotoxicity test, the eye irritation classification (weak, moderate and strong) for each chemical used in household products has been established. We evaluated the cytotoxicity of 25 chemicals used for antimicrobial, rubber accelerator, rubber antioxidant, ultraviolet absorber etc. in household products, and estimated the eye irritating potency of these test chemicals according to the criterion.

  9. Dexpanthenol enhances skin barrier repair and reduces inflammation after sodium lauryl sulphate-induced irritation.


    Proksch, E; Nissen, H P


    Dexpanthenol-containing creams have been widely used for treatment of lesions (superficial wounds) of the skin and mucous membranes. Dexpanthenol is converted in tissues to pantothenic acid, a component of coenzyme A. Coenzyme A catalyses early steps in the synthesis of fatty acids and sphingolipids which are of crucial importance for stratum corneum lipid bilayers and cell membrane integrity. In the present study, the effects were examined of a dexpanthenol-containing cream on skin barrier repair, stratum corneum hydration, skin roughness, and inflammation after sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS)-induced irritation. Irritation was induced by application of SLS in patch test chambers. The dexpanthenol-contaming cream or the vehicle were applied twice daily and barrier repair, hydration, roughness, and inflammation of the skin were determined by using biophysical methods. Significantly accelerated skin barrier repair was found in treatments with the dexpanthenol-containing cream (verum) compared with vehicle-treated (placebo) or untreated skin. Both verum and placebo showed an increase in stratum corneum hydration, but significantly more so with the dexpanthenol-containing cream. Both creams reduced skin roughness, but again the verum was superior. The dexpanthenol-containing cream significantly reduced skin redness as a sign of inflammation in contrast to the vehicle, which produced no effect. Treatment with a dexpanthenol-containing cream showed significantly enhanced skin barrier repair and stratum corneum hydration, while reducing skin roughness and inflammation.

  10. Profile of irritant patch testing with detergents: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate and alkyl polyglucoside.


    Löffler, H; Happle, R


    The cutaneous reaction to detergents follows distinct kinetic rules: the duration of application and the irritant concentration are of major importance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences in kinetics of skin reaction between the standard irritant sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), and 2 modern detergents: sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and alkyl polyglucoside (APG). We performed patch testing with SLS and SLES (or APG) at different concentrations (0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%) and with different exposure times (6, 12 and 24 h). Evaluation was conducted by measurement of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and laser Doppler flowmetry (LD) 24 h, 7 and 10 days after patch removal. We found a pronounced reaction to SLS, and a far milder one to SLES. Even at the highest concentration the skin reaction to APG was hard to detect. During the regeneration period (day 3-10) SLS showed even at day 10 an increased TEWL at all concentrations tested. The irritation due to SLES was convincingly detectable only up to day 7, whereas the APG-tested skin areas showed no significant reaction even at day 3. These results demonstrate the improvement in reduction of skin irritation achieved by development of novel detergents.

  11. Correlation between pH and irritant effect of cleansers marketed for dry skin.


    Baranda, Lourdes; González-Amaro, Roberto; Torres-Alvarez, Bertha; Alvarez, Carmen; Ramírez, Victoria


    Although it is important that dermatologists and the general population know the irritation potential of products marketed for dry skin used for body cleansing, this information is not usually available. To assess the irritative effect of different soaps and liquid cleansers recommended for sensitive skin. To study the correlation of the irritation effect of each substance with its pH and with the presence or absence of syndet in the product. Seventeen products marketed for dry skin and 12 common soaps used by the general population were studied. Fresh soap emulsions (8%) were applied to the volar side of the right forearm of 30 individuals with sensitive skin for 5 consecutive days using aluminum chambers. The appearance of irritation (erythema, scaling and fissures) was recorded, scored, and expressed in an Irritation index (IrIn). The pH of each solution was measured. Products with a low IrIn were White Dove (Dove, Lever Pond's, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Dove Baby, Cetaphil (bar) (Cetaphil, Gulderma Lab., Forth Worth, TX, USA), Dove liquid cleanser for hands, Dove pink, and Aderma (Adenma, Pierre Fabre, Dermo-Cosmetique, Boulagne, France). Most corresponded to syndet products. Among the most used brand-name soap, Camay Classic (Camay, Procter & Gamble de Mexico, México, U.F.) had the lowest IrIn. Dove Baby was the only product with a neutral pH. A significant correlation between pH and the IrIn of cleansers was found (P < 0.006). Most products recommended for sensitive skin have a considerable irritation effect, which is related to the pH of the product. Better regulation of advertisement specifications including the pH level and type of cleanser contained is necessary for the majority of soaps and cleansers.

  12. Needle-free injection of insulin powder: delivery efficiency and skin irritation assessment.


    Li, Chun-yu; Wang, Zhe-wei; Tu, Can; Wang, Jia-bo; Jiang, Bing-qian; Li, Qi; Zeng, Ling-na; Ma, Zhi-jie; Zhang, Ping; Zhao, Yan-ling; Zhang, Ya-ming; Yan, Dan; Tan, Rui; Xiao, Xiao-he


    Insulin is widely used in treating diabetes, but still needs to be administered by needle injection. This study investigated a new needle-free approach for insulin delivery. A portable powder needleless injection (PNI) device with an automatic mechanical unit was designed. Its efficiency in delivering insulin was evaluated in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits. The skin irritation caused by the device was investigated and the results were analyzed in relation to aerodynamic parameters. Inorganic salt-carried insulin powders had hypoglycemic effects, while raw insulin powders were not effective when delivered by PNI, indicating that salt carriers play an important role in the delivery of insulin via PNI. The relative delivery efficiency of phosphate-carried insulin powder using the PNI device was 72.25%. A safety assessment test showed that three key factors (gas pressure, cylinder volume, and nozzle distance) were related to the amount of skin irritation caused by the PNI device. Optimized injection conditions caused minimal skin lesions and are safe to use in practice. The results suggest that PNI has promising prospects as a novel technology for delivering insulin and other biological drugs.

  13. Needle-free injection of insulin powder: delivery efficiency and skin irritation assessment*

    PubMed Central

    Li, Chun-yu; Wang, Zhe-wei; Tu, Can; Wang, Jia-bo; Jiang, Bing-qian; Li, Qi; Zeng, Ling-na; Ma, Zhi-jie; Zhang, Ping; Zhao, Yan-ling; Zhang, Ya-ming; Yan, Dan; Tan, Rui; Xiao, Xiao-he


    Insulin is widely used in treating diabetes, but still needs to be administered by needle injection. This study investigated a new needle-free approach for insulin delivery. A portable powder needleless injection (PNI) device with an automatic mechanical unit was designed. Its efficiency in delivering insulin was evaluated in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits. The skin irritation caused by the device was investigated and the results were analyzed in relation to aerodynamic parameters. Inorganic salt-carried insulin powders had hypoglycemic effects, while raw insulin powders were not effective when delivered by PNI, indicating that salt carriers play an important role in the delivery of insulin via PNI. The relative delivery efficiency of phosphate-carried insulin powder using the PNI device was 72.25%. A safety assessment test showed that three key factors (gas pressure, cylinder volume, and nozzle distance) were related to the amount of skin irritation caused by the PNI device. Optimized injection conditions caused minimal skin lesions and are safe to use in practice. The results suggest that PNI has promising prospects as a novel technology for delivering insulin and other biological drugs. PMID:25294378

  14. Hydrophilic Dogwood Extracts as Materials for Reducing the Skin Irritation Potential of Body Wash Cosmetics.


    Nizioł-Łukaszewska, Zofia; Osika, Paweł; Wasilewski, Tomasz; Bujak, Tomasz


    A significant problem related to the use of surfactants in body wash cosmetics is their propensity to trigger skin irritations. Only scarce literature exists on the effect of plant extracts on the skin irritation potential. The present study is an attempt to determine the effect of hydrophilic dogwood extracts on the irritant potential of body wash gels. Extractants used in the study were water and mixtures of water with glycerine, water with trimethylglycine (betaine), and water with plant-derived glycol (propanediol). The basic biochemical properties, i.e., the ability to neutralize free radicals, and the content of polyphenols, anthocyanins and flavonoids, were determined. An attempt was undertaken to analyze the impact of the extract added to natural body wash gel formulations on product properties. The skin irritation potential was assessed by determining the zein number and the increase in the pH level of the bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution. The viscosity and foaming ability of the resulting products were evaluated. The studies revealed that an addition of dogwood extract contributes to an improvement in the properties of body wash gels and significantly increases the safety of product use through reducing the skin irritation effect.

  15. MUTZ-3 derived Langerhans cells in human skin equivalents show differential migration and phenotypic plasticity after allergen or irritant exposure

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kosten, Ilona J.; Spiekstra, Sander W.; Gruijl, Tanja D. de

    After allergen or irritant exposure, Langerhans cells (LC) undergo phenotypic changes and exit the epidermis. In this study we describe the unique ability of MUTZ-3 derived Langerhans cells (MUTZ-LC) to display similar phenotypic plasticity as their primary counterparts when incorporated into a physiologically relevant full-thickness skin equivalent model (SE-LC). We describe differences and similarities in the mechanisms regulating LC migration and plasticity upon allergen or irritant exposure. The skin equivalent consisted of a reconstructed epidermis containing primary differentiated keratinocytes and CD1a{sup +} MUTZ-LC on a primary fibroblast-populated dermis. Skin equivalents were exposed to a panel of allergens and irritants. Topicalmore » exposure to sub-toxic concentrations of allergens (nickel sulfate, resorcinol, cinnamaldehyde) and irritants (Triton X-100, SDS, Tween 80) resulted in LC migration out of the epidermis and into the dermis. Neutralizing antibody to CXCL12 blocked allergen-induced migration, whereas anti-CCL5 blocked irritant-induced migration. In contrast to allergen exposure, irritant exposure resulted in cells within the dermis becoming CD1a{sup −}/CD14{sup +}/CD68{sup +} which is characteristic of a phenotypic switch of MUTZ-LC to a macrophage-like cell in the dermis. This phenotypic switch was blocked with anti-IL-10. Mechanisms previously identified as being involved in LC activation and migration in native human skin could thus be reproduced in the in vitro constructed skin equivalent model containing functional LC. This model therefore provides a unique and relevant research tool to study human LC biology in situ under controlled in vitro conditions, and will provide a powerful tool for hazard identification, testing novel therapeutics and identifying new drug targets. - Highlights: • MUTZ-3 derived Langerhans cells integrated into skin equivalents are fully functional. • Anti-CXCL12 blocks allergen-induced MUTZ-LC migration

  16. Epidermal-skin-test 1,000 (EST-1,000)--a new reconstructed epidermis for in vitro skin corrosivity testing.


    Hoffmann, J; Heisler, E; Karpinski, S; Losse, J; Thomas, D; Siefken, W; Ahr, H-J; Vohr, H-W; Fuchs, H W


    The determination of a possible corrosive or irritative potential of certain products and ingredients is necessary for their classification and labeling requirements. Reconstructed skin as a model system provides fundamental advantages to single cell culture testing and leads to promising results as shown by different validation studies (for review: Fentem, J.H., Botham, P.A., 2002. ECVAM's activities in validating alternative tests for skin corrosion and irritation. ATLA 30(Suppl. 2), 61-67). In this study we introduce our new reconstructed epidermis "Epidermal-Skin-Test" (EST-1,000). This fully grown epidermis consists of proliferating as well as differentiating keratinocytes. EST-1,000 shows a high comparability to normal human skin as shown by histological and immunohistochemical data. Characteristic markers (KI-67, CK 1/10/5/14, transglutaminase, collagen IV, involucrin, beta 1 integrin) can be identified easily. The main focus of this work was to characterize EST-1,000 especially with respect to its barrier function by testing several substances of known corrosive potential. Skin corrosion was detected by the cytotoxic effect of the substances on a reconstructed epidermis after short-term application to the stratum corneum. The effect was determined by standard MTT assay and accompanying histological analysis. Hence EST-1,000 shows a very high predictive potential and closes the gap between animal testing and the established full-thickness model Advanced-Skin-Test 2,000 (AST-2,000) (Noll, M., Merkle, M.-L., Kandsberger, M., Matthes, T., Fuchs, H., Graeve, T., 1999. Reconstructed human skin (AST-2,000) as a tool for pharmaco-toxicology. ATLA 27, 302).

  17. Alp Rose stem cells, olive oil squalene and a natural alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier: Are they appropriate ingredients of skin moisturizers - in vivo efficacy on normal and sodium lauryl sulfate - irritated skin?.


    Filipović, Mila; Gledović, Ana; Lukić, Milica; Tasić-Kostov, Marija; Isailović, Tanja; Pantelić, Ivana; Vuleta, Gordana; Savić, Snežana


    Since skin moisturization may be achieved by both actives and chosen carrier, plant stem cells, squalene and natural alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier may be potential components of contemporary cosmetic products. The aim of the study was in vivo evaluation of the skin irritation potential and the efficacy of Alpine Rose stem cells incorporated into li-posomes and olive oil squalene as ingredients of moisturizing creams, with respect to the novel emulsifier used for creams’ stabilization. With the employment of noninvasive skin biophysical measurements, skin hydration (EC), transepi-dermal water loss (TEWL), erythema index (EI) and viscoelas-ticity were measured on 76 healthy volunteers. In the first phase, skin irritation after a 24-hour occlusion and the long-term efficacy of creams (a 21-day study) on healthy skin were evaluated. Phase II of the study focused on the cream efficacy assessment after a 6-day treatment of sodium lauryl sulfate-irritated skin. After a 24-hour occlusion, there were no significant changes in the EI for any tested sample. In the second phase of the study, the EI was not significantly altered for the cream containing squalene, while the application of all active samples resulted in a significant reduction of TEWL. In both phases of the study an EC increase was recorded, espe-cially for the squalene-containing cream. Due to the lack of skin irritation and skin barrier impairment along with the marked hydration effect, it could be said that the in-vestigated actives incorporated into alkyl polyglucoside emulsi-fier-stabilized creams may be safely applied as ingredients for "tailor-made" cosmetic moisturizers intended for normal and dry skin care, whereas olive oil squalene could be used for the treatment of irritated or sensitive skin as well. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR34031



    Arshad, Atif I; Khan, Shoaib H M; Akhtar, Naveed; Mahmood, Asif; Sarfraz, Rai Muhammad


    The present investigation was conducted to evaluate non-invasively, various functional skin parameters i.e., irritation potential, melasma and sebum contents following long term application of topical cream (w/o) loaded with 2% methanolic extract of Ananas comosus L. versus placebo control (base) in healthy adults. Healthy human volunteers (n = 11, aged 20-30 years) were recruited for investigation and written informed consent was taken from each volunteer. In this single blinded study every volunteer applied formulation on one side of face and placebo on the other side of face twice daily for a period of 12 weeks (three months). Different skin parameters i.e., skin irritancy, melasma, and sebum contents were measured on both sides of face at baseline and after two weeks interval, using photometric device Mexameter and Sebumeter in a draught free room with modulated conditions of temperature (22-25°C) and humidity (55-60%). It was evident from the results that no primary skin irritancy was observed with patch test. Besides, statistical interpretation indicates that treatment with formulation is superior to placebo because it significantly (p ≤ 0.05) reduced the skin irritancy, melasma and sebum secretions throughout the study and reaching maximum -20.76 ± 0.89, -54.2 ± 0.37 and -40.71 ± 0.75%, respectively, at the end of study period. Antioxidant activity of extract was 92% compared to standard antioxidant. Conclusively, active cream loaded with fruit extract was well tolerated by all the volunteers and suitable to treat contact dermatitis, greasy skin, acne and seborrheic dermatitis and augmenting beauty and attraction by depigmentation of human skin. So, in the future, there is need to clinically evaluate these formulations in patients with compromised skin functions i.e., contact dermatitis, melasma, and acne vulgaris in order to explore the actual potential of this fruit.

  19. High molecular compounds (polysaccharides and proanthocyanidins) from Hamamelis virginiana bark: influence on human skin keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation and influence on irritated skin.


    Deters, A; Dauer, A; Schnetz, E; Fartasch, M; Hensel, A


    Although extracts from Hamamelis bark have long been used in therapy of skin diseases and in cosmetic formulas there are only few pharmacological investigations verifying the activity of distinct Hamamelis bark constituents. Therefore two major classes of constituents, namely polymeric proanthocyanidins and polysaccharides were isolated from Hamamelis bark and tested concerning their influence on proliferation and differentiation of cultured human keratinocytes. While the polysaccharide fraction, consisting mainly of arabans and arabinogalactans, did not effect human keratinozytes, the proanthocyanidins strongly increased the proliferation of the cells, while the differentiation was not influenced significantly. Within a preliminary cumulative in vivo study on SLS-irritated skin, proanthocyanidins (ProcyanoPlus) were proven to reduce transepidermal water loss and erythema formation. Furthermore, a clinical scoring indicated that procyanidins can influence irritative processes significantly.

  20. The effect of adhesive dressing edges on cutaneous irritancy and skin barrier function.


    Dykes, P J


    To assess the effect of repeated application and removal of adhesive edges from wound-care products on cutaneous irritancy and barrier function in normal volunteer subjects. This was a study using a 'repeat-insult patch test'. Adhesive edges from six commonly used wound-care products were applied continuously to the same site (six applications over a 14-day period) in 30 normal volunteer subjects. The test sites were assessed clinically before product reapplication using established ranking scales for cutaneous erythema. The cumulative irritancy score (CIS) for each test site was determined by adding the erythema scores at days 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 and 15. At the study end the barrier function of each test site was assessed by measuring transepidermal water loss (TEWL). The CIS showed that the products fall into two distinct groups, with Mepilex, Tielle and Allevyn giving low scores and Biatain, Comfeel and DuoDERM higher scores. Statistical analysis indicated significant differences (p < 0.05) between Mepilex and Biatain, Mepilex and Comfeel, Mepilex and DuoDERM, Tielle and Biatain, Allevyn and Biatain. The mean TEWL values also indicated that the products fall into two distinct groups: Mepilex, Tielle and Allevyn with low mean values close to that of normal adjacent back skin and Biatain, Comfeel and DuoDERM with much higher mean values. Statistical analysis indicated that Mepilex, Tielle and Allevyn were not significantly different from normal skin (p < 0.05), whereas Biatain, Comfeel and DuoDERM were significantly higher than normal skin and the other products tested. The results show clear differences between products; the clinical scores and TEWL measurements indicate that the products fall into two distinct groups. This novel approach seems able to discriminate between adhesive borders and may be useful during product development and in selecting products for clinical trials.

  1. Efficacy of dexpanthenol in skin protection against irritation: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.


    Biro, Kathrin; Thaçi, Diamant; Ochsendorf, Falk R; Kaufmann, Roland; Boehncke, Wolf-Henning


    Dexpanthenol is popular in treating various dermatoses and in skin care, but few controlled clinical trials have been performed. We investigated the efficacy of dexpanthenol in skin protection against irritation in a randomized, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. 25 healthy volunteers (age 18-45 years) were treated for the inner aspect of both forearms with either Bepanthol Handbalsam containing 5% dexpanthenol or placebo x2 daily for 26 days. From day 15-22, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) 2% was applied to these areas x2 daily. Documentation comprised sebumetry, corneometry, pH value and clinical appearance (photographs). 21 volunteers completed the study, 3 were excluded because of non-compliance and 1 experienced a non-study-related, severe, adverse event. Only corneometry yielded a statistically significant difference, with decreased values following SLS challenge at the placebo sites (P < 0.05). Intraindividual comparisons showed superior results at the dexpanthenol-treated sites in 11 cases and in only 1 case at the placebo site. 6 volunteers experienced an irritant contact dermatitis, with more severe symptoms at the placebo site in 5 cases. In conclusion, dexpanthenol exhibits protective effects against skin irritation. The initiation of a study to evaluate the efficacy of dexpanthenol in preventing irritant occupational contact dermatitis under real workplace conditions is validated.

  2. In vivo assessment of cytological changes by means of reflectance confocal microscopy - demonstration of the effect of topical vitamin E on skin irritation caused by sodium lauryl sulfate.


    Casari, Alice; Farnetani, Francesca; De Pace, Barbara; Losi, Amanda; Pittet, Jean-Christophe; Pellacani, Giovanni; Longo, Caterina


    Irritant contact dermatitis is caused by skin barrier damage. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is commonly used in cosmetics to prevent photo-damage. To show the usefulness of reflectance confocal microscopy in the assessment of irritant skin damage caused by sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and of the protective action of vitamin E applied prior to skin irritation. Ten healthy volunteers were enrolled. Irritation was induced by the application of a patch test containing SLS 5% aq. for 24 h. Three sites were compared: one site on which a product with vitamin E was applied before SLS treatment, one site on which the same product was applied after SLS treatment, and one control site (SLS only). Each site was evaluated with reflectance confocal microscopy, providing in vivo tissue images at nearly histological resolution. We also performed a computerized analysis of the VivaStack® images. Reflectance confocal microscopy is able to identify signs of skin irritation and the preventive effect of vitamin E application. Reflectance confocal microscopy is useful in the objective assessment of irritative skin damage. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Dermal toxicity, eye and dermal irritation and skin sensitization evaluation of a new formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis SH-14.


    Arteaga, M E; Mancebo, A; Molier, T; Gómez, D; González, C; Bada, A M; González, B; Rojas, N M; Rodríguez, G


    Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is the best known and most widely used of all pesticidal microbes. The aim of this study was to assess the toxicity of a new formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis SH-14 in rats through acute dermal toxicity, dermal and eye irritation experiments. The acute dermal toxicity and dermal and eye irritation studies were performed using rabbits according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency guidelines 885.3100, 870.2500 and 870.2500, respectively. The skin sensitization study was carried out in accordance to the EPA OPPTS 870.2600 using guinea pigs. There was no mortality and no evidence of treatment-related toxicity in acute dermal toxicity test. No dermal responses, including erythema/eschar or edema, were found in rabbits treated with the new formulation of Bti SH-14. Minimum response was observed after eye application of test substance. No skin sensitization reactions were observed after the challenge with the new formulation of Bti SH-14 in the Bti SH-14-treated guinea pigs. In summary, the present study demonstrated that the new formulation of Bti SH-14 is not acutely toxic via dermal route, has low eye irritation and would not cause dermal irritation or hypersensitivity to tested animals. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Noninvasive measuring methods for the investigation of irritant patch test reactions. A study of patients with hand eczema, atopic dermatitis and controls.


    Agner, T


    The aim of the study was to assess the susceptibility of clinically normal skin to a standard irritant trauma under varying physiological and patophysiological conditions. Evaluation of skin responses to patch tests with sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) was used for assessment of skin susceptibility. The following noninvasive measuring methods were used for evaluation of the skin before and after exposure to irritants: measurement of transepidermal water loss by an evaporimeter, measurement of electrical conductance by a hydrometer, measurement of skin blood flow by laser Doppler flowmetry, measurement of skin colour by a colorimeter and measurement of skin thickness by ultrasound A-scan. The studies were carried out on healthy volunteers and patients with eczema. In the first studies the standard irritant patch test for assessment of skin susceptibility was characterized and validated. SLS was chosen among other irritants because of its ability to penetrate and impair the skin barrier. The implications of use of different qualities of SLS was investigated. The applied noninvasive measuring methods were evaluated, and for quantification of SLS-induced skin damage measurement of TEWL was found to be the most sensitive method. Application of the standard test on clinically normal skin under varying physiological and patophysiological conditions lead to the following main results: Seasonal variation in skin susceptibility to SLS was found, with increased susceptibility in winter, when the hydration state of the stratum corneum was also found to be decreased. A variation in skin reactivity to SLS during the menstrual cycle was demonstrated, with an increased skin response at day 1 as compared to days 9-11 in the menstrual cycle. The presence of active eczema distant from the test site increased skin susceptibility to SLS, indicating a generalized hyperreactivity of the skin. Taking these sources of variation into account healthy volunteers and patients with hand eczema and

  5. Safety Evaluation of Silk Protein Film (A Novel Wound Healing Agent) in Terms of Acute Dermal Toxicity, Acute Dermal Irritation and Skin Sensitization

    PubMed Central

    Padol, Amol R.; Jayakumar, K.; Shridhar, N. B.; Narayana Swamy, H. D.; Narayana Swamy, M.; Mohan, K.


    Acute dermal toxicity study was conducted in rats. The parameters studied were body weight, serum biochemistry and gross pathology. The animals were also observed for clinical signs and mortality after the application of test film. The dermal irritation potential of silk protein film was examined using Draize test. In the initial test, three test patches were applied sequentially for 3 min, 1 and 4 hours, respectively, and skin reaction was graded. The irritant or negative response was confirmed using two additional animals, each with one patch, for an exposure period of 4 hours. The responses were scored at 1, 24, 48 and 72 hours after the patch removal. Skin sensitization study was conducted according to Buehler test in guinea pigs, in which on day 0, 7 and 14, the animals were exposed to test material for 6 hours (Induction phase) and on day 28, the animals were exposed for a period of 24 hours (Challenge phase). The skin was observed and recorded at 24 and 48 hours after the patch removal. In acute dermal toxicity study, the rats dermally treated with silk film did not show any abnormal clinical signs and the body weight, biochemical parameters and gross pathological observations were not significantly different from the control group. In acute dermal irritation study, the treated rabbits showed no signs of erythema, edema and eschar, and the scoring was given as “0” for all time points of observations according to Draize scoring system. In skin sensitization study, there were no skin reactions 24 and 48 hours after the removal of challenge patch, which was scored “0” based on Magnusson/Kligman grading scale. PMID:21430915

  6. Cosmetics Europe multi-laboratory pre-validation of the SkinEthic™ reconstituted human corneal epithelium test method for the prediction of eye irritation.


    Alépée, N; Bessou-Touya, S; Cotovio, J; de Smedt, A; de Wever, B; Faller, C; Jones, P; Le Varlet, B; Marrec-Fairley, M; Pfannenbecker, U; Tailhardat, M; van Goethem, F; McNamee, P


    Cosmetics Europe, The Personal Care Association, known as Colipa before 2012, conducted a program of technology transfer and assessment of Within/Between Laboratory (WLV/BLV) reproducibility of the SkinEthic™ Reconstituted Human Corneal Epithelium (HCE) as one of two human reconstructed tissue eye irritation test methods. The SkinEthic™ HCE test method involves two exposure time treatment procedures - one for short time exposure (10 min - SE) and the other for long time exposure (60 min - LE) of tissues to test substance. This paper describes pre-validation studies of the SkinEthic™ HCE test method (SE and LE protocols) as well as the Eye Peptide Reactivity Assay (EPRA). In the SE WLV study, 30 substances were evaluated. A consistent outcome with respect to viability measurement across all runs was observed with all substances showing an SD of less than 18%. In the LE WLV study, 44 out of 45 substances were consistently classified. These data demonstrated a high level of reproducibility within laboratory for both the SE and LE treatment procedures. For the LE BLV, 19 out of 20 substances were consistently classified between the three laboratories, again demonstrating a high level of reproducibility between laboratories. The results for EPRA WLV and BLV studies demonstrated that all substances analysed were categorised similarly and that the method is reproducible. The SkinEthic™ HCE test method entered into the experimental phase of a formal ECVAM validation program in 2010. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  7. In vitro assessment of eye irritancy using the Reconstructed Human Corneal Epithelial SkinEthic HCE model: application to 435 substances from consumer products industry.


    Cotovio, José; Grandidier, Marie-Hélène; Lelièvre, Damien; Bremond, Christelle; Amsellem, Carolle; Maloug, Saber; Ovigne, Jean-Marc; Loisel-Joubert, Sophie; Lee, Aline Van Der; Minondo, Anne-Marie; Capallere, Christophe; Bertino, Béatrice; Alépée, Nathalie; Tinois-Tessonneaud, Estelle; de Fraissinette, Anne De Brugerolle; Meunier, Jean-Roch; Leclaire, Jacques


    The 7th amendment of the EU Cosmetics Directive led to the ban of eye irritation testing for cosmetic ingredients in animals, effective from March 11th 2009. Over the last 20years, many efforts have been made to find reliable and relevant alternative methods. The SkinEthic HCE model was used to evaluate the in vitro eye irritancy potential of substances from a cosmetic industry portfolio. An optimized protocol based on a specific 1-h treatment and a 16-h post-treatment incubation period was first assessed on a set of 102 substances. The prediction model (PM) based on a 50% viability cut-off, allowed to draw up two classes (Irritants and Non-Irritants), with good associated sensitivity (86.2%) and specificity (83.5%). To check the robustness of the method, the evaluated set was expanded up to 435 substances. Final performances maintained a high level and were characterized by an overall accuracy value > 82% when using EU or GHS classification rules. Results showed that the SkinEthic HCE test method is a promising in vitro tool for the prediction of eye irritancy. Optimization datasets were shared with the COLIPA Eye Irritation Project Team and ECVAM experts, and reviewed as part of an ongoing progression to enter an ECVAM prospective validation study for eye irritation. Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Changes in hydration of the stratum corneum are the most suitable indicator to evaluate the irritation of surfactants on the skin.


    Fujimura, T; Shimotoyodome, Y; Nishijima, T; Sugata, K; Taguchi, H; Moriwaki, S


    Irritancy levels of surfactants on human skin have not been clarified completely. The relationships between skin damage and changes of skin properties caused by various surfactants were investigated using non-invasive measurements. Aqueous solutions of seven kinds of anionic, non-ionic, and amphoteric surfactants were exposed to the inside of forearm skin of 20 human subjects in two separate studies using the cup method. Hydration of the stratum corneum (SC), transepidermal water loss (TEWL), pH, skin surface roughness, and contents of the SC were measured before and after one exposure and after five and nine consecutive exposures to various surfactants. The discontinuation ratio of subjects for testing in each surfactant was determined by skin irritation symptoms and was defined as the degree of skin damage. Significant changes were observed only in hydration, TEWL, and natural moisturizing factors (NMF) content in the SC following surfactant exposure. A significant correlation was observed between the discontinuation ratio of each surfactant and the changes of hydration, TEWL, and NMF. Especially, the change of SC hydration showed an excellent correlation with the discontinuation ratio both for single (r = 0.942, P < 0.001) and for chronic exposures (r = 0.934, P < 0.001). Our results indicate that the change of hydration of the SC is equivalent to the skin damage caused by surfactants, and therefore is the most suitable indicator to evaluate the irritation of surfactants on the skin. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Irritant and sensitizing potential of eight surfactants commonly used in skin cleansers: an evaluation of 105 patients.


    Corazza, Monica; Lauriola, Maria Michela; Bianchi, Anna; Zappaterra, Mario; Virgili, Annarosa


    Irritation from surfactants contained in detergents is a frequent adverse reaction to cosmetics. Sensitization to surfactants is also possible. In the literature, comparative studies about irritant and sensitizing potential of different surfactants are heterogeneous and inconclusive about the best molecules to use. We compared the irritant and sensitizing potential of some surfactants that are usual components in marketed synthetic detergents (syndets) to obtain practical information regarding commonly used detergents. We patch-tested eight surfactants of the different types (anionic, cationic, amphoteric, and non-ionic) in 105 patients. Assessment of allergic reactions of tested surfactants was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group; assessment of irritant power followed the amended Draize classification. None of the eight surfactants in our series gave positive allergic reactions. Only cocamidopropyl betaine from the Italian standard (Società Italiana di Dermatologia Allergologica, Professionale e Ambientale [SIDAPA]) series gave five positive reactions among 105 patients. None of the eight studied surfactants induced skin irritation. The most tolerated are two new mild anionics (sodium cocoyl glutamate and sodium lauroyl oat amino acids) and an amphoteric agent (disodium cocoamphodiacetate). From this study, we deduce that cosmetic companies' efforts to search for and market new products with very mild surfactants have been generally successful.

  10. Dicationic Alkylammonium Bromide Gemini Surfactants. Membrane Perturbation and Skin Irritation

    PubMed Central

    Almeida, João A. S.; Faneca, Henrique; Carvalho, Rui A.; Marques, Eduardo F.; Pais, Alberto A. C. C.


    Dicationic alkylammonium bromide gemini surfactants represent a class of amphiphiles potentially effective as skin permeation enhancers. However, only a limited number of studies has been dedicated to the evaluation of the respective cytotoxicity, and none directed to skin irritation endpoints. Supported on a cell viability study, the cytotoxicity of gemini surfactants of variable tail and spacer length was assessed. For this purpose, keratinocyte cells from human skin (NCTC 2544 cell line), frequently used as a model for skin irritation, were employed. The impact of the different gemini surfactants on the permeability and morphology of model vesicles was additionally investigated by measuring the leakage of calcein fluorescent dye and analyzing the NMR spectra of 31P, respectively. Detail on the interaction of gemini molecules with model membranes was also provided by a systematic differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. An irreversible impact on the viability of the NCTC 2544 cell line was observed for gemini concentrations higher than 25 mM, while no cytotoxicity was found for any of the surfactants in a concentration range up to 10 mM. A higher cytotoxicity was also found for gemini surfactants presenting longer spacer and shorter tails. The same trend was obtained in the calorimetric and permeability studies, with the gemini of longest spacer promoting the highest degree of membrane destabilization. Additional structural and dynamical characterization of the various systems, obtained by 31P NMR and MD, provide some insight on the relationship between the architecture of gemini surfactants and the respective perturbation mechanism. PMID:22102870

  11. Ceramide 1 and ceramide 3 act synergistically on skin hydration and the transepidermal water loss of sodium lauryl sulfate-irritated skin.


    Huang, Huey-Chun; Chang, Tsong-Min


    Stratum corneum intercellular lipids, such as ceramides, play an important role in the regulation of skin water barrier homeostasis and water-holding capacity. Aim To evaluate the potential water retention capacity of control emulsion and three oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions containing ceramide 1, ceramide 3, or both. Fifteen healthy Asian women (age, 20-30 years) with healthy skin, pretreated with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), applied the tested emulsions twice daily over a period of 28 days. Skin hydration and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) values were measured on the indicated days with a Corneometer(R)825 and a TEWAMETER TM210, respectively. The maximum increase in skin humidity was reached after 4 weeks, with values of 21.9 +/- 1.8% and 8.9 +/- 0.9% for emulsion C and control emulsion, respectively. The maximum decrease in TEWL was also reached after 4 weeks, with values of 36.7 +/- 4.7% and 5.1 +/- 0.8% for the same emulsions. It can be concluded that all the tested ceramide-containing emulsions improved skin barrier function when compared with untreated skin. There was some indication that ceramides 1 and 3 contained in emulsion C might exert a beneficial synergistic effect on skin biochemical properties, such as skin hydration and TEWL, and play a key role in the protection mechanism against SLS irritation.

  12. Survey of ocular irritation predictive capacity using Chorioallantoic Membrane Vascular Assay (CAMVA) and Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test historical data for 319 personal care products over fourteen years.


    Donahue, D A; Kaufman, L E; Avalos, J; Simion, F A; Cerven, D R


    The Chorioallantoic Membrane Vascular Assay (CAMVA) and Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test are widely used to predict ocular irritation potential for consumer-use products. These in vitro assays do not require live animals, produce reliable predictive data for defined applicability domains compared to the Draize rabbit eye test, and are rapid and inexpensive. Data from 304 CAMVA and/or BCOP studies (319 formulations) were surveyed to determine the feasibility of predicting ocular irritation potential for various formulations. Hair shampoos, skin cleansers, and ethanol-based hair styling sprays were repeatedly predicted to be ocular irritants (accuracy rate=0.90-1.00), with skin cleanser and hair shampoo irritation largely dependent on surfactant species and concentration. Conversely, skin lotions/moisturizers and hair styling gels/lotions were repeatedly predicted to be non-irritants (accuracy rate=0.92 and 0.82, respectively). For hair shampoos, ethanol-based hair stylers, skin cleansers, and skin lotions/moisturizers, future ocular irritation testing (i.e., CAMVA/BCOP) can be nearly eliminated if new formulations are systematically compared to those previously tested using a defined decision tree. For other tested product categories, new formulations should continue to be evaluated in CAMVA/BCOP for ocular irritation potential because either the historical data exhibit significant variability (hair conditioners and mousses) or the historical sample size is too small to permit definitive conclusions (deodorants, make-up removers, massage oils, facial masks, body sprays, and other hair styling products). All decision tree conclusions should be made within a conservative weight-of-evidence context, considering the reported limitations of the BCOP test for alcohols, ketones, and solids. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. The irritation potential and reservoir effect of mild soaps.


    Lodén, Marie; Buraczewska, Izabela; Edlund, Fredrik


    Identification and reduction of external noxious factors is one key point in the strategy for the treatment and reduction of contact dermatitis. A wide variety of soaps on the market are claimed to be suitable for the use on sensitive skin due to their mildness. The aim of the present study was to illustrate possible differences in the irritation potential of 8 products and to investigate whether surfactant residues may form an irritant reservoir on the skin. The study was double-blind, randomized using healthy human volunteers. The inherent capacity of the products to induce irritation was determined using conventional patch test technique, whereas detection of potential surfactant residues on the skin was done using a methodology developed in the 1960s for detection of the corticosteroid reservoir in the stratum corneum. The method comprised the release of active substance from the stratum corneum reservoir by occlusion of the skin with an aluminium chamber, followed by evaluation of the biological response. In the present study, the soap-treated area was rinsed with water and then occluded. Instrumental measurements of the transepidermal water loss and superficial skin blood flow served as indicators of the injurious effects of the products. The results showed large differences in irritation potential between the products, and some of them demonstrated considerable damaging effect. Moreover, the study proved the presence of barrier-impairing residues on the skin after rinsing with water. Subclinical skin damage can make the skin vulnerable to further irritation and delay recovery of chronic irritant contact dermatitis.

  14. [Efficacy and patient benefit of treatment of irritated skin with ointments containing dexpanthenol: health services research (observational study) on self-medication in a pharmaceutical network].


    Radtke, M A; Lee-Seifert, C; Rustenbach, S J; Schäfer, I; Augustin, M


    Products containing dexpanthenol are used to treat irritated and inflamed skin. So far there is a lack of data for the evidence of patient-relevant benefits. Assessment of the patient-relevant benefit of ointments containing dexpanthenol in the self-medicated therapy of irritated skin. Prospective, observational study in a network of 392 pharmacies. Consecutive recruitment of n=1,886 patients with symptoms of irritated skin, including non-inflammatory intervals of atopic eczema, other xerotic skin conditions and impairment of skin barrier. The patient-relevant benefit was ascertained prior to and 7-10 days after treatment through the patient-benefit index (PBI). The PBI showed that 91.5% of the patients experienced a relevant benefit from treatment. 94.7% directly indicated to have had achieved successful therapeutic results. All symptoms of irritated skin (e.g. xerosis, erythema, desquamation) significantly improved (pskin disease. High patient-relevant benefits were observed in the treatment of irritated skin with dexpanthenol ointment.

  15. Assessment of phototoxicity, skin irritation, and sensitization potential of polystyrene and TiO2 nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Park, Yoon-Hee; Jeong, Sang Hoon; Yi, Sang Min; Hyeok Choi, Byeong; Kim, Yu-Ri; Kim, In-Kyoung; Kim, Meyoung-Kon; Son, Sang Wook


    The human skin equivalent model (HSEM) is well known as an attractive alternative model for evaluation of dermal toxicity. However, only limited data are available on the usefulness of an HSEM for nanotoxicity testing. This study was designed to investigate cutaneous toxicity of polystyrene and TiO2 nanoparticles using cultured keratinocytes, an HSEM, and an animal model. In addition, we also evaluated the skin sensitization potential of nanoparticles using a local lymph node assay with incorporation of BrdU. Findings from the present study indicate that polystyrene and TiO2 nanoparticles do not induce phototoxicity, acute cutaneous irritation, or skin sensitization. Results from evaluation of the HSEMs correspond well with those from animal models. Our findings suggest that the HSEM might be a useful alternative model for evaluation of dermal nanotoxicity.

  16. Significance of hair-dye base-induced sensory irritation.


    Fujita, F; Azuma, T; Tajiri, M; Okamoto, H; Sano, M; Tominaga, M


    Oxidation hair-dyes, which are the principal hair-dyes, sometimes induce painful sensory irritation of the scalp caused by the combination of highly reactive substances, such as hydrogen peroxide and alkali agents. Although many cases of severe facial and scalp dermatitis have been reported following the use of hair-dyes, sensory irritation caused by contact of the hair-dye with the skin has not been reported clearly. In this study, we used a self-assessment questionnaire to measure the sensory irritation in various regions of the body caused by two model hair-dye bases that contained different amounts of alkali agents without dyes. Moreover, the occipital region was found as an alternative region of the scalp to test for sensory irritation of the hair-dye bases. We used this region to evaluate the relationship of sensitivity with skin properties, such as trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL), stratum corneum water content, sebum amount, surface temperature, current perception threshold (CPT), catalase activities in tape-stripped skin and sensory irritation score with the model hair-dye bases. The hair-dye sensitive group showed higher TEWL, a lower sebum amount, a lower surface temperature and higher catalase activity than the insensitive group, and was similar to that of damaged skin. These results suggest that sensory irritation caused by hair-dye could occur easily on the damaged dry scalp, as that caused by skin cosmetics reported previously.

  17. 16 CFR 1500.42 - Test for eye irritants.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Test for eye irritants. 1500.42 Section 1500... eye irritants. (a)(1) Six albino rabbits are used for each test substance. Animal facilities for such... materials that might produce eye irritation. Both eyes of each animal in the test group shall be examined...

  18. The evaluation of the local tolerance of vaginal formulations containing dapivirine using the Slug Mucosal Irritation test and the rabbit vaginal irritation test.


    Dhondt, Marijke M M; Adriaens, Els; Roey, Jens Van; Remon, Jean Paul


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the local tolerance of vaginal gels (three gels containing dapivirine, the placebo gel, and Conceptrol) with the Slug Mucosal Irritation test and to compare the results with those of the rabbit vaginal irritation test. The irritation potential on the slug mucosa was assessed by the mucus production caused by a repeated treatment for 5 successive days. Additionally, membrane damage was estimated by the protein and enzyme release. By means of a classification prediction model the formulations were classified into four irritation classes. The effect of a 10-day intravaginal application of the gels on the rabbit vaginal and cervical mucosa was evaluated by means of macroscopic and microscopic examination. The placebo and dapivirine gels induced no irritation of the slug mucosa (low mucus production and protein release, no enzyme release) and no vaginal or cervical irritation in rabbits. Conceptrol caused severe irritation of the slug mucosa (increased mucus production, protein release, and enzyme release) and irritation of the rabbit vagina and cervix. The results obtained with the Slug Mucosal Irritation test were comparable to those of the rabbit vaginal irritation test.

  19. Are Cosmetics Used in Developing Countries Safe? Use and Dermal Irritation of Body Care Products in Jimma Town, Southwestern Ethiopia

    PubMed Central

    Amasa, Wayessa; Santiago, Dante; Mekonen, Seblework; Ambelu, Argaw


    Background. Rabbit skin model was used to test skin irritation of the most commonly used cosmetic products in Jimma town, southwestern Ethiopia. The most commonly used cosmetics were Dove, Glysolid, College, Top Society, Fair and Lovely, Nivea, Lux, Magic fruit world, Solea, Body talk, Kris, Holly, Victoria, and Sweet Heart. Methods. Intact and abraded rabbit skins were tested for erythema and edema under shade and under sun exposure. Draize Primary Irritation Index (PII) was used to calculate skin irritation of each cosmetic. Cosmetic ingredients were analyzed from the labels. Results and Discussion. Only Dove cream caused no skin irritation except for an abraded skin under sun exposure for five consecutive days. It has been identified that application of cosmetics on abraded skin under sunny condition worsens the irritation. Cosmetic labels revealed that most ingredients used in all products were those restricted chemicals due to their adverse health effects. Conclusion. This study has concluded that use of cosmetics under sunshine and also on abraded skin increases skin irritation. Hence, those users who have abraded skin are advised not to apply those cosmetics on continuous basis specifically under sun exposure. PMID:23209460

  20. The Ex Vivo Eye Irritation Test as an alternative test method for serious eye damage/eye irritation.


    Spöler, Felix; Kray, Oya; Kray, Stefan; Panfil, Claudia; Schrage, Norbert F


    Ocular irritation testing is a common requirement for the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals (substances and mixtures). The in vivo Draize rabbit eye test (OECD Test Guideline 405) is considered to be the regulatory reference method for the classification of chemicals according to their potential to induce eye injury. In the Draize test, chemicals are applied to rabbit eyes in vivo, and changes are monitored over time. If no damage is observed, the chemical is not categorised. Otherwise, the classification depends on the severity and reversibility of the damage. Alternative test methods have to be designed to match the classifications from the in vivo reference method. However, observation of damage reversibility is usually not possible in vitro. Within the present study, a new organotypic method based on rabbit corneas obtained from food production is demonstrated to close this gap. The Ex Vivo Eye Irritation Test (EVEIT) retains the full biochemical activity of the corneal epithelium, epithelial stem cells and endothelium. This permits the in-depth analysis of ocular chemical trauma beyond that achievable by using established in vitro methods. In particular, the EVEIT is the first test to permit the direct monitoring of recovery of all corneal layers after damage. To develop a prediction model for the EVEIT that is comparable to the GHS system, 37 reference chemicals were analysed. The experimental data were used to derive a three-level potency ranking of eye irritation and corrosion that best fits the GHS categorisation. In vivo data available in the literature were used for comparison. When compared with GHS classification predictions, the overall accuracy of the three-level potency ranking was 78%. The classification of chemicals as irritating versus non-irritating resulted in 96% sensitivity, 91% specificity and 95% accuracy. 2015 FRAME.

  1. Efficacy of a Hand Regimen in Skin Barrier Protection in Individuals With Occupational Irritant Contact Dermatitis.


    Jordan, Laura


    Occupational irritant contact dermatitis (OICD) is a dif cult and hard to manage condition. It occurs more frequently in certain occupations where contact with harsh chemicals, use of alcohol-based disinfectants, and frequent hand washing heightens the risk. Treatment for OICD includes patient education in addition to physical, topical, and systemic therapies. To review the pathogenesis and treatment options for OICD and evaluate the ef cacy of a selective skin-care regimen involv- ing a hand protectant cream alone as well as combined with a repair cream and speci c cleanser. A single-center open study was performed comprising 42 healthy male and female adult volunteers prone to occupational irritant contact dermatitis due to frequent wet work or contact with detergents. Between day 0 and day 7, subjects applied a hand protectant cream as needed on both hands (at least twice daily). On days 7 to 14, subjects applied a hand protectant cream and cleanser as needed on both hands (at least twice daily) as well as a repair cream each evening. A diary log was given to each volunteer for application control and for a subjective evaluation of daily tolerability. In these subjects prone to occupational irritant contact dermatitis, the hand protectant cream applied during the initial 7-day period was effective in restoring the damaged skin barrier and improving the stratum corneum hydration. A regimen that combined the hand protectant and repair creams with a speci c cleanser during a further 7-day period allowed contin- ued improvement of skin hydration and additional clinical bene ts while respecting the skin barrier function. The results of this study support the use of a 3-step approach for patients who are at risk of repeated exposure to external irritants. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;15(suppl 11):s81-85..

  2. A controlled, three-part trial to investigate the barrier function and skin hydration properties of six skin protectants.


    Hoggarth, Andrew; Waring, Mike; Alexander, James; Greenwood, Amanada; Callaghan, Theresa


    In the treatment of incontinence dermatitis, a skin protectant primarily prevents skin breakdown due to moisture and biological irritants in urine and feces. To assess the barrier and skin hydration properties of six currently available skin protectants with different formulations, a controlled, three-phase study was conducted at a research facility in the UK among 18 healthy volunteers. The study addressed each product's efficacy against insult from a known irritant (sodium lauryl sulphate), skin hydration potential, and maintenance of skin barrier and barrier efficacy against maceration. Using white petrolatum (glycerin) as the positive control and untreated sites as the negative control, the results show that each one of the products tested has different performance properties. Products containing petrolatum demonstrated protection against irritants (P = 0.006 at 24 hours) and maceration (P < 0.005) and provided some skin hydration. Products containing dimethicone varied in protection against irritants (P < 0.005, or P > or = 0.806 at 24 hours) and have good skin hydration potential and low barrier efficacy (P > 0.500). Zinc oxide-based products showed protection against irritants (P < 0.005) but poor skin hydration and barrier properties to prevent maceration (P = 0.262). Overall, only the water-in-oil petrolatum- based product performed effectively within all the parameters tested. This study suggests that skin barrier protection involves more than the inclusion of an active barrier ingredient. Further testing and use of barrier products in the clinical setting will provide additional evidence for appropriate product selection.

  3. The EpiOcular™ Eye Irritation Test is the Method of Choice for the In Vitro Eye Irritation Testing of Agrochemical Formulations: Correlation Analysis of EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test and BCOP Test Data According to the UN GHS, US EPA and Brazil ANVISA Classification Schemes.


    Kolle, Susanne N; Rey Moreno, Maria Cecilia; Mayer, Winfried; van Cott, Andrew; van Ravenzwaay, Bennard; Landsiedel, Robert


    The Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test is commonly used for the identification of severe ocular irritants (GHS Category 1), but it is not recommended for the identification of ocular irritants (GHS Category 2). The incorporation of human reconstructed tissue model-based tests into a tiered test strategy to identify ocular non-irritants and replace the Draize rabbit eye irritation test has been suggested (OECD TG 405). The value of the EpiOcular™ Eye Irritation Test (EIT) for the prediction of ocular non-irritants (GHS No Category) has been demonstrated, and an OECD Test Guideline (TG) was drafted in 2014. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the BCOP test, in conjunction with corneal histopathology (as suggested for the evaluation of the depth of the injury( and/or the EpiOcular-EIT, could be used to predict the eye irritation potential of agrochemical formulations according to the UN GHS, US EPA and Brazil ANVISA classification schemes. We have assessed opacity, permeability and histopathology in the BCOP assay, and relative tissue viability in the EpiOcular-EIT, for 97 agrochemical formulations with available in vivo eye irritation data. By using the OECD TG 437 protocol for liquids, the BCOP test did not result in sufficient correct predictions of severe ocular irritants for any of the three classification schemes. The lack of sensitivity could be improved somewhat by the inclusion of corneal histopathology, but the relative viability in the EpiOcular-EIT clearly outperformed the BCOP test for all three classification schemes. The predictive capacity of the EpiOcular-EIT for ocular non-irritants (UN GHS No Category) for the 97 agrochemical formulations tested (91% sensitivity, 72% specificity and 82% accuracy for UN GHS classification) was comparable to that obtained in the formal validation exercise underlying the OECD draft TG. We therefore conclude that the EpiOcular-EIT is currently the best in vitro method for the prediction

  4. Occupational allergic and irritant contact dermatitis in workers exposed to polyurethane foam.


    Kieć-Świerczyńska, Marta; Swierczyńska-Machura, Dominika; Chomiczewska-Skóra, Dorota; Nowakowska-Świrta, Ewa; Kręcisz, Beata


    To evaluate sensitization to chemicals present in work environment after an outbreak of contact dermatitis in workers of vehicle equipment factory, exposed to polyurethane foam, based on 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI). From among 300 employees, 21 individuals reporting work-related skin and/or respiratory tract symptoms underwent clinical examination, patch testing, skin prick tests, spirometry and MDI sIgE measurement in serum. Patch tests included isocyanates series, selected rubber additives, metals, fragrances, preservatives, and an antiadhesive agent. Clinical examination revealed current eczema in the area of hands and/or forearms in 10 workers. Positive patch test reactions were found in 10 individuals, the most frequent to diaminodiphenylmethane and 4-phenylenediamine (7 persons). Reactions to an antiadhesive agent were assessed as irritant (5 workers). Except for sensitization to common aeroallergens, no significant abnormalities were found in the remaining tests. Occupational allergic contact dermatitis was diagnosed in 7 workers, irritant contact dermatitis in 10 and coexisiting allergic and irritant contact dermatitis in 3 workers. In workers manufacturing products from polyurethane foam, attention should be paid to the risk of developing contact dermatitis. Skin problems in our study group were attributable probably to insufficient protection of the skin.

  5. Do local meteorological conditions influence skin irritation caused by transdermal rivastigmine? A retroprospective, pilot study.


    Segers, Kurt; Cytryn, Ephraim; Surquin, Murielle


    This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the incidence of transdermal rivastigmine treatment withdrawal secondary to adverse skin reactions among the patients from our Memory Clinic. In addition, we tested whether climatic conditions might have an influence on skin irritations leading to eventual treatment disruption. We performed a retrospective review of patients from the Brugmann University Hospital Memory Clinic having started transdermal rivastigmine between June 2008 and December 2010. Local meteorological data were provided by the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium. A total of 26.9% of the patients experienced adverse skin reactions at the rivastigmine application site, leading to treatment discontinuation in 19.2% of the cases. Rivastigmine cutaneous tolerability was not found to be related to demographic parameters, Mini Mental Status Examination score, or type of dementia. High temperature and low air humidity during the first month of treatment were found to be associated with a higher incidence of skin reactions and secondary treatment disruption. Transdermal rivastigmine induced a higher incidence of cutaneous adverse events than previously reported in a prospective clinical trial. Moreover, it seems that meteorological conditions favoring skin perspiration (high temperature and low air humidity) during the first month of treatment might have an influence on transdermal rivastigmine skin tolerability.

  6. Food patch testing for irritable bowel syndrome.


    Stierstorfer, Michael B; Sha, Christopher T; Sasson, Marvin


    The traditional classification of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as a functional disorder has been challenged in recent years by evidence of ongoing low-grade gastrointestinal tract inflammation. Inflammation may alter gastrointestinal motility and thus be central to the pathogenesis of IBS. Many foods and food additives are known to cause allergic contact dermatitis. We hypothesize that allergenic foods and food additives may elicit a similar allergic reaction in the gastrointestinal tract, giving rise to symptoms suggestive of IBS. We sought to determine whether skin patch testing to a panel of foods and food additives may identify food allergens that may be responsible for symptoms of IBS. We performed skin patch testing to common allergenic foods and food additives on individuals with a history of or symptoms suggestive of IBS. We used patch test-guided avoidance diets to determine whether avoidance alleviates IBS symptoms. Thirty of the 51 study participants showed at least 1 doubtful or positive patch test result. Fourteen of the participants reported symptomatic improvement, ranging from slight to great, upon avoidance of the foods/food additives to which they reacted. Double-blind study design, inclusion of only patients with active IBS, larger sample size, more balanced gender distribution, testing of more foods/food additives, and longer duration of and more precise quantification of response to dietary avoidance are suggested for future studies. Allergic contact enteritis to ingested foods, food additives, or both may contribute to IBS symptoms. Patch testing may be useful in identifying the causative foods. Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Assessment of the in vitro dermal irritation potential of cerium, silver, and titanium nanoparticles in a human skin equivalent model

    EPA Science Inventory

    AbstractDermal exposure to metals may res·ult in irritant contact dermatitis. This study examined the potential of metal nanoparticles to elicit irritant contact dermatitis in a human skin equivalent model (HSEM) derived from epidermal keratinocytes. These cultured cells form a m...

  8. CON4EI: Development of serious eye damage and eye irritation testing strategies with respect to the requirements of the UN GHS/EU CLP hazard categories.


    Verstraelen, Sandra; Van Rompay, An R


    The main objective of the CON4EI (CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy) project (2015-2016) was to develop tiered, non-animal testing strategies for serious eye damage and eye irritation assessment in relation to the most important drivers of classification. The serious eye damage and eye irritation potential of a set of 80 chemicals was identified based on existing in vivo Draize eye test data and testing was conducted using the following eight alternative test methods: BCOP (Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability)+histopathology, BCOP-LLBO (BCOP Laser Light-Based Opacitometer), ICE (Isolated Chicken Eye)+histopathology, STE (Short Term Exposure), EpiOcular™ EIT (EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test), EpiOcular™ ET-50 (EpiOcular™ Time-to-toxicity), SkinEthic™ HCE EIT (SkinEthic™ Human Corneal Epithelial Eye Irritation Test), and SMI (Slug Mucosal Irritation). Project management decided to not include the ICE data in this project since the execution showed relevant, and not predictable, deviations from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Test Guideline (TG) 438 and Guidance Document 160. At this stage, the outcome of these deviations has not been fully assessed. In addition to these alternative test methods, the computational models Toxtree and Case Ultra were taken into account. This project assessed the relevance of these test methods, their applicability domains and limitations in terms of 'drivers of classification', and their strengths and weaknesses. In this way, methods were identified that fit into a tiered-testing strategy for serious eye damage/eye irritation assessment to distinguish United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN GHS) Category 1 (Cat 1) chemicals from non-Cat 1 chemicals and address the gap namely distinguish between Category 2 (Cat 2) and Cat 1 chemicals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Cumulative irritation potential of metronidazole gel compared to azelaic acid gel after repeated applications to healthy skin.


    Ziel, Kristin; Yelverton, Christopher B; Balkrishnan, Rajesh; Feldman, Steven R


    Metronidazole 0.75% gel and azelaic acid 15% gel are commonly used to treat rosacea. Irritation is a common side effect. To assess the cumulative irritation potential of metronidazole 0.75% gel and azelaic acid 15% gel. Metronidazole 0.75% gel, azelaic acid 15% gel, and a white petrolatum negative control were applied under occlusive conditions to the upper back of a total of 33 healthy subjects. There were twelve 24-hour applications (4 times a week) and three 72-hour applications on weekends during a 3-week period. Skin reactions (erythema score +/- other local reaction) were assessed within 15 to 30 minutes of removal of the products. The mean cumulative irritancy index of metronidazole 0.75% gel was significantly lower than that of azelaic acid 15% gel and not significantly higher than the negative control product. There was increasing cumulative irritancy with azelaic acid; no cumulative irritancy was seen for either metronidazole or white petrolatum. Metronidazole 0.75% gel is less irritating in sustained use than azelaic acid 15% gel.

  10. Adverse reactions to cosmetics and methods of testing.


    Nigam, P K


    Untoward reactions to cosmetics, toiletries, and topical applications are the commonest single reason for hospital referrals with allergic contact dermatitis. In most cases, these are only mild or transient and most reactions being irritant rather than allergic in nature. Various adverse effects may occur in the form of acute toxicity, percutaneous absorption, skin irritation, eye irritation, skin sensitization and photosensitization, subchronic toxicity, mutagenicity/genotoxicity, and phototoxicity/photoirritation. The safety assessment of a cosmetic product clearly depends upon how it is used, since it determines the amount of substance which may be ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin or mucous membranes. Concentration of ingredients used in the different products is also important. Various test procedures include in vivo animal models and in vitro models, such as open or closed patch test, in vivo skin irritation test, skin corrosivity potential tests (rat skin transcutaneous electrical resistance test, Episkin test), eye irritation tests (in vivo eye irritancy test and Draize eye irritancy test), mutagenicity/genotoxicity tests (in vitro bacterial reverse mutation test and in vitro mammalian cell chromosome aberration test), and phototoxicity/photoirritation test (3T3 neutral red uptake phototoxicity test). Finished cosmetic products are usually tested in small populations to confirm the skin and mucous membrane compatibility, and to assess their cosmetic acceptability.

  11. Oral administration of glucosylceramide ameliorates inflammatory dry-skin condition in chronic oxazolone-induced irritant contact dermatitis in the mouse ear.


    Yeom, Mijung; Kim, Sung-Hun; Lee, Bombi; Han, Jeong-Jun; Chung, Guk Hoon; Choi, Hee-Don; Lee, Hyejung; Hahm, Dae-Hyun


    Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) is an inflammatory skin disease triggered by exposure to a chemical that is toxic or irritating to the skin. A major characteristic of chronic ICD is an inflammatory dry-skin condition with associated itching. Although glucosylceramide (GlcCer) is known to improve the skin barrier function, its mechanism of action is unknown. Using a mouse model of oxazolone-induced chronic ICD, this study investigated the effects of oral administration of GlcCer on inflammatory dry skin. Chronic ICD was induced by repeated application of oxazolone in mice. GlcCer was orally administered once daily throughout the elicitation phase. The beneficial efficacy of GlcCer on cutaneous inflammation was evaluated by assessing ear thickness, lymph node weight, histological findings, and mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β and IL-6. Additionally, parameters of the itch-associated response, including scratching behavior, water content of the skin, and aquaporin-3 levels in the lesional ear, were measured. Oral GlcCer administration significantly suppressed mRNA expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-6. GlcCer also suppressed ear swelling, lymph node weight gains, and infiltration of leukocytes and mast cells in ICD mice. In oxazolone-induced ICD mice, GlcCer significantly inhibited irritant-related scratching behavior and dehydration of the stratum corneum, and decreased aquaporin-3 expression. Our results indicate that GlcCer suppressed inflammation not only by inhibiting cytokine production but also by repairing the skin barrier function, suggesting a potential beneficial role for GlcCer in the improvement of chronic ICD. Copyright © 2012 Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Evaluation of ocular irritancy of coal-tar dyes used in cosmetics employing reconstructed human cornea-like epithelium and short time exposure tests.


