Sample records for student handouts worksheets

  1. The Critical Thinking Worksheet.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Agnew, Priscilla

    A description is provided of the use of a Critical Thinking Worksheet as a pedagogical tool for introducing critical thinking to students of philosophy and informal logic. First, an accompanying handout introduces essential terms such as "argument,""conclusion," and "reasons or premises." The worksheet itself constitutes the second page of the…

  2. Cartoon versus traditional self-study handouts for medical students: CARTOON randomized controlled trial.


    Junhasavasdikul, Detajin; Sukhato, Kanokporn; Srisangkaew, Suthan; Theera-Ampornpunt, Nawanan; Anothaisintawee, Thunyarat; Dellow, Alan


    The objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of a "cartoon-style" handout with a "traditional-style" handout in a self-study assignment for preclinical medical students. Third-year medical students (n = 93) at the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, took a pre-learning assessment of their knowledge of intercostal chest drainage. They were then randomly allocated to receive either a "cartoon-style" or a "traditional-style" handout on the same topic. After studying these over a 2-week period, students completed a post-learning assessment and estimated their levels of reading completion. Of the 79 participants completing the post-learning test, those in the cartoon-style group achieved a score 13.8% higher than the traditional-style group (p = 0.018). A higher proportion of students in the cartoon-style group reported reading ≥75% of the handout content (70.7% versus 42.1%). In post-hoc analyses, students whose cumulative grade point averages (GPA) from previous academic assessments were in the middle and lower range achieved higher scores with the cartoon-style handout than with the traditional one. In the lower-GPA group, the use of a cartoon-style handout was independently associated with a higher score. Students given a cartoon-style handout reported reading more of the material and achieved higher post-learning test scores than students given a traditional handout.

  3. The Computer Student Worksheet Based Mathematical Literacy for Statistics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Manoy, J. T.; Indarasati, N. A.


    The student worksheet is one of media teaching which is able to improve teaching an activity in the classroom. Indicators in mathematical literacy were included in a student worksheet is able to help the students for applying the concept in daily life. Then, the use of computers in learning can create learning with environment-friendly. This research used developmental research which was Thiagarajan (Four-D) development design. There are 4 stages in the Four-D, define, design, develop, and disseminate. However, this research was finish until the third stage, develop stage. The computer student worksheet based mathematical literacy for statistics executed good quality. This student worksheet is achieving the criteria if able to achieve three aspects, validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The subject in this research was the students at The 1st State Senior High School of Driyorejo, Gresik, grade eleven of The 5th Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The computer student worksheet products based mathematical literacy for statistics executed good quality, while it achieved the aspects for validity, practical, and effectiveness. This student worksheet achieved the validity aspects with an average of 3.79 (94.72%), and practical aspects with an average of 2.85 (71.43%). Besides, it achieved the effectiveness aspects with a percentage of the classical complete students of 94.74% and a percentage of the student positive response of 75%.

  4. Effectiveness of students worksheet based on mastery learning in genetics subject

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Megahati, R. R. P.; Yanti, F.; Susanti, D.


    Genetics is one of the subjects that must be followed by students in Biology education department. Generally, students do not like the genetics subject because of genetics concepts difficult to understand and the unavailability of a practical students worksheet. Consequently, the complete learning process (mastery learning) is not fulfilled and low students learning outcomes. The aim of this study develops student worksheet based on mastery learning that practical in genetics subject. This research is a research and development using 4-D models. The data analysis technique used is the descriptive analysis that describes the results of the practicalities of students worksheets based on mastery learning by students and lecturer of the genetic subject. The result is the student worksheet based on mastery learning on genetics subject are to the criteria of 80,33% and 80,14%, which means that the students worksheet practical used by lecturer and students. Student’s worksheet based on mastery learning effective because it can increase the activity and student learning outcomes.

  5. Development of biology student worksheets to facilitate science process skills of student

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rahayu, Y. S.; Pratiwi, R.; Indana, S.


    This research aims to describe development of Biology student worksheets to facilitate science process skills of student, at the same time to facilitate thinking skills of students in senior high school are equipped with Assesment Sheets. The worksheets development refers to cycle which includes phase analysis (analysis), planning (planning), design (design), development (development), implementation (implementation), evaluation and revision (evaluation and revision). Phase evaluation and revision is an ongoing activity conducted in each phase of the development cycle. That is, after the evaluation of the results of these activities and make revisions at any phase, then continue to the next phase. Based on the test results for grade X, XI, and XII in St. Agnes Surabaya high school, obtained some important findings. The findings are as follows. (1) Developed biology student worksheets could be used to facilitate thinking ability of students in particular skills integrated process that includes components to formulate the problem, formulate hypotheses, determine the study variables, formulate an operational definition of variables, determine the steps in the research, planning data tables, organizing Data in the form of tables/charts, drawing conclusions, (2) Developed biology student worksheets could also facilitate the development of social interaction of students such as working together, listening/respect the opinions of others, assembling equipment and materials, discuss and share information and facilitate the upgrading of skills hands-on student activity. (3) Developed biology worksheets basically could be implemented with the guidance of the teacher step by step, especially for students who have never used a similar worksheet. Guidance at the beginning of this need, especially for worksheets that require special skills or understanding of specific concepts as a prerequisite, such as using a microscope, determine the heart rate, understand the mechanism of

  6. The Effectiveness of Geography Student Worksheet to Develop Learning Experiences for High School Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Utami, Wiwik Sri; Sumarmi; Ruja, I. Nyoman; Utaya, Sugeng


    The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of geography student worksheet in developing high school students' learning experiences. The student worksheet was planned to gain opportunity to develop creative and geography skills. The effectiveness is assessed from the contribution of the worksheets in improving the skills of…

  7. Developing Guided Inquiry-Based Student Lab Worksheet for Laboratory Knowledge Course

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rahmi, Y. L.; Novriyanti, E.; Ardi, A.; Rifandi, R.


    The course of laboratory knowledge is an introductory course for biology students to follow various lectures practicing in the biology laboratory. Learning activities of laboratory knowledge course at this time in the Biology Department, Universitas Negeri Padang has not been completed by supporting learning media such as student lab worksheet. Guided inquiry learning model is one of the learning models that can be integrated into laboratory activity. The study aimed to produce student lab worksheet based on guided inquiry for laboratory knowledge course and to determine the validity of lab worksheet. The research was conducted using research and developmet (R&D) model. The instruments used in data collection in this research were questionnaire for student needed analysis and questionnaire to measure the student lab worksheet validity. The data obtained was quantitative from several validators. The validators consist of three lecturers. The percentage of a student lab worksheet validity was 94.18 which can be categorized was very good.

  8. Linear Equations. [Student Worksheets for Vocational Agricultural Courses].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jewell, Larry R.

    This learning module provides students with practice in applying algebraic operations to vocational agriculture. The module consists of unit objectives, definitions, information, problems to solve, worksheets suitable for various levels of vocational agriculture instruction, and answer keys for the problems and worksheets. This module, which…

  9. Common Fractions. [Student Worksheets for Vocational Agricultural Courses].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jewell, Larry R.

    This learning module provides students with practice in applying mathematical operations to vocational agriculture. The module consists of unit objectives, definitions, information, problems to solve, worksheets suitable for various levels of vocational agriculture instruction, and answer keys for the problems and worksheets. This module, which…

  10. Students’ Perceptions of ‘Technology-Based’ Lecture Handouts

    PubMed Central

    Islam, Mohammed Nazrul; Majumder, Md. Anwarul Azim; Ja’afar, Rogayah; Rahman, Sayeeda


    Lecture handouts are widely used instructional tools. Handouts supplement rather than substitute students’ regular reading. It is now a common practice to supply PowerPoint handouts and publish lecture handouts on the web for students’ access. A study was conducted among the first year medical students (n=142) of School of Medical Sciences (SMS), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in order to determine their perceptions and expectations with regards to lecture handouts provided to them. The majority of the students reported that they read the lecture handouts as a reference and found them useful as a guide for future learning. More than half (68%) of the students expressed dissatisfaction with the overall presentation format of the handouts which is mainly technology-related i.e. PowerPoint and photocopying. This study indicated that students’ expectations and experiences were positive towards the use of handouts. They used handouts as a means of supplementing rather than substituting their learning. Much care is needed when educators supply computer-based handouts, as this study shows a number of limitations when students use them. Medical schools should consider publishing web-based handouts with online and other facilities to make it interesting and effective. PMID:22605944

  11. The Metric System. [Student Worksheets for Vocational Agricultural Courses].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jewell, Larry R.

    This learning module provides students with practice in applying mathematical operations to vocational agriculture. The module consists of unit objectives, definitions, information, problems to solve, worksheets suitable for various levels of vocational agriculture instruction, and answer keys for the problems and worksheets. This module, which…

  12. Developing Students' Environmental Knowledge through Interactive Worksheets.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ballantyne, Roy; Witney, Eve; Tulip, David


    Environmental education is often characterized by a concern with developing attitudes and behavior rather than developing environmental knowledge and concepts. Students may thus unknowingly hold and later teach environmental misconceptions. Discusses the use of interactive worksheets to provide a time-effective means of developing students'…

  13. Development of Guided Inquiry-Based Student Lab Worksheet on the Making of Pineapple Flavoring

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dwiyanti, G.; Suryatna, A.; Taibah, I.


    The aim of this research was to develop guided inquiry based student lab worksheet on making pineapple flavour and knowing the quality of worksheet that is being developed. Research methods that is being conducted is research and development that is limited by a preliminary studies (literature studies, field surveys, and preparation of the initial product) and development of the model (within limited testing). The results from analyze the books sources and fields survey showed that the characteristic of esterification lab worksheet that currently available still in the direct instruction form (cookbook). The optimization result of making pineapple flavour experiment that was conducted are the ethanol volume 3 mL, butyric acid volume 2 mL, sulfuric acid 5 drops, saturated NaHCO3 solution volume 9 mL, and temperature of heating was 80 °C. The characteristic of guided inquiry based student lab worksheet that was developed contained phenomenon and instructions that suitable with inquiry stages to guide the students in doing the experiment of making pineapple flavour. The evaluation of designated teachers and lecturers of the developed student worksheet were very good (96,08%). Lab-experiment feasibility achieved by using guided inquiry based student lab worksheets that is being developed based on the inquiry stages that conducted by student were found very good (97,50%) and accomplishment based on students’ answer of the tasks in the worksheet were found very good (83,84%). Students’ responses of the experiments using the developed worksheet are found very good (81,84%).

  14. A Computer Based Training Program for the Development of Student Handouts and Other Training Aids.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Paquin, David C.

    A computer-based training program was used to teach technical instructors at the Long Island Lighting Company how to create student handouts of textbook quality with a computer, software, and laser printer. All five learners successfully completed the course objective, which was to produce a one-page handout that contained text and graphics,…

  15. Laboratory Activity Worksheet to Train High Order Thinking Skill of Student on Surface Chemistry Lecture

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yonata, B.; Nasrudin, H.


    A worksheet has to be a set with activity which is help students to arrange their own experiments. For this reason, this research is focused on how to train students’ higher order thinking skills in laboratory activity by developing laboratory activity worksheet on surface chemistry lecture. To ensure that the laboratory activity worksheet already contains aspects of the higher order thinking skill, it requires theoretical and empirical validation. From the data analysis results, it shows that the developed worksheet worth to use. The worksheet is worthy of theoretical and empirical feasibility. This conclusion is based on the findings: 1) Assessment from the validators about the theoretical feasibility aspects in the category is very feasible with an assessment range of 95.24% to 97.92%. 2) students’ higher thinking skill from N Gain values ranges from 0.50 (enough) to 1.00 (high) so it can be concluded that the laboratory activity worksheet on surface chemistry lecture is empirical in terms of worth. The empirical feasibility is supported by the responses of the students in very reasonable categories. It is expected that the laboratory activity worksheet on surface chemistry lecture can train students’ high order thinking skills for students who program surface chemistry lecture.

  16. Developing Student Worksheet Based On Higher Order Thinking Skills on the Topic of Transistor Power Amplifier

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sardia Ratna Kusuma, Luckey; Rakhmawati, Lusia; Wiryanto


    The purpose of this study is to develop a student worksheet about the transistor power amplifier based on higher order thinking skills include critical, logical, reflective, metacognitive, and creative thinking, which could be useful for teachers in improving student learning outcomes. Research and Development (R & D) methodology was used in this study. The pilot study of the worksheet was carried out with class X AV 2 at SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya. The result showed satisfies aspect of validity with 81.76 %, and effectiveness (students learning outcomes is classically passed out with percentage of 82.4 % and the students gave positive responses to the student worksheet of each statement. It can be concluded that this worksheet categorized good and worthy to be used as a source of learning in the learning activities.

  17. Enhancement of students’ creative thinking skills on mixture separation topic using project based student worksheet

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nurisalfah, R.; Fadiawati, N.; Jalmo, T.


    The aim of this study is to describe the effectiveness of project based student worksheet in improving students' creative thinking skills. The research method is using quasi experiment with the matching only pre-test post-test control group design. The population in this research is all students of class VII SMP N 2 Belitang Madang Raya with class VII1 as control class and class VII4 as experiment class. The sample of this research is obtaining by purposive sampling technique. The effectiveness of project based student worksheet is based on significant post-test differences between the control class and the experiment class as well as the effect size. The results show that the using of project based student worksheet is effective in improving students' creative thinking skills on mixture separation topic.

  18. Network Simulation Training Instructor's Guide and Student Handouts. Series #B01038.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oklahoma State Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education, Stillwater. Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center.

    This training material provides the reader with information on the installation of and instruction in the use of the on-line Novell Netware V2.15 training software, and consists of an Instructor's Guide and Student Handouts. The instructor's guide includes the following sections: system requirements; installation; starting the tutorial; completing…

  19. A comparison of teaching three common ear, nose, and throat conditions to medical students through video podcasts and written handouts: a pilot study.


    Edmond, Mark; Neville, Francesca; Khalil, Hisham S


    This pilot study conducted at the Peninsula Medical School is one of very few studies to compare the use of video podcasts to traditional learning resources for medical students. We developed written handouts and video podcasts for three common ear, nose, and throat conditions; epistaxis, otitis media, and tonsillitis. Forty-one second-year students were recruited via email. Students completed a 60-item true or false statement test written by the senior author (20 questions per subject). Students were subsequently randomized to podcast or handouts. Students were able to access their resource via their unique university login on the university homepage and were given 3 weeks to use their resource. They then completed the same 60-item test. Both podcasts and handouts demonstrated a statistically significant increase in student scores (podcasts mean increase in scores 4.7, P=0.004, 95% confidence interval =0.07). Handout mean increase in scores 5.3, P=0.015, 95% confidence interval =0.11). However, there was no significant difference (P=0.07) between the two, with the handout group scoring fractionally higher (podcasts average post-exposure score =37.3 vs handout 37.8) with a larger average improvement. A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire demonstrated that medical students enjoy using reusable learning objects such as podcasts and feel that they should be used more in their curriculum. Podcasts are as good as traditional handouts in teaching second-year medical students three core ear, nose, and throat conditions and enhance their learning experience.

  20. Validity of Students Worksheet Based Problem-Based Learning for 9th Grade Junior High School in living organism Inheritance and Food Biotechnology.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jefriadi, J.; Ahda, Y.; Sumarmin, R.


    Based on preliminary research of students worksheet used by teachers has several disadvantages such as students worksheet arranged directly drove learners conduct an investigation without preceded by directing learners to a problem or provide stimulation, student's worksheet not provide a concrete imageand presentation activities on the students worksheet not refer to any one learning models curicullum recommended. To address problems Reviews these students then developed a worksheet based on problem-based learning. This is a research development that using Ploom models. The phases are preliminary research, development and assessment. The instruments used in data collection that includes pieces of observation/interviews, instrument self-evaluation, instruments validity. The results of the validation expert on student worksheets get a valid result the average value 80,1%. Validity of students worksheet based problem-based learning for 9th grade junior high school in living organism inheritance and food biotechnology get valid category.

  1. Student Responses Toward Student Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning for Students with Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Intelligence

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yerizon, Y.; Putra, A. A.; Subhan, M.


    Students have a low mathematical ability because they are used to learning to hear the teacher's explanation. For that students are given activities to sharpen his ability in math. One way to do that is to create discovery learning based work sheet. The development of this worksheet took into account specific student learning styles including in schools that have classified students based on multiple intelligences. The dominant learning styles in the classroom were intrapersonal and interpersonal. The purpose of this study was to discover students’ responses to the mathematics work sheets of the junior high school with a discovery learning approach suitable for students with Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Intelligence. This tool was developed using a development model adapted from the Plomp model. The development process of this tools consists of 3 phases: front-end analysis/preliminary research, development/prototype phase and assessment phase. From the results of the research, it is found that students have good response to the resulting work sheet. The worksheet was understood well by students and its helps student in understanding the concept learned.

  2. Creative Digital Worksheet Base on Mobile Learning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wibawa, S. C.; Cholifah, R.; Utami, A. W.; Nurhidayat, A. I.


    The student is required to understand and act in the classroom and it is very important for selecting the media learning to determine the learning outcome. An instructional media is needed to help students achieve the best learning outcome. The objectives of this study are (1) to make Android-based student worksheet, (2) to know the students’ response on Android-based student worksheet in multimedia subject, (3) to determine the student result using Android-based student worksheet. The method used was Research and Development (R&D) using post-test-only in controlled quasi-experimental group design. The subjects of the study were 2 classes, a control class and an experimental class. The results showed (1) Android-based student worksheet was categorized very good as percentage of 85%; (2) the students’ responses was categorized very good as percentage of 86.42%; (3) the experimental class results were better than control class. The average result on cognitive tests on the experimental class was 89.97 and on control class was 78.31; whether the average result on psychomotor test on the experimental class was 89.90 and on the control class was 79.83. In conclusion, student result using Android-based student worksheet was better than those without it.

  3. Influence of Presentation Handout Completeness on Student Learning in a Physical Therapy Curriculum

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nelson-Wong, Erika; Eigsti, Heidi; Hammerich, Amy; Ellison, Nicole


    Students and faculty have disparate opinions on how complete lecture materials should be to optimize learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of lecture handout completeness and content area on Doctor of Physical Therapy student recall/retention in foundation level courses. These findings suggest there may not be a best…

  4. The application of interactive worksheet to improve vocational students' ability to write financial statements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Larasati, Aisyah; Hajji, Apif Miftahul


    Vocational students in Culinary Department is required to mastering the ability on managing restaurant. One of the responsibility of the students while operating a training restaurant is writing financial statements. Most of the time, writing financial statements is the hardest part for students to be conducted in a training restaurant since the students have studied limited theory/courses on that topic. This research aims to explore the improvement of students' ability to write financial statements after the application of interactive worksheet by asking them to solve financial statements case study. This research is an experimental research. Three groups of samples are used in this research, in which each of the group consists of 74 students. The first group consists of the students who solve the case study without using any software/application, the second group solve the case study by using Microsoft excel, and the third group solve the case study by using the interactive worksheet application. The results show that the use of interactive worksheet significantly improve the students ability to solve the financial statement case study either in term of accuracy or time needed to write the financial statement.

  5. Problem-Based Learning Model Used to Scientific Approach Based Worksheet for Physics to Develop Senior High School Students Characters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yulianti, D.


    The purpose of this study is to explore the application of Problem Based Learning(PBL) model aided withscientific approach and character integrated physics worksheets (LKS). Another purpose is to investigate the increase in cognitive and psychomotor learning outcomes and to know the character development of students. The method used in this study was the quasi-experiment. The instruments were observation and cognitive test. Worksheets can improve students’ cognitive, psychomotor learning outcomes. Improvements in cognitive learning results of students who have learned using worksheets are higher than students who received learning without worksheets. LKS can also develop the students’ character.

  6. Development of Lesson Plans and Student Worksheets Based Socio-Scientific Issues on Pollution Environmental Topic

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rahayu, S.; Meyliana, M.; Arlingga, A.; Reny, R.; Siahaan, P.; Hernani, H.


    The aim of this study is to develop lesson plans and student worksheets based socio-scientific issues on pollution environmental topic for seventh-grade junior high school students. Environmental pollution topic split into several subtopics namely air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. The composing of lesson plans were developed based on socio-scientific issues with five stages, namely (1) Motivate; (2) Challenge; (3) Collect scientific evidence; (4) Analyse the evidence; (5) Build knowledge and make connections; and (6) Use evidence. While student worksheets contain articles on socio-scientific issues, practice, and there are a few questions to determine students’ reasoning. The method that is used in this research is research and development (R & D method). Development model used in this study is a model of Plomp that consists of four stages, namely: (1) Initial Research; (2) Design; (3) Realization or Construction; (4) Testing, evaluation and revision; (5) Implementation, while the research was limited to the fourth stage. Lesson plans and student worksheets based on socio-scientific issues was validated through an expert validation. The result showed that lesson plans and student worksheets based socio-scientific issues on pollution theme have a very decent and be able to apply in science classroom.


    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York State Education Dept., Albany.


  8. Using Attendance Worksheets to Improve Student Attendance, Participation, and Learning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rhoads, Edward


    As science instructors we are faced with two main barriers with respect to student learning. The first is motivating our students to attend class and the second is to make them active participants in the learning process once we have gotten them to class. As we head further into the internet age this problem only gets exacerbated as students have replaced newspapers with cell phones which can surf the web, check their emails, and play games. Quizzes can motivated the students to attend class but do not necessarily motivate them to pay attention. Active learning techniques work but we as instructors have been bombarded by the active learning message to the point that we either do it already or refuse to. I present another option which in my classroom has doubled the rate at which students learn my material. By using attendance worksheets instead of end of class quizzes I hold students accountable for not just their attendance but for when they show up and when they leave the class. In addition it makes the students an active participant in the class even without using active learning techniques as they are writing notes and answering the questions you have posed while the class is in progress. Therefore using attendance worksheets is an effective tool to use in order to guide student learning.

  9. Impact of utilisation of uncompleted handouts on power point presentations (PPT) in rural Indian medical institute.


    Bhaisare, Roshan; Kamble, Bhavna


    Note taking while attending a PPT requires high activity of memory and writing process which ultimately leads to what is called "death by power point" referring to boredom and fatigue.  To overcome this we planned to evaluate the impact of utilisation of uncompleted handouts given prior to PPT presentations. Final year MBBS students were divided in 2 batches, batch A and batch B.  For a set of lectures one batch was provided with handouts before lecture while the other batch was given lectures only. Crossover was done to avoid bias, all the lectures being given by the same presenter.  At the end of each lecture, a short questionnaire of 10 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) was provided to the students. Mean scores were calculated for lectures with handouts and without handouts. For a set of lectures, when batch A was provided with handouts, the mean score was 28.2; for batch B to which no handouts were given the mean score was 23.4. Similarly, for batch B when provided with handouts the mean score was 29.1, for batch A which was not provided with handouts the mean score was 24. There was an average increase of 4.2 marks. Actual gain when handouts were provided was 1.2 marks per lecture.  It was more for the batch comprising of repeater students as compared to the batch of fresher students. Increase in attendance was also noted. Providing uncompleted handouts before a didactic lecture definitely results in increase in knowledge gain; repeater students benefit more with uncompleted handouts.

  10. Impact of utilisation of uncompleted handouts on power point presentations (PPT) in rural Indian medical institute

    PubMed Central



    Introduction Note taking while attending a PPT requires high activity of memory and writing process which ultimately leads to what is called “death by power point” referring to boredom and fatigue.  To overcome this we planned to evaluate the impact of utilisation of uncompleted handouts given prior to PPT presentations. Methods Final year MBBS students were divided in 2 batches, batch A and batch B.  For a set of lectures one batch was provided with handouts before lecture while the other batch was given lectures only. Crossover was done to avoid bias, all the lectures being given by the same presenter.  At the end of each lecture, a short questionnaire of 10 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) was provided to the students. Mean scores were calculated for lectures with handouts and without handouts. Results For a set of lectures, when batch A was provided with handouts, the mean score was 28.2; for batch B to which no handouts were given the mean score was 23.4. Similarly, for batch B when provided with handouts the mean score was 29.1, for batch A which was not provided with handouts the mean score was 24. There was an average increase of 4.2 marks. Actual gain when handouts were provided was 1.2 marks per lecture.  It was more for the batch comprising of repeater students as compared to the batch of fresher students. Increase in attendance was also noted. Conclusion Providing uncompleted handouts before a didactic lecture definitely results in increase in knowledge gain; repeater students benefit more with uncompleted handouts, PMID:27382583

  11. Global History. A Curriculum Guide. Second Semester. Theme III: The Emergence of the Modern World. Student Worksheets. Experimental Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY. Div. of Curriculum and Instruction.

    This bulletin of student worksheets complements teacher strategies for Theme III entitled, "Changes in Thought and Action Led to the Emergence of the Modern World." The worksheets contain materials corresponding to specific strategies, and the questions which accompany each worksheet are included on the appropriate strategy page. Included are…

  12. Development Biology Worksheet Oriented Accelerated Learning on Plantae and Ecosystems for 10th-Grade Senior High School Students

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dipuja, D. A.; Lufri, L.; Ahda, Y.


    The problem that found are learning outcomes student is low on the plantae and ecosystems. Students less motivated and passive learning because learning is teacher center and teaching materials not facilitate student. Therefore, it is necessary to design a worksheet oriented accelerated learning. Accelerated learning approach that can improve motivation and learning activities. The purpose of the research was to produce worksheet oriented accelerated learning on plantae and ecosystems. This research is designed as a research and development by using Plomp model, consists of the preliminary, prototyping, and assessment phase. Data was collected through questionnaires, observation sheet, test, and documentation. The results of the research was worksheet oriented accelerated learning on plantae and ecosystems is very valid.

  13. The role of handouts, note-taking and overhead transparencies in veterinary science lectures.


    McLennan, M W; Isaacs, G


    To study student and staff views of the role and use of handouts, note-taking and overhead transparencies in veterinary science lectures at the University of Queensland The Nominal Group Technique was used to help develop a questionnaire, which was completed by 351 students (a response rate of 84%) and 35 staff (76%) from the 5 years of the veterinary course. The data were analysed using the SAS statistical computer package. Staff and students held different views as to the frequency with which handouts should be used, their educational value, and whether they should be complete or partial. Fewer students than staff agreed that handouts discourage further reading in a subject. Almost all staff and students saw the central functions of note-taking to be provision of notes for subsequent revision and encoding information given by the lecturer. More students than staff however, considered that note-taking in lectures interferes with understanding. Staff and students held similar views as to the uses of overheads in lectures. Interestingly however, more staff than students agreed that overheads often contain too much information. Both students and staff saw the central role of note-taking as providing a set of good notes for revision. Generally students preferred that this information be provided in the form of partial or complete handouts, while staff preferred students to take notes and to read outside lectures. Surprisingly, more staff than students felt that overhead transparencies often contained too much information. Note-taking, handouts and overhead transparencies need to be linked in a coherent educational strategy to promote effective learning.

  14. Lesson Plan Manual, a Series of Lesson Plans and Worksheets on Consumer Education and Student Worksheets for Consumer Education Lesson Plans, Adult Basic Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York State Education Dept., Albany.

    This manual provides teachers with lesson plans in consumer education. Each lesson contains background material offering the teacher specific information on the subject of the lesson, development of understandings, student worksheets, and discussion questions to encourage student involvement. The ten lesson plans are--Buying on time, Retail…

  15. Student Analysis of Handout Development based on Guided Discovery Method in Process Evaluation and Learning Outcomes of Biology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nerita, S.; Maizeli, A.; Afza, A.


    Process Evaluation and Learning Outcomes of Biology subjects discusses the evaluation process in learning and application of designed and processed learning outcomes. Some problems found during this subject was the student difficult to understand the subject and the subject unavailability of learning resources that can guide and make students independent study. So, it necessary to develop a learning resource that can make active students to think and to make decisions with the guidance of the lecturer. The purpose of this study is to produce handout based on guided discovery method that match the needs of students. The research was done by using 4-D models and limited to define phase that is student requirement analysis. Data obtained from the questionnaire and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the average requirement of students was 91,43%. Can be concluded that students need a handout based on guided discovery method in the learning process.

  16. Android worksheet application based on discovery learning on students' achievement for vocational high school: Mechanical behavior of materials topics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nanto, Dwi; Aini, Anisa Nurul; Mulhayatiah, Diah


    This research reports a study of student worksheet based on discovery learning on Mechanical Behavior of Materials topics under Android application (Android worksheet application) for vocational high school. The samples are Architecture class X students of SMKN 4 (a public vocational high school) in Tangerang Selatan City, province of Banten, Indonesia. We made 3 groups based on Intellectual Quotient (IQ). They are average IQ group, middle IQ group and high IQ group. The method of research is used as a quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The technique of sampling is purposive sampling. Instruments used in this research are test instruments and non-test instruments. The test instruments are IQ test and test of student's achievement. For the test of student's achievement (pretest and posttest) we provide 25 multiple choice problems. The non-test instruments are questionnaire responses by the students and the teacher. Without IQ categorized, the result showed that there is an effect of Android worksheet application on student's achievement based on cognitive aspects of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. However, from the IQ groups point of view, only the middle IQ group and the high IQ group showed a significant effect from the Android worksheet application on student's achievement meanwhile for the average IQ group there was no effect.

  17. Accounting: Teaching the Worksheet: The "What,""Why," and "How."

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Simpson, Kawanna J.; Musselman, Donald


    Techniques to enable accounting teachers to present the accounting worksheet are given, with examples of worksheet columns for income statement, balance sheet, revenue and expense, owner's equity, trial balance, and adjustments. The techniques also show the student the reasons (why) for and the mechanics (how) of the worksheet. (MF)

  18. A Worksheet to Enhance Students’ Conceptual Understanding in Vector Components

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wutchana, Umporn; Emarat, Narumon


    With and without physical context, we explored 59 undergraduate students’conceptual and procedural understanding of vector components using both open ended problems and multiple choice items designed based on research instruments used in physics education research. The results showed that a number of students produce errors and revealed alternative conceptions especially when asked to draw graphical form of vector components. It indicated that most of them did not develop a strong foundation of understanding in vector components and could not apply those concepts to such problems with physical context. Based on the findings, we designed a worksheet to enhance the students’ conceptual understanding in vector components. The worksheet is composed of three parts which help students to construct their own understanding of definition, graphical form, and magnitude of vector components. To validate the worksheet, focus group discussions of 3 and 10 graduate students (science in-service teachers) had been conducted. The modified worksheet was then distributed to 41 grade 9 students in a science class. The students spent approximately 50 minutes to complete the worksheet. They sketched and measured vectors and its components and compared with the trigonometry ratio to condense the concepts of vector components. After completing the worksheet, their conceptual model had been verified. 83% of them constructed the correct model of vector components.

  19. Accounting Clerk Guide, Exercise and Worksheet Packet--Part I.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Foster, Brian; And Others

    The exercise and worksheet packet is part of an eight volume unit for grades 10, 11, and 12, designed for individualized progression in preparing students for entry into the occupation of accounting clerk. The exercise and worksheet packet contains a copy of every worksheet in the learner packet for lessons 1 through 11 so that the instructor can…

  20. Teaching Financial Accounting via a Worksheet Approach.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vincent, Vern C.; Dietz, Elizabeth M.

    A classroom research study investigated the effectiveness of an approach to financial accounting instruction that uses worksheets to bring together the conceptual and practical aspects of the field. Students were divided into two groups, one taught by traditional lecture method and the other taught with worksheet exercises and lectures stressing…

  1. The Practicality of Statistical Physics Handout Based on KKNI and the Constructivist Approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sari, S. Y.; Afrizon, R.


    Statistical physics lecture shows that: 1) the performance of lecturers, social climate, students’ competence and soft skills needed at work are in enough category, 2) students feel difficulties in following the lectures of statistical physics because it is abstract, 3) 40.72% of students needs more understanding in the form of repetition, practice questions and structured tasks, and 4) the depth of statistical physics material needs to be improved gradually and structured. This indicates that learning materials in accordance of The Indonesian National Qualification Framework or Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) with the appropriate learning approach are needed to help lecturers and students in lectures. The author has designed statistical physics handouts which have very valid criteria (90.89%) according to expert judgment. In addition, the practical level of handouts designed also needs to be considered in order to be easy to use, interesting and efficient in lectures. The purpose of this research is to know the practical level of statistical physics handout based on KKNI and a constructivist approach. This research is a part of research and development with 4-D model developed by Thiagarajan. This research activity has reached part of development test at Development stage. Data collection took place by using a questionnaire distributed to lecturers and students. Data analysis using descriptive data analysis techniques in the form of percentage. The analysis of the questionnaire shows that the handout of statistical physics has very practical criteria. The conclusion of this study is statistical physics handouts based on the KKNI and constructivist approach have been practically used in lectures.

