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Avascular necrosis Overview Avascular necrosis is the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply. Also called osteonecrosis, it can lead to ... blood flow to a section of bone. Avascular necrosis is also associated with long-term use of ...
Avascular Necrosis of the Capitate
Bekele, Wosen; Escobedo, Eva; Allen, Robert
Avascular necrosis of the capitate is a rare entity. The most common reported etiology is trauma. We report a case of avascular necrosis of the capitate in a patient with chronic wrist pain that began after a single episode of remote trauma. PMID:22470799
Indomethacin induced avascular necrosis of head of femur
Prathapkumar, K; Smith, I; Attara, G
Chemically induced avascular necrosis of bone is a well documented entity. Indomethacin is one of the causes of this condition but is often difficult to recognise. Review of the literature shows that only one case of indomethacin induced avascular necrosis has been reported in the English language between 1966 and the present. The case of a young healthy man, who developed avascular necrosis of head of femur after prolonged administration of indomethacin, is reported here. Keywords: indomethacin; avascular necrosis PMID:10964124
A Case of Trapezium Avascular Necrosis Treated Conservatively.
Petsatodis, Evangelos; Ditsios, Konstantinos; Konstantinou, Panagiotis; Pinto, Iosafat; Kostretzis, Lazaros; Theodoroudis, Ioannis; Pilavaki, Mayia
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the bones of the wrist most commonly involves the lunate followed by the proximal pole of the scaphoid and the capitate. Trapezium avascular necrosis is extremely rare with only two cases reported in the literature, both of which were treated surgically. In this article, we report a unique case of trapezium avascular necrosis treated conservatively. A 38-year-old man complaining of a 4-month history of mild pain on the base of his right thumb. MRI scan was performed. The clinical presentation and the imaging findings indicated avascular osteonecrosis of the trapezium. The patient was treated with immobilization of the wrist joint for a period of six weeks. Three months later, the patient was free of symptoms and the MRI scan revealed a normal trapezium. AVN of trapezium is extremely rare. Our case shows that immobilization of an early stage avascular necrosis of the trapezium might be a treatment option.
Zhang, Qiang; Cheng, Cheng-Kung; Wei, Hung-Wen; Dong, Xiang; Chen, Yi-Ting; Lai, Yu-Shu; Wang, Yan
There is a relatively high failure rate of the femoral component in patients with avascular necrosis at the intermediate-term follow-up. Improving the geometrical fit of the femoral stem against the medullary canal may help to provide long-term survivorship of the hip replacement for patients with avascular necrosis. We designed a specific stem, based on morphometric studies of proximal femoral canals in Chinese avascular necrosis patients and evaluated the stem by finite element analyses, comparing the novel stem with two commercially available and commonly used stems. The morphometric data from avascular necrosis patients showed specific geometric differences in the proximal femoral canal, including profile curves in both the sagittal and coronary planes than the patients with femoral neck fracture. The shorter stemmed prostheses (Fitmore(®) and our stem) performed better than the longer stemmed prosthesis (VerSys(®)). This is the first study to investigate the femoral geometries of Chinese avascular necrosis patients. Our stem provides better stability and is theoretically beneficial to bone ingrowth, which may increase the long-term stability and fixation of the implant.
Avascular necrosis of the trapezoid bone following carpometacarpal arthroplasty.
Kane, Patrick; Waryasz, Greg; Katarincic, Julie
A 58-year-old female developed avascular necrosis of her trapezoid approximately 3 months after undergoing carpometacarpal arthroplasty. The patient was treated conservatively with immobilization and had complete resolution of her clinical symptoms during her year of follow-up. Additionally, radiographic examination showed complete restoration of the height of her trapezoid approximately 1 year after the index procedure. Avascular necrosis of the trapezoid is extremely rare with very few cases described in the literature. This is the first description of avascular necrosis following carpometacarpal arthroplasty.
Atraumatic Pantalar Avascular Necrosis in a Patient With Alcohol Dependence.
Callachand, Fayaz; Milligan, David; Wilson, Alistair
In the United States, an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 new cases of avascular necrosis are diagnosed each year. We present an unusual case of atraumatic avascular necrosis with widespread hindfoot and midfoot involvement. A 62-year-old female with a history of alcohol dependence and smoking, who had previously been treated for avascular necrosis of the knee, presented with right-sided foot pain and difficulty weightbearing. Imaging studies revealed extensive avascular necrosis of the hindfoot and midfoot, which precluded simple surgical intervention. The patient was followed up for 18 months. In the last 8 months of the 18-month period, the patient managed her symptoms using an ankle-foot orthosis. A diagnosis of avascular necrosis should be considered in patients with atraumatic foot and ankle pain, especially in the presence of risk factors such as alcohol excess and smoking. Copyright © 2016 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cirrhosis is a risk factor for total hip arthroplasty for avascular necrosis.
Deleuran, Thomas; Overgaard, Søren; Vilstrup, Hendrik; Jepsen, Peter
Background and purpose - There are limited data on risk factors for avascular necrosis of the hip, but cirrhosis has been proposed as a risk factor. We examined the association between cirrhosis and incidence of total hip arthroplasty for avascular necrosis. Methods - We used nationwide healthcare data to identify all Danish residents diagnosed with cirrhosis in 1994-2011, and matched them 1:5 by age and sex to non-cirrhotic reference individuals from the general population. We excluded people with a previous total hip arthroplasty, a previous hip fracture, or a previous diagnosis of avascular necrosis. We used stratified Cox regression to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) for cirrhosis patients relative to reference individuals, adjusting for potential confounders. We used the cumulative incidence function to compute 5-year risks. Results - We included 25,421 cirrhosis patients and 114,052 reference individuals. Their median age was 57 years, and 65% were men. 45 cirrhosis patients and 44 reference individuals underwent total hip arthroplasty for avascular necrosis. Cirrhosis patients' HR for a total hip arthroplasty for avascular necrosis was 10 (95% CI: 6-17), yet their 5-year risk of avascular necrosis was only 0.2%. For the reference individuals, the 5-year risk was 0.02%. Interpretation - Cirrhosis is a strong risk factor for avascular necrosis of the hip, but it is rare even in cirrhosis patients.
Cirrhosis is a risk factor for total hip arthroplasty for avascular necrosis
Deleuran, Thomas; Overgaard, Søren; Vilstrup, Hendrik; Jepsen, Peter
Background and purpose There are limited data on risk factors for avascular necrosis of the hip, but cirrhosis has been proposed as a risk factor. We examined the association between cirrhosis and incidence of total hip arthroplasty for avascular necrosis. Methods We used nationwide healthcare data to identify all Danish residents diagnosed with cirrhosis in 1994–2011, and matched them 1:5 by age and sex to non-cirrhotic reference individuals from the general population. We excluded people with a previous total hip arthroplasty, a previous hip fracture, or a previous diagnosis of avascular necrosis. We used stratified Cox regression to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) for cirrhosis patients relative to reference individuals, adjusting for potential confounders. We used the cumulative incidence function to compute 5-year risks. Results We included 25,421 cirrhosis patients and 114,052 reference individuals. Their median age was 57 years, and 65% were men. 45 cirrhosis patients and 44 reference individuals underwent total hip arthroplasty for avascular necrosis. Cirrhosis patients’ HR for a total hip arthroplasty for avascular necrosis was 10 (95% CI: 6–17), yet their 5-year risk of avascular necrosis was only 0.2%. For the reference individuals, the 5-year risk was 0.02%. Interpretation Cirrhosis is a strong risk factor for avascular necrosis of the hip, but it is rare even in cirrhosis patients. PMID:26900635
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head after osteosynthesis of femoral neck fracture.
Min, Byung-Woo; Kim, Sung-Jin
The reported incidence of avascular necrosis after femoral neck fracture fixation varies widely, and there is no consensus regarding its risk factors. We evaluated the incidence of avascular necrosis of the femoral head with the use of contemporary techniques for femoral neck fracture fixation. We then sought to determine what potential risk factors influenced the development of avascular necrosis.Between 1990 and 2005, one hundred sixty-three intracapsular femoral neck fractures in 163 patients were treated with internal fixation at our level-I trauma center. All patients were monitored until conversion to total hip arthroplasty or for a minimum of 2 years postoperatively. Ten patients (10 hips) died and 7 patients (7 hips) were lost to follow-up. The remaining 146 patients (146 hips) had a mean 5.2 years of follow-up (range, 3 months to 17 years). The incidence of avascular necrosis was 25.3% (37 hips). The average time to diagnosis of avascular necrosis was 18.8 months (range, 3-47 months). Patient sex, age, interval from injury to surgery, and mechanism of injury were statistically not associated with the development of avascular necrosis. The quality of fracture reduction, adequacy of fixation, degree of displacement, and comminution of the posterior cortex were significantly associated. After we controlled for patient and radiographic characteristics, multivariate analyses indicated that the important predictors for avascular necrosis are poor reduction (odds ratio=13.889) and initial displacement of the fracture (odds ratio=4.693). Copyright 2011, SLACK Incorporated.
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head presenting as trochanteric bursitis.
Mandell, B F
Five patients are described with avascular necrosis of the femoral head who presented with ipsilateral trochanteric bursitis, in the absence of clearcut hip joint disease. Avascular necrosis was indicated by magnetic resonance imaging. It is suggested that clinical trochanteric bursitis, especially when refractory to local corticosteroid treatment, may be the initial sign of hip disease. In the patient with risk factor(s) for avascular necrosis that diagnosis should be considered and evaluated with appropriate studies, such as magnetic resonance imaging, to prevent weight bearing at an early stage and permit possible surgical decompression in the hope of postponing or obviating the need for total hip replacement. PMID:2241294
Femoral Head Avascular Necrosis Is Not Caused by Arthroscopic Posterolateral Femoroplasty.
Rupp, Robert E; Rupp, Sasha N
This study was conducted to identify the risk of avascular necrosis of the femoral head after arthroscopic femoroplasty extending to the posterolateral femoral neck, the source of the primary blood supply to the femoral head. Cam lesions of femoroacetabular impingement are typically anterior along the junction of the femoral head and neck. However, anatomic variations can involve the posterolateral vascular region of the femoral head and neck. Femoroplasty involving this vascular region can lead to injury to the blood supply to the femoral head, with subsequent avascular necrosis. If the posterolateral portion of the cam lesion is preserved, persistent femoroacetabular impingement may occur. A retrospective review identified 112 patients who underwent arthroscopic femoroplasty for femoroacetabular impingement over a 2-year period. Of these patients, 14 had femoroplasty that extended to the posterolateral femoral head. Of this group, 5 had undergone magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after femoroplasty and the other 9 were contacted to undergo MRI of the hip to evaluate for avascular necrosis. A radiologist and the senior author evaluated all MRI scans specifically for avascular necrosis of the femoral head. All procedures were performed by the senior author. Mean age of the 14 patients (8 women and 6 men) with femoroplasty that extended into the posterolateral vascular region of the femoral head was 44 years (range, 23-69 years). All 14 patients underwent MRI evaluation of the affected hip a mean of 25 months (range, 7-44 months) after femoroplasty. No MRI scans showed evidence of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Femoroplasty of the posterolateral vascular region of the femoral head is not associated with avascular necrosis. Patients with femoroacetabular impingement and a cam lesion extending to the posterolateral femoral head can undergo femoroplasty of this region without the development of avascular necrosis. [Orthopedics. 2016; 39(3):177-180.]. Copyright
Smith, Michael L; Bain, Gregory I; Chabrel, Nick; Turner, Perry; Carter, Chris; Field, John
The primary aim of our study was to investigate use of long axis computed tomography (CT) in predicting avascular necrosis of the proximal pole of the scaphoid and subsequent fracture nonunion after internal fixation. In addition, we describe a new technique of measuring the position of a scaphoid fracture and provide data on its reproducibility. Thirty-one patients operated on by the senior author for delayed union or nonunion of scaphoid fracture were included. Preoperative CT scans were independently assessed for increased radiodensity of the proximal pole, converging trabeculae, degree of deformity, comminution, and fracture position. Intraoperative biopsies of the proximal pole were obtained and histologically assessed for evidence of avascular necrosis. The radiologic variables were statistically compared with the histologic findings. The presence of avascular necrosis was also compared with postoperative union status, identified on longitudinal CT scans. Preoperative CT features that statistically correlated with histologic evidence of avascular necrosis were increased radiodensity of the proximal pole and the absence of any converging trabeculae between the fracture fragments. The radiologic changes of avascular necrosis and the histologic confirmation of avascular necrosis were associated with persistent nonunion. Preoperative longitudinal CT of scaphoid nonunion is of great value in identifying avascular necrosis and predicting subsequent fracture union. If avascular necrosis is suspected based on preoperative CT, management options include vascularized bone grafts and bone morphogenic protein for younger patients and limited wrist arthrodesis for older patients. Diagnostic II.
A case of systemic lupus erythematosus presenting as bilateral avascular necrosis of femur.
Adikari, Madura; Gunawardane, Aloka; Illangantilaka, Sachithra; Atukorale, Himantha; Rubasinghe, Jeevanie
Avascular necrosis occur as a result of diverse etiology. Chronic inflammatory conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus considered as a recognize cause. Many cases were reported in systemic lupus erythematosus after treating with corticosteroids. We report a case of a corticosteroid naïve patient presented as bilateral avascular necrosis of femoral head and later progressed to a case of systemic lupus erythematosus. A 26 year old lady presented with right sided hip pain and diagnosed as avascular necrosis of the femoral head. After 6 months she presented a similar pain in left hip, which revealed avascular necrosis of left femoral head as well. A probable cause for her clinical presentation could not be found after extensive clinical and laboratory evaluation. Patient reported high erythrocyte sedimentation rate persistently, and over the next few years progressed as a case of systemic lupus erythematosus. Above case illustrated avascular necrosis could be an early musculoskeletal manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus even in the absence of corticosteroid administration.
Yu, Kaifu; Tan, Hongbo; Xu, Yongqing
To summarize the current researches and progress on experimental animal models of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Domestic and internation literature concerning experimental animal models of avascular necrosis of the femoral head was reviewed and analyzed. The methods to prepare the experimental animal models of avascular necrosis of the femoral head can be mainly concluded as traumatic methods (including surgical, physical, and chemical insult), and non-traumatic methods (including steroid, lipopolysaccharide, steroid combined with lipopolysaccharide, steroid combined with horse serum, etc). Each method has both merits and demerits, yet no ideal methods have been developed. There are many methods to prepare the experimental animal models of avascular necrosis of the femoral head, but proper model should be selected based on the aim of research. The establishment of ideal experimental animal models needs further research in future.
Morphometric findings in avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
Kamal, Diana; Trăistaru, Rodica; Alexandru, D O; Kamal, C K; Pirici, D; Pop, O T; Mălăescu, D Gh
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is an illness with a controversial etiology, the trigger event being the suppression of blood flow to the femoral head. The disease affects mostly young adults within their third and fifth decade, the majority of the patients being men. The main risk factors are trauma, chronic alcohol consumption, smoking, corticotherapy. The main goal of our study is to describe the morphometric changes found in the bone tissue of patients diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the femoral head, with different risk factors, by comparing the area of bone trabeculae inside the area of necrosis with that from the adjacent viable tissue. The morphometric study used biological material from 16 patients with ages between 29 and 57 years, who underwent surgery for avascular necrosis of the femoral head. They were admitted in the Orthopedics Department at the Emergency County Hospital in Craiova between 2010 and 2011 and were split into four groups. Group I presented trauma as the main risk factor, Group II had corticotherapy as the defining risk factor, Group III presented chronic alcohol consumption and Group IV was represented by the patients who smoked and exhibited chronic alcohol consumption. There was not a significant statistical difference between the areas of bone trabeculae of the four groups when we compared viable bone tissue to the necrotized one. Knowing the risk factors of the avascular necrosis of the femoral head is critical to the management of the disease, because diagnosing it in an early stage is a necessity for obtaining a good result for conservative treatment.
Post Traumatic Avascular Necrosis of the Proximal Carpal Row--A Case Report.
Manohara, Ruben; Sebastin, Sandeep Jacob; Puhaindran, Mark Edward
We report a case of avascular necrosis of the scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum in a young 21-year-old patient, after a purely ligamentous peri-lunate dislocation of the wrist. He presented with a Mayfield III peri-lunate dislocation after a road traffic accident and underwent an open reduction and internal fixation. Post-operatively, the scapho-lunate gap widened after removal of the temporary K-wires, and he gradually developed avascular necrosis of the scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum, and osteoarthritis of his wrist. We present this unusual case of simultaneous avascular necrosis of multiple carpal bones and discuss the possible risk factors and subsequent management plans for this complex injury. Our patient has no identifiable contributing factors to developing avascular necrosis. We suspect that the violence of the injury and surgery may have compromised the circulation, and advise caution when treating and counseling these patients pre-operatively.
[Avascular necrosis of the femoral head in a patient with severe aplastic anaemia].
Plichta, Piotr; Pawelec, Katarzyna
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a pathological condition associated with numerous processes. Most frequent causes of ischaemia of the femoral head include trauma, corticosteroid therapy, radiation therapy, alcoholism, Gaucher's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis. Corticosteroid therapy is considered the most frequent risk factor for developing avascular necrosis. In this paper we report a case of a 19-year old female patient who developed avascular necrosis of the right femoral head following treatment of severe aplastic anaemia. Clinical symptoms included groin pain and fever, painful abduction and internal rotation, tenderness over the right hip joint. The plain X-ray was not specific. However magnetic resonance imaging of the hip revealed changes characteristic for avascular necrosis. Conservative treatment was administrated. Two years after the onset of first clinical symptoms the patient is able to walk without pain, although the range of motion of the right hip joint is partially diminished. We evaluated the possible risk factors of AVN, diagnostic methods and prognosis. The onset of avascular necrosis should be considered as one of the relevant complications in patients with severe aplastic anaemia following immunosuppressive treatment.
Trigger wrist caused by avascular necrosis of the capitate: a case report.
Matsui, Yuichiro; Kawamura, Daisuke; Kida, Hiroaki; Hatanaka, Kanako C; Iwasaki, Norimasa
Trigger wrist is a rare condition first described by Marti in 1960, and various causes have been reported. The condition mostly occurs with finger flexion and extension, and rarely with flexion and extension of the wrist itself. Avascular necrosis of the capitate is also a rare condition, first described by Jönsson in 1942. While some reports of this condition have been published, little is known about its etiology. Therefore, no established treatment exists. We report a case of trigger wrist caused by avascular necrosis of the capitate. A 16-year-old right-handed male who was a high school handball player was referred to our department from a nearby hospital 5 months after the onset of pain in the dorsal aspect of the right wrist, with an unknown cause. At the previous hospital, imaging findings led to a diagnosis of avascular necrosis of the capitate, and conservative treatment with a wrist brace did not improve the pain. At the initial visit to our department, the patient was noted to have a painful trigger wrist that was brought on by wrist flexion and extension. Preoperative imaging findings led to a diagnosis of trigger wrist caused by capitolunate instability secondary to avascular necrosis of the capitate. We performed a partial excision of the proximal capitate with tendon ball interposition. Two years after surgery, the patient's clinical outcome was favorable, with no recurrence of wrist pain or triggering. Both trigger wrist and avascular necrosis of the capitate are rare disorders. When a patient presents with painful triggering at the wrist, surgeons must bear in mind that avascular necrosis of the capitate may result in this phenomenon. We recommend partial excision of the proximal capitate with tendon ball interposition for the treatment of this lesion.
Pravastatin Protects Against Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head via Autophagy.
Liao, Yun; Zhang, Ping; Yuan, Bo; Li, Ling; Bao, Shisan
Autophagy serves as a stress response and may contribute to the pathogenesis of avascular necrosis of the femoral head induced by steroids. Statins promote angiogenesis and ameliorate endothelial functions through apoptosis inhibition and necrosis of endothelial progenitor cells, however the process used by statins to modulate autophagy in avascular necrosis of the femoral head remains unclear. This manuscript determines whether pravastatin protects against dexamethasone-induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head by activating endothelial progenitor cell autophagy. Pravastatin was observed to enhance the autophagy activity in endothelial progenitor cells, specifically by upregulating LC3-II/Beclin-1 (autophagy related proteins), and autophagosome formation in vivo and in vitro . An autophagy inhibitor, 3-MA, reduced pravastatin protection in endothelial progenitor cells exposed to dexamethasone by attenuating pravastatin-induced autophagy. Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key autophagy regulator by sensing cellular energy changes, and indirectly suppressing activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). We found that phosphorylation of AMPK was upregulated however phosphorylation of mTOR was downregulated in pravastatin-treated endothelial progenitor cells, which was attenuated by AMPK inhibitor compound C. Furthermore, liver kinase B1 (a phosphorylase of AMPK) knockdown eliminated pravastatin regulated autophagy protein LC3-II in endothelial progenitor cells in vitro . We therefore demonstrated pravastatin rescued endothelial progenitor cells from dexamethasone-induced autophagy dysfunction through the AMPK-mTOR signaling pathway in a liver kinase B1-dependent manner. Our results provide useful information for the development of novel therapeutics for management of glucocorticoids-induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
Macroscopic and microscopic findings in avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
Kamal, Diana; Alexandru, D O; Kamal, C K; Streba, C T; Grecu, D; Mogoantă, L
The avascular necrosis of the femoral head is an illness induced by the cutoff of blood flow to the femoral head and it affects mostly young adults between the ages of 30 and 50 years, raising therapeutic and diagnostic issues. Many risk factors are incriminated in the development of avascular necrosis of the femoral head like: trauma, chronic alcohol consumption, smoking, administration of corticosteroid drugs, most of the cases are considered to be idiopathic. The main goal of our paper is to describe the macroscopic and microscopic variations of the bone structure, which occur in patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The biological material needed for our study was obtained following hip arthroplasty surgery in 26 patients between the ages of 29 and 59 years, which previously were diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the femoral head and admitted in the Orthopedics Department of the Emergency County Hospital of Craiova (Romania) between 2010 and 2011. From a macroscopic point of view, we found well defined areas of necrosis, most of which were neatly demarcated of the adjacent viable tissue by hyperemic areas, loss of shape and contour of the femoral head and transformations of the articular cartilage above the area of necrosis. When examined under the microscope, we found vast areas of fibrosis, narrow bone trabeculae, obstructed blood vessels or blood vessels with clots inside, hypertrophic fat cells, bone sequestration but also small cells and pyknotic nuclei. The microscopic and macroscopic findings on the femoral head sections varied with the patients and the stage of the disease.
Spontaneous and bilateral avascular necrosis of the navicula: Müller-Weiss disease.
Aktaş, Erdem; Ayanoğlu, Tacettin; Hatipoğlu, Yasin; Kanatlı, Ulunay
Although, trauma, foot deformity (pesplanovalgus), systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and lupus, drugs (steroids, antineoplastic) and excessive alcohol consumption have all been accused in the etiology of avascular necrosis of the tarsal bones, spontaneous avascular necrosis of the navicular bone, especially in adults, is a rare entity. In this article, we report a 50-year-old female patient with bilateral, spontaneous avascular necrosis of the navicular bone and related severe talonavicular arthrosis. Clinical and radiological findings were concordant with Müller-Weiss disease, which is a rare disease with complex idiopathic foot condition of the adult tarsal navicular bone characterized by progressive navicular fragmentation and talonavicular joint destruction. The patient was successfully treated with two-staged bilateral talonavicular arthrodesis.
Brown, Timothy S; Wimberly, Robert L; Birch, John G
Congenital femoral deficiency is an uncommon clinical entity. We report 3 patients who developed avascular necrosis of the hip in the long (normal) leg during longitudinal observation and/or treatment of congenital femoral deficiency. Patients were identified in limb length discrepancy clinic and their charts were retrospectively reviewed for clinical and radiographic data collection. We describe the occurrence of idiopathic avascular necrosis in the normal limb in patients being followed for limb length discrepancy. Although no conclusion could be drawn about the etiology of the avascular necrosis, we describe a previously undocumented relationship between congenital femoral deficiency and avascular necrosis in the contralateral hip. This occurred in our congenital femoral deficiency population at a rate higher than expected compared with published incidences of avascular necrosis of the hip in children. Level IV-case series.
Conservative treatment of sickle cell avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
Washington, E R; Root, L
Treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in adolescents with sickle cell anemia has not yet been standardized. In this study we review the literature and report on three patients with the Legg-Perthes-type avascular necrosis associated with sickle cell disease. These patients were successfully treated by partial weight-bearing with crutches and active range-of-motion exercises. We have examined physiologic and anatomic factors in this specific disease syndrome, which suggest that this may be the preferred method of treatment.
Non-vascularized iliac bone grafting for scaphoid nonunion with avascular necrosis.
Kim, Jihyeung; Park, Jin Woo; Chung, Jeehyeok; Jeong Bae, Kee; Gong, Hyun Sik; Baek, Goo Hyun
We present the surgical outcomes of non-vascularized bone grafting taken from the iliac crest in 24 patients with scaphoid nonunion and avascular necrosis. The Fisk-Fernandez technique was used in 11 patients, and cancellous bone grafting was used in 13 patients. Bony union was achieved in 22 of the 24 patients. Non-vascularized iliac bone grafting can be used for the surgical management of scaphoid nonunion with avascular necrosis. Although revascularization of the proximal fragment after surgery was not evaluated, bony union was confirmed in nearly all patients. IV.
Autologous Platelet Concentrates as Treatment for Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head in a Dog.
Parra, Estefanía; Vergara, Andrea; Silva, Raúl F
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is a developmental disturbance that generally affects young dogs of small breeds and produces ischemic necrosis of the femoral head resulting in an incongruous and malformed joint. The most common treatment is the excisional arthroplasty of the head and femoral neck. The aim of this study is to describe the treatment of avascular necrosis in a Yorkshire dog using intra-articular injections of autologous platelet concentrate. Evaluations were made at 0, 15, 30, 60, and 120 days of treatment, describing the following parameters: clinical gait analysis, perimetry, goniometry, and radiographic evaluations. The results obtained in this case suggest that the autologous platelet concentrate may be an alternative for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in dogs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head post heart-transplantation and steroid dosage.
Foley-Nolan, D; Daly, C; Barry, C; Woods, A; Neligan, M; Coughlan, R J
Avascular necrosis (avn) post heart-transplantation has been considered to be due to the high doses of steroids used to immunosuppress these patients in attempting to prevent transplant rejection. This study shows that avascular necrosis occurs even when low dose steroids regimes are used and demonstrates no significant correlation between steroid dosage and the development of avn. Patients with symptomatic avn benefit from early diagnosis and management of their condition in that the need for total joint arthroplasty can be prevented in many cases.
[Avascular necrosis of the femoral head].
Porubský, Peter; Trč, Tomáš; Havlas, Vojtěch; Smetana, Pavel
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head in adults is not common, but not too rare diseases. In orthopedic practice, it is one of the diseases that are causing implantation of hip replacement at a relatively early age. In the early detection and initiation of therapy can delay the implantation of prosthesis for several years, which is certainly more convenient for the patient and beneficial. This article is intended to acquaint the reader with the basic diagnostic procedures and therapy.
Deleanu, Bogdan; Prejbeanu, Radu; Vermesan, Dinu; Honcea, Lucian; Mioc, Mihail Lazar; Tsiridis, Eleftherios; Predescu, Vlad
The avascular necrosis of the femoral head represents the death of bone tissue due to the lack of blood supply. The disease has a progressive evolution and left untreated leads to femoral head collapse and severe arthritis. We present a case of a pertrochanteric fracture which has been successfully operated with a dynamic interlocking trochanteric gamma nail on the right hip. At 2 years after surgery the patient developed an incipient avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Despite the good positioning of the implant, we considered that the source of the pain was an intolerance of the implant, and thus we removed it. After implant removal, the patient was kept under observation and conservative treatment, to prevent further damage to the right hip and allow the healing to occur. At 6 months after the gamma nail was removed the X-rays revealed advanced avascular necrosis of the femoral head and secondary osteoarthritis on the right hip. The patient underwent surgery with an uncemented total hip arthroplasty. There are a few discussions regarding the avascular necrosis of the femoral head. These discussions may include the predisposing risk factors, the treatment of choice and the postoperative complications. The avascular necrosis of the femoral head is a complication of pertrochanteric fractures that can not be foreseen or avoided. The optimal treatment in these cases is uncemented total hip arthroplasty.
Hip resurfacing arthroplasty in treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
Pyda, Michał; Koczy, Bogdan; Widuchowski, Wojciech; Widuchowska, Małgorzata; Stołtny, Tomasz; Mielnik, Michał; Hermanson, Jacek
Hip resurfacing is a conservative type of total hip arthroplasty but its use is controversial, especially in patients with osteonecrosis. The aim of this study was analysis of the clinical and radiographic outcomes of hip resurfacing in patients with osteonecrosis. Between 2007 and 2008, 30 hip resurfacing arthroplasties were performed due to osteoarthritis secondary to avascular necrosis of femoral head staged as Ficat III and IV. Patients were qualified to resurfacing arthroplasty when the extent of avascular necrosis using Kerboul's method was <200° and the angle between avascular necrosis and head-neck junction was >20°. All patients were evaluated clinically and radiologically before and 60 months after the operation. The mean Harris Hip Score (HHS) score increased from 47.8 to 94.25 (p<0.05). Physical activity level (University of California, Los Angeles activity score--UCLA activity score) improved from 3.7 to 7.55 (p<0.05). No implant migration was observed. Management of osteonecrosis of the hip with resurfacing arthroplasty seems to be effective in strictly-selected patients.
Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty in Treatment of Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head
Pyda, Michał; Koczy, Bogdan; Widuchowski, Wojciech; Widuchowska, Małgorzata; Stołtny, Tomasz; Mielnik, Michał; Hermanson, Jacek
Background Hip resurfacing is a conservative type of total hip arthroplasty but its use is controversial, especially in patients with osteonecrosis. The aim of this study was analysis of the clinical and radiographic outcomes of hip resurfacing in patients with osteonecrosis. Material/Methods Between 2007 and 2008, 30 hip resurfacing arthroplasties were performed due to osteoarthritis secondary to avascular necrosis of femoral head staged as Ficat III and IV. Patients were qualified to resurfacing arthroplasty when the extent of avascular necrosis using Kerboul’s method was <200° and the angle between avascular necrosis and head-neck junction was >20°. All patients were evaluated clinically and radiologically before and 60 months after the operation. Results The mean Harris Hip Score (HHS) score increased from 47.8 to 94.25 (p<0.05). Physical activity level (University of California, Los Angeles activity score – UCLA activity score) improved from 3.7 to 7.55 (p<0.05). No implant migration was observed. Conclusions Management of osteonecrosis of the hip with resurfacing arthroplasty seems to be effective in strictly-selected patients. PMID:25618763
Avascular Necrosis of the Metacarpal Head: A Review of 4 Cases.
Aldekhayel, Salah; Ghanad, Erfan; Mudgal, Chaitanya S
To report on 4 cases of avascular necrosis of the metacarpal head. We retrospectively reviewed 4 patients who received a diagnosis of avascular necrosis of the metacarpal head and were treated from 2000 to 2016. All patients were males with involvement of the dominant hand. Three patients had a history of trauma and/or fractures in another finger and one had a history of fracture in the same finger. The diagnosis was confirmed on regular x-rays and magnetic resonance imaging. Nonsurgical management was offered to all patients (rest, placement of an orthosis, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for 3 to 6 months. Two patients responded well to nonsurgical management and improved in their symptoms. One patient refused surgical intervention and continued to have persistent pain. The other patient was treated with curettage and bone graft and had total resolution of pain symptoms with full active range of motion. A high index of suspicion is required to diagnose and treat avascular necrosis of the metacarpal head correctly. Treatment options are numerous and require further studies to investigate their effectiveness in the treatment of this rare disease. Therapeutic V. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[Short-term curative effects of Tantalum rod treatment in early avascular necrosis].
Ye, Fu-Sheng; Ni, Zhe-Ji; Chu, Xiao-Bing; He, Bang-Jian; Li, Ju; Tong, Pei-Jian
To explore the recent clinical curative effect of Tantalum rod in treating the early avascular necrosis. From January 2008 to November 2008, the 25 patients (39 hips) with early avascular necrosis accepted tantalum rod placement and included 9 males (11 hips) and 16 females (28 hips) with an average age of 37 years old ranging from 18 to 74 years old. Four patients (6 hips) caused by Alcoholic, 6 patients (8 hips) by hormone, 2 cases (2 hips) by traumatic, 13 cases (23 hips) by idiopathic. Steinberg preoperative stage involved 7 hips in period I, 24 hips in period II, 8 hips in period III. Curative effect analysis included preoperative and postoperative Harris score, radiographic changes and hip replacement for follow-up to accept the end of the femoral head survival rate. All patients were followed up for 6 to 47 months (averaged 37.4 months). All 12 hips imaging appeard progress,including tantalum rod exit in 1 hip, hip hemiarthroplasty collapse in 3 hips, the area increased to avascular necrosis in 8 hips. Six hips accepted total hip replacement, including imaging progress in 5 hips (41.7%, 5/12), no imaging progress in 1 hip (3.7%,1/27). All hips' Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed 6-month survival rate was (97.4 +/- 2.5)% after tantalum stick insertion, 1-year survival rate was (94.7 +/- 3.6), and 2-year survival rate was (88.6 +/- 5.4)%, 3-year survival rate was (72.5 +/- 11.2). It is effective for treatment of avascular necrosis of femoral head in Steinberg I and II by Tantalum rod, and it can effectively relieve femoral head replacement time.
Maus, U; Roth, A; Tingart, M; Rader, C; Jäger, M; Nöth, U; Reppenhagen, S; Heiss, C; Beckmann, J
The present article describes the guidelines for the surgical treatment of atraumatic avascular necrosis (aFKN). These include joint preserving and joint replacement procedures. As part of the targeted literature, 43 publications were included and evaluated to assess the surgical treatment. According to the GRADE and SIGN criteria level of evidence (LoE), grade of recommendation (EC) and expert consensus (EK) were listed for each statement and question. The analysed studies have shown that up to ARCO stage III, joint-preserving surgery can be performed. A particular joint-preserving surgery currently cannot be recommended as preferred method. The selection of the method depends on the extent of necrosis. Core decompression performed in stage ARCO I (reversible early stage) or stage ARCO II (irreversible early stage) with medial or central necrosis with an area of less than 30 % of the femoral head shows better results than conservative therapy. In ARCO stage III with infraction of the femoral head, the core decompression can be used for a short-term pain relief. For ARCO stage IIIC or stage IV core decompression should not be performed. In these cases, the indication for implantation of a total hip replacement should be checked. Additional therapeutic procedures (e.g., osteotomies) and innovative treatment options (advanced core decompression, autologous bone marrow, bone grafting, etc.) can be discussed in the individual case. In elective hip replacement complications and revision rates have been clearly declining for decades. In the case of an underlying aFKN, however, previous joint-preserving surgery (osteotomies and grafts in particular) can complicate the implantation of a THA significantly. However, the implant life seems to be dependent on the aetiology. Higher revision rates for avascular necrosis are particularly expected in sickle cell disease, Gaucher disease, or kidney transplantation patients. Furthermore, the relatively young age of the patient
MRI Evaluation of Post Core Decompression Changes in Avascular Necrosis of Hip.
Nori, Madhavi; Marupaka, Sravan Kumar; Alluri, Swathi; Md, Naseeruddin; Irfan, Kazi Amir; Jampala, Venkateshwarlu; Apsingi, Sunil; Eachempati, Krishna Kiran
Avascular necrosis of hip typically presents in young patients. Core decompression in precollapse stage provides pain relief and preservation of femoral head. The results of core decompression vary considerably despite early diagnosis. The role of MRI in monitoring patients post surgically has not been clearly defined. To study pre and post core decompression MRI changes in avascular necrosis of hip. This is a contiguous observational cohort of 40 hips treated by core decompression for precollapse avascular necrosis of femoral head, who had a baseline MRI performed before surgery. Core decompression of the femoral head was performed within 4 weeks. Follow up radiograph and MRI scans were done at six months. Harris hip score preoperatively, 1 month and 6 months after the surgery was noted. Success in this study was defined as postoperative increase in Harris hip score (HHS) by 20 points and no additional femoral collapse. End point of clinical adverse outcome as defined by fall in Harris hip score was conversion or intention to convert to total hip replacement (THR). MRI parameters in the follow up scan were compared to the preoperative MRI. Effect of core decompression on bone marrow oedema and femoral head collapse was noted. Results were analysed using SPSS software version. Harris hip score improved from 57 to 80 in all patients initially. Six hips had a fall in Harris hip score to mean value of 34.1 during follow up (9 to 12 months) and underwent total hip replacement. MRI predictors of positive outcome are lesions with grade A extent, Grade A & B location. Bone marrow oedema with lesions less than 50% involvement, medial and central location. Careful selection of patients by MR criteria for core decompression provides satisfactory outcome in precollapse stage of avascular necrosis of hip.
MRI Evaluation of Post Core Decompression Changes in Avascular Necrosis of Hip
Marupaka, Sravan Kumar; Alluri, Swathi; MD, Naseeruddin; Irfan, Kazi Amir; Jampala, Venkateshwarlu; Apsingi, Sunil; Eachempati, Krishna Kiran
Introduction Avascular necrosis of hip typically presents in young patients. Core decompression in precollapse stage provides pain relief and preservation of femoral head. The results of core decompression vary considerably despite early diagnosis. The role of MRI in monitoring patients post surgically has not been clearly defined. Aim To study pre and post core decompression MRI changes in avascular necrosis of hip. Materials and Methods This is a contiguous observational cohort of 40 hips treated by core decompression for precollapse avascular necrosis of femoral head, who had a baseline MRI performed before surgery. Core decompression of the femoral head was performed within 4 weeks. Follow up radiograph and MRI scans were done at six months. Harris hip score preoperatively, 1 month and 6 months after the surgery was noted. Success in this study was defined as postoperative increase in Harris hip score (HHS) by 20 points and no additional femoral collapse. End point of clinical adverse outcome as defined by fall in Harris hip score was conversion or intention to convert to total hip replacement (THR). MRI parameters in the follow up scan were compared to the preoperative MRI. Effect of core decompression on bone marrow oedema and femoral head collapse was noted. Results were analysed using SPSS software version. Results Harris hip score improved from 57 to 80 in all patients initially. Six hips had a fall in Harris hip score to mean value of 34.1 during follow up (9 to 12 months) and underwent total hip replacement. MRI predictors of positive outcome are lesions with grade A extent, Grade A & B location. Bone marrow oedema with lesions less than 50% involvement, medial and central location. Conclusion Careful selection of patients by MR criteria for core decompression provides satisfactory outcome in precollapse stage of avascular necrosis of hip. PMID:26816966
Idiopathic Avascular Necrosis of First Metatarsal Head in a Pediatric Patient.
Kwon, Young-Uk; Choi, Jang-Seok; Kong, Gyu-Min; Ha, Byung-Ho
Idiopathic avascular necrosis of the first metatarsal head rarely occurs in pediatrics. The present case of avascular necrosis of the first metatarsal head occurred in a 13-year-old male who came to the clinic with a 9-month history of pain in the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Conservative treatment had been applied for 9 months, but the pain had not been relieved. Therefore, surgical treatment, including decompression and debridement, was performed in the first metatarsal head of the patient. After 6 months of follow-up monitoring, full range of motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint was observed, and the pain had disappeared. No any other complications had developed during 18 months of follow-up monitoring. Copyright © 2017 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Avascular necrosis of the hamate: three cases and review of the literature.
Peters, Sebastian J; Verstappen, C; Degreef, Ilse; Smet, Luc De
Background Avascular necrosis of the hamate (hamate-AVN) is a seldom reported disease of which little is known on etiology, best treatment modalities, and outcome. Hamate-AVN can occur in multiple locations within the hamate. Case Description Case one was an 8-year-old girl with painful AVN of the hamate hook. Surgical excision of the hook was performed, leading to excellent results (follow-up 8 years). Case two was a 44-year-old man with hamate-AVN of the proximal pole surgically treated with a vascularized bone graft from the radius based on the fifth extensor compartment artery, leading to excellent results (follow-up 7 years). Case three was a 36-year-old woman with hamate-AVN of the proximal pole surgically treated with débridement and cancellous bone grafting, leading to poor results (follow-up 1 year). Literature Review Nine other cases of avascular necrosis of the hamate were found in literature, all but one treated surgically. Etiology, treatment, and results of these cases, combined with our own cases, are reviewed. Clinical Relevance This article summarizes and synthesizes all presented cases of avascular necrosis of the hamate. We hope this will be helpful to physicians in decision making when confronted with this rare entity. Level of Evidence 4.
Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head.
Seijas, Roberto; Sallent, Andrea; Rivera, Eila; Ares, Oscar
About 250000 patients are operated on annually for hip arthroplasty in the USA alone. Of this number, about 10% the cause of their osteoarthritis is the avascular necrosis of the femoral head. But the causes of necrosis are multiple and many of them are still unknown. That is why small advances in etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of different causes are very important in order to reduce the number of affected patients. It may seem that small changes, studies focused on the details of different diseases do not bring great changes to science, but it is these small changes that end up adding great evolutions in our knowledge. In addition, the changes of recent years, are not focused on our specialty in technical or anatomical evolutions exclusively, but are often based on biological bases, which is the branch that evolves more within trauma and orthopedics. That is why open and constant minds are what help us move forward.
Jadeja, Dharamvirsinh; Solanki, Vipul; Chavada, Bhavesh; Tripathi, Chandrabhanu
A 28 year old male patient, known case of pemphigus vulgaris was on dexamethasone pulse therapy. Total 7 pulses were given after that he developed avascular necrosis of head of femur on both sides, which was confirmed by digital X- ray and MRI. Avascular necrosis is a disabling and progressive condition in young patients gradually leads to femoral head collapse and eventual total hip arthroplasty. As per WHO-UMC causality assessment criteria, the association between reaction and drug was possible, Naranjo's score was 7. According to Modified Schumock and Thornton's criteria, this reaction was not preventable. The Modified Hartwig and Siegel's scale showed that the reaction was severe (level 6). Here we present a case where the use of steroid for pemphigus vulgaris resulting in the development of bilateral avascular necrosis of head of femur.
Madadi, Firooz; Shamsian, Bibi Shahin; Alavi, Samin; Madadi, Firoozeh; Eajazi, Alireza; Aslani, Afshin
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is usually seen in children aged 1.5 to 10 years, reaching a peak incidence between the ages of 4 and 9. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is a known complication of corticosteroid therapy in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. There are few reports in the literature regarding the natural history of this condition, and there is no consensus on its management. This study examined the natural history of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in children with leukemia. From 1993 to 2006, a total of 865 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia were admitted to the hematology-oncology ward of a children's hospital. The diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia was established by bone marrow aspiration. Based on clinical and radiographic findings, avascular necrosis of the femoral head was found in 7 patients; these patients underwent follow-up for 4 to 9 years. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head was clinically symptomatic in all of the children, and they had advanced radiographic collapse of the femoral head. However, the head of the femur was not at risk in any patient based on clinical and radiographic findings. Patients received supportive treatment such as abduction brace and physiotherapy. After 4 to 9 years of follow-up, clinical and radiographic results were satisfactory. Provided that the head of the femur is not at risk, avascular necrosis of the femoral head in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia may be successfully managed with nonoperative care. Copyright 2011, SLACK Incorporated.
The chevron osteotomy and avascular necrosis.
Rothwell, Matthew; Pickard, James
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the first metatarsal head following the chevron procedure for hallux valgus correction, has been reported widely in the literature; however, in practice it is rarely encountered and may be an over reported myth associated with the chevron technique. Although an infrequent complication, the consequences for those who develop post-operative AVN can be severe. This paper presents an overview of the pathogenesis and classification of AVN. It reviews the vascular anatomy of the first metatarsal with reference to the surgical technique of chevron osteotomy with lateral release. Imaging techniques are described and the management of AVN and revision surgery are also discussed. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Vijapura, Anita; Levine, Harlan B; Donato, Michele; Hartzband, Mark A; Baker, Melissa; Klein, Gregg R
The immunosuppressive regimens required for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation predispose recipients to complications, including avascular necrosis. Cancer-related comorbidities, immunosuppression, and poor bone quality theoretically increase the risk for perioperative medical complications, infection, and implant-related complications in total joint arthroplasty. This study reviewed 20 primary total hip arthroplasties for avascular necrosis in 14 patients. Outcomes were assessed at routine clinical visits and Harris hip scores were calculated. Follow-up radiographs were evaluated for component malposition, loosening, polyethylene wear, and osteolysis. Average follow-up was 44.5 months for all patients. Postoperative clinical follow-up revealed good to excellent outcomes, with significant improvement in functional outcome scores. There were no periprosthetic infections or revisions for aseptic loosening. There was 1 dislocation on postoperative day 40, which was treated successfully with a closed reduction. Two patients with a prior history of venous thromboembolism developed a pulmonary embolus on postoperative day 13 and 77, respectively. Four patients died several months to years after arthroplasty of complications unrelated to the surgical procedure. Total hip arthroplasty can both be safely performed and greatly improve quality of life in recipients of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation who develop avascular necrosis. However, prolonged venous thromboembolism prophylaxis should be carefully considered in this high-risk patient population. [Orthopedics. 2018; 41(2):e257-e261.]. Copyright 2018, SLACK Incorporated.
Holm, Janson; Vangelisti, Garrett; Remmers, Jared
The medial femoral condyle vascularized bone flap has a high success rate in published literature regarding its use in nonunions and avascular necrosis of the upper and lower extremities. It is reported to have minimal donor site morbidity and the ability to provide structural support and torsional strength to load-bearing areas. The flap has found particular success in the treatment of scaphoid nonunions. The tarsal navicular, similar to the scaphoid, is largely articular cancellous bone with little surface area for vascular inflow. These anatomic features make the navicular prone to nonunion and avascular necrosis in traumatic scenarios. We describe a case of nonunion and avascular necrosis of the tarsal navicular occurring as sequelae of a high-impact midfoot injury sustained in an automobile accident. After an initial attempt at open reduction and internal fixation with midfoot bridge plating, subsidence and nonunion resulted. An attempt at arthrodesis of the talonavicular and naviculocuneiform joints was then undertaken. This too failed, leading to the development of additional collapse and avascular necrosis. The site was treated with a medial femoral condyle vascularized bone flap. In this single case, the patient returned to pain-free ambulation and reported excellent outcomes and functional capacity. Although we present a successful case, a larger case series is necessary to establish the use of this flap as a reliable option for the treatment of nonunion and avascular necrosis of the tarsal navicular. Copyright © 2012 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hwang, Jung-Taek; Baik, Seung-Ho; Choi, Jin-Soo; Lee, Kweon-Haeng; Rhee, Seung-Koo
In an attempt to observe the genetic traits of avascular necrosis of the femoral head, we analyzed the genomic alterations in blood samples of 18 patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head (9 idiopathic and 9 alcoholic cases) using the array comparative genomic hybridization method and real-time polymerase chain reaction. Several candidate genes were identified that may induce avascular necrosis of the femoral head, and we investigated their role in the pathomechanism of osteonecrosis of bone. The frequency of each candidate gene over all the categories of avascular necrosis of the femoral head was also calculated by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The highest frequency specific genes in each category were FLJ40296, CYP27C1, and CTDP1. FLJ40296 and CYP27C1 had the highest frequency (55.6%) in the idiopathic category. FLJ40296 had a high frequency (44.4%) in the alcoholic category, but CYP27C1 had a relatively low frequency (33.3%) in the alcoholic category. However, CTDP1 showed a significantly high frequency (55.6%) in the alcoholic category and a low frequency (22.2%) in the idiopathic category. Although we statistically analyzed the frequency of each gene with Fisher's exact test, we could not prove statistical significance due to the small number of samples. Further studies are needed with larger sample numbers. If the causal genes of avascular necrosis of the femoral head are found, they may be used for early detection, prognosis prediction, and genomic treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in the future. Copyright 2011, SLACK Incorporated.
Bilateral avascular necrosis of the femoral head due to the use of heroin: A case report.
Ozkunt, Okan; Sarıyılmaz, Kerim; Sungur, Mustafa; Ilen, Ferhat; Dikici, Fatih
Femoral head avascular necrosis is caused by disruption of the blood supply of the femoral head, which finally results in hip dysfunction. Non traumatic osteonecrosis may related with corticosteroid use, alcohol abuse, SLE, hemoglobinopathies or exposure to cytotoxic agents. But avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH) due to heroin use is a rare condition. We report a patient with bilateral ANFH due to heroin use treated by simultaneous bilateral hip arthroplasty. 37 year-old male patient presented with bilateral hip pain that had been occurring for four years. The patient had no history of smoking, excessive drinking, using corticosteroid and the other drugs or trauma but used heroin for 10 years. In clinic and radiologic examination indicated advanced degenerative changes on both hip due to femoral head avascular necrosis. The patient was treated with simultaneous bilateral total hip arthroplasty. After 6 months postoperatively the active hip range of motion was painless. Avascular femoral head necrosis caused by the using of heroin is rare. Ultimately, osteonecrosis of the femoral head occurs through one final common pathway, which is decreased blood flow to the femoral head that leads bone ischemia and death. But it is still unknown that heroin's systemic effects. Intravenous drug use more as a serious problem for today. There is a need for comprehensive studies to demonstrate effects of heroin on bone and vascularity metabolism. Heroin use will be important problem for population. That's why is crucial to understand the effect of heroin. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.
Alguacil Pinel, J; Vila Vives, P; Salom Taverner, M
To evaluate the incidence of avascular necrosis of the hip in leukaemia patients treated in our hospital with high doses of corticosteroids in order to evaluate the necessity for an early detection protocol. Observational-descriptive and retrospective study from 2005 to 2016 of 253 patients diagnosed with paediatric leukaemia. Patients with musculoskeletal pathology were identified and patients with avascular necrosis were analysed. A total of 26 patients (10%) had musculoskeletal symptoms. Three patients with avascular necrosis (1.2%) were analysed. One girl, 7 years old, was treated conservatively with traction - suspension and discharge. Two boys, an 11 and a 15.4 year-old,who developed graft-versus-host disease secondary to bone marrow transplantation, and whose treatment included high doses of corticosteroids, developed avascular necrosis of the hip. One was treated with bisphosphonates and forage and the other ended up with a total hip arthroplasty. The occurrence of musculoskeletal symptoms during the treatment of leukaemia is different according to the bibliographic series (0.43 -12.6%). Some authors observe an increased risk in female patients between the ages of 10 and 17. A retrospective study reveals that there is a delay of 3.9 months in the diagnosis of CAP since the onset of pain. Other authors relate NAV to loading joints, age and high doses of corticosteroids. Based on the low incidence of avascular necrosis of the hip in our 14-year-old population treated for leukaemia, the creation of diagnostic protocols seems not to be necessary. However, close monitoring of patients with potential risk factors recognized in the literature, is advisable. Copyright © 2017 SECOT. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Rogers, S N; Palmer, N O A; Lowe, D; Randall, C
We aimed to record all new patients who presented to departments of oral surgery, oral medicine, and oral and maxillofacial surgery, and to dental hospitals in the UK, with avascular necrosis of the jaws including bisphosphonate-related necrosis (BRONJ) over a 2-year period (1 June 2009-31 May 2011). They were eligible irrespective of age, cause, or coexisting conditions. Data on incidence, clinical characteristics, risk factors, and coexisting conditions were collected. A total of 383 cases were registered: 369 were described as BRONJ, 5 as avascular necrosis, and 9 were unknown. Bisphosphonates had been given orally in 207 (56%), intravenously in 125 (34%), both orally and intravenously in 27 (7%), and was unknown in 9 (2%); one had been given denosumab. The main risk factor was dental extraction, and the mandible was commonly affected. The median duration of administration until onset of BRONJ was 3 years in those treated intravenously and 4 years in those treated orally. Levels of engagement with the study varied between regions, and extrapolation from the 2 most involved (Merseyside and Northern Ireland) found around 8.2-12.8 cases/million/year, which is 508-793 patients/year across the UK. To our knowledge this is one of the first studies to estimate national rates of BRONJ. It confirms that the risk and incidence are low. With changes in trends for antiresorptive bone medication, and increasing numbers of elderly people, it would be useful to repeat the registration in the future. Copyright © 2014 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Treatment for avascular necrosis of bone in people with sickle cell disease.
Martí-Carvajal, Arturo J; Solà, Ivan; Agreda-Pérez, Luis H
Avascular necrosis of bone is a frequent and severe complication of sickle cell disease and its treatment is not standardised. To determine the impact of any surgical procedure compared with other surgical interventions or non-surgical procedures, on avascular necrosis of bone in people with sickle cell disease in terms of efficacy and safety. We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Haemoglobinopathies Trials Register, comprising references identified from comprehensive electronic database searches and handsearches of relevant journals and abstract books of conference proceedings. Additional trials were sought from the reference lists of papers identified by the search strategy.Date of the most recent search of the Group's Haemoglobinopathies Trials Register: 17 March 2014. Randomised clinical trials comparing specific therapies for avascular necrosis of bone in people with sickle cell disease. Each author independently extracted data and assessed trial quality. Since only one trial was identified, meta-analysis was not possible. One trial (46 participants) was eligible for inclusion. After randomisation eight participants were withdrawn, mainly because they declined to participate in the trial. Data were analysed for 38 participants at the end of the trial. After a mean follow up of three years, hip core decompression and physical therapy did not show clinical improvement when compared with physical therapy alone using the score from the original trial (an improvement of 18.1 points for those treated with intervention therapy versus an improvement of 15.7 points with control therapy). There was no significant statistical difference between groups regarding major complications (hip pain, relative risk (RR) 0.95 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.56 to 1.60; vaso-occlusive crises, RR 1.14 (95% CI 0.72 to 1.80; very low quality of evidence); and acute chest syndrome, RR 1.06 (95% CI 0.44 to 2.56; very low quality of evidence)). This trial
Hu, Zhi-ming; Zhou, Ming-qian; Gao, Ji-min
To evaluate the therapeutic effect of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) on avascular necrosis of the femoral head in rabbits. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head was induced in 26 New Zealand white rabbits by injections of horse serum and prednisolone. The rabbits were then divided into VEGF/TNFR treatment group, VEGF treatment group, and untreated model group, with another 4 normal rabbits as the normal control group. In the two treatment groups, the therapeutic agents were injected percutaneously into the femoral head. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed to determine the concentration of TNF-alpha in rabbit serum followed by pathological examination of the changes in the bone tissues, bone marrow hematopoietic tissue and the blood vessels in the femoral head. Compared with the model group, the rabbits with both VEGF and TNFR treatment showed decreased serum concentration of TNF-alpha with obvious new vessel formation, decreased empty bone lacunae in the femoral head and hematopoietic tissue proliferation in the bone marrow cavity. Percutaneous injection of VEGF and TNFR into the femoral head can significantly enhance bone tissue angiogenesis and ameliorate osteonecrosis in rabbits with experimental femoral head necrosis.
Shariff, Raheel; Attar, Fahad; Osarumwene, Donald; Siddique, Rehan; Attar, Gulam Dastagir
Controversy exists with regard to the effects of chevron osteotomy on blood supply and subsequent development of avascular necrosis (AVN) of the first metatarsal head. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of avascular necrosis in our centre following chevron osteotomy for hallux valgus, using bone scintigraphy. Thirty nine patients who had a chevron osteotomy for treatment of hallux valgus were prospectively studied. Mean follow-up was 14 months. Bone scintigraphy was used to assess metatarsal head perfusion at an average 8.5 weeks post operatively. Three patients (7.7%) showed abnormal bone scan around the metatarsal head. Further evaluation of these patients did not show any sign of AVN. We conclude there appears to be a risk of circulatory disturbance to the metatarsal head following chevron osteotomy of the first metarsal (7.7% in this study); however this does not translate into clinically significant AVN.
Ai, Zi-Sheng; Gao, You-Shui; Sun, Yuan; Liu, Yue; Zhang, Chang-Qing; Jiang, Cheng-Hua
Risk factors for femoral neck fracture-induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head have not been elucidated clearly in middle-aged and elderly patients. Moreover, the high incidence of screw removal in China and its effect on the fate of the involved femoral head require statistical methods to reflect their intrinsic relationship. Ninety-nine patients older than 45 years with femoral neck fracture were treated by internal fixation between May 1999 and April 2004. Descriptive analysis, interaction analysis between associated factors, single factor logistic regression, multivariate logistic regression, and detailed interaction analysis were employed to explore potential relationships among associated factors. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head was found in 15 cases (15.2 %). Age × the status of implants (removal vs. maintenance) and gender × the timing of reduction were interactive according to two-factor interactive analysis. Age, the displacement of fractures, the quality of reduction, and the status of implants were found to be significant factors in single factor logistic regression analysis. Age, age × the status of implants, and the quality of reduction were found to be significant factors in multivariate logistic regression analysis. In fine interaction analysis after multivariate logistic regression analysis, implant removal was the most important risk factor for avascular necrosis in 56-to-85-year-old patients, with a risk ratio of 26.00 (95 % CI = 3.076-219.747). The middle-aged and elderly have less incidence of avascular necrosis of the femoral head following femoral neck fractures treated by cannulated screws. The removal of cannulated screws can induce a significantly high incidence of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in elderly patients, while a high-quality reduction is helpful to reduce avascular necrosis.
Al-Jabri, Talal; Tan, Jessica Yan Qi; Tong, Gabriel Yihan; Shenoy, Ravikiran; Kayani, Babar; Parratt, Timothy; Khan, Tahir
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head causes significant morbidity and occurs in up to 20,000 people per year. A variety of nonoperative and operative measures have been trialled however a definitive treatment algorithm is yet to be established. Young adults in many cases have undergone multiple surgical procedures in their lifetime with increasing risks of complications. Less invasive techniques may help reduce the number of operations required and positively influence the natural history of the disease process. Our aim was to navigate the literature and examine the results of electrical stimulation of the femoral head in avascular necrosis. The following defined search strategy was used to perform a systematic review using MEDLINE and Google Scholar databases: ((avascular necrosis) OR (osteonecrosis)) AND (femoral head) AND ((electrical stimulation) OR (capacitive coupling) OR (pulsed electromagnetic fields)). Articles were reviewed and data compiled into tables for analysis. Fourty six articles were identified with a total of 10 articles meeting the inclusion criteria. 8 articles were prospective studies and 2 were retrospective. Early Ficat stages showed the best responses to treatment via pulsed electromagnetic fields with improvements in both clinical and radiographic parameters. Direct current and capacitative coupling have had a more ambiguous outcome. Pulsed electromagnetic fields may have a role in the management of early avascular necrosis. The paucity of clinical studies into this technique indicates a need for further studies.
A rare case of avascular necrosis in sickle cell trait: a case report.
Sanders, William J
Sickle cell trait is usually an asymptomatic presentation of a patient with slightly different hemoglobin molecule makeup than normal. It is similar to a more serious disease, sickle cell disease, in which a person's hemoglobin is mutated in such a way that causes their red blood cells to easily change shape in certain environmental and internal states; this causes red blood cells to adhere to the walls and occlude the lumen of the arteries in which they travel, leading to downstream effects secondary to ischemia. Sickle cell trait does not have these ischemic effects, usually. In this case, a young African American female patient presents to the clinic with severe right hip pain. Her past medical history includes sickle cell trait and asthma. She has not been symptomatic of her asthma for years and is not on therapy for it. The pain has lasted for several months and has not improved with anti-inflammatory medication. There is severe pain with internal and external rotation of the hip. The neurovascularity of the lower extremities is intact bilaterally. MRI of the femur shows stage 2 or 3 avascular necrosis of the femoral head, while X-rays of the femur are unremarkable. Non weight-bearing for several weeks was unsuccessful; shortly thereafter, the patient underwent core decompression of the right femoral head as well as starting bisphosphonates. The patient improved temporarily but regressed shortly thereafter. Her avascular necrosis worsened radiographically over the next several months. At this point, the only other option would be to do a total hip arthroplasty, but the patient may need several more throughout her lifetime due to the lifespan of the artificial replacement. There have only been scarce reports of avascular necrosis in patients with sickle cell trait. This manuscript presents such a case and includes the trials and tribulations associated with its management.
Treatment for avascular necrosis of bone in people with sickle cell disease.
Martí-Carvajal, Arturo J; Solà, Ivan; Agreda-Pérez, Luis H
Avascular necrosis of bone is a frequent and severe complication of sickle cell disease and its treatment is not standardised. This is an update of a previously published Cochrane Review. To determine the impact of any surgical procedure compared with other surgical interventions or non-surgical procedures, on avascular necrosis of bone in people with sickle cell disease in terms of efficacy and safety. We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Haemoglobinopathies Trials Register, comprising references identified from comprehensive electronic database searches and handsearches of relevant journals and abstract books of conference proceedings. Additional trials were sought from the reference lists of papers identified by the search strategy.Date of the most recent search of the Group's Haemoglobinopathies Trials Register: 27 May 2016. Randomized clinical trials comparing specific therapies for avascular necrosis of bone in people with sickle cell disease. Each author independently extracted data and assessed trial quality. Since only one trial was identified, meta-analysis was not possible. One trial (46 participants) was eligible for inclusion. After randomization eight participants were withdrawn, mainly because they declined to participate in the trial. Data were analysed for 38 participants at the end of the trial. After a mean follow up of three years, hip core decompression and physical therapy did not show clinical improvement when compared with physical therapy alone using the score from the original trial (an improvement of 18.1 points for those treated with intervention therapy versus an improvement of 15.7 points with control therapy). There was no significant statistical difference between groups regarding major complications (hip pain, risk ratio 0.95 (95% confidence interval 0.56 to 1.60; vaso-occlusive crises, risk ratio 1.14 (95% confidence interval 0.72 to 1.80; very low quality of evidence); and acute chest syndrome, risk
Nilotinib induced avascular necrosis of femoral head in an adult chronic myeloid leukemia patient.
Thekkudan, Shinto Francis; Nityanand, Soniya
We report a rare case of avascular necrosis of femoral head (AVNFH) in an adult chronic myeloid leukemia - chronic phase (CML-CP) patient during due course of therapy with second line Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI), Nilotinib. A high index of clinical suspicion should be kept in any symptomatic CML patient on TKI's.
van den Blink, Qurrat U; Garcez, Kate; Henson, Caroline C; Davidson, Susan E; Higham, Claire E
Pelvic radiotherapy is a treatment delivered to an estimated 150,000 to 300,000 people annually across high-income countries. Fractures due to normal stresses on weakened bone due to radiotherapy are termed insufficiency fractures. Pelvic radiotherapy-related interruption of the blood supply to the hip is termed avascular necrosis and is another recognised complication. The reported incidences of insufficiency fractures are 2.7% to 89% and risk of developing avascular necrosis is 0.5%. These complications lead to significant morbidity in terms of pain, immobility and consequently risk of infections, pressure sores and mortality. To assess the effects of pharmacological interventions for preventing insufficiency fractures and avascular necrosis in adults over 18 years of age undergoing pelvic radiotherapy. We performed electronic literature searches in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, Embase and DARE to 19 April 2017. We also searched trial registries. Further relevant studies were identified through handsearching of citation lists of included studies. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or non RCTs with concurrent comparison groups including quasi-RCTs, cluster RCTs, prospective cohort studies and case series of 30 or more participants were screened. We included studies assessing the effect of pharmacological interventions in adults over 18 years of age undergoing radical pelvic radiotherapy as part of anticancer treatment for a primary pelvic malignancy. We excluded studies involving radiotherapy for bone metastases. We assessed use of pharmacological interventions at any stage before or during pelvic radiotherapy. Interventions included calcium or vitamin D (or both) supplementation, bisphosphonates, selective oestrogen receptor modulators, hormone replacement therapy (oestrogen or testosterone), denosumab and calcitonin. Two review authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data. We contacted study authors to
K, Kandhari V; M, Desai M; S, Bava S; N, Wade R
Chances of avascular necrosis of acetabulum are rare as it enjoys a rich blood supply. But cases of post - traumatic avascular necrosis of acetabulum following fracture of posterior column have been well documented. Importance of identifying and suspecting the avascular necrosis of acetabulum is essential in cases of failed fixation of fracture acetabulum, previously operated using extensile approach to acetabulum; either extended anterior ilio - femoral or tri - radiate approach. Such patients usually present with repeated deep bone infection or with early failure of fixation with aseptic loosening and migration of its components. We present a similar case. 40 years female presented with inadequately managed transverse fracture of left acetabulum done by anterior extended ilio-inguinal approach. The fixation failed. She presented 6 months later with painful hip. Cemented total hip replacement was performed with reconstruction of acetabulum by posterior column plating. Six months postoperatively patient presented with dislodgement of cup, pelvic discontinuity and sinus in the thigh. Two stage revision surgery was planned. First implant, removal; debridement and antibiotic spacer surgery was performed. At second stage of revision total hip replacement, patient had Paprosky grade IIIb defect in acetabulum. Spacer was removed through the posterior approach. Anterior approach was taken for anterior plating. Intra-operatively external iliac pulsations were found to be absent so procedure was abandoned after expert opinion. Postoperatively digital subtraction angiography demonstrated a chronic block in the external iliac artery and corona mortis was the only patent vascular channel providing vascular to the left lower limb. Thus, peripheral limb was stealing blood supply from the acetabulum to maintain perfusion. Patient was ultimately left with pelvic discontinuity, excision arthroplasty and pseudoarthrosis of the left hip. Avascular necrosis of acetabulum is a rare
Neural network diagnosis of avascular necrosis from magnetic resonance images
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Manduca, Armando; Christy, Paul S.; Ehman, Richard L.
We have explored the use of artificial neural networks to diagnose avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head from magnetic resonance images. We have developed multi-layer perceptron networks, trained with conjugate gradient optimization, which diagnose AVN from single sagittal images of the femoral head with 100% accuracy on the training data and 97% accuracy on test data. These networks use only the raw image as input (with minimal preprocessing to average the images down to 32 X 32 size and to scale the input data values) and learn to extract their own features for the diagnosis decision. Various experiments with these networks are described.
Zivcić-Cosić, Stela; Stalekar, Hrvoje; Mamula, Mihaela; Miletić, Damir; Orlić, Lidija; Racki, Sanjin; Cicvarić, Tedi
Avascular bone necrosis is a relatively rare but significant complication in renal transplant recipients because it causes progressive pain and invalidity. It can be the consequence of the action of numerous causative factors, but it is mostly connected to corticosteroid treatment.The underlying pathophysiologic mechanism is a diminished blood flow to the bone leading to necrosis and bone destruction. During the past 25-years period, 570 renal transplantations and five combined kidney and pancreas transplantations were performed in our centre. A part of the patients was lost to follow-up due to the separation of Croatia from the former Republic of Yugoslavia. After transplantation, we revealed aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in five female patients. All patients had a history of treatment with pulse doses of corticosteroids. At transplantation the average age of the patients was 52.2 yrs (range 46 to 62 yrs), and dialytic treatment before transplantation lasted in average 9.2 yrs (range 2.5 to 21.2 yrs). The period between renal transplantation and the development of clinical signs of avascular bone necrosis lasted in average 1.2 yrs (range 0.3 to 2.3 yrs). We will demonstrate our 62-year old female patient with terminal renal failure caused by post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, who was treated with peritoneal dialysis 2.5 years before renal transplantation. Twenty months before renal transplantation the patient received pulse doses of corticosteroids, together with immunoglobulins and plasmapheresis, for the treatment of an acute polyradiculoneuritis Guillaine Barré. After transplantation a standard immunosuppressive protocol was applied which included tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, corticosteroids and induction with basiliximab. Four months after transplantation the patient started to feel pain in the right hip after longer standing, in addition to the earlier long-lasting problems caused by bilateral coxarthrosis. The pelvic radiograph showed
Singh, Dishan; Ferrerro, Andrea
Spontaneous total avascular necrosis of the tarsal navicula has been well documented in children (Kohler's disease) but is uncommon in adults where partial necrosis is usually seen after trauma or in Müller-Weiss disease. A case of spontaneous complete navicular osteonecrosis in a 46 year old female is described; she had accompanying Mee's leuchonychial lines in the toenails of the great and second toes only; the lines resolved after 9 months. She has been treated with an excision of the navicula and interpositional iliac crest bone graft talo-cuneiform fusion with resolution of her pain. It is postulated that the combination of the Mee's lines and avascular necrosis of the navicula indicates an occlusion of the dorsalis pedis in a predisposed individual. Copyright © 2013 European Foot and Ankle Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A tissue engineering strategy for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
Aarvold, A; Smith, J O; Tayton, E R; Jones, A M H; Dawson, J I; Lanham, S; Briscoe, A; Dunlop, D G; Oreffo, R O C
Skeletal stem cells (SSCs) and impaction bone grafting (IBG) can be combined to produce a mechanically stable living bone composite. This novel strategy has been translated to the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Surgical technique, clinical follow-up and retrieval analysis data of this translational case series is presented. SSCs and milled allograft were impacted into necrotic bone in five femoral heads of four patients. Cell viability was confirmed by parallel in vitro culture of the cell-graft constructs. Patient follow-up was by serial clinical and radiological examination. Tissue engineered bone was retrieved from two retrieved femoral heads and was analysed by histology, microcomputed tomography (μCT) and mechanical testing. Three patients remain asymptomatic at 22- to 44-month follow-up. One patient (both hips) required total hip replacement due to widespread residual necrosis. Retrieved tissue engineered bone demonstrated a mature trabecular micro-architecture histologically and on μCT. Bone density and axial compression strength were comparable to trabecular bone. Clinical follow-up shows this to be an effective new treatment for focal early stage avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Unique retrieval analysis of clinically translated tissue engineered bone has demonstrated regeneration of tissue that is both structurally and functionally analogous to normal trabecular bone. Copyright © 2013 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (Scottish charity number SC005317) and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rate of avascular necrosis and time to surgery in proximal humerus fractures.
Archer, L A; Furey, A
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the humeral head is a devastating complication of proximal humeral fracture (PHF) that often results in long-term morbidity for the patient. Rates of AVN depend on the number of fracture fragments and are highly variable. The literature suggests that timely stable and anatomic reduction may decrease the rate at which AVN develops after PHF. To our knowledge, there is no literature published investigating a temporal relationship between the timing of PHF fixation and rates of AVN. Operative records of one orthopedic trauma surgeon were used to identify patients that underwent open reduction internal fixation for PHF at our institution between 2007 and 2012. Radiographs at presentation were reviewed and used to classify the fractures into two, three or four parts. Date and time of the initial radiograph were recorded as were the date and time of available intra-operative fluoroscopic images. The time from presentation radiograph to operative fixation was calculated (hours). Available follow-up plain films were then reviewed and evaluated for the presence or absence of humeral head AVN. Time to surgery (less than or greater than 72 h) and patient age did not correlate with development of AVN after PHF (p > 0.26). Notably, the number of fracture fragments did influence the rate of AVN identified in patients with PHF (p = 0.002). Early operative intervention does not appear to decrease the rate of development of avascular necrosis after PHF.
