Sample records for valuation du grade

  1. Mise à jour technique sur la physiologie et l'évaluation du liquide amniotique.


    Lim, Kenneth I; Butt, Kimberly; Naud, Kentia; Smithies, Mila


    RéSULTATS: SOURCES DES DONNéES PROBANTES: Nous avons effectué une recherche sur MEDLINE et Kfinder pour trouver des articles pertinents, puis avons examiné les bibliographies des articles retenus, notamment des revues Cochrane et des articles de revue récents. Les données recueillies ont été analysées par le Comité d'imagerie diagnostique de la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada. Les recommandations ont été classées selon les critères établis par le Groupe d'étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs (Tableau 1). AVANTAGES, DéSAVANTAGES ET COûTS: En obstétrique moderne, l'évaluation du volume de liquide amniotique par échographie fait partie intégrante de l'évaluation fœtale. Toute anomalie donne lieu à une intervention obstétricale et à des examens approfondis. Au Canada, il n'existe aucune définition normalisée associée à l'estimation du volume de liquide amniotique ni aucune approche d'évaluation uniforme. Plusieurs essais randomisés semblent indiquer que l'évaluation de poche unique, plutôt que de plusieurs poches (indice de liquide amniotique), diminue les interventions obstétricales sans augmenter l'incidence de résultats indésirables. La littérature récente laisse croire que des changements légers, mais détectables du liquide amniotique peuvent survenir une heure ou deux suivant des manœuvres physiologiques normales, ce qui pourrait expliquer la variabilité et le manque de cohérence des résultats d'évaluations répétées en peu de temps et ainsi créer de la confusion et donner lieu à d'autres examens. Le présent article vise à décrire les limites de l'évaluation du volume de liquide amniotique, à promouvoir une méthode d'évaluation normalisée et à proposer un ensemble commun de définitions. DéCLARATIONS SOMMAIRES: RECOMMANDATION. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. L’évaluation du risque cardiaque avant l’utilisation de stimulants chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Bélanger, SA; Warren, AE; Hamilton, RM; Gray, C; Gow, RM; Sanatani, S; Côté, J-M; Lougheed, J; LeBlanc, J; Martin, S; Miles, B; Mitchell, C; Gorman, DA; Weiss, M; Schachar, R


    Les décisions en matière de réglementation et les documents scientifiques au sujet de la prise en charge du trouble de déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) soulèvent des questions quant à l’innocuité des médicaments et à l’évaluation convenable à effectuer avant le traitement afin de déterminer la pertinence d’une pharmacothérapie. Ce constat est particulièrement vrai en présence de cardiopathies structurelles ou fonctionnelles. Le présent article contient l’analyse des données disponibles, y compris les publications révisées par des pairs, des données tirées du site Web de la Food and Drug Administration des États-Unis au sujet des réactions indésirables déclarées chez des enfants qui prennent des stimulants, ainsi que des données de Santé Canada sur le même problème. Des lignes directrices consensuelles sur l’évaluation pertinente sont proposées d’après l’apport des membres de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie, de la Société canadienne de cardiologie et de l’Académie canadienne de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, qui possèdent notamment des compétences et des connaissances précises tant dans le secteur du TDAH que de la cardiologie pédiatrique. Le présent document de principes prône une anamnèse et un examen physique détaillés avant la prescription de stimulants et s’attarde sur le dépistage des facteurs de risque de mort subite, mais il ne contient pas de recommandations systématiques de dépistage électrocardiographique ou de consultations avec un spécialiste en cardiologie, à moins que les antécédents ou que l’examen physique ne le justifient. Le document contient un questionnaire pour repérer les enfants potentiellement vulnérables à une mort subite (quel que soit le type de TDAH ou les médicaments utilisés pour le traiter). Même si les recommandations dépendent des meilleures données probantes disponibles, le comité s’entend pour affirmer que


    PubMed Central

    Brousselle, Astrid


    Résumé L’évaluateur doit porter attention aux distorsions qu’il contribue à créer lorsqu’il utilise l’entrevue comme méthode de collecte de données. L’évaluation est un exercice politique qui, placé dans un contexte politique, peut favoriser l’émergence de discours de résistance à l’objectivation. À partir des entrevues que nous avons effectuées lors de l’évaluation du processus d’implantation de l’initiative ONUSIDA d’accès aux médicaments au Chili, nous illustrons différentes tactiques que les acteurs utilisent et qui peuvent soit attirer la sympathie de l’évaluateur, soit faire obstacle à son besoin d’information. Nous présentons une méthode d’analyse que l’évaluateur peut utiliser pour redonner du sens aux discours de résistance. PMID:23997421

  4. Validation d’indicateurs de la prise en charge des atteintes des fonctions cognitives dans les unités d’évaluation gériatrique

    PubMed Central

    Payot, Isabelle; Latour, Judith; Massoud, Fadi; Kergoat, Marie-Jeanne


    RÉSUMÉ OBJECTIF Analyser et adapter des indicateurs de qualité pour l’évaluation et la prise en charge des personnes avec atteinte des fonctions cognitives, dont la prévalence est très élevée dans les unités d’évaluation gériatrique au Québec. DEVIS Une méthode de type Delphi-modifiée. CONTEXTE Province de Québec. PARTICIPANTS Sept praticiens de milieux hospitaliers affiliés à 3 universités du Québec choisis pour leur compétence reconnue en démence et soins gériatriques. MÉTHODE Parmi les indicateurs développés en 2001 par la méthode RAND, 22 items sélectionnés pour leur pertinence au cours du processus d’évaluation et de prise en charge d’une atteinte des fonctions cognitives ont été adaptés aux conditions de pratique du milieu hospitalier québécois. Les indicateurs, accompagnés d’évidences de la littérature, ont été soumis, par la poste, à un panel d’experts. Chaque expert a coté, sur une échelle de 1 à 9, son degré d’accord à des affirmations concernant la validité, la qualité et la nécessité d’être inscrit dans le dossier médical. Pour qu’un indicateur soit retenu, il devait faire consensus selon les valeurs médianes, être situé dans le tertile supérieur et recevoir l’agrément des experts. Les indicateurs incertains étaient modifiés en fonction des commentaires des experts, puis soumis au même panel pour un second tour. RÉSULTATS Des 22 indicateurs soumis au premier tour, 21 ont été validés. Ils prenaient en compte le dépistage, l’investigation, l’évaluation, le traitement et le suivi. L’indicateur considéré comme incertain a été modifié puis accepté lors du second tour. CONCLUSION Cette étude a identifié 22 indicateurs pertinents pour l’évaluation et la prise en charge de l’atteinte des fonctions cognitives dans une unité d’évaluation gériatrique. Ils serviront de base à l’appréciation de la problématique de la démence, dans une étude ayant cours

  5. Étude descriptive du processus d’évaluation et de documentation de la douleur postopératoire dans un hôpital universitaire

    PubMed Central

    Bergeron, Dave A; Leduc, Geneviève; Marchand, Serge; Bourgault, Patricia


    Plusieurs études démontrent que les patients reçoivent souvent un traitement insatisfaisant de la douleur en contexte postopératoire. Le but de la présente étude descriptive était d’examiner et d’analyser diverses données ayant trait au soulagement de 40 patients après une intervention chirurgicale non urgente. Les patients ont rempli un journal de douleur afin d’évaluer le niveau d’intensité et de désagrément engendré par la douleur durant les trois premières journées postopératoires. Une analyse du dossier a permis de vérifier la documentation de l’évaluation de la douleur par le personnel infirmier. Les résultats indiquent que la douleur en contexte postopératoire est peu et inadéquatement évaluée et peu documentée par le personnel infirmier. Lorsque la douleur est évaluée selon une échelle numérique, les infirmières ont tendance à la sous-évaluer en comparaison avec l’évaluation notée par les patients. Pour la première journée postopératoire, l’intensité moyenne de la douleur documentée par les infirmières est de 1,57 (±0,23) sur une échelle numérique de 0 à 10, alors que l’intensité moyenne documentée par les patients est de 3,82 (±0,41). Cette étude fait ainsi ressortir qu’il n’y a pas de corrélation significative entre l’intensité de la douleur documentée par l’infirmière et celle notée par le patient, ce qui peut expliquer en partie un soulagement non optimal. PMID:21499582

  6. Valuation of Property.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bodley, Joanne H.; Goodenough, Linda

    This report describes property tax revenues and assessment rates for all 50 States during 1966. The following information is summarized by State and by class of property: (1) The total valuation and the taxable valuation of property subject to local general property taxation and the percent distribution of total valuation by class of property; (2)…

  7. Diagnostic et prise en charge du psoriasis

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Whan B.; Jerome, Dana; Yeung, Jensen


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux cliniciens en soins primaires un aperçu pratique et à jour du diagnostic et de la prise en charge du psoriasis. Sources des données Une recension a été effectuée dans les bases de données de PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE et Cochrane pour trouver des méta-analyses, des études randomisées contrôlées, des revues systématiques et des études observationnelles pertinentes portant sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge du psoriasis. Message principal Le psoriasis est une maladie inflammatoire chronique et multisystémique qui affecte principalement la peau et les articulations. En plus des dimensions physiques de la maladie, le psoriasis a des répercussions émotionnelles et psychosociales considérables sur les patients, et nuit au fonctionnement social et aux relations interpersonnelles. En tant que maladie inflammatoire systémique, le psoriasis est associé à de multiples comorbidités, dont les maladies cardiovasculaires et les cancers. Le diagnostic est principalement d’ordre clinique et une biopsie de la peau est rarement nécessaire. Selon la sévérité de la maladie, un traitement approprié peut être amorcé. Pour les cas de légers à modérés, le traitement de première intention comporte des thérapies topiques, dont les corticostéroïdes, les analogues de la vitamine D3 et des produits combinés. Ces traitements topiques sont efficaces et peuvent être initiés et prescrits en toute sécurité par des médecins de soins primaires. Les patients dont les symptômes sont plus graves et réfractaires pourraient devoir être envoyés en consultation auprès d’un dermatologue pour une évaluation plus approfondie et une thérapie systémique. Conclusion De nombreux patients atteints de psoriasis consultent leur médecin de soins primaires pour une évaluation initiale et pour recevoir un traitement. La reconnaissance du psoriasis, de même que des comorbidités médicales et psychiatriques qui lui sont associ

  8. Social impact analysis: monetary valuation

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Wainger, Lisa A.; Johnston, Robert J.; Bagstad, Kenneth J.; Casey, Frank; Vegh, Tibor


    This section provides basic guidance for using and conducting economic valuation, including criteria for judging whether valuation is appropriate for supporting decisions. It provides an introduction to the economic techniques used to measure changes in social welfare and describes which methods may be most appropriate for use in valuing particular ecosystem services. Rather than providing comprehensive valuation instructions,it directs readers to additional resources.More generally, it establishes that the valuation of ecosystem services is grounded in a long history of non-market valuation and discusses how ecosystem services valuation can be conducted within established economic theory and techniques.

  9. Ecosystem service valuations of mangrove ecosystems to inform decision making and future valuation exercises.


    Mukherjee, Nibedita; Sutherland, William J; Dicks, Lynn; Hugé, Jean; Koedam, Nico; Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid


    The valuation of ecosystem services is a complex process as it includes several dimensions (ecological, socio-cultural and economic) and not all of these can be quantified in monetary units. The aim of this paper is to conduct an ecosystem services valuation study for mangroves ecosystems, the results of which can be used to inform governance and management of mangroves. We used an expert-based participatory approach (the Delphi technique) to identify, categorize and rank the various ecosystem services provided by mangrove ecosystems at a global scale. Subsequently we looked for evidence in the existing ecosystem services literature for monetary valuations of these ecosystem service categories throughout the biogeographic distribution of mangroves. We then compared the relative ranking of ecosystem service categories between the monetary valuations and the expert based analysis. The experts identified 16 ecosystem service categories, six of which are not adequately represented in the literature. There was no significant correlation between the expert based valuation (the Delphi technique) and the economic valuation, indicating that the scope of valuation of ecosystem services needs to be broadened. Acknowledging this diversity in different valuation approaches, and developing methodological frameworks that foster the pluralism of values in ecosystem services research, are crucial for maintaining the credibility of ecosystem services valuation. To conclude, we use the findings of our dual approach to valuation to make recommendations on how to assess and manage the ecosystem services provided by mangrove ecosystems.

  10. Ecosystem Service Valuations of Mangrove Ecosystems to Inform Decision Making and Future Valuation Exercises

    PubMed Central

    Mukherjee, Nibedita; Sutherland, William J.; Dicks, Lynn; Hugé, Jean; Koedam, Nico; Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid


    The valuation of ecosystem services is a complex process as it includes several dimensions (ecological, socio-cultural and economic) and not all of these can be quantified in monetary units. The aim of this paper is to conduct an ecosystem services valuation study for mangroves ecosystems, the results of which can be used to inform governance and management of mangroves. We used an expert-based participatory approach (the Delphi technique) to identify, categorize and rank the various ecosystem services provided by mangrove ecosystems at a global scale. Subsequently we looked for evidence in the existing ecosystem services literature for monetary valuations of these ecosystem service categories throughout the biogeographic distribution of mangroves. We then compared the relative ranking of ecosystem service categories between the monetary valuations and the expert based analysis. The experts identified 16 ecosystem service categories, six of which are not adequately represented in the literature. There was no significant correlation between the expert based valuation (the Delphi technique) and the economic valuation, indicating that the scope of valuation of ecosystem services needs to be broadened. Acknowledging this diversity in different valuation approaches, and developing methodological frameworks that foster the pluralism of values in ecosystem services research, are crucial for maintaining the credibility of ecosystem services valuation. To conclude, we use the findings of our dual approach to valuation to make recommendations on how to assess and manage the ecosystem services provided by mangrove ecosystems. PMID:25243852

  11. Élimination du bore du silicium par plasma inductif sous champ électrique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Combes, R.; Morvan, D.; Picard, G.; Amouroux, J.


    We analyzed purification mechanisms of silicon by inductive plasma with a fluoride slag. The aim is to study boron elimination from doped electronic grade silicon in function of the nature of the slag to obtain a photovoltaic grade silicon. The steady began with the calculation and the comparison of the stability diagram of boron compounds in presence of CaF2, BaF2 and MgF2. This study led us to conclude that BaF2 is the better slag for silicon purification. This has been confirmed by experience. In a second time, we made purifications under electric bias to enhance slag efficiency. We noticed that BaF2 is more sensitive to electric bias than other slags. Nous avons analysé le mécanisme de purification du silicium sous plasma inductif en présence d'un laitier fluoré. L'objectif principal est d'étudier l'élimination du bore du silicium électronique dopé en fonction de la nature du fluorure pour obtenir un silicium de qualité photovoltaïque. L'étude a commencé par l'établissement et la comparaison de diagrammes des composés du bore en présence de CaF2, de MgF2 et de BaF2. Nous avons déduit de cette première étude que BaF2 est le meilleur laitier pour la purification du silicium. Ceci a été corroboré par l'expérience. Nous avons ensuite opéré en présence d'un champ électrique dans le but d'améliorer encore l'efficacité des laitiers. Nous avons constaté que BaF2 est plus sensible au champ électrique que les deux autres laitiers utilisés.

  12. Valuation of Transactive Systems

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hammerstrom, Donald J.; Corbin, Charles D.; Fernandez, Nicholas


    This is a final report from a project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy to formulate and test a methodology for valuation of systems where transaction-based mechanisms coordinate the exchange of value between the system’s actors. Today, the principal commodity being exchanged is electrical energy, and such mechanisms are called transactive energy systems. The authors strove to lay a foundation for meaningful valuations of transactive systems in general, and transactive energy systems as a special case. The word valuation is used in many different ways. This report proposes a valuation methodology that is inclusive of many types of valuations.more » Many will be familiar with cost-benefit valuations, in which both costs and benefits are assessed to determine whether the assets are worth their cost. Another set of valuation methods attempt to optimize an outcome using available resources, as is the case with integrated resource planning. In the end, this report’s methodology was most influenced by and most resembles the integrated-resource-planning approach. Regardless, we wish to enforce the premise that all valuations are comparative and should clearly specify a baseline scenario. A long, annotated list of prior valuation studies and valuation methodologies that influenced this report has been appended to this report. Much research is being conducted today concerning transactive systems, but only a handful of transactive system mechanisms have been formulated and field tested. They are found to be quite diverse, and the documentation of the various mechanisms is uneven in breadth and quality. It is therefore not adequate to simply assert that a valuation scenario includes a transactive system; certain characteristics and qualities of the chosen transactive system mechanism must be defined and stated. The report lists and discusses most of the known transactive system mechanisms. It offers a set of questions that may be used to help specify important

  13. Actuarial Valuation.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Teachers Retirement System of Louisiana, Baton Rouge.

    This report presents the results of the actuarial valuation of assets and liabilities as well as funding requirements for the Teachers Retirement System of Louisiana as of June 30, 1996. Data reported include current funding, actuarial assets and valuation assets. These include the Louisiana State University Agriculture and Extension Service Fund,…

  14. 26 CFR 1.430(g)-1 - Valuation date and valuation of plan assets.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ....430(g)-1 Section 1.430(g)-1 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) Certain Stock Options § 1.430(g)-1 Valuation date... plan's valuation date and the valuation of a plan's assets for a plan year under section 430(g...

  15. 26 CFR 1.430(g)-1 - Valuation date and valuation of plan assets.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ....430(g)-1 Section 1.430(g)-1 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) Certain Stock Options § 1.430(g)-1 Valuation date... plan's valuation date and the valuation of a plan's assets for a plan year under section 430(g...

  16. 26 CFR 1.430(g)-1 - Valuation date and valuation of plan assets.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ....430(g)-1 Section 1.430(g)-1 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES (CONTINUED) Certain Stock Options § 1.430(g)-1 Valuation date... plan's valuation date and the valuation of a plan's assets for a plan year under section 430(g...