  2. NDPC-SD Data Probes Worksheet

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities, 2011


    This worksheet from the National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities (NDPC-SD) is an optional tool to help schools organize multiple years of student and program data for the purpose of identifying school-completion needs that can be addressed through the implementation of research-based interventions. It is designed for use…

  3. Related Instructional Material for Electrical Apprentice Technical Training. Student Worksheets. Series C (Third Year). Revised to Meet 1978 Electrical Code.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    North Carolina State Dept. of Community Colleges, Raleigh.

    Information sheets and student worksheets for twenty-five lesson plans designed for a third-year electrical apprentice technical training program are presented in this workbook. The information sheets provide summary information about the lesson topics and the worksheets contain problems to be solved and questions to be answered relating to each…

  4. Related Instructional Material for Electrical Apprentice Technical Training. Student Worksheets. Series D (Fourth Year). Revised to Meet 1978 Electrical Code.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    North Carolina State Dept. of Community Colleges, Raleigh.

    Information sheets and student worksheets for twenty-seven lesson plans designed for a fourth-year electrical apprentice technical training program are presented in this workbook. The information sheets provide summary information about the lesson topics and the worksheets contain problems to be solved and questions to be answered relating to each…

  5. Related Instructional Material for Electrical Apprentice Technical Training. Student Worksheets. Series No. B (Second Year). Revised to Meet 1978 Electrical Code.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    North Carolina State Dept. of Community Colleges, Raleigh.

    Information sheets and student worksheets for twenty-eight lesson plans designed for a second-year electrical apprentice technical training program are presented in this workbook. The information sheets provide summary information about the lesson topics and the worksheets contain problems to be solved and questions to be answered relating to each…

  6. Handout of the Month: Creating and Understanding Concrete Poetry.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Notes Plus, 1983


    Teaching suggestions and questions on which to build a class discussion are presented regarding concrete poetry. An example of a poem about a bird's feather in which the words are arranged in the shape of a feather is included and is intended as a student handout. In addition to suggestions for student assignments, five sources of concrete poetry…

  7. Developing students' worksheets applying soft skill-based scientific approach for improving building engineering students' competencies in vocational high schools

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Suparno, Sudomo, Rahardjo, Boedi


    Experts and practitioners agree that the quality of vocational high schools needs to be greatly improved. Many construction services have voiced their dissatisfaction with today's low-quality vocational high school graduates. The low quality of graduates is closely related to the quality of the teaching and learning process, particularly teaching materials. In their efforts to improve the quality of vocational high school education, the government have implemented Curriculum 2013 (K13) and supplied teaching materials. However, the results of monitoring and evaluation done by the Directorate of Vocational High School, Directorate General of Secondary Education (2014), the provision of tasks for students in the teaching materials was totally inadequate. Therefore, to enhance the quality and the result of the instructional process, there should be provided students' worksheets that can stimulate and improve students' problem-solving skills and soft skills. In order to develop worksheets that can meet the academic requirements, the development needs to be in accordance with an innovative learning approach, which is the soft skill-based scientific approach.

  8. Related Instructional Material for Electrical Apprentice Technical Training. Student Worksheets. Series No. A (First Year). Revised to Meet 1978 Electrical Code.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    North Carolina State Dept. of Community Colleges, Raleigh.

    Information sheets and student worksheets for thirty-six lessons designed for a first-year electrical apprentice technical training program are presented in this workbook. The information sheets provide summary information about the lesson topics and the worksheets contain problems to be solved and questions to be answered relating to each lesson.…

  9. Informed consent in otologic surgery: prospective randomized study comparing risk recall with an illustrated handout and a nonillustrated handout.


    Henry, Eric; Brown, Timothy; Bartlett, Clark; Massoud, Emad; Bance, Manohar


    Following consent, do pictures in a handout improve patients' recall of otologic surgical risks? Prospective, randomized trial in a tertiary care centre. Patients undergoing otologic surgery were consented with a standardized checklist of risks by two surgeons. They were randomized (stratified by educational level) to receive either a pure text or a text and pictures handout outlining the risks of surgery. A telephone interview tested recall at a mean of 19 days. Twenty-six patients were resampled at 1 year. Recall was analyzed with respect to type of handout, age, sex, and level of education. A subset of 31 patients was analyzed for the effects of which surgeon consented, previous otologic surgery, and actually reading the handout. Fifty-one patients completed the study. The overall risk recall was 43%, with 45% in the pictorial group and 42% in the pure text group (p = .84). The illustrated handout did not improve the recall of any individual surgical risk either. Higher education improved risk recall from 36 to 54% (p = .009). Age, consenting surgeon, previous otologic surgery, and even reading the handout did not improve risk recall. A subgroup of 26 patients was followed up 1 year later, and their recall fell from 41 to 35%. The illustrated handout did not improve long-term recall (p = .674). Pictorial cues do not improve recall of surgical risks, but education level does.

  10. Stakeholder Analysis Worksheet

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Stakeholder Analysis WorksheetA worksheet that can be used to document potential stakeholder groups, the information or expertise they hold, the role that they can play, their interests or concerns about the HIA

  11. Locating useful patient brochures and handouts.


    Zanni, Guido R


    Educational handouts are becoming routine in health care, helping promote health literacy in patients and their caregivers. To be effective, handouts must be tailored to various target audiences. This article discusses several Web sites that provide accurate information for conditions commonly seen in long-term care.

  12. Evaluation of Teaching Clinical Pharmacology of Antiarrhythmic Drugs to First-Year MBBS Students Through Worksheet-Based Small-Group Discussion.


    Hasamnis, Ameya A; Arya, Aditya


    Cardiac arrhythmias are a major cause of morbidity and mortality across the world. Learning the science behind the use of antiarrhythmic drugs is essential for all medical graduates. However, many antiarrhythmic drugs are available, and most of them have complex pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles. We tried to improvise our teaching by conducting interactive, worksheet-based, small-group discussion on antiarrhythmic drugs with preclinical students of School of Medicine, Taylor's University, Malaysia. This survey was conducted to analyze the outcomes of worksheet-based, small-group discussion.

  13. I Wonder. Science Worksheets for the Primary Grades.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Daniel, Charlie; Daniel, Becky

    Designed to use simple materials that can be found in almost any household, this document provides elementary teachers and students with activities and worksheets that deal with basic scientific concepts. The activities are intended to help students form and test their own hypotheses. Each topic in the booklet is addressed through a simple…

  14. Developing Guided Worksheet for Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach in teaching Formal Definition of The Limit of A Function

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Oktaviyanthi, R.; Dahlan, J. A.


    This study aims to develop student worksheets that correspond to the Cognitive Apprenticeship learning approach. The main subject in this student worksheet is Functions and Limits with the branch of the main subject is Continuity and Limits of Functions. There are two indicators of the achievement of this learning that are intended to be developed in the student worksheet (1) the student can explain the concept of limit by using the formal definition of limit and (2) the student can evaluate the value of limit of a function using epsilon and delta. The type of research used is development research that refers to the development of Plomp products. The research flow starts from literature review, observation, interviews, work sheet design, expert validity test, and limited trial on first-year students in academic year 2016-2017 in Universitas Serang Raya, STKIP Pelita Pratama Al-Azhar Serang, and Universitas Mathla’ul Anwar Pandeglang. Based on the product development result obtained the student worksheets that correspond to the Cognitive Apprenticeship learning approach are valid and reliable.

  15. Applying innovative approach “Nature of Science (NoS) within inquiry” for developing scientific literacy in the student worksheet

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Widowati, A.; Anjarsari, P.; Zuhdan, K. P.; Dita, A.


    The challenges of the 21st century require innovative solutions. Education must able to make an understanding of science learning that leads to the formation of scientific literacy learners. This research was conducted to produce the prototype as science worksheet based on Nature of Science (NoS) within inquiry approach and to know the effectiveness its product for developing scientific literacy. This research was the development and research design, by pointing to Four D models and Borg & Gall Model. There were 4 main phases (define, design, develop, disseminate) and additional phases (preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, and operational product revision). Research subjects were students of the junior high school in Yogyakarta. The instruments used included questionnaire sheet product validation and scientific literacy test. For the validation data were analyzed descriptively. The test result was analyzed by an N-gain score. The results showed that the appropriateness of worksheet applying NoS within inquiry-based learning approach is eligible based on the assessment from excellent by experts and teachers, students’ scientific literacy can improve high category of the N-gain score at 0.71 by using student worksheet with Nature of Science (NoS) within inquiry approach.

  16. O'Neal Training Manual.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alabama State Dept. of Education, Montgomery.

    This training manual provides 42 lessons developed for a workplace literacy program at O'Neal Steel. Each lesson consists of a summary sheet with activities and corresponding materials and time; handout(s); pretest; instructor materials and samples; and worksheet(s). Activities in each lesson are set induction, guided practice, applied practice,…

  17. Developing Statistical Physics Course Handout on Distribution Function Materials Based on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Riandry, M. A.; Ismet, I.; Akhsan, H.


    This study aims to produce a valid and practical statistical physics course handout on distribution function materials based on STEM. Rowntree development model is used to produce this handout. The model consists of three stages: planning, development and evaluation stages. In this study, the evaluation stage used Tessmer formative evaluation. It consists of 5 stages: self-evaluation, expert review, one-to-one evaluation, small group evaluation and field test stages. However, the handout is limited to be tested on validity and practicality aspects, so the field test stage is not implemented. The data collection technique used walkthroughs and questionnaires. Subjects of this study are students of 6th and 8th semester of academic year 2016/2017 Physics Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University. The average result of expert review is 87.31% (very valid category). One-to-one evaluation obtained the average result is 89.42%. The result of small group evaluation is 85.92%. From one-to-one and small group evaluation stages, averagestudent response to this handout is 87,67% (very practical category). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the handout is valid and practical.

  18. Developing CORE model-based worksheet with recitation task to facilitate students’ mathematical communication skills in linear algebra course

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Risnawati; Khairinnisa, S.; Darwis, A. H.


    The purpose of this study was to develop a CORE model-based worksheet with recitation task that were valid and practical and could facilitate students’ communication skills in Linear Algebra course. This study was conducted in mathematics education department of one public university in Riau, Indonesia. Participants of the study were media and subject matter experts as validators as well as students from mathematics education department. The objects of this study are students’ worksheet and students’ mathematical communication skills. The results of study showed that: (1) based on validation of the experts, the developed students’ worksheet was valid and could be applied for students in Linear Algebra courses; (2) based on the group trial, the practicality percentage was 92.14% in small group and 90.19% in large group, so the worksheet was very practical and could attract students to learn; and (3) based on the post test, the average percentage of ideals was 87.83%. In addition, the results showed that the students’ worksheet was able to facilitate students’ mathematical communication skills in linear algebra course.

  19. Global History. A Curriculum Guide. Third Semester. Theme VIII: Economic, Political, and Cultural Changes in the Post-War World Affect Our Lives Today. Student Worksheets. Experimental Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY. Div. of Curriculum and Instruction.

    This packet of worksheets and articles was developed for use by secondary school students in the New York City public schools. It is part of a three semester, eight theme global history course. These worksheets cover the theme "Economic, Political, and Cultural Changes in the Post-War World Affect Our Lives Today" and are intended for use in…

  20. Designing students’ worksheet based on open-ended approach to foster students’ creative thinking skills

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Romli, S.; Abdurrahman; Riyadi, B.


    This study aimed at designing an open-ended worksheet to enhance students’ creative thinking skills. The study was conducted at one private school in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. The participants of the study were twenty students of tenth grade students and two physics teachers. This study used descriptive data. Data were collected by analyzing qualitative data, literature and focus group discussion to gain information about students’ conceptions of physics in the context of open-ended learning. The result showed that students needed innovative learning resources in form of open ended-based worksheet which could give the students an opportunity to develop various solutions related to physics problem. Therefore, students’ creative thinking skill could be improved.

  1. Improving the Design of Laboratory Worksheets.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McDowell, E. T.; Wadding, R. E. L.


    Describes a technique to improve the adaptation, development, and utilization of laboratory worksheets. Two sample worksheets (on decomposition of ethanol and on solubility of potassium chloride) are included. (JN)

  2. Time Management: A Lesson Plan, Transparencies, Handouts and Media Evaluations on the Topic.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Campbell, Clifton P.

    Intended for use in a 3-hour instructional program at the graduate level, the packet contains an outline of the instructional content, 9 transparencies, 12 handouts, and 7 supplementary materials. The outline is organized in terms of content, instructor activity (such as showing a transparency), and student activity. Instruction covers the…


    EPA Science Inventory

    The handout describes the Mobile Emissions Characterization Team of EPA's Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division. The team conducts research to characterize and evaluate emissions of volatile...

  4. Reviewing Printed Subject Bibliographies: A Worksheet.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tabachnick, Sharon


    Discusses the importance of reviews of bibliographies to librarians, identifies common problems with the review process, and proposes a worksheet that will enable reviewers of printed subject bibliographies to address the needs of librarians. The theoretical foundation for the concepts used in the worksheet are discussed. (14 references) (CLB)

  5. The effect of multiple external representations (MERs) worksheets toward complex system reasoning achievement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sumarno; Ibrahim, M.; Supardi, Z. A. I.


    The application of a systems approach to assessing biological systems provides hope for a coherent understanding of cell dynamics patterns and their relationship to plant life. This action required the reasoning about complex systems. In other sides, there were a lot of researchers who provided the proof about the instructional successions. They involved the multiple external representations which improved the biological learning. The researcher conducted an investigation using one shoot case study design which involved 30 students in proving that the MERs worksheets could affect the student's achievement of reasoning about complex system. The data had been collected based on test of reasoning about complex system and student's identification result who worked through MERs. The result showed that only partially students could achieve reasoning about system complex, but their MERs skill could support their reasoning ability of complex system. This study could bring a new hope to develop the MERs worksheet as a tool to facilitate the reasoning about complex system.

  6. The Effect of Mathematical Worksheets Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory on the Academic Achievement of the Students in the 4th Grade Primary School

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Inan, Cemil; Erkus, Serdar


    The aim of this research is to examine the effect of Math worksheets based on the Multiple Intelligences Theory on the academic achievement of students in the 4th grade primary school. The sample of the research consists of 64 (32 experimental and 32 control) students who are studying in the 4th grade in a primary school affiliated to the Ministry…

  7. [KIND Worksheet Packet: Wild Animals (Junior).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Association for Humane and Environmental Education, East Haddam, CT.

    This packet is the junior part of a series of worksheet packets available at both junior (grades 3-4) and senior (grades 5-6) levels that covers a variety of humane and environmental topics. Each packet includes 10 worksheets, all of which originally appeared in past issues of the annual teaching magazine "KIND (Kids in Nature's Defense)…

  8. [KIND Worksheet Packet: Wild Animals (Senior).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Association for Humane and Environmental Education, East Haddam, CT.

    This packet is the senior part of a series of worksheet packets available at both junior (grades 3-4) and senior (grades 5-6) levels that covers a variety of humane and environmental topics. Each packet includes 10 worksheets, all of which originally appeared in past issues of the annual teaching magazine "KIND (Kids in Nature's Defense)…

  9. Use of Practical Worksheet in Teacher Education at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Levels

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Toh, Pee Choon; Toh, Tin Lam; Ho, Foo Him; Quek, Khiok Seng


    We have applied the "practical paradigm" in teaching problem solving to secondary school students. The key feature of the practical paradigm is the use of a practical worksheet to guide the students' processes in problem solving. In this paper, we report the diffusion of the practical paradigm to university level courses for prospective…

  10. Development of guided inquiry-based laboratory worksheet on topic of heat of combustion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sofiani, D.; Nurhayati; Sunarya, Y.; Suryatna, A.


    Chemistry curriculum reform shows an explicit shift from traditional approach to scientific inquiry. This study aims to develop a guided inquiry-based laboratory worksheet on topic of heat of combustion. Implementation of this topic in high school laboratory is new because previously some teachers only focused the experiment on determining the heat of neutralization. The method used in this study was development research consisted of three stages: define, design, and develop. In the define stage, curriculum analysis and material analysis were performed. In the design stage, laboratory optimization and product preparation were conducted. In the development stage, the product was evaluated by the experts and tested to a total of 20 eleventh-grade students. The instruments used in this study were assessment sheet and students’ response questionnaire. The assessment results showed that the guided inquiry-based laboratory worksheet has very good quality based on the aspects of content, linguistic, and graphics. The students reacted positively to the use of this guided inquiry-based worksheet as demonstrated by the results from questionnaire. The implications of this study is the laboratory activity should be directed to development of scientific inquiry skills in order to enhance students’ competences as well as the quality of science education.

  11. Formulation of consumables management models. Consumables flight planning worksheet utilization

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Newman, C. M.


    The updated and reformatted consumables flight planning worksheet is documented. An instruction set for applying the worksheet, and a sample application of the worksheet is disclosed. The particular application is for the STS interfacing with sortie payloads and typifies the interfacing of the delivery system and payloads.

  12. Overhauling Technical Handouts for Active Student Participation: A Model for Improving Lecture Efficiency and Increasing Attendance

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jakee, Keith


    This instructional paper is intended to provide an alternative approach to developing lecture materials, including handouts and PowerPoint slides, successfully developed over several years. The principal objective is to aid in the bridging of traditional "chalk and talk" lecture approaches with more active learning techniques, especially in more…

  13. Global History. A Curriculum Guide. Second Semester. Theme V: The Industrial Revolution Had Global Impact. Student Worksheets. Experimental Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY. Div. of Curriculum and Instruction.

    The worksheets contained in this bulletin are designed for use in conjunction with the teaching strategies for Theme V entitled, "The Industrial Revolution Had Global Impact." The worksheets correspond to specific strategies with accompanying questions on the appropriate strategy page. Included are activities for the seven subthemes: (1)…

  14. Helping Children at Home and School II: Handouts for Families and Educators

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Canter, Andrea S., Ed.; Paige, Leslie Z., Ed.; Roth, Mark D., Ed.; Romero, Ivonne, Ed.; Carroll, Servio A., Ed.


    This document builds on the success of earlier editions. It includes a number of substantially revised handouts updated from the previous editions, plus many new topics that reflect the challenges parents and educators face in the 21st century. Many handouts for families are also provided in Spanish. This document is a comprehensive resource for…

  15. Analysis of expert validation on developing integrated science worksheet to improve problem solving skills of natural science prospective teachers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Widodo, W.; Sudibyo, E.; Sari, D. A. P.


    This study aims to develop student worksheets for higher education that apply integrated science learning in discussing issues about motion in humans. These worksheets will guide students to solve the problem about human movement. They must integrate their knowledge about biology, physics, and chemistry to solve the problem. The worksheet was validated by three experts in Natural Science Integrated Science, especially in Human Movement topic. The aspects of the validation were feasibility of the content, the construction, and the language. This research used the Likert scale to measure the validity of each aspect, which is 4.00 for very good validity criteria, 3.00 for good validity criteria, 2.00 for more or less validity criteria, and 1.00 for not good validity criteria. Data showed that the validity for each aspect were in the range of good validity and very good validity criteria (3.33 to 3.67 for the content aspect, 2.33 to 4.00 for the construction aspect, and 3.33 to 4.00 for language aspect). However, there was a part of construction aspect that needed to improve. Overall, this students’ worksheet can be applied in classroom after some revisions based on suggestions from the validators.

  16. Worksheets for computing recommended notebook computer and workstation adjustments.


    Nanthavanij, Suebsak; Udomratana, Chatkate; Hansawad, Saowalak; Thepkanjana, Jayaporn; Tantasuwan, Wanchalerm


    This paper discusses the design and development of worksheets for helping notebook computer (NBC) users to compute NBC and workstation adjustments so as to assume an appropriate seated posture. The worksheets (one for male users, the other for female ones) require the following information: body height, NBC screen size, work surface height, and seat height. The worksheets contain tables for estimating recommended NBC base angle, NBC screen angle, body-NBC distance, work surface height, and seat height. Additionally, they include flow charts to help NBC users to determine necessary adjustment accessories and their settings.

  17. Extended Worksheet Developed According to 5E Model Based on Constructivist Learning Approach

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Töman, Ufuk; Akdeniz, Ali Riza; Odabasi Çimer, Sabiha; Gürbüz, Fatih


    In order to achieve the targeted objectives desired level of education and modern learning theories for learner centered methods are recommended. In this context the use of worksheets developed and that student participation is considered to be one of the methods. This research is one of the ethyl alcohol fermentation biology issues and prepare…

  18. Fostering students’ thinking skill and social attitude through STAD cooperative learning technique on tenth grade students of chemistry class

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kriswintari, D.; Yuanita, L.; Widodo, W.


    The aim of this study was to develop chemistry learning package using Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) cooperative learning technique to foster students’ thinking skills and social attitudes. The chemistry learning package consisting of lesson plan, handout, students’ worksheet, thinking skill test, and observation sheet of social attitude was developed using the Dick and Carey model. Research subject of this study was chemistry learning package using STAD which was tried out on tenth grade students of SMA Trimurti Surabaya. The tryout was conducted using the one-group pre-test post-test design. Data was collected through observation, test, and questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis. The findings of this study revealed that the developed chemistry learning package using STAD cooperative learning technique was categorized valid, practice and effective to be implemented in the classroom to foster students’ thinking skill and social attitude.

  19. Acquiring Knowledge about Biodiversity in a Museum--Are Worksheets Effective?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Krombab, Angela; Harms, Ute


    This study examined the effectiveness of worksheets while learning about biodiversity in a natural history museum. Despite the frequent use of worksheets by school classes during out-of-school activities, their effectiveness in enhancing knowledge acquisition has been addressed by relatively few empirical studies. 148 Austrian grammar school…

  20. Coping in the World of Work. Practice in Problem Solving. Masters, Handouts and Transparencies. Research and Development Series No. 120C.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Center for Vocational Education.

    Master handouts and transparencies needed for activities and instruction are contained in this document, which is part of a career development unit on coping in the world of work designed to assist students in developing coping strategies to deal with work entry and job adjustment problems. (Other components of the unit--instructor's handbook,…

  1. Global History. A Curriculum Guide. Third Semester. Theme VI: Nineteenth Century Imperialism Affected the Imperial Powers and the Colonies. Student Worksheets. Experimental Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY. Div. of Curriculum and Instruction.

    The worksheets contained in this bulletin are designed for use in conjunction with the teaching strategies for Theme VI entitled, "Nineteenth Century Imperialism Affected the Imperial Powers and the Colonies." The worksheets correspond to specific teaching strategies with accompanying questions on the appropriate strategy page. Included are…

  2. Effects of three types of lecture notes on medical student achievement.


    Russell, I J; Caris, T N; Harris, G D; Hendricson, W D


    Two parallel studies were conducted with junior medical students to determine what influence the forms of lecture notes would have on learning. The three types of notes given to the students were: a comprehensive manuscript of the lecture containing text, tables, and figures; a partial handout which included some illustrations but required substantial annotation by the students; and a skeleton outline containing no data from the lecture. The students' knowledge about the subject was measured before the lecture, immediately after the lecture, two to four weeks later, and approximately three months later. The students' responses to questionnaires indicated a strong preference for very detained handouts as essential to preparation for examinations. By contract, the students' performances on tests generally were better for those who had received the partial or skeleton handout formats. This was particularly true for information presented during the last quarter of each lecture, when learning efficiency of the skeleton handout group increased while the other two handout groups exhibited learning fatigue. It was concluded that learning by medical students was improved when they recorded notes in class.

  3. Assessing student clinical learning experiences.


    Nehyba, Katrine; Miller, Susan; Connaughton, Joanne; Singer, Barbara


    This article describes the use of an activity worksheet and questionnaire to investigate the learning experience of students on clinical placement. The worksheet measures the amount of time students spend in different learning activities, and the questionnaire explores student satisfaction and preferred learning activities. An activity worksheet and questionnaire … investigate[d] the learning experiences of students on clinical placement METHODS: The activity worksheet and questionnaire were used in a cohort pilot study of physiotherapy students on clinical placement. The activity worksheet provides details of the amount of time students engage in a range of clinical and non-clinical tasks while on placement, such as time spent treating patients, working individually, working with their peers and engaging in reflective practice. In combination with the questionnaire results, it allows clinicians to gain an understanding of the clinical learning environment experienced by their students. The data collected using these tools provide a description of the students' activities while undertaking the clinical placement. This information may guide the refinement of the clinical experience, and offers an opportunity to individualise learning activities to match students' needs and preferences. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd and The Association for the Study of Medical Education.

  4. Advantages and disadvantages of college drinking in students' own words: content analysis of the decisional balance worksheet.


    Collins, Susan E; Kirouac, Megan; Taylor, Emily; Spelman, Philip J; Grazioli, Véronique; Hoffman, Gail; Haelsig, Laura; Holttum, Jessica; Kanagawa, Ami; Nehru, Mayanka; Hicks, Jennifer


    The decisional balance worksheet (DBW), an open-ended measure of motivation to change, may be used to record the perceived advantages and disadvantages of substance use as well as alternative behaviors. Recent findings have indicated that the open-ended DBW can be quantified to validly reflect college students' level of motivation to reduce their drinking (Collins, Carey, & Otto, 2009). The goal of the current study was to enhance our understanding of college students' perceived advantages and disadvantages of drinking by qualitatively examining the content of their decisional balance. Participants were undergraduate college students at a 4-year university (N = 760) who participated in a randomized controlled trial of online brief motivational interventions. Using the DBW, participants recorded the advantages and disadvantages of their current drinking. Conventional content analysis methods were used to extract common themes. Social, enjoyment, and psychological reasons were the most commonly mentioned advantages of drinking, whereas physical side effects, expense and interference with goals were the most commonly mentioned disadvantages of drinking. These findings show that college students primarily use alcohol for enjoyment, particularly in social situations, as well as for coping with stress and social anxiety. On the other hand, many college students report having physical side effects from drinking as well as other kinds of concerns (e.g., expense, calories). Findings suggest that using the open-ended DBW may result in a more client-centered and accurate representation of what college students perceive as advantages and disadvantages to drinking than established, Likert-scale measures of decisional balance.

  5. 77 FR 20890 - Proposed Information Collection (Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan Worksheet) Activity...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... (Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan Worksheet) Activity: Comment Request AGENCY: Veterans Benefits... to determine whether lenders computed the loan amount on interest rate reduction refinancing loans.... Title: Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan Worksheet, VA Form 26-8923. OMB Control Number: 2900...

  6. Global History. A Curriculum Guide. Second Semester. Theme IV: Developing Democratic and Nationalist Movements Have Had an Effect around the World. Student Worksheets. Experimental Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY. Div. of Curriculum and Instruction.

    The worksheets contained in this bulletin are designed for use in conjunction with the teaching strategies for Theme IV entitled, "Developing Democratic and Nationalist Movements Have Had an Effect Around the World." The worksheets correspond to specific strategies with accompanying questions on the appropriate strategy page. Included are…

  7. Creating Readable Handouts, Worksheets, Overheads, Tests, Review Materials, Study Guides, and Homework Assignments through Effective Typographic Design.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hoener, Arthur; And Others


    This article presents guidelines for using the principles of typography to enhance the readability and legibility of classroom print materials for students with mild disabilities. Different elements of type, line length, page margins, and spacing are addressed. Recommendations for preparing materials that promote student performance are provided.…

  8. Teaching Hiroshima: Thinking about the Unthinkable.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dyke, Reg


    Describes the instructional materials used in a sophomore literature course to deal with the topic of possible nuclear destruction, including John Hersey's "Hiroshima"; photographs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Carl Sagan's "Cosmos"; and specially prepared handouts and worksheets. (LAL)

  9. 75 FR 45600 - Information Collection; Customer Data Worksheet Request for Service Center Information Management...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Farm Service Agency Information Collection; Customer Data Worksheet Request for Service Center Information Management System (SCIMS) Record Changes AGENCY: Farm Service... Customer Data Worksheet Request for Service Center Information Management System (SCIMS) that contains the...

  10. Capable Reader Program: Language Arts. Career Education Resource Worksheets for Units A1 through B4. Bulletin No. 336.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Long, Sandra; And Others

    Part of a curriculum series for academically gifted elementary students in the area of reading, the guide presents worksheets for a combined career education and critical reading curriculum for the sixth grade. Among the five career education objectives are the exploration of 15 career clusters and knowledge of the nine elements of career…

  11. An Attempt to Influence Selected Portions of Student Learning.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Anderson, Edwin R.

    In an attempt to selectively improve student performance, one-half of a set of difficult test items from a FORTRAN programming class had handouts explaining the concepts underlying the items distributed to the students. Each handout contained a written learning objective, a short prose passage explaining the objective, and one or more practice…

  12. Shaping the Landscape.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Naturescope, 1987


    Provides background information on various agents that change the landscape. Includes teaching activities on weathering, water, wind and ice erosion, plate tectonics, sedimentation, deposition, mountain building, and determining contour lines. Contains reproducible handouts and worksheets for two of the activities. (TW)

  13. Earth on the Move.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Naturescope, 1987


    Provides background information on the layers of the earth, the relationship between changes on the surface of the earth and its insides, and plate tectonics. Teaching activities are included, with some containing reproducible worksheets and handouts to accompany them. (TW)

  14. Saltwater Wetlands.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Naturescope, 1986


    Provides information about saltwater wetlands. Contains seven learning activities which deal with "making" a mud snail, plants and animals of mangroves, and the effects of tides on salt marshes. Included are reproducible handouts and worksheets for several of the activities. (TW)

  15. 76 FR 20976 - Wireline Competition Bureau Releases 2011 Annual Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC Form...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Releases 2011 Annual Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC Form 499-A) and Accompanying Instructions... Competition Bureau released the revised annual Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC Form 499-A) and... telecommunications activities) into Appendix B. (5) Noting that email addresses are generally required so that the...

  16. Indoor Air Quality & Preventive Maintenance Value Proposition Worksheet

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Part of our outreach and education to our webinar registrants is providing them a copy of the Value Proposition Worksheet which accompanies the webinar topic. For this particular webinar the topic is focused on IAQ and Preventive Maintenance.

  17. Nutrition: Eating for Better Health. Student Workbook. Health Promotion for Adult Literacy Students: An Empowering Approach.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hudson River Center for Program Development, Glenmont, NY.

    This workbook was developed to help adult literacy students learn about nutrition. It contains information sheets, student worksheets, and answers to the worksheets. The information sheets are coordinated with an available audiotape. Some of the topics covered in the workbook are the following: choosing good foods without spending a lot of money;…

  18. The Effect of Concept Cartoon-Embedded Worksheets on Grade 9 Students' Conceptual Understanding of Newton's Laws of Motion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Atasoy, Sengül; Ergin, Serap


    Background: A substantial review study of concept cartoons reports that few studies have indicated their functions. For this reason, the present study illuminates the extent to which concept cartoon-embedded worksheets (through constructivist context) accomplish these functions in conceptual learning. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to…

  19. First Aid: Helping Yourself, Helping Others. Student Workbook. Health Promotion for Adult Literacy Students: An Empowering Approach.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hudson River Center for Program Development, Glenmont, NY.

    This workbook was developed to help adult literacy students learn about first aid in order to help themselves and others. It contains information sheets, student worksheets, and answers to the worksheets. The information sheets are coordinated with an available audiotape. Some of the topics covered in the workbook are the following: handling an…

  20. 76 FR 69738 - Revised 2011 Annual Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC Form 499-A) and Accompanying...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC Form 499-A) and Accompanying Instructions AGENCY: Federal Communications... Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (FCC Form 499-A) and accompanying instructions that have been approved by the... INFORMATION CONTACT: Ernesto Beckford, Wireline Competition Bureau, Telecommunications Access Policy Division...

  1. "'Cause Someday We All Die": Rhetoric, Agency, and the Case of the "Patient" Preferences Worksheet

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Keranen, Lisa


    "Code status" is a prominent feature of end-of-life discussions in U.S. hospitals. This essay analyzes how the rhetoric of code status articulates the terms of end-of-life decision-making in one hospital's "Patient" Preferences Worksheet. The Worksheet signifies the abandonment of the technological fix as the preferred…

  2. Teaching about Contemporary Germany: Instructional Materials for the Social Studies Classroom. Correlation Charts, Content and Skills.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Blankenship, Glen

    This manual contains a description of each of the instructional kits for teaching about Germany offered by the Goethe Institute. Each kit contains lessons plans, handouts, worksheets, color transparencies, and other support materials. This teaching packet provides information regarding the "best fit" of each lesson in the instructional…

  3. Freshwater Wetlands.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Naturescope, 1986


    Provides descriptions about freshwater wetlands, such as marshes, swamps, and bogs. Contains three learning activities which deal with unusual wetland plants, the animals and plants in a typical marsh, and the effects of a draught on a swamp. Included are reproducible handouts and worksheets for two of the activities. (TW)

  4. A Worksheet for Ethics Instruction and Exercises in Reason.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bivins, Thomas H.


