Sample records for telepathy

  1. Investigating paranormal phenomena: Functional brain imaging of telepathy.


    Venkatasubramanian, Ganesan; Jayakumar, Peruvumba N; Nagendra, Hongasandra R; Nagaraja, Dindagur; Deeptha, R; Gangadhar, Bangalore N


    "Telepathy" is defined as "the communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another, independently of the recognized channels of sense". Meta-analyses of "ganzfield" studies as well as "card-guessing task" studies provide compelling evidence for the existence of telepathic phenomena. The aim of this study was to elucidate the neural basis of telepathy by examining an individual with this special ability. Using functional MRI, we examined a famous "mentalist" while he was performing a telepathic task in a 1.5 T scanner. A matched control subject without this special ability was also examined under similar conditions. The mentalist demonstrated significant activation of the right parahippocampal gyrus after successful performance of a telepathic task. The comparison subject, who did not show any telepathic ability, demonstrated significant activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus. The findings of this study are suggestive of a limbic basis for telepathy and warrant further systematic research.

  2. Enhancing Pseudo-Telepathy in the Magic Square Game

    PubMed Central

    Pawela, Łukasz; Gawron, Piotr; Puchała, Zbigniew; Sładkowski, Jan


    We study the possibility of reversing an action of a quantum channel. Our principal objective is to find a specific channel that reverses as accurately as possible an action of a given quantum channel. To achieve this goal we use semidefinite programming. We show the benefits of our method using the quantum pseudo-telepathy Magic Square game with noise. Our strategy is to move the pseudo-telepathy region to higher noise values. We show that it is possible to reverse the action of a noise channel using semidefinite programming. PMID:23762246

  3. Investigating paranormal phenomena: Functional brain imaging of telepathy

    PubMed Central

    Venkatasubramanian, Ganesan; Jayakumar, Peruvumba N; Nagendra, Hongasandra R; Nagaraja, Dindagur; Deeptha, R; Gangadhar, Bangalore N


    Aim: “Telepathy” is defined as “the communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another, independently of the recognized channels of sense”. Meta-analyses of “ganzfield” studies as well as “card-guessing task” studies provide compelling evidence for the existence of telepathic phenomena. The aim of this study was to elucidate the neural basis of telepathy by examining an individual with this special ability. Materials and Methods: Using functional MRI, we examined a famous “mentalist” while he was performing a telepathic task in a 1.5 T scanner. A matched control subject without this special ability was also examined under similar conditions. Results: The mentalist demonstrated significant activation of the right parahippocampal gyrus after successful performance of a telepathic task. The comparison subject, who did not show any telepathic ability, demonstrated significant activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus. Conclusions: The findings of this study are suggestive of a limbic basis for telepathy and warrant further systematic research. PMID:21829287

  4. Automated Tests for Telephone Telepathy Using Mobile Phones.


    Sheldrake, Rupert; Smart, Pamela; Avraamides, Leonidas


    To carry out automated experiments on mobile phones to test for telepathy in connection with telephone calls. Subjects, aged from 10 to 83, registered online with the names and mobile telephone numbers of three or two senders. A computer selected a sender at random, and asked him to call the subject via the computer. The computer then asked the subject to guess the caller׳s name, and connected the caller and the subject after receiving the guess. A test consisted of six trials. The effects of subjects׳ sex and age and the effects of time delays on guesses. The proportion of correct guesses of the caller׳s name, compared with the 33.3% or 50% mean chance expectations. In 2080 trials with three callers there were 869 hits (41.8%), above the 33.3% chance level (P < 1 × 10(-15)). The hit rate in incomplete tests was 43.8% (P = .00003) showing that optional stopping could not explain the positive results. In 745 trials with two callers, there were 411 hits (55.2%), above the 50% chance level (P = .003). An analysis of the data made it very unlikely that cheating could explain the positive results. These experiments showed that automated tests for telephone telepathy can be carried out using mobile phones. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt versus three-party pseudo-telepathy: on the optimal number of samples in device-independent quantum private query

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Basak, Jyotirmoy; Maitra, Subhamoy


    In device-independent (DI) paradigm, the trustful assumptions over the devices are removed and CHSH test is performed to check the functionality of the devices toward certifying the security of the protocol. The existing DI protocols consider infinite number of samples from theoretical point of view, though this is not practically implementable. For finite sample analysis of the existing DI protocols, we may also consider strategies for checking device independence other than the CHSH test. In this direction, here we present a comparative analysis between CHSH and three-party Pseudo-telepathy game for the quantum private query protocol in DI paradigm that appeared in Maitra et al. (Phys Rev A 95:042344, 2017) very recently.

  6. Worldwide Emerging Environmental Issues Affecting the U.S. Military. May 2009

    DTIC Science & Technology


    devices can disable the power grid of an entire region; and research on computer-mediated telepathy such as Silent Talk might one day be used to intercept...Pentagon Preps Soldier Telepathy Push telepathy -push/ Item 2. New International

  7. Soviet Dissident Scientists, 1966-78: A Study.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    together on what ip know in parapsychol- ogy circles as the "Great Telepathy Controversy."l’ 4 The newspaper Liter- aturnaya gazeta sponsored a... telepathy experiment in 1968, for whicn it re- cruited scientists as judges and referees. KOLMOGOROV was one of the three academicians selected to evaluate...experiment. The ’experiment was held between 10 and 13 May L968 in Moscow and Kerch and no evidence was found to support the existence of telepathy

  8. Field, Formon, Superspace, and Inceptive Cyborg: A Paraphysical Theory of Noncausal Phenomena

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Mikhailova is able to accomplish psychokinesis;*^ psychic healing can indeed be accomplished; telepathy and clairvoyance can be accomplished even in a...passes extrasensory perception, telekinesis, teleportation, firewalking, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, telepathy , clair- voyance, psionlc

  9. Writing the Observer back into the Equation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    death, a biological system, psi, consciousness, inception, telepathy , psychokinesis, UFO’s, God, and the collective unconscious can be postulated. From the model, constructs that model life, death, a biological system, psi, consciousness, inception, telepathy , psychokinesis...if you are doing it, because a thought comes through, and it fades immediately, almost as soon as it goes through. How fast do you forget a dream

  10. Psychokinesis and Its Possible Implication to Warfare Strategy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    E. 4Rhine began to study psychic phenomena; their research "initially focused on telepathy and clairvoyance. In 1934, J. B. Rhine instituted PK... dream recall (1983 PRL Annual Report). The efforts of PRL to standardize or at least to establish uniformity within the subject populations being...64 -77). Soviet Parapsychology Research. Medical Intelligence and Information Agency. (CLASSIFIED). (S18841.80). Ix, Stanescu, S. Telepathy in

