Teaching Design in Middle-School: Instructors' Concerns and Scaffolding Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bamberger, Yael M.; Cahill, Clara S.
This study deals with engineering education in the middle-school level. Its focus is instructors' concerns in teaching design, as well as scaffolding strategies that can help teachers deal with these concerns. Through participatory action research, nine instructors engaged in a process of development and instruction of a curriculum about energy…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Stewart, Alice C.; Houghton, Susan M.; Rogers, Patrick R.
This research used a quasi-experimental design with two conditions to test the impact of active learning in the context of integrated instructional design. The control condition was a traditional approach to teaching an undergraduate strategy capstone class. The intervention condition was an undergraduate strategy capstone class that was designed…
Teaching Design in Middle-School: Instructors' Concerns and Scaffolding Strategies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bamberger, Yael M.; Cahill, Clara S.
This study deals with engineering education in the middle-school level. Its focus is instructors' concerns in teaching design, as well as scaffolding strategies that can help teachers deal with these concerns. Through participatory action research, nine instructors engaged in a process of development and instruction of a curriculum about energy along with engineering design. A 50-h curriculum was piloted during a summer camp for 38 middle-school students. Data was collected through instructors' materials: observation field notes, daily reflections and post-camp discussions. In addition, students' artifacts and planning graphical models were collected in order to explore how instructors' concerns were aligned with students' learning. Findings indicate three main tensions that reflect instructors' main concerns: how to provide sufficient scaffolding yet encourage creativity, how to scaffold hands-on experiences that promote mindful planning, and how to scaffold students' modeling practices. Pedagogical strategies for teaching design that developed through this work are described, as well as the ways they address the National Research Council (A framework for K-12 science education: practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2011) core ideas of engineering education and the International Technological Literacy standards (ITEA in Standards for technological literacy, 3rd edn. International Technology education Association, Reston, VA, 2007).
Design and evaluation of an online teaching strategy in an undergraduate psychiatric nursing course.
Mahoney, Jane S; Marfurt, Stephanie; daCunha, Miguel; Engebretson, Joan
Psychiatric nurse educators are challenged to prepare graduates in meeting the needs of individuals with a mental illness within an increasingly technology-based environment. This requires the development and evaluation of educational strategies that immerse students in web-based learning. This article presents an overview of a hybrid teaching design that includes classroom teaching and asynchronous threaded discussion in a teaching module in an undergraduate psychiatric nursing course. Evaluation of student preferences, advantages and disadvantages, and learning, as well as qualitative evaluation of students' description of critical thinking, supports the value of online teaching in psychiatric nursing education.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Çil, Emine; Maccario, Nihal; Yanmaz, Durmus
Background: Museums are useful educational resources in science teaching. Teaching strategies which promote hands-on activities, student-centred learning, and rich social interaction must be designed and implemented throughout the museum visit for effective science learning. Purpose: This study aimed to design and implement innovative teaching…
Measuring Nurse Educators' Willingness to Adopt Inclusive Teaching Strategies.
Levey, Janet A
The purpose of the study was to examine the characteristics and relationships of nurse educators' teaching practices, knowledge, support, and willingness to adopt inclusive teaching strategies (WillAdITS). Adopting more inclusive teaching strategies based on universal design for instruction is an innovative way for educators to reach today's diverse student body. However, the pedagogy has not diffused into nursing education. Descriptive statistics and hierarchical multiple regression were used for analyzing data from 311 nurse educators in prelicensure and RN to BSN programs. The model explained 44.8 percent of the variance in WillAdITS. The best indicators for this pedagogy were knowledge of universal design for instruction, social system support for inclusive teaching strategies, multiple instructional formats, and years of teaching. Knowing factors influencing the adoption of inclusive teaching strategies can inform schools of nursing of areas needing further development in the preparation of novice to experienced educators to teach diverse learners.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Çil, Emine; Maccario, Nihal; Yanmaz, Durmuş
Background: Museums are useful educational resources in science teaching. Teaching strategies which promote hands-on activities, student-centred learning, and rich social interaction must be designed and implemented throughout the museum visit for effective science learning.
Teaching strategies to promote concept learning by design challenges
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Van Breukelen, Dave; Van Meel, Adrianus; De Vries, Marc
Background: This study is the second study of a design-based research, organised around four studies, that aims to improve student learning, teaching skills and teacher training concerning the design-based learning approach called Learning by Design (LBD).
Teaching Strategies to Promote Concept Learning by Design Challenges
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Van Breukelen, Dave; Van Meel, Adrianus; De Vries, Marc
Background: This study is the second study of a design-based research, organised around four studies, that aims to improve student learning, teaching skills and teacher training concerning the design-based learning approach called Learning by Design (LBD). Purpose: LBD uses the context of design challenges to learn, among other things, science.…
"One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All": Teaching MBA Students Different ERP Implementation Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Venkatesh, Viswanath
This teaching tip discusses an approach to educating MBA students regarding strategies to select, design, and implement enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The teaching approach presented here discusses how to teach students about different strategies based success stories from three different organizations, namely Cisco, Tektronix, and…
Dominie: Teaching and Assessment Strategies. CAL Research Group Technical Report No. 74.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Spensley, Fiona; Elsom-Cook, Mark
This document outlines the strategies that are used for teaching and assessment in Dominie, an intelligent tutoring system designed to enable the user to operate a computer interface independently. Eight interaction modes are described in detail: four teaching strategies (cognitive apprenticeship, successive refinement, discovery learning, and…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Khan, Samia
A college for women has been cited as one of the most productive origins of female physical science doctorates in the United States. A case study was conducted to investigate teaching strategies that support the retention of women in the physical sciences, based on evidence from one of the college's most notable instructors and her teaching strategies. The strategies this teacher used included a personal "contract", confidence building techniques, and science internships. Data were collected from classroom documents, classroom observations, teacher interviews, student focus groups, student feedback sheets, Likert-response student surveys, and student final exams. Evidence from the Likert-response survey and focus groups suggested that the contract increased students' likelihood of success in the course and that confidence-building strategies improved students' confidence in their ability to succeed in science. An analysis of students' final exam scores indicated that student marks improved after the introduction of the aforementioned teaching innovations: 4% of students taking the same science course with the same teacher earned less than a C-, compared to a previous three-year average of 18% of students with below C- grades. In addition, notably fewer minority women dropped the course than they had in the past. The findings of this study suggest that this teacher's strategies may have played a part in retaining these women in the physical sciences. Based on the data, a theoretical model is proposed that suggests how switching or "fading" out of the course may have been addressed and how multiple teaching strategies can work in concert with each other to contribute to women's positive experiences in the physical sciences.
Modelling Teaching Strategies.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Major, Nigel
Describes a modelling language for representing teaching strategies, based in the context of the COCA intelligent tutoring system. Examines work on meta-reasoning in knowledge-based systems and describes COCA's architecture, giving details of the language used for representing teaching knowledge. Discusses implications for future work. (AEF)
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Grosz, Karen S., Comp.
Designed as a resource on teaching and learning strategies geared specifically toward underrepresented community college students, this collection of articles and reports includes the following: (1) "Successful Teaching Strategies: Instruction for Black and Hispanic Students in the California Community Colleges," by Olivia Mercado, Cheryl Fong,…
Do humorous preoperative teaching strategies work?
Schrecengost, A
Incorporating humor into preoperative teaching may improve patients' ability to recall pertinent instruction. This article describes a study in which an experimental, two-group, pretest/posttest design was used to determine whether there was a significant difference in the amount of knowledge patients recalled after receiving a teaching booklet either with (i.e., experimental) or without (i.e., control) humor. The sample included 50 patients undergoing open-heart surgery. Results indicate that there was no significant difference (F1, 48 = .07, P > .05) between the groups in the amount of knowledge gained related to postoperative pulmonary exercises. Both groups, however, had a statistically significant increase in the amount of knowledge gained from pretest to posttest (F1, 48 = 39.16, P < .05). Before humorous teaching strategies can be recommended for use in preoperative teaching, further research about the relationship between preoperative instruction, humor, and knowledge retention is necessary.
It's Your Move: Offering Seminars to Teach Strategy Games.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Moore, Rhonda Bodine
Gifted elementary students at the Center for Gifted Education in Columbia, Missouri, participated in a seminar designed to teach them the fundamentals of chess and other strategy board games. Students learned that beginning chess is accessible to everyone, learned problem solving and concentration, and created their own strategy board games. (JDD)
[Teaching practices and learning strategies in health careers].
Carrasco Z, Constanza; Pérez V, Cristhian; Torres A, Graciela; Fasce H, Eduardo
Medical Education, according to the constructivist education paradigm, puts students as the protagonists of the teaching and learning process. It demands changes in the practice of teaching. However, it is unclear whether this new model is coherent with the teachers ways to cope with learning. To analyze the relationship between teaching practices and learning strategies among teachers of health careers in Chilean universities. The Teaching Practices Questionnaire and Learning Strategies Inventory of Schmeck were applied to 200 teachers aged 24 to 72 years (64% females). Teachers use different types of teaching practices. They commonly use deep and elaborative learning strategies. A multiple regression analysis showed that learning strategies had a 13% predictive value to identify student-centered teaching, but they failed to predict teacher-centered teaching. Teaching practices and learning strategies of teachers are related. Teachers frequently select constructivist model strategies, using different teaching practices in their work.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Whitton, Diana
"Teaching and Learning Strategies" is a practical guide for pre-service teachers who know and understand the content of the curriculum and are looking for additional tools to teach it effectively. This book will help students to develop a comprehensive knowledge of teaching and learning strategies, which is essential in ensuring lessons…
Design Criteria for Learning and Teaching Genetics
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Knippels, Marie-Christine P. J.; Waarlo, Arend Jan; Boersma, Kerst Th.
While learning and teaching difficulties in genetics have been abundantly explored and described, there has been less focus on the development and field-testing of strategies to address them. To inform the design of such a strategy a review study, focus group interviews with teachers, a case study of a traditional series of genetics lessons,…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lorch, Robert F., Jr.; Lorch, Elizabeth P.; Freer, Benjamin Dunham; Dunlap, Emily E.; Hodell, Emily C.; Calderhead, William J.
Students (n = 1,069) from 60 4th-grade classrooms were taught the control of variables strategy (CVS) for designing experiments. Half of the classrooms were in schools that performed well on a state-mandated test of science achievement, and half were in schools that performed relatively poorly. Three teaching interventions were compared: an…
Teaching Strategies & Techniques for Adjunct Faculty. Third Edition. Higher Education Series.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Greive, Donald
This booklet presents teaching strategies and techniques in a quick reference format. It was designed specifically to assist adjunct and part-time faculty, who have careers outside of education, to efficiently grasp many of the concepts necessary for effective teaching. Included are a checklist of points to review prior to beginning a teaching…
The Effect of Teaching Search Strategies on Perceptual Performance.
van der Gijp, Anouk; Vincken, Koen L; Boscardin, Christy; Webb, Emily M; Ten Cate, Olle Th J; Naeger, David M
Radiology expertise is dependent on the use of efficient search strategies. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of teaching search strategies on trainee's accuracy in detecting lung nodules at computed tomography. Two search strategies, "scanning" and "drilling," were tested with a randomized crossover design. Nineteen junior radiology residents were randomized into two groups. Both groups first completed a baseline lung nodule detection test allowing a free search strategy, followed by a test after scanning instruction and drilling instruction or vice versa. True positive (TP) and false positive (FP) scores and scroll behavior were registered. A mixed-design analysis of variance was applied to compare the three search conditions. Search strategy instruction had a significant effect on scroll behavior, F(1.3) = 54.2, P < 0.001; TP score, F(2) = 16.1, P < 0.001; and FP score, F(1.3) = 15.3, P < 0.001. Scanning instruction resulted in significantly lower TP scores than drilling instruction (M = 10.7, SD = 5.0 versus M = 16.3, SD = 5.3), t(18) = 4.78, P < 0.001; or free search (M = 15.3, SD = 4.6), t(18) = 4.44, P < 0.001. TP scores for drilling did not significantly differ from free search. FP scores for drilling (M = 7.3, SD = 5.6) were significantly lower than for free search (M = 12.5, SD = 7.8), t(18) = 4.86, P < 0.001. Teaching a drilling strategy is preferable to teaching a scanning strategy for finding lung nodules. Copyright © 2017 The Association of University Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Xiaotong; Cen, Zhaofeng; Liu, Xiangdong; Zheng, Zhenrong
Applied optics course in Zhejiang University is a National Excellent Resource Sharing Course in China, and the online to offline teaching strategies have been implemented and shared with dozens of universities and colleges in China. Discussion is an important activity in teaching. In this paper our main consideration is designing the discussion questions and group works so as to develop the students' critical thinking, cooperative and sharing spirits, and communication abilities in the cosmopolitan era. Typical questions that connect different chapters and help the students to understand the relationship between each sub-system in both field of view and aperture are given for discussion. We inspire the students to complete group works such as ray trace programming by cooperation and then make presentations. All of these create a circumstance for sharing thoughts and developing intelligence and knowledge. A poll shows that the students pay more attention to optical design than before and have made progress in conversation and cooperation.
Innovative strategies for teaching nursing research in Taiwan.
Liou, Shwu-Ru; Cheng, Ching-Yu; Tsai, Hsiu-Min; Chang, Chia-Hao
Evidence-based practice is imperative in clinical settings because it bridges the gap between research findings and clinical practice. Promoting nursing student interest and enthusiasm for research is therefore crucial when teaching nursing research. The aim of thus study was to develop innovative teaching strategies that increase nursing students' interests and engagement in research. This study employed a descriptive, pretest-posttest, quasiexperimental design with 103 participants in the experimental group and 106 in the control group. The Attitudes toward Research Questionnaire, Classroom Engagement Scale, Self-Directed Learning Instrument, Nursing Eight Core Competencies Scale, Value of Teams survey, and a research knowledge test were applied to evaluate the outcomes of the innovative teaching strategies. Scores for the research knowledge test were significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group in posttest 1 and posttest 2. After the intervention, participants in the experimental group exhibited higher scores on attitudes toward research, eight core competencies in nursing,value of teams, classroom engagement, and self-directed learning than participants in the control group. Students in the experimental group perceived a lower degree of pressure and higher degrees of interest, enjoyment, and acceptance of the research course than students in the control group. This study confirmed that using innovative teaching strategies in nursing research courses enhances student interest and enthusiasm about evidence-based practice.
Co-Teaching with Strategy Instruction
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Conderman, Greg; Hedin, Laura R.
Despite the popularity of co-teaching and widespread professional literature describing exemplary co-teaching practices, this instructional approach has yet to realize its potential. One way to increase the effectiveness of co-teaching is for special educators to contribute meaningfully by assuming the role of strategy leader in the co-taught…
Pedagogical strategies to teach bachelor students evidence-based practice: A systematic review.
Aglen, B
The aim of this study is to review international scientific articles about pedagogical strategies to teach nursing students at bachelor degree evidence-based practice (EBP). A literature review including peer reviewed, original, empirical articles describing pedagogical interventions aimed at teaching bachelor's degree nursing students EBP in the period 2004-2014. Theories of discretion, knowledge transfer and cognitive maturity development are used as analytical perspectives. The main challenge teaching evidence based practice is that the students fail to see how research findings contribute to nursing practice. The pedagogical strategies described are student active learning methods to teach the students information literacy and research topics. Information literacy is mainly taught according to the stages of EBP. These stages focus on how to elaborate evidence from research findings for implementation into nursing practice. The articles reviewed mainly use qualitative, descriptive designs and formative evaluations of the pedagogical interventions. Although a considerable effort in teaching information literacy and research topics, nursing students still struggle to see the relevance evidence for nursing practice. Before being introduced to information literacy and research topics, students need insight into knowledge transfer and their own epistemic assumptions. Knowledge transfer related to clinical problems should be the learning situations prioritized when teaching EBP at bachelor level. Theoretical perspectives of cognitive maturity development, knowledge transfer and discretion in professional practice give alternative ways of designing pedagogical strategies for EBP. More research is needed to develop and test pedagogical strategies for EBP in light of these theories. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Frequency of Applying Different Teaching Strategies and Social Teaching Methods in Primary Schools
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ivic, Sonja
The question that every modern teacher raises in their daily work is the reflection on selecting teaching strategies and social forms of teaching. Unlike traditional teaching strategies in which knowledge transfer is mainly done by the teacher while the students are passive listeners and recipients of such knowledge, modern teaching strategies…
Instructional Design-Based Research on Problem Solving Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Emre-Akdogan, Elçin; Argün, Ziya
The main goal of this study is to find out the effect of the instructional design method on the enhancement of problem solving abilities of students. Teaching sessions were applied to ten students who are in 11th grade, to teach them problem solving strategies which are working backwards, finding pattern, adopting a different point of view,…
Strategies for Teaching Handwriting to the Learning Disabled.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dice-Ziegler, Barbara
The article outlines six strategies for teaching handwriting to learning disabled elementary students with differing instructional needs. A rationale for the use of each strategy is followed by a step-by-step description of the teaching procedure. Strategy goals include the following: (1) teaching the manuscript alphabet through letter pictures to…
Strategies for Teaching Astronomy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bennett, J.
No matter whether you are teaching school children, undergraduates, or colleagues, a few key strategies are always useful. I will present and give examples for the following five key strategies for teaching astronomy. 1. Provide a Contextual Framework: It is much easier to learn new facts or concepts if they can be ``binned" into some kind of pre-existing mental framework. Unless your listeners are already familiar with the basic ideas of modern astronomy (such as the hierarchy of structure in the universe, the scale of the universe, and the origin of the universe), you must provide this before going into the details of how we've developed this modern picture through history. 2. Create Conditions for Conceptual Change: Many people hold misconceptions about astronomical ideas. Therefore we cannot teach them the correct ideas unless we first help them unlearn their prior misconceptions. 3. Make the Material Relevant: It's human nature to be more interested in subjects that seem relevant to our lives. Therefore we must always show students the many connections between astronomy and their personal concerns, such as emphasizing how we are ``star stuff" (in the words of Carl Sagan), how studying other planets helps us understand our own, and so on. 4. Limit Use of Jargon: The number of new terms in many introductory astronomy books is larger than the number of words taught in many first courses in foreign language. This means the books are essentially teaching astronomy in a foreign language, which is a clear recipe for failure. We must find ways to replace jargon with plain language. 5. Challenge Your Students: Don't dumb your teaching down; by and large, students will rise to meet your expectations, as long as you follow the other strategies and practice good teaching.
Teaching Strategies for Value Education in Social Studies: A Theoretical Position.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fraenkel, Jack R.
The systematic design of appropriate teaching strategies to bring about desired values is crucially important, and badly needed, in social studies education. Teachers cannot leave the accomplishment of affective objectives to chance or to learning activities planned mainly for cognitive goals. Examples of an affective strategy that develops…
Some Effects of Training Preservice Teachers in Science Teaching Strategy Analysis.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Yeany, Russell, Jr.
This study was designed to assess the effectiveness of three treatments for encouraging and training prospective elementary science teachers in the use of inductive/indirect strategies in science teaching. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: (1) Strategy Analysis Level - subjects were trained in science teaching…
Meta-Teaching: Meaning and Strategy
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chen, Xiaoduan
Meta-teaching is the knowledge and reflection on teaching based on meta-ideas. It is the teaching about teaching, a teaching process with practice consciously guided by thinking, inspiring teachers to teach more effectively. Meta-teaching is related to the knowledge, inspection and amendment of teaching activities in terms of their design,…
Teaching Strategies and Gender in Higher Education Instrumental Studios
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zhukov, Katie
This study investigates instrumental music teaching strategies in higher education settings, in order to identify those employed and their frequency and context of use. An instrument- and gender-balanced sample of 24 lessons from five institutions was analysed using a researcher-designed observational instrument. The results reveal the…
Hotler, Amy L
Staff development is an important role of the school nurse, yet little is written to assist the nurse in this role. Though some obtain advanced degrees in education, most school nurses are not prepared for the staff development role without further education in pedagogy, teaching strategies, and evaluation methods. This article presents discussion as one of many active teaching strategies that can engage learners and promote critical thinking. More work is needed in the area of course design and implementation, as well as additional research to help identify the most effective teaching strategies for school employees.
Effective Teaching of the Physical Design of Integrated Circuits Using Educational Tools
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Aziz, Syed Mahfuzul; Sicard, Etienne; Ben Dhia, Sonia
This paper presents the strategies used for effective teaching and skill development in integrated circuit (IC) design using project-based learning (PBL) methodologies. It presents the contexts in which these strategies are applied to IC design courses at the University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, and the National Institute of Applied…
Network reciprocity by coexisting learning and teaching strategies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tanimoto, Jun; Brede, Markus; Yamauchi, Atsuo
We propose a network reciprocity model in which an agent probabilistically adopts learning or teaching strategies. In the learning adaptation mechanism, an agent may copy a neighbor's strategy through Fermi pairwise comparison. The teaching adaptation mechanism involves an agent imposing its strategy on a neighbor. Our simulations reveal that the reciprocity is significantly affected by the frequency with which learning and teaching agents coexist in a network and by the structure of the network itself.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Huang, Ching-Ting; Yang, Shu Ching
This study examines the effects of two types of online remedial reading interventions on the reading strategy and comprehension, motivational beliefs, and self-efficacy of 36 low-achieving students (explicit teaching before reciprocal teaching [ET-RT] vs. direct instruction [DI]). We designed a 10-unit online remedial English reading program based…
Developing marketing strategies for university teaching hospitals.
Fink, D J
University teaching hospitals face increasing competition from community hospitals, expanding regulation of health care, a rising tide of consumerism, and in many cases a declining urban population base. These problems, which may threaten the teaching hospital's ability to continue tertiary care, teaching, and research functions, may be solved with the aid of new marketing strategies. In developing its marketing strategy, a hospital must assess its strengths and weaknesses, specify its goals in measurable terms, implement tactics to achieve these goals, and evaluate its marketing program. The strategies should be directed toward achieving better relationships with institutions, practitioners, and surrounding communities and increasing patient, visitor, and employee satisfaction. A wide variety of programs can be used to reach these goals and to help teaching hospitals meet the competitive challenges of this decade.
The Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Designing and Teaching Online Courses
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Thormann, Joan; Zimmerman, Isa Kaftal
In this valuable resource, experts share deep knowledge including practical "how-to" and preventive trouble-shooting tips. Instructors will learn about course design and development, instructional methods for online teaching, and student engagement and community building techniques. The book contains successful teaching strategies, guidance for…
Accommodations--Or Just Good Teaching? Strategies for Teaching College Students with Disabilities.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hodge, Bonnie M., Ed.; Preston-Sabin, Jennie, Ed.
This book is a product of an ongoing project which is identifying teaching strategies and/or accommodations for college students with disabilities. The strategies have proven practical and successful by teaching practitioners who responded to a survey of members of the National Association for Developmental Education. The first chapter introduces…
Visual Teaching Strategies for Children with Autism.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tissot, Catherine; Evans, Roy
Describes the types of children with autism that would benefit from visual teaching strategies. Discusses the benefits and disadvantages of some of the more well-known programs that use visual teaching strategies, including movement-based systems relying on sign language, and materials-based systems such as Treatment and Education of Autistic and…
Using Blended Learning Strategies to Address Teaching Development Needs: How Does Canada Compare?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kanuka, Heather; Rourke, Liam
The provision of blended learning strategies designed to assist academics in the higher education sector with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for effective teaching with technology has been, and continues to be, a challenge for teaching centres in Canada. It is unclear, first, whether this is an ongoing issue unique to Canada; and,…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Priatna, N.; Martadiputra, B. A. P.; Wibisono, Y.
The development of science and technology requires reform in the utilization of various resources for mathematics teaching and learning process. One of the efforts that can be made is the implementation of GeoGebra-assisted Reciprocal Teaching strategy in mathematics instruction as an effective strategy in improving students’ cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities. This research is intended to implement GeoGebra-assisted Reciprocal Teaching strategy in improving abstraction ability, lateral thinking, and mathematical persistence of junior high school students. It employed quasi-experimental method with non-random pre-test and post-test control design. More specifically, it used the 2x3 factorial design, namely the learning factors that included GeoGebra-assisted Reciprocal Teaching and conventional teaching learning, and levels of early mathematical ability (high, middle, and low). The subjects in this research were the eighth grade students of junior high school, taken with purposive sampling. The results of this research show: Abstraction and lateral abilities of students who were taught with GeoGebra-assisted Reciprocal Teaching strategy were significantly higher than those of students who received conventional learning. Mathematical persistence of students taught with GeoGebra-assisted Reciprocal Teaching strategy was also significantly higher than of those taught with conventional learning.
Three Empirical Strategies for Teaching Statistics
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Marson, Stephen M.
This paper employs a three-step process to analyze three empirically supported strategies for teaching statistics to BSW students. The strategies included: repetition, immediate feedback, and use of original data. First, each strategy is addressed through the literature. Second, the application of employing each of the strategies over the period…
NICU nurse educators: what evidence supports your teaching strategies?
Pilcher, Jobeth
One of our roles as nurse educators is to teach best practices related to patient care. However, have you ever stopped to think about what evidence supports your teaching strategies? Just as our patients deserve care that is based on the best available evidence, our learners also deserve education that is based on evidence.1-3 With so many advances in knowledge, technology, and even life itself, it is interesting that education has changed very little over the past 100 years. A study among 946 nurse educators documented that most teach the way they were taught.4 In addition, even after learning new strategies, educators often continue teaching in the manner they are most comfortable. However, this trend is beginning to change. Nurse educators are becoming increasingly aware of and willing to try new and innovative teaching strategies. Educators are also seeking out evidence-based teaching strategies and are becoming more involved in nursing education research.
Teaching Strategies for Specialized Ensembles.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Teaching Music, 1999
Provides a strategy, from the book "Strategies for Teaching Specialized Ensembles," that addresses Standard 9A of the National Standards for Music Education. Explains that students will identify and describe the musical and historical characteristics of the classical era in music they perform and in audio examples. (CMK)
Edulabs AGIRE Project--Evaluation of ICT Integration in Teaching Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pombo, Lúcia; Carlos, Vânia; Loureiro, Maria João
The AGIRE project, under the Edulab concept, aims to promote the adoption of innovative teaching practices. This paper reports the support strategies used to evaluate the teacher practices at the end of a teacher training course (TTC) and analyse its impact on teacher technology integration, using a design-based methodology. Teachers' initial…
An Integrated Strategy for Teaching Biochemistry to Biotechnology Specialty Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ouyang, Liming; Ou, Ling; Zhang, Yuanxing
The faculty of biochemistry established an integrated teaching strategy for biotechnology specialty students, by intermeshing the case-study method, web-assistant teaching, and improved lecture format with a brief content and multimedia courseware. Teaching practice showed that the integrated teaching strategy could retain the best features of…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Reutzel, D. Ray; Smith, John A.; Fawson, Parker C.
There are few research studies on the effects of teaching comprehension strategies to young children in the primary grades. Using a Dominant-Less Dominant Mixed Model design employing both qualitative and quantitative data collection, we evaluated two approaches for teaching comprehension strategies to 7- and 8-year-old children in four…
Enhancing Transfer of Knowledge in Physics through Effective Teaching Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Akinbobola, Akinyemi Olufunminiyi
The study assessed the enhancement of transfer of knowledge in physics through the use of effective teaching strategies in Nigerian senior secondary schools. Non-randomized pretest-posttest control group design was adopted for the study. A total of 278 physics students took part in the study. Transfer of Knowledge Test in Physics (TKTP) with the…
Investigating the Effectiveness of Teaching Methods Based on a Four-Step Constructivist Strategy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Çalik, Muammer; Ayas, Alipaşa; Coll, Richard K.
This paper reports on an investigation of the effectiveness an intervention using several different methods for teaching solution chemistry. The teaching strategy comprised a four-step approach derived from a constructivist view of learning. A sample consisting of 44 students (18 boys and 26 girls) was selected purposively from two different Grade 9 classes in the city of Trabzon, Turkey. Data collection employed a purpose-designed `solution chemistry concept test', consisting of 17 items, with the quantitative data from the survey supported by qualitative interview data. The findings suggest that using different methods embedded within the four-step constructivist-based teaching strategy enables students to refute some alternative conceptions, but does not completely eliminate student alternative conceptions for solution chemistry.
Exploring Teacher Strategies in Teaching Descriptive Writing in Indonesia
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Suriyanti, Sufatmi; Yaacob, Aizan
Purpose: This paper is the outcome of a study which examined teacher strategies in teaching descriptive writing to junior high school students in Delitua, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The study was based on two questions: 1) What are the teaching strategies used by EFL teachers in teaching descriptive writing? 2) To what extent did the descriptive…
Strategies to Assess Studio Spaces Designed to Enhance Student Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ahmadi, Reza; Saiki, Diana
Teachers are not always aware of how the classroom design influences teaching, particularly in many family and consumer sciences (FCS) classes that require studio space, such as apparel and interior design classes. The purpose of this paper is to introduce strategies to assess studio spaces that are designed for enhancement of student learning.…
The Design of Effective Case Study-Related Learning Strategies Training.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nuttall, Alice E.
The development of case study training materials for an experimental research strategy is described, and the effects of such training are discussed. The theoretical foundation for learning strategies training was a social-cognitive/expectancy value model of college learning and teaching. In a posttest-only 2-group design, 54 students in an…
Academically Gifted Undergraduate Students: Their Preferred Teaching Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
AL-Khayat, Majed M.; AL-Hrout, Mosa A.; Hyassat, Mizyed A.
Much attention is being paid to the students who give evidence of high achievement capability in specific academic fields. This interest includes choosing sufficient teaching strategies that suit their characteristics. However, this study aims at identifying what teaching strategies are preferred by academically gifted students in Princess Rahma…
An Examination of Methods Used to Teach Practice Strategies in the College Voice Studio
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Baughman, Melissa
This study investigated collegiate voice instructors' approaches for teaching practice strategies to their students. Voice instructors (N = 46) from accredited institutions in three Midwestern states participated in a researcher-designed survey, which described (a) the types of practice strategies addressed in lessons, (b) the methods used for…
Designing Strategies That Meet the Variety of Learning Styles of Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lopez, Doreen M.; Schroeder, Linda
This action research project was designed to maximize learning for all students by addressing different learning styles and implementing various strategies. The students in the targeted school exhibited difficulty in experiencing academic success while exposed to conventional teaching strategies. The two target schools consisted of an intermediate…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hyland, Theresa
Two contradictions are inherent in our research into referencing practices and the subsequent development of teaching strategies to remedy inappropriate practices. First, aggregate studies and teaching strategies that tend toward a one-size-fits-all formula for researching and teaching referencing do not consider individual differences in…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Potgieter, Calvyn
In this article an analysis is made of the responses of 95 technology education teachers, 14 technology education lecturers and 25 design practitioners to questionnaires regarding the teaching and the application of the design process. The main purpose of the questionnaires is to determine whether there are any trends regarding the strategies and…
Teaching Business Cases Online through Discussion Boards: Strategies and Best Practices
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rollag, Keith
What are the most effective and efficient ways to teach business cases online, specifically in asynchronous electronic discussion boards? This article describes several design strategies and approaches used by instructors at Babson College to structure and facilitate online case discussions in our blended Fast Track MBA program. (Contains 3 notes,…
Didactic Strategies in Early Science Teaching
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hus, Vlasta; Grmek, Milena Ivanus
The purpose of the article is to show the results of empirical research on the prevailing teaching strategies for teaching contents of the subject environmental studies (specifically when dealing with natural content) in the first triennium of the nine-year primary school in the Republic of Slovenia. The information was obtained through a survey…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Merrill, Alison Saricks
The purpose of this quasi-experimental quantitative mixed design study was to compare the effectiveness of brain-based teaching strategies versus a traditional lecture format in the acquisition of higher order cognition as determined by test scores. A second purpose was to elicit student feedback about the two teaching approaches. The design was a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design study with repeated measures on the last factor. The independent variables were type of student, teaching method, and a within group change over time. Dependent variables were a between group comparison of pre-test, post-test gain scores and a within and between group comparison of course examination scores. A convenience sample of students enrolled in medical-surgical nursing was used. One group (n=36) was made up of traditional students and the other group (n=36) consisted of second-degree students. Four learning units were included in this study. Pre- and post-tests were given on the first two units. Course examinations scores from all four units were compared. In one cohort two of the units were taught via lecture format and two using constructivist activities. These methods were reversed for the other cohort. The conceptual basis for this study derives from neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Learning is defined as the growth of new dendrites. Cognitive psychologists view learning as a constructive activity in which new knowledge is built on an internal foundation of existing knowledge. Constructivist teaching strategies are designed to stimulate the brain's natural learning ability. There was a statistically significant difference based on type of teaching strategy (t = -2.078, df = 270, p = .039, d = .25)) with higher mean scores on the examinations covering brain-based learning units. There was no statistical significance based on type of student. Qualitative data collection was conducted in an on-line forum at the end of the semester. Students had overall positive responses about the
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rahayu, D. V.; Kusumah, Y. S.; Darhim
This study examined to see the improvement of prospective teachers’ basic skills of teaching mathematics through search-solve-create-share learning strategy based on overall and Mathematical Prior Knowledge (MPK) and interaction of both. Quasi experiments with the design of this experimental-non-equivalent control group design involved 67 students at the mathematics program of STKIP Garut. The instrument used in this study included pre-test and post-test. The result of this study showed that: (1) The improvement and achievement of the basic skills of teaching mathematics of the prospective teachers who get the learning of search-solve-create-share strategy is better than the improvement and achievement of the prospective teachers who get the conventional learning as a whole and based on MPK; (2) There is no interaction between the learning used and MPK on improving and achieving basic skills of teaching mathematics.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Van Lacum, Edwin B.; Ossevoort, Miriam A.; Goedhart, Martin J.