    Argues that teaching applied mass media ethics requires two vital components: a grounding in the relevant ethical theories, and a structured approach to analyzing the issues in case-study format. Presents a worksheet model that provides such an approach over a wide range of issues. (SR)

  5. Variations the diameter tip of electrode on the resistance spot welding using electrode Cu on worksheet Fe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baskoro, A. S.; Sugeng, S.; Sifa, Agus; Badruzzaman; Endramawan, Tito


    Resistance Spot Weld (RSW) is a welding technology which plays an important role that is often used in industry in large manufacturing industries, especially in the automotive sector, some of the parameters are affecting the welding process that give impact in the weld quality, diameter tip important impact on the resistance spot welding, This study can be categorized as experimental study by using Electrode material such as Cu and Fe Worksheet Materials, with a material thickness of 1 mm,0,8 mm, and 0,6 mm on each worksheet, and the large diameter of tip electrode (5√t) depend on the thickness of worksheet. Testing the material in the electrode and the worksheet by testing the composition and tensile test, and the hardness of the material used are to know the material used certainly. The result of the welding process was done by using the parameters voltage of 8KV, with a duty cycle of 50% using a variation of the time 8s-10s, and variations the electrode tip diameter that are affected by the thickness of the worksheet 5\\sqrt{t}, plate thickness used 1 mm, 0,8 mm and 0,6 mm, so that the electrodes was used to a thickness of 1 mm diameter tip electrode 5 mm, thickness 0,8 mm with an electrode tip diameter 4,5 mm and a thickness 0,6 mm with an electrode diameter of 4 mm, with current welding parameter 8kVA, and variations in holding time 10s, 9s and 8s 50% duty cycle, then testing welds with the standard shear test refers ASTM A370-2012 with more results to a thickness of 0,6 has the ability to withstand greater load on the holding time 8s and 9s, 10s, to a thickness 0,8 mm and 1 mm shear test results demonstrate the ability to withstand loads on the holding time of 10s and 9s have a greater ability than 8s on worksheet that has thickness 1 mm at a holding time of 10s, and then Maximum shear test averaging of 36,41 N at a worksheet with a thickness of 0,8 mm (diameter tip 4,5 mm) at a holding time of 8s and a mean minimum shear stress of 23,73 N at worksheet that

  6. Guided Note Taking and Student Achievement in a Media Law Course

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Blom, Robin


    In a quasi-experimental setting, a group of U.S. college students in an introductory media law course had higher test scores when the instructor provided access to guided worksheets than a group of students without access to guided worksheets. It also allows educators in journalism and mass communication to cover more materials during courses…

  7. Validity of worksheet-based guided inquiry and mind mapping for training students’ creative thinking skills

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Susanti, L. B.; Poedjiastoeti, S.; Taufikurohmah, T.


    The purpose of this study is to explain the validity of guided inquiry and mind mapping-based worksheet that has been developed in this study. The worksheet implemented the phases of guided inquiry teaching models in order to train students’ creative thinking skills. The creative thinking skills which were trained in this study included fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. The types of validity used in this study included content and construct validity. The type of this study is development research with Research and Development (R & D) method. The data of this study were collected using review and validation sheets. Sources of the data were chemistry lecturer and teacher. The data is the analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the worksheet is very valid and could be used as a learning media with the percentage of validity ranged from 82.5%-92.5%.

  8. University Students' Subject Disposition According to Text Types

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Batur, Zekerya


    The aim of this study is to reveal the subject trends of university students according to species. This is a qualitative study based on document review. The data of the study was obtained from 67 volunteering in-service Turkish teachers' worksheets. The worksheets were classified according to text types. Text types were determined based on the…

  9. Identification of the Thickness of Nugget on Worksheet Spot Welding Using Non Destructive Test (NDT) - Effect of Pressure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sifa, A.; Baskoro, A. S.; Sugeng, S.; Badruzzaman, B.; Endramawan, T.


    Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) is a process of connecting between two worksheet with thermomechanical loading process, RSW is widely used in automotive industry, the quality of splicing spot welding is influenced by several factors. One of the factors at the time of the welding process is pressure. The quality of welding on the nuggets can be determined by undertaking non-destructive testing by using Non Destructive Test (NDT) - Ultrasonic Test. In the NDT test is done by detecting the thickness of the nugget area, the purpose of research conducted to determine the effect of pressure to welding quality with Nugget thickness gauge measurement with Non Destructive Test method and manual measurement with micrometer, Experimental welding process by entering the welding parameters that have been specified and pressure variables 1 -5 bars on the worksheet thickness of 1 mm. The results of testing with NDT show there is addition of thickness in nugget superiority after compare with measurement result of thickness of nugget with micrometer which slightly experience thickness in nugget area, this indicates that the welding results have a connection between worksheet 1 and worksheet 2.

  10. Moving into the 21st Century: Curriculum Strategies for Children's Physical Education. PACE VI Presentation Handouts.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Belka, David E., Ed.

    The handouts from the Ohio conference PACE (Positive Approaches to Children's Education) VI are presented. Among them are: (1) "Hugs" (submitted by A. Braselton); (2) "Rhythmic Activities for 2001" (L. Hardman); (3) "A Strategy for Cognitive Development in Physical Education" (C. Regimal); (4) "It's the Kids That…

  11. An Outline of the Solar System: Activities for the Elementary Student.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hartsfield, John, Comp.; Sellers, Millie, Comp.

    This booklet provides information and five worksheets for elementary students studying the solar system. Fact sheets provide information on the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and comets. The worksheets are entitled: (1) Astronomical Unit; (2) Solar System Trivia; (3) Solar System Flash…

  12. Assessing and Improving Student Organizations: Resources for Facilitators CD-ROM. The Assessing and Improving Student Organization (AISO) Program

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nolfi, Tricia; Ruben, Brent D.


    This companion to the "Guide for Students" and "Student Workbook" includes the complete set of PowerPoint slides, a PDF of the Facilitator's Guide in PPT (PowerPoint) slide show format, and PDFs of all scoring sheets, handouts and project planning guides needed for the AISO (Assessing and Improving Student Organization) process. The Assessing and…

  13. Formulation of consumables management models: Consumables flight planning worksheet update. [space shuttles

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Newman, C. M.


    The updated consumables flight planning worksheet (CFPWS) is documented. The update includes: (1) additional consumables: ECLSS ammonia, APU propellant, HYD water; (2) additional on orbit activity for development flight instrumentation (DFI); (3) updated use factors for all consumables; and (4) sources and derivations of the use factors.

  14. SB certification handout material requirements, test methods, responsibilities, and minimum classification levels for mixture-based specification for flexible base.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    A handout with tables representing the material requirements, test methods, responsibilities, and minimum classification levels mixture-based specification for flexible base and details on aggregate and test methods employed, along with agency and co...

  15. Problem-based learning: effects on student’s scientific reasoning skills in science

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wulandari, F. E.; Shofiyah, N.


    This research aimed to develop instructional package of problem-based learning to enhance student’s scientific reasoning from concrete to formal reasoning skills level. The instructional package was developed using the Dick and Carey Model. Subject of this study was instructional package of problem-based learning which was consisting of lesson plan, handout, student’s worksheet, and scientific reasoning test. The instructional package was tried out on 4th semester science education students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo by using the one-group pre-test post-test design. The data of scientific reasoning skills was collected by making use of the test. The findings showed that the developed instructional package reflecting problem-based learning was feasible to be implemented in classroom. Furthermore, through applying the problem-based learning, students could dominate formal scientific reasoning skills in terms of functionality and proportional reasoning, control variables, and theoretical reasoning.

  16. Developing Database Files for Student Use.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Warner, Michael


    Presents guidelines for creating student database files that supplement classroom teaching. Highlights include determining educational objectives, planning the database with computer specialists and subject area specialists, data entry, and creating student worksheets. Specific examples concerning elements of the periodic table and…

  17. The Complete Control Your Money: A Quick and Easy Guide with Worksheets.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center


    This workbook contains information on money management written for adult new readers. A brief self-test "Are You in Control?" is followed by 15 chapters that include information, worksheets, and summary sheets. The chapters are entitled: (1) "Getting Control of Your Money"; (2) "Tracking Your Spending"; (3) "Figuring Your Income and Expenses"; (4)…

  18. The Complete Get That Job! A Quick and Easy Guide with Worksheets.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center


    Written for adult new readers, this workbook contains 14 chapters of information on career development, job search and job retention skills. Chapters contain information, worksheets, examples, and summary sheets. The guide is intended to help adults use basic skills to decide what they can do well, identify their job search goals, pick the best…

  19. Evaluation of the preimplantation worksheet in determining Calypso eligibility for men prescribed postprostatectomy radiotherapy with electromagnetic transponder guidance.


    Hamilton, Daniel George; Jones, Kingsley; So, Kevin


    This study aimed to assess the design and performance of the preimplant suitability worksheet in determining Calypso eligibility for prostate cancer patients prescribed postprostatectomy radiotherapy with electromagnetic transponder guidance. The medical records and radiotherapy planning datasets of 75 patients prospectively recruited between June 2015 and September 2016 to a Phase 2 trial evaluating electromagnetic transponder-guided postprostatectomy radiotherapy were retrospectively examined. Correlation and differences between computed tomography (CT)-defined greater trochanter and prostatic fossa landmarks were evaluated. Receiver operating characteristic curves were also generated to assess the expected and observed accuracy of the worksheet in determining Calypso eligibility. Strong correlation was demonstrated between anterior surface to planning CT-defined greater trochanter and prostate bed center distances (r = 0.95, p <0.001), with a mean difference between measurements of 1.1 cm (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.9 to 1.3). A similar correlation coefficient was found for surface to greater trochanter location and posterior beacon location (r = 0.92, p <0.001) but with a reduced mean difference of 0.4 cm (95% CI: 0.1 to 0.6). Performance of the worksheet as assessed by planning CT data demonstrated excellent accuracy as a test to determine eligibility (area under the curve: 0.97; 95% CI: 0.92 to 1.00); however, this was not replicated using the same data captured clinically (area under the curve 0.83; 95% CI: 0.68 to 0.98). Although the greater trochanter is a good surrogate for the prostate bed center, it is better associated with the posterior beacon location. As a result, the worksheet will underestimate the truly eligible population if performed accurately and according to manufacturer guidelines. Theoretically, the worksheet could be improved if a cut off of 20 cm is used and the greater trochanter is accurately identified; however

  20. 78 FR 3390 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request-FNS-380, Worksheet...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Quality Control Reviews AGENCY: Food and Nutrition... Nutrition Assistance Program's Quality Control Reviews. DATES: Written comments must be received on or...: Worksheet for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program's (SNAP) Quality Control Reviews. Form Number...

  1. Student-Scientists use Remote Sensing to Reach across the Equator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Walker, Constance E.; Probst, R.; Martin, C.; Dorame, B.; Isbell, D.; Pompea, S. M.; Ochoa, H.; Orellana, D.; Garcia, A.


    A special student-to-student videoconference was held mid-May 2006 between students in Tucson, Arizona and La Serena, Chile, the headquarters for the north and south offices of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO). Fifty participants at each location reported on a remote-sensing activity conducted by hundreds of students during February, March and April, 2006. The students became acquainted with the geography and geology of their area using Landsat satellite remote sensing imaging. The Tucson students then analyzed images of La Serena and students from Chile analyzed images of Tucson. Since top-down satellite views may not provide complete information, students from one country emailed students from the other country and requested them to be human “rovers,” taking local pictures of areas under question to establish ground-truth. The success of this cross-cultural program has motivated NOAO outreach staff to broaden the project to schools in other countries, coordinated by students as their service-learning project. To facilitate this effort, a special, yet generic, worksheet is being developed. The worksheet can be by teachers to include local landmarks and geographical features. Once completed and tested, the worksheet will be placed on the NOAO website, along with Landsat7 satellite images for different areas around the world. In 2007, the program will be expanded to examine the surface of Mars using Google Mars and NASA images. NOAO is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. For further information, email Connie Walker at

  2. Exercise: Benefits for Body and Mind. Student Workbook. Health Promotion for Adult Literacy Students: An Empowering Approach.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hudson River Center for Program Development, Glenmont, NY.

    This workbook was developed to help adult literacy students learn about exercise and physical fitness. It contains information sheets and student worksheets, coordinated with an audiotape that is available. Some of the topics covered in the workbook are the following: benefits of exercise; stress; aerobic versus anaerobic exercise; exercise…

  3. An EXCEL macro for importing log ASCII standard (LAS) files into EXCEL worksheets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Özkaya, Sait Ismail


    An EXCEL 5.0 macro is presented for converting a LAS text file into an EXCEL worksheet. Although EXCEL has commands for importing text files and parsing text lines, LAS files must be decoded line-by-line because three different delimiters are used to separate fields of differing length. The macro is intended to eliminate manual decoding of LAS version 2.0. LAS is a floppy disk format for storage and transfer of log data as text files. LAS was proposed by the Canadian Well Logging Society. The present EXCEL macro decodes different sections of a LAS file, separates, and places the fields into different columns of an EXCEL worksheet. To import a LAS file into EXCEL without errors, the file must not contain any unrecognized symbols, and the data section must be the last section. The program does not check for the presence of mandatory sections or fields as required by LAS rules. Once a file is incorporated into EXCEL, mandatory sections and fields may be inspected visually.

  4. Getting Everybody Involved: Cooperative PowerPoint Creations Benefit Inclusion Students.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kelly, Rebecca


    Describes the use of PowerPoint software in a cooperative setting that allows inclusion students to create presentations as part of the learning process. Discusses equipment needed, audience, teacher and student preparation, and student evaluation, and includes examples of storyboards and worksheets. (Author/LRW)

  5. Screening/Assessing Students: Indicators and Tools. A Resources Aid Packet.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California Univ., Los Angeles. Center for Mental Health in Schools.

    This resource aid is designed to provide some materials relevant to screening students experiencing mental health, psychosocial, and substance abuse problems. Section 1, "Initial Problem Identification," is a summary of indicators designed for use as a handout. An overview that can be used to educate staff, older students, and parents on…

  6. Effectiveness of Intuitive Eating Intervention through Text Messaging among College Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Loughran, Tessa J.; Harpel, Tammy; Vollmer, Rachel; Schumacher, Julie


    This study examined the effects of an intuitive eating (IE) text messaging intervention on the IE habits, perceived stress, and perceived self-efficacy of college students in comparison to an electronically emailed handout with the same information. Undergraduate students at a Midwestern university (n = 300) completed a pre-intervention survey…

  7. Pension Accounting and Reporting with Other Comprehensive Income and Deferred Taxes: A Worksheet Approach

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jackson, Robert E.; Sneathen, L. Dwight, Jr.; Veal, Timothy R.


    This instructional tool presents pension accounting using a worksheet approach where debits equal credits for both the employer and for the plan. Transactions associated with the initiation of the plan through the end of the second year of the plan are presented, including their impact on accumulated other comprehensive income and deferred taxes.…

  8. White Collar Crime. Instructor's Guide [and] Student Materials. Business Issues in the Classroom. Revised.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maxey, Phyllis F.

    One of a series of units on business issues designed for secondary school students, this packet examines white collar crime. Teacher and student materials are provided in two separate sections. The teacher's guide contains four lesson plans as well as research project recommendations, student handouts, answer keys, and suggestions for using a…

  9. Think, Speak, Succeed!...Applied Oral Communications Activities for High School Students.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turlington, Anita; Timms, Keith

    This module contains speaking assignments for high school students that are taken from six different career areas. Each career section begins with a brief introduction to the career and a communications profile of the person interviewed. These pages can be copied and given to students as handouts. Each section also contains some assignments…

  10. Coding Instructions, Worksheets, and Keypunch Sheets for M.E.T.R.O.-APEX Simulation.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Environmental Simulation Lab.

    Compiled in this resource are coding instructions, worksheets, and keypunch sheets for use in the M.E.T.R.O.-APEX simulation, described in detail in documents ED 064 530 through ED 064 550. Air Pollution Exercise (APEX) is a computerized college and professional level "real world" simulation of a community with urban and rural problems, industrial…

  11. Geocaching Is Catching Students' Attention in the Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lisenbee, Peggy; Hallman, Christine; Landry, Debbie


    Geocaching is an inquiry-based activity encouraging creativity, active learning, and real-world problem solving. As such, it is an educational opportunity for students in all grade levels. Educators benefit by observing students using higher-order thinking instead of rote learning offered by using traditional worksheets, tests, or quizzes. Also,…

  12. Role of patient information handouts following operative treatment of ankle fractures: a prospective randomized study.


    Mayich, D Joshua; Tieszer, Christina; Lawendy, Abdel; McCormick, William; Sanders, David


    Widespread evidence exists for directed patient information interventions (eg, pamphlets) in the setting of several orthopaedic conditions and interventions. Up until now, no study had assessed the role of these interventions in the management of patients following ankle fractures. Between 2005 and 2007, 40 patients who suffered an operative ankle fracture were randomized to either a standard treatment group for an ankle fracture or an enhanced information group who received an American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons ankle fracture information pamphlet that explained postoperative routine at our institution and a physiotherapy handout depicting a standard protocol. Study participants were followed for 3 months clinically and radiographically. At the 6-week and 3-month intervals, study participants completed the Olerud-Molander Questionnaire and 2 questions regarding their level of satisfaction. The primary outcome measure was the Likert-scale-based survey question determining the level of satisfaction with the treating staff. Participants in the enhanced information group were more satisfied with treatment at 3 months (9.2 vs 6.3; P < .001). There were significant improvements in work/activity ability at 6 weeks (P = .01), but this advantage disappeared at 3 months (P = .24). No differences in postoperative complication rates were noted. Information enhancement in the form of pamphlets can be helpful in providing patients with accessible information in the postoperative period. While they do not seem to have a sustained impact on postoperative outcomes, handouts may enhance the interaction between staff and patient at postoperative visits, improving patient satisfaction. Level I, appropriately powered randomized prospective cohort study.

  13. The effectiveness of CCDSR learning model to improve skills of creating lesson plan and worksheet science process skill (SPS) for pre-service physics teacher

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Limatahu, I.; Sutoyo, S.; Wasis; Prahani, B. K.


    In the previous research, CCDSR (Condition, Construction, Development, Simulation, and Reflection) learning model has been developed to improve science process skills for pre-service physics teacher. This research is aimed to analyze the effectiveness of CCDSR learning model towards the improvement skills of creating lesson plan and worksheet of Science Process Skill (SPS) for pre-service physics teacher in academic year 2016/2017. This research used one group pre-test and post-test design on 12 pre-service physics teacher at Physics Education, University of Khairun. Data collection was conducted through test and observation. Creating lesson plan and worksheet SPS skills of pre-service physics teacher measurement were conducted through Science Process Skill Evaluation Sheet (SPSES). The data analysis technique was done by Wilcoxon t-test and n-gain. The CCDSR learning model consists of 5 phases, including (1) Condition, (2) Construction, (3) Development, (4) Simulation, and (5) Reflection. The results showed that there was a significant increase in creating lesson plan and worksheet SPS skills of pre-service physics teacher at α = 5% and n-gain average of moderate category. Thus, the CCDSR learning model is effective for improving skills of creating lesson plan and worksheet SPS for pre-service physics teacher.

  14. Contract management using cause-effect clues in service worksheets.


    Chen, J H


    Sophisticated equipment often needs intensive technical resources to maintain its system availability. Service contracts can be an easy channel to outside technical resources. Usually, a service contract purchaser only sees its cost instead of its maintenance quality. A system's needs, however, depend on the trade-off between the cost paid and the quality received. If a clinical engineer can actively interpret and integrate the cause-effect consequences on the compiled service worksheets, those clues can serve as a criterion to justify the quality and the cost-effectiveness of a service contract. Through the analysis of the service labor consumed, the justification of the parts replaced, and the assessment of the "fit" to system availability, this paper provides a cost-effective tool for equipment management.

  15. 28 CFR Appendix C to Part 79 - Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Offset Worksheet-On Site Participants

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Offset Worksheet-On Site Participants C Appendix C to Part 79 Judicial Administration DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (CONTINUED) CLAIMS UNDER THE RADIATION EXPOSURE COMPENSATION ACT Pt. 79, App. C Appendix C to Part...

  16. 28 CFR Appendix C to Part 79 - Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Offset Worksheet-On Site Participants

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Offset Worksheet-On Site Participants C Appendix C to Part 79 Judicial Administration DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (CONTINUED) CLAIMS UNDER THE RADIATION EXPOSURE COMPENSATION ACT Pt. 79, App. C Appendix C to Part...

  17. Redesign of students’ worksheet on basic physics experiment based on students’ scientific process skills analysis in Melde’s law

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nugraha, M. G.; Utari, S.; Saepuzaman, D.; Nugraha, F.


    Scientific process skills (SPS) are an intellectual skill to build knowledge, solve problems scientifically, train thinking skills as well as a very important part of the inquiry process and contribute to scientific literacy. Therefore, SPS is very important to be developed. This study aims to develop Student Worksheets (SW) that can trace SPS through basic physics experiments (BPE) on Melde’s law. This research uses R&D method involving 18 physics education department students who take the BPE course as a sample. The research instrument uses an SW designed with a SPS approach that have been reviewed and judged by expert, which includes observing, communicating, classifying, measuring, inferring, predicting, identifying variable, constructing hypothesis, defining variable operationally, designing experiment, acquiring and processing data to conclusions. The result of the research shows that the student’s SPS has not been trained optimally, the students’ answers are not derived from the observations and experiments conducted but derived from the initial knowledge of the students, as well as in the determination of experimental variables, inferring and hypothesis. This result is also supported by a low increase of conceptual content on Melde’s law with n-gain of 0.40. The research findings are used as the basis for the redesign of SW.

  18. Using Technology for Accessible Chemistry Homework for High School Students with and without Learning Disabilities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    King-Sears, Margaret E.; Evmenova, Anya S.; Johnson, Todd M.


    High school students with and without learning disabilities in two chemistry classes accessed technologically-enhanced worksheets, called Pencasts, when completing homework assignments. In this action research study, feedback from students was gathered via questionnaires and interviews. Students most frequently used Pencasts to figure out how to…

  19. Attitudes of health science students towards teaching practices, examinations, and other related issues.


    Shephard, R J; Ashley, M J


    A brief multiple choice questionnaire explored the attitudes of students enrolled in several health science faculties (medicine, pharmacy, nursing, and physical and health education). A substantial proportion indicated a wish for more challenging lectures. On the other hand, the majority of students devoted less than one hour of personal study per week to required 'courses', interest in health-related 'courses' being particularly weak. Small textbooks with minimal references were desired, and relatively little use was made of free lecture handouts. Financial constraints had little influence on personal study, but affected textbook purchase. The demand for 'handouts' would have been reduced by a charge. Frequent term examinations as a stimulus to learning were favoured by all groups, as were full or challenging presentations by instructors. Team teaching, although favoured generally, was not equally appealing to all groups.

  20. The Use of Mobile Apps to Enhance Student Learning in Introduction to Psychology

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Diliberto-Macaluso, Kristen; Hughes, Alan


    The current study examined the impact of mobile applications or apps on student learning in an introduction to psychology course. Students were assigned to complete a learner-centered worksheet activity on the brain and central nervous system using either an interactive 3-D Brain app or their online course textbook. We measured student learning…

  1. Student Behavior and Epistemological Framing: Examples from Collaborative Active-Learning Activities in Physics

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Scherr, Rachel E.; Hammer, David


    The concept of framing from anthropology and sociolinguistics is useful for understanding student reasoning. For example, a student may frame a learning activity as an opportunity for sensemaking or as an assignment to fill out a worksheet. The student's framing affects what she notices, what knowledge she accesses, and how she thinks to act. We…

  2. Coping in the World of Work. Practice in Problem Solving. Student Guide. Research and Development Series 120B.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Campbell, Robert E.; And Others

    This student guide supplements a career development unit on coping in the world of work designed to assist students in developing coping strategies to deal with work entry and job adjustment problems. (Other components of the unit--instructor's handbook, handout/transparency masters, and filmstrip/sound cassette programs, are available…

  3. Still Humble and Hopeful: Two More Recommendations on Welcoming First-Generation Poor and Working-Class Students to College

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oldfield, Kenneth


    In 2007, "About Campus" published the author's article "Humble and Hopeful: Welcoming First-Generation Poor and Working-Class Students to College." It has been used as a handout in various student orientations, included as a chapter in Teresa Heinz Housel and Vickie Harvey's "The Invisibility Factor: Administrators and…

  4. Solar Energy: Non-Residential Applications and Future Technology: Student Material. First Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Takacs, Robert; Orsak, Charles G., Jr.

    Student materials are presented for the course, Non-Residential Applications and Future Technology, one of seven core courses in Navarro College's two-year associate degree program for solar technicians. First, introductory material discusses the form and objectives of the course and ways of using the student materials. Next, readings, worksheets,…

  5. Assignment Choice: Do Students Choose Briefer Assignments or Finishing What They Started?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hawthorn-Embree, Meredith L.; Skinner, Christopher H.; Parkhurst, John; O'Neil, Michael; Conley, Elisha


    Academic skill development requires engagement in effortful academic behaviors. Although students may be more likely to choose to engage in behaviors that require less effort, they also may be motivated to complete assignments that they have already begun. Seventh-grade students (N = 88) began a mathematics computation worksheet, but were stopped…

  6. CAS or Pen-and-Paper: Factors That Influence Students' Choices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cameron, Scott; Ball, Lynda


    This paper reports on a study of choices about the use of a computer algebra system (CAS) or pen-and-paper (p&p) by a class of seven Year 11 Mathematical Methods (CAS) students as they completed a calculus worksheet. Factors that influenced students' choices are highlighted by comparing and contrasting the use of CAS and p&p between…

  7. Technology Is the Answer, But What Was the Question? Audiotape vs. Videotape for Individualized Instruction.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tabachnick, Barbara Gerson; And Others


    In an evaluation of supplementary learning aids students were assigned to one of four learning conditions: (1) videotape plus worksheet, (2) audiotape plus worksheet, (3) combination of audio- and videotape plus worksheet, and (4) worksheet only. Results reported include test scores and ratings of helpfulness, as well as student preferences and…

  8. Graphic Arts: Orientation, Composition, and Paste-Up. Fourth Edition. Teacher Edition [and] Student Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Licklider, Cheryl

    This teacher and student edition, the first in a series of instructional materials on graphic communication, consists of orientation information, teacher pages, and student worksheets. The teacher edition contains these introductory pages: use of this publication; training and competency profile; PrintED crosswalk; instructional/task analysis;…

  9. Prompting students to make socioscientific decisions: embedding metacognitive guidance in an e-learning environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hsu, Ying-Shao; Lin, Shu-Sheng


    This study aimed at improving the decision-making (DM) skills of 11th graders by incorporating a DM framework, visualisation tools, collaboration, and metacognitive guidance into a socioscientific issue context. Two classes, the experimental group (embedded metacognitive guidance, N = 42) and the comparison group (no metacognitive guidance, N = 32), were involved in the implementation of the experimental methodology. An open-ended test and worksheets were developed to assess the students' DM skills. The results indicated that the two versions of the DM learning modules had similar effects on the improvement in the students' DM skills, but there were significant differences in their overall skills in DM (Z = -6.410, p < .001), generating criteria (Z = -6.956, p < .001), and evaluating DM results (Z = -2.533, p < .011) based on the student responses on the worksheets. These findings indicate that further studies need to explore the mechanism of metacognitive guidance for students with different socioscientific issue DM skills in e-learning environments.

  10. Middle-Grades Students' Understandings of What It Means to Read in a High-Stakes Environment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schaefer, Mary Beth


    In this practitioner inquiry, the teacher researcher found that a culture of high-stakes testing had pervaded her diverse, urban seventh-grade students' conceptions of reading; students associated reading with tests and skills-based worksheets rather than pleasure. Using students' voices, passions, and interests, the teacher researcher broadened…

  11. Writing Children's Books in Sociology Class: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Social Problems to Undergraduate Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maples, James N.; Taylor, William V.


    In this instructional article, we describe a non-traditional course assignment in which we ask students in our social problems courses to write, illustrate, and present a children's book about a social problem as part of the process of learning. Over the course of the semester, students utilize guided handouts to create a children's book exploring…

  12. Data Nuggets: Bringing Real Data into the Classroom to Unearth Students' Quantitative & Inquiry Skills

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schultheis, Elizabeth H.; Kjelvik, Melissa K.


    Current educational reform calls for increased integration between science and mathematics to overcome the shortcomings in students' quantitative skills. Data Nuggets (free online resource, are worksheets that bring data into the classroom, repeatedly guiding students through the scientific method and making claims…

  13. Scaffolding Middle School Students' Construction of Scientific Explanations: Comparing a Cognitive versus a Metacognitive Evaluation Approach

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wang, Chia-Yu


    This study investigated the effects of scaffolds as cognitive prompts and as metacognitive evaluation on seventh-grade students' growth of content knowledge and construction of scientific explanations in five inquiry-based biology activities. Students' scores on multiple-choice pretest and posttest and worksheets for five inquiry-based activities…

  14. Challenging Science and Literacy Activities for K-9 Students--The Cricket Chronicles. Teacher Edition

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Matthews, Catherine E.


    This book is an extensive integrated unit of study focused on that common and familiar insect--the cricket. In this edition, teachers are given a complete guide and reproducible worksheets for elementary and middle school students. With over 30 different activities on crickets, students learn science content and skills including: (1) Taxonomy; (2)…

  15. Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students By Their Brains

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Johnson, LouAnne


    This book offers strategies to help both new teachers and seasoned veterans create dynamic classroom environments where students enjoy learning and teachers enjoy teaching. In addition to no-nonsense advice, checklists, and handouts, the book includes: (1) A step-by-step plan to make the first week of school a success; (2) Approaches for creating…

  16. The Effect of a Constructivist Learning Environment on the Limit Concept among Mathematics Student Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bukova-Guzel, Esra


    The purpose of this study is to design a constructivist learning environment that helps learning the limit concept. The study is a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental research. The control and the experimental groups were chosen from the students attending a calculus course. Worksheets were used to assess students' learning of the limit concept.…

  17. Tools for Linking Research and Practice in the Helping Professions: Research Abstract Worksheets and Personal Reviews of the Literature.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Burlingame, Martin

    This document is comprised of four chapters that show how to use research-abstract worksheets and personal reviews of the literature as tools for linking research and practice in the helping professions. The research tools help to condense lengthy reports, place them into a consistent format, and actively involve the information seeker. Chapter 1…

  18. Tech Team: Student Technology Assistants in the Elementary & Middle School.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Peto, Erica; Onishi, Esther; Irish, Barbara

    A step-by-step manual of worksheets, templates, forms and examples, this comprehensive handbook is designed for librarians, classroom teachers, and technology specialists who are interested in training students to be technology aides. The "Tech Team" program not only systematically outlines how one organizes and manages a support program, but…

  19. Sports Medicine. Clinical Rotation. Instructor's Packet and Student Study Packet.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Texas Univ., Austin. Extension Instruction and Materials Center.

    The materials in this packet are for a course designed to provide individualized classroom study for a specific area of clinical rotation--sports medicine. The instructor's manual describes the learning objectives together with a list of reference materials that should be provided for completion of the student worksheets, and lists suggested…

  20. Library use and information-seeking behavior of veterinary medical students revisited in the electronic environment.


    Pelzer, N L; Wiese, W H; Leysen, J M


    Veterinary medical students at Iowa State University were surveyed in January of 1997 to determine their general use of the Veterinary Medical Library and how they sought information in an electronic environment. Comparisons were made between this study and one conducted a decade ago to determine the effect of the growth in electronic resources on student library use and information-seeking behavior. The basic patterns of student activities in the library, resources used to find current information, and resources anticipated for future education needs remained unchanged. The 1997 students used the library most frequently for photocopying, office supplies, and studying coursework; they preferred textbooks and handouts as sources of current information. However, when these students went beyond textbooks and handouts to seek current information, a major shift was seen from the use of print indexes and abstracts in 1987 towards the use of computerized indexes and other electronic resources in 1997. Almost 60% of the students reported using the Internet for locating current information. Overall use of electronic materials was highest among a group of students receiving the problem-based learning method of instruction. Most of the students surveyed in 1997 indicated that electronic resources would have some degree of importance to them for future education needs. The electronic environment has provided new opportunities for information professionals to help prepare future veterinarians, some of whom will be practicing in remote geographical locations, to access the wealth of information and services available on the Internet and Web.