  11. An Approach to Understanding Psychotronics

    DTIC Science & Technology


    a biological system, psi, consciousness, inception, telepathy psychokinesis, UFO’s, God, and the collective unconscious can be taken. Materialization...consciousness, inception, telepathy , tpsychkinesis, UFO’s,, God, and the collective unconscious can be taken. Materialization, demat rializaticn, and...8217the first three laws, then the four law system is indeed closed, and the logician’s dream of a closed metalogic is realized. Further, anything which

  12. Cognition 2035: Surviving a Complex Environment Through Unprecedented Intelligence

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the invention of synthetic telepathy , including mind-to-mind or telepathic dialogue. This type of development would have obvious military and... telepathy . They have this odd way of cocking their head in a certain way whenever they want to access information they don’t already have in their own...accessible through cognition and might include synthetic sensory perception beamed direct to the user’s senses. Wider related ICT developments might include

  13. Iraqi Perspectives Project. Primary Source Materials for Saddam and Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents. Volume 5 (Redacted)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    whether the latter are serving near or far in espionage missions. This experiment started on 6/25/1958. It involved telepathy , and it ended with a 70...Atlantic. Rather, a new kind ofweapon was used in this operation, namely parapsychology - by using a specialized diver and telepathy . (11-22... dream that a flame emerged from him, spread throughout the land, and started to bum everyone that had an encounter with it. He told of his dream to

  14. The Faith of the Force: The Strategic Implications of Religion in the United States Air Force

    DTIC Science & Technology


    human beings developing the capacity for telepathy through vibrations in molars. My wife told me it was the dumbest thing I’d ever said. While I am...vibrational telepathy . ABSTRACT This study examines the strategic implications of religion in the United States Air Force. While religion in the...version of the city on the hill analogy: “As the earliest settlers arrived on the shores of Boston and Salem and Plymouth, they dreamed of building a

  15. ESP - Believe It Or Not!

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McCormack, Alan J.


    Describes several well documented cases of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), and discusses ways in which ESP experiments can be conducted in the science classroom to investigate telepathy, pyschokinesis, and clairvoyance. (JR)

  16. The One Human Problem, Its Solution, and Its Relation to UFO Phenomen

    DTIC Science & Technology


    spirit, stages of evolution, technological species, telepathy , time, tobiscope, tulpa, ultraviolet, unidentified flying objects. Block20. (Continued...manner undreamed of in his present wildest imagination. And indeed there are stranger things in ultimate reality than are dreamed of in our

  17. Freud's 'thought-transference', repression, and the future of psychoanalysis.


    Farrell, D


    Psychoanalysts since Freud have largely neglected his important, paradigmatic ideas on the possibility of 'thought-transference' (telepathy) as an influence in mental life. A chance recording of two dreams which proved to coincide in some detail with distant reality events again suggests evidence in favour of the telepathy hypothesis. On interpretation, one of these dreams reveals even greater correspondence with the reality event and shows the mechanism of transformation of the repressed wish from latent dream content into manifest dream, utilizing a number of elements of the dream instigator, an apparently telepathically received day residue. Working with this material proceeded against very strong resistance, most evident in repeated forgetting of one or another bit of the clinical data. This has been the fate of ideas pertaining to the occult since Freud's first formulations, as is documented here by references to the early history of psychoanalysis. The issue now and for the future is whether psychoanalysis will continue to ignore the crucial question of validity in regard to the telepathy hypothesis. The psychoanalytic method is uniquely qualified to investigate so-called parapsychological phenomena and has the same obligation to do so as with other mental events. We need to examine the evidence in spite of the threat posed to our conventional understanding of the limits of the mind by the very act of acknowledging the question. If we can overcome our resistance to undertaking this task, we may find that, once again, Freud pointed the way towards discovery of a new paradigm in science.

  18. Biological Effects of Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation. Volume III, Number 3.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    experimental errors psychic healing, dowsing, and telepathy . In addi- inherent in these experiments , there was no dif- tion , tests of human sensitivity... synthetic and naturall y occurring cellular surface area of rat liver cells tha t phospholipid membranes were studied using Reman perturb water suggest

  19. Seeds of Destruction, Seeds of Success: The Survival or Failure of Violent Extremist Organizations

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of Asahara, which promised among other things supernatural powers like telepathy and levitation and a new life. Asahara used mediums familiar to...John Negroponte Was Mullah Omar." Common Dreams . February 20, 2005. (accessed March 29, 2010

  20. From ACTS (Air Corps Tactical School) to COBRA: Evolution of Close Air Support Doctrine in World War Two.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    cooperated and coordinated their activities in absolute precision cieated by total nental telepathy . Although XIX Tactice.1 Air Coeeand and Third Aray did...capture of the Romanian oil fields and increased production of synthetic oil, Germany produced enough oil to meet her military needs. By 1944, the

  1. The IST-05 Reference Model in Evaluation and Design

    DTIC Science & Technology


    bits and bytes in a computer memory. To avoid the need for telepathy in manipulating and understanding the data, the IST-05 Reference Model... synthetic views from digital elevation maps and from photographic imagery, but today’s technology makes this possible. Example 2: Instructions for the arrival

  2. Identification of the Gifted: A Prospective View.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Salles, Jose Ferraz


    A psychiatrist describes causative factors (e.g., difficult childbirth, cerebral hypoxemy), behaviors (e.g., motor instability, irritability, enuresis), and abilities (e.g., extrasensory perception, telepathy) that he has associated with giftedness but that are not widely recognized. He also advocates the use of ambidextrous training and Losanov…

  3. The Role of Touch in Facilitated Communication.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kezuka, Emiko


    A study investigated the role of touch in the use of facilitated communication with Japanese individuals with autism. Five experiments were conducted involving a "telepathy game" using a rod with an attached strain gauge. Results found the facilitator's contact controlled the motor responses of the subjects. (Author/CR)

  4. Virtual Integrated Planning and Execution Resource System (VIPERS): The High Ground of 2025

    DTIC Science & Technology


    earth to one meter will allow modeling of 21 enemy actions, to a degree only dreamed of before.8 For example, before starting an air campaign, an...that is facilitated by the system. Interaction may take the form of the written word, voice, video conferencing, or mental telepathy . Control speaks