  17. Vers une réconciliation des théories et de la pratique de l’évaluation, perspectives d’avenir

    PubMed Central

    Brousselle, Astrid; Champagne, François; Contandriopoulos, André-Pierre


    L’évaluation est un domaine très prolifique, à plusieurs points de vue. Sur le plan théorique, de nouvelles approches s’ajoutent chaque année. La pratique est également en pleine expansion. Cette demande croissante pour des évaluations dans un domaine où les développements théoriques sont très importants crée, paradoxalement, des difficultés quant à la transposition des nouvelles connaissances dans la pratique de l’évaluation. Nous proposons, premièrement, d’illustrer trois grandes difficultés auxquelles est confronté l’évaluateur dans sa pratique : la définition de l’intervention, la considération du changement et les préoccupations pour l’utilisation de l’évaluation. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présenterons les trois principales réponses théoriques que propose le domaine de l’évaluation. Dans un troisième temps, nous discuterons des enjeux de cette interface et des avenues possibles pour favoriser une réconciliation entre la pratique et la théorie de l’évaluation. Cette discussion permettra d’illustrer la tension qui se dessine actuellement entre les questionnements de la pratique et le foisonnement théorique et de présenter les avancées prochaines sur le plan des développements théoriques, vers un rapprochement des préoccupations pratiques des évaluateurs. PMID:23997420

  18. Simulation-Based Valuation of Transactive Energy Systems


    Huang, Qiuhua; McDermott, Tom; Tang, Yingying; ...


    Transactive Energy (TE) has been recognized as a promising technique for integrating responsive loads and distributed energy resources as well as advancing grid modernization. To help the industry better understand the value of TE and compare different TE schemes in a systematic and transparent manner, a comprehensive simulation-based TE valuation method is developed. The method has the following salient features: 1) it formally defines the valuation scenarios, use cases, baseline and valuation metrics; 2) an open-source simulation platform for transactive energy systems has been developed by integrating transmission, distribution and building simulators, and plugin TE and non-TE agents through themore » Framework for Network Co-Simulation (FNCS); 3) transparency and flexibility of the valuation is enhanced through separation of simulation and valuation, base valuation metrics and final valuation metrics. In conclusion, a valuation example based on the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) Use Case 1 is provided to demonstrate the developed TE simulation program and the valuation method.« less

  19. Simulation-Based Valuation of Transactive Energy Systems

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Huang, Qiuhua; McDermott, Tom; Tang, Yingying

    Transactive Energy (TE) has been recognized as a promising technique for integrating responsive loads and distributed energy resources as well as advancing grid modernization. To help the industry better understand the value of TE and compare different TE schemes in a systematic and transparent manner, a comprehensive simulation-based TE valuation method is developed. The method has the following salient features: 1) it formally defines the valuation scenarios, use cases, baseline and valuation metrics; 2) an open-source simulation platform for transactive energy systems has been developed by integrating transmission, distribution and building simulators, and plugin TE and non-TE agents through themore » Framework for Network Co-Simulation (FNCS); 3) transparency and flexibility of the valuation is enhanced through separation of simulation and valuation, base valuation metrics and final valuation metrics. In conclusion, a valuation example based on the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) Use Case 1 is provided to demonstrate the developed TE simulation program and the valuation method.« less

  20. 46 CFR 309.3 - Stated valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Stated valuation. 309.3 Section 309.3 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS VALUES FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE § 309.3 Stated valuation. A stated valuation represents just compensation for the vessel to which it applies computed by...

  1. 46 CFR 309.3 - Stated valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Stated valuation. 309.3 Section 309.3 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS VALUES FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE § 309.3 Stated valuation. A stated valuation represents just compensation for the vessel to which it applies computed by...

  2. 46 CFR 309.3 - Stated valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Stated valuation. 309.3 Section 309.3 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS VALUES FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE § 309.3 Stated valuation. A stated valuation represents just compensation for the vessel to which it applies computed by...

  3. 46 CFR 309.3 - Stated valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Stated valuation. 309.3 Section 309.3 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS VALUES FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE § 309.3 Stated valuation. A stated valuation represents just compensation for the vessel to which it applies computed by...

  4. 46 CFR 309.3 - Stated valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 8 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Stated valuation. 309.3 Section 309.3 Shipping MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS VALUES FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE § 309.3 Stated valuation. A stated valuation represents just compensation for the vessel to which it applies computed by...

  5. Dépistage précoce des retards du développement moteur

    PubMed Central

    Harris, Susan R.


    Résumé Objectif Décrire le test HINT (Harris Infant Neuromotor Test), un test d’évaluation du développement neuromoteur chez les nourrissons publié en 2010, qui s’appuie sur les normes canadiennes et peut être utilisé pour dépister les retards du développement moteur durant la première année de la vie. Qualité des données D’abondantes recherches ont été publiées sur la fiabilité intra-évaluateur, inter-évaluateur et test-retest ainsi que sur la validité convergente, prédictive, du contenu et des groupes connus du test HINT, de même que sur la sensibilité, la spécificité et les valeurs prédictives négatives et positives des inquiétudes des parents, telles qu’évaluées par le test HINT. La plupart des données probantes sont de niveau II. Message principal Il est important de diagnostiquer les retards du développement moteur durant la première année de vie, car ils sont souvent le signe de retards du développement généralisés ou de déficiences précises, telles que la paralysie cérébrale. Les inquiétudes des parents quant au développement moteur de leur enfant sont une valeur prédictive robuste de diagnostics subséquents de retard du développement moteur. Conclusion Seul le dépistage précoce des retards du développement moteur, initialement par l’entremise d’outils de dépistage comme le test HINT, permet de recommander le patient à une intervention précoce qui profiterait tant à l’enfant qu’à sa famille. PMID:27521405

  6. Cost approach of health care entity intangible asset valuation.


    Reilly, Robert F


    In the valuation synthesis and conclusion process, the analyst should consider the following question: Does the selected valuation approach(es) and method(s) accomplish the analyst's assignment? Also, does the selected valuation approach and method actually quantify the desired objective of the intangible asset analysis? The analyst should also consider if the selected valuation approach and method analyzes the appropriate bundle of legal rights. The analyst should consider if there were sufficient empirical data available to perform the selected valuation approach and method. The valuation synthesis should consider if there were sufficient data available to make the analyst comfortable with the value conclusion. The valuation analyst should consider if the selected approach and method will be understandable to the intended audience. In the valuation synthesis and conclusion, the analyst should also consider which approaches and methods deserve the greatest consideration with respect to the intangible asset's RUL. The intangible asset RUL is a consideration of each valuation approach. In the income approach, the RUL may affect the projection period for the intangible asset income subject to either yield capitalization or direct capitalization. In the cost approach, the RUL may affect the total amount of obsolescence, if any, from the estimate cost measure (that is, the intangible reproduction cost new or replacement cost new). In the market approach, the RUL may effect the selection, rejection, and/or adjustment of the comparable or guideline intangible asset sale and license transactional data. The experienced valuation analyst will use professional judgment to weight the various value indications to conclude a final intangible asset value, based on: The analyst's confidence in the quantity and quality of available data; The analyst's level of due diligence performed on that data; The relevance of the valuation method to the intangible asset life cycle stage and

  7. 26 CFR 20.2032-1 - Alternate valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... alternate valuation method under section 2032, the property included in the decedent's gross estate on the..., the alternate valuation method applies to all property included in the gross estate and cannot be... elects the alternate valuation method under section 2432, all property interests existing at the date of...

  8. Reasons to value the health care intangible asset valuation.


    Reilly, Robert F


    There are numerous individual reasons to conduct a health care intangible asset valuation. This discussion summarized many of these reasons and considered the common categories of these individual reasons. Understanding the reason for the intangible asset analysis is an important prerequisite to conducting the valuation, both for the analyst and the health care owner/operator. This is because an intangible asset valuation may not be the type of analysis that the owner/operator really needs. Rather, the owner/operator may really need an economic damages measurement, a license royalty rate analysis, an intercompany transfer price study, a commercialization potential evaluation, or some other type of intangible asset analysis. In addition, a clear definition of the reason for the valuation will allow the analyst to understand if (1) any specific analytical guidelines, procedures, or regulations apply and (2) any specific reporting requirement applies. For example, intangible asset valuations prepared for fair value accounting purposes should meet specific ASC 820 fair value accounting guidance. Intangible asset valuations performed for intercompany transfer price tax purposes should comply with the guidance provided in the Section 482 regulations. Likewise, intangible asset valuations prepared for Section 170 charitable contribution purposes should comply with specific reporting requirements. The individual reasons for the health care intangible asset valuation may influence the standard of value applied, the valuation date selected, the valuation approaches and methods applied, the form and format of valuation report prepared, and even the type of professional employed to perform the valuation.

  9. Insensitivity to scope in contingent valuation studies: reason for dismissal of valuations?


    Søgaard, Rikke; Lindholt, Jes; Gyrd-Hansen, Dorte


    The credibility of contingent valuation studies has been questioned because of the potential occurrence of scope insensitivity, i.e. that respondents do not react to higher quantities or qualities of a good. The aim of this study was to examine the extent of scope insensitivity and to assess the relevance of potential explanations that may help to shed light on how to appropriately handle this problem in contingent valuation studies. We surveyed a sample of 2004 men invited for cardiovascular disease screening. Each respondent had three contingent valuation tasks from which their sensitivity to larger risk reductions (test 1) and to change in travel costs associated with participation (test 2) could be assessed. Participants were surveyed while waiting for their screening session. Non-participants were surveyed by postal questionnaire. The sample was overall found to be sensitive to scope, testing at the conventional sample-mean level. At the individual respondent level, however, more than half of the respondents failed the tests. Potential determinants for failing the tests were examined in alternative regression models but few consistent relationships were identified. One exception was the influence of more detailed information, which was positively associated with willingness to pay and negatively associated with scope sensitivity. Possible explanations for scope insensitivity are discussed; if cognitive limitations, emotional load and mental budgeting explain scope insensitivity there are grounds for rejecting valuations, whereas other factors such as the alternative theoretical framework of regret theory may render insensitivity to scope a result of rational thinking. It is concluded that future contingent valuation studies should focus more on extracting the underlying motives for the stated preferences in order to appropriately deal with responses that are seemingly irrational, and which may lead to imprecise welfare estimates.

  10. Addressing Risk in the Valuation of Energy Systems

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Veeramany, Arun; Hammerstrom, Donald J.; Woodward, James T.


    Valuation is a mechanism by which potential worth of a transaction between two or more parties can be evaluated. Examples include valuation of transactive energy systems such as electric power system and building energy systems. Uncertainties can manifest while exercising a valuation methodology in the form of lack of knowledge or be inherently embedded in the valuation process. Uncertainty could also exist in the temporal dimension while planning for long-term growth. This paper discusses risk considerations associated with valuation studies in support of decision-making in the presence of such uncertainties. It is often important to have foresight of uncertain entitiesmore » that can impact real-world deployments, such as the comparison or ranking of two valuation studies to determine cost-benefit impacts to multiple stakeholders. The research proposes to address this challenge through simulation and sensitivity analyses to support ‘what-if’ analysis of well-defined future scenarios. This paper describes foundational value of diagrammatic representation techniques such as unified modeling language to understand the implications of not addressing some of the risk elements encountered during the valuation process. The paper includes examples from generation resource adequacy assessment studies (e.g. loss of load) to illustrate the principles of risk in valuation.« less

  11. Comparing 15D Valuation Studies in Norway and Finland-Challenges When Combining Information from Several Valuation Tasks.


    Michel, Yvonne Anne; Augestad, Liv Ariane; Rand, Kim


    The 15D is a generic preference-based health-related quality-of-life instrument developed in Finland. Values for the 15D instrument are estimated by combining responses to three distinct valuation tasks. The impact of how these tasks are combined is relatively unexplored. To compare 15D valuation studies conducted in Norway and Finland in terms of scores assigned in the valuation tasks and resulting value algorithms, and to discuss the contributions of each task and the algorithm estimation procedure to observed differences. Norwegian and Finnish scores from the three valuation tasks were compared using independent samples t tests and Lin concordance correlation coefficients. Covariance between tasks was assessed using Pearson product-moment correlations. Norwegian and Finnish value algorithms were compared using concordance correlation coefficients, total ranges, and ranges for individual dimensions. Observed differences were assessed using minimal important difference. Mean scores in the main valuation task were strikingly similar between the two countries, whereas the final value algorithms were less similar. The largest differences between Norway and Finland were observed for depression, vision, and mental function. 15D algorithms are a product of combining scores from three valuation tasks by use of methods involving multiplication. This procedure used to combine scores from the three tasks by multiplication serves to amplify variance from each task. From relatively similar responses in Norway and Finland, diverging value algorithms are created. We propose to simplify the 15D algorithm estimation procedure by using only one of the valuation tasks. Copyright © 2018 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. 26 CFR 20.2031-9 - Valuation of other property.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 14 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Valuation of other property. 20.2031-9 Section... Valuation of other property. The valuation of any property not specifically described in §§ 20.2031-2 to 20... future interest in property not subject to valuation in accordance with the actuarial principles set...

  13. 10 myths of healthcare business valuation.


    Robeson, J David; Kaplan, Karin Chernoff


    *Acceptance of common myths regarding business valuations can undermine a hospital's efforts to successfully negotiate deals with physicians. *Hospitals need to clearly understand the nature of fair market value (FMV), the use of multiples, the "guideline company technique," whether the FMV can be based on acute care revenue stream, the physician compensation model used in the valuation, and the applicability of the physician's historical production level. *Other matters that warrant careful consideration include whether to tax effect, whether to pay for goodwill, and whether obsolescence can be accounted for in the valuation.

  14. Évaluation des caractéristiques mécaniques du polissoir en polyuréthanne utilisé comme porte abrasifs durant le processus du polissage du verre optique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aliouane, T.; Bouzid, D.; Belkhir, N.; Bouzid, S.; Herold, V.


    La fabrication des composants en verre optique nécessite des moyens de grande précision dans les procédés de finition vue l'importance accordée à leur qualité.
Durant le processus de polissage des verres optiques, le polissoir est un élément clé et a un impact direct sur les performances des composants optiques, non seulement il est utilisé comme support de grains abrasifs mais il doit posséder la fonction de transmission de la pression aux grains. La connaissance de ses propriétés, essentiellement mécanique, est impérative afin d'obtenir un état de surface optimal des composants optiques destinés à remplir des fonctions très précises dans des appareils optiques très performants.
Dans cette étude, nous avons constaté que les propriétés des polissoirs en polyuréthanne tel que la dureté, le module d'élasticité et la densité varient au cours du polissage. Ce changement a des effets sur l'état de surface de verre optique, causé par le changement microstructural de la surface du polissoir (distribution et dimensions des pores) et par conséquent sur la quantité des abrasifs (en oxyde de cérium) insérée dans les pores, ce qui influe sur la quantité de verre enlevée et sur l'état de surface du composant.
Sur la base des résultats obtenus, il a été prouvé que le polissoir subit des modifications très importantes ce qui influe considérablement sur son efficacité de polissage.

  15. Stated Preference Methods for Valuation of Forest Attributes


    Thomas P. Holmes; Kevin J. Boyle


    The valuation methods described in this chapter are based on the idea that forest ecosystems produce a wide variety of goods and services that are valued by people. Rather than focusing attention on the holistic value of forest ecosystems as is done in contingent valuation studies, attribute-based valuation methods (ABMs) focus attention on a set of attributes that...

  16. Valuation of rangeland ecosystem services

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Gascoigne, W.R.


    Economic valuation lends itself well to the anthropocentric orientation of ecosystem services. An economic perspective on ecosystems portrays them as natural assets providing a flow of goods and services valuable to individuals and society collectively. A few examples include the purification of drinking water, reduced risk from flooding and other extreme events, pollination of agricultural crops, climate regulation, and recreation opportunities from plant and animal habitat maintenance, among many others. Once these goods and services are identified and quantified, they can be monetized to complete the valuation process. The monetization of ecosystem goods and services (in the form of dollars) provides a common metric that allows for cross-comparison of attributes and evaluation of differing ecological scenarios. Complicating the monetization process is the fact that most of these goods and services are public and non-market in nature; meaning they are non-rival and non-exclusive and are typically not sold in a traditional market setting where monetary values are revealed. Instead, one must employ non-market valuation techniques, with primary valuation methods typically being very time and resource consuming, intimidating to non-economists, and often impractical. For these reasons, benefit transfer methods have gained popularity. This methodology harnesses the primary collection results of existing studies to make inferences about the economic values of non-market goods and services at an alternative policy site (in place and/or in time). For instance, if a primary valuation study on oak reestablishment on rangelands in southern California yielded a value of $30 per-acre associated with water regulation, this result can be transferred, with some adjustments, to say something about the value of an acre of oaks on rangelands in northern portions of the state. The economic valuation of rangeland ecosystem services has many roles. Economic values may be used as input

  17. 18 CFR 4.10 - Valuation data.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Valuation data. 4.10 Section 4.10 Conservation of Power and Water Resources FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF... Valuation data. (a) Notification of Commission. In every case arising under section 23(a) of the Federal...

  18. 18 CFR 4.10 - Valuation data.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Valuation data. 4.10 Section 4.10 Conservation of Power and Water Resources FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION, DEPARTMENT OF... Valuation data. (a) Notification of Commission. In every case arising under section 23(a) of the Federal...

  19. Environmental Justice Challengers for Ecosystem Service Valuation

    EPA Science Inventory

    In pursuing improved ecosystem services management, there is also an opportunity to work towards environmental justice. The practice of environmental valuation can assist with both goals, but as typically employed obscures distributional analysis. Furthermore, valuation technique...

  20. 12 CFR 226.42 - Valuation independence.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... valuation from consideration for future engagement because the person reports a value for the consumer's..., in the property or transaction for which the valuation is or will be performed. (ii) Employees and... violates paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section based solely on the fact that the person— (A) Is an employee...

