Analysis of high vacuum systems using SINDA'85
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Spivey, R. A.; Clanton, S. E.; Moore, J. D.
The theory, algorithms, and test data correlation analysis of a math model developed to predict performance of the Space Station Freedom Vacuum Exhaust System are presented. The theory used to predict the flow characteristics of viscous, transition, and molecular flow is presented in detail. Development of user subroutines which predict the flow characteristics in conjunction with the SINDA'85/FLUINT analysis software are discussed. The resistance-capacitance network approach with application to vacuum system analysis is demonstrated and results from the model are correlated with test data. The model was developed to predict the performance of the Space Station Freedom Vacuum Exhaust System. However, the unique use of the user subroutines developed in this model and written into the SINDA'85/FLUINT thermal analysis model provides a powerful tool that can be used to predict the transient performance of vacuum systems and gas flow in tubes of virtually any geometry. This can be accomplished using a resistance-capacitance (R-C) method very similar to the methods used to perform thermal analyses.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sridhara, Basavapatna Sitaramaiah
In an internal combustion engine, the engine is the noise source and the exhaust pipe is the main transmitter of noise. Mufflers are often used to reduce engine noise level in the exhaust pipe. To optimize a muffler design, a series of experiments could be conducted using various mufflers installed in the exhaust pipe. For each configuration, the radiated sound pressure could be measured. However, this is not a very efficient method. A second approach would be to develop a scheme involving only a few measurements which can predict the radiated sound pressure at a specified distance from the open end of the exhaust pipe. In this work, the engine exhaust system was modelled as a lumped source-muffler-termination system. An expression for the predicted sound pressure level was derived in terms of the source and termination impedances, and the muffler geometry. The pressure source and monopole radiation models were used for the source and the open end of the exhaust pipe. The four pole parameters were used to relate the acoustic properties at two different cross sections of the muffler and the pipe. The developed formulation was verified through a series of experiments. Two loudspeakers and a reciprocating type vacuum pump were used as sound sources during the tests. The source impedance was measured using the direct, two-load and four-load methods. A simple expansion chamber and a side-branch resonator were used as mufflers. Sound pressure level measurements for the prediction scheme were made for several source-muffler and source-straight pipe combinations. The predicted and measured sound pressure levels were compared for all cases considered. In all cases, correlation of the experimental results and those predicted by the developed expressions was good. Predicted and measured values of the insertion loss of the mufflers were compared. The agreement between the two was good. Also, an error analysis of the four-load method was done.
Low-Cost, Rugged High-Vacuum System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sorensen, Paul; Kline-Schoder, Robert
A need exists for miniaturized, rugged, low-cost high-vacuum systems. Recent advances in sensor technology have led to the development of very small mass spectrometer detectors as well as other analytical instruments such as scanning electron microscopes. However, the vacuum systems to support these sensors remain large, heavy, and power-hungry. To meet this need, a miniaturized vacuum system was developed based on a very small, rugged, and inexpensive-to-manufacture molecular drag pump (MDP). The MDP is enabled by a miniature, very-high-speed (200,000 rpm), rugged, low-power, brushless DC motor optimized for wide temperature operation and long life. The key advantages of the pump are reduced cost and improved ruggedness compared to other mechanical hig-hvacuum pumps. The machining of the rotor and stators is very simple compared to that necessary to fabricate rotor and stator blades for other pump designs. Also, the symmetry of the rotor is such that dynamic balancing of the rotor will likely not be necessary. Finally, the number of parts in the unit is cut by nearly a factor of three over competing designs. The new pump forms the heart of a complete vacuum system optimized to support analytical instruments in terrestrial applications and on spacecraft and planetary landers. The MDP achieves high vacuum coupled to a ruggedized diaphragm rough pump. Instead of the relatively complicated rotor and stator blades used in turbomolecular pumps, the rotor in the MDP consists of a simple, smooth cylinder of aluminum. This will turn at approximately 200,000 rpm inside an outer stator housing. The pump stator comprises a cylindrical aluminum housing with one or more specially designed grooves that serve as flow channels. To minimize the length of the pump, the gas is forced down the flow channels of the outer stator to the base of the pump. The gas is then turned and pulled toward the top through a second set of channels cut into an inner stator housing that surrounds the
Afterburning control of internal combustion engine exhaust gas
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Nakajima, Y.; Hayashi, Y.; Nagumo, S.I.
Flow of secondary air into the exhaust system is regulated by diaphragm assembly controlled valves between an air supply and the exhaust system. The diaphragm assemblies respond to vacuum in the intake air system of the engine.
Very-Low-Cost, Rugged Vacuum System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kline-Schoder, Robert; Sorensen, Paul; Passow, Christian; Bilski, Steve
NASA, DoD, DHS, and commercial industry have a need for miniaturized, rugged, low-cost vacuum systems. Recent advances in sensor technology have led to the development of very small mass spectrometer detectors as well as other miniature analytical instruments. However, the vacuum systems to support these sensors remain large, heavy, and power-hungry. To meet this need, a miniaturized vacuum system was created based on a very small, rugged, and inexpensive- to-manufacture molecular drag pump (MDP). The MDP is enabled by the development of a miniature, veryhigh- speed, rugged, low-power, brushless DC motor optimized for wide temperature operation and long life. Such a pump represents an order-of-magnitude reduction in mass, volume, and cost over current, commercially available, state-ofthe- art vacuum pumps. The vacuum system consists of the MDP coupled to a ruggedized rough pump (for terrestrial applications or for planets with substantial atmospheres). The rotor in the MDP consists of a simple smooth cylinder of aluminum spinning at approximately 200,000 RPM inside an outer stator housing. The pump stator comprises a cylindrical aluminum housing with one or more specially designed grooves that serve as flow channels. To minimize the length of the pump, the gas is forced down the flow channels of the outer stator to the base of the pump. The gas is then turned and pulled toward the top through a second set of channels cut into an inner stator housing that surrounds the motor. The compressed gas then flows down channels in the motor housing to the exhaust port of the pump. The exhaust port of the pump is connected to a diaphragm or scroll pump. This pump delivers very high performance in a very small envelope. The design was simplified so that a smaller compression ratio, easier manufacturing process, and enhanced ruggedness can be achieved at the lowest possible cost. The machining of the rotor and stators is very simple compared to that necessary to fabricate TMP
49 CFR 325.91 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 49 Transportation 5 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 325.91 Section 325.91... EMISSION STANDARDS Exhaust Systems and Tires § 325.91 Exhaust systems. A motor vehicle does not conform to the visual exhaust system inspection requirements, 40 CFR 202.22, of the Interstate Motor Carrier...
49 CFR 325.91 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 49 Transportation 5 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 325.91 Section 325.91... EMISSION STANDARDS Exhaust Systems and Tires § 325.91 Exhaust systems. A motor vehicle does not conform to the visual exhaust system inspection requirements, 40 CFR 202.22, of the Interstate Motor Carrier...
49 CFR 325.91 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 49 Transportation 5 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 325.91 Section 325.91... EMISSION STANDARDS Exhaust Systems and Tires § 325.91 Exhaust systems. A motor vehicle does not conform to the visual exhaust system inspection requirements, 40 CFR 202.22, of the Interstate Motor Carrier...
49 CFR 325.91 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 325.91 Section 325.91... EMISSION STANDARDS Exhaust Systems and Tires § 325.91 Exhaust systems. Link to an amendment published at 75 FR 57193, Sept. 20, 2010. A motor vehicle does not conform to the visual exhaust system inspection...
46 CFR 169.609 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 169.609 Section 169.609 Shipping COAST... Electrical Internal Combustion Engine Installations § 169.609 Exhaust systems. Engine exhaust installations... Yacht Council, Inc. Standard P-1, “Safe Installation of Exhaust Systems for Propulsion and Auxiliary...
46 CFR 128.320 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 46 Shipping 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 128.320 Section 128.320 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSELS MARINE ENGINEERING: EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS Main and Auxiliary Machinery § 128.320 Exhaust systems. No diesel-engine exhaust system...
46 CFR 128.320 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 46 Shipping 4 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 128.320 Section 128.320 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSELS MARINE ENGINEERING: EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS Main and Auxiliary Machinery § 128.320 Exhaust systems. No diesel-engine exhaust system...
46 CFR 128.320 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 128.320 Section 128.320 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSELS MARINE ENGINEERING: EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS Main and Auxiliary Machinery § 128.320 Exhaust systems. No diesel-engine exhaust system...
46 CFR 128.320 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 46 Shipping 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 128.320 Section 128.320 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSELS MARINE ENGINEERING: EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS Main and Auxiliary Machinery § 128.320 Exhaust systems. No diesel-engine exhaust system...
46 CFR 128.320 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 46 Shipping 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 128.320 Section 128.320 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSELS MARINE ENGINEERING: EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS Main and Auxiliary Machinery § 128.320 Exhaust systems. No diesel-engine exhaust system...
46 CFR 169.609 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 46 Shipping 7 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 169.609 Section 169.609 Shipping COAST... Electrical Internal Combustion Engine Installations § 169.609 Exhaust systems. Engine exhaust installations and associated cooling systems must be built in accordance with the requirements of American Boat and...
Automotive Fuel and Exhaust Systems.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Irby, James F.; And Others
Materials are provided for a 14-hour course designed to introduce the automotive mechanic to the basic operations of automotive fuel and exhaust systems incorporated on military vehicles. The four study units cover characteristics of fuels, gasoline fuel system, diesel fuel systems, and exhaust system. Each study unit begins with a general…
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ferreira, M.; Doom, L.; Hseuh, H.
National Synchrotron Light Source II, being constructed at Brookhaven, is a 3-GeV, 500 mA, 3rd generation synchrotron radiation facility with ultra low emittance electron beams. The storage ring vacuum system has a circumference of 792 m and consists of over 250 vacuum chambers with a simulated average operating pressure of less than 1 x 10{sup -9} mbar. A summary of the update design of the vacuum system including girder supports of the chambers, gauges, vacuum pumps, bellows, beam position monitors and simulation of the average pressure will be shown. A brief description of the techniques and procedures for cleaning andmore » mounting the chambers are given.« less
Multipurpose Vacuum Induction Processing System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Govindaraju, M.; Kulkarni, Deepak; Balasubramanian, K.
Multipurpose vacuum processing systems are cost effective; occupy less space, multiple functional under one roof and user friendly. A multipurpose vacuum induction system was designed, fabricated and installed in a record time of 6 months time at NFTDC Hyderabad. It was designed to function as a) vacuum induction melting/refining of oxygen free electronic copper/pure metals, b) vacuum induction melting furnace for ferrous materials c) vacuum induction melting for non ferrous materials d) large vacuum heat treatment chamber by resistance heating (by detachable coil and hot zone) e) bottom discharge vacuum induction melting system for non ferrous materials f) Induction heat treatment system and g) directional solidification /investment casting. It contains provision for future capacity addition. The attachments require to manufacture multiple shaped castings and continuous rod casting can be added whenever need arises. Present capacity is decided on the requirement for 10years of development path; presently it has 1.2 ton liquid copper handling capacity. It is equipped with provision for capacity addition up to 2 ton liquid copper handling capacity in future. Provision is made to carry out the capacity addition in easy steps quickly. For easy operational maintenance and troubleshooting, design was made in easily detachable sections. High vacuum system is also is detachable, independent and easily movable which is first of its kind in the country. Detailed design parameters, advantages and development history are presented in this paper.
Technical specification for vacuum systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Khaw, J.
The vacuum systems at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) are primarily of all-metal construction and operate at pressures from 10/sup -5/ to 10/sup -11/ Torr. The primary gas loads during operation result from thermal desorption and beam-induced desorption from the vacuum chamber walls. These desorption rates can be extremely high in the case of hydrocarbons and other contaminants. These specifications place a major emphasis on eliminating contamination sources. The specifications and procedures have been written to insure the cleanliness and vacuum integrity of all SLAC vacuum systems, and to assist personnel involved with SLAC vacuum systems in choosing andmore » designing components that are compatible with existing systems and meet the quality and reliability of SLAC vacuum standards. The specification includes requirements on design, procurement, fabrication, chemical cleaning, clean room practices, welding and brazing, helium leak testing, residual gas analyzer testing, bakeout, venting, and pumpdown. Also appended are specifications regarding acceptable vendors, isopropyl alcohol, bakeable valve cleaning procedure, mechanical engineering safety inspection, notes on synchrotron radiation, and specifications of numerous individual components. (LEW)« less
Switching Circuit for Shop Vacuum System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Burley, R. K.
No internal connections to machine tools required. Switching circuit controls vacuum system draws debris from grinders and sanders in machine shop. Circuit automatically turns on vacuum system whenever at least one sander or grinder operating. Debris safely removed, even when operator neglects to turn on vacuum system manually. Pickup coils sense alternating magnetic fields just outside operating machines. Signal from any coil or combination of coils causes vacuum system to be turned on.
30 CFR 36.25 - Engine exhaust system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Engine exhaust system. 36.25 Section 36.25... EQUIPMENT Construction and Design Requirements § 36.25 Engine exhaust system. (a) Construction. The exhaust system of the engine shall be designed to withstand an internal pressure equal to 4 times the maximum...
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Minor, Robert
Two ISS (International Space Station) experiment payloads will vent a volume of gas overboard via either the ISS Vacuum Exhaust System or the Vacuum Resource System. A system of ducts, valves and sensors, under design, will connect the experiments to the ISS systems. The following tasks are required: Create an analysis tool that will verify the rack vacuum system design with respect to design requirements, more specifically approximate pressure at given locations within the vacuum systems; Determine the vent duration required to achieve desired pressure within the experiment modules; Update the analysis as systems and operations definitions mature.
14 CFR 29.1433 - Vacuum systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Vacuum systems. 29.1433 Section 29.1433... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment § 29.1433 Vacuum systems. (a.... (b) Each vacuum air system line and fitting on the discharge side of the pump that might contain...
Exhaust gas recirculation system for an internal combustion engine
Wu, Ko-Jen
An exhaust gas recirculation system for an internal combustion engine comprises an exhaust driven turbocharger having a low pressure turbine outlet in fluid communication with an exhaust gas conduit. The turbocharger also includes a low pressure compressor intake and a high pressure compressor outlet in communication with an intake air conduit. An exhaust gas recirculation conduit fluidly communicates with the exhaust gas conduit to divert a portion of exhaust gas to a low pressure exhaust gas recirculation branch extending between the exhaust gas recirculation conduit and an engine intake system for delivery of exhaust gas thereto. A high pressure exhaust gas recirculation branch extends between the exhaust gas recirculation conduit and the compressor intake and delivers exhaust gas to the compressor for mixing with a compressed intake charge for delivery to the intake system.
Air flow quality analysis of modenas engine exhaust system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shahriman A., B.; Mohamad Syafiq A., K.; Hashim, M. S. M.; Razlan, Zuradzman M.; Khairunizam W. A., N.; Hazry, D.; Afendi, Mohd; Daud, R.; Rahman, M. D. Tasyrif Abdul; Cheng, E. M.; Zaaba, S. K.
The simulation process being conducted to determine the air flow effect between the original exhaust system and modified exhaust system. The simulations are conducted to investigate the flow distribution of exhaust gases that will affect the performance of the engine. The back flow pressure in the original exhaust system is predicted toward this simulation. The design modification to the exhaust port, exhaust pipe, and exhaust muffler has been done during this simulation to reduce the back flow effect. The new designs are introduced by enlarging the diameter of the exhaust port, enlarge the diameter of the exhaust pipe and created new design for the exhaust muffler. Based on the result obtained, there the pulsating flow form at the original exhaust port that will increase the velocity and resulting the back pressure occur. The result for new design of exhaust port, the velocity is lower at the valve guide in the exhaust port. New design muffler shows that the streamline of the exhaust flow move smoothly compare to the original muffler. It is proved by using the modification exhaust system, the back pressure are reduced and the engine performance can be improve.
Assessment of penetration through vacuum cleaners and recommendation of wet cyclone technology.
Seo, Youngjin; Han, Taewon
In many commercial vacuum cleaners, the captured aerosol particles contained in the dust collector may accidentally release from the exhaust filtration owing to leakage or penetration. Vacuum cleaners may cause dust to become airborne by exhausting air that is not completely filtered. This may cause the operator to inhale dust, in turn causing health problems. This study aimed to investigate the dust penetration rates from three commercial vacuum cleaners and suggest the best technique for completely filtering exhaust air using a combination of cyclonic separation and water filtration. The commercial vacuum cleaners were tested inside a custom-built hood, and the exhausted particles were monitored using a sampling probe in conjunction with an aerosol particle sizer Quartzose mineral dusts were added to each vacuum cleaner through the dust transport line. A 2400 L/min wet cyclone was employed as the proposed vacuum cleaner It was designed using Stokes scaling, and its collection characteristics were evaluated using polystyrene latex beads. Surprisingly, the conventional vacuum cleaners failed to capture an overall average of approximately 14% of the particles in the given size range. However, only approximately 3.8% of the collected particles escaped from the vacuum cleaner that used the wet cyclone technology. Thus, the proposed vacuum cleaner should potentially be an effective method for vacuuming household dust. The successful investigation of conventional vacuum cleaners is useful for both manufacturers and users. As an effective vacuum cleaning mechanism, household dust is able to migrate along the thin water, film that forms on the inner walls of the cyclone vacuum cleaner. It collects dust in a small water inflow (3 mL/min), which allows it to capture a higher percentage of contaminants than most of the currently available vacuum cleaners. The significantly low accidental exposure rates achieved by this new vacuum cleaner enable healthy conditions in various
Troubleshooting crude vacuum tower overhead ejector systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lines, J.R.; Frens, L.L.
Routinely surveying tower overhead vacuum systems can improve performance and product quality. These vacuum systems normally provide reliable and consistent operation. However, process conditions, supplied utilities, corrosion, erosion and fouling all have an impact on ejector system performance. Refinery vacuum distillation towers use ejector systems to maintain tower top pressure and remove overhead gases. However, as with virtually all refinery equipment, performance may be affected by a number of variables. These variables may act independently or concurrently. It is important to understand basic operating principles of vacuum systems and how performance is affected by: utilities, corrosion and erosion, fouling, andmore » process conditions. Reputable vacuum-system suppliers have service engineers that will come to a refinery to survey the system and troubleshoot performance or offer suggestions for improvement. A skilled vacuum-system engineer may be needed to diagnose and remedy system problems. The affect of these variables on performance is discussed. A case history is described of a vacuum system on a crude tower in a South American refinery.« less
49 CFR 393.83 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Exhaust systems. 393.83 Section 393.83... NECESSARY FOR SAFE OPERATION Miscellaneous Parts and Accessories § 393.83 Exhaust systems. (a) Every motor... shall have a system to direct the discharge of such fumes. No part shall be located where its location...
40 CFR 86.1509 - Exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 19 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system. 86.1509... Procedures § 86.1509 Exhaust gas sampling system. (a) The exhaust gas sampling system shall transport the... sample (i.e., water removed) to the analysis system. (c) A CVS sampling system with bag or continuous...
49 CFR 570.56 - Vacuum brake assist unit and vacuum brake system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
.... The following requirements apply to vehicles with vacuum brake assist units and vacuum brake systems. (a) Vacuum brake assist unit integrity. The vacuum brake assist unit shall demonstrate integrity as... maintained on the pedal. (1) Inspection procedure. Stop the engine and apply service brake several times to...
14 CFR 29.1433 - Vacuum systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment § 29.1433 Vacuum systems. (a... the discharge lines from the vacuum air pump when the delivery temperature of the air becomes unsafe. (b) Each vacuum air system line and fitting on the discharge side of the pump that might contain...
14 CFR 23.1123 - Exhaust system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Exhaust system. 23.1123 Section 23.1123 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS... prevent failure due to expansion by operating temperatures. (b) Each exhaust system must be supported to...
14 CFR 23.1123 - Exhaust system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Exhaust system. 23.1123 Section 23.1123 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS... prevent failure due to expansion by operating temperatures. (b) Each exhaust system must be supported to...
14 CFR 23.1123 - Exhaust system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Exhaust system. 23.1123 Section 23.1123 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS... prevent failure due to expansion by operating temperatures. (b) Each exhaust system must be supported to...
14 CFR 23.1123 - Exhaust system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Exhaust system. 23.1123 Section 23.1123 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS... prevent failure due to expansion by operating temperatures. (b) Each exhaust system must be supported to...
14 CFR 23.1123 - Exhaust system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Exhaust system. 23.1123 Section 23.1123 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS... prevent failure due to expansion by operating temperatures. (b) Each exhaust system must be supported to...
40 CFR 90.407 - Engine inlet and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... exhaust emission compliance over the full range of air inlet filter systems and exhaust muffler systems. (b) The air inlet filter system and exhaust muffler system combination used on the test engine must...
40 CFR 90.407 - Engine inlet and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... exhaust emission compliance over the full range of air inlet filter systems and exhaust muffler systems. (b) The air inlet filter system and exhaust muffler system combination used on the test engine must...
40 CFR 90.407 - Engine inlet and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... exhaust emission compliance over the full range of air inlet filter systems and exhaust muffler systems. (b) The air inlet filter system and exhaust muffler system combination used on the test engine must...
40 CFR 90.407 - Engine inlet and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... exhaust emission compliance over the full range of air inlet filter systems and exhaust muffler systems. (b) The air inlet filter system and exhaust muffler system combination used on the test engine must...
40 CFR 90.407 - Engine inlet and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... exhaust emission compliance over the full range of air inlet filter systems and exhaust muffler systems. (b) The air inlet filter system and exhaust muffler system combination used on the test engine must...
40 CFR 202.22 - Visual exhaust system inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 26 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Visual exhaust system inspection. 202... Standards § 202.22 Visual exhaust system inspection. No motor carrier subject to these regulations shall operate any motor vehicle of a type to which this regulation is applicable unless the exhaust system of...
40 CFR 202.22 - Visual exhaust system inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 26 2012-07-01 2011-07-01 true Visual exhaust system inspection. 202... Standards § 202.22 Visual exhaust system inspection. No motor carrier subject to these regulations shall operate any motor vehicle of a type to which this regulation is applicable unless the exhaust system of...
40 CFR 202.22 - Visual exhaust system inspection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 25 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Visual exhaust system inspection. 202... Standards § 202.22 Visual exhaust system inspection. No motor carrier subject to these regulations shall operate any motor vehicle of a type to which this regulation is applicable unless the exhaust system of...
40 CFR 86.509-90 - Exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system. 86.509-90... 1978 and Later New Motorcycles; Test Procedures § 86.509-90 Exhaust gas sampling system. (a)(1) General. The exhaust gas sampling system is designed to measure the true mass emissions of vehicle exhaust. In...
40 CFR 86.509-90 - Exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system. 86.509-90... 1978 and Later New Motorcycles; Test Procedures § 86.509-90 Exhaust gas sampling system. (a)(1) General. The exhaust gas sampling system is designed to measure the true mass emissions of vehicle exhaust. In...
49 CFR 393.83 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... combustible part of the motor vehicle. (b) No exhaust system shall discharge to the atmosphere at a location... gasoline engine shall discharge to the atmosphere at or within 6 inches forward of the rearmost part of the bus. (d) The exhaust system of a bus using fuels other than gasoline shall discharge to the atmosphere...
49 CFR 393.83 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... combustible part of the motor vehicle. (b) No exhaust system shall discharge to the atmosphere at a location... gasoline engine shall discharge to the atmosphere at or within 6 inches forward of the rearmost part of the bus. (d) The exhaust system of a bus using fuels other than gasoline shall discharge to the atmosphere...
49 CFR 393.83 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... combustible part of the motor vehicle. (b) No exhaust system shall discharge to the atmosphere at a location... gasoline engine shall discharge to the atmosphere at or within 6 inches forward of the rearmost part of the bus. (d) The exhaust system of a bus using fuels other than gasoline shall discharge to the atmosphere...
Exhaust-System Leak Test : Quantitative Procedure
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
A quantitative, periodic motor vehicle safety-inspection test for determining the leakage rate of engine exhaust from an automotive exhaust system was investigated. Two technical approaches were evaluated, and the better one was selected for developm...
21 CFR 884.5070 - Vacuum abortion system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Vacuum abortion system. 884.5070 Section 884.5070 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED... § 884.5070 Vacuum abortion system. (a) Identification. A vacuum abortion system is a device designed to...
21 CFR 884.5070 - Vacuum abortion system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Vacuum abortion system. 884.5070 Section 884.5070 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED... § 884.5070 Vacuum abortion system. (a) Identification. A vacuum abortion system is a device designed to...
21 CFR 884.5070 - Vacuum abortion system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Vacuum abortion system. 884.5070 Section 884.5070 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED... § 884.5070 Vacuum abortion system. (a) Identification. A vacuum abortion system is a device designed to...
21 CFR 884.5070 - Vacuum abortion system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Vacuum abortion system. 884.5070 Section 884.5070 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED... § 884.5070 Vacuum abortion system. (a) Identification. A vacuum abortion system is a device designed to...
21 CFR 884.5070 - Vacuum abortion system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Vacuum abortion system. 884.5070 Section 884.5070 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED... § 884.5070 Vacuum abortion system. (a) Identification. A vacuum abortion system is a device designed to...
Acceptance test report for portable exhauster POR-008/Skid F
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kriskovich, J.R.
Portable Exhauster POR-008 was procured via HNF-0490, Specification for a Portable Exhausted System for Waste Tank Ventilation. Prior to taking ownership, acceptance testing was performed at the vendors. However at the conclusion of testing a number of issues remained that required resolution before the exhausters could be used by Project W-320. The purpose of acceptance testing documented by this report was to demonstrate compliance of the exhausters with the performance criteria established within HNF-O49O, Rev. 1 following a repair and upgrade effort at Hanford. In addition, data obtained during this testing is required for the resolution of outstanding Non-conformance Reportsmore » (NCR), and finally, to demonstrate the functionality of the associated software for the pressure control and high vacuum exhauster operating modes provided for by W-320. Additional testing not required by the ATP was also performed to assist in the disposition and close out of receiving inspection report and for application design information (system curve). Results of this testing are also captured within this document.« less
Cold cathode vacuum gauging system
Denny, Edward C.
A vacuum gauging system of the cold cathode type is provided for measuring the pressure of a plurality of separate vacuum systems, such as in a gas centrifuge cascade. Each casing is fitted with a gauge tube assembly which communicates with the vacuum system in the centrifuge casing. Each gauge tube contains an anode which may be in the form of a slender rod or wire hoop and a cathode which may be formed by the wall of the gauge tube. The tube is provided with an insulated high voltage connector to the anode which has a terminal for external connection outside the vacuum casing. The tube extends from the casing so that a portable magnet assembly may be inserted about the tube to provide a magnetic field in the area between the anode and cathode necessary for pressure measurements in a cold cathode-type vacuum gauge arrangement. The portable magnetic assembly is provided with a connector which engages the external high voltage terminal for providing power to the anode within in the gauge tube. Measurement is made in the same manner as the prior cold cathode gauges in that the current through the anode to the cathode is measured as an indication of the pressure. By providing the portable magnetic assembly, a considerable savings in cost, installation, and maintenance of vacuum gauges for pressure measurement in a gas centrifuge cascade is realizable.
Cryogenic Insulation System for Soft Vacuum
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Augustynowicz, S. D.; Fesmire, J. E.
The development of a cryogenic insulation system for operation under soft vacuum is presented in this paper. Conventional insulation materials for cryogenic applications can be divided into three levels of thermal performance, in terms of apparent thermal conductivity [k-value in milliwatt per meter-kelvin (mW/m-K)]. System k-values below 0.1 can be achieved for multilayer insulation operating at a vacuum level below 1 x 10(exp -4) torr. For fiberglass or powder operating below 1 x 10(exp -3) torr, k-values of about 2 are obtained. For foam and other materials at ambient pressure, k-values around 30 are typical. New industry and aerospace applications require a versatile, robust, low-cost thermal insulation with performance in the intermediate range. The target for the new composite insulation system is a k-value below 4.8 mW/m-K (R-30) at a soft vacuum level (from 1 to 10 torr) and boundary temperatures of approximately 77 and 293 kelvin (K). Many combinations of radiation shields, spacers, and composite materials were tested from high vacuum to ambient pressure using cryostat boiloff methods. Significant improvement over conventional systems in the soft vacuum range was demonstrated. The new layered composite insulation system was also shown to provide key benefits for high vacuum applications as well.
14 CFR 25.1433 - Vacuum systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Vacuum systems. 25.1433 Section 25.1433 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment § 25.1433 Vacuum systems. There...
Primary Exhaust Cooler at the Propulsion Systems Laboratory
One of the two primary coolers at the Propulsion Systems Laboratory at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory. Engines could be run in simulated altitude conditions inside the facility’s two 14-foot-diameter and 24-foot-long test chambers. The Propulsion Systems Laboratory was the nation’s only facility that could run large full-size engine systems in controlled altitude conditions. At the time of this photograph, construction of the facility had recently been completed. Although not a wind tunnel, the Propulsion Systems Laboratory generated high-speed airflow through the interior of the engine. The air flow was pushed through the system by large compressors, adjusted by heating or refrigerating equipment, and de-moisturized by air dryers. The exhaust system served two roles: reducing the density of the air in the test chambers to simulate high altitudes and removing hot gases exhausted by the engines being tested. It was necessary to reduce the temperature of the extremely hot engine exhaust before the air reached the exhauster equipment. As the air flow exited through exhaust section of the test chamber, it entered into the giant primary cooler seen in this photograph. Narrow fins or vanes inside the cooler were filled with water. As the air flow passed between the vanes, its heat was transferred to the cooling water. The cooling water was cycled out of the system, carrying with it much of the exhaust heat.
Mass spectrometer vacuum housing and pumping system
Coutts, G.W.; Bushman, J.F.; Alger, T.W.
A vacuum housing and pumping system is described for a portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS). The vacuum housing section of the system has minimum weight for portability while designed and constructed to utilize metal gasket sealed stainless steel to be compatible with high vacuum operation. The vacuum pumping section of the system consists of a sorption (getter) pump to remove atmospheric leakage and outgassing contaminants as well as the gas chromatograph carrier gas (hydrogen) and an ion pump to remove the argon from atmospheric leaks. The overall GC/MS system has broad application to contaminants, hazardous materials, illegal drugs, pollution monitoring, etc., as well as for use by chemical weapon treaty verification teams, due to the light weight and portability thereof. 7 figs.
Mass spectrometer vacuum housing and pumping system
Coutts, Gerald W.; Bushman, John F.; Alger, Terry W.
A vacuum housing and pumping system for a portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS). The vacuum housing section of the system has minimum weight for portability while designed and constructed to utilize metal gasket sealed stainless steel to be compatible with high vacuum operation. The vacuum pumping section of the system consists of a sorption (getter) pump to remove atmospheric leakage and outgassing contaminants as well as the gas chromatograph carrier gas (hydrogen) and an ion pump to remove the argon from atmospheric leaks. The overall GC/MS system has broad application to contaminants, hazardous materials, illegal drugs, pollution monitoring, etc., as well as for use by chemical weapon treaty verification teams, due to the light weight and portability thereof.
14 CFR 25.1433 - Vacuum systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment § 25.1433 Vacuum systems. There... discharge lines from the vacuum air pump when the delivery temperature of the air becomes unsafe. [Doc. No...
Three stage vacuum system for ultralow temperature installation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Das, N. K.; Pradhan, J.; Naser, Md Z. A.; Mandal, B. Ch; Roy, A.; Kumar, P.; Mallik, C.; Bhandari, R. K.
We use a three stage vacuum system for developing a dilution fridge at VECC, Kolkata. We aim at achieving a cooling power of 20μW at 100mK for various experiments especially in the field of condensed matter and nuclear physics. The system is essentially composed of four segments-bath cryostat, vacuum system, dilution insert and 3He circulation circuit. Requirement of vacuum system at different stages are different. The vacuum system for cryostat and for internal vacuum chamber located within the helium bath is a common turbo molecular pump backed by scroll pump as to maintain a vacuum ~10-6mbar. For bringing down the temperature of the helium evaporator, we use a high throughput Roots pump backed by a dry pump. The pumping system for 3He distillation chamber (still) requires a high pumping speed, so a turbo drag pump backed by a scroll pump has been installed. As the fridge use precious 3He gas for operation, the entire system has been made to be absolutely leak proof with respect to the 3He gas.
21 CFR 864.9125 - Vacuum-assisted blood collection system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Vacuum-assisted blood collection system. 864.9125... Blood and Blood Products § 864.9125 Vacuum-assisted blood collection system. (a) Identification. A vacuum-assisted blood collection system is a device intended for medical purposes that uses a vacuum to...
21 CFR 864.9125 - Vacuum-assisted blood collection system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Vacuum-assisted blood collection system. 864.9125... Blood and Blood Products § 864.9125 Vacuum-assisted blood collection system. (a) Identification. A vacuum-assisted blood collection system is a device intended for medical purposes that uses a vacuum to...
21 CFR 864.9125 - Vacuum-assisted blood collection system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Vacuum-assisted blood collection system. 864.9125... Blood and Blood Products § 864.9125 Vacuum-assisted blood collection system. (a) Identification. A vacuum-assisted blood collection system is a device intended for medical purposes that uses a vacuum to...
21 CFR 864.9125 - Vacuum-assisted blood collection system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Vacuum-assisted blood collection system. 864.9125... Blood and Blood Products § 864.9125 Vacuum-assisted blood collection system. (a) Identification. A vacuum-assisted blood collection system is a device intended for medical purposes that uses a vacuum to...
21 CFR 864.9125 - Vacuum-assisted blood collection system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Vacuum-assisted blood collection system. 864.9125... Blood and Blood Products § 864.9125 Vacuum-assisted blood collection system. (a) Identification. A vacuum-assisted blood collection system is a device intended for medical purposes that uses a vacuum to...
Exhaust gas purification system for lean burn engine
Haines, Leland Milburn
An exhaust gas purification system for a lean burn engine includes a thermal mass unit and a NO.sub.x conversion catalyst unit downstream of the thermal mass unit. The NO.sub.x conversion catalyst unit includes at least one catalyst section. Each catalyst section includes a catalytic layer for converting NO.sub.x coupled to a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger portion of the catalyst section acts to maintain the catalytic layer substantially at a desired temperature and cools the exhaust gas flowing from the catalytic layer into the next catalytic section in the series. In a further aspect of the invention, the exhaust gas purification system includes a dual length exhaust pipe upstream of the NO.sub.x conversion catalyst unit. The dual length exhaust pipe includes a second heat exchanger which functions to maintain the temperature of the exhaust gas flowing into the thermal mass downstream near a desired average temperature.
Han, Young Keun; Miller, Kevin M
To compare vacuum rise time, vacuum limit accuracy, and occlusion break surge of 3 new phacoemulsification machines. Jules Stein Eye Institute and Department of Ophthalmology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA. The vacuum rise time under normal and enhanced aspiration modes, vacuum limit accuracy, and occlusion break surge of the Infiniti Vision System, Stellaris Vision Enhancement System, and WhiteStar Signature Phacoemulsification System were tested. Vacuum rise time and limit accuracy were measured at limit settings of 400 mm Hg and 600 mm Hg. Surge area was recorded at vacuum limit settings of 200 mm Hg, 300 mm Hg, 400 mm Hg, and 500 mm Hg. The Infiniti had the fastest vacuum rise times under normal and enhanced aspiration modes. At 4 seconds, the vacuum limit accuracy was greatest with the Infiniti at the 400 mm Hg limit and the Signature at the 600 mm Hg limit. The Stellaris did not reach either vacuum target. The Infiniti performed better than the other 2 machines during testing of occlusion break surge at all vacuum limit settings above 200 mm Hg. Under controlled laboratory test conditions, the Infiniti had the fastest vacuum rise time, greatest vacuum limit accuracy at 400 mm Hg, and least occlusion break surge. These results can be explained by the lower compliance of the Infiniti system.
Vacuum system of the cyclotrons in VECC, Kolkata
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Roy, Anindya; Bhole, R.B.; Akhtar, J.
The vacuum system of the K=130 Room Temperature Cyclotron (RTC) (operational since 1978) has been recently modernized and the same of the K{sub bend}=520 Superconducting Cyclotron (SCC), currently under commissioning, is being deployed for remote monitoring and control. The vacuum system of RTC is designed to achieve and maintain vacuum level of 2 X 10{sup -6} mbar inside 23 m{sup 3} volume of Resonator tank and DEE tank. This has been upgraded by replacing several valves, Freon units, gauges and pumps. The relay based manual control system has been replaced by PLC based automated system. The SCC vacuum system alsomore » has an elaborate arrangement comprising of turbo molecular pumping modules with associated isolation valves and characteristic gauges. This paper describes essential elements, typically used to obtain high (1X10{sup -7} mbar) vacuum using rotary pumps, diffusion pumps and cold traps/turbo-molecular pumps and other system components such as valves, gauges and baffles. The supervisory control methodology/scheme of both the vacuum systems, developed in-house using EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System), a standard open-source software tool for designing distributed control system, is also elaborated here. (author)« less
Vacuum transfer system increases sugar maple sap yield
Russell S. Walters
Yields of sugar maple sap collected from three plastic pipeline systems by gravity, vacuum pump, and a vacuum pump with a transfer tank were compared during 2 years in northern Vermont. The transfer system yielded 27 percent more sap one year and 17 percent more the next year. Higher vacuum levels at the tapholes were observed in the transfer system.
40 CFR 90.420 - CVS concept of exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... sampling probe. (2) Exhaust flow metering system. A dilute exhaust flow metering system must be used to... exhaust. The background probe must draw a representative sample of the background air during each sampling... (bag) sampling system. If a critical flow venturi (CFV) is used on the dilute exhaust sample probe...
40 CFR 90.420 - CVS concept of exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... sampling probe. (2) Exhaust flow metering system. A dilute exhaust flow metering system must be used to... exhaust. The background probe must draw a representative sample of the background air during each sampling... (bag) sampling system. If a critical flow venturi (CFV) is used on the dilute exhaust sample probe...
40 CFR 90.420 - CVS concept of exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... sampling probe. (2) Exhaust flow metering system. A dilute exhaust flow metering system must be used to... exhaust. The background probe must draw a representative sample of the background air during each sampling... (bag) sampling system. If a critical flow venturi (CFV) is used on the dilute exhaust sample probe...
40 CFR 90.420 - CVS concept of exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... sampling probe. (2) Exhaust flow metering system. A dilute exhaust flow metering system must be used to... exhaust. The background probe must draw a representative sample of the background air during each sampling... (bag) sampling system. If a critical flow venturi (CFV) is used on the dilute exhaust sample probe...
40 CFR 90.420 - CVS concept of exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... sampling probe. (2) Exhaust flow metering system. A dilute exhaust flow metering system must be used to... exhaust. The background probe must draw a representative sample of the background air during each sampling... (bag) sampling system. If a critical flow venturi (CFV) is used on the dilute exhaust sample probe...
Integrated exhaust gas recirculation and charge cooling system
Wu, Ko-Jen
An intake system for an internal combustion engine comprises an exhaust driven turbocharger configured to deliver compressed intake charge, comprising exhaust gas from the exhaust system and ambient air, through an intake charge conduit and to cylinders of the internal combustion engine. An intake charge cooler is in fluid communication with the intake charge conduit. A cooling system, independent of the cooling system for the internal combustion engine, is in fluid communication with the intake charge cooler through a cooling system conduit. A coolant pump delivers a low temperature cooling medium from the cooling system to and through the intake charge cooler for the transfer of heat from the compressed intake charge thereto. A low temperature cooler receives the heated cooling medium through the cooling system conduit for the transfer or heat therefrom.
Dedicated exhaust gas recirculation control systems and methods
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Sczomak, David P.; Narayanaswamy, Kushal; Keating, Edward J.
An engine control system of a vehicle includes a fuel control module that controls fuel injection of a first cylinder of an engine based on a first target air/fuel ratio that is fuel lean relative to a stoichiometric air/fuel ratio and that controls fuel injection of a second cylinder of the engine based on a second target air/fuel ratio that is fuel rich relative to stoichiometry. The first cylinder outputs exhaust to a first three way catalyst (TWC), and the second cylinder outputs exhaust to an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve. An EGR control module controls opening of the EGRmore » valve to: (i) a second TWC that reacts with nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the exhaust and outputs ammonia to a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst; and (ii) a conduit that recirculates exhaust back to an intake system of the engine.« less
Vacuum system for the SAMURAI spectrometer
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shimizu, Y.; Otsu, H.; Kobayashi, T.; Kubo, T.; Motobayashi, T.; Sato, H.; Yoneda, K.
The first commissioning experiment of the SAMURAI spectrometer and its beam line was performed in March, 2012. The vacuum system for the SAMURAI spectrometer includes its beam line and the SAMURAI vacuum chamber with the windows for detecting neutrons and charged particles. The window for neutrons was made of stainless steel with a thickness of 3 mm and was designed with a shape of partial cylinder to support itself against the atmospheric pressure. The window for charged particles was of the combination of Kevlar and Mylar with the thickness of 280 and 75 μm, respectively. The pressure in the vacuum system was at a few Pa throughout the commissioning experiment.
Langmuir probe surveys of an arcjet exhaust
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zana, Lynnette M.
Electrostatic (Langmuir) probes of both spherical and cylindrical geometry have been used to obtain electron number density and temperature in the exhaust of a laboratory arcjet. The arcjet thruster operated on nitrogen and hydrogen mixtures to simulate fully decomposed hydrazine in a vacuum environment with background pressures less than 0.05 Pa. The exhaust appears to be only slightly ionized (less than 1 percent) with local plasma potentials near facility ground. The current-voltage characteristics of the probes indicate a Maxwellian temperature distribution. Plume data are presented as a function of arcjet operating conditions and also position in the exhaust.
Wireless Integrated Microelectronic Vacuum Sensor System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Krug, Eric; Philpot, Brian; Trott, Aaron; Lawrence, Shaun
NASA Stennis Space Center's (SSC's) large rocket engine test facility requires the use of liquid propellants, including the use of cryogenic fluids like liquid hydrogen as fuel, and liquid oxygen as an oxidizer (gases which have been liquefied at very low temperatures). These fluids require special handling, storage, and transfer technology. The biggest problem associated with transferring cryogenic liquids is product loss due to heat transfer. Vacuum jacketed piping is specifically designed to maintain high thermal efficiency so that cryogenic liquids can be transferred with minimal heat transfer. A vacuum jacketed pipe is essentially two pipes in one. There is an inner carrier pipe, in which the cryogenic liquid is actually transferred, and an outer jacket pipe that supports and seals the vacuum insulation, forming the "vacuum jacket." The integrity of the vacuum jacketed transmission lines that transfer the cryogenic fluid from delivery barges to the test stand must be maintained prior to and during engine testing. To monitor the vacuum in these vacuum jacketed transmission lines, vacuum gauge readings are used. At SSC, vacuum gauge measurements are done on a manual rotation basis with two technicians, each using a handheld instrument. Manual collection of vacuum data is labor intensive and uses valuable personnel time. Additionally, there are times when personnel cannot collect the data in a timely fashion (i.e., when a leak is detected, measurements must be taken more often). Additionally, distribution of this data to all interested parties can be cumbersome. To simplify the vacuum-gauge data collection process, automate the data collection, and decrease the labor costs associated with acquiring these measurements, an automated system that monitors the existing gauges was developed by Invocon, Inc. For this project, Invocon developed a Wireless Integrated Microelectronic Vacuum Sensor System (WIMVSS) that provides the ability to gather vacuum
Vapor-barrier Vacuum Isolation System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Weinstein, Leonard M. (Inventor); Taminger, Karen M. (Inventor)
A system includes a collimated beam source within a vacuum chamber, a condensable barrier gas, cooling material, a pump, and isolation chambers cooled by the cooling material to condense the barrier gas. Pressure levels of each isolation chamber are substantially greater than in the vacuum chamber. Coaxially-aligned orifices connect a working chamber, the isolation chambers, and the vacuum chamber. The pump evacuates uncondensed barrier gas. The barrier gas blocks entry of atmospheric vapor from the working chamber into the isolation chambers, and undergoes supersonic flow expansion upon entering each isolation chamber. A method includes connecting the isolation chambers to the vacuum chamber, directing vapor to a boundary with the working chamber, and supersonically expanding the vapor as it enters the isolation chambers via the orifices. The vapor condenses in each isolation chamber using the cooling material, and uncondensed vapor is pumped out of the isolation chambers via the pump.
40 CFR 91.407 - Engine inlet and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
.... (b) The air inlet filter system and exhaust muffler system combination used on the test engine must... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Engine inlet and exhaust systems. 91.407 Section 91.407 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS...
A large high vacuum, high pumping speed space simulation chamber for electric propulsion
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Grisnik, Stanley P.; Parkes, James E.
Testing high power electric propulsion devices poses unique requirements on space simulation facilities. Very high pumping speeds are required to maintain high vacuum levels while handling large volumes of exhaust products. These pumping speeds are significantly higher than those available in most existing vacuum facilities. There is also a requirement for relatively large vacuum chamber dimensions to minimize facility wall/thruster plume interactions and to accommodate far field plume diagnostic measurements. A 4.57 m (15 ft) diameter by 19.2 m (63 ft) long vacuum chamber at NASA Lewis Research Center is described. The chamber utilizes oil diffusion pumps in combination with cryopanels to achieve high vacuum pumping speeds at high vacuum levels. The facility is computer controlled for all phases of operation from start-up, through testing, to shutdown. The computer control system increases the utilization of the facility and reduces the manpower requirements needed for facility operations.
Vacuum-insulated catalytic converter
Benson, David K.
A catalytic converter has an inner canister that contains catalyst-coated substrates and an outer canister that encloses an annular, variable vacuum insulation chamber surrounding the inner canister. An annular tank containing phase-change material for heat storage and release is positioned in the variable vacuum insulation chamber a distance spaced part from the inner canister. A reversible hydrogen getter in the variable vacuum insulation chamber, preferably on a surface of the heat storage tank, releases hydrogen into the variable vacuum insulation chamber to conduct heat when the phase-change material is hot and absorbs the hydrogen to limit heat transfer to radiation when the phase-change material is cool. A porous zeolite trap in the inner canister absorbs and retains hydrocarbons from the exhaust gases when the catalyst-coated substrates and zeolite trap are cold and releases the hydrocarbons for reaction on the catalyst-coated substrate when the zeolite trap and catalyst-coated substrate get hot.