  5. Where are you, my beloved? On absence, loss, and the enigma of telepathic dreams.


    Eshel, Ofra


    The subject of dream telepathy (especially patients' telepathic dreams) and related phenomena in the psychoanalytic context has been a controversial, disturbing 'foreign body' ever since it was introduced into psychoanalysis by Freud in 1921. Telepathy- suffering (or intense feeling) at a distance (Greek: pathos + tele)-is the transfer or communication of thoughts, impressions and information over distance between two people without the normal operation of the recognized sense organs. The author offers a comprehensive historical review of the psychoanalytic literature on this controversial issue, beginning with Freud's years-long struggles over the possibility of thoughttransference and dream telepathy. She then describes her own analytic encounter over the years with five patients' telepathic dreams-dreams involving precise details of the time, place, sensory impressions, and experiential states that the analyst was in at that time, which the patients could not have known through ordinary sensory perception and communication. The author's ensuing explanation combines contributory factors involving patient, archaic communication and analyst. Each of these patients, in early childhood, had a mother who was emotionally absent-within-absence, due to the absence of a significant figure in her own life. This primary traumatic loss was imprinted in their nascent selves and inchoate relating to others, with a fixation on a nonverbal, archaic mode of communication. The patient's telepathic dream is formed as a search engine when the analyst is suddenly emotionally absent, in order to find the analyst and thus halt the process of abandonment and prevent collapse into the despair of the early traumatization. Hence, the telepathic dream embodies an enigmatic 'impossible' extreme of patient-analyst deep-level interconnectedness and unconscious communication in the analytic process. This paper is part of the author's endeavour to grasp the true experiential scope and

  6. CrossTalk. The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. Volume 17, Number 8, August 2004

    DTIC Science & Technology


    with refined flour and sugars, updated their resumes, and dreamed of better times. Then one day a lone devel- oper from a neighboring province rode into...over the little blue stone by his keyboard while all of the customers in the room beamed their concept of an ideal system at him via mental telepathy

  7. A Bayes Factor Meta-Analysis of Recent Extrasensory Perception Experiments: Comment on Storm, Tressoldi, and Di Risio (2010)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rouder, Jeffrey N.; Morey, Richard D.; Province, Jordan M.


    Psi phenomena, such as mental telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance, have garnered much recent attention. We reassess the evidence for psi effects from Storm, Tressoldi, and Di Risio's (2010) meta-analysis. Our analysis differs from Storm et al.'s in that we rely on Bayes factors, a Bayesian approach for stating the evidence from data for…

  8. Teaching Hypothesis Testing by Debunking a Demonstration of Telepathy.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bates, John A.


    Discusses a lesson designed to demonstrate hypothesis testing to introductory college psychology students. Explains that a psychology instructor demonstrated apparent psychic abilities to students. Reports that students attempted to explain the instructor's demonstrations through hypothesis testing and revision. Provides instructions on performing…

  9. Translations on Eastern Europe Political, Sociological, and Military Affairs No. 1557.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    plans for the future as if we had to come up with something, or dream it up in some prophetic way. Life is such that it always produces those who are...using telepathy , since they refer to the contents of a letter before it reaches the addressee; our post office, we must admit, unfortunately is not that


    DTIC Science & Technology

    intense psychosensorial activity (oneirism, hallucinations, telepsychism). Oneirism is the peculiar psychic condition that is favorable to dreams ...normal hallucinatory phenomena during the sleep and dream -like stages of the beginning sleep and of the reverie. As hallucinations, are designated as the...whole gamut of subjective metapsychics (cryptesthesia, spontaneous or pragmatic; lucidity: clairvoyance: telepathy ; rhabdomancy; radiesthesia; graphonomy; cartomancy; chiromancy). (Author)

  11. Psychic Warfare: Exploring the Mind Frontier

    DTIC Science & Technology


    precognition (knowledge of future events), dowsing (clairvoyant ability to find water, minerals, and so on, by means beyond known sensory or further subdivided into two categories. The term extrasensory perception (ESP) refers to telepathy, dowsing, precognition and remote viewing...the American public accept the reality of psychic phenomena with 51 percent believing in ESP and 37 percent believing in precognition . The ’June 1983

  12. The Schizophrenic Theme in Science Fiction

    DTIC Science & Technology


    science fiction, that certain themes such as super powers, telepathy , being influenced by external agencies, conspiracy, etc., bear only a...prohibition. This war of the instinctual drives (pleasure principle) with the reality principle was manifested in very aspect of the personality. Dreams , F. D...2. Somniomorph: Literary productions depicting events of such a nature and connected in such a manner as they typically occur in dreams . Much of the

  13. JPRS Report, Science & Technology, USSR: Science & Technology Policy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    opment of theoretical and applied research in the field of cybernetic science was an unrealized dream . It did not receive support among the leaders... dream . Cooperative works with foreign organizations have made it possible to relieve the urgency of some problems, but one must not in all questions...Belonging to the first group, for example, is telepathy —the transmission of informa- tion from a human agent to the human percipient, who is isolated

  14. Translations on USSR Science and Technology Biomedical Sciences No. 2

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and foreign scientific litera- ture that, for the last 90-95 years, during which many experiments were con- ducted dealing with telepathy 30 The Largest phytotron in the country. Telephoto by I. Pavlenko (TASS) 31 "The ancient dream of scientists," said Hero of Socialist...crops. With the start-up of the phytotron, this dream is being realized. We may now reduce the time of development of new varieties 2-3-fold. This

  15. The Mind/Mind Problem

    DTIC Science & Technology


    perception of two separate and distinct minds. In actuality, a hypnotist’s verbal suggestions are taken in like any other auditory input would be, and... subliminal cues that facilitate the illusions of clairvoyance, ESP, and mental telepathy, for example, which some believe not to be illusions at all, but...joke that might normally have left it cold. Similarly, following the kind of repeated stimulation that might occur during learning or exercise, neurons

  16. Pre- and Post-Marital Chaplain Ministry to Military Personnel and Korean Nationals.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    endurinq friendship and mutual commitment. 8. Isim Chonsim. Isim Chonsim means "my heart-your heart." It can be translated as telepathy but it...does not seek counseling. 0 Disillusionment ("America is Paradise" syndrome). "Like myself, we have big dreams about America. After we get here...quality of life. Although it was obvious that there was not a single route to the fulfillment of the various wishful dreams of Korean wives, those who

