Sample records for solution capteur optique

  1. Développement d'un capteur optique de pression pour la mesure in-situ des moteurs cryogéniques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Girault, Marc; Graindorge, Philippe; Laloux, Bernard; Desforges, Francois-Xavier; Martin, Philippe; Lefevre, Herve; Rouhet, Jacky


    This paper, "Développement d'un capteur optique de pression pour la mesure in-situ des moteurs cryogéniques," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  2. Capteur de CO{2} à fibres optiques par absorption moléculaire à 4,3 μm

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bendamardji, S.; Alayli, Y.; Huard, S.


    This paper describes a remote optical fibre sensor for the carbon dioxide detection by molecular absorption in the near infrared (4.3 μm) corresponding to fundamental mode ν3. To overcome the problem of the strong attenuation signal of optical fibre in the near infrared, we have used the opto-suppling technique which changes the working wavelength from 4.3 μm to 860 nm and permits the use of standard optical fibre 50/125. The simulation of absorption has been obtained by original modelisation of the absorption spectrum and the establishment of the calibration curves takes to the sensor to detect a partial pressures greater than 100 μbar with a minimal error margin of 100 μbar, which is acceptable considering the future use of the device. The sensor has been designed to monitor the CO{2} rate in enriched greenhouses. Cet article décrit un capteur à fibres optiques de gaz carbonique par absorption moléculaire dans l'infrarouge moyen (4,3 μm) correspondant au mode fondamental ν3. La liaison entre le site de mesure et le site de contrôle est assurée par un fibre optique standard 50/125 après une transposition de longueur d'onde de 4,3 μm à 860 nm par opto-alimentation. La simulation de l'absorption a été obtenue par modélisation originale du spectre d'absorption et l'établissement des courbes d'étalonnage prévoit une marge d'erreur minimale de 100 μbar, ce qui est suffisant pour l'application du dispositif à la régulation de taux CO{2} dans les serres agricoles enrichies par de gaz.

  3. L'optique spatiale au CES

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Courtois, M.; Otrio, G.


    Jai le plaisir d'inaugurer cette troisieme conference ICS0'97 consacree a l'optique patialc Les techniques evoluent tres vite; l'optique et l'optoelectronique n'echappent pas a c:ene regle. Depuis Garmisch. en 1994, bien des evenements concemant ces domaines se som produits le rappellerai !es faits les plus saillants dans la premiere panie de mon expose Je donncrai ensuite un apercu des activites en cours au Cnes et je tenninerai en parlant du futur quelles sont les technologies emergentes et quels projets peuvent en decouler ?

  4. Conception d'un capteur intelligent pour la détection des vapeurs de styrène dans l'industrie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Agbossou, Kodjo; Agbebavi, T. James; Koffi, Demagna; Elhiri, Mohammed


    The techniques of measurement of toxic gases are nowadays based on the semiconductor type sensors. The modelling and the electronic processing of their signals can be used to improve the accuracy and the efficiency of the measurement. In this paper, an intelligent system using a semiconductor sensor has been designed for the detection of the styrene vapors. A set of the environmental parameters sensors such as the temperature, the pressure and the humidity, is added to the basic sensor and allows a precise detection of the styrene vapors in air. A microcontroller and a communication interface, that are included in the control system and in the data processing system, provide the local intelligence. The linearization routines of the differents sensors are in the memory of the microcontroller. The system made of the sensors, of the amplification circuits, of the microcontroller and of the communication network between the smart sensor and the computer is analysed. A laboratory test of the device is presented and the accuracies and efficiencies of the differents sensors are given. Les techniques fiables de quantification des gaz polluants sont aujourd'hui basées sur l'utilisation des détecteurs à récepteurs chimiques et sur des capteurs à semiconducteurs. La modélisation et le traitement numérique des signaux résultants sont importants pour une mesure efficace et précise dans un milieu donné. Dans cet article, un capteur intelligent, utilisant un détecteur de gaz type semiconducteur a été réalisé pour la détection des vapeurs de styrène. Un ensemble de détecteurs des paramètres environnementaux, tels que la température, la pression et l'humidité, ajoutés au capteur de styrène, permettent de mesurer avec un bon contrôle les vapeurs de styrène dans l'air. Le système de contrôle et de gestion local des données est constitué d'un microcontrôleur et d'une interface de communication. Le microcontrôleur contient dans sa mémoire toutes les

  5. Correction partielle des Effets de la Turbulence atmosphérique en Interférométrie optique: Traitement des Données et Développement d'Optiques adaptatives pour l'Interféromètre GI2T

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vérinaud, Christophe


    Dans le domaine de la haute résolution angulaire en astronomie, les techniques de l'interférométrie optique et de l'optique adaptative sont en plein essor. La principale limitation de l'interférométrie est laturbulence atmosphérique qui entraîne des pertes de cohérence importantes, préjudiciables à la sensibilité et à la précision des mesures. L'optique adaptative appliquée à l'interférométrie va permettre un gain en sensibilité considérable. Le but de cette thèse est l'étude de l'influence de l'optique adaptative sur les mesures interférométriques et son application au Grand Interféromètre à DeuxTélescopes (GI2T) situé sur le Mont Calern dans le sud de la France. Deux problèmes principaux sont étudiés de manière théorique par des développements analytiques et des simulations numériques: le premier est le contrôle en temps réel de la variation des différences de marche optique, encore appelée piston différentiel, induite par l'optique adaptative ; le deuxième problème important est la calibration des mesures de contraste des franges dans le cas de la correction partielle. Je limite mon étude au cas d'un interféromètre multi-modes en courtes poses, mode de fonctionnement principal du GI2T également prévu sur le Very Large Telescope Interferometer installé au Cerro Paranal au Chili. Je développe une méthode de calibration des pertes de cohérence spatio-temporelles connaissant la fonction de structure des fronts d'onde corrigés. Je montre en particulier qu'il est possible d'estimer fréquence par fréquence la densité spectrale des images en courtes poses, méthode très utile pour augmenter la couverture du plan des fréquences spatiales dans l'observation d'objets étendus. La dernière partie de ce mémoire est consacrée au développements instrumentaux auxquels j'ai participé. J'ai développé un banc de qualification du système d'optique adaptative à courbure destiné au GI2T et j'ai étudié l

  6. Comparaison des effets des irradiations γ, X et UV dans les fibres optiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Girard, S.; Ouerdane, Y.; Baggio, J.; Boukenter, A.; Meunier, J.-P.; Leray, J.-L.


    Les fibres optiques présentent de nombreux avantages incitant à les intégrer dans des applications devant résister aux environnements radiatifs associés aux domaines civil, spatial ou militaire. Cependant, leur exposition à un rayonnement entraîne la création de défauts ponctuels dans la silice amorphe pure ou dopée qui constitue les différentes parties de la fibre optique. Ces défauts causent, en particulier, une augmentation transitoire de l'atténuation linéique des fibres optiques responsable de la dégradation voire de la perte du signal propagé dans celles-ci. Dans cet article, nous comparons les effets de deux types d'irradiation: une impulsion X et une dose γ cumulée. Les effets de ces irradiations sont ensuite comparés avec ceux induits par une insolation ultraviolette (244 nm) sur les propriétés d'absorption des fibres optiques. Nous montrons qu'il existe des similitudes entre ces différentes excitations et qu'il est possible, sous certaines conditions, d'utiliser celles-ci afin d'évaluer la capacité de certaines fibres optiques à fonctionner dans un environnement nucléaire donné.

  7. Disposable Multi-Sensor Unattended Ground Sensor Systems for Detecting Personnel (Systemes de detection multi-capteurs terrestres autonome destines a detecter du personnel)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    du personnel » (SET-158 RTG) identifient et accèdent aux technologies potentielles de détection des personnes, qui améliorent la sécurité par...croissante de systèmes de détection à distance, qui soient robustes et de haute performance afin d’assurer la surveillance et l’acquisition des ...les caméras basse et haute résolution. Dans la seconde phase, des approches de phénoménologie des capteurs et de traitement du

  8. Structural Aspects of Flexible Aircraft Control (les Aspects structuraux du controle actif et flexible des aeronefs)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    est constitude par un .les pressions sur la gouveme et le ensemble de 17 pouts de jauge , de 20 moment de charni~re sont surestimds accildrom~tes, de...avec les corrdlations calcul-essais 130 mm). des rdponses dc jauges de contraintes A 12 Le calcul, comme les essais, permettent chargements statiques...encastrement au mur * 250 capteurs ( pression, jauge , acc~l6romnbtre, fibre optique) gouverne encastrement ~-axe dispositif de s6curit6 ~ guen BLJTEE A JEUl

  9. Traitement de la neuromyélite optique de Devic durant de la grossesse

    PubMed Central

    Daouda, Moussa Toudou; Obenda, Norlin Samuel; Assadeck, Hamid; Camara, Diankanagbe; Djibo, Fatimata Hassane


    La neuromyélite optique de Devic est une pathologie inflammatoire démyélinisante du système nerveux central qui affecte électivement la moelle spinale, le nerf optique et les régions cérébrales à haute expression d’antigènes aquaporine 4. Il s’agit d’une pathologie auto-immune sévère due à des auto-anticorps dirigés contre l’aquaporine 4, à taux de morbidité et de mortalité élevé. Contrairement à d’autres pathologies inflammatoires notamment la sclérose en plaques ou polyarthrite rhumatoïde, la grossesse n’exerce aucune influence sur l’activité de la neuromyélite optique d’où la nécessité d’instaurer un traitement de fond durant toute la grossesse. La corticothérapie représente le traitement de premier choix de la neuromyélite optique durant la grossesse. D’autres traitements peuvent également être utilisés notamment le rituximab, certains immunosuppresseurs, les immunoglobulines. Le traitement par immunosuppresseurs ou rituximab est proposé lorsque la corticothérapie au long cours est contre-indiquée ou en cas d’inefficacité à celle-ci ou encore lorsque les effets secondaires sont intolérables. Les immunoglobulines sont administrées en cas de poussées sévères de la neuromyélite optique qui ne répondent pas aux bolus de methylprednisolone. Les immunoglobulines peuvent également être poursuivies seules à la dose 0,4g/kg/j toutes les 6 à 8 semaines jusqu’à l’accouchement. La plasmaphérèse est également une bonne alternative aux bolus de methylprednisolone lorsque les poussées sont très sévères. PMID:27800085

  10. Minimisation de l'influence de la témperature sur un capteur polarimétrique de position angulaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gaumont, Eric; Chakari, Ayoub; Clement, Michel; Meyrueis, Patrick


    This paper, "Minimisation de l'influence de la témperature sur un capteur polarimétrique de position angulaire," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  11. Realisation de composants tout-fibre passifs bases sur des fibres optiques a deux coeurs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jacob Poulin, Anne C.


    Les composants passifs tout-optique sont des elements de choix dans les systemes de communications optiques. Cette these presente l'utilisation experimentale de fibres a deux coeurs dissimilaires pour la realisation de filtres passe-bande. Les fibres a deux coeurs ont la particularite de favoriser un couplage d'un coeur a l'autre a intervalles reguliers lorsque les coeurs sont exactement identiques. Dans le cas ou une legere difference apparait, ce couplage est rapidement reduit a zero. La premiere partie de la these montre comment, par l'emploi d'une geometrie de fibre appropriee, il est possible de compenser cette desyntonisation et de fabriquer des coupleurs 100%. Les filtres obtenus ayant toutefois une largeur de bande trop grande pour les besoins du marche des communications optiques, il est montre dans la deuxieme partie de la these comment, en alliant la technologie des reseaux de Bragg avec celle des coupleurs, il est possible de realiser des filtres operant en transmission et possedant d'excellentes caracteristiques spectrales, toujours avec ces memes fibres a deux coeurs.

  12. Le role du phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) dans les variations des proprietes optiques des eaux du Saint-Laurent

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mas, Sebastien

    Les mesures satellitaires de couleur des oceans sont largement determinees par les proprietes optiques inherentes (IOPs) des eaux de surface. D'autre part, le phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) est le plus souvent dominant dans les oceans, et peut donc etre une source importante de variation des IOPs dans les oceans. Dans ce contexte, le but principal de ce doctorat etait de definir l'impact du phytoplancton (<20 mum) sur les variations des proprietes optiques de l'Estuaire et du Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Canada). Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, il etait necessaire de determiner en milieu controle les facteurs de variabilite des proprietes optiques cellulaires et des IOPs du phytoplancton (<20 mum) des eaux du Saint-Laurent, et d'evaluer la contribution du phytoplancton (<20 mum) aux proprietes optiques totales des eaux du Saint-Laurent. Des experiences en laboratoire ont montre que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques soumises a un cycle jour-nuit, ainsi qu'a des changements concomitants d'intensite lumineuse, peuvent contribuer significativement a la variabilite des proprietes optiques observee en milieu naturel. D'autres experiences ont, quant a elles, mis en evidence que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques dues aux phases de croissance peuvent alterer les IOPs des oceans, particulierement pendant les periodes de floraison. De plus, la presence de bacteries et de particules detritiques peut egalement affecter la variabilite des IOPs totales, notamment la diffusion. Au printemps, dans l'Estuaire et le Golfe du Saint-Laurent, la contribution du phytoplancton <20 mum aux IOPs presentait des differences regionales evidentes pour les proprietes d'absorption et de diffusion. En plus de la variabilite spatiale, les proprietes optiques cellulaires presentaient des variations journalieres, et ce particulierement pour le picophytoplancton. Enfin, la plupart des differences observees dans les

  13. Reseaux Neuronaux Optiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bergeron, Alain

    Cette recherche vise a la mise en oeuvre optique de reseaux neuronaux. Deux architectures differentes sont proposees. La premiere est la memoire associative permettant d'associer a un objet quelconque une sortie arbitraire tout en preservant l'information sur sa position. La seconde architecture, le classificateur neuronal pour le controle robotique, permet l'identification d'une entree et son classement selon differentes categories. La sortie est compatible avec les systemes numeriques standard. Pour realiser ces architectures, une approche modulaire est privilegiee. Le correlateur constitue le module de base des realisations. Differents modules sont de plus introduits pour realiser convenablement les operations neuronales. Le premier de ces modules est le seuil optoelectronique permettant de realiser une fonction non lineaire, element essentiel des reseaux neuronaux. Le second module a etre introduit est l'encodeur optonumerique, utile au classement des objets. Le probleme de l'enregistrement de la memoire est aborde a l'aide du codage iteratif global.

  14. Les métamatériaux, des micro-ondes à l'optique : théorie et applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kante, B.


    Cet article constitue une contribution originale et importante à la compréhension à la fois théorique et expérimentale des métamatériaux en micro-ondes et en infrarouge. Nous avons réalisé et caractérisé sur silicium des nano-structures metallo-diélectriques, briques de base des métamatériaux infrarouge et optique. Des caractérisations optiques exhaustives ont été réalisées pour la première fois sur ces structures en amplitude et en phase par interférométrie. Des topologies plus simples de métamatériaux d’un point de vue technologique et des performances optiques ont été introduites, et leur potentiel démontré dans la réalisation de fonctions aussi complexes que la réfraction négative, le couplage de mode plasmoniques, les nano senseurs pour la biologie et l’invisibilité électromagnétique en infrarouge. Les transformations d’espace, et le nouveau paradigme qu’elles offrent à l’optique, rendant possible une ingénierie de l’espace pour les photons ainsi que leur implémentation par métamatériaux ont été présentés par la première démonstration expérimentale d’une cape d’invisibilité non magnétique.

  15. Fiabilité des structures mécaniques adaptatives: effet de la panne des actionneurs ou des capteurs sur la stabilité

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fall, H.; Charon, W.; Kouta, R.


    Ces dernières décennies, des activités significatives dans le monde étaient dirigées autour du contrôle actif. Le but de ces recherches était essentiellement d'améliorer les performances, la fiabilité et la sécurité des systèmes. Notamment dans le cas des structures soumises à des vibrations aléatoires. D'importants travaux ont été consacré à l'utilisation des “matériaux intelligents” comme capteurs et actionneurs. Cette article propose l'analyse de la fiabilité des systèmes mécaniques en étudiant les pannes des actionneurs ou des capteurs. L'effet de ces pannes sur la stabilité et la performance du système y est démontré. Les méthodologies de conception y sont rappelées. Des exemples numériques sont fournis à travers le contrôle d'un panneau sous chargement dynamique pour illustrer la méthode proposée.

  16. Instrumentation optique pour l'identification per-operatoire des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Montigny, Etienne

    Cette these traite du developpement d'instrumentation pour l'imagerie medicale optique. Ces travaux sont centres sur une application particuliere ; faciliter l'identification des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide et de la parathyroide. La thyroide est une glande situee dans le cou, attachee au larynx a la hauteur de la pomme d'Adam. Elle est entouree de plusieurs structures importantes : muscles, nerfs et glandes parathyroides. Ces dernieres controlent la calcemie et jouent donc un role essentiel dans le corps. Elles sont toutefois de petite taille et sont tres difficiles a distinguer du gras et des ganglions environnants. L'objectif principal de cette these est de developper une instrumentation basee sur la microscopie optique pour permettre l'identification des tissus : thyroide, parathyroide, gras et ganglions, durant les chirurgies. Les choix sont donc faits en fonction de cette application et du contexte specifique des mesures intra-operatoires sur des patients humains. Plusieurs modalites d'imagerie optique sont identifiees pour atteindre l'objectif : microscopie confocale en reflectance, tomographique par coherence optique, et mesure de l'autofluorescence des glandes parathyroides. Dans le but d'ameliorer leur compatibilite avec l'environnement clinique qui requiert stabilite dans le temps et resistance aux vibrations et aux conditions environnementales, ce projet se concentre sur les implementations miniaturisables et basees sur des fibres optiques. Pour implementer un systeme d'imagerie en fluorescence a balayage laser rapide, un systeme d'imagerie en fluorescence par encodage spectral est propose. Bien que l'utilisation de l'encodage spectral semble a priori incompatible avec le contraste en fluorescence, une implementation facile a realiser est proposee. Une seconde version du montage, compatible avec la clinique et facilitant le developpement d'un endoscope, est presentee. La preuve de principe de cette methode est faite a 1300nm, une longueur

  17. Amplification sans bruit d'images optiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gigan, S.; Delaubert, V.; Lopez, L.; Treps, N.; Maitre, A.; Fabre, C.


    Nous utilisons un Oscillateur Paramétrique Optique (OPO) pompé sous le seuil dans le but d'amplifier une image multimode transverse sans dégradation du rapport signal à bruit. Le dispositif expérimental met en œuvre un OPO de type II triplement résonant et semi-confocal pour le faisceau amplifié. L'existence d'effets quantiques lors de l'amplification multimode dans un tel dispositif a été montrée expérimentalement. Plus généralement, ceci nous a amené à étudier les propriétés quantiques transverses des faisceaux lumineux amplifiés. Une telle étude peut trouver des applications non seulement en imagerie, mais également dans le traitement quantique de l'information.

  18. L'optique pour la sécurité sanitaire des aliments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Piat, Félix


    Il semble aujourd'hui évident que chaque produit alimentaire commercialisé ne représente aucun danger pour la santé. Cet acquis repose pourtant sur un système complexe de règles et de contrôles appliqués quotidiennement dans les coulisses de l'industrie agro-alimentaire. Les technologies optiques y jouent un rôle prépondérant, permettant de séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie.

  19. Évaluation des caractéristiques mécaniques du polissoir en polyuréthanne utilisé comme porte abrasifs durant le processus du polissage du verre optique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aliouane, T.; Bouzid, D.; Belkhir, N.; Bouzid, S.; Herold, V.


    La fabrication des composants en verre optique nécessite des moyens de grande précision dans les procédés de finition vue l'importance accordée à leur qualité.
Durant le processus de polissage des verres optiques, le polissoir est un élément clé et a un impact direct sur les performances des composants optiques, non seulement il est utilisé comme support de grains abrasifs mais il doit posséder la fonction de transmission de la pression aux grains. La connaissance de ses propriétés, essentiellement mécanique, est impérative afin d'obtenir un état de surface optimal des composants optiques destinés à remplir des fonctions très précises dans des appareils optiques très performants.
Dans cette étude, nous avons constaté que les propriétés des polissoirs en polyuréthanne tel que la dureté, le module d'élasticité et la densité varient au cours du polissage. Ce changement a des effets sur l'état de surface de verre optique, causé par le changement microstructural de la surface du polissoir (distribution et dimensions des pores) et par conséquent sur la quantité des abrasifs (en oxyde de cérium) insérée dans les pores, ce qui influe sur la quantité de verre enlevée et sur l'état de surface du composant.
Sur la base des résultats obtenus, il a été prouvé que le polissoir subit des modifications très importantes ce qui influe considérablement sur son efficacité de polissage.

  20. Controle optique de qubits lies a des centres isoelectroniques d'azote dans le GaAs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ethier-Majcher, Gabriel

    Le traitement de l'information quantique est un domaine de recherche actuellement en pleine effervescence car il laisse entrevoir une revolution dans notre facon de traiter et d'echanger de l'information. D'une part, l'ordinateur quantique promet de resoudre des problemes comme la factorisation d'un polynome de facon beaucoup plus efficace qu'un ordinateur classique. D'autre part, les communications quantiques promettent l'echange d'information de facon fondamentalement inviolable. Afin de tirer pleinement profit de ces nouvelles technologies, il sera avantageux de construire des reseaux quantiques. Dans un tel reseau, des processeurs quantiques, les noeuds, seront connectes par des photons voyageant dans des fibres optiques. Les reseaux quantiques permettront de deployer les communications quantiques a grande echelle et de creer des super-ordinateurs quantiques. La realisation de reseaux quantiques necessitera des interfaces optiques pouvant echanger l'information de facon coherente entre un qubit (bit d'information quantique) et un photon. L'implementation de telles interfaces dans un systeme physique s'avere un important defi scientifique et technologique. Or, les systemes actuellement envisages a cette fin souffrent d'un faible couplage avec la lumiere ou encore de grandes inhomogeneites, constituant des obstacles a la realisation de reseaux a grande echelle. Dans cette these, le potentiel des centres isoelectroniques pour realiser des interfaces optiques est evalue. Deux types de qubits lies a des paires d'azote dans le GaAs sont consideres : les qubits excitoniques et les qubits de spin electronique, controlables par l'intermediaire d'excitons charges. Le controle optique complet des qubits excitoniques est demontre, ce qui constitue la premiere realisation du genre dans les centres isoelectroniques. L'observation d'excitons charges dans ce systeme, liant a la fois des trous lourds et des trous legers, laisse entrevoir de nouvelles possibilites afin de

  1. Etudes optiques de nouveaux materiaux laser: Des orthosilicates dopes a l'ytterbium: Le yttrium (lutetium,scandium) pentoxide de silicium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Denoyer, Aurelie

    La decouverte et l'elaboration de nouveaux materiaux laser solides suscitent beaucoup d'interet parmi la communaute scientifique. En particulier les lasers dans la gamme de frequence du micron debouchent sur beaucoup d'applications, en telecommunication, en medecine, dans le domaine militaire, pour la, decoupe des metaux (lasers de puissance), en optique non lineaire (doublage de frequence, bistabilite optique). Le plus couramment utilise actuellement est le Nd:YAG dans cette famille de laser, mais des remplacants plus performants sont toujours recherches. Les lasers a base d'Yb3+ possedent beaucoup d'avantages compares aux lasers Nd3+ du fait de leur structure electronique simple et de leur deterioration moins rapide. Parmi les matrices cristallines pouvant accueillir l'ytterbium, les orthosilicates Yb:Y 2SiO5, Yb:Lu2SiO5 et Yb:Sc2SiO 5 se positionnent tres bien, du fait de leur bonne conductivite thermique et du fort eclatement de leur champ cristallin necessaire a l'elaboration de lasers quasi-3 niveaux. De plus l'etude fine et systematique des proprietes microscopiques de nouveaux materiaux s'avere toujours tres interessante du point de vue de la recherche fondamentale, c'est ainsi que de nouveaux modeles sont concus (par exemple pour le champ cristallin) ou que de nouvelles proprietes inhabituelles sont decouvertes, menant a de nouvelles applications. Ainsi d'autres materiaux dopes a l'ytterbium sont connus pour leurs proprietes de couplage electron-phonon, de couplage magnetique, d'emission cooperative ou encore de bistabilite optique, mais ces proprietes n'ont encore jamais ete mises en evidence dans Yb:Y 2SiO5, Yb:Lu2SiO5 et Yb:Sc2SiO 5. Ainsi, cette these a pour but l'etude des proprietes optiques et des interactions microscopiques dans Yb:Y2SiO 5, Yb:Lu2SiO5 et Yb:Sc2SiO5. Nous utilisons principalement les techniques d'absorption IR et de spectroscopie Raman pour determiner les excitations du champ cristallin et les modes de vibration dans le materiau

  2. Diagnostics optiques pour la mesure de fluides critiques en micro-gravité dans les instruments ALICE et DECLIC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Durieux, Alain; Babolat, Claude; Dureux, Pierre; Martin, Bernard


    This paper, "Diagnostics optiques pour la mesure de fluides critiques en micro-gravité dans les instruments ALICE et DECLIC," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  3. Du pompage optique laser à l'absorption saturée résolue en temps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dumont, M.

    The first part is a brief historical account of the beginning of lasers at the « Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Hertzienne de l'ENS » and, more precisely, of the first experiments of optical pumping with multimode lasers. The three new features (stimulated emission, coherence and saturation) are emphasized. Paragraphes 2 and 3 outline the special behaviour of monomode optical pumping (velocity selection) and of timeresolved saturated absorption. This last technique is applied to study elastic collisions (determination of the « collision Kernel ») and Raman coherence between metastable levels. The last paragraphe summarizes a semi-perturbative calculation of transients in Velocity Selective Optical Pumping (VSOP). La première partie est un survol historique de l'introduction des lasers au laboratoire de Spectroscopie Hertzienne de l'ENS et particulièrement des premières expériences de pompage optique avec un laser multimode. Les trois caractéristiques nouvelles (émission stimulée, cohérence de la lumière et saturations) sont mises en lumière. Les paragraphes 2 et 3 présentent les particularités du pompage optique par un laser monomode (sélection des vitesses atomiques) et de la technique d'absorption saturée résolue en temps. Cette dernière technique est appliquée à l'étude des collisions élastiques (détermination du « noyau de collision ») et de la cohérence Raman entre niveaux métastables. La dernière partie présente, de façon résumée, un calcul semiperturbatif des transitoires de pompage optique sélectif en vitesse (VSOP).

  4. Fibre optique à la maison en Pays de Gex et de Bellegarde

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Le Syndicat Intercommunal d’Electricité de l’Ain(SIEA) déploie un réseau FTTH (Fiber To The Home) de fibres optiques dans le département de l’Ain vers l’ensemble des habitations. Le déploiement sur la zone pilote du Pays de Gex et du Bassin Bellegardien arrive dans la phase terminale vers les habitations. Le SIEA présentera ses activités, l’état du développement du réseau, les implications d’une connexion fibre optique et les procédures d’abonnement. La présentation sera donnée en Français. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Public conference "Optical fiber To The Home in Pays de Gex et de Bellegarde" Michel Chanel et Jean Paul Goy (SIEA) Wednesday, 19th May at 11.30more » hrs., Council Chamber, CERN The ‘’ Syndicat Intercommunal d’Electricité de l’Ain’’(SIEA) is deploying an optical fiber network FTTH (Fiber To The Home) in the Ain department towards the ensemble of houses. The installation on the pilot areas of Pays de Gex and Bassin Bellegardien is arriving in the phase of connecting houses. The SIEA will show its activities, the state of the network development, the implications of an optical fiber connection and the contract procedures. The presentation will be given in French« less

  5. Fibre optique à la maison en Pays de Gex et de Bellegarde




    Le Syndicat Intercommunal d’Electricité de l’Ain(SIEA) déploie un réseau FTTH (Fiber To The Home) de fibres optiques dans le département de l’Ain vers l’ensemble des habitations. Le déploiement sur la zone pilote du Pays de Gex et du Bassin Bellegardien arrive dans la phase terminale vers les habitations. Le SIEA présentera ses activités, l’état du développement du réseau, les implications d’une connexion fibre optique et les procédures d’abonnement. La présentation sera donnée en Français. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Public conference "Optical fiber To The Home in Pays de Gex et de Bellegarde" Michel Chanel et Jean Paul Goy (SIEA) Wednesday, 19th May at 11.30 hrs., Council Chamber, CERN The ‘’ Syndicat Intercommunal d’Electricité de l’Ain’’(SIEA) is deploying an optical fiber network FTTH (Fiber To The Home) in the Ain department towards the ensemble of houses. The installation on the pilot areas of Pays de Gex and Bassin Bellegardien is arriving in the phase of connecting houses. The SIEA will show its activities, the state of the network development, the implications of an optical fiber connection and the contract procedures. The presentation will be given in French

  6. Instabilités et chaos dans les oscillateurs paramétriques optiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amon, A.; Suret, P.; Bielawski, S.; Derozier, D.; Zemmouri, J.; Lefranc, M.; Nizette, M.; Erneux, T.


    Nous discutons quelques mécanismes d'instabilité récemment observés dans un oscillateur paramétrique optique (OPO) : d'une part des instabilités opto-thermiques où le système oscille autour des courbes de résonance d'un ou plusieurs modes, d'autre part des oscillations rapides résultant de l'interaction de plusieurs modes transverses. La première observation expérimentale de chaos déterministe dans un OPO est également présentée.

  7. Faisabilitité d'un separateur spectral integre: étude de filtres optiques localisés et d'un diaphragme absorbant

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robic, J.-Y.; Baume, F.; Berger, M.; Boudet, T.; Calvat, C.; Chaton, P.; Lartigue, O.; Quesnel, E.; Ravel, G.; Margail, J.; Fournier, A.; Bodin, Pierre; Laubier, D.


    This paper, "Faisabilitité d'un separateur spectral integre: étude de filtres optiques localisés et d'un diaphragme absorbant," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  8. Eléments-clés de la conception d'un instrument spatial à synthése d'ouverture optique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cassaing, Frédéric; Mugnier, Laurent; Rousset, Gérard; Sorrente, Béatrice


    This paper, "Eléments-clés de la conception d'un instrument spatial à synthése d'ouverture optique," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  9. Production de faisceaux EPR à l'aide d'un oscillateur paramétrique optique à auto-verrouillage de phase

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Longchambon, L.; Laurat, J.; Treps, N.; Ducci, S.; Maître, A.; Coudreau, T.; Fabre, C.


    Nous étudions théoriquement les propriétés quantiques des faisceaux lumineux continus orthogonalement polarisés émis par un Oscillateur Paramétrique Optique (OPO) de type II contenant une lame biréfringente. Quand les axes optiques de la lame sont tournés par rapport à ceux du cristal paramétrique, un couplage apparaît entre les faisceaux signal et complémentaire qui entraîne un verrouillage de phase entre les deux modes et un fonctionnement à dégénérescence de fréquence à l'intérieur d'une zone d'accrochage. Les corrélations quantiques entre les deux faisceaux permettent de définir les zones dans l'espace des paramètres expérimentaux où les différents critères associés à l'intrication EPR utilisés en information quantique sont vérifiés.

  10. Application of Fiber Optic Instrumentation (Validation des systemes d’instrumentation a fibres optiques)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    SCI-228) Executive Summary This AGARDograph presents an introduction to fiber optic systems and is intended to provide a basic understanding of...22 / SCI-228) Synthèse Cette AGARDograph présente une introduction aux systèmes à fibres optiques et a pour objet d’expliquer l’utilisation de ces...l’instrumentation des essais en vol dans l’ensemble des pays membres de l’OTAN, entraînant la disparition progressive des jauges extensométriques et des

  11. Structures spatiales localisées dans un oscillateur paramétrique optique (OPO)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coulibaly, S.; Durniak, C.; Taki, M.


    La prise en compte du caractère non uniforme du pompage optique dans l'étude linéaire et faiblement non linéaire d'un OPO dégénéré (DOPO) a permis de mettre en évidence la discrétisation du seuil et l'existence de structures spatiales localisées de type Hermite-Gauss. L'évolution spatio-temporelle du signal en sortie est quant à elle gouvernée par l'équation de Ginzburg-Landau réelle dont les coefficients dépendent des variables d'espace.

  12. Développement d'un oscillateur paramétrique optique haute cadence, monomode longitudinal, fonctionnant dans l'infrarouge moyen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Desormeaux, A.; Lefebvre, M.


    Nous avons développé et caractérisé un oscillateur paramétrique optique doublement résonnant monomode longitudinal pour des applications de spectroscopie dans le domaine 3,5 - 4 μm. Cette source délivre des impulsions de 7 ns à haute cadence de répétition (10 kHz). L'énergie disponible est d'environ 0.5 μJ à 3,8 μm. La largeur spectrale est de 100 MHz accordable sur plus de 150 GHz. Une expérience d'absorption réalisée sur N{2}O illustre les potentialités de cette source.

  13. Propriétés optiques du silicium mésoporeux et ses applications potentielles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lévy-Clément, C.; Bastide, S.


    Une couche de silicium poreux formée électrochimiquement à la surface de l'émetteur d'une jonction p-n+ peut jouer efficacement le rôle d'une couche antireflet pour les cellules solaires au silicium. En ajustant la densité de courant et le temps de formation, des simple et double-couches antireflet aux propriétés optiques optimisées ont pu être réalisées, conduisant à des réflectivités effectives respectives de 7.3 et 2.7 % sur l'ensemble du spectre solaire utile pour les cellules (400-1000 nm). De hauts rendements de conversion de l'énergie solaire, de l'ordre de 13-13.4 %, sont ainsi actuellement obtenus pour des cellules au silicium multicristallin avec une couche antireflet de silicium poreux.

  14. L'effet Peltier appliqué à la conception et la réalisation d'un nouveau capteur de débit massique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wattiau, F.; Gaviot, E.; Thery, P.


    éalisation d'un nouveau capteur de débit massique basé sur l'effet Peltier. Le capteur en forme de circuit imprimé bimétallique, comporte plusieurs pistes métalliques continues parallèles entre elles et partiellement recouvertes par un grand nombre de dépôts électrolytiques de nature différente. Un tel circuit se comporte comme un circuit thermoélectrique classique dans lequel les parties homogènes non recouvertes par le dépôt électrolytique constituent le premier conducteur du couple, les parties plaquées constituant le second conducteur. La méthode de mesure consiste à faire passer un courant électrique dans une ou plusieurs pistes constituant le circuit émetteur de façon à générer par effet Peltier des gradients thermiques qui seront détectés par un circuit détecteur identique placé à proximité. Dans le cas particulier d'un fluide au repos, la f.e.m. détectée par le circuit détecteur dépend de la conductivité thermique du fluide. Lorsque le fluide est en mouvement relatif par rapport au circuit, il est possible de détecter une f.e.m. dépendant en grandeur et en signe de la vitesse d'écoulement du fluide. A titre d'application un capteur de débit massique a été réalisé en plaçant les circuits thermoélectriques dans une canalisation parcourue par le fluide en mouvement.

  15. Developpement de techniques de diagnostic non intrusif par tomographie optique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dubot, Fabien

    Que ce soit dans les domaines des procedes industriels ou de l'imagerie medicale, on a assiste ces deux dernieres decennies a un developpement croissant des techniques optiques de diagnostic. L'engouement pour ces methodes repose principalement sur le fait qu'elles sont totalement non invasives, qu'elle utilisent des sources de rayonnement non nocives pour l'homme et l'environnement et qu'elles sont relativement peu couteuses et faciles a mettre en oeuvre comparees aux autres techniques d'imagerie. Une de ces techniques est la Tomographie Optique Diffuse (TOD). Cette methode d'imagerie tridimensionnelle consiste a caracteriser les proprietes radiatives d'un Milieu Semi-Transparent (MST) a partir de mesures optiques dans le proche infrarouge obtenues a l'aide d'un ensemble de sources et detecteurs situes sur la frontiere du domaine sonde. Elle repose notamment sur un modele direct de propagation de la lumiere dans le MST, fournissant les predictions, et un algorithme de minimisation d'une fonction de cout integrant les predictions et les mesures, permettant la reconstruction des parametres d'interet. Dans ce travail, le modele direct est l'approximation diffuse de l'equation de transfert radiatif dans le regime frequentiel tandis que les parametres d'interet sont les distributions spatiales des coefficients d'absorption et de diffusion reduit. Cette these est consacree au developpement d'une methode inverse robuste pour la resolution du probleme de TOD dans le domaine frequentiel. Pour repondre a cet objectif, ce travail est structure en trois parties qui constituent les principaux axes de la these. Premierement, une comparaison des algorithmes de Gauss-Newton amorti et de Broyden- Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) est proposee dans le cas bidimensionnel. Deux methodes de regularisation sont combinees pour chacun des deux algorithmes, a savoir la reduction de la dimension de l'espace de controle basee sur le maillage et la regularisation par penalisation de Tikhonov

  16. Utilisation des fibres optiques dans un interférométre stellalre: demonstration en laboratoire des possibilités d'imagerie, étude et conception de lignes à retard métrique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Delage, L.; Simohamed, L. M.; Reynaud, F.


    This paper, "Utilisation des fibres optiques dans un interférométre stellalre: demonstration en laboratoire des possibilités d'imagerie, étude et conception de lignes à retard métrique," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  17. Effets de la taille finie du milieu non-linéaire sur le bruit quantique spatial généré par un oscillateur paramétrique optique confocal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lopez, L.; Gatti, A.; Maitre, A.; Treps, N.; Gigan, S.; Fabre, C.


    Nous nous intéressons au comportement spatial des fluctuations quantiques à la sortie d'un oscillateur paramétrique optique dégénéré en modes transverses, sous le seuil. En vue de futures expériences, nous étudions les effets de la diffraction dans le milieu paramétrique sur le bruit quantique spatial. Nous montrons que l'on voit apparaître une aire de cohérence de taille finie pour les effets quantiques transverses.

  18. Caractérisation et optimisation d'états intriqués générés par un Oscillateur Paramétrique Optique à auto-verrouillage de phase

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laurat, J.; Keller, G.; Oliveira-Huguenin, J.-A.; Fabre, C.; Coudreau, T.


    Nous générons et caractérisons des faisceaux intriqués dégénérés en fréquence à l'aide d'un dispositif original appelé Oscillateur Paramétrique Optique à auto-verrouillage de phase. Nous avons ainsi obtenu des faisceaux intriqués pour lesquels ”l'inséparabilité" vaut 0.33 ± 0.02. Nous avons utilisé le formalisme des matrices de covariance pour déterminer la transformation ”non-locale" à appliquer à ces faisceaux afin d'en extraire le maximum d'intrication.

  19. Présence de fronts modulés en l'absence d'instabilité modulationnelle : le cas de l'oscillateur paramétrique optique dégénéré

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Durniak, C.; Coulibaly, S.; Taki, M.


    La dynamique de formation de structures transverses dans un Oscillateur Paramétrique Optique (OPO) dégénéré pompé en continu est marquée, pour une nouvelle zone de paramètres, par l'apparition de solitons spatiaux en réseaux (fronts modulés), caractérisés analytiquement par leur vitesse et leur période. L'intégration numérique du système bi-dimensionnel confirme ces résultats. Ces fronts jouent un rôle primordial dans la formation de structures spatiales localisées.

  20. Spectroscopie Raman et Rayleigh stimulée des mélasses optiques unidimensionnelles (partie I)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Courtois, Jean-Yves

    stimulated Raman lines are homogeneously broadened, and that a stimulated Rayleigh structure appears on the spectra because of the probe-induced time modulation of the cooling force, which induces a modulation of the atomic momentum distribution. In the latter situation, the Raman structures are inhomogeneously broadened, and a recoil-induced resonance is predicted in the center of the spectrum. Its shape corresponds to the derivative of a Gaussian curve and its width is directly proportional to the Doppler width of the molasses. Finally, Section 6 presents a short review about the recent developments in the field of nonlinear spectroscopy of optical molasses. Cet article s'inscrit dans le double contexte de la spectroscopie non linéaire des milieux atomiques et de la physique du refroidissement d'atomes neutres par laser. Il présente une étude détaillée des spectres de transmission d'une onde sonde interagissant avec une mélasse optique unidimensionnelle. Plus précisément, nous montrons que dans chacun des deux cas modèles des mélasses “linperp lin” et “σ^+-σ^-” (ainsi dénommées par référence à la configuration de polarisation des deux faisceaux lasers à l'origine du mécanisme de refroidissement), les spectres pompes-sonde présentent des structures résonnantes pouvant s'interpréter en termes de diffusion Raman ou Rayleigh stimulée, et apportant un grand nombre d'informations sur les propriétés physiques des mélasses optiques. Cet article s'articule autour de deux grandes parties. Destinée à faire ultérieurement ressortir la spécificité des processus de diffusion stimulée se produisant dans les mélasses optiques, la première est consacrée à une présentation générale des processus Raman et Rayleigh stimulés se produisant dans les milieux atomiques et moléculaires conventionnels. L'effet Raman stimulé, lié à l'existence de centres diffuseurs ayant des états d'énergies et de populations différentes, fait l'objet du

  1. Microscopie par rayons X dans la fenêtre de l'eau : faisabilité et intérêt pour la biologie d'un instrument de laboratoire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adam, J. F.; Moy, J. P.


    La biologie étudie des structures ou des phénomènes sub-cellulaires. Pour cela la microscopie est la technique d'observation privilégiée. La résolution spatiale de la microscopie optique s'avère bien souvent insuffisante pour de telles observations. Les techniques plus résolvantes, comme la microscopie électronique par transmission sont souvent destructrices et d'une complexité peu adaptée aux besoins des biologistes. La microscopie par rayons X dans la fenêtre de l'eau permet l'imagerie rapide de cellules dans leur milieu naturel, nécessite peu de préparation et offre des résolutions de quelques dizaines de nanomètres. De plus, il existe un bon contraste naturel entre les structures carbonées (protéines, lipides) et l'eau. Actuellement cette technique est limitée aux centres de rayonnement synchrotron, ce qui impose une planification et des déplacements incompatibles avec les besoins de la biologie. Un tel microscope fonctionnant avec uns source de laboratoire serait d'une grande utilité. Ce document présente un état de l'art de la microscopie par rayons X dans la fenêtre de l'eau. Un cahier des charges détaillé pour un appareil de laboratoire ayant les performances optiques requises par les biologistes est présenté et confronté aux microscopes X de laboratoire déjà existants. Des solutions concernant la source et les optiques sont également discutées.

  2. Improved Nozzle Testing Techniques in Transonic Flow

    DTIC Science & Technology


    axiale) et comporte un barreau dynamometrique equips de jauges de contrainte. La canne est solidaire d’un ensemble balance-bloc d’alimentation des...s a l’aide de capteurs produisant un signal ilectrique : Pressions : capteurs ä jauges Temperatures : thermocouples Chromel-Alumel - Efforts...barreau dynamometrique a jauges de contrainte. Les signaux eiectriques sont acquis et traites par la chaine automatique de la soufflerie. Les mesures

  3. Low Phase Noise Fiber Optics Links for Space Applications

    DTIC Science & Technology


    photo- oscillateur intégré pour 17 dB de pertes optiques Liaison active à 874,2 MHz avec photo- oscillateur intégré pour 18 dB de pertes optiques à 874,2 MHz avec photo- oscillateur intégré pour 20 dB de pertes optiques Liaison active à 874,2 MHz avec photo- oscillateur intégré pour 23 pertes optiques Liaison active à 874,2 MHz avec photo- oscillateur intégré pour 25 dB de pertes optiques Liaison active à 874,2 MHz avec photo

  4. Mesure du coewicient d'absorption optique dans le silicium multicristallin de type P pour photopiles solaires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gervais, J.


    The minority carrier diffusion length L characterizes the electrical quality of multicrystalline silicon wafers used for photovoltaics. Its determination before and after different treatments (impurity diffusion, passivation, metallisation) is needfull and requires the accurate knowledge of the optical absorption coefficient α in the near infrared. We have determinated the spectral variation of α in the range between 0.86 and 1.06 μm and we propose an analytic expression which is very close to those proposed for solar grade single crystals. In addition we have verified that the values of α are not affected by long phosphorus diffusion needed to getter metallic impurities. La longueur de diffusion des porteurs minoritaires L caractérise la qualité du silicium multicristallin utilisé pour la conversion photovoltaïque. Sa détermination avant et après les divers traitements (diffusion d'impuretés, passivation des défauts, métallisation) est indispensable et nécessite la connaissance précise du coefficient d'absorption optique α dans le proche infrarouge. Nous avons déterminé expérimentalement la variation spectrale de α entre 0,86 et 1,06 μm et nous proposons un développement qui est très proche de ceux trouvés dans des monocristaux de silicium de qualité solaire. La variation de α n'est pas influencée par des diffusions de phosphore prolongées nécessaires à l'extraction et au piégeage d'impuretés métalliques.

  5. Génération de faisceaux EPR à l'aide d'un oscillateur paramétrique optique à auto-verrouillage de phase

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laurat, J.; Longchambon, L.; Coudreau, T.; Fabre, C.


    Les faisceaux continus orthogonalement polarisés émis par les Oscillateurs Paramétriques Optiques (OPO) de type II pompés au-dessus du seuil présentent au niveau quantique de fortes corrélations d'intensité et anti-corrélations de phase. Ils sont donc de très bons candidats pour générer des faisceaux intriqués en quadrature. Cependant, un phénomène de diffusion de phase rend difficile la mesure des propriétés sur la phase. Nous avons étudié théoriquement le régime stationnaire et les propriétés quantiques d'un OPO contenant une lame biréfringente. Le couplage linéaire qui en résulte entraîne un verrouillage en phase ainsi qu'un fonctionnement à dégénérescence en fréquence à l'intérieur d'une zone d'accrochage. L'expérience en cours au laboratoire a permis d'observer ce phénomène de verrouillage.

  6. Holonic Approach for Control and Coordination of Distributed Sensors

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Kuokka, D. R., Weber, J. C., Tenenbaum, J. M., Gruber, T . R., and Olsen, G . R. (1993), SHADE: Technology for Knowledge-Based Collaborative 70 DRDC...H o l o n i c a p p ro a ch fo r c o n t ro l a n d coordination of distributed sensors A. Benaskeur H. Irandoust DRDC Valcartier Defence R&D...contrôle de la gestion des capteurs, et en par- ticulier les processus de planification des tâches et l’allocation des capteurs, sont discutés en

  7. Conference Proceedings of the Guidance and Control of Unmanned Air Vehicles

    DTIC Science & Technology


    FRANCE - RESUME Pour l’attaque adrienne d’objectifs terrestres de valeur (piste d’arodrome, pont, concentration de blindds ... ), le concept d’un...le systdme de localisation GPS/NAVSTAR, - les systdmes dits " terrestres " * Altimntre. * Senseur cartographique (radar ou optique). 2.3 Solution pr...55-4 Figunre 3: Miuirtarized Configuration of (;round Station MIain C omputer LOCALWJM .UA TWC-MELG"^ALN VDE h AAM APPL$CA1ONI 42 "’RA E SItIAL

  8. Stability and Tolerance to Optical Feedback of Quantum Dot Lasers

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Libre de Bruxelles Optique Nonlineaire Theorique Campus Plaine, C.P. 213 Bruxelles, Belgium 1050 EOARD GRANT 09-3068 Report Date...Universite Libre de Bruxelles Optique Nonlineaire Theorique Campus Plaine, C.P. 213 Bruxelles, Belgium 1050 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION...Universite Libre de Bruxelles as follows: Quantum dot (QD) lasers have attracted a lot of attention because of their low threshold currents, low line

  9. Spectroscopie et fonctionnement laser de CaF{2}: Yb3+

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Camy, P.; Doualan, J. L.; Petit, V.; Renard, S.; Thuau, M.; Moncorgé, R.


    CaF{2 }:Yb3+ est un cristal doté de propriétés optiques et thermiques qui en font un matériau de choix pour divers types de fonctionnement laser. Un fonctionnement laser continu accordable entre 1000 et 1060nm et un rendement de conversion de 25% (par rapport au rayonnement de pompage optique incident) ont été déjà obtenus.

  10. Opticien Célèbre. André Maréchal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haidar, Riad


    Physicien français spécialisé en optique, professeur à la faculté des sciences de l'université de Paris, André Maréchal a également été délégué général à la recherche scientifique et technique, et directeur général de l'Institut d'Optique. On lui doit notamment des résultats remarquables sur la théorie des aberrations et de la diffraction.

  11. Results of Space Experiments in Physiology and Medicine and Informal Briefings by the F-16 Medical Working Group, Conference Proceedings, Aerospace Medical Panel Symposium Held at Istanbul, Turkey on 25-27 September 1984

    DTIC Science & Technology


    corps (face, tronc,....), et pout Atre 6galement une augmentation de volume liquidien dans le cerveau et le poumon. La rtimula- tion des capteurs contraux...dimensions, contrac- tivitd, fraction d’GJection) et les d~bits locaux ( cerveau , membres) -tester la rdponse dynamique du coeur en nicrogravitd lorsqu’on

  12. Le pôle de métrologie de SOLEIL

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Idir, M.; Brochet, S.; Delmotte, A.; Lagarde, B.; Mercere, P.; Moreno, T.; Polack, F.; Thomasset, M.


    Le Pôle de METROLOGIE de SOLEIL a pour objet de créer sur le synchrotron SOLEIL, une plateforme constituée : - une ligne de lumière utilisant le rayonnement synchrotron (métrologie dite à la longueur d'onde) - d'un laboratoire de métrologie associé (métrologie dite ll classique gg ) Ces deux types de Métrologie sont l'une et l'autre indispensables pour soutenir l'activité de recherche instrumentale en optique X et X-UV. Ce projet de pôle de METROLOGIE ne répondra pas seulement aux besoins des groupes chargés de l'équipement du synchrotron SOLEIL en optiques et détecteurs mais aussi pour préparer, tester et mettre au point les postes expérimentaux, ce qui concerne déjà une large communauté d'utilisateurs. Il sera aussi largement ouvert, dès sa mise en service, à l'ensemble de la communauté scientifique concernée par l'instrumentation X et XUV en Ile de France, en France, voire même en Europe si la demande continue de croître plus vite que l'offre dans ce domaine. Ligne de lumière Métrologie à la longueur d'onde La ligne de lumière sera équipée de plusieurs stations permettant de mesurer, dans la plus grande partie du spectre couvert par le synchrotron, les paramètres photométriques qui caractérisent les éléments optiques, tels que : la réflectivité de surfaces, l'efficacité de diffraction des réseaux, la diffusion des surfaces ou l'efficacité des détecteurs X et X-UV et la calibration absolue. Cette installation pourra servir également à développer des instruments et des diagnostics nécessaires à la caractérisation des faisceaux de rayons X (intensité, taille, degré de cohérence, polarisation etc.) Métrologie Classique La métrologie des surfaces optiques est devenue une nécessité critique pour les laboratoires et les industries qui utilisent les photons X et X-UV (synchrotrons, centres laser, etc. .). En effet, les progrès de calcul et de conception des systèmes optiques pour ces longueurs d'onde (optiques

  13. Préface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aspect, Alain


    COLOQ est une conférence regroupant, tous les deux ans, la communauté scientifique et industrielle nationale travaillant dans les domaines des lasers, de l'optique non-linéaire et de l'optique quantique. Elle s'est tenue pour sa huitième édition à Toulouse, du 3 au 5 septembre 2004, sur le campus de I'INSA. Comme il est de tradition tous les quatre ans, COLOQ était couplé avec Horizons de l'optique, avec en particulier une journée commune dont le programme avait été préparé en concertation par les deux comités scientifiques. Depuis sa création, COLOQ a pour but de favoriser les rencontres entre les chercheurs des différents laboratoires nationaux publics ou privés travaillant sur les lasers et l'optique quantique au sens large. C'est un moyen privilégié de resserrer les liens de cette communauté et d'y intégrer les jeunes chercheurs. Ces derniers y trouvent l'occasion de se connaître, de se faire connaître, de découvrir la communauté à laquelle ils appartiennent et d'élargir leurs connaissances des thèmes qui la structurent. La participation de 230 chercheurs et d'une vingtaine d'exposants de matériels spécialisés dans les lasers et l'optoélectronique témoigne de la vitalité de COLOQ et de son audience dans les laboratoires et chez les industriels de l'optique. Le programme de COLOQ 8 comportait d'une vingtaine de conférences générales données par des chercheurs de renom international, et des séances de communications par affiches, occasions privilégiées de rencontres et d'échanges. Les exposés ont porté sur des sujets particulièrement actifs au niveau national et international, avec un accent sur des thèmes importants pour la région toulousaine : contrôle cohérent, optique et nanosciences, optique et astronomie, sans oublier la traditionnelle rubrique phénomènes fondamentaux, éclectique pour ne pas dire hétéroclite, mais si représentative d'une des ambitions de COLOQ qui est d'offrir à ses participants une

  14. Influence des défauts de la structure du verre sur la résistance mécanique des fibres optiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chmel, A.; Baptizmanski, V. V.; Kharshak, A. A.


    For silica (pure and doped) optical fibers prepared from preforms irradiated by thermal neutrons and Ar^+ ions, the measurements of lifetime under transverse stress were carried out. It is found that the neutron bombardment leads to decrease of the lifetime and the strength of fiber while the ion implantation results in increasing of these parameters. The influence of particle irradiation on the glass strength is explained by the generation of structural defects which were observed by the infrared an Raman spectroscopy methods. The direction of the change of mechanical properties of fibers is determined by the type of defects and their distribution in the cross-section of fiber. Des préformes de fibres optiques de silice ont été exposées à un bombardement par des faisceaux de neutrons thermiques et d'ions Ar^+ à énergie de 40 keV afin d'engendrer des défauts de la structure respectivement dans le volume ou dans la couche superficielle des échantillons. Les fibres obtenues des préformes irradiées et non irradiées ont été mises en charge de flexion. On a déterminé leur temps de rupture sous diverses contraintes de traction sur la surface extérieure de la fibre en flexion. On a observé une diminution du temps de rupture des fibres après le bombardement neutronique et une augmentation après l'implantation ionique. L'analyse de la nature des défauts en faisant appel à la spectroscopie infrarouge et Raman a fait ressortir que l'irradiation aux ions entraînait essentiellement des liaisons chimiques dans une fine couche superficielle de l'échantillon alors que l'irradiation aux neutrons occasionnait une déformation des zones du réseau silicique dans toute la section de la préforme et de la fibre. L'amélioration de la résistance mécanique s'explique par une augmentation de la mobilité des éléments structuraux de la matrice de verre par suite d'une rupture partielle des liaisons chimiques et sa diminution par l'apparition de concentrateurs

  15. Low Temperature Quartz Crystal Oscillator Fast Warm-Up Saw Oscillator.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    TASK_Q Centre National de la Recherche ScientifiqueARA&WKLI k Laboratoire de Physique et Metrologie des!2 Oscillateurs - 50 Bsnon-F 2 3 32 av. o l...propri6t6s non lin6aires des ondes Alastiques de sur- face : applications aux oscillateurs et aux capteurs A quartz", Thse Besanqon, 1979. (6) D. Hauden, G

  16. Pompage optique et violation de parité dans l'atome

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bouchiat, M.-A.

