Sample records for three-port lens-sparing vitrectomy

  1. Refractive Outcomes of Three-Port Lens-Sparing Vitrectomy for Retinopathy of Prematurity (An AOS Thesis)

    PubMed Central

    Holz, Eric R.


    Purpose: To study the refractive outcomes of 3-port lens-sparing vitrectomy (LSV) for subtotal retinal detachments due to retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Lens-sparing vitrectomy may provide superior refractive outcomes by limiting induced myopia of prematurity. Methods: This is a retrospective, consecutive, nonrandomized, comparative (paired eye) study. Entrance criteria were previous complete ablative laser for threshold ROP in both eyes, followed by LSV in one eye for stage 4A traction retinal detachment. Both eyes then maintained complete retinal attachment. Main outcome variables were cycloplegic refraction, keratometry, and biometric values for axial length, lens thickness, and anterior chamber depth. Results: Nine patients met inclusion criteria. Lens-sparing vitrectomy eyes were significantly less myopic than control eyes (−6.78 D vs −10.33 D, P < .005). The reduction in myopia in LSV eyes was predominantly due to increased anterior chamber depth (3.81 mm ± 0.217 vs 2.96 mm ± 0.232, P < .005). There was a minor contribution from reduced corneal power in LSV eyes (43.89 D ± 0.253 vs 44.20 D ± 0.265, P < .005). There was a minor negative impact from increased lens thickness in LSV eyes (3.85 ± 0.32 mm vs 3.74 ± 0.31, P < .005). There was no significant difference in axial length or lens power between the LSV and control groups. Conclusions: The data demonstrate that infant eyes undergoing 3-port LSV for stage 4A ROP develop less myopia than fellow eyes treated with laser alone. The difference is due to posterior displacement of the lens-iris diaphragm with a smaller contribution from reduced corneal power. The reduction in myopia may improve functional outcomes following 3-port LSV for stage 4A ROP. PMID:20126504

  2. Change in refraction after lens-sparing vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and epiretinal membrane.


    Iwase, Takeshi; Yamamoto, Kentaro; Yanagida, Kosei; Kobayashi, Misato; Ra, Eimei; Murotani, Kenta; Terasaki, Hiroko


    The aim of this study was to compare changes in refraction following lens-sparing vitrectomy between patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) and epiretinal membrane (ERM) and to investigate factors associated with the change in refraction.We reviewed medical records of 49 eyes of 49 patients with RRD (53.6 ± 7.8 years, mean ± standard deviation) and 24 eyes of 24 patients with ERM (50.9 ± 15.7 years) who underwent lens-sparing vitrectomy. Spherical equivalent refractive power was evaluated before and up to 18 months after surgery. The relationship between the change in refraction and several parameters was evaluated.A significant progressive myopic shift in refractive power was observed after vitrectomy in operated RRD and ERM eyes (P < 0.001, P = 0.016, respectively), with no significant difference in fellow eyes. The refraction values observed at ≥3 and ≥12 months following vitrectomy were significantly different as compared with those observed at baseline in the RRD group (P < 0.001) and the ERM group (P < 0.05), respectively. The change in refraction between the RRD and ERM groups was significant (P = 0.030). The multiple linear regression analysis showed that only age was significantly correlated with the change in refraction in RRD (P = 0.018) and ERM (P < 0.001) groups. The change in refraction was significantly and positively correlated with age in RRD (r = -0.461, P = 0.001) and ERM (r = -0.687, P < 0.001) groups. Following lens-sparing vitrectomy, cataract surgery was performed on 30 eyes after 0.89 ± 0.26 years in the RRD group and on 10 eyes after 1.11 ± 0.14 years in the ERM group; there was a significant difference in time to cataract surgery between the groups (P = 0.007). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis demonstrated that there was a significant difference in the rate of cataract surgeries between the RRD and ERM groups (P = 0.022).Following lens-sparing

  3. Change in refraction after lens-sparing vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and epiretinal membrane

    PubMed Central

    Iwase, Takeshi; Yamamoto, Kentaro; Yanagida, Kosei; Kobayashi, Misato; Ra, Eimei; Murotani, Kenta; Terasaki, Hiroko


    Abstract The aim of this study was to compare changes in refraction following lens-sparing vitrectomy between patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) and epiretinal membrane (ERM) and to investigate factors associated with the change in refraction. We reviewed medical records of 49 eyes of 49 patients with RRD (53.6 ± 7.8 years, mean ± standard deviation) and 24 eyes of 24 patients with ERM (50.9 ± 15.7 years) who underwent lens-sparing vitrectomy. Spherical equivalent refractive power was evaluated before and up to 18 months after surgery. The relationship between the change in refraction and several parameters was evaluated. A significant progressive myopic shift in refractive power was observed after vitrectomy in operated RRD and ERM eyes (P < 0.001, P = 0.016, respectively), with no significant difference in fellow eyes. The refraction values observed at ≥3 and ≥12 months following vitrectomy were significantly different as compared with those observed at baseline in the RRD group (P < 0.001) and the ERM group (P < 0.05), respectively. The change in refraction between the RRD and ERM groups was significant (P = 0.030). The multiple linear regression analysis showed that only age was significantly correlated with the change in refraction in RRD (P = 0.018) and ERM (P < 0.001) groups. The change in refraction was significantly and positively correlated with age in RRD (r = −0.461, P = 0.001) and ERM (r = −0.687, P < 0.001) groups. Following lens-sparing vitrectomy, cataract surgery was performed on 30 eyes after 0.89 ± 0.26 years in the RRD group and on 10 eyes after 1.11 ± 0.14 years in the ERM group; there was a significant difference in time to cataract surgery between the groups (P = 0.007). Kaplan–Meier survival analysis demonstrated that there was a significant difference in the rate of cataract surgeries between the RRD and ERM groups (P = 0



    Thomas, Benjamin J; Yonekawa, Yoshihiro; Trese, Michael T


    To describe the long-term anatomical and visual outcomes of a patient with retinopathy of prematurity characterized by a prominent retinal fold adherent to the posterior lens capsule, treated by lens-sparing vitrectomy with surgical transection of the retrolental membrane. A premature infant was born at a gestational age of 25 weeks and birthweight of 636 g. She developed threshold retinopathy of prematurity bilaterally and was subsequently treated with laser ablative therapy. The left eye responded favorably, with regression of neovascularization; however, the right eye progressed to Stage 4A with a prominent retinal fold adherent to the posterior lens capsule. The patient underwent lens-sparing vitrectomy with dissection of the retrolental membrane at postmenstrual age of 44 weeks. At 15-year follow-up, the patient has maintained a best-corrected visual acuity of 20/60 and, of note, demonstrated complete resolution of the previous retinal fold. Surgical treatment for retinopathy of prematurity was considerably advanced by the introduction of lens-sparing vitrectomy techniques; however, cases developing retrolental membranes often persisted with poor visual outcomes, and lensectomy is conventionally performed. However, in select cases of Stage 4A retinopathy of prematurity, careful transection of retrolental membranes during lens-sparing vitrectomy using the appropriate technique may provide very good anatomical and visual outcomes.

  5. Optimized feline vitrectomy technique for therapeutic stem cell delivery to the inner retina

    PubMed Central

    Jayaram, Hari; Becker, Silke; Eastlake, Karen; Jones, Megan F; Charteris, David G; Limb, G Astrid


    Objective To describe an optimized surgical technique for feline vitrectomy which reduces bleeding and aids posterior gel clearance in order to facilitate stem cell delivery to the inner retina using cellular scaffolds. Procedures Three-port pars plana vitrectomies were performed in six-specific pathogen-free domestic cats using an optimized surgical technique to improve access and minimize severe intraoperative bleeding. Results The surgical procedure was successfully completed in all six animals. Lens sparing vitrectomy resulted in peripheral lens touch in one of three animals but without cataract formation. Transient bleeding from sclerotomies, which was readily controlled, was seen in two of the six animals. No cases of vitreous hemorrhage, severe postoperative inflammation, retinal detachment, or endophthalmitis were observed during postoperative follow-up. Conclusions Three-port pars plana vitrectomy can be performed successfully in the cat in a safe and controlled manner when the appropriate precautions are taken to minimize the risk of developing intraoperative hemorrhage. This technique may facilitate the use of feline models of inner retinal degeneration for the development of stem cell transplantation techniques using cellular scaffolds. PMID:24661435

  6. Optimized feline vitrectomy technique for therapeutic stem cell delivery to the inner retina.


    Jayaram, Hari; Becker, Silke; Eastlake, Karen; Jones, Megan F; Charteris, David G; Limb, G Astrid


    To describe an optimized surgical technique for feline vitrectomy which reduces bleeding and aids posterior gel clearance in order to facilitate stem cell delivery to the inner retina using cellular scaffolds. Three-port pars plana vitrectomies were performed in six-specific pathogen-free domestic cats using an optimized surgical technique to improve access and minimize severe intraoperative bleeding. The surgical procedure was successfully completed in all six animals. Lens sparing vitrectomy resulted in peripheral lens touch in one of three animals but without cataract formation. Transient bleeding from sclerotomies, which was readily controlled, was seen in two of the six animals. No cases of vitreous hemorrhage, severe postoperative inflammation, retinal detachment, or endophthalmitis were observed during postoperative follow-up. Three-port pars plana vitrectomy can be performed successfully in the cat in a safe and controlled manner when the appropriate precautions are taken to minimize the risk of developing intraoperative hemorrhage. This technique may facilitate the use of feline models of inner retinal degeneration for the development of stem cell transplantation techniques using cellular scaffolds. © 2014 The Authors Veterinary Ophthalmology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.

  7. [Four-port pars plana vitrectomy for severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy].


    Wei, Wen-bin; Yang, Qiong; Mo, Jing; Zhou, Dan


    To investigate the 4-port pars plana vitrectomy in eyes with severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). It was a case-control study. Twenty-eight eyes in 27 patients with extensive fibrovascular proliferation associated with PDR were retrospectively collected, who were undergone 4-port pars plana vitreous surgery with bimanual manipulation techniques, such as membrane dissections and enbloc membranectomy. The control group consisted of 30 eyes in 30 patients with PDR which were undergone 3-port pars plana vitrectomy by the same surgeon. Twenty-eight eyes were undergone membrane dissection and enbloc membranectomy smoothly during 4-port pars plana vitrectomy, 2 iatrogenic holes occurred in 1 eye. During the follow up 7 months to 4.5 years, the retina was fully attached in all eyes, visual acuity had improved except 1 eye which complicated with neovascular glaucoma. In the control group, membranes partially remained in 2 eyes, 4 iatrogenic holes appeared in 3 eyes, neovascular glaucoma occurred in 3 eyes, the retina was reattached during the follow-up time from 12 to 34 months. For severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy, the 4-port pars plana vitrectomy with bimanual manipulations of membrane peeling is safe and efficiency.

  8. Four-port bimanual 23-gauge vitrectomy for diabetic tractional retinal detachment.


    Wang, Zhao-Yang; Zhao, Ke-Ke; Li, Jia-Kai; Rossmiller, Brian; Zhao, Pei-Quan


    Four-port bimanual vitrectomy is a surgical technique that facilitates removal of epiretinal membranes in severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). As the illumination is held by the assistant through the fourth scleral incision, fibrovascular membranes are removed by bimanual manipulation techniques. The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of four-port bimanual 23-gauge vitrectomy for patients with tractional retinal detachment (TRD) in severe PDR. Retrospective, comparative, consecutive, interventional case series. Sixty-six eyes of 58 consecutive patients who underwent primary vitrectomy for severe diabetic TRD. Thirty-six eyes of 31 cases that were treated with four-port 23-gauge vitrectomy were compared with 30 eyes of 27 cases that were treated with 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). Main outcome measures were best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), retinal status, intraocular pressure, and incidence of intraoperative and postoperative complications with at least 6 months of follow-up. The primary and ultimate anatomic success rates (94.4% versus 93.3%, and 100% in both groups, respectively) and the mean BCVA changes did not differ significantly between groups. The whole surgical time and the membrane removal time were significantly (p < 0.001, respectively) shorter in the four-port 23-gauge group than in the 23-gauge group. There was no difference in the incidence of intraoperative and postoperative complications in both groups. Four-port bimanual 23-gauge vitrectomy offers comparable anatomic success and shortens the surgical time compared with conventional 23-gauge PPV in patients with TRD resulting from severe PDR. © 2016 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.



    Zehetner, Claus; Moelgg, Marion; Bechrakis, Emmanouil; Linhart, Caroline; Bechrakis, Nikolaos E


    To analyze the performance and flow characteristics of novel double-cutting, open-port, 23-, 25-, and 27-gauge ultrahigh-speed vitrectomy systems. In vitro fluidic measurements were performed to assess the volumetric aspiration profiles of several vitrectomy systems in basic salt solution and egg white. Double-cutting open-port vitrectomy probes delivered stable aspiration flow rates that were less prone to flow variation affected by the cutting speed. Increase in cutting frequency to the maximum level resulted in flow reduction of less than 10% (0.0%-9.5%). Commercially available 23-, 25-, and 27-G double-cutting probes exhibited higher egg-white and basic salt solution flow rates at all evaluated cut rates, with aspirational efficiencies being 1.1 to 2.9 times the flow rates of standard single-blade vitrectomy probes of the same caliber at the maximum preset vacuum. The highest relative differences were observed at faster cut rates. The newly introduced double-cutting open-port vitrectomy probes delivered stable aspiration flow rates that were less prone to flow variation affected by the cutting speed. The fluidic principle of constant flow even at the highest cut rates and low vacuum levels might impact surgical strategies, especially when performing manipulations close to the retina.

  10. Treatment of dystrophic calcification on a silicone intraocular lens with pars plana vitrectomy

    PubMed Central

    Mehta, Nitish; Goldberg, Roger A; Shah, Chirag P


    Purpose Dense, vision-obscuring calcification on the posterior aspect of silicone intraocular lenses (IOLs) is often not amenable to neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet capsulotomy, and, in prior reports, has required IOL exchange. We report the successful removal of dense calcium deposition on the posterior surface of a three-piece silicone lens using pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). Materials and methods A 23-gauge PPV was performed using the Stellaris® vitrectomy system. A light pipe was used to retroilluminate the IOL, and a dense fibrous tissue setting with a low cut-rate and high aspiration rate was able to clear the visual axis of the dystrophic calcification without damaging the IOL optic. Results Visual acuity improved from 20/100 to 20/25. Conclusion Small-gauge PPV may be utilized to remove dense dystrophic calcium deposits on the lens surface in lieu of IOL exchange. PMID:25045246

  11. Spatula scaffold: An iris-sparing technique for lensectomy.


    Narang, Priya; Agarwal, Amar


    Lensectomy with vitrectomy is often performed for crystalline lenticular subluxation. We report a new technique and a practical approach that involves the placement of a spatula beneath the iris tissue that facilitates retroiridial removal of subluxated lens and acts as a scaffold by protecting the iris tissue from being accidentally trapped into the vitrectomy cutter port. Our technique facilitates management of the lens and vitreous without any trauma to the iris and secondarily obviates the need to perform an iris repair procedure that may arise due to iatrogenic reasons.

  12. Combined 23-gauge transconjunctival vitrectomy and scleral fixation of intraocular lens without conjunctival dissection in managing lens complications.


    Yeung, Ling; Wang, Nan-Kai; Wu, Wei-Chi; Chen, Kuan-Jen


    To evaluate the safety and efficacy of combined 23-gauge transconjunctival pars plana vitrectomy and scleral fixation of intraocular lens (IOL) without conjunctival dissection. A retrospective study in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Keelung and Taoyuan, Taiwan. Patients receiving combined 23-gauge transconjunctival pars plana vitrectomy and scleral fixation of IOL without conjunctival dissection were enrolled. The ocular findings, causes of lens complication, surgical procedures, type of IOL used, and complications were documented. We included 40 eyes from 39 patients (27 male, 12 female) with a mean age of 59.5 [standard deviation (±) 14.8] years old. The mean follow-up duration was 6.8 ± 5.4 months. The cause of lens complications was ocular trauma in 24 (60%) eyes, cataract surgery complications in 11 (28%) eyes, and spontaneous subluxation of crystalline lens in 5 (13%) eyes. The overall best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) (logMAR) improved from 1.359 ± 0.735 to 0.514 ± 0.582 (p < 0.001). The BCVA also improved significantly in each group with different causes of lens complications. Preoperative BCVA was the only factor associated with the postoperative visual outcome (p = 0.008). Most surgery-related complications were self-limited, including mild vitreous hemorrhage (5%), microhyphema (5%), transient elevated intraocular pressure (3%), and transient hypotony (3%). Cystoid macular edema and IOL decentration was found in 3 (8%) eyes and 1 (3%) eye respectively. Combined 23-gauge transconjunctival vitrectomy and scleral fixation of IOL without conjunctival dissection is effective and safe in managing a wide variety of lens complications, with good postoperative comfort and visual recovery. Retrospective study, not applicable.

  13. [Dry transconjunctival sutureless 25-gauge vitrectomy in the treatment of pediatric cataract].


    You, Cai-yun; Xie, Li-xin


    Posterior capsule opacification is the most frequent complication of pediatric cataract surgery. To prevent posterior capsule opacification, primary phacoemulsification, posterior capsulotomy and anterior vitrectomy with intraocular lens implantation is the preferred method in the treatment of pediatric cataract. Anterior vitrectomy cutter, with 18-gauge, maximum frequency at 600/min and has simultaneous cutting, irrigation and aspiration functions, is associated with more complications and poor outcomes. In 20-gauge surgery, pars plana vitrectomy is performed with two-port sclerotomy. The irrigation increases movement of vitreous and 20-gauge sclerotomy needs suture for closing. In 25-gauge surgery, the vitreous cutter can be introduced into the vitreous cavity directly though conjunctiva and sclera. The stab incision is roughly half the size of 20-gauge cutter, therefore, the sclerotomy incision can be left unsutured. Surgery with dry transconjunctival sutureless 25-gauge vitrectomy may decrease the requirement for secondary membrane surgery and the risk for retinal detachment. The application of dry transconjunctival sutureless 25-gauge vitrectomy in the treatment of pediatric cataract is reviewed.

  14. Videoendoscopic Single-Port Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Reconstruction

    PubMed Central

    Ozden, Burcu Celet; Agcaoglu, Orhan; Kecer, Mustafa; Ozmen, Vahit; Muslumanoglu, Mahmut; Igci, Abdullah


    Abstract Purpose: Single-incision videoendoscopic surgery has recently become popular as a result of the ongoing search for less invasive procedures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of endoscopic single-port nipple-sparing mastectomy, axillary lymphadenectomy, and immediate reconstruction in patients with breast cancer. Patients and Methods: From May 14, 2012 through January 23, 2013, 10 patients underwent videoendoscopic single-port nipple-sparing mastectomy and axillary dissection via a single, limited incision and immediate prosthetic reconstruction. Patient charts were reviewed, and demographic data, operative time, complications and pathology results were analyzed. Results: In all patients, videoendoscopic surgery was performed successfully. Of 10 patients, 7 were diagnosed as having invasive ductal carcinoma, 2 had a ductal carcinoma in situ, and 1 underwent bilateral prophylactic mastectomy. The weight of the resected gland was 300–650 g, with a mean of 420 g. There were no operative complications, and the mean operative time was 250 minutes (range, 160–330 minutes). One-stage reconstruction with implants was performed on 4 patients, whereas expanders were placed in the remaining 6. Surgical margins of all cases were pathologically negative, and there were no recurrences observed during the early follow-up period. Conclusions: Videoendoscopic single-port nipple-sparing mastectomy is technically feasible even in larger breasts, enabling immediate reconstruction with good cosmetic outcomes. However, further studies with larger clinical series and long-term follow-up are required to compare the safety and efficacy of the technique with those of the standard nipple-sparing mastectomy. PMID:24401140

  15. Intravitreal Phacoemulsification Using Torsional Handpiece for Retained Lens Fragments

    PubMed Central

    Kumar, Vinod; Takkar, Brijesh


    Purpose: To evaluate the results of intravitreal phacoemulsification with torsional hand piece in eyes with posteriorly dislocated lens fragments. Methods: In this prospective, interventional case series, 15 eyes with retained lens fragments following phacoemulsification were included. All patients underwent standard three-port pars plana vitrectomy and intravitreal phacoemulsification using sleeveless, torsional hand piece (OZiL™, Alcon's Infiniti Vision System). Patients were followed up for a minimum of six months to evaluate the visual outcomes and complications. Results: The preoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ranged from light perception to 0.3. No complications such as thermal burns of the scleral wound, retinal damage due to flying lens fragments, or difficult lens aspiration occurred during intravitreal phacoemulsification. Mean post-operative BCVA at the final follow-up was 0.5. Two eyes developed cystoid macular edema, which was managed medically. No retinal detachment was noted. Conclusion: Intravitreal phacoemulsification using torsional hand piece is a safe and effective alternative to conventional longitudinal phacofragmentation. PMID:27621783

  16. Intravitreal Phacoemulsification Using Torsional Handpiece for Retained Lens Fragments.


    Kumar, Vinod; Takkar, Brijesh


    To evaluate the results of intravitreal phacoemulsification with torsional hand piece in eyes with posteriorly dislocated lens fragments. In this prospective, interventional case series, 15 eyes with retained lens fragments following phacoemulsification were included. All patients underwent standard three-port pars plana vitrectomy and intravitreal phacoemulsification using sleeveless, torsional hand piece (OZiL™, Alcon's Infiniti Vision System). Patients were followed up for a minimum of six months to evaluate the visual outcomes and complications. The preoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ranged from light perception to 0.3. No complications such as thermal burns of the scleral wound, retinal damage due to flying lens fragments, or difficult lens aspiration occurred during intravitreal phacoemulsification. Mean post-operative BCVA at the final follow-up was 0.5. Two eyes developed cystoid macular edema, which was managed medically. No retinal detachment was noted. Intravitreal phacoemulsification using torsional hand piece is a safe and effective alternative to conventional longitudinal phacofragmentation.

  17. Variation in the vitreoretinal configuration of Stage 4 retinopathy of prematurity in photocoagulated and treatment naive eyes undergoing vitrectomy

    PubMed Central

    Gadkari, Salil Sharad; Deshpande, Madan


    Purpose: We sought to document the difference in the vitreoretinal configuration of Stage 4 retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in photocoagulated and treatment naive eyes undergoing vitrectomy and to correlate it with surgical complexity. Methods: Consecutive eyes posted for vitrectomy with Stage 4 ROP were documented preoperatively using a RetCam for the presence of peripheral traction (PT), presence of central traction just outside the arcades, and presence of traction extending to the lens. A note was made of the following intraoperative events: lensectomy, intraoperative bleeding, and iatrogenic breaks. Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used for analysis. Results: From a total of 46 eyes, 16 and 30 eyes were from the treated and treatment naive group, respectively. More eyes in the treated group had central (P < 0.0001) and lenticular traction (P = 0.022). More eyes in the untreated group had PT (P < 0.0001). A significant number of eyes without photocoagulation needed lensectomy (P = 0.042), and no difference in intraoperative bleeding (P = 0.94) was demonstrable. Iatrogenic retinotomy occurred in three eyes, all naive. Notably, age at surgery was more in the untreated group (P = 0.00008). Conclusion: Vasoproliferative activity in all retinopathies occurs at the junction of the ischemic and nonischemic retina. In the natural course of ROP, this takes place peripherally, at the ridge. In photocoagulated eyes, this junction is displaced posteriorly due to peripheral ablation. Treated eyes manifested with posterior proliferative changes and were more amenable to lens-sparing vitrectomy. Naive eyes were older when they underwent surgery to relieve PT with greater chances of lensectomy and iatrogenic breaks. PMID:28905829

  18. Comparison of disposable sutureless silicone ring and traditional metal ring in 23-gauge vitrectomy combined with cataract surgery.


    Wu, Jian-Guo; Wei, Rui-Hua; Liu, Ai-Hua; Zhou, Xiao-Xu; Sun, Guo-Ling; Li, Xiao-Rong


    The purpose of this prospective, interventional, comparative case series was to evaluate the efficiency and feasibility of a disposable sutureless silicone lens ring for corneal contact lens stabilization during combined 23-gauge vitrectomy and cataract surgery. We developed a ring consisting of a single silicone component with three footplates along the ring margin to fit cannulae for holding conventional contact lenses. Thirty eyes from 30 patients with cataract and vitreoretinal disease were included, and divided into two matched groups according to disease type and ring used. In Group A, we used a 23-gauge transconjunctival vitrectomy system and a disposable sutureless silicone lens ring (n = 15). In Group B, we used a 23-gauge transconjunctival vitrectomy system and a conventional metal lens ring (n = 15). The main outcome measures were: time required for vitrectomy preparation, rate of intraoperative corneal limbus bleeding, and limbus scar rate at the final follow-up visit. Thirty cases were successfully completed. The average vitrectomy preparation time was less in Group A than in Group B (P < 0.01), and the average preparation time saved was 3.94 minutes. None of the Group A patients had intraoperative bleeding or postoperative scarring, whereas all 15 Group B cases had bleeding and five had scarring. There was a statistically significant difference between Group A and Group B for these complications (P ≤ 0.05). This report demonstrates the advantages of using a sutureless silicone ring during combined 23-gauge vitrectomy and cataract surgery. Using this method could allow extra time for the surgeon to pay more attention to complex vitreoretinal procedures.

  19. Comparison of disposable sutureless silicone ring and traditional metal ring in 23-gauge vitrectomy combined with cataract surgery

    PubMed Central

    Wu, Jian-Guo; Wei, Rui-Hua; Liu, Ai-Hua; Zhou, Xiao-Xu; Sun, Guo-Ling; Li, Xiao-Rong


    Background: The purpose of this prospective, interventional, comparative case series was to evaluate the efficiency and feasibility of a disposable sutureless silicone lens ring for corneal contact lens stabilization during combined 23-gauge vitrectomy and cataract surgery. Methods: We developed a ring consisting of a single silicone component with three footplates along the ring margin to fit cannulae for holding conventional contact lenses. Thirty eyes from 30 patients with cataract and vitreoretinal disease were included, and divided into two matched groups according to disease type and ring used. In Group A, we used a 23-gauge transconjunctival vitrectomy system and a disposable sutureless silicone lens ring (n = 15). In Group B, we used a 23-gauge transconjunctival vitrectomy system and a conventional metal lens ring (n = 15). The main outcome measures were: time required for vitrectomy preparation, rate of intraoperative corneal limbus bleeding, and limbus scar rate at the final follow-up visit. Results: Thirty cases were successfully completed. The average vitrectomy preparation time was less in Group A than in Group B (P < 0.01), and the average preparation time saved was 3.94 minutes. None of the Group A patients had intraoperative bleeding or postoperative scarring, whereas all 15 Group B cases had bleeding and five had scarring. There was a statistically significant difference between Group A and Group B for these complications (P ≤ 0.05). Conclusion: This report demonstrates the advantages of using a sutureless silicone ring during combined 23-gauge vitrectomy and cataract surgery. Using this method could allow extra time for the surgeon to pay more attention to complex vitreoretinal procedures. PMID:21760720

  20. Increased internal higher-order aberrations as a useful parameter for indication of vitrectomy in three asteroid hyalosis cases

    PubMed Central

    Yokoyama, Sho; Kojima, Takashi; Kaga, Tatsushi; Ichikawa, Kazuo


    We report three asteroid hyalosis cases in which internal higher-order aberrations (HOAs) were improved concomitant with improved visual symptoms after vitrectomy. Cases 1 and 2 reported severe floaters and glare disability, although their visual acuities were fairly good. Case 3 showed poor visual acuity since this patient also suffered from mild macular degeneration. For these three asteroid hyalosis cases, we were unsure if treatment with vitrectomy could improve visual symptoms. Therefore, we measured internal HOAs with an aberrometer, and found that the internal HOA values in these cases were high. We suspected that internal high HOAs values were associated with visual disturbance, and performed vitrectomy. After the vitrectomy, the internal HOA values in these three asteroid hyalosis cases markedly decreased, and visual symptoms improved. These observations suggested that measurement of internal HOAs may be useful to determine the indication for vitrectomy. PMID:26698200

  1. Increased internal higher-order aberrations as a useful parameter for indication of vitrectomy in three asteroid hyalosis cases.


    Yokoyama, Sho; Kojima, Takashi; Kaga, Tatsushi; Ichikawa, Kazuo


    We report three asteroid hyalosis cases in which internal higher-order aberrations (HOAs) were improved concomitant with improved visual symptoms after vitrectomy. Cases 1 and 2 reported severe floaters and glare disability, although their visual acuities were fairly good. Case 3 showed poor visual acuity since this patient also suffered from mild macular degeneration. For these three asteroid hyalosis cases, we were unsure if treatment with vitrectomy could improve visual symptoms. Therefore, we measured internal HOAs with an aberrometer, and found that the internal HOA values in these cases were high. We suspected that internal high HOAs values were associated with visual disturbance, and performed vitrectomy. After the vitrectomy, the internal HOA values in these three asteroid hyalosis cases markedly decreased, and visual symptoms improved. These observations suggested that measurement of internal HOAs may be useful to determine the indication for vitrectomy. 2015 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

  2. Vitrectomy-assisted phacoemulsification for lenticular coloboma.


    Agarwal, Ashvin; Narang, Priya; Agarwal, Amar


    We describe a technique to prevent continuous vitreous hydration during phacoemulsification in eyes with lenticular coloboma. The hydration results from communication between the anterior and posterior chambers from the edges of the colobomatous defect. To avoid this, a valved trocar is placed at the pars plana site around the area of the lenticular defect, which allows a limited dry vitrectomy during phacoemulsification. Intermittent vitrectomy with a moderate cutting rate and low vacuum parameters accompanied by temporary halting of the phacoemulsification procedure prevents vitreous herniation into the anterior chamber and limits the extension of zonular compromise, facilitating safe phacoemulsification with appropriate capsule expansion and fixation devices and implantation of an intraocular lens. Copyright © 2017 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Operating microscope light-induced phototoxic maculopathy after transscleral sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation.


    Kweon, Eui Yong; Ahn, Min; Lee, Dong Wook; You, In Cheon; Kim, Min Jung; Cho, Nam Chun


    The purpose of this study is to report the features of operating microscope light-induced retinal phototoxic maculopathy after transscleral sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens (TSS PC-IOL) implantation. The charts of 118 patients who underwent TSS PC-IOL implantation surgery at Chonbuk National University Hospital (Jeonju, Korea) between March 1999 and February 2008 were retrospectively reviewed. Fourteen patients underwent combined 3-port pars plana vitrectomy and TSS PC-IOL implantation (vitrectomy group), and 104 patients underwent TSS PC-IOL implantation only (nonvitrectomy group). All surgeries were performed under the same coaxial illuminated microscope. All diagnoses were confirmed through careful fundus examination and fluorescein angiography (FA). Diagnoses of retinal phototoxic maculopathy were established in 10 (8.47%) of 118 TSS PC-IOL implantation cases. Phototoxic maculopathy occurred more frequently in the vitrectomy group than in the nonvitrectomy group (6/14 versus 4/104, respectively; P < 0.001, chi-square = 24.21). Affected patients reported decreased vision and were found to have coarse alterations of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In 5 of the phototoxic maculopathy cases (50%), the visual acuity was 20/200 or worse. Operating microscope light-induced retinal phototoxic maculopathy can occur more frequently after TSS PC-IOL implantation than after casual cataract surgery, especially when TSS PC-IOL is combined with vitrectomy surgery. Surgeons should take precautions to prevent retinal phototoxicity after TSS PC-IOL implantation and vitrectomy.

  4. [Pars plana vitrectomy with the vitreous stripper].


    Klöti, R


    We report on the construction and the function of a new microsurgical instrument for vitrectomy. The instrument is introduced into the vitreous cavity through a small scleral incision in the pars plana area. Microscope observation with slit-lamp illumination and a specially designed contact lens are used for this surgical procedure. Our clinical experiences and the indications are discussed.

  5. Globe stability during simulated vitrectomy with valved and non-valved trocar cannulas

    PubMed Central

    Abulon, Dina Joy; Charles, Martin; Charles, Daniel E


    Purpose To compare the effects of valved and non-valved cannulas on intraocular pressure (IOP), fluid leakage, and vitreous incarceration during simulated vitrectomy. Methods Three-port pars plana incisions were generated in six rubber eyes using 23-, 25-, and 27-gauge valved and non-valved trocar cannulas. The models were filled with air and IOP was measured. Similar procedures were followed for 36 acrylic eyes filled with saline solution. Vitreous incarceration was analyzed in eleven rabbit and twelve porcine cadaver eyes. Results In the air-filled model, IOP loss was 89%–94% when two non-valved cannulas were unoccupied versus 1%–5% when two valved cannulas were unoccupied. In the fluid-filled model, with non-valved cannulas, IOP dropped while fluid leaked from the open ports. With two open ports, the IOP dropped to 20%–30% of set infusion pressure, regardless of infusion pressure and IOP compensation. The IOP was maintained in valved cannulas when one or two ports were left open, regardless of IOP compensation settings. There was no or minimal fluid leakage through open ports at any infusion pressure. Direct microscopic analysis of rabbit eyes showed that vitreous incarceration was significantly greater with 23-gauge non-valved than valved cannulas (P<0.005), and endoscopy of porcine eyes showed that vitreous incarceration was significantly greater with 23-gauge (P<0.05) and 27-gauge (P<0.05) non-valved cannulas. External observation of rabbit eyes showed vitreous prolapse through non-valved, but not valved, cannulas. Conclusion Valved cannulas surpassed non-valved cannulas in maintaining IOP, preventing fluid leakage, and reducing vitreous incarceration during simulated vitrectomy. PMID:26445520

  6. Two-Port Pars Plana Anterior and Central Core Vitrectomy (Lam Floaterectomy) in Combination With Phacoemulsification and Intraocular Lens Implantation Under Topical Anesthesia for Patients with Cataract and Significant Floaters: Results of the First 50 Consecutive Cases.


    Lam, Dennis S C; Leung, Hiu Ying; Liu, Shu; Radke, Nishant; Yuan, Ye; Lee, Vincent Y W


    To study the safety and efficacy of 2-port pars plana anterior and central core vitrectomy (Lam floaterectomy) in combination with phacoemulsification (phaco) and intraocular lens implantation (IOL) for patients with cataract and significant floaters under topical anesthesia. Retrospective review of the first 50 consecutive cases. A standardized treatment protocol was used for patients with cataract and significant (moderate to severe) floaters (duration > 3 months). Data analysis included intraoperative and postoperative complications, floater status, and patient satisfaction. There were 50 eyes (38 patients) with a male-to-female ratio of 1 to 2.3. Twelve patients had bilateral eye surgeries. Mean age was 58.10 ± 9.85 years (range, 39-83). All patients completed the 3-month follow-up. One eye had mild vitreous hemorrhage at the end of surgery arising from sclerotomy wound oozing. No other intraoperative compli-cations were encountered. Postoperatively, there was 1 case of transient hypotony and 1 case of congestion at sclerotomy wound. No cases of retinal break or detachment, or clinically significant macular edema, were reported. There were 5 cases (10%) of mild residual floaters and 1 case (2%) of floater recurrence. Total floater clearance rate was 88%. Patient satisfaction rates were 80%, 14%, 6%, and 0% for very satisfied, satis-fied, acceptable, and unsatisfied, respectively. The 3-month results in terms of safety and efficacy of the Lam floaterectomy in combination with phaco and IOLfor patients with cataract and significant floaters under topical anesthesia are encouraging. Further larger-scale, prospective, multicenter studies seem warranted. Copyright© 2017 Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology.

  7. Midline sclerotomy approach for intraocular foreign body removal in phakic eyes using endoilluminator: A novel technique

    PubMed Central

    Ravani, Raghav; Chawla, Rohan; Azad, Shorya Vardhan; Gupta, Yogita; Kumar, Vinod; Kumar, Atul


    Purpose: The objective of this study is to describe the removal of retained intraocular foreign body (RIOFB) by bimanual pars plana vitrectomy through midline sclerotomy in phakic patients. Technique: Four eyes with RIOFB and clear lens underwent microincision vitrectomy surgery. A chandelier illumination was placed through one of the existing ports. The foreign body (FB) was localized by direct visualization (intravitreal) or indentation (pars plana), stabilized using an intraocular magnet/FB forceps introduced through a midline sclerotomy and freed of vitreous from all sides using a vitrectomy cutter through the other port bimanually, reoriented along their long axis and extracted through the midline sclerotomy. Results: All four FBs were removed successfully without slippage or damage to the clear lens. Conclusion: Chandelier illumination-assisted removal of FB through midline sclerotomy helps in easier localization, stabilization and removal, avoiding lens touch even in anteriorly located FBs such as at pars plana. PMID:29676316

  8. Intracapsular lens extraction for the treatment of pupillary block glaucoma associated with anterior subluxation of the crystalline lens.


    Kim, Yong Joon; Ha, Seung Joo


    To report a case of pupillary block glaucoma associated with spontaneous crystalline lens subluxation into the anterior chamber in a 34-year-old man. Dry vitrectomy was performed for securing enough retrolental space, and an intracapsular lens extraction was then performed via a corneolimbal incision. Additional endothelial cell damage was avoided with an injection of viscoelastics and gentle extraction of the crystalline lens. After deepening of the anterior chamber, scleral fixation of the intraocular lens was performed with an ab externo technique. Two months after the operation, a well-fixated intraocular lens was observed and intraocular pressure was stable. The postoperative corneal astigmatism was -3.5 dpt, and the patient had a best-corrected visual acuity of 20/25. Postoperative complications included decreased endothelial cell count and sector iris paralysis near the incision site. An anteriorly subluxated crystalline lens can cause pupillary block glaucoma in healthy young adults. To prevent intraoperative complications, intracapsular lens extraction with dry vitrectomy can be a good surgical option. The endothelial cell density should be closely monitored after surgery.

  9. One hundred consecutive cases of pars plana vitrectomy with the vitreous stripper.


    Syrdalen, P


    The results of 100 consecutive cases of pars plana vitrectomy are reported. Vitrectomy was performed on accunt of complications of diabetic retinopathy (37 eyes), complicated retinal detachment (28 eyes), vitreous haemorrhage of various causes (17 eyes), vitreous haemorrhage and complications secondary to injuries (13 eyes) and secondary cataract or vitreous in the anterior chamber creating corneal dystrophy (5 eyes). With an average follow-up time of 14.2 months, vitrectomy resulted in visual improvement in 55 eyes, unchanged visual acuity in 24 eyes and reduced visual acuity in 21 eyes. The operative and postoperative complications were: secondary vitreous haemorrhage (11 eyes), retinal detachment (8 eyes), haemorrhagic glaucoma (7 eyes), retinal tears (5 eyes), lens injury (4 eyes), corneal dystrophy (2 eyes) and endophthalmitis (1 eye).

  10. [Outcomes of surgical management of retinopathy of prematurity--an overview].


    Kuprjanowicz, Leszek; Kubasik-Kładna, Katarzyna; Modrzejewska, Monika


    According to the guidelines by the ETROP (Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity) study group, laser therapy is the gold standard in the treatment of retinopathy of prematurity. However, progression of the disease is seen in 12% of eyes despite the treatment. Since there is no causal treatment, new therapies of retinopathy of prematurity, are continually sought, such as anti-VEGF agents, beta-blockers, or insulin-like growth factor gene therapy. In cases with concomitant retinal detachment, surgery is performed. The standard therapy for retinopathy of prematurity stages 4-5 involves pars plicata vitrectomy and lensectomy (stage 5), ab externo surgery (scleral buckling) and lens-sparing vitrectomy (some cases of stage 4). Classic vitrectomy with lensectomy is reserved only for cases with advanced retinal tractions, retina-lens apposition or for cases of intraoperative lens damage during the lens-sparing vitrectomy. The ab externo surgery does not eliminate vitreous tractions, but it stabilises the neovascular membrane activity (transforming it into a scar). The indication for this type of operation is stage 4 retinopathy of prematurity with peripheral proliferations, except for the posterior--aggressive form of retinopathy of prematurity. Many papers have been published on combined therapy involving vitrectomy and conservative treatment. In conclusion, optimal timing of surgical intervention is difficult to determine in stages 4 and 5, because the anatomical and functional outcomes in stage 5 are unfavourable. Both, ab externo surgery and vitrectomy tend to produce poor macular vision in eyes with advanced retinopathy of prematurity, therefore surgical intervention at stage 4 just before the local macular retinal detachment provides better anatomical and functional outcomes.

  11. Keratometric alterations following the 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy versus the conventional pars plana vitrectomy.


    Citirik, Mehmet; Batman, Cosar; Bicer, Tolga; Zilelioglu, Orhan


    To assess the alterations in keratometric astigmatism following the 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy versus the conventional pars plana vitrectomy. Sixteen consecutive patients were enrolled into the study. Conventional vitrectomy was applied to eight of the cases and 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy was performed in eight patients. Keratometry was performed before and after the surgery. In the 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy group, statistically significant changes were not observed in the corneal curvature in any post-operative follow-up measurement (p > 0.05); whereas in the conventional pars plana vitrectomy group, statistically significant changes were observed in the first postoperative day (p = 0.01) and first postoperative month (p = 0.03). We noted that these changes returned to baseline in three months (p = 0.26). Both 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless and conventional pars plana vitrectomy are effective surgical modalities for selected diseases of the posterior segment. Surgical procedures are critical for the visual rehabilitation of the patients. The post-operative corneal astigmatism of the vitrectomised eyes can be accurately determined at least two months post-operatively.

  12. Simultaneous laparoscopic adrenalectomy and laparoscopic nephron-sparing surgery – new experience with port placement

    PubMed Central

    Panek, Wojciech; Lewandowski, Jaroslaw; Tuchendler, Tomasz; Urbańczyk, Grzegorz; Litarski, Adam; Apoznański, Wojciech


    The aim of the study was to describe simultaneous laparoscopic adrenalectomy and laparoscopic nephron-sparing surgery, to discuss the details of a convenient laparoscopic approach and the way of port placement, as well as to present a review of the literature concerning combined laparoscopic procedures. A 72-year-old woman was admitted to our department because of a tumor of the right adrenal gland and a small tumor of the right kidney. The patient underwent simultaneous laparoscopic adrenalectomy and laparoscopic nephron-sparing surgery. The postoperative period was uncomplicated. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the 4th postoperative day. We believe that the proposed way of trocar placement would help to avoid a ‘rollover’ problem between the laparoscope and a Satinsky clamp or a ‘crossing swords’ problem between a Satinsky clamp and manipulators. PMID:24501608

  13. Corneal approach 20 Guage vitrectomy system for the management of congenital cataract

    PubMed Central

    Memon, Mariya Nazish; Bukhari, Sadia; Bhutto, Israr Ahmed


    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and complications of 20 gauge vitrectomy via corneal approach for the management of congenital cataract. Method: We performed anterior capsular vitreorhexis, lens matter aspiration (LMA), primary posterior vitrectorhexis and anterior vitrectomy via corneal approach using 20 gauge vitrectomy system in children younger than two years of age with congenital cataract between January 2014 to December 2014. The intra and postoperative complications were observed. Results: Twenty nine eyes of 21 children were included in this study. Congenital cataract surgery using 20 gauge vitrectomy system via corneal approach did not reveal any intra operative complication. Post operatively all children were able to freely open their operated eyes. Conjunctival congestion at the incision site in four eyes and mild anterior chamber reaction in 8 eyes were seen on 1st daywhich resolved at one week follow up. Other major post operative complications such as inflammatory membrane, irregular pupil, posterior/anterior syneache and opacification of visual axis were not seen during follow up period. Conclusion: The 20-gauge vitrectomy system via corneal approach is easy to perform, is less time consuming, safe and effective for the management of congenital cataract in younger children. PMID:27182257

  14. Corneal approach 20 Guage vitrectomy system for the management of congenital cataract.


    Memon, Mariya Nazish; Bukhari, Sadia; Bhutto, Israr Ahmed


    To evaluate the efficacy and complications of 20 gauge vitrectomy via corneal approach for the management of congenital cataract. We performed anterior capsular vitreorhexis, lens matter aspiration (LMA), primary posterior vitrectorhexis and anterior vitrectomy via corneal approach using 20 gauge vitrectomy system in children younger than two years of age with congenital cataract between January 2014 to December 2014. The intra and postoperative complications were observed. Twenty nine eyes of 21 children were included in this study. Congenital cataract surgery using 20 gauge vitrectomy system via corneal approach did not reveal any intra operative complication. Post operatively all children were able to freely open their operated eyes. Conjunctival congestion at the incision site in four eyes and mild anterior chamber reaction in 8 eyes were seen on 1(st) daywhich resolved at one week follow up. Other major post operative complications such as inflammatory membrane, irregular pupil, posterior/anterior syneache and opacification of visual axis were not seen during follow up period. The 20-gauge vitrectomy system via corneal approach is easy to perform, is less time consuming, safe and effective for the management of congenital cataract in younger children.

  15. [Optimizing the financial impact of transitioning to transconjunctival vitrectomy and microincisional phacoemulsification].


    Cornut, P-L; Soldermann, Y; Robin, C; Barranco, R; Kerhoas, A; Burillon, C


    To report the financial impact of using modern lens and vitreoretinal surgical techniques. Bottom-up sterilization and consumables costs for new surgical techniques (microincisional coaxial phacoemulsification and transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy) and the corresponding former techniques (phacoemulsification with 3.2-mm incision and 20G vitrectomy) were determined. These costs were compared to each other and to the target costs of the Diagnosis Related Groups for public hospitals (Groupes Homogènes de Séjours [GHS]) concerned, extracted from the analytic accounting data of the French National Cost Study (Étude Nationale des Coûts [ENC]) for 2009 (target=sum of sterilization costs posted under medical logistics, consumables, implantable medical devices, and special pharmaceuticals posted as direct expenses). For outpatient lens surgery with or without vitrectomy (GHS code: 02C05J): the ENC's target cost for 2009 was 339€ out of a total of 1432€. The cost detailed in this study was 4 % higher than the target cost when the procedure was performed using the former technique (3.2mm sutured incision) and 12 % lower when the procedure was performed using the new technique (1.8mm sutureless) after removing now unnecessary consumables and optimization of the technique. For level I retinal detachment surgeries (GHS code: 02C021): the ENC's 2009 target cost was 641€ out of a total of 3091€. The cost specified in this study was 1 % lower than the target cost when the procedure was done using the former technique (20-G vitrectomy) and 16 % less when the procedure was performed using the new technique (transconjunctival vitrectomy) after removal of now unnecessary consumables and optimization of the technique. Contrary to generally accepted ideas, implementing modern techniques in ocular surgery can result in direct cost and sterilization savings when the operator takes advantage of the possibilities these techniques offer in terms of simplification of the

  16. Perfluorocarbon-perfused 23 gauge three-dimensional vitrectomy for complicated diabetic tractional retinal detachment

    PubMed Central

    Velez-Montoya, Raul; Guerrero-Naranjo, Jose Luis; Garcia-Aguirre, Gerardo; Morales-Cantón, Virgilio; Fromow-Guerra, Jans; Quiroz-Mercado, Hugo


    Background Perfluorocarbon liquid (PCL)-perfused vitrectomy has been shown in previous studies to be feasible, safe, and to have advantages in managing complicated cases of tractional retinal detachment. The present study had the objectives of describing the anatomical results and measuring surgical time and PCL consumption when combining PCL-perfused techniques with modern vitrectomy equipment. Methods A prospective, interventional consecutive case series was investigated. We enrolled patients with diabetic tractional retinal detachment, complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy and poor vision. A 23 gauge PCL-perfused vitrectomy was done with three-dimensional settings. During the procedure, we assessed the degree of surgical bleeding, visualization quality, and difficulty of membrane dissections. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and anatomical success were assessed at one and 3 months of follow-up. Results Twelve patients were enrolled in this study. There were no statistical significant changes in intraocular pressure and visual acuity throughout the follow-up period. Surgery was performed in a hemorrhage-free environment in almost all cases, with good visualization and low technical difficulty. The mean complete surgical time was 94.92 ± 25.03 minutes. The mean effective vitrectomy time was 22.50 ± 19.04 minutes and the mean PCL consumption was 25.08 ± 9.76 mL, with a speed of 1.11 mL/minute. Anatomical success was 67% at 3 months. Conclusion Although the technique proved to have some advantages in managing complicated cases of diabetic tractional retinal detachment, there was a high consumption of PCL. A redesign of the entire system is needed in order to decrease the amount of PCL needed for the technique. PMID:22267907

  17. Multiple methods of surgical treatment combined with primary IOL implantation on traumatic lens subluxation/dislocation in patients with secondary glaucoma

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Rui; Bi, Chun-Chao; Lei, Chun-Ling; Sun, Wen-Tao; Wang, Shan-Shan; Dong, Xiao-Juan


    AIM To describe clinical findings and complications from cases of traumatic lens subluxation/dislocation in patients with secondary glaucoma, and discuss the multiple treating methods of operation combined with primary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. METHODS Non-comparative retrospective observational case series. Participants: 30 cases (30 eyes) of lens subluxation/dislocation in patients with secondary glaucoma were investigated which accepted the surgical treatment by author in the Ophthalmology of Xi'an No.4 Hospital from 2007 to 2011. According to the different situations of lens subluxation/dislocation, various surgical procedures were performed such as crystalline lens phacoemulsification, crystalline lens phacoemulsification combined anterior vitrectomy, intracapsular cataract extraction combined anterior vitrectomy, lensectomy combined anterior vitrectomy though peripheral transparent cornea incision, pars plana lensectomy combined pars plana vitrectomy, and intravitreal cavity crystalline lens phacofragmentation combined pars plana vitrectomy. And whether to implement trabeculectomy depended on the different situations of secondary glaucoma. The posterior chamber intraocular lenses (PC-IOLs) were implanted in the capsular-bag or trassclerally sutured in the sulus decided by whether the capsular were present. Main outcome measures: visual acuity, intraocular pressure, the situation of intraocular lens and complications after the operations. RESULTS The follow-up time was 11-36mo (21.4±7.13). Postoperative visual acuity of all eyes were improved; 28 cases maintained IOP below 21 mm Hg; 2 cases had slightly IOL subluxation, 4 cases had slightly tilted lens optical area; 1 case had postoperative choroidal detachment; 4 cases had postoperative corneal edema more than 1wk, but eventually recovered transparent; 2 cases had mild postoperative vitreous hemorrhage, and absorbed 4wk later. There was no postoperative retinal detachment, IOL dislocation, and

  18. Risk factors for requirement of filtration surgery after vitrectomy in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy.


    Sakamoto, Masashi; Hashimoto, Ryuya; Yoshida, Izumi; Maeno, Takatoshi


    We retrospectively reviewed patients with postoperative neovascular glaucoma (NVG) after vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy to investigate how variables assessed before, during, and after vitrectomy are associated with the requirement for filtration surgery. The subjects in this retrospective, observational, comparative study were 55 consecutive patients (61 eyes) who underwent vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy at Toho University Sakura Medical Center between December 2011 and November 2016, were followed up for at least 6 months after surgery, and developed NVG within 2 years after surgery. They comprised 44 men and 11 women of mean age 52.4±9.1 years, who were followed up for a mean 7.1±6.1 months. We collected data on the following 16 variables: sex, age, history of panretinal photocoagulation completed within 3 months before vitrectomy, presence/absence of a lens, obvious iris/angle neovascularization, tractional retinal detachment, diabetic macular edema, vitreous hemorrhage, visual acuity and intraocular pressure before vitrectomy and at the onset of NVG, glycated hemoglobin, fasting blood glucose, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and use of intraoperative gas tamponade. Logistic regression analysis with the backward elimination method identified preoperative fasting hyperglycemia ( P =0.08), high intraocular pressure at the onset of NVG ( P =0.04), and use of gas tamponade during vitrectomy ( P =0.008) to be significant risk factors for requirement of filtration surgery. Preoperative fasting hyperglycemia, high intraocular pressure at the onset of NVG, and use of gas tamponade during vitrectomy predispose patients to require filtration surgery in the event of postoperative NVG.

  19. Meta-analysis comparing same-day versus delayed vitrectomy clinical outcomes for intravitreal retained lens fragments after age-related cataract surgery

    PubMed Central

    Vanner, Elizabeth A; Stewart, Michael W


    Purpose/design We aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis comparing the risk difference of clinical outcomes for same-day (SD) vs delayed (DEL) pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). Methods We searched MEDLINE (English; January 1, 1985 to July 16, 2013) and article reference lists, for patients with crystalline retained lens fragments and discussion of SD-PPV vs DEL-PPV. For the meta-analysis, articles needed the number of patients receiving SD-PPV and DEL-PPV, and the number, in each group, who experienced one or more of the outcomes: not good visual acuity (VA) (<20/40), bad VA (≤20/200), retinal detachment, increased intraocular pressure/glaucoma, intraocular infection/inflammation, cystoid macular edema, and corneal edema. Results Of 304 articles identified, 23 provided data for the meta-analysis. Results were mixed, indicating 1) neither vitrectomy time produced better outcomes in all studies (not good VA risk difference =10.3% [positive numbers favored SD-PPV; negative numbers favored DEL-PPV], 95% confidence interval [CI] = [−0.4% to 21.0%], P=0.059; and bad VA risk difference =−0.3%, 95% CI = [−10.7% to 10.1%], P=0.953); 2) better outcomes with immediate SD-PPV compared with all DEL-PPV (not good VA risk difference =16.2%, 95% CI = [0.8% to 31.5%], P=0.039; and bad VA risk difference =8.5%; 95% CI = [0.8% to 16.2%], P=0.030); and 3) immediate SD-PPV and prompt DEL-PPV (3 to 14 days after cataract surgery) had no significant differences and so may produce similar outcomes (not good VA risk differences range = [−19.9% to 6.5%], 95% CI = [−59.9% to 36.4%]; and bad VA risk differences range = [−6.9% to 7.4%], 95% CI = [−33.1% to 31.8%]). Conclusion Perhaps SD-PPV should be limited to facilities at which a vitreoretinal surgeon is immediately available. Otherwise, these results support referring a patient with retained lens fragments promptly to a vitreoretinal surgeon but do not support interfacility transport for SD-PPV. PMID:25429196

  20. Retinal damage caused by air-fluid exchange during pars plana vitrectomy.


    Yang, Sam S; McDonald, H Richard; Everett, A I; Johnson, Robert N; Jumper, J Michael; Fu, Arthur D


    To report two cases of retinal damage associated with air infusion during pars plana vitrectomy. Observational case report. The authors reviewed the course of two patients who had retinal damage during par plana vitrectomy and air-fluid exchange for the treatment of macular hole and optic pit-related macular detachment, respectively. The intraoperative observations, postoperative course, and outcomes were reported. As a result of high air infusion flow during air-fluid exchange, retinal damage was created in the area contralateral to the infusion port. In Case 1, an oval area of whitening was noted on the first postoperative day. This area subsequently developed into a large retinal break associated with retinal detachment. In the second case, retinal whitening was noted intraoperatively. This region of pallor resolved quickly during the early postoperative period but resulted in a corresponding inferotemporal visual field defect. High infusion flow during air-fluid exchange in eyes undergoing vitrectomy surgery may result in significant retinal damage. This pressure-induced trauma initially causes retinal whitening that may be seen intraoperatively or during the early postoperative period. The region of damaged retina may develop a retinal break and detachment or a corresponding visual field defect.



    Tognetto, Daniele; Pastore, Marco R; Cirigliano, Gabriella; DʼAloisio, Rossella; Borelli, Massimo; De Giacinto, Chiara


    To investigate long-term intraocular pressure trends after uncomplicated pars plana vitrectomy for idiopathic epiretinal membrane. Three hundred and sixty-eight eyes of 368 consecutive patients were enrolled. Changes in intraocular pressure 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery and during the final follow-up visit were evaluated in vitrectomized eyes and nonvitrectomized fellow eyes. The median follow-up period was 36 months (range 12-92 months). Longitudinal data analysis evidenced a 2.5-mmHg (2.2 mmHg; 2.7 mmHg, 95% confidence interval) statistically significant difference in intraocular pressure 30 days after surgery between treated and fellow untreated eyes, gradually recovering to a not significant 0.2-mmHg (-0.1 mmHg; 0.4 mmHg, 95% confidence interval) difference within 26 months. The incidence of late-onset ocular hypertension was 5.7% (21 over 347, 2%; 12%, 95% confidence interval) without difference between the treated eyes and the group control. No significant difference in the incidence of late-onset ocular hypertension and sex, lens status, or gauge of vitrectomy instruments was detected. Only patient's age was significantly higher (mean difference 4.2 years; 0.1-8.0 years, Monte Carlo, 95% confidence interval) in those who developed late-onset ocular hypertension in the vitrectomized eye. Uncomplicated pars plana vitrectomy for idiopathic epiretinal membrane seems not to increase the risk of late-onset ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma development.

  2. A classification system of intraocular lens dislocation sites under operating microscopy, and the surgical techniques and outcomes of exchange surgery.


    Hayashi, Ken; Ogawa, Soichiro; Manabe, Shin-Ichi; Hirata, Akira; Yoshimura, Koichi


    The aim of this study was to examine the recent status of intraocular lens (IOL) dislocation according to a classification system based on vertical dislocation position, as well as the surgical techniques and outcomes of IOL exchange surgery. The medical records of 230 eyes from 214 consecutive patients who experienced IOL dislocation and underwent exchange surgery between 2006 and 2014 were reviewed. Vertical dislocation sites observed preoperatively under operating microscopy were examined, along with the surgical techniques and outcomes of IOL exchange. Dislocation sites included (1) the anterior chamber (12.2 %), (2) pseudophakodonesis (19.1 %), (3) the anterior vitreous cavity (47.4 %), (4) trap door-like dislocation (dangling in the peripheral vitreous cavity; 16.1 %), and (5) the retinal surface (5.2 %). The IOL retained in the anterior segment was moved onto the iris by pulling it up through the limbal side ports with an anterior vitrectomy (67.8 %), or by pushing it up from the pars plana with an anterior vitrectomy (26.5 %), while the IOL dropped on the retina was lifting it up from the retina after pars plana vitrectomy (5.7 %). Mean uncorrected and distance-corrected visual acuity significantly improved postoperatively (p < 0.0001). Major complications included a marked elevation in intraocular pressure (7.8 %), pupillary capture (6.5 %), and vitreous hemorrhage (2.6 %). Based on the classification system, approximately 95 % of dislocated IOLs were retained in the anterior segment, and these IOLs were exchanged using an anterior approach through limbal incisions with an anterior vitrectomy. Visual acuity improved significantly, and serious complications were uncommon, probably because the IOL exchange techniques were standardized and simplified without pars plana vitrectomy.

  3. Effect of humidity on posterior lens opacification during fluid-air exchange.


    Harlan, J B; Lee, E T; Jensen, P S; de Juan, E


    To study the relationship of humidity and the rate of lens opacity formation during fluid-air exchange using an animal model. Vitrectomy and fluid-air exchange was carried out using 16 eyes of 8 pigmented rabbits. One eye of each rabbit was exposed to dry air and the fellow eye received humidified air using an intraocular air humidifier. In each case, the percent humidity of the intraocular air was measured using an in-line hygrometer. Elapsed time from initial air entry to lens feathering was recorded for each eye, with the surgeon-observer unaware of the percent humidity of the air infusion. In each rabbit, use of humidified air resulted in a delay in lens feathering (P<.02), with an overall increase in time to feathering of 80% for humidified air vs room air. Use of a humidifier during fluid-air exchange prolongs intraoperative lens clarity in the rabbit model, suggesting that humidified air should prolong lens clarity during phakic fluid-air exchange in patients. Use of humidified air during vitrectomy and fluid-air exchange may retard the intraoperative loss of lens clarity, promoting better visualization of the posterior segment and enhancing surgical performance.

  4. An implantation of multifocal lenses LS-313 MF30, Mplus and MplusX models, during and after posterior vitrectomy in patients treated for various diseases of the retina.


    Cywinski, Adam; Piwonska-Lobermajer, Anna; Penter, Sandra


    A retrospective analysis of visual function and postoperative complaints in patients after posterior vitrectomy and multifocal Mplus or MplusX intraocular lens implantation. 14 patients (14 eyes) were enrolled in the study. All patients underwent posterior vitrectomy due to underlying retinal pathologies. A combined procedure of phacovitrectomy was performed in some patients, whereas others underwent a separate cataract extraction as a second stage of treatment. The Mplus or MplusX intraocular lenses were implanted in all cases and the postoperative visual function and patient complaints were analysed. Multifocal lens explantation was not necessary in any case. Good uncorrected distance and near visual acuity was achieved in most cases. When implanted prior to vitrectomy, the intraocular lenses did not limit the view into the posterior segment, so precise manipulations within the macula and peripheral retina were feasible. The right choice between Mplus and MplusX minimises the rate of postoperative complaints. Conslusions: The multifocal Mplus and MplusX intraocular lenses offer a good alternative for patients who need posterior vitrectomy and still want to achieve good uncorrected distance and near visual acuity.

  5. Clinical Efficacy of Ciliary Ring Incision Combined with Modified Partial Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Malignant Glaucoma.


    Yu, Jianchun; Chen, Xing; Zhou, Danying; Shen, Jian; Wu, Yanbing; Sun, Qingzhu


    BACKGROUND Currently, safe and effective surgical treatment of malignant glaucoma is still under investigation. This study evaluated the clinical efficacy of ciliary ring incision combined with modified partial pars plana vitrectomy in the treatment of malignant glaucoma. The technique is particularly useful in the treatment of "phakic" patients with malignant glaucoma, especially those who wish to preserve the natural lens. MATERIAL AND METHODS We retrospectively analyzed 13 cases (16 eyes) of malignant glaucoma in which patients underwent ciliary ring incision combined with modified partial pars plana vitrectomy based on follow-up data collected from May 2004 to March 2017. The data we analyzed included postoperative best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA), intraocular pressure (IOP), anterior chamber depth (ACD), optic cup changes, and surgical complications; some patients underwent visual field tracking. The mean follow-up period was 33.1±10.6 (range, 19-46) months. RESULTS A statistically significant number of eyes had improved visual acuity 1 year after surgery compared with the preoperative difference (Z=-3.853, P=0.000). Increases in the mean anterior chamber depth and decreases in the mean IOP measured at the 1-week and the 1-year follow-ups were also statistically significant. There were no serious complications during the follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS Ciliary ring incision combined with modified partial pars plana vitrectomy for malignant glaucoma not only provided a clear and reliable intraoperative vitrectomy channel, but it also caused less disturbance of intraocular tissue structure and fewer complications. It also has the advantage of preserving the lens and avoiding further damage to the anatomy in the anterior segment of the eye.

  6. Posterior segment nucleotomy for dislocated sclerotic cataractous lens using chandelier endoilluminator and sharp tipped chopper

    PubMed Central

    Takkar, Brijesh; Azad, Rajvardhan; Azad, Shorya; Rathi, Anubha


    AIM To describe a new surgical technique for managing dislocated sclerotic cataractous lens. METHODS Six patients with advanced posteriorly dislocated cataracts were operated at a tertiary care centre and analyzed retrospectively. After standard 3 port 23 G pars plana vitrectomy and perfluorocarbon liquid (PFCL) injection, the dislocated white cataract was held with occlusion using phaco fragmatome and then chopped into smaller pieces with a sharp tipped chopper using 25 G chandelier endoilluminator. Each piece was emulsified individually. Following aspiration of PFCL, Fluid Air Exchange was done in all the cases and surgery completed uneventfully. RESULTS Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in all the patients was better than 6/12 after one month of follow up. No serious complications were noted till minimum 6mo of follow up. CONCLUSION Four port posterior segment nucleotomy with a chandelier endoilluminator, fragmatome and a chopper appears to be a safe, easy and effective procedure for managing dislocated sclerotic cataractous nuclei. Ultrasonic energy used and adverse thermal effects of the fragmatome on the sclera may be lesser. PMID:26309887

  7. Evaluation of glutaraldehyde and povidone iodine for sterilization of wide-field contact vitrectomy lenses.


    Das, T; Sharma, S; Singh, J; Rao, V; Chalam, K V


    Wide-field vitrectomy contact lenses are currently sterilized with ethylene oxide gas, and other lenses with autoclaving. To maintain a large inventory or possibly run the risk of loss of lens quality with repeated autoclaving, glutaraldehyde 2% and povidone iodine 5% solution were evaluated as possible sterilizing agents. Ethylene oxide presterilized lenses were contaminated with known concentrations (10(5) organisms/mL) of bacteria (S. epidemidis, P. aeruginosa, B. subtilis), and fungi (A. flavus, C. albicans) for 5 minutes. The test lenses were treated with glutaraldehyde or povidone iodine for 5, 10, 30, 60, and 120 minutes, and controls with sterilized water for a similar duration. Following treatment, both test and control lenses were sampled with sterile cotton swabs. The swabs were cultured for bacteria (tryptone soya broth 48 hours), and fungi (Saubourd's dextrose broth 5 days). The culture was negative for both glutaraldehyde- and povidone iodine-treated lenses against all organisms at all time points except B subtilis, which needed 120 minutes treatment. Two hours contact time with glutaraldehyde 2% or providone iodine 5% can sterilize vitrectomy contact lenses against common bacteria and fungi without affecting lens quality.

  8. 27-Gauge Vitrectomy for Symptomatic Vitreous Floaters with Topical Anesthesia.


    Lin, Zhong; Moonasar, Nived; Wu, Rong Han; Seemongal-Dass, Robin R


    Traditionally acceptable methods of anesthesia for vitrectomy surgery are quite varied. However, each of these methods has its own potential for complications that can range from minor to severe. The surgery procedure of vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters is much simpler, mainly reflecting in the nonuse of sclera indentation, photocoagulation, and the apparently short surgery duration. The use of 27-gauge cannulae makes the puncture of the sclera minimally invasive. Hence, retrobulbar anesthesia, due to its rare but severe complications, seemed excessive for this kind of surgery. Three cases of 27-gauge, sutureless pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters with topical anesthesia are reported. The vitrectomy surgeries were successfully performed with topical anesthesia (proparacaine, 0.5%) without operative or postoperative complications. Furthermore, none of the patients experienced apparent pain during or after the surgery. Topical anesthesia can be considered for 27-guage vitrectomy in patients with symptomatic vitreous floaters.

  9. 27-Gauge Vitrectomy for Symptomatic Vitreous Floaters with Topical Anesthesia

    PubMed Central

    Lin, Zhong; Moonasar, Nived; Wu, Rong Han; Seemongal-Dass, Robin R.


    Purpose Traditionally acceptable methods of anesthesia for vitrectomy surgery are quite varied. However, each of these methods has its own potential for complications that can range from minor to severe. The surgery procedure of vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters is much simpler, mainly reflecting in the nonuse of sclera indentation, photocoagulation, and the apparently short surgery duration. The use of 27-gauge cannulae makes the puncture of the sclera minimally invasive. Hence, retrobulbar anesthesia, due to its rare but severe complications, seemed excessive for this kind of surgery. Method Three cases of 27-gauge, sutureless pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters with topical anesthesia are reported. Results The vitrectomy surgeries were successfully performed with topical anesthesia (proparacaine, 0.5%) without operative or postoperative complications. Furthermore, none of the patients experienced apparent pain during or after the surgery. Conclusion Topical anesthesia can be considered for 27-guage vitrectomy in patients with symptomatic vitreous floaters. PMID:28203195

  10. Performance Comparison of High-Speed Dual-Pneumatic Vitrectomy Cutters during Simulated Vitrectomy with Balanced Salt Solution.


    Abulon, Dina Joy K; Buboltz, David C


    To measure flow rate of balanced salt solution and IOP during simulated vitrectomy using two sets of high-speed dual-pneumatic probes. A closed-model eye system measured IOP and flow rate of a balanced salt solution through infusion cannula. The Constellation Vision System was tested with two sets of high-speed dual-pneumatic probes (UltraVit 23-gauge and enhanced 25+-gauge 5000-cpm probes; UltraVit 23-gauge and enhanced 25+-gauge 7500-cpm probes; n = 6 each) under different vacuum levels and cut rates in three duty cycle modes. In both probe sets, flow rates were dependent on cut rate with the biased open and biased closed duty cycles. Flow rates were highest with the biased open duty cycle, lower with the 50/50 duty cycle, and lowest with the biased closed duty cycle. IOP, as expected, was inversely associated with flow rate using both probe sets. The 7500-cpm probes offer greater control and customization compared with 5000-cpm probes under certain experimental conditions. At maximum cut rates, performance of 7500-cpm probes was similar to that of 5000-cpm probes, suggesting that 7500-cpm probes may be used without sacrifice of flow rate and IOP stability. Customization of vitrectomy parameters allows greater surgeon control during vitrectomy and may expand the usefulness of vitrectomy probes.