Lovecchio, Francis C; Manalo, John Paul; Demzik, Alysen; Sahota, Shawn; Beal, Matthew; Manning, David
Avascular necrosis (AVN) may confer an increased risk of complications and readmission following total hip arthroplasty (THA). However, current risk-adjustment models do not account for AVN. A total of 1706 patients who underwent THA for AVN from 2011 to 2013 were selected from the American College of Surgeon's National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database and matched 1:1 to controls using a predetermined propensity score algorithm. Rates of 30-day medical and surgical complications, readmissions, and reoperations were compared between cohorts. Propensity-score logistic regression was used to determine independent associations between AVN and outcomes of interest. Patients with AVN had a higher rate of medical complications than those without AVN (20.3% vs 15.3%, respectively; P<.001). Bleeding transfusion was the most common medical complication, occurring at a significantly higher rate in patients with AVN than those without AVN (19.6% vs 13.9%, respectively; P<.001). Patients with AVN were also twice as likely to experience a readmission after THA (odds ratio, 2.093; 95% confidence interval, 1.385-3.164). Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is an independent risk factor for transfusion up to 72 hours postoperatively and readmission up to 30 days following total hip replacement. [Orthopedics. 2017; 40(3):171-176.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.
Mundo, J; Peris, P; Monegal, A; Navasa, M; Cervera, R; Guañiabens, N
We describe the case of a 31-year-old man who presented with an antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), which manifested as multifocal avascular necrosis (AVN) one year after orthotopic liver transplantation. The patient developed multiple AVN affecting hips, left knee, humerus and tarsal bones just after withdrawal of corticosteroid therapy. Three years later when lupus anticoagulant was detected, he began anticoagulant treatment and no further AVN episodes were observed. It is important to be aware of this clinical manifestation of APS, especially in these cases where it can be easily overlooked because of corticosteroid therapy.
Chaturvedi, Ashutosh; Kumar, M Ashvini; Lohith, B A; Praveen, B S; Swathi, C
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is the most common type of necrosis affecting the bones. Management of AVN aims at the preservation of structure, function and relief of from pain. Many surgical procedures such as drilling and insertion of bone grafts, modified Whitman or Colonna reconstruction and insertion of prosthesis are carried out to remedy the condition but all these procedures are costly with the prognosis being poor. Signs and symptoms of Avascular necrosis are nearer to asthivāha srotoduṣṭi vikāra (disorders of musculoskeletal origin) and can be considered with gambhīra avasthā (chronic stage). An effort has been made in the present study to evaluate the efficiency of Ayurvedic formulations in the conservative management of AVN of the femoral head. A case of AVN with bilateral femoral head was treated with rūkṣaṇa (Drying therapy) followed by śodhana (bio purification) and bṛhmaṇa (rejuvenation). Patient was observed for complications during whole course of treatment, untoward complications were not seen. Patient was observed for symptomatic improvements based on assessment done by the questionnaire over graded signs and symptoms before and after treatment. The results were encouraging. The therapy provided marked relief from pain, tenderness, stiffness and improvement in the gait. Conservative management of AVN through Ayurvedic principles provides significant relief and improves quality of life.
Idiopathic avascular necrosis of the femoral heads in five members of a Moroccan family.
Sekkat, Jihane; Rachidi, Ouafaa; Janani, Saadia; Mkinsi, Ouafaa
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is idiopathic in about 40% of cases. The pathophysiology of avascular necrosis remains incompletely elucidated. Here, we report a case that underlines the role for inherited factors in AVN of the femoral heads. Idiopathic AVN of the femoral heads occurred in five members of the same family (a woman, her two paternal aunts, her male paternal cousin and her female paternal cousin) at a mean age of 42.4 years (range, 33-58 years). Standard pelvic radiographs showed Arlet and Ficat stage 4 AVN in three patients and stage 3 in two patients. None of the patients had a history of glucocorticoid therapy, alcohol abuse, or trauma. All five patients underwent investigations for a cause, including blood cell counts, a lipid profile, coagulation tests, testing for antinuclear antibodies, hemoglobin electrophoresis, ultrasonography of the abdomen, and standard radiographs of the long limb bones. The results were normal or negative, ruling out known hereditary causes of AVN such as sickle cell anemia and Gaucher disease. Many cases of familial AVN of the femoral head have been described in patients with sickle cell anemia or Gaucher disease. However, only five families with idiopathic familial AVN of the femoral heads have been reported (three in the US and two in Taiwan). All the patients in these families had isolated bilateral AVN of the femoral heads without AVN at other sites. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier SAS.
Avascular necrosis of the hips with increased activity on 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT
Papadakis, Georgios Z.; Millo, Corina; Karantanas, Apostolos H.; Bagci, Ulas; Patronas, Nicholas J.
Prolonged exposure to cortisol is one of the major causes of avascular bone necrosis (AVN). We report on a case of a woman with Cushing’s syndrome attributed to ectopic ACTH secreting tumor who was evaluated with whole body PET/CT study using 68Ga-DOTATATE. The scan showed increased activity by both femoral heads, corresponding to the margins of bilateral AVN seen on MRI. The presented data suggests AVN-induced reactive inflammatory alterations adjacent to the necrotic segment of the bone which can be effectively targeted using radiolabeled somatostatin (SST) analogues. PMID:28033218
[Mechanism of "crescent sign" formation in avascular necrosis of femoral head].
Zhang, Nianfei; Qi, Shengwen; Chai, Jianfeng
To investigate corresponding relation between structure change of the femoral head with "crescent sign" and stress exerted on the avascular necrosis of femoral head, to explore the mechanism of the "crescent sign" formation. From March 1998 to April 2003, the femoral heads of 18 hips in 16 cases having osteonecrosis and "crescent sign" in X-ray film before total hip arthroplasty, were collected. General and coronal section plane morphology of the femoral heads were observed. The principle of effective stress and stress concentration theory were used to explain the phenomena and structure changes in osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Cancellous bone existed as a three-dimensional, interconnected network of trabeculae rods and plates, with 50%-90% of porosity and 20-30 mmHg bone marrow pressure. According to the definition of porous media, bones especially cancellous bone was a kind of solid and liquid two phases porous media. Cross-sectional structure changes in the junction between subchondral plate and cancellous were the place where stress concentrated. The principle of effective stress and stress concentration theory could explain the phenomena and their relationship that occurred in avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The "crescent sign" starts in an area of very focal resorption in the subchondral plate laterally and peripherally. The focal resorption in the subchondral plate breaks the continuity of subchondral plate and causes stress concentration in the resorption region. The concentrated stress accumulates in the junction between subchondral plate and unrepaired necrotic cancellous bone brings on the fracture right below the subchondral plate. The focal resorption of the subchondral plate also provides a pathway for the pore water in the unrepaired necrotic bone skeleton to outflow, therefore cause effective stress increase and unrepaired necrotic bone skeleton be compacted by increased effective stress applied on unrepaired necrotic cancellous bone
Shimizu, Takamasa; Omokawa, Shohei; del Piñal, Francisco; Shigematsu, Koji; Moritomo, Hisao; Tanaka, Yasuhito
To examine short-term clinical results of arthroscopic partial resection for type Ia avascular necrosis of the capitate. Patients who underwent arthroscopic treatment for type 1a avascular necrosis of the capitate with at least 1-year follow-up were identified through a retrospective chart review. The necrotic capitate head was arthroscopically resected with removal of the lunate facet and preservation of the scaphoid and hamate facets. Wrist range of motion, grip strength, and radiographic parameters--carpal height ratio, radioscaphoid angle, and radiolunate angle-were determined before surgery and at the latest follow-up. Patients completed a visual analog scale for pain; Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand measure; and the Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation score before surgery and at the latest follow-up. Five patients (1 male, 4 females) with a mean age of 34 years (range, 16-49 years) and a mean follow-up duration of 20 months (range, 12-36 months) were identified during the chart review. All were type Ia (Milliez classification). Arthroscopy revealed fibrillation or softening with cartilage detachment at the lunate facet of the capitate head and an intact articular surface at the scaphoid and hamate facet. At the latest follow-up, the mean wrist flexion-extension was 123° (vs 81° before surgery) and grip strength was 74% (vs 37% before surgery). The visual analog scale score for pain; the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand score; and the Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation score before surgery showed a significant improvement following treatment. Radiographic parameters did not significantly change at the final follow-up, although the proximal carpal row trended toward flexion. Arthroscopic partial resection of the capitate head was an acceptable treatment for type Ia avascular necrosis of the capitate. It provided adequate pain relief and improved the range of wrist motion and grip strength during short-term follow-up. Therapeutic IV. Copyright
Wang, Zhanyou; Zhou, Xuelong; Xie, Lishuang; Liang, Dongyue; Wang, Ying; Zhang, Hong-An; Zheng, Jinghong
To compare the efficacy difference between acupotomy and acupuncture in the treatment of avascular necrosis of femoral head at the early and middle stages. The randomized controlled prospective study method was adopted. Sixty cases of avascular necrosis of femoral head at Ficat-ArletⅠto Ⅱ stages were randomized into an acupotomy group (32 cases) and an acupuncture group (28 cases) by the third part. In the acupotomy group, the acupotomy was adopted for the loose solution at the treatment sites of hip joint, once every two weeks, totally for 3 times. In the acupuncture group, ashi points around the hip joint were selected and stimulated with warm acupuncture therapy, once every day, for 6 weeks. Harris hip score was observed before and after treatment. The efficacy was evaluated in the two groups. Harris hip score was improved significantly after treatment in the two groups (both P <0.05). The result in acupotomy group was better than that in the acupuncture group ( P <0.05). The effective rate was 90.6% (29/32) in the acupotomy group, better than 75.0% (21/28) in the acupuncture group after treatment ( P <0.05). Harris hip score and the effective rate in the acupotomy group are better than those in the treatment with routine acupuncture for avascular necrosis of femoral head at the early and middle stages.
Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head: Are Any Genes Involved?
Pouya, Farzaneh; Kerachian, Mohammad Amin
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH) is a pathologic process that results from interruption of blood supply to the femur bone resulting in the death of bone cells and collapse of the femoral head. Nontraumatic ANFH continues to be a significant challenge to orthopedic surgeons. While the exact mechanisms remain elusive, many new insights have emerged from research in the last decade that has given us a clearer picture of the pathogenesis of nontraumatic ANFH. Progression to the end stage of ANFH appears to be related to five main mechanisms: hypercoagulable conditions, angiogenesis suppressions, hyperadipogenesis, heritable states, and switching the bone remodelling into bone resorption. Researchers have been examining the pathogenic mechanisms of ANFH but none of these theories have been firmly confirmed although some appear more plausible than the others. All of these factors can switch bone remodelling into bone resorption, which can further lead to ANFH progression ending up to femoral head collapse. PMID:26213697
Cohen, Michael M; Kazak, Marat
Global avascular necrosis of the talus is a devastating complication that usually occurs as a result of a post-traumatic or metabolic etiology. When conservative options fail, tibiocalcaneal arthrodesis is generally indicated in conjunction with massive bone grafting to maintain the functional length of the extremity. Several bone grafting options are available, including the use of a freeze-dried or fresh-frozen femoral head allograft or autograft obtained from the iliac crest or fibula, all of which pose their own inherent risks. The noted complications with massive bone grafting techniques have included graft collapse, infection, immune response, donor site morbidity, and nonunion. In an effort to avoid many of these complications, we present a case report involving post-traumatic talar avascular necrosis in a 59-year-old male who was successfully treated with the use of a porous tantalum spacer, an autogenic morselized fibular bone graft, and 30 mL of bone marrow aspirate in conjunction with a retrograde tibiocalcaneal nail. Porous tantalum is an attractive substitute for bone grafting because of its structural integrity, biocompatibility, avoidance of donor site complications, and lack of an immune response. The successful use of porous tantalum has been well-documented in hip and knee surgery. We present a practical surgical approach to tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with a large segmental deficit. To our knowledge, this is the first published report describing an alternative surgical technique to address global avascular necrosis of the talus that could have additional applications in salvaging the ankle with a large bone deficiency. Copyright © 2015 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Xu, Dan-Feng; Bi, Fang-Gang; Ma, Chi-Yuan; Wen, Zheng-Fa; Cai, Xun-Zi
It remains unclear whether conservative treatment should be used to treat the common undisplaced femoral neck fractures that develop in the elderly. Herein, we systematically review the rates of union and avascular necrosis after conservative and surgical treatment of undisplaced femoral neck fractures. We searched the EMBASE, PubMed, OVID, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, and Scopus databases for randomized controlled trials or observational studies that assessed the outcomes of conservative or surgical treatments of undisplaced femoral neck fractures. No language or publication year limitation was imposed. Statistical analyses were performed with the aid of the chi-squared test. We evaluated the quality of each publication and the risk of bias. Twenty-nine studies involving 5071 patients were ultimately included; 1120 patients were treated conservatively and 3951 surgically. The union rates were 68.8% (642/933) and 92.6% (635/686) in the former and latter groups, respectively (p < 0.001). The avascular necrosis rate in the conservatively treated group was 10.3% (39/380), while it was 7.7% (159/2074) in the surgically treated group (p = 0.09). Surgery to treat undisplaced femoral neck fractures was associated with a higher union rate and a tendency toward less avascular necrosis than conservative treatment.
Zhai, Lei; Sun, Nan; Zhang, Bo; Liu, Shui-Tao; Zhao, Zhe; Jin, Hai-Chao; Ma, Xin-Long; Xing, Geng-Yan
To observe the effect of extracorporeal shock waves (ESWs) on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head, we collected bone marrow donated by patients and then cultivated and passaged MSCs in vitro using density gradient centrifugation combined with adherence screening methods. The P3 generation MSCs were divided into the ESW group and the control group. The cell counting kit for MSCs detected some proliferation differences. Cytochemistry, alkaline phosphatase staining and Alizarin red staining were used to determine alkaline phosphatase content. Simultaneously, real-time polymerase factor α1, osteocalcin and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ. Together, the results of our study first indicate that moderate ESW intensity, which is instrumental in enhancing MSC proliferation, inducing conversion of MSCs into osteoblasts, and inhibiting differentiation of MSCs into adipocytes from MSCs, is one of the effective mechanisms for treating avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Copyright © 2016 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Ma, Xiao-Wei; Cui, Da-Ping; Zhao, De-Wei
Vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF) combined with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) was used to repair avascular necrosis of the femoral head, which can maintain the osteogenic phenotype of seed cells, and effectively secrete VEGF and BMP-2, and effectively promote blood vessel regeneration and contribute to formation and revascularization of tissue engineered bone tissues. To observe the therapeutic effect on the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head by using bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) modified by VEGF-165 and BMP-2 in vitro. The models were avascular necrosis of femoral head of rabbits on right leg. There groups were single core decompression group, core decompression + BMSCs group, core decompression + VEGF-165/BMP-2 transfect BMSCs group. Necrotic bone was cleared out under arthroscope. Arthroscopic observation demonstrated that necrotic bone was cleared out in each group, and fresh blood flowed out. Histomorphology determination showed that blood vessel number and new bone area in the repair region were significantly greater at various time points following transplantation in the core decompression + VEGF-165/BMP-2 transfect BMSCs group compared with single core decompression group and core decompression + BMSCs group (P < 0.05). These suggested that VEGF-165/BMP-2 gene transfection strengthened osteogenic effects of BMSCs, elevated number and quality of new bones and accelerated the repair of osteonecrosis of the femoral head. PMID:26629044
Glucocorticoid-Induced Avascular Bone Necrosis: Diagnosis and Management
Chan, KL; Mok, CC
Glucocorticoid use is one of the most important causes of avascular bone necrosis (AVN). The pathogenesis of glucocorticoid-induced AVN is not fully understood but postulated mechanisms include fat hypertrophy, fat emboli and intravascular coagulation that cause impedance of blood supply to the bones. Data regarding the relationship between AVN and dosage, route of administration and treatment duration of glucocorticoids are conflicting, with some studies demonstrating the cumulative dose of glucocorticoid being the most important determining factor. Early recognition of this complication is essential as the prognosis is affected by the stage of the disease. Currently, there is no consensus on whether universal screening of asymptomatic AVN should be performed for long-term glucocorticoid users. A high index of suspicion should be exhibited for bone and joint pain at typical sites. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or bone scintigraphy is more sensitive than plain radiograph for diagnosing early-stage AVN. Conservative management of AVN includes rest and reduction of weight bearing. Minimization of glucocorticoid dose or a complete withdrawal of the drug should be considered if the underlying conditions allow. The efficacy of bisphosphonates in reducing the rate of collapse of femoral head in AVN is controversial. Surgical therapy of AVN includes core decompression, osteotomy, bone grafting and joint replacement. Recent advances in the treatment of AVN include the use of tantalum rod and the development of more wear resistant bearing surface in hip arthroplasty. PMID:23115605
Glucocorticoid-induced avascular bone necrosis: diagnosis and management.
Chan, K L; Mok, C C
Glucocorticoid use is one of the most important causes of avascular bone necrosis (AVN). The pathogenesis of glucocorticoid-induced AVN is not fully understood but postulated mechanisms include fat hypertrophy, fat emboli and intravascular coagulation that cause impedance of blood supply to the bones. Data regarding the relationship between AVN and dosage, route of administration and treatment duration of glucocorticoids are conflicting, with some studies demonstrating the cumulative dose of glucocorticoid being the most important determining factor. Early recognition of this complication is essential as the prognosis is affected by the stage of the disease. Currently, there is no consensus on whether universal screening of asymptomatic AVN should be performed for long-term glucocorticoid users. A high index of suspicion should be exhibited for bone and joint pain at typical sites. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or bone scintigraphy is more sensitive than plain radiograph for diagnosing early-stage AVN. Conservative management of AVN includes rest and reduction of weight bearing. Minimization of glucocorticoid dose or a complete withdrawal of the drug should be considered if the underlying conditions allow. The efficacy of bisphosphonates in reducing the rate of collapse of femoral head in AVN is controversial. Surgical therapy of AVN includes core decompression, osteotomy, bone grafting and joint replacement. Recent advances in the treatment of AVN include the use of tantalum rod and the development of more wear resistant bearing surface in hip arthroplasty.
Sadat-Ali, Mir; Azam, Md Q; Elshabouri, Ezzat M; Tantawy, Ahmad M; Acharya, Sadananda
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is quite common in eastern Saudi Arabia and Avascular necrosis of femoral head (ANFH) occurs in 30% of the young patients leading to early joint arthroplasty. This study was conducted to assess the benefits of injection of osteoblasts in the avascular lesions of the head of femur. A preset technique was used, 10 CC of bone marrow aspiration was performed under local anesthesia and aseptic technique. Osteoblasts were separated from the bone marrow cells. The avascular area was drilled and 10 million osteoblasts were transplanted at the lesion site. Patients were seen in the out patient clinic after two weeks for removal of the suture and addressed the questionnaire and examined for the range of movement. The follow up MRI was performed at 4 months. The average age was 20.2±3.9 years. The mean hemoglobin S was 81.6±4.8 percent. Quality of Life Score for Chronic Hip Disease was assessed and found at 8.6 (1 being the severe limitation and 10 being normal), whereas Harris hip score improved from 41.7±5.1 to 88.93±3.6 (p < 0.001). MRI of pre and post osteoblast implantation showed robust new bone formation and disappearance of the avascular lesions. The short term results were good and we believe the injection of osteoblast in the avascular lesion of head of femur is a less invasive procedure devoid of any untoward complications and merits such treatment in large patient group with longer follow up.
Ulici, Alexandru; Carp, Madalina; Tevanov, Iulia; Nahoi, Catalin Alexandru; Sterian, Alin Gabriel; Cosma, Dan
Objective This study aimed to assess the principal risk factors that could lead to the most common long-term complications of slipped capital femoral epiphysis, such as avascular necrosis, chondrolysis, and hip impingement. Methods We conducted a single-centre, retrospective study and evaluated patients (70 patients, 81 hips) who were treated for slipped capital femoral epiphysis from 2010 to 2015 and who underwent pinning. We measured the severity of displacement radiologically using the Southwick angle. Postoperative radiographs were evaluated for the most frequent long-term complications of avascular necrosis (AVN), chondrolysis, and femoral acetabular impingement (FAI). Results We found seven cases of AVN, 14 cases of chondrolysis, and 31 hips had an α angle of 60°. Sex, ambulation, and symptoms did not affect development of these complications. Patients with a normal weight were almost two times more likely to develop FAI. Patients with moderate and severe slips had a similar percentage of AVN. In severe slips, 85.7% of patients had an α angle higher than 60°. Conclusions This study shows that severe slips have a higher risk of developing AVN and hip impingement. Every patient who suffers from SCFE (even the mildest forms) should be regularly checked for FAI.
Alterations of sympathetic nerve fibers in avascular necrosis of femoral head.
Li, Deqiang; Liu, Peilai; Zhang, Yuankai; Li, Ming
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH) was mainly due to alterations of bone vascularity. And noradrenaline (NA), as the neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), leads to the vasoconstriction by activating its α-Receptor. This study was to explore the nerve fiber density of the femoral head in the rabbit model of ANFH. Twenty New Zealand white rabbits were used in this study. The rabbit model of ANFH was established by the injection of methylprednisolone acetate. The nerve fiber density and distribution in the femoral head was determined using an Olympus BH2 microscope. Significant fewer sympathetic nerve fibers was found in the ANFH intertrochanteric bone samples (P = 0.036) with osteonecrosis. The number of sympathetic nerve fibers was compared between the two groups. And less sympathetic nerve fibers were found in later stage ANFH samples in comparison with those of early stages. ANFH might be preceded by an inflammatory reaction, and an inflammatory response might lead to arthritic changes in tissue samples, which in turn reduces the number of sympathetic nerve fibers.
Microstructures and properties of cancellous bone of avascular necrosis of femoral heads
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yao, Xuefeng; Wang, Peng; Dai, Ruchun; Yeh, Hsien Yang
The aim of this study is to investigate microscopic structure and characterize cancellous bone of avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH). The rabbit model of the ANFH is established. The histopathologic features are studied successfully. The differences between the steroid-injection group (S.G.) and the controlled group (C.G.) are examined, including the weight of rabbits, the hematological examination and the three-dimensional structures. It is found that the plasma levels of cholesterol (CHO), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in S.G. are lower than those in C.G. when the triglyceride (TG) increased in the S.G.; but the bone mineral content (BMC) and the structural model index (SMI) of the organ and tissue decreased significantly in S.G. Three-dimensional structures of the femoral head are obtained using micro-computed tomography (CT) scanning and the mechanical model is established to analyze the influences of these structural changes on the mechanical properties of the cancellous bone.
Detection of avascular necrosis in adults by single photon emission computed tomography
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Collier, B.D.; Johnston, R.P.; Carrera, G.
Twenty-one adult patients with the clinical diagnosis of avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head were examined with planar bone scintigraphy (high resolution collimator) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The duration of hip pain ranged from 1 day to 18 months. Risk factors (including steroids, renal transplantation, alcoholism, and trauma) were present in 17 cases. A final diagnosis of AVN (20 hips), osteochondral facture, or stress fracture, was established for 17 patients. The 4 remaining patients, who were radiographically normal and did not complain of pain 3 months later, were thought to have no significant bone pathology. SPECTmore » and planar bone scintigraphy were reported as positive for AVN only if a photopenic bony defect could be identified. In particular, uniformly increased activity throughout the femoral head was not considered to be diagnostic of AVN. The authors conclude that by identifying a photopenic defect which is not evident on planar bone scintigraphy, SPECT can contribute to accurate diagnosis of AVN.« less
Rupasov, Andrey; Cain, Usa; Montoya, Simone; Blickman, Johan G
This article focuses on the imaging of 5 discrete entities with a common end result of disability: posttraumatic arthritis, a common form of secondary osteoarthritis that results from a prior insult to the joint; avascular necrosis, a disease of impaired osseous blood flow, leading to cellular death and subsequent osseous collapse; septic arthritis, an infectious process leading to destructive changes within the joint; complex regional pain syndrome, a chronic limb-confined painful condition arising after injury; and cases of cancer mimicking arthritis, in which the initial findings seem to represent arthritis, despite a more insidious cause. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Avascular necrosis after chemotherapy for haematological malignancy in childhood.
Salem, K H; Brockert, A-K; Mertens, R; Drescher, W
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a serious complication of high-dose chemotherapy for haematological malignancy in childhood. In order to describe its incidence and main risk factors and to evaluate the current treatment options, we reviewed 105 children with a mean age of 8.25 years (1 to 17.8) who had acute lymphoblastic or acute myeloid leukaemia, or a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Overall, eight children (7.6%) developed AVN after a mean of 16.8 months (8 to 49). There were four boys and four girls with a mean age of 14.4 years (9.8 to 16.8) and a total of 18 involved sites, 12 of which were in the femoral head. All these children were aged > nine years (p < 0.001). All had received steroid treatment with a mean cumulative dose of prednisone of 5967 mg (4425 to 9599) compared with a mean of 3943 mg (0 to 18 585) for patients without AVN (p = 0.005). No difference existed between genders and no thrombophilic disorders were identified. Their initial treatment included 11 core decompressions and two bipolar hip replacements. Later, two salvage osteotomies were done and three patients (four hips) eventually needed a total joint replacement. We conclude that AVN mostly affects the weight-bearing epiphyses. Its risk increases with age and higher steroid doses. These high-risk patients may benefit from early screening for AVN.
Management Options in Avascular Necrosis of Talus.
Dhillon, Mandeep S; Rana, Balvinder; Panda, Inayat; Patel, Sandeep; Kumar, Prasoon
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the talus can be a cause of significant disability and is a difficult problem to treat. The most common cause is a fracture of the talus. We have done a systematic review of the literature with the following aims: (1) identify and summarize the available evidence in literature for the treatment of talar AVN, (2) define the usefulness of radiological Hawkins sign and magnetic resonance imaging in early diagnosis, and (3) provide patient management guidelines. We searched MEDLINE and PUBMED using keywords and MESH terminology. The articles' abstracts were read by two of the authors. Forty-one studies met the inclusion criteria of the 335 abstracts screened. The interventions of interest included hindfoot fusion, conservative measures, bone grafting, vascularized bone graft, core decompression, and talar replacement. All studies were of Level IV evidence. We looked to identify the study quality, imprecise and sparse data, reporting bias, and the quality of evidence. Based on the analysis of available literature, we make certain recommendations for managing patients of AVN talus depending on identified disease factors such as early or late presentation, extent of bone involvement, bone collapse, and presence or absence of arthritis. Early talar AVN seems best treated with protected weight bearing and possibly in combination with extracorporeal shock wave therapy. If that fails, core decompression can be considered. Arthrodesis should be saved as a salvage procedure in late cases with arthritis and collapse, and a tibiotalocalcaneal fusion with bone grafting may be needed in cases of significant bone loss. Role of vascularized bone grafting is still not defined clearly and needs further investigation. Future prospective, randomized studies are necessary to guide the conservative and surgical management of talar AVN.
Management Options in Avascular Necrosis of Talus
Dhillon, Mandeep S; Rana, Balvinder; Panda, Inayat; Patel, Sandeep; Kumar, Prasoon
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the talus can be a cause of significant disability and is a difficult problem to treat. The most common cause is a fracture of the talus. We have done a systematic review of the literature with the following aims: (1) identify and summarize the available evidence in literature for the treatment of talar AVN, (2) define the usefulness of radiological Hawkins sign and magnetic resonance imaging in early diagnosis, and (3) provide patient management guidelines. We searched MEDLINE and PUBMED using keywords and MESH terminology. The articles' abstracts were read by two of the authors. Forty-one studies met the inclusion criteria of the 335 abstracts screened. The interventions of interest included hindfoot fusion, conservative measures, bone grafting, vascularized bone graft, core decompression, and talar replacement. All studies were of Level IV evidence. We looked to identify the study quality, imprecise and sparse data, reporting bias, and the quality of evidence. Based on the analysis of available literature, we make certain recommendations for managing patients of AVN talus depending on identified disease factors such as early or late presentation, extent of bone involvement, bone collapse, and presence or absence of arthritis. Early talar AVN seems best treated with protected weight bearing and possibly in combination with extracorporeal shock wave therapy. If that fails, core decompression can be considered. Arthrodesis should be saved as a salvage procedure in late cases with arthritis and collapse, and a tibiotalocalcaneal fusion with bone grafting may be needed in cases of significant bone loss. Role of vascularized bone grafting is still not defined clearly and needs further investigation. Future prospective, randomized studies are necessary to guide the conservative and surgical management of talar AVN. PMID:29887631
Sadat-Ali, Mir; Azam, Md Q; Elshabouri, Ezzat M; Tantawy, Ahmad M; Acharya, Sadananda
Background and Objective Sickle cell disease (SCD) is quite common in eastern Saudi Arabia and Avascular necrosis of femoral head (ANFH) occurs in 30% of the young patients leading to early joint arthroplasty. This study was conducted to assess the benefits of injection of osteoblasts in the avascular lesions of the head of femur. Patients and Methods A preset technique was used, 10 CC of bone marrow aspiration was performed under local anesthesia and aseptic technique. Osteoblasts were separated from the bone marrow cells. The avascular area was drilled and 10 million osteoblasts were transplanted at the lesion site. Patients were seen in the out patient clinic after two weeks for removal of the suture and addressed the questionnaire and examined for the range of movement. The follow up MRI was performed at 4 months. Results The average age was 20.2±3.9 years. The mean hemoglobin S was 81.6±4.8 percent. Quality of Life Score for Chronic Hip Disease was assessed and found at 8.6 (1 being the severe limitation and 10 being normal), whereas Harris hip score improved from 41.7±5.1 to 88.93±3.6 (p<0.001). MRI of pre and post osteoblast implantation showed robust new bone formation and disappearance of the avascular lesions. Conclusions The short term results were good and we believe the injection of osteoblast in the avascular lesion of head of femur is a less invasive procedure devoid of any untoward complications and merits such treatment in large patient group with longer follow up. PMID:28844125
Italian experience on use of E.S.W. therapy for avascular necrosis of femoral head.
Russo, Sergio; Sadile, Francesco; Esposito, Roberto; Mosillo, Giuseppe; Aitanti, Emanuele; Busco, Gennaro; Wang, Ching-Jen
Osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis) of the femoral head is a clinical disease due to a severe bone vascular alteration associated with intense pain and loss of joint function, with an incidence of 0.1% and unknown aetiology. Many classifications exist to describe it and in the final stages the patient will need a total hip arthroplasty. In the early stages, ESWT has given excellent responses. The Neapolitan school studied more than 600 patients who had very good results in I and II stages of Ficat and Arlet Classification, with an improve of outcomes in VAS and HSS scores. Moreover it has shown a complete restoration of the signal intensity of the femoral head in MRI. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Koch, A; Jozwiak, M; Idzior, M; Molinska-Glura, M; Szulc, A
We investigated the incidence and risk factors for the development of avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head in the course of treatment of children with cerebral palsy (CP) and dislocation of the hip. All underwent open reduction, proximal femoral and Dega pelvic osteotomy. The inclusion criteria were: a predominantly spastic form of CP, dislocation of the hip (migration percentage, MP > 80%), Gross Motor Function Classification System, (GMFCS) grade IV to V, a primary surgical procedure and follow-up of > one year. There were 81 consecutive children (40 girls and 41 boys) in the study. Their mean age was nine years (3.5 to 13.8) and mean follow-up was 5.5 years (1.6 to 15.1). Radiological evaluation included measurement of the MP, the acetabular index (AI), the epiphyseal shaft angle (ESA) and the pelvic femoral angle (PFA). The presence and grade of AVN were assessed radiologically according to the Kruczynski classification. Signs of AVN (grades I to V) were seen in 79 hips (68.7%). A total of 23 hips (18%) were classified between grades III and V. Although open reduction of the hip combined with femoral and Dega osteotomy is an effective form of treatment for children with CP and dislocation of the hip, there were signs of avascular necrosis in about two-thirds of the children. There was a strong correlation between post-operative pain and the severity of the grade of AVN. ©2015 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery.
Operative treatment and avascular necrosis of the hip development disorder.
Gavrankapetanović, Ismet; Hadžimehmedagić, Amel; Papović, Adnan; Baždar, Elvir
, the duration of previous conservative treatments and repeated hospitalization. In group 1, 86.6 % were female patients and 80 % in group 2. Family history was positive in 15.6 % in group 1 and 13.3 % in group 2. A total of 51.6 % of all patients started walking on time, while the rest had problems with verticalization. Of all patients, 47 % did not undergo any kind of prior treatment. Only 62.2 % of group 1 patients had ossification nucleus present, while the entire group 2 had it present. Results showed that 24.32 % of group 1 patients had none or minimal signs of avascular necrosis (AVN) while 39.47 % of group 2 had none or minimal signs of AVN; 60.52 % of group 2 patients had signs of AVN. The results of this study show that the performance of a surgical treatment during the age between 12 and 20 months is burdened by the highest percentage of avascular necrosis. Even though AVN can be noticed in other age groups, according to the results of our research, it seems that vascular supply of the hip is the most vulnerable in the period between 12 and 20 months.
Kazmers, Nikolas H; Thibaudeau, Stephanie; Levin, L Scott
This article demonstrates a technique for the treatment of scaphoid fracture waist and proximal pole nonunions with avascular necrosis using a free vascularized medial femoral condyle flap. We present our surgical technique and representative case examples in which the scapholunate ligament, a key structure required to preserve carpal kinematics, is spared. Copyright © 2016 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Bruneder, Simon; Wallner, Jürgen; Weiglein, Andreas; Kmečová, Ĺudmila; Egger, Jan; Pilsl, Ulrike; Zemann, Wolfgang
Osteotomies of the Le Fort I segment are routine operations with low complication rates. Ischemic complications are rare, but can have severe consequences that may lead to avascular bone necrosis of the Le Fort I segment. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the blood supply and special arterial variants of the Le Fort I segment responsible for arterial hypoperfusion or ischemic avascular necrosis after surgery. The arterial anatomy of the Le Fort I segment's blood supply using 30 halved human cadaver head specimens was analyzed after complete dissection until the submicroscopic level. In all specimens the arterial variants of the Le Fort I segment and also the arterial diameters measured at two points were evaluated. The typical known vascularization pattern was apparent in 90% of all specimens, in which the ascending palatine (D1: 1,2 mm ± 0,34 mm; D2: 0,8 mm ± 0,34 mm) and ascending pharyngeal artery (D1: 1,3 mm ± 0,58 mm; D2: <0,4 mm) were both supplying the Le Fort I segment. However in 10% of all specimens, the Le Fort I segment was dependent on the ascending pharyngeal artery alone and the missing ascending palatine artery was replaced with the anterior branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery (D1: 1,9 mm ± 0,32; D2: 1,0 mm ± 0,3 mm). This study is the first description of a special type of arterial variation of the Le Fort I segment. The type of this arterial variation, its clinical relevance and potential consequences are explained. Individuals with this special arterial anatomy may clinically be at a high risk for hypoperfusion and avascular segment necrosis after surgery. An individualized operation plan may prevent ischemic complications in at-risk patients. Copyright © 2018 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Retrograde intramedullary nail arthrodesis for avascular necrosis of the talus.
Devries, J George; Philbin, Terrence M; Hyer, Christopher F
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the talus from any etiology is a devastating pathology. There are few salvage options available and controversy exists as to the surgical management for patients with talar AVN. The authors present their results of tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with a retrograde nail. A comprehensive chart and radiographic review was pulled from our database for patients with AVN of the talus, who were treated by tibiotalocalcaneal fusion with retrograde intramedullary nail. Primary outcome was union, with time to clinical union as a secondary endpoint. Fourteen patients were included. The average age at surgery was 47.4 ± 12.8 years, there were nine female patients, and the average Body Mass Index was 33.5 ± 6.0. Surgical risk factors included two patients who smoked, one was diabetic, and one had a preoperative ulceration. The average time to partial weightbearing was 70.6 ± 25.4 days, and the average time to full weightbearing was 100.6 ± 35.5 days. Four patients had postoperative complications, while no patients required major revision surgery. Twelve patients went on to solid fusion, while two went on to a stable, braceable pseudoarthrosis. Eight patients were able to return to shoes, and eight were able to walk unaided at final followup. Salvage of talar AVN is possible by tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with an intramedullary nail. Physicians may offer this as a salvage option to patients with a high likelihood of successful fusion.
Woo, Min Su; Kang, Joon Soon; Moon, Kyoung Ho
This study evaluated the result of total hip arthroplasty (THA) for avascular necrosis of the femur head (AVNFH) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. Nineteen THAs were performed on 13 patients with SLE. The results of these patients were compared with the results of the control group (19 patients) who had THR due to AVNFH with none-SLE conditions. The Harris hip score increased from a preoperative average of 65.3 points to 94.9 at the most recent follow-up. In the control group, the mean HHS was 67.2 preoperatively and 96.1 postoperatively at the last follow-up. No significant difference was found between SLE patients and non-SLE patients who underwent hip arthroplasty. In conclusion, THA is an acceptable treatment for achieving functional improvement in patients who had SLE and AVNFH. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Gayana, Shankaramurthy; Bhattacharya, Anish; Sen, Ramesh Kumar; Singh, Paramjeet; Prakash, Mahesh; Mittal, Bhagwant Rai
Objective: Femoral head avascular necrosis (FHAVN) is one of the increasingly common causes of musculoskeletal disability and poses a major diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Although radiography, scintigraphy, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been widely used in the diagnosis of FHAVN, positron emission tomography (PET) has recently been evaluated to assess vascularity of the femoral head. In this study, the authors compared F-18 fluoride PET/CT with MRI in the initial diagnosis of FHAVN. Patients and Methods: We prospectively studied 51 consecutive patients with a high clinical suspicion of FHAVN. All patients underwent MRI and F-18 fluoride PET/CT, the time interval between the two scans being 4–10 (mean 8) days. Two nuclear medicine physicians blinded to the MRI report read the PET/CT scans. Clinical assessment was also done. Final diagnoses were made by surgical pathology or clinical and radiologic follow-up. Results: A final diagnosis of avascular necrosis (AVN) was made in 40 patients. MRI was 96.5% sensitive, 100% specific, and 98.03% accurate while PET/CT was 100% sensitive, specific, and accurate in diagnosing FHAVN. The agreement between the two imaging modalities for the diagnosis of AVN was 96.07%. Conclusion: F-18 fluoride PET/CT showed good agreement with MRI in the initial diagnosis of FHAVN and can be better than MRI in detecting early disease. PMID:26917886
Tu, Yiji; Chen, Zenggan; Lineaweaver, William Charles; Zhang, Feng
Several recipient vessels can be used in free microsurgical fibula flaps (MFFs) for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH). Few articles investigate the influence of different recipient vessels on outcomes of MFF for ANFH. A comprehensive literature search of databases including PubMed-Medline, Ovid-Embase, and Cochrane Library was performed to collect the related studies. The Medical Subject Headings used were "femur head necrosis" and "bone transplantation." The relevant words in title or abstract included but not limited to "fibula flap," "fibular flap," "vascularized fibula," "vascularized fibular," "free fibula," "free fibular," "femoral head necrosis," "avascular necrosis of femoral head," and "ischemic necrosis of femoral head." The methodological index for nonrandomized studies was adopted for assessing the studies included in this review. Finally, 15 studies encompassing a total of 1267 patients (1603 hips) with ANFH were pooled in the overall analysis. Recipient vessels for MFF included the ascending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and vein in 8 studies, descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and vein in 2 studies, second perforating branch of the deep femoral artery and vein in 4 studies, and inferior gluteal artery and vein in 1 study. Preoperative and postoperative average Harris hip score and pooled analyses of the rate of conversion, radiographic progression, and hip surgery-related complications showed no significant difference on the outcomes of MFF on ANFH between using different recipient vessels. Different recipient vessels did not affect outcomes in MFF procedures for ANFH. High-quality randomized controlled trials and prospective studies would be necessary to clarify reliable advantages and disadvantages between different recipient vessels. Until then, surgeons are justified in using ascending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and vein, descending branch of the lateral
Huang, Gangyong; Wei, Yibing; Zhao, Guanglei; Xia, Jun; Wang, Siqun; Wu, Jianguo; Chen, Feiyan; Chen, Jie; Shi, Jingshen
The underlying mechanisms of glucocorticoid (GC)‑induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH) have yet to be fully understood, in particular the mechanisms associated with the change of gene expression pattern. The present study aimed to identify key genes with a differential expression pattern in GC‑induced ANFH. E‑MEXP‑2751 microarray data were downloaded from the ArrayExpress database. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in 5 femoral head samples of steroid‑induced ANFH rats compared with 5 placebo‑treated rat samples. Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway enrichment analyses were performed upon these DEGs. A total 93 DEGs (46 upregulated and 47 downregulated genes) were identified in GC‑induced ANFH samples. These DEGs were enriched in different GO terms and pathways, including chondrocyte differentiation and detection of chemical stimuli. The enrichment map revealed that skeletal system development was interconnected with several other GO terms by gene overlap. The literature mined network analysis revealed that 5 upregulated genes were associated with femoral necrosis, including parathyroid hormone receptor 1 (PTHR1), vitamin D (1,25‑Dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor (VDR), collagen, type II, α1, proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 6 and zinc finger protein 354C (ZFP354C). In addition, ZFP354C and VDR were identified to transcription factors. Furthermore, PTHR1 was revealed to interact with VDR, and α‑2‑macroglobulin (A2M) interacted with fibronectin 1 (FN1) in the PPI network. PTHR1 may be involved in GC‑induced ANFH via interacting with VDR. A2M may also be involved in the development of GC‑induced ANFH through interacting with FN1. An improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying GC‑induced ANFH may provide novel targets for diagnostics and therapeutic treatment.
Huang, Gangyong; Wei, Yibing; Zhao, Guanglei; Xia, Jun; Wang, Siqun; Wu, Jianguo; Chen, Feiyan; Chen, Jie; Shi, Jingshen
The underlying mechanisms of glucocorticoid (GC)-induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH) have yet to be fully understood, in particular the mechanisms associated with the change of gene expression pattern. The present study aimed to identify key genes with a differential expression pattern in GC-induced ANFH. E-MEXP-2751 microarray data were downloaded from the ArrayExpress database. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in 5 femoral head samples of steroid-induced ANFH rats compared with 5 placebo-treated rat samples. Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway enrichment analyses were performed upon these DEGs. A total 93 DEGs (46 upregulated and 47 downregulated genes) were identified in GC-induced ANFH samples. These DEGs were enriched in different GO terms and pathways, including chondrocyte differentiation and detection of chemical stimuli. The enrichment map revealed that skeletal system development was interconnected with several other GO terms by gene overlap. The literature mined network analysis revealed that 5 upregulated genes were associated with femoral necrosis, including parathyroid hormone receptor 1 (PTHR1), vitamin D (1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor (VDR), collagen, type II, α1, proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 6 and zinc finger protein 354C (ZFP354C). In addition, ZFP354C and VDR were identified to transcription factors. Furthermore, PTHR1 was revealed to interact with VDR, and α-2-macroglobulin (A2M) interacted with fibronectin 1 (FN1) in the PPI network. PTHR1 may be involved in GC-induced ANFH via interacting with VDR. A2M may also be involved in the development of GC-induced ANFH through interacting with FN1. An improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying GC-induced ANFH may provide novel targets for diagnostics and therapeutic treatment. PMID:28393228
Abd-Ella, Mohamed Mokhtar; Galhoum, Ahmed; Abdelrahman, Amr Farouk; Walther, Markus
The presence of nonunion of a talar fracture with displacement, together with complete avascular necrosis, is a challenging entity to treat. Twelve patients, 8 men (66.7%) and 4 women (33.3%), with nonunited talar fractures and extensive avascular necrosis of the talus were included. The average age was 27.7 years (range, 19-38 years). After exclusion of infection, the patients underwent resection of necrotic bone, bulk autograft, and fusion using an intramedullary nail. The posterior approach was used in 11 patients and the anterior approach in 1 patient. The primary outcome was solid osseous union at the ankle and subtalar level and between the talar head anteriorly and the posterior construct, as evidenced by computed tomographic examination. Functional assessment was performed with the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society score and subjective patient satisfaction Results: After a mean follow-up duration of 23 months (range, 12-60 months), solid osseous union was achieved in 8 patients (66.7%). Stable fibrous union was seen in 1 patient (8.3%). Three patients (25%) required reoperation, and osseous fusion was finally achieved. American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society score improved from a mean of 39.3 (range, 12-56) preoperatively to 76.6 (range, 62-86) at last follow-up. Subjective patient satisfaction was graded good or excellent in all cases. Resection of necrotic talar body and bulk autograft with tibiotalocalcaneal fusion by an intramedullary nail through a posterior approach was a reasonable option for the management of type IV posttraumatic talar deformity. Level IV, case series.
Avascular Necrosis of Trochlea After Supracondylar Humerus Fractures in Children.
Etier, Brian E; Doyle, J Scott; Gilbert, Shawn R
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a rare but important complication after supracondylar humerus fractures. Posttraumatic humerus deformity was first reported in 1948 and sporadically thereafter. AVN deformity has been classified as type A (AVN of the lateral ossification center) and type B (AVN of the entire medial crista and a metaphyseal portion). In this article, we present 5 cases of AVN after supracondylar humerus fracture, discuss the importance of late clinical findings, and postulate a mechanism of AVN in nondisplaced fractures. Five cases of AVN after supracondylar humerus fracture were reviewed from the Children's of Alabama database. Four of the 5 patients were female. Four patients sustained a Gartland type III fracture, and 1 patient sustained a nondisplaced Gartland type I fracture. Age at time of injury ranged from 5 years to 10 years. All patients had an asymptomatic clinical period after treatment and re-presented 6 months to 7 years later with elbow pain or loss of motion. All patients were treated symptomatically. AVN of the trochlea has a late clinical presentation. The cause of this complication is interruption of the trochlea blood supply. In displaced fractures, the medial and/or lateral vessels are injured, leading to type A or type B deformity. In nondisplaced fractures, the lateral vessels are interrupted by tamponade because of encased fracture hematoma; this presents as a type A deformity. Both type A and type B deformities can be clinically significant. AVN of the trochlea should be considered in patients with late presentation of pain or loss of motion after treatment of supracondylar humerus fractures.
Xiao, Chun-Sheng; Lin, Na; Lin, Shi-Fu; Wan, Rong; Chen, Wei-Heng
To study the effects of Methylprednisolone and Dexamethasone on the avascular necrosis of femoral head in chickens. Thirty-six chickens were randomly divided into 6 groups (n = 6): control group (group A), Methylprednisolone low dose group (group B), Methylprednisolone large dose group (group C), small dose Dexamethasone and horse serum group (group D), middle dose Dexamethasone and horse serum group (group E), and Dexamethasone large dose group (group F). On the 6th and 12th weeks, blood samples were obtained to determine the level of total cholesterol triglyeride (TG), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL). On the 12th week, femoral heads were taken off. Paraffin tissue sections were prepared to detect histopathologic change with hematoxylin and eosin staining. On the 6th week, compared with group A, the level of CHO increased significantly in group C and group F (P < 0.05), and TG increased in group B, C and group E, while HDL decreased in group B, C and group E. On the 12th week, the level of TG and CHO increased in group B, C, E and group F, and HDL decreased in group C, D and group E (P < 0.05). LDL was not detected in most chickens. The ratio of empty lacuna was higher in group C and group E compared with those of the control group (P < 0.05). Methylprednisolone is easier to induce osteonecrosis of femoral head than Dexamethasone. The condition of metabolic disorder in blood may be the basic pathomechanism of steroid-induced necrosis of femoral head.
Roth, A; Beckmann, J; Smolenski, U; Fischer, A; Jäger, M; Tingart, M; Rader, C; Peters, K M; Reppenhagen, S; Nöth, U; Heiss, C; Maus, U
In Germany there are 5000 to 7000 new cases of atraumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head in adults per year. It occurs mostly in middle age. An increased frequency of idiopathic cases can be observed. Chemotherapy, corticoids and kidney transplants are frequently associated with the disease. In most cases the disease occurs on both sides. Early diagnosis is of particular importance, since in early stages it is most likely to avoid late damage with joint destruction. Whereas previously the temporary operational joint preservation and subsequent joint replacement were often the only option of treatment, conservative and joint-preserving measures today play an increasing role. After the AWMF guidelines for S3 guideline clinical questions were formulated. Over the period from 01/01/1970 to 31/05/2013 a literature search was conducted. Systematic reviews, metaanalyses, original papers and clinical trials of all designs were evaluated. There were a total of 3715 references, of which 422 for the assessment regarding SIGN were eligible and finally 180 were in accord with the defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. For the untreated course and the assessment of conservative measures, a total of 42 references was suitable. In formulating the recommendations the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) system was used, which distinguishes A "shall", B "should" and 0 "can". If left untreated, the aFKN within 2 years leads to a subchondral fracture and subsequent collapse. After the diagnosis of femoral head necrosis, the risk of a disease of the opposite side is high within the next 2 years, then unlikely. The sole conservative treatment brings no benefit for the treatment of atraumatic avascular necrosis in the adult. Although it improves function, less pain can be obtained, and surgical intervention can be delayed, the progression is not stopped. Conservative treatment must therefore always be part of the overall treatment. In ARCO
Brown, Philip J; Mannava, Sandeep; Seyler, Thorsten M; Plate, Johannes F; Van Sikes, Charles; Stitzel, Joel D; Lang, Jason E
Femoral head core decompression is an efficacious joint-preserving procedure for treatment of early stage avascular necrosis. However, postoperative fractures have been described which may be related to the decompression technique used. Femoral head decompressions were performed on 12 matched human cadaveric femora comparing large 8mm single bore versus multiple 3mm small drilling techniques. Ultimate failure strength of the femora was tested using a servo-hydraulic material testing system. Ultimate load to failure was compared between the different decompression techniques using two paired ANCOVA linear regression models. Prior to biomechanical testing and after the intervention, volumetric bone mineral density was determined using quantitative computed tomography to account for variation between cadaveric samples and to assess the amount of bone disruption by the core decompression. Core decompression, using the small diameter bore and multiple drilling technique, withstood significantly greater load prior to failure compared with the single large bore technique after adjustment for bone mineral density (p< 0.05). The 8mm single bore technique removed a significantly larger volume of bone compared to the 3mm multiple drilling technique (p< 0.001). However, total fracture energy was similar between the two core decompression techniques. When considering core decompression for the treatment of early stage avascular necrosis, the multiple small bore technique removed less bone volume, thereby potentially leading to higher load to failure.
Closed reduction of slipped capital femoral epiphysis: high-risk factor for avascular necrosis.
Kitano, Toshio; Nakagawa, Keisuke; Wada, Mayuko; Moriyama, Michiko
How should we treat acute/unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) without the development of avascular necrosis (AVN)? To answer this question, we investigated the risk factors of AVN development after SCFE. Seventy-six hips of 64 patients were classified using two kinds of classification systems, Loder's classification based on instability and the conventional classification based on the duration of symptom, because both classifications are related to AVN development. Of 21 unstable SCFEs, seven hips developed AVN. Of 35 hips defined as acute or acute on chronic, nine hips developed AVN. Two stable SCFEs of Loder's classification developed AVN, one was acute and the other was acute on chronic. No hips of chronic SCFE developed AVN. The factor that had influenced AVN development was only closed reduction, whether purposefully or inadvertently, in an acute or unstable SCFE. On the basis of the findings of this study, one should not embark on any modality of closed reduction for an unstable or acute form of SCFE, as there is a high risk for occurrence of AVN. For the same reason, a traction table should not be used for SCFE fixation, so as to avoid an inadvertent reduction or force that can lead to AVN.
Long-term result of cementless femoral stem in avascular necrosis of the hip.
Cheung, Kin W; Chiu, Kwok H; Chung, Kwong Y
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the hip may have extensive involvement of the proximal femur which may affect boney ingrowth into cementless femoral stems. From 1994 to 2004, 182 total hip arthroplasties (in 144 patients, 117 AVN hips and 65 non-AVN hips) were performed using hydroxyapatite coated femoral stems. All patients were followed up prospectively. Mean age was 51 years and mean follow-up 14.7 years (range 9.7-19.1 years). Four stems were revised because of aseptic loosening, 3 in AVN group and 1 in non-AVN group. The overall mechanical failure rate was 2.2%, the mechanical failure rate in AVN and non-AVN group was 2.6% and 1.5% respectively (p = 1). The 19.1 year survival using revision for aseptic loosening as an endpoint for AVN and non-AVN patients were 97.1% and 96.2% respectively (p = 0.654). Stable boney ingrowth was present in 99.5% hips. This study represents 1 of the largest series reporting the long-term follow-up of the use of cementless femoral stems in treating AVN of the hip. We report excellent long-term survival of cementless total hip arthroplasty used in managing AVN of the hip and is comparable to that seen in non-AVN total hip arthroplasty.
Lazik, Andrea; Landgraeber, Stefan; Claßen, Tim; Kraff, Oliver; Lauenstein, Thomas C; Theysohn, Jens M
To analyze remodeling processes after advanced core decompression (ACD) in patients with avascular femoral head necrosis by means of 3T MRI and to identify indicators for clinical outcome considering the defect size and characteristics of the bone graft and of the neighboring regeneration tissue. Thirty-four hips, with preexisting preoperative MRIs in 21 cases, were examined 1-34 months (mean 12.7) postoperatively by 3T MRI. The volume of necrosis was measured manually pre- and postoperatively to calculate absolute as well as percentage necrosis reduction. The signal intensity of the bone graft was quantified using a 4-point scale. Border phenomena between the bone graft and bone were described and classified into groups. Wilcoxon sign-rank test was used to identify correlations between the analyzed items and clinical signs of femoral head collapse after a mean follow-up time of 28.6 months (10.4-46.8). Mean percentage reduction of necrosis was significantly higher in asymptomatic patients (59.36%) compared to patients with signs of femoral head collapse (28.78%, p = 0.008). Signal intensity of the bone graft increased in T1w and T2w TIRM sequences over time after surgery and was significantly higher in asymptomatic patients. Five border phenomena between the bone graft and healthy bone were identified. Among them, the so-called "rail sign" representing three layers of remodeling tissue correlated with the histological observations. A variety of border phenomena representing remodeling processes have been described using 3T MRI. Beneath the percentage amount of necrosis reduction, we identified the signal intensity of the bone graft as an indicator for clinical outcome.
Maruf, Shomik; Nath, Proggananda; Aktar, Fatima; Basher, Ariful
Although liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome) is considered as the first-line treatment for New Kala-azar, there is not enough evidence on the dosage formulation in children and its effect on them. Being considered as the safest drug for treatment of Kala-azar, this case of AmBisome-induced avascular necrosis now gives rise to the question; whether it is actually safe enough and if a dosage modification is needed in case of children. This so far, to the best of our knowledge, is the first instance of such severe adverse event due to AmBisome administration.
Dharmshaktu, Pramila; Aggarwal, Anshita; Dutta, Deep; Kulshreshtha, Bindu
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is a rare complication related to glucocorticoid administration and traditionally has been associated with high doses and/or prolonged therapy. Occurrence of osteonecrosis with a physiological replacement dose of glucocorticoids has not been reported previously. We report a 38-year-old man with non-secreting pituitary adenoma who developed bilateral AVN while on a very small dose of oral prednisolone for secondary adrenal insufficiency after surgery for pituitary adenoma. The patient was switched to hydrocortisone. Zolindronic acid was administered and the patient underwent bilateral core decompressive surgery resulting in a reduction of hip pain and improvement. When last evaluated, 2 years after diagnosis of AVN, the patient was functionally independent, and was able to do his routine activities with mild pain. The report intends to highlight the occurrence of AVN of the femur even with a very small dose of prednisolone used for treatment of panhypopituitarism. Glucocorticoids may have to be continued in the lowest possible dose using the most physiological preparation such as hydrocortisone when stoppage is not possible. PMID:26762348
Dharmshaktu, Pramila; Aggarwal, Anshita; Dutta, Deep; Kulshreshtha, Bindu
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is a rare complication related to glucocorticoid administration and traditionally has been associated with high doses and/or prolonged therapy. Occurrence of osteonecrosis with a physiological replacement dose of glucocorticoids has not been reported previously. We report a 38-year-old man with non-secreting pituitary adenoma who developed bilateral AVN while on a very small dose of oral prednisolone for secondary adrenal insufficiency after surgery for pituitary adenoma. The patient was switched to hydrocortisone. Zolindronic acid was administered and the patient underwent bilateral core decompressive surgery resulting in a reduction of hip pain and improvement. When last evaluated, 2 years after diagnosis of AVN, the patient was functionally independent, and was able to do his routine activities with mild pain. The report intends to highlight the occurrence of AVN of the femur even with a very small dose of prednisolone used for treatment of panhypopituitarism. Glucocorticoids may have to be continued in the lowest possible dose using the most physiological preparation such as hydrocortisone when stoppage is not possible. 2016 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
Temporal course of avascular femoral head necrosis in patients with pemphigus vulgaris.
Balighi, Kamran; Daneshpazhooh, Maryam; Aghazadeh, Nessa; Saeidi, Vahide; Shahpouri, Farzam; Hejazi, Pardis; Chams-Davatchi, Cheyda
Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is typically treated with systemic corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents. Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is a well-recognized major complication of corticosteroid therapy. The characteristics of this serious complication in PV remain unknown. Uncontrolled, retrospective study of all PV-related AVN cases diagnosed at an Iranian autoimmune bullous disease clinic between 1985 and 2013. Of the 2,321 medical records of PV patients reviewed, 45 (1.93 %) cases showed femoral AVN, with 30 (66.7 %) individuals being male. The mean age at diagnosis of AVN was 47.4 ± 14.2 years. The mean interval between the diagnosis of PV and the onset of AVN was 25.3 ± 18.3 months. With the exception of eight cases (17.8 %), the majority of patients developed AVN within three years after the diagnosis of PV. The mean cumulative dose of prednisolone in patients with AVN was 13,115.8 ± 7041.1 mg. There was a strong correlation between the total prednisolone dose and the time of onset of AVN (p = 0.001). In patients with a history of alendronate intake, that interval was significantly shorter (p = 0.01). Occurring in about 2 % of patients, AVN is a serious complication of corticosteroid treatment in patients with PV, predominantly in the first three years of treatment. In individuals receiving higher doses of prednisolone, AVN tends to occur earlier. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Daoud, Alia M; Hudson, Mack; Magnus, Kenneth G; Huang, Fleur; Danielson, Brita L; Venner, Peter; Saluja, Ronak; LeGuerrier, Bronwen; Daly, Helene; Emmenegger, Urban; Fairchild, Alysa
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is the final common pathway resulting from insufficient blood supply to bone, commonly the femoral head. There are many postulated etiologies of non-traumatic AVN, including corticosteroids, bisphosphonates, and radiotherapy (RT). However, it is unclear whether there is a dose threshold for the development of RT-induced AVN. In this case report, we describe a patient with prostate cancer metastatic to bone diagnosed with AVN after receiving single-fraction palliative RT to the left femoral head. Potential contributing factors are discussed, along with a review of other reported cases. At present, the RT dose threshold below which there is no risk for AVN is unknown, and therefore detrimental impact from the RT cannot be excluded. Given the possibility that RT-induced AVN is a stochastic effect, it is important to be aware of the possibility of this diagnosis in any patient with a painful hip who has received RT to the femoral head.
Avascular necrosis in children with cerebral palsy after reconstructive hip surgery
Phillips, L.; Hesketh, K.; Schaeffer, E. K.; Andrade, J.; Farr, J.; Mulpuri, K.
Abstract Purpose Progressive hip displacement is one of the most common orthopaedic pathologies in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Reconstructive hip surgery has become the standard treatment of care. Reported avascular necrosis (AVN) rates for hip reconstructive surgery in these patients vary widely in the literature. The purpose of this study is to identify the frequency and associated risk factors of AVN for reconstructive hip procedures. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed of 70 cases of reconstructive hip surgery in 47 children with CP, between 2009 and 2013. All 70 cases involved varus derotation osteotomy (VDRO), with 60% having combined VDRO and pelvic osteotomies (PO), and 21% requiring open reductions. Mean age at time of surgery was 8.82 years and 90% of patients were Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) 4 and 5. Radiographic dysplasia parameters were analysed at selected intervals, to a minimum of one year post-operatively. Severity of AVN was classified by Kruczynski's method. Bivar- iate statistical analysis was conducted using Chi-square test and Student's t-test. Results There were 19 (27%) noted cases of AVN, all radio- graphically identifiable within the first post-operative year. The majority of AVN cases (63%) were mild to moderate in severity. Pre-operative migration percentage (MP) (p = 0.0009) and post-operative change in MP (p = 0.002) were the most significant predictors of AVN. Other risk factors were: GMFCS level (p = 0.031), post-operative change in NSA (p = 0.02) and concomitant adductor tenotomy (0.028). Conclusion AVN was observed in 27% of patients. Severity of displacement correlates directly with AVN risk and we suggest that hip reconstruction, specifically VDRO, be performed early in the 'hip at risk' group to avoid this complication. PMID:29081846
Avascular necrosis in children with cerebral palsy after reconstructive hip surgery.
Phillips, L; Hesketh, K; Schaeffer, E K; Andrade, J; Farr, J; Mulpuri, K
Progressive hip displacement is one of the most common orthopaedic pathologies in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Reconstructive hip surgery has become the standard treatment of care. Reported avascular necrosis (AVN) rates for hip reconstructive surgery in these patients vary widely in the literature. The purpose of this study is to identify the frequency and associated risk factors of AVN for reconstructive hip procedures. A retrospective analysis was performed of 70 cases of reconstructive hip surgery in 47 children with CP, between 2009 and 2013. All 70 cases involved varus derotation osteotomy (VDRO), with 60% having combined VDRO and pelvic osteotomies (PO), and 21% requiring open reductions. Mean age at time of surgery was 8.82 years and 90% of patients were Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) 4 and 5. Radiographic dysplasia parameters were analysed at selected intervals, to a minimum of one year post-operatively. Severity of AVN was classified by Kruczynski's method. Bivar- iate statistical analysis was conducted using Chi-square test and Student's t-test. There were 19 (27%) noted cases of AVN, all radio- graphically identifiable within the first post-operative year. The majority of AVN cases (63%) were mild to moderate in severity. Pre-operative migration percentage (MP) (p = 0.0009) and post-operative change in MP (p = 0.002) were the most significant predictors of AVN. Other risk factors were: GMFCS level (p = 0.031), post-operative change in NSA (p = 0.02) and concomitant adductor tenotomy (0.028). AVN was observed in 27% of patients. Severity of displacement correlates directly with AVN risk and we suggest that hip reconstruction, specifically VDRO, be performed early in the 'hip at risk' group to avoid this complication.
Li, Xiaxin; Brazauskas, Ruta; Wang, Zhiwei; Al-Seraihy, Amal; Baker, K. Scott; Cahn, Jean-Yves; Frangoul, Haydar A.; Gajewski, James L.; Hale, Gregory A.; Hsu, Jack W.; Kamble, Rammurti T.; Lazarus, Hillard M.; Marks, David I.; Maziarz, Richard T.; Savani, Bipin N.; Shah, Ami J.; Shah, Nirali; Sorror, Mohamed L.; Wood, William A.; Majhail, Navneet S.
We conducted a nested case-control study within a cohort of 6,244 patients to assess risk factors for avascular necrosis (AVN) of bone in children and adolescents following allogeneic transplantation. Eligible patients were ≤21 years of age, received their first allogeneic transplant between 1990 and 2008 in the United States and had survived ≥ 6 months from transplantation. Overall, 160 cases with AVN and 478 controls matched by year of transplant, length of followup and transplant center were identified. Cases and controls were confirmed via central review of radiology, pathology and/or surgical procedure reports. Median time from transplant to diagnosis of AVN was 14 months. On conditional logistic regression, increasing age at transplant (≥5 years), female gender and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) were significantly associated with increased risks of AVN. Compared to patients receiving myeloablative regimens for malignant diseases, lower risks of AVN were seen in patients with non-malignant diseases and those who had received reduced intensity conditioning regimens for malignant diseases. Children at high risk for AVN include those within the age group where rapid bone growth occurs as well as those who experience exposure to myeloablative conditioning regimens and immunosuppression post-HCT for the treatment of GVHD. More research is needed to determine whether screening strategies specifically for patients at high risk for developing AVN with early interventions may mitigate the morbidity associated with this complication. PMID:24388803
Stem cell- and growth factor-based regenerative therapies for avascular necrosis of the femoral head
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is a debilitating disease of multifactorial genesis, predominately affects young patients, and often leads to the development of secondary osteoarthritis. The evolving field of regenerative medicine offers promising treatment strategies using cells, biomaterial scaffolds, and bioactive factors, which might improve clinical outcome. Early stages of AVN with preserved structural integrity of the subchondral plate are accessible to retrograde surgical procedures, such as core decompression to reduce the intraosseous pressure and to induce bone remodeling. The additive application of concentrated bone marrow aspirates, ex vivo expanded mesenchymal stem cells, and osteogenic or angiogenic growth factors (or both) holds great potential to improve bone regeneration. In contrast, advanced stages of AVN with collapsed subchondral bone require an osteochondral reconstruction to preserve the physiological joint function. Analogously to strategies for osteochondral reconstruction in the knee, anterograde surgical techniques, such as osteochondral transplantation (mosaicplasty), matrix-based autologous chondrocyte implantation, or the use of acellular scaffolds alone, might preserve joint function and reduce the need for hip replacement. This review summarizes recent experimental accomplishments and initial clinical findings in the field of regenerative medicine which apply cells, growth factors, and matrices to address the clinical problem of AVN. PMID:22356811
Risk Factors for Symptomatic Avascular Necrosis in Childhood-onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Yang, Yelin; Kumar, Sathish; Lim, Lily Siok Hoon; Silverman, Earl D; Levy, Deborah M
To examine the frequency and risk factors for symptomatic avascular necrosis (AVN) in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE). A single-center, nested, matched, case-control design was used. There were 617 patients with cSLE followed at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) Lupus Clinic between July 1982 and June 2013 included in the study. The AVN cohort consisted of 37 patients identified with clinical findings of symptomatic AVN and diagnosis was confirmed by 1 or more imaging modalities. Three controls were matched to each patient with AVN by date and age at diagnosis. Baseline clinical, laboratory, and treatment characteristics were compared between patients with AVN and controls by univariable analyses and if statistically significant, were included in a multivariable logistic regression model. A total of 37/617 patients (6%) developed symptomatic AVN in 91 joints during followup at SickKids. The mean duration to disease was 2.3 years. The hip was the most commonly involved joint (26/37, 70%). Compared with the matched non-AVN cohort, patients with AVN had a higher incidence of central nervous system (CNS) involvement and nephritis, required greater cumulative prednisone (PRED) from cSLE diagnosis to AVN, received a greater maximal daily PRED dose, and had more frequent use of pulse methylprednisolone therapy. Multivariable regression analysis confirmed major organ involvement (CNS disease and/or nephritis) and maximal daily PRED dose as significant predictors of symptomatic AVN development. Patients with cSLE with severe organ involvement including nephritis and CNS disease and higher maximal daily dose of PRED are more likely to develop symptomatic AVN.
Tsukagoshi, Y; Kamegaya, M; Kamada, H; Saisu, T; Morita, M; Kakizaki, J; Tomaru, Y; Yamazaki, M
The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between Salter's criteria and Kalamchi's classification of avascular necrosis in patients treated for developmental dysphasia of the hip (DDH). The study involved a retrospective analysis of 123 patients (123 hips) with DDH treated by operative and non-operative reduction before the age of two years, with a minimum follow-up of ten years. Salter's criteria (S1 to S4) were determined from radiographs obtained at one to two years post-reduction, whilst the Kalamchi grade was determined from radiographs obtained at ten or more years of age. Early post-reduction radiographs were also used to evaluate the centre-head distance discrepancy (CHDD) and the occurrence of a dome-shaped deformity of the proximal femoral metaphysis (D-shaped metaphysis). The prognosis was described as good (Kalamchi grade K0 or KI), fair (Kalamchi grade KII) or poor (Kalamchi grade KIII or KIV) for analysis and correlation with the early Salter criteria, CHDD and D-shaped metaphysis. S1 and S2 criteria were predictive of a poor prognosis. The outcome following S3, S4 and S3 + S4 varied; 18 (40%) had a good prognosis, 17 (38%) a fair prognosis and ten (22%) a poor prognosis. A CHDD ≥ 10% and a D-shaped metaphysis were also predictive of a poor prognosis. The Salter criteria were predictive of the Kalamchi grade of avascular necrosis in patients with DDH aged ten or more years after reduction of the hip. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B:1115-20. ©2017 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery.
Post-transplant femoral head avascular necrosis: a selective investigation with MRI.
Karapinar, Levent; Gurkan, Alp; Kacar, Serdar; Polat, Omer
We investigated the presence of femoral head avascular osteonecrosis (FHAVN) by a selective investigation with MRI at follow-up. A total of 331(200 men, 131 women) renal transplants were included. They were transplanted at the mean age of 31.4 (9-63) years. The mean follow-up time of all patients after transplantation was 60.6 (6-233) months, and the mean current age 36.6 (11-66) years. All transplants filled out a questionnaire on musculoskeletal symptoms and underwent a detailed clinical examination. Magnetic resonance imaging was done in cases of hip joint pain in groin, buttock, thigh and knee and in 50 asymptomatic transplants. FHAVN were identified according to Ficat Arlet classification. 43(13%) patients reported pain without previous trauma. In the clinical examination, limited ranges of motion of the hip were noted in 13 of them. FHAVN was detected in 11 of 43 patients. Disease was bilateral in two of the eleven patients. Of the 662 femoral heads, 43 were associated with hip pain whereas the remaining 619 were asymptomatic. Avascular osteonecrosis was not confirmed in the asymptomatic 100 hips with magnetic resonance imaging. A selective investigation of FHAVN may be used to diagnose in renal allograft recipients with painful hips at follow-up. With a retrospective selective analysis, the presence of FHAVN was low among renal transplantation recipients at the end of the study.