  1. Our Natural Heritage: A Handbook for Teachers [and] Student Worksheets.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Harker, Donald F., Jr.; And Others

    Activities to help students in grades 4-6 learn about Kentucky's natural heritage are provided in three sections. Part I offers lesson plans to supplement "Thunder At Middle Ground," a four-part childrens' television series which explores Kentucky's precious natural areas. The four programs focus on the five major natural systems in…

  2. Digital Classrooms: A Multiple Case Study of Four Visually Impaired College Students' Challenges and Opportunities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Malone, Jo Ann


    Access to the Internet and technology skills are essential to the success of college students. Electronic textbooks are replacing paper textbooks. Laptops are replacing pens, pencils, and paper. Electronic forms found on school websites are replacing long registration lines. Hyperlinks are replacing handouts, and face-to-face interaction with…

  3. Atypical Gifted Learners and Their Characteristics.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Diket, Read M., Ed.; Abel, Trudy, Ed.

    This collection of 12 handouts focuses on different categories of atypical gifted learners and their characteristics. The handouts are generally two pages long and present a summary of the literature on the topic, some practical teaching suggestions, and references. The handouts include: (1) "Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Gifted Students" (Pam…

  4. [Treasury Law Enforcement School. Course 14. "Evidence." Student Guide, Text, and Handout.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC. Consolidated Law Enforcement Training Center.

    This packet of three booklets, which includes a student guide, textbook, and handbook, is illustrative of other booklets available from the Treasury Law Enforcement School designed for training law enforcement officers in Federal law. The material in this course, related primarily to criminal cases, focuses on presenting evidence to the court to…

  5. Solar Energy: System Sizing, Design, and Retrofit: Student Material. First Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Younger, Charles; Orsak, Charles G., Jr.

    Designed for student use in "System Sizing, Design, and Retrofit," one of 11 courses in a 2-year associate degree program in solar technology, this manual provides readings, exercises, worksheets, bibliographies, and illustrations for 13 course modules. The manual, which corresponds to an instructor guide for the same course, covers the…

  6. Effects of Interspersed Brief Problems on Students' Endurance at Completing Math Work

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Montarello, Staci; Martens, Brian K.


    An alternating treatments design was used to compare the effects of baseline, interspersed brief problems, and interspersed brief problems plus token reinforcement on students' endurance while completing math worksheets. By pairing the completion of brief problems with token reinforcement, the role of problem completion as a conditioned reinforcer…

  7. Solar Energy: Materials, Materials Handling, and Fabrication Processes: Student Material. First Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bolin, William Everet; Orsak, Charles G., Jr.

    Designed for student use in "Materials, Materials Handling, and Fabrication Processes," one of 11 courses in a 2-year associate degree program in solar technology, this manual provides readings, exercises, worksheets, bibliographies, and illustrations for 13 course modules. The manual, which corresponds to an instructor guide for the…

  8. International standards for neurological classification of spinal cord injury: impact of the revised worksheet (revision 02/13) on classification performance.


    Schuld, Christian; Franz, Steffen; Brüggemann, Karin; Heutehaus, Laura; Weidner, Norbert; Kirshblum, Steven C; Rupp, Rüdiger


    Prospective cohort study. Comparison of the classification performance between the worksheet revisions of 2011 and 2013 of the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI). Ongoing ISNCSCI instructional courses of the European Multicenter Study on Human Spinal Cord Injury (EMSCI). For quality control all participants were requested to classify five ISNCSCI cases directly before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the workshop. One hundred twenty-five clinicians working in 22 SCI centers attended the instructional course between November 2011 and March 2015. Seventy-two clinicians completed the post-test with the 2011 revision of the worksheet and 53 with the 2013 revision. Not applicable. The clinicians' classification performance assessed by the percentage of correctly determined motor levels (ML) and sensory levels, neurological levels of injury (NLI), ASIA Impairment Scales and zones of partial preservations. While no group differences were found in the pre-tests, the overall performance (rev2011: 92.2% ± 6.7%, rev2013: 94.3% ± 7.7%; P = 0.010), the percentage of correct MLs (83.2% ± 14.5% vs. 88.1% ± 15.3%; P = 0.046) and NLIs (86.1% ± 16.7% vs. 90.9% ± 18.6%; P = 0.043) improved significantly in the post-tests. Detailed ML analysis revealed the largest benefit of the 2013 revision (50.0% vs. 67.0%) in a case with a high cervical injury (NLI C2). The results from the EMSCI ISNCSCI post-tests show a significantly better classification performance using the revised 2013 worksheet presumably due to the body-side based grouping of myotomes and dermatomes and their correct horizontal alignment. Even with these proven advantages of the new layout, the correct determination of MLs in the segments C2-C4 remains difficult.

  9. Students' Learning Experiences When Using a Dynamic Geometry Software Tool in a Geometry Lesson at Secondary School in Ethiopia

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Denbel, Dejene Girma


    Students learning experiences were investigated in geometry lesson when using Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) tool in geometry learning in 25 Ethiopian secondary students. The research data were drawn from the used worksheets, classroom observations, results of pre- and post-test, a questionnaire and interview responses. I used GeoGebra as a DGS…

  10. Human Clay Models versus Cat Dissection: How the Similarity between the Classroom and the Exam Affects Student Performance

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Waters, John R.; Van Meter, Peggy; Perrotti, William; Drogo, Salvatore; Cyr, Richard J.


    This study examined the effect of different anatomic representations on student learning in a human anatomy class studying the muscular system. Specifically, we examined the efficacy of using dissected cats (with and without handouts) compared with clay sculpting of human structures. Ten undergraduate laboratory sections were assigned to three…

  11. How People Have Used Soils, How Soils Have Affected U.S. History.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Polak, Julia


    Presents a lesson plan that investigates social aspects of the land and soil and how people use these resources. Following an introduction by the teacher on land and soil use, students answer related questions on handouts. Later handouts direct the students to group research projects and class presentations. (MJP)

  12. Student Mastery of the Sun-Earth-Moon System in a Flipped Classroom of Pre-service Elementary Education Students

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Larsen, Kristine


    One of the current trends in pedagogy at all levels(K-college) is the so-called ‘flipped classroom’, in which students prepare for a class meeting through self-study of the material. It is based on a rejection of the classic model of the faculty member as the ‘sage on the stage’ instead, responsibility for learning shifts to the individual student. The faculty member takes on the role of learning facilitator or mentor, and focuses the students’ learning by crafting and administering timely formative assessments (in multiple formats and applied multiple times) that aid both students and the faculty member in tracking the students’ mastery of the learning outcomes. In a flipped, freshman-only, section of SCI 111 Elementary Earth-Physical Sciences (a required introductory science course for pre-service elementary school teachers) the students learned through a combination of individual and group hands-on in-class activities, technology (including PowerPoint presentations and short videos viewed prior to attending class), in-class worksheets, and in-class discussions. Students self-differentiated in how they interacted with the available teaching materials, deciding which activities to spend the most time on based on their individual needs (based on an online quiz taken the night before the class period, and their personal self-confidence with the material). Available in-class activities and worksheets were developed by the faculty member based on student scores on the online quiz as well as personal messages submitted through the course management system the night before the class meeting. While this placed a significant burden on the faculty member in terms of course preparation, it allowed for just-in-time teaching to take place. This poster describes the results of student mastery of content centered on the sun-earth-moon system (specifically seasons, moon phases, and eclipses) as compared to traditional classroom sections.

  13. Professional Learning Communities Facilitator's Guide Handouts for the What Works Clearinghouse™ Practice Guide: Teaching Academic Content and Literacy to English Learners in Elementary and Middle School. REL 2015-105

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dimino, Joseph A.; Taylor, Mary Jo; Morris, Joan


    These handouts, which are meant to accompany the facilitator's guide, are designed to assist professional learning communities (PLCs) in applying evidence-based strategies to help K-8 English learners acquire the language and literacy skills needed to succeed academically. The facilitator's guide uses a five-step process for collaborative…

  14. Using the Computer Game "FoldIt" to Entice Students to Explore External Representations of Protein Structure in a Biochemistry Course for Nonmajors

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Farley, Peter C.


    This article describes a novel approach to teaching novice Biochemistry students visual literacy skills and understanding of some aspects of protein structure using the internet resource FoldIt and a worksheet based on selected Introductory Puzzles from this computer game. In responding to a questionnaire, students indicated that they (94%)…

  15. Increase Student Engagement through Project-Based Learning. Best Practices Newsletter

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), 2015


    We learn by doing. This simple philosophy is at the heart of project-based learning in the 21st-century classroom. It is grounded in the belief that the stand and lecture approach to teaching, worksheets and rote memorization are not enough to move students down a path to the deep learning necessary for success in college and careers. Essential…

  16. Development of Science Simulations for Mildly Mentally Retarded or Learning Disabled Students. Final Report.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Macro Systems, Inc., Silver Spring, MD.

    This final report describes the development of eight computer based science simulations designed for use with middle school mainstreamed students having learning disabilities or mild mental retardation. The total program includes software, a teacher's manual, 3 videos, and a set of 30 activity worksheets. Special features of the software for…

  17. Proposing an Evaluation Framework for Interventions: Focusing on Students' Behaviours in Interactive Science Exhibitions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hauan, Nils Petter; DeWitt, Jennifer; Kolstø, Stein Dankert


    Materials designed for self-guided experiences such as worksheets and digital applications are widely used as tools to enable interactive science exhibitions to support students' progress towards conceptual understanding. However, there is a need to find expedient ways to evaluate the quality of educational experiences resulting from the use of…

  18. High-Stakes Testing and Student Achievement: Problems for the No Child Left Behind Act. Appendices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nichols, Sharon L.; Glass, Gene V.; Berliner, David C.


    This paper presents the appendices to the "High-Stakes Testing and Student Achievement: Problems for the No Child Left Behind Act" report. It contains the following appendices: (1) Example of Context for Assessing State-Level Stakes Sheet--Connecticut; (2) Example of Completed Rewards and Sanctions Worksheet--Connecticut; (3) Directions…

  19. General Science, Ninth Grade: Theme III and Theme IV. Student Laboratory Manual. Experimental.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY. Div. of Curriculum and Instruction.

    This document is the student laboratory manual that was designed to accompany some of the experimental activities found in the teacher's guide to this general science course for ninth graders. It contains laboratory worksheets for lessons on such topics as: (1) soil; (2) hazardous waste; (3) wildlife refuges; (4) the water cycle; (5) water…

  20. Inquiry and Blended Learning Based Learning Material Development for Improving Student Achievement on General Physics I of Mathematics and Natural Science of State University of Medan

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Motlan; Sinulinggga, Karya; Siagian, Henok


    The aim of this research is to determine if inquiry and blended learning based materials can improve student's achievement. The learning materials are: book, worksheet, and test, website, etc. The type of this research is quasi experiment using two-group pretest posttest design. The population is all students of first year who take general physics…

  1. The Teaching and Learning of Chemical Kinetics Supported with MS Excel

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zain, Sharifuddin Md; Rahman, Noorsaadah Abdul; Chin, Lee Sui


    Students in 12 secondary schools in three states of Malaysia were taught to use worksheets on the chemical kinetics topic which had been pre-created using the MS Excel worksheets. After the teaching, an opinion survey of 612 Form Six students from these schools was conducted. The results showed that almost all the students felt that MS Excel…

  2. Use of Six Sigma Worksheets for assessment of internal and external failure costs associated with candidate quality control rules for an ADVIA 120 hematology analyzer.


    Cian, Francesco; Villiers, Elisabeth; Archer, Joy; Pitorri, Francesca; Freeman, Kathleen


    Quality control (QC) validation is an essential tool in total quality management of a veterinary clinical pathology laboratory. Cost-analysis can be a valuable technique to help identify an appropriate QC procedure for the laboratory, although this has never been reported in veterinary medicine. The aim of this study was to determine the applicability of the Six Sigma Quality Cost Worksheets in the evaluation of possible candidate QC rules identified by QC validation. Three months of internal QC records were analyzed. EZ Rules 3 software was used to evaluate candidate QC procedures, and the costs associated with the application of different QC rules were calculated using the Six Sigma Quality Cost Worksheets. The costs associated with the current and the candidate QC rules were compared, and the amount of cost savings was calculated. There was a significant saving when the candidate 1-2.5s, n = 3 rule was applied instead of the currently utilized 1-2s, n = 3 rule. The savings were 75% per year (£ 8232.5) based on re-evaluating all of the patient samples in addition to the controls, and 72% per year (£ 822.4) based on re-analyzing only the control materials. The savings were also shown to change accordingly with the number of samples analyzed and with the number of daily QC procedures performed. These calculations demonstrated the importance of the selection of an appropriate QC procedure, and the usefulness of the Six Sigma Costs Worksheet in determining the most cost-effective rule(s) when several candidate rules are identified by QC validation. © 2014 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology and European Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

  3. Faculty and student perceptions of effective study strategies and materials.


    Suda, Katie J; Bell, Gillian C; Franks, Andrea S


    To evaluate faculty members' and students' perceptions of study strategies and materials. Focus groups were conducted with course directors and first- and second-year students to generate ideas relating to use of course materials, technology, class attendance, and study strategies for mastering class concepts. Students and faculty members differed in their opinions about the utility of textbooks and supplemental resources. The main learning method recommended by students and faculty members was repeated review of course material. Students recommended viewing classroom lectures again online, if possible. Course directors reported believing that class attendance is important, but students based their opinions regarding the importance of attendance on their perceptions of lecture and handout quality. Results did not differ by campus or by student group (first-year vs. second-year students). Students and faculty members have differing opinions on the process that could influence learning and course design. Faculty members should understand the strategies students are using to learn course material and consider additional or alternative course design and delivery techniques based on student feedback.

  4. Enriching Cross Cirriculum Projects with Astronomy for Gifted Students

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Burris, Debra L.


    The aim of many GT (Gifted and Talented) teachers is to provide comprehesive and long term projects to enrich cirriculum for their students rather than shorter "worksheet based" activities. Atkins Middle School has collaborated with faculty from the University of Central Arkansas over the past 9 years to create projects which span the academic year and enrich learning while emphasizing the goals of the science standards. An overview of those projects and Astronomy's role within them will be presented.

  5. A Meaty Project. A Learning Activity Capsule in Consumer Operations Survival Training. Teacher's Guide [and] Student Material.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Williams, Virginia

    The unit introduces junior high school students to the different kinds of ground beef available to consumers. Objectives are to identify sources of meat for ground beef and evaluate the different types to determine how each can best be used by the consumer. Activities include identifying types of meat from an illustrated worksheet, buying at least…

  6. Using "Shrek" to Teach about Stigma

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Melchiori, Kala J.; Mallett, Robyn K.


    We describe an active learning exercise to teach students about social stigma. After lecturing on the topic, the instructor distributes a worksheet and shows several clips from the movie "Shrek," pausing after each clip to lead a discussion of the concepts. We provide information about the movie scenes, the student worksheet, and…

  7. Illustrations and supporting texts for sound standing waves of air columns in pipes in introductory physics textbooks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zeng, Liang; Smith, Chris; Poelzer, G. Herold; Rodriguez, Jennifer; Corpuz, Edgar; Yanev, George


    In our pilot studies, we found that many introductory physics textbook illustrations with supporting text for sound standing waves of air columns in open-open, open-closed, and closed-closed pipes inhibit student understanding of sound standing wave phenomena due to student misunderstanding of how air molecules move within these pipes. Based on the construct of meaningful learning from cognitive psychology and semiotics, a quasiexperimental study was conducted to investigate the comparative effectiveness of two alternative approaches to student understanding: a traditional textbook illustration approach versus a newly designed air molecule motion illustration approach. Thirty volunteer students from introductory physics classes were randomly assigned to two groups of 15 each. Both groups were administered a presurvey. Then, group A read the air molecule motion illustration handout, and group B read a traditional textbook illustration handout; both groups were administered postsurveys. Subsequently, the procedure was reversed: group B read the air molecule motion illustration handout and group A read the traditional textbook illustration handout. This was followed by a second postsurvey along with an exit research questionnaire. The study found that the majority of students experienced meaningful learning and stated that they understood sound standing wave phenomena significantly better using the air molecule motion illustration approach. This finding provides a method for physics education researchers to design illustrations for abstract sound standing wave concepts, for publishers to improve their illustrations with supporting text, and for instructors to facilitate deeper learning in their students on sound standing waves.

  8. Brewing for Students: An Inquiry-Based Microbiology Lab.


    Sato, Brian K; Alam, Usman; Dacanay, Samantha J; Lee, Amanda K; Shaffer, Justin F


    In an effort to improve and assess student learning, there has been a push to increase the incorporation of discovery-driven modules and those that contain real-world relevance into laboratory curricula. To further this effort, we have developed, implemented, and assessed an undergraduate microbiology laboratory experiment that requires students to use the scientific method while brewing beer. The experiment allows students to brew their own beer and characterize it based on taste, alcohol content, calorie content, pH, and standard reference method. In addition, we assessed whether students were capable of achieving the module learning objectives through a pre-/posttest, student self-evaluation, exam-embedded questions, and an associated worksheet. These objectives included describing the role of the brewing ingredients and predicting how altering the ingredients would affect the characteristics of the beer, amongst others. By completing this experimental module, students accomplished the module objectives, had greater interest in brewing, and were more likely to view beer in scientific terms. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education.

  9. Occupational Skin Disease Prevention: An Educational Intervention for Hairdresser Cosmetology Students.


    Haughtigan, Kara; Main, Eve; Bragg-Underwood, Tonya; Watkins, Cecilia


    Cosmetologists frequently develop occupational skin disease related to workplace exposures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate an educational intervention to increase cosmetology students' occupational skin disease knowledge and use of preventive practices. A quasi-experimental design was used to evaluate students' knowledge, behaviors, intentions, expectancies, and expectations. A 20-minute verbal presentation and printed two-page educational handout were provided for participants. Statistically significant increases in knowledge, frequency of glove use, and frequency of moisturizer use were found, but the frequency of handwashing did not increase. In addition, the Behavioral Strategies subscale, the Intention subscale, and the Expectancies subscale showed statistically significant improvements. The results of this study suggest an educational intervention can increase cosmetology students' knowledge of occupational skin diseases and their use of preventive strategies.

  10. Guida Didattica per l'Insegnamento della Matematica. Livelli G, H = Mathematics Curriculum Guide for Italian-Speaking Students, Levels G and H. Working Draft.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chicago Board of Education, IL. Dept. of Curriculum.

    The curriculum guide is for levels G and H of the mathematics segment of Chicago's bilingual education program for limited-English-speaking native Italian-speaking students. It includes specific instructional objectives and worksheets for teaching the mathematical concepts of place value, whole numbers, rational numbers, measurement, geometry, and…

  11. Uniform circular motion concept attainment through circle share learning model using real media

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ponimin; Suparmi; Sarwanto; Sunarno, W.


    Uniform circular motion is an important concept and has many applications in life. Student’s concept understanding of uniform circular motion is not optimal because the teaching learning is not carried out properly in accordance with the characteristics of the concept. To improve student learning outcomes required better teaching learning which is match with the characteristics of uniform circular motion. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of real media and circle share model to the understanding of the uniform circular motion concept. The real media was used to visualize of uniform circular motion concept. The real media consists of toy car, round table and spring balance. Circle share model is a learning model through discussion sequentially and programmed. Each group must evaluate the worksheets of another group in a circular position. The first group evaluates worksheets the second group, the second group evaluates worksheets third group, and the end group evaluates the worksheets of the first group. Assessment of learning outcomes includes experiment worksheets and post-test of students. Based on data analysis we obtained some findings. First, students can explain the understanding of uniform circular motion whose angular velocity and speed is constant correctly. Second, students can distinguish the angular velocity and linear velocity correctly. Third, students can explain the direction of the linear velocity vector and the direction of the centripetal force vector. Fourth, the student can explain the influence of the mass, radius, and velocity toward the centripetal force. Fifth, students can explain the principle of combined of wheels. Sixth, teaching learning used circle share, can increase student activity, experimental results and efficiency of discussion time.

  12. Note-taking and Handouts in The Digital Age.


    Stacy, Elizabeth Moore; Cain, Jeff


    Most educators consider note-taking a critical component of formal classroom learning. Advancements in technology such as tablet computers, mobile applications, and recorded lectures are altering classroom dynamics and affecting the way students compose and review class notes. These tools may improve a student's ability to take notes, but they also may hinder learning. In an era of dynamic technology developments, it is important for educators to routinely examine and evaluate influences on formal and informal learning environments. This paper discusses key background literature on student note-taking, identifies recent trends and potential implications of mobile technologies on classroom note-taking and student learning, and discusses future directions for note-taking in the context of digitally enabled lifelong learning.

  13. Science for Kids Outreach Programs: College Students Teaching Science to Elementary Students and Their Parents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koehler, Birgit G.; Park, Lee Y.; Kaplan, Lawrence J.


    For a number of years we have been organizing and teaching a special outreach course during our Winter Study Program (the month of January). College students plan, develop, and present hands-on workshops to fourth-grade students and their parents, with faculty providing logistical support and pedagogical advice. Recent topics have been "Forensic Science", "Electricity and Magnetism", "Chemistry and Cooking", "Waves", "Natural Disasters", "Liquids", "Pressure", "Color and Light", "Momentum and Inertia", "Illusions", and "The Senses". The two-hour workshops, held one weekend on campus, emphasize hands-on experiments involving both the kids and the parents. Handouts for each workshop give instructions for doing several experiments at home. This program has been a great success for all involved: the college students gain insight into an aspect of science and what it takes to develop and teach that topic, the elementary school students participate in an exciting and challenging scientific exploration, and the parents have a chance to learn some science while spending time working on projects with their children. We provide an overview of the pedagogical aims of our current approach and a sense of the time-line for putting together such a program in a month.

  14. A Summer Math and Physics Program for High School Students: Student Performance and Lessons Learned in the Second Year

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Timme, Nicholas; Baird, Michael; Bennett, Jake; Fry, Jason; Garrison, Lance; Maltese, Adam


    For the past two years, the Foundations in Physics and Mathematics (FPM) summer program has been held at Indiana University in order to fulfill two goals: provide additional physics and mathematics instruction at the high school level, and provide physics graduate students with experience and autonomy in designing curricula and teaching courses. In this paper we will detail changes made to the program for its second year and the motivation for these changes, as well as implications for future iterations of the program. We gauge the impact of the changes on student performance using pre-/post-test scores, student evaluations, and anecdotal evidence. These data show that the program has a positive impact on student knowledge and this impact was greater in magnitude in the second year of the program. We attribute this improvement primarily to the inclusion of more inquiry-driven activities. All activities, worksheets, and lesson plans used in the program are available online.

  15. Communicating Rules with a Grin.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Proctor, Russell F., II

    A speech communication professor informs his students of implicit classroom rules by using a humorous handout. Now and then, the professor elaborates on items in class using stories of classroom encounters that led to the handout's creation. Some of these "tongue-in-cheek" rules (there are 22 in all) are: (1) try to arrive at class a few…

  16. Voter Education Manual for Secondary Schools and a Teacher's Guide to Student Handouts in the Voter Education Manual.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Balasco, Alfred P.; And Others

    This classroom guide instructs secondary school students about the registration process, the voting process, and the importance of the American electoral system. The goal is to encourage students to participate in the electoral process. Although the guide focuses most heavily on the specifics of voter education in Rhode Island, it is also…

  17. Health Occupations Cluster.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Walraven, Catherine; And Others

    These instructional materials consist of a series of curriculum worksheets that cover tasks to be mastered by students in health occupations cluster programs. Covered in the curriculum worksheets are diagnostic procedures; observing/recording/reporting/planning; safety; nutrition/elimination; hygiene/personal care/comfort;…

  18. Geometry in Nature: Patterns. Environmental Module for Use in a Mathematics Laboratory Setting.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Trojan, Arthur; And Others

    This module, designed to help students find and identify various geometric shapes and solids, contains 26 worksheets. Topics covered by these worksheets include: identification and grouping of objects with particular patterns, work with pentagons, hexagons, spirals, and symmetry. Teaching suggestions are included. (MK)

  19. The Binary System Laboratory Activities Based on Students Mental Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albaiti, A.; Liliasari, S.; Sumarna, O.; Martoprawiro, M. A.


    Generic science skills (GSS) are required to develop student conception in learning binary system. The aim of this research was to know the improvement of students GSS through the binary system labotoratory activities based on their mental model using hypothetical-deductive learning cycle. It was a mixed methods embedded experimental model research design. This research involved 15 students of a university in Papua, Indonesia. Essay test of 7 items was used to analyze the improvement of students GSS. Each items was designed to interconnect macroscopic, sub-microscopic and symbolic levels. Students worksheet was used to explore students mental model during investigation in laboratory. The increase of students GSS could be seen in their N-Gain of each GSS indicators. The results were then analyzed descriptively. Students mental model and GSS have been improved from this study. They were interconnect macroscopic and symbolic levels to explain binary systems phenomena. Furthermore, they reconstructed their mental model with interconnecting the three levels of representation in Physical Chemistry. It necessary to integrate the Physical Chemistry Laboratory into a Physical Chemistry course for effectiveness and efficiency.

  20. Note-taking and Handouts in The Digital Age

    PubMed Central

    Stacy, Elizabeth Moore


    Most educators consider note-taking a critical component of formal classroom learning. Advancements in technology such as tablet computers, mobile applications, and recorded lectures are altering classroom dynamics and affecting the way students compose and review class notes. These tools may improve a student’s ability to take notes, but they also may hinder learning. In an era of dynamic technology developments, it is important for educators to routinely examine and evaluate influences on formal and informal learning environments. This paper discusses key background literature on student note-taking, identifies recent trends and potential implications of mobile technologies on classroom note-taking and student learning, and discusses future directions for note-taking in the context of digitally enabled lifelong learning. PMID:27168620

  1. Brewing for Students: An Inquiry-Based Microbiology Lab †

    PubMed Central

    Sato, Brian K.; Alam, Usman; Dacanay, Samantha J.; Lee, Amanda K.; Shaffer, Justin F.


    In an effort to improve and assess student learning, there has been a push to increase the incorporation of discovery-driven modules and those that contain real-world relevance into laboratory curricula. To further this effort, we have developed, implemented, and assessed an undergraduate microbiology laboratory experiment that requires students to use the scientific method while brewing beer. The experiment allows students to brew their own beer and characterize it based on taste, alcohol content, calorie content, pH, and standard reference method. In addition, we assessed whether students were capable of achieving the module learning objectives through a pre-/posttest, student self-evaluation, exam-embedded questions, and an associated worksheet. These objectives included describing the role of the brewing ingredients and predicting how altering the ingredients would affect the characteristics of the beer, amongst others. By completing this experimental module, students accomplished the module objectives, had greater interest in brewing, and were more likely to view beer in scientific terms. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education PMID:26753030

  2. Using the Clear Communication Index to Improve Materials for a Behavioral Intervention.


    Porter, Kathleen J; Alexander, Ramine; Perzynski, Katelynn M; Kruzliakova, Natalie; Zoellner, Jamie M


    Ensuring that written materials used in behavioral interventions are clear is important to support behavior change. This study used the Clear Communication Index (CCI) to assess the original and revised versions of three types of written participant materials from the SIPsmartER intervention. Materials were revised based on original scoring. Scores for the entire index were significantly higher among revised versions than originals (57% versus 41%, p < 0.001); however, few revised materials (n = 2 of 53) achieved the benchmark of ≥90%. Handouts scored higher than worksheets and slide sets for both versions. The proportion of materials scored as having "a single main message" significantly increased between versions for worksheets (7% to 57%, p = 0.003) and slide sets (33% to 67%, p = 0.004). Across individual items, most significant improvements were in Core, with four-items related to the material having a single main message. Findings demonstrate that SIPsmartER's revised materials improved after CCI-informed edits. They advance the evidence and application of the CCI, suggesting it can be effectively used to support improvement in clarity of different types of written materials used in behavioral interventions. Implications for practical considerations of using the tool and suggestions for modifications for specific types of materials are presented.

  3. S. A. Museum: Education and Information

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Finlayson, D.; Hilton, F.


    Presented is a listing of worksheets and lecture programs available at the South Australian Museum in the area of animal science. Included are copies of the worksheets providing questions for students on African mammals, mammals of tropical Asia, American and European mammals, and Eurasian mammals. (SL)

  4. The Effects of a Modified Direct Instruction Procedure on Time Telling for a Third Grade Student with Learning Disabilities with a Brief Comparison of Interesting and Boring Formats

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wieber, Adrianne Essex; Evoy, Katie; McLaughlin, T. F.; Derby, K. Mark; Kellogg, Ethyl; Williams, Randy Lee; Peterson, Stephanie Marie; Rinaldi, Lisa


    We designed and implemented a modified eight-week Direct Instruction (DI) program intended to teach a third grade student with learning disabilities to tell time. The first objective was to determine whether or not the appearance (interesting or boring) of the worksheet affected performance. These data suggested the use of large-scale clocks and…

  5. High school students' representations and understandings of electric fields

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cao, Ying; Brizuela, Bárbara M.


    This study investigates the representations and understandings of electric fields expressed by Chinese high school students 15 to 16 years old who have not received high school level physics instruction. The physics education research literature has reported students' conceptions of electric fields postinstruction as indicated by students' performance on textbook-style questions. It has, however, inadequately captured student ideas expressed in other situations yet informative to educational research. In this study, we explore students' ideas of electric fields preinstruction as shown by students' representations produced in open-ended activities. 92 participant students completed a worksheet that involved drawing comic strips about electric charges as characters of a cartoon series. Three students who had spontaneously produced arrow diagrams were interviewed individually after class. We identified nine ideas related to electric fields that these three students spontaneously leveraged in the comic strip activity. In this paper, we describe in detail each idea and its situated context. As most research in the literature has understood students as having relatively fixed conceptions and mostly identified divergences in those conceptions from canonical targets, this study shows students' reasoning to be more variable in particular moments, and that variability includes common sense resources that can be productive for learning about electric fields.

  6. Intermediate SCDC Spanish Curricula Units. Social Science, Unit 1, Kits 1-4, Supplement & Ditto Packet.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Spanish Curricula Development Center, Miami Beach, FL.

    Designed for use with the teacher's guide to the intermediate social science unit, the supplement and ditto packet provides visual aids and worksheets for class activities and seatwork for individual students. Visual materials are provided to help stimulate oral language and conceptual development. The worksheets are to be presented under…

  7. Instructor's Manual for Electrical Apprentice Technical Training. Series No. D (Fourth Year). Revised to Meet 1978 Electrical Code.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    North Carolina State Dept. of Community Colleges, Raleigh.

    Twenty-seven lesson plans for a fourth-year electrical apprentice technical training program are presented in this instructor's manual. Also included are student worksheets and information sheets for each lesson, and copies of unit tests. (Answers to the worksheets and tests are provided.) The lesson plans are generally organized into four steps:…

  8. Instructor's Manual for Electrical Apprentice Technical Training. Series No. A (First Year). Revised to Meet 1978 Electrical Code.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    North Carolina State Dept. of Community Colleges, Raleigh.

    Thirty-six lesson plans for the first of a four-year electrical apprentice technical training program are presented in this instructor's manual. Also included are student worksheets and information sheets for each lesson, and copies of unit tests. (Answers to the worksheets and tests are provided.) The lesson plans are generally organized into…

  9. Instructor's Manual for Electrical Apprentice Technical Training. Series No. B (Second Year). Revised to Meet 1978 Electrical Code.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    North Carolina State Dept. of Community Colleges, Raleigh.

    Twenty-eight lesson plans for the second year of a four-year electrical apprentice technical training program are presented in this instructor's manual. Also included are student worksheets and information sheets for each lesson, and copies of unit tests. (Answers to the worksheets and tests are provided.) The lesson plans are generally organized…

  10. Dinosaurs.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Miller, Vicki; Happel, Sue

    Facts, activities, and student worksheets about dinosaurs are presented. General information about dinosaurs (when they lived and what they were like) and fossils (how they are created and what information they can provide) is followed by a worksheet and answer sheet. A timeline of the dinosaur age and a classification chart which divides…

  11. Teaching elementary students with developmental disabilities to recruit teacher attention in a general education classroom: effects on teacher praise and academic productivity.