  11. Efficacy of non-fovea-sparing ILM peeling for symptomatic myopic foveoschisis with and without macular hole.


    Al-Badawi, Amer Hamad; Abdelhakim, Mohamad Amr Salah Eddin; Macky, Tamer Ahmed; Mortada, Hassan Aly


    To study anatomical and visual outcomes of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with non-fovea-sparing (entire) internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling in eyes with myopic foveoschisis (MF). Prospective interventional case series of eyes undergoing PPV with entire ILM peeling for symptomatic MF. Preoperative spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD - OCT) epiretinal membrane, anomalous posterior vitreous detachment, vitreoschisis and postoperative changes in SD-OCT central foveal thickness (CFT), ellipsoid zone defect, foveal detachment (FD), macular hole (MH) diameter (if present) and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR). This study included 21 eyes (21 patients) with mean age 60.4±13.1, 15 females (71.4%). All patients achieved complete postoperative reattachment by SD-OCT (no FD) 6 months post vitrectomy, with no iatrogenic intraoperative or postoperative MH, and with significant improvement in final BCVA from 1.6±0.30 to1.0±0.2 logMAR, and in CFT from 918.2±311.4 to182.3±33.1 µm. Patients were subdivided into subgroup A: 11 eyes without MH; and subgroup B: 10 eyes with MH, the latter had significant improvement in MH diameter (p=0.005). Preoperative BCVA was a significant risk factor for visual gain, while preoperative FD and CFT were significant for CFT change. Vitrectomy with non-fovea-sparing (entire) ILM peeling resulted in a significant functional and anatomical improvement in eyes with MF with/without MH with no reported complications. Results are comparable to fovea-sparing ILM peeling. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  12. Perfluorocarbon perfused vitrectomy: animal studies.


    Quiroz-Mercado, Hugo; Suarez-Tatá, Luis; Magdalenic, Rudi; Murillo-López, Sergio; García-Aguirre, Gerardo; Guerrero-Naranjo, Jose; Rodríguez-Reyes, Abelardo A


    To investigate the feasibility and advantages of using perfluorocarbon liquid (PCL) perfusion to remove vitreous during suction-cutting vitrectomy in rabbit and pig eyes. Experimental study. Balanced salt solution (BSS) was replaced by PCL perfusion during experimental vitrectomy. Oxygenated or nonoxygenated PCL was used in a recycling or a nonrecycling system. Recycling was achieved by two systems: a manual recycling system or a closed-loop system. The experiments in this study consisted of: an in vitro solubility observation, safety and feasibility of vitrectomy in rabbit eyes, effectiveness of vitrectomy with equal vitrectomy time in rabbit eyes, and retinal stability and pigment and blood dispersion in porcine eyes. Toxicity was assessed by a complete ophthalmic examination, endothelial cell count, electroretinography, and histopathology. Vitreous, blood, and pigments were immiscible in PCL. Manual recycling required less amounts of PCL than nonrecycling (15 vs 25 cc). Oxygenated and nonoxygenated PCL were not toxic. Perfluorocarbon liquid infusion removed more vitreous than balanced salt solution in a 3-minute vitrectomy time using the same settings on the vitrectomy machine. The PCL infusion in porcine eyes stabilized the retina and isolated vitreous cavity from pigment and blood and maintained a clear vitreous cavity. These data indicate that perfusion of PCL can be used to remove vitreous with a suction-cutting probe in rabbit and pig eyes. Retinal stability and isolation of the vitreous cavity at the time of vitreous removal along with PCL immiscibility and its specific gravity suggest that PCL has a potential clinical use as an irrigating solution to remove vitreous.

  13. Outcomes of 23- and 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomies for dislocated intraocular lenses.


    Bajgai, Priya; Tigari, Basavraj; Singh, Ramandeep


    To compare the outcome of 23-gauge as compared with 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy (TSV) in the management of dislocated intraocular lenses (IOLs). Retrospective, non-consecutive, comparative, interventional case series. Patients with dislocated intraocular lens who underwent sutureless PPV using either 23-gauge or 25-gauge instruments. The patients who presented with a dislocated IOL, underwent TSV with repositioning of the intraocular lens, either in the sulcus or scleral-fixated sutured/glued. Of the total 61 eyes, 33 (54.09%) underwent 23-gauge TSV and 28 (45.90%) underwent 25-gauge TSV. The mean logMAR BCVA at baseline and 6 months after surgery was 0.8 and 0.46 in the 23-gauge group, and 0.82 and 0.47 in the 25-gauge group. There was no significant difference in logMAR BCVA values between the two groups at any time point of time during the follow-up. The mean postoperative IOP on postoperative day 1 was 14.76 ± 5.4 in 23-gauge group and 17.57 ± 7.9 in the 25-gauge group (p = 0.10). Retinal break was noticed intraoperatively in two cases in 23-gauge group and in three cases in 25-gauge group (p = 0.509). Postoperative complications included IOL decentration in one case of 23-gauge vitrectomy and two cases in 25-gauge group (p = 0.5), cystoid macular edema in four patients in 23-gauge group and six cases of 25-gauge group (p = 0.3) and retinal detachment in one case in each group (p = 0.9). 25-gauge appears to be as safe and as effective as 23-gauge TSV in the management of dislocated intraocular lenses.

  14. A Comparison of Single-, Two- and Three-Port Laparoscopic Myomectomy

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Su Mi; Baek, Jong Min; Park, Eun Kyung; Jeung, In Cheul; Choi, Ji Hyang; Kim, Chan Joo


    Background and Objective: A recent FDA safety communication has discouraged the use of a power morcellator for myoma extraction and has called for a change in surgical techniques for myomectomy. The objective of this study was to compare surgical outcomes of laparoscopic single-, two-, and conventional three-port myomectomy and to evaluate the feasibility of contained manual morcellation for uterine myoma. Methods: This retrospective study was a review and analysis of data from 191 consecutive women who underwent single-, two-, or three-port myomectomy for the management of uterine myoma from January 1, 2009, through December 31, 2014. Results: The 3 study groups did not differ demographically. Apart from operative time, the single- and two-port groups showed operative outcomes comparable to those of the multiport group. The single-port group had significantly longer operative times (P = .0053) than the two- and three-port groups. However, in the latter half of the single-port cases, the operative time was similar to those in the three-port group. The two-port surgery group showed a consistent operative time without a learning period. Conclusion: Single- or two-port myomectomy with transumbilical myoma morcellation is feasible and safe, with outcomes comparable to those of three-port myomectomy. These results suggest the potential for minimally invasive management of symptomatic uterine myoma, without the use of a power morcellator. PMID:26648680

  15. Traumatic anterior dislocation of the crystalline lens and its surgical management.


    Srećković, Sunčica; Janićijević Petrović, Mirjana; Jovanović, Svetlana; Paunović, Svetlana; Sarenac, Tatjana


    This paper reports a case of a 57-year old female who had sustained a blunt ocular trauma resulting in anterior dislocation of the crystalline lens and acute painful visual loss in the left eye. The patient was managed with anterior chamber intracapsular phacoemulsification through a small anterior capsulotomy, pars plana vitrectomy, and surgical iridotomy. Aphakia was corrected by a contact lens. Two months after the surgery, the best corrected visual acuity was 0.9 in the left eye. The vision and retina remained stable in her follow-up examination 1 year later. Anterior dislocation of the crystalline lens can cause severe complications so that dislocated lens should be removed immediately.

  16. Management of iatrogenic crystalline lens injury occurred during intravitreal injection.


    Erdogan, Gurkan; Gunay, Betul Onal; Unlu, Cihan; Gunay, Murat; Ergin, Ahmet


    To evaluate the approach to management of iatrogenic crystalline lens injury occurred during intravitreal injection (IVI). The patients who were managed operatively or followed-up without intervention after the iatrogenic lens injury due to IVI were included in the study. Capsular breaks remained either quiescent or resulted in cataract formation in the patients with inadvertent crystalline lens capsule damage. Phacoemulsification surgery was performed in patients with cataract formation with lower fluidic settings. A total of 9 cases included in the study. Seven cases underwent phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation. Two cases remained as quiescent lens injury during the follow-up. In 2 cases, dislocation of lens fragments occurred during phacoemulsification where pars plana vitrectomy was performed at the same session. After iatrogenic crystalline lens injury, capsular damage could remain quiescent or progress to cataract formation. Although phacoemulsification surgery can be performed with appropriate parameters, lens fragment dislocation can be observed in cases with traumatic lens damage secondary to IVI.

  17. Bilateral cataract extraction with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation simultaneous in pediatric cataracts.


    Caça, Ihsan; Sakalar, Yildirim Bayezit; Ari, Seyhmus; Alakus, Fuat; Dogan, Eyüp


    We evaluated the results of simultaneous bilateral cataract extraction with intraocular lens (IOL) inplantation 32 pediatric cataract patients. Simultaneous cataract extraction and posterior capsulotomy with anterior vitrectomy and IOL implantation is an effective and safe procedure in bilateral pediatric cataracts treatment.

  18. [Triamcinolone-assisted vitrectomy in the treatment of recurrent retinal detachment due to myopic macular hole].


    Le Rouic, J-F; Ducournau, D; Becquet, F


    To report the use of triamcinolone-assisted vitrectomy to assess the cause of vitrectomy failure in the treatment of retinal detachment due to myopic macular hole. We report the cases of three myopic patients presenting with recurrent retinal detachment due to macular hole after initial vitrectomy treatment with posterior vitreous detachment, a systematic attempt at membrane peeling, and gas injection (SF6). No retinal traction or tear other than the macular hole was observed. The recurrence of retinal detachment was treated with vitrectomy and intraoperative use of triamcinolone, which demonstrated persistent posterior hyaloid and thin and strongly adherent membrane remnants in each case. Anatomic success was obtained after peeling these structures. Intraoperative use of triamcinolone reduces the risk of overlooking hyaloid or membrane remnants during vitrectomy for the treatment of myopic retinal detachment. Transparent remnants of posterior hyaloid and membranes were visualized by triamcinolone-assisted vitrectomy. They could lead to traction on the retina and explain the failure of the initial vitrectomy. Anatomic success was obtained after peeling these structures.

  19. Lens-induced astigmatism after perforating scleral injury.


    Ludwig, Klaus; Moradi, Said; Rudolph, Guenther; Boergen, Klaus Peter


    Within 6 weeks of a penetrating scleral injury that included vitreous prolapse, a 6-year-old boy developed lenticular astigmatism with a regular component of 5.5 diopters (D). Visible indentational folds in the posterior lens capsule, caused by anterior vitreous fibers and anterior hyaloid, were presumed to be the origin of the astigmatism. Because of decreased visual acuity and the suspicion of early amblyopia, a pars plana vitrectomy with removal of the anterior hyaloid and the critical anterior vitreous fibers was performed. Dense fibrotic tissue between the lens equator and the site of the original scleral perforation limited reduction of the preoperative astigmatism to 4.0 D. However, the striae-like lenticular deformation disappeared completely, and full visual acuity was restored. During the 12-month follow-up, the lens remained clear

  20. Retrospective Comparison of Single-Port Sleeve Gastrectomy Versus Three-Port Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: a Propensity Score Adjustment Analysis.


    Mauriello, Claudio; Chouillard, Elie; d'alessandro, Antonio; Marte, Gianpaolo; Papadimitriou, Argyri; Chahine, Elias; Kassir, Radwan


    Evaluate the efficacy of single-port sleeve gastrectomy (SPSG) and then compare it to a less-invasive sleeve approach (three-port) (3PSG) according to a propensity score (PS) matching analysis. We analyzed all patients who underwent SG through a three-port or a single-port laparoscopic approach. After 2 years, the follow-up was completed in 84% patients treated with 3PSG and 95% patients of the SPSG group. Excess weight loss (EWL) was comparable for the first year of follow-up within the two groups except for the controls at 3 months in which the SPSG group showed a higher EWL (p = 0.0243). We demonstrated the efficacy of SPSG in bariatric surgery even compared to another, less invasive, laparoscopic SG approach (three-port).

  1. Surgery for post-vitrectomy cataract

    PubMed Central

    Do, Diana V; Gichuhi, Stephen; Vedula, Satyanarayana S; Hawkins, Barbara S


    Background Cataract formation or acceleration can occur after intraocular surgery, especially following vitrectomy, a surgical technique for removing the vitreous which is used in the treatment of disorders that affect the posterior segment of the eye. The underlying problem that led to vitrectomy may limit the benefit from cataract surgery. Objectives The objective of this review was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of surgery for post-vitrectomy cataract with respect to visual acuity, quality of life, and other outcomes. Search methods We searched CENTRAL (which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group Trials Register) (The Cochrane Library 2013, Issue 4), Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid MEDLINE in-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE Daily Update, Ovid OLDMED-LINE (January 1946 to May 2013), EMBASE (January 1980 to May 2013, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature Database (LILACS) (January 1982 to May 2013), PubMed (January 1946 to May 2013), the metaRegister of Controlled Trials (mRCT) (, ( and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) ( We did not use any date or language restrictions in the electronic searches for trials. We last searched the electronic databases on 22 May 2013. Selection criteria We planned to include randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials comparing cataract surgery with no surgery in adult patients who developed cataract following vitrectomy. Data collection and analysis Two authors screened the search results independently according to the standard methodological procedures expected by The Cochrane Collaboration. Main results We found no randomized or quasi-randomized controlled trials comparing cataract surgery with no cataract surgery for patients who developed cataracts following vitrectomy surgery. Authors' conclusions There is no evidence from randomized or quasi

  2. Three-dimensional confocal microscopy of the living cornea and ocular lens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Masters, Barry R.


    The three-dimensional reconstruction of the optic zone of the cornea and the ocular crystalline lens has been accomplished using confocal microscopy and volume rendering computer techniques. A laser scanning confocal microscope was used in the reflected light mode to obtain the two-dimensional images from the cornea and the ocular lens of a freshly enucleated rabbit eye. The light source was an argon ion laser with a 488 nm wavelength. The microscope objective was a Leitz X25, NA 0.6 water immersion lens. The 400 micron thick cornea was optically sectioned into 133 three micron sections. The semi-transparent cornea and the in-situ ocular lens was visualized as high resolution, high contrast two-dimensional images. The structures observed in the cornea include: superficial epithelial cells and their nuclei, basal epithelial cells and their 'beaded' cell borders, basal lamina, nerve plexus, nerve fibers, nuclei of stromal keratocytes, and endothelial cells. The structures observed in the in- situ ocular lens include: lens capsule, lens epithelial cells, and individual lens fibers. The three-dimensional data sets of the cornea and the ocular lens were reconstructed in the computer using volume rendering techniques. Stereo pairs were also created of the two- dimensional ocular images for visualization. The stack of two-dimensional images was reconstructed into a three-dimensional object using volume rendering techniques. This demonstration of the three-dimensional visualization of the intact, enucleated eye provides an important step toward quantitative three-dimensional morphometry of the eye. The important aspects of three-dimensional reconstruction are discussed.

  3. Vitrectomy for vitreous floaters: analysis of the benefits and risks.


    Sommerville, Drew N


    To review the pros and cons of small-gauge vitrectomy for symptomatic floaters. Current treatment options for floaters include Nd:YAG vitreolysis and pars plana vitrectomy. There are risks and benefits associated with vitrectomy for floaters. However, small-gauge vitrectomy is a minimally invasive way of removing the floaters. The current literature demonstrates vitrectomy has some risk, but is highly effective at improving vision, symptoms, contrast sensitivity, and quality of life. Small-gauge vitrectomy for floaters is a well tolerated and effective procedure to remove the symptomatic floaters. Symptomatic patients are willing to take some risk to have their troublesome vitreous floaters removed, often resulting in an improvement in their vision and quality of life.

  4. Comparison of clinical outcome between 23-G and 25-G vitrectomy in diabetic patients

    PubMed Central

    Taleb, Eman Abo; Nagpal, Manish P.; Mehrotra, Navneet S.; Bhatt, Kalyani; Goswami, Sangeeta; Babalola, Yewande O.; Noman, Abdulrahman


    PURPOSE: To compare the clinical outcomes and complications between 23-G and 25-G vitrectomy in patients with diabetic vitreous hemorrhage (VH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective comparative study comprising 69 eyes (36 eyes in 23-G group and 33 eyes in 25-G group) of 65 patients who underwent vitrectomy with air tamponade for diabetic vitreous hemorrhage (VH) with at least 6 months of follow-up was conducted. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the two groups in age, gender, bilaterality, type of diabetes, presence of hypertension, lens status, and previous argon laser photocoagulation state (P > 0.05). Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of both groups at postoperative 1 month logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) (1.06 ± 0.99, 0.90 ± 0.96), 3 months logMAR (1.07 ± 0.93, 0.83 ± 0.85), and 6 months logMAR (1.03 ± 0.89, 0.83 ± 0.85) significantly improved from the preoperative BCVA logMAR (2.03 ± 0.83, 2.15 ± 0.99) for 23-G group, 25-G group, respectively (P < 0.0001). There was no significant difference in BCVA between the two groups preoperatively and at 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively (P = 0.566, 0.506, 0.333, and 0.445, respectively), incidence of intraoperative wound suturing (21.4%, 15.2%), postoperative hypotony (0.0%, 0.0%), early postoperative VH (POVH) (11.1%, 15.2%), late POVH (5.6%, 0.0%), retinal detachment (2.8%, 6.1%), neovascular glaucoma (92.8%, 9.1%), and endophthalmitis (0.0%, 0.0%) for 23-G group, 25-G group, respectively (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: 25-G vitrectomy is as effective for PDR as 23-G vitrectomy. PMID:29118498

  5. Comparison of clinical outcome between 23-G and 25-G vitrectomy in diabetic patients.


    Taleb, Eman Abo; Nagpal, Manish P; Mehrotra, Navneet S; Bhatt, Kalyani; Goswami, Sangeeta; Babalola, Yewande O; Noman, Abdulrahman


    To compare the clinical outcomes and complications between 23-G and 25-G vitrectomy in patients with diabetic vitreous hemorrhage (VH). A retrospective comparative study comprising 69 eyes (36 eyes in 23-G group and 33 eyes in 25-G group) of 65 patients who underwent vitrectomy with air tamponade for diabetic vitreous hemorrhage (VH) with at least 6 months of follow-up was conducted. There were no significant differences between the two groups in age, gender, bilaterality, type of diabetes, presence of hypertension, lens status, and previous argon laser photocoagulation state ( P > 0.05). Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of both groups at postoperative 1 month logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) (1.06 ± 0.99, 0.90 ± 0.96), 3 months logMAR (1.07 ± 0.93, 0.83 ± 0.85), and 6 months logMAR (1.03 ± 0.89, 0.83 ± 0.85) significantly improved from the preoperative BCVA logMAR (2.03 ± 0.83, 2.15 ± 0.99) for 23-G group, 25-G group, respectively ( P < 0.0001). There was no significant difference in BCVA between the two groups preoperatively and at 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively ( P = 0.566, 0.506, 0.333, and 0.445, respectively), incidence of intraoperative wound suturing (21.4%, 15.2%), postoperative hypotony (0.0%, 0.0%), early postoperative VH (POVH) (11.1%, 15.2%), late POVH (5.6%, 0.0%), retinal detachment (2.8%, 6.1%), neovascular glaucoma (92.8%, 9.1%), and endophthalmitis (0.0%, 0.0%) for 23-G group, 25-G group, respectively ( P > 0.05). 25-G vitrectomy is as effective for PDR as 23-G vitrectomy.

  6. Phacoemulsification combined with posterior capsulorhexis and anterior vitrectomy in the management of malignant glaucoma in phakic eyes.


    Liu, Xing; Li, Mei; Cheng, Bing; Mao, Zhen; Zhong, Yimin; Wang, Dandan; Cao, Dan; Yu, Fenfen; Congdon, Nathan G


      To describe sequential phacoemulsification-intraocular lens (IOL) implantation-posterior capsulorhexis-anterior vitrectomy in the management of phakic malignant glaucoma.   Twenty consecutive patients (25 eyes) with phakic malignant glaucoma were enrolled at the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University. All patients underwent phacoemulsification, IOL implantation and posterior capsulorhexis together with anterior vitrectomy via a clear corneal paracentesis. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), anterior chamber depth (ACD), surgical complications and medications required after the surgery were recorded.   After surgery, the mean LogMAR visual acuity and ACD increased significantly (visual acuity from -1.56 ± 1.17 to -0.54 ± 0.81, p < 0.001; ACD from 0.367 ± 0.397 mm to 2.390 ± 0.575 mm, p < 0.001), and mean IOP decreased significantly (from 39.6 ± 10.6 mm Hg to 14.5 ± 4.1 mmHg, p < 0.001). No serious perioperative complications occurred, and only five eyes required topical glaucoma medications after surgery.   Combined phacoemulsification-IOL implantation-posterior capsulorhexis-anterior vitrectomy surgery is a safe and effective method for treating patients with phakic malignant glaucoma. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Ophthalmologica © 2012 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  7. Scleral fixation of foldable acrylic intraocular lenses in aphakic post-vitrectomy eyes

    PubMed Central

    Mutoh, Tetsuya; Matsumoto, Yukihiro; Chikuda, Makoto


    Purpose To evaluate the outcome for scleral fixation of a foldable acrylic intraocular lens (IOL) in aphakic post-pars plana vitrectomy eyes for vitreoretinal disease. Methods The medical records of 15 patients were reviewed. We evaluated such factors as the underlying vitreoretinal disease, preoperative expected refraction and postoperative actual refraction, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), corneal endothelial cell density, and intraoperative and postoperative complications. Results The most common cause of underlying vitreoretinal disease was retinal detachment, which was found in 8 cases. The mean refractive error was −0.10 diopters (D). The mean minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) values of BCVA were 0.27 preoperatively and 0.14 postoperatively. The mean corneal endothelial cell density was 2400 cells/mm2 preoperatively and 2187 cells/mm2 postoperatively. No significant differences were observed in either the logMAR values of BCVA or the corneal endothelial cell density before and after surgery. No intraoperative complications occurred in any of the patients. Postoperative complications occurred in a total of 7 eyes, and the most severe complications comprised 4 cases of transient ocular hypertension. Conclusion The results for the scleral fixation of foldable acrylic IOLs were good in aphakic post-vitrectomy eyes. PMID:21311652

  8. Cornea and ocular lens visualized with three-dimensional confocal microscopy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Masters, Barry R.


    This paper demonstrates the advantages of three-dimensional reconstruction of the cornea and the ocular crystalline lens by confocal microscopy and volume rendering computer techniques. The advantages of noninvasive observation of ocular structures in living, unstained, unfixed tissue include the following: the tissue is in a natural living state without the artifacts of fixation, mechanical sectioning, and staining; the three-dimensional structure can be observed from any view point and quantitatively analyzed; the dynamics of morphological changes can be studied; and the use of confocal microscopic observation results in a reduction of the number of animals required for ocular morphometric studies. The main advantage is that the dynamic morphology of ocular structures can be investigated in living ocular tissue. A laser scanning confocal microscope was used in the reflected light mode to obtain the two- dimensional images from the cornea and the ocular lens of a freshly enucleated rabbit eye. The light source was an argon ion laser with 488 nm wavelength. The microscope objective was a Leitz 25X, NA 0.6 water immersion lens. The 400 micron thick cornea was optically sectioned into 133, three micron sections. The semi-transparent cornea and the in-situ ocular lens was visualized as high resolution, high contrast two-dimensional images. The under sampling resulted in a three-dimensional visualization rendering in which the corneal thickness (z-axis) is compressed. The structures observed in the cornea include: superficial epithelial cells and their nuclei, basal epithelial cells and their `beaded' cell borders, basal lamina, nerve plexus, nerve fibers, free nerve endings in the basal epithelial cells, nuclei of stromal keratocytes, and endothelial cells. The structures observed in the in-situ ocular lens include: lens capsule, lens epithelial cells, and individual lens fibers.

  9. Safety of vitrectomy for floaters.


    Tan, H Stevie; Mura, Marco; Lesnik Oberstein, Sarit Y; Bijl, Heico M


    To assess the risks of vitrectomy for the removal of primary and secondary vitreous opacities. Retrospective, nonrandomized, interventional case series. We reviewed the results of 116 consecutive cases of vitrectomy for vitreous floaters. Eighty-six cases were primary and 30 cases were secondary floaters. Main outcome measures were the incidence of iatrogenic retinal breaks and postoperative rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. We found iatrogenic retinal breaks in 16.4% of operations. There was no statistically significant difference in risk between cases of primary and secondary floaters. Intraoperative posterior vitreous detachment induction was found to increase significantly the risk of breaks. Retinal detachment occurred in 3 cases (2.5%), all after operations for primary floaters. One case of complicated retinal detachment ended with a low visual acuity of hand movements. Cataract occurred in 50% of phakic cases. Transient postoperative hypotony was found after 5.2% of our operations, and transient postoperative high intraocular pressure was encountered in 7.8%. An intraoperative choroidal hemorrhage occurred in 1 case, which resolved spontaneously. The mean visual acuity improved from 0.20 to 0.13 logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution units. The risk profile of vitrectomy for floaters is comparable with that of vitrectomy for other elective indications. Retinal breaks are a common finding during surgery and treatment of these breaks is crucial for the prevention of postoperative retinal detachment. Patients considering surgery for floaters should be informed specifically about the risks involved. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Effect of topical rebamipide on conjunctival goblet cell recovery after vitrectomy

    PubMed Central

    Kato, Kumiko; Takashima, Yuko; Matsunaga, Koichi; Sugimoto, Masahiko; Matsubara, Hisashi; Hirano, Koji; Kondo, Mineo


    In vitro and in vivo experiments have shown that topical rebamipide will increase the number of goblet cells in the bulbar conjunctiva. The purpose of this study was to determine whether topical rebamipide will enhance the recovery of conjunctival goblet cells that were damaged during vitrectomy. Forty patients who underwent vitrectomy surgery were studied. The 40 patients consisted of 20 with diabetes mellitus (DM) and 20 patients without DM. They were randomized in a 1:1 ratio into groups that were treated or not treated with topical 2% rebamipide after the surgery. Impression cytology was performed at the end of surgery and at 14 days after the surgery. The mean goblet cell density of each specimen was determined by averaging the total number of goblet cells obtained from three consecutive high magnification microscopic images. In patients without DM, the mean goblet cell density at 14 days after the vitrectomy was significantly higher in eyes with topical rebemipide than in eyes without rebemipide (P < 0.01). In patients with DM, a similar tendency was observed but the difference was not significant (P = 0.09). These results suggest that topical rebamipide can be helpful in patients with globlet cell damage that occur during and after vitrectomy. PMID:26762482

  11. Effect of topical rebamipide on conjunctival goblet cell recovery after vitrectomy.


    Kato, Kumiko; Takashima, Yuko; Matsunaga, Koichi; Sugimoto, Masahiko; Matsubara, Hisashi; Hirano, Koji; Kondo, Mineo


    In vitro and in vivo experiments have shown that topical rebamipide will increase the number of goblet cells in the bulbar conjunctiva. The purpose of this study was to determine whether topical rebamipide will enhance the recovery of conjunctival goblet cells that were damaged during vitrectomy. Forty patients who underwent vitrectomy surgery were studied. The 40 patients consisted of 20 with diabetes mellitus (DM) and 20 patients without DM. They were randomized in a 1:1 ratio into groups that were treated or not treated with topical 2% rebamipide after the surgery. Impression cytology was performed at the end of surgery and at 14 days after the surgery. The mean goblet cell density of each specimen was determined by averaging the total number of goblet cells obtained from three consecutive high magnification microscopic images. In patients without DM, the mean goblet cell density at 14 days after the vitrectomy was significantly higher in eyes with topical rebemipide than in eyes without rebemipide (P < 0.01). In patients with DM, a similar tendency was observed but the difference was not significant (P = 0.09). These results suggest that topical rebamipide can be helpful in patients with globlet cell damage that occur during and after vitrectomy.

  12. Treatment of endophthalmitis by pars plana vitrectomy.


    Verbraeken, H; Geeroms, B; Karemera, A


    Between 1976 and 1985 81 cases of endophthalmitis have been treated by pars plana vitrectomy and intravitreous injection of antibiotics or antimycotics. The functional results and the etiology of the endophthalmitis are discussed, as well as the reasons to perform a vitrectomy in endophthalmitis, and a possible explanation for the relatively high incidence of pseudophakic endophthalmitis is given.

  13. One-port video-assisted thoracic surgery versus three-port video-assisted thoracic surgery for primary spontaneous pneumothorax: a meta-analysis.


    Xu, Wu; Wang, Yang; Song, Jianping; Mo, Lanying; Jiang, Tao


    To further understand the effects of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) with one-port versus three-port VATS for primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP). In this study, we searched information from the PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embase, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), and Wanfang Data databases from inception to September 2015 to collect data of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies about one-port VATS versus three-port VATS for PSP. Two independent authors were committed to screen literature, extract data, and assess the risk of bias of related studies. Then, we used the RevMan 5.20 software for a meta-analysis of one-port VATS versus three-port VATS for PSP. Six cohort studies involving 310 patients were finally selected in this meta-analysis. The results of our study indicate that one-port VATS had a shorter hospital stay (SMD = -0.39, 95 % CI -0.69 to 0.09, P = 0.01), lower VAS score of 24-h post-operative pain (SMD = -0.78, 95 % CI -1.40 to -0.52, P < 0.00001), shorter chest drainage time (SMD = -0.68, 95 % CI -1.15 to -0.22, P = 0.004), and lower incidence of post-operative paraesthesia (OR = 0.13, 95 % CI 0.06 to 0.29, P < 0.00001) compared with three-port VATS. However, one-port VATS had a lower patient satisfaction score at 24 h (SMD = -0.65, 95 % CI -0.95 to -0.35, P < 0.0001) and 48 h (SMD = -0.46, 95 % CI -0.71 to -0.21, P = 0.0002). No differences in the recurrence of pneumothorax (OR = 0.58, 95 % CI 0.20 to 1.67, P = 0.32), the operation time (SMD = 1.01, 95 % CI -4.63 to 2.60, P = 0.58), and the satisfaction score at 72 h (SMD = -0.11, 95 % CI -0.44 to 0.22, P < 0.00001) were noted between the groups. Current evidence suggests that one-port VATS may have certain advantages over three-port VATS for PSP. More large-scale and high-quality studies are needed for authentication.

  14. Safety, efficacy, and quality of life following sutureless vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters.


    Mason, John O; Neimkin, Michael G; Mason, John O; Friedman, Duncan A; Feist, Richard M; Thomley, Martin L; Albert, Michael A


    To determine the safety, efficacy, and quality of life improvement following sutureless 25-gauge pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic floaters. Patients with symptomatic vitreous floaters who underwent sutureless vitrectomy between January 2008 and January 2011 were included. Data were collected regarding baseline preoperative characteristics, postoperative outcomes, complications, and a nine-item quality-of-life survey completed by each patient. One hundred and sixty-eight eyes (143 patients) underwent sutureless 25-gauge pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters. Mean Snellen visual acuity was 20/40 preoperatively and improved to 20/25 postoperatively (P < 0.0001). Iatrogenic retinal breaks occurred in 12 of 168 eyes (7.1%). Intraoperative posterior vitreous detachment induction was not found to increase the risk of retinal breaks (P = 1.000). Postoperative complications occurred in three eyes, of which one had transient cystoid macular edema and two had transient vitreous hemorrhage. Approximately 88.8% of patients completed a quality-of-life survey, which revealed that 96% were "satisfied" with the results of the operation, and 94% rated the experience as a "complete success." Sutureless 25-gauge pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters improved visual acuity, resulted in a high patient satisfaction quality-of-life survey, and had a low rate of postoperative complications. Sutureless pars plana vitrectomy should be considered as a viable means of managing patients with symptomatic vitreous floaters.

  15. Advantages of using newly developed quartz contact lens with slit illumination from operating microscope.


    Kiyokawa, Masatoshi; Sakuma, Toshiro; Hatano, Noriko; Mizota, Atsushi; Tanaka, Minoru


    The purpose of this article is to report the characteristics and advantages of using a newly designed quartz contact lens with slit illumination from an operating microscope for intraocular surgery. The new contact lens is made of quartz. The lens is convex-concave and is used in combination with slit illumination from an operating microscope. The optical properties of quartz make this lens less reflective with greater transmittance. The combination of a quartz contact lens with slit illumination provided a brighter and wider field of view than conventional lenses. This system enabled us to perform bimanual vitrectomy and scleral buckling surgery without indirect ophthalmoscope. Small intraocular structures in the posterior pole or in the periphery were detected more easily. In conclusion, the newly designed quartz lens with slit beam illumination from an operating microscope provided a bright, clear and wide surgical field, and allowed intraocular surgery to be performed more easily.

  16. Effect of three months of soft contact lens wear on conjunctival cytology.


    Sapkota, Kishor; Franco, Sandra; Sampaio, Paula; Lira, Madalena


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of three months of soft contact lens wear on conjunctival goblet cell density and epithelial cell morphology. This was a longitudinal clinical trial. Conjunctival impression cytology was performed on the superior palpebral conjunctiva in fifty-four eyes of twenty-seven neophyte contact lens wearers before and after three months of contact lens wear. Goblet cell density was determined by optical microscopy and epithelial cell morphology was classified according to the Tseng classification. Changes in goblet cell density as well as epithelial cell grading were determined. The effects of lens material and wearing modality on cytological changes were also investigated. Goblet cell density reduced significantly by 85 ± 151 cells/mm(2) (p < 0.001) after three months of contact lens wear. Reduction in goblet cell density was associated with lens materials; it was higher in conventional hydrogel lenses in comparison to silicone-hydrogel lenses (p = 0.008). The highest reduction in goblet cell density was found with Nelfilcon A lens wear (p = 0.002) and the lowest with Comfilcon A lens wear (p = 0.414). There was no statistically significant difference in grading of epithelial metaplasia before and after three months of contact lens wear (p = 0.075). Age was not correlated with the reduction in goblet cell density (r = -0.196, p = 0.160) but it was associated with the change in epithelial cell morphology (p = 0.036). Three months of soft contact lens wear statistically significantly reduced goblet cell density; however, no significant changes were found in the grading of epithelial metaplasia. Contact lenses with lower oxygen permeability, higher Young modulus and higher thickness highly affected the conjunctival cytology. © 2016 Optometry Australia.



    Haruta, Masatoshi; Yamakawa, Ryoji


    To evaluate the efficacy of vitrectomy in the treatment of macular retinoschisis without a detectable optic disk pit. This retrospective interventional case series included eight patients with acquired, unilateral macular retinoschisis with or without foveal detachment. Patients with an optic disk pit, vitreomacular traction, or high myopia were excluded. Six of the eight patients underwent vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling and fluid-air exchange. The surgical outcome was evaluated in terms of the improvement in the macular anatomy and the best-corrected visual acuity. During vitrectomy, all the six eyes were confirmed to have preexisting posterior vitreous detachment. Macular retinoschisis was resolved or reduced in all the six eyes after vitrectomy. The mean central foveal thickness showed significant improvement at the time of the patient's final visit after vitrectomy. The mean best-corrected visual acuity was 20/52 before surgery and 20/31 at the final visit. Vitrectomy might be effective for the treatment of macular retinoschisis without an optic disk pit. Although clinically similar to optic pit maculopathy except for the absence of pit, our intraoperative observations of the posterior hyaloid membrane suggest that maculopathy without optic disk pit has a distinct pathogenesis.

  18. Macular retinoschisis in eyes with glaucomatous optic neuropathy: Vitrectomy and natural course.


    Yoshikawa, Tadanobu; Yamanaka, Chihiro; Kinoshita, Takamasa; Morikawa, Shohei; Ogata, Nahoko


    Our purpose was to determine the effectiveness of vitrectomy in resolving the macular retinoschisis in an eye with glaucomatous optic neuropathy and also to determine the natural course of macular retinoschisis. This was a retrospective case series of patients who were diagnosed with macular retinoschisis and glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Fourteen eyes of 13 patients were studied. Patients with high myopia, vitreomacular traction syndrome, and the pit macular syndrome were excluded. There were three men and ten women, and 12 had unilateral and one had bilateral macular retinoschisis. Vitrectomy was performed for a serous retinal detachment, macular hole, or severe visual loss in five eyes. The mean follow-up time was 68.8 months in these five eyes, and the macular retinoschisis was resolved and the best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at the final visit was significantly improved in all eyes (P = 0.007). However, two of these fiv e eyes developed a macular hole and required a second vitrectomy. Of the nine eyes without treatment with a mean follow-up time of 29.0 months, the BCVA at the final visit remained unchanged from the baseline BCVA in all eyes. The macular retinoschisis was resolved or reduced in three eyes without treatment. Vitrectomy was effective for the resolution of macular retinoschisis in eyes with glaucomatous optic neuropathy and serous retinal detachment or macular hole or severe reduction of the BCVA. Macular retinoschisis can be resolved without a reduction of the BCVA in some cases without treatment.

  19. SU-E-T-556: Monte Carlo Generated Dose Distributions for Orbital Irradiation Using a Single Anterior-Posterior Electron Beam and a Hanging Lens Shield

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Duwel, D; Lamba, M; Elson, H

    Purpose: Various cancers of the eye are successfully treated with radiotherapy utilizing one anterior-posterior (A/P) beam that encompasses the entire content of the orbit. In such cases, a hanging lens shield can be used to spare dose to the radiosensitive lens of the eye to prevent cataracts. Methods: This research focused on Monte Carlo characterization of dose distributions resulting from a single A-P field to the orbit with a hanging shield in place. Monte Carlo codes were developed which calculated dose distributions for various electron radiation energies, hanging lens shield radii, shield heights above the eye, and beam spoiler configurations.more » Film dosimetry was used to benchmark the coding to ensure it was calculating relative dose accurately. Results: The Monte Carlo dose calculations indicated that lateral and depth dose profiles are insensitive to changes in shield height and electron beam energy. Dose deposition was sensitive to shield radius and beam spoiler composition and height above the eye. Conclusion: The use of a single A/P electron beam to treat cancers of the eye while maintaining adequate lens sparing is feasible. Shield radius should be customized to have the same radius as the patient’s lens. A beam spoiler should be used if it is desired to substantially dose the eye tissues lying posterior to the lens in the shadow of the lens shield. The compromise between lens sparing and dose to diseased tissues surrounding the lens can be modulated by varying the beam spoiler thickness, spoiler material composition, and spoiler height above the eye. The sparing ratio is a metric that can be used to evaluate the compromise between lens sparing and dose to surrounding tissues. The higher the ratio, the more dose received by the tissues immediately posterior to the lens relative to the dose received by the lens.« less

  20. Endophthalmitis following pars plana vitrectomy for vitreous floaters

    PubMed Central

    Henry, Christopher R; Schwartz, Stephen G; Flynn, Harry W


    A case of Staphylococcus caprae endophthalmitis in a young patient following pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters is reported here. Recent literature suggests that there is an increasing trend of performing pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic floaters. Although rare, the potential risk of endophthalmitis should be explicitly discussed with patients considering surgical intervention for vitreous floaters. PMID:25210434

  1. Endophthalmitis following pars plana vitrectomy for vitreous floaters.


    Henry, Christopher R; Schwartz, Stephen G; Flynn, Harry W


    A case of Staphylococcus caprae endophthalmitis in a young patient following pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters is reported here. Recent literature suggests that there is an increasing trend of performing pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic floaters. Although rare, the potential risk of endophthalmitis should be explicitly discussed with patients considering surgical intervention for vitreous floaters.

  2. Nd:YAG vitreolysis and pars plana vitrectomy: surgical treatment for vitreous floaters.


    Delaney, Y M; Oyinloye, A; Benjamin, L


    To determine the efficacy of Nd:YAG vitreolysis and pars plana vitrectomy in the treatment of vitreous floaters. This is a single centre retrospective study of 31 patients (42 eyes) who underwent 54 procedures, Nd:YAG vitreolysis or pars plana vitrectomy, for the treatment of vitreous floaters between January 1992 and December 2000. Main outcome measures were percentage symptomatic improvement following treatment and incidence of post-operative complications. Statistical analysis was performed using the Fisher exact test. Posterior vitreous detachment was the primary cause of floaters in all 42 eyes with co-existing vitreous veils in three eyes and asteroid hyalosis in two eyes. Thirty-nine of 42 eyes received Nd:YAG vitreolysis. Thirty-eight percent found Nd:YAG vitreolysis moderately improved their symptoms while 61.5% found no improvement. After an average of 14.7 months follow-up no post-operative complications were recorded. Fifteen eyes underwent a pars plana vitrectomy, one with combined phacoemulsification and posterior chamber implantation and 11 following unsuccessful laser vitreolysis. Pars plana vitrectomy resulted in full resolution of symptoms in 93.3% of eyes. One patient developed a post-operative retinal detachment which was successfully treated leaving the patient with 6/5 VA. Patients' symptoms from vitreous floaters are often underestimated resulting in no intervention. This paper shows Nd:YAG vitreolysis to be a safe but only moderately effective primary treatment conferring clinical benefit in one third of patients. Pars plana vitrectomy, while offering superior results, should be reserved for patients who remain markedly symptomatic following vitreolysis, until future studies further clarify its role in the treatment of patients with floaters and posterior vitreous detachment.

  3. Three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of the phakic crystalline lens during accommodation.


    Sheppard, Amy L; Evans, C John; Singh, Krish D; Wolffsohn, James S; Dunne, Mark C M; Davies, Leon N


    To quantify changes in crystalline lens curvature, thickness, equatorial diameter, surface area, and volume during accommodation using a novel two-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) paradigm to generate a complete three-dimensional crystalline lens surface model. Nineteen volunteers, aged 19 to 30 years, were recruited. T(2)-weighted MRIs, optimized to show fluid-filled chambers of the eye, were acquired using an eight-channel radio frequency head coil. Twenty-four oblique-axial slices of 0.8 mm thickness, with no interslice gaps, were acquired to visualize the crystalline lens. Three Maltese cross-type accommodative stimuli (at 0.17, 4.0, and 8.0 D) were presented randomly to the subjects in the MRI to examine lenticular changes with accommodation. MRIs were analyzed to generate a three-dimensional surface model. During accommodation, mean crystalline lens thickness increased (F = 33.39, P < 0.001), whereas lens equatorial diameter (F = 24.00, P < 0.001) and surface radii both decreased (anterior surface, F = 21.78, P < 0.001; posterior surface, F = 13.81, P < 0.001). Over the same stimulus range, mean crystalline lens surface area decreased (F = 7.04, P < 0.005) with a corresponding increase in lens volume (F = 6.06, P = 0.005). These biometric changes represent a 1.82% decrease and 2.30% increase in crystalline lens surface area and volume, respectively. CONCLUSIONS; The results indicate that the capsular bag undergoes elastic deformation during accommodation, causing reduced surface area, and the observed volumetric changes oppose the theory that the lens is incompressible.

  4. Preretinal partial pressure of oxygen gradients before and after experimental pars plana vitrectomy.


    Petropoulos, Ioannis K; Pournaras, Jean-Antoine C; Stangos, Alexandros N; Pournaras, Constantin J


    To evaluate preretinal partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) gradients before and after experimental pars plana vitrectomy. Arteriolar, venous, and intervascular preretinal PO2 gradients were recorded in 7 minipigs during slow withdrawal of oxygen-sensitive microelectrodes (10-μm tip diameter) from the vitreoretinal interface to 2 mm into the vitreous cavity. Recordings were repeated after pars plana vitrectomy and balanced salt solution (BSS) intraocular perfusion. Arteriolar, venous, and intervascular preretinal PO2 at the vitreoretinal interface were 62.3 ± 13.8, 22.5 ± 3.3, and 17.0 ± 7.5 mmHg, respectively, before vitrectomy; 97.7 ± 19.9, 40.0 ± 21.9, and 56.3 ± 28.4 mmHg, respectively, immediately after vitrectomy; and 59.0 ± 27.4, 25.2 ± 3.0, and 21.5 ± 4.5 mmHg, respectively, 2½ hours after interruption of BSS perfusion. PO2 2 mm from the vitreoretinal interface was 28.4 ± 3.6 mmHg before vitrectomy; 151.8 ± 4.5 mmHg immediately after vitrectomy; and 34.8 ± 4.1 mmHg 2½ hours after interruption of BSS perfusion. PO2 gradients were still present after vitrectomy, with the same patterns as before vitrectomy. Preretinal PO2 gradients are not eliminated after pars plana vitrectomy. During BSS perfusion, vitreous cavity PO2 is very high. Interruption of BSS perfusion evokes progressive equilibration of vitreous cavity PO2 with concomitant progressive return of preretinal PO2 gradients to their previtrectomy patterns. This indicates that preretinal diffusion of oxygen is not altered after vitrectomy. The beneficial effect of vitrectomy in ischemic retinal diseases or macular edema may be related to other mechanisms, such as increased oxygen convection currents or removal of growth factors and cytokines secreted in the vitreous.

  5. Three-port beam splitter of a binary fused-silica grating.


    Feng, Jijun; Zhou, Changhe; Wang, Bo; Zheng, Jiangjun; Jia, Wei; Cao, Hongchao; Lv, Peng


    A deep-etched polarization-independent binary fused-silica phase grating as a three-port beam splitter is designed and manufactured. The grating profile is optimized by use of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis around the 785 nm wavelength. The physical explanation of the grating is illustrated by the modal method. Simple analytical expressions of the diffraction efficiencies and modal guidelines for the three-port beam splitter grating design are given. Holographic recording technology and inductively coupled plasma etching are used to manufacture the fused-silica grating. Experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical values.

  6. Three-Dimensional Cataract Crystalline Lens Imaging With Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography.


    de Castro, Alberto; Benito, Antonio; Manzanera, Silvestre; Mompeán, Juan; Cañizares, Belén; Martínez, David; Marín, Jose María; Grulkowski, Ireneusz; Artal, Pablo


    To image, describe, and characterize different features visible in the crystalline lens of older adults with and without cataract when imaged three-dimensionally with a swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) system. We used a new SS-OCT laboratory prototype designed to enhance the visualization of the crystalline lens and imaged the entire anterior segment of both eyes in two groups of participants: patients scheduled to undergo cataract surgery, n = 17, age range 36 to 91 years old, and volunteers without visual complains, n = 14, age range 20 to 81 years old. Pre-cataract surgery patients were also clinically graded according to the Lens Opacification Classification System III. The three-dimensional location and shape of the visible opacities were compared with the clinical grading. Hypo- and hyperreflective features were visible in the lens of all pre-cataract surgery patients and in some of the older adults in the volunteer group. When the clinical examination revealed cortical or subcapsular cataracts, hyperreflective features were visible either in the cortex parallel to the surfaces of the lens or in the posterior pole. Other type of opacities that appeared as hyporeflective localized features were identified in the cortex of the lens. The OCT signal in the nucleus of the crystalline lens correlated with the nuclear cataract clinical grade. A dedicated OCT is a useful tool to study in vivo the subtle opacities in the cataractous crystalline lens, revealing its position and size three-dimensionally. The use of these images allows obtaining more detailed information on the age-related changes leading to cataract.

  7. Postoperative eccentric macular holes after vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling.


    Brouzas, Dimitrios; Dettoraki, Maria; Lavaris, Anastasios; Kourvetaris, Dimitrios; Nomikarios, Nikolaos; Moschos, Marilita M


    The purpose of this study was to describe the incidence, clinical characteristics, and outcome of eccentric macular holes presenting after vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling for the treatment of macular pathology and discuss the pathogenesis of holes formation. A retrospective, noncomparative, interventional case-series study of five patients who developed eccentric macular holes postoperatively following vitrectomy in 198 consecutive patients who underwent ILM peeling for idiopathic macular hole and epiretinal membrane formation between 2008 and 2015. Five patients (2.5 %) developed full-thickness eccentric macular holes postoperatively. Three patients presented with a single eccentric macular hole, one patient had an eccentric hole after a failed idiopathic macular hole surgery and one patient developed four eccentric macular holes. The mean diameter of the holes was 584 μm (range 206-1317 μm) and the average time of holes formation after vitrectomy was 27.7 weeks (range 1-140 weeks). Postoperative best-corrected visual acuity ranged from "counting fingers" to 20/25. The eyes with the holes distant from the fovea had the best final visual acuity. No further intervention was attempted and no complications occurred. The mean follow-up time was 26.8 months. The postoperative macular holes after vitrectomy and ILM peeling were variable in number, size, and time of appearance but remained stable and were not associated with any complications. The pathogenesis of macular holes is most consistent with contraction of the residual ILM or secondary epimacular proliferation probably stimulated by ILM peeling.



    Erdogan, Gurkan; Unlu, Cihan; Karasu, Bugra; Kardes, Esra; Ergin, Ahmet


    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of peripheral vitrectomy under air infusion in comparison with fluid infusion in patients undergoing 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. A total of 80 eyes of 80 patients with primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment were enrolled into the study. Forty cases underwent peripheral vitrectomy under air infusion (air group), and a control group of equal number underwent peripheral vitrectomy under fluid infusion (fluid group). Peripheral iatrogenic retinal breaks during peripheral vitrectomy, postoperative visual acuities, and retinal redetachment rates were compared. The number of eyes with peripheral iatrogenic retinal breaks in air group during peripheral vitrectomy was statistically comparable with that in fluid group (1/40 and 4/40, 2.5% and 10%, respectively; P = 0.16). Scleral depression was necessitated in 7 of 40 cases (17.5%) during the operation in the air group. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in means of postoperative visual acuity and retinal redetachment (P = 0.18 and P = 1.0, respectively). Peripheral vitrectomy under air infusion for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment revealed comparable results with fluid infusion in terms of intraoperative and postoperative complications and surgical outcomes.

  9. Intrinsic Lens Forming Potential of Mouse Lens Epithelial versus Newt Iris Pigment Epithelial Cells in Three-Dimensional Culture

    PubMed Central

    Nakamura, Kenta; Tsonis, Panagiotis A.


    Adult newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) are capable of complete lens regeneration that is mediated through dorsal iris pigment epithelial (IPE) cells transdifferentiation. In contrast, higher vertebrates such as mice demonstrate only limited lens regeneration in the presence of an intact lens capsule with remaining lens epithelial cells. To compare the intrinsic lens regeneration potential of newt IPE versus mouse lens epithelial cells (MLE), we have established a novel culture method that uses cell aggregation before culture in growth factor-reduced Matrigel™. Dorsal newt IPE aggregates demonstrated complete lens formation within 1 to 2 weeks of Matrigel culture without basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) supplementation, including the establishment of a peripheral cuboidal epithelial cell layer, and the appearance of central lens fibers that were positive for αA-crystallin. In contrast, the lens-forming potential of MLE cell aggregates cultured in Matrigel was incomplete and resulted in the formation of defined-size lentoids with partial optical transparency. While the peripheral cell layers of MLE aggregates were nucleated, cells in the center of aggregates demonstrated a nonapoptotic nuclear loss over a time period of 3 weeks that was representative of lens fiber formation. Matrigel culture supplementation with bFGF resulted in higher transparent bigger-size MLE aggregates that demonstrated increased appearance of βB1-crystallin expression. Our study demonstrates that bFGF is not required for induction of newt IPE aggregate-dependent lens formation in Matrigel, while the addition of bFGF seems to be beneficial for the formation of MLE aggregate-derived lens-like structures. In conclusion, the three-dimensional aggregate culture of IPE and MLE in Matrigel allows to a higher extent than older models the indepth study of the intrinsic lens-forming potential and the corresponding identification of lentogenic factors. PMID:23672748

  10. Building 904, oblique view to southeast, 135 mm lens. ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Building 904, oblique view to southeast, 135 mm lens. - Travis Air Force Base, Base Spares Warehouse No. 1, Dixon Avenue & W Street, Armed Forces Special Weapons Project Q Area, Fairfield, Solano County, CA

  11. Building 904, oblique view to northwest, 135 mm lens ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    Building 904, oblique view to northwest, 135 mm lens - Travis Air Force Base, Base Spares Warehouse No. 1, Dixon Avenue & W Street, Armed Forces Special Weapons Project Q Area, Fairfield, Solano County, CA

  12. Predictors of postoperative bleeding after vitrectomy for vitreous hemorrhage in patients with diabetic retinopathy.


    Motoda, Saori; Shiraki, Nobuhiko; Ishihara, Takuma; Sakaguchi, Hirokazu; Kabata, Daijiro; Takahara, Mitsuyoshi; Kimura, Takekazu; Kozawa, Junji; Imagawa, Akihisa; Nishida, Kohji; Shintani, Ayumi; Iwahashi, Hiromi; Shimomura, Iichiro


    To clarify the association between perioperative variables and postoperative bleeding in pars plana vitrectomy for vitreous hemorrhage in diabetic retinopathy. The present retrospective study enrolled 72 eyes of 64 patients who were admitted to Osaka University Hospital between April 2010 and March 2014, and underwent vitrectomy for vitreous hemorrhage as a result of diabetic retinopathy. Postoperative bleeding developed in 12 eyes. Using binomial logistic regression analysis, we found that the duration of operation was the only significant variable associated with postoperative bleeding within 12 weeks after vitrectomy. Furthermore, Poisson regression analysis identified fasting blood glucose just before vitrectomy, no treatment with antiplatelet drugs and treatment with antihypertensive drugs, as well as duration of operation, to be significantly associated with the frequency of bleeding within 52 weeks after vitrectomy. Long duration of operation can be used to predict bleeding within both 12 and 52 weeks after vitrectomy. In addition, fasting blood glucose just before vitrectomy, no treatment with antiplatelet drugs and treatment with antihypertensive drugs might be risk factors for postoperative bleeding up to 1 year after vitrectomy. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD) and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  13. Ergon-trial: ergonomic evaluation of single-port access versus three-port access video-assisted thoracic surgery.


    Bertolaccini, Luca; Viti, Andrea; Terzi, Alberto


    Single-port access video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS), a technique progressively developed from the standard three-port approach in minimally invasive surgery, offers ergonomic advantages but also new challenges for the surgeon. We compared the ergonomics of three-port versus single-port VATS. Posture analysis of surgeons was evaluated during 100 consecutive VATS wedge resections (50 triportal vs. 50 uniportal). Technically demanding procedures (major lung resection) were excluded. Operating table height, monitor height, distance and inclination were adjusted according to operator preference. Body posture was assessed by measuring head-trunk axial rotation and head flexion. Perceived physical strain was self-evaluated on the Borg Category Ratio (CR-10) scale. Mental workload was assessed with the National Aeronautics Space Administration-Task Load indeX (NASA-TLX), a multidimensional tool that rates workloads on six scales (mental, physical and temporal demand; effort; performance; frustration). All procedures were completed without complications. Head-trunk axial rotation was significantly reduced and neck flexion significantly improved in uniportal VATS. Viewing direction significantly declined (p = 0.01), body posture as measured on the Borg CR-10 scale was perceived as more stressful and the NASA-TLX score for overall workload was higher (p = 0.04) during triportal VATS. The NASA-TLX score for frustration was higher with uniportal VATS (p = 0.02), but the score for physical demand was higher in triportal VATS (p = 0.006). The surgeon can maintain a more neutral body posture during uniportal VATS by standing straight and facing the monitor with only minimal neck extension/rotation; however, frustration is greater than with triportal VATS.

  14. Macular Hole Development After Vitrectomy for Floaters: A Case Report.


    Appeltans, Andrea; Mura, Marco; Bamonte, Giulio


    The purpose of this report is to describe a case of macular hole development after vitrectomy for floaters with induction of posterior vitreous detachment. A 44-year-old otherwise healthy man presented with visually debilitating floaters in his right eye; these had been present for more than 2 years. Preoperative examination was unremarkable in both eyes, apart from some degree of vitreous degeneration in the right eye. Preoperative visual acuity was 20/20 bilaterally. A 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana complete vitrectomy with induction of posterior vitreous detachment was performed in the right eye. Upon examination 1 month after surgery, a small full-thickness macular hole was detected in the right eye. Visual acuity was diminished to 20/80. The macular hole was closed after a second vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling and gas tamponade. Macular hole development should be listed as a possible complication of vitrectomy for visually debilitating floaters when a posterior vitreous detachment is induced during surgery.

  15. Management of corneal decompensation 4 decades after Sputnik intraocular lens implantation.


    Hirji, Nashila; Nanavaty, Mayank A


    We report an unusual case of corneal decompensation occurring four decades after complicated cataract extraction with implantation of a Sputnik intraocular lens (IOL) and highlight the clinical and practical issues faced in managing corneal decompensation with a Sputnik IOL. A 72-year-old woman presented with deterioration of the vision in her left eye, four decades after intracapsular cataract extraction with Sputnik IOL implantation. Ocular examination revealed diffuse corneal edema and thickened vitreous strands in the anterior chamber. Her best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) worsened to 6/60 within 3 months. Anterior vitrectomy and inferior iridectomy combined with Desçemet-stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty was performed. The procedure was successful, with the patient achieving best-corrected visual acuity of 6/6 at 8 months postoperatively. Corneal decompensation after Sputnik IOL implantation can occur four decades later. When the historical preoperative visual acuity is good in such cases, careful anterior vitrectomy with Desçemet-stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty provides good visual rehabilitation.

  16. Anterior segment sparing to reduce charged particle radiotherapy complications in uveal melanoma

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Daftari, I. K.; Char, D. H.; Verhey, L. J.; Castro, J. R.; Petti, P. L.; Meecham, W. J.; Kroll, S.; Blakely, E. A.; Chatterjee, A. (Principal Investigator)


    PURPOSE: The purpose of this investigation is to delineate the risk factors in the development of neovascular glaucoma (NVG) after helium-ion irradiation of uveal melanoma patients and to propose treatment technique that may reduce this risk. METHODS AND MATERIALS: 347 uveal melanoma patients were treated with helium-ions using a single-port treatment technique. Using univariate and multivariate statistics, the NVG complication rate was analyzed according to the percent of anterior chamber in the radiation field, tumor size, tumor location, sex, age, dose, and other risk factors. Several University of California San Francisco-Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) patients in each size category (medium, large, and extralarge) were retrospectively replanned using two ports instead of a single port. By using appropriate polar and azimuthal gaze angles or by treating patients with two ports, the maximum dose to the anterior segment of the eye can often be reduced. Although a larger volume of anterior chamber may receive a lower dose by using two ports than a single port treatment. We hypothesize that this could reduce the level of complications that result from the irradiation of the anterior chamber of the eye. Dose-volume histograms were calculated for the lens, and compared for the single and two-port techniques. RESULTS: NVG developed in 121 (35%) patients. The risk of NVG peaked between 1 and 2.5 years posttreatment. By univariate and multivariate analysis, the percent of lens in the field was strongly correlated with the development of NVG. Other contributing factors were tumor height, history of diabetes, and vitreous hemorrhage. Dose-volume histogram analysis of single-port vs. two-port techniques demonstrate that for some patients in the medium and large category tumor groups, a significant decrease in dose to the structures in the anterior segment of the eye could have been achieved with the use of two ports. CONCLUSION: The development of NVG after

  17. Early vitrectomy effective for Norrie disease.


    Walsh, Mark K; Drenser, Kimberly A; Capone, Antonio; Trese, Michael T


    To review our experience with Norrie disease to determine if early vitrectomy abrogates the natural history of this rare disease; namely, bilateral no light perception visual acuity and phthisis bulbi. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of all patients seen in our tertiary care pediatric retinal clinical practice from 1988 through 2008 with a potential diagnosis of Norrie disease. Inclusion required not only clinical findings consistent with Norrie disease but also genetics and/or a family history consistent with Norrie disease. Medical record review revealed 14 boys with clinically diagnosed Norrie disease and either Norrie disease gene (NDP) mutations noted on genetic testing (13 patients) and/or a clear family history consistent with Norrie disease (4 patients). All 14 boys with definite Norrie disease had vitrectomy with or without lensectomy in at least 1 eye prior to 12 months of age. Of the 14 boys with definite Norrie disease, 7 maintained at least light perception visual acuity in 1 eye and 3 had no light perception visual acuity bilaterally; visual acuity data were not available for 4 patients. Only 2 of 24 (8%) eyes became phthisical. Historically, no treatment has been offered to mitigate the dismal natural history of Norrie disease. We recommend consideration of early vitrectomy in Norrie disease.

  18. One, Two, or Three Ports in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy?

    PubMed Central

    Justo-Janeiro, Jaime Manuel; Vincent, Gustavo Theurel; Vázquez de Lara, Fernando; de la Rosa Paredes, René; Orozco, Eduardo Prado; Vázquez de Lara, Luis G.


    Single-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has been compared with 3- or 4-port LC. To our knowledge, there are no studies comparing the 3-, 2-, and 1-port techniques. Patients were randomized into 3 groups: LC 1-port using SILS, LC 2-port using a laparoscope with a working channel, and LC 3-port using the standard ports. Pain was evaluated at recovery, 4 hours, 24 hours, day 5, and day 8, using an analog visual scale. Homogenous groups in their demographic characteristics; all confirmed gallbladder lithiasis. At recovery, there was less pain in group 1 (P = 0.002); at 4 hours pain was similar in all groups (P = 0.899); at 24 hours there was less pain in groups 2 and 3 (P = 0.031); and at days 5 and 8 there was marginal (P = 0.053) and significant (P = 0.003) relevance. In terms of pain perception, LC performed through 1 port does not offer advantages when compared with 2 or 3 ports. More clinical trials are needed to confirm these data. PMID:25437581

  19. Evaluation of the vitreous microbial contamination rate in office-based three-port microincision vitrectomy surgery using Retrector technology.


    Rezende, Flavio A; Qian, Cynthia X; Sapieha, Przemyslaw


    To perform a microbiological contamination analysis of the vitreous during office-based micro-incision vitrectomy surgery (MIVS) assessing whether the bacteria detected correlated with patient's ocular conjunctival flora. This is a prospective, interventional, nonrandomized case series of patients undergoing office-based MIVS, anti-VEGF, and dexamethasone intravitreal injections (triple therapy) for the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic macular edema (DME).All patients were operated at a small procedure room in an ambulatory clinic of the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Conjunctival samples were done before placing the sclerotomies. The MIVS was done with a 23-gauge retractable vitrector, a 27-gauge infusion line, and a 29-gauge chandelier. Undiluted and diluted vitreous were collected for aerobic, anaerobic and fungal cultures. Outcomes measured were bacterial species identification within samples collected from the conjunctiva and the vitreous. Thirty-seven patients (37 eyes) were recruited and completed over 17 months of follow-up. Twenty-eight had wet AMD and nine had DME. There were 13 men and 24 women, with a mean age of 78 years. Eighteen patients (46%) had culture positive conjunctival flora. Twenty-six bacterial colonies were tabulated in total from the conjunctival swabs. All bacteria detected were gram-positive bacteria (100%), most commonly: Staphylococcus epidermitis in 11 (42%) and Corynebacterium sp. in 6 (23%). Only 1/18 patients had more than 3 species isolated, 6/18 patients had 2 species and 11/18 patients had 1 species identified on the conjunctival swab. Only 1 of the 37 undiluted midvitreous samples was culture positive, equating to a contamination rate of 2.7%. None of the diluted vitreous samples were culture positive. All cultures were negative for fungus. No serious postoperative complications occurred, including bacterial endophthalmitis, choroidal detachment, and

  20. Thoracoscopic enucleation of a large esophageal leiomyoma using a three thoracic ports technique.


    Akaraviputh, Thawatchai; Chinswangwatanakul, Vitoon; Swangsri, Jirawat; Lohsiriwat, Varut


    Video assisted thoracoscopic resection of an esophageal leiomyoma offers distinct advantages over an open approach. Many papers have described various techniques of thoracoscopic resection. We describe a 32-year old man who presented with intermittent dysphagia. Imaging studies showed a large esophageal leiomyoma. He underwent thoracoscopic enucleation using a three thoracic-ports technique. Thoracoscopic enucleation can be technically performed using a three thoracic-ports technique.

  1. Combined Cataract Extraction With Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Metallic Intraocular Foreign Body Removal Through Sclerocorneal Tunnel Using a Novel "Magnet Handshake" Technique.


    Dhoble, Pankaja; Khodifad, Ashish


    To study the outcomes of combined cataract extraction with pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and metallic intraocular foreign body (IOFB) removal through a sclerocorneal tunnel using the "magnetic handshake" technique. A retrospective review. Retrospective review of case records of 14 patients from 2010 to 2016 with metallic IOFB and traumatic cataract was performed. Cataract extraction was combined with PPV. Two intraocular magnets (IOMs) introduced through 20-gauge vitrectomy port and sclerocorneal tunnel helped achieve safe delivery of IOFB outside the globe by the "magnetic handshake" technique. All patients were males with a mean age of 33.04 years. A final best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/60 or better was noted in 10 (71.42%) of 14 patients. Final reattachment with more than 1 surgery was achieved in 13 (92.85%) patients. Postoperative complications included retinal detachment (RD) and phthisis bulbi in 1 (14.28%) patient each. Combined cataract extraction with PPV and metallic IOFB removal through sclerocorneal tunnel using the "magnet handshake" technique gives good visual and surgical outcomes. Copyright 2017 Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology.

  2. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the crystalline lens gradient index distribution from OCT imaging.


    de Castro, Alberto; Ortiz, Sergio; Gambra, Enrique; Siedlecki, Damian; Marcos, Susana


    We present an optimization method to retrieve the gradient index (GRIN) distribution of the in-vitro crystalline lens from optical path difference data extracted from OCT images. Three-dimensional OCT images of the crystalline lens are obtained in two orientations (with the anterior surface up and posterior surface up), allowing to obtain the lens geometry. The GRIN reconstruction method is based on a genetic algorithm that searches for the parameters of a 4-variable GRIN model that best fits the distorted posterior surface of the lens. Computer simulations showed that, for noise of 5 μm in the surface elevations, the GRIN is recovered with an accuracy of 0.003 and 0.010 in the refractive indices of the nucleus and surface of the lens, respectively. The method was applied to retrieve three-dimensionally the GRIN of a porcine crystalline lens in vitro. We found a refractive index ranging from 1.362 in the surface to 1.443 in the nucleus of the lens, an axial exponential decay of the GRIN profile of 2.62 and a meridional exponential decay ranging from 3.56 to 5.18. The effect of GRIN on the aberrations of the lens also studied. The estimated spherical aberration of the measured porcine lens was 2.87 μm assuming a homogenous equivalent refractive index, and the presence of GRIN shifted the spherical aberration toward negative values (-0.97 μm), for a 6-mm pupil.

  3. [Retinal whitening following vitrectomy for epiretinal macular membrane].


    Uemura, A


    To investigate the clinical pictures of retinal whitening following epiretinal membrane dissection. I studied retrospectively the records of 18 eyes which had undergone vitrectomy. Two types of retinal whitening were observed: cotton wool-like spots within the superficial retinal layers and a linear or dendritic pattern within the deep retinal layers. The spots were mainly noted in idiopathic cases and resolved completely in a few weeks, and the pattern was observed in macular pucker cases after retinal detachment surgery and persisted for a long time after vitrectomy.

  4. Performance of Three Multipurpose Disinfecting Solutions with a Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens

    PubMed Central

    García-Porta, Nery; Rico-del-Viejo, Laura; Ferreira-Neves, Helena; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C.; Queirós, Antonio; González-Méijome, José M.


    Purpose. To evaluate the clinical performance of a silicone hydrogel (Si-Hy) soft contact lens (CL) in combination with three different multipurpose disinfecting solutions (MPDSs). Methods. This was a prospective, randomized, single-masked, crossover, and comparative study in which 31 habitual soft CL wearers were randomly assigned to one of the three MPDSs (Synergi, COMPLETE RevitaLens, and OPTI-FREE PureMoist) for 1 month with a 1-week wash-out period between each exposure. All subjects were successfully refitted with a Si-Hy CL (Biofinity). Subjects were then scheduled for follow-up visits after 1 month of lens wear, being evaluated at 2 and 8 hours after lens insertion. Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) were used to gauge comfort rating. Results. The tarsal conjunctiva showed a significantly different degree of lid redness between the MPDSs at the 2-hour visit (P < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test), being lower for COMPLETE RevitaLens compared to the other two MPDSs (Mann-Whitney U test). Furthermore, a significantly different degree of lid roughness at the 8-hour visit was seen (P < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test), being higher for Synergi (Mann-Whitney U test). The subjective comfort was similar with the three MPDSs. Conclusion. Tarsal conjunctival response should be also considered in the context of the clinical performance of MPDs at the ocular surface. PMID:25918703

  5. Performance of three multipurpose disinfecting solutions with a silicone hydrogel contact lens.


    García-Porta, Nery; Rico-del-Viejo, Laura; Ferreira-Neves, Helena; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; Queirós, Antonio; González-Méijome, José M


    To evaluate the clinical performance of a silicone hydrogel (Si-Hy) soft contact lens (CL) in combination with three different multipurpose disinfecting solutions (MPDSs). This was a prospective, randomized, single-masked, crossover, and comparative study in which 31 habitual soft CL wearers were randomly assigned to one of the three MPDSs (Synergi, COMPLETE RevitaLens, and OPTI-FREE PureMoist) for 1 month with a 1-week wash-out period between each exposure. All subjects were successfully refitted with a Si-Hy CL (Biofinity). Subjects were then scheduled for follow-up visits after 1 month of lens wear, being evaluated at 2 and 8 hours after lens insertion. Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) were used to gauge comfort rating. The tarsal conjunctiva showed a significantly different degree of lid redness between the MPDSs at the 2-hour visit (P < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test), being lower for COMPLETE RevitaLens compared to the other two MPDSs (Mann-Whitney U test). Furthermore, a significantly different degree of lid roughness at the 8-hour visit was seen (P < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test), being higher for Synergi (Mann-Whitney U test). The subjective comfort was similar with the three MPDSs. Tarsal conjunctival response should be also considered in the context of the clinical performance of MPDs at the ocular surface.