The aim of this study is to evaluate a teaching strategy designed to teach first-year undergraduate life sciences students at a research university how to learn to read authentic research articles. Our approach--based on the work done in the field of genre analysis and argumentation theory--means that we teach students to read research articles by…
Interactive Whole Class Teaching in the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Smith, Fay; Hardman, Frank; Wall, Kate; Mroz, Maria
The study set out to investigate the impact of the official endorsement of 'interactive whole class teaching' on the interaction and discourse styles of primary teachers while teaching the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies. In both strategies, interactive whole class teaching is seen as an 'active teaching' model promoting high quality…
Teaching Strategies to Improve Algebra Learning
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zbiek, Rose Mary; Larson, Matthew R.
Improving student learning is the primary goal of every teacher of algebra. Teachers seek strategies to help all students learn important algebra content and develop mathematical practices. The new Institute of Education Sciences[IES] practice guide, "Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School Students"…
Teaching Reading Strategies to English Language Learners.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jenks, Christopher J.
This paper discusses the importance of teaching English language learners (ELLs) three reading strategies to help facilitate a productive literacy environment, suggesting that students must be taught specific reading strategies in which purpose, comprehension, and memorization are facilitated. The first section presents a pre-reading strategy,…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jensen, Murray; Farrand, Kirsten; Redman, Leanne; Varcoe, Tamara; Coleman, Leana
Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) are frequently asked to lead discussion groups. These groups generally take the form of tutorials, review sessions, or problem-based learning classes. In their preparation, what to teach is often emphasized over how to teach. The primary intent of this article is to provide a few simple teaching strategies for…
Early Intervention Provider Use of Child Caregiver-Teaching Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Campbell, Philippa H.; Coletti, Catherine Ehret
The purpose of this study was to identify the extent to which multidiscipline early intervention providers identified and demonstrated caregiver-teaching strategies. A total of 78 providers submitted 205 videotaped segments to illustrate 1 of 5 caregiver-teaching strategies (i.e., demonstration; caregiver practice with feedback; guided practice;…
Enhanced learning through design problems - teaching a components-based course through design
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jensen, Bogi Bech; Högberg, Stig; Fløtum Jensen, Frida av; Mijatovic, Nenad
This paper describes a teaching method used in an electrical machines course, where the students learn about electrical machines by designing them. The aim of the course is not to teach design, albeit this is a side product, but rather to teach the fundamentals and the function of electrical machines through design. The teaching method is evaluated by a student questionnaire, designed to measure the quality and effectiveness of the teaching method. The results of the questionnaire conclusively show that this method labelled 'learning through design' is a very effective way of teaching a components-based course. This teaching method can easily be generalised and used in other courses.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Subramaniam, Karthigeyan
This study explores five minority preservice teachers' conceptions of teaching science and identifies the sources of their strategies for helping students learn science. Perspectives from the literature on conceptions of teaching science and on the role constructs used to describe and distinguish minority preservice teachers from their mainstream…
Catalyzing Graduate Teaching Assistants' Laboratory Teaching through Design Research
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bond-Robinson, Janet; Rodriques, Romola A. Bernard
We report on a study of a laboratory teaching apprenticeship program designed to improve graduate teaching assistant (GTA) performance. To catalyze GTAs as laboratory teachers we constructed learning goals, synthesized previous literature into a design model and a developmental path, and built two instruments to measure 12 strategic pedagogical…
Rieser, Svenja; Naumann, Alexander; Decristan, Jasmin; Fauth, Benjamin; Klieme, Eckhard; Büttner, Gerhard
In order for teaching to be successful, students need to be actively involved in learning. However, research on teaching effectiveness often neglects students' learning activities. Although it is assumed that effective teaching promotes the use of beneficial learning activities, empirical evidence for this connection is still limited. This study aimed to investigate the connection between effective teaching and reported learning activities. We hypothesize specific relations between a three-dimensional model of teaching quality (i.e., cognitive activation, supportive climate, and classroom management) and students' reported use of metacognitive strategies. Students' intrinsic motivation is considered as a mediator and a moderator of this connection. N = 1,052 students from 53 German primary school classes and their science teachers participated. Data were collected through classroom or video observation and questionnaires over a period of approximately 2 months. Multilevel analysis was utilized to test our hypotheses. Each dimension of teaching quality positively predicted students' reported use of metacognitive strategies. For supportive climate, this connection was mediated by students' intrinsic motivation. Cognitive activation negatively predicted the slopes between students' reported metacognitive strategy use and motivation. The results support the notion that effective teaching is connected to learning activities and stress the importance of students' learning motivation. Results from the cross-level interaction could indicate that especially less motivated students' reported metacognitive strategy use might be supported by cognitively activating teaching. © 2016 The British Psychological Society.
Empowering Students with Word-Learning Strategies: Teach a Child to Fish
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Graves, Michael F.; Schneider, Steven; Ringstaff, Cathy
This article on word-learning strategies describes a theory- and research-based set of procedures for teaching students to use word-learning strategies--word parts, context clues, the dictionary, and a combined strategy--to infer the meanings of unknown words. The article begins with a rationale for teaching word-learning strategies, particularly…
Strategies for Teaching Internet Ethics.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rader, Martha H.
Ten strategies for teaching Internet ethics are as follows: establish acceptable use policy; communicate ethical codes; model behaviors and values; encourage discussion of ethical issues; reinforce ethical conduct; monitor student behavior; secure systems and software; discourage surfing without supervision; monitor e-mail and websites; and…
Teaching Strategies and Methods in Modern Environments for Learning of Programming
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Djenic, Slobodanka; Mitic, Jelena
This paper presents teaching strategies and methods, applicable in modern blended environments for learning of programming. Given the fact that the manner of applying teaching strategies always depends on the specific requirements of a certain area of learning, the paper outlines the basic principles of teaching in programming courses, as well as…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Malebese, M. L.
This paper explores ways of including indigenous knowledge systems in the teaching of English First Additional Language (EFAL). The aim is to use a socially inclusive teaching strategy in such a manner that the imbalances that past oppressive regimes brought into the teaching and learning of a second language, EFAL in this case, is challenged and…
Enhanced Learning through Design Problems--Teaching a Components-Based Course through Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jensen, Bogi Bech; Hogberg, Stig; Jensen, Frida av Flotum; Mijatovic, Nenad
This paper describes a teaching method used in an electrical machines course, where the students learn about electrical machines by designing them. The aim of the course is not to teach design, albeit this is a side product, but rather to teach the fundamentals and the function of electrical machines through design. The teaching method is…
Elfrink, V L; Davis, L S; Fitzwater, E; Castleman, J; Burley, J; Gorney-Moreno, M J; Sullivan, J; Nichols, B; Hall, D; Queen, K; Johnson, S; Martin, A
As health care becomes more information-intensive and diverse, there is a need to integrate information technology (IT) into clinical education. Little is known, however, about how to design instructional strategies for integrating information technology into clinical nursing education. This article outlines the instructional strategies used by faculty in five nursing programs who taught students to use a point-of-care information technology system. The article also reports students' computer acceptance and summarizes IT clinical teaching recommendations.
Contemporary teaching strategies of exemplary community preceptors--is technology helping?
Scott, Stephen M; Schifferdecker, Karen E; Anthony, David; Chao, Jason; Chessman, Alexander W; Margo, Katherine; Seagrave, Martha; Leong, Shou Ling
Many schools rely upon community preceptors for office-based education of medical students. These preceptors struggle to balance clinical care with the learning needs of students. We aim to gain a deeper understanding of the teaching rewards and challenges of current community preceptors. Five schools' family medicine clerkship directors conducted in-depth interviews of two exemplary preceptors at each of their programs. Following qualitative analysis of the interviews, three directors conducted one focus group at their school. The individual and group interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using grounded theory. Exemplary community preceptors described strategies to improve the learning environment and specific teaching approaches. Well-known teaching strategies such as role modeling, adjusting instruction to the learner's needs, and selecting patients appropriate for a specific student were used. They also described newer techniques such as co-learning and integrating technology, for example, accessing online, current practice guidelines together with the student. They detailed challenges to teaching, including time constraints and too much content to cover and provided advice about teaching tools. While challenged by clinical demands, preceptors enjoyed teaching and found it rewarding. They used time-proven teaching strategies as well as technology and online resources to facilitate ambulatory teaching. Community preceptors continue to struggle to integrate learners and the priorities of the medical school curriculum into the clinical environment. Further development of electronic tools and other resources to support the teaching needs of preceptors may contribute to learning and help minimize preceptor burden.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Akkas, Elif Nur; Türnüklü, Elif
Pedagogical content knowledge is consisted of two components: student knowledge and teaching strategies. Teaching strategies was defined under two sub-headings as strategies for specific topics and specific strategies for any topic. The purpose of this study was to examine the method with which quadrilaterals were taught by mathematics teachers…
Narrative as a Teaching Strategy
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Butcher, Susan E.
Research shows that those who are incarcerated, as a whole, have come from difficult past environments. This leads to having a different way of learning than most others who have had successful educational experiences. Because of this, my research project focused on exploring storytelling/narrative, as a teaching strategy, and how it influences…
Use Root Cause Analysis Teaching Strategy to Train Primary Pre-Service Science Teachers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lu, Chow-chin; Tsai, Chun-wei; Hong, Jon-chao
This study examined the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) teaching strategy on pre-service primary science teachers and instinct pre-service teachers to apply RCA teaching strategy to science curriculums. RCA Teaching Strategy is to coordinates 5 Why Method and Fishbone Diagram. The participants included 18 pre-service primary science teachers and the…
Defining teaching hospitals' GME strategy in response to new financial and market challenges.
Wray, J L; Sadowski, S M
The authors present an overview of current graduate medical education (GME) issues, particularly the financial challenges to teaching hospitals resulting from the Balanced Budget and Tax Payer Relief Acts of 1997 and other recent market-driven factors. They describe in detail the nature of Medicare GME payments before and after the 1997 legislation, with specific examples, and explain the negative financial impact of the legislation and aspects of the legislation that are designed to alleviate that impact. Other factors influencing GME program size and composition are also discussed, including oversupplies or shortages of physicians, the concern that teaching hospitals are using public funds to train international medical graduates, changing training requirements, etc. The authors also describe a recent consulting assignment during which they assisted a major teaching hospital to develop a GME strategy that was responsive to the organization's mission and patients and that took into account future GME financing challenges. Detailed explanations are given of how the consultants analyzed the hospital's GME programs and finances, developed and ranked key institution-specific program criteria (strategic, organizational and operational, and financial), and, in consultation with all key stakeholders, formulated a GME strategy specific to the institution's needs. The authors conclude by cautioning that each institution's GME strategy will be different, but that it is important for institutions to develop such strategies to better face future challenges.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shope, Richard Edwin, III
Science instruction aims to ensure that students properly construct scientific knowledge so that each individual may play a role as a science literate citizen or as part of the science workforce (National Research Council, 1996, 2000). Students enter the classroom with a wide range of personal conceptions regarding science phenomena, often at variance with prevailing scientific views (Duschl, Hamilton, & Grandy, 1992; Hewson, 1992). The extensive misconceptions research literature emphasizes the importance of diagnosing students' initial understandings in order to gauge the accuracy and depth of what each student knows prior to instruction and then to use that information to adapt the teaching to address student needs. (Ausubel, 1968; Carey, 2000; Driver et al., 1985; Karplus & Thier, 1967; Mintzes, Wandersee, & Novak, 1998; Osborne & Freyberg, 1985; Project 2061, 1993; Strike & Posner, 1982, 1992; Vygotsky, 1934/1987). To gain such insight, teachers diagnose not only the content of the students' personal conceptions but also the thinking processes that produced them (Strike and Posner, 1992). Indeed, when teachers design opportunities for students to express their understanding, there is strong evidence that such diagnostic assessment also enhances science teaching and learning (Black & William, 1998). The functional knowledge of effective science teaching practice resides in the professional practitioners at the front lines---the science teachers in the classroom. Nevertheless, how teachers actually engage in the practice of diagnosis is not well documented. To help fill this gap, the researcher conducted a study of 16 sixth grade science classrooms in four Los Angeles area middle schools. Diagnostic teaching strategies were observed in action and then followed up by interviews with each teacher. Results showed that teachers use strategies that vary by the complexity of active student involvement, including pretests, strategic questions, interactive discussion
Nigam, Ravi; Schlosser, Ralf W; Lloyd, Lyle L
Matrix strategies employing parts of speech arranged in systematic language matrices and milieu language teaching strategies have been successfully used to teach word combining skills to children who have cognitive disabilities and some functional speech. The present study investigated the acquisition and generalized production of two-term semantic relationships in a new population using new types of symbols. Three children with cognitive disabilities and little or no functional speech were taught to combine graphic symbols. The matrix strategy and the mand-model procedure were used concomitantly as intervention procedures. A multiple probe design across sets of action-object combinations with generalization probes of untrained combinations was used to teach the production of graphic symbol combinations. Results indicated that two of the three children learned the early syntactic-semantic rule of combining action-object symbols and demonstrated generalization to untrained action-object combinations and generalization across trainers. The results and future directions for research are discussed.
A Comparison of Different Teaching Designs of "Acids and Bases" Subject
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ültay, Neslihan; Çalik, Muammer
Inability to link the acid-base concepts with daily life phenomena (as contexts) highlights the need for further research on the context-based acid-base chemistry. In this vein, the aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different teaching designs (REACT strategy, 5Es learning model and traditional (existing) instruction) relevant with…
Assessment of Lecture Strategy with Different Teaching Aids
Kumar, Manoj; Kumar, Jayballabh; Kumar, Gaurav; Kapoor, Sangeeta
Background and Objectives: Medical/dental colleges in Northern India cater to students with diverse backgrounds, mother tongues, levels of comprehending English, and intelligence levels. This study was conducted to identify lecture strategy and teaching aid best suited for North Indian dental and medical students. It was conducted in two parts – 1. Survey of teachers’ and students’ opinion to obtain their preferences in teaching-learning practices followed in a conventional lecture, and 2. Comparison of students’ performances after a single trial lecture with different groups of students, using different teaching aids (TAs). Materials and Methods: Opinions of 33 faculty teaching first year dental/ medical students and 506 volunteer students (320 female) were compiled. Students were divided into four groups. A single trial lecture was held with each group (on the same topic, using identical lesson plan, by the same teacher) using a different teaching aid with each group. Lecture strategy was designed according to students’ preferences (as obtained from opinion survey) regarding language of instruction and the number of mental breaks. TAs used with different groups were chalk and board (C&B), PowerPoint (PPT), overhead projector (OHP), and a combination of C&B and PPT. Pre- and post-tests using multiple choice questions were conducted with each group. Results of post-test questionnaire and feedback from faculty attending the lecture were assessed for students’ satisfaction and attentiveness in all four groups. Results: Survey results indicated that although 97.6% students believed they had good/fair proficiency in English, 83.6% preferred being taught in a combination of English and Hindi; 44.3% students preferred C&B, 40.1% preferred PPT and 15.6% preferred the use of OHP as TA. After conducting a trial lecture with different TAs with each group, more than 90% students expressed satisfaction with the TA used for that group. Significantly better
Assessment of lecture strategy with different teaching AIDS.
Kumar, Manoj; Saxena, Indu; Kumar, Jayballabh; Kumar, Gaurav; Kapoor, Sangeeta
Medical/dental colleges in Northern India cater to students with diverse backgrounds, mother tongues, levels of comprehending English, and intelligence levels. This study was conducted to identify lecture strategy and teaching aid best suited for North Indian dental and medical students. It was conducted in two parts - 1. Survey of teachers' and students' opinion to obtain their preferences in teaching-learning practices followed in a conventional lecture, and 2. Comparison of students' performances after a single trial lecture with different groups of students, using different teaching aids (TAs). Opinions of 33 faculty teaching first year dental/ medical students and 506 volunteer students (320 female) were compiled. Students were divided into four groups. A single trial lecture was held with each group (on the same topic, using identical lesson plan, by the same teacher) using a different teaching aid with each group. Lecture strategy was designed according to students' preferences (as obtained from opinion survey) regarding language of instruction and the number of mental breaks. TAs used with different groups were chalk and board (C&B), PowerPoint (PPT), overhead projector (OHP), and a combination of C&B and PPT. Pre- and post-tests using multiple choice questions were conducted with each group. RESULTS of post-test questionnaire and feedback from faculty attending the lecture were assessed for students' satisfaction and attentiveness in all four groups. Survey results indicated that although 97.6% students believed they had good/fair proficiency in English, 83.6% preferred being taught in a combination of English and Hindi; 44.3% students preferred C&B, 40.1% preferred PPT and 15.6% preferred the use of OHP as TA. After conducting a trial lecture with different TAs with each group, more than 90% students expressed satisfaction with the TA used for that group. Significantly better performance was observed in the post-lecture test when C&B was used. The needs
Lacum, Edwin B. Van; Goedhart, Martin J.
The aim of this study is to evaluate a teaching strategy designed to teach first-year undergraduate life sciences students at a research university how to learn to read authentic research articles. Our approach—based on the work done in the field of genre analysis and argumentation theory—means that we teach students to read research articles by teaching them which rhetorical moves occur in research articles and how they can identify these. Because research articles are persuasive by their very nature, we focused on the rhetorical moves that play an important role in authors’ arguments. We designed a teaching strategy using cognitive apprenticeship as the pedagogical approach. It was implemented in a first-year compulsory course in the life sciences undergraduate program. Comparison of the results of a pretest with those of the posttest showed that students’ ability to identify these moves had improved. Moreover, students themselves had also perceived that their ability to read and understand a research article had increased. The students’ evaluations demonstrated that they appreciated the pedagogical approach used and experienced the assignments as useful. On the basis of our results, we concluded that students had taken a first step toward becoming expert readers. PMID:26086657
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kirkman, Robert; Fu, Katherine; Lee, Bumsoo
This paper introduces an approach to teaching ethics as design in a new course entitled Design Ethics, team-taught by a philosopher and an engineer/designer. The course follows a problem-based learning model in which groups of students work through the phases of the design process on a project for a local client, considering the design values and…
Application of Metacognitive Strategy to Primary Listening Teaching
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zheng, Jie
It is of vital importance that our students should be taught to listen effectively and critically. This essay focuses the metacognitive strategy in listening and an empirical study of the application of metacognitive strategy to primary listening teaching is made.
Effects of Teaching Strategies in Annotated Bibliography Writing
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tan-de Ramos, Jennifer
The study examines the effect of teaching strategies to improved writing of students in the tertiary level. Specifically, three teaching approaches--the use of modelling, grammar-based, and information element-focused--were tested on their effect on the writing of annotated bibliography in three research classes at a university in Manila.…
Adult Professional Development: Can Brain-Based Teaching Strategies Increase Learning Effectiveness?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tilton, Wendy
Brain-based teaching strategies, compared to facilitative student-centered teaching strategies, were employed with 62 real estate professionals in a quasi-mixed-methods study. Participants attended a 2-day proprietary real estate continuing education course. Both the experimental and control groups received the same facilitative instruction, as…
An Investigation of Teaching Strategy in the Distance Learning Mathematics Classroom
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
DePriter, Tiffany
Distance learning has become increasingly popular among higher learning institutions, and more academic disciplines, such as mathematics, are now being offered at a distance. This experimental study investigated whether an objectivist-based teaching strategy or a constructivist-based teaching strategy yields greater achievement scores for adult…
Students' Perceptions of Effective Teaching Strategies in a Developmental Writing Course
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dorsey, Carrie S.
This dissertation explores student perceptions of effective teaching strategies in a developmental writing course and their perspectives of how well the course prepared them for the freshman college composition course. Three research questions guided the study. Research Question 1 asked which teaching strategies developmental writing students…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Singh, Oma B.
This study used a design based-research (DBR) methodology to examine how an Instructional Systematic Design (ISD) process such as ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) can be employed to develop a web-based module to teach metacognitive learning strategies to students in higher education. The goal of the study was…
Creative classroom strategies for teaching nursing research.
Phillips, Regina Miecznikoski
Faculty are constantly challenged to find interesting classroom activities to teach nursing content and engage students in learning. Nursing students and graduates need to use research skills and evidence-based practice as part of their professional care. Finding creative and engaging ways to teach this material in undergraduate nursing programs are essential. This article outlines several successful strategies to engage nursing students in research content in the time and space constraints of the classroom.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hasan, Zahir T.
This research study examines teaching beliefs of English-language professors in Japan, how professors make sense of their beliefs, and how the beliefs influence their pedagogical strategies related to using technology and teaching with technology. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) research design was used. Six English-language…
A Model for Teaching Information Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pettersson, Rune
The author presents his views on the teaching of information design. The starting point includes some general aspects of teaching and learning. The multidisciplinary structure and content of information design as well as the combined practical and theoretical components influence studies of the discipline. Experiences from working with a model for…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Brown, Dave F.
Thirteen urban educators teaching from 1st through 12th grade selected from 7 cities across the United States were interviewed in this qualitative research study to determine if the classroom management strategies they use reflect the research on culturally responsive teaching. Participants revealed using several management strategies that reflect…
[Teaching performance assessment in Public Health employing three different strategies].
Martínez-González, Adrián; Moreno-Altamirano, Laura; Ponce-Rosas, Efrén Raúl; Martínez-Franco, Adrián Israel; Urrutia-Aguilar, María Esther
The educational system depends upon the quality and performance of their faculty and should therefore be process of continuous improvement. To assess the teaching performance of the Public Health professors, at the Faculty of Medicine, UNAM through three strategies. Justification study. The evaluation was conducted under a mediational model through three strategies: students' opinion assessment, self-assessment and students' academic achievement. We applied descriptive statistics, Student t test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation. Twenty professors were evaluated from the Public Health department, representing 57% of all them who teach the subject. The professor's performance was highly valued self-assessment compared with assessment of student opinion, was confirmed by statistical analysis the difference was significant. The difference amongst the three evaluation strategies became more evident between self-assessment and the scores obtained by students in their academic achievement. The integration of these three strategies offers a more complete view of the teacher's performance quality. Academic achievement appears to be a more objective strategy for teaching performance assessment than students' opinion and self-assessment.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Heal, Nicole A.; Hanley, Gregory P.
This study describes an unexpected behavioral process that influenced behavior during the teaching of concepts to a 4-year-old girl. The efficacy of and preference for three strategies that varied in teacher directedness were assessed in a multielement design and concurrent-chains arrangement, respectively. The strategy that involved the most…
Teaching Strategies of the van Dijk Curricular Approach.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
MacFarland, S. Z. C.
This article presents 14 major teaching strategies for implementing the Jan van Dijk curricular approach with children who are deaf-blind. The theory underlying the approach is reported, and guidelines for implementing instructional strategies in the areas of communication, socialization, conceptualization, and movement are discussed. (Author/DB)
Friedman, Audrey Jusko; Cosby, Roxanne; Boyko, Susan; Hatton-Bauer, Jane; Turnbull, Gale
The objective of this study was to determine effective teaching strategies and methods of delivery for patient education (PE). A systematic review was conducted and reviews with or without meta-analyses, which examined teaching strategies and methods of delivery for PE, were included. Teaching strategies identified are traditional lectures, discussions, simulated games, computer technology, written material, audiovisual sources, verbal recall, demonstration, and role playing. Methods of delivery focused on how to deliver the teaching strategies. Teaching strategies that increased knowledge, decreased anxiety, and increased satisfaction included computer technology, audio and videotapes, written materials, and demonstrations. Various teaching strategies used in combination were similarly successful. Moreover, structured-, culturally appropriate- and patient-specific teachings were found to be better than ad hoc teaching or generalized teaching. Findings provide guidance for establishing provincial standards for the delivery of PE. Recommendations concerning the efficacy of the teaching strategies and delivery methods are provided.
Teaching ESL Beginners Metacognitive Writing Strategies through Multimedia Software
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wei, Jing; Chen, Julian Chengchiang; Adawu, Anthony
This case study explores how strategy-based instruction (SBI), assisted by multimedia software, can be incorporated to teach beginning-level ESL learners metacognitive writing strategies. Two beginning-level adult learners participated in a 10-session SBI on planning and organizing strategies. The Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach…
Teaching strategies to incorporate genomics education into academic nursing curricula.
Quevedo Garcia, Sylvia P; Greco, Karen E; Loescher, Lois J
The translation of genomic science into health care has expanded our ability to understand the effects of genomics on human health and disease. As genomic advances continue, nurses are expected to have the knowledge and skills to translate genomic information into improved patient care. This integrative review describes strategies used to teach genomics in academic nursing programs and their facilitators and barriers to inclusion in nursing curricula. The Learning Engagement Model and the Diffusion of Innovations Theory guided the interpretation of findings. CINAHL, Medline, and Web of Science were resources for articles published during the past decade that included strategies for teaching genomics in academic nursing programs. Of 135 articles, 13 met criteria for review. Examples of effective genomics teaching strategies included clinical application through case studies, storytelling, online genomics resources, student self-assessment, guest lecturers, and a genetics focus group. Most strategies were not evaluated for effectiveness. Copyright 2011, SLACK Incorporated.
Improving text comprehension strategies in upper primary school children: a design experiment.
De Corte, E; Verschaffel, L; Van De Ven, A
With respect to the acquisition of competence in reading, new standards for primary education stress more than before the importance of learning and teaching cognitive and metacognitive strategies that facilitate text comprehension. Therefore, there is a need to design a research-based instructional approach to strategic reading comprehension. The design experiment aimed at developing, implementing and evaluating a research-based, but also practically applicable learning environment for enhancing skilled strategy use in upper primary school children when reading a text. Four text comprehension strategies (activating prior knowledge, clarifying difficult words, making a schematic representation of the text, and formulating the main idea) and a metacognitive strategy (regulating one's own reading process) were trained through a variety of highly interactive instructional techniques, namely modelling, whole class discussion, and small group work in the format of reciprocal teaching. Participants in the study were four experimental 5th grade classes (79 children) and eight comparable control classes (149 pupils). The effects of the learning environment were measured using a pretest-post-test-retention design. Multilevel hierarchical linear regression models were used to analyse the quantitative data of a Reading Strategy Test, a standardised Reading Comprehension Test, a Reading Attitude Scale, a Transfer Test and an interview about strategy use during reading. The data of the Reading Strategy Test, the Transfer Test and the interviews about strategy use showed that the experimental group out-performed the control group in terms of the strategy adoption and application during text reading. Whilst the experimental group also scored higher on the Reading Comprehension Test than the control group, the difference was not significant. This design experiment shows that it is possible to foster pupils' use and transfer of strategic reading comprehension skills in regular
Effective Teaching Strategies for Predicting Reading Growth in English Language Learners
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Melgarejo, Melina
The goal of the present study was to examine how effective use of teaching strategies predict reading growth among a sample of English Language Learners. The study specifically examined whether the types of teaching strategies that predict growth in decoding skills also predict growth in comprehension skills. The sample consisted of students in…
Language Revitalization and Language Pedagogy: New Teaching and Learning Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hinton, Leanne
Language learning and teaching of endangered languages have many features and needs that are quite different from the teaching of world languages. Groups whose languages are endangered try to turn language loss around; many new language teaching and learning strategies are emerging, to suit the special needs and goals of language revitalization.…
Utilizing the Design Charrette for Teaching Sustainability
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Walker, Jason B.; Seymour, Michael W.
Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the design charrette as a method for teaching sustainability. Design/methodology/approach: The paper utilizes a student-based design charrette for the Mississippi Gulf Coast comprising a framework for teaching sustainability. An assessment of the charrette's role in promoting sustainability in higher…
Strategies for Teaching Advertising: A Summary.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Flory, Joyce
This paper offers techniques and strategies which high school and college teachers of speech communication can use for teaching units and/or courses in advertising. One such technique is role playing, which can involve the corporate chairperson, the executive coordinator, and chairpersons for magazine advertising, outdoor advertising, broadcast…
Optimal teaching strategy in periodic impulsive knowledge dissemination system.
Liu, Dan-Qing; Wu, Zhen-Qiang; Wang, Yu-Xin; Guo, Qiang; Liu, Jian-Guo
Accurately describing the knowledge dissemination process is significant to enhance the performance of personalized education. In this study, considering the effect of periodic teaching activities on the learning process, we propose a periodic impulsive knowledge dissemination system to regenerate the knowledge dissemination process. Meanwhile, we put forward learning effectiveness which is an outcome of a trade-off between the benefits and costs raised by knowledge dissemination as objective function. Further, we investigate the optimal teaching strategy which can maximize learning effectiveness, to obtain the optimal effect of knowledge dissemination affected by the teaching activities. We solve this dynamic optimization problem by optimal control theory and get the optimization system. At last we numerically solve this system in several practical examples to make the conclusions intuitive and specific. The optimal teaching strategy proposed in this paper can be applied widely in the optimization problem of personal education and beneficial for enhancing the effect of knowledge dissemination.
Optimal teaching strategy in periodic impulsive knowledge dissemination system
Liu, Dan-Qing; Wu, Zhen-Qiang; Wang, Yu-Xin; Guo, Qiang
Accurately describing the knowledge dissemination process is significant to enhance the performance of personalized education. In this study, considering the effect of periodic teaching activities on the learning process, we propose a periodic impulsive knowledge dissemination system to regenerate the knowledge dissemination process. Meanwhile, we put forward learning effectiveness which is an outcome of a trade-off between the benefits and costs raised by knowledge dissemination as objective function. Further, we investigate the optimal teaching strategy which can maximize learning effectiveness, to obtain the optimal effect of knowledge dissemination affected by the teaching activities. We solve this dynamic optimization problem by optimal control theory and get the optimization system. At last we numerically solve this system in several practical examples to make the conclusions intuitive and specific. The optimal teaching strategy proposed in this paper can be applied widely in the optimization problem of personal education and beneficial for enhancing the effect of knowledge dissemination. PMID:28665961
Visual Form, Ethics, and a Typology of Purpose: Teaching Effective Information Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rosenquist, Christina
Stallworth Williams introduces concepts of visual rhetoric and ethics for a classroom exercise in the analysis and revision of a sales letter. This article revisits Stallworth Williams's proposed teaching strategies, suggesting that not only do students need to be instructed in elements of visual design, but they must also be taught to link those…
Precepting 101: Teaching Strategies and Tips for Success for Preceptors.
Lazarus, Judy
The current shortage of certified nurse-midwives and certified midwives willing to serve as preceptors for midwifery education programs limits the number of students accepted into education programs. Preceptors are an essential link between academic programs and clinical practice and are indispensable to the growth of the midwifery profession. Preceptors create a safe environment for learning and teach adult learners through a variety of clinical teaching strategies. Novice preceptors need training and support to learn a new role, and experienced preceptors desire continued support and training. Before starting, preceptors need to identify sources of support and mentoring as well as understand the academic program's expectations for the student. This article draws on the clinical education literature to describe approaches to teaching all types of students. Practical strategies for integrating all levels of students into busy clinical settings are identified. Two approaches for clinical teaching, the Five Minute Preceptor and SNAPPS, are discussed in detail. Strategies for providing effective feedback and approaches to student evaluation are provided. © 2016 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.
"Interactive Whole Class Teaching" in the National Literacy Strategy.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hardman, Frank; Smith, Fay; Wall, Kate
Presents findings of extensive investigation (n=70) into interactive and discourse styles of a nationally representative sample of primary teachers. Explores impact of official endorsement of interactive whole class teaching in the teaching of England's National Literacy Strategy to examine whether it is promoting pupils' higher interaction and…
Teaching strategies used by internal medicine residents on the wards.
Smith, Dustin T; Kohlwes, R Jeffrey
Residents serve as teachers to interns and students in most internal medicine residency programs. The purpose of our study is to explore what internal medicine residents perceive as effective teaching strategies in the inpatient setting and to formulate a guideline for preparing residents to lead their ward teams. Housestaff identified as excellent teaching residents were recruited from a large internal medicine residency program. Focus groups were formed and interviews were conducted using open-ended questions. Transcripts of the interviews were reviewed, analyzed, and compared for accuracy by two investigators. The transcripts were then coded to categorize data into similar subjects from which recurrent themes in resident teaching were identified. Twenty-two residents participated in four focus group interviews held in 2008. We identified five principal themes for effective teaching by residents: (T)aking advantage of teaching opportunities, (E)mpowering learners, (A)ssuming the role of leader, (C)reating a learning environment, and (H)abituating the practice of teaching. Strategies for effective teaching by residents exist. The TEACH mnemonic is a resident-identified method of instruction. Use of this tool could enable residency programs to create instructional curricula to prepare their residents and interns to take on the roles of team leaders and teachers.
Teaching Strategies for Twice-Exceptional Students.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Winebrenner, Susan
Suggestions for teaching students who are both gifted and learning disabled stresses providing them with compacting and differentiation in the areas of their strengths and direct instruction of learning strategies in their areas of weakness. The article also warns that the child's giftedness may go unnoticed and unaccommodated in favor of…
Heal, Nicole A; Hanley, Gregory P; Layer, Stacy A
The manner in which teachers mediate children's learning varies across early childhood classrooms. In this study, we used a multielement design to evaluate the efficacy of three commonly implemented strategies that varied in teacher directedness for teaching color- and object-name relations. Strategy 1 consisted of brief exposure to the target relations followed by an exclusively child-led play period in which correct responses were praised. Strategy 2 was similar except that teachers prompted the children to vocalize relations and corrected errors via model prompts. Strategy 3 incorporated the same procedures as Strategy 2 except that a brief period of teacher-initiated trials was arranged; these trials involved the use of prompt delay between questions and prompts, and correct responses resulted in tokens and back-up activity reinforcers. Children's preferences for the different teaching strategies were also directly assessed. Strategy 3 was most effective in promoting the acquisition and generalization of the color- and object-name relations and was also most preferred by the majority of children, Strategy 1 was the least effective, and Strategy 2 was typically the least preferred. Implications for the design of early educational environments based on evidence-based values are discussed.
McDonnell, J; McFarland, S
This study compared the relative efficiency of forward and concurrent chaining strategies in teaching the use of a commercial washing machine and laundry soap dispenser to four high school students with severe handicaps. Acquisition and maintenance of the laundromat skills were assessed through a multielement, alternating treatment within subject design. Results indicated that the concurrent chaining strategy was more efficient than forward chaining in facilitating acquisition of the activities. Four week and eight week follow-up probes indicated that concurrent chaining resulted in better maintenance of the activities. The implications of these results for teaching community activities and future research in building complex chains are discussed.