  1. Intelligent databases assist transparent and sound economic valuation of ecosystem services.


    Villa, Ferdinando; Ceroni, Marta; Krivov, Sergey


    Assessment and economic valuation of services provided by ecosystems to humans has become a crucial phase in environmental management and policy-making. As primary valuation studies are out of the reach of many institutions, secondary valuation or benefit transfer, where the results of previous studies are transferred to the geographical, environmental, social, and economic context of interest, is becoming increasingly common. This has brought to light the importance of environmental valuation databases, which provide reliable valuation data to inform secondary valuation with enough detail to enable the transfer of values across contexts. This paper describes the role of next-generation, intelligent databases (IDBs) in assisting the activity of valuation. Such databases employ artificial intelligence to inform the transfer of values across contexts, enforcing comparability of values and allowing users to generate custom valuation portfolios that synthesize previous studies and provide aggregated value estimates to use as a base for secondary valuation. After a general introduction, we introduce the Ecosystem Services Database, the first IDB for environmental valuation to be made available to the public, describe its functionalities and the lessons learned from its usage, and outline the remaining needs and expected future developments in the field.

  2. Bond Valuation for Colleges and Universities.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Association of College and University Business Officers, Washington, DC.

    Bond valuation is examined to provide college administrators a more thorough understanding of the process to help them in developing their market values, or to help them in moving to a market valuation on bond holdings. Two methods presently used to value bonds, a matrix system and a trader quotation method, are described. An overview of bond…

  3. Prise en charge des traumatismes graves du rein

    PubMed Central

    Lakmichi, Mohamed Amine; Jarir, Redouane; Sadiki, Bader; Zehraoui; Bentani; Wakrim, Bader; Dahami, Zakaria; Moudouni; Sarf, Ismail


    Les traumatismes graves du rein de grade III, IV et V selon la classification de l'Amercan Society for Surgery For Trauma (ASST) sont plus rares et se retrouvent dans 5% des cas en moyenne. Leur prise en charge est souvent délicate, nécessitant alors des centres expérimentés dotés de moyen adéquats d'imagerie (scanner spiralé). Cependant, durant ces dernières années, la prise en charge de ces traumatismes a évolué vers une attitude de moins en moins chirurgicale grâce à l’évolution des techniques de la radiologie interventionnelle, de l'endourologie et des moyens de surveillance aux urgences et de réanimation. L'objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer notre expérience dans la prise en charge des traumatismes rénaux de haut grade. Notre étude rétrospective porte sur 25 cas de traumatismes grave du rein de grade III, IV et V selon la classification de l'ASST, colligés entre Janvier 2002 et Juin 2009 au service d'urologie du centre Hospitalier Universitaire Mohammed VI, Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech, Maroc. Nous avons étudié les données épidémiologiques, les signes cliniques et biologiques à l'admission (état de choc hémorragique, taux d'hémoglobine), les données radiologiques (échographie et scanner), les lésions associées, la prise en charge thérapeutique et les complications. L’âge moyen de nos patients était de 24,9 ans 15 et 58 ans, avec une prédominance masculine (sex-ratio = 7, 3). Le rein droit était intéressé dans 15 cas (60%). Le traumatisme rénal était fermé dans 15 cas, et ouvert par arme blanche dans 10 cas. Huit patients se sont présentés en état de choc hémorragique (32%). Une anémie inférieur à 10g /100ml a été observée dans 10 cas (40%). L'uroscanner fait systématiquement à l'admission a retrouvé un grade III (10 cas), grade IV (13 cas) et grade V (2 cas). La prise en charge a consisté en une exploration chirurgicale avec néphrectomie chez 2 cas de Grade IV pour une instabilité h

  4. Societal and economic valuation of technology-transfer deals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Holmes, Joseph S., Jr.


    The industrial adoption of concepts such as open innovation brings new legitimacy to activities technology-transfer professionals have conducted for over 20 years. This movement highlights the need for an increased understanding of the valuation of intellectual property (IP) and technology-transfer deals. Valuation, though a centerpiece of corporate finance, is more challenging when applied to the inherent uncertainty surrounding innovation. Technology-transfer professionals are often overwhelmed by the complexity and data requirements of valuation techniques and skeptical of their applicability to and utility for technology transfer. The market longs for an approach which bridges the gap between valuation fundamentals and technology-transfer realities. This paper presents the foundations of a simple, flexible, precise/accurate, and useful framework for considering the valuation of technology-transfer deals. The approach is predicated on a 12-factor model—a 3×4 value matrix predicated on categories of economic, societal, and strategic value. Each of these three categories consists of three core subcategories followed by a fourth "other" category to facilitate inevitable special considerations. This 12-factor value matrix provides a framework for harvesting data during deals and for the application of best-of-breed valuation techniques which can be employed on a per-factor basis. Future work will include framework implementation within a database platform.

  5. L’évaluation du syndrome du Burnout chez les médecins en formation au CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca

    PubMed Central

    El Kettani, Assiya; Serhier, Zineb; Othmani, Mohammed Bennani; Agoub, Mohamed; Battas, Omar


    Introduction Le Burnout est très répandu en milieu hospitalier et sa gravité est encore plus accrue chez les jeunes médecins. L'objectif est de déterminer la prévalence du burnout parmi les médecins en formation (internes et résidents) au CHU Ibn Rochd de Casablanca et chercher les facteurs associés. Méthodes Étude transversale descriptive menée en 2013- 2014 auprès d'un échantillon de 300 médecins à l'aide d'un questionnaire auto-administré; le burnout était évalué par la version française du Maslash Burnout Inventory (MBI). Résultats Un total de191 médecins a participé à l'étude (taux de réponse à 63,7%) avec une prédominance féminine à 79,1% et une moyenne d'âge de 26,7ans (ET = 3). Les scores moyens des sous-dimensions du MBI: l'épuisement émotionnel, la dépersonnalisation et l'accomplissement personnel étaient respectivement de (33,7 ± 10,7), (12,2 ± 6,5) et (30,6 ± 8,3). Le burnout sévère touchait 31,8% des participants. Il était associé aux problèmes de communication au sein de l'équipe soignante (p < 0,01), l'accompagnement insuffisant (p < 0,05), l'insatisfaction des séniors (p = 0,01), la crainte de faire des erreurs médicales (p < 0,05), le recours à un psychothérapeute (p < 0,001), la consommation de psychotropes (p = 0,001), les troubles anxieux (p < 0,01), la dépression (p < 0,01) et les idées suicidaires (p < 0,05). Les facteurs protecteurs étaient représentés par: le sentiment d'équité au sein de l'équipe soignante (p < 0,01) et la pratique de loisirs (p < 0,05). Le changement d'orientation de carrière était associé au burnout sévère (p < 0,05). Conclusion Ces résultats rejoignent ceux des études précédentes et justifient l'intérêt d'un programme de prévention à différents niveaux. Introduction Burnout is very widespread in the hospital setting and it becomes much more severe in young physicians. The objective of this study aims to evaluate the prevalence of burnout among doctors

  6. 36 CFR 254.42 - Valuation of tracts.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Valuation of tracts. 254.42 Section 254.42 Parks, Forests, and Public Property FOREST SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LANDOWNERSHIP ADJUSTMENTS Conveyance of Small Tracts § 254.42 Valuation of tracts. (a) Approximately equal value shall be...

  7. Cancer du sein au Cameroun, profil histo-épidémiologique: à propos de 3044 cas

    PubMed Central

    Engbang, Jean Paul Ndamba; Essome, Henri; Koh, Valère Mve; Simo, Godefroy; Essam, Jean Daniel Sime; Mouelle, Albert Sone; Essame, Jean Louis Oyono


    Décrire les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et histo-pathologiques des tumeurs malignes du sein au Cameroun. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective descriptive portant sur les tumeurs malignes du sein, colligées, dans les registres des différents laboratoires d'Anatomie Pathologique publiques et privés repartis dans cinq régions (centre, littoral, Ouest, Nord-ouest, Sud-ouest), pendant une période de 10 ans (2004-2013). Les paramètres étudiés étaient la fréquence, l’âge, le sexe, la localisation, le type et le grade histologique, et les récepteurs hormonaux. Un total de 3044 cas de cancers du sein a été recensé, soit une fréquence annuelle de 304,4 cas en moyenne. Le sexe féminin était le plus représenté avec 2971 cas (97,60%) et les hommes avec 73 cas (2,40%), soit un sexe ratio (H/F) de 0,02. L’âge moyen des patients était de 46±15,87 ans, avec des extrêmes de 13 et 95 ans. Selon la localisation, le sein gauche était atteint dans 1244 cas (52%) et le sein droit dans 1115 cas (47%). Au plan histologique, on retrouvait essentiellement des carcinomes avec 96,50% des cas, des sarcomes 1,39%, des lymphomes 1,07% et la maladie de Paget du mamelon, 1,03%. Les tumeurs épithéliales étaient infiltrantes dans 2049 cas (84,46%), avec une prédominance du carcinome canalaire infiltrant (1870 cas) et non infiltrantes dans 377 cas (15,54%). Le grade histo-pronostic de SBR avait révélé une prédominance du grade II dans 66% des cas. Les cancers du sein restent une pathologie fréquente au Cameroun et atteignent principalement la population féminine en âge de procréer. Ils sont caractérisés par la prédominance du carcinome canalaire infiltrant. PMID:26523182

  8. Moral valuation: a third domain of conscience functioning.


    Stilwell, B M; Galvin, M; Kopta, S M; Padgett, R J


    To assess development of moral valuation in normal children and adolescents, that is, how moral rules for living are derived and justified, and to examine the relationship of this progression with previously identified stages of conceptualization of conscience. Using three semistructured questions from the Stilwell Conscience Interview, 132 normal volunteers between the ages of 5 and 17 years were assessed. All moral valuation responses were examined within three aspects of social reference: authority-derived, self-derived, and peer-derived. Each aspect was scaled for complexity into six anchored levels. The levels of all three aspects correlated positively with conceptualization stages as well as with each other. When the covariate, age, was taken into consideration, peer-derived valuation was significantly correlated with both age and stage. Moral valuation is a domain of conscience functioning in which moral rules and their justifications are socially referenced in relationship to authority, self, and peers. Anchored levels of these three aspects of moral valuation provide developmental guidelines for mental status examinations in patients between 5 and 17 years of age as well as providing criteria for future comparative studies in various diagnostic categories of psychopathology.

  9. Subjective Well-Being Approach to Environmental Valuation: Evidence for Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Beja, Edsel L., Jr.


    The subjective well-being approach to environmental valuation is applied to analyze the valuation of greenhouse gas emissions with a fairness-adjustment in the valuation exercise. Results indicate that industrialized countries have high willingness-to-pay to reduce emissions. Developing countries differ in their valuations. Results indicate that…

  10. Les campagnes communautaires de promotion du depistage VIH en Afrique de l’Ouest : perceptions des usagers au Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Desclaux, Alice; Ky-Zerbo, Odette; Somé, Jean-François; Makhlouf-Obermeyer, Carla


    Résumé La politique actuelle de lutte contre le sida qui repose sur l’extension de l’accès aux traitements et à la prévention exige qu’une proportion élevée de la population connaisse son statut en matière de VIH. Pour cela, l’OMS a proposé le développement de stratégies communautaires délivrant le dépistage et le conseil au-delà des services de soins, comme le test à domicile ou les campagnes de sensibilisation et dépistage de grande envergure, appliqués en Afrique australe et de l’Est. Pour définir les stratégies pertinentes dans des régions de basse prévalence comme l’Afrique de l’Ouest, les expériences communautaires de promotion du dépistage doivent y être évaluées. Cet article présente une évaluation des campagnes au Burkina Faso du point de vue des usagers. Dans le cadre d’un projet sur les pratiques et l’éthique du dépistage dans quatre pays africains (MATCH), une enquête qualitative spécifique a été menée pendant la campagne de 2008, auprès de personnes ayant fait le test pendant la campagne, ayant fait le test hors campagne ou n’ayant pas fait le test. Les appréciations sont globalement très favorables aux campagnes, notamment à cause de l’information dispensée, l’accessibilité des sites, la gratuité du test, la qualité des services et l’effet d’entrainement. Les limites ou critiques sont essentiellement liées à l’affluence ou à la crainte de ne pas être soutenu en cas de résultat positif. La démarche de recours au test ne fait plus l’objet de suspicion, au moins pendant la campagne. Cette « normalisation » du recours au test et la mobilisation collective facilitent des pratiques en groupe, ce qui peut rendre difficile de garder son statut VIH secret. L’évaluation des campagnes par les usagers les présente comme une opportunité pour accéder facilement au test et pour communiquer à ce sujet dans divers espaces sociaux à partir des informations délivrées sur le VIH

  11. Health literacy and logical inconsistencies in valuations of hypothetical health states: results from the Canadian EQ-5D-5L valuation study.


    Al Sayah, Fatima; Johnson, Jeffrey A; Ohinmaa, Arto; Xie, Feng; Bansback, Nick


    To examine the association of health literacy with logical inconsistencies in time trade-off valuations of hypothetical health states described by the EQ-5D-5L classification system. Data from the EQ-5D-5L Canadian Valuation study were used. Health literacy was assessed using the Brief Health Literacy Screen. A health state valuation was considered logically inconsistent if a respondent gave the same or lower value for a very mild health state compared to the value given to 55555, or gave the same or lower value for a very mild health state compared to value assigned to the majority of the health states that are dominated by the very mild health state. Average age of respondents (N = 1209) was 48 (SD = 17) years, 45% were male, 7% reported inadequate health literacy, and 11% had a logical inconsistency. In adjusted analysis, participants with inadequate health literacy were 2.2 (95%CI: 1.2, 4.0; p = 0.014) times more likely to provide an inconsistent valuation compared to those with adequate health literacy. More specifically, those who had problems in "understanding written information" and "reading health information" were more likely to have a logical inconsistency compared to those who did not. However, lacking "confidence in completing medical forms" was not associated with logical inconsistencies. Health literacy was associated with logical inconsistencies in valuations of hypothetical health states described by the EQ-5D-5L classification system. Valuations studies should consider assessing health literacy, and explore better ways to introduce the valuation tasks or use simpler approaches of health preferences elicitation for individuals with inadequate health literacy.

  12. Neural valuation of environmental resources.


    Sawe, Nik; Knutson, Brian


    How do people value environmental resources? To estimate public valuation of natural resources, researchers often conduct surveys that ask people how much they would be willing to pay to preserve or restore threatened natural resources. However, these survey responses often elicit complex affective responses, including negative reactions toward proposed destructive land uses of those resources. To better characterize processes that underlie the valuation of environmental resources, we conducted behavioral and neuroimaging experiments in which subjects chose whether or not to donate money to protect natural park lands (iconic versus non-iconic) from proposed land uses (destructive versus non-destructive). In both studies, land use destructiveness motivated subjects' donations more powerfully than did the iconic qualities of the parks themselves. Consistent with an anticipatory affect account, nucleus accumbens (NAcc) activity increased in response to more iconic parks, while anterior insula activity increased in response to more destructive uses, and the interaction of these considerations altered activity in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC). Further, anterior insula activity predicted increased donations to preserve parks threatened by destructive uses, but MPFC activity predicted reduced donations. Finally, individuals with stronger pro-environmental attitudes showed greater anterior insula activity in response to proposed destructive uses. These results imply that negative responses to destructive land uses may play a prominent role in environmental valuation, potentially overshadowing positive responses to the environmental resources themselves. The findings also suggest that neuroimaging methods might eventually complement traditional survey methods by allowing researchers to disentangle distinct affective responses that influence environmental valuation. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  13. 76 FR 30881 - Federal and Indian Coal Valuation

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... No. ONRR-2011-0004] RIN 1012-AA00 Federal and Indian Coal Valuation AGENCY: Office of Natural... interested public before proposing changes to the existing regulations governing the valuation of coal produced from Federal and Indian leases, for royalty purposes. The existing Federal and Indian coal...

  14. 7 CFR 4290.503 - RBIC's adoption of an approved valuation policy.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... close of the quarter. (e) Review of valuations by independent public accountant. (1) For valuations performed as of the end of your fiscal year, your independent public accountant must review your valuation... independent public accountant's report on your audited annual financial statements (SBA Form 468) must include...

  15. 13 CFR 107.503 - Licensee's adoption of an approved valuation policy.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... of the quarter. (e) Review of valuations by independent public accountant. (1) For valuations performed as of the end of your fiscal year, your independent public accountant must review your valuation... independent public accountant's report on your audited annual financial statements (SBA Form 468) must include...

  16. 7 CFR 4290.503 - RBIC's adoption of an approved valuation policy.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... close of the quarter. (e) Review of valuations by independent public accountant. (1) For valuations performed as of the end of your fiscal year, your independent public accountant must review your valuation... independent public accountant's report on your audited annual financial statements (SBA Form 468) must include...

  17. Valuation of medical resource units collected in health economic studies.


    Copley-Merriman, C; Lair, T J


    This paper reviews the issues that are critical for the valuation of medical resources in the context of health economic studies. There are several points to consider when undertaking the valuation of medical resources. The perspective of the analysis should be established before determining the valuation process. Future costs should be discounted to present values, and time and effort spent in assigning a monetary value to a medical resource should be proportional to its importance in the analysis. Prices vary considerably based on location of the service and the severity of the illness episode. Because of the wide variability in pricing data, sensitivity analysis is an important component of validation of study results. A variety of data sources have been applied to the valuation of medical resources. Several types of data are reviewed in this paper, including claims data, national survey data, administrative data, and marketing research data. Valuation of medical resources collected in clinical trials is complex because of the lack of standardization of the data sources. A national pricing data source for health economic valuation would greatly facilitate study analysis and make comparisons between results more meaningful.

  18. An Approach for Calculating Land Valuation by Using Inspire Data Models

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aydinoglu, A. C.; Bovkir, R.


    Land valuation is a highly important concept for societies and governments have always emphasis on the process especially for taxation, expropriation, market capitalization and economic activity purposes. To success an interoperable and standardised land valuation, INSPIRE data models can be very practical and effective. If data used in land valuation process produced in compliance with INSPIRE specifications, a reliable and effective land valuation process can be performed. In this study, possibility of the performing land valuation process with using the INSPIRE data models was analysed and with the help of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) a case study in Pendik was implemented. For this purpose, firstly data analysis and gathering was performed. After, different data structures were transformed according to the INSPIRE data model requirements. For each data set necessary ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) tools were produced and all data transformed according to the target data requirements. With the availability and practicability of spatial analysis tools of GIS software, land valuation calculations were performed for study area.