    Lee, Miri; Nam, Ki Taek; Kim, Jungah; Lim, Song E; Yeon, Sang Hyeon; Lee, Buhyun; Lee, Joo Young; Lim, Kyung-Min


    Coal-tar dyes in cosmetics may elicit adverse effects in the skin and eyes. Countries, like the US, have banned the use of coal-tar dyes in cosmetics for the eye area due to the potential for ocular irritation. We evaluated the eye irritation potential of 15 coal-tar dyes permitted as cosmetic ingredients in reconstructed human cornea-like epithelium (RhCEs [EpiOcular™ and MCTT HCE™]) tests and the short time exposure (STE) test. Eosin YS, phloxine B, tetrachlorotetrabromofluorescein, and tetrabromofluorescein were identified as irritants in RhCEs; dibromofluorescein and uranine yielded discrepant results. STE enabled further classification in accordance with the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, as follows: eosin YS as Cat 2; phloxine B, Cat 1; and tetrachlorotetrabromofluorescein and tetrabromofluorescein, Cat 1/2. STE indicated dibromofluorescein (irritant in EpiOcular™) and uranine (irritant in MCTT HCE™) as No Cat, resulting in the classification of "No prediction can be made." based on bottom-up approach with each model. These results demonstrated that in vitro eye irritation tests can be utilized to evaluate the potential ocular irritancy of cosmetic ingredients and provide significant evidence with which to determine whether precautions should be given for the use of coal-tar dyes in cosmetics or other substances applied to the eye area. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Airborne irritant contact dermatitis due to synthetic fibres from an air-conditioning filter.


    Patiwael, Jiska A; Wintzen, Marjolein; Rustemeyer, Thomas; Bruynzeel, Derk P


    We describe 8 cases of occupational airborne irritant contact dermatitis in intensive care unit (ICU) employees caused by synthetic (polypropylene and polyethylene) fibres from an air-conditioning filter. Not until a workplace investigation was conducted, was it possible to clarify the unusual sequence of events. High filter pressure in the intensive care air-conditioning system, maintained to establish an outward airflow and prevent microorganisms from entering the ward, probably caused fibres from the filter to become airborne. Upon contact with air-exposed skin, fibres subsequently provoked skin irritation. Test periods in the ICU with varying filter pressures, in an attempt to improve environmental conditions, led to even higher filter pressure levels and more complaints. The sometimes-very-low humidity might have contributed to development of skin irritation. The fact that most patients recovered quickly after treatment with emollients and changing the filters made it most likely that the airborne dermatitis was of an irritant nature.

  14. The use of different concentrations of betaine as a reducing irritation agent in soaps monitored visually and non-invasively.


    Nicander, Ingrid; Aberg, Peter; Ollmar, Stig


    Products containing detergents can damage the skin and give rise to irritant contact dermatitis. Therefore, attempts have been made to find less irritating detergents as well as substances decreasing undesired side-effects of detergents, and a novel approach is offered by betaine. The aim of the study has been to determine the irritating properties of some liquid soaps for personal hygiene and to map the effect of different concentrations of betaine using electrical impedance, trans-epidermal water loss and visual inspection. Twenty-eight healthy subjects were patch tested with different commercial soaps with and without betaine and sodium lauryl sulphate on both volar forearms for 24 h. A site with distilled water and an unoccluded area were used as references. Responses of the skin reactions were evaluated by visual inspection and by measuring trans-epidermal water loss and electrical impedance before application and 24 h after removal of the chambers. Significant skin reactions were found for all soaps tested but the soaps containing betaine were the least irritating. However, the skin irritation did not decrease with increasing concentrations of betaine in the tested range. On the whole the differences between the products were not large. The non-invasive methods used were more sensitive than visual assessment for evaluation of invisible or barely visible skin responses. Copyright Blackwell Munksgaard 2003

  15. An in vitro human skin test for assessing sensitization potential.


    Ahmed, S S; Wang, X N; Fielding, M; Kerry, A; Dickinson, I; Munuswamy, R; Kimber, I; Dickinson, A M


    Sensitization to chemicals resulting in an allergy is an important health issue. The current gold-standard method for identification and characterization of skin-sensitizing chemicals was the mouse local lymph node assay (LLNA). However, for a number of reasons there has been an increasing imperative to develop alternative approaches to hazard identification that do not require the use of animals. Here we describe a human in-vitro skin explant test for identification of sensitization hazards and the assessment of relative skin sensitizing potency. This method measures histological damage in human skin as a readout of the immune response induced by the test material. Using this approach we have measured responses to 44 chemicals including skin sensitizers, pre/pro-haptens, respiratory sensitizers, non-sensitizing chemicals (including skin-irritants) and previously misclassified compounds. Based on comparisons with the LLNA, the skin explant test gave 95% specificity, 95% sensitivity, 95% concordance with a correlation coefficient of 0.9. The same specificity and sensitivity were achieved for comparison of results with published human sensitization data with a correlation coefficient of 0.91. The test also successfully identified nickel sulphate as a human skin sensitizer, which was misclassified as negative in the LLNA. In addition, sensitizers and non-sensitizers identified as positive or negative by the skin explant test have induced high/low T cell proliferation and IFNγ production, respectively. Collectively, the data suggests the human in-vitro skin explant test could provide the basis for a novel approach for characterization of the sensitizing activity as a first step in the risk assessment process. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  16. Cleansing lotion containing tamarind fruit pulp extract. II. Study of cumulative irritation effects in human.


    Maenthaisong, Ratree; Viyoch, Jarupa; Chaiyakunapruk, Nathorn; Warnnissorn, Prateep


    Cleansing lotion containing extract of tamarind fruit pulp was developed to provide skin a lighter effect. Skin irritation may occur due to keratolytic effect of alpha-hydroxyl acids (AHA) in the tamarind fruit pulp extract. To assess the cumulative irritation effect of cleansing lotion containing tamarind fruit extract with 2% (w/w) tartaric acid on human skin compared with placebo product and de-ionized water. The study design was a single-blinded, randomized side of arm, and controlled study. Three samples, including test product, placebo product, and de-ionized water, were repeatedly applied on the inner forearm of 15 healthy females (aged 28.3 +/- 3.1 years) for 30 min daily for 5 days under semi-occlusive patch. Skin irritation was measured by using visual scoring and instruments such as Tewameter and Mexameter. All measurements were done before application of samples every day from day 1 until day 5. Final measurements were done after the last application for 3 days (day 8). The results obtained from the visual scoring scale indicated no irritation signs and symptoms of test product. Mean differences of transepidermal water loss and erythema values between test product and de-ionized water and between test and placebo products were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). These findings indicate a preliminary safety evidence of our developed cleansing lotion containing the natural AHAs and can be used as cumulative evidence for supporting the future home use study of this product in human.

  17. Exploration and comparison of in vitro eye irritation tests with the ISO standard in vivo rabbit test for the evaluation of the ocular irritancy of contact lenses.


    Yun, Jun-Won; Hailian, Quan; Na, Yirang; Kang, Byeong-Cheol; Yoon, Jung-Hee; Cho, Eun-Young; Lee, Miri; Kim, Da-Eun; Bae, SeungJin; Seok, Seung Hyeok; Lim, Kyung-Min


    In an effort to explore the use of alternative methods to animal testing for the evaluation of the ocular irritancy of medical devices, we evaluated representative contact lenses with the bovine corneal opacity and permeability test (BCOP) and an in vitro eye irritation test using the three-dimensionally-reconstructed human corneal epithelium (RhCE) models, EpiOcular™ and MCTT HCE™. In addition, we compared the obtained results with the ISO standard in vivo rabbit eye irritation test (ISO10993-10). Along with the positive controls (benzalkonium chloride, BAK, 0.02, 0.2, and 1%), the extracts of 4 representative contact lenses (soft, disposable, hard, and colored lenses) and 2 reference lenses (dye-eluting and BAK-coated lenses) were tested. All the lenses, except for the BAK-coated lens, were determined non-irritants in all test methods, while the positive controls yielded relevant results. More importantly, BCOP, EpiOcular™, and MCTT HCE™ yielded a consistent decision for all the tested samples, with the exception of 0.2% BAK in BCOP, for which no prediction could be made. Overall, all the in vitro tests correlated well with the in vivo rabbit eye irritation test, and furthermore, the combination of in vitro tests as a tiered testing strategy was able to produce results similar to those seen in vivo. These observations suggest that such methods can be used as alternative assays to replace the conventional in vivo test method in the evaluation of the ocular irritancy of ophthalmic medical devices, although further study is necessary. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  18. Irritancy ranking of 31 cleansers in the Indian market in a 24-h patch test.


    Lakshmi, C; Srinivas, C R; Anand, C V; Mathew, A C


    Cleansing trends promise freshness, sensory and health benefits but may also be accompanied by an increase in soap-induced skin irritation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the irritant effect of 31 cleansers (28 bar soaps and 3 liquid cleansers) available in the Indian market. Eight percent w/v solutions of the soaps/cleansers were made and 30 microL of each of the solutions were applied to Finn chambers and occluded for 24 h along with distilled water (negative control) and 20% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) as positive control. The sites were graded for erythema and scaling 30 min after removing the patches. The pH of each of the soap solutions was determined. Mean with SD and ANOVA (F-value) was computed separately for each soap/cleanser with respect to the two parameters, erythema and scaling. The total of the means for both the parameters, erythema and scaling was also computed. The cleansers were listed based on this total from the least irritant to the most irritant. The differences between soaps (F-value) was significant for erythema and scaling [erythema = 4.106 (P = 0.000); scaling = 6.006 (P = 0.000)]. Cetaphil cleansing lotion had the lowest erythema score of 0.25. Lowest scaling score of zero was recorded for Cetaphil cleansing lotion and Elovera moisturizing body wash. Aquasoft and Lifebuoy soaps had the highest erythema score of 2.13. Acnex had the highest scaling score of 1.75; Aquasoft, Hamam scrub bath soap and Naturepower sandal soaps were the next with a scaling score of 1.63. Cetaphil cleansing lotion, Aquaderm liquid soap, Dove bar soap and Elovera moisturizing body wash proved to be the least irritant cleansers with a total score of less than 1. The four most irritant soaps/cleansers had an average score of 3.65. The irritant potential of the majority of the cleansers fell between these extremes. The pH of all the soap/cleanser solutions was neutral to alkaline (pH 7-9) except that of Dove bar, Cetaphil cleansing lotion, Aquaderm liquid

  19. Cumulative irritation potential of topical retinoid formulations.


    Leyden, James J; Grossman, Rachel; Nighland, Marge


    Localized irritation can limit treatment success with topical retinoids such as tretinoin and adapalene. The factors that influence irritant reactions have been shown to include individual skin sensitivity, the particular retinoid and concentration used, and the vehicle formulation. To compare the cutaneous tolerability of tretinoin 0.04% microsphere gel (TMG) with that of adapalene 0.3% gel and a standard tretinoin 0.025% cream. The results of 2 randomized, investigator-blinded studies of 2 to 3 weeks' duration, which utilized a split-face method to compare cumulative irritation scores induced by topical retinoids in subjects with healthy skin, were combined. Study 1 compared TMG 0.04% with adapalene 0.3% gel over 2 weeks, while study 2 compared TMG 0.04% with tretinoin 0.025% cream over 3 weeks. In study 1, TMG 0.04% was associated with significantly lower cumulative scores for erythema, dryness, and burning/stinging than adapalene 0.3% gel. However, in study 2, there were no significant differences in cumulative irritation scores between TMG 0.04% and tretinoin 0.025% cream. Measurements of erythema by a chromameter showed no significant differences between the test formulations in either study. Cutaneous tolerance of TMG 0.04% on the face was superior to that of adapalene 0.3% gel and similar to that of a standard tretinoin cream containing a lower concentration of the drug (0.025%).

  20. Vitrigel-eye irritancy test method using HCE-T cells.


    Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki; Kojima, Hajime; Takezawa, Toshiaki


    We previously reported that the time-dependent relative changes of transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) after exposing four different chemicals to a human corneal epithelium (HCE) model were well correlated to the potential of ocular irritancy. Meanwhile, we recently developed a collagen vitrigel membrane (CVM) chamber possessing a scaffold composed of high-density collagen fibrils equivalent to connective tissues in vivo as a three-dimensional culture tool. The CVM chamber is useful for biomedical assays and immunohistology using cryosections that are inappropriate to be performed using the conventional Millicell chamber with a polyethylene terephthalate membrane. In this study, we aimed to develop a new eye irritancy test (EIT) method called "Vitrigel-EIT method" that can facilitate to briefly and accurately estimate the widespread irritancy of test chemicals by applying the TEER assay system to a HCE model fabricated in the CVM chamber. HCE-T cells (a HCE-derived cell strain) were cultured in the CVM chamber for 6 days, and consequently, the Vitrigel-HCE model possessing the following characteristics of HCE in vivo was formed: six cell layers with specific protein expressions and their barrier function. Time-dependent profiles of TEER values after exposing 30 test chemicals to the HCE model were converted into the scores of three indexes (time lag, intensity, and plateau level), and each chemical was successfully classified into irritant or nonirritant category by utilizing the criteria for the indexes, resulting in the excellent correlation with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) classification (sensitivity: 100%, specificity: 75%, accuracy: 90%). These data suggest that the widespread eye irritancy of chemicals can be predicted without false negatives by the Vitrigel-EIT method. Interestingly, the disruption of tight junctions was immunohistologically observed after exposing not only irritants but also three

  1. In vivo immunomodulatory, cumulative skin irritation, sensitization and effect of d-limonene on permeation of 6-mercaptopurine through transdermal drug delivery.


    Chandrashekar, N S; Hiremath, Shobha Rani Rajeev


    Using skin as a port for systemic drug administration, transdermal drug delivery has expanded greatly over the last two decades. Our aim was to formulate the single layer drug-in-adhesive transdermal patch for 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP). In vitro permeation study was carried out using modified Franz diffusion cell with and without of different concentration of d-limonene in human cadaver skin. In vivo immunomodulatory was carried out in mice, cumulative skin irritation, sensitization and patch adherence study was done in both mice and human subjects. 6-MP flux increased from 43+/-12.2 microg/cm2h (control) to 162.8+/-32.2 microg/cm2h (6% w/v d-limonene) data was significant (p<0.05), with decrease in the lag time to 35+/-9.3 min compared to control of 90 +/-15.3 min. In vivo immunomodulatory effect was shown in the Balb/c mice with 100 mumol/kg/body wt of animal for 5d (one dose/d) of d-limonene. WBC count of 13469 cells/mm peak was observed on 12th day, bone marrow cells of 26.3 x 10(6) cells/femur and alpha-esterase positive cells of 1259+/-328.4 cells/4000 bone marrow cells. Cumulative skin irritation, sensitisation and patch adherence in animals and human subjects showed no skin irritation and sensitization. Patch adhesion was greater than 90.0% respectively in both human subjects and mice. The percentage of human subjects with adhesive residue was significantly less with scores of zero. d-Limonene proved as good chemical enhancer by increasing in the skin permeability with shortened the lag time. It proved that therapeutic amount of 6-MP can be delivered through transdermal drug delivery.

  2. Skin corrosion test: a comparison between reconstructed human epidermis and full thickness skin models.


    Catarino, Carolina Motter; do Nascimento Pedrosa, Tatiana; Pennacchi, Paula Comune; de Assis, Silvia Romano; Gimenes, Fabrícia; Consolaro, Márcia Edilaine Lopes; de Moraes Barros, Silvia Berlanga; Maria-Engler, Silvya Stuchi


    Currently, there is a strong global trend towards the development of in vitro models to replace the use of animals in safety evaluation tests. Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RHE) models have been employed as an alternative method to animal testing of skin corrosion and irritation potential of chemical compounds. However, the consequences of an absence of the dermal compartment in these models should be considered since the cross-talk between fibroblasts and keratinocytes is fundamental for promoting proper epidermal stratification, homeostasis, inflammatory response and wound healing. In this study, we compare in-house developed models of Reconstructed Human Epidermis (i.e. USP-RHE) and full thickness skin (i.e. USP-FTS) regarding their response when submitted to skin corrosion assays, based on Guideline 431 (OECD). The results show that both models correctly classified the four substances tested (2-phenylethyl bromide, benzylacetone, lactic acid, octanoic acid) as corrosive or non-corrosive. Furthermore, we have demonstrated higher cell viability of the USP-FTS model compared to the USP-RHE model, a sign of its improved barrier function, following the exposure to the substances test on the corrosion assay. This emphasizes the importance of employing in vitro models that are more physiologically relevant and that better mimic the in vivo situation for the toxicological screening of substances. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. 16 CFR 1500.42 - Test for eye irritants.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ..., including testing that does not require animals, are presented in the CPSC's animal testing policy set forth... conducted, a sequential testing strategy is recommended to reduce the number of test animals. Additionally... eye irritation. Both eyes of each animal in the test group shall be examined before testing, and only...

  4. The Behind-the-Knee test: an efficient model for evaluating mechanical and chemical irritation.


    Farage, Miranda A


    The 'Behind-the-Knee' method (BTK test), using the popliteal fossa as a test site, evaluates both the inherent chemical irritation, and the potential for mechanical irritation of substrates and products. This approach eliminates some of the difficulties of in-use clinical test systems while still providing reliable results. In this publication, examples of the results of BTK tests on several materials are presented with direct comparisons, where possible, with results of in-use clinical testing conducted on the same materials. In in-use clinical tests, volunteer panelists were provided with catamenial products to use in place of their normal product. In the BTK test, samples were applied daily to the popliteal fossa using an elastic athletic band. In both studies, irritation reactions were scored visually. Levels of irritation in the BTK test are consistently higher than those of standard patch tests, illustrating the contribution of mechanical irritation to the overall irritant potential of materials and products. Repeated tests on identical test materials demonstrated that the BTK test results are reproducible. Side-by-side comparisons of the BTK test and in-use clinical tests demonstrated that the BTK test produces results of similar quality to the in-use clinical. By using several concurrent panels with a common test material, it is possible to compare the irritant properties of several materials at once. We have tested over 25 different materials in over 35 BTK studies. The test method has proven reliable and versatile in testing a wide variety of materials, including menstrual pads, topsheets, interlabial pads, pantiliners, tampons and lotion coatings on products. Unlike in-use clinicals, the BTK test allows the direct comparison of two products at one time on the same individual, and is easily adapted to investigative programs. It is subject to fewer confounding factors, is much easier to implement, has a shorter turnaround time, and is less expensive than

  5. Effects of topical corticosteroid and tacrolimus on ceramides and irritancy to sodium lauryl sulphate in healthy skin.


    Jungersted, Jakob Mutanu; Høgh, Julie K; Hellegren, Lars I; Jemec, Gregor B E; Agner, Tove


    The skin barrier, located in the stratum corneum, is influenced mainly by the lipid and protein composition of this layer. In eczematous diseases impairment of the skin barrier is thought to be of prime importance. Topical anti-inflammatory drugs and emollients are the most widely used eczema treatments. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of topically applied corticosteroid, tacrolimus and emollient on stratum corneum lipids and barrier parameters. Nineteen healthy volunteers participated in the study. Both forearms of the subjects were divided into four areas, which were treated twice daily for one week with betamethasone, tacrolimus, emollient, or left untreated, respectively. After one week each area was challenged with a 24 h sodium lauryl sulphate patch test. The lipids were collected using the cyanoacrylate method and evaluated by high performance thin layer chromatography. For evaluation of the skin barrier, transepidermal water loss, erythema and electrical capacitance were measured. The ceramide/cholesterol ratio was increased in betamethasone- (p = 0.008) and tacrolimus-treated (p = 0.025) skin compared with emollient-treated skin. No differences in ceramide subgroups were found between treatment regimes. Pretreatment with betamethasone (p = 0.01) or with tacrolimus (p = 0.001) causes a decreased inflammatory response to sodium lauryl sulphate compared with emollient. In conclusion, treatment with betamethasone and tacrolimus has a positive effect on the ceramide/cholesterol ratio and susceptibility to irritant reaction compared with an emollient.

  6. CON4EI: EpiOcular™ Eye Irritation Test (EpiOcular™ EIT) for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals.


    Kandarova, H; Letasiova, S; Adriaens, E; Guest, R; Willoughby, J A; Drzewiecka, A; Gruszka, K; Alépée, Nathalie; Verstraelen, Sandra; Van Rompay, An R


    Assessment of the acute eye irritation potential is part of the international regulatory requirements for testing of chemicals. The objective of the CON4EI project was to develop tiered testing strategies for eye irritation assessment. A set of 80 reference chemicals (38 liquids and 42 solids) was tested with eight different methods. Here, the results obtained with the EpiOcular™ Eye Irritation Test (EIT), adopted as OECD TG 492, are shown. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate of the performance of the test method to discriminate between chemicals not requiring classification for serious eye damage/eye irritancy (No Category) and chemicals requiring classification and labelling. In addition, the predictive capacity in terms of in vivo drivers of classification (i.e. corneal opacity, conjunctival redness and persistence at day 21) was investigated. EpiOcular™ EIT achieved a sensitivity of 97%, a specificity of 87% and accuracy of 95% and also confirmed its excellent reproducibility (100%) from the original validation. The assay was applicable to all chemical categories tested in this project and its performance was not limited to the particular driver of the classification. In addition to the existing prediction model for dichotomous categorization, a new prediction model for Cat 1 is suggested. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  7. Validation of artificial skin equivalents as in vitro testing systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schmitt, Robert; Marx, Ulrich; Walles, Heike; Schober, Lena


    With the increasing complexity of the chemical composition of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and everyday substances, the awareness of potential health issues and long term damages for humanoid organs is shifting into focus. Artificial in vitro testing systems play an important role in providing reliable test conditions and replacing precarious animal testing. Especially artificial skin equivalents ASEs are used for a broad spectrum of studies like penetration, irritation and corrosion of substances. One major challenge in tissue engineering is the qualification of each individual ASE as in vitro testing system. Due to biological fluctuations, the stratum corneum hornified layer of some ASEs may not fully develop or other defects might occur. For monitoring these effects we developed an fully automated Optical Coherence Tomography device. Here, we present different methods to characterize and evaluate the quality of the ASEs based on image and data processing of OCT B-scans. By analysing the surface structure, defects, like cuts or tears, are detectable. A further indicator for the quality of the ASE is the morphology of the tissue. This allows to determine if the skin model has reached the final growth state. We found, that OCT is a well suited technology for automatically characterizing artificial skin equivalents and validating the application as testing system.

  8. 16 CFR § 1500.42 - Test for eye irritants.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... before testing, and only those animals without eye defects or irritation shall be used. The animal is... substances, including testing that does not require animals, are presented in the CPSC's animal testing... conducted, a sequential testing strategy is recommended to reduce the number of test animals. Additionally...

  9. Acute toxicity and primary irritancy of alkylalkanolamines.


    Ballantyne, B; Leung, H W


    The acute handling hazards of several alkylalkanolamines were determined by investigating their potential acute toxicity and primary irritancy. Materials studied were N-methylethanolamine (MEA), N, N, -dimethylethanolamine (DMEA), N, N, -dimethylisopropanolamine (DMIPA), N-methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), and tertbutyldiethanolamine (BDEA). All these alkylalkanolamines were of comparable acute peroral toxicity in the rat (LD50 range 1.48-2.83 ml/kg). By 24 h occluded epicutaneous contact in the rabbit, MEA, DMEA and DMIPA were of moderate acute percutaneous toxicity (LD50 range 1.13-2.0 ml/kg), MDEA was of slight acute percutaneous toxicity (LD50 male 9.85 ml/kg, female 10.90 ml/kg), and BDEA of intermediate toxicity (LD50 6.4 ml/kg). Due to differences in vapor pressure the acute vapor exposure toxicity of the alkylalkanolamines to rats varied; MEA, MDEA and BDEA were of a low order of acute toxicity, and DMIPA was moderately toxic with an LT50 of 3.2 h for a saturated vapor atmosphere exposure. A 4 h-LC50 (rat combined sex) of 1461 ppm was determined for DMEA. All alkylalkanolamines studied, except MDEA, were moderately to markedly irritating and caused variable degrees of skin corrosivity; MDEA caused only transient minor skin irritation. In accord with the skin irritancy results, the eye irritancy from 0.005 ml MEA, DMEA, DMIPA and BDEA was severe, and that from MDEA was slight. Exposure to these compounds has implications for occupational health procedures.

  10. CON4EI: Slug Mucosal Irritation (SMI) test method for hazard identification and labelling of serious eye damaging and eye irritating chemicals.


    Adriaens, E; Guest, R; Willoughby, J A; Fochtman, P; Kandarova, H; Verstraelen, S; Van Rompay, A R


    Assessment of ocular irritancy is an international regulatory requirement in the safety evaluation of industrial and consumer products. Although many in vitro ocular irritation assays exist, alone they are incapable of fully categorizing chemicals. The objective of CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI (CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy) project was to develop tiered testing strategies for eye irritation assessment that can lead to complete replacement of the in vivo Draize rabbit eye test (OECD TG 405). A set of 80 reference chemicals was tested with seven test methods, one method was the Slug Mucosal Irritation (SMI) test method. The method measures the amount of mucus produced (MP) during a single 1-hour contact with a 1% and 10% dilution of the chemical. Based on the total MP, a classification (Cat 1, Cat 2, or No Cat) is predicted. The SMI test method correctly identified 65.8% of the Cat 1 chemicals with a specificity of 90.5% (low over-prediction rate for in vivo Cat 2 and No Cat chemicals). Mispredictions were predominantly unidirectional towards lower classifications with 26.7% of the liquids and 40% of the solids being underpredicted. In general, the performance was better for liquids than for solids with respectively 76.5% vs 57.1% (Cat 1), 61.5% vs 50% (Cat 2), and 87.5% vs 85.7% (No Cat) being identified correctly. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Additive impairment of the barrier function and irritation by biogenic amines and sodium lauryl sulphate: a controlled in vivo tandem irritation study.


    Fluhr, J W; Kelterer, D; Fuchs, S; Kaatz, M; Grieshaber, R; Kleesz, P; Elsner, P


    Biogenic amines are potential irritants e.g. in fish-, meat-, milk- and egg-processing professions like cooks, butchers and bakers. The aim of this study was to test the irritative and barrier-disrupting properties of the biogenic amines ammonium hydroxide (AM), dimethylamine (DMA) and trimethylamine (TMA). A repeated sequential irritation of 30 min twice per day was performed over a total of 4 days (tandem repeated irritation test) on the back of 20 healthy volunteers of both sexes with AM, DMA, TMA and sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). The epidermal barrier function was assessed with a Tewameter TM 210, stratum corneum surface pH was measured with a Skin-pH-Meter 900, inflammation was assessed with a Chromameter CR-300 on the a* axis for redness and a visual score was recorded. All tested biogenic amines (AM, DMA and TMA) induced a barrier disruption and a pH increase paralleled with a 1-day-delayed onset of inflammatory signs. These effects were further enhanced and accelerated by a sequential application of SLS together with the biogenic amines, and inflammation occurred earlier than with the single compounds. Acetic acid (AA) in contrast did only show mild barrier disruption and no significant inflammatory signs. Our system allowed a ranking of the different compounds in their irritative potential in the tandem irritation with SLS: SLS > NaOH > TMA > AA > AM > DMA. The results are suggestive that in the food-processing industry the simultaneous contact with biogenic amines and harmful detergents like SLS should be minimized. Copyright 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  12. A double-blind, randomized, bilateral comparison of skin irritancy following application of the combination acne products clindamycin/tretinoin and benzoyl peroxide/adapalene.


    Goreshi, Renato; Samrao, Aman; Ehst, Benjamin D


    The use of topical medications for acne vulgaris is often limited by their irritant properties. Newer combination preparations are available and offer convenience, but irritant potential may still be a hindrance, perhaps more so with the combination of 2 agents. Few studies have compared these formulations directly for tolerability. We sought to compare the tolerability of 2 combination topical acne products, clindamycin 1.2%-tretinoin 0.025% (CLIN/RA) gel and benzoyl peroxide 2.5%-adapalene 0.1% (BPO/ADA) gel. CLIN/RA and BPO/ADA were applied daily to opposite sides of a subject's face for 21 days in a double-blinded fashion. Investigators' Global Assessments and study subject self-assessments of burning/stinging, itching, erythema, and dryness/scaling were collected. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) was also measured as an objective measure of skin irritation. A mixed model analysis and repeated-measures analysis of variance were used to compare outcomes for both acne formulations. CLIN/RA produced significantly less burning/stinging than BPO/ADA (P<.001) as well as significantly less pruritus than BPO/ ADA (P<.001). BPO/ADA caused significantly more TEWL than CLIN/RA (P=.005). There was no significant difference in the amount of erythema or the amount of dryness/scaling caused by either formulation. CLIN/RA produced significantly less skin irritancy and TEWL than BPO/ADA.

  13. 16 CFR 1500.42 - Test for eye irritants.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... before testing, and only those animals without eye defects or irritation shall be used. The animal is held firmly but gently until quiet. The test material is placed in one eye of each animal by gently pulling the lower lid away from the eyeball to form a cup into which the test substance is dropped. The...

  14. The Yucatan miniature swine as an in vivo model for screening skin depigmentation.


    Nair, X; Tramposch, K M


    The usefulness of the Yucatan miniature pig as a screen for skin dipigmenting activity by topical application was evaluated with standard compounds. This is a naturally occurring breed of swine with light brown to dark brown skin that is relatively hairless. The skin morphology, including the pattern of pigment distribution, in this breed of swine closely resembles the human skin. Test compounds examined in this study included the three standard compounds with known clinical depigmenting activity, hydroquinone (HQ), 4-hydroxyanisole (4HA) and tert-butyl catechol (TBC), each at a 5% concentration. Test materials in 25 microliters of propylene glycol/ethanol (50:50) were applied topically twice daily, 7 days a week for 90 days to test sites on each side of the dorsal mid-line. Test sites were graded weekly for variation in pigmentation and local irritation. After 90 days of test material application, skin biopsies of the test sites were taken for histological evaluation. Topical application of HQ, 4HA and TBC promoted marked skin depigmentation which was substantiated by reductions of pigment and melanocytes observed on microscopic examination. While both HQ and TBC produced marked local irritation, 4HA was only mildly irritating. These results suggest that the Yucatan pig, could be a potentially useful model for screening compounds with skin depigmenting activity.

  15. A study of the human skin-whitening effects of resveratryl triacetate.


    Ryu, Ja Hyun; Seok, Jin Kyung; An, Sang Mi; Baek, Ji Hwoon; Koh, Jae Sook; Boo, Yong Chool


    Resveratrol has a variety of bioactivities that include its anti-melanogenic effects, but its use in cosmetics has been challenging partly because of its chemical instability. Resveratryl triacetate (RTA) is a prodrug that can enhance stability. The purpose of this study was to examine the skin safety and whitening effects of RTA in human subjects. The primary skin irritation potentials of RTA and resveratrol were tested at 0.1 and 0.5 % on human subjects. Resveratrol at a concentration of 0.5 % induced weak skin irritation, whereas RTA did not induce any skin responses. The skin-whitening efficacy of a cosmetic formulation containing 0.4 % RTA was evaluated in two different test models. In the artificial tanning model, the test product and the control product were applied twice daily to the skin of the forearms of 22 human subjects after pigmentation induction by ultraviolet irradiation. Applying the test and the control products to the artificial tanning model for 8 weeks increased the individual topology angles (ITA°) by 17.06 and 13.81 %, respectively, a difference that was statistically significant (p < 0.05). In the hyperpigmentation model, the test product and the control product were applied twice daily to the faces of 21 human subjects. The averaged intensity of the hyperpigmented spots decreased by 2.67 % in the test group and 1.46 % in the control group, a difference that was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Therefore, RTA incorporated into cosmetic formulations can whiten human skin without inducing skin irritation.

  16. Irritant contact dermatitis in warehouse employees.


    Ashworth, J; Rycroft, R J; Waddy, R S; Irvine, D


    A detailed survey of skin complaints amongst 114 airline employees working in a new warehouse revealed 26 cases of skin problems which originated during the 2 1/2 year operation. A clinical survey of broadly the same population confirmed 14 cases from 98 employees as chronic irritant contact dermatitis of the hands. The work involved the reception, unpackaging, inspection, repackaging and dispatch of aircraft parts. The source of the skin irritation was not to be found in the work itself. Rather, the presence among the employees of two severe cases of non-occupational eczema, combined with the idea that incoming aircraft parts from foreign countries might be 'dirty' in some way, had caused a heightened perception of a risk of skin disease, and the frequency of hand washing had increased as a result. Over-frequent hand washing in a few employees had resulted in precisely what the warehouse staff had been trying to avoid.

  17. Norartocarpetin from a folk medicine Artocarpus communis plays a melanogenesis inhibitor without cytotoxicity in B16F10 cell and skin irritation in mice

    PubMed Central


    Background Many natural products used in preventive medicine have also been developed as cosmeceutical ingredients in skin care products, such as Scutellaria baicalensis and Gardenia jasminoides. Norartocarpetin is one of the antioxidant and antityrosinase activity compound in Artocarpus communis; however, the cytotoxicity, skin irritation and antimelanogenesis mechanisms of norartocarpetin have not been investigated yet. Methods In the present study, cell viability in vitro and skin irritation in vivo are used to determine the safety of norartocarpetin. The melanogenesis inhibition of norartocarpetin was determined by cellular melanin content and tyrosinase in B16F10 melanoma cell. Moreover, we examined the related-melanogenesis protein by western blot analysis for elucidating the antimelanogenesis mechanism of norartocarpin. Results The result of the present study demonstrated that norartocarpetin not only present non-cytotoxic in B16F10 and human fibroblast cells but also non-skin irritation in mice. Moreover, our result also first found that norartocarpetin downregulated phospho-cAMP response element-binding (phospho-CREB) and microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) expression, which in turn decreased both synthesis of tyrosinases (TRP-1 and TRP-2) and cellular melanin content. This process is dependent on norartocarpetin phosphorylation by mitogen-activated protein kinases such as phospho-JNK and phospho-p38, and it results in decreased melanogenesis. Conclusion The present study suggests that norartocarpetin could be used as a whitening agent in medicine and/or cosmetic industry and need further clinical study. PMID:24325567

  18. Mechanistic Analysis of Human Skin Distribution and Follicular Targeting of Adapalene-Loaded Biodegradable Nanospheres With an Insight Into Hydrogel Matrix Influence, In Vitro Skin Irritation, and In Vivo Tolerability.


    Sallam, Marwa Ahmed; Marín Boscá, María Teresa


    This work aimed at the development of a biocompatible, non-oily nanomedicine for follicular delivery of adapalene (AD) ameliorating its irritation potential for convenient localized topical treatment of acne vulgaris. AD was efficiently incorporated into poly-ε-caprolactone nanospheres (NS) with an encapsulation efficiency of 84.73% ± 1.52%, a particle size of 107.5 ± 8.19 nm, and zeta potential of -13.1 mV demonstrating a sustained-release behavior. The AD-NS were embedded in either hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) or hyaluronate (HA) gel. The ex vivo human skin dermatokinetics of AD from each system was studied. The nanoparticles dispersion showed significantly higher AD retention in the epidermis and dermis than AD suspension. NS-HPMC decreased whereas NS-HA increased AD retained in all the skin layers. The fate of the NS and the role of the hydrogel in modulating skin distribution was evaluated by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) imaging of fluorescently labeled NS. CLSM illustrated follicular localization of the florescent NS. HPMC gel restricted the presence of NS to the stratum corneum and epidermis. HA gel enhanced the penetration of NS to all the skin layers. In vitro skin irritation using human dermal fibroblasts and in vivo animal tolerability studies were performed. Accordingly, HA gel-dispersed AD-NS presented a nonirritant compromised cosmeceutical formulation suitable for oily acneic skin. Copyright © 2017 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Testing ocular irritancy in vitro with the silicon microphysiometer.


    Bruner, L H; Miller, K R; Owicki, J C; Parce, J W; Muir, V C


    The silicon microphysiometer, an instrument based on the light-addressable potentiometric sensor, was evaluated as an in vitro alternative for assessing ocular irritancy potential. It indirectly and non-invasively measures cell metabolism by determining the rate of acid metabolite production from cells, in this case human epidermal keratinocytes, placed inside the microphysiometer chamber. The 17 materials used for the evaluation included bar soaps, a liquid hand soap, shampoos, dishwashing liquids, laundry detergents, a fabric softener and several single chemicals. All materials tested were in liquid form. The in vivo irritancy potential of the materials was obtained from historical data using the rabbit low-volume eye test. There was a positive correlation between the in vivo irritancy potential of the test materials and the concentration of test material that decreased the acidification rate of cells by 50% (MRD(50); r = 0.86, P < 0.0001). Preliminary studies suggest other endpoints obtainable from the system may also provide useful information for making ocular safety assessments. Because the method is non-invasive, it is possible to determine whether cells recover from a treatment with the test material. The metabolic rate of the cells also increases at sub-inhibitory concentrations of some of the test materials. Because of the good correlation between the in vivo and in vitro data, the ease with which test materials can be applied to the system, and the multiple endpoints available from the system, it holds great potential as a useful in vitro alternative for ocular safety testing.

  20. [Incidence of irritant dermatosis among employees of the shipbuilding industry].


    Heise, H; Kühne, G; Kröger, D


    Irritant dermatosis is a non-specific reactive change on the skin. In most cases it represents the summated effects induced by various agents. Not only the shortened recovery phases of the skin but also a dispositional factor are important. Such changes, which are relatively common in some vocations but are usually only slight, cannot, as a rule, be regarded as signs of illness. Nevertheless, attention should be drawn to the necessity of intensive skin care and observation of the recovery phases because the frequency of irritant dermatosis can increase with increasing length of employment.

  1. Dermal safety assessment of Arm & Hammer laundry products formulated for sensitive skin.


    Frederick, Douglas M; Vorwerk, Linda; Gupta, Archana; Ghassemi, Annahita


    The prevalence of sensitive skin among the general population in industrialized countries is reported to be over 50%. Sensitive skin subjects often report significant reactions to contact with cosmetics, soaps and other consumer products. This paper describes the overall skin compatibility and mildness program for a newly developed, lightly fragranced, colorant free laundry product (i.e. Arm & Hammer™ Sensitive Skin plus Skin-Friendly Fresh Scent), specially formulated for individuals with sensitive skin. The skin mildness of the product was compared to Arm & Hammer™ Free & Clear liquid laundry detergent with no fragrance or colorant, and an established history of safe use by sensitive skin consumers. The test material was a liquid laundry product with a light scent formulated for sensitive skin consumers (Arm & Hammer™ Sensitive Skin plus Skin-Friendly Fresh Scent). The product was compared to commercially marketed products for sensitive skin with a history of skin safety in the marketplace, including: a very similar product formulation (Arm & Hammer™ Free & Clear with no fragrance), and several selected competitors' products. Studies were conducted among individuals with self-assessed sensitive skin (based on a questionnaire) using standard protocols for the Human Repeat Insult Patch Test (HRIPT), 10-Day Cumulative Irritation, the Wrist Band Wear test, and the Safety In-Use testing. Responses in all protocols were evaluated by visual scoring of potential dermatologic reactions, and recording any sensory effects at the time of the examination. In addition, sensory effects collected from panelists' daily diaries were also evaluated. The HRIPT confirmed that neither the fragrance alone, nor the product formulation with fragrance, induced contact sensitization in sensitive skin subjects. The 10-Day cumulative irritation study conducted using sensitive skin subjects showed highly favorable skin compatibility, and the test product was comparable to the control

  2. Predictive performance of the Vitrigel‐eye irritancy test method using 118 chemicals

    PubMed Central

    Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki; Kojima, Hajime


    Abstract We recently developed a novel Vitrigel‐eye irritancy test (EIT) method. The Vitrigel‐EIT method is composed of two parts, i.e., the construction of a human corneal epithelium (HCE) model in a collagen vitrigel membrane chamber and the prediction of eye irritancy by analyzing the time‐dependent profile of transepithelial electrical resistance values for 3 min after exposing a chemical to the HCE model. In this study, we estimated the predictive performance of Vitrigel‐EIT method by testing a total of 118 chemicals. The category determined by the Vitrigel‐EIT method in comparison to the globally harmonized system classification revealed that the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 90.1%, 65.9% and 80.5%, respectively. Here, five of seven false‐negative chemicals were acidic chemicals inducing the irregular rising of transepithelial electrical resistance values. In case of eliminating the test chemical solutions showing pH 5 or lower, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were improved to 96.8%, 67.4% and 84.4%, respectively. Meanwhile, nine of 16 false‐positive chemicals were classified irritant by the US Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, the disappearance of ZO‐1, a tight junction‐associated protein and MUC1, a cell membrane‐spanning mucin was immunohistologically confirmed in the HCE models after exposing not only eye irritant chemicals but also false‐positive chemicals, suggesting that such false‐positive chemicals have an eye irritant potential. These data demonstrated that the Vitrigel‐EIT method could provide excellent predictive performance to judge the widespread eye irritancy, including very mild irritant chemicals. We hope that the Vitrigel‐EIT method contributes to the development of safe commodity chemicals. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Applied Toxicology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. PMID:26472347

  3. Predictive performance of the Vitrigel-eye irritancy test method using 118 chemicals.


    Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki; Kojima, Hajime; Takezawa, Toshiaki


    We recently developed a novel Vitrigel-eye irritancy test (EIT) method. The Vitrigel-EIT method is composed of two parts, i.e., the construction of a human corneal epithelium (HCE) model in a collagen vitrigel membrane chamber and the prediction of eye irritancy by analyzing the time-dependent profile of transepithelial electrical resistance values for 3 min after exposing a chemical to the HCE model. In this study, we estimated the predictive performance of Vitrigel-EIT method by testing a total of 118 chemicals. The category determined by the Vitrigel-EIT method in comparison to the globally harmonized system classification revealed that the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 90.1%, 65.9% and 80.5%, respectively. Here, five of seven false-negative chemicals were acidic chemicals inducing the irregular rising of transepithelial electrical resistance values. In case of eliminating the test chemical solutions showing pH 5 or lower, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were improved to 96.8%, 67.4% and 84.4%, respectively. Meanwhile, nine of 16 false-positive chemicals were classified irritant by the US Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, the disappearance of ZO-1, a tight junction-associated protein and MUC1, a cell membrane-spanning mucin was immunohistologically confirmed in the HCE models after exposing not only eye irritant chemicals but also false-positive chemicals, suggesting that such false-positive chemicals have an eye irritant potential. These data demonstrated that the Vitrigel-EIT method could provide excellent predictive performance to judge the widespread eye irritancy, including very mild irritant chemicals. We hope that the Vitrigel-EIT method contributes to the development of safe commodity chemicals. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Applied Toxicology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Applied Toxicology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Managing Occupational Irritant Contact Dermatitis Using a Two-Step Skincare Regimen Designed to Prevent Skin Damage and Support Skin Recovery.


    von Grote, Erika C; Palaniswarmy, Kiruthi; Meckfessel, Matthew H


    Occupational irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) affecting the hands is a common and difficult-to-manage condition. Occupations that necessitate contact with harsh chemicals, use of alcohol-based disinfectants, and frequent hand washing elevate the risk of ICD. Management strategies that do not adequately prevent accumulated damage and repair skin, can develop into chronic dermatoses which negatively impact work productivity and quality of life. A 2-step skin-care regimen (Excipial Daily Protection Hand Cream (EP) and Excipial Rapid Repair Hand Cream (ER), Galderma Laboratories, L.P.) has been developed as a daily-use management strategy to protect and repair vulnerable hands. The protective barrier cream is formulated with aluminum chlorohydrate and designed for pre-exposure application to enhance the skin's natural protective barrier and minimize excessive moisture while wearing protective gloves. The repair cream, a lipid-rich formulation, is intended for post-exposure application to rehydrate and facilitate the skin's natural healing process. The results of 3 clinical studies highlighted in this review demonstrate how the use of a 2-step skin-care regimen offers a greater protective effect against ICD than the use of barrier cream alone, and also how the formulation of the barrier cream used in these studies helps minimize the occlusion effect caused by gloves and does not interfere with the antibacterial efficacy of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. This 2-step skin-care regimen is effectively designed to manage and minimize the risk of ICD development in a variety of patients and provides clinicians an additional tool for helping patients manage ICD. J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;15(12):1504-1510.

  5. Physical characteristic and irritation index of Syzigium aromaticum essential oil in O/W and W/O creams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Safriani, R.; Sugihartini, N.; Yuliani, S.


    Essential oil of Syzigium aromaticum has been formulated in O/W and W/O creams as anti-inflammatory dosage form. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical characteristic and irritation index of S. aromaticum essential oil in O/W and W/O creams. The creams were made by fusion method. The creams then were evaluated the physical characteristic including pH, viscosity, spreadability and adhesivity. The irritation index was obtained by irritation skin test in male rabbit. The results showed that the W/O and O/W creams have the value of pH: 6.3 and 6.27; spreadability: 3,18 and 4.17 cm2; adhesivity: 5.59 and 0.07 minutes; viscosity: 4.43 and 2.88 Pa.S, respectively. The irritation test showed that the control enhancer caused mild irritation in both of W/O and O/W creams. These findings indicated that type of cream might influence the physical characteristic and irritation index of S. aromaticum essential oil cream.

  6. The use of a measure of acute irritation to predict the outcome of repeated usage of hand soap products.


    Williams, C; Wilkinson, M; McShane, P; Pennington, D; Fernandez, C; Pierce, S


    Healthcare-associated infection is an important worldwide problem that could be reduced by better hand hygiene practice. However, an increasing number of healthcare workers are experiencing irritant contact dermatitis of the hands as a result of repeated hand washing. This may lead to a reduced level of compliance with regard to hand hygiene. To assess whether a measure of acute irritation by hand soaps could predict the effects of repeated usage over a 2-week period. In a double-blind, randomized comparison study, the comparative irritation potential of four different hand soaps was assessed over a 24-h treatment period. The effect of repeated hand washing with the hand soap products over a 2-week period in healthy adult volunteers on skin barrier function was then determined by assessment of transepidermal water loss (TEWL), epidermal hydration and a visual assessment using the Hand Eczema Severity Index (HECSI) at days 0, 7 and 14. A total of 121 subjects from the 123 recruited completed phase 1 of the study. All four products were seen to be significantly different from each other in terms of the irritant reaction observed and all products resulted in a significantly higher irritation compared with the no-treatment control. Seventy-nine of the initial 121 subjects were then enrolled into the repeated usage study. A statistically significant worsening of the clinical condition of the skin as measured by HECSI was seen from baseline to day 14 in those subjects repeatedly washing their hands with two of the four soap products (products C and D) with P-values of 0·02 and 0·01, respectively. Subclinical assessment of the skin barrier function by measuring epidermal hydration was significantly increased from baseline to day 7 after repeated hand washing with products A, B and D but overall no significant change was seen in all four products tested by day 14. A statistically significant increase in TEWL at day 14 was seen for product A (P = 0·02) indicating a

  7. Surfactant irritation: in vitro corneosurfametry and in vivo bioengineering.


    Gabard, B; Chatelain, E; Bieli, E; Haas, S


    Irritant reactions to surfactants, cleansing products, soaps and detergents are common in clinical and occupational dermatology. Mildness has become a major benefit claimed, and testing for mildness now ranks among the first concerns of the manufacturing industry. A wealth of publications deals with this problem, trying to improve the methodology, reduce the costs of testing and facilitate decision-making. Differences in vivo can be measured clinically and/or instrumentally. This is difficult, as commercially available products are generally safe to use and none are harsh in the absolute sense. Nineteen different products (syndets, shampoos, personal cleansers), all claiming to be mild, were tested in vitro by a newly introduced method, corneosurfametry. For evaluating the aggressiveness of the products, the calculation of an index of irritation (IOI) was proposed. A concentration-effect curve of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) as standard and model surfactant was obtained. Some of the products were further tested in vivo with a flex wash test and with a soap chamber test and compared to SLS. Bioengineering methods (transepidermal water loss TEWL, skin color) were used to evaluate the results. The results of the corneosurfametry allowed us to classify the products in three categories, with increasing aggressiveness towards the stratum corneum, according to their IOIs. The in vivo tests were not able to discriminate between the products, but ranks from the results of the bioengineering measurements showed a good correlation between TEWL changes, but not between colour changes, and IOIs from corneosurfametry. Corneosurfametry emerged as a simple, low-cost and fast method for ranking commercial products according to their mildness. However, the skin bioengineering techniques showed that some products could lead to skin reactions, such as erythema, that could not be detected by the in vitro technique.

  8. Cutaneous irritancy of an ibuprofen medicated plaster in healthy volunteers.


    Maganji, Manisha; Connolly, Mark P; Bhatt, Aomesh


    To assess the irritation and contact sensitization potential of a 200 mg ibuprofen medicated plaster. This double-blind, phase-1 placebo controlled study had two phases; the induction phase to evaluate the irritant potential of continuous application of the plaster, and the challenge phase to assess contact sensitivity (allergy). The cumulative irritancy potential was evaluated using an adaptation of the Shelanski method. Healthy adults (≥18 years of age) (N = 210) were treated simultaneously with one ibuprofen medicated and one placebo plaster applied in a randomized fashion to either the left or right side of the lower back. During the induction phase, plasters were applied on Days 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 19 and the final plaster removed on Day 22. At each scheduled visit plasters and applications sites were assessed for degree of adhesion and skin irritation (score of 1 = no irritation to 7 = strong reaction spreading beyond test sites), respectively. The challenge phase followed a two-week washout period. A plaster was applied on Day 36 for 48 h and assessment occurred on Days 38, 39, and 40. The mean cumulative irritation score during the induction phase was lower for the ibuprofen medicated plaster than the placebo plaster (0.32 vs. 1.23, respectively). Three (1.4%) subjects experience a dermal reaction of grade ≥3 for the ibuprofen medicated plaster compared with 27 (12.7%) for the placebo plaster. Following challenge with ibuprofen or placebo plasters, 12 subjects (6.2%) with the ibuprofen medicated plaster and four (2.2%) with the placebo plaster had skin reaction of assessment grade higher than the induction phase. One subject for the ibuprofen and two for the placebo plaster had reactions with grade >2. No subjects showed an increase in sensitization on Day 39 or 40 compared with Day 38. The findings indicate that the both the irritancy and contact sensitization of the ibuprofen medicated plaster is acceptable.

  9. Investigation of the predictive validity of laser-EPs in normal, UVB-inflamed and capsaicin-irritated skin with four analgesic compounds in healthy volunteers.


    Schaffler, Klaus; Nicolas, Laurent B; Borta, Andreas; Brand, Tobias; Reitmeir, Peter; Roebling, Robert; Scholpp, Joachim


    The aim of the present study was to assess the predictivity of laser-(radiant-heat)-evoked potentials (LEPs) from the vertex electroencephalogram, using an algesimetric procedure, testing the anti-nociceptive/anti-hyperalgesic effects of single oral doses of four marketed analgesics (of different compound classes) vs. placebo, in healthy volunteers with three skin types. This was a randomized, placebo-controlled, single-blind, five-way-crossover trial. Twenty-five healthy male/female Caucasians were included (receiving celecoxib 200 mg, pregabalin 150 mg, duloxetine 60 mg, lacosamide 100 mg or placebo) in a Williams design, with CO 2 laser-induced painful stimuli to normal, ultraviolet (UV) B-inflamed and capsaicin-irritated skin. LEPs and visual analogue scale ratings were taken at baseline and hourly for 6 h postdose from all three skin types. In normal skin, the averaged postdose LEP peak-to-peak-(PtP)-amplitudes were reduced by pregabalin (-2.68 μV; 95% confidence interval (CI) -4.16, 1.19) and duloxetine (-1.73 μV; 95% CI -3.21, -0.26) but not by lacosamide and celecoxib vs. placebo. On UVB-irradiated skin, reflecting inflammatory pain, celecoxib induced a pronounced reduction in LEP PtP amplitudes vs. placebo (-6.2 μV; 95% CI -7.88, -4.51), with a smaller reduction by duloxetine (-4.54 μV; 95% CI -6.21, -2.87) and pregabalin (-3.72 μV; 95% CI -5.40, -2.04), whereas lacosamide was inactive. LEP PtP amplitudes on capsaicin-irritated skin, reflecting peripheral/spinal sensitization, as in neuropathic pain, were reduced by pregabalin (-3.78 μV; 95% CI -5.31, -2.25) and duloxetine (-2.32 μV; 95% CI -3.82, -0.82) but not by celecoxib or lacosamide vs. placebo, which was in agreement with known clinical profiles. Overall, PtP amplitude reductions were in agreement with subjective ratings. LEP algesimetry is sensitive to analgesics with different modes of action and may enable the effects of novel analgesics to be assessed during early clinical

  10. Evaluation of 4-methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM) in a combined irritancy and Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA) in mice.


    Johnson, Victor J; Auerbach, Scott S; Luster, Michael I; Waidyanatha, Suramya; Masten, Scott A; Wolfe, Mary S; Burleson, Florence G; Burleson, Gary R; Germolec, Dori R


    4-Methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM) is a flotation reagent used in fine coal beneficiation. On January 9, 2014, crude MCHM, a mixture containing predominantly MCHM, was inadvertently released into the Elk River, a municipal water source that serves about 300,000 people in the Charleston, WV area, resulting in temporary contamination of 15 percent of the state's tap water and causing significant dermal exposure. The current studies were undertaken to determine whether crude MCHM or MCHM has the potential to produce dermal irritancy and/or sensitization. BALB/c female mice were treated daily for 3 consecutive days by direct epicutaneous application of 25 μL of various concentrations of crude MCHM or MCHM to the dorsum of each ear. A mouse ear-swelling test was used to determine irritancy potential and was undertaken in combination with the standardized Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA) to determine skin sensitizing potential. MCHM was found to produce skin irritation at concentrations above 20% and did not produce sensitization. Crude MCHM also produced irritation, although weaker, and in addition was found to be a weak to moderate skin sensitizer. The results are discussed in terms of potential human health hazard. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Skin Conditions


    Your skin is your body's largest organ. It covers and protects your body. Your skin Holds body fluids in, preventing dehydration Keeps harmful ... it Anything that irritates, clogs, or inflames your skin can cause symptoms such as redness, swelling, burning, ...

  12. The skin sensitization potential of four alkylalkanolamines.


    Leung, H W; Blaszcak, D L


    The skin sensitization potential of 4 alkylalkanolamines (N-methylethanolamine, N,N-dimethylethanolamine, N-methyldiethanolamine and N,N-diethylethanolamine), was evaluated in a guinea pig maximation procedure by the method of Magnusson and Kligman. While all 4 alkylalkanolamines tested were irritating to the guinea pig skin, only N-methylethanolamine showed potential to induce allergic contact dermatitis. None of the remaining 3 alkylalkanolamines exhibited clear skin responses suggestive of sensitization.

  13. 16 CFR § 1500.41 - Method of testing primary irritant substances.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... testing that does not require animals, are presented in the CPSC's animal testing policy set forth in 16... recommended to reduce the number of test animals. The method of testing the dermal corrosivity and primary... 16 Commercial Practices 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Method of testing primary irritant...

  14. Anti-irritant and anti-inflammatory effects of glycerol and xylitol in sodium lauryl sulphate-induced acute irritation.


    Szél, E; Polyánka, H; Szabó, K; Hartmann, P; Degovics, D; Balázs, B; Németh, I B; Korponyai, C; Csányi, E; Kaszaki, J; Dikstein, S; Nagy, K; Kemény, L; Erős, G


    Glycerol is known to possess anti-irritant and hydrating properties and previous studies suggested that xylitol may also have similar effects. Our aim was to study whether different concentrations of these polyols restore skin barrier function and soothe inflammation in sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS)-induced acute irritation. The experiments were performed on male SKH-1 hairless mice. The skin of the dorsal region was exposed to SLS (5%) for 3 h alone or together with 5% or 10% of glycerol respectively. Further two groups received xylitol solutions (8.26% and 16.52% respectively) using the same osmolarities, which were equivalent to those of the glycerol treatments. The control group was treated with purified water. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and skin hydration were determined. Microcirculatory parameters of inflammation were observed by means of intravital videomicroscopy (IVM). Furthermore, accumulation of neutrophil granulocytes and lymphocytes, the expression of inflammatory cytokines and SLS penetration were assessed, as well. Treatment with the 10% of glycerol and both concentrations of xylitol inhibited the SLS-induced elevation of TEWL and moderated the irritant-induced increase in dermal blood flow and in the number of leucocyte-endothelial interactions. All concentrations of the applied polyols improved hydration and prevented the accumulation of lymphocytes near the treatment site. At the mRNA level, neither glycerol nor xylitol influenced the expression of interleukin-1 alpha. However, expression of interleukin-1 beta was significantly decreased by the 10% glycerol treatment, while expression of tumour necrosis factor-alpha decreased upon the same treatment, as well as in response to xylitol. Higher polyol treatments decreased the SLS penetration to the deeper layers of the stratum corneum. Both of the analysed polyols exert considerable anti-irritant and anti-inflammatory properties, but the effective concentration of xylitol is lower than that of

  15. A new 3D reconstituted human corneal epithelium model as an alternative method for the eye irritation test.


    Jung, Kyoung-Mi; Lee, Su-Hyon; Ryu, Yang-Hwan; Jang, Won-Hee; Jung, Haeng-Sun; Han, Ju-Hee; Seok, Seung-Hyeok; Park, Jae-Hak; Son, Youngsook; Park, Young-Ho; Lim, Kyung-Min


    Many efforts are being made to develop new alternative in vitro test methods for the eye irritation test. Here we report a new reconstructed human corneal epithelial model (MCTT HCE model) prepared from primary-cultured human limbal epithelial cells as a new alternative in vitro eye irritation test method. In histological and immunohistochemical observation, MCTT HCE model displayed a morphology and biomarker expressions similar to intact human cornea. Moreover, the barrier function was well preserved as measured by high transepithelial electrical resistance, effective time-50 for Triton X-100, and corneal thickness. To employ the model as a new alternative method for eye irritation test, protocol refinement was performed and optimum assay condition was determined including treatment time, treatment volume, post-incubation time and rinsing method. Using the refined protocol, 25 reference chemicals with known eye irritation potentials were tested. With the viability cut-off value at 50%, chemicals were classified to irritant or non-irritant. When compared with GHS classification, the MCTT HCE model showed the accuracy of 88%, sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 77%. These results suggest that the MCTT HCE model might be useful as a new alternative eye irritation test method. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. PPD skin test


    ... is a method used to diagnose silent (latent) tuberculosis (TB) infection. PPD stands for purified protein derivative. ... skin test; Tuberculin skin test; Mantoux test Images Tuberculosis in the kidney Tuberculosis in the lung Positive ...

  17. Beneficial effects of softened fabrics on atopic skin.


    Hermanns, J F; Goffin, V; Arrese, J E; Rodriguez, C; Piérard, G E


    There is general concern about the possible cutaneous adverse effects of wearing garments treated with household laundry products, particularly on atopic skin. Our objective was to compare softened and non- softened fabrics in a forearm wet and dry test, under conditions simulating real-life conditions. Twenty atopic volunteers entered a single-blind 12-day (3 sessions per day) forearm wetting and drying test. Cotton fabrics were machine washed and liquid fabric conditioner was added or not to the final rinse. To simulate conditions of skin damage, a dilute solution of sodium lauryl sulphate was applied under occlusion to the forearm of each volunteer before the start of the study. Skin effects were evaluated by visual grading (redness, dryness and smoothness), squamometry and in vivo instrumental measurements (capacitance, transepidermal water loss and colorimetry). Rubbing of atopic skin with fabrics generally resulted in discrete to moderate alterations of the structure of the stratum corneum. Both for control and pre-irritated skin, all measured parameters indicated that softened fabric was less aggressive to the skin than unsoftened fabric. In the case of pre-irritated skin, the recovery of the skin was significantly faster when rubbed with softened than with unsoftened fabrics. In conclusion, softened fabrics help mitigate the skin condition in atopic patients. Copyright 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.


    PubMed Central

    McNamara, Robert J.; Farber, Eugene M.; Roland, Samuel I.


    A comprehensive questionnaire inquiring about difficulties with care of the skin in the area immediately surrounding the artificial anus was sent to ileostomy patients in the United States. Eighty per cent of 327 replying to the questionnaire had such difficulties. The problem of irritation is essentially that of intimate contact of fecal material with the circumileostomy skin, and associated factors are the potentially irritating materials used in the manufacture of ileostomy appliances, as well as the adhesives used to affix the appliance to the skin. Mechanical trauma incident to removal and reapplication of the appliance, as well as loosening of the disc and exposure of unprotected skin, accelerates the corrosive action of the material discharged. Changing the appliance before leakage or irritation occurs is helpful in preventing skin difficulties. In cases of long standing or repeated irritation, care must be taken to check the suitability of the appliance or the possibility of a complication in the stoma that could be corrected surgically. ImagesFigure 2.Figure 4. PMID:13662859

  19. Non-Animal Testing Approach to EPA Labeling for Eye Irritation

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    This document is an update to EPA’s 2013 published alternative testing approach (using in vitro/ex vivo assays) for determination of eye irritation potential in the pesticide program under EPA's classification and labeling system.

  20. CON4EI: Development of testing strategies for hazard identification and labelling for serious eye damage and eye irritation of chemicals.