ASIT--A Problem Solving Strategy for Education and Eco-Friendly Sustainable Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Turner, Steve
There is growing recognition of the role teaching and learning experiences in technology education can contribute to Education for Sustainable Development. It appears, however, that in the Technology Education classroom little or no change has been achieved to the practice of designing and problem solving strategies oriented towards sustainable…
Effective clinical education: strategies for teaching medical students and residents in the office.
Cayley, William E
Educating medical students and residents in the office presents the challenges of providing quality medical care, maintaining efficiency, and incorporating meaningful education for learners. Numerous teaching strategies to address these challenges have been described in the medical educational literature, but only a few teaching strategies have been evaluated for their impact on education and office practice. Literature on the impact of office-based teaching strategies on educational outcomes and on office efficiency was selected from a Pub Med search, from review of references in retrieved articles, and from the author's personal files. Two teaching strategies, "one-minute preceptor" (OMP) and "SNAPPS," have been shown to improve educational processes and outcomes. Two additional strategies, "Aunt Minnie" pattern recognition and "activated demonstration," show promise but have not been fully evaluated. None of these strategies has been shown to improve office efficiency. OMP and SNAPPS are strategies that can be used in office precepting to improve educational processes and outcomes, while pattern recognition and activated demonstration show promise but need further assessment. Additional areas of research also are suggested.
Strategies Deans and Vice-Presidents Can Use to Enhance Teaching in Their Institutions.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bowker, Lee H.; Lynch, David M.
Four strategies that deans and vice-presidents can use to enhance teaching are suggested. The first strategy is to seek out and fund teaching support activities that are the state of the art in each discipline. The second is to reward professors for excellence in teaching more than for excellence in research. Third, administrators should develop…
Write Angles: Strategies for Teaching Composition.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tompkins, Gail E., Ed.; Goss, Claudette, Ed.
Written by teachers for teachers, this book, the first publication of the Oklahoma Writing Project, contains a collection of articles which describe successful strategies and activities for teaching composition. The articles, which deal with a variety of topics, listed with their authors, are as follows: (1) The Writing Process (Gail E. Tompkins…
[Influence of learning styles of nursing students on teaching strategies choice].
Vacas Pérez, Juan Crisostomo; Mérida Serrano, Rosario; Molina Recio, Guillermo; Mesa Blanco, María del Pilar
The objective of this research focuses on the framework of teaching strategies, by acknowledging learning styles as first determination and, in relation to the changes that these are going through, identifying the teaching strategies best rated and preferred by the students. This is a prospective open cohort study with the students of Nursing Diploma 2007/2010 of the Universidad de Córdoba. Once the population was identified in the first year (first analysis), annual measurings were undertaken every year during their training. In order to study the learning styles, the questionnaire CHAEA was administered and a scale from 1 to 10 (1 = highest, 10 = lowest) was used to determine the preferences for learning strategies. The results show the variability of the learner (up to 11 styles). However, the dominant style is the reflective, followed by the theoretical and the pragmatic. The least developed was the active style. As the years of training go by, a tendency towards a dual style (reflective-theoretical) can be observed. In relation to teaching strategies, the preferred ones were those set in professional areas, workshops and debates. Relevant changes were also seen as they advanced in their training. The results establish a specific significant relationship between learning styles and teaching strategies.
In-Service EFL Teachers' Beliefs about Teaching Reading Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bamanger, Ebrahim M.; Gashan, Amani K.
Recent trends in teacher education have focused on exploring teachers' beliefs. Earlier studies have shown the important influence of teachers' beliefs on teaching practices. The present study was conducted to explore the beliefs of Saudi EFL teachers about the significance of teaching English reading strategies. The study aimed also to find the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Pittsburgh, PA.
Designed for grades K-4, this manual contains suggested teaching strategies for infusing consumer education into the academic areas of art, language arts, mathematics, science/health, and social studies. Each of the twenty to thirty learning activities provided for each of the academic areas is based on competencies related to one of four…
Stressing Design in Electronics Teaching
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cuthbert, L. G.
Advocates a strong emphasis on the teaching of the design of electronic circuits in undergraduate courses. An instructional paradigm involving the design and construction of a single-transistor amplifier is provided. (CP)
Twenty-seven Strategies for Teaching Contraception to Adolescents.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chesler, Joan
Research on the effects of education on adolescents' contraceptive behaviors is summarized and 27 teaching strategies, each related to a particular contraceptive problem adolescents encounter, are outlined. (JMF)
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Burns, Matthew K.; Maki, Kathrin E.; Karich, Abbey C.; Coolong-Chaffin, Melissa
The current study used a multiple-baseline design to examine the effect of providing performance feedback on comprehension strategy use and reading comprehension. The participants were four seventh grade students with comprehension difficulties. The students were taught the reciprocal teaching comprehension strategies of generating questions,…
Computer Strategies for Teaching Revision: It May Be Convenient, but It's Not Easy.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Strickland, James
Word processing does not, in itself, teach revision. Students with incomplete revision strategies will not begin revising at a higher level simply by using a word processor. New computer strategies for teaching revision are needed--revision strategies that use the computer to reorganize, elaborate, and strengthen what has already been written. For…
Congruency between educators' teaching beliefs and an electronic health record teaching strategy.
Bani-issa, Wegdan; Rempusheski, Veronica F
Technology has changed healthcare institutions into automated settings with the potential to greatly enhance the quality of healthcare. Implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) to replace paper charting is one example of the influence of technology on healthcare worldwide. In the past decade nursing higher education has attempted to keep pace with technological changes by integrating EHRs into learning experiences. Little is known about educators' teaching beliefs and the use of EHRs as a teaching strategy. This study explores the composition of core teaching beliefs of nurse educators and their related teaching practices within the context of teaching with EHRs in the classroom. A collective case study and qualitative research approach was used to explore and describe teaching beliefs of seven nurse educators teaching with EHRs. Data collection included open-ended, audio-taped interviews and non-participant observation. Content analysis of transcribed interviews and observational field notes focused on identification of teaching belief themes and associated practices. Two contrasting collective case studies of teaching beliefs emerged. Constructivist beliefs were dominant, focused on experiential, student-centered, contextual and collaborative learning, and associated with expanded and a futuristic view of EHRs use. Objectivist beliefs focused on educators' control of the context of learning and were associated with a constrained, limited view of EHRs. Constructivist educators embrace technological change, an essential ingredient of educational reform. We encourage nurse educators to adopt a constructivist view to using technology in teaching in order to prepare nurses for a rapidly changing, technologically sophisticated practice. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Donche, Vincent; De Maeyer, Sven; Coertjens, Liesje; Van Daal, Tine; Van Petegem, Peter
Although the evidence in support of the variability of students' learning strategies has expanded in recent years, less is known about the explanatory base of these individual differences in terms of the joint influences of personal and contextual characteristics. Previous studies have often investigated how student learning is associated with either personal or contextual factors. This study takes an integrative research perspective into account and examines the joint effects of personality, academic motivation, and teaching strategies on students' learning strategies in a same educational context in first-year higher education. In this study, 1,126 undergraduate students and 90 lecturers from eight professional bachelor programmes in a university college participated. Self-report measures were used to measure students' personality, academic motivation, and learning strategies. Students' processing and regulation strategies are mapped using the Inventory of Learning Styles. Key characteristics of more content-focused versus learning-focused teaching strategies were measured. Multivariate multi-level analysis was used to take the nested data structure and interrelatedness of learning strategies into account. Different personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism) and academic motivation (amotivation, autonomous, and controlled motivation) were found to be independently associated with student learning strategies. Besides these student characteristics, also teaching strategies were found to be directly associated with learning strategies. The study makes clear that the impact of teaching strategies on learning strategies in first-year higher education cannot be overlooked nor overinterpreted, due to the importance of students' personality and academic motivation which also partly explain why students learn the way they do. © 2013 The British Psychological Society.
Learning and adherence to baby massage after two teaching strategies.
Cruz, Cláudia Marchetti; Caromano, Fátima Aparecida; Gonçalves, Lia Lopes; Machado, Thais Gaiad; Voos, Mariana Callil
Little is known about learning/adherence after different baby massage teaching strategies. We compared the learning/adherence after two strategies. Twenty mothers from the group manual-course (GMC) and 20 from the group manual-orientations (GMO) received a booklet. GMC participated in a course during the third trimester. GMO received verbal instructions during the postpartum hospital stay. Multiple-choice and practical tests assessed learning (GMC: performing strokes on a doll; GMO: on the baby). Adherence was measured 3 months after childbirth. No differences were found between the groups in learning/adherence. Both teaching strategies showed similar and positive results. © 2014, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rahmanpour, Muhammad; Ahmadi, Mojtaba; Hatami, Mostafa; Mirzaee, Hamzeh
The present study seeks to evaluate executive strategies in graduate Curriculum of Isfahan University from the point of view of management and teaching-learning strategies. This study is an applied survey. The population comprised BA students and faculty members of the University of Isfahan. In order to do so, 141 professors and 278 students were…
Effective Poster Teaching Strategy Towards Risk in Studying Fraud
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Aziz, Rozainun Haji Abdul; Jusoff, Kamaruzaman
The aim of this paper is to present an alternative method and strategy in teaching and learning for the higher institution of learning. Poster presentation is an approach to introduce and deliver a lecture to create a different mood enticed by the visuals given. This poster presents a new approach of creativity as a method of teaching and learning…
The Lecture: A Teaching Strategy through the Looking Glass
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Perrin, Ronald William; Laing, Gregory Kenneth
This paper explores the viability of the lecture as a teaching strategy for large groups in light of the various elements that influence the choice of method for teaching large groups. The method employed in this paper draws on the Brunswick Lens Model and Foucauldian discourse to evaluate the dominant pedagogical perspective of the past to…
Structured Strategy for Implementation of the Teaching Portfolio Concept in Japan
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kurita, Kayoko
This paper describes a strategy for successfully implementing the teaching portfolio in higher education institutions in Japan. The teaching portfolio has gained recognition in Japan in the last few years as an effective instrument for improving and showcasing teaching performance. It is well known that the implementation process is very important…
Digital Hardware Design Teaching: An Alternative Approach
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Benkrid, Khaled; Clayton, Thomas
This article presents the design and implementation of a complete review of undergraduate digital hardware design teaching in the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. Four guiding principles have been used in this exercise: learning-outcome driven teaching, deep learning, affordability, and flexibility. This has identified…
The effect of constructivist teaching strategies on science test scores of middle school students
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vaca, James L., Jr.
International studies show that the United States is lagging behind other industrialized countries in science proficiency. The studies revealed how American students showed little significant gain on standardized tests in science between 1995 and 2005. Little information is available regarding how reform in American teaching strategies in science could improve student performance on standardized testing. The purpose of this quasi-experimental quantitative study using a pretest/posttest control group design was to examine how the use of a hands-on, constructivist teaching approach with low achieving eighth grade science students affected student achievement on the 2007 Ohio Eighth Grade Science Achievement Test posttest (N = 76). The research question asked how using constructivist teaching strategies in the science classroom affected student performance on standardized tests. Two independent samples of 38 students each consisting of low achieving science students as identified by seventh grade science scores and scores on the Ohio Eighth Grade Science Half-Length Practice Test pretest were used. Four comparisons were made between the control group receiving traditional classroom instruction and the experimental group receiving constructivist instruction including: (a) pretest/posttest standard comparison, (b) comparison of the number of students who passed the posttest, (c) comparison of the six standards covered on the posttest, (d) posttest's sample means comparison. A Mann-Whitney U Test revealed that there was no significant difference between the independent sample distributions for the control group and the experimental group. These findings contribute to positive social change by investigating science teaching strategies that could be used in eighth grade science classes to improve student achievement in science.
Loría-Castellanos, Jorge; Rivera-lbarra, Doris Beatriz; Márquez-Avila, Guadalupe
Compare the outreach of a promotional educational strategy that focuses on active participation and compare it with a more traditional approach to medical training. A quasi-experimental design was approved by the research committee. We compared the outreach of two different approaches to medical training. We administered a validated instrument that included 72 items that analyze statements used to measure educational tasks in the form of duplets through 3 indicators. A group that included seven physicians that were actively participating in teaching activities was stratified according to teaching approaches. One of the approaches was a traditional one and the other included a promotional strategy aimed at increasing participation. All participants signed informed consent before answering the research instruments. Statistical analysis was done using non-parametric tests. Mann-Whitney results did not show differences among the group in the preliminary analysis. A second analysis with the same test after the interventions found significant differences (p d" 0.018) in favor of those subjects that had participated in the promotional approach mainly in the indicator measuring "consequence". The Wilcoxon test showed that all participants in the promotional approach increased significantly (pd" 0.018) in 3 main indicators as compared with the control group. A promotional strategy aimed at increasing physician participation constitutes a more profitable approach when compared with traditional teaching methods.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Morse, M. Lynn
This article concerns the use of an historical event to teach interdisciplinary design and reading strategies to content area preservice teachers at a Connecticut state university. The course, a requirement for state certification, seeks to give secondary content area teachers strategies to help struggling readers. Teachers from all subject areas…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Yang, Dazhi
Background: Teaching online is a different experience from that of teaching in a face-to-face setting. Knowledge and skills developed for teaching face-to-face classes are not adequate preparation for teaching online. It is even more challenging to teach science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) courses completely online because these…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
An, Song A.; Tillman, Daniel A.; Paez, Carlos R.
This study investigated the effects upon elementary preservice teachers' mathematics teaching self-efficacy and interdisciplinary lesson design strategies, which resulted from an educational intervention that emphasized integrated music-mathematics instruction. The participating elementary preservice teachers (n = 152) were recruited for this…
Teaching Strategies: For Some or for All?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Florian, Lani
This article is based on a keynote address to the Learning for All Enhancing Effective Practice in Special Education School-led Symposia, Palmerston North, Christchurch, Napier and Auckland, New Zealand, June 2006. It considers "special education" teaching strategies, and the extent to which they overlap with "mainstream…
Teaching about Domestic Violence: Strategies for Empowerment.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gardner, Saundra
Offers the author's experiences in teaching a college-level domestic violence sociology course, presenting specific strategies and a description of the syllabus. The course presents a feminist analysis of domestic violence and examines how the patriarchal structure and ideology of society create and perpetuate violence. (SLD)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Spitulnik, Michele Wisnudel
Science education reforms advocate inquiry as a way to build explanations and make informed decisions. Based on this call this dissertation (1) defines flexible scientific understanding by elaborating on content, inquiry and epistemic understandings; (2) describes an inquiry based unit that integrates dynamic modeling software; (3) examines students' understandings as they construct models; and (4) identifies instructional strategies that support inquiry and model building. A curriculum unit was designed to engage students in inquiry by identifying problems and constructing models to represent, explain and predict phenomena. Ninth grade students in a public mid-western high school worked in teams of 2-3 to ask questions, find information and reflect on the purposes of models. Data sources including classroom video, observations, interviews, student models and handouts were used to formulate cases that examine how two groups construct understanding. A teacher case study identifies the teaching strategies that support understanding. Categories within content, inquiry and epistemic understandings were used to analyze student understandings and teaching supports. The findings demonstrate that students can build flexible understanding by constructing models. Students built: (1) content understanding by identifying key ideas and building relationships and explanations of phenomena; (2) inquiry understanding by defining problems, constructing models and developing positions; and (3) epistemic understanding by describing the purposes of models as generalizing phenomena, testing hypotheses and making predictions. However, students demonstrated difficulty in using evidence to defend scientific arguments. Strategies that support flexible understanding were also identified. Content supports include: setting expectations for explanations; using examples to illustrate explanations; modeling questions; and providing feedback that prompts detailed explanations. Supports for
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gunarhadi; Kassim, Mustapa; Shaari, Abdull Sukor
Purpose: This research was aimed at showing the impact of a teaching strategy called the Quantum Teaching Strategy on students' academic achievements in two school subjects, namely in Bahasa Indonesia and Science, in comparison to that experienced through classes using a conventional teaching strategy. This research also examined the role of…
Strategies Making Language Features Noticeable in English Language Teaching
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Seong, Myeong-Hee
The purpose of this study is to suggest effective strategies for the development of communicative ability in ELT (English Language Teaching) by investigating learners' perceptions on strategies making language features more noticeable. The assumption in the study is based on the idea of output-oriented focus on form instruction, supporting…
Teaching to Teach (with) Game Design: Game Design and Learning Workshops for Preservice Teachers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Akcaoglu, Mete; Kale, Ugur
Engagement in game design tasks can help preservice teachers develop pedagogical and technical skills for teaching and promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Through the design process, preservice teachers not only exercise critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, but also learn about an instructional method to support their…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shadiev, Rustam; Hwang, Wu-Yuin; Yeh, Shih-Ching; Yang, Stephen J. H.; Wang, Jing-Liang; Han, Lin; Hsu, Guo-Liang
This study aimed to investigate an effectiveness of unidirectional and reciprocal teaching strategies on programming learning supported by web-based learning system (VPen); particularly, how differently effective these two teaching strategies would work. In this study novice programmers were exposed to three different conditions: 1) applying no…
Enabling a Comprehensive Teaching Strategy: Video Lectures
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Brecht, H. David; Ogilby, Suzanne M.
This study empirically tests the feasibility and effectiveness of video lectures as a form of video instruction that enables a comprehensive teaching strategy used throughout a traditional classroom course. It examines student use patterns and the videos' effects on student learning, using qualitative and nonparametric statistical analyses of…
Teaching Data Base Search Strategies.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hannah, Larry
Discusses database searching as a method for developing thinking skills, and describes an activity suitable for fifth grade through high school using a president's and vice president's database. Teaching methods are presented, including student team activities, and worksheets designed for the AppleWorks database are included. (LRW)
Van Lacum, Edwin B; Ossevoort, Miriam A; Goedhart, Martin J
The aim of this study is to evaluate a teaching strategy designed to teach first-year undergraduate life sciences students at a research university how to learn to read authentic research articles. Our approach-based on the work done in the field of genre analysis and argumentation theory-means that we teach students to read research articles by teaching them which rhetorical moves occur in research articles and how they can identify these. Because research articles are persuasive by their very nature, we focused on the rhetorical moves that play an important role in authors' arguments. We designed a teaching strategy using cognitive apprenticeship as the pedagogical approach. It was implemented in a first-year compulsory course in the life sciences undergraduate program. Comparison of the results of a pretest with those of the posttest showed that students' ability to identify these moves had improved. Moreover, students themselves had also perceived that their ability to read and understand a research article had increased. The students' evaluations demonstrated that they appreciated the pedagogical approach used and experienced the assignments as useful. On the basis of our results, we concluded that students had taken a first step toward becoming expert readers. © 2014 E. B. Van Lacum et al. CBE—Life Sciences Education © 2014 The American Society for Cell Biology. This article is distributed by The American Society for Cell Biology under license from the author(s). It is available to the public under an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported Creative Commons License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0).
Effectiveness of using blended learning strategies for teaching and learning human anatomy.
Pereira, José A; Pleguezuelos, Eulogio; Merí, Alex; Molina-Ros, Antoni; Molina-Tomás, M Carmen; Masdeu, Carlos
This study aimed to implement innovative teaching methods--blended learning strategies--that include the use of new information technologies in the teaching of human anatomy and to analyse both the impact of these strategies on academic performance, and the degree of user satisfaction. The study was carried out among students in Year 1 of the biology degree curriculum (human biology profile) at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. Two groups of students were tested on knowledge of the anatomy of the locomotor system and results compared between groups. Blended learning strategies were employed in 1 group (BL group, n = 69); the other (TT group; n = 65) received traditional teaching aided by complementary material that could be accessed on the Internet. Both groups were evaluated using the same types of examination. The average marks presented statistically significant differences (BL 6.3 versus TT 5.0; P < 0.0001). The percentage pass rate for the subject in the first call was higher in the BL group (87.9% versus 71.4%; P = 0.02), reflecting a lower incidence of students who failed to sit the examination (BL 4.3% versus TT 13.8%; P = 0.05). There were no differences regarding overall satisfaction with the teaching received. Blended learning was more effective than traditional teaching for teaching human anatomy.
The Popcorn Book: A Diagnostic Teaching Unit.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bock, Marjorie A.; Barger, Rita.
Presents a diagnostic teaching unit designed to identify effective teaching strategies for fourth- or fifth-grade students with learning or behavior disorders. The unit uses "The Popcorn Book" (de Paola) for activities to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching strategies across the content areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. (CR)
Violence and the Media: Teaching Strategies and a Rationale.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gathercoal, Paul
This paper suggests teaching strategies for grades 4 through 12 that examine the commercial media and their messages as agenda setters, i.e., as mechanisms for selecting social issues, establishing their importance, and defining socially acceptable attitudes and responses to those issues. The strategies also explore how the media can create biased…
Strategies for teaching nursing research online.
Moore, P; Hart, L
Nursing, like many disciplines in university settings, is experiencing increasing demand for online courses. Development and implementation of online courses with the quality of education nursing students experience in traditional classroom settings, is essential to maintaining integrity of the educational process. Nursing research has been offered in the online format in the RN-BSN programme for 2 years. This course has an average enrolment of 80 to 90 students each semester. This article presents strategies used in teaching an RN-BSN nursing research course online. Feedback from faculty and students indicates that these strategies have been successful in facilitating this writing intensive course through distance learning.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Campos, Milton
This paper aims to identify and to understand the role of the logical, the affective and the ethical dimensions of knowledge in the online interactions of post-secondary teachers and students. By understanding how these dimensions are interwoven, I intend to demonstrate that the instructor?s course design and teaching strategies must take them…
Conversations: Strategies for Teaching, Learning, and Evaluating.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Routman, Regie
Continuing the conversation began in the book "Invitations," this book further explores the full universe of an effective language arts and literacy program across the curriculum. Filled with an array of field-tested teaching ideas, detailed strategies, reviews of theory, teacher-crafted lessons, and lists of annotated resources, the book presents…
Innovative Strategies for Teaching Anatomy and Physiology.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ritt, Laura; Stewart, Barbara
Describes the development of new teaching strategies in an anatomy and physiology laboratory at Burlington County College (New Jersey) based on laser disc technology, computers with multimedia capabilities, and appropriate software. Lab activities are described and results of a survey of former students are reported, including a comparison of lab…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ozkaya, Ali Riza; Uce, Musa; Saricayir, Hakan; Sahin, Musa
The results of previous educational research raise some questions about the efficacy of conventional teaching strategies and point to a need for using teaching strategies that explicitly take into account misconceptions students bring to the classes or acquire during the teaching-learning process. Accordingly, this article presents efforts to…
Langabeer, J
As the healthcare marketplace, characterized by declining revenues and heavy price competition, continues to evolve toward managed care, teaching hospitals are being forced to act more like traditional industrial organizations. Profit-oriented behavior, including emphases on market strategies and competitive advantage, is now a necessity if these hospitals are going to survive the transition to managed care. To help teaching hospitals evaluate strategic options that maximize financial effectiveness, this study examined the financial and operating data for 100 major U.S. teaching hospitals to determine relationships among competitive strategy, market environment, and financial return on invested capital. Results should help major hospitals formulate more effective strategies to combat environmental turbulence.
What does an innovative teaching assignment strategy mean to nursing students?
Neuman, Lois H; Pardue, Karen T; Grady, Janet L; Gray, Mary Tod; Hobbins, Bonnie; Edelstein, Jan; Herrman, Judith W
The concept of innovation in nursing education has been addressed in published literature on faculty-defined and faculty-created teaching strategies and instructional methods. In this project, innovation is defined as "using knowledge to create ways and services that are new (or perceived as new) in order to transform systems" (Pardue, Tagliareni, Valiga, Davison-Price, & Orchowsky, 2005). Studies on nursing student perceptions of innovation are limited, and it is unclear how undergraduate and graduate students conceptualize innovative learning experiences. This project explored students' perceptions of their experiences with instructor-defined, innovative teaching/learning strategies in four types of nursing education programs. Issues nurse educators should consider as they apply new techniques to their teaching are discussed.
Teaching as Designing: Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for Adaptive Teaching
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jordan, Michelle E.
This conceptual article explores teaching as design work, arguing that a critical thing teachers do is design systems that enable their students to learn. Designing occurs when teachers generate new learning activities or modify curricular programs to create coherence for themselves and their students. Nonetheless, few teacher education programs…
Understanding L2 French Teaching Strategies in a Non-Target Language Classroom Context
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sun, Peijian; Yuan, Rui; Teng, Lin
This research explored the congruence and disparity between teachers' and students' attitudes towards French as a second language (L2) teaching strategies in a non-target language classroom context in the USA. The findings suggest students' and teachers' attitudes towards the direct and indirect teaching strategies were generally consistent, but…
Conceptual change strategies in teaching genetics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Batzli, Laura Elizabeth
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of utilizing conceptual change strategies when teaching high school genetics. The study examined the effects of structuring instruction to provide students with cognitive situations which promote conceptual change, specifically instruction was structured to elicit students' prior knowledge. The goal of the study was that the students would not only be able to solve genetics problems and define basic terminology but they would also have constructed more scientific schemas of the actual processes involved in inheritance. This study is based on the constructivist theory of learning and conceptual change research which suggest that students are actively involved in the process of relating new information to prior knowledge as they construct new knowledge. Two sections of biology II classes received inquiry based instruction and participated in structured cooperative learning groups. However, the unique difference in the treatment group's instruction was the use of structured thought time and the resulting social interaction between the students. The treatment group students' instructional design allowed students to socially construct their cognitive knowledge after elicitation of their prior knowledge. In contrast, the instructional design for the control group students allowed them to socially construct their cognitive knowledge of genetics without the individually structured thought time. The results indicated that the conceptual change strategies with individually structured thought time improved the students' scientific mastery of genetics concepts and they maintained fewer post instructional alternative conceptions. Although all students gained the ability to correctly solve genetics problems, the treatment group students were able to explain the processes involved in terms of meiosis. The treatment group students were also able to better apply their knowledge to novel genetic situations. The implications
Instructional Design: System Strategies.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ledford, Bruce R.; Sleeman, Phillip J.
This book is intended as a source for those who desire to apply a coherent system of instructional design, thereby insuring accountability. Chapter 1 covers the instructional design process, including: instructional technology; the role of evaluation; goal setting; the psychology of teaching and learning; task analysis; operational objectives;…
Teaching strategies for assessing and managing urinary incontinence in older adults.
Bradway, Christine; Cacchione, Pamela
Urinary incontinence is common and affects many aspects of older adults' lives; therefore, it is essential that nursing faculty include this content in classroom and clinical teaching situations. This article describes innovative strategies for teaching upper-level nursing students (e.g., junior and senior undergraduates) about urinary incontinence in older adults, specifically, the relevant anatomy and physiology of continence and associated pathophysiology of urinary incontinence, risk factors and consequences, definitions and types, and effective nursing assessment and management strategies. Copyright 2010, SLACK Incorporated.
Teaching Strategies in Introductory Sociology for College Students with Learning Disabilities.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Adams, Murray C.; Crews, W. Bee
Focuses on teaching techniques proven effective in reaching learning-disabled students enrolled in introductory sociology courses. Examines the definition and characteristics of such students. Finds these techniques increase teaching effectiveness and are useful for handicapped and nonhandicapped students. Suggests specific strategies and…
From Attitudes to Practice: Utilising Inclusive Teaching Strategies in Kenyan Primary Schools
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Elder, Brent C.; Damiani, Michelle L.; Oswago, Benson O.
The purpose of this paper is to provide evidence of Kenyan primary school teachers using inclusive teaching strategies in a rural setting with many known barriers to the development of a sustainable inclusive education system. This qualitative study examines teachers' uses of inclusive teaching strategies in primary schools following a series of…
The implementation of equitable teaching strategies by high school biology student teachers
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Scantlebury, Kate; Butler Kahle, Jane
Teachers can perpetuate stereotypic cultural beliefs regarding girls' ability in, aptitude for, and suitability for science by their teaching practices and behaviors. As teachers have a major influence on girls' career choices their equitable teaching practices in the classroom are important to encourage all students, but especially girls, to continue with science. Researchers have studied science classrooms and have defined common strategies and practices that can help create an equitable classroom environment. The purpose of this study was to determine if high school biology student teachers could transfer learned equitable teaching strategies to actual teaching and the support conditions necessary for that transfer. Two support conditions were assessed: cooperating teacher and peer group support. Seven preservice teachers were placed into three groups. One group had both support conditions, the second group had only one condition (peer support), and the third group did not have either support condition. Both qualitative and quantitative data sources were collected. Results showed that preservice teachers could transfer learned equitable teaching into actual teaching practice. However, they were more successful in achieving the transfer if they were supervised by cooperating teachers who are sensitized to the issue of gender equity in education. Being involved in a peer support group was not as crucial to using the strategies as having a supportive cooperative teacher.
Using Constructivist Teaching Strategies to Enhance Academic Outcomes of Students with Special Needs
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Akpan, Joseph P.; Beard, Lawrence A.
Over the past decades many teaching strategies have been proposed by various educators to improve education of all students including students with special needs. No single one of these proposed teaching strategies meets the needs of all students. The new Every Student Succeeds Act, successor to No Child Left behind Law, which transfers oversight…
Teaching biomedical design through a university-industry partnership.
Khuon, Lunal; Zum, Karl R; Zurn, Jane B; Herrera, Gerald M
This paper describes a course that, as a result of a university-industry partnership, emphasizes bringing industry experts into the classroom to teach biomedical design. Full-time faculty and industry engineers and entrepreneurs teach the senior technical elective course, Biomedical System Design. This hands-on senior course in biomedical system design places varied but connected emphasis on understanding the biological signal source, electronics design, safety, patient use, medical device qualifications, and good manufacturing practices.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
King-Sears, Margaret E.; Johnson, Todd M.; Berkeley, Sheri; Weiss, Margaret P.; Peters-Burton, Erin E.; Evmenova, Anya S.; Menditto, Anna; Hursh, Jennifer C.
In this exploratory study, students in four co-taught high school chemistry classes were randomly assigned to a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) treatment or a comparison condition. Each co-teaching team taught one comparison and treatment class. UDL principles were operationalized for treatment: (a) a self-management strategy (using a…
The Exploration of Green Architecture Design Integration Teaching Mode
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shuang, Liang; Yibin, Han
With the deepening of the concept of green building design, the course of university education gradually exposed many problems in the teaching of architectural design theory; based on the existing mode of teaching and combined with the needs of architectural design practice it proposed the "integrated" method of green building design. It…
Student-Teachers' Strategies in Classroom Interaction in the Context of the Teaching Practicum
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Heikonen, Lauri; Toom, Auli; Pyhältö, Kirsi; Pietarinen, Janne; Soini, Tiina
Strategies student-teachers employ in classroom interaction with pupils during teaching practice periods are surprisingly understudied, considering that the teaching practicum provides a central arena for student-teachers learning to become teachers. This study investigates the primary strategies student-teachers utilised in classroom interaction…
Valiee, Sina; Moridi, Glorokh; Khaledi, Shahnaz; Garibi, Fardin
An important factor contributing to the quality of clinical education is instructors' teaching performance. The aim of this study was to identify clinical instructors' most effective teaching strategies from nursing and midwifery students' perspectives. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. All third- and fourth-year bachelor's nursing and midwifery students studying at the Nursing and Midwifery Faculty of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences were recruited to the study by using the census method. The study instrument consisted of a demographic questionnaire and the self-report 30-item Clinical Instructors' Effective Teaching Strategies Inventory. The SPSS v.16.0 was used for data analysis. The most effective teaching strategies of clinical instructors from nursing and midwifery students' perspectives were respectively 'treating students, clients, and colleagues with respect' and 'being eager for guiding students and manage their problems'. Clinical instructors need to be eager for education and also be able to establish effective communication with students. Empowering clinical instructors in specialized and technical aspects of clinical education seems necessary. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Teaching with Distance Delivery Systems: Strategies from Alpha to Omega.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rezabek, Landra L.
Distance education can assume many forms, including videotaped lectures, computer-mediated communication among teacher and student, and instantaneous, live two-way interaction. This paper focuses on tips and strategies for educators wishing to expand their teaching repertoires to include the use of these technologies. Teacher strategies listed…
None of the Above: Strategies for Inclusive Teaching with "Representative" Data
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nowakowski, Alexandra C. H.; Sumerau, J. E.; Mathers, Lain A. B.
This conversation explores emerging debates concerning teaching to and about marginalized populations often left out of "representative" data sets. Based on our experiences studying, teaching, and belonging to some of these unrepresented populations, we outline some strategies sociologists may use to transform the limitations of data…
Levey, Janet A
Nurse educators might be unknowingly excluding learners secondary to teaching practices. Universal design for instruction (UDI) prepares and delivers accessible content and learning environments for diverse learners; however, it is not well known in nursing education. The aim of the study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Inclusive Teaching Strategies in Nursing Education (ITSinNE) 55-item instrument. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed on a sample of 311 educators in prelicensure programs. The ITSinNE scales had good to adequate estimates of reliability. The exogenous model fit the sample and model-implied covariance matrix; however, the endogenous model was not a good fit. Further instrument development is required. Measuring factors influencing nurse educators' willingness to adopt UDI will enable intervention research to enhance professional development fostering content and environmental access for all learners.
The Impact of Teaching Communication Strategies on English Speaking of Engineering Undergraduates
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kongsom, Tiwaporn
This study investigates the impact of teaching communication strategies on Thai engineering undergraduate students' communication strategy use and strategic competence. Fifty-seven engineering undergraduate students were taught ten communication strategies for ten weeks and responded to a self-report communication strategy questionnaire before and…
Health Education Teaching Ideas: Secondary. Revised Edition.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Loya, Richard, Ed.; Bensley, Loren B., Jr., Ed.