  19. Differences Between Individual and Societal Health State Valuations

    PubMed Central

    Chapman, Benjamin P.; Franks, Peter; Duberstein, Paul R.; Jerant, Anthony


    Objective The concept of “adaptation” has been proposed to account for differences between individual and societal valuations of specific health states in patients with chronic diseases. Little is known about psychological indices of adaptational capacity, which may predict differences in individual and societal valuations of health states. We investigated whether such differences were partially explained by personality traits in chronic disease patients. Research Design Analysis of baseline data of randomized controlled trial. Subjects Three hundred seventy patients with chronic disease. Measures The NEO-five factor inventory measure of personality, EuroQoL-5D (EQ-5D) societal-based, and the EQ visual analogue scale individually-based measures of health valuation. Results Regression analyses modeled Dev, a measure of difference between the EQ-Visual Analogue Scale and EQ-5D, as a function of personality traits, sociodemographic factors, and chronic diseases. Individual valuations were significantly and clinically higher than societal valuations among patients in the second and third quartile of conscientiousness (Dev = 0.08, P = 0.01); among covariates, only depression (Dev = -0.04, P = 0.046) was also associated with Dev. Conclusion Compared with societal valuations of a given health state, persons at higher quartiles of conscientiousness report less disutility associated with poor health. The effect is roughly twice that of some estimates of minimally important clinical differences on the EQ-5D and of depression. Although useful at the aggregate level, societal preference measures may systematically undervalue the health states of more conscientious individuals. Future work should examine the impact this has on individual patient outcome evaluation in clinical studies. PMID:19543121

  20. 19 CFR 10.18 - Valuation of assembled articles.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Valuation of assembled articles. 10.18 Section 10... THE TREASURY ARTICLES CONDITIONALLY FREE, SUBJECT TO A REDUCED RATE, ETC. General Provisions Articles Assembled Abroad with United States Components § 10.18 Valuation of assembled articles. As in the case of...

  1. 19 CFR 10.18 - Valuation of assembled articles.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Valuation of assembled articles. 10.18 Section 10... THE TREASURY ARTICLES CONDITIONALLY FREE, SUBJECT TO A REDUCED RATE, ETC. General Provisions Articles Assembled Abroad with United States Components § 10.18 Valuation of assembled articles. As in the case of...

  2. 19 CFR 10.18 - Valuation of assembled articles.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Valuation of assembled articles. 10.18 Section 10... THE TREASURY ARTICLES CONDITIONALLY FREE, SUBJECT TO A REDUCED RATE, ETC. General Provisions Articles Assembled Abroad with United States Components § 10.18 Valuation of assembled articles. As in the case of...

  3. 19 CFR 10.18 - Valuation of assembled articles.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Valuation of assembled articles. 10.18 Section 10... THE TREASURY ARTICLES CONDITIONALLY FREE, SUBJECT TO A REDUCED RATE, ETC. General Provisions Articles Assembled Abroad with United States Components § 10.18 Valuation of assembled articles. As in the case of...

  4. 19 CFR 10.18 - Valuation of assembled articles.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Valuation of assembled articles. 10.18 Section 10... THE TREASURY ARTICLES CONDITIONALLY FREE, SUBJECT TO A REDUCED RATE, ETC. General Provisions Articles Assembled Abroad with United States Components § 10.18 Valuation of assembled articles. As in the case of...

  5. 30 CFR 206.153 - Valuation standards-processed gas.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ..., prices received in spot sales of residue gas or gas plant products, other reliable public sources of... MANAGEMENT PRODUCT VALUATION Federal Gas § 206.153 Valuation standards—processed gas. (a)(1) This section... to this section shall be the combined value of the residue gas and all gas plant products determined...

  6. Design of New-Generation Open-Graded Friction Courses (Revised)

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Open-graded friction course (OGFC) has been used by several state departments of transportation (DOT) since 1950. While many DOTs report good performance, many other states stopped using OGFC due to unacceptable performance and/or lack of adequate du...

  7. Outpatient imaging center valuations: do you need a fair-market value analysis?


    Koonsman, G S


    Typically, outpatient diagnostic imaging centers are formed as partnerships between radiologists, radiologists and hospitals, and/or radiologists and diagnostic imaging center management companies. As a result of these partnership structures, the question of equity valuation frequently arises. It is not only important to understand when an independent valuation would be required, but also what "type" of valuation needs to be performed. The type of valuation may vary based upon the use of the valuation. In partnerships that involve hospitals and physicians, the federal anti-kickback statutes (fraud and abuse laws) require that all transactions between referring physicians and hospitals be consummated at fair-market value. In addition, tax-exempt hospitals that enter into partnerships with physicians are required to enter into those transactions at fair-market value or risk losing their tax-exempt status. Fair-market value is also typically the standard of value that all partnerships strive to conduct equity transactions with shareholders. Qualifications required by those who perform independent fair-market value opinions include: Proper business valuation training and focus on valuations as a primary business Focus on the healthcare industry and specifically on the valuation of diagnostic imaging centers In order to perform a reasonable business valuation analysis, the appraiser must have access to a significant amount of financial, operational and legal information. The analyst must be able to understand the history of the imaging center as well as the projected future of the center. Ultimately, a valuation is a measurement of the estimated future cash flows of the center--risk adjusted--in order to quantify the present value of those cash flows.

  8. 30 CFR 1206.59 - May I ask ONRR for valuation guidance?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false May I ask ONRR for valuation guidance? 1206.59 Section 1206.59 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE PRODUCT VALUATION Indian Oil § 1206.59 May I ask ONRR for valuation guidance? You may ask...

  9. 30 CFR 1206.59 - May I ask ONRR for valuation guidance?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false May I ask ONRR for valuation guidance? 1206.59 Section 1206.59 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE PRODUCT VALUATION Indian Oil § 1206.59 May I ask ONRR for valuation guidance? You may ask...

  10. 30 CFR 1206.59 - May I ask ONRR for valuation guidance?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false May I ask ONRR for valuation guidance? 1206.59 Section 1206.59 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE PRODUCT VALUATION Indian Oil § 1206.59 May I ask ONRR for valuation guidance? You may ask...

  11. 29 CFR 4044.71 - Valuation of annuity benefits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 9 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Valuation of annuity benefits. 4044.71 Section 4044.71... Valuation of annuity benefits. The value of a benefit which is to be paid as an annuity is the cost of purchasing the annuity on the date of distribution from an insurer under the qualifying bid. ...

  12. 26 CFR 25.2512-4 - Valuation of notes.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 14 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Valuation of notes. 25.2512-4 Section 25.2512-4... GIFT TAX; GIFTS MADE AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1954 Transfers § 25.2512-4 Valuation of notes. The fair market... the property, if any, pledged or mortgaged as security is insufficient to satisfy it. ...

  13. Combining accounting approaches to practice valuation.


    Schwartzben, D; Finkler, S A


    Healthcare organizations that wish to acquire physician or ambulatory care practices can choose from a variety of practice valuation approaches. Basic accounting methods assess the value of a physician practice on the basis of a historical, balance-sheet description of tangible assets. Yet these methods alone are inadequate to determine the true financial value of a practice. By using a combination of accounting approaches to practice valuation that consider factors such as fair market value, opportunity cost, and discounted cash flow over a defined time period, organizations can more accurately assess a practice's actual value.

  14. [Ecosystem services valuation of Qinghai Lake].


    Jiang, Bo; Zhang, Lu; Ouyang, Zhi-yun


    Qinghai Lake is the largest inland and salt water lake in China, and provides important ecosystem services to beneficiaries. Economic valuation of wetland ecosystem services from Qinghai Lake can reveal the direct contribution of lake ecosystems to beneficiaries using economic data, which can advance the incorporation of wetland protection of Qinghai Lake into economic tradeoffs and decision analyses. In this paper, we established a final ecosystem services valuation system based on the underlying ecological mechanisms and regional socio-economic conditions. We then evaluated the eco-economic value provided by the wetlands at Qinghai Lake to beneficiaries in 2012 using the market value method, replacement cost method, zonal travel cost method, and contingent valuation method. According to the valuation result, the total economic values of the final ecosystem services provided by the wetlands at Qinghai Lake were estimated to be 6749.08 x 10(8) yuan RMB in 2012, among which the value of water storage service and climate regulation service were 4797.57 x 10(8) and 1929.34 x 10(8) yuan RMB, accounting for 71.1% and 28.6% of the total value, respectively. The economic value of the 8 final ecosystem services was ranked from greatest to lowest as: water storage service > climate regulation service > recreation and tourism service > non-use value > oxygen release service > raw material production service > carbon sequestration service > food production service. The evaluation result of this paper reflects the substantial value that the wetlands of Qinghai Lake provide to beneficiaries using monetary values, which has the potential to help increase wetland protection awareness among the public and decision-makers, and inform managers about ways to create ecological compensation incentives. The final ecosystem service evaluation system presented in this paper will offer guidance on separating intermediate services and final services, and establishing monitoring programs for

  15. 26 CFR 20.2031-4 - Valuation of notes.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 14 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Valuation of notes. 20.2031-4 Section 20.2031-4... ESTATE TAX; ESTATES OF DECEDENTS DYING AFTER AUGUST 16, 1954 Gross Estate § 20.2031-4 Valuation of notes... of the party or parties liable, or for other cause), and that any property pledged or mortgaged as...

  16. [Dépistage précoce des retards du développement moteur: Outil de dépistage axé sur la famille].


    Harris, Susan R


    Décrire le test HINT (Harris Infant Neuromotor Test), un test d'évaluation du développement neuromoteur chez les nourrissons publié en 2010, qui s'appuie sur les normes canadiennes et peut être utilisé pour dépister les retards du développement moteur durant la première année de la vie. QUALITÉ DES DONNÉES: D'abondantes recherches ont été publiées sur la fiabilité intra-évaluateur, inter-évaluateur et test-retest ainsi que sur la validité convergente, prédictive, du contenu et des groupes connus du test HINT, de même que sur la sensibilité, la spécificité et les valeurs prédictives négatives et positives des inquiétudes des parents, telles qu'évaluées par le test HINT. La plupart des données probantes sont de niveau II. Il est important de diagnostiquer les retards du développement moteur durant la première année de vie, car ils sont souvent le signe de retards du développement généralisés ou de déficiences précises, telles que la paralysie cérébrale. Les inquiétudes des parents quant au développement moteur de leur enfant sont une valeur prédictive robuste de diagnostics subséquents de retard du développement moteur. Seul le dépistage précoce des retards du développement moteur, initialement par l'entremise d'outils de dépistage comme le test HINT, permet de recommander le patient à une intervention précoce qui profiterait tant à l'enfant qu'à sa famille. Copyright© the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

  17. Cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe

    PubMed Central

    Azeddine, Lachkar; Aabach, Ahmed; Chouai, Mohamed; Elayoubi, Fahd; Ghailan, Mohamed Rachid


    Le cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe se définit comme une accumulation de kératine en regard d’une érosion osseuse de nature ostéitique. C’est une entité otologique rare ou peut diagnostiquée. Le but de notre travail est d’illustrer sur la base d’un cas un cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe. Il s’agit d’un patient âgé de 65 ans diabétique et hypertendu sous traitement, présentant depuis 3 mois une otalgie droite intense, insomniante, avec hypoacousie, otorrhée purulente minime et paralysie faciale droite grade V. Le diagnostic évoqué était dans un premier temps celui d’otite externe maligne. Il a été mis sous traitement antibiotique sans amélioration. L’examen otologique a trouvé une lésion ulcéro-bourgeonnante de la paroi postérieure du méat acoustique externe droit, une biopsie systématique de la lésion a été pratiquée et a conclu à un cholestéatome. Le patient a bénéficié d’une tympanoplastie en technique ouverte. Le cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe est rare, la symptomatologie clinique n’est pas spécifique, le scanner des rocher est d’un grand apport pour le diagnostic positif montrant un cratère osseux du méat acoustique externe. Le traitement dépend de l’extension des lésions allant des simples soins locaux à une tympanoplastie en technique ouverte. Le cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe peut revêtir plusieurs aspects, et prêter confusion avec d’autres pathologies du méat acoustique externe. PMID:28154624

  18. Economic Valuation of Air Force Environmental Resources: A Contingent Valuation Case Study.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Empirical Measures of Welfare Change: A Comparison of Non-market Techniques," Land Economics: 156-175 (Vol. 61, No. 2, 1985). Sen , Amartya K...shackles of the traditional [observed] approach" ( Sen , 1977). The flexibility of a properly designed contingent valuation study allows CVM to measure

  19. Ecosystem Service Valuation Assessments for Protected Area Management: A Case Study Comparing Methods Using Different Land Cover Classification and Valuation Approaches

    PubMed Central

    Whitham, Charlotte E. L.


    Accurate and spatially-appropriate ecosystem service valuations are vital for decision-makers and land managers. Many approaches for estimating ecosystem service value (ESV) exist, but their appropriateness under specific conditions or logistical limitations is not uniform. The most accurate techniques are therefore not always adopted. Six different assessment approaches were used to estimate ESV for a National Nature Reserve in southwest China, across different management zones. These approaches incorporated two different land-use land cover (LULC) maps and development of three economic valuation techniques, using globally or locally-derived data. The differences in ESV across management zones for the six approaches were largely influenced by the classifications of forest and farmland and how they corresponded with valuation coefficients. With realistic limits on access to time, data, skills and resources, and using acquired estimates from globally-relevant sources, the Buffer zone was estimated as the most valuable (2.494 million ± 1.371 million CNY yr-1 km-2) and the Non-protected zone as the least valuable (770,000 ± 4,600 CNY yr-1 km-2). However, for both LULC maps, when using the locally-based and more time and skill-intensive valuation approaches, this pattern was generally reversed. This paper provides a detailed practical example of how ESV can differ widely depending on the availability and appropriateness of LULC maps and valuation approaches used, highlighting pitfalls for the managers of protected areas. PMID:26086191

  20. 26 CFR 1.475(a)-4 - Valuation safe harbor.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...(a)-4 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Inventories § 1.475(a)-4 Valuation safe harbor. (a) Overview—(1) Purpose. This... portions of the payments have been recognized for tax purposes before the valuation and appropriate...

  1. A social preference valuations set for EQ-5D health states in Flanders, Belgium.


    Cleemput, Irina


    This study aimed at deriving a preference valuation set for EQ-5D health states from the general Flemish public in Belgium. A EuroQol valuation instrument with 16 health states to be valued on a visual analogue scale was sent to a random sample of 2,754 adults. The initial response rate was 35%. Eventually, 548 (20%) respondents provided useable valuations for modeling. Valuations for 245 health states were modeled using a random effects model. The selection of the model was based on two criteria: health state valuations must be consistent, and the difference with the directly observed valuations must be small. A model including a value decrement if any health dimension of the EQ-5D is on the worst level was selected to construct the social health state valuation set. A comparison with health state valuations from other countries showed similarities, especially with those from New Zealand. The use of a single preference valuation set across different health economic evaluations within a country is highly preferable to increase their usability for policy makers. This study contributes to the standardization of outcome measurement in economic evaluations in Belgium.

  2. Diagnostic et traitement du prurit

    PubMed Central

    Nowak, Dominik; Yeung, Jensen


    Résumé Objectif Décrire une approche permettant une évaluation simplifiée et une différenciation précise des démangeaisons chez la plupart des patients dans les soins de première ligne, et offrir une mise à jour sur les traitements non pharmacologiques, topiques et systémiques à notre disposition. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée dans MEDLINE (Ovid) et PubMed, à l’aide des mots-clés anglais itch ou pruritus. Pour chaque cause et chaque traitement relevé, la recherche a été affinée en ajoutant les mots-clés appropriés, et des recherches subséquentes ont été effectuées à la main dans les références des articles relevés. Message principal Il n’existe pas de bonnes données cumulées tirées d’essais de bonne qualité sur le traitement du prurit, et les traitements qui existent donnent des résultats variables. Les principales causes des démangeaisons généralisées sont la xérose et l’eczéma. Le problème se résorbe, dans la plupart des cas, à l’aide de traitements non pharmacologiques, y compris l’hydratation fréquente. En cas d’échec, des investigations plus poussées sont justifiées pour orienter le traitement subséquent à l’aide de l’une des nombreuses approches topiques et systémiques spécifiques à la cause qui sont disponibles. Conclusion Les démangeaisons chroniques peuvent être incapacitantes pour les patients. L’approche dont il est question ici permet de simplifier l’évaluation et de différencier de manière précise la plupart des démangeaisons dans les soins de première ligne. PMID:29237631

  3. 43 CFR 30.264 - When must BIA furnish a valuation of a decedent's interests?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false When must BIA furnish a valuation of a... BIA furnish a valuation of a decedent's interests? (a) BIA must furnish a valuation report of the..., BIA must furnish a valuation report in the probate file when it is submitted to OHA. Interested...