    PubMed Central

    Craft, M A; Alber, S R; Heward, W L


    Four fourth graders with developmental disabilities were trained to recruit teacher attention while they worked on spelling assignments in a general education classroom. The students were taught to show their work to the teacher two to three times per session and to make statements such as, "How am I doing?" or "Look, I'm all finished!" Training was conducted in the special education classroom and consisted of modeling, role playing, error correction, and praise. A multiple baseline across students design showed that recruitment training increased (a) the frequency of students' recruiting, (b) the frequency of teacher praise received by the students, (c) the percentage of worksheet items completed, and (d) the accuracy with which the students completed the spelling assignments. PMID:9757582

  12. Sharing British Columbia's Water Resources. A Teaching Unit for Secondary Schools.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gunn, Angus M.

    Seventeen student worksheets form a secondary school unit which focuses on the challenge of shared usage of water resources. Pressure currently exists for a more balanced approach in which all legitimate interests in a water source are served. The worksheets include readings which focus on enough water for all, the water cycle (including a…

  13. The Uncomplicated Elementary Career Education System for the "Real" Classroom. Career Corners--Math for 7-8.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Illinois State Office of Education, Springfield. Div. of Adult Vocational and Technical Education.

    Prepared by classroom teachers for the infusion of career education into existing curriculum, this notebook contains career-related student worksheets in a number of math skills. The activities are suitable for use with a variety of ability levels and learning styles. These worksheets for grades 7 and 8 are divided into seven major mathematics…

  14. People Patterns: Statistics. Environmental Module for Use in a Mathematics Laboratory Setting.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zastrocky, Michael; Trojan, Arthur

    This module on statistics consists of 18 worksheets that cover such topics as sample spaces, mean, median, mode, taking samples, posting results, analyzing data, and graphing. The last four worksheets require the students to work with samples and use these to compare people's responses. A computer dating service is one result of this work.…

  15. Exploring possible selves in a first-year physics foundation class: Engaging students by establishing relevance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bennett, Dawn; Roberts, Lynne; Creagh, Christine


    Students often complain that they cannot see the relevance of what they are being taught in foundation physics classes. While revising and adjusting the curriculum and teaching are important, this study suggests it might also be useful to help students view their learning in relation to their future career aspirations. This paper reports on a study conducted with first-year students enrolled in a compulsory foundation physics unit with a history of low pass rates. Working within a "possible selves" framework, activities were designed to help students position their learning in relation to possible future lives and careers. Two cohorts of students (N =93 ) engaged in an intensive workshop comprising multiple activities relating to self and career. Self-reflection worksheets were analyzed using content analysis. The results indicate that students experience immediate benefits from these activities through self-reflection on the current self, future possible professional selves, and the role of current studies in narrowing the gap between the two.

  16. The errors of metacognitive evaluation on metacognitive failure of students in mathematical problem solving

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huda, Nizlel; Sutawidjaja, Akbar; Subanji; Rahardjo, Swasono


    Metacognitive activity is very important in mathematical problems solving. Metacognitive activity consists of metacognitive awareness, metacognitive evaluation and metacognitive regulation. This study aimed to reveal the errors of metacognitive evaluation in students’ metacognitive failure in solving mathematical problems. 20 students taken as research subjects were grouped into three groups: the first group was students who experienced one metacognitive failure, the second group was students who experienced two metacognitive failures and the third group was students who experienced three metacognitive failures. One person was taken from each group as the reasearch subject. The research data was collected from worksheets done using think aload then followed by interviewing the research subjects based on the results’ of subject work. The findings in this study were students who experienced metacognitive failure in solving mathematical problems tends to miscalculate metacognitive evaluation in considering the effectiveness and limitations of their thinking and the effectiveness of their chosen strategy of completion.

  17. Nuclear Issues: Strategies and Worksheets. Health Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lantieri, Linda; And Others

    This document is designed to provide students with an opportunity to share feelings and clarify their own values given the facts about nuclear technology. Using this short curriculum, students should be able to: (1) explore their associations with nuclear issues; (2) analyze guidelines for conflict resolution in personal situations; (3) analyze…

  18. Effectiveness of Student Learning during Experimental Work in Primary School.


    Logar, Ana; Peklaj, Cirila; Ferk Savec, Vesna


    The aim of the research was to optimize the effectiveness of student learning based on experimental work in chemistry classes in Slovenian primary schools. To obtain evidence about how experimental work is implemented during regular chemistry classes, experimental work was videotaped during 19 units of chemistry lessons at 12 Slovenian primary schools from the pool of randomly selected schools. Altogether 332 eight-grade students were involved in the investigation, with an average age of 14.2 years. Students were videotaped during chemistry lessons, and their worksheets were collected afterward. The 12 chemistry teachers, who conducted lessons in these schools, were interviewed before the lessons; their teaching plans were also collected. The collected data was analyzed using qualitative methods. The results indicate that many teachers in Slovenian primary schools are not fully aware of the potential of experimental work integrated into chemistry lessons for the development of students' experimental competence. Further research of the value of different kinds of training to support teachers for the use of experimental work in chemistry teaching is needed.

  19. A nationwide, resident-led teaching programme for medical students in Singapore: SingHealth Student Internship Programme Bootcamp.


    Ting, Daniel Sw; Lee, Jill Cs; Loo, Benny Kg; Baisa, Katherine; Koo, Wen Hsin; Cook, Sandy; Lim, Boon Leng


    This study aimed to describe the planning, development and evaluation of the success of the first nationwide, resident-led, large-group teaching programme for medical students - the Singapore Health Services Student Internship Programme (SIP) Bootcamp. This was an initial feasibility study evaluating a half-day teaching boot camp initiated, developed and conducted by the resident educators. A three-month preparation period was required to set up an education subcommittee, liaise with medical student leaders, recruit resident educators, meet all the stakeholders and conduct the boot camp. During the SIP Bootcamp, resident educators conducted clinical case presentations using a question-and-answer format. Audience participation was strongly encouraged. A 15-item questionnaire was distributed to assess the participants' learning experience and the resident educators' teaching performance using a five-point Likert scale. Overall, 94.8% (n = 110) of the 116 respondents agreed that the teaching sessions were of high quality and content was relevant to their training. The resident educators appeared well-informed (96.6%, n = 112) and enthusiastic about their respective topics (98.3%, n = 114). However, a few students (9.5%, n = 11) felt that the audio-visual aids and handouts could be improved to better aid their learning process. This teaching boot camp for medical students was the first of its kind in Singapore and feedback from medical students showed that it was well-received. Further research using different teaching methods, including small-group discussions and surgical practical sessions by resident educators from different specialties, would be of great value to students. Copyright: © Singapore Medical Association.

  20. A nationwide, resident-led teaching programme for medical students in Singapore: SingHealth Student Internship Programme Bootcamp

    PubMed Central

    Ting, Daniel SW; Lee, Jill CS; Loo, Benny KG; Baisa, Katherine; Koo, Wen Hsin; Cook, Sandy; Lim, Boon Leng


    INTRODUCTION This study aimed to describe the planning, development and evaluation of the success of the first nationwide, resident-led, large-group teaching programme for medical students – the Singapore Health Services Student Internship Programme (SIP) Bootcamp. METHODS This was an initial feasibility study evaluating a half-day teaching boot camp initiated, developed and conducted by the resident educators. A three-month preparation period was required to set up an education subcommittee, liaise with medical student leaders, recruit resident educators, meet all the stakeholders and conduct the boot camp. During the SIP Bootcamp, resident educators conducted clinical case presentations using a question-and-answer format. Audience participation was strongly encouraged. A 15-item questionnaire was distributed to assess the participants’ learning experience and the resident educators’ teaching performance using a five-point Likert scale. RESULTS Overall, 94.8% (n = 110) of the 116 respondents agreed that the teaching sessions were of high quality and content was relevant to their training. The resident educators appeared well-informed (96.6%, n = 112) and enthusiastic about their respective topics (98.3%, n = 114). However, a few students (9.5%, n = 11) felt that the audio-visual aids and handouts could be improved to better aid their learning process. CONCLUSION This teaching boot camp for medical students was the first of its kind in Singapore and feedback from medical students showed that it was well-received. Further research using different teaching methods, including small-group discussions and surgical practical sessions by resident educators from different specialties, would be of great value to students. PMID:27211310

  1. Investigating the Relationship between Instructors' Use of Active-Learning Strategies and Students' Conceptual Understanding and Affective Changes in Introductory Biology: A Comparison of Two Active-Learning Environments.


    Cleveland, Lacy M; Olimpo, Jeffrey T; DeChenne-Peters, Sue Ellen


    In response to calls for reform in undergraduate biology education, we conducted research examining how varying active-learning strategies impacted students' conceptual understanding, attitudes, and motivation in two sections of a large-lecture introductory cell and molecular biology course. Using a quasi-experimental design, we collected quantitative data to compare participants' conceptual understanding, attitudes, and motivation in the biological sciences across two contexts that employed different active-learning strategies and that were facilitated by unique instructors. Students participated in either graphic organizer/worksheet activities or clicker-based case studies. After controlling for demographic and presemester affective differences, we found that students in both active-learning environments displayed similar and significant learning gains. In terms of attitudinal and motivational data, significant differences were observed for two attitudinal measures. Specifically, those students who had participated in graphic organizer/worksheet activities demonstrated more expert-like attitudes related to their enjoyment of biology and ability to make real-world connections. However, all motivational and most attitudinal data were not significantly different between the students in the two learning environments. These data reinforce the notion that active learning is associated with conceptual change and suggests that more research is needed to examine the differential effects of varying active-learning strategies on students' attitudes and motivation in the domain. © 2017 L. M. Cleveland et al. CBE—Life Sciences Education © 2017 The American Society for Cell Biology. This article is distributed by The American Society for Cell Biology under license from the author(s). It is available to the public under an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported Creative Commons License (

  2. The Struggle with Hate Speech. Teaching Strategy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bloom, Jennifer


    Discusses the issue of hate-motivated violence and special laws aimed at deterrence. Presents a secondary school lesson to help students define hate speech and understand constitutional issues related to the topic. Includes three student handouts, student learning objectives, instructional procedures, and a discussion guide. (CFR)

  3. Creativity of Junior High School’s Students in Designing Earthquake Resistant Buildings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fitriani, D. N.; Kaniawati, I.; Ramalis, T. R.


    This research was stimulated by the present the territory of Indonesia is largely an area prone to earthquakes and the issue that human resources and disaster response planning process is still less competent and not optimal. In addition, the construction of houses and public facilities has not been in accordance with earthquake-resistant building standards. This study aims to develop students’ creativity through earthquake resistant building model’s projects. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The sample is one of the 7th grades consisting of 32 students in one of the junior high schools, Indonesia. Data was collected using an observation sheets and student worksheet. Results showed that students’ creativity in designing earthquake resistant building models varies greatly and yields new solutions to solve problems.

  4. Science Alive!: Connecting with Elementary Students through Science Exploration.


    Raja, Aarti; Lavin, Emily Schmitt; Gali, Tamara; Donovan, Kaitlin


    A novel program called Science Alive! was developed by undergraduate faculty members, K-12 school teachers, and undergraduate students to enrich science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) literacy at community schools located near the university. The ultimate goal of the program is to bolster the scientific knowledge and appreciation of local area students and community members and serve as a model for similar programs. Through the program, we observed that elementary school students made gains toward learning their grade-level science curricula after a hands-on learning experience and had fun doing these hands-on activities. Through the program, undergraduate students, working with graduate students and alumni, build scientific learning modules using explanatory handouts and creative activities as classroom exercises. This helps better integrate scientific education through a collaborative, hands-on learning program. Results showed that elementary school students made the highest learning gains in their performance on higher-level questions related to both forces and matter as a result of the hands-on learning modules. Additionally, college students enjoyed the hands-on activities, would consider volunteering their time at such future events, and saw the service learning program as a benefit to their professional development through community building and discipline-specific service. The science modules were developed according to grade-level curricular standards and can be used year after year to teach or explain a scientific topic to elementary school students via a hands-on learning approach.

  5. Science Alive!: Connecting with Elementary Students through Science Exploration†

    PubMed Central

    Raja, Aarti; Lavin, Emily Schmitt; Gali, Tamara; Donovan, Kaitlin


    A novel program called Science Alive! was developed by undergraduate faculty members, K–12 school teachers, and undergraduate students to enrich science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) literacy at community schools located near the university. The ultimate goal of the program is to bolster the scientific knowledge and appreciation of local area students and community members and serve as a model for similar programs. Through the program, we observed that elementary school students made gains toward learning their grade-level science curricula after a hands-on learning experience and had fun doing these hands-on activities. Through the program, undergraduate students, working with graduate students and alumni, build scientific learning modules using explanatory handouts and creative activities as classroom exercises. This helps better integrate scientific education through a collaborative, hands-on learning program. Results showed that elementary school students made the highest learning gains in their performance on higher-level questions related to both forces and matter as a result of the hands-on learning modules. Additionally, college students enjoyed the hands-on activities, would consider volunteering their time at such future events, and saw the service learning program as a benefit to their professional development through community building and discipline-specific service. The science modules were developed according to grade-level curricular standards and can be used year after year to teach or explain a scientific topic to elementary school students via a hands-on learning approach. PMID:27158309

  6. Freedom of Religion and the Public Schools.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Williams, Mary Louise


    Presents activities for teaching high school students about the freedom of religion. Includes student handouts that explain basic constitutional principles and summarize leading U.S. Supreme Court cases concerning religious liberty. Encourages teachers to invite students to speculate on the future relationship of religion and public education. (SG)

  7. Student anxiety in introductory biology classrooms: Perceptions about active learning and persistence in the major.


    England, Benjamin J; Brigati, Jennifer R; Schussler, Elisabeth E


    Many researchers have called for implementation of active learning practices in undergraduate science classrooms as one method to increase retention and persistence in STEM, yet there has been little research on the potential increases in student anxiety that may accompany these practices. This is of concern because excessive anxiety can decrease student performance. Levels and sources of student anxiety in three introductory biology lecture classes were investigated via an online survey and student interviews. The survey (n = 327) data revealed that 16% of students had moderately high classroom anxiety, which differed among the three classes. All five active learning classroom practices that were investigated caused student anxiety, with students voluntarily answering a question or being called on to answer a question causing higher anxiety than working in groups, completing worksheets, or answering clicker questions. Interviews revealed that student anxiety seemed to align with communication apprehension, social anxiety, and test anxiety. Additionally, students with higher general anxiety were more likely to self-report lower course grade and the intention to leave the major. These data suggest that a subset of students in introductory biology experience anxiety in response to active learning, and its potential impacts should be investigated.

  8. Student anxiety in introductory biology classrooms: Perceptions about active learning and persistence in the major

    PubMed Central


    Many researchers have called for implementation of active learning practices in undergraduate science classrooms as one method to increase retention and persistence in STEM, yet there has been little research on the potential increases in student anxiety that may accompany these practices. This is of concern because excessive anxiety can decrease student performance. Levels and sources of student anxiety in three introductory biology lecture classes were investigated via an online survey and student interviews. The survey (n = 327) data revealed that 16% of students had moderately high classroom anxiety, which differed among the three classes. All five active learning classroom practices that were investigated caused student anxiety, with students voluntarily answering a question or being called on to answer a question causing higher anxiety than working in groups, completing worksheets, or answering clicker questions. Interviews revealed that student anxiety seemed to align with communication apprehension, social anxiety, and test anxiety. Additionally, students with higher general anxiety were more likely to self-report lower course grade and the intention to leave the major. These data suggest that a subset of students in introductory biology experience anxiety in response to active learning, and its potential impacts should be investigated. PMID:28771564

  9. Argument Based Science Inquiry (ABSI) Learning Model in Voltaic Cell Concept

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Subarkah, C. Z.; Fadilah, A.; Aisyah, R.


    Voltaic Cell is a sub-concept of electrochemistry that is considered difficult to be comprehended by learners Voltaic Cell is a sub concept of electrochemistry that is considered difficult to be understood by learners so that impacts on student activity in learning process. Therefore the learning model Argument Based Science Inquiry (ABSI) will be applied to the concept of Voltaic cell. This research aims to describe students’ activities during learning process using ABSI model and to analyze students’ competency to solve ABSI-based worksheets (LK) of Voltaic Cell concept. The method used in this research was the “mix-method-quantitative-embedded” method with subjects of the study: 39 second-semester students of Chemistry Education study program. The student activity is quite good during ABSI learning. The students’ ability to complete worksheet (LK) for every average phase is good. In the phase of exploration of post instruction understanding, it is categorized very good, and in the phase of negotiation shape III: comparing science ideas to textbooks or other printed resources merely reach enough category. Thus, the ABSI learning has improved the student levels of activity and students’ competency to solve the ABSI-based worksheet (LK).

  10. Pilot randomized controlled trial of dialectical behavior therapy group skills training for ADHD among college students.


    Fleming, Andrew P; McMahon, Robert J; Moran, Lyndsey R; Peterson, A Paige; Dreessen, Anthony


    ADHD affects between 2% and 8% of college students and is associated with broad functional impairment. No prior randomized controlled trials with this population have been published. The present study is a pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) group skills training adapted for college students with ADHD. Thirty-three undergraduates with ADHD between ages 18 and 24 were randomized to receive either DBT group skills training or skills handouts during an 8-week intervention phase. ADHD symptoms, executive functioning (EF), and related outcomes were assessed at baseline, post-treatment, and 3-month follow-up. Participants receiving DBT group skills training showed greater treatment response rates (59-65% vs. 19-25%) and clinical recovery rates (53-59% vs. 6-13%) on ADHD symptoms and EF, and greater improvements in quality of life. DBT group skills training may be efficacious, acceptable, and feasible for treating ADHD among college students. A larger randomized trial is needed for further evaluation. © 2014 SAGE Publications.

  11. Mathcad in the Chemistry Curriculum Symbolic Software in the Chemistry Curriculum

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zielinski, Theresa Julia


    Physical chemistry is such a broad discipline that the topics we expect average students to complete in two semesters usually exceed their ability for meaningful learning. Consequently, the number and kind of topics and the efficiency with which students can learn them are important concerns. What topics are essential and what can we do to provide efficient and effective access to those topics? How do we accommodate the fact that students come to upper-division chemistry courses with a variety of nonuniformly distributed skills, a bit of calculus, and some physics studied one or more years before physical chemistry? The critical balance between depth and breadth of learning in courses and curricula may be achieved through appropriate use of technology and especially through the use of symbolic mathematics software. Software programs such as Mathcad, Mathematica, and Maple, however, have learning curves that diminish their effectiveness for novices. There are several ways to address the learning curve conundrum. First, basic instruction in the software provided during laboratory sessions should be followed by requiring laboratory reports that use the software. Second, one should assign weekly homework that requires the software and builds student skills within the discipline and with the software. Third, a complementary method, supported by this column, is to provide students with Mathcad worksheets or templates that focus on one set of related concepts and incorporate a variety of features of the software that they are to use to learn chemistry. In this column we focus on two significant topics for young chemists. The first is curve-fitting and the statistical analysis of the fitting parameters. The second is the analysis of the rotation/vibration spectrum of a diatomic molecule, HCl. A broad spectrum of Mathcad documents exists for teaching chemistry. One collection of 50 documents can be found at Another

  12. Dear Verity: Why Are All the Dictionaries Wrong?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dempsey, Deirdre; Marshall, John


    An education major enrolled in a mathematics education course ponders confusing definitions of "multiplication" functions in dictionaries and in a handout on Euclid. This student teacher wants to teach elementary students what multiplication really is, not just impart an algorithmic skill. (MLH)

  13. Perceived relevance of oral biology by dental students.


    Scheven, B A A


    This study investigated the perception that dental students have regarding the relevance of oral biology (OB) to dental education and dentistry in general. Moreover, this study analysed students' attitude towards OB learning approaches and resources. A questionnaire based on a Likert scale was used to survey pre-clinical/second (BDS2)- and final/fifth (BDS5)-year dental students at the School of Dentistry of the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom). In comparison, a small group of postgraduate specialist registrars were surveyed to evaluate the attitudes of practising dentists. The results show that all study groups expressed a high level of perceived relevance of OB to dentistry. Students' perception of OB for dental education, clinical training and practice also scored high. More than 40% of undergraduate students and about 55% of the postgraduates indicated a perceived change in their attitude towards OB with time characterised by increased appreciation of the subject. Lectures were considered as the most important teaching approach, whereas 'group poster projects' ranked lowest. Of the different study resources, lecture handouts received the overall highest importance score. The results indicate that dental students considered OB relevant for dental education and dentistry and suggest a positive attitude towards the subject. This study also suggested that dental students prefer teacher-centred/led teaching rather than student-directed learning of OB. The article addresses the role of OB and science-related research projects within the dental curriculum and discusses that close integration of basic sciences with dental education may enrich dental education and overall learning experience. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  14. An Effective Exercise for Teaching Cognitive Heuristics

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Swinkels, Alan


    This article describes a brief heuristics demonstration and offers suggestions for personalizing examples of heuristics by making them relevant to students. Students complete a handout asking for 4 judgments illustrative of such heuristics. The decisions are cast in the context of students' daily lives at their particular university. After the…

  15. Validity of "Hi_Science" as instructional media based-android refer to experiential learning model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qamariah, Jumadi, Senam, Wilujeng, Insih


    Hi_Science is instructional media based-android in learning science on material environmental pollution and global warming. This study is aimed: (a) to show the display of Hi_Science that will be applied in Junior High School, and (b) to describe the validity of Hi_Science. Hi_Science as instructional media created with colaboration of innovative learning model and development of technology at the current time. Learning media selected is based-android and collaborated with experiential learning model as an innovative learning model. Hi_Science had adapted student worksheet by Taufiq (2015). Student worksheet had very good category by two expert lecturers and two science teachers (Taufik, 2015). This student worksheet is refined and redeveloped in android as an instructional media which can be used by students for learning science not only in the classroom, but also at home. Therefore, student worksheet which has become instructional media based-android must be validated again. Hi_Science has been validated by two experts. The validation is based on assessment of meterials aspects and media aspects. The data collection was done by media assessment instrument. The result showed the assessment of material aspects has obtained the average value 4,72 with percentage of agreement 96,47%, that means Hi_Science on the material aspects is in excellent category or very valid category. The assessment of media aspects has obtained the average value 4,53 with percentage of agreement 98,70%, that means Hi_Science on the media aspects is in excellent category or very valid category. It was concluded that Hi_Science as instructional media can be applied in the junior high school.

  16. Should Undergraduate Lectures be Compulsory? The Views of Dental and Medical Students from a UK University

    PubMed Central

    Daud, Alaa; Bagria, Aaron; Shah, Kushal; Puryer, James


    Formal lectures have been a traditional part of medical and dental education, but there is debate as to their compulsory status. This study was designed to explore dental and medical students’ views on compulsory lectures and the use of Video-Recorded Lectures (VRL). A cross-sectional study of University of Bristol students in Years 2 to 4 was conducted using an online questionnaire. The majority of both dental (76%) and medical (66%) students felt lectures should be non-compulsory. The most common learning resources used by both dental and medical students were live lectures, lecture handouts and VRL. The majority of both dental (84%) and medical (88%) students used VRL. Most students attended lectures all of the time both before and after the introduction of VRL, even though most dental and medical students believe lectures should be non-compulsory. VRL is a popular learning resource. These findings tie-in with General Dental Council and General Medical Council recommendations that encourage self-directed learning. Dental and Medical schools should offer a range of learning resources and make use of current technology, including the use of VRL. PMID:29563421

  17. Teaching about Conflict, Nuclear War and the Future.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zola, John; Sieck, Reny

    Designed for teachers of students in grades 5-12, the guide provides over 25 lesson plans and 45 student handouts for teaching units on conflict, nuclear war, and future studies. In the first unit, students define conflict, learn conflict-related vocabulary, illustrate knowledge of conflict types through the use of cartoons, recognize common…

  18. Sharing Teaching Ideas: Starship.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Camp, Dane R.


    Presents a game used to help students learning polar coordinates in precalculus class. The game is a variation of the game Battleship with the major difference being that students use polar coordinates. Includes reproducible student worksheets and directions. (MKR)

  19. Geography, Culture, History, Politics of Latin America. Revised.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dangle, James; Esler, Jon

    This curriculum guide provides activities to help students understand Latin America. A foundation for analyzing the interdependence of world nations develops critical thinking, and problem solving skills. Activities emphasize research, reading, writing, and speaking skills. Detailed lesson plans and accompanying reproducible student handouts are…

  20. Global Warming on the International Agenda. Teaching Strategy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Keenan-Byrne, Patricia; Malkasian, Mark


    Presents a lesson plan that teaches students the links between industrialization and global warming, and analyzes the conflicting values and priorities involved in the debate between economic development and environmental concerns. Students role play delegates from countries attending an environmental conference. Handouts provide background…

  1. Amending the Constitution. Teaching Strategy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pittman, Keith A.


    Presents a lesson for secondary students where they learn about the historical forces that have shaped the U.S. Constitution through the amendment process, examine the constitutional amending process, and discuss the freedoms of expression guaranteed by the First Amendment. Includes three student handouts. (CMK)

  2. Mobile technologies in the service of students' learning of mathematics: the example of game application A.L.E.X. in the context of a primary school in Cyprus

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kyriakides, Andreas O.; Meletiou-Mavrotheris, Maria; Prodromou, Theodosia


    This article reports on the main experiences gained from a 2-year study which incorporated A.L.E.X., an educational puzzle game available on iPad or Android tablet devices, within the primary school mathematics curriculum. The study took place in a public primary school, located in a rural area of Cyprus. The majority of its students come from low socioeconomic status families. Among the school community, a group of 15 pupils (eight boys and seven girls), aged 10-11 years old, was randomly selected to comprise the sample. The same group of students was visited twice within a period of 2 years, and a teaching intervention was organized. In both interventions, the application A.L.E.X. accompanied by a student worksheet constituted the main means of instruction. The worksheets were designed to integrate a technology with core mathematical ideas embedded in the national mathematics curriculum. Findings gained from the teaching intervention suggest that game apps hold a lot of promise as a tool for reforming mathematics education. While working with A.L.E.X., the children identified and processed mathematical themes that emerged spontaneously. They experienced unique emotions of surprise and enthusiasm regarding the existence of games with mathematical content that led them to acknowledge the pedagogical role that tablet devices could play. This helped them to broaden their fundamentally narrow viewpoint of mathematics as being primarily computation and arithmetic.

  3. Authentic Assessment in the Geometry Classroom: Calculating the Classroom Air-Exchange Rate.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Erich, David J.


    Introduces a room air-exchange activity designed to assess student understanding of the concept of volume. Lists materials for the activity and its procedures. Includes the lesson plan and a student worksheet. (KHR)

  4. Resolving Conflict Creatively in the Multicultural Community: Inter-Cultural Mediation. [Videotape.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moyer, Kathleen Cleland

    Students encounter numerous volatile situations throughout their school days, especially during times of increasing diversity. "Inter-Cultural Mediation" is a single half hour video that includes a teacher's manual and student handouts. Shot in Ontario, Canada during the Commonwealth Youth Conference in Conflict Resolution, this program…

  5. Technology, the Potomac Canal, and National Unity.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Keller, Clair W.


    Illustrates the relationship between the technology of canal building and the development of national unity prior to the Revolutionary War. Examines George Washington's efforts to build the Potomac canal. Encourages students to consider the interrelationships among technology, resources, politics, and leadership. Includes two student handouts and…

  6. Multidimensional Screening as a Pharmacology Laboratory Experience.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Malone, Marvin H.; And Others


    A multidimensional pharmacodynamic screening experiment that addresses drug interaction is included in the pharmacology-toxicology laboratory experience of pharmacy students at the University of the Pacific. The student handout with directions for the procedure is reproduced, drug compounds tested are listed, and laboratory evaluation results are…

  7. Student reflections on learning with challenging tasks: `I think the worksheets were just for practice, and the challenges were for maths'

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Russo, James; Hopkins, Sarah


    The current study considered young students' (7 and 8 years old) experiences and perceptions of mathematics lessons involving challenging (i.e. cognitively demanding) tasks. We used the Constant Comparative Method to analyse the interview responses ( n = 73) regarding what work artefacts students were most proud of creating and why. Five themes emerged that characterised student reflections: enjoyment, effort, learning, productivity and meaningful mathematics. Overall, there was evidence that students embraced struggle and persisted when engaged in mathematics lessons involving challenging tasks and, moreover, that many students enjoyed the process of being challenged. In the second section of the paper, the lesson structure preferences of a subset of participants ( n = 23) when learning with challenging tasks are considered. Overall, more students preferred the teach-first lesson structure to the task-first lesson structure, primarily because it activated their cognition to prepare them for work on the challenging task. However, a substantial minority of students (42 %) instead endorsed the task-first lesson structure, with several students explaining they preferred this structure precisely because it was so cognitively demanding. Other reasons for preferring the task-first structure included that it allowed the focus of the lesson to be on the challenging task and the subsequent discussion of student work. A key implication of these combined findings is that, for many students, work on challenging tasks appeared to remain cognitively demanding irrespective of the structure of the lesson.

  8. Apple Fool! An Introduction to Artificial Flavors.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Journal of Chemical Education, 2003


    Presents a science activity on consumer chemistry in which students explore artificial flavors that are commonly used in foods, such as isoamyl acetate and methyl salicylate. Includes instructor information and a student worksheet. (YDS)

  9. Development of probabilistic thinking-oriented learning tools for probability materials at junior high school students

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sari, Dwi Ivayana; Hermanto, Didik


    This research is a developmental research of probabilistic thinking-oriented learning tools for probability materials at ninth grade students. This study is aimed to produce a good probabilistic thinking-oriented learning tools. The subjects were IX-A students of MTs Model Bangkalan. The stages of this development research used 4-D development model which has been modified into define, design and develop. Teaching learning tools consist of lesson plan, students' worksheet, learning teaching media and students' achievement test. The research instrument used was a sheet of learning tools validation, a sheet of teachers' activities, a sheet of students' activities, students' response questionnaire and students' achievement test. The result of those instruments were analyzed descriptively to answer research objectives. The result was teaching learning tools in which oriented to probabilistic thinking of probability at ninth grade students which has been valid. Since teaching and learning tools have been revised based on validation, and after experiment in class produced that teachers' ability in managing class was effective, students' activities were good, students' responses to the learning tools were positive and the validity, sensitivity and reliability category toward achievement test. In summary, this teaching learning tools can be used by teacher to teach probability for develop students' probabilistic thinking.

  10. The use of a game-based learning platform to engage nursing students: A descriptive, qualitative study.


    Gallegos, Cara; Tesar, Abigail J; Connor, Kelley; Martz, Kim


    Baccalaureate nursing programs require students to complete a research course, and faculty find it challenging to engage students. Educational gaming has recently gained attention as a technique to motivate students and enhance learning. The purpose of this pilot study was to describe undergraduate nursing students' reflections of their experiences with 3D Gamelab © , a game-based learning platform. A descriptive qualitative research design was used to elicit students' reflections of their experiences. Educational content such as handouts, videos, activities, and recommended resources for a required junior level nursing research course was organized into quests for use in 3D GameLab © . At the end of the semester, students were invited to give their feedback through a survey with open-ended questions. Thematic analysis resulted in the following components of the game-based learning experience: navigation, motivation, gaming concept, knowledge, technology, and target population. Although the overall response to 3D GameLab © in this course was negative, game-based learning does have the potential to engage students and enhance learning. To better understand how educational gaming could be used in nursing, further research should be conducted to determine the most motivating elements and the types of course content best delivered in this manner. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Understanding Treatment-seeking Smokers’ Motivation to Change: Content Analysis of the Decisional Balance Worksheet

    PubMed Central

    Collins, Susan E.; Eck, Sandra; Torchalla, Iris; Schröter, Martina; Batra, Anil


    The Decisional Balance Worksheet (DBW), an open-ended measure of motivation to change, may be used to record the pros and cons of smoking versus abstinence among treatment-seeking smokers. Recent findings indicated that the open-ended DBW could be quantified to validly reflect people’s level of motivation to stop smoking (Collins, Eck, Torchalla, Schröter, & Batra, 2010). The goal of the current study was to enhance our understanding of these participants’ motivation to change by examining the qualitative content of their decisional balance. Participants were treatment-seeking smokers (N=268) who had participated in a larger randomized controlled trial of tailored smoking cessation interventions (Batra et al., 2010). Using the DBW, participants recorded their pros and cons of smoking versus abstinence, and content analysis methods were used to extract common themes. Findings indicated that the physical and psychological effects/functions of smoking and abstinence were most commonly mentioned as both pros and cons. Although the decisional balance categories were substantively similar over time, their relative frequency shifted from pre- to posttreatment. For the sample as a whole, the number of pros of smoking generally decreased, whereas the pros of abstinence increased from pre- to posttreatment. Findings suggest clinicians can expect certain perceived pros and cons to characterize their clients’ decision-making process about smoking and abstinence. At the same time, the use of the decisional balance allows for assessment of individuals’ unique motivational set. PMID:23017735

  12. Welcome to the Wonderful World of Science and Agriculture: How to Read a Fertilizer Label.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Emery, Pamela


    Presents an activity that enables students to learn how to read a fertilizer label, to understand the components of fertilizers, and to compare natural and man-made fertilizers. Includes background information and student worksheets. (DDR)

  13. Generation Cyberbully: Bullying without Borders. [DVD

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Professional Resources, Inc., 2010


    This DVD contains the following: (1) Student Program (28 minutes); (2) Educator Program (17 minutes); (3) Parent Handout; and (4) Teaching Guide. What is cyberbullying and how is it different than regular bullying? What should students do if it happens to them, or someone they know? In the Student Program, viewers will learn why bullies do what…

  14. Voices from the Sweatshops: A Glimpse of American Women through the Writing of a Dime Novel.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chilcoat, George W.