Diesel exhaust exposure, its multi-system effects, and the effect of new technology diesel exhaust.
Reis, Haley; Reis, Cesar; Sharip, Akbar; Reis, Wenes; Zhao, Yong; Sinclair, Ryan; Beeson, Lawrence
Exposure to diesel exhaust (DE) from vehicles and industry is hazardous and affects proper function of organ systems. DE can interfere with normal physiology after acute and chronic exposure to particulate matter (PM). Exposure leads to potential systemic disease processes in the central nervous, visual, hematopoietic, respiratory, cardiovascular, and renal systems. In this review, we give an overview of the epidemiological evidence supporting the harmful effects of diesel exhaust, and the numerous animal studies conducted to investigate the specific pathophysiological mechanisms behind DE exposure. Additionally, this review includes a summary of studies that used biomarkers as an indication of biological plausibility, and also studies evaluating new technology diesel exhaust (NTDE) and its systemic effects. Lastly, this review includes new approaches to improving DE emissions, and emphasizes the importance of ongoing study in this field of environmental health. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Numerical calculation on infrared characteristics of the special vehicle exhaust system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Feng, Yun-song; Li, Xiao-xia; Jin, Wei
For mastery of infrared radiation characteristics and flow field of the special vehicle exhaust system, first, a physical model of the special vehicle exhaust system is established with the Gambit, and the mathematical model of flow field is determined. Secondly, software Fluent6.3 is used to simulated the 3-D exterior flow field of the special vehicle exhaust system, and the datum of flow field, such as temperature, pressure and density, are obtained. Thirdly, based on the plume temperature, the special vehicle exhaust space is divided. The exhaust is equivalent to a gray-body. A calculating model of the vehicle exhaust infrared radiation is established, and the exhaust infrared radiation characteristics are calculated by the software MATLAB, then the spatial distribution curves are drawn. Finally, the numerical results are analyzing, and the basic laws of the special vehicle exhaust infrared radiation are explored. The results show that with the increase of the engine speed, the temperature of the exhaust pipe wall of the special vehicle increases, and the temperature and pressure of the exhaust gas flow field increase, which leads to the enhancement of the infrared radiation intensity
Vacuum system transient simulator and its application to TFTR
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Sredniawski, J.
The vacuum system transient simulator (VSTS) models transient gas transport throughout complex networks of ducts, valves, traps, vacuum pumps, and other related vacuum system components. VSTS is capable of treating gas models of up to 10 species, for all flow regimes from pure molecular to continuum. Viscous interactions between species are considered as well as non-uniform temperature of a system. Although this program was specifically developed for use on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) project at Princeton, it is a generalized tool capable of handling a broad range of vacuum system problems. During the TFTR engineering design phase, VSTSmore » has been used in many applications. Two applications selected for presentation are: torus vacuum pumping system performance between 400 Ci tritium pulses and tritium backstreaming to neutral beams during pulses.« less
Engine with exhaust gas recirculation system and variable geometry turbocharger
Keating, Edward J.
An engine assembly includes an intake assembly, an internal combustion engine defining a plurality of cylinders and configured to combust a fuel and produce exhaust gas, and an exhaust assembly in fluid communication with a first subset of the plurality of cylinders. Each of the plurality of cylinders are provided in fluid communication with the intake assembly. The exhaust assembly is provided in fluid communication with a first subset of the plurality of cylinders, and a dedicated exhaust gas recirculation system in fluid communication with both a second subset of the plurality of cylinders and with the intake assembly. The dedicated exhaust gas recirculation system is configured to route all of the exhaust gas from the second subset of the plurality of cylinders to the intake assembly. Finally, the engine assembly includes a turbocharger having a variable geometry turbine in fluid communication with the exhaust assembly.
Design and Experimental Study of an Over-Under TBCC Exhaust System.
Mo, Jianwei; Xu, Jinglei; Zhang, Liuhuan
Turbine-based combined-cycle (TBCC) propulsion systems have been a topic of research as a means for more efficient flight at supersonic and hypersonic speeds. The present study focuses on the fundamental physics of the complex flow in the TBCC exhaust system during the transition mode as the turbine exhaust is shut off and the ramjet exhaust is increased. A TBCC exhaust system was designed using methods of characteristics (MOC) and subjected to experimental and computational study. The main objectives of the study were: (1) to identify the interactions between the two exhaust jet streams during the transition mode phase and their effects on the whole flow-field structure; (2) to determine and verify the aerodynamic performance of the over-under TBCC exhaust nozzle; and (3) to validate the simulation ability of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software according to the experimental conditions. Static pressure taps and Schlieren apparatus were employed to obtain the wall pressure distributions and flow-field structures. Steady-state tests were performed with the ramjet nozzle cowl at six different positions at which the turbine flow path were half closed and fully opened, respectively. Methods of CFD were used to simulate the exhaust flow and they complemented the experimental study by providing greater insight into the details of the flow field and a means of verifying the experimental results. Results indicated that the flow structure was complicated because the two exhaust jet streams interacted with each other during the exhaust system mode transition. The exhaust system thrust coefficient varied from 0.9288 to 0.9657 during the process. The CFD simulation results agree well with the experimental data, which demonstrated that the CFD methods were effective in evaluating the aerodynamic performance of the TBCC exhaust system during the mode transition.
Accelerator Vacuum Protection System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Barua, Pradip; Kothari, Ashok; Archunan, M.; Joshi, Rajan
A new and elaborate automatic vacuum protection system using fast acting valve has been installed to avoid accidental venting of accelerator from experimental chamber side. To cover all the beam lines and to reduce the system cost, it has been installed at a common point from where all the seven beam lines originate. The signals are obtained by placing fast response pressure sensing gauges (HV SENSOR) near all the experimental stations. The closing time of the fast valve is 10 milli-second. The fast closing system protects only one vacuum line at a time. At IUAC, we have seven beam lines so one sensor was placed in each of the beam lines near experimental chamber and a multiplexer was incorporated into the fast closing system. At the time of experiment, the sensor of the active beam line is selected through the multiplexer and the Fast closing valve is interlocked with the selected sensor. As soon as the pressure sensor senses the pressure rise beyond a selected pressure, the signal is transferred and the fast valve closes within 10 to 12 millisecond.
Evaluation of Dry, Rough Vacuum Pumps
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hunter, Brian
This document provides information on the testing and evaluation of thirteen dry rough vacuum pumps of various designs and from various manufacturers. Several types of rough vacuum pumps were evaluated, including scroll, roots, and diaphragm pumps. Tests included long term testing, speed curve generation, voltage variance, vibrations emissions and susceptibility, electromagnetic interference emissions and susceptibility, static leak rate, exhaust restriction, response/recovery time tests, and a contamination analysis for scroll pumps. Parameters were found for operation with helium, which often is not provided from the manufacturer
40 CFR 205.171-2 - Test exhaust system sample selection and preparation.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 26 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Test exhaust system sample selection... Systems § 205.171-2 Test exhaust system sample selection and preparation. (a)(1) Exhaust systems comprising the sample which are required to be tested under a test request in accordance with this subpart...
Internal motion in high vacuum systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Frank, J. M.
Three transfer and positioning mechanisms have been developed for the non-air exposed, multistep processing of components in vacuum chambers. The functions to be performed in all of the systems include ultraviolet/ozone cleaning, vacuum baking, deposition of thin films, and thermocompression sealing of the enclosures. Precise positioning of the components is required during the evaporation and sealing processes. The three methods of transporting and positioning the components were developed to accommodate the design criteria and goals of each individual system. The design philosophy, goals, and operation of the three mechanisms are discussed.
Integrated exhaust and electrically heated particulate filter regeneration systems
Gonze, Eugene V.; Paratore, Jr., Michael J.
A system includes a particulate matter (PM) filter that includes multiple zones. An electrical heater includes heater segments that are associated with respective ones of the zones. The electrical heater is arranged upstream from and proximate with the PM filter. A post-fuel injection system injects fuel into at least one of a cylinder of an engine and an exhaust system. A control module is configured to operate in a first mode that includes activating the electrical heater to heat exhaust of the engine. The control module is also configured to operate in a second mode that includes activating the post-injection system to heat the exhaust. The control module selectively operates in at least one of the first mode and the second mode.
Automotive Fuel and Exhaust Systems.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Marine Corps Inst., Washington, DC.
This correspondence course, originally developed for the Marine Corps, is designed to provide mechanics with an understanding of the construction, operation, malfunction, diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of the fuel and exhaust systems used in automobiles. The course contains five study units covering fundamentals of gasoline engine fuel…
Thermal Vacuum Integrated System Test at B-2
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kudlac, Maureen T.; Weaver, Harold F.; Cmar, Mark D.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center (GRC) Plum Brook Station (PBS) Space Propulsion Research Facility, commonly referred to as B-2, is NASA s third largest thermal vacuum facility. It is the largest designed to store and transfer large quantities of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, and is perfectly suited to support developmental testing of chemical propulsion systems as well as fully integrated stages. The facility is also capable of providing thermal-vacuum simulation services to support testing of large lightweight structures, Cryogenic Fluid Management (CFM) systems, electric propulsion test programs, and other In-Space propulsion programs. A recently completed integrated system test demonstrated the refurbished thermal vacuum capabilities of the facility. The test used the modernized data acquisition and control system to monitor the facility during pump down of the vacuum chamber, operation of the liquid nitrogen heat sink (or cold wall) and the infrared lamp array. A vacuum level of 1.3x10(exp -4)Pa (1x10(exp -6)torr) was achieved. The heat sink provided a uniform temperature environment of approximately 77 K (140deg R) along the entire inner surface of the vacuum chamber. The recently rebuilt and modernized infrared lamp array produced a nominal heat flux of 1.4 kW/sq m at a chamber diameter of 6.7 m (22 ft) and along 11 m (36 ft) of the chamber s cylindrical vertical interior. With the lamp array and heat sink operating simultaneously, the thermal systems produced a heat flux pattern simulating radiation to space on one surface and solar exposure on the other surface. The data acquired matched pretest predictions and demonstrated system functionality.
40 CFR 91.414 - Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and... Gaseous Exhaust Test Procedures § 91.414 Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description... the component systems. (g) The following requirements must be incorporated in each system used for raw...
40 CFR 91.414 - Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and... Gaseous Exhaust Test Procedures § 91.414 Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description... the component systems. (g) The following requirements must be incorporated in each system used for raw...
Acceptance test report for portable exhauster POR-007/Skid E
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kriskovich, J.R.
This document describes Acceptance Testing performed on Portable Exhauster POR-007/Skid E. It includes measurements of bearing vibration levels, pressure decay testing, programmable logic controller interlocks, high vacuum, flow and pressure control functional testing. The purpose of Acceptance testing documented by this report was to demonstrate compliance of the exhausters with the performance criteria established within HNF-0490, Rev. 1 following a repair and upgrade effort at Hanford. In addition, data obtained during this testing is required for the resolution of outstanding Non-conformance Reports (NCR), and finally, to demonstrate the functionality of the associated software for the pressure control and high vacuummore » exhauster operating modes provided for by W-320. Additional testing not required by the ATP was also performed to assist in the disposition and close out of receiving inspection report and for application design information (system curve). Results of this testing are also captured within this document.« less
Thermal Vacuum Control Systems Options for Test Facilities
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Marchetti, John
This presentation suggests several Thermal Vacuum System (TVAC) control design approach methods for TVAC facilities. Over the past several years many aerospace companies have or are currently upgrading their TVAC testing facilities whether it be by upgrading old equipment or purchasing new. In doing so they are updating vacuum pumping and thermal capabilities of their chambers as well as their control systems. Although control systems are sometimes are considered second to the vacuum or thermal system upgrade process, they should not be taken lightly and must be planned and implemented with the equipment it is to control. Also, emphasis should be placed on how the operators will use the system as well as the requirements of "their" customers. Presented will be various successful methods of TVAC control systems from Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based to personal computer (PC) based control.
Exhaust pressure and density of various pulsed MPD-Arc thruster systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Michels, C. J.
Exhaust flow in a new 155-cm-i.d. vacuum facility is compared with earlier measurements in a small (15.2-cm-i.d.) duct. Reductions in post-transient impact pressure are about 5:1 in the larger facility. Corresponding reduced electron number densities (about 2 x 10 to the 13th power per cu cm) are noted. A new 125-microsec pulse-forming network power source produced no major differences in impact pressure compared to the crowbarred condenser bank used earlier. Comparing a puff gas feed of the arc chamber with a new 10-msec steady gas feed also shows no major difference in impact pressure for 125-microsec powering.
Gas-Dynamic Designing of the Exhaust System for the Air Brake
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Novikova, Yu; Goriachkin, E.; Volkov, A.
Each gas turbine engine is tested some times during the life-cycle. The test equipment includes the air brake that utilizes the power produced by the gas turbine engine. In actual conditions, the outlet pressure of the air brake does not change and is equal to atmospheric pressure. For this reason, for the air brake work it is necessary to design the special exhaust system. Mission of the exhaust system is to provide the required level of backpressure at the outlet of the air brake. The backpressure is required for the required power utilization by the air brake (the air brake operation in the required points on the performance curves). The paper is described the development of the gas dynamic canal, designing outlet guide vane and the creation of a unified exhaust system for the air brake. Using a unified exhaust system involves moving the operating point to the performance curve further away from the calculated point. However, the applying of one exhaust system instead of two will significantly reduce the cash and time costs.
30 CFR 36.49 - Tests of exhaust-gas dilution system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Tests of exhaust-gas dilution system. 36.49..., EVALUATION, AND APPROVAL OF MINING PRODUCTS APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMISSIBLE MOBILE DIESEL-POWERED TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT Test Requirements § 36.49 Tests of exhaust-gas dilution system. The performance and...
30 CFR 36.49 - Tests of exhaust-gas dilution system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Tests of exhaust-gas dilution system. 36.49..., EVALUATION, AND APPROVAL OF MINING PRODUCTS APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMISSIBLE MOBILE DIESEL-POWERED TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT Test Requirements § 36.49 Tests of exhaust-gas dilution system. The performance and...
A Low Cost Ferritic Stainless Steel Microalloyed by Higher Nb for Automotive Exhaust System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Erhu; Wang, Xuelin; Shang, Chengjia
Automotive engine exhaust gas after combustion of fuel, and the gas will be liquefied in the rear of automotive exhaust system. A lot of corrosive anions existing in the condensate make corrosion of the exhaust system materials. Therefore, once pitting perforation, automotive exhaust system will fail directly. In 1980s, automotive exhaust manifold was made of Si-Mo ductile iron, mufflers and the tail pipe were made of carbon steel or aluminized steel. But with higher emission standards carried out, the improvement of engine performance and the higher exhaust temperature as well as the needs of the automotive light-weighting, we need the higher corrosion resistance of the material for automotive exhaust systems to meet the requirements.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lee, T. J.; Lee, K. S., , Dr; Lee, S. K.
One of the most important factors in measuring effective porosity by vacuum saturation method is that the air in the pore space can be fully substituted by water during the vacuum saturation process. International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) suggests vacuuming a rock sample submerged in the water, while American Society of Test and Materials (ASTM) vacuuming the sample and water separately and then pour the water to the sample. In this study, we call the former wet-type vacuum saturation (WVS) method and the latter dry-type vacuum saturation (DVS) method, and compare the effective porosity measured by the two different vacuum saturation processes. For that purpose, a vacuum saturation system has been developed, which can support both WVS and DVS by only changing the process by programming. Comparison of effective porosity has been made for a cement mortar and rock samples. As a result, DVS can substitute more void volume to water than WVS, which in turn insists that DVS can provide more exact value of effective porosity than WVS.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Davydov, A.; Sveshnikov, K.; Voronina, Yu.
Nonperturbative vacuum polarization effects are explored for a supercritical Dirac-Coulomb system with Z > Zcr,1 in 2+1D, based on the original combination of analytical methods, computer algebra and numerical calculations, proposed recently in Refs. 1-3. Both the vacuum charge density ρV P(r→) and vacuum energy ℰV P are considered. Due to a lot of details of calculation the whole work is divided into two parts I and II. Taking account of results, obtained in the part I4 for ρV P, in the present part II, the evaluation of the vacuum energy ℰV P is investigated with emphasis on the renormalization and convergence of the partial expansion for ℰV P. It is shown that the renormalization via fermionic loop turns out to be the universal tool, which removes the divergence of the theory both in the purely perturbative and essentially nonperturbative regimes of the vacuum polarization. The main result of calculation is that for a wide range of the system parameters in the overcritical region ℰV P turns out to be a rapidly decreasing function ˜-ηeffZ3/R with ηeff > 0 and R being the size of the external Coulomb source. To the end the similarity in calculations of ℰV P in 2+1 and 3+1D is discussed, and qualitative arguments are presented in favor of the possibility for complete screening of the classical electrostatic energy of the Coulomb source by the vacuum polarization effects for Z ≫ Zcr,1 in 3+1D.
Exhaust bypass flow control for exhaust heat recovery
Reynolds, Michael G.
An exhaust system for an engine comprises an exhaust heat recovery apparatus configured to receive exhaust gas from the engine and comprises a first flow passage in fluid communication with the exhaust gas and a second flow passage in fluid communication with the exhaust gas. A heat exchanger/energy recovery unit is disposed in the second flow passage and has a working fluid circulating therethrough for exchange of heat from the exhaust gas to the working fluid. A control valve is disposed downstream of the first and the second flow passages in a low temperature region of the exhaust heat recovery apparatus to direct exhaust gas through the first flow passage or the second flow passage.
Upgrade of The Thermal Vacuum Data System at NASA/GSFC
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Palmer, John; Powers, Edward I. (Technical Monitor)
The Goddard Space Flight Center's new thermal vacuum data acquisition system is a networked client-sever application that enables lab operations crews to monitor all tests from a central location. The GSFC thermal vacuum lab consists of eleven chambers in Building 7 and one chamber in Building 10. The new data system was implemented for several reasons. These included the need for centralized data collection, more flexible and easier to use operator interface, greater data accessibility, a reduction in testing time and cost, and increased payload and personnel safety. Additionally, a new data system was needed for year-2000 compliance. This paper discusses the incorporation of the Thermal Vacuum Data System (TVDS) within the thermal vacuum lab at GSFC, its features and capabilities and lessons learned in its implementation. Additional topics include off-center (Internet) capability for remote monitoring and the role of TVDS in the efforts to automate thermal vacuum chamber operations.
Upgrade of the Thermal Vacuum Data System at NASA/GSFC
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Palmer, John
The Goddard Space Flight Center's new thermal vacuum data acquisition system is a networked client-sever application that enables lab operations crews to monitor all tests from a central location. The GSFC thermal vacuum lab consists of eleven chambers in Building 7 and one chamber in Building 10. The new data system was implemented for several reasons. These included the need for centralized data collection, more flexible and easier to use operator interface, greater data accessibility, a reduction in testing time and cost, and increased payload and personnel safety. Additionally, a new data system was needed for year-2000 compliance. This paper discusses the incorporation of the Thermal Vacuum Data System (TVDS) within the thermal vacuum lab at GSFC, its features and capabilities and lessons learned in its implementation. Additional topics include off-center (Internet) capability for remote monitoring and the role of TVDS in the efforts to automate thermal vacuum chamber operations.
A Low-Cost, Effective, Fumes Exhaust System.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jacobs, C. O.
Discusses the importance of avoiding welding fumes. The sources of these fumes are presented in a table. Criticizes currently used ventilation systems and reviews the Occupational Safety and Health Act requirements. Describes a low-cost exhaust system developed for agricultural mechanics laboratories. (LRA)
Design and performance of vacuum system for high heat flux test facility
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Swamy Kidambi, Rajamannar; Mokaria, Prakash; Khirwadkar, Samir; Belsare, Sunil; Khan, M. S.; Patel, Tushar; Krishnan, Deepu S.
High heat flux test facility (HHFTF) at IPR is used for testing thermal performance of plasma facing materials or components. It consists of various subsystems like vacuum system, high power electron beam system, diagnostic and calibration system, data acquisition and control system and high pressure high temperature water circulation system. Vacuum system consists of large D-shaped chamber, target handling system, pumping systems and support structure. The net volume of vacuum chamber is 5 m3 was maintained at the base pressure of the order of 10-6 mbar for operation of electron gun with minimum beam diameter which is achieved with turbo-molecular pump (TMP) and cryo pump. A variable conductance gate valve is used for maintaining required vacuum in the chamber. Initial pumping of the chamber was carried out by using suitable rotary and root pumps. PXI and PLC based faster real time data acquisition and control system is implemented for performing the various operations like remote operation, online vacuum data measurements, display and status indication of all vacuum equipments. This paper describes in detail the design and implementation of various vacuum system for HHFTF.
Venturi vacuum systems for hypobaric chamber operations.
Robinson, R; Swaby, G; Sutton, T; Fife, C; Powell, M; Butler, B D
Physiological studies of the effects of high altitude on man often require the use of a hypobaric chamber to simulate the reduced ambient pressures. Typical "altitude" chambers in use today require complex mechanical vacuum systems to evacuate the chamber air, either directly or via reservoir system. Use of these pumps adds to the cost of both chamber procurement and maintenance, and service of these pumps requires trained support personnel and regular upkeep. In this report we describe use of venturi vacuum pumps to perform the function of mechanical vacuum pumps for human and experimental altitude chamber operations. Advantages of the venturi pumps include their relatively low procurement cost, small size and light weight, ease of installation and plumbing, lack of moving parts, and independence from electrical power sources, fossil fuels and lubricants. Conversion of three hyperbaric chambers to combined hyper/hypobaric use is described.
QCGAT mixer compound exhaust system design and static big model test report
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Blackmore, W. L.; Thompson, C. E.
A mixer exhaust system was designed to meet the proposed performance and exhaust jet noise goals for the AiResearch QCGAT engine. Some 0.35 scale models of the various nozzles were fabricated and aerodynamically and acoustically tested. Preliminary optimization, engine cycle matching, model test data and analysis are presented. A final mixer exhaust system is selected for optimum performance for the overall flight regime.
System for Removing Pollutants from Incinerator Exhaust
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wickham, David t.; Bahr, James; Dubovik, Rita; Gebhard, Steven C.; Lind, Jeffrey
A system for removing pollutants -- primarily sulfur dioxide and mixed oxides of nitrogen (NOx) -- from incinerator exhaust has been demonstrated. The system is also designed secondarily to remove particles, hydrocarbons, and CO. The system is intended for use in an enclosed environment, for which a prior NOx-and-SO2-removal system designed for industrial settings would not be suitable.
Construction of vacuum system for Tristan accumulation ring
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ishimaru, H.; Horikoshi, G.; Kobayashi, M.
An all aluminum-alloy vacuum system for the TRISTAN accumulation ring is now under construction. Aluminum and aluminum alloys are preferred materials for ultrahigh vacuum systems of large electron storage rings because of their good thermal conductivity, extremely low outgassing rate, and low residual radioactivity. Vacuum beam chambers for the dipole and quadrupole magnets are extruded using porthole dies. The aluminum alloy 6063-T6 provides superior performance in extrusion. For ultrahigh vacuum performance, a special extrusion technique is applied which, along with the outgassing procedure used, is described in detail. Aluminum alloy 3004 seamless elliptical bellows are inserted between the dipole andmore » quadrupole magnet chambers. These bellows are produced by the hydraulic forming of a seamless tube. The seamless bellows and the beam chambers are joined by fully automatic welding. The ceramic chambers for the kicker magnets, the fast bump magnets, and the slow beam intensity monitor are inserted in the aluminum alloy beam chambers. The ceramic chamber (98% alumina) and elliptical bellows are brazed with brazing sheets (4003-3003-4003) in a vacuum furnace. The brazing technique is described. The inner surface of the ceramic chamber is coated with a TiMo alloy by vacuum evaporation to permit a smooth flow of the RF wall current. Other suitable aluminum alloy components, including fittings, feedthroughs, gauges, optical windows, sputter ion pumps, turbomolecular pumps, and valves have been developed; their fabrication is described.« less
Parasitic load control system for exhaust temperature control
Strauser, Aaron D.; Coleman, Gerald N.; Coldren, Dana R.
A parasitic load control system is provided. The system may include an exhaust producing engine and a fuel pumping mechanism configured to pressurize fuel in a pressure chamber. The system may also include an injection valve configured to cause fuel pressure to build within the pressure chamber when in a first position and allow injection of fuel from the pressure chamber into one or more combustion chambers of the engine when in a second position. The system may further include a controller configured to independently regulate the pressure in the pressure chamber and the injection of fuel into the one or more combustion chambers, to increase a load on the fuel pumping mechanism, increasing parasitic load on the engine, thereby increasing a temperature of the exhaust produced by the engine.
Exhaust system for use with a turbine and method of assembling same
Dalsania, Prakash Bavanjibhai; Sadhu, Antanu
An exhaust system for use with a steam turbine is provided. An exhaust hood includes an input and an output, the input receiving fluid from the steam turbine. The exhaust hood includes a first side wall that extends between the input and the output. The first side wall includes an aperture. An ejector is coupled to the exhaust hood. The ejector includes inlets and an outlet. At least one of the inlets receives fluid from the exhaust hood via the aperture.
40 CFR 91.420 - CVS concept of exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... that complete mixing of the engine exhaust and background air is assured prior to the sampling probe.... The background probe must draw a representative sample of the background air during each sampling mode...) sampling system. If a critical flow venturi (CFV) is used on the dilute exhaust sample probe, this system...
40 CFR 91.420 - CVS concept of exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... that complete mixing of the engine exhaust and background air is assured prior to the sampling probe.... The background probe must draw a representative sample of the background air during each sampling mode...) sampling system. If a critical flow venturi (CFV) is used on the dilute exhaust sample probe, this system...
40 CFR 91.420 - CVS concept of exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... that complete mixing of the engine exhaust and background air is assured prior to the sampling probe.... The background probe must draw a representative sample of the background air during each sampling mode...) sampling system. If a critical flow venturi (CFV) is used on the dilute exhaust sample probe, this system...
40 CFR 91.420 - CVS concept of exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... that complete mixing of the engine exhaust and background air is assured prior to the sampling probe.... The background probe must draw a representative sample of the background air during each sampling mode...) sampling system. If a critical flow venturi (CFV) is used on the dilute exhaust sample probe, this system...
40 CFR 91.420 - CVS concept of exhaust gas sampling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... that complete mixing of the engine exhaust and background air is assured prior to the sampling probe.... The background probe must draw a representative sample of the background air during each sampling mode...) sampling system. If a critical flow venturi (CFV) is used on the dilute exhaust sample probe, this system...
Vacuum Pump System Optimization Saves Energy at a Dairy Farm
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
In 1998, S&S Dairy optimized the vacuum pumping system at their dairy farm in Modesto, California. In an effort to reduce energy costs, S&S Dairy evaluated their vacuum pumping system to determine if efficiency gains and energy savings were possible.
40 CFR 86.110-90 - Exhaust gas sampling system; diesel vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... probe. The sensor shall have an accuracy and precision of ±2 °F (1.1 °C). (14) The dilute exhaust gas... probe. The sensor shall have an accuracy and precision of ±2 °F (1.1 °C). (14) The dilute exhaust gas... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system; diesel...
40 CFR 86.110-90 - Exhaust gas sampling system; diesel vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... probe. The sensor shall have an accuracy and precision of ±2 °F (1.1 °C). (14) The dilute exhaust gas... probe. The sensor shall have an accuracy and precision of ±2 °F (1.1 °C). (14) The dilute exhaust gas... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system; diesel...
National Synchrotron Light Source II storage ring vacuum systems
Hseuh, Hsiao-Chaun; Hetzel, Charles; Leng, Shuwei; ...
The National Synchrotron Light Source II, completed in 2014, is a 3-GeV synchrotron radiation (SR) facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory and has been in steady operation since. With a design electron current of 500 mA and subnanometer radians horizontal emittance, this 792-m circumference storage ring is providing the highest flux and brightness x-ray beam for SR users. Also, the majority of the storage ring vacuum chambers are made of extruded aluminium. Chamber sections are interconnected using low-impedance radiofrequency shielded bellows. SR from the bending magnets is intercepted by water-cooled compact photon absorbers resided in the storage ring chambers. Finally, thismore » paper presents the design of the storage ring vacuum system, the fabrication of vacuum chambers and other hardware, the installation, the commissioning, and the continuing beam conditioning of the vacuum systems.« less
National Synchrotron Light Source II storage ring vacuum systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hseuh, Hsiao-Chaun, E-mail:; Hetzel, Charles; Leng, Shuwei
The National Synchrotron Light Source II, completed in 2014, is a 3-GeV synchrotron radiation (SR) facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory and has been in steady operation since. With a design electron current of 500 mA and subnanometer radians horizontal emittance, this 792-m circumference storage ring is providing the highest flux and brightness x-ray beam for SR users. The majority of the storage ring vacuum chambers are made of extruded aluminium. Chamber sections are interconnected using low-impedance radiofrequency shielded bellows. SR from the bending magnets is intercepted by water-cooled compact photon absorbers resided in the storage ring chambers. This paper presents themore » design of the storage ring vacuum system, the fabrication of vacuum chambers and other hardware, the installation, the commissioning, and the continuing beam conditioning of the vacuum systems.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Davydov, A.; Sveshnikov, K.; Voronina, Yu.
Based on the original combination of analytical methods, computer algebra tools and numerical calculations, proposed recently in Refs. 1-3, the nonperturbative vacuum polarization effects in the 2+1D supercritical Dirac-Coulomb system with Z > Zcr,1 are explored. Both the vacuum charge density ρV P(r→) and vacuum energy ℰV P are considered. The main result of the work is that in the overcritical region ℰV P turns out to be a rapidly decreasing function ˜-ηeffZ3/R with ηeff > 0 and R being the size of the external Coulomb source. Due to a lot of details of calculation the whole work is divided into two parts I and II. In the present part I, we consider the evaluation and behavior of the vacuum density ρV P, which further is used in part II for evaluation of the vacuum energy, with emphasis on the renormalization, convergence of the partial expansion for ρV P and behavior of the integral induced charge QV P in the overcritical region.
Development of a Control System for the Teat-End Vacuum in Individual Quarter Milking Systems
Ströbel, Ulrich; Rose-Meierhöfer, Sandra; Öz, Hülya; Brunsch, Reiner
Progress in sensor technique and electronics has led to a decrease in the costs of electronic and sensor components. In modern dairy farms, having udders in good condition, a lower frequency of udder disease and an extended service life of dairy cows will help ensure competitiveness. The objective of this study was to develop a teat-end vacuum control system with individual quarter actor reaction. Based on a review of the literature, this system is assumed to protect the teat tissue. It reduces the mean teat-end vacuum in the maximum vacuum phase (b) to a level of 20 kPa at a flow rate of 0.25 L/min per quarter. At flow rates higher than 1.50 L/min per quarter, the teat-end vacuum can be controlled to a level of 30 kPa, because in this case it is desirable to have a higher vacuum for the transportation of the milk to the receiver. With this system it is possible for the first time to supply the teat end with low vacuum at low flow rates and with higher vacuum at increasing flow rates in a continuous process with a three second reaction-rate on individual quarter level. This system is completely automated. PMID:23765272
Real-time exhaust gas modular flowmeter and emissions reporting system for mobile apparatus
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Breton, Leo Alphonse Gerard (Inventor)
A real-time emissions reporting system includes an instrument module adapted to be detachably connected to the exhaust pipe of a combustion engine to provide for flow of exhaust gas therethrough. The instrument module includes a differential pressure probe which allows for determination of flow rate of the exhaust gas and a gas sampling tube for continuously feeding a sample of the exhaust gas to a gas analyzer or a mounting location for a non-sampling gas analyzer. In addition to the module, the emissions reporting system also includes an elastomeric boot for detachably connecting the module to the exhaust pipe of the combustion engine, a gas analyzer for receiving and analyzing gases sampled within the module and a computer for calculating pollutant mass flow rates based on concentrations detected by the gas analyzer and the detected flowrate of the exhaust gas. The system may also include a particulate matter detector with a second gas sampling tube feeding same mounted within the instrument module.
40 CFR 89.412 - Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and...-IGNITION ENGINES Exhaust Emission Test Procedures § 89.412 Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical... must be incorporated in each system used for raw testing under this subpart. (1) [Reserved] (2) The...
40 CFR 89.412 - Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and...-IGNITION ENGINES Exhaust Emission Test Procedures § 89.412 Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical... must be incorporated in each system used for raw testing under this subpart. (1) [Reserved] (2) The...
Vacuum pumps and systems: A review of current practice
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Giles, Stuart
A review of the fundamental characteristics of the many types of vacuum pumps and vacuum pumping systems is given. The optimum pumping range, relative cost, performance limitations, maintenance problems, system operating costs and similar subjects are discussed. Experiences from the thin film deposition, chemical processing, material handling, food processing and other industries, as well as space simulation are used to support conclusions and recommendations.
Comparison of occlusion break responses and vacuum rise times of phacoemulsification systems.
Sharif-Kashani, Pooria; Fanney, Douglas; Injev, Val
Occlusion break surge during phacoemulsification cataract surgery can lead to potential surgical complications. The purpose of this study was to quantify occlusion break surge and vacuum rise time of current phacoemulsification systems used in cataract surgery. Occlusion break surge at vacuum pressures between 200 and 600 mmHg was assessed with the Infiniti® Vision System, the WhiteStar Signature® Phacoemulsification System, and the Centurion® Vision System using gravity-fed fluidics. Centurion Active FluidicsTM were also tested at multiple intraoperative pressure target settings. Vacuum rise time was evaluated for Infiniti, WhiteStar Signature, Centurion, and Stellaris® Vision Enhancement systems. Rise time to vacuum limits of 400 and 600 mmHg was assessed at flow rates of 30 and 60 cc/minute. Occlusion break surge was analyzed by 2-way analysis of variance. The Centurion system exhibited substantially less occlusion break surge than the other systems tested. Surge area with Centurion Active Fluidics was similar to gravity fluidics at an equivalent bottle height. At all Centurion Active Fluidics intraoperative pressure target settings tested, surge was smaller than with Infiniti and WhiteStar Signature. Infiniti had the fastest vacuum rise time and Stellaris had the slowest. No system tested reached the 600-mmHg vacuum limit. In this laboratory study, Centurion had the least occlusion break surge and similar vacuum rise times compared with the other systems tested. Reducing occlusion break surge may increase safety of phacoemulsification cataract surgery.
Steam ejector-condenser: stage I of a differential vacuum pumping station
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hanson, C.L.; Alger, T.W.
A steam ejector-condenser unit was built and tested to produce a 10 Torr (13.3 x 10/sup 2/Pa) vacuum with a 2 cm aperture to the atmosphere. This unit is the first stage of a differential vacuum pumping station that will be used with the Experimental Test Accelerator. The accelerator's electron beam will pass through a series of openings from a high vacuum (5 x 10/sup -6/ Torr) to the atmosphere. The differential system consists of four vacuum pumping units separated by 2 cm-diam apertures. Superheated steam is injected near the final beamline orifice to reduce the quantity of atmospheric airmore » flowing into the steam ejector--condenser unit. The steam ejector in the condenser vessel is open at its center to permit passage of the accelerator beam. Five nozzles mounted in a conical array produce the ejector vacuum of 10 Torr. The ejector exhausts into the condenser and forms a barrier to air flow into the lower pressure region. This feature permits high volume cold trapping and cryopumping of water vapor in the remaining lower-pressure stages. Tests have proven that the steam ejector--condenser is a reliable operating unit and suitable for long-term, steady-state accelerator operation.« less
Apollo telescope mount thermal systems unit thermal vacuum test
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Trucks, H. F.; Hueter, U.; Wise, J. H.; Bachtel, F. D.
The Apollo Telescope Mount's thermal systems unit was utilized to conduct a full-scale thermal vacuum test to verify the thermal design and the analytical techniques used to develop the thermal mathematical models. Thermal vacuum test philosophy, test objectives configuration, test monitoring, environment simulation, vehicle test performance, and data correlation are discussed. Emphasis is placed on planning and execution of the thermal vacuum test with particular attention on problems encountered in conducting a test of this maguitude.
49 CFR 393.83 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... vehicle having a device (other than as part of its cargo) capable of expelling harmful combustion fumes... combustible part of the motor vehicle. (b) No exhaust system shall discharge to the atmosphere at a location... either: (1) At or within 15 inches forward of the rearmost part of the vehicle; or (2) To the rear of all...
Comparison of occlusion break responses and vacuum rise times of phacoemulsification systems
Background Occlusion break surge during phacoemulsification cataract surgery can lead to potential surgical complications. The purpose of this study was to quantify occlusion break surge and vacuum rise time of current phacoemulsification systems used in cataract surgery. Methods Occlusion break surge at vacuum pressures between 200 and 600 mmHg was assessed with the Infiniti® Vision System, the WhiteStar Signature® Phacoemulsification System, and the Centurion® Vision System using gravity-fed fluidics. Centurion Active FluidicsTM were also tested at multiple intraoperative pressure target settings. Vacuum rise time was evaluated for Infiniti, WhiteStar Signature, Centurion, and Stellaris® Vision Enhancement systems. Rise time to vacuum limits of 400 and 600 mmHg was assessed at flow rates of 30 and 60 cc/minute. Occlusion break surge was analyzed by 2-way analysis of variance. Results The Centurion system exhibited substantially less occlusion break surge than the other systems tested. Surge area with Centurion Active Fluidics was similar to gravity fluidics at an equivalent bottle height. At all Centurion Active Fluidics intraoperative pressure target settings tested, surge was smaller than with Infiniti and WhiteStar Signature. Infiniti had the fastest vacuum rise time and Stellaris had the slowest. No system tested reached the 600-mmHg vacuum limit. Conclusions In this laboratory study, Centurion had the least occlusion break surge and similar vacuum rise times compared with the other systems tested. Reducing occlusion break surge may increase safety of phacoemulsification cataract surgery. PMID:25074069
Highly sensitive vacuum ion pump current measurement system
Hansknecht, John Christopher [Williamsburg, VA
A vacuum system comprising: 1) an ion pump; 2) power supply; 3) a high voltage DC--DC converter drawing power from the power supply and powering the vacuum pump; 4) a feedback network comprising an ammeter circuit including an operational amplifier and a series of relay controlled scaling resistors of different resistance for detecting circuit feedback; 5) an optional power block section intermediate the power supply and the high voltage DC--DC converter; and 6) a microprocessor receiving feedback information from the feedback network, controlling which of the scaling resistors should be in the circuit and manipulating data from the feedback network to provide accurate vacuum measurement to an operator.
Thermoelectric Power Generation System for Future Hybrid Vehicles Using Hot Exhaust Gas
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Sun-Kook; Won, Byeong-Cheol; Rhi, Seok-Ho; Kim, Shi-Ho; Yoo, Jeong-Ho; Jang, Ju-Chan
The present experimental and computational study investigates a new exhaust gas waste heat recovery system for hybrid vehicles, using a thermoelectric module (TEM) and heat pipes to produce electric power. It proposes a new thermoelectric generation (TEG) system, working with heat pipes to produce electricity from a limited hot surface area. The current TEG system is directly connected to the exhaust pipe, and the amount of electricity generated by the TEMs is directly proportional to their heated area. Current exhaust pipes fail to offer a sufficiently large hot surface area for the high-efficiency waste heat recovery required. To overcome this, a new TEG system has been designed to have an enlarged hot surface area by the addition of ten heat pipes, which act as highly efficient heat transfer devices and can transmit the heat to many TEMs. As designed, this new waste heat recovery system produces a maximum 350 W when the hot exhaust gas heats the evaporator surface of the heat pipe to 170°C; this promises great possibilities for application of this technology in future energy-efficient hybrid vehicles.
Vacuum system design and tritium inventory for the TFTR charge exchange diagnostic
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Medley, S.S.
The charge exchange diagnostic for the TFTR is comprised of two analyzer systems which contain a total of twenty independent mass/energy analyzers and one diagnostic neutral beam tentatively rated at 80 keV, 15 A. The associated vacuum systems were analyzed using the Vacuum System Transient Simulator (VSTS) computer program which models the transient transport of multi-gas species through complex networks of ducts, valves, traps, vacuum pumps, and other related vacuum system components. In addition to providing improved design performance at reduced cost, the analysis yields estimates for the exchange of tritium from the torus to the diagnostic components and ofmore » the diagnostic working gases to the torus.« less
40 CFR 90.421 - Dilute gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... filter and HFID. Determine these gas temperatures by a temperature sensor located immediately upstream of... analytical system description. (a) General. The exhaust gas sampling system described in this section is...-CVS must conform to all of the requirements listed for the exhaust gas PDP-CVS in § 90.420 of this...
40 CFR 90.421 - Dilute gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... filter and HFID. Determine these gas temperatures by a temperature sensor located immediately upstream of... analytical system description. (a) General. The exhaust gas sampling system described in this section is...-CVS must conform to all of the requirements listed for the exhaust gas PDP-CVS in § 90.420 of this...
Thermodynamic performance of multi-stage gradational lead screw vacuum pump
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhao, Fan; Zhang, Shiwei; Sun, Kun; Zhang, Zhijun
As a kind of dry mechanical vacuum pump, the twin-screw vacuum pump has an outstanding pumping performance during operation, widely used in the semiconductor industry. Compared with the constant lead screw (CLS) vacuum pump, the gradational lead screw (GLS) vacuum pump is more popularly applied in recent years. Nevertheless, not many comparative studies on the thermodynamic performance of GLS vacuum pump can be found in the literature. Our study focuses on one type of GLS vacuum pump, the multi-stage gradational lead screw (MGLS) vacuum pump, gives a detailed description of its construction and illustrates it with the drawing. Based on the structural analysis, the thermodynamic procedure is divided into four distinctive processes, including sucking process, transferring (compressing) process, backlashing process and exhausting process. The internal mechanism of each process is qualitatively illustrated and the mathematical expressions of seven thermodynamic parameters are given under the ideal situation. The performance curves of MGLS vacuum pump are plotted by MATLAB software and compared with those of the CLS vacuum pump in the same case. The results can well explain why the MGLS vacuum pump has more favorable pumping performance than the CLS vacuum pump in saving energy, reducing noise and heat dissipation.
Edison's vacuum technology patents
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Waits, Robert K.
During 1879 Thomas Edison's Menlo Park, New Jersey laboratory developed the means to evacuate glass lamp globes to less than a mTorr in 20 min and in mid-1880 began production of carbon-filament incandescent lamps. Among Edison's nearly 1100 U.S. patents are five for vacuum pump improvements, and at least eight others that are vacuum-related; all applied for between 1880 and 1886. Inspired by an 1878 article by De La Rue and Müller [Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 169, 155 (1878)] on studies of glow discharges, Edison devised a combination pump using the Geissler pump as a rough pump and the Sprengel pump for continuous exhaustion. Edison's patents described means to control the mercury flow and automate the delivery of the mercury to banks of up to a hundred pumps. Other patents described various means to remove residual gases during lamp processing.
Pan, Cong-Yuan; Du, Xue-Wei; An, Ning; Han, Zhen-Yu; Wang, Sheng-Bo; Wei, Wei; Wang, Qiu-Ping
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is one of the most promising technologies to be applied to metallurgical composition online monitoring in these days. In order to study the spectral characters of LIBS spectrum and to investigate the quantitative analysis method of material composition under vacuum and high temperature environment, a LIBS measurement system was designed and set up which can be used for conducting experiments with high-temperature or molten samples in different vacuum environment. The system consists of a Q-switched Nd : YAG laser used as the light source, lens with different focus lengths used for laser focusing and spectrum signal collecting, a spectrometer used for detecting the signal of LIBS spectrums, and a vacuum system for holding and heating the samples while supplying a vacuum environment. The vacuum was achieved and maintained by a vacuum pump and an electric induction furnace was used for heating the system. The induction coil was integrated to the vacuum system by attaching to a ceramic sealing flange. The system was installed and testified, and the results indicate that the vacuum of the system can reach 1X 10(-4) Pa without heating, while the heating temperature could be about 1 600 degreeC, the system can be used for melting metal samples such as steel and aluminum and get the LIBS spectrum of the samples at the same time. Utilizing this system, LIBS experiments were conducted using standard steel samples under different vacuum or high-temperature conditions. Results of comparison between LIBS spectrums of solid steel samples under different vacuum were achieved, and so are the spectrums of molten and solid steel samples under vacuum environment. Through data processing and theoretical analyzing of these spectrums, the initial results of those experiments are in good agreement with the results that are presently reported, which indicates that the whole system functions well and is available for molten metal LIBS experiment
Exhaust system with emissions storage device and plasma reactor
Hoard, John W.
An exhaust system for a combustion system, comprising a storage device for collecting NO.sub.x, hydrocarbon, or particulate emissions, or mixture of these emissions, and a plasma reactor for destroying the collected emissions is described. After the emission is collected in by the storage device for a period of time, the emission is then destroyed in a non-thermal plasma generated by the plasma reactor. With respect to the direction of flow of the exhaust stream, the storage device must be located before the terminus of the plasma reactor, and it may be located wholly before, overlap with, or be contained within the plasma reactor.
Implementation of EPICS based vacuum control system for variable energy cyclotron centre, Kolkata
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Roy, Anindya; Bhole, R. B.; Nandy, Partha P.; Yadav, R. C.; Pal, Sarbajit; Roy, Amitava
The vacuum system of the Room Temperature (K = 130) Cyclotron of Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre is comprised of vacuum systems of main machine and Beam Transport System. The vacuum control system is upgraded to a PLC based Automated system from the initial relay based Manual system. The supervisory control of the vacuum system is implemented in Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). An EPICS embedded ARM based vacuum gauge controller is developed to mitigate the requirement of vendor specific gauge controller for gauges and also for seamless integration of the gauge controllers with the control system. A set of MS-Windows ActiveX components with embedded EPICS Channel Access interface are developed to build operator interfaces with less complex programming and to incorporate typical Windows feature, e.g., user authentication, file handling, better fonts, colors, mouse actions etc. into the operator interfaces. The control parameters, monitoring parameters, and system interlocks of the system are archived in MySQL based EPICS MySQL Archiver developed indigenously. In this paper, we describe the architecture, the implementation details, and the performance of the system.