  17. 1986 AMEDD (Army Medical Department) Clinical Psychology Short Course: Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Chonsim. Isim-Chonsim means "my heart-your heart". It can be translated as telepathy but it emphasizes a deep empathic rapport between people which has a...tendency of delving into the unconscious and focused on emotional catharsis through patient verbalization and dream interpretations. During the period from...I notice also that it was far away from every thing else like another Planet almost Dream like. As I set there thinking how I would get Rid of this

  18. Translations on Eastern Europe, Political, Sociological, and Military Affairs, Number 1563.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    This is like telepathy , is not it? Therefore, how do you see Yugoslavia in general and how do you see its role in the Third World, in the world of...Comrade Gierek, define the Polish dream ? Every nation has its dream . How would you define this, let us call it, the Polish dream ? Or more closely and...and phenomena. So that the evil will not reoccur, this is the Polish dream . Therefore, peace and peaceful cooperation among nations... [Question

  19. Proceedings of Tunnel Detection Symposium on Subsurface Exploration Technology (4th) held in Golden, Colorado on 26 - 29 Apr 1993

    DTIC Science & Technology


    characteristics such as intuition, telepathy , ESP, PSI, subconscious creativity and the likz. "Don’t do it Ruskey," they told me, "give them nuts and bolts." Nuts...basic shape of the homogeneous media response ( i.e. the primary wave). The synthetic waveforms 72 show good conformance with the field data. The a fracture halo surrounding the tunnel which is unaccounted for in the simulation. Figure 5 shows a suite of synthetic waveforms for an air tilled

  20. Mesmerising mirror neurons.


    Heyes, Cecilia


    Mirror neurons have been hailed as the key to understanding social cognition. I argue that three currents of thought-relating to evolution, atomism and telepathy-have magnified the perceived importance of mirror neurons. When they are understood to be a product of associative learning, rather than an adaptation for social cognition, mirror neurons are no longer mesmerising, but they continue to raise important questions about both the psychology of science and the neural bases of social cognition. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Linear game non-contextuality and Bell inequalities—a graph-theoretic approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rosicka, M.; Ramanathan, R.; Gnaciński, P.; Horodecki, K.; Horodecki, M.; Horodecki, P.; Severini, S.


    We study the classical and quantum values of a class of one- and two-party unique games, that generalizes the well-known XOR games to the case of non-binary outcomes. In the bipartite case the generalized XOR (XOR-d) games we study are a subclass of the well-known linear games. We introduce a ‘constraint graph’ associated to such a game, with the constraints defining the game represented by an edge-coloring of the graph. We use the graph-theoretic characterization to relate the task of finding equivalent games to the notion of signed graphs and switching equivalence from graph theory. We relate the problem of computing the classical value of single-party anti-correlation XOR games to finding the edge bipartization number of a graph, which is known to be MaxSNP hard, and connect the computation of the classical value of XOR-d games to the identification of specific cycles in the graph. We construct an orthogonality graph of the game from the constraint graph and study its Lovász theta number as a general upper bound on the quantum value even in the case of single-party contextual XOR-d games. XOR-d games possess appealing properties for use in device-independent applications such as randomness of the local correlated outcomes in the optimal quantum strategy. We study the possibility of obtaining quantum algebraic violation of these games, and show that no finite XOR-d game possesses the property of pseudo-telepathy leaving the frequently used chained Bell inequalities as the natural candidates for such applications. We also show this lack of pseudo-telepathy for multi-party XOR-type inequalities involving two-body correlation functions.

  2. From ether theory to ether theology: Oliver Lodge and the physics of immortality.


    Raia, Courtenay Grean


    This article follows the development of physicist Oliver Lodge's religio-scientific worldview, beginning with his reticent attraction to metaphysics in the early 1880s to the full formulation of his "ether theology" in the late 1890s. Lodge undertook the study of psychical phenomena such as telepathy, telekinesis, and "ectoplasm" to further his scientific investigations of the ether, speculating that electrical and psychical manifestations were linked phenomena that described the deeper underlying structures of the universe, beneath and beyond matter. For Lodge, to fully understand the ether was to force from the universe an ultimate Revelation, and psychical research, as the most modern and probatory science, was poised to replace religion as the means of that disclosure. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Strong commitment to traditional Protestant religious beliefs is negatively related to beliefs in paranormal phenomena.


    Hillstrom, E L; Strachan, M


    Numerous studies have yielded small, negative correlations between measures of paranormal and "traditional religious beliefs". This may partly reflect opinions of Christians in the samples who take biblical sanctions against many "paranormal" activities seriously. To test this, 391 college students (270 women and 121 men) rated their beliefs in various paranormal phenomena and were classified as Believers, Nominal Believers, and Nonbelievers on the strength of their self-rated commitment to key biblical (particularly Protestant) doctrines. As predicted, Believers were significantly less likely than Nominal Believers or Nonbelievers to endorse reincarnation, contact with the dead, UFOs, telepathy, prophecy, psychokinesis, or healing, while the beliefs of Nominal Believers were similar to those of Nonbelievers. Substantial percentages of Nominal and Nonbelievers (30-50%) indicated at least moderate acceptance of the paranormal phenomena surveyed.

  4. Psychical research and the origins of American psychology: Hugo Münsterberg, William James and Eusapia Palladino.


    Sommer, Andreas


    Largely unacknowledged by historians of the human sciences, late-19th-century psychical researchers were actively involved in the making of fledgling academic psychology. Moreover, with few exceptions historians have failed to discuss the wider implications of the fact that the founder of academic psychology in America, William James, considered himself a psychical researcher and sought to integrate the scientific study of mediumship, telepathy and other controversial topics into the nascent discipline. Analysing the celebrated exposure of the medium Eusapia Palladino by German-born Harvard psychologist Hugo Münsterberg as a representative example, this article discusses strategies employed by psychologists in the United States to expel psychical research from the agenda of scientific psychology. It is argued that the traditional historiography of psychical research, dominated by accounts deeply averse to its very subject matter, has been part of an ongoing form of 'boundary-work' to bolster the scientific status of psychology.

  5. [Criminology and superstition at the turn of the 19th century].


    Bachhiesl, Christian


    Criminology, which institutionalised at university level at the turn of the 19th century, was intensively engaged in the exploration of superstition. Criminologists investigated the various phenomena of superstition and the criminal behaviour resulting from it. They discovered bizarre (real or imagined) worlds of thought and mentalities, which they subjected to a rationalistic regime of interpretation in order to arrive at a better understanding of offences and crimes related to superstition. However, they sometimes also considered the use of occultist practices such as telepathy and clairvoyance to solve criminal cases. As a motive for committing homicide superstition gradually became less relevant in the course of the 19th century. Around 1900, superstition was accepted as a plausible explanation in this context only if a psychopathic form of superstition was involved. In the 20th century, superstition was no longer regarded as an explanans but an explanandum.