    Presents a class activity that uses the dime novel in a critical mode as an avenue to increase student's knowledge of the concepts and themes of women's experiences during the nineteenth century. Provides background of the dime novel. Asks students to compose their own dime novel, and provides a student handout that outlines the process. (RW)

  15. Exploring the Impacts of Cognitive and Metacognitive Prompting on Students' Scientific Inquiry Practices Within an E-Learning Environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Wen-Xin; Hsu, Ying-Shao; Wang, Chia-Yu; Ho, Yu-Ting


    This study explores the effects of metacognitive and cognitive prompting on the scientific inquiry practices of students with various levels of initial metacognition. Two junior high school classes participated in this study. One class, the experimental group (n = 26), which received an inquiry-based curriculum with a combination of cognitive and metacognitive prompts, was compared to the other class, the comparison group (n = 25), which received only cognitive prompts in the same curriculum. Data sources included a test of inquiry practices, a questionnaire of metacognition, and worksheets. The results showed that the mixed cognitive and metacognitive prompts had significant impacts on the students' inquiry practices, especially their planning and analyzing abilities. Furthermore, the mixed prompts appeared to have a differential effect on those students with lower level metacognition, who showed significant improvement in their inquiry abilities. A combination of cognitive and metacognitive prompts during an inquiry cycle was found to promote students' inquiry practices.

  16. Edutourism Taka Bonerate National Park through Scientific Approach to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hayati, R. S.


    This research aim is develop the potential of Taka Bonerate National Park as learning resources through edutourism with scientific approach to improve student learning outcomes. Focus of student learning outcomes are students psychomotor abilities and comprehension on Biodiversity of Marine Biota, Corals Ecosystem, and Conservation topics. The edutourism development products are teacher manual, edutourism worksheet, material booklet, guide’s manual, and Taka Bonerate National Park governor manual. The method to develop edutourism products is ADDIE research and development model that consist of analysis, design, development and production, implementation, and evaluation step. The subjects in the implementation step were given a pretest and posttest and observation sheet to see the effect of edutourism Taka Bonerate National Park through scientific approach to student learning outcomes on Biodiversity of Marine Biota, Corals Ecosystem, and Conservation topics. The data were analyzed qualitative descriptively. The research result is edutourism Taka Bonerate National Park through scientific approach can improve students learning outcomes on Biodiversity of Marine Biota, Corals Ecosystem, and Conservation topics. Edutourism Taka Bonerate National Park can be an alternative of learning method on Biodiversity of Marine Biota, Corals Ecosystem, and Conservation topics.

  17. "No Taxation without Representation:" A Simulation Activity.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schur, Joan Brodsky


    Describes a simulation exercise designed to help students understand the objections of U.S. colonists to the Stamp Act and other taxes. Includes a sample handout, instructions for the teacher in carrying out the simulation, and questions to compare students' and colonists' about feelings being assessed fees unfairly. (DK)

  18. Tourism and Geography.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Longmire, Joan M.


    Presents a lesson outline in which students study the application of geography to the tourism industry by first discussing tourism, then researching various tourist destinations and comparing them. Notes the geographic skills and national standards addressed, materials needed, lesson objective, suggested teaching procedures, and a student handout.…

  19. Learn, Grow, Become. TSA Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oklahoma State Dept. of Vocational and Technical Education, Stillwater. Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center.

    This revised curriculum guide contains five units that are designed to help students develop an understanding of the mission of the Technology Student Association (TSA). Each unit follows a standard format that includes some or all of these basic components: performance objectives, suggested activities, handouts, information sheets, supplements,…

  20. Aging in America: Fact, Fiction and Feeling.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Strubbe, Mary A.

    Thirteen lessons on aging in America, appropriate for the secondary school level, are presented. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one day and includes the goal, objectives, background information, reproducible student handouts, materials and equipment needed, procedures, and evaluation forms. In the first lesson students examine their…

  1. Developing and evaluating effective bioscience learning activities for nursing students.


    Salvage-Jones, Judith; Hamill, Jessie; Todorovic, Michael; Barton, Matthew J; Johnston, Amy N B


    Effective engagement of nursing students in the study of biosciences remains a challenge for many tertiary institutes. In this study we attempted to implement and then evaluate a simple hands-on intervention, consisting of a series of hands-on games and puzzles, to increase nursing student engagement with core concepts and anatomical learning involved in clinical anatomy and physiology. The study used a quazi-experimental longitudinal before and after design, to explore the effect of a learning intervention on student performance. Set across three different campuses of the same University, it included 1320 first year undergraduate nursing students from 2013 to 2014 who were studying Anatomy and Physiology. Students were exposed to the interventions or not, and concomitant academic performance, weekly quiz scores, performance in fortnightly worksheets and, across the semester, exam performance were compared. The results show that while the intervention appeared to increase academic performance in students on one campus (2013) compared to the other two, this difference was not sustained into 2014 when a bigger cohort was examined. Despite significant subjective student satisfaction and enthusiasm about these learning and teaching interventions, the data does not support the capacity of these activities to enhance student academic performance. Tertiary entrance scores, being a non-native English speakers and socio-economic status all had a bigger impact on student performance than engagement with fun anatomy and physiology activities. Crown Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Lighten Up: Tesla.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wiebe, Ann


    Presents a lesson plan detailing an interdisciplinary mathematics/science activity in which students take a home survey of light bulbs and then design an energy-saving lighting system for a home. Contains reproducible student worksheets. (MKR)

  3. Analyzing Political Television Advertisements.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Burson, George


    Presents a lesson plan to help students understand that political advertisements often mislead, lie, or appeal to emotion. Suggests that the lesson will enable students to examine political advertisements analytically. Includes a worksheet to be used by students to analyze individual political advertisements. (DK)

  4. The effect of content delivery style on student performance in anatomy.


    White, Lloyd J; McGowan, Heath W; McDonald, Aaron C


    The development of new technologies and ensuing pedagogical research has led many tertiary institutions to integrate and adopt online learning strategies. The authors of this study have incorporated online learning strategies into existing educational practices of a second year anatomy course, resulting in half of the course content delivered via face-to-face lectures, and half delivered online via tailored video vignettes, with accompanying worksheets and activities. The effect of the content delivery mode on student learning was analyzed by tailoring questions to content presented either face-to-face or online. Four practical tests were conducted across the semester with each consisting of four questions. Within each test, two questions were based on content delivered face-to-face, and two questions were based on content delivered online. Examination multiple choice questions were similarly divided and assessed. Findings indicate that student learning is consistent regardless of the mode of content delivery. However, student viewing habits had a significant impact on learning, with students who viewed videos multiple times achieving higher marks than those less engaged with the online content. Student comments also indicated that content delivery mode was not an influence on learning. Therefore student engagement, rather than the mode of content delivery, is a determinant of student learning and performance in human anatomy. Anat Sci Educ. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.

  5. Teaching Strategy. Tort Law and the Civil Jury.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pittman, Keith A.


    Presents a lesson plan that introduces students to the tort system of law and the responsibilities of the civil jury. The lesson involves student research and a mock jury trial establishing legal responsibility for a fatal automobile accident. Includes a list of objectives, classroom procedures, and handouts on jury deliberations. (MJP)

  6. Reinforcing Basic Skills Through Social Studies. Grades 4-7.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lewis, Teresa Marie

    Arranged into seven parts, this document provides a variety of games and activities, bulletin board ideas, overhead transparencies, student handouts, and learning station ideas to help reinforce basic social studies skills in the intermediate grades. In part 1, students learn about timelines, first constructing their own life timeline, then a…

  7. Using Dance To Integrate Exceptionalities.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wolf, Geraldine A.; Launi, Barbara A.

    This conference presentation handout describes a program which uses dance therapy to integrate special education students with various disabilities. The 6-week program at a middle school involved having a professional dancer teach students traditional and modern dance methods as a means of expressing emotions, followed by teams of students…

  8. Map and Compass. Outdoor Living Skills Series. Instructor Manual.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ludwig, Gail S.

    Designed for instructors with little or no map and compass experience, the self-contained manual contains background information, lesson plans, student handouts, and references for teaching the basic skills of map and compass use to junior high and senior high school students and youth groups. An introductory section briefly discusses the…

  9. The Gin Builder: Examining the Skills Needed for the New Industrial Age.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kosty, Carlita; Lubar, Steven; Rhar, Bill


    Presents a lesson plan in which students explore the impact of industrialization on agriculture, the experience of William Ellison, a free black cotton gin mechanic, and the skills that Ellison needed. Students discuss handwritten documents, diagrams, and census information related to the cotton gin. Includes a bibliography and four handouts. (CMK)

  10. D. W. Griffith's Controversial Film, "The Birth of a Nation."

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pitcher, Conrad


    Presents a lesson plan that enables students to investigate race relations during the Progressive Era by analyzing D. W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation" and the controversy surrounding the release of the film. Explores the pros and cons of using motion pictures as teaching tool. Includes two student handouts. (CMK)

  11. Coping in the World of Work. Practice in Problem Solving. Instructor's Handbook. Research and Development Series 120A.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Campbell, Robert E.; And Others

    This instructor's handbook is part of a career development unit on coping in the world of work, designed to assist students in developing coping strategies to deal with work-entry and job adjustment problems. (Other components of the unit--student guide, handout/transparency masters, and filmstrip/sound cassette programs--are available…

  12. The Paper Airplane Challenge: A Market Economy Simulation. Lesson Plan.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Owens, Kimberly

    This lesson plan features a classroom simulation that helps students understand the characteristics of a market economic system. The lesson plan states a purpose; cites student objectives; suggests a time duration; lists materials needed; and details a step-by-step teaching procedure. The "Paper Airplane Challenge" handout is attached. (BT)

  13. Math Activities for Teaching about Aging.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Doyle, Roberta E.; Pappas, Anthony A.

    By participating in these class activities, students will acquire mathematical skills and at the same time learn about aging. Topics related to aging are often quantitative, and therefore, subject to mathematical analysis and procedures. The activities, which contain teacher suggestions and all student handouts, deal with seven topics. In the…

  14. Teaching about Tort Law--My Actions, My Actions, Somebody Got Hurt!

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rose, Stephen A.


    Presents a lesson plan that uses cases to teach students about three types of torts: intentional wrongs, negligence, and strict liability. Torts are wrongful actions (not involving a breech of contract) that may result in a civic action. Includes lesson procedures, objectives, and student handouts on torts and negligence cases. (MJP)

  15. Learning Gateways.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Insights on Law & Society, 2001


    Provides a lesson plan with activities using the materials presented in this issue of "Insights on Law and Society" as a basis to test students' critical skills. Focuses on the topic of religious freedom and the ideas of James Madison and Patrick Henry on civil order. Includes a student handout. (CMK)

  16. A Jigsaw Lesson for Operations of Complex Numbers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lucas, Carol A.


    Explains the cooperative learning technique of jigsaw. Details the use of a jigsaw lesson for explaining complex numbers to intermediate algebra students. Includes copies of the handouts given to the expert groups. (Author/ASK)

  17. A Conceptual Model for Solving Percent Problems.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bennett, Albert B., Jr.; Nelson, L. Ted


    Presents an alternative method to teaching percent problems which uses a 10x10 grid to help students visualize percents. Offers a means of representing information and suggests different approaches for finding solutions. Includes reproducible student worksheet. (MKR)

  18. Covering the Plane with Rep-Tiles.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fosnaugh, Linda S.; Harrell, Marvin E.


    Presents an activity in which students use geometric figures, rep-tiles, to design a tile floor. Rep-tiles are geometric figures of which copies can fit together to form a larger similar figure. Includes reproducible student worksheet. (MKR)

  19. Cartoon Analysis of Peace Propaganda.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alexander, Mary, Ed.


    A cartoon for analysis and other learning activities is provided to help students study about peace propaganda, the nuclear freeze, and disarmament. A cartoon analysis worksheet, designed to help students analyze almost any political cartoon, is included. (RM)

  20. Teaching transcultural nursing through literature.


    Halloran, Laurel


    One of the biggest challenges in nursing education is to develop culturally sensitive graduates. Although theory and lecture are appropriate to introduce cultural issues, the application of those skills is limited by the kinds of clinical experiences and patient populations students may treat. Literary works are a rich source of information for nursing. This assignment was created to sensitize the students to the influence of cultural diversity. Students were assigned to read one novel from an approved list and answer the questions posed on the Cultural Discovery worksheet. The only direction that was given regarding novel selection was that the novel had to represent a culture other than the student's own. The focus was to expose students to a different culture. Classroom discussion, based on worksheet answers, followed. The assignment's good, bad, and ugly outcomes are discussed. Suggestions for adaptation of this assignment to an online format are also provided.

  1. Students Mental Representation of Biology Diagrams/Pictures Conventions Based on Formation of Causal Network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sampurno, A. W.; Rahmat, A.; Diana, S.


    Diagrams/pictures conventions is one form of visual media that often used to assist students in understanding the biological concepts. The effectiveness of use diagrams/pictures in biology learning at school level has also been mostly reported. This study examines the ability of high school students in reading diagrams/pictures biological convention which is described by Mental Representation based on formation of causal networks. The study involved 30 students 11th grade MIA senior high school Banten Indonesia who are studying the excretory system. MR data obtained by Instrument worksheet, developed based on CNET-protocol, in which there are diagrams/drawings of nephron structure and urinary mechanism. Three patterns formed MR, namely Markov chain, feedback control with a single measurement, and repeated feedback control with multiple measurement. The third pattern is the most dominating pattern, differences in the pattern of MR reveal the difference in how and from which point the students begin to uncover important information contained in the diagram to establish a causal networks. Further analysis shows that a difference in the pattern of MR relate to how complex the students process the information contained in the diagrams/pictures.

  2. How to get students to love (or not hate) MATLAB and programming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reckinger, Shanon; Reckinger, Scott


    An effective programming course geared toward engineering students requires the utilization of modern teaching philosophies. A newly designed course that focuses on programming in MATLAB involves flipping the classroom and integrating various active teaching techniques. Vital aspects of the new course design include: lengthening in-class contact hours, Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) method worksheets (self-guided instruction), student created video content posted on YouTube, clicker questions (used in class to practice reading and debugging code), programming exams that don't require computers, integrating oral exams into the classroom, fostering an environment for formal and informal peer learning, and designing in a broader theme to tie together assignments. However, possibly the most important piece to this programming course puzzle: the instructor needs to be able to find programming mistakes very fast and then lead individuals and groups through the steps to find their mistakes themselves. The effectiveness of the new course design is demonstrated through pre- and post- concept exam results and student evaluation feedback. Students reported that the course was challenging and required a lot of effort, but left largely positive feedback.

  3. Food Additives: "Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy". Health and the Consumer.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Florida State Dept. of Education, Tallahassee. Div. of Elementary and Secondary Education.

    One in a series, this consumer education learning activity package teaches secondary students about food additives. The package includes instructions for the teacher, suggestions for activities, lists of resource materials, film guides, student activity worksheets, a student resource booklet of background readings, and answer keys. Content taught…

  4. Comparison of the perceived relevance of oral biology reported by students and interns of a Pakistani dental college.


    Farooq, I; Ali, S


    The purpose of this study was to analyse and compare the perceived relevance of oral biology with dentistry as reported by dental students and interns and to investigate the most popular teaching approach and learning resource. A questionnaire aiming to ask about the relevance of oral biology to dentistry, most popular teaching method and learning resource was utilised in this study. Study groups encompassed second-year dental students who had completed their course and dental interns. The data were obtained and analysed statistically. The overall response rate for both groups was 60%. Both groups reported high relevance of oral biology to dentistry. Perception of dental interns regarding the relevance of oral biology to dentistry was higher than that of students. Both groups identified student presentations as the most important teaching method. Amongst the most important learning resources, textbooks were considered most imperative by interns, whereas lecture handouts received the highest importance score by students. Dental students and interns considered oral biology to be relevant to dentistry, although greater relevance was reported by interns. Year-wise advancement in dental education and training improves the perception of the students about the relevance of oral biology to dentistry. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. New Paper from Newspaper.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Journal of Chemical Education, 2001


    Describes a paper recycling experiment in which students recycle a piece of newsprint to make a new sheet of paper. Involves collection of information from the internet for the activity. Includes both instructor information and a student worksheet. (YDS)

  6. What Works for Me.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wolf, Lori; And Others


    Offers 11 classroom tips from teachers for a variety of activities, including fictional movie reviews, haiku writing, questions to develop student journals, handouts, rewriting stories, and a "dirty trick" to get better research topics. (SR)

  7. Evaluation of a Brief Homework Assignment Designed to Reduce Citation Problems

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schuetze, Pamela


    I evaluated a brief homework assignment designed to reduce citation problems in research-based term papers. Students in 2 developmental psychology classes received a brief presentation and handout defining plagiarism with tips on how to cite sources to avoid plagiarizing. In addition, students in 1 class completed 2 brief homework assignments in…

  8. A Tractor or an Automobile? A 1920s Farm Family Faces a Decision.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kunze, Joel P.


    Outlines a lesson plan in which students role play a 1920s farm family deciding whether to buy an automobile or a tractor. Other students act as automobile and tractor sales groups. Explains how the lesson illuminates relationships between technological advance and social history. Includes handouts identifying benefits of purchasing cars or…

  9. Petroleum Technology: From Refinery To Home, Business, and Industry.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shewell, John A.


    Discusses the application of petroleum technology and presents activities designed to raise students' awareness of the importance of petroleum-based products in their lives. Includes a handout designed to help students understand the refining processes in which the crude oil from the drill site is transformed into nearly 6,000 petroleum-based…

  10. A Voyage of Mathematical and Cultural Awareness for Students of Upper Secondary School

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Panagiotou, Evangelos N.


    Many papers have emphasized the need for and importance of particular examples and the underlying rationale for introducing a historical dimension in mathematics education. This article presents the development and implementation of a project, based on original sources, in a situation where the existing curriculum does not include history. The subject was conic sections and the motivating problems and original work which eventually found resolution in modern concepts. The project was carried out during the school year 2006-2007 with 18 students of a Greek experimental high school 2nd class (11th degree). It was devised as a series of worksheets, separate readings and oral presentations and written essays so that students might appreciate that mathematics evolves under the influence of factors intrinsic and extrinsic to it. Both epistemological and disciplinary issues are taken into account. Even though this work is just one case study, we have found that exposing students directly to primary sources in mathematics contributes greatly to motivation and understanding, and illustrates the nature of mathematics as a discipline and as a human endeavour.

  11. Wet Worlds: Explore the World of Water. Marine and Fresh Water Activities for the Elementary Classroom.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Solomon, Gerard; And Others

    Complete with student worksheets, field trip ideas, illustrations, vocabulary lists, suggested materials, and step-by-step procedures, the document presents a compilation of ideas for teaching elementary school (K-6) students about marine and fresh water. In the first unit students build miniature monuments and observe the deterioration of…

  12. PROJECT SUCCESS: Electricity. (Pre-post Tests, Vocabulary Lists, Beginning Circuitry, Intermediate Projects).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    James, Sally

    Four packets comprise the electricity component of an enrichment program for gifted elementary students. Provided in the introductory packet are sample pre- and posttests for the unit. Remaining packets present vocabulary lists, student worksheets on beginning circuitry, and suggestions for student projects (such as making a battery, constructing…

  13. Economic Choices. Political Decisions That Affect You. Teacher's Guide.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chibucos, Pamela E.

    This teacher's guide to an educational unit on economic choices provides motivators, terms and concepts to know, lesson objectives, student activities, student worksheets, and evaluation criteria. One activity requires students to research their family's economic history and answer questions such as: (1) "Do any family members belong to a…

  14. Reduction of cognitive conflict and learning style impact towards student-teacher's misconception load

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    A'yun, Kurroti; Suyono, Poedjiastoeti, Sri; Bin-Tahir, Saidna Zulfiqar


    The most crucial issue in education is a misconception that is caused by the misconception of the students themselves. Therefore, this study provided the solution to improve the quality of teaching chemistry in the schools through the remediation of misconceptions to the chemistry teacher candidates. This study employed a mixed method approach using concurrent embedded designs where it tended more to the qualitative research, but it still relied on the quantitative research in the assessment of the learning impact. The results of this study were the students with higher levels of cognitive conflict still have high loads of misconceptions (MC), it possibly due to the type of students' learning styles that is the sequential-global balanced. To facilitate the cognitive conflict character and the learning style of sequential-global balanced, the researchers created an integrated worksheet conceptual change with peer learning (WCCPL). The peer learning undertaken in the last stages of conceptual change of WCCPL can increase the resistance of students' concept in a category of knowing the concept significantly, but it should be examined in an in-depth study related to the long-term memory.

  15. The Development of Inquiry Learning Materials to Complete Content Life System Organization in Junior High School Students

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mayasari, F.; Raharjo; Supardi, Z. A. I.


    This research aims to develop the material eligibility to complete the inquiry learning of student in the material organization system of junior high school students. Learning materials developed include syllabi, lesson plans, students’ textbook, worksheets, and learning achievement test. This research is the developmental research which employ Dick and Carey model to develop learning material. The experiment was done in Junior High School 4 Lamongan regency using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The data collection used validation, observation, achievement test, questionnaire administration, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used quantitative and qualitative descriptive.The results showed that the developed learning material was valid and can be used. Learning activity accomplished with good category, where student activities were observed. The aspects of attitudes were observed during the learning process are honest, responsible, and confident. Student learning achievement gained an average of 81, 85 in complete category, with N-Gain 0, 75 for a high category. The activities and student response to learning was very well categorized. Based on the results, this researcher concluded that the device classified as feasible of inquiry-based learning (valid, practical, and effective) system used on the material organization of junior high school students.

  16. Casting and Angling.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Little, Mildred J.; Bunting, Camille

    The self-contained packet contains background information, lesson plans, 15 transparency and student handout masters, drills and games, 2 objective examinations, and references for teaching a 15-day unit on casting and angling to junior high and senior high school students, either as part of a regular physical education program or as a club…

  17. Adopting an Electronic Text Book for a Postgraduate Accounting Course: An Experiential Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schoch, Herbert P.; Teoh, Hai Yap; Kropman, Margaret


    Students are becoming accustomed to using the Internet as an information source that supplements or replaces the normal institutional and classroom handout. However, the use of full electronic books through the Internet or CD instead of a printed full text book is a uniquely different experience, not only for these students but also for academics…

  18. Understanding Taxes. Teacher's Resource Kit. 1995 Annual Revision.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Internal Revenue Service (Dept. of Treasury), Washington, DC.

    This packet contains revisions of the following sections of the "Understanding Taxes" teacher's resource kit: complete revisions of lessons 3 and 4; updated student handouts for lessons 2, 9, and 11; new glossary; and revised software user's guide. Lesson 3, "From W-4 to 1040A," is designed to acquaint students with the basic…

  19. The Energy Future Today: Grades 7, 8, 9, Social Studies.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC.

    This teacher's guide contains a unit of study for teaching about energy in grades seven, eight, and nine. The guide is self-contained and includes the handouts students need to work out the activity problems. The unit is developed around the concepts of shortage, scarcity, tradeoffs, investment, and decision making. Students develop these concepts…

  20. An educational intervention on drug interactions and contraceptive options for epilepsy patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial.


    Mody, Sheila K; Haunschild, Carolyn; Farala, John Paul; Honerkamp-Smith, Gordon; Hur, Vivian; Kansal, Leena


    This pilot study investigates whether an educational handout could increase short-term information retention about drug interactions between antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and hormonal contraceptives among female epilepsy patients of reproductive age. This is a pilot randomized controlled trial of an educational intervention among reproductive-age women with epilepsy in an academic neurology clinic. Investigators measured knowledge before and after participants received either usual care or the educational handout. The 10-question test assessed increased knowledge of which AEDs affected efficacy of certain hormonal contraceptives and was assessed by calculating the improvement in score between the pretest and posttest. The educational handout included the names of AEDs that have drug interactions with certain contraceptives and the efficacy of the contraceptives. A total of 42 epilepsy patients participated in this study. Fourteen participants were taking AEDs that are enzyme p450 inducers and 13 participants were taking Lamotrigine. Twenty women were randomized to receive the educational handout and 22 women were randomized to usual care. We found no statistical difference in the groups with regard to age, ethnicity or level of education. We found a significantly higher improvement in quiz scores in the educational handout group (3.65 point increase) compared to the usual care group (0.68 point increase) as calculated by the Student's two-sample t test (p<.001). An educational handout on drug interactions and contraceptives resulted in increased short-term information retention on this topic among reproductive-age female epilepsy patients. This pilot study highlights the need for further larger studies to evaluate the impact of educational interventions on improving patient knowledge about the drug interaction of AEDs and hormonal contraceptives. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  1. Building Bridges of Learning and Understanding: A Collection of Classroom Activities on Puerto Rican Culture.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Perez-Selles, Marla E., Ed.; And Others

    This collection of 35 self-contained teaching activities about Puerto Rican culture for elementary school students is designed for teachers who wish to incorporate multicultural concepts into their curriculum or make their teaching more relevant to Puerto Rican students. All lesson plans and student worksheets needed for immediate classroom use…

  2. Facebook for Health Promotion: Female College Students' Perspectives on Sharing HPV Vaccine Information Through Facebook

    PubMed Central

    Tsark, JoAnn; Campo, Shelly; Teti, Michelle


    Facebook, a social network site, has been widely used among young adults. However, its potential to be used as a health promotion medium has not been fully examined. This study explored Facebook's potential for sharing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine information among female college students in Hawai‘i. Culturally tailored flyers and handouts were developed and distributed at one large university in Hawai‘i to recruit female college students between the age of 18 and 26 having an active Facebook account. Three focus group meetings were conducted to gather student perspectives about how information about HPV vaccine may be best shared via Facebook. We found that students believed Facebook is a good awareness tool but they needed more knowledge about the HPV vaccine to feel comfortable sharing the information. Participants preferred forwarding information to chatting about HPV. Some participants expressed concern that their Facebook friends would think the HPV vaccine information they forwarded on Facebook is spam. Participants suggested prefacing the posted HPV vaccine information with a personal note in their own words to make the message more interesting and relevant to their Facebook friends. Future interventions using Facebook to promote HPV vaccine could provide students with HPV vaccine information from credible sources and ask students to attach personal testimonials or endorsements while forwarding the information on Facebook. PMID:25954600

  3. Facebook for Health Promotion: Female College Students' Perspectives on Sharing HPV Vaccine Information Through Facebook.


    Zhang, Ni; Tsark, JoAnn; Campo, Shelly; Teti, Michelle


    Facebook, a social network site, has been widely used among young adults. However, its potential to be used as a health promotion medium has not been fully examined. This study explored Facebook's potential for sharing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine information among female college students in Hawai'i. Culturally tailored flyers and handouts were developed and distributed at one large university in Hawai'i to recruit female college students between the age of 18 and 26 having an active Facebook account. Three focus group meetings were conducted to gather student perspectives about how information about HPV vaccine may be best shared via Facebook. We found that students believed Facebook is a good awareness tool but they needed more knowledge about the HPV vaccine to feel comfortable sharing the information. Participants preferred forwarding information to chatting about HPV. Some participants expressed concern that their Facebook friends would think the HPV vaccine information they forwarded on Facebook is spam. Participants suggested prefacing the posted HPV vaccine information with a personal note in their own words to make the message more interesting and relevant to their Facebook friends. Future interventions using Facebook to promote HPV vaccine could provide students with HPV vaccine information from credible sources and ask students to attach personal testimonials or endorsements while forwarding the information on Facebook.

  4. SSMILes: Investigating Various Volcanic Eruptions and Volcano Heights.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wagner-Pine, Linda; Keith, Donna Graham


    Presents an integrated math/science activity that shows students the differences among the three types of volcanoes using observation, classification, graphing, sorting, problem solving, measurement, averages, pattern relationships, calculators, computers, and research skills. Includes reproducible student worksheet. Lists 13 teacher resources.…

  5. Changing Their Mindsets: ePortfolios Encourage Application of Concepts to the Self

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Singer-Freeman, Karen; Bastone, Linda


    We describe the ePortfolio delivery of a mindset intervention to college students. In Study 1, 38 underrepresented ethnic minority (URM) students who were enrolled in a summer research program completed a mindset intervention as a worksheet (n = 17) or as an ePortfolio (n = 21). Students who completed ePortfolios were more likely than students who…

  6. B-D-A Strategy: Reinventing the Wheel Can Be a Good Thing.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Laverick, Catherine


    Presents a remodeled reading strategy for high school students that is based on K-W-L and some of its variations. Develops a strategy handout that both teachers and students could use and that would facilitate teaching the curriculum rather than take time away from it. Notes that the "B-D-A" labels the essential before, during, and after…

  7. Food Shopping: "Food for Your Brood". Health and the Consumer.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Florida State Dept. of Education, Tallahassee. Div. of Elementary and Secondary Education.

    The purpose of this learning activity package, which is one of a series, is to acquaint secondary level students with options and money saving buying habits when shopping for food. The package includes instructions for the teacher, suggestions for activities, lists of resource materials, film guides, student activity worksheets, a student resource…

  8. Nutrition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Saur, Susan

    An elementary level nutrition unit provides teachers with student background information, suggested activities, and student worksheets. Part 1 focuses on the relationship of food to growth, health, and energy. In part 2, students learn about the four main food groups. Part 3 deals with nutrients and provides information about carbohydrates, fats,…

  9. Metacognitive skills and students' motivation toward chemical equilibrium problem solving ability: A correlational study on students of XI IPA SMAN 2 Banjarmasin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Muna, Khairiatul; Sanjaya, Rahmat Eko; Syahmani, Bakti, Iriani


    device, such as student worksheet, to help students use their metacognitive skills in solving problems, particularly on chemistry subject.

  10. The Stock Market Game, an Educator's Guide. Elementary School Edition [Grades 6-8].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY. Div. of Curriculum and Instruction.

    Helping students learn about taking responsibility for the planning and shaping of their personal financial futures is this 13-lesson teaching unit's goal. Each lesson includes performance objectives, materials, motivational activities, development, and enrichment activities. Concepts are taught through worksheets, stories, and games. Students are…

  11. Improving Writing: Resources, Strategies, Assessments.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lenski, Susan Davis; Johns, Jerry L.

    Comprehensive and practical, this book provides resources, strategies, and assessments that seamlessly weave writing into everyday classroom routines. The resources in the book include reproducible student worksheets, transparency masters, teacher and student examples, and technology tips in the form of Web site addresses. Strategies throughout…

  12. Data Processing: Fifteen Suggestions for Computer Training in Your Business Education Classes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barr, Lowell L.