    Adriaens, E; Verstraelen, S; Alépée, N; Kandarova, H; Drzewiecka, A; Gruszka, K; Guest, R; Willoughby, J A; Van Rompay, A R


    Assessment of acute eye irritation potential is part of the international regulatory requirements for safety testing of chemicals. In the last decades, many efforts have been made in the search for alternative methods to replace the regulatory in vivo Draize rabbit eye test (OECD TG 405). Success in terms of complete replacement of the regulatory in vivo Draize rabbit eye test has not yet been achieved. The main objective of the CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI (CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy) project was to develop tiered testing strategies for serious eye damage and eye irritation assessment that can lead to complete replacement of OECD TG 405. A set of 80 reference chemicals (e.g. balanced by important driver of classification and physical state), was tested with seven test methods. Based on the results of this project, three different strategies were suggested. We have provided a standalone (EpiOcular ET-50), a two-tiered and three-tiered strategy, that can be used to distinguish between Cat 1 and Cat 2 chemicals and chemicals that do not require classification (No Cat). The two-tiered and three-tiered strategies use an RhCE test method (EpiOcular EIT or SkinEthic™ EIT) at the bottom (identification No Cat) in combination with the BCOP LLBO (two-tiered strategy) or BCOP OP-KIT and SMI (three-tiered strategy) at the top (identification Cat 1). For our proposed strategies, 71.1% - 82.9% Cat 1, 64.2% - 68.5% Cat 2 and ≥80% No Cat chemicals were correctly identified. Also, similar results were obtained for the Top-Down and Bottom-Up approach. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Benzalkonium chloride neutralizes the irritant effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate.


    McFadden, J P; Holloway, D B; Whittle, E G; Basketter, D A


    When benzalkonium chloride (BKC), a cationic surfactant, is added to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), an anionic surfactant, and used in patch testing, on the basis of their known physicochemical interaction, it is possible to predict that there will be a tendency towards a reduction in the expected irritant response when compared to SDS alone. The aim of this study was to investigate whether BKC could reduce the irritant response to SDS when applied after the SDS exposure. 54 non-atopic adult volunteers were recruited for the study. 20% SDS was applied for 2 h under occlusion. 1% BKC was then applied to the same site. Various controls, including SDS application followed by water for 2 h, were included. The irritant reaction was assessed at 24 h and 48 h. 40 of the 54 subjects had some reaction when SDS was applied for 2 h followed by either benzalkonium chloride or water control under occlusion. In comparison to water control, where BKC was applied after SDS, 20 of the 40 responders had a weaker reaction but only 4 had a stronger response. This study shows that BKC applied to skin exposed to SDS attenuates the resulting irritant reaction.

  2. Is dermatitis palmaris sicca an irritant contact dermatitis?


    Chen, Fu-Juan; Liu, Zhen; Zhou, Ying; Chen, Yong-Hua; Fan, Yi-Ming


    Dermatitis palmaris sicca (DPS) is a common dry-fissured palmar dermatitis in Asian women. It may be an irritant contact dermatitis, but the immunophenotype of the cells in its infiltrate is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of inflammatory cells in the pathogenesis of DPS. Patch testing was done in 68 patients with DPS, 87 subjects with hand eczema, and 31 healthy subjects. Immunophenotyping of cutaneous inflammatory cells was performed in 8 patients with DPS, 10 subjects with hand eczema, and 8 healthy individuals. Positive patch rates were higher in patients with DPS and those with hand eczema compared with healthy controls, but strong positive (++ or +++) reactions in DPS were fewer compared with hand eczema. Density of CD3, CD4, CD8, and CD68 cells in skin lesions of DPS and hand eczema was significantly higher than that in normal skin. Sparse CD20 cells were present only in hand eczema. Compared with hand eczema, the number of CD3, CD8, CD68, and dermal CD1a cells decreased, but epidermal CD1a cells and CD4/CD8 ratio increased in DPS. The absolute lack of CD20 cells and relative scarcity of dermal CD8 and CD1a cells in skin lesions might be insufficient to induce contact hypersensitivity, so DPS may be an irritant but not allergic contact dermatitis.

  3. Histoplasma skin test


    Histoplasmosis skin test ... health care provider cleans an area of your skin, usually the forearm. An allergen is injected just below the cleaned skin surface. An allergen is a substance that causes ...

  4. Skin care and incontinence


    ... skin problems such as redness, peeling, irritation, and yeast infections likely. Bedsores ( pressure sores ) may also develop ... drying the skin. Incontinence problems can cause a yeast infection on the skin. This is an itchy, ...

  5. Self-perceived sensory responses to soap and synthetic detergent bars correlate with clinical signs of irritation.


    Simion, F A; Rhein, L D; Morrison, B M; Scala, D D; Salko, D M; Kligman, A M; Grove, G L


    Epidemiologic studies indicate that after using soaps and other personal care products, many consumers experience irritation. In 50% of the cases the feelings of skin dryness, itching, and stinging occur in the absence of visible signs of irritation. We sought to determine the relation between self-perceived sensory responses of panelists to cleansing products and clinical signs of irritation. A combination of exaggerated arm-washing methods was designed to induce clinical signs of irritation with psychometric techniques developed to quantify sensations. Two studies demonstrated that panelists could reproducibly differentiate between products on the basis of the sensations they felt and that there was a significant correlation (frequently r > 0.80) between these and the observable signs. In the case of skin dryness panelists differentiated products several washing cycles before observable differences were detected. Sensory evaluations of irritation yield additional information on soap and detergent irritancy beyond clinical observations and expand understanding of the irritation process.

  6. Characterization of new eye drops with choline salicylate and assessment of their irritancy by in vitro short time exposure tests.


    Wroblewska, Katarzyna; Kucinska, Małgorzata; Murias, Marek; Lulek, Janina


    The aim of our study was to examine the irritation potential of new eye drops containing 2% choline salicylate (CS) as an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and various polymers increasing eye drop viscosity (hydroxyethylcellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, methylcellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinylpyrrolidone). The standard method for assessing the potential of irritating substances has been the Draize rabbit eye test. However the European Centre for Validation of Alternative Methods and the Coordinating Committee for Validation of Alternative Methods recommend, short time exposure (STE) in vitro tests as an alternative method for assessing eye irritation. The eye irritation potential was determined using cytotoxicity test methods for rabbit corneal cell line (SIRC) after 5 min exposure. The viability of cells was determined using two cytotoxicity assays: MTT and Neutral Red Uptake. According to the irritation rankings for the short time exposure test, all tested eye drops are classified as non-irritating (cell viability >70%).

  7. Eye Irritation Test (EIT) for Hazard Identification of Eye Irritating Chemicals using Reconstructed Human Cornea-like Epithelial (RhCE) Tissue Model.


    Kaluzhny, Yulia; Kandárová, Helena; d'Argembeau-Thornton, Laurence; Kearney, Paul; Klausner, Mitchell


    To comply with the Seventh Amendment to the EU Cosmetics Directive and EU REACH legislation, validated non-animal alternative methods for reliable and accurate assessment of ocular toxicity in man are needed. To address this need, we have developed an eye irritation test (EIT) which utilizes a three dimensional reconstructed human cornea-like epithelial (RhCE) tissue model that is based on normal human cells. The EIT is able to separate ocular irritants and corrosives (GHS Categories 1 and 2 combined) and those that do not require labeling (GHS No Category). The test utilizes two separate protocols, one designed for liquid chemicals and a second, similar protocol for solid test articles. The EIT prediction model uses a single exposure period (30 min for liquids, 6 hr for solids) and a single tissue viability cut-off (60.0% as determined by the MTT assay). Based on the results for 83 chemicals (44 liquids and 39 solids) EIT achieved 95.5/68.2/ and 81.8% sensitivity/specificity and accuracy (SS&A) for liquids, 100.0/68.4/ and 84.6% SS&A for solids, and 97.6/68.3/ and 83.1% for overall SS&A. The EIT will contribute significantly to classifying the ocular irritation potential of a wide range of liquid and solid chemicals without the use of animals to meet regulatory testing requirements. The EpiOcular EIT method was implemented in 2015 into the OECD Test Guidelines as TG 492.

  8. Eye Irritation Test (EIT) for Hazard Identification of Eye Irritating Chemicals using Reconstructed Human Cornea-like Epithelial (RhCE) Tissue Model

    PubMed Central

    Kaluzhny, Yulia; Kandárová, Helena; d’Argembeau-Thornton, Laurence; Kearney, Paul; Klausner, Mitchell


    To comply with the Seventh Amendment to the EU Cosmetics Directive and EU REACH legislation, validated non-animal alternative methods for reliable and accurate assessment of ocular toxicity in man are needed. To address this need, we have developed an eye irritation test (EIT) which utilizes a three dimensional reconstructed human cornea-like epithelial (RhCE) tissue model that is based on normal human cells. The EIT is able to separate ocular irritants and corrosives (GHS Categories 1 and 2 combined) and those that do not require labeling (GHS No Category). The test utilizes two separate protocols, one designed for liquid chemicals and a second, similar protocol for solid test articles. The EIT prediction model uses a single exposure period (30 min for liquids, 6 hr for solids) and a single tissue viability cut-off (60.0% as determined by the MTT assay). Based on the results for 83 chemicals (44 liquids and 39 solids) EIT achieved 95.5/68.2/ and 81.8% sensitivity/specificity and accuracy (SS&A) for liquids, 100.0/68.4/ and 84.6% SS&A for solids, and 97.6/68.3/ and 83.1% for overall SS&A. The EIT will contribute significantly to classifying the ocular irritation potential of a wide range of liquid and solid chemicals without the use of animals to meet regulatory testing requirements. The EpiOcular EIT method was implemented in 2015 into the OECD Test Guidelines as TG 492. PMID:26325674

  9. Evaluation of self-reported skin problems among workers exposed to toluene diisocyanate (TDI) at a foam manufacturing facility.


    Daftarian, Helga S; Lushniak, Boris D; Reh, Christopher M; Lewis, Daniel M


    Toluene diisocyanate, or TDI (CAS 584-84-9) is a well-known asthmagen and respiratory irritant. TDI is also known for its ability to irritate the skin and mucous membranes. To further investigate the dermal effects of TDI, NIOSH investigators conducted a cross-sectional study at a flexible foam manufacturing plant. A total of 114 workers participated in the study. Participants completed a medical questionnaire, provided blood for antibody testing to TDI and other allergens, and a subset of participants reporting skin symptoms underwent skin patch testing to a standard diisocyanate panel. Production line workers were more than twice as likely to report skin problems as those working in nonproduction areas (PRR = 2.66; 95% CI = 1.14-16.32; P = 0.02). Age, gender and duration of employment at the plant were comparable among participants working in production and nonproduction areas. Of the 100 participants who provided blood samples for antibody testing, specific IgG antibody to TDI was detected in two individuals, and none of the samples demonstrated specific IgE antibody to TDI. Of the 26 workers who underwent skin patch testing, none developed reactions to the diisocyanate allergens. These results suggest that the skin symptoms among study participants represent an irritant rather than an immunologic reaction to TDI, or to an unidentified allergen present in the foam.

  10. Characterization of new eye drops with choline salicylate and assessment of their irritancy by in vitro short time exposure tests

    PubMed Central

    Wroblewska, Katarzyna; Kucinska, Małgorzata; Murias, Marek; Lulek, Janina


    The aim of our study was to examine the irritation potential of new eye drops containing 2% choline salicylate (CS) as an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and various polymers increasing eye drop viscosity (hydroxyethylcellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, methylcellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinylpyrrolidone). The standard method for assessing the potential of irritating substances has been the Draize rabbit eye test. However the European Centre for Validation of Alternative Methods and the Coordinating Committee for Validation of Alternative Methods recommend, short time exposure (STE) in vitro tests as an alternative method for assessing eye irritation. The eye irritation potential was determined using cytotoxicity test methods for rabbit corneal cell line (SIRC) after 5 min exposure. The viability of cells was determined using two cytotoxicity assays: MTT and Neutral Red Uptake. According to the irritation rankings for the short time exposure test, all tested eye drops are classified as non-irritating (cell viability >70%). PMID:27134543

  11. Biocompatible microemulsions of a model NSAID for skin delivery: A decisive role of surfactants in skin penetration/irritation profiles and pharmacokinetic performance.


    Todosijević, Marija N; Savić, Miroslav M; Batinić, Bojan B; Marković, Bojan D; Gašperlin, Mirjana; Ranđelović, Danijela V; Lukić, Milica Ž; Savić, Snežana D


    To elaborate the decisive role of surfactants in promotion of aceclofenac' skin absorption, potentially avoiding irritation, we developed non-ionic microemulsions varying natural or synthetic surfactants: sucrose esters (laurate or myristate) vs. polysorbate 80. A comprehensive physicochemical characterization indicated no significant influence of the solubilized nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug on the bicontinuous structure of blank formulations. To evaluate skin tolerability of isopropyl alcohol, a sucrose ester-based microemulsion containing transcutol P as a cosurfactant was also developed. The measured skin parameters strongly depended on the (co)surfactant type, showing higher compatibility of the microemulsions containing sucrose ester and isopropyl alcohol. In vitro release results, in vivo tape stripping and pharmacokinetics in rats confirmed superiority of the sucrose ester- over polysorbate-based microemulsions (total amounts of aceclofenac penetrated 60.81±5.97 and 60.86±3.67 vs. 27.00±5.09μg/cm(2), and its maximum plasma concentrations 275.57±109.49 and 281.31±76.76 vs. 150.23±69.74ng/ml for sucrose laurate- and myristate- vs. polysorbate 80-based microemulsions, respectively). Hence, sugar-based excipients increased delivery of aceclofenac through stratum corneum by increasing its fluidity, showing overall more satisfying safety profiles. In conclusion, sucrose ester-based microemulsions proved to be promising carriers for dermal/transdermal aceclofenac delivery. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Use of the cytosensor microphysiometer to predict results of a 21-day cumulative irritation patch test in humans.


    Landin, Wendell E; Mun, Greg C; Nims, Raymond W; Harbell, John W


    The cytosensor microphysiometer (mu phi) was investigated as a rapid, relatively inexpensive test to predict performance of skin cleansing wipes on the human 21-day cumulative irritation patch test (21CIPT). It indirectly measures metabolic rate changes in L929 cells as a function of test article dose, by measuring the acidification rate in a low-buffer medium. The dose producing a 50% reduction in metabolic rate (MRD50), relative to the baseline rate, is used as a measure of toxicity. The acute toxicity of the mu phi assay can be compared to the chronic toxicity of the 21CIPT, which is based largely on the exposure of test agents to the epidermal cells, resulting in damage and penetration of the stratum corneum leading to cell toxicity. Two series of surfactant-based cleansing wipe products were tested via the mu phi assay and 21CIPT. The first series, consisting of 20 products, was used to determine a prediction model. The second series of 38 products consisted of routine product development formulas or marketed products. Comparing the results from both tests, samples with an MRD50 greater than 50 mg/ml provided a 21CIPT score consistent with a product that performs satisfactorily in the market. When the MRD50 was greater than 78 mg/ml, the 21CIPT score was usually zero. The mu phi may be more sensitive than the 21CIPT for ranking minimally irritating materials. The mu phi assay is useful as a screen for predicting the performance of a wet wipes formula on the 21CIPT, and concurrently reduces the use of animals for safety testing in a product development program for cleansing wipes.

  13. Nanostructured lipid carriers-based flurbiprofen gel after topical administration: acute skin irritation, pharmacodynamics, and percutaneous absorption mechanism.


    Song, Aihua; Su, Zhen; Li, Sanming; Han, Fei


    In order to assess the preliminary safety and effectiveness of nanostructured lipid carriers-based flurbiprofen gel (FP NLC-gel), the acute irritation test, in vivo pharmacodynamics evaluation and pharmacokinetic study were investigated after topical application. No dropsy and erythema were observed after continuous dosing 7 d of FP NLC-gel on the rabbit skin, and the xylene-induced ear drossy could be inhibited by FP NLC-gel at different dosages. The maximum concentration of FP in rats muscle was 2.03 μg/g and 1.55 μg/g after oral and topical administration, respectively. While the peak concentration in untreated muscle after topical administration was only 0.37 μg/mL. And at any time, following topical administration the mean muscle-plasma concentration ratio Cmuscle/CPlasma was obviously higher than that following oral administration. Results indicated that FP could directly penetrate into the subcutaneous muscle tissue from the administration site. Thus, the developed FP NLC-gel could be a safe and effective vehicle for topical delivery of FP.

  14. Further development of LLNA:DAE method as stand-alone skin-sensitization testing method and applied for evaluation of relative skin-sensitizing potency between chemicals.


    Yamashita, Kunihiko; Shinoda, Shinsuke; Hagiwara, Saori; Itagaki, Hiroshi


    To date, there has been no well-established local lymph node assay (LLNA) that includes an elicitation phase. Therefore, we developed a modified local lymph node assay with an elicitation phase (LLNA:DAE) to discriminate true skin sensitizers from chemicals that gave borderline positive results and previously reported this assay. To develop the LLNA:DAE method as a useful stand-alone testing method, we investigated the complete procedure for the LLNA:DAE method using hexyl cinnamic aldehyde (HCA), isoeugenol, and 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) as test compounds. We defined the LLNA:DAE procedure as follows: in the dose-finding test, four concentrations of chemical applied to dorsum of the right ear on days 1, 2, and 3 and dorsum of both ears on day 10. Ear thickness and skin irritation score were measured on days 1, 3, 5, 10, and 12. Local lymph nodes were excised and weighed on day 12. The test dose for the primary LLNA:DAE study was selected as the dose that gave the highest left ear lymph node weight in the dose-finding study, or the lowest dose that produced a left ear lymph node of over 4 mg. This procedure was validated using nine different chemicals. Furthermore, qualitative relationship was observed between the degree of elicitation response in the left ear lymph node and the skin sensitizing potency of 32 chemicals tested in this study and the previous study. These results indicated that LLNA:DAE method was as first LLNA method that was able to evaluate the skin sensitizing potential and potency in elicitation response.

  15. Cutaneous irritancy of an ibuprofen medicated plaster in healthy volunteers.


    Maganji, Manisha; Connolly, Mark P; Bhatt, Aomesh


    Ibuprofen is a commonly used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug administered to treat injuries, joint pain, and recurrent muscular skeletal pain. The aim of this study was to determine the cutaneous irritancy of a medicated ibuprofen plaster compared with a placebo plaster in healthy volunteers. Healthy volunteers (N = 31) were treated at the same time with one ibuprofen and one placebo plaster. The ibuprofen and placebo plaster were applied in a randomized fashion to sites on the left or right side of subjects' lower backs. At each scheduled visit, the plasters and applications sites were assessed for degree of adhesion and skin irritancy, respectively. The plasters were applied on study Days 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 19, with final plaster removal on Day 22. The ibuprofen medicated plaster compared with placebo had a lower percentage of Grade 1 (23.3% vs. 46.7%, respectively), Grade 2 (10% vs. 20%), and ≥Grade 3 (3% vs. 16.1%) irritancy scores after 21 days of application. The mean irritation score across the study was 0.40 for the ibuprofen medicated plaster and 1.18 for the placebo plaster. The irritation score on Day 22 of the study was 0.53 for the ibuprofen medicated plaster and 1.50 for placebo. The placebo plaster was associated with a higher number of stopped applications due to Grade 3 or above skin reactions compared with the ibuprofen medicated plaster (5 vs. 1, respectively). The ibuprofen medicated plaster was well tolerated and was associated with lower irritancy than the placebo plaster.

  16. FROZEN RAW FOODS AS SKIN-TESTING MATERIALS—Further Studies of Use in Cases of Allergic Disorders

    PubMed Central

    Ancona, Giacomo R.; Schumacher, Irwin C.


    In further studies on the use of frozen raw food as skin-testing material in patients with allergic disorders, the results of previous work were confirmed in a greater number of subjects using a larger number of foods: Tests with frozen raw foods by the scratch method induce true positive reactions of a larger size and in greater frequency than the corresponding commercial extracts by either the scratch or the intracutaneous method. Storage in the frozen state for several years does not affect the antigenic potency of the materials. The frozen preparations have caused no harmful effects in the subjects, are free from irritant properties, and are not urticariogenic. PMID:13126823

  17. The role of skin barrier in occupational contact dermatitis.


    Jakasa, Ivone; Thyssen, Jacob P; Kezic, Sanja


    Skin diseases represent one of the most common work-related diseases and may have a detrimental effect on social, personal and occupational aspects of life. Contact dermatitis, which comprises predominately irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) and allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) accounts for vast majority of occupational skin diseases, especially in occupations associated with frequent skin contact with irritants and contact allergens. Although ICD and ACD have similar clinical manifestation, their pathophysiology and the role of the skin barrier is different. In ICD, perturbation of the skin barrier is the primary event which sets into motion diverse metabolic processes and triggers activation of innate immunity without involvement of adaptive immune system. In ACD, a type IV hypersensitivity reaction induced by contact allergens, the skin barrier impairment may evoke innate signaling pathways during the sensitization phase required for the activation of T-cell adaptive response. Thus, skin barrier impairment may increase the risk of ICD or ACD not only because of enhanced permeability and ingress of irritants and allergens, but also by generation of innate immune signal needed for the induction of allergic response. Hence, an efficient way to prevent CD is to avoid skin barrier damage in the workplace. This review focuses on the skin barrier, how it is affected by skin irritants and how its impairment contributes to development of ICD and ACD. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  18. Infant Skin Care Products: What Are the Issues?


    Kuller, Joanne McManus


    Infant skin is susceptible to dryness and irritation from external factors, including topical skin care products not formulated for the infant's skin. This may increase the risk of contact dermatitis. Parents frequently express concern regarding potential harm from ingredients in skin care products and seek information. This is complicated by several skin care myths. The purpose of this literature review was to provide evidence-based information to educate parents on the use of products for preterm and term infants. Multiple searches using PubMed were conducted including the search terms "infant skin care," "infant products," "infant bath," "emollients," "diaper skin care," and "diaper wipes." Reference lists of comprehensive reviews were also scanned. Google searches were used to assess consumer information, product information, and regulatory guidelines. There is little scientific evidence to support safety of natural/organic products on infant skin. Raw materials originate from different sources, complicating testing and comparisons of ingredients. Research shows that cleansers formulated for infant skin do not weaken the skin barrier the way harsher soaps and detergents can. Oils with the lowest oleic acid content provide a lower risk of irritant contact dermatitis. Nurses must be informed about natural and organic products, preservatives, and fragrances and know the definition of commonly used marketing terms. Decisions regarding the use of infant products in preterm and term infants should be evidence based. More research is needed to support claims regarding the safety of products used on infant skin.

  19. Mammalian Toxicity of Munition Compounds. Phase 1. Acute Oral Toxicity Primary Skin and Eye Irritation, Dermal Sensitization, and Disposition and Metabolism

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Mononitroglycerins Nitrocellulose White Phosphor 20. ABSTRACT (C^nllnu eery and Identify by block number) 0D | jSJ’TJ M73 EDITION OF I NOV 6» IS...White Phosphorus 2. Synthesis of DNGs and MNGs 3. Analysis of Chemicals . C. Acute LD D. Primary Skin and Eye Irritation E. the Radford Army Ammunition Plant (Radford, Virginia). 2. Synthesis of DNGs and MNGs a. 1,2-DNG: to that of Dunstan et al.— The sample was

  20. Rat epidermal keratinocyte organotypic culture (ROC) compared to human cadaver skin: the effect of skin permeation enhancers.


    Pappinen, Sari; Tikkinen, Sanna; Pasonen-Seppänen, Sanna; Murtomäki, Lasse; Suhonen, Marjukka; Urtti, Arto


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of the rat epidermal keratinocyte organotypic culture (ROC) to permeation enhancers, and to compare these responses to those in human cadaver skin. Different concentrations of two mixtures for enhancing permeation were investigated, sodium dodecyl sulfate:phenyl piperazine and methyl pyrrolidone:dodecyl pyridinium chloride, using skin impedance spectroscopy and two experimental compounds, the lipophilic corticosterone and the hydrophilic sucrose. The chemical irritation effects of the formulations were evaluated based on leakage of lactate dehydrogenase enzyme (LDH) and cellular morphological perturbation. This study provides evidence for direct correlations of permeation/permeation, impedance/impedance and permation/impedance between the culture model and human skin. The only exception was the enhancer induced permeation of sucrose which was 1-40-fold higher in ROC compared to human skin, reflecting the more disordered lipid organization in stratum corneum and consequently the greater number of polar pathways. LDH leakage and cellular morphology indicated that it was possible to differentiate between safe permeation enhancers from irritating agents. This is not only the first study to have compared the enhancer effects on a cultured skin model with human skin, but also it has demonstrated enhancer induced irritation using an artificial skin model.

  1. LLNA variability: An essential ingredient for a comprehensive assessment of non-animal skin sensitization test methods and strategies.


    Hoffmann, Sebastian


    The development of non-animal skin sensitization test methods and strategies is quickly progressing. Either individually or in combination, the predictive capacity is usually described in comparison to local lymph node assay (LLNA) results. In this process the important lesson from other endpoints, such as skin or eye irritation, to account for variability reference test results - here the LLNA - has not yet been fully acknowledged. In order to provide assessors as well as method and strategy developers with appropriate estimates, we investigated the variability of EC3 values from repeated substance testing using the publicly available NICEATM (NTP Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods) LLNA database. Repeat experiments for more than 60 substances were analyzed - once taking the vehicle into account and once combining data over all vehicles. In general, variability was higher when different vehicles were used. In terms of skin sensitization potential, i.e., discriminating sensitizer from non-sensitizers, the false positive rate ranged from 14-20%, while the false negative rate was 4-5%. In terms of skin sensitization potency, the rate to assign a substance to the next higher or next lower potency class was approx.10-15%. In addition, general estimates for EC3 variability are provided that can be used for modelling purposes. With our analysis we stress the importance of considering the LLNA variability in the assessment of skin sensitization test methods and strategies and provide estimates thereof.

  2. Skin Color and Pigmentation in Ethnic Skin.


    Visscher, Marty O


    Skin coloration is highly diverse, partly due to the presence of pigmentation. Color variation is related to the extent of ultraviolet radiation exposure, as well as other factors. Inherent skin coloration arises from differences in basal epidermal melanin amount and type. Skin color is influenced by both the quantity and distribution of melanocytes. The effectiveness of inherent pigmentation for protecting living cells also varies. This article discusses skin color, pigmentation, and ethnicity in relation to clinical practice. Color perception, skin typing/classification, and quantitation of pigmentation are reviewed in relation to ethnicity, environmental stresses/irritants, and potential treatment effects. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. The three moments of skin cream application: an evidence-based proposal for use of skin creams in the prevention of irritant contact dermatitis in the workplace.


    Hines, J; Wilkinson, S M; John, S M; Diepgen, T L; English, J; Rustemeyer, T; Wassilew, S; Kezic, S; Maibach, H I


    Contact dermatitis is one of the most common occupational diseases, with serious impact on quality of life, lost days at work and a condition that may be chronically relapsing. Regular prophylactic skin cream application is widely acknowledged to be an effective prevention strategy against occupational contact dermatitis; however, compliance rates remain low. To present a simple programme for skin cream application in the workplace with focus on implementation to drive down the rate of occupational irritant contact dermatitis, an expert panel of eight international dermatologists combined personal experience with extensive literature review. The recommendations are based on clinical experience as supported by evidence-based data from interventional studies. The authors identified three moments for skin cream application in the work place: (i) before starting a work period; (ii) after washing hands; and (iii) after work. Affecting behaviour change requires systematic communications, monitoring and reporting, which is proposed through Kotter's principles of organizational change management. Measurement tools are provided in the appendix. Interventional data based on application of this proposal is required to demonstrate its effectiveness. © 2016 The Authors. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

  4. Standardization of skin cleansing in vivo: part I. Development of an Automated Cleansing Device (ACiD).


    Sonsmann, F K; Strunk, M; Gediga, K; John, C; Schliemann, S; Seyfarth, F; Elsner, P; Diepgen, T L; Kutz, G; John, S M


    To date, there are no legally binding requirements concerning product testing in cosmetics. This leads to various manufacturer-specific test methods and absent transparent information on skin cleansing products. A standardized in vivo test procedure for assessment of cleansing efficacy and corresponding barrier impairment by the cleaning process is needed, especially in the occupational context where repeated hand washing procedures may be performed at short intervals. For the standardization of the cleansing procedure, an Automated Cleansing Device (ACiD) was designed and evaluated. Different smooth washing surfaces of the equipment for ACiD (incl. goat hair, felt, felt covered with nitrile caps) were evaluated regarding their skin compatibility. ACiD allows an automated, fully standardized skin washing procedure. Felt covered with nitrile as washing surface of the rotating washing units leads to a homogenous cleansing result and does not cause detectable skin irritation, neither clinically nor as assessed by skin bioengineering methods (transepidermal water loss, chromametry). Automated Cleansing Device may be useful for standardized evaluation of the cleansing effectiveness and parallel assessment of the corresponding irritancy potential of industrial skin cleansers. This will allow objectifying efficacy and safety of industrial skin cleansers, thus enabling market transparency and facilitating rational choice of products. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Screening for eye irritancy using cultured HeLa cells.


    Selling, J; Ekwall, B


    To investigate whether toxicity tests on HeLa cells were predictive of eye irritancy, 18 compounds of known eye irritancy and in vitro cytotoxicity were tested on HeLa cells in the MIT-24 system. The results correlated well with eye irritancy as determined by the Draize test in rabbits for 16 of the test substances, but failed to detect the high eye irritancy of 1-heptanol and allyl alcohol, both of which were cytotoxic in other cellular systems.

  6. Irritancy and Allergic Responses Induced by Topical Application of ortho-Phthalaldehyde

    PubMed Central

    Anderson, Stacey E.; Umbright, Christina; Sellamuthu, Rajendran; Fluharty, Kara; Kashon, Michael; Franko, Jennifer; Jackson, Laurel G.; Johnson, Victor J.; Joseph, Pius


    Although ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) has been suggested as an alternative to glutaraldehyde for the sterilization and disinfection of hospital equipment, the toxicity has not been thoroughly investigated. The purpose of these studies was to evaluate the irritancy and sensitization potential of OPA. The EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test was used to evaluate in vitro irritancy potential of OPA and glutaraldehyde. Treatment with 0.4125 and 0.55% OPA induced irritation, while glutaraldehyde exposure at these concentrations did not. Consistent with the in vitro results, OPA induced irritancy, evaluated by ear swelling, when mice were treated with 0.75%. Initial evaluation of the sensitization potential was conducted using the local lymph node assay at concentrations ranging from 0.005 to 0.75%. A concentration-dependent increase in lymphocyte proliferation was observed with a calculated EC3 value of 0.051% compared to that of 0.089%, previously determined for glutaraldehyde. Immunoglobulin (Ig) E-inducing potential was evaluated by phenotypic analysis of draining lymph node (DLN) cells and measurement of total and specific serum IgE levels. The 0.1 and 0.75% exposed groups yielded significant increases in the IgE+B220+ cell population in the lymph nodes while the 0.75% treated group demonstrated significant increases in total IgE, OPA-specific IgE, and OPA-specific IgG1. In addition, significant increases in interleukin-4 messenger RNA and protein expression in the DLNs were observed in OPA-treated groups. The results demonstrate the dermal irritancy and allergic potential of OPA and raise concern about the proposed/intended use of OPA as a safe alternative to glutaraldehyde. PMID:20176622

  7. Occupational skin hazards and prevalence of occupational skin diseases in shoe manufacturing workers in Indonesia.


    Febriana, Sri Awalia; Soebono, Hardyanto; Coenraads, Pieter-Jan


    Shoe manufacturing workers are exposed daily to an extensive range of potential physical and chemical occupational hazards. Shoe manufacturing in Indonesia is one of the industrial sectors that has shown sustained growth amongst the newly industrialized countries (NICs). In this study, we investigated the possible potential exposure of the workers to physical and occupational hazards and determined the prevalence of occupational skin diseases at a shoe manufacturing factory in Indonesia. A cross-sectional study on the observation of the working process and an inventory and risk assessment of exposure to the chemicals used. Classification of chemicals as potential sensitizers/irritants and qualitative assessments of these chemicals were done. Workers were examined and interviewed using the Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire-2002/LONG. The risk of Occupational skin diseases (OSD) at the shoe factory was mainly related to the exposure of the workers' skin to potential physical and chemical hazards in hot and humid environmental conditions. From a total of 514 workers, 8.5 % reported current OSD and 4.8 % reported a history of OSD. Occupational skin diseases were diagnosed in 29 % of the workers by dermatologists and 7.6 % had an occupational contact dermatitis (OCD). Of the 39 workers with contact dermatitis, 33 consented to being patch tested, 14 (3 %) workers showed a positive results and considered as having an occupational allergic contact dermatitis (OACD) and 25 (4.9 %) had an occupational irritant contact dermatitis (OICD). We observed a repeated and prolonged exposure of the workers to numerous physical and chemical skin hazards at this factory.

  8. Allergy Skin Tests


    ... allergic rhinitis) Allergic asthma Dermatitis (eczema) Food allergies Penicillin allergy Bee venom allergy Latex allergy Skin tests ... check for an allergy to insect venom or penicillin. Patch test Patch testing is generally done to ...

  9. Biopharmaceutical Assessment and Irritation Potential of Microemulsions and Conventional Systems Containing Oil from Syagrus cearensis for Topical Delivery of Amphotericin B Using Alternative Methods.


    Sousa, Giovana D; Kishishita, Juliana; Aquino, Kátia A S; Presgrave, Octávio A F; Leal, Leila B; Santana, Davi P


    The aim of this study was to compare the biopharmaceutical characteristics and irritation potentials of microemulsions (MEs) and conventional systems (CSs) containing oil from Syagrus cearensis for topical delivery of Amphotericin B (AmB). Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams were constructed using a water titration method to develop the MEs, and the CSs were prepared according to the classical technique of phase inversion. In the skin permeation and retention study, dermatomed pig skin without stratum corneum was used as an alternative disturbed skin model. The irritation potential was evaluated using three different methods, chorioallantoic membrane assays (HET-CAM and CAM-TBS), and bovine corneal opacity and permeability (BCOP) test. The optimized formulation (ME1) consisting of 0.1% (w/w) Amphotericin B, 9.1% (w/w) catolé oil, 81% (w/w) Smix (1:1, Tween 20 and Kolliphor EL) possessed droplet size of 31.02 ± 0.9 nm, zeta potential of -23.4 mV, and viscosity 0.63 ± 0.1 Pa.s. ME1 exhibited greater retention of AmB in to skin layers (84.79 ± 2.08 μg cm -2 ) than all the others formulations. In general, MEs showed higher drug release and retention than CSs and all of the formulations showed greater retentivity than permeability. Only MEs developed using Labrasol/Plurol Oleique (L/PO) as the surfactant and co-surfactant exhibited a moderate irritation potential; all other MEs and CSs were classified as non-irritants or slight irritants. The results indicate that formulations containing oil from S. cearensis are promising alternatives for the delivery of AmB targeting the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis.

  10. CON4EI: CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy - EpiOcular™ time-to-toxicity (EpiOcular ET-50) protocols for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals.


    Kandarova, Helena; Letasiova, Silvia; Adriaens, Els; Guest, Robert; Willoughby, Jamin A; Drzewiecka, Agnieszka; Gruszka, Katarzyna; Alépée, Nathalie; Verstraelen, Sandra; Van Rompay, An R


    Assessment of acute eye irritation potential is part of the international regulatory requirements for testing of chemicals. The objective of the CON4EI (CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy) project was to develop tiered testing strategies for eye irritation assessment for all drivers of classification. A set of 80 reference chemicals (38 liquids and 42 solids) was tested with eight different alternative methods. Here, the results obtained with reconstructed human cornea-like epithelium (RhCE) EpiOcular™ in the EpiOcular time-to-toxicity Tests (Neat and Dilution ET-50 protocols) are presented. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate whether test methods can discriminate chemicals not requiring classification for serious eye damage/eye irritancy (No Category) from chemicals requiring classification and labelling for Category 1 and Category 2. In addition, the predictive capacity in terms of in vivo drivers of classification was investigated. The chemicals were tested in two independent runs by MatTek In Vitro Life Science Laboratories. Results of this study demonstrate very high specificity of both test protocols. With the existing prediction models described in the SOPs, the specificity of the Neat and Dilution method was 87% and 100%, respectively. The Dilution method was able to correctly predicting 66% of GHS Cat 2 chemicals, however, prediction of GHS Cat 1 chemicals was only 47%-55% using the current protocols. In order to achieve optimal prediction for all three classes, a testing strategy was developed which combines the most predictive time-points of both protocols and for tests liquids and solids separately. Using this new testing strategy, the sensitivity for predicting GHS Cat 1 and GHS Cat 2 chemicals was 73% and 64%, respectively and the very high specificity of 97% was maintained. None of the Cat 1 chemicals was underpredicted as GHS No Category. Further combination of the EpiOcular time-to-toxicity protocols with other

  11. Development of the EpiOcular(TM) eye irritation test for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals in response to the requirements of the EU cosmetics directive and REACH legislation.


    Kaluzhny, Yulia; Kandárová, Helena; Hayden, Patrick; Kubilus, Joseph; d'Argembeau-Thornton, Laurence; Klausner, Mitchell


    The recently implemented 7th Amendment to the EU Cosmetics Directive and the EU REACH legislation have heightened the need for in vitro ocular test methods. To address this need, the EpiOcular(TM) eye irritation test (EpiOcular-EIT), which utilises the normal (non-transformed) human cell-based EpiOcular tissue model, has been developed. The EpiOcular-EIT prediction model is based on an initial training set of 39 liquid and 21 solid test substances and uses a single exposure period and a single cut-off in tissue viability, as determined by the MTT assay. A chemical is classified as an irritant (GHS Category 1 or 2), if the tissue viability is ≤ 60%, and as a non-irritant (GHS unclassified), if the viability is > 60%. EpiOcular-EIT results for the training set, along with results for an additional 52 substances, which included a range of alcohols, hydrocarbons, amines, esters, and ketones, discriminated between ocular irritants and non-irritants with 98.1% sensitivity, 72.9% specificity, and 84.8% accuracy. To ensure the long-term commercial viability of the assay, EpiOcular tissues produced by using three alternative cell culture inserts were evaluated in the EpiOcular-EIT with 94 chemicals. The assay results obtained with the initial insert and the three alternative inserts were very similar, as judged by correlation coefficients (r²) that ranged from 0.82 to 0.96. The EpiOcular-EIT was pre-validated in 2007/2008, and is currently involved in a formal, multi-laboratory validation study sponsored by the European Cosmetics Association (COLIPA) under the auspices of the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM). The EpiOcular-EIT, together with EpiOcular's long history of reproducibility and proven utility for ultra-mildness testing, make EpiOcular a useful model for addressing current legislation related to animal use in the testing of potential ocular irritants. 2011 FRAME.

  12. Skin Diseases: Questions for Your Health Care Provider


    Skip Navigation Bar Home Current Issue Past Issues Skin Diseases Questions for Your Health Care Provider Past ... dermatitis worse? What are the most common irritants? Skin cancer What type of skin cancer do I ...

  13. International regulatory requirements for skin sensitization testing.


    Daniel, Amber B; Strickland, Judy; Allen, David; Casati, Silvia; Zuang, Valérie; Barroso, João; Whelan, Maurice; Régimbald-Krnel, M J; Kojima, Hajime; Nishikawa, Akiyoshi; Park, Hye-Kyung; Lee, Jong Kwon; Kim, Tae Sung; Delgado, Isabella; Rios, Ludmila; Yang, Ying; Wang, Gangli; Kleinstreuer, Nicole


    Skin sensitization test data are required or considered by chemical regulation authorities around the world. These data are used to develop product hazard labeling for the protection of consumers or workers and to assess risks from exposure to skin-sensitizing chemicals. To identify opportunities for regulatory uses of non-animal replacements for skin sensitization tests, the needs and uses for skin sensitization test data must first be clarified. Thus, we reviewed skin sensitization testing requirements for seven countries or regions that are represented in the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM). We noted the type of skin sensitization data required for each chemical sector and whether these data were used in a hazard classification, potency classification, or risk assessment context; the preferred tests; and whether alternative non-animal tests were acceptable. An understanding of national and regional regulatory requirements for skin sensitization testing will inform the development of ICATM's international strategy for the acceptance and implementation of non-animal alternatives to assess the health hazards and risks associated with potential skin sensitizers. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Evaluation of a three-dimensional human dermal model as a predictor of shampoo ocular irritation.


    Decker, D; Harper, R


    A three-dimensional human tissue model (Skin(2) ZK1100) was used to evaluate 43 adult and baby shampoos. The ZK1100 model consists of metabolically active proliferating human fibroblasts isolated from the dermis of neonatal foreskins and seeded onto a nylon mesh. The fibroblasts multiply and produce matrix proteins to form a living tissue. MTT reduction (mitochondrial function) was used as the cytotoxicity endpoint. The primary components of the adult shampoos are alkyl sulfate surfactants, while the baby shampoos contain ethoxylated alkyl sulfates and amphoteric surfactants. All shampoos were diluted to five concentrations (100, 300, 700, 1000 and 3000 mug/ml) in aqueous cell culture media and the tissue exposed for 24 hr. An EC(50) value for each test was generated from a dose-response curve. All samples were tested in two or more separate experiments, and the EC(50) values were averaged and plotted versus their respective 24-hr unwashed Draize eye irritation values (r(2) = 0.81). The adult shampoos had Draize values in the moderate irritation category and EC(50) values ranging from 220 to 1051 mug/ml, while the baby shampoos had Draize values in the minimal irritation category and EC(50) values ranging from 820 to 2285 mug/ml. These results indicate that the three-dimensional human tissue model can be useful in predicting the Draize ocular irritation category for shampoos.

  15. Differences in Cutaneous Irritation of Five Commonly Used Topical Products.


    Draelos, Zoe Diana


    Irritation, such as burning and stinging, on the site of application, is a common side effect of topical dermatologic products including creams, lotions, sprays, and foams. This effect may be more pronounced when applying products to atopic or psoriatic skin. The composition of the vehicle may affect the extent of the irritation. This study compared the irritation and erythema potential of 7 different topical dermatologic products to determine the products with the least likelihood of causing discomfort when applied.
    Seven sites on the anterior leg of 30 subjects were dry shaven with 10 upward strokes. Subjects rated the stinging of petrolatum (negative control), isopropyl alcohol (positive control), Cetaphil Lotion, triamcinolone 0.1% cream, triamcinolone 0.2% spray, betamethasone foam, and clobetasol 0.05% spray, 1 minute after product application, using a scale of 0 (no symptoms) to 10 (intolerable stinging/burning). The investigator assessed erythema at the sites 30 minutes after application of the products using a scale of 0 (none) to 4 (severe).
    Stinging rating score of each product was statistically significant from one another. Petrolatum produced the least stinging (0) and isopropyl alcohol the most (10). Stinging with triamcinolone spray, Cetaphil Lotion, and triamcinolone cream ranked in the lower half of the rating scale (all below 5). Betamethasone foam and clobetal spray ranked the highest at >7. When corrected for the erythema caused by shaving, triamcinolone spray and Cetaphil Lotion produced the least amount of erythema of all the products tested.
    Rapid evaporation of the volatile vehicle of triamcinolone spray and the non-irriating nature of the medication left behind may contribute to its low erythema and stinging. This product may be an appropriate choice for patients with compromised skin but who require the advantages and conveniences of a spray vehicle.

    J Drugs Dermatol. 2016;15(7):870-873.

  16. Tretinoin cyclodextrin complex (RA/CyD) causes less irritation with an equal antiwrinkle effect compared with conventional tretinoin: clinical and histologic studies of photoaged skin.


    Miura, Tomoe; Takada, Akiyoshi; Ooe, Masahiko


    Topical tretinoin [all-trans-retinoic acid (RA)] currently is widely used to treat photoaged skin. However, undesirable side effects such as erythema, irritation, and scaling are unavoidable and limit the use of tretinoin. To address these issues, the authors developed the tretinoin cyclodextrin complex (RA/CyD), which is tretinoin encapsulated by cyclodextrin. Cyclodextrins are cyclic oligosaccharides commonly used in food additives and fabric fresheners. This study aimed to evaluate the antiwrinkle effect of RA/CyD and alleviation of the side effects compared with RA treatment alone. In this study, 12 photoaged patients completed an 8 week study using RA and RA/CyD in a double-blind manner. Before and after the treatment, the patients' evaluations, wrinkle scores, skin elasticity, and wrinkle area measurement using skin replica were evaluated. Three men were recruited for histologic analysis. The patients reported that undesirable irritant reactions were more moderate with RA/CyD than with RA. In the assessment of wrinkle scores, skin elasticity, and wrinkle area measurement, RA/CyD demonstrated an antiwrinkle effect statistically equal to that of RA. In histology, both RA/CyD and RA demonstrated epidermal hyperplasia. In immunohistochemistry, inflammation induced by RA/CyD was more moderate than that induced by RA. The findings show that RA and RA/CyD result in the equivalent clinical improvement for patients with photoaging. The use of RA/CyD overcomes the drawbacks of RA while possessing equal effect. It is expected that CyD will broaden tretinoin treatment. This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors at

  17. Povidone-iodine induced post-surgical irritant contact dermatitis localized outside of the surgical incision area. Report of 27 cases and a literature review.


    Borrego, Leopoldo; Hernández, Noelia; Hernández, Zaida; Peñate, Yeray


    Povidone-iodine solution is an antiseptic that is used worldwide as surgical paint and is considered to have a low irritant potential. Post-surgical severe irritant dermatitis has been described after the misuse of this antiseptic in the surgical setting. Between January 2011 and June 2013, 27 consecutive patients with post-surgical contact dermatitis localized outside of the surgical incision area were evaluated. Thirteen patients were also available for patch testing. All patients developed dermatitis the day after the surgical procedure. Povidone-iodine solution was the only liquid in contact with the skin of our patients. Most typical lesions were distributed in a double lumbar parallel pattern, but they were also found in a random pattern or in areas where a protective pad or an occlusive medical device was glued to the skin. The patch test results with povidone-iodine were negative. Povidone-iodine-induced post-surgical dermatitis may be a severe complication after prolonged surgical procedures. As stated in the literature and based on the observation that povidone-iodine-induced contact irritant dermatitis occurred in areas of pooling or occlusion, we speculate that povidone-iodine together with occlusion were the causes of the dermatitis epidemic that occurred in our surgical setting. Povidone-iodine dermatitis is a problem that is easily preventable through the implementation of minimal routine changes to adequately dry the solution in contact with the skin. © 2015 The International Society of Dermatology.

  18. Cutaneous tolerability to tretinoin shows little variation with Fitzpatrick skin type.


    Webster, Guy F


    Determinants of skin irritability are poorly understood. This study aims to assess differences in cutaneous safety/irritation based on Fitzpatrick skin type among patients with acne treated with tretinoin gel microsphere (TGM). This was a phase 4, 12-week, prospective, nonrandomized, open-label, multicenter study. Approximately 500 patients with mild to moderate acne were treated with TGM 0.04% or 0.1% and assessed for cutaneous irritation at baseline and weeks 3, 6, and 12. In this post hoc analysis of patients with Fitzpatrick skin type I-III vs Fitzpatrick skin type IV-VI, there was a general trend toward initial worsening of cutaneous adverse events (AEs) by week 3 across all variables and groups. This was followed by a trend toward improvement and resolution of skin-related AEs from week 3 to week 12 regardless of Fitzpatrick skin type, with a few exceptions. Erythema was the only cutaneous AE that consistently decreased among patients with darker skin. Results from a subsequent 3-group analysis (Fitzpatrick I-II vs Fitzpatrick III-IV vs Fitzpatrick V-VI) generally mirrored those from the 2-group study. Study limitations include patient nonadherence, lack of a placebo arm, and lack of data regarding the impact of concurrent medications on outcomes. There was no correlation between irritation and Fitzpatrick skin type. ABBREVIATIONS USED: adverse event (AE), analysis of variance (ANOVA), benzoyl peroxide (BP), case report form (CRF), modified Global Acne Grading Score (mGAGS), tretinoin gel microsphere (TGM).

  19. Enhancing blood donor skin disinfection using natural oils.


    Alabdullatif, Meshari; Boujezza, Imen; Mekni, Mohamed; Taha, Mariam; Kumaran, Dilini; Yi, Qi-Long; Landoulsi, Ahmed; Ramirez-Arcos, Sandra


    Effective donor skin disinfection is essential in preventing bacterial contamination of blood components with skin flora bacteria like Staphylococcus epidermidis. Cell aggregates of S. epidermidis (biofilms) are found on the skin and are resistant to the commonly used donor skin disinfectants chlorhexidine-gluconate and isopropyl alcohol. It has been demonstrated that essential oils synergistically enhance the antibacterial activity of chlorhexidine-gluconate. The objective of this study was to test plant-extracted essential oils in combination with chlorhexidine-gluconate or chlorhexidine-gluconate plus isopropyl alcohol for their ability to eliminate S. epidermidis biofilms. The composition of oils extracted from Artemisia herba-alba, Lavandula multifida, Origanum marjoram, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Thymus capitatus was analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A rabbit model was used to assess skin irritation caused by the oils. In addition, the anti-biofilm activity of the oils used alone or in combination with chlorhexidine-gluconate or chlorhexidine-gluconate plus isopropyl alcohol was tested against S. epidermidis biofilms. Essential oil concentrations 10%, 20%, and 30% were chosen for anti-biofilm assays, because skin irritation was observed at concentrations greater than 30%. All oils except for O. marjoram had anti-biofilm activity at these three concentrations. L. multifida synergistically enhanced the anti-biofilm activity of chlorhexidine-gluconate and resulted in the highest anti-biofilm activity observed when combined with chlorhexidine-gluconate plus isopropyl alcohol. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that the main component contributing to the activity of L. multifida oil was a natural terpene alcohol called linalool. The anti-biofilm activity of chlorhexidine-gluconate plus isopropyl alcohol can be greatly enhanced by L. multifida oil or linalool. Therefore, these components could potentially be used to improve blood

  20. Breath tests and irritable bowel syndrome

    PubMed Central

    Rana, Satya Vati; Malik, Aastha


    Breath tests are non-invasive tests and can detect H2 and CH4 gases which are produced by bacterial fermentation of unabsorbed intestinal carbohydrate and are excreted in the breath. These tests are used in the diagnosis of carbohydrate malabsorption, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and for measuring the orocecal transit time. Malabsorption of carbohydrates is a key trigger of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)-type symptoms such as diarrhea and/or constipation, bloating, excess flatulence, headaches and lack of energy. Abdominal bloating is a common nonspecific symptom which can negatively impact quality of life. It may reflect dietary imbalance, such as excess fiber intake, or may be a manifestation of IBS. However, bloating may also represent small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Patients with persistent symptoms of abdominal bloating and distension despite dietary interventions should be referred for H2 breath testing to determine the presence or absence of bacterial overgrowth. If bacterial overgrowth is identified, patients are typically treated with antibiotics. Evaluation of IBS generally includes testing of other disorders that cause similar symptoms. Carbohydrate malabsorption (lactose, fructose, sorbitol) can cause abdominal fullness, bloating, nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, and diarrhea, which are similar to the symptoms of IBS. However, it is unclear if these digestive disorders contribute to or cause the symptoms of IBS. Research studies show that a proper diagnosis and effective dietary intervention significantly reduces the severity and frequency of gastrointestinal symptoms in IBS. Thus, diagnosis of malabsorption of these carbohydrates in IBS using a breath test is very important to guide the clinician in the proper treatment of IBS patients. PMID:24976698

  1. Optimizing skin protection with semipermeable gloves.


    Wulfhorst, Britta; Schwanitz, Hans Joachim; Bock, Meike


    Occlusion due to gloves is one important cause of glove irritation. Macerated softened skin gives poor protection against microbes and chemical injuries. The introduction of a breathable protective glove material would represent a significant step toward improved prevention of occupational skin disease. Performance levels of semipermeable and occlusive gloves were examined under conditions typical of the hairdressing profession. In two studies, tests comparing breathable semipermeable gloves to single-use gloves made of occlusive materials were conducted. In an initial study, a user survey was carried out in conjunction with bioengineering examinations. Values at baseline and values after gloves were worn were recorded by measuring transepidermal water loss (TEWL), skin humidity (SH), and skin surface hydrogen ion concentration (pH) in 20 healthy volunteers. In a second study, the gloves were tested for penetrability and permeability with three chemical compounds typically used in the hairdressing profession. Bioengineering examination objectively confirmed users' reports of reduced hand perspiration when semipermeable gloves were worn. The TEWL, SH, and skin surface pH values remained largely stable after 20 minutes of wearing semipermeable gloves, in contrast to the reactions observed with gloves of occlusive materials. Permeability tests indicated that the semipermeable material is effective, with some restrictions. Air leakage testing revealed that all 50 gloves tested were not airtight. Following the optimization of manufacturing methods, additional tests of the penetrability of semipermeable gloves will be necessary.

  2. The male beard hair and facial skin - challenges for shaving.


    Maurer, M; Rietzler, M; Burghardt, R; Siebenhaar, F


    The challenge of shaving is to cut the beard hair as closely as possible to the skin without unwanted effects on the skin. To achieve this requires the understanding of beard hair and male facial skin biology as both, the beard hair and the male facial skin, contribute to the difficulties in obtaining an effective shave without shaving-induced skin irritation. Little information is available on the biology of beard hairs and beard hair follicles. We know that, in beard hairs, the density, thickness, stiffness, as well as the rates of elliptical shape and low emerging angle, are high and highly heterogeneous. All of this makes it challenging to cut it, and shaving techniques commonly employed to overcome these challenges include shaving with increased pressure and multiple stroke shaving, which increase the probability and extent of shaving-induced skin irritation. Several features of male facial skin pose problems to a perfect shave. The male facial skin is heterogeneous in morphology and roughness, and male skin has a tendency to heal slower and to develop hyperinflammatory pigmentation. In addition, many males exhibit sensitive skin, with the face most often affected. Finally, the hair follicle is a sensory organ, and the perifollicular skin is highly responsive to external signals including mechanical and thermal stimulation. Perifollicular skin is rich in vasculature, innervation and cells of the innate and adaptive immune system. This makes perifollicular skin a highly responsive and inflammatory system, especially in individuals with sensitive skin. Activation of this system, by shaving, can result in shaving-induced skin irritation. Techniques commonly employed to avoid shaving-induced skin irritation include shaving with less pressure, pre- and post-shave skin treatment and to stop shaving altogether. Recent advances in shaving technology have addressed some but not all of these issues. A better understanding of beard hairs, beard hair follicles and male

  3. Measurement of cytotoxicity and irritancy potential of sugar-based surfactants on skin-related 3D models.


    Lu, Biao; Miao, Yong; Vigneron, Pascale; Chagnault, Vincent; Grand, Eric; Wadouachi, Anne; Postel, Denis; Pezron, Isabelle; Egles, Christophe; Vayssade, Muriel


    Sugar-based surfactants present surface-active properties and relatively low cytotoxicity. They are often considered as safe alternatives to currently used surfactants in cosmetic industries. In this study, four sugar-based surfactants, each with an eight carbon alkyl chain bound to a glucose or a maltose headgroup through an amide linkage, were synthesized and compared to two standard surfactants. The cytotoxic and irritant effects of surfactants were evaluated using two biologically relevant models: 3D dermal model (mouse fibroblasts embedded in collagen gel) and reconstituted human epidermis (RHE, multi-layered human keratinocytes). Results show that three synthesized surfactants possess lower cytotoxicity compared to standard surfactants as demonstrated in the 3D dermal model. Moreover, the IC50s of surfactants against the 3D dermal model are higher than IC50s obtained with the 2D dermal model (monolayer mouse fibroblasts). Both synthesized and standard surfactants show no irritant effects after 48h of topical application on RHE. Throughout the study, we demonstrate the difficulty to link the physico-chemical properties of surfactants and their cytotoxicity in complex models. More importantly, our data suggest that, prior to in vivo tests, a complete understanding of surfactant cytotoxicity or irritancy potential requires a combination of cellular and tissue models. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. The MOAHLFA index of irritant sodium lauryl sulfate reactions: first results of a multicentre study on routine sodium lauryl sulfate patch testing.


    Uter, Wolfgang; Geier, Johannes; Becker, Detlef; Brasch, Jochen; Löffler, Harald


    In a multicentre study of the German Contact Dermatitis Research Group, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) 0.25% and 0.5% aq. has been added to routine allergen patch tests to assess its properties as a convenient diagnostic indicator of individual susceptibility to irritation at the time of patch testing. Previous studies indicated that irritant SLS reactivity may be related to individual factors such as age and sex. As these factors are, in turn, among the important predictors of contact allergy to many allergens, e.g. summarized in the 'MOAHLFA index', the impact of the MOAHLFA factors on irritant SLS patch test reactivity, and thus a potential for confounding, was assessed in the 5971 participating patients. As a result of 2 logistic regression analyses with an irritant reaction to 0.25% and 0.5% SLS, respectively, as outcome, male sex was identified as a relatively weak but significant risk factor (OR 1.38), while age 40 years or older was an even weaker risk factor (OR 1.22 and 1.15, respectively). Upon detailed analysis, no clear age gradient could, however, be identified. 1-day exposure time almost halved the odds of an irritant SLS reaction. In conclusion, this type of SLS patch test can be regarded as robust, indicating individual irritability relatively independent from the individual factors analysed here.

  5. Primary irritant and delayed-contact hypersensitivity reactions to the freshwater cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and its associated toxin cylindrospermopsin

    PubMed Central

    Stewart, Ian; Seawright, Alan A; Schluter, Philip J; Shaw, Glen R


    Background Freshwater cyanobacteria are common inhabitants of recreational waterbodies throughout the world; some cyanobacteria can dominate the phytoplankton and form blooms, many of which are toxic. Numerous reports in the literature describe pruritic skin rashes after recreational or occupational exposure to cyanobacteria, but there has been little research conducted on the cutaneous effects of cyanobacteria. Using the mouse ear swelling test (MEST), we sought to determine whether three toxin-producing cyanobacteria isolates and the purified cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin produced delayed-contact hypersensitivity reactions. Methods Between 8 and 10 female Balb/c mice in each experiment had test material applied to depilated abdominal skin during the induction phase and 10 or 11 control mice had vehicle only applied to abdominal skin. For challenge (day 10) and rechallenge (day 17), test material was applied to a randomly-allocated test ear; vehicle was applied to the other ear as a control. Ear thickness in anaesthetised mice was measured with a micrometer gauge at 24 and 48 hours after challenge and rechallenge. Ear swelling greater than 20% in one or more test mice is considered a positive response. Histopathology examination of ear tissues was conducted by independent examiners. Results Purified cylindrospermopsin (2 of 9 test mice vs. 0 of 5 control mice; p = 0.51) and the cylindrospermopsin-producing cyanobacterium C. raciborskii (8 of 10 test mice vs. 0 of 10 control mice; p = 0.001) were both shown to produce hypersensitivity reactions. Irritant reactions were seen on abdominal skin at induction. Two other toxic cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa and Anabaena circinalis) did not generate any responses using this model. Histopathology examinations to determine positive and negative reactions in ear tissues showed excellent agreement beyond chance between both examiners (κ = 0.83). Conclusion The irritant properties and cutaneous sensitising potential of

  6. Irritable Bowel Syndrome


    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Irritable Bowel Syndrome KidsHealth / For Teens / Irritable Bowel Syndrome What's in ... intestinal disorder called irritable bowel syndrome. What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common intestinal ...

  7. Establishment of a new in vitro test method for evaluation of eye irritancy using a reconstructed human corneal epithelial model, LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL.


    Katoh, Masakazu; Hamajima, Fumiyasu; Ogasawara, Takahiro; Hata, Ken-ichiro


    Finding in vitro eye irritation testing alternatives to animal testing such as the Draize eye test, which uses rabbits, is essential from the standpoint of animal welfare. It has been developed a reconstructed human corneal epithelial model, the LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL, which has a representative corneal epithelium-like structure. Protocol optimization (pre-validation study) was examined in order to establish a new alternative method for eye irritancy evaluation with this model. From the results of the optimization experiments, the application periods for chemicals were set at 1min for liquid chemicals or 24h for solid chemicals, and the post-exposure incubation periods were set at 24h for liquids or zero for solids. If the viability was less than 50%, the chemical was judged to be an eye irritant. Sixty-one chemicals were applied in the optimized protocol using the LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL and these results were evaluated in correlation with in vivo results. The predictions of the optimized LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL eye irritation test methods were highly correlated with in vivo eye irritation (sensitivity 100%, specificity 80.0%, and accuracy 91.8%). These results suggest that the LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL eye irritation test could be useful as an alternative method to the Draize eye test. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Evaluation of three different histamine concentrations in intradermal testing of normal cats and attempted determination of 'irritant' threshold concentrations for 48 allergens.