  6. Three-dimensional liquid flattened Luneburg lens with ultra-wide viewing angle and frequency band

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, Lingling; Tian, Xiaoyong; Yin, Ming; Li, Dichen; Tang, Yiping


    Traditional Luneburg lens is a dielectric spherical antenna. It can focus the incoming collimated electromagnetic waves on its spherical surface, which causes the incompatibility with the planar feeding and receiving devices. Furthermore, the difficulties in the fabrication process also limited its applications. In this paper, a three-dimensional flattened Luneburg lens with a field-of-view angle up to 180° has been realized based on a liquid medium approach and a 3D-printing process. The fabricated three-dimensional lens showed a broadband transmission characteristic from 12.4 GHz to 18 GHz. The performance of the proposed lens was demonstrated by simulation and experimental results.



    Agarwal, Amar; Ashok Kumar, Dhivya; Agarwal, Athiya


    To report the application of intraocular lens (IOL) scaffold technique in intraocular foreign body (IOFB) removal. Patient with IOFB in posterior segment is included. The IOFB is retrieved from the posterior segment (pars plana vitrectomy and exteriorization of the IOFB from the retinal surface using an intravitreal forceps via the posterior capsulotomy) and placed on the iris. A three-piece posterior chamber IOL is placed in the sulcus via the clear corneal incision. IOFB is then removed from the anterior chamber over the IOL by forceps. Metallic IOFB of 4 mm × 3 mm has been retrieved by IOL scaffold technique after rescuing it from the posterior segment. There has been no drop or slip of IOFB in the vitreous during removal. Posterior chamber IOL served as scaffold during IOFB removal from anterior chamber. The IOL scaffold maneuver has shown to prevent slippage by acting as a barrier between the IOFB and the vitreous.

  8. Ocular blood flow parameters after pars plana vitrectomy in patients with diabetic retinopathy.


    Krepler, Katharina; Polska, Elzbieta; Wedrich, Andreas; Schmetterer, Leopold


    Whereas the anatomic result of vitrectomy in patients with vitreoretinal complications due to diabetes is usually satisfying, the functional outcome is sometimes poor. The authors investigated whether this may be related in part to effects of vitrectomy on ocular perfusion. Ocular hemodynamics were measured before vitrectomy and 1 and 4 weeks postoperatively in 13 consecutive diabetic patients. Pulsatile choroidal blood flow was assessed with laser interferometric measurement of fundus pulsation amplitude. In addition, mean blood flow velocity and resistive index in the ophthalmic artery, the central retinal artery, and the posterior ciliary arteries were measured with color Doppler imaging. Fundus pulsation amplitude was significantly reduced after surgery as compared to baseline (baseline: 3.7 +/- 1.0 microm; 4 weeks: 3.1 +/- 0.8; P < 0.001). Postoperatively, mean blood flow velocity in the central retinal artery (P = 0.009) and the posterior ciliary arteries (P = 0.0006) was significantly reduced, whereas resistive index was increased in the central retinal artery (P = 0.028) but not in the posterior ciliary arteries. The current data suggest that vitrectomy induces significant reductions in ocular blood flow in patients with diabetic retinopathy. Whether this may affect the visual outcome after vitrectomy or whether this reflects improved retinal oxygenation after vitrectomy remains to be established.

  9. ReSure Sealant for Pars Plana Vitrectomy Wound Closure.


    Ho, Vincent Y; Shah, Gaurav K; Liu, Enchun M


    ReSure Sealant (Ocular Therapeutix, Bedford, MA) is an ocular sealant that demonstrated both safety and effectiveness in a prospective, randomized clinical trial for sealing clear corneal incisions following cataract surgery and intraocular lens placement in adults.1 PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is the first literature report of ReSure Sealant used for the closure of 23-gauge (G) pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) sclerotomies. A 70-year-old pseudophakic female with a history of epiretinal membrane and branch retinal vein occlusion of the right eye underwent 23-G PPV, membrane peel, and air-fluid exchange and was found to have leaking subconjunctival air at the end of the case. A linear conjunctival incision was performed to access the sclerotomy site. The incisions were then carefully dried before the sealant was applied to seal both the sclera and conjunctiva. After polymerization, the sealant formed a polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel that was 89% water and 9.44% PEG. PEG is a synthetic material that is non-toxic and inert and, thus, suitable for use in medical products. ReSure Sealant may be a safe, quick method to close sclerotomy wounds in select cases. [ Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.

  10. Outcomes of 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy for acute postoperative endophthalmitis.


    Hsu, Chia-Ming; Chen, Shih-Chou; Wu, Tsung-Tien; Sheu, Shwu-Jiuan


    To report our 3-year experience of 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy (TSV) for acute postoperative endophthalmitis at a tertiary referral center in southern Taiwan. This retrospective chart review study included 19 patients with acute postoperative endophthalmitis who underwent 23-gauge TSV from January 2011 to January 2015 at Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan. Bacterial and fungal cultures from aqueous samples, vitreous samples, or both were performed. Nineteen patients (12 male; 7 female) were included. The mean age was 72.4 ± 8.29 years. Acute postoperative endophthalmitis was noted in 18 patients after cataract surgery and in 1 patient after 23-gauge vitrectomy for a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Upon presentation, visual acuity was less than hand movement for 80% of the patients. Chief complaints included blurred vision (19 patients, 100%), followed by pain (10 patients, 52.6%) and red eye (4 patients, 21%). All patients were administered an intravitreal injection (IVI) of antibiotics and 23-gauge TSV, and the average number of IVIs was 2.68 ± 1.73 (1-9 IVIs). The interval between their initial eye symptoms and vitrectomy was 4.11 ± 4.73 days (0-2 days), and the interval between diagnosis with endophthalmitis and a vitrectomy was 1.11 ± 1.52 days (0-6 days). The final visual acuity was no light perception for 1 patient (5.3%), between 6/60 and 6/12 for 8 patients (42.1%), and 6/12 or better for 9 patients (47.4%). No retinal detachment or hypotony was noted postoperatively in any case. 23-gauge vitrectomy is safe and effective for the management of acute postoperative endophthalmitis. Early diagnosis and treatment with 23-gauge vitrectomy may provide a good visual outcome. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC.

  11. Pars plana vitrectomy for disturbing primary vitreous floaters: clinical outcome and patient satisfaction.


    de Nie, Karlijn F; Crama, N; Tilanus, Maurits A D; Klevering, B Jeroen; Boon, Camiel J F


    Primary vitreous floaters can be highly bothersome in some patients. In the case of persistently bothersome floaters, pars plana vitrectomy may be the most effective treatment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the incidence of complications, and patient satisfaction, after pars plana vitrectomy for disabling primary vitreous opacities. We included a total of 110 eyes that underwent pars plana vitrectomy between February 1998 and August 2010. Fifty-seven eyes (51.8%) underwent 20-gauge vitrectomy, whereas 53 eyes (48.2%) underwent 23-gauge vitrectomy. In a retrospective manner, we assessed intraoperative and postoperative complications. There was a considerable range of time between surgery and questionnaire (range: 4-136 months). Patient satisfaction was assessed by a questionnaire based on a modified NEI VFQ-25 questionnaire. A retinal detachment occurred in 10.9% of cases, and the incidence did not differ significantly between the 20-gauge and 23-gauge vitrectomy groups. In 4.5% of the eyes, a retinal detachment developed within the first 3 months, and 6.4% occurred later in the postoperative period. Cystoid macular edema occurred in 5.5%, and an epiretinal membrane was seen postoperatively in 3.6% of cases. Development of glaucoma requiring glaucoma surgery, a macular hole, and postoperative scotoma, each occurred in 0.9% of cases. No cases of endophthalmitis occurred. Eighty-five percent of patients were satisfied or very satisfied with the results of the vitrectomy. Eighty-four percent of all patients were completely cured from their troublesome vitreous floaters, and an additional 9.3% of patients were less troubled by vitreous floaters. Ten patients (9.3%) were dissatisfied, and six of these patients (5.6%) had a serious complication that resulted in permanent visual loss. Pars plana vitrectomy is an effective approach to treat primary vitreous floaters, resulting in a high rate of patient satisfaction. Postoperative complications may be more frequent

  12. Pound--Drever--Hall error signals for the length control of three-port grating coupled cavities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Britzger, Michael; Friedrich, Daniel; Kroker, Stefanie; Brückner, Frank; Burmeister, Oliver; Kley, Ernst-Bernhard; Tünnermann, Andreas; Danzmann, Karsten; Schnabel, Roman


    Gratings enable light coupling into an optical cavity without transmission through any substrate. This concept reduces light absorption and substrate heating and was suggested for light coupling into the arm cavities of future gravitational wave detectors. One particularly interesting approach is based on all-reflective gratings with low diffraction efficiencies and three diffraction orders (three ports). However, it was discovered that, generally, three-port grating coupled cavities show an asymmetric resonance profile that results in asymmetric and low quality Pound--Drever--Hall error signals for cavity length control. We experimentally demonstrate that this problem is solved by the detection of light at both reflection ports of the cavity and the postprocessing of the two demodulated electronic signals.

  13. Ultrashort-pulse lasers treating the crystalline lens: will they cause vision-threatening cataract? (An American Ophthalmological Society thesis).


    Krueger, Ronald R; Uy, Harvey; McDonald, Jared; Edwards, Keith


    To demonstrate that ultrashort-pulse laser treatment in the crystalline lens does not form a focal, progressive, or vision-threatening cataract. An Nd:vanadate picosecond laser (10 ps) with prototype delivery system was used. Primates: 11 rhesus monkey eyes were prospectively treated at the University of Wisconsin (energy 25-45 μJ/pulse and 2.0-11.3M pulses per lens). Analysis of lens clarity and fundus imaging was assessed postoperatively for up to 4½ years (5 eyes). Humans: 80 presbyopic patients were prospectively treated in one eye at the Asian Eye Institute in the Philippines (energy 10 μJ/pulse and 0.45-1.45M pulses per lens). Analysis of lens clarity, best-corrected visual acuity, and subjective symptoms was performed at 1 month, prior to elective lens extraction. Bubbles were immediately seen, with resolution within the first 24 to 48 hours. Afterwards, the laser pattern could be seen with faint, noncoalescing, pinpoint micro-opacities in both primate and human eyes. In primates, long-term follow-up at 4½ years showed no focal or progressive cataract, except in 2 eyes with preexisting cataract. In humans, <25% of patients with central sparing (0.75 and 1.0 mm radius) lost 2 or more lines of best spectacle-corrected visual acuity at 1 month, and >70% reported acceptable or better distance vision and no or mild symptoms. Meanwhile, >70% without sparing (0 and 0.5 mm radius) lost 2 or more lines, and most reported poor or severe vision and symptoms. Focal, progressive, and vision-threatening cataracts can be avoided by lowering the laser energy, avoiding prior cataract, and sparing the center of the lens.

  14. Full-Thickness Macular Hole Formation in the Postoperative Period After Initial Vitrectomy for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment.


    Takashina, Hirotsugu; Watanabe, Akira; Tsuneoka, Hiroshi


    To evaluate full-thickness macular hole (MH) formation in the postoperative period after initial vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (rRD). We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 4 consecutive eyes that required additional vitrectomy for full-thickness MH between April 2013 and March 2016 after undergoing an initial vitrectomy for rRD. Epiretinal membrane (ERM) was identified by preoperative optical coherence tomography or intraoperative dye staining in each case. Photocoagulation of retinal breaks prior to initial vitrectomy was performed in Cases 1, 2, and 3 (4-16 days), with yttrium-aluminum-garnet capsulotomy after cataract extraction also performed prior to the retinal break formation in Case 3. At the initial vitrectomy, there was a superior retinal break which crossed the equator in Case 2, and an intentional hole was created in Cases 1 and 4. The mean interval from the initial vitrectomy until MH formation was 27.5 ± 15.8 months. As with Case 2, the intervals in Cases 1 and 4, in which an intentional hole was created, were clearly shorter than in those in Case 3. Finally, MH closure was achieved after an additional vitrectomy (removal of the internal limiting membrane with ERM and gas tamponade) and best-corrected visual acuity improved in each case. ERM was identified in the cases examined in our study. The presence of an intentional hole might shorten the interval of MH formation after vitrectomy for rRD.

  15. Twenty-five-gauge vitrectomy versus 23-gauge vitrectomy in the management of macular diseases: a comparative analysis through a Health Technology Assessment model.


    Grosso, Andrea; Charrier, Lorena; Lovato, Emanuela; Panico, Claudio; Mariotti, Cesare; Dapavo, Giancarlo; Chiuminatto, Roberto; Siliquini, Roberta; Gianino, Maria Michela


    Small-gauge vitreoretinal techniques have been shown to be safe and effective in the management of a wide spectrum of vitreoretinal diseases. However, the costs of the new technologies may represent a critical issue for national health systems. The aim of the study is to plan a Health Technology Assessment (HTA) by performing a comparative analysis between the 23- and 25-gauge techniques in the management of macular diseases (epiretinal membranes, macular holes, vitreo-macular traction syndrome). In this prospective study, 45-80-year-old patients undergoing vitrectomy surgery for macular disease were enrolled at the Torino Eye Hospital. In the HTA model we assessed the safety, clinical effectiveness, and cost and financial evaluation of 23-gauge compared with 25-gauge vitrectomies. Fifty patients entered the study; 14 patients underwent 23-gauge vitrectomy and 36 underwent 25-gauge vitrectomy. There was no statistically significant difference in post-operative visual acuity at 1 year between the two groups. No cases of retinal detachment or endophtalmitis were registered at 1-year follow-up. The 23-gauge technique was slightly more expensive than the 25-gauge: the total surgical costs were EUR1217.70 versus EUR1164.84 (p = 0.351). We provide a financial comparison between new vitreoretinal procedures recently introduced in the market and reimbursed by the Italian National Health System and we also stimulate a critical debate about the expensive technocratic model of medicine.

  16. Anatomic and visual outcomes of 23-G vitrectomy without scleral buckling for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.


    Figueroa, Marta S; Contreras, Inés; Noval, Susana


    To evaluate the anatomic success rate, visual acuity (VA) changes, and complications of 23-G vitrectomy without associated scleral procedures for the treatment of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (PRRD). 
 Patients diagnosed with PRRD were considered for inclusion. Patients with evidence of proliferative vitreoretinopathy or coexisting ocular pathologies were excluded. Surgery consisted of 23-G vitrectomy with endolaser photocoagulation of retinal breaks and fluid-air-gas (12% C3F8) exchange. Minimum follow-up was 3 months. 
 A total of 133 eyes of 118 patients were included. Fifty eyes were phakic and 83 pseudophakic. Mean time from diagnosis to surgery was 6.9 days (range 1-40). Mean VA improved significantly from 20/50 (range: hand movements to 20/20) to 20/30 (range: counting fingers to 20/16), with no statistically significant differences between phakic and pseudophakic eyes (p = 0.233). Visual acuity improved to 20/40 or better in 104 eyes (78.2%). A redetachment developed in 5 eyes (3.8%), so the primary anatomic success rate was 96.2%. Four eyes required a second surgical procedure and one eye a third to achieve retinal reattachment. Cataract progression in phakic eyes made cataract surgery necessary within 1 year of vitrectomy in 12/50 (24%) eyes. Subretinal perfluoro-N-octane (PFO) was detected in 6 eyes (4.5%). 
 Twenty-three--gauge vitrectomy without scleral buckling seems to be an effective technique for the treatment of PRRD without proliferative vitreoretinopathy. The high anatomic success rate was comparable to that previously described with 20 G and scleral buckling. Complications were similar to those described for 20-G vitrectomy, except for retained subretinal PFO, which has a higher rate.

  17. Meta-analysis and review: effectiveness, safety, and central port design of the intraocular collamer lens

    PubMed Central

    Packer, Mark


    The purpose of this review is to summarize relevant data from publications appearing in the peer-reviewed scientific literature over the past decade since US Food and Drug Administration approval of the implantable collamer lens (ICL), and, in particular, to review studies relating to sizing methodology, safety, and effectiveness, as well as more recent studies reporting clinical outcomes of the V4c Visian ICL with KS Aquaport, VICMO. A literature search was conducted using two databases, and, to identify all articles published after 2005 related to the Visian ICL (STAAR Surgical, Inc.). Articles were examined for their relevance to sizing methodology, clinical safety, and effectiveness, and the references cited in each article were also searched for additional relevant publications. The literature review revealed that all currently reported methods of determining the best-fit size of the ICL achieve similarly satisfactory results in terms of vault, the safe distance between the crystalline lens and the ICL. Specifically, meta-analysis demonstrated that sulcus-to-sulcus and white-to-white measurement-based sizing methods do not result in clinically meaningful nor statistically significant differences in vault (two-sample two-sided t-test using pooled mean and standard deviations; t (2,594)=1.33; P=0.18). The reported rates of complications related to vault are very low, except in two case series where additional risk factors such as higher levels of myopia and older age impacted the incidence of cataract. On the basis of preclinical studies and initial clinical reports, with up to 5 years of follow-up, the new VICMO central port design holds promise for further reduction of complications. Given its safety record and the significant improvement in vision and quality of life that the ICL makes possible, the benefits of ICL implantation outweigh the risks. PMID:27354760

  18. Meta-analysis and review: effectiveness, safety, and central port design of the intraocular collamer lens.


    Packer, Mark


    The purpose of this review is to summarize relevant data from publications appearing in the peer-reviewed scientific literature over the past decade since US Food and Drug Administration approval of the implantable collamer lens (ICL), and, in particular, to review studies relating to sizing methodology, safety, and effectiveness, as well as more recent studies reporting clinical outcomes of the V4c Visian ICL with KS Aquaport, VICMO. A literature search was conducted using two databases, and, to identify all articles published after 2005 related to the Visian ICL (STAAR Surgical, Inc.). Articles were examined for their relevance to sizing methodology, clinical safety, and effectiveness, and the references cited in each article were also searched for additional relevant publications. The literature review revealed that all currently reported methods of determining the best-fit size of the ICL achieve similarly satisfactory results in terms of vault, the safe distance between the crystalline lens and the ICL. Specifically, meta-analysis demonstrated that sulcus-to-sulcus and white-to-white measurement-based sizing methods do not result in clinically meaningful nor statistically significant differences in vault (two-sample two-sided t-test using pooled mean and standard deviations; t (2,594)=1.33; P=0.18). The reported rates of complications related to vault are very low, except in two case series where additional risk factors such as higher levels of myopia and older age impacted the incidence of cataract. On the basis of preclinical studies and initial clinical reports, with up to 5 years of follow-up, the new VICMO central port design holds promise for further reduction of complications. Given its safety record and the significant improvement in vision and quality of life that the ICL makes possible, the benefits of ICL implantation outweigh the risks.

  19. Aging and Age-Related Diseases of the Ocular Lens and Vitreous Body

    PubMed Central

    Petrash, J. Mark


    Reduced quality of life and financial burden due to visual impairment and blindness begin to increase dramatically when individuals reach the age of 40. The major causes of age-related vision loss can be traced to changes to the structure and function of the lens, one of the tissues responsible for focusing light on the retina. Age-related nuclear cataracts, which are caused by aggregation and condensation of proteins, diminish vision because they impede the transmission and focusing of light on the retina. In addition to the slow-developing age-related form, cataracts often develop rapidly as a complication of ocular surgery, such as following vitrectomy or as a consequence of vitreous gel degeneration. Posterior capsular opacification, which can develop following cataract removal, is caused by proliferation and inappropriate accumulation of lens epithelial cells on the surfaces of intraocular lenses and the posterior lens capsule. Presbyopia is a loss of accommodative amplitude and reduced ability to shift focus from far to near objects. Onset of presbyopia is associated with an increase in lens hardness and reduced ability of the lens to change shape in response to ciliary muscle contraction. Avenues of promising research that seek to delay or prevent these causes of low vision are discussed in light of our current understanding of disease pathogenesis and some challenges that must be met to achieve success. PMID:24335070

  20. Ultrashort-Pulse Lasers Treating the Crystalline Lens: Will They Cause Vision-Threatening Cataract? (An American Ophthalmological Society Thesis)

    PubMed Central

    Krueger, Ronald R.; Uy, Harvey; McDonald, Jared; Edwards, Keith


    Purpose: To demonstrate that ultrashort-pulse laser treatment in the crystalline lens does not form a focal, progressive, or vision-threatening cataract. Methods: An Nd:vanadate picosecond laser (10 ps) with prototype delivery system was used. Primates: 11 rhesus monkey eyes were prospectively treated at the University of Wisconsin (energy 25–45 μJ/pulse and 2.0–11.3M pulses per lens). Analysis of lens clarity and fundus imaging was assessed postoperatively for up to 4½ years (5 eyes). Humans: 80 presbyopic patients were prospectively treated in one eye at the Asian Eye Institute in the Philippines (energy 10 μJ/pulse and 0.45–1.45M pulses per lens). Analysis of lens clarity, best-corrected visual acuity, and subjective symptoms was performed at 1 month, prior to elective lens extraction. Results: Bubbles were immediately seen, with resolution within the first 24 to 48 hours. Afterwards, the laser pattern could be seen with faint, noncoalescing, pinpoint micro-opacities in both primate and human eyes. In primates, long-term follow-up at 4½ years showed no focal or progressive cataract, except in 2 eyes with preexisting cataract. In humans, <25% of patients with central sparing (0.75 and 1.0 mm radius) lost 2 or more lines of best spectacle-corrected visual acuity at 1 month, and >70% reported acceptable or better distance vision and no or mild symptoms. Meanwhile, >70% without sparing (0 and 0.5 mm radius) lost 2 or more lines, and most reported poor or severe vision and symptoms. Conclusions: Focal, progressive, and vision-threatening cataracts can be avoided by lowering the laser energy, avoiding prior cataract, and sparing the center of the lens. PMID:23818739

  1. The rate of endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy and its risk factors.


    Tabatabaei, Seyed Ali; Soleimani, Mohammad; Vakili, Hadi; Naderan, Morteza; Lashay, Alireza; Faghihi, Houshang; Yaseri, Mehdi


    To study the incidence of endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy, its causative organisms, and visual acuity outcomes. In this retrospective, comparative study, the medical records of patients with acute-onset postoperative endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy at Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran, Iran, during a 12-year period between January 2004 and November 2015 were reviewed. To compare the endophthalmitis patients with other cases who underwent pars plana vitrectomy at the same day and also the same operating room, a control group was developed by gathering the data from surgical records. In the present study, the incidence rate of pos- vitrectomy endophthalmitis was 0.04% (16/39783). The organisms identified in aqueous or vitreous cultures (culture positive 44%) included Streptococcus pneumoniae (two patients, 12.5%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (two patients, 12.5%), fungi (two patients, 12.5%), and Streptococcus viridans (one patient, 6.25%). Visual acuity after treatment for endophthalmitis ranged from light perception (7 eyes) to hand motion (1 eye), and evisceration was performed in 8 eyes (50%). When comparing the cases (patients developing endophthalmitis) and controls (patients with no complications operated in the same day and place of operation with the case group), only not using tamponade showed a statistically significant relation with the occurrence of endophthalmitis (p = 0.034). Our results indicated low incidence of endophthalmitis after pars plana vitrectomy comparable to previous studies which resulted in poor visual acuity. It seems that not using tamponade might increase the risk of endophthalmitis among these patients.

  2. Vitrectomy for floaters: prospective efficacy analyses and retrospective safety profile.


    Sebag, Jerry; Yee, Kenneth M P; Wa, Christianne A; Huang, Laura C; Sadun, Alfredo A


    Floaters impact vision but the mechanism is unknown. We hypothesize that floaters reduce contrast sensitivity function, which can be normalized by vitrectomy, and that minimally invasive vitrectomy will have lower incidences of retinal tears (reported at 30%) and cataracts (50-76%). Seventy-six eyes (34 phakic) with floaters were evaluated in 2 separate studies. Floater etiologies were primarily posterior vitreous detachment in 61 of 76 eyes (80%) and myopic vitreopathy in 24 of 76 eyes (32%). Minimally invasive 25G vitrectomy was performed without posterior vitreous detachment induction, leaving anterior vitreous, and using nonhollow probes for cannula extraction. Efficacy was studied prospectively (up to 9 months) in 16 floater cases with Freiburg Acuity Contrast Testing (Weber index [%W] reproducibility = 92.1%) and the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire. Safety was separately evaluated in 60 other cases followed up on an average of 17.5 months (range, 3-51 months). Floater eyes had 67% contrast sensitivity function attenuation (4.0 ± 2.3 %W; control subjects = 2.4 ± 0.9 %W, P < 0.013). After vitrectomy, contrast sensitivity function normalized in each case at 1 week (2.0 ± 1.4 %W, P < 0.01) and remained normal at 1 month (2.0 ± 1.0 %W, P < 0.003) and 3 months to 9 months (2.2 ± 1.5 %W, P < 0.018). Visual Function Questionnaire was 28.3% lower in floater patients (73.2 ± 15.6, N = 16) than in age-matched control subjects (93.9 ± 8.0, N = 12, P < 0.001), and postoperatively improved by 29.2% (P < 0.001). In the safety study of 60 floater cases treated with vitrectomy, none developed retinal breaks, infection, or glaucoma after a mean follow-up of 17.5 months. Only 8 of 34 cases (23.5%) required cataract surgery (none younger than 53 years) at an average of 15 months postvitrectomy. Floaters lower contrast sensitivity function, which normalizes after vitrectomy. Visual Function Questionnaire quantified improvement in satisfaction. Not

  3. Vitrectomy for epiretinal membrane in adult-onset Coats' disease.


    Kumar, Pradeep; Kumar, Vinod


    Coats' disease is characterized by retinal vascular telangiectasia and subretinal and intraretinal exudation. A relatively benign form of the disease that occurs in adults is referred to as adult-onset Coats' disease. Involvement of macula in the form of macular edema and exudation are the common presenting features in both forms of the disease. We describe a rare case of adult-onset Coats' disease that presented with epiretinal membrane (ERM). Laser photocoagulation of retinal vascular telangiectasia resulted in worsening of patient's symptoms and ERM. Early pars plana vitrectomy resulted in resolution of the patient's symptoms. Utility of ultra-wide-field imaging and rationale of early vitrectomy in such cases are discussed.

  4. Clinical and biometric determinants of actual lens position after cataract surgery.


    Plat, Julien; Hoa, Didier; Mura, Frederic; Busetto, Timothe; Schneider, Christelle; Payerols, Arnaud; Villain, Max; Daien, Vincent


    To evaluate the preoperative clinical and biometric determinants associated with the actual lens position after cataract surgery. Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital of Montpellier, France. Prospective longitudinal cohort study. The data collected included clinical factors (age, sex, history of vitrectomy) and biometry factors (axial length [AL], anterior chamber depth [ACD], lens thickness, white-to-white [WTW] distance) that might affect actual lens position. Each patient had optical low-coherence reflectometry biometry (Lenstar) preoperatively and 1 month postoperatively. The actual lens position was measured as the postoperative position of the center of the intraocular lens (IOL). Patients were stratified into 3 groups by type of IOL: Acrysof SN60WF or SN6AT (Group 1), Tecnis ZCB00 or ZCT (Group 2), and Asphina 409 MV (Group 3). The study comprised 168 eyes (mean age 73.3 years ± 9.8 [SD]). The mean actual lens position was 4.88 ± 0.29 mm, 5.01 ± 0.29 mm, and 5.05 ± 0.32 mm in Group 1 (n = 67 eyes), Group 2 (n = 52 eyes), and Group 3 (n = 49 eyes), respectively. In the overall population, AL, ACD, anterior segment depth, and WTW distance were correlated with actual lens position (r = 0.48, P < .0001; r = 0.64, P < .001; r = 0.58, P < .0001; r = 0.39, P < .001, respectively). The AL, ACD, anterior segment depth, and WTW distance correlated with actual lens position after cataract surgery. The integration of these data in IOL formulas could help improve refractive outcomes after the surgery. Copyright © 2017 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Vitrectomy for full-thickness macular hole in adult-onset Coats’ disease

    PubMed Central

    Kumar, Vinod; Kumar, Pradeep; Garg, Gaurav; Damodaran, Saurabh


    The occurrence of full thickness macular hole in Coats’ disease is extremely rare. The purpose of this case report is to report pars plana vitrectomy for the treatment of full thickness macular hole in a patient with adult onset Coats disease. A young male presented with decreased vision in his right eye because of full thickness macular hole. The macular hole was found to be associated with adult onset Coats’ disease that was evident on ultra-wide field imaging. The patient underwent laser photocoagulation to the vascular telangiectasia followed by pars plana vitrectomy, large internal limiting membrane peeling and gas tamponade. This resulted in regression of exudation, closure of macular hole and improvement in vision. Coats disease of adult onset can present with decreased vision because of full thickness macular hole. Vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling can result in excellent visual outcome. PMID:29133668

  6. Three-dimensional microscopic tomographic imagings of the cataract in a human lens in vivo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Masters, Barry R.


    The problem of three-dimensional visualization of a human lens in vivo has been solved by a technique of volume rendering a transformed series of 60 rotated Scheimpflug (a dual slit reflected light microscope) digital images. The data set was obtained by rotating the Scheimpflug camera about the optic axis of the lens in 3 degree increments. The transformed set of optical sections were first aligned to correct for small eye movements, and then rendered into a volume reconstruction with volume rendering computer graphics techniques. To help visualize the distribution of lens opacities (cataracts) in the living, human lens the intensity of light scattering was pseudocolor coded and the cataract opacities were displayed as a movie.

  7. No-patch 23-gauge vitrectomy under topical anesthesia: A pilot study

    PubMed Central

    Deka, Satyen; Bhattacharjee, Harsha; Barman, M J; Kalita, Kruto; Singh, Sunil Kumar


    A pilot study was designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 23-gauge vitrectomy under topical anesthesia. Five eyes of five patients underwent 23-gauge sutureless vitrectomy under topical anesthesia with a pledget soaked in 0.5% proparacaine hydrochloride anesthetic, for vitreous hemorrhage (four eyes), epiretinal membrane (one eye). Subjective pain and discomfort were graded using a visual analogue chart from 0 (no pain or discomfort) to 4 (severe pain and discomfort). At the end of surgery no patch was applied and patients were given dark glasses. Patients underwent an immediate postoperative assessment, followed by next day and one week postoperative evaluation. Four patients had Grade 0 pain during the surgery. One patient had Grade 1 pain during the placement and withdrawal of the micro cannulas. The surgical outcomes were favorable. 23-gauge vitrectomy under topical anesthesia is safe and effective in selected cases. Further study is recommended to validate the outcome of this study. PMID:21350284

  8. No-patch 23-gauge vitrectomy under topical anesthesia: a pilot study.


    Deka, Satyen; Bhattacharjee, Harsha; Barman, M J; Kalita, Kruto; Singh, Sunil Kumar


    A pilot study was designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 23-gauge vitrectomy under topical anesthesia. Five eyes of five patients underwent 23-gauge sutureless vitrectomy under topical anesthesia with a pledget soaked in 0.5% proparacaine hydrochloride anesthetic, for vitreous hemorrhage (four eyes), epiretinal membrane (one eye). Subjective pain and discomfort were graded using a visual analogue chart from 0 (no pain or discomfort) to 4 (severe pain and discomfort). At the end of surgery no patch was applied and patients were given dark glasses. Patients underwent an immediate postoperative assessment, followed by next day and one week postoperative evaluation. Four patients had Grade 0 pain during the surgery. One patient had Grade 1 pain during the placement and withdrawal of the micro cannulas. The surgical outcomes were favorable. 23-gauge vitrectomy under topical anesthesia is safe and effective in selected cases. Further study is recommended to validate the outcome of this study.

  9. Vitrectomy for epiretinal membrane in adult-onset Coats’ disease

    PubMed Central

    Kumar, Pradeep; Kumar, Vinod


    Coats’ disease is characterized by retinal vascular telangiectasia and subretinal and intraretinal exudation. A relatively benign form of the disease that occurs in adults is referred to as adult-onset Coats’ disease. Involvement of macula in the form of macular edema and exudation are the common presenting features in both forms of the disease. We describe a rare case of adult-onset Coats’ disease that presented with epiretinal membrane (ERM). Laser photocoagulation of retinal vascular telangiectasia resulted in worsening of patient's symptoms and ERM. Early pars plana vitrectomy resulted in resolution of the patient's symptoms. Utility of ultra-wide-field imaging and rationale of early vitrectomy in such cases are discussed. PMID:29044085

  10. Changes in Matrix Metalloproteinases in Diabetes Patients' Tears After Vitrectomy and the Relationship With Corneal Epithelial Disorder.


    Matsumura, Takehiro; Takamura, Yoshihiro; Tomomatsu, Takeshi; Arimura, Shogo; Gozawa, Makoto; Takihara, Yuji; Inatani, Masaru


    Previous studies indicate involvement of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in the pathogenesis of diabetic keratopathy. To evaluate MMP levels in the tears of patients with diabetes, we investigated changes in MMP levels during perioperative periods and clarify the relationship with corneal epithelial disorders following vitrectomy. Matrix metalloproteinase levels in tears were measured by multiplex bead array in patients with or without diabetes who were scheduled for vitrectomy. Twenty-two patients with diabetes and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and 20 patients with epiretinal membrane or macular hole (control group), were recruited. Changes in MMP levels during perioperative periods and the relationship with corneal epithelial disorders after vitrectomy were analyzed. The levels of MMP-2, -9, and -10 at 1 day after surgery in the diabetic group were significantly higher than in the control group. At 1 week after surgery, MMP-10 levels in the diabetic group were significantly higher than in the control group. After vitrectomy, corneal epithelial disorders occurred in six patients in the diabetic group but not in the control group. In the diabetic group, MMP-10 levels in tears of patients with corneal epithelial disorders were significantly higher than those in patients without corneal epithelial disorders. The MMP concentration in tears of patients with diabetes was higher than in nondiabetic patients after vitrectomy. High MMP-10 levels were observed in patients with diabetes and corneal epithelial disorders after vitrectomy. Aberrant levels of MMP-10 may cause corneal epithelial disorder after vitrectomy.

  11. On-chip passive three-port circuit of all-optical ordered-route transmission.


    Liu, Li; Dong, Jianji; Gao, Dingshan; Zheng, Aoling; Zhang, Xinliang


    On-chip photonic circuits of different specific functions are highly desirable and becoming significant demands in all-optical communication network. Especially, the function to control the transmission directions of the optical signals in integrated circuits is a fundamental research. Previous schemes, such as on-chip optical circulators, are mostly realized by Faraday effect which suffers from material incompatibilities between semiconductors and magneto-optical materials. Achieving highly functional circuits in which light circulates in a particular direction with satisfied performances are still difficult in pure silicon photonics platform. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a three-port passive device supporting optical ordered-route transmission based on silicon thermo-optic effect for the first time. By injecting strong power from only one port, the light could transmit through the three ports in a strict order (1→2, 2→3, 3→1) while be blocked in the opposite order (1→3, 3→2, 2→1). The blocking extinction ratios and operation bandwidths have been investigated in this paper. Moreover, with compact size, economic fabrication process and great extensibility, this proposed photonic integrated circuit is competitive to be applied in on-chip all-optical information processing systems, such as path priority selector.

  12. On-chip passive three-port circuit of all-optical ordered-route transmission

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Li; Dong, Jianji; Gao, Dingshan; Zheng, Aoling; Zhang, Xinliang


    On-chip photonic circuits of different specific functions are highly desirable and becoming significant demands in all-optical communication network. Especially, the function to control the transmission directions of the optical signals in integrated circuits is a fundamental research. Previous schemes, such as on-chip optical circulators, are mostly realized by Faraday effect which suffers from material incompatibilities between semiconductors and magneto-optical materials. Achieving highly functional circuits in which light circulates in a particular direction with satisfied performances are still difficult in pure silicon photonics platform. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a three-port passive device supporting optical ordered-route transmission based on silicon thermo-optic effect for the first time. By injecting strong power from only one port, the light could transmit through the three ports in a strict order (1→2, 2→3, 3→1) while be blocked in the opposite order (1→3, 3→2, 2→1). The blocking extinction ratios and operation bandwidths have been investigated in this paper. Moreover, with compact size, economic fabrication process and great extensibility, this proposed photonic integrated circuit is competitive to be applied in on-chip all-optical information processing systems, such as path priority selector. PMID:25970855

  13. Visual outcomes following vitrectomy for diabetic retinopathy amongst Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in South Australia and the Northern Territory.


    Kaidonis, Georgia; Hassall, Mark M; Phillips, Russell; Raymond, Grant; Saha, Niladri; Wong, George Hc; Gilhotra, Jagjit S; Liu, Ebony; Burdon, Kathryn P; Henderson, Tim; Newland, Henry; Lake, Stewart R; Craig, Jamie E


    Visual outcomes following diabetic vitrectomy have not previously been studied in an Australian population. This analysis aimed to determine the rate of, and factors associated with visual success following diabetic vitrectomy performed for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, and investigate factors predisposing to early progression to diabetic retinopathy (DR) requiring vitrectomy. Retrospective, population-based audit. All patients undergoing vitrectomy for the complications of DR in South Australia (SA) and the Northern Territory (NT) between 2007 and 2011. Medical records were audited and data collected, including demographics, diabetic history, past treatment for DR, indication for vitrectomy and visual acuity pre and postoperatively. Visual success (gain of ≥15 ETDRS letters) at 6 and 12 months, postoperatively. A total of 495 diabetic vitrectomies, for 404 eyes of 335 patients were performed in SA and NT between 2007 and 2011. 77 (23%) patients requiring diabetic vitrectomy were Indigenous Australians. 87% of patients undergoing diabetic vitrectomy had stable or improved vision at 1 year, postoperatively. There was no significant difference between indigenous and non-indigenous eyes achieving visual success (P = 0.929). Timely preoperative laser treatment (P = 0.03) and preoperative visual acuity (P = 0.01) were the predominant factors associated with visual success. Indigenous patients are just as likely to have improved vision following diabetic vitrectomy as non-Indigenous Australians. However, the small subset of indigenous patients with blind eyes prior to vitrectomy are significantly less likely to improve from surgery. The underlying factors associated with poor outcomes in this group requires further exploration. © 2017 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  14. Assessment of diagnostic and therapeutic vitrectomy for vitreous opacity associated with uveitis with various etiologies

    PubMed Central

    Sato, Tomohito; Kinoshita, Rina; Taguchi, Manzo; Sugita, Sunao; Kaburaki, Toshikatsu; Sakurai, Yutaka; Takeuchi, Masaru


    Abstract Vitreous opacity (VO) is a common feature of intermediate uveitis, posterior uveitis, and panuveitis. Fundus observation is critical for determining the etiology of uveitis, however, is often interfered with VO. In these clinical settings, vitrectomy contributes to a correct diagnosis and guides alternative management strategies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic yield and surgical outcome of vitrectomy in uveitic patients with VO and compare the visual outcome between infectious and noninfectious uveitis. Forty-five eyes with uveitis-associated VO underwent diagnostic and therapeutic vitrectomy, and etiological diagnosis of uveitis was confirmed in 34 of 45 eyes (75.6%). The diagnoses were infectious uveitis in 13 eyes (28.9%), noninfectious uveitis in 21 eyes (46.7%), and unidentified uveitis in 11 eyes (24.4%). Visual acuity (VA) improvement rates at 6 months after surgery were 69.2%, 76.2%, and 90.9% in the infectious, noninfectious, and unidentified uveitis groups, with no significant difference among 3 groups. Significant decrease in inflammation score after vitrectomy was observed only in the infectious uveitis group. This study demonstrated that diagnostic vitrectomy for inflammatory eyes with VO of unknown etiology was effective in infectious and noninfectious uveitis, and the therapeutic effect of VA improvement was observed in both types of uveitis. PMID:29480837

  15. Outcomes Associated With Concurrent Iris-Sutured Intraocular Lens Placement and Subluxated Crystalline Lens Extraction.


    McClellan, Scott F; Soiberman, Uri; Gehlbach, Peter L; Murakami, Peter N; Stark, Walter J


    We have developed a novel surgical technique, to our knowledge, for the management of subluxated crystalline lenses involving preplacement of an iris-sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens (PCIOL) before pars plana vitrectomy and lensectomy. To investigate the outcomes of eyes with subluxated crystalline lenses, predominantly a result of Marfan syndrome (14 eyes [58%]) or trauma (5 eyes [21%]), that underwent pars plana vitrectomy and lensectomy with placement of an iris-sutured PCIOL. We performed a retrospective, noncomparative case series of 24 eyes from 17 consecutive adult patients with surgically treated subluxated crystalline lenses presenting to the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins Hospital from October 6, 2006, through May 1, 2013. The mean (SD) postoperative follow-up was 24.4 (20.5) months for eyes with at least 6 months of follow-up (last date, October 13, 2014). We performed the analysis from January 21, 2014, through January 3, 2015. Improvement in best-corrected visual acuity using an automated Snellen chart and induction of astigmatism for eyes with at least 6 months of follow-up (n = 18) and IOL stability during follow-up for all eyes (n = 24). The mean (SD) age at surgery was 49.4 (10.7 [range, 29-67]) years. We found an improvement in mean (SD [95% CI]) best-corrected visual acuity from 0.66 (0.71 [0.30-1.02]) logMAR preoperatively (Snellen equivalent, approximately 20/90; range, 20/30 to hand motions) to 0.07 (0.11 [95% CI, 0.01-0.12]) logMAR postoperatively (Snellen equivalent, approximately 20/23; range, 20/15 to 20/50). We found little change in astigmatism postoperatively (mean change, -0.1 [95% CI, -0.5 to 0.13] diopters). Postoperative complications included retinal detachment (1 eye [4%]), retained cortical fragment (1 [4%]), cystoid macular edema (2 [8%]), and IOL subluxation (3 [13%]) owing to haptic slippage within 3 months of the procedure. The overall probability of successfully achieving placement of a centered iris

  16. David Kasner, MD, and the Road to Pars Plana Vitrectomy

    PubMed Central

    Blodi, Christopher F.


    David Kasner, MD (1927–2001), used his extensive dissections of eye bank eyes and experiences in teaching cataract surgery to resident physicians to realize that excision of vitreous when present in the anterior chamber of eyes undergoing cataract surgery was preferable to prior intraoperative procedures. Noting that eyes tolerated his maneuvers, he then performed planned subtotal open-sky vitrectomies; first on a traumatized eye in 1961, then on two eyes of patients with amyloidosis (1966–1967). The success of these operations was noted by others, most particularly Robert Machemer, MD. Kasner’s work directly led to further surgical developments, including closed pars plana vitrectomy. PMID:27660504

  17. [Long-term outcome of vitrectomy combined with internal limiting membrane peeling for idiopathic macular holes].


    Yamamoto, Kaori; Hori, Sadao


    To elucidate the long-term outcome of internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling on visual function during vitrectomy for idiopathic macular holes using scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) microperimetry. Prospective uncontrolled study. We studied 31 eyes (29 patients) with idiopathic macular holes. All patients underwent vitrectomy with ILM peeling. The SLO microperimetry was performed preoperatively, and once a year for 3 years postoperatively to detect scotomas in and around the macular holes, and both within and in close vicinity to the areas of ILM peeling. Closure of macular holes after one surgery was confirmed in all cases except for 2 with second surgery. The visual acuity by logarithmic minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) averaged 0.71 +/- 0.36 before surgery, 0.23 +/- 0.31 one year, 0.14 +/- 0.27 two years and 0.12 +/- 0.26 three years after surgery. There was significant improvement up to 2 years after the surgery. All scotomas detected before surgery in the holes, and 77.4% of those detected around the holes decreased gradually. No scotomas were detected in or around the area of ILM peeling either before or after surgery. ILM peeling in vitrectomy for idiopathic macular holes successfully improved visual acuity and did not influence retinal sensitivity in and around the area of ILM peeling. The scotomas detected in and around the holes before surgery gradually reduced or disappeared.

  18. Preserve the (intraocular) environment: the importance of maintaining normal oxygen gradients in the eye.


    Beebe, David C; Shui, Ying-Bo; Siegfried, Carla J; Holekamp, Nancy M; Bai, Fang


    Oxygen levels in the eye are generally low and tightly regulated. Oxygen enters the eye largely by diffusion from retinal arterioles and through the cornea. In intact eyes, oxygen from the retinal arterioles diffuses into the vitreous body. There is a decreasing oxygen gradient from the retina to the lens, established by oxygen consumption by ascorbate in the vitreous fluid and lens metabolism. Age-related degeneration of the vitreous body or removal during vitrectomy exposes the posterior of the lens to increased oxygen, causing nuclear sclerotic cataracts. Lowering oxygen in the vitreous, as occurs in patients with ischemic diabetic retinopathy, protects against cataracts after vitrectomy. Vitrectomy and cataract surgery increase oxygen levels at the trabecular meshwork and with it the risk of open angle glaucoma. Two additional risk factors for glaucoma, African heritage and having a thinner cornea, are also associated with increased oxygen in the anterior chamber angle. Preservation of the vitreous body and the lens, two important oxygen consumers, would protect against nuclear sclerotic cataracts and open angle glaucoma. Delaying removal of the lens for as long as possible after vitrectomy would be an important step in delaying ocular hypertension and glaucoma progression.

  19. Outcomes of transconjunctival sutureless 27-gauge micro-incision vitrectomy surgery in diabetic vitreous haemorrhage

    PubMed Central

    Shahzadi, Bashiran; Rizwi, Syed Fawad; Qureshi, Faisal Murtaza; Latif, Kanwal; Mahmood, Syed Asaad


    Objective: To evaluate the visual outcomes of 27-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy surgery and its complications in patients with diabetic vitreous hemorrhage. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted where eighty seven eyes of 87 uncontrolled type II diabetes mellitus patients presenting with diabetic vitreous hemorrhage were selected to undergo 27-gauge transconjunctival sutureless micro-incision vitrectomy surgery. Main outcome measured was best corrected visual acuity (BCVA). Post-operative complications were also screened for at each visit. The follow ups were at post-operative day one, one month, three months and six months respectively. Results: Out of 87 patients, 52 (59.8%) were males and 35 (40.2%) were females. The mean age of the patients was 52.32 ± 6.78 years (95% CI: 53.13 - 55.57). For most of the patients, the BCVA improved progressively with each subsequent follow up visit. Pre-operative BCVA was 1.01 ± 0.206 logMar, compared to BCVA at final follow up of 0.44 ± 0.231 (p-value < 0.001). Six (6.9%) patients developed recurrent vitreous hemorrhage during the study period, four (4.6%) developed cataract, one (1.1%) had increased intraocular pressure and sub conjunctival hemorrhage was present in two (2.3%). Conclusion: 27-gauge micro-incision vitrectomy surgery is an effective sutureless surgery with favorable outcomes, in terms of vision, in patients with diabetic vitreous hemorrhage. The associated complications are few which can be easily managed. PMID:28367178

  20. Underwater Calibration of Dome Port Pressure Housings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nocerino, E.; Menna, F.; Fassi, F.; Remondino, F.


    Underwater photogrammetry using consumer grade photographic equipment can be feasible for different applications, e.g. archaeology, biology, industrial inspections, etc. The use of a camera underwater can be very different from its terrestrial use due to the optical phenomena involved. The presence of the water and camera pressure housing in front of the camera act as additional optical elements. Spherical dome ports are difficult to manufacture and consequently expensive but at the same time they are the most useful for underwater photogrammetry as they keep the main geometric characteristics of the lens unchanged. Nevertheless, the manufacturing and alignment of dome port pressure housing components can be the source of unexpected changes of radial and decentring distortion, source of systematic errors that can influence the final 3D measurements. The paper provides a brief introduction of underwater optical phenomena involved in underwater photography, then presents the main differences between flat and dome ports to finally discuss the effect of manufacturing on 3D measurements in two case studies.

  1. Effects of kallidinogenase in patients undergoing vitrectomy for diabetic macular edema.


    Yoshizumi, Yuki; Ohara, Zaigen; Tabuchi, Hitoshi; Sumino, Hitomi; Maeda, Yukiko; Mochizuki, Hideki; Yamane, Ken; Kiuchi, Yoshiaki


    To evaluate the effectiveness of the combination of vitrectomy with kallidinogenase for diabetic macular edema (DME). This study was designed as a prospective, randomized, multicenter study comparing 19 eyes of 19 patients who received 150 units of kallidinogenase administered a day for 52 weeks from the day after vitrectomy (study group) with 20 eyes of 20 patients who received no kallidinogenase (control group). The main outcome measurements included logMAR visual acuity and central foveal thickness (CFT) before surgery and at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after vitrectomy. During follow-up, 11 patients dropped out (six in the study group and five in the control group), leaving 28 eyes in 28 patients for analysis (13 in the study group and 15 in the control group). Visual acuity improved significantly at 12 months in both groups compared with before surgery. The degree of improvement did not differ significantly between the groups. At 12 months, the mean CFT decreased significantly in both groups, with no significant difference in the rate of change between the two groups. In the study group, the visual acuity and CFT significantly improved from 3 to 12 months and from 6 to 12 months, whereas these parameters did not continue to improve in the control group after 6 months (for visual acuity) or 3 months (for CFT). After vitrectomy for DME, visual acuity and CFT improved significantly in both groups, but only patients treated with kallidinogenase continued to have significant improvement throughout the study period.

  2. [Vitrectomy for idiopathic and secondary preretinal macular membrane].


    Oficjalska-Młyńczak, Jolanta; Jamrozy-Witkowska, Agnieszka


    To evaluate the results of pars plana vitrectomy and membrane stripping for idiopathic and secondary preretinal macular membrane (PMM). Twenty one consecutive subjects (21 eyes) ranging in age from 40 to 78 (mean 66.9) with PMM underwent vitrectomy and membrane peeling. 17 cases had membranes that were considered idiopathic, and 4 cases were associated with other disorders: 3 occurred after successful retinal reattachment surgery, 1--after laserotherapy in the course of diabetic retinopathy. Visual acuity (VA), Amsler grid, and postoperative complications were assessed. The follow-up was 1 to 22 months, mean 5.7. Visual acuity improved postoperatively in 15 eyes (71.4%), at least two lines on the Snellen chart in 8 eyes (38.1%), entirely in patients with idiopathic PMM. It remained unchanged in 3 eyes (14.3%) and deteriorated in 3 eyes (14.3%). Eyes with transparent membrane showed greater visual improvement than opaque ones. The preoperative Amsler test was positive in 15 patients (71.4%), postoperatively--in 4 cases (19%). 2 idiopathic cases with VA of 0.7 showed postoperatively VA of 1.0. Complications included retinal detachment in 2 eyes (1 in idiopathic and 1 in secondary PMM), and development of nuclear sclerotic cataract in 2 eyes. At 6 months of follow-up, a residual membrane formation in 1 cases appeared. Macular pseudohole was observed in 1 eye with no impact on visual results. 1. Vitrectomy with membrane peeling for preretinal macular membrane provides improvement in visual acuity and reduces metamorphopsia 2. Thin, cellophane-like appearance of the membrane gives a better prognosis of visual function improvement.

  3. [Pars plana vitrectomy in treatment of ocular toxocariasis complications--case report].


    Oficjalska-Młyńczak, J; Duda, A; Muzyka-Woźniak, M; Zajac-Pytrus, H; Marek, J


    Ocular toxocariasis in adults may cause serious diagnostic and therapeutic problems. We describe a case of a 54-year-old farmer who developed peripheral granuloma with dense connective tissue strands joined to the disc. The diagnosis was confirmed by high ELISA titers in the serum and vitreous body. We performed pars plana vitrectomy with epiretinal membrane removal and laser photocoagulation of the inferior retina, obtaining improvement of visual acuity. After a few weeks the patient returned with central retinal detachment and macular hole. After the second vitrectomy with use of silicon oil we obtained reattachment of the retina but without functional improvement.

  4. Endophthalmitis following 27-Gauge Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Vitreous Floaters

    PubMed Central

    Lin, Zhong; Wu, Rong Han; Moonasar, Nived


    Purpose To report a case of Staphylococcus epidermidis endophthalmitis following 27-gauge pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters. Methods The clinical course and imaging findings, including fundus optomap, and spectral domain optical coherence tomography of a 24-year-old male patient were documented. Results The patient, with a preoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 1.0, developed endophthalmitis following 27-gauge pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters. After a series of treatments, including emergent vitreous tap and silicone oil injection, antibiotic treatment, and silicone oil removal, the patient regained a BCVA of 0.6. Conclusion Although rare, the potential risk of endophthalmitis should be explicitly discussed with patients considering surgical intervention for vitreous floaters. PMID:28101041

  5. Endophthalmitis following 27-Gauge Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Vitreous Floaters.


    Lin, Zhong; Wu, Rong Han; Moonasar, Nived


    To report a case of Staphylococcus epidermidis endophthalmitis following 27-gauge pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters. The clinical course and imaging findings, including fundus optomap, and spectral domain optical coherence tomography of a 24-year-old male patient were documented. The patient, with a preoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 1.0, developed endophthalmitis following 27-gauge pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters. After a series of treatments, including emergent vitreous tap and silicone oil injection, antibiotic treatment, and silicone oil removal, the patient regained a BCVA of 0.6. Although rare, the potential risk of endophthalmitis should be explicitly discussed with patients considering surgical intervention for vitreous floaters.

  6. Changes in Retinal Thickness after Vitrectomy for Epiretinal Membrane with and without Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling.


    Obata, Shumpei; Fujikawa, Masato; Iwasaki, Keisuke; Kakinoki, Masashi; Sawada, Osamu; Saishin, Yoshitsugu; Kawamura, Hajime; Ohji, Masahito


    To investigate anatomic changes in retinal thickness (RT) and functional changes after vitrectomy for idiopathic epiretinal membranes (ERMs) with and without internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling. The medical records of 100 eyes of 96 patients with ERM who underwent vitrectomy and ERM removal were reviewed retrospectively. The RT was measured by optical coherence tomography, and the area was divided into 9 sections. The best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), 9 RT areas, and incidence rates of recurrent ERM were compared between the groups with and without ILM peeling before the operation and 12 months postoperatively. Thirty-nine eyes that underwent vitrectomy with ILM peeling and 61 eyes that underwent vitrectomy without ILM peeling met the inclusion criteria. There were no significant differences between the groups in the BCVA and any of the RTs before the operation and 12 months postoperatively. The ERMs recurred in 8 (20.5%) of 39 eyes and 26 (42.6%) of 61 eyes in the groups with and without ILM peeling, respectively, with a difference that reached significance (p = 0.02) 12 months postoperatively. Vitrectomy for ERM affects the BCVA or the RTs 12 months postoperatively. Additional ILM peeling does not affect them, but it might reduce the ERM recurrence rate. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  7. Secondary membrane formation after cataract surgery with primary intraocular lens implantation in children.


    Bar-Sela, Shai M; Har-Noy, Nurit Birman; Spierer, Abraham


    To evaluate the risk factors for secondary membrane (SM) formation after congenital cataract surgery with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. A retrospective non-interventional comparative study. Thirty-nine patients (63 eyes) aged 1-135 months. The study included patients who underwent cataract extraction and primary IOL implantation between 1994 and 2001 at the University Hospital. The postoperative follow-up was 6-24 months. Thirty-three eyes received a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) IOL without square edges, 29 eyes received a hydrophobic acrylic IOL with truncated square edges (AcrySof), and there was no data for IOL type in one eye. Thirty-nine eyes had primary posterior capsulotomy (PPC) and anterior vitrectomy (AV) and in 24 eyes the posterior capsule was left intact. Cox proportional hazard regression analysis was performed to identify significant risk factors for SM formation, and Wilcoxon test to evaluate the difference in time from surgery to SM formation. SM developed in 24 eyes (38 %)--58 % of eyes with an intact posterior capsule and 26 % of eyes having PPC and AV, 42 % of eyes with a PMMA IOL, and 34 % of eyes with an AcrySof lens. In multivariate Cox regression analysis intraoperative PPC and AV (P = 0.02) and AcrySof lens implantation (P = 0.097) were associated with decreased postoperative incidence of SM formation. Median time until SM development was 2.9 months with PMMA IOLs (range 1-17 months) and 6 months with AcrySof lenses (range 1-21.8 months) (P = 0.037). Posterior capsule management as well as IOL design and material influence the incidence and the timing of SM formation after primary IOL implantation in children.

  8. Successful Surgical Management of Retinopathy of Prematurity Showing Rapid Progression despite Extensive Retinal Photocoagulation.


    Gadkari, Salil S; Kulkarni, Sucheta R; Kamdar, Rushita R; Deshpande, Madan


    The management of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) can be challenging in preterm babies with a gestational age <30 weeks, those with very low birth weight and multiple risk factors (eg., oxygen therapy for respiratory distress, sepsis, neonatal jaundice). A premature infant presented with "hybrid" zone 1 disease in the right eye and aggressive posterior ROP in the left eye. Both eyes were adequately treated with laser photocoagulation; however, the eyes deteriorated and progressed to stage 4 ROP. Both eyes eventually underwent intravitreal bevacizumab followed by lens sparing vitrectomy with good anatomical and visual outcome. Anticipation of progression despite laser photocoagulation in certain clinical scenarios, frequent follow-up and timely surgical intervention is paramount.

  9. [Fegelers syndrome, acquired port-wine stain or acquired capillary malformation: three cases and a literature review].


    Freysz, M; Cribier, B; Lipsker, D


    Port-wine stains or capillary malformations are generally congenital. Very few cases of acquired port-wine stains in adults have been described, and these occur particularly after trauma. We report three cases of acquired port-wine stains and we performed a review of the literature using the keywords "port-wine stain", "capillary malformation", "angioma" and "acquired" in the Medline database PubMed. All relevant articles were included. Two male patients and one female patient consulted for one or more angiomatous lesions, located respectively on the upper rear part of the right thigh (case 1), the left leg (case 2) and the right side of the face, skull and chest (case 3). Each patient's skin biopsy was consistent with port-wine stain. The three patients asserted the acquired nature of the lesions: the male patients were respectively 17 and 38 years old, and the female patient was 11 years old. No causative factors were evident preceding the lesion, and there was no family history of port-wine stain. The topography was systematic in patients 2 and 3. The lesions were light red in patient 1, dark red in patient 2 and pale pink in patient 3. The remainder of the physical examination was unremarkable, except for benign angiokeratoma of the scrotum in case 1 and pigmented leucoderma-type macules in case 3. LITERATURE RESULTS: Sixty-six cases of acquired port-wine stains were reported in the literature. The average age was 25 years (3-69) with a sex-ratio of 0.88. Generally, no causative factor was given. However, trauma (30.5%), estrogenic impregnation (16.5%), and more rarely, medication, solar damage, frostbite, cluster headache, herpes zoster and acoustic neuroma were reported as causatives factors. Acquired port-wine stain is rare. Although often idiopathic, it can result from spinal trauma, which must be explored if suggested by the history. In our series, the clinical presentation suggested a latent congenital vascular malformation of late onset, in particular in

  10. 25G compared with 20G vitrectomy under Resight non-contact wide-angle lenses for Terson syndrome.


    Mao, Xinbang; You, Zhipeng


    The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of 25G vitrectomy to standard 20G vitrectomy for treatment of Terson syndrome under Resight non-contact wide-angle lenses. This was a case-control study of 20 patients with Terson syndrome (study group) that underwent 25G vitrectomy under Resight non-contact wide-angle lenses, with those of 20 matched patients that underwent 20G vitrectomy (control group). Medical records were reviewed from between July 2011 and October 2013. Data included results of the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study examination, ophthalmology B-scan ultrasonography and fundus photography. The mean age, follow-up time, the preoperative visual acuity of LogMAR and the preoperative intraocular pressure (IOP) were all comparable in the two groups (all P>0.05). There were statistically significant differences in postoperative visual acuity of LogMAR compared with preoperative visual acuity (P<0.001) in both groups, but no difference between the groups (P=0.845). However, the operative times (13.5 min in study group vs. 42 min in control group) and post-operative IOP at day 1 (13.5 vs. 20 mmHg) were significantly reduced in the study group compared to the control group (P<0.001). Therefore, the present findings suggest that 25G Vitrectomy for Terson syndrome under Resight non-contact wide-angle lenses can achieve a significantly shorter operative time and lower post-operative IOP compared with 20G Vitrectomy.

  11. Vitrectomy with or without internal limiting membrane peeling for idiopathic epiretinal membrane: A meta-analysis.


    Chang, Wei-Cheng; Lin, Chin; Lee, Cho-Hao; Sung, Tzu-Ling; Tung, Tao-Hsin; Liu, Jorn-Hon


    Studies on vitrectomy with and without internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling for idiopathic epiretinal membrane (ERM) have yielded uncertain results regarding clinical outcomes and recurrence rates. To compare the clinical outcomes of vitrectomy with and without ILM peeling for idiopathic ERM. Databases, including PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science, Google Scholar, CNKI databases,, and, published until July 2016, were searched to identify studies comparing the clinical outcomes following vitrectomy with ERM and ILM peeling and with only ERM peeling, for treating idiopathic ERM. Studies with sufficient data were selected. Pooled results were expressed as mean differences (MDs) and risk ratios (RRs) with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) for vitrectomy with and without ILM peeling with regard to postoperative best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), central retinal thickness (CRT), and ERM recurrence rate. Eleven retrospective studies and one randomized controlled trial involving 756 eyes were identified. This demonstrated that the postoperative BCVA within 12 months was significantly better in the non-ILM peeling group (MD = 0.04, 95% CI: 0.00 to 0.08; P = 0.0460), but that the patients in the ILM peeling group had significantly better postoperative BCVA after 18 months (MD = -0.13, 95% CI: -0.23 to -0.04; P = 0.0049) than did those in the non-ILM peeling group. The non-ILM peeling group exhibited a higher reduction in postoperative CRT (MD = 51.55, 95% CI:-84.23 to -18.88; P = 0.0020) and a higher recurrence rate of ERM (RR = 0.34, 95% CI:0.16 to 0.72; P = 0.0048) than did the ILM peeling group. However, the improvement rates of BCVA (RR = 1.03, 95% CI:0.72 to 1.47; P = 0.8802) and postoperative CRTs (MD = 18.15, 95% CI:-2.29 to 38.60; P = 0.0818) were similar between the two groups. Vitrectomy with ILM peeling results in better visual improvement in long-term follow-ups and lower ERM recurrence rates, and vitrectomy with

  12. Vitrectomy with or without internal limiting membrane peeling for idiopathic epiretinal membrane: A meta-analysis

    PubMed Central

    Lin, Chin; Lee, Cho-Hao; Sung, Tzu-Ling; Tung, Tao-Hsin


    Background Studies on vitrectomy with and without internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling for idiopathic epiretinal membrane (ERM) have yielded uncertain results regarding clinical outcomes and recurrence rates. Objective To compare the clinical outcomes of vitrectomy with and without ILM peeling for idiopathic ERM. Methods Databases, including PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science, Google Scholar, CNKI databases,, and, published until July 2016, were searched to identify studies comparing the clinical outcomes following vitrectomy with ERM and ILM peeling and with only ERM peeling, for treating idiopathic ERM. Studies with sufficient data were selected. Pooled results were expressed as mean differences (MDs) and risk ratios (RRs) with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) for vitrectomy with and without ILM peeling with regard to postoperative best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), central retinal thickness (CRT), and ERM recurrence rate. Results Eleven retrospective studies and one randomized controlled trial involving 756 eyes were identified. This demonstrated that the postoperative BCVA within 12 months was significantly better in the non-ILM peeling group (MD = 0.04, 95% CI: 0.00 to 0.08; P = 0.0460), but that the patients in the ILM peeling group had significantly better postoperative BCVA after 18 months (MD = −0.13, 95% CI: −0.23 to −0.04; P = 0.0049) than did those in the non-ILM peeling group. The non-ILM peeling group exhibited a higher reduction in postoperative CRT (MD = 51.55, 95% CI:−84.23 to −18.88; P = 0.0020) and a higher recurrence rate of ERM (RR = 0.34, 95% CI:0.16 to 0.72; P = 0.0048) than did the ILM peeling group. However, the improvement rates of BCVA (RR = 1.03, 95% CI:0.72 to 1.47; P = 0.8802) and postoperative CRTs (MD = 18.15, 95% CI:−2.29 to 38.60; P = 0.0818) were similar between the two groups. Conclusions Vitrectomy with ILM peeling results in better visual improvement in long

  13. Vitrectomy outcomes in eyes with diabetic macular edema and vitreomacular traction.


    Haller, Julia A; Qin, Haijing; Apte, Rajendra S; Beck, Roy R; Bressler, Neil M; Browning, David J; Danis, Ronald P; Glassman, Adam R; Googe, Joseph M; Kollman, Craig; Lauer, Andreas K; Peters, Mark A; Stockman, Margaret E


    To evaluate vitrectomy for diabetic macular edema (DME) in eyes with at least moderate vision loss and vitreomacular traction. Prospective cohort study. The primary cohort included 87 eyes with DME and vitreomacular traction based on investigator's evaluation, visual acuity 20/63-20/400, optical coherence tomography (OCT) central subfield >300 microns and no concomitant cataract extraction at the time of vitrectomy. Surgery was performed according to the investigator's usual routine. Follow-up visits were performed after 3 months, 6 months (primary end point), and 1 year. Visual acuity, OCT retinal thickening, and operative complications. At baseline, median visual acuity in the 87 eyes was 20/100 and median OCT thickness was 491 microns. During vitrectomy, additional procedures included epiretinal membrane peeling in 61%, internal limiting membrane peeling in 54%, panretinal photocoagulation in 40%, and injection of corticosteroids at the close of the procedure in 64%. At 6 months, median OCT central subfield thickness decreased by 160 microns, with 43% having central subfield thickness <250 microns and 68% having at least a 50% reduction in thickening. Visual acuity improved by > or =10 letters in 38% (95% confidence interval, 28%-49%) and deteriorated by > or =10 letters in 22% (95% confidence interval, 13%-31%). Postoperative complications through 6 months included vitreous hemorrhage (5 eyes), elevated intraocular pressure requiring treatment (7 eyes), retinal detachment (3 eyes), and endophthalmitis (1 eye). Few changes in results were noted between 6 months and 1 year. After vitrectomy performed for DME and vitreomacular traction, retinal thickening was reduced in most eyes. Between 28% and 49% of eyes with characteristics similar to those included in this study are likely to have improvement of visual acuity, whereas between 13% and 31% are likely to have worsening. The operative complication rate is low and similar to what has been reported for this

  14. Development of three-dimensional tracking system using astigmatic lens method for microscopes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kibata, Hiroki; Ishii, Katsuhiro


    We have developed a three-dimensional tracking system for microscopes. Using the astigmatic lens method and a CMOS image sensor, we realize a rapid detection of a target position in a wide range. We demonstrate a target tracking using the developed system.

  15. Application of a three-lens slit spatial filter in high power lasers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xiong, Han


    Combined with partial parameters in National Ignition Facility, the conceptual design of off-axial four-pass main laser optical system with a three-lens slit spatial filter has been discussed. Since the three-lens slit spatial filter can decline the focal intensity by about 3 orders of magnitudes than that in NIF system, the cutoff frequency in main amplifier cavity can be reduced from 51 × DL to 39 × DL for better beam quality. The main laser system for single beam line can be shortened from 174.7 m to 155.7 m and the spatial filter in high vacuum becomes 60 m instead of the original 83.5 m. Additionally, the pinhole closure could be avoided since the declining of focal intensity in slit spatial filter and the absence of pinhole aperture in the other (pinhole) spatial filter, which provides new ideas for the future high-power lasers.

  16. Numerical investigation on the viewing angle of a lenticular three-dimensional display with a triplet lens array.


    Kim, Hwi; Hahn, Joonku; Choi, Hee-Jin


    We investigate the viewing angle enhancement of a lenticular three-dimensional (3D) display with a triplet lens array. The theoretical limitations of the viewing angle and view number of the lenticular 3D display with the triplet lens array are analyzed numerically. For this, the genetic-algorithm-based design method of the triplet lens is developed. We show that a lenticular 3D display with viewing angle of 120° and 144 views without interview cross talk can be realized with the use of an optimally designed triplet lens array. © 2011 Optical Society of America

  17. Toxic anterior segment syndrome outbreak after vitrectomy and silicone oil injection.


    Moisseiev, Elad; Barak, Adiel


    To report a rare outbreak of toxic anterior segment syndrome (TASS) in 4 patients who underwent vitrectomy with silicone oil injection. Review of the medical charts of all patients who underwent surgery in the operating theater of our department during a 10-day period in May 2011. We report on 4 patients who developed TASS after vitrectomy with silicone oil injection. The clinical presentation was typical of TASS, and different from the anterior chamber reaction that may occur after silicone oil injection. All cases were treated effectively with topical steroids, and the outbreak stopped after the silicone oil batch was exchanged. We discuss the possible mechanisms for this unusual TASS outbreak, and suggest the silicone oil as its cause.

  18. Vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling vs no peeling for Macular Hole-induced Retinal Detachment (MHRD): a meta-analysis.


    Su, Jing; Liu, Xinquan; Zheng, Lijun; Cui, Hongping


    we conducted our meta-analysis of published studies to assess existing evidence about the efficacy and safety of vitrectomy with ILM peeling vs. that of vitrectomy with no ILM peeling for Macular hole-induced retinal detachment. Databases, including Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Ovid, Web of Science, Wanfang and CNKI, were searched to identify studies comparing outcomes following vitrectomy with ILM peeling and that with no ILM peeling for macular hole-induced retinal detachment. The meta-analysis was performed by RevMan 5.1. Six comparative studies comprising 180 eyes were identified. It was indicated that the rate of retinal reattachment (Odds ratio (OR) = 3.03, 95 % Confidence interval (CI):1.35 to 6.78; P = 0.007) and macular hole closure (OR = 6.74, 95 % CI:3.26 to 13.93; P < 0.001) after initial surgery was higher and the rate of recurrent retinal detachment (OR = 0.08, 95 % CI:0.02 to 0.30; P = 0.0002) was lower in the group of vitrectomy with ILM peeling than that in the group of vitrectomy with no ILM peeling. However, the improved BCVA (Weighted mean difference (WMD) = 0.14, 95 % CI: -0.20 to 0.47; P = 0.42) and the rate of postoperative complications were similar between the two groups. Vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling is an efficient and safe procedure for macular hole-induced retinal detachment.