Ismail, Tarek; Osinga, Rik; Todorov, Atanas; Haumer, Alexander; Tchang, Laurent A; Epple, Christian; Allafi, Nima; Menzi, Nadia; Largo, René D; Kaempfen, Alexandre; Martin, Ivan; Schaefer, Dirk J; Scherberich, Arnaud
Avascular necrosis of bone (AVN) leads to sclerosis and collapse of bone and joints. The standard of care, vascularized bone grafts, is limited by donor site morbidity and restricted availability. The aim of this study was to generate and test engineered, axially vascularized SVF cells-based bone substitutes in a rat model of AVN. SVF cells were isolated from lipoaspirates and cultured onto porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds within a perfusion-based bioreactor system for 5days. The resulting constructs were inserted into devitalized bone cylinders mimicking AVN-affected bone. A ligated vascular bundle was inserted upon subcutaneous implantation of constructs in nude rats. After 1 and 8weeks in vivo, bone formation and vascularization were analyzed. Newly-formed bone was found in 80% of SVF-seeded scaffolds after 8weeks but not in unseeded controls. Human ALU+cells in the bone structures evidenced a direct contribution of SVF cells to bone formation. A higher density of regenerative, M2 macrophages was observed in SVF-seeded constructs. In both experimental groups, devitalized bone was revitalized by vascularized tissue after 8 weeks. SVF cells-based osteogenic constructs revitalized fully necrotic bone in a challenging AVN rat model of clinically-relevant size. SVF cells contributed to accelerated initial vascularization, to bone formation and to recruitment of pro-regenerative endogenous cells. Avascular necrosis (AVN) of bone often requires surgical treatment with autologous bone grafts, which is surgically demanding and restricted by significant donor site morbidity and limited availability. This paper describes a de novo engineered axially-vascularized bone graft substitute and tests the potential to revitalize dead bone and provide efficient new bone formation in a rat model. The engineering of an osteogenic/vasculogenic construct of clinically-relevant size with stromal vascular fraction of human adipose, combined to an arteriovenous bundle is described. This
Bayard, Cornelia; Ledergerber, Bruno; Flepp, Markus; Lecompte, Thanh; Moulin, Estelle; Hoffmann, Matthias; Weber, Rainer; Staehelin, Cornelia; Di Benedetto, Caroline; Fux, Christoph A; Tarr, Philip E; Hasse, Barbara
HIV-infected individuals have an increased risk of avascular bone necrosis (AVN). Antiretroviral therapy (ART) and particularly protease inhibitors (PI) have been implicated as a risk factor. We aimed to study the associations of ART with the occurrence of AVN among Swiss HIV Cohort Study participants (SHCS). We used incidence density sampling to perform a case control study within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) comparing prospectively collected AVN cases and controls by conditional logistic regression analysis. To evaluate the effect of ART, multivariable models were adjusted for HIV transmission risk group, age, alcohol consumption, use of corticosteroids, CD4 nadir, maximum viral load, and pancreatitis. We compared 74 AVN cases and 145 controls. Associations with AVN were shown for heterosexual HIV acquisition (odds ratio [OR], 3.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-10), alcohol consumption (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.3-5.7), and hyperlipidemia (OR, 3.6; 95% CI, 1.4-9.6). After adding ART substances to the multivariable base model, there was evidence of an association for treatment with tenofovir (TDF) >1 year (OR, 4.4; 95% CI, 1.4-14) with AVN. Neither exposure to specific frequently prescribed ART combinations or ART drug classes nor cumulative ART exposure showed any associations with AVN. In the HIV-infected population, a combination of risk factors such as heterosexual HIV acquisition, moderate to severe alcohol intake, and hyperlipidemia seem to contribute to AVN. ART does not seem to be a relevant risk factor for AVN. The association of prolonged TDF exposure with AVN needs to be confirmed.
Li, Xiaxin; Brazauskas, Ruta; Wang, Zhiwei; Al-Seraihy, Amal; Baker, K Scott; Cahn, Jean-Yves; Frangoul, Haydar A; Gajewski, James L; Hale, Gregory A; Hsu, Jack W; Kamble, Rammurti T; Lazarus, Hillard M; Marks, David I; Maziarz, Richard T; Savani, Bipin N; Shah, Ami J; Shah, Nirali; Sorror, Mohamed L; Wood, William A; Majhail, Navneet S
We conducted a nested case-control study within a cohort of 6244 patients to assess risk factors for avascular necrosis (AVN) of bone in children and adolescents after allogeneic transplantation. Eligible patients were ≤21 years of age, received their first allogeneic transplant between 1990 and 2008 in the United States, and had survived ≥ 6 months from transplantation. Overall, 160 patients with AVN and 478 control subjects matched by year of transplant, length of follow-up and transplant center were identified. Patients and control subjects were confirmed via central review of radiology, pathology, and/or surgical procedure reports. Median time from transplant to diagnosis of AVN was 14 months. On conditional logistic regression, increasing age at transplant (≥5 years), female gender, and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) were significantly associated with increased risks of AVN. Compared with patients receiving myeloablative regimens for malignant diseases, lower risks of AVN were seen in patients with nonmalignant diseases and those who had received reduced-intensity conditioning regimens for malignant diseases. Children at high risk for AVN include those within the age group where rapid bone growth occurs as well as those who experience exposure to myeloablative conditioning regimens and immunosuppression after hematopoietic cell transplantation for the treatment of GVHD. More research is needed to determine whether screening strategies specifically for patients at high risk for developing AVN with early interventions may mitigate the morbidity associated with this complication. Copyright © 2014 American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Zhang, Liyan; Sun, Xin; Tian, Dan; Xu, Rui; Lei, Hao; Al, Jinhui; Zhao, Bo; Chen, Jiying; Chai, Wei; Ma, Shoucheng; Liu, Weijia; Shen, Siyuan
To establish an rabbit model of early steroid-induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head (SANFH) and evaluate its validity with MRI and pathological examination. Twenty 6-month-old rabbits (weighing, 2-3 kg) were randomly divided into 2 groups (control group and model group), 10 rabbits in each group. Dexamethasone sodium phosphate solution (10 mg/kg) was injected into bilateral gluteus in model group, and the same amount of saline was injected in control group, every 3 days for 14 times. General observation was done after modelling. Osteonecrosis was verified by pathological observation and MRI findings at 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, rabbits did not show obvious changes in control group; increased hair removal, decreased food intake, and slight limp were observed in model group. The MRI results showed normal shape of the bilateral femoral head and no abnormal signals in control group; irregular shape of the bilateral femoral head and a slice of irregular abnormal signals were observed, and necrosis and cystolization of the subchondral bone and sparse changes of trabecular bone were shown in model group. General observation from coronal section of femoral head showed smooth red cartilage surface in control group; on the contrary, the cartilage surface of the femoral head became dull, thin even visible hemorrhage under articular cartilage and necrosis of the femoral head were observed. The histopathological examination indicated that trabecular bone of the femoral head in control group was massive, thick, and close and osteocytes in the bone lacunae had normal shapes. The osseous trabecular became thinner and broken; karyopyknosis of osteocytes and bone empty lacunae could be obviously seen in model. group. The rates of empty lacunae were 8.0% ± 0.5% in control group and 49.0% ± 0.3% in model group, showing significant difference (t = 21.940, P = 0.000). Establishing a model of early SANFH through injecting short-term, shock, and high dose of dexamethasone, and it
Core decompression and biotechnologies in the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head
Calori, Giorgio Maria; Mazza, Emilio; Colombo, Alessandra; Mazzola, Simone; Colombo, Massimiliano
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head (FH) causes 5% to 12% of total hip arthroplasties (THA). It especially affects active male adults between the third and fifth decades of life. The exact worldwide incidence is unknown. There are only few data related to each country, but most of it relates to the United States. Non-surgical management has a very limited role in the treatment of AVN of the FH and only in its earliest stages. Core decompression (CD) of the hip is the most common procedure used to treat the early stages of AVN of the FH. Recently, surgeons have considered combining CD with autologous bone-marrow cells, demineralised bone matrix or bone morphogenetic proteins or methods of angiogenic potential to enhance bone repair in the FH. Manuscripts were deemed eligible for our review if they evaluated treatment of early stage AVN of the FH with biotechnology implanted via CD. After application of eligibility criteria, we selected 19 reports for final analysis. The principal results showed that only by correctly mastering the therapeutic principles and adopting proper methods specifically oriented to different stages can the best therapeutic effect be achieved. Combining CD with biotechnology could result in a novel long-lasting hip- preserving treatment option. Furthermore, more refined clinical studies are needed to establish the effectiveness of biotechnology treatments in AVN of the FH. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2017;2:41-50. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.2.150006 PMID:28461967
Core decompression and biotechnologies in the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
Calori, Giorgio Maria; Mazza, Emilio; Colombo, Alessandra; Mazzola, Simone; Colombo, Massimiliano
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head (FH) causes 5% to 12% of total hip arthroplasties (THA). It especially affects active male adults between the third and fifth decades of life. The exact worldwide incidence is unknown. There are only few data related to each country, but most of it relates to the United States.Non-surgical management has a very limited role in the treatment of AVN of the FH and only in its earliest stages. Core decompression (CD) of the hip is the most common procedure used to treat the early stages of AVN of the FH. Recently, surgeons have considered combining CD with autologous bone-marrow cells, demineralised bone matrix or bone morphogenetic proteins or methods of angiogenic potential to enhance bone repair in the FH.Manuscripts were deemed eligible for our review if they evaluated treatment of early stage AVN of the FH with biotechnology implanted via CD. After application of eligibility criteria, we selected 19 reports for final analysis.The principal results showed that only by correctly mastering the therapeutic principles and adopting proper methods specifically oriented to different stages can the best therapeutic effect be achieved. Combining CD with biotechnology could result in a novel long-lasting hip- preserving treatment option.Furthermore, more refined clinical studies are needed to establish the effectiveness of biotechnology treatments in AVN of the FH. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2017;2:41-50. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.2.150006.
Bipolar hip arthroplasty for avascular necrosis of femoral head in young adults
Dudani, Baldev; Shyam, Ashok K; Arora, Pankush; Veigus, Arjun
Background: Bipolar hip arthroplasty (BHA) is one of the options for treatment of avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head. Acetabular erosion and groin pain are the most allowing for gross motion between the common complications. We propose that these complications are secondary to improper acetabular preparation allowing for motion between the BHA head and the acetabulum. Materials and Methods: The current study retrospectively evaluated patients’records from case files and also called them for clinical and radiological followup. 96 hips with AVN of the femoral head treated with BHA were included in the study. All patients were males with a mean age of 42 years (range 30-59 years). In all cases, the acetabulum was gently reamed till it became uniformly concentric to achieve tight fitting trial cup. Clinical followup using Harris hip score (HHS) and radiological study for cup migration were done at followup. Results: The mean followup was 7.52 years (range 4-16 years). The HHS significantly improved from a preoperative value of 39.3 (range, 54-30) to a postoperative value of 89.12 (range 74-96). According to HHS grades, the final outcome was excellent in 52 hips, good in 28 and fair in 16 hips. Hip and groin pain was reported in four hips (5%), but did not limit activity. Subsidence (less than 5 mm) of the femoral component was seen in 8 cases. Subgroup analysis showed patients with Ficat Stage 3 having better range of motion, but similar HHS as compared to Ficat Stage 4 patients. Conclusion: Bipolar hip arthroplasty (BHA) using tight fitting cup and acetabular reaming in AVN hip has a low incidence of groin pain, acetabular erosion and revision in midterm followup. Good outcome and mid term survival can be achieved irrespective of the Ficat Stage. PMID:26015634
Femoral head avascular necrosis: a frequently missed incidental finding on multidetector CT.
Barille, M F; Wu, Jim S; McMahon, Colm J
To determine the incidence of missed femoral head avascular necrosis (AVN) on pelvic computed tomography (CT) performed for clinical indications other than assessment for AVN. The study was a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)-compliant retrospective study. The picture archiving and communication system (PACS) database was queried for patients with diagnosis of femoral head AVN on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), who also underwent pelvic multidetector CT after or <30 days before the MRI examination. The MRI and CT images of 144 hips of 72 patients (39 patients with reported AVN on MRI and 33 age-matched controls; mean age = 60 years, 28 male, 44 female), were reviewed in consensus by two readers in a randomized, blinded manner. Using MRI-proven CT-visible AVN as a reference standard, the incidence of missed AVN on initial CT interpretation was determined. Readers confirmed AVN in 33 patients on the MRI images. Nine hips with AVN underwent joint replacement of the affected joint(s) prior to subsequent CT and were excluded. Forty-three MRI-proven AVN cases in 28 patients (15 bilateral, 13 unilateral) were available for analysis. The study readers diagnosed 35/43 (81%) MRI-proven AVN cases in 22/28 (79%) patients. Four of the 35 (11%) cases of MRI-proven, CT-visible AVN were prospectively reported in 3/22 (14%) patients at initial clinical interpretation, with a miss rate of 89% per hip and 86% per patient. Multidetector CT has high accuracy for detection of AVN; however, this is frequently missed as an incidental finding (89% missed in the present study). Assessment for signs of femoral AVN should be part of routine search pattern in interpretation of pelvic CT. Copyright © 2013 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Closed bone graft epiphysiodesis for avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis.
Thompson, George H; Lea, Ethan S; Chin, Kenneth; Liu, Raymond W; Son-Hing, Jochen P; Gilmore, Allison
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the capital femoral epiphysis (CFE) after an unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), femoral neck fracture or traumatic hip dislocation can result in severe morbidity. Treatment options for immature patients with AVN are limited, including a closed bone graft epiphysiodesis (CBGE). However, it is unclear whether this procedure prevents AVN progression. We investigated whether early MRI screening and CBGE prevented the development of advanced AVN changes in the CFE and the rates of complications with this approach. We prospectively followed all 13 patients (seven boys, six girls) with unstable SCFEs (six patients), femoral neck fractures (five patients), and traumatic hip dislocations (two patients) and evidence of early AVN treated between 1984 and 2012. Mean age at initial injury was 12 years (range, 10-16 years). Nine of the 13 patients had followup of at least 2 years or until conversion to THA (mean, 4.5 years; range, 0.8-8.5 years), including two with unstable SCFEs, the five with femoral neck fractures, and the two with traumatic hip dislocations. All patients had technetium scans and/or MRI within 1 to 2 months of their initial injury (before CBGE) and all had evidence of early (Ficat 0) AVN. Patients were followed clinically and radiographically for AVN progression. Six of the nine hips did not develop typical clinical or radiographic evidence of AVN. These six patients have been followed 6.3 years (range, 4.3-9.1 years) from initial injury and 5.9 years (range, 3.8-8.5 years) from CBGE. The remaining three patients were diagnosed with AVN at periods ranging from 3 to 6 months after CBGE. Early recognition and treatment of AVN with a CBGE may alter the natural history of this complication. Level IV, therapeutic study. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Miao, Qingtang; Hao, Sibin; Li, Hongmei; Sun, Fang; Wang, Xueling
Femoral head avascular necrosis (AVN) causes the damage of hip joint and related dysfunctions, thus consisting of a clinical challenge. Osteoprotegerin (OPG), receptor activator of nuclear factor κB (RANK) and its ligand (RANKL) all regulate the formation of bones via gene transcriptional regulation for the balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. This study thus investigated the expressional profiles of OPG, RANK and RANKL genes in AVN patients, and explored related molecular mediating pathways. Real-time qPCR was used to measure the gene expression of OPG, RANK and RANKL genes in AVN femoral head tissue samples from 42 patients, along with normal tissues. Western blotting analysis was performed to quantify protein levels of OPG and RANKL. There was a trend but not statistically significant elevation of mRNA levels of OPG in femoral head AVN tissues compared to normal tissues (P>0.05). The expression of RNAK and RNAKL, however, was significantly elevated in necrotic tissues (P<0.05). No significant difference in protein levels of OPG or RANKL between groups. The expression of OPG, RANK and RANKL genes exert a crucial role in the progression of AVN, suggesting their roles in mediating bone homeostasis and potential effects on bone destruction.
Bayard, Cornelia; Ledergerber, Bruno; Flepp, Markus; Lecompte, Thanh; Moulin, Estelle; Hoffmann, Matthias; Weber, Rainer; Staehelin, Cornelia; Di Benedetto, Caroline; Fux, Christoph A; Tarr, Philip E; Aubert, V; Battegay, M; Bernasconi, E; Böni, J; Braun, DL; Bucher, HC; Calmy, A; Cavassini, M; Ciuffi, A; Dollenmaier, G; Egger, M; Elzi, L; Fehr, J; Fellay, J; Furrer, H; Fux, CA; Günthard, HF; Haerry, D; Hasse, B; Hirsch, HH; Hoffmann, M; Hösli, I; Kahlert, C; Kaiser, L; Keiser, O; Klimkait, T; Kouyos, RD; Kovari, H; Ledergerber, B; Martinetti, G; Martinez de Tejada, B; Marzolini, C; Metzner, KJ; Müller, N; Nicca, D; Pantaleo, G; Paioni, P; Rauch, A; Rudin, C; Scherrer, AU; Schmid, P; Speck, R; Stöckle, M; Tarr, P; Trkola, A; Vernazza, P; Wandeler, G; Weber, R; Yerly, S
Abstract Background HIV-infected individuals have an increased risk of avascular bone necrosis (AVN). Antiretroviral therapy (ART) and particularly protease inhibitors (PI) have been implicated as a risk factor. We aimed to study the associations of ART with the occurrence of AVN among Swiss HIV Cohort Study participants (SHCS). Methods We used incidence density sampling to perform a case control study within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) comparing prospectively collected AVN cases and controls by conditional logistic regression analysis. To evaluate the effect of ART, multivariable models were adjusted for HIV transmission risk group, age, alcohol consumption, use of corticosteroids, CD4 nadir, maximum viral load, and pancreatitis. Results We compared 74 AVN cases and 145 controls. Associations with AVN were shown for heterosexual HIV acquisition (odds ratio [OR], 3.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1–10), alcohol consumption (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.3–5.7), and hyperlipidemia (OR, 3.6; 95% CI, 1.4–9.6). After adding ART substances to the multivariable base model, there was evidence of an association for treatment with tenofovir (TDF) >1 year (OR, 4.4; 95% CI, 1.4–14) with AVN. Neither exposure to specific frequently prescribed ART combinations or ART drug classes nor cumulative ART exposure showed any associations with AVN. Conclusions In the HIV-infected population, a combination of risk factors such as heterosexual HIV acquisition, moderate to severe alcohol intake, and hyperlipidemia seem to contribute to AVN. ART does not seem to be a relevant risk factor for AVN. The association of prolonged TDF exposure with AVN needs to be confirmed. PMID:29026869
Failed Pavlik harness treatment for DDH as a risk factor for avascular necrosis.
Tiruveedhula, Madhu; Reading, Isabel C; Clarke, Nicholas M P
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is an irreversible complication seen in the treatment of developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH) with the Pavlik harness. Its incidence is reported to be low after successful reduction of the hip but high if the hip is not concentrically relocated. We aim to investigate its incidence after failed Pavlik harness treatment. We prospectively followed up a group of children who failed Pavlik harness treatment for DDH treated at our institution by the senior author between 1988 and 2001 and compared their rates of AVN with a group of children who presented late and hence were treated surgically. AVN was graded as described by Kalamchi and MacEwen and only grade 2 to 4 AVN was considered significant and included in the analysis. Thirty-seven hips were included in the failed Pavlik group (group 1) and 86 hips in the no Pavlik group (group 2). Ten hips in group 1 developed AVN (27%), whereas only 7 hips in group 2 (8%) developed AVN; the odds of developing AVN after failed Pavlik treatment was 4.7 (95% confidence interval, 1.3-14.1) (P=0.009) with a relative risk of 3.32 (range, 1.37 to 8.05). There was no statistically significant association observed with duration of splintage and severity of AVN (Spearman's correlation, -0.46; P=0.18). However, there was a positive correlation noted with age at presentation and severity of AVN. Therefore, we advise close monitoring of hips in the Pavlik harness and discontinue its use if the hips are not reduced within 3 weeks. Level III.
Kim, Ha Yong; Cha, Yong Han; Choy, Won Sik; Jeung, Sang Wook; Min, Yeon Seung
This research focuses on femoral head wedge resection for the treatment of avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head. A 9-year-old girl presented to the emergency room complaining of right hip pain that occurred after a pedestrian car accident. After 8 months of internal fixation using cannulated screws for Delbet-type 2 fracture of the femoral neck, AVN of the femoral head developed in the patient. Even though valgus-derotation-extension intertrochanteric osteotomy was performed for the treatment of AVN, it progressed further and femoral head wedge resection was performed to recover the femoral head sphericity. After 3 years of follow-up, radiograph results showed appropriate and satisfactory congruency and containment. This research shows that the treatment of AVN of the femoral head using femoral head wedge resection is an effective method that can yield excellent results.
Case report 775. Canine osteosarcoma with associated avascular necrosis and sequestrum formation.
De Smet, A A; Dueland, R T; Dubielzig, R R
A young dog was found to have an osteosarcoma of the proximal femur containing a radiologically evident sequestrum of dead bone. Although the tumor was extensive, the plain films were most remarkable for the presence of a sequestrum. MR scans revealed the extent of the lesion, with low signal throughout the lesion consistent with the heavily calcified tumor and central avascular bone. At the 1-year follow-up, lung metastases had developed, but the dog appeared well.
A meta-analysis of avascular necrosis in systemic lupus erythematosus: prevalence and risk factors.
Nevskaya, Tatiana; Gamble, Maeve P; Pope, Janet E
To determine the prevalence of and risk factors for avascular necrosis (AVN) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science, EMBASE and Cochrane Library were searched from inception to July, 2015 and a random effects model was used to combine frequencies; study quality was assessed using STROBE. 2,041 citations identified 62 articles. Many results had high heterogeneity. The prevalence of symptomatic AVN was 9% (range 0.8%-33%) in SLE and 29% for asymptomatic AVN; femoral head was the most common location (8.0%). High-dose corticosteroids (CS) any CS use, maximum and cumulative dose, pulse therapy, and CS side-effects (hypertension, Cushings, but not diabetes mellitus or hyperlipidaemia) were associated with AVN, as was active SLE (cutaneous vasculitis, renal and neuropsychiatric manifestations, serositis, cytopenias) and Sjögren's, Raynaud's phenomenon, arthritis, cyclophosphamide (but not azathioprine mycophenolate mofetil, or methotrexate) and more damage (excluding musculoskeletal system). Antimalarial drugs were not protective. Rashes and oral ulcers were not associated with AVN. Mean daily dose of CS and duration of CS use had no impact on AVN occurence. Autoantibodies and other immunological markers did not predispose to AVN, except IgM anticardiolipin antibodies which doubled the risk. African Americans experienced more AVN (OR 1.8, p=0.04). AVN may occur in 1/3 of patients with SLE and 9% with symptoms. Features of active organ SLE (CNS, renal, cutaneous vasculitis, serositis, cytopenias) are associated with AVN as are CS, especially early in disease and at high doses. Those with early CS side-effects seem to have the highest risk of AVN.
Kunyakham, Wichak; Foocharoen, Chingching; Mahakkanukrauh, Ajanee; Suwannaroj, Siraphop; Nanagara, Ratanavadee
Avascular necrosis (AVN) has been reported in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and most SLE patients suffer from this problem. To study the prevalence of AVN in Thai SLE patients and to determine the risk factors for developing AVN. A retrospective study was performed, between January 1, 1995 and August 31, 2005, on patients over 15 years of age in Khon Kaen, Thailand. The medical records of 736 SLE patients were reviewed. The female to male ratio was 15.4:1. The prevalence of AVN was 8.8%. The average age at the time of AVN detection was 27 years (range, 18-54) and the average duration of disease 69 months (range, 12-112). All cases were AVN of the hip joint. The factors correlated with AVN included: long duration of disease, history of previous septic arthritis in the ipsilateral hip to the AVN development, hematological involvement, gastrointestinal involvement, arthritis and cutaneous vasculitis. After regression analysis, hematological involvement and long duration of disease were associated with AVN with a respective odds ratio of 3.13 (95% CI 1.13-8.54) and 1.01 (95% CI 1.00-1.02). Neither high-dose steroid nor antimalarial treatment were correlated with AVN in our study and 4.6% (n = 3) of patients had never received steroid therapy during the follow-up period. Prevalence of symptomatic AVN was 8.8% in our SLE patients. A longer duration of disease and hematological involvement were associated with AVN development.
Chiu, Hsien-Yi; Wang, I-Ting; Huang, Weng-Foung; Tsai, Yi-Wen; Shiu, Ming-Neng; Tsai, Tsen-Fang
Avascular necrosis (AVN) and psoriasis have some pathogenic mechanisms and associated conditions in common. To examine the association between psoriasis and AVN. This study used data from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database for the period 2004-2006 and identified 28,268 patients with psoriasis, who were then matched for age and sex with 113,072 controls without psoriasis from the Taiwan Longitudinal Health Insurance Database 2000. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards models were used for the analysis. The unadjusted risk of AVN was significantly higher for patients with psoriasis than for controls (hazard ratio [HR] 2.29) and remained significant after adjustment for other risk factors (adjusted HR 1.96; 95% confidence interval 1.62-2.38). The risk for AVN increased in relation to psoriasis severity and was higher for patients with psoriasis and arthritis than for patients without arthritis. The adjusted HRs were higher for male patients than for female patients and for patients younger than 30 years compared with older patients. We lacked information on daily tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and physical activity. The risk for AVN increased with the disease severity of psoriasis. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH) occurs variably after exposure to corticosteroids. Microvascular thrombosis is a common pathological finding. Since systemic thrombophilia is only weakly linked with ANFH, we propose that microvascular vessel pathology may be more related to local endothelial dysfunction and femoral head apoptosis. Corticosteroid effects on the endothelium and resultant apoptosis have been reported. We hypothesize that corticosteroids contribute to a differential gene expression in the femoral head in rats with early ANFH. Methods Besides bone marrow necrosis, which is a common sign in ANFH and reported in the early stages, we include the presence of apoptosis in this study as a criterion for diagnosing early disease. Forty Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats were randomized to either a corticosteroid-treated group or an age-matched control group for six months. After sacrifice, the femoral heads were examined for ANFH. Total mRNA was extracted from femoral heads. Affymetrix exon array (Santa Clara, CA, USA) was performed on 15 selected RNA samples. Validation methods included RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Results Although rat exon array demonstrated a significant upregulation of 51 genes (corticosteroid(+)/ANFH(+) VS control), alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2M) gene was particularly over-expressed. Results were validated by RT-PCR and IHC. Importantly, A2M is known to share vascular, osteogenic and cartilage functions relevant for ANFH. Conclusions The findings suggest that corticosteroid-induced ANFH in rats might be mediated by A2M. Investigation of A2M as a potential marker, and a treatment target, for early ANFH should be carried out. PMID:20579363
Spontaneous resolution of avascular necrosis of femoral heads following cure of Cushing's syndrome.
Pazderska, A; Crowther, S; Govender, P; Conlon, K C; Sherlock, M; Gibney, J
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a rare presenting feature of endogenous hypercortisolism. If left untreated, complete collapse of the femoral head may ensue, necessitating hip replacement in up to 70% of patients. The majority of the described patients with AVN due to endogenous hypercortisolaemia required surgical intervention. A 36-year-old female, investigated for right leg pain, reported rapid weight gain, bruising and secondary amenorrhoea. She had abdominal adiposity with violaceous striae, facial plethora and hirsutism, atrophic skin, ecchymosis and proximal myopathy. Investigations confirmed cortisol excess (cortisol following low-dose 48h dexamethasone suppression test 807nmol/L; 24h urinary free cortisol 1443nmol (normal<290nmol)). Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) was <5.0pg/mL. CT demonstrated subtle left adrenal gland hypertrophy. Hypercortisolaemia persisted after left adrenalectomy. Histology revealed primary pigmented micronodular adrenal disease. Post-operatively, right leg pain worsened and left leg pain developed, affecting mobility. MRI showed bilateral femoral head AVN. She underwent right adrenalectomy and steroid replacement was commenced. Four months after surgery, leg pain had resolved and mobility was normal. Repeat MRI showed marked improvement of radiological abnormalities in both femoral heads, consistent with spontaneous healing of AVN. We report a case of Cushing's syndrome due to primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease, presenting with symptomatic AVN of both hips. This was managed conservatively from an orthopaedic perspective. Following cure of hypercortisolaemia, the patient experienced excellent recovery and remains symptom free 4 years after adrenalectomy. This is the first report of a favourable outcome over long-term follow-up of a patient with bilateral AVN of the hip, which reversed with treatment of endogenous hypercortisolaemia. AVN of femoral head can be a presenting feature of hypercortisolism, both endogenous and
Histopathology of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in sickle cell disease.
Mukisi-Mukaza, Martin; Gomez-Brouchet, Anne; Donkerwolcke, Monique; Hinsenkamp, Maurice; Burny, Franz
This study compares the histopathology of bone biopsies from patients suffering from sickle cell anaemia (homozygote SS) to heterozygote patients (SA) and homozygotes with aseptic osteonecrosis (AA). The sensitivity to bacterial infection of sickle cell patients raises the question of the aetiology of sepsis in the onset of the necrosis. To our knowledge this study is the first to analyse the histopathology of osteonecrosis of the femoral head, at its early stages, in sickle cell anaemia. At the University Hospital of Pointe-à-Pitre, from 1994 to 2007, 38 bone biopsies were obtained from adult patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head at the time of a core decompression procedure (SS, SC: 27; AS: 5; AA: 6). The histology of the biopsies confirmed the necrosis; all bacteriological cultures were negative. Patients displaying one S gene (SS, SC, AS) compared to homozygote subjects (AA) showed a significant increase of a nonspecific inflammatory granulomatosis (p = 0.003). No relationship was observed between the radiological stages and the histology whatever the genotype (p = 0.1). Inflammatory histopathology without sepsis or advanced alteration characterises the early stages of sickle cell necrosis. This inflammatory process is absent in idiopathic avascular necrosis.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Surmik, Dawid; Rothschild, Bruce M.; Dulski, Mateusz; Janiszewska, Katarzyna
Avascular necrosis, diagnosed on the basis of either a specific pathological modification of the articular surfaces of bone or its radiologic appearance in vertebral centra, has been recognized in many Mesozoic marine reptiles as well as in present-day marine mammals. Its presence in the zoological and paleontologic record is usually associated with decompression syndrome, a disease that affects secondarily aquatic vertebrates that could dive. Bone necrosis can also be caused by infectious processes, but it differs in appearance from decompression syndrome-associated aseptic necrosis. Herein, we report evidence of septic necrosis in the proximal articular surface of the femur of a marine reptile, Pistosaurus longaevus, from the Middle Triassic of Poland and Germany. This is the oldest recognition of septic necrosis associated with septic arthritis in the fossil record so far, and the mineralogical composition of pathologically altered bone is described herein in detail. The occurrence of septic necrosis is contrasted with decompression syndrome-associated avascular necrosis, also described in Pistosaurus longaevus bone from Middle Triassic of Germany.
The "starfield" pattern of cerebral fat embolism from bone marrow necrosis in sickle cell crisis.
Dhakal, Laxmi P; Bourgeois, Kirk; Barrett, Kevin M; Freeman, William D
Sickle cell disease may manifest with cerebrovascular and systemic complications. Sickle crisis that results in avascular necrosis of long bones with resultant cerebral fat embolism syndrome is rare and has a characteristic "starfield" pattern on MRI. This "starfield" MRI pattern should raise suspicion for sickle cell crisis in patients without a known history of the disease, which can lead to earlier sickle cell red blood cell exchange transfusion and treatment. We present a case of a male who presented emergently with acute seizure, coma with a characteristic MRI pattern, which lead to the diagnosis of avascular bone marrow necrosis and cerebral fat embolism syndrome from sickle cell crisis.
Schachtner, Thomas; Otto, Natalie M; Reinke, Petra
Kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) are at increased risk of avascular necrosis (AVN) due to bone disorder, steroid use and common comorbidities. However, knowledge on risk factors and outcomes of AVN among KTRs in the modern era of immunosuppression remains scarce. We analysed 765 KTRs between 2001 and 2013 for AVN. Cases of symptomatic AVN were diagnosed by hip X-ray, radioisotope bone scan or magnetic resonance imaging. We evaluated risk factors and clinical characteristics of AVN. KTRs showed a constant incidence rate of AVN of 4.1% at 10 years after transplantation. The use of cyclosporine compared with tacrolimus was identified as an independent risk factor, with a rate of 8.0% compared with 2.7% at 10 years (P < 0.01). In addition, male gender was independently associated with AVN (P = 0.047). Eighty-three per cent of AVN cases were of the femoral head and treated operatively. None of the operated KTRs experienced complications in the long term. Thirty-three per cent of KTRs had bilateral AVN. Ninety-two per cent of KTRs showed AVN at the allograft side. The decreasing incidence of AVN may be attributed to the replacement of cyclosporine by tacrolimus over the last decade. Our data raise the hypothesis of an ischaemic steal syndrome due to the allograft kidney impacting AVN at the allograft side.
Aseptic Bone Necrosis Among U.S. Navy Divers: Survey of 934 Nonrandomly Selected Personnel
Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, D.C. Kawashima, M., T. Torisu, K. Hayashi, and Y. Kamo. 1974. Avascular bone necrosis in Japanese diving...5ÜL ^4- P=- 7 RESEM^a^ATORY SUBMARINE BASE, GROTON, CONN. REPORT NUMBER 854 ASEPTIC BONE NECROSIS AMONG U. S. NAVY DIVERS: Survey of 934...Approved for public release; distribution unlimited SUMMARY PAGE THE PROBLEM Aseptic boire~ necrosis tABN) has beelTknown toT5e~ associated with
Han, Yong; Lee, June-Kyung; Lee, Bong-Yeon; Kee, Hoi-Sung; Jung, Kwang-Ik; Yoon, Seo-Ra
To evaluate the effectiveness of lower energy flux density (EFD) extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) in the early stage of avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head. Nineteen patients and 30 hips were enrolled. All subjects received 4 weekly sessions of ESWT, at different energy levels; group A (n=15; 1,000 shocks/session, EFD per shock 0.12 mJ/mm 2 ) and group B (n=15; 1,000 shocks/session, EFD per shock 0.32 mJ/mm 2 ). We measured pain by using the visual analog scale (VAS), and disability by using the Harris hip score, Hip dysfunction and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS), and the Western Ontario and McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). To determine the effect of the lower EFD ESWT, we assessed the VAS, Harris hip score, HOOS, WOMAC of the subjects before and at 1, 3, and 6 months. In both groups, the VAS, Harris hip score, HOOS, and WOMAC scores improved over time (p<0.05). Lower EFD ESWT may be an effective method to improve the function and to relieve pain in the early stage of AVN.
Kellam, Patrick; Ostrum, Robert F
To determine the incidence rate and associative factors for the development of avascular necrosis (AVN) and posttraumatic arthritis (PTA) after traumatic hip dislocation and time to reduction. A comprehensive search of databases including PubMed, Cochrane Database, and Embase through April 2014 for English articles reporting complications of AVN and PTA after hip dislocation was performed. Inclusion criteria were English-only studies, a patient population of adults, study outcomes of AVN and/or PTA reported, and articles reported at least type I dislocations. Two authors independently extracted data from the selected studies and the data collected were compared to verify agreement. Random-effects models were used for meta-analysis. The overall event rate of AVN and PTA was calculated and stratified based on Thompson-Epstein of the hip dislocation. Odds ratios were calculated for those articles that reported rates of AVN based on time to reduction. For anterior dislocations, the event rate for AVN ranged from 0.087 to 0.333, whereas the event rate for PTA ranged from 0.125 to 0.700. Analysis of posterior dislocations revealed that the event rate for AVN ranged from 0.106 to 0.430; additionally, the event rate for PTA ranged from 0.194 to 0.586. For posterior hip dislocations and type I and II anterior dislocations, the severity of the injury correlates with an increase in the development of AVN and PTA. The odds ratio of AVN for those hip dislocations reduced after 12 hours versus those reduced before 12 hours was 5.627. Prognostic Level IV. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
The “Starfield” Pattern of Cerebral Fat Embolism From Bone Marrow Necrosis in Sickle Cell Crisis
Dhakal, Laxmi P.; Bourgeois, Kirk; Barrett, Kevin M.
Sickle cell disease may manifest with cerebrovascular and systemic complications. Sickle crisis that results in avascular necrosis of long bones with resultant cerebral fat embolism syndrome is rare and has a characteristic “starfield” pattern on MRI. This “starfield” MRI pattern should raise suspicion for sickle cell crisis in patients without a known history of the disease, which can lead to earlier sickle cell red blood cell exchange transfusion and treatment. We present a case of a male who presented emergently with acute seizure, coma with a characteristic MRI pattern, which lead to the diagnosis of avascular bone marrow necrosis and cerebral fat embolism syndrome from sickle cell crisis PMID:25829988
Samara, Stavroula; Dailiana, Zoe; Chassanidis, Christos; Koromila, Theodora; Papatheodorou, Loukia; Malizos, Konstantinos N; Kollia, Panagoula
Femoral head avascular necrosis (AVN) is a recalcitrant disease of the hip that leads to joint destruction. Osteoprotegerin (OPG), Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa-B (RANK) and RANK ligand (RANKL) regulate the balance between osteoclasts-osteoblasts. The expression of these genes affects the maturation and function of osteoblasts-osteoclasts and bone remodeling. In this study, we investigated the molecular pathways leading to AVN by studying the expression profile of OPG, RANK and RANKL genes. Quantitative Real Time-PCR was performed for evaluation of OPG, RANK and RANKL expression. Analysis was based on parallel evaluation of mRNA and protein levels in normal/necrotic sites of 42 osteonecrotic femoral heads (FHs). OPG and RANKL protein levels were estimated by western blotting. The OPG mRNA levels were higher (insignificantly) in the necrotic than the normal site (p > 0.05). Although the expression of RANK and RANKL was significantly lower than OPG in both sites, RANK and RANKL mRNA levels were higher in the necrotic part than the normal (p < 0.05). Protein levels of OPG and RANKL showed no remarkable divergence. Our results indicate that differential expression mechanisms for OPG, RANK and RANKL that could play an important role in the progress of bone remodeling in the necrotic area, disturbing bone homeostasis. This finding may have an effect on the resulting bone destruction and the subsequent collapse of the hip joint. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Pak, Jaewoo; Lee, Jung Hun; Jeon, Jeong Ho; Lee, Sang Hee
We report a case of a 43-year-old man with early stage (stage 1) avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head treated with adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). ASC-containing stromal vascular fraction was mixed with PRP and hyaluronic acid. This mixture was then injected into the diseased hip under ultrasound guidance. The affected hip was reinjected weekly with additional PRP for 4 weeks. The patient was followed-up with sequential magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans at 3, 18, and 21 months after treatment, together with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Walking Index, Functional Rating Index, Harris Hip Score, and Range of Motion (ROM) assessments. The patient's severe hip pain was considerably improved at 3 months after treatment, with pain scores, ROM and MRI showing near complete resolution of AVN. Pain scores, ROM and MRI at 18 and 21 months after treatment indicated complete resolution of AVN. This case represents the first evidence of complete resolution of early stage AVN of the hip following treatment with ASCs/PRP. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.
Wang, X N; Yang, Q W; Du, Z W; Yu, T; Qin, Y G; Song, Y; Xu, M; Wang, J C
This study aimed to evaluate 12 genes (18S, GAPDH, B2M, ACTB, ALAS1, GUSB, HPRT1, PBGD, PPIA, PUM1, RPL29, and TBP) for their reliability and stability as reference sequences for real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) in bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) isolated from patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH). BMSCs were isolated from 20 ANFH patients divided into four groups according to etiology, and four donors with femoral neck fractures. Total RNA was isolated from BMSCs and reverse transcribed into complementary DNA, which served as a template for RT-qPCR. Three commonly used programs were then used to analyze the results. Reference gene expression varied within each group, between specific groups, and among all five groups. Based on comparisons of all five groups, two of the programs used suggested that HPRT1 was the most stable reference gene, while 18S and ACTB were the most variable. Among the 12 candidate reference genes, HPRT1 exhibited the greatest reliability, followed by PPIA. Thus, these sequences could be used as references for the normalization of RT-qPCR results.
Kim, Ji Wan; Oh, Jong-Keon; Byun, Young-Soo; Shon, Oog-Jin; Park, Jai Hyung; Oh, Hyoung Keun; Shon, Hyun Chul; Park, Ki Chul; Kim, Jung Jae; Lim, Seung-Jae
Abstract The goal of this study was to determine the incidence of avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVNFH) after intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures and to identify risk factors for developing AVNFH. We retrospectively reviewed all patients with femoral shaft fractures treated with antegrade intramedullary nailing at 10 institutions. Among the 703 patients enrolled, 161 patients were excluded leaving 542 patients in the study. Average age was 42.1 years with average follow-up of 26.3 months. Patient characteristics and fracture patterns as well as entry point of femoral nails were identified and the incidence of AVNFH was investigated. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to open versus closed physis, open versus closed fractures, and age (<20 versus ≥20 years). Overall incidence of AVNFH was 0.2% (1 of 542): the patient was 15-year-old boy. Of 25 patients with open physis, the incidence of AVNFH was 4%, whereas none of 517 patients with closed physis developed AVNFH (P < 0.001). The incidence of AVNFH in patients aged < 20 versus ≥20 years was 1.1% (1 of 93) and 0.0% (0 of 449), respectively (P = 0.172), which meant that the incidence of AVNFH was 0% in adult with femur shaft fracture. Of 61 patients with open fractures, the incidence of AVNFH was 0%. The number of cases with entry point at the trochanteric fossa or tip of the greater trochanter (GT) was 324 and 218, respectively, and the incidence of AVNFH was 0.3% and 0.0%, respectively (P = 0.412). In patients aged ≥20 years with isolated femoral shaft fracture, there was no case of AVNFH following antegrade intramedullary nailing regardless of the entry point. Therefore, our findings suggest that the risk of AVNFH following antegrade femoral nailing is extremely low in adult patients. PMID:26844518
Yu, Tiffany; Campbell, Timothy; Ciuffetelli, Isabella; Haywood, Carlton; Carroll, C. Patrick; Resar, Linda M.S.; Strouse, John J.; Lanzkron, Sophie
Objectives Sickle cell disease (SCD) is associated with high healthcare utilization rates and poor outcomes in a subset of patients, although the underlying factors that predict this phenotype are poorly understood. Prior studies suggest that comorbid avascular necrosis (AVN) contributes to high healthcare utilization. We sought to clarify whether AVN independently predicts acute care utilization in adults with SCD and to identify characteristics of those with AVN that predict higher utilization. Methods We reviewed the medical records of 87 patients with SCD with symptomatic AVN and compared acute care utilization and clinical characteristics with 87 sex- and age-matched patients with SCD without symptomatic AVN. Patients with ≥2 years of follow-up were included. Outcomes were compared using bivariate analysis and multivariate regression. Results Our study included 1381 follow-up years, with a median of 7 years per patient. The AVN cohort had greater median rates of urgent care visits (3.2/year vs 1.3/year; P = 0.0155), admissions (1.3/year vs 0.4/year; P = 0.0002), and admission days (5.1 days/year vs 1.8 days/year; P = 0.0007). History of high utilization (odds ratio [OR] 4.28; P = 0.001), acute chest syndrome (OR 3.12; P = 0.005), pneumonia (OR 3.20; P = 0.023), hydroxyurea therapy (OR 2.23; P = 0.0136), and long-term transfusion (OR 2.33; P = 0.014) were associated with AVN. In a median regression model, AVN, acute chest syndrome, and pneumonia were independently associated with greater urgent care visits and admissions. Conclusions Symptomatic AVN was found to be an independent risk factor for acute care utilization in patients with SCD. Because this is a potentially modifiable factor, further studies are urgently needed to determine whether AVN prevention/early treatment interventions will alter utilization and improve outcomes for patients with SCD. PMID:27598353
Yu, Tiffany; Campbell, Timothy; Ciuffetelli, Isabella; Haywood, Carlton; Carroll, Christopher Patrick; Resar, Linda; Strouse, John J; Lanzkron, Sophie
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is associated with high healthcare utilization rates and poor outcomes in a subset of patients, although the underlying factors that predict this phenotype are poorly understood. Prior studies suggest that comorbid avascular necrosis (AVN) contributes to high healthcare utilization. We sought to clarify whether AVN independently predicts acute care utilization in adults with SCD and to identify characteristics of those with AVN that predict higher utilization. We reviewed the medical records of 87 patients with SCD with symptomatic AVN and compared acute care utilization and clinical characteristics with 87 sex- and age-matched patients with SCD without symptomatic AVN. Patients with ≥2 years of follow-up were included. Outcomes were compared using bivariate analysis and multivariate regression. Our study included 1381 follow-up years, with a median of 7 years per patient. The AVN cohort had greater median rates of urgent care visits (3.2/year vs 1.3/year; P = 0.0155), admissions (1.3/year vs 0.4/year; P = 0.0002), and admission days (5.1 days/year vs 1.8 days/year; P = 0.0007). History of high utilization (odds ratio [OR] 4.28; P = 0.001), acute chest syndrome (OR 3.12; P = 0.005), pneumonia (OR 3.20; P = 0.023), hydroxyurea therapy (OR 2.23; P = 0.0136), and long-term transfusion (OR 2.33; P = 0.014) were associated with AVN. In a median regression model, AVN, acute chest syndrome, and pneumonia were independently associated with greater urgent care visits and admissions. Symptomatic AVN was found to be an independent risk factor for acute care utilization in patients with SCD. Because this is a potentially modifiable factor, further studies are urgently needed to determine whether AVN prevention/early treatment interventions will alter utilization and improve outcomes for patients with SCD.
Goker, Berna; Block, Joel A
The risk of developing bilateral disease progressing to total hip arthroplasty (THA) among patients who undergo unilateral THA for non-traumatic avascular necrosis (AVN) remains poorly understood. An analysis of the time-course to contralateral THA, as well as the effects of underlying AVN risk factors, is presented. Forty-seven consecutive patients who underwent THA for AVN were evaluated. Peri-operative and annual post-operative antero-posterior pelvis radiographs were examined for evidence of contralateral involvement. Patient age, weight, height, underlying AVN risk factor(s), date of onset of contralateral hip pain if occurred, and date of contralateral THA if performed, were recorded. Bone scan, computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging data were utilized when available. Twenty-one patients (46.6%) underwent contralateral THA for AVN within a median of 9 months after the initial THA (range 0-93, interquartile range 28.5 months). The median follow-up for patients without contralateral THA was 75 months (range 3-109, interquartile range 69 months). Thirty-four patients had radiographic findings of contralateral AVN at study entry; 25 were symptomatic bilaterally at entry and 7 developed contralateral symptoms within a mean time of 12 months (median 10 months, interquartile range 12 months). None of the 13 patients who were free of radiographic evidence of contralateral AVN at study entry developed evidence of AVN during the follow-up. AVN associated with glucocorticoid use was more likely to manifest as bilateral disease than either idiopathic AVN or ethanol-associated AVN (P=0.02 and P=0.03 respectively). Radiographically-evident AVN in the contralateral hip at THA is unlikely to remain asymptomatic for a prolonged period of time. Conversely, asymptomatic contralateral hips without radiographic evidence of AVN are unlikely to develop clinically significant AVN.
Zhang, X-L; Wang, Y-M; Chu, K; Wang, Z-H; Liu, Y-H; Jiang, L-H; Chen, X; Zhou, Z-Y; Yin, G
In view of the high occurrence of avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH) after femoral neck fracture and the difficulties in the treatment, our work aimed to explore the effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) combined with tri-calcium phosphate (TCP) on the repair of ANFH after femoral neck fracture and to provide reference for clinical treatment. Thirty New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into control group, TCP group, and PRP+TCP group. The rabbit ANFH model was established and femoral head tissues were collected. HE staining was used for histological observation. Image analysis and statistical analysis were used to calculate the New Bone Area fraction (NBA %). The levels of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-7, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a in serum were detected by Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA). The new bone area of TCP group was significantly lower than that of PRP+TCP group (p<0.05). Compared with the control group, the levels of BMP-7, TGF-β1 and bFGF were significantly increased in both TCP and PRP+TCP groups (p<0.05), and the increase in PRP+TCP group was higher than that in TCP group. TCP and PRP+TCP can both significantly reduce the content of IL-6 and TNF-a (p<0.05); however, higher decrease was found in PRP+TCP group compared with the TCP group at 8 weeks after injection. PRP combined with TCP, which can promote new bone formation and inhibit inflammatory response, showed higher efficiency in repairing ANFH than internal fixation alone.
Long-term Clinical Results after Iloprost Treatment for Bone Marrow Edema and Avascular Necrosis
Claßen, Tim; Becker, Antonia; Landgraeber, Stefan; Haversath, Marcel; Li, Xinning; Zilkens, Christoph; Krauspe, Rüdiger; Jäger, Marcus
The treatments of avascular osteonecrosis (AVN) include both conservative and surgical methods which are dependent on the stage and progression of the disease. The vasoactive-prostaglandin-analogue iloprost (PGI2) has been utilized in several areas of medicine and recently has been used for the treatment of AVN. A total of 108 patients with 136 osteonecrosis of different joints, etiology and severity were treated with iloprost. The mean follow-up was 49.71 months: range 15-96 months, and outcome measurements recorded regarding subjective complaints, visual analog scale (pain), function and survival. The outcome scores used include the Harris Hip Score, Knee Society score, Foot and Ankle Survey, visual analogue scale (VAS) and a separate questionnaire. The location and etiology of AVN in our study demonstrated the typical pattern. All of the observed side effects of the therapy were minor and completely reversible. Most of patients (74.8%) showed a significant improvement of subjective complaints and decrease in VAS pain scores after the treatment with iloprost. However, 20% of the treated joints with the stadium Association for Research on Osseous Circulation (ARCO) grade 2, 71% with ARCO 3 and 100% with ARCO 4 underwent subsequent total joint replacement. The medical treatment of bone marrow edema or avascular osteonecrosis by Iloprost provides an safe and effective alternative strategy in the management of AVN presenting in the early stages (ARCO 1 or 2). For more advanced stages (ARCO 3 or 4), surgical intervention should be prioritized. PMID:27114807
Spinal bone marrow necrosis with vertebral compression fracture: differentiation of BMN from AVN.
Nix, J S; Fitzgerald, R T; Samant, R S; Harrison, M; Angtuaco, E J
Bone marrow necrosis (BMN) is a rare malignancy-associated hematologic disorder characterized by necrosis of myeloid and stromal marrow elements with preservation of cortical bone. Overlap between the imaging appearances of BMN and avascular necrosis (AVN) raises the potential for diagnostic confusion. We report a case of BMN presenting with a traumatic multi-level vertebral body collapse, and finding that may potentially confound distinction between the two entities. We discuss important pathophysiologic, clinical, and radiologic differences between BMN and AVN with emphasis on features important in the differential diagnosis.
Sparling, M; Malleson, P; Wood, B; Petty, R
Evidence of deleterious effects following intraarticular injection of triamcinolone hexacetonide was sought through a review of radiographs of 145 joints of 55 children with chronic arthritis. Possible deleterious effects were noted in 16 joints of 11 patients. These effects included: small patella (2 joints), patellar osteochondritis dissecans (1 joint), periarticular calcification (9 joints), intraarticular tibial bony spur (1 joint), avascular necrosis of the distal radial epiphysis (2 joints), and avascular necrosis of the proximal femoral epiphysis (1 joint). Only the latter possible complication was symptomatic. Serial radiographs of 76 joints of 30 children showed mild progressive changes compatible with the underlying disease, except in the hip joint, where changes were more severe. The intraarticular injection of triamcinolone hexacetonide is a procedure that appears to be associated with an acceptably low frequency of radiologic abnormalities for many joints in children with chronic arthritis, but its effects on the hip joint remain uncertain.
[Changes of blood vessels in glucocorticoid-induced avascular necrosis of femoral head in rabbits].
Zhou, Q; Li, Q; Yang, L; Liu, F
To evaluate the effects of fatty tamponade in medullary cavity (serious intramedullary fatty infiltration) on the changes of blood vessels in femoral heads during the pathological process of glucocorticoid (GC)-induced avascular necrosis (AVM) of the femoral heads. The animal model of AVN was established with injection of dexamethasone (DEX) at a high dose of 2.5 mg x kg(-1) x d(-1) in rabbits. Histopathological and morphological changes of blood vessels in the femoral heads were investigated during GC-treatment and after the cessation scanning electron microscope, light microscope, and image analysis. At the 2nd week of DEX-treatment, the fatty tamponade in the medullary cavity appeared in the femoral heads. Intramedullary vascular sinusoids were pressed by an excess of lipocytes and became narrow. The impressions of lipocytes on the surface of vascular sinusoids were definitely displayed on the vascular casts and ink-perfused slides of the femoral heads. These changes were pronounced with the prolongation of the treatment and the vascular sinusoids gradually lost their characteristics. Image analysis showed that the vascular area in the femoral heads continuously decreased. At the 8th week, the effects of fatty tamponade were the most marked. Intramedullary vessels became very sparse and the vascular area decreased to 1/4 of the controls. At the 6th week after the GC-treatment cessation, intramedullary fatty infiltration still existed. The blood vessels were fine and sparse, and the structural features of vascular sinusoids disappeared in the load-bearing regions of the femoral heads. At the 4th week, typical osteonecrosis focuses appeared in the femoral heads. The focuses became larger and the degree of osteonecrosis was increasing with the time of experiment. The fatty tamponade in the medullary cavity is one of the important pathological factors causing ischemic damage to the femoral heads, and plays an important role in the early stage of GC-induced AVN.
Koczewski, P; Napiontek, M
We studied 10 patients treated because of late avascular necrosis (AVN) mimicking Legg-Calvé-Perthes' disease (LCPD) after developmental dislocation of the hip (DDH). DDH was recognized late at an average age of 5.4 months and in all children it was treated without surgery. In 4 children, the treatment was complicated by mild AVN of the femoral head, which had disappeared before 3 years of age. The first clinical signs of LCPD were noted at a mean age of 5.8 years. They all had Catterall's type III or IV of LCPD. The course was typical of LCPD. 8 children were operated on at mean age of 7.4 (5-12) years. In 7 of them, subtrochanteric derotation-varisation osteotomy of the femur with shortening combined mainly with Dega's pelvic osteotomy was done. The operative treatment resulted in a concentric position of the femoral head and good coverage of the acetabulum. Follow-ups were done at 10 (6-35) years. Shortened femoral neck and trochanteric overgrowth occurred in 4 operated hips. According to the Stulberg classification, 2 hips were classified as type I, 1 as I/II, 5 as II/I as II/III and 1 as IV. We conclude that LCPD mimicking late AVN can occur in hips treated because of developmental dislocation.
Background Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head (FH) is believed to be caused by a multitude of etiologic factors and is associated with significant morbidity in younger populations. Eventually, the disease progresses and results in FH collapse. Thus, a focus on early disease management aimed at joint preservation by preventing or delaying progression is key. The use of stem cells (SC) for the treatment of AVN of the FH has been proposed. We undertook a systematic review of the medical literature examining the use of SC for the treatment of early stage (precollapse) AVN of the FH, in both pre-clinical and clinical studies. Methods Data collected included: Pre-clinical studies – model of AVN, variety and dosage of SC, histologic and imaging analyses. Clinical studies – study design, classification and etiology of AVN, SC dosage and treatment protocol, incidence of disease progression, patient reported outcomes, volume of necrotic lesion and hip survivorship. Results In pre-clinical studies, the use of SC uniformly demonstrated improvements in osteogenesis and angiogenesis, yet source of implanted SC was variable. In clinical studies, groups treated with SC showed significant improvements in patient reported outcomes; however hip survivorship was not affected. Discrepancies regarding dose of SC, AVN etiology and disease severity were present. Conclusions Routine use of this treatment method will first require further research into dose and quality optimization as well as confirmed improvements in hip survivorship. PMID:24886648
Fox, M G; Wang, D T; Chhabra, A B
Determine the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of unenhanced and enhanced MRI in diagnosing scaphoid proximal pole (PP) avascular necrosis (AVN) and correlate whether MRI can help guide the selection of a vascularized or nonvascularized bone graft. The study was approved by the IRB. Two MSK radiologists independently performed a retrospective review of unenhanced and enhanced MRIs from 18 patients (16 males, 2 females; median age, 17.5 years) with scaphoid nonunions and surgery performed within 65 days of the MRI. AVN was diagnosed on the unenhanced MRI when a diffusely decreased T1-W signal was present in the PP and on the enhanced MRI when PP enhancement was less than distal pole enhancement. Surgical absence of PP bleeding was diagnostic of PP AVN. Postoperative osseous union (OU) was assessed with computed tomography and/or radiographs. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for PP AVN were 71, 82 and 78% for unenhanced and 43, 82 and 67% for enhanced MRI. Patients with PP AVN on unenhanced MRI had 86% (6/7) OU; 100% (5/5) OU with vascularized bone grafts and 50% (1/2) OU with nonvascularized grafts. Patients with PP AVN on enhanced MRI had 80% (4/5) OU; 100% (3/3) OU with vascularized bone grafts and 50% (1/2) OU with nonvascularized grafts. Patients with viable PP on unenhanced and enhanced MRI had 91% (10/11) and 92% (12/13) OU, respectively, all but one with nonvascularized graft. When PP AVN is evident on MRI, OU is best achieved with vascularized grafts. If PP AVN is absent, OU is successful with nonvascularized grafts.
Andriolo, Luca; Merli, Giulia; Tobar, Carlos; Altamura, Sante Alessandro; Kon, Elizaveta; Filardo, Giuseppe
The aim of this study was to document the available evidence on the use of regenerative techniques for the treatment of femoral head osteonecrosis (or avascular necrosis of femoral head, AVN) and to understand their benefit compared to core decompression (CD) alone in avoiding failure and the need for total hip replacement (THR). The search was conducted on three medical electronic databases according to PRISMA guidelines. The studies reporting number and timing of failures were included in a meta-analysis calculating cumulative survivorship with a Kaplan-Mayer curve. Moreover, the results on failures in treatment groups reported in RCT were compared with those documented in control groups, in order to understand the benefit of biological therapies compared to CD for the treatment of AVN. Forty-eight studies were included in this systematic review, reporting results of different types of regenerative techniques: mesenchymal stem cell implantation in the osteonecrotic area, intra-arterial infiltration with mesenchymal stem cells, implantation of bioactive molecules, or platelet-rich plasma. Overall, reported results were good, with a cumulative survivorship of 80% after ten year follow-up, and better results when regenerative treatments were combined to CD compared to CD alone (89.9% vs 70.6%, p < 0.0001). Regenerative therapies offer good clinical results for the treatment of AVN. The combination of CD with regenerative techniques provides a significant improvement in terms of survivorship over time compared with CD alone. Further studies are needed to identify the best procedure and the most suitable patients to benefit from regenerative treatments for AVN.
Burrus, M Tyrrell; Cancienne, Jourdan M; Boatright, Jeffrey D; Yang, Scott; Brockmeier, Stephen F; Werner, Brian C
Humeral head avascular necrosis (AVN) of differing etiologies may lead to shoulder arthroplasty due to subchondral bone collapse and deformity of the articular surface. There have been no large studies evaluating the complications for these patients after they undergo total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA). The first objective of this study is to evaluate the complication rate after TSA in patients with humeral head AVN. The secondary objective is to compare the complication rates among the different etiologies of the AVN. Patients who underwent TSA were identified in the PearlDiver database using ICD-9 codes. Patients who underwent shoulder arthroplasty for humeral head AVN were identified using ICD-9 codes and were subclassified according to AVN etiology (posttraumatic, alcohol use, chronic steroid use, and idiopathic). Complications evaluated included postoperative infection within 6 months, dislocation within 1 year, revision shoulder arthroplasty up to 8 years postoperatively, shoulder stiffness within 1 year, and periprosthetic fracture within 1 year and systemic complications within 3 months. Postoperative complication rates were compared to controls. The study cohorts included 4129 TSA patients with AVN with 141,778 control TSA patients. Patients with posttraumatic AVN were significantly more likely to have a postoperative infection (OR 2.47, P < 0.001), dislocation (OR 1.45, P = 0.029), revision surgery (OR 1.53, P = 0.001), stiffness (OR 1.24, P = 0.042), and systemic complication (OR 1.49, P < 0.001). Steroid-associated AVN was associated with a significantly increased risk for a postoperative infection (OR 1.72, P = 0.004), revision surgery (OR 1.33, P = 0.040), fracture (OR 2.76, P = 0.002), and systemic complication (OR 1.59, P < 0.001). Idiopathic and alcohol-associated AVN were not significantly associated with any of the postoperative evaluated complications. TSA in patients with humeral head AVN is associated with
Tribological changes in the articular cartilage of a human femoral head with avascular necrosis.
Seo, Eun-Min; Shrestha, Suman K; Duong, Cong-Truyen; Sharma, Ashish Ranjan; Kim, Tae-Woo; Vijayachandra, Ayyappan; Thompson, Mark S; Cho, Myung Guk; Park, Sungchan; Kim, Kwanghoon; Park, Seonghun; Lee, Sang-Soo
The present study evaluated the tribological properties of the articular cartilage surface of the human femoral head with postcollapse stage avascular necrosis (AVN) using atomic force microscopy. The cartilage surface in the postcollapse stage AVN of the femoral head was reported to resemble those of disuse conditions, which suggests that the damage could be reversible and offers the possibilities of success of head-sparing surgeries. By comparing the tribological properties of articular cartilage in AVN with that of osteoarthritis, the authors intended to understand the cartilage degeneration mechanism and reversibility of AVN. Human femoral heads with AVN were explanted from the hip replacement surgery of four patients (60-83 years old). Nine cylindrical cartilage samples (diameter, 5 mm and height, 0.5 mm) were sectioned from the weight-bearing areas of the femoral head with AVN, and the cartilage surface was classified according to the Outerbridge Classification System (AVN0, normal; AVN1, softening and swelling; and AVN2, partial thickness defect and fissuring). Tribological properties including surface roughness and frictional coefficients and histochemistry including Safranin O and lubricin staining were compared among the three groups. The mean surface roughness Rq values of AVN cartilage increased significantly with increasing Outerbridge stages: Rq = 137 ± 26 nm in AVN0, Rq = 274 ± 49 nm in AVN1, and Rq = 452 ± 77 nm in AVN2. Significant differences in Rq were observed among different Outerbridge stages in all cases (p < 0.0001). The frictional coefficients (μ) also increased with increasing Outerbridge stages. The frictional coefficient values were μ = 0.115 ± 0.034 in AVN0, μ = 0.143 ± 0.025 in AVN1, and μ = 0.171 ± 0.039 in AVN2. Similarly to the statistical analysis of surface roughness, significant statistical differences were detected between different Outerbridge stages in all cases (p < 0.05). Both surface roughness and frictional
Risk factors for avascular necrosis after closed reduction for developmental dysplasia of the hip.
Schur, Mathew D; Lee, Christopher; Arkader, Alexandre; Catalano, Anthony; Choi, Paul D
The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate risk factors of avascular necrosis (AVN) after closed treatment for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). A retrospective review of children diagnosed with DDH at a tertiary-care children's hospital between 1986 and 2009 was performed. The presence of AVN was assessed according to Salter's classification system. Eighty-two affected hips in 70 children with an average age of 10 months at closed reduction (range 1-31 months) and 5 years (range 2-19 years) of follow-up met the inclusion criteria. Twenty-nine (of 82, 35 %) affected hips developed AVN. The use of pre-reduction traction (p = 0.019) increased the risk of AVN, while preoperative Pavlik harness or brace trial (p = 0.28), presence of ossific nucleus at the time of closed reduction (p = 0.16), and adductor tenotomy (p = 0.37) were not significant factors. Laterality (right vs. left) was also not a significant risk factor (p = 0.75), but patients who underwent closed reduction for bilateral DDH were less likely to develop AVN (p = 0.027). Overall, the degree of abduction did not affect the rate of AVN (p = 0.87). However, in patients treated with closed reduction younger than 6 months of age, the rate of AVN was increased with abduction ≥50° (9/15, 60 %) compared to abduction <50° (0/8, 0 %) (p = 0.007). Patients who developed AVN were more likely to require subsequent surgery (p = 0.034) and more likely to report a fair/poor clinical outcome (p = 0.049). The risk of AVN (35 %) following closed reduction and spica casting for DDH is high. The degree of abduction in spica casts appears to be a risk factor in patients ≤6 months old. The authors recommend that abduction in spica casts should be limited to <50° in children younger than 6 months of age. IV.
Modelling the formation of necrotic regions in avascular tumours.
Tindall, M J; Please, C P; Peddie, M J
The mechanisms underlying the formation of necrotic regions within avascular tumours are not well understood. In this paper, we examine the relative roles of nutrient deprivation and of cell death, from both the proliferating phase of the cell cycle via apoptosis and from the quiescent phase via necrosis, in changing the structure within multicellular tumour spheroids and particularly the accumulation of dead cell material in the centre. A mathematical model is presented and studied that accounts for nutrient diffusion, changes in cell cycling rates, the two different routes to cell death as well as active motion of cells and passive motion of the dead cell material. In studying the accumulation of dead cell matter we do not distinguish between the route by which each was formed. The resulting mathematical model is examined for a number of scenarios. Results show that in many cases the size of the necrotic core is closely correlated with low levels in nutrient concentration. However, in certain cases, particularly where the rate of necrosis is large, the resulting necrotic core can lead to regions of non-negligible nutrient concentration-dependent upon the mode of cell death.
Mayers, William; Schwartz, Brian; Schwartz, Aaron; Moretti, Vincent; Goldstein, Wayne; Shah, Ritesh
While a majority of total hip arthroplasty (THA) is performed for osteoarthritis (OA), a significant portion is performed in the setting of avascular necrosis (AVN). The purpose of this study is to evaluate recent trends, patient demographics, and in hospital outcomes for primary THA in the setting of AVN in the United States. The National Hospital Discharge Survey database was searched for patients admitted to US hospitals after a primary THA for the years 2001-2010. Patients were then separated into two groups by ICD-9 diagnosis codes for OA and AVN. The rates of THA for AVN (r = 0.65) and THA for OA (r = 0.82) both demonstrated a positive correlation with time. The mean patient age of the AVN group was significantly lower (56.9 vs 65.9 years, p < 0.01). Men accounted for 51.9 % of the AVN group and 43.0 % of the OA group (p < 0.01). The AVN group had a significantly higher percentage of African Americans (11.2 % vs 5.4 %, p < 0.01) when compared to the OA group. The AVN group had a higher rate of myocardial infarction (0.3 % vs 0.07 %, p = 0.0163) and a higher average number of medical co-morbidities (5.16 vs 4.77, p < 0.01). Patients undergoing THA for AVN were more likely to be younger, male, African American, have more medical co-morbidities, and more likely to have a myocardial infarction than those with OA. While the number of primary THAs performed for AVN in the United States has increased over the past ten years, the rate of primary THA for OA increased at a much more rapid rate.
Mistry, Pramod K; Deegan, Patrick; Vellodi, Ashok; Cole, J Alexander; Yeh, Michael; Weinreb, Neal J
Data from the International Collaborative Gaucher Group Gaucher Registry were analysed to assess the relationship between enzyme replacement therapy with imiglucerase (ERT) and incidence of avascular necrosis (AVN) in type 1 Gaucher disease (GD1), and to determine whether the time interval between diagnosis and initiation of ERT influences the incidence rate of AVN. All patients with GD1 enrolled in the Gaucher Registry who received ERT and did not report AVN prior to starting therapy (n = 2700) were included. The incidence rate of AVN following initiation of ERT was determined. An incidence rate of AVN of 13·8 per 1000 person-years was observed in patients receiving ERT. Patients who initiated ERT within 2 years of diagnosis had an incidence rate of 8·1 per 1000 person-years; patients who started ERT ≥2 years after diagnosis had an incidence rate of 16·6 per 1000 person-years. The adjusted incidence rate ratio was 0·59 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0·36–0·96, P = 0·0343]. Splenectomy was an independent risk factor for AVN (adjusted incidence rate ratio 2·23, 95% CI 1·61–3·08, P < 0·0001). In conclusion, the risk of AVN was reduced among patients who initiated ERT within 2 years of diagnosis, compared to initiating treatment ≥2 years after diagnosis. A higher risk of AVN was observed among patients who had previously undergone splenectomy. PMID:19732054
Faezi, Seyedeh Tahereh; Hoseinian, Azam Sadat; Paragomi, Pedram; Akbarian, Mahmood; Esfahanian, Fatemeh; Gharibdoost, Farhad; Akhlaghi, Maassoumeh; Nadji, Abdolhadi; Jamshidi, Ahmad Reza; Shahram, Farhad; Nejadhosseinian, Mohammad; Davatchi, Fereydoun
Avascular necrosis of bone (AVN) is an important complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Corticosteroid therapy has been underlined as a main risk factor for osteonecrosis. However, AVN development in patients who have never received corticosteroid and the absence of AVN in the majority of the patients, who received corticosteroid, propose a role for non-corticosteroid risk factors in AVN development. This case-control study included two subsets: oral corticosteroid (66 AVN and 248 non-AVN patients) and pulse-therapy subset (39 AVN and 312 non-AVN patients) who have attended our Lupus clinic from 1979 to 2009. Patients received similar cumulative dose corticosteroid, equal maximum dose and 1-year maximum dose of corticosteroid. The demographic data (including sex, age of disease onset, age at the diagnosis of AVN), organs involvement, SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI), Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology-Damage index (SLICC/ACR-DI), number of disease flare ups were compared between two subsets. The mean age of SLE onset was younger (P value = 0.04) in the AVN patients. In oral corticosteroid subset, malar rash (P value < 0.001) and oral ulcer (P value = 0.003) were seen more frequently in non-AVN patients, whereas psychosis (P value = 0.03) was significantly more prevalent AVN subset in oral corticosteroid subset. In corticosteroid pulse subset, no significant difference in clinical features was noted. In oral corticosteroid subset, younger age of disease onset and psychosis were significantly associated with AVN, whereas malar rash and oral ulcer showed negative association AVN.
Negative pressure wound therapy for Gustilo Anderson grade IIIb open tibial fractures.