    Austel, Michaela; Hensel, Patrick; Jackson, Dawn; Vidyashankar, Anand; Zhao, Ying; Medleau, Linda


    The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal histamine concentration and 'irritant' allergen threshold concentrations in intradermal testing (IDT) in normal cats. Thirty healthy cats were tested with three different histamine concentrations and four different concentrations of each allergen. The optimal histamine concentration was determined to be 1: 50,000 w/v (0.05 mg mL(-1)). Using this histamine concentration, the 'irritant' threshold concentration for most allergens was above the highest concentrations tested (4,000 PNU mL(-1) for 41 allergens and 700 PNU mL(-1) for human dander). The 'irritant' threshold concentration for flea antigen was determined to be 1:750 w/v. More than 10% of the tested cats showed positive reactions to Dermatophagoides farinae, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, housefly, mosquito and moth at every allergen concentration, which suggests that the 'irritant' threshold concentration for these allergens is below 1,000 PNU mL(-1), the lowest allergen concentration tested. Our results confirm previous studies in indicating that allergen and histamine concentrations used in feline IDT may need to be revised.

  9. Sensitive skin and stratum corneum reactivity to household cleaning products.


    Goffin, V; Piérard-Franchimont, C; Piérard, G E


    Products intended for individuals with sensitive skin are being increasingly developed by formulators of household cleaning products. However, there is currently no consensus about the definition and recognition of the biological basis of sensitive skin. We sought to determine the relation between the nature of environmental threat perceived as aggressive by panelists, and the stratum corneum reactivity to household cleaning products as measured by the corneosurfametry test. Results indicate substantial differences in irritancy potential between proprietary products. Corneosurfametry data show significant differences in stratum corneum reactivity between, on the one hand, individuals with either non-sensitive skin or skin sensitive to climate/fabrics, and, on the other hand, individuals with detergent-sensitive skin. It is concluded that sensitive skin is not one single condition. Sound information in rating detergent-sensitive skin may be gained by corneosurfametry.

  10. Analysis of Draize Eye Irritation Testing and its Prediction by Mining Publicly Available 2008–2014 REACH Data

    PubMed Central

    Luechtefeld, Thomas; Maertens, Alexandra; Russo, Daniel P.; Rovida, Costanza; Zhu, Hao; Hartung, Thomas


    Summary Public data from ECHA online dossiers on 9,801 substances encompassing 326,749 experimental key studies and additional information on classification and labeling were made computable. Eye irritation hazard, for which the rabbit Draize eye test still represents the reference method, was analyzed. Dossiers contained 9,782 Draize eye studies on 3,420 unique substances, indicating frequent retesting of substances. This allowed assessment of the test’s reproducibility based on all substances tested more than once. There was a 10% chance of a non-irritant evaluation after a prior severe-irritant result according to UN GHS classification criteria. The most reproducible outcomes were the results negative (94% reproducible) and severe eye irritant (73% reproducible). To evaluate whether other GHS categorizations predict eye irritation, we built a dataset of 5,629 substances (1,931 “irritant” and 3,698 “non-irritant”). The two best decision trees with up to three other GHS classifications resulted in balanced accuracies of 68% and 73%, i.e., in the rank order of the Draize rabbit eye test itself, but both use inhalation toxicity data (“May cause respiratory irritation”), which is not typically available. Next, a dataset of 929 substances with at least one Draize study was mapped to PubChem to compute chemical similarity using 2D conformational fingerprints and Tanimoto similarity. Using a minimum similarity of 0.7 and simple classification by the closest chemical neighbor resulted in balanced accuracy from 73% over 737 substances to 100% at a threshold of 0.975 over 41 substances. This represents a strong support of read-across and (Q)SAR approaches in this area. PMID:26863293

  11. Rates of allergic sensitization and irritation to oxybenzone-containing sunscreen products: a quantitative meta-analysis of 64 exaggerated use studies.


    Agin, Patricia P; Ruble, Karen; Hermansky, Steven J; McCarthy, Timothy J


    Oxybenzone is an active ingredient found in sunscreen products that absorbs a broad spectrum of ultraviolet (UV) light, with absorbance peaking in the UVB region and extending into the UVA region. Although the overall incidence of sensitization and irritation associated with oxybenzone in the general population remains unclear, a few studies have reported on the incidence in specific circumstances. However, the relevance of these studies to the general population is limited, because the sample populations reported in these papers generally have consisted of individuals who sought medical attention for pre-existing skin conditions. Therefore, the reported incidence of allergic reactions to oxybenzone in these studies may be overestimated as related to the general population. The objective of this meta-analysis was to determine the safety of oxybenzone in participants recruited from the general population. The data from 64 unpublished exaggerated use human repeat insult patch tests (HRIPT) and photoallergy (PA) studies sponsored by Schering-Plough HealthCare Products Inc. between 1992 and 2006 were aggregated and analyzed to evaluate the irritancy and sensitization potential of sunscreen products containing oxybenzone at concentrations between 1% and 6%. Forty-eight of 19 570 possible dermal responses were considered to be suggestive of irritation or sensitization; the mean rate of responses across all formulations was 0.26%. Sensitization rates did not correlate significantly with oxybenzone concentration. The available re-challenge data indicated that only eight of these responses were contact allergies from oxybenzone, and the mean rate of contact allergy to oxybenzone was 0.07%. The source of the skin responses was not confirmed for 15 subjects who were lost to follow-up. However, all subjects were given the opportunity to participate in follow-up testing. Our data indicate that sunscreen products formulated with 1-6% oxybenzone do not possess a significant

  12. Enzymes, detergents and skin: facts and fantasies.


    Basketter, D A; English, J S C; Wakelin, S H; White, I R


    In their raw state, enzymes of bacterial/fungal origin cause allergic reactions in the lung. Proteolytic enzymes also cause irritation to skin, eyes and the respiratory tract. For 40 years, encapsulated enzymes have been used worldwide in detergent products, especially laundry formulations, and have increasing importance due to biodegradability and functionality at low temperatures, offering environmental benefits. Uniquely to the U.K., for years it has been suggested that the inclusion of enzymes in such products leads to adverse skin reactions, including erythema, pruritus and exacerbation of eczema. In this review, we look at the facts, asking whether there is evidence that the hazards identified for enzymes translate into any risk for consumer health. By considering the actual exposures in consumer use and exaggerated product usage, it is concluded that the irritating and allergenic hazards of enzyme raw materials do not translate into a risk of skin reactions, either irritant or allergic. Investigations of numerous individuals with skin complaints attributed to laundry products demonstrate convincingly that enzymes were not responsible. Indeed, enzyme-containing laundry products have an extensive history of safe use. Thus, the supposed adverse effects of enzymes on skin seem to be a consequence of a mythology. The important practical lesson is that when primary or secondary care practitioners are presented with a skin complaint, it should not be dismissed as a result of using an enzyme-containing laundry product as the diagnosis will certainly lie elsewhere. Education for healthcare professionals could usefully be enhanced to take this on board.

  13. Predictive performance and inter-laboratory reproducibility in assessing eye irritation potential of water- and oil-soluble mixtures using the Short Time Exposure test method.


    Abo, Takayuki; Hilberer, Allison; Behle-Wagner, Christine; Watanabe, Mika; Cameron, David; Kirst, Annette; Nukada, Yuko; Yuki, Takuo; Araki, Daisuke; Sakaguchi, Hitoshi; Itagaki, Hiroshi


    The Short Time Exposure (STE) test method is an alternative method for assessing eye irritation potential using Statens Seruminstitut Rabbit Cornea cells and has been adopted as test guideline 491 by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Its good predictive performance in identifying the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) No Category (NC) or Irritant Category has been demonstrated in evaluations of water-soluble substances, oil-soluble substances, and water-soluble mixtures. However, the predictive performance for oil-soluble mixtures was not evaluated. Twenty-four oil-soluble mixtures were evaluated using the STE test method. The GHS NC or Irritant Category of 22 oil-soluble mixtures were consistent with that of a Reconstructed human Cornea-like Epithelium (RhCE) test method. Inter-laboratory reproducibility was then confirmed using 20 water- and oil-soluble mixtures blind-coded. The concordance in GHS NC or Irritant Category among four laboratories was 90%-100%. In conclusion, the concordance in comparison with the results of RhCE test method using 24 oil-soluble mixtures and inter-laboratory reproducibility using 20 water- and oil-soluble mixtures blind-coded were good, indicating that the STE test method is a suitable alternative for predicting the eye irritation potential of both substances and mixtures. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Decreased ATP synthesis and lower pH may lead to abnormal muscle contraction and skin sensitivity in human skin.


    Kim, Eun Ju; Lee, Dong Hun; Kim, Yeon Kyung; Kim, Min-Kyoung; Kim, Jung Yun; Lee, Min Jung; Choi, Won Woo; Eun, Hee Chul; Chung, Jin Ho


    Sensitive skin represents hyperactive sensory symptoms showing exaggerated reactions in response to internal stimulants or external irritants. Although sensitive skin is a very common condition affecting an estimated 50% of the population, its pathophysiology remains largely elusive, particularly with regard to its metabolic aspects. The objective of our study was to investigate the pathogenesis of sensitive skin. We recruited healthy participants with 'sensitive' or 'non-sensitive' skin based on standardized questionnaires and 10% lactic acid stinging test, and obtained skin samples for microarray analysis and subsequent experiments. Microarray transcriptome profiling revealed that genes involved in muscle contraction, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and ion transport and balance were significantly decreased in sensitive skin. These altered genes could account for the abnormal muscle contraction, decreased ATP amount in sensitive skin. In addition, pain-related transcripts such as TRPV1, ASIC3 and CGRP were significantly up-regulated in sensitive skin, compared with non-sensitive skin. Our findings suggest that sensitive skin is closely associated with the dysfunction of muscle contraction and metabolic homeostasis. Copyright © 2014 Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. In vitro eye irritation testing using the open source reconstructed hemicornea - a ring trial.


    Mewes, Karsten R; Engelke, Maria; Zorn-Kruppa, Michaela; Bartok, Melinda; Tandon, Rashmi; Brandner, Johanna M; Petersohn, Dirk


    The aim of the present ring trial was to test whether two new methodological approaches for the in vitro classification of eye irritating chemicals can be reliably transferred from the developers' laboratories to other sites. Both test methods are based on the well-established open source reconstructed 3D hemicornea models. In the first approach, the initial depth of injury after chemical treatment in the hemicornea model is derived from the quantitative analysis of histological sections. In the second approach, tissue viability, as a measure for corneal damage after chemical treatment, is analyzed separately for epithelium and stroma of the hemicornea model. The three independent laboratories that participated in the ring trial produced their own hemicornea models according to the test producer's instructions, thus supporting the open source concept. A total of 9 chemicals with different physicochemical and eye-irritating properties were tested to assess the between-laboratory reproducibility (BLR), the predictive performance, as well as possible limitations of the test systems. The BLR was 62.5% for the first and 100% for the second method. Both methods enabled to discriminate Cat. 1 chemicals from all non-Cat. 1 substances, which qualifies them to be used in a top-down approach. However, the selectivity between No Cat. and Cat. 2 chemicals still needs optimization.

  16. The isolated chicken eye test as a suitable in vitro method for determining the eye irritation potential of household cleaning products.


    Schutte, K; Prinsen, M K; McNamee, P M; Roggeband, R


    Eye irritation is an important endpoint in the safety evaluation of consumer products and their ingredients. Several in vitro methods have been developed and are used by different industry sectors to assess eye irritation. One such in vitro method in use for some time already is the isolated chicken eye test (ICE). This investigation focuses on assessing the ICE as a method to determine the eye irritation potential of household cleaning products, both for product safety assurance prior to marketing and for classification and labeling decisions. The ICE involves a single application of test substances onto the cornea of isolated chicken eyes. Endpoints are corneal swelling, corneal opacity and fluorescein retention. The ICE results were compared to historic LVET data in this study due to availability of such in vivo data and the ability to correlate LVET to human experience data on the outcome of accidental exposures to household cleaning products in general. The results of this study indicate that the ICE test is a useful in vitro method for evaluating the eye irritation/corrosion potential and establishing classification and labeling for household cleaning products. For new product formulations, it is best used as part of a weight-of-evidence approach and benchmarked against data from comparable formulations with known eye irritation/corrosion profiles and market experience.

  17. Specific dermatological benefits associated with quantities of lotion transferred to the skin.


    Farage, Miranda A; Esquerra, Juan; Cheng, Richard; Carpenter, Stacey; Bunasky, Kathryn; Gutshall, Denise; Lawrence, Ann; Messerschmidt, Andre


    A growing number of manufacturers are taking advantage of the ability of absorbent consumer products to deliver lotion to the skin. The lotion is included on these products to help protect the skin from adverse skin effects that can occur, including: (1) irritation, (2) over hydration of the stratum corneum, (3) dryness that can occur from extended exposure to highly absorbent consumer products, and (4) changes in pH. This manuscript presents results of a quantitative lotion transfer study of adult incontinence products. Resulting lotion transfer is compared to the results of several separate experiments in which specific skin benefits have been correlated to lotion concentrations. The behind-the-knee (BTK) lotion transfer protocol was used to quantitate lotion transfer from adult incontinence (AI) test products constructed using 2 lotion formulations and 2 configurations of lotion application. A modified arm patch protocol, in which skin sites of a measured dimension were pre-treated with specific volumes of lotion, was used to evaluate protective effects of lotion against exposure to irritants, and over hydration from wetted absorbent products. After a 6-hours continuous exposure in the BTK the 5-stripe lotion configuration products transferred (adjusted mean ± SE) 94 ± 11-104 ± 11 μg/cm 2 lotion. After 24 hours of wear, transfer had increased to 127 ± 22 and 149 ± 24 μg/cm 2 , respectively. The single-block configuration products transferred 289 ± 10-316 ± 10 μg/cm 2 (P = .04). Transfer after 24 hours of wear was 328 ± 23 and 472 ± 21 μg/cm 2 , respectively (P < .0001). Several protocols were used to evaluate the concentration of lotion required to provide four specific skin benefits. In studies evaluating protection against irritants, skin site pre-treated with lotion were patched with 0.5% sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Protective effects were assessed by visual assessment of erythema and trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL

  18. A new discussion of the cutaneous vascular reactivity in sensitive skin: A sub-group of SS?


    Chen, S Y; Yin, J; Wang, X M; Liu, Y Q; Gao, Y R; Liu, X P


    Sensitive skin (SS) seems not to be a one-dimensional condition and many scholars concentrate on skin barrier disruption or sensorineural change, but few focus on its increased vascular reactivity. This study explored the possibility of using the different selection methods and measurement methods to verify a high vascular reactivity in SS without an impaired cutaneous barrier function. Sixty "self-perceived sensitive skin" volunteers were enlisted and each one completed three kinds of screening tests: assess cutaneous sensory using questionnaire survey and Lactic Acid Sting Test (LAST); assess barrier function using Sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) skin irritation test and assess cutaneous vascular reactivity using 98% DMSO test and non-invasive measurement. Volunteers were divided into different groups based on response to SLS. The DMSO clinical score and the biophysical parameters obtained by non-invasive measurement were subsequently analysed. (1) The positive correlations could be seen between sum LAST score and sum DMSO score regardless of the observation time; (2) The biological parameters (CBF、a*values and L* values) are all keeping with DMSO score; (3) If the participants were divided into SLS reactors and non-reactors, a composition ratio of DMSO score was significant difference in these two groups and in SLS non-reactors, there were still seven participants showed high reaction to DMSO. There is a sub-group of SS for characteristics of a high vascular reactivity without an impaired cutaneous barrier function. The DMSO test and novel non-invasive measurements which are conducive to assess cutaneous vascular reactivity, combined with SLS skin irritation test could help us to screen this kind of SS. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. A Prototype Lip Balm: Summary of Three Dermatological Studies Demonstrating Safety and Acceptability for Sensitive Skin.


    Nisbet, Stephanie

    Data were generated from three studies to assess the tolerability and acceptability of a prototype cosmetic lip balm. Dermatological assessments of topical compatibility (primary and cumulative irritability and sensitization), photoirritant and topical photosensitizer potential, and acceptability for safe use of a prototype cosmetic lip balm on sensitive skin are summarized. In Study 1, the product was applied to the volunteers' backs under a semiocclusive patch followed by patch removal/reapplication over 6 weeks to assess the irritant and allergic potential of the product. Dermatological assessments were performed at the beginning and end of the study or when there was evidence of positivity or adverse event. Study 2 was conducted by applying the product to the volunteers' backs under a semiocclusive patch, followed by patch removal/reapplication and irradiation of the test area with ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation at various intervals over 5 weeks. Dermatological assessments were performed to assess the product's role in the induction of photoirritancy and photosensitization. Clinical and subjective assessments for acceptability were obtained during Study 3 in volunteers with a diagnosis of sensitive skin and those who used the product as per instructions for use during the study period. The data generated from the three studies demonstrated no evidence of primary or cumulative dermal irritation or of dermal sensitization. In addition, no photoirritation potential or photosensitization potential was observed. As assessed by dermatologic monitoring and subject diary entries, the prototype lip balm did not cause irritation or sensitization reactions when used for 28 days in volunteers with a diagnosis of sensitive skin. Based on these findings, the prototype lip balm can be considered suitable for use for people with sensitive skin.

  20. The respiratory allergen glutaraldehyde in the local lymph node assay: sensitization by skin exposure, but not by inhalation.


    van Triel, Jos J; van Bree, Bianca W J; Roberts, David W; Muijser, Hans; Duistermaat, Evert; Woutersen, Ruud A; Kuper, C Frieke


    Previously, a selection of low molecular weight contact and respiratory allergens had tested positive in both a skin and a respiratory local lymph node assay (LLNA), but formaldehyde was negative for sensitization by inhalation. To investigate whether this was due to intrinsic properties of aldehyde sensitizers, the structurally related allergen glutaraldehyde (GA) was tested. BALB/c mice were exposed by inhalation to 6 or 18ppm GA (respiratory LLNA), both generated as a vapor and as an aerosol. Other groups received 0.25% or 2.5% GA on the skin of the ears (skin LLNA). Lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production were measured in the draining lymph nodes. GA was positive in the skin LLNA and its cytokine profile (IL-4/IFN-γ) skewed towards a Th2-type immune response with increasing dose. Inhalation exposure did not result in increased lymphocyte proliferation or increased cytokine levels, despite comparable tissue damage (irritation) in the skin and respiratory tract. We hypothesize that the highly reactive and hydrophilic GA oligomerizes in the protein-rich mucous layer of the respiratory tract, which impedes sensitization but still facilitates local irritation. Within the context of risk assessment in respiratory allergy, our results stress the importance of prevention of skin--besides inhalation-- exposure to aldehydes like GA. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Irritant contact dermatitis due to ammonium bifluoride in two infant twins.


    Toledo, Fernando; Silvestre, Juan Francisco; Cuesta, Laura; Bañuls, José


    Ammonium bifluoride is one of the most corrosive acids that may produce severe chemical burns when in contact with skin. This hazardous chemical is widely used in household products. We report two pediatric cases of irritant contact dermatitis after exposure to a rust remover, which contained ammonium bifluoride. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Gentle cleansing and moisturizing for patients with atopic dermatitis and sensitive skin.


    Cheong, Wai Kwong


    Atopic dermatitis is a common condition characterized by pruritus, inflammation, and dryness of the skin. Inflammation disrupts the barrier function of the stratum corneum, predisposing the skin to be dry, and increases susceptibility to irritants and secondary bacterial infection. Sensitive skin is common, reported by 40-50% of women and 30% of men in the US, Europe, and Japan. Basic requirements in managing eczema and sensitive skin include effective cleansers that do not compromise skin barrier integrity, alleviation of skin dryness, and restoration of skin barrier function through the use of therapeutic moisturizers. The selection of a skin cleanser is therefore an important part of managing these conditions. Studies have reported clinical improvement with the use of soap-free cleansers in combination with topical treatments. While topical corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents are mainstays of treatment for atopic dermatitis, therapeutic moisturizers are important adjuncts. Moisturizers improve skin hydration, reduce susceptibility to irritation, restore the integrity of the stratum corneum, and enhance the efficacy of topical corticosteroids.

  3. Scutellaria radix Extract as a Natural UV Protectant for Human Skin.


    Seok, Jin Kyung; Kwak, Jun Yup; Choi, Go Woon; An, Sang Mi; Kwak, Jae-Hoon; Seo, Hyeong-Ho; Suh, Hwa-Jin; Boo, Yong Chool


    Ultraviolet (UV) radiation induces oxidative injury and inflammation in human skin. Scutellaria radix (SR, the root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi) contains flavonoids with high UV absorptivity and antioxidant properties. The purpose of this study was to examine the potential use of SR extract as an additive in cosmetic products for UV protection. SR extract and its butanol (BuOH) fraction strongly absorbed UV radiation and displayed free radical scavenging activity against 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radials and 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radicals. They also attenuated the UV-induced death of HaCaT cells. Sunscreen creams, with or without supplementation of SR extract BuOH fraction, were tested in vivo in human trials to evaluate potential skin irritation and determine the sun protection factor (SPF). Both sunscreen creams induced no skin irritation. A sunscreen cream containing 24% ZnO showed an SPF value of 17.8, and it increased to 22.7 when supplemented with 5% SR extract BuOH fraction. This study suggests that SR-derived materials are useful as safe cosmetic additives that provide UV protection. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  4. Male skin and ingredients relevant to male skin care.


    Draelos, Z D


    Male skin care needs are heavily influenced by the need to remove facial hair on a regular basis. Facial skin issues associated with poor hair removal approaches are common and include razor burn and irritation. This paper evaluates current research on shaving technology and how careful ingredient selection can contribute to male skin health. The importance of maintaining hair softness during the shave and restoring facial hydration post-shave is discussed. Data are presented on how post-shave moisturizers containing glycerine and emollients can create an environment for improved barrier function which can be further improved by incorporating specific ingredients such as niacinamide. © 2012 The Author. BJD © 2012 British Association of Dermatologists.

  5. Nano vesicular lipid carriers of angiotensin II receptor blocker: Anti-hypertensive and skin toxicity study in focus.


    Ahad, Abdul; Aqil, Mohd; Kohli, Kanchan; Sultana, Yasmin; Mujeeb, Mohd


    Nanoethosomal carriers of valsartan have been previously prepared, characterized and optimized. A gel formulation of valsartan vesicular lipid carriers was composed of Carbopol(®) (1% w/w), polyethylene glycol-400 (15% w/w) and triethanolamine (0.5% w/w). The influence of the valsartan nanoethosomal formulation developed on the blood pressure of experimental hypertensive rats, and its potential for skin irritation, are presented in this report. The experimental rats were divided into three groups; the control group received no treatment (Group A). Group B was administered methyl prednisolone acetate (20 mg/kg/week) for two weeks (hypertensive control). Group C received methyl prednisolone acetate, followed by administration of the valsartan ethosomal formulation. The blood pressure of the rats was measured using a non-invasive rat blood pressure instrument based on the tail-cuff technique. The statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad InStat 3 software. The treatment group showed a significant (P < 0.05) and constant fall in blood pressure, for up to 48 h. The valsartan ethosomal formulation was found to be effective, with a 34.11% reduction in blood pressure. The formulation's potential for skin irritation was assessed by the Draize irritation score test, which ruled out the possibility of any skin irritation caused by application of the formulation in rats. Our results suggest that nanoethosomes are efficient carriers for transdermal delivery of valsartan, for the management of hypertension.

  6. Elective penicillin skin testing in a pediatric outpatient setting.


    Jost, Barbara Capes; Wedner, H James; Bloomberg, Gordon R


    Adverse reactions associated with penicillin-type antibiotics are common in pediatric practice, leading to the subsequent unnecessary use of alternative antibiotics. IgE-mediated penicillin allergy represents only a fraction of these adverse reactions. To examine (1) the trend of penicillin skin test reactivity during a recent 10-year interval, (2) the relative distribution of specific reagents related to a positive skin test result, and (3) skin test reactivity as a function of reaction history. Penicillin testing using 3 reagents--benzylpenicilloyl polylysine, penicillin G, and sodium penicilloate (penicillin A)--was conducted in a prospective study of 359 consecutive patients referred to an outpatient pediatric allergy clinic between January 1, 1993, and May 31, 2003. We also retrospectively reviewed penicillin skin test results for 562 children previously tested between January 1, 1979, and December 31, 1992. Between 1993 and 2003, the prevalence of penicillin skin test sensitivity markedly declined. Of all the positive skin test results between 1979 and 2002, either penicillin G or sodium penicilloate or both identified 34%, with sodium penicilloate alone responsible for 8.5%. The rate of positive skin test reactions was not significantly different between patients with vs without a history of suggestive IgE-mediated reactions. A marked decline in penicillin skin test sensitivity in the pediatric age group is identified. The minor determinant reagents penicillin G and sodium penicilloate are both necessary for determining potential penicillin allergy. Relating history alone to potential penicillin sensitivity is unreliable in predicting the presence or absence of a positive skin test result.

  7. Menthol attenuates respiratory irritation responses to multiple cigarette smoke irritants

    PubMed Central

    Willis, Daniel N.; Liu, Boyi; Ha, Michael A.; Jordt, Sven-Eric; Morris, John B.


    Menthol, the cooling agent in peppermint, is added to almost all commercially available cigarettes. Menthol stimulates olfactory sensations, and interacts with transient receptor potential melastatin 8 (TRPM8) ion channels in cold-sensitive sensory neurons, and transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1), an irritant-sensing channel. It is highly controversial whether menthol in cigarette smoke exerts pharmacological actions affecting smoking behavior. Using plethysmography, we investigated the effects of menthol on the respiratory sensory irritation response in mice elicited by smoke irritants (acrolein, acetic acid, and cyclohexanone). Menthol, at a concentration (16 ppm) lower than in smoke of mentholated cigarettes, immediately abolished the irritation response to acrolein, an agonist of TRPA1, as did eucalyptol (460 ppm), another TRPM8 agonist. Menthol's effects were reversed by a TRPM8 antagonist, AMTB. Menthol's effects were not specific to acrolein, as menthol also attenuated irritation responses to acetic acid, and cyclohexanone, an agonist of the capsaicin receptor, TRPV1. Menthol was efficiently absorbed in the respiratory tract, reaching local concentrations sufficient for activation of sensory TRP channels. These experiments demonstrate that menthol and eucalyptol, through activation of TRPM8, act as potent counterirritants against a broad spectrum of smoke constituents. Through suppression of respiratory irritation, menthol may facilitate smoke inhalation and promote nicotine addiction and smoking-related morbidities.— Willis, D. N., Liu, B., Ha, M. A., Jordt, S.-E., Morris, J. B. Menthol attenuates respiratory irritation responses to multiple cigarette smoke irritants. PMID:21903934

  8. Skin diseases during floods in Thailand.


    Vachiramon, Vasanop; Busaracome, Ploysyne; Chongtrakool, Piriyaporn; Puavilai, Siripen


    Floods are natural disasters that occur occasionally in Thailand. The most common form skin diseases due to floods are infectious dermatoses especially superficial fungal infection. However the microbiologic evidences have not been evaluated. To evaluate the most common skin diseases during floods and identify the organism that causes skin maceration at web space(s) of toes (Hong Kong foot). Patients who complained of skin problems were evaluated at the temporary outpatient clinic during October 2006. Skin specimens from all patients who had itches and skin maceration at web space(s) of toes were cultured. Ninety-six patients were evaluated (38 males and 58 females). Eczema was the most prevalent dermatosis, which accounted for 34.5% of the total skin problems and the great majority of these cases were irritant contact dermatitis. Sixteen cases presented with itch and skin maceration at web space(s) of toes. All of them were colonized with various microorganisms. Gram-negative bacilli were the most prevalent ones and were found in 14 out of 16 specimens. Fungal culture was positive in only two specimens. Eczema is the most common dermatosis during floods. Skin maceration at web space(s) of toes, which were thought to be fungal infection, are chronic irritant dermatitis with secondary bacterial colonization. Only a few cases were fungal infection. Microbiologic investigation should be done in these patients. Unfortunately, it is not practical in such a situation. Topical medications that have the combination of antiinflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties are the most suitable medications.

  9. Skin prick tests and allergy diagnosis.


    Antunes, João; Borrego, Luís; Romeira, Ana; Pinto, Paula


    Skin testing remains an essential diagnostic tool in modern allergy practice. A significant variability has been reported regarding technical procedures, interpretation of results and documentation. This review has the aim of consolidating methodological recommendations through a critical analysis on past and recent data. This will allow a better understanding on skin prick test (SPT) history; technique; (contra-) indications; interpretation of results; diagnostic pitfalls; adverse reactions; and variability factors.

  10. Clinical history as a predictor of penicillin skin test outcome.


    Wong, Benjamin B L; Keith, Paul K; Waserman, Susan


    Up to 10% of the population reports an "allergy" to penicillin, whereas approximately 1.1% has positive penicillin skin test results. Where penicillin skin tests are unavailable, some have advocated using history to decide whether to use a penicillin-related antibiotic. To determine if clinical history predicts penicillin skin test results. Retrospective medical record review of 94 consecutive patients who had previously taken penicillin referred for penicillin allergy. Case histories were taken, penicillin skin tests performed, and an oral challenge recommended if skin test results were negative. Of 91 cases studied, the average patient age was 27 years (range, 6 months to 82 years; 36% female). Fifty-two (57%) experienced hives as their main adverse reaction. Sixteen (18%) had at least 1 positive test result. Of this group, 9 had hives as their main symptom, whereas 1 had respiratory problems and 1 had angioedema. Most patients with positive skin test results had experienced their reaction at least 3 years ago. Regression analysis showed that age, sex, and clinical history, including type of reaction, time of reaction after penicillin ingestion, or time since the last reaction, were not associated with skin test positivity. Seventy-two (96%) of the 75 patients who had negative skin test results underwent oral challenge. Seventy had negative challenge results. The negative predictive value of a negative penicillin skin test result was 97%. Clinical history was not predictive of subsequent penicillin skin test results.

  11. Skin Testing for Allergic Rhinitis: A Health Technology Assessment

    PubMed Central

    Kabali, Conrad; Chan, Brian; Higgins, Caroline; Holubowich, Corinne


    Background Allergic rhinitis is the most common type of allergy worldwide. The accuracy of skin testing for allergic rhinitis is still debated. This health technology assessment had two objectives: to determine the diagnostic accuracy of skin-prick and intradermal testing in patients with suspected allergic rhinitis and to estimate the costs to the Ontario health system of skin testing for allergic rhinitis. Methods We searched All Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, CRD Health Technology Assessment Database, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and NHS Economic Evaluation Database for studies that evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of skin-prick and intradermal testing for allergic rhinitis using nasal provocation as the reference standard. For the clinical evidence review, data extraction and quality assessment were performed using the QUADAS-2 tool. We used the bivariate random-effects model for meta-analysis. For the economic evidence review, we assessed studies using a modified checklist developed by the (United Kingdom) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. We estimated the annual cost of skin testing for allergic rhinitis in Ontario for 2015 to 2017 using provincial data on testing volumes and costs. Results We meta-analyzed seven studies with a total of 430 patients that assessed the accuracy of skin-prick testing. The pooled pair of sensitivity and specificity for skin-prick testing was 85% and 77%, respectively. We did not perform a meta-analysis for the diagnostic accuracy of intradermal testing due to the small number of studies (n = 4). Of these, two evaluated the accuracy of intradermal testing in confirming negative skin-prick testing results, with sensitivity ranging from 27% to 50% and specificity ranging from 60% to 100%. The other two studies evaluated the accuracy of intradermal testing as a stand-alone tool for diagnosing allergic rhinitis, with

  12. Skin Testing for Allergic Rhinitis: A Health Technology Assessment.



    Allergic rhinitis is the most common type of allergy worldwide. The accuracy of skin testing for allergic rhinitis is still debated. This health technology assessment had two objectives: to determine the diagnostic accuracy of skin-prick and intradermal testing in patients with suspected allergic rhinitis and to estimate the costs to the Ontario health system of skin testing for allergic rhinitis. We searched All Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, CRD Health Technology Assessment Database, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and NHS Economic Evaluation Database for studies that evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of skin-prick and intradermal testing for allergic rhinitis using nasal provocation as the reference standard. For the clinical evidence review, data extraction and quality assessment were performed using the QUADAS-2 tool. We used the bivariate random-effects model for meta-analysis. For the economic evidence review, we assessed studies using a modified checklist developed by the (United Kingdom) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. We estimated the annual cost of skin testing for allergic rhinitis in Ontario for 2015 to 2017 using provincial data on testing volumes and costs. We meta-analyzed seven studies with a total of 430 patients that assessed the accuracy of skin-prick testing. The pooled pair of sensitivity and specificity for skin-prick testing was 85% and 77%, respectively. We did not perform a meta-analysis for the diagnostic accuracy of intradermal testing due to the small number of studies (n = 4). Of these, two evaluated the accuracy of intradermal testing in confirming negative skin-prick testing results, with sensitivity ranging from 27% to 50% and specificity ranging from 60% to 100%. The other two studies evaluated the accuracy of intradermal testing as a stand-alone tool for diagnosing allergic rhinitis, with sensitivity ranging from 60

  13. Ex vivo permeation of carprofen from nanoparticles: A comprehensive study through human, porcine and bovine skin as anti-inflammatory agent.


    Parra, Alexander; Clares, Beatriz; Rosselló, Ana; Garduño-Ramírez, María L; Abrego, Guadalupe; García, María L; Calpena, Ana C


    The purpose of this study was the development of poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) acid (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) for the dermal delivery of carprofen (CP). The developed nanovehicle was then lyophilized using hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) as cryoprotectant. The ex vivo permeation profiles were evaluated using Franz diffusion cells using three different types of skin membranes: human, porcine and bovine. Furthermore, biomechanical properties of skin (trans-epidermal water loss and skin hydration) were tested. Finally, the in vivo skin irritation and the anti-inflammatory efficacy were also assayed. Results demonstrated the achievement of NPs 187.32 nm sized with homogeneous distribution, negatively charged surface (-23.39 mV) and high CP entrapment efficiency (75.38%). Permeation studies showed similar diffusion values between human and porcine skins and higher for bovine. No signs of skin irritation were observed in rabbits. Topically applied NPs significantly decreased in vivo inflammation compared to the reference drug in a TPA-induced mouse ear edema model. Thus, it was concluded that NPs containing CP may be a useful tool for the dermal treatment of local inflammation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Advanced Development of Leishmania Topical Skin Test Antigen

    DTIC Science & Technology


    can cause sensitization manifest by the conversion of a negative to positive delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin test. This was observed on the...third skin test with 30 ug and 50 ug doses of the crude lysate administered intradermally at monthly intervals. Fractionation of the lysate...identified dominant proteins at 8 kDa, 20 kDa, and 56-58 kDa. Skin tests in L. tropica sensitized guinea pigs with each of these fractions revealed

  15. Proteomic Analysis of the Human Skin Proteome after In Vivo Treatment with Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate

    PubMed Central

    Parkinson, Erika; Skipp, Paul; Aleksic, Maja; Garrow, Andrew; Dadd, Tony; Hughes, Michael; Clough, Geraldine; O′Connor, C. David


    Background Skin has a variety of functions that are incompletely understood at the molecular level. As the most accessible tissue in the body it often reveals the first signs of inflammation or infection and also represents a potentially valuable source of biomarkers for several diseases. In this study we surveyed the skin proteome qualitatively using gel electrophoresis, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (GeLC-MS/MS) and quantitatively using an isobaric tagging strategy (iTRAQ) to characterise the response of human skin following exposure to sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). Results A total of 653 skin proteins were assigned, 159 of which were identified using GeLC-MS/MS and 616 using iTRAQ, representing the most comprehensive proteomic study in human skin tissue. Statistical analysis of the available iTRAQ data did not reveal any significant differences in the measured skin proteome after 4 hours exposure to the model irritant SDS. Conclusions This study represents the first step in defining the critical response to an irritant at the level of the proteome and provides a valuable resource for further studies at the later stages of irritant exposure. PMID:24849295

  16. Quantitative skin prick and bronchial provocation tests with platinum salt.

    PubMed Central

    Merget, R; Schultze-Werninghaus, G; Bode, F; Bergmann, E M; Zachgo, W; Meier-Sydow, J


    Occupational asthma due to platinum salts is a frequent disease in platinum refineries. The diagnosis is based upon a history of work related symptoms and a positive skin prick test with platinum salts. Bronchial provocation tests have not been performed in epidemiological studies because the skin test is believed to be highly specific and sensitive. As no reliable data about this issue currently exist, this study assesses the use of skin prick and bronchial provocation tests with methacholine and platinum salt in platinum refinery workers. Twenty seven of 35 workers, who were referred to our clinic with work related symptoms and nine control subjects with bronchial hyperreactivity underwent a skin prick test and bronchial provocation with methacholine and platinum salt. For skin prick and bronchial provocation tests with platinum salt a 10(-2)-10(-8) mol/l hexachloroplatinic acid solution, in 10-fold dilutions was used. Four of the 27 subjects and all controls showed neither a bronchial reaction nor a skin reaction. Twenty three subjects were considered allergic to platinum salt; 22 of these showed a fall of 50% or more in specific airway conductance after inhalation of the platinum salt solution. Four workers experienced a positive bronchial reaction despite a negative skin prick test. No correlation of responsiveness to methacholine with responsiveness to platinum salt was found, but the skin prick test correlated with the bronchial reaction to platinum salt (rs = 0.50, p less than 0.023, n = 22). One dual reaction was seen in bronchial provocation tests. Side effects of both skin tests and bronchial provocation tests with platinum salt were rare and were not encountered in workers without a skin reaction to platinum salt. It is concluded that bronchial provocation tests with platinum salts should be performed on workers with work related symptoms but negative skin tests with platinum salts. PMID:1772797

  17. Effect of different alcohols on stratum corneum kallikrein 5 and phospholipase A2 together with epidermal keratinocytes and skin irritation.


    Cartner, T; Brand, N; Tian, K; Saud, A; Carr, T; Stapleton, P; Lane, M E; Rawlings, A V


    The aim of this exploratory study was to investigate the effect of ethanol, isopropanol and n-propanol on stratum corneum (SC) enzymes and keratinocytes in vitro together with their effects on skin condition and function. Activities of kallikrein 5 (KLK5) and phospholipase A2 (PLA2) as well as keratinocyte metabolic activity, interleukin-1α (IL-1α) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were measured in vitro in the presence and absence of the different alcohols. We also measured transepidermal water loss (TEWL), skin capacitance, visual dryness and visual redness on the volar forearms of 25 Caucasian women following application of the alcohols 20 and 100 times per day over a period of 14 days in a clinical study. Reduced activities of KLK5 and PLA2 were observed in the presence of the alcohols. The greatest denaturing effect was always observed for n-propanol (P < 0.001), and in the case of PLA2, the effect of isopropanol was greater than ethanol (P < 0.001). Equally, ethanol had the mildest effects on keratinocyte metabolic activity and cytokine secretion (P < 0.001) and n-propanol always produced the most severe changes in normal and differentiated keratinocytes. These in vitro findings supported the clinical results where the major effects were on the induction of skin irritation (increased dropout rates) and ranked the intolerance of the different alcohols as follows: n-propanol > isopropanol > ethanol. At the high application frequencies, the effect of the different alcohols on transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and skin capacitance was similar, but at the low application frequencies, n-propanol had a significant effect on TEWL and capacitance values (P < 0.05). Equally, n-propanol and isopropanol produced significantly more skin redness at the low application frequencies. Clearly, isopropanol and n-propanol caused significant SC and keratinocyte perturbation in vitro together with damage to skin condition and function in vivo whereas ethanol

  18. Effectiveness of interventions for preventing occupational irritant hand dermatitis: a quantitative systematic review protocol.


    Papadatou, Zoi; Cooper, Kay; Klein, Susan; MacDuff, Colin; Steiner, Markus


    The objective of this quantitative systematic review is to identify, appraise and synthesize the best available evidence on the effectiveness of moisturizers, barrier creams, protective gloves, skin protection education and complex interventions (a combination of two or more of the interventions listed) in preventing occupational irritant hand dermatitis (OIHD) in wet workers. These interventions will be compared to an alternative intervention or to usual care (workers regular skin care regime). The specific review question is: "What is the effectiveness of moisturizers, barrier creams, protective gloves, skin protection education and complex interventions in preventing OIHD in wet workers?"

  19. Topical use of dexpanthenol in skin disorders.


    Ebner, Fritz; Heller, Andreas; Rippke, Frank; Tausch, Irene


    Pantothenic acid is essential to normal epithelial function. It is a component of coenzyme A, which serves as a cofactor for a variety of enzyme-catalyzed reactions that are important in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, proteins, gluconeogenesis, sterols, steroid hormones, and porphyrins. The topical use of dexpanthenol, the stable alcoholic analog of pantothenic acid, is based on good skin penetration and high local concentrations of dexpanthenol when administered in an adequate vehicle, such as water-in-oil emulsions. Topical dexpanthenol acts like a moisturizer, improving stratum corneum hydration, reducing transepidermal water loss and maintaining skin softness and elasticity. Activation of fibroblast proliferation, which is of relevance in wound healing, has been observed both in vitro and in vivo with dexpanthenol. Accelerated re-epithelization in wound healing, monitored by means of the transepidermal water loss as an indicator of the intact epidermal barrier function, has also been seen. Dexpanthenol has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect on experimental ultraviolet-induced erythema. Beneficial effects of dexpanthenol have been observed in patients who have undergone skin transplantation or scar treatment, or therapy for burn injuries and different dermatoses. The stimulation of epithelization, granulation and mitigation of itching were the most prominent effects of formulations containing dexpanthenol. In double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials, dexpanthenol was evaluated for its efficacy in improving wound healing. Epidermal wounds treated with dexpanthenol emulsion showed a reduction in erythema, and more elastic and solid tissue regeneration. Monitoring of transepidermal water loss showed a significant acceleration of epidermal regeneration as a result of dexpanthenol therapy, as compared with the vehicle. In an irritation model, pretreatment with dexpanthenol cream resulted in significantly less damage to the stratum

  20. Use of HPLC/UPLC-spectrophotometry for detection of formazan in in vitro Reconstructed human Tissue (RhT)-based test methods employing the MTT-reduction assay to expand their applicability to strongly coloured test chemicals.


    Alépée, N; Barroso, J; De Smedt, A; De Wever, B; Hibatallah, J; Klaric, M; Mewes, K R; Millet, M; Pfannenbecker, U; Tailhardat, M; Templier, M; McNamee, P


    A number of in vitro test methods using Reconstructed human Tissues (RhT) are regulatory accepted for evaluation of skin corrosion/irritation. In such methods, test chemical corrosion/irritation potential is determined by measuring tissue viability using the photometric MTT-reduction assay. A known limitation of this assay is possible interference of strongly coloured test chemicals with measurement of formazan by absorbance (OD). To address this, Cosmetics Europe evaluated use of HPLC/UPLC-spectrophotometry as an alternative formazan measurement system. Using the approach recommended by the FDA guidance for validation of bio-analytical methods, three independent laboratories established and qualified their HPLC/UPLC-spectrophotometry systems to reproducibly measure formazan from tissue extracts. Up to 26 chemicals were then tested in RhT test systems for eye/skin irritation and skin corrosion. Results support that: (1) HPLC/UPLC-spectrophotometry formazan measurement is highly reproducible; (2) formazan measurement by HPLC/UPLC-spectrophotometry and OD gave almost identical tissue viabilities for test chemicals not exhibiting colour interference nor direct MTT reduction; (3) independent of the test system used, HPLC/UPLC-spectrophotometry can measure formazan for strongly coloured test chemicals when this is not possible by absorbance only. It is therefore recommended that HPLC/UPLC-spectrophotometry to measure formazan be included in the procedures of in vitro RhT-based test methods, irrespective of the test system used and the toxicity endpoint evaluated to extend the applicability of these test methods to strongly coloured chemicals. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Evaluation of a topical treatment for the relief of sensitive skin

    PubMed Central

    Heinicke, Ingrid R; Adams, Damian H; Barnes, Tanya M; Greive, Kerryn A


    Background Approximately, 50% of the population claim to have sensitive skin, which has created an important challenge for dermatologists and the cosmetic industry. This study evaluates the properties of QV Face Rescue Gel (Rescue Gel) that contains a combination of moisturizing and anti-irritant ingredients, and which is used to relieve the symptoms of sensitive facial skin. Methods The ability of Rescue Gel to induce collagen types I and III in cultured neonatal human foreskin fibroblasts compared to transforming growth factor beta 1, a known potent inducer of collagen types I and III, was measured using immunofluorescence staining. Furthermore, healthy volunteers were recruited to measure the potential for Rescue Gel to reduce erythema induced by solar-simulated ultraviolet radiation on the skin compared to 0.5% hydrocortisone cream (positive control) as well as it’s ability to decrease transepidermal water loss compared to baseline levels. In addition, the formulation was tested for its potential to be 1) nonstinging using a facial sting/discomfort assay performed on volunteers who reacted positively to lactic acid, 2) nonirritating as determined by repeat insult patch tests, and 3) noncomedogenic. Results Rescue Gel significantly induced collagen types I and III in cultured human foreskin fibroblasts similarly to transforming growth factor beta 1. In volunteers, Rescue Gel was shown to significantly reduce erythema induced by solar-simulated ultraviolet radiation similarly to 0.5% hydrocortisone, and to significantly reduce transepidermal water loss compared to baseline levels. Further, the formulation was found to be nonstinging, nonirritating, and noncomedogenic. No adverse events were observed. Conclusion In this study, Rescue Gel has been shown to exhibit properties that make it effective for use on sensitive or irritated facial skin, without exacerbation of the symptoms associated with sensitive skin. PMID:26251625

  2. The EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test (EIT) for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals: protocol optimisation for solid materials and the results after extended shipment.


    Kaluzhny, Yulia; Kandárová, Helena; Handa, Yuki; DeLuca, Jane; Truong, Thoa; Hunter, Amy; Kearney, Paul; d'Argembeau-Thornton, Laurence; Klausner, Mitchell


    The 7th Amendment to the EU Cosmetics Directive and the EU REACH Regulation have reinforced the need for in vitro ocular test methods. Validated in vitro ocular toxicity tests that can predict the human response to chemicals, cosmetics and other consumer products are required for the safety assessment of materials that intentionally, or inadvertently, come into contact with the eye. The EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test (EIT), which uses the normal human cell-based EpiOcular™ tissue model, was developed to address this need. The EpiOcular-EIT is able to discriminate, with high sensitivity and accuracy, between ocular irritant/corrosive materials and those that require no labelling. Although the original EpiOcular-EIT protocol was successfully pre-validated in an international, multicentre study sponsored by COLIPA (the predecessor to Cosmetics Europe), data from two larger studies (the EURL ECVAM-COLIPA validation study and an independent in-house validation at BASF SE) resulted in a sensitivity for the protocol for solids that was below the acceptance criteria set by the Validation Management Group (VMG) for eye irritation, and indicated the need for improvement of the assay's sensitivity for solids. By increasing the exposure time for solid materials from 90 minutes to 6 hours, the optimised EpiOcular-EIT protocol achieved 100% sensitivity, 68.4% specificity and 84.6% accuracy, thereby meeting all the acceptance criteria set by the VMG. In addition, to satisfy the needs of Japan and the Pacific region, the EpiOcular-EIT method was evaluated for its performance after extended shipment and storage of the tissues (4-5 days), and it was confirmed that the assay performs with similar levels of sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility in these circumstances. 2015 FRAME.

  3. A new, female-specific irritability rating scale

    PubMed Central

    Born, Leslie; Koren, Gideon; Lin, Elizabeth; Steiner, Meir


    Objective Irritability is a prominent symptom in the spectrum of female-specific mood disorders, and in some women, irritability is serious enough to disrupt their lives and warrant treatment. The objective of this research was to develop a new, female-specific state measure of irritability. Methods We constructed self-rating and observer rating scales using items derived from spontaneous descriptions of irritability by women with mood disturbances related to the menstrual cycle, childbearing or menopause. Following a pretest, the scales were shortened to the core items of irritability (annoyance, anger, tension, hostility, sensitivity to noise and touch) and tested on a new cohort of patients. Results The 14-item Self-Rating Scale and the 5-item Observer Rating Scale showed evidence for internal consistency (Self-Rating: n = 36 patients, Cronbach's α = 0.9257, mean interitem correlation = 0.4690; Observer Rating: Cronbach's α = 0.7418, mean interitem correlation = 0.3616), Self-Rating test–retest reliability (n = 29 patients, rs = 0.704, p = 0.01) and interrater reliability (n = 20 patients; τb = 1.000, p = 0.001). Conclusion This new, female-specific scale for rating irritability has the potential to further the evaluation of this prominent symptom cluster and increase specificity in clinical assessments of emotional disturbances related to reproductive cyclicity in women. PMID:18592028

  4. Diagnosis of penicillin allergy by skin testing: the Manitoba experience.

    PubMed Central

    Warrington, R. J.; Simons, F. E.; Ho, H. W.; Gorski, B. A.


    The reliability of skin testing in the diagnosis of penicillin allergy was studied in 86 adults and 167 children with a history of possible hypersensitivity reactions to penicillin. Skin testing was done with the major antigenic determinant of benzylpenicillin and minor determinants of benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, cloxacillin, methicillin and cephalothin. The overall frequency of positive skin reactions was 11.5%. Among the patients with positive skin reactions about half had a history of immediate or accelerated reactions to penicillins, but 2 of 11 adults and 50% of the children in this group had a history of maculopapular rash of delayed onset. There was a low frequency of positive skin reactions when there was a long interval between the times of clinical reaction and skin testing. Of 169 patients reacting negatively to skin testing who received a specific drug challenge only 2 manifested mild urticaria; this indicates the reliability of the skin tests in predicting penicillin allergy. The major and minor determinants of benzylpenicillin were the most useful reagents. One fifth of the patients with penicillin hypersensitivity would have been missed if the major determinant of benzylpenicillin alone had been used for skin testing. The additional use of the minor determinants of other penicillin derivatives, however, did not increase substantially the clinical reliability of the skin testing procedure. PMID:638909

  5. Evaluation of the performance of the reduced local lymph node assay for skin sensitization testing.


    Ezendam, Janine; Muller, Andre; Hakkert, Betty C; van Loveren, Henk


    The local lymph node assay (LLNA) is the preferred method for classification of sensitizers within REACH. To reduce the number of mice for the identification of sensitizers the reduced LLNA was proposed, which uses only the high dose group of the LLNA. To evaluate the performance of this method for classification, LLNA data from REACH registrations were used and classification based on all dose groups was compared to classification based on the high dose group. We confirmed previous examinations of the reduced LLNA showing that this method is less sensitive compared to the LLNA. The reduced LLNA misclassified 3.3% of the sensitizers identified in the LLNA and misclassification occurred in all potency classes and that there was no clear association with irritant properties. It is therefore not possible to predict beforehand which substances might be misclassified. Another limitation of the reduced LLNA is that skin sensitizing potency cannot be assessed. For these reasons, it is not recommended to use the reduced LLNA as a stand-alone assay for skin sensitization testing within REACH. In the future, the reduced LLNA might be of added value in a weight of evidence approach to confirm negative results obtained with non-animal approaches. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Evaluation of the antimicrobial efficacy and skin safety of a novel color additive in combination with chlorine disinfectants.


    Tyan, Kevin; Kang, Jason; Jin, Katherine; Kyle, Aaron M


    A novel color additive colorizes chlorine disinfectants blue to improve visibility and enhance spray surface coverage, and it fades to colorless to indicate elapsed contact time. We investigated its interactions with 3 chlorine disinfectants to determine if the additive would adversely affect the disinfectants' antimicrobial efficacy or skin safety. We tested 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, 0.2% calcium hypochlorite, and 0.5% sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) alone versus with color additive. An independent laboratory tested efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio cholerae, and human coronavirus 229E. An independent laboratory also tested direct skin irritation. Chlorine disinfectants with and without color additive achieved equal levels of efficacy against the tested pathogens. Against S. aureus, 0.5% sodium hypochlorite with and without color additive met Environmental Protection Agency criteria for disinfection success. Against human coronavirus 229E, 0.5% sodium hypochlorite alone failed disinfection success criteria, whereas 0.5% sodium hypochlorite with color additive achieved full viral inactivation (≥4.50 log 10 reduction). Against V. cholerae, 0.2% calcium hypochlorite alone and with color additive achieved 5.99 log 10 and >6.03 log 10 reductions, respectively. Against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa, 0.5% NaDCC with and without color additive achieved >4.9 log 10 and >3.54 log 10 reductions, respectively. All 3 chlorine disinfectants with color additive tested as negligible skin irritants. This color additive can be combined with chlorine disinfectants without adversely affecting antimicrobial efficacy or skin safety. Copyright © 2018 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. The skin prick test.


    Frati, F; Incorvaia, C; Cavaliere, C; Di Cara, G; Marcucci, F; Esposito, S; Masieri, S


    The skin prick test (SPT) is the most common test for the diagnosis of allergy. SPT is performed by pricking the skin, usually in the volar surface of the forearm, with a lancet through a drop of an allergen extract and is usually the first choice test in the diagnostic workup for allergic diseases because of its reliability, safety, convenience and low cost. SPT is minimally invasive and has the advantage of testing multiple allergens in 15 to 20 min. In children, SPT is far less disturbing than venipuncture and is used to obtain a sample of serum to measure specific IgE through in vitro tests. There is a good correlation (about 85-95%) between SPT and in vitro tests. Globally, SPT is an excellent diagnostic tool, with a positive predictive value ranging from 95-100%. SPTs can identify sensitivity to inhalants, foods, some drugs, occupational allergens, hymenoptera venom and latex. However, the relevance of such sensitivity to allergens should always be carefully interpreted in the light of the clinical history, because sensitization and clinical allergy may not coincide. In regards to safety, though the reports of systemic reactions, and particularly anaphylaxis, are very rare, in vitro IgE tests should be preferred if previous severe reactions emerge from the patient’s clinical history.

  8. Occupational irritant contact dermatitis diagnosed by analysis of contact irritants and allergens in the work environment.


    Friis, Ulrik F; Menné, Torkil; Schwensen, Jakob F; Flyvholm, Mari-Ann; Bonde, Jens P E; Johansen, Jeanne D


    Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) is a common diagnosis in patients with occupational contact dermatitis (OCD). Studies are lacking on the usefulness of material safety data sheets (MSDSs) in making the diagnosis of ICD. To characterize irritant exposures leading to the diagnosis of occupational ICD (OICD), and to evaluate the occurrence of concomitant exposures to contact allergens. We included 316 patients with suspected occupational hand dermatitis, referred to the Department of Dermato-Allergology, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte, Denmark during January 2010-August 2011, in a programme consisting of a clinical examination, exposure assessment, and extensive patch/prick testing. OCD was diagnosed in 228 patients. Of these patients, 118 were diagnosed with OICD. The main irritant exposures identified were wet work (n = 64), gloves (n = 45), mechanical traumas (n = 19), and oils (n = 15). Exposure to specific irritant chemicals was found in 9 patients, and was identified from MSDSs/ingredients labelling in 8 of these patients. Review of MSDSs and ingredients labelling showed that 41 patients were exposed to 41 moderate to potent contact allergens, and 18 patients were exposed to 25 weak workplace contact allergens. In the present study, the systematic exposure assessment did not reveal any new irritants. MSDSs have a limited role in the investigation of ICD. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Seeking Clearer Recommendations for Hand Hygiene in Communities Facing Ebola: A Randomized Trial Investigating the Impact of Six Handwashing Methods on Skin Irritation and Dermatitis.


    Wolfe, Marlene K; Wells, Emma; Mitro, Brittany; Desmarais, Anne Marie; Scheinman, Pamela; Lantagne, Daniele


    To prevent disease transmission, 0.05% chlorine solution is commonly recommended for handwashing in Ebola Treatment Units. In the 2014 West Africa outbreak this recommendation was widely extended to community settings, although many organizations recommend soap and hand sanitizer over chlorine. To evaluate skin irritation caused by frequent handwashing that may increase transmission risk in Ebola-affected communities, we conducted a randomized trial with 91 subjects who washed their hands 10 times a day for 28 days. Subjects used soap and water, sanitizer, or one of four chlorine solutions used by Ebola responders (calcium hypochlorite (HTH), sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC), and generated or pH-stabilized sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)). Outcomes were self-reported hand feel, irritation as measured by the Hand Eczema Score Index (HECSI) (range 0-360), signs of transmission risk (e.g., cracking), and dermatitis diagnosis. All groups experienced statistically significant increases in HECSI score. Subjects using sanitizer had the smallest increases, followed by higher pH chlorine solutions (HTH and stabilized NaOCl), and soap and water. The greatest increases were among neutral pH chlorine solutions (NaDCC and generated NaOCl). Signs of irritation related to higher transmission risk were observed most frequently in subjects using soap and least frequently by those using sanitizer or HTH. Despite these irritation increases, all methods represented minor changes in HECSI score. Average HECSI score was only 9.10 at endline (range 1-33) and 4% (4/91) of subjects were diagnosed with dermatitis, one each in four groups. Each handwashing method has benefits and drawbacks: soap is widely available and inexpensive, but requires water and does not inactivate the virus; sanitizer is easy-to use and effective but expensive and unacceptable to many communities, and chlorine is easy-to-use but difficult to produce properly and distribute. Overall, we recommend Ebola responders and

  10. Oral antibiotic adverse reactions after penicillin skin testing: multi-year follow-up.


    Macy, E; Burchette, R J


    Long-term follow-up data on adverse drug reactions after oral antibiotic use in penicillin allergy history positive individuals with penicillin skin test done in advance of need are rare. Oral antibiotic associated adverse drug reactions in 83 penicillin skin test positive individuals were compared to a sex, age, and length of follow-up matched sample of 166 penicillin skin test negative individuals, all of whom had at least one post penicillin skin test oral antibiotic. The mean post penicillin skin test follow-up interval was 34.5 +/- 16.6 months. There were 1655 total oral antibiotic exposures. In penicillin skin test positive individuals, the adverse drug reaction rate was not significantly different with cephalosporin or non-beta-lactam use (P = 0.12). In penicillin skin test negative individuals the adverse drug reaction rate was significantly lower with cephalosporin vs. non-beta-lactam use (P = 0.005). Penicillin was safely used in penicillin skin test negative individuals. Overall cephalosporins caused fewer adverse drug reactions independent of penicillin skin test status (P = 0.005). Penicillin skin testing was only able to predict penicillin associated adverse drug reactions in penicillin skin test positive individuals. Excluding accidental penicillin exposure in penicillin skin test positive individuals, non-beta-lactams were associated with adverse drug reactions more often than penicillins or cephalosporins, independent of the penicillin skin test result. Cephalosporins were used as or more safely than non-beta-lactams in both penicillin skin test positive and negative individuals.

  11. Use of the Bovine Udder Skin model to evaluate the tolerability of Mesem cosmetic cream.


    Raak, Christa; Molsberger, Friedrich; Pittermann, Wolfgang; Bertram, Mathias; Robens, Sibylle; Ostermann, Thomas


    Observational studies of Mesem cream (based on Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. plant extract) found that it had positive effects on skin hydration and smoothing of the skin. However, some patients reported skin irritation effects. The current study evaluated the skin tolerability of Mesem cream, as compared to the carrier cream (without the active ingredient), by using the isolated perfused bovine udder skin model. The primary outcomes investigated were cytotoxicity (i.e. cell viability), assessed with the MTT assay, and irritancy and inflammation, assessed by measuring PGE₂ tissue levels. A total reaction score was calculated by combining the results for each parameter. In the case of a single topical application, significant differences were found between the carrier cream and the Mesem cream. While the application of carrier cream resulted in low cytotoxicity (-8.4% change in viability, as compared to the untreated control), the Mesem cream was more cytotoxic (-18.7% change). In addition, one hour after application, PGE₂ levels were higher in Mesem cream-treated skin, as compared to carrier cream-treated skin (16.6% versus 11.3%). Further experiments (tape-stripped skin and repeated application) also found significant differences between the two creams in the results obtained. Evaluation of the effectiveness, safety and tolerability of phyto-cosmetic products is important. Our results confirmed the findings of two previous human observational studies (the human patch test and open application study). Future experiments to understand the underlying principles of its effectiveness, safety and tolerability should include extracts of M. crystallinum L. juice, as well as the Mesem cream itself. 2017 FRAME.

  12. An intradermal skin test for determination of immunity to varicella

    PubMed Central

    Somekh, E; Bujanover, Y; Tal, G; Dalal, I; Tanay, A; Lehman, D


    AIMS—To evaluate the usefulness of a diluted, inactivated solution of attenuated varicella vaccine in predicting susceptibility to varicella and its correlation with specific antibody titre to varicella.
METHODS—In a prospective blinded study, 63 healthy subjects (aged 2-43 years) were studied. Skin test solution was prepared from vials of OKA strain virus which was inactivated by exposure of the vials to room temperature for 10 days; solution was diluted at 1/50 with normal saline and kept at 4°C until used for skin testing. The material was injected intradermally. Serum samples were drawn prior to skin testing and kept at −70°C until analysis for antibody assay by the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) method.
RESULTS—Forty three patients were IFA antibody positive; 41 of them reacted to the skin test. One of the 20 IFA negative patients reacted to the skin test. Sixteen patients had two serological tests performed, one month apart. Four out of these 16 patients tested negative with the skin test. All four had negative serology on both samples. Six of the 12 IFA positive patients showed a boost in the antibody titre one month after application of the skin test. The specificity and sensitivity of the skin test compared to the IFA assay were both 95%, and the positive and negative predictive values were 97% and 90% respectively.
CONCLUSIONS—Results suggest that a varicella skin test prepared using this simple and relatively cheap method is a safe, sensitive, and specific tool by which to assess immunity to varicella.