  19. Cognitive Spare Capacity as an Index of Listening Effort.


    Rudner, Mary


    Everyday listening may be experienced as effortful, especially by individuals with hearing loss. This may be due to internal factors, such as cognitive load, and external factors, such as noise. Even when speech is audible, internal and external factors may combine to reduce cognitive spare capacity, or the ability to engage in cognitive processing of spoken information. A better understanding of cognitive spare capacity and how it can be optimally allocated may guide new approaches to rehabilitation and ultimately improve outcomes. This article presents results of three tests of cognitive spare capacity:1. Sentence-final Word Identification and Recall (SWIR) test2. Cognitive Spare Capacity Test (CSCT)3. Auditory Inference Span Test (AIST)Results show that noise reduces cognitive spare capacity even when speech intelligibility is retained. In addition, SWIR results show that hearing aid signal processing can increase cognitive spare capacity, and CSCT and AIST results show that increasing load reduces cognitive spare capacity. Correlational evidence suggests that while the effect of noise on cognitive spare capacity is related to working memory capacity, the effect of load is related to executive function. Future studies should continue to investigate how hearing aid signal processing can mitigate the effect of load on cognitive spare capacity, and whether such effects can be enhanced by developing executive skills through training. The mechanisms modulating cognitive spare capacity should be investigated by studying their neural correlates, and tests of cognitive spare capacity should be developed for clinical use in conjunction with developing new approaches to rehabilitation.

  20. Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling to Prevent Post-vitrectomy Epiretinal Membrane Development in Retinal Detachment.


    Akiyama, Kunihiko; Fujinami, Kaoru; Watanabe, Ken; Tsunoda, Kazushige; Noda, Toru


    To determine the efficacy of internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling during vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) regarding post-vitrectomy epiretinal membrane (ERM) development and visual outcomes. Retrospective, interventional, comparative case series. Setting: Institutional. One hundred and two consecutive eyes with RRD treated with vitrectomy and followed for at least 6 months. ILM was peeled without using dye such as indocyanine green (ICG). Observational Procedures: Patients were divided into 2 groups based on postoperative ERM development: Group 1, 81 eyes without ERM formation; Group 2, 21 eyes with ERM development. Patients also were divided into 2 subgroups: those with and without ILM peeling (58 and 44 eyes, respectively). Statistical analyses were performed between the 2 groups with/without ERM formation and between the 2 subgroups with/without ILM peeling for 5 preoperative factors including foveal involvement of the RRD, 4 intraoperative factors including ILM peeling, baseline best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), and final BCVA. An association of ILM peeling with ERM prevention and the influence of ILM peeling on visual outcomes. ILM peeling was significantly (P < .001) associated with ERM prevention. There was no significant difference in the final BCVA between subgroups with and without ILM peeling. ILM peeling without ICG staining during the initial vitrectomy for RRDs may prevent postoperative ERM formation with favorable visual outcomes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Flat dielectric metasurface lens array for three dimensional integral imaging

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Jianlei; Wang, Xiaorui; Yang, Yi; Yuan, Ying; Wu, Xiongxiong


    In conventional integral imaging, the singlet refractive lens array limits the imaging performance due to its prominent aberrations. Different from the refractive lens array relying on phase modulation via phase change accumulated along the optical paths, metasurfaces composed of nano-scatters can produce phase abrupt over the scale of wavelength. In this letter, we propose a novel lens array consisting of two neighboring flat dielectric metasurfaces for integral imaging system. The aspherical phase profiles of the metasurfaces are optimized to improve imaging performance. The simulation results show that our designed 5 × 5 metasurface-based lens array exhibits high image quality at designed wavelength 865 nm.

  2. Three-dimensional microscope tracking system using the astigmatic lens method and a profile sensor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kibata, Hiroki; Ishii, Katsuhiro


    We developed a three-dimensional microscope tracking system using the astigmatic lens method and a profile sensor, which provides three-dimensional position detection over a wide range at the rate of 3.2 kHz. First, we confirmed the range of target detection of the developed system, where the range of target detection was shown to be ± 90 µm in the horizontal plane and ± 9 µm in the vertical plane for a 10× objective lens. Next, we attempted to track a motion-controlled target. The developed system kept the target at the center of the field of view and in focus up to a target speed of 50 µm/s for a 20× objective lens. Finally, we tracked a freely moving target. We successfully demonstrated the tracking of a 10-µm-diameter polystyrene bead suspended in water for 40 min. The target was kept in the range of approximately 4.9 µm around the center of the field of view. In addition, the vertical direction was maintained in the range of ± 0.84 µm, which was sufficiently within the depth of focus.

  3. W-band six-port network analyzer for two-port characterization of millimeter wave transistors

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Moeller, Karl J.; Schaffner, James H.; Fetterman, Harold R.


    A W-band (75-100 GHz) six-port junction network analyzer was constructed from commercially available descrete waveguide components and was used for the direct two-port S-parameter measurement of active three-terminal devices. A comparison between the six-port and a down-converter-type frequency extender for a conventional network analyzer revealed the superior performance of the six-port. The application of the six-port to characterize a 0.1-micron gate-length HEMT at W-band is described, and representative results are presented.

  4. Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Three-Dimensional Treatment Planning in the Treatment of Orbital Lymphoma

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rudoltz, Marc S.; Ayyangar, Komanduri; Mohiuddin, Mohammed

    Radiotherapy for lymphoma of the orbit must be individualized for each patient and clinical setting. Most techniques focus on optimizing the dose to the tumor while sparing the lens. This study describes a technique utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and three dimensional (3D) planning in the treatment of orbital lymphoma. A patient presented with an intermediate grade lymphoma of the right orbit. The prescribed tumor dose was 4050 cGy in 18 fractions. Three D planning was carried out and tumor volumes, retina, and lens were subsequently outlined. Dose calculations including dose volume histograms of the target, retina, and lens weremore » then performed. Part of the retina was outside of the treatment volume while 50% of the retina received 90% or more of the prescribed dose. The patient was clinically NED when last seen 2 years following therapy with no treatment-related morbidity. Patients with lymphomas of the orbit can be optimally treated using MRI based 3D treatment planning.« less

  5. Effect of lens care system on silicone hydrogel contact lens wettability.


    Guillon, Michel; Maissa, Cécile; Wong, Stéphanie; Patel, Trisha; Garofalo, Renée


    The purpose was to compare the effect of the repeated usage of two care systems (one hydrogen peroxide cleaning and disinfecting system and one polyaminopropyl biguanide (PHMB) containing multi-purpose system) with silicone hydrogel contact lenses worn for three months on a daily wear modality. A specific aspect of interest was of the effect of the care systems on contact lens wettability. Seventy-four symptomatic contact lens wearers, habitually wearing either ACUVUE(®) OASYS(®) (n=37) or PureVision™ (n=37), constituted the study population. The study was a two-arm prospective, investigator-masked, bilateral study of three-month duration to evaluate the effects of CLEAR CARE(®) compared with renu(®) fresh™. The subjects were randomized to one of the two lens care systems. Contact lens wettability and surface cleanliness were assessed with the Tearscope and reported in terms of pre-lens non-invasive break-up time (PL-NIBUT) and visible deposits. Baseline assessments at enrollment were with the subjects' own contact lenses worn for at least 6h when using their habitual PHMB-preserved care system and at the dispensing visit with new contact lenses. At the follow-up visits, the contact lenses were worn for at least 6h, and were at least 11 days old for ACUVUE(®) OASYS(®) and 25 days old for PureVision™. The results obtained showed that: (i) with CLEAR CARE(®), a significant improvement in contact lens wettability was recorded compared with the habitual care system at the three-month follow-up visit (mean median PL-NIBUT 5.8 vs. 4.0 s, p<0.001). Further, with this same lens care system a significant increase in wettability was observed at the three-month follow-up visit compared with dispensing (mean median PL-NIBUT 5.8 vs. 4.5s, p=0.022). (ii) Whereas no difference in contact lens wettability was observed at dispensing between the two lens care groups (mean PL-NIBUT: 4.5 vs. 4.2s, p=0.518), a significantly more stable pre-lens tear film was observed with

  6. Vitrectomy for the diagnosis and management of uveitis of unknown cause.


    Margolis, Ron; Brasil, Oswaldo F M; Lowder, Careen Y; Singh, Rishi P; Kaiser, Peter K; Smith, Scott D; Perez, Victor L; Sonnie, Christine; Sears, Jonathan E


    To determine the diagnostic yield of tests commonly used for vitreous fluid analysis in eyes with suspected intraocular infection or malignancy. Noncomparative interventional case series. Forty-four consecutive patients (45 eyes) treated from 1998 through 2006 with posterior segment inflammation who underwent pars plana vitrectomy for diagnostic purposes. Vitreous specimens obtained via pars plana vitrectomy were analyzed by microbiologic culture, cytologic analysis, and flow cytometry. Diagnostic yield and sensitivity of each test performed on vitreous specimens and visual outcomes of eyes that underwent diagnostic vitrectomy (DVx). Preoperative diagnoses were infection in 15 eyes and malignancy in 30 eyes. Overall, vitreous analysis identified a specific cause in 9 (20%) of 45 eyes. The overall sensitivity of DVx was 63.6%. The sensitivities of individual tests were: culture, 50%; cytologic analysis, 66.7%; and flow cytometry, 83.3%. The yields of diagnostic tests were: culture, 5.7%; cytologic analysis, 14.3%; and flow cytometry, 20.6%. Final diagnoses were infection in 6 eyes, malignancy in 9 eyes, and idiopathic in 30 eyes. Mean visual acuity improved significantly in the first 6 months after DVx. Visual acuity improved in 60% of eyes, with 37.8% of eyes improving by 3 lines or more. Analysis of vitreous fluid by widely available tests is useful in identifying intraocular infection or malignancy. Most patients experienced a substantial improvement in vision.

  7. Optical coherence tomography in optic pit maculopathy managed with vitrectomy-laser-gas.


    García-Arumí, José; Guraya, Borja Corcóstegui; Espax, Ana Boixadera; Castillo, Vicente Martínez; Ramsay, Laura Sararols; Motta, R Max


    Optic disc pit (ODP) maculopathy has a poor visual prognosis if left to its natural course. Several therapeutic approaches have been attempted. The cases of 11 patients evaluated with optical coherence tomography (OCT) and treated with vitrectomy-laser-gas and their functional and anatomical outcomes are presented. Retrospective interventional consecutive case series, including 11 eyes with ODP maculopathy. Pre- and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), OCT and angiography were recorded. All patients underwent pars plana vitrectomy, posterior hyaloid dissection peripapillary diode laser prior to retinal reapplication and C(3)F(8) 15% injection. Mean preoperative BCVA was 20/126. Median preoperative BCVA was 1.0 LogMAR (range 1.3-0.4) . Eighty-two per cent of patients gained 2 or more Snellen lines of vision (mean 4.4 lines gained). Mean final BCVA was 20/32, and median final BCVA was 20/30 in Snellen VA and 0.2 in LogMAR (range 0.7-0) Preoperative OCT in all but one case confirmed the bilaminar structure of the macular detachment. Postoperative OCT helped in monitoring reabsorption of the macular detachment, which was achieved in all cases after an average of 6.5 months post-surgery. BCVA increased progressively as the subretinal fluid was reabsorbed (P=0.006). Mean duration of postoperative follow-up was 15 months. Recurrence was observed in two cases. In our series, the vitrectomy-laser-gas procedure for ODP maculopathy improved vision and achieved satisfactory anatomic results in all 11 cases. OCT was useful in the diagnosis and follow-up of this pathology. However, the low incidence of this entity makes it difficult to obtain series large enough to determine the efficacy of the vitrectomy-laser-gas procedure and other treatment modalities and be able to suggest a procedure of choice.

  8. Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis versus pars plana vitrectomy for vitreous floaters.


    Kokavec, Jan; Wu, Zhichao; Sherwin, Justin C; Ang, Alan Js; Ang, Ghee Soon


    The vitreous is the clear jelly of the eye and contains fine strands of proteins. Throughout life the composition of this vitreous changes, which causes the protein strands in it to bundle together and scatter light before it reaches the retina. Individuals perceive the shadows cast by these protein bundles as 'floaters'. Some people are so bothered by floaters that treatment is required to control their symptoms. Two major interventions for floaters include Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis and vitrectomy. Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis involves using laser energy to fragment the vitreous opacities via a non-invasive approach. Vitrectomy involves the surgical replacement of the patient's vitreous (including the symptomatic vitreous floaters) with an inert and translucent balanced salt solution, through small openings in the pars plana. To compare the effectiveness and safety of Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis to pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Trials Register) (2016, Issue 12), MEDLINE Ovid (1946 to 17 January 2017), Embase Ovid (1947 to 17 January 2017), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature Database) (1982 to 17 January 2017), the ISRCTN registry (; searched 17 January 2017, (; searched 17 January 2017 and the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (; searched 17 January 2017. We did not use any date or language restrictions in the electronic searches for trials. We also searched conference proceedings to identify additional studies. We included only randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis to pars plana vitrectomy for treatment of symptomatic floaters. We planned to use methods recommended by Cochrane. The primary outcome we planned

  9. A reconfigurable common spare for co-located direct television broadcasting satellites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roederer, A.; Fromm, H.-H.; Berretta, G.


    Spare spacecraft are needed to assure continuous operation in broadcasting services provided with the aid of satellites. The present investigation is concerned with the employment of a common spare approach in which two or three countries share one or several spare spacecraft that can support or temporarily replace any of the prime satellites. Such common spares would have to be reconfigurable to adapt their antenna coverage and polarization, as well as their operating frequencies and possibly their RF output power, to the corresponding parameters assigned to the country to be served. The considered concept is discussed, taking into account questions related to system and transponder, a repointable antenna with a few feed horns, a fixed antenna (apart from fine pointing) with more feeds, and a reconfigurable broadcast payload for a common spare. A common spare for France, Germany, and Italy is considered along with a common spare for the United Kingdom and Spain.

  10. Displacement of the retina and its recovery after vitrectomy in idiopathic epiretinal membrane.


    Nitta, Eri; Shiraga, Fumio; Shiragami, Chieko; Fukuda, Kouki; Yamashita, Ayana; Fujiwara, Atsushi


    To study the displacement of the retina and its change after vitrectomy in idiopathic epiretinal membrane (ERM). Prospective, interventional case series. Fifty-six eyes of 53 consecutive patients with ERM underwent vitrectomy with ERM removal and internal limiting membrane peeling. Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging was examined before and at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after vitrectomy. Main outcome measures were the proportion of eyes with retinal displacement for ERM detected by FAF imaging and the recovery rate of retinal displacement after vitrectomy. Before surgery, FAF photography demonstrated hyperautofluorescent lines within the vascular arcade in 37 (66.1%) of the 56 eyes. The lines seemed to be consistent with the location of the retinal vessels before their displacement. These hyperautofluorescent lines appeared significantly more frequently among patients in whom the disease duration was 3 years or less. In 23 (62.2%) of these 37 eyes, within the first postoperative month, the hyperautofluorescent lines disappeared. The disappearance of the hyperautofluorescent line was thought to be the result of the return of the retinal vessel to its original position. Greater visual improvements (logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution, ≥0.3) were statistically significantly obtained in patients in whom the hyperautofluorescent lines had become indistinct at 1 month after surgery (P < .05). Hyperautofluorescent lines indicating retinal displacement were found by FAF in 66.1% of patients before surgery for ERM. In addition, retinal displacement was significantly more common among patients who had experienced subjective symptoms for 3 years or less. Fundus autofluorescence is useful for predicting postoperative visual acuity improvement. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



    Reilly, Gayatri; Melamud, Alexander; Lipscomb, Peter; Toussaint, Brian


    To evaluate whether patients with macular pucker (epiretinal membrane [ERM]) and good preoperative visual acuity (20/50 or better) benefit from small-gauge pars plana vitrectomy with membrane peeling. Retrospective chart review of eyes undergoing small-gauge pars plana vitrectomy for ERM. Inclusion criterion was impaired visual acuity (20/50 or better) due to ERM. Exclusion criteria were preoperative visual acuity of 20/60 or worse, previous surgery (other than uncomplicated cataract surgery), and any documented evidence of macular or corneal disease that would limit visual potential. The main outcome measure was final visual acuity. Secondary outcomes included the role of internal limiting membrane peeling, and the effect of preoperative cystoid macular edema and internal limiting membrane peeling on visual acuity. One hundred and forty eyes met inclusion criteria of which 94% underwent 25-gauge vitrectomy (remainder had 23-gauge). There was a statistically significant improvement in final vision with the mean preoperative visual acuity of 0.305 logMAR (20/40) and 1-year visual acuity of 0.250 logMAR (20/35) (P = 0.0167). Cataract formation in phakic patients had a significant effect on the final visual outcome. Fifty-six of 63 patients (89%) in the phakic cohort developed a visually significant cataract by study end. The mean time to recommendation of cataract surgery was 8.4 months. Thirty-eight eyes (27%) had preoperative cystoid macular edema. Fifty-nine eyes (42%) underwent internal limiting membrane peeling. Neither one of these secondary outcome measures had a significant effect on the final visual outcome. Pars plana vitrectomy is both efficacious and safe an option for patients with ERMs and good preoperative vision. Eyes with an ERM and vision 20/50 or better had a statistically significant improvement in the final visual outcome after small-gauge pars plana vitrectomy surgery. As with large-gauge vitrectomy, cataract formation occurred in most phakic

  12. Comparison of Single-Port Percutaneous Extraperitoneal Repair and Three-Port Mini-Laparoscopic Repair for Pediatric Inguinal Hernia.


    Korkmaz, Mevlit; Güvenç, B Haluk


    Laparoscopy has been widely used in surgical practice in pediatric age, and many techniques for laparoscopic hernia repair have been described till now. In this study, we compared two laparoscopic techniques performed by two surgeons; each surgeon practicing only one of the two techniques. A retrospective analysis was performed on the surgical charts, enrolling 71 patients with uncomplicated inguinal hernia. Patients were divided into two groups according to the type of surgery: (Group A, 24 patients aged 2 months-8 years) laparoscopic percutaneous internal ring suturing technique and (Group B, 47 patients aged 35 days-12 years) three-port mini-laparoscopic technique. The hernia sac was ligated at the level of internal ring, using nonabsorbable 4/0-3/0 suture. Any unexpected contralateral opening was repaired in the same manner for both groups. Follow-up period was 4 months-2 years and 9 months-8 years, respectively. Operative time and complications were analyzed. Operation time (19.58 ± 7.06 minutes versus 35.87 ± 10.34 minutes, P < .001) was shorter in the percutaneous repair group. However, when subdivided by unilateral and bilateral presentation, only unilateral operative time was shorter compared to three-port group. There were no recurrences in Group A, while two recurrences occurred in Group B during the learning curve period. A contralateral opening accompanied the presenting unilateral hernia in 3 cases for Group A and 16 for Group B. One patient had to be converted open resulting from epigastric vessel injury, and postop hydrocele formation was seen in another in Group A. No intraoperative complications were seen in Group B. The overall experience shows that laparoscopic repair is a reliable approach regardless of the chosen technique. Percutaneous repair seems to be a less invasive method with shorter operative time, but it is not free of complications according to this series.

  13. Incorporating single-side sparing in models for predicting parotid dose sparing in head and neck IMRT

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yuan, Lulin, E-mail:; Wu, Q. Jackie; Yin, Fang-Fang


    Purpose: Sparing of single-side parotid gland is a common practice in head-and-neck (HN) intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) planning. It is a special case of dose sparing tradeoff between different organs-at-risk. The authors describe an improved mathematical model for predicting achievable dose sparing in parotid glands in HN IMRT planning that incorporates single-side sparing considerations based on patient anatomy and learning from prior plan data. Methods: Among 68 HN cases analyzed retrospectively, 35 cases had physician prescribed single-side parotid sparing preferences. The single-side sparing model was trained with cases which had single-side sparing preferences, while the standard model was trainedmore » with the remainder of cases. A receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed to determine the best criterion that separates the two case groups using the physician's single-side sparing prescription as ground truth. The final predictive model (combined model) takes into account the single-side sparing by switching between the standard and single-side sparing models according to the single-side sparing criterion. The models were tested with 20 additional cases. The significance of the improvement of prediction accuracy by the combined model over the standard model was evaluated using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Results: Using the ROC analysis, the best single-side sparing criterion is (1) the predicted median dose of one parotid is higher than 24 Gy; and (2) that of the other is higher than 7 Gy. This criterion gives a true positive rate of 0.82 and a false positive rate of 0.19, respectively. For the bilateral sparing cases, the combined and the standard models performed equally well, with the median of the prediction errors for parotid median dose being 0.34 Gy by both models (p = 0.81). For the single-side sparing cases, the standard model overestimates the median dose by 7.8 Gy on average, while the predictions by the

  14. Incorporating single-side sparing in models for predicting parotid dose sparing in head and neck IMRT

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yuan, Lulin, E-mail:; Wu, Q. Jackie; Yin, Fang-Fang

    Purpose: Sparing of single-side parotid gland is a common practice in head-and-neck (HN) intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) planning. It is a special case of dose sparing tradeoff between different organs-at-risk. The authors describe an improved mathematical model for predicting achievable dose sparing in parotid glands in HN IMRT planning that incorporates single-side sparing considerations based on patient anatomy and learning from prior plan data. Methods: Among 68 HN cases analyzed retrospectively, 35 cases had physician prescribed single-side parotid sparing preferences. The single-side sparing model was trained with cases which had single-side sparing preferences, while the standard model was trainedmore » with the remainder of cases. A receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed to determine the best criterion that separates the two case groups using the physician's single-side sparing prescription as ground truth. The final predictive model (combined model) takes into account the single-side sparing by switching between the standard and single-side sparing models according to the single-side sparing criterion. The models were tested with 20 additional cases. The significance of the improvement of prediction accuracy by the combined model over the standard model was evaluated using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Results: Using the ROC analysis, the best single-side sparing criterion is (1) the predicted median dose of one parotid is higher than 24 Gy; and (2) that of the other is higher than 7 Gy. This criterion gives a true positive rate of 0.82 and a false positive rate of 0.19, respectively. For the bilateral sparing cases, the combined and the standard models performed equally well, with the median of the prediction errors for parotid median dose being 0.34 Gy by both models (p = 0.81). For the single-side sparing cases, the standard model overestimates the median dose by 7.8 Gy on average, while the predictions by the

  15. Equivalent survival after nipple-sparing compared to non-nipple-sparing mastectomy: data from California, 1988-2013.


    Kurian, Allison W; Canchola, Alison J; Gomez, Scarlett L; Clarke, Christina A


    Nipple-sparing mastectomy, which may improve cosmesis, body image, and sexual function in comparison to non-nipple-sparing mastectomy, is increasingly used to treat early-stage breast cancer; however, long-term survival data are lacking. We evaluated survival after nipple-sparing mastectomy versus non-nipple-sparing mastectomy in a population-based cancer registry. We conducted an observational study using the California Cancer Registry, considering all stage 0-III breast cancers diagnosed in California from 1988 to 2013. We compared breast cancer-specific and overall survival time after nipple-sparing versus non-nipple-sparing mastectomy, using multivariable analysis. Among 157,592 stage 0-III female breast cancer patients treated with unilateral mastectomy from 1988-2013, 993 (0.6 %) were reported as having nipple-sparing and 156,599 (99.4 %) non-nipple-sparing mastectomies; median follow-up was 7.9 years. The proportion of mastectomies that were nipple-sparing increased over time (1988, 0.2 %; 2013, 5.1 %) and with neighborhood socioeconomic status, and decreased with age and stage. On multivariable analysis, nipple-sparing mastectomy was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer-specific mortality compared to non-nipple-sparing mastectomy [hazard ratio (HR) 0.71, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.51-0.98]. However, when restricting to diagnoses 1996 or later and adjusting for a larger set of covariates, risk was attenuated (HR 0.86, 95 % CI 0.52-1.42). Among California breast cancer patients diagnosed from 1988-2013, nipple-sparing mastectomy was not associated with worse survival than non-nipple-sparing mastectomy. These results may inform the decisions of patients and doctors deliberating between these surgical approaches for breast cancer treatment.

  16. Comparison of Topical Versus Peribulbar Anesthesia for 23G Pars Plana Vitrectomy.


    Chaudhary, Rizwan Ahmad; Khaqan, Hussain Ahmad; Ahmad, Ayesha; Imtiaz, Usman; Raza, Hassan; Shabbir, Usman


    To compare the safety and efficacy of topical anesthesia versus peribulbar anesthesia for 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy. Randomized controlled trial. Ophthalmology Department, Lahore General Hospital, Ameer-ud-Din Medical College, Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lahore from April 2013 to March 2016. A total of 110 patients were equally divided (n=55) in group A (topical anesthesia) and group B (peribulbar anesthesia). In group A, pledget soaked with 0.5% proparacaine hydrochloride were placed in the superior and inferior fornices three minutes before surgery, and removed just before surgery. For group B patients, 3 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine was used for peribulbar anesthesia three minutes before surgery. Surgical time was noted from the placement of pledget in fornix till the eye pad placed in group A, and from the time of peribulbar anesthesia in group B till the eye pad placed at the end of surgery. All data was recorded in Excel sheet and p-values were calculated using online OpenEpi. The mean age of the patient was 56.28 ±13.76 years. Male patients were 78 (70.9%) and female patients were 32 (29.1%). Mean duration of surgery was 30.32 ±7.07 minutes and mean pain score was 2.30 ±0.98. There was a significant difference with respect to mean duration of surgery in patients who were given topical anesthesia (32.52 ±6.92 minutes) versus those given peribulbar anesthesia (28.12 ±6.57 minutes, p<0.001). Mean pain score in topical anesthesia group (3.11 ±0.89) was significantly higher as compared to peribulbar anesthesia group (2.67 ±0.91, p=0.011). Topical anesthesia is as effective as peribulbar anesthesia in terms of patient comfort and duration of surgery for 23-G pars plana vitrectomy in patients with vitreous hemorrhage.

  17. 47 CFR 80.866 - Spare antenna.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Spare antenna. 80.866 Section 80.866... Spare antenna. A spare transmitting antenna completely assembled for immediate erection must be provided. If the installed transmitting antenna is suspended between supports, this spare antenna must be a...

  18. 47 CFR 80.866 - Spare antenna.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Spare antenna. 80.866 Section 80.866... Spare antenna. A spare transmitting antenna completely assembled for immediate erection must be provided. If the installed transmitting antenna is suspended between supports, this spare antenna must be a...

  19. 47 CFR 80.866 - Spare antenna.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Spare antenna. 80.866 Section 80.866... Spare antenna. A spare transmitting antenna completely assembled for immediate erection must be provided. If the installed transmitting antenna is suspended between supports, this spare antenna must be a...

  20. 47 CFR 80.866 - Spare antenna.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Spare antenna. 80.866 Section 80.866... Spare antenna. A spare transmitting antenna completely assembled for immediate erection must be provided. If the installed transmitting antenna is suspended between supports, this spare antenna must be a...

  1. 47 CFR 80.866 - Spare antenna.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Spare antenna. 80.866 Section 80.866... Spare antenna. A spare transmitting antenna completely assembled for immediate erection must be provided. If the installed transmitting antenna is suspended between supports, this spare antenna must be a...

  2. Vitrectomy for primary symptomatic vitreous opacities: an evidence-based review

    PubMed Central

    Ivanova, T; Jalil, A; Antoniou, Y; Bishop, P N; Vallejo-Garcia, J L; Patton, N


    Floaters are a common ocular condition which form as a consequence of aging changes in the vitreous. Although in most patients the symptoms are minimal, they can cause significant impairment in vision-related quality of life in a small population of patients. Recently there has been an increase in awareness of the visual disability caused by floaters, and the evidence-base for treatment of this condition using small-gauge vitrectomy has increased. In this review, we define the term ‘floaters' as symptomatic vitreous opacities (SVO). We suggest a classification dependent on the presence or absence of posterior vitreous detachment and discuss their pathogenesis and natural history. We review their impact on patients' quality of life related to visual function. We review the psychological factors that may have a role in some patients who appear to be affected by SVO to the extent that they pursue all options including surgery with all its attendant risks. We summarise the available evidence-base of treatment options available for SVO with special emphasis on the safety and efficacy of vitrectomy for this condition. PMID:26939559

  3. In vivo human crystalline lens topography.


    Ortiz, Sergio; Pérez-Merino, Pablo; Gambra, Enrique; de Castro, Alberto; Marcos, Susana


    Custom high-resolution high-speed anterior segment spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) was used to characterize three-dimensionally (3-D) the human crystalline lens in vivo. The system was provided with custom algorithms for denoising and segmentation of the images, as well as for fan (scanning) and optical (refraction) distortion correction, to provide fully quantitative images of the anterior and posterior crystalline lens surfaces. The method was tested on an artificial eye with known surfaces geometry and on a human lens in vitro, and demonstrated on three human lenses in vivo. Not correcting for distortion overestimated the anterior lens radius by 25% and the posterior lens radius by more than 65%. In vivo lens surfaces were fitted by biconicoids and Zernike polynomials after distortion correction. The anterior lens radii of curvature ranged from 10.27 to 14.14 mm, and the posterior lens radii of curvature ranged from 6.12 to 7.54 mm. Surface asphericities ranged from -0.04 to -1.96. The lens surfaces were well fitted by quadrics (with variation smaller than 2%, for 5-mm pupils), with low amounts of high order terms. Surface lens astigmatism was significant, with the anterior lens typically showing horizontal astigmatism ([Formula: see text] ranging from -11 to -1 µm) and the posterior lens showing vertical astigmatism ([Formula: see text] ranging from 6 to 10 µm).

  4. In vivo human crystalline lens topography

    PubMed Central

    Ortiz, Sergio; Pérez-Merino, Pablo; Gambra, Enrique; de Castro, Alberto; Marcos, Susana


    Custom high-resolution high-speed anterior segment spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) was used to characterize three-dimensionally (3-D) the human crystalline lens in vivo. The system was provided with custom algorithms for denoising and segmentation of the images, as well as for fan (scanning) and optical (refraction) distortion correction, to provide fully quantitative images of the anterior and posterior crystalline lens surfaces. The method was tested on an artificial eye with known surfaces geometry and on a human lens in vitro, and demonstrated on three human lenses in vivo. Not correcting for distortion overestimated the anterior lens radius by 25% and the posterior lens radius by more than 65%. In vivo lens surfaces were fitted by biconicoids and Zernike polynomials after distortion correction. The anterior lens radii of curvature ranged from 10.27 to 14.14 mm, and the posterior lens radii of curvature ranged from 6.12 to 7.54 mm. Surface asphericities ranged from −0.04 to −1.96. The lens surfaces were well fitted by quadrics (with variation smaller than 2%, for 5-mm pupils), with low amounts of high order terms. Surface lens astigmatism was significant, with the anterior lens typically showing horizontal astigmatism (Z22 ranging from −11 to −1 µm) and the posterior lens showing vertical astigmatism (Z22 ranging from 6 to 10 µm). PMID:23082289



    Nakajima, Takuya; Roggia, Murilo F; Noda, Yasuo; Ueta, Takashi


    To evaluate the effect of internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling during vitrectomy for diabetic macular edema. MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CENTRAL were systematically reviewed. Eligible studies included randomized or nonrandomized studies that compared surgical outcomes of vitrectomy with or without ILM peeling for diabetic macular edema. The primary and secondary outcome measures were postoperative best-corrected visual acuity and central macular thickness. Meta-analysis on mean differences between vitrectomy with and without ILM peeling was performed using inverse variance method in random effects. Five studies (7 articles) with 741 patients were eligible for analysis. Superiority (95% confidence interval) in postoperative best-corrected visual acuity in ILM peeling group compared with nonpeeling group was 0.04 (-0.05 to 0.13) logMAR (equivalent to 2.0 ETDRS letters, P = 0.37), and superiority in best-corrected visual acuity change in ILM peeling group was 0.04 (-0.02 to 0.09) logMAR (equivalent to 2.0 ETDRS letters, P = 0.16). There was no significant difference in postoperative central macular thickness and central macular thickness reduction between the two groups. The visual acuity outcomes using pars plana vitrectomy with ILM peeling versus no ILM peeling were not significantly different. A larger randomized prospective study would be necessary to adequately address the effectiveness of ILM peeling on visual acuity outcomes.

  6. Management of persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous by pars plana vitrectomy.


    Peyman, G A; Sanders, D R; Nagpal, K C


    Two children with persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) underwent vitrectomy and lensectomy via the pars plana to remove the fibrovascular stalk. Postoperatively the eyes were quiet, only a slight vitreous haze obscured the fundus view in the immediate postoperative period, and the stumps of the stalks retracted. Early surgical treatment of PHPV may prevent later serious complications.

  7. Comparison of Efficacy and Safety between Transconjunctival 23-Gauge and Conventional 20-Gauge Vitrectomy Systems in Macular Surgery

    PubMed Central

    Gurelik, Gokhan; Hasanreisoglu, Berati


    Purpose To compare the efficacy and safety of 23-gauge transconjunctival vitrectomy with the conventional 20-gauge method in idiopathic epiretinal membrane and macular hole surgery. Methods Sixty-one consecutive patients undergoing vitrectomy for idiopathic epiretinal membrane and macular hole were recruited to either 20- or 23-gauge vitrectomy groups and prospectively evaluated. Surgical success rates, operating time, surgery-related complications, long-term visual outcomes, and postoperative ocular surface problems are compared in the two groups. Results There were 31 eyes in the 20-gauge group and 33 eyes in the 23-gauge group. The macular hole closure rate after the first surgery was 83% and 90.9% in the 20-gauge and 23-gauge groups, respectively, with no significant difference between groups (p = 0.59). The success rate for idiopathic epiretinal membranes cases was 100% in both groups. There was no statistically significant difference between overall surgical times (p = 0.90). None of the patients in either group experienced postoperative complications of severe postoperative hypotony, vitreous hemorrhage or endophthalmitis, except one eye in the 20-gauge group, which was found to have retinal detachment. In both groups, statistically significant improvement in visual acuity was achieved 1-month postoperatively (p = 0.002) and thereafter at all postoperative visits (p < 0.05). The mean ocular surface scores were significantly lower in the 23-gauge group at all postoperative visits compared with the 20-gauge group scores (p = 0.001). Conclusions Transconjunctival 23-gauge vitrectomy appears to be as effective and safe as conventional 20-gauge vitrectomy in idiopathic epiretinal membrane and macular hole surgeries. PMID:23060720

  8. Parenchymal-sparing hepatectomy for deep-placed colorectal liver metastases.


    Matsuki, Ryota; Mise, Yoshihiro; Saiura, Akio; Inoue, Yosuke; Ishizawa, Takeaki; Takahashi, Yu


    The feasibility of parenchymal-sparing hepatectomy has yet to be assessed based on the tumor location, which affects the choice of treatment in patients with colorectal liver metastases. Sixty-three patients underwent first curative hepatectomy for deep-placed colorectal liver metastases whose center was located >30 mm from the liver surface. Operative outcomes were compared among patients who underwent parenchymal-sparing hepatectomy or major hepatectomy (≥3 segments). Parenchymal-sparing hepatectomy and major hepatectomy were performed for deep-placed colorectal liver metastases in 40 (63%) and 23 (37%) patients, respectively. Resection time was longer in the parenchymal-sparing hepatectomy than in the major hepatectomy group (57 vs 39 minutes) (P = .02) and cut-surface area was wider (120 vs 86 cm 2 ) (P < .01). Resected volume was smaller in the parenchymal-sparing hepatectomy than in the major hepatectomy group (251 vs 560 g) (P < .01). No differences were found between the 2 groups for total operation time (306 vs 328 minutes), amount of blood loss (516 vs 400 mL), rate of major complications (10% vs 13%), and positive operative margins (5% vs 4%). Overall, recurrence-free, and liver recurrence-free survivals did not differ between the 2 groups. Direct major hepatectomy without portal venous embolization could not have been performed in 40% of the parenchymal-sparing hepatectomy group (16/40) because of the small liver remnant volume. Parenchymal-sparing hepatectomy for deep-placed colorectal liver metastases was performed safely without compromising oncologic radicality. Parenchymal-sparing hepatectomy can increase the number of patients eligible for an operation by halving the resection volume and by increasing the chance of direct operative treatment in patients with ill-located colorectal liver metastases. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Pars plana vitrectomy for visually disturbing vitreous floaters in pseudophacic eyes.


    Stoffelns, B M; Vetter, J; Keicher, A; Mirshahi, A


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of vitrectomy in patients with visually disturbing vitreous opacities. A retrospective analysis of the patient characteristics and the outcome of all pseudophacic eyes, which consecutively received in the decade 1996 to 2005 20 G pars plana vitrectomy for visually disturbing floaters, was carried out at the Mainz University Eye Clinic. Forty-one eyes of 32 patients (63 % university graduates, median age: 64 years) were included in the study. The mean axial length of the globe was 25.3 mm (range: 22.8 to 28.9 mm). Additional pathologies having influence on the vitreous condition were history of laser or cryo retinopexy (12 ×), buckle surgery (5 ×), complicated cataract surgery (16 ×) and Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy (4 ×). Vitreous floaters were considered to be the result of posterior vitreous detachment alone in 61 %, of asteroid hyalosis accompanied by posterior vitreous detachment in 17 %, and vitreous syneresis in 15 % of the eyes. Intraoperatively retinopexy with endolaser or cryo was performed in 6 % of cases. A secondary retinal detachment occurred in one eye (2 %). Thirty-one of 32 patients reported to be very satisfied with the postoperative result. Objectively, their visual acuity was better than or equal to preoperative acuity in 95 % of the eyes. Pars plana vitrectomy provides a highly effective treatment for visually disturbing vitreous floaters. In an era in which the expectations and demands of individuals on the quality of vision and life have increased significantly, with careful case selection the benefits of the surgical intervention may outweigh the surgical risks. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  10. The effect of vitrectomy with silicone oil tamponade on intraocular pressure and anterior chamber morphology.


    Suic, S P; Sikić, J


    We measured the tamponading effect of silicone oil, saline and air after vitrectomy, on intraocular pressure and aqueous humor outflow in 85 patients with highly proliferative retina and vitreous changes. Silicone oil as retinal tamponading agent after vitrectomy was used in 45 patients, and saline or air in 39 patients. The mean intraocular pressure measured at one month after treatment was greatly elevated in patients with silicone oil tamponade as compared to those with saline or air tamponade. At 6 and 12 months examinations, mean intraocular pressures were compared in these two groups of patients. Gonioscopy revealed silicone oil emulsification and presence of emulsified bubbles in the anterior chamber in 22.22% of patients, and narrowing of the chamber angle in several patients with silicone oil tamponade. Intraocular pressure elevation following vitrectomy with silicone oil tamponade was found to be of transient rather than permanent nature, since it regressed after silicone oil removal. This transient elevation was due to silicone oil tendency to emulsify. Silicone oil bubbles changed the morphology of the anterior chamber angle and fine trabecular structures by creating a barrier to aqueous humor outflow.

  11. Trocar Port Hernias After Bariatric Surgery.


    Coblijn, Usha K; de Raaff, Christel A L; van Wagensveld, Bart A; van Tets, Willem F; de Castro, Steve M M


    Laparoscopic bariatric surgery is increasingly being performed worldwide. It is estimated that trocar port hernias occur more often in obese patients due to their obesity and because the ports are not closed routinely. The aim of the present study was to analyze the incidence, risk factors, and management of patients with trocar port hernias after laparoscopic bariatric surgery. All patients who were operated between 2006 and 2013 were included. During the study period, the trocar ports were not closed routinely. All patients who had any symptomatic abdominal wall hernia during follow-up were included. Overall, 1524 laparoscopic bariatric procedures were performed. There were 1249 female (82 %) and 275 male (18 %) patients. The mean age was 44 years, and median body mass index was 43 kg/m(2). Patients underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB) (n = 859), laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) (n = 364), laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) (n = 68), revisional surgery (n = 226), and other procedures (n = 7). Three hundred and one patients (20 %) had one or more postoperative complications and the overall mortality was 0.3 % (four patients). There were 14 patients (0.9 %) with an abdominal wall hernia, of which eight (0.5 %) had a trocar port hernia, three (0.2 %) an incisional hernia from other previous surgery, and three (0.2 %) an umbilical hernia. Gender, age, BMI, smoking, type II diabetes, procedure type, complications, and weight loss were not associated with the occurrence of abdominal wall hernias. Trocar port hernias after bariatric surgery occur seldom if the trocar port is not routinely closed.

  12. EFFECTS OF A MODIFIED VITRECTOMY PROBE IN SMALL-GAUGE VITRECTOMY: An Experimental Study on the Flow and on the Traction Exerted on the Retina.


    Rizzo, Stanislao; Fantoni, Gualtiero; de Santis, Giovanni; Lue, Jaw-Chyng Lormen; Ciampi, Jonathan; Palla, Michele; Genovesi Ebert, Federica; Savastano, Alfonso; De Maria, Carmelo; Vozzi, Giovanni; Brant Fernandes, Rodrigo A; Faraldi, Francesco; Criscenti, Giuseppe


    Thorough this experimental study, the physic features of a modified 23-gauge vitrectomy probe were evaluated in vitro. A modified vitrectomy probe to increase vitreous outflow rate with a small-diameter probe, that also minimized tractional forces on the retina, was created and tested. The "new" probe was created by drilling an opening into the inner duct of a traditional 23-gauge probe with electrochemical or electrodischarge micromachining. Both vitreous outflow and tractional forces on the retina were examined using experimental models of vitreous surgery. The additional opening allowed the modified probe to have a cutting rate of 5,000 cuts per minute, while sustaining an outflow approximately 45% higher than in conventional 23-gauge probes. The modified probe performed two cutting actions per cycle, not one, as in standard probes. Because tractional force is influenced by cutting rate, retinal forces were 2.2 times lower than those observed with traditional cutters. The modified probe could be useful in vitreoretinal surgery. It allows for faster vitreous removal while minimizing tractional forces on the retina. Moreover, any available probe can be modified by creating a hole in the inner duct.

  13. Annular folded electrowetting liquid lens.


    Li, Lei; Liu, Chao; Ren, Hongwen; Deng, Huan; Wang, Qiong-Hua


    We report an annular folded electrowetting liquid lens. The front surface of the lens is coated with a circular reflection film, while the back surface of the lens is coated with a ring-shaped reflection film. This approach allows the lens to get optical power from the liquid-liquid interface three times so that the optical power is tripled. An analysis of the properties of the annular folded electrowetting liquid lens is presented along with the design, fabrication, and testing of a prototype. Our results show that the optical power of the proposed liquid lens can be enhanced from ∼20.1 to ∼50.2  m(-1) in comparison with that of the conventional liquid lens (aperture ∼3.9  mm). It can reduce the operating voltage by ∼10  V to reach the same diopter as a conventional liquid lens. Our liquid lens has the advantages of compact structure, light weight, and improved optical resolution.

  14. Management of persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous by pars plana vitrectomy.

    PubMed Central

    Peyman, G A; Sanders, D R; Nagpal, K C


    Two children with persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) underwent vitrectomy and lensectomy via the pars plana to remove the fibrovascular stalk. Postoperatively the eyes were quiet, only a slight vitreous haze obscured the fundus view in the immediate postoperative period, and the stumps of the stalks retracted. Early surgical treatment of PHPV may prevent later serious complications. Images PMID:1009053

  15. Fertility sparing surgery in early stage epithelial ovarian cancer

    PubMed Central

    Martinelli, Fabio; Lorusso, Domenica; Haeusler, Edward; Carcangiu, Marialuisa; Raspagliesi, Francesco


    Objective Fertility sparing surgery (FSS) is a strategy often considered in young patients with early epithelial ovarian cancer. We investigated the role and the outcomes of FSS in eEOC patients who underwent comprehensive surgery. Methods From January 2003 to January 2011, 24 patients underwent fertility sparing surgery. Eighteen were one-to-one matched and balanced for stage, histologic type and grading with a group of patients who underwent radical comprehensive staging (n=18). Demographics, surgical procedures, morbidities, pathologic findings, recurrence-rate, pregnancy-rate and correlations with disease-free survival were assessed. Results A total of 36 patients had a complete surgical staging including lymphadenectomy and were therefore analyzed. Seven patients experienced a recurrence: four (22%) in the fertility sparing surgery group and three (16%) in the control group (p=not significant). Sites of recurrence were: residual ovary (two), abdominal wall and peritoneal carcinomatosis in the fertility sparing surgery group; pelvic (two) and abdominal wall in the control group. Recurrences in the fertility sparing surgery group appeared earlier (mean, 10.3 months) than in radical comprehensive staging group (mean, 53.3 months) p<0.001. Disease-free survival were comparable between the two groups (p=0.422). No deaths were reported. All the patients in fertility sparing surgery group recovered a regular period. Thirteen out of 18 (72.2%) attempted to have a pregnancy. Five (38%) achieved a spontaneous pregnancy with a full term delivery. Conclusion Fertility sparing surgery in early epithelial ovarian cancer submitted to a comprehensive surgical staging could be considered safe with oncological results comparable to radical surgery group. PMID:25142621

  16. Fine structure of modal focusing effect in a three dimensional plasma-sheath-lens formed by disk electrodes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Stamate, Eugen, E-mail:; Venture Business Laboratory, Nagoya University, C3-1, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603; Yamaguchi, Masahito


    Modal and discrete focusing effects associated with three-dimensional plasma-sheath-lenses show promising potential for applications in ion beam extraction, mass spectrometry, plasma diagnostics and for basic studies of plasma sheath. The ion focusing properties can be adjusted by controlling the geometrical structure of the plasma-sheath-lens and plasma parameters. The positive and negative ion kinetics within the plasma-sheath-lens are investigated both experimentally and theoretically and a modal focusing ring is identified on the surface of disk electrodes. The focusing ring is very sensitive to the sheath thickness and can be used to monitor very small changes in plasma parameters. Three dimensional simulationsmore » are found to be in very good agreement with experiments.« less

  17. [Vitrectomy: in search of the ideal vitreous replacement].


    Steijns, Daan; Stilma, Jan S


    Pars plana vitrectomy is a form of surgery to remove the vitreous body. It is performed with various eye diseases. Replacement of the vitreous body is necessitated by its removal. After more than 50 years the search for the ideal vitreous replacement has not yet ended. Different materials are used to replace the vitreous body. The advantages, disadvantages and applications of those materials are discussed. The lack of a material to successfully replace the vitreous body is a significant restriction in the treatment vitreoretinal pathologies.

  18. Intracorporeal hybrid single port vs conventional laparoscopic appendectomy in children.


    Karam, Paul Anthony; Hiuser, Amy; Magnuson, David; Seifarth, Federico Gian Filippo


    Transumbilical laparoscopic assisted appendectomy combines laparoscopic single port dissection with open appendectomy after exteriorization of the appendix through the port site. Compared to the conventional three-port approach, this technique provides an alternative with excellent cosmetic outcome. We developed a safe and effective technique to perform an intracorporeal single port appendectomy, using the same laparoscope employed in the extracorporeal procedure. Retrospective review of 71 consecutively performed intracorporeal single port appendectomies and 30 conventional three-port appendectomies in children 6 to 17 years of age. A straight 10-mm Storz telescope with inbuilt 6 mm working channel is used to dissect the appendix, combined with one port-less 2.3 mm percutaneous grasper. Polymer WECK® hem-o-lock® clips are applied to seal the base of the appendix and the appendiceal vessels. No intraoperative complications were reported with the hybrid intracorporeal single port appendectomy or three-port appendectomy. There were two post-operative complications in the group treated with the single port hybrid technique: one intra-abdominal abscess and one surgical site infection. Groups did not differ in age, weight, and types of appendicitis. Operative times were shorter for the hybrid technique (70 vs 79 minutes) but did not differ significantly (P=0.19). This modified technique to a previously described single port extracorporeal appendectomy is easy to master and implement. It provides exposure similar to a three-port laparoscopic appendectomy, while maintaining virtually scarless results and potentially reduces the risk for surgical site infections compared to the extracorporeal technique.

  19. RECURRENT MACULAR HOLES IN THE ERA OF SMALL-GAUGE VITRECTOMY: A Review of Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes.


    Abbey, Ashkan M; Van Laere, Lily; Shah, Ankoor R; Hassan, Tarek S


    To evaluate the preoperative features, intraoperative management, and postoperative outcomes of recurrent macular holes that developed after initial successful repair with small-gauge vitrectomy techniques. We retrospectively reviewed 392 eyes with idiopathic macular holes successfully treated with small-gauge vitrectomy. Thirteen of these eyes underwent reoperation after macular hole reopening. We assessed patient demographics, visual acuity, postoperative anatomical success, potential precipitating clinical factors of hole reopening, and details of the surgical repairs of these eyes. Macular hole reopening occurred in 13 (3.3%) of 392 eyes in a mean of 28 months (range, 1-120 months) after initial repair. All 13 recurrent holes closed after a second vitrectomy, but 4 (31%) holes reopened again and had vitrectomy. Of these, 2 reopened a third time. Ultimately, 11 (85%) holes were closed at the most recent follow-up. The mean best-corrected visual acuity was 20/81 before initial repair, 20/148 after the first reopening, 20/115 after repair of the first reopening, and 20/55 after repair of >1 reopening. Ten of 13 (77%) patients had, or later developed, macular holes in the other eye during follow-up. Reoperation successfully achieved hole closure and ultimate visual improvement in most eyes with recurrent macular holes. Most patients with recurrent holes previously had, or later developed, full-thickness macular holes in the other eye.

  20. Fewer-than-four ports versus four ports for laparoscopic cholecystectomy.


    Gurusamy, Kurinchi Selvan; Vaughan, Jessica; Rossi, Michele; Davidson, Brian R


    Traditionally, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is performed using two 10-mm ports and two 5-mm ports. Recently, a reduction in the number of ports has been suggested as a modification of the standard technique with a view to decreasing pain and improving cosmesis. The safety and effectiveness of using fewer-than-four ports has not yet been established. To assess the benefits (such as improvement in cosmesis and earlier return to activity) and harms (such as increased complications) of using fewer-than-four ports (fewer-than-four-ports laparoscopic cholecystectomy) versus four ports in people undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy for any reason (symptomatic gallstones, acalculous cholecystitis, gallbladder polyp, or any other condition). We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; Issue 8, 2013), MEDLINE, EMBASE, Science Citation Index Expanded, and the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform portal to September 2013. We included all randomised clinical trials comparing fewer-than-four ports versus four ports, that is, with standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy that is performed with two ports of at least 10-mm incision and two ports of at least 5-mm incision. Two review authors independently identified the trials and extracted the data. We analysed the data using both the fixed-effect and the random-effects models. For each outcome, we calculated the risk ratio (RR) or mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) based on intention-to-treat analysis, whenever possible. We found nine trials with 855 participants that randomised participants to fewer-than-four-ports laparoscopic cholecystectomy (n = 427) versus four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy (n = 428). Most trials included low anaesthetic risk participants undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Seven of the nine trials used a single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy and the remaining two trials used three-port laparoscopic

  1. Three-dimensional transient numerical simulation for intake process in the engine intake port-valve-cylinder system.


    Luo, Ma-Ji; Chen, Guo-Hua; Ma, Yuan-Hao


    This paper presents a KIVA-3 code based numerical model for three-dimensional transient intake flow in the intake port-valve-cylinder system of internal combustion engine using body-fitted technique, which can be used in numerical study on internal combustion engine with vertical and inclined valves, and has higher calculation precision. A numerical simulation (on the intake process of a two-valve engine with a semi-sphere combustion chamber and a radial intake port) is provided for analysis of the velocity field and pressure field of different plane at different crank angles. The results revealed the formation of the tumble motion, the evolution of flow field parameters and the variation of tumble ratios as important information for the design of engine intake system.

  2. Effects of internal limiting membrane peeling during vitrectomy for macula-off primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.


    Blanco-Teijeiro, María José; Bande Rodriguez, Manuel; Mansilla Cuñarro, Raquel; Paniagua Fernández, Laura; Ruiz-Oliva Ruiz, Francisco; Piñeiro Ces, Antonio


    To determine the effectiveness of internal limiting membrane peeling during vitrectomy for macula-off primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in the prevention of postoperative epiretinal membrane formation and achievement of good visual outcomes and to identify preoperative and intraoperative risk factors for epiretinal membrane formation. We retrospectively analyzed data from 62 eyes of 62 consecutive patients with macula-off primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment who underwent vitrectomy with (n = 30) or without (n = 32) internal limiting membrane peeling between January 2014 and March 2016 and were followed up for at least 12 months. The effects of internal limiting membrane peeling on visual outcomes and postoperative recovery of the macular structure were determined. We subsequently divided patients into an epiretinal membrane group and a non-epiretinal membrane group and assessed the effects of various preoperative and intraoperative factors on postoperative epiretinal membrane formation. Postoperative epiretinal membrane developed in 10 patients in the no internal limiting membrane peeling group and three patients in the internal limiting membrane peeling group. Postoperative visual acuity significantly improved in both groups. Epiretinal membrane formation was found to be correlated with a higher number of retinal breaks. Our results suggest that internal limiting membrane peeling during macula-off primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment surgery can reduce the occurrence of postoperative epiretinal membrane, is safe, and results in favorable visual outcomes.

  3. Pars plana Ahmed valve and vitrectomy in patients with glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease.


    Wallsh, Josh O; Gallemore, Ron P; Taban, Mehran; Hu, Charles; Sharareh, Behnam


    To assess the safety and efficacy of a modified technique for pars plana placement of the Ahmed valve in combination with pars plana vitrectomy in the treatment of glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease. Thirty-nine eyes with glaucoma associated with posterior segment disease underwent pars plana vitrectomy combined with Ahmed valve placement. All valves were placed in the pars plana using a modified technique, without the pars plana clip, and using a scleral patch graft. The 24 eyes diagnosed with neovascular glaucoma had an improvement in intraocular pressure from 37.6 mmHg to 13.8 mmHg and best-corrected visual acuity from 2.13 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution to 1.40 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution. Fifteen eyes diagnosed with steroid-induced glaucoma had an improvement in intraocular pressure from 27.9 mmHg to 14.1 mmHg and best-corrected visual acuity from 1.38 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution to 1.13 logarithm of minimum angle of resolution. Complications included four cases of cystic bleb formation and one case of choroidal detachment and explantation for hypotony. Ahmed valve placement through the pars plana during vitrectomy is an effective option for managing complex cases of glaucoma without the use of the pars plana clip.

  4. Ports Primer: 3.2 Port Governance

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    State and local governments are important players in port governance and in oversight of transportation projects that may affect ports. Private corporations may also play a role if they lease or own a terminal at a port.

  5. Testing and Analysis of Sensor Ports

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Zhang, M.; Frendi, A.; Thompson, W.; Casiano, M. J.


    This Technical Publication summarizes the work focused on the testing and analysis of sensor ports. The tasks under this contract were divided into three areas: (1) Development of an Analytical Model, (2) Conducting a Set of Experiments, and (3) Obtaining Computational Solutions. Results from the experiment using both short and long sensor ports were obtained using harmonic, random, and frequency sweep plane acoustic waves. An amplification factor of the pressure signal between the port inlet and the back of the port is obtained and compared to models. Comparisons of model and experimental results showed very good agreement.

  6. Early simultaneous fundus autofluorescence and optical coherence tomography features after pars plana vitrectomy for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.


    Dell'Omo, Roberto; Mura, Marco; Lesnik Oberstein, Sarit Y; Bijl, Heico; Tan, H Stevie


    To describe fundus autofluorescence and optical coherence tomography (OCT) features of the macula after pars plana vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Thirty-three eyes of 33 consecutive patients with repaired rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with or without the involvement of the macula were prospectively investigated with simultaneous fundus autofluorescence and OCT imaging using the Spectralis HRA+OCT (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) within a few weeks after the operation. Fundus autofluorescence imaging of the macula showed lines of increased and decreased autofluorescence in 19 cases (57.6%). On OCT, these lines corresponded to the following abnormalities: outer retinal folds, inner retinal folds, and skip reflectivity abnormalities of the photoreceptor inner segment/outer segment band. Other OCT findings, not related to abnormal lines on fundus autofluorescence, consisted of disruption of photoreceptor inner segment/outer segment band and collection of intraretinal or subretinal fluid. The presence of outer retinal folds significantly related to metamorphopsia but did not relate to poor postoperative visual acuity. Partial-thickness retinal folds occur commonly after vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair and may represent an important anatomical substrate for postoperative metamorphopsia. Fundus autofluorescence and OCT are both sensitive techniques for the detection of these abnormalities.

  7. Incidence, microbiology, and outcomes of endophthalmitis after 111,876 pars plana vitrectomies at a single, tertiary eye care hospital

    PubMed Central

    Raman, Rajiv; Jain, Mukesh; Shah, Pratik K.; Sharma, Tarun; Gopal, Lingam; Bhende, Pramod S.; Srinivasan, Sangeetha; Jambulingam, Malathi


    Purpose To describe the incidence, risk factors, clinical presentation, causative organisms, and outcomes in patients with endophthalmitis following pars plana vitrectomy (20G and minimally invasive vitrectomy surgery (MIVS). Methods Of 111,876 vitrectomies (70,585 20-G 41,291 MIVS) performed, 45 cases developed acute-onset, postoperative endophthalmitis. Results The rate of culture positive and culture negative endophthalmitis was 0.021% (2.1/10,000 surgeries) and 0.019% (1.9/10,000 surgeries) overall, 0.031% (3.1/10,000 surgeries) and 0.025% (2.5/10,000 surgeries) in 20G, and 0.005% (0.5/10,000 surgeries) and 0.007% (0.7/10,000 surgeries) in the MIVS group respectively. Potential predisposing factors were as follows: diabetes, 46.7%; vitrectomy for vascular retinopathies, 44.4%; and vitrectomy combined with anterior segment surgeries, 35.5%. The culture proven rates were 53.3% overall, 55.0% for 20G and 40.0% for MIVS. The most common organism was Pseudomonas aeruginosa for 20G. Klebsiella and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated in the two culture positive cases in MIVS group. The follow-up period for the patients with endophthalmitis was 586.14 ± 825.15 days. Seven were lost to follow up beyond one week. Of the remaining 38, 13 (34.2%) cases had a favorable visual outcome (i.e., best-corrected visual acuity [BCVA] > 5/200) and 24 (63.2%) had unfavorable visual outcome (BCVA < 5/200). Group with culture test results negative had significantly better outcomes (P < 0.05) as compared to those with positive. Conclusions MIVS does not increase the risk of endophthalmitis. Outcomes are poor despite appropriate treatment, particularly in cases with culture results positive. PMID:29338030

  8. An Analysis of Causes of Contract Price Change for Competitive Procurements of Replenishment Spare Parts.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Research Study Number Three. In 1982, Mr. Edward Brost , then a graduate student at AFIT, completed a thesis which further analyzed the effects of sole...task, Brost formulated three research questions. They are as follows: 1. Is there a reduction in replenishment spare parts prices when competition is...analysis, Brost made three significant conclusions. They are: 1. The introduction of competition into the replenishment spare parts acquisition process

  9. The Low Energy Neutrino Spectrometry (LENS) Experiment and LENS prototype, μLENS, initial results

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yokley, Zachary


    LENS is a low energy solar neutrino detector that will measure the solar neutrino spectrum above 115 keV, >95% of the solar neutrino flux, in real time. The fundamental neutrino reaction in LENS is charged-current based capture on 115-In detected in a liquid scintillator medium. The reaction yields the prompt emission of an electron and the delayed emission of 2 gamma rays that serve as a time & space coincidence tag. Sufficient spatial resolution is used to exploit this signature and suppress background, particularly due to 115-In beta decay. A novel design of optical segmentation (Scintillation Lattice or SL) channels the signal light along the three primary axes. The channeling is achieved via total internal reflection by suitable low index gaps in the segmentation. The spatial resolution of a nuclear event is obtained digitally, much more precisely than possible by common time of flight methods. Advanced Geant4 analysis methods have been developed to suppress adequately the severe background due to 115-In beta decay, achieving at the same time high detection efficiency. LENS physics and detection methods along with initial results characterizing light transport in the as built μLENS prototype will be presented.

  10. Clinical features and prognosis of eyeball rupture: eye injury vitrectomy study.


    Feng, Kang; Wang, Chang-guan; Hu, Yun-tao; Yao, Yi; Jiang, Yan-rong; Shen, Li-jun; Pang, Xiu-qin; Nie, Hong-ping; Ma, Zhi-zhong


    The objective of the study was to delineate clinical characteristics, surgical interventions, anatomic and visual outcomes of ruptured eye balls after trauma, and establish the prognostic indicators, which can assist clinicians in making correct surgical decisions during globe exploration for ruptured eyes. The study design used was a multicentre prospective cohort study, including six university-affiliated tertiary hospitals. We selected 242 cases of ruptured globe from the Eye Injury Vitrectomy Study database, until 31 December 2012. All selected cases underwent vitreoretinal surgery, enucleation or evisceration, and were followed up for at least 6 months. Age, visual acuity (VA) after injury, ocular trauma zone, time to surgery, corneal laceration, scleral wound, extrusion of iris or lens, ciliary body damage, intraocular haemorrhage, retinal detachment or defect, proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) and choroidal damage were the predisposing factors evaluated by logistic regression models. We compared the pre-surgical indicators between cases of anatomically restored eyes with VA of 4/200 or better, or eyes with initial no light perception restored light perception or better, and cases of VA worse than 4/200, silicone oil-sustained eyes, phthisis or enucleation. Nearly 40% of cases with ruptured globe were anatomically restored through vitreoretinal surgery. The closed-funnel retinal detachment or extensive retinal loss (odds ratio [OR] = 3.38, P = 0.026), PVR-C (OR = 3.45, P = 0.008), and choroidal damage (OR = 4.20, P = 0.004) were correlated with poor outcomes. The closed-funnel retinal detachment or extensive retinal loss, PVR-C, and choroidal damage are the risk factors for unfavourable outcomes in globe ruptures. © 2015 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  11. Comparison of endoscopic-assisted and temporary keratoprosthesis-assisted vitrectomy in combat ocular trauma: experience at a tertiary eye center in Turkey.


    Ayyildiz, Onder; Hakan Durukan, Ali


    Objective This study was performed to compare the functional and anatomical results of endoscopic-assisted and temporary keratoprosthesis (TKP)-assisted vitrectomy in patients with combat ocular trauma (COT). Methods The medical records of 14 severely injured eyes of 12 patients who underwent endoscopy or TKP implantation in combination with vitreoretinal surgery from 2007 to 2015 were retrospectively evaluated. The patients' ocular history and functional and anatomic anterior and posterior segment results were analyzed. Results Eight eyes (57%) underwent TKP-assisted vitrectomy and six eyes (43%) underwent endoscopic vitrectomy. The most common cause of COT was detonation of improvised explosive devices (72%), and the most common type of injury was an intraocular foreign body (50%). The median time from trauma to surgery and the median surgical time were significantly shorter in the endoscopy than TKP group. The postoperative functional and anatomical results were not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusions TKP-assisted vitrectomy should be performed in eyes requiring extensive bimanual surgery. In such cases, a corneal graft must be preserved for the TKP at the end of the surgery. Endoscopy shortens the surgical time and can reduce the complication rate.

  12. Geometric and Optic Characterization of a Hemispherical Dome Port for Underwater Photogrammetry

    PubMed Central

    Menna, Fabio; Nocerino, Erica; Fassi, Francesco; Remondino, Fabio


    The popularity of automatic photogrammetric techniques has promoted many experiments in underwater scenarios leading to quite impressive visual results, even by non-experts. Despite these achievements, a deep understanding of camera and lens behaviors as well as optical phenomena involved in underwater operations is fundamental to better plan field campaigns and anticipate the achievable results. The paper presents a geometric investigation of a consumer grade underwater camera housing, manufactured by NiMAR and equipped with a 7′′ dome port. After a review of flat and dome ports, the work analyzes, using simulations and real experiments, the main optical phenomena involved when operating a camera underwater. Specific aspects which deal with photogrammetric acquisitions are considered with some tests in laboratory and in a swimming pool. Results and considerations are shown and commented. PMID:26729133

  13. Safety of medium-chain triglycerides used as an intraocular tamponading agent in an experimental vitrectomy model rabbit.


    Auriol, Sylvain; Mahieu, Laurence; Brousset, Pierre; Malecaze, François; Mathis, Véronique


    To evaluate safety of medium-chain triglycerides used as a possible intraocular tamponading agent. A 20-gauge pars plana vitrectomy was performed in the right eye of 28 rabbits. An ophthalmologic examination was performed every week until rabbits were killed. At days 7, 30, 60, and 90, rabbits were killed and the treated eyes were examined macroscopically and prepared for histologic examination. Principal outcome was retinal toxicity evaluated by light and electron microscopy, and secondary outcomes were the presence of medium-chain triglyceride emulsification, inflammatory reactions, and the development of cataract. Histologic examination did not reveal any retinal toxicity. Two cases of moderate emulsification were observed, but in these cases, emulsification was caused by the perioperative injection of the agent and did not increase during the postoperative period. We noted 13 cases of inflammatory reaction in vitreous cavity and no case of inflammatory reaction in anterior chamber. Two eyes developed cataract as a result of perioperative trauma to the lens with the vitreous cutter and not secondary to the presence of medium-chain triglycerides in the vitreous cavity. Medium-chain triglycerides did not induce morphologic evidence of retinal toxicity. The results suggest that medium-chain triglycerides could be a promising alternative intraocular tamponading agent for the treatment of retinal detachments.

  14. Pars Plana Vitrectomy with Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling for Nontractional Diabetic Macular Edema.


    Ulrich, Jan Niklas


    Diabetes mellitus remains the leading cause of blindness among working age Americans with diabetic macular edema being the most common cause for moderate and severe vision loss. To investigate the anatomical and visual benefits of pars plana vitrectomy with inner limiting membrane peeling in patients with nontractional diabetic macular edema as well as correlation of integrity of outer retinal layers on spectral domain optical coherence tomography to visual outcomes. We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 42 diabetic patients that underwent vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling for nontractional diabetic macula edema. The integrity of outer retinal layers was evaluated and preoperative central macular thickness and visual acuity were compared with data at 1 month, 3 months and 6 months postoperatively. The student t-test was used to compare the groups. 31 eyes were included. While no differences were seen at 1 and 3 months, there was significant improvement of both central macular thickness and visual acuity at the 6 months follow up visit compared to preoperatively (357, 427 microns; p=0.03. 20/49, 20/82; p=0.03) . Patients with intact external limiting membrane and ellipsoid zone had better preoperative vision than patients with outer retinal layer irregularities (20/54, 20/100; p=0.03) and greater visual gains postoperatively (20/33, p<0.001 versus 20/81; p=non-significant). Pars plana vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling can improve retinal anatomy and visual acuity in patients with nontractional diabetic macular edema. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography may help identify patients with potential for visual improvement.

  15. Midterm outcomes of single port thoracoscopic surgery for major pulmonary resection

    PubMed Central


    Introduction Single-port thoracoscopic surgery has widened the current minimally invasive surgical techniques toward more less invasive procedures in terms of reducing the number of incisions. However, the current status of oncologic outcome with this technique is not well known for lung cancer surgery. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the oncologic outcomes in early stage lung cancer for impact of the survival outcomes with our experience of conversion to a single-port approach from the conventional three-port approach. Materials and methods Retrospective data of patients who underwent thoracoscopic major lung resection for non-small cell lung cancer between January 2006 and June 2015 were analyzed. Patients’ characteristics, perioperative outcomes, pathologic result, and postoperative follow-up data of thoracoscopic surgery were reviewed and surgical outcomes were compared between conventional three-port (n = 168), two-port (n = 68), and single-port thoracoscopic surgery (n = 203). Results Of the 203 single-port thoracoscopic surgeries, we performed 167 single-port thoracoscopic lobectomy and mediastinal lymph node dissections. During the learning period of each thoracoscopic approach, the mean operation time for single-port thoracoscopic surgery (189±62 min) was not significantly different from those of two-port (175±46 min) and three-port (195±75 min) thoracoscopic lobectomy (p = 0.165). Perioperative outcomes including drain indwelling time (p <0.001), complication (p = 0.185) and conversion event (p = 0.911) were not worsened during learning period with two-port. Midterm survival (p = 0.753) and recurrence free survival (p = 0.656) of single port thoracoscopic lobectomy showed acceptable results compared with two- and three-port approach. Conclusions Single-port thoracoscopic surgery is safe and a feasible option for major lung resection in lung malignancy and this approach following experiences of two-port approach may yield similar oncologic

  16. Postoperative Radiation Therapy after Nipple-Sparing or Skin-Sparing Mastectomy: A Survey of European, North American, and South American Practices.