Part I of this teaching guide contains teaching strategies which originally appeared in the "Journal of Health Education" (JHE) and were included in the first edition of this guide, published in 1983. Part II includes teaching strategies published in JHE since 1983. The guide is designed to be a reference for those seeking workable ideas in…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Scheid, Karen
This report is intended to provide publishers and product developers with a summary of background information about strategy instruction for disabled learners. It also offers suggestions for how media and materials could be produced and designed to facilitate the teaching and learning of strategies. The first section looks at cognitive and…
Efficacy of ACA strategies in biography-driven science teaching: an investigation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
MacDonald, Grizelda L.; Miller, Stuart S.; Murry, Kevin; Herrera, Socorro; Spears, Jacqueline D.
This study explored the biography-driven approach to teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students in science education. Biography-driven instruction (BDI) embraces student diversity by incorporating students' sociocultural, linguistic, cognitive, and academic dimensions of their biographies into the learning process (Herrera in Biography-driven culturally responsive teaching. Teachers College Press, New York, 2010). Strategies have been developed (Herrera, Kavimandan and Holmes in Crossing the vocabulary bridge: differentiated strategies for diverse secondary classrooms. Teachers College Press, New York, 2011) that provide teachers with instructional routines that facilitate BDI. Using systematic classroom observations we empirically demonstrate that these activate, connect, affirm, strategies are likely to be effective in increasing teachers' biography-driven practices. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
Evaluating the effect of three teaching strategies on student nurses' moral sensitivity.
Lee, Hsiao Lu; Huang, Shu-He; Huang, Chiu-Mieh
The Taiwan Nursing Accreditation Council has proposed eight core professional nursing qualities including ethical literacy. Consequently, nursing ethics education is a required course for student nurses. These courses are intended to improve the ethical literacy. Moral sensitivity is the cornerstone of ethical literacy, and learning moral sensitivity is the initial step towards developing ethical literacy. To explore the effect of nursing ethics educational interventions based on multiple teaching strategies on student nurses moral sensitivity. Based on the visual, auditory and kinaesthetic model, three strategies were developed for determining the programme components and corresponding learning styles. This was a quasi-experimental study. A total of 234 junior-college student nurses participated in this study. All participants were aged 18-19 years. Ethical considerations: The study protocol was approved by the institutional review boards of Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital. Only the participants who signed an informed consent form took part in the study. The participants were permitted to withdraw from the study at any point if they wished to do so without affecting their academic score. The scores of Modified Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire for Student Nurses were significantly improved after the intervention of integrating multiple teaching strategies ( p = .042). Significant relationships were observed between the satisfaction scores of two teaching strategies and moral sensitivity. The results indicated that using multiple teaching strategies is effective for promoting nursing ethics learning. This strategy was consistent with the student nurses' preferred learning style and was used to correct their erroneous ethical conceptions, assisting in developing their ethical knowledge.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Raines, Roy H.
A random sample (n=25) of full-time faculty at Manatee Junior College (Florida) were surveyed by open-ended questionnaire to determine what instructional techniques were being used and to ascertain if the faculty had acquired minimal training in teaching methods and learning theories. A total of 16 different teaching strategies were identified. Of…
Effective Teaching-Learning Strategies for the Omaha System.
Radhakrishnan, Kavita; Martin, Karen S; Johnson, Karen E; Garcia, Alexandra A
Home healthcare clinicians can benefit from the use of interprofessional standardized terminologies to more efficiently document and assess patient problems, describe and present clinician interventions, and measure the outcomes of care. The Omaha System is a research-based, comprehensive standardized terminology that can enable users to describe and measure the impact of nursing and healthcare services on patient care and outcomes. In this article, we (1) describe effective strategies for teaching the Omaha System to home healthcare agency staff, and (2) illustrate those strategies' effectiveness by presenting an example from an Omaha System Basic Workshop conducted in 2015. The 12 participants included home healthcare nursing administrators and clinicians, software developers from several companies, nursing educators, and nursing researchers. The role-playing and unfolding case studies that we report here represent teaching strategies that can provide opportunities for home healthcare users to practice using the Omaha System. Quantitative evaluation consisted of comparing the participants' pretest and posttest scores on the survey. Qualitative evaluation involved analyzing participants' feedback and comments on a form distributed at the end of the workshop. Participants found the workshop beneficial in improving their understanding of the Omaha System and its application to their practice.
Teaching Strategies for the Forearm Pass in Volleyball
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Casebolt, Kevin; Zhang, Peng; Brett, Christine
This article shares teaching strategies for the forearm pass in the game of volleyball and identifies how they will help students improve their performance and development of forearm passing skills. The article also provides an assessment rubric to facilitate student understanding of the skill.
Sketching by Design: Teaching Sketching to Young Learners
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kelley, Todd R.; Sung, Euisuk
Recent science educational reforms in the United States have prompted increased efforts to teach engineering design as an approach to improve STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning in K-12 classrooms. Teaching design in early grades is a new endeavor for teachers in the United States. Much can be learned from design…
Strategies to Address Common Challenges When Teaching in an Active Learning Classroom
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Petersen, Christina I.; Gorman, Kristen S.
This chapter provides practical strategies for addressing common challenges that arise for teachers in active learning classrooms. Our strategies come from instructors with experience teaching in these environments.
Ertmer, Peggy A; Nour, Abdelfattah Y M
In recent years, the Internet has become an effective and accessible delivery mechanism for distance education. In 2003, 81% of all institutions of higher education offered at least one fully online or hybrid course. By 2005, the proportion of institutions that listed online education as important to their long-term goals had increased by 8%. This growth in available online courses and their increased convenience and flexibility have stimulated dramatic increases in enrollment in online programs, including the Veterinary Technology Distance Learning Program (VT-DLP) at Purdue University. Regardless of the obvious benefits, distance learning (DL) can be frustrating for the learners if course developers are unable to merge their knowledge about the learners, the process of instructional design, and the appropriate uses of technology and interactivity options into effective course designs. This article describes strategies that we have used to increase students' learning of physiology content in an online environment. While some of these are similar, if not identical, to strategies that might be used in a face-to-face (f2f) environment (e.g., case studies, videos, concept maps), additional strategies (e.g., animations, virtual microscopy) are needed to replace or supplement what might normally occur in a f2f course. We describe how we have addressed students' need for instructional interaction, specifically in the context of two foundational physiology courses that occur early in the VT-DLP. Although the teaching and learning strategies we have used have led to increasingly high levels of interaction, there is an ongoing need to evaluate these strategies to determine their impact on students' learning of physiology content, their development of problem-solving skills, and their retention of information.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Alshalaan, Nasser A.
Studies indicate that many teachers have negative beliefs about science, which translates into low teacher efficacy, resulting in avoidance of science teaching or in ineffective science teaching behaviors. Highly efficacious teachers have been found to be more likely to use inquiry and student-centered teaching strategies, while teachers with a low sense of science-teaching efficacy are more likely to use teacher-directed strategies, such as didactic lectures and reading from the textbook (Czemiak, 1990). The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice science teachers' science-teaching self-efficacy changes and their correlation to teaching environment factors during the student teaching semester. Moreover, it explains how teaching environment factors and preservice teachers' science-teaching self-efficacy beliefs may relate to their use of teaching strategies in the science classroom during their student teacher training at teachers' colleges in Saudi Arabia. The population of this study is consisted of 184 middle and elementary preservice science teachers who were doing their student teaching at nine teachers' colleges (i.e., teachers' colleges of Riyadh, Dammam, Alrras, Almadinah, Alihsa, Jeddah, Makah, Altaief, and Abha) in Saudi Arabia during the spring semester of 2005. Three instruments were used to collect data for this study: (1) to measure science teaching self-efficacy, the researcher adapted the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument form B designed specifically for preservice teachers (STEBI-B); (2) to measure the school environment, the researcher adapted the Organizational Health Inventory (OHI), developed by Hoy, Tarter & Kottkamp (1991); and (3) to measure the type and frequency of instructional strategies that preservice science teachers use in the classroom, the researcher adapted the teaching practice subscale from The Local Systemic Change through Teacher Enhancement Science K-8 Teacher Questionnaire (Horizon Research, Inc., 2000
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Niaz, Mansoor; Chacon, Eleazar
Describes a study that used a teaching strategy based on two teaching experiments which could facilitate students' conceptual understanding of electrochemistry. Involves two sections (n=29 and n=28) of 10th grade high school students in Venezuela. Concludes that the teaching experiments facilitated student understanding of electrochemistry.…
A Brief Coaching Intervention for Teaching Naturalistic Strategies to Parents
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lane, Justin D.; Ledford, Jennifer R.; Shepley, Collin; Mataras, Theologia K.; Ayres, Kevin M.; Davis, Alicia B.
Coaching parents to implement evidence-based strategies is one method for increasing the number of hours young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) access intervention services. The purpose of this study was to teach parents of young children with ASD to implement naturalistic strategies during play in a clinic setting. Results indicate a…
Teaching Strategies to Increase Nursing Student Acceptance and Management of Unconscious Bias.
Schultz, Paula L; Baker, Janet
Medical providers' unconscious biases may contribute to health disparities. Awareness and self-reflection strategies commonly used to teach cultural competence in academic settings are generally ineffective in reducing unconscious bias or motivating change. This article describes the innovative teaching strategies implemented in a graduate setting (N = 75) to increase nursing learners' acceptance and management of unconscious bias. Strategies used guided the debriefing and feedback that incorporated implicit association testing, interactive audience polling, categorized management strategies, and perspective taking. Strategies resulted in positive learner feedback, including a high likelihood to learn more about unconscious bias, acceptance of unconscious bias influence on health disparities, and importance of using management strategies to address personal bias. Increasingly diverse patient populations require nurses who have the skills to understand, assess, and correct unconscious biases. To accomplish this goal, consistent exposure to unconscious bias curricula that includes focused debriefing, feedback, and management strategies is needed at all levels of nursing education. [J Nurs Educ. 2017;56(11):692-696.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.
Effects of Reciprocal Teaching Strategies on Reading Comprehension
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Choo, Tan Ooi Leng; Eng, Tan Kok; Ahmad, Norlida
Reading Comprehension is one of the four components tested by the "MUET" (Malaysian University English Test) for Sixth-Form students in Malaysia, and school teachers are charged with the task of helping these students improve. This article discusses how "reciprocal teaching strategies" could help low-proficiency Sixth-Form…
The Impact of Teaching Strategies on Intrinsic Motivation.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bomia, Lisa; Beluzo, Lynne; Demeester, Debra; Elander, Keli; Johnson, Mary; Sheldon, Betty
This paper examines intrinsic motivation by reviewing various motivational theories and models and discussing whether research supports the hypothesis that teaching strategies can influence intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation, also known as self-motivation, refers to influences that originate from within a person which cause a person to act…
Developing Relevant Teaching Strategies during In-Service Training
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Borghi, Lidia; De Ambrosis, Anna; Mascheretti, Paolo
The research reported here focuses on links between teachers' comprehension of the underlying physics and their development of educational strategies for classroom work during in-service training. It deals with the teaching of hydrostatics, a topic considered particularly interesting by teachers. Starting from the analysis of simple experiments…
Teaching Engineering Design Through Paper Rockets
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Welling, Jonathan; Wright, Geoffrey A.
The paper rocket activity described in this article effectively teaches the engineering design process (EDP) by engaging students in a problem-based learning activity that encourages iterative design. For example, the first rockets the students build typically only fly between 30 and 100 feet. As students test and evaluate their rocket designs,…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zuhrie, M. S.; Basuki, I.; Asto, B. I. G. P.; Anifah, L.
The development of robotics in Indonesia has been very encouraging. The barometer is the success of the Indonesian Robot Contest. The focus of research is a teaching module manufacturing, planning mechanical design, control system through microprocessor technology and maneuverability of the robot. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) strategy is the concept of learning where the teacher brings the real world into the classroom and encourage students to make connections between knowledge possessed by its application in everyday life. This research the development model used is the 4-D model. This Model consists of four stages: Define Stage, Design Stage, Develop Stage, and Disseminate Stage. This research was conducted by applying the research design development with the aim to produce a tool of learning in the form of smart educational robot modules and kit based on Contextual Teaching and Learning at the Department of Electrical Engineering to improve the skills of the Electrical Engineering student. Socialization questionnaires showed that levels of the student majoring in electrical engineering competencies image currently only limited to conventional machines. The average assessment is 3.34 validator included in either category. Modules developed can give hope to the future are able to produce Intelligent Robot Tool for Teaching.
Teaching Improvement Model Designed with DEA Method and Management Matrix
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Montoneri, Bernard
This study uses student evaluation of teachers to design a teaching improvement matrix based on teaching efficiency and performance by combining management matrix and data envelopment analysis. This matrix is designed to formulate suggestions to improve teaching. The research sample consists of 42 classes of freshmen following a course of English…
Teaching the design of thermal systems using equation solvers
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Garimella, S.
Teaching the design of thermal systems requires an integrated approach that treats subjects such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer as parts of one interconnected area, in which appropriate solutions to real-life design and analysis problems can be obtained only when all these aspects are considered simultaneously. This approach must be implemented through open-ended homework problems and design project-oriented teaching. Topics related to HVAC and other thermal systems that must be addressed include fluid flow networks, heat exchanger design, design and selection of pumps, fans and compressors, heat recovery systems, psychrometrics, air-conditioning systems, electronic cooling systems, fuels and combustion,more » solar thermal systems, and power plant design. A course that teaches the design of such systems and the wide array of thermal science applications is described in this paper.« less
Instructional Strategies in Teaching Engineering at a Distance: Faculty Perspective
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ariadurai, S. Anbahan; Manohanthan, Rajalingam
This paper presents research on a convenience sample of the Open University of Sri Lanka's engineering faculty. Examined in this research are faculty's opinions on the instructional strategies they use to teach engineering courses at a distance. First, this paper details the pedagogical strategies used by the faculty, which is then followed by an…
Administrators Supporting School Change. Strategies for Teaching and Learning Professional Library.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wortman, Robert
This publication is part of a series of monographs on the art of teaching. Each volume, focusing on a specific discipline, explores theory in the context of teaching strategies connected to evaluation of both teachers' and students' learning. Three techniques for making use of the series are offered: dialogues (as self-evaluation and in study…
Teaching Strategies Adopted by Teachers at Higher Education Level in Kerala: A Research Report
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jesa, M.; Nisha, E. V.
In the special context of entrepreneurship, employability skill development, Higher Education 2.0 and the Kovalam Declaration 2016, the present article presents a brief review of genres of teaching strategies at higher education level and attempts to bring to the attention of the readers an account of the teaching strategies adopted by teachers at…
Fault Management Design Strategies
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Day, John C.; Johnson, Stephen B.
Development of dependable systems relies on the ability of the system to determine and respond to off-nominal system behavior. Specification and development of these fault management capabilities must be done in a structured and principled manner to improve our understanding of these systems, and to make significant gains in dependability (safety, reliability and availability). Prior work has described a fundamental taxonomy and theory of System Health Management (SHM), and of its operational subset, Fault Management (FM). This conceptual foundation provides a basis to develop framework to design and implement FM design strategies that protect mission objectives and account for system design limitations. Selection of an SHM strategy has implications for the functions required to perform the strategy, and it places constraints on the set of possible design solutions. The framework developed in this paper provides a rigorous and principled approach to classifying SHM strategies, as well as methods for determination and implementation of SHM strategies. An illustrative example is used to describe the application of the framework and the resulting benefits to system and FM design and dependability.
Developing Inclusive Teaching and Learning Through the Principles of Universal Design.
Knarlag, Kjetil; Olaussen, Elinor
For decades, the term reasonable accommodations has been the lead strategy and praxis in addressing diversity and disabilities in Higher Education. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a well-known theory and a practical approach which challenges these traditions in order to improve inclusive teaching and learning in the American school system. A European funded project, UDLL, has transferred these theories to a European context, and developed best practice guidelines for key stakeholders in European Higher Education Institutions. This universal approach challenges established traditions, methods and mindsets in addressing the diverse student population.
Using modern teaching strategies to teach upper abdominal sonography to medical students.
Cheng, Wei-Chun; Lin, Xi-Zhang; Chen, Chiung-Yu
Upper abdominal sonography can help physicians to confirm the diagnosis of various hepatobiliary diseases. Teaching sonography skills to medical students is important because it may enhance their level of knowledge and overall development during their gastroenterology section rotation. Sonographic imaging is abstract and students can be easily confused when scanning the abdominal structures from different sites and directions. We used several modern teaching strategies to facilitate the learning of sonography skills. The year five medical students beginning a gastroenterology section rotation for their first-year clerkship were taught abdominal sonography skills. Abstract sonographic images were related to concrete objects and the surrounding structures were further indicated. Each of the images was given a specific name and was sorted according to the scanning site. A mnemonics system was designed to help students to memorize the names of these images. A badge was created to recognize the achievement of being able to complete a basic upper abdominal sonography. Students were free (i.e., not obligated) to request a demonstration opportunity to show their skills within 2 weeks after receiving tutelage. We recorded the number of students who received training and were able to successfully complete the task; these individuals then received a badge to be pinned onto their white coats. Sixty-three of 68 students (92.6%) requested evaluation and all of them passed. We have greatly simplified the process of learning about upper abdominal sonography by using andragogy to enhance learning, mnemonics to help memory, and a pin-badge reward system to stimulate incentives. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Videogames, Informal Teaching, and the Rhetoric of Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Holmes, Jeffrey Brandon
This dissertation is about videogames. It is also about teaching, and the ways videogame design represents good teaching. However, this dissertation is not about videogames alone. It makes broad claims about teaching in- and out-of-schools in the 21st Century. Over the last few decades many scholars have been impressed by the rich forms of…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Craven, Rhonda G.; Mooney, Janet
This review presents a rationale for teaching Australian teachers to understand and teach Aboriginal Studies, describing the structure and development of the Teaching the Teachers: Indigenous Australian Studies Project of National Significance. The project was designed in response to a government recommendation that all teacher training programs…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Niaz, Mansoor
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of teaching experiments within a dialectic-constructivist framework based on the following considerations: (a) Cognitive conflicts used in the teaching experiments must be based on problem-solving strategies that students find relatively convincing: (b) after having generated a cognitive conflict, it is essential that the students be provided with an experience that could facilitate the resolution of the conflict; and (c) the teaching strategy developed is used by an interactive constructivist approach within an intact classroom. The study was based on two sections of freshman students who had registered for Chemistry I at the Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. One of the sections was randomly designated as the control group and the other as the experimental group. To introduce cognitive conflict, the experimental group was exposed to two teaching experiments dealing with stoichiometry problems based on the concept of limiting reagent. Students in the control group were exposed to the same problems - however, without the cognitive conflict teaching experiments format. To evaluate the effect of the teaching experiments, both groups were evaluated on five different problems at different intervals during the semester, referred to as posttests. All posttests formed part of the regular evaluation of the students. Results obtained show the advantage of the experimental group on four of the posttests. It is concluded that the experimental treatment was effective in improving performance on the immediate posttests. It was observed that some students protect their core belief [see Lakatos, I. (1970). Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes. In I. Lakatos & A. Musgrave (Eds.), Criticism and the growth of knowledge (pp. 91-196). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press] in stoichiometry (establishing equivalent relations between different elements or compounds) by ignoring the conflicting
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Vhurumuku, Elaosi; Chikochi, Andrew
This paper reports the results of a study that compared two approaches to developing in-service teachers' subject matter knowledge and strategies for teaching nature of science. A treatment post-test only quasi-experimental research design was used. One group of in-service teachers (n = 15) was taught using what is called a capsular approach. In…
Creative teaching method as a learning strategy for student midwives: A qualitative study.
Rankin, Jean; Brown, Val
Traditional ways of teaching in Higher Education are enhanced with adult-based approaches to learning within the curriculum. Adult-based learning enables students to take ownership of their own learning, working in independence using a holistic approach. Introducing creative activities promotes students to think in alternative ways to the traditional learning models. The study aimed to explore student midwives perceptions of a creative teaching method as a learning strategy. A qualitative design was used adopting a phenomenological approach to gain the lived experience of students within this learning culture. Purposive sampling was used to recruit student midwives (n=30). Individual interviews were conducted using semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions to gain subjective information. Data were transcribed and analyzed into useful and meaningful themes and emerging themes using Colaizzi's framework for analyzing qualitative data in a logical and systematic way. Over 500 meaningful statements were identified from the transcripts. Three key themes strongly emerged from the transcriptions. These included'meaningful learning','inspired to learn and achieve', and 'being connected'. A deep meaningful learning experience was found to be authentic in the context of theory and practice. Students were inspired to learn and achieve and positively highlighted the safe learning environment. The abilities of the facilitators were viewed positively in supporting student learning. This approach strengthened the relationships and social engagement with others in the peer group and the facilitators. On a less positive note, tensions and conflict were noted in group work and indirect negative comments about the approach from the teaching team. Incorporating creative teaching activities is a positive addition to the healthcare curriculum. Creativity is clearly an asset to the range of contemporary learning strategies. In doing so, higher education will continue to keep
Teaching Strategies for Early Childhood Environments: A Selective Review.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Allen, K. Eileen; Rowbury, Trudylee G.
The review of teaching strategies examines four areas of potential ecological impact on effective learning in young children--methods for curriculum organization, antecedent instructional events, consequent instructional events, and packages or combinations of instructional events. Four methods of curriculum organization are explained including…
A review of teaching-learning strategies to be used with film for prelicensure students.
Oh, Jina; De Gagné, Jennie Chang; Kang, Jeongae
The use of film in nursing and medical education has been supported as an effective instructional method. The purpose of this article is to identify and synthesize the available studies on teaching-learning strategies to be used with film for prelicensure students. Electronic databases were searched to identify studies published in the English language between January 1990 and March 2012. Twenty-seven articles met the selection criteria for this review and were analyzed. After in-depth discussion about and investigation of the relevant literature, we narrowed down three teaching-learning strategies: reflective activities, practical activities, and evaluative activities. The synthesis of the identified teaching-learning strategies provides a data point for the development of more effective evidence-based learning activities for prelicensure students. Future studies should focus on the examination of teaching effectiveness and learning outcomes, as well as the evaluation of using film, to achieve nursing competencies appropriate to role preparation. Copyright 2013, SLACK Incorporated.
Effective Teaching Strategies According to Fifth Grade Students: A Qualitative Study
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gomez, Adlin Yanina
This study identified learners' perspectives on the most effective teaching strategies. Professionals in the field of education have worked to increase educational achievement and success by exploring ways to match instructional strategies with individual learning styles. The voices of the learners have seldom been considered in this effort. The…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mildenhall, Paula; Sherriff, Barbara
Recent research indicates that using multimodal learning experiences can be effective in teaching mathematics. Using a social semiotic lens within a participationist framework, this paper reports on a professional learning collaboration with a primary school teacher designed to explore the use of metaphors and modalities in mathematics instruction. This video case study was conducted in a year 2 classroom over two terms, with the focus on building children's understanding of computational strategies. The findings revealed that the teacher was able to successfully plan both multimodal and multiple metaphor learning experiences that acted as semiotic resources to support the children's understanding of abstract mathematics. The study also led to implications for teaching when using multiple metaphors and multimodalities.
A Design Thinking Approach to Teaching Knowledge Management
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wang, Shouhong; Wang, Hai
Pedagogies for knowledge management courses are still undeveloped. This Teaching Tip introduces a design thinking approach to teaching knowledge management. An induction model used to guide students' real-life projects for knowledge management is presented. (Contains 1 figure.)
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lee, Hung-Shan; Liu, Shiang-Yao; Yeh, Ting-Kuang
This study was designed to exemplify how hands-on based teaching strategies enhanced students' knowledge and positive attitudes towards sharks. Hands-on activities for sharks' biological and morphological features were carried out. Eleven elementary school students from a remote area in Taiwan were recruited and assigned to the hands-on condition.…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Okoye, Nnamdi S.; Okechukwu, Rose N.
The study examined the effect of concept-mapping and problem-solving teaching strategies on achievement in biology among Nigerian secondary school students. The method used for the study was a quasi-experimental pre-test treatment design. One hundred and thirteen senior secondary three (S.S. 111) students randomly selected from three mixed…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Recchia, Holly E.; Howe, Nina; Alexander, Stephanie
This study examined siblings' teaching strategies in 72 dyads (firstborn and second born, M ages = 81.64 and 56.31 months) as a function of dyad age, age gap between siblings, and teacher birth order. One child per dyad was randomly assigned to teach her or his sibling to construct a tractor toy. Interactions were coded for the topic of teachers'…
Teaching Organizational Skills through Self-Regulated Learning Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cahill, Susan M.
This article presents a case story of how an occupational therapist worked with Joe, a junior high student with Asperger's Syndrome, to develop better organizational skills. Self-regulated learning strategies were used to teach Joe how to keep track of his assignments as well as his grades. In addition, the case story provides a clear example of…
Something Resembling Hope: Notes on Strategies for Teaching Canadian Social Justice Literature
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Yoder, Amarou
Members of a large, cross-Canada research project on using Canadian social justice literature in the classroom share strategies that teachers are using to teach some of these texts. Strategies range from multi-media projects to song adaptations. Texts and strategies suitable for different grade-levels are represented, and cover a range of…
Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension for Understanding and Engagement, Second Edition
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Harvey, Stephanie; Goudvis, Anne
Since its publication in 2000, Strategies That Work has become an indispensable resource for teachers who want to explicitly teach thinking strategies so that students become engaged, thoughtful, independent readers. In this revised and expanded edition, the authors have added twenty completely new comprehension lessons, extending the scope of the…
Students' perceptions of clinical teaching and learning strategies: a Pakistani perspective.
Khan, Basnama Ayaz; Ali, Fauziya; Vazir, Nilofar; Barolia, Rubina; Rehan, Seema
The complexity of the health care environment is increasing with the explosion of technology, coupled with the issues of patients' access, equity, time efficiency, and cost containment. Nursing education must focus on means that enable students to develop the processes of active learning, problem-solving, and critical thinking, in order to enable them to deal with the complexities. This study aims at identifying the nursing students' perceptions about the effectiveness of utilized teaching and learning strategies of clinical education, in improving students' knowledge, skills, and attitudes. A descriptive cross sectional study design was utilized using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data were collected from 74 students, using a questionnaire that was developed for the purpose of the study and analyzed using descriptive and non-parametric statistics. The findings revealed that demonstration was the most effective strategy for improving students' skills; reflection, for improving attitudes; and problem based learning and concept map for improving their knowledge. Students' responses to open-ended questions confirmed the effectiveness of these strategies in improving their learning outcomes. Recommendations have been provided based on the findings. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Echazarra, Alfonso; Salinas, Daniel; Méndez, Ildefonso; Denis, Vanessa; Rech, Giannina
This paper examines how particular teaching and learning strategies are related to student performance on specific PISA test questions, particularly mathematics questions. The report compares teacher-directed instruction and memorisation learning strategies, at the traditional ends of the teaching and learning spectrums, and student-oriented…
Teaching & Learning Tips 1: Teaching perspectives - an introduction.
Rana, Jasmine; Burgin, Susan
Challenge: Clinical and research responsibilities often leave little or no time to plan thoughtful teaching encounters with trainees. This "Teaching & Learning Tips" series is designed to be an accessible guide for dermatologists who want to improve their teaching skills. It is comprised of 12 articles about how to enhance teaching in various settings informed by research about how people learn and expert-derived or data-driven best practices for teaching. The series begins with a review of principles to optimize learning in any setting, including cognitive load theory, active learning strategies, and the impact of motivation and emotion on learning. It transitions into a practical "how to" guide format for common teaching scenarios in dermatology, such as lecturing, case-based teaching, and teaching procedures, among others. Herein, we kickoff the series by unpacking assumptions about teaching and learning. What does it mean to teach and learn? © 2017 The International Society of Dermatology.
Teaching Guidebook: An Introduction to Some Basics.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Blake, Veronica M.; Dinham, Sarah M.
A teaching guide designed for use by new university teaching assistants provides help in preparing for and carrying out instructional responsibilities. Separate chapters give guidance with: preparing the course description and syllabus, including writing objectives; selecting teaching strategies (lecture, discussion, and laboratory experience);…
Teaching the Dance Class: Strategies to Enhance Skill Acquisition, Mastery and Positive Self-Image
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mainwaring, Lynda M.; Krasnow, Donna H.
Effective teaching of dance skills is informed by a variety of theoretical frameworks and individual teaching and learning styles. The purpose of this paper is to present practical teaching strategies that enhance the mastery of skills and promote self-esteem, self-efficacy, and positive self-image. The predominant thinking and primary research…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hunt, Shelby D.; Madhavaram, Sreedhar
Knowledge of marketing strategy is essential for marketing majors. To supplement and/or replace the traditional lecture-discussion approach, several pedagogical vehicles have been recommended to teach marketing strategy, including the analytic hierarchy process; career-planning cases; computer-assisted, simulated marketing cases; experiential…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wardrip, Peter; Tobey, Jennifer
Many teachers fall into the pattern of "assumptive teaching" (Herber 1970), assuming that other instructors will teach students the important strategies they need for learning. In this case, tools and strategies may not be taught outside of reading or language arts because a science teacher can say, "It's not my job." However, a sixth-grade team…
Darby, Michele
The literature highlights key benefits from debate as a teaching-learning strategy for developing critical thinking and analytical skills while fostering teamwork and communication. Authors report that this method of teaching-learning has been implemented successfully in nursing and occupational therapy programs and would benefit other academic programs in the health sciences, particularly in courses that cover controversial issues. Although there are disadvantages to using the debate as a teaching-learning strategy, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. In conclusion, debating is an effective pedagogical strategy because of the level of responsibility for learning and active involvement required by all student debaters. Moreover, it provides an experience by which students can develop competencies in researching current issues, preparing logical arguments, actively listening to various perspectives, differentiating between subjective and evidence-based information, asking cogent questions, integrating relevant information, and formulating their own opinions based on evidence. After the debate is over, students also report that the experience is FUN!
Teaching strategies in the learning of highest common factor and lowest common multiple
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Halim, N. L. A.; Li, H.-C.; Shahrill, M.; Prahmana, R. C. I.
The main purpose of this study is to improve students’ understanding of Highest Common Factor (HCF) and Lowest Common Multiple (LCM). Several alternative teaching strategies were integrated in the Year 7 lessons involving 20 students from one secondary school in Brunei Darussalam. The categories identified in the teaching strategy were the application of group work, embedding real-life problems, using presentations and the traditional drilling practice method. An open-ended survey was disseminated to collate the students’ feedback, and among the questions posed was in relation to the different types of lesson activities utilised within each of the teaching strategies. Although 55% of the students preferred the traditional drilling practice on the calculation of HCF and LCM, mainly due to the ease of the task as opposed to activities involving real-life problems, the findings also indicated that most students favour sharing their ideas in a healthy competition learning style between each other or between the groups.
Vavik, Tom
This short paper describes and reflects on how the teaching of the concept of Universal Design (UD) has developed in the last decade at the Institute of Design at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO). Four main changes are described. Firstly, the curriculum has evolved from teaching guidelines and principles to focusing on design processes. Secondly, an increased emphasis is put on cognitive accessibility. Thirdly, non-stigmatizing aesthetics expressions and solutions that communicate through different senses have become more important subjects. Fourthly the teaching of UD has moved from the second to the first year curriculum.
Effects of coaching on educators' vocabulary-teaching strategies during shared reading.
Namasivayam, Ashwini M; Hipfner-Boucher, Kathy; Milburn, Trelani; Weitzman, Elaine; Greenberg, Janice; Pelletier, Janette; Girolametto, Luigi
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether an emergent literacy professional development program enhanced educators' use of vocabulary-teaching strategies during shared reading with small groups of pre-schoolers. Thirty-two pre-school educators and small groups of pre-schoolers from their classrooms were randomly assigned to experimental or comparison groups. The 15 educators in the experimental group received four in-service workshops as well as five individualized classroom coaching sessions. The comparison group received only the workshops. Each educator was video-recorded reading a storybook to a small group of pre-schoolers at pre-test and post-test. The videos were transcribed and coded to yield measures of the vocabulary-teaching strategies and children's vocabulary-related talk. The findings revealed that the children in the experimental group engaged in significantly more vocabulary-related talk relative to the comparison group. A non-significant trend in the data indicated that educators in the experimental group used more vocabulary-teaching strategies at post-test. The educators' familiarity with children's authors and book titles at pre-test was a significant predictor of their outcomes. These findings suggest that an emergent literacy professional development program that includes coaching can enhance children's participation in vocabulary-related conversations with their educators.
Learning Strategy Instruction in the Foreign Language Classroom: Writing.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chamot, Anna Uhl; And Others
This resource guide is designed to provide foreign language teachers with suggestions for helping students learn how to become better language learners. The five chapters of the guide for teaching writing skills are as follows: (1) Teaching Learning Strategies (e.g., rationale for teaching, types, useful strategies, guidelines, instructional…
How to Teach Engineering and Industrial Design: a U.K. Experience.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sheldon, D. F.
Explored are the possibilities of teaching engineering through a project approach. Discussed are the introduction, clashing cultures of industrial and engineering design, skills required of a designer, teaching approach to the total design activity, CAD/CAM experiences, and conclusions. (Author/YP)
Strategies for Teaching Children with Autism in Physical Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Groft-Jones, Melissa; Block, Martin E.
The purpose of this article is to summarize information presented in the prior articles into practical strategies physical educators can use when teaching children with autism. The authors divided the article into three areas: (1) structuring the environment; (2) accommodating communication challenges; and (3) preventing challenging behaviors.…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Park, Soonhye; Steve Oliver, J.
This study examined how instructional challenges presented by gifted students shaped teachers’ instructional strategies. This study is a qualitative research grounded in a social constructivist framework. The participants were three high school science teachers who were teaching identified gifted students in both heterogeneously- and homogeneously-grouped classrooms. Major data sources are classroom observations and interviews. Data analysis indicated that these science teachers developed content-specific teaching strategies based on their understanding of gifted students, including: (a) instructional differentiation, e.g., thematic units, (b) variety in instructional mode and/or students’ products, (c) student grouping strategies and peer tutoring, (d) individualized support, (e) strategies to manage challenging questions, (f) strategies to deal with the perfectionism, and (g) psychologically safe classroom environments.