  13. Studies on the relationship between epidermal cell turnover kinetics and permeability of hairless mouse skin

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Han, S.R.

    The primary aim of this study was to develop non-invasive, physical means to quantitatively assess the epidermal turnover kinetics and barrier properties of the skin and relate these to the cutaneous irritation which results from ultraviolet light irradiation and mold thermal burns. After systematically injecting radiolabeled glycine, the appearance of radioactivity at the skin's surface indicated the transit time of radiolabeled cells through the skin. By plotting the data as the cumulative specific activity against time and then fitting them with a third order polynomial equation, it is possible to estimate the turnover time of the stratum corneum. The skinmore » turnover was coordinated with non-invasive transepidermal water loss (TEWL) studies determined with an evaporimeter. In vitro diffusion studies of the permeability of hydrocortisone through UVB irradiated and thermally burned skin were also performed. The studies indicated that irritated skin offers a relatively low diffusional resistance to hydrocortisone. Depending on the severity of the trauma, the increases in hydrocortisone's permeability coefficient through irritated skin ranged from a low of about 2 times normal to a high of about 210 times normal. Trauma-induced changes in hydrocortisone permeability parallel changes in TEWL, proving that the barrier deficient state resulting from rapid epidermal turnover is a general phenomenon.« less

  14. Evaluation of sex-related changes in skin topography and structure using innovative skin testing equipment.


    Dąbrowska, M; Mielcarek, A; Nowak, I


    Evaluation of skin condition on the basis of parametrization and objective measurements of the parameters has become obligatory. The aim of this study was to assess sex-related changes in skin topography and structure using the skin testing equipment. The study was carried out on the group of 40 volunteers (20 females and 20 males) of the mean age 24 ± 3 years. The skin parameters were measured using 3 devices: Visioscan ®  VC 98 (skin topography), Visioline ® VL 650 (skin macro relief) and Ultrascan UC22 (ultrasound imaging of the skin). All measurements were performed on the inner part of the left forearm. The skin parameters measured revealed significant differences in skin surface and structure between females and males. The skin of all women subjects was more homogenous in its structure with the presence of more abundant superficial skin lines and wrinkles in comparison to male skin. The higher number of skin furrows in the skin of women is in agreement with literature reports claiming that men's skin has lower number of wrinkles which are deeper and more pronounced. Ultrasound imaging of the skin indicated greater thickness and lower density of the dermis of men subjects compared to those of females. Non-invasive methods of skin testing using new and advanced equipment have provided a possibility of objective parametrization and evaluation of sex-related changes in skin topography and structure. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Stratum corneum integrity as a predictor for peristomal skin problems in ostomates.


    Nybaek, H; Lophagen, S; Karlsmark, T; Bang Knudsen, D; Jemec, G B E


    Peristomal skin problems are common, most often the result is disruption of the skin barrier and this may account for more than one in three visits to ostomy nurses. Therefore a specific assessment of individual risk factors relating to the skin barrier function would be of great interest. Skin barrier integrity in ostomy patients with peristomal skin problems (PSP) was compared with that of ostomy patients with normal skin (controls) using transepidermal water loss (TEWL). Mechanical barrier disruption was determined by a tape stripping test and chemical barrier disruption [sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) 0.25%]. Patients and controls had a highly significant increase in TEWL value in the peristomal area compared with nonperistomal contralateral abdominal skin (P < 0.0001 for both groups). The skin barrier of normal-looking contralateral skin of ostomates was found to be borderline impaired in patients with PSP compared with those without. A linear association was seen between the number of tape strips removed and TEWL for both cases and controls. Tape stripping suggested that patients with PSP had less resilient skin (P = 0.002). A significant difference in TEWL value between cases and controls was also seen for the SLS patch test on the dorsal skin (P = 0.02). Successive tape stripping, a situation analogous to the normal use of a pouching system, caused a higher degree of barrier damage more rapidly in patients with PSP, indicating an impaired mechanical quality of the barrier. The SLS exposure test suggested a generally increased susceptibility to irritant dermatitis as assessed by TEWL. Our findings suggest tape stripping and SLS testing may have a role as predictive tests to identify patients at risk of PSP.

  16. The developmental psychopathology of irritability

    PubMed Central



    Chronic, severe irritability is common in childhood and is very impairing. Furthermore, childhood irritability predicts suicidality, social impairment, and depressive and anxiety disorders in adulthood. Focusing on both normative and pathologic development, we review the construct of irritability from its origins in aggression and disruptive behavior research to its contemporary relevance for affective psychopathology. We then describe two broad neurocognitive systems that show promise in differentiating irritable from nonirritable youths: aberrant processing of emotional stimuli and impaired context-sensitive regulation. We suggest behavioral, neurocognitive, and physiologic measures that may aid in studying severe irritability and assessing its therapeutics. Finally, we argue for therapeutic trials targeting severe irritability that address emotional aspects of irritability in addition to the associated disruptive behavior. PMID:24342851

  17. Additively Manufactured Pneumatically Driven Skin Electrodes.


    Schubert, Martin; Schmidt, Martin; Wolter, Paul; Malberg, Hagen; Zaunseder, Sebastian; Bock, Karlheinz


    Telemedicine focuses on improving the quality of health care, particularly in out-of-hospital settings. One of the most important applications is the continuous remote monitoring of vital parameters. Long-term monitoring of biopotentials requires skin-electrodes. State-of-the-art electrodes such as Ag/AgCl wet electrodes lead, especially during long-term application, to complications, e.g., skin irritations. This paper presents a low-cost, on-demand electrode approach for future long-term applications. The fully printed module comprises a polymeric substrate with electrodes on a flexible membrane, which establishes skin contact only for short time in case of measurement. The membranes that produce airtight seals for pressure chambers can be pneumatically dilated and pressed onto the skin to ensure good contact, and subsequently retracted. The dilatation depends on the pressure and membrane thickness, which has been tested up to 150 kPa. The electrodes were fabricated in screen and inkjet printing technology, and compared during exemplary electrodermal activity measurement (EDA). The results show less amplitude compared to conventional EDA electrodes but similar behavior. Because of the manufacturing process the module enables high individuality for future applications.

  18. Assessment of the sensitizing potency of preservatives with chance of skin contact by the loose-fit coculture-based sensitization assay (LCSA).


    Sonnenburg, Anna; Schreiner, Maximilian; Stahlmann, Ralf


    Parabens, methylisothiazolinone (MI) and its derivative methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI), are commonly used as preservatives in personal care products. They can cause hypersensitivity reactions of the human skin. We have tested a set of nine parabens, MI alone and in combination with MCI in the loose-fit coculture-based sensitization assay (LCSA). The coculture of primary human keratinocytes and allogenic dendritic cell-related cells (DC-rc) in this assay emulates the in vivo situation of the human skin. Sensitization potency of the test substances was assessed by flow cytometric analysis of the DC-rc maturation marker CD86. Determination of the concentration required to cause a half-maximal increase in CD86-expression (EC50sens) allowed a quantitative evaluation. The cytotoxicity of test substances as indicator for irritative potency was measured by 7-AAD (7-amino-actinomycin D) staining. Parabens exhibited weak (methyl-, ethyl-, propyl- and isopropylparaben) or strong (butyl-, isobutyl-, pentyl- and benzylparaben) effects, whereas phenylparaben was found to be a moderate sensitizer. Sensitization potencies of parabens correlated with side chain length. Due to a pronounced cytotoxicity, we could not estimate an EC50sens value for MI, whereas MI/MCI was classified as sensitizer and also showed cytotoxic effects. Parabens showed no (methyl- and ethylparaben) or weak irritative potencies (propyl-, isopropyl-, butyl-, isobutyl-, phenyl- and benzylparaben), only pentylparaben was rated to be irritative. Overall, we were able to demonstrate and compare the sensitizing potencies of parabens in this in vitro test. Furthermore, we showed an irritative potency for most of the preservatives. The data further support the usefulness of the LCSA for comparison of the sensitizing potencies of xenobiotics.

  19. Penicillin skin testing in the evaluation and management of penicillin allergy.


    Fox, Stephanie; Park, Miguel A


    to review the role of penicillin skin testing in the evaluation and management of penicillin allergy mediated by IgE. PubMed and OVID search of English-language articles regarding penicillin allergy, penicillin allergy testing, and management of penicillin allergy. articles pertinent to the subject matter were selected and reviewed. the major determinant (benzylpenicillin polylysine) detects the greatest number of penicillin allergic patients during skin testing, and the minor determinants of penicillin increase the sensitivity of penicillin skin testing. Penicillin skin testing to the major and minor determinants was found to have a negative predictive value of 97% to 99%. The incidence of systemic adverse reaction to penicillin skin testing is less than 1%. a detailed history of the prior reaction to penicillin is an integral part of the evaluation, but it is not accurate in predicting a positive penicillin skin test result. A patient with a negative penicillin skin test result to the major and minor determinants is at a low risk of an immediate-type hypersensitivity reaction to penicillin. Patients with a positive skin test result should undergo desensitization to penicillin or an alternative antibiotic should be considered.

  20. Winter season, frequent hand washing, and irritant patch test reactions to detergents are associated with hand dermatitis in healthcare workers

    PubMed Central

    Callahan, Adrienne; Baron, Elma; Fekedulegn, Desta; Kashon, Michael; Yucesoy, Berran; Johnson, Victor J.; Santo Domingo, Diana; Kirkland, Brent; Luster, Michael I.; Nedorost, Susan


    Background Irritant hand dermatitis (IHD) is common in healthcare workers. Objective We studied endogenous irritant contact dermatitis threshold by patch testing, and exogenous factors such as season and hand washing for their association with IHD in healthcare workers. Methods Irritant patch testing with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and benzalkonium chloride (BAK) at varying concentrations was measured in 113 healthcare workers. Examination for hand dermatitis occurred at one month intervals for a period of six months in the Midwestern US. Results Positive patch testing to low concentration SLS was associated with IHD (p=0.0310) after adjusting for age, gender, ethnicity, season, history of childhood flexural dermatitis, mean indoor relative humidity, glove and hand sanitizer usage). Subjects with a positive patch test to SLS were 78% more likely to have occurrence of IHD (IRR=1.78, 95% CI: 0.92, 3.45). Hand washing frequency (≥ 10 times a day; IRR=1.55, 95% CI: 1.01, 2.39) and cold season (IRR=2.76, 95% CI: 1.35, 5.65) were associated with IHD. No association was found between history of childhood flexural dermatitis and IHD in this population. Conclusions Both genetic and environmental factors are important in the etiology of IHD and should be considered in designing strategies to protect, educate and treat susceptible individuals. PMID:23857011

  1. Development of a forensic skin colour predictive test.


    Maroñas, Olalla; Phillips, Chris; Söchtig, Jens; Gomez-Tato, Antonio; Cruz, Raquel; Alvarez-Dios, José; de Cal, María Casares; Ruiz, Yarimar; Fondevila, Manuel; Carracedo, Ángel; Lareu, María V


    There is growing interest in skin colour prediction in the forensic field. However, a lack of consensus approaches for recording skin colour phenotype plus the complicating factors of epistatic effects, environmental influences such as exposure to the sun and unidentified genetic variants, present difficulties for the development of a forensic skin colour predictive test centred on the most strongly associated SNPs. Previous studies have analysed skin colour variation in single unadmixed population groups, including South Asians (Stokowski et al., 2007, Am. J. Hum. Genet, 81: 1119-32) and Europeans (Jacobs et al., 2013, Hum Genet. 132: 147-58). Nevertheless, a major challenge lies in the analysis of skin colour in admixed individuals, where co-ancestry proportions do not necessarily dictate any one person's skin colour. Our study sought to analyse genetic differences between African, European and admixed African-European subjects where direct spectrometric measurements and photographs of skin colour were made in parallel. We identified strong associations to skin colour variation in the subjects studied from a pigmentation SNP discovery panel of 59 markers and developed a forensic online classifier based on naïve Bayes analysis of the SNP profiles made. A skin colour predictive test is described using the ten most strongly associated SNPs in 8 genes linked to skin pigmentation variation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Stratum corneum profiles of inflammatory mediators in patch test reactions to common contact allergens and sodium lauryl sulfate.


    Koppes, S A; Ljubojevic Hadzavdic, S; Jakasa, I; Franceschi, N; Jurakić Tončić, R; Marinović, B; Brans, R; Gibbs, S; Frings-Dresen, M H W; Rustemeyer, T; Kezic, S


    Recent studies have demonstrated allergen-specific differences in the gene expression of inflammatory mediators in patch tested skin. To determine levels of various inflammatory mediators in the stratum corneum (SC) after patch testing with common contact allergens and the skin irritant sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). In total, 27 individuals who had previously patch tested positive to nickel, chromium, methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone (MCI/MI) or para-phenylenediamine were retested and then patch tested with SLS and petrolatum, with petrolatum serving as the patch test control. At 72 h, the test sites were clinically graded and the SC samples collected on adhesive tape. The levels of 18 of the 32 quantified mediators differed significantly from that of the control patches for at least one of the tested substances. SLS and MCI/MI induced the largest number of immunomediators. Interleukin (IL)-16 levels were significantly higher in patch test reactions in all allergens than they were in the controls, while no significant difference was detected for SLS. Furthermore, a strong negative correlation was found between strength of patch test reaction and IL-1α levels. Cytokine profiles in the SC of patch tested skin did not show a distinct allergen-specific pattern. However, MCI/MI induced a larger and wider immune response than the other allergens, perhaps due to its potency as an irritant. The levels of IL-16 were significantly increased in patch test reactions to allergens but not to SLS; thus, they may help clinicians to differentiate between allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis. © 2016 British Association of Dermatologists.

  3. Correlates of Irritability in College Students With Depressive Symptoms

    PubMed Central

    Pedrelli, Paola; Nyer, Maren; Holt, Daphne; Bakow, Brianna R.; Fava, Maurizio; Baer, Lee; Cassiello, Clair; Mulligan, Maura; Cusin, Cristina; Farabaugh, Amy


    Depression is a prevalent psychiatric disorder associated with significant personal and societal burden. There is accumulating evidence for the presence of a subtype of depression characterized by the presence of irritability that is associated with increased morbidity, risk for suicidal ideation, and functional impairments in adults. Little is known about the features of depressive symptoms with and without irritability among young adults in college. The primary aim of this study was to characterize the presentation of college students with depressive symptoms and irritability. Two-hundred eighty-seven undergraduate college students with depressive symptoms with and without irritability were compared across several psychiatric and functional outcome variables. Independent samples t-tests or logistic regressions were conducted for each outcome variable using the irritability item of the Beck Depression Inventory as a dichotomous grouping variable. Analyses were conducted separately for the men and the women. Both male and female students with depressive symptoms and severe irritability reported a greater severity of depressive symptoms compared with their peers with no or mild irritability. In the women, the presence of irritability was associated with greater symptoms of anxiety, whereas in the men, it was associated with increased likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors, including compulsive use of alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription drugs. The male and female college students with depressive symptoms with and without irritability did not differ on severity of suicidal ideation, hopelessness, or cognitive functioning. The findings from this study suggest that depressive symptoms and irritability may characterize a subtype of college students who have a greater symptom burden and with the potential need for more aggressive and prompt treatment. PMID:24177482

  4. [Gallbladder contractility in children with functional abdominal pain or irritable bowel syndrome].


    Iwańczak, Franciszek; Siedlecka-Dawidko, Jolanta; Iwanczak, Barbara


    III Rome Criteria of functional gastrointestinal disorders in children, distinguished the disturbances with abdominal pain, to which irritable bowel syndrome, functional abdominal pains, functional dyspepsia and abdominal migraine were included. THE AIM OF THE STUDY was sonographic assessment of the gallbladder and its contractility in functional abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome in children. The study comprised 96 children aged 6 to 18 years, 59 girls and 37 boys. Depending on diagnosis, the children were divided into three groups. 38 children with functional abdominal pain constituted the first group, 26 children with irritable bowel syndrome were included to the second group, the third group consisted of 32 healthy children (control group). Diagnosis of functional abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome was made based on the III Rome Criteria. In irritable bowel syndrome both forms with diarrhea (13) and with constipation (13) were observed. Anatomy and contractility of the gallbladder were assessed by ultrasound examination. The presence of septum, wall thickness, thick bile, vesicle volume in fasting state and 30th and 60th minute after test meal were taken into consideration. Test meal comprised about 15% of caloric requirement of moderate metabolism. Children with bile stones and organic diseases were excluded from the study. Thickened vesicle wall and thick bile were present more frequently in children with irritable bowel syndrome and functional abdominal pain than in control group (p < 0.02). Fasting vesicle volume was significantly greater in children with functional abdominal pain than in irritable bowel syndrome and control group (p = 0.003, p = 0.05). Vesicle contractility after test meal was greatest in children with functional abdominal pain. Evaluation of diminished (smaller than 30%) and enlarged (greater then 80%) gallbladder contractility at 30th and 60th minute after test meal demonstrated disturbances of contractility in children

  5. Toxicity testing of polymer materials for dialysis equipment: reconsidering in vivo testing.


    Sauer, U G; Liebsch, M; Kolar, R


    In fulfilment of the aims of the European Union Biocidal Directive (Directive 98/8/EC), Technical Guidance Documents are currently being compiled. Part I of these Technical Guidance Documents covers data requirements for active substances and biocidal products. The Three Rs principle has been applied in certain parts of the toxicity and ecotoxicity testing scheme for pesticides, such as testing for acute oral toxicity, skin and eye irritation, skin sensitisation, and dermal absorption. Further recommendations on how to proceed with regard to the continuing replacement, reduction and refinement of animal experiments in this field of regulatory testing are included for consideration. In this context, besides stressing the necessity to validate and accept further alternatives, emphasis is placed on providing the possibility of waiving unnecessary tests and on the continuous evaluation of whether certain tests are needed at all. 2000 FRAME.

  6. Safety, effectiveness and comparability of professional skin cleansers.


    Terhaer, Flora K; Bock, Meike; Fartasch, Manigé; Gabard, Bernard; Elsner, Peter; Kleesz, Peter; Landeck, Lilla; Pohrt, Ute; Seyfarth, Florian; Schliemann, Sibylle; Diepgen, Thomas L; Zagrodnik, Fred; John, Swen Malte


    There are no widely-accepted methodical specifications with which to objectify cleansing effectiveness and skin compatibility of occuptional skin cleansing products in Europe. Therefore the German Social Insurance Agency (DGUV) initiated a study with the goal to evaluate such products in view of the potency and the safety of hand cleansers. A market analysis was a part of the project. The product descriptions and safety data sheets of 120 products (5-20/manufacturer) of 11 manufacturers were evaluated between 02/2008 and 04/2008. The manufacturers used mainly ingredients of low irritancy. The declaration of the applied ingredients was in the majority of the cases correctly labeled according to the INCI Declaration. Although there was documentation of skin tolerability for most products, the manufacturers used widely differing tests of skin compatibility. Evidences for cleansing effectiveness were not declared or have not been provided. One manufacturer even promised medical effects of its products. There was no uniform general classification of products making it difficult to identify characteristics of cleansers and choose between them. Presently, there are no commonly accepted criteria to classify products in view of cleansing effectiveness und skin compatibility. Generally accepted criteria and test methods are needed for the evaluation of hand cleansers in order to provide the possibility of transparency and comparability. © The Authors • Journal compilation © Blackwell Verlag GmbH, Berlin.

  7. Comparison of in vitro eye irritation potential by bovine corneal opacity and permeability (BCOP) assay to erythema scores in human eye sting test of surfactant-based formulations.


    Cater, Kathleen C; Harbell, John W


    The bovine corneal opacity and permeability (BCOP) assay can be used to predict relative eye irritation potential of surfactant-based personal care formulations relative to a corporate benchmark. The human eye sting test is typically used to evaluate product claims of no tears/no stinging for children's bath products. A preliminary investigation was conducted to test a hypothesis that the BCOP assay could be used as a prediction model for relative ranking of human eye irritation responses under conditions of a standard human eye sting test to surfactant-based formulations. BCOP assays and human eye sting tests were conducted on 4 commercial and 1 prototype body wash (BW) developed specifically for children or as mild bath products. In the human eye sting test, 10 mul of a 10% dosing solution is instilled into one eye of each panelist (n = 20), and the contralateral eye is dosed with sterile water as a control. Bulbar conjunctival erythema responses of each eye are graded at 30 seconds by an ophthalmologist. The BCOP assay permeability values (optical density at 490 nm [OD(490)]) for the 5 BWs ranged from 0.438 to 1.252 (i.e., least to most irritating). By comparison, the number of panelists exhibiting erythema responses (mild to moderately pink) ranged from 3 of 20 panelists for the least irritating BW to 10 of 20 panelists for the most irritating BW tested. The relative ranking of eye irritation potential of the 5 BWs in the BCOP assay compares favorably with the relative ranking of the BWs in the human eye sting test. Based on these findings, the permeability endpoint of the BCOP assay, as described for surfactant-based formulations, showed promise as a prediction model for relative ranking of conjunctival erythema responses in the human eye. Consequently, screening of prototype formulations in the BCOP assay would allow for formula optimization of mild bath products prior to investment in a human eye sting test.

  8. The influence of body mass index on skin susceptibility to sodium lauryl sulphate.


    Löffler, H; Aramaki, J U N; Effendy, Isaak


    The influence of nutrition on the physiological functions of man is well studied. Numerous diseases can be exacerbated by obesity. However, it has not yet been determined whether body weight and body mass index (BMI), as an indicator of a high body fat store, can influence skin sensitivity. This study investigates the correlation between body mass index and the epidermal functions, evaluated by bioengineering methods, before and after an irritant patch test with sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). Epidermal functions were evaluated using an evaporimeter, chromameter and laser-Doppler-flowmeter. Patch testing was conducted for 48 h with two different concentrations of SLS (0.25% and 0.5%) on the forearms of healthy volunteers. Measurements were performed 24h after patch removal. Obese individuals showed significantly increased transepidermal water loss (TEWL), skin blood flow and skin colour (red) as compared to a control group. However, the degree of skin sensitivity to SLS was not correlated with BMI. Basal biophysical parameters of the skin are primarily correlated with the BMI. This may be caused by obesity-induced physiological changes, e.g. increased sweat gland activity, high blood pressure and physiological temperature-regulating system. The epidermal barrier function, as evaluated after SLS patch testing is, however, not correlated with a high BMI, indicating a normal skin barrier.

  9. Enhancing effect of alpha-hydroxyacids on "in vitro" permeation across the human skin of compounds with different lipophilicity.


    Copoví, A; Díez-Sales, O; Herráez-Domínguez, J V; Herráez-Domínguez, M


    The percutaneous penetration-enhancing effects of glycolic acid, lactic acid and sodium lauryl sulphate through the human epidermis was investigated using 5-fluorouracil as a hydrophilic model permeant and three compounds belonging to the phenylalcohols: 2-phenyl-ethanol, 4-phenyl-butanol and 5-phenyl-pentanol. The lipophilicity values of the compounds ranged from log Poct -0.95 to 2.89. The effect of the enhancer concentration was also studied. Skin pretreatment with aqueous solutions of the three enhancers did not increase the permeability coefficient of the most lipophilic compound (log Poct = 2.89). For the other compounds assayed, the increase in the permeability coefficients depended on the concentration used in skin pretreatment, and on the lipophilicity of the compounds tested-and was always greater for the most hydrophilic compound (5-fluorouracil), for which lactic acid exerted a greater enhancer effect than glycolic acid or sodium lauryl sulphate. Primary irritation testing of the three enhancers was also carried out at the two concentrations used in skin pretreatment for diffusional experiments (1% and 5%, w/w). The least irritant capacity corresponded to lactic acid; consequently, this alpha-hydroxyacid could be proposed as a percutaneous penetration enhancer for hydrophilic molecules that are of interest for transdermal administration.

  10. Evaluation of Ocular Irritation and Bioavailability of Voriconazole Loaded Microemulsion.


    Kumar, Rakesh; Sinha, Vivek Ranjan


    Voriconazole (VCZ), a second-generation antifungal with excellent attributes like, broad-spectrum activity, targeted delivery, and tolerability. VCZ loaded microemulsion could be an effective strategy for efficient ocular delivery of the drug. To perform corneal irritation studies and in vivo delivery of VCZ microemulsion to establish its potential as an efficient ocular delivery system. Ocular irritancy was performed by HETCAM (Hen's Egg Test Chorio Allantoic Membrane) assay, corneal histopathology and Draize test. Ex vivo and in vivo studies were performed to determine permeation efficiency of VCZ microemulsion. The irritation studies suggested the non-irritant nature of the microemulsion. The ex vivo studies performed on excised cornea displayed significant enhancement in drug permeation/penetration from microemulsion in contrast to the drug suspension. Further, the in vivo study confirmed the higher availability of VCZ (from microemulsion) in aqueous humor with minimal nasolacrimal drainage (lower plasma drug content) when compared with the drug suspension. The non-irritant nature and high corneal permeation of VCZ encourages the role of microemulsion as a potential ocular delivery system. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  11. Skin interaction with absorbent hygiene products.


    Runeman, Bo


    Skin problems due to the use of absorbent hygiene products, such as diapers, incontinence pads, and feminine sanitary articles, are mostly due to climate or chafing discomfort. If these conditions are allowed to prevail, these may develop into an irritant contact dermatitis and eventually superficial skin infections. Skin humidity and aging skin are among the most significant predisposing and aggravating factors for dermatitis development. Improved product design features are believed to explain the decline in observed diaper dermatitis among infants. Where adult incontinence-related skin problems are concerned, it is very important to apply a holistic perspective to understand the influences due to the individual's incontinence level and skin condition, as well as the hygiene and skin care measures provided. Individuals with frail, sensitive skin or with skin diseases may preferably have to use high-quality products, equipped with superabsorbent polymers and water vapor-permeable back sheets, to minimize the risk of skin complications.

  12. Allergic reactions during allergy skin testing with food allergens.


    Pitsios, C; Dimitriou, A; Kontou-Fili, K


    Skin testing is a reliable and safe way to diagnose IgE-mediated allergies, with rare side-effects. Two cases of systemic allergic reactions during skin testing to food allergens are hereby reported. A 28-year-old male reported allergic reactions, mild to moderate in severity, each time he tasted fish in the frame of his professional duties. During SPT and prick-to-prick to raw and cooked fishes, he presented urticaria and tachycardia. A 59-year-old male had a long history of urticaria-angioedema and asthma attacks, following the consumption of mammalian meat. He was skin-tested to various meats and during the 5 last minutes of the test he developed generalized urticaria, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. They were both advised to completely avoid the relative allergens. In conclusion, skin testing, particularly prick-to-prick, may cause anaphylaxis. Tests should be performed only by physicians with proper training in allergy, experienced in treating promptly and properly episodes of anaphylaxis.

  13. An analysis of skin prick test reactions in 656 asthmatic patients.

    PubMed Central

    Hendrick, D J; Davies, R J; D'Souza, M F; Pepys, J


    Of 656 asthmatic patients referred specifically for allergy assessments, 544 (84 percent) gave positive immediate skin prick tests to at least one of 22 common allergens used routinely. Comparison of these skin test positive patients with the 102 (16 percent) who were skin test negative showed a number of significant differences. The majority of the skin test positive patients (52 percent) were less than 10 years old at the time of onset of the asthma, whereas, of the skin test negative patients, 56 percent were aged over 30 years at the time of onset. Seventy per cent report rhinitis compared with 48 per cent of the skin test negative patients, and 29 per cent reported infantile eczema compared with 9 per cent. Symptoms attributed to house dust, pollens, and animals were noted two to three times more frequently by the skin test positive patients, while corticosteroid drugs had been used more commonly by the skin test negative patients (45 percent compared with 35 percent). No significant differences were observed with the other factors studied, namely, history of urticaria or angio-oedema, family history of "allergic" disease, and awareness of sensitivity to foods, aspirin or penicillin. Prick test reactions in the skin test positive patients were most commonly seen to house dust or the acarine mite, Dermatophagoides farinae (82 percent), followed by pollens (66 percent), animal danders (38 percent), foods (16 percent), Aspergillus fumigatus (16 percent), and other moulds (21 percent). There was a highly significant association of positive history with positive prick test for all allergens studied. Images PMID:1168378

  14. An analysis of skin prick test reactions in 656 asthmatic patients.


    Hendrick, D J; Davies, R J; D'Souza, M F; Pepys, J


    Of 656 asthmatic patients referred specifically for allergy assessments, 544 (84 percent) gave positive immediate skin prick tests to at least one of 22 common allergens used routinely. Comparison of these skin test positive patients with the 102 (16 percent) who were skin test negative showed a number of significant differences. The majority of the skin test positive patients (52 percent) were less than 10 years old at the time of onset of the asthma, whereas, of the skin test negative patients, 56 percent were aged over 30 years at the time of onset. Seventy per cent report rhinitis compared with 48 per cent of the skin test negative patients, and 29 per cent reported infantile eczema compared with 9 per cent. Symptoms attributed to house dust, pollens, and animals were noted two to three times more frequently by the skin test positive patients, while corticosteroid drugs had been used more commonly by the skin test negative patients (45 percent compared with 35 percent). No significant differences were observed with the other factors studied, namely, history of urticaria or angio-oedema, family history of "allergic" disease, and awareness of sensitivity to foods, aspirin or penicillin. Prick test reactions in the skin test positive patients were most commonly seen to house dust or the acarine mite, Dermatophagoides farinae (82 percent), followed by pollens (66 percent), animal danders (38 percent), foods (16 percent), Aspergillus fumigatus (16 percent), and other moulds (21 percent). There was a highly significant association of positive history with positive prick test for all allergens studied.

  15. Development of methods for skin barrier peeling tests.


    Omura, Yuko; Kazuharu, Seki; Kenji, Oishi


    We sought to develop a more effective method to evaluate the adhesive properties of skin barriers. The experimental design used was based on 3 principles: partial control, randomization, and repetition. Using these principles, the 180-degree peeling tests were conducted as specified in a standardized methodology (JIS Z0297) to the extent possible. However, the use of a stainless steel plate as a proxy for skin barrier application may result in the stretching and breaking of the skin barrier, making it impossible to obtain suitable measurements. Tests were conducted in constant temperature/ humidity chambers using a Tensilon Automatic Elongation Tester, where a sample was fixed on the side of a sample immobilization device, a sturdy metal (aluminum) box from which the air in the box was drawn off with a vacuum pump. A fluorocarbon polymer film was applied to the adhesive surface of a sample skin barrier. The film was peeled off in the volte-face (180-degree) direction in order to measure adhesive strengths. The films exhibit such properties as (a) ease of removal from the adhesive surface, (b) no resistance to a 180-degree fold back due to the thinness and flexibility of the material, and (c) tolerance of elongation. The adhesive properties of skin barriers were measured by peeling the fluorocarbon polymers in a 180-degree direction. Twelve specimen skin barrier products were selected for measurement, providing results with satisfactory reproducibility. Results based on the conventional stainless steel plate-based testing method acted as a control. The newly developed testing method enables chronological measurement results for skin barriers applied to fluorocarbon polymer films after 24 hours, 48 hours, and longer period.

  16. In vivo irritation study of Melastoma malabathricum cream formulation on ICR mice

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yasin, Rabiahtul Adarwiyah Mohd; Jemon, Khairunadwa; Nor, Norefrina Shafinaz Md


    Melastoma malabathricum is a traditional herb that is used to treat wound on skin. It has also been proven to have antiviral activity against Herpes Simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). In this study, M. malabathricum cream formulation was developed by incorporating M. malabathricum aqueous extract into cream base. The safety and biocompatibility of the formulated cream was investigated by topically applying the cream onto the back of ICR mice skin. Treatment with M. malabathricum was found to accelerate wound contraction with less scar formation. The effect of M. malabathricum has prompted a possibility that M. malabathricum might contribute in enhancing the healing process of cutaneous lesion caused by HSV-1. The formulated cream did not cause any skin irritation or adverse effect to ICR mice when topically applied within seven days of exposure.

  17. Comparison of the cumulative irritation potential of adapalene gel and cream with that of erythromycin/tretinoin solution and gel and erythromycin/isotretinoin gel.


    Queille-Roussel, C; Poncet, M; Mesaros, S; Clucas, A; Baker, M; Soloff, A M


    Adapalene is a naphthoic acid derivative with retinoid activity that is effective in the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris. This study assessed the cumulative irritation potential of adapalene gel (0.1%) and adapalene cream (0.1%) compared with that of erythromycin (4%)/tretinoin (0.025%) solution, erythromycin (4%)/tretinoin (0.025%) gel, erythromycin (2%)/isotretinoin (0.05%) gel, and white petrolatum (negative control). This was a single-center, randomized, controlled, investigator-blinded, intraindividual comparison study in healthy subjects with normal skin. The cumulative irritation assay (patch test) was used to assess the potential for irritation (including erythema) of the treatments. Each subject received all study treatments, randomly applied under occlusion (patch), to sites on either side of the midline on the mid-thoracic area of the back. All patches were applied to the same sites throughout the study, unless the degree of reaction to the treatment or adhesive necessitated removal. For 3 weeks, each test material was applied daily, Monday through Friday, for approximately 24 hours; the Friday patches were left in place over the weekend for approximately 72 hours. All 36 subjects (26 men, 10 women; age, 18-49 years [mean, 30 years]) completed the study. In the course of the study, all subjects had > or =1 application discontinued prematurely on > or =1 site due to intolerance. There were no discontinuations with white petrolatum. All erythromycin/tretinoin gel patches were discontinued at day 10; 35 of 36 erythromycin/isotretinoin gel patches were discontinued at day 9; and 35 of 36 erythromycin/tretinoin solution patches were discontinued at day 11 or day 17. The adapalene products, although slightly more irritating (mean cumulative irritation index, 0.25-1) than white petrolatum, were significantly less irritating than the erythromycin/tretinoin and erythromycin/isotretinoin products (P < 0.01). Adapalene gel and cream were well tolerated

  18. Patch testing with uranyl acetate in veterans exposed to depleted uranium during the 1991 Gulf war and the Iraqi conflict.


    Shvartsbeyn, Marianna; Tuchinda, Papapit; Gaitens, Joanna; Squibb, Katherine S; McDiarmid, Melissa A; Gaspari, Anthony A


    The Depleted Uranium Follow-Up Program is a clinical surveillance program run by the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center since 1993 for veterans of the Gulf and Iraqi wars who were exposed to depleted uranium (DU) as a result of "friendly-fire" incidents. In 2009, 40 veterans from this cohort were screened for skin reactivity to metals by patch-testing with extended metal series and uranyl acetate (0.25%, 2.5%, and 25%). A control arm comprised 46 patients without any known occupational exposures to DU who were seen at the University of Maryland Dermatology Clinic for evaluation of allergic contact dermatitis. Excluding irritant reactions, no patch-test reactions to uranyl acetate were observed in the participants. Irritant reactions to DU were more common in the clinic cohort, likely reflective of the demographic differences between the two arms of the study. Biologic monitoring of urine uranium concentrations in the DU program participants with 24-hour urine samples showed evidence of percutaneous uranium absorption from the skin patches. We conclude that dermatitis observed in a subset of the veterans was unrelated to their military DU exposure. Our data suggest that future studies of skin testing with uranyl acetate should utilize 0.25%, the least irritating concentration.

  19. Gene expression profiles in auricle skin as a possible additional endpoint for determination of sensitizers: A multi-endpoint evaluation of the local lymph node assay.


    Tsuchiyama, Hiromi; Maeda, Akihisa; Nakajima, Mayumi; Kitsukawa, Mika; Takahashi, Kei; Miyoshi, Tomoya; Mutsuga, Mayu; Asaoka, Yoshiji; Miyamoto, Yohei; Oshida, Keiyu


    The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) is widely used to test chemicals to induce skin sensitization. Exposure of mouse auricle skin to a sensitizer results in proliferation of local lymph node T cells, which has been measured by in vivo incorporation of H 3 -methyl thymidine or 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU). The stimulation index (SI), the ratio of the mean proliferation in each treated group to that in the concurrent vehicle control group, is frequently used as a regulatory-authorized endpoint for LLNA. However, some non-sensitizing irritants, such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or methyl salicylate (MS), have been reported as false-positives by this endpoint. In search of a potential endpoint to enhance the specificity of existing endpoints, we evaluated 3 contact sensitizers; (hexyl cinnamic aldehyde [HCA], oxazolone [OXA], and 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene [DNCB]), 1 respiratory sensitizer (toluene 2,4-diisocyanate [TDI]), and 2 non-sensitizing irritants (MS and SDS) by several endpoints in LLNA. Each test substance was applied to both ears of female CBA/Ca mice daily for 3 consecutive days. The ears and auricle lymph node cells were analyzed on day 5 for endpoints including the SI value, lymph node cell count, cytokine release from lymph node cells, and histopathological changes and gene expression profiles in auricle skin. The SI values indicated that all the test substances induced significant proliferation of lymph node cells. The lymph node cell counts showed no significant changes by the non-sensitizers assessed. The inflammatory findings of histopathology were similar among the auricle skins treated by sensitizers and irritants. Gene expression profiles of cytokines IFN-γ, IL-4, and IL-17 in auricle skin were similar to the cytokine release profiles in draining lymph node cells. In addition, the gene expression of the chemokine CXCL1 and/or CXCL2 showed that it has the potential to discriminate sensitizers and non-sensitizing irritants. Our results

  20. Flu Vaccine Skin Patch Tested


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  1. State of the art in non-animal approaches for skin sensitization testing: from individual test methods towards testing strategies.


    Ezendam, Janine; Braakhuis, Hedwig M; Vandebriel, Rob J


    The hazard assessment of skin sensitizers relies mainly on animal testing, but much progress is made in the development, validation and regulatory acceptance and implementation of non-animal predictive approaches. In this review, we provide an update on the available computational tools and animal-free test methods for the prediction of skin sensitization hazard. These individual test methods address mostly one mechanistic step of the process of skin sensitization induction. The adverse outcome pathway (AOP) for skin sensitization describes the key events (KEs) that lead to skin sensitization. In our review, we have clustered the available test methods according to the KE they inform: the molecular initiating event (MIE/KE1)-protein binding, KE2-keratinocyte activation, KE3-dendritic cell activation and KE4-T cell activation and proliferation. In recent years, most progress has been made in the development and validation of in vitro assays that address KE2 and KE3. No standardized in vitro assays for T cell activation are available; thus, KE4 cannot be measured in vitro. Three non-animal test methods, addressing either the MIE, KE2 or KE3, are accepted as OECD test guidelines, and this has accelerated the development of integrated or defined approaches for testing and assessment (e.g. testing strategies). The majority of these approaches are mechanism-based, since they combine results from multiple test methods and/or computational tools that address different KEs of the AOP to estimate skin sensitization potential and sometimes potency. Other approaches are based on statistical tools. Until now, eleven different testing strategies have been published, the majority using the same individual information sources. Our review shows that some of the defined approaches to testing and assessment are able to accurately predict skin sensitization hazard, sometimes even more accurate than the currently used animal test. A few defined approaches are developed to provide an

  2. Irritancy potential of 17 detergents used commonly by the Indian household.


    Austoria, A J; Lakshmi, Chembolli; Srinivas, C R; Anand, C V; Mathew, A C


    Detergents are used by almost every household in the developed and developing world. Soap and most detergents are anionic surfactants and attack the horny layer of the skin and increase its permeability with little or no inflammatory change and may result in hand eczema, which is very distressing and incapacitating. To evaluate the irritant potential of common household detergents (laundry and dish wash) used by the Indian population using a 24-hour patch test and to convincingly educate the patients on the detergents less likely to cause irritation in the particular individual. Seventeen commonly used detergents found in Indian market were included in the study, of which, 12 were laundry detergents (powders--seven, bar soap--five) and five were dish wash detergents (powder--one, liquid--one, bar soap--three). The irritant potential of the 17 detergents were evaluated in 30 volunteers. Thirty microliters of each of the detergent bar solutions, distilled water (negative control), and 20% SDS (positive control) were applied to Finn chambers with a micropipette and occluded for 24 hours. Erythema, scaling, and edema were graded in comparison to the reaction at the negative control site (distilled water) for each volunteer separately. The scoring of erythema/dryness and wrinkling on a 0-4 point scale and edema on another 0-4 point scale was based on the Draize scale. The pH of each of the detergent solutions was determined using litmus papers (Indikrom papers from Qualigens fine chemicals). The difference between detergents (F value) was significant for erythema/dryness and wrinkling (F = 3.374; p = 0.000), but not significant for edema (F = 1.297; p = 0.194). [Table 2] lists the means for erythema/dryness and wrinkling, and edema. The F value of the totals of the means for erythema/dryness and wrinkling and edema was significant (F = 2.495; p = 0.001). The pH of all the detergents was found to be alkaline except Pril utensil cleaner which tested acidic (pH 6). The

  3. Skin Prick Test in Patients with Chronic Allergic Skin Disorders

    PubMed Central

    Bains, Pooja; Dogra, Alka


    Background: Chronic allergic skin disorders are the inflammatory and proliferative conditions in which both genetic and environmental factors play important roles. Chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) and atopic dermatitis (AD) are among the most common chronic allergic skin disorders. These can be provoked by various food and aeroallergens. Skin prick tests (SPTs) represent the cheapest and most effective method to diagnose type I hypersensitivity. Positive skin tests with a history suggestive of clinical sensitivity strongly incriminate the allergen as a contributor to the disease process. Aims and Objectives: To determine the incidence of positive SPT in patients with chronic allergic skin disorders and to identify the various allergens implicated in positive SPT. Methods: Fifty patients of chronic allergic disorders were recruited in this study. They were evaluated by SPT with both food and aeroallergens. Results: In our study, SPT positivity in patients of CIU was 63.41% and in AD was 77.78%. Out of the 41 patients of CIU, the most common allergen groups showing SPT positivity were dust and pollen, each comprising 26.83% patients. SPT reaction was positive with food items (21.6%), insects (17.07%), fungus (12.20%), and Dermatophagoides farinae, that is, house dust mite (HDM) (7.32%). The allergen which showed maximum positivity was grain dust wheat (19.51%). Among nine patients of AD, maximum SPT positivity was seen with Dermatophagoides farinae, pollen Amaranthus spinosus, grain dust wheat, and cotton mill dust; each comprising 22.22% of patients. Conclusion: Our study showed that a significant number of patients of CIU and AD showed sensitivity to dust, pollen, insects, Dermatophagoides farinae, and fungi on SPT. Thus, it is an important tool in the diagnosis of CIU and AD. PMID:25814704

  4. Winter season, frequent hand washing, and irritant patch test reactions to detergents are associated with hand dermatitis in health care workers.


    Callahan, Adrienne; Baron, Elma; Fekedulegn, Desta; Kashon, Michael; Yucesoy, Berran; Johnson, Victor J; Domingo, Diana Santo; Kirkland, Brent; Luster, Michael I; Nedorost, Susan


    Irritant hand dermatitis (IHD) is common in health care workers. We studied endogenous irritant contact dermatitis threshold by patch testing and exogenous factors such as season and hand washing for their association with IHD in health care workers. Irritant patch testing with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium hydroxide, and benzalkonium chloride at varying concentrations was measured in 113 health care workers. Examination for hand dermatitis occurred at 1-month intervals for a period of 6 months in the Midwestern United States. Positive patch testing to low-concentration SLS was associated with IHD (P = 0.0310) after adjusting for age, sex, ethnicity, season, history of childhood flexural dermatitis, mean indoor relative humidity, and glove and hand sanitizer usage. Subjects with a positive patch test to SLS were 78% more likely to have occurrence of IHD (incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 1.78; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.92-3.45). Hand washing frequency (≥10 times a day; IRR = 1.55; 95% CI, 1.01-2.39) and cold season (IRR = 2.76; 95% CI, 1.35-5.65) were associated with IHD. No association was found between history of childhood flexural dermatitis and IHD in this population. Both genetic and environmental factors are important in the etiology of IHD and should be considered in designing strategies to protect, educate, and treat susceptible individuals.

  5. Bacterial cellulose skin masks-Properties and sensory tests.


    Pacheco, Guilherme; de Mello, Carolina Véspoli; Chiari-Andréo, Bruna Galdorfini; Isaac, Vera Lucia Borges; Ribeiro, Sidney José Lima; Pecoraro, Édison; Trovatti, Eliane


    Bacterial cellulose (BC) is a versatile material produced by microorganisms in the form of a membranous hydrogel, totally biocompatible, and endowed with high mechanical strength. Its high water-holding capacity based on its highly porous nanofibrillar structure allows BC to incorporate and to release substances very fast, thus being suitable for the preparation of skincare masks. The preparation and characterization of cosmetic masks based on BC membranes and active cosmetics. The masks were prepared by the simple incorporation of the cosmetic actives into BC membranes, used as a swelling matrix. The masks were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), sensory tests, and skin moisture tests on volunteers. The results of sensory tests revealed the good performance of BC, being considered effective by the panel of volunteers, specially for adhesion to the skin (7.7 at the score scale), and improvement of the skin moisture (the hydration effect increased 76% in 75% of the volunteers that used vegetable extract mask formulation [VEM]), or a decrease in skin hydration (80% of the volunteers showed 32.6% decrease on skin hydration using propolis extract formulation [PEM] treatment), indicating the BC nanofiber membranes can be used to skincare applications. The results demonstrate the BC can be used as an alternative support for cosmetic actives for skin treatment. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Blood tests for allergy in children. Allergy Section, Canadian Paediatric Society.

    PubMed Central


    Skin tests and RASTs are important tools but do not by themselves make or exclude the diagnosis of allergy. Positive results require a confirmatory medical history, whereas negative results exclude IgE-mediated allergy with a high degree of reliability. Skins tests are preferred for routine use, because with appropriate procedural controls they are simpler, give rapid results and are cost-effective. RASTs are an excellent alternative when skin tests are precluded. Disorders such as asthma and allergic rhinitis may be provoked by irritants (e.g., cigarette smoke), physical factors (e.g., cold, dry air) and chemical substances (e.g., acetylsalicylic acid) and metabisulfite), none of which involve an IgE-antibody-mediated mechanism. PMID:2344576

  7. Adenosine-loaded dissolving microneedle patches to improve skin wrinkles, dermal density, elasticity and hydration.


    Kang, G; Tu, T N T; Kim, S; Yang, H; Jang, M; Jo, D; Ryu, J; Baek, J; Jung, H


    Although dissolving microneedle patches have been widely studied in the cosmetics field, no comparisons have been drawn with the topical applications available for routine use. In this study, two wrinkle-improving products, adenosine-loaded dissolving microneedle patches and an adenosine cream, were evaluated for efficacy, with respect to skin wrinkling, dermal density, elasticity, and hydration, and safety in a clinical test on the crow's feet area. Clinical efficacy and safety tests were performed for 10 weeks on 22 female subjects with wrinkles around their eyes. The adenosine-loaded dissolving microneedle patch was applied once every 3 days, in the evening, for 8 weeks to the designated crow's feet area. The adenosine cream was applied two times per day, in the morning and evening, for 8 weeks to the other crow's feet area. Skin wrinkling, dermal density, elasticity, and hydration were measured by using PRIMOS ® premium, Dermascan ® C, Cutometer ® MPA580, and Corneometer ® CM 825, respectively. In addition, subjective skin irritation was evaluated by self-observation, and objective skin irritation was assessed through expert interviews. The adenosine-loaded dissolving microneedle patches had a similar or better efficacy than the adenosine cream. Both groups showed statistically significant efficacy for almost all parameters (P < 0.05). The dissolving microneedle patches had a long-lasting effect on the average wrinkle depth (P < 0.05), only showed efficacy in dermal density (P < 0.05), had an early improving effect on elasticity (P < 0.05), and demonstrated better hydration efficacy (P < 0.001). No adverse effects were observed in either group during the test period. In the clinical efficacy test of four skin-improvement parameters, adenosine-loaded dissolving microneedle patches showed the same or better effect than the adenosine cream, although the weekly adenosine dose was 140 times lower. The dissolving microneedle patches caused no

  8. Immunopathogenesis of fish allergy: identification of fish-allergic adults by skin test and radioallergosorbent test.


    Helbling, A; McCants, M L; Musmand, J J; Schwartz, H J; Lehrer, S B


    As the consumption of fish increases in the United States, the importance of allergic reactions to fish has become clear. Since most previous studies on fish allergy have focused on children reacting mainly to codfish, there is a need to investigate allergic reactions to other fish in adults. To identify fish-allergic adults, and to assess cross-reactivity among different species of fish by RAST inhibition. Thirty-nine individuals who reported fish allergy were selected for study; 32 (82%) were atopic as defined by two or more positive skin tests to common inhalant allergens and a history of allergic reactions and 33 (85%) experienced allergic symptoms within 30 minutes after ingesting fish. The most frequently reported symptoms were hives (69%), itching (69%), and wheezing/chest tightness (54%). Study subjects were skin tested with fish extracts and their sera assayed for IgE antibodies to different fish species. Thirty-six (92%) of the subjects tested had a positive skin test to at least one of 17 fish extracts tested; 9/35 (26%) reacted to all 17 extracts. Of the atopic (two or more positive skin tests to common inhalant allergens plus a personal and/or family history of allergy) and nonatopic fish-tolerant controls, 20/26 (77%) reacted by skin test to one or more fish extracts tested; the most prevalent positive reaction was to anchovy (73%). A significant correlation (P < .01) was observed between skin test reactivity of fish-allergic subjects to most fish extracts and fish RAST reactions. Radioallergosorbent inhibition testing demonstrated significant cross-reactivity among pollack, salmon, trout, and tuna; and between mackerel and anchovy. These results suggest that fish-allergic subjects may be clinically sensitive to more than one species of fish. Skin test reactivity to fish by itself is not an adequate criterion for the confirmation of clinically relevant fish allergy; consequently, fish-allergic subjects with positive skin tests to several fish species

  9. Skin testing for immediate hypersensitivity to corticosteroids: a case series and literature review.


    Baker, A; Empson, M; The, R; Fitzharris, P


    Immediate hypersensitivity to corticosteroids is reported to occur with an incidence of 0.1%. The largest previous case series reporting corticosteroid skin testing has seven patients. We identified 23 patients (mean age 50 years, 65% female) from Auckland City Hospital who underwent skin testing (ST) for suspected corticosteroid hypersensitivity between July 2005 and April 2012. We performed a retrospective clinical case note review detailing clinical history of reaction, skin test results and subsequent management. Most patients (21/23) had a standard panel of testing with prednisolone, triamcinolone, methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone and dexamethasone. Skin tests used a 10% steroid stock concentration for skin prick tests (SPT) and dilutions of 1 : 1000, 1 : 100 and 1 : 10 for subsequent intradermal testing. A weal 3 mm greater than the negative control was considered positive. A total of 23 patients were identified who had skin testing for suspected acute hypersensitivity to corticosteroids, eight of which had a history of anaphylaxis. From 28 reactions (in 23 patients), the most common route of administration was intra-articular (13), followed by oral (7), intravenous (3) and other (5). Skin tests were positive in 8/23 patients, and 7/8 of these patients had a history of corticosteroid-associated anaphylaxis. Skin tests were positive at either the skin prick test or intradermal stages. There was evidence suggesting clinical and skin test cross-reactivity between corticosteroids in one patient. One patient had a positive skin test, but negative oral challenge suggesting the skin test was false positive. Skin tests were negative in 15/23 patients. One patient had a negative prednisolone skin test and positive unblinded oral challenge, suggesting a false-negative skin test. Skin testing can provide sufficient evidence to diagnose allergy in patients with a clear history of immediate hypersensitivity to corticosteroids such as anaphylaxis. Both skin prick

  10. Herbal supplements and skin testing: the lack of effect of commonly used herbal supplements on histamine skin prick testing.


    More, D R; Napoli, D C; Hagan, L L


    The use of herbal supplements is common, yet little is known about their pharmacologic properties. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of 23 commonly used herbal supplements on histamine skin prick testing (SPT). Fifteen healthy volunteers participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-dose, crossover study. Wheal and flare responses to SPT with histamine phosphate (1 mg/ml) were measured before and 4 h after administration of each of the 23 popular herbal supplements, fexofenadine (60 mg) and placebo. Wheal and flare areas were recorded with tracings performed 10 min after the prick test and measured with a PC-digitizer using stereometric software. Fexofenadine significantly suppressed the wheal (P < 0.001) and flare (P = 0.02) areas compared with placebo. None of the herbal supplements caused significant suppression of the wheal and flare areas compared with placebo (P > 0.10). When taken in single-doses, the popular herbal supplements tested did not significantly affect the histamine skin response. Therefore, it seems unnecessary for clinicians to ask patients to discontinue these herbal supplements prior to allergy skin testing.

  11. Evaluation of Eye Irritation Potential of Solid Substance with New 3D Reconstructed Human Cornea Model, MCTT HCETM

    PubMed Central

    Jang, Won-hee; Jung, Kyoung-mi; Yang, Hye-ri; Lee, Miri; Jung, Haeng-Sun; Lee, Su-Hyon; Park, Miyoung; Lim, Kyung-Min


    The eye irritation potential of drug candidates or pharmaceutical ingredients should be evaluated if there is a possibility of ocular exposure. Traditionally, the ocular irritation has been evaluated by the rabbit Draize test. However, rabbit eyes are more sensitive to irritants than human eyes, therefore substantial level of false positives are unavoidable. To resolve this species difference, several three-dimensional human corneal epithelial (HCE) models have been developed as alternative eye irritation test methods. Recently, we introduced a new HCE model, MCTT HCETM which is reconstructed with non-transformed human corneal cells from limbal tissues. Here, we examined if MCTT HCETM can be employed to evaluate eye irritation potential of solid substances. Through optimization of washing method and exposure time, treatment time was established as 10 min and washing procedure was set up as 4 times of washing with 10 mL of PBS and shaking in 30 mL of PBS in a beaker. With the established eye irritation test protocol, 11 solid substances (5 non-irritants, 6 irritants) were evaluated which demonstrated an excellent predictive capacity (100% accuracy, 100% specificity and 100% sensitivity). We also compared the performance of our test method with rabbit Draize test results and in vitro cytotoxicity test with 2D human corneal epithelial cell lines. PMID:26157556

  12. Improved wheal detection from skin prick test images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bulan, Orhan


    Skin prick test is a commonly used method for diagnosis of allergic diseases (e.g., pollen allergy, food allergy, etc.) in allergy clinics. The results of this test are erythema and wheal provoked on the skin where the test is applied. The sensitivity of the patient against a specific allergen is determined by the physical size of the wheal, which can be estimated from images captured by digital cameras. Accurate wheal detection from these images is an important step for precise estimation of wheal size. In this paper, we propose a method for improved wheal detection on prick test images captured by digital cameras. Our method operates by first localizing the test region by detecting calibration marks drawn on the skin. The luminance variation across the localized region is eliminated by applying a color transformation from RGB to YCbCr and discarding the luminance channel. We enhance the contrast of the captured images for the purpose of wheal detection by performing principal component analysis on the blue-difference (Cb) and red-difference (Cr) color channels. We finally, perform morphological operations on the contrast enhanced image to detect the wheal on the image plane. Our experiments performed on images acquired from 36 different patients show the efficiency of the proposed method for wheal detection from skin prick test images captured in an uncontrolled environment.

  13. Comparison of neonatal skin sensor temperatures with axillary temperature: does skin sensor placement really matter?


    Schafer, Dorothea; Boogaart, Sheri; Johnson, Lynette; Keezel, Catherine; Ruperts, Liga; Vander Laan, Karen J


    Appropriate thermoregulation affects both morbidity and mortality in the neonatal setting. Nurses rely on information from temperature sensors and radiant warmers or incubators to appropriately maintain a neonate's body temperature. Skin temperature sensors must be repositioned to prevent skin irritation and breakdown. This study addresses whether there is a significant difference between skin sensor temperature readings from 3 locations on the neonate and whether there is a significant difference between skin sensor temperatures compared with digital axillary temperatures. The study participants included 36 hemodynamically stable neonates, with birth weight of 750 g or more and postnatal age of 15 days or more, in a neonatal intensive care unit. Gestational age ranged from 29.6 to 36.1 weeks at the time of data collection. A method-comparison design was used to evaluate the level of agreement between skin sensor temperatures and digital axillary thermometer measurements. When the neonate's skin sensor was scheduled for routine site change, 3 new skin sensors were placed-1 each on the right upper abdomen, left flank, and right axilla. The neonate was placed in a supine position and redressed or rewrapped if previously dressed or wrapped. Subjects served as their own controls, with temperatures measured at all 3 skin sensor sites and followed by a digital thermometer measurement in the left axilla. The order of skin sensor temperature measurements was randomly assigned by a computer-generated number sequence. An analysis of variance for repeated measures was used to test for statistical differences between the skin sensor temperatures. The difference in axillary and skin sensor temperatures was calculated by subtracting the reference standard temperature (digital axillary) from the test temperatures (skin temperatures at 3 different locations), using the Bland-Altman method. The level of significance was set at P < .05. No statistically significant differences were

  14. Intradermal Skin Testing in Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma with Negative Skin Prick Tests.


    Erel, Fuat; Sarioglu, Nurhan; Kose, Mehmet; Kaymakci, Mustafa; Gokcen, Mucahide; Kepekci, Ahmet Hamdi; Arslan, Mehmet


    Taking medical history, physical examination, and performing some in vivo and in vitro tests are necessary for the diagnosis of allergy. Skin prick test (SPT) is considered as the standard method and first-line approach for the detection of allergic sensitization. Although mainly SPT is used for the detection of allergic sensitization, intradermal skin test (IDST) may be necessary, especially in patients with a negative SPT result. IDST is quite safe; however, is nowadays seldom used for detection of inhalant allergy and its value remains controversial. We aimed to investigate whether IDST is useful and necessary in diagnosis of respiratory allergies or not. This study involved 4223 patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) and/or bronchial asthma (BA). SPT results were positive in 2419 patients (57%) and negative in 1804 (43%). IDST was applied to 344 patients with marked allergic symptoms and with negative SPT results. Out of 344 patients, 152 (44%) showed allergic sensitization to IDST. The most commonly encountered allergic response was against the house dust mite (HDM) (32.6%). Allergic response against fungal spores was also relatively high (22%), while the pollen allergy rate (4.3%) was quite low. In BA patients with negative prick test, IDST made a significant contribution to the diagnosis of HDM allergy (p=0.003). To avoid missed diagnosis of AR and BA, particularly regarding  the HDM allergy, application of IDST may be beneficial; therefore, IDST should be considered as the next step after SPT for diagnosis of allergy prior to in vitro or provocation tests.

  15. Feasibility, Benefits, and Limitations of a Penicillin Allergy Skin Testing Service.


    Narayanan, Prasanna P; Jeffres, Meghan N


    To critically examine the feasibility, benefits, and limitations of an inpatient penicillin skin testing service and how pharmacists can be utilized. A PubMed search was performed from July 2016 through September 2016 using the following search terms: penicillin skin testing, penicillin allergy, β-lactam allergy. Additional references were identified from a review of literature citations. All English-language studies assessing the use of penicillin skin testing as well as management and clinical outcomes of patients with a β-lactam allergy were evaluated. The prevalence of people self-identifying as penicillin allergic ranges from 10% to 20% in the United States. Being improperly labeled as penicillin allergic is associated with higher health care costs, worse clinical outcomes, and an increased prevalence of multidrug-resistant infections. Penicillin skin testing can be a tool used to clarify penicillin allergies and has been demonstrated to be a successful addition to antimicrobial stewardship programs in multiple health care settings. Prior to implementing a penicillin skin testing service, institutions will need to perform a feasibility analysis of who will supply labor and accept the financial burden as well as identify if the positive benefits of a penicillin skin testing service overcome the limitations of this diagnostic test. We conclude that institutions with high percentages of patients receiving non-β-lactams because of penicillin allergy labels would likely benefit the most from a penicillin skin testing service.

  16. Acute Toxicity and Dermal and Eye Irritation of the Aqueous and Hydroalcoholic Extracts of the Seeds of "Zapote" Pouteria mammosa (L.) Cronquist.


    Dutok, Carlos M S; Berenguer-Rivas, Clara Azalea; Rodríguez-Leblanch, Elizabeth; Pérez-Jackson, Liliana; Chil-Nuñez, Idelsy; Escalona-Arranz, Julio César; Reyes-Tur, Bernardo; Queiroz, Margareth M C


    The common use of Pouteria mammosa (L.) Cronquist, "Mamey or Zapote," in food and ethnobotanic medicine shows its low or absent toxicity as fruit extracts prepared from seeds. However, it is essential to conduct security trials to scientifically support their use in drug therapy. This study evaluated the aqueous and hydroalcoholic extract (25%) Acute Oral Toxicity, obtained from the seeds of P. mammosa, in Sprague Dawley rats and dermal and eye irritability in New Zealand rabbits. The 404 and 405 acute dermal and eye irritation/corrosion guidelines were used, as well as the 423 Acute Oral Toxicity guideline, Acute Toxic Class Method of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The aqueous extract was located in the following category: not classified as toxic (CTA 5), while hydroalcoholic extract at 25% was classified as dangerous (CTA 4). Both extracts can be used without side reaction that irritates the skin which permitted classification as potentially not irritant. P. mammosa in the two extracts caused mild and reversible eye irritation, and it was classified as slightly irritating.