  4. L’identification et traitement du trouble panique avec ou sans agoraphobie

    PubMed Central

    Foldes-Busque, Guillaume; Marchand, André; Landry, Pierre


    RÉSUMÉ OBJECTIF Renseigner les médecins de première ligne au sujet de l’identification précoce, du diagnostic et du traitement du trouble panique avec ou sans agoraphobie (TP/A). QUALITÉ DES DONNÉES Les données et recommandations présentées proviennent d’une recension des écrits scientifiques réalisée via les banques de données PsycLIT, PsyINFO et MEDLINE (1985 à 2006) en utilisant les descripteurs panic disorder, psychotherapy, psychosocial treatment, treatment et pharmacotherapy. Les recommandations formulées par les auteurs s’appuient sur des données probantes provenant d’études d’excellente qualité. Les informations concernant le diagnostic et l’évaluation du TP/A proviennent d’études épidémiologiques récentes, de consensus et d’opinions d’experts. PRINCIPAL MESSAGE Le TP/A est un trouble psychiatrique souvent rencontré en médecine de première ligne, mais il est fréquemment sous-diagnostiqué et sous-traité. L’identification précoce de ce trouble demande une attention particulière aux symptômes médicalement inexpliqués et, le cas échéant, le médecin doit utiliser des questions spécifiques permettant d’identifier d’éventuelles attaques de panique et de cerner leur signification pour le patient. Le traitement de premier choix pour ce trouble est une psychothérapie d’orientation cognitivo-comportementale administrée par un psychologue ou un psychiatre spécialisé. Si de telles ressources ne sont pas disponibles, le médecin peut opter pour un traitement psychopharmacologique. CONCLUSION Les médecins de famille peuvent jouer un rôle central dans l’identification et le traitement des patients souffrant d’un TP/A. PMID:17934032

  5. The Valuation of Non-Monetary Consumption in Household Surveys

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Muller, Christophe


    Many social indicators are based on household consumption information. The valuation of non-monetary operations is crucial for the analysis of consumption surveys in developing countries because of the importance of own-consumption and transfers in kind. What are the price statistics used in the valuation of consumption indicators? How is the…

  6. 26 CFR 20.2013-4 - Valuation of property transferred.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 14 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Valuation of property transferred. 20.2013-4 Section 20.2013-4 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) ESTATE....2013-4 Valuation of property transferred. (a) For purposes of section 2013 and §§ 20.2013-1 to 20.2013...

  7. 26 CFR 20.2013-4 - Valuation of property transferred.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 14 2011-04-01 2010-04-01 true Valuation of property transferred. 20.2013-4 Section 20.2013-4 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) ESTATE....2013-4 Valuation of property transferred. (a) For purposes of section 2013 and §§ 20.2013-1 to 20.2013...

  8. Timing effects in health valuations.


    Leiter, Andrea M; Pruckner, Gerald J


    This paper analyzes the impact of external sources of information, conveyed by the frequency of risky events that vary across time, on the individual willingness to pay (WTP) for a reduction of mortality risk. We collected data from a contingent valuation (CV) exercise conducted in two waves (fall and winter) to examine whether individual WTP varied across periods that differed in the predominance of fatal accidents. Risk valuations were based on fatal snow avalanche accidents, that is, a type of risk with seasonal differences in occurrence. We found slightly lower but statistically significant mean WTP figures in the winter than in the fall sample because of time-varying individual risk attitudes and, therefore, recommend controlling for these factors in risk assessment CV surveys. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  9. Classification and valuation of postoperative complications in a randomized trial of open versus laparoscopic ventral herniorrhaphy.


    Kaafarani, H M A; Hur, K; Campasano, M; Reda, D J; Itani, K M F


    Generic instruments used for the valuation of health states (e.g., EuroQol) often lack sensitivity to notable differences that are relevant to particular diseases or interventions. We developed a valuation methodology specifically for complications following ventral incisional herniorrhaphy (VIH). Between 2004 and 2006, 146 patients were prospectively randomized to undergo laparoscopic (n = 73) or open (n = 73) VIH. The primary outcome of the trial was complications at 8 weeks. A three-step methodology was used to assign severity weights to complications. First, each complication was graded using the Clavien classification. Second, five reviewers were asked to independently and directly rate their perception of the severity of each class using a non-categorized visual analog scale. Zero represented an uncomplicated postoperative course, while 100 represented postoperative death. Third, the median, lowest, and highest values assigned to each class of complications were used to derive weighted complication scores for open and laparoscopic VIH. Open VIH had more complications than laparoscopic VIH (47.9 vs. 31.5%, respectively; P = 0.026). However, complications of laparoscopic VIH were more severe than those of open VIH. Non-parametric analysis revealed a statistically higher weighted complication score for open VIH (interquartile range: 0-20 for open vs. 0-10 for laparoscopic; P = 0.049). In the sensitivity analysis, similar results were obtained using the median, highest, and lowest weights. We describe a new methodology for the valuation of complications following VIH that allows a direct outcome comparison of procedures with different complication profiles. Further testing of the validity, reliability, and generalizability of this method is warranted.

  10. Oak woodland economics: a contingent valuation of conversion alternatives


    Richard P. Thompson; Jay E. Noel; Sarah P. Cross


    Decisions on how much land should be devoted to oak woodland preservation is ultimately determined by society's valuation of its benefits and relative scarcity. Scarcity value can be measured by people's willingness-to-pay (WTP) to prevent oak woodland conversion to higher value land uses. In this study, we used the contingent valuation (CV) method to...

  11. Valuation Diagramming and Accounting of Transactive Energy Systems

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Makhmalbaf, Atefe; Hammerstrom, Donald J.; Huang, Qiuhua

    Transactive energy (TE) systems support both economic and technical objectives of a power system including efficiency and reliability. TE systems utilize value-driven mechanisms to coordinate and balance responsive supply and demand in the power system. Economic performance of TE systems cannot be assessed without estimating their value. Estimating the potential value of transactive energy systems requires a systematic valuation methodology that can capture value exchanges among different stakeholders (i.e., actors) and ultimately estimate impact of one TE design and compare it against another one. Such a methodology can help decision makers choose the alternative that results in preferred outcomes. Thismore » paper presents a valuation methodology developed to assess value of TE systems. A TE use-case example is discussed, and metrics identified in the valuation process are quantified using a TE simulation program.« less

  12. Design, Construction, and Performance of New-generation Open-graded Friction Courses

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Open-graded friction course (OGFC) has been used by several state departments of transportation (DOT) since 1950. While many DOTs report good performance, many other states stopped using OGFC due to unacceptable performance and/or lack of adequate du...

  13. 30 CFR 1206.257 - Valuation standards for ad valorem leases.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE PRODUCT VALUATION Federal Coal § 1206.257 Valuation standards for ad valorem leases. (a) This section is applicable to coal leases on Federal lands which provide for the... is inconsistent with the requirements of these regulations. (2) Any Federal lessee will make...

  14. 30 CFR 1206.257 - Valuation standards for ad valorem leases.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE PRODUCT VALUATION Federal Coal § 1206.257 Valuation standards for ad valorem leases. (a) This section is applicable to coal leases on Federal lands which provide for the... is inconsistent with the requirements of these regulations. (2) Any Federal lessee will make...

  15. 30 CFR 1206.257 - Valuation standards for ad valorem leases.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE PRODUCT VALUATION Federal Coal § 1206.257 Valuation standards for ad valorem leases. (a) This section is applicable to coal leases on Federal lands which provide for the... is inconsistent with the requirements of these regulations. (2) Any Federal lessee will make...

  16. Identification et prise en charge des femmes ayant des antécédents familiaux de cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Heisey, Ruth; Carroll, June C.


    Résumé Objectif Résumer les meilleures données portant sur les stratégies d’identification et de prise en charge des femmes qui présentent des antécédents familiaux de cancer du sein. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée sur PubMed à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : breast cancer, guidelines, risk, family history, management et magnetic resonance imaging screening, entre 2000 et 2016. La plupart des données sont de niveau II. Message principal Une bonne anamnèse familiale est essentielle lors de l’évaluation du risque de cancer du sein afin d’identifier les femmes qui sont candidates à une recommandation en counseling génétique pour un éventuel test génétique. On peut sauver des vies en offrant aux femmes porteuses d’une mutation au gène BRCA des interventions chirurgicales de réduction des risques (mastectomie bilatérale prophylactique, salpingo-ovariectomie bilatérale). Il faut encourager toutes les femmes qui présentent des antécédents familiaux de cancer du sein à demeurer actives et à limiter leur consommation d’alcool à moins de 1 verre par jour; certaines femmes sont admissibles à la chimioprévention. Il faut offrir aux femmes dont le risque à vie de cancer du sein est de 20 à 25 % ou plus un dépistage poussé par imagerie par résonance magnétique en plus d’une mammographie. Conclusion Une vie saine et la chimioprévention (chez les candidates) pourraient réduire l’incidence du cancer du sein; le dépistage poussé pourrait entraîner une détection plus précoce. Le fait d’aiguiller des femmes porteuses d’une mutation au BRCA vers la chirurgie de réduction des risques sauve des vies. PMID:27737991

  17. Music models aberrant rule decoding and reward valuation in dementia

    PubMed Central

    Clark, Camilla N; Golden, Hannah L; McCallion, Oliver; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Cohen, Miriam H; Slattery, Catherine F; Paterson, Ross W; Fletcher, Phillip D; Mummery, Catherine J; Rohrer, Jonathan D; Crutch, Sebastian J; Warren, Jason D


    Abstract Aberrant rule- and reward-based processes underpin abnormalities of socio-emotional behaviour in major dementias. However, these processes remain poorly characterized. Here we used music to probe rule decoding and reward valuation in patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) syndromes and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) relative to healthy age-matched individuals. We created short melodies that were either harmonically resolved (‘finished’) or unresolved (‘unfinished’); the task was to classify each melody as finished or unfinished (rule processing) and rate its subjective pleasantness (reward valuation). Results were adjusted for elementary pitch and executive processing; neuroanatomical correlates were assessed using voxel-based morphometry. Relative to healthy older controls, patients with behavioural variant FTD showed impairments of both musical rule decoding and reward valuation, while patients with semantic dementia showed impaired reward valuation but intact rule decoding, patients with AD showed impaired rule decoding but intact reward valuation and patients with progressive non-fluent aphasia performed comparably to healthy controls. Grey matter associations with task performance were identified in anterior temporal, medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortices, previously implicated in computing diverse biological and non-biological rules and rewards. The processing of musical rules and reward distils cognitive and neuroanatomical mechanisms relevant to complex socio-emotional dysfunction in major dementias. PMID:29186630

  18. 78 FR 25008 - Indian Oil Valuation Negotiated Rulemaking Committee; Meeting

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...; DS63610300 DR2PS0000.CH7000 134D0102R2] 30 CFR Part 1206 Indian Oil Valuation Negotiated Rulemaking Committee... Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) announces additional meetings for the Indian Oil Valuation Negotiated Rulemaking Committee (Committee). The Committee membership includes representatives from Indian tribes...

  19. A Formal Valuation Framework for Emotions and Their Control.


    Huys, Quentin J M; Renz, Daniel


    Computational psychiatry aims to apply mathematical and computational techniques to help improve psychiatric care. To achieve this, the phenomena under scrutiny should be within the scope of formal methods. As emotions play an important role across many psychiatric disorders, such computational methods must encompass emotions. Here, we consider formal valuation accounts of emotions. We focus on the fact that the flexibility of emotional responses and the nature of appraisals suggest the need for a model-based valuation framework for emotions. However, resource limitations make plain model-based valuation impossible and require metareasoning strategies to apportion cognitive resources adaptively. We argue that emotions may implement such metareasoning approximations by restricting the range of behaviors and states considered. We consider the processes that guide the deployment of the approximations, discerning between innate, model-free, heuristic, and model-based controllers. A formal valuation and metareasoning framework may thus provide a principled approach to examining emotions. Copyright © 2017 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Spring cleaning: rural water impacts, valuation, and property rights institutions.


    Kremer, Michael; Leino, Jessica; Miguel, Edward; Zwane, Alix Peterson


    Using a randomized evaluation in Kenya, we measure health impacts of spring protection, an investment that improves source water quality. We also estimate households' valuation of spring protection and simulate the welfare impacts of alternatives to the current system of common property rights in water, which limits incentives for private investment. Spring infrastructure investments reduce fecal contamination by 66%, but household water quality improves less, due to recontamination. Child diarrhea falls by one quarter. Travel-cost based revealed preference estimates of households' valuations are much smaller than both stated preference valuations and health planners' valuations, and are consistent with models in which the demand for health is highly income elastic. We estimate that private property norms would generate little additional investment while imposing large static costs due to above-marginal-cost pricing, private property would function better at higher income levels or under water scarcity, and alternative institutions could yield Pareto improvements.

  1. The ecological rationality of state-dependent valuation.


    McNamara, J M; Trimmer, P C; Houston, A I


    Laboratory studies on a range of animals have identified a bias that seems to violate basic principles of rational behavior: a preference is shown for feeding options that previously provided food when reserves were low, even though another option had been found to give the same reward with less delay. The bias presents a challenge to normative models of decision making (which only take account of expected rewards and the state of the animal at the decision time). To understand the behavior, we take a broad ecological perspective and consider how valuation mechanisms evolve when the best action depends upon the environment being faced. We show that in a changing and uncertain environment, state-dependent valuation can be favored by natural selection: Individuals should allow their hunger to affect learning for future decisions. The valuation mechanism that typically evolves produces the kind of behavior seen in standard laboratory tests. By providing an insight into why learning should be affected by the state of an individual, we provide a basis for understanding psychological principles in terms of an animal's ecology.

  2. Children's Health Valuation Handbook (2003)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Reference tool for analysts conducting economic analyses of EPA policies when those policies are expected to affect risks to children's health. State of knowledge on valuation of children's health is in it's infancy, so informative and not prescriptive.

  3. Economic valuation of ecosystem services: discussion and application.


    Lazo, Jeffrey K


    Ecosystems provide a wide range of services that improve human welfare. Changes in ecosystems imply potential changes in the generation of these ecosystem services and thus changes in welfare. In the lingo of economists, these welfare changes are measured as changes in economic values--increases in welfare being benefits and decreases in welfare being costs. For instance, individuals may benefit from, and thus value, reductions in risks to endangered species. Yet values for many changes in ecosystem services are not captured in market transactions, and thus measuring these values requires nonmarket valuation methods. This paper discusses ecosystem services and values from the viewpoint of an economist, explains what is meant by the valuation of ecosystems, and provides an overview of methods for valuation of ecosystem services. An example is presented from a recent natural resource damage assessment--the Green Bay total value equivalency study. Resources in the Lower Fox River and Green Bay in Wisconsin have been injured by polychlorinated biphenyl contamination from numerous paper mills along the river over several decades. The Green Bay study examines individuals' preferences and values for reducing ecosystem risks and improving ecosystem services and how these values are related to individuals' awareness of and use of ecosystem services in the area. The study uses methods from nonmarket valuation to scale potential restoration projects.

  4. Benefit-based tree valuation


    E.G. McPherson


    Benefit-based tree valuation provides alternative estimates of the fair and reasonable value of trees while illustrating the relative contribution of different benefit types. This study compared estimates of tree value obtained using cost- and benefit-based approaches. The cost-based approach used the Council of Landscape and Tree Appraisers trunk formula method, and...

  5. 29 CFR 4281.16 - Benefit valuation methods-plans closing out.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ..., as determined under this subpart. (b) Valuation rule. The present value of nonforfeitable benefits... 4281(b) of ERISA, the plan sponsor shall value the plan's benefits in accordance with paragraph (b) of... 29 Labor 9 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Benefit valuation methods-plans closing out. 4281.16...

  6. 26 CFR 1.430(g)-1 - Valuation date and valuation of plan assets.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...) Valuation date—(1) In general. The determination of the funding target, target normal cost, and value of...—(1) In general—(i) General use of fair market value. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (c), the value of plan assets for purposes of section 430 is equal to the fair market value of plan...

  7. Valuating Privacy with Option Pricing Theory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Berthold, Stefan; Böhme, Rainer

    One of the key challenges in the information society is responsible handling of personal data. An often-cited reason why people fail to make rational decisions regarding their own informational privacy is the high uncertainty about future consequences of information disclosures today. This chapter builds an analogy to financial options and draws on principles of option pricing to account for this uncertainty in the valuation of privacy. For this purpose, the development of a data subject's personal attributes over time and the development of the attribute distribution in the population are modeled as two stochastic processes, which fit into the Binomial Option Pricing Model (BOPM). Possible applications of such valuation methods to guide decision support in future privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) are sketched.

  8. Approche de prise en charge du trouble du spectre de l’autisme

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Patrick F.; Thomas, Roger E.; Lee, Patricia A.


    Résumé Objectif Se pencher sur les critères diagnostiques du trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) comme les définit le Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux, cinquième édition (DSM-V), et concevoir une approche de prise en charge du TSA à l’aide du cadre CanMEDS–Médecine familiale (CanMEDS-MF). Sources d’information Le DSM-V, publié par l’American Psychiatric Association en mai 2013, énonce de nouveaux critères diagnostiques du TSA. Le cadre CanMEDS-MF du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada fournit un plan d’orientation pour la prise en charge complexe du TSA. Nous avons utilisé des données recueillies par le Centers for Disease Control and Prevention afin de déterminer la prévalence du TSA, ainsi que la revue systématique et méta-analyse détaillée effectuée par le National Institute for Health and Care Excellence du R.-U. pour ses lignes directrices sur le TSA dans le but d’évaluer les données probantes issues de plus de 100 interventions. Message principal Selon les données du Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, la prévalence du TSA se chiffrait à 1 sur 88 en 2008 aux États-Unis. La classification du TSA dans la quatrième édition du DSM incluait l’autisme, le syndrome d’Asperger, le trouble envahissant du développement et le trouble désintégratif de l’enfance. La dernière révision du DSM-V réunit tous ces troubles sous la mention TSA, avec différents niveaux de sévérité. La prise en charge du TSA est complexe; elle exige les efforts d’une équipe multidisciplinaire ainsi que des soins continus. Les rôles CanMEDS-MF fournissent un cadre de prise en charge. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont au cœur de l’équipe de soins multidisciplinaire pour le TSA, et le cadre CanMEDS-MF tient lieu de plan détaillé pour guider la prise en charge d’un enfant atteint de TSA et aider la famille de cet enfant.

  9. Valuation of Electric Power System Services and Technologies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kintner-Meyer, Michael C. W.; Homer, Juliet S.; Balducci, Patrick J.