    Marta, Gustavo Nader; Poortmans, Philip M; Buchholz, Thomas A; Hijal, Tarek


    Skin sparing mastectomy, a surgical procedure sparing a large portion of the overlying skin of the breast, and nipple-sparing mastectomy, sparing the whole nipple-areolar complex, are increasingly used, although their oncologic efficacy remains unclear. The aim of this study was to assess the radiation oncologists' opinions regarding the indications of radiation therapy (RT) after skin-sparing mastectomy and nipple-sparing mastectomy. Radiation oncology members of four national and international societies were invited to complete a questionnaire comprising of 22 questions to assess their opinions regarding RT indications in the context of skin-sparing and nipple-sparing mastectomy. A total of 298 radiation oncologists answered the questionnaire. 90.9% of respondents affirmed that breast cancer is one of their specializations. The majority declared that post-mastectomy RT is indicated for early-stage (stages I and II) breast cancer patients who present with risk factors for recurrence after skin-sparing or nipple-sparing mastectomy (87.2% and 80.2%, respectively). All suggested risk factors (tumor size, lymph node involvement, extracapsular extension, lymphovascular space invasion, positive surgical margins, triple negative tumor, multicentric tumor, and age) were considered as major elements (important or very important). There is no consensus regarding the necessity of evaluating residual breast tissue or the definition of residual breast tissue after mastectomy. All classic factors were considered as major elements, potentially influencing the decision to advice or not postoperative RT. Many uncertainties remain about the indications for RT after skin-sparing mastectomy or nipple-sparing mastectomy. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Growth and survival of Port-Orford-cedar families on three sites on the south Oregon coast


    Constance A. Harrington; Peter J. Gould; Richard A. Sniezko


    Port-Orford-cedar is of interest to ecologists and foresters, but little information is available on its growth, its genetic variation, or the field performance of families selected for resistance to root disease. Survival, damaging agents, and growth were evaluated for nine families at three outplanting sites in south coastal Oregon. Survival was excellent on two...

  18. Quarter-Shifted Microincisional Sutureless Vitrectomy in Patients with a Glaucoma Drainage Implant or Filtering Bleb.


    Song, Ji Hun; Jang, Seran; Cho, Eun Hyung; Ahn, Jaehong


    When vitrectomy is performed in eyes that have undergone glaucoma surgery, the site of sclerotomy often overlaps with the previous glaucoma operation site. It can lead to serious complications such as postoperative hypotony, leakage, and/or infection. Our technique involves modification of surgeon's position and two sclerotomy sites 45° away from the original position, with an infusion cannula inserted infranasally to avoid damage to the glaucoma drainage implant or filtering bleb. The modified approach was applied to seven eyes with various indications. Vitrectomy was successfully completed, and there were no sclerotomy site complications, leakage, or hypotony in any case. Good intraocular pressure control was maintained throughout the postoperative course in all cases. © Copyright: Yonsei University College of Medicine 2017.

  19. Predictive factors of open globe injury in patients requiring vitrectomy.


    Pimolrat, Weeraya; Choovuthayakorn, Janejit; Watanachai, Nawat; Patikulsila, Direk; Kunavisarut, Paradee; Chaikitmongkol, Voraporn; Ittipunkul, Nimitr


    To determine the outcomes and predictive factors of patients with open globe injury requiring pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). The medical records of 114 patients age 10 years or older who had undergone PPV due to ocular trauma, with at least 6 months follow up, were retrospectively reviewed. The mean age of the patients was 42 (SD14) years, with males accounting for 89% of the cases. Penetrating eye injury was the most common injury mechanism (43%) with most injuries occurring secondary to work related incidents (54%). After surgical interventions, 78% of the patients had visual improvement of one or more Snellen lines, while no light perception occurred in 10%. Anatomical attachment was achieved in 87% of eyes at the final follow up. Logistic regression analysis showed that the presence of a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) was a significant predictive factor of visual outcome, while initial retinal detachment was a significant predictor of anatomical outcome. Pupillary reaction is an important presenting ocular sign in estimating the post-vitrectomy poor visual outcome for open globe injury. Vision was restored and improved in more than half of the patients in this study; however, long-term sequelae should be monitored. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Freight movement, port facilities, and economic competitiveness.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This research report examines how the Panama Canal expansion will affect freight at three ports, truck movement : between the ports and inland economic hubs and the economic impacts accompanying the shift in cargo shipping : patterns. Economic impact...

  1. Inflammation and Macular Oedema after Pars Plana Vitrectomy

    PubMed Central

    Romano, Vito; Angi, Martina; del Grosso, Renata; Romano, Davide; Vinciguerra, Paolo; Romano, Mario R.


    Cystoid macular oedema (CMO) is a major cause of reduced vision following intraocular surgery. Although the aetiology of CMO is not completely clarified, intraocular inflammation is known to play a major role in its development. The macula may develop cytotoxic oedema when the primary lesion and fluid accumulation occur in the parenchymatous cells (intracellular oedema) or vasogenic oedema when the primary defect occurs in the blood-retinal barrier and leads to extracellular fluid accumulation (extracellular oedema). We report on the mechanisms of CMO formation after pars plana vitrectomy and associated surgical procedures and discuss possible therapeutic approaches. PMID:24288446

  2. Ports Primer: 4.0 Port-Community Relations

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Ports support and benefit local, regional and national economies through their role in creating jobs and transporting goods. The relationship between ports and near-port communities can be complex, as illustrated by case studies.

  3. Vitrectomy for optic disk pit with macular schisis and outer retinal dehiscence.


    Shukla, Dhananjay; Kalliath, Jay; Tandon, Manish; Vijayakumar, Balakrishnan


    To describe the outcomes of vitrectomy for optic disc pit-related maculopathy with central outer retinal dehiscence. This prospective interventional case series included seven patients with optic disc pit with macular schisis and central outer retinal dehiscence who underwent vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling, barrage laser photocoagulation, and gas tamponade and were followed for at least 6 months. The surgical outcomes in terms of restoration of macular anatomy and visual improvement were recorded at each visit by fundus photography and optical coherence tomography. The mean age of the patients was 21.3 ± 8.6 years (range, 10-35 years), and the mean duration of defective vision was 6.7 ± 8.5 months (range, 1-24 months). Preoperatively, the median best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/60 (range, 20/40 to 20/120). Full-thickness macular holes were noticed in 4 patients 1 month postoperatively. Gas tamponade was repeated in two patients with large macular holes. By the final follow-up, macular holes had closed and BCVA improved in all patients except one. Final mean central macular thickness was 176.83 ± 55.74 μ, the range being 109 μ to 256 μ. The median postoperative BCVA was 20/30 (range, 20/20 to 20/80). Six of 7 patients (85.7%) had improvement in BCVA postoperatively (mean, +2 lines; range, 1-4 lines). Five patients (71%) achieved a postoperative BCVA of ≥20/30. Best-corrected visual acuity dropped by one line in the patient with persistent macular hole. Vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling can achieve excellent final surgical outcomes in optic pit maculopathy with outer retinal dehiscence despite the potential for macular hole formation.

  4. Lens-free computational imaging of capillary morphogenesis within three-dimensional substrates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weidling, John; Isikman, Serhan O.; Greenbaum, Alon; Ozcan, Aydogan; Botvinick, Elliot


    Endothelial cells cultured in three-dimensional (3-D) extracellular matrices spontaneously form microvessels in response to soluble and matrix-bound factors. Such cultures are common for the study of angiogenesis and may find widespread use in drug discovery. Vascular networks are imaged over weeks to measure the distribution of vessel morphogenic parameters. Measurements require micron-scale spatial resolution, which for light microscopy comes at the cost of limited field-of-view (FOV) and shallow depth-of-focus (DOF). Small FOVs and DOFs necessitate lateral and axial mechanical scanning, thus limiting imaging throughput. We present a lens-free holographic on-chip microscopy technique to rapidly image microvessels within a Petri dish over a large volume without any mechanical scanning. This on-chip method uses partially coherent illumination and a CMOS sensor to record in-line holographic images of the sample. For digital reconstruction of the measured holograms, we implement a multiheight phase recovery method to obtain phase images of capillary morphogenesis over a large FOV (24 mm2) with ˜1.5 μm spatial resolution. On average, measured capillary length in our method was within approximately 2% of lengths measured using a 10× microscope objective. These results suggest lens-free on-chip imaging is a useful toolset for high-throughput monitoring and quantitative analysis of microvascular 3-D networks.

  5. Ultrathin zoom lens system based on liquid lenses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Lei; Liu, Chao; Wang, Qiong-Hua


    In this paper, we propose an ultrathin zoom lens system based on liquid lenses. The proposed system consists of an annular folded lens and three electrowetting liquid lenses. The annular folded lens has several concentric surfaces. The annular folded lens is used to get the main power and correct aberrations. The three liquid lenses are used to change the focal length and correct aberration. An analysis of the proposed system is presented along with the design, fabrication, and testing of a prototype. All the elements in the proposed system are very thin, so the system is an ultrathin zoom lens system, which has potential application as lightweight, thin, high-quality imagers for aerospace, consumer, and military applications.

  6. Preventing Mitochondrial Diseases: Embryo-Sparing Donor-Independent Options.


    Adashi, Eli Y; Cohen, I Glenn


    Mutant mitochondrial DNA gives rise to a broad range of incurable inborn maladies. Prevention may now be possible by replacing the mutation-carrying mitochondria of zygotes or oocytes at risk with donated unaffected counterparts. However, mitochondrial replacement therapy is being held back by theological, ethical, and safety concerns over the loss of human zygotes and the involvement of a donor. These concerns make it plain that the identification, validation, and regulatory adjudication of novel embryo-sparing donor-independent technologies remains a pressing imperative. This Opinion highlights three emerging embryo-sparing donor-independent options that stand to markedly allay theological, ethical, and safety concerns raised by mitochondrial replacement therapy. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. 78 FR 37878 - Deepwater Port License Application: Liberty Natural Gas LLC, Port Ambrose Deepwater Port

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... License Application: Liberty Natural Gas LLC, Port Ambrose Deepwater Port AGENCY: Maritime Administration... Deepwater Port License Application. The application describes an offshore natural gas deepwater port... assistance such as sign language interpretation or other reasonable accommodation, please notify the USCG...

  8. Peripheral Venous Access Ports: Outcomes Analysis in 109 Patients

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bodner, Leonard J.; Nosher, John L.; Patel, Kaushik M.

    Purpose: To perform a retrospective outcomes analysis of central venous catheters with peripheral venous access ports, with comparison to published data.Methods: One hundred and twelve central venous catheters with peripherally placed access ports were placed under sonographic guidance in 109 patients over a 4-year period. Ports were placed for the administration of chemotherapy, hyperalimentation, long-term antibiotic therapy, gamma-globulin therapy, and frequent blood sampling. A vein in the upper arm was accessed in each case and the catheter was passed to the superior vena cava or right atrium. Povidone iodine skin preparation was used in the first 65 port insertions. Amore » combination of Iodophor solution and povidone iodine solution was used in the last 47 port insertions. Forty patients received low-dose (1 mg) warfarin sodium beginning the day after port insertion. Three patients received higher doses of warfarin sodium for preexistent venous thrombosis. Catheter performance and complications were assessed and compared with published data.Results: Access into the basilic or brachial veins was obtained in all cases. Ports remained functional for a total of 28,936 patient days. The port functioned in 50% of patients until completion of therapy, or the patient's expiration. Ports were removed prior to completion of therapy in 18% of patients. Eleven patients (9.9% of ports placed) suffered an infectious complication (0.38 per thousand catheter-days)-in nine, at the port implantation site, in two along the catheter. In all 11 instances the port was removed. Port pocket infection in the early postoperative period occurred in three patients (4.7%) receiving a Betadine prep vs two patients (4.2%) receiving a standard O.R. prep. This difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.9). Venous thrombosis occurred in three patients (6.8%) receiving warfarin sodium and in two patients (3%) not receiving warfarin sodium. This difference was not statistically

  9. Ocular surface and tear film status among contact lens wearers and non-wearers who use VDT at work: comparing three different lens types.


    Tauste, Ana; Ronda, Elena; Baste, Valborg; Bråtveit, Magne; Moen, Bente E; Seguí Crespo, María-Del-Mar


    To analyze differences in the ocular surface appearance and tear film status of contact lens wearers and non-wearers in a group of visual display terminals (VDT) workers and additionally to assess differences between lens materials. Cross-sectional study of 236 office workers, of whom 92 were contact lens wearers. Workers provided information on their contact lenses (conventional hydrogel, silicone hydrogel or rigid gas permeable lenses) and exposure to VDT at work. Ocular surface and tear film status were determined by the presence of bulbar, limbal and lid redness, lid roughness and corneal staining type, and by Schirmer's and tear break-up time tests (TBUT). A generalized linear model was used to calculate the crude (cRR) and age- and sex-adjusted (aRR) relative risk to measure the association between ocular surface and tear film abnormalities and contact lens use and type. The aRR of ocular surface abnormalities was higher in contact lens wearers compared to non-wearers: bulbar redness (aRR 1.69; 95% CI 1.25-2.30), limbal redness (aRR 2.87; 1.88-4.37), lid redness (aRR 2.53; 1.35-4.73) and lid roughness (aRR 7.03; 1.31-37.82). VDT exposure > 4 h/day increased wearers' risk of limbal and lid redness. Conventional hydrogel wearers had the highest risk of ocular surface abnormalities, followed by silicone hydrogel wearers. Both contact and non-contact lens wearers had a high prevalence of altered TBUT (77.3 and 75.7% respectively) and Schirmer (51.8 and 41.3%). Regular contact lens use during VDT exposure at work increases risk of bulbar, limbal and lid redness, and lid roughness, especially in soft contact lens wearers. The high prevalence of altered TBUT and Schirmer's results in all participants suggests that VDT use greatly affects tear film characteristics.

  10. Pancreas sparing duodenectomy as an emergency procedure

    PubMed Central

    Paluszkiewicz, Piotr; Dudek, Wojciech; Lowery, Kathryn; Hart, Colin A


    Background The operative techniques to close extensive wounds to the duodenum are well described. However, postoperative morbidity is common and includes suture line leak and the formation of fistulae. The aim of this case series is to present pancreas sparing duodenectomy as a safe and viable alternative procedure in the emergency milieu. Methods Five patients underwent emergency pancreas sparing duodenal excisions. Re-implantation of the papilla of Vater or the papilla with a surrounding mucosal patch was performed in two patients. In one, the procedure was further supplemented with a duodenocholangiostomy, stapled pyloric exclusion and enterogastrostomy to defunction the pylorus. In another three patients, distal duodenal excisions were done. Results In four patients, an uneventful recovery was made. One patient died following a myocardial infarction. The surgery lasted meanly 160 minutes with average blood loss of approximately 500 milliliters. The mean hospital stay was 12 days. Enteral nutrition was introduced within the 20 hours after the surgery. Long term follow-up of all surviving patients confirmed a good outcome and normal nutritional status. Conclusion Based on the presented series of patients, we suggest that pancreas-sparing duodenectomy can be considered in selected patients with laceration of the duodenum deemed unsuitable for surgical reconstruction. PMID:19445694

  11. Developing the port of Belawan as a modern and international port

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Many, N.


    This study discusses the processes of government to pass the port development plan in Indonesia with the Port of Belawan and its port expansion as the study case. The study uses a descriptive approach by reviewing and analyzing some of relevant literature as the sources. It also reviews and examines the port development theoretical concepts and models giving attention to the international hub port models resulted from the previous studies. The international hub port aspects assessed to be further applied and compared to the actual situation of the Port of Belawan. This process draws the conclusion on which concept and model the port classified, followed by some recommendations concerning the necessary actions to be taken. The results show that: (1) The port planning regulated in port master plan is the guideline and foundation to implement the port development; (2) Spatial and zoning plan regulations are very important in the preparation, planning, and implementation of port development; (3) It has not provided the necessary facilities and criteria of the global hub port model has not been met completely. The port is strategic to be completely developed as the regional hub port to compete with the major ports of neighboring countries. Eventually, this study requires further analysis to examine the economic feasibility of the Port of Belawan in more comprehensive way functioning as an international hub port along with the ongoing development of Kuala Tanjung Port to achieve its ultimate objectives, among other things, the port effectiveness, efficiency, and competitiveness.

  12. Cost analysis of medical device spare parts

    PubMed Central

    Bektemur, Guven; Muzoglu, Nedim; Arici, Mehmet Ali; Karaaslan, Melike Kaya


    Objective: To establish estimation method on budget management of medical device spare parts and to evaluate the cost of medical device spare parts in affiliated hospitals of Istanbul Public Hospital Unions (PHUs). Methods: While this evaluation was performed, the relationship between paid cost for spare parts according to technological development level of device groups and total inventory value was used. Spare part cost analysis was carried out by using the normalized weighted arithmetic average method. Cost analysis of medical equipment spare parts of Istanbul PHUs was performed by using the data retrieved from Ministry of Health Business Intelligence Decision Support System for spending of spare parts in 2015. Results: The medical device spare part groups were categorized based on technological development. Among 1 to 6 PHUs, the cost ratios were acquired for high, middle, low and simple technology group as 17.31 – 40.08%, 29.14 – 43.36%, 22.62 – 27.44% and 8.16 – 11.89%, respectively. The ratio between the spare part and total inventory costs for 1-6 PHUs were calculated as 1.66%, 2.87%, 3.03%, 3.31%, 2.57% and 4.69% respectively. Expected rates based on normalized weighted method were obtained as follows; 5.76%, 4.67%, 5.31%, 4.87%, 4.34% and 4.27%. Conclusion: The expenditure analysis and budget planning for medical device spare parts in PHU could be predicted more accurately by taking into consideration the expected rate calculated by the normal weight method. In additon, the importance of Clinical Engineering Service Units in management of medical devices has been determined. PMID:29805429

  13. Multimodal Freight Distribution to Support Increased Port Operations

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    To support improved port operations, three different aspects of multimodal freight distribution are investigated: (i) Efficient load planning for double stack trains at inland ports; (ii) Optimization of a multimodal network for environmental sustain...

  14. Ports Primer: 2.0 The Role of Ports

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Our nation’s ports are an important part of our national economy and intermodal transportation system. The port industry faces many challenges, many of which can also involve and affect near-port communities.

  15. [Pharmaological vitreolysis with ocriplasmin as a treatment option for symptomatic focal vitreomacular traction with or without macular holes (≤400 μm) compared to tranconjunctival vitrectomy].


    Maier, M; Abraham, S; Frank, C; Lohmann, C P; Feucht, N


    To evaluate the resolution rate in patients with symptomatic vitreomacular traction (VMT) ≤ 1500 μm with or without macular holes ≤ 400 μm after therapy with intravitreal ocriplasmin (Jetrea®) injections in a clinical setting in comparison to transconjunctival vitrectomy. We examined 21 eyes of 21 consecutive patients with vitreomacular traction with or without macular holes who underwent intravitreal injection of 0.1 ml ocriplasmin and we retrospectively reviewed 18 eyes of 18 patients with VMT with or without FTMH who underwent 23-gauge vitrectomy. Vitreomacular traction resolved in 15 of 21 eyes treated with ocriplasmin after 6 month (71 %) compared to 100 % of eyes treated by vitrectomy. Of the 5 eyes that initially presented FTMH with VMT in the ocriplasmin group, 2 were closed 1 month after ocriplasmin treatment. The remaining 3 had vitrectomy and closed thereafter. Best corrected visual acuity was 0.38 ± 0.23 LogMAR at baseline, improving to 0.34 ± 0.24 LogMAR at 6 months after ocriplasmin treatment. Best corrected visual acuity in the vitrectomy group improved from 0.55 ± 0.29 LogMAR before operation to 0.53 ± 0.51 LogMAR 6 months postoperatively. Foveal thickness was 355.95 ± 114.53 μm at baseline, reducing to 277.77 ± 40.26 μm at 6 months after ocriplasmin treatment. Foveal thickness of eyes that underwent vitrectomy was 494.61 ± 126.02 μm at baseline, decreasing to 330.2 ± 88.85 μm 6 months postoperatively. When traction is ≤ 1500 μm, enzymatic vitreolysis with ocriplasmin is a therapeutic option. In the presence of VMT >1500 μm or ERM, surgical treatment with vitrectomy is associated with better outcomes. In small macular holes with VMT and in the absence of ERM, enzymatic vitreolysis with ocriplasmin is an option. In cases of holes >400 μm, or in the absence of evident VMT, or in the presence of ERM, vitrectomy is the first choice.

  16. All-dielectric three-dimensional broadband Eaton lens with large refractive index range

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yin, Ming; Yong Tian, Xiao, E-mail:; Ling Wu, Ling


    We proposed a method to realize three-dimensional (3D) gradient index (GRIN) devices requiring large refractive index (RI) range with broadband performance. By combining non-resonant GRIN woodpile photonic crystals structure in the metamaterial regime with a compound liquid medium, a wide RI range (1–6.32) was fulfilled flexibly. As a proof-of-principle for the low-loss and non-dispersive method, a 3D Eaton lens was designed and fabricated based on 3D printing process. Full-wave simulation and experiment validated its omnidirectional wave bending effects in a broad bandwidth covering Ku band (12 GHz–18 GHz)

  17. Aberration design of zoom lens systems using thick lens modules.


    Zhang, Jinkai; Chen, Xiaobo; Xi, Juntong; Wu, Zhuoqi


    A systematic approach for the aberration design of a zoom lens system using a thick lens module is presented. Each component is treated as a thick lens module at the beginning of the design. A thick lens module refers to a thick lens component with a real lens structure, like lens materials, lens curvatures, lens thicknesses, and lens interval distances. All nine third-order aberrations of a thick lens component are considered during the design. The relationship of component aberrations in different zoom positions can be approximated from the aberration shift. After minimizing the aberrations of the zoom lens system, the nine third-order aberrations of every lens component can be determined. Then the thick lens structure of every lens component can be determined after optimization according to their first-order properties and third-order aberration targets. After a third optimization for minimum practical third-order aberrations of a zoom lens system, the aberration design using the thick lens module is complete, which provides a practical zoom lens system with thick lens structures. A double-sided telecentric zoom lens system is designed using the thick lens module in this paper, which shows that this method is practical for zoom lens design.

  18. Enhanced methodology for porting ion chromatography retention data.


    Park, Soo Hyun; Shellie, Robert A; Dicinoski, Greg W; Schuster, Georg; Talebi, Mohammad; Haddad, Paul R; Szucs, Roman; Dolan, John W; Pohl, Christopher A


    Porting is a powerful methodology to recalibrate an existing database of ion chromatography (IC) retention times by reflecting the changes of column behavior resulting from either batch-to-batch variability in the production of the column or the manufacture of new versions of a column. This approach has been employed to update extensive databases of retention data of inorganic and organic anions forming part of the "Virtual Column" software marketed by Thermo Fisher Scientific, which is the only available commercial optimization tool for IC separation. The current porting process is accomplished by performing three isocratic separations with two representative analyte ions in order to derive a porting equation which expresses the relationship between old and new data. Although the accuracy of retention prediction is generally enhanced on new columns, errors were observed on some columns. In this work, the porting methodology was modified in order to address this issue, where the porting equation is now derived by using six representative analyte ions (chloride, bromide, iodide, perchlorate, sulfate, and thiosulfate). Additionally, the updated porting methodology has been applied on three Thermo Fisher Scientific columns (AS20, AS19, and AS11HC). The proposed approach showed that the new porting methodology can provide more accurate and robust retention prediction on a wide range of columns, where average errors in retention times for ten test anions under three eluent conditions were less than 1.5%. Moreover, the retention prediction using this new approach provided an acceptable level of accuracy on a used column exhibiting changes in ion-exchange capacity. Crown Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Microoptical compound lens


    Sweatt, William C.; Gill, David D.


    An apposition microoptical compound lens comprises a plurality of lenslets arrayed around a segment of a hollow, three-dimensional optical shell. The lenslets collect light from an object and focus the light rays onto the concentric, curved front surface of a coherent fiber bundle. The fiber bundle transports the light rays to a planar detector, forming a plurality of sub-images that can be reconstructed as a full image. The microoptical compound lens can have a small size (millimeters), wide field of view (up to, and adequate resolution for object recognition and tracking.

  20. Anatomical and functional outcomes of retinectomies in retinal detachments complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy.


    Adhi, Mohammad Idrees; Siyal, Nisar; Aziz, Sumbul


    To study anatomical and functional outcomes of retinectomies in rhegmatogenous retinal detachments complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy. This is a retrospective interventional consecutive case series of eyes with rhegmatogenous retinal detachments complicated by advanced proliferative vitreoretinopathy and managed by relaxing retinectomy over a period of seventeen years. Three-port pars plana vitrectomy included core vitrectomy and removal of all epi-retinal membranes. On failure to flatten, retina was cut and excised. Basal vitrectomy and removal of anterior flap of retina then followed. Silicone oil was used as temponade in majority of cases. The dependent variables were anatomical and functional outcomes. The statistical analysis was performed on SPSS 21. Series included 370 eyes of 337 patients. Mean follow up was 39 months. Scleral explant was used in 90(24.39%) cases. Two hundred and nine (56.49%) eyes were operated with trans conjunctival sutureless vitrectomy technique. Procedure was bilateral in 33 patients (09.79%). Retina attached in 311(84.05%) eyes after initial surgery. Final re-attachment after one or more surgeries was achieved in 344(92.97%) eyes. Two hundred and eleven (57.02%) cases achieved visual acuity of 6/60 or better. Relaxing retinectomies have good and encouraging anatomical and functional outcomes. This surgery can be effectively carried out with trans conjunctival sutureless vitrectomy technique.

  1. Stereoscopic three-dimensional images of an anatomical dissection of the eyeball and orbit for educational purposes.


    Matsuo, Toshihiko; Takeda, Yoshimasa; Ohtsuka, Aiji


    The purpose of this study was to develop a series of stereoscopic anatomical images of the eye and orbit for use in the curricula of medical schools and residency programs in ophthalmology and other specialties. Layer-by-layer dissection of the eyelid, eyeball, and orbit of a cadaver was performed by an ophthalmologist. A stereoscopic camera system was used to capture a series of anatomical views that were scanned in a panoramic three-dimensional manner around the center of the lid fissure. The images could be rotated 360 degrees in the frontal plane and the angle of views could be tilted up to 90 degrees along the anteroposterior axis perpendicular to the frontal plane around the 360 degrees. The skin, orbicularis oculi muscle, and upper and lower tarsus were sequentially observed. The upper and lower eyelids were removed to expose the bulbar conjunctiva and to insert three 25-gauge trocars for vitrectomy at the location of the pars plana. The cornea was cut at the limbus, and the lens with mature cataract was dislocated. The sclera was cut to observe the trocars from inside the eyeball. The sclera was further cut to visualize the superior oblique muscle with the trochlea and the inferior oblique muscle. The eyeball was dissected completely to observe the optic nerve and the ophthalmic artery. The thin bones of the medial and inferior orbital wall were cracked with a forceps to expose the ethmoid and maxillary sinus, respectively. In conclusion, the serial dissection images visualized aspects of the local anatomy specific to various procedures, including the levator muscle and tarsus for blepharoptosis surgery, 25-gauge trocars as viewed from inside the eye globe for vitrectomy, the oblique muscles for strabismus surgery, and the thin medial and inferior orbital bony walls for orbital bone fractures.

  2. Design of an open-ended plenoptic camera for three-dimensional imaging of dusty plasmas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sanpei, Akio; Tokunaga, Kazuya; Hayashi, Yasuaki


    Herein, the design of a plenoptic imaging system for three-dimensional reconstructions of dusty plasmas using an integral photography technique has been reported. This open-ended system is constructed with a multi-convex lens array and a typical reflex CMOS camera. We validated the design of the reconstruction system using known target particles. Additionally, the system has been applied to observations of fine particles floating in a horizontal, parallel-plate radio-frequency plasma. Furthermore, the system works well in the range of our dusty plasma experiment. We can identify the three-dimensional positions of dust particles from a single-exposure image obtained from one viewing port.

  3. Pars plana vitrectomy with juxtapapillary laser photocoagulation versus vitrectomy without juxtapapillary laser photocoagulation for the treatment of optic disc pit maculopathy: the results of the KKESH International Collaborative Retina Study Group.


    Abouammoh, Marwan A; Alsulaiman, Sulaiman M; Gupta, Vishali S; Mousa, Ahmed; Hirakata, Akito; Berrocal, Maria H; Chenworth, Megan; Chhablani, Jay; Oshima, Yusuke; AlZamil, Waseem M; Casella, Antonio Marcelo; Papa-Oliva, Gabriela; Banker, Alay S; Arevalo, J Fernando


    To compare the functional and anatomic outcomes of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with juxtapapillary laser photocoagulation (JLP) versus vitrectomy without JLP in optic disc pit maculopathy. This was a multicentre, retrospective study of 46 consecutive patients with optic disc pit maculopathy presenting at tertiary eye centres between 1992 and 2012. Indications for surgery included distorted or decreased vision. Surgical intervention included PPV, posterior vitreous detachment, with or without gas tamponade. Twenty-four patients received laser photocoagulation at the temporal edge of the optic disc pit (group A) and 22 patients had no laser (group B). Postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and optical coherence tomography findings were the main outcome measures. Mean follow-up was 44 months (range 12-98 months). BCVA in group A improved significantly from 0.7 logMAR (20/100) preoperatively to 0.5 logMAR (20/60) postoperatively (p=0.017). In group B, BCVA improved from 0.7 logMAR (20/100) preoperatively to 0.4 logMAR (20/40) postoperatively (p=0.014). The difference in final BCVA between groups was not statistically significant (p=0.693). The mean central macular thickness (CMT) in group A improved significantly from 750 μm preoperatively to 309 μm at last follow-up (p<0.0001). The mean CMT in group B improved from 616 μm preoperatively to 291 μm at last follow-up (p=0.028). The difference in final CMT between groups was not statistically significant (p=0.747). PPV with JLP for optic disc pit maculopathy had similar functional and anatomic outcomes compared with vitrectomy without JLP. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  4. Longterm follow-up of pars plana vitrectomy for vitreous floaters: complications, outcomes and patient satisfaction.


    Schulz-Key, Steffen; Carlsson, Jan-Olof; Crafoord, Sven


    Floaters caused by degenerative or postoperative changes in the vitreous can interfere with all aspects of visual functioning. The aim of this study is to report the longterm outcome of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for persistent vitreous opacities. In a retrospective, non-randomized, interventional case study we reviewed all cases of vitreous floaters that were vitrectomized at our department between 1997 and 2006. Patient complaints and satisfaction were assessed by a questionnaire administered at the end of follow-up. Seventy-three consecutive cases were included (61 patients). Mean Snellen best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) before surgery was 0.81. Overall, 85% of patients complained of severe or very severe difficulty caused by floaters. A total of 42% of eyes were pseudophakic, four of which were operated with combined PPV and phacoemulsification. Mean follow-up time was 37 months. Of the phakic eyes, 60% were operated for cataract during follow-up. One retinal detachment (RD) occurred immediately postoperatively (1.3%) and another four eyes developed RD during longterm follow-up 24-44 months after PPV (5.5% of cases). Postoperative BCVA remained mostly unchanged. Overall, 88% of patients were satisfied with the results of the operation. Some patients make considerable complaints as a result of vitreous opacities and their distress does not correlate with visual acuity. Vitrectomy is a safe and effective procedure with which to help these patients. Patients should be informed about the risk of cataract progression, unexpected inflammatory reaction and an increased risk for RD several years after PPV (5.5%). © 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 Acta Ophthalmol.

  5. Port Granby Project Overview - 13208

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Smith, David W.; Vandergaast, Gary; Sungaila, Mark


    The Port Granby Project is an integral part of the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI), and is located approximately 14 kilometres west of the Municipality of Port Hope in the adjacent Municipality of Clarington, Ontario. The principal objective of the project is the excavation and relocation of low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) and marginally contaminated soils, which were deposited at the Port Granby Waste Management Facility (PGWMF) by Eldorado Nuclear Limited during the period 1955 to 1988, to a new, highly engineered above-ground Long-term Waste Management Facility (LTWMF) to be constructed on a nearby site. The Environmental Assessment for the Projectmore » was approved in 2009 August and the required Waste Nuclear Substance License was received in 2011 November. Once the detailed engineering design was completed, in 2011 March, the Port Granby Project was divided into three major contracts for construction implementation purposes. The first of these contracts was completed in late 2012 and the second is planned to start in early 2013. The contracting process for the third major contract is also expected to be completed during 2013. This paper provides an overview of the Port Granby Project as well as discussion on the status of the Project, including the regulatory approvals process, the approach to contracting the construction works and an update of work recently completed and soon to get underway. (authors)« less

  6. Three-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy by harmonic dissection without cystic duct and artery clipping.


    Tebala, Giovanni D


    The technique of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) still has areas of refinements. To decrease the number of ports, a cannula may be replaced by a percutaneous suture suspension of the gallbladder. The risk of tissue injury caused by repeat blind extraction and insertion of various instruments in and out of the abdomen may be decreased by the use of the multipurpose harmonic dissector. One hundred consecutive patients with symptomatic cholelithiasis underwent 3-port LC entirely performed by harmonic dissector without cystic duct and artery clipping. In 8 cases, a fourth trocar was necessary. In 2 cases, the cystic duct was clipped after an unsafe ultrasound sealing. In 1 case, continuous bleeding from the liver required the use of diathermy. No common bile duct injury was registered. The 3-port harmonic LC is a feasible, effective, and safe technique.

  7. [Vitrectomy and gas-fluid exchange for the treatment of serous macular detachment due to optic disc pit: long-term evaluation].


    Moreira Neto, Carlos Augusto; Moreira Junior, Carlos Augusto


    To evaluate 5 patients with serous macular detachment due to optic disc pit that were submitted to pars plana vitrectomy and were followed for at least 7 years. Patients were submitted to pars plana vitrectomy, posterior hyaloid removal, autologous serum injection and gas-fluid exchange, without laser photocoagulation, and were evaluated pre and post-operatively with visual acuity and Amsler grid testing, retinography, and recently, with autofluorescence imaging and high resolution OCT. All 5 eyes improved visual acuity significantly following the surgical procedure maintaining good vision throughout the follow-up period. Mean pre-operative visual acuity was 20/400 and final visual acuity was 20/27 with a mean follow-up time of 13.6 years. No recurrences of serous detachments were observed. OCT examinations demonstrated an attached retina up to the margin of the pit. Serous macular detachments due to optic disc pits were adequately treated with pars plana vitrectomy and gas fluid exchange, without the need for laser photocoagulation, maintaining excellent visual results for a long period of time.

  8. Guidance on radiation dose limits for the lens of the eye: overview of the recommendations in NCRP Commentary No. 26.


    Dauer, Lawrence T; Ainsbury, Elizabeth A; Dynlacht, Joseph; Hoel, David; Klein, Barbara E K; Mayer, Donald; Prescott, Christina R; Thornton, Raymond H; Vano, Eliseo; Woloschak, Gayle E; Flannery, Cynthia M; Goldstein, Lee E; Hamada, Nobuyuki; Tran, Phung K; Grissom, Michael P; Blakely, Eleanor A


    This review summarizes the conclusions and recommendations of the new National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) Commentary No. 26 guidance on radiation dose limits for the lens of the eye. The NCRP addressed radiation protection principles in respect to the lens of the eye, discussed the current understanding of eye biology and lens effects, reviewed and evaluated epidemiology, and assessed exposed populations with the potential for significant radiation exposures to the lens while suggesting monitoring and protection practices. Radiation-induced damage to the lens of the eye can include the loss of clarity resulting in opacification or clouding several years after exposure. The impact is highly dependent on the type of radiation, how the exposure of the lens was delivered, the genetic susceptibilities of the individual exposed, and the location of the opacity relative to the visual axis of the individual. The preponderance of epidemiological evidence suggests that lens damage could occur at lower doses than previously considered and the NCRP has determined that it is prudent to reduce the recommended annual lens of the eye occupational dose limit from an equivalent dose of 150 mSv to an absorbed dose of 50 mGy. Significant additional research is still needed in the following areas: comprehensive evaluation of the overall effects of ionizing radiation on the eye, dosimetry methodology and dose-sparing optimization techniques, additional high quality epidemiology studies, and a basic understanding of the mechanisms of cataract development.

  9. Green Port / Eco Port Project - Applications and Procedures in Turkey

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Akgul, Burak


    As being the heartlands of international trade, sea ports are the junction points of land and sea routes. The growth of global trade has led to the development of number and capacity as well as the service quality of ports. The policies and procedures applied during construction, operation and development of ports under development with environmental considerations scope has evolved in accordance with the needs of global trends. Although maritime transportation provides the most ecofriendly transportation method, the reduction of potential environmental threats and continuous improvement of ports and their vicinity is paramount from environmental concerns with regards to the international environmental standards. In the context of the study, national and international legal regulations governing the control of the environmental impacts of the activity groups causing pollution in Turkey based sea ports were viewed. In addition, the models applied during the measurement and documentation of environmental impacts were investigated. The most important aspects in terms of the effectiveness of the environmental management models are legal regulations. However, the standards applied at the ports without any legal obligation, such as EcoPorts applications, ISO 14001 standard, and the EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) were sought in the scope of the study. The boundaries of the study were determined as the EU based Environmental Management Systems and the Green Port/Eco Port Project which is being administered by the Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime and Communication. “Marport”, which is Turkey’s first certified Green Port / Eco Port is designated as the experimental study site. In addition, the provisions in the ports of ESPO member countries are approached in order to compare the effectiveness and applicability of Green Port / Eco Port Project.

  10. Ionizing radiation sensitivity of the ocular lens and its dose rate dependence.


    Hamada, Nobuyuki


    In 2011, the International Commission on Radiological Protection reduced the threshold for the lens effects of low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation. On one hand, the revised threshold of 0.5 Gy is much lower than previously recommended thresholds, but mechanisms behind high radiosensitivity remain incompletely understood. On the other hand, such a threshold is independent of dose rate, in contrast to previously recommended separate thresholds each for single and fractionated/protracted exposures. Such a change was made predicated on epidemiological evidence suggesting that a threshold for fractionated/protracted exposures is not higher than an acute threshold, and that a chronic threshold is uncertain. Thus, the dose rate dependence is still unclear. This paper therefore reviews the current knowledge on the radiosensitivity of the lens and the dose rate dependence of radiation cataractogenesis, and discusses its mechanisms. Mounting biological evidence indicates that the lens cells are not necessarily radiosensitive to cell killing, and the high radiosensitivity of the lens thus appears to be attributable to other mechanisms (e.g., excessive proliferation, abnormal differentiation, a slow repair of DNA double-strand breaks, telomere, senescence, crystallin changes, non-targeted effects and inflammation). Both biological and epidemiological evidence generally supports the lack of dose rate effects. However, there is also biological evidence for the tissue sparing dose rate (or fractionation) effect of low-LET radiation and an enhancing inverse dose fractionation effect of high-LET radiation at a limited range of LET. Emerging epidemiological evidence in chronically exposed individuals implies the inverse dose rate effect. Further biological and epidemiological studies are warranted to gain deeper knowledge on the radiosensitivity of the lens and dose rate dependence of radiation cataractogenesis.

  11. Ports Initiative

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    EPA's Ports Initiative works in collaboration with the port industry, communities, and government to improve environmental performance and increase economic prosperity. This effort helps people near ports breath cleaner air and live better lives.

  12. Port Stakeholder Summit: Advancing More Sustainable Ports (April 2014)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    EPA's National Port Stakeholders Summit, Advancing More Sustainable Ports, focused on actions to protect air quality while reducing climate risk and supporting economic growth, making ports more environmentally sustainable.

  13. Precision lens assembly with alignment turning system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ho, Cheng-Fang; Huang, Chien-Yao; Lin, Yi-Hao; Kuo, Hui-Jean; Kuo, Ching-Hsiang; Hsu, Wei-Yao; Chen, Fong-Zhi


    The poker chip assembly with high precision lens barrels is widely applied to ultra-high performance optical system. ITRC applies the poker chip assembly technology to the high numerical aperture objective lenses and lithography projection lenses because of its high efficiency assembly process. In order to achieve high precision lens cell for poker chip assembly, an alignment turning system (ATS) is developed. The ATS includes measurement, alignment and turning modules. The measurement module is equipped with a non-contact displacement sensor (NCDS) and an autocollimator (ACM). The NCDS and ACM are used to measure centration errors of the top and the bottom surface of a lens respectively; then the amount of adjustment of displacement and tilt with respect to the rotational axis of the turning machine for the alignment module can be determined. After measurement, alignment and turning processes on the ATS, the centration error of a lens cell with 200 mm in diameter can be controlled within 10 arcsec. Furthermore, a poker chip assembly lens cell with three sub-cells is demonstrated, each sub-cells are measured and accomplished with alignment and turning processes. The lens assembly test for five times by each three technicians; the average transmission centration error of assembly lens is 12.45 arcsec. The results show that ATS can achieve high assembly efficiency for precision optical systems.

  14. PORT II

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Muniz, Beau


    One unique project that the Prototype lab worked on was PORT I (Post-landing Orion Recovery Test). PORT is designed to test and develop the system and components needed to recover the Orion capsule once it splashes down in the ocean. PORT II is designated as a follow up to PORT I that will utilize a mock up pressure vessel that is spatially compar able to the final Orion capsule.

  15. Uniportal versus three-port video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for spontaneous pneumothorax: a meta-analysis

    PubMed Central

    Qin, Shi-Lei; Huang, Jin-Bo; Yang, Yan-Long


    Background Whether or not uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is beneficial for spontaneous pneumothorax remains inconclusive. This meta-analysis aimed to summarize the available evidence to assess the feasibility and advantages of uniportal VATS for the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax compared with three-port VATS. Methods Eligible publications were identified by searching the Cochrane Library, PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Data databases and CQVIP. Odds ratios (OR) and standardized mean differences (SMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated to compare dichotomous and continuous variables, respectively. Results This meta-analysis was based on 17 studies and included a total of 988 patients with spontaneous pneumothorax. No death was reported during the perioperative period. Compared with three-port VATS groups, there was a statistically significant difference in uniportal VATS groups regarding postoperative hospital stay (SMD= −0.58; 95% CI: −1.04 to −0.12; P=0.01), paresthesia (OR=0.13; 95% CI: 0.07 to 0.24; P<0.00001), visual analogue pain score (VAS) at 24 hours (h) (SMD= −0.87; 95% CI: −1.07 to −0.68; P<0.00001), VAS at 72 h (SMD= −0.49; 95% CI: −0.68 to −0.30; P<0.00001), and patients satisfaction scale (PSS) at 24 h (SMD= −0.81; 95% CI: −1.21 to −0.41; P<0.0001), PSS at 48 h (SMD= −0.69; 95% CI: −1.08 to −0.29; P=0.0007). However there was no statistically significant difference on the recurrence (OR=0.79; 95% CI: 0.42 to 1.46; P=0.45), operative time (SMD= −0.23; 95% CI: −0.21 to 0.67; P=0.31), length of postoperative drainage (SMD= −0.17; 95% CI: −0.40 to −0.07; P=0.16), VAS at 48 h (SMD= −0.40; 95% CI: −1.47 to 0.67; P=0.46), and PSS at 72 h (SMD= −0.13; 95% CI: −0.52 to −0.25; P=0.50). Conclusions The results for mortality, recurrence, operative time, and length of postoperative drainage were similar between

  16. Effect of Intravenous Acetaminophen on Postoperative Pain in Vitrectomy: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Clinical Trial.


    Sadrolsadat, Seyed Hossein; Yousefshahi, Fardin; Ostadalipour, Abbas; Mohammadi, Fatemeh Zahra; Makarem, Jalil


    Nowadays, pain, nausea, and vomiting are regarded as important complications of anesthesia and surgery. The current study aimed at assessing the effect of preemptive intravenous acetaminophen on control of pain, nausea, vomiting, shivering, and drowsiness following the general anesthesia for retina and/or vitrectomy surgeries. In a randomized, double-blind, clinical trial, 83 candidates for retina or vitrectomy eye surgery under general anesthesia were distributed into 3 groups: A) 41 patients in the control group who received 100 mL of normal saline just before the surgery and 100 mL of normal saline 20 minutes before the end of surgery; B) 21 patients in the preemptive group who received acetaminophen 15 mg/kg in 100 mL normal saline just before the surgery and 100 mL normal saline 20 minutes before the end of surgery; C) 21 patients in the preventive group who received 100 mL normal saline just before the surgery and acetaminophen 15 mg/kg in 100 mL normal saline 20 minutes before the end of surgery. Pain, nausea, vomiting, and shivering were assessed at the recovery and 2, 4, and 24 hours after the operation. Anesthesia emergence situation was assessed after arrival in the recovery room by the Richmond agitation-sedation scale (RASS) questionnaire. Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded before anesthesia induction, just after intubation, before extubation, and on discharge from the recovery room. Total intraoperative fentanyl, duration of operation, and duration of anesthesia were not different among the studied groups. Vital signs were not statistically different among the groups at before anesthesia induction, just after intubation, before extubation, and on discharge from the recovery room. Thirty-three patients in the control group (87.8%), 11 in preemptive (52.4%), and 14 in preventive groups (66.7%) needed acetaminophen in the first 24 hours after the surgery (P value = 0.008). Pain scores measured by visual rating scale (VRS) was lower in the

  17. Effect of Intravenous Acetaminophen on Postoperative Pain in Vitrectomy: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Clinical Trial

    PubMed Central

    Sadrolsadat, Seyed Hossein; Yousefshahi, Fardin; Ostadalipour, Abbas; Mohammadi, Fatemeh Zahra; Makarem, Jalil


    Background Nowadays, pain, nausea, and vomiting are regarded as important complications of anesthesia and surgery. The current study aimed at assessing the effect of preemptive intravenous acetaminophen on control of pain, nausea, vomiting, shivering, and drowsiness following the general anesthesia for retina and/or vitrectomy surgeries. Methods In a randomized, double-blind, clinical trial, 83 candidates for retina or vitrectomy eye surgery under general anesthesia were distributed into 3 groups: A) 41 patients in the control group who received 100 mL of normal saline just before the surgery and 100 mL of normal saline 20 minutes before the end of surgery; B) 21 patients in the preemptive group who received acetaminophen 15 mg/kg in 100 mL normal saline just before the surgery and 100 mL normal saline 20 minutes before the end of surgery; C) 21 patients in the preventive group who received 100 mL normal saline just before the surgery and acetaminophen 15 mg/kg in 100 mL normal saline 20 minutes before the end of surgery. Pain, nausea, vomiting, and shivering were assessed at the recovery and 2, 4, and 24 hours after the operation. Anesthesia emergence situation was assessed after arrival in the recovery room by the Richmond agitation-sedation scale (RASS) questionnaire. Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded before anesthesia induction, just after intubation, before extubation, and on discharge from the recovery room. Results Total intraoperative fentanyl, duration of operation, and duration of anesthesia were not different among the studied groups. Vital signs were not statistically different among the groups at before anesthesia induction, just after intubation, before extubation, and on discharge from the recovery room. Thirty-three patients in the control group (87.8%), 11 in preemptive (52.4%), and 14 in preventive groups (66.7%) needed acetaminophen in the first 24 hours after the surgery (P value = 0.008). Pain scores measured by visual rating scale

  18. Cost Allocation and Overpricing of Spare Parts.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    5 defense contractors are presently treating spare parts as cost objectives and using a type of spare parts accounting system as described in the...survey instrument. The other 7 contractor respondents who do not treat spare parts as cost objectives were not favor- able to this accounting accounting systems or lised to resolve specific contract or formula pricing cost allocation issues, contribute signi- ficantly to overpricing

  19. Ports Primer: 4.1 Port Impacts to Local Communities

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    State and local governments are important players in port governance and in oversight of transportation projects that may affect ports. Private corporations may also play a role if they lease or own a terminal at a port.

  20. Numerical analyses of planer plasmonic focusing lens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chou, Yen-Yu; Lee, Yeeu-Chang


    The use of polystyrene (PS) sphere lithography has been widely applied in the fabrication of micron and nano structures, due to their low cost and ease of fabrication in large scale applications. This study evaluated the feasibility of plasmonic lens base on metal thin films with nanohole structures fabricated by using PS sphere lithography through three-dimensional (3D) finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. We calculated the intensity profile of lens with various wavelength of incident light, lens size, cutting positions, diameters of nanohole, and periods of nanohole to investigate the geometric parameters influence on the focusing properties of the plasmonic lens.



    Choi, Won Seok; Merlau, Daniel J; Chang, Stanley


    To compare the surgical outcome of a lamellar macular hole (LMH) depending on lamellar hole-associated epiretinal proliferation (LHEP) and full-thickness macular hole. This is a retrospective chart review. Thirty-three patients were enrolled for this study. The patients were divided into three groups depending on the type of macular hole and presence of LHEP. Group 1 had epiretinal membranes with LMH without LHEP, Group 2 had LMH with LHEP, and Group 3 had full-thickness macular hole with LHEP. The best-corrected visual acuity was recorded and optical coherence tomography scans were obtained. Preoperative best-corrected visual acuity showed no significant difference between groups (P = 0.968). Final visual acuity of Group 1 was better than that of Group 2 (P = 0.009). Group 1 showed less postoperative ellipsoid zone disruption compared with Group 2 (P = 0.010), and the duration of LHEP to surgery had no significant correlation with postoperative visual acuity (P = 0.629). Lamellar macular hole with LHEP showed poorer visual outcomes compared with those with highly reflective epiretinal membranes. Lamellar macular hole with LHEP showed a greater chance of ellipsoid zone disruption. These findings may explain the wide variability of visual outcomes previously reported after vitrectomy for LMH.

  2. Curvularia lunata endophthalmitis.


    Berbel, Rodrigo Fabri; Casella, Antonio Marcelo Barbante; de Freitas, Denise; Höfling-Lima, Ana Luisa


    The aim of this study was to report a case of a 52-year-old man with a rare fungal endophthalmitis after penetrating ocular trauma with a fish hook. The patient was submitted to wound repair and hook extraction. Three weeks after the trauma, a cataract extraction with phacoemulsification and in-the-bag intraocular lens implantation was performed. After the development of endophthalmitis, vitrectomy and lens explantation with positive culture for Curvularia lunata were carried out. The infection was controlled with the administration of systemic itraconazole and intraocular voriconazole. The use of intravitreal voriconazole injection is a viable option in cases of Curvularia fungal endophthalmitis.



    Hisatomi, Toshio; Tachibana, Takashi; Notomi, Shoji; Nakatake, Shunji; Fujiwara, Kohta; Murakami, Yusuke; Ikeda, Yasuhiro; Yoshida, Shigeo; Enaida, Hiroshi; Murata, Toshinori; Sakamoto, Taiji; Sonoda, Koh-Hei; Ishibashi, Tatsuro


    To examine retinal changes after vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling, we used a cynomolgus monkey model and focused on surgical damages of ILM peeling for long observational period of 3 years. Vitrectomy was performed followed by ILM peeling similar to clinical settings in humans. Ultrastructural changes of the retina were investigated by light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopy at 3 months and 3 years after ILM peeling. Ultrastructural study showed that the ILM peeled area was still clearly recognized after 3 years. The Müller cell processes covered most of the retina; however, the nerve fiber layer was partly uncovered and exposed to the vitreous space. The arcuate linear nerve fiber bundles were observed as comparable with dissociated optic nerve fiber layer appearance. Small round retinal surface defects were also observed around macula, resembling the dimple sign. Forceps-related retinal thinning was also found on the edge of ILM peeling, where we started peeling with fine forceps. The ultrastructural studies showed that most of ILM peeling area was covered with glial cells during wound healing processes. Retinal changes were found comparable with dissociated optic nerve fiber layer appearance or dimple sign, which were clinically observed with optical coherence tomography.

  4. Long-term results of pars plana vitrectomy as an anti-inflammatory therapy of pediatric intermediate uveitis resistant to standard medical treatment.


    Darsová, Denisa; Pochop, Pavel; Štěpánková, Jana; Dotřelová, Dagmar


    To evaluate the efficacy of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) as an anti-inflammatory therapy in pediatric recurrent intermediate uveitis. A retrospective study evaluated the long-term results of PPV indicated for intermediate uveitis with a mean observation period of 10.3 years (range 7-15.6 years) in 6 children (mean age 8 years, range 6-12 years). Pars plana vitrectomy was performed on 10 eyes in the standard manner and was initiated by vitreous sampling for laboratory examination. Data recorded were perioperative or postoperative vitrectomy complications, anatomic and functional results of PPV, and preoperative and postoperative best-corrected Snellen visual acuity. No perioperative or postoperative complications were observed. Bacteriologic, virologic, mycotic, and cytologic analysis of the vitreous was negative in all tested children. Five eyes were subsequently operated on for posterior subcapsular cataracts. An average preoperative visual acuity of 0.32 improved to an average postoperative visual acuity of 0.8. In the case of systemic immunosuppressive treatment failure in pediatric uveitis, particularly in eyes with cystoid macular edema, we recommend PPV relatively early.

  5. 33 CFR 165.760 - Security Zones; Tampa Bay, Port of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon..., Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Island, and Crystal River, Florida. (a) Location. The following areas, denoted by coordinates fixed using the North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic System 1984), are...

  6. 33 CFR 165.760 - Security Zones; Tampa Bay, Port of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon..., Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Island, and Crystal River, Florida. (a) Location. The following areas, denoted by coordinates fixed using the North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic System 1984), are...

  7. 33 CFR 165.760 - Security Zones; Tampa Bay, Port of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon..., Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Island, and Crystal River, Florida. (a) Location. The following areas, denoted by coordinates fixed using the North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic System 1984), are...

  8. 33 CFR 165.760 - Security Zones; Tampa Bay, Port of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon..., Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Island, and Crystal River, Florida. (a) Location. The following areas, denoted by coordinates fixed using the North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic System 1984), are...

  9. 33 CFR 165.760 - Security Zones; Tampa Bay, Port of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... of Tampa, Port of Saint Petersburg, Port Manatee, Rattlesnake, Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon..., Old Port Tampa, Big Bend, Weedon Island, and Crystal River, Florida. (a) Location. The following areas, denoted by coordinates fixed using the North American Datum of 1983 (World Geodetic System 1984), are...

  10. Signs of fetal brain sparing are not related to umbilical cord blood gases at birth.


    Cheema, Riffat; Dubiel, Mariusz; Gudmundsson, Saemundur


    Fetal chronic hypoxia leads to centralization of circulation in order to spare the vital organs brain, adrenals and the heart. This can be documented by Doppler ultrasound. Increased blood velocity in the fetal middle cerebral artery (MCA) is an acknowledged sign of centralization of circulation in chronic hypoxia, and is called brain sparing. Our aim was to assess the relationship between signs of brain sparing in the MCA and umbilical cord blood gases at birth. A prospective study. Singleton 57 high-risk pregnancies (outcome was compared with 21 normal pregnancies). MCA Doppler was performed within 24 h of elective caesarean section in high-risk pregnancies. Umbilical cord blood gases were analysed at birth. Cord blood gases were related to signs of centralization of fetal circulation in the MCA. No correlation between signs of brain sparing in the MCA and cord blood gases. Apgar score at 5'<7 was seen in three newborns, but only one of these had antenatal signs of brain sparing. Newborns with antenatal brain sparing were admitted more often (p<0.04) and had a longer duration of stay in NICU (p<0.03) compared to newborns without brain sparing. Decreased pulsatility index in MCA is an acknowledged sign of fetal centralization of circulation during chronic hypoxia. However, signs of brain sparing are not related to cord blood gases at birth, which might suggest that redistribution of fetal circulation can maintain normal blood gases for a long time during chronic hypoxia.

  11. Heterochromatic Flicker Photometry for Objective Lens Density Quantification.


    Najjar, Raymond P; Teikari, Petteri; Cornut, Pierre-Loïc; Knoblauch, Kenneth; Cooper, Howard M; Gronfier, Claude


    Although several methods have been proposed to evaluate lens transmittance, to date there is no consensual in vivo approach in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to compare ocular lens density and transmittance measurements obtained by an improved psychophysical scotopic heterochromatic flicker photometry (sHFP) technique to the results obtained by three other measures: a psychophysical threshold technique, a Scheimpflug imaging technique, and a clinical assessment using a validated subjective scale. Forty-three subjects (18 young, 9 middle aged, and 16 older) were included in the study. Individual lens densities were measured and transmittance curves were derived from sHFP indexes. Ocular lens densities were compared across methods by using linear regression analysis. The four approaches showed a quadratic increase in lens opacification with age. The sHFP technique revealed that transmittance decreased with age over the entire visual spectrum. This decrease was particularly pronounced between young and older participants in the short (53.03% decrease in the 400-500 nm range) wavelength regions of the light spectrum. Lens density derived from sHFP highly correlated with the values obtained with the other approaches. Compared to other objective measures, sHFP also showed the lowest variability and the best fit with a quadratic trend (r2 = 0.71) of lens density increase as a function of age. The sHFP technique offers a practical, reliable, and accurate method to measure lens density in vivo and predict lens transmittance over the visible spectrum. An accurate quantification of lens transmittance should be obtained in clinical practice, but also in research in visual and nonvisual photoreception.



    Gaber, Raouf; You, Qi Sheng; Muftuoglu, Ilkay Kilic; Alam, Mostafa; Tsai, Frank F; Mendoza, Nadia; Freeman, William R


    To evaluate the incidence, characteristics, and the progression of epiretinal membrane (ERM) remnant edge seen by optical coherence tomography after ERM peeling. A retrospective chart review was conducted for 86 eyes of 85 consecutive patients who were diagnosed with ERM and underwent pars plana vitrectomy for epiretinal membrane peeling between 2013 and 2014. Data collected and analyzed included age, gender, preoperative and postoperative visual acuity, use of indocyanine green dye to stain internal limiting membrane, tamponade used after vitrectomy, ERM edge boundaries, presence of cystoid macular edema, and central foveal thickness. An ERM remnant edge was detected in 33/86 study eyes (38.4%) at the first postoperative optical coherence tomography scan. Compared with those without an ERM remnant, patients with an ERM remnant after surgery were significantly older at baseline and had a higher incidence of ERM recurrence at their last visit. They were not significantly different in terms of gender, preoperative and postoperative visual acuity, reduction of central foveal thickness from baseline, proportion of eyes with preoperative ERM elevation on optical coherence tomography, presence of macular edema before surgery, intraoperative use of indocyanine green staining for ILM peeling, or tamponade used. Based on the edge morphology, we classified the ERM remnant into three types: Type 1 was flat and blended with the retina (14/33 eyes, 42.4%), Type 2 was flat but stepped (17/33 eyes, 51.5%), and Type 3 was elevated (2/33 eyes, 6.0%). A significantly higher risk of ERM recurrence was seen in Type 2 and Type 3 ERM remnants (75% and 100%, respectively) than Type 1 ERM remnants (10%). An ERM remnant edge was detected by optical coherence tomography after ERM peeling in 38.4% of eyes. The presence of a postoperative ERM edge was associated with a higher risk of ERM recurrence, particularly in Type 2 and Type 3 ERM remnants.

  13. Nipple sparing versus skin sparing mastectomy: a systematic review protocol.


    Agha, Riaz A; Wellstead, Georgina; Sagoo, Harkiran; Al Omran, Yasser; Barai, Ishani; Rajmohan, Shivanchan; Fowler, Alexander J; Orgill, Dennis P; Rusby, Jennifer E


    Breast cancer has a lifetime incidence of one in eight women. Over the past three decades there has been a move towards breast conservation and a focus on aesthetic outcomes while maintaining oncological safety. For some patients, mastectomy is the preferred option. There is growing interest in the potential use of nipple sparing mastectomy (NSM). However, oncological safety remains unproven, and the benefits and indications have not been clearly identified. The objective of this systematic review will be to determine the safety and efficacy of NSM as compared with skin sparing mastectomy (SSM). All original comparative studies including; randomised controlled trials, cohort studies and case-control studies involving women undergoing either NSM or SSM for breast cancer will be included. Outcomes are primary-relating to oncological outcomes and secondary-relating to clinical, aesthetic, patient reported and quality of life outcomes. A comprehensive electronic literature search, designed by a search specialist, will be undertaken. Grey literature searches will also be conducted. Eligibility assessment will occur in two stages; title and abstract screening and then full text assessment. Each step will be conducted by two trained teams acting independently. Data will then be extracted and stored in a database with standardised extraction fields to facilitate easy and consistent data entry. Data analysis will be undertaken to explore the relationship between NSM or SSM and preselected outcomes, heterogeneity will be assessed using the Cochrane tests. This systematic review requires no ethical approval. It will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. It will also be presented at national and international conferences. Updates of the review will be conducted to inform and guide healthcare practice and policy. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  14. Fabrication and efficiency measurement of a Mo/C/Si/C three material system multilayer Laue lens

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kubec, Adam; Maser, J.; Formanek, P.

    In this letter we report on the manufacturing of a multilayer Laue lens (MLL) consisting of a multilayer stack with three materials: molybdenum and silicon as absorber and spacer layer, respectively, and carbon as transition layers. The design has four layers per period: Mo/C/Si/C. It yields 6000 zones, and provides an aperture of 50 μm. This allows the MLL structure to accept a large portion of the coherent part of the beam and achieving a small spot size. The MLL deposition was made by magnetron sputtering at the Fraunhofer IWS, the sectioning was done by laser cutting and subsequent focusedmore » ion beam milling to a thickness that provides a good efficiency for a photon energy of 12 keV. The diffraction efficiency as a function of the tilting angle has been measured at beamline 1-BM of the Advanced Photon Source. An efficiency of almost 40% has been achieved. This shows that the material system performs well compared to MLLs made of two-materials and that it is in an excellent agreement with the numerically calculated efficiency for a comparable molybdenum/silicon bilayer system lens. Here, we conclude that the three material system offers high efficiencies and is advantageous for stress reduction in MLLs.« less

  15. Fabrication and efficiency measurement of a Mo/C/Si/C three material system multilayer Laue lens


    Kubec, Adam; Maser, J.; Formanek, P.; ...


    In this letter we report on the manufacturing of a multilayer Laue lens (MLL) consisting of a multilayer stack with three materials: molybdenum and silicon as absorber and spacer layer, respectively, and carbon as transition layers. The design has four layers per period: Mo/C/Si/C. It yields 6000 zones, and provides an aperture of 50 μm. This allows the MLL structure to accept a large portion of the coherent part of the beam and achieving a small spot size. The MLL deposition was made by magnetron sputtering at the Fraunhofer IWS, the sectioning was done by laser cutting and subsequent focusedmore » ion beam milling to a thickness that provides a good efficiency for a photon energy of 12 keV. The diffraction efficiency as a function of the tilting angle has been measured at beamline 1-BM of the Advanced Photon Source. An efficiency of almost 40% has been achieved. This shows that the material system performs well compared to MLLs made of two-materials and that it is in an excellent agreement with the numerically calculated efficiency for a comparable molybdenum/silicon bilayer system lens. Here, we conclude that the three material system offers high efficiencies and is advantageous for stress reduction in MLLs.« less

  16. [Intraocular and serum antibody titers to Leptospira in 150 horses with equine recurrent uveitis (ERU) subjected to vitrectomy].


    Wollanke, B; Gerhards, H; Brem, S; Kopp, H; Meyer, P


    Between February 1993 and July 1997, 150 horses suffering from recurrent uveitis were subjected to parsplana vitrectomy. In these horses, antibody titers to Leptospira serovars were determined in serum samples and in samples from diluted vitreous collected during vitrectomy. Although the vitreous samples were diluted with 250 ml of balanced salt solution, in 86 of the 150 vitreous samples (= 57%) the antibody titers were higher than in the serum samples. Additionally, serum samples from 77 horses suffering from ERU, but which were not subjected to vitrectomy, and serum samples from 97 horses with clinically normal eyes were analyzed for antibodies to Leptospira serovars. Among the 227 horses with ERU (150 treated surgically, 77 treated conservatively) 50 horses (50 of 227 = 22%) had serum antibody titers to Leptospira serovars of > or = 1:800. Among the 97 horses with clinically normal eyes, 24 horses (24 of 97 = 25%) had serum antibody titers to Leptospira serovars of > or = 1:800. In undiluted vitreous samples from 20 horses with clinically normal eyes, no antibody titers to Leptospira serovars could be detected. Among the 150 horses with ERU, 90 animals (90 of 150 = 60%) had antibody titers of > or = 1:100 in the diluted vitreous samples, the difference being highly significant (p < 0.001). The findings are discussed in relation to the etiology of recurrent uveitis in horses.

  17. Optical aberrations in underwater photogrammetry with flat and hemispherical dome ports

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Menna, Fabio; Nocerino, Erica; Remondino, Fabio


    The paper analyses differences between dome and flat port housings used for underwater photogrammetry. The underwater environment negatively affects image quality and 3D reconstructions, but this influence on photogrammetric measurements, so far, has not been addressed properly in the literature. In this work, motivations behind the need for systematic underwater calibrations are provided, then experimental tests using a specifically designed photogrammetric modular test object in laboratory and at sea are reported. The experiments are carried out using a Nikon D750 24 Mpx DSLR camera with a 24 mm f2.8 AF/D lens coupled with a NIMAR NI3D750ZM housing, equipped first with a dome and, successively, with a flat port. To quantify the degradation of image quality, MTF measurements are carried out, then the outcomes of self-calibrating bundle adjustment calibrations are shown and commented. Optical phenomena like field curvature as well as chromatic aberration and astigmatism are analysed and their implications on the degradation of image quality is factored in the bundle adjustment through a different weighting of 2D image observations.

  18. Assessing the port to port risk of vessel movements vectoring non-indigenous marine species within and across domestic Australian borders.


    Campbell, Marnie L; Hewitt, Chad L


    Biofouling of vessels is implicated as a high risk transfer mechanism of non-indigenous marine species (NIMS). Biofouling on international vessels is managed through stringent border control policies, however, domestic biofouling transfers are managed under different policies and legislative arrangements as they cross internal borders. As comprehensive guidelines are developed and increased compliance of international vessels with 'clean hull' expectations increase, vessel movements from port to port will become the focus of biosecurity management. A semi-quantitative port to port biofouling risk assessment is presented that evaluates the presence of known NIMS in the source port and determines the likelihood of transfer based on the NIMS association with biofouling and environmental match between source and receiving ports. This risk assessment method was used to assess the risk profile of a single dredge vessel during three anticipated voyages within Australia, resulting in negligible to low risk outcomes. This finding is contrasted with expectations in the literature, specifically those that suggest slow moving vessels pose a high to extreme risk of transferring NIMS species.

  19. Vaginal blood flow after radical hysterectomy with and without nerve sparing. A preliminary report.


    Pieterse, Q D; Ter Kuile, M M; Deruiter, M C; Trimbos, J B M Z; Kenter, G G; Maas, C P


    Radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy (RHL) for cervical cancer causes damage to the autonomic nerves, which are responsible for increased vaginal blood flow during sexual arousal. The aim of the study of which we now report preliminary data was to determine whether a nerve-sparing technique leads to an objectively less disturbed vaginal blood flow response during sexual stimulation. Photoplethysmographic assessment of vaginal pulse amplitude (VPA) during sexual stimulation by erotic films was performed. Subjective sexual arousal was assessed after each stimulus. Thirteen women after conventional RHL, 10 women after nerve-sparing RHL, and 14 healthy premenopausal women participated. Data were collected between January and August 2006. The main outcome measure was the logarithmically transformed mean VPA. To detect statistically significant differences in mean VPA levels between the three groups, a univariate analysis of variance was used. Mean VPA differed between the three groups (P= 0.014). The conventional group had a lower vaginal blood flow response than the control group (P= 0.016), which tended also to be lower than that of the nerve-sparing group (P= 0.097). These differences were critically dependent on baseline vaginal blood flow differences between the groups. The conventional group follows a vaginal blood flow pattern similar to postmenopausal women. Conventional RHL is associated with an overall disturbed vaginal blood flow response compared with healthy controls. Because it is not observed to the same extent after nerve-sparing RHL, it seems that the nerve-sparing technique leads to a better overall vaginal blood flow caused by less denervation of the vagina.

  20. The free descending branch muscle-sparing latissimus dorsi flap: vascular anatomy and clinical applications.


    Colohan, Shannon; Wong, Corrine; Lakhiani, Chrisovalantis; Cheng, Angela; Maia, Munique; Arbique, Gary; Saint-Cyr, Michel


    Increasing focus on reducing morbidity from latissimus dorsi flaps has led to the evolution of muscle-sparing variants and perforator-based flaps. This study aimed to investigate the vascular anatomy of the muscle-sparing variant and to describe its application as a free flap based on the descending branch of the thoracodorsal artery. Twelve fresh cadavers underwent anatomical dissection and angiographic injection studies of the thoracodorsal arterial system. The musculocutaneous territories of the descending and transverse branches to the latissimus dorsi muscle were identified and assessed using three-dimensional reconstruction software of computed tomography imaging results. In the clinical study, five patients underwent reconstruction of a variety of defects using the free descending branch muscle-sparing latissimus dorsi flap. Three- and four-dimensional (computed tomography) angiography demonstrated perfusion of the latissimus dorsi muscle by the transverse and descending branches, with overlap of vascular territories via cross-linking vessels. The descending branch supplied a slightly greater cutaneous area overlying the muscle, although differences between both branches were not significant (p = 0.76). In the clinical study, the free muscle-sparing latissimus dorsi flap provided excellent coverage with no flap complications or seroma. The free muscle-sparing latissimus dorsi flap based on the descending branch of the thoracodorsal artery is a viable reconstructive option. Significant collateral flow between vessels allows for larger flap harvest than would be expected. The flap is technically simple to harvest, provides a large perfusion area, and is a reliable variant of the full latissimus dorsi flap. Therapeutic, V.