  17. Alternatives to animal testing: research, trends, validation, regulatory acceptance.


    Huggins, Jane


    Current trends and issues in the development of alternatives to the use of animals in biomedical experimentation are discussed in this position paper. Eight topics are considered and include refinement of acute toxicity assays; eye corrosion/irritation alternatives; skin corrosion/irritation alternatives; contact sensitization alternatives; developmental/reproductive testing alternatives; genetic engineering (transgenic) assays; toxicogenomics; and validation of alternative methods. The discussion of refinement of acute toxicity assays is focused primarily on developments with regard to reduction of the number of animals used in the LD(50) assay. However, the substitution of humane endpoints such as clinical signs of toxicity for lethality in these assays is also evaluated. Alternative assays for eye corrosion/irritation as well as those for skin corrosion/irritation are described with particular attention paid to the outcomes, both successful and unsuccessful, of several validation efforts. Alternative assays for contact sensitization and developmental/reproductive toxicity are presented as examples of methods designed for the examination of interactions between toxins and somewhat more complex physiological systems. Moreover, genetic engineering and toxicogenomics are discussed with an eye toward the future of biological experimentation in general. The implications of gene manipulation for research animals, specifically, are also examined. Finally, validation methods are investigated as to their effectiveness, or lack thereof, and suggestions for their standardization and improvement, as well as implementation are reviewed.

  18. Estimating Skin Cancer Risk: Evaluating Mobile Computer-Adaptive Testing.


    Djaja, Ngadiman; Janda, Monika; Olsen, Catherine M; Whiteman, David C; Chien, Tsair-Wei


    Response burden is a major detriment to questionnaire completion rates. Computer adaptive testing may offer advantages over non-adaptive testing, including reduction of numbers of items required for precise measurement. Our aim was to compare the efficiency of non-adaptive (NAT) and computer adaptive testing (CAT) facilitated by Partial Credit Model (PCM)-derived calibration to estimate skin cancer risk. We used a random sample from a population-based Australian cohort study of skin cancer risk (N=43,794). All 30 items of the skin cancer risk scale were calibrated with the Rasch PCM. A total of 1000 cases generated following a normal distribution (mean [SD] 0 [1]) were simulated using three Rasch models with three fixed-item (dichotomous, rating scale, and partial credit) scenarios, respectively. We calculated the comparative efficiency and precision of CAT and NAT (shortening of questionnaire length and the count difference number ratio less than 5% using independent t tests). We found that use of CAT led to smaller person standard error of the estimated measure than NAT, with substantially higher efficiency but no loss of precision, reducing response burden by 48%, 66%, and 66% for dichotomous, Rating Scale Model, and PCM models, respectively. CAT-based administrations of the skin cancer risk scale could substantially reduce participant burden without compromising measurement precision. A mobile computer adaptive test was developed to help people efficiently assess their skin cancer risk.

  19. Mineral intake independent from gastric irritation or pica by cell-dehydrated rats.


    Constancio, Juliana; Pereira-Derderian, Daniela T B; Menani, José V; De Luca, Laurival A


    Gavage of 2 M NaCl (IG 2 M NaCl), a procedure to induce cell-dehydration-and water and 0.15 M NaCl intake in a two-bottle choice test-is also a potential gastric irritant. In this study, we assessed whether mineral intake induced by IG 2 M NaCl is associated with gastric irritation or production of pica in the rat. We first determined the amount of mineral solution (0.15 M NaCl, 0.15 M NaHCO3, 0.01 M KCl and 0.05 mM CaCl2) and water ingested in response to IG 2 M NaCl in a five-bottle test. Then, we used mineral solutions (0.01 M KCl and 0.15 M NaHCO3), whose intakes were significantly increased compared to controls, and water in three-bottle tests to test the gastric irritation hypothesis. The IG 2 M NaCl induced KCl and NaHCO3 intake that was not inhibited by gavage with gastric protectors Al(OH)3 or NaHCO3. IG 2 M NaCl or gavage of 0.6 N acetic acid induced mild irritation, hyperemia, of the glandular part of the stomach. A gavage of 50% ethanol induced strong irritation seen as pinpoint ulcerations. Neither ethanol nor acetic acid induced any fluid intake. Neither IG 2 M NaCl nor acetic acid induced kaolin intake, a marker of pica in laboratory rats. Ethanol did induce kaolin intake. These results suggest that IG 2 M NaCl induced a mineral fluid intake not selective for sodium and independent from gastric irritation or pica. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Occupational skin diseases in Czech healthcare workers from 1997 to 2009.


    Machovcová, A; Fenclová, Z; Pelclová, D


    The healthcare sector ranked in second place among economic sectors in the Czech Republic, with about 11.4 % of all occupational diseases in 2009. Skin diseases constituted about 20 % of all occupational diseases. The aim of this study was to analyze the causes and trends in allergic and irritant-induced skin diseases in the healthcare sector. The data concerning occupational skin diseases (Chapter IV of the Czech List of Occupational Diseases, non-infectious skin illnesses) in the healthcare sector were analyzed from the Czech National Registry of Occupational Diseases from 1997 until 2009. The trends in the total counts and most frequent causes were evaluated. During the past 13 years, a total of 545 skin diseases were acknowledged in healthcare workers. Allergic contact dermatitis was diagnosed in 464 (85 %), irritant contact dermatitis in 71 (13 %) and contact urticaria in 10 subjects (2 %). Ninety-five percent of the patients were females. The overall incidence in individual years varied between 1.0 and 2.9 cases per 10,000 full-time employees per year. Disinfectants were the most frequent chemical agents causing more than one third of all allergic skin diseases (38 %), followed by rubber components (32 %) and cleaning agents (10 %). A general downward trend of diagnosed cases of occupational skin diseases in heath care workers in the Czech Republic over the past 13 years was demonstrated.

  1. Short Time Exposure (STE) test in conjunction with Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) assay including histopathology to evaluate correspondence with the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) eye irritation classification of textile dyes.


    Oliveira, Gisele Augusto Rodrigues; Ducas, Rafael do Nascimento; Teixeira, Gabriel Campos; Batista, Aline Carvalho; Oliveira, Danielle Palma; Valadares, Marize Campos


    Eye irritation evaluation is mandatory for predicting health risks in consumers exposed to textile dyes. The two dyes, Reactive Orange 16 (RO16) and Reactive Green 19 (RG19) are classified as Category 2A (irritating to eyes) based on the UN Globally Harmonized System for classification (UN GHS), according to the Draize test. On the other hand, animal welfare considerations and the enforcement of a new regulation in the EU are drawing much attention in reducing or replacing animal experiments with alternative methods. This study evaluated the eye irritation of the two dyes RO16 and RG19 by combining the Short Time Exposure (STE) and the Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) assays and then comparing them with in vivo data from the GHS classification. The STE test (first level screening) categorized both dyes as GHS Category 1 (severe irritant). In the BCOP, dye RG19 was also classified as GHS Category 1 while dye RO16 was classified as GHS no prediction can be made. Both dyes caused damage to the corneal tissue as confirmed by histopathological analysis. Our findings demonstrated that the STE test did not contribute to arriving at a better conclusion about the eye irritation potential of the dyes when used in conjunction with the BCOP test. Adding the histopathology to the BCOP test could be an appropriate tool for a more meaningful prediction of the eye irritation potential of dyes. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Tolerance of fragranced and fragrance-free facial cleansers in adults with clinically sensitive skin.


    Draelos, Zoe D; Fowler, Joseph; Larsen, Walter G; Hornby, Sidney; Walters, Russel M; Appa, Yohini


    Although mild, fragrance-free, nonfoaming cleansers generally are recommended for individuals with sensitive skin, many consumers choose fragranced foaming cleansers. The addition of hydrophobically modified polymers (HMPs) to mild facial cleansers has been shown to improve product tolerability in individuals with sensitive skin while facilitating foaming. The objective of the 2 studies reported here was to assess the tolerability of a mild, HMP-containing, foaming facial cleanser with a fragrance that was free of common allergens and irritating essential oils in patients with sensitive skin. In the first study, 8 participants with clinically diagnosed fragrance sensitivity used a gentle foaming HMP-containing facial cleanser with or without fragrance for 3 weeks. Both cleansers improved global disease severity, irritation, and erythema with similar cleansing effectiveness. The second study was a 3-week, prospective, double-blind, randomized, 2-center study of 153 participants with clinically diagnosed sensitive skin. In this study, the fragranced gentle foaming cleanser with HMP was as well tolerated as a benchmark gentle, fragrance-free, nonfoaming cleanser. Itching, irritation, and desquamation were most improved from baseline in both groups. The participant-rated effectiveness of the cleanser with HMP was similar or better than the benchmark cleanser after 3 weeks of use. In conclusion, the gentle facial cleanser with HMPs and a fragrance offers a new option for adults with sensitive skin who may prefer, and commonly use, a fragranced and foaming product.

  3. Use of in vitro methods to rank surfactants for irritation potential in support of new product development.


    Casterton, P L; Potts, L F; Klein, B D


    11 surfactant raw materials with potential applications in light-duty liquid cleaning products were evaluated in vitro using a human skin analogue (ATS SKIN(2) Model ZK1100) for predicting cytotoxicity (MTT reduction) and inflammation [prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) release]. Two of the 11 raw materials, both in the same compound family, were selected to be individually combined with each of the other nine in a 90:10 (raw:selected raw) mixture. Selection criteria were based on desired performance characteristics and low irritation potential as suggested from the individual surfactant assay data. To determine whether irritation potential was mitigated, MTT and PGE(2) scores were again determined for each of the 18 combinations with the resulting data being compared with the untreated raw material data. A plot of the data indicated that one of two selected materials may have an 'anti-irritant' effect. For raw materials with intrinsic MTT scores of less than 50 mug/ml and with the original data corrected for possible dilution effects, a statistical comparison between individual raw materials and the two sets of combinations was done using a one-sample analysis. Both cytotoxicity (MTT) and inflammation (PGE(2)) were significantly decreased by the milder of the two selected raw materials. By factoring the data into future new product decisions, this methodology has become a useful and practical tool for Amway product development.

  4. The Effect of Liquid Gun Propellant (LGP) on Skin.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    sodium lauryl sulfate ) decreased the barrier properties of hairless guinea pig skin to the greatest extent after I day, and the barrier returned to normal...San Francisco, CA. Wilhelm K.-P., Surber, C. and Maibach, H.I. Effect of sodium lauryl sulfate - induced skin irritation on in vivo percutaneous...NJ), followed by an intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital (18 mg/kg, Anthony Products, Arcadia, CA). A Padgett Electro Dermatome (Padgett

  5. Subchronic (26- and 52-week) toxicity and irritation studies of a novel microbicidal gel formulation containing sodium lauryl sulfate in animal models.


    Piret, Jocelyne; Laforest, Geneviève; Bussières, Martin; Bergeron, Michel G


    The safety of an ethylene oxide/propylene oxide gel formulation containing sodium lauryl sulfate (2%, w/w), that could be a potent candidate as a topical microbicide, has been evaluated. More specifically, the subchronic (26- and 52-week) toxicity of the formulation when applied intravaginally as well as its irritating potential for the rectal, penile, eye, skin and buccal mucosa have been examined in animal models. The results showed that the vaginal administration of the gel formulation containing sodium lauryl sulfate once and twice daily (with doses 12 +/- 2 h apart) for 26 weeks to rats and for 52 weeks to rabbits induced slight to moderate histopathological alterations. When the formulation was applied intrarectally to male and female rabbits once and twice daily (with doses 12 +/- 2 h apart) for 14 days, no macroscopic or microscopic changes were reported. For both vaginal and rectal dosing, no effect was seen on the haematology, coagulation and serum chemistry parameters as well as on the body weight of animals and the relative organ weights. Other sporadic macroscopic and histopathological findings were incidental in origin and of no toxicological significance. The gel formulation containing sodium lauryl sulfate was considered as mildly irritating for the penile mucosa of rabbits, non-irritating for the eye of rabbits, mildly irritating for the skin in a rabbit model and non-irritating for the hamster cheek pouch. It is suggested that the gel formulation containing sodium lauryl sulfate is safe for most tissues that could be exposed to the product under normal use.

  6. Studies on the cellular and subcellular reactions in epidermis at irritant and allergic dermatitis.


    Lindberg, M


    To determine the cellular and subcellular reactions of keratinocytes at contact dermatitis, transmission electron microscopy was used in combination with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Stereology and optical diffraction were used as complements to electron microscopy for studies of the effects of variations in the preparation technique on the ultrastructure of epidermis. The morphological effects of an increased hydration of epidermis were assessed by the use of occlusive patch tests. It was found that the relative volume of the epidermal intercellular space and the ultrastructure of the epidermal cells (keratinocytes and Langerhans' cells) were directly dependent on the osmolality of the fixative vehicle if glutaraldehyde was used as fixative. Cellular volume and morphology did also depend on the fixative used. Variations in the volume of the intercellular space were also detected when the water transport through epidermis was impaired by occlusive treatment. In normal epidermis prolonged fixation times (4 weeks) did not affect the morphology of the keratinocytes. However, if the structure and function of the keratinocytes were affected by the application of a irritant substance (DNCB), a loss of electron dense material from the cells was detected within 3 weeks. The ultrastructural changes in the keratinocytes at the irritant chromate and DNCB reactions were of a non-specific nature and are in accordance with the changes described for other irritant agents in the literature. A few cells with the features of apoptosis were recorded. The allergic chromate reaction was found to be a combination of the irritant reaction and a marked inflammatory response. To correlate the ultrastructural alterations in the keratinocytes with the functional state of the cells, X-ray microanalysis was used to determine the elemental redistribution occurring at the irritant DNCB reaction. The results of the X-ray microanalysis showed a good correlation between dose and time

  7. Immediate hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media: diagnostic accuracy of skin tests and intravenous provocation test with low dose.


    Sesé, L; Gaouar, H; Autegarden, J-E; Alari, A; Amsler, E; Vial-Dupuy, A; Pecquet, C; Francès, C; Soria, A


    The diagnosis of HSR to iodinated contrast media (ICM) is challenging based on clinical history and skin tests. This study evaluates the negative predictive value (NPV) of skin tests and intravenous provocation test (IPT) with low-dose ICM in patients with suspected immediate hypersensitivity reaction (HSR) to ICM. Thirty-seven patients with suspected immediate hypersensitivity reaction to ICM were included retrospectively. Skin tests and a single-blind placebo-controlled intravenous provocation test (IPT) with low-dose iodinated contrast media (ICM) were performed. Skin tests with ICM were positive in five cases (one skin prick test and five intradermal test). Thirty-six patients were challenged successfully by IPT, and only one patient had a positive challenge result, with a grade I reaction by the Ring and Messmer classification. Ten of 23 patients followed up by telephone were re-exposed to a negative tested ICM during radiologic examination; two experienced a grade I immediate reaction. For immediate hypersensitivity reaction to ICM, the NPV for skin tests and IPT with low dose was 80% (95% CI 44-97%). © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Retinoids activate the irritant receptor TRPV1 and produce sensory hypersensitivity

    PubMed Central

    Yin, Shijin; Luo, Jialie; Qian, Aihua; Du, Junhui; Yang, Qing; Zhou, Shentai; Yu, Weihua; Du, Guangwei; Clark, Richard B.; Walters, Edgar T.; Carlton, Susan M.; Hu, Hongzhen


    Retinoids are structurally related derivatives of vitamin A and are required for normal vision as well as cell proliferation and differentiation. Clinically, retinoids are effective in treating many skin disorders and cancers. Application of retinoids evokes substantial irritating side effects, including pain and inflammation; however, the precise mechanisms accounting for the sensory hypersensitivity are not understood. Here we show that both naturally occurring and synthetic retinoids activate recombinant or native transient receptor potential channel vanilloid subtype 1 (TRPV1), an irritant receptor for capsaicin, the pungent ingredient of chili peppers. In vivo, retinoids produced pain-related behaviors that were either eliminated or significantly reduced by genetic or pharmacological inhibition of TRPV1 function. These findings identify TRPV1 as an ionotropic receptor for retinoids and provide cellular and molecular insights into retinoid-evoked hypersensitivity. These findings also suggest that selective TRPV1 antagonists are potential therapeutic drugs for treating retinoid-induced sensory hypersensitivity. PMID:23925292

  9. Development of an in vitro alternative assay method for vaginal irritation.


    Ayehunie, Seyoum; Cannon, Chris; Larosa, Karen; Pudney, Jeffrey; Anderson, Deborah J; Klausner, Mitchell


    The vaginal mucosa is commonly exposed to chemicals and therapeutic agents that may result in irritation and/or inflammation. In addition to acute effects, vaginal irritation and inflammation can make women more susceptible to infections such as HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). Hence, the vaginal irritation potential of feminine care formulations and vaginally administered therapeutic agents is a significant public health concern. Traditionally, testing of such materials has been performed using the rabbit vaginal irritation (RVI) assay. In the current study, we investigated whether the organotypic, highly differentiated EpiVaginal™ tissue could be used as a non-animal alternative to the RVI test. The EpiVaginal tissue was exposed to a single application of ingredients commonly found in feminine hygiene products and the effects on tissue viability (MTT assay), barrier disruption (measured by transepithelial electrical resistance, TEER and sodium fluorescein (NaFl) leakage), and inflammatory cytokine release (interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8) patterns were examined. When compared to untreated controls, two irritating ingredients, nonoxynol 9 and benzalkonium chloride, reduced tissue viability to <40% and TEER to <60% while increasing NaFl leakage by 11-24% and IL-1α and IL-1β release by >100%. Four other non-irritating materials had minimal effects on these parameters. Assay reproducibility was confirmed by testing the chemicals using three different tissue production lots and by using tissues reconstructed from cells obtained from three different donors. Coefficients of variation between tissue lots reconstructed with cells obtained from the same donor or lots reconstructed with cells obtained from different donors were less than 10% and 12%, respectively. In conclusion, decreases in tissue viability and barrier function and increases in IL-1α and IL-1β release appear to be useful endpoints for preclinical screening of topically applied

  10. Interventions for preventing occupational irritant hand dermatitis.


    Bauer, Andrea; Rönsch, Henriette; Elsner, Peter; Dittmar, Daan; Bennett, Cathy; Schuttelaar, Marie-Louise A; Lukács, Judit; John, Swen Malte; Williams, Hywel C


    Occupational irritant hand dermatitis (OIHD) causes significant functional impairment, disruption of work, and discomfort in the working population. Different preventive measures such as protective gloves, barrier creams and moisturisers can be used, but it is not clear how effective these are. This is an update of a Cochrane review which was previously published in 2010. To assess the effects of primary preventive interventions and strategies (physical and behavioural) for preventing OIHD in healthy people (who have no hand dermatitis) who work in occupations where the skin is at risk of damage due to contact with water, detergents, chemicals or other irritants, or from wearing gloves. We updated our searches of the following databases to January 2018: the Cochrane Skin Specialised Register, CENTRAL, MEDLlNE, and Embase. We also searched five trials registers and checked the bibliographies of included studies for further references to relevant trials. We handsearched two sets of conference proceedings. We included parallel and cross-over randomised controlled trials (RCTs) which examined the effectiveness of barrier creams, moisturisers, gloves, or educational interventions compared to no intervention for the primary prevention of OIHD under field conditions. We used the standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane. The primary outcomes were signs and symptoms of OIHD developed during the trials, and the frequency of treatment discontinuation due to adverse effects. We included nine RCTs involving 2888 participants without occupational irritant hand dermatitis (OIHD) at baseline. Six studies, including 1533 participants, investigated the effects of barrier creams, moisturisers, or both. Three studies, including 1355 participants, assessed the effectiveness of skin protection education on the prevention of OIHD. No studies were eligible that investigated the effects of protective gloves. Among each type of intervention, there was heterogeneity concerning

  11. Skin Health Connected to the Use of Absorbent Hygiene Products: A Review.


    Bender, Johanna Karlsson; Faergemann, Jan; Sköld, Maria


    Over the past 50 years, absorbent hygiene products such as baby diapers and incontinence products have become essential features of modern day life. Through innovation and enhanced technology, their design, composition and performance have been dramatically upgraded from their early forms, and they have transformed the lives of millions of people, improving their quality of life. Skin health related to the use of absorbent hygiene products has accordingly also greatly improved. Still, the wearing of absorbent hygiene products will affect the skin, and for some users the changes in microclimate, mechanical interactions and the exposure to urine and faeces may result in irritant contact dermatitis, i.e. diaper dermatitis (DD) or incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD). Babies with developing skin and the elderly with deteriorating skin functions who are the most frequent users of absorbent hygiene products are more vulnerable to the causal factors. Although irritant reactions are the most common, allergic contact dermatitis should be considered if a DD/IAD fails to improve by recommended actions. There is also a connection between IAD and pressure ulcer development of which it is important to be aware. A holistic approach of using high-quality absorbent hygiene products in combination with appropriate skin care will help maintaining good skin health.

  12. Instrument-related Skin Disorders in Musicians.


    Patruno, Cataldo; Napolitano, Maddalena; La Bella, Serena; Ayala, Fabio; Balato, Nicola; Cantelli, Mariateresa; Balato, Anna


    Among artists, musicians may suffer from occupational skin problems; notwithstanding, these conditions have been rarely reviewed. The characteristics of individual performer and the type of instrument will determine the kind of disease. Moreover, the hours that the musician spent to advance artistic skill may influence the severity. The frequency and risk factors of instrument-related skin disorders in musicians from southern Italy were analyzed. An observational study was conducted in 628 musicians. A questionnaire including questions related to age, sex, instrument played, musical activity, previous or current skin disorders, and impact of skin symptoms on music making was submitted. Of 628 musicians, 199 (31.7%) reported suffering from at least 1 skin disease. Cutaneous diseases likely directly correlated with the use of the musical instrument were found in 129 (20.5%) of the 628 subjects. In particular, different patterns of irritant contact dermatitis were found. Skin conditions may be a significant problem in professional instrumentalists. They are mainly related to musical activity. Preventive measures should be established.

  13. Novel isotretinoin microemulsion-based gel for targeted topical therapy of acne: formulation consideration, skin retention and skin irritation studies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patel, Mrunali R.; Patel, Rashmin B.; Parikh, Jolly R.; Patel, Bharat G.


    Isotretinoin was formulated in novel microemulsion-based gel formulation with the aim of improving its solubility, skin tolerability, therapeutic efficacy, skin-targeting efficiency and patient compliance. Microemulsion was formulated by the spontaneous microemulsification method using 8 % isopropyl myristate, 24 % Labrasol, 8 % plurol oleique and 60 % water as an external phase. All plain and isotretinoin-loaded microemulsions were clear and showed physicochemical parameters for the desired topical delivery and stability. The permeation profiles of isotretinoin through rat skin from selected microemulsion formulation followed zero-order kinetics. Microemulsion-based gel was prepared by incorporating Carbopol®971 in optimized microemulsion formulation having suitable skin permeation rate and skin uptake. Microemulsion-based gel showed desired physicochemical parameters and demonstrated advantage over marketed formulation in improving the skin tolerability of isotretinoin, indicating its potential in improving topical delivery of isotretinoin. The developed microemulsion-based gel may be a potential drug delivery vehicle for targeted topical delivery of isotretinoin in the treatment of acne.

  14. Irritant contact dermatitis caused by needle-like calcium oxalate crystals, raphides, in Agave tequilana among workers in tequila distilleries and agave plantations.


    Salinas, M L; Ogura, T; Soffchi, L


    It was found that needle-like calcium oxalate crystals, raphides, are found abundantly in all tissues of Agave tequilana plants; thus, 1 droplet (0.03 ml) of juice pressed from leaves contains 100-150 crystals, 30-500 microm in length, sharpened at both ends. In tequila distilleries, 5/6 of the workers who handle the agave stems have experienced the characteristic irritation. In contrast, only 1/3 of workers in agave plantations who harvest agave plants, complain of the irritation. It is confirmed that all the irritation suffered in both distilleries and plantations takes place at bodily locations where the plants come into contact with the worker's skin in the course of their work.

  15. Skin Testing With Water Buffalo's Milk in Children With Cow's Milk Allergy.


    Sheehan, William J; Gardynski, Andrea; Phipatanakul, Wanda


    BACKGROUND: Cow's milk allergy is the most common food allergy in young children. In areas outside the United States, milk from other mammals has been studied as a possible and desirable alternative for children with cow's milk allergy. OBJECTIVES: We chose to further investigate water buffalo's milk as an alternative for cow's milk allergic children in the United States. METHODS: Children with cow's milk allergy were skin prick tested with water buffalo's milk. Additionally, subjects were followed clinically for 1 year after the test to determine how many of the subjects had persistent cow's milk allergy. RESULTS: In total, 30 children, age 8 months to 8 years, were skin prick tested to water buffalo's milk with 73% (22/30) having a positive test. All children with a negative water buffalo's milk skin test also had a negative cow's milk skin test. In follow-up, most (7 of 8) of the children with a negative skin prick test (SPT) to water buffalo's milk were found to have outgrown their cow's milk allergy. In comparison, all of the subjects with a positive skin test to water buffalo's milk had persistent cow's milk allergy. After adjusting for this, we determined that 96% (22/23) of the children with persistent cow's milk allergy were positive on skin testing to water buffalo's milk. CONCLUSIONS: In this population, the vast majority of children with persistent cow's milk allergy were positive on skin prick testing to water buffalo's milk. These results indicate that water buffalo's milk is unlikely to be a successful alternative for children with cow's milk allergy.

  16. Competition between skin-sensitizing chemicals in the mouse

    PubMed Central

    Wallington, T. B.; Jones, J. Verrier


    The skin contact sensitivity responses to picryl chloride in CBA mice can be reduced by prior sensitization with oxazolone. Initial experiments showed this reduction to be significant when the interval between skin paintings was 7 days. In further experiments to study the time course of this effect, the depression was found to be maximal when the interval between skin paintings was between 3 and 7 days. Prior painting with a non-immunogenic chemical irritant, oil of turpentine, did not depress responses to picryl chloride. The relation of this phenomenon to antigenic competition in antibody production is discussed. PMID:4851120

  17. A comparison of skin prick tests, intradermal skin tests, and specific IgE in the diagnosis of mouse allergy.


    Sharma, Hemant P; Wood, Robert A; Bravo, Andrea R; Matsui, Elizabeth C


    Mouse sensitization is assessed by using skin testing and serum levels of mouse allergen-specific IgE (m-IgE). However, it is unknown whether a positive skin test response or m-IgE result accurately identifies those with clinically relevant mouse sensitization. We sought to compare skin testing and m-IgE measurement in the diagnosis of mouse allergy. Sixty-nine mouse laboratory workers underwent skin prick tests (SPTs), intradermal tests (IDTs), and serum IgE measurements to mouse allergen, followed by nasal challenge to increasing concentrations of mouse allergen. Challenge response was assessed by nasal symptom score. Thirty-eight women and 31 men with a mean age of 30 years were studied. Forty-nine workers reported mouse-related symptoms, of whom 10 had positive m-IgE results and 12 had positive SPT responses. Fifteen had negative SPT responses but positive IDT responses. Positive nasal challenges were observed in 70% of workers with positive m-IgE results, 83% of workers with positive SPT responses, 33% of workers with negative SPT responses/positive IDT responses, and 0% of workers with negative IDT responses. SPTs performed best, having the highest positive and negative predictive values. Among participants with a positive challenge result, those with a positive SPT response or m-IgE result had a significantly lower challenge threshold than those with a positive IDT response (P = .01). Workers with a positive challenge result were more likely to have an increase in nasal eosinophilia after the challenge compared with those with a negative challenge result (P = .03). SPTs perform best in discriminating patients with and without mouse allergy. Mouse-specific IgE and IDTs appear to be less useful than SPTs in the diagnosis of mouse allergy.

  18. Echo: skin stress test

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Photographed in 1960. -- Skin Stress Test of the 12-foot satellite built as a prototype of the full-scale Echo satellite. The 12-foot diameter of the sphere was chosen because that was the ceiling height in the Langley model shop. The proposal to build the 12-foot satellite was made in November 1957. -- Published in James R. Hansen, Spaceflight Revolution: NASA Langley Research Center From Sputnik to Apollo, NASA SP-4308, pp. 170-171.

  19. Prevention of experimentally induced irritant contact dermatitis by extracts of Isatis tinctoria compared to pure tryptanthrin and its impact on UVB-induced erythema.


    Heinemann, Christian; Schliemann-Willers, Sibylle; Oberthür, Christine; Hamburger, Matthias; Elsner, Peter


    Lipophilic extracts of Isatis tinctoria L. exhibit significant activity against several clinically relevant targets of inflammation. The alkaloid tryptanthrin was identified as one of the active principles in woad and characterised as a potent dual inhibitor of COX-2 and 5-LOX. Here, the anti-inflammatory efficacy of topical application of three different Isatis extracts and tryptanthrin was investigated in human volunteers. Two different models were used, namely the sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS)-induced irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) and UVB-induced erythema. Twenty healthy volunteers without any skin disease participated in the study. Cumulative irritant contact dermatitis was induced on test fields on the volunteers' backs by twice daily application of 0.5 % sodium lauryl sulphate over a period of four days. Half of the test fields were treated with the test substances during the eliciting phase, while the remaining test fields were treated over a period of 4 days after induction of dermatitis. In the second model, a UVB erythema on the volunteers' lower backs was induced using the double minimal erythema dose (MED). Twenty-four hours after irradiation the test fields were treated with the test substances over a period of 3 days. All reactions were assessed visually and by non-invasive bioengineering methods (evaporimetry and chromametry). Treatment with extracts during the ICD eliciting phase led to a significantly smaller increase of visual scores and transepidermal water loss compared to the untreated test field. For tryptanthrin this benefit was also observed, but the improvement was not statistically significant. When treatment was performed after completing the eliciting phase, accelerated resolution of the irritant reaction could not be observed. In the UVB erythema model anti-inflammatory effects of the test substances were not observed.

  20. Basal electrical impedance in relation to sodium lauryl sulphate-induced skin reactions--a comparison of patients with eczema and healthy controls.


    Kuzmina, Natalia; Hagströmer, Lena; Nyrén, Miruna; Emtestam, Lennart


    Identification of subjects at risk for contact dermatitis by screening tests is desirable in order to adjust the preventive measures to individual skin susceptibility. The present study aimed to examine the effects of basic physiological features, such as baseline electrical impedance (IMP) and transepidermal water loss (TEWL), on reactivity to sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). On the basis of two previous studies, we re-evaluated the experimental irritant skin reactions (50 microL of 2% SLS in large Finn Chambers for 24 h) on the volar forearms of 29 patients with eczema and 19 healthy controls. We found definite differences in the baseline values of IMP, between the patients and the controls. Moreover, patients with eczema showed higher TEWL and lower MIX values on day 3 after exposure to SLS, which may indicate differences in SLS reactivity. After the study, the biophysical parameters of the eczema patients did not return to baseline, which suggests that their skin heals more slowly than that of normal subjects. Our findings indicate that the IMP technique may help to 'detect' chemically vulnerable skin. However, more studies are needed to determine the value of the basal electrical impedance parameters in assessing the risk of developing irritant contact dermatitis.

  1. Predictive value of the cow's milk skin prick test in infantile colic.


    Moravej, Hossein; Imanieh, Mohammad H; Kashef, Sara; Handjani, Farhad; Eghterdari, Fardin


    Infantile colic is a common problem among young infants. Cow's milk allergy has been suggested as one of the causes. We aimed to investigate the value of the cow's milk skin test for the diagnosis of cow's milk allergy in exclusively breast-fed infants with infantile colic. Exclusively breast-fed infants with infantile colic were enrolled in this study. On the first visit, the average hours of crying of the infant in a 24-h period were recorded and the cow's milk skin test was performed. If the infant had a positive skin test, elimination of cow's milk from the mothers' diet was advised. Infants with negative skin tests were divided into case and control groups. Cow's milk was eliminated from the diet of mothers in the case group. After 2 weeks, the number of hours of crying were recorded again. The reduction in the crying hours was compared between the two groups using the chi-square test. Skin tests were positive in 3 of 114 cases (2.6%) of infantile colic. All three cases recovered completely following elimination of cow's milk from the mother's diet. Among the 111 patients with negative skin tests, 77 patients completed the study: 35 in the case group and 42 in the control group. The reduction in crying hours in infants in the case group was not significantly different from that in the control group. Elimination of cow's milk from the mothers' diet is not beneficial for infants with a negative skin test. Infants with a positive skin test may benefit from this management.

  2. Penicillin skin testing: potential implications for antimicrobial stewardship.


    Unger, Nathan R; Gauthier, Timothy P; Cheung, Linda W


    As the progression of multidrug-resistant organisms and lack of novel antibiotics move us closer toward a potential postantibiotic era, it is paramount to preserve the longevity of current therapeutic agents. Moreover, novel interventions for antimicrobial stewardship programs are integral to combating antimicrobial resistance worldwide. One unique method that may decrease the use of second-line antibiotics (e.g., fluoroquinolones, vancomycin) while facilitating access to a preferred β-lactam regimen in numerous health care settings is a penicillin skin test. Provided that up to 10% of patients have a reported penicillin allergy, of whom ~10% have true IgE-mediated hypersensitivity, significant potential exists to utilize a penicillin skin test to safely identify those who may receive penicillin or a β-lactam antibiotic. In this article, we provide information on the background, associated costs, currently available literature, pharmacists' role, antimicrobial stewardship implications, potential barriers, and misconceptions, as well as future directions associated with the penicillin skin test. © 2013 Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc.

  3. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth as an uncommon cause of false positive lactose hydrogen breath test among patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome in Asia.


    Wang, Yilin; Xiong, Lishou; Gong, Xiaorong; Li, Weimin; Zhang, Xiangsong; Chen, Minhu


    It has been reported that small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) may lead to false positive diagnoses of lactose malabsorption (LM) in irritable bowel syndrome patients. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of SIBO on lactose hydrogen breath test (HBT) results in these patients. Diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome patients with abnormal lactose HBTs ingested a test meal containing (99m) Tc and lactose. The location of the test meal and the breath levels of hydrogen were recorded simultaneously by scintigraphic scanning and lactose HBT, respectively. The increase in hydrogen concentration was not considered to be caused by SIBO if ≥ 10% of (99m) Tc accumulated in the cecal region at the time or before of abnormal lactose HBT. LM was present in 84% (31/37) of irritable bowel syndrome patients. Twenty of these patients agreed to measurement of oro-cecal transit time. Only three patients (15%) with abnormal lactose HBT might have had SIBO. The median oro-cecal transit time between LM and lactose intolerance patients were 75 min and 45 min, respectively (Z=2.545, P=0.011). Most of irritable bowel syndrome patients with an abnormal lactose HBT had LM. SIBO had little impact on the interpretation of lactose HBTs. The patients with lactose intolerance had faster small intestinal transit than LM patients. © 2014 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  4. Assessment of a Protein Cocktail-Based Skin Test for Bovine Tuberculosis in a Double-Blind Field Test in Cattle

    PubMed Central

    Xin, Ting; Jia, Hong; Ding, Jiabo; Li, Pingjun; Yang, Hongjun; Hou, Shaohua; Yuan, Weifeng; Guo, Xiaoyu; Wang, Haichun; Liang, Qianqian; Li, Ming


    Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a worldwide zoonosis caused mainly by Mycobacterium bovis. The traditional diagnostic method used often is the tuberculin skin test, which uses bovine purified protein derivatives (PPD-B). However, it is difficult to maintain uniformity of PPD-B from batch to batch, and it shares common antigens with nonpathogenic environmental mycobacteria. To overcome these problems, M. bovis-specific antigens that showed good T cell stimulation, such as CFP-10, ESAT-6, Rv3615c, etc., have been used in the skin test, but there have been no large-scale clinical studies on these antigens. In this study, two combinations (CFP-10/ESAT-6/TB10.4 protein cocktail and CFP-10/ESAT-6/Rv3872/MPT63 protein cocktail) were developed and used as stimuli in the skin test. Cattle were double-blind tested to assess the efficiency of the protein cocktail-based skin tests. The results showed that the CFP-10/ESAT-6/TB10.4 protein cocktail-based skin test can differentiate TB-infected cattle from Mycobacterium avium-infected ones and that it shows a high degree of agreement with the traditional tuberculin skin test (κ = 0.8536) and gamma interferon (IFN-γ) release assay (κ = 0.8154). Compared to the tuberculin skin test, the relative sensitivity and relative specificity of the CFP-10/ESAT-6/TB10.4-based skin test were 87% and 97%, respectively., The relative sensitivity and relative specificity of the CFP-10/ESAT-6/TB10.4-based skin test were 93% and 92%, respectively, on comparison with the IFN-γ release assay. The correlation between the increases in skin thickness observed after the inoculation of stimuli was high (PPD-B versus CFP-10/ESAT-6/TB10.4, Spearman r of 0.8435). The correlation between the optical density at 450 nm (OD450) obtained after blood stimulation with PPD-B and the increase in skin thickness observed after inoculation of the CFP-10/ESAT-6/TB10.4 protein cocktail was high (Spearman r = 0.7335). Therefore, the CFP-10/ESAT-6/TB10.4-based skin test

  5. [Assessment of hypersensitivity to honey-bee venom in beekeepers by skin tests].


    Becerril-Ángeles, Martín; Núñez-Velázquez, Marco; Marín-Martínez, Javier


    Beekeepers are exposed to frequent honey-bee stings, and have the risk to develop hypersensitivity to bee venom, but long-term exposure can induce immune tolerance in them. Up to 30% of beekeepers show positive skin tests with honey-bee venom. The prevalence of systemic reactions to bee stings in beekeepers is from 14% to 42%. To know the prevalence of hypersensitivity to honeybee venom in Mexican beekeepers and non-beekeepers by the use of skin tests. A group of 139 beekeepers and a group of 60 non-beekeeper volunteers had a history and physical related to age, sex, family and personal atopic history and time of exposure to bee stings. Both groups received intradermal skin tests with honey-bee venom, 0.1 mcg/mL and 1 mcg/mL, and histamine sulphate 0.1 mg/mL and Evans solution as controls. The skin tests results of both groups were compared by chi-squared test. Of the group of beekeepers, 116 were men (83%) and 23 women, average age was 39.3 years, had atopic family history 28% and personal atopy 13%, average time of exposure to bee stings was 10.9 years, skin tests with honey-bee venom were positive in 16.5% and 11% at 1 mcg/mL and 0.1 mcg/mL, respectively. In the non-beekeepers group venom skin tests were positive in 13.3% and 6.7% at 1 mcg/mL and 0.1 mcg/mL. We did not find significant differences between the two venom concentrations tested in both groups, neither in the number of positive skin tests between the two groups. We found hypersensivity to honey-bee venom slightly higher in the beekeepers than in the group apparently not exposed. Both honey-bee venom concentrations used did not show difference in the results of the skin tests. The similarity of skin tests positivity between both groups could be explained by immune tolerance due to continued exposure of beekeepers.

  6. Reconstituted human corneal epithelium: a new alternative to the Draize eye test for the assessment of the eye irritation potential of chemicals and cosmetic products.


    Doucet, O; Lanvin, M; Thillou, C; Linossier, C; Pupat, C; Merlin, B; Zastrow, L


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the interest of a new three-dimensional epithelial model cultivated from human corneal cells to replace animal testing in the assessment of eye tolerance. To this end, 65 formulated cosmetic products and 36 chemicals were tested by means of this in vitro model using a simplified toxicokinetic approach. The chemicals were selected from the ECETOC data bank and the EC/HO International validation study list. Very satisfactory results were obtained in terms of concordance with the Draize test data for the formulated cosmetic products. Moreover, the response of the corneal model appeared predictive of human ocular response clinically observed by ophthalmologists. The in vitro scores for the chemicals tested strongly correlated with their respective scores in vivo. For all the compounds tested, the response of the corneal model to irritants was similar regardless of their chemical structure, suggesting a good robustness of the prediction model proposed. We concluded that this new three-dimensional epithelial model, developed from human corneal cells, could be promising for the prediction of eye irritation induced by chemicals and complex formulated products, and that these two types of materials should be tested using a similar protocol. A simple shortening of the exposure period was required for the chemicals assumed to be more aggressively irritant to the epithelial tissues than the cosmetic formulae.

  7. Effects of JP-8 on Molecular and Histological Parameters Related to Acute Skin Irritation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    in irritant dermatitis are understood. Cytokines are cell signaling molecules that are involved in the inflammatory response. These include the...are involved in inflammatory responses in contact dermatitis (Figure 2, Ormerod et al., 1997). The analysis of iNOS mRNA or protein, as well as the...placed into a Bessman steel tissue pulverizer (Fisher Scientific, Cat # 08-418-2) that was pre-chilled in liquid nitrogen. Using a lead hammer

  8. Ultraviolet A photosensitivity profile of dexchlorpheniramine maleate and promethazine-based creams: Anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic, and skin barrier protection properties.


    Facchini, Gustavo; Eberlin, Samara; Clerici, Stefano Piatto; Alves Pinheiro, Ana Lucia Tabarini; Costa, Adilson


    Unwanted side effects such as dryness, hypersensitivity, and cutaneous photosensitivity are challenge for adherence and therapeutical success for patients using treatments for inflammatory and allergic skin response. In this study, we compared the effects of two dermatological formulations, which are used in inflammatory and/or allergic skin conditions: dexchlorpheniramine maleate (DCP; 10 mg/g) and promethazine (PTZ; 20 mg/g). We evaluated both formulations for phototoxicity potential, skin irritation, anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic abilities, and skin barrier repair in vitro and ex vivo using the standard OECD test guideline n° 432, the ECVAM protocol n° 78, and cultured skin explants from a healthy patient. Ultraviolet A was chosen as exogenous agent to induce allergic and inflammatory response. Both PTZ and DCP promoted increases in interleukin-1 (IL-1) synthesis in response to ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation compared to control. However, the increase observed with PTZ was significantly greater than the DCP, indicating that the latter has a lower irritant potential. DCP also demonstrated a protective effect on UVA-induced leukotriene B4 and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) synthesis. Conversely, PTZ demonstrates more robust UVA antihistaminic activity. Likewise, PTZ promoted a significantly greater increase in the production of involucrin and keratin 14, both associated with protective skin barrier property. In conclusion, these data suggest possible diverging UVA response mechanisms of DCP and PTZ, which gives greater insight into the contrasting photosensitizing potential between DCP and PTZ observed in the patients. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. CON4EI: Short Time Exposure (STE) test method for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals.


    Adriaens, E; Willoughby, J A; Meyer, B R; Blakeman, L C; Alépée, N; Fochtman, P; Guest, R; Kandarova, H; Verstraelen, S; Van Rompay, A R


    Assessment of ocular irritancy is an international regulatory requirement in the safety evaluation of industrial and consumer products. Although many in vitro ocular irritation assays exist, alone they are incapable of fully categorizing chemicals. Therefore, the CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI consortium was developed to assess the reliability of eight in vitro test methods and establish an optimal tiered-testing strategy. One assay selected was the Short Time Exposure (STE) assay. This assay measures the viability of SIRC rabbit corneal cells after 5min exposure to 5% and 0.05% solutions of test material, and is capable of categorizing of Category 1 and No Category chemicals. The accuracy of the STE test method to identify Cat 1 chemicals was 61.3% with 23.7% sensitivity and 95.2% specificity. If non-soluble chemicals and unqualified results were excluded, the performance to identify Cat 1 chemicals remained similar (accuracy 62.2% with 22.7% sensitivity and 100% specificity). The accuracy of the STE test method to identify No Cat chemicals was 72.5% with 66.2% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Excluding highly volatile chemicals, non-surfactant solids and non-qualified results resulted in an important improvement of the performance of the STE test method (accuracy 96.2% with 81.8% sensitivity and 100% specificity). Furthermore, it seems that solids are more difficult to test in the STE, 71.4% of the solids resulted in unqualified results (solubility issues and/or high variation between independent runs) whereas for liquids 13.2% of the results were not qualified, supporting the restriction of the test method regarding the testing of solids. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Scapular instability associated with brachial plexus irritation: a proposed causative relationship with treatment implications.


    Langley, P


    Brachial plexus irritation and other compression neuropathies can be diverse in their presentations and can cause a myriad of signs and symptoms. The purpose of this paper is to review the pertinent anatomy, kinesiology, and neurophysiology and to outline one possible cascade of events that may contribute to more diffuse upper extremity symptoms. Scapular instability and local myofascial trigger points resulting in possible secondary muscle imbalances are described. Their possible relationship to brachial plexus irritation in addition to the implications of the irritation are also discussed. The author postulates that proximal nerve irritation in the region of the thoracic outlet and shoulder may help to account for diffuse or unrelieved symptoms following conventional treatment of distal extremity problems in patients with occupational or cumulative trauma disorders. This paper outlines specific examination procedures for the therapist, which include upper limb tension testing, extensibility testing of the pectoralis minor, and gross manual muscle testing of the lower trapezius.

  11. Taxanes: vesicants, irritants, or just irritating?


    Barbee, Meagan S; Owonikoko, Taofeek K; Harvey, R Donald


    Several classes of antineoplastic agents are universally referred to as vesicants with ample supporting literature. However, the literature surrounding the taxanes is controversial. While the American Society of Clinical Oncology and Oncology Nursing Society Chemotherapy Administration Safety Standards and the Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Guidelines and Recommendations for Practice identify the risks of extravasation and the parameters surrounding the infusion of known vesicants, recommend administration sites for known agents, and recommend antidotes for particular extravasation cases, they fail to provide specific recommendations for the administration of individual taxanes, or a classification system for antineoplastic agents as vesicants, irritants, or inert compounds. There is also a lack of prescribing information regarding such recommendations. The lack of a formal classification system further complicates the accurate delineation of vesicant antineoplastic agents and subsequent appropriate intravenous administration and extravasation management. There are several factors that make the classification of taxanes as vesicants or irritants challenging. Comprehensive preclinical data describing potential mechanisms of tissue damage or vesicant-like properties are lacking. Furthermore, most case reports of taxane extravasation fail to include the parameters surrounding administration, such as the concentration of medication and duration of infusion, making it difficult to set parameters for vesicant potential. Subsequently, many practitioners default to central venous administration of taxanes without evidence that such administration minimizes the risk of extravasation or improves outcomes thereof. Here, we review briefly the data surrounding taxane extravasation and potential vesicant or irritant properties, classify the taxanes, and propose a spectrum for antineoplastic agent potential to cause tissue injury that warrants clinical intervention if extravasation

  12. Six week evaluation of the potential for topical desoximetasone 0.25% spray to induce photoallergic skin reaction.


    Patel, Nupur U; Gowda, Asha; Grammenos, Alexandra; Onikoyi, Omobola; Feldman, Steven R


    Desoximetasone 0.25% topical spray is a novel formulation that has not been tested or approved for safety and efficacy. The primary objective was to determine the potential of desoximetasone 0.25 and 0.05% topical sprays, as well as a vehicle to induce photoallergic skin reaction after repeated topical application and irradiation to the skin using a controlled photopatch testing procedure. 53 subjects completed the study, each with six application sites (two of each treatment), three of which were irradiated and three non-irradiated, for an induction period of three weeks and then challenge period at week 6. Desoximetasone 0.25 and 0.05%, as well as vehicle showed no evidence of potential to induce photosensitization. There was statistically significantly greater irritation at the vehicle irradiated site in comparison to the irradiated treatment area of desoximetasone 0.25% (p = .005) and the irradiated treatment area of desoximetasone 0.05% (p = .008). Our results suggest that regular treatment with desoximetasone 0.25 and 0.05% spray, followed by UV light exposure does not induce photosensitization or photo-irritation. These findings increase confidence for the use of this topical spray in eczema or psoriasis patients who may also be receiving UV light therapy and may contribute to the clinical management of these patients.

  13. Occupational skin diseases in dental laboratory technicians. (I). Clinical picture and causative factors.


    Rustemeyer, T; Frosch, P J


    In Germany, occupational skin disease (OSD) in dental technicians (DT) has been steadily rising in recent years and causing considerable costs for medical care and rehabilitation. Our objective in this study was to: (i) examine affected workers; (ii) perform patch tests to identify causative agents; (iii) develop strategies of prevention. 7 dental laboratories were inspected as to materials used, working habits, safety regulations, etc. A computer data base was developed for products (trade name, active ingredient, additives, etc.). A questionnaire regarding development of OSD was sent out to 1132 dental technicians (45 questions). 55 DT with suspected OSD were examined and patch tested with the standard series, an extensive series of methacrylates, and own materials. Working conditions, and knowledge of potential hazards, varied greatly in the laboratories visited. The safety data sheets of working materials were of little use and required supplementation by the computer data base, which provided rapid access to allergological information (e.g., type of acrylate, concentration). In the questionnaire (173 answers), 36% reported skin lesions attributed to work and 1/3 suspected plastic materials as their primary cause. Among the 55 DT examined, allergic contact dermatitis was diagnosed in 63.6% and irritant contact dermatitis in 23.6%. Most of the allergens identified (74%) were found in plastic materials (methyl methacrylate (MMA), 9 patients (16%); 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (2-HEMA), 18 patients (33%); ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA), 15 patients (27%)). In 16 patients, multiple sensitizations to various methacrylates were found. The fingertips were primarily involved in allergic contact dermatitis (93%), whereas in irritant contact dermatitis, the dorsa of the fingers (especially of the dominant hand) were affected (80%). 9 patients also showed lesions on the face, neck and forearms. The main irritant factors included wet work, contact with plaster

  14. Tuberculin skin test conversion among health sciences students: A retrospective cohort study

    PubMed Central

    Pérez-Lu, José E.; Cárcamo, Cesar P.; García, Patricia J.; Bussalleu, Alejandro; Bernabé-Ortiz, Antonio


    SUMMARY Previous studies have reported that health sciences students are at greater risk for tuberculosis infection, especially in developing countries. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence, incidence, and factors associated with latent tuberculosis infection among Health Sciences students in Peru. Students enrolled at private university (in Lima – Peru) are tested annually for tuberculosis infection by tuberculin skin test. Data on tuberculin skin test results between 2002 and 2009 was used in this retrospective cohort study, a total of 4842 students were included. Tuberculin skin test conversion was defined as the change of tuberculin skin test from negative (<10 mm) to positive (≥10 mm) after 48 –72 h of inoculation. Baseline tuberculin skin test positivity was 1.0% (95%CI: 0.6%–1.3%), whereas tuberculin skin test conversion incidence was 12.4 per 100 person-years (95%CI: 11.8–13.0). This study showed that students from clinical careers in close contact with patients had an increased risk of tuberculosis infection in the internship, especially Medicine, Dentistry, Medical Technology and Nursing. Administrative, environmental and personal protection measures should be implemented and evaluated periodically in order to reduce the risk of exposure. PMID:23116653


    PubMed Central

    Morrow, Grant


    Silicote® ointment was used as a protective covering for the skin in the treatment of 107 patients with various kinds of dermatologic disease. In 83 the disease was cured or effectively controlled. It was particularly effective in conditions caused or aggravated by water-soluble or oil-soluble irritants. PMID:13116024

  16. Utility of minor determinants for skin testing in inpatient penicillin allergy evaluation.


    Geng, Bob; Eastman, Jacqueline J; Mori, Karen; Braskett, Melinda; Riedl, Marc A


    Most patients with a history of penicillin allergy can tolerate penicillin. Skin testing can identify tolerant patients, but not all known allergenic determinants are commercially available. Protocols exist that use only available reagents, but the sensitivity and safety of these protocols, particularly for hospitalized patients, are controversial. To determine the number of hospitalized patients referred for penicillin skin testing who showed unique positivity to the minor determinants penicilloate and penilloate. A retrospective chart review was conducted of all inpatients who underwent penicillin skin testing at 1 institution. Patients were referred by their treating physician. All patients underwent skin prick testing to benzylpenicilloyl polylysine (major determinant), penicillin G, penicilloate, penilloate (minor determinants), amoxicillin, and positive and negative controls. If the result was negative, then intradermal testing was done with the same penicillin determinants and the negative control. A 4-mm wheal with flare was considered a positive reaction. Inpatient penicillin skin testing was done in 528 subjects. Any positive test reaction was found in 107 subjects (20%). Three subjects (3%) reacted to penilloate only, 25 (23%) reacted to penicilloate only, 2 (2%) reacted to penicillin G only, and 8 (8%) reacted to amoxicillin only. Sixty-eight subjects (64%) reacted to a compound other than the major determinant. This study found a high rate of exclusively positive skin test reactions to the minor determinants penicilloate and penilloate. Because patients with positive test reactions are at increased risk of reaction to drug challenge, these data support the use of these reagents for penicillin skin testing in hospitalized patients. Copyright © 2017 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Skin problems in stoma patients.


    Nybaek, H; Jemec, G B E


    Ostomy patients are dependent on the integrity of their peristomal skin to maintain a normal lifestyle. Peristomal skin problems are thought to be common and may interfere with the use of ostomy pouching systems. This is a specialist area not commonly seen by dermatologists. This article seeks to provide an overview of the topic for the general dermatologist. A systematic literature search was conducted. The articles found were reviewed and relevant articles were selected by two investigators. Loss of skin integrity may be related to chemical injury, mechanical destruction, infectious conditions, immunological reactions, disease-related conditions. Peristomal irritant dermatitis caused by skin contact with ostomy effluent is by far the most ordinary condition seen. Mechanical trauma, infection and aggravation of pre-existing skin diseases are also seen. Allergic contact dermatitis, which is often cited as the cause of peristomal skin problems, appears to be a rare condition with an estimated prevalence of only 0.6%. In spite of the importance of the integrity of peristomal skin, the topic is poorly described in the literature. The existing publications suggest that although peristomal skin disease can be diagnosed and treated, additional information on both patients and physicians is necessary to optimize patient care.

  18. Non-immediate reactions to beta-lactams: diagnostic value of skin testing and drug provocation test.


    Padial, A; Antunez, C; Blanca-Lopez, N; Fernandez, T D; Cornejo-Garcia, J A; Mayorga, C; Torres, M J; Blanca, M


    beta-Lactam (BL) antibiotics can induce non-immediate skin reactions, frequently manifested as exanthema or urticaria. The time between drug intake and the reaction appearance is generally 24-48 h. Because the mechanisms involved are not completely understood, diagnostic tests for these reactions have still to be fully validated. To evaluate the role of skin and drug provocation tests (DPTs) in the diagnosis of patients with non-immediate reactions to BL. We evaluated a group of 22 patients who developed maculopapular exanthema or urticarial exanthema after BL intake. Diagnosis was confirmed by DPT with BL. Intradermal/patch testing was performed with benzylpenicilloyl, minor determinant mixture, amoxicillin (AX), ampicillin (AMP) and the culprit drug in patients and in 22 negative controls. Immunohistochemical studies were done in the affected skin at the acute phase of the reaction and after a delayed positive skin test/DPT. IFN-gamma and IL-4 were quantified in peripheral mononuclear cells, obtained during the positive response to DPT and after resolution of the symptoms. From the total number of cases, 12 patients developed urticarial exanthema and 10 maculopapular exanthema after DPT. Only two of the 22 patients (9%) had a positive delayed intradermal skin test: one to AX/AMP and the other to cloxacillin. Biopsies showed a mononuclear CD4, CD8 infiltrate and activated and memory cells. The cytokine expression showed a Th1 pattern in patients, in contrast with the Th0 pattern in controls. In patients with non-immediate reactions to BLs (maculopapular exathema or urticarial exanthema), the sensitivity of skin testing is low and DPT may be required to establish the diagnosis. The reproducibility of the reactions and the cytokine pattern expressed during the acute episode support a T cell-induced non-immediate response.

  19. Systematic evaluation of non-animal test methods for skin sensitisation safety assessment.


    Reisinger, Kerstin; Hoffmann, Sebastian; Alépée, Nathalie; Ashikaga, Takao; Barroso, Joao; Elcombe, Cliff; Gellatly, Nicola; Galbiati, Valentina; Gibbs, Susan; Groux, Hervé; Hibatallah, Jalila; Keller, Donald; Kern, Petra; Klaric, Martina; Kolle, Susanne; Kuehnl, Jochen; Lambrechts, Nathalie; Lindstedt, Malin; Millet, Marion; Martinozzi-Teissier, Silvia; Natsch, Andreas; Petersohn, Dirk; Pike, Ian; Sakaguchi, Hitoshi; Schepky, Andreas; Tailhardat, Magalie; Templier, Marie; van Vliet, Erwin; Maxwell, Gavin


    The need for non-animal data to assess skin sensitisation properties of substances, especially cosmetics ingredients, has spawned the development of many in vitro methods. As it is widely believed that no single method can provide a solution, the Cosmetics Europe Skin Tolerance Task Force has defined a three-phase framework for the development of a non-animal testing strategy for skin sensitization potency prediction. The results of the first phase – systematic evaluation of 16 test methods – are presented here. This evaluation involved generation of data on a common set of ten substances in all methods and systematic collation of information including the level of standardisation, existing test data,potential for throughput, transferability and accessibility in cooperation with the test method developers.A workshop was held with the test method developers to review the outcome of this evaluation and to discuss the results. The evaluation informed the prioritisation of test methods for the next phase of the non-animal testing strategy development framework. Ultimately, the testing strategy – combined with bioavailability and skin metabolism data and exposure consideration – is envisaged to allow establishment of a data integration approach for skin sensitisation safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients.

  20. Comparison of subject-reported allergy versus skin test results in a common cold trial.


    Krahnke, Jason S; Gentile, Deborah A; Cordoro, Kelly M; Angelini, Betty L; Cohen, Sheldon A; Doyle, William J; Skoner, David P


    Few studies have examined the relationship between subject-reported allergy and results of allergy skin testing in large unselected or unbiased cohorts. The objective of this study was to compare the results of self-reported allergy via verbal questioning with the results of allergy skin testing by the puncture method in 237 healthy adult subjects enrolled in a common cold study. On enrollment, all subjects were verbally asked if they had a history of allergy and then underwent puncture skin testing to 19 relevant aeroallergens, as well as appropriate positive and negative controls. A skin test was considered positive if its wheal diameter was at least 3 mm larger than that obtained with the negative control. Forty-eight (20%) subjects reported a history of allergy and 124 (52%) subjects had at least one positive skin test response. A history of allergy was reported in 40 (32%) of the skin test-positive subjects and 8 (7%) of the skin test-negative subjects. At least one positive skin test response was found in 40 (83%) of those subjects reporting a history of allergy and 84 (44%) of those subjects denying a history of allergy. These data indicate that there is a relatively poor correlation between self-reported history of allergy and skin test results in subjects enrolled in a common cold study. These results have implications in both clinical practice and research settings.

  1. 4-Day evaluation of the irritation potential of topical desoximetasone 0.25% and 0.05% spray on light-exposed skin.


    Patel, Nupur U; Grammenos, Alexandra; Gowda, Asha; Onikoyi, Omobola; Feldman, Steven R


    The safety and potential side effects of desoximetasone 0.25% and 0.05% sprays have not previously been studied. The primary objective of this study was to determine the irritation potential of desoximetasone 0.25%, 0.05% and vehicle sprays in response to irradiation. Thirty-four subjects were enrolled in the study, each with three study treatments (desoximetasone 0.25%, 0.05% topical sprays and vehicle) were applied to two sites each on the back of every subject, with half of the sites irradiated with filtered UV light. Dermal reactions at the test sites were evaluated using a visual scale with corresponding numerical scores that rated the degree of erythema and oedema. Desoximetasone 0.25%, 0.05%, and vehicle caused no detectable signs of phototoxicity when examined on days 3 and 4. Mean scores of desoximetasone 0.25%, 0.05% and vehicle to non-irradiated treatment areas showed no signs of irritation. Our results suggest that regular application of desoximetasone 0.25% and 0.05% topical sprays do not induce photosensitization or photoirritation. The safety of this topical spray may help with clinical management of patients using topical corticosteroids while also receiving therapeutic UV light exposure. Thus, patients can use desoximetasone sprays without concerns of side effects due to therapeutic light or sun exposure.

  2. Occupational skin problems in construction workers.


    Shah, Kartik R; Tiwari, Rajnarayan R


    Construction workers handle cement which has constituents to produce both irritant contact dermatitis and corrosive effects (from alkaline ingredients, such as lime) and sensitization, leading to allergic contact dermatitis (from ingredients, such as chromium). The present study has been carried out among unorganized construction workers to find the prevalence of skin problems. The present cross-sectional study was conducted in 92 construction workers of Ahmedabad and Vadodara. All the workers were subjected to clinical examination after collection of information regarding demographic characteristics, occupational characteristics and clinical history on a predesigned proforma. Of them, 47.8% had morbid skin conditions. Frictional callosities in palm were observed in 18 (19.6%) subjects while 4 (4.3%) subjects had contact dermatitis. Other conditions included dry, fissured and scaly skin, infectious skin lesion, tinea cruris, lesion and ulcers on hands and/or soles. The skin conditions were common in the age group of 20-25 years, males, those having ≥1 year exposure and those working for longer hours. Half of the workers not using personal protective equipment had reported skin-related symptoms.