Implementation of EPICS based vacuum control system for variable energy cyclotron centre, Kolkata.
Roy, Anindya; Bhole, R B; Nandy, Partha P; Yadav, R C; Pal, Sarbajit; Roy, Amitava
The vacuum system of the Room Temperature (K = 130) Cyclotron of Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre is comprised of vacuum systems of main machine and Beam Transport System. The vacuum control system is upgraded to a PLC based Automated system from the initial relay based Manual system. The supervisory control of the vacuum system is implemented in Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). An EPICS embedded ARM based vacuum gauge controller is developed to mitigate the requirement of vendor specific gauge controller for gauges and also for seamless integration of the gauge controllers with the control system. A set of MS-Windows ActiveX components with embedded EPICS Channel Access interface are developed to build operator interfaces with less complex programming and to incorporate typical Windows feature, e.g., user authentication, file handling, better fonts, colors, mouse actions etc. into the operator interfaces. The control parameters, monitoring parameters, and system interlocks of the system are archived in MySQL based EPICS MySQL Archiver developed indigenously. In this paper, we describe the architecture, the implementation details, and the performance of the system.
Systems and methods for analyzing liquids under vacuum
Yu, Xiao-Ying; Yang, Li; Cowin, James P.; Iedema, Martin J.; Zhu, Zihua
Systems and methods for supporting a liquid against a vacuum pressure in a chamber can enable analysis of the liquid surface using vacuum-based chemical analysis instruments. No electrical or fluid connections are required to pass through the chamber walls. The systems can include a reservoir, a pump, and a liquid flow path. The reservoir contains a liquid-phase sample. The pump drives flow of the sample from the reservoir, through the liquid flow path, and back to the reservoir. The flow of the sample is not substantially driven by a differential between pressures inside and outside of the liquid flow path. An aperture in the liquid flow path exposes a stable portion of the liquid-phase sample to the vacuum pressure within the chamber. The radius, or size, of the aperture is less than or equal to a critical value required to support a meniscus of the liquid-phase sample by surface tension.
Gordon, H.S.
An improved adsorption vacuum trap for use in vacuum systems was designed. The distinguishing feature is the placement of a plurality of torsionally deformed metallic fins within a vacuum jacket extending from the walls to the central axis so that substantially all gas molecules pass through the jacket will impinge upon the fin surfaces. T fins are heated by direct metallic conduction, thereby ol taining a uniform temperature at the adeorbing surfaces so that essentially all of the condensible impurities from the evacuating gas are removed from the vacuum system.
New baking system for the RFX vacuum vessel
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Collarin, P.; Luchetta, A.; Sonato, P.
A heating system based on eddy currents has been developed for the vacuum vessel of the RFX Reversed Field Pinch device. After a testing phase, carried out at low power, the final power supply system has been designed and installed. It has been used during last year to bake out the vessel and the graphite first wall up to 320{degree}C. Recently the heating system has been completed with a control system that allows for baking sessions with an automatic control of the vacuum vessel temperature and for pulse sessions with a heated first wall. After the description of the preliminarymore » analyses and tests, and of the main characteristics of the power supply and control systems, the experimental results of the baking sessions performed during last year are presented. 6 refs., 7 figs.« less
Implementation of EPICS based vacuum control system for variable energy cyclotron centre, Kolkata
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Roy, Anindya, E-mail:; Bhole, R. B.; Nandy, Partha P.
The vacuum system of the Room Temperature (K = 130) Cyclotron of Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre is comprised of vacuum systems of main machine and Beam Transport System. The vacuum control system is upgraded to a PLC based Automated system from the initial relay based Manual system. The supervisory control of the vacuum system is implemented in Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). An EPICS embedded ARM based vacuum gauge controller is developed to mitigate the requirement of vendor specific gauge controller for gauges and also for seamless integration of the gauge controllers with the control system. A setmore » of MS-Windows ActiveX components with embedded EPICS Channel Access interface are developed to build operator interfaces with less complex programming and to incorporate typical Windows feature, e.g., user authentication, file handling, better fonts, colors, mouse actions etc. into the operator interfaces. The control parameters, monitoring parameters, and system interlocks of the system are archived in MySQL based EPICS MySQL Archiver developed indigenously. In this paper, we describe the architecture, the implementation details, and the performance of the system.« less
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Sokhey, Jagdish S. (Inventor); Pierluissi, Anthony F. (Inventor)
One embodiment of the present invention is a unique gas turbine engine system. Another embodiment is a unique exhaust nozzle system for a gas turbine engine. Other embodiments include apparatuses, systems, devices, hardware, methods, and combinations for gas turbine engine systems and exhaust nozzle systems for gas turbine engines. Further embodiments, forms, features, aspects, benefits, and advantages of the present application will become apparent from the description and figures provided herewith.
Analysis of RFQ vacuum system for HINS tests at MDB
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Piekarz, Henryk; /Fermilab
The arrangement of RFQ vacuum system is briefly described. The projections of the vacuum level using standard out-gassing rates for the RFQ major components are compared with measurements. The permeation of water through the Viton O-rings of the LCW manifold inside the RFQ vacuum vessel is analyzed and compared with RGA data. A model where the out-gassing water from the vanes inner surfaces affects seriously RFQ operation is devised and compared with RFQ performance. The rate of a hydrogen gas spill from the LEBT into the RFQ vacuum space is also projected. Suggestions to correct and improve RFQ operation aremore » presented.« less
David Florida Laboratory Thermal Vacuum Data Processing System
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Choueiry, Elie
During 1991, the Space Simulation Facility conducted a survey to assess the requirements and analyze the merits for purchasing a new thermal vacuum data processing system for its facilities. A new, integrated, cost effective PC-based system was purchased which uses commercial off-the-shelf software for operation and control. This system can be easily reconfigured and allows its users to access a local area network. In addition, it provides superior performance compared to that of the former system which used an outdated mini-computer and peripheral hardware. This paper provides essential background on the old data processing system's features, capabilities, and the performance criteria that drove the genesis of its successor. This paper concludes with a detailed discussion of the thermal vacuum data processing system's components, features, and its important role in supporting our space-simulation environment and our capabilities for spacecraft testing. The new system was tested during the ANIK E spacecraft test, and was fully operational in November 1991.
Generic particulate-monitoring system for retrofit to Hanford exhaust stacks
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Camman, J.W.; Carbaugh, E.H.
Evaluations of 72 sampling and monitoring systems were performed at Hanford as the initial phase of a program to upgrade such systems. Each evaluation included determination of theoretical sampling efficiencies for particle sizes ranging from 0.5 to 10 micrometers aerodynamic equivalent diameter, addressing anisokinetic bias, sample transport line losses, and collector device efficiency. Upgrades needed to meet current Department of Energy guidance for effluent sampling and monitoring were identified, and a cost for each upgrade was estimated. A relative priority for each system's upgrade was then established based on evaluation results, current operational status, and future plans for the facilitymore » being exhausted. Common system upgrade requirements lead to the development of a generic design for common components of an exhaust stack sampling and monitoring system for airborne radioactive particulates. The generic design consists of commercially available off-the-shelf components to the extent practical and will simplify future stack sampling and monitoring system design, fabrication, and installation efforts. Evaluation results and their significance to system upgrades are empasized. A brief discussion of the analytical models used and experience to date with the upgrade program is included. Development of the generic stack sampling and monitoring system design is outlined. Generic system design features and limitations are presented. Requirements for generic system retrofitting to existing exhaust stacks are defined and benefits derived from generic system application are discussed.« less
Method of controlling temperature of a thermoelectric generator in an exhaust system
Prior, Gregory P; Reynolds, Michael G; Cowgill, Joshua D
A method of controlling the temperature of a thermoelectric generator (TEG) in an exhaust system of an engine is provided. The method includes determining the temperature of the heated side of the TEG, determining exhaust gas flow rate through the TEG, and determining the exhaust gas temperature through the TEG. A rate of change in temperature of the heated side of the TEG is predicted based on the determined temperature, the determined exhaust gas flow rate, and the determined exhaust gas temperature through the TEG. Using the predicted rate of change of temperature of the heated side, exhaust gas flow rate through the TEG is calculated that will result in a maximum temperature of the heated side of the TEG less than a predetermined critical temperature given the predicted rate of change in temperature of the heated side of the TEG. A corresponding apparatus is provided.
14. VIEW OF VACUUM COATING CHAMBER. THE SYSTEM USED TITANIUM VAPORS TO DEPOSIT TITANIUM COATING ONTO URANIUM PARTS UNDER A VACUUM. (1/11/83) - Rocky Flats Plant, Non-Nuclear Production Facility, South of Cottonwood Avenue, west of Seventh Avenue & east of Building 460, Golden, Jefferson County, CO
Catalysts, systems and methods to reduce NOX in an exhaust gas stream
Castellano, Christopher R.; Moini, Ahmad; Koermer, Gerald S.; Furbeck, Howard
Catalysts, systems and methods are described to reduce NO.sub.x emissions of an internal combustion engine. In one embodiment, an emissions treatment system for an exhaust stream is provided having an SCR catalyst comprising silver tungstate on an alumina support. The emissions treatment system may be used for the treatment of exhaust streams from diesel engines and lean burn gasoline engines. An emissions treatment system may further comprise an injection device operative to dispense a hydrocarbon reducing agent upstream of the catalyst.
Study on heat pipe assisted thermoelectric power generation system from exhaust gas
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chi, Ri-Guang; Park, Jong-Chan; Rhi, Seok-Ho; Lee, Kye-Bock
Currently, most fuel consumed by vehicles is released to the environment as thermal energy through the exhaust pipe. Environmentally friendly vehicle technology needs new methods to increase the recycling efficiency of waste exhaust thermal energy. The present study investigated how to improve the maximum power output of a TEG (Thermoelectric generator) system assisted with a heat pipe. Conventionally, the driving energy efficiency of an internal combustion engine is approximately less than 35%. TEG with Seebeck elements is a new idea for recycling waste exhaust heat energy. The TEG system can efficiently utilize low temperature waste heat, such as industrial waste heat and solar energy. In addition, the heat pipe can transfer heat from the automobile's exhaust gas to a TEG. To improve the efficiency of the thermal power generation system with a heat pipe, effects of various parameters, such as inclination angle, charged amount of the heat pipe, condenser temperature, and size of the TEM (thermoelectric element), were investigated. Experimental studies, CFD simulation, and the theoretical approach to thermoelectric modules were carried out, and the TEG system with heat pipe (15-20% charged, 20°-30° inclined configuration) showed the best performance.
Interior of Vacuum Tank at the Electric Propulsion Laboratory
Interior of the 20-foot diameter vacuum tank at the NASA Lewis Research Center’s Electric Propulsion Laboratory. Lewis researchers had been studying different electric rocket propulsion methods since the mid-1950s. Harold Kaufman created the first successful ion engine, the electron bombardment ion engine, in the early 1960s. These engines used electric power to create and accelerate small particles of propellant material to high exhaust velocities. Electric engines have a very small thrust, but can operate for long periods of time. The ion engines are often clustered together to provide higher levels of thrust. The Electric Propulsion Laboratory, which began operation in 1961, contained two large vacuum tanks capable of simulating a space environment. The tanks were designed especially for testing ion and plasma thrusters and spacecraft. The larger 25-foot diameter tank included a 10-foot diameter test compartment to test electric thrusters with condensable propellants. The portals along the chamber floor lead to the massive exhauster equipment that pumped out the air to simulate the low pressures found in space.
Low exhaust temperature electrically heated particulate matter filter system
Gonze, Eugene V [Pinckney, MI; Paratore, Jr., Michael J.; Bhatia, Garima [Bangalore, IN
A system includes a particulate matter (PM) filter, a sensor, a heating element, and a control module. The PM filter includes with an upstream end that receives exhaust gas, a downstream end and multiple zones. The sensor detects a temperature of the exhaust gas. The control module controls current to the heating element to convection heat one of the zones and initiate a regeneration process. The control module selectively increases current to the heating element relative to a reference regeneration current level when the temperature is less than a predetermined temperature.
Numerical investigations in the backflow region of a vacuum plume
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Liaw, Goang-Shin
The objective of this research is to numerically simulate the vacuum plume flow field in the backflow region of a low thrust nozzle exit. In space applications, the low thrust nozzles are used as a propulsion device to control the vehicle attitude, or to maneuver the vehicle flight trajectory. When the spacecraft is deployed in the orbit or cruising in a planetary mission, the vacuum plume is created behind the nozzle exit (so called backflow region), by the exhausting gas of the propulsion system or by venting internal gas to the extremely low density ambient. The low density vacuum plume flow regions cover the continuum, transitional and free molecular flow regimes, which were characterized by the Knudsen number K(sub n), K(sub n) = lambda(sub m)/L where lambda(sub m) is the mean free path of the gas molecules and L is the characteristic length of the flow field. The transitional regime is defined by 0.01 is less than or equal to K(sub n) is less than or equal to 10. The conventional Navier-Stokes equations are valid only in the flow region close to the nozzle exit since the validity of the Navier-Stokes equations fails asymptotically as the Knudsen number increases. The vacuum plume characteristics prediction is primarily a problem of transitional aerodynamics.
Flow Characteristics of a Multiple Nozzle Exhaust Gas Eductor System.
these exhaust gases are a temperatures significantly above those of conventionally powered ships. A few of the problems caused by these high temperatures designed for marine gas turbine applications must substantially cool exhaust gases , present an exterior stack surface temperature which will not...stack in. H 02 R - Gas constant for air, 53.34 ft-lbf/Ibm-R s - Entropy, Btu/Ibm-R S - Primary dimension of mixing stack T - Absolute temperature , R
Comparison of vacuum and non-vacuum urine tubes for urinary sediment analysis.
Topcuoglu, Canan; Sezer, Sevilay; Kosem, Arzu; Ercan, Mujgan; Turhan, Turan
Urine collection systems with aspiration system for vacuum tubes are becoming increasingly common for urinalysis, especially for microscopic examination of the urine. In this study, we aimed to examine whether vacuum aspiration of the urine sample has any adverse effect on sediment analysis by comparing results from vacuum and non-vacuum urine tubes. The study included totally 213 urine samples obtained from inpatients and outpatients in our hospital. Urine samples were collected to containers with aspiration system for vacuum tubes. Each sample was aliquoted to both vacuum and non-vacuum urine tubes. Urinary sediment analysis was performed using manual microscope. Results were evaluated using chi-square test. Comparison of the sediment analysis results from vacuum and non-vacuum urine tubes showed that results were highly concordant for erythrocyte, leukocyte and epithelial cells (gamma values 1, 0.997, and 0.994, respectively; p < .001). Results were also concordant for urinary casts, crystals and yeast (kappa values 0.815, 0.945 and 1, respectively; p < .001). The results show that in urinary sediment analysis, vacuum aspiration has no adverse effect on the cellular components except on casts.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Piñero, G.; Vergara, L.; Desantes, J. M.; Broatch, A.
The knowledge of the particle velocity fluctuations associated with acoustic pressure oscillation in the exhaust system of internal combustion engines may represent a powerful aid in the design of such systems, from the point of view of both engine performance improvement and exhaust noise abatement. However, usual velocity measurement techniques, even if applicable, are not well suited to the aggressive environment existing in exhaust systems. In this paper, a method to obtain a suitable estimate of velocity fluctuations is proposed, which is based on the application of spatial filtering (beamforming) techniques to instantaneous pressure measurements. Making use of simulated pressure-time histories, several algorithms have been checked by comparison between the simulated and the estimated velocity fluctuations. Then, problems related to the experimental procedure and associated with the proposed methodology are addressed, making application to measurements made in a real exhaust system. The results indicate that, if proper care is taken when performing the measurements, the application of beamforming techniques gives a reasonable estimate of the velocity fluctuations.
Vacuum System and Modeling for the Materials Plasma Exposure Experiment
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lumsdaine, Arnold; Meitner, Steve; Graves, Van
Understanding the science of plasma-material interactions (PMI) is essential for the future development of fusion facilities. The design of divertors and first walls for the next generation of long-pulse fusion facilities, such as a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) or a DEMO, requires significant PMI research and development. In order to meet this need, a new linear plasma facility, the Materials Plasma Exposure Experiment (MPEX) is proposed, which will produce divertor relevant plasma conditions for these next generation facilities. The device will be capable of handling low activation irradiated samples and be able to remove and replace samples without breakingmore » vacuum. A Target Exchange Chamber (TEC) which can be disconnected from the high field environment in order to perform in-situ diagnostics is planned for the facility as well. The vacuum system for MPEX must be carefully designed in order to meet the requirements of the different heating systems, and to provide conditions at the target similar to those expected in a divertor. An automated coupling-decoupling (“autocoupler”) system is designed to create a high vacuum seal, and will allow the TEC to be disconnected without breaking vacuum in either the TEC or the primary plasma materials interaction chamber. This autocoupler, which can be actuated remotely in the presence of the high magnetic fields, has been designed and prototyped, and shows robustness in a variety of conditions. The vacuum system has been modeled using a simplified finite element analysis, and indicates that the design goals for the pressures in key regions of the facility are achievable.« less
Vacuum System and Modeling for the Materials Plasma Exposure Experiment
Lumsdaine, Arnold; Meitner, Steve; Graves, Van; ...
Understanding the science of plasma-material interactions (PMI) is essential for the future development of fusion facilities. The design of divertors and first walls for the next generation of long-pulse fusion facilities, such as a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) or a DEMO, requires significant PMI research and development. In order to meet this need, a new linear plasma facility, the Materials Plasma Exposure Experiment (MPEX) is proposed, which will produce divertor relevant plasma conditions for these next generation facilities. The device will be capable of handling low activation irradiated samples and be able to remove and replace samples without breakingmore » vacuum. A Target Exchange Chamber (TEC) which can be disconnected from the high field environment in order to perform in-situ diagnostics is planned for the facility as well. The vacuum system for MPEX must be carefully designed in order to meet the requirements of the different heating systems, and to provide conditions at the target similar to those expected in a divertor. An automated coupling-decoupling (“autocoupler”) system is designed to create a high vacuum seal, and will allow the TEC to be disconnected without breaking vacuum in either the TEC or the primary plasma materials interaction chamber. This autocoupler, which can be actuated remotely in the presence of the high magnetic fields, has been designed and prototyped, and shows robustness in a variety of conditions. The vacuum system has been modeled using a simplified finite element analysis, and indicates that the design goals for the pressures in key regions of the facility are achievable.« less
Development of a Modified Vacuum Cleaner for Lunar Surface Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Toon, Katherine P.; Lee, Steve A.; Edgerly, Rachel D.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) mission to expand space exploration will return humans to the Moon with the goal of maintaining a long-term presence. One challenge that NASA will face returning to the Moon is managing the lunar regolith found on the Moon's surface, which will collect on extravehicular activity (EVA) suits and other equipment. Based on the Apollo experience, the issues astronauts encountered with lunar regolith included eye/lung irritation, and various hardware failures (seals, screw threads, electrical connectors and fabric contamination), which were all related to inadequate lunar regolith mitigation. A vacuum cleaner capable of detaching, transferring, and efficiently capturing lunar regolith has been proposed as a method to mitigate the lunar regolith problem in the habitable environment on lunar surface. In order to develop this vacuum, a modified "off-the-shelf" vacuum cleaner has been used to determine detachment efficiency, vacuum requirements, and optimal cleaning techniques to ensure efficient dust removal in habitable lunar surfaces, EVA spacesuits, and air exchange volume. During the initial development of the Lunar Surface System vacuum cleaner, systematic testing was performed with varying flow rates on multiple surfaces (fabrics and metallics), atmospheric (14.7 psia) and reduced pressures (10.2 and 8.3 psia), different vacuum tool attachments, and several vacuum cleaning techniques to determine the performance requirements for the vacuum cleaner. The data recorded during testing was evaluated by calculating percent removal, relative to the retained simulant on the tested surface. In addition, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) imaging was used to determine particle size distribution retained on the surface. The scope of this paper is to explain the initial phase of vacuum cleaner development, including historical Apollo mission data, current state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner technology, and vacuum cleaner
Development of a Modified Vacuum Cleaner for Lunar Surface Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Toon, Katherine P.; Lee, Steve A.; Edgerly, Rachel D.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) mission to expand space exploration will return humans to the Moon with the goal of maintaining a long-term presence. One challenge that NASA will face returning to the Moon is managing the lunar regolith found on the Moon's surface, which will collect on extravehicular activity (EVA) suits and other equipment. Based on the Apollo experience, the issues astronauts encountered with lunar regolith included eye/lung irritation, and various hardware failures (seals, screw threads, electrical connectors and fabric contamination), which were all related to inadequate lunar regolith mitigation. A vacuum cleaner capable of detaching, transferring, and efficiently capturing lunar regolith has been proposed as a method to mitigate the lunar regolith problem in the habitable environment on lunar surface. In order to develop this vacuum, a modified "off-the-shelf' vacuum cleaner will be used to determine detachment efficiency, vacuum requirements, and optimal cleaning techniques to ensure efficient dust removal in habitable lunar surfaces, EVA spacesuits, and air exchange volume. During the initial development of the Lunar Surface System vacuum cleaner, systematic testing was performed with varying flow rates on multiple surfaces (fabrics and metallics), atmospheric (14.7 psia) and reduced pressures (10.2 and 8.3 psia), different vacuum tool attachments, and several vacuum cleaning techniques in order to determine the performance requirements for the vacuum cleaner. The data recorded during testing was evaluated by calculating particulate removal, relative to the retained simulant on the tested surface. In addition, optical microscopy was used to determine particle size distribution retained on the surface. The scope of this paper is to explain the initial phase of vacuum cleaner development, including historical Apollo mission data, current state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner technology, and vacuum cleaner testing that has
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Leggett, Nickolaus
The ambient natural vacuum of space is proposed as a basis for electron valves. Each valve is an electron controlling structure similiar to a vacuum tube that is operated without a vacuum sustaining envelope. The natural vacuum electron valves discussed offer a viable substitute for solid state devices. The natural vacuum valve is highly resistant to ionizing radiation, system generated electromagnetic pulse, current transients, and direct exposure to space conditions.
40 CFR 91.421 - Dilute gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... filter and HFID. Determine these gas temperatures by a temperature sensor located immediately upstream of.... (a) General. The exhaust gas sampling system described in this section is designed to measure the...-CVS must conform to all of the requirements listed for the exhaust gas PDP-CVS in § 91.420 of this...
40 CFR 91.421 - Dilute gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... filter and HFID. Determine these gas temperatures by a temperature sensor located immediately upstream of.... (a) General. The exhaust gas sampling system described in this section is designed to measure the...-CVS must conform to all of the requirements listed for the exhaust gas PDP-CVS in § 91.420 of this...
Vacuum packing: a model system for laboratory-scale silage fermentations.
Johnson, H E; Merry, R J; Davies, D R; Kell, D B; Theodorou, M K; Griffith, G W
To determine the utility of vacuum-packed polythene bags as a convenient, flexible and cost-effective alternative to fixed volume glass vessels for lab-scale silage studies. Using perennial ryegrass or red clover forage, similar fermentations (as assessed by pH measurement) occurred in glass tube and vacuum-packed silos over a 35-day period. As vacuum-packing devices allow modification of initial packing density, the effect of four different settings (initial packing densities of 0.397, 0.435, 0.492 and 0.534 g cm(-3)) on the silage fermentation over 16 days was examined. Significant differences in pH decline and lactate accumulation were observed at different vacuum settings. Gas accumulation was apparent within all bags and changes in bag volume with time was observed to vary according to initial packing density. Vacuum-packed silos do provide a realistic model system for lab-scale silage fermentations. Use of vacuum-packed silos holds potential for lab-scale evaluations of silage fermentations, allowing higher throughput of samples, more consistent packing as well as the possibility of investigating the effects of different initial packing densities and use of different wrapping materials.
Anand, Ashok Kumar; Nagarjuna Reddy, Thirumala Reddy; Shaffer, Jason Brian; York, William David
A power plant is provided and includes a gas turbine engine having a combustor in which compressed gas and fuel are mixed and combusted, first and second supply lines respectively coupled to the combustor and respectively configured to supply the compressed gas and the fuel to the combustor and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system to re-circulate exhaust gas produced by the gas turbine engine toward the combustor. The EGR system is coupled to the first and second supply lines and configured to combine first and second portions of the re-circulated exhaust gas with the compressed gas and the fuel at the first and second supply lines, respectively.
Exhaust purification with on-board ammonia production
Robel, Wade J [Peoria, IL; Driscoll, James Joshua [Dunlap, IL; Coleman, Gerald N [Peterborough, GB
A system of ammonia production for a selective catalytic reduction system is provided. The system includes producing an exhaust gas stream within a cylinder group, wherein the first exhaust gas stream includes NOx. The exhaust gas stream may be supplied to an exhaust passage and cooled to a predetermined temperature range, and at least a portion of the NOx within the exhaust gas stream may be converted into ammonia.
Commissioning of the vacuum system of the KATRIN Main Spectrometer
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Arenz, M.; Babutzka, M.; Bahr, M.
The KATRIN experiment will probe the neutrino mass by measuring the β-electron energy spectrum near the endpoint of tritium β-decay. We performed an integral energy analysis by an electro-static spectrometer (``Main Spectrometer''), an ultra-high vacuum vessel with a length of 23.2 m, a volume of 1240 m 3, and a complex inner electrode system with about 120 000 individual parts. The strong magnetic field that guides the β-electrons is provided by super-conducting solenoids at both ends of the spectrometer. Its influence on turbo-molecular pumps and vacuum gauges had to be considered. Furthermore, a system consisting of 6 turbo-molecular pumps andmore » 3 km of non-evaporable getter strips has been deployed and was tested during the commissioning of the spectrometer. In this paper the configuration, the commissioning with bake-out at 300 °C, and the performance of this system are presented in detail. The vacuum system has to maintain a pressure in the 10 -11 mbar range. We demonstrated that the performance of the system is already close to these stringent functional requirements for the KATRIN experiment, which will start at the end of 2016.« less
Commissioning of the vacuum system of the KATRIN Main Spectrometer
Arenz, M.; Babutzka, M.; Bahr, M.; ...
The KATRIN experiment will probe the neutrino mass by measuring the β-electron energy spectrum near the endpoint of tritium β-decay. We performed an integral energy analysis by an electro-static spectrometer (``Main Spectrometer''), an ultra-high vacuum vessel with a length of 23.2 m, a volume of 1240 m 3, and a complex inner electrode system with about 120 000 individual parts. The strong magnetic field that guides the β-electrons is provided by super-conducting solenoids at both ends of the spectrometer. Its influence on turbo-molecular pumps and vacuum gauges had to be considered. Furthermore, a system consisting of 6 turbo-molecular pumps andmore » 3 km of non-evaporable getter strips has been deployed and was tested during the commissioning of the spectrometer. In this paper the configuration, the commissioning with bake-out at 300 °C, and the performance of this system are presented in detail. The vacuum system has to maintain a pressure in the 10 -11 mbar range. We demonstrated that the performance of the system is already close to these stringent functional requirements for the KATRIN experiment, which will start at the end of 2016.« less
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system; Diesel... Vehicles; Cold Temperature Test Procedures § 86.210-08 Exhaust gas sampling system; Diesel-cycle vehicles not requiring particulate emissions measurements. (a) General applicability. The exhaust gas sampling...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system; Diesel... Vehicles; Cold Temperature Test Procedures § 86.210-08 Exhaust gas sampling system; Diesel-cycle vehicles not requiring particulate emissions measurements. (a) General applicability. The exhaust gas sampling...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Typical beam lines are comprised of an assembly of vacuum valves and shutters referred to as a ''front end'', optical elements to monochromatize, focus and split the photon beam, and an experimental area where a target sample is placed into the photon beam and data from the interaction is detected and recorded. Windows are used to separate sections of beam lines that are not compatible with storage ring ultra high vacuum. Some experimental beam lines share a common vacuum with storage rings. Sections of beam lines are only allowed to vent up to atmospheric pressure using pure nitrogen gas aftermore » a vacuum barrier is established to protect ring vacuum. The front end may only be bled up when there is no current in the machine. This is especially true on the VUV storage ring where for most experiments, windows are not used. For the shorter wavelength, more energetic photons of the x-ray ring, beryllium windows are used at various beam line locations so that the monochromator, mirror box or sample chamber may be used in a helium atmosphere or rough vacuum. The window separates ring vacuum from the environment of the downstream beam line components. The stored beam lifetime in the storage rings and the maintenance of desirable reflection properties of optical surfaces depend upon hydrocarbon-free, ultra-high vacuum systems. Storage ring vacuum systems will operate at pressures of {approximately} 1 x 10{sup {minus}10} Torr without beam and {approximately} 1 x 10{sup {minus}9} Torr with beam. Systems are free of hydrocarbons in the sense that no pumps, valves, etc. containing organics are used. Components are all-metal, chemically cleaned and bakeable. To the extent that beam lines share a common vacuum with the storage ring, the same criteria will hold for beam line components. The design philosophy for NSLS beam lines is to use all-metal, hydrocarbon-free front end components and recommend that experimenters use this approach for common vacuum hardware downstream
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system; diesel... Heavy-Duty Vehicles; Test Procedures § 86.110-94 Exhaust gas sampling system; diesel-cycle vehicles, and..., this is indicated by the statement “[Reserved].” (a) General. The exhaust gas sampling system described...
Lightweight Exhaust Manifold and Exhaust Pipe Ducting for Internal Combustion Engines
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Northam, G. Burton (Inventor); Ransone, Philip O. (Inventor); Rivers, H. Kevin (Inventor)
An improved exhaust system for an internal combustion gasoline-and/or diesel-fueled engine includes an engine exhaust manifold which has been fabricated from carbon- carbon composite materials in operative association with an exhaust pipe ducting which has been fabricated from carbon-carbon composite materials. When compared to conventional steel. cast iron. or ceramic-lined iron paris. the use of carbon-carbon composite exhaust-gas manifolds and exhaust pipe ducting reduces the overall weight of the engine. which allows for improved acceleration and fuel efficiency: permits operation at higher temperatures without a loss of strength: reduces the "through-the wall" heat loss, which increases engine cycle and turbocharger efficiency and ensures faster "light-off" of catalytic converters: and, with an optional thermal reactor, reduces emission of major pollutants, i.e. hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide.
Conditioning of the vacuum system of the TPS storage ring without baking in situ
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chan, C. K.; Chang, C. C.; Shueh, C.; Yang, I. C.; Wu, L. H.; Chen, B. Y.; Cheng, C. M.; Huang, Y. T.; Chuang, J. Y.; Cheng, Y. T.; Hsiao, Y. M.; Sheng, Albert
To shorten the machine downtime, a maintenance procedure without baking in situ has been developed and applied to maintain and to upgrade the vacuum system of the TPS storage ring. The data of photon-stimulated desorption (PSD) reveal no obvious discrepancy between baking and not baking the vacuum system in situ. A beam-conditioning dose of extent only 11.8 A h is required to recover quickly the dynamic pressure of an unbaked vacuum system to its pre-intervention value according to the TPS maintenance experience.
Experimental system for drilling simulated lunar rock in ultrahigh vacuum
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Roepke, W. W.
An experimental apparatus designed for studying drillability of hard volcanic rock in a simulated lunar vacuum of 5 x 10 to the minus 10th power torr is described. The engineering techniques used to provide suitable drilling torque inside the ultrahigh vacuum chamber while excluding all hydrocarbon are detailed. Totally unlubricated bearings and gears were used to better approximate the true lunar surface conditions within the ultrahigh vacuum system. The drilling system has a starting torque of 30 in-lb with an unloaded running torque of 4 in-lb. Nominal torque increase during drilling is 4.5 in-lb or a total drilling torque of 8.5 in-lb with a 100-lb load on the drill bit at 210 rpm. The research shows conclusively that it is possible to design operational equipment for moderate loads operating under UHV conditions without the use of sealed bearings or any need of lubricants whatsoever.
A thermal vacuum-UV solar simulator test system for assessing microbiological viability
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ross, D. S.; Wardle, M. D.; Taylor, D. M.
Microorganisms were exposed to a simulated space environment in order to assess the photobiological effect of broad spectrum, nonionizing solar electromagnetic radiation in terms of viability. A thermal vacuum chamber capable of maintaining a vacuum of 0.000133n/sq m and an ultraviolet rich solar simulator were the main ingredients of the test system. Results to date indicate the system to be capable of providing reliable microbiological data.
Vacuum leak detector and method
Edwards, Jr., David
Apparatus and method for detecting leakage in a vacuum system involves a moisture trap chamber connected to the vacuum system and to a pressure gauge. Moisture in the trap chamber is captured by freezing or by a moisture adsorbent to reduce the residual water vapor pressure therein to a negligible amount. The pressure gauge is then read to determine whether the vacuum system is leaky. By directing a stream of carbon dioxide or helium at potentially leaky parts of the vacuum system, the apparatus can be used with supplemental means to locate leaks.
Open loop, auto reversing liquid nitrogen circulation thermal system for thermo vacuum chamber
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Naidu, M. C. A.; Nolakha, Dinesh; Saharkar, B. S.; Kavani, K. M.; Patel, D. R.
In a thermo vacuum chamber, attaining and controlling low and high temperatures (-100 Deg. C to +120 Deg. C) is a very important task. This paper describes the development of "Open loop, auto reversing liquid nitrogen based thermal system". System specifications, features, open loop auto reversing system, liquid nitrogen flow paths etc. are discussed in this paper. This thermal system consists of solenoid operated cryogenic valves, double embossed thermal plate (shroud), heating elements, temperature sensors and PLC. Bulky items like blowers, heating chambers, liquid nitrogen injection chambers, huge pipe lines and valves were not used. This entire thermal system is very simple to operate and PLC based, fully auto system with auto tuned to given set temperatures. This system requires a very nominal amount of liquid nitrogen (approx. 80 liters / hour) while conducting thermo vacuum tests. This system was integrated to 1.2m dia thermo vacuum chamber, as a part of its augmentation, to conduct extreme temperature cycling tests on passive antenna reflectors of satellites.
Vacuum-induced coherence in quantum dot systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sitek, Anna; Machnikowski, Paweł
We present a theoretical study of vacuum-induced coherence in a pair of vertically stacked semiconductor quantum dots. The process consists in a coherent excitation transfer from a single-exciton state localized in one dot to a delocalized state in which the exciton occupation gets trapped. We study the influence of the factors characteristic of quantum dot systems (as opposed to natural atoms): energy mismatch, coupling between the single-exciton states localized in different dots, and different and nonparallel dipoles due to sub-band mixing, as well as coupling to phonons. We show that the destructive effect of the energy mismatch can be overcome by an appropriate interplay of the dipole moments and coupling between the dots which allows one to observe the trapping effect even in a structure with technologically realistic energy splitting of the order of milli-electron volts. We also analyze the impact of phonon dynamics on the occupation trapping and show that phonon effects are suppressed in a certain range of system parameters. This analysis shows that the vacuum-induced coherence effect and the associated long-living trapped excitonic population can be achieved in quantum dots.
Systems and Methods for Fabricating Carbon Nanotube-Based Vacuum Electronic Devices
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Manohara, Harish (Inventor); Toda, Risaku (Inventor); Del Castillo, Linda Y. (Inventor); Murthy, Rakesh (Inventor)
Systems and methods in accordance with embodiments of the invention proficiently produce carbon nanotube-based vacuum electronic devices. In one embodiment a method of fabricating a carbon nanotube-based vacuum electronic device includes: growing carbon nanotubes onto a substrate to form a cathode; assembling a stack that includes the cathode, an anode, and a first layer that includes an alignment slot; disposing a microsphere partially into the alignment slot during the assembling of the stack such that the microsphere protrudes from the alignment slot and can thereby separate the first layer from an adjacent layer; and encasing the stack in a vacuum sealed container.
The vacuum system reform and test of the super-critical 600mw unit
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yan, Tao; Wan, Zhonghai; Lu, Jin; Chen, Wen; Cai, Wen
The deficiencies of the designed vacuum system of the super-critical unit is pointed out in this paper, and then it is reformed by the steam ejector. The experimental results show that the vacuum of the condenser can be improved, the coal consumption can be reduced and the plant electricity consumption can be lowered dramatically at a small cost of the steam energy consumption. Meanwhile, the water-ring vacuum pumps cavitation problems can be solved.
System using electric furnace exhaust gas to preheat scrap for steelmaking
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Takai, K.; Iwasaki, K.
A method is described for clean preheating of scrap contaminated with oil and organic matter, for steelmaking, using heat from exhaust gas flow from an electric furnace. It consists of: burning any combustibles present in the exhaust gas flow and simultanously separating out dust particles from the exhaust gas flow; heating a predetermined amount of the scrap by heat exchange with a predetermined portion of the exhaust gas flow; removing and collecting dust from the exhaust gas flow after preheating of scrap thereby; sensing the temperature of the exhaust flow; scrubbing the exhaust gas flow with an aqueous solution ofmore » a deodorant solvent flowing at a rate regulated to be in a predetermined relationship related to the exhaust gas temperature sensed prior to scrubbing, thereby generating saturated vapor and reducing the temperature of the exhaust gas flow by a predetermined amount; and electrostatically precipitating out oil mist attached to saturated water vapor and liquid droplets in the exhaust gas flow.« less
Note: A simple sample transfer alignment for ultra-high vacuum systems.
Tamtögl, A; Carter, E A; Ward, D J; Avidor, N; Kole, P R; Jardine, A P; Allison, W
The alignment of ultra-high-vacuum sample transfer systems can be problematic when there is no direct line of sight to assist the user. We present the design of a simple and cheap system which greatly simplifies the alignment of sample transfer devices. Our method is based on the adaptation of a commercial digital camera which provides live views from within the vacuum chamber. The images of the camera are further processed using an image recognition and processing code which determines any misalignments and reports them to the user. Installation has proven to be extremely useful in order to align the sample with respect to the transfer mechanism. Furthermore, the alignment software can be easily adapted for other systems.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Klaue, H.J.; Reisacher, J.
An afterburning process for reducing motor vehicle emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons is described which precludes extensive equipment for feeding the required air into the exhaust gases by means of exhaust gas expansion so that combustion air is sucked in by a partial vacuum formed. A twist generator is used to impart a swirl to the exhaust gases, resulting in their expansion. Air is aspirated into the expanded exhaust gases to provide a combustible gas-air mixture which is delivered to a diffusor for afterburning. The exhaust gases flowing to the twist generator pass through a heat exchanger which servesmore » to preheat the combustion air. The twist generator may be a set of stationary whirl-imparting vanes or may be the rotor of an exhaust gas turbo charger directly driving an air compressor which delivers the air through the heat exchanger to the turbocharger, with some of the compressed air being delivered back to the engine. The flow area of the outlet of the twist generator is adjustable to control the quantity of air aspirated into the exhaust gases supplied to the diffusor.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Plotnikov, L. V.; Zhilkin, B. P.; Brodov, Yu M.
The results of experimental research of gas dynamics and heat transfer in the exhaust process in piston internal combustion engines are presented. Studies were conducted on full-scale models of piston engine in the conditions of unsteady gas-dynamic (pulsating flows). Dependences of the instantaneous flow speed and the local heat transfer coefficient from the crankshaft rotation angle in the exhaust pipe are presented in the article. Also, the flow characteristics of the exhaust gases through the exhaust systems of various configurations are analyzed. It is shown that installation of the ejector in the exhaust system lead to a stabilization of the flow and allows to improve cleaning of the cylinder from exhaust gases and to optimize the thermal state of the exhaust pipes. Experimental studies were complemented by numerical simulation of the working process of the DM-21 diesel engine (production of “Ural diesel-motor plant”). The object of modeling was the eight-cylinder diesel with turbocharger. The simulation was performed taking into account the processes nonstationarity in the intake and exhaust pipes for the various configurations of exhaust systems (with and without ejector). Numerical simulation of the working process of diesel was performed in ACTUS software (ABB Turbo Systems). The simulation results confirmed the stabilization of the flow due to the use of the ejection effect in the exhaust system of a diesel engine. The use of ejection in the exhaust system of the DM-21 diesel leads to improvement of cleaning cylinders up to 10 %, reduces the specific fuel consumption on average by 1 %.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Heck, W. W.
The possible biologic effects of exhaust products from solid rocket motor (SRM) burns associated with the space shuttle are examined. The major components of the exhaust that might have an adverse effect on vegetation, HCl and Al2O3 are studied. Dose response curves for native and cultivated plants and selected insects exposed to simulated exhaust and component chemicals from SRM exhaust are presented. A system for dispensing and monitoring component chemicals of SRM exhaust (HCl and Al2O3) and a system for exposing test plants to simulated SRM exhaust (controlled fuel burns) are described. The effects of HCl, Al2O3, and mixtures of the two on the honeybee, the corn earworm, and the common lacewing and the effects of simulated exhaust on the honeybee are discussed.
Garduño-Gutiérrez, René; León-Olea, Martha; Rodríguez-Manzo, Gabriela
Male rats allowed to copulate until reaching sexual exhaustion exhibit a long-lasting sexual behavior inhibition (around 72 h) that can be reversed by systemic opioid receptor antagonist administration. Copulation activates the mesolimbic dopaminergic system (MLS) and promotes endogenous opioid release. In addition, endogenous opioids, acting at the ventral tegmental area (VTA), modulate the activity of the MLS. We hypothesized that endogenous opioids participate in the sexual exhaustion phenomenon by interacting with VTA opioid receptors and consequently, its reversal by opioid antagonists could be exerted at those receptors. In this study we determined the effects of intra-VTA infusion of different doses of the non-specific opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone (0.1-1.0 μg/rat) on the already established sexual behavior inhibition of sexually exhausted male rats. To elucidate the possible involvement of VTA δ-opioid receptors in the naltrexone-mediated reversal of sexual exhaustion, the effects of different doses of the selective δ-opioid receptor antagonist, naltrindole (0.03-1.0 μg/rat) were also tested. Results showed that intra-VTA injection of 0.3 μg naltrexone reversed the sexual inhibition of sexually exhausted rats, evidenced by an increased percentage of animals capable of showing two successive ejaculations. Intra-VTA infused naltrindole did not reverse sexual exhaustion at any dose. It is concluded that the MLS is involved in the reversal of sexual exhaustion induced by systemic naltrexone, and that μ-, but not δ-opioid receptors participate in this effect. Intra-VTA naltrexone infusion to sexually experienced male rats had an inhibitory effect on sexual activity. The opposite effects of intra-VTA naltrexone on male rat sexual behavior expression of sexually experienced and sexually exhausted rats is discussed. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thermal Vacuum Facility for Testing Thermal Protection Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Daryabeigi, Kamran; Knutson, Jeffrey R.; Sikora, Joseph G.
A thermal vacuum facility for testing launch vehicle thermal protection systems by subjecting them to transient thermal conditions simulating re-entry aerodynamic heating is described. Re-entry heating is simulated by controlling the test specimen surface temperature and the environmental pressure in the chamber. Design requirements for simulating re-entry conditions are briefly described. A description of the thermal vacuum facility, the quartz lamp array and the control system is provided. The facility was evaluated by subjecting an 18 by 36 in. Inconel honeycomb panel to a typical re-entry pressure and surface temperature profile. For most of the test duration, the average difference between the measured and desired pressures was 1.6% of reading with a standard deviation of +/- 7.4%, while the average difference between measured and desired temperatures was 7.6% of reading with a standard deviation of +/- 6.5%. The temperature non-uniformity across the panel was 12% during the initial heating phase (t less than 500 sec.), and less than 2% during the remainder of the test.
Overall behaviour of PFC integrated SST-1 vacuum system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Khan, Ziauddin; Raval, Dilip C.; Paravasu, Yuvakiran; Semwal, Pratibha; Dhanani, Kalpeshkumar R.; George, Siju; Shoaib, Mohammad; Prakash, Arun; Babu, Gattu R.; Thankey, Prashant; Pathan, Firozkhan S.; Pradhan, Subrata
As a part of phase-I up-gradation of Steady-state Superconducting Tokamak (SST-1), Graphite Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) have been integrated inside SST-1 vacuum vessel as a first wall (FW) during Nov 14 and May 2015. The SST-1 FW has a total surface area of the installed PFCs exposed to plasma is ∼ 40 m2 which is nearly 50% of the total surface area of stainless steel vacuum chamber (∼75 m2). The volume of the vessel within the PFCs is ∼ 16 m3. After the integration of PFCs, the entire vessel as well as the PFC cooling/baking circuits has been qualified with an integrated helium leak tightness of < 1.0 x 10-8 mbar 1/s. The pumping system of the SST-1 vacuum vessel comprises of one number of Roots’ pump, four numbers of turbomolecular pumps and a cryopump. After the initial pump down, the PFCs were baked at 250 °C for nearly 20 hours employing hot nitrogen gas to remove the absorbed water vapours. Thereafter, Helium glow discharges cleaning were carried out towards the removal of surface impurities. The pump down characteristics of SST-1 vacuum chamber and the changes in the residual gaseous impurities after the installation of the PFCs will be discussed in this paper.
Beam vacuum system of Brookhaven`s muon storage ring
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hseuth, H.C.; Snydstrup, L.; Mapes, M.
A storage ring with a circumference of 45 m is being built at Brookhaven to measure the g-2 value of the muons to an accuracy of 0.35 ppm.. The beam vacuum system of the storage ring will operate at 10{sup -7} Torr and has to be completely non-magnetic. It consists of twelve sector chambers. The chambers are constructed of aluminum and are approximately 3.5 m in length with a rectangular cross-section of 16.5 cm high by 45 cm at the widest point. The design features, fabrication techniques and cleaning methods for these chambers are described. The beam vacuum system willmore » be pumped by forty eight non-magnetic distributed ion pumps with a total pumping speed of over 2000 {ell}/sec. Monte Carlo simulations of the pressure distribution in the muon storage region are presented.« less
Vacuum system of the compact Energy Recovery Linac
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Honda, T., E-mail:; Tanimoto, Y.; Nogami, T.