  1. A cost-effective peripheral venous port system placed at the bedside.


    Finney, R; Albrink, M H; Hart, M B; Rosemurgy, A S


    High costs and a paucity of available operating time have led us to seek alternatives to operatively placed vascular access systems. This prospective study is the initial report of a peripheral port system (P.A.S. PORT System, Pharmacia Deltec, Inc.) placed at the bedside. Seventy-nine patients (52 male, 27 female), ages 3-92 years, had ports implanted by surgical residents with attending supervision. Sixty-eight (86%) received the P.A.S. PORT for long-term antibiotics, antifungal, or antiviral therapy; four (5%) for TPN infusion; three (4%) for blood products; two (3%) for chemotherapy; and two (3%) for iv narcotics. Ports were placed in 10 (13%) HIV(+) patients, three (4%) who were fully anticoagulated, and one who was a hemophiliac with a platelet count of zero. Eight patients (10%) developed superficial phlebitis, all of which resolved with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents within 48 hr without port removal. Seven patients (9%) had their port removed due to infection. The average hospital charge to place the P.A.S. PORT System was $1488.00 vs $2811.00 for a tunneled external chest catheter and $3729.00 for the placement of a chest port. Bedside insertion of vascular access devices can be safely performed with acceptable infection rates allowing more efficient use of hospital operating rooms and with substantial cost savings.

  2. Tissue glue in sutureless vitreoretinal surgery for the treatment of wound leakage.


    Batman, Cosar; Ozdamar, Yasemin; Aslan, Ozlem; Sonmez, Kenan; Mutevelli, Seda; Zilelioglu, Guler


    To assess the surgical outcomes of the use of tissue glue to close sclerotomy sites when required and the views of ultrasound biomicroscopy of the sclerotomy sites in 23- and 25-gauge vitrectomy systems. A 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy was performed in 38 eyes and a 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy was performed in 46 eyes for various vitreoretinal diseases. Wound leakage occurred at the sclerotomy sites at the end of the surgery in 6 eyes with 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy and 7 eyes with 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy. The sclerotomy sites were closed by using tissue glue to prevent wound leakage and evaluated with ultrasound biomicroscopy postoperatively. No wound leakage was observed at the end of the surgical procedure or during the follow-up period. Abnormal fibrous ingrowth was not detected at the sclerotomy sites by means of ultrasound biomicroscopy. The results demonstrated the efficacy of tissue glue for closing site ports when wound leakage is observed in transconjunctival sutureless vitreoretinal surgery.

  3. LENS: μLENS Simulations, Analysis, and Results

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rasco, Charles


    Simulations of the Low-Energy Neutrino Spectrometer prototype, μLENS, have been performed in order to benchmark the first measurements of the μLENS detector at the Kimballton Underground Research Facility (KURF). μLENS is a 6x6x6 celled scintillation lattice filled with Linear Alkylbenzene based scintillator. We have performed simulations of μLENS using the GEANT4 toolkit. We have measured various radioactive sources, LEDs, and environmental background radiation measurements at KURF using up to 96 PMTs with a simplified data acquisition system of QDCs and TDCs. In this talk we will demonstrate our understanding of the light propagation and we will compare simulation results with measurements of the μLENS detector of various radioactive sources, LEDs, and the environmental background radiation.

  4. Nipple- and areola-sparing mastectomy for the treatment of breast cancer.


    Mota, Bruna S; Riera, Rachel; Ricci, Marcos Desidério; Barrett, Jessica; de Castria, Tiago B; Atallah, Álvaro N; Bevilacqua, Jose Luiz B


    mastectomy (MRM). No participants underwent areola-sparing mastectomy. There was a high risk of confounding for all reported outcomes. For overall survival, the hazard ratio (HR) for NSM compared to SSM was 0.70 (95% CI 0.28 to 1.73; 2 studies; 781 participants) and the HR for NSM compared to MRM was 0.72 (95% CI 0.46 to 1.13; 2 studies, 1202 participants). Local recurrence was evaluated in two studies, the HR for NSM compared to MRM was 0.28 (95% CI 0.12 to 0.68; 2 studies, 1303 participants). The overall risk of complications was different in NSM when compared to other types of mastectomy in general (RR 0.10, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.82, 2 studies, P = 0.03; 1067 participants). With respect to skin necrosis, there was no evidence of a difference with NSM compared to other types of mastectomy, but the confidence interval was wide (RR 4.22, 95% CI 0.59 to 30.03, P = 0.15; 4 studies, 1948 participants). We observed no difference among the three types of mastectomy with respect to the risk of local infection (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.44 to 2.09, P = 0.91, 2 studies; 496 participants). Meta-analysis was not possible when assessing cosmetic outcomes and quality of life, but in general the NSM studies reported a favourable aesthetic result and a gain in quality of life compared with the other types of mastectomy. The quality of evidence was considered very low for all outcomes due to the high risk of selection bias and wide confidence intervals. The findings from these observational studies of very low-quality evidence were inconclusive for all outcomes due to the high risk of selection bias.

  5. Using Spare Logic Resources To Create Dynamic Test Points

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Katz, Richard; Kleyner, Igor


    A technique has been devised to enable creation of a dynamic set of test points in an embedded digital electronic system. As a result, electronics contained in an application specific circuit [e.g., gate array, field programmable gate array (FPGA)] can be internally probed, even when contained in a closed housing during all phases of test. In the present technique, the test points are not fixed and limited to a small number; the number of test points can vastly exceed the number of buffers or pins, resulting in a compact footprint. Test points are selected by means of spare logic resources within the ASIC(s) and/or FPGA(s). A register is programmed with a command, which is used to select the signals that are sent off-chip and out of the housing for monitoring by test engineers and external test equipment. The register can be commanded by any suitable means: for example, it could be commanded through a command port that would normally be used in the operation of the system. In the original application of the technique, commanding of the register is performed via a MIL-STD-1553B communication subsystem.

  6. SU-E-T-63: Carotid Sparing Tomohelical Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy for T1N0 Glottic Cancer

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hong, C; Ju, S; Ahn, Y


    Purpose: We investigated the dosimetric benefit and treatment efficiency of carotid-sparing TomoHelical (TH) three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) for early glottic cancer. Methods: Computed tomography (CT) simulation was performed for 10 patients with early-stage (T1N0M0) glottic squamous cell carcinoma. The clinical target volume, planning target volume (PTV), carotid artery (CA), and spinal cord (SP) were delineated for each CT data set. Two-field 3DCRT (2F-3DCRT), three-field intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) (3F-IMRT), TomoHelical-IMRT (TH-IMRT), and TH-3DCRT plans were generated, with a total prescribed dose of 67.5 Gy in 30 fractions to the PTV for each patient. In order to evaluate plan quality, dosimetricmore » characteristics were compared in terms of the conformity index (CI) and homogeneity index (HI) for the PTV, V35, V50, and V63 for the CAs and in terms of the maximum dose for the SP. Additionally, treatment planning and delivery times were compared to evaluate treatment efficiency. Results: The CIs for 3F-IMRT (0.650±0.05), TH-IMRT (0.643±0.03), and TH-3DCRT (0.631±0.03) were much better than that for 2F-3DCRT (0.318±0.03). The HIs for TH-IMRT (1.053±0.01) and TH-3DCRT (1.055±0.01) were slightly better than those for 2F-3DCRT (1.062±0.01) and 3F-IMRT (1.091±0.007). 2F-3DCRT showed poor CA sparing in terms of the V35, V50, and V63 compared to 3F-IMRT, TH-IMRT, and TH-3DCRT (p<0.05), whereas there was no significant dose difference between 3F-IMRT, TH-IMRT, and TH-3DCRT (p>0.05). The maximum dose to the SP with all plans was below 45 Gy. The treatment planning times for 2F-3DCRT (5.9±0.66 min) and TH-3DCRT (7.32±0.94 min) were much lower than those for 3F-IMRT (45.51±2.76 min) and TH-IMRT (35.58±4.41 min), whereas the delivery times with all plans was below 3 minutes. Conclusion: TH-3DCRT showed excellent carotid sparing capability, comparable to that with TH-IMRT, with high treatment efficiency and short planning

  7. Analysis of laparoscopic port site complications: A descriptive study

    PubMed Central

    Karthik, Somu; Augustine, Alfred Joseph; Shibumon, Mundunadackal Madhavan; Pai, Manohar Varadaraya


    CONTEXT: The rate of port site complications following conventional laparoscopic surgery is about 21 per 100,000 cases. It has shown a proportional rise with increase in the size of the port site incision and trocar. Although rare, complications that occur at the port site include infection, bleeding, and port site hernia. AIMS: To determine the morbidity associated with ports at the site of their insertion in laparoscopic surgery and to identify risk factors for complications. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Prospective descriptive study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the present descriptive study, a total of 570 patients who underwent laparoscopic surgeries for various ailments between August 2009 and July 2011 at our institute were observed for port site complications prospectively and the complications were reviewed. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out in the present study. The statistical software, namely, SPSS 15.0 was used for the analysis of the data. RESULTS: Of the 570 patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery, 17 (3%) had developed complications specifically related to the port site during a minimum follow-up of three months; port site infection (PSI) was the most frequent (n = 10, 1.8%), followed by port site bleeding (n = 4, 0.7%), omentum-related complications (n = 2; 0.35%), and port site metastasis (n = 1, 0.175%). CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic surgeries are associated with minimal port site complications. Complications are related to the increased number of ports. Umbilical port involvement is the commonest. Most complications are manageable with minimal morbidity, and can be further minimized with meticulous surgical technique during entry and exit. PMID:23741110

  8. Optimization experiments with a double Gauss lens

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Brixner, B.; Klein, M.M.


    This paper describes how a lens can be generated by starting from plane surfaces. Three different experiments, using the Los Alamos National Laboratory optimization procedure, all converged on the same stable prescriptions in the optimum minimum region. The starts were made first from an already optimized lens appearing in the literature, then from a powerless plane-surfaces configuration, and finally from a crude Super Angulon configuration. In each case the result was a double Gauss lens, which suggests that this type of lens may be the best compact six-glass solution for one imaging problem: an f/2 aperture and a moderate fieldmore » of view. The procedures and results are discussed in detail.« less

  9. Optimization Experiments With A Double Gauss Lens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brixner, Berlyn; Klein, Morris M.


    This paper describes how a lens can be generated by starting from plane surfaces. Three different experiments, using the Los Alamos National Laboratory optimization procedure, all converged on the same stable prescriptions in the optimum minimum region. The starts were made first from an already optimized lens appearing in the literature, then from a powerless plane-surfaces configuration, and finally from a crude Super Angulon configuration. In each case the result was a double Gauss lens, which suggests that this type of lens may be the best compact six-glass solution for one imaging problem: an f/2 aperture and a moderate field of view. The procedures and results are discussed in detail.

  10. The Role of Aquaporins in Ocular Lens Homeostasis

    PubMed Central

    Schey, Kevin L.; Petrova, Rosica S.; Gletten, Romell B.; Donaldson, Paul J.


    Aquaporins (AQPs), by playing essential roles in the maintenance of ocular lens homeostasis, contribute to the establishment and maintenance of the overall optical properties of the lens over many decades of life. Three aquaporins, AQP0, AQP1 and AQP5, each with distinctly different functional properties, are abundantly and differentially expressed in the different regions of the ocular lens. Furthermore, the diversity of AQP functionality is increased in the absence of protein turnover by age-related modifications to lens AQPs that are proposed to alter AQP function in the different regions of the lens. These regional differences in AQP functionality are proposed to contribute to the generation and directionality of the lens internal microcirculation; a system of circulating ionic and fluid fluxes that delivers nutrients to and removes wastes from the lens faster than could be achieved by passive diffusion alone. In this review, we present how regional differences in lens AQP isoforms potentially contribute to this microcirculation system by highlighting current areas of investigation and emphasizing areas where future work is required. PMID:29231874

  11. Community Near-Port Modeling System (C-PORT): Briefing for ...

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    What C-PORT is: Screening level tool for assessing port activities and exploring the range of potential impacts that changes to port operations might have on local air quality; Analysis of decision alternatives through mapping of the likely pattern of potential pollutant dispersion and an estimated change in pollutant concentrations for user-designated scenarios; Designed primarily to evaluate the local air quality impacts of proposed port expansion or modernization, as well as to identify options for mitigating any impacts; Currently includes data from 21 US seaports and features a map-based interface similar to the widely used Google Earth; Still under development, C-PORT is designed as an easy-to-use computer modeling tool for users, such as state air quality managers and planners. This is part of our product outreach prior to model public release and to solicit for additional beta testers.

  12. Surgical Outcomes of 27-Gauge Pars PLana Vitrectomy for Symptomatic Vitreous Floaters.


    Lin, Zhong; Zhang, Rui; Liang, Qi Hua; Lin, Ke; Xiao, Yu Shu; Moonasar, Nived; Wu, Rong Han


    To report the surgical outcomes of 27-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for symptomatic vitreous floaters. 47 eyes of 47 patients (39 males, 83.0%) with symptomatic vitreous floaters who underwent 27-gauge PPV and followed up for more than 6 months were included. The mean age was 34.7 ± 13.5 years. No operative complication occurred. At first day postoperatively, the intraocular pressure (IOP) was significantly lower than that at other time points (8.6 ± 2.7 mmHg, p < 0.001). 28 (59.6%) eyes had transient hypotony (IOP < 8 mmHg). All were recovered within 1 week postoperatively. The BCVA of 41 eyes (41/47, 87.2%) remained unchanged or improved. Postoperative complications occurred in two eyes: one (2.1%) had endophthalmitis and one (2.1%) had retinal detachment. No clinical significant cataract was observed in the 42 postoperative phakic eyes. 91.5% of the patients were satisfied with the surgery outcome. Besides, 91.3% of the patients felt that the floaters were removed completely or only had an acceptable residual. Visual acuity of most patients remained unchanged or improved following 27-gague pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters, resulting in high patient satisfaction. However, this treatment should be performed with great caution since severe postoperative complications may still occur. This trial is registered with NCT03049163.

  13. A Review of Selected International Aircraft Spares Pooling Programs: Lessons Learned for F-35 Spares Pooling

    DTIC Science & Technology


    fund its share of program costs , and how the program will manage divergence from a common configuration baseline. In the formal agreement spare parts than if all the participants operated on a purely national basis because of differentials in demand, particularly for high- cost the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts , whose findings were published in 2011, the international spares pooling contracts did not work

  14. The treatment of postoperative endophthalmitis: should we still follow the endophthalmitis vitrectomy study more than two decades after its publication?


    Grzybowski, Andrzej; Turczynowska, Magdalena; Kuhn, Ferenc


    Conducted in the early 1990s Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study (EVS) have helped in establishing reasonable guidelines for the management of infectious postoperative endophthalmitis. However at present, more than 20 years after its publication, tremendous progress has been introduced in vitrectomy technology, which now permits the vitreoretinal surgeon to perform surgery more safely, and with better outcomes. Moerover, performing a complete vitreous removal, along with the moving up of the surgical intervention to as early as possible allows the prevention of complications that would limit the functional improvement postoperatively. Thus, it is now highly needed to re-evaluate the conclusions of the EVS study. © 2017 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Maritime security report. June 1999 [Inter-American Port Security Program

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Three international port security training courses were organized and managed by the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) and conducted during the fall of 1998 in Panama, Peru, and Barbados as principal activities of the Inter-American Port Security ...

  16. Near-Port Communities

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Information to help near-port community leaders participate effectively in the decision-making process by increasing the understanding of the role of ports, how ports can impact local land use, economic trends, and environment.

  17. Rapid Cataract Progression after Nd:YAG Vitreolysis for Vitreous Floaters: A Case Report and Literature Review.


    Sun, I-Ting; Lee, Tsung-Han; Chen, Chih-Hsin


    We report a case of rapid cataract progression after Nd:YAG vitreolysis for vitreous floaters. A 55-year-old man presented with acute onset of blurred vision following Nd:YAG vitreolysis for symptomatic floaters in the left eye. His initial best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/1,000 in the left eye. Ocular examinations showed frost-like opacities of the lens and a suspected break of the posterior capsule in the left eye. There were no detectable retinal lesions. Cataract surgery was then arranged. Posterior capsular rupture and vitreous loss occurred during surgery, which required a subsequent pars plana vitrectomy. After the surgery, BCVA in the left eye gradually improved to 20/20 and was maintained during a 1-year follow-up period. Crystalline lens injuries and rapid cataract progression may occur following Nd:YAG vitreolysis. While dealing with this type of complicated cataract, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of posterior lens capsule rupture during surgery and the need for combined vitrectomy.

  18. Preliminary study of a new intraocular method in the diagnosis and treatment of Propionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis following cataract extraction.


    Owens, S L; Lam, S; Tessler, H H; Deutsch, T A


    Late endophthalmitis, due to Propionibacterium acnes, developed in three patients following uncomplicated extracapsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC-IOL) insertion. Cultures from the capsular bag yielded P. acnes in all three. With topical anesthesia and through an anterior chamber paracentesis, culture specimens were taken from and clindamycin irrigated into the capsular bag. Filtered 100% oxygen was introduced into the anterior chamber in two; the third also received an injection of gentamicin and dexamethasone into the capsular bag. After treatment, two patients received oral antibiotics; one received hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Visual acuity was improved and inflammation reduced in all three. However, after treatment, ocular toxic effects due to clindamycin were suspected in one. This approach offers several clear advantages, including topical anesthesia, outpatient management, elimination of the need for vitrectomy, and retention of the intraocular lens (IOL).

  19. Smart lens: tunable liquid lens for laser tracking

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lin, Fan-Yi; Chu, Li-Yu; Juan, Yu-Shan; Pan, Sih-Ting; Fan, Shih-Kang


    A tracking system utilizing tunable liquid lens is proposed and demonstrated. Adapting the concept of EWOD (electrowetting-on-dielectric), the curvature of a droplet on a dielectric film can be controlled by varying the applied voltage. When utilizing the droplet as an optical lens, the focal length of this adaptive liquid lens can be adjusted as desired. Moreover, the light that passes through it can therefore be focused to different positions in space. In this paper, the tuning range of the curvature and focal length of the tunable liquid lens is investigated. Droplet transformation is observed and analyzed under a CCD camera. A tracking system combining the tunable liquid lens with a laser detection system is also proposed. With a feedback circuit that maximizing the returned signal by controlling the tunable lens, the laser beam can keep tracked on a distant reflected target while it is moving.

  20. The Lens Capsule

    PubMed Central

    Danysh, Brian P.; Duncan, Melinda K.


    The lens capsule is a modified basement membrane that completely surrounds the ocular lens. It is known that this extracellular matrix is important for both the structure and biomechanics of the lens in addition to providing informational cues to maintain lens cell phenotype. This review covers the development and structure of the lens capsule, lens diseases associated with mutations in extracellular matrix genes and the role of the capsule in lens function including those proposed for visual accommodation, selective permeability to infectious agents, and cell signaling. PMID:18773892

  1. Outcomes of microscope-integrated intraoperative optical coherence tomography-guided center-sparing internal limiting membrane peeling for myopic traction maculopathy: a novel technique.


    Kumar, Atul; Ravani, Raghav; Mehta, Aditi; Simakurthy, Sriram; Dhull, Chirakshi


    To evaluate the outcomes of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with microscope-integrated intraoperative optical coherence tomography (I-OCT)-guided traction removal and center-sparing internal limiting membrane (cs-ILM) peeling. Nine eyes with myopic traction maculopathy as diagnosed on SD-OCT underwent PPV with I-OCT-guided cs-ILM peeling and were evaluated prospectively for resolution of central macular thickness (CMT) and improvement in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), and complications, if any, were noted. All patients were followed up for more than 9 months. Resolution of the macular retinoschisis was seen in all nine eyes on SD-OCT. At 36 weeks, there was a significant improvement in mean BCVA from the preoperative BCVA (P = 0.0089) along with a reduction in the CMT from 569.77 ± 263.19 to 166.0 ± 43.91 um (P = 0.0039). None of the eyes showed worsening of BCVA or development of full-thickness macular hole in the intraoperative or follow-up period. PPV with I-OCT-guided cs-ILM peeling helps in complete removal of traction, resolution of retinoschisis and good functional recovery with low intraoperative and postoperative complications.

  2. The cellular and molecular mechanisms of vertebrate lens development

    PubMed Central

    Cvekl, Aleš; Ashery-Padan, Ruth


    The ocular lens is a model system for understanding important aspects of embryonic development, such as cell specification and the spatiotemporally controlled formation of a three-dimensional structure. The lens, which is characterized by transparency, refraction and elasticity, is composed of a bulk mass of fiber cells attached to a sheet of lens epithelium. Although lens induction has been studied for over 100 years, recent findings have revealed a myriad of extracellular signaling pathways and gene regulatory networks, integrated and executed by the transcription factor Pax6, that are required for lens formation in vertebrates. This Review summarizes recent progress in the field, emphasizing the interplay between the diverse regulatory mechanisms employed to form lens progenitor and precursor cells and highlighting novel opportunities to fill gaps in our understanding of lens tissue morphogenesis. PMID:25406393

  3. OCT-based crystalline lens topography in accommodating eyes.


    Pérez-Merino, Pablo; Velasco-Ocana, Miriam; Martinez-Enriquez, Eduardo; Marcos, Susana


    Custom Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) provided with automatic quantification and distortion correction algorithms was used to measure anterior and posterior crystalline lens surface elevation in accommodating eyes and to evaluate relationships between anterior segment surfaces. Nine young eyes were measured at different accommodative demands. Anterior and posterior lens radii of curvature decreased at a rate of 0.78 ± 0.18 and 0.13 ± 0.07 mm/D, anterior chamber depth decreased at 0.04 ± 0.01 mm/D and lens thickness increased at 0.04 ± 0.01 mm/D with accommodation. Three-dimensional surface elevations were estimated by subtracting best fitting spheres. In the relaxed state, the spherical term accounted for most of the surface irregularity in the anterior lens (47%) and astigmatism (70%) in the posterior lens. However, in accommodated lenses astigmatism was the predominant surface irregularity (90%) in the anterior lens. The RMS of high-order irregularities of the posterior lens surface was statistically significantly higher than that of the anterior lens surface (x2.02, p<0.0001). There was significant negative correlation in vertical coma (Z3 (-1)) and oblique trefoil (Z3 (-3)) between lens surfaces. The astigmatic angle showed high degree of alignment between corneal surfaces, moderate between corneal and anterior lens surface (~27 deg), but differed by ~80 deg between the anterior and posterior lens surfaces (including relative anterior/posterior lens astigmatic angle shifts (10-20 deg).

  4. OCT-based crystalline lens topography in accommodating eyes

    PubMed Central

    Pérez-Merino, Pablo; Velasco-Ocana, Miriam; Martinez-Enriquez, Eduardo; Marcos, Susana


    Custom Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) provided with automatic quantification and distortion correction algorithms was used to measure anterior and posterior crystalline lens surface elevation in accommodating eyes and to evaluate relationships between anterior segment surfaces. Nine young eyes were measured at different accommodative demands. Anterior and posterior lens radii of curvature decreased at a rate of 0.78 ± 0.18 and 0.13 ± 0.07 mm/D, anterior chamber depth decreased at 0.04 ± 0.01 mm/D and lens thickness increased at 0.04 ± 0.01 mm/D with accommodation. Three-dimensional surface elevations were estimated by subtracting best fitting spheres. In the relaxed state, the spherical term accounted for most of the surface irregularity in the anterior lens (47%) and astigmatism (70%) in the posterior lens. However, in accommodated lenses astigmatism was the predominant surface irregularity (90%) in the anterior lens. The RMS of high-order irregularities of the posterior lens surface was statistically significantly higher than that of the anterior lens surface (x2.02, p<0.0001). There was significant negative correlation in vertical coma (Z3−1) and oblique trefoil (Z3−3) between lens surfaces. The astigmatic angle showed high degree of alignment between corneal surfaces, moderate between corneal and anterior lens surface (~27 deg), but differed by ~80 deg between the anterior and posterior lens surfaces (including relative anterior/posterior lens astigmatic angle shifts (10-20 deg). PMID:26713216

  5. 19 CFR 10.537 - Accessories, spare parts, or tools.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... parts, or tools will be taken into account as originating or non-originating materials, as the case may... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Accessories, spare parts, or tools. 10.537 Section... Free Trade Agreement Rules of Origin § 10.537 Accessories, spare parts, or tools. Accessories, spare...

  6. 46 CFR 34.50-15 - Spare charges-TB/ALL.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Spare charges-TB/ALL. 34.50-15 Section 34.50-15 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT Portable and Semiportable Extinguishers § 34.50-15 Spare charges—TB/ALL. (a) Spare charges shall be carried on all vessels...

  7. 46 CFR 34.50-15 - Spare charges-TB/ALL.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Spare charges-TB/ALL. 34.50-15 Section 34.50-15 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT Portable and Semiportable Extinguishers § 34.50-15 Spare charges—TB/ALL. (a) Spare charges shall be carried on all vessels...

  8. 46 CFR 34.50-15 - Spare charges-TB/ALL.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Spare charges-TB/ALL. 34.50-15 Section 34.50-15 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT Portable and Semiportable Extinguishers § 34.50-15 Spare charges—TB/ALL. (a) Spare charges shall be carried on all vessels...

  9. 46 CFR 34.50-15 - Spare charges-TB/ALL.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Spare charges-TB/ALL. 34.50-15 Section 34.50-15 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT Portable and Semiportable Extinguishers § 34.50-15 Spare charges—TB/ALL. (a) Spare charges shall be carried on all vessels...

  10. 46 CFR 34.50-15 - Spare charges-TB/ALL.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Spare charges-TB/ALL. 34.50-15 Section 34.50-15 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT Portable and Semiportable Extinguishers § 34.50-15 Spare charges—TB/ALL. (a) Spare charges shall be carried on all vessels...



    Gabr, Hesham; Chen, Xi; Zevallos-Carrasco, Oscar M; Viehland, Christian; Dandrige, Alexandria; Sarin, Neeru; Mahmoud, Tamer H; Vajzovic, Lejla; Izatt, Joseph A; Toth, Cynthia A


    To evaluate the use of live volumetric (4D) intraoperative swept-source microscope-integrated optical coherence tomography in vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy complications. In this prospective study, we analyzed a subgroup of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy complications who required vitrectomy and who were imaged by the research swept-source microscope-integrated optical coherence tomography system. In near real time, images were displayed in stereo heads-up display facilitating intraoperative surgeon feedback. Postoperative review included scoring image quality, identifying different diabetic retinopathy-associated pathologies and reviewing the intraoperatively documented surgeon feedback. Twenty eyes were included. Indications for vitrectomy were tractional retinal detachment (16 eyes), combined tractional-rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (2 eyes), and vitreous hemorrhage (2 eyes). Useful, good-quality 2D (B-scans) and 4D images were obtained in 16/20 eyes (80%). In these eyes, multiple diabetic retinopathy complications could be imaged. Swept-source microscope-integrated optical coherence tomography provided surgical guidance, e.g., in identifying dissection planes under fibrovascular membranes, and in determining residual membranes and traction that would benefit from additional peeling. In 4/20 eyes (20%), acceptable images were captured, but they were not useful due to high tractional retinal detachment elevation which was challenging for imaging. Swept-source microscope-integrated optical coherence tomography can provide important guidance during surgery for proliferative diabetic retinopathy complications through intraoperative identification of different complications and facilitation of intraoperative decision making.

  12. 23G pars plana vitrectomy for vitreal floaters: prospective assessment of subjective self-reported visual impairment and surgery-related risks during the course of treatment.


    Hahn, Ursula; Krummenauer, Frank; Ludwig, Klaus


    Quantifying the subjective impairment due to floaters based on an indication-specific questionnaire and setting its change between prior to and 3/12 months after elective vitrectomy in relation to surgical risks. Single-arm longitudinal observational multicenter study. Sixty-four floater patients underwent 23G pars plana vitrectomy; simultaneous phacoemulsification was excluded. An overall self-rated impairment index (SRI) and sub-indices SRI were calculated on the basis of a modified Visual Quality of Life questionnaire (VQoL), which addresses general vision, glare, near-sight problems and mobility of floaters. SRI ranged from 0 to 100% (maximum impairment). Secondary endpoints included corrected visual acuity and complications. Data were collected prior to and 3 (n = 64) and 12 (n = 62) months after surgery. The median overall SRI improved (44, 12, 11%) with a statistically significant median reduction of 69% (95% confidence interval 50-89%) 3 months postop. The median sub-SRIs improved for glare (50, 17, 17%), near sight problems (50, 17, 8%), and mobility of floaters (43, 5, 0%). Sixteen eyes needed cataract surgery during follow-up (10 showed cataract already prior to vitrectomy). Eight complications were reported (6 intra-operative retinal holes, 2 post-operative retinal detachments). For the majority of floater patients, subjective impairment was profoundly reduced by vitrectomy. Benefits of surgery prevailed despite complications.

  13. SU-E-T-449: Hippocampal Sparing Radiotherapy Using Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Moon, S; Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Gangdong-gu; Kim, D


    Purpose: The hippocampus sparing during the cranial irradiation has become interesting because it may mitigate radiation-induced neurocognitive toxicity. Herein we report our preliminary study for sparing the hippocampus with and without tilling condition for patient with brain metastases. Methods: Ten patients previously treated with whole brain were reviewed. Five patients tilted the head to around 30 degrees and others were treated without tilting. Treatment plans of linear accelerator (Linac)-based volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) were generated for prescription dose of 30 Gy in 15 fractions. Hippocampal avoidance regions were created with 5-mm volumetric expansion aroundmore » the hippocampus. Whole brain, hippocampus and hippocampal avoidance volume were 1372cm3, 6cm3 and 30cm3 and hippocampal avoidance volume was 2.2% of the whole brain planned target volume in average. Organs at risk (OARs) are hippocampus, eyes, lens, and cochleae. Coverage index (CVI), conformity index (CI), homogeneity index (HI) and mean dose to OARs were used to compare dose characteristic of tilted and non-tilted cases. Results: In IMRT, when CI, CVI and HI of whole brain were 0.88, 0.09 and 0.98 in both tilted and non-tilted cases, absorbed dose of hippocampal avoidance volume in tilted cases were 10% lower than non-tilted cases. Doses in other OARs such as eyes, lens, and cochleae were also decreased about 20% when tilting the head. When CI, HI and CVI in VMAT were 0.9, 0.08 and 0.99, the dose-decreased ratio of OARs in both with and without tilting cases were almost the same with IMRT. But absolute dose of hippocampal avoidance volume in VMAT was 30% lower than IMRT. Conclusion: This study confirms that dose to hippocampus decreases if patients tilt the head. When treating the whole brain with head tilted, patients can acquire the same successful treatment Result and also preserve their valuable memory.« less

  14. Posterior chamber lens implantation with scleral fixation in children with traumatic cataract.


    Caca, Ihsan; Sahin, Alparslan; Ari, Seyhmus; Alakus, Fuat


    To evaluate the outcomes of posterior chamber lens implantation with scleral fixation (SF-PCIOL) in children with traumatic cataract. Twenty-four eyes of 24 cases were included. All patients had corneal or corneoscleral lacerations that were primarily repaired. Traumatic cataract subsequently developed and SF-PCIOL was performed due to insufficient posterior capsule support. The average age of the patients was 5.8 years (range: 4 to 10 years). All cases had SF-PCIOL implanted via internal route using triangular double scleral flaps made of 9-0 polypropylene after a complete anterior vitrectomy. Average follow-up was 14.6 ± 4.3 months (range: 11 to 18 months). Visual acuity was increased at the last visit in 23 (96%) patients. Common postoperative complications were fibrinous reaction in 6 (25%) patients, transient intraocular pressure increase in 4 (17%) patients, membrane formation requiring removal in 1 (4%) patient, transient intraocular hemorrhage as vitreous hemorrhage in 1 (4%) patient, and retinal detachment in 1 (4%) patient after the postoperative second month. SF-PCIOL is an effective and reliable method in patients with pediatric traumatic cataract who had insufficient posterior capsule support. Copyright 2011, SLACK Incorporated.

  15. SU-F-T-339: Comparison Between Coplanar and Non-Coplanar RapidArc Approach of Hippocampal-Sparing Whole Brain Radiotherapy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Liu, B; Kim, J

    Purpose: To compare the dosimetry of coplanar and non-coplanar RapidArc whole brain plans for hippocampal sparing Methods: We studied the RapidArc plans of patient with brain metastases, with the prescription of 3750 cGy in 15 fractions. The coplanar approach used a full clockwise (CW) arc and a full counterclockwise (CCW) arc, with the couch angle to be 0°. The non-coplanar approach used a full arc with a couch angle of 0°, and a partial arc with a couch angle of 90°. Treatment planning system is Eclipse Ver. 11. Constraints for eyes, lens, brainstem, optical nerves and chiasm are employed inmore » the optimization so that these OARs’ dose are below tolerance. Constraints for hippocampus are employed so that they receive dose as low as possible while maintain good coverage to whole brain. The beam delivery machine is Varian 21 IX. T1-weighted MRI images were used for hippocampus contouring. Results: The target coverage index for coplanar and non-coplanar RapidArc plans are 94.9% and 95.4%, respectively, with homogeneity index of 0.223 vs 0.226, which is defined as (D2% – D98%)/Dmean of target volume. V95 and V100 are 99.0% and 94.8% for coplanar plan, vs 99.1% and 95.4% for non-coplanar plan, while the mean dose of hippocampus are 1244.5 cGy for coplanar plan vs 1212.3 cGy for non-coplanar plan. Dose for eyes, lens, optical nerves, optical chiasm and brainstem are all below tolerance. Conclusion: Coplanar RapidArc plan provides good target coverage while achieves good hippocampal sparing, and there is no benefit to use non-coplanar approach.« less

  16. Single-Port Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery for Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax: Preliminary Results

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Min-Seok; Yang, Hee Chul; Bae, Mi-Kyung; Cho, Sukki; Kim, Kwhanmien; Jheon, Sanghoon


    Background The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of single-port video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) in the treatment of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax (SSP). Methods Twenty-four patients who were scheduled to undergo single-port VATS for SSP were studied. The medical records of the patients were retrospectively reviewed. The mean follow-up duration was 26.1±19.8 months. In order to evaluate the feasibility of single-port VATS for SSP, the postoperative results of single-port VATS (n=15) in patients with emphysema were compared with those of emphysematous patients who underwent three-port VATS (n=15) during the study period. Results Single-port VATS was feasible in 19 of 24 patients (79.2%), while an additional port was needed in five patients. In the single-port VATS patients, the median operation time, duration of chest tube drainage, and hospital stay were 84.0 minutes, one day, and two days, respectively. Postoperative complications included prolonged chest tube drainage for more than five days (n=1), wound infection (n=1), and vocal fold palsy (n=1). No recurrence of pneumothorax was observed during the follow-up period. The median operation time, duration of chest tube drainage, and hospital stay of the emphysematous patients who underwent single-port VATS were shorter than those who underwent three-port VATS group (p<0.05 for all parameters). Conclusion Single-port VATS proved to be a feasible procedure in the treatment of patients with secondary spontaneous pneumothorax. PMID:26665104

  17. 46 CFR 77.35-20 - Spare charges.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Spare charges. 77.35-20 Section 77.35-20 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS VESSEL CONTROL AND MISCELLANEOUS... for each self-contained breathing apparatus, and a complete set of spare batteries shall be carried...

  18. 46 CFR 195.35-20 - Spare charges.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Spare charges. 195.35-20 Section 195.35-20 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH VESSELS VESSEL CONTROL... recharge shall be carried for each self-contained breathing apparatus, and a complete set of spare...

  19. 46 CFR 77.35-20 - Spare charges.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 3 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Spare charges. 77.35-20 Section 77.35-20 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS VESSEL CONTROL AND MISCELLANEOUS... for each self-contained breathing apparatus, and a complete set of spare batteries shall be carried...

  20. Pitch variable liquid lens array using electrowetting

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, YooKwang; Lee, Jin Su; Kim, Junoh; Won, Yong Hyub


    These days micro lens array is used in various fields such as fiber coupling, laser collimation, imaging and sensor system and beam homogenizer, etc. One of important thing in using micro lens array is, choice of its pitch. Especially imaging systems like integral imaging or light-field camera, pitch of micro lens array defines the system property and thus it could limit the variability of the system. There are already researches about lens array using liquid, and droplet control by electrowetting. This paper reports the result of combining them, the liquid lens array that could vary its pitch by electrowetting. Since lens array is a repeated system, realization of a small part of lens array is enough to show its property. The lens array is composed of nine (3 by 3) liquid droplets on flat surface. On substrate, 11 line electrodes are patterned along vertical and horizontal direction respectively. The width of line electrodes is 300um and interval is 200um. Each droplet is positioned to contain three electrode lines for both of vertical and horizontal direction. So there is one remaining electrode line in each of outermost side for both direction. In original state the voltage is applied to inner electrodes. When voltage of outermost electrodes are turned on, eight outermost droplets move to outer side, thereby increasing pitch of lens array. The original pitch was 1.5mm and it increased to 2.5mm after electrodes of voltage applied is changed.

  1. 46 CFR 96.35-20 - Spare charges.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Spare charges. 96.35-20 Section 96.35-20 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CARGO AND MISCELLANEOUS VESSELS VESSEL CONTROL AND... carried for each self-contained breathing apparatus, and a complete set of spare batteries shall be...

  2. 46 CFR 77.30-15 - Spare charges.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Spare charges. 77.30-15 Section 77.30-15 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS VESSEL CONTROL AND MISCELLANEOUS... carried for each gas mask and self-contained breathing apparatus. The spare charge shall be stowed in the...

  3. 46 CFR 77.30-15 - Spare charges.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 3 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Spare charges. 77.30-15 Section 77.30-15 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS VESSEL CONTROL AND MISCELLANEOUS... carried for each gas mask and self-contained breathing apparatus. The spare charge shall be stowed in the...

  4. Vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling versus inverted internal limiting membrane flap technique for macular hole-induced retinal detachment: a systematic review of literature and meta-analysis.


    Yuan, Jing; Zhang, Ling-Lin; Lu, Yu-Jie; Han, Meng-Yao; Yu, Ai-Hua; Cai, Xiao-Jun


    To evaluate the effects on vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling versus vitrectomy with inverted internal limiting membrane flap technique for macular hole-induced retinal detachment (MHRD). Pubmed, Cochrane Library, and Embase were systematically searched for studies that compared ILM peeling with inverted ILM flap technique for macular hole-induced retinal detachment. The primary outcomes are the rate of retinal reattachment and the rate of macular hole closure 6 months later after initial surgery, the secondary outcome is the postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) 6 months later after initial surgery. Four studies that included 98 eyes were selected. All the included studies were retrospective comparative studies. The preoperative best-corrected visual acuity was equal between ILM peeling and inverted ILM flap technique groups. It was indicated that the rate of retinal reattachment (odds ratio (OR) = 0.14, 95% confidence interval (CI):0.03 to 0.69; P = 0.02) and macular hole closure (OR = 0.06, 95% CI:0.02 to 0.19; P < 0.00001) after initial surgery was higher in the group of vitrectomy with inverted ILM flap technique than that in the group of vitrectomy with ILM peeling. However, there was no statistically significant difference in postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (mean difference (MD) 0.18 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution; 95% CI -0.06 to 0.43 ; P = 0.14) between the two surgery groups. Compared with ILM peeling, vitrectomy with inverted ILM flap technique resulted significantly higher of the rate of retinal reattachment and macular hole closure, but seemed does not improve postoperative best-corrected visual acuity.

  5. Water quality assessment of Australian ports using water quality evaluation indices

    PubMed Central

    Jahan, Sayka


    Australian ports serve diverse and extensive activities, such as shipping, tourism and fisheries, which may all impact the quality of port water. In this work water quality monitoring at different ports using a range of water quality evaluation indices was applied to assess the port water quality. Seawater samples at 30 stations in the year 2016–2017 from six ports in NSW, Australia, namely Port Jackson, Botany, Kembla, Newcastle, Yamba and Eden, were investigated to determine the physicochemical and biological variables that affect the port water quality. The large datasets obtained were designed to determine the Water Quality Index, Heavy metal Evaluation Index, Contamination Index and newly developed Environmental Water Quality Index. The study revealed medium water quality index and high and medium heavy metal evaluation index at three of the study ports and high contamination index in almost all study ports. Low level dissolved oxygen and higher level of total dissolved solids, turbidity, fecal coliforms, copper, iron, lead, zinc, manganese, cadmium and cobalt are mainly responsible for the poor water qualities of the port areas. Good water quality at the background samples indicated that various port activities are the likely cause for poor water quality inside the port area. PMID:29244876

  6. Effect of using a Planecta™ port with a three-way stopcock on the natural frequency of blood pressure transducer kits.


    Fujiwara, Shigeki; Tachihara, Keiichi; Mori, Satoshi; Ouchi, Kentaro; Yokoe, Chizuko; Imaizumi, Uno; Morimoto, Yoshinari; Miki, Yoichiro; Toyoguchi, Izumi; Yoshida, Kazu-Ichi; Yokoyama, Takeshi


    Blood pressure transducer kits are equipped with two types of Planecta™ ports-the flat-type Planecta™ port (FTP) and the Planecta™ port with a three-way stopcock (PTS). We reported that FTP application decreased the natural frequency of the kits. However, Planecta™ is an invaluable tool as it prevents infection, ensures technical simplicity, and excludes air. Hence, an ideal Planecta™ port that does not decrease the frequency characteristics is required. As a first step in this direction, we aimed to assess the influence of PTSs on the natural frequency of blood transducer kits. A DTXplus transducer kit (DT4812J; Argon Medical Devices, TX, USA) was used along with ≥1 PTSs (JMS, Hiroshima, Japan), and the frequency characteristics were assessed. The natural frequency and damping coefficient of each kit were obtained by using frequency characteristics analysis software, and these parameters were evaluated by plotting them on Gardner's chart. Regardless of whether one or two PTSs were inserted, the natural frequency of the kits only slightly decreased (from 42.5 to 41.1 Hz, when 2 PTSs were used). Thus, the frequency characteristics of the kits with PTSs were adequate for pressure monitoring. The insertion of ≥2 FTPs in pressure transducer kits should be avoided, as they markedly decrease the natural frequency and lead to underdamping. However, the effect of PTS insertion in pressure transducer kits on the frequency characteristics is minimal. Thus, we found that the use of PTS markedly improved the frequency characteristics as compared to the use of FTP.

  7. Nipple- and areola-sparing mastectomy for the treatment of breast cancer

    PubMed Central

    Mota, Bruna S; Riera, Rachel; Desidério Ricci, Marcos; Barrett, Jessica; de Castria, Tiago B; Atallah, Álvaro N; Bevilacqua, Jose Luiz B


    skin-sparing mastectomy (SSM) and 3671 underwent traditional mastectomy, also known as modified radical mastectomy (MRM). No participants underwent areola-sparing mastectomy. There was a high risk of confounding for all reported outcomes. For overall survival, the hazard ratio (HR) for NSM compared to SSM was 0.70 (95% CI 0.28 to 1.73; 2 studies; 781 participants) and the HR for NSM compared to MRM was 0.72 (95% CI 0.46 to 1.13; 2 studies, 1202 participants). Local recurrence was evaluated in two studies, the HR for NSM compared to MRM was 0.28 (95% CI 0.12 to 0.68; 2 studies, 1303 participants). The overall risk of complications was different in NSM when compared to other types of mastectomy in general (RR 0.10, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.82, 2 studies, P = 0.03; 1067 participants). With respect to skin necrosis, there was no evidence of a difference with NSM compared to other types of mastectomy, but the confidence interval was wide (RR 4.22, 95% CI 0.59 to 30.03, P = 0.15; 4 studies, 1948 participants). We observed no difference among the three types of mastectomy with respect to the risk of local infection (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.44 to 2.09, P = 0.91, 2 studies; 496 participants). Meta-analysis was not possible when assessing cosmetic outcomes and quality of life, but in general the NSM studies reported a favourable aesthetic result and a gain in quality of life compared with the other types of mastectomy. The quality of evidence was considered very low for all outcomes due to the high risk of selection bias and wide confidence intervals. Authors’ conclusions The findings from these observational studies of very low-quality evidence were inconclusive for all outcomes due to the high risk of selection bias. PMID:27898991

  8. Contact lens complications.


    Suchecki, Jeanine K; Donshik, Peter; Ehlers, William H


    Complications associated with contact lenses range from mild to severe and occur with all lens modalities. Contact lens wear can cause a change in corneal physiology, which can lead to epithelial, stromal, and endothelial compromise. Other complications include lens deposition, allergic conjunctivitis, giant papillary conjunctivitis, peripheral infiltrates, microbial keratitis, and neovascularization. Pre-existing conditions can contribute to these complications, or they can occur in association with contact lens wear and care regimens. Patient-related factors, such as alteration of the recommended wearing or replacement schedules and noncompliance with recommended contact lens care regimens for economic reasons, convenience, or in error, contribute to contact lens-related complications and have led to difficulty in accurate determination of complication rates among the various lens wear modalities. Complications may require discontinuation of contact lenses, topical therapy, and changes in contact lens wearing schedules, materials, and care solutions. On initial lens fitting and follow-up evaluations, practitioners should review contact lens replacement and cleaning regimens with patients and discuss complications. To avoid serious complications, patients should be reminded to remove their contact lenses as soon as ocular irritation occurs, and to call their eye care practitioner immediately if symptoms persist.

  9. Novel fabrication technique of hybrid structure lens array for 3D images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Junsik; Kim, Junoh; Kim, Cheoljoong; Shin, Dooseub; Koo, Gyohyun; Won, Yong Hyub


    Tunable liquid lens arrays can produce three dimensional images by using electrowetting principle that alters surface tensions by applying voltage. This method has advantages of fast response time and low power consumption. However, it is challenging to fabricate a high fill factor liquid lens array and operate three dimensional images which demand high diopter. This study describes a hybrid structure lens array which has not only a liquid lens array but a solid lens array. A concave-shape lens array is unavoidable when using only the liquid lens array and some voltages are needed to make the lens flat. By placing the solid lens array on the liquid lens array, initial diopter can be positive. To fabricate the hybrid structure lens array, a conventional lithographic process in semiconductor manufacturing is needed. A negative photoresist SU-8 was used as chamber master molds. PDMS and UV adhesive replica molding are done sequentially. Two immiscible liquids, DI water and dodecane, are injected in the fabricated chamber, followed by sealing. The fabricated structure has a 20 by 20 pattern of cylindrical shaped circle array and the aperture size of each lens is 1mm. The thickness of the overall hybrid structure is about 2.8mm. Hybrid structure lens array has many advantages. Solid lens array has almost 100% fill factor and allow high efficiency. Diopter can be increased by more than 200 and negative diopter can be shifted to the positive region. This experiment showed several properties of the hybrid structure and demonstrated its superiority.

  10. Effect of internal limiting membrane peeling on the development of epiretinal membrane after pars plana vitrectomy for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.


    Nam, Ki Yup; Kim, Jung Yeul


    To investigate the difference in the occurrence of postoperative epiretinal membranes (ERMs) in vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with and without peeling of the internal limiting membrane (ILM). The medical records of the 135 patients, who underwent vitrectomy for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment from November 2007 to August 2011, were analyzed retrospectively. Of the subjects, 70 patients underwent ILM peeling during the surgery and 65 did not. The best-corrected visual acuity, fundus photograph, and optical coherence tomography were collected 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. The relationship between ILM peeling and the preoperative findings of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and development of a postoperative ERM was analyzed. No ERM occurred in the ILM peeling group, whereas an ERM occurred in 14 of 65 patients who underwent vitrectomy without ILM peeling (21.5%). This difference was significant (P < 0.001). The occurrence of a postoperative ERM was not significantly correlated with other preoperative factors. In the macular-on group, the overall mean best-corrected visual acuity was better in the ILM peeling group and was significantly higher 12 months postoperatively (P = 0.03). Internal limiting membrane peeling seems to prevent the occurrence of a postoperative ERM in patients with primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.

  11. OCT-based full crystalline lens shape change during accommodation in vivo.


    Martinez-Enriquez, Eduardo; Pérez-Merino, Pablo; Velasco-Ocana, Miriam; Marcos, Susana


    The full shape of the accommodating crystalline lens was estimated using custom three-dimensional (3-D) spectral OCT and image processing algorithms. Automatic segmentation and distortion correction were used to construct 3-D models of the lens region visible through the pupil. The lens peripheral region was estimated with a trained and validated parametric model. Nineteen young eyes were measured at 0-6 D accommodative demands in 1.5 D steps. Lens volume, surface area, diameter, and equatorial plane position were automatically quantified. Lens diameter & surface area correlated negatively and equatorial plane position positively with accommodation response. Lens volume remained constant and surface area decreased with accommodation, indicating that the lens material is incompressible and the capsular bag elastic.

  12. Surgical Outcomes of 27-Gauge Pars PLana Vitrectomy for Symptomatic Vitreous Floaters

    PubMed Central

    Lin, Zhong; Liang, Qi Hua; Lin, Ke; Xiao, Yu Shu; Moonasar, Nived


    Purpose To report the surgical outcomes of 27-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for symptomatic vitreous floaters. Methods 47 eyes of 47 patients (39 males, 83.0%) with symptomatic vitreous floaters who underwent 27-gauge PPV and followed up for more than 6 months were included. The mean age was 34.7 ± 13.5 years. Results No operative complication occurred. At first day postoperatively, the intraocular pressure (IOP) was significantly lower than that at other time points (8.6 ± 2.7 mmHg, p < 0.001). 28 (59.6%) eyes had transient hypotony (IOP < 8 mmHg). All were recovered within 1 week postoperatively. The BCVA of 41 eyes (41/47, 87.2%) remained unchanged or improved. Postoperative complications occurred in two eyes: one (2.1%) had endophthalmitis and one (2.1%) had retinal detachment. No clinical significant cataract was observed in the 42 postoperative phakic eyes. 91.5% of the patients were satisfied with the surgery outcome. Besides, 91.3% of the patients felt that the floaters were removed completely or only had an acceptable residual. Conclusion Visual acuity of most patients remained unchanged or improved following 27-gague pars plana vitrectomy for symptomatic vitreous floaters, resulting in high patient satisfaction. However, this treatment should be performed with great caution since severe postoperative complications may still occur. This trial is registered with NCT03049163. PMID:29318039

  13. Anatomical and functional outcomes following vitrectomy for dense vitreous hemorrhage related to Terson syndrome in children.


    Sayman Muslubas, Isil; Karacorlu, Murat; Hocaoglu, Mumin; Ersoz, Mehmet Giray; Arf, Serra


    Our purpose was to assess anatomical and functional outcomes of vitrectomy in pediatric cases of Terson syndrome. A total of 11 eyes of seven children diagnosed with Terson syndrome secondary to traumatic brain injury and 17 eyes of 12 children diagnosed with Terson syndrome secondary to nontraumatic brain hemorrhage who had 20-gauge or 23-gauge pars plana or pars plicata vitrectomy were included in this retrospective study. The primary outcome was the change in visual acuity from the preoperative examination to postoperative final follow-up. Secondary outcomes were anatomic surgical success and postoperative complications. The mean time between diagnosis and surgery was 62 ± 35 days (range, 30-150), and the average age at the time of the surgery was 4.5 ± 6.4 years (range, 3 months to 17 years). The mean preoperative logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) (Snellen) best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 2.6 ± 0.7 (20/7260) (n = 9) and in the remaining 19 eyes it was recorded as noncentral, unsteady, nonmaintained fixation. The mean follow-up period was 50 ± 54 months (range, 12-192 months). At the last follow-up visit, the mean logMAR BCVA was 0.46 ± 0.6 (20/60) (n = 19) and in eight eyes it was recorded as fix-and-follow. One eye developed a retinal detachment 14 months after the first operation, and one eye developed an epiretinal membrane after 2 years. Anatomical success was recorded in all patients at the final visit. In children with massive vitreous hemorrhage secondary to Terson syndrome, vitrectomy is an effective procedure and offers a rapid visual improvement. Earlier surgical treatment prevents amblyopia and blood-related potential complications.

  14. Membrane-less variable focus liquid lens with manual actuation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patra, Roshan; Agarwal, Shivam; Kondaraju, Sasidhar; Bahga, Supreet Singh


    We present a tunable, membrane-less, mechanical-wetting liquid lens that can be actuated manually using a linear actuator such as screw or piston. The operation of the liquid lens is based on deforming the interface separating two immiscible liquids with different refractive indices, while pinning the three-phase contact line at the sharp edge of lens aperture. Our lens design improves upon the existing designs of mechanical-wetting lenses by eliminating the use of complex actuation mechanisms, without compromising on the optical performance. We demonstrate the operation of the liquid lens by tuning its power back and forth from negative to positive by simple rotation of a screw. We also present an analytical description of the focal length of the lens and validate it with detailed experimental measurements. Our experiments show that the focal length of the liquid lens can be tuned repeatably without any adverse effects of hysteresis and gravity.

  15. Integrated circuit test-port architecture and method and apparatus of test-port generation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Teifel, John

    A method and apparatus are provided for generating RTL code for a test-port interface of an integrated circuit. In an embodiment, a test-port table is provided as input data. A computer automatically parses the test-port table into data structures and analyzes it to determine input, output, local, and output-enable port names. The computer generates address-detect and test-enable logic constructed from combinational functions. The computer generates one-hot multiplexer logic for at least some of the output ports. The one-hot multiplexer logic for each port is generated so as to enable the port to toggle between data signals and test signals. Themore » computer then completes the generation of the RTL code.« less

  16. Contact Lens Solutions and Contact Lens Discomfort: Examining the Correlations Between Solution Components, Keratitis, and Contact Lens Discomfort.


    Kuc, Christopher J; Lebow, Kenneth A


    This article will examine the current literature, as it relates to contact lens discomfort (CLD) secondary to contact lens solutions. The reader will better understand the characteristics of contact lenses, as they uniquely interact with each type of contact lens solution and also gain a better comprehension of the components of contact lens solution such as preservatives, surfactants, and chelating agents, which may contribute to discomfort. By investigating corneal staining theory and the mechanisms that contribute to its presence, the reader will gain insight into this clinical finding, which relates to selection of contact lens solutions. The FDA standards for testing solutions and how this relates to contact lens keratitis will also be appraised in regards to current ISO recommendations. Finally, better selection of multipurpose contact lens solution (MPS) and hydrogen peroxide-based solutions for patients should be accessible to the clinician based on this review and preexisting clinical findings or diagnoses. A review of current published literature from peer reviewed journals and online journals was conducted to gain an understanding of contact lens solution's impact on contact lens discomfort. Many studies have been conducted comparing comfort between various types of contact lens solutions. It is challenging to decipher this information and apply it clinically when selecting solutions for patients. By comparing solution components, how contact lens solutions interact with different types of lenses, keratitis related to contact lenses, and preexisting ocular conditions, this review will improve a clinician's ability to eliminate CLD.

  17. Post-lens tear turbidity and visual quality after scleral lens wear.


    Carracedo, Gonzalo; Serramito-Blanco, Maria; Martin-Gil, Alba; Wang, Zicheng; Rodriguez-Pomar, Candela; Pintor, Jesús


    The aim was to evaluate the turbidity and thickness of the post-lens tear layer and its effect on visual quality in patients with keratoconus after the beginning of lens wear and before lens removal at the end of eight hours. Twenty-six patients with keratoconus (aged 36.95 ± 8.95 years) participated voluntarily in the study. The sample was divided into two groups: patients with intrastromal corneal ring (ICRS group) and patients without ICRS (KC group). Distance visual acuity (VA), contrast sensitivity, pachymetry, post-lens tear layer height and post-lens tear layer turbidity (percentage area occupied and number of particles per mm 2 ) were evaluated with optical coherence tomography before and after wearing a scleral lens. A significant increase of turbidity was found in all groups assessed (p < 0.05). The number of particles per square millimetre was eight times higher after scleral lens wear than at the beginning of wearing the lens for all groups. VA decreases in all groups after scleral lens wear (p < 0.001). All patients showed a statistical diminishing of contrast sensitivity after scleral lens wear (p < 0.05). A significant correlation was found for both turbidity parameters with distance VA but no correlation between turbidity and post-lens tear layer thickness at the beginning was found (p > 0.05). A strong correlation in all groups between the post-lens tear layer at the beginning and differences of tear layer thickness between two measures was also found (p < 0.05). The VA decrease during the scleral lens wearing, filled with preserved saline solution, was due to the increasing post-lens tear layer turbidity. © 2017 Optometry Australia.

  18. Estimating economic impacts of regulatory changes to U.S. port operations

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This report describes a framework constructed to assist in understanding the long run : impacts of regulations proposed by the US Coast Guard on domestic marine ports. The : port impacts considered pertain to cost, time and reliability. These three f...

  19. Depth-discrete sampling port


    Pemberton, Bradley E [Aiken, SC; May, Christopher P [Columbia, MD; Rossabi, Joseph [Aiken, SC; Riha, Brian D [Augusta, GA; Nichols, Ralph L [North Augusta, SC


    A sampling port is provided which has threaded ends for incorporating the port into a length of subsurface pipe. The port defines an internal receptacle which is in communication with subsurface fluids through a series of fine filtering slits. The receptacle is in further communication through a bore with a fitting carrying a length of tubing there which samples are transported to the surface. Each port further defines an additional bore through which tubing, cables, or similar components of adjacent ports may pass.

  20. Depth-discrete sampling port


    Pemberton, Bradley E.; May, Christopher P.; Rossabi, Joseph; Riha, Brian D.; Nichols, Ralph L.


    A sampling port is provided which has threaded ends for incorporating the port into a length of subsurface pipe. The port defines an internal receptacle which is in communication with subsurface fluids through a series of fine filtering slits. The receptacle is in further communication through a bore with a fitting carrying a length of tubing there which samples are transported to the surface. Each port further defines an additional bore through which tubing, cables, or similar components of adjacent ports may pass.

  1. The Influence of Different OK Lens Designs on Peripheral Refraction.


    Kang, Pauline; Swarbrick, Helen


    To compare peripheral refraction changes along the horizontal and vertical meridians induced by three different orthokeratology (OK) lens designs: BE, Paragon CRT, and Contex lenses. Nineteen subjects (6M, 13F, mean age 28 ± 7 years) were initially fitted with BE OK lenses in both eyes which were worn overnight for 14 days. Central and peripheral refraction and corneal topography were measured at baseline and after 14 nights of lens wear. After a minimum 2-week washout period, one randomly selected eye was re-fitted with a Paragon CRT lens and the other eye with a Contex OK lens. Measurements were repeated before and after 14 nights of lens wear. The three different OK lenses caused significant changes in peripheral refraction along both the horizontal and vertical visual fields (VFs). BE and Paragon CRT lenses induced a significant hyperopic shift within the central ±20° along the horizontal VF and at all positions along the vertical meridian except at 30° in the superior VF. There were no significant differences in peripheral refraction changes induced between BE and Paragon CRT lenses. When comparing BE and Contex OK lens designs, BE caused greater hyperopic shifts at 10° and 30° in the temporal VF and at center, 10°, and 20° in the superior VF along the vertical meridian. Furthermore, BE lenses caused greater reduction in Flat and Steep K values compared to Contex OK. OK lenses induced significant changes in peripheral refraction along the horizontal and vertical meridians. Despite the clinically significant difference in central corneal flattening induced by BE and Contex OK lenses, relative peripheral refraction changes differed minimally between the three OK lens designs. If the peripheral retina influences refractive error development, these results suggest that myopia control effects are likely to be similar between different OK lens designs.

  2. LENS: Prototyping Program

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rountree, S. Derek


    The Low-Energy Neutrino Spectrometer (LENS) prototyping program is broken into two phases. The first of these is μLENS, a small prototype to study the light transmission in the as built LENS scintillation lattice--- a novel detector method of high segmentation in a large liquid scintillation detector. The μLENS prototype is currently deployed and taking data at the Kimballton Underground Research Facility (KURF) near Virginia Tech. I will discuss the Scintillation Lattice construction methods and schemes of the μLENS program for running with minimal channels instrumented to date ˜41 compared to full coverage 216). The second phase of prototyping is the miniLENS detector for which construction is under way. I will discuss the overall design from the miniLENS Scintillation Lattice to the shielding.

  3. Sharing of secondary electrons by in-lens and out-lens detector in low-voltage scanning electron microscope equipped with immersion lens.


    Kumagai, Kazuhiro; Sekiguchi, Takashi


    To understand secondary electron (SE) image formation with in-lens and out-lens detector in low-voltage scanning electron microscopy (LV-SEM), we have evaluated SE signals of an in-lens and an out-lens detector in LV-SEM. From the energy distribution spectra of SEs with various boosting voltages of the immersion lens system, we revealed that the electrostatic field of the immersion lens mainly collects electrons with energy lower than 40eV, acting as a low-pass filter. This effect is also observed as a contrast change in LV-SEM images taken by in-lens and out-lens detectors.

  4. Guidelines for port authorities and governments on the privatization of port facilities

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Definitions of privatization as there are port practitioners and experts. In these circumstances, drafting "Guidelines for Port Authorities and Governments on the privatization of port facilities" is a challenge. The ten-step approach presented in th...

  5. OCT-based full crystalline lens shape change during accommodation in vivo

    PubMed Central

    Martinez-Enriquez, Eduardo; Pérez-Merino, Pablo; Velasco-Ocana, Miriam; Marcos, Susana


    The full shape of the accommodating crystalline lens was estimated using custom three-dimensional (3-D) spectral OCT and image processing algorithms. Automatic segmentation and distortion correction were used to construct 3-D models of the lens region visible through the pupil. The lens peripheral region was estimated with a trained and validated parametric model. Nineteen young eyes were measured at 0-6 D accommodative demands in 1.5 D steps. Lens volume, surface area, diameter, and equatorial plane position were automatically quantified. Lens diameter & surface area correlated negatively and equatorial plane position positively with accommodation response. Lens volume remained constant and surface area decreased with accommodation, indicating that the lens material is incompressible and the capsular bag elastic. PMID:28270993

  6. Clear lens phacoemulsification in Alport syndrome: refractive results and electron microscopic analysis of the anterior lens capsule.


    Bayar, Sezin Akca; Pinarci, Eylem Yaman; Karabay, Gulten; Akman, Ahmet; Oto, Sibel; Yilmaz, Gursel


    To report the ocular findings of patients with Alport syndrome and the results of clear lens extraction in this patient group. Twenty-three eyes of 15 patients with a diagnosis of Alport syndrome were included in this study. Clear corneal phacoemulsification and intraocular foldable lens implantation was performed in eyes with indeterminate refractive errors and/or poor visual acuity and anterior capsule samples were analyzed with electron microscopy. All patients had a history of hereditary nephritis and/or deafness as systemic involvement. Ophthalmologic examination revealed anterior lenticonus with high myopia and/or irregular astigmatism in all patients. The mean best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.67 ± 0.17 logMAR (range 1.0-0.4) preoperatively and 0.17 ± 0.08 logMAR (range 0.3-0.0) postoperatively. Postoperative refractive lenticular astigmatism dramatically decreased and no ocular complications arose during the follow-up period. Transmission electron microscopic analysis of the lens capsules supported the diagnosis of Alport syndrome. Clear lens phacoemulsification and foldable intraocular lens implantation is a safe and effective therapeutic choice for the management of uncorrectable refractive errors and low visual acuity due to anterior lenticonus in patients with Alport syndrome.

  7. Patient-specific port placement for laparoscopic surgery using atlas-based registration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Enquobahrie, Andinet; Shivaprabhu, Vikas; Aylward, Stephen; Finet, Julien; Cleary, Kevin; Alterovitz, Ron


    Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical approach, in which abdominal surgical procedures are performed through trocars via small incisions. Patients benefit by reduced postoperative pain, shortened hospital stays, improved cosmetic results, and faster recovery times. Optimal port placement can improve surgeon dexterity and avoid the need to move the trocars, which would cause unnecessary trauma to the patient. We are building an intuitive open source visualization system to help surgeons identify ports. Our methodology is based on an intuitive port placement visualization module and atlas-based registration algorithm to transfer port locations to individual patients. The methodology follows three steps:1) Use a port placement visualization module to manually place ports in an abdominal organ atlas. This step generates port-augmented abdominal atlas. This is done only once for a given patient population. 2) Register the atlas data with the patient CT data, to transfer the prescribed ports to the individual patient 3) Review and adjust the transferred port locations using the port placement visualization module. Tool maneuverability and target reachability can be tested using the visualization system. Our methodology would decrease the amount of physician input necessary to optimize port placement for each patient case. In a follow up work, we plan to use the transferred ports as starting point for further optimization of the port locations by formulating a cost function that will take into account factors such as tool dexterity and likelihood of collision between instruments.

  8. Cell Fate and Differentiation of the Developing Ocular Lens

    PubMed Central

    Greiling, Teri M. S.; Aose, Masamoto


    Purpose. Even though zebrafish development does not include the formation of a lens vesicle, the authors' hypothesis is that the processes of cell differentiation are similar in zebrafish and mammals and determine cell fates in the lens. Methods. Two-photon live embryo imaging was used to follow individual fluorescently labeled cells in real-time from the placode stage at 16 hours postfertilization (hpf) until obvious morphologic differentiation into epithelium or fiber cells had occurred at approximately 28 hpf. Immunohistochemistry was used to label proliferating, differentiating, and apoptotic cells. Results. Similar to the mammal, cells in the teleost peripheral lens placode migrated to the anterior lens mass and differentiated into an anterior epithelium. Cells in the central lens placode migrated to the posterior lens mass and differentiated into primary fiber cells. Anterior and posterior polarization in the zebrafish lens mass was similar to mammalian lens vesicle polarization. Primary fiber cell differentiation was apparent at approximately 21 hpf, before separation of the lens from the surface ectoderm, as evidenced by cell elongation, exit from the cell cycle, and expression of Zl-1, a marker for fiber differentiation. TUNEL labeling demonstrated that apoptosis was not a primary mechanism for lens separation from the surface ectoderm. Conclusions. Despite the absence of a lens vesicle in the zebrafish embryo, lens organogenesis appears to be well conserved among vertebrates. Results using three-dimensional live embryo imaging of zebrafish development showed minimal differences and strong similarities in the fate of cells in the zebrafish and mammalian lens placode. PMID:19834024

  9. Fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling is essential for lens fiber cell differentiation.


    Zhao, Haotian; Yang, Tianyu; Madakashira, Bhavani P; Thiels, Cornelius A; Bechtle, Chad A; Garcia, Claudia M; Zhang, Huiming; Yu, Kai; Ornitz, David M; Beebe, David C; Robinson, Michael L


    The vertebrate lens provides an excellent model to study the mechanisms that regulate terminal differentiation. Although fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are thought to be important for lens cell differentiation, it is unclear which FGF receptors mediate these processes during different stages of lens development. Deletion of three FGF receptors (Fgfr1-3) early in lens development demonstrated that expression of only a single allele of Fgfr2 or Fgfr3 was sufficient for grossly normal lens development, while mice possessing only a single Fgfr1 allele developed cataracts and microphthalmia. Profound defects were observed in lenses lacking all three Fgfrs. These included lack of fiber cell elongation, abnormal proliferation in prospective lens fiber cells, reduced expression of the cell cycle inhibitors p27(kip1) and p57(kip2), increased apoptosis and aberrant or reduced expression of Prox1, Pax6, c-Maf, E-cadherin and alpha-, beta- and gamma-crystallins. Therefore, while signaling by FGF receptors is essential for lens fiber differentiation, different FGF receptors function redundantly.

  10. Prototyping for LENS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rasco, B. C.


    The Low-Energy Neutrino Spectroscopy (LENS) experiment will precisely measure the energy spectrum of low-energy solar neutrinos via charged-current neutrino reactions on indium. The LENS detector concept applies indium-loaded scintillator in an optically-segmented lattice geometry to achieve precise time and spatial resolution with unprecedented sensitivity for low-energy neutrino events. The LENS collaboration is currently developing prototypes that aim to demonstrate the performance and selectivity of the technology and to benchmark Monte Carlo simulations that will guide scaling to the full LENS instrument. Currently a 120 liter prototype, microLENS, is operating with pure scintillator (no indium loading) in the Kimballton Underground Research Facility (KURF). We will present results from initial measurements with microLENS and plans for a 400 liter prototype, miniLENS, using indium loaded scintillator that will be installed this summer.

  11. 7 CFR 354.1 - Overtime work at border ports, sea ports, and airports.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 5 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Overtime work at border ports, sea ports, and airports. 354.1 Section 354.1 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) ANIMAL AND... EXPORTS; AND USER FEES § 354.1 Overtime work at border ports, sea ports, and airports. (a)(1) Any person...

  12. Flat Lens Focusing Demonstrated With Left-Handed Metamaterial

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wilson, Jeffrey D.; Schwartz, Zachary D.; Chevalier, Christine T.; Downey, Alan N.; Vaden, Karl R.