Park, Chul Hyun; Shon, Oog Jin; Kim, Gi Beom
Traditionally, Gustilo Anderson grade IIIb open tibial fractures have been treated by initial wide wound debridement, stabilization of fracture with external fixation, and delayed wound closure. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical and radiological results of staged treatment using negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) for Gustilo Anderson grade IIIb open tibial fractures. 15 patients with Gustilo Anderson grade IIIb open tibial fractures, treated using staged protocol by a single surgeon between January 2007 and December 2011 were reviewed in this retrospective study. The clinical results were assessed using a Puno scoring system for severe open fractures of the tibia at the last followup. The range of motion (ROM) of the knee and ankle joints and postoperative complication were evaluated at the last followup. The radiographic results were assessed using time to bone union, coronal and sagittal angulations and a shortening at the last followup. The mean score of Puno scoring system was 87.4 (range 67-94). The mean ROM of the knee and ankle joints was 121.3° (range 90°-130°) and 37.7° (range 15°-50°), respectively. Bone union developed in all patients and the mean time to union was 25.3 weeks (range 16-42 weeks). The mean coronal angulation was 2.1° (range 0-4°) and sagittal was 2.7° (range 1-4°). The mean shortening was 4.1 mm (range 0-8 mm). Three patients had partial flap necrosis and 1 patient had total flap necrosis. There was no superficial and deep wound infection. Staged treatment using NPWT decreased the risks of infection and requirement of flap surgeries in Gustilo Anderson grade IIIb open tibial fractures. Therefore, staged treatment using NPWT could be a useful treatment option for Gustilo Anderson grade IIIb open tibial fractures.
Bone-preserving total hip arthroplasty in avascular necrosis of the hip-a matched-pairs analysis.
Merschin, David; Häne, Richard; Tohidnezhad, Mersedeh; Pufe, Thomas; Drescher, Wolf
Short-stem hip arthroplasty has the potential advantage of femoral bone stock preservation, especially in view of the expected revisions in the often relatively young patients. Despite short-stem hip prosthesis are increasingly used for total hip arthroplasty, there are no sufficient mid- and long-term results especially for patients with avascular femoral head osteonecrosis. The present study investigates mid-term functional results as well as the revision rate following implantation of a short-stem prosthesis. In the period 06/2005 until 12/2013, a total of 351 short-stem hip prostheses were implanted. The study included 331 complete data sets. A retrospective analysis was performed using the Oxford Hip Score. All revisions were registered. In a total of 331 prostheses, the Oxford Hip Score was "excellent" in 66.2%, "good" in 12.7%, "fair" in 13.0%, and "poor" in 8.2% with a mean follow-up of 57.4 months (SD ± 29.8; range 24-115). In 26 cases, aseptic osteonecrosis of the hip was the indication (7.9%). The Oxford Hip Score was "excellent" in 66.7%, "good" in 0.0%, "fair" in 20.8%, and "poor" in 12.5%. The cumulated five year survival rate was 96.7%. In mid-term observation, the Metha® short-stem prosthesis shows no disadvantage in functional outcome and in survival time compared to a standard hip stem. Providing a correct indication, the Metha® short stem is a valuable option in total hip arthroplasty for younger patients with avascular osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Evaluation has shown no significant differences between aseptic osteonecrosis and other indications.
Wang, Ya-Jie; Yang, Fan; Wu, Qi-Jun; Pan, Shi-Nong; Li, Lian-Yong
Abstract Background: The risk of avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVN) after treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip is associated with the method of reduction. Some authors have suggested that open reduction is a risk factor for AVN; however, this is controversial. To our knowledge, a quantitative comparison of the incidence of AVN between closed and open reduction has not been conducted. Methods: Published studies were identified by searching PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library up to May, 2015, focusing on the incidence of AVN after closed or open reduction for developmental dysplasia of the hip in children aged <3 years. Patients were age-matched who were treated by either closed or open reduction, but without pelvic or femoral osteotomy. Two authors independently assessed eligibility and abstracted data. Discrepancies were discussed and resolved by consensus. We pooled the odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) from individual studies using a random-effects model and evaluated heterogeneity and publication bias. Results: Nine retrospective studies were included in this analysis. The pooled OR for comparing open reduction with closed reduction for all grades of AVN was 2.26 (95%CI = 1.21–4.22), with moderate heterogeneity (I2 = 44.7%, P = 0.107). The pooled OR for grades II to IV AVN was 2.46 (95%CI = 0.93–6.51), with high heterogeneity (I2 = 69.6%, P = 0.003). A significant association was also found for the further surgery between open and closed reduction, with a pooled OR of 0.30 (95%CI = 0.15–0.60) and moderate heterogeneity (I2 = 46.4%, P = 0.133). No evidence of publication bias or significant heterogeneity between subgroups was detected by meta-regression analyses. Conclusion: Findings from this meta-analysis suggest that open reduction is a risk factor for the development of AVN compared with closed treatment. Future studies are warranted to investigate how open reduction
Liao, Hongxing; Zhong, Zhixiong; Liu, Zhanliang; Li, Liangping; Ling, Zemin; Zou, Xuenong
The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential of bone mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) treated with a combination of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and bone morphogenetic protein-6 (BMP-6) genes for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH). Rat BMSCs were isolated and purified using a density gradient centrifugation method. The purity and characteristics of the BMSCs were detected by cell surface antigens identification using flow cytometry. The experimental groups were administered with one of the following adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector constructs: AAV-green fluorescent protein (AAV-GFP), AAV-BMP-6, AAV-VEGF or AAV-VEGF-BMP-6. The expression of VEGF and BMP-6 was detected by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction, western blotting and ELISA assays. The effects of VEGF and BMP-6 on BMSCs were evaluated by angiogenic and osteogenic assays. The transfected BMSCs were combined with a biomimetic synthetic scaffold poly lactide-co-glycolide (PLAGA) and they were then subcutaneously implanted into nude mice. After four weeks, the implants were analyzed with histology and subsequent immunostaining to evaluate the effects of BMSCs on blood vessel and bone formation in vivo . In the AAV-VEGF-BMP-6 group, the expression levels of VEGF and BMP-6 were significantly increased and human umbilical vein endothelial cells tube formation was significantly enhanced compared with other groups. Capillaries and bone formation in the AAV-VEGF-BMP-6 group was significantly higher compared with the other groups. The results of the present study suggest that BMSCs expressing both VEGF and BMP-6 induce an increase in blood vessels and bone formation, which provides theoretical support for ANFH gene therapy.
Song, Hong-Mei; Wei, Ying-Chen; Li, Nan; Wu, Bin; Xie, Na; Zhang, Kun-Mu; Wang, Shi-Zhong; Wang, He-Ming
The present study aimed to investigate the effects of Wenyangbushen formula on the mRNA and protein expression levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), osteoprotegerin (OPG), receptor activator of nuclear factor (NF)‑κβ ligand (RANK), and RANK ligand (RANKL) in a rabbit model of steroid‑induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head (SANFH). The present study also aimed to examine the potential mechanism underlying the effect of this formula on the treatment of SANFH. A total of 136 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into five groups: Normal group, model group, and three groups treated with the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Wenyangbushen decoction, at a low, moderate and high dose, respectively. The normal group and positive control group were intragastrically administered with saline. The TCM groups were treated with Wenyangbushen decoction at the indicated dosage. Following treatment for 8 weeks, the mRNA and protein expression levels of VEGF, OPG, RANK and RANKL in the femoral head tissues were determined using reverse transcription‑quantitative polymerase chain reaction and western blot analyses, respectively. The data revealed that Wenyangbushen decoction effectively promoted the growth of bone cells, osteoblasts and chondrocytes, and prevented cell apoptosis in the SANFH. The mRNA and protein expression levels of OPG and VEGF were increased, while the levels of RANK and RANKL were reduced in the necrotic tissue of the model group, compared with those in the normal rabbits. Wenyangbushen treatment prevented these changes, manifested by an upregulation in the expression levels of VEGF and OPG, and downregulation in the expression levels of RANK and RANKL in a dose‑dependent manner. It was concluded that treatment with Wenyangbushen formula alleviated necrosis of the femoral head induced by steroids. It was observed to promote bone cell, osteoblast and chondrocyte growth, as well as prevent cell apoptosis. In addition, it
Charoenrook, Victor; Michael, Ralph; de la Paz, Maria Fideliz; Temprano, José; Barraquer, Rafael I
To compare the anatomical and the functional results between osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) and keratoprosthesis using tibial bone autograft (Tibial bone KPro). We reviewed the charts of 258 patients; 145 had OOKP whereas 113 had Tibial bone KPro implanted. Functional success was defined as best corrected visual acuity ≥0.05 on decimal scale and anatomical success as retention of the keratoprosthesis lamina. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were calculated for anatomical and functional survival as well as to estimate the probability of post-op complications. The anatomical survival for both KPro groups was not significantly different and was estimated as 67% for OOKP and 54% for Tibial bone KPro at 10 years after surgery. There was also no difference found after subdividing for primary diagnosis groups such as chemical injury, thermal burn, trachoma and all autoimmune cases combined. Estimated functional survival at 10 years post-surgery was 49% for OOKP and 25% for Tibial bone KPro, which was significantly different. The probability of patients with Tibial bone KPro developing one or more post-operative complications at 10 years after surgery (65%) was significantly higher than those with OOKP (40%). Mucous membrane necrosis and retroprosthetic membrane formation were more common in Tibial bone KPro than OOKP. Both types of autologous biological KPro, OOKP and Tibial bone KPro, had statistically similar rate of keratoprosthesis extrusion. Although functional success rate was significantly higher in OOKP, it may have been influenced by a better visual potential in the patients in this group. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Wang, Benjie; Zhao, Dewei; Guo, Lin; Yang, Lei; Li, Zhigang; Cui, Daping; Tian, Fengde; Liu, Baoyi
To explore the effectiveness of pedicled iliac bone graft transposition for treatment of avascular necrosis of femoral head (ANFH) after femoral neck fracture. Between June 2002 and December 2006, 22 cases (22 hips, 16 left hips and 6 right hips) of ANFH after femoral neck fracture were treated with iliac bone graft pedicled with ascending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex vessels. There were 18 males and 4 females with an age range from 28 to 48 years (mean, 37.5 years). The time from injury to internal fixation was 2-31 days, and all fractures healed within 12 months after internal fixation. The ANFH was diagnosed at 15-40 months (mean, 22 months) after internal fixation. The ANFH duration was 3-11 months (mean, 8 months). According to Association Research Circulation Osseous (ARCO) staging system, 2 hips were classified as stage IIa, 3 hips as stage IIb, 3 hips as stage IIc, 3 hips as stage IIIa, 7 hips as stage IIIb, and 4 hips as stage IIIc. The preoperative Harris hip score (HHS) was 64.10 +/- 5.95. All incisions healed by first intention and the patients had no complication of lung embolism, sciatic nerve injury, lower limb deep venous thrombosis, and numbness and pain of donor site. All patients were followed up 2.5 to 6.3 years (mean, 4.8 years). The fracture healing time was 8-12 months, and no femoral neck fracture recurred. The HHS was 90.20 +/- 5.35 at last follow-up, showing significant difference when compared with the preoperative value (t = -18.447, P = 0.000). The hip function were excellent in 11 hips, good in 10 hips, fair in 1 hip, and the excellent and good rate was 95.5%. Four hips were radiographically progressed in ARCO staging, 18 hips remained stable with a stable rate of 81.8%. Pedicled iliac bone graft transposition is an ideal option for treatment of ANFH after internal fixation of femoral neck fracture for the advantages of femoral head revascularization, sufficient cancellous bone supply, and relatively simple procedure.
Li, Haile; Liu, Danping; Li, Chen; Zhou, Shanjian; Tian, Dachuan; Xiao, Dawei; Zhang, Huan; Gao, Feng; Huang, Jianhua
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-derived exosomes exhibit protective effects on damaged or diseased tissues. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) plays a critical role in bone development. However, HIF-1α is easily biodegradable under normoxic conditions. The bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) were transfected with adenovirus carrying triple point-mutations (amino acids 402, 564, and 803) in the HIF-1α coding sequence (CDS). The mutant HIF-1α can efficiently express functional proteins under normoxic conditions. To date, no study has reported the role of exosomes secreted by mutant HIF-1α modified BMSCs in the recovery of the early steroid-induced avascular necrosis of femoral head (SANFH). In this study, we firstly analyzed exosomes derived from BMSCs modified by mutant (BMSC-Exos MU ) or wild-type HIF-1α (BMSC-Exos WT ). In vitro, we investigated the osteogenic differentiation capacity of BMSCs modified by BMSC-Exos MU or BMSC-Exos WT , and the angiogenesis effects of BMSC-Exos MU and BMSC-Exos WT on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Besides, the healing of the femoral head was also assessed in vivo. We found that the potential of osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs treated with BMSC-Exos MU was higher than the wild-type group in vitro. In addition, BMSC-Exos MU stimulated the proliferation, migration, and tube formation of HUVECs in a dose-dependent manner. Compared with the BMSC-Exos WT or PBS control group, the injection of BMSC-Exos MU into the necrosis region markedly accelerated the bone regeneration and angiogenesis, which were indicated by the increased trabecular reconstruction and microvascular density. Taken together, our data suggest that BMSC-Exos MU facilitates the repair of SANFH by enhancing osteogenesis and angiogenesis. © 2017 International Federation for Cell Biology.
Tse, Sau Mei; Mok, Chi Chiu
Objectives The objective of this paper is to study the time trend and risk factors of avascular bone necrosis (AVN) in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods Between 1999 and 2014, patients who fulfilled the ACR criteria for SLE and developed symptomatic AVN were identified from our cohort database and compared with those without AVN, matched for age, sex and SLE duration. The standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) of AVN in different SLE age groups were calculated from data derived from our hospital registry and population census. Risk factors for AVN were studied by logistic regression, adjusted by a propensity score for ever use of high-dose glucocorticoids (GCs). Results Fifty-five SLE patients with AVN and 220 SLE patients without AVN were studied. There were 104 AVN sites involved, with the hips being most commonly affected (82%). The point prevalence of AVN in our SLE cohort was 7.4%. The SIRs of AVN in our SLE patients were 131 (86.6-199; p < 0.001) and 56.0 (34.3-91.4; p < 0.001), respectively, in the periods 1995-2004 and 2005-2014. In both decades, the age-stratified SIR was highest in the youngest age group (<19 years). AVN patients were more likely to be treated with GCs and had received a significantly higher cumulative dose of prednisolone since SLE diagnosis (16.5 vs 10.7 grams; p = 0.001). The SLE damage score (excluding AVN) was also significantly higher in AVN than non-AVN patients (2.5 vs 0.4; p < 0.001). Logistic regression revealed that preceding septic arthritis of the involved joint (odds ratio (OR) 17.7 (1.5-205); p = 0.02), cushingoid body habitus (OR 2.4 (1.1-5.2); p = 0.04), LDL cholesterol level (OR 1.4 (1.0-1.9); p = 0.04), maximum daily dose of prednisolone (OR 6.4 (1.2-33.3); p = 0.03) and cumulative dose of prednisolone received in the first six months of the first lupus flare (OR 1.3 (1.0-1.8); p = 0.046) were independently associated with AVN. Conclusions AVN is prevalent in SLE
Liao, Hongxing; Zhong, Zhixiong; Liu, Zhanliang; Li, Liangping; Ling, Zemin; Zou, Xuenong
The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential of bone mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) treated with a combination of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and bone morphogenetic protein-6 (BMP-6) genes for the treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH). Rat BMSCs were isolated and purified using a density gradient centrifugation method. The purity and characteristics of the BMSCs were detected by cell surface antigens identification using flow cytometry. The experimental groups were administered with one of the following adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector constructs: AAV-green fluorescent protein (AAV-GFP), AAV-BMP-6, AAV-VEGF or AAV-VEGF-BMP-6. The expression of VEGF and BMP-6 was detected by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction, western blotting and ELISA assays. The effects of VEGF and BMP-6 on BMSCs were evaluated by angiogenic and osteogenic assays. The transfected BMSCs were combined with a biomimetic synthetic scaffold poly lactide-co-glycolide (PLAGA) and they were then subcutaneously implanted into nude mice. After four weeks, the implants were analyzed with histology and subsequent immunostaining to evaluate the effects of BMSCs on blood vessel and bone formation in vivo. In the AAV-VEGF-BMP-6 group, the expression levels of VEGF and BMP-6 were significantly increased and human umbilical vein endothelial cells tube formation was significantly enhanced compared with other groups. Capillaries and bone formation in the AAV-VEGF-BMP-6 group was significantly higher compared with the other groups. The results of the present study suggest that BMSCs expressing both VEGF and BMP-6 induce an increase in blood vessels and bone formation, which provides theoretical support for ANFH gene therapy. PMID:29399103
Rolston, Vineet S; Patel, Anish V; Learch, Thomas J; Li, Dalin; Karayev, Dmitry; Williams, Chadwick; Siddanthi, Madhavi L; Targan, Stephan R; Weisman, Michael H; McGovern, Dermot P B
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is associated with significant morbidity potentially causing severe pain and debility; patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have a higher prevalence of AVN compared with non-IBD populations. The purpose of our study was to determine the prevalence of AVN in our IBD population and to evaluate these subjects for the presence of clinical characteristics associated with AVN on computed tomography (CT) imaging. In 1313 IBD patients with abdomen/pelvis CT scans, we identified 27 patients (2.1%) with CT findings consistent with AVN. Through historical chart review, we confirmed that most patients had prior exposure to steroids, although 2 patients had no documented steroid exposure at all. We found that 59% of the concurrent radiology reports did not comment on the presence of AVN, suggesting that incidental CT findings of AVN among IBD patients are likely underreported. Notably, we found that 63% of these cases had documented complaints of low-back and/or hip pain. Using logistic regression, we found an association between anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-positive status across IBD (P = 0.007) and a smoking history in Crohn disease (P = 0.03) with the presence of AVN. We found that a significant proportion of IBD patients with AVN are reported in their records as not having hip or low-back pain, and review of CT imaging under dedicated bone windows may identify AVN among this population. Our findings also suggest that additional etiological factors, beyond corticosteroids, contribute to the development of AVN in IBD. Further investigation is warranted regarding the mechanisms associated with AVN in IBD.
Gardner, R O E; Bradley, C S; Howard, A; Narayanan, U G; Wedge, J H; Kelley, S P
The incidence of clinically significant avascular necrosis (AVN) following medial open reduction of the dislocated hip in children with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) remains unknown. We performed a systematic review of the literature to identify all clinical studies reporting the results of medial open reduction surgery. A total of 14 papers reporting 734 hips met the inclusion criteria. The mean follow-up was 10.9 years (2 to 28). The rate of clinically significant AVN (types 2 to 4) was 20% (149/734). From these papers 221 hips in 174 children had sufficient information to permit more detailed analysis. The rate of AVN increased with the length of follow-up to 24% at skeletal maturity, with type 2 AVN predominating in hips after five years' follow-up. The presence of AVN resulted in a higher incidence of an unsatisfactory outcome at skeletal maturity (55% vs 20% in hips with no AVN; p < 0.001). A higher rate of AVN was identified when surgery was performed in children aged < 12 months, and when hips were immobilised in ≥ 60° of abduction post-operatively. Multivariate analysis showed that younger age at operation, need for further surgery and post-operative hip abduction of ≥ 60° increased the risk of the development of clinically significant AVN.
Lizaur-Utrilla, Alejandro; Collados-Maestre, Isabel; Miralles-Muñoz, Francisco A; Lopez-Prats, Fernando A
A prospective matched cohort study was performed to compare outcomes of total knee arthroplasties (TKA) between 29 patients with posttraumatic osteoarthritis (POA) after a fracture of tibial plateau and 58 patients underwent routine TKA. Mean follow-up was 6.7 years. There were no significant differences in KSS, WOMAC, SF12 scores or range of motion. In the control group there were no complications. In the posttraumatic group, complications occurred in 4 patients (13.7%) (P=0.010) including partial patellar tendon detachment, superficial infection, skin necrosis, and knee stiffness. Only this last patient required revision for manipulation under anesthesia. Also, there was a revision for tibial aseptic loosening in each group. TKA is an effective treatment for POA after tibial plateau fracture. We recommend the prior removal of hardware, as well as tibial tubercle osteotomy when necessary. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Phase transition in tumor growth: I avascular development
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Izquierdo-Kulich, E.; Rebelo, I.; Tejera, E.; Nieto-Villar, J. M.
We propose a mechanism for avascular tumor growth based on a simple chemical network. This model presents a logistic behavior and shows a “second order” phase transition. We prove the fractal origin of the empirical logistics and Gompertz constant and its relation to mitosis and apoptosis rate. Finally, the thermodynamics framework developed demonstrates the entropy production rate as a Lyapunov function during avascular tumor growth.
Anthropometric measurements of tibial plateau and correlation with the current tibial implants.
Erkocak, Omer Faruk; Kucukdurmaz, Fatih; Sayar, Safak; Erdil, Mehmet Emin; Ceylan, Hasan Huseyin; Tuncay, Ibrahim
The aim of the study was to make an anthropometric analysis at the resected surfaces of the proximal tibia in the Turkish population and to compare the data with the dimensions of tibial components in current use. We hypothesized that tibial components currently available on the market do not fulfil the requirements of this population and a new tibial component design may be required, especially for female patients with small stature. Anthropometric data from the proximal tibia of 226 knees in 226 Turkish subjects were measured using magnetic resonance imaging. We measured the mediolateral, middle anteroposterior, medial and lateral anteroposterior dimensions and the aspect ratio of the resected proximal tibial surface. All morphological data were compared with the dimensions of five contemporary tibial implants, including asymmetric and symmetric design types. The dimensions of the tibial plateau of Turkish knees demonstrated significant differences according to gender (P < 0.05). Among the different tibial implants reviewed, neither asymmetric nor symmetric designs exhibited a perfect conformity to proximal tibial morphology in size and shape. The vast majority of tibial implants involved in this study tend to overhang anteroposteriorly, and a statistically significant number of women (21 %, P < 0.05) had tibial anteroposterior diameters smaller than the smallest available tibial component. Tibial components designed according to anthropometric measurements of Western populations do not perfectly meet the requirements of Turkish population. These data could provide the basis for designing the optimal and smaller tibial component for this population, especially for women, is required for best fit. II.
Ciapetti, Gabriela; Granchi, Donatella; Fotia, Caterina; Savarino, Lucia; Dallari, Dante; Del Piccolo, Nicola; Donati, Davide Maria; Baldini, Nicola
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVN) occurs as common result of various conditions or develops as a primary entity, with a high freqency in young adults. Because of its tendency toward osteoarthritis requiring total hip arthroplasty, alternative treatments are being advocated, including cell therapy with mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). Because osteonecrotic bone is a severely hypoxic tissue, with a 1-3% oxygen tension, the survival and function of multipotent cells is questionable. In this study, the proliferative, immunophenotypic and osteogenic properties of bone marrow (BM)-derived MSCs from a clinical series of patients with AVN were evaluated under in vitro conditions mimicking the hypoxic milieu of AVN to verify the rationale for cell therapy. MSCs retrieved from the iliac crest (BM-MSC) were isolated, expanded and induced to osteogenic differentiation under a 2% pO2 atmosphere (hypoxia) in comparison with the standard 21% pO2 (normoxia) that is routinely used in cell culture assays. Both proliferation and colony-forming ability were significantly enhanced in hypoxia-exposed BM-MSCs compared with BM-MSCs under normoxia. The expression of bone-related genes, including alkaline phosphatase, Type I collagen, and osteocalcin was significantly increased under hypoxia. Moreover, mineral deposition after osteogenic induction was not hampered, but in some cases even enhanced under low oxygen tension. These findings support autologous cell therapy as an effective treatment to stimulate bone healing in the hypoxic microenvironment of AVN. Copyright © 2016 International Society for Cellular Therapy. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Song, Qichun; Ni, Jianlong; Jiang, Hongyuan; Shi, Zhibin
The aim of the study were to evaluate the effect of sildenafil against avascular necrosis of femoral head (ANFH) in a rabbit model, and to study the role of protein kinase G (PKG) pathway and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in ANFH. Three weeks after inducing ANFH with methylprednisolone injection, 45 female adult New Zealand white rabbits were divided into three groups and treated as follows: group SI received daily intraperitoneal sildenafil with a dose of 10 mg/kg per day; group SD received daily sildenafil identically to group SI plus auricular vein injection DT3 (a specific PKG inhibitor); group NS received only normal saline. The blood perfusion function in the femoral head was measured by perfusion MRI and ink artery infusion. Bilateral femora heads were examined histopathologically for the presence of osteonecrosis; VEGF of tissue was examined by Western blot analysis; cGMP level and PKG activity were also measured. The incidence of ANFH in SI group was significantly lower than that observed in NS and SD groups (p < 0.05). VEGF in SI group was increased compared to NS group. cGMP level and PKG activity were also significantly different between NS and SI group (p < 0.05). However, these effects of sildenafil in SD group were all markedly inhibited by the administration of DT3 compared to SI group. Sildenafil appear to increase the perfusion of femoral head by up-regulating VEGF through PKG pathway. The increased perfusion of femoral head could prevent ANFH. Copyright © 2017 Turkish Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Yu, Zhiliang; Zhang, Ning; Yang, Yi; Wang, Bin; Gao, Shuo; Zhao, Xiaoyong
To investigate the effectiveness of transplanting iliac bone flap with deep iliac circumflex vessels and cancellous bone for the treatment of adult avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH). A retrospective analysis was made on the clinical data of 685 patients (803 hips) with ANFH, who underwent iliac bone flap transplantation with deep iliac circumflex vessels and cancellous bone between March 2002 and January 2010. There were 489 males (580 hips) and 196 females (223 hips) with a mean age of 40.4 years (range, 18-63 years), including 567 unilateral cases (303 left hips and 264 right hips) and 118 bilateral cases. The causes of ANFH included alcohol-induced in 223 cases, steroid-induced in 179 cases, alcohol + steroid-induced in 21 cases, traumatic in 136 cases, acetabular dysplasia in 8 cases, bone cyst in 5 cases, septic arthritis in 2 cases, joint tuberculosis in 3 cases, rheumatoid arthritis in 5 cases, and idiopathic in 103 cases. According to Steinberg staging, 211 hips were rated as stage II, 513 hips as stage III, and 79 hips as stage IV. The preoperative Harris hip score was 60.30 +/- 7.02. Fat necrosis occurred in 2 cases after operation, primary healing of incision was obtained in the other cases; delayed infection, lower extremity deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism occurred in 2 cases, respectively. All patients were followed up 36-60 months (mean, 49 months). Harris hip score at last follow-up (83.50 +/- 7.31) was significantly higher than that at preoperation (t= -2 266.980, P=0.000), and the scores were significantly higher than those at preoperation in different stages (P < 0.05). The results were excellent in 523 hips, good in 185 hips, fair in 65 hips, and poor in 30 hips, and the excellent and good rate was 88.2%. X-ray examination showed bone fusion of transplanted bone flap and bone graft with an average of 4.2 months (range, 3-6 months); according to Steinberg staging, imaging stable rate was 78.3% (629/803) at last follow
Kohno, Yusuke; Nakashima, Yasuharu; Kitano, Toshio; Irie, Taichi; Kita, Atsushi; Nakamura, Tomoyuki; Endo, Hirosuke; Fujii, Yosuke; Kuroda, Takayuki; Mitani, Shigeru; Kitoh, Hiroshi; Matsushita, Masaki; Hattori, Tadashi; Iwata, Koji; Iwamoto, Yukihide
An unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is associated with a high rate of avascular necrosis (AVN). The etiology of AVN seems to be multifactorial, although it is not thoroughly known. The aims of our study were to determine the rate of AVN after an unstable SCFE and to investigate the risk factors for AVN, specifically evaluating the notion of an "unsafe window", during which medical interventions would increase the risk for AVN. This retrospective multicenter study included 60 patients with an unstable SCFE diagnosed between 1985 and 2014. Timing of surgery was evaluated for three time periods, from acute onset of symptoms to surgery: period I, <24 h; period II, between 24 h and 7 days; and period III, >7 days. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for AVN. Closed reduction and pinning was performed in 43 patients and in situ pinning in 17. Among these cases, 16 patients (27%) developed AVN. The rate of AVN was significantly higher in patients treated by closed reduction and pinning (15/43, 35%) than in those treated by in situ pinning (1/17, 5.9%) (p = 0.022). In patients treated by closed reduction and pinning, the incidence of AVN was 2/11 (18%) in period I, 10/13 (77%) in period II and 3/15 (20%) in period III, showing the significantly higher rate in period II (p = 0.002). The surgery provided in period II was identified as an independent risk factor for the development of AVN. Our rate of AVN was 27% using two classical treatment methods. Time-to-surgery, between 24 h and 7 days, was independently associated with AVN, supporting the possible existence of an "unsafe window" in patients with unstable SCFE treated by closed reduction and pinning. Copyright © 2016 The Japanese Orthopaedic Association. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Al Omran, Abdullah
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common cause of avascular necrosis of femoral head (ANFH) in childhood. Advances in medical treatment led to improved life expectancy of such patients. SCD-related ANFH frequently progress to total collapse of the femoral head necessitating hip replacement. However, SCD patient are at more risk of intra- and post-operative complications and suboptimal outcome of total hip arthroplasty. Hence, it is imperative to preserve the femoral head as long as possible. Between September 1992 and June 2007, 94 core decompression procedures were done to SCD patients who had modified Ficat stage I, IIA and IIB ANFH. Sixty one patients underwent a classical 8-mm drilling and 33 patients underwent 3.2-mm diameter MD technique. Patients were followed up for minimum of 2 years and were evaluated for clinical and Harris Hip Score improvement and for radiological progression. All 19 hips that had Ficat stage I had significant reduction of pain and improvement of Harris Hip Score. No patient has required further surgery. Among the 39 hips with Ficat IIA at time of procedure, 80 % of hips which underwent CD and 78 % of MD cases had significant reduction of pain and improvement of HHS. Those patients showed no radiographic progression of the disease. The remaining, 20 % CD and 22 % MD eventually progressed radiologically to grade III or grade IV and had HHS less than 75 at last visit. In the 36 cases with Ficat IIB, 52 % CD and 52.8 % MC had significant reduction of pain and improvement of HHS. The rest showed no improvement in pain and function, and progressed to stage IV; 11 of them underwent THA and one patient refused surgery. While multiple drilling is safer and less invasive than single coring in SCD, there is no statistically significant difference in outcome or complication rate between both procedures done for ANFH in patients with SCD.
... humerus). Knees. Shoulders. Ankles. It is also called: Avascular necrosis. Aseptic necrosis. Ischemic necrosis. Who gets it? Anyone ... Fast Facts Oral Health and Bone Disease Osteonecrosis (Avascular Necrosis), Questions and Answers about Last Reviewed: 10/30/ ...
Wenger, Daniel; Samuelsson, Hanna; Düppe, Henrik; Tiderius, Carl Johan
Background and purpose — Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVN) is a complication in treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). We evaluated the risk of AVN after early treatment in the von Rosen splint and measured the diameter of the ossific nucleus at 1 year of age. Children and methods — All children born in Malmö, Sweden, undergo clinical screening for neonatal instability of the hip (NIH). We reviewed 1-year radiographs of all children treated early for NIH in our department from 2003 through 2010. The diameter of the ossific nucleus was measured, and signs of AVN were classified according to Kalamchi-MacEwen. Subsequent radiographs, taken for any reason, were reviewed and a local registry of diagnoses was used to identify subsequent AVN. Results — 229 of 586 children referred because of suspected NIH received early treatment (age ≤ 1 week) for NIH during the study period. 2 of the 229 treated children (0.9%, 95% CI: 0.1–3.1) had grade-1 AVN. Both had spontaneous resolution and were asymptomatic during the observation time (6 and 8 years). 466 children met the inclusion criteria for measurement of the ossific nucleus. Neonatally dislocated hips had significantly smaller ossific nuclei than neonatally stable hips: mean 9.4 mm (95% CI: 9.1–9.8) vs. 11.1 mm (95% CI: 10.9–11.3) at 1 year (p < 0.001). Interpretation — Early treatment with the von Rosen splint for NIH is safe regarding AVN. The ossification of the femoral head is slower in children with NIH than in untreated children with neonatally stable hips. PMID:26730503
Han, Sangwon; Oh, Minyoung; Yoon, Seokho; Kim, Jinsoo; Kim, Ji-Wan; Chang, Jae-Suk; Ryu, Jin-Sook
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is a major complication after internal fixation of a femoral neck fracture and determines the functional prognosis. We investigated postoperative bone single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) for assessing the risk of femoral head AVN. We retrospectively reviewed 53 consecutive patients who underwent bone SPECT/CT within 2 weeks of internal fixation of a femoral neck fracture and follow-up serial hip radiographs over at least 12 months. Nine patients developed femoral head AVN. In 15 patients who showed normal uptake on immediate postoperative SPECT/CT, no AVN occurred, whereas 9 of 38 patients who showed cold defects of the femoral head later developed AVN. The negative predictive value of immediate postoperative SPECT/CT for AVN was 100 %, whereas the positive predictive value was 24 %. Among 38 patients with cold defects, 1 developed AVN 3 months postoperatively. A follow-up bone SPECT/CT was performed in the other 37 patients at 2-10 months postoperatively. The follow-up bone SPECT/CT revealed completely normalized femoral head uptake in 27, partially normalized uptake in 8, and persistent cold defects in 2 patients. AVN developed in 3.7 % (1/27), 62.5 % (5/8), and 100 % (2/2) of each group, respectively. According to the time point of imaging, radiotracer uptake patterns of the femoral head on postoperative bone SPECT/CT indicate the risk of AVN after internal fixation of femoral neck fractures differently. Postoperative bone SPECT/CT may help orthopedic surgeons determine the appropriate follow-up of these patients.
Barbhaiya, Medha; Dong, Yan; Sparks, Jeffrey A; Losina, Elena; Costenbader, Karen H; Katz, Jeffrey N
Studies of the epidemiology and outcomes of avascular necrosis (AVN) require accurate case-finding methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate performance characteristics of a claims-based algorithm designed to identify AVN cases in administrative data. Using a centralized patient registry from a US academic medical center, we identified all adults aged ≥18 years who underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of an upper/lower extremity joint during the 1.5 year study period. A radiologist report confirming AVN on MRI served as the gold standard. We examined the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and positive likelihood ratio (LR + ) of four algorithms (A-D) using International Classification of Diseases, 9th edition (ICD-9) codes for AVN. The algorithms ranged from least stringent (Algorithm A, requiring ≥1 ICD-9 code for AVN [733.4X]) to most stringent (Algorithm D, requiring ≥3 ICD-9 codes, each at least 30 days apart). Among 8200 patients who underwent MRI, 83 (1.0% [95% CI 0.78-1.22]) had AVN by gold standard. Algorithm A yielded the highest sensitivity (81.9%, 95% CI 72.0-89.5), with PPV of 66.0% (95% CI 56.0-75.1). The PPV of algorithm D increased to 82.2% (95% CI 67.9-92.0), although sensitivity decreased to 44.6% (95% CI 33.7-55.9). All four algorithms had specificities >99%. An algorithm that uses a single billing code to screen for AVN among those who had MRI has the highest sensitivity and is best suited for studies in which further medical record review confirming AVN is feasible. Algorithms using multiple billing codes are recommended for use in administrative databases when further AVN validation is not feasible.
Venkatadass, K; Avinash, M; Rajasekaran, S
Bilateral avascular necrosis (AVN) following postictal bilateral fracture neck of the femur is a rare occurrence. Here, we report a case of bilateral AVN of the femoral head following an asynchronous bilateral postictal fracture neck of the femur. A 16-year-old autistic boy presented with left hip pain following an episode of seizures and radiographs showed Delbet type II fracture neck of the left femur. This was treated by closed reduction and cancellous screw fixation and skeletal traction for 6 weeks. At 3 months, follow-up radiograph showed union of the fracture, but he had developed segmental AVN with collapse of the head. At 8 months, the patient presented with pain in the right hip following another episode of seizures and radiograph of the pelvis showed a fresh Delbet type II fracture neck of the right femur with established AVN of the left femoral head. He underwent closed reduction and cancellous screw fixation of the right hip and implant exit of the left hip. At the 6-month follow-up after this surgery, his radiograph of the pelvis showed AVN with collapse and extrusion of the femoral head on the right side as well. Literature review shows an increased risk of fracture neck of the femur among epileptics. The incidence of AVN is maximum in Delbet type I, followed by Delbet type II and type III in that order. Although there are no clear guidelines on the management of post-traumatic AVN of the femoral head, the majority have reported that most of them will eventually develop arthritis and will require total hip replacement at a later date. Upon extensive literature search, no case report of bilateral fracture neck of the femur with bilateral AVN was found and hence this case was reported.
Roth, Joshua D; Howell, Stephen M; Hull, Maury L
Following total knee arthroplasty (TKA), high tibial forces, large differences in tibial forces between the medial and lateral compartments, and anterior translation of the contact locations of the femoral component on the tibial component during passive flexion indicate abnormal knee function. Because the goal of kinematically aligned TKA is to restore native knee function without soft tissue release, the objectives were to determine how well kinematically aligned TKA limits high tibial forces, differences in tibial forces between compartments, and anterior translation of the contact locations of the femoral component on the tibial component during passive flexion. Using cruciate retaining components, kinematically aligned TKA was performed on thirteen human cadaveric knee specimens with use of manual instruments without soft tissue release. The tibial forces and tibial contact locations were measured in both the medial and lateral compartments from 0° to 120° of passive flexion using a custom tibial force sensor. The average total tibial force (i.e. sum of medial + lateral) ranged from 5 to 116 N. The only significant average differences in tibial force between compartments occurred at 0° of flexion (29 N, p = 0.0008). The contact locations in both compartments translated posteriorly in all thirteen kinematically aligned TKAs by an average of 14 mm (p < 0.0001) and 18 mm (p < 0.0001) in the medial and lateral compartments, respectively, from 0° to 120° of flexion. After kinematically aligned TKA, average total tibial forces due to the soft tissue restraints were limited to 116 N, average differences in tibial forces between compartments were limited to 29 N, and a net posterior translation of the tibial contact locations was observed in all kinematically aligned TKAs during passive flexion from 0° to 120°, which are similar to what has been measured previously in native knees. While confirmation in vivo is warranted, these findings give
Hu, Zhi-ming; Wang, Hai-bin; Zhou, Ming-qian; Yao, Xin-sheng; Ma, Li; Wang, Xiao-ning
To observe the pathological changes in the blood vessels in rabbit femoral head with glucocorticoid-induced necrosis and investigate the pathogenesis of glucocorticoid-induced osteonecrosis. Twenty New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into two groups, namely group A. which was injected with horse serum and prednisone and group B as the control group. Chinese ink was injected into the femoral cavity of the rabbits to observe the blood vessels in the femoral head under optical microscope and the femoral head was examined histopathologically. Compared with the normal control group, the rabbits in group A had significantly decreased number of perfused vessels, which was featured by defective perfusion, osteocytie pyknosis or necrosis, increase of empty ostoocyte lacunae and fat cells, decrease of hematopoietic tissue, and blood vessel occlusion. Vascular occlusion and vasculitis due to glucocorticoid treatment may cause avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
[Bursitis with severe tendon and muscle necrosis on the lateral stifle area in cattle].
Nuss, K; Räber, M; Sydler, T; Muggli, E; Hässig, M; Guscetti, F
In 21 animals, chronic swelling on the lateral aspect of the stifle also known as «perigonitis», «stable-syndrome» or «bursitis bicipitalis femoris» were evaluated. Ultrasonography showed increased fluid in the distal subtendinous bursa of the biceps femoris muscle and structural changes in the tendons, muscles, subcutis and fasciae. Soft tissue swelling and an irregular contour of the lateral tibial condyle were typical signs on radiographs. Macroscopic changes were found at the insertion of the biceps femoris muscle, the distal subtendinous bursa of the biceps femoris muscle, the lateral collateral ligament of the stifle, the origin of muscles on the lateral femoral condyle and the lateral tibial condyle. They mainly consisted of tendon and muscle tissue necrosis with granulation tissue. Histology revealed areas of coagulation necrosis in tendons and ligaments, in which occasionally Onchocerca spp. were seen. The severity of lesions correlated well with the clinical signs, which were associated with a poor prognosis in advanced cases.
Corneal avascularity is due to soluble VEGF receptor-1
Ambati, Balamurali K.; Nozaki, Miho; Singh, Nirbhai; Takeda, Atsunobu; Jani, Pooja D.; Suthar, Tushar; Albuquerque, Romulo J. C.; Richter, Elizabeth; Sakurai, Eiji; Newcomb, Michael T.; Kleinman, Mark E.; Caldwell, Ruth B.; Lin, Qing; Ogura, Yuichiro; Orecchia, Angela; Samuelson, Don A.; Agnew, Dalen W.; Leger, Judy St.; Green, W. Richard; Mahasreshti, Parameshwar J.; Curiel, David T.; Kwan, Donna; Marsh, Helene; Ikeda, Sakae; Leiper, Lucy J.; Collinson, J. Martin; Bogdanovich, Sasha; Khurana, Tejvir S.; Shibuya, Masabumi; Baldwin, Megan E.; Ferrara, Napoleone; Gerber, Hans-Peter; Falco, Sandro De; Witta, Jassir; Baffi, Judit Z.; Raisler, Brian J.; Ambati, Jayakrishna
Corneal avascularity—the absence of blood vessels in the cornea—is required for optical clarity and optimal vision, and has led to the cornea being widely used for validating pro- and anti-angiogenic therapeutic strategies for many disorders1-4. But the molecular underpinnings of the avascular phenotype have until now remained obscure5-10 and are all the more remarkable given the presence in the cornea of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, a potent stimulator of angiogenesis, and the proximity of the cornea to vascularized tissues. Here we show that the cornea expresses soluble VEGF receptor-1 (sVEGFR-1; also known as sflt-1) and that suppression of this endogenous VEGF-A trap11 by neutralizing antibodies, RNA interference or Cre-lox-mediated gene disruption abolishes corneal avascularity in mice. The spontaneously vascularized corneas of corn1 and Pax6+/− mice12,13 and Pax6+/− patients with aniridia14 are deficient in sflt-1, and recombinant sflt-1 administration restores corneal avascularity in corn1 and Pax6+/− mice. Manatees, the only known creatures uniformly to have vascularized corneas15, do not express sflt-1, whereas the avascular corneas of dugongs, also members of the order Sirenia, elephants, the closest extant terrestrial phylogenetic relatives of manatees, and other marine mammals (dolphins and whales) contain sflt-1, indicating that it has a crucial, evolutionarily conserved role. The recognition that sflt-1 is essential for preserving the avascular ambit of the cornea can rationally guide its use as a platform for angiogenic modulators, supports its use in treating neovascular diseases, and might provide insight into the immunological privilege of the cornea. PMID:17051153
Medial Tibial Stress Shielding: A Limitation of Cobalt Chromium Tibial Baseplates.
Martin, J Ryan; Watts, Chad D; Levy, Daniel L; Kim, Raymond H
Stress shielding is a well-recognized complication associated with total knee arthroplasty. However, this phenomenon has not been thoroughly described. Specifically, no study to our knowledge has evaluated the radiographic impact of utilizing various tibial component compositions on tibial stress shielding. We retrospectively reviewed 3 cohorts of 50 patients that had a preoperative varus deformity and were implanted with a titanium, cobalt chromium (CoCr), or an all polyethylene tibial implant. A radiographic comparative analysis was performed to evaluate the amount of medial tibial bone loss in each cohort. In addition, a clinical outcomes analysis was performed on the 3 cohorts. The CoCr was noted to have a statistically significant increase in medial tibial bone loss compared with the other 2 cohorts. The all polyethylene cohort had a statistically significantly higher final Knee Society Score and was associated with the least amount of stress shielding. The CoCr tray is the most rigid of 3 implants that were compared in this study. Interestingly, this cohort had the highest amount of medial tibial bone loss. In addition, 1 patient in the CoCr cohort had medial soft tissue irritation which was attributed to a prominent medial tibial tray which required revision surgery to mitigate the symptoms. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Kwon, H H; Bang, S Y; Won, S; Park, Y; Yi, J H; Joo, Y B; Lee, H S; Bae, S C
Objectives Avascular necrosis (AVN) is one of the most common causes of organ damage in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and often causes serious physical disability. The aims of this study were to investigate clinical risk factors associated with symptomatic AVN and to analyze their synergistic effects in a large SLE cohort in Korea. Methods Patients with SLE were enrolled and followed from 1998 to 2014 in the Hanyang BAE Lupus cohort, and damage was measured annually according to the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology Damage Index (SDI). AVN was confirmed by imaging study if patients had symptoms. To determine risk factors for AVN, clinical, laboratory and therapeutic variables were analyzed by logistic regression. Relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI), attributable proportion (AP), and synergy index (S) were calculated to measure interactions between significant variables. Results Among 1219 SLE patients, symptomatic AVN was the most common type of musculoskeletal damage (10.8%, n = 132). SLE patients with AVN showed an earlier onset age, demonstrated AVN more commonly in conjunction with certain other clinical manifestations such as renal and neuropsychiatric disorders, and received significantly higher total cumulative corticosteroid dose and immunosuppressive agents than did patients without AVN. However, in multivariable analysis, only two variables including use of a cumulative corticosteroid dose greater than 20 g (odds ratio (OR) 3.62, p = 0.015) and use of immunosuppressants including cyclophosphamide or mycophenolate mofetil (OR 4.51, p < 0.001) remained as significant risk factors for AVN. Patients with cumulative corticosteroid dose > 20 g and immunosuppressant use had a 15.44-fold increased risk for AVN, compared with patients without these risk factors ( p < 0.001). RERI, AP and S, which define the strength of interactions between two risk factors, were
Background Autologous transplantation of modified mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is a promising candidate for the treatment of the refractory clinical disease, avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH). Our previous attempts by compounding MSCs with medical fibrin glue to treat ANFH in animal model have achieved excellent effects. However, the underlying molecular mechanism is unclear, especially on the transgenic gene expression. Methods Rabbit MSCs were isolated and compounded with fibrin glue. Following degrading of fibrin glue, proliferation, viability, expression of transgenic hepatocyte growth factor gene as well as osteogenic differentiation of MSCs were evaluated together with that of uncompounded MSCs. Fibrin glue-compounded MSCs were transplanted into the lesion of ANFH model, and the therapeutic efficacy was compared with uncompounded MSCs. One-Way ANOVA was used to determine the statistical significance among treatment groups. Results Fibrin glue compounding will not affect molecular activities of MSCs, including hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) secretion, cell proliferation and viability, and osteogenic differentiation in vitro. When applying fibrin glue-compounded MSCs for the therapy of ANFH in vivo, fibrin glue functioned as a drug delivery system and provided a sustaining microenvironment for MSCs which helped the relatively long-term secretion of HGF in the femoral head lesion and resulted in improved therapeutic efficacy when compared with uncompounded MSCs as indicated by hematoxylin-eosin staining and immunohistochemistry of osteocalcin, CD105 and HGF. Conclusion Transplantation of fibrin glue-compounding MSCs is a promising novel method for ANFH therapy. PMID:24885252
Repair of Avascular Meniscus Tears with Electrospun Collagen Scaffolds Seeded with Human Cells
Baek, Jihye; Sovani, Sujata; Glembotski, Nicholas E.; Du, Jiang; Jin, Sungho; Grogan, Shawn P.
The self-healing capacity of an injured meniscus is limited to the vascularized regions and is especially challenging in the inner avascular regions. As such, we investigated the use of human meniscus cell-seeded electrospun (ES) collagen type I scaffolds to produce meniscal tissue and explored whether these cell-seeded scaffolds can be implanted to repair defects created in meniscal avascular tissue explants. Human meniscal cells (derived from vascular and avascular meniscal tissue) were seeded on ES scaffolds and cultured. Constructs were evaluated for cell viability, gene expression, and mechanical properties. To determine potential for repair of meniscal defects, human meniscus avascular cells were seeded and cultured on aligned ES collagen scaffolds for 4 weeks before implantation. Surgical defects resembling “longitudinal tears” were created in the avascular zone of bovine meniscus and implanted with cell-seeded collagen scaffolds and cultured for 3 weeks. Tissue regeneration and integration were evaluated by histology, immunohistochemistry, mechanical testing, and magentic resonance imaging. Ex vivo implantation with cell-seeded collagen scaffolds resulted in neotissue that was significantly better integrated with the native tissue than acellular collagen scaffolds or untreated defects. Human meniscal cell-seeded ES collagen scaffolds may therefore be useful in facilitating meniscal repair of avascular meniscus tears. PMID:26842062
Luo, Huasong; Chen, Liaobin; Liu, Kebin; Peng, Songming; Zhang, Jien; Yi, Yang
The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of tibial pilon fractures treated with arthroscopy and assisted reduction with an external fixator. Thirteen patients with tibial pilon fractures underwent assisted reduction for limited lower internal fixation with an external fixator under arthroscopic guidance. The weight-bearing time was decided on the basis of repeat radiography of the tibia 3 months after surgery. Postoperative ankle function was evaluated according to the Mazur scoring system. Healing of fractures was achieved in all cases, with no complications such as severe infection, skin necrosis, or an exposed plate. There were 9 excellent, 2 good, and 2 poor outcomes, scored according to the Mazur system. The acceptance rate was 85%. Arthroscopy and external fixator-assisted reduction for the minimally invasive treatment of tibial pilon fractures not only produced less trauma but also protected the soft tissues and blood supply surrounding the fractures. External fixation could indirectly provide reduction and effective operative space for arthroscopic implantation, especially for AO type B fractures and partial AO type C1 fractures.
Tang, Xiujun; Wang, Bo; Wei, Zairong; Wang, Dali; Han, Wenjie; Zhang, Wenduo; Li, Shujun
OBJECTIVE To explore the feasibility and effectiveness of V-Y advanced sense-remained posterior tibial artery perforator flap in repairing wound around the ankle. METHODS Between March 2012 and January 2015, 11 patients with wounds around the ankle were treated by V-Y advanced sense-remained posterior tibial artery perforator flap. There were 6 males and 5 females with a median age of 37 years (range, 21-56 years). The causes were traffic accident injury in 3 cases, thermal injury in 2 cases, burn in 2 cases, iatrogenic wounds in 2 cases, and local contusion in 2 cases. The disease duration ranged from 1 to 3 weeks (mean, 2 weeks). Injury was located at the medial malleolus in 4 cases, at the lateral malleolus in 3 cases, and at the heel in 4 cases. All had exposure of bone, tendon, or plate. The defect area ranged from 4 cmx2 cm to 5 cmx3 cm; the area of the flap ranged from 11 cmx4 cm to 15 cmx6 cm. Necrosis of distal flap occurred in 1 case after operation; re-operation to amputate the posterior tibial artery was given and the wound was repaired by proximal skin graft. Light necrosis of distal end was observed in 2 cases, and wound healed at 3 weeks after dressing. And other flaps successfully survived, and primary healing of wounds were obtained. The patients were followed up 6-24 months (mean, 11 months). The flaps were good in color, texture, and appearance. The ankle joint had normal activity. At last follow-up, 10 cases restored fine sense, and 1 case restored protective feeling with posterior tibial artery advanced flap after amputation. V-Y advanced sense-remained posterior tibial artery perforator flap has the advantages of reliable blood supply, simple operation, good appearance, and sensory recovery. Therefore, it is an ideal method to repair wound around the ankle.
Cong, R J; Liu, J F; Jiang, Y; Dilixiati, Duolikun; Hou, X D; Zheng, L P
Objective: To explore the influence of the lower extremity abnormal alignment and the joint surface, and to explore the surgical skills. Methods: Twenty-two cases of tibial plateau Schatzker Ⅵ fracture internal fixation failure revision from January 2012 to January 2017 in Department of Orthopedics, Shanghai 10(th) Hospital.One year follow-up after initial surgery to make sure of failure.Three-dimensional CT scan, radiography, infection index, gait analysis, knee joint ROM, femur tibia angle, tibial plateau tibial shaft angle and posterior slope if tibial plateau were observed. The medial approach and bi-planer osteotoma were used.Autogenous iliac bone graft, postoperative fast recovery channel were used.Follow-up point included preoperative and postoperative 7 days, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months.Obvervational index included double lower limbs radiography, knee society score(KSS), complications such as infection, skin necrosis, joint main passive activity, double lower limbs alignment the last follow-up SF-36 scale.Rate was compared by χ(2) test, measurement data using paired sample t test.Correlation was analyzed by Pearson correlation regression testing. Results: Twenty-two patients received follow-up.KSS, more than 21 cases were benign, with good gait.One case was poor, with claudication gait.Not skin necrosis, no deep infection cases, 1 case get blisters 2 days postoperatively, and disappear after 5 days with detumescence and cold therapy.Whether restoring force line affect the KSS significantly(χ(2)=22.000, P =0.000). Knee joint ROM, SF-36 score, KSS and lower limb alignment were improved significantly. In different individual the articular surface and anatomical angle recovered greatly but the posterior slope angle was quite difference which has no correlation with KSS and SF-36 scale( P >0.01). Conclusions: Revision of Schatzker type Ⅵ tibial plateau fracture failure should focus on the recovery of lower limb alignment.moderate overcorrect bone
Zhang, Hao-Xuan; Zhang, Xiu-Ping; Xiao, Gui-Yong; Hou, Yong; Cheng, Lei; Si, Meng; Wang, Shuai-Shuai; Li, Yu-Hua; Nie, Lin
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH) is difficult to treat due to high pressure and hypoxia, and reduced levels of growth factors such as bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). We generated a novel calcium phosphate (CPC) composite scaffold, which contains BMP-VEGF-loaded poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) microspheres (BMP-VEGF-PLGA-CPC). The BMP-VEGF-loaded microspheres have an encapsulation efficiency of 89.15% for BMP, and 78.55% for VEGF. The BMP-VEGF-PLGA-CPC scaffold also demonstrated a porosity of 62% with interconnected porous structures, and pore sizes of 219 μm and compressive strength of 6.60 MPa. Additionally, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) were seeded on scaffolds in vitro. Further characterization showed that the BMP-VEGF-PLGA-CPC scaffolds were biocompatible and enhanced osteogenesis and angiogenesis in vitro. Using a rabbit model of ANFH, BMP-VEGF-PLGA-CPC scaffolds were implanted into the bone tunnels of core decompression in the femoral head for 6 and 12 weeks. Radiographic and histological analysis demonstrated that the BMP-VEGF-PLGA-CPC scaffolds exhibited good biocompatibility, and osteogenic and angiogenic activity in vivo. These results indicate that the BMP-VEGF-PLGA-CPC scaffold may improve the therapeutic effect of core decompression surgery and be used as a treatment for ANFH. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[Influencing factors for trauma-induced tibial infection in underground coal mine].
Meng, W Z; Guo, Y J; Liu, Z K; Li, Y F; Wang, G Z
Objective: To investigate the influencing factors for trauma-induced tibial infection in underground coal mine. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed for the clinical data of 1 090 patients with tibial fracture complicated by bone infection who were injured in underground coal mine and admitted to our hospital from January 1995 to August 2015, including the type of trauma, injured parts, severity, and treatment outcome. The association between risk factors and infection was analyzed. Results: Among the 1 090 patients, 357 had the clinical manifestations of acute and chronic bone infection, 219 had red and swollen legs with heat pain, and 138 experienced skin necrosis, rupture, and discharge of pus. The incidence rates of tibial infection from 1995 to 2001, from 2002 to 2008, and from 2009 to 2015 were 31%, 26.9%, and 20.2%, respectively. The incidence rate of bone infection in the proximal segment of the tibia was significantly higher than that in the middle and distal segments (42.1% vs 18.9%/27.1%, P <0.01) . As for patients with different types of trauma (Gustilo typing) , the patients with type III fracture had a significantly higher incidence rate of bone infection than those with type I/II infection (52.8% vs 21.8%/24.6%, P <0.01) . The incidence rates of bone infection after bone traction, internal fixation with steel plates, fixation with external fixator, and fixation with intramedullary nail were 20.7%, 43.5%, 21.4%, and 26.1%, respectively, suggesting that internal fixation with steel plates had a significantly higher incidence rate of bone infection than other fixation methods ( P <0.01) . The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the position of tibial fracture and type of fracture were independent risk factors for bone infection. Conclusion: There is a high incidence rate of trauma-induced tibial infection in workers in underground coal mine. The position of tibial fracture and type of fracture are independent risk factors
... All Site Content AOFAS / FootCareMD / Treatments Proximal Tibial Bone Graft Page Content What is a bone graft? Bone grafts may be needed for various ... the proximal tibia. What is a proximal tibial bone graft? Proximal tibial bone graft (PTBG) is a ...
Song, Hyung Keun; Choi, Ho June; Yang, Kyu Hyun
The aim of our study was to identify the risk factors for avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVN) and fixation failure (FF) after screw osteosynthesis in patients with valgus angulated femoral neck fractures. We conducted a retrospective study of 308 patients (mean age, 72.5 years, range, 50-97 years), with a mean follow-up of 21.4 months (range, 12-64 months). The risk for failure in treatment (FIT) associated with patient- and fracture-related factors was evaluated by logistic regression analyses. FIT was identified in 32 cases (10.3%): 22 cases (7.1%) of AVN and 10 cases (3.2%) of FF. Initial valgus tilt>15° (p=0.023), posterior tilt>15° (p=0.012), and screw sliding distance (p=0.037) were significantly associated with FIT. FIT occurred in 7 patients (5.2%) with B1.2.1 fractures and 17 patients (48.6%) with B1.1.2 fractures (p<0.001). The odds of FIT were 17-fold higher in patients with initial valgus and posterior tilts>15° (B1.1.2) compared to patients with <15° of tilt in both planes (B1.2.1). The severity of initial deformity predicts AVN and FF in patients with valgus angulated femoral neck fractures. Patients with an initial valgus and posterior tilt>15° are reasonable candidates for primary arthroplasty due to high risk of FIT. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The physiopathology of avascular necrosis of the femoral head: an update.
Guerado, Enrique; Caso, Enrique
The physiopathology of the femoral head bone necrosis is similar for children and for adults. The disease is characterized by apoptosis of bone cells - bone marrow and bone forming cells-resulting in head collapse with a subsequent lesion of the overlying cartilage, and therefore flattening of the rounded surface shape of the head articulating with the acetabulum, provoking, eventually, secondary osteoarthritis. When the disease becomes clinically evident already destructive phenomena have occurred and collapse will eventually ensue. In children, because epiphyseal cartilage has growth capabilities, lost epiphyseal height can be recovered, however in adults collapse is irreversible. In this paper the physiopathology of this disease is examined as well as its implication for treatment. Prevention by genetic studies is discussed. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of plate position and size on tibial slope in high tibial osteotomy: a cadaveric study.
Rubino, L Joseph; Schoderbek, Robert J; Golish, S Raymond; Baumfeld, Joshua; Miller, Mark D
Opening wedge high tibial osteotomies are performed for degenerative changes and varus. Opening wedge osteotomies can change proximal tibial slope in the sagittal plane, possibly imparting stability in the ACL-deficient knee. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of plate position and size on change in tibial slope. Eight cadaveric knees underwent opening wedge high tibial osteotomy with Puddu plates of each different size. Plates were placed anterior, central, and posterior for each size used. Lateral radiographs were obtained. Tibial slope was measured and compared with baseline slope. Tibial slope was affected by plate position (P < 0.05) and size (P < 0.001). Smaller, posterior plates had less effect on tibial slope. However, anterior and central plates increased tibial slope over all plate sizes (P < 0.05). This study found that tibial slope increases with opening wedge high tibial osteotomy. Larger corrections and anterior placement of the plate are associated with larger increases in slope.
Fresh-Stored Osteochondral Allograft for Treatment of Osteochondritis Dissecans the Femoral Head
rotational osteotomy for treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 1996;115:80–84. Volume 468, Number 2, February 2010...14. Hall FM. Osteochondrosis dissecans and avascular necrosis of bone. (Comment on: Skeletal Radiol. 1990;19(6):419–421.) Skeletal Radiol. 1991;20...439–456. 28. Schneider W, Aigner N, Pinggera O, Knahr K. Intertrochanteric osteotomy for avascular necrosis of the head of the femur: sur- vival
Napora, Joshua K; Gilmore, Allison; Son-Hing, Jochen P; Grimberg, Dominic C; Thompson, George H; Liu, Raymond W
Unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) has an increased incidence of avascular necrosis (AVN). Early identification and surgical intervention for AVN may help preserve the femoral head. We retrospectively reviewed 48 patients (50 hips) with unstable SCFE managed between 2000 and 2014. AVN was diagnosed based on 2 different postoperative protocols. Seventeen patients (17 hips) had a scheduled magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) between 1 and 6 months from initial surgery, and the remaining 31 patients (33 hips) were evaluated by plain radiographs alone. If AVN was diagnosed, we offered core decompression and closed bone graft epiphysiodesis (CBGE) to mitigate its affects. At final follow-up, we assessed progression of AVN using the Steinberg classification. Overall 13 hips (26%) with unstable SCFEs developed AVN. MRI revealed AVN in 7 of 17 hips (41%) at a mean of 2.5 months postoperatively (range, 1.0 to 5.2 mo). Six hips diagnosed by MRI received surgical intervention (4 CBGE, 1 free vascularized fibula graft, and 1 repinning due to screw cutout) at a mean of 4.1 months (range, 1.3 to 7.2 mo) postoperatively. None of the 4 patients treated with CBGE within 2 months postoperatively progressed to stage IVC AVN. The 2 patients treated after 4 months postoperatively both progressed to stage VC AVN.Plain radiographs demonstrated AVN in 6 of 33 hips (18%) at a mean of 6.8 months postoperatively (range, 2.1 to 21.1 mo). One patient diagnosed with stage IVB AVN at 2.4 months had screw cutout and received CBGE at 2.5 months from initial pinning. The remaining 5 were not offered surgical intervention. Five of the 6 radiographically diagnosed AVN, including the 1 treated with CBGE, progressed to stage IVC AVN or greater. Although all patients with positive MRI scans developed radiographic AVN, none of the 4 patients treated with CBGE within 2 months after pinning developed grade IVC or greater AVN. Early MRI detection and CBGE may mitigate the effects of AVN after
Zacharin, Margaret; Foster, Bruce; Donald, Geoffrey; Hassall, Timothy; Siafarikas, Aris; Johnson, Michael; Tham, Elaine; Whitewood, Colin; Gebski, Val; Cowell, Chris T; Little, David Graham; Munns, Craig Frank
Introduction Perthes disease (PD) is an idiopathic disorder presenting with avascular necrosis to the femoral head, which frequently results in flattening. Long-term function is directly related to the subsequent femoral head sphericity. Current treatment includes mechanical modalities and surgical procedures, which are therapeutic but are not uniformly able to prevent collapse. The use of the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate zoledronic acid (ZA) to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption is aimed at preserving femoral head strength, reducing collapse and thus maintaining shape. The proposed multicentre, prospective, randomised controlled trial intends to evaluate the efficacy of ZA treatment in PD. Methods and analysis An open-label randomised control trial recruiting 100 children (50 each treatment arm) 5 to 16 years old with unilateral PD. Subjects are randomly assigned to either (a) ZA and standard care or (b) Standard care. The primary outcome measure is deformity index (DI), a radiographic parameter of femoral head roundness assessed at 24 months, following 12 months of ZA treatment (3-monthly doses of ZA 0.025 mg/kg at baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months) plus 12 months observation (group A) or 24 months of observation (group B). Secondary outcome measures are femoral head subluxation, Faces Pain scale, Harris hip score and quality of life. Assessments are made at baseline, 3 monthly during the first year of follow-up and then 6 monthly, until the 24th month. Ethics and dissemination The study commenced following the written approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee. Safety considerations regarding the effects of ZA are monitored which include the subject’s symptomatology, mineral status, bone mass and turnover activity, and metaphyseal modelling. Data handling plan requires that all documents, clinical information, biological samples and investigation results will be held in strict confidence by study investigators to preserve its safety and
Shin, Young-Soo; Han, Seung-Beom; Hwang, Yeok-Ku; Suh, Dong-Won; Lee, Dae-Hee
We aimed to compare posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) tibial tunnel location after tibial guide insertion medial (between the PCL remnant and the medial femoral condyle) and lateral (between the PCL remnant and the anterior cruciate ligament) to the PCL stump as determined by in vivo 3-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT). Tibial tunnel aperture location was analyzed by immediate postoperative in vivo CT in 66 patients who underwent single-bundle PCL reconstruction, 31 by over-the-PCL and 35 by under-the-PCL tibial guide insertion techniques. Tibial tunnel positions were measured in the medial to lateral and proximal to distal directions of the posterior proximal tibia. The center of the tibial tunnel aperture was located more laterally (by 2.7 mm) in the over-the-PCL group than in the under-the-PCL group (P = .040) and by a relative percentage (absolute value/tibial width) of 3.2% (P = .031). Tibial tunnel positions in the proximal to distal direction, determined by absolute value and relative percentage, were similar in the 2 groups. Tibial tunnel apertures were located more laterally after lateral-to-the-PCL tibial guide insertion than after medial-to-the-PCL tibial guide insertion. There was, however, no significant difference between these techniques in distance from the joint line to the tibial tunnel aperture. Insertion lateral to the PCL stump may result in better placement of the PCL in its anatomic footprint. Level III, retrospective comparative study. Copyright © 2015 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
... SCFE? The most serious complications of SCFE are avascular necrosis (a lack of blood flow to the bone) and chondrolysis (decay of cartilage). Avascular necrosis is more common in patients who have unstable ...
Hesketh, Kim; Sankar, Wudbhav; Joseph, Benjamin; Narayanan, Unni; Mulpuri, Kishore
The incidence of avascular necrosis (AVN) following reconstructive hip surgery in cerebral palsy (CP) ranges from 0 to 69 % in the current literature. The purpose of this study was to determine the inter- and intra-observer reliability of radiographically diagnosing AVN in children with CP after hip surgery. A retrospective review of 65 children with CP who had reconstructive hip surgery between 2009 and 2012 at BC Children's Hospital was completed. Anterior-posterior and lateral radiographs were presented to four pediatric orthopaedic surgeons over two rounds. Surgeons were asked to review the set of unidentified radiographs and comment 'yes' or 'no' for the presence of AVN. Two weeks later the same set of radiographs was sent in a different order and the surgeons were again asked to comment on AVN. Inter- and intra-observer reliability was determined using kappa statistics. The intra-observer reliability ranged from 0.65 to 0.88 with an average score of 0.76. Inter-observer reliability showed greater variability, ranging from 0.41 to 0.77 with an average score of 0.56 across all surgeons. Although the intra-rater reliability produced a strength of "good" and the inter-rater reliability a strength of "moderate" agreement, the variability within these scores is clinically important as it demonstrates the difficulty in identifying AVN. This may explain the variability in AVN that is reported in the literature. The need for further education and research in the diagnosis of AVN in children with CP who have undergone reconstructive hip surgery is clinically necessary.
Ozel, Betul Duran; Ozel, Deniz; Ozkan, Fuat; Halefoglu, Ahmet M
The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the value of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) in patients with osteonecrosis. Patients were divided into two subgroups as avascular necrosis (AVN) of femoral head for adult group and Legg-Calvé-Perthes (LCP) patients for children. Seventeen patients with femoral head AVN (mean age 42.3 years) and 17 patients with LCP (mean age 8.2 years) were included in this study. Diagnosis confirmed with clinical and other imaging procedures among the patients complaining hip pain. DW images were obtained using the single-shot echo planar sequence and had b values of 0, 500, 1000 s/mm(2). The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values were measured from ADC maps in epiphysis of patients with AVN, both from metaphysis and epiphysis in patients with LCP, respectively. Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare ADC values. The mean ADC value of femoral heads (1.285 ± 0.204 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s) was increased in patients with AVN when compared to normal bone tissue (0.209 ± 0.214 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s) (p < 0.01). The mean ADC values (×10(-3) mm(2)/s) of both metaphysis (0.852 ± 0.293) and epiphysis (0.843 ± 0.332) were also increased in patients with LCP and differences were statistically significant (p < 0.01). As a result, osteonecrosis shows increased ADC values. But it is a controversial concept that DWI offers a valuable data to conventional MRI or not. However, as there are report states, there is a correlation between the stage of the disease with ADC values in the LCP disease. DWI is a fast, without-contrast administration technique and provides quantitative values additional to conventional MR techniques; we believe DWI may play an additional assistance to the diagnosis and treatment for LCP patients. Multicentric larger group studies may provide additional data to this issue.
Kim, Il-Kyu; Cho, Hyun-Young; Pae, Sang-Pill; Jung, Bum-Sang; Cho, Hyun-Woo; Seo, Ji-Hoon
Oral and maxillofacial defects often require bone grafts to restore missing tissues. Well-recognized donor sites include the anterior and posterior iliac crest, rib, and intercalvarial diploic bone. The proximal tibia has also been explored as an alternative donor site. The use of the tibia for bone graft has many benefits, such as procedural ease, adequate volume of cancellous and cortical bone, and minimal complications. Although patients rarely complain of pain, swelling, discomfort, or dysfunction, such as gait disturbance, both patients and surgeons should pay close attention to such after effects due to the possibility of tibial fracture. The purpose of this study is to analyze tibial fractures that occurring after osteotomy for a medioproximal tibial graft. An analysis was intended for patients who underwent medioproximal tibial graft between March 2004 and December 2011 in Inha University Hospital. A total of 105 subjects, 30 females and 75 males, ranged in age from 17 to 78 years. We investigated the age, weight, circumstance, and graft timing in relation to tibial fracture. Tibial fractures occurred in four of 105 patients. There were no significant differences in graft region, shape, or scale between the fractured and non-fractured patients. Patients who undergo tibial grafts must be careful of excessive external force after the operation.