The compact Energy Recovery Linac (cERL), a test accelerator to establish important technologies demanded for future ERL-based light sources, was constructed in late 2013 at KEK. The accelerator was successfully commissioned in early 2014, and demonstrated beam circulation with energy recovery. In the cERL vacuum system, low-impedance vacuum components are required to circulate high-intensity, low-emittance and short-bunch electron beams. We therefore developed ultra-high-vacuum (UHV)-compatible flanges that can connect beam tubes seamlessly, and employed retractable beam monitors, namely, a movable Faraday cup and screen monitors. In most parts of the accelerator, pressures below 1×10{sup −7} Pa are required to mitigate beam-gasmore » interactions. Particularly, near the photocathode electron gun and the superconducting (SC) cavities, pressures below 1×10{sup −8} Pa are required. The beam tubes in the sections adjoining the SC cavities were coated with non-evaporable getter (NEG) materials, to reduce gas condensation on the cryo-surfaces. During the accelerator commissioning, stray magnetic fields from the permanent magnets of some cold cathode gauges (CCGs) were identified as a source of the disturbance to the beam orbit. Magnetic shielding was specially designed as a remedy for this issue.« less
Night vision imaging system design, integration and verification in spacecraft vacuum thermal test
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shang, Yonghong; Wang, Jing; Gong, Zhe; Li, Xiyuan; Pei, Yifei; Bai, Tingzhu; Zhen, Haijing
The purposes of spacecraft vacuum thermal test are to characterize the thermal control systems of the spacecraft and its component in its cruise configuration and to allow for early retirement of risks associated with mission-specific and novel thermal designs. The orbit heat flux is simulating by infrared lamp, infrared cage or electric heater. As infrared cage and electric heater do not emit visible light, or infrared lamp just emits limited visible light test, ordinary camera could not operate due to low luminous density in test. Moreover, some special instruments such as satellite-borne infrared sensors are sensitive to visible light and it couldn't compensate light during test. For improving the ability of fine monitoring on spacecraft and exhibition of test progress in condition of ultra-low luminous density, night vision imaging system is designed and integrated by BISEE. System is consist of high-gain image intensifier ICCD camera, assistant luminance system, glare protect system, thermal control system and computer control system. The multi-frame accumulation target detect technology is adopted for high quality image recognition in captive test. Optical system, mechanical system and electrical system are designed and integrated highly adaptable to vacuum environment. Molybdenum/Polyimide thin film electrical heater controls the temperature of ICCD camera. The results of performance validation test shown that system could operate under vacuum thermal environment of 1.33×10-3Pa vacuum degree and 100K shroud temperature in the space environment simulator, and its working temperature is maintains at 5° during two-day test. The night vision imaging system could obtain video quality of 60lp/mm resolving power.
Systems and methods to reduce reductant consumption in exhaust aftertreament systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gupta, Aniket; Cunningham, Michael J.
Systems, apparatus and methods are provided for reducing reductant consumption in an exhaust aftertreatment system that includes a first SCR device and a downstream second SCR device, a first reductant injector upstream of the first SCR device, and a second reductant injector between the first and second SCR devices. NOx conversion occurs with reductant injection by the first reductant injector to the first SCR device in a first temperature range and with reductant injection by the second reductant injector to the second SCR device when the temperature of the first SCR device is above a reductant oxidation conversion threshold.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kuchar, A. P.; Chamberlin, R.
A scale model performance test was conducted as part of the NASA Energy Efficient Engine (E3) Program, to investigate the geometric variables that influence the aerodynamic design of exhaust system mixers for high-bypass, mixed-flow engines. Mixer configuration variables included lobe number, penetration and perimeter, as well as several cutback mixer geometries. Mixing effectiveness and mixer pressure loss were determined using measured thrust and nozzle exit total pressure and temperature surveys. Results provide a data base to aid the analysis and design development of the E3 mixed-flow exhaust system.
Vacuum chamber with a supersonic flow aerodynamic window
Hanson, Clark L.
A supersonic flow aerodynamic window, whereby a steam ejector situated in a primary chamber at vacuum exhausts superheated steam toward an orifice to a region of higher pressure, creating a barrier to the gas in the region of higher pressure which attempts to enter through the orifice. In a mixing chamber outside and in fluid communication with the primary chamber, superheated steam and gas are combined into a mixture which then enters the primary chamber through the orifice. At the point of impact of the ejector/superheated steam and the incoming gas/superheated steam mixture, a barrier is created to the gas attempting to enter the ejector chamber. This barrier, coupled with suitable vacuum pumping means and cooling means, serves to keep the steam ejector and primary chamber at a negative pressure, even though the primary chamber has an orifice to a region of higher pressure.
Vacuum chamber with a supersonic-flow aerodynamic window
Hanson, C.L.
A supersonic flow aerodynamic window is disclosed whereby a steam ejector situated in a primary chamber at vacuum exhausts superheated steam toward an orifice to a region of higher pressure, creating a barrier to the gas in the region of higher pressure which attempts to enter through the orifice. In a mixing chamber outside and in fluid communication with the primary chamber, superheated steam and gas are combined into a mixture which then enters the primary chamber through the orifice. At the point of impact of the ejector/superheated steam and the incoming gas/superheated steam mixture, a barrier is created to the gas attempting to enter the ejector chamber. This barrier, coupled with suitable vacuum pumping means and cooling means, serves to keep the steam ejector and primary chamber at a negative pressure, even though the primary chamber has an orifice to a region of higher pressure.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fuc, Pawel; Lijewski, Piotr; Ziolkowski, Andrzej; Dobrzyński, Michal
Analysis of the energy balance for an exhaust system of a diesel engine fit with an automotive thermoelectric generator (ATEG) of our own design has been carried out. A special measurement system and dedicated software were developed to measure the power generated by the modules. The research object was a 1.3-l small diesel engine with power output of 66 kW. The tests were carried out on a dynamic engine test bed that allows reproduction of an actual driving cycle expressed as a function V = f( t), simulating drivetrain (clutch, transmission) operating characteristics, vehicle geometrical parameters, and driver behavior. Measurements of exhaust gas thermodynamic parameters (temperature, pressure, and mass flow) as well as the voltage and current generated by the thermoelectric modules were performed during tests of our own design. Based on the results obtained, the flow of exhaust gas energy in the entire exhaust system was determined along with the ATEG power output. The ideal area of the exhaust system for location of the ATEG was defined to ensure the highest thermal energy recovery efficiency.
Integrated vacuum absorption steam cycle gas separation
Chen, Shiaguo [Champaign, IL; Lu, Yonggi [Urbana, IL; Rostam-Abadi, Massoud [Champaign, IL
Methods and systems for separating a targeted gas from a gas stream emitted from a power plant. The gas stream is brought into contact with an absorption solution to preferentially absorb the targeted gas to be separated from the gas stream so that an absorbed gas is present within the absorption solution. This provides a gas-rich solution, which is introduced into a stripper. Low pressure exhaust steam from a low pressure steam turbine of the power plant is injected into the stripper with the gas-rich solution. The absorbed gas from the gas-rich solution is stripped in the stripper using the injected low pressure steam to provide a gas stream containing the targeted gas. The stripper is at or near vacuum. Water vapor in a gas stream from the stripper is condensed in a condenser operating at a pressure lower than the stripper to concentrate the targeted gas. Condensed water is separated from the concentrated targeted gas.
Exhaust purification with on-board ammonia production
Robel, Wade J.; Driscoll, James Joshua; Coleman, Gerald N.
A method of ammonia production for a selective catalytic reduction system is provided. The method includes producing an exhaust gas stream within a cylinder group, wherein the first exhaust gas stream includes NOx. The exhaust gas stream may be supplied to an exhaust passage and cooled to a predetermined temperature range, and at least a portion of the NOx within the exhaust gas stream my be converted into ammonia.
40 CFR 1065.130 - Engine exhaust.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
...-layer effects and to promote mixing. You may orient the crankcase exhaust tube's outlet in any direction... includes any applicable aftertreatment devices. (b) Aftertreatment configuration. If you do not use the... configurations. (2) You may use exhaust tubing that is not from the in-use exhaust system upstream of any...
30 CFR 36.47 - Tests of exhaust-gas cooling system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... water consumption, high-water level when the system sprays excess water, and low-water level when the... cooling water shall be filled with the quantity of water recommended by the applicant. No cooling air... saturation, if this temperature is lower. (d) Water consumed in cooling the exhaust gas under the test...
Exhaust Plume Measurements of the VASIMR VX-200
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Longmier, Benjamin; Bering, Edgar, III; Squire, Jared; Glover, Tim; Chang-Diaz, Franklin; Brukardt, Michael
Recent progress is discussed in the development of an advanced RF electric propulsion concept: the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) VX-200 engine, a 200 kW flight-technology prototype. Results from high power Helicon only and Helicon with ICRH experiments are performed on the VX-200 using argon plasma. Recent measurements of axial plasma density and potential profiles, magnetic field-line shaping, charge exchange, and force measurements taken in the plume of the VX-200 exhaust are made within a new 125 cubic meter cryo-pumped vacuum chamber and are presented in the context of RF plasma thruster physics.
West, Michael D; Charles, Christine; Boswell, Rod W
A high sensitivity momentum flux measuring instrument based on a compound pendulum has been developed for use with electric propulsion devices and radio frequency driven plasmas. A laser displacement system, which builds upon techniques used by the materials science community for surface stress measurements, is used to measure with high sensitivity the displacement of a target plate placed in a plasma thruster exhaust. The instrument has been installed inside a vacuum chamber and calibrated via two different methods and is able to measure forces in the range of 0.02-0.5 mN with a resolution of 15 microN. Measurements have been made of the force produced from the cold gas flow and with a discharge ignited using argon propellant. The plasma is generated using a Helicon Double Layer Thruster prototype. The instrument target is placed about 1 mean free path for ion-neutral charge exchange collisions downstream of the thruster exit. At this position, the plasma consists of a low density ion beam (10%) and a much larger downstream component (90%). The results are in good agreement with those determined from the plasma parameters measured with diagnostic probes. Measurements at various flow rates show that variations in ion beam velocity and plasma density and the resulting momentum flux can be measured with this instrument. The instrument target is a simple, low cost device, and since the laser displacement system used is located outside the vacuum chamber, the measurement technique is free from radio frequency interference and thermal effects. It could be used to measure the thrust in the exhaust of other electric propulsion devices and the momentum flux of ion beams formed by expanding plasmas or fusion experiments.
46 CFR 111.33-9 - Ventilation exhaust.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS Power Semiconductor Rectifier Systems § 111.33-9 Ventilation exhaust. The exhaust of each forced-air semiconductor rectifier system must: (a) Terminate in a location other than a hazardous location...
The Design of Exhaust Systems and Discharge Stacks [With Comments].
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Clarke, John H.
An important part of ventilating for safety consists of providing the necessary exhaust systems to remove building contaminants safely. Further, the effluent must be cleaned within practical limits by means of filters, collectors, and scrubbers. Where recirculation is not safe or feasible, the effluent must be discharged to the outside in a manner…
Space Suit Portable Life Support System (PLSS) 2.0 Unmanned Vacuum Environment Testing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Watts, Carly; Vogel, Matthew
For the first time in more than 30 years, an advanced space suit Portable Life Support System (PLSS) design was operated inside a vacuum chamber representative of the flight operating environment. The test article, PLSS 2.0, was the second system-level integrated prototype of the advanced PLSS design, following the PLSS 1.0 Breadboard that was developed and tested throughout 2011. Whereas PLSS 1.0 included five technology development components with the balance the system simulated using commercial-off-the-shelf items, PLSS 2.0 featured first generation or later prototypes for all components less instrumentation, tubing and fittings. Developed throughout 2012, PLSS 2.0 was the first attempt to package the system into a flight-like representative volume. PLSS 2.0 testing included an extensive functional evaluation known as Pre-Installation Acceptance (PIA) testing, Human-in-the-Loop testing in which the PLSS 2.0 prototype was integrated via umbilicals to a manned prototype space suit for 19 two-hour simulated EVAs, and unmanned vacuum environment testing. Unmanned vacuum environment testing took place from 1/9/15-7/9/15 with PLSS 2.0 located inside a vacuum chamber. Test sequences included performance mapping of several components, carbon dioxide removal evaluations at simulated intravehicular activity (IVA) conditions, a regulator pressure schedule assessment, and culminated with 25 simulated extravehicular activities (EVAs). During the unmanned vacuum environment test series, PLSS 2.0 accumulated 378 hours of integrated testing including 291 hours of operation in a vacuum environment and 199 hours of simulated EVA time. The PLSS prototype performed nominally throughout the test series, with two notable exceptions including a pump failure and a Spacesuit Water Membrane Evaporator (SWME) leak, for which post-test failure investigations were performed. In addition to generating an extensive database of PLSS 2.0 performance data, achievements included requirements and
Vacuum status-display and sector-conditioning programs
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Skelly, J.; Yen, S.
Two programs have been developed for observation and control of the AGS vacuum system, which include the following notable features: (1) they incorporate a graphical user interface and (2) they are driven by a relational database which describes the vacuum system. The vacuum system comprises some 440 devices organized into 28 vacuum sectors. The status-display program invites menu selection of a sector, interrogates the relational database for relevant vacuum devices, acquires live readbacks and posts a graphical display of their status. The sector-conditioning program likewise invites sector selection, produces the same status display and also implements process control logic on the sector devices to pump the sector down from atmospheric pressure to high vacuum over a period extending several hours. As additional devices are installed in the vacuum system, the devices are added to the relational database; these programs then automatically include the new devices.
Exhaust after-treatment system with in-cylinder addition of unburnt hydrocarbons
Coleman, Gerald N.; Kesse, Mary L.
Certain exhaust after-treatment devices, at least periodically, require the addition of unburnt hydrocarbons in order to create reductant-rich exhaust conditions. The present disclosure adds unburnt hydrocarbons to exhaust from at least one combustion chamber by positioning, at least partially within a combustion chamber, a mixed-mode fuel injector operable to inject fuel into the combustion chamber in a first spray pattern with a small average angle relative to a centerline of the combustion chamber and a second spray pattern with a large average angle relative to the centerline of the combustion chamber. An amount of fuel is injected in the first spray pattern into a non-combustible environment within the at least one combustion chamber during at least one of an expansion stroke and exhaust stroke. The exhaust with the unburnt amount of fuel is moved into an exhaust passage via an exhaust valve.
Major, Matthew J.; Caldwell, Ryan; Fatone, Stefania
Vacuum-assisted suspension (VAS) of prosthetic sockets utilizes a pump to evacuate air from between the prosthetic liner and socket, and are available as mechanical or electric systems. This technical note describes a hybrid pump that benefits from the advantages of mechanical and electric systems, and evaluates a prototype as proof-of-concept. Cyclical bench testing of the hybrid pump mechanical system was performed using a materials testing system to assess the relationship between compression cycles and vacuum pressure. Phase 1 in vivo testing of the hybrid pump was performed by an able-bodied individual using prosthesis simulator boots walking on a treadmill, and phase 2 involved an above-knee prosthesis user walking with the hybrid pump and a commercial electric pump for comparison. Bench testing of 300 compression cycles produced a maximum vacuum of 24 in-Hg. In vivo testing demonstrated that the hybrid pump continued to pull vacuum during walking, and as opposed to the commercial electric pump, did not require reactivation of the electric system during phase 2 testing. The novelty of the hybrid pump is that while the electric system provides rapid, initial vacuum suspension, the mechanical system provides continuous air evacuation while walking to maintain suspension without reactivation of the electric system, thereby allowing battery power to be reserved for monitoring vacuum levels. PMID:27462383
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Niwa, Yoshimitsu; Kaneko, Eiji
Vacuum circuit breakers (VCB) have been widely used for power distribution systems. Vacuum Interrupters, which are the current interruption unit, have been increased its interruption capability with the development of vacuum arc control technology by magnetic field. There are three major type electrodes: disk shaped electrodes, radial magnetic field electrodes, axial magnetic field (AMF) electrodes. In the disk shaped electrode, the vacuum arc between the electrodes is not controlled. In the AMF electrode, the vacuum arc is diffused and stabilized by an axial magnetic field, which is parallel to the arc current. In the last type of electrodes, the vacuum arc column is rotated by magnetic force generated by the current flowing in the electrodes. The interruption current and the voltage of one break VCB is increased to 100 kA, 144 kV respectively. This paper describes basic configurations and functions of VCB, vacuum arc control technology in vacuum interrupters, recent researches and applications of VCB.
Nonperturbative Dynamical Casimir Effect in Optomechanical Systems: Vacuum Casimir-Rabi Splittings
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Macrı, Vincenzo; Ridolfo, Alessandro; Di Stefano, Omar; Kockum, Anton Frisk; Nori, Franco; Savasta, Salvatore
We study the dynamical Casimir effect using a fully quantum-mechanical description of both the cavity field and the oscillating mirror. We do not linearize the dynamics, nor do we adopt any parametric or perturbative approximation. By numerically diagonalizing the full optomechanical Hamiltonian, we show that the resonant generation of photons from the vacuum is determined by a ladder of mirror-field vacuum Rabi splittings. We find that vacuum emission can originate from the free evolution of an initial pure mechanical excited state, in analogy with the spontaneous emission from excited atoms. By considering a coherent drive of the mirror, using a master-equation approach to take losses into account, we are able to study the dynamical Casimir effect for optomechanical coupling strengths ranging from weak to ultrastrong. We find that a resonant production of photons out of the vacuum can be observed even for mechanical frequencies lower than the cavity-mode frequency. Since high mechanical frequencies, which are hard to achieve experimentally, were thought to be imperative for realizing the dynamical Casimir effect, this result removes one of the major obstacles for the observation of this long-sought effect. We also find that the dynamical Casimir effect can create entanglement between the oscillating mirror and the radiation produced by its motion in the vacuum field, and that vacuum Casimir-Rabi oscillations can occur. Finally, we also show that all these findings apply not only to optomechanical systems, but also to parametric amplifiers operating in the fully quantum regime.
Paraformaldehyde pellet not necessary in vacuum-pumped maple sap system
H. Clay Smith; Carter B. Gibbs
In a study of sugar maple sap collection through a vacuum-pumped plastic tubing system, yields were compared between tapholes in which paraformaldehyde pellets were used and tapholes without pellets, Use of the pellets did not increase yield.
Vacuum cleaner emissions as a source of indoor exposure to airborne particles and bacteria.
Knibbs, Luke D; He, Congrong; Duchaine, Caroline; Morawska, Lidia
Vacuuming can be a source of indoor exposure to biological and nonbiological aerosols, although there are few data that describe the magnitude of emissions from the vacuum cleaner itself. We therefore sought to quantify emission rates of particles and bacteria from a large group of vacuum cleaners and investigate their potential determinants, including temperature, dust bags, exhaust filters, price, and age. Emissions of particles between 0.009 and 20 μm and bacteria were measured from 21 vacuums. Ultrafine (<100 nm) particle emission rates ranged from 4.0 × 10(6) to 1.1 × 10(11) particles min(-1). Emission of 0.54-20 μm particles ranged from 4.0 × 10(4) to 1.2 × 10(9) particles min(-1). PM(2.5) emissions were between 2.4 × 10(-1) and 5.4 × 10(3) μg min(-1). Bacteria emissions ranged from 0 to 7.4 × 10(5) bacteria min(-1) and were poorly correlated with dust bag bacteria content and particle emissions. Large variability in emission of all parameters was observed across the 21 vacuums, which was largely not attributable to the range of determinant factors we assessed. Vacuum cleaner emissions contribute to indoor exposure to nonbiological and biological aerosols when vacuuming, and this may vary markedly depending on the vacuum used.
Vehicle-Level Oxygen/Methane Propulsion System Hotfire Testing at Thermal Vacuum Conditions
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Morehead, Robert L.; Melcher, J. C.; Atwell, Matthew J.; Hurlbert, Eric A.; Desai, Pooja; Werlink, Rudy
A prototype integrated liquid oxygen/liquid methane propulsion system was hot-fire tested at a variety of simulated altitude and thermal conditions in the NASA Glenn Research Center Plum Brook Station In-Space Propulsion Thermal Vacuum Chamber (formerly B2). This test campaign served two purposes: 1) Characterize the performance of the Plum Brook facility in vacuum accumulator mode and 2) Collect the unique data set of an integrated LOX/Methane propulsion system operating in high altitude and thermal vacuum environments (a first). Data from this propulsion system prototype could inform the design of future spacecraft in-space propulsion systems, including landers. The test vehicle for this campaign was the Integrated Cryogenic Propulsion Test Article (ICPTA), which was constructed for this project using assets from the former Morpheus Project rebuilt and outfitted with additional new hardware. The ICPTA utilizes one 2,800 lbf main engine, two 28 lbf and two 7 lbf reaction control engines mounted in two pods, four 48-inch propellant tanks (two each for liquid oxygen and liquid methane), and a cold helium system for propellant tank pressurization. Several hundred sensors on the ICPTA and many more in the test cell collected data to characterize the operation of the vehicle and facility. Multiple notable experiments were performed during this test campaign, many for the first time, including pressure-fed cryogenic reaction control system characterization over a wide range of conditions, coil-on-plug ignition system demonstration at the vehicle level, integrated main engine/RCS operation, and a non-intrusive propellant mass gauging system. The test data includes water-hammer and thermal heat leak data critical to validating models for use in future vehicle design activities. This successful test campaign demonstrated the performance of the updated Plum Brook In-Space Propulsion thermal vacuum chamber and incrementally advanced the state of LOX/Methane propulsion
Liverseed, David R.
Conventional abrasive sanding generates high concentrations of particles. Depending on the substrate being abraded and exposure duration, overexposure to the particles can cause negative health effects ranging from respiratory irritation to cancer. The goal of this study was to understand the differences in particle emissions between a conventional random orbital sanding system and a self-generated vacuum random orbital sanding system with attached particle filtration bag. Particle concentrations were sampled for each system in a controlled test chamber for oak wood, chromate painted (hexavalent chromium) steel panels, and gel-coated (titanium dioxide) fiberglass panels using a Gesamtstaub-Probenahmesystem (GSP) sampler at three different locations adjacent to the sanding. Elevated concentrations were reported for all particles in the samples collected during conventional sanding. The geometric mean concentration ratios for the three substrates ranged from 320 to 4640 times greater for the conventional sanding system than the self-generated vacuum sanding system. The differences in the particle concentration generated by the two sanding systems were statistically significant with the two sample t-test (P < 0.0001) for all three substances. The data suggest that workers using conventional sanding systems could utilize the self-generated vacuum sanding system technology to potentially reduce exposure to particles and mitigate negative health effects. PMID:23065674
Liverseed, David R; Logan, Perry W; Johnson, Carl E; Morey, Sandy Z; Raynor, Peter C
Conventional abrasive sanding generates high concentrations of particles. Depending on the substrate being abraded and exposure duration, overexposure to the particles can cause negative health effects ranging from respiratory irritation to cancer. The goal of this study was to understand the differences in particle emissions between a conventional random orbital sanding system and a self-generated vacuum random orbital sanding system with attached particle filtration bag. Particle concentrations were sampled for each system in a controlled test chamber for oak wood, chromate painted (hexavalent chromium) steel panels, and gel-coated (titanium dioxide) fiberglass panels using a Gesamtstaub-Probenahmesystem (GSP) sampler at three different locations adjacent to the sanding. Elevated concentrations were reported for all particles in the samples collected during conventional sanding. The geometric mean concentration ratios for the three substrates ranged from 320 to 4640 times greater for the conventional sanding system than the self-generated vacuum sanding system. The differences in the particle concentration generated by the two sanding systems were statistically significant with the two sample t-test (P < 0.0001) for all three substances. The data suggest that workers using conventional sanding systems could utilize the self-generated vacuum sanding system technology to potentially reduce exposure to particles and mitigate negative health effects.
Aircraft Engine Exhaust Nozzle System for Jet Noise Reduction
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Thomas, Russell H. (Inventor); Czech, Michael J. (Inventor); Elkoby, Ronen (Inventor)
The aircraft exhaust engine nozzle system includes a fan nozzle to receive a fan flow from a fan disposed adjacent to an engine disposed above an airframe surface of the aircraft, a core nozzle disposed within the fan nozzle and receiving an engine core flow, and a pylon structure connected to the core nozzle and structurally attached with the airframe surface to secure the engine to the aircraft.
Thermal analysis on x-ray tube for exhaust process
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kumar, Rakesh; Rao Ratnala, Srinivas; Veeresh Kumar, G. B.; Shivakumar Gouda, P. S.
It is great importance in the use of X-rays for medical purposes that the dose given to both the patient and the operator is carefully controlled. There are many types of the X- ray tubes used for different applications based on their capacity and power supplied. In present thesis maxi ray 165 tube is analysed for thermal exhaust processes with ±5% accuracy. Exhaust process is usually done to remove all the air particles and to degasify the insert under high vacuum at 2e-05Torr. The tube glass is made up of Pyrex material, 95%Tungsten and 5%rhenium is used as target material for which the melting point temperature is 3350°C. Various materials are used for various parts; during the operation of X- ray tube these waste gases are released due to high temperature which in turn disturbs the flow of electrons. Thus, before using the X-ray tube for practical applications it has to undergo exhaust processes. Initially we build MX 165 model to carry out thermal analysis, and then we simulate the bearing temperature profiles with FE model to match with test results with ±5%accuracy. At last implement the critical protocols required for manufacturing processes like MF Heating, E-beam, Seasoning and FT.
Measurement of partial pressures in vacuum technology and vacuum physics
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Huber, W. K.
It is pointed out that the measurement of gaseous pressures of less than 0.0001 torr is based on the ionization of gas atoms and molecules due to collisions with electrons. The particle density is determined in place of the pressure. The ionization cross sections for molecules of various gases are discussed. It is found that the true pressure in a vacuum system cannot be determined with certainty if it is unknown which gas is present. Effects of partial pressure determination on the condition of the vacuum system are discussed together with ion sources, systems of separation, and ion detection.
Paustenbach, Dennis J; Madl, Amy K; Donovan, Ellen; Clark, Katherine; Fehling, Kurt; Lee, Terry C
For decades, asbestos-containing gaskets were used in virtually every system that involved the transport of fluids or gases. Prior to the mid-1970s, some automobile exhaust systems contained asbestos gaskets either at flanges along the exhaust pipes or at the exhaust manifolds of the engine. A limited number of automobile mufflers were lined with asbestos paper. This paper describes a simulation study that characterized personal and bystander exposures to asbestos during the removal of automobile exhaust systems (ca. 1945-1975) containing asbestos gaskets. A total of 16 pre-1974 vehicles with old or original exhaust systems were studied. Of the 16 vehicles, 12 contained asbestos gaskets in the exhaust system and two vehicles had asbestos lining inside the muffler. A total of 82 samples (23 personal, 38 bystander, and 21 indoor background) were analyzed by Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) and 88 samples (25 personal, 41 bystander, and 22 indoor background) by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Only seven of 25 worker samples analyzed by TEM detected asbestos fibers and 18 were below the analytical sensitivity limit (mean 0.013 f/cc, range 0.001-0.074 f/cc). Applying the ratio of asbestos fibers:total fibers (including non-asbestos) as determined by TEM to the PCM results showed an average (1 h) adjusted PCM worker exposure of 0.018 f/cc (0.002-0.04 f/cc). The average (1 h) adjusted PCM airborne concentration for bystanders was 0.008 f/cc (range 0.0008-0.015 f/cc). Assuming a mechanic can replace four automobile single exhaust systems in 1 workday, the estimated 8-h time-weighted average (TWA) for a mechanic performing this work was 0.01 f/cc. Under a scenario where a mechanic might repeatedly conduct exhaust work, these results suggest that exposures to asbestos from work with automobile exhaust systems during the 1950s through the 1970s containing asbestos gaskets were substantially below 0.1 f/cc, the current PEL for chrysotile asbestos, and quite often were
40 CFR 86.209-94 - Exhaust gas sampling system; gasoline-fueled vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system; gasoline... Emission Regulations for 1994 and Later Model Year Gasoline-Fueled New Light-Duty Vehicles, New Light-Duty... sampling system; gasoline-fueled vehicles. The provisions of § 86.109-90 apply to this subpart. ...
40 CFR 86.209-94 - Exhaust gas sampling system; gasoline-fueled vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 19 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system; gasoline... Emission Regulations for 1994 and Later Model Year Gasoline-Fueled New Light-Duty Vehicles, New Light-Duty... sampling system; gasoline-fueled vehicles. The provisions of § 86.109-90 apply to this subpart. ...
40 CFR 86.209-94 - Exhaust gas sampling system; gasoline-fueled vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system; gasoline... Emission Regulations for 1994 and Later Model Year Gasoline-Fueled New Light-Duty Vehicles, New Light-Duty... sampling system; gasoline-fueled vehicles. The provisions of § 86.109-90 apply to this subpart. ...
40 CFR 86.209-94 - Exhaust gas sampling system; gasoline-fueled vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 19 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Exhaust gas sampling system; gasoline... Emission Regulations for 1994 and Later Model Year Gasoline-Fueled New Light-Duty Vehicles, New Light-Duty... sampling system; gasoline-fueled vehicles. The provisions of § 86.109-90 apply to this subpart. ...
Aero-acoustic tests of duct-burning turbofan exhaust nozzles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kozlowski, H.; Packman, A. B.
The acoustic and aerodynamic characteristics of several exhaust systems suitable for duct burning turbofan engines are evaluated. Scale models representing unsuppressed coannular exhaust systems are examined statically under varying exhaust conditions. Ejectors with both hardwall and acoustically treated inserts are investigated.
A low cost imaging displacement measurement system for spacecraft thermal vacuum testing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Dempsey, Brian
A low cost imaging displacement technique suitable for use in thermal vacuum testing was built and tested during thermal vacuum testing of the space infrared telescope facility (SIRTF, later renamed Spitzer infrared telescope facility). The problem was to measure the relative displacement of different portions of the spacecraft due to thermal expansion or contraction. Standard displacement measuring instrumentation could not be used because of the widely varying temperatures on the spacecraft and for fear of invalidating the thermal vacuum testing. The imaging system was conceived, designed, purchased, and installed in approximately 2 months at very low cost. The system performed beyond expectations proving that sub millimeter displacements could be measured from over 2 meters away. Using commercial optics it was possible to make displacement measurements down to 10 (mu)m. An automated image processing tool was used to process the data, which not only speeded up data reduction, but showed that velocities and accelerations could also be measured. Details of the design and capabilities of the system are discussed along with the results of the test on the observatory. Several images from the actual test are presented.
Aardahl, Christopher L [Richland, WA; Balmer-Miller, Mari Lou [West Richland, WA; Chanda, Ashok [Peoria, IL; Habeger, Craig F [West Richland, WA; Koshkarian, Kent A [Peoria, IL; Park, Paul W [Peoria, IL
The present disclosure pertains to a system and method for treatment of oxygen rich exhaust and more specifically to a method and system that combines non-thermal plasma with a metal doped .gamma.-alumina catalyst. Current catalyst systems for the treatment of oxygen rich exhaust are capable of achieving only approximately 7 to 12% NO.sub.x reduction as a passive system and only 25 40% reduction when a supplemental hydrocarbon reductant is injected into the exhaust stream. It has been found that treatment of an oxygen rich exhaust initially with a non-thermal plasma and followed by subsequent treatment with a metal doped .gamma.-alumina prepared by the sol gel method is capable of increasing the NO.sub.x reduction to a level of approximately 90% in the absence of SO.sub.2 and 80% in the presence of 20 ppm of SO.sub.2. Especially useful metals have been found to be indium, gallium, and tin.
Exhaust system-related burns affecting children: a UK perspective and literature review
Vermaak, P.V.; Deall, C.E.; McArdle, C.; Burge, T.
Summary Burns caused by exhaust systems in children may be associated with considerable morbidity. Current epidemiological data varies, but no data are available for the UK population. We aim to identify the pattern of exhaust-related burns affecting children who presented to a regional centre for paediatric burn care in the UK. Patients who sustained burns related to exhaust mechanisms between May 2005 and August 2012 were identified via the departmental database. Data collected included patient demographics, burn injury information, management and outcomes. Thirty-nine patients sustained 43 burns from contact with exhaust mechanisms, and the majority were less than 5 years of age. 77% of the patients were male. Burns affected critical areas such as the hands and feet in 26% of cases. Most burns involved a total body surface area of ≤1% and were partial thickness in depth. Thirty-three percent of patients required operative intervention. Time to heal was less than 3 weeks in 69% of cases and 3 patients healed with hypertrophic scarring. The majority of burns were small in size and partial thickness in depth. Most were treated conservatively and healed with low complication rates. More than 1 in 5 injuries involved critical burn areas, highlighting the potential for considerable morbidity. The age profile in our study contrasted with other results worldwide. Our study highlights the need for vigilant supervision of children around motorcycles. We recommend the wearing of protective long trousers when riding motorcycles and the fitting of external shields to motorcycle exhaust pipes. PMID:28149228
Exhaust purification with on-board ammonia production
Robel, Wade J.; Driscoll, James J.; Coleman, Gerald N.; Knox, Kevin J.
A power source is provided for use with selective catalytic reduction systems for exhaust-gas purification. The power source includes a first cylinder group with a first air-intake passage and a first exhaust passage, and a second cylinder group with a second air-intake passage and a second exhaust passage. The second air-intake passage is fluidly isolated from the first air-intake passage. A fuel-supply device may be configured to supply fuel into the first exhaust passage, and a catalyst may be disposed downstream of the fuel-supply device to convert at least a portion of the exhaust stream in the first exhaust passage into ammonia.
Characterization of the CEBAF 100 kV DC GaAs Photoelectron Gun Vacuum System
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Stutzman, M L; Adderley, P; Brittian, J
A vacuum system with pressure in the low ultra-high vacuum (UHV) range is essential for long photocathode lifetimes in DC high voltage GaAs photoguns. A discrepancy between predicted and measured base pressure in the CEBAF photoguns motivated this study of outgassing rates of three 304 stainless steel chambers with different pretreatments and pump speed measurements of non-evaporable getter (NEG) pumps. Outgassing rates were measured using two independent techniques. Lower outgassing rates were achieved by electropolishing and vacuum firing the chamber. The second part of the paper describes NEG pump speed measurements as a function of pressure through the lower partmore » of the UHV range. Measured NEG pump speed is high at pressures above 5×10 -11 Torr, but may decrease at lower pressures depending on the interpretation of the data. The final section investigates the pump speed of a locally produced NEG coating applied to the vacuum chamber walls. These studies represent the first detailed vacuum measurements of CEBAF photogun vacuum chambers.« less
Exhaust Plume Measurements of 15-Pound BATES (Ballistic Test and Evaluation System) Motors.
laser transmissometer measurements as a plume... System 7 3 AFRPL Laser Transmission/Scattering Measurement System During Motor Firing 8 4 Laser Scattering Detector Schematic 9 5 Laser Scattering... measurement goals. The instrumentation includes a multi -wavelength, single line-of-sight IR-E/A system , a UV emission spectrometer, an exhaust
IET exhaust gas duct, system layout, plan, and section. shows ...
IET exhaust gas duct, system layout, plan, and section. shows mounting brackets, concrete braces, divided portion of duct, other details. Ralph M. Parsons 902-5-ANP-712-S 429. Date: May 1954. Approved by INEEL Classification Office for public release. INEEL index code no. 035-0712-60-693-106980 - Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Test Area North, Scoville, Butte County, ID
Terra Vac In Situ Vacuum Extraction System: Applications Analysis Report
This document is an evaluation of the Terra Vac in situ vacuum extraction system and its applicability as a treatment method for waste site cleanup. This report analyzes the results from the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program’s 56-day demonstration at t...
Remote vacuum or pressure sealing device and method for critical isolated systems
Brock, James David [Newport News, VA; Keith, Christopher D [Newport News, VA
A remote vacuum or pressure sealing apparatus and method for making a radiation tolerant, remotely prepared seal that maintains a vacuum or pressure tight seal throughout a wide temperature range. The remote sealing apparatus includes a fixed threaded sealing surface on an isolated system, a gasket, and an insert consisting of a plug with a protruding sample holder. An insert coupling device, provided for inserting samples within the isolated system, includes a threaded fastener for cooperating with the fixed threaded sealing surface on the isolated system. The insert coupling device includes a locating pin for azimuthal orientation, coupling pins, a tooted coaxial socket wrench, and an insert coupling actuator for actuating the coupling pins. The remote aspect of the sealing apparatus maintains the isolation of the system from the user's environment, safely preserving the user and the system from detrimental effect from each respectively.
Waveguide transition with vacuum window for multiband dynamic nuclear polarization systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Rybalko, Oleksandr; Bowen, Sean; Zhurbenko, Vitaliy
A low loss waveguide transition section and oversized microwave vacuum window covering several frequency bands (94 GHz, 140 GHz, 188 GHz) is presented. The transition is compact and was optimized for multiband Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) systems in a full-wave simulator. The window is more broadband than commercially available windows, which are usually optimized for single band operation. It is demonstrated that high-density polyethylene with urethane adhesive can be used as a low loss microwave vacuum window in multiband DNP systems. The overall assembly performance and dimensions are found using full-wave simulations. The practical aspects of the window implementation inmore » the waveguide are discussed. To verify the design and simulation results, the window is tested experimentally at the three frequencies of interest.« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Medley, S.S.
The application of charge exchange analyzers for the measurement of ion temperature in fusion plasma experiments requires a direct connection between the diagnostic and plasma-discharge vacuum chambers. Differential pumping of the gas load from the diagnostic stripping cell operated at > or approx. = 10/sup -3/ Torr is required to maintain the analyzer chamber at a pressure of < or approx. = 10/sup -6/ Torr. The migration of gases between the diagnostic and plasma vacuum chambers must be minimized. In particular, introduction of the analyzer stripping cell gas into the plasma chamber having a base pressure of < or approx.more » = 10/sup -8/ Torr must be suppressed. The charge exchange diagnostic for the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) is comprised of two analyzer systems designed to contain a total of 18 independent mass/energy analyzers and one diagnostic neutral beam rated at 80 keV, 15 A. The associated arrays of multiple, interconnected vacuum systems were analyzed using the Vacuum System Transient Simulator (Vsts) computer program which models the transient transport of multigas species through complex networks of ducts, valves, traps, vacuum pumps, and other related vacuum system components. In addition to providing improved design performance at reduced costs, the analysis yields estimates for the exchange of tritium from the torus to the diagnostic components and of the diagnostic working gases to the torus.« less
Non-reclosing pressure relief device for vacuum systems
Swansiger, William A.
A non-reclosing overpressure protection device such as a rupture disc provides a non-reclosing opening upon forcible contact with a knife blade. A bellows, having an inlet capable of being sealably connected to a source of pressure (the vacuum system) and an outlet containing the rupture disc, transmits the pressure in the system to the disc. The bellows maintains the disc away from the knife when the pressure is below an overpressure amount, and carries the disc to a position when the pressure is above an overpressure amount where the disc is ruptured by the knife.
Non-reclosing pressure relief device for vacuum systems
Swansiger, W.A.
A non-reclosing overpressure protection device such as a rupture disc provides a non-reclosing opening upon forcible contact with a knife blade. A bellows, having an inlet capable of being sealably connected to a source of pressure (the vacuum system) and an outlet containing the rupture disc, transmits the pressure in the system to the disc. The bellows maintains the disc away from the knife when the pressure is below an overpressure amount, and carries the disc to a position when the pressure is above an overpressure amount where the disc is ruptured by the knife. 6 figures.
Indian Vacuum Society: The Indian Vacuum Society
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Saha, T. K.
expert members on the subject to deliver lectures and take part in devising courses in the universities. IVS publishes a quarterly called the `Bulletin of Indian Vacuum Society' since its inception, in which articles on vacuum and related topics are published. NIRVAT, news, announcements, and reports are the other features of the Bulletin. The articles in the Bulletin are internationally abstracted. The Bulletin is distributed free to all the members of the society. The society also publishes proceedings of national/international symposia and seminars, manuals, lecture notes etc. It has published a `Vacuum Directory' containing very useful information on vacuum technology. IVS has also set up its own website in January 2002. The website contains information about IVS, list of members, list of EC members, events and news, abstracts of articles published in the `Bulletin of Indian Vacuum Society', utilities, announcements, reports, membership and other forms which can be completed online and also gives links to other vacuum societies. Our Society has been a member of the executive council of the International Union of Vacuum Science, Techniques and Applications (IUVSTA) and its various committees since 1970. In 1983 IVS conducted an International Symposium on Vacuum Technology and Nuclear Applications in BARC, Mumbai, under the sponsorship of IUVSTA. In 1987 IVS arranged the Triennial International Conference on Thin Films in New Delhi, where more than 200 foreign delegates participated. IVS also hosted the IUVSTA Executive Council Meeting along with the conference. The society organized yet again an International Conference on Vacuum Science and Technology and SRS Vacuum Systems at CAT, Indore in1995. IVS arranges the prestigious Professor Balakrishnan Memorial Lecture in memory of its founder vice-president. Leading scientists from India and abroad in the field are invited to deliver the talks. So far 23 lectures have been held in this series. IVS
Improvements of vacuum system in J-PARC 3 GeV synchrotron
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kamiya, J.; Hikichi, Y.; Namekawa, Y.; Takeishi, K.; Yanagibashi, T.; Kinsho, M.; Yamamoto, K.; Sato, A.
The RCS vacuum system has been upgraded since the completion of its construction towards the objectives of both better vacuum quality and higher reliability of the components. For the better vacuum quality, (1) pressure of the injection beam line was improved to prevent the H-beam from converting to H0; (2) leakage in the beam injection area due to the thermal expansion was eliminated by applying the adequate torque amount for the clamps; (3) new in-situ degassing method of the kicker magnet was developed. For the reliability increase of the components, (1) A considerable number of fluoroelastmer seal was exchanged to metal seal with the low spring constant bellows and the light clamps; (2) TMP controller for the long cable was developed to prevent the controller failure by the severe electrical noise; (3) A number of TMP were installed instead of ion pumps in the RF cavity section as an insurance for the case of pump trouble.
Changes in rat respiratory system produced by exposure to exhaust gases of combustion of glycerol.
Serra, Daniel Silveira; Evangelista, Janaína Serra Azul Monteiro; Zin, Walter Araujo; Leal-Cardoso, José Henrique; Cavalcante, Francisco Sales Ávila
The combustion of residual glycerol to generate heat in industrial processes has been suggested as a cost-effective solution for disposal of this environmental liability. Thus, we investigated the effects of exposure to the exhaust gases of glycerol combustion in the rat respiratory system. We used 2 rats groups, one exposed to the exhaust gases from glycerol combustion (Glycerol), and the other exposed to ambient air (Control). Exposure occurred 5h a day, 5days a week for 13 weeks. We observed statistically changes in all parameters of respiratory system mechanics in vivo. This results was supported by histological analysis and morphometric data, confirming narrower airways and lung parenchimal changes. Variables related to airway resistance (ΔR N ) and elastic properties of the tissue (ΔH), increased after challenge with methacholine. Finally, analysis of lung tissue micromechanics showed statistically increases in all parameters (R, E and hysteresivity). In conclusion, exhaust gases from glycerol combustion were harmful to the respiratory system. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
30 CFR 36.46 - Explosion tests of intake and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
.... 36.46 Section 36.46 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...) Explosion tests shall be made with the engine at rest and with the flammable natural gas-air mixtures in the intake and exhaust systems. In other tests with the flammable mixture in motion, the engine shall be...
30 CFR 36.46 - Explosion tests of intake and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
.... 36.46 Section 36.46 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...) Explosion tests shall be made with the engine at rest and with the flammable natural gas-air mixtures in the intake and exhaust systems. In other tests with the flammable mixture in motion, the engine shall be...
30 CFR 36.46 - Explosion tests of intake and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
.... 36.46 Section 36.46 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...) Explosion tests shall be made with the engine at rest and with the flammable natural gas-air mixtures in the intake and exhaust systems. In other tests with the flammable mixture in motion, the engine shall be...
30 CFR 36.46 - Explosion tests of intake and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
.... 36.46 Section 36.46 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...) Explosion tests shall be made with the engine at rest and with the flammable natural gas-air mixtures in the intake and exhaust systems. In other tests with the flammable mixture in motion, the engine shall be...
30 CFR 36.46 - Explosion tests of intake and exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
.... 36.46 Section 36.46 Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR...) Explosion tests shall be made with the engine at rest and with the flammable natural gas-air mixtures in the intake and exhaust systems. In other tests with the flammable mixture in motion, the engine shall be...
Critical flow rate of anode fuel exhaust in a PEM fuel cell system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhu, Wenhua H.; Payne, Robert U.; Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
A manual purge line was added into the exterior fuel exhaust stream of a Ballard PEM stack in a Nexa™ power module. With the addition of manual exhaust purge, high levels of inert gases were intentionally added to the anode feed without changing normal operational procedures. A new method of determining the critical minimum flow rate in the anode exhaust stream was given by an anode mass balance. This type of operation makes dual use of membranes in the MEAs as both gas purifiers and as solid electrolytes. The PEM stack was successfully operated with up to ca. 7% nitrogen or carbon dioxide in the absence of a palladium-based hydrogen separator at ca. 200 W power level. Nitrogen in the anode stream was concentrated from 7.5% to 91.6%. The system maintained a fuel efficiency of 99% at a manual purge rate of 2.22 ml s -1 and no auto purge. The fuel cell stack efficiency was 64% and the stack output efficiency was 75%. The overall system efficiency was 39%. After troublesome CO and H 2S poisons were removed, a hydrocarbon reformate containing high levels of CO 2 and H 2O was further used in the Nexa™ stack. The size and complexity of the fuel processing system may be reduced at a specified power level by using this operational method.
TFTR diagnostic vacuum controller
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Olsen, D.; Persons, R.
The TFTR diagnostic vacuum controller (DVC) provides in conjunction with the Central Instrumentation Control and Data Acquisition System (CICADA), control and monitoring for the pumps, valves and gauges associated with each individual diagnostic vacuum system. There will be approximately 50 systems on TFTR. Two standard versions of the controller (A and B) wil be provided in order to meet the requirements of two diagnostic manifold arrangements. All pump and valve sequencing, as well as protection features, will be implemented by the controller.
Numerical Study on Radiation Effects to Evaporator in Natural Vacuum Solar Desalination System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Siregar, R. E. T.; Ronowikarto, A. D.; Setyawan, E. Y.; Ambarita, H.