    èmes physiques abordés. Ceci illustre la richesse du champ de recherche ouvert sous l'impulsion de Kastler. La présentation adoptée ici fait le choix d'une description phénoménologique de l'expérience violation de parité dans le césium, indépendamment de toute référence à la théorie électrofaible. Ceci met en lumière les caractères remarquables du résultat qui semblent contredire tout le savoir du pompage optique. Lorsque la transition interdite 6S-7S du césium est excitée, l'orientation du spin électronique dans l'état 7S manifeste certaines anomalies. L'une est de caractère fondamental : il s'agit d'une asymétrie droite-gauche, manifestant une violation de la parité dont ne peut rendre compte la théorie EDQ. L'interprétation met en jeu plusieurs moments dipolaires de transition dont deux dipôles électriques, l'un induit par effet Stark et l'autre dirigé le long du moment angulaire de spin indiquant la présence d'une interaction électron-nucléon violant la parité. L'interférence des amplitudes de transition associée à ces deux dipôles produit une composante de l'orientation du spin dans l'état 7S se comportant de manière anormale : deux expériences images miroir l'une de l'autre conduisent pour cette composante à des résultats qui ne sont pas images miroir l'un de l'autre. Dans son principe, l'expérience consiste à étudier sur les propriétés de la lumière de fluorescence polarisée les effets produits par les réflexions miroirs réalisées par rapport à trois plans orthogonaux. Le contrôle de l'exactitude avec laquelle sont réalisées ces réflexions constitue la part cruciale de toute la procédure expérimentale. Dans notre expérience, aucune correction significative ne s'avère nécessaire. L'incertitude associée aux effets systématiques possibles est estimée à 8 %. En combinant les résultats de deux mesures indépendantes qui se recoupent de manière satisfaisante, l'incertitude statistique est 11 % (1 eqm). La

  17. Effets non lineaires transversaux dans les guides d'ondes plans

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dumais, Patrick

    Les effets non lineaires transversaux dus a l'effet Kerr optique non resonant sont etudies dans deux types de guides a geometrie plane. D'abord (au chapitre 2), l'emission de solitons spatiaux d'un guide de type canal est etudie historiquement, analytiquement et numeriquement dans le but d'en faire la conception et la fabrication, en AlGaAs, dans la region spectrale en deca de la moitie de la bande interdite de ce materiau, soit autour de 1,5 microns. Le composant, tel que concu, comporte une structure de multipuits quantiques. Le desordonnement local de cette structure permet une variation locale du coefficient Kerr dans le guide, ce qui mene a l'emission d'un soliton spatial au-dela d'une puissance optique de seuil. L'observation experimentale d'un changement en fonction de l'intensite du profil de champ a la sortie du guide realise est presentee. Deuxiemement (au chapitre 3) une technique de mesure du coefficient Kerr dans un guide plan est presentee. Cette technique consiste a mesurer le changement de transmission au travers d'un cache place a la sortie du guide en fonction de l'intensite crete a l'entree du guide plan. Une methode pour determiner les conditions optimales pour la sensibilite de la mesure est presentee, illustree de plusieurs exemples. Finalement, la realisation d'un oscillateur parametrique optique basee sur un cristal de niobate de lithium a domaines periodiquement inverses est presentee. La theorie des oscillateurs parametriques optiques est exposee avec une emphase sur la generation d'impulsions intenses a des longueurs d'onde autour de 1,5 microns a partir d'un laser Ti:saphir, dans le but d'obtenir une source pour faire les experiences sur l'emission solitonique.

  18. Acquisition de donnees a haute resolution et faible latence dediee aux capteurs avioniques de position

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koubaa, Zied

    The communication network and the detection mechanisms are two critical systems in a plane. Their performance has a direct impact on aircrafts. This is of particular interest for avionics designers, who have increasingly invested more and more in the development of these elements. As a part of a project in this domain, we introduce the design and the development of a smart interface for position sensors dedicated to flights (Smart Sensor Interface - SSI). This interface will serve to connect sensors of different technologies (electromagnetic, optical and MEMS) to the new communication network, AFDX. The role of this interface is to generate an appropriate excitation signal for certain types of sensors (R/LVDT), and to treat, demodulate, and digitize their output signals. The proposed interface is thus composed of a Signal Acquisition Path (SAP) and an Excitation Signal Generation (ESG). By adopting the Integrated Modular Avionics architecture (IMA), we can minimize the size of the classic interface, reduce its energy consumption and improve its reliability and its performance. The focus of our design is particularly on the Data Acquisition Path (DAP). An Architecture characterized by a high resolution (14 bits) and a low latency (1.2 ms) of this module is introduced and developed in this prestigious work. This architecture was developed after a wellconducted study of existing solutions found in literature work and a detailed analysis of the problems arise in the design and implementation of this system (DAP). The conversion of the sensor signal into a digital signal is the most important step in acquiring data, as it sets the resolution of the acquired information and generates the majority of its latency. This module can also affect the reliability and stability of the system. Among different models and architectures, the Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is preferred for this application (for better resolution). This converter is formed by an analog

  19. Machine Perception (La Perception de l’Environment par Senseurs Automatiques).

    DTIC Science & Technology


    France, January 25-27, 1984, Lectures. Volumes 1 & 2 Reconnaissance des formes et intelligence artificielle ; Congres Francais, 4th, Paris, France, January...capteurs intelligents intkgris - traitement cellulaire et neuronal - operateurs visuels de base -implantation analogique vs digitale A smart retina is a...I’I riscc Li li mttlL’ dliitrlt ITTIC dies % eiicule it dsitisitl Ct Lie"IIN10%Ct ,v,,temcs intelligents dfaidc a [a perception de lai situatiotn. O

  20. Fault Tolerance Design and Redundancy Management Techniques.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de la turbulence atmosphdrique. Pour pouvoir 6tre implantdes sur le calcula- teur de bord , ces techniques doivent de plus 6tre...automatiques ia vitesse de tanga- ge et obtenua par une fausse ddrivation de laesiatta - redondance analytique. Toutes le e sures accessibles A bord ...particulier de I& preesion dynemique. 4-5 111.4 - Les capteurs A bord d’un avion, on dispose de nombreuses informations. L16quipement de base est

  1. Alloy solution hardening with solute pairs


    Mitchell, John W.


    Solution hardened alloys are formed by using at least two solutes which form associated solute pairs in the solvent metal lattice. Copper containing equal atomic percentages of aluminum and palladium is an example.

  2. Careers and people

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


    Science entrepreneur Richard Boudreault was recently awarded the Canadian Association of Physicists/Institut National d'Optique Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Applied Photonics for his “impressive career”, including his role in establishing several companies based on photonics technologies.

  3. Concentration Dependence of Solution Shear Viscosity and Solute Mass Diffusivity in Crystal Growth from Solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Izmailov, Alexander F.; Myerson, Allan S.


    The physical properties of a supersaturated binary solution such as its density rho, shear viscosity eta, and solute mass diffusivity D are dependent on the solute concentration c: rho = rho(c), eta = eta(c), and D = D(c). The diffusion boundary layer equations related to crystal growth from solution are derived for the case of natural convection with a solution density, a shear viscosity, and a solute diffusivity that are all depen- dent on solute concentration. The solution of these equations has demonstrated the following. (1) At the vicinity of the saturation concentration c(sub s) the solution shear viscosity eta depends on rho as eta(sub s) = eta(rho(sub s))varies as square root of rho(c(sub s)). This theoretically derived result has been verified in experiments with several aqueous solutions of inorganic and organic salts. (2) The maximum solute mass transfer towards the growing crystal surface can be achieved for values of c where the ratio of d ln(D(c)/dc) to d ln(eta(c)/dc) is a maximum.

  4. Comparison of non-ideal solution theories for multi-solute solutions in cryobiology and tabulation of required coefficients.


    Zielinski, Michal W; McGann, Locksley E; Nychka, John A; Elliott, Janet A W


    Thermodynamic solution theories allow the prediction of chemical potentials in solutions of known composition. In cryobiology, such models are a critical component of many mathematical models that are used to simulate the biophysical processes occurring in cells and tissues during cryopreservation. A number of solution theories, both thermodynamically ideal and non-ideal, have been proposed for use with cryobiological solutions. In this work, we have evaluated two non-ideal solution theories for predicting water chemical potential (i.e. osmolality) in multi-solute solutions relevant to cryobiology: the Elliott et al. form of the multi-solute osmotic virial equation, and the Kleinhans and Mazur freezing point summation model. These two solution theories require fitting to only single-solute data, although they can make predictions in multi-solute solutions. The predictions of these non-ideal solution theories were compared to predictions made using ideal dilute assumptions and to available literature multi-solute experimental osmometric data. A single, consistent set of literature single-solute solution data was used to fit for the required solute-specific coefficients for each of the non-ideal models. Our results indicate that the two non-ideal solution theories have similar overall performance, and both give more accurate predictions than ideal models. These results can be used to select between the non-ideal models for a specific multi-solute solution, and the updated coefficients provided in this work can be used to make the desired predictions. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Analysis of solute-protein interactions and solute-solute competition by zonal elution affinity chromatography.


    Tao, Pingyang; Poddar, Saumen; Sun, Zuchen; Hage, David S; Chen, Jianzhong


    Many biological processes involve solute-protein interactions and solute-solute competition for protein binding. One method that has been developed to examine these interactions is zonal elution affinity chromatography. This review discusses the theory and principles of zonal elution affinity chromatography, along with its general applications. Examples of applications that are examined include the use of this method to estimate the relative extent of solute-protein binding, to examine solute-solute competition and displacement from proteins, and to measure the strength of these interactions. It is also shown how zonal elution affinity chromatography can be used in solvent and temperature studies and to characterize the binding sites for solutes on proteins. In addition, several alternative applications of zonal elution affinity chromatography are discussed, which include the analysis of binding by a solute with a soluble binding agent and studies of allosteric effects. Other recent applications that are considered are the combined use of immunoextraction and zonal elution for drug-protein binding studies, and binding studies that are based on immobilized receptors or small targets. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Persistent Self-Association of Solute Molecules in Solution.


    Tang, Weiwei; Mo, Huaping; Zhang, Mingtao; Parkin, Sean; Gong, Junbo; Wang, Jingkang; Li, Tonglei


    The structural evolvement of a solute determines the crystallization outcome. The self-association mechanism leading to nucleation, however, remains poorly understood. Our current study explored the solution chemistry of a model compound, tolfenamic acid (TFA), in three different solvents mainly by solution NMR. It was found that hydrogen-bonded pairs of solute-solute or solute-solvent stack with each through forming a much weaker π-π interaction as the concentration increases. Depending on the solvent, configurations of the solution species may be retained in the resultant crystal structure or undergo rearrangement. Yet, the π-π stacking is always retained in the crystal regardless of the solvent used for the crystallization. The finding suggests that nucleation not only involves the primary intermolecular interaction (hydrogen bonding) but also engages the secondary forces in the self-assembly process.

  7. Optical metrology tools for the Virgo projet

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Loriette, V.

    étecteurs interférométriques. Depuis près de dix ans des efforts constants en R&D dans les domaines de la réalisation des revêtements multicouches, de la fabrication des matériaux pour l'optique, et de la métrologie optique, permettent aujourd'hui d'obtenir de tels composants. Ce texte présente le domaine de la métrologie optique necessaire aux tests de composants dont les performances se situent au delà de tout ce qui a été réalisé auparavant. Le premier chapitre est une introduction aux ondes de gravitation, leurs sources et leurs effets sur des détecteurs. Partant de la mécanique newtonienne on passe rapidement à la relativité générale pour décrire les solutions particulières des équations d'Einstein dans le cas de champs gravitationnels faibles, qui sont des perturbations périodiques de la métrique de l'espace temps : les ondes gravitationnelles. Après une présentation des différentes sources de rayonnement et des deux familles de détecteurs : barres résonnantes et interféromètres optiques, la seconde partie de ce chapitre est consacrée à la description des différents éléments optiques constitutifs de l'antenne Virgo. Dans les chapitres suivants sont présentés les divers outils de métrologie optique. Le deuxième chapitre traite de l'absorption de la lumière dans les revêtements multicouches. La méthode dite "méthode mirage” est basée sur la déviation de la lumière par un gradient d'indice de réfraction créé par une élévation locale de température. La mesure par effet mirage du facteur d'absorption d'absorption a une sensibilité meilleure que 10^{-8}. Le chapitre suivant décrit tout d'abord les moyens utilisé pour mesurer des facteurs de réflexion élevés (typiquement supérieurs à 0,9999) grâce à l'utilisation de cavités Fabry-Perot avec une sensibilité de l'ordre de 10^{-6}. Un second problème moins fréquemment rencontré est celui de l'évaluation de l'homogénéité du facteur de réflexion sur de grandes

  8. Nonideal Solute Chemical Potential Equation and the Validity of the Grouped Solute Approach for Intracellular Solution Thermodynamics.


    Zielinski, Michal W; McGann, Locksley E; Nychka, John A; Elliott, Janet A W


    The prediction of nonideal chemical potentials in aqueous solutions is important in fields such as cryobiology, where models of water and solute transport-that is, osmotic transport-are used to help develop cryopreservation protocols and where solutions contain many varied solutes and are generally highly concentrated and thus thermodynamically nonideal. In this work, we further the development of a nonideal multisolute solution theory that has found application across a broad range of aqueous systems. This theory is based on the osmotic virial equation and does not depend on multisolute data. Specifically, we derive herein a novel solute chemical potential equation that is thermodynamically consistent with the existing model, and we establish the validity of a grouped solute model for the intracellular space. With this updated solution theory, it is now possible to model cellular osmotic behavior in nonideal solutions containing multiple permeating solutes, such as those commonly encountered by cells during cryopreservation. In addition, because we show here that for the osmotic virial equation the grouped solute approach is mathematically equivalent to treating each solute separately, multisolute solutions in other applications with fixed solute mass ratios can now be treated rigorously with such a model, even when all of the solutes cannot be enumerated.

  9. NiP black: vers l'utilisation d'un traitement plus noir que noir contre la lumière parasite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mazuray, L.; Petilon, JF.


    Le NiP black est un alliage de Nickel-Phosphore poreux présentant un coefficient d'absorption exceptionnel de 0.998, permettant un gain en diffusion d'un facteur 10 à 20 par rapport à la meilleure des peintures noires utilisée sur les baffles et montures des instruments d'optique. L'industrialisation de ce procédé fait l'objet d'une collaboration entre le CNES, SODERN et MMS afin de répondre au mieux aux exigences des différents instruments spatiaux. Le faible niveau de diffusion des baffles et des montures des instruments optiques est un élément clé d'un faible niveau de lumière parasite et par voie de conséquence, des performances en détection, imagerie et d'analyse. Les essais réalisés en 98 et 99 sur des visières de senseurs solaires haute précision implantés sur les plate-formes telecom MMS ont confirmé les excellentes performances du senseur obtenues grâce à ce traitement. NiP Black s'incrit dans une démarche générale MMS d'amélioration des performances en lumière parasite des instruments optiques. Il est proposé de présenter le NiP Black et les performances réalisées sur des visières de senseurs implantés sur les plate-formes MMS, ainsi que son potentiel à venir.

  10. Solute-Filled Syringe For Formulating Intravenous Solution

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Owens, Jim; Bindokas, AL; Dudar, Tom; Finley, Mike; Scharf, Mike


    Prefilled syringe contains premeasured amount of solute in powder or concentrate form used to deliver solute to sterile interior of large-volume parenteral (LVP) bag. Predetermined amount of sterile water also added to LVP bag through sterilizing filter, and mixed with contents of syringe, yielding sterile intravenous solution of specified concentration.

  11. AIMSsim Version 2.3.4 - User Manual

    DTIC Science & Technology


    sera en mesure d’utiliser le système efficacement et moyennant une formation minimale, un prototype d’interface humain -machine (IHM) a été développé...d’utiliser l’ensemble de capteurs efficacement et moyennant une formation minimale, un prototype d’interface humain -machine (IHM) a été développé pour...recherche AIMSsim offrent à l’expérimentateur un niveau de simulation assez détaillé pour mener des analyses du rendement humain , qui fournissent à

  12. VENUS Ranging Study

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Majesté la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que réprésentée par le ministre de la Défense nationale, 2014 Abstract The underwater acoustic propagation...50 km des capteurs sous-marins situés aux nœuds du réseau VENUS dont les données acoustiques et sismiques sont accessibles au public sur Internet...Southwest British Columbia, Geophysical Journal International , 170(2), 800–812. [15] Hamilton, E. L. (1979), Vp/Vs and Poisson’s ratios in marine

  13. Rational Solutions and Lump Solutions of the Potential YTSF Equation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sun, Hong-Qian; Chen, Ai-Hua


    By using of the bilinear form, rational solutions and lump solutions of the potential Yu-Toda-Sasa-Fukuyama (YTSF) equation are derived. Dynamics of the fundamental lump solution, n1-order lump solutions, and N-lump solutions are studied for some special cases. We also find some interaction behaviours of solitary waves and one lump of rational solutions.

  14. Validation materielle d'une architecture generique de reseaux avioniques basee sur une gestion modulaire de la redondance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tremblay, Jose-Philippe

    Les systemes avioniques ne cessent d'evoluer depuis l'apparition des technologies numeriques au tournant des annees 60. Apres le passage par plusieurs paradigmes de developpement, ces systemes suivent maintenant l'approche " Integrated Modular Avionics " (IMA) depuis le debut des annees 2000. Contrairement aux methodes anterieures, cette approche est basee sur une conception modulaire, un partage de ressources generiques entre plusieurs systemes et l'utilisation plus poussee de bus multiplexes. La plupart des concepts utilises par l'architecture IMA, bien que deja connus dans le domaine de l'informatique distribuee, constituent un changement marque par rapport aux modeles anterieurs dans le monde avionique. Ceux-ci viennent s'ajouter aux contraintes importantes de l'avionique classique telles que le determinisme, le temps reel, la certification et les cibles elevees de fiabilite. L'adoption de l'approche IMA a declenche une revision de plusieurs aspects de la conception, de la certification et de l'implementation d'un systeme IMA afin d'en tirer profit. Cette revision, ralentie par les contraintes avioniques, est toujours en cours, et offre encore l'opportunite de developpement de nouveaux outils, methodes et modeles a tous les niveaux du processus d'implementation d?un systeme IMA. Dans un contexte de proposition et de validation d'une nouvelle architecture IMA pour un reseau generique de capteurs a bord d?un avion, nous avons identifie quelques aspects des differentes approches traditionnelles pour la realisation de ce type d?architecture pouvant etre ameliores. Afin de remedier a certaines des differentes lacunes identifiees, nous avons propose une approche de validation basee sur une plateforme materielle reconfigurable ainsi qu'une nouvelle approche de gestion de la redondance pour l'atteinte des cibles de fiabilite. Contrairement aux outils statiques plus limites satisfaisant les besoins pour la conception d'une architecture federee, notre approche de

  15. UXDs-Driven Transferring Method from TRIZ Solution to Domain Solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ma, Lihui; Cao, Guozhong; Chang, Yunxia; Wei, Zihui; Ma, Kai

    The translation process from TRIZ solutions to domain solutions is an analogy-based process. TRIZ solutions, such as 40 inventive principles and the related cases, are medium-solutions for domain problems. Unexpected discoveries (UXDs) are the key factors to trigger designers to generate new ideas for domain solutions. The Algorithm of UXD resolving based on Means-Ends Analysis(MEA) is studied and an UXDs-driven transferring method from TRIZ solution to domain solution is formed. A case study shows the application of the process.

  16. Static Aeroelastic Effects on High Performance Aircraft

    DTIC Science & Technology


    davis la rffrence 9. L’avion est instrurnent6, en plus des capteurs classiques des param~tres de n~ca- nique du vol. de plusleurs centaines de jauges de...crites §2.3.5, et lensemble dv l’analyse, pernet- tent le calcul des r~ponues des jauges en fonction dv X soit ar ( X) , lv procesnus de d~rivation...travissonique. Rema rque La smine technique d’identification par rtponne dv jauges s’applique (plus simple- ment) sur len essais en soufflerie, pour la

  17. Design and Test Results of AMIGO: A Novel Remote Ground Sensor System

    DTIC Science & Technology


    prix ou dans l’IR à prix élevé); le corps principal équipé de capteurs et de composants électroniques de base à faible prix ; et une plate-forme...reine, représentée par le ministre de la Défense nationale, 2007 DRDC Valcartier TR 2005-272 i Abstract The objectives of the project...Observation) a pour but d’étudier les technologies relatives aux systèmes de détecteurs autonomes au sol (DAS) et de mettre au point, puis de

  18. The use of laboratory experiments for the study of conservative solute transport in heterogeneous porous media

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silliman, S. E.; Zheng, L.; Conwell, P.

    éories stochastiques récentes. En outre, la technologie des capteurs de pression et les méthodes de visualisation donnent la possibilité d'utiliser les ISE pour caractériser les distributions spatiales à la fois de la piézométrie et de la vitesse locale de l'eau dans un champs de perméabilités corrélées. Finalement, des méthodes variées peuvent être utilisées pour caractériser les variations temporelles de la distribution spatiale (et, par conséquent, les moments spatiaux) des concentrations de soluté dans les ISE. En conclusion, donc, des développements récents des techniques expérimentales ont fourni l'occasion d'utiliser les ISE comme d'importants outils d'étude en continu des écoulement de fluides et de transport de solutés conservatifs dans des milieux poreux saturés hétérogènes. Resumen Los experimentos de laboratorio en medio poroso heterogéneo (conocidos como Experimentos a Escala Intermedia o ISE) están cada vez mejor considerados para el estudio de los sistemas saturados y no saturados. Entre las muchas aplicaciones de los ISE se encuentra el estudio del flujo y el transporte de solutos conservativos en medios con permeabilidad que presentan una cierta estructura de correlación. Avances recientes en el diseño de los ISE han proporcionado la capacidad de crear medios de este tipo en el laboratorio. Esta capacidad es importante para la aplicación de los ISE a la evaluación de las teorías estocásticas recientes. Además, la tecnología de los transductores de presión y los métodos de visualización han permitido que los ISE se usen para caracterizar la distribución espacial de niveles hidráulicos y de las velocidades locales del agua en campos de permeabilidad con determinada correlación espacial. Finalmente, existen varios métodos para caracterizar las variaciones temporales en la distribución espacial (y por tanto los momentos estadísticos espaciales) de la concentración de solutos en los ISE. Se concluye que los desarrollos

  19. Teacher's Professional Development from Vygotskian Optique

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shabani, Karim


    Vygotsky's concept of ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) has been recently applied to the context of language teacher education by a number of researchers (e.g. Ohta, 2005; Singh & Richards, 2006; Nassaji & Cumming, 2000). Besides Vygotsky's notion of ZPD, this paper relies on two associated theories from outside the TESOL discipline…

  20. Insight solutions are correct more often than analytic solutions

    PubMed Central

    Salvi, Carola; Bricolo, Emanuela; Kounios, John; Bowden, Edward; Beeman, Mark


    How accurate are insights compared to analytical solutions? In four experiments, we investigated how participants’ solving strategies influenced their solution accuracies across different types of problems, including one that was linguistic, one that was visual and two that were mixed visual-linguistic. In each experiment, participants’ self-judged insight solutions were, on average, more accurate than their analytic ones. We hypothesised that insight solutions have superior accuracy because they emerge into consciousness in an all-or-nothing fashion when the unconscious solving process is complete, whereas analytic solutions can be guesses based on conscious, prematurely terminated, processing. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that participants’ analytic solutions included relatively more incorrect responses (i.e., errors of commission) than timeouts (i.e., errors of omission) compared to their insight responses. PMID:27667960

  1. Diffusion of aqueous solutions of ionic, zwitterionic, and polar solutes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Teng, Xiaojing; Huang, Qi; Dharmawardhana, Chamila Chathuranga; Ichiye, Toshiko


    The properties of aqueous solutions of ionic, zwitterionic, and polar solutes are of interest to many fields. For instance, one of the many anomalous properties of aqueous solutions is the behavior of water diffusion in different monovalent salt solutions. In addition, solutes can affect the stabilities of macromolecules such as proteins in aqueous solution. Here, the diffusivities of aqueous solutions of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, tri-methylamine oxide (TMAO), urea, and TMAO-urea are examined in molecular dynamics simulations. The decrease in the diffusivity of water with the concentration of simple ions and urea can be described by a simple model in which the water molecules hydrogen bonded to the solutes are considered to diffuse at the same rate as the solutes, while the remainder of the water molecules are considered to be bulk and diffuse at almost the same rate as pure water. On the other hand, the decrease in the diffusivity of water with the concentration of TMAO is apparently affected by a decrease in the diffusion rate of the bulk water molecules in addition to the decrease due to the water molecules hydrogen bonded to TMAO. In other words, TMAO enhances the viscosity of water, while urea barely affects it. Overall, this separation of water molecules into those that are hydrogen bonded to solute and those that are bulk can provide a useful means of understanding the short- and long-range effects of solutes on water.

  2. Complexation des acides aminés basiques arginine, histidine et lysine avec l'ADN plasmidique en solution aqueuse : participation à la capture de radicaux sous irradiation X à 1,5 keV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tariq Khalil, Talat; Taillefumier, Baptiste; Boulanouar, Omar; Mavon, Christophe; Fromm, Michel


    L'environnement chimique de l'ADN en situation biologique est complexe notam-ment en raison de la présence d'histones, protéines nucléaires, associées en quantité approximativement égales à l'ADN pour former la chromatine. Les histones possèdent de nombreux radicaux basiques arginine et lysine chargés positivement et dont la majorité se trouve sur les chaînes émergentes, l'ADN présente quant à lui des charges négatives sur ses groupements phosphates localisés tout au long de la double hélice. Dans cette étude, la complexité de la structure de la chromatine nucléaire est dans un premier temps mimée en solution aqueuse par la formation de complexes entre un ADN plasmidique sonde et les trois acides aminés basiques, Arg, His, Lys, qui, mis à part His, sont protonés au pH physiologique. Ces acides aminés libres en solution sont réputés être des capteurs efficaces de radicaux libres, notamment pour le radical hydroxyle, conférant ainsi un pouvoir protecteur vis-à-vis des effets indirects sur l'ADN en situation d'exposition aux rayonnements ionisants. A concentration fixée, les capacités de capture des acides aminés libres, σ, pour le radical hydroxyle sont typiquement les suivantes σHis ≈σArg > σLys (σLys ≈ 0,1 × σArg). Nous avons mesuré les taux de cassures simple brin par plasmide et par Gray (χ) lors d'expositions de solutions aqueuses de complexes [acide aminé - ADN plasmidique] aux rayons X ultra-mous (1,5 keV). A concentrations égales, les trois acides aminés complexés et présents en large excès ne manifestent pas une capacité de protection de l'ADN proportionnelle à leur capacité de capture libre et en solution ; on trouve en effet des taux de cassures dans l'ordre suivant χHis > χArg > χLys (χLys ≈ 0,01 χArg). Après avoir détaillé le mode opératoire de ces mesures, nous analyserons sur des bases bibliographiques, les modes spécifiques d'interaction des acides aminés basiques avec l'ADN. La sp

  3. Amélioration de la brillance d'un OPO nanoseconde par le profilage spatio-temporel du faisceau de pompage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kermène, V.; Chabanol, M.; Mugnier, A.; Barthélémy, A.


    Nous présentons une nouvelle méthode de pompage pour augmenter la brillance d'un Oscillateur Paramétrique Optique nanoseconde. Cette méthode est basée sur le profilage spatio-temporel du faisceau de pompage conduisant POPO à ce comporter comme une source auto-injectée.

  4. Etude de la dynamique des porteurs dans des nanofils de silicium par spectroscopie terahertz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beaudoin, Alexandre

    Ce memoire presente une etude des proprietes de conduction electrique et de la dynamique temporelle des porteurs de charges dans des nanofils de silicium sondes par rayonnement terahertz. Les cas de nanofils de silicium non intentionnellement dopes et dopes type n sont compares pour differentes configurations du montage experimental. Les mesures de spectroscopie terahertz en transmission montre qu'il est possible de detecter la presence de dopants dans les nanofils via leur absorption du rayonnement terahertz (˜ 1--12 meV). Les difficultes de modelisation de la transmission d'une impulsion electromagnetique dans un systeme de nanofils sont egalement discutees. La detection differentielle, une modification au systeme de spectroscopie terahertz, est testee et ses performances sont comparees au montage de caracterisation standard. Les instructions et des recommendations pour la mise en place de ce type de mesure sont incluses. Les resultats d'une experience de pompe optique-sonde terahertz sont egalement presentes. Dans cette experience, les porteurs de charge temporairement crees suite a l'absorption de la pompe optique (lambda ˜ 800 nm) dans les nanofils (les photoporteurs) s'ajoutent aux porteurs initialement presents et augmentent done l'absorption du rayonnement terahertz. Premierement, l'anisotropie de l'absorption terahertz et de la pompe optique par les nanofils est demontree. Deuxiemement, le temps de recombinaison des photoporteurs est etudie en fonction du nombre de photoporteurs injectes. Une hypothese expliquant les comportements observes pour les nanofils non-dopes et dopes-n est presentee. Troisiemement, la photoconductivite est extraite pour les nanofils non-dopes et dopes-n sur une plage de 0.5 a 2 THz. Un lissage sur la photoconductivite permet d'estimer le nombre de dopants dans les nanofils dopes-n. Mots-cles: nanofil, silicium, terahertz, conductivite, spectroscopie, photoconductivite.

  5. ASERFO, a concrete example of collaboration between industries and academia to develop students' skills in know-how, entrepreneurship and behavior

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mazuray, Laurent; Balembois, Francois


    Photonics is present into several industries. Further development implies efficient link from innovation to application. For that purpose, optics education at universities is key, not only to teach the fundamental physics, but for students to develop their know-how, entrepreneurship and behavior, because: Photonics is often part of systems, requesting the mastering of development tools and processes used by industries, Innovations require an entrepreneur spirit, Industries are organized per projects for optical developments in which optical specialists have to interact with other fields and people in a plateau. This is why universities shall develop ecosystems where students, researchers, teachers and industries meet and foster the acquisition of these above three skills by the students. ASERFO, French association of optics industries (Thales, Airbus, CEA, Essilor…), worked at promoting this ecosystem by funding, advising and supporting the training at the Institut d'Optique Graduate School (IOGS) as an industrial advisory committee. It is proposed to present this approach and talk on concrete initiatives implemented by Institut d'Optique Graduate School with regard to these industrial skills.

  6. Realisation et Applications D'un Laser a Fibre a L'erbium Monofrequence

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Larose, Robert

    L'incorporation d'ions de terres rares a l'interieur de la matrice de verre d'une fibre optique a permis l'emergence de composants amplificateurs tout-fibre. Le but de cette these consiste d'une part a analyser et a modeliser un tel dispositif et d'autre part, a fabriquer puis a caracteriser un amplificateur et un oscillateur a fibre. A l'aide d'une fibre fortement dopee a l'erbium fabriquee sur demande, on realise un laser a fibre syntonisable qui fonctionne en regime multimodes longitudinaux avec une largeur de raie de 1.5 GHz et egalement comme source monofrequencielle de largeur de raie de 70 kHz. Le laser sert ensuite a caracteriser un reseau de Bragg ecrit par photosensibilite dans une fibre optique. La technique de syntonisation permet aussi l'asservissement au fond d'une resonance de l'acetylene. Le laser garde alors la position centrale de la raie avec une erreur de moins de 1 MHz corrigeant ainsi les derives mecaniques de la cavite.

  7. Dispersive—diffusive transport of non-sorbed solute in multicomponent solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hu, Qinhong; Brusseau, Mark L.


    The composition of fuels, mixed-solvent wastes and other contaminants that find their way into the subsurface are frequently chemically complex. The dispersion and diffusion characteristics of multicomponent solutions in soil have rarely been compared to equivalent single-solute systems. The purpose of this work was to examine the diffusive and dispersive transport of single- and multi-component solutions in homogeneous porous media. The miscible displacement technique was used to investigate the transport behavior of 14C-labelled 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid ( 2,4-D) in two materials for which sorption of 2,4-D was minimal. Comparison of breakthrough curves collected for 2,4-D in single- and multi-component solutions shows that there is little, if any, difference in transport behavior over a wide range of pore-water velocities (70, 7, 0.66 and 0.06 cm h -1). Thus, dispersivities measured with a non-sorbing single-solute solution should be applicable to multicomponent systems.

  8. Solution deposition assembly


    Roussillon, Yann; Scholz, Jeremy H; Shelton, Addison; Green, Geoff T; Utthachoo, Piyaphant


    Methods and devices are provided for improved deposition systems. In one embodiment of the present invention, a deposition system is provided for use with a solution and a substrate. The system comprises of a solution deposition apparatus; at least one heating chamber, at least one assembly for holding a solution over the substrate; and a substrate curling apparatus for curling at least one edge of the substrate to define a zone capable of containing a volume of the solution over the substrate. In another embodiment of the present invention, a deposition system for use with a substrate, the system comprising a solution deposition apparatus; at heating chamber; and at least assembly for holding solution over the substrate to allow for a depth of at least about 0.5 microns to 10 mm.

  9. Thermodynamics of Dilute Solutions.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jancso, Gabor; Fenby, David V.


    Discusses principles and definitions related to the thermodynamics of dilute solutions. Topics considered include dilute solution, Gibbs-Duhem equation, reference systems (pure gases and gaseous mixtures, liquid mixtures, dilute solutions), real dilute solutions (focusing on solute and solvent), terminology, standard states, and reference systems.…

  10. Ultrashort Laser Pulse Propagation in Water

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ANSI Std Z39-18 usual Lambert-Beer behavior ( It should be noted that the so called Lambert-Beer law was first discovered by Pierre Bouguer in his...published work in 1729 titled Essai d’optique sur la gradation de la lumiére and we will hereafter refer to it as the Bouguer -Lambert-Beer Law or BLB

  11. Ultrashort Laser Pulse Propagation in Water

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Beer behavior ( It should be noted that the so called Lambert-Beer law was first discovered by Pierre Bouguer in his published work in 1729 titled...Essai d’optique sur la gradation de la lumiére and we will hereafter refer to it as the Bouguer -Lambert-Beer Law or BLB. The law is valid for

  12. Ultrashort Laser Pulse Propagation in Water

    DTIC Science & Technology


    It should be noted that the so called Lambert-Beer law was first discovered by Pierre Bouguer in his published work in 1729 titled Essai d’optique...sur la gradation de la lumiére and we will hereafter refer to it as the Bouguer -Lambert-Beer Law or BLB. The law is valid for monochromatic sources

  13. Ultrashort Laser Pulse Propagation in Water

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Lambert-Beer behavior ( It should be noted that the so called Lambert-Beer law was first discovered by Pierre Bouguer in his published work in 1729...titled Essai d’optique sur la gradation de la lumiére and we will hereafter refer to it as the Bouguer -Lambert-Beer Law or BLB. The law is valid for

  14. Determination de la Distribution Granulometrique des Particules par la Mesure de la Transmission d’un Aerosol Sedimentant (Aerosol Size Distribution Using the Extinction-Sedimentation Inversion Technique),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    est la longueur du chemin optique. La fonction K(xn, n) peut Stre evaluee 1 l’aide de la theorie de Mie. Elle est du type oscillant et tend vers 2...Directeur, Division de l1informatlque - Directeur, Division de la Propulsion 10 - Bibliotheque - M. G. Roy ( auteur ) - Dr R. Lavertu - Dr B.T.N

  15. Solute Migration from the Aquifer Matrix into a Solution Conduit and the Reverse.


    Li, Guangquan; Field, Malcolm S


    A solution conduit has a permeable wall allowing for water exchange and solute transfer between the conduit and its surrounding aquifer matrix. In this paper, we use Laplace Transform to solve a one-dimensional equation constructed using the Euler approach to describe advective transport of solute in a conduit, a production-value problem. Both nonuniform cross-section of the conduit and nonuniform seepage at the conduit wall are considered in the solution. Physical analysis using the Lagrangian approach and a lumping method is performed to verify the solution. Two-way transfer between conduit water and matrix water is also investigated by using the solution for the production-value problem as a first-order approximation. The approximate solution agrees well with the exact solution if dimensionless travel time in the conduit is an order of magnitude smaller than unity. Our analytical solution is based on the assumption that the spatial and/or temporal heterogeneity in the wall solute flux is the dominant factor in the spreading of spring-breakthrough curves, and conduit dispersion is only a secondary mechanism. Such an approach can lead to the better understanding of water exchange and solute transfer between conduits and aquifer matrix. Euler and Lagrangian approaches are used to solve transport in conduit. Two-way transfer between conduit and matrix is investigated. The solution is applicable to transport in conduit of persisting solute from matrix. © 2016, National Ground Water Association.

  16. Solvent wash solution


    Neace, J.C.


    A process is claimed for removing diluent degradation products from a solvent extraction solution, which has been used to recover uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel. A wash solution and the solvent extraction solution are combined. The wash solution contains (a) water and (b) up to about, and including, 50 vol % of at least one-polar water-miscible organic solvent based on the total volume of the water and the highly-polar organic solvent. The wash solution also preferably contains at least one inorganic salt. The diluent degradation products dissolve in the highly-polar organic solvent and the organic solvent extraction solvent do not dissolve in the highly-polar organic solvent. The highly-polar organic solvent and the extraction solvent are separated.

  17. Solvent wash solution


    Neace, James C.


    Process for removing diluent degradation products from a solvent extraction solution, which has been used to recover uranium and plutonium from spent nuclear fuel. A wash solution and the solvent extraction solution are combined. The wash solution contains (a) water and (b) up to about, and including, 50 volume percent of at least one-polar water-miscible organic solvent based on the total volume of the water and the highly-polar organic solvent. The wash solution also preferably contains at least one inorganic salt. The diluent degradation products dissolve in the highly-polar organic solvent and the organic solvent extraction solvent do not dissolve in the highly-polar organic solvent. The highly-polar organic solvent and the extraction solvent are separated.

  18. Correlation optique en lumiere coherente (in French)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fontanel, A.; Grau, G.


    This paper describes a general bidimensional two-step method of correlation (or convolution) making use of the theory of holography. In the first step the light diffracted by one of the two plane transparent objects to be correlated interferes with the light diffracted by the other one. The hologram thus generated is photographed in the focal image plane of a convergent lens. Owing to the quadratic detection property of the photographic emulsion, the square of the modulus of the product of the spectra of the two objects considered is recorded on the photographic plate. In the second step the convolution productmore » of the two objects appears when the hologram is illuminated with a beam of coherent light. In its geophysical application this optical method of convolution makes it easy for us to obtain the autocorrelogram of a seismic cross-section. This method also makes it possible to correlate each of the seismic traces by special precalculated optically-recorded filters.« less

  19. Crystal Nucleation of Tolbutamide in Solution: Relationship to Solvent, Solute Conformation, and Solution Structure.


    Zeglinski, Jacek; Kuhs, Manuel; Khamar, Dikshitkumar; Hegarty, Avril C; Devi, Renuka K; Rasmuson, Åke C


    The influence of the solvent in nucleation of tolbutamide, a medium-sized, flexible and polymorphic organic molecule, has been explored by measuring nucleation induction times, estimating solvent-solute interaction enthalpies using molecular modelling and calorimetric data, probing interactions and clustering with spectroscopy, and modelling solvent-dependence of molecular conformation in solution. The nucleation driving force required to reach the same induction time is strongly solvent-dependent, increasing in the order: acetonitrilesolute interaction, with emphasis on the interaction with specific H-bonding polar sites of importance in the crystal structure. A clear exception from this rule is the most difficult nucleation in toluene despite the weakest solvent-solute interactions. However molecular dynamics modelling predicts that tolbutamide assumes an intramolecularly H-bonded conformation in toluene, substantially different from and more stable than the conformation in the crystal structure, and thus presenting an additional barrier to nucleation. This explains why nucleation in toluene is the most difficult and why the relatively higher propensity for aggregation of tolbutamide molecules in toluene solution, as observed with FTIR spectroscopy, does not translate into easier nucleation. Thus, our combined experimental and molecular modelling study suggests that the solvent can influence on the nucleation not only via differences in the desolvation but also through the influence on molecular conformation. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Isotherm-Based Thermodynamic Model for Solute Activities of Asymmetric Electrolyte Aqueous Solutions.


    Nandy, Lucy; Dutcher, Cari S


    Adsorption isotherm-based statistical thermodynamic models can be used to determine solute concentration and solute and solvent activities in aqueous solutions. Recently, the number of adjustable parameters in the isotherm model of Dutcher et al. J. Phys. Chem. A/C 2011, 2012, 2013 were reduced for neutral solutes as well as symmetric 1:1 electrolytes by using a Coulombic model to describe the solute-solvent energy interactions (Ohm et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2015, Nandy et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2016). Here, the Coulombic treatment for symmetric electrolytes is extended to establish improved isotherm model equations for asymmetric 1-2 and 1-3 electrolyte systems. The Coulombic model developed here results in prediction of activities and other thermodynamic properties in multicomponent systems containing ions of arbitrary charge. The model is found to accurately calculate the osmotic coefficient over the entire solute concentration range with two model parameters, related to intermolecular solute-solute and solute-solvent spacing. The inorganic salts and acids treated here are generally considered to be fully dissociated. However, there are certain weak acids that do not dissociate completely, such as the bisulfate ion. In this work, partial dissociation of the bisulfate ion from sulfuric acid is treated as a mixture, with an additional model parameter that accounts for the dissociation ratio of the dissociated ions to nondissociated ions.

  1. Solute atmospheres at dislocations


    Hirth, John P.; Barnett, David M.; Hoagland, Richard G.


    In this study, a two-dimensional plane strain elastic solution is determined for the Cottrell solute atmosphere around an edge dislocation in an infinitely long cylinder of finite radius (the matrix), in which rows of solutes are represented by cylindrical rods with in-plane hydrostatic misfit (axial misfit is also considered). The periphery of the matrix is traction-free, thus introducing an image solute field which generates a solute-solute interaction energy that has not been considered previously. The relevant energy for the field of any distribution of solutes coexistent with a single edge dislocation along the (matrix) cylinder axis is determined, and coherencymore » effects are discussed and studied. Monte Carlo simulations accounting for all pertinent interactions over a range of temperatures are found to yield solute distributions different from classical results, namely, (1) Fermi-Dirac condensations at low temperatures at the free surface, (2) the majority of the atmosphere lying within an unexpectedly large non-linear interaction region near the dislocation core, and (3) temperature-dependent asymmetrical solute arrangements that promote bending. The solute distributions at intermediate temperatures show a 1/r dependence in agreement with previous linearized approximations. With a standard state of solute corresponding to a mean concentration, c 0, the relevant interaction energy expression presented in this work is valid when extended to large concentrations for which Henry's Law and Vegard's Law do not apply.« less

  2. Solute atmospheres at dislocations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hirth, John P.; Barnett, David M.; Hoagland, Richard G.

    In this study, a two-dimensional plane strain elastic solution is determined for the Cottrell solute atmosphere around an edge dislocation in an infinitely long cylinder of finite radius (the matrix), in which rows of solutes are represented by cylindrical rods with in-plane hydrostatic misfit (axial misfit is also considered). The periphery of the matrix is traction-free, thus introducing an image solute field which generates a solute-solute interaction energy that has not been considered previously. The relevant energy for the field of any distribution of solutes coexistent with a single edge dislocation along the (matrix) cylinder axis is determined, and coherencymore » effects are discussed and studied. Monte Carlo simulations accounting for all pertinent interactions over a range of temperatures are found to yield solute distributions different from classical results, namely, (1) Fermi-Dirac condensations at low temperatures at the free surface, (2) the majority of the atmosphere lying within an unexpectedly large non-linear interaction region near the dislocation core, and (3) temperature-dependent asymmetrical solute arrangements that promote bending. The solute distributions at intermediate temperatures show a 1/r dependence in agreement with previous linearized approximations. With a standard state of solute corresponding to a mean concentration, c 0, the relevant interaction energy expression presented in this work is valid when extended to large concentrations for which Henry's Law and Vegard's Law do not apply.« less

  3. Electromarking solution


    Bullock, Jonathan S.; Harper, William L.; Peck, Charles G.


    This invention is directed to an aqueous halogen-free electromarking solution which possesses the capacity for marking a broad spectrum of metals and alloys selected from different classes. The aqueous solution comprises basically the nitrate salt of an amphoteric metal, a chelating agent, and a corrosion-inhibiting agent.

  4. HCl, KCl and KOH solvation resolved solute-solvent interactions and solution surface stress

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Xi; Xu, Yan; Zhou, Yong; Gong, Yinyan; Huang, Yongli; Sun, Chang Q.


    An incorporation of the hydrogen bond (O:Hsbnd O or HB) cooperativity notion, contact angle detection, and the differential phonon spectrometrics (DPS) has enabled us to gain refined information on the HCl, KCl and KOH solvation resolved solute-solvent molecular interactions and the solution surface stresses. Results show that ionic polarization stiffens the solvent Hsbnd O bond phonon from 3200 to 3480 cm-1 in the hydration shells. The HO- in alkaline solution, however, shares not only the same Hsbnd O phonon redshift of compressed water from 3200 to < 3100 cm-1 but also the dangling bonds of H2O surface featured at 3610 cm-1. Salt and alkaline solvation enhances the solution surface stress by K+ and Cl- ionic polarization. The excessive H+ proton in acid solution forms a H↔H anti-HB that depresses the solution surface stress, instead. The solute capability of transforming the fraction of the O:Hsbnd O bonds of the solvent matrix is featured by: fH = 0 and fx ∝ 1-exp(-C/C0) (x = HO-, K+ and Cl-) towards saturation. Exercises not only confirm the presence of the H↔H anti-HB point fragilization, the O:⇔:O super-HB point compression, and ionic polarization dominating the performance of the respective HCl, KOH, and KCl solutions, but also demonstrate the power of the DPS that enables high resolution of solute-solute-solvent interactions and correlation between HB relaxation and solution surface stress.

  5. Ice Growth Inhibition in Antifreeze Polypeptide Solution by Short-Time Solution Preheating.


    Nishi, Naoto; Miyamoto, Takuya; Waku, Tomonori; Tanaka, Naoki; Hagiwara, Yoshimichi


    The objective of this study is to enhance the inhibition of ice growth in the aqueous solution of a polypeptide, which is inspired by winter flounder antifreeze protein. We carried out measurements on unidirectional freezing of the polypeptide solution. The thickness of the solution was 0.02 mm, and the concentration of polypeptide was varied from 0 to 2 mg/mL. We captured successive microscopic images of ice/solution interfaces, and measured the interface velocity from the locations of tips of the pectinate interface in the images. We also simultaneously measured the temperature by using a small thermocouple. The ice/solution interface temperature was defined by the temperature at the tips. It was found that the interface temperature was decreased with an increasing concentration of polypeptide. To try varying the activity of the polypeptide, we preheated the polypeptide solution and cooled it before carrying out the measurements. Preheating for 1-5 hours was found to cause a further decrease in the interface temperature. Furthermore, wider regions of solution and ice with inclined interfaces in the pectinate interface structure were observed, compared with the case where the solution was not preheated. Thus, the ice growth inhibition was enhanced by this preheating. To investigate the reason for this enhancement, we measured the conformation and aggregates of polypeptide in the solution. We also measured the local concentration of polypeptide. It was found that the polypeptide aggregates became larger as a result of preheating, although the polypeptide conformation was unchanged. These large aggregates caused both adsorption to the interface and the wide regions of supercooled solution in the pectinate interface structure.

  6. Population and size distribution of solute-rich mesospecies within mesostructured aqueous amino acid solutions.


    Jawor-Baczynska, Anna; Moore, Barry D; Lee, Han Seung; McCormick, Alon V; Sefcik, Jan


    Aqueous solutions of highly soluble substances such as small amino acids are usually assumed to be essentially homogenous systems with some degree of short range local structuring due to specific interactions on the sub-nanometre scale (e.g. molecular clusters, hydration shells), usually not exceeding several solute molecules. However, recent theoretical and experimental studies have indicated the presence of much larger supramolecular assemblies or mesospecies in solutions of small organic and inorganic molecules as well as proteins. We investigated both supersaturated and undersaturated aqueous solutions of two simple amino acids (glycine and DL-alanine) using Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Brownian Microscopy/Nanoparticles Tracking Analysis (NTA) and Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy (Cryo-TEM). Colloidal scale mesospecies (nanodroplets) were previously reported in supersaturated solutions of these amino acids and were implicated as intermediate species on non-classical crystallization pathways. Surprisingly, we have found that the mesospecies are also present in significant numbers in undersaturated solutions even when the solute concentration is well below the solid-liquid equilibrium concentration (saturation limit). Thus, mesopecies can be observed with mean diameters ranging from 100 to 300 nm and a size distribution that broadens towards larger size with increasing solute concentration. We note that the mesospecies are not a separate phase and the system is better described as a thermodynamically stable mesostructured liquid containing solute-rich domains dispersed within bulk solute solution. At a given temperature, solute molecules in such a mesostructured liquid phase are subject to equilibrium distribution between solute-rich mesospecies and the surrounding bulk solution.

  7. Analysis of three variables in sampling solutions used to assay bacteria of hands: type of solution, use of antiseptic neutralizers, and solution temperature.

    PubMed Central

    Larson, E L; Strom, M S; Evans, C A


    Tests were performed using the sterile bag technique to determine the effects of type of sampling solution, use of antiseptic neutralizers, and solution temperature on the detection and quantitation of bacteria on hands. Using paired hand cultures, three sampling solutions were compared: quarter-strength Ringer solution, a phosphate buffer containing Triton X-100, and the same buffer containing antiseptic neutralizers. The phosphate buffer containing Triton X-100 was significantly better than quarter-strength Ringer solution in mean bacterial yield; the neutralizer-containing sampling solution was slightly better than Triton X-100-containing solution, although differences were not significant at the P = 0.05 level. Temperature (6 or 23 degrees C) of the sampling solution showed no consistent effect on bacterial yield from hands tested with the fluid containing neutralizers. PMID:7012171

  8. Multigrid solution of internal flows using unstructured solution adaptive meshes

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Smith, Wayne A.; Blake, Kenneth R.


    This is the final report of the NASA Lewis SBIR Phase 2 Contract Number NAS3-25785, Multigrid Solution of Internal Flows Using Unstructured Solution Adaptive Meshes. The objective of this project, as described in the Statement of Work, is to develop and deliver to NASA a general three-dimensional Navier-Stokes code using unstructured solution-adaptive meshes for accuracy and multigrid techniques for convergence acceleration. The code will primarily be applied, but not necessarily limited, to high speed internal flows in turbomachinery.

  9. Effects of Electronic-State-Dependent Solute Polarizability: Application to Solute-Pump/Solvent-Probe Spectra.


    Sun, Xiang; Ladanyi, Branka M; Stratt, Richard M


    Experimental studies of solvation dynamics in liquids invariably ask how changing a solute from its electronic ground state to an electronically excited state affects a solution's dynamics. With traditional time-dependent-fluorescence experiments, that means looking for the dynamical consequences of the concomitant change in solute-solvent potential energy. But if one follows the shift in the dynamics through its effects on the macroscopic polarizability, as recent solute-pump/solvent-probe spectra do, there is another effect of the electronic excitation that should be considered: the jump in the solute's own polarizability. We examine the spectroscopic consequences of this solute polarizability change in the classic example of the solvation dye coumarin 153 dissolved in acetonitrile. After demonstrating that standard quantum chemical methods can be used to construct accurate multisite models for the polarizabilities of ground- and excited-state solvation dyes, we show via simulation that this polarizability change acts as a contrast agent, significantly enhancing the observable differences in optical-Kerr spectra between ground- and excited-state solutions. A comparison of our results with experimental solute-pump/solvent-probe spectra supports our interpretation and modeling of this spectroscopy. We predict, in particular, that solute-pump/solvent-probe spectra should be sensitive to changes in both the solvent dynamics near the solute and the electronic-state-dependence of the solute's own rotational dynamics.

  10. High conductivity electrolyte solutions and rechargeable cells incorporating such solutions


    Angell, C.A.; Zhang, S.S.; Xu, K.


    This invention relates generally to electrolyte solvents for use in liquid or rubbery polymer electrolyte solutions as are used, for example, in electrochemical devices. More specifically, this invention relates to sulfonyl/phospho-compound electrolyte solvents and sulfonyl/phospho-compound electrolyte solutions incorporating such solvents. 9 figs.

  11. Analytical Solution for Reactive Solute Transport Considering Incomplete Mixing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bellin, A.; Chiogna, G.


    The laboratory experiments of Gramling et al. (2002) showed that incomplete mixing at the pore scale exerts a significant impact on transport of reactive solutes and that assuming complete mixing leads to overestimation of product concentration in bimolecular reactions. We consider here the family of equilibrium reactions for which the concentration of the reactants and the product can be expressed as a function of the mixing ratio, the concentration of a fictitious non reactive solute. For this type of reactions we propose, in agreement with previous studies, to model the effect of incomplete mixing at scales smaller than the Darcy scale assuming that the mixing ratio is distributed within an REV according to a Beta distribution. We compute the parameters of the Beta model by imposing that the mean concentration is equal to the value that the concentration assumes at the continuum Darcy scale, while the variance decays with time as a power law. We show that our model reproduces the concentration profiles of the reaction product measured in the Gramling et al. (2002) experiments using the transport parameters obtained from conservative experiments and an instantaneous reaction kinetic. The results are obtained applying analytical solutions both for conservative and for reactive solute transport, thereby providing a method to handle the effect of incomplete mixing on multispecies reactive solute transport, which is simpler than other previously developed methods. Gramling, C. M., C. F. Harvey, and L. C. Meigs (2002), Reactive transport in porous media: A comparison of model prediction with laboratory visualization, Environ. Sci. Technol., 36(11), 2508-2514.

  12. Homogenization Theory for the Prediction of Obstructed Solute Diffusivity in Macromolecular Solutions

    PubMed Central

    Donovan, Preston; Chehreghanianzabi, Yasaman; Rathinam, Muruhan; Zustiak, Silviya Petrova


    The study of diffusion in macromolecular solutions is important in many biomedical applications such as separations, drug delivery, and cell encapsulation, and key for many biological processes such as protein assembly and interstitial transport. Not surprisingly, multiple models for the a-priori prediction of diffusion in macromolecular environments have been proposed. However, most models include parameters that are not readily measurable, are specific to the polymer-solute-solvent system, or are fitted and do not have a physical meaning. Here, for the first time, we develop a homogenization theory framework for the prediction of effective solute diffusivity in macromolecular environments based on physical parameters that are easily measurable and not specific to the macromolecule-solute-solvent system. Homogenization theory is useful for situations where knowledge of fine-scale parameters is used to predict bulk system behavior. As a first approximation, we focus on a model where the solute is subjected to obstructed diffusion via stationary spherical obstacles. We find that the homogenization theory results agree well with computationally more expensive Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover, the homogenization theory agrees with effective diffusivities of a solute in dilute and semi-dilute polymer solutions measured using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Lastly, we provide a mathematical formula for the effective diffusivity in terms of a non-dimensional and easily measurable geometric system parameter. PMID:26731550

  13. Homogenization Theory for the Prediction of Obstructed Solute Diffusivity in Macromolecular Solutions.


    Donovan, Preston; Chehreghanianzabi, Yasaman; Rathinam, Muruhan; Zustiak, Silviya Petrova


    The study of diffusion in macromolecular solutions is important in many biomedical applications such as separations, drug delivery, and cell encapsulation, and key for many biological processes such as protein assembly and interstitial transport. Not surprisingly, multiple models for the a-priori prediction of diffusion in macromolecular environments have been proposed. However, most models include parameters that are not readily measurable, are specific to the polymer-solute-solvent system, or are fitted and do not have a physical meaning. Here, for the first time, we develop a homogenization theory framework for the prediction of effective solute diffusivity in macromolecular environments based on physical parameters that are easily measurable and not specific to the macromolecule-solute-solvent system. Homogenization theory is useful for situations where knowledge of fine-scale parameters is used to predict bulk system behavior. As a first approximation, we focus on a model where the solute is subjected to obstructed diffusion via stationary spherical obstacles. We find that the homogenization theory results agree well with computationally more expensive Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover, the homogenization theory agrees with effective diffusivities of a solute in dilute and semi-dilute polymer solutions measured using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Lastly, we provide a mathematical formula for the effective diffusivity in terms of a non-dimensional and easily measurable geometric system parameter.