    Accurate valuation of existing and new technologies and grid services has been recognized to be important to stimulate investment in grid modernization. Clear, transparent, and accepted methods for estimating the total value (i.e., total benefits minus cost) of grid technologies and services are necessary for decision makers to make informed decisions. This applies to home owners interested in distributed energy technologies, as well as to service providers offering new demand response services, and utility executives evaluating best investment strategies to meet their service obligation. However, current valuation methods lack consistency, methodological rigor, and often the capabilities to identify and quantifymore » multiple benefits of grid assets or new and innovative services. Distributed grid assets often have multiple benefits that are difficult to quantify because of the locational context in which they operate. The value is temporally, operationally, and spatially specific. It varies widely by distribution systems, transmission network topology, and the composition of the generation mix. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) recently established a benefit-cost framework that proposes a process for estimating multiple benefits of distributed energy resources (DERs) and the associated cost. This document proposes an extension of this endeavor that offers a generalizable framework for valuation that quantifies the broad set of values for a wide range of technologies (including energy efficiency options, distributed resources, transmission, and generation) as well as policy options that affect all aspects of the entire generation and delivery system of the electricity infrastructure. The extension includes a comprehensive valuation framework of monetizable and non-monetizable benefits of new technologies and services beyond the traditional reliability objectives. The benefits are characterized into the following categories: sustainability

  10. 48 CFR 31.205-52 - Asset valuations resulting from business combinations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Asset valuations resulting from business combinations. 31.205-52 Section 31.205-52 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL... Commercial Organizations 31.205-52 Asset valuations resulting from business combinations. (a) For tangible...

  11. 48 CFR 31.205-52 - Asset valuations resulting from business combinations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Asset valuations resulting from business combinations. 31.205-52 Section 31.205-52 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL... Commercial Organizations 31.205-52 Asset valuations resulting from business combinations. (a) For tangible...

  12. 48 CFR 31.205-52 - Asset valuations resulting from business combinations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Asset valuations resulting from business combinations. 31.205-52 Section 31.205-52 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL... Commercial Organizations 31.205-52 Asset valuations resulting from business combinations. (a) For tangible...

  13. 48 CFR 31.205-52 - Asset valuations resulting from business combinations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Asset valuations resulting from business combinations. 31.205-52 Section 31.205-52 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL... Commercial Organizations 31.205-52 Asset valuations resulting from business combinations. (a) For tangible...

  14. 48 CFR 31.205-52 - Asset valuations resulting from business combinations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Asset valuations resulting from business combinations. 31.205-52 Section 31.205-52 Federal Acquisition Regulations System FEDERAL... Commercial Organizations 31.205-52 Asset valuations resulting from business combinations. (a) For tangible...

  15. Fentes labiopalatines dans la province du Katanga en République Démocratique du Congo: Aspects épidémiologiques, anatomocliniques et thérapeutiques

    PubMed Central

    Sangwa, Cedrick Milindi; Mukuku, Olivier; Tshisuz, Christian; Panda, Jules Mulefu; Kakinga, Mireille; Kitembo, Marius Feruzi; Mutomb, Jean-Felix; Odimba, Bwana Fwamba


    Les fentes labiopalatines sont les malformations les plus rencontrées de la sphère orofaciale. L'objectif est de décrire le profil épidémiologique, anatomoclinique et thérapeutique des fentes labiopalatines observées dans la province minière du Katanga au sud-est de la République Démocratique du Congo. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale réalisée dans quatre institutions hospitalières de la province du Katanga dans des districts sanitaires différents (Hôpital Jason Sendwe à Lubumbashi, Hôpital Gécamines Panda à Likasi, Hôpital Gécamines du personnel à Kolwezi, Hôpital General de référence de Kamina) et qui a porté sur 154 cas de fentes labiopalatines enregistrés au cours de la période allant du 1er mai 2010 au 30 septembre 2012. L'âge moyen de consultation était de 11,8 ans et une prédominance masculine (55,2%) était notée. Un pic était noté chez les deux premiers nés de la famille (55,8%). Nous avons enregistré 20,7% des cas de consanguinité dont 54,2% de premier degré. La fréquence des différents types de fentes labiopalatines diminue au fur à mesure que la fente s'étend de la lèvre supérieure au palais en passant par l'alvéole : 72% (labiales), 21,4% (labiopalatines) et 7,7% (palatines). Les variétés unilatérales sont plus fréquentes (76,7%) que les bilatérales (16,1%). Dans les formes unilatérales, le côté gauche est plus concerné (47,1%) par rapport au côté droit (38,6%). L'évaluation de la gravité selon Anastassov montre que 50,6% de nos patients étaient de degré moyen et 16,2% étaient à un degré sévère. Les malformations associées ont été retrouvées dans 5% des cas et elles sont à prédominance squelettique. C'est la technique de Millard qui a été la plus pratiquée (72/130). Les résultats étaient excellents dans 71,5% contre 1,5% de mauvais. Le séjour d'hospitalisation était de 3 jours et le taux de complications post opératoire était de 2,98%. PMID:25328615

  16. Social relationships as a major determinant in the valuation of health states.


    Frick, Ulrich; Irving, Hyacinth; Rehm, Jürgen


    To empirically determine the impact of the capacity to sustain social relationships on valuing health states. 68 clinical experts conducted a health state valuation exercise in five sites using pairwise comparison, ranking, and person trade-off as elicitation methods. 23,840 pairwise comparisons of a total of 379 health states were analyzed by conditional logistic regression. Social relationships had a clear monotonic association with perceived disability: the more limited the capacity to sustain social relationships, the more disabling the resulting health state valuations. The highest level of limitations with respect to social relationships was associated with slightly lower impact on health state valuations compared to the highest level of limitations in physical functioning. Social relationships showed an independent contribution to health state valuations and should be included in health state measures.

  17. 78 FR 20244 - Product Valuation

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Office of Natural Resources Revenue 30 CFR Part 1206 Product Valuation CFR Correction In FR Doc. 2013-07512, appearing on page 19100, in the Federal Register of Friday, March 29, 2013, the subagency heading ``Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement'' is corrected to...

  18. 13 CFR 107.650 - Requirement to report portfolio valuations to SBA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Requirement to report portfolio valuations to SBA. 107.650 Section 107.650 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SMALL... Reporting Requirements for Licensees § 107.650 Requirement to report portfolio valuations to SBA. You must...

  19. Neuroscience and approach/avoidance personality traits: a two stage (valuation-motivation) approach.


    Corr, Philip J; McNaughton, Neil


    Many personality theories link specific traits to the sensitivities of the neural systems that control approach and avoidance. But there is no consensus on the nature of these systems. Here we combine recent advances in economics and neuroscience to provide a more solid foundation for a neuroscience of approach/avoidance personality. We propose a two-stage integration of valuation (loss/gain) sensitivities with motivational (approach/avoidance/conflict) sensitivities. Our key conclusions are: (1) that valuation of appetitive and aversive events (e.g. gain and loss as studied by behavioural economists) is an independent perceptual input stage--with the economic phenomenon of loss aversion resulting from greater negative valuation sensitivity compared to positive valuation sensitivity; (2) that valuation of an appetitive stimulus then interacts with a contingency of presentation or omission to generate a motivational 'attractor' or 'repulsor', respectively (vice versa for an aversive stimulus); (3) the resultant behavioural tendencies to approach or avoid have distinct sensitivities to those of the valuation systems; (4) while attractors and repulsors can reinforce new responses they also, more usually, elicit innate or previously conditioned responses and so the perception/valuation-motivation/action complex is best characterised as acting as a 'reinforcer' not a 'reinforcement'; and (5) approach-avoidance conflict must be viewed as activating a third motivation system that is distinct from the basic approach and avoidance systems. We provide examples of methods of assessing each of the constructs within approach-avoidance theories and of linking these constructs to personality measures. We sketch a preliminary five-element reinforcer sensitivity theory (RST-5) as a first step in the integration of existing specific approach-avoidance theories into a coherent neuroscience of personality. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Real options valuation in the design of Future surface combatants

    DTIC Science & Technology


    VALUATION IN THE DESIGN OF FUTURE SURFACE COMBATANTS by Lauren B. Majchrzak June 2017 Thesis Advisor: Johnathan Mun Second Reader: Tom...thesis 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE REAL OPTIONS VALUATION IN THE DESIGN OF FUTURE SURFACE COMBATANTS 5. FUNDING NUMBERS 6. AUTHOR(S) Lauren B. Majchrzak...meeting their service-life expectancy of 40 years. Modular Adaptable Ship (MAS) designs that include flexibility, decoupled payloads from the platform

  1. Modeling Valuations from Experience: A Comment on Ashby and Rakow (2014)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wulff, Dirk U.; Pachur, Thorsten


    What are the cognitive mechanisms underlying subjective valuations formed on the basis of sequential experiences of an option's possible outcomes? Ashby and Rakow (2014) have proposed a sliding window model (SWIM), according to which people's valuations represent the average of a limited sample of recent experiences (the size of which is estimated…

  2. Resource management and nonmarket valuation research

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Douglas, A.J.; Taylor, J.G.


    Survey based nonmarket valuation research is often regarded as economics research. However, resource economists need to be aware of and acknowledge the manifold information sources that they employ in order to enhance the policy credibility of their studies. Communication between resource economists and practitioners of allied disciplines including chemistry, civil engineering, sociology, and anthropology are often neglected. Recent resource allocation policy debates have given rise to an extensive discussion of methodological issues that narrow the scope of the subject. The present paper provides a format for the presentation of nonmarket valuation research results that emphasizes the manifold links between economics studies that employ different methodologies to estimate nonmarket resource values. A more robust emphasis on the interlocking features of the different approaches for estimating nonmarket benefits should foster appreciation of the transdisciplinary aspects of the subject.

  3. 43 CFR 30.152 - May the parties to an agreement waive valuation of trust property?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... valuation of trust property? 30.152 Section 30.152 Public Lands: Interior Office of the Secretary of the... parties to an agreement waive valuation of trust property? The parties to a settlement agreement or a consolidation agreement may waive valuation of trust property otherwise required by regulation or the Secretary...

  4. EPA Use of Ecological Nonmarket Valuation

    EPA Science Inventory

    This essay was motivated by a workshop at which numerous investigators presented advancements in nonmarket valuation . Much of the research, and the workshop itself were US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded, and indeed the typical expected application was environmental...

  5. The roles of valuation and reward processing in cognitive function and psychiatric disorders

    PubMed Central

    Hélie, Sébastien; Shamloo, Farzin; Novak, Keisha; Foti, Dan


    In neuroeconomics, valuation refers to the process of assigning values to states and actions based on the animal’s current representation of the environment while reward processing corresponds to processing the feedback received from the environment to update the values of states and actions. In this article, we review the brain circuits associated with valuation and reward processing and argue that these are fundamental processes critical in many cognitive functions. Specifically, we focus on the role of valuation and reward processing in attention, memory, decision–making, and learning. Next, the extant neuroimaging literature on a number of psychiatric disorders is reviewed (i.e., addiction, pathological gambling, schizophrenia, and mood disorders), and an argument is made that associated deficits in cognitive functions can be explained in terms of abnormal valuation and reward processing. The review concludes with the impact of this framework in clinical settings and prescriptions for future research, in particular with regards to the conversions of qualitatively different valuation systems into a system of common currency. PMID:28415138

  6. 77 FR 3606 - Product Valuation

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Office of Natural Resources Revenue 30 CFR Part 1206 Product Valuation CFR Correction 0 In Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 700 to End, revised as of July 1, 2011, ``ONNR'' is corrected to read ``ONRR'', as set forth in the following table: [[Page 3607

  7. Etude de l'affaiblissement du comportement mecanique du pergelisol du au rechauffement climatique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buteau, Sylvie

    Le rechauffement climatique predit pour les prochaines decennies, aura des impacts majeurs sur le pergelisol qui sont tres peu documentes pour l'instant. La presente etude a pour but d'evaluer ces impacts sur les proprietes mecaniques du pergelisol et sa stabilite a long terme. Une nouvelle technique d'essai de penetration au cone a taux de deformation controle, a ete developpee pour caracteriser en place le pergelisol. Ces essais geotechniques et la mesure de differentes proprietes physiques ont ete effectues sur une butte de pergelisol au cours du printemps 2000. Le developpement et l'utilisation d'un modele geothermique 1D tenant compte de la thermodependance du comportement mecanique ont permis d'evaluer que les etendues de pergelisol chaud deviendraient instables a la suite d'un rechauffement de l'ordre de 5°C sur cent ans. En effet, la resistance mecanique du pergelisol diminuera alors rapidement jusqu'a 11,6 MPa, ce qui correspond a une perte relative de 98% de la resistance par rapport a un scenario sans rechauffement.

  8. Evaluation de la sécurité du circuit des médicaments anticancéreux dans un hôpital régional en Tunisie

    PubMed Central

    Sahli, Jihène; El Ghardallou, Meriam; Bougmiza, Iheb; Henchiri, Besma; Limam, Manel; Mejdoub, Rim; Mtiraoui, Ali; Ajmi, Thouraya


    Introduction Parmi les événements indésirables, ceux liés au circuit des médicaments occupent une place importante et risquent de causer un préjudice grave aux patients. Dans ce contexte, nous avons mené cette étude dans l'optique de décrire et d’évaluer le circuit des médicaments anticancéreux dans un hôpital régional tunisien. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude évaluative du risque lié aux médicaments anticancéreux, type « visite de risque » menée sur une période de 15 jours au cours de l'année 2014 au service de cancérologie de l'hôpital régional de Gafsa (Tunisie). Cette méthode d’évaluation est inspirée de celle conduite par le projet « SECURIMED » développé par le Comité de Coordination de l'Evaluation Clinique et de la Qualité en Aquitaine (CCECQA), en France. Résultats Dans notre étude, l'observation du circuit des médicaments anticancéreux a révélé certaines insuffisances. On a noté que la répartition des missions des différents acteurs est sujette parfois à des glissements de tâches. Un manque important ainsi que une inadéquation aux normes au niveau des équipements nécessaires pour la préparation et la protection des professionnels manipulant ces médicaments ont été également décelés. Conclusion La sécurisation du circuit des médicaments devrait être une priorité inscrite dans l'ensemble des démarches nationales et partagée par tous les intervenants et ce dans l'optique d'atteindre un objectif prémium: la qualité de la prise en charge globale et la sécurité des patients. PMID:27200135

  9. Differences between individual and societal health state valuations: any link with personality?


    Chapman, Benjamin P; Franks, Peter; Duberstein, Paul R; Jerant, Anthony


    The concept of "adaptation" has been proposed to account for differences between individual and societal valuations of specific health states in patients with chronic diseases. Little is known about psychological indices of adaptational capacity, which may predict differences in individual and societal valuations of health states. We investigated whether such differences were partially explained by personality traits in chronic disease patients. Analysis of baseline data of randomized controlled trial. Three hundred seventy patients with chronic disease. The NEO-five factor inventory measure of personality, EuroQoL-5D (EQ-5D) societal-based, and the EQ visual analogue scale individually-based measures of health valuation. Regression analyses modeled Dev, a measure of difference between the EQ-Visual Analogue Scale and EQ-5D, as a function of personality traits, sociodemographic factors, and chronic diseases. Individual valuations were significantly and clinically higher than societal valuations among patients in the second and third quartile of conscientiousness (Dev = 0.08, P = 0.01); among covariates, only depression (Dev = -0.04, P = 0.046) was also associated with Dev. Compared with societal valuations of a given health state, persons at higher quartiles of conscientiousness report less disutility associated with poor health. The effect is roughly twice that of some estimates of minimally important clinical differences on the EQ-5D and of depression. Although useful at the aggregate level, societal preference measures may systematically undervalue the health states of more conscientious individuals. Future work should examine the impact this has on individual patient outcome evaluation in clinical studies.

  10. What ignited Forest Service interest in nonmarket valuation in fire economics?


    John B. Loomis; Armando González-Cabán


    This paper traces the origin and evolution of the application of nonmarket valuation techniques to fire management within the USDA Forest Service. The motivation for contingent valuation (CVM) studies that quantify existence value is traced to the need for monetary benefits of protecting spotted owl old-growth forest habitat from fire in the early 1990s. Two large...

  11. 26 CFR 1.412(c)(2)-1 - Valuation of plan assets; reasonable actuarial valuation methods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... valuation method must take into account fair market value by making use of the— (i) Fair market value... market value (under paragraph (c) of this section). (4) Defined benefit plans. (i) To satisfy the... changes in the fair market value of plan assets. The funding of plan benefits and the charges and credits...

  12. 26 CFR 1.412(c)(2)-1 - Valuation of plan assets; reasonable actuarial valuation methods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... valuation method must take into account fair market value by making use of the— (i) Fair market value... market value (under paragraph (c) of this section). (4) Defined benefit plans. (i) To satisfy the... changes in the fair market value of plan assets. The funding of plan benefits and the charges and credits...

  13. 26 CFR 1.412(c)(2)-1 - Valuation of plan assets; reasonable actuarial valuation methods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... valuation method must take into account fair market value by making use of the— (i) Fair market value... market value (under paragraph (c) of this section). (4) Defined benefit plans. (i) To satisfy the... changes in the fair market value of plan assets. The funding of plan benefits and the charges and credits...

  14. 26 CFR 1.412(c)(2)-1 - Valuation of plan assets; reasonable actuarial valuation methods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... computed by— (i) Determining the fair market value of plan assets at least annually, (ii) Adding the...) In determining the adjusted value of plan assets for a prior valuation date, there is added to the... market value, amounts are subtracted from this account and added, to the extent necessary, to raise the...

  15. 78 FR 38829 - Product Valuation

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Office of Natural Resources Revenue 30 CFR Part 1206 Product Valuation CFR Correction In Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 700 to End, revised as of July 1, 2012, on page 742, in Sec. 1206.57, in paragraph (c)(3), the first sentence is corrected to read as...

  16. 78 FR 19100 - Product Valuation

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 30 CFR Part 1206 Product Valuation CFR Correction In Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 700 to End, revised as of July 1, 2012, on page 742, in Sec. 1206.57(d)(3) the reference to ``Sec. 1218.54'' is corrected to read...

  17. Factors affecting the valuation of physician practices.


    Cleverley, W O


    Valuation of physician practices provides physicians with a benchmark of their business success and helps purchasers negotiate a purchase price. The Center for Healthcare Industry Performance Studies (CHIPS) recently conducted a survey of physician practice acquisitions. The survey collected data on salaries and benefits paid to physicians after practice acquisition, historical profitability of the acquired practice, and specific values assigned to both tangible and intangible assets in the practice. Some of the survey's critical conclusions include: hospitals tend to acquire unprofitable practices, value is based on historical revenues rather than historical profits, the importance of valuation methodology and payer mix is underestimated, tangible assets represent a large part of the purchase price, and hospitals tend to pay higher physician compensation than do other purchasers.