Pitkajarvi, Marianne; Eriksson, Elina; Pitkala, Kaisu
All over the world, current health care students come from a variety of cultural, linguistic and educational backgrounds. Their expectations and learning needs vary, yet little is known about how our current education system meets their needs. The purpose of this study was to explore culturally diverse health care students' experiences of teaching strategies in polytechnic faculties of health care in Finland. Specifically, we aimed to compare how international students and Finnish students experience the same curriculum. A cross sectional survey. Ten polytechnic faculties of health care in Finland offering English-Language-Taught Degree Programmess (ELTDPs). 283 students studying nursing, public health nursing, or physiotherapy in English. Of these, 166 were international students and 112 were Finnish students. The data were collected using a questionnaire designed specifically for this study. The survey included items grouped into seven dimensions: 1. concreteness of theoretical instruction, 2. encouragement of student activity, 3. use of skills labs, 4. variation among teaching strategies, 5. assessment, 6. interaction in the English-Language-Taught Degree Programmes, and 7. approach to diversity in the English-Language-Taught Degree Programmes. The most positive experiences for all students were with the approach to cultural diversity and the concreteness of theoretical instruction, whereas the most negative experiences were with assessment. International students' experiences were more positive than Finnish students' in the following dimensions: encouragement of student activity (p=0.005), variation among teaching strategies (p<0.001), and assessment (p<0.001). Compared to the Finnish students, more than double the number of international students were dissatisfied with their lives (p<0.001). The implications for education include the strengthening teachers' leadership role in small group activities, providing individual and detailed feedback, and ensuring
Modelling Human Teaching Tactics and Strategies for Tutoring Systems: 14 Years On
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
du Boulay, Benedict; Luckin, Rosemary
Our original paper tried to characterize the richness of the teaching repertoire of expert human teachers and to give a sense of how far there still was to go in the development of pedagogic expertise in AIED systems. It considered three ways in which more expert teaching strategies and tactics might be developed. These were via (i) the…
Teaching Critical Thinking: Cultural Challenges and Strategies in Singapore
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tan, Charlene
Among the challenges faced by educators in promoting critical thinking is that of cultural compatibility. Using Singapore as an illustrative case study, this paper explores the cultural challenges and recommended strategies for the teaching of critical thinking in schools. The research for this study is based on a theoretical framework that…
Cognitive Strategy Instruction for Teaching Word Problems to Primary-Level Struggling Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pfannenstiel, Kathleen Hughes; Bryant, Diane Pedrotty; Bryant, Brian R.; Porterfield, Jennifer A.
Students with mathematics difficulties and learning disabilities (LD) typically struggle with solving word problems. These students often lack knowledge about efficient, cognitive strategies to utilize when solving word problems. Cognitive strategy instruction has been shown to be effective in teaching struggling students how to solve word…
Roca, Judith; Reguant, Mercedes; Canet, Olga
Teaching strategies are essential in order to facilitate meaningful learning and the development of high-level thinking skills in students. To compare three teaching methodologies (problem-based learning, case-based teaching and traditional methods) in terms of the learning outcomes achieved by nursing students. This quasi-experimental research was carried out in the Nursing Degree programme in a group of 74 students who explored the subject of The Oncology Patient through the aforementioned strategies. A performance test was applied based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. A significant correlation was found between the intragroup theoretical and theoretical-practical dimensions. Likewise, intergroup differences were related to each teaching methodology. Hence, significant differences were estimated between the traditional methodology (x-=9.13), case-based teaching (x-=12.96) and problem-based learning (x-=14.84). Problem-based learning was shown to be the most successful learning method, followed by case-based teaching and the traditional methodology. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Teaching Engineering Design Using Computer Workstations.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hodgson, J. M.
Explains the use of computer workstations in Electronic Engineering and in Control and Computer Engineering. Provides an introduction; initial teaching exercises at the first year, second, and third year design, research and development; and conclusions. (YP)
Do I dare? Using role-play as a teaching strategy.
Kuipers, J C; Clemens, D L
Role-play is a teaching strategy that models patient behaviors and nursing interventions that students need to learn in psychiatric nursing. Applications of this strategy can be used in both classroom and clinical settings. Benefits of using role-play range from cost effectiveness and active learning to modeling expected performance/skill levels and increasing self-confidence and assertiveness. Perceived drawbacks can be minimized by using the planning steps prior to the use of role-play.
Intercultural Communication: Teaching Strategies, Resources, and Materials.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Asuncion-Lande, Nobleza C.
Education about intercultural communication can greatly increase understanding between cultures, whether they be minority groups within the United States or peoples of separate nations. This document is intended as a reference guide for designing and teaching a basic intercultural communication course. In four parts, this document presents…
Integrating simulated teaching/learning strategies in undergraduate nursing education.
Sinclair, Barbara; Ferguson, Karen
In this article, the results of a mixed-methods study integrating the use of simulations in a nursing theory course in order to assess students' perceptions of self-efficacy for nursing practice are presented. Nursing students in an intervention group were exposed to a combination of lecture and simulation, and then asked to rate their perceptions of self-efficacy, satisfaction and effectiveness of this combined teaching and learning strategy. Based on Bandura's (1977, 1986) theory of self-efficacy, this study provides data to suggest that students' self-confidence for nursing practice may be increased through the use of simulation as a method of teaching and learning. Students also reported higher levels of satisfaction, effectiveness and consistency with their learning style when exposed to the combination of lecture and simulation than the control group, who were exposed to lecture as the only method of teaching and learning.
What Mathematics Teachers Say about the Teaching Strategies in the Implementation of Tasks
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Enríquez, Jakeline Amparo Villota; de Oliveira, Andréia María Pereira; Valencia, Heriberto González
In this article we will discuss, through the explanations given by teachers who teach Mathematics, the importance of using teaching strategies in the implementation of tasks. Teachers who participated in it belong to the group "Observatory Mathematics Education" (OME-Bahia). This study was framed in a qualitative approach and data were…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Almolda-Tomas, Francisco J.; Sevil-Serrano, Javier; Julian-Clemente, Jose A.; Abarca-Sos, Alberto; Aibar-Solana, Alberto; Garcia-Gonzalez, Luis
Introduction: Physical Education (PE) is a way of promoting sports in adolescents, and teachers can encourage this sport adherence by generating motivation in students through their teaching intervention. The aim of the study was to develop and implement teaching intervention strategies to generate an optimal motivational climate and assess their…
Strategies Used to Teach Mathematics to Special Education Students from the Teachers' Perspective
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Brown, Desline A.
The perspectives of special education teachers on the strategies used to teach mathematics to special education students were examined in this dissertation. Three central research questions that guided the study are: (a) What were New York special education teachers' opinions about the methods they use to teach mathematics to special education…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cheung, Derek
For students to be successful in school chemistry, a strong sense of self-efficacy is essential. Chemistry self-efficacy can be defined as students' beliefs about the extent to which they are capable of performing specific chemistry tasks. According to Bandura (Psychol. Rev. 84:191-215, 1977), students acquire information about their level of self-efficacy from four sources: performance accomplishments, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. No published studies have investigated how instructional strategies in chemistry lessons can provide students with positive experiences with these four sources of self-efficacy information and how the instructional strategies promote students' chemistry self-efficacy. In this study, questionnaire items were constructed to measure student perceptions about instructional strategies, termed efficacy-enhancing teaching, which can provide positive experiences with the four sources of self-efficacy information. Structural equation modeling was then applied to test a hypothesized mediation model, positing that efficacy-enhancing teaching positively affects students' chemistry self-efficacy through their use of deep learning strategies such as metacognitive control strategies. A total of 590 chemistry students at nine secondary schools in Hong Kong participated in the survey. The mediation model provided a good fit to the student data. Efficacy-enhancing teaching had a direct effect on students' chemistry self-efficacy. Efficacy-enhancing teaching also directly affected students' use of deep learning strategies, which in turn affected students' chemistry self-efficacy. The implications of these findings for developing secondary school students' chemistry self-efficacy are discussed.
Saudi Science Teachers' Views and Teaching Strategies of Socioscientific Issues
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Alamri, Aziz S.
Scientific developments such as cloning and nuclear energy have generated many controversial issues pertain to many political, social, environmental, ethical and cultural values in different societies around the globe. These controversies delimited and encircled the potential of including and teaching some important aspects of science in schools and therefore caused less consideration to the influence of these issues on enhancing the scientific literacy of people in general. The purpose of this study was to investigate how Saudi science teachers in the city of Tabuk in Saudi Arabia view and teach SSI in Saudi Arabia. This study employed semi-structured interviews with Saudi science teachers. Methodologically, this study used a constructivist grounded theory as a method for analysis to generate in-depth descriptive data about Saudi science teachers' views and teaching strategies of socio-scientific issues. Some direct and indirect benefits pertain to teaching science, understanding the relationship between science, religion, and society and some other topics are discussed in this study.
Effective Strategies for Teaching Evolution: The Primary Evolution Project
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hatcher, Chris
When Chris Hatcher joined the Primary Evolution Project team at the University of Reading, his goal was to find effective strategies to teach evolution in a way that keeps children engaged and enthused. Hatcher has collaborated with colleagues at the University's Institute of Education to break the evolution unit down into distinct topics and…
Teaching Strategies: Supporting EAL Students in Learning Biology Terminology
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fernando, Primani; Cooper, Rebecca
This paper provides a brief introduction to teaching strategies that can be used to support English as Additional Language (EAL) students in learning biology terminology. The paper begins with an overview of EAL students and considers the difficulties that they may face in the classroom along with the challenges that mainstream teachers may have…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Davidson, Maaike T.
This sequential, mixed method, QUAN-QUAL study redefines the craft of teaching into the science ("what"), art ("how"), and the business of teaching to assess and prepare preservice teachers. It also measures the effectiveness of using theatrical elements as teaching strategies to effectively develop preservice teachers in the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ragland, Rachel
Course curriculum design using a research-teaching connection and reflective teaching is presented. The research-teaching connection is expanded to a three stage research-teaching-research cycle and reflection is expanded to include both faculty and students. Traditional disciplinary educational research was used to inform the design of the…
Teaching Comprehension and Study Strategies through Modeling and Thinking Aloud.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nist, Sherrie L.; Kirby, Kate
Focuses on three ideas pertaining to modeling and thinking aloud, presents examples of how the processes can be applied to teaching both text comprehension and study strategies to college developmental readers, and discusses reasons for using modeling and thinking aloud in the classroom. (FL)
Teaching Art and Design: Communicating Creative Practice through Embodied and Tacit Knowledge
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Budge, Kylie
How do artists and designers teaching in universities communicate creative practice as they teach art/design? There is much discussion about the "mystery" of creativity, but little understanding of how teaching occurs in creative contexts. Understanding this topic better will develop greater knowledge within the academy of how art and…
Callen, Bonnie; Smith, Claudia M; Joyce, Barbara; Lutz, Jayne; Brown-Schott, Nancy; Block, Derryl
The purpose of this article is to describe teaching/learning strategies for each of the 15 Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education for Entry-Level Community/Public Health Nursing (ACHNE, 2009). Carper's ways of knowing serve as foundations for creating classroom and clinical experiences that focus on clinical action with community as client. Each community/public health essential is defined with relevance to community/public health nursing practice. Five teaching/learning strategies have been delineated for each essential with suggestions of teaching resources and/or target population application. Teaching/learning strategies that focus on community as client, population health, and the essential knowledge and competencies of C/PH nursing will help ensure preparation of baccalaureate prepared nurses with knowledge and skills to improve the health of populations. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Jian
In order to change traditional PE teaching mode and realize the interconnection, interworking and sharing of PE teaching resources, a distance PE teaching platform based on broadband network is designed and PE teaching information resource database is set up. The designing of PE teaching information resource database takes Windows NT 4/2000Server as operating system platform, Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 as RDBMS, and takes NAS technology for data storage and flow technology for video service. The analysis of system designing and implementation shows that the dynamic PE teaching information resource sharing platform based on Web Service can realize loose coupling collaboration, realize dynamic integration and active integration and has good integration, openness and encapsulation. The distance PE teaching platform based on Web Service and the design scheme of PE teaching information resource database can effectively solve and realize the interconnection, interworking and sharing of PE teaching resources and adapt to the informatization development demands of PE teaching.
Attitudes of Teaching Faculty toward Inclusive Teaching Strategies at a Midwestern University
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dallas, Bryan K.
This study measured postsecondary faculty attitudes toward academic accommodations and an inclusive teaching method called Universal Design for Instruction (UDI). The purpose of the study was to help determine a readiness for change among faculty with regard to implementing UDI principles, compare differences between faculty groups, as well as add…
Applying an Experiential Learning Model to the Teaching of Gateway Strategy Board Games
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sato, Aiko; de Haan, Jonathan
The board game hobby has rapidly grown and evolved in recent years, but most of the non-digital games lack tips and tutorials and remain difficult to learn and teach effectively. In this project, we integrated a popular hobbyist approach to teaching modern strategy games with classical experiential learning elements (i.e., demonstration,…
Music as a Way of Knowing. Strategies for Teaching and Learning Professional Library.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Page, Nick
This publication is part of a series of monographs on the art of teaching. Each volume, focusing on a specific discipline, explores theory in the context of teaching strategies connected to evaluation of both teachers' and students' learning. Three techniques are offered to help teachers use the series: dialogues (as self-evaluation and in study…
Research on Information-Based Teaching in Reform and Practice of Architectural Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hao, Li-Jun; Xiao, Zhe-Tao
In China, with the development of the era, the Architectural Design (AD) education has been given the requirement that students should master creative thinking mode and design method. The teaching target of integrating the Information-Based Teaching (IBT) into Creative Thinking (CT) mode is analyzed, and the Teaching Mode (TM) of integrating the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zehnder, Caralyn
At the authors' public liberal arts institution, biology masters students are required to enroll in BIOL 5050: Teaching Techniques. Course topics include designing effective lectures, assessment, classroom management, diversity in the classroom, and active learning strategies. The impact of this type of training on graduate students' attitudes and…
Developing Teaching Strategies in the EHR Era: A Survey of GME Experts.
Atwater, Amber R; Rudd, Mariah; Brown, Audrey; Wiener, John S; Benjamin, Robert; Lee, W Robert; Rosdahl, Jullia A
There is limited information on the impact of widespread adoption of the electronic health record (EHR) on graduate medical education (GME). To identify areas of consensus by education experts, where the use of EHR impacts GME, with the goal of developing strategies and tools to enhance GME teaching and learning in the EHR environment. Information was solicited from experienced US physician educators who use EPIC EHR following 3 steps: 2 rounds of online surveys using the Delphi technique, followed by telephone interviews. The survey contained 3 stem questions and 52 items with Likert-scale responses. Consensus was defined by predetermined cutoffs. A second survey reassessed items for which consensus was not initially achieved. Common themes to improve GME in settings with an EHR were compiled from the telephone interviews. The panel included 19 physicians in 15 states in Round 1, 12 in Round 2, and 10 for the interviews. Ten items were found important for teaching and learning: balancing focus on EHR documentation with patient engagement achieved 100% consensus. Other items achieving consensus included adequate learning time, balancing EHR data with verbal history and physical examination, communicating clinical thought processes, hands-on EHR practice, minimizing data repetition, and development of shortcuts and templates. Teaching strategies incorporating both online software and face-to-face solutions were identified during the interviews. New strategies are needed for effective teaching and learning of residents and fellows, capitalizing on the potential of the EHR, while minimizing any unintended negative impact on medical education.
Teaching Design Patterns through Computer Game Development
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gestwicki, Paul; Sun, Fu-Shing
We present an approach for teaching design patterns that emphasizes object-orientation and patterns integration. The context of computer game development is used to engage and motivate students, and it is additionally rich with design patterns. A case study is presented based on "EEClone," an arcade-style computer game implemented in Java. Our…
Teaching Database Design with Constraint-Based Tutors
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mitrovic, Antonija; Suraweera, Pramuditha
Design tasks are difficult to teach, due to large, unstructured solution spaces, underspecified problems, non-existent problem solving algorithms and stopping criteria. In this paper, we comment on our approach to develop KERMIT, a constraint-based tutor that taught database design. In later work, we re-implemented KERMIT as EER-Tutor, and…
Reciprocal Teaching of Comprehension Strategies Improves EFL Learners' Writing Ability
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ghorbani, Mohammad Reza; Gangeraj, Atefeh Ardeshir; Alavi, Sahar Zahed
Although the importance of reading in developing writing ability is undeniable, few competent readers in EFL contexts develop into competent writers. Since students are not aware that reading can assist them in writing, this study examined the effect of reciprocal teaching--which focuses on four reading comprehension strategies, namely…
Active Learning Methods and Technology: Strategies for Design Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Coorey, Jillian
The demands in higher education are on the rise. Charged with teaching more content, increased class sizes and engaging students, educators face numerous challenges. In design education, educators are often torn between the teaching of technology and the teaching of theory. Learning the formal concepts of hierarchy, contrast and space provide the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Wierdsma, Menno; Knippels, Marie-Christine; van Oers, Bert; Boersma, Kerst
Since concepts may have different meanings in different contexts, students have to learn to recontextualise them, i.e. to adapt their meanings to a new context. It is unclear, however, what characteristics a learning and teaching strategy for recontextualising should have. The study aims to develop such a learning and teaching strategy for…
Teaching Strategies to Increase Cultural Awareness in Nursing Students.
Lonneman, William
Cultural competence education is essential for all nurses to better prepare them to address the underlying social environment of patients, families, and communities. This article describes a study with second degree nursing students that tested 6 teaching strategies for their effectiveness in raising cultural awareness, a key aspect of cultural competence. The results demonstrated that the interventions had a positive effect.
Creative payment strategy helps ensure a future for teaching hospitals.
Vancil, D R; Shroyer, A L
The Colorado Medicaid Program in years past relied on disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payment programs to increase access to hospital care for Colorado citizens, ensure the future financial viability of key safety-net hospitals, and partially offset the state's cost of funding the Medicaid program. The options to finance Medicaid care using DSH payments, however, recently have been severely limited by legislative and regulatory changes. Between 1991 and 1997, a creative Medicaid refinancing strategy called the major teaching hospital (MTH) payment program enabled $131 million in net payments to be distributed to the two major teaching hospitals in Colorado to provide enhanced funding related to their teaching programs and to address the ever-expanding healthcare needs of their low-income patients. This new Medicaid payment mechanism brought the state $69.5 million in Federal funding that otherwise would not have been received.
Metacognitive Strategies in the Introduction to Political Science Classroom
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lusk, Adam
This article examines metacognitive-based teaching strategies and provides preliminary evidence about their effectiveness in the political science classroom. In a 2013 Fall semester Introduction to Political Science course, three metacognitive-based teaching strategies were designed and implemented for improving student learning through greater…
Teaching Your Tot to Talk: Using Milieu Teaching Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Curiel, Emily S. L.; Sainato, Diane M.
Both of these toddlers struggle with communication. Parents and practitioners working with very young children often struggle to find ways to enhance their toddlers' communication skills. They may question: When do I teach? What should I teach? Where do I teach? How do I teach? This article will provide suggestions and techniques to support the…
Roberts, Megan Y; Kaiser, Ann P; Wolfe, Cathy E; Bryant, Julie D; Spidalieri, Alexandria M
In this study, the authors examined the effects of the Teach-Model-Coach-Review instructional approach on caregivers' use of four enhanced milieu teaching (EMT) language support strategies and on their children's use of expressive language. Four caregiver-child dyads participated in a single-subject, multiple-baseline study. Children were between 24 and 42 months of age and had language impairment. Interventionists used the Teach-Model-Coach-Review instructional approach to teach caregivers to use matched turns, expansions, time delays, and milieu teaching prompts during 24 individualized clinic sessions. Caregiver use of each EMT language support strategy and child use of communication targets were the dependent variables. The caregivers demonstrated increases in their use of each EMT language support strategy after instruction. Generalization and maintenance of strategy use to the home was limited, indicating that teaching across routines is necessary to achieve maximal outcomes. All children demonstrated gains in their use of communication targets and in their performance on norm-referenced measures of language. The results indicate that the Teach-Model-Coach-Review instructional approach resulted in increased use of EMT language support strategies by caregivers. Caregiver use of these strategies was associated with positive changes in child language skills.
Self-management is vital for achieving optimal health outcomes for patients with heart failure (HF). We sought to develop an intervention to improve self-management skills and behaviors for patients with HF, especially those with low health literacy. Individuals with low health literacy have difficulty reading and understanding written information and comprehending numerical information and performing calculations, and they tend to have worse baseline knowledge, short-term memory, and working memory compared to individuals with higher health literacy. This paper describes theoretical models that suggest methods to improve the design of educational curricula and programs for low literate audiences, including cognitive load theory and learning mastery theory. We also outline the practical guiding principles for designing our intervention, which includes a multi-session educational strategy that teaches patients self-care skills until they reach behavioral goals (“Teach to Goal”). Ourintervention strategy is being tested in a randomized controlled trial to determine if it is superior to a single-session brief educational intervention for reducing hospitalization and death. If this trial shows that the “Teach to Goal” approach is superior, this would support the value of incorporating these design principles into educational interventions for other diseases. PMID:21951244
Two Key Strategies for Teaching Prevention: Specialized Course and Infusion
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Conyne, Robert K.; Newmeyer, Mark D.; Kenny, Maureen; Romano, John L.; Matthews, Constance R.
Prevention is taught only rarely in counseling and counseling psychology curricula. Failure to teach it suggests that graduates may be less likely to conduct prevention. In this article, we describe two key strategies for addressing this problem, where prevention is being taught through (a) required courses, and (b) infusion within existing…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Migdadi, Ali Ibrahim Mohammad; Baniabdelrahman, Abdallah
This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using team-teaching strategy on EFL students' reading comprehension. It also aimed to find out whether Team-Teaching strategy can improve EFL students' English language reading comprehension and to investigate the students' attitudes towards the use of team teaching. The study used the…
The Threshold of Uncertainty in Teaching Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Osmond, Jane; Tovey, Michael
In many of our universities and colleges there is a long established approach to teaching design through practice. For most students their end goal is to achieve a level of capability to function as designers in the professional world. Their education helps them construct a passport to enter this community of professional practice. Part of the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Meltzer, Lynn J.; Roditi, Bethany N.; Steinberg, Joan L.; Rafter Biddle, Kathleen; Taber, Susan E.; Boyle Caron, Kathleen; Kniffin, Leta
Strategies for Success provides realistic and accessible teaching techniques for teachers, special educators, and other professionals working with students at the late elementary, middle, and early high school levels. This book is particularly useful for teachers working in inclusive settings. These strategies can help teachers to understand the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rattanavich, Saowalak
This experimental study aims to investigate the effects of three vocational English classes, each one academic semester in duration, and using the concentrated language encounter approach and reciprocal peer teaching strategies. This study employed a time-series design with one pre-experiment and two post-experiments. Discourse and frequency…
Strategies for Effective Teaching in the Twenty-First Century: A Supplement for Special Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Louisiana Department of Education, 2004
The long-range goal of Louisiana's teacher professional accountability programs is to enhance student learning by providing opportunities for teachers to strengthen skill areas and by identifying those aspects of teaching performance that may need improvement. "Strategies for Effective Teaching in the 21st Century" is intended to be used…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Oyelekan, Oloyede Solomon; Igbokwe, Emoyoke Faith; Olorundare, Adekunle Solomon
Efforts have been made to improve science teaching in secondary schools in Nigeria, yet, students continue to perform poorly in science subjects. Many innovative teaching strategies have been developed by educators and found to impact significantly on students' academic performance when utilised. Hence, this study was aimed at examining science…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chen, Nian-Shing; Kinshuk; Wei, Chun-Wang; Liu, Chia-Chi
Reflection plays an important role in improving learning performance. This study, therefore, attempted to explore whether learners' reflection levels can be improved if teaching strategies are adapted to fit with learners' thinking styles in an online learning environment. Three teaching strategies, namely constructive, guiding, and inductive,…
da Costa Carbogim, Fábio; de Oliveira, Larissa Bertacchini; de Campos, Guilherme Gushiken; de Araújo Nunes, Esther Alves; Alves, Katiusse Rezende; de Araújo Püschel, Vilanice Alves
The aim of this review is to identify and synthesize the best available evidence on the effectiveness of teaching strategies aimed at improving critical thinking (CT) in registered nurses who provide direct patient care. Specifically, the research question is: What are the best teaching strategies to improve CT skills in registered nurses who provide direct patient care?
A Design to Improve Internal Validity of Assessments of Teaching Demonstrations
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bartsch, Robert A.; Engelhardt Bittner, Wendy M.; Moreno, Jesse E., Jr.
Internal validity is important in assessing teaching demonstrations both for one's knowledge and for quality assessment demanded by outside sources. We describe a method to improve the internal validity of assessments of teaching demonstrations: a 1-group pretest-posttest design with alternative forms. This design is often more practical and…
Design, Delivery and Evaluation of Teaching by Service Users and Carers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Benbow, Susan Mary; Taylor, Louise; Mustafa, Nageen; Morgan, Kathleen
Education influences individual health and social care professionals and the systems in which they work. We describe a postgraduate educational program that did this through involving service users and carers in designing and facilitating teaching programs. A module of teaching was designed and delivered in partnership with users and carers from…
Mothers' Teaching Strategies and Children's Effortful Control: A Longitudinal Study
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Eisenberg, Nancy; Vidmar, Masa; Spinrad, Tracy L.; Eggum, Natalie D.; Edwards, Alison; Gaertner, Bridget; Kupfer, Anne
Findings on the relation of maternal verbal teaching strategies to children's effortful control (EC; i.e., self-regulation) are limited in quantity and somewhat inconsistent. In this study, children's EC was assessed at 18, 30, and 42 months (ns = 255, 229, and 209, respectively) with adults' reports and a behavioral measure. Mothers' verbal…
Clinical reasoning in nursing: teaching strategies and assessment tools.
Carvalho, Emília Campos de; Oliveira-Kumakura, Ana Railka de Souza; Morais, Sheila Coelho Ramalho Vasconcelos
To present the concept and development of teaching strategies and the assessment tools regarding clinical reasoning for accurate practice. This is a theoretical reflection based on scientific studies. Comprehension of the essential concepts of the thought process and its articulation with the different teaching strategies and the assessment tools which has allowed presenting ways to improve the process of diagnostic or therapeutic clinical reasoning. The use of new strategies and assessment tools should be encouraged in order to contribute to the development of skills that lead to safe and effective decision making. Apresentar o conceito de raciocínio clínico, seu desenvolvimento, as estratégias para seu ensino e os instrumentos de avaliação para uma prática acurada. Trata-se de uma reflexão teórica fundamentada em estudos científicos. A compreensão dos conceitos essenciais do processo de pensamento e sua articulação com as diferentes estratégias de ensino e com os instrumentos de avaliação permitiram exemplificar meios de aprimorar o processo de raciocínio clínico diagnóstico ou terapêutico. A utilização de novas estratégias e instrumentos de avaliação deve ser estimulado para contribuir com o desenvolvimento das habilidades que culminam na tomada de decisão segura e eficaz.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cameron, Leanne
This paper reports on the learning designs, teaching methods and activities most commonly employed within the disciplines in six universities in Australia. The study sought to establish if there were significant differences between the disciplines in learning designs, teaching methods and teaching activities in the current Australian context, as…
The M&M Approach: Using Mental and Mechanical Strategies in Teaching and Coaching
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rhea, Chris K.; Wisdom, Stacey
Mental and mechanical (M&M) techniques are very useful in teaching and coaching. Mental techniques are strategies that enhance movement through psychological preparation, such as using imagery to practice a skill. Mechanical techniques are strategies that enhance the physical side of the movement, such as correcting the biomechanics of a golf…
The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Baskin, Sami; Iscan, Adem; Karagoz, Beytullah; Birol, Gülnur
Vocabulary learning is the basis of the language learning process in teaching Turkish as a second language. Vocabulary learning strategies need to be used in order for vocabulary learning to take place effectively. The use of vocabulary learning strategies facilitates vocabulary learning and increases student achievement. Each student uses a…
Understanding Hong Kong Business Teachers in Action: The Case of Formulation of Teaching Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Yu, Christina Wai Mui
This article examines four categories of teaching strategy used in business classes by a group of 26 secondary school business teachers in Hong Kong, using grounded theoretical coding techniques in the analysis. Each of the teaching categories is illustrated with typical extracts from interviews and is discussed in relation to its effectiveness…
Teaching Auction Strategy Using Experiments Administered Via the Internet
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Asker, John; Grosskopf, Brit; McKinney, C. Nicholas; Niederle, Muriel; Roth, Alvin E.; Weizsacker, Georg
The authors present an experimental design used to teach concepts in the economics of auctions and implications for e-Business procurement. The experiment is easily administered and can be adapted to many different treatments. The chief innovation is that it does not require the use of a lab or class time. Instead, the design can be implemented on…
Teaching for Creativity through Fashion Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
MacDonald, Nora M.; Bigelow, Susan
In today's high technology, globally interdependent world, we must educate students to achieve to their highest capacity. The goal of this middle school fashion design project was to develop a classroom environment that promoted teaching for creativity. We examined the following questions. What was the students' perception of their (a)…
Multiple case studies of STEM teachers' orientations to science teaching through engineering design
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rupp, Madeline
The following master's thesis is composed of two manuscripts describing STEM teachers' orientations to science teaching through engineering within the context of the Science Learning through Engineering Design (SLED) partnership. The framework guiding both studies was science teaching orientations, a component of pedagogical content knowledge. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews, multi-day classroom observations, pre- and post-observation interviews, implementation plans, and written reflections. Data sources were analyzed to generate two orientations to science teaching through engineering design for each participant. The first manuscript illustrates a single case study conducted with a sixth grade STEM teacher. Results of this study revealed a detailed picture of the teacher's goals, practices, assessments, and general views when teaching science through engineering design. Common themes across the teacher's instruction were used to characterize her orientations to science teaching through engineering design. Overall, the teacher's orientations showed a shift in her practice from didactic to student-centered methods of teaching as a result of integrating engineering design-based curriculum. The second manuscript describes a comparative case study of two sixth grade SLED participants. Results of this study revealed more complex and diverse relationships between the teachers' orientations to teaching science through engineering design and their instruction. Participants' orientations served as filters for instruction, guided by their divergent purposes for science teaching. Furthermore, their orientations and resulting implementation were developed from knowledge gained in teacher education, implying that teacher educators and researchers can use this framework to learn more about how teachers' knowledge is used to integrate engineering and science practices in the K-12 classroom.
Teaching Web Search Skills: Techniques and Strategies of Top Trainers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Notess, Greg R.
Here is a unique and practical reference for anyone who teaches Web searching. Greg Notess shares his own techniques and strategies along with expert tips and advice from a virtual "who's who" of Web search training: Joe Barker, Paul Barron, Phil Bradley, John Ferguson, Alice Fulbright, Ran Hock, Jeff Humphrey, Diane Kovacs, Gary Price, Danny…
English Language Learners: Effective Teaching Strategies, Practices for FCS Teachers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Allison, Barbara N.; Rehm, Marsha L.
English language learners represent the fastest growing segment of the U.S. school-age population, raising the question of how best to teach this new and challenging group of students. The research and scholarly literature has identified a number of instructional strategies and classroom practices that have been shown to be effective in teaching…
Literature-Based Teaching in the Content Areas: 40 Strategies for K-8 Classrooms
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cox, Carole
Grounded in theory and best-practices research, this practical text provides teachers with 40 strategies for using fiction and non-fiction trade books to teach in five key content areas: language arts and reading, social studies, mathematics, science, and the arts. Each strategy provides everything a teacher needs to get started: a classroom…
The Design and Implementation of Network Teaching Platform Basing on .NET
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yanna, Ren
This paper addresses the problem that students under traditional teaching model have poor operation ability and studies in depth the network teaching platform in domestic colleges and universities, proposing the design concept of network teaching platform of NET + C # + SQL excellent course and designing the overall structure, function module and back-end database of the platform. This paper emphatically expounds the use of MD5 encryption techniques in order to solve data security problems and the assessment of student learning using ADO.NET database access technology as well as the mathematical formula. The example shows that the network teaching platform developed by using WEB application technology has higher safety and availability, and thus improves the students' operation ability.
Clynes, Mary P
The lecture is the most widely used teaching strategy in adult education programmes. While it has advantages, it is criticised for its lack of student engagement and inability to stimulate higher-order thinking. The aim of this paper is to detail a novice teacher's journey using the lecture as a teaching strategy. The use of an action research approach provided the teacher with a framework to research own learning. In addition, the collaborative process inherent in action research resulted in students being invited to evaluate the teaching. The journey takes the teacher from a teacher-centred approach to teaching and learning to a student-centred approach. The influence of the teacher's own educational encounters is explored. In common with many novice teachers, the focus on content delivery and difficulty asking questions are two key issues. The gradual implementation of strategies to allow for more student engagement is discussed and advice is offered to the novice teacher.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ahmad, N. J.; Lah, Y. Che
The efficacy of a teaching sequence designed for a specific content of learning of electrochemistry is described in this paper. The design of the teaching draws upon theoretical insights into perspectives on learning and empirical studies to improve the teaching of this topic. A case study involving two classes, the experimental and baseline…
On Design Experiment Teaching in Engineering Quality Cultivation
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chen, Xiao
Design experiment refers to that designed and conducted by students independently and is surely an important method to cultivate students' comprehensive quality. According to the development and requirements of experimental teaching, this article carries out a study and analysis on the purpose, significance, denotation, connotation and…
Empowering biomedical engineering undergraduates to help teach design.
Allen, Robert H; Tam, William; Shoukas, Artin A
We report on our experience empowering upperclassmen and seniors to help teach design courses in biomedical engineering. Initiated in the fall of 1998, these courses are a projects-based set, where teams of students from freshmen level to senior level converge to solve practical problems in biomedical engineering. One goal in these courses is to teach the design process by providing experiences that mimic it. Student teams solve practical projects solicited from faculty, industry and the local community. To hone skills and have a metric for grading, written documentation, posters and oral presentations are required over the two-semester sequence. By requiring a mock design and build exercise in the fall, students appreciate the manufacturing process, the difficulties unforeseen in the design stage and the importance of testing. A Web-based, searchable design repository captures reporting information from each project since its inception. This serves as a resource for future projects, in addition to traditional ones such as library, outside experts and lab facilities. Based on results to date, we conclude that characteristics about our design program help students experience design and learn aspects about teamwork and mentoring useful in their profession or graduate education.