  14. Two conditions for equivalence of 0-norm solution and 1-norm solution in sparse representation.


    Li, Yuanqing; Amari, Shun-Ichi


    In sparse representation, two important sparse solutions, the 0-norm and 1-norm solutions, have been receiving much of attention. The 0-norm solution is the sparsest, however it is not easy to obtain. Although the 1-norm solution may not be the sparsest, it can be easily obtained by the linear programming method. In many cases, the 0-norm solution can be obtained through finding the 1-norm solution. Many discussions exist on the equivalence of the two sparse solutions. This paper analyzes two conditions for the equivalence of the two sparse solutions. The first condition is necessary and sufficient, however, difficult to verify. Although the second is necessary but is not sufficient, it is easy to verify. In this paper, we analyze the second condition within the stochastic framework and propose a variant. We then prove that the equivalence of the two sparse solutions holds with high probability under the variant of the second condition. Furthermore, in the limit case where the 0-norm solution is extremely sparse, the second condition is also a sufficient condition with probability 1.

  15. Solution-phase electronegativity scale: insight into the chemical behaviors of metal ions in solution.


    Li, Keyan; Li, Min; Xue, Dongfeng


    By incorporating the solvent effect into the Born effective radius, we have proposed an electronegativity scale of metal ions in aqueous solution with the most common oxidation states and hydration coordination numbers in terms of the effective ionic electrostatic potential. It is found that the metal ions in aqueous solution are poorer electron acceptors compared to those in the gas phase. This solution-phase electronegativity scale shows its efficiency in predicting some important properties of metal ions in aqueous solution such as the aqueous acidities of the metal ions, the stability constants of metal complexes, and the solubility product constants of the metal hydroxides. We have elaborated that the standard reduction potential and the solution-phase electronegativity are two different quantities for describing the processes of metal ions in aqueous solution to soak up electrons with different final states. This work provides a new insight into the chemical behaviors of the metal ions in aqueous solution, indicating a potential application of this electronegativity scale to the design of solution reactions.

  16. Methodologies nouvelles pour la realisation d'essais dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Flores Salinas, Manuel

    Le present memoire en genie de la production automatisee vise a decrire le travail effectue dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis du laboratoire LARCASE pour trouver les methodologies experimentales et les procedures de tests, qui seront utilisees avec les modeles d'ailes actuellement au laboratoire. Les methodologies et procedures presentees ici vont permettre de preparer les tests en soufflerie du projet MDO-505 Architectures et technologies deformables pour l'amelioration des performances des ailes, qui se derouleront durant l'annee 2015. D'abord, un bref historique des souffleries subsoniques sera fait. Les differentes sections de la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis seront decrites en mettant l'emphase sur leur influence dans la qualite de l'ecoulement qui se retrouve dans la chambre d'essai. Ensuite, une introduction a la pression, a sa mesure lors de tests en soufflerie et les instruments utilises pour les tests en soufflerie au laboratoire LARCASE sera presente, en particulier le capteur piezoelectrique XCQ-062. Une attention particuliere sera portee au mode de fonctionnement, a son installation, a la mesure et a la detection des frequences et aux sources d'erreurs lorsqu'on utilise des capteurs de haute precision comme la serie XCQ-062 du fournisseur Kulite. Finalement, les procedures et les methodologies elaborees pour les tests dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis seront utilisees sur quatre types d'ailes differentes. L'article New methodology for wind tunnel calibration using neural networks - EGD approch portant sur une nouvelle facon de predire les caracteristiques de l'ecoulement a l'interieur de la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis se trouve dans l'annexe 2 de ce document. Cet article porte sur la creation d'un reseau de neurones multicouche et sur l'entrainement des neurones, Ensuite, une comparaison des resultats du reseau de neurones a ete fait avec des valeurs simules avec le logiciel Fluent.

  17. Mixed oxide solid solutions


    Magno, Scott; Wang, Ruiping; Derouane, Eric


    The present invention is a mixed oxide solid solution containing a tetravalent and a pentavalent cation that can be used as a support for a metal combustion catalyst. The invention is furthermore a combustion catalyst containing the mixed oxide solid solution and a method of making the mixed oxide solid solution. The tetravalent cation is zirconium(+4), hafnium(+4) or thorium(+4). In one embodiment, the pentavalent cation is tantalum(+5), niobium(+5) or bismuth(+5). Mixed oxide solid solutions of the present invention exhibit enhanced thermal stability, maintaining relatively high surface areas at high temperatures in the presence of water vapor.

  18. Technetium recovery from high alkaline solution

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nash, Charles A.


    Disclosed are methods for recovering technetium from a highly alkaline solution. The highly alkaline solution can be a liquid waste solution from a nuclear waste processing system. Methods can include combining the solution with a reductant capable of reducing technetium at the high pH of the solution and adding to or forming in the solution an adsorbent capable of adsorbing the precipitated technetium at the high pH of the solution.

  19. New compacton soliton solutions and solitary patterns solutions of nonlinearly dispersive Boussinesq equations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yan, Zhenya; Bluman, George


    The special exact solutions of nonlinearly dispersive Boussinesq equations (called B( m, n) equations), utt- uxx- a( un) xx+ b( um) xxxx=0, is investigated by using four direct ansatze. As a result, abundant new compactons: solitons with the absence of infinite wings, solitary patterns solutions having infinite slopes or cups, solitary waves and singular periodic wave solutions of these two equations are obtained. The variant is extended to include linear dispersion to support compactons and solitary patterns in the linearly dispersive Boussinesq equations with m=1. Moreover, another new compacton solution of the special case, B(2,2) equation, is also found.

  20. Passive Standoff Detection of Chemical Vapors by Differential FTIR Radiometry

    DTIC Science & Technology


    8217 utilisation d’un interferometre infrarouge a transformation de Fourier (FTIR) a double entree optimise pour la soustraction optique. En vue de sa mise...Valcartier (DREV) is currently developing a passive Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) technique for the standoff detection and identification of...chemical vapors. A well-known difficulty associated with this technique is that the recorded signal also contains a large amount of unwanted background

  1. Special solutions to Chazy equation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Varin, V. P.


    We consider the classical Chazy equation, which is known to be integrable in hypergeometric functions. But this solution has remained purely existential and was never used numerically. We give explicit formulas for hypergeometric solutions in terms of initial data. A special solution was found in the upper half plane H with the same tessellation of H as that of the modular group. This allowed us to derive some new identities for the Eisenstein series. We constructed a special solution in the unit disk and gave an explicit description of singularities on its natural boundary. A global solution to Chazy equation in elliptic and theta functions was found that allows parametrization of an arbitrary solution to Chazy equation. The results have applications to analytic number theory.

  2. Exact solutions to quadratic gravity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pravda, V.; Pravdová, A.; Podolský, J.; Švarc, R.


    Since all Einstein spacetimes are vacuum solutions to quadratic gravity in four dimensions, in this paper we study various aspects of non-Einstein vacuum solutions to this theory. Most such known solutions are of traceless Ricci and Petrov type N with a constant Ricci scalar. Thus we assume the Ricci scalar to be constant which leads to a substantial simplification of the field equations. We prove that a vacuum solution to quadratic gravity with traceless Ricci tensor of type N and aligned Weyl tensor of any Petrov type is necessarily a Kundt spacetime. This will considerably simplify the search for new non-Einstein solutions. Similarly, a vacuum solution to quadratic gravity with traceless Ricci type III and aligned Weyl tensor of Petrov type II or more special is again necessarily a Kundt spacetime. Then we study the general role of conformal transformations in constructing vacuum solutions to quadratic gravity. We find that such solutions can be obtained by solving one nonlinear partial differential equation for a conformal factor on any Einstein spacetime or, more generally, on any background with vanishing Bach tensor. In particular, we show that all geometries conformal to Kundt are either Kundt or Robinson-Trautman, and we provide some explicit Kundt and Robinson-Trautman solutions to quadratic gravity by solving the above mentioned equation on certain Kundt backgrounds.

  3. Logical gaps in the approximate solutions of the social learning game and an exact solution.


    Dai, Wenjie; Wang, Xin; Di, Zengru; Wu, Jinshan


    After the social learning models were proposed, finding solutions to the games becomes a well-defined mathematical question. However, almost all papers on the games and their applications are based on solutions built either upon an ad-hoc argument or a twisted Bayesian analysis of the games. Here, we present logical gaps in those solutions and offer an exact solution of our own. We also introduce a minor extension to the original game so that not only logical differences but also differences in action outcomes among those solutions become visible.

  4. Lump solutions of the BKP equation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gilson, C. R.; Nimmo, J. J. C.


    Rational solutions of the BKP equation which decay to zero in all directions in the plane are obtained. These solutions are analogous to the lump solutions of the KPI equation. Properties of the single lump solution are described and the form of the N-lump solution is given. It is shown that single lump solutions are only non-singular for spectral parameters lying in certain regions of the complex plane.

  5. Effects of solution volume on hydrogen production by pulsed spark discharge in ethanol solution

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Xin, Y. B.; Sun, B., E-mail:; Zhu, X. M.


    Hydrogen production from ethanol solution (ethanol/water) by pulsed spark discharge was optimized by varying the volume of ethanol solution (liquid volume). Hydrogen yield was initially increased and then decreased with the increase in solution volume, which achieved 1.5 l/min with a solution volume of 500 ml. The characteristics of pulsed spark discharge were studied in this work; the results showed that the intensity of peak current, the rate of current rise, and energy efficiency of hydrogen production can be changed by varying the volume of ethanol solution. Meanwhile, the mechanism analysis of hydrogen production was accomplished by monitoring the process of hydrogenmore » production and the state of free radicals. The analysis showed that decreasing the retention time of gas production and properly increasing the volume of ethanol solution can enhance the hydrogen yield. Through this research, a high-yield and large-scale method of hydrogen production can be achieved, which is more suitable for industrial application.« less

  6. Classical Electrodynamics: Problems with solutions; Problems with solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Likharev, Konstantin K.


    l Advanced Physics is a series comprising four parts: Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics. Each part consists of two volumes, Lecture notes and Problems with solutions, further supplemented by an additional collection of test problems and solutions available to qualifying university instructors. This volume, Classical Electrodynamics: Lecture notes is intended to be the basis for a two-semester graduate-level course on electricity and magnetism, including not only the interaction and dynamics charged point particles, but also properties of dielectric, conducting, and magnetic media. The course also covers special relativity, including its kinematics and particle-dynamics aspects, and electromagnetic radiation by relativistic particles.

  7. Effect of solute nature on the polyamorphic transition in glassy polyol aqueous solutions.


    Suzuki, Yoshiharu


    I examined the polyamorphic behavior of glassy dilute aqueous solutions of polyols (ethylene glycol, glycerol, meso-erythritol, xylitol, and D-sorbitol) under pressure at low temperatures. Although the volume change of the glassy aqueous solution varied continuously against pressure, the rate of the volume change appeared to vary discontinuously at the onset pressure of the gradual polyamorphic transition. It is thought that low-density liquid-like solvent water and high-density liquid-like solvent water coexist during the transition. Moreover, the existence of a solute induces the shift of polyamorphic transition to the lower-pressure side. The effect of a solute on the polyamorphic transition becomes larger in the order ethylene glycol, glycerol, meso-erythritol, xylitol, and D-sorbitol. Therefore, the solute can become a variable controlling the polyamorphic state of liquid water. This experimental result suggests that the metastable-equilibrium phase boundary between the low-density and the high-density amorphs for pure water is likely to be located at 0.22-0.23 GPa at about 150 K, which is slightly larger than the previously estimated pressure. Moreover, the solute-nature dependence on the polyamorphic transition seems to connect to that on the homogeneous nucleation temperature of polyol aqueous solution at ambient pressure. The region in which a low-density liquid appears coincides with the region in which the nucleus of ice Ih appears, suggesting that the formation of a low-density liquid is a precursory phenomenon of the nucleation of ice Ih.

  8. Effect of solute nature on the polyamorphic transition in glassy polyol aqueous solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Suzuki, Yoshiharu


    I examined the polyamorphic behavior of glassy dilute aqueous solutions of polyols (ethylene glycol, glycerol, meso-erythritol, xylitol, and D-sorbitol) under pressure at low temperatures. Although the volume change of the glassy aqueous solution varied continuously against pressure, the rate of the volume change appeared to vary discontinuously at the onset pressure of the gradual polyamorphic transition. It is thought that low-density liquid-like solvent water and high-density liquid-like solvent water coexist during the transition. Moreover, the existence of a solute induces the shift of polyamorphic transition to the lower-pressure side. The effect of a solute on the polyamorphic transition becomes larger in the order ethylene glycol, glycerol, meso-erythritol, xylitol, and D-sorbitol. Therefore, the solute can become a variable controlling the polyamorphic state of liquid water. This experimental result suggests that the metastable-equilibrium phase boundary between the low-density and the high-density amorphs for pure water is likely to be located at 0.22-0.23 GPa at about 150 K, which is slightly larger than the previously estimated pressure. Moreover, the solute-nature dependence on the polyamorphic transition seems to connect to that on the homogeneous nucleation temperature of polyol aqueous solution at ambient pressure. The region in which a low-density liquid appears coincides with the region in which the nucleus of ice Ih appears, suggesting that the formation of a low-density liquid is a precursory phenomenon of the nucleation of ice Ih.

  9. Diffusion of Small Solute Particles in Viscous Liquids: Cage Diffusion, a Result of Decoupling of Solute-Solvent Dynamics, Leads to Amplification of Solute Diffusion.


    Acharya, Sayantan; Nandi, Manoj K; Mandal, Arkajit; Sarkar, Sucharita; Bhattacharyya, Sarika Maitra


    We study the diffusion of small solute particles through solvent by keeping the solute-solvent interaction repulsive and varying the solvent properties. The study involves computer simulations, development of a new model to describe diffusion of small solutes in a solvent, and also mode coupling theory (MCT) calculations. In a viscous solvent, a small solute diffuses via coupling to the solvent hydrodynamic modes and also through the transient cages formed by the solvent. The model developed can estimate the independent contributions from these two different channels of diffusion. Although the solute diffusion in all the systems shows an amplification, the degree of it increases with solvent viscosity. The model correctly predicts that when the solvent viscosity is high, the solute primarily diffuses by exploiting the solvent cages. In such a scenario the MCT diffusion performed for a static solvent provides a correct estimation of the cage diffusion.

  10. Isolated effects of external bath osmolality, solute concentration, and electrical charge on solute transport across articular cartilage.


    Pouran, Behdad; Arbabi, Vahid; Zadpoor, Amir A; Weinans, Harrie


    The metabolic function of cartilage primarily depends on transport of solutes through diffusion mechanism. In the current study, we use contrast enhanced micro-computed tomography to determine equilibrium concentration of solutes through different cartilage zones and solute flux in the cartilage, using osteochondral plugs from equine femoral condyles. Diffusion experiments were performed with two solutes of different charge and approximately equal molecular weight, namely iodixanol (neutral) and ioxaglate (charge=-1) in order to isolate the effects of solute's charge on diffusion. Furthermore, solute concentrations as well as bath osmolality were changed to isolate the effects of steric hindrance on diffusion. Bath concentration and bath osmolality only had minor effects on the diffusion of the neutral solute through cartilage at the surface, middle and deep zones, indicating that the diffusion of the neutral solute was mainly Fickian. The negatively charged solute diffused considerably slower through cartilage than the neutral solute, indicating a large non-Fickian contribution in the diffusion of charged molecules. The numerical models determined maximum solute flux in the superficial zone up to a factor of 2.5 lower for the negatively charged solutes (charge=-1) as compared to the neutral solutes confirming the importance of charge-matrix interaction in diffusion of molecules across cartilage. Copyright © 2016 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Osmotic potential calculations of inorganic and organic aqueous solutions over wide solute concentration levels and temperatures.


    Cochrane, T T; Cochrane, T A


    To demonstrate that the authors' new "aqueous solution vs pure water" equation to calculate osmotic potential may be used to calculate the osmotic potentials of inorganic and organic aqueous solutions over wide ranges of solute concentrations and temperatures. Currently, the osmotic potentials of solutions used for medical purposes are calculated from equations based on the thermodynamics of the gas laws which are only accurate at low temperature and solute concentration levels. Some solutions used in medicine may need their osmotic potentials calculated more accurately to take into account solute concentrations and temperatures. The authors experimented with their new equation for calculating the osmotic potentials of inorganic and organic aqueous solutions up to and beyond body temperatures by adjusting three of its factors; (a) the volume property of pure water, (b) the number of "free" water molecules per unit volume of solution, "Nf," and (c) the "t" factor expressing the cooperative structural relaxation time of pure water at given temperatures. Adequate information on the volume property of pure water at different temperatures is available in the literature. However, as little information on the relative densities of inorganic and organic solutions, respectively, at varying temperatures needed to calculate Nf was available, provisional equations were formulated to approximate values. Those values together with tentative t values for different temperatures chosen from values calculated by different workers were substituted into the authors' equation to demonstrate how osmotic potentials could be estimated over temperatures up to and beyond bodily temperatures. The provisional equations formulated to calculate Nf, the number of free water molecules per unit volume of inorganic and organic solute solutions, respectively, over wide concentration ranges compared well with the calculations of Nf using recorded relative density data at 20 °C. They were

  12. Solution behavior of metoclopramide in aqueous-alcoholic solutions at 30°C

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deosarkar, S. D.; Sawale, R. T.; Tawde, P. D.; Kalyankar, T. M.


    Densities (ρ) and refractive indices ( n D) of solutions of antiemetic drug metoclopramide (4-amino-5-chloro- N-(2-(diethylamino)ethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide hydrochloride hydrate) in methanolwater and ethanol-water mixtures of different compositions were measured at 30°C. Apparent molar volume (φv) of the drug was calculated from density data and partial molar volumes (φ v 0 ) were determined from Massons relation. Concentration dependence of nD has been studied to determine refractive indices of solution at infinite dilution ( n D 0 ). Results have been interpreted in terms of solute-solvent interactions.

  13. Current Research In The Institut D'optique - Orsay

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marechal, A.


    I - FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS A. ASPECT : Non locality in wave mechanics. The Einstein-Bohr dispute and the optical test of Bell's inequalities. A. Einstein and N. Bohr had a discussion about the role of probabilities in microphysics; as is well known the location and momentum of particles cannot be known precisely but only through probabilistic expressions. Einstein thought that complementary variables (hidden variables) are unknown at the present time and that the knowledge of those variables would suppress the actual uncertainty "God does not play random games". On the contrary, Bohr advocated the fundamental role of probabilities. During the sixties J. Bell established inequalities supporting the Einstein point of view. These inequalities are in contradiction with the predictions of quantum mechanics in some very rare situations. A.Aspect designed and realised an optical experiment where the correlation of polarisation of photons emitted by a single atom was measured with a very good signal to noise ratio. Moreover the orientation of the polarisation analyser was changed during the time of flight of photons. The experimental result is in full agreement with the point of view of N. Bohr : the uncertainty on the movement of particles is a fundamental component of the laws of nature and Bell's inequalities do not hold.

  14. Le pompage optique naturel dans le milieu astrophysique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pecker, J.-C.

    The title of this lecture abstracts only a part of it : the importance in astrophysics of the study of non-LTE situations has become considerable, as well in the stellar atmospheres as, still more, in the study of fortuitous coincidences as a mechanism of formation of emission line nebular spectra, or of molecular interstellar « masers ». Another part of this talk underlines the role of Kastler in his time, and describes his warm personality through his public reactions in front of the nuclear armement, of the Viet-Nam and Algerian wars, of the problems of political refugees... Kastler was a great scientist ; he was also a courageous humanist. 1976 : Les accords nucléaires du Brésil : allocution d'ouverture (19 mars). Colloque sur le sujet ci-dessus. 1976 : La promotion de la culture dans le nouvel ordre économique international, allocution à l'occasion d'une table ronde sur ce thème par l'UNESCO (23-27 juin 1976) ; « Sciences et Techniques », octobre 1976. 1979 : La bête immonde (avec J.-C. Pecker), « Le Matin », 20 mars. 1979 : Appel à nos ministres (avec J.-C. Pecker), « Le Monde », 13 décembre. 1979 : Le flou, le ténébreux, l'irrationnel (avec J.-C. Pecker), « Le Monde », 14 septembre. 1980 : Education à la paix, Préface, in : Publ. UNESCO. 1981 : Le vrai danger, « Le Monde », 6 août 1981. 1982 : Nucléaire civil et militaire, « Le Monde », 1er juin 1982. 1982 : Les scientifiques face à la perspective d'holocauste nucléaire (texte inédit). Le titre de cette communication en résume seulement une partie : l'importance prise en astrophysique par l'analyse des situations hors ETL est devenue considérable, qu'il s'agisse des atmosphères stellaires, ou plus encore, des coïncidences fortuites de la formation des spectres d'émission nébulaires, ou des « masers » moléculaires interstellaires. Une autre partie de cet exposé souligne le rôle de Kastler dans son époque, et décrit sa personnalité généreuse à travers ses réactions publiques face à l'armement nucléaire, aux guerres de Viet-Nam et d'Algérie, aux problèmes des réfugiés politiques... Kastler était un grand savant, mais aussi un homme courageux.

  15. Fabrication et caracterisation d'hybrides optiques tout-fibre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Madore, Wendy Julie

    In this thesis, we present the fabrication and characterization of optical hybrids made of all fibre 3 × 3 and 4 × 4 couplers. The three-fibre components are made with a triangular cross section, while the four-fibre components are made with a square cross section. All of these couplers have to exhibit equipartition of output amplitudes and specific relative phases of the output signals to be referred to as optical hybrids. These two types of couplers are first modelled to determine the appropriate set of experimental parameters to make hybrids out of them. The prototypes are made in standard telecommunication fibres and then characterized to quantify the performances in transmission and in phase. The objectives of this work is first to model the behaviour and physical properties of 3×3 and 4 × 4 couplers to make sure they can meet the requirements of optical hybrids with an appropriate set of fabrication parameters. The next step is to make prototypes of these 3×3 and 4 × 4 couplers and test their behaviour to check how they fulfill the requirements of optical hybrids. The experimental set-up selected is based on the fusion-tapering technique to make optical fibre components. The heat source is a micro-torch fuelled with a gas mix including propane and oxygen. This type of set-up gives the required freedom to adjust experimental parameters to suit both 3×3 and 4×4 couplers. The versatility of the set-up is also an advantage towards a repeatable and stable process to fuse and taper the different structures. The fabricated triangular-shape couplers have a total transmission of 85 % (-0,7 dB), the crossing is typically located around 1 550 nm with a transmission of around 33 % (-4 dB) per branch. In addition, the relative phases between the output signals are 120±9°. The fabricated square-shape couplers have a total transmission of 89 % (-0,5 dB) with a crossing around 1 550 nm and a transmission around 25 % (-6 dB) per branch. The relative phases between the output signals are 90±3°. As standard telecommunications fibres are used to make the couplers, the prototypes are compatible with all standard fibered set-ups and benches. The properties of optical hybrids are very interesting in coherent detection, where an unambiguous phase measurement is desired. For instance, some standard telecommunication systems use phase-shift keying (PSK), which means information is encoded in the phase of the electromagnetic wave. An all-optical decoding of signal is possible using optical hybrids. Another application is in biomedical imaging with techniques such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), or to a more general extend, profilometry systems. In state-of-the-art techniques, a conventional interferometer combined with Fourier analysis only gives absolute value of the phase. Therefore, the achievable imaging depth in the sample is decreased by a factor 2. Using optical hybrids would simply allow that unambiguous phase measurement, giving the sign and value of the phase at the same time.

  16. Do centrally pre-prepared solutions achieve more reliable drug concentrations than solutions prepared on the ward?


    Dehmel, Carola; Braune, Stephan A; Kreymann, Georg; Baehr, Michael; Langebrake, Claudia; Hilgarth, Heike; Nierhaus, Axel; Dartsch, Dorothee C; Kluge, Stefan


    To compare the concentration conformity of infusion solutions manually prepared on intensive care units (ICU) with solutions from pharmacy-based, automated production. A prospective observational study conducted in a university hospital in Germany. Drug concentrations of 100 standardised infusion solutions manually prepared in the ICU and 100 matching solutions from automated production containing amiodarone, noradrenaline or hydrocortisone were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis. Deviations from stated concentrations were calculated, and the quality of achieved concentration conformity of the two production methods was compared. Actual concentrations of 53% of the manually prepared and 16% of the machine-made solutions deviated by >5% above or below the stated concentration. A deviation of >10% was measured in 22% of the manually prepared samples and in 5% of samples from automated production. Of the manually prepared solutions, 15% deviated by >15% above or below the intended concentration. The mean concentration of the manually prepared solutions was 97.2% (SD 12.7%, range 45-129%) and of the machine-made solutions was 101.1% (SD 4.3%, range 90-114%) of the target concentration (p < 0.01). In this preliminary study, ward-based, manually prepared infusion solutions showed clinically relevant deviations in concentration conformity significantly more often than pharmacy-prepared, machine-made solutions. Centralised, automated preparation of standardised infusion solutions may be an effective means to reduce this type of medication error. Further confirmatory studies in larger settings and under conditions of routine automated production are required.

  17. Observation of small cluster formation in concentrated monoclonal antibody solutions and its implications to solution viscosity.


    Yearley, Eric J; Godfrin, Paul D; Perevozchikova, Tatiana; Zhang, Hailiang; Falus, Peter; Porcar, Lionel; Nagao, Michihiro; Curtis, Joseph E; Gawande, Pradad; Taing, Rosalynn; Zarraga, Isidro E; Wagner, Norman J; Liu, Yun


    Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are a major class of biopharmaceuticals. It is hypothesized that some concentrated mAb solutions exhibit formation of a solution phase consisting of reversibly self-associated aggregates (or reversible clusters), which is speculated to be responsible for their distinct solution properties. Here, we report direct observation of reversible clusters in concentrated solutions of mAbs using neutron spin echo. Specifically, a stable mAb solution is studied across a transition from dispersed monomers in dilute solution to clustered states at more concentrated conditions, where clusters of a preferred size are observed. Once mAb clusters have formed, their size, in contrast to that observed in typical globular protein solutions, is observed to remain nearly constant over a wide range of concentrations. Our results not only conclusively establish a clear relationship between the undesirable high viscosity of some mAb solutions and the formation of reversible clusters with extended open structures, but also directly observe self-assembled mAb protein clusters of preferred small finite size similar to that in micelle formation that dominate the properties of concentrated mAb solutions. Copyright © 2014 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Effect of chlorides on solution corrosivity of methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) solutions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rooney, P.C.; Bacon, T.R.; DuPart, M.S.


    Solution corrosivity of MDEA/water solutions containing added HCl or NaCl have been measured by weight loss coupons at 250 F and by linear polarization resistance (LPR) at 208 F using carbon steel, 304SS, 316SS and 410SS. General corrosion as well as pitting or crevice corrosion tendencies were recorded for each species. Based on these results, recommendations are made for chlorides in MDEA that minimizes corrosion in gas treating operations.

  19. Iodine addition using triiodide solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rutz, Jeffrey A.; Muckle, Susan V.; Sauer, Richard L.


    The study develops: a triiodide solution for use in preparing ground service equipment (GSE) water for Shuttle support, an iodine dissolution method that is reliable and requires minimal time and effort to prepare, and an iodine dissolution agent with a minimal concentration of sodium salt. Sodium iodide and hydriodic acid were both found to dissolve iodine to attain the desired GSE iodine concentrations of 7.5 +/- 2.5 mg/L and 25 +/- 5 mg/L. The 1.75:1 and 2:1 sodium iodide solutions produced higher iodine recoveries than the 1.2:1 hydriodic acid solution. A two-hour preparation time is required for the three sodium iodide solutions. The 1.2:1 hydriodic acid solution can be prepared in less than 5 min. Two sodium iodide stock solutions (2.5:1 and 2:1) were found to dissolve iodine without undergoing precipitation.

  20. Solution-grown crystals for neutron radiation detectors, and methods of solution growth


    Zaitseva, Natalia P; Hull, Giulia; Cherepy, Nerine J; Payne, Stephen A; Stoeffl, Wolfgang


    A method according to one embodiment includes growing an organic crystal from solution, the organic crystal exhibiting a signal response signature for neutrons from a radioactive source. A system according to one embodiment includes an organic crystal having physical characteristics of formation from solution, the organic crystal exhibiting a signal response signature for neutrons from a radioactive source; and a photodetector for detecting the signal response of the organic crystal. A method according to another embodiment includes growing an organic crystal from solution, the organic crystal being large enough to exhibit a detectable signal response signature for neutrons from a radioactive source. An organic crystal according to another embodiment includes an organic crystal having physical characteristics of formation from solution, the organic crystal exhibiting a signal response signature for neutrons from a radioactive source, wherein the organic crystal has a length of greater than about 1 mm in one dimension.

  1. Osmotic potential calculations of inorganic and organic aqueous solutions over wide solute concentration levels and temperatures

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cochrane, T. T., E-mail:; Cochrane, T. A., E-mail:

    Purpose: To demonstrate that the authors’ new “aqueous solution vs pure water” equation to calculate osmotic potential may be used to calculate the osmotic potentials of inorganic and organic aqueous solutions over wide ranges of solute concentrations and temperatures. Currently, the osmotic potentials of solutions used for medical purposes are calculated from equations based on the thermodynamics of the gas laws which are only accurate at low temperature and solute concentration levels. Some solutions used in medicine may need their osmotic potentials calculated more accurately to take into account solute concentrations and temperatures. Methods: The authors experimented with their newmore » equation for calculating the osmotic potentials of inorganic and organic aqueous solutions up to and beyond body temperatures by adjusting three of its factors; (a) the volume property of pure water, (b) the number of “free” water molecules per unit volume of solution, “N{sub f},” and (c) the “t” factor expressing the cooperative structural relaxation time of pure water at given temperatures. Adequate information on the volume property of pure water at different temperatures is available in the literature. However, as little information on the relative densities of inorganic and organic solutions, respectively, at varying temperatures needed to calculate N{sub f} was available, provisional equations were formulated to approximate values. Those values together with tentative t values for different temperatures chosen from values calculated by different workers were substituted into the authors’ equation to demonstrate how osmotic potentials could be estimated over temperatures up to and beyond bodily temperatures. Results: The provisional equations formulated to calculate N{sub f}, the number of free water molecules per unit volume of inorganic and organic solute solutions, respectively, over wide concentration ranges compared well with the calculations of

  2. Osmotic Transport across Cell Membranes in Nondilute Solutions: A New Nondilute Solute Transport Equation

    PubMed Central

    Elmoazzen, Heidi Y.; Elliott, Janet A.W.; McGann, Locksley E.


    The fundamental physical mechanisms of water and solute transport across cell membranes have long been studied in the field of cell membrane biophysics. Cryobiology is a discipline that requires an understanding of osmotic transport across cell membranes under nondilute solution conditions, yet many of the currently-used transport formalisms make limiting dilute solution assumptions. While dilute solution assumptions are often appropriate under physiological conditions, they are rarely appropriate in cryobiology. The first objective of this article is to review commonly-used transport equations, and the explicit and implicit assumptions made when using the two-parameter and the Kedem-Katchalsky formalisms. The second objective of this article is to describe a set of transport equations that do not make the previous dilute solution or near-equilibrium assumptions. Specifically, a new nondilute solute transport equation is presented. Such nondilute equations are applicable to many fields including cryobiology where dilute solution conditions are not often met. An illustrative example is provided. Utilizing suitable transport equations that fit for two permeability coefficients, fits were as good as with the previous three-parameter model (which includes the reflection coefficient, σ). There is less unexpected concentration dependence with the nondilute transport equations, suggesting that some of the unexpected concentration dependence of permeability is due to the use of inappropriate transport equations. PMID:19348741

  3. Bridging the Gap. European C4ISR Capabilities and Transatlantic Interoperability

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Messagerie Universelle Sécurisée, or MUSE), and the Airborne Laser Optical Link (Liaison Optique Laser Aéroportée, or LOLA), a demonstrator that in 2006...system) Future naval intranet system Messagerie Universelle Sécurisée (MUSE) (secure e-mail system for French MOD) Secure e-mail system...EU/NATO relationship so progress can continue in both frameworks. In addition, whether through the EU or NATO, a failure to allocate European fiscal

  4. Réseaux minces de diffraction en régime de Bragg

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moreau, A.; Zaquine, I.; Maruani, A.; Frey, R.


    Le régime de diffraction d'un réseau infiniment mince inséré dans une cavité Fabry-Pérot est étudié, en particulier en fonction de la longueur de la cavité. Un régime de Bragg très efficace est possible même en utilisant des cavités micrométriques, ce qui peut être utile pour le traitement optique de l'information.

  5. Conductivite dans le modele de Hubbard bi-dimensionnel a faible couplage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bergeron, Dominic

    Le modele de Hubbard bi-dimensionnel (2D) est souvent considere comme le modele minimal pour les supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique a base d'oxyde de cuivre (SCHT). Sur un reseau carre, ce modele possede les phases qui sont communes a tous les SCHT, la phase antiferromagnetique, la phase supraconductrice et la phase dite du pseudogap. Il n'a pas de solution exacte, toutefois, plusieurs methodes approximatives permettent d'etudier ses proprietes de facon numerique. Les proprietes optiques et de transport sont bien connues dans les SCHT et sont donc de bonne candidates pour valider un modele theorique et aider a comprendre mieux la physique de ces materiaux. La presente these porte sur le calcul de ces proprietes pour le modele de Hubbard 2D a couplage faible ou intermediaire. La methode de calcul utilisee est l'approche auto-coherente a deux particules (ACDP), qui est non-perturbative et inclue l'effet des fluctuations de spin et de charge a toutes les longueurs d'onde. La derivation complete de l'expression de la conductivite dans l'approche ACDP est presentee. Cette expression contient ce qu'on appelle les corrections de vertex, qui tiennent compte des correlations entre quasi-particules. Pour rendre possible le calcul numerique de ces corrections, des algorithmes utilisant, entre autres, des transformees de Fourier rapides et des splines cubiques sont developpes. Les calculs sont faits pour le reseau carre avec sauts aux plus proches voisins autour du point critique antiferromagnetique. Aux dopages plus faibles que le point critique, la conductivite optique presente une bosse dans l'infrarouge moyen a basse temperature, tel qu'observe dans plusieurs SCHT. Dans la resistivite en fonction de la temperature, on trouve un comportement isolant dans le pseudogap lorsque les corrections de vertex sont negligees et metallique lorsqu'elles sont prises en compte. Pres du point critique, la resistivite est lineaire en T a basse temperature et devient



    Boyer, T.W.; MacHutchin, J.G.; Yaffe, L.


    The treatment of waste solutions obtained in the processing of neutron- irradiated uranium containing fission products and ammonium nitrate is described. The object of this process is to provide a method whereby the ammonium nitrate is destroyed and removed from the solution so as to permit subsequent concentration of the solution.. In accordance with the process the residual nitrate solutions are treated with an excess of alkyl acid anhydride, such as acetic anhydride. Preferably, the residual nitrate solution is added to an excess of the acetic anhydride at such a rate that external heat is not required. The result of this operation is that the ammonium nitrate and acetic anhydride react to form N/sub 2/ O and acetic acid.

  7. VERTPAK1. Code Verification Analytic Solution

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Golis, M.J.


    VERTPAK1 is a package of analytical solutions used in verification of numerical codes that simulate fluid flow, rock deformation, and solute transport in fractured and unfractured porous media. VERTPAK1 contains the following: BAREN, an analytical solution developed by Barenblatt, Zhelton and Kochina (1960) for describing transient flow to a well penetrating a (double porosity) confined aquifer; GIBMAC, an analytical solution developed by McNamee and Gibson (1960) for describing consolidation of a semi-infinite soil medium subject to a strip (plane strain) or cylindrical (axisymmetric) loading; GRINRH, an analytical solution developed by Gringarten (1971) for describing transient flow to a partially penetratingmore » well in a confined aquifer containing a single horizontal fracture; GRINRV, an analytical solution developed by Gringarten, Ramey, and Raghavan (1974) for describing transient flow to a fully penetrating well in a confined aquifer containing a single vertical fracture; HART, an analytical solution given by Nowacki (1962) and implemented by HART (1981) for describing the elastic behavior of an infinite solid subject to a line heat source; LESTER, an analytical solution presented by Lester, Jansen, and Burkholder (1975) for describing one-dimensional transport of radionuclide chains through an adsorbing medium; STRELT, an analytical solution presented by Streltsova-Adams (1978) for describing transient flow to a fully penetrating well in a (double porosity) confined aquifer; and TANG, an analytical solution developed by Tang, Frind, and Sudicky (1981) for describing solute transport in a porous medium containing a single fracture.« less

  8. A heuristic for suffix solutions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bilgory, A.; Gajski, D.D.


    The suffix problem has appeared in solutions of recurrence systems for parallel and pipelined machines and more recently in the design of gate and silicon compilers. In this paper the authors present two algorithms. The first algorithm generates parallel suffix solutions with minimum cost for a given length, time delay, availability of initial values, and fanout. This algorithm generates a minimal solution for any length n and depth range log/sub 2/ N to N. The second algorithm reduces the size of the solutions generated by the first algorithm.

  9. Axially Symmetric Brans-Dicke-Maxwell Solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chatterjee, S.


    Following a method of John and Goswami new solutions of coupled Brans-Dicke-Maxwell theory are generated from Zipoy's solutions in oblate and prolate spheroidal coordinates for source-free gravitational field. All these solutions become Euclidean at infinity. The asymptotic behavior and the singularity of the solutions are discussed and a comparative study made with the corresponding Einstein-Maxwell solutions. The possibility of a very large red shift from the boundary of the spheroids is also discussed.



    Schulz, W.W.


    The removal of chlorides from aqueons solutions is described. The process involves contacting the aqueous chloride containing solution with a benzene solution about 0.005 M in phenyl mercuric acetate whereby the chloride anions are taken up by the organic phase and separating the organic phase from the aqueous solutions.

  11. Cromolyn Sodium Nasal Solution


    Cromolyn comes as a solution to use with a special nasal applicator. It usually is inhaled three to six times a day to prevent allergy ... first time, read the instructions provided with the solution. Ask your doctor, pharmacist, or respiratory therapist to ...

  12. Analytical solutions for one-, two-, and three-dimensional solute transport in ground-water systems with uniform flow

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Wexler, Eliezer J.


    Analytical solutions to the advective-dispersive solute-transport equation are useful in predicting the fate of solutes in ground water. Analytical solutions compiled from available literature or derived by the author are presented for a variety of boundary condition types and solute-source configurations in one-, two-, and three-dimensional systems having uniform ground-water flow. A set of user-oriented computer programs was created to evaluate these solutions and to display the results in tabular and computer-graphics format. These programs incorporate many features that enhance their accuracy, ease of use, and versatility. Documentation for the programs describes their operation and required input data, and presents the results of sample problems. Derivations of selected solutions, source codes for the computer programs, and samples of program input and output also are included.

  13. Analytical solutions for one-, two-, and three-dimensional solute transport in ground-water systems with uniform flow

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Wexler, Eliezer J.


    Analytical solutions to the advective-dispersive solute-transport equation are useful in predicting the fate of solutes in ground water. Analytical solutions compiled from available literature or derived by the author are presented in this report for a variety of boundary condition types and solute-source configurations in one-, two-, and three-dimensional systems with uniform ground-water flow. A set of user-oriented computer programs was created to evaluate these solutions and to display the results in tabular and computer-graphics format. These programs incorporate many features that enhance their accuracy, ease of use, and versatility. Documentation for the programs describes their operation and required input data, and presents the results of sample problems. Derivations of select solutions, source codes for the computer programs, and samples of program input and output also are included.

  14. Forced Spreading of Aqueous Solutions on Zwitterionic Sulfobetaine Surfaces for Rapid Evaporation and Solute Separation.


    Wu, Cyuan-Jhang; Singh, Vickramjeet; Sheng, Yu-Jane; Tsao, Heng-Kwong


    Solute separation of aqueous mixtures is mainly dominated by water vaporization. The evaporation rate of an aqueous drop grows with increasing the liquid-gas interfacial area. The spontaneous spreading behavior of a water droplet on a total wetting surface provides huge liquid-gas interfacial area per unit volume; however, it is halted by the self-pinning phenomenon upon addition of nonvolatile solutes. In this work, it is shown that the solute-induced self-pinning can be overcome by gravity, leading to anisotropic spreading much faster than isotropic spreading. The evaporation rate of anisotropic spreading on a zwitterionic sulfobetaine surface is 25 times larger as that on a poly(methyl methacrylate) surface. Dramatic enhancement of evaporation is demonstrated by simultaneous formation of fog atop liquid film. During anisotropic spreading, the solutes are quickly precipitated out within 30 s, showing the rapid solute-water separation. After repeated spreading process for the dye-containing solution, the mean concentration of the collection is doubled, revealing the concentration efficiency as high as 100%. Gravity-enhanced spreading on total wetting surfaces at room temperature is easy to scale-up with less energy consumption, and thus it has great potentials for the applications of solute separation and concentration.

  15. Knop's Solution Is Not What It Seems.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hershey, David R.


    Discusses Knob's solution, which was considered the ideal plant growth solution in 1865, and recommends eliminating Knob's solution from active teaching. Describes solution culture basics including nutrient solutions, containers and aeration, and plants and light. (Contains 12 references.) (YDS)

  16. Interactions of solute (3p, 4p, 5p and 6p) with solute, vacancy and divacancy in bcc Fe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    You, Yu-Wei; Kong, Xiang-Shan; Wu, Xue-Bang; Liu, Wei; Liu, C. S.; Fang, Q. F.; Chen, J. L.; Luo, G.-N.; Wang, Zhiguang


    Solute-vacancy binding energy is a key quantity in understanding solute diffusion kinetics and phase segregation, and may help choice of alloy compositions for future material design. However, the binding energy of solute with vacancy is notoriously difficult to measure and largely unknown in bcc Fe. With first-principles method, we systemically calculate the binding energies of solute (3p, 4p, 5p and 6p alloying solutes are included) with vacancy, divacancy and solute in bcc Fe. The binding energy of Si with vacancy in the present work is in good consistent with experimental value available. All the solutes considered are able to form stable solute-vacancy, solute-divacancy complexes, and the binding strength of solute-divacancy is about two times larger than that of solute-vacancy. Most solutes could not form stable solute-solute complexes except S, Se, In and Tl. The factors controlling the binding energies are analyzed at last.

  17. Kirkwood–Buff integrals for ideal solutions

    PubMed Central

    Ploetz, Elizabeth A.; Bentenitis, Nikolaos; Smith, Paul E.


    The Kirkwood–Buff (KB) theory of solutions is a rigorous theory of solution mixtures which relates the molecular distributions between the solution components to the thermodynamic properties of the mixture. Ideal solutions represent a useful reference for understanding the properties of real solutions. Here, we derive expressions for the KB integrals, the central components of KB theory, in ideal solutions of any number of components corresponding to the three main concentration scales. The results are illustrated by use of molecular dynamics simulations for two binary solutions mixtures, benzene with toluene, and methanethiol with dimethylsulfide, which closely approach ideal behavior, and a binary mixture of benzene and methanol which is nonideal. Simulations of a quaternary mixture containing benzene, toluene, methanethiol, and dimethylsulfide suggest this system displays ideal behavior and that ideal behavior is not limited to mixtures containing a small number of components. PMID:20441282

  18. One-dimensional analytical solution for hydraulic head and numerical solution for solute transport through a horizontal fracture for submarine groundwater discharge

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    He, Cairong; Wang, Tongke; Zhao, Zhixue; Hao, Yonghong; Yeh, Tian-Chyi J.; Zhan, Hongbin


    Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) has been recognized as a major pathway of groundwater flow to coastal oceanic environments. It could affect water quality and marine ecosystems due to pollutants and trace elements transported through groundwater. Relations between different characteristics of aquifers and SGD have been investigated extensively before, but the role of fractures in SGD still remains unknown. In order to better understand the mechanism of groundwater flow and solute transport through fractures in SGD, one-dimensional analytical solutions of groundwater hydraulic head and velocity through a synthetic horizontal fracture with periodic boundary conditions were derived using a Laplace transform technique. Then, numerical solutions of solute transport associated with the given groundwater velocity were developed using a finite-difference method. The results indicated that SGD associated with groundwater flow and solute transport was mainly controlled by sea level periodic fluctuations, which altered the hydraulic head and the hydraulic head gradient in the fracture. As a result, the velocity of groundwater flow associated with SGD also fluctuated periodically. We found that the pollutant concentration associated with SGD oscillated around a constant value, and could not reach a steady state. This was particularly true at locations close to the seashore. This finding of the role of fracture in SGD will assist pollution remediation and marine conservation in coastal regions.

  19. One-dimensional analytical solution for hydraulic head and numerical solution for solute transport through a horizontal fracture for submarine groundwater discharge.


    He, Cairong; Wang, Tongke; Zhao, Zhixue; Hao, Yonghong; Yeh, Tian-Chyi J; Zhan, Hongbin


    Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) has been recognized as a major pathway of groundwater flow to coastal oceanic environments. It could affect water quality and marine ecosystems due to pollutants and trace elements transported through groundwater. Relations between different characteristics of aquifers and SGD have been investigated extensively before, but the role of fractures in SGD still remains unknown. In order to better understand the mechanism of groundwater flow and solute transport through fractures in SGD, one-dimensional analytical solutions of groundwater hydraulic head and velocity through a synthetic horizontal fracture with periodic boundary conditions were derived using a Laplace transform technique. Then, numerical solutions of solute transport associated with the given groundwater velocity were developed using a finite-difference method. The results indicated that SGD associated with groundwater flow and solute transport was mainly controlled by sea level periodic fluctuations, which altered the hydraulic head and the hydraulic head gradient in the fracture. As a result, the velocity of groundwater flow associated with SGD also fluctuated periodically. We found that the pollutant concentration associated with SGD oscillated around a constant value, and could not reach a steady state. This was particularly true at locations close to the seashore. This finding of the role of fracture in SGD will assist pollution remediation and marine conservation in coastal regions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Reuse of hydroponic waste solution.


    Kumar, Ramasamy Rajesh; Cho, Jae Young


    Attaining sustainable agriculture is a key goal in many parts of the world. The increased environmental awareness and the ongoing attempts to execute agricultural practices that are economically feasible and environmentally safe promote the use of hydroponic cultivation. Hydroponics is a technology for growing plants in nutrient solutions with or without the use of artificial medium to provide mechanical support. Major problems for hydroponic cultivation are higher operational cost and the causing of pollution due to discharge of waste nutrient solution. The nutrient effluent released into the environment can have negative impacts on the surrounding ecosystems as well as the potential to contaminate the groundwater utilized by humans for drinking purposes. The reuse of non-recycled, nutrient-rich hydroponic waste solution for growing plants in greenhouses is the possible way to control environmental pollution. Many researchers have successfully grown several plant species in hydroponic waste solution with high yield. Hence, this review addresses the problems associated with the release of hydroponic waste solution into the environment and possible reuse of hydroponic waste solution as an alternative resource for agriculture development and to control environmental pollution.

  1. A comparison of solute-transport solution techniques based on inverse modelling results

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Mehl, S.; Hill, M.C.


    Five common numerical techniques (finite difference, predictor-corrector, total-variation-diminishing, method-of-characteristics, and modified-method-of-characteristics) were tested using simulations of a controlled conservative tracer-test experiment through a heterogeneous, two-dimensional sand tank. The experimental facility was constructed using randomly distributed homogeneous blocks of five sand types. This experimental model provides an outstanding opportunity to compare the solution techniques because of the heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity distribution of known structure, and the availability of detailed measurements with which to compare simulated concentrations. The present work uses this opportunity to investigate how three common types of results-simulated breakthrough curves, sensitivity analysis, and calibrated parameter values-change in this heterogeneous situation, given the different methods of simulating solute transport. The results show that simulated peak concentrations, even at very fine grid spacings, varied because of different amounts of numerical dispersion. Sensitivity analysis results were robust in that they were independent of the solution technique. They revealed extreme correlation between hydraulic conductivity and porosity, and that the breakthrough curve data did not provide enough information about the dispersivities to estimate individual values for the five sands. However, estimated hydraulic conductivity values are significantly influenced by both the large possible variations in model dispersion and the amount of numerical dispersion present in the solution technique.Five common numerical techniques (finite difference, predictor-corrector, total-variation-diminishing, method-of-characteristics, and modified-method-of-characteristics) were tested using simulations of a controlled conservative tracer-test experiment through a heterogeneous, two-dimensional sand tank. The experimental facility was constructed using randomly

  2. Contact Lens Solutions and Contact Lens Discomfort: Examining the Correlations Between Solution Components, Keratitis, and Contact Lens Discomfort.


    Kuc, Christopher J; Lebow, Kenneth A


    This article will examine the current literature, as it relates to contact lens discomfort (CLD) secondary to contact lens solutions. The reader will better understand the characteristics of contact lenses, as they uniquely interact with each type of contact lens solution and also gain a better comprehension of the components of contact lens solution such as preservatives, surfactants, and chelating agents, which may contribute to discomfort. By investigating corneal staining theory and the mechanisms that contribute to its presence, the reader will gain insight into this clinical finding, which relates to selection of contact lens solutions. The FDA standards for testing solutions and how this relates to contact lens keratitis will also be appraised in regards to current ISO recommendations. Finally, better selection of multipurpose contact lens solution (MPS) and hydrogen peroxide-based solutions for patients should be accessible to the clinician based on this review and preexisting clinical findings or diagnoses. A review of current published literature from peer reviewed journals and online journals was conducted to gain an understanding of contact lens solution's impact on contact lens discomfort. Many studies have been conducted comparing comfort between various types of contact lens solutions. It is challenging to decipher this information and apply it clinically when selecting solutions for patients. By comparing solution components, how contact lens solutions interact with different types of lenses, keratitis related to contact lenses, and preexisting ocular conditions, this review will improve a clinician's ability to eliminate CLD.

  3. Terahertz absorption of lysozyme in solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martin, Daniel R.; Matyushov, Dmitry V.


    Absorption of radiation by solution is described by its frequency-dependent dielectric function and can be viewed as a specific application of the dielectric theory of solutions. For ideal solutions, the dielectric boundary-value problem separates the polar response into the polarization of the void in the liquid, created by the solute, and the response of the solute dipole. In the case of a protein as a solute, protein nuclear dynamics do not project on significant fluctuations of the dipole moment in the terahertz domain of frequencies and the protein dipole can be viewed as dynamically frozen. Absorption of radiation then reflects the interfacial polarization. Here we apply an analytical theory and computer simulations to absorption of radiation by an ideal solution of lysozyme. Comparison with the experiment shows that Maxwell electrostatics fails to describe the polarization of the protein-water interface and the "Lorentz void," which does not anticipate polarization of the interface by the external field (no surface charges), better represents the data. An analytical theory for the slope of the solution absorption against the volume fraction of the solute is formulated in terms of the cavity field response function. It is calculated from molecular dynamics simulations in good agreement with the experiment. The protein hydration shell emerges as a separate sub-ensemble, which, collectively, is not described by the standard electrostatics of dielectrics.

  4. 75 FR 82010 - AceInfo Solutions and Avaya Government Solutions, Koansys LLC, and Quality Associates Inc...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Government Solutions, Koansys LLC, and Quality Associates Inc.; Transfer of Data AGENCY: Environmental...Info Solutions and its subcontractors, Avaya Government Solutions, Koansys LLC, and Quality Associates Inc. have been awarded a contract to perform work for OPP, and access to this information will enable...

  5. Supersaturated Electrolyte Solutions: Theory and Experiment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Izmailov, Alexander F.; Myerson, Allan S.; Na, Han-Soo


    Highly supersaturated electrolyte solutions can be prepared and studied employing an electrodynamic levitator trap (ELT) technique. The ELT technique involves containerless suspension of a microdroplet thus eliminating dust, dirt, and container walls which normally cause heterogeneous nucleation. This allows very high supersaturations to be achieved. A theoretical study of the experimental results obtained for the water activity in microdroplets of various electrolyte solutions is based on the development of the Cahn-Hilliard formalism for electrolyte solutions. In the approach suggested the metastable state for electrolyte solutions is described in terms of the conserved order parameter omega(r,t) associated with fluctuations of the mean solute concentration n(sub 0). Parameters of the corresponding Ginzburg-Landau free energy functional which defines the dynamics of metastable state relaxation are determined and expressed through the experimentally measured quantities. A correspondence of 96-99 % between theory and experiment for all solutions studied was achieved and allowed the determination of an analytical expression for the spinodal concentration n(sub spin), and its calculation for various electrolyte solutions at 298 K. The assumption that subcritical solute clusters consist of the electrically neutral Bjerrum pairs has allowed both analytical and numerical investigation of the number-size N(sub c) of nucleation monomers (aggregates of the Bjerrum pairs) which are elementary units of the solute critical clusters. This has also allowed estimations for the surface tension Alpha, and equilibrium bulk energy Beta per solute molecule in the nucleation monomers. The dependence of these properties on the temperature T and on the solute concentration n(sub 0) through the entire metastable zone (from saturation concentration n(sub sat) to spinodal n(sub spin) is examined. It has been demonstrated that there are the following asymptotics: N(sub c), = I at spinodal



    Maraman, W.J.; Baxman, H.R.; Baker, R.D.


    A process for U recovery from phosphate fuel solutions is described. To fuel solution drawn from the reactor is added Fe(NO/sub 3/)/sub 3/ which destroys the U complex and forms ferric phosphate complex. The UO/sub 2/(NO/sub 3/)/sub 2/ formed is extracted into TBP-kerosene in a countercurrent column. The TBP contalning UO/sub 2/(NO/sub 3/)/sub 2/ is further purified by an aqueous Al(NO/ sub 3/)/sub 3/ scrub solution. The pregnant solution then goes to an H/sub 3/PO/ sub 4/ stripping and kerosene washing column. The H/sub 3/PO/sub 4/--uranyl phosphate solution is separated at the bottom and boiled to remove HNO/sub 3/ then diluted to fuel solution make-up strength. (T.R.H.)