    Left-handed metamaterials (LHM's) are a new media engineered to possess an effective negative index of refraction over a selected frequency range. This characteristic enables LHM's to exhibit physical properties never before observed. In particular, a negative index of refraction should cause electromagnetic radiation to refract or bend at a negative angle when entering an LHM, as shown in the figure above on the left. The figure on the right shows that this property could be used to bring radiation to a focus with a flat LHM lens. The advantage of a flat lens in comparison to a conventional curved lens is that the focal length could be varied simply by adjusting the distance between the lens and the electromagnetic wave source. In this in-house work, researchers at the NASA Glenn Research Center developed a computational model for LHM's with the three-dimensional electromagnetic commercial code Microwave Studio, constructed an LHM flat lens, and used it to experimentally demonstrate the reversed refraction and flat lens focusing of microwave radiation.

  13. Spare-Part Surgery

    PubMed Central

    Peng, Yeong Pin; Lahiri, Amitabha


    The authors discuss the use of scavenged tissue for reconstruction of an injured limb, also referred to as “spare-part surgery.” It forms an important part of overall reconstructive strategy. Though some principles can be laid down, there is no “textbook” method for the surgeon to follow. Successful application of this strategy requires understanding of the concept, accurate judgment, and the ability to plan “on-the-spot,” as well as knowledge and skill to improvise composite flaps from nonsalvageable parts. Requirements for limb reconstruction vary from simple solutions such as tissue coverage, which include skin grafts or flaps to more complex planning as in functional reconstruction of the hand, where the functional importance of individual digits as well as the overall prehensile function of the hand needs to be addressed right from the time of primary surgery. The incorporation of the concept of spare-part surgery allows the surgeon to carry out primary reconstruction of the limb without resorting to harvest tissue from other regions of the body. PMID:24872768

  14. 7 CFR 354.1 - Overtime work at border ports, sea ports, and airports.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Overtime work at border ports, sea ports, and airports... EXPORTS; AND USER FEES § 354.1 Overtime work at border ports, sea ports, and airports. (a)(1) Any person... of aircraft at airports of entry or other places of inspection as a consequence of the operation of...

  15. Intake port


    Mendler, Edward Charles


    The volumetric efficiency and power of internal combustion engines is improved with an intake port having an intake nozzle, a venturi, and a surge chamber. The venturi is located almost halfway upstream the intake port between the intake valves and the intake plenum enabling the venturi throat diameter to be exceptionally small for providing an exceptionally high ram velocity and an exceptionally long and in turn high efficiency diffuser flowing into the surge chamber. The intake port includes an exceptionally large surge chamber volume for blow down of the intake air into the working cylinder of the engine.

  16. Community Near-Port Modeling System (C-PORT): Briefing for Environmental Defense Fund

    EPA Science Inventory

    What C-PORT is: Screening level tool for assessing port activities and exploring the range of potential impacts that changes to port operations might have on local air quality; Analysis of decision alternatives through mapping of the likely pattern of potential pollutant dispersi...

  17. Laue lens for radiotherapy applications through a focused hard x-ray beam: a feasibility study on requirements and tolerances

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Camattari, Riccardo


    Focusing a hard x-ray beam would represent an innovative technique for tumour treatment, since such a beam may deliver a dose to a tumour located at a given depth under the skin, sparing the surrounding healthy cells. A detailed study of a focusing system for hard x-ray aimed at radiotherapy is presented here. Such a focusing system, named Laue lens, exploits x-ray diffraction and consists of a series of crystals disposed as concentric rings capable of concentrating a flux of x-rays towards a focusing point. A feasibility study regarding the positioning tolerances of the crystalline optical elements has been carried out. It is shown that a Laue lens can effectively be used in the context of radiotherapy for tumour treatments provided that the mounting errors are below certain values, which are reachable in the modern micromechanics. An extended survey based on an analytical approach and on simulations is presented for precisely estimating all the contributions of each mounting error, analysing their effect on the focal spot of the Laue lens. Finally, a simulation for evaluating the released dose in a water phantom is shown.

  18. Totally implanted ports: the trapezius approach in practice.


    Hill, Steve

    Implanted ports (IPs) are an essential device for many patients who require long-term vascular access. IPs offer some advantages over other central venous access devices, such as lifestyle, body image benefits and lower infection rates. A typical implantation site for a port is the anterior chest wall. For some patients with breast cancer who have metastatic chest wall disease this site may lead to problems with the function of the device if disease spreads to the port site. One option for this patient group is to place the implanted port over the trapezius muscle. This article discusses six patients, all of whom had metastatic breast cancer with some degree of subcutaneous disease on the anterior chest wall. Three patients had received trapezius port placements and three had anterior chest wall placements. A retrospective review of the patients' medical records was undertaken from the time of insertion until removal or until the patient died. The anterior chest wall group of patients had their devices in for an average of 368 days vs 214 in the trapezius group. The total complications were higher in the anterior chest wall group (7 vs 2 in the trapezius group). Disease spread to two of the devices in the anterior chest wall group meaning the devices could no longer be used. The trapezius approach appears to be a safe and a reliable form of vascular access and may offer fewer complications than the traditional method of anterior chest wall placement when standard anterior chest wall approach is not suitable.

  19. National- to port-level inventories of shipping emissions in China

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fu, Mingliang; Liu, Huan; Jin, Xinxin; He, Kebin


    Shipping in China plays a global role, and has led worldwide maritime transportation for the last decade. However, without taking national or local port boundaries into account, it is impossible to determine the responsibility that each local authority has on emission controls, nor compare them with land-based emissions to determine the priority for controlling these emissions. In this study, we provide national- to port-level inventories for China. The results show that in 2013, the total emissions of CO, non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), nitrogen oxides (NO x ), particulate matter (PM), SO2 and CO2 were 0.0741 ± 0.0004 Tg•yr-1, 0.0691 ± 0.0004 Tg•yr-1, 1.91 ± 0.01 Tg•yr-1, 0.164 ± 0.001 Tg•yr-1, 1.30 ± 0.01 Tg•yr-1 and 86.3 ± 0.3 Tg•yr-1 in China, respectively. By providing high-resolution spatial distribution maps of these emissions, we identify three hotspots, centered on the Bohai Rim Area, the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. These three hotspots account for 8% of the ocean area evaluated in this study, but contribute around 37% of total shipping emissions. Compared with on-road mobile source emissions, NO x and PM emissions from ships are equivalent to about 34% and 29% of the total mobile vehicle emissions in China. Moreover, this study provides detailed emission inventories for 24 ports in the country, which also greatly contributes to our understanding of global shipping emissions, given that eight of these ports rank within the top twenty of the port league table. Several ports in China suffer emissions 12-147 times higher than those at Los Angeles port. The ports of Ningbo-Zhou Shan, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Dalian dominate the port-level inventories, with individual emissions accounting for 28%-31%, 10%-14%, 10%-12% and 8%-14% of total emissions, respectively.

  20. Comparison of organ-at-risk sparing and plan robustness for spot-scanning proton therapy and volumetric modulated arc photon therapy in head-and-neck cancer

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Barten, Danique L. J., E-mail:; Tol, Jim P.; Dahele, Max

    Purpose: Proton radiotherapy for head-and-neck cancer (HNC) aims to improve organ-at-risk (OAR) sparing over photon radiotherapy. However, it may be less robust for setup and range uncertainties. The authors investigated OAR sparing and plan robustness for spot-scanning proton planning techniques and compared these with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) photon plans. Methods: Ten HNC patients were replanned using two arc VMAT (RapidArc) and spot-scanning proton techniques. OARs to be spared included the contra- and ipsilateral parotid and submandibular glands and individual swallowing muscles. Proton plans were made using Multifield Optimization (MFO, using three, five, and seven fields) and Single-field Optimizationmore » (SFO, using three fields). OAR sparing was evaluated using mean dose to composite salivary glands (Comp{sub Sal}) and composite swallowing muscles (Comp{sub Swal}). Plan robustness was determined for setup and range uncertainties (±3 mm for setup, ±3% HU) evaluating V95% and V107% for clinical target volumes. Results: Averaged over all patients Comp{sub Sal}/Comp{sub Swal} mean doses were lower for the three-field MFO plans (14.6/16.4 Gy) compared to the three-field SFO plans (20.0/23.7 Gy) and VMAT plans (23.0/25.3 Gy). Using more than three fields resulted in differences in OAR sparing of less than 1.5 Gy between plans. SFO plans were significantly more robust than MFO plans. VMAT plans were the most robust. Conclusions: MFO plans had improved OAR sparing but were less robust than SFO and VMAT plans, while SFO plans were more robust than MFO plans but resulted in less OAR sparing. Robustness of the MFO plans did not increase with more fields.« less

  1. Optimized Determination of Deployable Consumable Spares Packages

    DTIC Science & Technology


    also called deployable bench stock) • CRSP = Consumable Readiness Spares Package • COLT = Customer -Oriented Leveling Technique • ASM = Aircraft...changed please list both.) Original title on 712 A/B: Optimized Determination of Deployable Consumable Spares Packages If the title was revised...number. 1. REPORT DATE 01 JUN 2007 2. REPORT TYPE N/A 3. DATES COVERED - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Optimized Determination of Deployable Consumable

  2. [Trial of "Huber Plus" in outpatients with chemotherapy by blood port system].


    Matsumura, Natsuko; Tazumi, Keiko; Kouji, Keiko; Kondo, Motoi; Mizuki, Masao


    We evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of Huber Plus through three outpatients treated with central venous (CV) port chemotherapy (FOLFOX). One of the three outpatients first received chemotherapy with safety huber (Huber Plus) in this study, and the huber needle was changed from non-safety to a safety huber (Huber Plus) in two of the three outpatients. All three outpatients were taught about needle removal methods and port care. In patients? education, 1) we used a skin model and training CV port, and 2) dressing materials were used as film dressing plus three-point fixation by Fixomull stretch. As a result, the safety system assured zero incidents. Moreover, the evaluation revealed that operability and pain of Huber Plus were not clinical problems. We suggest that Huber Plus is applicable in outpatient chemotherapy and that our care plan with patients? education might become a standard treatment.

  3. Borderline ovarian tumors, fertility-sparing surgery and pregnancy outcome.


    Frega, A; Coluccia, A C; Di Martino, G; Catalano, A; Milazzo, G N; Assorgi, C; Manzara, F; Romeo, G D; Gentile, M; Marziani, R; Moscarini, M


    Borderline ovarian tumors (BOTs) represent a type of epithelial tumors having a biologic intermediate behavior between clearly malignant and straight benign tumors. Most of BOTs interest women during fertile age, for which it is necessary to consider a fertility sparing surgery. To evaluate the clinical aspects and pregnancy rate of women affected by borderline ovarian tumors who have undergone fertility sparing surgery. A study of 22 patients affected by BOTs who have been treated with a fertility sparing surgery was conducted between January 2005 and October 2011 at Sant'Andrea Hospital, "Sapienza" University of Rome. The patients' characteristics analyzed were: age, histological type, tumor size, adnexal surgery, pre-operative serum CA-125, diagnostic circumstances, number of patients who became pregnant and number of overall pregnancies. Among the 22 patients treated with a fertility sparing surgery, only sixteen wanted to get pregnant. Eleven patents out of 16 accomplished it. The pregnancy rate was 68.7%. Fertility sparing surgery can be considered a safe procedure for young women affected by borderline ovarian tumors.

  4. In-cylinder air-flow characteristics of different intake port geometries using tomographic PIV

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Agarwal, Avinash Kumar; Gadekar, Suresh; Singh, Akhilendra Pratap


    For improving the in-cylinder flow characteristics of intake air/charge and for strengthening the turbulence intensity, specific intake port geometries have shown significant potential in compression ignition engines. In this experimental study, effects of intake port geometries on air-flow characteristics were investigated using tomographic particle imaging velocimetry (TPIV). Experiments were performed using three experimental conditions, namely, swirl port open (SPO), tangential port open (TPO), and both port open (BPO) configurations in a single cylinder optical research engine. Flow investigations were carried out in a volumetric section located in the middle of the intake and exhaust valves. Particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) images were captured using two high speed cameras at a crank angle resolution of 2° in the intake and compression strokes. The captured PIV images were then pre-processed and post-processed to obtain the final air-flow-field. Effects of these two intake ports on flow-field are presented for air velocity, vorticity, average absolute velocity, and turbulent kinetic energy. Analysis of these flow-fields suggests the dominating nature of the swirl port over the tangential port for the BPO configuration and higher rate of flow energy dissipation for the TPO configuration compared to the SPO and BPO configurations. These findings of TPIV investigations were experimentally verified by combustion and particulate characteristics of the test engine in thermal cylinder head configuration. Combustion results showed that the SPO configuration resulted in superior combustion amongst all three port configurations. Particulate characteristics showed that the TPO configuration resulted in higher particulate compared to other port configurations.

  5. 33 CFR 165.809 - Security Zones; Port of Port Lavaca-Point Comfort, Point Comfort, TX and Port of Corpus Christi...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... (CONTINUED) PORTS AND WATERWAYS SAFETY REGULATED NAVIGATION AREAS AND LIMITED ACCESS AREAS Specific Regulated Navigation Areas and Limited Access Areas Eighth Coast Guard District § 165.809 Security Zones; Port of Port...) Location. The following area is designated as a security zone: all waters of the Corpus Christi Inner...

  6. A Modeling Tool for Household Biogas Burner Flame Port Design

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Decker, Thomas J.

    Anaerobic digestion is a well-known and potentially beneficial process for rural communities in emerging markets, providing the opportunity to generate usable gaseous fuel from agricultural waste. With recent developments in low-cost digestion technology, communities across the world are gaining affordable access to the benefits of anaerobic digestion derived biogas. For example, biogas can displace conventional cooking fuels such as biomass (wood, charcoal, dung) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), effectively reducing harmful emissions and fuel cost respectively. To support the ongoing scaling effort of biogas in rural communities, this study has developed and tested a design tool aimed at optimizing flame port geometry for household biogas-fired burners. The tool consists of a multi-component simulation that incorporates three-dimensional CAD designs with simulated chemical kinetics and computational fluid dynamics. An array of circular and rectangular port designs was developed for a widely available biogas stove (called the Lotus) as part of this study. These port designs were created through guidance from previous studies found in the literature. The three highest performing designs identified by the tool were manufactured and tested experimentally to validate tool output and to compare against the original port geometry. The experimental results aligned with the tool's prediction for the three chosen designs. Each design demonstrated improved thermal efficiency relative to the original, with one configuration of circular ports exhibiting superior performance. The results of the study indicated that designing for a targeted range of port hydraulic diameter, velocity and mixture density in the tool is a relevant way to improve the thermal efficiency of a biogas burner. Conversely, the emissions predictions made by the tool were found to be unreliable and incongruent with laboratory experiments.

  7. 9 CFR 97.1 - Overtime work at laboratories, border ports, ocean ports, and airports. 1

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Overtime work at laboratories, border ports, ocean ports, and airports. 1 97.1 Section 97.1 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT... laboratories, border ports, ocean ports, and airports. 1 1 For designated ports of entry for certain animals...

  8. 9 CFR 97.1 - Overtime work at laboratories, border ports, ocean ports, and airports. 1

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Overtime work at laboratories, border ports, ocean ports, and airports. 1 97.1 Section 97.1 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT... laboratories, border ports, ocean ports, and airports. 1 1 For designated ports of entry for certain animals...

  9. 9 CFR 97.1 - Overtime work at laboratories, border ports, ocean ports, and airports. 1

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Overtime work at laboratories, border ports, ocean ports, and airports. 1 97.1 Section 97.1 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT... laboratories, border ports, ocean ports, and airports. 1 1 For designated ports of entry for certain animals...

  10. Exposure to subthreshold dose of UVR-B induces apoptosis in the lens epithelial cells and does not in the lens cortical fibre cells.


    Galichanin, Konstantin


    The aim of this study was to investigate in which part of the lens in vivo exposure to subthreshold dose of UVR-B radiation induces apoptosis. Twenty 6-week-old female albino Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to subthreshold dose (1 kJ/m 2 ) of UVR-B unilaterally and killed at 120 hr after exposure. Lenses were enucleated and dissected on three regions: the lens epithelium, the cortex and the nucleus. The lens nucleus then was removed. Apoptosis markers p53 and caspase 3 were used to study apoptosis in the lens regions. qRT-PCR and Western blot were utilized to analyse the lenses. TP53 and CASP3 mRNA expressions are increased in exposed lenses, both in the lens epithelium and in the cortex regions, in relation to non-exposed lenses. Expression of p53 protein is increased in exposed lens epithelium in relation to non-exposed lens epithelium. Caspase 3 protein is expressed in exposed lens epithelial cells, while it is not expressed in non-exposed lens epithelial cells. p53 and caspase 3 proteins are not expressed in either exposed nor non-exposed lens fibre cells. Exposure to UVR-B increases mRNA transcription of apoptosis marker p53 in vivo in both regions of the lens and of apoptosis marker caspase 3 in the lens cortex. Exposure to UVR-B increases p53 and caspase 3 proteins expression just in the lens epithelium. In vivo exposure to subthreshold dose of UVR-B induces apoptosis in the lens epithelial cells and does not in the lens fibre cells. © 2017 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Port Milwaukee Websites

    Milwaukee Arts Board Historic Preservation Commission History of Milwaukee's City Hall Business and Port of Milwaukee Purchasing Division Judicial and Oversight Ethics Board Fire and Police Commission ) Deferred Compensation Plan Port of Milwaukee About Us Board of Harbor Commissioners History Directions to

  12. Is single port enough in minimally surgery for pneumothorax?


    Ocakcioglu, Ilhan; Alpay, Levent; Demir, Mine; Kiral, Hakan; Akyil, Mustafa; Dogruyol, Talha; Tezel, Cagatay; Baysungur, Volkan; Yalcinkaya, Irfan


    Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery is a widespread used procedure for treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax patients. In this study, the adaptation of single-port video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery approach to primary spontaneous pneumothorax patients necessitating surgical treatment, with its pros and cons over the traditional two- or three-port approaches are examined. Between January 2011 and August 2013, 146 primary spontaneous pneumothorax patients suitable for surgical treatment are evaluated prospectively. Indications for surgery included prolonged air leak, recurrent pneumothorax, or abnormal findings on radiological examinations. Visual analog scale and patient satisfaction scale score were utilized. Forty triple-port, 69 double-port, and 37 single-port operations were performed. Mean age of 146 (126 male, 20 female) patients was 27.1 ± 16.4 (range 15-42). Mean operation duration was 63.59 ± 26 min; 61.7 for single, 64.2 for double, and 63.8 min for triple-port approaches. Total drainage was lower in the single-port group than the multi-port groups (P = 0.001). No conversion to open thoracotomy or 30-day hospital mortality was seen in our group. No recurrence was seen in single-port group on follow-up period. Visual analog scale scores on postoperative 24th, 48th, and 72nd hours were 3.42 ± 0.94, 2.46 ± 0.81, 1.96 ± 0.59 in the single-port group; significantly lower than the other groups (P = 0.011, P = 0.014, and P = 0.042, respectively). Patient satisfaction scale scores of patients in the single-port group on 24th and 48th hours were 1.90 ± 0.71 and 2.36 ± 0.62, respectively, indicating a significantly better score than the other two groups (P = 0.038 and P = 0.046). This study confirms the competency of single-port procedure in first-line surgical treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax.

  13. Low voltage electrowetting lenticular lens by using multilayer dielectric structure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Junsik; Kim, Junoh; Kim, Cheoljoong; Shin, Dooseub; Koo, Gyohyun; Sim, Jee Hoon; Won, Yong Hyub


    Lenticular type multi-view display is one of the most popular ways for implementing three dimensional display. This method has a simple structure and exhibits a high luminance. However, fabricating the lenticular lens is difficult because it requires optically complex calculations. 2D-3D conversion is also impossible due to the fixed shape of the lenticular lens. Electrowetting based liquid lenticular lens has a simple fabrication process compared to the solid lenticular lens and the focal length of the liquid lenticular lens can be changed by applying the voltage. 3D and 2D images can be observed with a convex and a flat lens state respectively. Despite these advantages, the electrowetting based liquid lenticular lens demands high driving voltage and low breakdown voltage with a single dielectric layer structure. A certain degree of thickness of the dielectric layer is essential for a uniform operation and a low degradation over time. This paper presents multilayer dielectric structure which results in low driving voltage and the enhanced dielectric breakdown. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3), silicon oxide (SiO2) and parylene C were selected as the multilayer insulators. The total thickness of the dielectric layer of all samples was the same. This method using the multilayer dielectric structure can achieve the lower operating voltage than when using the single dielectric layer. We compared the liquid lenticular lens with three kinds of the multilayer dielectric structure to one with the parylene C single dielectric layer in regard to operational characteristics such as the driving voltage and the dielectric breakdown.

  14. Efficacy of vitrectomy with triamcinolone assistance versus internal limiting membrane peeling for highly myopic macular hole retinal detachment.


    Wei, Yong; Wang, Ningli; Zu, Zhongqiao; Bi, Chuncao; Wang, Huaizhou; Chen, Fenghua; Yang, Xingguang


    To compare the outcomes of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with or without the adjuvant surgical procedures: triamcinolone acetonide (TA) assistance and/or internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling for the treatment of highly myopic macular hole retinal detachment (MHRD). Case-control study. Pars plana vitrectomy combined with 2 kinds of adjuvant surgical procedures were used on 96 highly myopic eyes with MHRD. These eyes were assigned to 4 groups randomly: Group 1, non-TA-assisted PPV and without ILM peeling; Group 2, non-TA-assisted PPV with ILM peeling; Group 3, TA-assisted PPV and without ILM peeling; Group 4, TA-assisted PPV with ILM peeling. Anatomical reattachment of the retina, macular hole closure, and best-corrected visual acuity were measured. The rates of both retinal reattachment and macular hole closure were higher in Group 2 (84.0 and 44.0%) and Group 3 (80.8 and 46.2%) than Group 1 (73.9 and 17.4%); however, there were no differences between Group 2 and Group 3 (P > 0.05). The rates of macular hole closure were extremely low in Group 1 and also in eyes with extreme long axial lengths (≥29.0 mm), "severe" chorioretinal atrophy, and posterior staphyloma. Pars plana vitrectomy with either TA assistance or ILM peeling was effective for the treatment of highly myopic MHRD. If you peel the ILM, adding TA does not affect closure rates; and if TA is used to visualize the vitreous, ILM peeling may not be necessary in MHRD. There was a lower anatomical success rate in MHRD with extreme long axial lengths, severe chorioretinal atrophy, and posterior staphyloma.

  15. A comparative study of tissue glue and vicryl suture for conjunctival and scleral closure in conventional 20-gauge vitrectomy.


    Batman, C; Ozdamar, Y; Mutevelli, S; Sonmez, K; Zilelioglu, G; Karakaya, J


    To describe the use of tissue glue to close scleral and conjunctival wounds, and to compare the clinical outcomes using tissue glue and vicryl suture for closing these areas in conventional 20-gauge (G) vitrectomy. Thirty eyes of 30 patients were included in this study. The indications for vitreoretinal surgery were diabetic vitreous haemorrhage with severe vitreoretinal traction in 10 eyes, retinal detachment and proliferative vitreoretinopathy in 14 eyes, and vitreous opacity in 6 eyes. Tissue glue (Tisseel, Baxter AG Industries, Vienna, Austria) was used to attach scleral and conjunctival wounds in 15 eyes and vicryl sutures in 15 eyes. The patients were allotted into two subgroups as tissue glue group (TG) and vicryl suture group (VG). The sclerotomy sites were evaluated with ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) postoperatively in TG. Follow-up period was 2 months. The groups were statistically compared for ocular signs and symptoms by Mann-Whitney U-test. No scleral wound leakage and conjunctival reattachment were observed at the end of the surgical procedure and during the follow-up period. No adverse effects were seen in TG. Abnormal fibrous ingrowth was not detected at the sclerotomy sites by means of UBM in TG. Patient comfort was significantly higher in TG than VG (P<0.05). Tissue glue has no adverse effects on ocular tissue and can be used as a substitute for suture materials, and the use of tissue glue decreases patient symptoms during the postoperative period after 20-G vitrectomy. Tissue glue can enable to perform sutureless surgery in the conventional 20-G vitrectomy.

  16. Rapid Cataract Progression after Nd:YAG Vitreolysis for Vitreous Floaters: A Case Report and Literature Review

    PubMed Central

    Sun, I-Ting; Lee, Tsung-Han; Chen, Chih-Hsin


    Purpose We report a case of rapid cataract progression after Nd:YAG vitreolysis for vitreous floaters. Case Report A 55-year-old man presented with acute onset of blurred vision following Nd:YAG vitreolysis for symptomatic floaters in the left eye. His initial best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/1,000 in the left eye. Ocular examinations showed frost-like opacities of the lens and a suspected break of the posterior capsule in the left eye. There were no detectable retinal lesions. Cataract surgery was then arranged. Posterior capsular rupture and vitreous loss occurred during surgery, which required a subsequent pars plana vitrectomy. After the surgery, BCVA in the left eye gradually improved to 20/20 and was maintained during a 1-year follow-up period. Conclusion Crystalline lens injuries and rapid cataract progression may occur following Nd:YAG vitreolysis. While dealing with this type of complicated cataract, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of posterior lens capsule rupture during surgery and the need for combined vitrectomy. PMID:28626418

  17. 78 FR 36014 - Deepwater Port License Application: Liberty Natural Gas, LLC, Port Ambrose Deepwater Port

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... (NEPA) of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S... Coastal State'' any coastal state which (A) would be directly connected by pipeline to a deepwater port as... the Designation of Adjacent Coastal States for Deepwater Port License Applications in the Federal...

  18. Organizing for the Future Requires the Non-Aristotelian Lens of a Dragonfly.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Collins, Marla Del

    To organize for the future requires non-Aristotelian thinking...a multifaceted wide-angle lens revealing hidden information. A multifaceted lens includes at least three general systems of evaluation, all of which promote complex thinking. The three systems are general semantics, postmodern feminist philosophy, and the unifying principle of…

  19. Design of LED projector based on gradient-index lens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qian, Liyong; Zhu, Xiangbing; Cui, Haitian; Wang, Yuanhang


    In this study, a new type of projector light path is designed to eliminate the deficits of existing projection systems, such as complex structure and low collection efficiency. Using a three-color LED array as the lighting source, by means of the special optical properties of a gradient-index lens, the complex structure of the traditional projector is simplified. Traditional components, such as the color wheel, relay lens, and mirror, become unnecessary. In this way, traditional problems, such as low utilization of light energy and loss of light energy, are solved. With the help of Zemax software, the projection lens is optimized. The optimized projection lens, LED, gradient-index lens, and digital micromirror device are imported into Tracepro. The ray tracing results show that both the utilization of light energy and the uniformity are improved significantly.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    23. CREW'S BERTHING, TOWARDS PORT, BUNKS ALONG PORT WALL, LOCKERS LINE CROSS CORRIDOR. - U.S. Coast Guard Cutter WHITE LUPINE, U.S. Coast Guard Station Rockland, east end of Tillson Avenue, Rockland, Knox County, ME


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  2. An electrostatically and a magnetically confined electron gun lens system

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bernius, Mark T.; Man, Kin F.; Chutjian, Ara


    Focal properties, electron trajectory calculations, and geometries are given for two electron 'gun' lens systems that have a variety of applications in, for example, electron-neutral and electron-ion scattering experiments. One nine-lens system utilizes only electrostatic confinement and is capable of focusing electrons onto a fixed target with extremely small divergence angles, over a range of final energies 1-790 eV. The second gun lens system is a simpler three-lens system suitable for use in a uniform, solenoidal magnetic field. While the focusing properties of such a magnetically confined lens systenm are simpler to deal with, the system does illustrate features of electron extraction and Brillouin flow that have not been suitably emphasized in the literature.

  3. 51. Port elevation, in port. Note reduced turtle deck due ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    51. Port elevation, in port. Note reduced turtle deck due to quarters expansion. - U.S. Coast Guard Cutter WHITE SUMAC, U.S. Coast Guard 8th District Base, 4640 Urquhart Street, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, LA

  4. Disinfection capacity of PuriLens contact lens cleaning unit against Acanthamoeba.


    Hwang, Thomas S; Hyon, Joon Young; Song, Jae Kyung; Reviglio, Victor E; Spahr, Harry T; O'Brien, Terrence P


    The PuriLens contact lens system is indicated for cleaning and disinfection of soft (hydrophilic) contact lenses by means of subsonic agitation to remove lens deposits and microorganisms, and ultraviolet irradiation of the storage solution for disinfection. The capacity of the PuriLens system to disinfect storage solutions contaminated with known concentrations of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acanthamoeba species was evaluated. An in vitro assessment of the antibacterial and antiparasitic efficacy of the PuriLens system was performed. Separated batches of the storage solution for the cleansing system were contaminated with stock strains of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. A comparison of the microbiologic content was made between the solution before and after the cycle. The PuriLens system effectively eradicated S. aureus and P. aeruginosa organisms after a 15-minute cycle. However, viable cysts of acanthamoeba were recovered in the solution after the 15-minute cycle. The PuriLens system is highly efficient in protecting against contamination with common bacterial ocular pathogens. Acanthamoeba cysts, however, can survive in the solution or contact lens bath undergoing integrated subsonic debridement and indirect ultraviolet light disinfection. Use of chemical disinfecting solutions that contain agents such as chlorhexidine or other cationic antiseptics may be advisable in conjunction with use of the PuriLens device, especially in high-risk settings.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Shu, Yiping; Bolton, Adam S.; Montero-Dorta, Antonio D.

    We present Hubble Space Telescope F606W-band imaging observations of 21 galaxy-Ly α emitter lens candidates in the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Emission-Line Lens Survey (BELLS) for the GALaxy-Ly α EmitteR sYstems (BELLS GALLERY) survey. Seventeen systems are confirmed to be definite lenses with unambiguous evidence of multiple imaging. The lenses are primarily massive early-type galaxies (ETGs) at redshifts of approximately 0.55, while the lensed sources are Ly α emitters (LAEs) at redshifts from two to three. Although most of the lens systems are well fit by smooth lens models consisting of singular isothermal ellipsoids in an external shear field, a thoroughmore » exploration of dark substructures in the lens galaxies is required. The Einstein radii of the BELLS GALLERY lenses are, on average, 60% larger than those of the BELLS lenses because of the much higher source redshifts. This will allow for a detailed investigation of the radius evolution of the mass profile in ETGs. With the aid of the average ∼13× lensing magnification, the LAEs are frequently resolved into individual star-forming knots with a wide range of properties. They have characteristic sizes from less than 100 pc to several kiloparsecs, rest-frame far-UV apparent AB magnitudes from 29.6 to 24.2, and typical projected separations of 500 pc to 2 kpc.« less

  6. Outcomes of Aortic Valve-Sparing Operations in Marfan Syndrome.


    David, Tirone E; David, Carolyn M; Manlhiot, Cedric; Colman, Jack; Crean, Andrew M; Bradley, Timothy


    In many cardiac units, aortic valve-sparing operations have become the preferred surgical procedure to treat aortic root aneurysm in patients with Marfan syndrome, based on relatively short-term outcomes. This study examined the long-term outcomes of aortic valve-sparing operations in patients with Marfan syndrome. All patients with Marfan syndrome operated on for aortic root aneurysm from 1988 through 2012 were followed prospectively for a median of 10 years. Follow-up was 100% complete. Time-to-event analyses were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method with log-rank test for comparisons. A total of 146 patients with Marfan syndrome had aortic valve-sparing operations. Reimplantation of the aortic valve was performed in 121 and remodeling of the aortic root was performed in 25 patients. Mean age was 35.7 ± 11.4 years and two-thirds were men. Nine patients had acute, 2 had chronic type A, and 3 had chronic type B aortic dissections before surgery. There were 1 operative and 6 late deaths, 5 caused by complications of dissections. Mortality rate at 15 years was 6.8 ± 2.9%, higher than the general population matched for age and sex. Five patients required reoperation on the aortic valve: 2 for endocarditis and 3 for aortic insufficiency. Three patients developed severe, 4 moderate, and 3 mild-to-moderate aortic insufficiency. Rate of aortic insufficiency at 15 years was 7.9 ± 3.3%, lower after reimplantation than remodeling. Nine patients developed new distal aortic dissections during follow-up. Rate of dissection at 15 years was 16.5 ± 3.4%. Aortic valve-sparing operations in patients with Marfan syndrome were associated with low rates of valve-related complications in long-term follow-up. Residual and new aortic dissections were the leading cause of death. Copyright © 2015 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Auto-cortex of crystalline lens-induced iris neovascularization

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Lin; Li, Yong-Ping; Zhang, Bo; Zhang, Wen-Xin


    AIM To investigate auto-cortex of crystalline lens induced iris neovascularization (INV). METHODS Thirty-six eyes of 36 guinea-pigs were included and divided into three groups randomly in this cohort study. Group A: the right lens nucleus was extracted and the remaining cortical lens material was aspirated thoroughly. Group B: the lens was removed and 30µL precipitated lens cortex was injected into the anterior chamber again. Group C: aspirated the lens cortex of the left eyes and inject them into the right anterior chambers about 10µL. Clinical changes were followed by slit-lamp examination and photograph. The eye balls were enucleated at the day of 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 17 after operation. HE was used to detect the pathological changes. RESULTS Group A: INV had not been observed until the end of empirical study. The stromal layer contained thick wall vessels, without expansion. Group B: All eyes developed INV. Postoperative (po) 7 days; the eyes developed intense and extensive INV. The vessels of iris expanded remarkably and neovascularization was observed erupting from it's lateral wall and stretching towards the anterior surface. Po11 days, INV regressed gradually after lens cortex had been absorbed. Group C: Po four (4) days, new blood vessels liking red line were presented on the anterior surface of the iris and they were not obvious. CONCLUSION Anterior chamber inside lens coriaceous can induce iris new blood vessels. PMID:22553749

  8. Earth Observing System (EOS) Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) Spares Program Plan

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chapman, Weldon


    This plan specifies the spare components to be provided for the EOS/AMSU-A instrument and the general spares philosophy for their procurement. It also address key components not recommended for spares, as well as the schedule and method for obtaining the spares. The selected spares list was generated based on component criticality, reliability, repairability, and availability. An alternative spares list is also proposed based on more stringent fiscal constraints.

  9. Measurement of Crystalline Lens Volume During Accommodation in a Lens Stretcher

    PubMed Central

    Marussich, Lauren; Manns, Fabrice; Nankivil, Derek; Maceo Heilman, Bianca; Yao, Yue; Arrieta-Quintero, Esdras; Ho, Arthur; Augusteyn, Robert; Parel, Jean-Marie


    Purpose To determine if the lens volume changes during accommodation. Methods The study used data acquired on 36 cynomolgus monkey lenses that were stretched in a stepwise fashion to simulate disaccommodation. At each step, stretching force and dioptric power were measured and a cross-sectional image of the lens was acquired using an optical coherence tomography system. Images were corrected for refractive distortions and lens volume was calculated assuming rotational symmetry. The average change in lens volume was calculated and the relation between volume change and power change, and between volume change and stretching force, were quantified. Linear regressions of volume-power and volume-force plots were calculated. Results The mean (±SD) volume in the unstretched (accommodated) state was 97 ± 8 mm3. On average, there was a small but statistically significant (P = 0.002) increase in measured lens volume with stretching. The mean change in lens volume was +0.8 ± 1.3 mm3. The mean volume-power and volume-load slopes were −0.018 ± 0.058 mm3/D and +0.16 ± 0.40 mm3/g. Conclusions Lens volume remains effectively constant during accommodation, with changes that are less than 1% on average. This result supports a hypothesis that the change in lens shape with accommodation is accompanied by a redistribution of tissue within the capsular bag without significant compression of the lens contents or fluid exchange through the capsule. PMID:26161985

  10. Measurement of Crystalline Lens Volume During Accommodation in a Lens Stretcher.


    Marussich, Lauren; Manns, Fabrice; Nankivil, Derek; Maceo Heilman, Bianca; Yao, Yue; Arrieta-Quintero, Esdras; Ho, Arthur; Augusteyn, Robert; Parel, Jean-Marie


    To determine if the lens volume changes during accommodation. The study used data acquired on 36 cynomolgus monkey lenses that were stretched in a stepwise fashion to simulate disaccommodation. At each step, stretching force and dioptric power were measured and a cross-sectional image of the lens was acquired using an optical coherence tomography system. Images were corrected for refractive distortions and lens volume was calculated assuming rotational symmetry. The average change in lens volume was calculated and the relation between volume change and power change, and between volume change and stretching force, were quantified. Linear regressions of volume-power and volume-force plots were calculated. The mean (± SD) volume in the unstretched (accommodated) state was 97 ± 8 mm3. On average, there was a small but statistically significant (P = 0.002) increase in measured lens volume with stretching. The mean change in lens volume was +0.8 ± 1.3 mm3. The mean volume-power and volume-load slopes were -0.018 ± 0.058 mm3/D and +0.16 ± 0.40 mm3/g. Lens volume remains effectively constant during accommodation, with changes that are less than 1% on average. This result supports a hypothesis that the change in lens shape with accommodation is accompanied by a redistribution of tissue within the capsular bag without significant compression of the lens contents or fluid exchange through the capsule.

  11. Land-Sparing Agriculture Best Protects Avian Phylogenetic Diversity.


    Edwards, David P; Gilroy, James J; Thomas, Gavin H; Uribe, Claudia A Medina; Haugaasen, Torbjørn


    The conversion of natural habitats to farmland is a major driver of the global extinction crisis. Two strategies are promoted to mitigate the impacts of agricultural expansion on biodiversity: land sharing integrates wildlife-friendly habitats within farmland landscapes, and land sparing intensifies farming to allow the offset of natural reserves. A key question is which strategy would protect the most phylogenetic diversity--the total evolutionary history shared across all species within a community. Conserving phylogenetic diversity decreases the chance of losing unique phenotypic and ecological traits and provides benefits for ecosystem function and stability. Focusing on birds in the threatened Chocó-Andes hotspot of endemism, we tested the relative benefits of each strategy for retaining phylogenetic diversity in tropical cloud forest landscapes threatened by cattle pastures. Using landscape simulations, we find that land sharing would protect lower community-level phylogenetic diversity than land sparing and that with increasing distance from forest (from 500 to >1,500 m), land sharing is increasingly inferior to land sparing. Isolation from forest also leads to the loss of more evolutionarily distinct species from communities within land-sharing landscapes, which can be avoided with effective land sparing. Land-sharing policies that promote the integration of small-scale wildlife-friendly habitats might be of limited benefit without the simultaneous protection of larger blocks of natural habitat, which is most likely to be achieved via land-sparing measures. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Lens lipids.


    Zelenka, P S


    Lens cells can synthesize, degrade, and remodel lipids. Endogenous lipid synthesis, in conjunction with uptake of exogenous cholesterol and certain fatty acids, leads to the formation of a plasma membrane that is especially rich in sphingomyelin, cholesterol, and long-chain saturated fatty acids. As a result of this unusual lipid composition, lens membranes have very low fluidity, which is restricted even further by lipid-protein interactions. The composition and metabolism of membrane lipids may affect the formation of various types of cataracts. Diets rich in vegetable oils offer some protection against the formation of osmotic cataracts and the hereditary cataract of the RCS rat, although the mechanism of this effect is not clear. Vitamin E also protects against the formation of several types of cataract in vivo and in vitro, suggesting that lipid peroxidation may play a role in cataractogenesis. Certain drugs which inhibit lipid synthesis or degradation are cataractogenic, and a deficiency in cataractogenic, and a deficiency in phosphatidylserine is associated with a loss of Na+/K+ ATPase activity in several types of cataract. Human senile cataracts show a marked loss of protein-lipid interactions, although the overall lipid composition is normal. This loss of protein-lipid interactions may be related to oxidative damage to membrane-associated proteins. Interestingly, the decrease in the fluidity of lens membranes with age would counteract the formation of aqueous pores in the membrane, which can result from the oxidative cross-linking of membrane-associated proteins. Certain pathways of lipid metabolism seem to have regulatory functions. Among these are phosphatidylinositol turnover, phosphatidylethanolamine methylation, and arachidonic acid metabolism. All of these pathways function in the lens. Phosphatidylinositol turnover is correlated with the rate of lens epithelial cell division, while phosphatidylethanolamine methylation seems to be related to the

  13. Contact lens material characteristics associated with hydrogel lens dehydration.


    Ramamoorthy, Padmapriya; Sinnott, Loraine T; Nichols, Jason J


    To determine the association between material dehydration and hydrogel contact lens material characteristics, including water content and ionicity. Water content and refractive index data were derived from automated refractometry measurements of worn hydrogel contact lenses of 318 participants in the Contact Lens and Dry Eye Study (CLADES). Dehydration was determined in two ways; as the difference between nominal and measured (1) water content and (2) refractive index. Multiple regression models were used to examine the relation between dehydration and material characteristics, controlling for tear osmolality. The overall measured and nominal water content values were 52.58 +/- 7.49% and 56.88 +/- 7.81% respectively, while the measured and nominal refractive indices were 1.429 +/- 0.015 and 1.410 +/- 0.017. High water content and ionic hydrogel lens materials were associated with greater dehydration (p < 0.0001 for both) than low water content and non-ionic materials. When dehydration was assessed as the difference in refractive index, only high water content was associated with dehydration (p < 0.0001). High water content and ionic characteristics of hydrogel lens materials are associated with hydrogel lens dehydration, with the former being more strongly associated. Such dehydration changes could in turn lead to important clinical ramifications such as reduced oxygen transmissibility, greater lens adherence and reduced tear exchange.

  14. Lens capsule structure assessed with atomic force microscopy

    PubMed Central

    Sueiras, Vivian M.; Moy, Vincent T.


    Purpose To image the ultrastructure of the anterior lens capsule at the nanoscale level using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Methods Experiments were performed on anterior lens capsules maintained in their in situ location surrounding the lens from six human cadavers (donor age range: 44–88 years), four cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis age range: 4.83–8.92 years), and seven pigs (<6 months). Hydration of all samples was maintained using Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM). Whole lenses were removed from the eye and placed anterior side up in agarose gel before gel hardening where only the posterior half of the lens was contained within the gel. After the gel hardened, the Petri dish was filled with DMEM until the point where the intact lens was fully submerged. AFM was used to image the anterior lens surface in contact mode. An integrated analysis program was used to calculate the interfibrillar spacing, fiber diameter, and surface roughness of the samples. Results The AFM images depict a highly ordered fibrous structure at the surface of the lens capsule in all three species. The interfibrillar spacing for the porcine, cynomolgus monkey, and human lens capsules was 0.68±0.25, 1.80±0.39, and 1.08±0.25 μm, respectively. In the primate, interfibrillar spacing significantly decreased linearly as a function of age. The fiber diameters ranged from 50 to 950 nm. Comparison of the root mean square (RMS) and average deviation demonstrate that the surface of the porcine lens capsule is the smoothest, and that the human and cynomolgus monkey capsules are significantly rougher. Conclusions AFM was successful in providing high-resolution images of the nanostructure of the lens capsule samples. Species-dependent differences were observed in the overall structure and surface roughness. PMID:25814829

  15. Esophagus and Contralateral Lung-Sparing IMRT for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer in the Community Hospital Setting.


    Kao, Johnny; Pettit, Jeffrey; Zahid, Soombal; Gold, Kenneth D; Palatt, Terry


    The optimal technique for performing lung IMRT remains poorly defined. We hypothesize that improved dose distributions associated with normal tissue-sparing IMRT can allow safe dose escalation resulting in decreased acute and late toxicity. We performed a retrospective analysis of 82 consecutive lung cancer patients treated with curative intent from 1/10 to 9/14. From 1/10 to 4/12, 44 patients were treated with the community standard of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy or IMRT without specific esophagus or contralateral lung constraints (standard RT). From 5/12 to 9/14, 38 patients were treated with normal tissue-sparing IMRT with selective sparing of contralateral lung and esophagus. The study endpoints were dosimetry, toxicity, and overall survival. Despite higher mean prescribed radiation doses in the normal tissue-sparing IMRT cohort (64.5 vs. 60.8 Gy, p = 0.04), patients treated with normal tissue-sparing IMRT had significantly lower lung V20, V10, V5, mean lung, esophageal V60, and mean esophagus doses compared to patients treated with standard RT (p ≤ 0.001). Patients in the normal tissue-sparing IMRT group had reduced acute grade ≥3 esophagitis (0 vs. 11%, p < 0.001), acute grade ≥2 weight loss (2 vs. 16%, p = 0.04), and late grade ≥2 pneumonitis (7 vs. 21%, p = 0.02). The 2-year overall survival was 52% with normal tissue-sparing IMRT arm compared to 28% for standard RT (p = 0.015). These data provide proof of principle that suboptimal radiation dose distributions are associated with significant acute and late lung and esophageal toxicity that may result in hospitalization or even premature mortality. Strict attention to contralateral lung and esophageal dose-volume constraints are feasible in the community hospital setting without sacrificing disease control.

  16. Multiple-port valve


    Doody, Thomas J.


    A multiple-port valve assembly is designed to direct flow from a primary conduit into any one of a plurality of secondary conduits as well as to direct a reverse flow. The valve includes two mating hemispherical sockets that rotatably receive a spherical valve plug. The valve plug is attached to the primary conduit and includes diverging passageways from that conduit to a plurality of ports. Each of the ports is alignable wih one or more of a plurality of secondary conduits fitted into one of the hemispherical sockets. The other hemispherical socket includes a slot for the primary conduit such that the conduit's motion along that slot with rotation of the spherical plug about various axes will position the valve-plug ports in respect to the secondary conduits.

  17. Tunable Polymer Lens

    DTIC Science & Technology


    can also be initiated mechanically to produce variable lenses [9-11]. Recent work shows lens properties of a controlled liquid drop shape, with no... liquid crystal spherical lens ," Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4789-4791 (2004). 3. H. W. Ren, D. W. Fox, B. Wu, and S. T. Wu, " Liquid crystal lens with large...and S. S. Lee, "Focal tunable liquid lens integrated with an electromagnetic actuator," Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 121129 (2007). 10. H. W. Ren, D. Fox

  18. Surgical outcomes of 23-gauge transconjunctival pars plana vitrectomy combined with lensectomy for glaucomatous eyes with extremely shallow anterior chamber and cataract.


    Zhang, Zhaotian; Zhang, Shaochong; Jiang, Xintong; Qiu, Suo; Wei, Yantao


    Glaucoma combined with an extremely shallow anterior chamber and cataracts remains as a complex condition to deal with. And the emergence of microincision vitrectomy surgery (MIVS) system may provide an ideal option for the treatment of that. We report a clinical study of surgical outcomes of 23-gauge transconjunctival pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) combined with lensectomy in the treatment of glaucomatous eyes with extremely shallow anterior chamber and cataract. Prospective, nonrandomized and noncomparative case series study. Consecutive patients with secondary glaucoma, extremely shallow anterior chamber and cataract were recruited to have combined surgeries of 23-gauge transconjunctival pars plana vitrectomy and lensectomy. The main outcomes were best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), intraocular pressure (IOP), anterior chamber depth (ACD), number of anti-glaucoma medications and surgery-associated complications. Seventeen consecutive patients with secondary glaucoma, extremely shallow anterior chamber and cataract were recruited. The mean follow-up was 21.2 ± 8.8 months. Postoperatively, there was no significant improvement of BCVA (P = 0.25). The mean intraocular (IOP) decreased significantly from 43.14 ± 6.53 mmHg to 17.29 ± 1.80 mmHg (P < 0.001), and the mean depth of anterior chamber increased significantly from 0.507 ± 0.212 mm to 3.080 ± 0.313 mm (P < 0.001). The mean number of anti-glaucoma medications decreased from 4.1 ± 0.8 to 0.6 ± 0.8 (P < 0.001). No severe vision-threatening intra- or post-operative complications occurred. Glaucoma with an extremely shallow anterior chamber and cataract can be managed well with the combined surgeries of 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy and lensectomy. The surgical procedure is an effective and safe method to resolve the pupillary block and deepen the anterior chamber.

  19. Sparing bilateral neck level IB in oropharyngeal carcinoma and xerostomia outcomes.


    Tam, Moses; Riaz, Nadeem; Kannarunimit, Danita; Peña, Angela P; Schupak, Karen D; Gelblum, Daphna Y; Wolden, Suzanne L; Rao, Shyam; Lee, Nancy Y


    To assess whether sparing neck-level IB in target delineation of node-positive (N+) oropharyngeal carcinoma (OPC) can improve xerostomia outcomes without compromising locoregional control (LRC). A total of 125 N+ OPC patients with a median age of 57 years underwent chemoradiation between May 2010 and December 2011. A total of 74% of patients had T1-T2 disease, 26% T3-T4, 16% N1, 8% N2A, 48% N2B, 28% N2C; 53% base of tongue, 41% tonsil, and 6% other. Patients were divided into those who had target delineation sparing of bilateral level IB (the spared cohort) versus no sparing (the treated cohort). Sparing of contralateral high-level II nodes was also performed more consistently in the spared cohort. A prospective xerostomia questionnaire (patient reported) was given at each patient follow-up visit to this cohort of patients to assess late xerostomia. Clinical assessment (observer rated) at each patient follow-up visit was also recorded. The 2-year LRC for the spared and treated cohorts was 97.5% and 93.8%, respectively (median follow-up, 23.2 mo). No locoregional failures occurred outside of treatment fields. The spared cohort experienced significant benefits in patient-reported xerostomia summary scores (P=0.021) and observer-rated xerostomia scores (P=0.006). In addition, there were significant reductions in mean doses to the ipsilateral submandibular gland (63.9 vs. 70.5 Gy; P<0.001), contralateral submandibular gland (45.0 vs. 56.2 Gy; P<0.001), oral cavity (35.9 vs. 45.2 Gy; P<0.001), and contralateral parotid gland (20.0 vs. 24.4 Gy; P<0.001). Target delineation sparing of bilateral level IB nodes in N+ OPC reduced mean doses to salivary organs without compromising LRC. Patients with reduced target volumes had better patient-reported xerostomia outcomes.

  20. IODC 1998 Lens Design Problem Revisited: A Strategy for Simplifying Glass Choices in an Apochromatic Design

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Seppala, L G


    A glass-choice strategy, based on separately designing an achromatic lens before progressing to an apochromatic lens, simplified my approach to solving the International Optical Design Conference (IODC) 1998 lens design problem. The glasses that are needed to make the lens apochromatic are combined into triplet correctors with two ''buried'' surfaces. By applying this strategy, I reached successful solutions that used only six glasses--three glasses for the achromatic design and three additional glasses for the apochromatic design.

  1. Ocular perfusion pressure control during pars plana vitrectomy: testing a novel device.


    Rossi, Tommaso; Querzoli, Giorgio; Gelso, Aldo; Angelini, Giampiero; Rossi, Alessandro; Corazza, Paolo; Landi, Laura; Telani, Serena; Ripandelli, Guido


    To study the efficacy of a novel device intended to control infusion pressure based on mean ocular perfusion pressure (MOPP) during pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). An arm blood pressure cuff connected to a vitrectomy machine calculated mean arterial pressure (MAP), while a pressure sensor close to the infusion trocar measured intraocular pressure (IOP). MOPP was calculated in real time in 36 consecutive patients undergoing PPV, who were divided into two groups. The device lowered IOP every time that calculated MOPP fell below 30 mmHg in the Control ON group (18 patients), while no action was taken in the Control OFF group (18 patients). Baseline IOP and blood pressure were similar between groups. The Control ON group had significantly lower average intraoperative IOP (30.5 ± 2.1 vs. 35.9 ± 6.9 mmHg; p = 0.002) and higher MOPP (56.4 ± 5.9 vs. 49.7 ± 6.1 mmHg) than the Control OFF group. The Control ON group also spent less time at MOPP < 10 mmHg and < 30 mmHg: 0 vs. 3.40 ± 2.38 min (p < 0.001) and 9.91 ± 7.15 vs. 16.13 ± 8.12 min (p = 0.02), respectively. The MOPP control device effectively maintained lower IOP and higher MOPP throughout surgery. It also helped avoid dangerous IOP peaks and MOPP dips, allowing patients to spend less time at MOPP of < 10 and < 30 mmHg.

  2. Pancreas-sparing duodenectomy for trauma.


    Yadav, T D; Kaushik, R


    The application of pancreas sparing duodenectomy (PSD) in extensive duodenal trauma has not been fully explored. We report 3 caes of duodenal trauma in whom PSD was performed successfully and with good results.

  3. Technical and instrumental prerequisites for single-port laparoscopic solo surgery: State of art

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Say-June; Lee, Sang Chul


    With the aid of advanced surgical techniques and instruments, single-port laparoscopic surgery (SPLS) can be accomplished with just two surgical members: an operator and a camera assistant. Under these circumstances, the reasonable replacement of a human camera assistant by a mechanical camera holder has resulted in a new surgical procedure termed single-port solo surgery (SPSS). In SPSS, the fixation and coordinated movement of a camera held by mechanical devices provides fixed and stable operative images that are under the control of the operator. Therefore, SPSS primarily benefits from the provision of the operator’s eye-to-hand coordination. Because SPSS is an intuitive modification of SPLS, the indications for SPSS are the same as those for SPLS. Though SPSS necessitates more actions than the surgery with a human assistant, these difficulties seem to be easily overcome by the greater provision of static operative images and the need for less lens cleaning and repositioning of the camera. When the operation is expected to be difficult and demanding, the SPSS process could be assisted by the addition of another instrument holder besides the camera holder. PMID:25914453

  4. Technical and instrumental prerequisites for single-port laparoscopic solo surgery: state of art.


    Kim, Say-June; Lee, Sang Chul


    With the aid of advanced surgical techniques and instruments, single-port laparoscopic surgery (SPLS) can be accomplished with just two surgical members: an operator and a camera assistant. Under these circumstances, the reasonable replacement of a human camera assistant by a mechanical camera holder has resulted in a new surgical procedure termed single-port solo surgery (SPSS). In SPSS, the fixation and coordinated movement of a camera held by mechanical devices provides fixed and stable operative images that are under the control of the operator. Therefore, SPSS primarily benefits from the provision of the operator's eye-to-hand coordination. Because SPSS is an intuitive modification of SPLS, the indications for SPSS are the same as those for SPLS. Though SPSS necessitates more actions than the surgery with a human assistant, these difficulties seem to be easily overcome by the greater provision of static operative images and the need for less lens cleaning and repositioning of the camera. When the operation is expected to be difficult and demanding, the SPSS process could be assisted by the addition of another instrument holder besides the camera holder.

  5. The Effect of the Crystalline Lens on Central Vault After Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation.


    Qi, Meng-Ying; Chen, Qian; Zeng, Qing-Yan


    To identify associations between crystalline lens-related factors and central vault after Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) (Staar Surgical, Monrovia, CA) implantation. This retrospective clinical study included 320 eyes from 186 patients who underwent ICL implantation surgery. At 1 year after surgery, the central vault was measured using anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Preoperative anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, lens position (lens position = anterior chamber depth + 1/2 lens thickness), and vault were analyzed to investigate the effects of lens-related factors on postoperative vault. The mean vault was 513 ± 215 µm at 1 year after surgery. Vault was positively correlated with preoperative anterior chamber depth (r = 0.495, P < .001) and lens position (r = 0.371, P < .001), but negatively correlated with lens thickness (r = -0.262, P < .001). Eyes with vaults of less than 250 µm had shallower anterior chambers, thicker lenses, and smaller lens position than eyes in the other two vault groups (which had vaults ≥ 250 µm) (P < .001). Eyes with both anterior chamber depth less than 3.1 mm and lens position less than 5.1 mm had greatly reduced vaults (P < .001). The crystalline lens could have an important influence on postoperative vault. Eyes with a shallower anterior chamber and a forward lens position will have lower vaults. [J Refract Surg. 2017;33(8):519-523.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  6. 360 PORT MDA - A Strategy to Improve Port Security

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Participating Agencies (After: Executive Briefing..........................27 Table 6. Designated Joint Operations Center Participants (From: SAFE...Investigations CGIP Coast Guard Intelligence Program CHOC Charleston Harbor Operations Center CIO Command Intelligence Officer CMT Combating Maritime... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ports are critical to our economy and national security. Key hubs in the international trade network, U.S. ports accounted for more than

  7. Graft-Sparing Strategy for Thoracic Prosthetic Graft Infection.


    Uchino, Gaku; Yoshida, Takeshi; Kakii, Bunpachi; Furui, Masato


     Thoracic prosthetic graft infection is a rare but serious complication with no standard management. We reported our surgical experience on graft-sparing strategy for thoracic prosthetic graft infection.  This study included patients who underwent graft-sparing surgery for thoracic prosthetic graft infection at Matsubara Tokushukai Hospital in Japan from January 2000 to October 2017.  There were 17 patients included in the analyses, with a mean age at surgery of 71.0 ± 10.5 years; 11 were men. In-hospital mortality was observed in five patients (29.4%).  Graft-sparing surgery for thoracic prosthetic graft infection is an alternative option particularly for early graft infection after hemiarch replacement. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  8. ITER Port Interspace Pressure Calculations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Carbajo, Juan J; Van Hove, Walter A

    The ITER Vacuum Vessel (VV) is equipped with 54 access ports. Each of these ports has an opening in the bioshield that communicates with a dedicated port cell. During Tokamak operation, the bioshield opening must be closed with a concrete plug to shield the radiation coming from the plasma. This port plug separates the port cell into a Port Interspace (between VV closure lid and Port Plug) on the inner side and the Port Cell on the outer side. This paper presents calculations of pressures and temperatures in the ITER (Ref. 1) Port Interspace after a double-ended guillotine break (DEGB)more » of a pipe of the Tokamak Cooling Water System (TCWS) with high temperature water. It is assumed that this DEGB occurs during the worst possible conditions, which are during water baking operation, with water at a temperature of 523 K (250 C) and at a pressure of 4.4 MPa. These conditions are more severe than during normal Tokamak operation, with the water at 398 K (125 C) and 2 MPa. Two computer codes are employed in these calculations: RELAP5-3D Version 4.2.1 (Ref. 2) to calculate the blowdown releases from the pipe break, and MELCOR, Version 1.8.6 (Ref. 3) to calculate the pressures and temperatures in the Port Interspace. A sensitivity study has been performed to optimize some flow areas.« less

  9. Port Stakeholder Summit - April 2014

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    EPA's National Port Stakeholders Summit, Advancing More Sustainable Ports, focused on actions to protect air quality while reducing climate risk and supporting economic growth, making ports more environmentally sustainable.

  10. SU-E-T-558: Assessing the Effect of Inter-Fractional Motion in Esophageal Sparing Plans.


    Williamson, R; Bluett, J; Niedzielski, J; Liao, Z; Gomez, D; Court, L


    To compare esophageal dose distributions in esophageal sparing IMRT plans with predicted dose distributions which include the effect of inter-fraction motion. Seven lung cancer patients were used, each with a standard and an esophageal sparing plan (74Gy, 2Gy fractions). The average max dose to esophagus was 8351cGy and 7758cGy for the standard and sparing plans, respectively. The average length of esophagus for which the total circumference was treated above 60Gy (LETT60) was 9.4cm in the standard plans and 5.8cm in the sparing plans. In order to simulate inter-fractional motion, a three-dimensional rigid shift was applied to the calculated dose field. A simulated course of treatment consisted of a single systematic shift applied throughout the treatment as well a random shift for each of the 37 fractions. Both systematic and random shifts were generated from Gaussian distributions of 3mm and 5mm standard deviation. Each treatment course was simulated 1000 times to obtain an expected distribution of the delivered dose. Simulated treatment dose received by the esophagus was less than dose seen in the treatment plan. The average reduction in maximum esophageal dose for the standard plans was 234cGy and 386cGY for the 3mm and 5mm Gaussian distributions, respectively. The average reduction in LETT60 was 0.6cm and 1.7cm, for the 3mm and 5mm distributions respectively. For the esophageal sparing plans, the average reduction in maximum esophageal dose was 94cGy and 202cGy for 3mm and 5mm Gaussian distributions, respectively. The average change in LETT60 for the esophageal sparing plans was smaller, at 0.1cm (increase) and 0.6cm (reduction), for the 3mm and 5mm distributions, respectively. Interfraction motion consistently reduced the maximum doses to the esophagus for both standard and esophageal sparing plans. © 2012 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

  11. The holographic display of three-dimensional medical objects through the usage of a shiftable cylindrical lens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Teng, Dongdong; Liu, Lilin; Zhang, Yueli; Pang, Zhiyong; Wang, Biao


    Through the creative usage of a shiftable cylindrical lens, a wide-view-angle holographic display system is developed for medical object display in real three-dimensional (3D) space based on a time-multiplexing method. The two-dimensional (2D) source images for all computer generated holograms (CGHs) needed by the display system are only one group of computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) slices from the scanning device. Complicated 3D message reconstruction on the computer is not necessary. A pelvis is taken as the target medical object to demonstrate this method and the obtained horizontal viewing angle reaches 28°.

  12. AutoLens: Automated Modeling of a Strong Lens's Light, Mass and Source

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nightingale, J. W.; Dye, S.; Massey, Richard J.


    This work presents AutoLens, the first entirely automated modeling suite for the analysis of galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses. AutoLens simultaneously models the lens galaxy's light and mass whilst reconstructing the extended source galaxy on an adaptive pixel-grid. The method's approach to source-plane discretization is amorphous, adapting its clustering and regularization to the intrinsic properties of the lensed source. The lens's light is fitted using a superposition of Sersic functions, allowing AutoLens to cleanly deblend its light from the source. Single component mass models representing the lens's total mass density profile are demonstrated, which in conjunction with light modeling can detect central images using a centrally cored profile. Decomposed mass modeling is also shown, which can fully decouple a lens's light and dark matter and determine whether the two component are geometrically aligned. The complexity of the light and mass models are automatically chosen via Bayesian model comparison. These steps form AutoLens's automated analysis pipeline, such that all results in this work are generated without any user-intervention. This is rigorously tested on a large suite of simulated images, assessing its performance on a broad range of lens profiles, source morphologies and lensing geometries. The method's performance is excellent, with accurate light, mass and source profiles inferred for data sets representative of both existing Hubble imaging and future Euclid wide-field observations.

  13. Protecting America's ports

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This website presents the press kit which accompanied the announcement by U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge at Port Elizabeth, New Jersey on June 12, 2003 of new port security initiatives and investments to provide increased international...

  14. LENS: Light Transport

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yokley, Zachary


    The LENS detector uses an optically segmented 3D lattice, a scintillation lattice (SL), that channels light via total internal reflection from a scintillation event down channels parallel to the 3 primary Cartesian axes to the edge of the detector. This unique design provides spatial and temporal resolution required to distinguish the internal background of ^115In from the neutrino signal. Optical segmentation is achieved with Teflon films. Currently a 400 liter prototype, miniLENS, is being developed to demonstrate the internal background rejection techniques needed for LENS. This requires that miniLENS be shielded from external backgrounds from the surrounding materials and the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). This shielding is provided by a water tank that surrounds miniLENS. In order to retain the channel information and separate the PMTs from the detector the LENS collaboration has developed light guides (LGs) made from multilayer films. These LGs transport light both by total internal and specular reflection providing an efficient means of coupling the SL through the water shield to the PMTs outside the water tank. This talk will discuss light transport in the SL as well as the design and construction of the LGs in the context of miniLENS.

  15. Increasing Competition for Spares within AFLC (Air Force Logistics Center). Revision.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Managers 45 On Competing the Production of Weapon Systems 46 Sole Source and Competitive Price Trends in Spare Parts Acquisition 47 Controlled...future directions in research and policy . 3- TOPIC: Acquisition TYPE: AFIT Thesis TITLE: Spares Acquisition Integrated with Production and Its...evaluate Air Force management policies , procedures, practices, and controls over the acquisition and pricing of spare parts. Specific objectives

  16. Are Mussels Always the Best Bioindicators? Comparative Study on Biochemical Responses of Three Marine Invertebrate Species to Chronic Port Pollution.


    Laitano, María V; Fernández-Gimenez, Analía V


    Bivalves have traditionally been considered good bioindicators due to their sensitivity to pollution, among other features. This characteristic is shared by several other non-bivalve species as well, though studies in this respect remain scarce. This work aims to compare biomarker sensitivity to chronic port pollution among three intertidal invertebrate species with good bioindicator characteristics. Mussels' immunological (phenoloxidase and peroxidases) and biotransformation (glutathione-S-transferase) responses were contrasted against those of limpets and barnacles. The three species under study evidenced activity of all the enzymes measured, although with differences. Barnacle Balanus glandula was the most sensitive species showing pollution modulation of the three enzymes, which suggests that mussels would not always be the best bioindicator species among marine invertebrates depending on the responses that are assessed.

  17. Converging or Diverging Lens?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Branca, Mario


    Why does a lens magnify? Why does it shrink objects? Why does this happen? The activities that we propose here are useful in helping us to understand how lenses work, and they show that the same lens can have different magnification capabilities. A converging lens can also act as a diverging lens. (Contains 4 figures.)

  18. 19 CFR 10.2020 - Accessories, spare parts, or tools.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Accessories, spare parts, or tools. 10.2020 Section 10.2020 Customs Duties U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY... Trade Promotion Agreement Rules of Origin § 10.2020 Accessories, spare parts, or tools. (a) General...

  19. 19 CFR 10.600 - Accessories, spare parts, or tools.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement Rules of Origin § 10.600 Accessories, spare parts, or... 10.600 Customs Duties U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY; DEPARTMENT... of the good's standard accessories, spare parts, or tools will be treated as originating goods if the...

  20. 50. (no plate) Lens, lens pedestal, mercury float, drawing # ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    50. (no plate) Lens, lens pedestal, mercury float, drawing # 3101, sheet 1 of 2. Approved April 6, 1928. - Block Island Southeast Light, Spring Street & Mohegan Trail at Mohegan Bluffs, New Shoreham, Washington County, RI

  1. Quantitative molecular characterization of bovine vitreous and lens with non-invasive dynamic light scattering

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ansari, R. R.; Suh, K. I.; Dunker, S.; Kitaya, N.; Sebag, J.


    The non-invasive technique of dynamic light scattering (DLS) was used to quantitatively characterize vitreous and lens structure on a molecular level by measuring the sizes of the predominant particles and mapping the three-dimensional topographic distribution of these structural macromolecules in three spatial dimensions. The results of DLS measurements in five fresh adult bovine eyes were compared to DLS measurements in model solutions of hyaluronan (HA) and collagen (Coll). In the bovine eyes DLS measurements were obtained from excised samples of gel and liquid vitreous and compared to the model solutions. Measurements in whole vitreous were obtained at multiple points posterior to the lens to generate a three-dimensional 'map' of molecular structure. The macromolecule distribution in bovine lens was similarly characterized.In each bovine vitreous (Bo Vit) specimen, DLS predominantly detected two distinct particles, which differed in diffusion properties and hence size. Comparisons with model vitreous solutions demonstrated that these most likely corresponded to the Coll and HA components of vitreous. Three-dimensional mapping of Bo Vit found heterogeneity throughout the vitreous body, with different particle size distributions for Coll and HA at different loci. In contrast, the three-dimensional distribution of lens macromolecules was more homogeneous. Thus, the non-invasive DLS technique can quantitate the average sizes of vitreous and lens macromolecules and map their three-dimensional distribution. This method to assess quantitatively the macromolecular structure of vitreous and lens should be useful for clinical as well as experimental applications in health and disease. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.

  2. Spare EXT MDM Preparation

    NASA Image and Video Library


    ISS039-E-013244 (18 April 2014) --- NASA astronaut Rick Mastracchio, Expeditionn 39 flight engineer, replaces the Enhanced Input/Output Control Unit Circuit Card of the spare External Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM), in preparation for an upcoming spacewalk. He will be joined by fellow NASA astronaut and Flight Engineer Steve Swanson on the spacewalk.

  3. Active patient decision making regarding nerve sparing during radical prostatectomy: a novel approach.


    Lavery, Hugh J; Prall, David N; Abaza, Ronney


    The motivation to preserve sexual function can vary widely among patients before prostatectomy. Increasing patient involvement may allow a more personalized experience and may improve satisfaction. We assessed a strategy of surgeon deference to patient choice in regard to nerve sparing to determine to what degree patients are rational actors and capable of active decision making. A total of 150 patients treated with prostatectomy participated in a standardized preoperative discussion regarding the concept of nerve sparing, extracapsular extension and the potential need for adjuvant radiation in the event of local recurrence. Each patient was given his nomogram predicted risk of extracapsular extension and then elected nerve sparing or nonnerve sparing. The corresponding procedure was performed unless grossly invasive disease was encountered. Of the 150 patients 109 chose nerve sparing (73%) and 41 chose nonnerve sparing (27%). In patients with a nomogram predicted risk of extracapsular extension less than 20%, 20% to 50% and greater than 50%, nerve sparing was elected by 88%, 41% and 25%, respectively. Patients with lower risks of extracapsular extension electing nonnerve sparing were older and had higher rates of erectile dysfunction. Empowering patients to decide on their nerve sparing status is a reasonable strategy that did not lead to a high rate of patients with a high risk of extracapsular extension electing nerve sparing. With proper counseling informed patients made reasonable decisions, and appeared to be conservative, prioritizing cancer control in the majority of instances where extracapsular extension risk was high. In addition, they may have been overly conservative in electing nonnerve sparing when the risk was low. Copyright © 2011 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. The Combination of Trypan Blue and Brilliant Blue G-Assisted Vitrectomy for Macular Pucker: Histopathological Findings.