Designing Personalized Online Teaching Professional Development through Self-Assessment
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rhode, Jason; Richter, Stephanie; Miller, Tracy
Many institutions use a one-size-fits-all approach to faculty development for online teaching, which does not meet the needs of faculty who often have different levels of experience, skill, and self-efficacy in online teaching and learning. To address these issues, the [university name removed] [center name removed] designed and implemented an…
A Novel Harmony Search Algorithm Based on Teaching-Learning Strategies for 0-1 Knapsack Problems
Tuo, Shouheng; Yong, Longquan; Deng, Fang'an
To enhance the performance of harmony search (HS) algorithm on solving the discrete optimization problems, this paper proposes a novel harmony search algorithm based on teaching-learning (HSTL) strategies to solve 0-1 knapsack problems. In the HSTL algorithm, firstly, a method is presented to adjust dimension dynamically for selected harmony vector in optimization procedure. In addition, four strategies (harmony memory consideration, teaching-learning strategy, local pitch adjusting, and random mutation) are employed to improve the performance of HS algorithm. Another improvement in HSTL method is that the dynamic strategies are adopted to change the parameters, which maintains the proper balance effectively between global exploration power and local exploitation power. Finally, simulation experiments with 13 knapsack problems show that the HSTL algorithm can be an efficient alternative for solving 0-1 knapsack problems. PMID:24574905
A novel harmony search algorithm based on teaching-learning strategies for 0-1 knapsack problems.
Tuo, Shouheng; Yong, Longquan; Deng, Fang'an
To enhance the performance of harmony search (HS) algorithm on solving the discrete optimization problems, this paper proposes a novel harmony search algorithm based on teaching-learning (HSTL) strategies to solve 0-1 knapsack problems. In the HSTL algorithm, firstly, a method is presented to adjust dimension dynamically for selected harmony vector in optimization procedure. In addition, four strategies (harmony memory consideration, teaching-learning strategy, local pitch adjusting, and random mutation) are employed to improve the performance of HS algorithm. Another improvement in HSTL method is that the dynamic strategies are adopted to change the parameters, which maintains the proper balance effectively between global exploration power and local exploitation power. Finally, simulation experiments with 13 knapsack problems show that the HSTL algorithm can be an efficient alternative for solving 0-1 knapsack problems.
(Re)Designing Writing in English Class: A Multimodal Approach to Teaching Writing
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rowsell, Jennifer; Decoste, Eryn
Based on a 2-year ethnographic study in an urban secondary school in Toronto, the article presents how a teacher and a researcher teach Grade 11 students through a design-based approach to teaching and learning in English class. Built on research and pedagogy on design, the authors designed a programme of study as an alternative to more…
Didactital design of mathematics teaching in primary school
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nur’aeni, E.; Muharram, M. R. W.
The fact that the low ability of geometrical understanding of primary school students is what triggers this study to be conducted. Thus, this research aimed to find out how to create a didactical design of students' mathematical understanding, particularly on one of geometry materials that is unit of length. A qualitative approach promoting Didactical Design Research (DDR) was administered in this study. Participants of the study were primary school students in Tasikmalaya, an city in West Java Province, Indonesia. The results show that there was a learning design based on learning obstacles found in the mathematics teaching and learning processes. The learning obstacles comprised students' difficulties in memorizing, relating, and operating the standards of unit of lengths. It has been proven that the most influential factor in the success of mathematics teaching and learning processes is the use of creative media.
Just in Time Teaching: A Strategy to Encourage Students' Engagement
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
López Cupita, Lorena Andrea
This qualitative research study was carried out with two groups of students at a beginner English level; the students were in the fourth semester of psychology at a Colombian university. The overall aim of this action research study was to analyze learners' perceptions of the strategy "Just in Time Teaching" in a web 2.0. The data were…
Effective teaching strategies for the older adult with urologic concerns.
Zurakowski, Tamara; Taylor, Melissa; Bradway, Christine
Older adults are able to learn and apply new knowledge, such as management of a urological condition, but their learning style differs from that of younger clients. An understanding of the older adult's learning style, and knowledge of specific teaching strategies will benefit the urologic nurse in the ongoing effort to be a more effective patient educator.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
James, Okoro
This study assessed the strategies for enhancing the teaching of ICT in Business Education programme as perceived by Business Education lecturers in universities in south south Nigeria. Three research questions and six hypotheses guided the study. The design of this study was a descriptive survey. The population which also served as a sample…
Designing Learning Environments to Teach Interactive Quantum Physics
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Puente, Sonia M. Gomez; Swagten, Henk J. M.
This study aims at describing and analysing systematically an interactive learning environment designed to teach Quantum Physics, a second-year physics course. The instructional design of Quantum Physics is a combination of interactive lectures (using audience response systems), tutorials and self-study in unit blocks, carried out with small…
Using Multimedia for Teaching Analysis in History of Modern Architecture.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Perryman, Garry
This paper presents a case for the development and support of a computer-based interactive multimedia program for teaching analysis in community college architecture design programs. Analysis in architecture design is an extremely important strategy for the teaching of higher-order thinking skills, which senior schools of architecture look for in…
Earth Science Teaching Strategies Used in the International Polar Year
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sparrow, E. B.
There are many effective methods for teaching earth science education that are being successfully used during the fourth International Polar Year (IPY). Relevance of IPY and the polar regions is better understood using a systems thinking approach used in earth science education. Changes in components of the earth system have a global effect; and changes in the polar regions will affect the rest of the world regions and vice versa. Teaching strategies successfully used for primary, secondary, undergraduate and graduate student earth science education and IPY education outreach include: 1) engaging students in earth science or environmental research relevant to their locale; 2) blending lectures with research expeditions or field studies, 3) connecting students with scientists in person and through audio and video conferencing; 4) combining science and arts in teaching, learning and communicating about earth science and the polar regions, capitalizing on the uniqueness of polar regions and its inhabitants, and its sensitivity to climate change; and 5) integrating different perspectives: western science, indigenous and community knowledge in the content and method of delivery. Use of these strategies are exemplified in IPY projects in the University of the Arctic IPY Higher Education Outreach Project cluster such as the GLOBE Seasons and Biomes project, the Ice Mysteries e-Polar Books: An Innovative Way of Combining Science and Literacy project, the Resilience and Adaptation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship project, and the Svalbard Research Experience for Undergraduates project.
Explorations in Teaching Sustainable Design: A Studio Experience in Interior Design/Architecture
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gurel, Meltem O.
This article argues that a design studio can be a dynamic medium to explore the creative potential of the complexity of sustainability from its technological to social ends. The study seeks to determine the impact of an interior design/architecture studio experience that was initiated to teach diverse meanings of sustainability and to engage the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lataille-Demore, Diane
A training and teaching tools development project aims to help multigrade classroom teachers in remote areas of Ontario. The project presents multiple instructional strategies, such as collaborative learning, differentiated teaching, and subject integration. Sixty teaching activities, created and tested by teachers, are contained on a CD that will…
Economics and Entrepreneurship. Teaching Strategies. Master Curriculum Guide.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Clow, John E.; And Others
Designed for high school teachers of economics, social studies, and business education, this teaching package provides materials for a course that combines study of basic economic concepts with an understanding of entrepreneurship. The teacher resource manual consists of three parts. Part 1 is an overview of the relationship between economics and…
Chatterjee, Souvik; Schwartzstein, Richard M.
Critical thinking, the capacity to be deliberate about thinking, is increasingly the focus of undergraduate medical education, but is not commonly addressed in graduate medical education. Without critical thinking, physicians, and particularly residents, are prone to cognitive errors, which can lead to diagnostic errors, especially in a high-stakes environment such as the intensive care unit. Although challenging, critical thinking skills can be taught. At this time, there is a paucity of data to support an educational gold standard for teaching critical thinking, but we believe that five strategies, routed in cognitive theory and our personal teaching experiences, provide an effective framework to teach critical thinking in the intensive care unit. The five strategies are: make the thinking process explicit by helping learners understand that the brain uses two cognitive processes: type 1, an intuitive pattern-recognizing process, and type 2, an analytic process; discuss cognitive biases, such as premature closure, and teach residents to minimize biases by expressing uncertainty and keeping differentials broad; model and teach inductive reasoning by utilizing concept and mechanism maps and explicitly teach how this reasoning differs from the more commonly used hypothetico-deductive reasoning; use questions to stimulate critical thinking: “how” or “why” questions can be used to coach trainees and to uncover their thought processes; and assess and provide feedback on learner’s critical thinking. We believe these five strategies provide practical approaches for teaching critical thinking in the intensive care unit. PMID:28157389
Hayes, Margaret M; Chatterjee, Souvik; Schwartzstein, Richard M
Critical thinking, the capacity to be deliberate about thinking, is increasingly the focus of undergraduate medical education, but is not commonly addressed in graduate medical education. Without critical thinking, physicians, and particularly residents, are prone to cognitive errors, which can lead to diagnostic errors, especially in a high-stakes environment such as the intensive care unit. Although challenging, critical thinking skills can be taught. At this time, there is a paucity of data to support an educational gold standard for teaching critical thinking, but we believe that five strategies, routed in cognitive theory and our personal teaching experiences, provide an effective framework to teach critical thinking in the intensive care unit. The five strategies are: make the thinking process explicit by helping learners understand that the brain uses two cognitive processes: type 1, an intuitive pattern-recognizing process, and type 2, an analytic process; discuss cognitive biases, such as premature closure, and teach residents to minimize biases by expressing uncertainty and keeping differentials broad; model and teach inductive reasoning by utilizing concept and mechanism maps and explicitly teach how this reasoning differs from the more commonly used hypothetico-deductive reasoning; use questions to stimulate critical thinking: "how" or "why" questions can be used to coach trainees and to uncover their thought processes; and assess and provide feedback on learner's critical thinking. We believe these five strategies provide practical approaches for teaching critical thinking in the intensive care unit.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Roxa, Torgny; Olsson, Thomas; Martensson, Katarina
In this article we--as academic developers in two different faculties within a large, research-intensive university--discuss the scholarship of teaching and learning as a strategy for institutional improvement of teaching and learning. We focus on three related issues. Firstly, how can individual engagement in the scholarship of teaching and…
Teaching fractional factorial experiments via course delegate designed experiments.
Coleman, S; Antony, J
Industrial experiments are fundamental in enhancing the understanding and knowledge of a process and product behavior. Designed industrial experiments assist people in understanding, investigating, and improving their processes. The purpose of a designed experiment is to understand which factors might influence the process output and then to determine those factor settings that optimize the process output. Teaching "design of experiments" using textbook examples does not fully shed light on how to identify and formulate the problem, identify factors, and determine the performance of the physical experiment. Presented here is an example of how to teach fractional factorial experiments in a course on designed experiments. Also presented is a practical, hands-on experiment that has been found to be extremely successful in instilling confidence and motivation in course delegates. The experiment provides a great stimulus to the delegates for the application of experimental design in their own work environment.
Gathering Requirements for Teacher Tools: Strategies for Empowering Teachers Through Co-Design
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Matuk, Camillia; Gerard, Libby; Lim-Breitbart, Jonathan; Linn, Marcia
Technology can enhance teachers' practice in multiple ways. It can help them better understand patterns in their students' thinking, manage class progress at individual and group levels, and obtain evidence to inform modifications to curriculum and instruction. Such technology is most effective when it is aligned with teachers' goals and expectations. Participatory methods, which involve teachers closely in the design process, are widely recommended for establishing accurate design requirements that address users' needs. By collaborating with researchers, teachers can contribute their professional expertise to shape the tools of their practice, and ultimately ensure their sustained use. However, there is little guidance available for maintaining effective teacher-researcher design partnerships. We describe four strategies for engaging teachers in designing tools intended to support and enhance their practice within a web-based science learning environment: discussing physical artifacts, reacting to scenarios, customizing prototypes, and writing user stories. Using design artifacts and documents of teachers' reflections, we illustrate how we applied these techniques over 5 years of annual professional development workshops, and examine their affordances for eliciting teachers' ideas. We reflect on how these approaches have helped inform technology refinements and innovations. We moreover discuss the further benefits these strategies have had in encouraging teachers to reflect on their own practice and on the roles of technology in supporting it; and in allowing researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between technology, teaching, and design.
Teaching HR Professionals: The Classroom as a Community of Practice
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rowlands, Kate; Avramenko, Alex
This paper introduces an innovative course design incorporating both communities of practice and reflective practice as a learning strategy for part-time learners in higher education. The new design has been applied to teaching HR practitioners in a UK-based business school. Findings indicate that the suggested way of organizing teaching and…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Esene, Robert A.
This study investigated the strategies and tools for effective teaching of Entrepreneurship Development Education to OTM students of Polytechnics in Delta State. The design of the study was survey. Research question was raised for the study. An instrument which consisted of 70 items was distributed to 30 respondents in the areas covered in the…
Teaching Computer Applications.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lundgren, Carol A.; And Others
This document, which is designed to provide classroom teachers at all levels with practical ideas for a computer applications course, examines curricular considerations, teaching strategies, delivery techniques, and assessment methods applicable to a course focusing on applications of computers in business. The guide is divided into three…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Luo, Yunhan; Chen, Zhe; Li, Yan; Di, Hongwei; Li, Zhen; Bai, Chunhe; Tang, Jieyuan; Zhang, Jun; Yi, Xiao
The course of optoelectronic information science is a diverse science and technology with wide range of disciplines, intensive technology, and strong applicability. As a result, the practice teaching in undergraduate education occupies the strategic important position, which is a key link in the process of innovative talents cultivation of photoelectric information, plays a unique and irreplaceable role by any other teaching methods. In order to meet the requirements of national innovative talents of photoelectric information, the complete teaching reform strategy was put forward by combining with the higher education policy and development strategy of teaching and professional characteristics. The goal of the experimental teaching reform is to cultivate innovative talents and to construct the photoelectric information industry chain system of experimental teaching platform and cultivating creative personnel. The key clue is the photoelectric information surrounding photoelectric information, like "generation - modulation - transformation - detection - procession" which will be realized by resource integration and complementary among cross disciplines, and focusing on scientific research support for the teaching and the combination of professional knowledge and practical application. This teaching reform scheme presented in the paper will provide very good demonstration effect in the curriculum reform of other photoelectric information related courses.
Creative Teaching and Learning Strategies for Novice Users of Mobile Technologies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Masters, Jennifer
This paper addresses perspectives of creative teaching and learning strategies in the new learning context of mobile technology, particularly for novice learners. The discussion presented here is framed by two case studies and uses an ethnographical approach, informed by participant observation to consider the experiences of users of mobile…
Designing Technology Activities that Teach Mathematics
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Silk, Eli M.; Higashi, Ross; Shoop, Robin; Schunn, Christian D.
Over the past three years, the authors have conducted research in middle and high school classrooms in an effort to improve the effectiveness of robotics to teach science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education--their focus has been on math. The authors have found that subtle changes in the design and setup of the lesson make a…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Teachers Network, New York, NY.
This CD-ROM provides information on successful teaching strategies for elementary and middle school teachers. One section offers links to curriculum and lesson planning strategies in the areas of English as a Second Language, library, arts, classroom management, English/language arts, foreign languages, global education, health/physical education,…
Lane, India F; Strand, Elizabeth
Missing in the recent calls for accountability and assurance of veterinary students' clinical competence are similar calls for competence in clinical teaching. Most clinician educators have no formal training in teaching theory or method. At the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine (UTCVM), we have initiated multiple strategies to enhance the quality of teaching in our curriculum and in clinical settings. An interview study of veterinary faculty was completed to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of clinical education; findings were used in part to prepare a professional development program in clinical teaching. Centered on principles of effective feedback, the program prepares participants to organize clinical rotation structure and orientation, maximize teaching moments, improve teaching and participation during formal rounds, and provide clearer summative feedback to students at the end of a rotation. The program benefits from being situated within a larger college-wide focus on teaching improvement. We expect the program's audience and scope to continue to expand.
Designing, Teaching, and Evaluating Two Complementary Mixed Methods Research Courses
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Christ, Thomas W.
Teaching mixed methods research is difficult. This longitudinal explanatory study examined how two classes were designed, taught, and evaluated. Curriculum, Research, and Teaching (EDCS-606) and Mixed Methods Research (EDCS-780) used a research proposal generation process to highlight the importance of the purpose, research question and…
Teaching Study Skills and Test-Taking Strategies to Elementary School Students.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Beidel, Deborah C.; Turner, Samuel M.; Taylor-Ferreira, Jill C.
Presents and evaluates a pilot program to reduce test anxiety and related social-evaluative concerns. The Testbusters program teaches effective study habits, study skills, and test-taking strategies for children in grades 4 through 7. Results indicate that Testbusters decreased general levels of test anxiety and improved overall grade point…
Effective Teaching Strategies for Gifted/Learning-Disabled Students with Spatial Strengths
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mann, Rebecca L.
This study sought to determine effective teaching strategies for use with high-ability students who have spatial strengths and sequential weaknesses. Gifted students with spatial strengths and weak verbal skills often struggle in the traditional classroom. Their learning style enables them to grasp complex systems and excel at higher levels of…
Near-Peer Teaching Strategy in a Large Human Anatomy Course: Perceptions of Near-Peer Instructors
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Reyes-Hernández, Cynthia Guadalupe; Carmona Pulido, Juan Manuel; De la Garza Chapa, Roberto Isaac; Serna Vázquez, Ruth Patricia; Alcalá Briones, Ricardo Daniel; Plasencia Banda, Perla Marina; Villarreal Silva, Eliud Enrique; Jacobo Baca, Guillermo; de la Garza Castro, Oscar; Elizondo Omaña, Rodrigo Enrique; Guzmán López, Santos
Near-peer teaching (NPT) is a strategy in which senior students assume the instructor role with junior peers (mentees). Senior students develop unique skills and knowledge through NPT, an experience which extends their learning beyond content mastery. Different teaching modules featuring NPT were utilized in the human anatomy course at the School…
Murray, Marry Ellen; Douglas, Stephen; Girdley, Diana; Jarzemsky, Paula
Practicing nurses are required to engage in quality improvement work as a part of their clinical practice, but few undergraduate nursing education programs offer course work and applied experience in this area. This article presents a description of class content and teaching strategies, assignments, and evaluation strategies designed to achieve the Quality and Safety Education in Nursing competencies related to quality improvement and interdisciplinary teams. Students demonstrate their application of the quality improvement process by designing and implementing a small-scale quality improvement project that they report in storyboard format on a virtual conference Web site.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Nikolaros, John
This research study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of direct instructional strategies regarding the achievement of students with ED. High school teachers with significant years of teaching experience in an urban setting support the effectiveness of direct instructional strategies. Teachers with 11-20 and 21-30 years of teaching…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Derderian, Ani
Concepts about tasks have been considered as the major part of analysis in different teaching approaches. Instructors are being more interested in the use of task-based instruction in foreign and second language teaching. Task-based instruction and teaching strategies are implemented by emphasizing meaning. The purpose of this paper is to…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ghasem, Nayef
This paper illustrates a teaching technique used in computer applications in chemical engineering employed for designing various unit operation processes, where the students learn about unit operations by designing them. The aim of the course is not to teach design, but rather to teach the fundamentals and the function of unit operation processes…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dennis, Minyi Shih; Knight, Jacqueline; Jerman, Olga
This article describes how to teach fraction and percentage word problems using a model-drawing strategy. This cognitive strategy places emphasis on explicitly teaching students how to draw a schematic diagram to represent the qualitative relations described in the problem, and how to formulate the solution based on the schematic diagram. The…
The Value of Indirect Teaching Strategies in Enhancing Student-Coaches’ Learning Engagement
Mesquita, Isabel; Coutinho, Patrícia; De Martin-Silva, Luciana; Parente, Bruno; Faria, Mário; Afonso, José
This study aimed to examine the indirect teaching strategies adopted by a coach educator in terms of promoting student-coaches’ engagement in a positive and active learning environment. The participants were an expert coach educator and seven student-coaches from an academic coaching setting. A mix method approach was used to collect data. Whilst video-recording and participant observations were used to collect data from the lessons, focus groups were adopted to recall the perceptions of student-coaches. The results showed that indirect teaching strategies (i.e., asking questions, showing signs of autonomy by monitoring the pace at which they completed tasks and actively engaging in the search for solutions to tasks) implemented by the coach educator promoted a supportive and challenging learning environment which, in turn, encouraged student-coaches to be more actively involved in the lessons. Additionally, the affective aspects of the relationship established with student-coaches (tone of voice, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, physical contact and humor) led them to feel confident in exposing their doubts and opinions, and in learning in a more autonomous manner. Moreover, the practical lessons proved to be crucial in helping student-coaches to reach broader and deeper forms of understanding by allowing the application of theory to coaching practice. In conclusion, this study reinforces the value of indirect teaching strategies to stimulate an active learning environment. It further highlights the value of practical learning environments to better prepare neophyte coaches for dealing with the complex and dynamic nature of their professional reality. Key points Both instructional and affective teaching indirect strategies used by the coach educator promoted a positive and challenging learning environment to student-coaches. The directness profile used by this coach educator (questioning, giving autonomy for problem solving and responsibility to
Research Strategies in Higher Education.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Semb, George
The present paper outlines two alternative strategies for evaluating teaching effectiveness. These are: (1) within-subject reversal designs, and (2) multiple baseline testing procedures. Each design is discussed in terms of its application to research problems in higher education. In reversal designs, the student is exposed to different teaching…
If You Give a Nurse a Cookie: Sharing Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educator Development.
Wingo, Nancy P
Nurse educators often do not have time or a space to discuss ideas about effective teaching. To address this issue, an instructor at one school of nursing initiated Cookie Swap, a bimonthly, school-wide e-mail featuring stories about teaching strategies and tools used in face-to-face, online, and clinical courses. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2017;48(1):12-13. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ghasem, Nayef
This paper illustrates a teaching technique used in computer applications in chemical engineering employed for designing various unit operation processes, where the students learn about unit operations by designing them. The aim of the course is not to teach design, but rather to teach the fundamentals and the function of unit operation processes through simulators. A case study presenting the teaching method was evaluated using student surveys and faculty assessments, which were designed to measure the quality and effectiveness of the teaching method. The results of the questionnaire conclusively demonstrate that this method is an extremely efficient way of teaching a simulator-based course. In addition to that, this teaching method can easily be generalised and used in other courses. A student's final mark is determined by a combination of in-class assessments conducted based on cooperative and peer learning, progress tests and a final exam. Results revealed that peer learning can improve the overall quality of student learning and enhance student understanding.
Objectives, Strategies, and Ethnics in Teaching Introductory Courses in Sociology of Sport.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
McKay, Jim; Pearson, Kent
Strategies that may be useful in helping undergraduates develop a critical view of sport are presented in this article. Several ethical problems that may arise from teaching sociology of sport in a way that contradicts typical assumptions about sport are discussed. (Author/DF)
The Effectiveness of Scaffolding Design in Training Writing Skills Physics Teaching Materials
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sinaga, Parlindungan; Suhandi, Andi; Liliasari
Result of field studies showed low writing skill of teachers in teaching material. The root of the problem lies in their inability on translating description of teaching material into writing. This research focused on the effectiveness of scaffolding design. The scaffolding design was tested in the selected topics of physics courses for…
Debate as a Teaching Strategy in Online Education: A Case Study
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Park, Caroline; Kier, Cheryl; Jugdev, Kam
This reflective case study was based on our independent use of the debate as an online instructional approach and our shared interest in teaching strategies. In an interdisciplinary manner, using narrative inquiry and action research, we melded our data sources and analyzed the findings, including our individual experiences with the technique. Our…
Teaching Word Recognition, Spelling, and Vocabulary: Strategies from "The Reading Teacher."
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rasinski, Timothy V., Ed.; Padak, Nancy D., Ed.; Church, Brenda Weible, Ed.; Fawcett, Gay, Ed.; Hendershot, Judith, Ed.; Henry, Justina M., Ed.; Moss, Barbara G., Ed.; Peck, Jacqueline K., Ed.; Pryor, Elizabeth, Ed.; Roskos, Kathleen A., Ed.
This book, one of four in the Teaching Reading Collection, presents the "best of the best" classroom-tested ideas, approaches, and practical applications for helping students learn about words. The articles have been drawn from the journal "The Reading Teacher" from 1993-1999. The ideas and strategies are intended to provide possible building…
Eco-Webbing: A Teaching Strategy to Facilitate Critical Consciousness and Agency
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Williams, Joseph M.; McMahon, H. George; Goodman, Rachael D.
Eco-webbing is a teaching strategy that can be used to help counselor educators integrate a social justice focus into their courses. Preliminary data indicated increased critical consciousness and social justice agency as a result of using eco-webbing with counseling students (N = 17). The authors provide implications for counselor educators and…
Schools for Strategy: Teaching Strategy for 21st Century Conflict
To illustrate, if for now your army cannot win decisive success by fighting (tactically), you are obliged to adopt a long-haul strategy guided by a...sense,” but also who could fight their commands successfully in battle through the competent exercise of real- and near-real- time leadership.27 In...should always be recognition that ultimately it must be a practical, not a scholarly, pursuit. Education in strategy for potentially designated
Purpose The aim of this systematic review was to find best teaching strategies for teaching evidence-based practice (EBP) to undergraduate health students that have been adopted over the last years in healthcare institutions worldwide. Methods The authors carried out a systematic, comprehensive bibliographic search using Medline database for the years 2005 to March 2015 (updated in March 2016). Search terms used were chosen from the USNLM Institutes of Health list of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) and free text key terms were used as well. Selected articles were measured based on the inclusion criteria of this study and initially compared in terms of titles or abstracts. Finally, articles relevant to the subject of this review were retrieved in full text. Critical appraisal was done to determine the effects of strategy of teaching evidence-based medicine (EBM). Results Twenty articles were included in the review. The majority of the studies sampled medical students (n=13) and only few conducted among nursing (n=2), pharmacy (n=2), physiotherapy/therapy (n=1), dentistry (n=1), or mixed disciplines (n=1) students. Studies evaluated a variety of educational interventions of varying duration, frequency and format (lectures, tutorials, workshops, conferences, journal clubs, and online sessions), or combination of these to teach EBP. We categorized interventions into single interventions covering a workshop, conference, lecture, journal club, or e-learning and multifaceted interventions where a combination of strategies had been assessed. Seven studies reported an overall increase to all EBP domains indicating a higher EBP competence and two studies focused on the searching databases skill. Conclusion Followings were deduced from above analysis: multifaceted approach may be best suited when teaching EBM to health students; the use of technology to promote EBP through mobile devices, simulation, and the web is on the rise; and the duration of the interventions varying
Kyriakoulis, Konstantinos; Patelarou, Athina; Laliotis, Aggelos; Wan, Andrew C; Matalliotakis, Michail; Tsiou, Chrysoula; Patelarou, Evridiki
The aim of this systematic review was to find best teaching strategies for teaching evidence-based practice (EBP) to undergraduate health students that have been adopted over the last years in healthcare institutions worldwide. The authors carried out a systematic, comprehensive bibliographic search using Medline database for the years 2005 to March 2015 (updated in March 2016). Search terms used were chosen from the USNLM Institutes of Health list of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) and free text key terms were used as well. Selected articles were measured based on the inclusion criteria of this study and initially compared in terms of titles or abstracts. Finally, articles relevant to the subject of this review were retrieved in full text. Critical appraisal was done to determine the effects of strategy of teaching evidence-based medicine (EBM). Twenty articles were included in the review. The majority of the studies sampled medical students (n=13) and only few conducted among nursing (n=2), pharmacy (n=2), physiotherapy/therapy (n=1), dentistry (n=1), or mixed disciplines (n=1) students. Studies evaluated a variety of educational interventions of varying duration, frequency and format (lectures, tutorials, workshops, conferences, journal clubs, and online sessions), or combination of these to teach EBP. We categorized interventions into single interventions covering a workshop, conference, lecture, journal club, or e-learning and multifaceted interventions where a combination of strategies had been assessed. Seven studies reported an overall increase to all EBP domains indicating a higher EBP competence and two studies focused on the searching databases skill. Followings were deduced from above analysis: multifaceted approach may be best suited when teaching EBM to health students; the use of technology to promote EBP through mobile devices, simulation, and the web is on the rise; and the duration of the interventions varying form some hours to even months was
Strategies for Teaching Brainstorming in Design Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mentzer, Nathan; Farrington, Shawn; Tennenhouse, Jason
Innovation has been an important aspect of economic and scientific success in the United States for decades. Hobday, Coffey, Saalfeld, and Colwell (2011) suggested that, in order to produce innovative ideas, one must have a design-thinking mentality. This article provides the readers with an example of brainstorming techniques that have been…
Co-Designing and Co-Teaching Graduate Qualitative Methods: An Innovative Ethnographic Workshop Model
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cordner, Alissa; Klein, Peter T.; Baiocchi, Gianpaolo
This article describes an innovative collaboration between graduate students and a faculty member to co-design and co-teach a graduate-level workshop-style qualitative methods course. The goal of co-designing and co-teaching the course was to involve advanced graduate students in all aspects of designing a syllabus and leading class discussions in…
Channels of Vision and the Poetics of Drawing: Strategies for Teaching
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Riley, Howard
This article introduces a novel approach to pedagogy within an art school in the UK HE sector, based upon a synthesis of perception theory and communication theory. It is argued that art students' drawing is empowered by strategies of teaching informed by aspects of James J. Gibson's ecological approach to visual perception relevant to an…
Wright, Kerri
Student nurses need to develop and retain drug calculation skills in order accurately to calculate drug dosages in clinical practice. If student nurses are to qualify and be fit to practise accurate drug calculation skills, then educational strategies need to not only show that the skills of student nurses have improved but that these skills have been retained over a period of time. A quasi-experimental approach was used to test the effectiveness of a range of strategies in improving retention of drug calculation skills. The results from an IV additive drug calculation test were used to compare the drug calculation skills of student nurses between two groups of students who had received different approaches to teaching drug calculation skills. The sample group received specific teaching and learning strategies in relation to drug calculation skills and the second group received only lectures on drug calculation skills. All test results for students were anonymous. The results from the test for both groups were statistically analysed using the Mann Whitney test to ascertain whether the range of strategies improved the results for the IV additive test. The results were further analysed and compared to ascertain the types and numbers of errors made in each of the sample groups. The results showed that there is a highly significant difference between the two samples using a two-tailed test (U=39.5, p<0.001). The strategies implemented therefore did make a difference to the retention of drug calculation skills in the students in the intervention group. Further research is required into the retention of drug calculation skills by students and nurses, but there does appears to be evidence to suggest that sound teaching and learning strategies do result in better retention of drug calculation skills.
Teaching Leadership Online: An Exploratory Study of Instructional and Assessment Strategy Use
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jenkins, Daniel M.
This global, quantitative study explores the instructional and assessment strategy use of leadership educators who teach online, academic credit-bearing leadership studies courses at graduate- and undergraduate-levels. Participants include 81 graduate-level and 37 undergraduate-level instructors who taught an online leadership studies course…
Davies, B R; Millar, B J; Louca, C
Mandatory continuing professional development has resulted in a recent expansion in postgraduate dental teaching. One popular type of teaching is the practical 'hands-on' course that combines the explanation of theory with the acquisition of practical skills in small groups. The challenge to dental teachers is to provide the best level of teaching on these courses where the course participants bring varied expectations and different levels of knowledge, skill or interest. This paper presents a new teaching model that has been developed for the postgraduate teaching of Electrosurgery. The key components of this course include an interactive theory lecture using multimedia, followed by hands-on practical teaching. The emphasis throughout is on the use of facilitation and group learning rather than traditional didactic teaching. A series of strategies for the effective delivery of such a hands-on course together with evaluation of findings from 31 courses are considered.
Teaching Games Level Design Using the StarCraft II Editor
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sweetser, Penelope
Level design is often characterised as "where the rubber hits the road" in game development. It is a core area of games design, alongside design of game rules and narrative. However, there is a lack of literature dedicated to documenting teaching games design, let alone the more specialised topic of level design. Furthermore, there…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Abaoud, Abdulrahman A.
This study aimed to measured teachers' attitudes toward implementation of peer tutoring strategies in teaching students with ADHD in Saudi Arabia. The study moreover examined the relationship between teachers' attitudes of implementation of peer tutoring strategies and variables of demographic characteristics. Five hundred thirty eight teachers…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Blaga, Jeff; And Others
Designed primarily for teachers of students in grades 7-12, the document presents over 60 social studies teaching strategies and lesson plans. Each lesson includes an overview, grade level information, suggested course/subject matter uses, objectives, suggested materials, student materials, and an instructional plan. Lesson topics fall into the…
Teaching Sustainable Design Using BIM and Project-Based Energy Simulations
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shen, Zhigang; Jensen, Wayne; Wentz, Timothy; Fischer, Bruce
The cross-disciplinary nature of energy-efficient building design has created many challenges for architecture, engineering and construction instructors. One of the technical challenges in teaching sustainable building design is enabling students to quantitatively understand how different building designs affect a building's energy performance.…
Weaving through Words: Using the Arts To Teach Reading Comprehension Strategies.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mantione, Roberta D.; Smead, Sabine
This book shows teachers how to help their learners take an active role in becoming strategic thinkers and readers and how to develop meaningful lessons to aid students in their comprehension of text. The book delineates an arts-integrated curriculum that helps teachers teach reading comprehension strategies. It is an in-depth look at the effects…
New Insights into Teaching Apparel Design.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Capjack, Linda
Describes projects intended to integrate competitive strategies, develop research skills, increase problem-solving ability, and foster a closer link with the apparel industry: the design of children's wear using computer-aided design technology and a project using the Functional Design Process. (Author/JOW)
Active Teaching Strategies for a Sense of Salience: End-of-Life Communication
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kopp, Mary L.