  7. Nominal vs. actual supersaturation of solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Borisenko, Alexander


    Following the formalism of the Classical Nucleation Theory beyond the dilute solution approximation, this paper considers a difference between the actual solute supersaturation (given by the present-to-saturated solute activity ratio) and the nominal supersaturation (given by the present-to-saturated solute concentration ratio) due to formation of subcritical transient solute clusters, called heterophase fluctuations. Based on their distribution function, we introduce an algebraic equation of supersaturation that couples the nominal supersaturation of a binary metastable solution with its actual supersaturation and a function of the specific interface energy and temperature. The applicability of this approach is validated by comparison to simulation data [(Clouet et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 064109 (2004)] on nucleation of Al3Zr and Al3Sc in model binary Al alloys.

  8. Piégeage cohérent de population sur des atomes froids

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zanon, T.; Guérandel, S.; de Clercq, E.; Holleville, D.; Dimarcq, N.; Clairon, A.


    Dans le cadre de futures horloges atomiques compactes destinées à la navigation spatiale, il est possible de remplacer l'interrogation micro-onde d'une horloge atomique classique par une interrogation optique à l'aide de faisceaux Raman et d'asservir un oscillateur à quartz sur la réponse atomique crée par le phénomène de piégeage cohérent de population (CPT en anglais pour Coherent Population Trapping).

  9. Incorporating convection into one-dimensional solute redistribution during crystal growth from the melt I. The steady-state solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yen, C. T.; Tiller, W. A.


    A one-dimensional mathematical analysis is made of the redistribution of solute which occurs during crystal growth from a convected melt. In this analysis, the important contribution from lateral melt convection to one-dimensional solute redistribution analysis is taken into consideration via an annihilation/creation term in the one-dimensional solute transport equation. Calculations of solute redistribution under steady-state conditions have been carried out analytically. It is found that this new solute redistribution model overcomes several weaknesses that occur when applying the Burton, Prim and Slichter solute segregation equation (1953) in real melt growth situations. It is also found that, with this correction, the diffusion coefficients for solute's in liquid silicon are now found to be in the same range as other liquid metal diffusion coefficients.

  10. Solute diffusion in liquid metals

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bhat, B. N.


    A gas model of diffusion in liquid metals is presented. In this model, ions of liquid metals are assumed to behave like the molecules in a dense gas. Diffusion coefficient of solute is discussed with reference to its mass, ionic size, and pair potential. The model is applied to the case of solute diffusion in liquid silver. An attempt was made to predict diffusion coefficients of solutes with reasonable accuracy.



    Alter, H.W.; Barney, D.L.


    A process is presented for the treatment of radioactivc waste nitric acid solutions. The nitric acid solution is neutralized with an alkali metal hydroxide in an amount sufficient to precipitate insoluble hydroxides, and after separation of the precipitate the solution is electrolyzed to convert the alkali nitrate formed, to alkali hydroxide, gaseous ammonla and oxygen. The solution is then reusable after reducing the volume by evaporating the water and dissolved ammonia.

  12. Thermodynamics of rock forming crystalline solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Saxena, S. K.


    Analysis of phase diagrams and cation distributions within crystalline solutions as means of obtaining thermodynamic data on rock forming crystalline solutions is discussed along with some aspects of partitioning of elements in coexisting phases. Crystalline solutions, components in a silicate mineral, and chemical potentials of these components were defined. Examples were given for calculating thermodynamic mixing functions in the CaW04-SrW04, olivine-chloride solution, and orthopyroxene systems.

  13. The effects of electrolysis on operational solutions in electromembrane extraction: The role of acceptor solution.


    Kubáň, Pavel; Boček, Petr


    Fundamental operational principle and instrumental set-up of electromembrane extraction (EME) suggest that electrolysis may play an important role in this recently developed micro-extraction technique. In the present study, the effect of electrolysis in EME is described comprehensively for the first time and it is demonstrated that electrolysis considerably influences EME performance. Micro-electromembrane extraction (μ-EME) across free liquid membrane formed by 1-pentanol was utilized for real-time monitoring of the electrolytically induced changes in composition of μ-EME solutions. These changes were visualized with a set of acid-base indicators. Changes in colours of their aqueous solutions revealed serious variations in their pH values, which occurred within seconds to minutes of the μ-EME process. Variations of up to eight pH units were observed for indicator solutions initially prepared in 1, 5 and 10mM hydrochloric acid. No or only negligible pH changes (less than 0.15 pH unit) were observed for indicator solutions prepared in 50 and 100mM acetic acid demonstrating that initial composition of the aqueous solutions was the crucial parameter. These results were also confirmed by theoretical calculations of maximum pH variations in the solutions, which were based on total electric charge transfers measured in the μ-EME systems, and by exact measurements of their pH values after μ-EMEs. Acceptor solutions that, in the current practice, consist predominantly of low concentrations of strong mineral acids or alkali hydroxides may thus not always ensure adequate EME performance, which was manifested by decrease in extraction recoveries of a basic drug papaverine. A suitable remedy to the observed effects is the application of acceptor solutions containing high concentrations of weak acids or bases. These solutions not only eliminate the decrease in recoveries but also serve well as matrices of extracted samples for subsequent analysis by capillary

  14. The structure of aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions: a combined solution x-ray diffraction and simulation study.


    Megyes, Tünde; Bálint, Szabolcs; Grósz, Tamás; Radnai, Tamás; Bakó, Imre; Sipos, Pál


    To determine the structure of aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions, results obtained from x-ray diffraction and computer simulation (molecular dynamics and Car-Parrinello) have been compared. The capabilities and limitations of the methods in describing the solution structure are discussed. For the solutions studied, diffraction methods were found to perform very well in describing the hydration spheres of the sodium ion and yield structural information on the anion's hydration structure. Classical molecular dynamics simulations were not able to correctly describe the bulk structure of these solutions. However, Car-Parrinello simulation proved to be a suitable tool in the detailed interpretation of the hydration sphere of ions and bulk structure of solutions. The results of Car-Parrinello simulations were compared with the findings of diffraction experiments.

  15. Effects of Shapes of Solute Molecules on Diffusion: A Study of Dependences on Solute Size, Solvent, and Temperature.


    Chan, T C; Li, H T; Li, K Y


    Diffusivities of basically linear, planar, and spherical solutes at infinite dilution in various solvents are studied to unravel the effects of solute shapes on diffusion. On the basis of the relationship between the reciprocal of diffusivity and the molecular volume of solute molecules with similar shape in a given solvent at constant temperature, the diffusivities of solutes of equal molecular volume but different shapes are evaluated and the effects due to different shapes of two equal-sized solute molecules on diffusion are determined. It is found that the effects are dependent on the size of the solute pairs studied. Evidence of the dependence of the solute-shape effects on solvent properties is also demonstrated and discussed. Here, some new diffusion data of aromatic compounds in methanol at different temperatures are reported. The result for methanol in this study indicates that the effects of solute shape on diffusivity are only weakly dependent on temperature.

  16. Analysis of earth rotation solution from Starlette

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Schutz, B. E.; Cheng, M. K.; Shum, C. K.; Eanes, R. J.; Tapley, B. D.


    Earth rotation parameter (ERP) solutions were derived from the Starlette orbit analysis during the Main MERIT Campaign, using a technique of a consider-covariance analysis to assess the effects of errors on the polar motion solutions. The polar motion solution was then improved through the simultaneous adjustment of some dynamical parameters representing identified dominant perturbing sources (such as the geopotential and ocean-tide coefficients) on the polar motion solutions. Finally, an improved ERP solution was derived using the gravity field model, PTCF1, described by Tapley et al. (1986). The accuracy of the Starlette ERP solution was assessed by a comparison with the LAGEOS-derived ERP solutions.

  17. Progress towards daily "swath" solutions from GRACE

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Save, H.; Bettadpur, S. V.; Sakumura, C.


    The GRACE mission has provided invaluable and the only data of its kind that measures the total water column in the Earth System over the past 13 years. The GRACE solutions available from the project have been monthly average solutions. There have been attempts by several groups to produce shorter time-window solutions with different techniques. There is also an experimental quick-look GRACE solution available from CSR that implements a sliding window approach while applying variable daily data weights. All of these GRACE solutions require special handling for data assimilation. This study explores the possibility of generating a true daily GRACE solution by computing a daily "swath" total water storage (TWS) estimate from GRACE using the Tikhonov regularization and high resolution monthly mascon estimation implemented at CSR. This paper discusses the techniques for computing such a solution and discusses the error and uncertainty characterization. We perform comparisons with official RL05 GRACE solutions and with alternate mascon solutions from CSR to understand the impact on the science results. We evaluate these solutions with emphasis on the temporal characteristics of the signal content and validate them against multiple models and in-situ data sets.

  18. New knotted solutions of Maxwell's equations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoyos, Carlos; Sircar, Nilanjan; Sonnenschein, Jacob


    In this paper we have further developed the study of topologically non-trivial solutions of vacuum electrodynamics. We have discovered a novel method of generating such solutions by applying conformal transformations with complex parameters on known solutions expressed in terms of Bateman's variables. This has enabled us to obtain a wide class of solutions from the basic configuration, such as constant electromagnetic fields and plane-waves. We have introduced a covariant formulation of Bateman's construction and discussed the conserved charges associated with the conformal group as well as a set of four types of conserved helicities. We have also given a formulation in terms of quaternions. This led to a simple map between the electromagnetic knotted and linked solutions into flat connections of SU(2) gauge theory. We have computed the corresponding Chern-Simons charge in a class of solutions and the charge takes integer values.

  19. Formulation and Stability of Solutions.


    Akers, Michael J


    Ready-to-use solutions are the most preferable and most common dosage forms for injectable and topical ophthalmic products. Drugs formulated as solution almost always have chemical and physical stability challenges as well as solubility limitations and the need to prevent inadvertent microbial contamination issues. This article, which takes us through a discussion of optimizing the physical stability of solutions, represents the first of a series of articles discussing how these challenges and issues are addressed.



    Zumwalt, L.R.


    A process is described for reclaiming residual enriched uranium from calutron wash solutions containing Fe, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Mn as impurities. The solution is adjusted to a pH of between 2 and 4 and is contacted with a metallic reducing agent, such as iron or zinc, in order to reduce the copper to metal and thereby remove it from the solution. At the same time the uranium present is reduced to the uranous state The solution is then contacted with a precipitate of zinc hydroxide or barium carbonate in order to precipitate and carry uranium, iron, and chromium away from the nickel and manganese ions in the solution. The uranium is then recovered fronm this precipitate.

  1. Comparative efficacy of contact lens disinfection solutions.


    Lowe, R; Vallas, V; Brennan, N A


    Using the D value method of analysis, we evaluated the relative antimicrobial effectiveness of eight contact lens disinfection solutions against a standard population of challenge organisms as defined in the Microbiological Guidelines proposed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Six bacteria (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Serratia marcescens) and two fungi (Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans) were investigated. The disinfectants included hydrogen peroxide (AOSept, MiraSept, Oxysept), chlorine-based solutions (Aerotab and Softab), soaking solutions containing synthetic, high molecular weight preservatives (ReNu and Opti-Free) and a thimerosal preserved soaking solution (Hydrocare Cleaning and Soaking Solution). The one-step hydrogen peroxide system (AOSept) was evaluated both with and without the catalytic disk. To facilitate comparison of the disinfecting solutions, we defined a new measure of performance, namely "power" of solution. This has an advantage over the "safety factor" because the solution power is independent of the size of the initial inoculum. Because different approaches to analysis may yield a wide range of D values for one set of survival data we call for adoption of a standardized approach. Our results suggest that one of the chlorine-based solutions fails to meet the FDA recommendations for bacterial challenge. Most solutions performed poorly against mycotic challenge. However, when used over longer disinfecting periods, 3% hydrogen peroxide and the Hydrocare solution gave adequate performance against fungi.

  2. The fate of silver nanoparticles in soil solution--Sorption of solutes and aggregation.


    Klitzke, Sondra; Metreveli, George; Peters, Andre; Schaumann, Gabriele E; Lang, Friederike


    Nanoparticles enter soils through various pathways. In the soil, they undergo various interactions with the solution and the solid phase. We tested the following hypotheses using batch experiments: i) the colloidal stability of Ag NP increases through sorption of soil-borne dissolved organic matter (DOM) and thus inhibits aggregation; ii) the presence of DOM suppresses Ag oxidation; iii) the surface charge of Ag NP governs sorption onto soil particles. Citrate-stabilized and bare Ag NPs were equilibrated with (colloid-free) soil solution extracted from a floodplain soil for 24h. Nanoparticles were removed through centrifugation. Concentrations of free Ag ions and DOC, the specific UV absorbance at a wavelength of 254 nm, and the absorption ratio α254/α410 were determined in the supernatant. Nanoparticle aggregation was studied using time-resolved dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement following the addition of soil solution and 1.5mM Ca(2+) solution. To study the effect of surface charge on the adsorption of Ag NP onto soil particles, bare and citrate-stabilized Ag NP, differing in the zeta potential, were equilibrated with silt at a solid-to-solution ratio of 1:10 and an initial Ag concentration range of 30 to 320 μg/L. Results showed that bare Ag NPs sorb organic matter, with short-chained organic matter being preferentially adsorbed over long-chained, aromatic organic matter. Stabilizing effects of organic matter only come into play at higher Ag NP concentrations. Soil solution inhibits the release of Ag(+) ions, presumably due to organic matter coatings. Sorption to silt particles was very similar for the two particle types, suggesting that the surface charge does not control Ag NP sorption. Besides, sorption was much lower than in comparable studies with sand and glass surfaces. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  3. Design principles for radiation-resistant solid solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schuler, Thomas; Trinkle, Dallas R.; Bellon, Pascal; Averback, Robert


    We develop a multiscale approach to quantify the increase in the recombined fraction of point defects under irradiation resulting from dilute solute additions to a solid solution. This methodology provides design principles for radiation-resistant materials. Using an existing database of solute diffusivities, we identify Sb as one of the most efficient solutes for this purpose in a Cu matrix. We perform density-functional-theory calculations to obtain binding and migration energies of Sb atoms, vacancies, and self-interstitial atoms in various configurations. The computed data informs the self-consistent mean-field formalism to calculate transport coefficients, allowing us to make quantitative predictions of the recombined fraction of point defects as a function of temperature and irradiation rate using homogeneous rate equations. We identify two different mechanisms according to which solutes lead to an increase in the recombined fraction of point defects; at low temperature, solutes slow down vacancies (kinetic effect), while at high temperature, solutes stabilize vacancies in the solid solution (thermodynamic effect). Extension to other metallic matrices and solutes are discussed.

  4. Lasers à électrons libres de courtes longueurs d'onde: état de l'art et perspectives

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Couprie, M. E.


    Les Lasers à Électrons Libres (LEL) sont des sources de rayonnement cohérent et accordable, basées sur l'interaction d'un faisceau d'électrons relativistes circulant dans le champ magnétique magnétique périodique et permanent créé par un “onduleur”. et d'une onde optique. L'onde lumineuse peut être issue de l'émission de rayonnement synchroton émise par le paquet d'électrons a chaque passage pour un système super-radiant en mode SASE (Self Amplified Spontaneous Emission- Emission Spontanée Auto-Amplifiée) ou issue du rayonnement synchrotron stocké dans une cavité optique, en mode oscillateur, ou d'une onde laser externe, en mode génération d'harmonique. Sous certaines conditions, l'onde lumineuse est amplifiée, au détriment de l'énergie cinétique des électrons, ce qui conduit à l'effet laser. L'état de l'art des sources Laser à Electrons Libres dans l'UV et le VUV est présenté, en indiquant les complémentarités résultant des différentes configurations tant du point de vue des sources que de leurs utilisations. Les projets de sources de courte longueur d'onde proposés sont ensuite discutés.

  5. Static solutions for fourth order gravity

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nelson, William


    The Lichnerowicz and Israel theorems are extended to higher order theories of gravity. In particular it is shown that Schwarzschild is the unique spherically symmetric, static, asymptotically flat, black-hole solution, provided the spatial curvature is less than the quantum gravity scale outside the horizon. It is then shown that in the presence of matter (satisfying certain positivity requirements), the only static and asymptotically flat solutions of general relativity that are also solutions of higher order gravity are the vacuum solutions.

  6. Characterization of highly concentrated antibody solution - A toolbox for the description of protein long-term solution stability

    PubMed Central

    Schermeyer, Marie-Therese; Wöll, Anna K.; Eppink, Michel; Hubbuch, Jürgen


    ABSTRACT High protein titers are gaining importance in biopharmaceutical industry. A major challenge in the development of highly concentrated mAb solutions is their long-term stability and often incalculable viscosity. The complexity of the molecule itself, as well as the various molecular interactions, make it difficult to describe their solution behavior. To study the formulation stability, long- and short-range interactions and the formation of complex network structures have to be taken into account. For a better understanding of highly concentrated solutions, we combined established and novel analytical tools to characterize the effect of solution properties on the stability of highly concentrated mAb formulations. In this study, monoclonal antibody solutions in a concentration range of 50–200 mg/ml at pH 5–9 with and without glycine, PEG4000, and Na2SO4 were analyzed. To determine the monomer content, analytical size-exclusion chromatography runs were performed. ζ-potential measurements were conducted to analyze the electrophoretic properties in different solutions. The melting and aggregation temperatures were determined with the help of fluorescence and static light scattering measurements. Additionally, rheological measurements were conducted to study the solution viscosity and viscoelastic behavior of the mAb solutions. The so-determined analytical parameters were scored and merged in an analytical toolbox. The resulting scoring was then successfully correlated with long-term storage (40 d of incubation) experiments. Our results indicate that the sensitivity of complex rheological measurements, in combination with the applied techniques, allows reliable statements to be made with respect to the effect of solution properties, such as protein concentration, ionic strength, and pH shift, on the strength of protein-protein interaction and solution colloidal stability. PMID:28617076

  7. Celestial mechanics solutions that escape

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gingold, Harry; Solomon, Daniel


    We establish the existence of an open set of initial conditions through which pass solutions without singularities to Newton's gravitational equations in R3 on a semi-infinite interval in forward time, for which every pair of particles separates like At , A > 0, as t → ∞. The solutions are constructable as series with rapid uniform convergence and their asymptotic behavior to any order is prescribed. We show that this family of solutions depends on 6N parameters subject to certain constraints.

  8. Electrodynamics; Problems and solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ilie, Carolina C.; Schrecengost, Zachariah S.


    This book of problems and solutions is a natural continuation of Ilie and Schrecengost's first book Electromagnetism: Problems and Solutions. Aimed towards students who would like to work independently on more electrodynamics problems in order to deepen their understanding and problem-solving skills, this book discusses main concepts and techniques related to Maxwell's equations, conservation laws, electromagnetic waves, potentials and fields, and radiation.



    Callis, C.F.; Moore, R.L.


    >The separation of ruthenium from aqueous solutions containing uranium plutonium, ruthenium, and fission products is described. The separation is accomplished by providing a nitric acid solution of plutonium, uranium, ruthenium, and fission products, oxidizing plutonium to the hexavalent state with sodium dichromate, contacting the solution with a water-immiscible organic solvent, such as hexone, to extract plutonyl, uranyl, ruthenium, and fission products, reducing with sodium ferrite the plutonyl in the solvent phase to trivalent plutonium, reextracting from the solvent phase the trivalent plutonium, ruthenium, and some fission products with an aqueous solution containing a salting out agent, introducing ozone into the aqueous acid solution to oxidize plutonium to the hexavalent state and ruthenium to ruthenium tetraoxide, and volatizing off the ruthenium tetraoxide.

  10. Almost periodic solutions to difference equations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bayliss, A.


    The theory of Massera and Schaeffer relating the existence of unique almost periodic solutions of an inhomogeneous linear equation to an exponential dichotomy for the homogeneous equation was completely extended to discretizations by a strongly stable difference scheme. In addition it is shown that the almost periodic sequence solution will converge to the differential equation solution. The preceding theory was applied to a class of exponentially stable partial differential equations to which one can apply the Hille-Yoshida theorem. It is possible to prove the existence of unique almost periodic solutions of the inhomogeneous equation (which can be approximated by almost periodic sequences) which are the solutions to appropriate discretizations. Two methods of discretizations are discussed: the strongly stable scheme and the Lax-Wendroff scheme.

  11. Translational and rotational dynamics of monosaccharide solutions.


    Lelong, Gérald; Howells, W Spencer; Brady, John W; Talón, César; Price, David L; Saboungi, Marie-Louise


    Molecular dynamics computer simulations have been carried out on aqueous solutions of glucose at concentrations bracketing those previously measured with quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS), in order to investigate the motions and interactions of the sugar and water molecules. In addition, QENS measurements have been carried out on fructose solutions to determine whether the effects previously observed for glucose apply to monosaccharide solutions. The simulations indicate a dynamical analogy between higher solute concentration and lower temperature that could provide a key explanation of the bioprotective phenomena observed in many living organisms. The experimental results on fructose solutions show qualitatively similar behavior to the glucose solutions. The dynamics of the water molecules are essentially the same, while the translational diffusion of the sugar molecules is slightly faster in the fructose solutions.

  12. 21 CFR 522.540 - Dexamethasone solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Dexamethasone solution. 522.540 Section 522.540... Dexamethasone solution. (a)(1) Specifications. Each milliliter of solution contains 2 milligrams (mg) dexamethasone. (2) Sponsors. See sponsors in § 510.600(c) of this chapter: (i) Nos. 000061, 000859, and 061623...



    Schneider, R.A.


    Cesium may be precipitated from an aqueous solution whose acidity ranges between a pH of 1.5 and a molarity of 5 on cobaltous, zinc, cadmium, nickel, or ferrous cobalticyanide. This precipitation brings about a separation from most fission products. Ruthenium which coprecipitates to a great degree can be removed by dissolving in sulfuric acid and boiling the solution in the presence of periodic acid for volatilization; other coprecipitated fission products can then be precipitated from the sulfuric acid solution with a ferric hydroxide carrier.

  14. Anisotropic solutions by gravitational decoupling

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ovalle, J.; Casadio, R.; da Rocha, R.; Sotomayor, A.


    We investigate the extension of isotropic interior solutions for static self-gravitating systems to include the effects of anisotropic spherically symmetric gravitational sources by means of the gravitational decoupling realised via the minimal geometric deformation approach. In particular, the matching conditions at the surface of the star with the outer Schwarzschild space-time are studied in great detail, and we describe how to generate, from a single physically acceptable isotropic solution, new families of anisotropic solutions whose physical acceptability is also inherited from their isotropic parent.

  15. Opalescence in monoclonal antibody solutions and its correlation with intermolecular interactions in dilute and concentrated solutions.


    Raut, Ashlesha S; Kalonia, Devendra S


    Opalescence indicates physical instability of a formulation because of the presence of aggregates or liquid-liquid phase separation in solution and has been reported for monoclonal antibody (mAb) formulations. Increased solution opalescence can be attributed to attractive protein-protein interactions (PPIs). Techniques including light scattering, AUC, or membrane osmometry are routinely employed to measure PPIs in dilute solutions, whereas opalescence is seen at relatively higher concentrations, where both long- and short-range forces contribute to overall PPIs. The mAb molecule studied here shows a unique property of high opalescence because of liquid-liquid phase separation. In this study, opalescence measurements are correlated to PPIs measured in diluted and concentrated solutions using light scattering (kD ) and high-frequency rheology (G'), respectively. Charges on the molecules were calculated using zeta potential measurements. Results indicate that high opalescence and phase separation are a result of the attractive interactions in solution; however, the presence of attractive interactions do not always imply phase separation. Temperature dependence of opalescence suggests that thermodynamic contribution to opalescence is significant and Tcloud can be utilized as a potential tool to assess attractive interactions in solution. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.

  16. 21 CFR 178.1005 - Hydrogen peroxide solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Hydrogen peroxide solution. 178.1005 Section 178... Growth of Microorganisms § 178.1005 Hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide solution identified in...)(1) of this section. (a) Identity. For the purpose of this section, hydrogen peroxide solution is an...

  17. Revealing Numerical Solutions of a Differential Equation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Glaister, P.


    In this article, the author considers a student exercise that involves determining the exact and numerical solutions of a particular differential equation. He shows how a typical student solution is at variance with a numerical solution, suggesting that the numerical solution is incorrect. However, further investigation shows that this numerical…

  18. Electromagnetism; Problems and solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ilie, Carolina C.; Schrecengost, Zachariah S.


    Electromagnetism: Problems and solutions is an ideal companion book for the undergraduate student-sophomore, junior, or senior-who may want to work on more problems and receive immediate feedback while studying. Each chapter contains brief theoretical notes followed by the problem text with the solution and ends with a brief bibliography. Also presented are problems more general in nature, which may be a bit more challenging.

  19. 21 CFR 522.1086 - Guaifenesin solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Guaifenesin solution. 522.1086 Section 522.1086... Guaifenesin solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of solution contains 50 milligrams (mg) of guaifenesin and 50 mg of dextrose. (b) Sponsors. See Nos. 000859 and 037990 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter...

  20. 21 CFR 522.900 - Euthanasia solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Euthanasia solution. 522.900 Section 522.900 Food... Euthanasia solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter (mL) of solution contains: (1) 390 milligrams (mg.... For humane, painless, and rapid euthanasia. (2) Amount. One mL per 10 pounds of body weight. (3...

  1. 21 CFR 522.900 - Euthanasia solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Euthanasia solution. 522.900 Section 522.900 Food... Euthanasia solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter (mL) of solution contains: (1) 390 milligrams (mg.... For humane, painless, and rapid euthanasia. (2) Amount. One mL per 10 pounds of body weight. (3...

  2. 21 CFR 522.900 - Euthanasia solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Euthanasia solution. 522.900 Section 522.900 Food... Euthanasia solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter (mL) of solution contains: (1) 390 milligrams (mg.... For humane, painless, and rapid euthanasia. (2) Amount. One mL per 10 pounds of body weight. (3...

  3. 21 CFR 522.900 - Euthanasia solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Euthanasia solution. 522.900 Section 522.900 Food... Euthanasia solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter (mL) of solution contains: (1) 390 milligrams (mg.... For humane, painless, and rapid euthanasia. (2) Amount. One mL per 10 pounds of body weight. (3...

  4. 21 CFR 522.900 - Euthanasia solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Euthanasia solution. 522.900 Section 522.900 Food... Euthanasia solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter (mL) of solution contains: (1) 390 milligrams (mg.... For humane, painless, and rapid euthanasia. (2) Amount. One mL per 10 pounds of body weight. (3...

  5. Digital Optical Circuit Technology.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ordinateurs ct des syst~mcs de diffusion de donn’es qui soient I la fois numcriques, entierement optiques. tres rapides etI I’abri des interferences et des...F.A.Hopf SESSION 11 - OPTICAL LOGIC PROSPECTS FOR PARALLEL NONLINEAR OPTICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING USING GaAs ETALONS AND ZnS INTERFERENCE FILTERS by...talks 1, 8, and 9) interference filters for room-temperature parallel processing. If one imposes a maximum heat load of 100 W/cm 2 , consistent with

  6. Opération multimode transverse des OPOs: des structures classiques aux corrélations quantiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martinelli, M.; Ducci, S.; Gigan, S.; Treps, N.; Maître, A.; Fabre, C.


    Nous démontrons la formation de structures transverses sur les faisceaux émis par un oscillateur paramétrique optique (OPO) de type II en configuration confocale. D'un point de vue classique nous mettons en évidence le caractère multimode transverse de telles structures. A travers l'étude des corrélations spatiales des faisceaux générés nous montrons que ces structures sont également multimodes d'un point de vue quantique.

  7. Subharmonic Solutions of Order One-Third

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fay, Temple H.


    Finding a periodic solution to a nonlinear ordinary differential equation is in general a difficult task. Only in a very few cases can direct methods be applied to an equation to find initial values leading to a solution of the corresponding initial value problem that is periodic. Oscillatory periodic solutions have such practical importance that…

  8. High-Solids Polyimide Precursor Solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chuang, Chun-Hua (Inventor)


    The invention is a highly concentrated stable solution of polymide precursors (monometers) having a solids content ranging from about 80 to 98 percent by weight in lower aliphatic alcohols i.e. methyl and/or ethylalcohol. the concentrated polyimide precursos solution comparisons effective amounts of at least one aromatic diamine, at least one aromatic dianhydride, and a monofunctional endcap including monoamines, monoanhydrides and lower alkyl esters of said monoanhydrides. These concentrated polyimide precursor solutions are particularly useful for the preparation of fibrous prepregs and composites for use in structural materials for military and civil applications.

  9. Polarimetry as a tool for the study of solutions of chiral solutes.


    Orlova, Anna V; Andrade, Renato R; da Silva, Clarissa O; Zinin, Alexander I; Kononov, Leonid O


    Optical rotation of aqueous solutions of D-levoglucosan was studied experimentally in the 0.03-4.0 mol L(-1) concentration range and a nonlinear concentration dependence of specific optical rotation (SR) was revealed. Discontinuities observed in the concentration plot of SR (at 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mol L(-1)) are well correlated with those found by static and dynamic light scattering and identify concentration ranges in which different solution domains (supramers) may exist. The average SR experimental value for a D-levoglucosan aqueous solution ([α]D(28) -58.5±8.7 deg dm(-1) cm(-3) g(-1)) was found to be in good agreement with values obtained by theoretical calculation (TD-DFT/GIAO) of SR for 15 different conformers revealed by conformational sampling at the PCM/B3LYP/6-311++G(2d,2p)//B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level, which were shown to be strongly affected by the solvation microenvironment (0, 1, 2, and 3 explicit solvent molecules considered) due to local geometrical changes induced in the solute molecule. This exceptionally high sensitivity of SR makes polarimetry a unique method capable of sensing changes in the structure of supramers detected in this study. Copyright © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Synthesis of GaN:ZnO solid solution by solution combustion method and characterization for photocatalytic application

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Menon, Sumithra Sivadas; Anitha, R.; Gupta, Bhavana; Baskar, K.; Singh, Shubra


    GaN-ZnO solid solution has emerged as a successful and reproducible photocatalyst for overall water splitting by one-step photoexcitation, with a bandgap in visible region. When the solid solution is formed, some of the Zn and O ions are replaced by Ga and N ions respectively and there is a narrowing of bandgap which is hypothesized as due to Zn3d-N2p repulsion. The traditional method of synthesis of GaN-ZnO solid solution is by nitridation of the starting oxides under constant ammonia flow. Here we report a solution combustion technique for the synthesis of the solid solution at a temperature about 500 ° C in a muffle furnace with metal nitrates as precursors and urea as the fuel. The as prepared samples showed change in color with the increased concentration of ZnO in the solution. The structural, microstructural, morphological and optical properties of the samples were realized by Powder X ray diffraction, Scanning electron microscopy, Energy dispersive X ray analysis, Transmission electron microscopy and Photoluminescence. Finally the hydrogen production efficiency of the GaN-ZnO nanopowders by water splitting was found, using methanol as a scavenger. The apparent quantum yield (AQY) of 0.048% is obtained for GaN-ZnO solid solution.

  11. 21 CFR 522.1020 - Gelatin solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Gelatin solution. 522.1020 Section 522.1020 Food... Gelatin solution. (a) Specifications. It is sterile and each 100 cubic centimeters contains 8 grams of gelatin in an 0.85 percent sodium chloride solution. (b) Sponsor. See No. 000856 in § 510.600(c) of this...

  12. 21 CFR 522.1020 - Gelatin solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Gelatin solution. 522.1020 Section 522.1020 Food... Gelatin solution. (a) Specifications. It is sterile and each 100 cubic centimeters contains 8 grams of gelatin in an 0.85 percent sodium chloride solution. (b) Sponsor. See No. 000856 in § 510.600(c) of this...

  13. 21 CFR 522.1020 - Gelatin solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Gelatin solution. 522.1020 Section 522.1020 Food... Gelatin solution. (a) Specifications. It is sterile and each 100 cubic centimeters contains 8 grams of gelatin in an 0.85 percent sodium chloride solution. (b) Sponsor. See No. 000856 in § 510.600(c) of this...

  14. 21 CFR 522.1020 - Gelatin solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Gelatin solution. 522.1020 Section 522.1020 Food... Gelatin solution. (a) Specifications. It is sterile and each 100 cubic centimeters contains 8 grams of gelatin in an 0.85 percent sodium chloride solution. (b) Sponsor. See No. 000856 in § 510.600(c) of this...

  15. General Relativity solutions in modified gravity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Motohashi, Hayato; Minamitsuji, Masato


    Recent gravitational wave observations of binary black hole mergers and a binary neutron star merger by LIGO and Virgo Collaborations associated with its optical counterpart constrain deviation from General Relativity (GR) both on strong-field regime and cosmological scales with high accuracy, and further strong constraints are expected by near-future observations. Thus, it is important to identify theories of modified gravity that intrinsically possess the same solutions as in GR among a huge number of theories. We clarify the three conditions for theories of modified gravity to allow GR solutions, i.e., solutions with the metric satisfying the Einstein equations in GR and the constant profile of the scalar fields. Our analysis is quite general, as it applies a wide class of single-/multi-field scalar-tensor theories of modified gravity in the presence of matter component, and any spacetime geometry including cosmological background as well as spacetime around black hole and neutron star, for the latter of which these conditions provide a necessary condition for no-hair theorem. The three conditions will be useful for further constraints on modified gravity theories as they classify general theories of modified gravity into three classes, each of which possesses i) unique GR solutions (i.e., no-hair cases), ii) only hairy solutions (except the cases that GR solutions are realized by cancellation between singular coupling functions in the Euler-Lagrange equations), and iii) both GR and hairy solutions, for the last of which one of the two solutions may be selected dynamically.

  16. Solutions to horava gravity.


    Lü, H; Mei, Jianwei; Pope, C N


    Recently Horava proposed a nonrelativistic renormalizable theory of gravitation, which reduces to Einstein's general relativity at large distances, and that may provide a candidate for a UV completion of Einstein's theory. In this Letter, we derive the full set of equations of motion, and then we obtain spherically symmetric solutions and discuss their properties. We also obtain solutions for the Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker cosmological metric.

  17. Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Solutions

    PubMed Central

    Caliò, Renato; Rongala, Udaya Bhaskar; Camboni, Domenico; Milazzo, Mario; Stefanini, Cesare; de Petris, Gianluca; Oddo, Calogero Maria


    This paper reviews the state of the art in piezoelectric energy harvesting. It presents the basics of piezoelectricity and discusses materials choice. The work places emphasis on material operating modes and device configurations, from resonant to non-resonant devices and also to rotational solutions. The reviewed literature is compared based on power density and bandwidth. Lastly, the question of power conversion is addressed by reviewing various circuit solutions. PMID:24618725

  18. Adiabatic pumping solutions in global AdS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carracedo, Pablo; Mas, Javier; Musso, Daniele; Serantes, Alexandre


    We construct a family of very simple stationary solutions to gravity coupled to a massless scalar field in global AdS. They involve a constantly rising source for the scalar field at the boundary and thereby we name them pumping solutions. We construct them numerically in D = 4. They are regular and, generically, have negative mass. We perform a study of linear and nonlinear stability and find both stable and unstable branches. In the latter case, solutions belonging to different sub-branches can either decay to black holes or to limiting cycles. This observation motivates the search for non-stationary exactly timeperiodic solutions which we actually construct. We clarify the role of pumping solutions in the context of quasistatic adiabatic quenches. In D = 3 the pumping solutions can be related to other previously known solutions, like magnetic or translationally-breaking backgrounds. From this we derive an analytic expression.

  19. Mixing of two solutions combined by gravity drainage.


    Leuptow, R M; Smith, K; Mockros, L F


    A variety of medical therapies require the mixing of solutions from two separate bags before use. One scenario for the mixing is to drain the solution from one bag into the other by gravity through a short connecting tube. The degree of mixing in the lower bag depends on the relative densities of the two solutions, the geometry of the two bags and the connecting tube, and the placement of the connecting tube. Solutions with densities differing by as much as 12% were mixed by draining the solution from an upper bag into a lower bag for a particular geometric configuration. The two solutions had different electrical conductivities, and the conductivity of the combined solution as it exited from the lower bag was used as a measure of the effectiveness of mixing. When the more dense solution was drained from the upper bag into the less dense solution in a lower bag, mixing was very effective. The incoming jet of high density solution entrained the low density solution. Flow visualization indicated that the incoming jet penetrated to the bottom of the lower bag, and resulting large vortical structures enhanced mixing. When the less dense solution was drained from the upper bag into the more dense solution in the lower bag mixing was less effective. The buoyancy force reduced the momentum of the incoming jet such that it did not penetrate to the bottom of the lower bag, resulting in stratification of the solutions.

  20. Ring-shaped stain patterns driven by solute reactive mesogens in liquid crystal solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cha, Tae Woon; Bulliard, Xavier; Choi, Sang Gun; Lee, Hyoung Sub; Kong, Hyang-Shik; Han, Sang Youn


    We report on the formation of ring-shaped stain patterns in a polymer-stabilized patterned vertical alignment mode liquid crystal display (LCD) during the cell filling process. Through the interpretation of the formation mechanism, an effective way to control its development is provided. Systematic trace of the reactive mesogens reveals that the formation of patterns is strongly related to the segregation of solute mesogens in the stain area. These undesirable patterns can be avoided or controlled by reducing the drop volume at each droplet using an inkjet printing technique, meaning that the printing technique could be a useful solution in display technology. For the formation of ring-shaped patterns, the dragging of reactive mesogens during the spreading of the liquid crystal solution plays a key role in the closed LCD cell.

  1. Contact solution algorithms

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tielking, John T.


    Two algorithms for obtaining static contact solutions are described in this presentation. Although they were derived for contact problems involving specific structures (a tire and a solid rubber cylinder), they are sufficiently general to be applied to other shell-of-revolution and solid-body contact problems. The shell-of-revolution contact algorithm is a method of obtaining a point load influence coefficient matrix for the portion of shell surface that is expected to carry a contact load. If the shell is sufficiently linear with respect to contact loading, a single influence coefficient matrix can be used to obtain a good approximation of the contact pressure distribution. Otherwise, the matrix will be updated to reflect nonlinear load-deflection behavior. The solid-body contact algorithm utilizes a Lagrange multiplier to include the contact constraint in a potential energy functional. The solution is found by applying the principle of minimum potential energy. The Lagrange multiplier is identified as the contact load resultant for a specific deflection. At present, only frictionless contact solutions have been obtained with these algorithms. A sliding tread element has been developed to calculate friction shear force in the contact region of the rolling shell-of-revolution tire model.

  2. Osmosis and thermodynamics explained by solute blocking.


    Nelson, Peter Hugo


    A solute-blocking model is presented that provides a kinetic explanation of osmosis and ideal solution thermodynamics. It validates a diffusive model of osmosis that is distinct from the traditional convective flow model of osmosis. Osmotic equilibrium occurs when the fraction of water molecules in solution matches the fraction of pure water molecules that have enough energy to overcome the pressure difference. Solute-blocking also provides a kinetic explanation for why Raoult's law and the other colligative properties depend on the mole fraction (but not the size) of the solute particles, resulting in a novel kinetic explanation for the entropy of mixing and chemical potential of ideal solutions. Some of its novel predictions have been confirmed; others can be tested experimentally or by simulation.

  3. Osmosis and thermodynamics explained by solute blocking

    PubMed Central

    Nelson, Peter Hugo


    A solute-blocking model is presented that provides a kinetic explanation of osmosis and ideal solution thermodynamics. It validates a diffusive model of osmosis that is distinct from the traditional convective flow model of osmosis. Osmotic equilibrium occurs when the fraction of water molecules in solution matches the fraction of pure water molecules that have enough energy to overcome the pressure difference. Solute-blocking also provides a kinetic explanation for why Raoult’s law and the other colligative properties depend on the mole fraction (but not the size) of the solute particles, resulting in a novel kinetic explanation for the entropy of mixing and chemical potential of ideal solutions. Some of its novel predictions have been confirmed, others can be tested experimentally or by simulation. PMID:27225298

  4. Breastfeeding Solution Circle.


    Hilton, Sioned


    It is widely accepted and backed by research that breastfeeding is the number one feeding choice for babies, and direct from mothers' breasts is the ideal. However the early days can be challenging. Supporting mothers to succeed with their breastfeeding journey is a rewarding role and being able to advise and guide on overcoming the various hurdles is great. Keeping up to date on the research and advancements in breastfeeding support is vital and a general knowledge of the solutions to help will be of huge benefit to the mothers you are working with. This article examines the problems and some tried and tested solutions.

  5. Proprietes ionochromes et photochromes de derives du polythiophene

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Levesque, Isabelle

    La synthese et la caracterisation de derives regioreguliers du polythiophene ont ete effectuees en solution et sur des films minces. La spectroscopie UV-visible de ces derives a permis de constater qu'ils peuvent posseder des proprietes chromiques particulieres selon le stimulus auquel ils sont soumis. Par exemple, une augmentation de la temperature permet en effet aux polymeres de passer d'une couleur violette a jaune, et ce, a l'etat solide aussi bien qu'en solution. Ces proprietes chromiques semblent regies par une transition conformationnelle (plane a non-plane) de la chaine principale. Ce travail avait pour but de mieux comprendre l'influence de l'organisation des chaines laterales sur les transitions chromiques. Deux derives synthetises possedant des chaines laterales sensibles aux cations alcalins se sont averes etre ionochromes en plus d'etre thermochromes. Il s'agit d'un polymere comportant des chaines laterales de type oligo(oxyethylene) et d'un autre comportant un groupement ether couronne specifique aux ions lithium. Les effets chromiques observes sont expliques par des interactions non-covalentes des cations avec les atomes d'oxygene des chaines laterales dans le cas du premier polymere, et par l'insertion de l'ion Li + dans la cavite de l'ether couronne dans le cas du second polymere. Ces interactions semblent provoquer une diminution de l'organisation induisant ainsi une torsion de la chaine principale. Les deux polymeres semblent specifiques a certains cations et pourraient donc servir comme detecteurs optiques. La specificite aux ions Li+ du second polymere pourrait aussi permettre la conduction ionique, en plus de la conductivite electronique caracteristique des polythiophenes, ce qui pourrait s'averer utile dans le cas de batteries legeres entierement faites de polymeres et de sels de lithium. D'autres derives comportant des chaines laterales de type azobenzene se sont averes etre photochromes en plus d'etre thermochromes. Le groupement lateral a

  6. Exact Analytical Solutions for Elastodynamic Impact

    DTIC Science & Technology


    corroborated by derivation of exact discrete solutions from recursive equations for the impact problems. 15. SUBJECT TERMS One-dimensional impact; Elastic...wave propagation; Laplace transform; Floor function; Discrete solutions 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UU 18...impact Elastic wave propagation Laplace transform Floor function Discrete solutionsWe consider the one-dimensional impact problem in which a semi

  7. Oscillating solutions for nonlinear Helmholtz equations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mandel, Rainer; Montefusco, Eugenio; Pellacci, Benedetta


    Existence results for radially symmetric oscillating solutions for a class of nonlinear autonomous Helmholtz equations are given and their exact asymptotic behaviour at infinity is established. Some generalizations to nonautonomous radial equations as well as existence results for nonradial solutions are found. Our theorems prove the existence of standing waves solutions of nonlinear Klein-Gordon or Schrödinger equations with large frequencies.

  8. Multiple Revolution Solutions for the Perturbed Lambert Problem using the Method of Particular Solutions and Picard Iteration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Woollands, Robyn M.; Read, Julie L.; Probe, Austin B.; Junkins, John L.


    We present a new method for solving the multiple revolution perturbed Lambert problem using the method of particular solutions and modified Chebyshev-Picard iteration. The method of particular solutions differs from the well-known Newton-shooting method in that integration of the state transition matrix (36 additional differential equations) is not required, and instead it makes use of a reference trajectory and a set of n particular solutions. Any numerical integrator can be used for solving two-point boundary problems with the method of particular solutions, however we show that using modified Chebyshev-Picard iteration affords an avenue for increased efficiency that is not available with other step-by-step integrators. We take advantage of the path approximation nature of modified Chebyshev-Picard iteration (nodes iteratively converge to fixed points in space) and utilize a variable fidelity force model for propagating the reference trajectory. Remarkably, we demonstrate that computing the particular solutions with only low fidelity function evaluations greatly increases the efficiency of the algorithm while maintaining machine precision accuracy. Our study reveals that solving the perturbed Lambert's problem using the method of particular solutions with modified Chebyshev-Picard iteration is about an order of magnitude faster compared with the classical shooting method and a tenth-twelfth order Runge-Kutta integrator. It is well known that the solution to Lambert's problem over multiple revolutions is not unique and to ensure that all possible solutions are considered we make use of a reliable preexisting Keplerian Lambert solver to warm start our perturbed algorithm.

  9. Controle des proprietes des couches optiques par bombardement ionique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marushka, Viktor

    The manufacture of optical coatings presents many challenges such as the control over the film properties and microstructure, the optimization for the production of thin films with high quality, and the research on new materials. Ion-assisted evaporation is one of the principal methods used for the fabrication of optical coatings as a response to these challenges. It allows for good process control, and it permits us to predict and put on an industrial scale the deposition process by considering the direct and quantitative relation between the energies of the incident ions, and the performance of the deposited materials. This work is devoted to the study of the effect of ion bombardment on the microstructure and properties of optical thin films of silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide, which are widely used in optical interference filters, in particular with the use of a Hall effect ion source. These studies include a systematic evaluation of the mechanical and optical properties and of the density of thin films using different complementary techniques - the Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy, and Infrared Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometry among others. Different approaches (Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Infrared Ellipsometry, the measurement of mechanical stress) have been used to evaluate the amount of water in thin films. The results on the density of films and the presence of water in the films obtained by the different methods are in good agreement. It was found that the critical energy values giving rise to dense and stable optical coatings of silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide are 25 eV/atom and 45 eV/atom, respectively. Moreover, this work presents the methodology developed to determine the ion current density distribution on the surface of a substrate holder of a dome shape for different positions relative to the ion source. The proposed analysis can be used as an effective tool for the construction of an industrial reactor and for its appropriate optimization.

  10. Optics Microwave Interactions (Interactions entre optique et micro-ondes)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    2 Z0 S21L 2 1 - ΓLas 2 Pin,1dB CP = m1dB CP 2 Ib - Ith 2 1 - S22LΓLas 2 Z0 S21L 2 1 - ΓLas 2 In a similar fashion , the 3rd order...behavior similar to a sinc function [i.e., sinx/x] squared fashion . -85 -80 -75 -70 -65 -60 -55 0 20 40 60 80 100 Fiber Length (km) Model 1 Model 1 Measured...the photocurrent in a linear fashion . On the other hand in HBT, in addition to photo-generated electrons at the collector depletion region, there is an

  11. Fibres Optiques En Therapie Laser Au Contact Du Tissu

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lenz, P.; Sabben, G.; Lambert, R.; Berger, F.


    Les fibres en quartz, non protegees par un courant de gaz et placees au contact du tissu, peuvent etre utilisees pratiquement indefiniment grace a un "autonettoyage" et une "regenera-tion". Elles provoquent des lesions tissulaires semblables a celles obtenues avec les fibres conventionnelles.

  12. Development of solute transport models in YMPYRÄ framework to simulate solute migration in military shooting and training areas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Warsta, L.; Karvonen, T.


    There are currently 25 shooting and training areas in Finland managed by The Finnish Defence Forces (FDF), where military activities can cause contamination of open waters and groundwater reservoirs. In the YMPYRÄ project, a computer software framework is being developed that combines existing open environmental data and proprietary information collected by FDF with computational models to investigate current and prevent future environmental problems. A data centric philosophy is followed in the development of the system, i.e. the models are updated and extended to handle available data from different areas. The results generated by the models are summarized as easily understandable flow and risk maps that can be opened in GIS programs and used in environmental assessments by experts. Substances investigated with the system include explosives and metals such as lead, and both surface and groundwater dominated areas can be simulated. The YMPYRÄ framework is composed of a three dimensional soil and groundwater flow model, several solute transport models and an uncertainty assessment system. Solute transport models in the framework include particle based, stream tube and finite volume based approaches. The models can be used to simulate solute dissolution from source area, transport in the unsaturated layers to groundwater and finally migration in groundwater to water extraction wells and springs. The models can be used to simulate advection, dispersion, equilibrium adsorption on soil particles, solubility and dissolution from solute phase and dendritic solute decay chains. Correct numerical solutions were confirmed by comparing results to analytical 1D and 2D solutions and by comparing the numerical solutions to each other. The particle based and stream tube type solute transport models were useful as they could complement the traditional finite volume based approach which in certain circumstances produced numerical dispersion due to piecewise solution of the

  13. A Mathematical Model of Solute Coupled Water Transport in Toad Intestine Incorporating Recirculation of the Actively Transported Solute

    PubMed Central

    Larsen, Erik Hviid; Sørensen, Jakob Balslev; Sørensen, Jens Nørkær


    A mathematical model of an absorbing leaky epithelium is developed for analysis of solute coupled water transport. The non-charged driving solute diffuses into cells and is pumped from cells into the lateral intercellular space (lis). All membranes contain water channels with the solute passing those of tight junction and interspace basement membrane by convection-diffusion. With solute permeability of paracellular pathway large relative to paracellular water flow, the paracellular flux ratio of the solute (influx/outflux) is small (2–4) in agreement with experiments. The virtual solute concentration of fluid emerging from lis is then significantly larger than the concentration in lis. Thus, in absence of external driving forces the model generates isotonic transport provided a component of the solute flux emerging downstream lis is taken up by cells through the serosal membrane and pumped back into lis, i.e., the solute would have to be recirculated. With input variables from toad intestine (Nedergaard, S., E.H. Larsen, and H.H. Ussing, J. Membr. Biol. 168:241–251), computations predict that 60–80% of the pumped flux stems from serosal bath in agreement with the experimental estimate of the recirculation flux. Robust solutions are obtained with realistic concentrations and pressures of lis, and with the following features. Rate of fluid absorption is governed by the solute permeability of mucosal membrane. Maximum fluid flow is governed by density of pumps on lis-membranes. Energetic efficiency increases with hydraulic conductance of the pathway carrying water from mucosal solution into lis. Uphill water transport is accomplished, but with high hydraulic conductance of cell membranes strength of transport is obscured by water flow through cells. Anomalous solvent drag occurs when back flux of water through cells exceeds inward water flux between cells. Molecules moving along the paracellular pathway are driven by a translateral flow of water, i.e., the model

  14. Formulation and Stability of Solutions.


    Akers, Michael J


    Ready-to-use solutions are the most preferable and most common dosage forms for injectable and topical ophthalmic products. Drugs formulated as solution almost always have chemical and physical stability challenges as well as solubility limitations and the need to prevent inadvertent microbial contamination issues. The first in this series of articles took us through a discussion of optimizing the physical stability of solutions. This article concludes this series of articles with a discussion on foreign particles, protein aggregation, and immunogenicity; optimizing microbiological activity; and osmolality (tonicity) agents, and discusses how these challenges and issues are addressed.

  15. Conductometry of electrolyte solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Safonova, Lyubov P.; Kolker, Arkadii M.


    A review is given of the theories of the electrical conductance of electrolyte solutions of different ionic strengths and concentrations, and of the models of ion association. An analysis is made of the methods for mathematical processing of experimental conductometric data. An account is provided of various theories describing the dependence of the limiting value of the ionic electrical conductance on the properties of the solute and solvent. The bibliography includes 115 references.

  16. Helping Families Search for Solutions: Working with Adolescents

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Paylo, Matthew J.


    In this column, the author focuses on the ways that family counselors can use solution-based therapies (solution-oriented and solution-focused) to work with families with adolescents in individual and/or family therapy. The theoretical foundation for solution-based therapies suggests techniques that help families focus on solutions and not remain…

  17. Stability of alemtuzumab solutions at room temperature.


    Goldspiel, Justin T; Goldspiel, Barry R; Grimes, George J; Yuan, Peng; Potti, Gopal


    The 24-hour stability of alemtuzumab solutions prepared at concentrations not included in the product label and stored in glass or polyolefin containers at room temperature was evaluated. Triplicate solutions of alemtuzumab (6.67, 40, and 120 μg/mL) in 0.9% sodium chloride were prepared in either glass bottles or polyolefin containers and stored at room temperature under normal fluorescent lighting conditions. The solutions were analyzed by a validated stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay at time zero and 8, 14, and 24 hours after preparation; solution pH values were measured and the containers visually inspected at all time points. Stability was defined as the retention of ≥90% of the initial alemtuzumab concentration. HPLC analysis indicated that the percentage of the initial alemtuzumab concentration retained was >90% for all solutions evaluated, with no significant changes over the study period. The most dilute alemtuzumab solution (6.67 μg/mL) showed some degradation (91% of the initial concentration retained at hour 24), whereas the retained concentration was >99% for all other preparations throughout the study period. Solution pH values varied by drug concentration but did not change significantly over 24 hours. No evidence of particle formation was detected in any solution by visual inspection at any time during the study. Solutions of alemtuzumab 6.67 μg/mL stored in glass bottles and solutions of 40 and 120 μg/mL stored in polyolefin containers were stable for at least 24 hours at room temperature.

  18. Bag For Formulating And Dispersing Intravenous Solution

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kipp, Jim; Owens, Jim; Scharf, Mike; Finley, Mike; Dudar, Tom; Veillon, Joe; Ogle, Jim


    Large-volume parenteral (LVP) bag in which predetermined amount of sterile solution formulated by combining premeasured, prepackaged amount of sterile solute with predetermined amount of water. Bag designed to hold predetermined amount, typically 1 L, of sterile solution. Sterility of solution maintained during mixing by passing water into bag through sterilizing filter. System used in field or hospitals not having proper sterile facilities, and in field research.

  19. Antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite-based irrigating solutions.


    Poggio, Claudio; Arciola, Carla Renata; Dagna, Alberto; Chiesa, Marco; Sforza, Dario; Visai, Livia


    The objective of the present study was the in vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of three different NaOCl-based endodontic irrigating solutions: a 5.25% conventional sodium hypochlorite solution; and two new irrigating solutions, a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution with the addition of a proteolytic enzyme and a surfactant; and a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite gel with inorganic silicate. Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans strains were selected to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the endodontic irrigating solutions by the agar disc diffusion test. Paper disks were saturated with each one of the tested solutions (at room temperature and pre-warmed at 45°C) and placed onto culture agar-plates pre-adsorbed with bacterial cells and further incubated for 24 h at 37°C. The growth inhibition zones around each irrigating solution were recorded and compared for each bacterial strain. The results were significantly different among the tested irrigating solutions: 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution produced the highest inhibition areas; 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution with a proteolytic enzyme and a surfactant, and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite gel with inorganic silicate showed the lowest zones of inhibition. Even if all tested irrigating solution possessed antibacterial activity versus all tested bacterial strains, 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution with a proteolytic enzyme and a surfactant, and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite gel with inorganic silicate showed lower in vitro efficacy than 5.25% conventional sodium hypochlorite solution.