The need for clean water is increasing day by day due to the increasing factor of living standard of mankind, hence designed natural vacuum solar desalination. The natural vacuum Solar desalination is studied experimentally. A small-scale natural vacuum desalination study consists of evaporator and condenser as the main components designed and manufactured. To transfer heat from the solar collector into the evaporator, the fluid transfer system uses a pump powered by a solar cell. Thus, solar collectors are called hybrid solar collectors. The main purpose of this exposure is to know the characteristics of the radiation effects on incoming energy on the evaporator during the process. This system is tested by exposing the unit to the solar radiation in the 4th floor building in Medan. The experiment was conducted from 8.00 to 16.00 local time. The results show that natural vacuum solar desalination with hybrid solar collectors can be operated perfectly. If the received radiation is high, then the incoming energy received by the evaporator will also be high. From measurements with HOBO microstation, obtained the highest radiation 695.6 W/m2, and the calculation result of incoming energy received evaporator obtained highest result 1807.293 W.
Introduction to the magnet and vacuum systems of an electron storage ring
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Weng, W.T.
An accelerator or storage ring complex is a concerted interplay of various functional systems. For the convenience of discussion we can divide it into the following systems: injector, magnet, RF, vacuum, instrumentation and control. In addition, the conventional construction of the building and radiation safety consideration are also needed and finally the beam lines, detector, data acquisition and analysis set-ups for research programs. Dr. L. Teng has given a comprehensive review of the whole complex and the operation of such a facility. I concentrate on the description of magnet and vacuum systems. Only the general function of each system andmore » the basic design concepts will be introduced, no detailed engineering practice will be given which will be best done after a machine design is produced. For further understanding and references a table of bibliography is provided at the end of the paper.« less
46 CFR 169.609 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) NAUTICAL SCHOOLS SAILING SCHOOL VESSELS Machinery and... Machinery” and the following additional requirements: (a) All exhaust installations with pressures in excess of 15 pounds per square inch gage or employing runs passing through living or working spaces must...
46 CFR 169.609 - Exhaust systems.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) NAUTICAL SCHOOLS SAILING SCHOOL VESSELS Machinery and... Machinery” and the following additional requirements: (a) All exhaust installations with pressures in excess of 15 pounds per square inch gage or employing runs passing through living or working spaces must...
A Vibration Isolation System for Use in a Large Thermal Vacuum Test Facility
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hershfeld, Donald; VanCampen, Julie
A thermal vacuum payload platform that is isolated from background vibration is required to support the development of future instruments for Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Because of the size and weight of the thermal/vacuum facility in which the instruments are tested, it is not practical to isolate the entire facility externally. Therefore, a vibration isolation system has been designed and fabricated to be installed inside the chamber. The isolation system provides a payload interface of 3.05 m (10 feet) in diameter and is capable of supporting a maximum payload weight of 4536 kg (10,000 Lbs). A counterweight system has been included to insure stability of payloads having high centers of gravity. The vibration isolation system poses a potential problem in that leakage into the chamber could compromise the ability to maintain vacuum. Strict specifications were imposed on the isolation system design to minimize leakage. Vibration measurements, obtained inside the chamber, prior to installing the vibration isolation system, indicated levels in all axes of approximately 1 milli-g at about 20 Hz. The vibration isolation system was designed to provide a minimum attenuation of 40 dB to these levels. This paper describes the design and testing of this unique vibration isolation system. Problems with leakage and corrective methods are presented. Isolation performance results are also presented.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kuchar, A. P.; Chamberlin, R.
As part of the NASA Energy Efficient Engine program, scale-model performance tests of a mixed flow exhaust system were conducted. The tests were used to evaluate the performance of exhaust system mixers for high-bypass, mixed-flow turbofan engines. The tests indicated that: (1) mixer penetration has the most significant affect on both mixing effectiveness and mixer pressure loss; (2) mixing/tailpipe length improves mixing effectiveness; (3) gap reduction between the mixer and centerbody increases high mixing effectiveness; (4) mixer cross-sectional shape influences mixing effectiveness; (5) lobe number affects mixing degree; and (6) mixer aerodynamic pressure losses are a function of secondary flows inherent to the lobed mixer concept.
Treating exhaust gas from a pressurized fluidized bed reaction system
Isaksson, J.; Koskinen, J.
Hot gases from a pressurized fluidized bed reactor system are purified. Under super atmospheric pressure conditions hot exhaust gases are passed through a particle separator, forming a filtrate cake on the surface of the separator, and a reducing agent--such as an NO{sub x} reducing agent (like ammonia)--is introduced into the exhaust gases just prior to or just after particle separation. The retention time of the introduced reducing agent is enhanced by providing a low gas velocity (e.g. about 1--20 cm/s) during passage of the gas through the filtrate cake while at super atmospheric pressure. Separation takes place within a distinct pressure vessel, the interior of which is at a pressure of about 2--100 bar, and introduction of reducing agent can take place at multiple locations (one associated with each filter element in the pressure vessel), or at one or more locations just prior to passage of clean gas out of the pressure vessel (typically passed to a turbine). 8 figs.
Treating exhaust gas from a pressurized fluidized bed reaction system
Isaksson, Juhani; Koskinen, Jari
Hot gases from a pressurized fluidized bed reactor system are purified. Under superatmospheric pressure conditions hot exhaust gases are passed through a particle separator, forming a flitrate cake on the surface of the separator, and a reducing agent--such as an NO.sub.x reducing agent (like ammonia), is introduced into the exhaust gases just prior to or just after particle separation. The retention time of the introduced reducing agent is enhanced by providing a low gas velocity (e.g. about 1-20 cm/s) during passage of the gas through the filtrate cake while at superatmospheric pressure. Separation takes place within a distinct pressure vessel the interior of which is at a pressure of about 2-100 bar, and-introduction of reducing agent can take place at multiple locations (one associated with each filter element in the pressure vessel), or at one or more locations just prior to passage of clean gas out of the pressure vessel (typically passed to a turbine).
Special treatment reduces helium permeation of glass in vacuum systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bryant, P. J.; Gosselin, C. M.
Internal surfaces of the glass component of a vacuum system are exposed to cesium in gaseous form to reduce helium permeation. The cesium gas is derived from decomposition of cesium nitrate through heating. Several minutes of exposure of the internal surfaces of the glass vessel are sufficient to complete the treatment.
Regeneration of Exhausted Arsenic Adsorptive media of a Full Scale Treatment System
This presentation will describe the method and results of laboratory tests showing the feasibility of regenerating exhausted, iron-based, adsorptive media and the results of a follow up regeneration test at a full scale system in Twentynine Palms CA. The laboratory studies on se...
40 CFR 205.171-2 - Test exhaust system sample selection and preparation.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... be used for testing of exhaust systems must be of the subject class which has been assembled using...'s prescribed manufacturing and inspection procedures, and are documented in the manufacturer's... other motorcycles of that class which will be distributed in commerce, unless such procedures are...
Electrical insulation system for the shell-vacuum vessel and poloidal field gap in the ZTH machine
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Reass, W.A.; Ballard, E.O.
The electrical insulation systems for the ZTH machine have many unusual design problems. The poloidal field gap insulation must be capable of conforming to poloidal and toroidal contours, provide a 25 kV hold off, and sufficiently adhere to the epoxy back fill between the overlapping conductors. The shell-vacuum vessel system will use stretchable and flexible insulation along with protective hats, boots and sleeves. The shell-vacuum vessel system must be able to withstand a 12.5 kV pulse with provision for thermal insulation to limit the effects of the 300{degrees}C vacuum vessel during operation and bakeout. Methodology required to provide the electricalmore » protection along with testing data and material characteristics will be presented. 7 figs.« less
Electric Propulsion Laboratory Vacuum Chamber
Engineer Paul Reader and his colleagues take environmental measurements during testing of a 20-inch diameter ion engine in a vacuum tank at the Electric Propulsion Laboratory (EPL). Researchers at the Lewis Research Center were investigating the use of a permanent-magnet circuit to create the magnetic field required power electron bombardment ion engines. Typical ion engines use a solenoid coil to create this magnetic field. It was thought that the substitution of a permanent magnet would create a comparable magnetic field with a lower weight. Testing of the magnet system in the EPL vacuum tanks revealed no significant operational problems. Reader found the weight of the two systems was similar, but that the thruster’s efficiency increased with the magnet. The EPL contained a series of large vacuum tanks that could be used to simulate conditions in space. Large vacuum pumps reduced the internal air pressure, and a refrigeration system created the cryogenic temperatures found in space.
Foamed-metal-based catalytic afterburners in automotive exhaust systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Pestryakov, A.N.; Ametov, V.A.
Properties of exhaust afterburning catalysts based on porous cellular materials (foamed metals) have been investigated. Catalysts containing oxides of base metals provide a two-to-threefold reduction of CO emission. Platinum-containing foamed catalysts lower the toxicity of exhaust by 85-90%. A favorable effect is demonstrated by the combined use of afterburners and a motor oil additive based on ultradispersed copper.
24 CFR 3280.708 - Exhaust duct system and provisions for the future installation of a clothes dryer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... for the future installation of a clothes dryer. 3280.708 Section 3280.708 Housing and Urban... duct system and provisions for the future installation of a clothes dryer. (a) Clothes dryers. (1) All gas and electric clothes dryers shall be exhausted to the outside by a moisture-lint exhaust duct and...
24 CFR 3280.708 - Exhaust duct system and provisions for the future installation of a clothes dryer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... for the future installation of a clothes dryer. 3280.708 Section 3280.708 Housing and Urban... duct system and provisions for the future installation of a clothes dryer. (a) Clothes dryers. (1) All gas and electric clothes dryers shall be exhausted to the outside by a moisture-lint exhaust duct and...
24 CFR 3280.708 - Exhaust duct system and provisions for the future installation of a clothes dryer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... for the future installation of a clothes dryer. 3280.708 Section 3280.708 Housing and Urban... duct system and provisions for the future installation of a clothes dryer. (a) Clothes dryers. (1) All gas and electric clothes dryers shall be exhausted to the outside by a moisture-lint exhaust duct and...
24 CFR 3280.708 - Exhaust duct system and provisions for the future installation of a clothes dryer.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... for the future installation of a clothes dryer. 3280.708 Section 3280.708 Housing and Urban... duct system and provisions for the future installation of a clothes dryer. (a) Clothes dryers. (1) All gas and electric clothes dryers shall be exhausted to the outside by a moisture-lint exhaust duct and...
Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoionization of Complex Chemical Systems
Kostko, Oleg; Bandyopadhyay, Biswajit; Ahmed, Musahid
Tunable vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation coupled to mass spectrometry is applied to the study of complex chemical systems in this paper. The identification of novel reactive intermediates and radicals is revealed in flame, pulsed photolysis, and pyrolysis reactors, leading to the elucidation of spectroscopy, reaction mechanisms, and kinetics. Mass-resolved threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence measurements provide unprecedented access to vibrationally resolved spectra of free radicals present in high-temperature reactors. Photoionization measurements in water clusters, nucleic acid base dimers, and their complexes with water provide signatures of proton transfer in hydrogen-bonded and π-stacked systems. Experimental and theoretical methods to track ion–molecule reactionsmore » and fragmentation pathways in intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen-bonded systems in sugars and alcohols are described. Photoionization of laser-ablated molecules, clusters, and their reaction products inform thermodynamics and spectroscopy that are relevant to astrochemistry and catalysis. Finally, new directions in coupling VUV radiation to interrogate complex chemical systems are discussed.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Han, Yongquan
To study on vacuum force, we must clear what is vacuum, vacuum is a space do not have any air and also ray. There is not exist an absolute the vacuum of space. The vacuum of space is relative, so that the vacuum force is relative. There is a certain that vacuum vacuum space exists. In fact, the vacuum space is relative, if the two spaces compared to the existence of relative vacuum, there must exist a vacuum force, and the direction of the vacuum force point to the vacuum region. Any object rotates and radiates. Rotate bend radiate- centripetal, gravity produced, relative gravity; non gravity is the vacuum force. Gravity is centripetal, is a trend that the objects who attracted wants to Centripetal, or have been do Centripetal movement. Any object moves, so gravity makes the object curve movement, that is to say, the radiation range curve movement must be in the gravitational objects, gravity must be existed in non vacuum region, and make the object who is in the region of do curve movement (for example: The earth moves around the sun), or final attracted in the form gravitational objects, and keep relatively static with attract object. (for example: objects on the earth moves but can't reach the first cosmic speed).
Low-cost insulation system for cryostats eliminates need for a vacuum
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Calvert, H. F.
In order to eliminate the hazard caused by residual air trapped between the concentric shells of a cryostat, these annular spaces are pressurized with helium gas. This system is more economical than the use of powdered insulation maintained at low vacuums.
Engine with pulse-suppressed dedicated exhaust gas recirculation
Keating, Edward J.; Baker, Rodney E.
An engine assembly includes an intake assembly, a spark-ignited internal combustion engine, and an exhaust assembly. The intake assembly includes a charge air cooler disposed between an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) mixer and a backpressure valve. The charge air cooler has both an inlet and an outlet, and the back pressure valve is configured to maintain a minimum pressure difference between the inlet of the charge air cooler and an outlet of the backpressure valve. A dedicated exhaust gas recirculation system is provided in fluid communication with at least one cylinder and with the EGR mixer. The dedicated exhaust gas recirculation system is configured to route all of the exhaust gas from the at least one cylinder to the EGR mixer for recirculation back to the engine.
Laser ablation system, and method of decontaminating surfaces
Ferguson, Russell L.; Edelson, Martin C.; Pang, Ho-ming
A laser ablation system comprising a laser head providing a laser output; a flexible fiber optic cable optically coupled to the laser output and transmitting laser light; an output optics assembly including a nozzle through which laser light passes; an exhaust tube in communication with the nozzle; and a blower generating a vacuum on the exhaust tube. A method of decontaminating a surface comprising the following steps: providing an acousto-optic, Q-switched Nd:YAG laser light ablation system having a fiber optically coupled output optics assembly; and operating the laser light ablation system to produce an irradiance greater than 1.times.10.sup.7 W/cm.sup.2, and a pulse width between 80 and 170 ns.
2-kW Solar Dynamic Space Power System Tested in Lewis' Thermal Vacuum Facility
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Working together, a NASA/industry team successfully operated and tested a complete solar dynamic space power system in a large thermal vacuum facility with a simulated sun. This NASA Lewis Research Center facility, known as Tank 6 in building 301, accurately simulates the temperatures, high vacuum, and solar flux encountered in low-Earth orbit. The solar dynamic space power system shown in the photo in the Lewis facility, includes the solar concentrator and the solar receiver with thermal energy storage integrated with the power conversion unit. Initial testing in December 1994 resulted in the world's first operation of an integrated solar dynamic system in a relevant environment.
Lightweight Vacuum Jacket for Cryogenic Insulation. Volume 1
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Barclay, D. L.; Bell, J. E.; Brogren, E. W.; Straayer, J. W.
The feasibility of producing a lightweight vacuum jacket using state-of-the-art technology and materials was examined. Design and analytical studies were made on a full-scale, orbital maneuvering system fuel tank. Preliminary design details were made for the tank assembly, including an optimized vacuum jacket and multilayer insulation system. A half-scale LH2 test model was designed and fabricated, and a force/stiffness proof test was conducted on the vacuum jacket. A vacuum leak rate of .000001 atmosphere ml of helium per second was measured, approximately 1500 hours of vacuum pressure were sustained, and 29 vacuum-pressure cycles were experienced prior to failure.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bowman, R. L.; Spisz, E. W.; Jack, J. R.
The changes are presented in spectral transmittance, and reflectance due to exposure of various optical materials to the exhaust plume of a 5-pound thrust bipropellant rocket. The engine was fired in a pulsed mode for a total exposure of 223.7 second. Spectral optical properties were measured in air before and after exposure to the exhaust plume in vacuum. The contaminating layer resulted in both absorption and scattering effects which caused changes as large as 30-50% for transmitting elements and 15% for mirrors in the near ultraviolet wavelengths. The changes in spectral properties of materials exposed to the exhaust plume for 44 and 223.7 seconds are compared and found to be similar.
Integrated exhaust gas analysis system for aircraft turbine engine component testing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Summers, R. L.; Anderson, R. C.
An integrated exhaust gas analysis system was designed and installed in the hot-section facility at the Lewis Research Center. The system is designed to operate either manually or automatically and also to be operated from a remote station. The system measures oxygen, water vapor, total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen. Two microprocessors control the system and the analyzers, collect data and process them into engineering units, and present the data to the facility computers and the system operator. Within the design of this system there are innovative concepts and procedures that are of general interest and application to other gas analysis tasks.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lange, K.
An installation is described for the catalytic afterburning of exhaust gases in an internal combustion engine. The system includes a line by-passing the installation for the catalytic afterburning, in which is arranged a throttle valve actuated in dependence on the temperature of the installation. The throttle valve also can be actuated independently of the temperature of the installation, but in dependence of the oil pressure which continues to exist for a short period of time after turning off the engine.
Modular Analysis of Automobile Exhaust Thermoelectric Power Generation System
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Deng, Y. D.; Zhang, Y.; Su, C. Q.
In this paper, an automobile exhaust thermoelectric power generation system is packaged into a model with its own operating principles. The inputs are the engine speed and power, and the output is the power generated by the system. The model is divided into two submodels. One is the inlet temperature submodel, and the other is the power generation submodel. An experimental data modeling method is adopted to construct the inlet temperature submodel, and a theoretical modeling method is adopted to construct the power generation submodel. After modeling, simulation is conducted under various engine operating conditions to determine the variation of the power generated by the system. Finally, the model is embedded into a Honda Insight vehicle model to explore the energy-saving effect of the system on the vehicle under Economic Commission for Europe and cyc-constant_60 driving cycles.
Status of NSLS-II Storage Ring Vacuum Systems
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Doom,L.; Hseuh,H.; Ferreira, M.
National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), being constructed at Brookhaven National Laboratory, is a 3-GeV, high-flux and high- brightness synchrotron radiation facility with a nominal current of 500 mA. The storage ring vacuum system will have extruded aluminium chambers with ante-chamber for photon fans and distributed NEG strip pumping. Discrete photon absorbers will be used to intercept the un-used bending magnet radiation. In-situ bakeout will be implemented to achieve fast conditioning during initial commissioning and after interventions.
Naguwa, S M; Gershwin, M E
Indoor pollution is one of the most common problems addressed by allergists and troublesome for their patients. Although a large variety of products are available for removing such pollutants, including house dust, there is a relative paucity of data on the effectiveness of such devices. In many cases, central vacuum systems are recommended, particularly in new homes. To specifically address the question of whether a central vacuum system produces an improvement in the well characterized domains of Juniper Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire, we selected 25 individuals with a history of documented type I hypersensitivity to house dust. Each of these individuals used either a Beam Central Vacuum System or their own conventional vacuum for a period of 3 months. At the end of this period, the individual switched over to the opposite limb of the study for 3 additional months. Interestingly, in all seven domains of the evaluation, including activity, sleep, nonnasal symptoms, practical problems, nasal symptoms, eye symptoms and emotions, use of the central vacuum proved to be superior.
On-board ammonia generation and exhaust after treatment system using same
Driscoll, Josh; Robel, Wade J.; Brown, Cory A.; Urven, Jr., Roger L.
Often NOx selective catalysts that use ammonia to reduce NOx within exhaust to a harmless gas require on-board storage of ammonia which can be hazardous and inconvenient. In order to generate ammonia in exhaust, the present disclosure increases a NOx concentration in exhaust from at least one combustion chamber, at least in part, by injecting fuel in a predetermined increased NOx generation sequence that includes a first injection during non-auto ignition conditions and a second injection during auto ignition conditions. At least a portion of the NOx is converted to ammonia by passing at least a portion of the exhaust with the increased NOx concentration over an ammonia-producing catalyst.
Yang, Chao; Wang, Shan; Li, Chang-Chun; Kong, Xiang-Ru; Zhao, Zhenzhen; Deng, Xiao-Bin; Peng, Liang; Zhang, Jun
Open incision and drainage (I&D) and wound packing is accepted as the standard treatment for soft tissue abscesses. However, conventional I&D has a number of problems in practice which prompt us to improve the I&D methods that would minimize the pain associated with packing during dressing changes. In order to compare the pain associated with dressing changes in the conventional I&D group to the vacuum system group and the treatment time of both groups, we performed a randomized trial in pediatric patients between 0 and 18 years of age who are undergoing abscess drainage in the operating room from April 2011 to April 2015. Patients treated with open I&D (n = 648) were compared to those treated with placement of high-vacuum wound drainage system (n = 776) through the abscess cavities. Both groups received equivalent antibiotic treatment, and all patients were followed up in the outpatient clinics until the infection has been resolved. The mean FACES scale pain scores were significantly higher in the open I&D group than in the vacuum system group. The vacuum system group had a shorter length of stay and less need for community doctor or outpatient dressing changes than the open I&D group (p < 0.001). No recurrent abscesses were observed in the vacuum system group, and 10 patients in the open I&D group required another drainage at the exact same location. High-vacuum wound drainage system was an efficient and safe alternative to the traditional I&D for community-acquired soft tissue abscesses with few complications in short term. What is Known: • Open incision and drainage (I&D) followed by irrigation and wound packing is the standard treatment for soft tissue abscesses. • The painful daily packing may cause emotional trauma to the child and lead to an unwelcoming challenge to the caretakers and health care providers. What is New: • We modified the method of I&D by adding primary suturing of the wound and placement of a high-vacuum wound drainage system
Robot design for a vacuum environment
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Belinski, S.; Trento, W.; Imani-Shikhabadi, R.; Hackwood, S.
The cleanliness requirements for many processing and manufacturing tasks are becoming ever stricter, resulting in a greater interest in the vacuum environment. Researchers discuss the importance of this special environment, and the development of robots which are physically and functionally suited to vacuum processing tasks. Work is in progress at the Center for robotic Systems in Microelectronics (CRSM) to provide a robot for the manufacture of a revolutionary new gyroscope in high vacuum. The need for vacuum in this and other processes is discussed as well as the requirements for a vacuum-compatible robot. Finally, researchers present details on work done at the CRSM to modify an existing clean-room compatible robot for use at high vacuum.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Pengsong; Jiang, Shanping; Yang, Linhua; Zhang, Bolun
In order to meet the requirement of high precision thermal distortion measurement foraΦ4.2m deployable mesh antenna of satellite in vacuum and cryogenic environment, based on Digital Close-range Photogrammetry and Space Environment Test Technology of Spacecraft, a large scale antenna distortion measurement system under vacuum and cryogenic environment is developed in this paper. The antenna Distortion measurement system (ADMS) is the first domestic independently developed thermal distortion measurement system for large antenna, which has successfully solved non-contact high precision distortion measurement problem in large spacecraft structure under vacuum and cryogenic environment. The measurement accuracy of ADMS is better than 50 μm/5m, which has reached international advanced level. The experimental results show that the measurement system has great advantages in large structural measurement of spacecrafts, and also has broad application prospects in space or other related fields.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Stillwell, B.; Billett, B.; Brajuskovic, B.
Recent work on the design of the storage ring vacuum system for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade project (APS-U) includes: revising the vacuum system design to accommodate a new lattice with reverse bend magnets, modifying the designs of vacuum chambers in the FODO sections for more intense incident synchrotron radiation power, modifying the design of rf-shielding bellows liners for better performance and reliability, modifying photon absorber designs to make better use of available space, and integrated planning of components needed in the injection, extraction and rf cavity straight sections. An overview of progress in these areas is presented.
Exhaust Gas Energy Recovery Technology Applications
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Wagner, Robert M; Szybist, James P
Exhaust waste heat recovery systems have the potential to significantly improve vehicle fuel economy for conventional and hybrid electric powertrains spanning passenger to heavy truck applications. This chapter discusses thermodynamic considerations and three classes of energy recovery technologies which are under development for vehicle applications. More specifically, this chapter describes the state-of-the-art in exhaust WHR as well as challenges and opportunities for thermodynamic power cycles, thermoelectric devices, and turbo-compounding systems.
Diffraction-limited storage-ring vacuum technology
Al-Dmour, Eshraq; Ahlback, Jonny; Einfeld, Dieter; Tavares, Pedro Fernandes; Grabski, Marek
Some of the characteristics of recent ultralow-emittance storage-ring designs and possibly future diffraction-limited storage rings are a compact lattice combined with small magnet apertures. Such requirements present a challenge for the design and performance of the vacuum system. The vacuum system should provide the required vacuum pressure for machine operation and be able to handle the heat load from synchrotron radiation. Small magnet apertures result in the conductance of the chamber being low, and lumped pumps are ineffective. One way to provide the required vacuum level is by distributed pumping, which can be realised by the use of a non-evaporable getter (NEG) coating of the chamber walls. It may not be possible to use crotch absorbers to absorb the heat from the synchrotron radiation because an antechamber is difficult to realise with such a compact lattice. To solve this, the chamber walls can work as distributed absorbers if they are made of a material with good thermal conductivity, and distributed cooling is used at the location where the synchrotron radiation hits the wall. The vacuum system of the 3 GeV storage ring of MAX IV is used as an example of possible solutions for vacuum technologies for diffraction-limited storage rings. PMID:25177979
Exhaustive search system and method using space-filling curves
Spires, Shannon V.
A search system and method for one agent or for multiple agents using a space-filling curve provides a way to control one or more agents to cover an area of any space of any dimensionality using an exhaustive search pattern. An example of the space-filling curve is a Hilbert curve. The search area can be a physical geography, a cyberspace search area, or an area searchable by computing resources. The search agent can be one or more physical agents, such as a robot, and can be software agents for searching cyberspace.
The localized quantum vacuum field
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dragoman, D.
A model for the localized quantum vacuum is proposed in which the zero-point energy (ZPE) of the quantum electromagnetic field originates in energy- and momentum-conserving transitions of material systems from their ground state to an unstable state with negative energy. These transitions are accompanied by emissions and re-absorptions of real photons, which generate a localized quantum vacuum in the neighborhood of material systems. The model could help resolve the cosmological paradox associated with the ZPE of electromagnetic fields, while reclaiming quantum effects associated with quantum vacuum such as the Casimir effect and the Lamb shift. It also offers a new insight into the Zitterbewegung of material particles.
Caps Seal Boltholes On Vacuum-System Flanges
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Roman, Robert F.
Sealing caps devised for boltholes on vacuum-system flanges. Used in place of leak-prone gaskets, and provide solid metal-to-metal interfaces. Each sealing cap contains square-cut circular groove in which O-ring placed. Mounted on studs protruding into access ports, providing positive seal around each bolthole. Each cap mates directly with surface of flange, in solid metal-to-metal fit, with O-ring completely captured in groove. Assembly immune to misalignment, leakage caused by vibration, and creeping distortion caused by weight of port. O-ring material chosen for resistance to high temperature; with appropriate choice of material, temperature raised to as much as 315 degrees C.
A hybrid active/passive exhaust noise control system for locomotives.
Remington, Paul J; Knight, J Scott; Hanna, Doug; Rowley, Craig
A prototype hybrid system consisting of active and passive components for controlling far-field locomotive exhaust noise has been designed, assembled, and tested on a locomotive. The system consisted of a resistive passive silencer for controlling high-frequency broadband noise and a feedforward multiple-input, multiple-output active control system for suppressing low-frequency tonal noise. The active system used ten roof-mounted bandpass speaker enclosures with 2-12-in. speakers per enclosure as actuators, eight roof-mounted electret microphones as residual sensors, and an optical tachometer that sensed locomotive engine speed as a reference sensor. The system was installed on a passenger locomotive and tested in an operating rail yard. Details of the system are described and the near-field and far-field noise reductions are compared against the design goal.
14 CFR 25.941 - Inlet, engine, and exhaust compatibility.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
..., engine, and exhaust compatibility. For airplanes using variable inlet or exhaust system geometry, or both— (a) The system comprised of the inlet, engine (including thrust augmentation systems, if incorporated... configurations; (b) The dynamic effects of the operation of these (including consideration of probable...
Extreme-UV lithography vacuum chamber zone seal
Haney, Steven J.; Herron, Donald Joe; Klebanoff, Leonard E.; Replogle, William C.
Control of particle contamination on the reticle and carbon contamination of optical surfaces in photolithography systems can be achieved by the establishment of multiple pressure zones in the photolithography systems. The different zones will enclose the reticle, projection optics, wafer, and other components of system. The system includes a vacuum apparatus that includes: a housing defining a vacuum chamber; one or more metrology trays situated within the vacuum chamber each of which is supported by at least one support member, wherein the tray separates the vacuum chamber into a various compartments that are maintained at different pressures; and conductance seal devices for adjoining the perimeter of each tray to an inner surface of the housing wherein the tray is decoupled from vibrations emanating from the inner surface of the housing.
Extreme-UV lithography vacuum chamber zone seal
Haney, Steven J.; Herron, Donald Joe; Klebanoff, Leonard E.; Replogle, William C.
Control of particle contamination on the reticle and carbon contamination of optical surfaces in photolithography systems can be achieved by the establishment of multiple pressure zones in the photolithography systems. The different zones will enclose the reticle, projection optics, wafer, and other components of system. The system includes a vacuum apparatus that includes: a housing defining a vacuum chamber; one or more metrology trays situated within the vacuum chamber each of which is supported by at least one support member, wherein the tray separates the vacuum chamber into a various compartments that are maintained at different pressures; and conductance seal devices for adjoining the perimeter of each tray to an inner surface of the housing wherein the tray is decoupled from vibrations emanating from the inner surface of the housing.
Extreme-UV lithography vacuum chamber zone seal
Haney, Steven J.; Herron, Donald Joe; Klebanoff, Leonard E.; Replogle, William C.
Control of particle contamination on the reticle and carbon contamination of optical surfaces in photolithography systems can be achieved by the establishment of multiple pressure zones in the photolithography systems. The different zones will enclose the reticle, projection optics, wafer, and other components of system. The system includes a vacuum apparatus that includes: a housing defining a vacuum chamber; one or more metrology trays situated within the vacuum chamber each of which is supported by at least one support member, wherein the tray separates the vacuum chamber into a various compartments that are maintained at different pressures; and conductance seal devices for adjoining the perimeter of each tray to an inner surface of the housing wherein the tray is decoupled from vibrations emanating from the inner surface of the housing.
Oxidant generation and toxicity enhancement of aged-diesel exhaust
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Qianfeng; Wyatt, Anna; Kamens, Richard M.
Diesel exhaust related airborne Particulate Matter (PM) has been linked to a myriad of adverse health outcomes, ranging from cancer to cardiopulmonary disease. The underlying toxicological mechanisms are of great scientific interest. A hypothesis under investigation is that many of the adverse health effects may derive from oxidative stress, initiated by the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within affected cells. In this study, the main objective was to determine whether aged-diesel exhaust PM has a higher oxidant generation and toxicity than fresh diesel exhaust PM. The diesel exhaust PM was generated from a 1980 Mercedes-Benz model 300SD, and a dual 270 m 3 Teflon film chamber was utilized to generate two test atmospheres. One side of the chamber is used to produce ozone-diesel exhaust PM system, and another side of the chamber was used to produce diesel exhaust PM only system. A newly optimized dithiothreitol (DTT) method was used to assess their oxidant generation and toxicity. The results of this study showed: (1) both fresh and aged-diesel exhaust PM had high oxidant generation and toxicity; (2) ozone-diesel exhaust PM had a higher toxicity response than diesel exhaust PM only; (3) the diesel exhaust PM toxicity increased with time; (4) the optimized DTT method could be used as a good quantitative chemical assay for oxidant generation and toxicity measurement.
Steam atmosphere drying exhaust steam recompression system
Becker, F.E.; Smolensky, L.A.; Doyle, E.F.; DiBella, F.A.
This invention relates to a heated steam atmosphere drying system comprising dryer in combination with an exhaust recompression system which is extremely energy efficient and eliminates dangers known to air dryers. The system uses superheated steam as the drying medium, which recirculates through the system where its heat of evaporation and heat of compression is recovered, thereby providing a constant source of heat to the drying chamber. The dryer has inlets whereby feedstock and superheated steam are fed therein. High heat transfer and drying rates are achieved by intimate contact of the superheated steam with the particles being dried. The dryer comprises a vessel which enables the feedstock and steam to enter and recirculate together. When the feedstock becomes dry it will exit the dryer with the steam and become separated from the steam through the use of a curvilinear louver separator (CLS). The CLS enables removal of fine and ultrafine particles from the dryer. Water vapor separated from the particles in the CLS as superheated steam, may then be recovered and recirculated as steam through the use of a compressor to either directly or indirectly heat the dryer, and a heat exchanger or a heater to directly provide heat to the dryer. This system not only provides a very efficient heat transfer system but results in a minimum carry-over of ultrafine particles thereby eliminating any explosive hazard. 17 figures.
Steam atmosphere drying exhaust steam recompression system
Becker, Frederick E.; Smolensky, Leo A.; Doyle, Edward F.; DiBella, Francis A.
This invention relates to a heated steam atmosphere drying system comprising dryer in combination with an exhaust recompression system which is extremely energy efficient and eliminates dangers known to air dryers. The system uses superheated steam as the drying medium, which recirculated through the system where its heat of evaporation and heat of compression is recovered, thereby providing a constant source of heat to the drying chamber. The dryer has inlets whereby feedstock and superheated steam are fed therein. High heat transfer and drying rates are achieved by intimate contact of the superheated steam with the particles being dried The dryer comprises a vessel which enables the feedstock and steam to enter recirculate together. When the feedstock becomes dry it will exit the dryer with the steam and become separated from the steam through the use of a curvilinear louver separator (CLS). The CLS enables removal of fine and ultrafine particles from the dryer. Water vapor separated from the particles in the CLS as superheated steam, may then be recovered and recirculated as steam through the use of a compressor to either directly or indirectly heat the dryer, and a heat exchanger or a heater to directly provide heat to the dryer. This system not only provides a very efficient heat transfer system but results in a minimum carry-over of ultrafine particles thereby eliminating any explosive hazard.
40 CFR 90.414 - Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and... OR BELOW 19 KILOWATTS Gaseous Exhaust Test Procedures § 90.414 Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and... between the muffler and the sample probe. The mixing chamber is an optional component of the raw gas...
40 CFR 90.414 - Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and analytical system description.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and... OR BELOW 19 KILOWATTS Gaseous Exhaust Test Procedures § 90.414 Raw gaseous exhaust sampling and... between the muffler and the sample probe. The mixing chamber is an optional component of the raw gas...
Motor Transportation Technology: Automechanics. [Fuel and Exhaust System.] Block VII. A-VII.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Vocational Instructional Services.
Instructional materials on fuel and exhaust systems are provided for an auto mechanics course in the motor transportation technology program. Instructor's plans are provided for five units. Each unit consists of instructional and manipulative lessons. The format of an instructional lesson is as follows: the subject, aim, a listing of teaching aids…
Empirical Scaling Laws of Rocket Exhaust Cratering
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Donahue, Carly M.; Metzger, Philip T.; Immer, Christopher D.
When launching or landing a space craft on the regolith of a terrestrial surface, special attention needs to be paid to the rocket exhaust cratering effects. If the effects are not controlled, the rocket cratering could damage the spacecraft or other surrounding hardware. The cratering effects of a rocket landing on a planet's surface are not understood well, especially for the lunar case with the plume expanding in vacuum. As a result, the blast effects cannot be estimated sufficiently using analytical theories. It is necessary to develop physics-based simulation tools in order to calculate mission-essential parameters. In this work we test out the scaling laws of the physics in regard to growth rate of the crater depth. This will provide the physical insight necessary to begin the physics-based modeling.
Fluid dynamic modeling of junctions in internal combustion engine inlet and exhaust systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chalet, David; Chesse, Pascal
The modeling of inlet and exhaust systems of internal combustion engine is very important in order to evaluate the engine performance. This paper presents new pressure losses models which can be included in a one dimensional engine simulation code. In a first part, a CFD analysis is made in order to show the importance of the density in the modeling approach. Then, the CFD code is used, as a numerical test bench, for the pressure losses models development. These coefficients depend on the geometrical characteristics of the junction and an experimental validation is made with the use of a shock tube test bench. All the models are then included in the engine simulation code of the laboratory. The numerical calculation of unsteady compressible flow, in each pipe of the inlet and exhaust systems, is made and the calculated engine torque is compared with experimental measurements.
Two year operational experience with the TPS vacuum system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Y. C.; Chan, C. K.; Sheng, I. C.; Huang, I. T.; Y Chung, J.; Liang, C. C.
The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS), a 3-GeV third generation synchrotron light source, was commissioned in 2014 December and is now currently operated in top-up mode at 300mA for users. During the past two years, the machine was completed to meet design goals with among others the installation of superconducting cavities (SRF), the installation of insertion devices (ID) and the correction of vacuum chamber structure downstream from the IDs. The design goal of 500mA beam current was achieved with a total accumulated beam dose of more than 1000Ah, resulting in three orders of magnitude reduction of out-gassing. As the beam current was increased, a few vacuum problems were encountered, including vacuum leaks, unexpected pressure bursts, etc. Vacuum related issues including high pressure events, lessons learned and operational experience will be presented and discussed in this paper.
Cold Vacuum Drying facility civil structural system design description (SYS 06)
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
This document describes the Cold Vacuum Drying (CVD) Facility civil - structural system. This system consists of the facility structure, including the administrative and process areas. The system's primary purpose is to provide for a facility to house the CVD process and personnel and to provide a tertiary level of containment. The document provides a description of the facility and demonstrates how the design meets the various requirements imposed by the safety analysis report and the design requirements document.
[The evolution of vacuum extraction in obstetrics].
Nikolov, A
Vacuum extraction is one of the methods for assisted vaginal delivery. In this article the evolution of vacuum extraction in obstetrics is been discussed. Historical facts and data from the invention up to state-of-the-art vacuum systems in modern obstetrics are presented.
Milleron, N.; Levenson, L.
This patent relates to a vacuum trap and valve combination suitable for use in large ultra-high vacuum systems. The vacuum trap is a chamber having an inlet and outlet opening which may be made to communicate with a chamber to be evacuated and a diffusion pump, respectively. A valve is designed to hermeticaliy seal with inlet opening and, when opened, block the line-of- sight'' between the inlet and outlet openings, while allowing a large flow path between the opened vaive and the side walls of the trap. The interior of the trap and the side of the valve facing the inlet opening are covered with an impurity absorbent, such as Zeolite or activated aluminum. Besides the advantage of combining two components of a vacuum system into one, the present invention removes the need for a baffle between the pump and the chamber to be evacuated. In one use of a specific embodiment of this invention, the transmission probability was 45 and the partial pressure of the pump fluid vapor in the vacuum chamber was at least 100 times lower than its vapor pressure. (AEC)
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Pollution by Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL) if such a system should be considered an equivalent that would be at least as effective in reducing sulfur oxide emissions as the... Maritime Organization (IMO) for exhaust gas cleaning systems for marine engines to remove sulfur oxide...
Method for removing soot from exhaust gases
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Suib, Steven L.; Dharmarathna, D. A. Saminda; Pahalagedara, Lakshitha R.
A method for oxidizing soot from diesel exhaust gas from a diesel engine. The method involves providing a diesel particulate filter for receiving the diesel exhaust gas; coating a catalyst composition on the diesel particulate filter; and contacting the soot from the diesel exhaust gas with the catalyst coated diesel particulate filter at a temperature sufficient to oxidize the soot to carbon dioxide. The catalyst composition is a doped or undoped manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2) material. A diesel exhaust gas treatment system that includes a diesel particulate filter for receiving diesel exhaust gas from a diesel engine andmore » collecting soot; and a catalyst composition coated on the diesel particulate filter. The catalyst composition is a doped or undoped manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2).« less
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Furuya, K.; Yago, T.
A system is disclosed for rapidly warming up a catalytic converter provided to an automotive internal combustion engine to purify the exhaust gas. The system includes a vacuum-operated device to increase the opening degree of the throttle valve by a predetermined degree to thereby increase the quantity of the exhaust gas and another vacuum-operated device to retard the ignition timing of the engine to a predetermined extent to thereby raise the temperature of the exhaust gas. The two devices are connected by a vacuum passage to the intake passage of the engine at a section downstream of the throttle valvemore » in series, and an electromagnetic valve renders the vacuum passage effective to thereby actuate the vacuum-operated devices only when the engine is idling under cold condition. Because of the series connection of the two devices, an intake vacuum is applied to the two devices in desirable sequence.« less
Vacuum chamber-free centrifuge with magnetic bearings.
Park, Cheol Hoon; Kim, Soohyun; Kim, Kyung-Soo
Centrifuges are devices that separate particles of different densities and sizes through the application of a centrifugal force. If a centrifuge could be operated under atmospheric conditions, all vacuum-related components such as the vacuum chamber, vacuum pump, diffusion pump, and sealing could be removed from a conventional centrifuge system. The design and manufacturing procedure for centrifuges could then be greatly simplified to facilitate the production of lightweight centrifuge systems of smaller volume. Furthermore, the maintenance costs incurred owing to wear and tear due to conventional ball bearings would be eliminated. In this study, we describe a novel vacuum chamber-free centrifuge supported by magnetic bearings. We demonstrate the feasibility of the vacuum chamber-free centrifuge by presenting experimental results that verify its high-speed support capability and motoring power capacity.
Noise Measurements of High Aspect Ratio Distributed Exhaust Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bridges, James
This paper covers far-field acoustic measurements of a family of rectangular nozzles with aspect ratio 8, in the high subsonic flow regime. Several variations of nozzle geometry, commonly proposed for embedded exhaust systems, are explored, including bevels, slants, single broad chevrons and notches, and internal septae. Far-field acoustic results, presented previously for the simple rectangular nozzle, showed that increasing aspect ratio increases the high frequency noise, especially directed in the plane containing the minor axis of the nozzle. Detailed changes to the nozzle geometry generally made little difference in the noise, and the differences were greatest at low speed. Having an extended lip on one broad side ('bevel') did produce up to 3dB more noise in all directions, while extending the lip on the narrow side ('slant') produced up to 2dB more noise, primarily on the side with the extension. Adding a single, non-intrusive chevron, made no significant change to the noise, while inverting the chevron ('notch') produced up to 2dB increase in the noise. Having internal walls ('septae') within the nozzle, such as would be required for structural support or when multiple fan ducts are aggregated, reduced the noise of the rectangular jet, but could produce a highly directional shedding tone from the septae trailing edges. Finally, a nozzle with both septae and a beveled nozzle, representative of the exhaust system envisioned for a distributed propulsion aircraft with a common rectangular duct, produced almost as much noise as the beveled nozzle, with the septae not contributing much reduction in noise.
Noise Measurements of High Aspect Ratio Distributed Exhaust Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bridges, James E.
This paper covers far-field acoustic measurements of a family of rectangular nozzles with aspect ratio 8, in the high subsonic flow regime. Several variations of nozzle geometry, commonly found in embedded exhaust systems, are explored, including bevels, slants, single broad chevrons and notches, and internal septae. Far-field acoustic results, presented previously for the simple rectangular nozzle, showed that increasing aspect ratio increases the high frequency noise, especially directed in the plane containing the minor axis of the nozzle. Detailed changes to the nozzle geometry generally made little difference in the noise, and the differences were greatest at low speed. Having an extended lip on one broad side (bevel) did produce up to 3 decibels more noise in all directions, while extending the lip on the narrow side (slant) produced up to 2 decibels more noise, primarily on the side with the extension. Adding a single, non-intrusive chevron, made no significant change to the noise, while inverting the chevron (notch) produced up to 2decibels increase in the noise. Having internal walls (septae) within the nozzle, such as would be required for structural support or when multiple fan ducts are aggregated, reduced the noise of the rectangular jet, but could produce a highly directional shedding tone from the septae trailing edges. Finally, a nozzle with both septae and a beveled nozzle, representative of the exhaust system envisioned for a distributed electric propulsion aircraft with a common rectangular duct, produced almost as much noise as the beveled nozzle, with the septae not contributing much reduction in noise.
Reduction of fuel consumption and exhaust pollutant using intelligent transport systems.
Nasir, Mostofa Kamal; Md Noor, Rafidah; Kalam, M A; Masum, B M
Greenhouse gas emitted by the transport sector around the world is a serious issue of concern. To minimize such emission the automobile engineers have been working relentlessly. Researchers have been trying hard to switch fossil fuel to alternative fuels and attempting to various driving strategies to make traffic flow smooth and to reduce traffic congestion and emission of greenhouse gas. Automobile emits a massive amount of pollutants such as Carbon Monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon dioxide (CO2), particulate matter (PM), and oxides of nitrogen (NO x ). Intelligent transport system (ITS) technologies can be implemented to lower pollutant emissions and reduction of fuel consumption. This paper investigates the ITS techniques and technologies for the reduction of fuel consumption and minimization of the exhaust pollutant. It highlights the environmental impact of the ITS application to provide the state-of-art green solution. A case study also advocates that ITS technology reduces fuel consumption and exhaust pollutant in the urban environment.
Reduction of Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Pollutant Using Intelligent Transport Systems
Nasir, Mostofa Kamal; Md Noor, Rafidah; Kalam, M. A.; Masum, B. M.
Greenhouse gas emitted by the transport sector around the world is a serious issue of concern. To minimize such emission the automobile engineers have been working relentlessly. Researchers have been trying hard to switch fossil fuel to alternative fuels and attempting to various driving strategies to make traffic flow smooth and to reduce traffic congestion and emission of greenhouse gas. Automobile emits a massive amount of pollutants such as Carbon Monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon dioxide (CO2), particulate matter (PM), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). Intelligent transport system (ITS) technologies can be implemented to lower pollutant emissions and reduction of fuel consumption. This paper investigates the ITS techniques and technologies for the reduction of fuel consumption and minimization of the exhaust pollutant. It highlights the environmental impact of the ITS application to provide the state-of-art green solution. A case study also advocates that ITS technology reduces fuel consumption and exhaust pollutant in the urban environment. PMID:25032239
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Under a Space Act Agreement between the Kirby company and Lewis Research Center, NASA technology was applied to a commercial vacuum cleaner product line. Kirby engineers were interested in advanced operational concepts, such as particle flow behavior and vibration, critical factors to improve vacuum cleaner performance. An evaluation of the company 1994 home care system, the Kirby G4, led to the refinement of the new G5 and future models. Under the cooperative agreement, Kirby had access to Lewis' holography equipment, which added insight into how long a vacuum cleaner fan would perform, as well as advanced computer software that can simulate the flow of air through fans. The collaboration resulted in several successes including fan blade redesign and continuing dialogue on how to improve air-flow traits in various nozzle designs.