  18. 7 CFR 4290.650 - Requirement to report portfolio valuations to the Secretary

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Requirement to report portfolio valuations to the Secretary 4290.650 Section 4290.650 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued... Reporting Requirements for Rbics § 4290.650 Requirement to report portfolio valuations to the Secretary You...

  19. Haute prévalence du Burnout dans les unités Tunisiennes prenant en charge des patients en fin de vie

    PubMed Central

    Amamou, Badii; Bannour, Ahmed Souhaiel; Ben Hadj Yahia, Meriem; Ben Nasr, Selma; Ben Hadj Ali, Bechir


    Introduction Chez le personnel soignant, le burnout touche un infirmier sur trois. Ce taux est plus élevé dans les unités prenant en charge des patients en fin de vie. L'objectif de notre travail était d'évaluer la fréquence du burnout chez les infirmiers qui travaillent en soins de fin de vie. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive transversale réalisée entre le 1er Avril et le 31 Mai 2010. 60 infirmiers de six services de Sousse et de Monastir (Tunisie) ont été recrutés. L'évaluation du burnout a été réalisée par deux échelles: MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory) et BMS (Burnout Measure Short version). Résultats La prévalence du burnout était de 70%; il était élevé chez 81.7%. 80% avaient un niveau élevé d'épuisement émotionnel, 70% avaient un niveau élevé de dépersonnalisation et 17% avaient un niveau bas de sentiment d'accomplissement personnel. Le burnout était plus élevé chez les hommes (70,8% vs 69,4%; p=0,013); ceux qui voulaient améliorer les conditions du travail (70.2% vs. 66.7%; p= 0.017); du salaire (70.2% vs. 66.7%; p= 0.017) et chez les infirmiers suivi en psychiatrie (71.4% vs. 69.8%; p= 0.008). Conclusion Dans notre étude le niveau de burnout était élevé chez les infirmiers prenant en charge des patients en fin de vie. Il était associé au sexe masculin et à l'insatisfaction des conditions de travail et du salaire. D'autres études longitudinales sont nécessaires pour suivre l'évolution de ce syndrome et mettre des stratégies de prévention adéquates. PMID:25584122

  20. What's it worth? A general manager's guide to valuation.


    Luehrman, T A


    Behind every major resource-allocation decision a company makes lies some calculation of what that move is worth. So it is not surprising that valuation is the financial analytical skill general managers want to learn more than any other. Managers whose formal training is more than a few years old, however, are likely to have learned approaches that are becoming obsolete. What do generalists need in an updated valuation tool kit? In the 1970s, discounted-cash-flow analysis (DCF) emerged as best practice for valuing corporate assets. And one version of DCF-using the weighted-average cost of capital (WACC)-became the standard. Over the years, WACC has been used by most companies as a one-size-fits-all valuation tool. Today the WACC standard is insufficient. Improvements in computers and new theoretical insights have given rise to tools that outperform WACC in the three basic types of valuation problems managers face. Timothy Luehrman presents an overview of the three tools, explaining how they work and when to use them. For valuing operations, the DCF methodology of adjusted present value allows managers to break a problem into pieces that make managerial sense. For valuing opportunities, option pricing captures the contingent nature of investments in areas such as R&D and marketing. And for valuing ownership claims, the tool of equity cash flows helps managers value their company's stake in a joint venture, a strategic alliance, or an investment that uses project financing.

  1. 26 CFR 1.412(c)(2)-1 - Valuation of plan assets; reasonable actuarial valuation methods.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... market value by making use of the— (i) Fair market value (determined under paragraph (c) of this section... requirements of section 412(c)(2)(A) solely on the basis of their fair market value (under paragraph (c) of... reasonble actuarial valuation methods designed to mitigate short-run changes in the fair market value of...

  2. 13 CFR 108.503 - NMVC Company's adoption of an approved valuation policy.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... following the close of the quarter. (e) Review of valuations by independent public accountant. (1) For valuations performed as of the end of your fiscal year, your independent public accountant must review your... independent public accountant's report on your audited annual financial statements (SBA Form 468) must include...

  3. Comparing EQ-5D valuation studies: a systematic review and methodological reporting checklist.


    Xie, Feng; Gaebel, Kathryn; Perampaladas, Kuhan; Doble, Brett; Pullenayegum, Eleanor


    There has been a growing interest around the world in developing country-specific scoring algorithms for the EQ-5D. This study systematically reviews all existing EQ-5D valuation studies to highlight their strengths and limitations, explores heterogeneity in observed utilities using meta-regression, and proposes a methodological checklist for reporting EQ-5D valuation studies. . We searched Medline, EMBASE, the National Health Service Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) via Wiley's Cochrane Library, and Wiley's Health Economic Evaluation Database from inception through November 2012, as well as bibliographies of key papers and the EuroQol Plenary Meeting Proceedings from 1991 to 2012 for English-language reports of EQ-5D valuation studies. Two reviewers independently screened the titles and abstracts for relevance. Three reviewers performed data extraction and compared the characteristics and scoring algorithms developed in the included valuation studies. . Of the 31 studies included in the review, 19 used the time trade-off (TTO) technique, 10 used the visual analogue scale (VAS) technique, and 2 used both TTO and VAS. Most studies included respondents from the general population selected by random or quota sampling and used face-to-face interviews or postal surveys. Studies valued between 7 and 198 total states, with 1-23 states valued per respondent. Different model specifications have been proposed for scoring. Some sample or demographic factors, including gender, education, percentage urban population, and national health care expenditure, were associated with differences in observed utilities for moderate or severe health states. . EQ-5D valuation studies conducted to date have varied widely in their design and in the resulting scoring algorithms. Therefore, we propose the Checklist for Reporting Valuation Studies of the EQ-5D (CREATE) for those conducting valuation studies.

  4. 29 CFR 4281.11 - Valuation dates.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR



  5. Normalized value coding explains dynamic adaptation in the human valuation process.


    Khaw, Mel W; Glimcher, Paul W; Louie, Kenway


    The notion of subjective value is central to choice theories in ecology, economics, and psychology, serving as an integrated decision variable by which options are compared. Subjective value is often assumed to be an absolute quantity, determined in a static manner by the properties of an individual option. Recent neurobiological studies, however, have shown that neural value coding dynamically adapts to the statistics of the recent reward environment, introducing an intrinsic temporal context dependence into the neural representation of value. Whether valuation exhibits this kind of dynamic adaptation at the behavioral level is unknown. Here, we show that the valuation process in human subjects adapts to the history of previous values, with current valuations varying inversely with the average value of recently observed items. The dynamics of this adaptive valuation are captured by divisive normalization, linking these temporal context effects to spatial context effects in decision making as well as spatial and temporal context effects in perception. These findings suggest that adaptation is a universal feature of neural information processing and offer a unifying explanation for contextual phenomena in fields ranging from visual psychophysics to economic choice.

  6. 30 CFR 281.29 - Royalty valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Royalty valuation. 281.29 Section 281.29 Mineral Resources MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFSHORE LEASING OF MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS, AND SULPHUR IN THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF Financial Considerations § 281.29...

  7. Consensus formalisé: recommandations de pratiques cliniques pour la prise en charge de la lombalgie aiguë du patient africain

    PubMed Central

    Elleuch, Mohamed; El Maghraoui, Abdellah; Griene, Brahim; Nejmi, Mati; Ndongo, Souhaibou; Serrie, Alain


    La lombalgie aiguë est la pathologie rhumatismale la plus fréquente en Afrique. L’épidémiologie et la présentation clinique ne diffèrent pas de celles observées sur les autres continents. En revanche, les aspects psycho-sociaux, la disponibilité des traitements, l'accès aux soins et le poids culturel des médecines traditionnelles sont autant de spécificités qui ont conduit à la réalisation du 1er consensus d'experts en rhumatologie pour la prise en charge du patient africain. Destiné aux praticiens, ce travail collaboratif multinational a pour objectif de fournir 11 recommandations de pratiques cliniques simples, fondées sur les preuves, et adaptées aux conditions de l'exercice médical en Afrique. Leur ambition est d'améliorer la prise en charge de la lombalgie aigue par une évaluation initiale clinique pertinente, une diminution des examens radiologiques inutiles, une prescription médicamenteuse adéquate et l'abandon de procédures invasives inappropriées. PMID:26955427

  8. Council tax valuation band of patient residence and clinical contacts in a general practice

    PubMed Central

    Beale, Norman; Taylor, Gordon; Straker-Cook, Dawn; Peart, Carole; Gwynne, Mark


    Background There is a dearth of data relating UK general practice workload to personal and social markers of individual patients. Aim To test whether there is a significant association between general practice patient contact rates and the council tax valuation band of their residential address. Design of study Cross-sectional analyses using data recorded, over 1 year, for over 3300 general practice patients. Setting One medium-sized group practice in an industrialised English market town. Method Face-to-face contacts between the patients and the doctors and nurses in the practice were compared by patient age, sex, registration period, distance from surgery, Underprivileged Area 8 (UPA8) score, and council tax valuation band. Results Patient sex, age, recent registration, distance from surgery, and council tax valuation band were each significantly associated with face-to-face contact rate in univariate analyses. UPA8 score was not significantly associated with contact rates. On multivariate testing, sex, age, recent registration, and council tax valuation band remained significantly associated with contact rates. The last is a new finding. Conclusion Council tax valuation bands predict contact rate in general practice; the lower the band, the higher the contact rate. Council tax valuation band could be a useful marker of workload that is linked to socioeconomic status. This is a pilot study and multipractice research is advocated. PMID:15667763

  9. Separate valuation subsystems for delay and effort decision costs.


    Prévost, Charlotte; Pessiglione, Mathias; Météreau, Elise; Cléry-Melin, Marie-Laure; Dreher, Jean-Claude


    Decision making consists of choosing among available options on the basis of a valuation of their potential costs and benefits. Most theoretical models of decision making in behavioral economics, psychology, and computer science propose that the desirability of outcomes expected from alternative options can be quantified by utility functions. These utility functions allow a decision maker to assign subjective values to each option under consideration by weighting the likely benefits and costs resulting from an action and to select the one with the highest subjective value. Here, we used model-based neuroimaging to test whether the human brain uses separate valuation systems for rewards (erotic stimuli) associated with different types of costs, namely, delay and effort. We show that humans devalue rewards associated with physical effort in a strikingly similar fashion to those they devalue that are associated with delays, and that a single computational model derived from economics theory can account for the behavior observed in both delay discounting and effort discounting. However, our neuroimaging data reveal that the human brain uses distinct valuation subsystems for different types of costs, reflecting in opposite fashion delayed reward and future energetic expenses. The ventral striatum and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex represent the increasing subjective value of delayed rewards, whereas a distinct network, composed of the anterior cingulate cortex and the anterior insula, represent the decreasing value of the effortful option, coding the expected expense of energy. Together, these data demonstrate that the valuation processes underlying different types of costs can be fractionated at the cerebral level.

  10. Moving beyond the exchange value in the nonmarket valuation of ecosystem services


    Karen E. Allen; Rebecca Moore


    There has been much discussion across the ecosystem services literature as to the role of economic valuation in identifying ecosystem service values and shaping policy. This article demonstrates a non-typical use of a nonmarket valuation technique known as the stated choice experiment (CE) for understanding a range of public preferences for stream-related...

  11. Transactive Systems Simulation and Valuation Platform Trial Analysis

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Widergren, Steven E.; Hammerstrom, Donald J.; Huang, Qiuhua

    Transactive energy systems use principles of value to coordinate responsive supply and demand in energy systems. Work continues within the Transactive Systems Program, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, to understand the value of, understand the theory behind, and simulate the behaviors of transactive energy systems. This report summarizes recent advances made by this program. The main capability advances include a more comprehensive valuation model, including recommended documentation that should make valuation studies of all sorts more transparent, definition of economic metrics with which transactive mechanisms can be evaluated, and multiple improvementsmore » to the time-simulation environment that is being used to evaluate transactive scenarios.« less

  12. Varying the valuating function and the presentable bank in computerized adaptive testing.


    Barrada, Juan Ramón; Abad, Francisco José; Olea, Julio


    In computerized adaptive testing, the most commonly used valuating function is the Fisher information function. When the goal is to keep item bank security at a maximum, the valuating function that seems most convenient is the matching criterion, valuating the distance between the estimated trait level and the point where the maximum of the information function is located. Recently, it has been proposed not to keep the same valuating function constant for all the items in the test. In this study we expand the idea of combining the matching criterion with the Fisher information function. We also manipulate the number of strata into which the bank is divided. We find that the manipulation of the number of items administered with each function makes it possible to move from the pole of high accuracy and low security to the opposite pole. It is possible to greatly improve item bank security with much fewer losses in accuracy by selecting several items with the matching criterion. In general, it seems more appropriate not to stratify the bank.

  13. Posterior resting state EEG asymmetries are associated with hedonic valuation of food.


    van Bochove, Marlies E; Ketel, Eva; Wischnewski, Miles; Wegman, Joost; Aarts, Esther; de Jonge, Benjamin; Medendorp, W Pieter; Schutter, Dennis J L G


    Research on the hedonic value of food has been important in understanding the motivational and emotional correlates of normal and abnormal eating behaviour. The aim of the present study was to explore associations between hemispheric asymmetries recorded during resting state electroencephalogram (EEG) and hedonic valuation of food. Healthy adult volunteers were recruited and four minutes of resting state EEG were recorded from the scalp. Hedonic food valuation and reward sensitivity were assessed with the hedonic attitude to food and behavioural activation scale. Results showed that parieto-occipital resting state EEG asymmetries in the alpha (8-12Hz) and beta (13-30Hz) frequency range correlate with the hedonic valuation of food. Our findings suggest that self-reported sensory-related attitude towards food is associated with interhemispheric asymmetries in resting state oscillatory activity. Our findings contribute to understanding the electrophysiological correlates of hedonic valuation, and may provide an opportunity to modulate the cortical imbalance by using non-invasive brain stimulation methods to change food consumption. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Topics in Finance Part IV--Valuation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Laux, Judy


    This article looks at security valuation from the perspective of the financial manager, accenting the relationships to stockholder wealth maximization (SWM), risk and return, and potential agency problems. It also covers some of the pertinent literature related to how investors and creditors price the stocks and bonds of corporations.

  15. Taxation indices of forest stand as the basis for cadastral valuation of forestlands

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kovyazin, V.; Belyaev, V.; Pasko, O.; Romanchikov, A.


    Cadastral valuation of forestlands is one of the problems of the modern economy. Valuation procedures depend either on the profitability of timbering or forest areas are not differentiated according to value. The authors propose the procedure based on taxation indices of strata. The most important factors influencing the valuation are determined. The dependence that allows establishing the relative cost of a certain forest area is defined. Knowing the cadastral value of a model area, it is possible to determine the values of all other sites. The evaluation results correlate with the Faustman procedure with slight difference in the absolute value.

  16. Improved Approximation Algorithms for Item Pricing with Bounded Degree and Valuation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hamane, Ryoso; Itoh, Toshiya

    When a store sells items to customers, the store wishes to decide the prices of the items to maximize its profit. If the store sells the items with low (resp. high) prices, the customers buy more (resp. less) items, which provides less profit to the store. It would be hard for the store to decide the prices of items. Assume that a store has a set V of n items and there is a set C of m customers who wish to buy those items. The goal of the store is to decide the price of each item to maximize its profit. We refer to this maximization problem as an item pricing problem. We classify the item pricing problems according to how many items the store can sell or how the customers valuate the items. If the store can sell every item i with unlimited (resp. limited) amount, we refer to this as unlimited supply (resp. limited supply). We say that the item pricing problem is single-minded if each customer j∈C wishes to buy a set ej⊆V of items and assigns valuation w(ej)≥0. For the single-minded item pricing problems (in unlimited supply), Balcan and Blum regarded them as weighted k-hypergraphs and gave several approximation algorithms. In this paper, we focus on the (pseudo) degree of k-hypergraphs and the valuation ratio, i. e., the ratio between the smallest and the largest valuations. Then for the single-minded item pricing problems (in unlimited supply), we show improved approximation algorithms (for k-hypergraphs, general graphs, bipartite graphs, etc.) with respect to the maximum (pseudo) degree and the valuation ratio.

  17. Formative Assessment of Collaborative Teams (FACT): Development of a Grade-Level Instructional Team Checklist

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taylor, Matthew J.; Hallam, Pamela R.; Charlton, Cade T.; Wall, D. Gary


    Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) have become increasingly popular in schools. PLCs are groups of teachers, administrators, parents, and students who collaborate to improve their practices and focus on results (DuFour, 2004). Grade-level and department teachers participate in regularly scheduled collaborative team meetings; however, many…

  18. NATO Human Resources (Manpower) Management (Gestion des ressources humaines (effectifs) de l’OTAN)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    performances , la gestion des récompenses et du salaire, et la motivation du personnel. En conséquence, il faut que la gestion des ressources humaines...importance au fil du temps. Les ressources humaines, chargées à l’origine de l’embauche, du licenciement, de la paie et de la gestion des ...les effets des systèmes d’évaluation des performances ;


    EPA Science Inventory

    Contingent valuation (CV) is the only method currently available for practically measuring passive-use values. Because proposed laws may require that environmental regulations pass a benefit-cost test, CV has become central to the policy debate on environmental protection. Crit...


    EPA Science Inventory

    The purpose of the project is to understand better how individuals interpret and respond to contingent valuation (CV) questions. The research will address three issues: the reliability of the referendum questions format, the importance of reminding respondents about subst...

  1. The Computational Complexity of Valuation and Motivational Forces in Decision-Making Processes

    PubMed Central

    Schultheiss, Nathan W.; Carter, Evan C.