  20. Resolvent analysis of exact coherent solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rosenberg, Kevin; McKeon, Beverley


    Exact coherent solutions have been hypothesized to constitute the state-space skeleton of turbulent trajectories and thus are of interest as a means to better understand the underlying dynamics of turbulent flows. An asymptotic description of how these types of solutions self-sustain was provided by Hall & Sherwin. Here we offer a fully-nonlinear perspective on the self-sustainment of these solutions in terms of triadic scale interactions and use the resolvent framework of McKeon & Sharma to interpret these results from an input/output point of view. We analyze traveling wave solutions and periodic orbits in channel flow, and demonstrate how resolvent analysis can be used to obtain low-dimensional representations of these flows. We gratefully acknowledge funding from the AFOSR (FA9550-16-1-0361) and J.S. Park, M.D. Graham, and J.F. Gibson for providing data for the ECS solutions.

  1. Synthesis of GaN:ZnO solid solution by solution combustion method and characterization for photocatalytic application

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Menon, Sumithra Sivadas; Anitha, R.; Baskar, K.


    GaN-ZnO solid solution has emerged as a successful and reproducible photocatalyst for overall water splitting by one-step photoexcitation, with a bandgap in visible region. When the solid solution is formed, some of the Zn and O ions are replaced by Ga and N ions respectively and there is a narrowing of bandgap which is hypothesized as due to Zn3d-N2p repulsion. The traditional method of synthesis of GaN-ZnO solid solution is by nitridation of the starting oxides under constant ammonia flow. Here we report a solution combustion technique for the synthesis of the solid solution at a temperature about 500 °more » C in a muffle furnace with metal nitrates as precursors and urea as the fuel. The as prepared samples showed change in color with the increased concentration of ZnO in the solution. The structural, microstructural, morphological and optical properties of the samples were realized by Powder X ray diffraction, Scanning electron microscopy, Energy dispersive X ray analysis, Transmission electron microscopy and Photoluminescence. Finally the hydrogen production efficiency of the GaN-ZnO nanopowders by water splitting was found, using methanol as a scavenger. The apparent quantum yield (AQY) of 0.048% is obtained for GaN-ZnO solid solution.« less

  2. Computer simulation of concentrated solid solution strengthening

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kuo, C. T. K.; Arsenault, R. J.


    The interaction forces between a straight edge dislocation moving through a three-dimensional block containing a random array of solute atoms were determined. The yield stress at 0 K was obtained by determining the average maximum solute-dislocation interaction force that is encountered by edge dislocation, and an expression relating the yield stress to the length of the dislocation and the solute concentration is provided. The magnitude of the solid solution strengthening due to solute atoms can be determined directly from the numerical results, provided the dislocation line length that moves as a unit is specified.

  3. From analytical solutions of solute transport equations to multidimensional time-domain random walk (TDRW) algorithms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bodin, Jacques


    In this study, new multi-dimensional time-domain random walk (TDRW) algorithms are derived from approximate one-dimensional (1-D), two-dimensional (2-D), and three-dimensional (3-D) analytical solutions of the advection-dispersion equation and from exact 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D analytical solutions of the pure-diffusion equation. These algorithms enable the calculation of both the time required for a particle to travel a specified distance in a homogeneous medium and the mass recovery at the observation point, which may be incomplete due to 2-D or 3-D transverse dispersion or diffusion. The method is extended to heterogeneous media, represented as a piecewise collection of homogeneous media. The particle motion is then decomposed along a series of intermediate checkpoints located on the medium interface boundaries. The accuracy of the multi-dimensional TDRW method is verified against (i) exact analytical solutions of solute transport in homogeneous media and (ii) finite-difference simulations in a synthetic 2-D heterogeneous medium of simple geometry. The results demonstrate that the method is ideally suited to purely diffusive transport and to advection-dispersion transport problems dominated by advection. Conversely, the method is not recommended for highly dispersive transport problems because the accuracy of the advection-dispersion TDRW algorithms degrades rapidly for a low Péclet number, consistent with the accuracy limit of the approximate analytical solutions. The proposed approach provides a unified methodology for deriving multi-dimensional time-domain particle equations and may be applicable to other mathematical transport models, provided that appropriate analytical solutions are available.

  4. Graft preservation solutions in cardiovascular surgery.


    Winkler, Bernhard; Reineke, David; Heinisch, Paul Philip; Schönhoff, Florian; Huber, Christoph; Kadner, Alexander; Englberger, Lars; Carrel, Thierry


    Vein grafts are still the most commonly used graft material in cardiovascular surgery and much effort has been spent in recent years on investigating the optimal harvesting technique. One other related topic of similar importance remained more or less an incidental one. The storage solutions of vein grafts following procurement and prior to implantation are, despite their assumed impact, a relatively neglected theme. There is no doubt that the endothelium plays a key role in long-term patency of vein grafts, but the effects of the different storage solutions on the endothelium remain unclear : In a review of the literature, we could find 20 specific papers that addressed the question, of which the currently available preservation solutions are superior, harmless, damaging or ineffective. The focus lies on saline and autologous whole blood. Besides these two storage media, novel or alternative solutions have been investigated with surprising findings. In addition, a few words will be spent on potential alternatives and novel solutions on the market. As there is currently no randomized clinical trial regarding saline versus autologous whole blood available, this review compares all previous studies and methods of analysis to provide a certain level of evidence on this topic. In summary, saline has negative effects on the endothelial layers and therefore may compromise graft patency. Related factors, such as distension pressure, may outbalance the initial benefit of autologous whole blood or storage solutions and intensify the harmful effects of warm saline. In addition, there is no uniform consent on the superiority of autologous whole blood for vein graft storage. This may open the door to alternatives such as the University of Wisconsin solution or one of the specific designed storage solutions like TiProtec™ or Somaluthion™. Whether these preservation solutions are superior or advantageous remains the subject of further studies. © The Author 2016. Published

  5. Gravitational lensing in observational cosmology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nottale, L.

    éformations subies par la section d'un faisceau lumineux au cours de sa propagation, à la distribution matérielle et énergétique qu'il rencontre sur son trajet entre la source et l'observateur. Les deux contributions aux effets d'optique apparaissant dans ces équations (et leurs solutions) sont les termes de matière et les termes de cisaillement. Nous montrons comment une nouvelle distance peut être introduite, la distance optique, en fonction de laquelle les équations se simplifient et de nouvelles solutions analytiques peuvent être établies. En particulier, nous démontrons que la formule d'amplification gravitationnelle peut s'écrire sous une forme très générale sous la simple hypothèse que l'Univers est en moyenne de type Friedmann-Robertson-Walker. De nouveaux résultats sont aussi présentés concernant la distribution de probabilité des amplifications, les rapports entre termes de matière et termes de cisaillement (les premiers donnant la moyenne des seconds), et le problème de la conservation de l'énergie. Nous rappelons comment une formule analytique peut être obtenue pour des amplifications multiples et présentons des solutions nouvelles au problème de l'amplification par des hétérogénéités à très grande échelle. Enfin, les effets de décalages spectraux gravitationnels sont aussi considérés, qu'ils soient dus à des effets de traversée d'excès de densité, ou intrinsèques à ceux-ci ; dans ce dernier cas, une généralisation de solutions déjà connues est proposée. On considère ensuite le problème de la mise en évidence observationnelle des divers effets d'optique gravitationnelle, qu'ils soient de nature statistique ou qu'ils concernent des objets individuels. A la suite d'une analyse décrivant la dépendance de la formule d'amplification en fonction des différents paramètres y intervenant, nous insistons tout particulièrement sur le rôle cosmologique que jouent probablement les amas de galaxies très riches de d

  6. Solute-solvent cavity and bridge functions. I. Varying size of the solute

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Vyalov, I., E-mail:; Chuev, G., E-mail:; Georgi, N., E-mail:


    In this work we present the results of the extensive molecular simulations of solute-solvent cavity and bridge functions. The mixtures of Lennard-Jones solvent with Lennard-Jones solute at infinite dilution are considered for different solute-solvent size ratios—up to 4:1. The Percus-Yevick and hypernetted chain closures deviate substantially from simulation results in the investigated temperature and density ranges. We also find that the behavior of the indirect and cavity correlation functions is non-monotonous within the hard-core region, but the latter can be successfully approximated by mean-field theory if the solute-solvent interaction energy is divided into repulsive and attractive contribution, according to Weeks-Chandler-Andersenmore » theory. Furthermore, in spite of the non-monotonous behavior of logarithm of the cavity function and the indirect correlation function, their difference, i.e., the bridge function remains constant within the hard-core region. Such behavior of the bridge and indirect correlation functions at small distances and for small values of indirect correlation function is well known from the Duh-Haymet plots, where the non-unique relationship results in loops of the bridge function vs. indirect correlation function graphs. We show that the same pathological behavior appears also when distance is small and indirect correlation function is large. We further show that the unique functional behavior of the bridge function can be established when bridge is represented as a function of the renormalized, repulsive indirect correlation function.« less

  7. Biocompatibility of new peritoneal dialysis solutions: clinical experience.


    Garcia-Lopez, E; Lindholm, B; Tranaeus, A


    The successful development of peritoneal dialysis (PD) during the last two decades has been made possible by using well-established glucose-based solutions with lactate as buffer. On the other hand, awareness has been increasing about the potentially negative effects of the high concentrations of glucose and lactate, and the low pH of conventional PD solutions. This awareness has prompted an intensive effort to search for and test alternative solutions. As a result, three new, more biocompatible solutions-containing either less glucose or less lactate--are available. Amino acid-based solution uses amino acids instead of glucose as the osmotic agent; it is indicated for treatment of malnutrition. The higher pH and absence of glucose in this solution may prevent alterations of the peritoneal membrane caused by acidity and high glucose concentrations. Bicarbonate/lactate-buffered solution contains a physiologic concentration of bicarbonate and a reduced concentration of lactate; it also has a physiologic pH and markedly reduced levels of glucose degradation products (GDPs). Icodextrin-based solution contains icodextrin as the osmotic agent; it is indicated for long dwells, delivering sustained ultrafiltration for more than 16 hours. This iso-osmolar glucose-free solution may reduce peritoneal membrane alterations caused by glucose or the hyperosmolality (or both) of conventional solutions. Clinical experience of the new solutions is now extensive, and their efficacy and safety are well documented. It therefore seems appropriate to state that we have entered a new era of PD therapy. Each of the new solutions may be less damaging to the peritoneal membrane than conventional solution. In addition, they permit better management of malnutrition and fluid status, and may thus help to improve PD patient survival. Although the effects of each of these new solutions have been well described, clinical documentation of the combined use of these new biocompatible PD solutions is



    Bohlmann, E.G.; Griess, J.C. Jr.


    A method is given for treating a uranyl sulfate solution to inhibit the corrosiveness of the solution and elevate the phase separation temperature of the solution. Lithium sulfate is added to the solution in an amount ranging from 0.25 to 1.3 times the uranyl sulfate concentration. The corrosiveness of the solution with respect to stainless steel is substantially decreased by this means. This treatment also serves to raise the phase separation temperature of the solution (above 250 deg C), at which time the uranyl sulfate solution separates into two liquid phases of unequal uranium concentration and thus becomes unsuitable as nuclear reactor fuel.

  9. Single-solute and bisolute sorption of phenol and trichloroethylene from aqueous solution onto modified montmorillonite and application of sorption models.


    Wu, C D; Wang, L; Hu, C X; He, M H


    The single-solute and bisolute sorption behaviour of phenol and trichloroethylene, two organic compounds with different structures, onto cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)-montmorillonite was studied. The monolayer Langmuir model (MLM) and empirical Freundlich model (EFM) were applied to the single-solute sorption of phenol or trichloroethylene from water onto monolayer or multilayer CTAB-montmorillonite. The parameters contained in the MLM and EFM were determined for each solute by fitting to the single-solute isotherm data, and subsequently utilized in binary sorption. The extended Langmuir model (ELM) coupled with the single-solute MLM and the ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST) coupled with the single-solute EFM were used to predict the binary sorption of phenol and trichloroethylene onto CTAB-montmorillonite. It was found that the EFM was better than the MLM at describing single-solute sorption from water onto CTAB-montmorillonite, and the IAST was better than the ELM at describing the binary sorption from water onto CTAB-montmorillonite.

  10. A direct method of solution for the Fokas-Lenells derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation: I. Bright soliton solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Matsuno, Yoshimasa


    We develop a direct method of solution for finding the bright N-soliton solution of the Fokas-Lenells derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation. The construction of the solution is performed by means of a purely algebraic procedure using an elementary theory of determinants and does not rely on the inverse scattering transform method. We present two different expressions of the solution both of which are expressed as a ratio of determinants. We then investigate the properties of the solutions and find several new features. Specifically, we derive the formula for the phase shift caused by the collisions of bright solitons.

  11. Evolution of mixed surfactant aggregates in solutions and at solid/solution interfaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Rui

    Surfactant systems have been widely used in such as enhanced oil recovery, waste treatment and metallurgy, etc., in order to solve the problem of global energy crisis, to remove the pollutants and to generate novel energy resources. Almost all surfactant systems are invariably mixtures due to beneficial and economic considerations. The sizes and shapes of aggregates in solutions and at solid/solution interfaces become important, since the nanostructures of mixed aggregates determine solution and adsorption properties. A major hurdle in science is the lack of information on the type of complexes and aggregates formed by mixtures and the lack of techniques for deriving such information. Using techniques such as analytical ultracentrifuge, small angle neutron scattering, surface tension, fluorescence, cryo-TEM, light scattering and ultrafiltration, the nanostructures of aggregates of sugar based n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside (DM) and nonionic pentaethyleneglycol monododecyl ether or nonyl phenol ethoxylated decyl ether (NP-10) and their mixtures have been investigated to prove the hypothesis that the aggregation behavior is linked to packing of the surfactant governed by the molecular interactions as well as the molecular structures. The results from both sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium experiments suggest coexistence of two types of micelles in nonyl phenol ethoxylated decyl ether solutions and its mixtures with n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside while only one micellar species is present in n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside solutions, in good agreement with those from small angle neutron scattering, cryo-TEM, light scattering and ultrafiltration. Type I micelles were primary micelles at cmc while type II micelles were elongated micelles. On the other hand, the nanostructures of mixed surface aggregates have been quantitatively predicted for the first time using a modified packing index. As a continuation of the Somasundaran-Fuersteneau adsorption model, a

  12. Reference electrode for strong oxidizing acid solutions


    Rigdon, Lester P.; Harrar, Jackson E.; Bullock, Sr., Jack C.; McGuire, Raymond R.


    A reference electrode for the measurement of the oxidation-reduction potentials of solutions is especially suitable for oxidizing solutions such as highly concentrated and fuming nitric acids, the solutions of nitrogen oxides, N.sub.2 O.sub.4 and N.sub.2 O.sub.5, in nitric acids. The reference electrode is fabricated of entirely inert materials, has a half cell of Pt/Ce(IV)/Ce(III)/70 wt. % HNO.sub.3, and includes a double-junction design with an intermediate solution of 70 wt. % HNO.sub.3. The liquid junctions are made from Corning No. 7930 glass for low resistance and negligible solution leakage.

  13. Stability studies of oxytetracycline in methanol solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Wei; Wu, Nan; Yang, Jinghui; Zeng, Ming; Xu, Chenshan; Li, Lun; Zhang, Meng; Li, Liting


    As one kind of typical tetracycline antibiotics, antibiotic residues of oxytetracycline have been frequently detected in many environmental media. In this study, the stability of oxytetracycline in methanol solution was investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography combined with UV-vis (HPLC-UV). The results show that the stability of oxytetracycline in methanol solution is highly related to its initial concentration and the preserved temperature. Under low temperature condition, the solution was more stable than under room temperature preservation. Under the same temperature preservation condition, high concentrations of stock solutions are more stable than low concentrations. The study provides a foundation for preserving the oxytetracycline-methanol solution.

  14. Removal of uranium from aqueous HF solutions


    Pulley, Howard; Seltzer, Steven F.


    This invention is a simple and effective method for removing uranium from aqueous HF solutions containing trace quantities of the same. The method comprises contacting the solution with particulate calcium fluoride to form uranium-bearing particulates, permitting the particulates to settle, and separting the solution from the settled particulates. The CaF.sub.2 is selected to have a nitrogen surface area in a selected range and is employed in an amount providing a calcium fluoride/uranium weight ratio in a selected range. As applied to dilute HF solutions containing 120 ppm uranium, the method removes at least 92% of the uranium, without introducing contaminants to the product solution.

  15. Big Ideas and Small Solutions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tennant, Roy


    Small solutions solve discrete, well-bounded problems and can be pieces of larger solutions. They can move things forward by mixing and matching available components in new and previously unimagined ways. A number of innovations, which at first glance are completely unrelated, can come together and create important synergics. This article…

  16. Freezing point depression in model Lennard-Jones solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koschke, Konstantin; Jörg Limbach, Hans; Kremer, Kurt; Donadio, Davide


    Crystallisation of liquid solutions is of uttermost importance in a wide variety of processes in materials, atmospheric and food science. Depending on the type and concentration of solutes the freezing point shifts, thus allowing control on the thermodynamics of complex fluids. Here we investigate the basic principles of solute-induced freezing point depression by computing the melting temperature of a Lennard-Jones fluid with low concentrations of solutes, by means of equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. The effect of solvophilic and weakly solvophobic solutes at low concentrations is analysed, scanning systematically the size and the concentration. We identify the range of parameters that produce deviations from the linear dependence of the freezing point on the molal concentration of solutes, expected for ideal solutions. Our simulations allow us also to link the shifts in coexistence temperature to the microscopic structure of the solutions.

  17. Global stability and exact solution of an arbitrary-solute nonlinear cellular mass transport system.


    Benson, James D


    The prediction of the cellular state as a function of extracellular concentrations and temperatures has been of interest to physiologists for nearly a century. One of the most widely used models in the field is one where mass flux is linearly proportional to the concentration difference across the membrane. These fluxes define a nonlinear differential equation system for the intracellular state, which when coupled with appropriate initial conditions, define the intracellular state as a function of the extracellular concentrations of both permeating and nonpermeating solutes. Here we take advantage of a reparametrization scheme to extend existing stability results to a more general setting and to a develop analytical solutions to this model for an arbitrary number of extracellular solutes. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Blocked urinary catheters: solutions are not the only solution.


    Williams, Cath; Tonkin, Sharon


    The use of catheter maintenance solutions to manage clients whose catheters block has long been a subject for debate. An understanding of the causes of blockage, and awareness of appropriate management may reduce frequency of blockage and reduce unnecessary interruptions to a closed urinary drainage system.

  19. The exact solutions and approximate analytic solutions of the (2 + 1)-dimensional KP equation based on symmetry method.


    Gai, Litao; Bilige, Sudao; Jie, Yingmo


    In this paper, we successfully obtained the exact solutions and the approximate analytic solutions of the (2 + 1)-dimensional KP equation based on the Lie symmetry, the extended tanh method and the homotopy perturbation method. In first part, we obtained the symmetries of the (2 + 1)-dimensional KP equation based on the Wu-differential characteristic set algorithm and reduced it. In the second part, we constructed the abundant exact travelling wave solutions by using the extended tanh method. These solutions are expressed by the hyperbolic functions, the trigonometric functions and the rational functions respectively. It should be noted that when the parameters are taken as special values, some solitary wave solutions are derived from the hyperbolic function solutions. Finally, we apply the homotopy perturbation method to obtain the approximate analytic solutions based on four kinds of initial conditions.

  20. Benchmark problems and solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tam, Christopher K. W.


    The scientific committee, after careful consideration, adopted six categories of benchmark problems for the workshop. These problems do not cover all the important computational issues relevant to Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA). The deciding factor to limit the number of categories to six was the amount of effort needed to solve these problems. For reference purpose, the benchmark problems are provided here. They are followed by the exact or approximate analytical solutions. At present, an exact solution for the Category 6 problem is not available.

  1. Numerical Asymptotic Solutions Of Differential Equations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Thurston, Gaylen A.


    Numerical algorithms derived and compared with classical analytical methods. In method, expansions replaced with integrals evaluated numerically. Resulting numerical solutions retain linear independence, main advantage of asymptotic solutions.

  2. Spurious Numerical Solutions Of Differential Equations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lafon, A.; Yee, H. C.


    Paper presents detailed study of spurious steady-state numerical solutions of differential equations that contain nonlinear source terms. Main objectives of this study are (1) to investigate how well numerical steady-state solutions of model nonlinear reaction/convection boundary-value problem mimic true steady-state solutions and (2) to relate findings of this investigation to implications for interpretation of numerical results from computational-fluid-dynamics algorithms and computer codes used to simulate reacting flows.

  3. The Effect of Low-GDP Solution on Ultrafiltration and Solute Transport in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients

    PubMed Central

    Cho, Kyu-Hyang; Do, Jun-Young; Park, Jong-Won; Yoon, Kyung-Woo; Kim, Yong-Lim


    ♦ Background: Several studies have reported benefits for human peritoneal mesothelial cell function of a neutral-pH dialysate low in glucose degradation products (GDPs). However, the effects of low-GDP solution on ultrafiltration (UF), transport of solutes, and control of body water remain elusive. We therefore investigated the effect of low-GDP solution on UF, solute transport, and control of body water. ♦ Methods: Among 79 new continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients, 60 completed a 12-month protocol (28 in a lactate-based high-GDP solution group, 32 in a lactate-based low-GDP solution group). Clinical indices—including 24-hour UF volume (UFV), 24-hour urine volume (UV), residual renal function, and dialysis adequacy—were measured at months 1, 6, and 12. At months 1, 6, and 12, UFV, glucose absorption, 4-hour dialysate-to-plasma (D/P) creatinine, and 1-hour D/P Na+ were assessed during a modified 4.25% peritoneal equilibration test (PET). Body composition by bioelectric impedance analysis was measured at months 1 and 12 in 26 CAPD patients. ♦ Results: Daily UFV was lower in the low-GDP group. Despite similar solute transport and aquaporin function, the low-GDP group also showed lower UFV and higher glucose absorption during the PET. Factors associated with UFV during the PET were lactate-based high-GDP solution and 1-hour D/P Na+. No differences in volume status and obesity at month 12 were observed, and improvements in hypervolemia were equal in both groups. ♦ Conclusions: Compared with the high-GDP group, the low-GDP group had a lower UFV during a PET and a lower daily UFV during the first year after peritoneal dialysis initiation. Although the low-GDP group had a lower daily UFV, no difficulties in controlling edema were encountered. PMID:23284074

  4. The effect of low-GDP solution on ultrafiltration and solute transport in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients.


    Cho, Kyu-Hyang; Do, Jun-Young; Park, Jong-Won; Yoon, Kyung-Woo; Kim, Yong-Lim


    Several studies have reported benefits for human peritoneal mesothelial cell function of a neutral-pH dialysate low in glucose degradation products (GDPs). However, the effects of low-GDP solution on ultrafiltration (UF), transport of solutes, and control of body water remain elusive. We therefore investigated the effect of low-GDP solution on UF, solute transport, and control of body water. Among 79 new continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients, 60 completed a 12-month protocol (28 in a lactate-based high-GDP solution group, 32 in a lactate-based low-GDP solution group). Clinical indices--including 24-hour UF volume (UFV), 24-hour urine volume (UV), residual renal function, and dialysis adequacy--were measured at months 1, 6, and 12. At months 1, 6, and 12, UFV, glucose absorption, 4-hour dialysate-to-plasma (D/P) creatinine, and 1-hour D/P Na(+) were assessed during a modified 4.25% peritoneal equilibration test (PET). Body composition by bioelectric impedance analysis was measured at months 1 and 12 in 26 CAPD patients. Daily UFV was lower in the low-GDP group. Despite similar solute transport and aquaporin function, the low-GDP group also showed lower UFV and higher glucose absorption during the PET. Factors associated with UFV during the PET were lactate-based high-GDP solution and 1-hour D/P Na(+). No differences in volume status and obesity at month 12 were observed, and improvements in hypervolemia were equal in both groups. Compared with the high-GDP group, the low-GDP group had a lower UFV during a PET and a lower daily UFV during the first year after peritoneal dialysis initiation. Although the low-GDP group had a lower daily UFV, no difficulties in controlling edema were encountered.

  5. Lattice model for water-solute mixtures.


    Furlan, A P; Almarza, N G; Barbosa, M C


    A lattice model for the study of mixtures of associating liquids is proposed. Solvent and solute are modeled by adapting the associating lattice gas (ALG) model. The nature of interaction of solute/solvent is controlled by tuning the energy interactions between the patches of ALG model. We have studied three set of parameters, resulting in, hydrophilic, inert, and hydrophobic interactions. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations were carried out, and the behavior of pure components and the excess properties of the mixtures have been studied. The pure components, water (solvent) and solute, have quite similar phase diagrams, presenting gas, low density liquid, and high density liquid phases. In the case of solute, the regions of coexistence are substantially reduced when compared with both the water and the standard ALG models. A numerical procedure has been developed in order to attain series of results at constant pressure from simulations of the lattice gas model in the grand canonical ensemble. The excess properties of the mixtures, volume and enthalpy as the function of the solute fraction, have been studied for different interaction parameters of the model. Our model is able to reproduce qualitatively well the excess volume and enthalpy for different aqueous solutions. For the hydrophilic case, we show that the model is able to reproduce the excess volume and enthalpy of mixtures of small alcohols and amines. The inert case reproduces the behavior of large alcohols such as propanol, butanol, and pentanol. For the last case (hydrophobic), the excess properties reproduce the behavior of ionic liquids in aqueous solution.

  6. Transport of reacting solutes subject to a moving dissolution boundary: Numerical methods and solutions

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Willis, Catherine; Rubin, Jacob


    A moving boundary problem which arises during transport with precipitation-dissolution reactions is solved by three different numerical methods. Two of these methods (one explicit and one implicit) are based on an integral formulation of mass balance and lead to an approximation of a weak solution. These methods are compared to a front-tracking scheme. Although the two approaches are conceptually different, the numerical solutions showed good agreement. As the ratio of dispersion to convection decreases, the methods based on the integral formulation become computationally more efficient. Specific reactions were modeled to examine the dependence of the system on the physical and chemical parameters. Although the water flow rate does not explicitly appear in the equation for the velocity of the moving boundary, the speed of the boundary depends more on the flux rate than on the dispersion coefficient. The discontinuity in the gradient of the solute concentration profile at the boundary increases with convection and with the initial concentration of the mineral. Our implicit method is extended to allow participation of the solutes in complexation reactions as well as the precipitation-dissolution reaction. This extension is easily made and does not change the basic method.

  7. Exact solution of the hidden Markov processes.


    Saakian, David B


    We write a master equation for the distributions related to hidden Markov processes (HMPs) and solve it using a functional equation. Thus the solution of HMPs is mapped exactly to the solution of the functional equation. For a general case the latter can be solved only numerically. We derive an exact expression for the entropy of HMPs. Our expression for the entropy is an alternative to the ones given before by the solution of integral equations. The exact solution is possible because actually the model can be considered as a generalized random walk on a one-dimensional strip. While we give the solution for the two second-order matrices, our solution can be easily generalized for the L values of the Markov process and M values of observables: We should be able to solve a system of L functional equations in the space of dimension M-1.

  8. Exact solution of the hidden Markov processes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saakian, David B.


    We write a master equation for the distributions related to hidden Markov processes (HMPs) and solve it using a functional equation. Thus the solution of HMPs is mapped exactly to the solution of the functional equation. For a general case the latter can be solved only numerically. We derive an exact expression for the entropy of HMPs. Our expression for the entropy is an alternative to the ones given before by the solution of integral equations. The exact solution is possible because actually the model can be considered as a generalized random walk on a one-dimensional strip. While we give the solution for the two second-order matrices, our solution can be easily generalized for the L values of the Markov process and M values of observables: We should be able to solve a system of L functional equations in the space of dimension M -1 .

  9. Stability of tacrolimus solutions in polyolefin containers.


    Lee, Jun H; Goldspiel, Barry R; Ryu, Sujung; Potti, Gopal K


    Results of a study to determine the stability of tacrolimus solutions stored in polyolefin containers under various temperature conditions are reported. Triplicate solutions of tacrolimus (0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 mg/mL) in 0.9% sodium chloride injection or 5% dextrose injection were prepared in polyolefin containers. Some samples were stored at room temperature (20-25 °C); others were refrigerated (2-8 °C) for 20 hours and then stored at room temperature for up to 28 hours. The solutions were analyzed by stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay at specified time points over 48 hours. Solution pH was measured and containers were visually inspected at each time point. Stability was defined as retention of at least 90% of the initial tacrolimus concentration. All tested solutions retained over 90% of the initial tacrolimus concentration at all time points, with the exception of the 0.001-mg/mL solution prepared in 0.9% sodium chloride injection, which was deemed unstable beyond 24 hours. At all evaluated concentrations, mean solution pH values did not change significantly over 48 hours; no particle formation was detected. During storage in polyolefin bags at room temperature, a 0.001-mg/mL solution of tacrolimus was stable for 24 hours when prepared in 0.9% sodium chloride injection and for at least 48 hours when prepared in 5% dextrose injection. Solutions of 0.01 and 0.1 mg/mL prepared in either diluent were stable for at least 48 hours, and the 0.01-mg/mL tacrolimus solution was also found to be stable throughout a sequential temperature protocol. Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Solution properties and taste behavior of lactose monohydrate in aqueous ascorbic acid solutions at different temperatures: Volumetric and rheological approach.


    Sarkar, Abhijit; Sinha, Biswajit


    The densities and viscosities of lactose monohydrate in aqueous ascorbic acid solutions with several molal concentrations m=(0.00-0.08)molkg(-1) of ascorbic acid were determined at T=(298.15-318.15)K and pressure p=101kPa. Using experimental data apparent molar volume (ϕV), standard partial molar volume (ϕV(0)), the slope (SV(∗)), apparent specific volumes (ϕVsp), standard isobaric partial molar expansibility (ϕE(0)) and its temperature dependence [Formula: see text] the viscosity B-coefficient and solvation number (Sn) were determined. Viscosity B-coefficients were further employed to obtain the free energies of activation of viscous flow per mole of the solvents (Δμ1(0≠)) and of the solute (Δμ2(0≠)). Effects of molality, solute structure and temperature and taste behavior were analyzed in terms of solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions; results revealed that the solutions are characterized predominantly by solute-solvent interactions and lactose monohydrate behaves as a long-range structure maker. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Mechanical characterization of polymers and composites with a servohydraulic high-speed tensile tester

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Béguelin, Ph.; Barbezat, M.; Kausch, H. H.


    This study is concerned with the measurement of the mechanical behaviour of polymers and composites at intermediate strain rates. It illustrates with two examples, the application of a high speed servohydraulic testing machine and a newly designed optical extensometer. In the first part of the study, the dynamic nature of high speed tensile testing with servohydraulic apparatus is discussed, and a damping technique is proposed. In the second part, this technique has been applied to the measurement of the tensile properties of annealed and unannealed neat PEEK at strain rates between 3 × 10^{-2} and 2,4 × 10^2 s^{-1}. Both materials show increased yield stress and drawing stress with increasing strain rate. However, annealed specimens have been shown to exhibit superior mechanical properties. In the third part, mode I delamination tests have been performed on unidirectional IM6/PEEK composites at nominal strain rates between 1 × 10^{-6} and 8 × 10^{-1} s^{-1}. At the higher velocities the analysis is performed by means of FFT filtering. A moderate reduction in interlaminar fracture toughness was found with increasing loading rate. Cette étude aborde la mesure des propriétés mécaniques des polymères et composites soumis à des vitesses de déformation moyennes. Elle illustre au travers de deux exemples l'utilisation d'une machine d'essais servo-hydraulique à grande vitesse. Elle présente également un capteur optique d'extensométrie de conception nouvelle. Dans la première partie de l'étude, la nature vibratoire des essais de traction à vitesse élevée réalisés sur une machine servo-hydraulique est discutée, et une technique d'amortissement est proposée. Dans une deuxième partie, cette technique est appliquée à l'étude des propriétés en traction du PEEK non recuit et recuit dans le domaine des vitesses de déformation de 3 × 10^{-2} à 2,4 × 10^2 s^{-1}. Les résultats montrent un accroissement systématique de la contrainte au seuil

  12. Room-temperature NaI/H2O compression icing: solute-solute interactions.


    Zeng, Qingxin; Yao, Chuang; Wang, Kai; Sun, Chang Q; Zou, Bo


    In situ Raman spectroscopy revealed that transiting the concentrated NaI/H 2 O solutions to an ice VI phase and then into an ice VII phase at 298 K proceeds in a way different from that activated by the solute type. Unlike the solute type that raises both the critical pressures P C1 and P C2 , for the liquid-VI, the VI-VII transition simultaneously occurs in the Hofmeister series order: I > Br > Cl > F ∼ 0; concentration increase raises the P C1 faster than the P C2 that remains almost constant at higher NaI/H 2 O molecular number ratios. Concentration increase moves the P C1 along the liquid-VI phase boundary and it finally merges with P C2 at the triple-phase junction featured at 350 K and 3.05 GPa. The highly-deformed H-O bond is less sensitive to the concentration because of the involvement of anion-anion repulsion that weakens the electric field in the hydration shells. Observations confirm that the salt solvation lengthens the O:H nonbond and softens its phonon but relaxes the H-O bond contrastingly. Compression, however, has the opposite effect from that of salt solvation. Therefore, compression recovers the polarization-deformed O:H-O bond first and then proceeds to the phase transitions. The anion-anion interaction discriminates the effect of NaI/H 2 O concentration from that of the solute type at an identical concentration on the phase transitions.

  13. Chemical stability of oseltamivir in oral solutions.


    Albert, K; Bockshorn, J


    The stability of oseltamivir in oral aqueous solutions containing the preservative sodium benzoate was studied by a stability indicating HPLC-method. The separation was achieved on a RP-18 ec column using a gradient of mobile phase A (aqueous solution of 50 mM ammonium acetate) and mobile phase B (60% (v/v) acetonitrile/40% (v/v) mobile phase A). The assay was subsequently validated according to the ICH guideline Q2(R1). The extemporaneously prepared "Oseltamivir Oral Solution 15 mg/ml for Adults or for Children" (NRF 31.2.) according to the German National Formulary ("Neues Rezeptur-Formularium") was stable for 84 days if stored under refrigeration. After storage at 25 degrees C the content of oseltamivir decreased to 98.4%. Considering the toxicological limit of 0.5% of the 5-acetylamino derivative (the so-called isomer I) the solution is stable for 46 days. Oseltamivir was less stable in a solution prepared with potable water instead of purified water. Due to an increasing pH the stability of this solution decreased to 14 days. Furthermore a white precipitate of mainly calcium phosphate was observed. The addition of 0.1% anhydrous citric acid avoided these problems and improved the stability of the solution prepared with potable water to 63 days. Sodium benzoate was stable in all oral solutions tested.

  14. Non-ideal Solution Thermodynamics of Cytoplasm

    PubMed Central

    Ross-Rodriguez, Lisa U.; McGann, Locksley E.


    Quantitative description of the non-ideal solution thermodynamics of the cytoplasm of a living mammalian cell is critically necessary in mathematical modeling of cryobiology and desiccation and other fields where the passive osmotic response of a cell plays a role. In the solution thermodynamics osmotic virial equation, the quadratic correction to the linear ideal, dilute solution theory is described by the second osmotic virial coefficient. Herein we report, for the first time, intracellular solution second osmotic virial coefficients for four cell types [TF-1 hematopoietic stem cells, human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), porcine hepatocytes, and porcine chondrocytes] and further report second osmotic virial coefficients indistinguishable from zero (for the concentration range studied) for human hepatocytes and mouse oocytes. PMID:23840923

  15. Classes of exact Einstein Maxwell solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Komathiraj, K.; Maharaj, S. D.


    We find new classes of exact solutions to the Einstein Maxwell system of equations for a charged sphere with a particular choice of the electric field intensity and one of the gravitational potentials. The condition of pressure isotropy is reduced to a linear, second order differential equation which can be solved in general. Consequently we can find exact solutions to the Einstein Maxwell field equations corresponding to a static spherically symmetric gravitational potential in terms of hypergeometric functions. It is possible to find exact solutions which can be written explicitly in terms of elementary functions, namely polynomials and product of polynomials and algebraic functions. Uncharged solutions are regainable with our choice of electric field intensity; in particular we generate the Einstein universe for particular parameter values.

  16. Analytical solution for reactive solute transport considering incomplete mixing within a reference elementary volume

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chiogna, Gabriele; Bellin, Alberto


    The laboratory experiments of Gramling et al. (2002) showed that incomplete mixing at the pore scale exerts a significant impact on transport of reactive solutes and that assuming complete mixing leads to overestimation of product concentration in bimolecular reactions. Successively, several attempts have been made to model this experiment, either considering spatial segregation of the reactants, non-Fickian transport applying a Continuous Time Random Walk (CTRW) or an effective upscaled time-dependent kinetic reaction term. Previous analyses of these experimental results showed that, at the Darcy scale, conservative solute transport is well described by a standard advection dispersion equation, which assumes complete mixing at the pore scale. However, reactive transport is significantly affected by incomplete mixing at smaller scales, i.e., within a reference elementary volume (REV). We consider here the family of equilibrium reactions for which the concentration of the reactants and the product can be expressed as a function of the mixing ratio, the concentration of a fictitious non reactive solute. For this type of reactions we propose, in agreement with previous studies, to model the effect of incomplete mixing at scales smaller than the Darcy scale assuming that the mixing ratio is distributed within an REV according to a Beta distribution. We compute the parameters of the Beta model by imposing that the mean concentration is equal to the value that the concentration assumes at the continuum Darcy scale, while the variance decays with time as a power law. We show that our model reproduces the concentration profiles of the reaction product measured in the Gramling et al. (2002) experiments using the transport parameters obtained from conservative experiments and an instantaneous reaction kinetic. The results are obtained applying analytical solutions both for conservative and for reactive solute transport, thereby providing a method to handle the effect of

  17. Exact Closed-form Solutions for Lamb's Problem

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feng, Xi; Zhang, Haiming


    In this article, we report on an exact closed-form solution for the displacement at the surface of an elastic half-space elicited by a buried point source that acts at some point underneath that surface. This is commonly referred to as the 3-D Lamb's problem, for which previous solutions were restricted to sources and receivers placed at the free surface. By means of the reciprocity theorem, our solution should also be valid as a means to obtain the displacements at interior points when the source is placed at the free surface. We manage to obtain explicit results by expressing the solution in terms of elementary algebraic expression as well as elliptic integrals. We anchor our developments on Poisson's ratio 0.25 starting from Johnson's (1974) integral solutions which must be computed numerically. In the end, our closed-form results agree perfectly with the numerical results of Johnson (1974), which strongly confirms the correctness of our explicit formulas. It is hoped that in due time, these formulas may constitute a valuable canonical solution that will serve as a yardstick against which other numerical solutions can be compared and measured.

  18. Exact closed-form solutions for Lamb's problem

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feng, Xi; Zhang, Haiming


    In this paper, we report on an exact closed-form solution for the displacement at the surface of an elastic half-space elicited by a buried point source that acts at some point underneath that surface. This is commonly referred to as the 3-D Lamb's problem for which previous solutions were restricted to sources and receivers placed at the free surface. By means of the reciprocity theorem, our solution should also be valid as a means to obtain the displacements at interior points when the source is placed at the free surface. We manage to obtain explicit results by expressing the solution in terms of elementary algebraic expression as well as elliptic integrals. We anchor our developments on Poisson's ratio 0.25 starting from Johnson's integral solutions which must be computed numerically. In the end, our closed-form results agree perfectly with the numerical results of Johnson, which strongly confirms the correctness of our explicit formulae. It is hoped that in due time, these formulae may constitute a valuable canonical solution that will serve as a yardstick against which other numerical solutions can be compared and measured.

  19. Dielectric and structural properties of aqueous nonpolar solute mixtures.


    Shvab, I; Sadus, Richard J


    The dielectric properties and molecular structure of water mixtures with different nonpolar solutes (methane and noble gases) are studied using molecular dynamics. The water-water, water-solute, and solute-solute interactions are calculated using the combination of a polarizable potential [J. Li, Z. Zhou, and R. J. Sadus, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 154509 (2007)] for water plus the Lennard-Jones potential. The effect of solute size and concentration on the solubility of the system, hydrogen bonding, dielectric constant, and dipole moment are investigated over a temperature range of 278-750 K and solute percentage mole fractions up to 30%. Solute particles affect the structure of water, resulting in the compression of oxygen-oxygen and oxygen-hydrogen radial distribution functions. The influence of the solute extends both to relatively low concentrations and high temperatures. The coordination numbers of aqueous solutions of the nonpolar solutes appear to be proportional to the size of the solute particles. Our study shows the destructive influence of the nonpolar solute on both the tetrahedral water structure and hydrogen bond formation at solute concentrations greater than 30%. The presence of nonpolar particles typically decreases both the dielectric constant and dipole moment. The decrease of dielectric constant and water dipole moment is directly proportional to the solute concentration and temperature.

  20. Robinson-Trautman solution with scalar hair

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tahamtan, T.; Svítek, O.


    The explicit Robinson-Trautman solution with a minimally coupled free scalar field is derived and analyzed. It is shown that this solution contains curvature singularity, which is initially naked but later enveloped by the horizon. We use the quasilocal horizon definition and prove its existence in later retarded times using sub- and supersolution method combined with growth estimates. We show that the solution is generally of algebraic type II but reduces to type D in spherical symmetry.

  1. Solution-grown crystals for neutron radiation detectors, and methods of solution growth


    Zaitseva, Natalia; Carman, M Leslie; Payne, Steve


    An organic crystal according to one embodiment includes an organic crystal comprising diphenylacetylene and stilbene or a stilbene derivative, the crystal having physical characteristics of formation from solution, the organic crystal exhibiting a signal response signature for neutrons from a radioactive source. A system according to one embodiment includes an organic crystal comprising diphenylacetylene and stilbene or a stilbene derivative, the crystal having physical characteristics of formation from solution, the organic crystal exhibiting a signal response signature for neutrons from a radioactive source; and a photodetector for detecting the signal response of the organic crystal. Methods of making such crystals are also provided.

  2. 21 CFR 864.9400 - Stabilized enzyme solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Stabilized enzyme solution. 864.9400 Section 864... and Blood Products § 864.9400 Stabilized enzyme solution. (a) Identification. A stabilized enzyme... enzyme solutions include papain, bromelin, ficin, and trypsin. (b) Classification. Class II (performance...

  3. 21 CFR 864.9400 - Stabilized enzyme solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Stabilized enzyme solution. 864.9400 Section 864... and Blood Products § 864.9400 Stabilized enzyme solution. (a) Identification. A stabilized enzyme... enzyme solutions include papain, bromelin, ficin, and trypsin. (b) Classification. Class II (performance...

  4. Evaluation of taste solutions by sensor fusion

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kojima, Yohichiro; Sato, Eriko; Atobe, Masahiko

    In our previous studies, properties of taste solutions were discriminated based on sound velocity and amplitude of ultrasonic waves propagating through the solutions. However, to make this method applicable to beverages which contain many taste substances, further studies are required. In this study, the waveform of an ultrasonic wave with frequency of approximately 5 MHz propagating through a solution was measured and subjected to frequency analysis. Further, taste sensors require various techniques of sensor fusion to effectively obtain chemical and physical parameter of taste solutions. A sensor fusion method of ultrasonic wave sensor and various sensors, such as the surfacemore » plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor, to estimate tastes were proposed and examined in this report. As a result, differences among pure water and two basic taste solutions were clearly observed as differences in their properties. Furthermore, a self-organizing neural network was applied to obtained data which were used to clarify the differences among solutions.« less

  5. Electron Conduction in Organic Solutions

    DTIC Science & Technology


    solutions, both eq(3) and eq(4) are diffusion controlled reactions, in agreement with Geske and Maid’s polarographic study of NB 10 . The decrease in... Geske , D.H., Maki, A. H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1960, 82, 2671. 11. Keq is calculated using EI/2 values obtained in dilute solutions (ref. 10) for eq. (3) (El

  6. Water and solute absorption from carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions in the human proximal small intestine: a review and statistical analysis.


    Shi, Xiaocai; Passe, Dennis H


    The purpose of this study is to summarize water, carbohydrate (CHO), and electrolyte absorption from carbohydrate-electrolyte (CHO-E) solutions based on all of the triple-lumen-perfusion studies in humans since the early 1960s. The current statistical analysis included 30 reports from which were obtained information on water absorption, CHO absorption, total solute absorption, CHO concentration, CHO type, osmolality, sodium concentration, and sodium absorption in the different gut segments during exercise and at rest. Mean differences were assessed using independent-samples t tests. Exploratory multiple-regression analyses were conducted to create prediction models for intestinal water absorption. The factors influencing water and solute absorption are carefully evaluated and extensively discussed. The authors suggest that in the human proximal small intestine, water absorption is related to both total solute and CHO absorption; osmolality exerts various impacts on water absorption in the different segments; the multiple types of CHO in the ingested CHO-E solutions play a critical role in stimulating CHO, sodium, total solute, and water absorption; CHO concentration is negatively related to water absorption; and exercise may result in greater water absorption than rest. A potential regression model for predicting water absorption is also proposed for future research and practical application. In conclusion, water absorption in the human small intestine is influenced by osmolality, solute absorption, and the anatomical structures of gut segments. Multiple types of CHO in a CHO-E solution facilitate water absorption by stimulating CHO and solute absorption and lowering osmolality in the intestinal lumen.

  7. Heat capacity of alkanolamine aqueous solutions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chiu, L.F.; Li, M.H.


    Heat capacities of monoethanoloamine, diglycolamine, diethanolamine, di-w propanolamine, triethanolamine, N-methyldiethanolamine, 2-amino-2-methyl-l-propanol, and 2-piperidineethanol aqueous solutions were measured from 30 to 80 C with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The mole fractions of alkanolamines studied are 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. Heat capacities of N-methyldiethanolamine aqueous solutions have been measured to verify the validity of C{sub p} measurements for alkanolamine aqueous solutions. The estimated uncertainty of the measured heat capacities is {plus{underscore}minus}3%, including the effect of up to 5% impurities in a substance. An excess molar heat capacity expression using the Redlich-Kister equation for the composition dependence is used to representmore » the measured C{sub p} of alkanolamine aqueous solutions. For a total of 374 data points, the calculation results for eight alkanolamine solutions give the overall average absolute deviations of 11.9% and 0.29% for the excess molar heat capacity and the heat capacity, respectively. The heat capacities presented in this study are, in general, of sufficient accuracy for most engineering-design calculations. Solutions of alkanolamines are industrially important mixtures used in the natural gas industry, oil refineries, petroleum chemical plants, and synthetic ammonia plants for the removal of acidic components such as CO{sub 2} and H{sub 2}S from gas streams.« less

  8. 21 CFR 178.1005 - Hydrogen peroxide solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Hydrogen peroxide solution. 178.1005 Section 178... SANITIZERS Substances Utilized To Control the Growth of Microorganisms § 178.1005 Hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide solution identified in this section may be safely used to sterilize polymeric food...

  9. 21 CFR 178.1005 - Hydrogen peroxide solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Hydrogen peroxide solution. 178.1005 Section 178... SANITIZERS Substances Utilized To Control the Growth of Microorganisms § 178.1005 Hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide solution identified in this section may be safely used to sterilize polymeric food...

  10. 21 CFR 178.1005 - Hydrogen peroxide solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Hydrogen peroxide solution. 178.1005 Section 178... SANITIZERS Substances Utilized To Control the Growth of Microorganisms § 178.1005 Hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide solution identified in this section may be safely used to sterilize polymeric food...

  11. 21 CFR 178.1005 - Hydrogen peroxide solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2010-04-01 2009-04-01 true Hydrogen peroxide solution. 178.1005 Section 178... SANITIZERS Substances Utilized To Control the Growth of Microorganisms § 178.1005 Hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide solution identified in this section may be safely used to sterilize polymeric food...

  12. A Feminist Critique of Solution-Focused Therapy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dermer, Shannon B.; Hemesath, Crystal Wilhite; Russell, Candyce S.


    Applying the feminist critique to solution-focused therapy highlights the strengths and weaknesses of this model from a feminist perspective. Although solution-focused therapy and feminist approaches share an emphasis on competence and strengths, solution-focused theory tends to overlook gender and power differences. In general, the model falls…

  13. EDTA: a synthetic draw solute for forward osmosis.


    Lutchmiah, Kerusha; Post, Jan W; Rietveld, Luuk C; Cornelissen, Emile R


    The draw solution is the driving force of the forward osmosis (FO) process; however, the solute loss of the draw solute to the feed side is a general, financial limitation for most applications. The anthropogenic amino acid ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was investigated as a draw solution for FO. At concentrations of approximately 1.0 osmol/kg, EDTA demonstrated comparable water fluxes (Jv = 5.29 L/m(2) h) to the commonly used salt, NaCl (Jv = 4.86 L/m(2) h), and both produced better water fluxes than glucose (Jv = 3.46 L/m(2) h). EDTA showed the lowest solute loss with Js (reverse solute loss or solute leakage) = 0.54 g/m(2) h. The molecular weight, degree of ionisation and charge of EDTA played a major role in this efficiency and EDTA was therefore well rejected by the membrane, showing a low Js/Jv ratio of 0.10 g/L. Owing to the low solute loss of EDTA and its resistance to biodegradation, this compound has the potential to be used as a draw solute for FO during long periods without requiring much replenishment.

  14. Particlelike solutions of the Einstein-Dirac equations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Finster, Felix; Smoller, Joel; Yau, Shing-Tung


    The coupled Einstein-Dirac equations for a static, spherically symmetric system of two fermions in a singlet spinor state are derived. Using numerical methods, we construct an infinite number of solitonlike solutions of these equations. The stability of the solutions is analyzed. For weak coupling (i.e., small rest mass of the fermions), all the solutions are linearly stable (with respect to spherically symmetric perturbations), whereas for stronger coupling, both stable and unstable solutions exist. For the physical interpretation, we discuss how the energy of the fermions and the (ADM) mass behave as functions of the rest mass of the fermions. Although gravitation is not renormalizable, our solutions of the Einstein-Dirac equations are regular and well behaved even for strong coupling.

  15. Effect of Ternary Solutes on the Evolution of Structure and Gel Formation in Amphiphilic Copolymer Solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meznarich, Norman Anthony Kang

    Aqueous solutions of polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene-polyoxyethylene (PEO-PPO-PEO) amphiphilic triblock copolymers (commercially known as Pluronic surfactants) undergo reversible and temperature-dependent micellization and arrangement into cubic ordered lattices known as "micelle gels". The macroscopic behavior of the ordering is a transition from a liquid to a gel. While the phase behavior and gel structure of pure Pluronic surfactant solutions have been well studied, less is known about the effects of added ternary solutes. In this dissertation, a comprehensive investigation into the effects of the added pharmaceutical methylparaben on solutions of F127 ranging from 10 to 30 wt% was conducted in order to better understand the behavior of F127 in multicomponent pharmaceutical formulations. The viscoelastic properties of F127 gel formation were studied using rheometry, where heating rates of 0.1, 1, and 10 degrees C/min were also used to probe the kinetics of the gel transition. In solutions containing methylparaben, F127 gelation occurred at up to 15 degrees C lower temperatures and was accelerated by a factor of three to four. Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) was used to characterize the structure of the ordered domains, and how they were affected by the presence of dissolved pharmaceuticals. It was found that ordered domain formation changed from heterogeneous nucleation and growth to possible homogeneous nucleation and growth. A roughly 2% reduction in the cubic lattice parameter was also observed for solutions containing methylparaben. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) experiments were performed on a series of different Pluronic surfactants in order to characterize the micellization behavior as a function of PPO center block length and PEO/PPO ratio. Added methylparaben suppressed the micellization endotherm, the degree of suppression depending linearly on the amount of added methylparaben, as well as the length of the PPO center block and PEO

  16. Ion aggregation in high salt solutions. III. Computational vibrational spectroscopy of HDO in aqueous salt solutions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Choi, Jun-Ho; Lim, Sohee; Chon, Bonghwan

    The vibrational frequency, frequency fluctuation dynamics, and transition dipole moment of the O—D stretch mode of HDO molecule in aqueous solutions are strongly dependent on its local electrostatic environment and hydrogen-bond network structure. Therefore, the time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy the O—D stretch mode has been particularly used to investigate specific ion effects on water structure. Despite prolonged efforts to understand the interplay of O—D vibrational dynamics with local water hydrogen-bond network and ion aggregate structures in high salt solutions, still there exists a gap between theory and experiment due to a lack of quantitative model for accurately describing O—D stretch frequencymore » in high salt solutions. To fill this gap, we have performed numerical simulations of Raman scattering and IR absorption spectra of the O—D stretch mode of HDO in highly concentrated NaCl and KSCN solutions and compared them with experimental results. Carrying out extensive quantum chemistry calculations on not only water clusters but also ion-water clusters, we first developed a distributed vibrational solvatochromic charge model for the O—D stretch mode in aqueous salt solutions. Furthermore, the non-Condon effect on the vibrational transition dipole moment of the O—D stretch mode was fully taken into consideration with the charge response kernel that is non-local polarizability density. From the fluctuating O—D stretch mode frequencies and transition dipole vectors obtained from the molecular dynamics simulations, the O—D stretch Raman scattering and IR absorption spectra of HDO in salt solutions could be calculated. The polarization effect on the transition dipole vector of the O—D stretch mode is shown to be important and the asymmetric line shapes of the O—D stretch Raman scattering and IR absorption spectra of HDO especially in highly concentrated NaCl and KSCN solutions are in quantitative agreement with experimental

  17. Stabilisation de l'etat de polarisation d'un laser par la conception et fabrication d'un miroir polarisant fait de couches minces nanostructurees

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Doucet, Alexandre

    Ce manuscrit presente la conception et la fabrication d'un miroir polarisant fabrique avec la methode de deposition par incidence oblique communement appelee en anglais GLAD (GLancing Angle Deposition). Cette methode de deposition par GLAD permet de changer la nanostructure des revetements avec l'inclinaison et la rotation du substrat par rapport au flux de materiau evapore. Ceci nous permet d'ajuster l'indice de refraction et d'obtenir des revetements birefringents avec un materiau intrinsequement isotrope. Puisque l'indice de refraction peut etre change, les miroirs sont fabriques avec un seul materiau contrairement aux methodes usuelles qui necessite deux materiaux. Les proprietes optiques des echantillons sont mesurees avec l'aide de l'ellipsometrie. Des images avec un microscope electronique a balayage par transmission permettent de verifier Ia structure des revetements deposes. Les miroirs sont utilises comme coupleurs de sortie du resonateur d'un laser avec un milieu actif d'(Yb3+0.1 Y 0.9)3Al5O12, ou plus simplement Yb: YAG, pompe optiquement avec une diode laser. Ces cristaux presentent des proprietes optiques interessantes pour leur utilisation comme milieu actif, mais avec une structure cristalline cubique, ils donnent lieu a des faisceaux polarises aleatoirement. Les miroirs que nous fabriquons permettent d'obtenir une emission polarisee lineairement sans avoir a ajouter d'autres elements au resonateur. Les tests sont faits en regime continu et pulse avec un absorbant saturable de Cr : Y AG. Deux materiaux sont etudies, soit le WO3 et le TiO2, et ils nous permettent d'obtenir une emission polarisee lineairement dans le mode TEM 00 avec un rapport d'extinction de 1000 (30 dB), mais seuls les miroirs de TiO2 permettent une emission pulsee periodique avec une densite de puissance crete pres de 700+/-80 MW/cm2. En etudiant le rapport d'extinction en fonction du temps de pompage, nous remarquons que l'etat de polarisation est beaucoup plus stable que celui

  18. Rice solution and World Health Organization solution by gastric infusion for high stool output diarrhea.


    Mota-Hernández, F; Bross-Soriano, D; Pérez-Ricardez, M L; Velásquez-Jones, L


    We sought to determine the efficacy of three different types of treatment in children with acute diarrhea who, during the oral rehydration period, had high stool output (greater than 10 mL/kg per hour). Sixty-six children, aged 1 to 18 months, with an average stool output of 22.6 mL/kg per hour were randomly distributed into three groups: group 1 received a rice flour solution, group 2 received the World Health Organization rehydration solution by gastric infusion, and group 3 continued to receive this solution orally. In all three groups, a decrease in stool output was observed, with the higher decrease observed in group 1 patients. Such a decrease facilitated rehydration of all 22 patients in group 1 (100%) in 3.3 +/- 1.5 hours, 16 (73%) in group 2 in 4.3 +/- 2.1 hours, and 15 (69%) in group 3 in 4.9 +/- 2.0 hours. No complications were observed. These data indicate that the rice flour solution is effective in children with high stool output diarrhea.