40 CFR 63.3004 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... application vacuum exhaust means the exhaust from the vacuum system used to remove excess resin solution from... fiberglass mat by bonding glass fibers to each other using a resin solution. Nonwoven wet-formed fiberglass... mix as it is applied to the glass fibers to form the mat. ...
40 CFR 63.3004 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... application vacuum exhaust means the exhaust from the vacuum system used to remove excess resin solution from... fiberglass mat by bonding glass fibers to each other using a resin solution. Nonwoven wet-formed fiberglass... mix as it is applied to the glass fibers to form the mat. ...
40 CFR 63.3004 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... application vacuum exhaust means the exhaust from the vacuum system used to remove excess resin solution from... fiberglass mat by bonding glass fibers to each other using a resin solution. Nonwoven wet-formed fiberglass... mix as it is applied to the glass fibers to form the mat. ...
Vacuum system for room temperature X-ray lithography source (XLS)
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Schuchman, J.C.
A prototype room-temperature X-Ray Lithography Source (XLS)was proposed to be built at Brookhaven National Laboratory as part of a technology-transfer- to-American-industry program. The overall machine comprises a full energy linac, a 170 meter long transport line, and a 39 meter circumference storage ring. The scope of this paper will be limited to describing the storage ring vacuum system. (AIP)
Vacuum system for room temperature X-ray lithography source (XLS)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schuchman, J. C.
A prototype room-temperature X-Ray Lithography Source (XLS)was proposed to be built at Brookhaven National Laboratory as part of a technology-transfer- to-American-industry program. The overall machine comprises a full energy linac, a 170 meter long transport line, and a 39 meter circumference storage ring. The scope of this paper will be limited to describing the storage ring vacuum system. (AIP)
46 CFR 153.368 - Pressure-vacuum valves.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Pressure-vacuum valves. 153.368 Section 153.368 Shipping... BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Design and Equipment Cargo Venting Systems § 153.368 Pressure-vacuum valves. (a) The pressure side of a required pressure-vacuum relief valve...
46 CFR 153.368 - Pressure-vacuum valves.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Pressure-vacuum valves. 153.368 Section 153.368 Shipping... BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Design and Equipment Cargo Venting Systems § 153.368 Pressure-vacuum valves. (a) The pressure side of a required pressure-vacuum relief valve...
46 CFR 153.368 - Pressure-vacuum valves.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Pressure-vacuum valves. 153.368 Section 153.368 Shipping... BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Design and Equipment Cargo Venting Systems § 153.368 Pressure-vacuum valves. (a) The pressure side of a required pressure-vacuum relief valve...
46 CFR 153.368 - Pressure-vacuum valves.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Pressure-vacuum valves. 153.368 Section 153.368 Shipping... BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Design and Equipment Cargo Venting Systems § 153.368 Pressure-vacuum valves. (a) The pressure side of a required pressure-vacuum relief valve...
46 CFR 153.368 - Pressure-vacuum valves.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Pressure-vacuum valves. 153.368 Section 153.368 Shipping... BULK LIQUID, LIQUEFIED GAS, OR COMPRESSED GAS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Design and Equipment Cargo Venting Systems § 153.368 Pressure-vacuum valves. (a) The pressure side of a required pressure-vacuum relief valve...
40 CFR 63.3004 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Requirements and Information § 63.3004 What definitions apply to this subpart? Terms used in this subpart are... application vacuum exhaust means the exhaust from the vacuum system used to remove excess resin solution from... binds the fibers. Emission limitation means an emission limit, operating limit, or work practice...
40 CFR 63.3004 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Requirements and Information § 63.3004 What definitions apply to this subpart? Terms used in this subpart are... application vacuum exhaust means the exhaust from the vacuum system used to remove excess resin solution from... binds the fibers. Emission limitation means an emission limit, operating limit, or work practice...
Versatile, low-cost, computer-controlled, sample positioning system for vacuum applications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Vargas-Aburto, Carlos; Liff, Dale R.
A versatile, low-cost, easy to implement, microprocessor-based motorized positioning system (MPS) suitable for accurate sample manipulation in a Second Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) system, and for other ultra-high vacuum (UHV) applications was designed and built at NASA LeRC. The system can be operated manually or under computer control. In the latter case, local, as well as remote operation is possible via the IEEE-488 bus. The position of the sample can be controlled in three linear orthogonal and one angular coordinates.
Vacuum generation in pneumatic artificial heart drives with a specially designed ejector system.
Schima, H; Huber, L; Spitaler, F
To improve the filling characteristics of pneumatically driven membrane artificial hearts (AHs), a vacuum is applied during diastole. This paper describes an ejector system for AH-drivers based on the Venturi effect, which was designed for this purpose. It provides vacuums of more than -40 mmHg at flow rates up to 50 l/min requiring a supplying primary gas pressure of less than 150 kPa (1140 mmHg). Under normal working conditions, the necessary supply flow was less than 5l/min. The device is small, cheap, quiet and fail-safe, and has been evaluated successfully in experimental and clinical use.
Vacuum distillation/vapor filtration water recovery
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Honegger, R. J.; Neveril, R. B.; Remus, G. A.
The development and evaluation of a vacuum distillation/vapor filtration (VD/VF) water recovery system are considered. As a functional model, the system converts urine and condensates waste water from six men to potable water on a steady-state basis. The system is designed for 180-day operating durations and for function on the ground, on zero-g aircraft, and in orbit. Preparatory tasks are summarized for conducting low gravity tests of a vacuum distillation/vapor filtration system for recovering water from urine.
New Model Exhaust System Supports Testing in NASA Lewis' 10- by 10-Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Roeder, James W., Jr.
In early 1996, the ability to run NASA Lewis Research Center's Abe Silverstein 10- by 10- Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel (10x10) at subsonic test section speeds was reestablished. Taking advantage of this new speed range, a subsonic research test program was scheduled for the 10x10 in the fall of 1996. However, many subsonic aircraft test models require an exhaust source to simulate main engine flow, engine bleed flows, and other phenomena. This was also true of the proposed test model, but at the time the 10x10 did not have a model exhaust capability. So, through an in-house effort over a period of only 5 months, a new model exhaust system was designed, installed, checked out, and made ready in time to support the scheduled test program.
Organiscak, J.A.; Beck, T.W.
The U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Office of Mine Safety and Health Research (OMSHR) has recently studied several redirected scrubber discharge configurations in its full-scale continuous miner gallery for both dust and gas control when using an exhaust face ventilation system. Dust and gas measurements around the continuous mining machine in the laboratory showed that the conventional scrubber discharge directed outby the face with a 12.2-m (40-ft) exhaust curtain setback appeared to be one of the better configurations for controlling dust and gas. Redirecting all the air toward the face equally up both sides of the machine increased the dust and gas concentrations around the machine. When all of the air was redirected toward the face on the off-curtain side of the machine, gas accumulations tended to be reduced at the face, at the expense of increased dust levels in the return and on the curtain side of the mining machine. A 6.1-m (20-ft) exhaust curtain setback without the scrubber operating resulted in the lowest dust levels around the continuous mining machine, but this configuration resulted in some of the highest levels of dust in the return and gas on the off-curtain side of the mining face. Two field studies showed some similarities to the laboratory findings, with elevated dust levels at the rear corners of the continuous miner when all of the scrubber exhaust was redirected toward the face either up the off-tubing side or equally up both sides of the mining machine. PMID:26251566
Vacuum-induced quantum memory in an opto-electromechanical system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qin, Li-Guo; Wang, Zhong-Yang; Wu, Shi-Chao; Gong, Shang-Qing; Ma, Hong-Yang; Jing, Jun
We propose a scheme to implement electrically controlled quantum memory based on vacuum-induced transparency (VIT) in a high-Q tunable cavity, which is capacitively coupled to a mechanically variable capacitor by a charged mechanical cavity mirror as an interface. We analyze the changes of the cavity photons arising from vacuum-induced-Raman process and discuss VIT in an atomic ensemble trapped in the cavity. By slowly adjusting the voltage on the capacitor, the VIT can be adiabatically switched on or off, meanwhile, the transfer between the probe photon state and the atomic spin state can be electrically and adiabatically modulated. Therefore, we demonstrate a vacuum-induced quantum memory by electrically manipulating the mechanical mirror of the cavity based on electromagnetically induced transparency mechanism.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kühn, Roland; Koeppen, Olaf; Kitte, Jens
Numerous research projects in automotive engineering focus on the industrialization of the thermoelectric generator (TEG). The development and the implementation of thermoelectric systems into the vehicle environment are commonly supported by virtual design activities. In this paper a customized simulation architecture is presented that includes almost all vehicle parts which are influenced by the TEG (overall system simulation) but is nevertheless capable of real-time use. Moreover, an optimized planar TEG with minimum nominal power output of about 580 W and pressure loss at nominal conditions of 10 mbar, synthesized using the overall system simulation, and the overall system simulation itself are used to answer a generally neglected question: What influence does the position of a TEG have on the back pressure of the subsequent exhaust gas system of the vehicle? It is found that the influence of the TEG on the muffler is low, but the catalytic converter is strongly influenced. It is shown that the TEG can reduce the back pressure of an exhaust gas system so much that its overall back pressure is less than the back pressure of a standard exhaust gas system.
Material Total Mass Loss in Vacuum Obtained From Various Outgassing Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scialdone, John; Isaac, Peggy; Clatterbuck, Carroll; Hunkeler, Ronald
Several instruments including the Cahn Microbalance, the Knudsen Cell, the micro-CVCM, and the vacuum Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) were used in the testing of a graphite/epoxy (GR/EP) composite that is proposed for use as a rigidizing element of an inflatable deployment system. This GR/EP will be cured in situ. The purpose of this testing is to estimate the gaseous production resulting from the curing of the GR/EP composite, to predict the resulting pressure, and to calculate the required venting. Every test was conducted under vacuum at 125 degrees C for 24 hours. Upon comparison of the results, the ASTM E-595 was noted to have given readings that were consistently lower than those obtained using the other instruments, which otherwise provided similar results. The GR/EP was tested using several different geometric arrangements. This paper describes the analysis evaluating the molecular and continuum flow of the outgassing products issuing from the exit port of the ASTM E-595 system. The effective flow conductance provided by the physical dimensions of the vent passage of the ASTM E-595 system and that of the material sample among other factors were investigated to explain the reduced amount of outgassing released during the 24-hour test period.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ueki, Takayuki; Yoshihara, Akifumi; Teramura, Yuji; Takai, Madoka
Since circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are tumor cells which are found in the blood of cancer patients, CTCs are potential tumor markers, so a rapid isolation of CTCs is desirable for clinical applications. In this paper, a three-dimensional polystyrene (PS) microfiber fabric with vacuum aspiration system was developed for capturing CTCs within a short time. Various microfiber fabrics with different diameters were prepared by the electrospinning method and optimized for contact frequency with cells. Vacuum aspiration utilizing these microfiber fabrics could filter all cells within seconds without mechanical damage. The microfiber fabric with immobilized anti-EpCAM antibodies was able to specifically capture MCF-7 cells that express EpCAM on their surfaces. The specificity of the system was confirmed by monitoring the ability to isolate MCF-7 cells from a mixture containing CCRF-CEM cells that do not express EpCAM. Furthermore, the selective capture ability of the microfiber was retained even when the microfiber was exposed to the whole blood of pigs spiked with MCF-7 cells. The specific cell capture ratio of the vacuum aspiration system utilizing microfiber fabric could be improved by increasing the thickness of the microfiber fabric through electrospinning time.
Energy Efficient Waste Heat Recovery from an Engine Exhaust System
targets. Since solar panels and wind turbines will not work for ships; the energy savings must come from making the existing power generation...achieve an approximate solution to the problem . The research for this thesis involved design by analysis of heat exchange in a gas turbine exhaust...effectiveness of a new style of heat exchanger for waste heat recovery. The new design sought to optimize heat recovery from a gas turbine engine exhaust as
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
This article describes a system developed for rapid light-off of underbody catalysts that has shown potential to meet Euro Stage III emissions targets and to be more cost-effective than some alternatives. Future emissions legislation will require SI engine aftertreatment systems to approach full operating efficiency within the first few seconds after starting to reduce the high total-emissions fraction currently contributed by the cold phase of driving. A reduction of cold-start emissions during Phase 1 (Euro) or Bag 1 (FTP), which in many cases can be as much as 80% of the total for the cycle, has been achieved by electricalmore » heating of the catalytic converter. But electrically heated catalyst (EHC) systems require high currents (100--200 A) to heat the metallic substrate to light-off temperatures over the first 15--20 seconds. Other viable approaches to reducing cold-start emissions include use of a fuel-powered burner upstream of the catalyst. However, as with EHC, the complexity of parts and the introduction of raw fuel into the exhaust system make this device unsatisfactory. Still another approach, an exhaust gas ignition (EGI) system, was first demonstrated in 1991. The operation of a system developed by engineers at Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Cambustion Ltd., and Tickford Ltd. is described here.« less
Compressed Air/Vacuum Transportation Techniques
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Guha, Shyamal
General theory of compressed air/vacuum transportation will be presented. In this transportation, a vehicle (such as an automobile or a rail car) is powered either by compressed air or by air at near vacuum pressure. Four version of such transportation is feasible. In all versions, a ``c-shaped'' plastic or ceramic pipe lies buried a few inches under the ground surface. This pipe carries compressed air or air at near vacuum pressure. In type I transportation, a vehicle draws compressed air (or vacuum) from this buried pipe. Using turbine or reciprocating air cylinder, mechanical power is generated from compressed air (or from vacuum). This mechanical power transferred to the wheels of an automobile (or a rail car) drives the vehicle. In type II-IV transportation techniques, a horizontal force is generated inside the plastic (or ceramic) pipe. A set of vertical and horizontal steel bars is used to transmit this force to the automobile on the road (or to a rail car on rail track). The proposed transportation system has following merits: virtually accident free; highly energy efficient; pollution free and it will not contribute to carbon dioxide emission. Some developmental work on this transportation will be needed before it can be used by the traveling public. The entire transportation system could be computer controlled.
Safety shield for vacuum/pressure-chamber windows
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Shimansky, R. A.; Spencer, R.
Optically-clear shatter-resistant safety shield protects workers from implosion and explosion of vacuum and pressure windows. Plastic shield is inexpensive and may be added to vacuum chambers, pressure chambers, and gas-filling systems.
Waveguide quantum electrodynamics in squeezed vacuum
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
You, Jieyu; Liao, Zeyang; Li, Sheng-Wen; Zubairy, M. Suhail
We study the dynamics of a general multiemitter system coupled to the squeezed vacuum reservoir and derive a master equation for this system based on the Weisskopf-Wigner approximation. In this theory, we include the effect of positions of the squeezing sources which is usually neglected in the previous studies. We apply this theory to a quasi-one-dimensional waveguide case where the squeezing in one dimension is experimentally achievable. We show that while dipole-dipole interaction induced by ordinary vacuum depends on the emitter separation, the two-photon process due to the squeezed vacuum depends on the positions of the emitters with respect to the squeezing sources. The dephasing rate, decay rate, and the resonance fluorescence of the waveguide-QED in the squeezed vacuum are controllable by changing the positions of emitters. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the stationary maximum entangled NOON state for identical emitters can be reached with arbitrary initial state when the center-of-mass position of the emitters satisfies certain conditions.
30 CFR 36.25 - Engine exhaust system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... replenished. When the cooling box is used as a flame arrester, one safety device may be accepted provided it... (see § 36.23(b)(2)). (3) In lieu of a space-place flame arrester, an exhaust-gas cooling box or... cooling box will arrest flame. When used as a flame arrester the cooling box shall be equipped with a...
30 CFR 36.25 - Engine exhaust system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... replenished. When the cooling box is used as a flame arrester, one safety device may be accepted provided it... (see § 36.23(b)(2)). (3) In lieu of a space-place flame arrester, an exhaust-gas cooling box or... cooling box will arrest flame. When used as a flame arrester the cooling box shall be equipped with a...
30 CFR 36.25 - Engine exhaust system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... replenished. When the cooling box is used as a flame arrester, one safety device may be accepted provided it... (see § 36.23(b)(2)). (3) In lieu of a space-place flame arrester, an exhaust-gas cooling box or... cooling box will arrest flame. When used as a flame arrester the cooling box shall be equipped with a...
30 CFR 36.25 - Engine exhaust system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... replenished. When the cooling box is used as a flame arrester, one safety device may be accepted provided it... (see § 36.23(b)(2)). (3) In lieu of a space-place flame arrester, an exhaust-gas cooling box or... cooling box will arrest flame. When used as a flame arrester the cooling box shall be equipped with a...
Shape memory alloy actuated adaptive exhaust nozzle for jet engine
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ma, Ning (Inventor); Song, Gangbing (Inventor)
The proposed adaptive exhaust nozzle features an innovative use of the shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators for actively control of the opening area of the exhaust nozzle for jet engines. The SMA actuators remotely control the opening area of the exhaust nozzle through a set of mechanism. An important advantage of using SMA actuators is the reduction of weight of the actuator system for variable area exhaust nozzle. Another advantage is that the SMA actuator can be activated using the heat from the exhaust and eliminate the need of other energy source. A prototype has been designed and fabricated. The functionality of the proposed SMA actuated adaptive exhaust nozzle is verified in the open-loop tests.
T cell exhaustion: from pathophysiological basics to tumor immunotherapy.
Catakovic, Kemal; Klieser, Eckhard; Neureiter, Daniel; Geisberger, Roland
The immune system is capable of distinguishing between danger- and non-danger signals, thus inducing either an appropriate immune response against pathogens and cancer or inducing self-tolerance to avoid autoimmunity and immunopathology. One of the mechanisms that have evolved to prevent destruction by the immune system, is to functionally silence effector T cells, termed T cell exhaustion, which is also exploited by viruses and cancers for immune escape In this review, we discuss some of the phenotypic markers associated with T cell exhaustion and we summarize current strategies to reinvigorate exhausted T cells by blocking these surface marker using monoclonal antibodies.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rains, Larry
This module is the third of nine modules in the competency-based Missouri Auto Mechanics Curriculum Guide. Six units cover: fuel supply systems; carburetion; carburetor service; gasoline engine electronic fuel injection; diesel fuel injection; and exhaust systems and turbochargers. Introductory materials include a competency profile and…
A static investigation of several STOVL exhaust system concepts
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Romine, B. M., Jr.; Meyer, B. E.; Re, R. J.
A static cold flow scale model test was performed in order to determine the internal performance characteristics of various STOVL exhaust systems. All of the concepts considered included a vectorable cruise nozzle and a separate vectorable vertical thrust ventral nozzle mounted on the tailpipe. The two ventral nozzle configurations tested featured vectorable constant thickness cascade vanes for area control and improved performance during transition and vertical lift flight. The best transition performance was achieved using a butterfly door type ventral nozzle and a pitch vectoring 2DCD or axisymmetric cruise nozzle. The clamshell blocker type of ventral nozzle had reduced transition performance due to the choking of the tailpipe flow upstream of the cruise nozzle.
The effect of vacuum devices on penile hemodynamics
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Katz, P.G.; Haden, H.T.; Mulligan, T.
External vacuum devices are being used increasingly for the management of erectile dysfunction. There is limited information regarding the effect of vacuum devices on penile blood flow and potential for ischemic penile injury. The penile xenon washout rate was measured before and after application of 2 vacuum systems in 15 subjects. Compared to flaccid state measurements the xenon washout rate did not change significantly with the Synergist Erection System but it was significantly reduced with the Osbon ErecAid System. However, the degree and duration of decrease in penile blood flow that may result in ischemic changes are unknown.
Numerical Simulation of the Working Process in the Twin Screw Vacuum Pump
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lu, Yang; Fu, Yu; Guo, Bei; Fu, Lijuan; Zhang, Qingqing; Chen, Xiaole
Twin screw vacuum pumps inherit the advantages of screw machinery, such as high reliability, stable medium conveying, small vibration, simple and compact structures, convenient operation, etc, which have been widely used in petrochemical and air industry. On the basis of previous studies, this study analyzed the geometric features of variable pitch of the twin screw vacuum pump such as the sealing line, the meshing line and the volume between teeth. The mathematical model of numerical simulation of the twin screw vacuum pump was established. The leakage paths of the working volume including the sealing line and the addendum arc were comprehensively considered. The corresponding simplified geometric model of leakage flow was built up for different leak paths and the flow coefficients were calculated. The flow coefficient value range of different leak paths was given. The results showed that the flow coefficient of different leak paths can be taken as constant value for the studied geometry. The analysis of recorded indicator diagrams showed that the increasing rotational speed can dramatically decrease the exhaust pressure and the lower rotational speed can lead to over-compression. The pressure of the isentropic process which was affected by leakage was higher than the theoretical process.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chang, Chin-Chun; Chan, Che-Kai; Wu, Ling-Hui; Shueh, Chin; Shen, I.-Ching; Cheng, Chia-Mu; Yang, I.-Chen
Three sets of a vacuum system were developed and fabricated for elliptically polarized undulators (EPU) of a 3-GeV synchrotron facility. These chambers were shaped with low roughness extrusion and oil-free machining; the design combines aluminium and stainless steel. The use of a bimetallic material to connect the EPU to the vacuum system achieves the vacuum sealing and to resolve the leakage issue due to bake process induced thermal expansion difference. The interior of the EPU chamber consists of a non-evaporable-getter strip pump in a narrow space to absorb photon-stimulated desorption and to provide a RF bridge design to decrease impedance effect in the two ends of EPU chamber. To fabricate these chambers and to evaluate the related performance, we performed a computer simulation to optimize the structure. During the machining and welding, the least deformation was achieved, less than 0.1 mm near 4 m. In the installation, the linear slider can provide a stable and precision moved along parallel the electron beam direction smoothly for the EPU chamber to decrease the twist issue during baking process. The pressure of the EPU chamber attained less than 2×10-8 Pa through baking. These vacuum systems of the EPU magnet have been installed in the electron storage ring of Taiwan Photon Source in 2015 May and have normally operated at 300 mA continuously since, and to keep beam life time achieved over than 12 h.
Vacuum Pyrolysis and Related ISRU Techniques
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Cardiff, Eric H.; Pomeroy, Brian R.; Banks, Ian S.; Benz, Alexis
A number of ISRU-related techniques have been developed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The focus of the team has been on development of the vacuum pyrolysis technique for the production of oxygen from the lunar regolith. However, a number of related techniques have also been developed, including solar concentration, solar heating of regolith, resistive heating of regolith, sintering, regolith boiling, process modeling, parts manufacturing, and instrumentation development. An initial prototype system was developed to vaporize regolith simulants using a approx. l square meter Fresnel lens. This system was successfully used to vaporize quantities of approx. lg, and both mass spectroscopy of the gasses produced and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the slag were done to show that oxygen was produced. Subsequent tests have demonstrated the use of a larger system With a 3.8m diameter reflective mirror to vaporize the regolith. These results and modeling of the vacuum pyrolysis reaction have indicated that the vaporization of the oxides in the regolith will occur at lower temperature for stronger vacuums. The chemical modeling was validated by testing of a resistive heating system that vaporized quantities of approx. 10g of MLS-1A. This system was also used to demonstrate the sintering of regolith simulants at reduced temperatures in high vacuum. This reduction in the required temperature prompted the development of a small-scale resistive heating system for application as a scientific instrument as well as a proof-of principle experiment for oxygen production.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hackwood, Susan; Belinski, Steven E.; Beni, Gerardo
The discipline of vacuum mechatronics is defined as the design and development of vacuum-compatible computer-controlled mechanisms for manipulating, sensing and testing in a vacuum environment. The importance of vacuum mechatronics is growing with an increased application of vacuum in space studies and in manufacturing for material processing, medicine, microelectronics, emission studies, lyophylisation, freeze drying and packaging. The quickly developing field of vacuum mechatronics will also be the driving force for the realization of an advanced era of totally enclosed clean manufacturing cells. High technology manufacturing has increasingly demanding requirements for precision manipulation, in situ process monitoring and contamination-free environments. To remove the contamination problems associated with human workers, the tendency in many manufacturing processes is to move towards total automation. This will become a requirement in the near future for e.g., microelectronics manufacturing. Automation in ultra-clean manufacturing environments is evolving into the concept of self-contained and fully enclosed manufacturing. A Self Contained Automated Robotic Factory (SCARF) is being developed as a flexible research facility for totally enclosed manufacturing. The construction and successful operation of a SCARF will provide a novel, flexible, self-contained, clean, vacuum manufacturing environment. SCARF also requires very high reliability and intelligent control. The trends in vacuum mechatronics and some of the key research issues are reviewed.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Carbajo, Juan J; Yoder Jr, Graydon L; Kim, Seokho H
RELAP5-3D models of the ITER Vacuum Vessel (VV) Primary Heat Transfer System (PHTS) have been developed. The design of the cooling system is described in detail, and RELAP5 results are presented. Two parallel pump/heat exchanger trains comprise the design one train is for full-power operation and the other is for emergency operation or operation at decay heat levels. All the components are located inside the Tokamak building (a significant change from the original configurations). The results presented include operation at full power, decay heat operation, and baking operation. The RELAP5-3D results confirm that the design can operate satisfactorily during bothmore » normal pulsed power operation and decay heat operation. All the temperatures in the coolant and in the different system components are maintained within acceptable operating limits.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hong, S. S.; Lim, J. Y.; Khan, W.
Pumping systems with large vacuum chambers have numerous applications in the process industry: for example, mixing of various types of gases as in the semiconductor industry, the calibration of vacuum gauges, the measurement of outgassing rates of various materials in the field of space technology, etc. Most often, these systems are used in the medium vacuum range (10-1 Pa-102 Pa) and in the dynamically-generated pressure mode. We have designed and developed a new dynamic flow system at the KRISS (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) that can be used for such applications with reliability in the range from 0.1 Pa - 133 Pa. In this report, the design philosophy, operational procedure and experimental data for the generated stable pressure points in the chamber of the system are discussed. The data consist the pressure points generated in the medium vacuum range while pumping the chamber of the system by using two different methods: first by using a dry scroll pump and then by using a combination of a turbomolecular pump backed by the same scroll pump. The relative standard deviations in the pressure points were calculated and were found to be greater than 1.5% for the scroll pump and less than 0.5% for the turbomolecular pump.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
CAO, Lihua; LIN, Aqiang; LI, Yong; XIAO, Bin
Heat transfer and vacuum in condenser are influenced by the aerodynamic performance of steam turbine exhaust hood. The current research on exhaust hood is mainly focused on analyzing flow loss and optimal design of its structure without consideration of the wet steam condensing flow and the exhaust hood coupled with the front and rear parts. To better understand the aerodynamic performance influenced by the tilt angle of flow guide inside a diffuser, taking a 600 MW steam turbine as an example, a numerical simulator CFX is adopted to solve compressible three-dimensional (3D) Reynolds time-averaged N-S equations and standard k- ɛ turbulence model. And the exhaust hood flow field influenced by different tilt angles of flow guide is investigated with consideration of the wet steam condensing flow and the exhaust hood coupled with the last stage blades and the condenser throat. The result shows that the total pressure loss coefficient and the static pressure recovery coefficient of exhaust hood change regularly and monotonously with the gradual increase of tilt angle of flow guide. When the tilt angle of flow guide is within the range of 30° to 40°, the static pressure recovery coefficient is in the range of 15.27% to 17.03% and the total pressure loss coefficient drops to approximately 51%, the aerodynamic performance of exhaust hood is significantly improved. And the effective enthalpy drop in steam turbine increases by 0.228% to 0.274%. It is feasible to obtain a reasonable title angle of flow guide by the method of coupling the last stage and the condenser throat to exhaust hood in combination of the wet steam model, which provides a practical guidance to flow guide transformation and optimal design in exhaust hood.
Local and Systemic CD4+ T Cell Exhaustion Reverses with Clinical Resolution of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis
Hawkins, Charlene; Shaginurova, Guzel; Shelton, D. Auriel; Herazo-Maya, Jose D.; Oswald-Richter, Kyra A.; Young, Anjuli; Celada, Lindsay J.; Kaminski, Naftali; Sevin, Carla
Investigation of the Th1 immune response in sarcoidosis CD4+ T cells has revealed reduced proliferative capacity and cytokine expression upon TCR stimulation. In other disease models, such cellular dysfunction has been associated with a step-wise, progressive loss of T cell function that results from chronic antigenic stimulation. T cell exhaustion is defined by decreased cytokine production upon TCR activation, decreased proliferation, increased expression of inhibitory cell surface receptors, and increased susceptibility to apoptosis. We characterized sarcoidosis CD4+ T cell immune function in systemic and local environments among subjects undergoing disease progression compared to those experiencing disease resolution. Spontaneous and TCR-stimulated Th1 cytokine expression and proliferation assays were performed in 53 sarcoidosis subjects and 30 healthy controls. PD-1 expression and apoptosis were assessed by flow cytometry. Compared to healthy controls, sarcoidosis CD4+ T cells demonstrated reductions in Th1 cytokine expression, proliferative capacity (p < 0.05), enhanced apoptosis (p < 0.01), and increased PD-1 expression (p < 0.001). BAL-derived CD4+ T cells also demonstrated multiple facets of T cell exhaustion (p < 0.05). Reversal of CD4+ T cell exhaustion was observed in subjects undergoing spontaneous resolution (p < 0.05). Sarcoidosis CD4+ T cells exhibit loss of cellular function during progressive disease that follows the archetype of T cell exhaustion. PMID:29234685
An efficient venturi scrubber system to remove submicron particles in exhaust gas.
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; Lin, Chia-Hung; Wang, Yu-Min; Hunag, Cheng-Hsiung; Li, Shou-Nan; Wu, Zong-Xue; Wang, Feng-Cai
An efficient venturi scrubber system making use of heterogeneous nucleation and condensational growth of particles was designed and tested to remove fine particles from the exhaust of a local scrubber where residual SiH4 gas was abated and lots of fine SiO2 particles were generated. In front of the venturi scrubber, normal-temperature fine-water mist mixes with high-temperature exhaust gas to cool it to the saturation temperature, allowing submicron particles to grow into micron sizes. The grown particles are then scrubbed efficiently in the venturi scrubber. Test results show that the present venturi scrubber system is effective for removing submicron particles. For SiO2 particles greater than 0.1microm, the removal efficiency is greater than 80-90%, depending on particle concentration. The corresponding pressure drop is relatively low. For example, the pressure drop of the venturi scrubber is approximately 15.4 +/- 2.4 cm H2O when the liquid-to-gas ratio is 1.50 L/m3. A theoretical calculation has been conducted to simulate particle growth process and the removal efficiency of the venturi scrubber. The theoretical results agree with the experimental data reasonably well when SiO2 particle diameter is greater than 0.1 microm.
Samitier, C Beatriz; Guirao, Lluis; Costea, Maria; Camós, Josep M; Pleguezuelos, Eulogio
Lower limb amputation leads to impaired balance, ambulation, and transfers. Proper fit of the prosthesis is a determining factor for successful ambulation. Vacuum-assisted socket systems extract air from the socket, which decreases pistoning and probability of soft-tissue injuries and increases proprioception and socket comfort. To investigate the effect of vacuum-assisted socket system on transtibial amputees' performance-based and perceived balance, transfers, and gait. Quasi-experimental before-and-after study. Subjects were initially assessed using their prosthesis with the regular socket and re-evaluated 4 weeks after fitting including the vacuum-assisted socket system. We evaluated the mobility grade using Medicare Functional Classification Level, Berg Balance Scale, Four Square Step Test, Timed Up and Go Test, the 6-Min Walk Test, the Locomotor Capabilities Index, Satisfaction with Prosthesis (SAT-PRO questionnaire), and Houghton Scale. A total of 16 unilateral transtibial dysvascular amputees, mean age 65.12 (standard deviation = 10.15) years. Using the vacuum-assisted socket system, the patients significantly improved in balance, gait, and transfers: scores of the Berg Balance Scale increased from 45.75 (standard deviation = 6.91) to 49.06 (standard deviation = 5.62) (p < 0.01), Four Square Step Test decreased from 18.18 (standard deviation = 3.84) s to 14.97 (3.9) s (p < 0.01), Timed Up and Go Test decreased from 14.3 (standard deviation = 3.29) s to 11.56 (2.46) s (p < 0.01). The distance walked in the 6-Min Walk Test increased from 288.53 (standard deviation = 59.57) m to 321.38 (standard deviation = 72.81) m (p < 0.01). Vacuum-assisted socket systems are useful for improving balance, gait, and transfers in over-50-year-old dysvascular transtibial amputees. This study gives more insight into the use of vacuum-assisted socket systems to improve elderly transtibial dysvascular amputees
Suppression of Thermal Emission from Exhaust Components Using an Integrated Approach
design model must, as a minimum, include an accurate estimate of space required for the exhaust , backpressure to the engine , system weight, gas flovw testing. The virtual design model provides an estimate of space required for: tih exhaust , backiressure to the engine ., svsie:. weigar. gas...either be the engine for the exhaust system or is capable of providing more than the required mass flow rate and enough gas temperature margins so that
New class of microminiature Joule — Thomson refrigerator and vacuum package
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Paugh, Robert L.
Progress is reported on the development of a two-stage, fast cooldown Joule — Thomson refrigerator using nitrogen gas and a nitrogen — hydrocarbon gas mixture as the refrigerants. The refrigerator incorporates a microminiature Venturi pump to reduce the pressure of the exhaust of the main boiler to bring the operating temperature of the cold stage to < 70 K in as little as 10 s. The vacuum package for the refrigerator contains no organic materials and is designed to provide a ten year shelf life. Special glass strengthening techniques are being used to achieve cooler survival of acceleration tests of up to 100 000g.
O-Ring sealing arrangements for ultra-high vacuum systems
Kim, Chang-Kyo; Flaherty, Robert
An all metal reusable O-ring sealing arrangement for sealing two concentric tubes in an ultra-high vacuum system. An O-ring of a heat recoverable alloy such as Nitinol is concentrically positioned between protruding sealing rings of the concentric tubes. The O-ring is installed between the tubes while in a stressed martensitic state and is made to undergo a thermally induced transformation to an austenitic state. During the transformation the O-ring expands outwardly and contracts inwardly toward a previously sized austenitic configuration, thereby sealing against the protruding sealing rings of the concentric tubes.
Characterization and analysis of diesel exhaust odor
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Shala, F.J.
An instrumental method known as the Diesel Odor Analysis System or DOAS, has been developed at A.D. Little, Inc. for measuring diesel exhaust odor. It was of interest to determine which compound or compounds in the oxygenated fraction of the exhaust were primarily responsible for the odor correlation as developed at A.D. Little, Inc. This was accomplished by observing how the measurement of the exhaust odor intensity and number of chemical constituents of the oxygenate fraction were changing with respect to the odor values as measured by the DOAS. Benzaldehyde was found to give the best correlation (R = 0.98)more » with odor. A quantitative relationship between exhaust odor as measured by the total intensity of aroma (TIA) and the benzaldehyde concentration (B) in ppm in the exhaust is given by: TIA = 1.11 log/sub 10/(B) + 4.10. This correlation was supported by results obtained from two other diesel engine exhaust sources. A methyl benzaldehyde isomer also yielded a good correlation (R = 0.90) with odor. Air to fuel ratio correlations were determined for the tentatively identified compounds, cinnamaldehyde (R = 0.94) and a C2-benzaldehyde isomer (R = 0.94).« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cipollone, Roberto; Bianchi, Giuseppe; Gualtieri, Angelo; Di Battista, Davide; Mauriello, Marco; Fatigati, Fabio
Road transportation is currently one of the most influencing sectors for global energy consumptions and CO2 emissions. Nevertheless, more than one third of the fuel energy supplied to internal combustion engines is still rejected to the environment as thermal waste at the exhaust. Therefore, a greater fuel economy might be achieved recovering the energy from exhaust gases and converting it into useful power on board. In the current research activity, an ORC-based energy recovery system was developed and coupled with a diesel engine. The innovative feature of the recovery power unit relies upon the usage of sliding vane rotary machines as pump and expander. After a preliminary exhaust gas mapping, which allowed to assess the magnitude of the thermal power to be recovered, a thermodynamic analysis was carried out to design the ORC system and the sliding vane machines using R236fa as working fluid. An experimental campaign was eventually performed at different operating regimes according to the ESC procedure and investigated the recovery potential of the power unit at design and off-design conditions. Mechanical power recovered ranged from 0.7 kW up to 1.9 kW, with an overall cycle efficiency from 3.8% up to 4.8% respectively. These results candidate sliding vane machines as efficient and reliable devices for waste heat recovery applications.
Gudro, Ilze; Valeika, Virgilijus; Sirvaitytė, Justa
The objective of this work was to investigate vacuum influence on hide preservation time and how it affects hide structure. It was established that vacuum prolongs the storage time without hide tissue putrefaction up to 21 days when the storage temperature is 4°C. The microorganisms act for all storage times, but the action is weak and has no observable influence on the quality of hide during the time period mentioned. The hide shrinkage temperature decrease is negligible, which shows that breaking of intermolecular bonds does not occur. Optical microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry also did not show any structural changes which can influence the quality of leather produced from such hide. The qualitative indexes of wet blue processed under laboratory conditions and of leather produced during industrial trials are presented. Indexes such as chromium compounds exhaustion, content of chromium in leather, content of soluble matter in dichloromethane, strength properties, and shrinkage temperature were determined. Properties of the leather produced from vacuumed hide under industrial conditions conformed to the requirements of shoe upper leather. PMID:25393637
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Salikuddin, M.; Martens, S.; Shin, H.; Majjigi, R. K.; Krejsa, Gene (Technical Monitor)
The objective of this task was to develop a design methodology and noise reduction concepts for high bypass exhaust systems which could be applied to both existing production and new advanced engine designs. Special emphasis was given to engine cycles with bypass ratios in the range of 4:1 to 7:1, where jet mixing noise was a primary noise source at full power takeoff conditions. The goal of this effort was to develop the design methodology for mixed-flow exhaust systems and other novel noise reduction concepts that would yield 3 EPNdB noise reduction relative to 1992 baseline technology. Two multi-lobed mixers, a 22-lobed axisymmetric and a 21-lobed with a unique lobe, were designed. These mixers along with a confluent mixer were tested with several fan nozzles of different lengths with and without acoustic treatment in GEAE's Cell 41 under the current subtask (Subtask C). In addition to the acoustic and LDA tests for the model mixer exhaust systems, a semi-empirical noise prediction method for mixer exhaust system is developed. Effort was also made to implement flowfield data for noise prediction by utilizing MGB code. In general, this study established an aero and acoustic diagnostic database to calibrate and refine current aero and acoustic prediction tools.
High-speed schlieren imaging of rocket exhaust plumes
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Coultas-McKenney, Caralyn; Winter, Kyle; Hargather, Michael
Experiments are conducted to examine the exhaust of a variety of rocket engines. The rocket engines are mounted in a schlieren system to allow high-speed imaging of the engine exhaust during startup, steady state, and shutdown. A variety of rocket engines are explored including a research-scale liquid rocket engine, consumer/amateur solid rocket motors, and water bottle rockets. Comparisons of the exhaust characteristics, thrust and cost for this range of rockets is presented. The variety of nozzle designs, target functions, and propellant type provides unique variations in the schlieren imaging.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Jacobs, C. O.
A study evaluated the feasibility of introducing unheated outside air into the airstream of a cross-flow welding exhaust system to reduce heating energy costs of a school welding laboratory. The physical facility used was the agricultural mechanics laboratory at the University of Arizona, which is similar to facilities in which instruction in…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Jingxiang; Zhao, Shengdun; Ishihara, Kunihiko
A novel approach is presented to study the acoustical properties of sintered bronze material, especially used to suppress the transient noise generated by the pneumatic exhaust of pneumatic friction clutch and brake (PFC/B) systems. The transient exhaust noise is impulsive and harmful due to the large sound pressure level (SPL) that has high-frequency. In this paper, the exhaust noise is related to the transient impulsive exhaust, which is described by a one-dimensional aerodynamic model combining with a pressure drop expression of the Ergun equation. A relation of flow parameters and sound source is set up. Additionally, the piston acoustic source approximation of sintered bronze silencer with cylindrical geometry is presented to predict SPL spectrum at a far-field observation point. A semi-phenomenological model is introduced to analyze the sound propagation and reduction in the sintered bronze materials assumed as an equivalent fluid with rigid frame. Experiment results under different initial cylinder pressures are shown to corroborate the validity of the proposed aerodynamic model. In addition, the calculated sound pressures according to the equivalent sound source are compared with the measured noise signals both in time-domain and frequency-domain. Influences of porosity of the sintered bronze material are also discussed.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Heck, W. W.; Knott, W. M.; Stahel, E. P.; Ambrose, J. T.; Mccrimmon, J. N.; Engle, M.; Romanow, L. A.; Sawyer, A. G.; Tyson, J. D.
The effects of solid rocket fuel (SRF) exhaust on selected plant and and insect species in the Merritt Island, Florida area was investigated in order to determine if the exhaust clouds generated by shuttle launches would adversely affect the native, plants of the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge, the citrus production, or the beekeeping industry of the island. Conditions were simulated in greenhouse exposure chambers and field chambers constructed to model the ideal continuous stirred tank reactor. A plant exposure system was developed for dispensing and monitoring the two major chemicals in SRF exhaust, HCl and Al203, and for dispensing and monitoring SRF exhaust (controlled fuel burns). Plants native to Merritt Island, Florida were grown and used as test species. Dose-response relationships were determined for short term exposure of selected plant species to HCl, Al203, and mixtures of the two to SRF exhaust.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mei, Guohui; Zhang, Jiu; Zhao, Shumao; Xie, Zhi
Fume exhaust system is the main component of the novel blackbody cavity sensor with a single layer tube, which removes the fume by gas flow along the exhaust pipe to keep the light path clean. However, the gas flow may break the conditions of blackbody cavity and results in the poor measurement accuracy. In this paper, we analyzed the influence of the gas flow on the temperature distribution of the measuring cavity, and then calculated the integrated effective emissivity of the non-isothermal cavity based on Monte-Carlo method, accordingly evaluated the sensor measurement accuracy, finally obtained the maximum allowable flow rate for various length of the exhaust pipe to meet the measurement accuracy. These results will help optimize the novel blackbody cavity sensor design and use it better for measuring the temperature of molten steel.
On the thermodynamics of waste heat recovery from internal combustion engine exhaust gas
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Meisner, G. P.
The ideal internal combustion (IC) engine (Otto Cycle) efficiency ηIC = 1-(1/r)(γ - 1) is only a function of engine compression ratio r =Vmax/Vmin and exhaust gas specific heat ratio γ = cP/cV. Typically r = 8, γ = 1.4, and ηIC = 56%. Unlike the Carnot Cycle where ηCarnot = 1-(TC/TH) for a heat engine operating between hot and cold heat reservoirs at TH and TC, respectively, ηIC is not a function of the exhaust gas temperature. Instead, the exhaust gas temperature depends only on the intake gas temperature (ambient), r, γ, cV, and the combustion energy. The ejected exhaust gas heat is thermally decoupled from the IC engine and conveyed via the exhaust system (manifold, pipe, muffler, etc.) to ambient, and the exhaust system is simply a heat engine that does no useful work. The maximum fraction of fuel energy that can be extracted from the exhaust gas stream as useful work is (1-ηIC) × ηCarnot = 32% for TH = 850 K (exhaust) and TC = 370 K (coolant). This waste heat can be recovered using a heat engine such as a thermoelectric generator (TEG) with ηTEG> 0 in the exhaust system. A combined IC engine and TEG system can generate net useful work from the exhaust gas waste heat with efficiency ηWH = (1-ηIC) × ηCarnot ×ηTEG , and this will increase the overall fuel efficiency of the total system. Recent improvements in TEGs yield ηTEG values approaching 15% giving a potential total waste heat conversion efficiency of ηWH = 4.6%, which translates into a fuel economy improvement approaching 5%. This work is supported by the US DOE under DE-EE0005432.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Morita, Hiroshi; Hatanaka, Ayumu; Yokosuka, Toshiyuki; Seki, Yoshitaka; Tsumuraya, Yoshiaki; Doi, Motomichi
The measurement system of the surface electrostatic potential on a solid insulation board in vacuum has been developed. We used this system to measure the electrostatic potential distribution of the surface of a borosilicate glass plate applied a high voltage. A local increase in the electric field was observed. It is considered that this phenomenon is caused by a positive electrostatic charge generated by a secondary emission of field emission electrons from an electrode. On the other hand, a local increase in the electric field was not observed on a glass plate coated with silica particles and a glass plate roughened by sandblast. We reasoned that this could be because the electrons were trapped by the roughness of the surface. It is considered that these phenomena make many types of equipment using the vacuum insulation more reliable.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL.
This document presents an outline for a 135-hour course designed to help the trainee gain the skills and knowledge necessary to become an aviation powerplant mechanic. The course outlines the theory of operation of various fuel systems, fuel metering, induction, and exhaust system components with an emphasis on troubleshooting, maintenance, and…
A Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer System for UltraLow-Emission Combustor Exhaust Studies
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Brabbs, Theodore A.; Wey, Chowen Chou
A gas chromatograph (GC)/mass spectrometer (MS) system that allows the speciation of unburnt hydrocarbons in the combustor exhaust has been developed at the NASA Lewis Research Center. Combustion gas samples are withdrawn through a water-cooled sampling probe which, when not in use, is protected from contamination by a high-pressure nitrogen purge. The sample line and its connecting lines, filters, and valves are all ultraclean and are heated to avoid condensation. The system has resolution to the parts-per-billion (ppb) level.
Method and apparatus for in-cell vacuuming of radiologically contaminated materials
Spadaro, Peter R.; Smith, Jay E.; Speer, Elmer L.; Cecconi, Arnold L.
A vacuum air flow operated cyclone separator arrangement for collecting, handling and packaging loose contaminated material in accordance with acceptable radiological and criticality control requirements. The vacuum air flow system includes a specially designed fail-safe prefilter installed upstream of the vacuum air flow power supply. The fail-safe prefilter provides in-cell vacuum system flow visualization and automatically reduces or shuts off the vacuum air flow in the event of an upstream prefilter failure. The system is effective for collecting and handling highly contaminated radiological waste in the form of dust, dirt, fuel element fines, metal chips and similar loose material in accordance with radiological and criticality control requirements for disposal by means of shipment and burial.