    Presents 15 suggestions for training business education students in the use of computers. Suggestions involve computer language, method of presentation, laboratory time, programing assignments, instructions and handouts, problem solving, deadlines, reviews, programming concepts, programming logic, documentation, and defensive programming. (CT)

  13. Living in Style: A Guide to American Architecture.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instructor, 1990


    Studying architectural styles is an exciting way to make history come alive and to help students feel a part of their community. This teacher's guide includes several classroom activities, a historical guide to American architectural styles, a list of resources, and a reproducible student worksheet. (IAH)

  14. How-to-Do-It. How Long Is a Long Time?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McComas, William F.


    Presented is an activity designed to help students understand and appreciate the scale and order of the geologic timetable and begin to infer a relationship between biologic, chemical, and geological events. Procedures, background information, student worksheets with answers, and a list of materials are included. (CW)

  15. Negotiating the Way to Inquiry

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kuhn, Mason; McDermott, Mark


    One challenge of teaching science is getting students to communicate as scientists do. Scientists employ many different forms of communication as they develop and pass on information to others. Unfortunately, in many classrooms, student communication about science concepts is limited to filling in information on worksheets, finishing…

  16. Family Life.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    NatureScope, 1985


    Provides background information and student activities on bird nesting, singing, finding a mate, incubating eggs, and raising the young. Each activity includes an objective, recommended age level(s), subject area(s), list of materials needed, and procedures. A ready-to-copy student worksheet is included. (JN)

  17. Plants of the Desert.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    NatureScope, 1985


    Provides background information and student activities on plants of the desert, including various adaptations for life with limited water supplies. Each activity includes objective(s), recommended age level(s), subject area(s), list of materials needed, and procedures. A ready-to-copy student worksheet is included. (DH)

  18. Student Reflections on Learning with Challenging Tasks: "I Think the Worksheets Were Just for Practice, and the Challenges Were for Maths"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Russo, James; Hopkins, Sarah


    The current study considered young students' (7 and 8 years old) experiences and perceptions of mathematics lessons involving challenging (i.e. cognitively demanding) tasks. We used the Constant Comparative Method to analyse the interview responses (n = 73) regarding what work artefacts students were most proud of creating and why. Five themes…

  19. Acid Raindrops Keep Fallin' in My Lake.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Journal of Chemical Education, 2003


    Demonstrates acid rain falling into lakes using vinegar and explores the effects on different types of solids such as chalk, sand, and lime. Includes instructor information and student worksheets. (YDS)

  20. Assessment of students' ability to incorporate a computer into increasingly complex simulated patient encounters.


    Ray, Sarah; Valdovinos, Katie

    Pharmacy students should be exposed to and offered opportunities to practice the skill of incorporating a computer into a patient interview in the didactic setting. Faculty sought to improve retention of student ability to incorporate computers into their patient-pharmacist communication. Students were required to utilize a computer to document clinical information gathered during a simulated patient encounter (SPE). Students utilized electronic worksheets and were evaluated by instructors on their ability to effectively incorporate a computer into a SPE using a rubric. Students received specific instruction on effective computer use during patient encounters. Students were then re-evaluated by an instructor during subsequent SPEs of increasing complexity using standardized rubrics blinded from the students. Pre-instruction, 45% of students effectively incorporated a computer into a SPE. After receiving instruction, 67% of students were effective in their use of a computer during a SPE of performing a pharmaceutical care assessment for a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (p < 0.05 compared to pre-instruction), and 58% of students were effective in their use of a computer during a SPE of retrieving a medication list and social history from a simulated alcohol-impaired patient (p = 0.087 compared to pre-instruction). Instruction can improve pharmacy students' ability to incorporate a computer into SPEs, a critical skill in building and maintaining rapport with patients and improving efficiency of patient visits. Complex encounters may affect students' ability to utilize a computer appropriately. Students may benefit from repeated practice with this skill, especially with SPEs of increasing complexity. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. An instructional intervention to encourage effective deep collaborative learning in undergraduate veterinary students.


    Khosa, Deep K; Volet, Simone E; Bolton, John R


    In recent years, veterinary education has received an increased amount of attention directed at the value and application of collaborative case-based learning. The benefit of instilling deep learning practices in undergraduate veterinary students has also emerged as a powerful tool in encouraging continued professional education. However, research into the design and application of instructional strategies to encourage deep, collaborative case-based learning in veterinary undergraduates has been limited. This study focused on delivering an instructional intervention (via a 20-minute presentation and student handout) to foster productive, collaborative case-based learning in veterinary education. The aim was to instigate and encourage deep learning practices in a collaborative case-based assignment and to assess the impact of the intervention on students' group learning. Two cohorts of veterinary students were involved in the study. One cohort was exposed to an instructional intervention, and the other provided the control for the study. The instructional strategy was grounded in the collaborative learning literature and prior empirical studies with veterinary students. Results showed that the intervention cohort spent proportionally more time on understanding case content material than did the control cohort and rated their face-to-face discussions as more useful in achieving their learning outcomes than did their control counterparts. In addition, the perceived difficulty of the assignment evolved differently for the control and intervention students from start to end of the assignment. This study provides encouraging evidence that veterinary students can change and enhance the way they interact in a group setting to effectively engage in collaborative learning practices.

  2. Evaluation of a modified team based learning method for teaching general embryology to 1st year medical graduate students.


    Shankar, Nachiket; Roopa, R


    To encourage student participation in the learning process, the authors introduced a modified team based learning (TBL) method to cover two general embryology topics in the 1st year MBBS curriculum. The aim of this study was to evaluate students' perception of this method vis-à-vis the lecture method of teaching. A questionnaire was used to survey and evaluate the perceptions of 1st year MBBS students at the Department of Anatomy at our medical college in India. A total of eight classes were allotted to cover General Embryology. Six of these classes were conducted using the traditional didactic lecture method. Two topics were covered using the modified TBL method. Five teams of students were constituted, and each team was given handouts which contained basic factual material, four clinical case histories, and previous university exam questions from the topic. On the day of the session, these were discussed in the presence of the faculty facilitator. Students evaluated these sessions through a questionnaire. A majority of students felt that the modified TBL sessions were better at fulfilling learning objectives (46 students, 85%), enabled better understanding (43 students, 79%), were more interesting (43 students, 81%), ensured greater student participation (51 students, 94%) and involved greater effort on the part of students (53 students, 98%), as compared to traditional teaching methods. Most of the students (43 students, 79%) opined that more such sessions should be organized in the future. Responses from students show that the modified TBL classes could be utilized judiciously along with the traditional didactic lectures for teaching embryology.

  3. S'COOL Takes Students to New Heights

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Green, Carolyn J.; Chambers, Lin H.


    Students Cloud Observations On-Line (S'COOL) is a hands-on educational project which supports NASA's Clouds and the Earth s Radiant Energy System (CERES) satellite instrument; part of the Earth Science Enterprise studying our planet. S'COOL meets science, math, technology and geography Standards of Learning (SOLs) as students observe clouds and related weather conditions, compute data and locate vital information while obtaining ground truth observations for the CERES instrument. These observations can then be used to help validate the CERES measurements; particularly detection of clear sky from space. Participants to date have been in 20 states and 5 countries and have reported great interest and learning among their students. Many have used this project as a stepping stone to further learning in other areas of Earth Science; and to do more with the Internet in the classroom. Satellite images and clues to their interpretation are used on the website ( . Background information is also given on Earth's Radiation Budget and it s importance in understanding our climate. Students can retrieve both their observations and the corresponding satellite data and participate in the validation efforts. A number of suggestions for studies to be done with the data, and related lesson plans, are available. Teachers can tailor this project to the appropriate level and subject matter needed for their students. The recommended grade level is 4th through 12th grade. The project is now open to new participants. We particularly seek schools in more remote areas, to obtain wider geographic coverage for ground truth data; so the project has been designed to use, but not require, computer technology. AGU participants attending the S'COOL presentation will be given a handout describing the project. Material for introducing the project in the classroom will be demonstrated in a participatory style.

  4. Teaching Vocabulary in Colour.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gnoinska, Anna


    Describes one teacher's use of color to make classroom instruction more interesting. Techniques included using colored paper for handouts, conducting an experiment to see whether the use of colors could enhance students' memory power, and using colored flashcards to teach vocabulary. (Author/VWL)

  5. A Biomes Field Trip.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Leonard, William H.; And Others


    Describes a field trip designed to give students opportunities to experience relevant data leading to concepts in biogeography. Suggests that teachers (including college instructors) adapt the areas studied and procedures used to their own locations. Includes a suggested field trip handout. (JN)

  6. Integrating Social Studies and Science: A Decision Making Lesson for Teaching American Government.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chiodo, John J.


    Presents a lesson for an United States Government class where the students work in groups in order to explore the tradeoffs among energy usage, transportation, environmental issues, and policy choices that must be made when solving urban transportation problems. Includes six handouts. (CMK)

  7. This Glorious Mud Pile (Rocky River Valley). Revised Edition.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cabbage, Mary Ellen

    This student text focuses on the social and geological history of a river basin. In addition to background information, the text includes student worksheets for 12 field trip stops in Ohio's Rocky River Valley. Material is designed to support a full-day field trip during which students work in small groups. Also included are a geological…

  8. Asian American Curriculum Guide: Secondary.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Saint Paul Public Schools, Minn.

    Created as part of an in-service teacher education workshop, this guide for a secondary school Asian American curriculum is divided into a section for junior high students and a section for senior high students. In each section, the same pattern is followed. Lesson plans are arranged by subject and grade and are followed by student worksheets when…

  9. Does the Constitution Protect Your Right to Fair Play?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Update on Law-Related Education, 1989


    Involves upper elementary students in a problem-solving activity that raises questions about who should have the right to a lawyer in a criminal case. Students discuss the importance of the right to due process in a criminal proceeding as well as in other situations. Defines due process and includes a handout on protections in the Bill of Rights.…

  10. The attitudes of undergraduate students and staff to the use of electronic learning.


    Gupta, B; White, D A; Walmsley, A D


    Computer-aided learning (CAL) offers advantages over traditional methods of learning as it allows students to work in their own time and pace. The School of Dentistry at the University of Birmingham has created an electronic learning website, named the Ecourse. This is designed to be a web-based supplement to the dental undergraduate curriculum. The aim of this study was to determine the attitudes of third year dental students and members of staff about the Ecourse website. A questionnaire was produced and piloted before being distributed to all 65 third year dental students to obtain their opinions about the Ecourse website. The views of Ecourse were sought from four members of staff by performing qualitative, semi-structured interviews. Lecture handouts and textbooks were reported as the sources used most often, by 96% of students. Eighty-six per cent of students are accessing the Ecourse mainly at the School of Dentistry, but 53% are also accessing it at home. Students liked the multiple-choice questions, downloading extra notes and looking at pictures and animation to explain clinical procedures. The majority of the students (79%) want the Ecourse to be used as a supplement to the undergraduate programme and 7% wanted it to replace formal lectures. Staff recognised the benefits of the Ecourse but were concerned about plagiarism, the effect on lecture attendance and the lack of feedback from students on existing CAL material. Students consider the Ecourse as a positive method of supplementing traditional methods of learning in the dental undergraduate programme. However in contrast teaching staff expressed negative views on the use of e-learning.

  11. How Much Does Camouflage Help?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brunner, Regina Baron; Brunner, Carl E.


    Describes an activity which connects mathematics and science by using data analysis and studies of animal camouflage. Includes a reproducible student worksheet to be used for data collection. (11 references) (MKR)

  12. Guidelines for Writing (or Rewriting) Manuals for Instructional Software.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Litchfield, Brenda C.


    Discusses the need for adequate student user manuals for computer software and presents guidelines to help teachers develop these manuals. The sections that a student manual should contain are outlined, including objectives, pretests and posttests for self-evaluation, and worksheets; and examples are given for further clarification. (LRW)

  13. A Computer-Based Simulation for Teaching Heat Transfer across a Woody Stem

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maixner, Michael R.; Noyd, Robert K.; Krueger, Jerome A.


    To assist student understanding of heat transfer through woody stems, we developed an instructional package that included an Excel-based, one-dimensional simulation model and a companion instructional worksheet. Guiding undergraduate botany students to applying principles of thermodynamics to plants in nature is fraught with two main obstacles:…

  14. Teaching the mole concept with sub-micro level: Do the students perform better?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Indriyanti, Nurma Yunita; Barke, Hans-Dieter


    The concept of mole is an abstract concept of sub-micro level. The main problem in chemistry that should be encounter by educators is students' inability to transfer understanding between macro level and sub-micro level. Particle-oriented approach is created due to improper expression in the term of mole on books and classroom learning. A mole is the amount of substance of a system, which contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0,012 kg of carbon-12. When the mole is used, the elementary entities must be specified; they may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, other particles, or specified groups of such particles. The study presented here focuses on students' activity and response taught by mole triangle implemented in German and Indonesian classroom. Two classes of grade-10 were involved in each country. The way of students perform in the test was analyzed. Hands-on activities were used as an entrance and followed by particle-oriented expression. In worksheets of each hands-on experience, students should write the correct expression of mole concept. The results of the study indicated that there is different level of understanding in representing knowledge in learning the mole. The use of correct expression will ensure that students see meaningful relationships and can easily go back and forth between macro, sub-micro and symbolic level.

  15. Scaffolding Middle School Students' Construction of Scientific Explanations: Comparing a cognitive versus a metacognitive evaluation approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Chia-Yu


    This study investigated the effects of scaffolds as cognitive prompts and as metacognitive evaluation on seventh-grade students' growth of content knowledge and construction of scientific explanations in five inquiry-based biology activities. Students' scores on multiple-choice pretest and posttest and worksheets for five inquiry-based activities were analyzed. The results show that the students' content knowledge in all conditions significantly increased from the pretest to posttest. Incorporating cognitive prompts with the explanation scaffolds better facilitated knowledge integration and resulted in greater learning gains of content knowledge and better quality evidence and reasoning. The metacognitive evaluation instruction improved all explanation components, especially claims and reasoning. This metacognitive approach also significantly reduced students' over- or underestimation during peer-evaluation by refining their internal standards for the quality of scientific explanations. The ability to accurately evaluate the quality of explanations was strongly associated with better performance on explanation construction. The cognitive prompts and metacognitive evaluation instruction address different aspects of the challenges faced by the students, and show different effects on the enhancement of content knowledge and the quality of scientific explanations. Future directions and suggestions are provided for improving the design of the scaffolds to facilitate the construction of scientific explanations.

  16. Ammonia. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with analytical procedures for determining ammonia nitrogen concentrations in a water or wastewater sample. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts, and transparency masters. This module considers preliminary…

  17. Mimamata and Love Canal: A Pollution Tale of Two Cities.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Williams, Mary Louise


    Presents a lesson plan about case studies of the environmental disasters of Minamata, Japan and Love Canal, New York. Compares how the legal cases were handled in two constitutional democracies. Provides six handouts that include maps, role descriptions for simulations, and student readings. (CFR)

  18. CircleBoard-Pro: Concrete manipulative-based learning cycle unit for learning geometry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jamhari, Wongkia, Wararat


    Currently, a manipulative is commonly used in mathematics education as a supported tool for teaching and learning. With engaging natural interaction of a concrete manipulative and advantages of a learning cycle approach, we proposed the concrete manipulative-based learning cycle unit to promote mathematics learning. Our main objectives are to observe possibilities on the use of a concrete manipulative in learning geometry, and to assess students' understanding of a specific topic, angle properties in a circle, of secondary level students. To meet the first objective, the concrete manipulative, called CricleBoard-Pro, was designed. CircleBoard-Pro is built for easy to writing on or deleting from, accurate angle measurement, and flexible movement. Besides, learning activities and worksheets were created for helping students to learn angle properties in a circle. Twenty eighth graders on a lower secondary school in Indonesia were voluntarily involved to learn mathematics using CircleBoard-Pro with the designed learning activities and worksheets. We informally observed students' performance by focusing on criteria of using manipulative tools in learning mathematics while the learning activities were also observed in terms of whether they work and which step of activities need to be improved. The results of this part showed that CircleBoard-Pro complied the criteria of the use of the manipulative in learning mathematics. Nevertheless, parts of learning activities and worksheets need to be improved. Based on the results of the observation, CircleBoard-Pro, learning activities, and worksheets were merged together and became the CircleBoardPro embedded on 5E (Engage - Explore - Explain - Elaborate - Evaluate) learning cycle unit. Then, students understanding were assessed to reach the second objective. Six ninth graders from an Indonesian school in Thailand were recruited to participate in this study. Conceptual tests for both pre-and post-test, and semi

  19. Now & Then: Ingrid Proctor-Fridia: Quality Assurance Representative.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barnes, Sue; Michalowicz, Karen Dee


    Describes the use of geometry now by a U.S. Department of Defense quality assurance representative and in ancient times by the Egyptians and Babylonians. Includes reproducible student worksheets on quality assurance. (MKR)

  20. A New Twist on an Old Theme.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Marchetti, Honey

    A work-study student assistant was employed at the Carnegie Mellon University Engineering and Science Library to help prepare documentation for a new library program. The student, a junior professional writing major, used the Apple Macintosh microcomputer to design a brochure, billing worksheet, and spreadsheet for the new program. On completion…

  1. Problem Manual for Instructional Decision-Making Module; Volume 2: A Computer Assisted Instruction Module. Document Number 4.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bessent, E. Wailand; And Others

    Provided in the manual are background material, problems, and worksheets designed for graduate students involved in a computer assisted instruction (CAI) approach to supervisor training. Included are a faculty handbook for a simulated school in a mythical community, a practice problem to familiarize the student with terminal operation, and eight…

  2. Evaluating a Pre-Session Homework Exercise in a Standalone Information Literacy Class

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Goetz, Joseph E.; Barber, Catherine R.


    In this study, researchers evaluate a homework exercise assigned before a standalone information literacy session. Students in a Master of Education program completed a worksheet using the ERIC database thesaurus. The researchers conducted pre- and posttests within a single library session to assess student learning, using a control group for…

  3. How Long Is Long Ago?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jax, Daniel W.


    Provides a lesson plan with student worksheet for teaching the concept of geologic time to middle school students. The lesson is cited as representative of an Earth systems approach to science curriculum with emphasis on the age of the earth and the fact that its subsystems are constantly evolving. (MCO)

  4. Living Classrooms: Learning Guide for Famous & Historic Trees.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    American Forest Foundation, Washington, DC.

    This guide provides information to create and care for a Famous and Historic Trees Living Classroom in which students learn American history and culture in the context of environmental change. The booklet contains 10 hands-on activities that emphasize observation, critical thinking, and teamwork. Worksheets and illustrations provide students with…

  5. The How To Clean Kit. Making Easier Work of Laundering, Cleaning and Dishwashing.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Procter and Gamble Educational Services, Cincinnati, OH.

    This package contains a handbook explaining how to make laundering, cleaning, and dishwashing easier; a guide for using the handbook with secondary students, youth groups, adult groups, and students enrolled in teacher preparatory classes; a set of worksheets designed to reinforce concepts introduced in the guide; and four charts. The following…

  6. Finding a Place to Live.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    NatureScope, 1985


    Provides background information and student activities on bird habitats, how birds have adapted to living in these habitats, and bird migration. Each activity includes an objective, recommended age level(s), subject area(s), list of materials needed, and procedures. Ready-to-copy student materials (puzzles and worksheets) are included. (JN)

  7. The First Amendment: Free Speech & a Free Press. A Curriculum Guide for High School Teachers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eveslage, Thomas

    This curriculum guide is intended to encourage students to learn how everyone benefits when young people, other citizens, and the media exercise the constitutional rights of free speech and free press. Background information on free speech issues is provided, along with classroom activities, discussion questions, and student worksheets. There are…

  8. The Adoption of Tablet and E-Textbooks: First Grade Core Curriculum and School Administration Attitude

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Al-Mashaqbeh, Ibtesam; Al Shurman, Muneera


    This study aimed to investigate the effect of using e-textbooks, activities, games, and worksheets that loaded onto students tablets on first grade students' achievement on their core curriculum (science, math, English, Arabic) compared to the use of the traditional teaching method. It also, investigated the school administration reflection toward…

  9. Relevant Mathematics.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Catterton, Gene; And Others

    This material was developed to be used with the non college-bound student in the senior high school. It provides the student with everyday problems and experiences in which practical mathematical applications are made. The package includes worksheets pertaining to letterhead invoices, sales slips, payroll sheets, inventory sheets, carpentry and…

  10. Klondike Gold Rush, 1897-98: An Educator's Guide to America's "Last Grand Adventure."

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Remick, Scott; Cook, Cathy

    This student handbook provides an overview of the Klondike Alaska Gold Rush of 1897-98. The unit was designed for junior high school students but can be modified for different grade levels. A vocabulary list and worksheet accompanies the unit, along with a time line and map activity. A group activity requires students to work in teams to get their…

  11. Integrated argument-based inquiry with multiple representation approach to promote scientific argumentation skill

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Suminar, Iin; Muslim, Liliawati, Winny


    The purpose of this research was to identify student's written argument embedded in scientific inqury investigation and argumentation skill using integrated argument-based inquiry with multiple representation approach. This research was using quasi experimental method with the nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Sample ot this research was 10th grade students at one of High School in Bandung using two classes, they were 26 students of experiment class and 26 students of control class. Experiment class using integrated argument-based inquiry with multiple representation approach, while control class using argument-based inquiry. This study was using argumentation worksheet and argumentation test. Argumentation worksheet encouraged students to formulate research questions, design experiment, observe experiment and explain the data as evidence, construct claim, warrant, embedded multiple modus representation and reflection. Argumentation testinclude problem which asks students to explain evidence, warrants, and backings support of each claim. The result of this research show experiment class students's argumentation skill performed better than control class students that of experiment class was 0.47 and control class was 0.31. The results of unequal variance t-test for independent means show that students'sargumentationskill of experiment class performed better significantly than students'sargumentationskill of control class.

  12. Blood Donor: Teacher Strategies and Student Worksheets.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Degroat, Diane Zagare; And Others

    This curriculum guide for teaching about blood donation was prepared to improve school-community participation in the New York City Blood Donor Program. It contains plans for five lessons on the following topics: (1) the nature of blood; (2) blood and technology--modern-day advances; (3) blood and your personal health; (4) the blood donor as good…

  13. Astra's Magic Math. Teacher's Manual, Manipulatives, and Student Worksheets.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brown, Judith; And Others

    Astra's Magic Math is a beginning multi-sensory program that attempts to teach basic math skills through 22 sequentially developed self-contained units designed to combine manipulation, writing, and language activities. The units are first introduced to the large group to stimulate interest and develop concepts through oral language. Children then…

  14. "Dropping Your Genes." A Genetics Simulation in Meiosis, Fertilization & Reproduction.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Atkins, Thomas; Roderick, Joyce MacFall


    An activity that introduces students to the concepts of independent assortment of alleles during meiosis and gametogenesis, the richness of the variation that occurs as a result of allele recombination, and the unique phenotypes of offspring. Reproducible handouts with the directions and model chromosomes are provided. (KR)

  15. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, August 1-30, 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily Cable News Network Newsroom broadcasts for August, 1996, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and lists of related news terms. Top stories covered include: investigation into the Centennial Olympic Park bombing; and Whitewater trial…

  16. Anaerobic Digestion Analysis. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with alkalinity, volatile acids and carbon dioxide determinations for an anaerobic sludge digester. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters. This module considers total and bicarbonate…

  17. ImmunoScenarios: A Game for the Immune System.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taylor, Mark F.; Jackson, Sally W.


    Describes a board game, ImmunoScenarios, which was developed to reinforce the ideas about the immune system discussed in lecture classes. Emphasizes important characteristics of the body's specific defense system including specificity, cooperation among various cells, and memory. Includes directions for playing, student handouts, and scenarios.…

  18. Introduction to International Trade.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Intercom, 1986


    Focusing mainly on United States-Japan relations, this issue provides 11 lesson plans and student handouts dealing with international trade topics such as protective tariffs, currency exchange rates, unofficial trade barriers, causes of unemployment, the balance of payments and the internationalization of the automobile industry. (JDH)

  19. The Core Course in Medical Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Knight, Vernon; And Others


    Principal features of Baylor's course are annually-revised lecture handouts, medically-oriented laboratory sessions with a manual written especially for the course, and clinical demonstrations of infectious disease. Improvement in student performance seems to be related to the course format, increased teaching proficiency, and allocations of hours…

  20. Financial. Training Module 4.310.3.77.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Miller, Pat; Bonnstetter, Ron

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with inventory records, purchasing and budgeting for water and wastewater treatment plants. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts, and transparency masters. The module considers methods of inventory control, proper…

  1. Fecal Coliform Determinations. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with multiple tube and membrane filter techniques for determining fecal coliform concentrations in a wastewater sample. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters. This module considers proper…

  2. Total Coliform Determinations. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with multiple tube and membrane filter techniques for determining total coliform concentration of a water supply. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters. This module considers proper…

  3. Basic Laboratory Skills. Training Module 5.300.2.77.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the basic chemical and microbiological laboratory equipment and procedures used in water and wastewater treatment plant laboratories. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters. This module…

  4. A Mini Teaching Sequence on the Totality of Islam.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pellicano, Grace; Pellicano, Roy R.


    Provides a secondary teaching unit on the Islamic religious faith and government. Maintains that students must understand the totality of Islam in order to make sense of recent events in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Nigeria, and the Sudan. Included are complete teaching instructions and necessary handouts. (JDH)

  5. Elementary Resource Classroom Packet.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jackson Public Schools, MI.

    The materials in this resource kit were developed at a summer workshop to provide teachers with suggestions and specific classroom activities to promote sex equity attitudes in elementary school students. Among the products included in the kit are a set of ditto worksheets, for primary students, to reinforce their understanding of the book…

  6. The World Around Them; Environmental Education in the Urban Environment.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Henderson, Ernest L.

    This manual is a teacher's guide to environmental study activities for intermediate grade students in urban areas. It is divided into four color coded sections: A City Block-An Environmental Design; The Streets of the City; Noise Pollution; and Student Worksheets and Study Guides. Each of these sections presents objectives, generalizations, and…

  7. Law: The Language of Liberty. Supplemental Materials for Alabama Social Studies Teachers. Grade 11.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alabama Administrative Office of Courts, Montgomery.

    Student activities, teacher background information, and lesson ideas for teaching about law in social studies classrooms are presented. The first section provides students with a worksheet for determining the dates and historical significance of 15 great events (or documents) in U.S. history. A teacher resource list matches each event to pages in…

  8. Decoding the Past: The Work of Archaeologists.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Art to Zoo: Teaching with the Power of Objects, 1995


    This thematic magazine helps teachers explore archaeology through an introductory article and three lesson plans, one with a student-take-home worksheet. Lesson 1 is designed for group work and involves identification of "artifacts" taken from familiar, contemporary settings, as the students attempt to describe the function of each artifact and to…

  9. Effects of computer-based graphic organizers to solve one-step word problems for middle school students with mild intellectual disability: A preliminary study.


    Sheriff, Kelli A; Boon, Richard T


    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of computer-based graphic organizers, using Kidspiration 3© software, to solve one-step word problems. Participants included three students with mild intellectual disability enrolled in a functional academic skills curriculum in a self-contained classroom. A multiple probe single-subject research design (Horner & Baer, 1978) was used to evaluate the effectiveness of computer-based graphic organizers to solving mathematical one-step word problems. During the baseline phase, the students completed a teacher-generated worksheet that consisted of nine functional word problems in a traditional format using a pencil, paper, and a calculator. In the intervention and maintenance phases, the students were instructed to complete the word problems using a computer-based graphic organizer. Results indicated that all three of the students improved in their ability to solve the one-step word problems using computer-based graphic organizers compared to traditional instructional practices. Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research directions are discussed. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Electrostatic Explorations.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gallai, Ditta; Stewart, Gay


    Presents a set of hands-on electrostatics experiments in the form of an activity guide and worksheet through which students discover the different types of electric charge, Coulomb's Law, induced charge separation, and grounding. (DDR)

  11. KIND Reproducibles.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    KIND Teacher, 1990


    Presented are 14 student worksheets for use in teaching about environmental conservation. Topics of these games, puzzles include pollution, rainforests, endangered species, habitat destruction, and solid waste. An answer sheet for teachers is included. (CW)

  12. Teacher’s Stimulus Helps Students Achieve Mathematics Reasoning and Problem Solving Competences

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hidayah, Isti; Pujiastuti, Emi; Chrisna, Jeanet Eva


    The students’ problem-solving ability in mathematics learning still becomes a challenge for teachers, especially in primary education. The scientific approach, with its activities including observing, asking, collecting information/experimenting/trying, associating/analysing information/reasoning, communicating/presenting/ networking is expected to be able to help students to achieve their competence of reasoning and problem-solving. The Missouri Mathematics Project learning by using student worksheet and manipulative (classical and group) have helped students achieved problem-solving competence. The implementation of scientific approach in the activities of observing, experimenting, and communicating are good. However, the questioning and associating activities are still less promoted. The result of observation towards four meetings of learning by using teaching aids shows that the expected activity which did not emerge during the learning is “students ask questions from the factual thing to hypothetical thing, starting with guidance from teacher until they can do by themselves”. The result of analysis towards theoretical background and research result conclude that the students’ asking and thinking abilities can be developed gradually by delivering stimuli in the form of tasks which have been designed by the teacher. The task could be a problem or a clue; then the students determine things such as: “what the question?”, “facts from pictures/text/graphs/tables”, “find the hidden question”, what’s extra?”, “what’s missing?”, “what’s wrong?”, alternatively, “make up the problem.

  13. Development Instrument’s Learning of Physics Through Scientific Inquiry Model Based Batak Culture to Improve Science Process Skill and Student’s Curiosity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nasution, Derlina; Syahreni Harahap, Putri; Harahap, Marabangun


    This research aims to: (1) developed a instrument’s learning (lesson plan, worksheet, student’s book, teacher’s guide book, and instrument test) of physics learning through scientific inquiry learning model based Batak culture to achieve skills improvement process of science students and the students’ curiosity; (2) describe the quality of the result of develop instrument’s learning in high school using scientific inquiry learning model based Batak culture (lesson plan, worksheet, student’s book, teacher’s guide book, and instrument test) to achieve the science process skill improvement of students and the student curiosity. This research is research development. This research developed a instrument’s learning of physics by using a development model that is adapted from the development model Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel. The stages are traversed until retrieved a valid physics instrument’s learning, practical, and effective includes :(1) definition phase, (2) the planning phase, and (3) stages of development. Test performed include expert test/validation testing experts, small groups, and test classes is limited. Test classes are limited to do in SMAN 1 Padang Bolak alternating on a class X MIA. This research resulted in: 1) the learning of physics static fluid material specially for high school grade 10th consisted of (lesson plan, worksheet, student’s book, teacher’s guide book, and instrument test) and quality worthy of use in the learning process; 2) each component of the instrument’s learning meet the criteria have valid learning, practical, and effective way to reach the science process skill improvement and curiosity in students.

  14. The Great Hydrometer Construction Contest!

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McGinnis, James Randy; Padilla, Michael J.


    The relationship between specific gravity, salinity, and density in brine solutions is investigated. Students construct hydrometers to reinforce concepts learned in oceanography. Background information, salt requirements for the unknowns, directions, and reproducible worksheets are included. (KR)

  15. ACTIVITIES: Centimeter and Millimeter Measurements

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bolster, L. Carey


    An activity is suggested which will give junior high school students practice in estimating and measuring in centimeters and millimeters. Three worksheets are given, one of which is a model for making a metric caliper. (LS)

  16. Energy Flow through a Paper Ecosystem.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Aston, T. J.


    Presented is an exercise for high school students which illustrates the principle and practice of measuring energy flow through a community. Included are worksheets, instructions, a flow diagram, and a list of ecosystem parameters. (Author/CW)

  17. Effects of Text Illustration on Children's Learning of a School Science Topic.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Reid, D. J.; Beveridge, M.


    This study of 272 13-year-old science students in England focuses on the effect of varied text and picture content on learning. A criterion-referenced objective items test was used to measure the effect of pictures on students of varying abilities and compare the effectiveness of traditional worksheet presentation and microcomputer presentation.…

  18. Conservation for Children [Levels 1-6 and an All-Levels Supplement].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cupertino Union School District, CA.

    Developed to promote conservation awareness in elementary students, each of the six grade-level-sequenced activity guides provides: (1) a list of conservation concepts; (2) a criterion-referenced test; (3) a class record sheet; (4) a content guide; and (5) 90 student worksheets (40 for language arts, 20 for mathematics, 20 for social studies and…

  19. Fluid Thinking.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Clift, Philip A.


    Provides a student worksheet and set-up instructions for a science experiment to demonstrate the concept of density. Students are asked to explain the phenomenon in which a liquid of lower density placed in the bottom of two vertical flasks flows up to replace the liquid of higher density in the upper flask. (MDH)

  20. Geometry and Algebra: The Future Flight Equation. A Lesson Guide with Activities in Mathematics, Science, and Technology. NASA CONNECT.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Hampton, VA. Langley Research Center.