  6. Psychical research and the origins of American psychology

    PubMed Central

    Sommer, Andreas


    Largely unacknowledged by historians of the human sciences, late-19th-century psychical researchers were actively involved in the making of fledgling academic psychology. Moreover, with few exceptions historians have failed to discuss the wider implications of the fact that the founder of academic psychology in America, William James, considered himself a psychical researcher and sought to integrate the scientific study of mediumship, telepathy and other controversial topics into the nascent discipline. Analysing the celebrated exposure of the medium Eusapia Palladino by German-born Harvard psychologist Hugo Münsterberg as a representative example, this article discusses strategies employed by psychologists in the United States to expel psychical research from the agenda of scientific psychology. It is argued that the traditional historiography of psychical research, dominated by accounts deeply averse to its very subject matter, has been part of an ongoing form of ‘boundary-work’ to bolster the scientific status of psychology. PMID:23355763

  7. Policing Epistemic Deviance: Albert von Schrenck-Notzing and Albert Moll1

    PubMed Central

    Sommer, Andreas


    Shortly after the death of Albert von Schrenck-Notzing (1862–1929), the doyen of early twentieth century German para psychology, his former colleague in hypnotism and sexology Albert Moll (1862–1939) published a treatise on the psychology and pathology of parapsychologists, with Schrenck-Notzing serving as a prototype of a scientist suffering from an ‘occult complex’. Moll’s analysis concluded that parapsychologists vouching for the reality of supernormal phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis and materialisations, suffered from a morbid will to believe, which paralysed their critical faculties and made them cover obvious mediumistic fraud. Using Moll’s treatment of Schrenck-Notzing as an historical case study of boundary disputes in science and medicine, this essay traces the career of Schrenck-Notzing as a researcher in hypnotism, sexology and parapsychology; discusses the relationship between Moll and Schrenck-Notzing; and problematises the pathologisation and defamation strategies of deviant epistemologies by authors such as Moll. PMID:23002296

  8. [Is the brain the creator of psychic phenomena or is a paradigm shift inevitable?].


    Bonilla, Ernesto


    Every day new scientific information is appearing that cannot be explained using the classical Newtonian model and is calling for the emergence of a new paradigm that would include the explanation of such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance, presentiment, precognition, out of the body experiences, psychic healing, after-death communication, near-death experiences and reincarnation. The materialist paradigm which considers the brain as the sole cause of consciousness and psychic phenomena has been challenged by a new paradigm that seems to demonstrate that there is not a cause-effect relationship between brain activity and psychic phenomena but only a correlation between them, since these phenomena can be experienced without the body and appear to have an extra-cerebral origin (cosmic field, cosmic consciousness?). Of course, the brain is intensely involved in the manifestation of consciousness in our daily life but this is not equivalent to affirm that brain creates consciousness. Recent findings force us to consider a non-physical, spiritual and transpersonal aspect of reality.

  9. Extrasensory Perception Experiences and Childhood Trauma: A Rorschach Investigation.


    Scimeca, Giuseppe; Bruno, Antonio; Pandolfo, Gianluca; La Ciura, Giulia; Zoccali, Rocco A; Muscatello, Maria R A


    This study investigated whether people who report recurrent extrasensory perception (ESP) experiences (telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition) have suffered more traumatic experiences and traumatic intrusions. Thirty-one nonclinical participants reporting recurrent ESP experiences were compared with a nonclinical sample of 31 individuals who did not report recurrent ESP phenomena. Past traumatic experiences were assessed via a self-report measure of trauma history (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire); traumatic intrusions were assessed via a performance-based personality measure (Rorschach Traumatic Content Index). Participants also completed the Anomalous Experience Inventory, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, the Dissociative Experience Scale, and the Revised Paranormal Belief Scale. The ESP group reported higher levels of emotional abuse, sexual abuse, emotional neglect, physical neglect, and traumatic intrusions. The association between ESP experiences and trauma was partly mediated by the effects of dissociation and emotional distress. Implications for health professionals are discussed. Results also showed the reliability of the twofold method of assessment of trauma.

  10. Policing epistemic deviance: Albert Von Schrenck-Notzing and Albert Moll(1).


    Sommer, Andreas


    Shortly after the death of Albert von Schrenck-Notzing (1862-1929), the doyen of early twentieth century German para psychology, his former colleague in hypnotism and sexology Albert Moll (1862-1939) published a treatise on the psychology and pathology of parapsychologists, with Schrenck-Notzing serving as a prototype of a scientist suffering from an 'occult complex'. Moll's analysis concluded that parapsychologists vouching for the reality of supernormal phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis and materialisations, suffered from a morbid will to believe, which paralysed their critical faculties and made them cover obvious mediumistic fraud. Using Moll's treatment of Schrenck-Notzing as an historical case study of boundary disputes in science and medicine, this essay traces the career of Schrenck-Notzing as a researcher in hypnotism, sexology and parapsychology; discusses the relationship between Moll and Schrenck-Notzing; and problematises the pathologisation and defamation strategies of deviant epistemologies by authors such as Moll.

  11. Magical thinking in somatoform disorders: an exploratory study among patients with suspected allergies.


    Hausteiner-Wiehle, C; Sokollu, F


    In order to reconceptualize somatoform disorders (SFDs), the psychological characteristics of SFD patients are increasingly investigated. The cognitive style of magical thinking (MT) has not been studied so far in patients with SFDs. In a cross-sectional study, 201 allergy workup patients were interviewed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV; they answered a set of self-report questionnaires including the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire subscale for MT and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ). The expression of MT was explored in 61 patients with SFDs compared to 140 patients without SFDs. Patients with SFDs reached higher scores of MT, also when controlled for gender, depression, and anxiety. In particular, they stated more frequently that they were believers in telepathy (64 vs. 44%) and clairvoyance (43 vs. 16%). MT correlated only weakly with somatization/somatic symptom severity, depression, and anxiety. Among allergy workup patients with SFDs we found considerable MT. This indicates that SFD patients may tend to mistake correlation for causality in a more general way, and not just in an illness-related context. The relation to indicators of illness severity (somatic symptom severity/somatization, depression, and anxiety) was relatively weak. Possible implications for research, diagnostics, and therapy are discussed. Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  12. Haunted thoughts of the careful experimentalist: psychical research and the troubles of experimental physics.