Lee, Sun-Ho; Lee, Gun-Woo; Seol, Young-Jun; Park, Kyung-Soon; Yoon, Taek-Rim
The objective of this study was to compare clinical and radiological outcomes of total hip arthroplasty (THA) between ankylosing spondylitis (AS) of the hip joint and avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head. Thirty patients (30 hips) underwent cementless THA for AS between 2003 and 2012. They were compared to 30 patients (30 hips) who underwent the same procedure for AVN of the femoral head. Each group was matched for age and gender, and both groups had similar preoperative demographic characteristics. All cases were followed for minimum 4 postoperative years. Clinical evaluation was based on operation time, intraoperative blood loss, quantity of postoperative drainage, Harris Hip Score (HHS), and range of motion (ROM). Radiological results were evaluated by acetabular cup anteversion and inclination, femoral stem orientation, pre- and postoperative leg length discrepancy, and postoperative complications. The operation time was significantly longer in the AS group (120.2 ± 26.2 min) than in the AVN group (79.5 ± 11.1 min). The volume of postoperative drainage was significantly greater in the AS group (764.5 ± 355.4 mL vs. 510.5 ± 195.6 mL). Preoperative HHS was lower in the AS group (55.6 ± 13.8 vs. 59.2 ± 2.8). Similarly, postoperative HHS was significantly lower in the AS group (92.8 ± 2.7 vs. 97.4 ± 2.6). The arc of ROM was improved from 146.5° ± 13.2° preoperatively to 254.7° ± 17.2° postoperatively in the AS group and from 182.6° ± 15.5° to 260.4° ± 13.7° in the AVN group. Implant position and postoperative leg length discrepancy were not different between the groups. However, three cases of heterotopic ossification was observed in the AS group, whereas only 1 case was found in the AVN group. One deep infection and one aseptic stem loosening were found in the AS group, whereas none was observed in the AVN group. Cementless THA showed satisfactory clinical and radiological results in both groups, despite the longer operation time
Joo, Young Bin; Sung, Yoon-Kyoung; Shim, Jee-Seon; Kim, Jae-Hoon; Lee, Eui-Kyung; Lee, Hye-Soon; Bae, Sang-Cheol
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is one of the most frequent types of organ damage in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). However, little is currently known about the epidemiology of AVN in SLE patients. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and incidence of AVN in Korean patients with SLE based on National Health Insurance (NHI) claims data and to determine the risk factors for AVN among SLE patients. This study was conducted using the 2006-2010 data of 25,358 SLE patients from the NHI program. AVN cases were defined as those with at least one diagnosis of AVN. The prevalence was calculated by dividing the number of AVN cases by the number of SLE cases in the same year. The annual incidence was calculated by dividing the number of incident AVN cases by the number of SLE-prevalent cases not previously diagnosed with AVN. Patients who developed AVN in 2008-2010 were compared with SLE patients who did not develop AVN to identify any risk factors. The prevalence of AVN among SLE patients (2006-2010) was 31.5-34.2 per 1,000 persons and was similar in all the years studied. The incidence per 1,000 persons of AVN among SLE patients was 8.6 [95 % confidence interval (95 % CI) 6.9-10.3] in 2008, 9.8 (95 % CI 8.0-11.6) in 2009, and 8.4 (95 % CI 6.8-10.0) in 2010. Regression analysis indicated that taking an oral corticosteroid [odds ratio (OR) 2.12, 95 % CI 1.39-3.23] or an intravenous corticosteroid (OR 1.5, 95 % CI 1.2-1.89) was significantly associated with AVN. In addition, AVN was associated with use of immunosuppressive agents (OR 2.12, 95 % CI 1.66-2.72), hydroxychloroquine (OR 1.4, 95 % CI 1.09-1.81), and lipid-lowering agents (OR 1.78, 95 % CI 1.24-2.57) among the prescribed medications, and with hypertension (OR 1.39, 95 % CI 1.08-1.79) among the comorbidities. The prevalence and incidence of AVN among SLE patients, which were 31.5-34.2 and 8.4-9.8 per 1,000 persons, respectively, may be representative of the entire population of symptomatic AVN patients
Sundaram, R O; Cohen, D; Barton-Hanson, N
Tibial plateau fractures following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction are extremely rare. This is the first reported case of a tibial plateau fracture following four-strand gracilis-semitendinosus autograft ACL reconstruction. The tibial tunnel alone may behave as a stress riser which can significantly reduce bone strength.
... improves when the drug is decreased or discontinued. Avascular Necrosis of Bone For reasons that are not known, ... joint damage, most often of the hips. In avascular necrosis (or osteonecrosis, meaning “bone death”) of the hip, ...
Martin, J Ryan; Watts, Chad D; Levy, Daniel L; Miner, Todd M; Springer, Bryan D; Kim, Raymond H
Stress shielding is an uncommon complication associated with primary total knee arthroplasty. Patients are frequently identified radiographically with minimal clinical symptoms. Very few studies have evaluated risk factors for postoperative medial tibial bone loss. We hypothesized that thicker cobalt-chromium tibial trays are associated with increased bone loss. We performed a retrospective review of 100 posterior stabilized, fixed-bearing total knee arthroplasty where 50 patients had a 4-mm-thick tibial tray (thick tray cohort) and 50 patients had a 2.7-mm-thick tibial tray (thin tray cohort). A clinical evaluation and a radiographic assessment of medial tibial bone loss were performed on both cohorts at a minimum of 2 years postoperatively. Mean medial tibial bone loss was significantly higher in the thick tray cohort (1.07 vs 0.16 mm; P = .0001). In addition, there were significantly more patients with medial tibial bone loss in the thick tray group compared with the thin tray group (44% vs 10%, P = .0002). Despite these differences, there were no statistically significant differences in range of motion, knee society score, complications, or revision surgeries performed. A thicker cobalt-chromium tray was associated with significantly more medial tibial bone loss. Despite these radiographic findings, we found no discernable differences in clinical outcomes in our patient cohort. Further study and longer follow-up are needed to understand the effects and clinical significance of medial tibial bone loss. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Genetics Home Reference: Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
... link) LEGG-CALVE-PERTHES DISEASE MedGen (1 link) Avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis Sources for This ... at onset-dependent presentations of premature hip osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, or Legg-Calvé-Perthes ...
Deployment After Limb Salvage for High-Energy Lower-Extremity Trauma
idiopathic avascular necrosis of the talus, and one had an iatrogenic nerve injury after pelvic surgery. Six of the patients underwent circular external... avascular necrosis Unknown 10 40 Distal tibia fracture Fall from height 11 38 Calcaneus fracture, fifth metatarsal fracture, ankle fracture, talus...injury, and one fall from height). One patient developed idiopathic avascular ne- crosis of the talus without a precipitating injury, and one de
Mohanty, S P; Singh, K A; Kundangar, R; Shankar, V
The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical and radiological outcomes of multiple small diameter drilling and core decompression with fibular strut grafting in the management of non-traumatic avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head. Outcomes of patients with AVN treated by multiple small diameter drilling (group 1) were compared retrospectively with patients treated by core decompression and fibular grafting (group 2). Harris hip score (HHS) was used to assess the clinical status pre- and postoperatively. Modified Ficat and Arlet classification was used to assess the radiological stage pre- and postoperatively. Forty-six patients (68 hips) were included in this study. Group 1 consisted of 33 hips, and group 2 consisted of 35 hips. In stages I and IIB, there was no statistically significant difference in the final HHS between the two groups. However, in stages IIA and III, hips in group 2 had a better final HHS (P < 0.05). In terms of radiographic progression, there was no statistical difference between hips in stages I, IIA and stage IIB. However, in stage III, hips belonging to group 2 had better results (P < 0.05). Kaplan-Meier survivorship analysis showed better outcome in group 2 in stage III (P < 0.05). Hips with AVN in the precollapse stage can be salvaged by core decompression with or without fibular grafting. Multiple small diameter drilling is relatively simple and carries less morbidity and hence preferred in stages I and II. However, in stage III disease, core decompression with fibular strut grafting gives better results.
Drews, Björn Holger; Seitz, Andreas Martin; Huth, Jochen; Bauer, Gerhard; Ignatius, Anita; Dürselen, Lutz
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) double-bundle reconstruction with one tibial tunnel displays the same in vitro stability as a conventional double-bundle reconstruction with two tibial tunnels when using the same tensioning protocol. In 11 fresh-frozen cadaveric knees, ACL double-bundle reconstruction with one and two tibial tunnels was performed. The two grafts were tightened using 80 N in different flexion angles (anteromedial-bundle at 60° and posterolateral-bundle at 15°). Anterior tibial translation (134 N) and translation with combined rotatory and valgus loads (10 Nm valgus stress and 4 Nm internal tibial torque) were determined at 0°, 30°, 60° and 90° flexion. Measurements were taken in intact ACL, resected ACL, three-tunnel reconstruction and four-tunnel reconstruction. Additionally, the tension on the grafts was determined. Student's t test was performed for statistical analysis of the related samples. Significance was set at p < 0.017 according to Bonferroni correction. The two reconstructive techniques displayed no significant differences in comparison with the intact ACL in anterior tibial translation at 0°, 60° and 90° of flexion. The same results were obtained for the anterior tibial translation with a combined rotatory load at 60° and 90°. When directly comparing both reconstructive techniques, there were no significant differences for the anterior tibial translation and combined rotatory load at all flexion angles. The measured tension on grafts displayed similar load sharing between both bundles. Except at full extension, both grafts displayed a significantly different tension increase under anterior tibial translation for both techniques (p = 0.0086). Tightening both bundles in ACL double-bundle reconstruction with one or two tibial tunnels in different flexion angles achieved comparable restoration of stability, although there was different load sharing on the bundles
Chen, Daoyun; Chen, Jianmin; Jiang, Yao; Liu, Fanggang
Leg discrepancy is common after poliomyelitis. Tibial lengthening is an effective way to solve this problem. It is believed lengthening over a tibial intramedullary nail can provide a more comfortable lengthening process than by the conventional technique. However, patients with sequelae of poliomyelitis typically have narrow intramedullary canals allowing limited space for inserting a tibial intramedullary nail and Kirschner wires. To overcome this problem, we tried using humeral nails instead of tibial nails in the lengthening procedure. In this study, we used humeral nails in 20 tibial lengthening procedures and compared the results with another group of patients who were treated with tibial lengthening over tibial intramedullary nails. The mean consolidation index, percentage of increase and external fixation index did not show significant differences between the two groups. However, less blood loss and shorter operating time were noted in the humeral nail group. More patients encountered difficulty with the inserted intramedullary nail in the tibial nail group procedure. The complications did not show a statistically significant difference between the two techniques on follow-up. In conclusion, we found the humeral nail lengthening technique was more suitable in leg discrepancy patients with sequelae of poliomyelitis.
Slocum, B; Devine, T
Cranial tibial wedge osteotomy, surgical technique for cranial cruciate ligament rupture, was performed on 19 stifles in dogs. This procedure leveled the tibial plateau, thus causing weight-bearing forces to be compressive and eliminating cranial tibial thrust. Without cranial tibial thrust, which was antagonistic to the cranial cruciate ligament and its surgical reconstruction, cruciate ligament repairs were allowed to heal without constant loads. This technique was meant to be used as an adjunct to other cranial cruciate ligament repair techniques.
Feng, Zhenhua; Zheng, Wenhao; Tang, Qian; Cheng, Liang; Li, Hang; Ni, Wenfei; Pan, Xiaoyun
Steroid-induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head (SANFH) is a major limitation of long-term or excessive clinical administration of glucocorticoids. Fludarabine, which is a compound used to treat various hematological malignancies, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acts by down-regulating signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) by inhibiting STAT1 phosphorylation in both normal and cancer cells. This study assessed the effects of fludarabine in vitro (primary murine osteoblasts) and in vivo (rat SANFH model). In vitro, pretreatment with fludarabine significantly inhibited Dexamethasone (Dex)-induced apoptosis in osteoblasts, which was examined by TUNEL staining. Treatment with Dex caused a remarkable decrease in the expression of Bcl-2; an increase in cytochrome c release; activation of BAX, caspase-9, and caspase-3; and an obvious enhancement in STAT1 phosphorylation. However, treatment resulted in the up-regulation of caspase-3 expression. Enhanced P-STAT1 activity and up-regulation of caspase-3 expression were also observed in osteoblasts. In vivo, the subchondral trabeculae in fludarabine-treated rats exhibited less bone loss and a lower ratio of empty lacunae. Taken together, our results suggest that STAT1-mediated up-regulation of caspase-3 is involved in osteoblast apoptosis induced by Dex and indicates that fludarabine may serve as a potential agent for the treatment of SANFH.
Bilmont, A; Retournard, M; Asimus, E; Palierne, S; Autefage, A
This study evaluated the effects of tibial plateau levelling osteotomy on cranial tibial subluxation and tibial rotation angle in a model of feline cranial cruciate ligament deficient stifle joint. Quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles were simulated with cables, turnbuckles and a spring in an ex vivo limb model. Cranial tibial subluxation and tibial rotation angle were measured radiographically before and after cranial cruciate ligament section, and after tibial plateau levelling osteotomy, at postoperative tibial plateau angles of +5°, 0° and -5°. Cranial tibial subluxation and tibial rotation angle were not significantly altered after tibial plateau levelling osteotomy with a tibial plateau angle of +5°. Additional rotation of the tibial plateau to a tibial plateau angle of 0° and -5° had no significant effect on cranial tibial subluxation and tibial rotation angle, although 2 out of 10 specimens were stabilized by a postoperative tibial plateau angle of -5°. No stabilization of the cranial cruciate ligament deficient stifle was observed in this model of the feline stifle, after tibial plateau levelling osteotomy. Given that stabilization of the cranial cruciate ligament deficient stifle was not obtained in this model, simple transposition of the tibial plateau levelling osteotomy technique from the dog to the cat may not be appropriate. Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart.
Wang, Ya-Jie; Yang, Fan; Wu, Qi-Jun; Pan, Shi-Nong; Li, Lian-Yong
The risk of avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVN) after treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip is associated with the method of reduction. Some authors have suggested that open reduction is a risk factor for AVN; however, this is controversial. To our knowledge, a quantitative comparison of the incidence of AVN between closed and open reduction has not been conducted. Published studies were identified by searching PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library up to May, 2015, focusing on the incidence of AVN after closed or open reduction for developmental dysplasia of the hip in children aged <3 years. Patients were age-matched who were treated by either closed or open reduction, but without pelvic or femoral osteotomy. Two authors independently assessed eligibility and abstracted data. Discrepancies were discussed and resolved by consensus. We pooled the odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) from individual studies using a random-effects model and evaluated heterogeneity and publication bias. Nine retrospective studies were included in this analysis. The pooled OR for comparing open reduction with closed reduction for all grades of AVN was 2.26 (95%CI = 1.21-4.22), with moderate heterogeneity (I = 44.7%, P = 0.107). The pooled OR for grades II to IV AVN was 2.46 (95%CI = 0.93-6.51), with high heterogeneity (I = 69.6%, P = 0.003). A significant association was also found for the further surgery between open and closed reduction, with a pooled OR of 0.30 (95%CI = 0.15-0.60) and moderate heterogeneity (I = 46.4%, P = 0.133). No evidence of publication bias or significant heterogeneity between subgroups was detected by meta-regression analyses. Findings from this meta-analysis suggest that open reduction is a risk factor for the development of AVN compared with closed treatment. Future studies are warranted to investigate how open reduction combined with pelvis and/or femoral osteotomy affects the
Genetically Modified Porcine Skin Grafts for Treatment of Severe Burn Injuries
limited the usefulness of living porcine grafts, since the lack of blood supply soon lead to desiccation and avascular necrosis . Failure of...porcine grafts, since the lack of blood supply soon lead to desiccation and avascular necrosis . Failure of vascularization of xenografts is largely
Inoue, Shinji; Akagi, Masao; Asada, Shigeki; Mori, Shigeshi; Zaima, Hironori; Hashida, Masahiko
Medial tibial condylar fractures (MTCFs) are a rare but serious complication after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. Although some surgical pitfalls have been reported for MTCFs, it is not clear whether the varus/valgus tibial inclination contributes to the risk of MTCFs. We constructed a 3-dimensional finite elemental method model of the tibia with a medial component and assessed stress concentrations by changing the inclination from 6° varus to 6° valgus. Subsequently, we repeated the same procedure adding extended sagittal bone cuts of 2° and 10° in the posterior tibial cortex. Furthermore, we calculated the bone volume that supported the tibial component, which is considered to affect stress distribution in the medial tibial condyle. Stress concentrations were observed on the medial tibial metaphyseal cortices and on the anterior and posterior tibial cortices in the corner of cut surfaces in all models; moreover, the maximum principal stresses on the posterior cortex were larger than those on the anterior cortex. The extended sagittal bone cuts in the posterior tibial cortex increased the stresses further at these 3 sites. In the models with a 10° extended sagittal bone cut, the maximum principal stress on the posterior cortex increased as the tibial inclination changed from 6° varus to 6° valgus. The bone volume decreased as the inclination changed from varus to valgus. In this finite element method, the risk of MTCFs increases with increasing valgus inclination of the tibial component and with increased extension of the sagittal cut in the posterior tibial cortex. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[Tibial periostitis ("medial tibial stress syndrome")].
Fournier, Pierre-Etienne
Medial tibial stress syndrome is characterised by complaints along the posteromedial tibia. Runners and athletes involved in jumping activities may develop this syndrome. Increased stress to stabilize the foot especially when excessive pronation is present explain the occurrence this lesion.
Dai, Yifei; Scuderi, Giles R; Bischoff, Jeffrey E; Bertin, Kim; Tarabichi, Samih; Rajgopal, Ashok
The aim of this study was to comprehensively evaluate contemporary tibial component designs against global tibial anatomy. We hypothesized that anatomically designed tibial components offer increased morphological fit to the resected proximal tibia with increased alignment accuracy compared to symmetric and asymmetric designs. Using a multi-ethnic bone dataset, six contemporary tibial component designs were investigated, including anatomic, asymmetric, and symmetric design types. Investigations included (1) measurement of component conformity to the resected tibia using a comprehensive set of size and shape metrics; (2) assessment of component coverage on the resected tibia while ensuring clinically acceptable levels of rotation and overhang; and (3) evaluation of the incidence and severity of component downsizing due to adherence to rotational alignment and overhang requirements, and the associated compromise in tibial coverage. Differences in coverage were statistically compared across designs and ethnicities, as well as between placements with or without enforcement of proper rotational alignment. Compared to non-anatomic designs investigated, the anatomic design exhibited better conformity to resected tibial morphology in size and shape, higher tibial coverage (92% compared to 85-87%), more cortical support (posteromedial region), lower incidence of downsizing (3% compared to 39-60%), and less compromise of tibial coverage (0.5% compared to 4-6%) when enforcing proper rotational alignment. The anatomic design demonstrated meaningful increase in tibial coverage with accurate rotational alignment compared to symmetric and asymmetric designs, suggesting its potential for less intra-operative compromises and improved performance. III.
Talamo, Giampaolo; Angtuaco, Edgardo; Walker, Ronald C; Dong, Li; Miceli, Marisa H; Zangari, Maurizio; Tricot, Guido; Barlogie, Bart; Anaissie, Elias
To assess the prevalence, time of onset, risk factors, and outcome of avascular necrosis (AVN) of bone in patients with multiple myeloma undergoing antineoplastic therapy. A total of 553 consecutive assessable patients were enrolled onto a treatment protocol consisting of dexamethasone-containing induction chemotherapy, autologous stem-cell transplantation, consolidation chemotherapy, and maintenance with interferon alfa. Patients were randomly assigned to receive thalidomide (269 patients) or no thalidomide (284 patients) throughout the study period. With a median follow-up of 33 months (range, 5 to 114 months), AVN of the femoral head(s) developed in 49 patients (9%). Median time to onset of AVN was 12 months (range, 2 to 41 months). Three risk factors for AVN were identified by multivariate analysis: cumulative dexamethasone dose (odds ratio [OR], 1.028; 95% CI, 1.012 to 1.044; P = .0006 [per 40 mg dexamethasone]), male sex (OR, 0.390; 95% CI, 0.192 to 0.790; P = .009), and younger age (OR, 0.961; 95% CI, 0.934 to 0.991 per year; P = .0122). Thalidomide-treated patients had a prevalence of AVN similar to that of the control group (8% v 10%, respectively; P = .58). AVN-related pain and limited range of motion of the affected joint were present in only nine and four patients, respectively, and four patients underwent hip replacement because of AVN. Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography failed to detect abnormal uptake in the AVN-affected bones. AVN is a rare and usually asymptomatic complication during myeloma therapy. Cumulative dexamethasone dose, male sex, and younger age, but not thalidomide, increase the risk of AVN.
Biochemomechanical poroelastic theory of avascular tumor growth
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xue, Shi-Lei; Li, Bo; Feng, Xi-Qiao; Gao, Huajian
Tumor growth is a complex process involving genetic mutations, biochemical regulations, and mechanical deformations. In this paper, a thermodynamics-based nonlinear poroelastic theory is established to model the coupling among the mechanical, chemical, and biological mechanisms governing avascular tumor growth. A volumetric growth law accounting for mechano-chemo-biological coupled effects is proposed to describe the development of solid tumors. The regulating roles of stresses and nutrient transport in the tumor growth are revealed under different environmental constraints. We show that the mechano-chemo-biological coupling triggers anisotropic and heterogeneous growth, leading to the formation of layered structures in a growing tumor. There exists a steady state in which tumor growth is balanced by resorption. The influence of external confinements on tumor growth is also examined. A phase diagram is constructed to illustrate how the elastic modulus and thickness of the confinements jointly dictate the steady state of tumor volume. Qualitative and quantitative agreements with experimental observations indicate the developed model is capable of capturing the essential features of avascular tumor growth in various environments.
infection, or avascular necrosis is extremely difficult. Tibiocalcaneal fusion typically leaves a patient with a leg length discrepancy unless large bone...fractures. J Orthop Trauma 2004;18(5):265–70. 37. Dennison MG, Pool RD, Simonis RB, et al. Tibiocalcaneal fusion for avascular necrosis of the talus
Li, Ji; Li, Zhong-Li; Zhang, Hao; Su, Xiang-Zheng; Wang, Ke-Tao; Yang, Yi-Meng
Avascular necrosis of femoral head (AVNFH) typically presents in the young adults and progresses quickly without proper treatments. However, the optimum treatments for early stage of AVNFH are still controversial. This study was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic effects of multiple small-diameter drilling decompression combined with hip arthroscopy for early AVNFH compared to drilling alone. This is a nonrandomized retrospective case series study. Between April 2006 and November 2010, 60 patients (98 hips) with early stage AVNFH participated in this study. The patients underwent multiple small-diameter drilling decompression combined with hip arthroscopy in 26 cases/43 hips (Group A) or drilling decompression alone in 34 cases/55 hips (Group B). Patients were followed up at 6, 12, and 24 weeks, and every 6 months thereafter. Radiographs were taken at every follow-up, Harris scores were recorded at the last follow-up, the paired t-test was used to compare the postoperative Harris scores. Surgery effective rate of the two groups was compared using the Chi-square test. All patients were followed up for an average of 57.6 months (range: 17-108 months). Pain relief and improvement of hip function were assessed in all patients at 6 months after the surgery. At the last follow-up, Group A had better outcome with mean Harris' scores improved from 68.23 ± 11.37 to 82.07 ± 2.92 (t = -7.21, P = 0.001) than Group B with mean Harris' scores improved from 69.46 ± 9.71 to 75.79 ± 4.13 (t = -9.47, P = 0.037) (significantly different: t = -2.54, P = 0.017). The total surgery effective rate was also significantly different between Groups A and B (86.0% vs. 74.5%; χ2 = 3.69, P = 0.02). For early stage of AVNFH, multiple small-diameter drilling decompression combined with hip arthroscopy is more effective than drilling decompression alone.
Li, Ji; Li, Zhong-Li; Zhang, Hao; Su, Xiang-Zheng; Wang, Ke-Tao; Yang, Yi-Meng
Background: Avascular necrosis of femoral head (AVNFH) typically presents in the young adults and progresses quickly without proper treatments. However, the optimum treatments for early stage of AVNFH are still controversial. This study was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic effects of multiple small-diameter drilling decompression combined with hip arthroscopy for early AVNFH compared to drilling alone. Methods: This is a nonrandomized retrospective case series study. Between April 2006 and November 2010, 60 patients (98 hips) with early stage AVNFH participated in this study. The patients underwent multiple small-diameter drilling decompression combined with hip arthroscopy in 26 cases/43 hips (Group A) or drilling decompression alone in 34 cases/55 hips (Group B). Patients were followed up at 6, 12, and 24 weeks, and every 6 months thereafter. Radiographs were taken at every follow-up, Harris scores were recorded at the last follow-up, the paired t-test was used to compare the postoperative Harris scores. Surgery effective rate of the two groups was compared using the Chi-square test. Results: All patients were followed up for an average of 57.6 months (range: 17–108 months). Pain relief and improvement of hip function were assessed in all patients at 6 months after the surgery. At the last follow-up, Group A had better outcome with mean Harris’ scores improved from 68.23 ± 11.37 to 82.07 ± 2.92 (t = −7.21, P = 0.001) than Group B with mean Harris’ scores improved from 69.46 ± 9.71 to 75.79 ± 4.13 (t = –9.47, P = 0.037) (significantly different: t = –2.54, P = 0.017). The total surgery effective rate was also significantly different between Groups A and B (86.0% vs. 74.5%; χ2 = 3.69, P = 0.02). Conclusion: For early stage of AVNFH, multiple small-diameter drilling decompression combined with hip arthroscopy is more effective than drilling decompression alone. PMID:28584206
Li, Zonghuan; Yu, Aixi; Qi, Baiwen; Pan, Zhenyu; Ding, Junhui
The aim of this report was to present the use of flow-through free fibula osteocutaneous flap for the repair of complex tibial bone, soft tissue, and main artery segmental defects. Five patients with bone, soft tissue, and segmental anterior tibial artery defects were included. The lengths of injured tibial bones ranged from 4 to 7 cm. The sizes of impaired soft tissues were between 9 × 4 and 15 × 6 cm. The lengths of defect of anterior tibial artery segments ranged from 6 to 10 cm. Two patients had distal limb perfusion problems. Flow-through free fibula osteocutaneous flap was performed for all 5 patients. Patients were followed for 12 to 18 months. All wounds healed after 1-stage operation, and all flow-through flaps survived. The distal perfusion after vascular repair was normal in all patients. Superficial necrosis of flap edge was noted in 1 case. After the local debridement and partial thickness skin graft, the flap healed uneventfully, and the surgical operation did not increase injury to the donor site. Satisfactory bone union was achieved in all patients in 2 to 4 months postoperation. Enlargement of fibula graft was observed during follow-up from 12 to 18 months. The functions of adjacent joints were recovered, and all patients were able to walk normally. Flow-through free fibula osteocutaneous flap was shown to be an effective and efficient technique for repairing composite tibial bone, soft tissue, and main artery segmental defects. This 1-stage operation should be useful in clinical practice for the treatment of complex bone, soft tissue, and vessel defects.
Li, Guoliang; Han, Guangpu; Zhang, Jinxiu; Ma, Shiqiang; Guo, Donghui; Yuan, Fulu; Qi, Bingbing; Shen, Runbin
To explore the application value of self-made tibial mechanical axis locator in tibial extra-articular deformity in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) for improving the lower extremity force line. Between January and August 2012, 13 cases (21 knees) of osteoarthritis with tibial extra-articular deformity were treated, including 5 males (8 knees) and 8 females (13 knees) with an average age of 66.5 years (range, 58-78 years). The disease duration was 2-5 years (mean, 3.5 years). The knee society score (KSS) was 45.5 +/- 15.5. Extra-articular deformities included 1 case of knee valgus (2 knees) and 12 cases of knee varus (19 knees). Preoperative full-length X-ray films of lower extremities showed 10-21 degrees valgus or varus deformity of tibial extra joint. Self-made tibial mechanical axis locator was used to determine and mark coronal tibial mechanical axis under X-ray before TKA, and then osteotomy was performed with extramedullary positioning device according to the mechanical axis marker.' All incisions healed by first intention, without related complications of infection and joint instability. All patients were followed up 5-12 months (mean, 8.3 months). The X-ray examination showed < 2 degrees knee deviation angle in the others except 1 case of 2.9 degrees knee deviation angle at 3 days after operation, and the accurate rate was 95.2%. No loosening or instability of prosthesis occurred during follow-up. KSS score was 85.5 +/- 15.0 at last follow-up, showing significant difference when compared with preoperative score (t=12.82, P=0.00). The seft-made tibial mechanical axis locator can improve the accurate rate of the lower extremity force line in TKA for tibia extra-articular deformity.
Maximizing tibial coverage is detrimental to proper rotational alignment.
Martin, Stacey; Saurez, Alex; Ismaily, Sabir; Ashfaq, Kashif; Noble, Philip; Incavo, Stephen J
Traditionally, the placement of the tibial component in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has focused on maximizing coverage of the tibial surface. However, the degree to which maximal coverage affects correct rotational placement of symmetric and asymmetric tibial components has not been well defined and might represent an implant design issue worthy of further inquiry. Using four commercially available tibial components (two symmetric, two asymmetric), we sought to determine (1) the overall amount of malrotation that would occur if components were placed for maximal tibial coverage; and (2) whether the asymmetric designs would result in less malrotation than the symmetric designs when placed for maximal coverage in a computer model using CT reconstructions. CT reconstructions of 30 tibial specimens were used to generate three-dimensional tibia reconstructions with attention to the tibial anatomic axis, the tibial tubercle, and the resected tibial surface. Using strict criteria, four commercially available tibial designs (two symmetric, two asymmetric) were placed on the resected tibial surface. The resulting component rotation was examined. Among all four designs, 70% of all tibial components placed in orientation maximizing fit to resection surface were internally malrotated (average 9°). The asymmetric designs had fewer cases of malrotation (28% and 52% for the two asymmetric designs, 100% and 96% for the two symmetric designs; p < 0.001) and less malrotation on average (2° and 5° for the asymmetric designs, 14° for both symmetric designs; p < 0.001). Maximizing tibial coverage resulted in implant malrotation in a large percentage of cases. Given similar amounts of tibial coverage, correct rotational positioning was more likely to occur with the asymmetric designs. Malrotation of components is an important cause of failure in TKA. Priority should be given to correct tibial rotational positioning. This study suggested that it is easier to balance rotation and
Posterior tibial slope in medial opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy: 2-D versus 3-D navigation.
Yim, Ji Hyeon; Seon, Jong Keun; Song, Eun Kyoo
Although opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) is used to correct deformities, it can simultaneously alter tibial slope in the sagittal plane because of the triangular configuration of the proximal tibia, and this undesired change in tibial slope can influence knee kinematics, stability, and joint contact pressure. Therefore, medial opening-wedge HTO is a technically demanding procedure despite the use of 2-dimensional (2-D) navigation. The authors evaluated the posterior tibial slope pre- and postoperatively in patients who underwent navigation-assisted opening-wedge HTO and compared posterior slope changes for 2-D and 3-dimensional (3-D) navigation versions. Patients were randomly divided into 2 groups based on the navigation system used: group A (2-D guidance for coronal alignment; 17 patients) and group B (3-D guidance for coronal and sagittal alignments; 17 patients). Postoperatively, the mechanical axis was corrected to a mean valgus of 2.81° (range, 1°-5.4°) in group A and 3.15° (range, 1.5°-5.6°) in group B. A significant intergroup difference existed for the amount of posterior tibial slope change (Δ slope) pre- and postoperatively (P=.04).Opening-wedge HTO using navigation offers accurate alignment of the lower limb. In particular, the use of 3-D navigation results in significantly less change in the posterior tibial slope postoperatively than does the use of 2-D navigation. Accordingly, the authors recommend the use of 3-D navigation systems because they provide real-time intraoperative information about coronal, sagittal, and transverse axes and guide the maintenance of the native posterior tibial slope. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.
Incidence and epidemiology of tibial shaft fractures.
Larsen, Peter; Elsoe, Rasmus; Hansen, Sandra Hope; Graven-Nielsen, Thomas; Laessoe, Uffe; Rasmussen, Sten
The literature lacks recent population-based epidemiology studies of the incidence, trauma mechanism and fracture classification of tibial shaft fractures. The purpose of this study was to provide up-to-date information on the incidence of tibial shaft fractures in a large and complete population and report the distribution of fracture classification, trauma mechanism and patient baseline demographics. Retrospective reviews of clinical and radiological records. A total of 196 patients were treated for 198 tibial shaft fractures in the years 2009 and 2010. The mean age at time of fracture was 38.5 (21.2SD) years. The incidence of tibial shaft fracture was 16.9/100,000/year. Males have the highest incidence of 21.5/100,000/year and present with the highest frequency between the age of 10 and 20, whereas women have a frequency of 12.3/100,000/year and have the highest frequency between the age of 30 and 40. AO-type 42-A1 was the most common fracture type, representing 34% of all tibial shaft fractures. The majority of tibial shaft fractures occur during walking, indoor activity and sports. The distribution among genders shows that males present a higher frequency of fractures while participating in sports activities and walking. Women present the highest frequency of fractures while walking and during indoor activities. This study shows an incidence of 16.9/100,000/year for tibial shaft fractures. AO-type 42-A1 was the most common fracture type, representing 34% of all tibial shaft fractures. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dibbern, Kevin; Kempton, Laurence B.; Higgins, Thomas F.; Morshed, Saam; McKinley, Todd O.; Marsh, J. Lawrence; Anderson, Donald D.
Patients with tibial pilon fractures have a higher incidence of post-traumatic osteoarthritis than those with fractures of the tibial plateau. This may indicate that pilon fractures present a greater mechanical insult to the joint than do plateau fractures. We tested the hypothesis that fracture energy and articular fracture edge length, two independent indicators of severity, are higher in pilon than plateau fractures. We also evaluated if clinical fracture classification systems accurately reflect severity. Seventy-five tibial plateau fractures and fifty-two tibial pilon fractures from a multi-institutional study were selected to span the spectrum of severity. Fracture severity measures were calculated using objective CT-based image analysis methods. The ranges of fracture energies measured for tibial plateau and pilon fractures were 3.2 to 33.2 Joules (J) and 3.6 to 32.2 J, respectively, and articular fracture edge lengths were 68.0 to 493.0 mm and 56.1 to 288.6 mm, respectively. There were no differences in the fracture energies between the two fracture types, but plateau fractures had greater articular fracture edge lengths (p<0.001). The clinical fracture classifications generally reflected severity, but there was substantial overlap of fracture severity measures between different classes. Clinical Significance Similar fracture energies with different degrees of articular surface involvement suggest a possible explanation for dissimilar rates of post-traumatic osteoarthritis for fractures of the tibial plateau compared to the tibial pilon. The substantial overlap of severity measures between different fracture classes may well have confounded prior clinical studies relying on fracture classification as a surrogate for severity. PMID:27381653
Inderhaug, Eivind; Raknes, Sveinung; Østvold, Thomas; Solheim, Eirik; Strand, Torbjørn
To map knee morphology radiographically in a population with a torn ACL and to investigate whether anatomic factors could be related to outcomes after ACL reconstruction at mid- to long-term follow-up. Further, we wanted to assess tibial tunnel placement after using the 70-degree "anti-impingement" tibial tunnel guide and investigate any relation between tunnel placement and revision surgery. Patients undergoing ACL reconstruction involving the 70-degree tibial guide from 2003 to 2008 were included. Two independent investigators analysed pre- and post-operative radiographs. Demographic data and information on revision surgery were collected from an internal database. Anatomic factors and post-operative tibial tunnel placements were investigated as predictors of revision. Three-hundred and seventy-seven patients were included in the study. A large anatomic variation with significant differences between men and women was seen. None of the anatomic factors could be related to a significant increase in revision rate. Patients with a posterior tibial tunnel placement, defined as 50 % or more posterior on the Amis and Jakob line, did, however, have a higher risk of revision surgery compared to patients with an anterior tunnel placement (P = 0.03). Use of the 70-degree tibial guide did result in a high incidence (47 %) of posterior tibial tunnel placements associated with an increased rate of revision surgery. The current study was, however, not able to identify any anatomic variation that could be related to a higher risk of revision surgery. Avoiding graft impingement from the femoral roof in anterior tibial tunnel placements is important, but the insight that overly posterior tunnel placement can lead to inferior outcome should also be kept in mind when performing ACL surgery. IV.
Stem cell-based tissue-engineering for treatment of meniscal tears in the avascular zone.
Zellner, Johannes; Hierl, Katja; Mueller, Michael; Pfeifer, Christian; Berner, Arne; Dienstknecht, Thomas; Krutsch, Werner; Geis, Sebastian; Gehmert, Sebastian; Kujat, Richard; Dendorfer, Sebastian; Prantl, Lukas; Nerlich, Michael; Angele, Peter
Meniscal tears in the avascular zone have a poor self-healing potential, however partial meniscectomy predisposes the knee for early osteoarthritis. Tissue engineering with mesenchymal stem cells and a hyaluronan collagen based scaffold is a promising approach to repair meniscal tears in the avascular zone. 4 mm longitudinal meniscal tears in the avascular zone of lateral menisci of New Zealand White Rabbits were performed. The defect was left empty, sutured with a 5-0 suture or filled with a hyaluronan/collagen composite matrix without cells, with platelet rich plasma or with autologous mesenchymal stem cells. Matrices with stem cells were in part precultured in chondrogenic medium for 14 days prior to the implantation. Menisci were harvested at 6 and 12 weeks. The developed repair tissue was analyzed macroscopically, histologically and biomechanically. Untreated defects, defects treated with suture alone, with cell-free or with platelet rich plasma seeded implants showed a muted fibrous healing response. The implantation of stem cell-matrix constructs initiated fibrocartilage-like repair tissue, with better integration and biomechanical properties in the precultured stem cell-matrix group. A hyaluronan-collagen based composite scaffold seeded with mesenchymal stem cells is more effective in the repair avascular meniscal tear with stable meniscus-like tissue and to restore the native meniscus. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., a Wiley Company.
Trifurcation of the tibial nerve within the tarsal tunnel.
Develi, Sedat
The tibial nerve is the larger terminal branch of the sciatic nerve and it terminates in the tarsal tunnel by giving lateral and medial plantar nerves. We present a rare case of trifurcation of the tibial nerve within the tarsal tunnel. The variant nerve curves laterally after branching from the tibial nerve and courses deep to quadratus plantae muscle. Interestingly, posterior tibial artery was also terminating by giving three branches. These branches were accompanying the terminal branches of the tibial nerve.
A cellular automata model for avascular solid tumor growth under the effect of therapy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Reis, E. A.; Santos, L. B. L.; Pinho, S. T. R.
Tumor growth has long been a target of investigation within the context of mathematical and computer modeling. The objective of this study is to propose and analyze a two-dimensional stochastic cellular automata model to describe avascular solid tumor growth, taking into account both the competition between cancer cells and normal cells for nutrients and/or space and a time-dependent proliferation of cancer cells. Gompertzian growth, characteristic of some tumors, is described and some of the features of the time-spatial pattern of solid tumors, such as compact morphology with irregular borders, are captured. The parameter space is studied in order to analyze the occurrence of necrosis and the response to therapy. Our findings suggest that transitions exist between necrotic and non-necrotic phases (no-therapy cases), and between the states of cure and non-cure (therapy cases). To analyze cure, the control and order parameters are, respectively, the highest probability of cancer cell proliferation and the probability of the therapeutic effect on cancer cells. With respect to patterns, it is possible to observe the inner necrotic core and the effect of the therapy destroying the tumor from its outer borders inwards.
Zeng, Xianshang; Zhan, Ke; Zhang, Lili; Zeng, Dan; Yu, Weiguang; Zhang, Xinchao; Zhao, Mingdong; Lai, Zhicheng; Chen, Runzhen
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVNFH) typically constitutes 5 to 15% of all complications of low-energy femoral neck fractures, and due to an increasingly ageing population and a rising prevalence of femoral neck fractures, the number of patients who develop AVNFH is increasing. However, there is no consensus regarding the relationship between blood lipid abnormalities and postoperative AVNFH. The purpose of this retrospective study was to investigate the relationship between blood lipid abnormalities and AVNFH following the femoral neck fracture operation among an elderly population. A retrospective, comparative study was performed at our institution. Between June 2005 and November 2009, 653 elderly patients (653 hips) with low-energy femoral neck fractures underwent closed reduction and internal fixation with cancellous screws (Smith and Nephew, Memphis, Tennessee). Follow-up occurred at 1, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 months after surgery. Logistic multi-factor regression analysis was used to assess the risk factors of AVNFH and to determine the effect of blood lipid levels on AVNFH development. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were predetermined to focus on isolated freshly closed femoral neck fractures in the elderly population. The primary outcome was the blood lipid levels. The secondary outcome was the logistic multi-factor regression analysis. A total of 325 elderly patients with low-energy femoral neck fractures (AVNFH, n = 160; control, n = 165) were assessed. In the AVNFH group, the average TC, TG, LDL, and Apo-B values were 7.11 ± 3.16 mmol/L, 2.15 ± 0.89 mmol/L, 4.49 ± 1.38 mmol/L, and 79.69 ± 17.29 mg/dL, respectively; all of which were significantly higher than the values in the control group. Logistic multi-factor regression analysis showed that both TC and LDL were the independent factors influencing the postoperative AVNFH within femoral neck fractures. This evidence indicates that AVNFH was significantly
Jain, Vivek; Pareek, Ashutosh; Paliwal, Nishant; Ratan, Yashumati; Jaggi, Amteshwar Singh; Singh, Nirmal
This study was designed to investigate the ameliorative potential of Momordica charantia L. (MC) in tibial and sural nerve transection (TST)-induced neuropathic pain in rats. TST was performed by sectioning tibial and sural nerve portions (2 mm) of the sciatic nerve, and leaving the common peroneal nerve intact. Acetone drop, pin-prick, hot plate, paint-brush, and walking track tests were performed to assess cold allodynia, mechanical and heat hyperalgesia, and dynamic mechanical allodynia and tibial functional index, respectively. The levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and thio-barbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were measured in the sciatic nerve as an index of inflammation and oxidative stress. MC (all doses, orally, once daily) was administered to the rats for 24 consecutive days. TST led to significant development of cold allodynia, mechanical and heat hyperalgesia, dynamic mechanical allodynia, and functional deficit in walking along with rise in the levels of TBARS and TNF-alpha. Administration of MC (200, 400, and 800 mg/kg) significantly attenuated TST-induced behavioural and biochemical changes. Furthermore, pretreatment of BADGE (120 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) abolished the protective effect of MC in TST-induced neuropathic pain. Collectively, it is speculated that PPAR-gamma agonistic activity, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidative potential is critical for antinociceptive effect of MC in neuropathic pain.
Histological analysis of the tibial anterior cruciate ligament insertion.
Oka, Shinya; Schuhmacher, Peter; Brehmer, Axel; Traut, Ulrike; Kirsch, Joachim; Siebold, Rainer
This study was performed to investigate the morphology of the tibial anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) by histological assessment. The native (undissected) tibial ACL insertion of six fresh-frozen cadaveric knees was cut into four sagittal sections parallel to the long axis of the medial tibial spine. For histological evaluation, the slices were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, Safranin O and Russell-Movat pentachrome. All slices were digitalized and analysed at a magnification of 20×. The anterior tibial ACL insertion was bordered by a bony anterior ridge. The most medial ACL fibres inserted from the medial tibial spine and were adjacent to the articular cartilage of the medial tibial plateau. Parts of the bony insertions of the anterior and posterior horns of the lateral meniscus were in close contact with the lateral part of the tibial ACL insertion. A small fat pad was located just posterior to the functional ACL fibres. The anterior-posterior length of the medial ACL insertion was an average of 10.8 ± 1.1 mm compared with the lateral, which was only 6.2 ± 1.1 mm (p < 0.001). There were no central or posterolateral inserting ACL fibres. The shape of the bony tibial ACL insertion was 'duck-foot-like'. In contrast to previous findings, the functional mid-substance fibres arose from the most posterior part of the 'duck-foot' in a flat and 'c-shaped' way. The most anterior part of the tibial ACL insertion was bordered by a bony anterior ridge and the most medial by the medial tibial spine. No posterolateral fibres nor ACL bundles have been found histologically. This histological investigation may improve our understanding of the tibial ACL insertion and may provide important information for anatomical ACL reconstruction.
Luo, Ru-Bin; Lin, Tiao; Zhong, Hui-Ming; Yan, Shi-Gui; Wang, Jian-An
Osteonecrosis or avascular osteonecrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is a devastating multifactorial disease that affects 20 000 persons each year in the United States. The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the efficacy and safety of alendronate for adult AVN during short- and long-term follow-up. Electronic databases were searched for randomized or nonrandomized clinical trials, cohort, case-control studies, and series of cases in which alendronate was used for treatment of adult AVN of the femoral head. Relevant articles with adequate data on reduction of pain, improvement of articular function, slowing of bone collapse progression, or need for total hip arthroplasty (THA) were included after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. Eight articles involving 788 hips with evidence level 1b to 3b were included in this systematic review. Most studies suggested a positive short-term efficacy of alendronate treatment in reducing pain, improving articular function, slowing of bone collapse progression, and delaying the need for THA for adult AVN patients. The favorable long-term results were also presented in those treated patients after 10-year follow-up. In addition, there were no severe adverse effects associated with alendronate treatment observed during short- and long-term follow-up, and most of the included studies suggested use of alendronate in early AVN with small necrotic lesion to achieve better outcomes. The findings support consideration of alendronate use for adult AVN, particularly with early stage and small necrotic size. The lack of large-scale, randomized, and double-blind studies justifies new studies to demonstrate the detailed indication and the optimized strategy of alendronate treatment. Level of evidence: Level 3a. PMID:25424061
MRI-guidance in percutaneous core decompression of osteonecrosis of the femoral head.
Kerimaa, Pekka; Väänänen, Matti; Ojala, Risto; Hyvönen, Pekka; Lehenkari, Petri; Tervonen, Osmo; Blanco Sequeiros, Roberto
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of MRI-guidance for core decompression of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Twelve MRI-guided core decompressions were performed on patients with different stages of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The patients were asked to evaluate their pain and their ability to function before and after the procedure and imaging findings were reviewed respectively. Technical success in reaching the target was 100 % without complications. Mean duration of the procedure itself was 54 min. All patients with ARCO stage 1 osteonecrosis experienced clinical benefit and pathological MRI findings were seen to diminish. Patients with more advanced disease gained less, if any, benefit and total hip arthroplasty was eventually performed on four patients. MRI-guidance seems technically feasible, accurate and safe for core decompression of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Patients with early stage osteonecrosis may benefit from the procedure. • MRI is a useful guidance method for minimally invasive musculoskeletal interventions. • Bone drilling seems beneficial at early stages of avascular necrosis. • MRI-guidance is safe and accurate for bone drilling.
Biological Strategies to Enhance Healing of the Avascular Area of the Meniscus
Longo, Umile Giuseppe; Campi, Stefano; Romeo, Giovanni; Spiezia, Filippo; Maffulli, Nicola; Denaro, Vincenzo
Meniscal injuries in the vascularized peripheral part of the meniscus have a better healing potential than tears in the central avascular zone because meniscal healing principally depends on its vascular supply. Several biological strategies have been proposed to enhance healing of the avascular area of the meniscus: abrasion therapy, fibrin clot, organ culture, cell therapy, and applications of growth factors. However, data are too heterogeneous to achieve definitive conclusions on the use of these techniques for routine management of meniscal lesions. Although most preclinical and clinical studies are very promising, they are still at an experimental stage. More prospective randomised controlled trials are needed to compare the different techniques for clinical results, applicability, and cost-effectiveness. PMID:22220179
Do modern total knee replacements improve tibial coverage?
Meier, Malin; Webb, Jonathan; Collins, Jamie E; Beckmann, Johannes; Fitz, Wolfgang
The purpose of the present study is to compare newer designs of various symmetric and asymmetric tibial components and measure tibial bone coverage using the rotational safe zone defined by two commonly utilized anatomic rotational landmarks. Computed tomography scans (CT scans) of one hundred consecutive patients scheduled for total knee arthroplasty were obtained pre-operatively. A virtual proximal tibial cut was performed and two commonly used rotational axes were added for each image: the medio-lateral axis (ML-axis) and the medial 1/3 tibial tubercle axis (med-1/3-axis). Different symmetric and asymmetric implant designs were then superimposed in various rotational positions for best cancellous and cortical coverage. The images were imported to a public domain imaging software, and cancellous and cortical bone coverage was computed for each image, with each implant design in various rotational positions. One single implant type could not be identified that provided the best cortical and cancellous coverage of the tibia, irrespective of using the med-1/3-axis or the ML-axis for rotational alignment. However, it could be confirmed that the best bone coverage was dependent on the selected rotational landmark. Furthermore, improved bone coverage was observed when tibial implant positions were optimized between the two rotational axes. Tibial coverage is similar for symmetric and asymmetric designs, but depends on the rotational landmark for which the implant is designed. The surgeon has the option to improve tibial coverage by optimizing placement between the two anatomic rotational alignment landmarks, the medial 1/3 and the ML-axis. Surgeons should be careful assessing intraoperative rotational tibial placement using the described anatomic rotational landmarks to optimize tibial bony coverage without compromising patella tracking. III.
Bypass grafting to the anterior tibial artery.
Armour, R H
Four patients with severe ischaemia of a leg due to atherosclerotic occlusion of the tibial and peroneal arteries had reversed long saphenous vein grafts to the patent lower part of the anterior tibial artery. Two of these grafts continue to function 19 and 24 months after operation respectively. One graft failed on the fifth postoperative day and another occluded 4 months after operation. The literature on femorotibial grafting has been reviewed. The early failure rate of distal grafting is higher than in the case of femoropopliteal bypass, but a number of otherwise doomed limbs can be salvaged. Contrary to widely held views, grafting to the anterior tibial artery appears to give results comparable to those obtained when the lower anastomosis is made to the posterior tibial artery.
Preserving the PCL during the tibial cut in total knee arthroplasty.
Cinotti, G; Sessa, P; Amato, M; Ripani, F R; Giannicola, G
Previous studies have shown that the PCL insertion may be damaged during the tibial cut performed in total knee arthroplasty. We investigated the maximum thickness of a tibial cut that preserves the PCL insertion and to what extent the posterior slope of the tibial cut and that of the patient's tibial plateaus affect the outcome. MR images of 83 knees were analysed. The maximum thickness of a tibial cut that preserves the PCL using a posterior slope of 0°, 3°, 5° and parallel to the patient's slope of the tibial plateau, was evaluated. Correlations between the results and the degrees of the posterior slope of the patient's tibial plateaus were also investigated. The maximum thickness of a tibial cut that preserves the entire PCL insertion was, on average, 5.5, 4.7, 4.2 and 3.1 mm when a posterior slope of 0°, 3°, 5° and parallel to the patients' tibial plateaus was used, respectively. When the 25th percentile was considered, the maximum thickness of a tibial cut that preserved the PCL was 4 and 3 mm with a tibial cut of 0° and 5° of posterior slope, respectively. The maximum thickness of a tibial cut that preserved the PCL was significantly greater in patients with a sagittal slope of the tibial plateaus more than 8° than in those with a sagittal slope less than 8°. In cruciate retaining implants, the PCL insertion may be spared in the majority of patients by performing a tibial cut of 4 mm, or even less when a posterior slope of 3°-5° is used. The clinical relevance of our study is that the execution of a conservative tibial cut, followed by a second tibial resection to achieve the thickness required for the tibial component to be implanted, may be an alternative technique to spare the PCL in CR TKA. II.
Physeal growth arrest after tibial lengthening in achondroplasia
Background and purpose Bilateral tibial lengthening has become one of the standard treatments for upper segment-lower segment disproportion and to improve quality of life in achondroplasia. We determined the effect of tibial lengthening on the tibial physis and compared tibial growth that occurred at the physis with that in non-operated patients with acondroplasia. Methods We performed a retrospective analysis of serial radiographs until skeletal maturity in 23 achondroplasia patients who underwent bilateral tibial lengthening before skeletal maturity (lengthening group L) and 12 achondroplasia patients of similar height and age who did not undergo tibial lengthening (control group C). The mean amount of lengthening of tibia in group L was 9.2 cm (lengthening percentage: 60%) and the mean age at the time of lengthening was 8.2 years. The mean duration of follow-up was 9.8 years. Results Skeletal maturity (fusion of physis) occurred at 15.2 years in group L and at 16.0 years in group C. The actual length of tibia (without distraction) at skeletal maturity was 238 mm in group L and 277 mm in group C (p = 0.03). The mean growth rates showed a decrease in group L relative to group C from about 2 years after surgery. Physeal closure was most pronounced on the anterolateral proximal tibial physis, with relative preservation of the distal physis. Interpretation Our findings indicate that physeal growth rate can be disturbed after tibial lengthening in achondroplasia, and a close watch should be kept for such an occurrence—especially when lengthening of more than 50% is attempted. PMID:22489887
Sinha, Skand; Naik, Ananta Kumar; Maheshwari, Mridul; Sandanshiv, Sumedh; Meena, Durgashankar; Arya, Rajendra K
Background: Tibial attachment preserving hamstring graft could prevent potential problems of free graft in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction such as pull out before graft-tunnel healing or rupture before ligamentization. Different implants have been reportedly used for tibial side fixation with this technique. We investigated short-term outcome of ACL reconstruction (ACLR) with tibial attachment sparing hamstring graft without implant on the tibial side by outside in technique. Materials and Methods: Seventy nine consecutive cases of ACL tear having age of 25.7 ± 6.8 years were included after Institutional Board Approval. All subjects were male. The mean time interval from injury to surgery was of 7.5 ± 6.4 months. Hamstring tendons were harvested with open tendon stripper leaving the tibial insertion intact. The free ends of the tendons were whip stitched, quadrupled, and whip stitched again over the insertion site of hamstring with fiber wire (Arthrex). Single bundle ACLR was done by outside in technique and the femoral tunnel was created with cannulated reamer. The graft was pulled up to the external aperture of femoral tunnel and fixed with interference screw (Arthrex). The scoring was done by Lysholm, Tegner, and KT 1000 by independent observers. All cases were followed up for 2 years. Results: The mean length of quadrupled graft attached to tibia was 127.65 ± 7.5 mm, and the mean width was 7.52 ± 0.78 mm. The mean preoperative Lysholm score of 47.15 ± 9.6, improved to 96.8 ± 2.4 at 1 year. All cases except two returned to the previous level of activity after ACLR. There was no significant difference statistically between preinjury (5.89 ± 0.68) and postoperative (5.87 ± 0.67) Tegner score. The anterior tibial translation (ATT) (KT 1000) improved from 11.44 ± 1.93 mm to 3.59 ± 0.89 mm. The ATT of operated knee returned to nearly the similar value as of the opposite knee (3.47 ± 1.16 mm). The Pivot shift test was negative in all cases
Photoreceptor avascular privilege is shielded by soluble VEGF receptor-1.
Luo, Ling; Uehara, Hironori; Zhang, Xiaohui; Das, Subrata K; Olsen, Thomas; Holt, Derick; Simonis, Jacquelyn M; Jackman, Kyle; Singh, Nirbhai; Miya, Tadashi R; Huang, Wei; Ahmed, Faisal; Bastos-Carvalho, Ana; Le, Yun Zheng; Mamalis, Christina; Chiodo, Vince A; Hauswirth, William W; Baffi, Judit; Lacal, Pedro M; Orecchia, Angela; Ferrara, Napoleone; Gao, Guangping; Young-Hee, Kim; Fu, Yingbin; Owen, Leah; Albuquerque, Romulo; Baehr, Wolfgang; Thomas, Kirk; Li, Dean Y; Chalam, Kakarla V; Shibuya, Masabumi; Grisanti, Salvatore; Wilson, David J; Ambati, Jayakrishna; Ambati, Balamurali K
Optimal phototransduction requires separation of the avascular photoreceptor layer from the adjacent vascularized inner retina and choroid. Breakdown of peri-photoreceptor vascular demarcation leads to retinal angiomatous proliferation or choroidal neovascularization, two variants of vascular invasion of the photoreceptor layer in age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of irreversible blindness in industrialized nations. Here we show that sFLT-1, an endogenous inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A), is synthesized by photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and is decreased in human AMD. Suppression of sFLT-1 by antibodies, adeno-associated virus-mediated RNA interference, or Cre/lox-mediated gene ablation either in the photoreceptor layer or RPE frees VEGF-A and abolishes photoreceptor avascularity. These findings help explain the vascular zoning of the retina, which is critical for vision, and advance two transgenic murine models of AMD with spontaneous vascular invasion early in life. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.00324.001.
Photoreceptor avascular privilege is shielded by soluble VEGF receptor-1
Luo, Ling; Uehara, Hironori; Zhang, Xiaohui; Das, Subrata K; Olsen, Thomas; Holt, Derick; Simonis, Jacquelyn M; Jackman, Kyle; Singh, Nirbhai; Miya, Tadashi R; Huang, Wei; Ahmed, Faisal; Bastos-Carvalho, Ana; Le, Yun Zheng; Mamalis, Christina; Chiodo, Vince A; Hauswirth, William W; Baffi, Judit; Lacal, Pedro M; Orecchia, Angela; Ferrara, Napoleone; Gao, Guangping; Young-hee, Kim; Fu, Yingbin; Owen, Leah; Albuquerque, Romulo; Baehr, Wolfgang; Thomas, Kirk; Li, Dean Y; Chalam, Kakarla V; Shibuya, Masabumi; Grisanti, Salvatore; Wilson, David J; Ambati, Jayakrishna; Ambati, Balamurali K
Optimal phototransduction requires separation of the avascular photoreceptor layer from the adjacent vascularized inner retina and choroid. Breakdown of peri-photoreceptor vascular demarcation leads to retinal angiomatous proliferation or choroidal neovascularization, two variants of vascular invasion of the photoreceptor layer in age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of irreversible blindness in industrialized nations. Here we show that sFLT-1, an endogenous inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A), is synthesized by photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and is decreased in human AMD. Suppression of sFLT-1 by antibodies, adeno-associated virus-mediated RNA interference, or Cre/lox-mediated gene ablation either in the photoreceptor layer or RPE frees VEGF-A and abolishes photoreceptor avascularity. These findings help explain the vascular zoning of the retina, which is critical for vision, and advance two transgenic murine models of AMD with spontaneous vascular invasion early in life. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.00324.001 PMID:23795287
Proximal tibial osteotomy. A survivorship analysis.
Ritter, M A; Fechtman, R A
Proximal tibial osteotomy is generally accepted as a treatment for the patient with unicompartmental arthritis. However, a few reports of the long-term results of this procedure are available in the literature, and none have used the technique known as survivorship analysis. This technique has an advantage over conventional analysis because it does not exclude patients for inadequate follow-up, loss to follow-up, or patient death. In this study, survivorship analysis was applied to 78 proximal tibial osteotomies, performed exclusively by the senior author for the correction of a preoperative varus deformity, and a survival curve was constructed. It was concluded that the reliable longevity of the proximal tibial osteotomy is approximately 6 years.
Compartment syndrome after tibial plateau fracture☆
Pitta, Guilherme Benjamin Brandão; dos Santos, Thays Fernanda Avelino; dos Santos, Fernanda Thaysa Avelino; da Costa Filho, Edelson Moreira
Fractures of the tibial plateau are relatively rare, representing around 1.2% of all fractures. The tibia, due to its subcutaneous location and poor muscle coverage, is exposed and suffers large numbers of traumas, not only fractures, but also crush injuries and severe bruising, among others, which at any given moment, could lead compartment syndrome in the patient. The case is reported of a 58-year-old patient who, following a tibial plateau fracture, presented compartment syndrome of the leg and was submitted to decompressive fasciotomy of the four right compartments. After osteosynthesis with internal fixation of the tibial plateau using an L-plate, the patient again developed compartment syndrome. PMID:26229779
Bilateral double level tibial lengthening in dwarfism.
Burghardt, Rolf D; Yoshino, Koichi; Kashiwagi, Naoya; Yoshino, Shigeo; Bhave, Anil; Paley, Dror; Herzenberg, John E
Outcome assessment after double level tibial lengthening in patients with dwarfism. Fourteen patients with dwarfism were analyzed after bilateral simultaneous double level tibial lengthening. Average age was 15.1 years. Average lengthening was 13.5 cm. The two levels were lengthened by an average of 7.5 cm proximally and 6.0 cm distally. Concomitant deformities were also addressed during lengthening. External fixation treatment time averaged 8.8 months. Healing index averaged 0.7 months/cm. Bilateral tibial lengthening for dwarfism is difficult, but the results are usually quite gratifying.
Westermann, Robert W; DeBerardino, Thomas; Amendola, Annunziato
Introduction The High Tibial Osteotomy (HTO) is a reliable procedure in addressing uni- compartmental arthritis with associated coronal deformities. With osteotomy of the proximal tibia, there is a risk of altering the tibial slope in the sagittal plane. Surgical techniques continue to evolve with trends towards procedure reproducibility and simplification. We evaluated a modification of the Arthrex iBalance technique in 18 paired cadaveric knees with the goals of maintaining sagittal slope, increasing procedure efficiency, and decreasing use of intraoperative fluoroscopy. Methods Nine paired cadaveric knees (18 legs) underwent iBalance medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomies. In each pair, the right knee underwent an HTO using the modified technique, while all left knees underwent the traditional technique. Independent observers evaluated postoperative factors including tibial slope, placement of hinge pin, and implant placement. Specimens were then dissected to evaluate for any gross muscle, nerve or vessel injury. Results Changes to posterior tibial slope were similar using each technique. The change in slope in traditional iBalance technique was -0.3° ±2.3° and change in tibial slope using the modified iBalance technique was -0.4° ±2.3° (p=0.29). Furthermore, we detected no differences in posterior tibial slope between preoperative and postoperative specimens (p=0.74 traditional, p=0.75 modified). No differences in implant placement were detected between traditional and modified techniques. (p=0.85). No intraoperative iatrogenic complications (i.e. lateral cortex fracture, blood vessel or nerve injury) were observed in either group after gross dissection. Discussion & Conclusions Alterations in posterior tibial slope are associated with HTOs. Both traditional and modified iBalance techniques appear reliable in coronal plane corrections without changing posterior tibial slope. The present modification of the Arthrex iBalance technique may increase the
Tibial lengthening over intramedullary nails
Burghardt, R. D.; Manzotti, A.; Bhave, A.; Paley, D.
Objectives The purpose of this study was to compare the results and complications of tibial lengthening over an intramedullary nail with treatment using the traditional Ilizarov method. Methods In this matched case study, 16 adult patients underwent 19 tibial lengthening over nails (LON) procedures. For the matched case group, 17 patients who underwent 19 Ilizarov tibial lengthenings were retrospectively matched to the LON group. Results The mean external fixation time for the LON group was 2.6 months and for the matched case group was 7.6 months. The mean lengthening amounts for the LON and the matched case groups were 5.2 cm and 4.9 cm, respectively. The radiographic consolidation time in the LON group was 6.6 months and in the matched case group 7.6 months. Using a clinical and radiographic outcome score that was designed for this study, the outcome was determined to be excellent in 17 and good in two patients for the LON group. The outcome was excellent in 14 and good in five patients in the matched case group. The LON group had increased blood loss and increased cost. The LON group had four deep infections; the matched case group did not have any deep infections. Conclusions The outcomes in the LON group were comparable with the outcomes in the matched case group. The LON group had a shorter external fixation time but experienced increased blood loss, increased cost, and four cases of deep infection. The advantage of reducing external fixation treatment time may outweigh these disadvantages in patients who have a healthy soft-tissue envelope. Cite this article: J. E. Herzenberg. Tibial lengthening over intramedullary nails: A matched case comparison with Ilizarov tibial lengthening. Bone Joint Res 2016;5:1–10. doi: 10.1302/2046-3758.51.2000577 PMID:26764351
Minkin, Krasimir; Gabrovski, Kaloyan; Penkov, Marin; Todorov, Yuri; Tanova, Rositsa; Milenova, Yoana; Romansky, Kiril; Dimova, Petia
Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) requires high-quality angiographic studies because avascular trajectory planning is a prerequisite for the safety of this procedure. Some epilepsy surgery groups have begun to use computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance T1-weighted sequence with contrast enhancement for this purpose. To present the first series of patients with avascular trajectory planning of SEEG based on magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Thirty-six SEEG explorations for drug-resistant focal epilepsy were performed from January 2013 to December 2015. A retrospective analysis of this consecutive surgical series was then performed. Magnetic resonance imaging included MRA with a modified contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance venography (MRV) protocol with a short acquisition delay, which allowed simultaneous arterial and venous visualization. Our criteria for satisfactory MRA were the visualization of at least first-order branches of the angular artery, paracentral and calcarine artery, and third-order tributaries of the superficial Sylvian vein, vein of Labbe, and vein of Trolard. Thirty-four patients underwent 36 SEEG explorations with 369 electrodes carrying 4321 contacts. Contrast-enhanced MRA using the MRV protocol was judged satisfactory for SEEG planning in all explorations. Postoperative complications were not observed in our series of 36 SEEG explorations, which included 50 transopercular insular trajectories. MRA using an MRV protocol may be applied for avascular trajectory planning during SEEG procedures. This technique provides a simultaneous visualization of cortical arteries and veins without the need for additional radiation exposure or intra-arterial catheter placement. Copyright © 2017 by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons
High tibial osteotomy in knee laxities: Concepts review and results
Robin, Jonathan G.; Neyret, Philippe
Patients with unstable, malaligned knees often present a challenging management scenario, and careful attention must be paid to the clinical history and examination to determine the priorities of treatment. Isolated knee instability treated with ligament reconstruction and isolated knee malalignment treated with periarticular osteotomy have both been well studied in the past. More recently, the effects of high tibial osteotomy on knee instability have been studied. Lateral closing-wedge high tibial osteotomy tends to reduce the posterior tibial slope, which has a stabilising effect on anterior tibial instability that occurs with ACL deficiency. Medial opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy tends to increase the posterior tibia slope, which has a stabilising effect in posterior tibial instability that occurs with PCL deficiency. Overall results from recent studies indicate that there is a role for combined ligament reconstruction and periarticular knee osteotomy. The use of high tibial osteotomy has been able to extend the indication for ligament reconstruction which, when combined, may ultimately halt the evolution of arthritis and preserve their natural knee joint for a longer period of time. Cite this article: Robin JG, Neyret P. High tibial osteotomy in knee laxities: Concepts review and results. EFORT Open Rev 2016;1:3-11. doi: 10.1302/2058-5241.1.000001. PMID:28461908
Histological Analysis of the Tibial Anterior Cruciate Ligament Insertion
Siebold, Rainer; Oka, Shinya; Traut, Ulrike; Schuhmacher, Peter; Kirsch, Joachim
Objective: To describe the morphology of the tibial ACL insertion by histological assessment in the sagittal plane. Methods: For histology the native (undissected) tibial ACL insertion of 6 fresh-frozen cadaveric knees was cut into 4 sagittal sections parallel to the long axis of the medial tibial spine. The slices were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Safranin O and Russell-Movat pentachrome. All slices were digitalized and analyzed at a magnification of ×20. Results: From medial to lateral the anterior-posterior lengths of the ACL insertion were an average of 10.2, 9.3, 7.6 and 5.8 mm. The anterior margin of the tibial ACL insertion raised from an anterior ridge. The most medial ACL fibers rose along with a peak of the anterior part of the medial tibial spine in which the direct insertion was adjacent to the articular cartilage. Parts of the bony insertions of the anterior and posterior horns of the lateral meniscus were in close contact to the lateral ACL insertion. A small fat pad was located just posterior to the tibial ACL insertion. There were no central or posterolateral inserting ACL fibers in the area intercondylaris anterior. Conclusion: The functional intraligamentous midsubstance ACL fibers arose from the most posterior part of its bony tibial insertion in a flat and “C-shape” way. The anterior border of this functional ACL started from a bony ‘anterior ridge’ and the medial border was along with a peak of the medial tibial spine.
Predictive formula for the length of tibial tunnel in anterior crucitate ligament reconstruction.
Chernchujit, Bancha; Barthel, Thomas
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction using bone-patellar tendon bone graft is a common procedure in orthopedics. One challenging problem found is a graft-tunnel mismatch. Previous studies have reported the mathematic formula to predict the tibial angle length and angle to avoid graft-tunnel mismatch but these formulas have shown limited predictability. To propose a predictive formula for the length of tibial tunnel and to examine its predictability. Thirty six patients (26 males, 14 females) with ACL injury were included in this study. The preoperativemedial proximal tibial angle was measured. Intraoperatively, the tibial tunnel length and tibial entry point were measured. The postoperative coronal and saggital angle of tibial tunnel were measured from knee radiograph. The data were analysed by using trigonometry correlation and formulate the predictive formula of tibial tunnel length. We found that tibial tunnel length (T) has trigonometric correlation between the location of tibial tunnel entry point (w), coronal angle of tibial tunnel (b), saggital angle of tibial tunnel (a) and the medial proximal tibial slope (c) by using this formula T = Wcos(c)tan(b)/sin(a) This proposed predictive formula can well predict the length of the tibial tunnel at preoperative period to avoid graft-tunnel mismatch.
Aldebeyan, Wassim; Liddell, Antony; Steffen, Thomas; Beckman, Lorne; Martineau, Paul A
This is the first biomechanical study to examine the potential stress riser effect of the tibial tunnel or tunnels after ACL reconstruction surgery. In keeping with literature, the primary hypothesis tested in this study was that the tibial tunnel acts as a stress riser for fracture propagation. Secondary hypotheses were that the stress riser effect increases with the size of the tunnel (8 vs. 10 mm), the orientation of the tunnel [standard (STT) vs. modified transtibial (MTT)], and with the number of tunnels (1 vs. 2). Tibial tunnels simulating both single bundle hamstring graft (8 mm) and bone-patellar tendon-bone graft (10 mm) either STT or MTT position, as well as tunnels simulating double bundle (DB) ACL reconstruction (7, 6 mm), were drilled in fourth-generation saw bones. These five experimental groups and a control group consisting of native saw bones without tunnels were loaded to failure on a Materials Testing System to simulate tibial plateau fracture. There were no statistically significant differences in peak load to failure between any of the groups, including the control group. The fracture occurred through the tibial tunnel in 100 % of the MTT tunnels (8 and 10 mm) and 80 % of the DB tunnels specimens; however, the fractures never (0 %) occurred through the tibial tunnel of the standard tunnels (8 or 10 mm) (P = 0.032). In the biomechanical model, the tibial tunnel does not appear to be a stress riser for fracture propagation, despite suggestions to the contrary in the literature. Use of a standard, more vertical tunnel decreases the risk of ACL graft compromise in the event of a fracture. This may help to inform surgical decision making on ACL reconstruction technique.
Models of tibial fracture healing in normal and Nf1-deficient mice.