This study compared active teaching strategies with passive lecture by evaluating cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning outcomes, while highlighting end-of-life communication in nursing education. The problem addressed was twofold: First, passive lecture prevents transfer to situational decision-making, or a sense of salience (Benner,…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jimarez, Teresa
Despite our national efforts to attract more students to the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, the number of students continues to be small. Empirical studies have suggested that in order to actively engage students in the science learning processes, lessons need to be designed which consider student prior experiences and provide a sound curriculum, within an environment promoting social interaction---that is, allowing for sharing and negotiation of those ideas which promote reflective thinking. These premises require an embedded assessment system that continuously provides feedback to both student and teacher. This technique allows adaptation and modification of lessons to better facilitate conceptual understanding. This study focused on the use of constructivist strategies that, when aligned, promoted conceptual understanding while facilitating development of science process skills. Skill development leads to meaningful learning, known to promote a change of attitude toward science. A mixed research design embedded in a case study approach was used to understand the complexity of the variables examined in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection were used to strengthen the validity and interpretation of the findings. Students from one of three ninth-grade physical science classes were selected for this study. The students numbered 29, 13 boys and 16 girls; the majority of these students were of Hispanic background. The analysis of data suggested that the use of constructivist strategies promotes conceptual understanding of science concepts and development of science process skills and a change of attitude towards science. This study concluded that selecting teaching and multiple assessment strategies is vital to engage students in science careers. Due to the limited nature of this case study, the researcher recommends a replication or followup with a different teacher and school, including a control
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Berg, Ronan M. G.; Plovsing, Ronni R.; Damgaard, Morten
Quiz-based and collaborative teaching strategies have previously been found to be efficient for the improving meaningful learning of physiology during lectures. These approaches have, however, not been investigated during laboratory exercises. In the present study, we compared the impact of solving quizzes individually and in groups with…
Universal Design for Learning in Teaching Large Lecture Classes
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dean, Tereza; Lee-Post, Anita; Hapke, Holly
To augment traditional lecture with instructional tools that provide options for content representation, learner engagement, and learning expression, we followed the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to design and implement a learning environment for teaching and learning in large lecture classes. To this end, we incorporated four…
Teaching Experimental Design to Elementary School Pupils in Greece
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Karampelas, Konstantinos
This research is a study about the possibility to promote experimental design skills to elementary school pupils. Experimental design and the experiment process are foundational elements in current approaches to Science Teaching, as they provide learners with profound understanding about knowledge construction and science inquiry. The research was…
An Evaluation of On-Line, Interactive Tutorials Designed to Teach Practice Concepts
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Seabury, Brett A.
This paper presents an evaluation of two on-line-based programs designed to teach practice skills. One program teaches crisis intervention and the other teaches suicide assessment. The evaluation of the use of these programs compares outcomes for two groups of students, one using the interactive program outside a class context and the other using…
The Electoral College: A Teaching/Learning Design.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hamilton, Angela Blackston
This teacher's guide describes a course unit on the electoral college designed to teach eighth grade students about the election process for the President of the United States. The historical significance of the electoral college, its procedures, and its relevance to today's political system are discussed. Ten lesson plans with student objectives,…
Design & Technology Teaching: A Journal of New Approaches, 1994-95.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Design and Technology Teaching, 1995
This document consists of the three issues of the journal "Design & Technology Teaching" for the 1994-95 publishing year. This journal focuses on developments in design and technology across all phases of education. It provides a forum for sharing and developing expertise in all the contributing areas of design and technology: art and design,…
College Teaching Abroad. A Handbook of Strategies for Successful Cross-Cultural Exchanges.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
George, Pamela Gale
Each year 50,000 American educators participate in international exchange programs, and each year many of them discover that the instructional methods and techniques that have proved successful with their American students are not sufficient to meet the challenges of teaching across cultures. This guide provides strategies, resources, and…
Huang, Yu-Hsien; Lin, Mei-Feng; Ho, Hsueh-Jen; Chang, Lu-Na; Chen, Shiue
Lack of knowledge and experience is prevalent in undergraduate students who are taking their clinical practicum for mental-health nursing. This issue negatively affects the learning process. This article shares an experience of implementing a practicum-teaching program. This program was developed by the authors to facilitate the cooperative learning and clinical care competence of students. A series of multidimensional teaching activities was designed by integrating the strategies of peer cooperation and creative thinking to promote group and individual learning. Results indicate that the program successfully encouraged the students to participate more actively in the learning process. Additionally, the students demonstrated increased competence in empathetic caring toward patients, stronger friendship relationships with peers, and improved self-growth. The authors hope this teaching program provides a framework to increase the benefits for students of participating in clinical practicums and provides a teaching reference for clinical instructors.
Quantitative learning strategies based on word networks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhao, Yue-Tian-Yi; Jia, Zi-Yang; Tang, Yong; Xiong, Jason Jie; Zhang, Yi-Cheng
Learning English requires a considerable effort, but the way that vocabulary is introduced in textbooks is not optimized for learning efficiency. With the increasing population of English learners, learning process optimization will have significant impact and improvement towards English learning and teaching. The recent developments of big data analysis and complex network science provide additional opportunities to design and further investigate the strategies in English learning. In this paper, quantitative English learning strategies based on word network and word usage information are proposed. The strategies integrate the words frequency with topological structural information. By analyzing the influence of connected learned words, the learning weights for the unlearned words and dynamically updating of the network are studied and analyzed. The results suggest that quantitative strategies significantly improve learning efficiency while maintaining effectiveness. Especially, the optimized-weight-first strategy and segmented strategies outperform other strategies. The results provide opportunities for researchers and practitioners to reconsider the way of English teaching and designing vocabularies quantitatively by balancing the efficiency and learning costs based on the word network.
Interactions in Vocational Education: Negotiation of Meaning of Students and Teaching Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Schaap, Harmen; van der Schaaf, Marieke; de Bruijn, Elly
This study aimed to describe verbal student--teacher interactions in vocational education from a socio-cultural perspective on negotiation of meaning. Teaching as part of these interactions is addressed by a combination of diagnosing, checking and intervening strategies. A study was conducted in which students (n students = 20) and teacher (n…
Effects of Direct Teaching Using Creative Memorization Strategies To Improve Math Achievement.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bielsker, Staci; Napoli, Lori; Sandino, Melissa; Waishwell, Lesa
This report describes a program for enhancing direct teaching using creative memorization strategies in order to improve retention and quick retrieval of math facts. The targeted population consisted of first and second grade students in two separate districts in middle class communities. Analysis of probable cause data revealed that students were…
Pedagogical Strategies for Teaching Literacy to ESL Immigrant Students: A Meta-Analysis
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Adesope, Olusola O.; Lavin, Tracy; Thompson, Terri; Ungerleider, Charles
Background: Many countries rely on immigrants for population growth and to maintain a skilled workforce. However, many such immigrants face literacy-related barriers to success in education and in the labour force. Aims: This meta-analysis reviews experimental and quasi-experimental studies to examine strategies for teaching English literacy to…
Teaching the Grant Proposal as a Problem-Solving Strategy: A Rhetorical Approach.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Smith, Herbert J.
Technical communications courses, which frequently present the research proposal as part of the report writing segment, rarely teach the grant proposal, even though it can provide the instructor with a vehicle for presenting such rhetorical strategies as audience analysis and persuasive writing. In addition to its problem solving structure, the…
Outcomes assessment of dental hygiene clinical teaching workshops.
Wallace, Juanita S; Infante, Taline D
Faculty development courses related to acquiring clinical teaching skills in the health professions are limited. Consequently, the Department of Dental Hygiene at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio conducted a series of clinical teaching workshops to address clinical teaching methodology. The goal of these workshops was to promote a problem-solving learning atmosphere for dental hygiene faculty to acquire and share sound clinical teaching strategies. To determine the value of the annual workshops on clinical teaching and evaluation, a web-based qualitative program assessment was developed using software by Survey Tracker. Four open-ended questions were designed to elicit perceptions regarding what significant changes in teaching strategies were achieved, what barriers or challenges were encountered in making these changes, and what strategies were used to overcome the barriers. The assessment was sent to dental hygiene educators representing thirty-eight dental hygiene programs who had participated in two or more of these workshops. Twenty-eight programs provided collective responses to the questions, and the narrative data were analyzed, using a qualitative methodology. Responses revealed that programs had made productive changes to their clinical education curricula and the information gained from the workshops had a positive effect on clinical teaching.
''Math in a Can'': Teaching Mathematics and Engineering Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Narode, Ronald B.
Using an apparently simple problem, ''Design a cylindrical can that will hold a liter of milk,'' this paper demonstrates how engineering design may facilitate the teaching of the following ideas to secondary students: linear and non-linear relationships; basic geometry of circles, rectangles, and cylinders; unit measures of area and volume;…
Effective teaching and feedback strategies in the or and beyond.
Champagne, Bradley J
Maintaining a standard of excellence for graduating surgical residents requires a comprehensive and consistent approach to surgical education. The omnipresent and increasing barriers to education must also be recognized and addressed. The implementation of effective teaching strategies is largely dependent on the resources available at each institution and the vision of education. Unfortunately, allocating time for surgeons to teach both inside and outside the operating room has become a foreign concept to administration. Furthermore, the reduction in case numbers performed by trainees now demands "quality over quantity" to ensure success. Quality teaching moments will only be realized when emphasis is placed on preparation, useful instruction during the procedure, and postoperative feedback. Ideal preparation entails a detailed discussion between the trainee and surgeon about the specific learning goals for the case. During the procedure, the faculty surgeon must strive to maximize the experience through effective communication while performing an efficient and safe operation. Numerous validated objective assessment tools exist for postprocedure evaluation but are grossly underutilized. Surgical education must thoughtfully be approached with the same fervor and detail as patient care. As faculty, it is our responsibility to train the next generation of surgeons and therefore "every case must count."
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zigic, Sasha; Lemckert, Charles J.
The following paper presents a computer-based learning strategy to assist in introducing and teaching water quality modelling to undergraduate civil engineering students. As part of the learning strategy, an interactive computer-based instructional (CBI) aid was specifically developed to assist students to set up, run and analyse the output from a…
Hurley, Teresa V
Safe medication administration is an international goal. Calculation errors cause patient harm despite education. The research purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of an experiential teaching strategy to reduce errors in a sample of 78 baccalaureate nursing students at a Northeastern college. A pretest-posttest design with random assignment into equal-sized groups was used. The experiential strategy was more effective than the traditional method (t = -0.312, df = 37, p = .004, 95% CI) with a reduction in calculation errors. Evaluations of error type and teaching strategies are indicated to facilitate course and program changes.
Designing learning environments to teach interactive Quantum Physics
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gómez Puente, Sonia M.; Swagten, Henk J. M.
This study aims at describing and analysing systematically an interactive learning environment designed to teach Quantum Physics, a second-year physics course. The instructional design of Quantum Physics is a combination of interactive lectures (using audience response systems), tutorials and self-study in unit blocks, carried out with small groups. Individual formative feedback was introduced as a rapid assessment tool to provide an overview on progress and identify gaps by means of questioning students at three levels: conceptual; prior knowledge; homework exercises. The setup of Quantum Physics has been developed as a result of several loops of adjustments and improvements from a traditional-like type of teaching to an interactive classroom. Results of this particular instructional arrangement indicate significant gains in students' achievements in comparison with the traditional structure of this course, after recent optimisation steps such as the implementation of an individual feedback system.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
van der Lans, Rikkert M.; van de Grift, Wim J. C. M.; van Veen, K.
This study connects descriptions of effective teaching with descriptions of teacher development to advance an initial understanding of how effective teaching may develop. The study's main premise is that descriptions of effective teaching develop cumulatively where more basic teaching strategies and behaviors are required before teachers may…
Complexity-Based Learning and Teaching: A Case Study in Higher Education
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fabricatore, Carlo; López, María Ximena
This paper presents a learning and teaching strategy based on complexity science and explores its impacts on a higher education game design course. The strategy aimed at generating conditions fostering individual and collective learning in educational complex adaptive systems, and led the design of the course through an iterative and adaptive…
The Impact of Teaching Communication Strategies on EFL Learners' Willingness to Communicate
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mesgarshahr, Abulfazl; Abdollahzadeh, Esmaeel
One of the pedagogical implications of the research on the Willingness to Communicate (WTC) might be to propose practical ways of making language learners more willing to communicate in the classroom. This study investigated the impact of teaching communication strategies (CSs) on Iranian EFL learners' WTC. To this end, 8 intact classes were…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cappiello, Leslie Williams
The findings from the case study research demonstrated that the high school students at the Christian academy who have emotional and behavioral disorders are successful in teaching, retaining, and graduating this population of students. Their teaching methods and strategies included a strong biblical foundation to develop emotional and behavioral…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Strong, Robert; Harder, Amy; Carter, Hannah
The purpose of the study reported here was to explore and describe how Extension agents selected teaching strategies for adult audiences. Andragogy is hypotheses concerning the attributes of adult learners (Knowles, Swanson, & Holton III, 2005). Extension agents responsible for teaching the Master Beef Producer (MBP) program were purposively…
Strategies for Hydrology Teaching for a Changing World
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sivapalan, Murugesu
Hydrology as a science has undergone dramatic changes in the past 80 years. However, as evidenced by the text books that are being used and conversations with many educators, it appears that hydrologic education has not kept pace. The legacy of the past growth of hydrology is reflected in the materials and methods used in hydrology teaching as practiced now. Current teaching methods tend to present a mix of empirical approaches (e.g., data analysis, multiple regressions), systems approaches (e.g., unit hydrograph methods, bucket models), and process theories (e.g., infiltration, runoff generation, evaporation, channel flow), often in the form of recipes or skill sets. However, they represent an old paradigm where hydrology was seen as dealing with the movement of water through and over a static earth, aimed at solving one or a combination of separate boundary value problems. However at least since the 1990s there is a new research paradigm operating, which treats hydrology as a distinct geoscience, which does not just deal with the movement of water, but with an interacting holistic earth system that includes not just hydrological but also biogeochemical, ecological and human subsystems. Global change increasingly dictates that this geoscience paradigm be further extended to include highly non-stationary, evolutionary behaviors strongly governed by human-nature interactions. Shouldn't this be recognized in our teaching, and if so how can we achieve it? In this talk I will outline broad strategies we can adopt that could pave the way for a paradigm shift also in the way we teach hydrology. Beyond the essential skills that we have always taught, some of the new skill sets we need to impart are, amongst many others: learning to read the landscape, learning from patterns in the data, including patterns in the landscape and in the atmosphere (e.g., channel morphology, vegetation patterns, climatic patterns), comparative studies as opposed to place-based studies
Teaching a Generalizable Language Strategy.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Foxx, R. M.; And Others
This paper describes the development and use of language training procedures, referred to as cues-pause-point procedures, that rely on behavioral principles and simple and natural teaching procedures and that are exhibited in many normal parent-child or teacher-student verbal interactions. The procedures have been effective in teaching severely…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Buckingham, Thomas
Recent statements from teachers of English and literacy (NCTE, 2007) have voiced the failure of schools to help minority students and ELLs close the literacy achievement gap and the responsibility of all teachers to help with this endeavor. Central to this effort in secondary schools are the content area teachers, as their subjects constitute the bulk of school day instruction. While there have been small studies and field reports of what content teachers are or are not teaching in the way of literacy instruction (Fisher and Ivey, 2005; Verplaste, 1996, 1998; Vacca and Vacca 1989), researchers have not had success measuring the literacy practices of content area teachers in a broad-based study. This study focuses specifically on what many researchers in both the content literacy and ESL fields have emphasized for promoting literacy in the classroom---teaching metacognitive strategies. Twelve metacognitive functions derived from a literacy strategies handbook are employed as a means to ascertain strategy usage within the lessons whether specifically known content strategies are named or not. The initial analysis is performed on over 100 lesson plans hosted at four prominent university science education sites, all within a five year period (2003-7). In addition to the lesson plan analysis, a review of 100 articles taken from five on-line science education journals reveal what the science education field addresses this issue. Findings suggest that while 80% of science teachers include some type of strategic teaching and learning in their lessons, only about 20% of science teachers explicitly utilize strategies as listed in content literacy manuals and promoted by literacy and ESL experts. Rather, most science teachers implicitly include these strategies within their lessons and/or promote their own subject-specific strategies in content teaching. Analysis of science education research and publications shows that there is a focus on literacy and specifically strategic
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lou, Shi-Jer; Chen, Nai-Ci; Tsai, Huei-Yin; Tseng, Kuo-Hung; Shih, Ru-Chu
This study combined traditional classroom teaching methods and blogs with blended creative teaching as a new teaching method for the course "Design and Applications of Teaching Aids for Young Children." It aimed to improve the shortcomings of the traditional teaching approach by incorporating the "Asking, Thinking, Doing, and…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
DiGiacomo, Pat
A recurring theme in the literature is that simulation is a positive teaching strategy when compared to other methods of instruction and produces positive student outcomes (Jefferies, 2016). Simulation provides educators a way to reproduce a clinical teaching experience in a safe, supportive learning environment. The purpose of this quantitative…
The Practice of Information Processing Model in the Teaching of Cognitive Strategies
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ozel, Ali
In this research, the differentiation condition of teaching the learning strategies depending on the time which the first grade of primary school teachers carried out to form an information-process skeleton on student is tried to be found out. This process including the efforts of 260 teachers in this direction consists of whether the adequate…
Rowe, Michael; Frantz, Jose; Bozalek, Vivienne
While there is evidence to suggest that teaching practices in clinical education should include activities that more accurately reflect the real world, many educators base their teaching on transmission models that encourage the rote learning of knowledge and technical skills. Technology-mediated instruction may facilitate the development of professional attributes that go beyond "having" knowledge and skills, but there is limited evidence for how to integrate technology into these innovative teaching approaches. This study used a modified Delphi method to help identify the professional attributes of capable practitioners, the approaches to teaching that may facilitate the development of these attributes, and finally, how technology could be integrated with those teaching strategies in order to develop capable practitioners. Open-ended questions were used to gather data from three different expert panels, and results were thematically analysed. Clinical educators should not view knowledge, skills and attitudes as a set of products of learning, but rather as a set of attributes that are developed during a learning process. Participants highlighted the importance of continuing personal and professional development that emphasised the role of values and emotional response to the clinical context. To develop these attributes, clinical educators should use teaching activities that are learner-centred, interactive, integrated, reflective and that promote engagement. When technology-mediated teaching activities are considered, they should promote the discussion of clinical encounters, facilitate the sharing of resources and experiences, encourage reflection on the learning process and be used to access content outside the classroom. In addition, educational outcomes must drive the integration of technology into teaching practice, rather than the features of the technology. There is a need for a cultural change in clinical education, in which those involved with the
Background While there is evidence to suggest that teaching practices in clinical education should include activities that more accurately reflect the real world, many educators base their teaching on transmission models that encourage the rote learning of knowledge and technical skills. Technology-mediated instruction may facilitate the development of professional attributes that go beyond “having” knowledge and skills, but there is limited evidence for how to integrate technology into these innovative teaching approaches. Methods This study used a modified Delphi method to help identify the professional attributes of capable practitioners, the approaches to teaching that may facilitate the development of these attributes, and finally, how technology could be integrated with those teaching strategies in order to develop capable practitioners. Open-ended questions were used to gather data from three different expert panels, and results were thematically analysed. Results Clinical educators should not view knowledge, skills and attitudes as a set of products of learning, but rather as a set of attributes that are developed during a learning process. Participants highlighted the importance of continuing personal and professional development that emphasised the role of values and emotional response to the clinical context. To develop these attributes, clinical educators should use teaching activities that are learner-centred, interactive, integrated, reflective and that promote engagement. When technology-mediated teaching activities are considered, they should promote the discussion of clinical encounters, facilitate the sharing of resources and experiences, encourage reflection on the learning process and be used to access content outside the classroom. In addition, educational outcomes must drive the integration of technology into teaching practice, rather than the features of the technology. Conclusions There is a need for a cultural change in clinical
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gawronski, Michael; Kuk, Linda; Lombardi, Allison R.
This study examined community college faculty (n = 179) and student (n = 449) attitudes and actions toward inclusive teaching practices based on tenets of Universal Design. Two online surveys, the Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory (ITSI) and the Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory-Student (ITSI-S), were administered at a medium-sized…
Research-Informed Principles for (Re)Designing Teaching and Learning Spaces
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Finkelstein, Adam; Ferris, Jennie; Weston, Cynthia; Winer, Laura
Designing physical learning environments that connect to indicators of effective educational practice reflects a university's pedagogical commitment to student success. This article describes an approach to teaching and learning space design based on research-informed pedagogical principles successfully implemented at our university. It then…
Revitalizing Strategy Instruction
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Vitalone-Raccaro, Nancy A.
The national focus on teacher accountability and the resulting emphasis on raising the bar for teacher evaluations challenge teachers of students with learning disabilities (LD) to rethink instructional design and delivery. In response to these challenges, this article introduces a two-part protocol for planning and teaching strategy instruction…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ofodu, Graceful Onovughe
Learning in the twenty-first century demands learning skills, strategies and utilizing resources which learners can deploy when they leave the school environment. The paper investigates the instructional strategies and resources employed by teachers in teaching and learning English Studies at the basic level of Nigeria's educational system. It…
The Effects of Multiple Intelligence Teaching Strategies on Achievement in Reading and Mathematics
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Harriman, Vanessa
Today's educators must use research-based teaching strategies that increase achievement levels of students. Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences is scientifically-based. The current model suggests eight different areas in which a person can demonstrate intelligence. This study compared reading and math assessments score of elementary…
Using Media Articles about Company Strategies to Teach Economics to MBA Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ghosh, Indranil K.
In this paper, the author expands on the idea of using up-to-date examples to teach applications of economic concepts. In the MBA Managerial Economics class, the author use profiles of two companies' decision-making strategies and their successes to show the applications of economic concepts used by the companies. This provides an even clearer…
The OA System of College - - Design of the Teaching Quality Monitoring Subsystem
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wu, Hongjuan; Ying, Hong; Jiang, Youyi; Yan, Pei
According to the drawbacks of traditional teaching quality monitoring subsystems and based on the achievements of practical research in the teaching quality monitoring administration in College, this paper provides a design of overall structure of teaching quality monitoring subsystem, that is more suitable for colleges' management. This new system is endowed with the same features as .NET application programes: easy to extend, easy to maintain, flexible, convenient, and it let enterprises, students' parents and excellent graduates participate in teaching quality monitoring administration, have significant effect to ensure the quality of talent training in colleges.
Mathematical Meaning-Making and Its Relation to Design of Teaching
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jaworski, Barbara
This paper addresses the design of teaching to promote engineering students' conceptual understanding of mathematics, and its outcomes for mathematical meaning-making. Within a developmental research approach, inquiry-based tasks have been designed and evaluated, through the use of competencies proposed for their potential to promote conceptual…
Task-Based EFL Language Teaching with Procedural Information Design in a Technical Writing Context
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Roy, Debopriyo
Task-based language learning (TBLL) has heavily influenced syllabus design, classroom teaching, and learner assessment in a foreign or second language teaching context. In this English as foreign language (EFL) learning environment, the paper discussed an innovative language learning pedagogy based on design education and technical writing. In…
Cloud Computing for Teaching Practice: A New Design?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Saadatdoost, Robab; Sim, Alex Tze Hiang; Jafarkarimi, Hosein; Hee, Jee Mei; Saadatdoost, Leila
Recently researchers have shown an increased interest in cloud computing technology. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore cloud computing technology in education context. However rapid changes in information technology are having a serious effect on teaching framework designs. So far, however, there has been little discussion about…
Ideas Plus: A Collection of Practical Teaching Ideas. Book Ten.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, IL.
Contributed by English teachers across the United States, the activities contained in this booklet are intended to promote the effective teaching of writing and literature. Teaching strategies offered in the first section of the booklet are designed to stimulate language exploration and include activities in which students write family newspapers…
Teaching for Creativity by Science Teachers in Grades 5-10
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Al-Abdali, Nasser S.; Al-Balushi, Sulaiman M.
This classroom observation study explored how science teachers (N = 22) teach for creativity in grades 5-10 in Oman. We designed an observation form with 4 main categories that targeted the instructional practices related to teaching for creativity: questioning strategy, teacher's responses to students' ideas, classroom activities to support…
Ideas Plus: A Collection of Practical Teaching Ideas. Book Eleven.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, IL.
Contributed by English teachers across the United States, the activities contained in this booklet are intended to promote the effective teaching of literature and writing. Teaching strategies offered in the first section of the booklet are designed to stimulate language exploration and include activities in which students choose their favorite…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Moallem, Mahnaz
Examines an expert teacher's thinking and teaching processes in order to link them to instructional-design procedures. Findings suggest that there were fundamental differences between the teacher's thinking and teaching processes and microinstructional design models. (Author/AEF)
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Morrongiello, Barbara A.; Corbett, Michael; Lasenby, Jennifer; Johnston, Natalie; McCourt, Meghan
This study examined mothers' teaching about home-safety issues to 24-30 month and 36-42 month old children, explored the relationship of teaching strategies to parenting styles, and assessed how these factors are related to children's risk of unintentional injury. A structured interview assessed home-safety issues relevant to falls, burns, cuts,…
Effective Teaching and Feedback Strategies in the OR and Beyond
Champagne, Bradley J.
Maintaining a standard of excellence for graduating surgical residents requires a comprehensive and consistent approach to surgical education. The omnipresent and increasing barriers to education must also be recognized and addressed. The implementation of effective teaching strategies is largely dependent on the resources available at each institution and the vision of education. Unfortunately, allocating time for surgeons to teach both inside and outside the operating room has become a foreign concept to administration. Furthermore, the reduction in case numbers performed by trainees now demands “quality over quantity” to ensure success. Quality teaching moments will only be realized when emphasis is placed on preparation, useful instruction during the procedure, and postoperative feedback. Ideal preparation entails a detailed discussion between the trainee and surgeon about the specific learning goals for the case. During the procedure, the faculty surgeon must strive to maximize the experience through effective communication while performing an efficient and safe operation. Numerous validated objective assessment tools exist for postprocedure evaluation but are grossly underutilized. Surgical education must thoughtfully be approached with the same fervor and detail as patient care. As faculty, it is our responsibility to train the next generation of surgeons and therefore “every case must count.” PMID:24436685
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
de Freitas, Elizabeth; McAuley, Alexander
This paper explores strategies to help prepare pre-service teachers from a predominantly white, relatively isolated island in Atlantic Canada to teach for diversity. The paper proposes a modified framework for "teacher identity development" that pivots around three foci for enhancing teacher awareness and commitment to action: (1)…
Effective Teaching Strategies: Case Studies from the Alphabetic Braille and Contracted Braille Study
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Barclay, Lizbeth; Herlich, Stephanie A.; Sacks, Sharon Zell
This article discusses some of the qualitative data that were documented during the Alphabetic Braille and Contracted Braille Study. Two case studies of students are described, highlighting many effective teaching strategies used by their teachers of students with visual impairments that resulted in the students' successful academic progress.…
Making Good Teaching Great: Everyday Strategies for Teaching with Impact
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Breaux, Annette L.; Whitaker, Todd
Every good teacher strives to be a great teacher--and this must-have book shows you how! It's filled with practical tips and strategies for connecting with your students in a meaningful and powerful way. Learn how to improve student learning with easy-to-implement daily activities designed to integrate seamlessly into any day of the school year.…
Promoting Scientific Literacy by Using ICT in Science Teaching
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Al-Rsa'i, Mohammed Salameh
This study aims to identify the way upon which ICT can be employed in science teaching to develop scientific literacy level. The study has conclude to design a triple learning model (PEA) based on ICT and constructive learning strategy in teaching science through a context which cares for building positive trends of searching for knowledge and…
Curriculum Approaches in Language Teaching: Forward, Central, and Backward Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Richards, Jack C.
The development and implementation of language teaching programs can be approached in several different ways, each of which has different implications for curriculum design. Three curriculum approaches are described and compared. Each differs with respect to when issues related to input, process, and outcomes, are addressed. Forward design starts…
Strategies for teaching object-oriented concepts with Java
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sicilia, Miguel-Ángel
A considerable amount of experiences in teaching object-oriented concepts using the Java language have been reported to date, some of which describe language pitfalls and concrete learning difficulties. In this paper, a number of additional issues that have been experienced as difficult for students to master, along with approaches intended to overcome them, are addressed. Concretely, practical issues regarding associations, interfaces, genericity and exceptions are described. These issues suggest that more emphasis is required on presenting Java programs as derivations of conceptual models, in order to guarantee that a thorough design of the object structure actually precedes implementation issues. In addition, common student misunderstandings about the uses of interfaces and exceptions point to the necessity of introducing both specific design philosophies and also a clear distinction between design-for-reuse and more specific implementation issues.
Pedagogical strategies for teaching literacy to ESL immigrant students: a meta-analysis.
Adesope, Olusola O; Lavin, Tracy; Thompson, Terri; Ungerleider, Charles
Many countries rely on immigrants for population growth and to maintain a skilled workforce. However, many such immigrants face literacy-related barriers to success in education and in the labour force. This meta-analysis reviews experimental and quasi-experimental studies to examine strategies for teaching English literacy to immigrant students. Following an exhaustive and systematic search for studies meeting pre-determined inclusion criteria, two researchers independently extracted data from 26 English as a Second Language (ESL) studies involving 3,150 participants. These participants consisted of ESL immigrant students in kindergarten through grade 6 who were exposed to English literacy instructional interventions. Measured outcomes were reading and writing. Mean effect sizes vary from small to large, depending on instructional interventions and outcome constructs. Across several different grade levels, settings, and methodological features, pedagogical strategies used in teaching ESL to immigrant students are associated with increased competence in reading and writing. Collaborative reading interventions, in which peers engage in oral interaction and cooperatively negotiate meaning and a shared understanding of texts, produced larger effects than systematic phonics instruction and multimedia-assisted reading interventions. The results show that the pedagogical strategies examined in this meta-analysis produced statistically significant benefits for students in all grade levels. The findings also show that students from low socio-economic status (SES) background benefit from ESL literacy interventions. However, significant heterogeneity was found in each subset. Educators and policy makers are encouraged to consider specific school contexts when making decisions about optimal pedagogical strategies. It is possible that contextual factors as well as ESL learner characteristics may influence the effectiveness of these strategies. To ensure literacy acquisition
The Node Acquisition and Integration Technique: A Node-Link Based Teaching/Learning Strategy.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Diekhoff, George M.
This paper presents the results of three experiments conducted in connection with development of a node-link based teaching/learning strategy. In experiment 1, subjects were instructed to either define concepts selected from a unit of introductory psychology or to describe the relationships existing between pairs of concepts. The cognitive…
Near-peer teaching strategy in a large human anatomy course: perceptions of near-peer instructors.
Reyes-Hernández, Cynthia Guadalupe; Carmona Pulido, Juan Manuel; De la Garza Chapa, Roberto Isaac; Serna Vázquez, Ruth Patricia; Alcalá Briones, Ricardo Daniel; Plasencia Banda, Perla Marina; Villarreal Silva, Eliud Enrique; Jacobo Baca, Guillermo; de la Garza Castro, Oscar; Elizondo Omaña, Rodrigo Enrique; Guzmán López, Santos
Near-peer teaching (NPT) is a strategy in which senior students assume the instructor role with junior peers (mentees). Senior students develop unique skills and knowledge through NPT, an experience which extends their learning beyond content mastery. Different teaching modules featuring NPT were utilized in the human anatomy course at the School of Medicine, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, Mexico. Modules included: Theory, Clinical Hour, Imaging Anatomy, and Laboratory. The aim of this study was to assess instructor participants' perceptions on the benefits of the NPT strategy in the anatomy classroom. A survey was administered to anatomy course instructors who utilized NPT strategies during winter, fall, and spring semesters of the 2012-2013 school year. A total of 120 instructors were enrolled in the study. There were different perceptions of instructors' roles. Theory and Imaging Anatomy instructors considered themselves to be information providers and resource developers, whereas Clinical Hour and Laboratory instructors saw themselves more as facilitators, role models, and planners. All instructors' opinions on the benefits of NPT were positive. Thus, in this article, the authors find NPT to be a strategy that promotes self-learning, a vital skill. © 2014 American Association of Anatomists.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Varisoglu, Mehmet Celal
In order to implement the teaching of a foreign language at a desired level and quality, and to offer some practical arrangements, which stand for to the best use of time, efforts, and cost, there is a need for a road map. The road map in teaching is a learning strategy. This article shows how strategies of social language learning and cooperative…
Design and Large-Scale Evaluation of Educational Games for Teaching Sorting Algorithms
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Battistella, Paulo Eduardo; von Wangenheim, Christiane Gresse; von Wangenheim, Aldo; Martina, Jean Everson
The teaching of sorting algorithms is an essential topic in undergraduate computing courses. Typically the courses are taught through traditional lectures and exercises involving the implementation of the algorithms. As an alternative, this article presents the design and evaluation of three educational games for teaching Quicksort and Heapsort.…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pike, Pamela D.
This case study compares the teaching strategies employed by a novice and an expert instructor of two beginning children's group-piano classes. In the United States, there is a century-long tradition of teaching piano to children in groups, and group teaching is championed in pedagogy texts and at professional educator conferences throughout…
[Teaching coping strategies to parents of children suffering from cancer using a short film].
Espada, M C; Barón, Ma Carmen Espada; Grau, C; Rubio, Claudia Grau; Fortes, M C; Fortes del Valle, Ma Carmen
This paper studies the usefulness of a short film in teaching strategies for parents of children with cancer to cope with the situation. The short film is based on an analysis of the transcripts from eight sessions of a self-help group. The short film has been evaluated by psychologists working for each of the parent groups belonging to the Federation of parents of children with cancer. Furthermore, the film has been exhibited in group sessions that took place in the Valencia and Alicante branches of ASPANION (Association of Parents with Oncologic Children in the Valencia Region). About 70% of the experts have declared that the film is a valuable resource for teaching useful strategies to parents. The film also improves the group sessions since it addresses a number of issues that had not been addressed before, and it stimulates the participation of, and communication between, parents during the session.