    Noakes, Richard


    This paper analyses the relationship between the 'elusive' science of psychical research and experimental physics in the period approximately, 1870-1930. Most studies of the relationship between psychical research and the established sciences have examined the ways in which psychical researchers used theories in the established sciences to give greater plausibility to their interpretations of such puzzling phenomena as telepathy, telekinesis and ectoplasm. A smaller literature has examined the use of laboratory instruments to produce scientific evidence for these phenomena. This paper argues that the cultures of experiment in the established science of physics could matter to psychical research in a different way: it suggests that experience of capricious effects, recalcitrant instruments and other problems of the physical laboratory made British physicists especially sympathetic towards the difficulties of the spiritualistic séance and other sites of psychical enquiry. In the wake of widely-reported claims that the mediums they had investigated had been exposed as frauds, these scientific practitioners were eventually persuaded by the merits of an older argument that human psychic subjects could not be treated like laboratory hardware. However, well into the twentieth century, they maintained that experimental physics had important lessons for psychical researchers. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. On "Telepathic dreams?": an unpublished paper by Robert J. Stoller.


    Mayer, E L


    In 1973 Robert Stoller wrote a paper on a series of dreams-his own and his patients'--that he reluctantly found himself calling "telepathic." He never submitted the paper for publication, though he returned to the topic of unconscious communication and telepathy with increasing fascination in the years before his death. Publication of Stoller's paper seems particularly opportune just now. In it he pleads for open-minded examination of data, however alien to current scientific belief those data seem. In the past, despite numerous published reports of possibly telepathic experiences in analysis, their investigation remained relatively one-sided, since a technical posture of anonymity with patients constrained analysts from revealing that a communication struck them as telepathic. This has limited what analysts have been able to learn about the information actually exchanged, how it was exchanged, and whether the communication was experienced as uncanny by the patient. Recent attention to the intersubjective nature of the analytic situation has led to a deemphasis of anonymity, opening freer dialogue that may facilitate the rigorous investigation Stoller calls for. Such investigation may further analytic understanding of unconscious mental function and communication in the clinical setting, and lend perspective to the growing body of carefully controlled experimental research on anomalous mental phenomena.

  14. Coincidences in analysis: Sigmund Freud and the strange case of Dr Forsyth and Herr von Vorsicht.


    Pierri, Maria


    Freud's interest in thought transference opens the possibility for psychoanalytic research on the primary preverbal language and the maternal function, which the emphasis on verbal and paternal communication had hidden in the background of the setting. The author advances a new interpretation of coincidences in analysis and of the psychopathology of everyday life of the setting. Starting from a strange coincidence, new hypotheses are submitted following additional readings of the unpublished manuscript of the 'Forsyth case', recovered by the author, in regard to a significant moment of transformation, both in Freud and in psychoanalysis, at the end of the war. This phase corresponds first to a change of language, from German to English, as well as to the foundation of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis by Ernest Jones. In particular, the roots of the metapsychological turn of the 1920s are explored, together with the opening of private and productive thoughts in the area of 'telepathy' that joined Freud, Ferenczi, and Anna Freud in a true 'dialogue of unconsciouses'. The free association between A Child Is Being Beaten, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, and the clinical experience with 'Herr B.' is outlined in order to understand Freud's heroic self-analysis at the time when he was treating his daughter Anna and grieving the death of his beloved Sophie. Copyright © 2010 Institute of Psychoanalysis.

  15. Mind-Matter Interactions and the Frontal Lobes of the Brain: A Novel Neurobiological Model of Psi Inhibition.


    Freedman, Morris; Binns, Malcolm; Gao, Fuqiang; Holmes, Melissa; Roseborough, Austyn; Strother, Stephen; Vallesi, Antonino; Jeffers, Stanley; Alain, Claude; Whitehouse, Peter; Ryan, Jennifer D; Chen, Robert; Cusimano, Michael D; Black, Sandra E

    Despite a large literature on psi, which encompasses a range of experiences including putative telepathy (mind-mind connections), clairvoyance (perceiving distant objects or events), precognition (perceiving future events), and mind-matter interactions, there has been insufficient focus on the brain in relation to this controversial phenomenon. In contrast, our research is based on a novel neurobiological model suggesting that frontal brain systems act as a filter to inhibit psi and that the inhibitory mechanisms may relate to self-awareness. To identify frontal brain regions that may inhibit psi. We used mind-matter interactions to study psi in two participants with frontal lobe damage. The experimental task was to influence numerical output of a Random Event Generator translated into movement of an arrow on a computer screen to the right or left. Brain MRI was analyzed to determine frontal volume loss. The primary area of lesion overlap between the participants was in the left medial middle frontal region, an area related to self-awareness, and involved Brodmann areas 9, 10, and 32. Both participants showed a significant effect in moving the arrow to the right, i.e., contralateral to the side of primary lesion overlap. Effect sizes were much larger compared to normal participants. The medial frontal lobes may act as a biological filter to inhibit psi through mechanisms related to self-awareness. Neurobiological studies with a focus on the brain may open new avenues of research on psi and may significantly advance the state of this poorly understood field. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Cognitive Experiences Reported by Borderline Patients and Axis II Comparison Subjects: A 16-year Prospective Follow-up Study

    PubMed Central

    Zanarini, Mary C.; Frankenburg, Frances R.; Wedig, Michelle M.; Fitzmaurice, Garrett M.


    Objective This study assesses three main types of cognition: nonpsychotic thought (odd thinking, unusual perceptual experiences, and non-delusional paranoia), quasi-psychotic thought, and true-psychotic thought in borderline patients followed prospectively for 16 years. It also compares the rates of these disturbed cognitions to those reported by axis II comparison subjects. Method The cognitive experiences of 362 inpatients—290 borderline patients and 72 axis II comparison subjects—were assessed at study entry using the cognitive section of the Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines. Their cognitive experiences were reassessed every two years using the same interview. Results Each of the five main types of thought studied was reported by a significantly higher percentage of borderline patients than axis II comparison subjects over time. Each of these types of thought, except true-psychotic thought, declined significantly over time for those in both groups. Eleven of the 17 more specific forms of thought studied were also reported by a significantly higher percentage of borderline patients over the years of follow-up: magical thinking, overvalued ideas, recurrent illusions, depersonalization, derealization, undue suspiciousness, ideas of reference, other paranoid ideation, quasi-psychotic delusions, quasi-psychotic hallucinations, and true-psychotic hallucinations. Fourteen specific forms of thought were found to decline significantly over time for those in both groups: all forms of thought mentioned above except true-psychotic hallucinations plus marked superstitiousness, sixth sense, telepathy, and clairvoyance. Conclusions Disturbed cognitions are common among borderline patients and distinguishing for the disorder. They also decline substantially over time but remain a problem, particularly those of a nonpsychotic nature. PMID:23558452