Schindeler, Aaron; Morse, Alyson; Harry, Lorraine; Godfrey, Craig; Mikulec, Kathy; McDonald, Michelle; Gasser, Jürg A; Little, David G
Delayed union and nonunion are common complications associated with tibial fractures, particularly in the distal tibia. Existing mouse tibial fracture models are typically closed and middiaphyseal, and thus poorly recapitulate the prevailing conditions following surgery on a human open distal tibial fracture. This report describes our development of two open tibial fracture models in the mouse, where the bone is broken either in the tibial midshaft (mid-diaphysis) or in the distal tibia. Fractures in the distal tibial model showed delayed repair compared to fractures in the tibial midshaft. These tibial fracture models were applied to both wild-type and Nf1-deficient (Nf1+/-) mice. Bone repair has been reported to be exceptionally problematic in human NF1 patients, and these patients can also spontaneously develop tibial nonunions (known as congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia), which are recalcitrant to even vigorous intervention. pQCT analysis confirmed no fundamental differences in cortical or cancellous bone in Nf1-deficient mouse tibiae compared to wild-type mice. Although no difference in bone healing was seen in the tibial midshaft fracture model, the healing of distal tibial fractures was found to be impaired in Nf1+/- mice. The histological features associated with nonunited Nf1+/- fractures were variable, but included delayed cartilage removal, disproportionate fibrous invasion, insufficient new bone anabolism, and excessive catabolism. These findings imply that the pathology of tibial pseudarthrosis in human NF1 is complex and likely to be multifactorial.
Ideal tibial intramedullary nail insertion point varies with tibial rotation.
Walker, Richard M; Zdero, Rad; McKee, Michael D; Waddell, James P; Schemitsch, Emil H
The aim of the study was to investigate how superior entry point varies with tibial rotation and to identify landmarks that can be used to identify suitable radiographs for successful intramedullary nail insertion. The proximal tibia and knee were imaged for 12 cadaveric limbs undergoing 5° increments of internal and external rotation. Medial and lateral arthrotomies were performed, the ideal superior entry point was identified, and a 2-mm Kirschner wire inserted. A second Kirschner wire was sequentially placed at the 5-mm and then the 10-mm position, both medial and lateral to the initial Kirschner wire. Radiographs of the knee were obtained for all increments. The changing position of the ideal nail insertion point was recorded. A 30° arc (range, 25°-40°) provided a suitable anteroposterior radiograph. On the neutral anteroposterior radiograph, the Kirschner wire was 54% ± 1.5% (range, 51-56%) from the medial edge of the tibial plateau. For every 5° of rotation, the Kirschner wire moved 3% of the plateau width. During external rotation, a misleading medial entry point was obtained. A fibular bisector line correlated with an entry point that was ideal or up to 5 mm lateral to this but never medial. The film that best showed the fibular bisector line was between 0° and 10° of internal rotation of the tibia. The fibula head bisector line can be used to avoid choosing external rotation views and, thus, avoid medial insertion points. The current results may help the surgeon prevent malalignment during intramedullary nailing in proximal tibial fractures.
Measurement of Posterior Tibial Slope Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Karimi, Elham; Norouzian, Mohsen; Birjandinejad, Ali; Zandi, Reza; Makhmalbaf, Hadi
Posterior tibial slope (PTS) is an important factor in the knee joint biomechanics and one of the bone features, which affects knee joint stability. Posterior tibial slope has impact on flexion gap, knee joint stability and posterior femoral rollback that are related to wide range of knee motion. During high tibial osteotomy and total knee arthroplasty (TKA) surgery, proper retaining the mechanical and anatomical axis is important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of posterior tibial slope in medial and lateral compartments of tibial plateau and to assess the relationship among the slope with age, gender and other variables of tibial plateau surface. This descriptive study was conducted on 132 healthy knees (80 males and 52 females) with a mean age of 38.26±11.45 (20-60 years) at Imam Reza hospital in Mashhad, Iran. All patients, selected and enrolled for MRI in this study, were admitted for knee pain with uncertain clinical history. According to initial physical knee examinations the study subjects were reported healthy. The mean posterior tibial slope was 7.78± 2.48 degrees in the medial compartment and 6.85± 2.24 degrees in lateral compartment. No significant correlation was found between age and gender with posterior tibial slope ( P ≥0.05), but there was significant relationship among PTS with mediolateral width, plateau area and medial plateau. Comparison of different studies revealed that the PTS value in our study is different from other communities, which can be associated with genetic and racial factors. The results of our study are useful to PTS reconstruction in surgeries.
Tibial Stress Injuries: Decisive Diagnosis and Treatment of "Shin Splints."
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Couture, Christopher J.; Karlson, Kristine A.
Tibial stress injuries, commonly called shin splints, often result when bone remodeling processes adopt inadequately to repetitive stress. Physicians who are caring for athletic patients must have a thorough understanding of this continuum of injuries, including medial tibial stress syndrome and tibial stress fractures, because there are…
Li, Na; Yu, Jian; Cao, Xiang; Wu, Qiu-Yue; Li, Wei-Wei; Li, Tian-Fu; Zhang, Cui; Cui, Ying-Xia; Li, Xiao-Jun; Yin, Zhi-Min; Xia, Xin-Yi
Mutations in the type II collagen gene are associated with certain human disorders, collectively termed type II collagenopathies. They include Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) and avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH). These two diseases are skeletal dysplasias, inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, characterized by groin pain, dislocation of the hip and diminished joint mobility. Coxa vara and elevation of the greater trochanter of the femur comprise the typical phenotype of LCPD, but do not occur in ANFH. Lack of synthesis of type II collagen and structural defects are responsible for the major clinical outcomes, because collagen is the essential matrix protein of all connective tissues. Type II collagen, encoded by the COL2A1 gene, contains N- and C- terminal regions that are cleaved after secretion into the extracellular matrix, and the core area is composed of a triple helical (Gly-X-Y) domain. If the Gly in this specific region is replaced by other amino acids, the structure of type II collagen will be destroyed. Forty-five members of a four-generation family were recruited and investigated. Diagnosis was made by independent orthopedic surgeons and radiologists. A mutation of the COL2A1 gene was detected. In our research, we identify a heterozygous mutation (c.1888 G>A, p. Gly630Ser) in exon 29 of COL2A1 in the Gly-X-Y domain, in a Chinese family affected by LCPD and ANFH. Our findings provide significant clues to the phenotype-genotype relationships in these syndromes and may be helpful in clinical diagnosis. Furthermore, these results should assist further studies of the mechanisms underlying collagen diseases. Our data add new variants to the repertoire of COL2A1 mutation resulting in related collagenopathies.
Konda, Sanjit R; Driesman, Adam; Manoli, Arthur; Davidovitch, Roy I; Egol, Kenneth A
To examine 1-year functional and clinical outcomes in patients with tibial plateau fractures with tibial eminence involvement. Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. Academic Medical Center. All patients who presented with a tibial plateau fracture (Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) 41-B and 41-C). Patients were divided into fractures with a tibial eminence component (+TE) and those without (-TE) cohorts. All patients underwent similar surgical approaches and fixation techniques for fractures. No tibial eminence fractures received fixation specifically. Short musculoskeletal functional assessment (SMFA), pain (Visual Analogue Scale), and knee range-of-motion (ROM) were evaluated at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively and compared between cohorts. Two hundred ninety-three patients were included for review. Patients with OTA 41-C fractures were more likely to have an associated TE compared with 41-B fractures (63% vs. 28%, P < 0.01). At 3 months postoperatively, the +TE cohort was noted to have worse knee ROM (75.16 ± 51 vs. 86.82 ± 53 degree, P = 0.06). At 6 months, total SMFA and knee ROM was significantly worse in the +TE cohort (29 ± 17 vs. 21 ± 18, P ≤ 0.01; 115.6 ± 20 vs. 124.1 ± 15, P = 0.01). By 12 months postoperatively, only knee ROM remained significantly worse in the +TE cohort (118.7 ± 15 vs. 126.9 ± 13, P < 0.01). Multivariate analysis revealed that tibial eminence involvement was a significant predictor of ROM at 6 and 12 months and SFMA at 6 months. Body mass index was found to be a significant predictor of ROM and age was a significant predictor of total SMFA at all time points. Knee ROM remains worse throughout the postoperative period in the +TE cohort. Functional outcome improves less rapidly in the +TE cohort but achieves similar results by 1 year. Prognostic Level III. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Lahm, A; Dabravolski, D; Spank, H; Merk, H; Esser, J; Kasch, R
The function of articular cartilage as an avascular tissue is mainly served by collagen type II and proteoglycan molecules. Within this matrix homeostasis between production and breakdown of the matrix is exceptionally sensitive. The current study was conducted to identify regional differences in specific alterations in cartilage composition during the osteoarthritic process of the human knee joint. Therefor the changes in the expression of the key molecules of the extracellular matrix were measured in dependence of the anatomical side (femoral vs tibial) and associated with immunohistochemistry and quantitative measurement. 60 serial osteochondral femoral condyle and the tibial plateau samples of patients undergoing implantation of total knee endoprosthesis of areas showing mild (Group A, macroscopically ICRS grade 1b) respectively advanced (Group B, macroscopically ICRS grade 3a/3b) (30 each) osteoarthritis according to the histological-histochemical grading system (HHGS) were compared with 20 healthy biopsies with immunohistochemistry and histology. We quantified our results on the gene expression of collagen type I and II and aggrecan with the help of real-time (RT)-PCR. Proteoglycan content was measured colorometrically. In group A slightly increased colour intensity was found for collagen II in deeper layers, suggesting a persisting but initially still intact repair process. But especially on the medial tibia plateau the initial Col II increase in gene expression is followed by a decrease leading to the lowest over all Col II expression on the medial plateau, here especially in the central part. There in late stage diseases the collagen type I expression was also more pronounced. Markedly decreased safranin O staining intensity was observed in the radial zone and less reduced intensity in the transitional zone with loss of zonal anatomy in 40% of the specimens in group A and all specimens in group B. Correlation between colorometrically analysed proteoglycan
Medial tibial plateau morphology and stress fracture location: A magnetic resonance imaging study.
Yukata, Kiminori; Yamanaka, Issei; Ueda, Yuzuru; Nakai, Sho; Ogasa, Hiroyoshi; Oishi, Yosuke; Hamawaki, Jun-Ichi
To determine the location of medial tibial plateau stress fractures and its relationship with tibial plateau morphology using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A retrospective review of patients with a diagnosis of stress fracture of the medial tibial plateau was performed for a 5-year period. Fourteen patients [three female and 11 male, with an average age of 36.4 years (range, 15-50 years)], who underwent knee MRI, were included. The appearance of the tibial plateau stress fracture and the geometry of the tibial plateau were reviewed and measured on MRI. Thirteen of 14 stress fractures were linear, and one of them stellated on MRI images. The location of fractures was classified into three types. Three fractures were located anteromedially (AM type), six posteromedially (PM type), and five posteriorly (P type) at the medial tibial plateau. In addition, tibial posterior slope at the medial tibial plateau tended to be larger when the fracture was located more posteriorly on MRI. We found that MRI showed three different localizations of medial tibial plateau stress fractures, which were associated with tibial posterior slope at the medial tibial plateau.
Medial tibial plateau morphology and stress fracture location: A magnetic resonance imaging study
Yukata, Kiminori; Yamanaka, Issei; Ueda, Yuzuru; Nakai, Sho; Ogasa, Hiroyoshi; Oishi, Yosuke; Hamawaki, Jun-ichi
AIM To determine the location of medial tibial plateau stress fractures and its relationship with tibial plateau morphology using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS A retrospective review of patients with a diagnosis of stress fracture of the medial tibial plateau was performed for a 5-year period. Fourteen patients [three female and 11 male, with an average age of 36.4 years (range, 15-50 years)], who underwent knee MRI, were included. The appearance of the tibial plateau stress fracture and the geometry of the tibial plateau were reviewed and measured on MRI. RESULTS Thirteen of 14 stress fractures were linear, and one of them stellated on MRI images. The location of fractures was classified into three types. Three fractures were located anteromedially (AM type), six posteromedially (PM type), and five posteriorly (P type) at the medial tibial plateau. In addition, tibial posterior slope at the medial tibial plateau tended to be larger when the fracture was located more posteriorly on MRI. CONCLUSION We found that MRI showed three different localizations of medial tibial plateau stress fractures, which were associated with tibial posterior slope at the medial tibial plateau. PMID:28660141
[Surgical approaches to tibial plateau fractures].
Krause, Matthias; Müller, Gunnar; Frosch, Karl-Heinz
Intra-articular tibial plateau fractures can present a surgical challenge due to complex injury patterns and compromised soft tissue. The treatment goal is to spare the soft tissue and an anatomical reconstruction of the tibial articular surface. Depending on the course of the fracture, a fracture-specific access strategy is recommended to provide correct positioning of the plate osteosynthesis. While the anterolateral approach is used in the majority of lateral tibial plateau fractures, only one third of the joint surface is visible; however, posterolateral fragments require an individual approach, e. g. posterolateral or posteromedial. If necessary, osteotomy of the femoral epicondyles can improve joint access for reduction control. Injuries to the posterior columns should be anatomically reconstructed and biomechanically correctly addressed via posterior approaches. Bony posterior cruciate ligament tears can be refixed via a minimally invasive posteromedial approach.
Schmitt, R; Christopoulos, G; Wagner, M; Krimmer, H; Fodor, S; van Schoonhoven, J; Prommersberger, K J
The purpose of this prospective study is to assess the diagnostic value of intravenously applied contrast agent for diagnosing osteonecrosis of the proximal fragment in scaphoid nonunion, and to compare the imaging results with intraoperative findings. In 88 patients (7 women, 81 men) suffering from symptomatic scaphoid nonunion, preoperative MRI was performed (coronal PD-w FSE fs, sagittal-oblique T1-w SE nonenhanced and T1-w SE fs contrast-enhanced, sagittal T2*-w GRE). MRI interpretation was based on the intensity of contrast enhancement: 0 = none, 1 = focal, 2 = diffuse. Intraoperatively, the osseous viability was scored by means of bleeding points on the osteotomy site of the proximal scaphoid fragment: 0=absent, 1 = moderate, 2 = good. Intraoperatively, 17 necrotic, 29 compromised, and 42 normal proximal fragments were found. In nonenhanced MRI, bone viability was judged necrotic in 1 patient, compromised in 20 patients, and unaffected in 67 patients. Contrast-enhanced MRI revealed 14 necrotic, 21 compromised, and 53 normal proximal fragments. Judging surgical findings as the standard of reference, statistical analysis for nonenhanced MRI was: sensitivity 6.3%, specificity 100%, positive PV 100%, negative PV 82.6%, and accuracy 82.9%; statistics for contrast-enhanced MRI was: sensitivity 76.5%, specificity 98.6%, positive PV 92.9%, negative PV 94.6%, and accuracy 94.3%. Sensitivity for detecting avascular proximal fragments was significantly better (p<0.001) in contrast-enhanced MRI in comparison to nonenhanced MRI. Viability of the proximal fragment in scaphoid nonunion can be significantly better assessed with the use of contrast-enhanced MRI as compared to nonenhanced MRI. Bone marrow edema is an inferior indicator of osteonecrosis. Application of intravenous gadolinium is recommended for imaging scaphoid nonunion. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sauerbier, Michael; Bishop, Allen T; Ofer, Nina
Bony healing and reconstruction of the scaphoid with use of a reverse-flow pedicle vascularized bone graft from the dorsal aspect of the distal radius. Revitalization of the proximal fragment in case of avascular necrosis. Scaphoid nonunion, especially of the proximal pole. Nonunion after failed attempts of autogenous nonvascularized bone grafting. Avascular necrosis of the scaphoid (Preiser's disease). Avascular osteonecrosis of other carpal bones (i.e., Kienböck's disease stage II and IIIa). However, these will not be addressed in this paper. Advance carpal collapse (SNAC [scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse] wrist stage II and III). Avascular necrosis with broken proximal pole of the scaphoid. Malformation, disease or previous injury of the vascular system. Reconstruction of the scaphoid by interposition of a vascularized bone graft from the dorsum of the distal radius, where several vascularized bone grafts can be harvested, and fixation by a scaphoid screw. Management Immobilization for 6 weeks in a forearm cast including the first phalanx of the thumb. 48 scaphoid nonunions were treated with 1,2-ICSRA-based (intercompartmental supraretinacular artery) vascularized bone grafts: 34 scaphoid nonunions went on to union at an average of 15.6 weeks after surgery.
Avascular necrosis; Bone infarction; Ischemic bone necrosis; AVN; Aseptic necrosis ... Osteonecrosis occurs when part of the bone does not get blood and dies. After a while, the bone can collapse. If osteonecrosis is not treated, the joint deteriorates, leading ...
Tibial stress injuries: decisive diagnosis and treatment of 'shin splints'.
Couture, Christopher J; Karlson, Kristine A
Tibial stress injuries, commonly called 'shin splints,' often result when bone remodeling processes adapt inadequately to repetitive stress. Physicians who care for athletic patients need a thorough understanding of this continuum of injuries, including medial tibial stress syndrome and tibial stress fractures, because there are implications for appropriate diagnosis, management, and prevention.
Understanding the etiology of the posteromedial tibial stress fracture.
Milgrom, Charles; Burr, David B; Finestone, Aharon S; Voloshin, Arkady
Previous human in vivo tibial strain measurements from surface strain gauges during vigorous activities were found to be below the threshold value of repetitive cyclical loading at 2500 microstrain in tension necessary to reduce the fatigue life of bone, based on ex vivo studies. Therefore it has been hypothesized that an intermediate bone remodeling response might play a role in the development of tibial stress fractures. In young adults tibial stress fractures are usually oblique, suggesting that they are the result of failure under shear strain. Strains were measured using surface mounted unstacked 45° rosette strain gauges on the posterior aspect of the flat medial cortex just below the tibial midshaft, in a 48year old male subject while performing vertical jumps, staircase jumps and running up and down stadium stairs. Shear strains approaching 5000 microstrain were recorded during stair jumping and vertical standing jumps. Shear strains above 1250 microstrain were recorded during runs up and down stadium steps. Based on predictions from ex vivo studies, stair and vertical jumping tibial shear strain in the test subject was high enough to potentially produce tibial stress fracture subsequent to repetitive cyclic loading without necessarily requiring an intermediate remodeling response to microdamage. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Paulus, Yannis M; Alcorn, Deborah M; Gaynon, Michael; Moshfeghi, Darius M
The authors present the first case of peripheral avascular retina in a term male neonate with pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, atypical microvillus inclusion disease, flat tympanograms, and recurrent urinary tract infections. Clinical examination showed avascular peripheral retina to posterior zone II temporally, with a flat stage 1-like demarcation line, and no plus disease. Genetic testing results were normal. The patient developed peripheral neovascularization and underwent panretinal photocoagulation. This case likely represents mild Norrie disease, familial exudative vitreoretinopathy, or incontinentia pigmenti due to a Wnt signaling abnormality. While these conditions are usually more severe, a variable spectrum of Wnt abnormalities exists throughout the body. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.
Wei, Ji-Hua; Luo, Qun-Qiang; Tang, Yu-Jin; Chen, Ji-Xia; Huang, Chun-Lan; Lu, Ding-Gui; Tang, Qian-Li
Steroid-induced avascular necrosis of femoral head (SANFH) occurs frequently in patients receiving high-dose steroid treatment for these underlying diseases. The target of this study is to investigate the effect of microRNA-320 (miR-320) on SANFH by targeting CYP1A2. CYP1A2 expression was detected using immunohistochemistry. Specimens were collected from patients with SANFH and femoral neck fracture. Seventy rats were assigned into seven groups. The targeting relationship between miR-320 and CYP1A2 was verified by bioinformatics website and dual luciferase reporter gene assay. RT-qPCR and Western blot analysis were used to detect miR-320 and CYP1A2 expressions. The enzymatic activity of CYP1A2 was detected by fluorescence spectrophotometry. Hemorheology and microcirculation were measured in rats. MiR-320 expression decreased and CYP1A2 expression and enzymatic activity increased in SANFH patients compared to those with femoral neck fracture. CYP1A2 was the target gene of miR-320. Hemorheology and microcirculation results showed that up-regulated expression of CYP1A2 promoted the development of SANFH while increased expression of miR-320 inhibited the development of SANFH. Compared with the SANFH group, the SANFH + miR-320 mimic group showed increased miRNA-320 expression, and decreased CYP1A2 expression and enzymatic activity. Opposite results were found in the SANFH + miR-320 inhibitor group. The SANFH + miR-320 inhibitor + pCR-CYP1A2_KO group showed decreased miRNA-320 expression and the SANFH + pCR-CYP1A2_KO group showed decreased CYP1A2 expression and enzymatic activity. Our findings provide evidences that miR-320 might inhibit the development of SANFH by targeting CYP1A2. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pilge, Hakan; Bittersohl, Bernd; Schneppendahl, Johannes; Hesper, Tobias; Zilkens, Christoph; Ruppert, Martin; Krauspe, Rüdiger; Jäger, Marcus
With disease progression, avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head may lead to a collapse of the articular surface. The exact pathophysiology of AVN remains unclear, although several conditions are known that can result in spontaneous cell death, leading to a reduction of trabecular bone and the development of AVN. Hip AVN treatment is stage-dependent in which two main stages of the disease can be distinguished: pre-collapse (ARCO 0-II) and post-collapse stage (ARCO III-IV, crescent sign). In the pre-collapse phase, core decompression (CD), with or without the addition of bone marrow ( e.g . bone marrow aspirate concentrate, BMAC) or bone graft, is a common treatment alternative. In the post-collapse phase, THA (total hip arthroplasty) must be performed in most of the patients. In addition to surgical treatment, the intravenous application of Iloprost has been shown to have a curative potential and analgesic effect. From October 2009 to October 2014, 49 patients with AVN (stages I-III) were treated with core decompression at our institution. All patients were divided into group A (CD + BMAC) and group B (CD alone). Of these patients, 20 were included in a matched pair analysis. The patients were matched to age, gender, ARCO-stage, Kerboul combined necrotic angle, the cause of AVN, and whether Iloprost-therapy was performed. The Merle d'Aubigné Score and the Kerboul combined necrotic angle in a-p and lateral radiographs were evaluated pre- and postoperatively. The primary endpoint was a total hip arthroplasty. In group A, two patients needed THA while in group B four patients were treated with THA. In group A, the Merle d'Aubigné Score improved from 13.5 (pre-operatively) to 15.3 (postoperatively). In group B there was no difference between the pre- (14.3) and postoperative (14.1) assessment. The mean of the Kerboul angle showed no difference in both groups compared pre- to postoperatively (group A: pre-op 212°, postop 220°, group B: pre-op 213, postop 222
Batta, V; Sinha, S; Trompeter, A
Tibial plateau fractures are complex injuries in the elderly population. When traditional methods of fixation are not suitable, an alternative method needs to be chosen for a favorable outcome. We demonstrate a previously undescribed treatment for displaced tibial plateau fractures in the very elderly with poor soft-tissue integrity. A 90-year-old woman suffered an open, Gustilo Grade IIIA, displaced fracture of the tibial plateau. An intramedullary knee arthrodesis, the femoral-tibial nail was used to temporarily stabilize her fracture. She was able to weight bear immediately postfixation. A long femoral-tibial nail allows favorable fracture and soft tissue healing, ease of nursing and immediate full weight-bearing. It shows good promise and should be considered as a management option when traditional methods are not applicable in select patients.
Bone stress in runners with tibial stress fracture.
Meardon, Stacey A; Willson, John D; Gries, Samantha R; Kernozek, Thomas W; Derrick, Timothy R
Combinations of smaller bone geometry and greater applied loads may contribute to tibial stress fracture. We examined tibial bone stress, accounting for geometry and applied loads, in runners with stress fracture. 23 runners with a history of tibial stress fracture & 23 matched controls ran over a force platform while 3-D kinematic and kinetic data were collected. An elliptical model of the distal 1/3 tibia cross section was used to estimate stress at 4 locations (anterior, posterior, medial and lateral). Inner and outer radii for the model were obtained from 2 planar x-ray images. Bone stress differences were assessed using two-factor ANOVA (α=0.05). Key contributors to observed stress differences between groups were examined using stepwise regression. Runners with tibial stress fracture experienced greater anterior tension and posterior compression at the distal tibia. Location, but not group, differences in shear stress were observed. Stepwise regression revealed that anterior-posterior outer diameter of the tibia and the sagittal plane bending moment explained >80% of the variance in anterior and posterior bone stress. Runners with tibial stress fracture displayed greater stress anteriorly and posteriorly at the distal tibia. Elevated tibial stress was associated with smaller bone geometry and greater bending moments about the medial-lateral axis of the tibia. Future research needs to identify key running mechanics associated with the sagittal plane bending moment at the distal tibia as well as to identify ways to improve bone geometry in runners in order to better guide preventative and rehabilitative efforts. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tibial stress fracture after computer-navigated total knee arthroplasty.
Massai, F; Conteduca, F; Vadalà, A; Iorio, R; Basiglini, L; Ferretti, A
A correct alignment of the tibial and femoral component is one of the most important factors determining favourable long-term results of a total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The accuracy provided by the use of the computer navigation systems has been widely described in the literature so that their use has become increasingly popular in recent years; however, unpredictable complications, such as displaced or stress femoral or tibial fractures, have been reported to occur a few weeks after the operation. We present a case of a stress tibial fracture that occurred after a TKA performed with the use of a computer navigation system. The stress fracture, which eventually healed without further complications, occurred at one of the pinhole sites used for the placement of the tibial trackers.
Li, Zhanghua; Liao, Wen; Zhao, Qiang; Liu, Ming; Xia, Wei; Yang, Yi; Shao, Ningsheng
To explore the feasibility of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) transplanted intravenously for angiogenesis and bone repair in a rabbit model of avascular necrosis of femoral head (ANFH). Forty-five rabbits were randomized into three groups: a blank control group (without treatment), a necrotic control group (ANFH induced but without therapy), and an MSC transplantation group (ANFH induced and treated with MSC transplantation). The biopsies, blood sampling, and imaging examinations were performed on each animal at different time points (2, 4, and 6 wk). To monitor angiogenesis and bone repair progress, examinations included real-time polymerase chain reaction, Western blot analysis, x-ray, computed tomography, Masson trichrome staining, picrosirius red staining, and immunohistochemical staining. Necrosis and bone collapse were observed in bilateral femoral heads of necrotic rabbits of the necrotic control group, whereas the femoral head morphology was generally restored in the MSC transplantation group. The mRNA levels of Cbfa1, BMP, VEGF, and OPN in bone tissue were significantly higher in the MSC transplantation group than in the necrotic control group. In addition, the total protein amount of Cbfa1 in the MSC transplantation group was also significantly higher than that in the necrotic control group (P < 0.05). Intravenous transplantation of allogeneic MSCs can promote vascular and bone regeneration in the necrotic region of the femoral head in a rabbit model of ANFH. The results of our study suggest that the intravenous transplantation of MSCs could be a potential and minimally invasive treatment option for ANFH patients. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Management of tibial non-unions according to a novel treatment algorithm.
Ferreira, Nando; Marais, Leonard Charles
Tibial non-unions represent a spectrum of conditions that are challenging to treat. The optimal management remains unclear despite the frequency with which these diagnoses are encountered. The aim of this study was to determine the outcome of tibial non-unions managed according to a novel tibial non-union treatment algorithm. One hundred and eighteen consecutive patients with 122 uninfected tibial non-unions were treated according to our proposed tibial non-union treatment algorithm. All patients were followed-up clinically and radiologically for a minimum of six months after external fixator removal. Four patients were excluded because they did not complete the intended treatment process. The final study population consisted of 94 men and 24 women with a mean age of 34 years. Sixty-seven non-unions were stiff hypertrophic, 32 mobile atrophic, 16 mobile oligotrophic and one true pseudoarthrosis. Six non-unions were classified as type B1 defect non-unions. Bony union was achieved after the initial surgery in 113/122 (92.6%) tibias. Nine patients had failure of treatment. Seven persistent non-unions were successfully retreated according to the tibial non-union treatment algorithm. This resulted in final bony union in 120/122 (98.3%) tibias. The proposed tibial non-union treatment algorithm appears to produce high union rates across a diverse group of tibial non-unions. Tibial non-unions however, remain difficult to treat and should be referred to specialist units where advanced reconstructive techniques are practiced on a regular basis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wang, Suiyuan; Xiao, Yang; Tong, Zuoming; Li, Guiqiu; Jiang, Juhua; Yao, Jinghui; Wu, Zhiyong; Li, Tengfei; Wu, Qun
To evaluate the surgical techniques and effectiveness of arthroscopic treatment of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tibial eminence avulsion fracture with non-absorbable suture fixation combined with the miniplate. Between January 2009 and March 2012, 32 patients with ACL tibial eminence avulsion fractures were treated. There were 18 males and 14 females, aged 12-40 years (mean, 17.5 years). The injury causes included traffic accident injury in 15 cases, sport injury in 6 cases, and falling injury in 11 cases. The time from injury to operation ranged 7-18 days with an average of 9.5 days. Before operation, the results of Lachman test were all positive; the Lysholm score was 52.13 +/- 4.22 and the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) score was 44.82 +/- 2.44. According to Meyers-McKeever classification criteria, there were 12 cases of type II and 20 cases of type III. After arthroscopic poking reduction of fracture, tibial eminence avulsion fractures were fixed with the Ethibond non-absorbable sutures bypass figure-of-eight tibial tunnel combined with the metacarpal and phalangeal mini-plate. Primary healing was obtained in all incisions; no joint infection or skin necrosis occurred after operation. All patients were followed up with an average time of 22.4 months (range, 12-50 months). The patients showed negative Lachman test at 12 weeks after operation. Except 3 patients having knee extension limitation at last follow-up, the knee extension range of motion (ROM) was normal in the other patients; the knee flexion ROM was normal in all patients. The Lysholm score and IKDC score were significantly improved to 94.19 +/- 0.93 and 94.35 +/- 1.22 at last follow-up, showing significant differences when compared with preoperative values (t = 55.080, P = 0.000; t = 101.715, P = 0.000). The arthroscopic treatment of ACL tibial eminence avulsion fracture with Ethibond non-absorbable suture fixation combined with mini-plate is an effective procedure with the
Gornitzky, Alex L; Georgiadis, Andrew G; Seeley, Mark A; Horn, B David; Sankar, Wudbhav N
Gadolinium-enhanced perfusion MRI (pMRI) after closed reduction/spica casting for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) has been suggested as a potential means to identify and avoid avascular necrosis (AVN). To date, however, no study has evaluated the effectiveness of pMRI in clinical practice or compared it with other approaches (such as postreduction CT scan) to show a difference in the proportion of AVN. (1) Can a pMRI-based protocol be used immediately post closed reduction to minimize the risk that AVN would develop? (2) What are the overall hip-related outcomes after closed reduction/spica casting using this protocol? (3) Do any patient-specific factors at the time of closed reduction predict future AVN? This was a retrospective cohort study at a large tertiary care children's hospital. Between 2009 and 2013 we treated 43 patients with closed reduction/spica casting for DDH, of whom 33 (77%) received a postreduction pMRI. All patients were indicated for pMRI per treating surgeon preference. A convenience sample totaling 25 hips in 22 patients treated with pMRI was then established using the following exclusion criteria: DDH of neuromuscular/syndromic origin, failed initial closed reduction, less than 1 year of clinical and radiographic followup, and subsequent open reduction. Next, the 40 patients treated with closed reduction between 2004 and 2009 were screened until the chronologically most recent 25 hips (after applying the previously mentioned exclusion criteria) were identified in 21 of the first 34 patients (62%) screened. Although termed the CT group, specific postreduction imaging was not a defined inclusion criterion in this group with the majority (21 of 25 [84%]) receiving postreduction CT and the remainder (four of 25 [16%]) receiving only postreduction radiographs. All hips with globally decreased femoral head perfusion on postreduction pMRI were treated with immediate cast removal followed by repeat closed reduction or open reduction, as per
Batta, V; Sinha, S; Trompeter, A
Introduction: Tibial plateau fractures are complex injuries in the elderly population. When traditional methods of fixation are not suitable, an alternative method needs to be chosen for a favorable outcome. We demonstrate a previously undescribed treatment for displaced tibial plateau fractures in the very elderly with poor soft-tissue integrity. Case Report: A 90-year-old woman suffered an open, Gustilo Grade IIIA, displaced fracture of the tibial plateau. An intramedullary knee arthrodesis, the femoral-tibial nail was used to temporarily stabilize her fracture. She was able to weight bear immediately postfixation. Conclusion: A long femoral-tibial nail allows favorable fracture and soft tissue healing, ease of nursing and immediate full weight-bearing. It shows good promise and should be considered as a management option when traditional methods are not applicable in select patients. PMID:29181350
Gender differences in passive knee biomechanical properties in tibial rotation.
Park, Hyung-Soon; Wilson, Nicole A; Zhang, Li-Qun
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the most commonly injured knee ligament with the highest incidence of injury in female athletes who participate in pivoting sports. Noncontact ACL injuries commonly occur with both internal and external tibial rotation. ACL impingement against the lateral wall of the intercondylar notch during tibial external rotation and abduction has been proposed as an injury mechanism, but few studies have evaluated in vivo gender-specific differences in laxity and stiffness in external and internal tibial rotations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate these differences. The knees of 10 male and 10 female healthy subjects were rotated between internal and external tibial rotation with the knee at 60 degrees of flexion. Joint laxity, stiffness, and energy loss were compared between male and female subjects. Women had higher laxity (p = 0.01), lower stiffness (p = 0.038), and higher energy loss (p = 0.008) in external tibial rotation than did men. The results suggest that women may be at greater risk of ACL injury resulting from impingement against the lateral wall of the intercondylar notch, which has been shown to be associated with external tibial rotation and abduction.
Liu, L J; Schlesinger, M
A correct description of the hydraulic conductivity is essential for determining the actual tumor interstitial fluid pressure (TIFP) distribution. Traditionally, it has been assumed that the hydraulic conductivities both in a tumor and normal tissue are constant, and that a tumor has a much larger interstitial hydraulic conductivity than normal tissue. The abrupt transition of the hydraulic conductivity at the tumor surface leads to non-physical results (the hydraulic conductivity and the slope of the TIFP are not continuous at tumor surface). For the sake of simplicity and the need to represent reality, we focus our analysis on avascular or poorly vascularized tumors, which have a necrosis that is mostly in the center and vascularization that is mostly on the periphery. We suggest that there is an intermediary region between the tumor surface and normal tissue. Through this region, the interstitium (including the structure and composition of solid components and interstitial fluid) transitions from tumor to normal tissue. This process also causes the hydraulic conductivity to do the same. We introduce a continuous variation of the hydraulic conductivity, and show that the interstitial hydraulic conductivity in the intermediary region should be monotonically increasing up to the value of hydraulic conductivity in the normal tissue in order for the model to correspond to the actual TIFP distribution. The value of the hydraulic conductivity at the tumor surface should be the lowest in value. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S3-Guideline non-traumatic adult femoral head necrosis.
Roth, A; Beckmann, J; Bohndorf, K; Fischer, A; Heiß, C; Kenn, W; Jäger, M; Maus, U; Nöth, U; Peters, K M; Rader, C; Reppenhagen, S; Smolenski, U; Tingart, M; Kopp, I; Sirotin, I; Breusch, S J
The treatment of adult non-traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVN; N-ANFH) within an estimated incidence of 5000-7000 cases per annum in Germany remains a challenge. Risk factors include steroids, alcohol abuse, chemotherapy and immunosuppressive medication, but a genetic predisposition has been suggested. Early diagnosis of this often bilateral disease process is essential for successful conservative or joint preserving surgical management. In this review, we present the update German consensus S3 guideline "diagnosis and management for N-ANFH" as a concise summary. This systematic review is based on the published literature from January 1, 1970 to April 31, 2013 (German and English language). Inclusion criteria were systematic reviews, meta-analyses and relevant peer review publications. We identified a total of 3715 related publications, of which 422 were suitable according to the SIGN criteria, but only 159 fulfilled our inclusion criteria. Clinical suspicion of N-ANFH mandates radiographic evaluation. If radiographs are normal MRI scans are recommended, which should be evaluated according to the ARCO-classification. Differential diagnoses include transient osteoporosis, bone bruise, insufficiency fracture and destructive arthropathy. Untreated, subchondral fractures commonly occur within 2 years, during which the risk for contralateral involvement is high-thereafter unlikely. Conservative management with Ilomedin and Alendronat can be tried, but other pharmacological or physical treatments are inappropriate. No specific joint preserving procedure can be recommended, but core decompression should be considered in early stages if necrosis is <30 %. In ARCO stages IIIc or IV total hip arthroplasty (THA) should be contemplated, which offers similar outcome compared to osteoarthritis. Young age is the main risk factor for higher revision rates after THA for N-ANFH.
The soleal line: a cause of tibial pseudoperiostitis.
Levine, A H; Pais, M J; Berinson, H; Amenta, P S
An unusually prominent soleal line (a normal anatomic variant) may mimic periosteal reaction along the posterior margin of the proximal tibial shaft. This area of pseudoperiostitis is differentiated from hyperostoses arising from the anterior tibial tubercle and the interosseous membrane. It is always associated with normal, undisturbed architecture of the underlying bone.
Saxena, Vishal; Anari, Jason B; Ruutiainen, Alexander T; Voleti, Pramod B; Stephenson, Jason W; Lee, Gwo-Chin
Restoration of normal anatomy and proper ligament balance are theoretical prerequisites for reproducing physiological kinematics with bicruciate-retaining total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The purpose of this study was to use a 3D MRI technique to evaluate the topography of the proximal tibia and outline considerations in tibial component design for bicruciate-retaining TKA. We identified 100 consecutive patients (50 males and 50 females) between ages 20 and 40 years with knee MRIs without arthritis, dysplasia, ACL tears, or prior knee surgery. A novel 3D MRI protocol coordinating axial, coronal, and sagittal images was used to measure: 1) medial and lateral posterior tibial slopes; 2) medial and lateral coronal slopes; and 3) distance from the anterior tibia to the ACL footprint. There was no overall difference in medial and lateral posterior tibial slopes (5.5° (95% CI 5.0 to 6.0°) vs. 5.4° (95% CI 4.8 to 6.0°), respectively (p=0.80)), but 41 patients had side-to-side differences greater than 3°. The medial coronal slope was greater than the lateral coronal slope (4.6° (95% CI 4.0 to 5.1°) vs. 3.3° (95% CI 2.9 to 3.7°), respectively (p<0.0001)). Females had less clearance between the anterior tibia and ACL footprint than males (10.8mm (95% CI 10.4 to 11.2mm) vs. 13.0mm (95% CI 12.5 to 13.5mm), respectively (p<0.0001)). Due to highly variable proximal tibial topography, a monoblock bicruciate-retaining tibial baseplate may not reproduce normal anatomy in all patients. Level IV - Anatomic research study. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tibial shaft fractures in football players
Chang, Winston R; Kapasi, Zain; Daisley, Susan; Leach, William J
Background Football is officially the most popular sport in the world. In the UK, 10% of the adult population play football at least once a year. Despite this, there are few papers in the literature on tibial diaphyseal fractures in this sporting group. In addition, conflicting views on the nature of this injury exist. The purpose of this paper is to compare our experience of tibial shaft football fractures with the little available literature and identify any similarities and differences. Methods and Results A retrospective study of all tibial football fractures that presented to a teaching hospital was undertaken over a 5 year period from 1997 to 2001. There were 244 tibial fractures treated. 24 (9.8%) of these were football related. All patients were male with a mean age of 23 years (range 15 to 29) and shin guards were worn in 95.8% of cases. 11/24 (45.8%) were treated conservatively, 11/24 (45.8%) by Grosse Kemp intramedullary nail and 2/24 (8.3%) with plating. A difference in union times was noted, conservative 19 weeks compared to operative group 23.9 weeks (p < 0.05). Return to activity was also different in the two groups, conservative 27.6 weeks versus operative 23.3 weeks (p < 0.05). The most common fracture pattern was AO Type 42A3 in 14/24 (58.3%). A high number 19/24 (79.2%) were simple transverse or short oblique fractures. There was a low non-union rate 1/24 (4.2%) and absence of any open injury in our series. Conclusion Our series compared similarly with the few reports available in the literature. However, a striking finding noted by the authors was a drop in the incidence of tibial shaft football fractures. It is likely that this is a reflection of recent compulsory FIFA regulations on shinguards as well as improvements in the design over the past decade since its introduction. PMID:17567522
Moulin, C; Barthélémy, I; Emering, C; D'Incan, M
Dermal and subcutaneous inflammation following direct trauma is initially evocative of soft-tissue infection. However, two differential diagnoses must be considered: Morel-Lavallée syndrome and post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis. Case 1: a 51-year-old woman fell off her motorbike and had dermabrasions on her right and left tibial ridges that rapidly developed into dermo-hypodermitis of the entire limb. There was no improvement after 3 weeks of antibiotics. The patient was apyretic. She had a soft, non-inflammatory tumefaction on the inner aspect of her left knee. Ultrasound revealed subcutaneous collection in both legs. The surgeons confirmed a diagnosis of Morel-Lavallée syndrome and drained the two collections. Progress was good and the patient healed without major consequences. Case 2: following a fall on her stairs, a 40-year-old woman presented dermabrasions and haematomas on her left leg. Antibiotic therapy failed to prevent the progression of dermo-hypodermitis. The patient remained apyretic and there was no inflammatory syndrome. A CT scan showed thickening of a subcutaneous fat and fluid collection, resulting in diagnosis of post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis. Management was surgical and the outcome was good. These two cases show two post-traumatic cutaneous complications: Morel-Lavallée syndrome and post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis. Morel-Lavallée syndrome occurs after tangential trauma next to richly vascularized tissue. Post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis is defined as necrosis of adipocytes. In both cases, diagnosis is confirmed by imagery (Ultrasonography, tomography). Our two case reports show that inflammatory presentation of both Morel-Lavallée syndrome and post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis can lead to diagnostic and therapeutic errors while a surgical procedure is necessary since tissue necrosis can occur. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Tibial Bowing and Pseudarthrosis in Neurofibromatosis Type 1
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. David Stevenson CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION: University of Utah SALT LAKE CITY...COVERED 1 April 2013 - 31 March 2014 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Tibial Bowing and Pseudarthrosis in Neurofibromatosis Type 1 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER...SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Anterolateral tibial bowing is a morbid skeletal manifestation observed in 5% of children with neurofibromatosis
Importance of tibial slope for stability of the posterior cruciate ligament deficient knee.
Giffin, J Robert; Stabile, Kathryne J; Zantop, Thore; Vogrin, Tracy M; Woo, Savio L-Y; Harner, Christopher D
Previous studies have shown that increasing tibial slope can shift the resting position of the tibia anteriorly. As a result, sagittal osteotomies that alter slope have recently been proposed for treatment of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries. Increasing tibial slope with an osteotomy shifts the resting position anteriorly in a PCL-deficient knee, thereby partially reducing the posterior tibial "sag" associated with PCL injury. This shift in resting position from the increased slope causes a decrease in posterior tibial translation compared with the PCL-deficient knee in response to posterior tibial and axial compressive loads. Controlled laboratory study. Three knee conditions were tested with a robotic universal force-moment sensor testing system: intact, PCL-deficient, and PCL-deficient with increased tibial slope. Tibial slope was increased via a 5-mm anterior opening wedge osteotomy. Three external loading conditions were applied to each knee condition at 0 degrees, 30 degrees, 60 degrees, 90 degrees, and 120 degrees of knee flexion: (1) 134-N anterior-posterior (A-P) tibial load, (2) 200-N axial compressive load, and (3) combined 134-N A-P and 200-N axial loads. For each loading condition, kinematics of the intact knee were recorded for the remaining 5 degrees of freedom (ie, A-P, medial-lateral, and proximal-distal translations, internal-external and varus-valgus rotations). Posterior cruciate ligament deficiency resulted in a posterior shift of the tibial resting position to 8.4 +/- 2.6 mm at 90 degrees compared with the intact knee. After osteotomy, tibial slope increased from 9.2 degrees +/- 1.0 degrees in the intact knee to 13.8 degrees +/- 0.9 degrees. This increase in slope reduced the posterior sag of the PCL-deficient knee, shifting the resting position anteriorly to 4.0 +/- 2.0 mm at 90 degrees. Under a 200-N axial compressive load with the osteotomy, an additional increase in anterior tibial translation to 2.7 +/- 1.7 mm at 30 degrees was
Weinand, Christian; Peretti, Giuseppe M; Adams, Samuel B; Randolph, Mark A; Savvidis, Estafios; Gill, Thomas J
Successful treatment of tears to the avascular region of the meniscus remains a challenge. Current repair techniques, such as sutures and anchors, are effective in stabilizing the peripheral, vascularized regions of the meniscus, but are not adequate for promoting healing in the avascular region. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the healing ability of a tissue-engineered repair technique using allogenic chondrocytes from three different sources for the avascular zone of the meniscus. Articular, auricular, and costal chondrocytes were harvested from 3-month-old Yorkshire swine. A 1-cm bucket-handle lesion was created in the avascular zone of each three swine. A cell-scaffold construct, composed of a single chondrocyte cell type and Vicryl mesh, was implanted into the lesion and secured with two vertical mattress sutures. Controls consisted of each three sutured unseeded mesh implants, suture only, and untreated lesions. The swine were allowed immediate post-operative full weight bearing. Menisci and controls were harvested after 12 weeks. In all experimental samples, lesion closure was observed. Gross mechanical testing with two Adson forceps demonstrated bonding of the lesion. Histological analysis showed formation of new tissue in all three experimental samples. None of the control samples demonstrated closure and formation of new matrix. We present preliminary data that demonstrates the potential of a tissue-engineered, allogenic cellular repair to provide successful healing of lesions in the avascular zone in a large animal model.
Cranial tibial thrust: a primary force in the canine stifle.
Slocum, B; Devine, T
A cranially directed force identified within the canine stifle joint was termed cranial tibial thrust. It was generated during weight bearing by tibial compression, of which the tarsal tendon of the biceps femoris is a major contributor, and by the slope of the tibial plateau, found to have a mean cranially directed inclination of 22.6 degrees. This force may be an important factor in cranial cruciate ligament rupture and in generation of cranial drawer sign.
Lee, Yong Seuk; Yun, Ji Young; Lee, Beom Koo
An optimally implanted tibial component during unicompartmental knee arthroplasty would be flush with all edges of the cut tibial surface. However, this is often not possible, partly because the tibial component may not be an ideal shape or because the ideal component size may not be available. In such situations, surgeons need to decide between component overhang and underhang and as to which sites must be covered and which sites could be undercovered. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the bone mineral density of the cut surface of the proximal tibia around the cortical rim and to compare the bone mineral density according to the inclusion of the cortex and the site-specific matched evaluation. One hundred and fifty consecutive patients (100 men and 50 women) were enrolled in this study. A quantitative computed tomography was used to determine the bone density of the cut tibial surface. Medial and lateral compartments were divided into anterior, middle, and posterior regions, and these three regions were further subdivided into two regions according to containment of cortex. The site-specific matched comparison (medial vs. lateral) of bone mineral density was performed. In medial sides, the mid-region, including the cortex, showed the highest bone mineral density in male and female patients. The posterior region showed the lowest bone mineral density in male patients, and the anterior and posterior regions showed the lowest bone mineral density in female patients. Regions including cortex showed higher bone mineral density than pure cancellous regions in medial sides. In lateral sides, posterior regions including cortex showed highest bone mineral density with statistical significance in both male and female patients. The anterior region showed the lowest bone mineral density in both male and female patients. The mid-region of the medial side and the posterior region of the lateral side are relatively safe without cortical coverage when the component
Klein, Scott A; Nyland, John; Caborn, David N M; Kocabey, Yavuz; Nawab, Akbar
Adequate tibial bone mineral density (BMD) is essential to soft tissue graft fixation during anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. The purpose of this study was to compare volumetric bone plug density measurements at the tibial region of interest for ACL reconstruction using a standardized immersion technique and Archimedes' principle. Cancellous bone cores were harvested from the proximal, middle, and distal metaphyseal regions of the lateral tibia and from the standard tibial tunnel location used for ACL reconstruction of 18 cadaveric specimens. Proximal tibial cores displayed 32.6% greater BMD than middle tibial cores and 31.8% greater BMD than distal tibial cores, but did not differ from the BMD of the tibial tunnel cores. Correlational analysis confirmed that the cancellous BMD in the tibial tunnel related to the cancellous BMD of the proximal and distal lateral tibial metaphysis. In conjunction with its adjacent cortical bone, the cancellous BMD of the region used for standard tibial tunnel placement provides an effective foundation for ACL graft fixation. In tibia with poor BMD, bicortical fixation that incorporates cortical bone from the distal tibial tunnel region is recommended.
In vivo and in vitro characteristic of HIF-1α and relative genes in ischemic femoral head necrosis
Zhang, Wanglin; Yuan, Zhe; Pei, Xinhong; Ma, Ruixue
Background: Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease (Perthes’ disease) is a childhood hip disorder initiated by ischemic necrosis of the growing femoral head. So far, the etiology and pathogenesis of Perthes’ disease is poorly understood. Materials and methods: Avascular osteonecrosis rat model was established to mimic the pathophysiological changes of femoral head necrosis. The chondrocytes of newborn Sprague-Dawley rats were isolated and cultured in hypoxic and normoxic condition. The expression characteristic of the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) was evaluated both in vivo and in vitro models. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and apoptotic genes in chondrocytes treated with normoxia and hypoxia were also studied. Results: HIF-1α expression increased greatly after ischemic operation and kept at relative high level in the arthromeningitis stage and declined in the stages of osteonecrosis and reconstruction. The HIF-1α mRNA levels of chondrocytes incubated at hypoxia were significantly higher than the cells treated with normoxia at 24 and 72 hours. Hypoxia inhibited VEGF expression; chondrocytes could oppose this inhibition manifested by the increasing of VEGF mRNA level after 72 hours hypoxia. The expression of apoptotic genes, Casp3, Casp8 and Casp9, elevated in chondrocytes after hypoxia with time differences. Conclusion: Hypoxia might be an etiological factor for femoral head necrosis, HIF-1α, VEGF as well as apoptotic genes participated the pathophysiological process of ischemic osteonecrosis. PMID:26261616
Patterns of premature physeal arrest: MR imaging of 111 children.
Ecklund, Kirsten; Jaramillo, Diego
The purpose of this study was to use MR imaging, especially fat-suppressed three-dimensional (3D) spoiled gradient-recalled echo sequences, to identify patterns of growth arrest after physeal insult in children. We evaluated 111 children with physeal bone bridges (median age, 11.4 years) using MR imaging to analyze bridge size, location in physis, signal intensity, growth recovery lines, avascular necrosis, and metaphyseal cartilage tongues. Fifty-eight patients underwent fat-suppressed 3D spoiled gradient-recalled echo imaging with physeal mapping. The cause, bone involved, radiographic appearance, and surgical interventions (60/111) were also correlated. Data were analyzed with the two-tailed Fisher's exact test. Posttraumatic bridges, accounting for 70% (78/111) of patients, were most often distal, especially of the tibia (n = 43) and femur (n = 14), whereas those due to the other miscellaneous causes were more frequently proximal (p < 0.0001). The position of the bridge in the physis was related to the bone involved (p < 0.0001). Sixty-five percent of distal tibial bridges involved the anteromedial physis, whereas 60% of the distal femoral arrests were central. Larger bridges had higher T1 signal intensity (p < 0.008). Oblique growth recovery lines were seen exclusively with bridges involving the peripheral physis (p = 0.002) and smaller, more potentially resectable bridges. Metaphyseal cartilaginous tongues were seen with all causes, but avascular necrosis was exclusively posttraumatic (p = 0.03). Signal characteristics and bridge size did not vary with the cause. Premature physeal bony bridging in children is most often posttraumatic and disproportionately involves the distal tibia and femur where bridges tend to develop at the sites of earliest physiologic closure, namely anteromedially and centrally, respectively. MR imaging, especially with the use of fat-suppressed 3D spoiled gradient-recalled echo imaging, exquisitely shows the growth disturbance and
Total knee arthroplasty and fractures of the tibial plateau
Softness, Kenneth A; Murray, Ryan S; Evans, Brian G
Tibial plateau fractures are common injuries that occur in a bimodal age distribution. While there are various treatment options for displaced tibial plateau fractures, the standard of care is open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). In physiologically young patients with higher demand and better bone quality, ORIF is the preferred method of treating these fractures. However, future total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a consideration in these patients as post-traumatic osteoarthritis is a common long-term complication of tibial plateau fractures. In older, lower demand patients, ORIF is potentially less favorable for a variety of reasons, namely fixation failure and the need for delayed weight bearing. In some of these patients, TKA can be considered as primary mode of treatment. This paper will review the literature surrounding TKA as both primary treatment and as a salvage measure in patients with fractures of the tibial plateau. The outcomes, complications, techniques and surgical challenges are also discussed. PMID:28251061
Popelka, O; Skála-Rosenbaum, J; Bartoška, R; Waldauf, P; Krbec, M; Džupa, V
The aim of the study was to investigate the occurrence of avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head following the osteosynthesis of intracapsular fracture of the femoral neck in relation to the time interval between injury and surgery and the type of fracture. The data of patients with intracapsular fractures of the femoral neck surgically treated in the period from 2001 to 2011 were reviewed. Of 1555 patients treated for this fracture, 125 (7%) underwent osteosynthesis. The evaluated group included 115 patients who came for examination at one-year follow-up. There were 59 (52%) women and 56 (48%) men. Dynamic hip screw (DHS) osteosynthesis with an anti-rotation screw was performed in 103 patients and lag-screw osteosynthesis involving three parallel cannulated cancellous screws was employed in 12 patients. The patients were allocated to groups according to the injury-to-surgery interval and to sub-groups on the basis of the Garden classification of femoral fracture stage. In the group of 58 patients treated within 6 h of injury, AVN developed in 10 (17%). When the type of fracture was considered, 4% of the non-displaced fractures and 30% of the displaced fractures developed AVN. The patients with Garden stage I and II (non-displaced) fractures treated within 6 h of injury had a significantly lower risk of AVN development than those with Garden stage III or IV (displaced) fractures. The group treated between 6 and 24 post-injury hours comprised 21 patients, of whom four (19%) had AVN. In non-displaced and displaced fracture sub-groups, 25% of the patients in the former and 16% in the latter had AVN. The stage of displacement had no effect on AVN development. The two groups together (patients treated by 24 h) had a significantly lower AVN incidence than the patients treated after 24 h (p = 0.0025). In this group of 36 patients, 16 had AVN (44%) and the fracture stage made no significant difference (p = 0.6985; nondisplacement sub-group, 41%; displacement sub
The role of Iloprost on bone edema and osteonecrosis: Safety and clinical results.
Pountos, Ippokratis; Giannoudis, Peter V
Iloprost is a commercially available prostaglandin I 2 (PGI 2 ) analogue that is shown to have antithrombotic, vasodilatative and antiproliferative effects. A number of clinical studies have shown that Iloprost can be effective in the management of bone marrow oedema and the treatment of avascular necrosis. The aim of this manuscript is to present our current understanding on the effect of Iloprost on the treatment of these conditions. Areas covered: The authors offer a comprehensive review of the existing literature on the experimental and clinical studies analysing the effect of Iloprost on bone, bone marrow oedema and avascular necrosis. Expert opinion: The available data from the clinical studies suggest that Iloprost has limited effect in advanced stages of avascular necrosis. However, literature suggests that Iloprost administration can be a viable option in the management of bone marrow oedema and early stages of osteonecrosis. Despite these promising results its effect on bone homeostasis needs further elucidation. Moreover, further data on its safety, dosage and efficiency through randomized multicenter studies are desirable in order to reach final conclusions.
Can the tibial slope be measured on lateral knee radiographs?
Faschingbauer, M; Sgroi, M; Juchems, M; Reichel, H; Kappe, T
The posterior tibial slope influences both the natural knee stability as well as the stability and kinematics after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Exact definition of the posterior tibial slope (PTS) requires lateral radiographs of the lower limb. Only lateral knee radiographs are routinely obtained after TKA, however. The purpose of the present study therefore was to analyse the relationship between PTS measurement results on short and expanded lateral knee radiographs. The PTS was measured on 100 consecutive lateral radiographs of the lower limb using the mechanical and three diaphyseal axes with various distances below the tibial plateau. Significant differences between PTS results were found for all three diaphyseal axes, with the smallest differences and the strongest correlation for a diaphyseal axis at 16 and 20 cm below the tibial plateau. Using short distances below the tibial plateau (6 and 10 cm) resulted in an overestimation of the PTS of 3°, on average. The PTS measurements in long lateral knee radiographs are more accurate compared to short radiographs. On short lateral knee radiographs, only a estimation of the PTS can be carried out. Diagnostic study, Level II.
External fixation of tibial pilon fractures and fracture healing.
Ristiniemi, Jukka
Distal tibial fractures are rare and difficult to treat because the bones are subcutaneous. External fixation is commonly used, but the method often results in delayed union. The aim of the present study was to find out the factors that affect fracture union in tibial pilon fractures. For this purpose, prospective data collection of tibial pilon fractures was carried out in 1998-2004, resulting in 159 fractures, of which 83 were treated with external fixation. Additionally, 23 open tibial fractures with significant > 3 cm bone defect that were treated with a staged method in 2000-2004 were retrospectively evaluated. The specific questions to be answered were: What are the risk factors for delayed union associated with two-ring hybrid external fixation? Does human recombinant BMP-7 accelerate healing? What is the role of temporary ankle-spanning external fixation? What is the healing potential of distal tibial bone loss treated with a staged method using antibiotic beads and subsequent autogenous cancellous grafting compared to other locations of the tibia? The following risk factors for delayed healing after external fixation were identified: post-reduction fracture gap of >3 mm and fixation of the associated fibula fracture. Fracture displacement could be better controlled with initial temporary external fixation than with early definitive fixation, but it had no significant effect on healing time, functional outcome or complication rate. Osteoinduction with rhBMP-7 was found to accelerate fracture healing and to shorten the sick leave. A staged method using antibiotic beads and subsequent autogenous cancellous grafting proved to be effective in the treatment of tibial bone loss. Healing potential of the bone loss in distal tibia was at least equally good as in other locations of the tibia.
Primary Ankle Arthrodesis for Severely Comminuted Tibial Pilon Fractures.
Al-Ashhab, Mohamed E
Management of severely comminuted, complete articular tibial pilon fractures (Rüedi and Allgöwer type III) remains a challenge, with few treatment options providing good clinical outcomes. Twenty patients with severely comminuted tibial pilon fractures underwent primary ankle arthrodesis with a retrograde calcaneal nail and autogenous fibular bone graft. The fusion rate was 100% and the varus malunion rate was 10%. Fracture union occurred at a mean of 16 weeks (range, 13-18 weeks) postoperatively. Primary ankle arthrodesis is a successful method for treating highly comminuted tibial pilon fractures, having a low complication rate and a high satisfaction score. [Orthopedics. 2017; 40(2):e378-e381.]. Copyright 2016, SLACK Incorporated.
Posterior tibial slope as a risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament rupture in soccer players.
Senişik, Seçkin; Ozgürbüz, Cengizhan; Ergün, Metin; Yüksel, Oğuz; Taskiran, Emin; Işlegen, Cetin; Ertat, Ahmet
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the primary stabilizer of the knee. An impairment of any of the dynamic or static stability providing factors can lead to overload on the other factors and ultimately to deterioration of knee stability. This can result in anterior tibial translation and rupture of the ACL. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of tibial slope on ACL injury risk on soccer players. A total of 64 elite soccer players and 45 sedentary controls were included in this longitudinal and controlled study. The angle between the tibial mid-diaphysis line and the line between the anterior and posterior edges of the medial tibial plateau was measured as the tibial slope via lateral radiographs. Individual player exposure, and injuries sustained by the participants were prospectively recorded. Eleven ACL injuries were documented during the study period. Tibial slope was not different between soccer players and sedentary controls. Tibial slope in the dominant and non-dominant legs was greater for the injured players compared to the uninjured players. The difference reached a significant level only for the dominant legs (p < 0.001). While the tibial slopes of the dominant and non-dominant legs were not different on uninjured players (p > 0.05), a higher tibial slope was observed in dominant legs of injured players (p < 0.05). Higher tibial slope on injured soccer players compared to the uninjured ones supports the idea that the tibial slope degree might be an important risk factor for ACL injury. Key pointsDominant legs' tibial slopes of the injured players were significantly higher compared to the uninjured players (p < 0.001).Higher tibial slope was determined in dominant legs compared to the non-dominant side, for the injured players (p = 0.042). Different tibial slope measures in dominant and non-dominant legs might be the result of different loading and/or adaptation patterns in soccer.
21 CFR 888.3590 - Knee joint tibial (hemi-knee) metallic resurfacing uncemented prosthesis.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Knee joint tibial (hemi-knee) metallic resurfacing... Knee joint tibial (hemi-knee) metallic resurfacing uncemented prosthesis. (a) Identification. A knee joint tibial (hemi-knee) metallic resurfacing uncemented prosthesis is a device intended to be implanted...
All-Polyethylene Tibial Components: An Analysis of Long-Term Outcomes and Infection.
Houdek, Matthew T; Wagner, Eric R; Wyles, Cody C; Watts, Chad D; Cass, Joseph R; Trousdale, Robert T
There is debate regarding tibial component modularity and composition in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Biomechanical studies have suggested improved stress distribution in metal-backed tibias; however, these results have not translated clinically. The purpose of this study was to analyze the outcomes of all-polyethylene components and to compare the results to those with metal-backed components. We reviewed 31,939 patients undergoing a primary TKA over a 43-year period (1970-2013). There were 28,224 (88%) metal-backed and 3715 (12%) all-polyethylene tibial components. The metal-backed and all-polyethylene groups had comparable demographics with respect to gender, age and body mass index (BMI). Mean follow-up was 7 years. The mean survival for all primary TKAs at the 5-, 10-, 20- and 30-year time points was 95%, 89%, 73%, and 57%, respectively. All-polyethylene tibial components were found to have a significantly improved (P < .0001) survivorship when compared with their metal-backed counterparts. All-polyethylene tibial components were also found to have a significantly lower rate of infection, instability, tibial component loosening, and periprosthetic fracture. The all-polyethylene group had improved survival rates in all age groups, except in patients 85 years old or greater, where there was no significant difference. All-polyethylene tibial components had improved survival for all BMI groups except in the morbidly obese (BMI ≥ 40) where there was no significant difference. All-polyethylene tibial components had significantly improved implant survival, reduced rates of postoperative infection, fracture, and tibial component loosening. All polyethylene should be considered for most of the patients, regardless of age and BMI. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Complex Medial Meniscus Tears Are Associated With a Biconcave Medial Tibial Plateau.
Barber, F Alan; Getelman, Mark H; Berry, Kathy L
To determine whether an association exists between a biconcave medial tibial plateau and complex medial meniscus tears. A consecutive series of stable knees undergoing arthroscopy were evaluated retrospectively with the use of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radiographs, and arthroscopy documented by intraoperative videos. Investigators independently performed blinded reviews of the MRI or videos. Based on the arthroscopy findings, medial tibial plateaus were classified as either biconcave or not biconcave. A transverse coronal plane ridge, separating the front of the tibial plateau from the back near the inner margin of the posterior body of the medial meniscus, was defined as biconcave. The medial plateau slope was calculated with MRI sagittal views. General demographic information, body mass index, and arthroscopically confirmed knee pathology were recorded. A total of 179 consecutive knees were studied from July 2014 through August 2015; 49 (27.2%) biconcave medial tibial plateaus and 130 (72.8%) controls were identified at arthroscopy. Complex medial meniscus tears were found in 103. Patients with a biconcave medial tibial plateau were found to have more complex medial meniscus tears (69.4%) than those without a biconcavity (53.1%) (P = .049) despite having lower body mass index (P = .020). No difference in medial tibial plateau slope was observed for biconcavities involving both cartilage and bone, bone only, or an indeterminate group (P = .47). Biconcave medial tibial plateaus were present in 27.4% of a consecutive series of patients undergoing knee arthroscopy. A biconcave medial tibial plateau was more frequently associated with a complex medial meniscus tear. Level III, case-control study. Copyright © 2016 Arthroscopy Association of North America. All rights reserved.
Total knee replacement-cementless tibial fixation with screws: 10-year results.
Ersan, Önder; Öztürk, Alper; Çatma, Mehmet Faruk; Ünlü, Serhan; Akdoğan, Mutlu; Ateş, Yalım
The aim of this study was to evaluate the long term clinical and radiological results of cementless total knee replacement. A total of 51 knees of 49 patients (33 female and 16 male; mean age: 61.6 years (range, 29-66 years)) who underwent TKR surgery with a posterior stabilized hydroxyapatite coated knee implant were included in this study. All of the tibial components were fixed with screws. The HSS scores were examined preoperatively and at the final follow-up. Radiological assessment was performed with Knee Society evaluating and scoring system. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was performed to rule out the survival of the tibial component. The mean HSS scores were 45.8 (range 38-60) and 88.1 (range 61-93), preoperatively and at the final follow-up respectively. Complete radiological assessment was performed for 48 knees. Lucent lines at the tibial component were observed in 4 patients; one of these patients underwent a revision surgery due to the loosening of the tibial component. The 10-year survival rate of a tibial component was 98%. Cementless total knee replacement has satisfactory long term clinical results. Primary fixation of the tibial component with screws provides adequate stability even in elderly patients with good bone quality. Level IV, Therapeutic study. Copyright © 2017 Turkish Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Modified arthroscopic suture fixation of a displaced tibial eminence fracture.
Lehman, Ronald A; Murphy, Kevin P; Machen, M Shaun; Kuklo, Timothy R
This study describes a new arthroscopic method using a whip-stitch technique for treating a displaced type III tibial eminence fracture. A 12-year-old girl who sustained a displaced type III tibial eminence fracture was treated with arthroscopic fixation using the Arthrosew disposable suture device (Surgical Dynamics, Norwalk, CT) to place a whip stitch into the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The Arthrex ACL guide (Arthrex, Naples, FL) was used to reduce the avulsed tibial spine fragment. Sutures were then passed through the tibial tunnel and secured over a bony bridge with the knee in 20 degrees of flexion. At 9 months, the patient has a full range of motion with normal Lachman and anterior drawer testing, and she has returned to competitive basketball. Radiographs show complete fracture healing. KT-1000 and isokinetic testing at 9-month follow-up show only minimal side-to-side differences. The Arthrosew device provides a significant advantage in the treatment of type III and IV fractures of the tibial eminence by obtaining arthroscopic fixation within the substance of the ACL, thus obviating arthrotomy and hardware placement. This technique also restores the proper length and tension to the ACL, and provides a simplified, reproducible method of treatment for this injury.
Metal-backed versus all-polyethylene tibial components in primary total knee arthroplasty
Background and purpose The choice of either all-polyethylene (AP) tibial components or metal-backed (MB) tibial components in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) remains controversial. We therefore performed a meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized controlled trials that have evaluated MB and AP tibial components in primary TKA. Methods The search strategy included a computerized literature search (Medline, EMBASE, Scopus, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) and a manual search of major orthopedic journals. A meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized or quasi-randomized trials that compared the performance of tibial components in primary TKA was performed using a fixed or random effects model. We assessed the methodological quality of studies using Detsky quality scale. Results 9 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published between 2000 and 2009 met the inclusion quality standards for the systematic review. The mean standardized Detsky score was 14 (SD 3). We found that the frequency of radiolucent lines in the MB group was significantly higher than that in the AP group. There were no statistically significant differences between the MB and AP tibial components regarding component positioning, knee score, knee range of motion, quality of life, and postoperative complications. Interpretation Based on evidence obtained from this study, the AP tibial component was comparable with or better than the MB tibial component in TKA. However, high-quality RCTs are required to validate the results. PMID:21895503
Cruz, Alexandre Santa; de Hollanda, João Paris Buarque; Duarte, Aires; Hungria Neto, José Soares
The non-surgical treatment of anterior tibial cortex stress fractures requires long periods of abstention from sports activities and often results in non-union. Many different surgical techniques have already been previously described to treat these fractures, but there is no consensus on the best treatment. We describe the outcome of treatment using anterior tibial tension band plating in three high-performance athletes (4 legs) with anterior tibial cortex stress fractures. Tibial osteosynthesis with a 3.5-mm locking compression plate in the anterolateral aspect of the tibia was performed in all patients diagnosed with anterior tibial stress fracture after September 2010 at Santa Casa Hospital. All of the fractures were consolidated within a period of 3 months after surgery, allowing for an early return to pre-injury levels of competitive sports activity. There were no infection, non-union, malunion or anterior knee pain complications. Anterior tibial tension band plating leads to prompt fracture consolidation and is a good alternative for the treatment of anterior tibial cortex stress fractures. Bone grafts were shown to be unnecessary.
Mukisi-Mukaza, M; Saint Martin, C; Etienne-Julan, M; Donkerwolcke, M; Burny, M E; Burny, F
Sickle cell disease is a public health problem. The WHO has recommended that global management be implemented to reduce mortality and morbidity. Since no comprehensive care programme for bone and joint complications exists, the Caribbean Sickle Cell Disease Center added orthopaedic consultation to screen for and monitor these complications in 1992. Comprehensive medical and surgical care of patients with sickle cell disease will reduce the complications and disability associated with this disease. Two populations were compared to evaluate the impact of comprehensive disease management on the occurrence of avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head (femoral head AVN). The case-control series, [E-1994], included 115 patients (58 SS and 57 S) without orthopaedic monitoring and was evaluated retrospectively. The other patient series, [E-2008], included 215 patients (94 SS and 121 SC) with systematic orthopaedic care and was followed prospectively. Age, gender, duration of follow-up, haemoglobin levels, genotype, pain before treatment, associated humerus AVN and leg ulcers were analysed. Femoral head AVN occurred in young adult patients (35.3 ± 4 years for [E-1994] and 29 ± 3.4 years for [E-2008]). Only elevated haemoglobin levels were associated with the occurrence of femoral head AVN, which suggests that increased blood viscosity contributes to the condition ([E-1994], P<0.0001; [E-2008], P=0.001). Treatment in [E-2008] patients reduced the number of femoral head AVN cases from 36.5% in [E-1994] to 14.4% in [E-2008] (P<0.0001). The prevention and management of femoral head AVN must include medical treatment of the disease to reduce the occurrence of painful vaso-occlusive crises, which are known to trigger femoral head AVN. The effectiveness of this programme hinged on identifying risk factors and using simple approaches (hydration, pain medication, rest and crutches) to manage painful joint crises before femoral head AVN appeared. These approaches could be
Measurement of bone adjacent to tibial shaft fracture.