    Tognetto, Daniele; De Giacinto, Chiara; D'Aloisio, Rossella; Papagno, Claudia; Pastore, Marco; Zweyer, Marina


    To report on the combined use of trypan blue (TB) and brilliant blue G (BBG) for staining the epiretinal membrane (ERM) and internal limiting membrane (ILM) during vitrectomy and to describe the histopathological findings. 10 surgical specimens were removed from 10 eyes with macular pucker during vitrectomy using a commercially available combination of TB and BBG for ERM and ILM staining and peeling. Specimens were evaluated using light and transmission electron microscopy. In all cases the combination of TB and BBG was useful for identifying and delineating ERM and ILM. No complications related to the use of the dye were observed during or after surgery. Glial cells were present in all specimens. Hyalocytes were observed in 6 cases and myofibroblasts in 3 of them. In 7 cases native vitreous collagen fibrils were found on the ILM, while in 5 specimens newly formed collagen was present. No clinical evidence of toxicity was observed during the 3-month follow-up. The combined use of TB and BBG appeared to be very useful intraoperatively to improve the visualization of ERM and ILM, thus facilitating their complete removal. Anatomical and histopathological findings demonstrated the safety and the efficacy of this vital dye. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  5. Planning for Resilient Settlement in Port Fairy, Australia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tuntung Pandangwati, Sri


    This paper aims to discuss some strategies to address problems and challenges faced by a community living in Port Fairy, a coastal town located in Southwestern Victoria, Australia. It is about three hours’ drive from Melbourne’s CBD. Like other coastal towns, Port Fairy is also affected by climate change, severe weather events and sea level rise. The impact of these problems can be seen in East Beach, an important tourist destination in Port Fairy. Soil erosion and flood due to severe wind and wave, are main problems in East Beach. This will not only affect the housings, but also the landfill site located in this beach. Therefore, it is challenging to develop solutions to enhance the resilience of this coastal town. This study may inspire Indonesian planners to further develop the resilience of hundreds coastal towns in Indonesia.

  6. Ports Primer: 7.4 Agency Responsibilities

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Near-port communities are often disproportionately impacted by air emissions due to port operations, goods movement operations and other industries that may be co-located with ports. Air emissions at ports also impact regional air quality.

  7. Ports Primer: 7.2 Air Emissions

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Near-port communities are often disproportionately impacted by air emissions due to port operations, goods movement operations and other industries that may be co-located with ports. Air emissions at ports also impact regional air quality.

  8. Endophthalmitis caused by Staphylococcus hominis and two different colonies of Staphylococcus haemolyticus after cataract surgery.


    Wong, Robert W; Rhodes, Kyle M


    To describe a case of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery caused by Staphylococcus hominis and two separate colony types of Staphylococcus haemolyticus. Retrospective chart review including ophthalmic examination, intraocular biopsy and cultures, and anterior segment photography. A patient presented with endophthalmitis 1 month after cataract surgery. The patient underwent pars plana vitrectomy with vitreous fluid, aqueous fluid, and lens capsule biopsy with injection of intravitreal antimicrobials with full resolution of the infection. Cultures isolated grew S. hominis and two different colonies of S. haemolyticus, all sensitive to vancomycin. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first case of endophthalmitis due to lens capsule seeding from three different types of bacteria, S. hominis and two different colony types of S. haemolyticus. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can be associated with good visual outcomes.

  9. Two presentations of contact lens-induced papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC) in hydrogel lens wear: local and general.


    Skotnitsky, Cheryl C; Naduvilath, Thomas J; Sweeney, Deborah F; Sankaridurg, Padmaja R


    The purpose of this study was to confirm that two distinct clinical presentations of contact lens-induced papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC), local and general, occur in hydrogel lens wear. Retrospective analyses of 124 CLPC events were identified. The classification of CLPC was based on location and extent of papillae. CLPC was classified as local if papillae were present in one to two areas of the tarsal conjunctiva and general if papillae occurred in three or more areas. The CLPC events were compared with an asymptomatic control group in prospective clinical trials conducted from 1993 until 2003 at two clinical sites, Australia and India. Two hundred sixteen subjects from Australia and 914 subjects from India wore either high Dk silicone hydrogel or low Dk hydrogel lenses on a 6-night (6N) or 30-night extended-wear (EW) schedule. The physiological responses of the ocular surface, including tarsal conjunctiva redness and roughness, number of papillae present, lens fit and performance, and subjective patient symptoms, were measured during each visit at each site. These variables listed were compared between local CLPC groups and asymptomatic controls and general CLPC groups and asymptomatic controls. Two types of CLPC in hydrogel lens wearers have been confirmed. Of the 124 CLPC events, there were 61 local and 63 general events. Local and general CLPC cases reported significantly greater frequency of symptoms compared with the asymptomatic controls, in particular itching, lens awareness, secretion, and blurred vision (p < 0.1). The classification of CLPC into two types, local and general, in hydrogel lens wear was confirmed based on presentations at both sites. This distribution of papillae between local and general CLPC may indicate separate etiologies involved in the pathogenesis of the condition.

  10. Association Between Contact Lens Discomfort and Pre-lens Tear Film Kinetics.


    Guillon, Michel; Dumbleton, Kathryn A; Theodoratos, Panagiotis; Wong, Stephanie; Patel, Kishan; Banks, Gaidig; Patel, Trisha


    The relationship between contact lens wettability and comfort has been extensively evaluated; however, a direct correlation between the characteristics of the pre-lens tear film and the symptoms associated with contact lens discomfort has yet to be established. In addition, there is relatively limited knowledge relating to the entire tear film kinetics during the inter-blink period in contact lens wearers. The purpose of this analysis was to identify the characteristics of the pre-lens tear film kinetics that may be associated with the symptoms of contact lens discomfort. The study population comprised 202 soft (hydrogel and silicone hydrogel) contact lens wearers attending pre-screening visits at the OTG-i research clinic. All participants completed the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire and the tear film was quantified via post hoc, masked analysis of high definition digital Tearscope videos recorded at the visit. The tear film kinetics of the least symptomatic wearers (OSDI lowest quintile scores, n = 45) were compared to the tear film kinetics of the most symptomatic wearers (OSDI highest quintile scores, n = 43). The hypothesis tested was that the tear film kinetics of asymptomatic wearers were better than tear film kinetics of symptomatic wearers. The distribution of lens types worn was as follows: Daily Disposable 46.5%, 1-Month Replacement 39.6%, and 2-Week Replacement 13.6%. 48.2% of lenses were silicone hydrogel and 51.8% hydrogel. Symptomatic wearers had a shorter break-up time (4.7 s vs. 6.0 s; p = 0.003), lesser surface coverage by the tear film during the interblink period (95.1% vs. 98.5%; p < 0.001) and greater surface exposure at the time of the blink (9.4% vs. 3.9%; p = 0.001). The current study demonstrated that the tear film kinetics of asymptomatic and symptomatic contact lens wearers were different, the findings supporting the hypothesis of poorer tear film kinetics for symptomatic than asymptomatic wearers in a general contact

  11. Sparing Bilateral Neck Level IB in Oropharyngeal Carcinoma and Xerostomia Outcomes

    PubMed Central

    Tam, Moses; Riaz, Nadeem; Kannarunimit, Danita; Peña, Angela P.; Schupak, Karen D.; Gelblum, Daphna Y.; Wolden, Suzanne L.; Rao, Shyam; Lee, Nancy Y.


    Objectives To assess whether sparing neck level IB in target delineation of node positive (N+) oropharyngeal carcinoma (OPC) can improve xerostomia outcomes without compromising local-regional control (LRC). Methods 125 N+ OPC patients with a median age of 57 years underwent chemoradiation between 5/10 and 12/11. 74% of patients had T1-2 disease, 26% T3-4, 16% N1, 8% N2A, 48% N2B, 28% N2C; 53% base of tongue, 41% tonsil, and 6% other. Patients were divided into those who had target delineation sparing of bilateral level IB (the spared cohort) vs. no sparing (the treated cohort). Sparing of contralateral high level II nodes was also performed more consistently in the spared cohort. A prospective xerostomia questionnaire (patient reported) was given at each patient follow-up visit to this cohort of patients to assess late xerostomia. Clinical assessment (observer rated) at each patient follow-up visit was also recorded. Results The 2-year LRC for the spared and treated cohorts was 97.5% and 93.8%, respectively (median follow-up, 23.2 months). No local-regional failures occurred outside of treatment fields. The spared cohort experienced significant benefits in patient-reported xerostomia summary scores (P = 0.021) and observer-rated xerostomia scores (P = 0.006). In addition, there were significant reductions in mean doses to the ipsilateral submandibular gland (SMG; 63.9 Gy vs. 70.5 Gy; P < 0.001), contralateral SMG (45.0 Gy vs. 56.2 Gy; P < 0.001), oral cavity (35.9 Gy vs. 45.2 Gy; P < 0.001), and contralateral parotid gland (20.0 Gy vs. 24.4 Gy; P < 0.001). Conclusions Target delineation sparing of bilateral level IB nodes in N+ OPC reduced mean doses to salivary organs without compromising LRC. Patients with reduced target volumes had better patient-reported xerostomia outcomes. PMID:26208401

  12. Bacterial flora of the eye and contact lens. Cases during hydrogel lens wear.


    Callender, M G; Tse, L S; Charles, A M; Lutzi, D


    Bacteriological comparisons between the tear fluids of soft contact lens wearers and noncontact lens wearers indicate that there is an increase in the bacterial population in contact lens wearers but not a significant change in the varieties present. Differences between groups of contact lens wearers appear to depend on the method of disinfection used.

  13. Optical integration of Pancharatnam-Berry phase lens and dynamical phase lens

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ke, Yougang; Liu, Yachao; Zhou, Junxiao

    In the optical system, most elements such as lens, prism, and optical fiber are made of silica glass. Therefore, integrating Pancharatnam-Berry phase elements into silica glass has potential applications in the optical system. In this paper, we take a lens, for example, which integrates a Pancharatnam-Berry phase lens into a conventional plano-convex lens. The spin states and positions of focal points can be modulated by controlling the polarization states of the incident beam. The proposed lens has a high transmission efficiency, and thereby acts as a simple and powerful tool to manipulate spin photons. Furthermore, the method can be convenientlymore » extended to the optical fiber and laser cavity, and may provide a route to the design of the spin-photonic devices.« less

  14. Station Module Move in 4K Video Resolution

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Robotics flight controllers in Mission Control Houston and Canada detached the large Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM), used as a supply depot on the orbital laboratory, from the Earth-facing port of the Unity module and robotically relocated it to the forward port of the Tranquility module. This move cleared the Unity port for its conversion into the spare berthing location for U.S. cargo spacecraft; the Earth-facing port on Harmony is the primary docking location. Harmony’s space-facing port currently is the spare berthing location for cargo vehicles, so this move frees that location to be used in conjunction with Harmony’s forward port as the arrival locations for commercial crew spacecraft.

  15. Using GeoRePORT to report socio-economic potential for geothermal development

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Young, Katherine R.; Levine, Aaron

    The Geothermal Resource Portfolio Optimization and Reporting Tool (GeoRePORT, was developed for reporting resource grades and project readiness levels, providing the U.S. Department of Energy a consistent and comprehensible means of evaluating projects. The tool helps funding organizations (1) quantitatively identify barriers, (2) develop measureable goals, (3) objectively evaluate proposals, including contribution to goals, (4) monitor progress, and (5) report portfolio performance. GeoRePORT assesses three categories: geological, technical, and socio-economic. Here, we describe GeoRePORT, then focus on the socio-economic assessment and its applications for assessing deployment potential in the U.S. Socio-economic attributes include land access, permitting, transmission, and market.

  16. Ultrasound liquid crystal lens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shimizu, Yuki; Koyama, Daisuke; Fukui, Marina; Emoto, Akira; Nakamura, Kentaro; Matsukawa, Mami


    A variable-focus lens using a combination of liquid crystals and ultrasound is discussed. The lens uses a technique based on ultrasound vibration to control the molecular orientation of the liquid crystal. The lens structure is simple, with no mechanical moving parts and no transparent electrodes, which is helpful for device downsizing; the structure consists of a liquid crystal layer sandwiched between two glass substrates with a piezoelectric ring. The tens-of-kHz ultrasonic resonance flexural vibration used to excite the lens generates an acoustic radiation force on the liquid crystal layer to induce changes in the molecular orientation of the liquid crystal. The orientations of the liquid crystal molecules and the optical characteristics of the lens were investigated under ultrasound excitation. Clear optical images were observed through the lens, and the focal point could be controlled using the input voltage to the piezoelectric ring to give the lens its variable-focus action.

  17. Ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging of crystalline lens dimensions in chicken.


    Tattersall, Rebecca J; Prashar, Ankush; Singh, Krish D; Tokarczuk, Pawel F; Erichsen, Jonathan T; Hocking, Paul M; Guggenheim, Jeremy A


    A reduction in the power of the crystalline lens during childhood is thought to be important in the emmetropization of the maturing eye. However, in humans and model organisms, little is known about the factors that determine the dimensions of the crystalline lens and in particular whether these different parameters (axial thickness, surface curvatures, equatorial diameter, and volume) are under a common source of control or regulated independently of other aspects of eye size and shape. Using chickens from a broiler-layer experimental cross as a model system, three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were obtained at 115-microm isotropic resolution for one eye of 501 individuals aged 3-weeks old. After fixation with paraformaldehyde, the excised eyes were scanned overnight (16 h) in groups of 16 arranged in a 2x2x4 array. Lens dimensions were calculated from each image by fitting a three-dimensional mesh model to the lens, using the semi-automated analysis program mri3dX. The lens dimensions were compared to measures of eye and body size obtained in vivo using techniques that included keratometry and A-scan ultrasonography. A striking finding was that axial lens thickness measured using ex vivo MRI was only weakly correlated with lens thickness measured in vivo by ultrasonography (r=0.19, p<0.001). In addition, the MRI lens thickness estimates had a lower mean value and much higher variance. Indeed, about one-third of crystalline lenses showed a kidney-shaped appearance instead of the typical biconvex shape. Since repeat MRI scans of the same eye showed a high degree of reproducibility for the scanning and mri3dX analysis steps (the correlation in repeat lens thickness measurements was r=0.95, p<0.001) and a recent report has shown that paraformaldehyde fixation induces a loss of water from the human crystalline lens, it is likely that the tissue fixation step caused a variable degree of shrinkage and a change in shape to the lenses examined here

  18. Ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging of crystalline lens dimensions in chicken

    PubMed Central

    Tattersall, Rebecca J.; Prashar, Ankush; Singh, Krish D.; Tokarczuk, Pawel F.; Erichsen, Jonathan T.; Hocking, Paul M.


    Purpose A reduction in the power of the crystalline lens during childhood is thought to be important in the emmetropization of the maturing eye. However, in humans and model organisms, little is known about the factors that determine the dimensions of the crystalline lens and in particular whether these different parameters (axial thickness, surface curvatures, equatorial diameter, and volume) are under a common source of control or regulated independently of other aspects of eye size and shape. Methods Using chickens from a broiler-layer experimental cross as a model system, three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were obtained at 115-µm isotropic resolution for one eye of 501 individuals aged 3-weeks old. After fixation with paraformaldehyde, the excised eyes were scanned overnight (16 h) in groups of 16 arranged in a 2×2×4 array. Lens dimensions were calculated from each image by fitting a three-dimensional mesh model to the lens, using the semi-automated analysis program mri3dX. The lens dimensions were compared to measures of eye and body size obtained in vivo using techniques that included keratometry and A-scan ultrasonography. Results A striking finding was that axial lens thickness measured using ex vivo MRI was only weakly correlated with lens thickness measured in vivo by ultrasonography (r=0.19, p<0.001). In addition, the MRI lens thickness estimates had a lower mean value and much higher variance. Indeed, about one-third of crystalline lenses showed a kidney-shaped appearance instead of the typical biconvex shape. Since repeat MRI scans of the same eye showed a high degree of reproducibility for the scanning and mri3dX analysis steps (the correlation in repeat lens thickness measurements was r=0.95, p<0.001) and a recent report has shown that paraformaldehyde fixation induces a loss of water from the human crystalline lens, it is likely that the tissue fixation step caused a variable degree of shrinkage and a change in shape to the

  19. Case Studies: Improving Environmental Performance and Economic Prosperity at Ports and in Near-Port Communities

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Case Study links for improving environmental performance and economic prosperity at ports and in near-port communities. Case studies on equipment upgrades, jobs and benefits, land use and transportation, port-community engagement, and citizen science.

  20. Magnifying lens for 800 MeV proton radiography.


    Merrill, F E; Campos, E; Espinoza, C; Hogan, G; Hollander, B; Lopez, J; Mariam, F G; Morley, D; Morris, C L; Murray, M; Saunders, A; Schwartz, C; Thompson, T N


    This article describes the design and performance of a magnifying magnetic-lens system designed, built, and commissioned at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) for 800 MeV flash proton radiography. The technique of flash proton radiography has been developed at LANL to study material properties under dynamic loading conditions through the analysis of time sequences of proton radiographs. The requirements of this growing experimental program have resulted in the need for improvements in spatial radiographic resolution. To meet these needs, a new magnetic lens system, consisting of four permanent magnet quadrupoles, has been developed. This new lens system was designed to reduce the second order chromatic aberrations, the dominant source of image blur in 800 MeV proton radiography, as well as magnifying the image to reduce the blur contribution from the detector and camera systems. The recently commissioned lens system performed as designed, providing nearly a factor of three improvement in radiographic resolution.

  1. Magnifying lens for 800 MeV proton radiography

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Merrill, F. E.; Campos, E.; Espinoza, C.; Hogan, G.; Hollander, B.; Lopez, J.; Mariam, F. G.; Morley, D.; Morris, C. L.; Murray, M.; Saunders, A.; Schwartz, C.; Thompson, T. N.


    This article describes the design and performance of a magnifying magnetic-lens system designed, built, and commissioned at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) for 800 MeV flash proton radiography. The technique of flash proton radiography has been developed at LANL to study material properties under dynamic loading conditions through the analysis of time sequences of proton radiographs. The requirements of this growing experimental program have resulted in the need for improvements in spatial radiographic resolution. To meet these needs, a new magnetic lens system, consisting of four permanent magnet quadrupoles, has been developed. This new lens system was designed to reduce the second order chromatic aberrations, the dominant source of image blur in 800 MeV proton radiography, as well as magnifying the image to reduce the blur contribution from the detector and camera systems. The recently commissioned lens system performed as designed, providing nearly a factor of three improvement in radiographic resolution.

  2. Port-wine stain


    ... Laser therapy is most successful in removing port-wine stains. It is the only method that can destroy the tiny blood vessels in the skin without causing much damage to the skin. The exact type ... on the person's age, skin type, and particular port-wine stain.

  3. Natural uranium and thorium isotopes in sediment cores off Malaysian ports

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yusoff, Abdul Hafidz; Sabuti, Asnor Azrin; Mohamed, Che Abd Rahim


    Sediment cores collected from three Malaysian marine ports, namely, Kota Kinabalu, Labuan and Klang were analyzed to determine the radioactivities of 234U, 238U, 230Th, 232Th and total organic carbon (TOC) content. The objectives of this study were to determine the factors that control the activity of uranium isotopes and identify the possible origin of uranium and thorium in these areas. The activities of 234U and 238U show high positive correlation with TOC at the middle of sediment core from Kota Kinabalu port. This result suggests that activity of uranium at Kota Kinabalu port was influenced by organic carbon. The 234U/238U value at the upper layer of Kota Kinabalu port was ≥1.14 while the ratio value at Labuan and Klang port was ≤ 1.14. These results suggest a reduction process occurred at Kota Kinabalu port where mobile U(VI) was converted to immobile U(IV) by organic carbon. Therefore, it can be concluded that the major input of uranium at Kota Kinabalu port is by sorptive uptake of authigenic uranium from the water column whereas the major inputs of uranium to Labuan and Klang port are of detrital origin. The ratio of 230Th/232Th was used to estimate the origin of thorium. Low ratio value (lt; 1.5) at Labuan and Klang ports support the suggestion that thorium from both areas were come from detrital input while the high ratio (> 1.5) of 230Th/232Th at Kota Kinabalu port suggest the anthropogenic input of 230Th to this area. The source of 230Th is probably from phosphate fertilizers used in the oil-palm cultivation in Kota Kinabalu that is adjacent to the Kota Kinabalu port.

  4. Peripheral Defocus of the Monkey Crystalline Lens With Accommodation in a Lens Stretcher

    PubMed Central

    Maceo Heilman, Bianca; Manns, Fabrice; Ruggeri, Marco; Ho, Arthur; Gonzalez, Alex; Rowaan, Cor; Bernal, Andres; Arrieta, Esdras; Parel, Jean-Marie


    Purpose To characterize the peripheral defocus of the monkey crystalline lens and its changes with accommodation. Methods Experiments were performed on 15 lenses from 11 cynomolgus monkey eyes (age: 3.8–12.4 years, postmortem time: 33.5 ± 15.3 hours). The tissue was mounted in a motorized lens stretcher to allow for measurements of the lens in the accommodated (unstretched) and unaccommodated (stretched) states. A custom-built combined laser ray tracing and optical coherence tomography system was used to measure the paraxial on-axis and off-axis lens power for delivery angles ranging from −20° to +20° (in air). For each delivery angle, peripheral defocus was quantified as the difference between paraxial off-axis and on-axis power. The peripheral defocus of the lens was compared in the unstretched and stretched states. Results On average, the paraxial on-axis lens power was 52.0 ± 3.4 D in the unstretched state and 32.5 ± 5.1 D in the stretched state. In both states, the lens power increased with increasing delivery angle. From 0° to +20°, the relative peripheral lens power increased by 10.7 ± 1.4 D in the unstretched state and 7.5 ± 1.6 D in the stretched state. The change in field curvature with accommodation was statistically significant (P < 0.001), indicating that the unstretched (accommodated) lens has greater curvature or relative peripheral power. Conclusions The cynomolgus monkey lens has significant accommodation-dependent curvature of field, which suggests that the lens asserts a significant contribution to the peripheral optical performance of the eye that also varies with the state of accommodation.

  5. Effect of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide injection at the end of vitrectomy for vitreous haemorrhage related to proliferative diabetic retinopathy.


    Takamura, Yoshihiro; Shimura, Masahiko; Katome, Takashi; Someya, Hideaki; Sugimoto, Masahiko; Hirano, Takao; Sakamoto, Taiji; Gozawa, Makoto; Matsumura, Takehiro; Inatani, Masaru


    To investigate whether intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) combined with vitrectomy prevents postoperative inflammation in patients with vitreous haemorrhage (VH) due to proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). This prospective, multicentre, randomised study conducted at seven sites in Japan enrolled patients diagnosed as having VH following PDR. Patients underwent vitrectomy with (IVTA+VIT group) or without (VIT group) IVTA at the end of the surgery. Anterior flare intensity (AFI), central retinal thickness (CRT), best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and intraocular pressure (IOP) were measured before and at 3 days, 1 week, 1, 3 and 6 months after surgery and compared. Number of patients who completed 6 months of follow-up was 40 and 41 in VIT group and IVTA+VIT group, respectively. AFI was significantly higher in the VIT group than in the IVTA+VIT group at 3 days (P=0.033), 1 week (P=0.019) and 1 month (P=0.037). There were no significant differences in CRT, BCVA and IOP between the groups through the observational periods. In the cases with macular oedema >350 µm of CRT at 3 days, CRT was significantly lower in the IVTA+VIT group than in the VIT group at 1 month (P=0.041). IVTA combined with vitrectomy and cataract surgery contributed to inhibit the postoperative inflammation in patients with VH due to PDR. The effect of IVTA in the reduction of diabetic macular oedema may be limited to the early stage after surgery. UMIN000020376, Post-results. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  6. Parotid gland sparing in patients undergoing bilateral head and neck irradiation: techniques and early results.


    Eisbruch, A; Ship, J A; Martel, M K; Ten Haken, R K; Marsh, L H; Wolf, G T; Esclamado, R M; Bradford, C R; Terrell, J E; Gebarski, S S; Lichter, A S


    To minimize xerostomia in patients receiving bilateral head and neck irradiation (RT) by using conformal RT planning to spare a significant volume of one parotid gland from radiation. The study involved 15 patients with head and neck tumors in whom bilateral neck radiation was indicated. The major salivary glands and the targets (tumor, surgical bed, metastases to lymph nodes, and the locations of lymph nodes at risk for metastases) were outlined on axial computed tomography images. Beam's-eye view (BEV) displays were used to construct conformal beams that delivered the prescribed doses to the targets while sparing from direct radiation most of one parotid gland. The gland that was planned to be spared resided in the neck side that was judged in each patient to be at a lesser risk of metastatic disease. Major salivary gland flow rates and the responses to a subjective xerostomia questionnaire were assessed before, during, and after radiation. Radiation planning for patients with central oropharyngeal tumors required the generation of multiple axial nonopposed beams. The resulting isodoses encompassed the targets, including the retropharyngeal nodes and the jugular nodes up to the base of skull bilaterally, while limiting the dose to the oral cavity, spinal cord, and one parotid gland. For patients with lateralized tumors, the ipsilateral neck side was treated up to the base of the skull; in the contralateral neck side, the treatment included the subdigastric nodes but excluded the jugular nodes at the base of the skull and most of the parotid gland. This was accomplished by a moderate gantry angle that was chosen using the BEV displays. Three months following the completion of radiation, the spared parotid glands retained on average 50% of their unstimulated and stimulated flows. In contrast, no saliva flow was measured from the unspared glands in any of the patients. Subjective xerostomia was absent, mild, or not different from that reported before radiation in 10

  7. Fresnel Lens

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Watson, Michael D.; Scott, Steve; Lamb, David; Zimmerman, Joe E. (Technical Monitor)


    Fresnel lenses span the full range of sizes from lens a few micrometers in diameter to lens several meters in diameter. These lenses are utilized in various fields including optical communication, theatrical lighting, office equipment, video entertainment systems, solar concentrators, and scientific research instruments. These lenses function either as diffractive or refractive optical elements depending on the geometrical feature size of the lens. The basic functions of these lenses is described followed by an overview of fabrication methods. A summary of applications is then provided illustrating the rich variety of applications for which fresnel lenses may be designed to fulfill.

  8. Collection Mode Lens System


    Fletcher, Daniel A.; Kino, Gordon S.


    A lens system including a collection lens and a microlens spaced from the collection lens adjacent the region to be observed. The diameter of the observablel region depends substantially on the radius of the microlens.

  9. Subcutaneous Venous Port Implantation in Patients with Bilateral Breast Surgery

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Peynircioglu, Bora, E-mail:; Arslan, E. Bengi; Cil, Barbaros E.


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term follow-up results of subcutaneous venous ports implanted in patients with bilateral mastectomies. We retrospectively reviewed the hospital charts and the electronic database of 17 patients with bilateral mastectomies whom had venous port implantation in our interventional radiology suit. A total of 17 ports were implanted to the paramedian (n = 3) and anterolateral (standard; n = 12) chest wall, on the trapezius muscle (n = 1), and to the antecubital fossa (n = 1). The mean age was 48.29 years (range: 35-60 years). The mean time interval from time ofmore » surgery to port implantation was 34 months (range: 1-84 months). The mean follow-up time was 15 months (range: 7-39 months). Follow-up parameters and classification of the complications was defined according to the SIR guidelines. No procedure-related complication occurred. A single case of mild late infection was noted and the infection rate was 0.19/1000 catheter days. Infusion chemotherapy administration was still going on in eight patients. Two patients died during the follow-up and four patients were lost after 6 months. Port removal was performed in three patients at follow-up because of the end of treatment. One trapezius port and one paramedian port weres among the removed ports without any problem. Although we have a limited number of patients, port placement to the anterior chest wall, either paramedian or anterolateral, on the trapezius muscle or to the antecubital fossa depending on the extent of the bilateral breast surgeries that can be performed with low complication rates by a careful patient and anatomical location selection by involving the patients in the decision-making process. We believe that patient education and knowledge of possible complications have high importance in follow-up.« less

  10. Experimental evaluation of the effect of a modified port-location mode on the performance of a three-zone simulated moving-bed process for the separation of valine and isoleucine.


    Park, Chanhun; Nam, Hee-Geun; Kim, Pung-Ho; Mun, Sungyong


    The removal of isoleucine from valine has been a key issue in the stage of valine crystallization, which is the final step in the valine production process in industry. To address this issue, a three-zone simulated moving-bed (SMB) process for the separation of valine and isoleucine has been developed previously. However, the previous process, which was based on a classical port-location mode, had some limitations in throughput and valine product concentration. In this study, a three-zone SMB process based on a modified port-location mode was applied to the separation of valine and isoleucine for the purpose of making a marked improvement in throughput and valine product concentration. Computer simulations and a lab-scale process experiment showed that the modified three-zone SMB for valine separation led to >65% higher throughput and >160% higher valine concentration compared to the previous three-zone SMB for the same separation. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. TU-E-201-03: Eye Lens Dosimetry in Radiotherapy Using Contact Lens-Shaped Applicator

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Park, J.

    Madan M. Rehani, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston Methods for Eye Lens Dosimetry and Studies On Lens Opacities with Interventionalists Radiation induced cataract is a major threat among staff working in interventional suites. Nearly 16 million interventional procedures are performed annually in USA. Recent studies by the principal investigator’s group, primarily among interventional cardiologists, on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency, show posterior subcapsular (PSC) changes in the eye lens in 38–53% of main operators and 21–45% of support staff. These changes have potential to lead to cataract in future years, as per information from A-Bombmore » survivors. The International Commission on Radiological Protection has reduced dose limit for staff by a factor of 7.5 (from 150 mSv/y to 20 mSv/y). With increasing emphasis on radiation induced cataracts and reduction in threshold dose for eye lens, there is a need to implement strategies for estimating eye lens dose. Unfortunately eye lens dosimetry is at infancy when it comes to routine application. Various approaches are being tried namely direct measurement using active or passive dosimeters kept close to eyes, retrospective estimations and lastly correlating patient dose in interventional procedures with staff eye dose. The talk will review all approaches available and ongoing active research in this area, as well as data from surveys done in Europe on status of eye dose monitoring in interventional radiology and nuclear medicine. The talk will provide update on how good is Hp(10) against Hp(3), estimations from CTDI values, Monte Carlo based simulations and current status of eye lens dosimetry in USA and Europe. The cataract risk among patients is in CT examinations of the head. Since radiation induced cataract predominantly occurs in posterior sub-capsular (PSC) region and is thus distinguishable from age or drug related cataracts and is also preventable

  12. Compliance among soft contact lens wearers.


    Kuzman, Tomislav; Kutija, Marija Barisić; Masnec, Sanja; Jandroković, Sonja; Mrazovac, Danijela; Jurisić, Darija; Skegro, Ivan; Kalauz, Miro; Kordić, Rajko


    Contact lens compliance is proven to be crucial for preventing lens wear-related complications because of the interdependence of the steps in lens care regime and their influence on lens system microbial contamination. Awareness of the patients' lens handling compliance as well as correct recognition of non-compliant behaviours is the basis for creating more targeted strategies for patient education. The aim of this study was to investigate compliance among soft contact lens (SCL) wearers in different aspects of lens care handling and wearing habits. In our research 50 asymptomatic lens wearers filled out a questionnaire containing demographic data, lens type, hygiene and wearing habits, lenses and lens care system replacement schedule and self-evaluation of contact lens handling hygiene. We established criteria of compliance according to available manufacturer's recommendations, prior literature and our clinical experience. Only 2 (4%) of patients were fully compliant SCL wearers. The most common non-compliant behaviours were insufficient lens solution soaking time (62%), followed by failure to daily exchange lens case solution and showering while wearing lenses. 44% of patients reported storing lenses in saline solution. Mean lens storage case replacement was 3.6 months, with up to 78% patients replacing lens case at least once in 3 months. Average grade in self evaluating level of compliance was very good (4 +/- 0.78) (from 1-poor level of hygiene to 5-great level of hygiene). Lens wearers who reported excessive daily lens wear and more than 10 years of lens wearing experience were also found to be less compliant with other lens system care procedures. (t = -2.99, df=47, p < 0.0045 and t = -2.33, df= 48, p < 0.024, respectively). Our study indicates that almost all patients had some degree of non-compliance in lens system maintenance steps. Most common non-compliant behaviours were the ones that are crucial for maintaining lens sterility and preventing infection

  13. Intraocular lens based on double-liquid variable-focus lens.


    Peng, Runling; Li, Yifan; Hu, Shuilan; Wei, Maowei; Chen, Jiabi


    In this work, the crystalline lens in the Gullstrand-Le Grand human eye model is replaced by a double-liquid variable-focus lens, the structure data of which are based on theoretical analysis and experimental results. When the pseudoaphakic eye is built in Zemax, aspherical surfaces are introduced to the double-liquid variable-focus lens to reduce the axial spherical aberration existent in the system. After optimization, the zoom range of the pseudoaphakic eye greatly exceeds that of normal human eyes, and the spot size on an image plane basically reaches the normal human eye's limit of resolution.

  14. Vortex gas lens

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bogdanoff, David W.; Berschauer, Andrew; Parker, Timothy W.; Vickers, Jesse E.


    A vortex gas lens concept is presented. Such a lens has a potential power density capability of 10 to the 9th - 10 to the 10th w/sq cm. An experimental prototype was constructed, and the divergence half angle of the exiting beam was measured as a function of the lens operating parameters. Reasonably good agreement is found between the experimental results and theoretical calculations. The expanded beam was observed to be steady, and no strong, potentially beam-degrading jets were found to issue from the ends of the lens. Estimates of random beam deflection angles to be expected due to boundary layer noise are presented; these angles are very small.

  15. Pars Plana Vitrectomy for the Treatment of Uveitis.


    Henry, Christopher R; Becker, Matthias D; Yang, Yongsheng; Davis, Janet L


    To review and summarize evidence in the medical literature regarding the use of pars plana vitrectomy in the management of uveitis. Systematic literature review. A systematic literature search was conducted for relevant articles on pars plana vitrectomy for the management of uveitis. Results from the studies were compiled and analyzed. Thirty-four articles, published from 2005 through 2014, were included in the final data analysis. Thirty-two manuscripts were from retrospective case series and 2 manuscripts were from randomized pilot studies. The median Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network level of evidence grade was 3 and the median Oxford Center for Evidence-based Medicine level of evidence grade was 4. Fewer than 50% of the articles in the current study applied Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) criteria in regard to reporting the anatomic location of uveitis, fewer than 25% of studies applied SUN criteria in regard to the reporting of anterior chamber cells before and after PPV, fewer than 10% of studies applied SUN criteria to the grading of anterior chamber flare before and after PPV, and fewer than 10% of studies applied standardized criteria to the grading of vitreous haze after PPV. Overall, 627 patients and 708 total eyes undergoing PPV for uveitis were included. The average reported age of all patients was 43.4 years. The median duration of uveitis prior to PPV reported in the studies was 36.1 months (range 4-198 months). The median follow-up after PPV reported in the studies was 18.9 months (range 2-114 months). Vision was reported for 519 eyes and was improved in 356 eyes (69%), unchanged in 95 eyes (18%), and worse in 68 eyes (13%) following PPV. Preoperatively, 157 of 300 (52%) eyes in these studies had documented cystoid macular edema compared to 112 of 300 (37%) postoperatively. Median use of oral corticosteroids improved from 48% preoperatively to 12% postoperatively among the reporting studies. Median use of other

  16. Maximizing port and transportation system productivity by exploring alternative port operation strategies.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Seaports are a critical transportation component that supports the nations economy. Many U.S. : ports are now experiencing significant truck congestion at the gate, which decreases the productivity of : ports and truck fleets (e.g. truck wait time...

  17. 78 FR 42587 - Deepwater Port License: Amendment of the Neptune LNG LLC Deepwater Port License and Temporary...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Neptune LNG LLC Deepwater Port License and Temporary Suspension of Operations at the Neptune LNG Deepwater... decision to approve the request of Neptune LNG LLC (Neptune) for a temporary five-year suspension of port operations at the Neptune Deepwater Port by amending the Neptune Deepwater Port License. ADDRESSES: The...

  18. Robust design study on the wide angle lens with free distortion for mobile lens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Taeyoung; Yong, Liu; Xu, Qing


    Recently new trend applying wide angle in mobile imaging lens is attracting. Specially, customer requirements for capturing wider scene result that a field of view of lens be wider than 100deg. Introduction of retro-focus type lens in mobile imaging lens is required. However, imaging lens in mobile phone always face to many constraints such as lower total length, low F/# and higher performance. The sensitivity for fabrication may become more severe because of wide angle FOV. In this paper, we investigate an optical lens design satisfy all requirements for mobile imaging lens. In order to accomplish Low cost and small depth of optical system, we used plastic materials for all element and the productivity is considered for realization. The lateral color is minimized less than 2 pixels and optical distortion is less than 5%. Also, we divided optical system into 2 part for robust design. The compensation between 2 groups can help us to increase yield in practice. The 2 group alignment for high yield may be a promising solution for wide angle lens.

  19. Comparison of the effects of 23-gauge and 25-gauge microincision vitrectomy blade designs on incision architecture.


    Inoue, Makoto; Abulon, Dina Joy K; Hirakata, Akito


    To compare the effects of different 23- and 25-gauge microincision vitrectomy trocar cannula entry systems on incision architecture. We tested one ridged microvitreoretinal (MVR), one non-ridged MVR, one pointed beveled, and one round-tipped beveled blade (n=10 per blade design per incision type). Each blade's straight and oblique incision architecture was assessed in a silicone disc simulating the sclera. Wound leakage under pressure and endoscopic observations were conducted on sclerotomy sites of isolated porcine eyes (n=4 per blade design) after simulated vitrectomy. Differences in blade design created distinct incision architecture. Incisions were linear with the ridged MVR blade, flattened "M-shaped" with the non-ridged MVR blade, asymmetrical chevron-shaped with the pointed beveled blade, and curved with the round-tipped beveled blade. With the exception of oblique entry incision thickness, both MVR blade designs created thinner incisions than the beveled blades at entry and exit sites. Only the ridged MVR blade created incisions with no leakage. Vitreous incarceration was observed with all trocar cannula systems. Wound closure in porcine eyes was similar with all blades despite differences in incision architecture. Wound leakage occurred at low to moderate infusion pressures with most blades; no wound leakage was observed with ridged MVR blades.

  20. Comparison of the effects of 23-gauge and 25-gauge microincision vitrectomy blade designs on incision architecture

    PubMed Central

    Inoue, Makoto; Abulon, Dina Joy K; Hirakata, Akito


    Purpose To compare the effects of different 23- and 25-gauge microincision vitrectomy trocar cannula entry systems on incision architecture. Methods We tested one ridged microvitreoretinal (MVR), one non-ridged MVR, one pointed beveled, and one round-tipped beveled blade (n=10 per blade design per incision type). Each blade’s straight and oblique incision architecture was assessed in a silicone disc simulating the sclera. Wound leakage under pressure and endoscopic observations were conducted on sclerotomy sites of isolated porcine eyes (n=4 per blade design) after simulated vitrectomy. Results Differences in blade design created distinct incision architecture. Incisions were linear with the ridged MVR blade, flattened “M-shaped” with the non-ridged MVR blade, asymmetrical chevron-shaped with the pointed beveled blade, and curved with the round-tipped beveled blade. With the exception of oblique entry incision thickness, both MVR blade designs created thinner incisions than the beveled blades at entry and exit sites. Only the ridged MVR blade created incisions with no leakage. Vitreous incarceration was observed with all trocar cannula systems. Conclusion Wound closure in porcine eyes was similar with all blades despite differences in incision architecture. Wound leakage occurred at low to moderate infusion pressures with most blades; no wound leakage was observed with ridged MVR blades. PMID:25429201

  1. Three-dimensional ray tracing in spherical and elliptical generalized Luneburg lenses for application in the human eye lens.


    Gómez-Correa, J E; Coello, V; Garza-Rivera, A; Puente, N P; Chávez-Cerda, S


    Ray tracing in spherical Luneburg lenses has always been represented in 2D. All propagation planes in a 3D spherical Luneburg lens generate the same ray tracing, due to its radial symmetry. A geometry without radial symmetry generates a different ray tracing. For this reason, a new ray tracing method in 3D through spherical and elliptical Luneburg lenses using 2D methods is proposed. The physics of the propagation is shown here, which allows us to make a ray tracing associated with a vortex beam. A 3D ray tracing in a composite modified Luneburg lens that represents the human eye lens is also presented.

  2. Knowledge, usage and barriers associated with contact lens wear in Ghana.


    Abokyi, Samuel; Manuh, George; Otchere, Heinz; Ilechie, Alex


    Despite findings that contact lens wear for vision correction provides better quality of life than spectacles, contact lens use in developing countries is low. This study evaluated knowledge, usage and barriers associated with contact lens wear among spectacle wearers in Cape Coast, Ghana. A cross-sectional survey using a structured questionnaire was conducted on an adult population of spectacle wearers to assess their knowledge of contact lens wear for vision correction. The participants were proportionately sampled from three eye clinics in the Cape Coast Metropolis, Ghana. Questionnaires were either self-administered or completed with the help of a research assistant. Of the 422 participants, only 147 (34.8%) knew of contact lens wear for vision correction. The proportion of spectacle wearers reporting history of contact lens wear was 14 (3.3%). Barriers to contact lens wear reported were satisfaction with vision through spectacles 102 (25.0%), lack of adequate information 111 (27.2%), fear of side effects 94 (23.0%) and cost 78 (19.1%). The younger adults and those with higher number of changes of spectacles were more likely to know of contact lenses. Knowledge and usage of contact lenses among spectacle wearers was low. Contact lens education and demonstration of visual performance through fitting of trial contact lenses on potential candidates may help overcome barriers to contact lens wear. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  3. X-ray bubble lens and x-ray hollow plastic ball lens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kohmura, Yoshiki; Awaji, Mitsuhiro; Suzuki, Yoshio; Ishikawa, Tetsuya


    Recent development of anew refractive x-ray lens at SPring-8 is reported. This is the first refractive x-ray lens with a string of spherical lens in-spite of the string of cylindrical holes. Two types of the lends were developed which consists of a string of bubbles formed in a viscous liquid and a string of hollow plastic balls on pure water. They are sealed inside a container made from an acrylic resin. The x-ray focusing properties were investigated with the monochromated beam at an undulator beam line BL47 in SPring-8. Demagnified images of the source for these tow types of lens were observed at the energy of 19.0-24.5 keV with the focal length of approximately 5m. For the bubble lens, a gain of about 12 was observed. The observed vertical image size, 48 micrometers , was 6 times larger than the expected size. The method to improve the focusing capability is discussed.

  4. Effect of driving voltage polarity on dynamic response characteristics of electrowetting liquid lens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Na, Xie; Ning, Zhang; Rong-Qing, Xu


    A test device is developed for studying the dynamic process of an electrowetting liquid lens. By analyzing the light signals through the liquid lens, the dynamical properties of the lens are investigated. In our experiment, three types of pulse, i.e., sine, bipolar pulse, and single pulse signals, are employed to drive the liquid lens, and the dynamic characteristics of the lens are subsequently analyzed. The results show that the positive and negative polarities of the driving voltage can cause a significant difference in the response of the liquid lens; meanwhile, the lens’s response to the negative polarity of the driving voltage is clearer. We use the theory of charge restraint to explain this phenomenon, and it is concluded that the negative ions are more easily restrained by a dielectric layer. This work gives direct guidance for practical applications based on an electrowetting liquid lens.

  5. 51. (no plate) Lens, lens pedestal, mercury float, shade holder ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    51. (no plate) Lens, lens pedestal, mercury float, shade holder installation, drawing # 3101, sheet 2 of 2. Approved April 6, 1928. - Block Island Southeast Light, Spring Street & Mohegan Trail at Mohegan Bluffs, New Shoreham, Washington County, RI

  6. Port Authority Best Practices

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Best practices for port authorities include near-port community collaboration, anti-idling policies, expanding off-peak hours, development of EMS, developing an emissions inventory, education, electric power and substituting trucking for rail or barge.

  7. Self port scanning tool : providing a more secure computing Environment through the use of proactive port scanning

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kocher, Joshua E; Gilliam, David P.


    Secure computing is a necessity in the hostile environment that the internet has become. Protection from nefarious individuals and organizations requires a solution that is more a methodology than a one time fix. One aspect of this methodology is having the knowledge of which network ports a computer has open to the world, These network ports are essentially the doorways from the internet into the computer. An assessment method which uses the nmap software to scan ports has been developed to aid System Administrators (SAs) with analysis of open ports on their system(s). Additionally, baselines for several operating systems have been developed so that SAs can compare their open ports to a baseline for a given operating system. Further, the tool is deployed on a website where SAs and Users can request a port scan of their computer. The results are then emailed to the requestor. This tool aids Users, SAs, and security professionals by providing an overall picture of what services are running, what ports are open, potential trojan programs or backdoors, and what ports can be closed.

  8. Reframing the land-sparing/land-sharing debate for biodiversity conservation.


    Kremen, Claire


    Conservation biologists are devoting an increasing amount of energy to debating whether land sparing (high-yielding agriculture on a small land footprint) or land sharing (low-yielding, wildlife-friendly agriculture on a larger land footprint) will promote better outcomes for local and global biodiversity. In turn, concerns are mounting about how to feed the world, given increasing demands for food. In this review, I evaluate the land-sparing/land-sharing framework--does the framework stimulate research and policy that can reconcile agricultural land use with biodiversity conservation, or is a revised framing needed? I review (1) the ecological evidence in favor of sparing versus sharing; (2) the evidence from land-use change studies that assesses whether a relationship exists between agricultural intensification and land sparing; and (3) how that relationship may be affected by socioeconomic and political factors. To address the trade-off between biodiversity conservation and food production, I then ask which forms of agricultural intensification can best feed the world now and in the future. On the basis of my review, I suggest that the dichotomy of the land-sparing/land-sharing framework limits the realm of future possibilities to two, largely undesirable, options for conservation. Both large, protected regions and favorable surrounding matrices are needed to promote biodiversity conservation; they work synergistically and are not mutually exclusive. A "both-and" framing of large protected areas surrounded by a wildlife-friendly matrix suggests different research priorities from the "either-or" framing of sparing versus sharing. Furthermore, wildlife-friendly farming methods such as agroecology may be best adapted to provide food for the world's hungry people. © 2015 New York Academy of Sciences.

  9. [LenSx® femto-LASIK, FEMTO LDV Z4® femto-LASIK, and PRK : Comparison of refractive results and an analysis of complications].


    Pahlitzsch, T; Pahlitzsch, M-L; Sumarni, U; Pahlitzsch, M


    The aim of this study is to evaluate three refractive procedures: LenSx® (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX, USA) femto-laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), FEMTO LDV Z4® (Ziemer, Port, Switzerland) femto-LASIK, and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) in terms of refractive outcome, perioperative complications, pain, and patient satisfaction. Data of 168 eyes (myopic n = 84) were included in this retrospective study. Of these, 54 eyes (n = 27, 33.85 ± 7.64 years) were treated with LenSx® femto-LASIK, 60 eyes (n = 30, 35.03 ± 7.46 years) with FEMTO LDV Z4® femto-LASIK, and 54 eyes (n = 27, 33.24 ± 8.52 years) with PRK. Photoablation was induced by a MEL80 Excimerlaser (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). The corrected (V sc ) and uncorrected (V cc ) distance subjective visual acuity, corneal topography (Pentacam® HR; Wetzlar, Germany), and objective astigmatism (ARK-760A Refractometer ; Nidek, Fremont, CA, USA) were measured preoperatively, and 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months postoperatively. Subjective pain (verbal rating scale) and patient satisfaction were also recorded. Subjective V sc showed significantly better results in both femto-LASIK cohorts compared to PRK (p < 0.05) 1 day and 1 week postoperatively. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of spherical equivalent and astigmatism 3 months postoperatively. The LenSx® femto-LASIK caused flap complications. The highest patient satisfaction results were shown in the LDV Z4® group, followed by the LenSx® and PRK cohorts (p = 0.072). LDV Z4® femto-LASIK showed the lowest pain score 1 day postoperatively (p < 0.001). There was no significant correlation between target refraction and preoperative corneal thickness and astigmatism. Femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK is an effective procedure enabling rapid rehabilitation of visual acuity with low postoperative pain compared to PRK. There is no difference between the three techniques regarding refractive outcome after 3

  10. 46 CFR 171.116 - Port lights.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Port lights. 171.116 Section 171.116 Shipping COAST... Port lights. (a) A vessel may have port lights below the bulkhead deck if— (1) It is greater than 150 gross tons; and (2) It is in ocean service. (b) All port lights in a space must be non-opening if the...

  11. 46 CFR 171.116 - Port lights.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Port lights. 171.116 Section 171.116 Shipping COAST... Port lights. (a) A vessel may have port lights below the bulkhead deck if— (1) It is greater than 150 gross tons; and (2) It is in ocean service. (b) All port lights in a space must be non-opening if the...

  12. 46 CFR 171.116 - Port lights.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Port lights. 171.116 Section 171.116 Shipping COAST... Port lights. (a) A vessel may have port lights below the bulkhead deck if— (1) It is greater than 150 gross tons; and (2) It is in ocean service. (b) All port lights in a space must be non-opening if the...

  13. 46 CFR 171.116 - Port lights.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Port lights. 171.116 Section 171.116 Shipping COAST... Port lights. (a) A vessel may have port lights below the bulkhead deck if— (1) It is greater than 150 gross tons; and (2) It is in ocean service. (b) All port lights in a space must be non-opening if the...

  14. 46 CFR 171.116 - Port lights.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Port lights. 171.116 Section 171.116 Shipping COAST... Port lights. (a) A vessel may have port lights below the bulkhead deck if— (1) It is greater than 150 gross tons; and (2) It is in ocean service. (b) All port lights in a space must be non-opening if the...

  15. Lens fiber organization in four avian species: a scanning electron microscopic study.


    Willekens, B; Vrensen, G


    The three-dimensional organization of the eye lenses of the chicken, the canary, the song-thrush and the kestrel was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. The lenses of birds are characterized by the presence of two distinct compartments: the annular pad and the main lens body, separated by a cavum lenticuli. The annular pad fibers had a hexagonal circumference all contained a round nucleus and except for the canary were smooth-surfaced and lacking anchoring devices. In the canary, however, the annular pad fibers were studded with edge protrusions and ball-and-socket junctions. The semicircular main lens body fibers of all four species were studded with ball-and-socket junctions and edge protrusions. In contrast with mammals these anchoring devices were present throughout the lens up to the embryonal nucleus. Superficially the main lens body fibers were extremely flat. Additionally membrane elevations and depressions and globular elements were found on these central fibers in three species, the kestrel being the exception. At the transition between annular pad and main lens body the fibers turned their course and the nuclei became oval and disappeared in the deeper aspect of the main lens body. The cavum lenticuli was filled with globules tied off from the annular pad fibers. It seems attractive to assume that the presence of a separated annular pad, a cavum lenticuli filled with globular elements, the extreme flatness of the superficial central fibers and the studding of these central fibers with anchoring devices up to the embryonal nucleus are morphological expressions of the mouldability of the bird's eye lenses and consequently would explain their efficient accommodative mechanism including formation of a lenticonus. The presence of nuclei in the annular pad fibers and their typical change at the transitional zone between annular pad and main lens body are suggestive for a two-phased differentiation in bird's lens fibers: differentiation of the

  16. Contact lens management of irregular corneas after traumatic aphakia: A pediatric case series.


    Aung, Yin-Yin; McLeod, Andrew


    Pediatric patients account for 35% of all cases that present after ocular trauma and 20.9% of those result in a ruptured globe. When repairing the globe, the removal of the natural lens results in a significant change in refractive error and loss of accommodation. In addition, the eye can have scarring, irregular astigmatism, and changes to the ocular surface. Treatment and vision rehabilitation should be aggressive and done quickly to prevent amblyopia. Advanced lens designs are often needed to treat both the irregular ocular surface and the aphakia. Treatment options are often confounded with the usual issues of contact lens compliance, intolerance, and complications. This case series follows three aphakic pediatric patients through the contact lens fitting process after sustaining a ruptured globe that left them aphakic with residual irregular astigmatism and corneal scarring. Patient 1 is a 3-year-old Hispanic male fit with a bitoric gas permeable contact lens with irregular astigmatism and an elevated central corneal scarring. Patient 2 is a 12-year-old Caucasian male with minimal residual astigmatism fit in a multifocal soft contact lens. Patient 3 is an 8-year-old African American male fit with a hybrid contact lens that was needed to vault the irregular astigmatism and central corneal scarring. Treating patients with irregular corneas or aphakia can be challenging in their own right, but in combination are some of the most advanced specialty contact lens fittings. This case series followed three pediatric patients through the fitting process and demonstrated the options and challenges when fitting this unique patient population. Copyright © 2015 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chu Zhe; Lin, W. P.; Yang Xiaofeng, E-mail:, E-mail:

    Using an analytical method, we study the singular isothermal quadrupole (SIQ) lens system, which is the simplest lens model that can produce four images. In this case, the radial mass distribution is in accord with the profile of the singular isothermal sphere lens, and the tangential distribution is given by adding a quadrupole on the monopole component. The basic properties of the SIQ lens have been studied in this Letter, including the deflection potential, deflection angle, magnification, critical curve, caustic, pseudo-caustic, and transition locus. Analytical solutions of the image positions and magnifications for the source on axes are derived. Wemore » find that naked cusps will appear when the relative intensity k of quadrupole to monopole is larger than 0.6. According to the magnification invariant theory of the SIQ lens, the sum of the signed magnifications of the four images should be equal to unity, as found by Dalal. However, if a source lies in the naked cusp, the summed magnification of the left three images is smaller than the invariant 1. With this simple lens system, we study the situations where a point source infinitely approaches a cusp or a fold. The sum of the magnifications of the cusp image triplet is usually not equal to 0, and it is usually positive for major cusps while negative for minor cusps. Similarly, the sum of magnifications of the fold image pair is usually not equal to 0 either. Nevertheless, the cusp and fold relations are still equal to 0 in that the sum values are divided by infinite absolute magnifications by definition.« less

  18. Spare parts management for nuclear power generation facilities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Scala, Natalie Michele

    With deregulation, utilities in the power sector face a much more urgent imperative to emphasize cost efficiencies as compared to the days of regulation. One major opportunity for cost savings is through reductions in spare parts inventories. Most utilities are accustomed to carrying large volumes of expensive, relatively slow-moving parts because of a high degree of risk-averseness. This attitude towards risk is rooted in the days of regulation. Under regulation, companies recovered capital inventory costs by incorporating them into the base rate charged to their customers. In a deregulated environment, cost recovery is no longer guaranteed. Companies must therefore reexamine their risk profile and develop policies for spare parts inventory that are appropriate for a competitive business environment. This research studies the spare parts inventory management problem in the context of electric utilities, with a focus on nuclear power. It addresses three issues related to this problem: criticality, risk, and policy. With respect to criticality and risk, a methodology is presented that incorporates the use of influence diagrams and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). A new method is developed for group aggregation in the AHP when Saaty and Vargas' (2007) dispersion test fails and decision makers are unwilling or unable to revise their judgments. With respect to policy, a quantitative model that ranks the importance of keeping a part in inventory and recommends a corresponding stocking policy through the use of numerical simulation is developed. This methodology and its corresponding models will enable utilities that have transitioned from a regulated to a deregulated environment become more competitive in their operations while maintaining safety and reliability standards. Furthermore, the methodology developed is general enough so that other utility plants, especially those in the nuclear sector, will be able to use this approach. In addition to regulated

  19. Port in oncology practice: 3-monthly locking with normal saline for catheter maintenance, a preliminary report.


    Solinas, Gianfranca; Platini, Francesca; Trivellato, Maurizio; Rigo, Carla; Alabiso, Oscar; Galetto, Alessandra S


    Patients with cancer need stable venous access using central vascular devices like central venous ports and peripherally inserted central catheters that can be used for a wide range of indications. Numerous flushing protocols exist including different frequencies for catheter locking to maintain catheter patency. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the incidence of lumen occlusion of central venous ports in a group of adult cancer patients, adopting a policy of locking with normal saline every three months. This is a single-center retrospective observational study. During follow-up, we analyzed adult cancer patients who had undergone port insertion from January 1st, 2007 to August 31st, 2014. Flushing and locking were performed every three months with a syringe containing normal saline. We collected data from 381 patients with ports inserted in subclavian vein (379 patients) and in the right jugular vein (2 patients). Locking was performed during 3-monthly follow-up visits. Median follow-up was 810 days (90-2700 days). Among 381 ports, 59 were removed; the reasons for removal were: end of use (45 cases), catheter rupture (9 cases), dislocation (3 cases) and catheter-related bloodstream infection (2 cases). We had no reports of lumen occlusion. Our data suggest that locking ports with normal saline every three months is not associated with an increased risk of lumen occlusion.

  20. Ship emissions inventory, social cost and eco-efficiency in Shanghai Yangshan port

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Song, Su


    This study estimated both the in-port ship emissions inventory (CO2, CH4, N2O, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, SOx, CO, and HC) and the emission associated social cost in Yangshan port of Shanghai. A sophisticated activity-based methodology, supported by the ship-by-ship and real-time data from the modern automatic identification system (AIS), was introduced to obtain accurate estimates of ship emissions. The detailed spatial and temporal emission inventories can be used as input for air quality dispersion modeling in the port and vicinities. The social cost of the emission impact on the Yangshan port coastal regions was then assessed based on the emissions inventories. The social cost covers the impact on human health, the environment, and the climate of the coastal community. Finally, the ship emissions was combined with port's basic operation profiles, i.e. container throughput, ship calls, and port revenue, in an attempt to assess the port's “eco-efficiency”, which indicates the port performance with social-economic and environmental concerns. This study filled the gap of previous studies by providing the AIS-supported activity-based emission inventory to facilitate the social cost-benefit analysis for the emission abatement policies. The result shows that i) the amount of in-port ship emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, SOx, CO, and HC in Yangshan port area was 578,444 tons, 10 tons, 33 tons, 1078 tons (PM10, inducing PM2.5), 859 tons (PM2.5 only), 10,758 tons, 5623 tons, 1136 tons, and 519 tons, respectively, with ii) a total social cost of 287 million; iii) the values of the three parameters of the port eco-efficiency performance were 36,528 per 1,000 TEU throughput, 43,993 per ship call, and 44 million per billion US$ port revenue (4.4% of port revenue), respectively in 2009.

  1. Effect of port-care frequency on venous port catheter-related complications in cancer patients.


    Odabas, Hatice; Ozdemir, Nuriye Yıldırım; Ziraman, Ipek; Aksoy, Sercan; Abali, Huseyin; Oksuzoglu, Berna; Isik, Metin; Civelek, Burak; Dede, Dogan; Zengin, Nurullah


    Subcutaneous central venous port catheters (SCVPC) are of great importance in the treatment of patients with malignancies since they provide secure vascular access. Our aim was to assess the impact of long-term catheter care frequency on the frequency of port-related complications. Two hundred and seven patients who had not been on active chemotherapy through their SCVPC for at least 3 months were enrolled into the study. Those who received catheter care every 3 months or more frequently were assigned to the frequent care group, and the others to the infrequent care group. The patients were examined for port-related complications and thrombosis including port occlusion. Routinely in our clinic, catheter care was done by using 300 IU of heparin. According to the frequency of SCVPC care, 49 (23.7 %) patients were in the frequent care group and 158 (76.3 %) were in the infrequent care group. Median follow-up of all patients was 671 days (range 133-1712). Median frequency of port care in the frequent care group was 90 days (range 30-90), but 441.5 days in the infrequent care group (range 91-1630). None of the patients experienced port-related severe complications during the follow-up time. None of them presented with port occlusion. When the groups were analysed for thrombus (symptomatic and asymptomatic), there was no statistically significant difference (6.4 vs 13.8 %, p = 0.17). Those patients who had received more than first-line chemotherapy were found to have more thrombi than the patients who were treated with only one type of chemotherapy protocol (28.6 vs 10.2 %, p = 0.01), and the patients who had metastatic disease at the last control were found out to have thrombi more frequently than the non-metastatic patients (24.3 vs 9.3 %) (p = 0.01). In the present study, there was no difference in port-related severe complications between frequent and infrequent care groups during follow-up. However, the rate of thrombosis was slightly higher in the infrequent port



    Lin, Jijian; Su, Zhitao; Huang, Xiaodan; Ji, Xian; Yao, Ke


    To evaluate the safety and efficacy of posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis through the pars plana and 23-gauge vitrectomy in surgical management of dense posterior capsule opacification and vitreous floaters. Fifteen pseudophakic eyes of 15 patients with dense posterior capsule opacification and vitreous floaters between September 2012 and June 2014 were included; after vitrectomy, posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis through the pars plana was performed. Data were collected, including baseline preoperative characteristics, postoperative outcomes, complications, and a modified quality-of-life survey that patients completed. No intraoperative or postoperative complications were encountered in any of the 15 cases. Mean Snellen best-corrected visual acuity was 20/250 preoperatively and improved to 20/32 postoperatively (P < 0.001). All patients showed normal intraocular pressure 7 days after the procedure. The mean overall corneal endothelial cell loss at postoperative Month 3 was 1.2%. Approximately 80% of the patients had no complaint of vitreous floaters after the procedure. Except for 1 patient (7%) diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration, the rest of the patients (93%) were satisfied with the procedure and would recommend it to friends with dense posterior capsule opacification and vitreous floaters. Posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis through the pars plana combined with 23-gauge vitrectomy may be used to remove dense posterior capsule opacification and vitreous floaters in pseudophakic eyes.

  3. Objective lens

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Olczak, Eugene G. (Inventor)


    An objective lens and a method for using same. The objective lens has a first end, a second end, and a plurality of optical elements. The optical elements are positioned between the first end and the second end and are at least substantially symmetric about a plane centered between the first end and the second end.

  4. 47 CFR 52.35 - Porting Intervals.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... “telecommunications carrier” includes an interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) provider as that term in... ports” includes (i) Wireline-to-wireless ports; (ii) Wireless-to-wireline ports; and (iii) Ports...

  5. Fluidics comparison between dual pneumatic and spring return high-speed vitrectomy systems.


    Brant Fernandes, Rodrigo A; Diniz, Bruno; Falabella, Paulo; Ribeiro, Ramiro; Teixeira, Anderson G; Magalhães, Octaviano; Moraes, Nilva; Maia, Andre; Farah, Michel E; Maia, Mauricio; Humayun, Mark S


    To compare the water and vitreous flow rates and duty cycle (DC) between two ultrahigh-speed vitrectomy systems: pneumatic with spring return (SR) and dual pneumatic (DP) probes. The flow rate was calculated using a high-sampling precision balance that measured the mass of water and vitreous removed from a vial by a vitreous cutter. Frame-by-frame analysis of a high-speed video of the cutter was used to determine the DC. Three cutters of each gauge (20, 23, and 25 G) were tested with an SR and a DP system using the standard DC setting (biased open) at 0 (water only), 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 cuts per minute (CPM) with aspiration levels of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 mm Hg. The DC was slightly higher with the SR system using most parameters and gauges although without statistical significance. The water flow rate was somewhat higher with the SR system, except for 25 G with 4,000 and 5,000 CPM. The vitreous flow rate was similar using most parameters, with the SR system showing higher flows at lower cut rates (1,000-3,000 CPM). SR and DP systems produced similar water and vitreous flow rates. Additional studies in human eyes are necessary to confirm these findings. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.

  6. Analysis of focal spared areas in fatty liver using color Doppler imaging and contrast-enhanced microvessel display sonography.


    Liu, Li-Ping; Dong, Bao-Wei; Yu, Xiao-Ling; Zhang, Da-Kun; Li, Xin; Li, Hua


    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether focal fatty sparing (FFS) formation in the liver relates to aberrant blood flow. Sixty-three FFSs of the liver in 52 patients were examined by color Doppler flow imaging and contrast-enhanced microvessel display sonography. The 63 FFSs included 16 FFSs in the porta hepatis, 14 FFSs around the gallbladder fossa, and 33 other FFSs. The control group included patients with a diagnosis of fatty liver but no FFSs or focal lesions near the porta hepatis. Fourteen of 16 FFSs in the porta hepatis showed venous blood toward those areas that were differentiated from the portal and hepatic veins. Focal fatty sparings in the hilus hepatis correlated with aberrant veins, having a statistical significance compared with the control group (P < .0001). Seven of 14 FFSs around the gallbladder fossa contained blood vessels, 5 of them veins and the remaining 2 arteries. Two FFSs were located around hemangiomas. Three FFSs were located around maldeveloped vessels. The blood supply to an FFS in the porta hepatis may be correlated with aberrant veins. Focal fatty sparings around the gallbladder fossa may be associated with aberrant blood flow.

  7. A high excitation magnetic quadrupole lens quadruplet incorporating a single octupole lens for a low spherical aberration probe forming lens system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dou, Yanxin; Jamieson, David N.; Liu, Jianli; Li, Liyi


    This paper describes the design of a new probe forming lens system consisting of a high excitation magnetic quadrupole lens quadruplet that incorporates a single magnetic octupole lens. This system achieves both a high demagnification and a low spherical aberration compared to conventional high excitation systems and is intended for deployment for the Harbin 300 MeV proton microprobe for applications in space science and ion beam therapy. This relative simplicity of the ion optical design to include a single octupole lens minimizes the risks associated with the constructional and operational precision usually needed for the probe forming lens system and this system could also be deployed in microprobe systems that operate with less magnetically rigid ions. The design of the new system is validated with reference to two independent ion optical computer codes.

  8. The Identification and Classification of Inland Ports

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This report presents a formal definition for inland ports and creates a classification methodology to promote familiarity with inland port operations and aid transportation planners interested in supporting inland port operations. Inland ports are si...

  9. Principles of subcutaneous port placement.


    Gonda, Shaun J; Li, Ruizong


    The introduction of totally implantable subcutaneous devices in the early 1980s provided patients with secure, reliable venous access and also gave them the ability to move more freely and have a more normal lifestyle with these devices in place. The most common totally implantable device used today is the subcutaneous port. These ports consist of an injection port connected to a catheter. Ports provide a number of advantages compared with other venous catheters; the most important is the reduced risk of infection. These devices have significantly lower rates of infection than nontunneled and tunneled catheters. Additional advantages include less frequent irrigation and minimal home care, and they are less prone to environmental or cutaneous contamination when not being accessed. This article will focus on the placement of these ports. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Dispersion-compensated fresnel lens


    Johnson, Kenneth C.


    A transmission grating is used to reduce chromatic aberration in a Fresnel lens, wherein the lens chromatic dispersion is offset and substantially canceled by the grating's diffraction-induced dispersion. The grating comprises a Fresnel-type pattern of microscopic facets molded directly into the lens surface. The facets would typically have a profile height of around 4.multidot.10.sup.-5 inch and a profile width of at least 10.sup.-3 inch. In its primary intended application, the invention would function to improve the optical performance of a Fresnel lens used to concentrate direct sunlight.

  11. 77 FR 49351 - Safety Zone; Port Huron Float-Down, St. Clair River, Port Huron, MI

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Port Huron Float-Down, St. Clair River, Port Huron, MI AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION: Temporary final rule. SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone on the St. Clair River, Port Huron, MI. This zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of the St. Clair...

  12. 47 CFR 52.35 - Porting Intervals.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... work week of Monday through Friday represents mandatory business days and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. represents... ports” includes (i) Wireline-to-wireless ports; (ii) Wireless-to-wireline ports; and (iii) Ports...

  13. 47 CFR 52.35 - Porting Intervals.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... work week of Monday through Friday represents mandatory business days and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. represents... ports” includes (i) Wireline-to-wireless ports; (ii) Wireless-to-wireline ports; and (iii) Ports...

  14. Foveal-Sparing Scotomas in Advanced Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sunness, Janet S.; Rubin, Gary S.; Zuckerbrod, Abraham; Applegate, Carol A.


    Foveal-sparing scotomas are common in advanced dry macular degeneration (geographic atrophy). Foveal preservation may be present for a number of years. Despite good visual acuity, these patients have reduced reading rates. Magnification may not be effective if the text becomes too large to "fit" within the central spared area. (Contains 2 tables…

  15. Contact Lens Care


    ... your prescription expires Lens measurements The contact lens brand name and material Your doctor’s name and contact ... mail-order sellers may send you a different brand. Contact lenses may look the same, but materials ...

  16. Reflections From a Fresnel Lens

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Keeports, David


    Reflection of light by a convex Fresnel lens gives rise to two distinct images. A highly convex inverted real reflective image forms on the object side of the lens, while an upright virtual reflective image forms on the opposite side of the lens. I describe here a set of laser experiments performed upon a Fresnel lens. These experiments provide…

  17. RImmPort: an R/Bioconductor package that enables ready-for-analysis immunology research data.


    Shankar, Ravi D; Bhattacharya, Sanchita; Jujjavarapu, Chethan; Andorf, Sandra; Wiser, Jeffery A; Butte, Atul J


    : Open access to raw clinical and molecular data related to immunological studies has created a tremendous opportunity for data-driven science. We have developed RImmPort that prepares NIAID-funded research study datasets in ImmPort ( for analysis in R. RImmPort comprises of three main components: (i) a specification of R classes that encapsulate study data, (ii) foundational methods to load data of a specific study and (iii) generic methods to slice and dice data across different dimensions in one or more studies. Furthermore, RImmPort supports open formalisms, such as CDISC standards on the open source bioinformatics platform Bioconductor, to ensure that ImmPort curated study datasets are seamlessly accessible and ready for analysis, thus enabling innovative bioinformatics research in immunology. RImmPort<