  17. Prediction of natural disasters basing of chrono-and-information field characters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sapunov, Valentin


    Living organisms are able to predict some future events particular catastrophic incidents. This is adaptive characters producing by evolution. The more energy produces incident the more possibility to predict one. Wild animals escaped natural hazards including tsunami (e.g. extremal tsunami in Asia December 2004). Living animals are able to predict strong phenomena of obscure nature. For example majority of animals escaped Tungus catastrophe taking place in Siberia at 1908. Wild animals are able to predict nuclear weapon experiences. The obscure characters are not typical for human, but they are fixed under probability 15%. Such were summarized by L.Vasiliev (1961). Effective theory describing such a characters is absent till now. N.Kozyrev (1991) suggested existence of unknown physical field (but gravitation and electro magnetic). The field was named "time" or "chrono". Some characters of the field appeared to be object of physical experiment. Kozyrev suggested specific role of the field for function of living organisms. Transition of biological information throw space (telepathy) and time (proscopy) may be based on characters of such a field. Hence physical chrono-and-information field is under consideration. Animals are more familiar with such a field than human. Evolutionary process experienced with possibility of extremal development of contact with such a field using highest primates. This mode of evolution appeared to stay obscure producing probable species "Wildman" (Bigfoot). Specific adaptive fitches suggest impossibility to study of such a species by usual ecological approaches. The perspective way for study of mysterious phenomena of physic is researches of this field characters.

  18. Experiences of possession and paranormal phenomena among women in the general population: are they related to traumatic stress and dissociation?


    Sar, Vedat; Alioğlu, Firdevs; Akyüz, Gamze


    This study sought to determine the prevalence of experiences of possession and paranormal phenomena (PNP) in the general population and their possible relations to each other and to traumatic stress and dissociation. The study was conducted on a representative female sample recruited from a town in central eastern Turkey. The Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule, the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and borderline personality disorder sections of the Structured Clinical Interviews for DSM-IV Axis-I and Personality Disorders, and the Childhood Abuse and Neglect Questionnaire were administered to 628 women. Of these, 127 (20.2%) women reported at least 1 type of PNP and 13 (2.1%) women reported possession. Women with a dissociative disorder reported all types of possession and PNP (except telepathy) more frequently than those without. Whereas women with a trauma history in childhood and adulthood or PTSD reported possession more frequently than those without, PNP were associated with childhood trauma only. Factor analysis yielded 4 dimensions: possession by and/or contact with nonhuman entities, extrasensory communications, possession by a human entity, and precognition. These factors correlated with number of secondary features of dissociative identity disorder and Schneiderian symptoms. Latent class analysis identified 3 groups. The most traumatized group, with predominantly dissociative and trauma-related disorders, had the highest scores on all factors. Notwithstanding their presence in healthy individuals, possession and PNP were associated with trauma and dissociation in a subgroup of affected participants. Both types of experience seem to be normal human capacities of experiencing that may be involved in response to traumatic stress. Given the small numbers, this study should be considered preliminary.

  19. "Spooky actions at a distance": physics, psi, and distant healing.


    Leder, Drew


    Over decades, consciousness research has accumulated evidence of the real and measureable existence of "spooky actions at a distance"--modes of telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, and the like. More recently scientists have begun rigorous study of the effects of distant healing intention and prayer vis-a-vis nonhuman living systems and patients in clinical trials. A barrier to taking such work seriously may be the belief that it is fundamentally incompatible with the scientific world view. This article suggests that it need not be; contemporary physics has generated a series of paradigms that can be used to make sense of, interpret, and explore "psi" and distant healing. Four such models are discussed, two drawn from relativity theory and two from quantum mechanics. First is the energetic transmission model, presuming the effects of conscious intention to be mediated by an as-yet unknown energy signal. Second is the model of path facilitation. As gravity, according to general relativity, "warps" space-time, easing certain pathways of movement, so may acts of consciousness have warping and facilitating effects on the fabric of the surrounding world. Third is the model of nonlocal entanglement drawn from quantum mechanics. Perhaps people, like particles, can become entangled so they behave as one system with instantaneous and unmediated correlations across a distance. Last discussed is a model involving actualization of potentials. The act of measurement in quantum mechanics collapses a probabilistic wave function into a single outcome. Perhaps conscious healing intention can act similarly, helping to actualize one of a series of possibilities; for example, recovery from a potentially lethal tumor. Such physics-based models are not presented as explanatory but rather as suggestive. Disjunctions as well as compatibilities between the phenomena of modern physics and those of psi and distant healing are explored.

  20. Testing for Questionable Research Practices in a Meta-Analysis: An Example from Experimental Parapsychology

    PubMed Central

    Bierman, Dick J.; Spottiswoode, James P.; Bijl, Aron


    We describe a method of quantifying the effect of Questionable Research Practices (QRPs) on the results of meta-analyses. As an example we simulated a meta-analysis of a controversial telepathy protocol to assess the extent to which these experimental results could be explained by QRPs. Our simulations used the same numbers of studies and trials as the original meta-analysis and the frequencies with which various QRPs were applied in the simulated experiments were based on surveys of experimental psychologists. Results of both the meta-analysis and simulations were characterized by 4 metrics, two describing the trial and mean experiment hit rates (HR) of around 31%, where 25% is expected by chance, one the correlation between sample-size and hit-rate, and one the complete P-value distribution of the database. A genetic algorithm optimized the parameters describing the QRPs, and the fitness of the simulated meta-analysis was defined as the sum of the squares of Z-scores for the 4 metrics. Assuming no anomalous effect a good fit to the empirical meta-analysis was found only by using QRPs with unrealistic parameter-values. Restricting the parameter space to ranges observed in studies of QRP occurrence, under the untested assumption that parapsychologists use comparable QRPs, the fit to the published Ganzfeld meta-analysis with no anomalous effect was poor. We allowed for a real anomalous effect, be it unidentified QRPs or a paranormal effect, where the HR ranged from 25% (chance) to 31%. With an anomalous HR of 27% the fitness became F = 1.8 (p = 0.47 where F = 0 is a perfect fit). We conclude that the very significant probability cited by the Ganzfeld meta-analysis is likely inflated by QRPs, though results are still significant (p = 0.003) with QRPs. Our study demonstrates that quantitative simulations of QRPs can assess their impact. Since meta-analyses in general might be polluted by QRPs, this method has wide applicability outside the domain of experimental