  19. Sound Solutions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Starkman, Neal


    Poor classroom acoustics are impairing students' hearing and their ability to learn. However, technology has come up with a solution: tools that focus voices in a way that minimizes intrusive ambient noise and gets to the intended receiver--not merely amplifying the sound, but also clarifying and directing it. One provider of classroom audio…

  20. Some More Solutions of Burgers' Equation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumar, Mukesh; Kumar, Raj


    In this work, similarity solutions of viscous one-dimensional Burgers' equation are attained by using Lie group theory. The symmetry generators are used for constructing Lie symmetries with commuting infinitesimal operators which lead the governing partial differential equation (PDE) to ordinary differential equation (ODE). Most of the constructed solutions are found in terms of Bessel functions which are new as far as authors are aware. Effect of various parameters in the evolutional profile of the solutions are shown graphically and discussed them physically.

  1. Solution-Phase Processes of Macromolecular Crystallization

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Pusey, Marc L.; Minamitani, Elizabeth Forsythe


    We have proposed, for the tetragonal form of chicken egg lysozyme, that solution phase assembly processes are needed to form the growth units for crystal nucleation and growth. The starting point for the self-association process is the monomeric protein, and the final crystallographic symmetry is defined by the initial dimerization interactions of the monomers and subsequent n-mers formed, which in turn are a function of the crystallization conditions. It has been suggested that multimeric proteins generally incorporate the underlying multimers symmetry into the final crystallographic symmetry. We posed the question of what happens to a protein that is known to grow as an n-mer when it is placed in solution conditions where it is monomeric. The trypsin-treated, or cut, form of the protein canavalin (CCAN) has been shown to nucleate and grow crystals as a trimer from neutral to slightly acidic solutions. Under these conditions the solution is composed almost wholly of trimers. The insoluble protein can be readily dissolved by weakly basic solution, which results in a solution that is monomeric. There are three possible outcomes to an attempt at crystallization of the protein under monomeric (high pH) conditions: 1) we will obtain the same crystals as under trimer conditions, but at different protein concentrations governed by the self association equilibria; 2) we will obtain crystals having a different symmetry, based upon a monomeric growth unit; 3) we will not obtain crystals. Obtaining the first result would be indicative that the solution-phase self-association process is critical to the crystal nucleation and growth process. The second result would be less clear, as it may also reflect a pH-dependent shift in the trimer-trimer molecular interactions. The third result, particularly for experiments in the transition pH's between trimeric and monomeric CCAN, would indicate that the monomer does not crystallize, and that solution phase self association is not part

  2. 21 CFR 58.83 - Reagents and solutions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Reagents and solutions. 58.83 Section 58.83 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL GOOD... solutions. All reagents and solutions in the laboratory areas shall be labeled to indicate identity, titer...

  3. Electroosmotic flow hysteresis for dissimilar ionic solutions

    PubMed Central

    Lim, An Eng; Lam, Yee Cheong


    Electroosmotic flow (EOF) with two or more fluids is commonly encountered in various microfluidics applications. However, no investigation has hitherto been conducted to investigate the hysteretic or flow direction-dependent behavior during the displacement flow of solutions with dissimilar ionic species. In this investigation, electroosmotic displacement flow involving dissimilar ionic solutions was studied experimentally through a current monitoring method and numerically through finite element simulations. The flow hysteresis can be characterized by the turning and displacement times; turning time refers to the abrupt gradient change of current-time curve while displacement time is the time for one solution to completely displace the other solution. Both experimental and simulation results illustrate that the turning and displacement times for a particular solution pair can be directional-dependent, indicating that the flow conditions in the microchannel are not the same in the two different flow directions. The mechanics of EOF hysteresis was elucidated through the theoretical model which includes the ionic mobility of each species, a major governing parameter. Two distinct mechanics have been identified as the causes for the EOF hysteresis involving dissimilar ionic solutions: the widening/sharpening effect of interfacial region between the two solutions and the difference in ion concentration distributions (and thus average zeta potentials) in different flow directions. The outcome of this investigation contributes to the fundamental understanding of flow behavior in microfluidic systems involving solution pair with dissimilar ionic species. PMID:25945139

  4. Thermodynamic properties of potassium chloride aqueous solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zezin, Denis; Driesner, Thomas


    Potassium chloride is a ubiquitous salt in natural fluids, being the second most abundant dissolved salt in many geological aqueous solutions after sodium chloride. It is a simple solute and strong electrolyte easily dissociating in water, however the thermodynamic properties of KCl aqueous solutions were never correlated with sufficient accuracy for a wide range of physicochemical conditions. In this communication we propose a set of parameters for a Pitzer-type model which allows calculation of all necessary thermodynamic properties of KCl solution, namely excess Gibbs free energy and derived activity coefficient, apparent molar enthalpy, heat capacity and volume, as well as osmotic coefficient and activity of water in solutions. The system KCl-water is one of the best studied aqueous systems containing electrolytes. Although extensive experimental data were collected for thermodynamic properties of these solutions over the years, the accurate volumetric data became available only recently, thus making possible a complete thermodynamic formulation including a pressure dependence of excess Gibbs free energy and derived properties of the KCl-water liquids. Our proposed model is intended for calculation of major thermodynamic properties of KCl aqueous solutions at temperatures ranging from freezing point of a solution to 623 K, pressures ranging from saturated water vapor up to 150 MPa, and concentrations up to the salt saturation. This parameterized model will be further implemented in geochemical software packages and can facilitate the calculation of aqueous equilibrium for reactive transport codes.

  5. Ionic solutions of two-dimensional materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cullen, Patrick L.; Cox, Kathleen M.; Bin Subhan, Mohammed K.; Picco, Loren; Payton, Oliver D.; Buckley, David J.; Miller, Thomas S.; Hodge, Stephen A.; Skipper, Neal T.; Tileli, Vasiliki; Howard, Christopher A.


    Strategies for forming liquid dispersions of nanomaterials typically focus on retarding reaggregation, for example via surface modification, as opposed to promoting the thermodynamically driven dissolution common for molecule-sized species. Here we demonstrate the true dissolution of a wide range of important 2D nanomaterials by forming layered material salts that spontaneously dissolve in polar solvents yielding ionic solutions. The benign dissolution advantageously maintains the morphology of the starting material, is stable against reaggregation and can achieve solutions containing exclusively individualized monolayers. Importantly, the charge on the anionic nanosheet solutes is reversible, enables targeted deposition over large areas via electroplating and can initiate novel self-assembly upon drying. Our findings thus reveal a unique solution-like behaviour for 2D materials that enables their scalable production and controlled manipulation.

  6. VLBI-SLR Combination Solution Using GEODYN

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    MacMillan, Dan; Pavlis, Despina; Lemoine, Frank; Chinn, Douglas; Rowlands, David


    We would like to generate a multi-technique solution combining all of the geodetic techniques (VLBI, SLR, GPS, and DORIS) using the same software and using the same a priori models. Here we use GEODYN software and consider only the VLBI-SLR combination. Here we report initial results of our work on the combination. We first performed solutions with GEODYN using only VLBI data and found that VLBI EOP solution results produced with GEODYN agree with results using CALC/SOLVE at the 1-sigma level. We then combined the VLBI normal equations in GEODYN with weekly SLR normal equations for the period 2007-2008. Agreement of estimated Earth orientation parameters with IERS C04 were not significantly different for the VLBI-only, SLR-only, and VLBI+SLR solutions

  7. 21 CFR 173.325 - Acidified sodium chlorite solutions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Acidified sodium chlorite solutions. 173.325... § 173.325 Acidified sodium chlorite solutions. Acidified sodium chlorite solutions may be safely used in... solution of sodium chlorite (CAS Reg. No. 7758-19-2) with any generally recognized as safe (GRAS) acid. (b...

  8. Electrolyte Solutions and Specific Ion Effects on Interfaces

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Friedman, Ran


    Introductory general and physical chemistry courses often deal with colligative properties of solutions and do not discuss nonideal solutions in detail. Yet, a growing body of evidence reveals that even at physiological concentrations electrolyte solutions cannot be treated as ideal when a charged or partially charged solute (such as a protein) is…

  9. Exact solutions in 3D gravity with torsion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    González, P. A.; Vásquez, Yerko


    We study the three-dimensional gravity with torsion given by the Mielke-Baekler (MB) model coupled to gravitational Chern-Simons term, and that possess electric charge described by Maxwell-Chern-Simons electrodynamics. We find and discuss this theory's charged black holes solutions and uncharged solutions. We find that for vanishing torsion our solutions by means of a coordinate transformation can be written as three-dimensional Chern-Simons black holes. We also discuss a special case of this theory, Topologically Massive Gravity (TMG) at chiral point, and we show that the logarithmic solution of TMG is also a solution of the MB model at a fixed point in the space of parameters. Furthermore, we show that our solutions generalize Gödel type solutions in a particular case. Also, we recover BTZ black hole in Riemann-Cartan spacetime for vanishing charge.

  10. Magnétochiralité et résonances stochastiques dans les lasers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonnet, C.; Bretenaker, F.; Brunel, M.; Chauvat, D.; Emile, O.; Lai, N. D.; Le Floch, A.; Ropars, G.; Ruchon, T.; Singh, K.; Thépot, J.-Y.; Vallet, M.


    Les états propres d'un laser constituent un outil de choix pour étudier les différents rôles joués par le bruit dans un système. D'une part, si on veut isoler un effet petit difficilement accessible par les méthodes classiques, ces états propres permettent de réaliser des mesures différentielles de haute précision, à condition de pouvoir éliminer les bruits mécaniques, optiques, électroniques. A titre d'exemple, nous avons utilisé les états propageant et contrapropageant d'un laser ionique en anneau pour mesurer une interaction fondamentale faible: la biréfringence magnétochirale. Cette "biréfringence" se manifeste en effet par une petite variation d'indice selon le sens de parcours de l'anneau, de l'ordre de Δ n.10^{-11}, indépendante de la polarisation. A l'opposé, les deux états propres d'un laser du type Fabry-Perot constituent un système idéal pour explorer les résonances stochastiques à deux dimensions. Les résonances stochastiques par inhibition et par rotation sont isolées en présence de bruits blancs gaussiens tant pour les bruits optiques que magnétiques. L'utilisation possible de l'émission spontanée comme bruit actif est démontrée.

  11. Technology in rural transportation: "Simple Solutions"

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The Rural Outreach Project: Simple Solutions Report contains the findings of a research effort aimed at identifying and describing proven, cost-effective, low-tech solutions for rural transportation-related problems or needs. Through a process ...

  12. Equilibrium water and solute uptake in silicone hydrogels.


    Liu, D E; Dursch, T J; Oh, Y; Bregante, D T; Chan, S Y; Radke, C J


    Equilibrium water content of and solute partitioning in silicone hydrogels (SiHys) are investigated using gravimetric analysis, fluorescence confocal laser-scanning microscopy (FCLSM), and back extraction with UV/Vis-absorption spectrophotometry. Synthesized silicone hydrogels consist of silicone monomer, hydrophilic monomer, cross-linking agent, and triblock-copolymer macromer used as an amphiphilic compatibilizer to prevent macrophase separation. In all cases, immiscibility of the silicone and hydrophilic polymers results in microphase-separated morphologies. To investigate solute uptake in each of the SiHy microphases, equilibrium partition coefficients are obtained for two hydrophilic solutes (i.e., theophylline and caffeine dissolved in aqueous phosphate-buffered saline) and two oleophilic solutes (i.e., Nile Red and Bodipy Green dissolved in silicone oil), respectively. Measured water contents and aqueous-solute partition coefficients increase linearly with increasing solvent-free hydrophilic-polymer volume fraction. Conversely, oleophilic-solute partition coefficients decrease linearly with rising solvent-free hydrophilic-polymer volume fraction (i.e., decreasing hydrophobic silicone-polymer fraction). We quantitatively predict equilibrium SiHy water and solute uptake assuming that water and aqueous solutes reside only in hydrophilic microdomains, whereas oleophilic solutes partition predominately into silicone microdomains. Predicted water contents and solute partition coefficients are in excellent agreement with experiment. Our new procedure permits a priori estimation of SiHy water contents and solute partition coefficients based solely on properties of silicone and hydrophilic homopolymer hydrogels, eliminating the need for further mixed-polymer-hydrogel experiments. Copyright © 2015 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Cesium recovery from aqueous solutions


    Goodhall, C. A.


    A process for recovering cesium from aqueous solutions is given in which precipitation on zinc ferricyanide is used. The precipitation is preferably carried out in solutions containing at least 0.0004M zinc ferricyanide, an acidity ranging from 0.2N mineral acid to 0.61N acid deficiency, and 1 to 2.5M aluminum nitrate. (D.L.C.)

  14. 21 CFR 522.1610 - Oleate sodium solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Oleate sodium solution. 522.1610 Section 522.1610... Oleate sodium solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of sterile aqueous solution contains 50 milligrams of sodium oleate. (b) Sponsor. See No. 037990 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter. (c) Conditions of...

  15. 21 CFR 522.1610 - Oleate sodium solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Oleate sodium solution. 522.1610 Section 522.1610... Oleate sodium solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of sterile aqueous solution contains 50 milligrams of sodium oleate. (b) Sponsor. See No. 037990 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter. (c) Conditions of...

  16. Acid Solutions for Etching Corrosion-Resistant Metals

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Simmons, J. R.


    New study characterized solutions for etching austenitic stainless steels, nickel-base alloys, and titanium alloys (annealed). Solutions recommended for use remove at least 0.4 mil of metal from surface in less than an hour. Solutions do not cause intergranular attack on metals for which they are effective, when used under specified conditions.

  17. 21 CFR 522.1610 - Oleate sodium solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Oleate sodium solution. 522.1610 Section 522.1610... Oleate sodium solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of sterile aqueous solution contains 50 milligrams of sodium oleate. (b) Sponsor. See No. 037990 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter. (c) Conditions of...

  18. 46 CFR 153.1065 - Sodium chlorate solutions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Sodium chlorate solutions. 153.1065 Section 153.1065... Procedures § 153.1065 Sodium chlorate solutions. (a) No person may load sodium chlorate solutions into a... before loading. (b) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall make sure that spills of sodium chlorate...

  19. 46 CFR 153.1065 - Sodium chlorate solutions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Sodium chlorate solutions. 153.1065 Section 153.1065... Procedures § 153.1065 Sodium chlorate solutions. (a) No person may load sodium chlorate solutions into a... before loading. (b) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall make sure that spills of sodium chlorate...

  20. 21 CFR 522.1610 - Oleate sodium solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Oleate sodium solution. 522.1610 Section 522.1610... Oleate sodium solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of sterile aqueous solution contains 50 milligrams of sodium oleate. (b) Sponsor. See No. 037990 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter. (c) Conditions of...

  1. 46 CFR 153.1065 - Sodium chlorate solutions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 5 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Sodium chlorate solutions. 153.1065 Section 153.1065... Procedures § 153.1065 Sodium chlorate solutions. (a) No person may load sodium chlorate solutions into a... before loading. (b) The person in charge of cargo transfer shall make sure that spills of sodium chlorate...

  2. Recent Mascon Solutions from GRACE

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Yuan, Dah-Ning; Watkins, M. M.


    Mascon (mass concentration) solutions computed for entire land area of Earth with several variants from Jul. 2003 through Dec. 2005 Automated scripts developed, "pipeline" now in place. Solutions generally consistent with harmonics for large features but appear able to resolve and localize smaller features more cleanly. Greenland solutions generally consistent with areas of max ice mass loss in South, but mascons seem to clearly identify sub-regions of ice mass growth. May be amplified by mascon sensitivity and ground tracks. Irregular coverage, errors due to tides in Arctic or other leakage from nearby sources? Although mascons are technically 30+ years old, gravity/geodesy community has vastly more experience with harmonics and thus we are still learning the full advantages, limitations, and idiosyncrasies of mascons.

  3. Are dialysis adequacy indices independent of solute generation rate?


    Waniewski, Jacek; Debowska, Malgorzata; Lindholm, Bengt


    KT/V is by definition independent of solute generation rate. Alternative dialysis adequacy indices (DAIs) such as equivalent renal clearance (EKR), standard KT/V (stdKT/V), and solute removal index (SRI) are estimated as the ratio of solute mass removed to an average solute mass in the body or solute concentration in blood; both nominator and denominator in these formulas depend on the solute generation rate. Our objective was to investigate whether and under which conditions the alternative DAIs are independent of solute generation rate. By using general compartment modeling, we show that for the metabolically stable patient (in whom the solute generated during the dialysis cycle, typically, 1 week, is equal to the solute removed from the body), DAIs estimated for the dialysis cycle are in general independent of the average solute generation rate (although they may depend on the pattern of oscillations in the generation rate). However, the alternative adequacy parameters (such as EKR, stdKT/V, and SRI) may depend on solute generation rate for metabolically unstable patients.

  4. Nickel Nanocatalyst Ex-Solution from Ceria-Nickel Oxide Solid Solution for Low Temperature CO Oxidation.


    Singhania, Amit; Gupta, Shipra Mital


    In this work, in situ growth of Ni nanocatalysts to attach onto the ceria (CeO2) surface through direct Ni ex-solution from the NiO-CeO2 solid solution in a reducing atmosphere at high temperatures with an aim to improve the catalytic activity, and stability for low temperature carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation reaction have been reported. The NiO-CeO2 solid solutions were prepared by solution combustion method, and the results of XRD and RAMAN showed that doping of Ni increases the oxygen vacancies due to charge compensation. Ni is clearly visible in XRD and TEM of Ni ex-solved sample (R-UCe5Ni10) after reduction of NiO-CeO2 (UCe5Ni10) sample by 5% H2/Ar reduction at 1000 °C. TEM analysis revealed a size of 9.2 nm of Ni nanoparticle that is ex-solved on the surface CeO2. This ex-solved sample showed very high catalytic activity (T50 ~ 110 °C), and stability (100 h) for CO oxidation reaction as compared to prepared solid solution samples. This is due to the highly active metallic nano-phase which is ex-solved on the surface of CeO2 and strongly adherent to the support. The apparent activation energy Ni ex-solved sample is found out to be 48.4 kJ mol-1. Thus, the above Ni ex-solved sample shows a practical applicability for the CO reaction.

  5. Single crystals of metal solid solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Miller, J. F.; Austin, A. E.; Richard, N.; Griesenauer, N. M.; Moak, D. P.; Mehrabian, M. R.; Gelles, S. H.


    The following definitions were sought in the research on single crystals of metal solid solutions: (1) the influence of convection and/or gravity present during crystallization on the substructure of a metal solid solution; (2) the influence of a magnetic field applied during crystallization on the substructure of a metal solid solution; and (3) requirements for a space flight experiment to verify the results. Growth conditions for the selected silver-zinc alloy system are described, along with pertinent technical and experimental details of the project.

  6. Absence of solute drag in solidification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kittl, J. A.; Aziz, M. J.; Brunco, D. P.; Thompson, M. O.


    The interface response functions for alloy solidification were measured in the nondegenerate regime of partial solute trapping. We used a new technique to measure temperatures and velocities simultaneously during rapid solidification of Si-As alloys induced by pulsed laser melting. In addition, partition coefficients were determined using Rutherford backscattering. The results are in good agreement with predictions of the Continuous Growth Model without solute drag of M. J. Aziz and T. Kaplan [Acta Metall. 36, 1335 (1988)] and are inconsistent with all solute drag models.

  7. Reversible cluster formation in concentrated monoclonal antibody solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Godfrin, P. Douglas; Porcar, Lionel; Falus, Peter; Zarraga, Isidro; Wagner, Norm; Liu, Yun


    Protein cluster formation in solution is of fundamental interest for both academic research and industrial applications. Recently, industrial scientists are also exploring the effect of reversible cluster formation on biopharmaceutical processing and delivery. However, despite of its importance, the understanding of protein clusters at concentrated solutions remains scientifically very challenging. Using the neutron spin echo technique to study the short time dynamics of proteins in solutions, we have recently systematically studied cluster formation in a few monoclonal antibody (mAb) solutions and their relation with solution viscosity. We show that the existence of anisotropic attraction can cause the formation of finite sized clusters, which increases the solution viscosity. Interestingly, once clusters form at relatively low concentrations, the average size of clusters in solutions remains almost constant over a wide range of concentrations similar to that of micelle formation. For a different mAb we have also investigated, the attraction is mostly induced by hydrophobic patches. As a result, these mAbs form large clusters with loosely linked proteins. In both cases, the formation of clusters all increases the solution viscosity substantially. However, due to different physics origins of cluster formation, solutions viscosities for these two different types of mAbs need to be controlled by different ways.

  8. Numerical solution methods for viscoelastic orthotropic materials

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gramoll, K. C.; Dillard, D. A.; Brinson, H. F.


    Numerical solution methods for viscoelastic orthotropic materials, specifically fiber reinforced composite materials, are examined. The methods include classical lamination theory using time increments, direction solution of the Volterra Integral, Zienkiewicz's linear Prony series method, and a new method called Nonlinear Differential Equation Method (NDEM) which uses a nonlinear Prony series. The criteria used for comparison of the various methods include the stability of the solution technique, time step size stability, computer solution time length, and computer memory storage. The Volterra Integral allowed the implementation of higher order solution techniques but had difficulties solving singular and weakly singular compliance function. The Zienkiewicz solution technique, which requires the viscoelastic response to be modeled by a Prony series, works well for linear viscoelastic isotropic materials and small time steps. The new method, NDEM, uses a modified Prony series which allows nonlinear stress effects to be included and can be used with orthotropic nonlinear viscoelastic materials. The NDEM technique is shown to be accurate and stable for both linear and nonlinear conditions with minimal computer time.

  9. Some Interaction Solutions of a Reduced Generalised (3+1)-Dimensional Shallow Water Wave Equation for Lump Solutions and a Pair of Resonance Solitons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Yao; Chen, Mei-Dan; Li, Xian; Li, Biao


    Through Hirota bilinear transformation and symbolic computation with Maple, a class of lump solutions, rationally localised in all directions in the space, to a reduced generalised (3+1)-dimensional shallow water wave (SWW) equation are prensented. The resulting lump solutions all contain six parameters, two of which are free due to the translation invariance of the SWW equation and the other four of which must satisfy a nonzero determinant condition guaranteeing analyticity and rational localisation of the solutions. Then we derived the interaction solutions for lump solutions and one stripe soliton and the result shows that the particular lump solutions with specific values of the involved parameters will be drowned or swallowed by the stripe soliton. Furthermore, we extend this method to a more general combination of positive quadratic function and hyperbolic functions. Especially, it is interesting that a rogue wave is found to be aroused by the interaction between lump solutions and a pair of resonance stripe solitons. By choosing the values of the parameters, the dynamic properties of lump solutions, interaction solutions for lump solutions and one stripe soliton and interaction solutions for lump solutions and a pair of resonance solitons, are shown by dynamic graphs.

  10. Exposure to buffer solution alters tendon hydration and mechanics.


    Safa, Babak N; Meadows, Kyle D; Szczesny, Spencer E; Elliott, Dawn M


    A buffer solution is often used to maintain tissue hydration during mechanical testing. The most commonly used buffer solution is a physiological concentration of phosphate buffered saline (PBS); however, PBS increases the tissue's water content and decreases its tensile stiffness. In addition, solutes from the buffer can diffuse into the tissue and interact with its structure and mechanics. These bathing solution effects can confound the outcome and interpretation of mechanical tests. Potential bathing solution artifacts, including solute diffusion, and their effect on mechanical properties, are not well understood. The objective of this study was to measure the effects of long-term exposure of rat tail tendon fascicles to several concentrations (0.9-25%) of NaCl, sucrose, polyethylene glycol (PEG), and SPEG (NaCl+PEG) solutions on water content, solute diffusion, and mechanical properties. We found that with an increase in solute concentration the apparent water content decreased for all solution types. Solutes diffused into the tissue for NaCl and sucrose, however, no solute diffusion was observed for PEG or SPEG. The mechanical properties changed for both NaCl solutions, in particular after long-term (8h) incubation the modulus and equilibrium stress decreased compared to short-term (15min) for 25% NaCl, and the cross sectional area increased for 0.9% NaCl. However, the mechanical properties were unchanged for both PEG and SPEG except for minor alterations in stress relaxation parameters. This study shows that NaCl and sucrose buffer solutions are not suitable for long-term mechanical tests. We therefore propose using PEG or SPEG as alternative buffer solutions that after long-term incubation can maintain tissue hydration without solute diffusion and produce a consistent mechanical response. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Analytical solutions for solute transport in groundwater and riverine flow using Green's Function Method and pertinent coordinate transformation method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sanskrityayn, Abhishek; Suk, Heejun; Kumar, Naveen


    In this study, analytical solutions of one-dimensional pollutant transport originating from instantaneous and continuous point sources were developed in groundwater and riverine flow using both Green's Function Method (GFM) and pertinent coordinate transformation method. Dispersion coefficient and flow velocity are considered spatially and temporally dependent. The spatial dependence of the velocity is linear, non-homogeneous and that of dispersion coefficient is square of that of velocity, while the temporal dependence is considered linear, exponentially and asymptotically decelerating and accelerating. Our proposed analytical solutions are derived for three different situations depending on variations of dispersion coefficient and velocity, respectively which can represent real physical processes occurring in groundwater and riverine systems. First case refers to steady solute transport situation in steady flow in which dispersion coefficient and velocity are only spatially dependent. The second case represents transient solute transport in steady flow in which dispersion coefficient is spatially and temporally dependent while the velocity is spatially dependent. Finally, the third case indicates transient solute transport in unsteady flow in which both dispersion coefficient and velocity are spatially and temporally dependent. The present paper demonstrates the concentration distribution behavior from a point source in realistically occurring flow domains of hydrological systems including groundwater and riverine water in which the dispersivity of pollutant's mass is affected by heterogeneity of the medium as well as by other factors like velocity fluctuations, while velocity is influenced by water table slope and recharge rate. Such capabilities give the proposed method's superiority about application of various hydrological problems to be solved over other previously existing analytical solutions. Especially, to author's knowledge, any other solution doesn

  12. Ice Melting to Release Reactants in Solution Syntheses.


    Wei, Hehe; Huang, Kai; Zhang, Le; Ge, Binghui; Wang, Dong; Lang, Jialiang; Ma, Jingyuan; Wang, Da; Zhang, Shuai; Li, Qunyang; Zhang, Ruoyu; Hussain, Naveed; Lei, Ming; Liu, Li-Min; Wu, Hui


    Aqueous solution syntheses are mostly based on mixing two solutions with different reactants. It is shown that freezing one solution and melting it in another solution provides a new interesting strategy to mix chemicals and to significantly change the reaction kinetics and thermodynamics. For example, a precursor solution containing a certain concentration of AgNO 3 was frozen and dropped into a reductive NaBH 4 solution at about 0 °C. The ultra-slow release of reactants was successfully achieved. An ice-melting process can be used to synthesize atomically dispersed metals, including cobalt, nickel, copper, rhodium, ruthenium, palladium, silver, osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold, which can be easily extended to other solution syntheses (such as precipitation, hydrolysis, and displacement reactions) and provide a generalized method to redesign the interphase reaction kinetics and ion diffusion in wet chemistry. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Method for regeneration of electroless nickel plating solution


    Eisenmann, Erhard T.


    An electroless nickel(EN)/hypophosphite plating bath is provided employing acetic acid/acetate as a buffer and which is, as a result, capable of perpetual regeneration while avoiding the production of hazardous waste. A regeneration process is provided to process the spent EN plating bath solution. A concentrated starter and replenishment solution is provided for ease of operation of the plating bath. The regeneration process employs a chelating ion exchange system to remove nickel cations from spent EN plating solution. Phosphites are then removed from the solution by precipitation. The nickel cations are removed from the ion exchange system by elution with hypophosphorous acid and the nickel concentration of the eluate adjusted by addition of nickel salt. The treated solution and adjusted eluate are combined, stabilizer added, and the volume of resulting solution reduced by evaporation to form the bath starter and replenishing solution.

  14. Method for regeneration of electroless nickel plating solution


    Eisenmann, E.T.


    An electroless nickel(EN)/hypophosphite plating bath is provided employing acetic acid/acetate as a buffer and which is, as a result, capable of perpetual regeneration while avoiding the production of hazardous waste. A regeneration process is provided to process the spent EN plating bath solution. A concentrated starter and replenishment solution is provided for ease of operation of the plating bath. The regeneration process employs a chelating ion exchange system to remove nickel cations from spent EN plating solution. Phosphites are then removed from the solution by precipitation. The nickel cations are removed from the ion exchange system by elution with hypophosphorus acid and the nickel concentration of the eluate adjusted by addition of nickel salt. The treated solution and adjusted eluate are combined, stabilizer added, and the volume of resulting solution reduced by evaporation to form the bath starter and replenishing solution. 1 fig.

  15. Sucrose diffusion in aqueous solution

    PubMed Central

    Murray, Benjamin J.


    The diffusion of sugar in aqueous solution is important both in nature and in technological applications, yet measurements of diffusion coefficients at low water content are scarce. We report directly measured sucrose diffusion coefficients in aqueous solution. Our technique utilises a Raman isotope tracer method to monitor the diffusion of non-deuterated and deuterated sucrose across a boundary between the two aqueous solutions. At a water activity of 0.4 (equivalent to 90 wt% sucrose) at room temperature, the diffusion coefficient of sucrose was determined to be approximately four orders of magnitude smaller than that of water in the same material. Using literature viscosity data, we show that, although inappropriate for the prediction of water diffusion, the Stokes–Einstein equation works well for predicting sucrose diffusion under the conditions studied. As well as providing information of importance to the fundamental understanding of diffusion in binary solutions, these data have technological, pharmaceutical and medical implications, for example in cryopreservation. Moreover, in the atmosphere, slow organic diffusion may have important implications for aerosol growth, chemistry and evaporation, where processes may be limited by the inability of a molecule to diffuse between the bulk and the surface of a particle. PMID:27364512

  16. Development of a vinasse nutritive solution for hydroponics.


    dos Santos, José Darcy; Lopes da Silva, André Luís; da Luz Costa, Jefferson; Scheidt, Gessiel Newton; Novak, Alessandra Cristine; Sydney, Eduardo Bittencourt; Soccol, Carlos Ricardo


    Vinasse is a residue that originates from the distillation of fuel alcohol. However, it contains a relative amount of nutrients. The aim of this work was to develop a nutritive solution using vinasse and to compare it with a commercial solution for the cultivation of lettuce, watercress and rocket. Vinasse obtained from juice must was decanted and filtered, followed by chemical analyses of the nutrients. A nutritive solution composed of 10% vinasse supplemented with nutrients was in agreement with the results of the chemical analyses (a similar amount of Furlani's solution). Experiments were then performed in an NFT (Nutrient film technique) system. The treatments used the vinasse solution and a commercial solution constituted from a Yara Fertilizantes(®) product. The height of the aerial part and the number of leaves of the crops were evaluated at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days. In most crops, the results were very similar. The vinasse solution promoted a larger number of leaves in lettuce and the highest aerial part in watercress. For the rocket, there were no significant differences between the two solutions. In conclusion, a nutritive solution was developed using vinasse, and this solution provided suitable growth, which was higher in some cases, for the crops studied herein. This study shows the great potential of this technology as a rational alternative to vinasse disposal. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Effect of solution non-ideality on erythrocyte volume regulation.


    Levin, R L; Cravalho, E G; Huggins, C E


    A non-ideal, hydrated, non-dilute pseudo-binary salt-protein-water solution model of the erythrocyte intracellular solution is presented to describe the osmotic behavior of human erythrocytes. Existing experimental activity data for salts and proteins in aqueous solutions are used to formulate van Laar type expressions for the solvent and solute activity coefficients. Reasonable estimates can therefore be made of the non-ideality of the erythrocyte intracellular solution over a wide range of osmolalities. Solution non-ideality is shown to affect significantly the degree of solute polarization within the erythrocyte intracellular solution during freezing. However, the non-ideality has very little effect upon the amount of water retained within erythrocytes cooled at sub-zero temperatures.

  18. Diffusiophoresis in one-dimensional solute gradients

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ault, Jesse T.; Warren, Patrick B.; Shin, Sangwoo

    Here, the diffusiophoretic motion of suspended colloidal particles under one-dimensional solute gradients is solved using numerical and analytical techniques. Similarity solutions are developed for the injection and withdrawal dynamics of particles into semi-infinite pores. Furthermore, a method of characteristics formulation of the diffusion-free particle transport model is presented and integrated to realize particle trajectories. Analytical solutions are presented for the limit of small particle diffusiophoretic mobility Γ p relative to the solute diffusivity D s for particle motions in both semi-infinite and finite domains. Results confirm the build up of local maxima and minima in the propagating particle front dynamics.more » The method of characteristics is shown to successfully predict particle motions and the position of the particle front, although it fails to accurately predict suspended particle concentrations in the vicinity of sharp gradients, such as at the particle front peak seen in some injection cases, where particle diffusion inevitably plays an important role. Results inform the design of applications in which the use of applied solute gradients can greatly enhance particle injection into and withdrawal from pores.« less

  19. Flagellated bacterial motility in polymer solutions

    PubMed Central

    Martinez, Vincent A.; Schwarz-Linek, Jana; Reufer, Mathias; Wilson, Laurence G.; Morozov, Alexander N.; Poon, Wilson C. K.


    It is widely believed that the swimming speed, v, of many flagellated bacteria is a nonmonotonic function of the concentration, c, of high-molecular-weight linear polymers in aqueous solution, showing peaked v(c) curves. Pores in the polymer solution were suggested as the explanation. Quantifying this picture led to a theory that predicted peaked v(c) curves. Using high-throughput methods for characterizing motility, we measured v and the angular frequency of cell body rotation, Ω, of motile Escherichia coli as a function of polymer concentration in polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and Ficoll solutions of different molecular weights. We find that nonmonotonic v(c) curves are typically due to low-molecular-weight impurities. After purification by dialysis, the measured v(c) and Ω(c) relations for all but the highest-molecular-weight PVP can be described in detail by Newtonian hydrodynamics. There is clear evidence for non-Newtonian effects in the highest-molecular-weight PVP solution. Calculations suggest that this is due to the fast-rotating flagella seeing a lower viscosity than the cell body, so that flagella can be seen as nano-rheometers for probing the non-Newtonian behavior of high polymer solutions on a molecular scale. PMID:25468981

  20. Study of a Novel Method for the Thermolysis of Solutes in Aqueous Solution Using a Low Temperature Bubble Column Evaporator.


    Shahid, Muhammad; Xue, Xinkai; Fan, Chao; Ninham, Barry W; Pashley, Richard M


    An enhanced thermal decomposition of chemical compounds in aqueous solution has been achieved at reduced solution temperatures. The technique exploits hitherto unrecognized properties of a bubble column evaporator (BCE). It offers better heat transfer efficiency than conventional heat transfer equipment. This is obtained via a continuous flow of hot, dry air bubbles of optimal (1-3 mm) size. Optimal bubble size is maintained by using the bubble coalescence inhibition property of some salts. This novel method is illustrated by a study of thermal decomposition of ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3) and potassium persulfate (K2S2O8) in aqueous solutions. The decomposition occurs at significantly lower temperatures than those needed in bulk solution. The process appears to work via the continuous production of hot (e.g., 150 °C) dry air bubbles, which do not heat the solution significantly but produce a transient hot surface layer around each rising bubble. This causes the thermal decomposition of the solute. The decomposition occurs due to the effective collision of the solute with the surface of the hot bubbles. The new process could, for example, be applied to the regeneration of the ammonium bicarbonate draw solution used in forward osmosis.


    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Technical product bulletin: aka OIL SOLUTIONS POWDER, SPILL GREEN LS, this miscellaneous oil spill control agent used in cleanups initially behaves like a synthetic sorbent, then as a solidifier as the molecular microencapsulating process occurs.

  2. Aspheric Solute Ions Modulate Gold Nanoparticle Interactions in an Aqueous Solution: An Optimal Way to Reversibly Concentrate Functionalized Nanoparticles

    PubMed Central

    Villarreal, Oscar D; Chen, Liao Y; Whetten, Robert L; Demeler, Borries


    Nanometer-sized gold particles (AuNPs) are of peculiar interest because their behaviors in an aqueous solution are sensitive to changes in environmental factors including the size and shape of the solute ions. In order to determine these important characteristics, we performed all-atom molecular dynamics simulations on the icosahedral Au144 nanoparticles each coated with a homogeneous set of 60 thiolates (4-mercapto-benzoate, pMBA) in eight aqueous solutions having ions of varying sizes and shapes (Na+, K+, tetramethylamonium cation TMA+, trisamonium cation TRS+, Cl−, and OH−). For each solution, we computed the reversible work (potential of mean of force) to bring two nanoparticles together as a function of their separation distance. We found that the behavior of pMBA protected Au144 nanoparticles can be readily modulated by tuning their aqueous environmental factors (pH and solute ion combinations). We examined the atomistic details on how the sizes and shapes of solute ions quantitatively factor in the definitive characteristics of nanoparticle-environment and nanoparticle-nanoparticle interactions. We predict that tuning the concentrations of non-spherical composite ions such as TRS+ in an aqueous solution of AuNPs be an effective means to modulate the aggregation propensity desired in biomedical and other applications of small charged nanoparticles. PMID:26581232

  3. Aspheric Solute Ions Modulate Gold Nanoparticle Interactions in an Aqueous Solution: An Optimal Way To Reversibly Concentrate Functionalized Nanoparticles.


    Villarreal, Oscar D; Chen, Liao Y; Whetten, Robert L; Demeler, Borries


    Nanometer-sized gold particles (AuNPs) are of peculiar interest because their behaviors in an aqueous solution are sensitive to changes in environmental factors including the size and shape of the solute ions. In order to determine these important characteristics, we performed all-atom molecular dynamics simulations on the icosahedral Au144 nanoparticles each coated with a homogeneous set of 60 thiolates (4-mercaptobenzoate, pMBA) in eight aqueous solutions having ions of varying sizes and shapes (Na(+), K(+), tetramethylamonium cation TMA(+), tris-ammonium cation TRS(+), Cl(-), and OH(-)). For each solution, we computed the reversible work (potential of mean of force) to bring two nanoparticles together as a function of their separation distance. We found that the behavior of pMBA protected Au144 nanoparticles can be readily modulated by tuning their aqueous environmental factors (pH and solute ion combinations). We examined the atomistic details on how the sizes and shapes of solute ions quantitatively factor in the definitive characteristics of nanoparticle-environment and nanoparticle-nanoparticle interactions. We predict that tuning the concentrations of nonspherical composite ions such as TRS(+) in an aqueous solution of AuNPs be an effective means to modulate the aggregation propensity desired in biomedical and other applications of small charged nanoparticles.

  4. Concentration of perrhenate and pertechnetate solutions


    Knapp, F.F.; Beets, A.L.; Mirzadeh, S.; Guhlke, S.


    A method is described for preparing a concentrated solution of a carrier-free radioisotope which includes the steps of: (a) providing a generator column loaded with a composition containing a parent radioisotope; (b) eluting the generator column with an eluent solution which includes a salt of a weak acid to elute a target daughter radioisotope from the generator column in a first eluate; (c) eluting a cation-exchange column with the first eluate to exchange cations of the salt for hydrogen ions and to elute the target daughter radioisotope and a weak acid in a second eluate; (d) eluting an anion-exchange column with the second eluate to trap and concentrate the target daughter radioisotope and to elute the weak acid solution therefrom; and (e) eluting the concentrated target daughter radioisotope from the anion-exchange column with a saline solution. 1 fig.

  5. Concentration of perrhenate and pertechnetate solutions


    Knapp, Furn F.; Beets, Arnold L.; Mirzadeh, Saed; Guhlke, Stefan


    A method of preparing a concentrated solution of a carrier-free radioisotope which includes the steps of: a. providing a generator column loaded with a composition containing a parent radioisotope; b. eluting the generator column with an eluent solution which includes a salt of a weak acid to elute a target daughter radioisotope from the generator column in a first eluate. c. eluting a cation-exchange column with the first eluate to exchange cations of the salt for hydrogen ions and to elute the target daughter radioisotope and a weak acid in a second eluate; d. eluting an anion-exchange column with the second eluate to trap and concentrate the target daughter radioisotope and to elute the weak acid solution therefrom; and e. eluting the concentrated target daughter radioisotope from the anion-exchange column with a saline solution.

  6. Membrane separation for non-aqueous solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Widodo, S.; Khoiruddin; Ariono, D.; Subagjo; Wenten, I. G.


    Membrane technology has been widely used in a number of applications competing with conventional technologies in various ways. Despite the enormous applications, they are mainly used for the aqueous system. The use of membrane-based processes in a non-aqueous system is an emerging area. This is because developed membranes are still limited in separations involving aqueous solution which show several drawbacks when implemented in a non-aqueous system. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the current application of membrane processes in non-aqueous solutions, such as mineral oil treatment, vegetable oil processing, and organic solvent recovery. Developments of advanced membrane materials for the non-aqueous solutions such as super-hydrophobic and organic solvent resistant membranes are reviewed. In addition, challenges and future outlook of membrane separation for the non-aqueous solution are discussed.

  7. Irradiation effects on electrical properties of DNA solution/Al Schottky diodes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Al-Ta'ii, Hassan Maktuff Jaber; Periasamy, Vengadesh; Iwamoto, Mitsumasa


    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has emerged as one of the most exciting organic material and as such extensively studied as a smart electronic material since the last few decades. DNA molecules have been reported to be utilized in the fabrication of small-scaled sensors and devices. In this current work, the effect of alpha radiation on the electrical properties of an Al/DNA/Al device using DNA solution was studied. It was observed that the carrier transport was governed by electrical interface properties at the Al-DNA interface. Current ( I)-voltage ( V) curves were analyzed by employing the interface limited Schottky current equations, i.e., conventional and Cheung and Cheung's models. Schottky parameters such as ideality factor, barrier height and series resistance were also determined. The extracted barrier height of the Schottky contact before and after radiation was calculated as 0.7845, 0.7877, 0.7948 and 0.7874 eV for the non-radiated, 12, 24 and 36 mGy, respectively. Series resistance of the structure was found to decline with the increase in the irradiation, which was due to the increase in the free radical root effects in charge carriers in the DNA solution. Results pertaining to the electronic profiles obtained in this work may provide a better understanding for the development of precise and rapid radiation sensors using DNA solution.

  8. Treatment for hydrazine-containing waste water solution

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Yade, N.


    The treatment for waste solutions containing hydrazine is presented. The invention attempts oxidation and decomposition of hydrazine in waste water in a simple and effective processing. The method adds activated charcoal to waste solutions containing hydrazine while maintaining a pH value higher than 8, and adding iron salts if necessary. Then, the solution is aerated.

  9. Microheterogeneity in Frozen Protein Solutions

    PubMed Central

    Twomey, Alan; Kurata, Kosaku; Nagare, Yutaka; Takamatsu, Hiroshi; Aksan, Alptekin


    In frozen and lyophilized systems, the biological to be stabilized (e.g. therapeutic protein, biomarker, drug-delivery vesicle) and the cryo-/lyoprotectant should be co-localized for successful stabilization. During freezing and drying, many factors cause physical separation of the biological from the cryo-/lyoprotectant, called microheterogeneity (MH), which may result in poor stabilization efficiency. We have developed a novel technique that utilized confocal Raman microspectroscopy in combination with counter-gradient freezing to evaluate the effect of a wide range of freezing temperatures (−20 < TF < 0°C) on the MH generated within a frozen formulation in only a few experiments. The freezing experiments conducted with a model system (albumin and trehalose) showed the presence of different degrees of MH in the freeze-concentrated liquid (FCL) in all solutions tested. Mainly, albumin tended to accumulate near the ice interface, where it was physically separated from the cryoprotectant. In frozen 10 wt% trehalose solutions, heterogeneity in FCL was relatively low at any TF. In frozen 20 wt% trehalose solutions, the optimum albumin to trehalose ratio in the FCL can only be ensured if the solution was frozen within a narrow range of temperatures (−16 < TF < −10°C). In the 30 wt% trehalose solutions, freezing within a much more narrow range (−12 < TF < −10°C) was needed to ensure a fairly homogeneous FCL. The method developed here will be helpful for the development of uniformly frozen and stable formulations and freezing protocols for biological as MH is presumed to directly impact stability. PMID:25888798

  10. Quenching characteristics of bathocuproinedisulfonic acid, disodium salt in aqueous solution and copper sulfate plating solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koga, Toshiaki; Hirakawa, Chieko; Takeshita, Michinori; Terasaki, Nao


    Bathocuproinedisulfonic acid, disodium salt (BCS) is generally used to detect Cu(I) through a color reaction. We newly found BCS fluorescence in the visible blue region in an aqueous solution. However, the fluorescence mechanism of BCS is not well known, so we should investigate its fundamental information. We confirmed that the characteristics of fluorescence are highly dependent on the molecular concentration and solvent properties. In particular, owing to the presence of the copper compound, the fluorescence intensity extremely decreases. By fluorescence quenching, we observed that a copper compound concentration of 10-6 mol/L or less could easily be measured in an aqueous solution. We also observed BCS fluorescence in copper sulfate plating solution and the possibility of detecting monovalent copper by fluorescence reabsorption.

  11. Common stock solutions, buffers, and media.



    This collection of recipes describes the preparation of buffers and reagents used in Current Protocols in Pharmacology for cell culture, manipulation of neural tissue, molecular biological methods, and neurophysiological/neurochemical measurements. RECIPES: Acid, concentrated stock solutions Ammonium hydroxide, concentrated stock solution EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), 0.5 M (pH 8.0) Ethidium bromide staining solution Fetal bovine serum (FBS) Gel loading buffer, 6× LB medium (Luria broth) and LB plates Potassium phosphate buffer, 0.1 M Sodium phosphate buffer, 0.1 M TE (Tris/EDTA) buffer Tris⋅Cl, 1 M.

  12. Stabilization of polyaniline solutions through additives


    Wrobleski, D.A.; Benicewicz, B.C.


    A stabilized non-conductive polyaniline solution comprising from about 1 to about 10 percent by weight polyaniline or a polyaniline derivative, from about 90 to about 99 percent by weight N-methylpyrrolidone, and from about 0.5 percent by weight to about 15 percent by weight of a solution stabilizing additive selected from the group consisting of hindered amine light stabilizers, polymeric amines, and dialkylamines, percent by weight of additive based on the total weight of polyaniline or polyaniline derivative is provided together with a method for stabilizing a polyaniline solution. 4 figs.

  13. Stabilization of polyaniline solutions through additives


    Wrobleski, Debra A.; Benicewicz, Brian C.


    A stabilized non-conductive polyaniline solution comprising from about 1 to bout 10 percent by weight polyaniline or a polyaniline derivative, from about 90 to about 99 percent by weight N-methylpyrrolidone, and from about 0.5 percent by weight to about 15 percent by weight of a solution stabilizing additive selected from the group consisting of hindered amine light stabilizers, polymeric amines, and dialkylamines, percent by weight of additive based on the total weight of polyaniline or polyaniline derivative is provided together with a method for stabilizing a polyaniline solution.

  14. Radiolysis of aqueous solutions of thiamine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chijate, C.; Albarran, G.; Negron-Mendoza, A.


    The results of the radiolysis of aqueous solutions of thiamine (vitamin B 1) are presented. The yields for decomposition of thiamine and the product of radiolytic products were determined. The G values decrease as the dose increases. Some radiolytic products were identified. Decomposition of thiamine was slightly dependent on the presence of oxygen and on the pH of the solution. At pH 4.4 with a concentration of 2.5 × 10 -4 mol L -1 of thiamine in an oxygen free aqueous solution, the G 0 value for decomposition is 5.0.

  15. Stability of a novel corticosteroid nasal irrigation solution: betamethasone 17-valerate added to extemporaneously prepared nasal irrigation solutions.


    Ong, Kheng Yong; Lim, Wei Ching; Ooi, Shing Ming; Loh, Zhi Hui; Kong, Ming Chai; Chan, Lai Wah; Heng, Paul Wan Sia


    There are no commercially available nasal irrigation solutions containing corticosteroids. Instead, such preparations are extemporaneously prepared by adding existing corticosteroid formulations to nasal irrigation solutions. The stability of the corticosteroid betamethasone 17-valerate (B17V), in nasal irrigation solutions of different compositions and pH and stored under different temperatures, was studied to determine the optimal choice of solution and storage conditions. Triplicate extemporaneous preparations made with B17V were prepared by adding a predetermined volume of B17V lotion to each nasal irrigation solution: normal saline (NS), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3 ) powder dissolved in tap water, and a commercially available powder mixture (FLO Sinus Care Powder), dissolved in tap water or pre-boiled tap water. Preparations were stored at 30°C and 4°C. Sampling was carried out at 0, 1, 2, 6, and 24 hours. The concentrations of B17V and its degradation compound, betamethasone 21-valerate (B21V), were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Preparations stored at 30°C contained a lower amount of B17V and higher amount of B21V than those stored at 4°C. B17V stability in nasal irrigation solutions decreased in the following order: NS, FLO in fresh tap water, FLO in pre-boiled tap water, and NaHCO 3 . The degradation rate of B17V increased with higher storage temperature and higher pH. B17V is most stable when added to NS and least stable in NaHCO 3 solution. FLO solution prepared with either cooled boiled water or tap water is an alternative if administered immediately. Storage at 4°C can better preserve stability of B17V, over a period of 24 hours. © 2017 ARS-AAOA, LLC.

  16. Process for extracting technetium from alkaline solutions


    Moyer, Bruce A.; Sachleben, Richard A.; Bonnesen, Peter V.


    A process for extracting technetium values from an aqueous alkaline solution containing at least one alkali metal hydroxide and at least one alkali metal nitrate, the at least one alkali metal nitrate having a concentration of from about 0.1 to 6 molar. The solution is contacted with a solvent consisting of a crown ether in a diluent for a period of time sufficient to selectively extract the technetium values from the aqueous alkaline solution. The solvent containing the technetium values is separated from the aqueous alkaline solution and the technetium values are stripped from the solvent.

  17. Organic compatible solutes of halotolerant and halophilic microorganisms

    PubMed Central

    Roberts, Mary F


    Microorganisms that adapt to moderate and high salt environments use a variety of solutes, organic and inorganic, to counter external osmotic pressure. The organic solutes can be zwitterionic, noncharged, or anionic (along with an inorganic cation such as K+). The range of solutes, their diverse biosynthetic pathways, and physical properties of the solutes that effect molecular stability are reviewed. PMID:16176595

  18. Salting-out effect in aqueous NaCl solutions: trends with size and polarity of solute molecules.


    Endo, Satoshi; Pfennigsdorff, Andrea; Goss, Kai-Uwe


    Salting-out in aqueous NaCl solutions is relevant for the environmental behavior of organic contaminants. In this study, Setschenow (or salting-out) coefficients (K(s) [M(-1)]) for 43 diverse neutral compounds in NaCl solutions were measured using a shared headspace passive dosing method and a negligible depletion solid phase microextraction technique. The results were used to calibrate and evaluate estimation models for K(s). The molar volume of the solute correlated only moderately with K(s) (R(2) = 0.49, SD = 0.052). The polyparameter linear free energy relationship (pp-LFER) model that uses five compound descriptors resulted in a more accurate fit to our data (R(2) = 0.83, SD = 0.031). The pp-LFER analysis revealed that Na(+) and Cl(-) in aqueous solutions increase the cavity formation energy cost and the polar interaction energies toward neutral organic solutes. Accordingly, the salting-out effect increases with the size and decreases with the polarity of the solute molecule. COSMO-RS, a quantum mechanics-based fully predictive model, generally overpredicted the experimental K(s), but the predicted values were moderately correlated with the experimental values (R(2) = 0.66, SD = 0.042). Literature data (n = 93) were predicted by the calibrated pp-LFER and COSMO-RS models with root mean squared errors of 0.047 and 0.050, respectively. This study offers prediction models to estimate K(s), allowing implementation of the salting-out effect in contaminant fate models, linkage of various partition coefficients (such as air-water, sediment-water, and extraction phase-water partition coefficients) measured for fresh water and seawater, and estimation of enhancement of extraction efficiency in analytical procedures.



    Beederman, M.; Vogler, S.; Hyman, H.H.


    The separation of rathenium from a rathenium containing aqueous solution is described. The separation is accomplished by adding sodium nitrite, silver nitrate and ozone to the ruthenium containing aqueous solution to form ruthenium tetroxide and ihen volatilizing off the ruthenium tetroxide.

  20. Chemical evaluation of soil-solution in acid forest soils

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Lawrence, G.B.; David, M.B.