Outgassing Total Mass Loss Obtained with Micro-CVCM and Other Vacuum Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scialdone, John; Isaac, Peggy; Clatterbuck, Carroll; Hunkeler, Ronald; Powers, Edward I. (Technical Monitor)
Several instruments including the Cahn Microbalance, the Knudsen Cell, the micro-CVCM, and the vacuum Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) were used in the testing of a graphite epoxy (GR/EP) composite that is proposed for use as a rigidizing element of an inflatable deployment system. This GR/EP will be cured in situ. The purpose of this testing is to estimate the gaseous production resulting from the curing of the GR/EP composite, to predict the resulting pressure, and to calculate the required venting. Every test was conducted under vacuum at 125 C for 24 hours. Upon comparison of the results, the ASTM E-595 was noted to have given readings that were consistently lower than those obtained using the other instruments, which otherwise provided similar results. The GR/EP was tested using several different geometric arrangements. This paper describes the analysis evaluating the molecular and continuum flow of the outgassing products issuing from the exit port of the ASTM E-595 system. The effective flow conductance provided by the physical dimensions of the vent passage of the ASTM E-595 system and that of the material sample among other factors were investigated to explain the reduced amount of outgassing released during the 24-hour test period,
Outgassing Total Mass Loss Obtained with Micro-CVCM and other Vacuum Systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scialdone, John J.; Isaac, Peggy A.; Clatterbuck, Carroll H.; Hunkeler, Ronald E.; Powers, Edward I. (Technical Monitor)
Several instruments including the Cahn Microbalance the Knudsen Cell, the micro-CVCM, and the vacuum Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) were used in the testing of a graphite epoxy (GR/EP) composite that is proposed for use as a rigidizing element of an inflatable deployment system. This GR/EP will be cured in situ. The purpose of this testing is to estimate the gaseous production resulting from the curing of the GR/EP composite, to predict the resulting pressure, and to calculate the required venting. Every test was conducted under vacuum at 125 C for 24 hours. Upon comparison of the results, the ASTM E-595 was noted to have given readings that were consistently lower than those obtained using the other instruments, which otherwise provided similar results. The GR/EP was tested using several different geometric arrangements. This paper describes the analysis evaluating the molecular and continuum flow of the outgassing products issuing from the exit port of the ASTM E-595 system. The effective flow conductance provided by the physical dimensions of the vent passage of the ASTM E-595 system and that of the material sample among other factors were investigated to explain the reduced amount of outgassing released during the 24-hour test period
Advanced Space Propulsion System Flowfield Modeling
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Smith, Sheldon
Solar thermal upper stage propulsion systems currently under development utilize small low chamber pressure/high area ratio nozzles. Consequently, the resulting flow in the nozzle is highly viscous, with the boundary layer flow comprising a significant fraction of the total nozzle flow area. Conventional uncoupled flow methods which treat the nozzle boundary layer and inviscid flowfield separately by combining the two calculations via the influence of the boundary layer displacement thickness on the inviscid flowfield are not accurate enough to adequately treat highly viscous nozzles. Navier Stokes models such as VNAP2 can treat these flowfields but cannot perform a vacuum plume expansion for applications where the exhaust plume produces induced environments on adjacent structures. This study is built upon recently developed artificial intelligence methods and user interface methodologies to couple the VNAP2 model for treating viscous nozzle flowfields with a vacuum plume flowfield model (RAMP2) that is currently a part of the Plume Environment Prediction (PEP) Model. This study integrated the VNAP2 code into the PEP model to produce an accurate, practical and user friendly tool for calculating highly viscous nozzle and exhaust plume flowfields.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Selcuk, M. K.
A solar heat collection system employing non-tracking reflectors integrated with a fixed vacuum tube receiver which achieves modest year-round concentration (about 2) of the sunlight at low capital costs is discussed. The axis of the vee-trough reflector lies in a east-west direction and requires reversal of the reflector surfaces only twice a year without disturbing the receiver tubes and associated plumbing. It collects most of the diffuse flux. The vacuum tube receiver with selective absorber has no convection losses while radiation and conduction losses are minimal. Significant cost reductions are offered since the vee-trough can be fabricated from inexpensive polished or plastic reflector laminated sheet metal covering 2/3 of the collection area, and only about 1/3 of the area is covered with the more expensive vacuum tube receivers. Thermal and economic performance of the vee-trough vacuum tube system, year-round variation of the concentration factor, incident flux, useful heat per unit area at various operation temperatures and energy cost estimates are presented. The electrical energy cost is estimated to be 77 mills/kWh, and the system construction cost is estimated to be $1140/kWe.
Quantum vacuum noise in physics and cosmology.
Davies, P. C. W.
The concept of the vacuum in quantum field theory is a subtle one. Vacuum states have a rich and complex set of properties that produce distinctive, though usually exceedingly small, physical effects. Quantum vacuum noise is familiar in optical and electronic devices, but in this paper I wish to consider extending the discussion to systems in which gravitation, or large accelerations, are important. This leads to the prediction of vacuum friction: The quantum vacuum can act in a manner reminiscent of a viscous fluid. One result is that rapidly changing gravitational fields can create particles from the vacuum, and in turn the backreaction on the gravitational dynamics operates like a damping force. I consider such effects in early universe cosmology and the theory of quantum black holes, including the possibility that the large-scale structure of the universe might be produced by quantum vacuum noise in an early inflationary phase. I also discuss the curious phenomenon that an observer who accelerates through a quantum vacuum perceives a bath of thermal radiation closely analogous to Hawking radiation from black holes, even though an inertial observer registers no particles. The effects predicted raise very deep and unresolved issues about the nature of quantum particles, the role of the observer, and the relationship between the quantum vacuum and the concepts of information and entropy. (c) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
A Flight Investigation of Exhaust-heat De-icing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jones, Alun R; Rodert, Lewis A
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics conducted exhaust-heat de-icing tests in flight to provide data needed in the application of this method. The capacity to extract heat from the exhaust gas for de-icing purposes, the quantity of heat required, and other factors were examined. The results indicate that a wing-heating system employing a spanwise exhaust tube within the leading edge of the wing removed 30 to 35 percent of the heat from exhaust gas entering the wing. Data are given from which the heat required for ice prevention can be calculated. Sample calculations have been made on the basis of existing engine power/wing area ratios to show that sufficient heating can be obtained for ice protection on modern transportation airplanes, provided that uniform distribution of the heat can be secured.
Fluid leakage detector for vacuum applications
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Nguyen, Bich Ngoc (Inventor); Farkas, Tibor (Inventor); Kim, Brian Byungkyu (Inventor)
A leak detection system for use with a fluid conducting system in a vacuum environment, such as space, is described. The system preferably includes a mesh-like member substantially disposed about the fluid conducting system, and at least one sensor disposed within the mesh-like member. The sensor is capable of detecting a decrease in temperature of the mesh-like member when a leak condition causes the fluid of the fluid conducting system to freeze when exposed to the vacuum environment. Additionally, a signal processor in preferably in communication with the sensor. The sensor transmits an electrical signal to the signal processor such that the signal processor is capable of indicating the location of the fluid leak in the fluid conducting system.
Bithermal Low-Cycle Fatigue Evaluation of Automotive Exhaust System Alloy SS409
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lu, Gui-Ying; Behling, Mike B.; Halford, Gary R.
This investigation provides, for the first time, cyclic strainrange-controlled, thermomechanical fatigue results for the ferritic stainless steel alloy SS409. The alloy has seen extensive application for automotive exhaust system components. The data were generated to calibrate the Total Strain Version of the Strainrange Partitioning (TS-SRP) method for eventual application to the design and durability assessment of automotive exhaust systems. The thermomechanical cyclic lifetime and cyclic stress-strain constitutive behavior for alloy SS409 were measured using bithermal tests cycling between isothermal extremes of 400 and 800 C. Lives ranged up to 10,000 cycles to failure with hold-times of 0.33 to 2.0 minutes. The bithermal fatigue behavior is compared to isothermal, strain-controlled fatigue behavior at both 400 and 800 C. Thermomechanical cycling was found to have a profound detrimental influence on the fatigue failure resistance of SS409 compared to isothermal cycling. Supplementary bithermal cyclic stress-strain constitutive tests with hold-times ranging from 40 seconds up to 1.5 hours were conducted to calibrate the TS-SRP equation for extrapolation to longer lifetime predictions. Observed thermomechanical (bithermal) fatigue lives correlated well with lives calculated using the calibrated TS-SRP equations: 70% of the bithermal fatigue data fall within a factor of 1.2 of calculated life; 85% within a factor of 1.4; and 100% within a factor of 1.8.
Introduction to total- and partial-pressure measurements in vacuum systems
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Outlaw, R. A.; Kern, F. A.
An introduction to the fundamentals of total and partial pressure measurement in the vacuum regime (760 x 10 to the -16th power Torr) is presented. The instrument most often used in scientific fields requiring vacuum measurement are discussed with special emphasis on ionization type gauges and quadrupole mass spectrometers. Some attention is also given to potential errors in measurement as well as calibration techniques.
Giant vacuum forces via transmission lines
Shahmoon, Ephraim; Mazets, Igor; Kurizki, Gershon
Quantum electromagnetic fluctuations induce forces between neutral particles, known as the van der Waals and Casimir interactions. These fundamental forces, mediated by virtual photons from the vacuum, play an important role in basic physics and chemistry and in emerging technologies involving, e.g., microelectromechanical systems or quantum information processing. Here we show that these interactions can be enhanced by many orders of magnitude upon changing the character of the mediating vacuum modes. By considering two polarizable particles in the vicinity of any standard electric transmission line, along which photons can propagate in one dimension, we find a much stronger and longer-range interaction than in free space. This enhancement may have profound implications on many-particle and bulk systems and impact the quantum technologies mentioned above. The predicted giant vacuum force is estimated to be measurable in a coplanar waveguide line. PMID:25002503
NO.sub.x catalyst and method of suppressing sulfate formation in an exhaust purification system
Balmer-Millar, Mari Lou [Chillicothe, IL; Park, Paul W [Peoria, IL; Panov, Alexander G [Peoria, IL
The activity and durability of a zeolite lean-burn NOx catalyst can be increased by loading metal cations on the outer surface of the zeolite. However, the metal loadings can also oxidize sulfur dioxide to cause sulfate formation in the exhaust. The present invention is a method of suppressing sulfate formation in an exhaust purification system including a NO.sub.x catalyst. The NO.sub.x catalyst includes a zeolite loaded with at least one metal. The metal is selected from among an alkali metal, an alkaline earth metal, a lanthanide metal, a noble metal, and a transition metal. In order to suppress sulfate formation, at least a portion of the loaded metal is complexed with at least one of sulfate, phosphate, and carbonate.
NO.sub.x catalyst and method of suppressing sulfate formation in an exhaust purification system
Balmer-Millar, Mari Lou; Park, Paul W.; Panov, Alexander G.
The activity and durability of a zeolite lean-bum NOx catalyst can be increased by loading metal cations on the outer surface of the zeolite. However, the metal loadings can also oxidize sulfur dioxide to cause sulfate formation in the exhaust. The present invention is a method of suppressing sulfate formation in an exhaust purification system including a NO.sub.x catalyst. The NO.sub.x catalyst includes a zeolite loaded with at least one metal. The metal is selected from among an alkali metal, an alkaline earth metal, a lanthanide metal, a noble metal, and a transition metal. In order to suppress sulfate formation, at least a portion of the loaded metal is complexed with at least one of sulfate, phosphate, and carbonate.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ellerbrock, Herman H.; Wcislo, Chester R.; Dexter, Howard E.
Investigations were made to develop a simplified method for designing exhaust-pipe shrouds to provide desired or maximum cooling of exhaust installations. Analysis of heat exchange and pressure drop of an adequate exhaust-pipe shroud system requires equations for predicting design temperatures and pressure drop on cooling air side of system. Present experiments derive such equations for usual straight annular exhaust-pipe shroud systems for both parallel flow and counter flow. Equations and methods presented are believed to be applicable under certain conditions to the design of shrouds for tail pipes of jet engines.
Observing quantum vacuum lensing in a neutron star binary system.
Dupays, Arnaud; Robilliard, Cécile; Rizzo, Carlo; Bignami, Giovanni F
In this Letter we study the propagation of light in the neighborhood of magnetized neutron stars. Because of the optical properties of quantum vacuum in the presence of a magnetic field, the light emitted by background astronomical objects is deviated, giving rise to a phenomenon of the same kind as the gravitational one. We give a quantitative estimation of this effect, and we discuss the possibility of its observation. We show that this effect could be detected by monitoring the evolution of the recently discovered double neutron star system J0737-3039.
Exhaust emission control and diagnostics
Mazur, Christopher John; Upadhyay, Devesh
A diesel engine emission control system uses an upstream oxidation catalyst and a downstream SCR catalyst to reduce NOx in a lean exhaust gas environment. The engine and upstream oxidation catalyst are configured to provide approximately a 1:1 ratio of NO to NO2 entering the downstream catalyst. In this way, the downstream catalyst is insensitive to sulfur contamination, and also has improved overall catalyst NOx conversion efficiency. Degradation of the system is determined when the ratio provided is no longer near the desired 1:1 ratio. This condition is detected using measurements of engine operating conditions such as from a NOx sensor located downstream of the catalysts. Finally, control action to adjust an injected amount of reductant in the exhaust gas based on the actual NO to NO2 ratio upstream of the SCR catalyst and downstream of the oxidation catalyst.
Diesel exhaust exposures in port workers.
Debia, Maximilien; Neesham-Grenon, Eve; Mudaheranwa, Oliver C; Ragettli, Martina S
concentrations and the number of trucks and wind speed (R(2) = 0.432; p < 0.01). The presence of trucks with cooling systems and older trucks with older exhaust systems was associated with peak concentrations on the direct reading instruments. The results highlight the relevance of direct reading instruments in helping to identify sources of exposure and suggest that monitoring particle number concentrations improves understanding of workers' exposures to diesel exhaust. This study, by quantifying workers' exposure levels through a multimetric approach, contributes to the further understanding of occupational exposures to diesel engine exhaust.
The Benefits of Mixed Flow Technology: Roof Exhaust Fans.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tetley, Paul A.
Explores the problems associated with laboratory workstation exhaust faced by most colleges and universities and explains how the selection of a proper fume hood exhaust system can prevent or eliminate these problems and provide a clean and safe lab environment. Also highlighted are indoor air quality legal implications. (GR)
Schlegel, Ulf J; Sturm, Michael; Eysel, Peer; Breusch, Steffen J
Polymethylmethacrylate bone cements are widely used in orthopaedic and trauma surgery as well as in dentistry. The toxic side effects of inhaled methylmethacrylate (MMA) fumes generated during mixing have been well studied. Vacuum cement mixing systems have been shown to reduce the risk of airborne MMA significantly compared to handmixing. In an effort to further reduce MMA exposure, the latest generation of mixing devices are pre-packed with the ingredients and thus allow preparation in nearly closed circuits. Until now, there has been no study proofing the efficacy of those systems in protecting theatre staff from MMA vapours. A pre-packed vacuum mixing system (Optipac®) was compared with two standard systems (Palamix® and Easymix®) regarding MMA emission. The latter systems require loading with the bone cement compounds prior to mixing. Following a standardized procedure, 10 mixes were performed with each system and the emission of MMA vapours in the breathing zone was recorded using photoionization detection over a period of 3 min. The mean MMA exposure was reduced when using the pre-packed system compared to the devices that require filling with the components. The highest emission peaks were recorded during the mixing and preparation steps in all systems. Modern pre-packed vacuum mixing systems further help to reduce the occupational hazards created by bone cement preparation. However, MMA fumes can still be detected using this technique. Although this is an important step in reducing MMA exposure in the operating theatre, further technical effort has to be taken to eliminate the continuous leakage of monomer from the devices while mixing and to minimize necessary manipulation for final delivery.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jiang, J.; Gu, F.; Gennish, R.; Moore, D. J.; Harris, G.; Ball, A. D.
Acoustic methods are among the most useful techniques for monitoring the condition of machines. However, the influence of background noise is a major issue in implementing this method. This paper introduces an effective monitoring approach to diesel engine combustion based on acoustic one-port source theory and exhaust acoustic measurements. It has been found that the strength, in terms of pressure, of the engine acoustic source is able to provide a more accurate representation of the engine combustion because it is obtained by minimising the reflection effects in the exhaust system. A multi-load acoustic method was then developed to determine the pressure signal when a four-cylinder diesel engine was tested with faults in the fuel injector and exhaust valve. From the experimental results, it is shown that a two-load acoustic method is sufficient to permit the detection and diagnosis of abnormalities in the pressure signal, caused by the faults. This then provides a novel and yet reliable method to achieve condition monitoring of diesel engines even if they operate in high noise environments such as standby power stations and vessel chambers.
Energy Optimization for a Weak Hybrid Power System of an Automobile Exhaust Thermoelectric Generator
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fang, Wei; Quan, Shuhai; Xie, Changjun; Tang, Xinfeng; Ran, Bin; Jiao, Yatian
An integrated starter generator (ISG)-type hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) scheme is proposed based on the automobile exhaust thermoelectric generator (AETEG). An eddy current dynamometer is used to simulate the vehicle's dynamic cycle. A weak ISG hybrid bench test system is constructed to test the 48 V output from the power supply system, which is based on engine exhaust-based heat power generation. The thermoelectric power generation-based system must ultimately be tested when integrated into the ISG weak hybrid mixed power system. The test process is divided into two steps: comprehensive simulation and vehicle-based testing. The system's dynamic process is simulated for both conventional and thermoelectric powers, and the dynamic running process comprises four stages: starting, acceleration, cruising and braking. The quantity of fuel available and battery pack energy, which are used as target vehicle energy functions for comparison with conventional systems, are simplified into a single energy target function, and the battery pack's output current is used as the control variable in the thermoelectric hybrid energy optimization model. The system's optimal battery pack output current function is resolved when its dynamic operating process is considered as part of the hybrid thermoelectric power generation system. In the experiments, the system bench is tested using conventional power and hybrid thermoelectric power for the four dynamic operation stages. The optimal battery pack curve is calculated by functional analysis. In the vehicle, a power control unit is used to control the battery pack's output current and minimize energy consumption. Data analysis shows that the fuel economy of the hybrid power system under European Driving Cycle conditions is improved by 14.7% when compared with conventional systems.
Exhaust heated hydrogen and oxygen producing catalytic converter for combustion engine
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Schreiber, E.T.
A steam generator is provided in operative association with a source of water and the exhaust system of a combustion engine including an air induction system provided with primary fuel inlet structure and supplemental fuel inlet structure. The steam generator derives its heat for converting water into steam from the exhaust system of the combustion engine and the steam generator includes a steam outlet communicated with and opening into one end of an elongated tubular housing disposed in good heat transfer relation with the exhaust system of the combustion engine and having a gas outlet at its other end communicatedmore » with the supplemental fuel inlet of the induction system. The tubular housing has iron filings disposed therein and is in such heat transfer relation with the exhaust system of the combustion engine so as to elevate the temperature of steam passing therethrough and to heat the iron filings to the extent that passage of the heated steam over the heated filings will result in hydrogen and oxygen gas being produced in the tubular housing for subsequent passage to the supplemental fuel inlet of the combustion engine induction system.« less
Lightweight Vacuum Jacket for Cryogenic Insulation - Appendices to Final Report. Volume 2
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Barclay, D. L.; Bell, J. E.; Brogren, E. W.; Straayer, J. W.
The feasibility is demonstrated of producing a lightweight vacuum jacket using state-of-the-art technology and materials. Design and analytical studies were made on an orbital maneuvering system fuel tank. Preliminary design details were completed for the tank assembly which included an optimized vacuum jacket and multilayered insulation system. A half-scale LH2 test model was designed and fabricated and a force/stiffness proof test was conducted on the vacuum jacket. A vacuum leak rate of 0.00001 was measured, approximately 1500 hours of vacuum pressure was sustained, and 29 vacuum pressure cycles were experienced prior to failure. For vol. 1, see N75-26192.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Johnson, Lavern A; Meyer, Carl L
A tail-pipe burner with a variable-area exhaust nozzle was investigated. From five configurations a fuel-distribution system and a flame holder were selected. The best configuration was investigated over a range of altitudes and flight Mach numbers. For the best configuration, an increase in altitude lowered the augmented thrust ratio, exhaust-gas total temperature, and tail-pipe combustion efficiency, and raised the specific fuel consumption. An increase in flight Mach number raised the augmented thrust ratio but had no apparent effect on exhaust-gas total temperature, tail-pipe combustion efficiency, or specific fuel consumption.
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as a tool to monitor exhaust air from poultry operations.
Druckenmüller, Katharina; Günther, Klaus; Elbers, Gereon
Intensive poultry operation systems emit a considerable volume of inorganic and organic matter in the surrounding environment. Monitoring cleaning properties of exhaust air cleaning systems and to detect small but significant changes in emission characteristics during a fattening cycle is important for both emission and fattening process control. In the present study, we evaluated the potential of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) combined with chemometric techniques as a monitoring tool of exhaust air from poultry operation systems. To generate a high-quality data set for evaluation, the exhaust air of two poultry houses was sampled by applying state-of-the-art filter sampling protocols. The two stables were identical except for one crucial difference, the presence or absence of an exhaust air cleaning system. In total, twenty-one exhaust air samples were collected at the two sites to monitor spectral differences caused by the cleaning device, and to follow changes in exhaust air characteristics during a fattening period. The total dust load was analyzed by gravimetric determination and included as a response variable in multivariate data analysis. The filter samples were directly measured with NIR spectroscopy. Principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and factor analysis (FA) were effective in classifying the NIR exhaust air spectra according to fattening day and origin. The results indicate that the dust load and the composition of exhaust air (inorganic or organic matter) substantially influence the NIR spectral patterns. In conclusion, NIR spectroscopy as a tool is a promising and very rapid way to detect differences between exhaust air samples based on still not clearly defined circumstances triggered during a fattening period and the availability of an exhaust air cleaning system. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Watanabe, Yoshihide, E-mail:; Nishimura, Yusaku F.; Suzuki, Ryo
A portable ultrahigh-vacuum sample storage system was designed and built to investigate the detailed geometric structures of mass-selected metal clusters on oxide substrates by polarization-dependent total-reflection fluorescence x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (PTRF-XAFS). This ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) sample storage system provides the handover of samples between two different sample manipulating systems. The sample storage system is adaptable for public transportation, facilitating experiments using air-sensitive samples in synchrotron radiation or other quantum beam facilities. The samples were transferred by the developed portable UHV transfer system via a public transportation at a distance over 400 km. The performance of the transfer system was demonstratedmore » by a successful PTRF-XAFS study of Pt{sub 4} clusters deposited on a TiO{sub 2}(110) surface.« less
Effect of vacuum exhaust pressure on the performance of MHD ducts at high B-field
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Smith, J. M.; Morgan, J. L.; Wang, S.-Y.
The effect of area ratio variation on the performance of a supersonic Hall MHD duct showed that for a given combustion pressure there exists an area ratio below which the power generating region of the duct is shock free and the power output increases linearly with the square of the magnetic field. For area ratios greater than this, a shock forms in the power generating region which moves upstream with increasing magnetic field strength resulting in a less rapid raise in the power output. The shock can be moved downstream by either increasing the combustion pressure or decreasing the exhaust pressure. The influence of these effects upon duct performance is presented in this paper.
Effect of vacuum exhaust pressure on the performance of MHD ducts at high B-field
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Smith, J. M.; Morgan, J. L.; Wang, S. Y.
The effect of area ratio variation on the performance of a supersonic Hall MHD duct is investigated. Results indicate that for a given combustion pressure there exists an area ratio below which the power generating region of the duct is shock free and the power output increases linearly with the square of the magnetic field. For area ratios greater than this, a shock forms in the power generating region which moves upstream with increasing magnetic field strength resulting in a less rapid raise in the power output. The shock can be moved downstream by either increasing the combustion pressure of decreasing the exhaust pressure. The influence of these effects upon duct performance is presented.
Demonstrations with a Vacuum: Old Demonstrations for New Vacuum Pumps.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Greenslade, Thomas B., Jr.
Explains mechanisms of 19th-century vacuum pumps. Describes demonstrations using the pump including guinea and feather tube, aurora tube, electric egg, Gassiots cascade, air mill, bell in vacuum, density and buoyancy of air, fountain in vacuum, mercury shower, palm and bladder glasses, Bacchus demonstration, pneumatic man-lifter, and Magdeburg…
Outgassing of solid material into vacuum thermal insulation spaces
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Wang, Pao-Lien
Many cryogenic storage tanks use vacuum between inner and outer tank for thermal insulation. These cryogenic tanks also use a radiation shield barrier in the vacuum space to prevent radiation heat transfer. This shield is usually constructed by using multiple wraps of aluminized mylar and glass paper as inserts. For obtaining maximum thermal performance, a good vacuum level must be maintained with the insulation system. It has been found that over a period of time solid insulation materials will vaporize into the vacuum space and the vacuum will degrade. In order to determine the degradation of vacuum, the rate of outgassing of the insulation materials must be determined. Outgassing rate of several insulation materials obtained from literature search were listed in tabular form.
Study on convection improvement of standard vacuum tube
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
He, J. H.; Du, W. P.; Qi, R. R.; He, J. X.
For the standard all-glass vacuum tube collector, enhancing the vacuum tube axial natural convection can improve its thermal efficiency. According to the study of the standard all-glass vacuum tube, three kinds of guide plates which can inhibit the radial convection and increase axial natural convection are designed, and theory model is established. Experiments were carried out on vacuum tubes with three types of baffles and standard vacuum tubes without the improvement. The results show that T-type guide plate is better than that of Y-type guide plate on restraining convection and increasing axial radial convection effect, Y type is better than that of flat plate type, all guide plates are better than no change; the thermal efficiency of the tube was 2.6% higher than that of the unmodified standard vacuum tube. The efficiency of the system in the experiment can be increased by 3.1%.
Elevated exhaust temperature, zoned, electrically-heated particulate matter filter
Gonze, Eugene V [Pinckney, MI; Bhatia, Garima [Bangalore, IN
A system includes an electrical heater and a particulate matter (PM) filter that is arranged one of adjacent to and in contact with the electrical heater. A control module selectively increases an exhaust gas temperature of an engine to a first temperature and that initiates regeneration of the PM filter using the electrical heater while the exhaust gas temperature is above the first temperature. The first temperature is greater than a maximum exhaust gas temperature at the PM filter during non-regeneration operation and is less than an oxidation temperature of the PM.
Space shuttle exhaust cloud properties
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Anderson, B. J.; Keller, V. W.
A data base describing the properties of the exhaust cloud produced by the launch of the Space Transportation System and the acidic fallout observed after each of the first four launches was assembled from a series of ground and aircraft based measurements made during the launches of STS 2, 3, and 4. Additional data were obtained from ground-based measurements during firings of the 6.4 percent model of the Solid Rocket Booster at the Marshall Center. Analysis indicates that the acidic fallout is produced by atomization of the deluge water spray by the rocket exhaust on the pad followed by rapid scavening of hydrogen chloride gas aluminum oxide particles from the Solid Rocket Boosters. The atomized spray is carried aloft by updrafts created by the hot exhaust and deposited down wind. Aircraft measurements in the STS-3 ground cloud showed an insignificant number of ice nuclei. Although no measurements were made in the column cloud, the possibility of inadvertent weather modification caused by the interaction of ice nuclei with natural clouds appears remote.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... on the International Maritime Organization Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems for Marine... Organization guidelines for exhaust gas cleaning systems for marine engines in Washington, DC. The purpose of... exhaust gas cleaning systems for marine engines to remove sulphur oxide emissions in order to comply with...
Tracer gas studies were conducted around four model houses in a wind tunnel, and around one house in the field, to quantify re-entrainment and dispersion of exhaust gases released from residential indoor radon reduction systems. Re-entrainment tests in the field suggest that acti...
Resolving the vacuum fluctuations of an optomechanical system using an artificial atom
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lecocq, F.; Teufel, J. D.; Aumentado, J.; Simmonds, R. W.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle results in one of the strangest quantum behaviours: a mechanical oscillator can never truly be at rest. Even at a temperature of absolute zero, its position and momentum are still subject to quantum fluctuations. However, direct energy detection of the oscillator in its ground state makes it seem motionless, and in linear position measurements detector noise can masquerade as mechanical fluctuations. Thus, how can we resolve quantum fluctuations? Here, we parametrically couple a micromechanical oscillator to a microwave cavity to prepare the system in its quantum ground state and then amplify the remaining vacuum fluctuations into real energy quanta. We monitor the photon/phonon-number distributions using a superconducting qubit, allowing us to resolve the quantum vacuum fluctuations of the macroscopic oscillator’s motion. Our results further demonstrate the ability to control a long-lived mechanical oscillator using a non-Gaussian resource, directly enabling applications in quantum information processing and enhanced detection of displacement and forces.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Barrington, A. E.; Caruso, A. J.
Modified sorption trap for use in high vacuum systems contains provisions for online regeneration of sorbent material. Trap is so constructed that it has a number of encapsulated resistance heaters and a valving and pumping device for removing gases from heated sorbing material. Excessive downtime is eliminated with this trap.
Control of Vacuum Induction Brazing System for Sealing of Instrumentation Feedthrough
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ahn, Sung Ho; Hong, Jintae; Joung, Chang Young; Heo, Sung Ho
The integrity of instrumentation cables is an important performance parameter in the brazing process, along with the sealing performance. In this paper, an accurate control scheme for brazing of the instrumentation feedthrough in a vacuum induction brazing system was developed. The experimental results show that the accurate brazing temperature control performance is achieved by the developed control scheme. It is demonstrated that the sealing performances of the instrumentation feedthrough and the integrity of the instrumentation cables are to be acceptable after brazing.
Milking performance evaluation and factors affecting milking claw vacuum levels with flow simulator.
Enokidani, Masafumi; Kawai, Kazuhiro; Shinozuka, Yasunori; Watanabe, Aiko
Milking performance of milking machines that matches the production capability of dairy cows is important in reducing the risk of mastitis, particularly in high-producing cows. This study used a simulated milking device to examine the milking performance of the milking system of 73 dairy farms and to analyze the factors affecting claw vacuum. Mean claw vacuum and range of fluctuation of claw vacuum (claw vacuum range) were measured at three different flow rates: 5.7, 7.6 and 8.7 kg/min. At the highest flow rate, only 16 farms (21.9%) met both standards of mean claw vacuum ≥35 kPa and claw vacuum range ≤ 7 kPa, showing that milking systems currently have poor milking performance. The factors affecting mean claw vacuum were claw type, milk-meter and vacuum shut-off device; the factor affecting claw vacuum range was claw type. Examination of the milking performance of the milking system using a simulated milking device allows an examination of the performance that can cope with high producing cows, indicating the possibility of reducing the risk of mastitis caused by inappropriate claw vacuum. © 2016 Japanese Society of Animal Science.
Tokamak DEMO-FNS: Concept of magnet system and vacuum chamber
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Azizov, E. A., E-mail:; Ananyev, S. S.; Belyakov, V. A.
The level of knowledge accumulated to date in the physics and technologies of controlled thermonuclear fusion (CTF) makes it possible to begin designing fusion—fission hybrid systems that would involve a fusion neutron source (FNS) and which would admit employment for the production of fissile materials and for the transmutation of spent nuclear fuel. Modern Russian strategies for CTF development plan the construction to 2023 of tokamak-based demonstration hybrid FNS for implementing steady-state plasma burning, testing hybrid blankets, and evolving nuclear technologies. Work on designing the DEMO-FNS facility is still in its infancy. The Efremov Institute began designing its magnet systemmore » and vacuum chamber, while the Kurchatov Institute developed plasma-physics design aspects and determined basic parameters of the facility. The major radius of the plasma in the DEMO-FNS facility is R = 2.75 m, while its minor radius is a = 1 m; the plasma elongation is k{sub 95} = 2. The fusion power is P{sub FUS} = 40 MW. The toroidal magnetic field on the plasma-filament axis is B{sub t0} = 5 T. The plasma current is I{sub p} = 5 MA. The application of superconductors in the magnet system permits drastically reducing the power consumed by its magnets but requires arranging a thick radiation shield between the plasma and magnet system. The central solenoid, toroidal-field coils, and poloidal-field coils are manufactured from, respectively, Nb{sub 3}Sn, NbTi and Nb{sub 3}Sn, and NbTi. The vacuum chamber is a double-wall vessel. The space between the walls manufactured from 316L austenitic steel is filled with an iron—water radiation shield (70% of stainless steel and 30% of water).« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cockman, John
This apparatus is a modification to the well-known "vacuum bazooka" (PIRA 2B30.70). My vacuum bazooka is easy to construct and demonstrate, requires no precise fittings, foil, or vacuum grease, and propels ping-pong balls at a tremendous velocity!
The proposal of recommendations for the operation of vacuum sewerage
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mazák, J.; Dvorský, T.; Václavík, V.; Zajac, R.; Hluštík, P.
This article deals with a comparison of vacuum sewerage system and gravity based sewerage system. It also includes the results of the comparison of both of these systems from various cities, and there are measures suggested on the basis of the findings focused on increasing the efficiency and reducing the operational costs of the selected vacuum sewerage system.
Rubber-coated bellows improves vibration damping in vacuum lines
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hegland, D. E.; Smith, R. J.
Compact-vibration damping systems, consisting of rubber-coated metal bellows with a sliding O-ring connector, are used in vacuum lines. The device presents a metallic surface to the vacuum system and combines flexibility with the necessary stiffness. It protects against physical damage, reduces fatigue failure, and provides easy mating of nonparallel lines.
Atmospheric scavenging exhaust
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Fenton, D. L.; Purcell, R. Y.
Solid propellant rocket exhaust was directly utilized to ascertain raindrop scavenging rates for hydrogen chloride. The airborne HCl concentration varied from 0.2 to 10.0 ppm and the raindrop sizes tested included 0.55 mm, 1.1 mm, and 3.0 mm. Two chambers were used to conduct the experiments. A large, rigid walled, spherical chamber stored the exhaust constituents while the smaller chamber housing all the experiments was charged as required with rocket exhaust HCl. Surface uptake experiments demonstrated an HCl concentration dependence for distilled water. Sea water and brackish water HCl uptake was below the detection limit of the chlorine-ion analysis technique employed. Plant life HCl uptake experiments were limited to corn and soybeans. Plant age effectively correlated the HCl uptake data. Metallic corrosion was not significant for single 20 minute exposures to the exhaust HCl under varying relative humidity.
Bauer, Beth A; Besch-Williford, Cynthia; Livingston, Robert S; Crim, Marcus J; Riley, Lela K; Myles, Matthew H
Sampling of bedding debris within the exhaust systems of ventilated racks may be a mechanism for detecting murine pathogens in colony animals. This study examined the effectiveness of detecting pathogens by PCR analysis of exhaust debris samples collected from ventilated racks of 2 different rack designs, one with unfiltered air flow from within the cage to the air-exhaust pathway, and the other had a filter between the cage and the air-exhaust pathway. For 12 wk, racks were populated with either 1 or 5 cages of mice (3 mice per cage) infected with one of the following pathogens: mouse norovirus (MNV), mouse parvovirus (MPV), mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), Helicobacter spp., Pasteurella pneumotropica, pinworms, Entamoeba muris, Tritrichomonas muris, and fur mites. Pathogen shedding by infected mice was monitored throughout the study. In the filter-containing rack, PCR testing of exhaust plenums yielded negative results for all pathogens at all time points of the study. In the rack with open air flow, pathogens detected by PCR analysis of exhaust debris included MHV, Helicobacter spp., P. pneumotropica, pinworms, enteric protozoa, and fur mites; these pathogens were detected in racks housing either 1 or 5 cages of infected mice. Neither MPV nor MNV was detected in exhaust debris, even though prolonged viral shedding was confirmed. These results demonstrate that testing rack exhaust debris from racks with unfiltered air flow detected MHV, enteric bacteria and parasites, and fur mites. However, this method failed to reliably detect MNV or MPV infection of colony animals.
Bauer, Beth A; Besch-Williford, Cynthia; Livingston, Robert S; Crim, Marcus J; Riley, Lela K; Myles, Matthew H
Sampling of bedding debris within the exhaust systems of ventilated racks may be a mechanism for detecting murine pathogens in colony animals. This study examined the effectiveness of detecting pathogens by PCR analysis of exhaust debris samples collected from ventilated racks of 2 different rack designs, one with unfiltered air flow from within the cage to the air-exhaust pathway, and the other had a filter between the cage and the air-exhaust pathway. For 12 wk, racks were populated with either 1 or 5 cages of mice (3 mice per cage) infected with one of the following pathogens: mouse norovirus (MNV), mouse parvovirus (MPV), mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), Helicobacter spp., Pasteurella pneumotropica, pinworms, Entamoeba muris, Tritrichomonas muris, and fur mites. Pathogen shedding by infected mice was monitored throughout the study. In the filter-containing rack, PCR testing of exhaust plenums yielded negative results for all pathogens at all time points of the study. In the rack with open air flow, pathogens detected by PCR analysis of exhaust debris included MHV, Helicobacter spp., P. pneumotropica, pinworms, enteric protozoa, and fur mites; these pathogens were detected in racks housing either 1 or 5 cages of infected mice. Neither MPV nor MNV was detected in exhaust debris, even though prolonged viral shedding was confirmed. These results demonstrate that testing rack exhaust debris from racks with unfiltered air flow detected MHV, enteric bacteria and parasites, and fur mites. However, this method failed to reliably detect MNV or MPV infection of colony animals. PMID:27931317
The report discusses the use of a wind tunnel to physically model the dispersion of exhaust plumes from active soil depressurization (ASD) radon mitigation systems in houses. he testing studied the effects of exhaust location (grade level vs. above the eave), as house height, roo...
75 FR 57191 - Compliance With Interstate Motor Carrier Noise Emission Standards: Exhaust Systems
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... turbocharger (supercharger driven by exhaust gases) * * *.'' The language adopted by FHWA is essentially identical to that established by EPA, except that Sec. 325.91(b) specifically treats a turbocharger as a..., `` such as a turbocharger (supercharger driven by exhaust gases)'' be removed from 49 CFR 325.91(b). In...
Concepts for reducing exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of the aircraft piston engine
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rezy, B. J.; Stuckas, K. J.; Tucker, J. R.; Meyers, J. E.
A study was made to reduce exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of a general aviation aircraft piston engine by applying known technology. Fourteen promising concepts such as stratified charge combustion chambers, cooling cylinder head improvements, and ignition system changes were evaluated for emission reduction and cost effectiveness. A combination of three concepts, improved fuel injection system, improved cylinder head with exhaust port liners and exhaust air injection was projected as the most cost effective and safe means of meeting the EPA standards for CO, HC and NO. The fuel economy improvement of 4.6% over a typical single engine aircraft flight profile does not though justify the added cost of the three concepts, and significant reductions in fuel consumption must be applied to the cruise mode where most of the fuel is used. The use of exhaust air injection in combination with exhaust port liners reduces exhaust valve stem temperatures which can result in longer valve guide life. The use of exhaust port liners alone can reduce engine cooling air requirements by 11% which is the equivalent of a 1.5% increase in propulsive power. The EPA standards for CO, HC and NO can be met in the IO-520 engine using air injection alone or the Simmonds improved fuel injection system.
Main Vacuum Technical Issues of Evacuated Tube Transportation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Y. P.; Li, S. S.; Wang, M. X.
In the future, Evacuated Tube Transportation (ETT) would be built and faster than jets. ETT tube with diameter 2∼4m and length over 1000 km will be the largest scale vacuum equipment on earth. This paper listed some main vacuum technical issues to be solved in ETT as follow. How to build ultra-large-scale vacuum chamber like ETT tube with low cost and high reliability? How to pump gas out off the ETT tube in short time? How to release heat or reduce temperature in the vacuum tube? Hot to avoid vacuum electricity discharge? How to manufacture vehicles with airproof shells and equip the life support system? How to detect leakage and find leakage position efficiently and fast as possible? Some relative solutions and suggestions are put up.
Study of Vacuum Energy Physics for Breakthrough Propulsion
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Millis, Marc G. (Technical Monitor); Maclay, G. Jordan; Hammer, Jay; Clark, Rod; George, Michael; Kim, Yeong; Kir, Asit
This report summarizes the accomplishments during a three year research project to investigate the use of surfaces, particularly in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), to exploit quantum vacuum forces. During this project, we developed AFM instrumentation to repeatably measure Casimir forces in the nanoNewton range at 10 6 torr, designed an experiment to measure attractive and repulsive quantum vacuum forces, developed a QED based theory of Casimir forces that includes non-ideal material properties for rectangular cavities and for multilayer slabs, developed theoretical models for a variety of microdevices utilizing vacuum forces, applied vacuum physics to a gedanken spacecraft, and investigated a new material with a negative index of refraction.
40 CFR 86.1309-90 - Exhaust gas sampling system; Otto-cycle and non-petroleum-fueled engines.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
...-cycle and non-petroleum-fueled engines. 86.1309-90 Section 86.1309-90 Protection of Environment... HIGHWAY VEHICLES AND ENGINES (CONTINUED) Emission Regulations for New Otto-Cycle and Diesel Heavy-Duty...-cycle and non-petroleum-fueled engines. (a)(1) General. The exhaust gas sampling system described in...
Ling, F; Halabi, S; Jones, C
Periprosthetic joint infection is a major complication of total joint replacement surgery and is associated with significant morbidity, mortality and financial burden. Surgical body suits (space suits), originally designed to reduce the incidence of infection, have paradoxically been implicated in increased periprosthetic joint infection rates recently. Air exhausted from space suits may contribute to this increased rate of periprosthetic joint infection. To investigate the flow of air exhausted from space suits commonly used in modern operating theatres. The exhaust airflow patterns of four commercially available space suit systems were compared using a fog machine and serial still photographs. The space suit systems tested all air exhausted into the operating room. The single fan systems with a standard surgical gown exhausted air laterally from the posterior gown fold at approximately the level of the surgical field. The single fan system with a dedicated zippered suit exhausted air at a level below the surgical field. The dual fan system exhausted air out of the top of the helmet at a level above the surgical field. Space suit systems currently in use in joint replacement surgery differ significantly from traditional body exhaust systems; rather than removing contaminated air from the operating environment, modern systems exhaust this air into the operating room, in some cases potentially towards the sterile instrument tray and the surgical field. Copyright © 2018 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ejector/liquid ring pump provides <0. 30 mm Hg vacuum for polymerization vessel
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Lockwood, A.; Gaines, A.
Firestone Fibers and Textiles Company, a division of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, manufactures tire and industrial yarns of polyester and nylon-6. Nylon-6 molding and extrusion resins are also produced at the plant in Hopewell, Virginia. The process for making polyester requires an extremely low vacuum on the polymerization reactor. A consistent polymerization vessel vacuum of 0.3 mm Hg is needed, but the existing vacuum source, a five-stage steam jet ejector, could only provide a 0.5 mm Hg level. Two options were considered when the company decided to replace the original system with a system designed for 0.15 mm Hgmore » with a non-condensible gas load of 10.8 lb/hr. A new five-stage jet ejector system to meet these requirements would use 1395 lb/hr of 100 psig steam. The other option was a hybrid vacuum source composed of a three-stage steam ejector system and a liquid ring vacuum pump that is more energy efficient than ejectors for low vacuum applications. The hybrid system was selected because the three-stage jet ejector would use only 1240 lb/hr of 100 psig steam. The liquid ring vacuum pump would increase the material and installation cost of the system by about $4000, but the savings in steam consumption would pay back the added cost in less than two years. The jet ejector/liquid ring vacuum pump system has provided both the capacity and the extremely low vacuum needed for the polyester polymerization vessel, after making a small modification. The hybrid vacuum source is reliable, requires only routine maintenance, and will contiue to save substantial amounts of steam each year compared to the five-stage steam jet ejector.« less
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Boyer, Timothy H.
The classical vacuum of physics is not empty, but contains a distinctive pattern of electromagnetic fields. Discovery of the vacuum, thermal spectrum, classical electron theory, zero-point spectrum, and effects of acceleration are discussed. Connection between thermal radiation and the classical vacuum reveals unexpected unity in the laws of…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kohri, Kazunori; Matsui, Hiroki
In this work, we investigated the electroweak vacuum instability during or after inflation. In the inflationary Universe, i.e., de Sitter space, the vacuum field fluctuations < δ phi 2 > enlarge in proportion to the Hubble scale H2. Therefore, the large inflationary vacuum fluctuations of the Higgs field < δ phi 2 > are potentially catastrophic to trigger the vacuum transition to the negative-energy Planck-scale vacuum state and cause an immediate collapse of the Universe. However, the vacuum field fluctuations < δ phi 2 >, i.e., the vacuum expectation values have an ultraviolet divergence, and therefore a renormalization is necessary to estimate the physical effects of the vacuum transition. Thus, in this paper, we revisit the electroweak vacuum instability from the perspective of quantum field theory (QFT) in curved space-time, and discuss the dynamical behavior of the homogeneous Higgs field phi determined by the effective potential V eff( phi ) in curved space-time and the renormalized vacuum fluctuations < δ phi 2 >ren via adiabatic regularization and point-splitting regularization. We simply suppose that the Higgs field only couples the gravity via the non-minimal Higgs-gravity coupling ξ(μ). In this scenario, the electroweak vacuum stability is inevitably threatened by the dynamical behavior of the homogeneous Higgs field phi, or the formations of AdS domains or bubbles unless the Hubble scale is small enough H< ΛI .
Apparatus and method to inject a reductant into an exhaust gas feedstream
Viola, Michael B [Macomb Township, MI
An exhaust aftertreatment system for an internal combustion engine is provided including an apparatus and method to inject a reductant into the exhaust gas feedstream. Included is a fuel metering device adapted to inject reductant into the exhaust gas feedstream and a controllable pressure regulating device. A control module is operatively connected to the reductant metering device and the controllable pressure regulating device, and, adapted to effect flow of reductant into the exhaust gas feedstream over a controllable flow range.