  1. Testing for Questionable Research Practices in a Meta-Analysis: An Example from Experimental Parapsychology.


    Bierman, Dick J; Spottiswoode, James P; Bijl, Aron


    We describe a method of quantifying the effect of Questionable Research Practices (QRPs) on the results of meta-analyses. As an example we simulated a meta-analysis of a controversial telepathy protocol to assess the extent to which these experimental results could be explained by QRPs. Our simulations used the same numbers of studies and trials as the original meta-analysis and the frequencies with which various QRPs were applied in the simulated experiments were based on surveys of experimental psychologists. Results of both the meta-analysis and simulations were characterized by 4 metrics, two describing the trial and mean experiment hit rates (HR) of around 31%, where 25% is expected by chance, one the correlation between sample-size and hit-rate, and one the complete P-value distribution of the database. A genetic algorithm optimized the parameters describing the QRPs, and the fitness of the simulated meta-analysis was defined as the sum of the squares of Z-scores for the 4 metrics. Assuming no anomalous effect a good fit to the empirical meta-analysis was found only by using QRPs with unrealistic parameter-values. Restricting the parameter space to ranges observed in studies of QRP occurrence, under the untested assumption that parapsychologists use comparable QRPs, the fit to the published Ganzfeld meta-analysis with no anomalous effect was poor. We allowed for a real anomalous effect, be it unidentified QRPs or a paranormal effect, where the HR ranged from 25% (chance) to 31%. With an anomalous HR of 27% the fitness became F = 1.8 (p = 0.47 where F = 0 is a perfect fit). We conclude that the very significant probability cited by the Ganzfeld meta-analysis is likely inflated by QRPs, though results are still significant (p = 0.003) with QRPs. Our study demonstrates that quantitative simulations of QRPs can assess their impact. Since meta-analyses in general might be polluted by QRPs, this method has wide applicability outside the domain of experimental

  2. Born-Infeld extension of Lovelock brane gravity in the system of M0-branes and its application for the emergence of Pauli exclusion principle in BIonic superconductors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sepehri, Alireza


    universes. When M5-branes become close to each other, this bridge dissolves in universes and causes that they expand. Also, when branes get away from each other, universes are contracted by compacting branes. The reason for flatness of universe in this system may be the neutralizing of curvature produced by gauge and scalar fields by the curvature produced by fermions. Using this idea in cuprates, we show that by decreasing temperature of system, branes which electrons live on it approach to each other in extra dimensions and superconductivity creates. Applying this idea in QCD, we calculate the potential between particles and anti-particles which is in good agreement with predicted potential for confined color particles. This means that one BIonic superconductor between quark and antiquark may be the main reason of confinement in QCD. Finally, in biological system, the emergence of superconductor between two neurons of two different brains via extra dimension leads to transmission of information between them and happening telepathy.

  3. [Symptoms of DSM IV borderline personality disorder in a nonclinical population of adolescents: study of a series of 35 patients].


    Chabrol, H; Chouicha, K; Montovany, A; Callahan, S


    personality disorder in adolescents. Two criteria of schizotypal personality disorder were also frequent in this group: 68.6% of the borderline group reported odd beliefs or magical thinking, in particular beliefs in clairvoyance or telepathy and 88.6% reported unusual perceptual experiences, in particular sensing the presence of a force or person and bodily illusions. Moreover, 31.4% of the borderline group reported transient "quasi" psychotic experiences, mainly "quasi" visual hallucinations. Auditory hallucinations or delusional ideas were not observed. This symptomatology suggests a "quasi" psychotic dimension of adolescent borderline personality disorder. Affective instability was the next most frequent symptom which was usually marked by a cyclothymic appearance. Comorbidity with major depressive disorder was high: 85.7% of the borderline subjects had a concurrent diagnosis of major depression versus 45.8% of the non-borderline subjects. Thus, major depression is more frequent than most of the borderline personality disorder criteria, with the exception of the already noted paranoid ideation and affective instability. Hypomanic symptoms were frequent in the borderline group (65.7%) as well as in the non-borderline group (38.8%). This symptomatology suggests that adolescent borderline personality disorder is linked to an attenuated bipolar spectrum characterised by major depressive episodes and soft signs of bipolarity. However, hypomanic symptoms, which were quite frequent in non-borderline subjects, might also be due to a mechanism of defence, i.e. the denial of depression. Comorbidity with anxiety disorders appeared also to be high: anxiety symptoms were found in 91.4% of the borderline subjects who reported symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and somatoform disorders. The overall clinical appearance of these borderline adolescents not referred for treatment seemed to be quite similar to that of borderline adolescents in clinical samples. This

  4. From biologically-inspired physics to physics-inspired biology From biologically-inspired physics to physics-inspired biology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kornyshev, Alexei A.


    achieved in understanding the role of electrostatic interactions with ions and charged moieties that can influence the shape and elasticity of DNA, highlighted particularly in the studies of Jim Maher (University of Minnesota). Generally, the role of helical structure dependent, so called `helix-specific' interactions on which the lecture of Sergey Leikin (NIH) was focused, was unequivocally found to play a crucial role in the interaction, aggregation and assembly of DNA—from liquid crystals to intracellular compartments, as well as viral capsids. One of the hottest sessions was devoted to the 'last great enigma' of genetic recombination: its 'zero' stage—the recognition of homologous genes. The big picture was overviewed in biological terms by Adi Barzel (following a 'manifesto' article with Martin Kupiec [6]). New experiments were then reported that showed that DNA can recognize its homology from a distance without unzipping and local base pair formation. The reported published experiments of an Imperial-NIH team [7], widely discussed last year under a controversial notion of DNA-'telepathy' (in quotes, of course), were based on the direct observation of spontaneous segregation of homologous DNA in cholesteric liquid crystals. The reported by Mara Prentiss, and now published, beautiful experiments of the Harvard team [8] were more involved and were based on the application of the magnetic bead technique (purely physical methods). These have unambiguously demonstrated homology pairing at the double-stranded DNA level, also providing evidence of unimportance of defect-based Watson and Crick pairing in this phenomenon. Both kinds of experiments supported the expectations of an electrostatic snapshot recognition mechanism behind intact, double-stranded DNA homology pairing [9]. But none of them has yet systematically studied its various features, after which one could consider the mentioned mechanism experimentally confirmed. Discussions at breakout meetings referred to