Findlay, S C; Eastell, R; Ingle, B M
Delayed union and non-union are common complications after fracture of the tibial shaft. Response of the surrounding bone as a fracture heals could be monitored using techniques currently used in the study of osteoporosis. The aims of our study were to: (1) evaluate the decrement in bone measurements made close to the fracture using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT); (2) compare values for fractured versus non-fractured leg to determine the duration of decrement in bone measurements; and (3) calculate short-term precision in DXA, QUS and pQCT in order to calculate the ratio of decrement to precision (response ratio, RR) to determine the optimal test for monitoring changes after tibial fracture. The biggest decrement in bone measurements at the ipsilateral limb of 28 patients with tibial shaft fracture was observed at the pQCT tibial trabecular sites (distal = 19%, p<0.0001; proximal 5% = 21%, p<0.001; proximal 10% = 28%, p<0.001) and the ultradistal tibia/fibula measured by DXA (19%, p<0.0001). When comparing Z-scores, the magnitude of decrements at the ipsilateral limb was bigger for variables measured directly at the tibia, both proximal and distal to the fracture. The magnitude of the decrement in ultradistal tibia/fibula BMD decreased as the time since fracture increased ( r = 0.55). When response ratios are considered, pQCT measurements at the distal tibia (RR 6-8) and proximal 5% and 10% trabecular sites (RR 5 and 9 respectively) were found to be the most sensitive to change. Therefore, pQCT of the trabecular regions of either the proximal or distal tibia should prove the most sensitive measurement for monitoring changes in bone adjacent to a tibial shaft fracture.
Reif, Ullrich; Hulse, Donald A; Hauptman, Joe G
To evaluate the effect of tibial plateau leveling on joint motion in canine stifle joints in which the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) had been severed. In vitro cadaver study. Six canine cadaver hind legs. Radiographs of the stifle joints were made to evaluate the tibial plateau angle with respect to the long axis of the tibia. The specimens were mounted in a custom-made testing device to measure cranio-caudal translation of the tibia with respect to the femur. An axial load was applied to the tibia, and its position was recorded in the normal stifle, after transection of the CCL, and after tibial plateau leveling. Further, the amount of caudal tibial thrust was measured in the tibial plateau leveled specimen while series of eight linearly increasing axial tibial loads were applied. Transection of the CCL resulted in cranial tibial translation when axial tibial load was applied. After tibial plateau leveling, axial loading resulted in caudal translation of the tibia. Increasing axial tibial load caused a linear increase in caudal tibial thrust in all tibial plateau-leveled specimens. After tibial plateau leveling, axial tibial load generates caudal tibial thrust, which increases if additional axial load is applied. Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy may prevent cranial translation during weight bearing in dogs with CCL rupture by converting axial load into caudal tibial thrust. The amount of caudal tibial thrust seems to be proportional to the amount of weight bearing. Copyright 2002 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Ground reaction forces and bone parameters in females with tibial stress fracture.
Bennell, Kim; Crossley, Kay; Jayarajan, Jyotsna; Walton, Elizabeth; Warden, Stuart; Kiss, Z Stephen; Wrigley, Tim
Tibial stress fracture is a common overuse running injury that results from the interplay of repetitive mechanical loading and bone strength. This research project aimed to determine whether female runners with a history of tibial stress fracture (TSF) differ in ground reaction force (GRF) parameters during running, regional bone density, and tibial bone geometry from those who have never sustained a stress fracture (NSF). Thirty-six female running athletes (13 TSF; 23 NSF) ranging in age from 18 to 44 yr were recruited for this cross-sectional study. The groups were well matched for demographic, training, and menstrual parameters. A force platform measured selected GRF parameters (peak and time to peak for vertical impact and active forces, and horizontal braking and propulsive forces) during overground running at 4.0 m.s.(-1). Lumbar spine, proximal femur, and distal tibial bone mineral density were assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Tibial bone geometry (cross-sectional dimensions and areas, and second moments of area) was calculated from a computerized tomography scan at the junction of the middle and distal thirds. There were no significant differences between the groups for any of the GRF, bone density, or tibial bone geometric parameters (P > 0.05). Both TSF and NSF subjects had bone density levels that were average or above average compared with a young adult reference range. Factor analysis followed by discriminant function analysis did not find any combinations of variables that differentiated between TSF and NSF groups. These findings do not support a role for GRF, bone density, or tibial bone geometry in the development of tibial stress fractures, suggesting that other risk factors were more important in this cohort of female runners.
Bone microarchitecture of the tibial plateau in skeletal health and osteoporosis.
Krause, Matthias; Hubert, Jan; Deymann, Simon; Hapfelmeier, Alexander; Wulff, Birgit; Petersik, Andreas; Püschel, Klaus; Amling, Michael; Hawellek, Thelonius; Frosch, Karl-Heinz
Impaired bone structure poses a challenge for the treatment of osteoporotic tibial plateau fractures. As knowledge of region-specific structural bone alterations is a prerequisite to achieving successful long-term fixation, the aim of the current study was to characterize tibial plateau bone structure in patients with osteoporosis and the elderly. Histomorphometric parameters were assessed by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) in 21 proximal tibiae from females with postmenopausal osteoporosis (mean age: 84.3 ± 4.9 years) and eight female healthy controls (45.5 ± 6.9 years). To visualize region-specific structural bony alterations with age, the bone mineral density (Hounsfield units) was additionally analyzed in 168 human proximal tibiae. Statistical analysis was based on evolutionary learning using globally optimal regression trees. Bone structure deterioration of the tibial plateau due to osteoporosis was region-specific. Compared to healthy controls (20.5 ± 4.7%) the greatest decrease in bone volume fraction was found in the medio-medial segments (9.2 ± 3.5%, p < 0.001). The lowest bone volume was found in central segments (tibial spine). Trabecular connectivity was severely reduced. Importantly, in the anterior and posterior 25% of the lateral and medial tibial plateaux, trabecular support and subchondral cortical bone thickness itself were also reduced. Thinning of subchondral cortical bone and marked bone loss in the anterior and posterior 25% of the tibial plateau should require special attention when osteoporotic patients require fracture fixation of the posterior segments. This knowledge may help to improve the long-term, fracture-specific fixation of complex tibial plateau fractures in osteoporosis. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Effect of tibial slope on the stability of the anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee.
Voos, James E; Suero, Eduardo M; Citak, Musa; Petrigliano, Frank P; Bosscher, Marianne R F; Citak, Mustafa; Wickiewicz, Thomas L; Pearle, Andrew D
We aimed to quantify the effect of changes in tibial slope on the magnitude of anterior tibial translation (ATT) in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-deficient knee during the Lachman and mechanized pivot shift tests. We hypothesized that increased posterior tibial slope would increase the amount of ATT of an ACL-deficient knee, while leveling the slope of the tibial plateau would decrease the amount of ATT. Lachman and mechanized pivot shift tests were performed on hip-to-toe cadaveric specimens, and ATT of the lateral and the medial compartments was measured using navigation (n = 11). The ACL was then sectioned. Stability testing was repeated, and ATT was recorded. A proximal tibial osteotomy in the sagittal plane was then performed achieving either +5 or -5° of tibial slope variation after which stability testing was repeated (n = 10). Sectioning the ACL resulted in a significant increase in ATT in both the Lachman and mechanized pivot shift tests (P < 0.05). Increasing or decreasing the slope of the tibial plateau had no effect on ATT during the Lachman test (n.s.). During the mechanized pivot shift tests, a 5° increase in posterior slope resulted in a significant increase in ATT compared to the native knee (P < 0.05), while a 5° decrease in slope reduced ATT to a level similar to that of the intact knee. Tibial slope changes did not affect the magnitude of translation during a Lachman test. However, large changes in tibial slope variation affected the magnitude of the pivot shift.
G7 BiSpherical Acetabular Shell PMCF Study
Rheumatoid Arthritis; Osteoarthritis; Noninflammatory Degenerative Joint Disease; Avascular Necrosis; Correction of Functional Deformity; Non-Union Fracture; Femoral Neck Fractures; Trochanteric Fractures
[Magnetic resonance imaging of tibial periostitis].
Meyer, X; Boscagli, G; Tavernier, T; Aczel, F; Weber, F; Legros, R; Charlopain, P; Martin, J P
Tibial periostitis frequently occurs in athletes. We present our experience with MRI in a series of 7 patients (11 legs) with this condition. The clinical presentation and scintigraphic scanning suggested the diagnosis. MRI exploration of 11 legs demonstrated a high band-like juxta-osseous signal enhancement of SE and IR T2 weighted sequences in 6 cases, a signal enhancement after i.v. contrast administration in 4. Tibial periostitis is a clinical diagnosis and MRI and scintigraphic findings can be used to assure the differential diagnosis in difficult cases with stress fracture. MRI can visualize juxta-osseous edematous and inflammatory reactions and an increased signal would appear to be characteristic when the band-like image is fixed to the periosteum.
Moran, Matthew F; Rickert, Brendan J; Greer, Beau K
Treadmills that unload runners via a differential air-pressure (DAP) bladder (eg, AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill) are commonly used to reduce effective body weight (BW) in a clinical setting. However, the relationship between the level of unloading and tibial stress is currently unknown. To determine the relationship between tibial impact acceleration and level of BW unloading during running. Cross-sectional. University motion-analysis laboratory. 15 distance runners (9 male, 6 female; 20.4 ± 2.4 y, 60.1 ± 12.6 kg). Peak tibial acceleration and peak-to-peak tibial acceleration were measured via a uniaxial accelerometer attached to the tibia during a 37-min continuous treadmill run that simulated reduced-BW conditions via a DAP bladder. The trial began with a 10-min run at 100% BW followed by nine 3-min stages where BW was systematically reduced from 95% to 60% in 5% increments. There was no significant relationship between level of BW and either peak tibial acceleration or peak-to-peak tibial acceleration (P > .05). Both heart rate and step rate were significantly reduced with each 5% reduction in BW level (P < .01). Although ground-reaction forces are reduced when running in reduced-BW conditions on a DAP treadmill, tibial shock magnitudes are unchanged as an alteration in spatiotemporal running mechanics (eg, reduced step rate) and may nullify the unloading effect.
Drew, Jarrod O; Glyde, Mark R; Hosgood, Giselle L; Hayes, Alex J
To evaluate the effect of tibial plateau levelling osteotomy on stifle extensor mechanism load in an ex vivo cruciate-intact canine cadaveric model. Ex vivo mechanical testing study. Cadaveric canine pelvic limbs ( n = 6). A 21-mm tibial radial osteotomy was performed on pelvic limbs ( n = 6) prior to being mounted into a load-bearing limb press. The proximal tibial segment was incrementally rotated until the anatomical tibial plateau angle had been rotated to at least 1°. The proportional change in stifle extensor mechanism load between the anatomical tibial plateau angle and the neutralized (∼6.5 degrees) and over-rotated (∼1°) tibial plateau angle was analysed using a one-sample t -test against a null hypothesis of no change. A p -value ≤0.05 was considered significant. There was no significant change in the stifle extensor mechanism load from the anatomical tibial plateau angle (308 N [261-355 N]) to the neutralized tibial plateau angle (313 N [254-372 N]; p =.81), or from the anatomical tibial plateau angle to the over-rotated tibial plateau angle (303 N [254-352 N; p = 0.67). Tibial plateau levelling osteotomy does not significantly alter stifle extensor mechanism load at either a neutralized or over-rotated tibial plateau angle in our cruciate-intact model. Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rothschild, B. M.; Xiaoting, Z.; Martin, L. D.
Decompression syndrome (caisson disease or the "the bends") resulting in avascular necrosis has been documented in mosasaurs, sauropterygians, ichthyosaurs, and turtles from the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous, but it was unclear that this disease occurred as far back as the Triassic. We have examined a large Triassic sample of ichthyosaurs and compared it with an equally large post-Triassic sample. Avascular necrosis was observed in over 15 % of Late Middle Jurassic to Cretaceous ichthyosaurs with the highest occurrence (18 %) in the Early Cretaceous, but was rare or absent in geologically older specimens. Triassic reptiles that dive were either physiologically protected, or rapid changes of their position in the water column rare and insignificant enough to prevent being recorded in the skeleton. Emergency surfacing due to a threat from an underwater predator may be the most important cause of avascular necrosis for air-breathing divers, with relative frequency of such events documented in the skeleton. Diving in the Triassic appears to have been a "leisurely" behavior until the evolution of large predators in the Late Jurassic that forced sudden depth alterations contributed to a higher occurrence of bends.
Rothschild, B M; Xiaoting, Z; Martin, L D
Decompression syndrome (caisson disease or the "the bends") resulting in avascular necrosis has been documented in mosasaurs, sauropterygians, ichthyosaurs, and turtles from the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous, but it was unclear that this disease occurred as far back as the Triassic. We have examined a large Triassic sample of ichthyosaurs and compared it with an equally large post-Triassic sample. Avascular necrosis was observed in over 15% of Late Middle Jurassic to Cretaceous ichthyosaurs with the highest occurrence (18%) in the Early Cretaceous, but was rare or absent in geologically older specimens. Triassic reptiles that dive were either physiologically protected, or rapid changes of their position in the water column rare and insignificant enough to prevent being recorded in the skeleton. Emergency surfacing due to a threat from an underwater predator may be the most important cause of avascular necrosis for air-breathing divers, with relative frequency of such events documented in the skeleton. Diving in the Triassic appears to have been a "leisurely" behavior until the evolution of large predators in the Late Jurassic that forced sudden depth alterations contributed to a higher occurrence of bends.
Barbadoro, P; Ensini, A; Leardini, A; d'Amato, M; Feliciangeli, A; Timoncini, A; Amadei, F; Belvedere, C; Giannini, S
Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) has shown a higher rate of revision compared with total knee arthroplasty. The success of UKA depends on prosthesis component alignment, fixation and soft tissue integrity. The tibial cut is the crucial surgical step. The hypothesis of the present study is that tibial component malalignment is correlated with its risk of loosening in UKA. This study was performed in twenty-three patients undergoing primary cemented unicompartmental knee arthroplasties. Translations and rotations of the tibial component and the maximum total point motion (MTPM) were measured using radiostereometric analysis at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. Standard radiological evaluations were also performed immediately before and after surgery. Varus/valgus and posterior slope of the tibial component and tibial-femoral axes were correlated with radiostereometric micro-motion. A survival analysis was also performed at an average of 5.9 years by contacting patients by phone. Varus alignment of the tibial component was significantly correlated with MTPM, anterior tibial sinking, varus rotation and anterior and medial translations from radiostereometry. The posterior slope of the tibial component was correlated with external rotation. The survival rate at an average of 5.9 years was 89%. The two patients who underwent revision presented a tibial component varus angle of 10° for both. There is correlation between varus orientation of the tibial component and MTPM from radiostereometry in unicompartmental knee arthroplasties. Particularly, a misalignment in varus larger than 5° could lead to risk of loosening the tibial component. Prognostic studies-retrospective study, Level II.
Osteoarthritis; Post-traumatic Arthritis; Collagen Disorder; Avascular Necrosis; Traumatic Femoral Fractures; Nonunion of Femoral Fractures; Congenital Hip Dysplasia; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Osteoarthritis; Post-traumatic Arthritis; Collagen Disorders; Avascular Necrosis; Traumatic Femoral Fractures; Nonunion of Femoral Fractures; Congenital Hip Dysplasia; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Influence of the posterior tibial slope on the flexion gap in total knee arthroplasty.
Okazaki, Ken; Tashiro, Yasutaka; Mizu-uchi, Hideki; Hamai, Satoshi; Doi, Toshio; Iwamoto, Yukihide
Adjusting the joint gap length to be equal in both extension and flexion is an important issue in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). It is generally acknowledged that posterior tibial slope affects the flexion gap; however, the extent to which changes in the tibial slope angle directly affect the flexion gap remains unclear. This study aimed to clarify the influence of tibial slope changes on the flexion gap in cruciate-retaining (CR) or posterior-stabilizing (PS) TKA. The flexion gap was measured using a tensor device with the femoral trial component in 20 cases each of CR- and PS-TKA. A wedge plate with a 5° inclination was placed on the tibial cut surface by switching its front-back direction to increase or decrease the tibial slope by 5°. The flexion gap after changing the tibial slope was compared to that of the neutral slope measured with a flat plate that had the same thickness as that of the wedge plate center. When the tibial slope decreased or increased by 5°, the flexion gap decreased or increased by 1.9 ± 0.6mm or 1.8 ± 0.4mm, respectively, with CR-TKA and 1.2 ± 0.4mm or 1.1 ± 0.3mm, respectively, with PS-TKA. The influence of changing the tibial slope by 5° on the flexion gap was approximately 2mm with CR-TKA and 1mm with PS-TKA. This information is useful when considering the effect of manipulating the tibial slope on the flexion gap when performing CR- or PS-TKA. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pseudoaneurysm of the Anterior Tibial Artery following Ankle Arthroscopy in a Soccer Player.
Tonogai, Ichiro; Matsuura, Tetsuya; Iwame, Toshiyuki; Wada, Keizo; Takasago, Tomoya; Goto, Tomohiro; Hamada, Daisuke; Kawatani, Yohei; Fujimoto, Eiki; Kitagawa, Tetsuya; Takao, Shyoichiro; Iwamoto, Seiji; Yamanaka, Moriaki; Harada, Masafumi; Sairyo, Koichi
Ankle arthroscopy carries a lower risk of vascular complications when standard anterolateral and anteromedial portals are used. However, the thickness of the fat pad at the anterior ankle affords little protection for the thin-walled anterior tibial artery, rendering it susceptible to indirect damage during procedures performed on the anterior ankle joint. To our knowledge, only 11 cases of pseudoaneurysm involving the anterior tibial artery after ankle arthroscopy have been described in the literature. Here we reported a rare case of a 19-year-old soccer player who presented with pseudoaneurysm of the anterior tibial artery following ankle arthroscopy using an ankle distraction method and underwent anastomosis for the anterior tibial artery injury. Excessive distraction of the ankle puts the neurovascular structures at greater risk for iatrogenic injury of the anterior tibial artery during ankle arthroscopy. Surgeons should look carefully for postoperative ankle swelling and pain after ankle arthroscopy.
Pseudoaneurysm of the Anterior Tibial Artery following Ankle Arthroscopy in a Soccer Player
Iwame, Toshiyuki; Hamada, Daisuke; Fujimoto, Eiki; Kitagawa, Tetsuya; Takao, Shyoichiro; Iwamoto, Seiji; Yamanaka, Moriaki; Harada, Masafumi
Ankle arthroscopy carries a lower risk of vascular complications when standard anterolateral and anteromedial portals are used. However, the thickness of the fat pad at the anterior ankle affords little protection for the thin-walled anterior tibial artery, rendering it susceptible to indirect damage during procedures performed on the anterior ankle joint. To our knowledge, only 11 cases of pseudoaneurysm involving the anterior tibial artery after ankle arthroscopy have been described in the literature. Here we reported a rare case of a 19-year-old soccer player who presented with pseudoaneurysm of the anterior tibial artery following ankle arthroscopy using an ankle distraction method and underwent anastomosis for the anterior tibial artery injury. Excessive distraction of the ankle puts the neurovascular structures at greater risk for iatrogenic injury of the anterior tibial artery during ankle arthroscopy. Surgeons should look carefully for postoperative ankle swelling and pain after ankle arthroscopy. PMID:28607785
Dysbaric Osteonecrosis in Divers. 1. A Survey of 611 Selected U. S. Navy Divers
ed., Academic Press, New York, 1971, pp 251- 262. 10 7. Asahi, S. H. Ohiwa, and I. Nashimoto, " Avascular Bone Necrosis in Japanese Diving...bone necrosis has been confirmed. 4>5 The confirmation of aseptic bone necrosis in Caisson workers prompted several studies of divers to determine...de- scribe the radiological observations of bone density and structure variations which appear to be aseptic bone necrosis occurring in
Shen, Yi; Li, Xiaomiao; Fu, Xiaodong; Wang, Weili
Posterior tibial slope that is created during proximal tibial resection in total knee arthroplasty has emerged as an important factor in the mechanics of the knee joint and the surgical outcome. But the ideal degree of posterior tibial slope for recovery of the knee joint function and preventions of complications remains controversial and should vary in different racial groups. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of posterior tibial slope on contact stresses in the tibial polyethylene component of total knee prostheses. Three-dimensional finite element analysis was used to calculate contact stresses in tibial polyethylene component of total knee prostheses subjected to a compressive load. The 3D finite element model of total knee prosthesis was constructed from the images produced by 3D scanning technology. Stresses in tibial polyethylene component were calculated with four different posterior tibial slopes (0°, 3°, 6° and 9°). The 3D finite element model of total knee prosthesis we presented was well validated. We found that the stress distribution in the polythene as evaluated by the distributions of the von Mises stress, the maximum principle stress, the minimum principle stress and the Cpress were more uniform with 3° and 6° posterior tibial slopes than with 0° and 9° posterior tibial slopes. Moreover, the peaks of the above stresses and trends of changes with increasing degree of knee flexion were more ideal with 3° and 6° posterior slopes. The results suggested that the tibial component inclination might be favourable to 7°-10° so far as the stress distribution is concerned. The range of the tibial component inclination also can decrease the wear of polyethylene. Chinese posterior tibial slope is bigger than in the West, and the current domestic use of prostheses is imported from the West, so their demands to tilt back bone cutting can lead to shorten the service life of prostheses; this experiment result is of important
Brooks, Jaysson T; Bernholt, David L; Tran, Kevin V; Ain, Michael C
Genu recurvatum, a posterior resting position of the knee, is a common lower extremity deformity in patients with achondroplasia and has been thought to be secondary to ligamentous laxity. To the best of our knowledge, the role of the tibial slope has not been investigated, and no studies describe the tibial slope in patients with achondroplasia. Our goals were to characterize the tibial slope in children and adults with achondroplasia, explore its possible role in the development of genu recurvatum, and compare the tibial slope in patients with achondroplasia to that in the general population. We reviewed 252 lateral knee radiographs of 130 patients with achondroplasia seen at our clinic from November 2007 through September 2013. Patients were excluded if they had previous lower extremity surgery or radiographs with extreme rotation. We analyzed patient demographics and, on all radiographs, the tibial slope. We then compared the mean tibial slope to norms in the literature. Tibial slopes >90 degrees had an anterior tibial slope and received a positive prefix. Statistical analysis included intraclass and interclass reliability, Pearson correlation coefficient, and the Student t tests (significance, P<0.05). The overall mean tibial slope for the 252 knees was +1.32±7 degrees, which was significantly more anterior than the normal slopes reported in the literature for adults (7.2 to 10.7 degrees, P=0.0001) and children (10 to 11 degrees, P=0.0001). The Pearson correlation coefficient for mean tibial slope and age showed negative correlations of -0.4011 and -0.4335 for left and right knees, respectively. This anterior tibial slope produces proximal and posterior vector force components, which may shift the knee posteriorly in weightbearing. The mean tibial slope is significantly more anterior in patients with achondroplasia than in the general population; however, this difference diminishes as patients' age. An anterior tibial slope may predispose to a more posterior
Automated Measurement of Patient-Specific Tibial Slopes from MRI
Amerinatanzi, Amirhesam; Summers, Rodney K.; Ahmadi, Kaveh; Goel, Vijay K.; Hewett, Timothy E.; Nyman, Edward
Background: Multi-planar proximal tibial slopes may be associated with increased likelihood of osteoarthritis and anterior cruciate ligament injury, due in part to their role in checking the anterior-posterior stability of the knee. Established methods suffer repeatability limitations and lack computational efficiency for intuitive clinical adoption. The aims of this study were to develop a novel automated approach and to compare the repeatability and computational efficiency of the approach against previously established methods. Methods: Tibial slope geometries were obtained via MRI and measured using an automated Matlab-based approach. Data were compared for repeatability and evaluated for computational efficiency. Results: Mean lateral tibial slope (LTS) for females (7.2°) was greater than for males (1.66°). Mean LTS in the lateral concavity zone was greater for females (7.8° for females, 4.2° for males). Mean medial tibial slope (MTS) for females was greater (9.3° vs. 4.6°). Along the medial concavity zone, female subjects demonstrated greater MTS. Conclusion: The automated method was more repeatable and computationally efficient than previously identified methods and may aid in the clinical assessment of knee injury risk, inform surgical planning, and implant design efforts. PMID:28952547
Effects of diabetic peripheral neuropathy on gait in vascular trans-tibial amputees.
Nakajima, Hiroshi; Yamamoto, Sumiko; Katsuhira, Junji
Patients with diabetes often develop diabetic peripheral neuropathy, which is a distal symmetric polyneuropathy, so foot function on the non-amputated side is expected to affect gait in vascular trans-tibial amputees. However, there is little information on the kinematics and kinetics of gait or the effects of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in vascular trans-tibial amputees. This study aimed to clarify these effects, including the biomechanics of the ankle on the non-amputated side. Participants were 10 vascular trans-tibial amputees with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (group V) and 8 traumatic trans-tibial amputees (group T). Each subject's gait was analyzed at a self-selected speed using a three-dimensional motion analyzer and force plates. Ankle plantarflexion angle, heel elevation angle, and peak and impulse of anterior ground reaction force were smaller on the non-amputated side during pre-swing in group V than in group T. Center of gravity during pre-swing on the non-amputated side was lower in group V than in group T. Hip extension torque during loading response on the prosthetic side was greater in group V than in group T. These findings suggest that the biomechanical function of the ankle on the non-amputated side during pre-swing is poorer in vascular trans-tibial amputees with DPN than in traumatic trans-tibial amputees; the height of the center of gravity could not be maintained during this phase in vascular trans-tibial amputees with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The hip joint on the prosthetic side compensated for this diminished function at the ankle during loading response. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Avulsion of the tibial tuberosity in a litter of greyhound puppies.
Skelly, C M; McAllister, H; Donnelly, W J
Avulsion of the tibial tuberosity was diagnosed in six of seven greyhound littermates aged five and a half months. The puppies showed hindlimb lameness of varying severity. Radiological assessment of affected stifle joints revealed partial or complete avulsion of the tibial tuberosities. In four puppies the lesions were bilateral. Euthanasia of the two most severely affected puppies was performed; the changes observed on histopathological examination of their cranioproximal tibiae suggested that the underlying lesion was that of osteochondrosis. A hereditary predisposition in greyhounds to osteochondrosis of the physis between the apophysis and the cranioproximal tibial diaphysis is postulated.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Conway, J.J.; Weiss, S.C.
Patients receiving steroids or having disease processes which increase natural steroid production often demonstrate ''the classic x-ray changes'' of avascular necrosis of bone. Bone scintigraphy in these patients most frequently demonstrates an increased radionuclide localization. The literature suggests that the increased activity is related to healing of the avascular process. In a recent study of Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease (LCPD), 37 of the children had multiple studies and increased activity within the epiphysis during revascularization was extremely rare. Not only are the scintigraphic findings in steroid osteopathy dissimilar to that in healing LCPD, but the time interval for healing is much tomore » short for that of a vascular necrosis and no patients demonstrated an avascular phase on bone scintigraphy. Of 15 children with renal transplants on steroid therapy, 9 demonstrated x-ray and clinical findings of osteopathy. In 8 of 9 instances, bone scintigraphy showed increased localization of radionuclide in the affected bone. Improvement or a return to normal occurred in those patients in whom steroids were discontinued. The following is a proposed mechanism for steroid osteopathy. Steroids affect the osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity of bone and weaken its internal structure. Ordinary stress produces microtrabecular fractures. Fractures characteristically stimulate reactive hyperemia and increase bone metabolism. The result is increased bone radiopharmaceutical localization. The importance of recognizing this concept is that steroid osteopathy is preventable by reducing the administered steroid dose. As opposed to avascular necrosis, bone changes are reversible.« less
Comparison of tibial shaft ski fractures in children and adults.
Hamada, Tomo; Matsumoto, Kazu; Ishimaru, Daichi; Sumi, Hiroshi; Shimizu, Katsuji
To examine whether child and adult skiers have different risk factors or mechanisms of injury for tibial shaft fractures. Descriptive epidemiological study. Prospectively analyzed the epidemiologic factors, injury types, and injury mechanisms at Sumi Memorial Hospital. This study analyzed information obtained from 276 patients with tibial fractures sustained during skiing between 2004 and 2012. We focused on 174 ski-related tibial shaft fractures with respect to the following factors: age, gender, laterality of fracture, skill level, mechanism of fracture (fall vs collision), scene of injury (steepness of slope), snow condition, and weather. Fracture pattern was graded according to Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO) classification and mechanical direction [external (ER) or internal rotation (IR)]. Tibial shaft fractures were the most common in both children (89.3%) and adults (47.4%). There were no significant differences in gender, side of fracture, mechanism of fracture, snow condition, or weather between children and adults. Skill levels were significantly lower in children than in adults (P < 0.0001). Type A fractures were more dominant in children (73 cases, 72.3%) than in adults (39 cases, 53.4%). There was significantly more ER in children than in adults (P < 0.0001). Among children, female patients had significantly more IR than ER; in contrast, among adults, women were injured by ER. We found significant differences in some of these parameters, suggesting that child and adult skiers have different risk factors or mechanisms of injury for tibial shaft fractures.
Progression of Ocular Sulfur Mustard Injury: Development of a Model System
corneal sequelae include epithelial erosions, necrosis , and corneal inflammation. Longer term, a progressive injury becomes distributed throughout the...between 1 and 4 min of vapor delivery (Supporting Fig. SI; R2 > 0.98). Because the stroma is predominantly avascular , the mechanism by which SM:protein...after exposure Corneal epilhelial necrosis Sbomal necrosis Figure 2. Longitudinal measurements of corneal thickness, neutrophil infiltration, and
Knight, Rebekah; Danielski, Alan
Tibial plateau levelling osteotomy (TPLO) is commonly performed for surgical management of cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) disease. It has been suggested that small dogs may have steeper tibial plateau angles (TPAs) than large dogs, which has been associated with increased complication rates after TPLO. A retrospective study was performed to assess the rate and nature of long-term complications following TPLO in small dogs with TPAs>30°. Medical records were reviewed for dogs with TPAs>30° treated for CCL rupture by TPLO with a 2.0 mm plate over a five-year period. Radiographs were assessed to determine TPA, postoperative tibial tuberosity width and to identify any complication. Up-to-date medical records were obtained from the referring veterinary surgeon and any complications in the year after surgery were recorded. The effects of different variables on complication rate were assessed using logistic regression analysis. Minor complications were reported in 22.7 per cent of cases. This is similar to or lower than previously reported complication rates for osteotomy techniques in small dogs and dogs with steep TPAs. A smaller postoperative TPA was the only variable significantly associated with an increased complication rate. No major complications were identified. © British Veterinary Association (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.
Tensho, Keiji; Akaoka, Yusuke; Shimodaira, Hiroki; Takanashi, Seiji; Ikegami, Shota; Kato, Hiroyuki; Saito, Naoto
The tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance is used as an indicator for medial tibial tubercle transfer; however, to our knowledge, no studies have verified whether this distance is strongly affected by tubercle lateralization at the proximal part of the tibia. We hypothesized that the tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance is mainly affected by tibial tubercle lateralization at the proximal part of the tibia. Forty-four patients with a history of patellar dislocation and forty-four age and sex-matched controls were analyzed with use of computed tomography. The tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance, tibial tubercle lateralization, trochlear groove medialization, and knee rotation were measured and were compared between the patellar dislocation group and the control group. The association between the tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance and three other parameters was calculated with use of the Pearson correlation coefficient and partial correlation analysis. There were significant differences in the tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance (p < 0.001) and knee rotation (p < 0.001), but there was no difference in the tibial tubercle lateralization (p = 0.13) and trochlear groove medialization (p = 0.08) between the patellar dislocation group and the control group. The tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance had no linear correlation with tubercle lateralization (r = 0.21) or groove medialization (r = -0.15); however, knee rotation had a good positive correlation in the patellar dislocation group (r = 0.62). After adjusting for the remaining parameters, knee rotation strongly correlated with the tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance (r = 0.69, p < 0.001), whereas tubercle lateralization showed moderate significant correlations in the patellar dislocation group (r = 0.42; p = 0.005). Because the tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance is affected more by knee rotation than by tubercle malposition, its use as an indicator for
Standing balance in people with trans-tibial amputation due to vascular causes: A literature review.
Seth, Mayank; Lamberg, Eric
Balance is an important variable to consider during the rehabilitation process of individuals with trans-tibial amputation. Limited evidence exists on the balance abilities of people with trans-tibial amputation due to vascular causes. The purpose of this article is to review literature and determine if standing balance is diminished in people with trans-tibial amputation due to vascular causes. Literature review. Data were obtained from PubMed, Google Scholar, OandP.org , CINHAL, and Science Direct. Studies were selected only if they included standing balance assessment of people with unilateral trans-tibial amputation due to vascular causes. The review yielded seven articles that met the inclusion criteria. The general test methodology required participants to stand still on force platforms, with feet together, while center of pressure or postural sway was recorded. According to the findings of this review, individuals with trans-tibial amputees due to vascular causes have diminished balance abilities. Limited evidence suggests their balance might be further diminished as compared to individuals with trans-tibial amputation due to trauma. Although the evidence is limited, because of the underlying pathology and presence of comorbidities in individuals with trans-tibial amputation due to vascular causes, one cannot ignore these findings, as even a minor injury from a fall may develop into a non-healing ulcer and affect their health and well-being more severely than individuals with trans-tibial amputation due to trauma. Clinical relevance Individuals with trans-tibial amputation due to vascular causes have diminished balance abilities compared to healthy individuals and individuals with trans-tibial amputation due to trauma. This difference should be considered when designing and fabricating prostheses. Prosthetists and rehabilitation clinicians should consider designing amputation cause-specific rehabilitation interventions, focussing on balance and other
Liodakis, Emmanouil; Kenawey, Mohamed; Krettek, Christian; Ettinger, Max; Jagodzinski, Michael; Hankemeier, Stefan
The long-term outcomes following femoral and tibial segment transports are not well documented. Purpose of the study is to compare the complication rates and life quality scores of femoral and tibial transports in order to find what are the complication rates of femoral and tibial monorail bone transports and if they are different? We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 8 femoral and 14 tibial consecutive segment transports performed with the monorail technique between 2001 and 2008 in our institution. Mean follow-up was 5.1 ± 2.1 years with a minimum follow-up of 2 years. Aetiology of the defects was posttraumatic in all cases. Four femoral (50%) and nine tibial (64%) fractures were open. The Short Form-36 (SF-36) health survey was used to compare the life quality after femoral and tibial bone transports. The Mann-Whiney U test, Fisher exact test, and the Student's two tailed t-test were used for statistical analysis. P ≤ 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. The tibial transport was associated with higher rates of severe complications and additional procedures (1.5 ± 0.9 vs. 3.4 ± 2.7, p = 0.048). Three patients of the tibial group were amputated because of recurrent infections and one developed a complete regenerate insufficiency that was treated with partial diaphyseal tibial replacement. Contrary to that none of patients of the femoral group developed a complete regenerate insufficiency or was amputated. Tibial bone transports have a higher rate of complete and incomplete regenerate insufficiency and can more often end in an amputation. The authors suggest systematic weekly controls of the CRP value and of the callus formation in patients with posttraumatic tibia bone transports. Further comparative studies comparing the results of bone transports with and without intramedullary implants are necessary.
Zhou, Lu; Jang, Kyu Yun; Moon, Young Jae; Wagle, Sajeev; Kim, Kyoung Min; Lee, Kwang Bok; Park, Byung-Hyun; Kim, Jung Ryul
Obesity is a risk factor for ischemic necrosis of the femoral head (INFH). The purpose of this study was to determine if leptin treatment of INFH stimulates new bone formation to preserve femoral head shape in rats with diet-induced obesity. Rats were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) or normal chow diet (NCD) for 16 weeks to induce progressive development of obesity. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVN) was surgically induced. Adenovirus-mediated introduction of the leptin gene was by intravenous injection 2 days before surgery-induced AVN. At 6 weeks post-surgery, radiologic and histomorphometric assessments were performed. Leptin signaling in tissues was examined by Western blot. Osteogenic markers were analyzed by real-time RT-PCR. Radiographs showed better preservation of femoral head architecture in the HFD-AVN-Leptin group than the HFD-AVN and HFD-AVN-LacZ groups. Histology and immunohistochemistry revealed the HFD-AVN-Leptin group had significantly increased osteoblastic proliferation and vascularity in infarcted femoral heads compared with the HFD-AVN and HFD-AVN-LacZ groups. Intravenous injection of leptin enhanced serum VEGF levels and activated HIF-1α pathways. Runx 2 and its target genes were significantly upregulated in the HFD-AVN-Leptin group. These results indicate that leptin resistance is important in INFH pathogenesis. Leptin therapy could be a new strategy for INFH.
Zhou, Lu; Jang, Kyu Yun; Moon, Young Jae; Wagle, Sajeev; Kim, Kyoung Min; Lee, Kwang Bok; Park, Byung-Hyun; Kim, Jung Ryul
Obesity is a risk factor for ischemic necrosis of the femoral head (INFH). The purpose of this study was to determine if leptin treatment of INFH stimulates new bone formation to preserve femoral head shape in rats with diet-induced obesity. Rats were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) or normal chow diet (NCD) for 16 weeks to induce progressive development of obesity. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (AVN) was surgically induced. Adenovirus-mediated introduction of the leptin gene was by intravenous injection 2 days before surgery-induced AVN. At 6 weeks post-surgery, radiologic and histomorphometric assessments were performed. Leptin signaling in tissues was examined by Western blot. Osteogenic markers were analyzed by real-time RT-PCR. Radiographs showed better preservation of femoral head architecture in the HFD-AVN-Leptin group than the HFD-AVN and HFD-AVN-LacZ groups. Histology and immunohistochemistry revealed the HFD-AVN-Leptin group had significantly increased osteoblastic proliferation and vascularity in infarcted femoral heads compared with the HFD-AVN and HFD-AVN-LacZ groups. Intravenous injection of leptin enhanced serum VEGF levels and activated HIF-1α pathways. Runx 2 and its target genes were significantly upregulated in the HFD-AVN-Leptin group. These results indicate that leptin resistance is important in INFH pathogenesis. Leptin therapy could be a new strategy for INFH. PMID:25797953
Song, Sang-Heon; Agashe, Mandar Vikas; Huh, Young-Jae; Hwang, Soon-Young; Song, Hae-Ryong
Bilateral tibial lengthening has become one of the standard treatments for upper segment-lower segment disproportion and to improve quality of life in achondroplasia. We determined the effect of tibial lengthening on the tibial physis and compared tibial growth that occurred at the physis with that in non-operated patients with achondroplasia. We performed a retrospective analysis of serial radiographs until skeletal maturity in 23 achondroplasia patients who underwent bilateral tibial lengthening before skeletal maturity (lengthening group L) and 12 achondroplasia patients of similar height and age who did not undergo tibial lengthening (control group C). The mean amount of lengthening of tibia in group L was 9.2 cm (lengthening percentage: 60%) and the mean age at the time of lengthening was 8.2 years. The mean duration of follow-up was 9.8 years. Skeletal maturity (fusion of physis) occurred at 15.2 years in group L and at 16.0 years in group C. The actual length of tibia (without distraction) at skeletal maturity was 238 mm in group L and 277 mm in group C (p = 0.03). The mean growth rates showed a decrease in group L relative to group C from about 2 years after surgery. Physeal closure was most pronounced on the anterolateral proximal tibial physis, with relative preservation of the distal physis. Our findings indicate that physeal growth rate can be disturbed after tibial lengthening in achondroplasia, and a close watch should be kept for such an occurrence-especially when lengthening of more than 50% is attempted.
High resolution ultrasonography of the tibial nerve in diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Singh, Kunwarpal; Gupta, Kamlesh; Kaur, Sukhdeep
High-resolution ultrasonography of the tibial nerve is a fast and non invasive tool for diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Our study was aimed at finding out the correlation of the cross sectional area and maximum thickness of nerve fascicles of the tibial nerve with the presence and severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. 75 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus clinically diagnosed with diabetic peripheral neuropathy were analysed, and the severity of neuropathy was determined using the Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Score. 58 diabetic patients with no clinical suspicion of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and 75 healthy non-diabetic subjects were taken as controls. The cross sectional area and maximum thickness of nerve fascicles of the tibial nerves were calculated 3 cm cranial to the medial malleolus in both lower limbs. The mean cross sectional area (22.63 +/- 2.66 mm 2 ) and maximum thickness of nerve fascicles (0.70 mm) of the tibial nerves in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy compared with both control groups was significantly larger, and statistically significant correlation was found with the Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Score ( p < 0.001). The diabetic patients with no signs of peripheral neuropathy had a larger mean cross sectional area (14.40 +/- 1.72 mm 2 ) and maximum thickness of nerve fascicles of the tibial nerve (0.40 mm) than healthy non-diabetic subjects (12.42 +/- 1.01 mm 2 and 0.30 mm respectively). The cross sectional area and maximum thickness of nerve fascicles of the tibial nerve is larger in diabetic patients with or without peripheral neuropathy than in healthy control subjects, and ultrasonography can be used as a good screening tool in these patients.
Chronic shin splints. Classification and management of medial tibial stress syndrome.
Detmer, D E
A clinical classification and treatment programme has been developed for chronic medial tibial stress syndrome. Medial tibial stress syndrome has been reported to be either tibial stress fracture or microfracture, tibial periostitis, or distal deep posterior chronic compartment syndrome. Three chronic types exist and may coexist: Type I (tibial microfracture, bone stress reaction or cortical fracture); type II (periostalgia from chronic avulsion of the periosteum at the periosteal-fascial junction); and type III (chronic compartment syndrome syndrome). Type I disease is treated nonoperatively. Operations for resistant types II and III medial tibial stress syndrome were performed in 41 patients. Bilaterality was common (type II, 50% type III, 88%). Seven had coexistent type II/III; one had type I/II. Preoperative symptoms averaged 24 months in type II, 6 months in type III, and 33 months in types II/III. Mean age was 22 years (15 to 51). Resting compartment pressures were normal in type II (mean 12 mm Hg) and elevated in type III and type II/III (mean 23 mm Hg). Type II and type II/III patients received fasciotomy plus periosteal cauterisation. Type III patients had fasciotomy only. All procedures were performed on an outpatient basis using local anaesthesia. Follow up was complete and averaged 6 months (2 to 14 months). Improved performance was as follows: type II, 93%, type III, 100%; type II/III, 86%. Complete cures were as follows: type II, 78%; type III, 75%; and type II/III, 57%. This experience suggests that with precise diagnosis and treatment involving minimal risk and cost the athlete has a reasonable chance of return to full activity.
Osteoarthritis; Post-traumatic Arthritis; Collagen Disorders; Avascular Necrosis; Traumatic Femoral Fractures; Nonunion of Femoral Fractures; Congenital Hip Dysplasia; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis; Perthes Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis; Osteoarthritis; Post-traumatic Arthritis; Collagen Disorders; Avascular Necrosis; Traumatic Femoral Fractures; Nonunion of Femoral Fractures; Congenital Hip Dysplasia; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Rheumatoid Arthritis; Osteoarthritis; Post-traumatic Arthritis; Collagen Disorders; Avascular Necrosis; Traumatic Femoral Fractures; Nonunion of Femoral Fractures; Congenital Hip Dysplasia; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Rheumatoid Arthritis; Osteoarthritis; Post-traumatic Arthritis; Collagen Disorders; Avascular Necrosis; Traumatic Femoral Fractures; Nonunion of Femoral Fractures; Congenital Hip Dysplasia; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Rheumatoid Arthritis; Osteoarthritis; Post-traumatic Arthritis; Collagen Disorders; Avascular Necrosis; Traumatic Femoral Fractures; Nonunion of Femoral Fractures; Congenital Hip Dysplasia; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Rheumatoid Arthritis; Osteoarthritis; Post-traumatic Arthritis; Collagen Disorders; Avascular Necrosis; Traumatic Femoral Fractures; Nonunion of Femoral Fractures; Congenital Hip Dysplasia; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Rheumatoid Arthritis; Osteoarthritis; Post-traumatic Arthritis; Collagen Disorders; Avascular Necrosis; Traumatic Femoral Fractures; Nonunion of Femoral Fractures; Congenital Hip Dysplasia; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Miyatake, Naohisa; Sugita, Takehiko; Aizawa, Toshimi; Sasaki, Akira; Maeda, Ikuo; Kamimura, Masayuki; Fujisawa, Hirokazu; Takahashi, Atsushi
Precise matching of the tibial component and resected bony surfaces and proper rotational implanting of the tibial component are crucial for successful total knee arthroplasty. We aimed to analyze the exact anthropometric proximal tibial data of Japanese patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty and correlate the measurements with the dimensions of current total knee arthroplasty systems. A total of 703 knees in 566 Japanese patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis were included. The bone resection in the proximal tibia was performed perpendicular to the tibial axis in the frontal plane. Measurements of the proximal tibia were intraoperatively obtained after proximal tibial preparation. There were significant positive correlations between the lateral anteroposterior and medial anteroposterior and mediolateral dimensions. A progressive decrease in the mediolateral/lateral anteroposterior ratio with an increasing lateral anteroposterior dimension or the mediolateral/anteroposterior ratio with an increasing anteroposterior dimension was observed. The lateral anteroposterior dimension was smaller than the medial anteroposterior dimension by a mean of 4.8 ± 2.0 mm. The proximal tibia exhibited asymmetry between the lateral and medial plateaus. A comparison of the morphological data and dimensions of the implants, one of which was a symmetric tibial component (NexGen) and the others were asymmetric (Genesis II and Persona), indicated that an asymmetric tibial component could be beneficial to maximize tibial plateau coverage. This study provided important reference data for designing a proper tibial component for Japanese people. The proximal tibial cut surface was asymmetric. There was wide dispersion in the lateral anteroposterior, medial anteroposterior, and mediolateral dimensions depending on the patient. Our data showed that the tibial components of the Genesis II and Persona rather than that of the NexGen may be preferable for
Pathomorphism of spiral tibial fractures in computed tomography imaging.
Guzik, Grzegorz
Spiral fractures of the tibia are virtually homogeneous with regard to their pathomorphism. The differences that are seen concern the level of fracture of the fibula, and, to a lesser extent, the level of fracture of the tibia, the length of fracture cleft, and limb shortening following the trauma. While conventional radiographs provide sufficient information about the pathomorphism of fractures, computed tomography can be useful in demonstrating the spatial arrangement of bone fragments and topography of soft tissues surrounding the fracture site. Multiple cross-sectional computed tomography views of spiral fractures of the tibia show the details of the alignment of bone chips at the fracture site, axis of the tibial fracture cleft, and topography of soft tissues that are not visible on standard radiographs. A model of a spiral tibial fracture reveals periosteal stretching with increasing spiral and longitudinal displacement. The cleft in tibial fractures has a spiral shape and its line is invariable. Every spiral fracture of both crural bones results in extensive damage to the periosteum and may damage bellies of the long flexor muscle of toes, flexor hallucis longus as well as the posterior tibial muscle. Computed tomography images of spiral fractures of the tibia show details of damage that are otherwise invisible on standard radiographs. Moreover, CT images provide useful information about the spatial location of the bone chips as well as possible threats to soft tissues that surround the fracture site. Every spiral fracture of the tibia is associated with disruption of the periosteum. 1. Computed tomography images of spiral fractures of the tibia show details of damage otherwise invisible on standard radiographs, 2. The sharp end of the distal tibial chip can damage the tibialis posterior muscle, long flexor muscles of the toes and the flexor hallucis longus, 3. Every spiral fracture of the tibia is associated with disruption of the periosteum.
Sequential avulsions of the tibial tubercle in an adolescent basketball player.
Huang, Ying Chieh; Chao, Ying-Hao; Lien, Fang-Chieh
Tibial tubercle avulsion is an uncommon fracture in physically active adolescents. Sequential avulsion of tibial tubercles is extremely rare. We reported a healthy, active 15-year-old boy who suffered from left tibial tubercle avulsion fracture during a basketball game. He received open reduction and internal fixation with two smooth Kirschner wires and a cannulated screw, with every effort to reduce the plate injury. Long-leg splint was used for protection followed by programmed rehabilitation. He recovered uneventfully and returned to his previous level of activity soon. Another avulsion fracture happened at the right tibial tubercle 3.5 months later when he was playing the basketball. From the encouragement of previous successful treatment, we provided him open reduction and fixation with two small-caliber screws. He recovered uneventfully and returned to his previous level of activity soon. No genu recurvatum or other deformity was happening in our case at the end of 2-year follow-up. No evidence of Osgood-Schlatter disease or osteogenesis imperfecta was found. Sequential avulsion fractures of tibial tubercles are rare. Good functional recovery can often be obtained like our case if we treat it well. To a physically active adolescent, we should never overstate the risk of sequential avulsion of the other leg to postpone the return to an active, functional life.
Sadek, Ahmed F; Osman, Mohammed K; Laklok, Mohamed A
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of degree of anterior translation of the distal tibial fragment after lateral closing wedge high tibial osteotomy in patients having combined knee medial compartmental and patellofemoral osteoarthritis. A retrospective study was conducted on 64 patients who were operated on for combined knee medial compartmental and patellofemoral osteoarthritis, by lateral closing wedge high tibial osteotomy with anterior translation of the distal tibial fragment. They were divided into two groups; Group I comprising 32 patients (34 knees, mean age of 51.4±7years) whose degree of anterior translation was <1cm and Group II comprising 32 patients (33 knees, mean age of 52.2±8.3years) whose degree of anterior translation was >1.5cm. The final assessment was performed via: visual analog scale, postoperative Knee Society clinical rating system function score, active range of motion, time to union, degree of correction of mechanical axis, posterior tibial slope, and Insall-Salvati ratio. Group II patients exhibited statistically superior mean postoperative score and better return to their work than Group I (P=0.013, 0.076, respectively). Both groups showed statistically significant differences between the preoperative and postoperative evaluation parameters (P<0.001). The posterior tibial slope was decreased in both groups but with no significant difference (P=0.527). Lateral closing wedge high tibial osteotomy combined with anterior translation of the distal tibial fragment more than 1.5cm achieved significantly better postoperative functional knee score. Both groups exhibited comparatively decreased posterior tibial slope. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Flat midsubstance of the anterior cruciate ligament with tibial "C"-shaped insertion site.
Siebold, Rainer; Schuhmacher, Peter; Fernandez, Francis; Śmigielski, Robert; Fink, Christian; Brehmer, Axel; Kirsch, Joachim
This anatomical cadaver study was performed to investigate the flat appearance of the midsubstance shape of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and its tibial "C"-shaped insertion site. The ACL midsubstance and the tibial ACL insertion were dissected in 20 cadaveric knees (n = 6 fresh frozen and n = 14 paraffined). Magnifying spectacles were used for all dissections. Morphometric measurements were performed using callipers and on digital photographs. In all specimens, the midsubstance of the ACL was flat with a mean width of 9.9 mm, thickness of 3.9 mm and cross-sectional area of 38.7 mm(2). The "direct" "C"-shaped tibial insertion runs from along the medial tibial spine to the anterior aspect of the lateral meniscus. The mean width (length) of the "C" was 12.6 mm, its thickness 3.3 mm and area 31.4 mm(2). The centre of the "C" was the bony insertion of the anterior root of the lateral meniscus overlayed by fat and crossed by the ACL. No posterolateral (PL) inserting ACL fibres were found. Together with the larger "indirect" part (area 79.6 mm(2)), the "direct" one formed a "duck-foot"-shaped footprint. The tibial ACL midsubstance and tibial "C"-shaped insertion are flat and are resembling a "ribbon". The centre of the "C" is the bony insertion of the anterior root of the lateral meniscus. There are no central or PL inserting ACL fibres. Anatomical ACL reconstruction may therefore require a flat graft and a "C"-shaped tibial footprint reconstruction with an anteromedial bone tunnel for single bundle and an additional posteromedial bone tunnel for double bundle.
Medial tibial pain. A prospective study of its cause among military recruits.
Milgrom, C; Giladi, M; Stein, M; Kashtan, H; Margulies, J; Chisin, R; Steinberg, R; Swissa, A; Aharonson, Z
In a prospective study of 295 infantry recruits during 14 weeks of basic training, 41% had medial tibial pain. Routine scintigraphic evaluation in cases of medial tibial bone pain showed that 63% had abnormalities. A stress fracture was found in 46%. Only two patients had periostitis. None had ischemic medial compartment syndrome. Physical examination could not differentiate between cases with medial tibial bone pain secondary to stress fractures and those with scintigraphically normal tibias. When both pain and swelling were localized in the middle one-third of the tibia, the lesion most likely proved to be a stress fracture.
[Mobility of a polyethylene tibial insert in a mobile total knee prosthesis].
Castel, E; Roger, B; Camproux, A; Saillant, G
We have studied the mobility of a mobile tibial implant in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) by a radiographical evaluation. We analyzed mobility of the polyethylene tibial insert of 15 "G2S" TKA implanted for one year or more. We established a dynamic radiographical evaluation. We used 3 weight-bearing radiographs: AP in extension and two lateral (one in extension and one at 90 degrees of flexion), two AP with femoral internal and external rotation, 2 strict lateral X-rays in neutral rotation in antero-posterior replacement with a 25 kilograms strength Telos, and 2 AP in varus and valgus with Telos. Wilcoxon's test and Fisher's exact test were used for statistical evaluation. Our study demonstrated preservation of the polyethylene mobility in tibial TKA implant in all movements: in rotation, in antero-posterior translation with Telos, and even in antero-posterior translation during physiological condition with flexion-extension weight-bearing radiographs. Statistical tests were very significant. We noticed that flexion induced anterior translation of tibial polyethylene when PCL was preserved. This study answered to our question whether mobility of TKA tibial implant persists after implantation. This mobility should reduce loosening forces to the tibia and stress in the polyethylene component. Now we have to determine the amplitude of mobility required to reach this objective.
Determination of a Central Avascular Triangle within the Obturator Foramen: A Radioanatomic Study
Nyangoh Timoh, Krystel; Bader, Georges; Fauconnier, Arnaud; Barrau, Vincent; Delmas, Vincent; Touboul, Cyril
Purpose To map the vascular anatomy of the obturator foramen using fixed anatomic landmarks. Method Twenty obturator regions were dissected in 10 fresh female cadavers after vascular blue dye injection in five cadavers (50%). Furthermore, 104 obturator regions were reconstructed by angiotomodensitometry from 52 women under investigation for suspected arterial disease. The anatomy of the obturator region was mapped by measuring the distance of vascular structures from the middle of the two branches of the ischiopubic bone, which were used as fixed landmarks. Results The bifurcation of the obturator artery was at a mean (SD) distance of 30.0 mm (4.5) from the middle of the ischiopubic branch (MISP). The anterior branch of the obturator vessels was 15.2 mm (10.1) from the MISP. The posterior branch of the obturator vessels was 5.5 mm (4.0) and 23.6 mm (8.7) from the middle of the outer edge of the obturator foramen (MOE) and the MISP, respectively. Using 5° and 95° percentiles of these measurements we defined a central avascular triangle. Conclusions Our data show that, beyond inter-individual variations, a central triangular avascular area can be identified in the obturator foramen between the posterior and anterior obturator artery using fixed landmarks. PMID:26624993
Tibial and fibular nerves evaluation using intraoperative electromyography in rats.
Nepomuceno, André Coelho; Politani, Elisa Landucci; Silva, Eduardo Guandelini da; Salomone, Raquel; Longo, Marco Vinicius Losso; Salles, Alessandra Grassi; Faria, José Carlos Marques de; Gemperli, Rolf
To evaluate a new model of intraoperative electromyographic (EMG) assessment of the tibial and fibular nerves, and its respectives motor units in rats. Eight Wistar rats underwent intraoperative EMG on both hind limbs at two different moments: week 0 and week 12. Supramaximal electrical stimulation applied on sciatic nerve, and compound muscle action potential recorded on the gastrocnemius muscle (GM) and the extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDLM) through electrodes at specifics points. Motor function assessment was performaced through Walking Track Test. Exposing the muscles and nerves for examination did not alter tibial (p=0.918) or fibular (p=0.877) function between the evaluation moments. Electromyography of the GM, innervated by the tibial nerve, revealed similar amplitude (p=0.069) and latency (p=0.256) at week 0 and at 12 weeks, creating a standard of normality. Meanwhile, electromyography of the EDLM, innervated by the fibular nerve, showed significant differences between the amplitudes (p=0.003) and latencies (p=0.021) at the two different moments of observation. Intraoperative electromyography determined and quantified gastrocnemius muscle motor unit integrity, innervated by tibial nerve. Although this study was not useful to, objectively, assess extensor digitorum longus muscle motor unit, innervated by fibular nerve.
Treatment of segmental tibial fractures with supercutaneous plating.
He, Xianfeng; Zhang, Jingwei; Li, Ming; Yu, Yihui; Zhu, Limei
Segmental tibial fractures usually follow a high-energy trauma and are often associated with many complications. The purpose of this report is to describe the authors' results in the treatment of segmental tibial fractures with supercutaneous locking plates used as external fixators. Between January 2009 and March 2012, a total of 20 patients underwent external plating (supercutaneous plating) of the segmental tibial fractures using a less-invasive stabilization system locking plate (Synthes, Paoli, Pennsylvania). Six fractures were closed and 14 were open (6 grade IIIa, 2 grade IIIb, 4 grade II, and 2 grade I, according to the Gustilo classification). When imaging studies confirmed bone union, the plates and screws were removed in the outpatient clinic. Average time of follow-up was 23 months (range, 12-47 months). All fractures achieved union. Median time to union was 19 weeks (range, 12-40 weeks) for the proximal fractures and 22 weeks (range, 12-42 weeks) for the distal fractures. Functional results were excellent in 17 patients and good in 3. Delayed union of the fracture occurred in 2 patients. All patients' radiographs showed normal alignment. No rotational deformities and leg shortening were seen. No incidences of deep infection or implant failures occurred. Minor screw tract infection occurred in 2 patients. A new 1-stage protocol using supercutaneous plating as a definitive fixator for segmental tibial fractures is less invasive, has a lower cost, and has a shorter hospitalization time. Surgeons can achieve good reduction, soft tissue reconstruction, stable fixation, and high union rates using supercutaneous plating. The current patients obtained excellent knee and ankle joint motion and good functional outcomes and had a comfortable clinical course. Copyright 2014, SLACK Incorporated.
Management of tibial fractures using a circular external fixator in two calves.
Aithal, Hari Prasad; Kinjavdekar, Prakash; Amarpal; Pawde, Abhijit Motiram; Singh, Gaj Raj; Setia, Harish Chandra
To report the repair of tibial diaphyseal fractures in 2 calves using a circular external skeletal fixator (CEF). Clinical report. Crossbred calves (n=2; age: 6 months; weight: 55 and 60 kg). Mid-diaphyseal tibial fractures were repaired by the use of a 4-ring CEF (made of aluminum rings with 2 mm K-wires) alone in 1 calf and in combination with hemicerclage wiring in 1 calf. Both calves had good weight bearing with moderate lameness postoperatively. Fracture healing occurred by day 60 in 1 calf and by day 30 in calf 2. The CEF was well maintained and tolerated by both calves through fracture healing. Joint mobility and limb usage improved gradually after CEF removal. CEF provided a stable fixation of tibial fractures and healing within 60 days and functional recovery within 90 days. CEF can be safely and successfully used for the management of selected tibial fractures in calves.
Meding, J B; Keating, E M; Ritter, M A; Faris, P M
The outcome of total knee replacement after high tibial osteotomy remains uncertain. We hypothesized that the results of total knee replacement with or without a previous high tibial osteotomy are similar. The results of a consecutive series of thirty-nine bilateral total knee arthroplasties performed with cement at an average of 8.7 years after unilateral high tibial osteotomy were reviewed. There were twenty-seven men and twelve women. Preoperatively, the knee scores according to the system of the Knee Society were similar for all of the knees; however, valgus alignment and patella infera were more common in the knees with a previous high tibial osteotomy. Bilateral total knee replacement was staged in seven patients and was simultaneous in thirty-two patients. The results of the total knee arthroplasties were retrospectively reviewed with respect to the knee and function scores according to the system of the Knee Society, the radiographic findings, and the complications. Intraoperatively, no notable differences were identified in the number of medial, lateral, or lateral patellar releases required. However, less lateral tibial bone was resected in the group with a previous high tibial osteotomy (average, 3.3 millimeters) than in the group without a high tibial osteotomy (average, 7.5 millimeters). The average duration of follow-up was 7.5 years (range, three to sixteen years) in the group with a previous high tibial osteotomy and 6.8 years (range, two to ten years) in the group without a high tibial osteotomy. At the time of the final follow-up, the knee and function scores were similar for the two groups (89.0 and 81.0 points, respectively, for the group with a previous high tibial osteotomy, and 89.6 and 83.9 points, respectively, for the group without a high tibial osteotomy). Although more knees were free of pain in the group without a previous high tibial osteotomy (thirty-six) than in the group with a previous osteotomy (thirty-three), this difference was
Krengel, W F; Staheli, L T
A retrospective analysis was done of 52 rotational tibial osteotomies (RTOs) performed on 35 patients with severe idiopathic tibial torsion. Thirty-nine osteotomies were performed at the proximal or midtibial level. Thirteen were performed at the distal tibial level with a technique previously described by one of the authors. Serious complications occurred in five (13%) of the proximal and in none of the distal RTOs. For severe and persisting idiopathic tibial torsion, the authors recommend correction by RTO at the distal level. Proximal level osteotomy is indicated only when a varus or valgus deformity required concurrent correction.
Posterior slope of the tibial implant and the outcome of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.
Hernigou, Philippe; Deschamps, Gerard
Laboratory studies have suggested that the sagittal displacements permitted by a knee replacement are influenced by the posterior slope of the tibial implant. The effect of the posterior slope of the tibial implant on the outcome of unicompartmental arthroplasty is not well known. The purpose of the present study was to assess the effect of the posterior slope on the long-term outcome of unicompartmental arthroplasty in knees with intact and deficient anterior cruciate ligaments. We retrospectively reviewed the results of ninety-nine unicompartmental arthroplasties after a mean duration of follow-up of sixteen years. At the time of the arthroplasty, the anterior cruciate ligament was considered to be normal in fifty knees, damaged in thirty-one, and absent in eighteen. At the most recent follow-up, we measured the posterior tibial slope and the anterior tibial translation on standing lateral radiographs. The anteroposterior stability of seventy-seven knees that had not been revised by the time of the most recent follow-up was evaluated clinically. In the group of seventy-seven knees that had not been revised by the time of the most recent follow-up, there was a significant linear relationship between anterior tibial translation (mean, 3.7 mm) and posterior tibial slope (mean, 4.3 degrees ) (p < 0.01). The mean posterior slope of the tibial implant was significantly less in the group of seventy-seven knees without loosening of the implant than it was in the group of seventeen knees with loosening of the implant (p < 0.05). Five ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament occurred in knees in which the ligament had been considered to be normal at the time of implantation; the posterior tibial slope in these five knees was > or = 13 degrees. Clinical evaluation revealed normal or nearly normal anteroposterior stability at the time of the most recent follow-up in all sixty-six unrevised knees in which the anterior cruciate ligament had been present at the time of
Kongcharoensombat, Wirat; Ochi, Mitsuo; Abouheif, Mohamed; Adachi, Nobuo; Ohkawa, Shingo; Kamei, Goki; Okuhara, Atushi; Shibuya, Hoyatoshi; Niimoto, Takuya; Nakasa, Tomoyuki; Nakamae, Atsuo; Deie, Masataka
The purpose of this study was to determine the relation between the position of the transverse ligament, the anterior edge of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tibial footprint, and the center of the ACL tibial insertion. We used arthroscopy for localization of the anatomic landmarks, followed by insertions of guide pins under direct visualization, and then the position of these guide pins was checked on plain lateral radiographs. The transverse ligament and the anterior aspect of the ACL tibial footprint were identified by arthroscopy in 20 unpaired cadaveric knees (10 left and 10 right). Guide pins were inserted with tibial ACL adapter drill guides under direct observation at the transverse ligament, the anterior aspect of the tibial footprint, and the center of tibial insertion of the ACL. Then, plain lateral radiographs of specimens were taken. The Amis and Jakob line was used to define the attachment of the ACL tibial insertion and the transverse ligament. A sagittal percentage of the location of the insertion point was determined and calculated from the anterior margin of the tibia in the anteroposterior direction. The transverse ligament averaged 21.20% ± 4.1%, the anterior edge of the ACL tibial insertion averaged 21.60% ± 4.0%, and the center of the ACL tibial insertion averaged 40.30% ± 4.8%. There were similar percent variations between the transverse ligament and the anterior edge of the ACL tibial insertion, with no significant difference between them (P = .38). Intraobserver and interobserver reliability was high, with small standard errors of measurement. This study shows that the transverse ligament coincides with the anterior edge of the ACL tibial footprint in the sagittal plane. The transverse ligament can be considered as a new landmark for tibial tunnel positioning during anatomic ACL reconstruction. Copyright © 2011 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Chen, T L; An, W W; Chan, Z Y S; Au, I P H; Zhang, Z H; Cheung, R T H
Tibial stress fracture is a common injury in runners. This condition has been associated with increased impact loading. Since vertical loading rates are related to the landing pattern, many heelstrike runners attempt to modify their footfalls for a lower risk of tibial stress fracture. Such effect of modified landing pattern remains unknown. This study examined the immediate effects of landing pattern modification on the probability of tibial stress fracture. Fourteen experienced heelstrike runners ran on an instrumented treadmill and they were given augmented feedback for landing pattern switch. We measured their running kinematics and kinetics during different landing patterns. Ankle joint contact force and peak tibial strains were estimated using computational models. We used an established mathematical model to determine the effect of landing pattern on stress fracture probability. Heelstrike runners experienced greater impact loading immediately after landing pattern switch (P<0.004). There was an increase in the longitudinal ankle joint contact force when they landed with forefoot (P=0.003). However, there was no significant difference in both peak tibial strains and the risk of tibial stress fracture in runners with different landing patterns (P>0.986). Immediate transitioning of the landing pattern in heelstrike runners may not offer timely protection against tibial stress fracture, despite a reduction of impact loading. Long-term effects of landing pattern switch remains unknown. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
How does tibial cartilage volume relate to symptoms in subjects with knee osteoarthritis?
Wluka, A; Wolfe, R; Stuckey, S; Cicuttini, F
Background: No consistent relationship between the severity of symptoms of knee osteoarthritis (OA) and radiographic change has been demonstrated. Objectives: To determine the relationship between symptoms of knee OA and tibial cartilage volume, whether pain predicts loss of cartilage in knee OA, and whether change in cartilage volume over time relates to change in symptoms over the same period. Method: 132 subjects with symptomatic, early (mild to moderate) knee OA were studied. At baseline and 2 years later, participants had MRI scans of their knee and completed questionnaires quantifying symptoms of knee OA (knee-specific WOMAC: pain, stiffness, function) and general physical and mental health (SF-36). Tibial cartilage volume was determined from the MRI images. Results: Complete data were available for 117 (89%) subjects. A weak association was found between tibial cartilage volume and symptoms at baseline. The severity of the symptoms of knee OA at baseline did not predict subsequent tibial cartilage loss. However, weak associations were seen between worsening of symptoms of OA and increased cartilage loss: pain (rs = 0.28, p = 0.002), stiffness (rs = 0.17, p = 0.07), and deterioration in function (rs = 0.21, p = 0.02). Conclusion: Tibial cartilage volume is weakly associated with symptoms in knee OA. There is a weak association between loss of tibial cartilage and worsening of symptoms. This suggests that although cartilage is not a major determinant of symptoms in knee OA, it does relate to symptoms. PMID:14962960
Prediction of Tibial Rotation Pathologies Using Particle Swarm Optimization and K-Means Algorithms.
Sari, Murat; Tuna, Can; Akogul, Serkan
The aim of this article is to investigate pathological subjects from a population through different physical factors. To achieve this, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and K-means (KM) clustering algorithms have been combined (PSO-KM). Datasets provided by the literature were divided into three clusters based on age and weight parameters and each one of right tibial external rotation (RTER), right tibial internal rotation (RTIR), left tibial external rotation (LTER), and left tibial internal rotation (LTIR) values were divided into three types as Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 (Type 2 is non-pathological (normal) and the other two types are pathological (abnormal)), respectively. The rotation values of every subject in any cluster were noted. Then the algorithm was run and the produced values were also considered. The values of the produced algorithm, the PSO-KM, have been compared with the real values. The hybrid PSO-KM algorithm has been very successful on the optimal clustering of the tibial rotation types through the physical criteria. In this investigation, Type 2 (pathological subjects) is of especially high predictability and the PSO-KM algorithm has been very successful as an operation system for clustering and optimizing the tibial motion data assessments. These research findings are expected to be very useful for health providers, such as physiotherapists, orthopedists, and so on, in which this consequence may help clinicians to appropriately designing proper treatment schedules for patients.
Houben, I B; Raaben, M; Van Basten Batenburg, M; Blokhuis, T J
The relation between timing of weight bearing after a fracture and the healing outcome is yet to be established, thereby limiting the implementation of a possibly beneficial effect for our patients. The current study was undertaken to determine the effect of timing of weight bearing after a surgically treated tibial shaft fracture. Surgically treated diaphyseal tibial fractures were retrospectively studied between 2007 and 2015. The timing of initial weight bearing (IWB) was analysed as a predictor for impaired healing in a multivariate regression. Totally, 166 diaphyseal tibial fractures were included, 86 cases with impaired healing and 80 with normal healing. The mean age was 38.7 years (range 16-89). The mean time until IWB was significantly shorter in the normal fracture healing group (2.6 vs 7.4 weeks, p < 0.001). Correlation analysis yielded four possible confounders: infection requiring surgical intervention, fracture type, fasciotomy and open fractures. Logistic regression identified IWB as an independent predictor for impaired healing with an odds ratio of 1.13 per week delay (95% CI 1.03-1.25). Delay in initial weight bearing is independently associated with impaired fracture healing in surgically treated tibial shaft fractures. Unlike other factors such as fracture type or soft tissue condition, early resumption of weight bearing can be influenced by the treating physician and this factor therefore has a direct clinical relevance. This study indicates that early resumption of weight bearing should be the treatment goal in fracture fixation. 3b.
Effect of ACL Transection on Internal Tibial Rotation in an in Vitro Simulated Pivot Landing
Oh, Youkeun K.; Kreinbrink, Jennifer L.; Ashton-Miller, James A.; Wojtys, Edward M.