Biodiesel Exhaust: The Need for Health Effects Research
Swanson, Kimberly J.; Madden, Michael C.; Ghio, Andrew J.
Background Biodiesel is a diesel fuel alternative that has shown potential of becoming a commercially accepted part of the United States’ energy infrastructure. In November 2004, the signing of the Jobs Creation Bill HR 4520 marked an important turning point for the future production of biodiesel in the United States because it offers a federal excise tax credit. By the end of 2005, industry production was 75 million gallons, a 300% increase in 1 year. Current industry capacity, however, stands at just over 300 million gallons/year, and current expansion and new plant construction could double the industry’s capacity within a few years. Biodiesel exhaust emission has been extensively characterized under field and laboratory conditions, but there have been limited cytotoxicity and mutagenicity studies on the effects of biodiesel exhaust in biologic systems. Objectives We reviewed pertinent medical literature and addressed recommendations on testing specific research needs in the field of biodiesel toxicity. Discussion Employment of biodiesel fuel is favorably viewed, and there are suggestions that its exhaust emissions are less likely to present any risk to human health relative to petroleum diesel emissions. Conclusion The speculative nature of a reduction in health effects based on chemical composition of biodiesel exhaust needs to be followed up with investigations in biologic systems. PMID:17450214
Germanium detector vacuum encapsulation
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Madden, N. W.; Malone, D. F.; Pehl, R. H.; Cork, C. P.; Luke, P. N.; Landis, D. A.; Pollard, M. J.
This paper describes an encapsulation technology that should significantly improve the viability of germanium gamma-ray detectors for a number of important applications. A specialized vacuum chamber has been constructed in which the detector and the encapsulating module are processed in high vacuum. Very high vacuum conductance is achieved within the valveless encapsulating module. The detector module is then sealed without breaking the chamber vacuum. The details of the vacuum chamber, valveless module, processing, and sealing method are presented.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aslan, E.; Ozturk, Y.; Dileroglu, S.
The focus of this study is to determine the most appropriate exhaust tail pipe form among three different type of designs with respect to their temperature loss efficiency for a 9.5m intercity bus equipped with an Euro VI diesel engine and an automated transmission. To provide lower temperatures at the exhaust outlet, mentioned designs were submitted on to a CFD simulation using Ansys Fluent 17.1, while for manufactured products, temperature measurement tests were conducted in an environmental chamber with Omega K-type thermocouples, and Flir T420 thermal camera was used to monitor outer surface temperature distributions to make a comparison between theoretical and practical results. In order to obtain these practical results, actual tests were performed in an environmental chamber with a constant ambient temperature during the vehicle exhaust emission system regeneration process. In conclusion, an exhaust tail pipe design with a diffuser having a circular contraction and expansion forms is designated since it was the most optimized option in terms of temperature loss efficiency, inconsiderable exhaust backpressure increase and manufacturing costs.
40 CFR 86.1310-90 - Exhaust gas sampling and analytical system; diesel engines.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... petroleum fuel or a non-heated flame ionization detector may be used. (3) Methanol-fueled engines require...); or (iii) Omitting the duct and performing the exhaust gas dilution function at the engine exhaust... two steps to a temperature never greater than 125 °F (51.7 °C) at the primary sample filter. A backup...
40 CFR 86.1310-90 - Exhaust gas sampling and analytical system; diesel engines.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... petroleum fuel or a non-heated flame ionization detector may be used. (3) Methanol-fueled engines require...); or (iii) Omitting the duct and performing the exhaust gas dilution function at the engine exhaust... two steps to a temperature never greater than 125 °F (51.7 °C) at the primary sample filter. A backup...
Ma, Pengkun; Zhang, Peng; Shu, Jinian; Yang, Bo; Zhang, Haixu
To further explore the composition and distribution of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) components from the photo-oxidation of light aromatic precursors (toluene, m-xylene, and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (1,3,5-TMB)) and idling gasoline exhaust, a vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometer (VUV-PIMS) was employed. Peaks of the molecular ions of the SOA components with minimum molecular fragmentation were clearly observed from the mass spectra of SOA, through the application of soft ionization methods in VUV-PIMS. The experiments comparing the exhaust-SOA and light aromatic mixture-SOA showed that the observed distributions of almost all the predominant cluster ions in the exhaust-SOA were similar to that of the mixture-SOA. Based on the characterization experiments of SOA formed from individual light aromatic precursors, the SOA components with molecular weights of 98 and 110 amu observed in the exhaust-SOA resulted from the photo-oxidation of toluene and m-xylene; the components with a molecular weight of 124 amu were derived mainly from m-xylene; and the components with molecular weights of 100, 112, 128, 138, and 156 amu were mainly derived from 1,3,5-TMB. These results suggest that C 7 -C 9 light aromatic hydrocarbons are significant SOA precursors and that major SOA components originate from gasoline exhaust. Additionally, some new light aromatic hydrocarbon-SOA components were observed for the first time using VUV-PIMS. The corresponding reaction mechanisms were also proposed in this study to enrich the knowledge base of the formation mechanisms of light aromatic hydrocarbon-SOA compounds. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
15 4. Commander, Naval Regional Maintenance Center .................. 15 5 . Private Ship Repair Industry...TURBINE EXHAUST SYSTEM MAINTENANCE STRATEGY FOR THE CG-47 TICONDEROGA CLASS CRUISER 5 . FUNDING NUMBERS 6. AUTHOR(S) Sparks, Robert D. 7. PERFORMING...condition-based maintenance, condition-directed, failure finding, fault tree analysis 15 . NUMBER OF PAGES 133 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY
Vacuum-integrated electrospray deposition for highly reliable polymer thin film.
Park, Soohyung; Lee, Younjoo; Yi, Yeonjin
Vacuum electrospray deposition (ESD) equipment was designed to prepare polymer thin films. The polymer solution can be injected directly into vacuum system through multi-stage pumping line, so that the solvent residues and ambient contaminants are highly reduced. To test the performance of ESD system, we fabricated organic photovoltaic cells (OPVCs) by injecting polymer solution directly onto the substrate inside a high vacuum chamber. The OPVC fabricated has the structure of Al∕P3HT:PCBM∕PEDOT:PSS∕ITO and was optimized by varying the speed of solution injection and concentration of the solution. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the optimized OPVC is 3.14% under AM 1.5G irradiation without any buffer layer at the cathode side. To test the advantages of the vacuum ESD, we exposed the device to atmosphere between the deposition steps of the active layer and cathode. This showed that the PCE of the vacuum processed device is 24% higher than that of the air exposed device and confirms the advantages of the vacuum prepared polymer film for high performance devices.
Thin CVD-diamond RF Pill-Box vacuum windows for LHCD systems
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ravera, G. L.; Ceccuzzi, S.; Cardinali, A.; Cesario, R.; Mirizzi, F.; Schettini, G.; Tuccillo, A. A.
The preliminary assessment of a Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) system for the DEMOnstration power plant (DEMO) is mainly focused on the R&D needs of the less conventional RF components of the Main Transmission Line (MTL) and of the launcher. 500 kW, CW klystrons will be used to deliver the RF power to independent Passive Active Multijunction (PAM) launcher modules at 5 GHz. This paper describes the criteria followed to investigate the optimum solution for the RF window used as vacuum barrier between the MTL and the launcher, an open issue in the LHCD system for ITER too. The best candidate, capable of withstanding a power level of, or above, 0.5 MW in CW operation and to satisfy the electrical and thermonuclear requirements, is a Pill-Box assembly, based on a thin single disk of CVD-diamond as dielectric, water cooled at the edge. A thickness of 3 mm, much shorter than half a wavelength of the TE°11 mode in the dielectric as in the conventional window (unfeasible and too expensive with CVD-diamond at these frequencies), is sufficient to limit the exerted stress at the edge under the fracture stress for a maximum pressure applied of 0.9 MPa. In this paper the simulation results of conventional and thin CVD-diamond vacuum windows are presented comparing S-parameters, losses and electric fields in both matching condition and with VSWR = 2, using WR284 and WR229 as input/output rectangular waveguide.
Flow fields of low pressure vent exhausts
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scialdone, John J.
The flow field produced by low pressure gas vents are described based on experimental data obtained from tests in a large vacuum chamber. The gas density, pressure, and flux at any location in the flow field are calculated based on the vent plume description and the knowledge of the flow rate and velocity of the venting gas. The same parameters and the column densities along a specified line of sight traversing the plume are also obtained and shown by a computer generated graphical representation. The fields obtained with a radically scanning Pitot probe within the exhausting gas are described by a power of the cosine function, the mass rate, and the distance from the exit port. The field measurements were made for gas at pressures ranging from 2 to 50 torr venting from pipe fittings with diameters to 3/16 to 1-1/2 inches I.D. (4.76 to 38.1 mm). The N2 mass flow rates ranged from 2E-4 to 3.7E-1 g/s.
Flow fields of low pressure vent exhausts
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scialdone, John J.
The flow field produced by low pressure gas vents are described based on experimental data obtained from tests in a large vacuum chamber. The gas density, pressure, and flux at any location in the flow field are calculated based on the vent plume description and the knowledge of the flow rate and velocity of the venting gas. The same parameters and the column densities along a specified line of sight traversing the plume are also obtained and shown by a computer-generated graphical representation. The fields obtained with a radially scanning Pitot probe within the exhausting gas are described by a power of the cosine function, the mass rate and the distance from the exit port. The field measurements were made for gas at pressures ranging from 2 to 50 torr venting from pipe fittings with diameters of 3/16 inch to 1-1/2 inches I.D. (4.76 mm to 38.1 mm). The N(2) mass flow rates ranged from 2E-4 to 3.7E-1 g/s.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kohri, Kazunori; Matsui, Hiroki, E-mail:, E-mail:
In this work, we investigated the electroweak vacuum instability during or after inflation. In the inflationary Universe, i.e., de Sitter space, the vacuum field fluctuations < δ φ {sup 2} > enlarge in proportion to the Hubble scale H {sup 2}. Therefore, the large inflationary vacuum fluctuations of the Higgs field < δ φ {sup 2} > are potentially catastrophic to trigger the vacuum transition to the negative-energy Planck-scale vacuum state and cause an immediate collapse of the Universe. However, the vacuum field fluctuations < δ φ {sup 2} >, i.e., the vacuum expectation values have an ultraviolet divergence, andmore » therefore a renormalization is necessary to estimate the physical effects of the vacuum transition. Thus, in this paper, we revisit the electroweak vacuum instability from the perspective of quantum field theory (QFT) in curved space-time, and discuss the dynamical behavior of the homogeneous Higgs field φ determined by the effective potential V {sub eff}( φ ) in curved space-time and the renormalized vacuum fluctuations < δ φ {sup 2} >{sub ren} via adiabatic regularization and point-splitting regularization. We simply suppose that the Higgs field only couples the gravity via the non-minimal Higgs-gravity coupling ξ(μ). In this scenario, the electroweak vacuum stability is inevitably threatened by the dynamical behavior of the homogeneous Higgs field φ, or the formations of AdS domains or bubbles unless the Hubble scale is small enough H < Λ {sub I} .« less
Critically safe vacuum pickup for use in wet or dry cleanup of radioactive materials
Zeren, Joseph D.
A vacuum pickup of critically safe quantity and geometric shape is used in cleanup of radioactive materials. Collected radioactive material is accumulated in four vertical, parallel, equally spaced canisters arranged in a cylinder configuration. Each canister contains a filter bag. An upper intake manifold includes four 90 degree spaced, downward facing nipples. Each nipple communicates with the top of a canister. The bottom of each canister communicates with an exhaust manifold comprising four radially extending tubes that meet at the bottom of a centrally located vertical cylinder. The top of the central cylinder terminates at a motor/fan power head. A removable HEPA filter is located intermediate the top of the central cylinder and the power head. Four horizontal bypass tubes connect the top of the central cylinder to the top of each of the canisters. Air enters the vacuum cleaner via a hose connected to the intake manifold. Air then travels down the canisters, where particulate material is accumulated in generally equal quantities in each filter bag. Four air paths of bag filtered air then pass radially inward to the bottom of the central cylinder. Air moves up the central cylinder, through the HEPA filter, through a vacuum fan compartment, and exits the vacuum cleaner. A float air flow valve is mounted at the top of the central cylinder. When liquid accumulates to a given level within the central cylinder, the four bypass tubes, and the four canisters, suction is terminated by operation of the float valve.
Method for sequentially processing a multi-level interconnect circuit in a vacuum chamber
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Routh, D. E.; Sharma, G. C. (Inventor)
An apparatus is disclosed which includes a vacuum system having a vacuum chamber in which wafers are processed on rotating turntables. The vacuum chamber is provided with an RF sputtering system and a dc magnetron sputtering system. A gas inlet introduces various gases to the vacuum chamber and creates various gas plasma during the sputtering steps. The rotating turntables insure that the respective wafers are present under the sputtering guns for an average amount of time such that consistency in sputtering and deposition is achieved. By continuous and sequential processing of the wafers in a common vacuum chamber without removal, the adverse affects of exposure to atmospheric conditions are eliminated providing higher quality circuit contacts and functional device.
Bisig, Christoph; Comte, Pierre; Güdel, Martin; Czerwinski, Jan; Mayer, Andreas; Müller, Loretta; Petri-Fink, Alke; Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara
Adverse effect studies of gasoline exhaust are scarce, even though gasoline direct injection (GDI) vehicles can emit a high number of particles. The aim of this study was to conduct an in vitro hazard assessment of different GDI exhausts using two different cell culture models mimicking the human airway. In addition to gasoline particle filters (GPF), the effects of two lubrication oils with low and high ash content were assessed, since it is known that oils are important contributors to exhaust emissions. Complete exhausts from two gasoline driven cars (GDI1 and GDI2) were applied for 6 h (acute exposure) to a multi-cellular human lung model (16HBE14o-cell line, macrophages, and dendritic cells) and a primary human airway model (MucilAir™). GDI1 vehicle was driven unfiltered and filtered with an uncoated and a coated GPF. GDI2 vehicle was driven under four settings with different fuels: normal unleaded gasoline, 2% high and low ash oil in gasoline, and 2% high ash oil in gasoline with a GPF. GDI1 unfiltered was also used for a repeated exposure (3 times 6 h) to assess possible adverse effects. After 6 h exposure, no genes or proteins for oxidative stress or pro-inflammation were upregulated compared to the filtered air control in both cell systems, neither in GDI1 with GPFs nor in GDI2 with the different fuels. However, the repeated exposure led to a significant increase in HMOX1 and TNFa gene expression in the multi-cellular model, showing the responsiveness of the system towards gasoline engine exhaust upon prolonged exposure. The reduction of particles by GPFs is significant and no adverse effects were observed in vitro during a short-term exposure. On the other hand, more data comparing different lubrication oils and their possible adverse effects are needed. Future experiments also should, as shown here, focus on repeated exposures. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.
Thermal Insulation System for Non-Vacuum Applications Including a Multilayer Composite
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Fesmire, James E. (Inventor)
The thermal insulation system of the present invention is for non-vacuum applications and is specifically tailored to the ambient pressure environment with any level of humidity or moisture. The thermal insulation system includes a multilayered composite including i) at least one thermal insulation layer and at least one compressible barrier layer provided as alternating, successive layers, and ii) at least one reflective film provided on at least one surface of the thermal insulation layer and/or said compressible barrier layer. The different layers and materials and their combinations are designed to provide low effective thermal conductivity for the system by managing all modes of heat transfer. The thermal insulation system includes an optional outer casing surrounding the multilayered composite. The thermal insulation system is particularly suited for use in any sub-ambient temperature environment where moisture or its adverse effects are a concern. The thermal insulation system provides physical resilience against damaging mechanical effects including compression, flexure, impact, vibration, and thermal expansion/contraction.
Vacuum Radiance-Temperature Standard Facility for Infrared Remote Sensing at NIM
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hao, X. P.; Song, J.; Xu, M.; Sun, J. P.; Gong, L. Y.; Yuan, Z. D.; Lu, X. F.
As infrared remote sensors are very important parts of Earth observation satellites, they must be calibrated based on the radiance temperature of a blackbody in a vacuum chamber prior to launch. The uncertainty of such temperature is thus an essential component of the sensors' uncertainty. This paper describes the vacuum radiance-temperature standard facility (VRTSF) at the National Institute of Metrology of China, which will serve to calibrate infrared remote sensors on Chinese meteorological satellites. The VRTSF can be used to calibrate vacuum blackbody radiance temperature, including those used to calibrate infrared remote sensors. The components of the VRTSF are described in this paper, including the VMTBB, the LNBB, the FTIR spectrometer, the reduced-background optical system, the vacuum chamber used to calibrate customers' blackbody, the vacuum-pumping system and the liquid-nitrogen-support system. The experimental methods and results are expounded. The uncertainty of the radiance temperature of VMTBB is 0.026 °C at 30 °C over 10 μm.
Exhaust system having a gold-platinum group metal catalyst
Ragle, Christie Susan [Havana, IL; Silver, Ronald G [Peoria, IL; Zemskova, Svetlana Mikhailovna [Edelstein, IL; Eckstein, Colleen J [Metamora, IL
A method of providing an exhaust treatment device is disclosed. The method includes applying a catalyst including gold and a platinum group metal to a particulate filter. The concentration of the gold and the platinum group metal is sufficient to enable oxidation of carbon monoxide and nitric oxide.
Exhaust system having a gold-platinum group metal catalyst
Ragle, Christie Susan; Silver, Ronald G.; Zemskova, Svetlana Mikhailovna; Eckstein, Colleen J.
A method of providing an exhaust treatment device is disclosed. The method includes applying a catalyst including gold and a platinum group metal to a particulate filter. The concentration of the gold and the platinum group metal is sufficient to enable oxidation of carbon monoxide and nitric oxide.
40 CFR 86.211-94 - Exhaust gas analytical system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) CONTROL OF EMISSIONS FROM NEW AND IN-USE HIGHWAY VEHICLES AND ENGINES Emission Regulations for 1994 and Later Model Year Gasoline-Fueled New Light-Duty Vehicles, New Light-Duty Trucks and New Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicles; Cold Temperature Test Procedures § 86.211-94 Exhaust gas...
Microscale Digital Vacuum Electronic Gates
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Manohara, Harish (Inventor); Mojarradi, Mohammed M. (Inventor)
Systems and methods in accordance with embodiments of the invention implement microscale digital vacuum electronic gates. In one embodiment, a microscale digital vacuum electronic gate includes: a microscale field emitter that can emit electrons and that is a microscale cathode; and a microscale anode; where the microscale field emitter and the microscale anode are disposed within at least a partial vacuum; where the microscale field emitter and the microscale anode are separated by a gap; and where the potential difference between the microscale field emitter and the microscale anode is controllable such that the flow of electrons between the microscale field emitter and the microscale anode is thereby controllable; where when the microscale anode receives a flow of electrons, a first logic state is defined; and where when the microscale anode does not receive a flow of electrons, a second logic state is defined.
Effects of vacuum exposure on stress and spectral shift of high reflective coatings
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stolz, C. J.; Taylor, J. R.; Eickelberg, W. K.; Lindh, J. D.
The Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Laser Separation (AVLIS) program operates the world's largest average power dye laser; the dye laser beams are combined, formatted, and transported in vacuum. The optical system is aligned at atmosphere, while the system must meet requirements in vacuum. Therefore, coating performance must be characterized in both atmosphere and vacuum. Changes in stress and spectral shift in ambient and vacuum environments are reported for conventional and dense multilayer dielectric coatings.
Rudell, B.; Blomberg, A.; Helleday, R.; Ledin, M. C.; Lundback, B.; Stjernberg, N.; Horstedt, P.; Sandstrom, T.
OBJECTIVES: Air pollution particulates have been identified as having adverse effects on respiratory health. The present study was undertaken to further clarify the effects of diesel exhaust on bronchoalveolar cells and soluble components in normal healthy subjects. The study was also designed to evaluate whether a ceramic particle trap at the end of the tail pipe, from an idling engine, would reduce indices of airway inflammation. METHODS: The study comprised three exposures in all 10 healthy never smoking subjects; air, diluted diesel exhaust, and diluted diesel exhaust filtered with a ceramic particle trap. The exposures were given for 1 hour in randomised order about 3 weeks apart. The diesel exhaust exposure apperatus has previously been carefully developed and evaluated. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed 24 hours after exposures and the lavage fluids from the bronchial and bronchoalveolar region were analysed for cells and soluble components. RESULTS: The particle trap reduced the mean steady state number of particles by 50%, but the concentrations of the other measured compounds were almost unchanged. It was found that diesel exhaust caused an increase in neutrophils in airway lavage, together with an adverse influence on the phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages in vitro. Furthermore, the diesel exhaust was found to be able to induce a migration of alveolar macrophages into the airspaces, together with reduction in CD3+CD25+ cells. (CD = cluster of differentiation) The use of the specific ceramic particle trap at the end of the tail pipe was not sufficient to completely abolish these effects when interacting with the exhaust from an idling vehicle. CONCLUSIONS: The current study showed that exposure to diesel exhaust may induce neutrophil and alveolar macrophage recruitment into the airways and suppress alveolar macrophage function. The particle trap did not cause significant reduction of effects induced by diesel exhaust compared with unfiltered diesel
Rudell, B; Blomberg, A; Helleday, R; Ledin, M C; Lundbäck, B; Stjernberg, N; Hörstedt, P; Sandström, T
Air pollution particulates have been identified as having adverse effects on respiratory health. The present study was undertaken to further clarify the effects of diesel exhaust on bronchoalveolar cells and soluble components in normal healthy subjects. The study was also designed to evaluate whether a ceramic particle trap at the end of the tail pipe, from an idling engine, would reduce indices of airway inflammation. The study comprised three exposures in all 10 healthy never smoking subjects; air, diluted diesel exhaust, and diluted diesel exhaust filtered with a ceramic particle trap. The exposures were given for 1 hour in randomised order about 3 weeks apart. The diesel exhaust exposure apperatus has previously been carefully developed and evaluated. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed 24 hours after exposures and the lavage fluids from the bronchial and bronchoalveolar region were analysed for cells and soluble components. The particle trap reduced the mean steady state number of particles by 50%, but the concentrations of the other measured compounds were almost unchanged. It was found that diesel exhaust caused an increase in neutrophils in airway lavage, together with an adverse influence on the phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages in vitro. Furthermore, the diesel exhaust was found to be able to induce a migration of alveolar macrophages into the airspaces, together with reduction in CD3+CD25+ cells. (CD = cluster of differentiation) The use of the specific ceramic particle trap at the end of the tail pipe was not sufficient to completely abolish these effects when interacting with the exhaust from an idling vehicle. The current study showed that exposure to diesel exhaust may induce neutrophil and alveolar macrophage recruitment into the airways and suppress alveolar macrophage function. The particle trap did not cause significant reduction of effects induced by diesel exhaust compared with unfiltered diesel exhaust. Further studies are warranted to
Design and fabrication of the vacuum systems for TPS pulsed septum magnets
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chan, C. K.; Chang, C. C.; Chen, C. L.; Yang, C. S.; Chen, C. S.; Lin, F. Y.; Chen, J. R.
Three in-air pulsed septum magnets were developed to inject and extract electron beams for the 3 GeV synchrotron facility, the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS). The vacuum chamber is a novel combined aluminium-stainless steel design, using a bimetallic flange to connect the two material types. To evaluate the vacuum performances of these vacuum chambers, we set up a test bench at which we simultaneously measure the rates of thermal outgassing of the aluminium chamber and the septum tube with a throughput method. The test result indicates that the rate q72 of thermal outgassing measured after 1 day from baking at 150 °C was 1×10-13 mbar L s-1 cm-2. The magnetic leakage measurements show the combination of conductor slitting, magnetic shielding and the aluminium vacuum chamber reduce the peak value of the leakage field integral to ~10 G cm along the trajectory of the stored beam.
Pollutant monitoring of aircraft exhaust with multispectral imaging
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Berkson, Emily E.; Messinger, David W.
Communities surrounding local airports are becoming increasingly concerned about the aircraft pollutants emitted during the landing-takeoff (LTO) cycle, and their potential for negative health effects. Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston and London have all recently been featured in the news regarding concerns over the amount of airport pollution being emitted on a daily basis, and several studies have been published on the increased risks of cancer for those living near airports. There are currently no inexpensive, portable, and unobtrusive sensors that can monitor the spatial and temporal nature of jet engine exhaust plumes. In this work we seek to design a multispectral imaging system that is capable of tracking exhaust plumes during the engine idle phase, with a specific focus on unburned hydrocarbon (UHC) emissions. UHCs are especially potent to local air quality, and their strong absorption features allow them to act as a spatial and temporal plume tracer. Using a Gaussian plume to radiometrically model jet engine exhaust, we have begun designing an inexpensive, portable, and unobtrusive imaging system to monitor the relative amount of pollutants emitted by aircraft in the idle phase. The LWIR system will use two broadband filters to detect emitted UHCs. This paper presents the spatial and temporal radiometric models of the exhaust plume from a typical jet engine used on 737s. We also select filters for plume tracking, and propose an imaging system layout for optimal detectibility. In terms of feasibility, a multispectral imaging system will be two orders of magnitude cheaper than current unobtrusive methods (PTR-MS) used to monitor jet engine emissions. Large-scale impacts of this work will include increased capabilities to monitor local airport pollution, and the potential for better-informed decision-making regarding future developments to airports.
Optimization of valve opening process for the suppression of impulse exhaust noise
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Li, Jingxiang; Zhao, Shengdun
Impulse exhaust noise generated by the sudden impact of discharging flow of pneumatic systems has significant temporal characteristics including high sound pressure and rapid sound transient. The impulse noise exposures are more hazardous to hearing than the energy equivalent uniform noise exposures. This paper presents a novel approach to suppress the peak sound pressure as a major indicator of impulsiveness of the impulse exhaust noise by an optimization of the opening process of valve. Relationships between exhaust flow and impulse noise are described by thermodynamics and noise generating mechanism. Then an optimized approach by controlling the valve opening process is derived under a constraint of pre-setting exhaust time. A modified servo-direct-driven valve was designed and assembled in a typical pneumatic system for the verification experiments comparing with an original solenoid valve. Experimental results with groups of initial cylinder pressures and pre-setting exhaust times are shown to verify the effects of the proposed optimization. Some indicators of energy-equivalent and impulsiveness are introduced to discuss the effects of the noise suppressions. Relationship between noise reduction and exhaust time delay is also discussed.
Flow Visualization Proposed for Vacuum Cleaner Nozzle Designs
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
In 1995, the NASA Lewis Research Center and the Kirby Company (a major vacuum cleaner company) began negotiations for a Space Act Agreement to conduct research, technology development, and testing involving the flow behavior of airborne particulate flow behavior. Through these research efforts, we hope to identify ways to improve suction, flow rate, and surface agitation characteristics of nozzles used in vacuum cleaner nozzles. We plan to apply an advanced visualization technology, known as Stereoscopic Imaging Velocimetry (SIV), to a Kirby G-4 vacuum cleaner. Resultant data will be analyzed with a high-speed digital motion analysis system. We also plan to evaluate alternative vacuum cleaner nozzle designs. The overall goal of this project is to quantify both velocity fields and particle trajectories throughout the vacuum cleaner nozzle to optimize its "cleanability"--its ability to disturb and remove embedded dirt and other particulates from carpeting or hard surfaces. Reference
Saboonchi, Fredrik; Perski, Aleksander; Grossi, Giorgio
The syndrome of exhaustion is currently a medical diagnosis in Sweden. The description of the syndrome largely corresponds to the suggested core component of burnout, that is exhaustion. Karolinska Exhaustion Scale (KES) has been constructed to provide specific assessment of exhaustion in clinical and research settings. The purpose of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of this scale in its original and revised versions by examining the factorial structure and measures of convergent and discriminant validity. Data gathered from two independent samples (n1 = 358 & n2 = 403) consisting of patients diagnosed with 'reaction to severe stress, and adjustment disorder' were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. The study's instruments were Karolinska Exhaustion Scale and Shirom Melam Burnout Measure. Correlation analyses were employed to follow up the established factorial structure of the scale. The study was ethically approved by Karolinska Institute regional ethic committee. The findings demonstrated adequate fit of the data to the measurement model provided by the revised version of KES Limitations: The main limitation of the present study is the lack of a gold standard of exhaustion for direct comparison with KES. (KES-26) and partially supported convergent validity and discriminant validity of the scale. The demonstrated psychometric properties of KES-26 indicate sound construct validity for this scale encouraging use of this scale in assessment of exhaustion. The factorial structure of KES-26 may also be used to provide information concerning possible different clinical profiles. © 2012 The Authors Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences © 2012 Nordic College of Caring Science.
Exhaust emissions reduction for intermittent combustion aircraft engines
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Rezy, B. J.; Stuckas, K. J.; Tucker, J. R.; Meyers, J. E.
Three concepts which, to an aircraft piston engine, provide reductions in exhaust emissions of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide while simultaneously improving fuel economy. The three chosen concepts, (1) an improved fuel injection system, (2) an improved cooling cylinder head, and (3) exhaust air injection, when combined, show a synergistic relationship in achieving these goals. In addition, the benefits of variable ignition timing were explored and both dynamometer and flight testing of the final engine configuration were accomplished.
Testing Installed Propulsion for Shielded Exhaust Configurations
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bridges, James E.; Podboy, Gary G.; Brown, Clifford A.
Jet-surface interaction (JSI) can be a significant factor in the exhaust noise of installed propulsion systems. Tests to further the understanding and prediction of the acoustic impacts of JSI have been described. While there were many objectives for the test, the overall objective was to prepare for a future test validating the design of a low-noise, lowboom supersonic commercial airliner. In this paper we explore design requirements for a partial aircraft model to be used in subscale acoustic testing, especially focusing on the amount of aircraft body that must be included to produce the acoustic environment between propulsion exhaust system and observer. We document the dual-stream jets, both nozzle and flow conditions, which were tested to extend JSI acoustic modeling from simple singlestream jets to realistic dual-stream exhaust nozzles. Sample observations are provided of changes to far-field sound as surface geometry and flow conditions were varied. Initial measurements are presented for integrating the propulsion on the airframe for a supersonic airliner with simulated airframe geometries and nozzles. Acoustic impacts of installation were modest, resulting in variations of less than 3 EPNdB in most configurations.
Magnet system optimization for segmented adaptive-gap in-vacuum undulator
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kitegi, C., E-mail:; Chubar, O.; Eng, C.
Segmented Adaptive Gap in-vacuum Undulator (SAGU), in which different segments have different gaps and periods, promises a considerable spectral performance gain over a conventional undulator with uniform gap and period. According to calculations, this gain can be comparable to the gain achievable with a superior undulator technology (e.g. a room-temperature in-vacuum hybrid SAGU would perform as a cryo-cooled hybrid in-vacuum undulator with uniform gap and period). However, for reaching the high spectral performance, SAGU magnetic design has to include compensation of kicks experienced by the electron beam at segment junctions because of different deflection parameter values in the segments. Wemore » show that such compensation to large extent can be accomplished by using a passive correction, however, simple correction coils are nevertheless required as well to reach perfect compensation over a whole SAGU tuning range. Magnetic optimizations performed with Radia code, and the resulting undulator radiation spectra calculated using SRW code, demonstrating a possibility of nearly perfect correction, are presented.« less
Wind tunnel investigation of simulated helicopter engine exhaust interacting with windstream
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Shaw, C. S.; Wilson, J. C.
A wind tunnel investigation of the windstream-engine exhaust flow interaction on a light observation helicopter model has been conducted in the Langley V/STOL tunnel. The investigation utilized flow visualization techniques to determine the cause to determine the cause of exhaust shield overheating during cruise and to find a means of eliminating the problem. Exhaust flow attachment to the exhaust shield during cruise was found to cause the overheating. Several flow-altering devices were evaluated to find a suitable way to correct the problem. A flow deflector located on the model cowling upstream of the exhaust in addition to aerodynamic shield fairings provided the best solution. Also evaluated was heat transfer concept employing pin fins to cool future exhaust hardware. The primary flow visualization technique used in the investigation was a newly developed system employing neutrally buoyant helium-filled bubbles. The resultant flow patterns were recorded on motion picture film and on television magnetic tape.
WF/PC internal molecular contamination during system thermal-vacuum test
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Taylor, Daniel M.; Barengoltz, J.; Jenkins, T.; Leschly, K.; Triolo, J.
During the recent system thermal vacuum test of the Wide-Field/Planetary Camera (WF/PC), instrumentation was added to the WF/PC to characterize the internal molecular contamination and verify the instrument throughput down to 1470 angstroms. Analysis of data elements revealed two contaminants affecting the far-ultraviolet (FUV) performance of the WF/PC. The one contaminant (heavy volatile) is correlated with the electronic and housing temperature, and the contamination is significantly reduced when the electronics are operated below plus 8 degrees to plus 10 degrees C. The other contaminant (light volatile) is controlled by the heat pipe temperature, and the contamination is significantly reduced when the Thermal Electric Cooler (TEC) hot-junction temperature is below minus 40 degrees to minus 50 degrees C. The utility of contamination sensors located behind instruments during system tests was demonstrated.
Vacuum Head Checks Foam/Substrate Bonds
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Lloyd, James F.
Electromechanical inspection system quickly gives measurements indicating adhesion, or lack thereof, between rigid polyurethane foam and aluminum substrate. Does not damage inspected article, easy to operate, and used to perform "go/no-go" evaluations or as supplement to conventional destructive pull-plug testing. Applies vacuum to small area of foam panel and measures distance through which foam pulled into vacuum. Probe head applied to specimen and evacuated through hose to controller/monitor unit. Digital voltmeter in unit reads deflection of LVDT probe head.
Method for sequentially processing a multi-level interconnect circuit in a vacuum chamber
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Routh, D. E.; Sharma, G. C. (Inventor)
The processing of wafer devices to form multilevel interconnects for microelectronic circuits is described. The method is directed to performing the sequential steps of etching the via, removing the photo resist pattern, back sputtering the entire wafer surface and depositing the next layer of interconnect material under common vacuum conditions without exposure to atmospheric conditions. Apparatus for performing the method includes a vacuum system having a vacuum chamber in which wafers are processed on rotating turntables. The vacuum chamber is provided with an RF sputtering system and a DC magnetron sputtering system. A gas inlet is provided in the chamber for the introduction of various gases to the vacuum chamber and the creation of various gas plasma during the sputtering steps.
In general, a space propulsion system has a crucial role in the normal mission operations of a spacecraft. Depending on the types and number of propellants, a monopropellant and a bipropellant thrusters are mostly utilized for low thrust liquid rocket engines. As the plume gas flow exhausted from these small thrusters expands freely in a vacuum space environment along all directions, adverse effects of the plume impingement onto the spacecraft surfaces can dramatically reduce the function and performance of a spacecraft. Thus, the purpose of the present study is to investigate and compare the major differences of the plume gas flow behaviors numerically between the small monopropellant and bipropellant thrusters. To ensure efficient numerical calculations, the whole physical domain was divided into three different subdomains depending on the flow conditions, and then the appropriate numerical methods were combined and applied for each subdomain sequentially. With the present analysis results, the plume gas behaviors including the density, the overall temperature and the separation of the chemical species are compared and discussed between the monopropellant and the bipropellant thrusters. Consequently, the present results are expected to provide useful information on selecting the appropriate propulsion system, which can be very helpful for actual engineers practically during the design process. PMID:28481892
Investigation of NOx Removal from Small Engine Exhaust
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Akyurtlu, Ates; Akyurtlu, Jale F.
Contribution of emissions from small engines to the air pollution is significant. Due to differences in operating conditions and economics, the pollution control systems designed for automobiles will be neither suitable nor economically feasible for use on small engines. The objective of this project was to find a catalyst for the removal of NOx from the exhaust of small engines which use a rich air to fuel ratio. The desired catalyst should be inexpensive so that the cost of the pollution control unit will be only a small fraction of the total equipment cost. The high cost of noble metals makes them too expensive for use as NOx catalyst for small engines. Catalytic reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NO) can also be accomplished by base-metal oxide catalysts. The main disadvantage of base-metal catalysts is their deactivation by poisons and high temperatures. Requirements for the length of the life of the small engine exhaust catalysts are much less than those for automobile exhaust catalysts. Since there is no oxygen in the exhaust gases, reduction selectivity is not a problem. Also, the reducing exhaust gases might help prevent the harmful interactions of the catalyst with the support. For these reasons only the supported metal oxide catalysts were investigated in this project.
Lam, Catherine K; Huang, Xu; Janssen, Onne
In this study, we investigated how supervisors' emotional exhaustion and service climate jointly influence the relationship between subordinates' emotional exhaustion and their display of positive emotions at work. Using data from frontline sales employees and their immediate supervisors in a fashion retailer, we hypothesized and found that under the condition of a less positive service climate, subordinates' emotional exhaustion was more negatively related to their positive emotional display when supervisors' emotional exhaustion was higher rather than lower; this interaction effect of subordinates' and supervisors' emotional exhaustion was not significant in a more positive service climate. These results suggest that service climate and supervisors' emotional exhaustion provide emotionally exhausted employees with important information cues about the possible availability of compensatory resources they need to uphold their efforts to display service-focused emotions. 2010 APA, all rights reserved
Boettcher, Gordon E.
A vacuum switch with an isolated trigger probe which is not directly connected to the switching electrodes. The vacuum switch within the plasmatron is triggered by plasma expansion initiated by the trigger probe which travels through an opening to reach the vacuum switch elements. The plasma arc created is directed by the opening to the space between the anode and cathode of the vacuum switch to cause conduction.
Boettcher, Gordon E.
A vacuum switch with an isolated trigger probe which is not directly connected to the switching electrodes. The vacuum switch within the plasmatron is triggered by plasma expansion initiated by the trigger probe which travels through an opening to reach the vacuum switch elements. The plasma arc created is directed by the opening to the space between the anode and cathode of the vacuum switch to cause conduction.
Control of vacuum induction brazing system for sealing of instrumentation feed-through
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Sung Ho Ahn; Jintae Hong; Chang Young Joung
The integrity of instrumentation cables is an important performance parameter in addition to the sealing performance in the brazing process. An accurate brazing control was developed for the brazing of the instrumentation feed-through in the vacuum induction brazing system in this paper. The experimental results show that the accurate brazing temperature control performance is achieved by the developed control scheme. Consequently, the sealing performances of the instrumentation feed-through and the integrities of the instrumentation cables were satisfied after brazing. (authors)
Assembly of a Vacuum Chamber: A Hands-On Approach to Introduce Mass Spectrometry
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bussie`re, Guillaume; Stoodley, Robin; Yajima, Kano; Bagai, Abhimanyu; Popowich, Aleksandra K.; Matthews, Nicholas E.
Although vacuum technology is essential to many aspects of modern physical and analytical chemistry, vacuum experiments are rarely the focus of undergraduate laboratories. We describe an experiment that introduces students to vacuum science and mass spectrometry. The students first assemble a vacuum system, including a mass spectrometer. While…
Quantum vacuum effects from boundaries of designer potentials
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Konopka, Tomasz
Vacuum energy in quantum field theory, being the sum of zero-point energies of all field modes, is formally infinite but yet, after regularization or renormalization, can give rise to finite observable effects. One way of understanding how these effects arise is to compute the vacuum energy in an idealized system such as a large cavity divided into disjoint regions by pistons. In this paper, this type of calculation is carried out for situations where the potential affecting a field is not the same in all regions of the cavity. It is shown that the observable parts of the vacuum energymore » in such potentials do not fall off to zero as the region where the potential is nontrivial becomes large. This unusual behavior might be interesting for tests involving quantum vacuum effects and for studies on the relation between vacuum energy in quantum field theory and geometry.« less
A squeezed light source operated under high vacuum
Wade, Andrew R.; Mansell, Georgia L.; Chua, Sheon S. Y.; Ward, Robert L.; Slagmolen, Bram J. J.; Shaddock, Daniel A.; McClelland, David E.
Non-classical squeezed states of light are becoming increasingly important to a range of metrology and other quantum optics applications in cryptography, quantum computation and biophysics. Applications such as improving the sensitivity of advanced gravitational wave detectors and the development of space-based metrology and quantum networks will require robust deployable vacuum-compatible sources. To date non-linear photonics devices operated under high vacuum have been simple single pass systems, testing harmonic generation and the production of classically correlated photon pairs for space-based applications. Here we demonstrate the production under high-vacuum conditions of non-classical squeezed light with an observed 8.6 dB of quantum noise reduction down to 10 Hz. Demonstration of a resonant non-linear optical device, for the generation of squeezed light under vacuum, paves the way to fully exploit the advantages of in-vacuum operations, adapting this technology for deployment into new extreme environments. PMID:26657616
A squeezed light source operated under high vacuum
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wade, Andrew R.; Mansell, Georgia L.; Chua, Sheon S. Y.; Ward, Robert L.; Slagmolen, Bram J. J.; Shaddock, Daniel A.; McClelland, David E.
Non-classical squeezed states of light are becoming increasingly important to a range of metrology and other quantum optics applications in cryptography, quantum computation and biophysics. Applications such as improving the sensitivity of advanced gravitational wave detectors and the development of space-based metrology and quantum networks will require robust deployable vacuum-compatible sources. To date non-linear photonics devices operated under high vacuum have been simple single pass systems, testing harmonic generation and the production of classically correlated photon pairs for space-based applications. Here we demonstrate the production under high-vacuum conditions of non-classical squeezed light with an observed 8.6 dB of quantum noise reduction down to 10 Hz. Demonstration of a resonant non-linear optical device, for the generation of squeezed light under vacuum, paves the way to fully exploit the advantages of in-vacuum operations, adapting this technology for deployment into new extreme environments.
Multispectral imaging of aircraft exhaust
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Berkson, Emily E.; Messinger, David W.
Aircraft pollutants emitted during the landing-takeoff (LTO) cycle have significant effects on the local air quality surrounding airports. There are currently no inexpensive, portable, and unobtrusive sensors to quantify the amount of pollutants emitted from aircraft engines throughout the LTO cycle or to monitor the spatial-temporal extent of the exhaust plume. We seek to thoroughly characterize the unburned hydrocarbon (UHC) emissions from jet engine plumes and to design a portable imaging system to remotely quantify the emitted UHCs and temporally track the distribution of the plume. This paper shows results from the radiometric modeling of a jet engine exhaust plume and describes a prototype long-wave infrared imaging system capable of meeting the above requirements. The plume was modeled with vegetation and sky backgrounds, and filters were selected to maximize the detectivity of the plume. Initial calculations yield a look-up chart, which relates the minimum amount of emitted UHCs required to detect the presence of a plume to the noise-equivalent radiance of a system. Future work will aim to deploy the prototype imaging system at the Greater Rochester International Airport to assess the applicability of the system on a national scale. This project will help monitor the local pollution surrounding airports and allow better-informed decision-making regarding emission caps and pollution bylaws.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Honegger, R. J.; Remus, G. A.; Kurg, E. K.
The development of a functional model water reclamation system is discussed. The system produces potable water by distillation from the urine and respiration-perspiration condensate at the normal rate generated by four men. Basic processes employed are vacuum distillation, vapor filtration, vapor phase catalytic oxidation, and condensation. The system is designed to use four 75-watt isotope heaters for distillation thermal input, and one 45-watt isotope for the catalytic oxidation unit. The system is capable of collecting and storing urine, and provides for stabilizing the urine by chemical pretreatment. The functional model system is designed for operation in a weightless condition with liquid-vapor phase separators for the evaporator still, and centrifugal separators for urine collection and vapor condensation. The system provides for storing and dispensing reclaimed potable water. The system operates in a batch mode for 40 days, with urine residues accumulating in the evaporator. The evaporator still and residue are removed to storage and replaced with a fresh still for the next 40-day period.
Cold Vacuum Drying (CVD) Set Point Determination
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
The Safety Class Instrumentation and Control (SCIC) system provides active detection and response to process anomalies that, if unmitigated, would result in a safety event. Specifically, actuation of the SCIC system includes two portions. The portion which isolates the MCO and initiates the safety-class helium (SCHe) purge, and the portion which detects and stops excessive heat input to the MCO on high tempered water MCO inlet temperature. For the MCO isolation and purge, the SCIC receives signals from MCO pressure (both positive pressure and vacuum), helium flow rate, bay high temperature switches, seismic trips and time under vacuum trips.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
...-cycle vehicles not requiring particulate emission measurements. 86.109-94 Section 86.109-94 Protection... Year New Light-Duty Vehicles and New Light-Duty Trucks and New Otto-Cycle Complete Heavy-Duty Vehicles; Test Procedures § 86.109-94 Exhaust gas sampling system; Otto-cycle vehicles not requiring particulate...
CryoCart Restoration and Vacuum Pipe Construction
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chaidez, Mariana
Propulsion systems that utilize hypergolic propellants have been used to power space vehicles since the beginning of the space program. Liquid methane and oxygen propulsion systems have emerged as an alternative and have proven to be more environmentally friendly. The incorporation of liquid methane/liquid oxygen (LOX) into the propulsion system has demonstrated an increase in engine performance, as well as a reduction in the volume, size and complexity of the system. Consequently, reducing the total mass of the vehicle which is a crucial aspect that is considered when planning space missions to both the Moon and Mars [1]. Project Morpheus has made significant advancements in liquid oxygen/liquid methane propulsion system technologies by incorporating a LOX/methane propulsion system to a vertical test bed. The vehicle consisted of a 5,000 lb main engine and four 20 lb remote control system (RCS) engines that utilize liquid methane/LOX as its propellant [1]. The vehicle completed successful flight testing at Kennedy Space Center in 2014 which marked the completion of the Morpheus project. Subsequent projects utilizing Morpheus' vertical test bed have been developed to make further advancements. One of the subsequent projects consisted of the addition of a smaller 2,000 lb main engine and a cold helium heat exchanger which would make it possible for a pressurant tank systems to be send to Mars or the Moon by significantly decreasing the overall mass and volume of the pressurant tank. The hot fire tests of the integrated system with the smaller main engine and cold helium heat exchanger were successful at sea level, but further studies are being conducted to better understand how the vertical test bed will behave under thermal-vacuum conditions. For this reason, the integrated vehicle will be taken to Plum Brook to be tested in a chamber capable of simulating these conditions. To ensure that the vehicle will function properly under vacuum conditions, testing will be