  3. Skin testing only with penicillin G in children with a history of penicillin allergy.


    Picard, Matthieu; Paradis, Louis; Bégin, Philippe; Paradis, Jean; Des Roches, Anne


    The absence of commercially available penicilloyl-polylysine (PPL) for most of the last decade severely hampered the practice of penicillin allergy evaluation because skin testing without PPL is reported to have a poor negative predictive value (NPV). To determine the safety and NPV of skin testing without PPL using only penicillin G followed by a 3-dose graded challenge to the incriminated penicillin in children with a history of penicillin allergy. Patients evaluated for a history of penicillin allergy at the CHU Sainte-Justine Allergy Clinic between December 2006 and December 2009 were skin tested only with penicillin G and underwent a 3-dose graded challenge to the culprit penicillin if the skin test result was negative. Among 563 patients skin tested to penicillin G, 185 (33%) had a positive skin test result. These patients had a shorter interval between the initial reaction and skin testing compared with patients with a negative skin test result (P = .03). A total of 375 of 378 patients (99%) with a negative skin test result were challenged and 18 (4.8%) reacted, translating into a NPV of 95.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 92.5%-97.1%). Three of 17 patients with a history of anaphylaxis and a negative skin test result reacted to challenge (NPV, 82.4%; 95% CI, 59.0-93.8%). All challenge reactions were mild and resolved promptly with treatment. Among children with a history of penicillin allergy, skin testing only with penicillin G followed by a 3-dose graded challenge to the incriminated penicillin is safe and yields a good NPV. This approach could be useful when PPL is unavailable. Copyright © 2014 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. The skin prick test – European standards

    PubMed Central


    Skin prick testing is an essential test procedure to confirm sensitization in IgE-mediated allergic disease in subjects with rhinoconjunctivitis, asthma, urticaria, anapylaxis, atopic eczema and food and drug allergy. This manuscript reviews the available evidence including Medline and Embase searches, abstracts of international allergy meetings and position papers from the world allergy literature. The recommended method of prick testing includes the appropriate use of specific allergen extracts, positive and negative controls, interpretation of the tests after 15 – 20 minutes of application, with a positive result defined as a wheal ≥3 mm diameter. A standard prick test panel for Europe for inhalants is proposed and includes hazel (Corylus avellana), alder (Alnus incana), birch (Betula alba), plane (Platanus vulgaris), cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), grass mix (Poa pratensis, Dactilis glomerata, Lolium perenne, Phleum pratense, Festuca pratensis, Helictotrichon pretense), Olive (Olea europaea), mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), Alternaria alternata (tenuis), Cladosporium herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Parietaria, cat, dog, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, and cockroach (Blatella germanica). Standardization of the skin test procedures and standard panels for different geographic locations are encouraged worldwide to permit better comparisons for diagnostic, clinical and research purposes. PMID:23369181

  5. Pigmented and hyperkeratotic napkin dermatitis: a liquid detergent irritant dermatitis.


    Patrizi, A; Neri, I; Marzaduri, S; Fiorillo, L


    Napkin or diaper dermatitis (DD) is an inflammatory cutaneous eruption limited to the diaper area and common in the first 2 years of life. A number of clinical variants of DD have been identified. We report a new variant of DD characterized by papyraceous skin, brownish discoloration and predilection for the depth of folds. 15 infants and toddlers affected by this peculiar type of DD were evaluated regarding duration, localization, morphology and evolution of their dermatosis. This variant of DD was mainly confined to the depth of inguinal and gluteal folds and invariably associated with severe xerosis with papyraceous and glazed skin. The patients were healthy and asymptomatic and all laboratory investigations performed were normal. All patients were frequently changed and thoroughly washed with synthetic detergents with acid pH. DD improved rapidly with reduced frequency of washing and discontinuation of liquid detergents. We conclude that this condition is a type of irritant contact dermatitis from excessive use of lipid acid detergents.

  6. Professors' Irritating Behavior Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Malikow, Max


    The purpose of this study was to quantify the irritating behaviors of professors as experienced and reported by 232 Le Moyne College students. In this study, "irritating behavior" was understood as "actions that vex, annoy, bother, pester, frustrate, or provoke anger." The survey used in this study was developed by Larry M. Ludewig, Ph.D.,…

  7. Irritability and Anxiety Severity Among Youth With Anxiety

    PubMed Central

    Cornacchio, Danielle; Crum, Kathleen I.; Coxe, Stefany; Pincus, Donna B.; Comer, Jonathan S.


    Objective Most research on irritability and child psychopathology has focused on depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, and/or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Less is known about relationships between child anxiety and irritability and moderators of such associations. Method Structural equation modeling (SEM) examined associations between anxiety severity and irritability in a large sample of treatment-seeking youth with anxiety disorders (N=663, ages 7–19 years, M=12.25), after accounting for comorbid depressive disorders and ODD. Additional analyses examined whether associations were moderated by child gender, age, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) status. Results There was a direct link between child anxiety and irritability even after accounting for comorbid depressive disorders and ODD. Links between child anxiety and irritability were robust across child gender and age. Further, relationships between child anxiety and irritability were comparable across youth with and without GAD, suggesting that the anxiety–irritability link is relevant across child anxiety disorders and not circumscribed to youth with GAD. Conclusion Findings add to an increasing body of evidence linking child irritability to a range of internalizing and externalizing psychopathologies, and suggest that child anxiety assessment should systematically incorporate irritability evaluations. Further, youth in clinical settings displaying irritability should be assessed for the presence of anxiety. Moreover, treatments for childhood anxiety may do well to incorporate new treatment modules as needed that specifically target problems of irritability. PMID:26703910

  8. Tacrolimus loaded biocompatible lecithin-based microemulsions with improved skin penetration: Structure characterization and in vitro/in vivo performances.


    Savić, Vedrana; Todosijević, Marija; Ilić, Tanja; Lukić, Milica; Mitsou, Evgenia; Papadimitriou, Vassiliki; Avramiotis, Spyridon; Marković, Bojan; Cekić, Nebojša; Savić, Snežana


    In order to improve skin penetration of tacrolimus we aimed to develop potentially non-irritant, lecithin-based microemulsions containing ethanol, isopropanol and/or propylene glycol as cosurfactants, varying caprylic/capric triglycerides and propylene glycol monocaprylate as oil phase. The influence of excipients on the size of microemulsion region in pseudo-ternary phase diagrams and their ability to form different types of microemulsions was evaluated. The comprehensive physicochemical characterization of microemulsions and the evaluation of their structure was performed, while the localization of tacrolimus in microemulsions was further investigated using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Moreover, stability studies proved no change in tacrolimus content during one year of storage at room temperature. In addition, in vivo skin performance indicated no skin irritation potential of blank microemulsions, whereas in vitro release testing using Franz diffusion cells showed superior release rate of tacrolimus from microemulsions (0.98±0.10 and 0.92±0.11μg/cm 2 /h for two bicontinuous and 1.00±0.24μg/cm 2 /h for oil-in-water microemulsion) compared to referent Protopic ointment (0.15±0.08μg/cm 2 /h). Furthermore, ex vivo penetration assessed through porcine ear skin using tape stripping, confirmed superiority of two microemulsions related to the reference, implying developed microemulsions as promising carriers for dermal delivery of tacrolimus. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Genome-wide expression analysis of human in vivo irritated epidermis: differential profiles induced by sodium lauryl sulfate and nonanoic acid.


    Clemmensen, Anders; Andersen, Klaus E; Clemmensen, Ole; Tan, Qihua; Petersen, Thomas K; Kruse, Torben A; Thomassen, Mads


    The pathogenesis of irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) is poorly understood, and genes participating in the epidermal response to chemical irritants are only partly known. It is commonly accepted that different irritants have different mechanisms of action in the development of ICD. To define the differential molecular events induced in the epidermis by different irritants, we collected sequential biopsies ((1/2), 4, and 24 hours after a single exposure and at day 11 after repeated exposure) from human volunteers exposed to either sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or nonanoic acid (NON). Gene expression analysis using high-density oligonucleotide microarrays (representing 47,000 transcripts) revealed essentially different pathway responses (1/2)hours after exposure: NON transiently induced the IL-6 pathway as well as a number of mitogen-activated signaling cascades including extracellular signal-regulated kinase and growth factor receptor signaling, whereas SLS transiently downregulated cellular energy metabolism pathways. Differential expression of the cyclooxygenase-2 and matrix metalloproteinase 3 transcripts was confirmed immunohistochemically. After cumulative exposure, 883 genes were differentially expressed, whereas we identified 23 suggested common biomarkers for ICD. In conclusion, we bring new insights into two hitherto less well-elucidated phases of skin irritancy: the very initial as well as the late phase after single and cumulative mild exposures, respectively.

  10. Human axillary skin condition is improved following incorporation of glycerol into the stratum corneum from an antiperspirant formulation.


    Evans, Richard L; Turner, Graham A; Bates, Susan; Robinson, Teresa; Arnold, David; Marriott, Robert E; Pudney, Paul D A; Bonnist, Eleanor Y M; Green, Darren


    The study objectives were to demonstrate that glycerol, when topically applied from a roll-on antiperspirant formulation, can be delivered directly to human skin ex vivo and the axillary stratum corneum (SC) in vivo, and to assess whether it improves the quality of the axillary skin barrier. Ex vivo human skin absorption of glycerol was measured following application of a roll-on antiperspirant formulation containing 4% 13 C 3 -glycerol. Skin distribution of 13 C 3 -glycerol over 24 h was assessed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In vivo axillary SC penetration was measured by confocal Raman spectroscopy and multivariate curve-resolution software 1 h after topical application of a roll-on antiperspirant formulation containing 8% deuterated glycerol (d 5 -glycerol). A clinical study was conducted to determine the efficacy of a roll-on antiperspirant formulation containing 4% glycerol in reducing shaving-induced visual irritation and in increasing axillary-skin hydration. Ex vivo skin absorption studies indicated that the formulation delivered 13 C 3 -glycerol into the SC at all timepoints over the 24-h period. In vivo Raman measurements (1 h after application) demonstrated that d 5 -glycerol was detectable to a depth of at least 10 μm in the axillary SC. Application of 4% glycerol from a roll-on antiperspirant formulation to the axilla was associated with significantly less visible irritation and greater skin hydration than observed with the control (glycerol-free) product. These studies demonstrate that glycerol, incorporated in a roll-on antiperspirant formulation, is delivered directly and rapidly to all depths of the axillary SC, and results in improvements in visible irritation and hydration in the axilla.

  11. Development of action levels for MED/MPD skin-testing units in ultraviolet phototherapy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    O'Connor, Una M.; O'Hare, Neil J.


    Ultraviolet (UV) Phototherapy is commonly used for treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Treatment is carried out using UV phototherapy units, exposing all or part of the body for a certain exposure time. Prior to exposure in treatment units, an unaffected area of skin may be tested using UV skin-testing units in order to determine a suitable treatment regime. The exposure time at which barely perceptible erythema has developed is known as the Minimal Erythemal Dose (MED) for UVB therapy and Minimal Phototoxic Dose (MPD) for UVA therapy. This is used to determine the starting dose in the treatment regime. The presence of 'hotspots' and 'coldspots' in UV skin-testing units can result in inaccurate determination of MED/MPD. This could give rise to severe burns during treatment, or in a sub-optimal dose regime being used. Quality assurance protocols for UV phototherapy equipment have recently been developed and these protocols have highlighted the need for action levels for skin-testing units. An action level is a reference value, which is used to determine whether the difference in irradiance output level across a UV unit is acceptable. Current methodologies for skin-testing in Ireland have been characterised and errors introduced during testing have been estimated. Action levels have been developed based on analysis of errors and requirements of skin-testing.

  12. Lower irritation microemulsion-based rotigotine gel: formulation optimization and in vitro and in vivo studies.


    Wang, Zheng; Mu, Hong-Jie; Zhang, Xue-Mei; Ma, Peng-Kai; Lian, Sheng-Nan; Zhang, Feng-Pu; Chu, Sheng-Ying; Zhang, Wen-Wen; Wang, Ai-Ping; Wang, Wen-Yan; Sun, Kao-Xiang


    Rotigotine is a potent and selective D1, D2, and D3 dopaminergic receptor agonist. Due to an extensive first-pass effect, it has a very low oral bioavailability (approximately 0.5% in rats). The present investigation aimed to develop a microemulsion-based hydrogel for transdermal rotigotine delivery with lower application site reactions. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were constructed to determine the region of oil in water (o/w)-type microemulsion. Central composite design was used to support the pseudoternary phase diagrams and to select homogeneous and stable microemulsions with an optimal amount of rotigotine permeation within 24 hours. In vitro skin permeation experiments were performed, using Franz diffusion cells, to compare rotigotine-loaded microemulsions with rotigotine solutions in oil. The optimized formulation was used to prepare a microemulsion-based hydrogel, which was subjected to bioavailability and skin irritancy studies. The selected formulations of rotigotine-loaded microemulsions had enhanced flux and permeation coefficients compared with rotigotine in oil. The optimum microemulsion contained 68% water, 6.8% Labrafil(®), 13.44% Cremophor(®) RH40, 6.72% Labrasol(®), and 5.04% Transcutol(®) HP; the drug-loading rate was 2%. To form a microemulsion gel, 1% Carbomer 1342 was added to the microemulsion. The bioavailability of the rotigotine-loaded microemulsion gel was 105.76%±20.52% with respect to the marketed rotigotine patch (Neupro(®)). The microemulsion gel irritated the skin less than Neupro. A rotigotine microemulsion-based hydrogel was successfully developed, and an optimal formulation for drug delivery was identified. This product could improve patient compliance and have broad marketability.

  13. Black-spot poison ivy dermatitis. An acute irritant contact dermatitis superimposed upon an allergic contact dermatitis.


    Hurwitz, R M; Rivera, H P; Guin, J D


    A black spot in the epidermis over a blister of poison ivy dermatitis is an uncommon finding. Four patients with the phenomenon are described. Histologic and histochemical studies were made on biopsy material and the blackish deposit on the skin surface was compared with black deposits in and on leaves of the species of poison ivy. This examination revealed a yellow, amorphous substance on the stratum corneum of the lesions and a similar substance in and on leaves of the poison ivy plant, Toxicodendron radicans ssp. negundo. Associated with the pigmentary deposits there were distinct changes of acute irritant contact dermatitis superimposed upon allergic contact dermatitis. Our findings support the view that the black material is the oleoresin of the plant, and that this substance behaves both as an irritant and an allergen.

  14. Skin care in nursing: A critical discussion of nursing practice and research.


    Kottner, Jan; Surber, Christian


    Skin (self-)care is part of human life from birth until death. Today many different skin care practices, preferences, traditions and routines exist in parallel. In addition, preventive and therapeutic skin care is delivered in nursing and healthcare by formal and informal caregivers. The aim of this contribution is a critical discussion about skin care in the context of professional nursing practice. An explicit skin assessment using accurate diagnostic statements is needed for clinical decision making. Special attention should be paid on high risk skin areas, which may be either too dry or too moist. From a safety perspective the protection and maintenance of skin integrity should have the highest priority. Skin cleansing is the removal of unwanted substances from the skin surface. Despite cleansing efficacy soap, other surfactants and water will inevitably always result in the destruction of the skin barrier. Thousands of products are available to hydrate, moisturize, protect and restore skin properties dependent upon their formulation and the concentration of ingredients. These products intended to left in contact with skin exhibit several actions on and in the skin interfering with skin biology. Unwanted side effects include hyper-hydration and disorganization of lipid bilayers in the stratum corneum, a dysfunctional barrier, increased susceptibility to irritants and allergies, and increases of skin surface pH. Where the skin barrier is impaired appropriate interventions, e.g. apply lipophilic products in sufficient quantity to treat dry skin or protect the skin from exposure to irritants should be provided. A key statement of this contribution is: every skin care activity matters. Every time something is placed on the skin, a functional and structural response is provoked. This response can be either desired or undesired, beneficial or harmful. The choice of all skin care interventions in nursing and healthcare practice must be based on an accurate assessment

  15. Resident Rounds: Part III - Case Report: Betel Quid Induced Irritant Contact Dermatitis of the Hand.


    Mathieu, Regine J; Cheraghi, Nikoo; Russo, Marian A


    Betel quid is a drug used in Far East Asia, India, and the South Pacific. The habit of betel quid chewing is widely reported to cause oral cancer and tooth and gum disease. However, skin disease due to betel quid use is underreported. We report a case of irritant contact dermatitis to betel quid components in a 35-year-old male betel quid user who presented for evaluation of a persistent rash on his fingertips.

  16. Wound-Related Allergic/Irritant Contact Dermatitis.


    Alavi, Afsaneh; Sibbald, R Gary; Ladizinski, Barry; Saraiya, Ami; Lee, Kachiu C; Skotnicki-Grant, Sandy; Maibach, Howard


    To provide information from a literature review about the prevention, recognition, and treatment for contact dermatitis. This continuing education activity is intended for physicians and nurses with an interest in skin and wound care. After participating in this educational activity, the participant should be better able to:1. Identify signs and symptoms of and diagnostic measures for contact dermatitis.2. Identify causes and risks for contact dermatitis.3. Select appropriate treatment for contact dermatitis and its prevention. Contact dermatitis to wound care products is a common, often neglected problem. A review was conducted to identify articles relevant to contact dermatitis.A PubMed English-language literature review was conducted for appropriate articles published between January 2000 and December 2015.Contact dermatitis is both irritant (80% of cases) or allergic (20% of cases). Frequent use of potential contact allergens and impaired barrier function of the skin can lead to rising sensitization in patients with chronic wounds. Common known allergens to avoid in wound care patients include fragrances, colophony, lanolin, and topical antibiotics.Clinicians should be cognizant of the allergens in wound care products and the potential for sensitization. All medical devices, including wound dressings, adhesives, and bandages, should be labeled with their complete ingredients, and manufacturers should be encouraged to remove common allergens from wound care products, including topical creams, ointments, and dressings.

  17. Sensory irritation and incapacitation evoked by thermal decomposition products of polymers and comparisons with known sensory irritants.


    Barrow, C S; Alarie, Y; Stock, M F


    A decrease in respiratory rate in mice during exposure to irritating airborne chemicals has been utilized as a response parameter to characterize the degree of upper respiratory tract irritation (sensory irritation) to the thermal decomposition products of various polymers. These included polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, flexible polyurethane foam, polytetrafluorethylene, a fiber glass reinforced polyester resin, and Douglas Fir. Each of the materials was thermally decomposed in a low-mass vertical furnace in an air atmosphere at a programmed heating rate of 20 degrees C/min. Mice, in groups of four, were exposed to graded concentrations of the thermal decomposition products of each of the above materials. Dose-response curves were obtained by utilizing the maximum percent decrease in respiratory rate as the response parameter during each exposure. Comparison of these dose-response curves with other sensory irritants such as chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, and toluene diisocyanate gave an indication of the sensory irrtation potential of the thermal decomposition products of these various polymers versus that of well-known single airborne chemical irritants. Total stress and incapacitation of the organism during exposure to sensory irritants such as from the thermal decomposition products of synthetic polymers is discussed.

  18. Irritability in ADHD: Associations with depression liability.


    Eyre, Olga; Langley, Kate; Stringaris, Argyris; Leibenluft, Ellen; Collishaw, Stephan; Thapar, Anita


    Irritability and the new DSM-5 diagnostic category of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) have been conceptualised as related to mood disorder. Irritability is common in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) but little is known about its association with depression risk in this group. This study aims to establish levels of irritability and prevalence of DMDD in a clinical sample of children with ADHD, and examine their association with anxiety, depression and family history of depression. The sample consisted of 696 children (mean age 10.9 years) with a diagnosis of ADHD, recruited from UK child psychiatry and paediatric clinics. Parents completed the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment, a semi-structured diagnostic interview, about their child. This was used to establish prevalence of DMDD, anxiety disorder and depressive disorder, as well as obtain symptom scores for irritability, anxiety and depression. Questionnaires assessed current parental depression, and family history of depression. Irritability was common, with 91% endorsing at least one irritable symptom. 3-month DMDD prevalence was 31%. Children with higher levels of irritability or DMDD were more likely to have comorbid symptoms of anxiety, depression and a family history of depression. Results are based on a clinical sample, so may not be generalizable to children with ADHD in the general population. Irritability and DMDD were common, and were associated with markers of depression liability. Longitudinal studies are needed to examine the association between irritability and depression in youth with ADHD as they get older. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. [News on occupational contact dermatitis].


    Crépy, Marie-Noëlle; Bensefa-Colas, Lynda


    Contact dermatitis--irritant contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis and protein contact dermatitis--are the most common occupational skin diseases, most often localized to the hands. Contact urticaria is rarer The main occupational irritants are wet work, detergents and disinfectants, cutting oils, and solvents. The main occupational allergens are rubber additives, metals (chromium, nickel, cobalt), plastics (epoxy resins, acrylic), biocides and plants. Diagnosis is based on clinical examination, medical history and allergy testing. For a number of irritating or sensitizing agents, irritant or allergic dermatitis can be notified as occupational diseases. The two main prevention measures are reducing skin contact with irritants and complete avoidance of skin contact with offending allergens.

  20. Evaluating the sensitization potential of surfactants: integrating data from the local lymph node assay, guinea pig maximization test, and in vitro methods in a weight-of-evidence approach.


    Ball, Nicholas; Cagen, Stuart; Carrillo, Juan-Carlos; Certa, Hans; Eigler, Dorothea; Emter, Roger; Faulhammer, Frank; Garcia, Christine; Graham, Cynthia; Haux, Carl; Kolle, Susanne N; Kreiling, Reinhard; Natsch, Andreas; Mehling, Annette


    An integral part of hazard and safety assessments is the estimation of a chemical's potential to cause skin sensitization. Currently, only animal tests (OECD 406 and 429) are accepted in a regulatory context. Nonanimal test methods are being developed and formally validated. In order to gain more insight into the responses induced by eight exemplary surfactants, a battery of in vivo and in vitro tests were conducted using the same batch of chemicals. In general, the surfactants were negative in the GPMT, KeratinoSens and hCLAT assays and none formed covalent adducts with test peptides. In contrast, all but one was positive in the LLNA. Most were rated as being irritants by the EpiSkin assay with the additional endpoint, IL1-alpha. The weight of evidence based on this comprehensive testing indicates that, with one exception, they are non-sensitizing skin irritants, confirming that the LLNA tends to overestimate the sensitization potential of surfactants. As results obtained from LLNAs are considered as the gold standard for the development of new nonanimal alternative test methods, results such as these highlight the necessity to carefully evaluate the applicability domains of test methods in order to develop reliable nonanimal alternative testing strategies for sensitization testing. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. 16 CFR 1500.41 - Method of testing primary irritant substances.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... example: Skin reaction Exposure time (hours) Evaluation value Erythema and eschar formation: Intact skin... patches are removed and the resulting reactions are evaluated on the basis of the designated values in the following table: Skin reaction Value 1 Erythema and eschar formation: No erythema 0 Very slight erythema...

  2. A new cell-based method for assessing the eye irritation potential of chemicals: an alternative to the Draize test.


    Cho, Sun-A; An, Susun; Lee, Eunyoung; Shin, Kyeho; Cho, Jun-Cheol; Lee, Tae Ryong


    Using a human corneal cell line (HCE-T cells) and 2 evaluation criteria, we developed a new alternative method to assess the eye irritation potential of chemicals. We exposed HCE-T cells to different concentrations of 38 chemicals for 1h and measured relative cell viability (RCV) as an endpoint at each concentration. Using the RCV values, we calculated the RCV50. We also exposed HCE-T cells to 3 fixed concentrations of the 38 chemicals (5%, 0.5%, and 0.05%) for 1h and measured the RCV at each concentration. Using the RCV values at 5%, 0.5%, and 0.05%, we developed a new criterion for eye irritation potential (total eye irritation score, TEIS) and estimated the ocular irritancy. We then assessed the correlation of the results of RCV50 and TEIS with those of the Draize rabbit eye irritation. Both the RCV50 and TEIS results exhibited good positive correlations (sensitivity: 80.77%, specificity: 83.33%, and accuracy: 81.58% for TEIS; sensitivity: 73.08-76.92%, specificity: 75.00%, and accuracy: 73.68-76.32% for RCV50). We conclude that the new in vitro model using HCE-T cells is a good alternative evaluation model for the prediction of the eye irritation potential of chemicals. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Skin hydration and cooling effect produced by the Voltaren® vehicle gel.


    Hug, Agnes M; Schmidts, Thomas; Kuhlmann, Jens; Segger, Dörte; Fotopoulos, Grigorios; Heinzerling, Johanna


    Voltaren vehicle gel is the carrier substance of the topical Voltaren products. This vehicle gel is especially formulated to be easily applied on the skin, while providing some sensory benefits. The present study aims to substantiate the widely perceived hydrating and cooling effect of Voltaren vehicle gel. Volar forearm skin hydration and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were measured and user satisfaction was evaluated by questionnaires, after application in 31 healthy, female volunteers. The cooling effect was investigated for 40 min with thermal imaging on 12 forearm sites of six healthy subjects. Voltaren vehicle gel application increased skin hydration by 13.1% (P = 0.0002) when compared with the untreated site, 8 h after the final treatment after 2 weeks. TEWL decreased on both treated (0.37 g/m(2) /h) and untreated (0.74 g/m(2) /h) forearm sites after 2 weeks (8 h after last treatment), demonstrating a relative increase of 6.5% in water loss. Voltaren vehicle gel application resulted in a rapid reduction of skin surface temperature by 5.1°C after only 3 min with an average maximum reduction of 5.8°C after 10 min. The cooling effect was experienced by 94% subjects, while 74% felt that their skin became softer. No adverse events, including skin irritation, were reported during the study and by the 37 participants. This study showed a statistically significant increase in skin hydration as well as a rapid cooling effect lasting approximately 30 min, after application of Voltaren vehicle gel. The small relative increase in water loss may be attributed to an additional skin surface water loss secondary to the increased water content brought into the skin by the Voltaren vehicle gel. The use did not induce any skin irritation and was found acceptable to use by the majority of participants. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  4. Correcting for possible tissue distortion between provocation and assessment in skin testing: the divergent beam UVB photo-test.


    O'Doherty, Jim; Henricson, Joakim; Falk, Magnus; Anderson, Chris D


    In tissue viability imaging (TiVi), an assessment method for skin erythema, correct orientation of skin position from provocation to assessment optimizes data interpretation. Image processing algorithms could compensate for the effects of skin translation, torsion and rotation realigning assessment images to the position of the skin at provocation. A reference image of a divergent, UVB phototest was acquired, as well as test images at varying levels of translation, rotation and torsion. Using 12 skin markers, an algorithm was applied to restore the distorted test images to the reference image. The algorithm corrected torsion and rotation up to approximately 35 degrees. The radius of the erythemal reaction and average value of the input image closely matched that of the reference image's 'true value'. The image 'de-warping' procedure improves the robustness of the response image evaluation in a clinical research setting and opens the possibility of the correction of possibly flawed images performed away from the laboratory setting by the subject/patient themselves. This opportunity may increase the use of photo-testing and, by extension, other late response skin testing where the necessity of a return assessment visit is a disincentive to performance of the test. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Autologous Skin Cell Spray for Massive Soft Tissue War Injuries: A Prospective, Case-Control, Multicenter Trial

    DTIC Science & Technology


    randomization design, after all patients are treated with dermal matrix, patients will be randomized to Arm 1 (control group; standard skin grafting with... grafts are often “meshed” or flattened and spread out to increase the size of the skin graft to better cover a large wound. Standard “meshing” increases...the size of the donor graft by 1.5 times (1:1.5). Problems with healing and skin irritation remain with such skin grafts when the injured areas are

  6. New strategy to improve quality control of Montenegro skin test at the production level.


    Guedes, Deborah Carbonera; Minozzo, João Carlos; Pasquali, Aline Kuhn Sbruzzi; Faulds, Craig; Soccol, Carlos Ricardo; Thomaz-Soccol, Vanete


    The production of the Montenegro antigen for skin test poses difficulties regarding quality control. Here, we propose that certain animal models reproducing a similar immune response to humans may be used in the quality control of Montenegro antigen production. Fifteen Cavia porcellus (guinea pigs) were immunized with Leishmania amazonensis or Leishmania braziliensis , and, after 30 days, they were skin tested with standard Montenegro antigen. To validate C. porcellus as an animal model for skin tests, eighteen Mesocricetus auratus (hamsters) were infected with L. amazonensis or L. braziliensis , and, after 45 days, they were skin tested with standard Montenegro antigen. Cavia porcellus immunized with L. amazonensis or L. braziliensis , and hamsters infected with the same species presented induration reactions when skin tested with standard Montenegro antigen 48-72h after the test. The comparison between immunization methods and immune response from the two animal species validated C. porcellus as a good model for Montenegro skin test, and the model showed strong potential as an in vivo model in the quality control of the production of Montenegro antigen.

  7. Irritable bowel syndrome: contemporary nutrition management strategies.


    Mullin, Gerard E; Shepherd, Sue J; Chander Roland, Bani; Ireton-Jones, Carol; Matarese, Laura E


    Irritable bowel syndrome is a complex disorder whose pathophysiology involves alterations in the enteric microbiota, visceral hypersensitivity, gut immune/barrier function, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation, neurotransmitters, stress response, psychological factors, and more. The importance of diet in the management of irritable bowel syndrome has taken center stage in recent times as the literature validates the relationship of certain foods with the provocation of symptoms. Likewise, a number of elimination dietary programs have been successful in alleviating irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Knowledge of the dietary management strategies for irritable bowel syndrome will help guide nutritionists and healthcare practitioners to deliver optimal outcomes. This tutorial reviews the nutrition management strategies for irritable bowel syndrome. © 2014 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  8. Irritant contact dermatitis from an ornamental Euphorbia.


    Worobec, S M; Hickey, T A; Kinghorn, A D; Soejarto, D D; West, D


    An ornamental succulent plant sold in many plant stores in the Chicago area has been identified as Euphorbia hermentiana Lem. Open and closed patch testing using undiluted latex from this species was performed on five Caucasian volunteers. Open testing on flexor forearms resulted in irritant follicular dermatitis, while closed testing to the flexor surfaces of both upper arms in each subject produced bullae and vesiculation with residual desquamation and hyperpigmentation. Dermatological signs persisted for over a week following latex application.

  9. CON4EI: Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals.


    Verstraelen, Sandra; Maglennon, Gareth; Hollanders, Karen; Boonen, Francis; Adriaens, Els; Alépée, Nathalie; Drzewiecka, Agnieszka; Gruszka, Katarzyna; Kandarova, Helena; Willoughby, Jamin A; Guest, Robert; Schofield, Jane; Van Rompay, An R


    Assessment of ocular irritation potential is an international regulatory requirement in the safety evaluation of industrial and consumer products. None in vitro ocular irritation assays are capable of fully categorizing chemicals as stand-alone. Therefore, the CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI consortium assessed the reliability of eight in vitro test methods and computational models as well as established a tiered-testing strategy. One of the selected assays was Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP). In this project, the same corneas were used for measurement of opacity using the OP-KIT, the Laser Light-Based Opacitometer (LLBO) and for histopathological analysis. The results show that the accuracy of the BCOP OP-KIT in identifying Cat 1 chemicals was 73.8% while the accuracy was 86.3% for No Cat chemicals. BCOP OP-KIT false negative results were often related to an in vivo classification driven by conjunctival effects only. For the BCOP LLBO, the accuracy in identifying Cat 1 chemicals was 74.4% versus 88.8% for No Cat chemicals. The BCOP LLBO seems very promising for the identification of No Cat liquids but less so for the identification of solids. Histopathology as an additional endpoint to the BCOP test method does not reduce the false negative rate substantially for in vivo Cat 1 chemicals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. The local lymph node assay and skin sensitization testing.


    Kimber, Ian; Dearman, Rebecca J


    The mouse local lymph node assay (LLNA) is a method for the identification and characterization of skin sensitization hazards. In this context the method can be used both to identify contact allergens, and also determine the relative skin sensitizing potency as a basis for derivation of effective risk assessments.The assay is based on measurement of proliferative responses by draining lymph node cells induced following topical exposure of mice to test chemicals. Such responses are known to be causally and quantitatively associated with the acquisition of skin sensitization and therefore provide a relevant marker for characterization of contact allergic potential.The LLNA has been the subject of exhaustive evaluation and validation exercises and has been assigned Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) test guideline 429. Herein we describe the conduct and interpretation of the LLNA.

  11. Irritant-induced asthma.


    Labrecque, Manon


    To describe the recent insights into the definition, causes, natural outcome, and key elements of irritant-induced asthma (IIA) management. IIA is a subtype of occupational asthma without immunologic sensitization and includes the typical reactive airway dysfunction syndrome (RADS) and a more gradual form called not-so-sudden IIA, when onset of asthma follows repeated low-dose exposure to irritants. The World Trade Center tragedy brought new insight in the understanding of IIA, suggesting that it can exhibit a prolonged interval between exposure and recognition of clinical symptoms and disease. Dimethyl sulfate has been recently reported to cause RADS and repeated diesel exhaust exposure to cause not-so-sudden IIA in patients who worked in a bus garage. Cleaning workers who are exposed to a large variety of irritants and sensitizers are especially at risk of occupational asthma and IIA. IIA includes RADS and not-so-sudden IIA. Outcome of IIA is as poor as occupational asthma with sensitization. Treatment of IIA does not differ from standard asthma treatment, but high-dose vitamin D could be assessed further for possible therapeutic benefit.

  12. Does lactobionic acid affect the colloidal structure and skin moisturizing potential of the alkyl polyglucoside-based emulsion systems?


    Tasic-Kostov, M Z; Reichl, S; Lukic, M Z; Jaksic, I N; Savic, S D


    Moisturizing creams are the most prescribed products in dermatology, essential in maintaining healthy skin as well as in the topical treatment of some diseases. The irritation potential of commonly used emulsifiers and moisturizing ingredients, but also their mutual interactions, could affect the functionality and safety of those dermopharmaceutics. The aim of this study was to promote moisturizing alkyl polyglucoside (APG)-based emulsion as vehicle for lactobionic acid (LA), advantageous representative of the alphahydroxyacids (AHAs)-multifunctional moisturizers, assessing the safety for use (in vitro acute skin irritation test using cytotoxicity assay compared with in vivo data obtained using skin bioengineering methods) and in vivo moisturizing capacity (bioengineering of the skin). In order to investigate possible interactions between APG mild natural emulsifier-based emulsion and LA, a deeper insight into the colloidal structure of the placebo and the emulsion with LA was given using polarization and transmission electron microscopy, rheology, thermal and texture analysis. This study showed that APG-based emulsions could be promoted as safe cosmetic/dermopharmaceutical vehicles and carriers for extremely acidic and hygroscopic AHA class of actives (specifically LA); prospective safety for human use of both APG and LA with the correlation between in vivo and in vitro findings was shown. However, it was revealed that LA strongly influenced the colloidal structure of the emulsion based on APGs and promoted the formation of lamellar structures which reflects onto the mode of water distribution within the cream. The advantageous skin hydrating potential of LA-containing emulsion vs. placebo was unlikely to be achieved, pointing that emulsions stabilized by lamellar liquid crystalline structures probably are not satisfying carriers for highly hygroscopic actives in order to reach the full moisturizing potential. Safe and effective use on dry skin is presumed.

  13. The hen's egg chorioallantoic membrane (HET-CAM) test to predict the ophthalmic irritation potential of a cysteamine-containing gel: Quantification using Photoshop® and ImageJ.


    McKenzie, Barbara; Kay, Graeme; Matthews, Kerr H; Knott, Rachel M; Cairns, Donald


    A modified hen's egg chorioallantoic membrane (HET-CAM) test has been developed, combining ImageJ analysis with Adobe(®) Photoshop(®). The irritation potential of an ophthalmic medicine can be quantified using this method, by monitoring damage to blood vessels. The evaluation of cysteamine containing hyaluronate gel is reported. The results demonstrated that the novel gel formulation is non-irritant to the ocular tissues, in line with saline solution (negative control). In conclusion, the modification of the established HET-CAM test can quantify the damage to minute blood vessels. These results offer the possibility to formulate cysteamine in an ocular applicable gel formulation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Diagnostic performance of the "MESACUP anti-Skin profile TEST".


    Horváth, Orsolya N; Varga, Rita; Kaneda, Makoto; Schmidt, Enno; Ruzicka, Thomas; Sárdy, Miklós


    The "MESACUP anti-Skin profile TEST" is a new, commercially available ELISA kit to detect circulating IgG autoantibodies against desmoglein 1, desmoglein 3, BP180, BP230, and type VII collagen, both simultaneously and more rapidly than previous assays. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of this kit for the diagnosis of pemphigus foliaceus, pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. Dual-centre retrospective study in which 138 patients with autoimmune blistering diseases were compared to 40 controls Using the MESACUP anti-Skin profile TEST, both sensitivities and specificities for desmoglein 1, desmoglein 3, BP180, BP230, and type VII collagen autoantibodies were similar to those obtained using previous, specific ELISA systems and 88% of the results were concordant without any significant difference. The MESACUP anti-Skin profile TEST had a similar performance to previously produced ELISA systems. The novel kit can be used for rapid diagnosis of most common autoimmune blistering diseases and is especially suitable for identifying overlapping disorders.

  15. Penicillin skin testing is a safe and effective tool for evaluating penicillin allergy in the pediatric population.


    Fox, Stephanie J; Park, Miguel A


    Penicillin skin testing has been validated in the evaluation of adult patients with penicillin allergy. However, the commercially available benzylpenicilloyl polylysine (Pre-Pen) is not indicated in the pediatric population. Moreover, the safety and validity of penicillin skin testing in the pediatric population has not been well studied. We describe the safety and validity of penicillin skin testing in the evaluation of children with a history of penicillin allergy. Children (<18 years) with a history of penicillin allergy were evaluated with penicillin skin tests and were reviewed for basic demographics, penicillin skin test results, adverse drug reaction to penicillin after penicillin skin test, and adverse reaction to penicillin skin test. By using the χ(2) test, we compared the differences in the proportion of children and adults with a positive penicillin skin test. P value (<.05) was considered statistically significant. The institutional review board approved the study, and all the subjects signed written informed consents. A total of 778 children underwent penicillin skin testing; 703 of 778 patients had a negative penicillin skin test (90.4%), 66 had a positive test (8.5%), and 9 had an equivocal test (1.1%). Children were more likely to have a positive penicillin skin test (P < .0001) compared with adults (64 of 1759 [3.6%]); 369 of 703 patients with negative penicillin skin test (52%) were challenged with penicillin, and 14 of 369 patients (3.8%) had an adverse drug reaction. No adverse reactions to penicillin skin testing were observed. Penicillin skin testing was safe and effective in the evaluation of children with a history of penicillin allergy. Copyright © 2014 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Relational dimension of irritability following traumatic brain injury: a qualitative analysis.


    Hammond, Flora M; Davis, Christine S; Cook, James R; Philbrick, Peggy; Hirsch, Mark A


    Irritability is a common long-term sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI). In a prior study on TBI irritability, relational interactions were one of four dimensions of irritability occurrence and precipitation. This present analysis examines these same data in greater detail. Fifty focus group transcripts from a study on irritability were re-analysed to examine: (1) irritability in spousal relationships following TBI, (2) retrospective accounts of spousal interactions contributing to irritability and (3) impact of irritability on marital relationships. Grounded Theory was used to develop themes, metacodes and theories. Several theories emerged regarding irritability with respect to spousal relations, all based on the overarching theory that irritability in people with TBI has a strong relational component involved in triggering, experiencing and preventing irritability. Sub-theories supporting this include: (1) irritability breeds further irritability, (2) spousal responses can trigger irritability among persons with TBI and vice versa, (3) difficulties making emotional connections may incite negative interactions, (4) expectations of others may contribute to irritable behaviour, and (5) communication breakdowns may provoke irritability. Irritability associated with TBI resides in the family system as well as the individual. In treating irritability one should include comprehensive assessment and assistance to improve interpersonal interactions.

  17. A comprehensive evaluation of the carcinogenic potential of middle distillate fuels.


    Nessel, C S


    Middle distillate fuels (MDFs), which include jet fuel, kerosene, and diesel fuel, are a class of hydrocarbons distilled from crude oil at approximately 350-700 degrees F (176-371 degrees C). Although MDFs generally do not contain appreciable levels of potentially carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), they have produced weak tumorigenic responses in mouse skin characterized by low tumor yield and long latency. Recent studies demonstrated that the tumorigenic effects of these MDFs were dependent upon chronic dermal irritation. In the absence of skin irritation, tumors did not develop. Mechanistic studies suggest that straight-run MDFs containing low levels of PACs cause skin tumors through a nongenotoxic mechanism. MDFs cause chronic skin irritation and injury with repeated application to the skin. They have been found to have little or no activity in the modified Ames mutagenicity assay, lack tumor initiating activity, and are active skin tumor promoters. It has been hypothesized that the tumorigenic response to MDFs results from the promotion of preexisting, spontaneously initiated cells. Two recent studies, a one-year tumor promotion study and a two-year skin painting study, evaluated the role of skin irritation on the tumorigenic activity of MDFs in mice. MDFs were applied in pure and diluted forms to assess the effect of equal weekly doses of irritating and nonirritating test materials. The tumorigenicity of straight-run MDFs correlated to the level of skin irritation. No significant increase in tumor incidence occurred under conditions that resulted in minimal skin irritation and injury. These studies indicate that the tumorigenic activity of MDFs containing low levels of PACs is secondary to chronic skin irritation. These materials should not present a carcinogenic hazard in the absence of prolonged skin irritation.

  18. Fentanyl reduces desflurane-induced airway irritability following thiopental administration in children.


    Lee, J; Oh, Y; Kim, C; Kim, S; Park, H; Kim, H


    Airway irritation is a major drawback of desflurane anesthesia. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of intravenous fentanyl given before thiopental induction on airway irritation caused by a stepwise increase in desflurane in children. Eighty children (2-8 years) were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind study. Forty received saline and 40 received 2 microg/kg of fentanyl intravenously; this was followed by thiopental sodium 5 mg/kg in both groups. Patients were assistant-ventilated with desflurane 1%, which was then increased by 1% every six breaths up to 10%. During this period, cough, secretion, excitation and apnea were graded and the desflurane concentration at which airway irritation symptoms first occurred was recorded. The results were analyzed using Pearson's chi-squared test. The incidence of typical airway irritation events was lower with fentanyl than with saline (cough, 2.5% vs. 42.5%; secretion, 27.5% vs. 82.5%; excitation, 10% vs. 82.5%; apnea, 20% vs. 65%; P < 0.05). The mean expired desflurane concentration at which the first airway irritation symptom occurred was greater with fentanyl than with saline (7.3% vs. 5.5%, P < 0.05). Intravenous fentanyl in children reduces airway complications caused by desflurane.


    DTIC Science & Technology

    Serologic and skin-testing data on a group of patients having cat scratch disease are presented to demonstrate a possible relationship to the psitt...indicate that the incidence of positive serologic reactions with the psitt-LGV group antigen is consistently higher in patients with cat scratch disease...patients, 2 of 5 did not respond with positive skin reactions when tested with cat scratch antigen, and at least 2 of the remaining 3 responded in a manner difficult to interpret.

  20. [The tuberculin skin test in BCG-vaccinated individualse].


    Miret Cuadras, P; Pina Gutiérrez, J M


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the tuberculin skin test in individuals vaccinated with bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) using 2 IU of RT-23. One hundred ninety-six individuals aged 22-40 years-old who had been vaccinated with BCG between 1965 and 1974 were enrolled along with 375 non-vaccinated individuals of the same age and with similar level of risk of infection. The positive predictive value of the test was assessed for three levels of response as indicated by areas of thickening in three diameters: 5, 10 and 15 mm. Vaccinated individuals with negative results were given a second skin test 7 days later to detect a booster effect. Positive diameters 5 mm were observed in 66% of the vaccinated individuals and 24% of the non-vaccinated subjects. Positive diameters 10 mm were observed in 51% of the vaccinated individuals and 19% of the non vaccinated ones. Positive diameters 15 mm were observed in 29% of the vaccinated subjects and in 13% of the non vaccinated ones. The differences were significant for all diameters. The positive predictive value of the test was 36.4% for a diameter 5 mm, 37.6% for diameter 10 mm and 44.8% for diameter 15 mm. The booster effect was detected in 25.8% of the vaccinated individuals who had tested negative at first. In vaccinated individuals, no guidelines can be established to guarantee that a positive reaction is due to infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, although the likelihood of infection (increased positive predictive value) increases with diameter. It is also impossible to fix a time limit. A second skin test is needed to detect a booster effect in all vaccinated individuals whose first test is negative.

  1. Factors influencing and modifying the decision to pursue genetic testing for skin cancer risk.


    Fogel, Alexander L; Jaju, Prajakta D; Li, Shufeng; Halpern-Felsher, Bonnie; Tang, Jean Y; Sarin, Kavita Y


    Across cancers, the decision to pursue genetic testing is influenced more by subjective than objective factors. However, skin cancer, which is more prevalent, visual, and multifactorial than many other malignancies, may offer different motivations for pursuing such testing. The primary objective was to determine factors influencing the decision to receive genetic testing for skin cancer risk. A secondary objective was to assess the impact of priming with health questions on the decision to receive testing. We distributed anonymous online surveys through to assess participant health, demographics, motivations, and interest in pursuing genetic testing for skin cancer risk. Two surveys with identical questions but different question ordering were used to assess the secondary objective. We received 3783 responses (64% response rate), and 85.8% desired testing. Subjective factors, including curiosity, perceptions of skin cancer, and anxiety, were the most statistically significant determinants of the decision to pursue testing (P < .001), followed by history of sun exposure (odds ratio 1.85, P < .01) and history of skin cancer (odds ratio 0.5, P = .01). Age and family history of skin cancer did not influence this decision. Participants increasingly chose testing if first queried about health behaviors (P < .0001). The decision to pursue hypothetical testing may differ from in-clinic decision-making. Self-selected, online participants may differ from the general population. Surveys may be subject to response bias. The decision to pursue genetic testing for skin cancer is primarily determined by subjective factors, such as anxiety and curiosity. Health factors, including skin cancer history, also influenced decision-making. Priming with consideration of objective health factors can increase the desire to pursue testing. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Skin testing and oral penicillin challenge in patients with a history of remote penicillin allergy.


    Goldberg, Arnon; Confino-Cohen, Ronit


    Penicillin administration is usually contraindicated in penicillin-allergic patients with positive skin test results. To examine whether penicillin oral challenge for patients with a history of remote non-life-threatening allergic reaction to penicillin can be well tolerated irrespective of skin test results. In a prospective open-label trial, 8,702 individuals were screened between November 1998 and January 2000. Of 687 patients with a non-life-threatening allergic reaction to penicillin, occurring longer than 3 years earlier, 169 were enrolled. Regardless of the response to penicillin skin testing, patients received the usual 1-day dosage of penicillin and amoxicillin, on 2 separate occasions. Two to 6 years later, a follow-up was conducted to assess the outcomes of further penicillin administration. A total of 272 combined skin tests and oral challenges were performed on 169 patients. Among 137 challenges with a positive skin test result and 135 patients with a negative skin test result, 9 (6.6%) and 5 (3.7%) (P = .29), respectively, developed a mild rash to oral challenge. At follow-up, 2 to 6 years afterward, 3 of 55 patients (5.5%) who were given a full treatment course of penicillin developed a mild skin eruption. Positive penicillin skin test results for patients with a remote history of non-life-threatening allergic reaction to penicillin were not associated with a greater prevalence of adverse reactions to oral challenge with penicillin than negative results. Because skin testing is considered the gold standard and the safest method for predicting tolerance to penicillin administration, oral penicillin challenge may be used as a diagnostic method only in these specific patients when skin testing is not feasible.

  3. Lower irritation microemulsion-based rotigotine gel: formulation optimization and in vitro and in vivo studies

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Zheng; Mu, Hong-Jie; Zhang, Xue-Mei; Ma, Peng-Kai; Lian, Sheng-Nan; Zhang, Feng-Pu; Chu, Sheng-Ying; Zhang, Wen-Wen; Wang, Ai-Ping; Wang, Wen-Yan; Sun, Kao-Xiang


    Background Rotigotine is a potent and selective D1, D2, and D3 dopaminergic receptor agonist. Due to an extensive first-pass effect, it has a very low oral bioavailability (approximately 0.5% in rats). Purpose The present investigation aimed to develop a microemulsion-based hydrogel for transdermal rotigotine delivery with lower application site reactions. Methods Pseudoternary phase diagrams were constructed to determine the region of oil in water (o/w)-type microemulsion. Central composite design was used to support the pseudoternary phase diagrams and to select homogeneous and stable microemulsions with an optimal amount of rotigotine permeation within 24 hours. In vitro skin permeation experiments were performed, using Franz diffusion cells, to compare rotigotine-loaded microemulsions with rotigotine solutions in oil. The optimized formulation was used to prepare a microemulsion-based hydrogel, which was subjected to bioavailability and skin irritancy studies. Results The selected formulations of rotigotine-loaded microemulsions had enhanced flux and permeation coefficients compared with rotigotine in oil. The optimum microemulsion contained 68% water, 6.8% Labrafil®, 13.44% Cremophor® RH40, 6.72% Labrasol®, and 5.04% Transcutol® HP; the drug-loading rate was 2%. To form a microemulsion gel, 1% Carbomer 1342 was added to the microemulsion. The bioavailability of the rotigotine-loaded microemulsion gel was 105.76%±20.52% with respect to the marketed rotigotine patch (Neupro®). The microemulsion gel irritated the skin less than Neupro. Conclusion A rotigotine microemulsion-based hydrogel was successfully developed, and an optimal formulation for drug delivery was identified. This product could improve patient compliance and have broad marketability. PMID:25609965

  4. Functional testing of topical skin formulations using an optimised ex vivo skin organ culture model.


    Sidgwick, G P; McGeorge, D; Bayat, A


    A number of equivalent-skin models are available for investigation of the ex vivo effect of topical application of drugs and cosmaceuticals onto skin, however many have their drawbacks. With the March 2013 ban on animal models for cosmetic testing of products or ingredients for sale in the EU, their utility for testing toxicity and effect on skin becomes more relevant. The aim of this study was to demonstrate proof of principle that altered expression of key gene and protein markers could be quantified in an optimised whole tissue biopsy culture model. Topical formulations containing green tea catechins (GTC) were investigated in a skin biopsy culture model (n = 11). Punch biopsies were harvested at 3, 7 and 10 days, and analysed using qRT-PCR, histology and HPLC to determine gene and protein expression, and transdermal delivery of compounds of interest. Reduced gene expression of α-SMA, fibronectin, mast cell tryptase, mast cell chymase, TGF-β1, CTGF and PAI-1 was observed after 7 and 10 days compared with treated controls (p < 0.05). Histological analysis indicated a reduction in mast cell tryptase and chymase positive cell numbers in treated biopsies compared with untreated controls at day 7 and day 10 (p < 0.05). Determination of transdermal uptake indicated that GTCs were detected in the biopsies. This model could be adapted to study a range of different topical formulations in both normal and diseased skin, negating the requirement for animal models in this context, prior to study in a clinical trial environment.

  5. Anaphylaxis during skin testing with food allergens in children.


    Pitsios, Constantinos; Dimitriou, Anastasia; Stefanaki, Efthalia C; Kontou-Fili, Kalliopi


    Skin testing is the diagnostic cornerstone for allergies and is considered extremely safe. It is usually performed with the prick and the prick-to-prick method. The aim of this study is to report the first two pediatric cases of systemic allergic reactions during skin prick tests (SPT) with commercial food allergens. Both patients had a history of fish allergy. A 5-year-old girl, with a history of atopic dermatitis and asthma, reported an episode of urticaria and angioedema due to ingestion of fish, which had occurred 2 years before consultation. Ten minutes after having completed SPT to fish extracts, which had resulted positive, she suffered from generalized pruritus, nausea, stomach pain, and loss of consciousness. A 9-year-old boy, with a history of asthma and two episodes of acute urticaria and angioedema upon eating fish during infancy, reported a recent episode of oropharyngeal pruritus after tasting salmon. He was evaluated for fish allergy with SPT but developed conjunctivitis and acute urticaria during the first 10 min of the test. Anaphylaxis appears to be a rare side effect of skin testing in pediatric patients. Children with a history of asthma and atopic dermatitis are more likely to react.

  6. Testing of Raman spectroscopy method for assessment of skin implants

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Timchenko, E. V.; Timchenko, P. E.; Volova, L. T.; Pershutkina, S. V.; Shalkovskaya, P. Y.


    Results of studies of testing of Raman spectroscopy (RS) method for assessment of skin implants are presented. As objects of study were used samples of rat's skin material. The main spectral differences of implants using various types of their processing appear at wavenumbers 1062 cm-1, 1645 cm-1, 1553 cm-1, 851 cm-1, 863 cm-1, 814 cm-1 and 1410 cm-1. Optical coefficients for assessment of skin implants were introduced. The research results are confirmed by morphological analysis.

  7. Interventions for photodamaged skin.


    Samuel, M; Brooke, R C C; Hollis, S; Griffiths, C E M


    Photodamage describes skin changes such as fine and coarse wrinkles, roughness, freckles and pigmentation changes that occur as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun. Many treatments are available to reverse the damage, but it is unclear which work and at what cost in terms of unwanted side effects. To assess the effects of topically applied treatments, tablet treatments, laser and surgical procedures for photodamaged skin. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in The Cochrane Library, Issue 1 2002, MEDLINE (1966-June 2002), EMBASE (1974-June 2002), Health Periodicals (1976-June 2002). We checked references of articles and communicated with authors and the pharmaceutical industry. Randomised controlled trials which compared drug or surgical interventions with no treatment, placebo or another drug, in adults with mild, moderate or severe photodamage of the face or forearms. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed trial quality. Thirty studies of variable quality were included. Eight trials showed that topical tretinoin cream, in concentrations of 0.02% or higher, was superior to placebo for participants with mild to severe photodamage on the face and forearms (although losses to follow-up were relatively high in most studies). For example, the relative risk of improvement for 0.05% tretinoin cream, compared to placebo (three studies), at 24 weeks, was 1.73 (95% confidence interval 1.39 to 2.14). This effect was not seen for 0.001% topical tretinoin (one study) or 0.01% (three studies). A dose-response relationship was evident for both effectiveness and skin irritation. One small within-patient study showed benefit from topical ascorbic acid compared with placebo. Tazarotene (0.01% to 0.1%) and isotretinoin (0.1%) both showed significant improvement over placebo for moderate photodamage (one study each). There is limited evidence (one trial), to show that the effectiveness of 0.05% tretinoin, is equivalent to the

  8. Co-drug strategy for promoting skin targeting and minimizing the transdermal diffusion of hydroquinone and tranexamic acid.


    Hsieh, Pei-Wen; Chen, Wei-Yu; Aljuffali, Ibrahim A; Chen, Chun-Che; Fang, Jia-You


    Hydroquinone and tranexamic acids (TXA) are skin-lightening agents with a hydrophilic nature and low skin absorption. A high dose is needed for clinical use, resulting in a high incidence of skin irritation. Co-drugs formed by conjugating hydroquinone and TXA were synthesized and their in vitro and in vivo skin absorption characteristics were evaluated. The two synthesized co-drugs were 4-hydroxyphenyl 4-(aminomethyl)cyclohexanecarboxylate (HAC) and 1,4- phenylene bis(aminomethyl)cyclohexanecarboxylate (BAC). The co-drugs were chemically stable in aqueous solution, but rapidly degraded to the respective parent drug in esterases and skin homogenates. Compared to hydroquinone application, 7.2- and 2.4-fold increments in the hydroquinone skin deposition were obtained with the in vitro application of HAC and BAC. HAC and BAC led to 3- and 2-fold enhancements of equivalent TXA deposition compared to TXA administration. The in vivo experiment showed a further enhancement of co-drugs compared to the in vitro setup. The transdermal penetration of co-drugs, especially BAC, was much lower than that of hydroquinone and TXA. This indicated high-level skin targeting by the co-drugs. HAC and BAC revealed strong affinities for the viable epidermis/dermis. Hair follicles are important reservoirs for co-drug delivery. Daily administration of co-drugs to the skin did not generate irritation for up to 7 days. Both co-drugs are superior candidates for treating skin hyperpigmentation.

  9. Dirt-binding particles consisting of hydrogenated castor oil beads constitute a nonirritating alternative for abrasive cleaning of recalcitrant oily skin contamination in a three-step programme of occupational skin protection.


    Mahler, V; Erfurt-Berge, C; Schiemann, S; Michael, S; Egloffstein, A; Kuss, O


    In occupational fields with exposure to grease, oil, metal particles, coal, black lead or soot, cleansing formulations containing abrasive bodies (e.g. refined walnut shell, corn, wood, plastic or pumice) are used. These may constitute an irritant per se. As an alternative, hydrogenated castor oil (also known as castor wax) beads have been developed as dirt-binding particles. A polar surface contributes to their mechanical cleaning effects in removal of oily grime. Standardized examination of the in vivo effects upon the skin barrier of castor wax beads in comparison with abrasive bodies and pure detergent. Three cleansing preparations - (i) detergent, (ii) detergent containing castor wax beads, (iii) detergent containing walnut shell powder - were each repetitively applied in vivo (four times daily for 3 weeks), mimicking workplace conditions, in 30 healthy volunteers (15 with and 15 without an atopic skin diathesis) and compared vs. (iv) no treatment. The treatment effects upon the skin barrier were monitored by repeated measurements of functional parameters [transepidermal water loss (TEWL), redness] and surface topography. After a 3-week treatment, a significant global treatment effect (P < 0.0001) was found in the atopic group concerning TEWL as indicator for barrier function. A significantly higher TEWL and increasing erythema in the area treated with detergent containing walnut shell powder reflected its irritant effect compared with castor wax beads dispensed in the identical detergent. Cleaning properties of the two formulas were comparably superior to detergent alone. Castor wax beads constitute a novel nonirritating alternative for abrasive cleaning of recalcitrant oily skin contamination appropriate for individuals with an atopic skin diathesis in a three-step programme of occupational skin protection. As the skin barrier may additionally be influenced by the composition of dirt and use of skin protection and skin care measures under real workplace

  10. EPA Releases Draft Policy to Reduce Animal Testing for Skin Sensitization

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    The document, Draft Interim Science Policy: Use of Alternative Approaches for Skin Sensitization as a Replacement for Laboratory Animal Testing, describes the science behind the non-animal alternatives that can now be used to identify skin sensitization.

  11. Relationships between skin test, specific IgE and levels of cytokines in patients with penicillin allergy.


    Qiao, H-L; Liu, J-H; Yang, J; Dong, Z-M


    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between skin test, specific immunoglobulin (Ig) E and cytokines in penicillin allergy. We collected the sera of 259 patients with historical positive skin test to penicillins, with immediate positive skin test and with a negative skin test results. The positive rate of specific IgE antibodies in 259 patients was 62.2% (161) by using radioallergosorbent test (RAST). Of the eight kinds of antigenic determinants, the positive rates of specific IgE to major and minor determinants were 43.63% (113) and 52.51% (136), respectively (p < 0.05). In 122 patients with immediate positive skin test, when the degrees of skin test were +, 2+, 3+ and 4+, the positive rates of specific IgE were 45.7, 57.1, 85.2 and 100%, respectively. The levels of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-13 and interferon (IFN)-gamma in the sera of patients with positive skin test were significantly increased with the degree of positive skin test (p < 0.05). The combined use of major and minor determinants in RAST offers the better test for the detection of penicillin-specific IgE antibodies. IL-4, IL-13 and IFN-gamma play important roles in penicillin allergy.

  12. Sporotrichin Skin Test for the Diagnosis of Sporotrichosis.


    Bonifaz, Alexandro; Toriello, Conchita; Araiza, Javier; Ramírez-Soto, Max C; Tirado-Sánchez, Andrés


    Sporotrichosis is the most common implantation mycosis caused by several species of the Sporothrix schenckii complex. The gold standard for diagnosis is concerned with the isolation of the fungus; although, fresh examinations, staining, and biopsies are also helpful for this purpose. The sporotrichin is an antigenic complex comprised of a peptide-rhamnomannan, which is relevant with respect to pathogenic fungi; it is primarily used for serological and skin testing. We present a study regarding the use of sporotrichin as a diagnostic aid for cutaneous sporotrichosis. Furthermore, 138 cases with suspicion of sporotrichosis were included, 55 of which were proven through cultures. Moreover, out of these 55 cases, 52 (94.5%) tested positive for sporotrichin, while the negative cases corresponded to the disseminated cutaneous forms. We observed a sensitivity of 94.5% and a specificity of 95.2%. We consider that the use of sporotrichin as a skin test helps us as an auxiliary diagnosis before a positive sample culture.