Background: The amount of resistance provided by the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) to axial tibial rotation remains controversial. The goal of this study was to test the primary hypotheses that ACL transection would not significantly affect tibial rotation under the large impulsive loads associated with a simulated pivot landing but would increase anterior tibial translation. Methods: Twelve cadaveric knees (mean age of donors [and standard deviation] at the time of death, 65.0 ± 10.5 years) were mounted in a custom testing apparatus to simulate a single-leg pivot landing. A compound impulsive load was applied to the distal part of the tibia with compression (∼800 N), flexion moment (∼40 N-m), and axial tibial torque (∼17 N-m) in the presence of five trans-knee muscle forces. A differential variable reluctance transducer mounted on the anteromedial aspect of the ACL measured relative strain. With the knee initially in 15° of flexion, and after five combined compression and flexion moment (baseline) loading trials, six trials were conducted with the addition of either internal or external tibial torque (internal or external loading), and then six baseline trials were performed. The ACL was then sectioned, six baseline trials were repeated, and then six trials of either the internal or the external loading condition, whichever had initially resulted in the larger relative ACL strain, were carried out. Tibiofemoral kinematics were measured optoelectronically. The results were analyzed with a nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: Following ACL transection, the increase in the normalized internal tibial rotation was significant but small (0.7°/N-m ± 0.3°/N-m to 0.8°/N-m ± 0.3°/N-m, p = 0.012), while anterior tibial translation increased significantly (3.8 ± 2.9 to 7.0 ± 2.9 mm, p = 0.017). Conclusions: ACL transection leads to a small increase in internal tibial rotation, equivalent to a 13% decrease in the dynamic rotational resistance
Brown, Nathan P; Bertocci, Gina E; Marcellin-Little, Denis J
To evaluate effects of tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) on canine stifle joint biomechanics in a cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL)-deficient stifle joint by use of a 3-D computer model simulating the stance phase of gait and to compare biomechanics in TPLO-managed, CrCL-intact, and CrCL-deficient stifle joints. Computer simulations of the pelvic limb of a Golden Retriever. A previously developed computer model of the canine pelvic limb was used to simulate TPLO stabilization to achieve a tibial plateau angle (TPA) of 5° (baseline value) in a CrCL-deficient stifle joint. Sensitivity analysis was conducted for tibial fragment rotation of 13° to -3°. Ligament loads, relative tibial translation, and relative tibial rotation were determined and compared with values for CrCL-intact and CrCL-deficient stifle joints. TPLO with a 5° TPA converted cranial tibial translation to caudal tibial translation and increased loads placed on the remaining stifle joint ligaments, compared with results for a CrCL-intact stifle joint. Lateral collateral ligament load was similar, medial collateral ligament load increased, and caudal cruciate ligament load decreased after TPLO, compared with loads for a CrCL-deficient stifle joint. Relative tibial rotation after TPLO was similar to that of a CrCL-deficient stifle joint. Stifle joint biomechanics were affected by TPLO fragment rotation. In the model, stifle joint biomechanics were partially improved after TPLO, compared with CrCL-deficient stifle joint biomechanics, but TPLO did not fully restore CrCL-intact stifle joint biomechanics. Overrotation of the tibial fragment negatively influenced stifle joint biomechanics by increasing caudal tibial translation.
Yang, Bo; Yu, Jiakuo; Gong, Xi; Chen, Lianxu; Wang, Yongjian; Wang, Jian; Wang, Haijun; Zhang, Jiying
The tibial plateau is asymmetric with a larger medial plateau. We observed from clinical practice that the shape of the tibial plateau does not always present a larger medial plateau. Tibial plateau also showed other shapes. The purpose of this study was to analyze the anthropometric data of the proximal tibia in a large group of Chinese patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty and to investigate the morphology of the resected proximal tibial surface and its gender differences. A total of 822 knees (164 males, 658 females) from the Chinese population were measured intraoperatively for medial anteroposterior (MAP) and lateral anteroposterior (LAP) dimensions of the resected proximal tibial surface. The difference of MAP and LAP (DML) was also calculated as MAP minus LAP. We then classified the data into three groups based on the DML (<-2, -2 to 2, and >2 mm) to analyze the morphology of the proximal tibia and its distribution between male and female. The shape of proximal tibial plateau was of three types: larger medial plateau type, symmetric type, and larger lateral plateau type. There were significant differences between males and females in relation to the shape distribution of the proximal tibial plateau (P < 0.05). Most of the proximal tibial plateau was asymmetric, with 517 of 822 (62.9%) tibia having a DML >2 mm and 120 of 822 (14.6%) tibia having a DML<-2 mm. Only 185 of 822 (22.5%) tibia had a DML between -2 and 2 mm. The results of this study can be used as a guideline to design tibial components with different DMLs to better match the different anthropometry of the resected tibial surface.
Thermal inactivation of infectious hematopoietic necrosis and infectious pancreatic necrosis virus
Gosting, L.; Gould, R.W.
A plaque assay was used to follow the inactivation kinetics of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus and infectious pancreatic necrosis virus in cell culture media at various temperatures. Inactivation of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in a visceral organ slurry was compared with that in culture media.
Buzea, C Gh; Agop, M; Moraru, Evelina; Stana, Bogdan A; Gîrţu, Manuela; Iancu, D
We present a traveling-wave analysis of a reduced mathematical model describing the growth of a solid tumor in the presence of an immune system response in the framework of Scale Relativity theory. Attention is focused upon the attack of tumor cells by tumor-infiltrating cytotoxic lymphocytes (TICLs), in a small multicellular tumor, without necrosis and at some stage prior to (tumor-induced) angiogenesis. For a particular choice of parameters, the underlying system of partial differential equations is able to simulate the well-documented phenomenon of cancer dormancy and propagation of a perturbation in the tumor cell concentration by cnoidal modes, by depicting spatially heterogeneous tumor cell distributions that are characterized by a relatively small total number of tumor cells. This behavior is consistent with several immunomorphological investigations. Moreover, the alteration of certain parameters of the model is enough to induce soliton like modes and soliton packets into the system, which in turn result in tumor invasion in the form of a standard traveling wave. In the same framework of Scale Relativity theory, a very important feature of malignant tumors also results, that even in avascular stages they might propagate and invade healthy tissues, by means of a diffusion on a Newtonian fluid. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Xu, Yongqing; Li, Chuan; Zhou, Tianhua; Su, Yongyue; He, Xiaoqing; Fan, Xinyu; Zhu, Yueliang
Abstract Avascular necrosis of the lunate bone (Kienböck disease) is caused by loss of blood supply of the bone. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a novel nickel–titanium (Ni–Ti) memory alloy arthrodesis concentrator in the treatment of this disease. A consecutive 24 patients with stage IIIb aseptic lunate necrosis were treated with scapho-trapezio-trapezoeid (STT) arthrodesis using a Ni–Ti arthrodesis concentrator from August 2008 to December 2012. Wrist pain, grip strength, carpal height, and scapholunate angle were measured and compared before and after the surgery. The wrist functions were evaluated using the Mayo scale. Patients were followed up for a mean of 12 months (range, 6–24 months). Grip strength of the affected side was significantly improved after the surgery (18 ± 4.74 kg vs. 30.21 ± 7.14 kg, P < 0.0001). Wrist pain score was significantly decreased from 5.88 ± 0.9 to 0.5 ± 0.51 (P < 0.0001). Carpal height and Mayo score were also significantly increased after the surgery (P < 0.0001). Scapholunate angle was significantly decreased after the surgery (68.38 ± 7.28° vs. 49.91 ± 4.28°, P < 0.0001). No implant breakage, loose implant, wound infection, or nonunion occurred. STT arthrodesis is effective for the treatment of stage IIIb lunate necrosis. The Ni–Ti memory alloy arthrodesis concentrator is a convenient tool for STT arthrodesis with excellent and reliable results. PMID:26496298
The medial tibial stress syndrome. A cause of shin splints.
Mubarak, S J; Gould, R N; Lee, Y F; Schmidt, D A; Hargens, A R
The medial tibial stress syndrome is a symptom complex seen in athletes who complain of exercise-induced pain along the distal posterior-medial aspect of the tibia. Intramuscular pressures within the posterior compartments of the leg were measured in 12 patients with this disorder. These pressures were not elevated and therefore this syndrome is a not a compartment syndrome. Available information suggests that the medial tibial stress syndrome most likely represents a periostitis at this location of the leg.
Nowakowski, Andrej M; Stangel, Melanie; Grupp, Thomas M; Valderrabano, Victor
A novel tibial baseplate design (Transversal Support Tibial Plateau) as a new treatment concept for bi-cruciate retaining total knee arthroplasty is evaluated for mechanical stability and compared to other tibial baseplate designs. This concept should provide better primary stability and thus, less subsidence, than implantation of two separate unicondylar tibial baseplates. Different baseplates were implanted into synthetic bone specimens (Sawbones® Pacific Research Laboratories, Inc., Washington, USA), all uncemented. Using a standardized experimental setup, subsidence was achieved, enabling comparison of the models regarding primary stability. Overall implant subsidence was significantly increased for the two separate unicondylar tibial baseplates versus the new Transversal Support Tibial Plateau concept, which showed comparable levels to a conventional tibial baseplate. Reduced subsidence results in better primary stability. Linking of two separate baseplates appears to provide increased primary stability in terms of bony fixation, comparable to that of a conventional single tibial baseplate. © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Case report: comprehensive management of medial tibial stress syndrome
Krenner, Bernard John
Abstract Activity or exercise-induced leg pain is a common complication among competitive and “weekend warrior” athletes. Shin splints is a term that has been used to describe all lower leg pain as a result of activity. There are many different causes of “shin splints,” one of which is medial tibial stress syndrome, and the treating clinician must be aware of potentially serious causes of activity related leg pain. Restoring proper biomechanics to the entire kinetic chain and rehabilitation of the injured area should be the primary aim of treatment to optimize shock absorption. The role inflammation plays in medial tibial stress syndrome is controversial, but in this case, seemed to be a causative factor as symptomatology was dramatically decreased with the addition of proteolytic enzymes. Medial tibial stress syndrome can be quite difficult to treat and keeping athletes away from activities that will slow healing or aggravate the condition can be challenging. “Active” rest is the best way in which to allow proper healing while allowing the athlete to maintain their fitness. PMID:19674573
An Evaluation of the Softperm Contact Lens in the Simulated Aircraft Environment
potential effect on the eye of low atmospheric pressure and resultant low oxygen pressure that occurs with increased altitude. The cornea, which is avascular ... avascularity as well as its morphology and chemical composition. The epithelial cells are not keratinized and their components have a uniform index of refraction...noted that cell damage and/or necrosis was much less likely to occur if cellular swelling does not occur. They observed no epithelial staining in their
Angiogenesis and Therapeutic Approaches to NF1 Tumors
corneal neovascularization model was developed. In this model, the avascularity of the cornea highly facilitates the quantification of neovascularture...wild-type corneas in avascular area. However, in the NV zone, the number of macrophage was 4.6-fold greater in Nf1þ /– corneas than wild-type corneas...GEM tumor classification because of low cellularity and no necrosis . They exceed that clas- sification, however, due to their low to moderate prolif
Soft Tissue Wounds and Principles of Healing
PAGE unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 source you read. This layer is avascular , and the classically...other materials across the dermal– epidermal junction. Because the epidermis is avascular , it depends upon diffusion from the capillary beds of the dermis...Full-thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of sub- cutaneous tissue that may extend down to but not through the under- lying fascia. STAGE 4
Metachronous Bilateral Posterior Tibial Artery Aneurysms in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type IV
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hagspiel, Klaus D., E-mail: kdh2n@virginia.edu; Bonatti, Hugo; Sabri, Saher
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV is a life-threatening genetic connective tissue disorder. We report a 24-year-old woman with EDS-IV who presented with metachronous bilateral aneurysms/pseudoaneurysms of the posterior tibial arteries 15 months apart. Both were treated successfully with transarterial coil embolization from a distal posterior tibial approach.
tures. J Orthop Trauma. 2004;18(5):265-270. 2. Metzger M, Levin J, Clancy J. Talar neck frac- tures and rates of avascular necrosis . J Foot Ankle Surg...of the talus.4 Given the risk for osteo- necrosis with talar neck fractures, early operative intervention is con- sidered the standard of care.5
Minimally-invasive plate osteosynthesis in distal tibial fractures: Results and complications.
Vidović, Dinko; Matejčić, Aljoša; Ivica, Mihovil; Jurišić, Darko; Elabjer, Esmat; Bakota, Bore
Distal tibial or pilon fractures are usually the result of combined compressive and shear forces, and may result in instability of the metaphysis, with or without articular depression, and injury to the soft tissue. The complexity of injury, lack of muscle cover and poor vascularity make these fractures difficult to treat. Surgical treatment of distal tibial fractures includes several options: external fixation, IM nailing, ORIF and minimally-invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO). Management of distal tibial fractures with MIPO enables preservation of soft tissue and remaining blood supply. This is a report of a series of prospectively studied closed distal tibial and pilon fractures treated with MIPO. A total of 21 patients with closed distal tibial or pilon fractures were enrolled in the study between March 2008 and November 2013 and completed follow-up. Demographic characteristics, mechanism of injury, time required for union, ankle range of motion and complications were recorded. Fractures were classified according to the AO/OTA classification. Nineteen patients were initially managed with an ankle-spanning external fixator. When the status of the soft tissue had improved and swelling had subsided enough, a definitive internal fixation with MIPO was performed. Patients were invited for follow-up examinations at 3 and 6 weeks and then at intervals of 6 to 8 weeks until 12 months. Mean age of the patients was 40.1 years (range 19-67 years). Eighteen cases were the result of high-energy trauma and three were the result of low-energy trauma. According to the AO/OTA classification there were extraarticular and intraarticular fractures, but only simple articular patterns without depression or comminution. The average time for fracture union was 19.7 weeks (range 12-38 weeks). Mean range of motion was 10° of dorsiflexion (range 5-15°) and 28.3° of plantar flexion (range 20-35°). Three cases were metalwork-related complications. Two patients underwent plate removal
Magnitude of cement-device interfacial stresses with and without tibial stemming: impact of BMI.
Gopalakrishnan, Ananthkrishnan; Hedley, Anthony Keith; Kester, Mark A
Patients expect their total knee arthroplasty to relieve pain and to be long lasting. With patients becoming more active, weighing more, and living longer, this expectation becomes increasingly more difficult to fulfill. Patients who are obese and active put greater loads on their implants and may have a greater risk of failure. Although much attention has been paid to decreasing polyethylene wear, a major cause of implant failure, very little research focus has been directed to elucidate other measures to reduce failure, such as the efficacy of prophylactic stemming of the tibial tray. This study explored whether additional mechanical support for tibial base plates would help reduce bone cement stresses in heavy patients, who, like patients with a high activity level, put added stress on their implants. A tibial base plate with a 12-mm-diameter x 50-mm-long stem was compared with the same tibial base plate with a 15-mm-diameter x 20-mm-long end cap using finite element analysis. The results indicate that the tibial base plate with a prophylactic stem significantly reduced compressive and shear stresses on the cement-device interface and therefore may help to reduce the possibility of tibial loosening in these at-risk patients. Further, such studies will aid the surgeon in educating patients and in selecting the appropriate implant strategy.
Magu, Narender Kumar; Singh, Roop; Sharma, Ashwini Kumar; Ummat, Vikas
To evaluate the role of a modified Pauwels' intertrochanteric osteotomy (MPIO) in neglected femoral neck fractures in children. Prospective study with retrospective analysis. Tertiary care Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences. Ten children (8 males, 2 females) with an average age of 10.2 years with neglected femoral neck fractures were seen from 1990 to 1998. A femoral neck fracture was considered neglected when no proper medical treatment was instituted for at least 1 month following the fracture. Nonunion was accompanied by coxa vara and resorption of the femoral neck in 9 patients; a 10th patient had a neglected femoral neck fracture for 1 month without coxa vara. Three patients at time of presentation with Delbet Type II displaced fractures with associated nonunion and coxa vara (2 with Ratliff Type III and 1 with Type I) also had avascular necrosis using plain radiographic criteria of increased density. Modified Pauwels' intertrochanteric osteotomy. The children were immobilized in a hip spica for 6-10 weeks postoperatively and weightbearing was started after hip spica removal. Fracture healing, neck-shaft angle, avascular necrosis, and functional outcome. Patients were followed for an average of 8.2 years (range 5-12 years). All patients had union of their fracture within an average of 16.6 weeks (12-20 weeks) and of the osteotomy site within 8.2 weeks (7-9 weeks). Radiologic signs of avascular necrosis disappeared completely in the 3 patients who presented with avascular necrosis. In 1 patient with a preoperatively viable femoral head, radiologic signs of Ratliff Type I avascular necrosis appeared between 60 and 98 weeks. This radiologic finding became normal again, indicating viability of the femoral head somewhere between 98 to 205 weeks of follow-up. Postoperatively, an average of 135-degree neck-shaft angle was achieved (range 125-160 degrees). The average preoperative neck-shaft angle was 104.4 degrees (range 92-120 degrees) and on the normal hip
Chaudhry, Zaira S; Raikin, Steven M; Harwood, Marc I; Bishop, Meghan E; Ciccotti, Michael G; Hammoud, Sommer
Although most anterior tibial stress fractures heal with nonoperative treatment, some may require surgical management. To our knowledge, no systematic review has been conducted regarding surgical treatment strategies for the management of chronic anterior tibial stress fractures from which general conclusions can be drawn regarding optimal treatment in high-performance athletes. This systematic review was conducted to evaluate the surgical outcomes of anterior tibial stress fractures in high-performance athletes. Systematic review; Level of evidence, 4. In February 2017, a systematic review of the PubMed, MEDLINE, Cochrane, SPORTDiscus, and CINAHL databases was performed to identify studies that reported surgical outcomes for anterior tibial stress fractures. Articles meeting the inclusion criteria were screened, and reported outcome measures were documented. A total of 12 studies, published between 1984 and 2015, reporting outcomes for the surgical treatment of anterior tibial stress fractures were included in this review. All studies were retrospective case series. Collectively, surgical outcomes for 115 patients (74 males; 41 females) with 123 fractures were evaluated in this review. The overall mean follow-up was 23.3 months. The most common surgical treatment method reported in the literature was compression plating (n = 52) followed by drilling (n = 33). Symptom resolution was achieved in 108 of 123 surgically treated fractures (87.8%). There were 32 reports of complications, resulting in an overall complication rate of 27.8%. Subsequent tibial fractures were reported in 8 patients (7.0%). Moreover, a total of 17 patients (14.8%) underwent a subsequent procedure after their initial surgery. Following surgical treatment for anterior tibial stress fracture, 94.7% of patients were able to return to sports. The available literature indicates that surgical treatment of anterior tibial stress fractures is associated with a high rate of symptom resolution and return
Etchepareborde, S; Mills, J; Busoni, V; Brunel, L; Balligand, M
To calculate the difference between the desired tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) along the tibial plateau axis and the advancement truly achieved in that direction when cage size has been determined using the method of Montavon and colleagues. To measure the effect of this difference on the final patellar tendon-tibial plateau angle (PTA) in relation to the ideal 90°. Trigonometry was used to calculate the theoretical actual advancement of the tibial tuberosity in a direction parallel to the tibial plateau that would be achieved by the placement of a cage at the level of the tibial tuberosity in the osteotomy plane of the tibial crest. The same principle was used to calculate the size of the cage that would have been required to achieve the desired advancement. The effect of the difference between the desired advancement and the actual advancement achieved on the final PTA was calculated. For a given desired advancement, the greater the tibial plateau angle (TPA), the greater the difference between the desired advancement and the actual advancement achieved. The maximum discrepancy calculated was 5.8 mm for a 12 mm advancement in a case of extreme TPA (59°). When the TPA was less than 31°, the PTA was in the range of 90° to 95°. A discrepancy does exist between the desired tibial tuberosity advancement and the actual advancement in a direction parallel to the TPA, when the tibial tuberosity is not translated proximally. Although this has an influence on the final PTA, further studies are warranted to evaluate whether this is clinically significant.
Tanikake, Yohei; Hayashi, Koji; Ogawa, Munehiro; Inagaki, Yusuke; Kawate, Kenji; Tomita, Tetsuya; Tanaka, Yasuhito
A 72-year-old male patient underwent mobile-bearing posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis. He experienced a nontraumatic polyethylene tibial insert cone fracture 27 months after surgery. Scanning electron microscopy of the fracture surface of the tibial insert cone suggested progress of ductile breaking from the posterior toward the anterior of the cone due to repeated longitudinal bending stress, leading to fatigue breaking at the anterior side of the cone, followed by the tibial insert cone fracture at the anterior side of the cone, resulting in fracture at the base of the cone. This analysis shows the risk of tibial insert cone fracture due to longitudinal stress in mobile-bearing posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty in which an insert is designed to highly conform to the femoral component.
Kwun, Jun-Dae; Kim, Hee-June; Park, Jaeyoung; Park, Il-Hyung; Kyung, Hee-Soo
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of three-dimensional (3D) printed models for open wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) in porcine bone. Computed tomography (CT) images were obtained from 10 porcine knees and 3D imaging was planned using the 3D-Slicer program. The osteotomy line was drawn from the three centimeters below the medial tibial plateau to the proximal end of the fibular head. Then the osteotomy gap was opened until the mechanical axis line was 62.5% from the medial border along the width of the tibial plateau, maintaining the posterior tibial slope angle. The wedge-shaped 3D-printed model was designed with the measured angle and osteotomy section and was produced by the 3D printer. The open wedge HTO surgery was reproduced in porcine bone using the 3D-printed model and the osteotomy site was fixed with a plate. Accuracy of osteotomy and posterior tibial slope was evaluated after the osteotomy. The mean mechanical axis line on the tibial plateau was 61.8±1.5% from the medial tibia. There was no statistically significant difference (P=0.160). The planned and post-osteotomy correction wedge angles were 11.5±3.2° and 11.4±3.3°, and the posterior tibial slope angle was 11.2±2.2° pre-osteotomy and 11.4±2.5° post-osteotomy. There were no significant differences (P=0.854 and P=0.429, respectively). This study showed that good results could be obtained in high tibial osteotomy by using 3D printed models of porcine legs. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[Acute traumatic and especially neglected traumatic hip dislocations are very rare in children].
Fernandez, F F; Wirth, T; Eberhardt, O
We report about the first hip arthroscopies of extracapsular neglected hip dislocations with concomitant injuries in two children (2 and 4 years old). The major problem of traumatic hip dislocation is avascular necrosis. Further problems are possible concomitant injuries. It is important not to cause further damage by therapeutic procedures. In a 4-year-old child the hip could be reduced under visualization and in a 2-year-old child with epiphyseal fracture the extent of the operation could be reduced. In both children large avulsion injuries of the ligamentum capitis femoris could be resected via hip arthroscopy. Hip arthroscopy can reduce surgical morbidity considerably and can possibly contribute to prevention of the feared avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
Ceramic hemi-unicondylar arthroplasty in an adolescent patient with idiopathic tibial chondrolysis.
Dombroski, Derek; Garino, Jonathan; Lee, Gwo-Chin
Despite recent advances in cartilage regeneration and restoration procedures, isolated, large, full-thickness cartilage lesions in young patients continue to pose significant challenges to patients and orthopedic surgeons. Treatment options for this difficult problem have traditionally included arthrodesis, osteotomy, osteochondral allograft, and prosthetic reconstruction. We present a case of an adolescent patient with isolated idiopathic lateral tibial chondrolysis treated with a custom ceramic hemi-unicondylar hemiarthroplasty. Preoperatively, a 3-dimensional computed tomography scan of the patient's knee was obtained to begin manufacturing a conforming custom ceramic insert that would articulate between the tibial base plate and the patient's native lateral femoral cartilage. Through a lateral parapatellar approach, the tibial preparation was carried out using the Zimmer M/G unicompartmental knee system (Warsaw, Indiana), and the tibial base plate was cemented into position in the standard fashion. A custom, conforming, prefabricated ceramic insert (CeramTec, Memphis, Tennessee) was then inserted onto the tibial base plate. At 5-year follow-up, this salvage procedure was successful in relieving pain and restoring function in this young patient. There were no signs of implant loosening or lysis. Magnetic resonance imaging of the knee at last follow-up revealed that the cartilage thickness of the patient's lateral femoral condyle remained unchanged. Unicondylar hemiarthroplasty performed in patients with large unipolar lesions in the knee can provide durable and reliable pain relief. Ceramic is a viable material that can be considered for articulation with native cartilage.
Effect of tibial tuberosity advancement on femorotibial contact mechanics and stifle kinematics.
Kim, Stanley E; Pozzi, Antonio; Banks, Scott A; Conrad, Bryan P; Lewis, Daniel D
Objective- To evaluate the effects of tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) on femorotibial contact mechanics and 3-dimensional kinematics in cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL)-deficient stifles of dogs. Study Design- In vitro biomechanical study. Animals- Unpaired pelvic limbs from 8 dogs, weighing 28-35 kg. Methods- Digital pressure sensors placed subjacent to the menisci were used to measure femorotibial contact force, contact area, peak and mean contact pressure, and peak pressure location with the limb under an axial load of 30% body weight and a stifle angle of 135 degrees . Three-dimensional static poses of the stifle were obtained using a Microscribe digitizing arm. Each specimen was tested under normal, CrCL-deficient, and TTA-treated conditions. Repeated measures analysis of variance with a Tukey post hoc test (P<.05) was used for statistical comparison. Results- Significant disturbances to all measured contact mechanic parameters were evident after CrCL transection, which corresponded to marked cranial tibial subluxation and internal tibial rotation in the CrCL-deficient stifle. No significant differences in any contact mechanic and kinematic parameters were detected between normal and TTA-treated stifles. Conclusion- TTA eliminates craniocaudal stifle instability during simulated weight-bearing and concurrently restores femorotibial contact mechanics to normal. Clinical Relevance- TTA may mitigate the progression of stifle osteoarthritis in dogs afflicted with CrCL insufficiency by eliminating cranial tibial thrust while preserving the normal orientation of the proximal tibial articulating surface.
Association between foot type and tibial stress injuries: a systematic review.
Barnes, A; Wheat, J; Milner, C
To systematically review published articles investigating the association between structural foot characteristics and tibial stress injuries, and to suggest possible future avenues of research in this area. Literature was identified, selected and appraised in accordance with the methods of a systematic review. Articles potentially relevant to the research question were identified by searching the following electronic databases: Amed, Cinahl, Index to UK theses, Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Sports discus and Web of science. Duplicates were removed and, based on the title and abstract, the full text of relevant studies were retrieved. Two reviewers independently assessed papers; this formed the basis for the inclusion of the most appropriate trials. From the 479 articles originally identified, nine were deemed appropriate for inclusion in the review. In general, specific data relating to this relationship was limited. Outcomes of the nine investigations were difficult to compare due to differing methods used across studies. Results have proved conflicting, with limited evidence found to implicate any specific foot type as a potential risk factor for tibial stress injuries. No definitive conclusions can be drawn relating foot structure or function to an increased risk of tibial stress injuries. Extremes of foot types are likely to pose an increased risk of tibial stress injuries compared to normal arched feet.
Young, Simon W; Clarke, Henry D; Graves, Stephen E; Liu, Yen-Liang; de Steiger, Richard N
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) systems permit a degree of femoro-tibial component size mismatch. The effect of mismatched components on revision rates has not been evaluated in a large study. We reviewed 21,906 fixed-bearing PFC Sigma primary TKAs using the Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry, dividing patients into three groups: no femoro-tibial size mismatch, tibial component size > femoral component size, and femoral component > tibial component. Revision rates were higher when the femoral size was greater than the tibia, compared to both equal size (HR = 1.20 (1.00, 1.45), P = 0.047) and to tibial size greater than femoral (HR = 1.60 (1.08, 2.37), P = 0.019). Potential mechanisms to explain these findings include edge loading of polyethylene and increased tibial component stresses. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[Investigation of tibial bones of the rats exposed on board "Spacelab-2":histomorphometric analysis
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Durnova, G. N.; Kaplanskii, A. S.; Morey-Holton, E. R.; Vorobeva, V. N.
Proximal metaphyses of tibial bones from the Sprague-Dowly rats exposed in US dedicated space life sciences laboratory SLS-2 for 13-14 days and sacrificed on day 13 in microgravity and within 5 hours and 14 days following recovery were the subject of histological, histochemical, and histomorphometric analyses. After the 13-day flight of SLS-2 the rats showed initial signs of osteopenia in the spongy tissue of tibial bones, secondary spongiosis affected first. Resorption of the secondary spongiosis was consequent to enhanced resorption and inhibition of osteogenesis. In rats sacrificed within 5 hours of recovery manifestations of tibial osteopenia were more evident than in rats sacrificed during the flight. Spaceflight-induced changes in tibial spongiosis were reverse by character the amount of spongy bone was fully compensated and following 14 days of readaptation to the terrestrial gravity.
Okamoto, Shigetoshi; Mizu-uchi, Hideki; Okazaki, Ken; Hamai, Satoshi; Nakahara, Hiroyuki; Iwamoto, Yukihide
We used a musculoskeletal model validated with in vivo data to evaluate the effect of tibial posterior slope on knee kinematics, quadriceps force, and patellofemoral contact force after posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty. The maximum quadriceps force and patellofemoral contact force decreased with increasing posterior slope. Anterior sliding of the tibial component and anterior impingement of the anterior aspect of the tibial post were observed with tibial posterior slopes of at least 5° and 10°, respectively. Increased tibial posterior slope contributes to improved exercise efficiency during knee extension, however excessive tibial posterior slope should be avoided to prevent knee instability. Based on our computer simulation we recommend tibial posterior slopes of less than 5° in posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Yong, Jennifer R; Silder, Amy; Montgomery, Kate L; Fredericson, Michael; Delp, Scott L
Tibial stress fractures are a common and debilitating injury that occur in distance runners. Runners may be able to decrease tibial stress fracture risk by adopting a running pattern that reduces biomechanical parameters associated with a history of tibial stress fracture. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that converting to a forefoot striking pattern or increasing cadence without focusing on changing foot strike type would reduce injury risk parameters in recreational runners. Running kinematics, ground reaction forces and tibial accelerations were recorded from seventeen healthy, habitual rearfoot striking runners while running in their natural running pattern and after two acute retraining conditions: (1) converting to forefoot striking without focusing on cadence and (2) increasing cadence without focusing on foot strike. We found that converting to forefoot striking decreased two risk factors for tibial stress fracture: average and peak loading rates. Increasing cadence decreased one risk factor: peak hip adduction angle. Our results demonstrate that acute adaptation to forefoot striking reduces different injury risk parameters than acute adaptation to increased cadence and suggest that both modifications may reduce the risk of tibial stress fractures. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Antony, Benny; Venn, Alison; Cicuttini, Flavia; March, Lyn; Blizzard, Leigh; Dwyer, Terence; Cross, Marita; Jones, Graeme; Ding, Changhai
Physical activity has been recommended to patients with knee osteoarthritis for improving their symptoms. However, it is still controversial if physical activity has effects on joint structures including cartilage volume. The aim of this study was to describe the associations between physical activity and performance measured 5 years prior and tibial cartilage volume and bone area in young adults. Subjects broadly representative of the Australian population (n = 328, aged 31-41 years, female 47.3 %) were selected from the Childhood Determinants of Adult Health study. They underwent T1-weighted fat-suppressed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of their knees. Tibial bone area and cartilage volume were measured from MRI. Physical activity (measured using long international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ)) and performance measures (long jump, leg muscle strength, physical work capacity (PWC170)) were measured 5 years prior. In multivariable analyses, total physical activity (min/week) (β: 0.30 mm(3), 95 % CI: 0.13,0.47), vigorous (β: 0.54 mm(3), 95 % CI: 0.13,0.94), moderate (β: 0.34 mm(3), 95 % CI: 0.01,0.67), walking (β: 0.40 mm(3), 95 % CI: 0.07,0.72) and IPAQ category (β: 182.9 mm(3), 95 % CI: 51.8,314.0) were positively associated with total tibial cartilage volume but not tibial bone area. PWC170, long jump and leg muscle strength were positively and significantly associated with both total tibial cartilage volume and total tibial bone area; and the associations with tibial cartilage volume decreased in magnitude but remained significant for PWC170 and long jump after further adjustment for tibial bone area. While tibial bone area is affected only by physical performance, total tibial cartilage volume can be influenced by both physical activity and performance in younger adults. The clinical significance suggests a beneficial effect for cartilage but the bone area association was restricted to performance suggesting other factors
Clinical Evaluation of the TITAN™ Total Shoulder System
Arthritis; Arthritis, Degenerative; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Post-traumatic Arthrosis of Other Joints, Shoulder Region; Rotator Cuff Syndrome of Shoulder and Allied Disorders; Fracture; Avascular Necrosis; Joint Instability; Joint Trauma; Dislocation, Shoulder; Pain, Shoulder
Does Tibial Slope Affect Perception of Coronal Alignment on a Standing Anteroposterior Radiograph?
Schwartz, Adam J; Ravi, Bheeshma; Kransdorf, Mark J; Clarke, Henry D
A standing anteroposterior (AP) radiograph is commonly used to evaluate coronal alignment following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The impact of coronal alignment on TKA outcomes is controversial, perhaps due to variability in imaging and/or measurement technique. We sought to quantify the effect of image rotation and tibial slope on coronal alignment. Using a standard extramedullary tibial alignment guide, 3 cadaver legs were cut to accept a tibial tray at 0°, 3°, and 7° of slope. A computed tomography scan of the entire tibia was obtained for each specimen to confirm neutral coronal alignment. Images were then obtained at progressive 10° intervals of internal and external rotation up to 40° maximum in each direction. Images were then randomized and 5 blinded TKA surgeons were asked to determine coronal alignment. Continuous data values were transformed to categorical data (neutral [0], valgus [L], and varus [R]). Each 10° interval of external rotation of a 7° sloped tibial cut (or relative internal rotation of a tibial component viewed in the AP plane) resulted in perception of an additional 0.75° of varus. The slope of the proximal tibia bone cut should be taken into account when measuring coronal alignment on a standing AP radiograph. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Lucas-Cuevas, Angel Gabriel; Encarnación-Martínez, Alberto; Camacho-García, Andrés; Llana-Belloch, Salvador; Pérez-Soriano, Pedro
Tibial accelerations have been associated with a number of running injuries. However, studies attaching the tibial accelerometer on the proximal section are as numerous as those attaching the accelerometer on the distal section. This study aimed to investigate whether accelerometer location influences acceleration parameters commonly reported in running literature. To fulfil this purpose, 30 athletes ran at 2.22, 2.78 and 3.33 m · s -1 with three accelerometers attached with double-sided tape and tightened to the participants' tolerance on the forehead, the proximal section of the tibia and the distal section of the tibia. Time-domain (peak acceleration, shock attenuation) and frequency-domain parameters (peak frequency, peak power, signal magnitude and shock attenuation in both the low and high frequency ranges) were calculated for each of the tibial locations. The distal accelerometer registered greater tibial acceleration peak and shock attenuation compared to the proximal accelerometer. With respect to the frequency-domain analysis, the distal accelerometer provided greater values of all the low-frequency parameters, whereas no difference was observed for the high-frequency parameters. These findings suggest that the location of the tibial accelerometer does influence the acceleration signal parameters, and thus, researchers should carefully consider the location they choose to place the accelerometer so that equivalent comparisons across studies can be made.
... asking your provider. Alternative Names Necrosis - renal papillae; Renal medullary necrosis Images Kidney anatomy Kidney - blood and urine flow References Bushinsky DA, Monk RD. Nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis. ...
Kim, Stanley E; Pozzi, Antonio; Banks, Scott A; Conrad, Bryan P; Lewis, Daniel D
To assess contact mechanics and 3-dimensional (3-D) joint alignment in cranial cruciate ligament (CCL)-deficient stifles before and after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) and tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) with the stifle in 90 degrees of flexion. In vitro biomechanical study. Cadaveric pelvic limb pairs (n=8) from dogs weighing 28-35 kg. Contralateral limbs were assigned to receive TPLO or TTA. Digital pressure sensors were used to measure femorotibial contact area, peak and mean contact pressure, and peak pressure location with the limb under a load of 30% body weight and stifle flexion angle of 90 degrees . 3-D poses were obtained using a Microscribe digitizer. Specimens were tested under normal, CCL deficient, and treatment conditions. Significant disturbances in alignment were not observed after CCL transection, although medial contact area was 10% smaller than normal (P=.003). There were no significant differences in contact mechanics or alignment between normal and TTA conditions; TPLO induced 6 degrees varus angulation (P<.001), 26% decrease in lateral peak pressure (P=.027), and 18% increase in medial mean pressure (P=.008) when compared with normal. Cranial tibial subluxation is nominal in CCL-deficient stifles loaded in flexion. Stifle alignment and contact mechanics are not altered by TTA, whereas TPLO causes mild varus and a subsequent increase in medial compartment loading. Cranial tibial subluxation of CCL-deficient stifles may not occur during postures that load the stifle in flexion. The significance of minor changes in loading patterns after TPLO is unknown.
Bilateral periprosthetic tibial stress fracture after total knee arthroplasty: A case report.
Ozdemir, Guzelali; Azboy, Ibrahim; Yilmaz, Baris
Periprosthetic fractures around the knee after total knee arthroplasty can be seen in the femur, tibia and patella. The tibial fractures are rare cases. Our case with bilateral tibial stress fracture developed after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is the first of its kind in the literature. 75-year-old male patient with bilateral knee osteoarthritis had not benefited from conservative treatment methods previously applied. Left TKA was applied. In the second month postoperatively, periprosthetic tibial fracture was identified and osteosynthesis was implemented with locked tibia proximal plate-screw. Bone union in 12 weeks was observed in his follow-ups. After 15 months of his first operation, TKA was applied to the right knee. Postoperatively in the second month, as in the first operation, periprosthetic tibial fracture was detected. Osteosynthesis with locking plate-screw was applied and union in 12 weeks was observed in his follow-up. He was seen mobilized independently and without support in the last control of the case made in the 24th month after the second operation. The number of TKA applications is expected to increase in the future. The incidence of periprosthetic fractures should also be expected to increase in these cases. Periprosthetic tibial fractures after TKA are rarely seen. The treatment of periprosthetic fractures around the knee after TKA can be difficult. In the case of persistent pain in the upper end of the tibia after the surgery, stress fracture should be considered. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.
Shi, Xiaojun; Shen, Bin; Kang, Pengde; Yang, Jing; Zhou, Zongke; Pei, Fuxing
To evaluate and quantify the effect of the tibial slope on the postoperative maximal knee flexion and stability in the posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Fifty-six patients (65 knees) who had undergone TKA with the posterior-stabilized prostheses were divided into the following 3 groups according to the measured tibial slopes: Group 1: ≤4°, Group 2: 4°-7° and Group 3: >7°. The preoperative range of the motion, the change in the posterior condylar offset, the elevation of the joint line, the postoperative tibiofemoral angle and the preoperative and postoperative Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) scores were recorded. The tibial anteroposterior translation was measured using the Kneelax 3 Arthrometer at both the 30° and the 90° flexion angles. The mean values of the postoperative maximal knee flexion were 101° (SD 5), 106° (SD 5) and 113° (SD 9) in Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. A significant difference was found in the postoperative maximal flexion between the 3 groups (P < 0.001). However, no significant differences were found between the 3 groups in the postoperative HSS scores, the changes in the posterior condylar offset, the elevation of the joint line or the tibial anteroposterior translation at either the 30° or the 90° flexion angles. A 1° increase in the tibial slope resulted in a 1.8° flexion increment (r = 1.8, R (2) = 0.463, P < 0.001). An increase in the posterior tibial slope can significantly increase the postoperative maximal knee flexion. The tibial slope with an appropriate flexion and extension gap balance during the operation does not affect the joint stability.
Chung, Jun Young; Song, Hyung Keun; Jung, Myung Kuk; Oh, Hyeong Tak; Kim, Joon Ho; Yoon, Ji-Sang; Min, Byoung-Hyun
The major meniscal functions are load bearing, load distribution, and shock absorption by increasing the tibiofemoral joint (TFJ) contact area and dissipating axial loads by conversion into hoop stresses. The increased hoop strain stretches the meniscus in outward direction towards radius, causing extrusion, which is associated with the root tear and resultant degenerative osteoarthritis. Since the larger contact area of medial TFJ may increase the hoop stresses, we hypothesized that the larger medial femoral to tibial condylar dimension would contribute to the development of medial meniscus posterior root tear (MMPRT). Thus, the purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between MMPRT and medial femoral to tibial condylar dimension. A case-control study was conducted to compare medial femoral to tibial condylar dimensions of patients with complete MMPRT (n = 59) with those of demography-matched controls (n = 59) during the period from 2010 to 2013. In each patient, MRIs were reviewed and several parameters were measured including articulation width of medial femoral condyle (MFC) at 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90°, medial tibial condyle (MTC) width, degree of meniscal extrusion, and medial femoral to tibial condylar width ratio (MFC/MTC) at 0°, 30°, 60°, and 90°, respectively. Demographic and radiographic data were assessed. A larger medial femoral to tibial condylar dimension was associated with MMPRT at 0° and 30° knee angles. Patients with MFC/MTC greater than 0.9 at 0° also showed about 2.5-fold increase in the chance of MMPRT. Those with meniscal extrusion greater than 3 mm also had about 17.1 times greater chance for the presence of MMPRT accordingly. A larger medial femoral to tibial condylar dimension may be considered as one of the regional contributors to the outbreak of MMPRT, and medial femoral to tibial condylar width ratio greater than 0.9 at 0° knee angle may be considered as a significant risk factor for MMPRT. III.
Barroso, Ubirajara; Viterbo, Walter; Bittencourt, Joana; Farias, Tiago; Lordêlo, Patrícia
Parasacral transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and posterior tibial nerve stimulation have emerged as effective methods to treat overactive bladder in children. However, to our knowledge no study has compared the 2 methods. We evaluated the results of parasacral transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and posterior tibial nerve stimulation in children with overactive bladder. We prospectively studied children with overactive bladder without dysfunctional voiding. Success of treatment was evaluated by visual analogue scale and dysfunctional voiding symptom score, and by level of improvement of each specific symptom. Parasacral transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation was performed 3 times weekly and posterior tibial nerve stimulation was performed once weekly. A total of 22 consecutive patients were treated with posterior tibial nerve stimulation and 37 with parasacral transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. There was no difference between the 2 groups regarding demographic characteristics or types of symptoms. Concerning the evaluation by visual analogue scale, complete resolution of symptoms was seen in 70% of the group undergoing parasacral transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and in 9% of the group undergoing posterior tibial nerve stimulation (p = 0.02). When the groups were compared, there was no statistically significant difference (p = 0.55). The frequency of persistence of urgency and diurnal urinary incontinence was nearly double in the group undergoing posterior tibial nerve stimulation. However, this difference was not statistically significant. We found that parasacral transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is more effective in resolving overactive bladder symptoms, which matches parental perception. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the evaluation by dysfunctional voiding symptom score, or in complete resolution of urgency or diurnal incontinence. Copyright © 2013 American Urological
Predictors of failure and success of tibial interventions for critical limb ischemia.
Fernandez, Nathan; McEnaney, Ryan; Marone, Luke K; Rhee, Robert Y; Leers, Steven; Makaroun, Michel; Chaer, Rabih A
The efficacy of tibial artery endovascular intervention (TAEI) for critical limb ischemia (CLI) and particularly for wound healing is not fully defined. The purpose of this study is to determine predictors of failure and success for TAEI in the setting of CLI. All TAEI for tissue loss or rest pain (Rutherford classes 4, 5, and 6) from 2004 to 2008 were retrospectively reviewed. Clinical outcomes and patency rates were analyzed by multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression and life table analysis. One hundred twenty-three limbs in 111 patients (62% male, mean age 74) were treated. Sixty-seven percent of patients were diabetics, 55% had renal insufficiency, and 21% required hemodialysis. One hundred two limbs (83%) exhibited tissue loss; all others had ischemic rest pain. All patients underwent tibial angioplasty (PTA). Tibial excimer laser atherectomy was performed in 14% of the patients. Interventions were performed on multiple tibial vessels in 20% of limbs. Isolated tibial procedures were performed on 50 limbs (41%), while 73 patients had concurrent ipsilateral superficial femoral artery or popliteal interventions. The mean distal popliteal and tibial runoff score improved from 11.8 ± 3.6 to 6.7 ± 1.6 (P < .001), and the mean ankle-brachial index increased from 0.61 ± 0.26 to 0.85 ± 0.22 (P < .001). Surgical bypass was required in seven patients (6%). The mean follow up was 6.8 ± 6.6 months, while the 1-year primary, primary-assisted, and secondary patency rates were 33%, 50%, and 56% respectively. Limb salvage rate at 1 year was 75%. Factors found to be associated with impaired limb salvage included renal insufficiency (hazard ratio [HR] = 5.7; P = .03) and the need for pedal intervention (HR = 13.75; P = .04). TAEI in an isolated peroneal artery (odds ratio = 7.80; P = .01) was associated with impaired wound healing, whereas multilevel intervention (HR = 2.1; P = .009) and tibial laser atherectomy (HR = 3.1; P = .01) were predictors of wound healing
Allograft en bloc vagino-utero-ovarian avascular transplant versus autograft implantation in rats.
Salehian, Mohammad-Taghi; Salehian, Arash; Mossaffa, Nariman; Hadian, Mehrnaz; Eghtesadi-Araghi, Payam
The aim of this study was to compare the results of an allograft en bloc vagino-uteroovarian avascular transplant with those of autograft implantation in rats. Thirty-four inbred adult virgin female Albino rats (age range, 10 - 12 weeks) were divided into 2 groups: the control group (autograft, n=11) and the study group (en bloc vagino-utero-ovariectomy, n=23). In the study group, the uterus and adnexa and the ovaries of the donor rat were transplanted to the recipient animal. Twenty-five to 30 days after that procedure, all rats were killed, and the samples were assessed histopathologically. No immunosuppressive drugs were used. Ten rats died during the postoperative period. In 16 rats, the transplanted system had survived completely at the conclusion of the study. In each of the study groups, complete survival of the uterus and ovaries was noted in 8 rats (34.8% in the study group and 72.8% in the control group). In all rats except 1, histopathologic examination did not reveal any signs of the classic criteria for tissue rejection reaction. The lack of revascularization, nonspecific signs of inflammation, and the presence of large granular lymphocytes and natural killer cells were reported. Our data indicated that the outcome of both allograft and homograft avascular en bloc transplant of vagino-utero-ovariectomy in rats was successful, and that immunologic rejection did not seem to have an important role in those procedures.
Roth, Joshua D; Howell, Stephen M; Hull, Maury L
Contact force imbalance and contact kinematics (i.e., motion of the contact location in each compartment during flexion) of the tibiofemoral joint are both important predictors of a patient's outcome following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Previous tibial force sensors have limitations in that they either did not determine contact forces and contact locations independently in the medial and lateral compartments or only did so within restricted areas of the tibial insert, which prevented them from thoroughly evaluating contact force imbalance and contact kinematics in vitro. Accordingly, the primary objective of this study was to present the design and verification of an improved tibial force sensor which overcomes these limitations. The improved tibial force sensor consists of a modified tibial baseplate which houses independent medial and lateral arrays of three custom tension-compression transducers each. This sensor is interchangeable with a standard tibial component because it accommodates tibial articular surface inserts with a range of sizes and thicknesses. This sensor was verified by applying known loads at known locations over the entire surface of the tibial insert to determine the errors in the computed contact force and contact location in each compartment. The root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) in contact force are ≤ 6.1 N which is 1.4% of the 450 N full-scale output. The RMSEs in contact location are ≤ 1.6 mm. This improved tibial force sensor overcomes the limitations of the previous sensors and therefore should be useful for in vitro evaluation of new alignment goals, new surgical techniques, and new component designs in TKA.
Ipsilateral intact fibula as a predictor of tibial plafond fracture pattern and severity.
Luk, Pamela C; Charlton, Timothy P; Lee, Jackson; Thordarson, David B
The objective of this study was to determine whether there is a difference in fracture pattern and severity of comminution between tibial plafond fractures with and without associated fibular fractures using computed tomography (CT). We hypothesized that the presence of an intact fibula was predictive of increased tibial plafond fracture severity. This was a case control, radiographic review performed at a single level I university trauma center. Between November 2007 and July 2011, 104 patients with 107 operatively treated tibial pilon fractures and preoperative CT scans were identified: 70 patients with 71 tibial plafond fractures had associated fibular fractures, and 34 patients with 36 tibial plafond fractures had intact fibulas. Four criteria were compared between the 2 groups: AO/OTA classification of distal tibia fractures, Topliss coronal and sagittal fracture pattern classification, plafond region of greatest comminution, and degree of proximal extension of fracture line. The intact fibula group had greater percentages of AO/OTA classification B2 type (5.5 vs 0, P = .046) and B3 type (52.8 vs 28.2, P = .013). Conversely, the percentage of AO/OTA classification C3 type was greater in the fractured fibula group (53.5 vs 30.6, P = .025). Evaluation using the Topliss sagittal and coronal classifications revealed no difference between the 2 groups (P = .226). Central and lateral regions of the plafond were the most common areas of comminution in fractured fibula pilons (32% and 31%, respectively). The lateral region of the plafond was the most common area of comminution in intact fibula pilon fractures (42%). There was no statistically significant difference (P = .71) in degree of proximal extension of fracture line between the 2 groups. Tibial plafond fractures with intact fibulas were more commonly associated with AO/OTA classification B-type patterns, whereas those with fractured fibulas were more commonly associated with C-type patterns. An intact fibula
Posterior tibial vein aneurysm presenting as tarsal tunnel syndrome.
Ayad, Micheal; Whisenhunt, Anumeha; Hong, EnYaw; Heller, Josh; Salvatore, Dawn; Abai, Babak; DiMuzio, Paul J
Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a compressive neuropathy of the posterior tibial nerve within the tarsal tunnel. Its etiology varies, including space occupying lesions, trauma, inflammation, anatomic deformity, iatrogenic injury, and idiopathic and systemic causes. Herein, we describe a 46-year-old man who presented with left foot pain. Work up revealed a venous aneurysm impinging on the posterior tibial nerve. Following resection of the aneurysm and lysis of the nerve, his symptoms were alleviated. Review of the literature reveals an association between venous disease and tarsal tunnel syndrome; however, this report represents the first case of venous aneurysm causing symptomatic compression of the nerve. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.
[Operative treatment for complex tibial plateau fractures].
Song, Qi-Zhi; Li, Tao
To explore the surgical methods and clinical evaluation of complex tibial plateau fractures resulted from high-energy injuries. From March 2006 to May 2009,48 cases with complex tibial plateau fractures were treated with open reduction and plate fixation, including 37 males and 11 females, with an average age of 37 years (ranged from 18 to 63 years). According to Schatzker classification, 16 cases were type IV, 20 cases type V and 12 cases type VI. All patients were examined by X-ray flim and CT scan. The function of knee joint were evaluated according to postoperative follow-up X-ray and Knee Merchant Rating. Forty-eight patients were followed up with a mean time of 14 months. According to Knee Merchant Rating, 24 cases got excellent results, 16 cases good, 6 cases fair and 2 cases poor. Appropriate operation time, anatomical reduction, suitable bone graft and reasonable rehabilitation exercises can maximally recovery the function of knee joint.
Ghassemi, Fariba; Mirshahi, Reza; Bazvand, Fatemeh; Fadakar, Kaveh; Faghihi, Houshang; Sabour, Siamak
To provide normative data of foveal avascular zone (FAZ) and thickness. In this cross-sectional study both eyes of each normal subject were scanned with optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) for foveal superficial and deep avascular zone (FAZ) and central foveal thickness (CFT) and parafoveal thickness (PFT). Out of a total of 224 eyes of 112 volunteers with a mean age of 37.03 (12-67) years, the mean superficial FAZ area was 0.27 mm 2 , and deep FAZ area was 0.35 mm 2 ( P < 0.001), with no difference between both eyes. Females had a larger superficial (0.32 ± 0.11 mm 2 versus 0.23 ± 0.09 mm 2 ) and deep FAZ (0.40 ± 0.14 mm 2 versus 0.31 ± 0.10 mm 2 ) ( P < 0.001) than males. By multivariate linear regression analysis, in normal eyes, superficial FAZ area varied significantly with the gender, CFT, and deep FAZ. Deep FAZ varied with the gender and CFT. The gender and CFT influence the size of normal superficial and deep FAZ of capillary network.
Koshino, T; Tsuchiya, K
High tibial osteotomies were performed on 136 osteoarthritic knees for correction of varus deformity. Before osteotomy all patients experienced moderate or severe pain, and the knees showed lateral thrust on weight-bearing. The patients were followed up for one to five years. Marked relief of pain was obtained in 112 knees, and the patients were satisfied with the result of operation in 122. These painless knees showed no lateral thrust, and in the majority the deformity had been adequately corrected, with post-operative femoro-tibial angles (standing) ranging from 165° to 174°. Four of 28 knees with femoro-tibial angles of 175° to 179°, when measured one year after operation, showed recurrence of varus deformity three years after osteotomy. Preoperative ranges of knee motion were well maintained after osteotomy even when arthrotomy had also been undertaken. Intra-articular assessment in two patients, several years after operation, showed that the most degenerated portions of the articular surface were completely covered by a fibrocartilagenous layer, with no bare bone.High tibial osteotomy is most effective in osteoarthritic knees with varus deformity, when correction is made to a femoro-tibial angle (standing) of 170° (10° valgus).
Koshino, T; Tsuchiya, K
High tibial osteotomies were performed on 136 osteoarthritic knees for correction of varus deformity. Before osteotomy all patients experienced moderate or severe pain, and the knees showed lateral thrust on weight-bearing. The patients were followed up for one to five years. Marked relief of pain was obtained in 112 knees, and the patients were satisfied with the result of operation in 122. These painless knees showed no lateral thrust, and in the majority the deformity had been adequately corrected, with post-operative femoro-tibial angles (standing) ranging from 165 degrees to 174 degrees. Four of 28 knees with femoro-tibial angles of 175 degrees to 179 degrees, when measured one year after operation, showed recurrence of varus deformity three years after osteotomy. Preoperative ranges of knee motion were well maintained after osteotomy even when arthrotomy had also been undertaken. Intra-articular assessment in two patients, several years after operation, showed that the most degenerated portions of the articular surface were completely covered by a fibrocartilagenous layer, with no bare bone. High tibial osteotomy is most effective in osteoarthritic knees with varus deformity, when correction is made to a femoro-tibial angle (standing) of 170 degrees (10 degrees valgus).
Biomechanical analysis of posteromedial tibial plateau split fracture fixation.
Zeng, Zhi-Min; Luo, Cong-Feng; Putnis, Sven; Zeng, Bing-Fang
The purpose of this study was to compare the biomechanical strength of four different fixation methods for a posteromedial tibial plateau split fracture. Twenty-eight tibial plateau fractures were simulated using right-sided synthetic tibiae models. Each fracture model was randomly instrumented with one of the four following constructs, anteroposterior lag-screws, an anteromedial limited contact dynamic compression plate (LC-DCP), a lateral locking plate, or a posterior T-shaped buttress plate. Vertical subsidence of the posteromedial fragment was measured from 500 N to 1500 N during biomechanical testing, the maximum load to failure was also determined. It was found that the posterior T-shaped buttress plate allowed the least subsidence of the posteromedial fragment and produced the highest mean failure load than each of the other three constructs (P=0.00). There was no statistical significant difference between using lag screws or an anteromedial LC-DCP construct for the vertical subsidence at a 1500 N load and the load to failure (P>0.05). This study showed that a posterior-based buttress technique is biomechanically the most stable in-vitro fixation method for posteromedial split tibial plateau fractures, with AP screws and anteromedial-based LC-DCP are not as stable for this type of fracture. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Gait retraining and incidence of medial tibial stress syndrome in army recruits.
Sharma, Jagannath; Weston, Matthew; Batterham, Alan M; Spears, Iain R
Gait retraining, comprising biofeedback and/or an exercise intervention, might reduce the risk of musculoskeletal conditions. The purpose was to examine the effect of a gait-retraining program on medial tibial stress syndrome incidence during a 26-wk basic military training regimen. A total of 450 British Army recruits volunteered. On the basis of a baseline plantar pressure variable (mean foot balance during the first 10% of stance), participants classified as at risk of developing medial tibial stress syndrome (n = 166) were randomly allocated to an intervention (n = 83) or control (n = 83) group. The intervention involved supervised gait retraining, including exercises to increase neuromuscular control and flexibility (three sessions per week) and biofeedback enabling internalization of the foot balance variable (one session per week). Both groups continued with the usual military training regimen. Diagnoses of medial tibial stress syndrome over the 26-wk regimen were made by physicians blinded to the group assignment. Data were modeled in a survival analysis using Cox regression, adjusting for baseline foot balance and time to peak heel rotation. The intervention was associated with a substantially reduced instantaneous relative risk of medial tibial stress syndrome versus control, with an adjusted HR of 0.25 (95% confidence interval, 0.05-0.53). The number needed to treat to observe one additional injury-free recruit in intervention versus control at 20 wk was 14 (11 to 23) participants. Baseline foot balance was a nonspecific predictor of injury, with an HR per 2 SD increment of 5.2 (1.6 to 53.6). The intervention was effective in reducing incidence of medial tibial stress syndrome in an at-risk military sample.
Jung, Kwang Am; Kim, Sung Jae; Lee, Su Chan; Jeong, Jae Hoon; Song, Moon Bok; Lee, Choon Key
Simultaneous repair of a radial tear at the tibial attachment site of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus under special circumstances requiring tibial valgus osteotomy is technically difficult. First, most patients who need an osteotomy have a narrowed medial tibiofemoral joint space. In such a situation, the pull-out suture technique is more difficult to perform than in a normal joint space. Second, pulling out suture strands that penetrate the posterior horn of the medial meniscus to the anterior tibial cortex increases the risk of transection during osteotomy. We performed a meniscus repair combined with an opening wedge tibial valgus osteotomy without complications and present our technique as a new method for use in selective cases necessitating both meniscus repair of a complete radial tear and opening wedge tibial osteotomy.
Osteoarthritis; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Post-traumatic Arthritis; Ununited Humeral Head Fracture; Irreducible 3-and 4-part Proximal Humeral Fractures; Avascular Necrosis; Gross Rotator Cuff Deficiency; Failed Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (Both Glenoid and Humeral Components Require Revision
Franklyn, Melanie; Oakes, Barry; Field, Bruce; Wells, Peter; Morgan, David
Various tibial dimensions and geometric parameters have been linked to stress fractures in athletes and military recruits, but many mechanical parameters have still not been investigated. Sedentary people, athletes with medial tibial stress syndrome, and athletes with stress fractures have smaller tibial geometric dimensions and parameters than do uninjured athletes. Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. Using a total of 88 subjects, male and female patients with either a tibial stress fracture or medial tibial stress syndrome were compared with both uninjured aerobically active controls and uninjured sedentary controls. Tibial scout radiographs and cross-sectional computed tomography images of all subjects were scanned at the junction of the midthird and distal third of the tibia. Tibial dimensions were measured directly from the films; other parameters were calculated numerically. Uninjured exercising men have a greater tibial cortical cross-sectional area than do their sedentary and injured counterparts, resulting in a greater value of some other cross-sectional geometric parameters, particularly the section modulus. However, for women, the cross-sectional areas are either not different or only marginally different, and there are few tibial dimensions or geometric parameters that distinguish the uninjured exercisers from the sedentary and injured subjects. In women, the main difference between the groups was the distribution of cortical bone about the centroid as a result of the different values of section modulus. Last, medial tibial stress syndrome subjects had smaller tibial cross-sectional dimensions than did their uninjured exercising counterparts, suggesting that medial tibial stress syndrome is not just a soft-tissue injury but also a bony injury. The results show that in men, the cross-sectional area and the section modulus are the key parameters in the tibia to distinguish exercise and injury status, whereas for women, it is the section modulus only.
Area of the tibial insertion site of the anterior cruciate ligament as a predictor for graft size.
Guenther, Daniel; Irarrázaval, Sebastian; Albers, Marcio; Vernacchia, Cara; Irrgang, James J; Musahl, Volker; Fu, Freddie H
To determine the distribution of different sizes of the area of the tibial insertion site among the population and to evaluate whether preoperative MRI measurements correlate with intraoperative findings to enable preoperative planning of the required graft size to cover the tibial insertion site sufficiently. The hypothesis was that the area of the tibial insertion site varies among individuals and that there is good agreement between MRI and intraoperative measurements. Intraoperative measurements of the tibial insertion site were taken on 117 patients. Three measurements were taken in each plane building a grid to cover the tibial insertion site as closely as possible. The mean of the three measurements in each plane was used for determination of the area. Two orthopaedic surgeons, who were blinded to the intraoperative measurements, took magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements of the area of the tibial insertion site at two different time points. The intraoperative measured mean area was 123.8 ± 21.5 mm 2 . The mean area was 132.8 ± 15.7 mm 2 (rater 1) and 136.7 ± 15.4 mm 2 (rater 2) when determined using MRI. The size of the area was approximately normally distributed. Inter-rater (0.89; 95 % CI 0.84, 0.92; p < 0.001) and intrarater reliability (rater 1: 0.97; 95 % CI 0.95, 0.98; p < 0.001; rater 2: 0.95; 95 % CI 0.92, 0.96; p < 0.001) demonstrated excellent test-retest reliability. There was good agreement between MRI and intraoperative measurement of tibial insertion site area (ICCs rater 1: 0.80; 95 % CI 0.71, 0.87; p < 0.001; rater 2: 0.87; 95 % CI 0.81, 0.91; p < 0.001). The tibial insertion site varies in size and shape. Preoperative determination of the area using MRI is repeatable and enables planning of graft choice and size to optimally cover the tibial insertion site. III.
Mukisi-Mukaza, M; Manicom, O; Alexis, C; Bashoun, K; Donkerwolcke, M; Burny, F
The young age of patients, total arthroplasties complications risks, and implant costs justify evaluation of the results of core decompression in the treatment of sickle-cell disease avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ONFH). In sickle-cell disease necrosis, core decompression offers good relief from pain and delays the use of total arthroplasty in comparison to a conservatively treated control group by a simple non-weight bearing protocol. From 1994 to 2008, among 215 drepanocytic adults, 42 patients (22 genotype SS, 20 genotype SC; 15 men, 27 women) presented symptomatic ONFH. We report the data from a prospective study of two patients' groups: a non-operated group (16 patients aged 36.5+/-6.5 years, 23 hips) and an operated group (26 patients aged 30.3+/-2.8 years, 42 hips). The results were considered on the basis of change in clinical status according to the numeric evaluation of pain scale, the functional score of Merle d'Aubigné-Postel (MAP), the radiological progression of lesions, and the time delay to total arthroplasty. Twenty-three hips were conservatively treated by discharge (a pair of canes). After a follow-up period of 13.4+/-0.5 years, no pain improvement was noted (p=0.76), and MAP score was unchanged (p=0.27). Out of 23 hips managed by discharge, 9 stage IV hips (degenerative arthritis, 39.1%) underwent arthroplasty after an average delay of 2.6+/-2.4 years. Forty-two hips were treated by core decompression. The duration of follow-up was 11.3+/-1.8 years. Postoperatively, pain reduction and MAP score improvement were significant in 39 out of 42 hips (93%, p<0.0001). Twenty-nine out of these 42 hips had a favorable evolution. Ten hips (23.8%) progressed to total arthroplasty, after a period of 7.4+/-2.7 years, longer than the one of the non-operated group (p=0.0007). By comparing the two groups (operated and non-operated), the benefit of core decompression appeared very significant (p<0.0001). In addition to allocating patients osteonecrosis
Witte, P G
To investigate proximal tibial anatomy and its influence on anisometry of extracapsular stabilizing sutures in small dog breeds. Mediolateral radiographs of the femora, stifles, and tibiae of 12 small breed dogs were acquired with the stifles positioned at various angles. Measurements taken included tibial plateau angle (TPA), diaphyseal: proximal tibial angle (DPA), patellar tendon angle (PTA), Z-angle, relative tibial tuberosity width (rTTW), and the distance between six combinations of two femoral and three tibial extra-capsular stabilizing suture (ECS) attachment sites. Theoretical strain through stifle range-of-motion was recorded. The TPA (32° ± 5.8°), DPA (10.2° ± 7.3°), PTA (103.7° ± 6.2°), and Z-angle (70.4° ± 9.0°) were positively correlated with one another (R >0.7), but none were correlated with rTTW (0.93 ± 0.10). The F2-T1 combination of ECS attachment sites had lowest strain for nine stifles. The shortest attachment site separation was at a stifle flexion of 50° for nine stifles. Proximal tibial anatomy measurements could not predict optimal attachment site combination, optimal stifle angle for suture placement, or ECS strain. There is individual variation in the optimal attachment site combination and stifle angle for suture placement, which may influence consistency of outcomes with ECS.
Reliability of frames of reference used for tibial component rotation in total knee arthroplasty.
Page, Stephen R; Deakin, Angela H; Payne, Anthony P; Picard, Frederic
This study evaluated seven different frames of reference used for tibial component rotation in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) to determine which ones showed good reliability between bone specimens. An optoelectronic system based around a computer-assisted surgical navigation system was used to measure and locate 34 individual anatomical landmarks on 40 tibias. Each particular frame of reference was reconstructed from a group of data points taken from the surface of each bone. The transverse axis was used as the baseline to which the other axes were compared, and the differences in angular rotation between the other six reference frames and the transverse axis were calculated. There was high variability in the tibial rotational alignment associated with all frames of reference. Of the references widely used in current TKA procedures, the tibial tuberosity axis and the anterior condylar axis had lower standard deviations (6.1° and 7.3°, respectively) than the transmalleolar axis and the posterior condylar axis (9.3° for both). In conclusion, we found high variability in the frames of reference used for tibial rotation alignment. However, the anterior condylar axis and transverse axis may warrant further tests with the use of navigation. Combining different frames of reference such as the tibial tuberosity axis, anterior condylar axis and transverse axis may reduce the range of errors found in all of these measurements.
Knee braces can decrease tibial rotation during pivoting that occurs in high demanding activities.
Giotis, Dimitrios; Tsiaras, Vasilios; Ristanis, Stavros; Zampeli, Franceska; Mitsionis, Grigoris; Stergiou, Nicholas; Georgoulis, Anastasios D
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether knee braces could effectively decrease tibial rotation during high demanding activities. Using an in vivo three-dimensional kinematic analysis, 21 physically active, healthy, male subjects were evaluated. Each subject performed two tasks that were used extensively in the literature because they combine increased rotational and translational loads on the knee, (1) descending from a stair and subsequent pivoting and (2) landing from a platform and subsequent pivoting under three conditions: (A) wearing a prophylactic brace (braced), (B) wearing a patellofemoral brace (sleeved), and (C) unbraced condition. In the first task, tibial rotation during the pivoting phase was significantly decreased in the braced condition as compared to the sleeved condition (P = 0.019) and the non-braced condition (P = 0.002). In the second task, the same variable was significantly decreased in the braced condition as compared to the sleeved (P = 0.001) and the unbraced condition (P < 0.001). The sleeved condition also produced significantly decreased tibial rotation with respect to the unbraced condition (P = 0.021). Bracing decreased tibial rotation in activities where increased translational and rotational forces were applied. Because knee braces decreased tibial rotation, they can possibly be used with ACL-reconstructed and ACL-deficient patients to prevent such problems. Case-control study, Level III.
Tanksley, John A; Werner, Brian C; Conte, Evan J; Lustenberger, David P; Burrus, M Tyrrell; Brockmeier, Stephen F; Gwathmey, F Winston; Miller, Mark D
Anatomic femoral tunnel placement for single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is now well accepted. The ideal location for the tibial tunnel has not been studied extensively, although some biomechanical and clinical studies suggest that placement of the tibial tunnel in the anterior part of the ACL tibial attachment site may be desirable. However, the concern for intercondylar roof impingement has tempered enthusiasm for anterior tibial tunnel placement. To compare the potential for intercondylar roof impingement of ACL grafts with anteriorly positioned tibial tunnels after either transtibial (TT) or independent femoral (IF) tunnel drilling. Controlled laboratory study. Twelve fresh-frozen cadaver knees were randomized to either a TT or IF drilling technique. Tibial guide pins were drilled in the anterior third of the native ACL tibial attachment site after debridement. All efforts were made to drill the femoral tunnel anatomically in the center of the attachment site, and the surrogate ACL graft was visualized using 3-dimensional computed tomography. Reformatting was used to evaluate for roof impingement. Tunnel dimensions, knee flexion angles, and intra-articular sagittal graft angles were also measured. The Impingement Review Index (IRI) was used to evaluate for graft impingement. Two grafts (2/6, 33.3%) in the TT group impinged upon the intercondylar roof and demonstrated angular deformity (IRI type 1). No grafts in the IF group impinged, although 2 of 6 (66.7%) IF grafts touched the roof without deformation (IRI type 2). The presence or absence of impingement was not statistically significant. The mean sagittal tibial tunnel guide pin position prior to drilling was 27.6% of the sagittal diameter of the tibia (range, 22%-33.9%). However, computed tomography performed postdrilling detected substantial posterior enlargement in 2 TT specimens. A significant difference in the sagittal graft angle was noted between the 2 groups. TT grafts were
Return to Sport After Tibial Shaft Fractures
Robertson, Greg A. J.; Wood, Alexander M.
Context: Acute tibial shaft fractures represent one of the most severe injuries in sports. Return rates and return-to-sport times after these injuries are limited, particularly with regard to the outcomes of different treatment methods. Objective: To determine the current evidence for the treatment of and return to sport after tibial shaft fractures. Data Sources: OVID/MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Collaboration Database, Web of Science, PEDro, SPORTDiscus, Scopus, and Google Scholar were all searched for articles published from 1988 to 2014. Study Selection: Inclusion criteria comprised studies of level 1 to 4 evidence, written in the English language, that reported on the management and outcome of tibial shaft fractures and included data on either return-to-sport rate or time. Studies that failed to report on sporting outcomes, those of level 5 evidence, and those in non–English language were excluded. Study Design: Systematic review. Level of Evidence: Level 4. Data Extraction: The search used combinations of the terms tibial, tibia, acute, fracture, athletes, sports, nonoperative, conservative, operative, and return to sport. Two authors independently reviewed the selected articles and created separate data sets, which were subsequently combined for final analysis. Results: A total of 16 studies (10 retrospective, 3 prospective, 3 randomized controlled trials) were included (n = 889 patients). Seventy-six percent (672/889) of the patients were