    Soil-solution chemistry is commonly studied in forests through the use of soil lysimeters.This approach is impractical for regional survey studies, however, because lysimeter installation and operation is expensive and time consuming. To address these problems, a new technique was developed to compare soil-solution chemistry among red spruce stands in New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine. Soil solutions were expelled by positive air pressure from soil that had been placed in a sealed cylinder. Before the air pressure was applied, a solution chemically similar to throughfall was added to the soil to bring it to approximate field capacity. After the solution sample was expelled, the soil was removed from the cylinder and chemically analyzed. The method was tested with homogenized Oa and Bs horizon soils collected from a red spruce stand in the Adirondack Mountains of New York, a red spruce stand in east-central Vermont, and a mixed hardwood stand in the Catskill Mountains of New York. Reproducibility, effects of varying the reaction time between adding throughfall and expelling soil solution (5-65 minutes) and effects of varying the chemical composition of added throughfall, were evaluated. In general, results showed that (i) the method was reproducible (coefficients of variation were generally < 15%), (ii) variations in the length of reaction-time did not affect expelled solution concentrations, and (iii) adding and expelling solution did not cause detectable changes in soil exchange chemistry. Concentrations of expelled solutions varied with the concentrations of added throughfall; the lower the CEC, the more sensitive expelled solution concentrations were to the chemical concentrations of added throughfall. Addition of a tracer (NaBr) showed that the expelled solution was a mixture of added solution and solution that preexisted in the soil. Comparisons of expelled solution concentrations with concentrations of soil solutions collected by zero-tension and

  1. Silicon oxidation in fluoride solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sancier, K. M.; Kapur, V.


    Silicon is produced in a NaF, Na2SiF6, and Na matrix when SiF4 is reduced by metallic sodium. Hydrogen is evolved during acid leaching to separate the silicon from the accompanying reaction products, NaF and Na2SiF6. The hydrogen evolution reaction was studied under conditions simulating leaching conditions by making suspensions of the dry silicon powder in aqueous fluoride solutions. The mechanism for the hydrogen evolution is discussed in terms of spontaneous oxidation of silicon resulting from the cooperative effects of (1) elemental sodium in the silicon that reacts with water to remove a protective silica layer, leaving clean reactive silicon, and (2) fluoride in solution that complexes with the oxidized silicon in solution and retards formation of a protective hydrous oxide gel.

  2. Polymer solutions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Krawczyk, Gerhard Erich; Miller, Kevin Michael


    There is provided a method of making a polymer solution comprising polymerizing one or more monomer in a solvent, wherein said monomer comprises one or more ethylenically unsaturated monomer that is a multi-functional Michael donor, and wherein said solvent comprises 40% or more by weight, based on the weight of said solvent, one or more multi-functional Michael donor.

  3. Exact solutions of massive gravity in three dimensions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chakhad, Mohamed

    In recent years, there has been an upsurge in interest in three-dimensional theories of gravity. In particular, two theories of massive gravity in three dimensions hold strong promise in the search for fully consistent theories of quantum gravity, an understanding of which will shed light on the problems of quantum gravity in four dimensions. One of these theories is the "old" third-order theory of topologically massive gravity (TMG) and the other one is a "new" fourth-order theory of massive gravity (NMG). Despite this increase in research activity, the problem of finding and classifying solutions of TMG and NMG remains a wide open area of research. In this thesis, we provide explicit new solutions of massive gravity in three dimensions and suggest future directions of research. These solutions belong to the Kundt class of spacetimes. A systematic analysis of the Kundt solutions with constant scalar polynomial curvature invariants provides a glimpse of the structure of the spaces of solutions of the two theories of massive gravity. We also find explicit solutions of topologically massive gravity whose scalar polynomial curvature invariants are not all constant, and these are the first such solutions. A number of properties of Kundt solutions of TMG and NMG, such as an identification of solutions which lie at the intersection of the full nonlinear and linearized theories, are also derived.

  4. Unit-Dose Bags For Formulating Intravenous Solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Finley, Mike; Kipp, Jim; Scharf, Mike; Packard, Jeff; Owens, Jim


    Smaller unit-dose flowthrough bags devised for use with large-volume parenteral (LVP) bags in preparing sterile intravenous solutions. Premeasured amount of solute stored in such unit-dose bag flushed by predetermined amount of water into LVP bag. Relatively small number of LVP bags used in conjunction with smaller unit-dose bags to formulate large number of LVP intravenous solutions in nonsterile environment.

  5. Effect of garlic solution to Bacillus sp. removal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zainol, N.; Rahim, S. R.


    Biofilm is a microbial derived sessile community characterized by cells that are irreversibly attached to a substratum or interface to each other, embedded in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances that they have produced. Bacillus sp. was used as biofilm model in this study. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Garlic solution in term of ratio of water and Garlic solution (W/G) and ratio of Garlic solution to Bacillus sp. (GS/B) on Bacillus sp removal. Garlic solution was used to remove Bacillus sp. In this study, Garlic solution was prepared by crushing the garlic and mixed it with water. the Garlic solution was added into Bacillus sp. mixture and mixed well. The mixture then was spread on nutrient agar. The Bacillus sp. weight on agar plate was measured by using dry weight measurement method. In this study, initially Garlic solution volume and Garlic solution concentration were studied using one factor at time (OFAT). Later two-level-factorial analysis was done to determine the most contributing factor in Bacillus sp. removal. Design Expert software (Version 7) was used to construct experimental table where all the factors were randomized. Bacilus sp removal was ranging between 42.13% to 99.6%. The analysis of the results showed that at W/G of 1:1, Bacillus sp. removal increased when more Garlic solution was added to Bacillus sp. Effect of Garlic solution to Bacillus sp. will be understood which in turn may be beneficial for the industrial purpose.

  6. Electrodialytic in-line preconcentration for ionic solute analysis.


    Ohira, Shin-Ichi; Yamasaki, Takayuki; Koda, Takumi; Kodama, Yuko; Toda, Kei


    Preconcentration is an effective way to improve analytical sensitivity. Many types of methods are used for enrichment of ionic solute analytes. However, current methods are batchwise and include procedures such as trapping and elution. In this manuscript, we propose in-line electrodialytic enrichment of ionic solutes. The method can enrich ionic solutes within seconds by quantitative transfer of analytes from the sample solution to the acceptor solution under an electric field. Because of quantitative ion transfer, the enrichment factor (the ratio of the concentration in the sample and to that in the obtained acceptor solution) only depends on the flow rate ratio of the sample solution to the acceptor solution. The ratios of the concentrations and flow rates are equal for ratios up to 70, 20, and 70 for the tested ionic solutes of inorganic cations, inorganic anions, and heavy metal ions, respectively. The sensitivity of ionic solute determinations is also improved based on the enrichment factor. The method can also simultaneously achieve matrix isolation and enrichment. The method was successively applied to determine the concentrations of trace amounts of chloroacetic acids in tap water. The regulated concentration levels cannot be determined by conventional high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV) without enrichment. However, enrichment with the present method is effective for determination of tap water quality by improving the limits of detection of HPLC-UV. The standard addition test with real tap water samples shows good recoveries (94.9-109.6%). Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Solution Kinetics Database on the Web

    National Institute of Standards and Technology Data Gateway

    SRD 40 NDRL/NIST Solution Kinetics Database on the Web (Web, free access)   Data for free radical processes involving primary radicals from water, inorganic radicals and carbon-centered radicals in solution, and singlet oxygen and organic peroxyl radicals in various solvents.

  8. Selected specific rates of reactions of transients from water in aqueous solution. Hydrated electron, supplemental data. [Reactions with transients from water, with inorganic solutes, and with solutes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ross, A.B.


    A compilation of rates of reactions of hydrated electrons with other transients and with organic and inorganic solutes in aqueous solution appeared in NSRDS-NBS 43, and covered the literature up to early 1971. This supplement includes additional rates which have been published through July 1973.

  9. Pinching solutions of slender cylindrical jets

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Papageorgiou, Demetrios T.; Orellana, Oscar


    Simplified equations for slender jets are derived for a circular jet of one fluid flowing into an ambient second fluid, the flow being confined in a circular tank. Inviscid flows are studied which include both surface tension effects and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. For slender jets a coupled nonlinear system of equations is found for the jet shape and the axial velocity jump across it. The equations can break down after a finite time and similarity solutions are constructed, and studied analytically and numerically. The break-ups found pertain to the jet pinching after a finite time, without violation of the slender jet ansatz. The system is conservative and admissible singular solutions are those which conserve the total energy, mass, and momentum. Such solutions are constructed analytically and numerically, and in the case of vortex sheets with no surface tension certain solutions are given in closed form.

  10. Automated MAD and MIR structure solution

    PubMed Central

    Terwilliger, Thomas C.; Berendzen, Joel


    Obtaining an electron-density map from X-ray diffraction data can be difficult and time-consuming even after the data have been collected, largely because MIR and MAD structure determinations currently require many subjective evaluations of the qualities of trial heavy-atom partial structures before a correct heavy-atom solution is obtained. A set of criteria for evaluating the quality of heavy-atom partial solutions in macromolecular crystallography have been developed. These have allowed the conversion of the crystal structure-solution process into an optimization problem and have allowed its automation. The SOLVE software has been used to solve MAD data sets with as many as 52 selenium sites in the asymmetric unit. The automated structure-solution process developed is a major step towards the fully automated structure-determination, model-building and refinement procedure which is needed for genomic scale structure determinations. PMID:10089316

  11. Processing Solutions for Big Data in Astronomy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fillatre, L.; Lepiller, D.


    This paper gives a simple introduction to processing solutions applied to massive amounts of data. It proposes a general presentation of the Big Data paradigm. The Hadoop framework, which is considered as the pioneering processing solution for Big Data, is described together with YARN, the integrated Hadoop tool for resource allocation. This paper also presents the main tools for the management of both the storage (NoSQL solutions) and computing capacities (MapReduce parallel processing schema) of a cluster of machines. Finally, more recent processing solutions like Spark are discussed. Big Data frameworks are now able to run complex applications while keeping the programming simple and greatly improving the computing speed.

  12. Constructing analytic solutions on the Tricomi equation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghiasi, Emran Khoshrouye; Saleh, Reza


    In this paper, homotopy analysis method (HAM) and variational iteration method (VIM) are utilized to derive the approximate solutions of the Tricomi equation. Afterwards, the HAM is optimized to accelerate the convergence of the series solution by minimizing its square residual error at any order of the approximation. It is found that effect of the optimal values of auxiliary parameter on the convergence of the series solution is not negligible. Furthermore, the present results are found to agree well with those obtained through a closed-form equation available in the literature. To conclude, it is seen that the two are effective to achieve the solution of the partial differential equations.

  13. Solving Solutions: Exploring Unknowns through Chemistry.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Burns, John; Yoshina, Granville; Goodding, Debbie; Streitberger, Eric


    Presents a chemistry activity that introduces students to one type of chemical bond by developing the integer operation concept of zero pairs. Leads to an activity of combining drops of 0.3 molar solutions to form six different colored precipitates from five solutions. (ASK)

  14. Sclerotherapy with tetracycline solution for hydrocele.


    Hu, K N; Khan, A S; Gonder, M


    A study of sclerotherapy for hydrocele using different concentrations (10%, 5%, 2.5%) for tetracycline solution was done on 24 patients, 23 patients were cured. The effectiveness of sclerotherapy was the same for the three groups of patients with use of each different concentration of the solution. Pain was the only adverse effect. Nonspecific cellular foreign body reaction and fibrin strand proliferation were observed in the hydrocele fluid after this procedure. We consider sclerotherapy for hydrocele with tetracycline solution safe and the procedure of choice for patients in whom surgery or anesthesia is contraindicated, for patients who refuse surgery, and for economic reasons.

  15. Analytic solutions in nonlinear massive gravity.


    Koyama, Kazuya; Niz, Gustavo; Tasinato, Gianmassimo


    We study spherically symmetric solutions in a covariant massive gravity model, which is a candidate for a ghost-free nonlinear completion of the Fierz-Pauli theory. There is a branch of solutions that exhibits the Vainshtein mechanism, recovering general relativity below a Vainshtein radius given by (r(g)m(2))(1/3), where m is the graviton mass and r(g) is the Schwarzschild radius of a matter source. Another branch of exact solutions exists, corresponding to de Sitter-Schwarzschild spacetimes where the curvature scale of de Sitter space is proportional to the mass squared of the graviton.

  16. Novel third-order Lovelock wormhole solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mehdizadeh, Mohammad Reza; Lobo, Francisco S. N.


    In this work, we consider wormhole geometries in third-order Lovelock gravity and investigate the possibility that these solutions satisfy the energy conditions. In this framework, by applying a specific equation of state, we obtain exact wormhole solutions, and by imposing suitable values for the parameters of the theory, we find that these geometries satisfy the weak energy condition in the vicinity of the throat, due to the presence of higher-order curvature terms. Finally, we trace out a numerical analysis, by assuming a specific redshift function, and find asymptotically flat solutions that satisfy the weak energy condition throughout the spacetime.

  17. Archival storage solutions for PACS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chunn, Timothy


    While they are many, one of the inhibitors to the wide spread diffusion of PACS systems has been robust, cost effective digital archive storage solutions. Moreover, an automated Nearline solution is key to a central, sharable data repository, enabling many applications such as PACS, telemedicine and teleradiology, and information warehousing and data mining for research such as patient outcome analysis. Selecting the right solution depends on a number of factors: capacity requirements, write and retrieval performance requirements, scaleability in capacity and performance, configuration architecture and flexibility, subsystem availability and reliability, security requirements, system cost, achievable benefits and cost savings, investment protection, strategic fit and more.This paper addresses many of these issues. It compares and positions optical disk and magnetic tape technologies, which are the predominant archive mediums today. Price and performance comparisons will be made at different archive capacities, plus the effect of file size on storage system throughput will be analyzed. The concept of automated migration of images from high performance, high cost storage devices to high capacity, low cost storage devices will be introduced as a viable way to minimize overall storage costs for an archive. The concept of access density will also be introduced and applied to the selection of the most cost effective archive solution.

  18. Analytical solutions of the one-dimensional advection-dispersion solute transport equation subject to time-dependent boundary conditions

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Analytical solutions of the advection-dispersion solute transport equation remain useful for a large number of applications in science and engineering. In this paper we extend the Duhamel theorem, originally established for diffusion type problems, to the case of advective-dispersive transport subj...

  19. End-Member Formulation of Solid Solutions and Reactive Transport

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lichtner, Peter C.


    A model for incorporating solid solutions into reactive transport equations is presented based on an end-member representation. Reactive transport equations are solved directly for the composition and bulk concentration of the solid solution. Reactions of a solid solution with an aqueous solution are formulated in terms of an overall stoichiometric reaction corresponding to a time-varying composition and exchange reactions, equivalent to reaction end-members. Reaction rates are treated kinetically using a transition state rate law for the overall reaction and a pseudo-kinetic rate law for exchange reactions. The composition of the solid solution at the onset of precipitation is assumed tomore » correspond to the least soluble composition, equivalent to the composition at equilibrium. The stoichiometric saturation determines if the solid solution is super-saturated with respect to the aqueous solution. The method is implemented for a simple prototype batch reactor using Mathematica for a binary solid solution. Finally, the sensitivity of the results on the kinetic rate constant for a binary solid solution is investigated for reaction of an initially stoichiometric solid phase with an undersaturated aqueous solution.« less

  20. Demonstration of FRET in solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shah, Sunil; Gryczynski, Zygmunt; Chib, Rahul; Fudala, Rafal; Baxi, Aatmun; Borejdo, Julian; Synak, Anna; Gryczynski, Ignacy


    We measured the Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) from Uranin (U) donor to Rhodamine 101 (R101) acceptor in propylene glycol. Steady-state fluorescence measurements show a significant difference between mixed and unmixed fluorophore solutions. In the solution with mixed fluorophores, fluorescence intensity of the U donor decreases and intensity of R101 fluorescence increases. This is visualized as a color change from green to orange. Fluorescence anisotropy of the mixture solution increases in the donor emission wavelength region and decreases in the acceptor emission wavelengths; which is consistent with FRET occurrence. Time-resolved (lifetime) measurements show a decrease of the U lifetime in the presence of R101 acceptor. In the intensity decay of R101 acceptor appears a negative component indicating excited state process. All these measurements prove the presence of FRET in U/R101 mixture fluorescence.

  1. Trimerization Dictates Solution Opalescence of a Monoclonal Antibody.


    Yang, Teng-Chieh; Langford, Alex Jacob; Kumar, Sandeep; Ruesch, John Carl; Wang, Wei


    Opalescence, sometimes observed in antibody solutions, is thought to be mediated by light scattering of soluble oligomers or insoluble particulates. However, mechanistic features, such as stoichiometry and self-association affinity of oligomeric species related to opalescence, are poorly understood. Here, opalescence behavior of a monoclonal antibody (mAb-1) solution was studied over a wide range of solution conditions including different protein concentrations, pH, and in the presence or absence of salt. Hydrodynamic and thermodynamic properties of mAb-1 solutions were studied by analytical ultracentrifugation and dynamic light scattering. Opalescence in mAb-1 solutions is pH and concentration dependent. The degree of opalescence correlates with reversible monomer-trimer equilibrium detected by analytical ultracentrifugation. Increased trimer formation corresponds to increased opalescence in mAb-1 solutions at higher pH and protein concentrations. Addition of NaCl shifts this equilibrium toward monomer and reduces solution opalescence. This study demonstrates that opalescence in mAb-1 solutions does not arise from the light scattering of monomer or random molecular self-associations but is strongly correlated with a specific self-association stoichiometry and affinity. Importantly, at pH 5.5 (far below isoelectric point of mAb-1), the solution is not opalescent and with nonideal behavior. This study also dissects several parameters to describe the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic nonideality. Copyright © 2016 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Hydration patterns and salting effects in sodium chloride solution.


    Li, Weifeng; Mu, Yuguang


    The salting effects of 2M sodium chloride electrolyte are studied based on a series of model solutes with properties ranging from hydrophobic to hydrophilic. Generally, hydrophobic solutes will be salted out and hydrophilic solutes will be salted in by NaCl solution. The solvation free energy changes are highly correlated with Kirkwood-Buff integrals. The underlying mechanism resorts to the preferential binding of ions and water to solutes. Our results demonstrate that the salting effect not only depends on the salt's position in Hofmeister series, but also on the solutes' specifics. Taking the hydration free energies of solutes and ions as independent variables, a schematic diagram of salting effects is suggested. The resolved multifaceted salting effects rely on the sensitive balance of the tripartite interaction among solutes, ions, and water. © 2011 American Institute of Physics

  3. Development of daily "swath" mascon solutions from GRACE

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Save, Himanshu; Bettadpur, Srinivas


    The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission has provided invaluable and the only data of its kind over the past 14 years that measures the total water column in the Earth System. The GRACE project provides monthly average solutions and there are experimental quick-look solutions and regularized sliding window solutions available from Center for Space Research (CSR) that implement a sliding window approach and variable daily weights. The need for special handling of these solutions in data assimilation and the possibility of capturing the total water storage (TWS) signal at sub-monthly time scales motivated this study. This study discusses the progress of the development of true daily high resolution "swath" mascon total water storage estimate from GRACE using Tikhonov regularization. These solutions include the estimates of daily total water storage (TWS) for the mascon elements that were "observed" by the GRACE satellites on a given day. This paper discusses the computation techniques, signal, error and uncertainty characterization of these daily solutions. We discuss the comparisons with the official GRACE RL05 solutions and with CSR mascon solution to characterize the impact on science results especially at the sub-monthly time scales. The evaluation is done with emphasis on the temporal signal characteristics and validated against in-situ data set and multiple models.

  4. Biolasol: novel perfusion and preservation solution for kidneys.


    Cierpka, L; Ryszka, F; Dolińska, B; Smorąg, Z; Słomski, R; Wiaderkiewicz, R; Caban, A; Budziński, G; Oczkowicz, G; Wieczorek, J


    Biolasol solution (Pharmaceutical Research and Production Plant "Biochefa," Sosnowiec, Poland) is a novel extracellular perfusion and ex vivo hypothermic kidney preservation solution. It ensures maintenance of homeostasis, reduces tissue edema, has low viscosity, and allows the graft to preserve structural and functional integrity. It minimizes ischemia-reperfusion damage. Perfundates from control and transplanted kidneys flushed with Biolasol or ViaSpan solutions (Arkas, Warszawa, Poland) were analyzed. Parameters of serum and urine collected from 12 pigs after auto-transplantation were also analyzed. Renal medulla was investigated for structural alterations by analyzing hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides. The mean survival time of pigs after the auto-transplantation procedure was the measure for the novel Biolasol solution effectiveness. We observed a statistically significant decrease in marker enzyme levels alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, lactic dehydrogenase, and ions (Na and K) in pigs with grafts flushed with Biolasol. Histopathologic examination revealed that the renal cortex structure was not damaged after the use of Biolasol solution. Biolasol solution protects kidneys against ischemia damage and does not differ significantly from the "golden standard" ViaSpan solution.

  5. High-throughput ab-initio dilute solute diffusion database.


    Wu, Henry; Mayeshiba, Tam; Morgan, Dane


    We demonstrate automated generation of diffusion databases from high-throughput density functional theory (DFT) calculations. A total of more than 230 dilute solute diffusion systems in Mg, Al, Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt host lattices have been determined using multi-frequency diffusion models. We apply a correction method for solute diffusion in alloys using experimental and simulated values of host self-diffusivity. We find good agreement with experimental solute diffusion data, obtaining a weighted activation barrier RMS error of 0.176 eV when excluding magnetic solutes in non-magnetic alloys. The compiled database is the largest collection of consistently calculated ab-initio solute diffusion data in the world.

  6. Lightweight Steel Solutions for Automotive Industry

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lee, Hong Woo; Kim, Gyosung; Park, Sung Ho


    Recently, improvement in fuel efficiency and safety has become the biggest issue in worldwide automotive industry. Although the regulation of environment and safety has been tightened up more and more, the majority of vehicle bodies are still manufactured from stamped steel components. This means that the optimized steel solutions enable to demonstrate its ability to reduce body weight with high crashworthiness performance instead of expensive light weight materials such as Al, Mg and composites. To provide the innovative steel solutions for automotive industry, POSCO has developed AHSS and its application technologies, which is directly connected to EVI activities. EVI ismore » a technical cooperation program with customer covering all stages of new car project from design to mass production. Integrated light weight solutions through new forming technologies such as TWB, hydroforming and HPF are continuously developed and provided for EVI activities. This paper will discuss the detailed status of these technologies especially light weight steel solutions based on innovative technologies.« less

  7. Lightweight Steel Solutions for Automotive Industry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Hong Woo; Kim, Gyosung; Park, Sung Ho


    Recently, improvement in fuel efficiency and safety has become the biggest issue in worldwide automotive industry. Although the regulation of environment and safety has been tightened up more and more, the majority of vehicle bodies are still manufactured from stamped steel components. This means that the optimized steel solutions enable to demonstrate its ability to reduce body weight with high crashworthiness performance instead of expensive light weight materials such as Al, Mg and composites. To provide the innovative steel solutions for automotive industry, POSCO has developed AHSS and its application technologies, which is directly connected to EVI activities. EVI is a technical cooperation program with customer covering all stages of new car project from design to mass production. Integrated light weight solutions through new forming technologies such as TWB, hydroforming and HPF are continuously developed and provided for EVI activities. This paper will discuss the detailed status of these technologies especially light weight steel solutions based on innovative technologies.

  8. Method for preparing salt solutions having desired properties


    Ally, Moonis R.; Braunstein, Jerry


    The specification discloses a method for preparing salt solutions which exhibit desired thermodynamic properties. The method enables prediction of the value of the thermodynamic properties for single and multiple salt solutions over a wide range of conditions from activity data and constants which are independent of concentration and temperature. A particular application of the invention is in the control of salt solutions in a process to provide a salt solution which exhibits the desired properties.

  9. Optical soliton solutions, periodic wave solutions and complexitons of the cubic Schrödinger equation with a bounded potential

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yan, Xue-Wei; Tian, Shou-Fu; Dong, Min-Jie; Zou, Li


    In this paper, we consider the cubic Schrödinger equation with a bounded potential, which describes the propagation properties of optical soliton solutions. By employing an ansatz method, we precisely derive the bright and dark soliton solutions of the equation. Moreover, we obtain three classes of analytic periodic wave solutions expressed in terms of the Jacobi's elliptic functions including cn ,sn and dn functions. Finally, by using a tanh function method, its complexitons solutions are derived in a very natural way. It is hoped that our results can enrich the nonlinear dynamical behaviors of the cubic Schrödinger equation with a bounded potential.

  10. Approaches to stream solute load estimation for solutes with varying dynamics from five diverse small watershed

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Aulenbach, Brent T.; Burns, Douglas A.; Shanley, James B.; Yanai, Ruth D.; Bae, Kikang; Wild, Adam; Yang, Yang; Yi, Dong


    Estimating streamwater solute loads is a central objective of many water-quality monitoring and research studies, as loads are used to compare with atmospheric inputs, to infer biogeochemical processes, and to assess whether water quality is improving or degrading. In this study, we evaluate loads and associated errors to determine the best load estimation technique among three methods (a period-weighted approach, the regression-model method, and the composite method) based on a solute's concentration dynamics and sampling frequency. We evaluated a broad range of varying concentration dynamics with stream flow and season using four dissolved solutes (sulfate, silica, nitrate, and dissolved organic carbon) at five diverse small watersheds (Sleepers River Research Watershed, VT; Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH; Biscuit Brook Watershed, NY; Panola Mountain Research Watershed, GA; and Río Mameyes Watershed, PR) with fairly high-frequency sampling during a 10- to 11-yr period. Data sets with three different sampling frequencies were derived from the full data set at each site (weekly plus storm/snowmelt events, weekly, and monthly) and errors in loads were assessed for the study period, annually, and monthly. For solutes that had a moderate to strong concentration–discharge relation, the composite method performed best, unless the autocorrelation of the model residuals was <0.2, in which case the regression-model method was most appropriate. For solutes that had a nonexistent or weak concentration–discharge relation (modelR2 < about 0.3), the period-weighted approach was most appropriate. The lowest errors in loads were achieved for solutes with the strongest concentration–discharge relations. Sample and regression model diagnostics could be used to approximate overall accuracies and annual precisions. For the period-weighed approach, errors were lower when the variance in concentrations was lower, the degree of autocorrelation in the concentrations was

  11. Partnering for A Solution: A Case Study

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jimenez-Smith, Deyrah


    A material-related issue has been identified, which has the potential of impacting the Space Program. Although "in-house" efforts have been underway to solve the problem, a solution has not yet been reached. This presentation shows how a GIDEP member organization is using a Problem Advisory as a solution approach in an effort to receive information from other industry and/or government organizations that may contribute in finding a solution.

  12. Effect of ophthalmic solution components on acrylic intraocular lenses.


    Ayaki, Masahiko; Nishihara, Hitoshi; Yaguchi, Shigeo; Koide, Ryohei


    To investigate the effect of ophthalmic solution components on the surface of acrylic intraocular lenses (IOLs). Department of Opthalmology, Showa University School of Medicine. Measurement of the contact angles of ophthalmic solutions on 3 acrylic IOLs was performed. The solutions were diclofenac sodium (Diclod), bromfenac sodium (Bronuck), betamethasone phosphate (Rinderon), dibekacin sulfate (Panimycin), polysorbate 80 (Tween 20), benzalkonium chloride, chlorobutanol, methylparahydroxybenzoate, and propylparahydroxybenzoate. The IOLs were incubated at 35 degrees C for 2 weeks in undiluted ophthalmic solutions and in 1:10 dilutions of ophthalmic solution components. The IOLs were sectioned and observed by scanning electron microscopy. The contact angle of Diclod and Bronuck solutions was the smallest. The contact angle of Rinderon and Panimycin was similar to that of distilled water. Scanning electron microscopy examination of IOLs incubated in ophthalmic solution components showed intralenticular changes. The IOLs immersed in ophthalmic solutions did not show any change, even after extended incubation. The chemical components of ophthalmic solutions, such as surfactants and solvents, permeate acrylic IOLs, suggesting the potential for long-term adverse effects of eyedrops in pseudophakic eyes.

  13. Knowledge Retrieval Solutions.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Khan, Kamran


    Excalibur RetrievalWare offers true knowledge retrieval solutions. Its fundamental technologies, Adaptive Pattern Recognition Processing and Semantic Networks, have capabilities for knowledge discovery and knowledge management of full-text, structured and visual information. The software delivers a combination of accuracy, extensibility,…

  14. Application of thermodynamics to silicate crystalline solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Saxena, S. K.


    A review of thermodynamic relations is presented, describing Guggenheim's regular solution models, the simple mixture, the zeroth approximation, and the quasi-chemical model. The possibilities of retrieving useful thermodynamic quantities from phase equilibrium studies are discussed. Such quantities include the activity-composition relations and the free energy of mixing in crystalline solutions. Theory and results of the study of partitioning of elements in coexisting minerals are briefly reviewed. A thermodynamic study of the intercrystalline and intracrystalline ion exchange relations gives useful information on the thermodynamic behavior of the crystalline solutions involved. Such information is necessary for the solution of most petrogenic problems and for geothermometry. Thermodynamic quantities for tungstates (CaWO4-SrWO4) are calculated.

  15. Iodine uptake by spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) plants grown in solution culture: effects of iodine species and solution concentrations.


    Zhu, Y-G; Huang, Y-Z; Hu, Y; Liu, Y-X


    A hydroponic experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of iodine species and solution concentrations on iodine uptake by spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Five iodine concentrations (0, 1, 10, 50 and 100 microM) for iodate (IO(3)(-)) and iodide (I(-)) were used. Results show that higher concentrations of I(-) (> or =10 microM) had some detrimental effect on plant growth, while IO(3)(-) had little effect on the biomass production of spinach plants. Increases in iodine concentration in the growth solution significantly enhanced I concentrations in plant tissues. The detrimental effect of I(-) on plant growth was probably due to the excessively high accumulation of I in plant tissues. The solution-to-spinach leaf transfer factors (TF(leaf), fresh weight basis) for plants treated with iodide were between 14.2 and 20.7 at different solution concentrations of iodide; TF(leaf) for plants treated with iodate decreased gradually from 23.7 to 2.2 with increasing solution concentrations of iodate. The distribution coefficients (DCs) of I between leaves and roots were constantly higher for plants treated with iodate than those treated with iodide. DCs for plants treated with iodide increased with increasing solution concentrations of iodide, while DCs for plants treated with iodate (around 5.5) were similar across the range of solution concentrations of iodate used in this experiment. The implications of iodine accumulation in leafy vegetables in human iodine nutrition are also discussed. Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.

  16. Common buffers, media, and stock solutions.



    This appendix describes the preparation of selected bacterial media and of buffers and reagents used in the manipulation of nucleic acids and proteins. Recipes for cell culture media and reagents are located elsewhere in the manual. RECIPES: Acids, concentrated stock solutions; Ammonium acetate, 10 M; Ammonium hydroxide, concentrated stock solution; ATP, 100 mM; BCIP, 5% (w/v); BSA (bovine serum albumin), 10% (100 mg/ml); Denhardt solution, 100x; dNTPs: dATP, dTTP, dCTP, and dGTP; DTT, 1 M; EDTA, 0.5 M (pH 8.0); Ethidium bromide solution; Formamide loading buffer, 2x; Gel loading buffer, 6x; HBSS (Hanks balanced salt solution); HCl, 1 M; HEPES-buffered saline, 2x; KCl, 1 M; LB medium; LB plates; Loading buffer; 2-ME, (2-mercaptoethanol)50 mM; MgCl(2), 1 M; MgSO(4), 1 M; NaCl, 5 M; NaOH, 10 M; NBT (nitroblue tetrazolium chloride), 5% (w/v); PCR amplification buffer, 10x; Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH approximately 7.3; Potassium acetate buffer, 0.1 M; Potassium phosphate buffer, 0.1 M; RNase a stock solution (DNase-free), 2 mg/ml; SDS, 20%; SOC medium; Sodium acetate, 3 M; Sodium acetate buffer, 0.1 M; Sodium phosphate buffer, 0.1 M; SSC (sodium chloride/sodium citrate), 20x; SSPE (sodium chloride/sodium phosphate/EDTA), 20x; T4 DNA ligase buffer, 10x; TAE buffer, 50x; TBE buffer, 10x; TBS (Tris-buffered saline); TCA (trichloroacetic acid), 100% (w/v); TE buffer; Terrific broth (TB); TrisCl, 1 M; TY medium, 2x; Urea loading buffer, 2x.

  17. Crystallization from high temperature solutions of Si in copper


    Ciszek, Theodore F.


    A liquid phase epitaxy method for forming thin crystalline layers of device quality silicon having less than 5X10.sup.16 Cu atoms/cc impurity, comprising: preparing a saturated liquid solution melt of Si in Cu at about 16% to about 90% wt. Si at a temperature range of about C. to about C. in an inert gas; immersing a substrate in the saturated solution melt; supersaturating the solution by lowering the temperature of the saturated solution melt and holding the substrate immersed in the solution melt for a period of time sufficient to cause growing Si to precipitate out of the solution to form a crystalline layer of Si on the substrate; and withdrawing the substrate from the solution.

  18. Solution-Processed Solar Cells via Nanocrystal Inks and Molecular Solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Miskin, Caleb K.

    On February 15, 2008 the National Academy of Engineering unveiled their fourteen grand challenges of engineering for the 21st century. At the top of the list and voted by the public as the most important challenge was the thrust to make solar energy economical. My research has been dedicated to solving this millennial challenge by developing routes to high-efficiency, solution-processed photovoltaics (PV) for low-cost and low-energy manufacturing. My research has primarily advanced two methods for solution processed PV. In one method, semiconducting nanocrystals are synthesized and then suspended in an appropriate solvent to form an ink. The ink is then applied to a substrate by a variety of high-throughput methods such as spray coating or doctor blading and then annealed to form a polycrystalline absorber layer for solar energy. I have applied this method with great success to Cu2ZnSnS 4, a promising earth-abundant, non-toxic semiconductor. A challenge with this material is its propensity to form binary and ternary undesired phases. Using advanced nano-characterization techniques, my colleagues and I have been able to determine the spatially resolved composition of these nanoparticles and have found them to be highly non-uniform. In addition, I developed synthesis techniques aimed at controlling the nucleation and growth of this material to improve nanocrystal compositional homogeneity. Though particles produced in this work still exhibit some non-uniformities, they are greatly improved. When combined with optimized fabrication techniques, I have been able to advance the efficiency of nanocrystal ink based solar cells of CZTS from 7.2 to 9.0 percent in our lab. Another promising route to solution-processed PV is by directly coating molecular precursor solutions (rather than first forming nanocrystals) and annealing the coating to form the polycrystalline solar absorber layer. Unfortunately, a major challenge is that many metals, metal salts, and chalcogens that

  19. Effective calculation of power system low-voltage solutions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Overbye, T.J.; Klump, R.P.


    This paper develops a method for reliably determining the set of low-voltage solutions which are closest to the operable power flow solution. These solutions are often used in conjunction with techniques such as energy methods and the voltage instability proximity index (VIPI) for assessing system voltage stability. This paper presents an algorithm which provides good initial guesses for these solutions. The results are demonstrated on a small system and on larger systems with up to 2,000 buses.



    Calkins, G.D.


    >A process is described for the recovery of uranium and thorium from monazite sand, which is frequently processed by treating it with a hot sodium hydroxide solution whereby a precipitate forms consisting mainly of oxides or hydroxides of the rare earths, thorium and uranium. The precipitate is dissolved in mineral acid, and the acid solution is then neutralized to a pH value of between 5.2 and 6.2 whereby both the uranium and thorium precipitate as the hydroxides, while substantially all the rare earth metal values present remain in the solution. The uranium and thoriunn can then be separated by dissolving the precipitate in a solution containing a mixture of alkali carbonate and alkali bicarbonate: and contacting the carbonate solution with a strong-base anion exchange resin whereby the uranium values are adsorbed on the resin while the thorium remains in solution.

  1. Dense CO2 as a Solute, Co-Solute or Co-Solvent in Particle Formation Processes: A Review

    PubMed Central

    Nunes, Ana V. M.; Duarte, Catarina M. M.


    The application of dense gases in particle formation processes has attracted great attention due to documented advantages over conventional technologies. In particular, the use of dense CO2 in the process has been subject of many works and explored in a variety of different techniques. This article presents a review of the current available techniques in use in particle formation processes, focusing exclusively on those employing dense CO2 as a solute, co-solute or co-solvent during the process, such as PGSS (Particles from gas-saturated solutions®), CPF (Concentrated Powder Form®), CPCSP (Continuous Powder Coating Spraying Process), CAN-BD (Carbon dioxide Assisted Nebulization with a Bubble Dryer®), SEA (Supercritical Enhanced Atomization), SAA (Supercritical Fluid-Assisted Atomization), PGSS-Drying and DELOS (Depressurization of an Expanded Liquid Organic Solution). Special emphasis is given to modifications introduced in the different techniques, as well as the limitations that have been overcome. PMID:28824121

  2. Exact Solutions in Three-Dimensional Gravity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    García-Díaz, Alberto A.


    Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Point particles; 3. Dust solutions; 4. AdS cyclic symmetric stationary solutions; 5. Perfect fluid static stars; 6. Static perfect fluid stars with Λ; 7. Hydrodynamic equilibrium; 8. Stationary perfect fluid with Λ; 9. Friedmann–Robertson–Walker cosmologies; 10. Dilaton-inflaton FRW cosmologies; 11. Einstein–Maxwell solutions; 12. Nonlinear electrodynamics black hole; 13. Dilaton minimally coupled to gravity; 14. Dilaton non-minimally coupled to gravity; 15. Low energy 2+1 string gravity; 16. Topologically massive gravity; 17. Bianchi type spacetimes in TMG; 18. Petrov type N wave metrics; 19. Kundt spacetimes in TMG; 20. Cotton tensor in Riemannian spacetimes; References; Index.

  3. Membrane separation of ionic liquid solutions


    Campos, Daniel; Feiring, Andrew Edward; Majumdar, Sudipto; Nemser, Stuart


    A membrane separation process using a highly fluorinated polymer membrane that selectively permeates water of an aqueous ionic liquid solution to provide dry ionic liquid. Preferably the polymer is a polymer that includes polymerized perfluoro-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxole (PDD). The process is also capable of removing small molecular compounds such as organic solvents that can be present in the solution. This membrane separation process is suitable for drying the aqueous ionic liquid byproduct from precipitating solutions of biomass dissolved in ionic liquid, and is thus instrumental to providing usable lignocellulosic products for energy consumption and other industrial uses in an environmentally benign manner.

  4. Transition between free-space Helmholtz equation solutions with plane sources and parabolic wave equation solutions.


    Mahillo-Isla, R; Gonźalez-Morales, M J; Dehesa-Martínez, C


    The slowly varying envelope approximation is applied to the radiation problems of the Helmholtz equation with a planar single-layer and dipolar sources. The analyses of such problems provide procedures to recover solutions of the Helmholtz equation based on the evaluation of solutions of the parabolic wave equation at a given plane. Furthermore, the conditions that must be fulfilled to apply each procedure are also discussed. The relations to previous work are given as well.

  5. A Simplified Extemporaneously Prepared Potassium Chloride Oral Solution.


    Tannous, Elias; Tal, Yana; Amarny, Kamal


    Although commercial preparations of oral potassium supplements are usually available, there are times when our Medical Center is faced with situations in which the oral solution of potassium chloride is not available. This solution is necessary for our pediatric outpatients who cannot swallow tablets and need an oral solution. Moreover, there are no studies available which describe an extemporaneously prepared potassium chloride oral solution on which we can rely for assigning a beyond-use date. The aim of this study was to formulate an extemporaneous pediatric oral solution of potassium chloride and to determine the physical and chemical stability of this preparation. We prepared 1 mMoL/mL by withdrawing 25 mL of potassium chloride 14.9%. Ora-Sweet SF was added to 50 mL in a metered flask. The solution was kept refrigerated (2°C to 8°C). Samples were withdrawn to measure potassium concentration, pH, and microbial overgrowth. The test was performed by our biochemical laboratory. The oral solution of potassium chloride 1 mMoL/mL stored at 2°C to 8°C maintained at least 91% of the initial concentration for 28 days. There were no notable changes in pH, and the solution remained physically stable with no visual microbial growth. The oral solution of potassium chloride 1 mMoL/mL prepared in Ora-Sweet and stored at 2°C to 8°C in amber glass bottles is expected to remain stable for 28 days. Copyright© by International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Inc.

  6. Time-periodic solutions of the Benjamin-Ono equation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ambrose , D.M.; Wilkening, Jon


    We present a spectrally accurate numerical method for finding non-trivial time-periodic solutions of non-linear partial differential equations. The method is based on minimizing a functional (of the initial condition and the period) that is positive unless the solution is periodic, in which case it is zero. We solve an adjoint PDE to compute the gradient of this functional with respect to the initial condition. We include additional terms in the functional to specify the free parameters, which, in the case of the Benjamin-Ono equation, are the mean, a spatial phase, a temporal phase and the real part of one ofmore » the Fourier modes at t = 0. We use our method to study global paths of non-trivial time-periodic solutions connecting stationary and traveling waves of the Benjamin-Ono equation. As a starting guess for each path, we compute periodic solutions of the linearized problem by solving an infinite dimensional eigenvalue problem in closed form. We then use our numerical method to continue these solutions beyond the realm of linear theory until another traveling wave is reached (or until the solution blows up). By experimentation with data fitting, we identify the analytical form of the solutions on the path connecting the one-hump stationary solution to the two-hump traveling wave. We then derive exact formulas for these solutions by explicitly solving the system of ODE's governing the evolution of solitons using the ansatz suggested by the numerical simulations.« less

  7. 3D Modeling of Transport Phenomena and the Injection of the Solution Droplets in the Solution Precursor Plasma Spraying

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shan, Yanguang; Coyle, Thomas W.; Mostaghimi, Javad


    Solution precursor plasma spraying has been used to produce finely structured ceramic coatings with nano- and sub-micrometric features. This process involves the injection of a solution spray of ceramic salts into a DC plasma jet under atmospheric condition. During the process, the solvent vaporizes as the droplet travel downstream. Solid particles are finally formed due to the precipitation of the solute, and the particle are heated up and accelerated to the substrate to generate the coating. This article describes a 3D model to simulate the transport phenomena and the trajectory and heating of the solution spray in the process. The jet-spray two-way interactions are considered. A simplified model is employed to simulate the evolution process and the formation of the solid particle from the solution droplet in the plasma jet. The temperature and velocity fields of the jet are obtained and validated. The particle size, velocity, temperature, and position distribution on the substrate are predicted.

  8. High-throughput ab-initio dilute solute diffusion database

    PubMed Central

    Wu, Henry; Mayeshiba, Tam; Morgan, Dane


    We demonstrate automated generation of diffusion databases from high-throughput density functional theory (DFT) calculations. A total of more than 230 dilute solute diffusion systems in Mg, Al, Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt host lattices have been determined using multi-frequency diffusion models. We apply a correction method for solute diffusion in alloys using experimental and simulated values of host self-diffusivity. We find good agreement with experimental solute diffusion data, obtaining a weighted activation barrier RMS error of 0.176 eV when excluding magnetic solutes in non-magnetic alloys. The compiled database is the largest collection of consistently calculated ab-initio solute diffusion data in the world. PMID:27434308

  9. Numerical solution of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Osher, Stanley J.; Engquist, Bjoern


    The construction and the analysis of nonoscillatory shock capturing methods for the approximation of hyperbolic conservation laws are discussed. These schemes share many desirable properties with total variation diminishing schemes, but TVD schemes have at most first-order accuracy, in the sense of truncation error, at extrema of the solution. In this paper a uniformly second-order approximation is constructed, which is nonoscillatory in the sense that the number of extrema of the discrete solution is not increasing in time. This is achieved via a nonoscillatory piecewise linear reconstruction of the solution from its cell averages, time evolution through an approximate solution of the resulting initial value problem, and averaging of this approximate solution over each cell.

  10. On the stability of non-supersymmetric supergravity solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Imaanpur, Ali; Zameni, Razieh


    We examine the stability of some non-supersymmetric supergravity solutions that have been found recently. The first solution is AdS5 ×M6, for M6 an stretched CP3. We consider breathing and squashing mode deformations of the metric, and find that the solution is stable against small fluctuations of this kind. Next we consider type IIB solution of AdS2 ×M8, where the compact space is a U (1) bundle over N (1 , 1). We study its stability under the deformation of M8 and the 5-form flux. In this case we also find that the solution is stable under small fluctuation modes of the corresponding deformations.

  11. Cohomogeneity-one solutions in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lim, Yen-Kheng


    The field equations for Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity in D dimensions are reduced to an effective one-dimensional system under the influence of exponential potentials. Various cases where exact solutions can be found are explored. With this procedure, we present interesting solutions such as a one-parameter generalization of the dilaton-Melvin spacetime and a three-parameter solution that interpolates between the Reissner-Nordström and Bertotti-Robinson solutions. This procedure also allows simple, alternative derivations of known solutions such as the Lifshitz spacetime and the planar anti-de Sitter naked singularity. In the latter case, the metric is cast in a simpler form which reveals the presence of an additional curvature singularity.

  12. On the Preparation of Buffer Solutions.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Thomson, Bruce M.; Kessick, Michael A.


    Presents a method, suitable for use on programmable calculators, which allows calculation of the pH and ionic strength (I) of a mixed solution of salts of an acid or amounts necessary to produce a solution of a particular pH and I. Includes limitations when using the calculations described. (SK)

  13. Changing Problem Behavior Using Solution Parenting.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schatz, Mona Struhsaker; Zimmerman, Toni Schindler; Watson, Catherine

    Solution parenting is designed to provide both foster parents and caseworkers a new kind of parenting for difficult children and youth in placement. The specialized training program is for those who will teach solution parenting. Objectives for trainees include: (1) identify small, positive behavioral changes; (2) recognize and use pre-existing…

  14. Program for solution of ordinary differential equations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sloate, H.


    A program for the solution of linear and nonlinear first order ordinary differential equations is described and user instructions are included. The program contains a new integration algorithm for the solution of initial value problems which is particularly efficient for the solution of differential equations with a wide range of eigenvalues. The program in its present form handles up to ten state variables, but expansion to handle up to fifty state variables is being investigated.

  15. A tire contact solution technique

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tielking, J. T.


    An efficient method for calculating the contact boundary and interfacial pressure distribution was developed. This solution technique utilizes the discrete Fourier transform to establish an influence coefficient matrix for the portion of the pressurized tire surface that may be in the contact region. This matrix is used in a linear algebra algorithm to determine the contact boundary and the array of forces within the boundary that are necessary to hold the tire in equilibrium against a specified contact surface. The algorithm also determines the normal and tangential displacements of those points on the tire surface that are included in the influence coefficient matrix. Displacements within and outside the contact region are calculated. The solution technique is implemented with a finite-element tire model that is based on orthotropic, nonlinear shell of revolution elements which can respond to nonaxisymmetric loads. A sample contact solution is presented.

  16. Plagiarism Detection by Online Solutions.


    Masic, Izet; Begic, Edin; Dobraca, Amra


    The problem of plagiarism represents one of the burning issues of the modern scientific world. Detection of plagiarism is a problem that the Editorial Board encounters in their daily work. Software solutions represent a good solution for the detection of plagiarism. The problem of plagiarism will become most discussed topic of the modern scientific world, especially due to the development of standard measures, which rank the work of one author. Investment in education, education of young research personnel about the importance of scientific research, with paying particular attention on ethical behavior, becomes an imperative of academic staff. Editors have to invest additional effort in the development of the base of reviewers team as well as in their proper guidance, because after all, despite the software solutions, they are the best weapon to fight plagiarism. Peer review process should be a key of successful operation of each journal.

  17. Analysis of the Fisher solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abdolrahimi, Shohreh; Shoom, Andrey A.


    We study the d-dimensional Fisher solution which represents a static, spherically symmetric, asymptotically flat spacetime with a massless scalar field. The solution has two parameters, the mass M and the “scalar charge” Σ. The Fisher solution has a naked curvature singularity which divides the spacetime manifold into two disconnected parts. The part which is asymptotically flat we call the Fisher spacetime, and another part we call the Fisher universe. The d-dimensional Schwarzschild-Tangherlini solution and the Fisher solution belong to the same theory and are dual to each other. The duality transformation acting in the parameter space (M,Σ) maps the exterior region of the Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black hole into the Fisher spacetime which has a naked timelike singularity, and interior region of the black hole into the Fisher universe, which is an anisotropic expanding-contracting universe and which has two spacelike singularities representing its “big bang” and “big crunch.” The big bang singularity and the singularity of the Fisher spacetime are radially weak in the sense that a 1-dimensional object moving along a timelike radial geodesic can arrive to the singularities intact. At the vicinity of the singularity the Fisher spacetime of nonzero mass has a region where its Misner-Sharp energy is negative. The Fisher universe has a marginally trapped surface corresponding to the state of its maximal expansion in the angular directions. These results and derived relations between geometric quantities of the Fisher spacetime, the Fisher universe, and the Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black hole may suggest that the massless scalar field transforms the black hole event horizon into the naked radially weak disjoint singularities of the Fisher spacetime and the Fisher universe which are “dual to the horizon.”

  18. Analysis of the Fisher solution

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Abdolrahimi, Shohreh; Shoom, Andrey A.


    We study the d-dimensional Fisher solution which represents a static, spherically symmetric, asymptotically flat spacetime with a massless scalar field. The solution has two parameters, the mass M and the 'scalar charge' {Sigma}. The Fisher solution has a naked curvature singularity which divides the spacetime manifold into two disconnected parts. The part which is asymptotically flat we call the Fisher spacetime, and another part we call the Fisher universe. The d-dimensional Schwarzschild-Tangherlini solution and the Fisher solution belong to the same theory and are dual to each other. The duality transformation acting in the parameter space (M,{Sigma}) maps the exteriormore » region of the Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black hole into the Fisher spacetime which has a naked timelike singularity, and interior region of the black hole into the Fisher universe, which is an anisotropic expanding-contracting universe and which has two spacelike singularities representing its 'big bang' and 'big crunch'. The big bang singularity and the singularity of the Fisher spacetime are radially weak in the sense that a 1-dimensional object moving along a timelike radial geodesic can arrive to the singularities intact. At the vicinity of the singularity the Fisher spacetime of nonzero mass has a region where its Misner-Sharp energy is negative. The Fisher universe has a marginally trapped surface corresponding to the state of its maximal expansion in the angular directions. These results and derived relations between geometric quantities of the Fisher spacetime, the Fisher universe, and the Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black hole may suggest that the massless scalar field transforms the black hole event horizon into the naked radially weak disjoint singularities of the Fisher spacetime and the Fisher universe which are 'dual to the horizon'.« less

  19. Compatible solutes

    PubMed Central

    Hill, Colin


    Recently we reported a role for compatible solute uptake in mediating bile tolerance and increased gastrointestinal persistence in the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.1 Herein, we review the evolution in our understanding of how these low molecular weight molecules contribute to growth and survival of the pathogen both inside and outside the body, and how this stress survival mechanism may ultimately be used to target and kill the pathogen. PMID:21326913

  20. Application of solution calorimetry in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical research.


    Royall, P G; Gaisford, S


    In solution calorimetry the heat of solution (Delta(sol)H) is recorded as a solute (usually a solid) dissolves in an excess of solvent. Such measurements are valuable during all the phases of pharmaceutical formulation and the number of applications of the technique is growing. For instance, solution calorimetry is extremely useful during preformulation for the detection and quantification of polymorphs, degrees of crystallinity and percent amorphous content; knowledge of all of these parameters is essential in order to exert control over the manufacture and subsequent performance of a solid pharmaceutical. Careful experimental design and data interpretation also allows the measurement of the enthalpy of transfer (Delta(trans)H) of a solute between two phases. Because solution calorimetry does not require optically transparent solutions, and can be used to study cloudy or turbid solutions or suspensions directly, measurement of Delta(trans)H affords the opportunity to study the partitioning of drugs into, and across, biological membranes. It also allows the in-situ study of cellular systems. Furthermore, novel experimental methodologies have led to the increasing use of solution calorimetry to study a wider range of phenomena, such as the precipitation of drugs from supersaturated solutions or the formation of liposomes from phospholipid films. It is the purpose of this review to discuss some of these applications, in the context of pharmaceutical formulation and preformulation, and highlight some of the potential future areas where solution calorimetry might find applications.

  1. Dissolution of aragonite-strontianite solid solutions in nonstoichiometric Sr (HCO3)2-Ca (HCO3)2-CO2-H2O solutions

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Plummer, Niel; Busenberg, E.; Glynn, P.D.; Blum, A.E.


    Synthetic strontianite-aragonite solid-solution minerals were dissolved in CO2-saturated non-stoichiometric solutions of Sr(HCO3)2 and Ca(HCO3)2 at 25??C. The results show that none of the dissolution reactions reach thermodynamic equilibrium. Congruent dissolution in Ca(HCO3)2 solutions either attains or closely approaches stoichiometric saturation with respect to the dissolving solid. In Sr(HCO3)2 solutions the reactions usually become incongruent, precipitating a Sr-rich phase before reaching stoichiometric saturation. Dissolution of mechanical mixtures of solids approaches stoichiometric saturation with respect to the least stable solid in the mixture. Surface uptake from subsaturated bulk solutions was observed in the initial minutes of dissolution. This surficial phase is 0-10 atomic layers thick in Sr(HCO3)2 solutions and 0-4 layers thick in Ca(HCO3)2 solutions, and subsequently dissolves and/or recrystallizes, usually within 6 min of reaction. The initial transient surface precipitation (recrystallization) process is followed by congruent dissolution of the original solid which proceeds to stoichiometric saturation, or until the precipitation of a more stable Sr-rich solid. The compositions of secondary precipitates do not correspond to thermodynamic equilibrium or stoichiometric saturation states. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements indicate the formation of solid solutions on surfaces of aragonite and strontianite single crystals immersed in Sr(HCO3)2 and Ca(HCO3)2 solutions, respectively. In Sr(HCO3)2 solutions, the XPS signal from the outer ~ 60 A?? on aragonite indicates a composition of 16 mol% SrCO3 after only 2 min of contact, and 14-18 mol% SrCO3 after 3 weeks of contact. The strontianite surface averages approximately 22 mol% CaCO3 after 2 min of contact with Ca(HCO3)2 solution, and is 34-39 mol% CaCO3 after 3 weeks of contact. XPS analysis suggests the surface composition is zoned with somewhat greater enrichment in the outer ~25

  2. Microfluidic flows of wormlike micellar solutions.


    Zhao, Ya; Cheung, Perry; Shen, Amy Q


    The widespread use of wormlike micellar solutions is commonly found in household items such as cosmetic products, industrial fluids used in enhanced oil recovery and as drag reducing agents, and in biological applications such as drug delivery and biosensors. Despite their extensive use, there are still many details about the microscopic micellar structure and the mechanisms by which wormlike micelles form under flow that are not clearly understood. Microfluidic devices provide a versatile platform to study wormlike micellar solutions under various flow conditions and confined geometries. A review of recent investigations using microfluidics to study the flow of wormlike micelles is presented here with an emphasis on three different flow types: shear, elongation, and complex flow fields. In particular, we focus on the use of shear flows to study shear banding, elastic instabilities of wormlike micellar solutions in extensional flow (including stagnation and contraction flow field), and the use of contraction geometries to measure the elongational viscosity of wormlike micellar solutions. Finally, we showcase the use of complex flow fields in microfluidics to generate a stable and nanoporous flow-induced structured phase (FISP) from wormlike micellar solutions. This review shows that the influence of spatial confinement and moderate hydrodynamic forces present in the microfluidic device can give rise to a host of possibilities of microstructural rearrangements and interesting flow phenomena. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Introductory lecture: interpreting and predicting Hofmeister salt ion and solute effects on biopolymer and model processes using the solute partitioning model.