  13. The CTFA Evaluation of Alternatives Program: an evaluation of in vitro alternatives to the Draize primary eye irritation test. (Phase III) surfactant-based formulations.


    Gettings, S D; Lordo, R A; Hintze, K L; Bagley, D M; Casterton, P L; Chudkowski, M; Curren, R D; Demetrulias, J L; Dipasquale, L C; Earl, L K; Feder, P I; Galli, C L; Glaza, S M; Gordon, V C; Janus, J; Kurtz, P J; Marenus, K D; Moral, J; Pape, W J; Renskers, K J; Rheins, L A; Roddy, M T; Rozen, M G; Tedeschi, J P; Zyracki, J


    The CTFA Evaluation of Alternatives Program is an evaluation of the relationship between data from the Draize primary eye irritation test and comparable data from a selection of promising in vitro eye irritation tests. In Phase III, data from the Draize test and 41 in vitro endpoints on 25 representative surfactant-based personal care formulations were compared. As in Phase I and Phase II, regression modelling of the relationship between maximum average Draize score (MAS) and in vitro endpoint was the primary approach adopted for evaluating in vitro assay performance. The degree of confidence in prediction of MAS for a given in vitro endpoint is quantified in terms of the relative widths of prediction intervals constructed about the fitted regression curve. Prediction intervals reflect not only the error attributed to the model but also the material-specific components of variation in both the Draize and the in vitro assays. Among the in vitro assays selected for regression modeling in Phase III, the relationship between MAS and in vitro score was relatively well defined. The prediction bounds on MAS were most narrow for materials at the lower or upper end of the effective irritation range (MAS = 0-45), where variability in MAS was smallest. This, the confidence with which the MAS of surfactant-based formulations is predicted is greatest when MAS approaches zero or when MAS approaches 45 (no comment is made on prediction of MAS > 45 since extrapolation beyond the range of observed data is not possible). No single in vitro endpoint was found to exhibit relative superiority with regard to prediction of MAS. Variability associated with Draize test outcome (e.g. in MAS values) must be considered in any future comparisons of in vivo and in vitro test results if the purpose is to predict in vivo response using in vitro data.

  14. Xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes in the skin of rat, mouse, pig, guinea pig, man, and in human skin models.


    Oesch, F; Fabian, E; Guth, K; Landsiedel, R


    The exposure of the skin to medical drugs, skin care products, cosmetics, and other chemicals renders information on xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes (XME) in the skin highly interesting. Since the use of freshly excised human skin for experimental investigations meets with ethical and practical limitations, information on XME in models comes in the focus including non-human mammalian species and in vitro skin models. This review attempts to summarize the information available in the open scientific literature on XME in the skin of human, rat, mouse, guinea pig, and pig as well as human primary skin cells, human cell lines, and reconstructed human skin models. The most salient outcome is that much more research on cutaneous XME is needed for solid metabolism-dependent efficacy and safety predictions, and the cutaneous metabolism comparisons have to be viewed with caution. Keeping this fully in mind at least with respect to some cutaneous XME, some models may tentatively be considered to approximate reasonable closeness to human skin. For dermal absorption and for skin irritation among many contributing XME, esterase activity is of special importance, which in pig skin, some human cell lines, and reconstructed skin models appears reasonably close to human skin. With respect to genotoxicity and sensitization, activating XME are not yet judgeable, but reactive metabolite-reducing XME in primary human keratinocytes and several reconstructed human skin models appear reasonably close to human skin. For a more detailed delineation and discussion of the severe limitations see the "Overview and Conclusions" section in the end of this review.

  15. CON4EI: Selection of the reference chemicals for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals.


    Adriaens, E; Alépée, N; Kandarova, H; Drzewieckac, A; Gruszka, K; Guest, R; Willoughby, J A; Verstraelen, S; Van Rompay, A R


    Assessment of the acute eye irritation potential is part of the international regulatory requirements for testing of chemicals. In the past, several prospective and retrospective validation studies have taken place in the area of serious eye damage/eye irritation testing. Success in terms of complete replacement of the regulatory in vivo Draize rabbit eye test has not yet been achieved. A very important aspect to ensure development of successful alternative test methods and/or strategies for serious eye damage/eye irritation testing is the selection of appropriate reference chemicals. A set of 80 reference chemicals was selected for the CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI (CONsortium for in vitro Eye Irritation testing strategy) project, in collaboration with Cosmetics Europe, from the Draize Reference Database published by Cosmetics Europe based on key criteria that were set in their paper (e.g. balanced by important driver of classification and physical state). The most important goals of the CON4EI project were to identify the performance of eight in vitro alternative tests in terms of driver of classification and to identify similarities/differences between the methods in order the build a successful testing strategy that can discriminate between all UN GHS categories. This paper provides background on selection of the test chemicals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Adult-Onset Acral Peeling Skin Syndrome in a Non-Identical Twin: A Case Report in South Africa

    PubMed Central

    Mathew, Reshmi; Omole, Olufemi B.; Rigby, Jonathan; Grayson, Wayne


    Patient: Female, 44 Final Diagnosis: Acral peeeling skin syndrome Symptoms: Recurrent skin exfoliation Medication: — Clinical Procedure: Skin biopsy Specialty: Dermatology Objective: Rare disease Background: Acral peeling skin syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder in which skin exfoliation is limited to the hands and feet. While it typically manifests from early childhood, in this first reported case from South Africa, the patient did not manifest clinically until the fourth decade of life. Case Report: A 44-year-old woman of African descent, 1 of a set of non-identical twins, presented with recurrent episodes of skin peeling of the upper and lower limbs. The first episode occurred 4 years prior, followed by perennial skin peeling during the spring seasons. She was not on treatment for any chronic disease and reported no exposure to chemicals or other irritants. The family, including the non-identical twin sister, has no history of skin disorders and the patient’s HIV antibody test was negative. At presentation, physical examination revealed ongoing exfoliation with new skin formation on the palms and soles. The mucous membranes and nails were spared. Other systems were normal. Skin biopsy taken from the palms confirmed peeling skin syndrome. The patient was managed with topical aqueous cream and analgesics. She was briefly counseled on the nature and prognosis of the disease, and referred for genetic testing and counseling. On follow-up, she continues to have skin peeling once or twice a year. Conclusions: This first reported case of this rare disease in South Africa contributes to the growing body of literature on the disease and highlights the need for clinicians to be aware of its variable clinical onset. PMID:25549719

  17. Carriers of filaggrin gene (FLG) mutations avoid professional exposure to irritants in adulthood.


    Bandier, Josefine; Ross-Hansen, Katrine; Carlsen, Berit C; Menné, Torkil; Linneberg, Allan; Stender, Steen; Szecsi, Pal B; Meldgaard, Michael; Thyssen, Jacob P; Johansen, Jeanne D


    Loss-of-function mutations in the filaggrin gene (FLG) are associated with xerosis, atopic dermatitis, and early onset of hand eczema. Irritant exposure is a risk factor for occupational hand eczema, and FLG mutations increase the risk of occupational irritant contact dermatitis on the hands in hospital cohorts. It is unknown whether FLG mutations affect the level of irritant exposure. To evaluate whether exposure to occupational irritants was dependent on FLG mutations, atopic dermatitis, and age at hand eczema onset. Randomly chosen Danish adults completed a questionnaire on general health and occupational exposures. Genotyping for FLG mutations (R501X, 2282del4, and R2447X) and patch testing were performed. Overall, 38.7% of subjects reported present or previous occupational exposure to irritants. Among individuals who reported hand eczema onset before entering their work life, 50.6% (45/89) of FLG non-mutation carriers became exposed to irritants, as compared with 28.6% (4/14) of heterozygous and 0% (0/6) of homozygous mutation carriers (p = 0.006). Avoidance was conspicuous among mutation carriers reporting childhood hand eczema and atopic dermatitis (odds ratio 0.08, 95% confidence interval 0.01-0.65). Carriers of FLG mutations who have had hand eczema onset in childhood avoid occupational exposure to irritants; the association is most marked with homozygous mutation status combined with atopic dermatitis. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Human Skin Permeation Studies with PPARγ Agonist to Improve Its Permeability and Efficacy in Inflammatory Processes.


    Silva-Abreu, Marcelle; Espinoza, Lupe Carolina; Rodríguez-Lagunas, María José; Fábrega, María-José; Espina, Marta; García, María Luisa; Calpena, Ana Cristina


    Rosacea is the most common inflammatory skin disease. It is characterized by erythema, inflammatory papules and pustules, visible blood vessels, and telangiectasia. The current treatment has limitations and unsatisfactory results. Pioglitazone (PGZ) is an agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), a nuclear receptor that regulates important cellular functions, including inflammatory responses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the permeation of PGZ with a selection of penetration enhancers and to analyze its effectiveness for treating rosacea. The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was validated for the quantitative determination of PGZ. Ex vivo permeation experiments were realized in Franz diffusion cells using human skin, in which PGZ with different penetration enhancers were assayed. The results showed that the limonene was the most effective penetration enhancer that promotes the permeation of PGZ through the skin. The cytotoxicity studies and the Draize test detected cell viability and the absence of skin irritation, respectively. The determination of the skin color using a skin colorimetric probe and the results of histopathological studies confirmed the ability of PGZ-limonene to reduce erythema and vasodilation. This study suggests new pharmacological indications of PGZ and its possible application in the treatment of skin diseases, namely rosacea.

  19. [Practice patterns in Mexican allergologists about skin tests with allergens during 2005-2006].


    Larenas Linnemann, Désirée; Fogelbach, Guillermo Arturo Guidos; Cruz, Alfredo Arias


    Immunotherapy has been practiced since over a hundred years. The exact composition of the immunotherapy concentrate, with which the patient is treated, depends partly on the results of the skin prick tests applied to the allergic patient. As such, the effectiveness of the immunotherapy depends heavily on the quality of the skin prick test. The detailed recommendations for the realization of the skin prick tests have evolved and changed over the years, leading to multiple variations in its application in Mexico. We tried to get a picture of the daily practice patterns of the members of CMICA and CoMPedIA concerning the application of skin prick tests. Aquestionnaire was sent in various occasions to all members of the Colegio Mexicano de Inmunologia Clinica y Alergia (CMICA) and of the Colegio Mexicano de Pediatras, Especialistas en Inmunologia y Alergia (CoMPedIA). The results are presented descriptively and by calculation of the frequency/percentages of intervals of replies, in the case of numerical responses. A response rate of 61 (17%) was obtained of the College members, showing consistency in some replies but a wide variation in others, for example in the time certain medication has to be suspended before the execution of the skin prick test. Comparing the replies obtained with recent recommendations in international publications, some discrepancy can be detected. In some aspects of the survey there is coincidence of the skin test practices among the participants; however, in other items there is an important variation.

  20. Developmental Trajectories of Irritability and Bidirectional Associations With Maternal Depression

    PubMed Central

    Wiggins, Jillian Lee; Mitchell, Colter; Stringaris, Argyris; Leibenluft, Ellen


    Objective Irritability is a dimensional trait in typical development and a common presenting symptom in many psychiatric disorders, including depression. However, little is known about the developmental trajectory of irritability or how child irritability interacts with maternal depression. The present study (1) identifies classes of irritability trajectories from toddlerhood to middle childhood; (2) characterizes maternal depression and other family, social environment, and child variables within each irritability trajectory class; and (3) as a more exploratory analysis, examines bidirectional associations between maternal depression and child irritability. Method 4,898 families from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study reported on irritability symptoms at ages 3, 5, and 9, assessed with items from the Child Behavior Checklist. Parental major depressive episode was assessed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview – Short Form at child ages 1, 3, 5, 9. Results A latent class growth analysis identified five irritability classes: low decreasing; moderate decreasing; high steady; initially very high, then decreasing; and high increasing. Children with more severe irritability trajectories are more likely to have mothers with recurrent depression, and, with the exception of the most severe (high increasing irritability) class, were more likely to have mothers who were exposed to violence. Moreover, paternal depression and alcohol use, as well as maternal drug and alcohol use, were also risk factors for membership in the more severe irritability classes. A latent auto-regressive cross-lag model showed that child irritability at ages 3 and 5 is associated with increased mother depression at 5 and 9, respectively. Conversely, mother depression at child ages 1 and 3 is associated with increased child irritability at 3 and 5. Conclusion Irritability development across toddlerhood and middle childhood has five main trajectory types, which differ on

  1. Developmental trajectories of irritability and bidirectional associations with maternal depression.


    Wiggins, Jillian Lee; Mitchell, Colter; Stringaris, Argyris; Leibenluft, Ellen


    Irritability is a dimensional trait in typical development and a common presenting symptom in many psychiatric disorders, including depression. However, little is known about the developmental trajectory of irritability or how child irritability interacts with maternal depression. The present study identifies classes of irritability trajectories from toddlerhood to middle childhood; characterizes maternal depression and other family, social environment, and child variables within each irritability trajectory class; and, as a more exploratory analysis, examines bidirectional associations between maternal depression and child irritability. A total of 4,898 families from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study reported on irritability symptoms at ages 3, 5, and 9 years, assessed with items from the Child Behavior Checklist. Parental major depressive episode was assessed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview-Short Form at child ages 1, 3, 5, and 9 years. A latent class growth analysis identified 5 irritability classes: low decreasing; moderate decreasing; high steady; initially very high, then decreasing; and high increasing. Children with more severe irritability trajectories are more likely to have mothers with recurrent depression, and, with the exception of the most severe (high increasing irritability) class, were more likely to have mothers who were exposed to violence. Moreover, paternal depression and alcohol abuse, as well as maternal drug and alcohol abuse, were also risk factors for membership in the more severe irritability classes. A latent auto-regressive cross-lag model showed that child irritability at ages 3 and 5 years is associated with increased mother depression at ages 5 and 9, respectively. Conversely, mother depression at child ages 1 and 3 years is associated with increased child irritability at 3 and 5. Irritability development across toddlerhood and middle childhood has 5 main trajectory types, which differ on maternal

  2. Efficacy, Safety, and Subject Satisfaction of a Specified Skin Care Regimen to Cleanse, Medicate, Moisturize, and Protect the Skin of Patients Under Treatment for Acne Vulgaris

    PubMed Central

    Del Rosso, James Q.; Gold, Michael; Rueda, Maria José; Brandt, Staci; Winkelman, Warren J.


    Optimal management of acne vulgaris requires incorporation of several components including patient education, selection of a rational therapeutic regimen, dedicated adherence with the program by the patient, and integration of proper skin care. Unfortunately, the latter component is often overlooked or not emphasized strongly enough to the patient. Proper skin care may reduce potential irritation that can be associated with topical acne medications and prevents the patient from unknowingly using skin care products that can actually sabotage their treatment. This article reviews the effectiveness, skin tolerability, safety, and patient satisfaction of an open label study in which a specified skin care regimen is used in combination with topical therapy. The study was designed to mirror “real world” management of facial acne vulgaris clinical practice. The skin care regimen used in this study included a brand foam wash and a brand moisturizer with SPF 30 photoprotection, both of which contain ingredients that are included to provide benefits for acne-prone and acne-affected skin. PMID:25610521

  3. Adult-onset acral peeling skin syndrome in a non-identical twin: a case report in South Africa.


    Mathew, Reshmi; Omole, Olufemi B; Rigby, Jonathan; Grayson, Wayne


    Acral peeling skin syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder in which skin exfoliation is limited to the hands and feet. While it typically manifests from early childhood, in this first reported case from South Africa, the patient did not manifest clinically until the fourth decade of life. A 44-year-old woman of African descent, 1 of a set of non-identical twins, presented with recurrent episodes of skin peeling of the upper and lower limbs. The first episode occurred 4 years prior, followed by perennial skin peeling during the spring seasons. She was not on treatment for any chronic disease and reported no exposure to chemicals or other irritants. The family, including the non-identical twin sister, has no history of skin disorders and the patient's HIV antibody test was negative. At presentation, physical examination revealed ongoing exfoliation with new skin formation on the palms and soles. The mucous membranes and nails were spared. Other systems were normal. Skin biopsy taken from the palms confirmed peeling skin syndrome. The patient was managed with topical aqueous cream and analgesics. She was briefly counseled on the nature and prognosis of the disease, and referred for genetic testing and counseling. On follow-up, she continues to have skin peeling once or twice a year. This first reported case of this rare disease in South Africa contributes to the growing body of literature on the disease and highlights the need for clinicians to be aware of its variable clinical onset.

  4. Skin reactions related to hand hygiene and selection of hand hygiene products.


    Larson, Elaine; Girard, Raphaelle; Pessoa-Silva, Carmem Lucia; Boyce, John; Donaldson, Liam; Pittet, Didier


    In October 2004, The World Health Organization (WHO) launched the World Alliance for Patient Safety. Within the alliance, the first priority of the Global Patient Safety Challenge is to reduce health care-associated infection. A key action within the challenge is to promote hand hygiene in health care globally as well as at the country level through the campaign "Clean Care is Safer Care." As a result, the WHO is developing Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care, designed to be applicable throughout the world. This paper summarizes one component of the global WHO guidelines related to the impact of hand hygiene on the skin of health care personnel, including a discussion of types of skin reactions associated with hand hygiene, methods to reduce adverse reactions, and factors to consider when selecting hand hygiene products. Health care professionals have a higher prevalence of skin irritation than seen in the general population because of the necessity for frequent hand hygiene during patient care. Ways to minimize adverse effects of hand hygiene include selecting less irritating products, using skin moisturizers, and modifying certain hand hygiene practices such as unnecessary washing. Institutions need to consider several factors when selecting hand hygiene products: dermal tolerance and aesthetic preferences of users as well as practical considerations such as convenience, storage, and costs.

  5. Impact of Surfactants on Skin Penetration of Dexpanthenol.


    Laffleur, Flavia; Pschick, Stefan; Barthelmes, Jan; Hauptstein, Sabine; Bernkop-Schnurch, Andreas


    It was the aim of this study to evaluate the impact of nonionic and ionic surfactants on skin penetration of dexpanthenol. The relative potency of three surfactants (two nonionic and one ionic) as enhancers in the permeability of a series of compounds was investigated. The influence of the enhancers was also studied. For this purpose, porcine abdominal skin was prepared and mounted on Franz diffusion cells, while different mixtures of Dexpanthenol containing Tween®85, SDS and Span®80 in concentrations of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5% (m/V) were evaluated in terms of their permeation enhancing effect. The amount of permeated drug was determined via HPLC analysis. Moreover, the cytotoxicity and skin irritating effect of the compounds were tested on Caco-2 cells. The cytotoxicity profile of Dexpanthenol showed no toxicity to the cells over 1 and 3 h of incubation. The permeation was evaluated over a time period of 180 min, whereas a ranking of SDS> Span>Tween could be determined as permeation enhancer. Taking these findings into consideration, concentration of 1% (w/w) surfactant showed the most promising results. The increase in flux based on low concentrations of enhancer was ascribed to their ability to reduce skin´s barrier and improve drug permeation. The results showed that the nature of enhancer greatly impacts cutaneous barrier impairment. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  6. Patch-test reaction patterns in patients with a predisposition to atopic dermatitis.


    Brasch, Jochen; Schnuch, Axel; Uter, Wolfgang


    Patients with a predisposition to atopic dermatitis often need to be patch tested in order to detect possible contact sensitization. However, it is unknown whether immunologic or other peculiarities of atopic skin are related to altered patch-test reaction patterns. Our study was aimed at answering this question, because patch-test reaction patterns are of considerable practical importance in the reading and interpretation of patch tests. Therefore, we compared patterns of patch-test reactions in patients with a predisposition to atopic dermatitis and in control patients matched for sex, age, reason for testing and test centre. Patch-test results from 9 centres (2322 patients with a disposition to atopic dermatitis and 2126 matched controls) were evaluated retrospectively. All patients were tested with nickel sulfate, fragrance mix, potassium dichromate, lanolin alcohol, formaldehyde and mercury ammonium chloride. Patch tests applied for 1 day with readings on days 1, 2 and 3 were evaluated in order to cover the early phase of the reactions. Not unexpectedly, we found that, compared to the matched controls, patients with a predisposition to atopic dermatitis tended to have more doubtful and irritant reactions on day 1. As a new observation, it turned out that they had less reactions of crescendo pattern and more strong reactions on day 3. All these differences were slight/insignificant. A higher skin irritability in patients with a predisposition to atopic dermatitis is a likely explanation. In conclusion, standard methods for patch testing can be applied in patients with a predisposition to atopic dermatitis, but minor differences in reaction patterns should be considered.

  7. Combination of 4-hydroxyanisole and all-trans retinoic acid produces synergistic skin depigmentation in swine.


    Nair, X; Parab, P; Suhr, L; Tramposch, K M


    A combination of 4-hydroxyanisole (4HA) and all-trans retinoic acid (TRA) was found to synergistically cause moderate to complete depigmentation of Yucatan swine skin. Two hyperpigmentation models were used: Natural dark-skinned swine, a potential model for melasma-like disorders, and ultraviolet light-stimulated hyperpigmentation, a model of solar lentigines. Test materials were applied twice daily, 5 d/week, to dorsal flank skin. Application sites were graded at weekly intervals for skin color using a 0 to 4 grading scale. After 8 weeks of treatment of naturally dark swine skin, a combination of 2% 4HA and 0.01% TRA produced grade 2 hypopigmentation (definite but moderate hypopigmentation). In contrast, 2% 4HA alone or 0.01% TRA alone did not produce significant hypopigmentation. After cessation of treatment, the 4HA/TRA-treated sites reverted to normal color within 7-12 weeks. The 4HA/TRA combination completely reversed the hyperpigmentation induced by ultraviolet light after 8 weeks of treatment. In vitro skin-penetration studies using hairless mouse and human skin show that skin penetration of 4HA was not significantly affected by adding 0.01% TRA. These data suggest that the observed synergy is not due to enhanced bioavailability of 4HA. We have demonstrated that combining low concentrations of 4HA and TRA results in effective skin lightening without causing irreversible depigmentation and with minimal local skin irritation.

  8. In vitro micro-physiological immune-competent model of the human skin.


    Ramadan, Qasem; Ting, Fiona Chia Wan


    Skin allergy, in particular, allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis, are common occupational and environmental health problems affecting the quality of life of a significant proportion of the world population. Since all new ingredients to be incorporated into a product are potential skin allergens, it is essential that these ingredients be first tested for their allergenic potential. However, despite the considerable effort using animal models to understand the underlying mechanism of skin sensitization, to date, the molecular and cellular responses due to skin contact with sensitizers are still not fully understood. To replace animal testing and to improve the prediction of skin sensitization, significant attention has been directed to the use of reconstructed organotypic in vitro models of human skin. Here we describe a miniaturized immune competent in vitro model of human skin based on 3D co-culture of immortalized human keratinocytes (HaCaT) as a model of the epidermis barrier and human leukemic monocyte lymphoma cell line (U937) as a model of human dendritic cells. The biological model was fitted in a microfluidic-based cell culture system that provides a dynamic cellular environment that mimics the in vivo environment of skin. The dynamic perfusion of culture media significantly improved the tight junction formation as evidenced by measuring higher values of TEER compared to static culture. This setting also maintained the high viability of cells over extended periods of time up to 17 days. The perfusion-based culture also allows growth of the cells at the air-liquid interface by exposing the apical side of the cells to air while providing the cell nutrients through a basolateral fluidic compartment. The microsystem has been evaluated to investigate the effect of the chemical and physical (UV irradiation) stimulation on the skin barrier (i.e. the TJ integrity). Three-tiered culture differential stimulation allowed the investigation of the

  9. Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety

    PubMed Central

    Mukherjee, Siddharth; Date, Abhijit; Patravale, Vandana; Korting, Hans Christian; Roeder, Alexander; Weindl, Günther


    Aging of skin is an intricate biological process consisting of two types. While intrinsic or chronological aging is an inevitable process, photoaging involves the premature aging of skin occurring due to cumulative exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Chronological and photoaging both have clinically differentiable manifestations. Various natural and synthetic retinoids have been explored for the treatment of aging and many of them have shown histological and clinical improvement, but most of the studies have been carried out in patients presenting with photoaged skin. Amongst the retinoids, tretinoin possibly is the most potent and certainly the most widely investigated retinoid for photoaging therapy. Although retinoids show promise in the treatment of skin aging, irritant reactions such as burning, scaling or dermatitis associated with retinoid therapy limit their acceptance by patients. This problem is more prominent with tretinoin and tazarotene whereas other retinoids mainly represented by retinaldehyde and retinol are considerably less irritating. In order to minimize these side effects, various novel drug delivery systems have been developed. In particular, nanoparticles have shown a good potential in improving the stability, tolerability and efficacy of retinoids like tretinoin and retinol. However, more elaborate clinical studies are required to confirm their advantage in the delivery of topical retinoids. PMID:18046911

  10. Natural Oils for Skin-Barrier Repair: Ancient Compounds Now Backed by Modern Science.


    Vaughn, Alexandra R; Clark, Ashley K; Sivamani, Raja K; Shi, Vivian Y


    Natural plant oils are commonly used as topical therapy worldwide. They are usually easily accessible and are relatively inexpensive options for skin care. Many natural oils possess specific compounds with antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-itch properties, making them attractive alternative and complementary treatments for xerotic and inflammatory dermatoses associated with skin-barrier disruption. Unique characteristics of various oils are important when considering their use for topical skin care. Differing ratios of essential fatty acids are major determinants of the barrier repair benefits of natural oils. Oils with a higher linoleic acid to oleic acid ratio have better barrier repair potential, whereas oils with higher amounts of irritating oleic acid may be detrimental to skin-barrier function. Various extraction methods for oils exist, including cold pressing to make unrefined oils, heat and chemical distillation to make essential oils, and the addition of various chemicals to simulate a specific scent to make fragranced oils. The method of oil processing and refinement is an important component of selecting oil for skin care, and cold pressing is the preferred method of oil extraction as the heat- and chemical-free process preserves beneficial lipids and limits irritating byproducts. This review summarizes evidence on utility of natural plant-based oils in dermatology, particularly in repairing the natural skin-barrier function, with the focus on natural oils, including Olea europaea (olive oil), Helianthus annus (sunflower seed oil), Cocos nucifera (coconut oil), Simmondsia chinesis (jojoba oil), Avena sativa (oat oil), and Argania spinosa (argan oil).

  11. [Impact of wet work on epidermal barrier (tewl and stratum corneum hydration) and skin viscoelasticity in nurses].


    Kieć-Świcrczyńska, Marta; Chomiczewska-Skóra, Dorota; Świerczyńska-Machura, Dominika; Kręcisz, Beata


    Nurses are prone to develop hand eczema due to occupational exposure to irritants, including wet work. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of wet work on selected skin properties, reflecting epidermal barrier function--transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and stratum corneum hydration--and additionally skin viscoelasticity, in nurses. Study subjects included 90 nurses employed in hospital wards. Measurements were carried out within the dorsal aspect of the dominant hand, using a Cutometer MPA 580 equipped with Tewameter TM 300 and Corneometer CM 825 (Courage & Khazaka, Germany) probes. Examina- tions took place on hospital premises. Similar measurements were performed in the control group of females non-exposed to irritants. In the examined group of nurses, mean TEWL was 15.5 g/h/m2 and was higher than in the control group (12.99 g/h/m2). After rejecting the extreme results, the difference between the groups proved to be statistically significant (p < 0.05). The mean value of stratum corneum hydration was lower in the examined group (37.915) compared with the control group (40.05), but the difference was not sta tistically significant. Also results of viscoelasticity assessment showed no significant differences between studied groups. The results of the assessment of skin biophysical properties show that wet work exerts a moderately adverse impact on skin condition. A higher TEWL value and a lower stratum corneum hydration in workers exposed to irritants reflect an adverse impact of these factors on the epidermal barrier function.

  12. Assessment of ocular discomfort caused by 5 shampoos using the Slug Mucosal Irritation test.


    Petit, Jean-Yanique; Doré, Vanessa; Marignac, Geneviève; Perrot, Sébastien


    Assessment of ocular discomfort caused by veterinary care products is less legitimately regulated than that caused by human care products. The Slug Mucosal Irritation (SMI) assay was adapted to evaluate canine hygiene shampoos to predict ocular discomfort. Experiments were performed using four commercial canine shampoos, a baby care product, and two controls (ArtTear® and BAC1%). Groups of 3 slugs were tested with 5% dilution of the 7 test substances. The negative control (ArtTear®) was the best tolerated. The baby care product Mixa bébé as well as Douxo Entretien Démêlant and Phlox Shampooing Entretien were classified to cause mild ocular discomfort. Together with the positive control (BAC 1%), Shampooing Physiologique Virbac and Physiovet Shampooing were considered to cause severe ocular discomfort. Different intensities of ocular discomfort were measured for veterinary care products. The SMI model was considered as a reproducible and adaptable evaluation method for screening veterinary care products causing ocular discomfort. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Patch test reactions to metal salts in patients with different types of dermatitis.


    Turčić, Petra; Marinović Kulišić, Sandra; Lipozenčić, Jasna


    Metal allergies can be a clinical problem, especially in atopic individuals. This study is unique and contributes with new knowledge in everyday life skin care of irritant and atopic dermatitis patients. The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of positive patch test reactions to metal contact allergens (potassium dichromate, cobalt chloride, nickel sulfate, white mercury precipitate) in patients diagnosed with allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, and atopic dermatitis. Between 2007 and 2011, patch testing was performed in 2185 patients according to the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group technique. Study results showed statistically significant differences in patch test responses to 2 allergens, nickel sulfate (χ(2)=24.22; p<0.001) and cobalt chloride (χ(2)=22.72; p<0.001). Nickel sulfate was the most common allergen in allergic contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis, while for irritant contact dermatitis the most common allergen was cobalt chloride. Among the 4 tested metal allergens, the most common and relevant was nickel sulfate (χ(2)=17.25; p<0.004), found in almost all study subjects. In conclusion, the increased awareness of allergens and their potential sources may help limit the use of these chemicals in consumer product manufacturing.

  14. Reactions to prick and intradermal skin tests.


    Bagg, Andrew; Chacko, Thomas; Lockey, Richard


    Allergy skin testing is a common procedure for the diagnosis of atopic diseases with a small risk of systemic reactions. To determine the 12-month incidence of systemic reactions (SRs) to skin prick testing (SPT) and intradermal skin testing (ST) and the symptoms and response to immediate treatment with epinephrine intramuscularly. A prospective study was conducted to evaluate SRs from ST in 1,456 patients. A standard form was used to record symptoms, signs, and treatment. The SRs are defined as any sign or symptom other than a local reaction thought to be secondary to ST. No vasovagal reactions were included. Nurses, as instructed by attending physicians, administered epinephrine (0.2 mL of a 1:1,000 dilution) intramuscularly in the deltoid as soon as any remote signs or symptoms occurred. Fifty-two patients (3.6%) had SRs (6 SPT and 46 intradermal): 43 (83%) were female, and 17 (33%) had asthma. Systemic symptoms included (SPT/intradermal) pruritic eyes, nose, or pharynx (0%/46%); worsening cough (50%/26%); sensation of difficulty swallowing (0%/20%); worsening nasal congestion (17%/15%); rhinorrhea (17%/13%); chest tightness or shortness of breath (33%/11%); generalized pruritus (17%/11%); sneezing (33%/9%); wheeze (0%/4%); and urticaria (17%/2%). No severe asthma, shock, hypotension, unconsciousness, or biphasic reactions occurred. All 52 patients received epinephrine intramuscularly, 48 (92%) oral prednisone, 9 (17%) oral prednisone to take 6 to 8 hours after a reaction, 50 (96%) oral antihistamine, and 6 (12%) nebulized beta-agonist. Of patients who underwent ST, SRs occurred in 3.6% (0.4% for SPT and 3.2% for intradermal ST), all of whom readily responded to epinephrine intramuscularly in the deltoid. This immediate administration of epinephrine seems to prevent more serious and biphasic reactions.

  15. Management of Central Venous Access Device-Associated Skin Impairment: An Evidence-Based Algorithm.


    Broadhurst, Daphne; Moureau, Nancy; Ullman, Amanda J

    Patients relying on central venous access devices (CVADs) for treatment are frequently complex. Many have multiple comorbid conditions, including renal impairment, nutritional deficiencies, hematologic disorders, or cancer. These conditions can impair the skin surrounding the CVAD insertion site, resulting in an increased likelihood of skin damage when standard CVAD management practices are employed. Supported by the World Congress of Vascular Access (WoCoVA), developed an evidence- and consensus-based algorithm to improve CVAD-associated skin impairment (CASI) identification and diagnosis, guide clinical decision-making, and improve clinician confidence in managing CASI. A scoping review of relevant literature surrounding CASI management was undertaken March 2014, and results were distributed to an international advisory panel. A CASI algorithm was developed by an international advisory panel of clinicians with expertise in wounds, vascular access, pediatrics, geriatric care, home care, intensive care, infection control and acute care, using a 2-phase, modified Delphi technique. The algorithm focuses on identification and treatment of skin injury, exit site infection, noninfectious exudate, and skin irritation/contact dermatitis. It comprised 3 domains: assessment, skin protection, and patient comfort. External validation of the algorithm was achieved by prospective pre- and posttest design, using clinical scenarios and self-reported clinician confidence (Likert scale), and incorporating algorithm feasibility and face validity endpoints. The CASI algorithm was found to significantly increase participants' confidence in the assessment and management of skin injury (P = .002), skin irritation/contact dermatitis (P = .001), and noninfectious exudate (P < .01). A majority of participants reported the algorithm as easy to understand (24/25; 96%), containing all necessary information (24/25; 96%). Twenty-four of 25 (96%) stated that they would recommend the tool to

  16. Influence of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) on the physical properties of the Cutanova Nanorepair Q10 cream and the in vivo skin hydration effect.


    Pardeike, Jana; Schwabe, Kay; Müller, Rainer H


    Cutanvoa Nanorepair Q10 cream, the first NLC containing cosmetical product introduced to the market in October 2005, was compared to an identical o/w cream without NLC with regards to particle size, melting behaviour, rheological properties and the in vivo effect on skin hydration. The consistency, the spreadability on the skin and the subjective feeling of increase in skin hydration were evaluated using a standardized questionnaire, and compared to hydration data measured. Furthermore, it was shown by epicutaneous patch test that Cutanova Nanorepair Q10 cream has no irritating effects on the skin. By laser diffraction (LD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements it could be shown that NLC are physically stable in Cutanova Nanorepair Q10 cream. After 7 days application of Cutanova Nanorepair Q10 cream and NLC negative control cream an increase in skin hydration could be objectively confirmed by measurements in vivo. From day 28 on the skin hydration measured in the test areas of Cutanova Nanorepair Q10 cream was significantly higher than the skin hydration in the test areas of the NLC negative control cream (p=0.05). The subjective feeling of increase in skin hydration was also rated from the volunteers as superior for Cutanova Nanorepair Q10 cream. The rheological properties of Cutanova Nanorepair Q10 cream contributed to a better subjective impression of consistency and spreadability on the skin than found for NLC negative control cream. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Topical Hazard Evaluation Program of Candidate Insect Repellent AI3-30180-c, US Department of Agriculture Proprietary Chemical, April 1982 - September 1984.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    irritation photochemical chemical and 10 percent reaction under test con- irritation in humans. (wlv) Oil of Bergamot ditions. 2 * - Study No. 75-51-0367-85...control (oil of Bergamot ), than unirradiated skin areas. a and diluent were applied to additional skin areas to serve as unirradiated control sites

  18. The menstrual cycle and the skin.


    Raghunath, R S; Venables, Z C; Millington, G W M


    Perimenstrual exacerbations of dermatoses are commonly recognized, yet our knowledge of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remains imperfect. Research into the effects of oestrogen on the skin has provided evidence to suggest that oestrogen is associated with increases in skin thickness and dermal water content, improved barrier function, and enhanced wound healing. Research into the effects of progesterone suggests that the presence of various dermatoses correlates with peak levels of progesterone. Dermatoses that are exacerbated perimenstrually include acne, psoriasis, atopic eczema and irritant dermatitis, and possibly also erythema multiforme. Exacerbations occur at the peak levels of progesterone in the menstrual cycle. Underlying mechanisms include reduced immune and barrier functions as a result of cyclical fluctuations in oestrogen and/or progesterone. Autoimmune progesterone and oestrogen dermatitis are the best-characterized examples of perimenstrual cutaneous reactions to hormones produced during the menstrual cycle. In this review, we describe the current understanding of the menstrual cycle, and its effect on the skin and cutaneous disorders. © 2015 British Association of Dermatologists.

  19. Permeation of sumatriptan succinate across human skin using multiple types of self-dissolving microneedle arrays fabricated from sodium hyaluronate.


    Wu, Dan; Katsumi, Hidemasa; Quan, Ying-Shu; Kamiyama, Fumio; Kusamori, Kosuke; Sakane, Toshiyasu; Yamamoto, Akira


    Available formulations of sumatriptan succinate (SS) have low bioavailability or are associated with site reactions. We developed various types of self-dissolving microneedle arrays (MNs) fabricated from sodium hyaluronate as a new delivery system for SS and evaluated their skin permeation and irritation in terms of clinical application. In vitro permeation studies with human skin, physicochemical properties (needle length, thickness and density), and penetration enhancers (glycerin, sodium dodecyl sulfate and lauric acid diethanolamide) were investigated. SS-loaded high-density MNs of 800 µm in length were the optimal formulation and met clinical therapeutic requirements. Penetration enhancers did not significantly affect permeation of SS from MNs. Optical coherence tomography images demonstrated that SS-loaded high-density MNs (800 µm) uniformly created drug permeation pathways for the delivery of SS into the skin. SS-loaded high-density MNs induced moderate primary skin irritations in rats, but the skin recovered within 72 h of removal of the MNs. These findings suggest that high-density MNs of 800 µm in length are an effective and promising formulation for transdermal delivery of SS. To our knowledge, this is the first report of SS permeation across human skin using self-dissolving MNs.

  20. Antioxidant activity and irritation property of venoms from Apis species.


    Somwongin, Suvimol; Chantawannakul, Panuwan; Chaiyana, Wantida


    Pharmacological effects of bee venom has been reported, however, it has been restricted to the bee venom collected from European honey bee (Apis mellifera). The aim of the present study was to compare the antioxidant activities and irritation properties of venoms collected from four different Apis species in Thailand, which includes Apis cerena (Asian cavity nesting honeybee), Apis florea (dwarf honeybee), Apis dorsata (giant honeybee), and A. mellifera. Melittin content of each bee venom extracts was investigated by using high-performance liquid chromatography. Ferric reducing antioxidant power, 2, 2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), and 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl assay were used to determine the antioxidant activity, whereas, hen's egg test chorioallantoic membrane assay was used to determine the irritation property of each bee venom extracts. Melittin was the major constituent in all bee venom extracts. The melittin content in A. dorsata, A. mellifera, A. florea, and A. cerena were 95.8 ± 3.2%, 76.5 ± 1.9%, 66.3 ± 8.6%, and 56.8 ± 1.8%, respectively. Bee venom extract from A. dorsata possessed the highest antioxidant activity with the inhibition of 41.1 ± 2.2% against DPPH, Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity of 10.21 ± 0.74 mM Trolox/mg and equivalent concentration (EC 1 ) of 0.35 ± 0.02 mM FeSO 4 /mg. Bee venom extract from A. mellifera exhibited the highest irritation, followed by A. cerena, A. dorsata, and A. florea, respectively. Melittin was the compound responsible for the irritation property of bee venom extracts since it could induce severe irritation (irritation score was 13.7 ± 0.5, at the concentration of 2 mg/ml). The extract from A. dorsata which possessed the highest antioxidant activity showed no irritation up to the concentration of 0.1 mg/ml. Therefore, bee venom extract from A. dorsata at the concentration not more than 0.1 mg/ml would be suggested for using

  1. Insertion Testing of Polyethylene Glycol Microneedle Array into Cultured Human Skin with Biaxial Tension

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Takano, Naoki; Tachikawa, Hiroto; Miyano, Takaya; Nishiyabu, Kazuaki

    Aiming at the practical use of polyethylene glycol (PEG) microneedles for transdermal drug delivery system (DDS), a testing apparatus for their insertion into cultured human skin has been developed. To simulate the variety of conditions of human skin, biaxial tension can be applied to the cultured human skin. An adopted testing scheme to apply and control the biaxial tension is similar to the deep-draw forming technique. An attention was also paid to the short-time setup of small, thin and wet cultured skin. One dimensional array with four needles was inserted and influence of tension was discussed. It was found that tension, deflection of skin during insertion and original curvature of skin are the important parameters for microneedles array design.


    PubMed Central

    Rajagopalan, Mani; Kurian, George; John, Jacob K.


    Psychological aspects of Irritable Bowel Syndrome have been well investigated in Western countries, but there is a paucity of Indian studies focusing on this area. A series of fifty patients with the Irritable Bowel Syndrome were studied with respect to their depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms and their personality traits. Patients had a mean score of 14.68 on Hamilton's depression rating scale and 11.22 on Hamilton's anxiety rating scale, and were more introverted and more neurotic than the general population. No association was found between psychological symptoms and severity of gastrointestinal symptoms. These findings suggest that psychological symptoms are a concomitant part of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome. PMID:21584134

  3. Skin test reactivity to female sex hormones in women with primary unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss.


    Ellaithy, Mohamed I; Fathi, Hesham M; Farres, Mohamed N; Taha, Marwa S


    The objective was to examine the hypothesis that primary unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss might be associated with an inappropriate immunologically mediated response to progesterone and/or estrogen. This prospective study included 47 women with two or more documented consecutive early pregnancy losses of unknown etiology, and no previous history of deliveries. Intradermal skin testing was performed in the luteal phase of the cycle (days 16-20) using estradiol benzoate, progesterone, and a placebo of refined sesame oil. Immediate (20 min) and late (24h and 1 week) skin test readings for all cases were compared with those of 12 parous women of comparable age with no history of spontaneous miscarriages, premenstrual disorders, pregnancy, or sex hormone-related allergic or autoimmune diseases. Main outcome measure was skin test reactivity to estradiol and/or progesterone. Immediate skin test reactivity to both hormones was observed among half of the cases at 20 min. A papule after 24h, which persisted for up to 1 week, was observed among 32 (68.1%) and 34 (72.3%) cases at the sites of estrogen and progesterone injection, respectively. 55.3% of cases had combined skin test reactivity to both estradiol and progesterone at 1 week. All women in the control group showed absence of skin test reactivity for both estradiol and progesterone at 20 min, 24h, and 1 week. None of the subjects in either group showed skin test reactivity to placebo. There is an association between primary unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss and skin test reactivity to female sex hormones. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. The effect of menthol vapor on nasal sensitivity to chemical irritation.


    Wise, Paul M; Preti, George; Eades, Jason; Wysocki, Charles J


    Among other effects, menthol added to cigarettes may modulate sensory response to cigarette smoke either by masking "harshness" or contributing to a desirable "impact." However, harshness and impact have been imprecisely defined and assessed using subjective measures. Thus, the current experiments used an objective measure of sensitivity to chemical irritation in the nose to test the hypothesis that menthol vapor modulates sensitivity to chemical irritation in the airways. Nasal irritation thresholds were measured for 2 model compounds (acetic acid and allyl isothiocyanate) using nasal lateralization. In this technique, participants simultaneously sniff clean air in one nostril and chemical vapor in the other and attempt to identify the stimulated nostril. People cannot lateralize based on smell alone but can do so when chemicals are strong enough to feel. In one condition, participants were pretreated by sniffing menthol vapor. In a control condition, participants were pretreated by sniffing an odorless blank (within-subjects design). Pretreatment with menthol vapor decreased sensitivity to nasal irritation from acetic acid (participants required higher concentrations to lateralize) but increased sensitivity to allyl isothiocyanate (lower concentrations were required). The current experiments provide objective evidence that menthol vapor can modulate sensitivity to chemical irritation in the upper airways in humans. Cigarette smoke is a complex mixture of chemicals and particulates, and further work will be needed to determine exactly how menthol modulates smoking sensation. A better understanding could lead to treatments tailored to help menthol smokers quit by replacing the sensation of mentholated cigarettes.

  5. Comparison of cytotoxicity in vitro and irritation in vivo for aqueous and oily solutions of surfactants.


    Czajkowska-Kośnik, Anna; Wolska, Eliza; Chorążewicz, Juliusz; Sznitowska, Małgorzata


    The in vivo model on rabbit eyes and the in vitro cytotoxicity on fibroblasts were used to compare irritation effect of aqueous and oily (Miglyol 812) solutions of surfactants. Tween 20, Tween 80 and Cremophor EL were tested in different concentrations (0.1, 1 or 5%) and the in vitro test demonstrated that surfactants in oil are less cytotoxic than in aqueous solutions. In the in vivo study, the aqueous solutions of surfactants were characterized as non-irritant while small changes in conjunctiva were observed after application the oily solutions of surfactants and the preparations were classified as slightly irritant, however this effect was similar when Miglyol was applied alone. In conclusion, it is reported that the MTT assay does not correlate well with the Draize scores.

  6. Skin intervention of fullerene-integrated nanoemulsion in structural and collagen regeneration against skin aging.


    Ngan, Cheng Loong; Basri, Mahiran; Tripathy, Minaketan; Abedi Karjiban, Roghayeh; Abdul-Malek, Emilia


    Despite the fact that intrinsic oxidative stress is inevitable, the extrinsic factor such as ultraviolet radiation enhances reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation resulting in premature skin aging. Nanoemulsion was loaded with fullerene, a strong free radical scavenger, and its efficacy to provide protection and regenerative effect against ROS-induced collagen breakdown in human skin was studied. Stable fullerene nanoemulsions were formulated using high shear homogenization and ultrasonic dispersion technique. An open trial was conducted using fullerene nanoemulsion on skin twice a day for 28 days. The mean collagen score significantly increased (P<0.05) from 36.53±4.39 to 48.69±5.46 with 33.29% increment at the end of the treatment. Biophysical characteristics of skin revealed that skin hydration was increased significantly (P<0.05) from 40.91±7.01 to 58.55±6.08 corneometric units (43.12% increment) and the water was able to contain within the stratum corneum without any increased in transepidermal water loss. In the in vitro safety evaluation, fullerene nanoemulsion showed no acute toxicity on 3T3 fibroblast cell line for 48h and no indication of potential dermal irritation. Hence, the fullerene nanoemulsion may assist in protecting collagen from breakdown with cosmeceutical benefit. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Reprint of "CON4EI: Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test for hazard identification and labelling of eye irritating chemicals".


    Verstraelen, Sandra; Maglennon, Gareth; Hollanders, Karen; Boonen, Francis; Adriaens, Els; Alépée, Nathalie; Drzewiecka, Agnieszka; Gruszka, Katarzyna; Kandarova, Helena; Willoughby, Jamin A; Guest, Robert; Schofield, Jane; Van Rompay, An R


    Assessment of ocular irritation potential is an international regulatory requirement in the safety evaluation of industrial and consumer products. None in vitro ocular irritation assays are capable of fully categorizing chemicals as stand-alone. Therefore, the CEFIC-LRI-AIMT6-VITO CON4EI consortium assessed the reliability of eight in vitro test methods and computational models as well as established a tiered-testing strategy. One of the selected assays was Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP). In this project, the same corneas were used for measurement of opacity using the OP-KIT, the Laser Light-Based Opacitometer (LLBO) and for histopathological analysis. The results show that the accuracy of the BCOP OP-KIT in identifying Cat 1 chemicals was 73.8% while the accuracy was 86.3% for No Cat chemicals. BCOP OP-KIT false negative results were often related to an in vivo classification driven by conjunctival effects only. For the BCOP LLBO, the accuracy in identifying Cat 1 chemicals was 74.4% versus 88.8% for No Cat chemicals. The BCOP LLBO seems very promising for the identification of No Cat liquids but less so for the identification of solids. Histopathology as an additional endpoint to the BCOP test method does not reduce the false negative rate substantially for in vivo Cat 1 chemicals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Acute skin lesions after surgical procedures: a clinical approach.


    Borrego, L


    In the hospital setting, dermatologists are often required to evaluate inflammatory skin lesions arising during surgical procedures performed in other departments. These lesions can be of physical or chemical origin. Povidone iodine is the most common reported cause of such lesions. If this antiseptic solution remains in contact with the skin in liquid form for a long period of time, it can give rise to serious irritant contact dermatitis in dependent or occluded areas. Less common causes of skin lesions after surgery include allergic contact dermatitis and burns under the dispersive electrode of the electrosurgical device. Most skin lesions that arise during surgical procedures are due to an incorrect application of antiseptic solutions. Special care must therefore be taken during the use of these solutions and, in particular, they should be allowed to dry. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier España, S.L. and AEDV. All rights reserved.

  9. Sub-categorisation of skin corrosive chemicals by the EpiSkin™ reconstructed human epidermis skin corrosion test method according to UN GHS: revision of OECD Test Guideline 431.


    Alépée, N; Grandidier, M H; Cotovio, J


    The EpiSkin™ skin corrosion test method was formally validated and adopted within the context of OECD TG 431 for identifying corrosive and non-corrosive chemicals. The EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (EU CLP) system requires the sub-categorisation of corrosive chemicals into the three UN GHS optional subcategories 1A, 1B and 1C. The present study was undertaken to investigate the usefulness of the validated EpiSkin™ test method to identify skin corrosive UN GHS Categories 1A, 1B and 1C using the original and validated prediction model and adapted controls for direct MTT reduction. In total, 85 chemicals selected by the OECD expert group on skin corrosion were tested in three independent runs. The results obtained were highly reproducible both within (>80%) and between (>78%) laboratories when compared with historical data. Moreover the results obtained showed that the EpiSkin™ test method is highly sensitive (99%) and specific (80%) in discriminating corrosive from non-corrosive chemicals and allows reliable and relevant identification of the different skin corrosive UN GHS subcategories, with high accuracies being obtained for both UN GHS Categories 1A (83%) and 1B/1C (76%) chemicals. The overall accuracy of the test method to subcategorise corrosive chemicals into three or two UN GHS subcategories ranged from 75% to 79%. Considering those results, the revised OECD Test Guideline 431 permit the use of EpiSkin™ for subcategorising corrosive chemicals into at least two classes (Category 1A and Category 1B/1C). Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Comparison of intradermal and percutaneous testing to histamine, saline and nine allergens in healthy adult cats.


    Gentry, Christina M; Messinger, Linda


    Intradermal testing (IDT) in cats has potential limitations; this has led to an interest in novel testing methods. A pilot study demonstrated that healthy cats produced reliable percutaneous glycerinated (PG) histamine wheals, whereas percutaneously applied glycerosaline did not lead to wheal formation. The purpose of this study was to determine if percutaneously applied aqueous and glycerinated allergens would lead to irritant reactions in healthy cats. Percutaneous testing (PCT) with both glycerinated and aqueous allergens and IDT were compared in twelve healthy cats. The lateral thorax was clipped and histamine, saline and nine allergens were tested in rows. Objective and subjective evaluations were performed at 15, 20 and 25 min, and 4 h. Results were evaluated as positive or negative at 15, 20, 25 min and 4 h. Skin test reactions for intradermal (ID) histamine wheals were larger when compared to PG and percutaneous aqueous (PA) at the immediate reading points (P < 0.05) subjectively and objectively; however, PG was not significantly different from ID when compared as either positive (2-4) or negative (0-1). PG histamine and allergen reactions, when present, were larger than equivalent PA reactions. PG and PA allergens did not cause irritant reactions at tested concentrations. Bassia scoparia (kochia), when tested at 1000 PNU/mL with IDT, was suspected to be an irritant. Percutaneously (PCT) applied allergens did not cause irritant reactions in healthy cats. PG histamine wheals, although smaller than ID histamine wheals, were easily recognizable and PCT was simple to perform. © 2016 ESVD and ACVD.

  11. Prediction of ocular irritancy of 26 chemicals and 26 cosmetic products with isolated rabbit eye (IRE) test.


    Guo, Xiang; Yang, Xing Fen; Yang, Ying; Hans, Raabe; Cai, Jing Heng; Xue, Jin Yu; Tan, Xiao Hua; Xie, Xiao Ping; Xiong, Xi Kun; Huang, Jun Ming


    This study aims to establish and evaluate the methodology of isolated rabbit eye (IRE) test. IRE test was performed according to modifications of the in vitro toxicology (INVITTOX) Protocol No.85: Rabbit enucleated eye test by European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM), and then 26 chemicals and 26 cosmetic products were tested in both in vitro IRE and in vivo Draize tests. A statistical analysis was conducted to determine the relevance of the IRE test to the data generated in the Draize test. IRE test was established successfully in our laboratory. It was shown that ranking correlation and class concordance were fairly well between the IRE test and the Draize test for 26 reference chemicals (Fisher's Exact Test χ(2)=51.314, P<0.001; McNemar P=0.261; Gamma=0.960, P<0.001; Kappa=0.843, P<0.001) and 26 cosmetic products (Fisher's Exact Test χ(2)=15.522, P<0.001; McNemar P=0.311; Gamma=0.967, P<0.001; Kappa=0.611, P<0.001). IRE test was established successfully for in vitro testing of eye irritation as an alternative to Draize test. Copyright © 2012 The Editorial Board of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Combining skin prick, immediate skin application and specific-IgE testing in the diagnosis of peanut allergy in children.


    Wainstein, Brynn Kevin; Yee, Anthony; Jelley, Donna; Ziegler, Mary; Ziegler, John B


    Previous studies have suggested various diagnostic cut-offs of allergy tests for the diagnosis of clinical peanut allergy in children. There are few data relating to the use of combinations of these tests in children. We aimed to determine the validity of previously reported diagnostic cut-off levels of peanut allergen skin tests and peanut specific-immunoglobulin (Ig) E, as well as the usefulness of combinations of these, for predicting clinical peanut allergy in our Allergy Clinic. Children attending the Allergy Clinic with a positive peanut skin prick test (SPT; n = 84) were included in the study. Immediate skin application food tests (I-SAFT) using 1 g of peanut butter (positive if any wheals were detected at 15 min), peanut specific-IgE levels and open-label peanut food challenges were performed. Fifty-two of 85 peanut challenges were positive. Skin prick test specificity was 67% at >or=8 mm and 100% at >or=15 mm. The I-SAFT was 82% specific. A peanut specific-IgE level of 0.37 kU/l was 98% sensitive but 33% specific. A level of 10 kU/l was 100% specific. Combinations of a SPT of >or=8 mm with a positive I-SAFT and a peanut specific-IgE >or=0.37 kU/l were 88% specific with a sensitivity of 38%. Using challenge outcomes as the standard, available in vitro and in vivo diagnostic tests for peanut allergy have poor sensitivity and specificity and combining them does not significantly improve their clinical usefulness. Previously described diagnostic cut-off levels do not have general applicability. Allergy practitioners may need to interpret results of allergy tests in the context of their own practices.

  13. Optimizing management of actinic keratosis and photodamaged skin: utilizing a stepwise approach.


    Lee, Andrew D; Jorizzo, Joseph L


    The incidence of photodamaged skin and skin lesions of all degrees of severity, from actinic keratosis (AK) to skin cancers, has dramatically increased. Actinic keratoses are pathologic, reflecting damage of essential skin cell functions and potentially progressing to invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The rate of progression is uncertain but may be as high as 10%. Because it is impossible to predict which AKs will progress to SCC, all lesions should be treated. Options include topical therapies, cryotherapy, curettage, and photodynamic therapy. Unfortunately, many individuals do not seek treatment or avoid it because of irritation, discomfort, and concern for scarring. Combining field-directed therapy and cryotherapy has been more effective than cryotherapy alone. Incorporating patient education with treatment may optimize outcomes. We propose a comprehensive 5-step approach for managing AK lesions and photodamaged skin that includes periodic clinical skin examinations; treating AK lesions with a combination of field- and lesion-directed therapy; and patient education regarding sun-protective measures and regular skin self-examinations.

  14. Calcipotriol delivery into the skin as emulgel for effective permeation

    PubMed Central

    Naga Sravan Kumar Varma, V.; Maheshwari, P.V.; Navya, M.; Reddy, Sharath Chandra; Shivakumar, H.G.; Gowda, D.V.


    The objective of this work is to formulate and evaluate an emulgel containing calcipotriol for treatment of psoriasis. Emulgels have emerged as a promising drug delivery system for the delivery of hydrophobic drugs. Isopropyl alcohol and polyethylene glycol have been employed as permeation enhancers. Formulation chart is made with seven formulations, evaluated for physical parameters, drug content, viscosity, thixotropy, spreadability, extrudability, mucoadhesion, diffusion studies, skin irritation test along with short term stability studies. Carbopolis is reported to have a direct influence on appearance and viscosity of final formulation. The photomicroscopic evaluations showed the presence of spherical globules in size range of 10–15 μm. Rheograms revealed that all the formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow. Optimized formulation (F6) had shown 86.42 ± 2.0% drug release at the end of 8 h study. The release rate through dialysis membrane and rat skin is higher when compared to commercial calcipotriol ointment. Hence it is concluded that calcipotriol can be delivered topically with enhanced penetration properties when formulated as emulgel. PMID:25561873

  15. Calcipotriol delivery into the skin as emulgel for effective permeation.


    Naga Sravan Kumar Varma, V; Maheshwari, P V; Navya, M; Reddy, Sharath Chandra; Shivakumar, H G; Gowda, D V


    The objective of this work is to formulate and evaluate an emulgel containing calcipotriol for treatment of psoriasis. Emulgels have emerged as a promising drug delivery system for the delivery of hydrophobic drugs. Isopropyl alcohol and polyethylene glycol have been employed as permeation enhancers. Formulation chart is made with seven formulations, evaluated for physical parameters, drug content, viscosity, thixotropy, spreadability, extrudability, mucoadhesion, diffusion studies, skin irritation test along with short term stability studies. Carbopolis is reported to have a direct influence on appearance and viscosity of final formulation. The photomicroscopic evaluations showed the presence of spherical globules in size range of 10-15 μm. Rheograms revealed that all the formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow. Optimized formulation (F6) had shown 86.42 ± 2.0% drug release at the end of 8 h study. The release rate through dialysis membrane and rat skin is higher when compared to commercial calcipotriol ointment. Hence it is concluded that calcipotriol can be delivered topically with enhanced penetration properties when formulated as emulgel.

  16. Using the Slug Mucosal Irritation Assay to Investigate the Tolerability of Tablet Excipients on Human Skin in the Context of the Use of a Nipple Shield Delivery System.


    Kendall, Richard; Lenoir, Joke; Gerrard, Stephen; Scheuerle, Rebekah L; Slater, Nigel K H; Tuleu, Catherine


    Neonates are particularly challenging to treat. A novel patented drug delivery device containing a rapidly disintegrating tablet held within a modified nipple shield (NSDS) was designed to deliver medication to infants during breastfeeding. However concerns exist around dermatological nipple tolerability with no pharmaceutical safety assessment guidance to study local tissue tolerance of the nipple and the areola. This is the first Slug Mucosal Irritation (SMI) study to evaluate irritancy potential of GRAS excipients commonly used to manufacture rapidly disintegrating immediate release solid oral dosage form METHODS: Zinc sulphate selected as the antidiarrheal model drug that reduces infant mortality, was blended with functional excipients at traditional levels [microcrystalline cellulose, sodium starch glycolate, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate]. Slugs were exposed to blends slurried in human breast milk to assess their stinging, itching or burning potential, using objective values such as mucus production to categorize irritation potency RESULTS: Presently an in vivo assay, previously validated for prediction of ocular and nasal irritation, was used as an alternative to vertebrate models to anticipate the potential maternal dermatological tolerability issues to NSDS tablet components. The excipients did not elicit irritancy. However, mild irritancy was observed when zinc sulphate was present in blends. These promising good tolerability results support the continued investigation of these excipients within NSDS rapidly disintegrating tablet formulations. Topical local tolerance effects being almost entirely limited to irritation, the slug assay potentially adds to the existing preformulation toolbox, and may sit in between the in vitro and existing in vivo assays.

  17. The development and testing of a skin tear risk assessment tool.


    Newall, Nelly; Lewin, Gill F; Bulsara, Max K; Carville, Keryln J; Leslie, Gavin D; Roberts, Pam A


    The aim of the present study is to develop a reliable and valid skin tear risk assessment tool. The six characteristics identified in a previous case control study as constituting the best risk model for skin tear development were used to construct a risk assessment tool. The ability of the tool to predict skin tear development was then tested in a prospective study. Between August 2012 and September 2013, 1466 tertiary hospital patients were assessed at admission and followed up for 10 days to see if they developed a skin tear. The predictive validity of the tool was assessed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. When the tool was found not to have performed as well as hoped, secondary analyses were performed to determine whether a potentially better performing risk model could be identified. The tool was found to have high sensitivity but low specificity and therefore have inadequate predictive validity. Secondary analysis of the combined data from this and the previous case control study identified an alternative better performing risk model. The tool developed and tested in this study was found to have inadequate predictive validity. The predictive validity of an alternative, more parsimonious model now needs to be tested. © 2015 Inc and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Integrating non-animal test information into an adaptive testing strategy - skin sensitization pro