    This activity, part of the NASA CONNECT Series, is designed to help students in grades 6-8 learn how NASA engineers develop experimental aircraft. It consists of an overview of the program, details of the hands-on activity, a series of blackline master student worksheets, teacher materials, and a guide to further resources. (MM)

  1. Influence of a vertical subject on research in biomedicine and activities of The Cochrane Collaboration branch on medical students' knowledge and attitudes toward evidence-based medicine

    PubMed Central

    Balajić, Karolina; Barac-Latas, Vesna; Drenjančević, Ines; Ostojić, Marko; Fabijanić, Damir; Puljak, Livia


    Aim To investigate whether the introduction of a vertical subject on research in biomedicine and founding of The Cochrane Collaboration branch at the University of Split School of Medicine influenced students’ knowledge and attitudes toward evidence-based medicine (EBM), including the use of research literature. Methods We used a 26-item questionnaire on EBM knowledge and attitudes to survey 1232 medical students of all study years in 3 medical schools in Croatia (Split, Rijeka, Osijek) and the Croatian-speaking medical school in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Results Students from the University of Split School of Medicine who had been exposed to the vertical subject on research in biomedicine and activities of The Cochrane Collaboration at the school had better knowledge and more positive attitudes toward EBM. In general, students rarely searched for evidence; 28% of students searched for evidence more than once a month and 96% of students used only textbooks in Croatian and teachers’ handouts, even though 74% of students agreed that articles from scholarly journals were an important supplement for textbooks. Conclusion Building up an environment that fosters EBM may be beneficial for students’ knowledge and attitudes toward EBM. Teachers should encourage and require using evidence during all the courses in medical school. PMID:22911530

  2. Millennial Dental Hygiene Students' Learning Preferences Compared to Non-Millennial Faculty Members' Teaching Methods: A National Study.


    Turner, April M; Prihoda, Thomas J; English, Dana K; Chismark, Aubreé; Jacks, Mary E


    The aim of this study was to compare the learning preferences of millennial dental hygiene students (born between 1982 and 2002) in the U.S. with the teaching methods used by their non-millennial instructors. Cross-sectional surveys were developed with 21-item, five-point Likert scales to examine students' preferences for and faculty use of lecture, collaborative activities, technology, independent work, and group discussion. Surveys were emailed to U.S. dental hygiene program directors in September 2015. The respondents totaled 800 students and 343 faculty members-approximately 5% of all dental hygiene students and 6.8% of all dental hygiene faculty members in the U.S. The results showed that the responding faculty members (88.7%) used case studies more than the students (61.2%) preferred and that the students (71.4%) preferred games when learning more than the faculty members (57.2%) used them (p<0.0001). Student respondents (82.1%) preferred handouts for lecture more than did the faculty respondents (58.8%; p<0.0001). Faculty respondents expected students to read before class 39.3% more than student respondents read (p<0.0001). Student respondents preferred study guides for exams 39.2% more than the faculty respondents provided them (p<0.0001). Participating faculty members (84.0%) had students work in groups more than these students preferred (57.8%), and 92% of these faculty members used group activities in class (p<0.0001). The responses of the millennial dental hygiene students in this study were consistent with previous research on millennial traits. This study found areas of disagreement between students and faculty members on the use of case studies, study guides, and group work. Although these students stated they preferred lecture over group work, trends in education stress using active learning over lecture.

  3. Population, Poverty, and Land Degradation. Teacher's Guide to World Resources. Comprehensive Coursework on the Global Environment.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Snyder, Sarah A.

    This teacher's guide presents teaching suggestions and presentation materials about the complex connections among population growth, economic activity, and changes in the environment. The lesson is divided into five parts and may be completed in one or more class periods. Student handouts include: (1) "Facts about Population, Poverty, and…

  4. The Mare Island Mutiny: Pressure To Desegregate the U.S. Armed Forces.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Olwell, Russell


    Presents a lesson on the Mare Island Mutiny, in which 258 African American soldiers refused to load ammunition during World War II. Students participate in a simulation of a present-day congressional trial to evaluate whether justice prevailed in the original Mare Island mutiny trial. Includes handouts. (CMK)

  5. Health Care Assistant. Instructor [Guide.] Revised.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Missouri Univ., Columbia. Instructional Materials Lab.

    This instructor's guide contains 65 lessons designed to aid teachers in presenting a course in basic nursing procedures for students studying for careers as health care assistants. Lesson plans consist of a scope, objectives, suggested supplementary teaching and learning items; references, an introduction, a lesson outline, handouts, evaluation…

  6. CNN Newsroom Guides. March 1-31, 1995.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides for the daily Cable News Network (CNN) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of March provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guide include: (1) investment terminology, Republican presidential nominations, the shuttle…

  7. Chlorine Analysis - Wastewater. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the laboratory procedures for determining the combined chlorine residual of a wastewater sample. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts, and transparency masters. This module considers the amperometric, DPD,…

  8. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. March 1-31, 1997.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of March, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: monkeys cloned in Oregon, Iran suffers massive earthquake, tornados affect…

  9. The Effect on One's Own Performance of Evaluating Peers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cohen, Stuart J.

    Fifty-three high school males took a minicourse on library usage. All were randomly assigned a topic and given response sheets requiring the use of dictionaries, encyclopedias, periodicals, and books. In a discussion session, all received instructional handouts. Students were assigned either to evaluating two peers' pretests (experimental) or…

  10. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, April 1-30, 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily Cable News Network Newsroom broadcasts for the month of April, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered include: the Montana standoff between federal authorities and the Freemen; debunking…

  11. Wilson and the United States Entry into the Great War.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stark, Matthew J.


    Presents a lesson plan that enables students to learn how to analyze primary sources, while they also learn why the United States entered into World War I. States that this lesson can be used as an introduction to World War I. Includes handouts that feature primary materials. (CMK)

  12. Motivation in a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Scenario and Its Impact on Learning Activities and Knowledge Acquisition

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schoor, Cornelia; Bannert, Maria


    Addressing a drawback in current research on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), this study investigated the influence of motivation on learning activities and knowledge acquisition during CSCL. Participants' (N = 200 university students) task was to develop a handout for which they had first an individual preparing phase followed by…

  13. Jar Test. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bonte, John L.; Davidson, Arnold C.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the jar test and its application to the coagulation, floculation and sedimentation processes, and the chemical precipitation process. Included are objectives, an instructor guide, student handouts, and transparency masters. A video…

  14. Teaching Strategy: Using the Civil Law Poster.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Update on Law-Related Education, 1997


    Presents a series of instructional activities to be used in conjunction with a poster that identifies types of cases and processes associated with civil law. Includes procedures for the instructional activities, objectives, a poster, and student handouts using tables and graphs to illustrate current facts about tort law. (MJP)

  15. Basic Stabilization. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Paulson, W. L.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with water stabilization and deposition and corrosion control in a water supply system. Included are objectives, an instructor guide, student handouts and transparency masters. The module considers water stability, water chemistry,…

  16. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, May 1-31, 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily Cable News Network (CNN) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of May, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and lists of related news terms. Topics covered include: United States-Israel anti-terrorism accord, the comeback of baseball…

  17. Addressing Society's Problems in a Global Studies Class.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pesce, Louis; And Others


    Describes the adaptation of the Future Problem-Solving Process (FPS) in a global studies class. The process applies state-of-the-art critical thinking and problem solving to unstable areas such as the Middle East and the former Soviet Union. Includes handouts directing the students through the process. (MJP)

  18. The Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Science Activities, 1991


    A student hand-out for a recycling unit defines the terms reduce, recycle, and reuse as they relate to solid waste management. Presents the characteristics of recyclable items such as yard wastes, metals, glass, and paper. Lists organizations through which more information about recycling can be obtained. (MCO)

  19. Military Curricula for Vocational & Technical Education. Communications Computer Programmer, 4-2.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

    These student materials--study guides, handouts (some are manuals), a workbook, and programmed texts--for a secondary-postsecondary-level course for communications computer programmer are one of a number of military-developed curriculum packages selected for adaptation to vocational instruction and curriculum development in a civilian setting. A…

  20. Environmental Emergency Preparedness. Outdoor Living Skills Series. Instructor Manual.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Deaton, Don

    This instructor's manual contains 21 lesson plans to teach advanced skills to cope with emergency outdoor living situations and emphasizes being prepared, rather than survival. Written for the classroom teacher, but adaptable for other youth groups, the module contains subject information, lesson plans with activities, student handouts, a written…

  1. OSHA. Training Module 4.330.3.77.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fillenwarth, Lynn; Bonnstetter, Ron

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the Federal and Iowa Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Included are objectives, instructor guides, and student handouts. This module includes an overview of OSHA administration, analysis of OSHA standards including…

  2. School Safety and Congress. Teaching Strategy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kopecky, Frank


    Presents a lesson plan that examines the effects of Supreme Court decisions on state/federal relations using the issue of school safety. Student handouts discuss the constitutionality of the Gun Free School Zones Act as it relates to a specific criminal case. Activities include several structured discussions. (MJP)

  3. Fluoridation and Defluoridation. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McMullen, L. D.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with fluoridation and fluoride feeding equipment. Enclosed are objectives, an instructor guide, student handouts and transparency masters. The module considers the principles and purposes of fluoridation, methods of feeding fluoride,…

  4. Basic Electricity. Training Module 3.325.1.77.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the basic concepts of electricity as applied to water and wastewater treatment. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts, and transparency masters. This module considers definition of terms, voltage, current…

  5. Pre-Treatment. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package designed in the objective format for use by an instructor familiar with pre-treatment unit operation. Included are objectives, instructor guide, student handouts and transparency masters. The module considers design, operation, maintenance, and safety of common methods of grit removal, screening,…

  6. Advanced Hydraulics for Operators. Training Module 1.331.3.77.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bengston, Harlan H.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the application of hydraulic principles to water supply and water pollution control systems including water distribution systems and sewer systems. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters.…

  7. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. November 1-30, 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of November, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: presidential candidates travel the United States searching for votes, FBI…

  8. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. December 1-31, 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for December 1-20, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: eighth annual World AIDS Day, protests in Belgrade, Mother Theresa's condition…

  9. Hand-Drawn 'Weekly Information Sheets' Focus Teaching, Engage Students, and Improve Communication

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pound, K. S.


    Hand-drawn and lettered `Weekly Information Sheets' (WIS) were created on a weekly basis for an upper-level Sedimentology & Stratigraphy class. Use of these sheets resulted in improved work quality, attention to detail, communication skills, and overall engagement. The sheets were modeled on the work of Lynda Barry (, and included a series of repeated elements: goofy/absurd newspaper clippings, marginally pertinent cartoon(s), a summary of the weeks activities / goals and lectures, as well as cartoon cat, mouse and penguin drawings with innane comments, quotes and general class reminders. The pedagogical aims for these weekly sheets were multifold. First, they were designed so that students could see the time and care I put in to the sheet - my hope was that this would show the time and care I expected them to put in to their work. Second, I wanted to create something students would take the time to read - despite this being a 400-level class, students are rarely diligent about reading a typewritten handout. Third, I wanted to have a vehicle for engaging them in the larger world, including ethical or moral dilemmas. Fourth, I wanted the students to reflectively consider the nature of communication in science. Finally, I wanted a mechanism to focus my thoughts on the teaching and learning for the upcoming week that went beyond simply reviewing my notes and activities. Student response to the WIS was positive; they read them, used them for organizing their class notes and exam review. Students arrived early for class on Mondays for the WIS - although I needed to give them time to read the sheet. Comparison with previous course offerings shows improvements in student communication skills (written reports, poster presentation) and overall achievement.

  10. Implementation and Student Assessment of Intranet-Based Learning Resources.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sosabowski, Michael H.; Herson, Katie; Lloyd, Andrew W.


    The University of Brighton (England) pharmacy and biomedical sciences school developed an institutional intranet providing course information, Internet links, lecture notes, links to computer-assisted instructional packages, and worksheets. Electronic monitoring of usage and subsequent questionnaire-based evaluation showed the intranet to be a…

  11. Difficult Decisions: Euthanasia.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Parakh, Jal S.; Slesnick, Irwin L.


    Focuses on the moral arguments for and against the controversial topic of voluntary active euthanasia. Discusses the question of legalization and decriminalization of the practice. Provides a student worksheet with questions to stimulate discussion on the issue. (MDH)

  12. Flying through Graphs: An Introduction to Graph Theory.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McDuffie, Amy Roth


    Presents an activity incorporating basic terminology, concepts, and solution methods of graph theory in the context of solving problems related to air travel. Discusses prerequisite knowledge and resources and includes a teacher's guide with a student worksheet. (KHR)

  13. Remote Sensing across the Globe: Best Practices in Bringing Together Satellite Imagery, Telecommunications and Ground-Truth Observations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Probst, R.; Walker, C. E.; Martin, C.; Dorame, B.; Ochoa, H.; Orellana, D.; Isbell, D. M.; Pompea, S. M.


    A special student-to-student videoconference was held mid-May 2006 between students in Tucson, Arizona and La Serena, Chile, the headquarters for the north and south offices of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO). Fifty participants at each location reported on a remote-sensing activity conducted by hundreds of students during February, March and April, 2006. The students became acquainted with the geography and geology of their area using Landsat satellite remote sensing imaging. The Tucson students then analyzed images of La Serena and students from Chile analyzed images of Tucson. Since top-down satellite views may not provide complete information, students from one country emailed students from the other country and requested them to be human "rovers," taking local pictures of areas under question to establish ground-truth. Student reaction to the project was unequivocally positive. "The remote sensing project was one of the most fun things in my junior year. I learned how to use a map of La Serena, Chile. I learned about the electromagnetic spectrum, used to form false color images. It was incredible for us Latino students to use our Spanish language to e-mail students in Chile", said Bisbail Dorame, student coordinator for the project at Howenstine High School in Tucson. The success of this cross-cultural program has motivated NOAO outreach staff to broaden the project to schools in other countries, coordinated by students as their service-learning project. To facilitate this effort, a special, yet generic, worksheet is being developed. The worksheet can be by teachers to include local landmarks and geographical features. Once completed and tested, the worksheet will be placed on the NOAO website, along with Landsat7 satellite images for different areas around the world. In 2007, the program will be expanded to examine the surface of Mars using Google Mars and NASA images. NOAO is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in

  14. Development of Learning Models Based on Problem Solving and Meaningful Learning Standards by Expert Validity for Animal Development Course

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lufri, L.; Fitri, R.; Yogica, R.


    The purpose of this study is to produce a learning model based on problem solving and meaningful learning standards by expert assessment or validation for the course of Animal Development. This research is a development research that produce the product in the form of learning model, which consist of sub product, namely: the syntax of learning model and student worksheets. All of these products are standardized through expert validation. The research data is the level of validity of all sub products obtained using questionnaire, filled by validators from various field of expertise (field of study, learning strategy, Bahasa). Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The result of the research shows that the problem solving and meaningful learning model has been produced. Sub products declared appropriate by expert include the syntax of learning model and student worksheet.

  15. Thai primary students' understanding of nature of science (NOS) in learning about force and motion for explicit NOS through STS approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jimakorn, Narakorn; Yuenyong, Chokchai


    This paper aimed to study of primary school students' understanding of nature of science in learning about force and motion for Explicit Nature of Science through science technology and society (STS) approach. Participants were 11 Grade 5 students who study in Baan Khongtaphet, Bothong, Chonburi, Thailand. This research regarded interpretive paradigm. The intervention of STS physics provided 4 weeks of teaching about force and motion through Yuenyong (2006) science technology and society (STS) approach. The issues of making skate board was brought into the class in order to enhance students learning about force and motion and applying knowledge for designing skate board. The intervention was also designed to allow students explicitly mentioning their ideas about nature of science related to learning activities of STS force and motion. Students' understanding of nature of science was interpreted through students' worksheets, participant observation, students' journal writing and informal interview. The findings revealed that majority of students could reflect their ideas related to many aspects of nature of science. This included Science demands and relies on empirical evidence; knowledge production in science shares many common factors and shared habits of mind, norms, logical thinking and methods; tentative of scientific knowledge; historical, cultural and social influences on science; historical, cultural and social influences on science; science and its methods cannot answer all questions. The study has implications for NOS teaching in Thailand primary school.

  16. Occupation-Specific VESL Needs Assessment. A VESL Staff Development Training Resource Packet.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    West, Linda; Wilkinson, Betty

    Materials for a teacher workshop on assessing student needs for vocational English as a Second Language (VESL) are gathered. An annotated workshop outline presents the content and sequence of the workshop. Masters are provided for handouts and transparencies, which include an icebreaker activity, the workshop agenda, materials from the "Dictionary…

  17. The Struggle for Equality.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Williams, Mary Louise


    Presents a lesson tracing the legal evolution toward greater justice in U.S. society from 1865-1965 through congressional acts and Supreme Court decisions. Includes student handouts of major civil rights cases, legislation, and background information. Provides a bar graph for evaluating Supreme Court decisions and congressional acts that advance…

  18. PACE. A Program for Acquiring Competence in Entrepreneurship. Resource Guide. Research and Development Series No. 194 D.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

    This Program for Acquiring Competence in Entrepreneurship (PACE) resource guide contains an "Annotated Glossary of Business Terms" and listings of sources of information. The glossary includes approximately 100 terms, of which the instructor should have a working knowledge. It may also be used as a handout for students. Sources of…

  19. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, September 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of September 2001 provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: shark attacks ignite controversy in some Florida communities,…

  20. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. March 1-31, 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of March, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: negative campaign ads, the end of the Sarajevo siege, alternative medicine in…

  1. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. May 2-31, 1994.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides for the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of May provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guides include: (1) the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestine, Hawaiian…

  2. CNN Newsroom Guides: April 3-28, 1995.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides for the daily Cable News Network (CNN) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of April provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guide include: (1) reckless driving, hearing impairment, ancient to modern cities,…

  3. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, June 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Learning, Inc., Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of June 2001, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: Indonesian President Wahid faces impeachment (June 1); suicide bombing…

  4. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. January 1-31, 1997.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of January, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: U.S. House of Representatives prepares for ethics battle, diplomatic immunity,…

  5. CNN Classroom Guides, June 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily Cable News Network Newsroom broadcasts for the month of June, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and lists of related news terms. Top stories include: world reaction to the Israeli election of Benjamin Netanyahu; the United Nation…

  6. Advanced Trickling Filters. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Layton, Ronald F.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with operation and maintenance of a trickling filter wastewater treatment plant. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters. This is the third level of a three module series and considers…

  7. Advanced Chemical Precipitation Softening. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McMullen, L. D.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the operation and maintenance of a chemical precipitation softening system. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters. This is the third level of a three module series. This module considers…

  8. Energy Awareness Curriculum, 1980.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Seward County Community Coll., Liberal, KS.

    This curriculum guide contains course content for a series of "mini-courses" that can be presented in an adult continuing education program in area technical-vocational schools and community colleges. The program consists of nine modules, each divided into units and including learning objectives and student handouts. The modules cover the…

  9. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, April 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Educational Services, Inc., Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of April 2001 provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic is arrested, a Chinese…

  10. Chlorine Analysis - Water. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the procedures for chlorine residual analysis. It includes objectives, an instructor guide, and student handouts. The module addresses the determination of combined and free residual chlorine in water supply samples using three…

  11. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. December 1-31, 1997.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of December, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: Japan hosts the Climate Change Conference, space shuttle is unable to deploy…

  12. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, April 2002.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of April 2002, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: Israeli soldiers attack Yasser Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah,…

  13. Intermediate Chemical Precipitation Softening. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McMullen, L. D.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the operation and maintenance of a chemical precipitation softening system. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters. This is the second level of a three module series. The module considers…

  14. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, November 1-30, 1995.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of November, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guides include: the Bosnia peace talks, hot-air balloons, salt…

  15. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. October, 1998.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of October, 1998, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: scientists find trace fossil evidence of billion-year old worms, the…

  16. Teaching with Historic Places: When Rice Was King.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Metcalf, Faye


    Presents a lesson plan on the slave-based rice plantation economy in South Carolina from the late eighteenth century until the Civil War. Includes objectives, teaching activities, maps, handouts of student readings, photographs, and plans for visiting the sites. Discusses plantation life and the culture of the rice economy. (DK)

  17. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. September 1998.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Educational Services, Inc., Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of September, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: the reaction of world markets to Russia's Duma rejection of Viktor…

  18. Think First: Addressing Aggressive Behavior in Secondary Schools

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Larson, Jim


    This highly practical book presents a complete anger and aggression management training program for middle and high school students. The volume incorporates a newly revised version of the author's proven "Think First" manual, which includes step-by-step skills training guidelines and 20 reproducible handouts and forms. Also provided are…

  19. Basic Trickling Filters. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Layton, Ronald F.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with operation and maintenance of a trickling filter wastewater treatment system. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters. This is the first level of a three module series and considers the…

  20. Intermediate Trickling Filters. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Layton, Ronald F.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with operation and maintenance of a trickling filter wastewater treatment plant. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters. This is the second level of a three module series and considers types…

  1. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. May 1-31, 1997.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of May, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: Chelsea Clinton decides to attend Stanford University, Zaire's president and rebel…

  2. Alkalinity Analysis. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bonte, John L.; Davidson, Arnold C.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the acid-base titrimetric procedure for determining the hydroxide, carbonate and bicarbonate alkalinity of a water sample. Included are objectives, an instructor guide, student handouts and transparency masters. A video tape is also…

  3. Biology Modules for the Visually Handicapped.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Allan, Douglas M.

    The instructional materials presented and described in this document were prepared as part of a project to develop enrichment materials for visually impaired biology students. A wide range of biology topics are presented, including most subjects covered in a one-semester course for nonmajors. Typewritten handouts, duplicating the content of…

  4. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. August 1-31, 1994.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides for the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of August provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guides include: (1) Haiti, exploration of Mars, Rwandan refugees, Goodwill Games, Paris…

  5. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, October 2000.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Educational Services, Inc., Newtown, PA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of October 2000, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: Chinese authorities detain Falun Gong protesters on Tiananmen Square…

  6. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, January 2002.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of January 2002, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: tensions escalate between Pakistan and India, (January 3-4); the…

  7. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, October 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of October 2001, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Stories include: Taliban update/tribal troubles, U.S. officials report progress in the…

  8. Basic Activated Sludge. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with operation of activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts, and transparency masters. This is the first of a three module series and considers definition of terms, design…

  9. Intermediate Activated Sludge. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with operation of activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts and transparency masters. This is the second level of a three module series and considers aeration devices,…

  10. Resolving Conflicts Peacefully.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    CRADLE: Center for Research and Development in Law-Related Education, Winston-Salem, NC.

    Focusing on the theme of conflict resolution, this booklet contains 22 lessons developed and used by classroom teachers at all grade levels. The lessons generally contain a brief overview, goals and objectives, student activities, and corresponding handouts or materials useful in implementing the lessons. Each lesson contains insights into methods…

  11. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. November, 1998.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily Cable News Network (CNN) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of November, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: Iraq refuses to cooperate with United Nations weapons inspectors, expansion of…

  12. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. February 1-28, 1998.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Educational Services, Inc., Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of February, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: United States lobbies for support for possible air strike against Iraq,…

  13. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. March 14-31, 1994.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides for the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of March provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guides include: (1) Bophuthatswana, Best Quest, language immersion, Bosnia diaries, Nepal,…

  14. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, February 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Educational Services, Inc., Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of February 2001, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: Libyan intelligence agent is convicted of the Lockerbie bombing, and…

  15. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. September 1-30, 1994.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides for the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of August provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guides include: (1) truce in Northern Ireland, school censorship, scientific method, burial…

  16. Fluoride Analysis. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with fluoride analysis procedures. Included are objectives, an instructor guide, student handouts, and a list of reference material. This module considers the determination of fluoride in water supplies using the SPANDS and electrode…

  17. Turbidity. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bonte, John L.; Davidson, Arnold C.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with candle turbidimeter and the nephelometric method of turbidity analysis. Included are objectives, an instructor guide, student handout, and transparency masters. A video tape is also available from the author. This module considers use…

  18. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. February 1-29, 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) broadcasts for the month of February, 1996 provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Each daily guide includes a Black History Month biographical profile. Other topics covered…

  19. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, June 2000.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of June 2000, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: President Clinton prepares to visit Germany, and federal court of…

  20. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, February 2002.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of February 2002, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: Afghanistan's interim leader is making a global impression (February…

  1. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. October 1995.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of October, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guides include: bedroom community business, freedom of expression and…

  2. Determination of Color in Water. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bonte, John L.; Davidson, Arnold C.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the determination of color in water using the visual comparison method and the spectrophotometric method. Included are objectives, instructor guide, student handouts, and transparency masters. A videotape is also available from the…

  3. Manganese Analysis in Water Samples. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bonte, John L.; Davidson, Arnold C.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with the spectrophotometric analysis of manganese in water using the persulfate method. Included are objectives, an instructor guide, student handouts, and transparency masters. A video tape is also available from the author. This module…

  4. Careers in Fashion. Teacher Edition. Marketing Education LAPs.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hawley, Jana

    This learning activity packet is designed to help students to acquire a competency, namely: how to use knowledge of careers in the fashion industry to gain information about their career choices. The unit consists of the competency, three objectives, suggested learning activities, transparency masters, handout materials for activities, and a…

  5. Turboprop Propulsion Mechanic.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chanute AFB Technical Training Center, IL.

    This instructional package consists of a plan of instruction, glossary, and student handouts and exercises for use in training Air Force personnel to become turboprop propulsion mechanics. Addressed in the individual lessons of the course are the following: common hand tools, hardware, measuring devices, and safety wiring; aircraft and engine…

  6. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. April 1-30, 1997.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of April, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Headlines include: Arab League boycott, Zaire peace talks, Russia and Belarus sign agreement,…

  7. Advanced Chemistry for Operators. Training Module 1.321.3.77.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kirkwood Community Coll., Cedar Rapids, IA.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with inorganic and general organic chemistry as applied to water and wastewater treatment. Included are objectives, instructor guides, and student handouts. The module contains material related to chemical reactions in water solutions,…

  8. Censorship during the Depression: The Banning of "You and Machines."

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barry, Arlene L.


    Provides background information on the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) focusing on the educational programs for the CCC. Presents a lesson on the censorship of the booklet "You and Machines" from the CCC programs. Includes excerpts from "You and Machines," copies of newspaper articles about the booklet, and a student handout.…

  9. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, December 1-31, 1995.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the first half of the month of December, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered include: President Clinton's visit to Northern Ireland,…

  10. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, October 1-31, 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of October, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: the Middle East peace summit in Washington, DC, Israel's Netanyahu and…

  11. Law, Morality and the Relocation Camps.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stearns, Hal


    Presents a lesson examining the historical background of the U.S. government's relocation and internment of Japanese-Americans and Japanese aliens during World War II. Asks secondary students to consider both the legal and moral dimensions of the relocation effort and current compensation arguments. Includes handouts and suggestions for role…

  12. Advanced Rotating Biological Surface Operation. Training Module

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Paulson, W. L.

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with operation and maintenance of a rotating biological surface (RBS) wastewater treatment system. Included are objectives, instructor guides, student handouts, and transparency masters. This is the third level of a three module series and…

  13. Biodiversity. Teacher's Guide to World Resources. Comprehensive Coursework on the Global Environment.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Snyder, Sarah A.

    This teacher's guide presents teaching suggestions and presentation materials about the importance of biodiversity, examines why it is threatened, and suggests ways of conserving it. The lesson is divided into seven parts and suggests allowing two or more class periods for completion. Student handouts include: (1) "Test Yourself: How Much Do…

  14. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, December 2000.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of December 2000, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: the United States Supreme Court hears the presidential candidates'…

  15. Seeing How Money Grows.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Metz, James


    Describes an activity designed to help students connect the ideas of linear growth and exponential growth through graphs of the future value of accounts that earn simple interest and accounts that earn compound interest. Includes worksheets and solutions. (KHR)

  16. Fun and Arithmetic Practice with Days and Dates.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Richbart, Lynn A.


    Two worksheets are given, outlining algorithms to help students determine the day of the week an event will occur and to find the date for Easter. The activity provides computational practice. A computer program for determining Easter is also included. (MNS)

  17. KIND Reproducibles.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    KIND Teacher, 1990


    Presented are 14 student worksheets for use in teaching the care of and humane treatment of animals. Topics of these games and puzzles include state animal trivia, domestic pets and wild animals. An answer sheet for teachers is included. (CW)

  18. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, November 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of November 2001, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: economic stimulus and U.S. steps up the bombing campaign in…

  19. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, August 2000.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Educational Services, Inc., Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of August 2000, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: the GOP opens its 37th national convention in Philadelphia, outraged…

  20. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, March 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of March 2001, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: Seattle earthquake and U.S. economy working class communities fear a…

  1. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, April 2000.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Educational Services, Inc., Newtown, PA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of April 2000, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: failure of settlement talks between Microsoft and the U.S. government,…

  2. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. January 1-31, 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of January, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guides include: teen obesity, the Yangtze River Dam and its hydroelectric…

  3. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. June 1-30, 1994.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides for the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of June provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guides include: (1) Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, D-Day, cars and Singapore, Rodney King civil…

  4. Professional Development Training. ACTWU Insurance Department.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Martin, Sabrina Budasi

    This curriculum guide provides materials for a 10-week professional development training course. A course outline and list of topics is followed by the plans for the 10 lessons. Components of these lesson plans include topics; objectives; materials needed; lesson outline with activities and discussion; and student handouts. Lesson topics are as…

  5. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, November 2000.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Educational Services, Inc., Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of November 2000, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: independent U.S. oil companies struggle to survive, U.S.…

  6. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, August 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of August 2001, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: special series on the teenage brain, and MTV celebrates its 20th…

  7. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. June, 1997.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of June, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: France gets a new government and Prime Minister as the Socialist Party defeats the…

  8. Developing Critical Thinking Skills: The "Sabotaged" Synthesis of Methyl p-Bromobenzoate

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mahan, Eric J.; Nading, Mary Alice


    This experiment was designed to help students improve the critical thinking skills that are required to analyze and discuss the results of an organic chemistry experiment in an effective manner. The initial objective indicated in the prelab handout for this puzzle experiment was the synthesis of methyl 4-bromobenzoate using the Fischer…

  9. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, January 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Educational Services, Inc., Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of January 2001, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: George W. Bush nominates the last three vacant Cabinet posts,…

  10. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, May 2001.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of May 2001, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: President Bush will announce his plans for a missile defense system,…

  11. Legal. Training Module 4.315.3.77.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fillenwarth, Lynn; Bonnstetter, Ron

    This document is an instructional module package prepared in objective form for use by an instructor familiar with Federal and Iowa laws relating to public water supply and water pollution control, local code enforcement and right-of-way acquisition. Included are objectives, instructor guides, and student handouts. The module considers an overview…

  12. Strengthening the Connection between School & Home. Second Edition. Essentials for Principals [TM

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    LeBlanc-Esparza, Ricardo; LeBlanc-Esparza, Kym


    Examine the pivotal role family engagement plays in student achievement, and explore in depth the process of creating and implementing a family-engagement plan. This research-based guide includes many specific strategies, handouts, and reproducibles leaders can use to make their schools family friendly and connect with those families who may be…

  13. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, June 2002.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of June 2002, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Major topics covered include: the Kashmir conflict; the Pakistan and the Kazahkstan Summit;…

  14. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. September 1-30, 1995.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of September, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics covered by the guides include: the women's conference in China, "No Man Is an…

  15. Global Issues: Activities and Resources for the High School Teacher.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Switzer, Kenneth A.; Mulloy, Paul T.

    The book is an introduction to teaching about contemporary global concerns in the high school social studies classroom. It contains background and lesson plans for seven units in addition to 39 reproducible student handouts, annotated lists of other good classroom resources, and a guide to sources of teaching materials on global issues. Topics…

  16. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. March 1-31, 1998.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of March, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: United Nations (UN) and Iraq interpret their recent deal in different ways,…

  17. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, September 1996.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the weekday Cable News Network Newsroom broadcasts for the month of September, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and lists of related news terms. Topics covered include: the Iraqi ground force attack on the Kurd faction in Arbil; the U.S.…

  18. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides, May 2000.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Turner Educational Services, Inc., Newtown, PA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of May 2000, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Top stories include: U.S. Government files a proposal to split up Microsoft, terrorism source…

  19. CNN Newsroom Classroom Guides. October 1-31, 1997.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cable News Network, Atlanta, GA.

    These classroom guides, designed to accompany the daily CNN (Cable News Network) Newsroom broadcasts for the month of October, provide program rundowns, suggestions for class activities and discussion, student handouts, and a list of related news terms. Topics include: immigrants illegally in the United States try to gain legal status before being…

  20. Energy, Atmosphere, and Climate. Teacher's Guide to World Resources. Comprehensive Coursework on the Global Environment.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Snyder, Sarah A.

    This teacher's guide presents teaching suggestions and presentation materials about how daily human activities, such as energy use, add pollutants to the atmosphere. The lesson is divided into seven parts and can be taught in two or more class periods. Student handouts include: (1) "Total Energy Use by Fuel Type, 1991"; (2) "Facts…