    Record, M Thomas; Guinn, Emily; Pegram, Laurel; Capp, Michael


    Understanding how Hofmeister salt ions and other solutes interact with proteins, nucleic acids, other biopolymers and water and thereby affect protein and nucleic acid processes as well as model processes (e.g. solubility of model compounds) in aqueous solution is a longstanding goal of biophysical research. Empirical Hofmeister salt and solute "m-values" (derivatives of the observed standard free energy change for a model or biopolymer process with respect to solute or salt concentration m3) are equal to differences in chemical potential derivatives: m-value = delta(dmu2/dm3) = delta mu23, which quantify the preferential interactions of the solute or salt with the surface of the biopolymer or model system (component 2) exposed or buried in the process. Using the solute partitioning model (SPM), we dissect mu23 values for interactions of a solute or Hofmeister salt with a set of model compounds displaying the key functional groups of biopolymers to obtain interaction potentials (called alpha-values) that quantify the interaction of the solute or salt per unit area of each functional group or type of surface. Interpreted using the SPM, these alpha-values provide quantitative information about both the hydration of functional groups and the competitive interaction of water and the solute or salt with functional groups. The analysis corroborates and quantifies previous proposals that the Hofmeister anion and cation series for biopolymer processes are determined by ion-specific, mostly unfavorable interactions with hydrocarbon surfaces; the balance between these unfavorable nonpolar interactions and often-favorable interactions of ions with polar functional groups determine the series null points. The placement of urea and glycine betaine (GB) at opposite ends of the corresponding series of nonelectrolytes results from the favorable interactions of urea, and unfavorable interactions of GB, with many (but not all) biopolymer functional groups. Interaction potentials and

  4. Exact Analytic Solution for a Ballistic Orbiting Wind

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wilkin, Francis P.; Hausner, Harry


    Much theoretical and observational work has been done on stellar winds within binary systems. We present a new solution for a ballistic wind launched from a source in a circular orbit. The solution is that of a single wind—no second wind is included in the system and the shocks that arise are those due to the orbiting wind interacting with itself. Our method emphasizes the curved streamlines in the corotating frame, where the flow is steady-state, allowing us to obtain an exact solution for the mass density at all pre-shock locations. Assuming an initially isotropic wind, fluid elements launched from the interior hemisphere of the wind will be the first to cross other streamlines, resulting in a spiral structure bounded by two shock surfaces. Streamlines from the outer wind hemisphere later intersect these shocks as well. An analytic solution is obtained for the geometry of the two shock surfaces. Although the inner and outer shock surfaces asymptotically trace Archimedean spirals, our tail solution suggests many crossings where the shocks overlap, beyond which the analytic solution cannot be continued. Our solution can be readily extended to an initially anisotropic wind.

  5. Exact anisotropic viscous fluid solutions of Einstein's equations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Goenner, H. F. M.; Kowalewski, F.


    A method for obtaining anisotropic, rotationless viscous fluid matter solutions of Bianchi type I and Segré type [1, 111] with the barotropic equation of state is presented. Solutions for which the anisotropy decreases exponentially or with a power law as well as solutions with average Hubble parameterH ˜t -1 are discussed. Also, a class of solutions with constant anisotropy and Bianchi type VIh is found. The dominant energy condition holds and the transport coefficients show the right sign.

  6. Favorite Demonstrations: Exothermic Crystallization from a Supersaturated Solution.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kauffman, George B.; And Others


    The use of sodium acetate solution to show supersaturation is a favorite among lecture demonstrations. However, careful adjustment of the solute-to-water ratio must be made to attain the most spectacular effect--complete solidification of the solution. Procedures to accomplish this are provided and discussed. (JN)

  7. Towards demand-side solutions for mitigating climate change

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Creutzig, Felix; Roy, Joyashree; Lamb, William F.; Azevedo, Inês M. L.; Bruine de Bruin, Wändi; Dalkmann, Holger; Edelenbosch, Oreane Y.; Geels, Frank W.; Grubler, Arnulf; Hepburn, Cameron; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Khosla, Radhika; Mattauch, Linus; Minx, Jan C.; Ramakrishnan, Anjali; Rao, Narasimha D.; Steinberger, Julia K.; Tavoni, Massimo; Ürge-Vorsatz, Diana; Weber, Elke U.


    Research on climate change mitigation tends to focus on supply-side technology solutions. A better understanding of demand-side solutions is missing. We propose a transdisciplinary approach to identify demand-side climate solutions, investigate their mitigation potential, detail policy measures and assess their implications for well-being.

  8. Modeling flow and solute transport in irrigation furrows

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    This paper presents an internally coupled flow and solute transport model for free-draining irrigation furrows. Furrow hydraulics is simulated with a numerical zero-inertia model and solute transport is computed with a model based on a numerical solution of the cross-section averaged advection-dispe...

  9. 21 CFR 173.325 - Acidified sodium chlorite solutions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Acidified sodium chlorite solutions. 173.325... HUMAN CONSUMPTION Specific Usage Additives § 173.325 Acidified sodium chlorite solutions. Acidified sodium chlorite solutions may be safely used in accordance with the following prescribed conditions: (a...


    EPA Science Inventory

    A mathematical model amenable to analytical solution techniques is developed for the investigation of contaminant transport from an injection well into a leaky aquifer system, which comprises a pumped and an unpumped aquifer connected to each other by an aquitard. A steady state ...

  11. The two NUT-like solutions of Ernst equation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wu Yabo; Dong Peng; Deng Xuemei

    By applying Ehlers transformation to Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions of Ernst equation and choosing the suitable coordinate transformations, the two NUT-like solutions, i.e., the so called NUT-Taub-like and the Kerr-NUT-like solutions are obtained which not only can, respectively, reduce to Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions when the parameter l{sup '}=0, but also can also reduce to the NUT-Taub metric and Kerr-NUT metric, respectively, when l{sup '} satisfies the some approximation. Meanwhile it is shown that in the NUT-Taub and Kerr-NUT solutions the range of value for the parameter l interpreted as the gravomagnetic monopole cannot be arbitrary and should be confinedmore » by mass of the source to vertical bar l vertical bar<solutions are discussed and the physical properties of the horizons on the Kerr-NUT-like space-time are analyzed.« less

  12. Cosmological solutions of low-energy heterotic M theory

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Copeland, Edmund J.; Ellison, James; Roberts, Jonathan

    We derive a set of exact cosmological solutions to the D=4, N=1 supergravity description of heterotic M theory. Having identified a new and exact SU(3) Toda model solution, we then apply symmetry transformations to both this solution and to a previously known SU(2) Toda model, in order to derive two further sets of new cosmological solutions. In the symmetry-transformed SU(3) Toda case we find an unusual bouncing motion for the M5 brane, such that this brane can be made to reverse direction part way through its evolution. This bounce occurs purely through the interaction of nonstandard kinetic terms, as theremore » are no explicit potentials in the action. We also present a perturbation calculation which demonstrates that, in a simple static limit, heterotic M theory possesses a scale-invariant isocurvature mode. This mode persists in certain asymptotic limits of all the solutions we have derived, including the bouncing solution.« less

  13. Removal of metal ions from aqueous solution


    Jackson, Paul J.; Delhaize, Emmanuel; Robinson, Nigel J.; Unkefer, Clifford J.; Furlong, Clement


    A method of removing heavy metals from aqueous solution, a composition of matter used in effecting said removal, and apparatus used in effecting said removal. One or more of the polypeptides, poly (.gamma.-glutamylcysteinyl)glycines, is immobilized on an inert material in particulate form. Upon contact with an aqueous solution containing heavy metals, the polypeptides sequester the metals, removing them from the solution. There is selectivity of poly (.gamma.-glutamylcysteinyl)glycines having a particular number of monomer repeat units for particular metals. The polypeptides are easily regenerated by contact with a small amount of an organic acid, so that they can be used again to remove heavy metals from solution. This also results in the removal of the metals from the column in a concentrated form.

  14. Removal of metal ions from aqueous solution


    Jackson, Paul J.; Delhaize, Emmanuel; Robinson, Nigel J.; Unkefer, Clifford J.; Furlong, Clement


    A method of removing heavy metals from aqueous solution, a composition of matter used in effecting said removal, and apparatus used in effecting said removal. One or more of the polypeptides, poly (.gamma.-glutamylcysteinyl)glycines, is immobilized on an inert material in particulate form. Upon contact with an aqueous solution containing heavy metals, the polypeptides sequester the metals, removing them from the solution. There is selectivity of poly (.gamma.-glutamylcysteinyl)glycines having a particular number of monomer repeat unit for particular metals. The polypeptides are easily regenerated by contact with a small amount of an organic acid, so that they can be used again to remove heayv metals from solution. This also results in the removal of the metals from the column in a concentrated form.

  15. Using the Domenico Solution to Teach Contaminant Transport Modeling

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Devlin, J. F.; Brookfield, A.; Huang, B.; Schillig, P. C.


    The Domenico solution is a heuristic simplification of a solution to the transport equation. Although there is a growing consensus that the Domenico solution is undesirable for use in professional and research applications due to departures from exact solutions under certain conditions, it behaves well under conditions suitable for instruction.…

  16. Anodizing And Sealing Aluminum In Nonchromated Solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Emmons, John R.; Kallenborn, Kelli J.


    Improved process for anodizing and sealing aluminum involves use of 5 volume percent sulfuric acid in water as anodizing solution, and 1.5 to 2.0 volume percent nickel acetate in water as sealing solution. Replaces process in which sulfuric acid used at concentrations of 10 to 20 percent. Improved process yields thinner coats offering resistance to corrosion, fatigue life, and alloy-to-alloy consistency equal to or superior to those of anodized coats produced with chromated solutions.

  17. Plane Symmetric Solutions in f(G) Gravity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shamir, M. Farasat; Saeed, Atrooba


    The purpose of this document is to investigate the universe in f(G) gravity. A wgeneral static plane symmetric space-time is chosen and exact solutions are explored using a viable f(G) gravity model. In particular, power and exponential law solutions are discussed. In addition, the physical relevance of the solutions with Taub's metric and anti-deSitter space-time is shown. Graphical analysis of energy density and pressure of the universe is done to substantiate the study.

  18. Vector-beam solutions of Maxwell's wave equation.


    Hall, D G


    The Hermite-Gauss and Laguerre-Gauss modes are well-known beam solutions of the scalar Helmholtz equation in the paraxial limit. As such, they describe linearly polarized fields or single Cartesian components of vector fields. The vector wave equation admits, in the paraxial limit, of a family of localized Bessel-Gauss beam solutions that can describe the entire transverse electric field. Two recently reported solutions are members of this family of vector Bessel-Gauss beam modes.

  19. 21 CFR 522.1484 - Neomycin sulfate sterile solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Neomycin sulfate sterile solution. 522.1484... § 522.1484 Neomycin sulfate sterile solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of sterile aqueous solution contains 50 milligrams of neomycin sulfate (equivalent to 35 milligrams of neomycin base).1 1...

  20. 21 CFR 522.1484 - Neomycin sulfate sterile solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Neomycin sulfate sterile solution. 522.1484... § 522.1484 Neomycin sulfate sterile solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of sterile aqueous solution contains 50 milligrams of neomycin sulfate (equivalent to 35 milligrams of neomycin base).1 1...

  1. 21 CFR 522.1484 - Neomycin sulfate sterile solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Neomycin sulfate sterile solution. 522.1484... § 522.1484 Neomycin sulfate sterile solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of sterile aqueous solution contains 50 milligrams of neomycin sulfate (equivalent to 35 milligrams of neomycin base).1 1...

  2. 21 CFR 522.1484 - Neomycin sulfate sterile solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Neomycin sulfate sterile solution. 522.1484... § 522.1484 Neomycin sulfate sterile solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of sterile aqueous solution contains 50 milligrams of neomycin sulfate (equivalent to 35 milligrams of neomycin base).1 1...

  3. 21 CFR 800.10 - Contact lens solutions; sterility.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Contact lens solutions; sterility. 800.10 Section...) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL Requirements for Specific Medical Devices § 800.10 Contact lens solutions... ophthalmic use, including contact lens solutions, should be sterile. It is further evident that such...

  4. 21 CFR 800.10 - Contact lens solutions; sterility.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Contact lens solutions; sterility. 800.10 Section...) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL Requirements for Specific Medical Devices § 800.10 Contact lens solutions... ophthalmic use, including contact lens solutions, should be sterile. It is further evident that such...

  5. 21 CFR 800.10 - Contact lens solutions; sterility.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Contact lens solutions; sterility. 800.10 Section...) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL Requirements for Specific Medical Devices § 800.10 Contact lens solutions... ophthalmic use, including contact lens solutions, should be sterile. It is further evident that such...

  6. 21 CFR 800.10 - Contact lens solutions; sterility.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Contact lens solutions; sterility. 800.10 Section...) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL Requirements for Specific Medical Devices § 800.10 Contact lens solutions... ophthalmic use, including contact lens solutions, should be sterile. It is further evident that such...

  7. 21 CFR 800.10 - Contact lens solutions; sterility.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Contact lens solutions; sterility. 800.10 Section...) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL Requirements for Specific Medical Devices § 800.10 Contact lens solutions... ophthalmic use, including contact lens solutions, should be sterile. It is further evident that such...

  8. Effects of a type I antifreeze protein (AFP) on the melting of frozen AFP and AFP+solute aqueous solutions studied by NMR microimaging experiment.


    Ba, Yong; Mao, Yougang; Galdino, Luiz; Günsen, Zorigoo


    The effects of a type I AFP on the bulk melting of frozen AFP solutions and frozen AFP+solute solutions were studied through an NMR microimaging experiment. The solutes studied include sodium chloride and glucose and the amino acids alanine, threonine, arginine, and aspartic acid. We found that the AFP is able to induce the bulk melting of the frozen AFP solutions at temperatures lower than 0 °C and can also keep the ice melted at higher temperatures in the AFP+solute solutions than those in the corresponding solute solutions. The latter shows that the ice phases were in super-heated states in the frozen AFP+solute solutions. We have tried to understand the first experimental phenomenon via the recent theoretical prediction that type I AFP can induce the local melting of ice upon adsorption to ice surfaces. The latter experimental phenomenon was explained with the hypothesis that the adsorption of AFP to ice surfaces introduces a less hydrophilic water-AFP-ice interfacial region, which repels the ionic/hydrophilic solutes. Thus, this interfacial region formed an intermediate chemical potential layer between the water phase and the ice phase, which prevented the transfer of water from the ice phase to the water phase. We have also attempted to understand the significance of the observed melting phenomena to the survival of organisms that express AFPs over cold winters.

  9. Device for isolation of seed crystals during processing of solution


    Montgomery, K.E.; Zaitseva, N.P.; Deyoreo, J.J.; Vital, R.L.


    A device is described for isolation of seed crystals during processing of solutions. The device enables a seed crystal to be introduced into the solution without exposing the solution to contaminants or to sources of drying and cooling. The device constitutes a seed protector which allows the seed to be present in the growth solution during filtration and overheating operations while at the same time preventing the seed from being dissolved by the under saturated solution. When the solution processing has been completed and the solution cooled to near the saturation point, the seed protector is opened, exposing the seed to the solution and allowing growth to begin. 3 figs.

  10. Device for isolation of seed crystals during processing of solution


    Montgomery, Kenneth E.; Zaitseva, Natalia P.; Deyoreo, James J.; Vital, Russell L.


    A device for isolation of see crystals during processing of solutions. The device enables a seed crystal to be introduced into the solution without exposing the solution to contaminants or to sources of drying and cooling. The device constitutes a seed protector which allows the seed to be present in the growth solution during filtration and overheating operations while at the same time preventing the seed from being dissolved by the under saturated solution. When the solution processing has been completed and the solution cooled to near the saturation point, the seed protector is opened, exposing the seed to the solution and allowing growth to begin.

  11. AdS6 solutions of type II supergravity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Apruzzi, Fabio; Fazzi, Marco; Passias, Achilleas; Rosa, Dario; Tomasiello, Alessandro


    Very few AdS6 × M 4 supersymmetric solutions are known: one in massive IIA, and two IIB solutions dual to it. The IIA solution is known to be unique; in this paper, we use the pure spinor approach to give a classification for IIB supergravity. We reduce the problem to two PDEs on a two-dimensional space Σ. M 4 is then a fibration of S 2 over Σ; the metric and fluxes are completely determined in terms of the solution to the PDEs. The results seem likely to accommodate near-horizon limits of ( p, q)-fivebrane webs studied in the literature as a source of CFT5's. We also show that there are no AdS6 solutions in eleven-dimensional supergravity.

  12. Solution of Nonlinear Systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Turner, L. R.


    The problem of solving systems of nonlinear equations has been relatively neglected in the mathematical literature, especially in the textbooks, in comparison to the corresponding linear problem. Moreover, treatments that have an appearance of generality fail to discuss the nature of the solutions and the possible pitfalls of the methods suggested. Probably it is unrealistic to expect that a unified and comprehensive treatment of the subject will evolve, owing to the great variety of situations possible, especially in the applied field where some requirement of human or mechanical efficiency is always present. Therefore we attempt here simply to pose the problem and to describe and partially appraise the methods of solution currently in favor.

  13. Fissile solution measurement apparatus


    Crane, T.W.; Collinsworth, P.R.


    An apparatus for determining the content of a fissile material within a solution by detecting delayed fission neutrons emitted by the fissile material after it is temporarily irradiated by a neutron source. The apparatus comprises a container holding the solution and having a portion defining a neutron source cavity centrally disposed within the container. The neutron source cavity temporarily receives the neutron source. The container has portions defining a plurality of neutron detector ports that form an annular pattern and surround the neutron source cavity. A plurality of neutron detectors count delayed fission neutrons emitted by the fissile material. Each neutron detector is located in a separate one of the neutron detector ports.

  14. Shallow water equations: viscous solutions and inviscid limit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Gui-Qiang; Perepelitsa, Mikhail


    We establish the inviscid limit of the viscous shallow water equations to the Saint-Venant system. For the viscous equations, the viscosity terms are more degenerate when the shallow water is close to the bottom, in comparison with the classical Navier-Stokes equations for barotropic gases; thus, the analysis in our earlier work for the classical Navier-Stokes equations does not apply directly, which require new estimates to deal with the additional degeneracy. We first introduce a notion of entropy solutions to the viscous shallow water equations and develop an approach to establish the global existence of such solutions and their uniform energy-type estimates with respect to the viscosity coefficient. These uniform estimates yield the existence of measure-valued solutions to the Saint-Venant system generated by the viscous solutions. Based on the uniform energy-type estimates and the features of the Saint-Venant system, we further establish that the entropy dissipation measures of the viscous solutions for weak entropy-entropy flux pairs, generated by compactly supported C 2 test-functions, are confined in a compact set in H -1, which yields that the measure-valued solutions are confined by the Tartar-Murat commutator relation. Then, the reduction theorem established in Chen and Perepelitsa [5] for the measure-valued solutions with unbounded support leads to the convergence of the viscous solutions to a finite-energy entropy solution of the Saint-Venant system with finite-energy initial data, which is relative with respect to the different end-states of the bottom topography of the shallow water at infinity. The analysis also applies to the inviscid limit problem for the Saint-Venant system in the presence of friction.

  15. Fluid Mechanical Properties of Silkworm Fibroin Solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Matsumoto, Akira


    The aqueous solution behavior of silk fibroin is of interest due to the assembly and processing of this protein related to the spinning of protein fibers that exhibit remarkable mechanical properties. To gain insight into the origins of this functional feature, it is desired to determine how the protein behaves under a range of solution conditions. Pure fibroin at different concentrations in water was studied for surface tension, as a measure of surfactancy. In addition, shear induced changes on these solutions in terms of structure and morphology was also determined. Fibroin solutions exhibited shear rate-sensitive viscosity changes and precipitated at a critical shear rate where a dramatic increase of 75-150% of the initial value was observed along with a decrease in viscosity. In surface tension measurements, critical micelle concentrations were in the range of 3-4% w/v. The influence of additional factors, such as sericin protein, divalent and monovalent cations, and pH on the solution behavior in relation to structural and morphological features will also be described.

  16. Efficacy of multipurpose solutions for rigid gas permeable lenses.


    Boost, Maureen; Cho, Pauline; Lai, Sindy


    The use of multipurpose solutions for cleaning and disinfecting rigid gas permeable lenses has replaced single purpose solutions, but there are no reports of the efficacy of these multipurpose solutions, or of the effects of storage conditions on their disinfecting capacities. This study investigated activity against four bacterial and two fungal species, and the effects of storage in a refrigerator, at room temperature, at elevated temperature in both dry and humid conditions and with exposure to sunlight. The disinfecting solutions were challenged with the micro-organisms initially upon opening and then at 2-weekly intervals up to 12 weeks after being stored under the different conditions. Solutions were opened daily to simulate use. One solution failed to meet Food and Drug Administration (FDA) criteria to reduce numbers of bacteria by three log dilutions and of fungi by one log dilution. Storage reduced activity of all solutions over the 12-week period, but not below the requirements of the FDA. Storage in the refrigerator tended to reduce disinfecting capacity more quickly. Multipurpose solutions for rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses lose activity over the 3 months recommended time of use but remain satisfactory for use over this time in the conditions tested. Practitioners need to remind patients to replace their solutions regularly and should advise against storage in the refrigerator. Multipurpose solutions for RGP lenses have simplified cleaning and disinfecting processes and the current formulations have improved disinfecting capacity compared to former disinfecting solutions, which is particularly important for wearers of orthokeratology lenses.

  17. Radiation Hardened DDR2 SDRAM Solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Pierre-Xiao; Sellier, Charles


    The Radiation Hardened (RH) DDR2 SDRAM Solution is a User's Friendly, Plug-and-Play and Radiation Hardened DDR2 solution, which includes the radiation tolerant stacking DDR2 modules and a radiation intelligent memory controller (RIMC) IP core. It provides a high speed radiation hardened by design DRAM solution suitable for all space applications such as commercial or scientific geo-stationary missions, earth observation, navigation, manned space vehicles and deep space scientific exploration. The DDR2 module has been guaranteed with SEL immune and TID > 100Krad(Si), on the other hand the RIMC IP core provides a full protection against the DDR2 radiation effects such as SEFI and SEU.



    Elson, R.E.


    The recovery of fluoride complexed protactinium from aqueous acidic solutions by solvent extraction is described. Generally the prccess of the invention com rises mixing an aqueous solution containing protactinium in a complexed form with an organic solvent which is specific for protactinium, such as diisopropyl carbinol, then decomposing the protactinium complex by adjusting the acidity of the aqueous solution to between 0-3 to 0-9 M in hydrogen ion concentration, and introducing a source of aluminum ions in sufficient quantity to establish a concentration of 0.5 to 1.2 M aluminum ion, whereupon decomposition of the protactinium fluoride complex takes place and the protactinium ion is taken up by the organic solvent phase.

  19. 21 CFR 529.50 - Amikacin sulfate intrauterine solution.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Amikacin sulfate intrauterine solution. 529.50... Amikacin sulfate intrauterine solution. (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of sterile aqueous solution contains 250 milligrams of amikacin (as the sulfate). (b) Sponsor. See No. 000856 and 059130 in § 510.600(c...

  20. On concentrated solute sources in faulted aquifers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robinson, N. I.; Werner, A. D.


    Finite aperture faults and fractures within aquifers (collectively called 'faults' hereafter) theoretically enable flowing water to move through them but with refractive displacement, both on entry and exit. When a 2D or 3D point source of solute concentration is located upstream of the fault, the plume emanating from the source relative to one in a fault-free aquifer is affected by the fault, both before it and after it. Previous attempts to analyze this situation using numerical methods faced challenges in overcoming computational constraints that accompany requisite fine mesh resolutions. To address these, an analytical solution of this problem is developed and interrogated using statistical evaluation of solute distributions. The method of solution is based on novel spatial integral representations of the source with axes rotated from the direction of uniform water flow and aligning with fault faces and normals. Numerical exemplification is given to the case of a 2D steady state source, using various parameter combinations. Statistical attributes of solute plumes show the relative impact of parameters, the most important being, fault rotation, aperture and conductivity ratio. New general observations of fault-affected solution plumes are offered, including: (a) the plume's mode (i.e. peak concentration) on the downstream face of the fault is less displaced than the refracted groundwater flowline, but at some distance downstream of the fault, these realign; (b) porosities have no influence in steady state calculations; (c) previous numerical modeling results of barrier faults show significant boundary effects. The current solution adds to available benchmark problems involving fractures, faults and layered aquifers, in which grid resolution effects are often barriers to accurate simulation.

  1. Finite element solution of lubrication problems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Reddi, M. M.


    A variational formulation of the transient lubrication problem is presented and the corresponding finite element equations derived for three and six point triangles, and, four and eight point quadrilaterals. Test solutions for a one dimensional slider bearing used in validating the computer program are given. Utility of the method is demonstrated by a solution of the shrouded step bearing.

  2. Interaction of breathing localized solutions for subcritical bifurcations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Deissler, R.J.; Brand, H.R.


    We discuss interactions of spatially localized solutions, which breathe in the modulus, for coupled quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equations. The interaction behavior is much richer than and qualitatively different from that of the fixed-shape solutions reported previously. The outcome of a collision can depend on the initial conditions, and, in particular, {ital sensitively} on the initial conditions for {ital chaotic} solutions, even though parameter values are unchanged. The novelty of these interactions, as compared to those of the fixed-shape solutions and to those of solitons is emphasized.



    Igelsrud, I.; Stephen, E.F.


    ABS>A method is presented for recovering hexavalent uranium from an acidic phosphaie solution. A high molecular weight amine, such as a mixture of cccoanut oil amines, is added to the solution in such amount as to give a ratio of about 2000 parts by weight of amine to 1 part by weight of uranium. The uranium is precipitated with the amines and the whole filtered from the solution. The uranium is leached from the amine mass by washing with aqueous sodium carbonate solution; and the amine mixture is available for reuse.

  4. Smooth solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pokhozhaev, S I


    We consider smooth solutions of the Cauchy problem for the Navier-Stokes equations on the scale of smooth functions which are periodic with respect to x∈R{sup 3}. We obtain existence theorems for global (with respect to t>0) and local solutions of the Cauchy problem. The statements of these depend on the smoothness and the norm of the initial vector function. Upper bounds for the behaviour of solutions in both classes, which depend on t, are also obtained. Bibliography: 10 titles.

  5. Discriminatory Solutions for (n,n-2)-Games.

    DTIC Science & Technology

    An ( n ,m)-game is an n -person game in which all coalitions with less than m players are not vital. A p-discriminatory solution to a game is a von...for an arbitrary ( n , n -2)-game to have a k-discriminatory solution. These conditions are used to characterize all 2-discriminatory solutions for 4...person games, and for the simple ( n , n -2)-games in which all coalitions with at least n -2 players are winning coalitions. (Author)

  6. Dial-A-Decon Solution Chemistry GAP Testing

    DTIC Science & Technology


    34 The tubes were serially diluted using Buttcrfield’s buffer solution and plated in triplicate on Tryptic Soy Agar. Plates were enumerated the...of 200 uL HD to 10 mL of the surfactant solution. The energy to create the oil in water (O/W) emulsions was provided by magnetic stirring. Solutions...emulsify a mixture of water and oil such as HD, one or more emulsifiers are required. Each surfactant system can be characterized by an HLB value

  7. Multiple stationary solutions of an irradiated slab

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Taylor, P. D.; Feltham, D. L.


    A mathematical model describing the heat budget of an irradiated medium is introduced. The one-dimensional form of the equations and boundary conditions are presented and analysed. Heat transport at one face of the slab occurs by absorption (and reflection) of an incoming beam of short-wave radiation with a fraction of this radiation penetrating into the body of the slab, a diffusive heat flux in the slab and a prescribed incoming heat flux term. The other face of the slab is immersed in its own melt and is considered to be a free surface. Here, temperature continuity is prescribed and evolution of the surface is determined by a Stefan condition. These boundary conditions are flexible enough to describe a range of situations such as a laser shining on an opaque medium, or the natural environment of polar sea ice or lake ice. A two-stream radiation model is used which replaces the simple Beer's law of radiation attenuation frequently used for semi-infinite domains. The stationary solutions of the governing equations are sought and it is found that there exists two possible stationary solutions for a given set of boundary conditions and a range of parameter choices. It is found that the existence of two stationary solutions is a direct result of the model of radiation absorption, due to its effect on the albedo of the medium. A linear stability analysis and numerical calculations indicate that where two stationary solutions exist, the solution corresponding to a larger thickness is always stable and the solution corresponding to a smaller thickness is unstable. Numerical simulations reveal that when there are two solutions, if the slab is thinner than the smaller stationary thickness it will melt completely, whereas if the slab is thicker than the smaller stationary thickness it will evolve toward the larger stationary thickness. These results indicate that other mechanisms (e.g. wave-induced agglomeration of crystals) are necessary to grow a slab from zero initial

  8. Towards combined global monthly gravity field solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jaeggi, Adrian; Meyer, Ulrich; Beutler, Gerhard; Weigelt, Matthias; van Dam, Tonie; Mayer-Gürr, Torsten; Flury, Jakob; Flechtner, Frank; Dahle, Christoph; Lemoine, Jean-Michel; Bruinsma, Sean


    Currently, official GRACE Science Data System (SDS) monthly gravity field solutions are generated independently by the Centre for Space Research (CSR) and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ). Additional GRACE SDS monthly fields are provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for validation and outside the SDS by a number of other institutions worldwide. Although the adopted background models and processing standards have been harmonized more and more by the various processing centers during the past years, notable differences still exist and the users are more or less left alone with a decision which model to choose for their individual applications. This procedure seriously limits the accessibility of these valuable data. Combinations are well established in the area of other space geodetic techniques, such as the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). Regularly comparing and combining space-geodetic products has tremendously increased the usefulness of the products in a wide range of disciplines and scientific applications. Therefore, we propose in a first step to mutually compare the large variety of available monthly GRACE gravity field solutions, e.g., by assessing the signal content over selected regions, by estimating the noise over the oceans, and by performing significance tests. We make the attempt to assign different solution characteristics to different processing strategies in order to identify subsets of solutions, which are based on similar processing strategies. Using these subsets we will in a second step explore ways to generate combined solutions, e.g., based on a weighted average of the individual solutions using empirical weights derived from pair-wise comparisons. We will also assess the quality of such a combined solution and discuss the potential benefits for the GRACE and GRACE-FO user community, but also address minimum processing

  9. On Kasner solution in Bianchi I f( T) cosmology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Skugoreva, Maria A.; Toporensky, Alexey V.


    Recently the cosmological dynamics of an anisotropic Universe in f( T) gravity became an area of intense investigations. Some earlier papers devoted to this issue contain contradictory claims about the nature and propertied of vacuum solutions in this theory. The goal of the present paper is to clarify this situation. We compare properties of f( T) and f( R) vacuum solutions and outline differences between them. The Kasner solution appears to be an exact solution for the T=0 branch, and an asymptotic solution for the T ≠ 0 branch. It is shown that the Kasner solution is a past attractor if T<0, being a past and future attractor for the T>0 branch.

  10. Solutions of conformal Israel-Stewart relativistic viscous fluid dynamics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marrochio, Hugo; Noronha, Jorge; Denicol, Gabriel S.; Luzum, Matthew; Jeon, Sangyong; Gale, Charles


    We use symmetry arguments developed by Gubser to construct the first radially expanding explicit solutions of the Israel-Stewart formulation of hydrodynamics. Along with a general semi-analytical solution, an exact analytical solution is given which is valid in the cold plasma limit where viscous effects from shear viscosity and the relaxation time coefficient are important. The radially expanding solutions presented in this paper can be used as nontrivial checks of numerical algorithms employed in hydrodynamic simulations of the quark-gluon plasma formed in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. We show this explicitly by comparing such analytic and semi-analytic solutions with the corresponding numerical solutions obtained using the music viscous hydrodynamics simulation code.

  11. Stormy Weather: 101 Solutions to Global Climate Change.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dauncey, Guy

    This document presents 101 solutions to global climate change. These solutions are actions that are well suited to every level of society. This book creates awareness about global climate change. The history of Earth and the greenhouse effect are discussed, and explanations and solutions to global climate change are provided including traveling…

  12. Clean Energy Solutions Center Services (Arabic Translation) (Fact Sheet)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    This is the Arabic translation of the Clean Energy Solutions Center Services fact sheet. The Clean Energy Solutions Center (Solutions Center) helps governments, advisors and analysts create policies and programs that advance the deployment of clean energy technologies. The Solutions Center partners with international organizations to provide online training, expert assistance, and technical resources on clean energy policy.

  13. Clean Energy Solutions Center Services (Vietnamese Translation) (Fact Sheet)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    This is the Vietnamese language translation of the Clean Energy Solutions Center (Solutions Center) fact sheet. The Solutions Center helps governments, advisors and analysts create policies and programs that advance the deployment of clean energy technologies. The Solutions Center partners with international organizations to provide online training, expert assistance, and technical resources on clean energy policy.

  14. Clean Energy Solutions Center Services (Chinese Translation) (Fact Sheet)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    This is the Chinese language translation of the Clean Energy Solutions Center (Solutions Center) fact sheet. The Solutions Center helps governments, advisors and analysts create policies and programs that advance the deployment of clean energy technologies. The Solutions Center partners with international organizations to provide online training, expert assistance, and technical resources on clean energy policy.

  15. Isotopic Analysis Using Optical Spectroscopy; ANALYSE ISOTOPIQUE PAR SPECTROSCOPIE OPTIQUE

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gerstenkorn, S.


    The isotopic displacement in the atomic lines of certain elements (H, He, Li, Ne, Sr, Hg, Pb, U, Pu) is used for dosing these elements isotopically. The use of the FabryPerot photo-electric interference spectrometer is shown to be particularly adapted for this sort of problem: in each case the essential results obtained with this apparatus, and the results previously obtained with a conventional apparatus (grating, photographic plate) are given. These results together give an idea of the possibilities of optical spectroscopy: in the best case, the precision which may be expected is of the order of 1 to 2 permore » cent for isotopes whose concentration is ahout l per cent. (auth)« less

  16. Point defect induced segregation of alloying solutes in α-Fe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    You, Yu-Wei; Zhang, Yange; Li, Xiangyan; Xu, Yichun; Liu, C. S.; Chen, J. L.; Luo, G.-N.


    Segregation of alloying solute toward clusters and precipitates can result in hardening and embrittlement of ferritic and ferritic/martensitic steels in aging nuclear power plants. Thus, it is essential to study the segregation of solute in α-Fe. In this study, the segregation of eight kinds of alloying solutes (Al, Si, P, S, Ga, Ge, As, Se) in defect-free system and at vacancy, divacancy, and self-interstitial atom in α-Fe has been systematically studied by first-principles calculations. We find that it is energetically favorable for multiple solute S or Se atoms to segregate in defect-free system to form solute clusters, whereas it is very difficult for the other solute atoms to form the similar clusters. With the presence of vacancy and divacancy, the segregation of all the solutes are significantly promoted to form vacancy-solute and divacancy-solute clusters. The divacancy-solute cluster is more stable than the vacancy-solute cluster. The most-stable self-interstitial atom 〈110〉 dumbbell is also found to tightly bind with multiple solute atoms. The 〈110〉-S is even more stable than divacancy-S cluster. Meanwhile, the law of mass action is employed to predict the concentration evolution of vacancy-Si, vacancy-P, and vacancy-S clusters versus temperature and vacancy concentration.

  17. Metal Surface Decontamination by the PFC Solution

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hui-Jun Won; Gye-Nam Kim; Wang-Kyu Choi


    PFC (per-fluorocarbon) spray decontamination equipment was fabricated and its decontamination behavior was investigated. Europium oxide powder was mixed with the isotope solution which contains Co-60 and Cs-137. The different shape of metal specimens artificially contaminated with europium oxide powder was used as the surrogate contaminants. Before and after the application of the PFC spray decontamination method, the radioactivity of the metal specimens was measured by MCA. The decontamination factors were in the range from 9.6 to 62.4. The spent PFC solution was recycled by distillation. Before and after distillation, the turbidity of PFC solution was also measured. From the testmore » results, it was found that more than 98% of the PFC solution could be recycled by a distillation. (authors)« less

  18. Electrodialysis operation with buffer solution


    Hryn, John N [Naperville, IL; Daniels, Edward J [Orland Park, IL; Krumdick, Greg K [Crete, IL


    A new method for improving the efficiency of electrodialysis (ED) cells and stacks, in particular those used in chemical synthesis. The process entails adding a buffer solution to the stack for subsequent depletion in the stack during electrolysis. The buffer solution is regenerated continuously after depletion. This buffer process serves to control the hydrogen ion or hydroxide ion concentration so as to protect the active sites of electrodialysis membranes. The process enables electrodialysis processing options for products that are sensitive to pH changes.

  19. Natural climate solutions.


    Griscom, Bronson W; Adams, Justin; Ellis, Peter W; Houghton, Richard A; Lomax, Guy; Miteva, Daniela A; Schlesinger, William H; Shoch, David; Siikamäki, Juha V; Smith, Pete; Woodbury, Peter; Zganjar, Chris; Blackman, Allen; Campari, João; Conant, Richard T; Delgado, Christopher; Elias, Patricia; Gopalakrishna, Trisha; Hamsik, Marisa R; Herrero, Mario; Kiesecker, Joseph; Landis, Emily; Laestadius, Lars; Leavitt, Sara M; Minnemeyer, Susan; Polasky, Stephen; Potapov, Peter; Putz, Francis E; Sanderman, Jonathan; Silvius, Marcel; Wollenberg, Eva; Fargione, Joseph


    Better stewardship of land is needed to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement goal of holding warming to below 2 °C; however, confusion persists about the specific set of land stewardship options available and their mitigation potential. To address this, we identify and quantify "natural climate solutions" (NCS): 20 conservation, restoration, and improved land management actions that increase carbon storage and/or avoid greenhouse gas emissions across global forests, wetlands, grasslands, and agricultural lands. We find that the maximum potential of NCS-when constrained by food security, fiber security, and biodiversity conservation-is 23.8 petagrams of CO 2 equivalent (PgCO 2 e) y -1 (95% CI 20.3-37.4). This is ≥30% higher than prior estimates, which did not include the full range of options and safeguards considered here. About half of this maximum (11.3 PgCO 2 e y -1 ) represents cost-effective climate mitigation, assuming the social cost of CO 2 pollution is ≥100 USD MgCO 2 e -1 by 2030. Natural climate solutions can provide 37% of cost-effective CO 2 mitigation needed through 2030 for a >66% chance of holding warming to below 2 °C. One-third of this cost-effective NCS mitigation can be delivered at or below 10 USD MgCO 2 -1 Most NCS actions-if effectively implemented-also offer water filtration, flood buffering, soil health, biodiversity habitat, and enhanced climate resilience. Work remains to better constrain uncertainty of NCS mitigation estimates. Nevertheless, existing knowledge reported here provides a robust basis for immediate global action to improve ecosystem stewardship as a major solution to climate change.

  20. [ARTCEREB irrigation and perfusion solution for cerebrospinal surgery: pharmacological assessment using human astrocytes exposed to test solutions].


    Nishimura, Masuhiro; Doi, Kazuhisa; Enomoto, Riyo; Lee, Eibai; Naito, Shinsaku; Yamauchi, Aiko


    ARTCEREB irrigation and perfusion solution (Artcereb) is a preparation intended for the irrigation and perfusion of the cerebral ventricles, and it is therefore important to evaluate the effects of Artcereb on brain cells. In vitro assessment of the effects of Artcereb in cell cultures of human fetal astrocytes was conducted in comparison with normal saline and lactated Ringer's solution. The effects of exposure to Artcereb were evaluated based on microscopic images of the mitochondria stained with rhodamine 123. The effects of exposure to Artcereb on cell function were also evaluated by quantitative analysis of mitochondrial activity based on rhodamine 123 and (3)H-thymidine incorporation. Morphological changes in nuclear structure were also evaluated. The results of the present study showed that cell function in cell cultures of human astrocytes was relatively unaffected by exposure to Artcereb as compared with normal saline or lactated Ringer's solution, suggesting that Artcereb has less effect on brain cells than normal saline or lactated Ringer's solution when used for the irrigation or perfusion of the cerebral ventricles.

  1. ZrB 2-HfB 2 solid solutions as electrode materials for hydrogen reaction in acidic and basic solutions


    Sitler, Steven J.; Raja, Krishnan S.; Charit, Indrajit


    Spark plasma sintered transition metal diborides such as HfB 2, ZrB 2 and their solid solutions were investigated as electrode materials for electrochemical hydrogen evolutions reactions (HER) in 1 M H 2SO 4 and 1 M NaOH electrolytes. HfB 2 and ZrB 2 formed complete solid solutions when mixed in 1:1, 1:4, and 4:1 ratios and they were stable in both electrolytes. The HER kinetics of the diborides were slower in the basic solution than in the acidic solutions. The Tafel slopes in 1 M H 2SO 4 were in the range of 0.15 - 0.18 V/decade except for puremore » HfB 2 which showed a Tafel slope of 0.38 V/decade. In 1 M NaOH the Tafel slopes were in the range of 0.12 - 0.27 V/decade. The composition of Hf xZr 1-xB 2 solid solutions with x = 0.2 - 0.8, influenced the exchange current densities, overpotentials and Tafel slopes of the HER. As a result, the EIS data were fitted with a porous film equivalent circuit model in order to better understand the HER behavior. In addition, modeling calculations, using density functional theory approach, were carried out to estimate the density of states and band structure of the boride solid solutions.« less

  2. Commercial Lighting Solutions Webtool Peer Review Report, Office Solutions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Beeson, Tracy A.; Jones, Carol C.


    The Commercial Lighting Solutions (CLS) project directly supports the U.S. Department of Energy’s Commercial Building Energy Alliance efforts to design high performance buildings. CLS creates energy efficient best practice lighting designs for widespread use, and they are made available to users via an interactive webtool that both educates and guides the end user through the application of the Lighting Solutions. This report summarizes the peer review of the CLS webtool for offices. The methodology for the peer review process included data collection (stakeholder input), analysis of the comments, and organization of the input into categories for prioritization of the commentsmore » against a set of criteria. Based on this process, recommendations were developed for the release of version 2.0 of the webtool at the Lightfair conference in Las Vegas in May 2010. The report provides a list of the top ten most significant and relevant improvements that will be made within the webtool for version 2.0 as well as appendices containing the comments and short-term priorities in additional detail. Peer review comments that are considered high priority by the reviewers and the CLS team but cannot be completed for Version 2.0 are listed as long-term recommendations.« less

  3. Static Solutions of Einstein's Equations with Cylindrical Symmetry

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Trendafilova, C. S.; Fulling, S. A.


    In analogy with the standard derivation of the Schwarzschild solution, we find all static, cylindrically symmetric solutions of the Einstein field equations for vacuum. These include not only the well-known cone solution, which is locally flat, but others in which the metric coefficients are powers of the radial coordinate and the spacetime is…

  4. Method for removing metals from a cleaning solution


    Deacon, Lewis E.


    A method for removing accumulated metals from a cleaning solution is provided. After removal of the metals, the cleaning solution can be discharged or recycled. The process manipulates the pH levels of the solution as a means of precipitating solids. Preferably a dual phase separation at two different pH levels is utilized.

  5. Solution of linear systems by a singular perturbation technique

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ardema, M. D.


    An approximate solution is obtained for a singularly perturbed system of initial valued, time invariant, linear differential equations with multiple boundary layers. Conditions are stated under which the approximate solution converges uniformly to the exact solution as the perturbation parameter tends to zero. The solution is obtained by the method of matched asymptotic expansions. Use of the results for obtaining approximate solutions of general linear systems is discussed. An example is considered to illustrate the method and it is shown that the formulas derived give a readily computed uniform approximation.

  6. Soliton-type solutions for two models in mathematical physics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Al-Ghafri, K. S.


    In this paper, the generalised Klein-Gordon and Kadomtsov-Petviashvili Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equations with power law nonlinearity are investigated. Our study is based on reducing the form of both equations to a first-order ordinary differential equation having the travelling wave solutions. Subsequently, soliton-type solutions such as compacton and solitary pattern solutions are obtained analytically. Additionally, the peaked soliton has been derived where it exists under a specific restrictions. In addition to the soliton solutions, the mathematical method which is exploited in this work also creates a few amount of travelling wave solutions.

  7. A class of nonideal solutions. 1: Definition and properties

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Zeleznik, F. J.


    A class of nonideal solutions is defined by constructing a function to represent the composition dependence of thermodynamic properties for members of the class, and some properties of these solutions are studied. The constructed function has several useful features: (1) its parameters occur linearly; (2) it contains a logarithmic singularity in the dilute solution region and contains ideal solutions and regular solutions as special cases; and (3) it is applicable to N-ary systems and reduces to M-ary systems (M or = N) in a form-invariant manner.

  8. Fe(III) and Fe(II) induced photodegradation of nonylphenol polyethoxylate (NPEO) oligomer in aqueous solution and toxicity evaluation of the irradiated solution.


    Wang, Lei; Zhang, Junjie; Duan, Zhenghua; Sun, Hongwen


    Photodegradation of nonylphenol tri-ethoxylate (NPEO 3 ) in aqueous solution, and the effects of Fe(III) or Fe(II) were studied. The increasing degradation kinetics of NPEO 3 were observed when 500µM Fe(III) or Fe(II) was present in the solutions. Altered formation of NPEO oligomers with shorter EO chains, including nonyphenol (NP), NPEO 1 and NPEO 2 , was observed in water and in solutions containing Fe(III) or Fe(II). The molar percentage yields of NP and NPEO 1,2 production from NPEO 3 photodegradation were approximately 20% in NPEO 3 solution, while NPEO 3 solution with Fe(III), this percentage increased to approximately 50%. In solution with Fe(II), the molar balance between the photodegradation of NPEO 3 and the production of NP and NPEO 1,2 was observed. A luminescent bacterium, Vibrio fischeri, was used to identify changes in the toxicity of NPEO 3 solutions during the photodegradation process under different conditions, while dose addition (DA) model was used to estimate the toxicity of products. Toxicity of NPEO 3 /water solution increased significantly following the irradiation of UVA/UVB mixture. In contrast, obviously decreasing toxicity was observed when NPEO 3 underwent photodegradation in the presence of Fe(III). Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  9. Electrospinning chitosan/poly(ethylene oxide) solutions with essential oils: Correlating solution rheology to nanofiber formation.


    Rieger, Katrina A; Birch, Nathan P; Schiffman, Jessica D


    Electrospinning hydrophilic nanofiber mats that deliver hydrophobic agents would enable the development of new therapeutic wound dressings. However, the correlation between precursor solution properties and nanofiber morphology for polymer solutions electrospun with or without hydrophobic oils has not yet been demonstrated. Here, cinnamaldehyde (CIN) and hydrocinnamic alcohol (H-CIN) were electrospun in chitosan (CS)/poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) nanofiber mats as a function of CS molecular weight and degree of acetylation (DA). Viscosity stress sweeps determined how the oils affected solution viscosity and chain entanglement (Ce) concentration. Experimentally, the maximum polymer:oil mass ratio electrospun was 1:3 and 1:6 for CS/PEO:CIN and:H-CIN, respectively; a higher chitosan DA increased the incorporation of H-CIN only. The correlations determined for electrospinning plant-derived oils could potentially be applied to other hydrophobic molecules, thus broadening the delivery of therapeutics from electrospun nanofiber mats. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Homogeneous solutions of stationary Navier-Stokes equations with isolated singularities on the unit sphere. II. Classification of axisymmetric no-swirl solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Li; Li, YanYan; Yan, Xukai


    We classify all (- 1)-homogeneous axisymmetric no-swirl solutions of incompressible stationary Navier-Stokes equations in three dimension which are smooth on the unit sphere minus the south and north poles, parameterizing them as a four dimensional surface with boundary in appropriate function spaces. Then we establish smoothness properties of the solution surface in the four parameters. The smoothness properties will be used in a subsequent paper where we study the existence of (- 1)-homogeneous axisymmetric solutions with non-zero swirl on S2 ∖ { S , N }, emanating from the four dimensional solution surface.

  11. Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions of Einstein's field equation: An Introduction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heinicke, Christian; Hehl, Friedrich W.


    Starting from Newton's gravitational theory, we give a general introduction into the spherically symmetric solution of Einstein's vacuum field equation, the Schwarzschild(-Droste) solution, and into one specific stationary axially symmetric solution, the Kerr solution. The Schwarzschild solution is unique and its metric can be interpreted as the exterior gravitational field of a spherically symmetric mass. The Kerr solution is only unique if the multipole moments of its mass and its angular momentum take on prescribed values. Its metric can be interpreted as the exterior gravitational field of a suitably rotating mass distribution. Both solutions describe objects exhibiting an event horizon, a frontier of no return. The corresponding notion of a black hole is explained to some extent. Eventually, we present some generalizations of the Kerr solution.

  12. Potential of mean force between two hydrophobic solutes in water.


    Southall, Noel T; Dill, Ken A


    We study the potential of mean force between two nonpolar solutes in the Mercedes Benz model of water. Using NPT Monte Carlo simulations, we find that the solute size determines the relative preference of two solute molecules to come into contact ('contact minimum') or to be separated by a single layer of water ('solvent-separated minimum'). Larger solutes more strongly prefer the contacting state, while smaller solutes have more tendency to become solvent-separated, particularly in cold water. The thermal driving forces oscillate with solute separation. Contacts are stabilized by entropy, whereas solvent-separated solute pairing is stabilized by enthalpy. The free energy of interaction for small solutes is well-approximated by scaled-particle theory. Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.

  13. Immediate Truth--Temporal Contiguity between a Cognitive Problem and Its Solution Determines Experienced Veracity of the Solution

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Topolinski, Sascha; Reber, Rolf


    A temporal contiguity hypothesis for the experience of veracity is tested which states that a solution candidate to a cognitive problem is more likely to be experienced as correct the faster it succeeds the problem. Experiment 1 varied the onset time of the appearance of proposed solutions to anagrams (50 ms vs. 150 ms) and found for both correct…

  14. Bicarbonate is not the ultimate answer to the biocompatibility problems of CAPD solutions: a cytotoxicity test of CAPD solutions and effluents.


    Schambye, H T; Pedersen, F B; Wang, P


    Human polymorphonuclear granulocytes (PMN) were tested for migration and phagocytosis after exposure to CAPD solutions and effluents sampled during the first hour of dialysis from patients treated with lactate or bicarbonate based CAPD-solutions. The effluents from the lactate based solutions (Dianeal and Lockolys) reduced the migration and enhanced the phagocytosis compared to values obtained in a standard cell culture medium. Both cell functions increased during the dialysis period. In contrast, the cell-function only changed slightly when 87b, a bicarbonate based CAPD-solution (pH = 7.4, [HCO3-) = 29mM), was employed. During the first 30 minutes, the cells performed at a higher level when exposed to the 87b effluent than when exposed to the lactate effluents. The observations further indicated that optimal conditions for PMNs are at a bicarbonate concentration of less than 20 mM and a lactate concentration of less than 15mM. PMN migration is reduced by both lactate and bicarbonate based CAPD solutions and effluents collected during the first hour of dialysis. The bio-compatibility of CAPD solutions may be improved by combining the lactate and bicarbonate buffering systems in a solution with a concentration of less than 20 mM of bicarbonate and less than 15 mM of lactate.

  15. Service-based Solutions.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cummings, Lynda; Winston, Michael


    Describes the Solutions model used at Shelley High School in Idaho which gives students the opportunity to gain practical experience while tackling community problems. This approach is built on the three fundamentals of an integrated curriculum, a problem-solving focus, and service-based learning. Sample problems include increasing certain trout…

  16. A Comprehensive Analytical Solution of the Nonlinear Pendulum

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ochs, Karlheinz


    In this paper, an analytical solution for the differential equation of the simple but nonlinear pendulum is derived. This solution is valid for any time and is not limited to any special initial instance or initial values. Moreover, this solution holds if the pendulum swings over or not. The method of approach is based on Jacobi elliptic functions…

  17. 21 CFR 173.325 - Acidified sodium chlorite solutions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... a prechiller or chiller tank; (ii) In a prechiller or chiller solution for application to the intact... a prechiller or chiller solution for application to poultry carcass parts; or (v) As a component of... a level sufficient to achieve a solution pH of 2.3 to 2.9. (3) When used in a prechiller or chiller...

  18. From the Highly Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations to Fast Diffusion and Porous Media Equations, Existence of Global Weak Solution for the Quasi-Solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haspot, Boris


    We consider the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for viscous and barotropic fluids with density dependent viscosity. The aim is to investigate mathematical properties of solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations using solutions of the pressureless Navier-Stokes equations, that we call quasi solutions. This regime corresponds to the limit of highly compressible flows. In this paper we are interested in proving the announced result in Haspot (Proceedings of the 14th international conference on hyperbolic problems held in Padova, pp 667-674, 2014) concerning the existence of global weak solution for the quasi-solutions, we also observe that for some choice of initial data (irrotationnal) the quasi solutions verify the porous media, the heat equation or the fast diffusion equations in function of the structure of the viscosity coefficients. In particular it implies that it exists classical quasi-solutions in the sense that they are {C^{∞}} on {(0,T)× {R}N} for any {T > 0}. Finally we show the convergence of the global weak solution of compressible Navier-Stokes equations to the quasi solutions in the case of a vanishing pressure limit process. In particular for highly compressible equations the speed of propagation of the density is quasi finite when the viscosity corresponds to {μ(ρ)=ρ^{α}} with {α > 1}. Furthermore the density is not far from converging asymptotically in time to the Barrenblatt solution of mass the initial density {ρ0}.

  19. Repertoire of free-living protozoa in contact lens solutions.


    Bouchoucha, Ibtissem; Aziz, Aurore; Hoffart, Louis; Drancourt, Michel


    The repertoire of free-living protozoa in contact lens solutions is poorly known despite the fact that such protozoa may act as direct pathogens and may harbor intra-cellular pathogens. Between 2009 and 2014, the contact lens solutions collected from patients presenting at our Ophthalmology Department for clinically suspected keratitis, were cultured on non-nutrient agar examined by microscope for the presence of free-living protozoa. All protozoa were identified by 18S rRNA gene sequencing. A total of 20 of 233 (8.6 %) contact lens solution specimens collected from 16 patients were cultured. Acanthamoeba amoeba in 16 solutions (80 %) collected from 12 patients and Colpoda steini, Cercozoa sp., Protostelium sp. and a eukaryotic more closely related to Vermamoeba sp., were each isolated in one solution. Cercozoa sp., Colpoda sp., Protostelium sp. and Vermamoeba sp. are reported for the first time as contaminating contact lens solutions. The repertoire of protozoa in contact lens solutions is larger than previously known.

  20. Peroxisomal membrane permeability and solute transfer.


    Antonenkov, Vasily D; Hiltunen, J Kalervo


    The review is dedicated to recent progress in the study of peroxisomal membrane permeability to solutes which has been a matter of debate for more than 40 years. Apparently, the mammalian peroxisomal membrane is freely permeable to small solute molecules owing to the presence of pore-forming channels. However, the membrane forms a permeability barrier for 'bulky' solutes including cofactors (NAD/H, NADP/H, CoA, and acetyl/acyl-CoA esters) and ATP. Therefore, peroxisomes need specific protein transporters to transfer these compounds across the membrane. Recent electrophysiological studies have revealed channel-forming activities in the mammalian peroxisomal membrane. The possible involvement of the channels in the transfer of small metabolites and in the formation of peroxisomal shuttle systems is described.