Analyses of Teaching Strategies and Learning of Concepts of Astronomy in Elementary Education II
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Voelzke, Marcos Rincon; Poffo, M. Roberta
The proposed curricular of the State of Sao Paulo suggests for the discipline of Physical and Biological Sciences contents related to Astronomy for the Elementary Education. In 2010, a study was realised in a public school in Santo Andr to examine the pupils' previous knowledge. Only 19% of them reached a satisfactory note. In this year the contents were presented with three different teaching strategies. In the first class an expositive lesson with audiovisual aids was held, in the second one an expositive lesson in dialogue form was used, and in the third class a textbook research. After the approach a clear improvement of the performance was observe, and the class where the contents had been presented in an expositive lesson with dialogue showed the best effectsciency. This study facilitates analyses of the learning procedure and teaching strategies to improve the Astronomy education in the discipline of Science.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bozorgian, Hossein; Pillay, Hitendra
Listening used in language teaching refers to a complex process that allows us to understand spoken language. The current study, conducted in Iran with an experimental design, investigated the effectiveness of teaching listening strategies delivered in L1 (Persian) and its effect on listening comprehension in L2. Five listening strategies:…
Ebert-May, Diane; Derting, Terry L.; Henkel, Timothy P.; Middlemis Maher, Jessica; Momsen, Jennifer L.; Arnold, Bryan; Passmore, Heather A.
The availability of reliable evidence for teaching practices after professional development is limited across science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines, making the identification of professional development “best practices” and effective models for change difficult. We aimed to determine the extent to which postdoctoral fellows (i.e., future biology faculty) believed in and implemented evidence-based pedagogies after completion of a 2-yr professional development program, Faculty Institutes for Reforming Science Teaching (FIRST IV). Postdocs (PDs) attended a 2-yr training program during which they completed self-report assessments of their beliefs about teaching and gains in pedagogical knowledge and experience, and they provided copies of class assessments and video recordings of their teaching. The PDs reported greater use of learner-centered compared with teacher-centered strategies. These data were consistent with the results of expert reviews of teaching videos. The majority of PDs (86%) received video ratings that documented active engagement of students and implementation of learner-centered classrooms. Despite practice of higher-level cognition in class sessions, the items used by the PDs on their assessments of learning focused on lower-level cognitive skills. We attributed the high success of the FIRST IV program to our focus on inexperienced teachers, an iterative process of teaching practice and reflection, and development of and teaching a full course. PMID:26033870
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dimopoulos, Dimitrios I.; Paraskevopoulos, Stefanos; Pantis, John D.
This paper describes the design of an educational module which aims to raise awareness and change the attitudes of elementary school students about focal endangered species in protected areas. The proposed design builds on, and extends the General Teaching Model. The educational module which was developed through this approach was pilot-tested in…
Designing Year 12 Strategy Training in Listening and Writing: From Theory to Practice
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Graham, Suzanne; Macaro, Ernesto
This article outlines some of the key issues involved in developing a programme of strategy training for learners of French, in listening and in writing. It highlights the theoretical perspectives and research findings on listening and writing that informed the selection of strategies to teach learners and thence the development of appropriate…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Park, Soonhye; Oliver, J. Steve
This study examined how instructional challenges presented by gifted students shaped teachers' instructional strategies. This study is a qualitative research grounded in a social constructivist framework. The participants were three high school science teachers who were teaching identified gifted students in both heterogeneously- and…
Designing a web site for high school geoscience teaching in Iceland
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Douglas, George R.
The need to construct an earth science teaching site on the web prompted a survey of existing sites which, in spite of containing much of value, revealed many weaknesses in basic design, particularly as regards the organisation of links to information resources. Few web sites take into consideration the particular pedagogic needs of the high school science student and there has, as yet, been little serious attempt to exploit and organise the more outstanding advantages offered by the internet to science teaching, such as accessing real-time data. A web site has been constructed which, through basic design, enables students to access relevant information resources over a wide range of subjects and topics easily and rapidly, while at the same time performing an instructional role in how to handle both on-line and off-line resources. Key elements in the design are selection and monitoring by the teacher, task oriented pages and the use of the Dewey decimal classification system. The intention is to increase gradually the extent to which most teaching tasks are carried out via the web pages, in the belief that they can become an efficient central point for all the earth science curriculum.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Schmitz, Judith R.
This practicum was designed to increase middle-level teaching teams' understanding of cognitively guided instructional strategies or brain-based learning theories and to promote the incorporation of these strategies into the teaching of cross-curriculum thematic units. Twelve staff development modules based on a new perspective of learning which…
Teaching CAD on the Apple Computer.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Norton, Robert L.
Describes a course designed to teach engineers how to accomplish computer graphics techniques on a limited scale with the Apple computer. The same mathematics and program code will also function for larger and more complex computers. Course content, instructional strategies, student evaluation, and recommendations are considered. (JN)
[Psychodrama as a pedagogical teaching strategy about worker's health].
Martins, Júlia Trevisan; Opitz, Simone Perufo; Robazzi, Maria Lúcia do Carmo
This study had the objective to report the experience of using pedagogic psychodrama as a teaching and learning strategy about the worker's health. It was developed with 18 students from the Master Program from the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto, during the second semester of 2002. Interactive, dynamic and interpersonal activities, and role playing were initially conducted looking for students and educator's spontaneity. Moreno's psychodramatic theory was the theoretical framework used. Creativity, logical reasoning, involvement with learning, and organization of concepts using their own living experience were observed, contributing to the experience as a whole. Therefore, the experiment was considered successful.
Design Learning of Teaching Factory in Mechanical Engineering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Putra, R. C.; Kusumah, I. H.; Komaro, M.; Rahayu, Y.; Asfiyanur, E. P.
The industrial world that is the target of the process and learning outcomes of vocational high school (SMK) has its own character and nuance. Therefore, vocational education institutions in the learning process should be able to make the appropriate learning approach and in accordance with the industrial world. One approach to learning that is based on production and learning in the world of work is by industry-based learning or known as Teaching Factory, where in this model apply learning that involves direct students in goods or service activities are expected to have the quality so it is worth selling and accepted by consumers. The method used is descriptive approach. The purpose of this research is to get the design of the teaching factory based on the competency requirements of the graduates of the spouse industry, especially in the engineering department. The results of this study is expected to be one of the choice of model factory teaching in the field of machinery engineering in accordance with the products and competencies of the graduates that the industry needs.
Consumer Economics (Secondary): Teaching Strategies. Master Curriculum Guide in Economics.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Clow, John E., Ed.
Designed to build up concepts presented in the Master Curriculum Guide volume "A Framework for Teaching the Basic Concepts," this collection of teacher guidelines and classroom lessons focuses on how economic concepts and an economic way of thinking can be incorporated into various units in consumer education courses or in courses at the secondary…
Designing Innovative Counseling Courses: Combining Technology, Theory, and Practice
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cicco, Gina
This article will discuss the development of an innovative instructional design for teaching graduate courses in counselor education programs. The teaching strategies that will be highlighted evolved during a collaborative team-teaching project conducted by two counselor educators. These two faculty members worked together to redesign a course in…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Achuonye, Keziah Akuoma
This descriptive survey is hinged on predominant teaching strategies in schools, implications for curriculum implementation in Mathematics, Science and Technology. Target population consisted of teachers in primary, secondary and tertiary schools. However, purposive sample of 900 respondents was drawn from the six BRACED states namely Bayelsa,…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Norman, Heidi
This paper explores teaching strategies for communicating complex issues and ideas to a diverse group of students, with different educational and vocational interests, that encourage them to develop critical thinking, and explores pedagogies appropriate to the multidisciplinary field of Aboriginal studies. These issues will be investigated through…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
LoPresto, Michael C.; Slater, Timothy F.
Although traditional lectures are still the dominant form of undergraduate instruction, there have been relatively few studies comparing various learner-centered and active learning teaching strategies to one another in order to guide professors in making informed instructional decisions. To study the impact of different active learning…
A reflective teaching challenge to motivate educational innovation.
Edwards, Roger A; Kirwin, Jennifer; Gonyeau, Michael; Matthews, S James; Lancaster, Jason; DiVall, Margarita
To describe a teaching challenge intended to increase faculty use of evidence-based and student-centered instructional strategies in the demanding school of pharmacy context with technology-savvy students. A teaching challenge was created that required faculty members to incorporate a "new-to-you" innovative teaching method in a class, course, or experiential activity. The method was linked to at least 1 of 7 evidence-based principles for effective teaching. Faculty members were exposed to colleagues' teaching strategies via brief voluntary presentations at department meetings. A post-challenge survey provided assessment data about the challenge. Responses to a baseline survey provided additional information about what faculty members were already doing (52% response rate). Eighty-one percent of faculty respondents completed the challenge. A wide array of new strategies (13 categories such as flipped classrooms and social media) was implemented and 75% included the use of technology. Nearly all respondents (96%) thought that participation in the challenge was worth the effort and planned to participate again the following year. All faculty members intended to continue using their new strategy and 56% planned additional modifications with future implementations. The challenge demonstrated how multiple goals of curricular improvement, faculty development, and student-centered instruction could be achieved together. The teaching challenge motivated most of the faculty members to try something new to them. Links between evidence-based principles and day-to-day activities were strengthened. The new-to-you design placed the challenge within reach of faculty members regardless of their background, subject, or experience.
Ornithologists by Design: Kindergarteners Design, Construct, and Evaluate Bird Feeders
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shorter, Angela; Segers, Marcia
How can an engineer design a bird feeder that attracts many birds? This question resulted from kindergarten students' observations of the bird feeders in their school's bird sanctuary. The challenging question is the heart of project-based learning (PBL), a teaching strategy in which students tackle real-world problems and design projects to solve…
Teaching English by Design: How to Create and Carry Out Instructional Units
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Smagorinsky, Peter
"Teaching English by Design" is two books in one: a primer for teaching secondary English and a comprehensive guide to creating and using four to six-week instructional units. Peter Smagorinsky shares important insight about students, how they learn, and what kinds of classrooms support their achievement in reading and writing. Then he uses those…
Design and Implementation of an Interactive System for Teaching the Islamic Prayer
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Farsi, Mohammed; Munro, Malcolm
Background: The Islamic Prayer is central to the Islam religion and is a requirement for all Muslims to learn and perform properly. Teaching the Islamic Prayer had traditionally been through the use of textbooks. Aims: This paper describes the design and implementation of the iIP (interactive Islamic Prayer) system to teach the Islamic prayer…
Designing a Teaching Excellence Framework: Lessons from Other Sectors. Occasional Paper 13
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Darian, Louisa
The Government is committed to introducing a Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) to assess the quality of teaching and learning in higher education. Designing the right solution is challenging. There is no off-the-shelf solution from other countries that we can lift. But we can learn lessons from other sectors. This pamphlet explores rating…
Schiffke, Heather; Fleishman, Susan; Haas, Mitch; Cruser, des Anges; LeFebvre, Ron; Sullivan, Barbara; Taylor, Barry; Gaster, Barak
Abstract Background: As evidence-based medicine (EBM) becomes a standard in health care, it is essential that practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) become experts in searching and evaluating the research literature. In support of this goal, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) provided R25 funding to nine CAM colleges to develop individual programs focused on teaching EBM. An overarching goal of these research education grants has been to provide CAM faculty and students with the skills they need to apply a rigorous evidence-based perspective to their training and practice. Methods/Results: This paper reviews the competencies and teaching strategies developed and implemented to enhance research literacy at all nine R25-funded institutions. While each institution designed approaches suitable for its research culture, the guiding principles were similar: to develop evidence-informed skills and knowledge, thereby helping students and faculty to critically appraise evidence and then use that evidence to guide their clinical practice. Curriculum development and assessment included faculty-driven learning activities and longitudinal curricular initiatives to encourage skill reinforcement and evaluate progress. Conclusion: As the field of integrative medicine matures, the NIH-NCCAM research education grants provide essential training for future clinicians and clinician-researchers. Building this workforce will facilitate multidisciplinary collaborations that address the unique needs for research that informs integrative clinical practice. PMID:25380144
Self-Regulated Strategy Development. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
What Works Clearinghouse, 2017
"Self-Regulated Strategy Development" ("SRSD") is an intervention designed to improve students' academic skills through a six-step process that teaches students specific academic strategies and self-regulation skills. The practice is especially appropriate for students with learning disabilities, the focal population of the…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Reeves, Carolyn T.
This research attempted to test the effectiveness of strategies designed for teaching the nature of science to Biology I students and to examine the effects of frequency of use of the strategies. Some strategies were designed to identify misconceptions about the nature of science; others were designed to correct misconceptions or provide correct concepts about the nature of science. This research commenced during the 3rd week of the 2001--2002 school year after obtaining IRB approval and permissions from school officials. The study ended after the 15th week. All participating students were given a pretest and a posttest of the Nature of Scientific Knowledge Scale Enhanced (NSKSE) test. Part I, 48 items, consisted of the NSKS test by Rubba & Anderson (1978). Part II, 10 items, consisted of a test constructed by the researcher. Part I contained questions about 6 tenets of the nature of science. Part II contained questions about how science works. The strategies were tested in two Biology I experimental classes, n = 41, and compared with two Biology I control classes, n = 34, by means of an analysis of covariance with the pretest scores used as the covariate. The overall mean posttest scores of the experimental and the control group were not found to be significantly different on either Part I, F(1,72) = 1.059, p = .307, or Part II, F(1,72) = 3.136, p = .081, of the test instrument. The number of times a strategy was used in each experimental classroom was determined. It was found that strategies were used almost twice as often in one classroom than in the other. A second set of ANCOVA analyses compared mean scores between Experimental Class A, Experimental Class B, and the control group. There was no significant difference between the groups on Part I, F(2,71) = .921, p = .403, but the difference between groups on Part II, F(2,71) = 5.769, p = .005, was significant. A post hoc Scheffe analysis showed that the class using strategies most often differed significantly
Maxwell, Karen L; Wright, Vivian H
The purpose of this study was to evaluate two teaching strategies with regard to quality and safety education for nurses content on quality improvement and safety. Two groups (total of 64 students) participated in online learning or online learning in conjunction with a flipped classroom. A pretest/posttest control group design was used. The use of online modules in conjunction with the flipped classroom had a greater effect on increasing nursing students' knowledge of quality improvement than the use of online modules only. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups for safety.
Teaching Reform of Course Group Regarding Theory and Design of Mechanisms Based on MATLAB Technology
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Shen, Yi; Yuan, Mingxin; Wang, Mingqiang
Considering that the course group regarding theory and design of mechanisms is characterized by strong engineering application background and the students generally feel very boring and tedious during the learning process, some teaching reforms for the theory and design of mechanisms are carried out to improve the teaching effectiveness in this…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kalaskas, Anthony Bacaoat
The lab report is a genre commonly assigned by lab instructors and written by science majors in undergraduate science programs. The teaching and learning of the lab report, however, is a complicated and complex process that both instructors and students regularly contend with. This thesis is a qualitative study that aims to mediate the mismatch between students and instructors by ascertaining their attitudes, beliefs, and values regarding lab report writing. In this way, this thesis may suggest changes to teaching and learning strategies that lead to an improvement of lab report writing done by students. Given that little research has been conducted in this area thus far, this thesis also serves as a pilot study. A literature review is first conducted on the history of the lab report to delineate its development since its inception into American postsecondary education in the late 19th century. Genre theory and Vygotsky's zone of proximal development (ZPD) serve as the theoretical lenses for this thesis. Surveys and interviews are conducted with biology majors and instructors in the Department of Biology at George Mason University. Univariate analysis and coding are applied to elucidate responses from participants. The findings suggest that students may lack the epistemological background to understand lab reports as a process of doing science. This thesis also finds that both instructors and students consider the lab report primarily as a pedagogical genre as opposed to an apprenticeship genre. Additionally, although instructors were found to have utilized an effective piecemeal teaching strategy, there remains a lack of empathy among instructors for students. Collectively, these findings suggest that instructors should modify teaching strategies to determine and address student weaknesses more directly.
College Communicative Teaching and E-Learning: A Training Scheme
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ong, Charito G.
This study sought to design and try out a training scheme for college teachers on e-learning use as a classroom strategy in a communicative teaching mode. Based on needs analysis the teachers of English were reoriented so that they became equipped with the rationale, strategies and assessment techniques of e-learning alongside communicative…
Graphic Design: A Sustainable Solution to Manage the Contents of Teaching Materials
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Victor, Garcia Izaguirre; Luisa, Pier Castello Maria; Eduardo, Arvizu Sanchez
There is a concern that the teaching of subjects is applied not only with support from a set of technological devices, but largely in the proper use of teaching and new technologies. Taking this idea, the authors develop a research and sustainable design that result in educational materials in solid content and technological innovation, also to…
Teaching Residential Design Based on a Multicultural Education Ideology
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Read, Marilyn A.; Owens, Nancy J.
This experiential teaching method demonstrates students' enhanced understanding of the influences that cross-cultural perspectives have on the interior design of the home and is achieved through research and application of elements of assimilation and acculturation in the United States. Knowledge of human factors, family dynamics, geographic…
A Graphical Approach to Teaching Amplifier Design at the Undergraduate Level
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Assaad, R. S.; Silva-Martinez, J.
Current methods of teaching basic amplifier design at the undergraduate level need further development to match today's technological advances. The general class approach to amplifier design is analytical and heavily based on mathematical manipulations. However, the students mathematical abilities are generally modest, creating a void in which…
Effects of Teaching Strategies on Student Motivation to Learn in High School Mathematics Classes
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Toles, Ann
To succeed in an increasing technological and global society, students need to develop strong mathematical and problem-solving skills. This qualitative grounded theory study examined student perceptions of the ways in which teaching strategies in high school mathematics classes affect student motivation to learn the subject. Study participants…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Swift, Marshall S.; Spivack, George
This book provides (1) specific information about overt classroom behaviors that affect or reflect academic success or failure, and (2) information and suggestions about alternative teaching strategies that may be used to increase behavioral effectiveness and subsequent academic achievement. The focus of the book is on specific behaviors, behavior…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dewald, Robin J.
The purpose of this study was to explore teaching strategies that promote a culturally sensitive nursing education and culturally sensitive nursing. The diversity of Americans has increased. Thus, the nursing student population and patient population have both become more diverse. Nursing education programs, therefore, need to know the best…
Nanavaty, Joanne
This qualitative design study addressed the enhancement of nursing assessment skills through the use of Visual Thinking Strategies and reflection. This study advances understanding of the use of Visual Thinking Strategies and reflection as ways to explore new methods of thinking and observing patient situations relating to health care. Sixty nursing students in a licensed practical nursing program made up the sample of participants who attended an art gallery as part of a class assignment. Participants replied to a survey of interest for participation at the art gallery. Participants reviewed artwork at the gallery and shared observations with the larger group during a post-conference session in a gathering area of the museum at the end of the visit. A reflective exercise on the art gallery experience exhibited further thoughts about the art gallery experience and demonstrated the connections made to clinical practice by the student. The findings of this study support the use of Visual Thinking Strategies and reflection as effective teaching and learning tools for enhancing nursing skills. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Multiuniversity Comparison of Faculty Attitudes and Use of Universal Design Instructional Techniques
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dallas, Bryan K.; Sprong, Matthew E.; Kluesner, Bryon K.
Purpose: To examine postsecondary faculty attitudes and actions toward inclusive teaching strategies (ITS) designed to benefit all learners. Method: The Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory is a self-report survey that measures faculty attitudes toward ITS and traditional academic accommodations, as well as their in-class actions. The authors…
Computer-based teaching module design: principles derived from learning theories.
Lau, K H Vincent
The computer-based teaching module (CBTM), which has recently gained prominence in medical education, is a teaching format in which a multimedia program serves as a single source for knowledge acquisition rather than playing an adjunctive role as it does in computer-assisted learning (CAL). Despite empirical validation in the past decade, there is limited research into the optimisation of CBTM design. This review aims to summarise research in classic and modern multimedia-specific learning theories applied to computer learning, and to collapse the findings into a set of design principles to guide the development of CBTMs. Scopus was searched for: (i) studies of classic cognitivism, constructivism and behaviourism theories (search terms: 'cognitive theory' OR 'constructivism theory' OR 'behaviourism theory' AND 'e-learning' OR 'web-based learning') and their sub-theories applied to computer learning, and (ii) recent studies of modern learning theories applied to computer learning (search terms: 'learning theory' AND 'e-learning' OR 'web-based learning') for articles published between 1990 and 2012. The first search identified 29 studies, dominated in topic by the cognitive load, elaboration and scaffolding theories. The second search identified 139 studies, with diverse topics in connectivism, discovery and technical scaffolding. Based on their relative representation in the literature, the applications of these theories were collapsed into a list of CBTM design principles. Ten principles were identified and categorised into three levels of design: the global level (managing objectives, framing, minimising technical load); the rhetoric level (optimising modality, making modality explicit, scaffolding, elaboration, spaced repeating), and the detail level (managing text, managing devices). This review examined the literature in the application of learning theories to CAL to develop a set of principles that guide CBTM design. Further research will enable educators to
Elementary Teachers' Views about Teaching Design, Engineering, and Technology
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hsu, Ming-Chien; Purzer, Senay; Cardella, Monica E.
While there is a growing interest in infusing engineering into elementary classrooms, very little is known about how well positioned elementary teachers are to teach engineering. This study examined elementary teachers' perceptions of and familiarity with design,engineering, and technology (DET). We collected data from 192 elementary teachers…
An Analysis of Strategies for Teaching Standards-Based Lesson Plan Alignment to Preservice Teachers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Drost, Bryan R.; Levine, Anita C.
Research consistently shows that well-aligned lesson plans lead to better student learning outcomes. The development of these plans challenges both preservice teachers and the teacher educators who instruct them. This exploratory study examined strategies for teaching lesson plan alignment utilized by 87 teacher educators in the United States.…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Costu, Bayram
The aim of this study was to investigate effectiveness of PDEODE (Predict-Discuss-Explain-Observe-Discuss-Explain) teaching strategy in helping students make sense of everyday situations. For this, condensation concept was chosen among many science concepts since it is related to many everyday-life events. Forty-eight eleventh graders students…
Self-Monitoring as a Strategy to Increase Student Teachers' Use of Effective Teaching Practices
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hager, Karen D.
Student teachers in classrooms for students with moderate-severe disabilities used self-monitoring to increase their use of effective teaching strategies. In the first study, the participant videotaped daily instructional sessions and collected data on her use of varied praise statements and the number of opportunities to respond in a multiple…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bingham, Guy A.; Southee, Darren J.; Page, Tom
This paper examines the traditional engineering-based provision delivered to Product Design and Technology (B.Sc.) undergraduates at the Loughborough Design School and questions its relevancy against the increasing expectations of industry. The paper reviews final-year design projects to understand the level of transference of engineering-based knowledge into design practice and highlights areas of opportunity for improved teaching and learning. The paper discusses the development and implementation of an integrated approach to the teaching of Mechanics and Electronics to formalise and reinforce the key learning process of transference within the design context. The paper concludes with observations from the delivery of this integrated teaching and offers insights from student and academic perspectives for the further improvement of engineering-based teaching and learning.
A Strategy for Uncertainty Visualization Design
143–156, Magdeburg , Germany . [11] Thomson, J., Hetzler, E., MacEachren, A., Gahegan, M. and Pavel, M. (2005), A Typology for Visualizing Uncertainty...and Stasko [20] to bridge analytic gaps in visualization design, when tasks in the strategy overlap (and therefore complement) design frameworks
[Puppet theatre as teaching strategy: a report of the experience].
Rampaso, Débora Alves de Lima; Doria, Maria Aparecida Gonçalves; de Oliveira, Maria Cláudia Martins; da Silva, Gilberto Tadeu Reis
The Didactics Applied to Care discipline is developed in the fifth semester of the nursing graduation course. It develops several theoretical-practical contents, among them, the teaching strategy. Our objective is to report the experience with the use of puppet theater to promote the oral health of children in a day nursery in the São Paulo East Zone. With this report we make it clear that the theoretical contents developed by the Didactics Applied to Care Discipline are essential to the practice of Health Education. The discipline allows us to develop multiple activities in the role of educator and in health promotion.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pilten, Gulhiz
The purpose of the present research is investigating the effects of reciprocal teaching in comprehending expository texts. The research was designed with mixed method. The quantitative dimension of the present research was designed in accordance with pre-test-post-test control group experiment model. The quantitative dimension of the present…
A visualization method for teaching the geometric design of highways
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
In this project the authors employed state-of-the-art technology for developing visualization tools for teaching highway design. Specifically, the authors used photolog images as the basis for developing dynamic 3-D models of selected geometric eleme...
A Flipped Classroom Approach to Teaching Systems Analysis, Design and Implementation
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tanner, Maureen; Scott, Elsje
This paper describes a flipped classroom approach followed to teach systems analysis, design and implementation at university level. The techniques employed are described. These techniques were underpinned by a theory of coherent practice: a pedagogy that provides a framework for the design of highly structured interventions to guide students in…
The Engineering Design Process: Conceptions along the Learning-To-Teach Continuum
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Iveland, Ashley
In this study, I sought to identify differences in the views and understandings of engineering design among individuals along the learning-to-teach continuum. To do so, I conducted a comprehensive review of literature to determine the various aspects of engineering design described in the fields of professional engineering and engineering…
Use of Software Tools in Teaching Relational Database Design.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
McIntyre, D. R.; And Others
Discusses the use of state-of-the-art software tools in teaching a graduate, advanced, relational database design course. Results indicated a positive student response to the prototype of expert systems software and a willingness to utilize this new technology both in their studies and in future work applications. (JKP)
Applications of Chemiluminescence in the Teaching of Experimental Design
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Krawczyk, Tomasz; Slupska, Roksana; Baj, Stefan
This work describes a single-session laboratory experiment devoted to teaching the principles of factorial experimental design. Students undertook the rational optimization of a luminol oxidation reaction, using a two-level experiment that aimed to create a long-lasting bright emission. During the session students used only simple glassware and…
Prevalence of Mind Mapping as a Teaching and Learning Strategy in Physical Therapy Curricula
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Zipp, Genevieve; Maher, Catherine
Background and Purpose: Regardless of our discipline educators seek to create environments that actively engage students in their learning journey. One teaching and learning strategy that has emerged in higher education is mind mapping (MM). The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine the prevalence of MM usage in a health science…
Games as an innovative teaching strategy for overactive bladder and BPH.
LeCroy, Cheryl
A challenge for urologic nurses and nurse educators is how to present information to staff, students, and patients in a way that will capture their interest and engage them in the learning process. The use of adult-learning principles and innovative teaching strategies can make the learning experience dynamic, and encourage learners to take a more active role in their own learning. Games are a creative, fun, and interactive way to assist in the emphasis, review, reinforcement, and retention of information for urology nurses.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tong, Vincent C. H.
The study of Earth Sciences requires an interdisciplinary approach as it involves understanding scientific knowledge originating from a wide spectrum of research areas. Not only does it include subjects ranging from, for instance, hydrogeology to deep crustal seismology and from climate science to oceanography, but it also has many direct applications in closely related disciplines such as environmental engineering and natural resources management. While research crossing traditional disciplinary boundaries in geosciences is becoming increasingly common, there is only limited integration of interdisciplinary research in the teaching of the subject. Given that the transition from undergraduate education based on subject modules to postgraduate interdisciplinary research is never easy, such integration is a highly desirable pedagogical approach at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. My presentation is based on a recent teaching project involving novel design of an undergraduate course. The course is implemented in order to address the synergy between research and teaching (Tong, 2009). This project has been shown to be effective and successful in teaching geosciences undergraduates at the University of London. The module consists of studying core geophysical principles and linking them directly to a selection of recently published research papers in a wide range of interdisciplinary applications. Research reviewing and reporting techniques are systematically developed, practised and fully integrated into teaching of the core scientific theories. A fully-aligned assignment with a feedback website invites the students to reflect on the scientific knowledge and the study skills related to research literature they have acquired in the course. This teaching project has been recognized by a teaching award (http://www.clpd.bbk.ac.uk/staff/BETA). In this presentation, I will discuss how undergraduate teaching with a focus on research literature in Earth Sciences can
Teaching nursing concepts through an online discussion board.
Hudson, Kandi Ann
Barriers to course content engagement and student learning in nursing education abound. Some of these barriers include content overload, classroom time constraints, and large student numbers. One way to overcome these issues is the implementation of active learning strategies in the classroom. Despite the positive learning outcomes associated with active learning strategies described in the education literature, traditional passive learning strategies continue to be used by nurse educators in the classroom. This article details the results of a pilot study using an active teaching strategy—an online discussion board—which was designed to improve the learning engagement of beginning nursing students enrolled in their first face-to-face nursing course. The results of the semester-long pilot study indicated a favorable student response to the active teaching strategy and improved overall success in the course by the students who participated fully in the online discussions.
Technologies for Teaching: Strategies and Pitfalls
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Meloni, Julie
It isn't a stretch to say that the definitions of "teaching online" and "teaching with technology" vary, even from instructor to instructor. Whatever the level of technology, and regardless of teachers' comfort level with it, one has to remember that for all that educational technology can offer through new communication methods and the ability to…
An Innovative Method of Teaching Electronic System Design with PSoC
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ye, Zhaohui; Hua, Chengying
Programmable system-on-chip (PSoC), which provides a microprocessor and programmable analog and digital peripheral functions in a single chip, is very convenient for mixed-signal electronic system design. This paper presents the experience of teaching contemporary mixed-signal electronic system design with PSoC in the Department of Automation,…
Design Strategies for Aptamer-Based Biosensors
Han, Kun; Liang, Zhiqiang; Zhou, Nandi
Aptamers have been widely used as recognition elements for biosensor construction, especially in the detection of proteins or small molecule targets, and regarded as promising alternatives for antibodies in bioassay areas. In this review, we present an overview of reported design strategies for the fabrication of biosensors and classify them into four basic modes: target-induced structure switching mode, sandwich or sandwich-like mode, target-induced dissociation/displacement mode and competitive replacement mode. In view of the unprecedented advantages brought about by aptamers and smart design strategies, aptamer-based biosensors are expected to be one of the most promising devices in bioassay related applications. PMID:22399891
Teaching Case: MiHotel--Applicant Processing System Design Case
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Miller, Robert E.; Dunn, Paul
This teaching case describes the functionality of an applicant processing system designed for a fictitious hotel chain. The system detailed in the case includes a webform where applicants complete and submit job applications. The system also includes a desktop application used by hotel managers and Human Resources to track applications and process…
Strategy Instruction. ERIC Digest.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Beckman, Pat
This digest discusses using strategy instruction to assist students with learning disabilities. It begins by describing strategy instruction as teaching students about strategies, teaching them how and when to use strategies, helping students identify personally effective strategies, and encouraging students to make strategic behaviors part of…
Teaching Anthropology to "Nonelite" Students: A Beginning Discussion.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Newman, Stanley M.
Describes a strategy for designing an introductory course in cultural anthropology for "nonelite" students. Discusses the thematic approach to teaching anthropology. Emphasis is placed on the importance of using the culture concept as an analytical tool to understand culturally different behaviors. (JS)
Learning about "Half": Critical Aspects and Pedagogical Strategies in Designed Preschool Activities
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Björklund, Camilla
This is an empirical inquiry concerning children's concept development and early mathematics teaching. The intention is to broaden the understanding of preschool children's perceptions of the concept "half" (as 1 of 2 equal parts of a whole), in designed mathematics teaching settings. Three teachers working with 4-5-year-old children…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kozub, Francis M.
The purpose of this article is to share a unique curricular idea with physical educators interested about adding golf concepts to their curriculum. The focus is on a modified golf game that helps teach tactics, strategies, rules, and etiquette to young learners and those with intellectual disabilities. The specific content for this unit focuses on…
Utilizing Multimedia Database Access: Teaching Strategies Using the iPad in the Dance Classroom
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ostashewski, Nathaniel; Reid, Doug; Ostashewski, Marcia
This article presents action research that identified iPad tablet technology-supported teaching strategies in a dance classroom context. Dance classrooms use instructor-accessed music as a regular element of lessons, but video is both challenging and time-consuming to produce or display. The results of this study highlight how the Apple iPad…
The More Ways You TEACH, the More Students You REACH: 86 Strategies for Differentiating Instruction
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Forsten, Char; Goodman, Gretchen; Grant, Jim; Hollas, Betty; Whyte, Donna
Integrate differentiated instruction into the classroom --- starting today --- and bring out the best in everyone! Drawing from years of teaching as well as presenting at national educational conferences, the authors share their most successful strategies for helping students reach their full academic potential. This invaluable, full-color…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Koch, Helvi; Spörer, Nadine
In this intervention study, we investigated how we could teach university students who were majoring in education to teach reading strategies. The goal of the study was to analyze whether and to what extent students would benefit from the intervention with respect to their own learning. Did their own reading skills improve after they attended the…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bui, Yvonne N.; Fagan, Yvette M.
The study evaluated the effects of the Integrated Reading Comprehension Strategy on two levels. The Integrated Reading Comprehension Strategy integrated story grammar instruction and story maps, prior knowledge and prediction method, and word webs through a culturally responsive teaching framework; the Integrated Reading Comprehension Strategy…
IMI's teaching design, feedback system and its localization
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wen, Tingting; Zhang, Xuexin
In Britain, the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) sets the National Occupational Standards for all sectors of the automotive industry. The IMI certificate and associated training programs are well recognized for its high quality both in the United Kingdom (UK) and internationally. Using China's first groups studying IMI Level 3 certificate for teachers and Level 2 certificate for students as a sample, we analyzed the seven central aspects in IMI teaching, namely, assessment standard, environment, method, content, procedure, quality control and feedback. We then proposed strategies and guidelines for its localization in China, which would be particularly important for the establishment and expansion of IMI centers.