    The concept of value is fundamental to most theories of motivation and decision making. However, value has to be measured experimentally. Different methods of measuring value produce incompatible valuation hierarchies. Taking the agent’s perspective (rather than the experimenter’s), we interpret the different valuation measurement methods as accessing different decision-making systems and show how these different systems depend on different information processing algorithms. This identifies the translation from these multiple decision-making systems into a single action taken by a given agent as one of the most important open questions in decision making today. We conclude by looking at how these different valuation measures accessing different decision-making systems can be used to understand and treat decision dysfunction such as in addiction. PMID:25981912

  2. The Computational Complexity of Valuation and Motivational Forces in Decision-Making Processes.


    Redish, A David; Schultheiss, Nathan W; Carter, Evan C


    The concept of value is fundamental to most theories of motivation and decision making. However, value has to be measured experimentally. Different methods of measuring value produce incompatible valuation hierarchies. Taking the agent's perspective (rather than the experimenter's), we interpret the different valuation measurement methods as accessing different decision-making systems and show how these different systems depend on different information processing algorithms. This identifies the translation from these multiple decision-making systems into a single action taken by a given agent as one of the most important open questions in decision making today. We conclude by looking at how these different valuation measures accessing different decision-making systems can be used to understand and treat decision dysfunction such as in addiction.

  3. Market-based approaches to tree valuation


    Geoffrey H. Donovan; David T. Butry


    A recent four-part series in Arborist News outlined different appraisal processes used to value urban trees. The final article in the series described the three generally accepted approaches to tree valuation: the sales comparison approach, the cost approach, and the income capitalization approach. The author, D. Logan Nelson, noted that the sales comparison approach...

  4. Cadastral valuation of land contaminated with radionuclides

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ratnikov, A. N.; Sapozhnikov, P. M.; Sanzharova, N. I.; Sviridenko, D. G.; Zhigareva, T. L.; Popova, G. I.; Panov, A. V.; Kozlova, I. Yu.


    The methodology and procedure for cadastral valuation of land in the areas contaminated with radionuclides are presented. The efficiency of rehabilitation measures applied to decrease crop contamination to the levels satisfying sanitary-hygienic norms is discussed. The differentiation of cadastral value of radioactively contaminated agricultural lands for the particular farms and land plots is suggested. An example of cadastral valuation of agricultural land contaminated during the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident is given. It is shown that the use of sandy and loamy sandy soddy-podzolic soils with the 137Cs contamination of 37-185 and >185 kBq/m2 for crop growing is unfeasible. The growing of grain crops and potatoes on clay loamy soddy-podzolic soils with the 137Cs contamination of 555-740 kBq/m2 is unprofitable. The maximum cadastral value of radioactively contaminated lands is typical of leached chernozems.

  5. Economic valuation of ecosystem services from coral reefs in the South Pacific: taking stock of recent experience.


    Laurans, Yann; Pascal, Nicolas; Binet, Thomas; Brander, Luke; Clua, Eric; David, Gilbert; Rojat, Dominique; Seidl, Andrew


    The economic valuation of coral reefs ecosystem services is currently seen as a promising approach to demonstrate the benefits of sustainable management of coral ecosystems to policymakers and to provide useful information for improved decisions. Most coral reefs economic studies have been conducted in the United States, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean, and only a few have covered the South Pacific region. In this region, coral reefs are essential assets for small island developing states as well as for developed countries. Accordingly, a series of ecosystem services valuations has been carried out recently in the South Pacific, to try and supply decision-makers with new information. Applying ecosystem services valuation to the specific ecological, social, economic and cultural contexts of the South Pacific is however not straightforward. This paper analyses how extant valuations address the various management challenges of coral reef regions in general and more specifically for the South Pacific. Bearing in mind that economic valuation has to match policy-making contexts, we emphasize a series of specific considerations when conducting and applying ecosystem services valuation in South Pacific ecological and social contexts. Finally, the paper examines the decision-making situations in which extant valuations took place. We conclude that, although ecosystem valuations have been effectively used as a means to raise awareness with respect to coral reef conservation, methodologies will have to be further developed, with multidisciplinary inputs, if they are to provide valuable inputs in local and technical decision-making. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. A methodology for highway asset valuation in Indiana.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) requires transportation agencies to report the values of their tangible assets. : Numerous valuation methods exist which use different underlying concepts and data items. These traditional methods have...

  7. Dynamic learning and context-dependence in sequential, attribute-based, stated-preference valuation questions


    Thomas P. Holmes; Kevin J. Boyle


    A hybrid stated-preference model is presented that combines the referendum contingent valuation response format with an experimentally designed set of attributes. A sequence of valuation questions is asked to a random sample in a mailout mail-back format. Econometric analysis shows greater discrimination between alternatives in the final choice in the sequence, and the...

  8. Validation de la version francophone d’une échelle composite multidimensionnelle pour l’évaluation de la douleur postopératoire chez les chats

    PubMed Central

    Steagall, Paulo V.M.; Monteiro, Beatriz P.; Lavoie, Anne-Marie; Frank, Diane; Troncy, Eric; Luna, Stelio P.L.; Brondani, Juliana T.


    Résumé L’objectif de cette étude était de valider la version francophone de l’échelle composite multidimensionnelle de douleur UNESP-Botucatu (MCPS-Fr) chez les chats. Deux vétérinaires et une étudiante de médecine vétérinaire francophones ont identifié trois catégories de comportements distincts sur des vidéos : «les changements psychomoteurs», «la protection de la région douloureuse» et «les variables physiologiques». La cohérence interne était excellente (score total du coefficient alpha de Cronbach était de 0,94; 0,90; et 0,61, respectivement). La bonne concordance entre les évaluations à l’aveugle des observateurs et l’évaluateur de référence confirme la validité de cet instrument. La fiabilité inter- et intra-évaluateur était bonne à très bonne. Le point limite optimal pour l’analgésie de secours, identifié avec une courbe ROC, était au-delà de 7 (échelle allant de 0 à 30 points), avec une sensibilité de 97,8 % et une spécificité de 99,1 %. La MCPS-Fr est un outil valide et sensible pour l’évaluation de la douleur aiguë chez les chattes ayant subi une ovariohystérectomie. PMID:28042156

  9. Contingent Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Protection


    Randall A. Kramer; Thomas P. Holmes; Michelle Haefele


    In recent decades, concerns have arisen about the proper valuation of the world's forests. While some of these concerns have to do with market distortions for timber products or inadequate data on non-timber forest products, an additional challenge is to uncover the economic worth of non- market services provided by forest ecosystems (Kramer et al. 1997). This has...

  10. 15 CFR 296.6 - Valuation of transfers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 1 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Valuation of transfers. 296.6 Section 296.6 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NIST EXTRAMURAL PROGRAMS TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION...

  11. 15 CFR 296.6 - Valuation of transfers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 1 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Valuation of transfers. 296.6 Section 296.6 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NIST EXTRAMURAL PROGRAMS TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION...

  12. 15 CFR 296.6 - Valuation of transfers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Valuation of transfers. 296.6 Section 296.6 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NIST EXTRAMURAL PROGRAMS TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION...

  13. 15 CFR 296.6 - Valuation of transfers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Valuation of transfers. 296.6 Section 296.6 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NIST EXTRAMURAL PROGRAMS TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION...

  14. 15 CFR 296.6 - Valuation of transfers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 1 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Valuation of transfers. 296.6 Section 296.6 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NIST EXTRAMURAL PROGRAMS TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION...

  15. A dynamic code for economic object valuation in prefrontal cortex neurons

    PubMed Central

    Tsutsui, Ken-Ichiro; Grabenhorst, Fabian; Kobayashi, Shunsuke; Schultz, Wolfram


    Neuronal reward valuations provide the physiological basis for economic behaviour. Yet, how such valuations are converted to economic decisions remains unclear. Here we show that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) implements a flexible value code based on object-specific valuations by single neurons. As monkeys perform a reward-based foraging task, individual DLPFC neurons signal the value of specific choice objects derived from recent experience. These neuronal object values satisfy principles of competitive choice mechanisms, track performance fluctuations and follow predictions of a classical behavioural model (Herrnstein’s matching law). Individual neurons dynamically encode both, the updating of object values from recently experienced rewards, and their subsequent conversion to object choices during decision-making. Decoding from unselected populations enables a read-out of motivational and decision variables not emphasized by individual neurons. These findings suggest a dynamic single-neuron and population value code in DLPFC that advances from reward experiences to economic object values and future choices. PMID:27618960

  16. 17 CFR 270.2a-2 - Effect of eliminations upon valuation of portfolio securities.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... valuation of portfolio securities. 270.2a-2 Section 270.2a-2 Commodity and Securities Exchanges SECURITIES... Effect of eliminations upon valuation of portfolio securities. During any fiscal quarter in which elimination of securities from the portfolio of an investment company occur, the securities remaining in the...

  17. "Tell me I'm sexy…and otherwise valuable:" Body Valuation and Relationship Satisfaction.


    Meltzer, Andrea L; McNulty, James K


    Although extant research demonstrates that body valuation by strangers has negative implications for women, Studies 1 and 2 demonstrate that body valuation by a committed male partner is positively associated with women's relationship satisfaction when that partner also values them for their non-physical qualities, but negatively associated with women's relationship satisfaction when that partner is not committed or does not value them for their non-physical qualities. Study 3 demonstrates that body valuation by a committed female partner is negatively associated with men's relationship satisfaction when that partner does not also value them for their non-physical qualities but unassociated with men's satisfaction otherwise. These findings join others demonstrating that fully understanding the implications of interpersonal processes requires considering the interpersonal context. (120 words).


    EPA Science Inventory

    In addition to development and systematic qualitative/quantitative testing of indicator-based valuation for aquatic living resources, the proposed work will improve interdisciplinary mechanisms to model and communicate aquatic ecosystem change within SP valuation—an area...

  19. Testing the construct validity of willingness to pay valuations using objective information about risk and health benefit.


    Philips, Zoë; Whynes, David K; Avis, Mark


    This paper describes an experiment to test the construct validity of contingent valuation, by eliciting women's valuations for the NHS cervical cancer screening programme. It is known that, owing to low levels of knowledge of cancer and screening in the general population, women both over-estimate the risk of disease and the efficacy of screening. The study is constructed as a randomised experiment, in which one group is provided with accurate information about cervical cancer screening, whilst the other is not. The first hypothesis supporting construct validity, that controls who perceive greater benefits from screening will offer higher valuations, is substantiated. Both groups are then provided with objective information on an improvement to the screening programme, and are asked to value the improvement as an increment to their original valuations. The second hypothesis supporting construct validity, that controls who perceive the benefits of the programme to be high already will offer lower incremental valuations, is also substantiated. Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  20. Residential Property Composition of School Districts: Its Effect on Tax Rate and Per Pupil Revenue.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lundeen, Virginia; And Others

    This study related tax rate and per pupil revenue to residential assessed valuation, percent residential of total assessed valuation, and selected socioeconomic independent variables for school districts in Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Kane, and Lake counties in Illinois. Findings suggest that for homeowners and the students of these counties in 1976,…

  1. The du Bois sign.


    Voelpel, James H; Muehlberger, Thomas


    According to the current literature, the term "du Bois sign" characterizes the condition of a shortened fifth finger as a symptom of congenital syphilis, Down syndrome, dyscrania, and encephalic malformation. Modern medical dictionaries and text books attribute the eponym to the French gynecologist Paul Dubois (1795-1871). Yet, a literature analysis revealed incorrect references to the person and unclear definitions of the term. Our findings showed that the origin of the term is based on observations made by the Swiss dermatologist Charles du Bois (1874-1947) in connection with congenital syphilis. In addition, a further eponymical fifth finger sign is closely associated with the du Bois sign. In conclusion, the du Bois sign has only limited diagnostic value and is frequently occurring in the normal healthy population.

  2. Serious child and adolescent behaviour disorders; a valuation study by professionals, youth and parents.


    Vermeulen, Karin M; Jansen, Daniëlle E M C; Buskens, Erik; Knorth, Erik J; Reijneveld, Sijmen A


    In child and youth care, quantitative estimates of the impact of serious behaviour problems have not yet been made. Such input is needed to support decision making on investments in treatment. The aim of this paper was to elicit valuations of social and conduct disorders in children and adolescents from three different perspectives: professionals, youth, and parents. We obtained valuations from 25 youth care professionals, 50 children (age 9-10) without serious behaviour problems and 36 adolescents (age 16-17) with and without serious behaviour disorders, and 46 parents with children in the aforementioned age categories. Valuations were estimated from 18 descriptions of behaviour disorders in youth aged 9 and 15 years. Descriptions included Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD), and Disruptive Behaviour Disorder (DBD). Comorbid conditions were Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and substance abuse. Valuations were obtained with the EuroQol questionnaire (EQ-5D-3 L) and a visual analogue scale (VAS). Valuations were generally severe; problems were by and large reported to worsen quality of life by 50% compared to being fully healthy. Professionals regarded DBD with substance abuse as most severe (VAS values 0.41 for children, and 0.43 for adolescents, i.e. less than half of normal). They rated ODD as least severe (VAS values 0.58 for children, 0.59 for adolescents). Children, adolescents and parents gave lower valuations than professionals, and had a wider range of scores, particularly at the lower end of the scale. Behaviour disorders pose a formidable burden from the perspectives of professionals as well as children, adolescents and parents. These results may support medical decision making to set priorities with regard to prevention and treatment based on perceived severity.

  3. Real Options Valuation of e-Learning Projects

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Freitas, Angilberto; Brandao, Luiz


    New information and communication technologies have been gaining widespread use in Distance Education (DE) models. At the same time, the uncertainty in the market demand for this form of higher education is such that the valuation of "e-Learning" projects has become increasingly difficult and complex. This is due to the fact that…

  4. Prévention de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH/sida au Bénin: le consentement des femmes au dépistage est-il libre et éclairé ?

    PubMed Central

    Kêdoté, N.M.; Brousselle, A.; Champagne, F.; Laudy, D.


    Résumé Introduction Dans les politiques internationales et nationales sur le VIH/sida, le consentement libre et éclairé est reconnu comme une composante essentielle des programmes de dépistage. Le consentement libre et éclairé implique pour les femmes enceintes d’obtenir des informations sur le programme de prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant (PTME), de les comprendre et de faire un choix autonome après avoir évalué les risques et avantages. Cependant, aucune évaluation du programme de PTME ne s’est intéressée au consentement. L’objectif de cet article est d’explorer le caractère libre et éclairé du consentement des femmes enceintes quant au dépistage et à leurs motivations à faire le test. Méthode Nous avons utilisé des données récoltées dans le cadre d’une analyse d’implantation du programme de PTME au Bénin. Cette analyse s’appuie sur un devis d’étude de cas multiples incluant six maternités choisies parmi les 56 sites fonctionnels. Spécifiquement pour l’analyse du consentement, nous avons associé les données provenant d’une enquête à celles d’une recherche qualitative. Résultats Hormis trois cas de dépistage à l’insu, le caractère volontaire du consentement au test est respecté sur les sites de PTME. Vingt-neuf cas de refus ont été identifiés. Les raisons les plus souvent évoquées par les femmes enceintes sont la peur du résultat positif et de ses conséquences sur la vie familiale dans 55,2 % des cas et l’attente de l’accord ou du désaccord du mari dans 27,6 % des cas. Si globalement le consentement a été volontaire sur tous les sites, son caractère éclairé est moins probant. PMID:27840660

  5. The Contingent Valuation Method in Public Libraries

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chung, Hye-Kyung


    This study aims to present a new model measuring the economic value of public libraries, combining the dissonance minimizing (DM) and information bias minimizing (IBM) format in the contingent valuation (CV) surveys. The possible biases which are tied to the conventional CV surveys are reviewed. An empirical study is presented to compare the model…

  6. 26 CFR 301.7517-1 - Furnishing on request of statement explaining estate or gift valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... estate or gift valuation. 301.7517-1 Section 301.7517-1 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE... estate or gift valuation. (a) In general. Section 7517 requires the Service to furnish to a taxpayer, at the request of that taxpayer, a statement explaining the estate, gift or generation-skipping transfer...

  7. Anticipatory anxiety disrupts neural valuation during risky choice.


    Engelmann, Jan B; Meyer, Friederike; Fehr, Ernst; Ruff, Christian C


    Incidental negative emotions unrelated to the current task, such as background anxiety, can strongly influence decisions. This is most evident in psychiatric disorders associated with generalized emotional disturbances. However, the neural mechanisms by which incidental emotions may affect choices remain poorly understood. Here we study the effects of incidental anxiety on human risky decision making, focusing on both behavioral preferences and their underlying neural processes. Although observable choices remained stable across affective contexts with high and low incidental anxiety, we found a clear change in neural valuation signals: during high incidental anxiety, activity in ventromedial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum showed a marked reduction in (1) neural coding of the expected subjective value (ESV) of risky options, (2) prediction of observed choices, (3) functional coupling with other areas of the valuation system, and (4) baseline activity. At the same time, activity in the anterior insula showed an increase in coding the negative ESV of risky lotteries, and this neural activity predicted whether the risky lotteries would be rejected. This pattern of results suggests that incidental anxiety can shift the focus of neural valuation from possible positive consequences to anticipated negative consequences of choice options. Moreover, our findings show that these changes in neural value coding can occur in the absence of changes in overt behavior. This suggest a possible pathway by which background anxiety may lead to the development of chronic reward desensitization and a maladaptive focus on negative cognitions, as prevalent in affective and anxiety disorders. Copyright © 2015 the authors 0270-6474/15/353085-15$15.00/0.

  8. Landslides geotechnical analysis. Qualitative assessment by valuation factors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cuanalo Oscar, Sc D.; Oliva Aldo, Sc D.; Polanco Gabriel, M. E.


    In general, a landslide can cause a disaster when it is combined a number of factors such as an extreme event related to a geological phenomenon, vulnerable elements exposed in a specific geographic area, and the probability of loss and damage evaluated in terms of lives and economic assets, in a certain period of time. This paper presents the qualitative evaluation of slope stability through of Valuation Factors, obtained from the characterization of the determinants and triggers factors that influence the instability; for the first the morphology and topography, geology, soil mechanics, hydrogeology and vegetation to the second, the rain, earthquakes, erosion and scour, human activity, and ultimately dependent factors of the stability analysis, and its influence ranges which greatly facilitate the selection of construction processes best suited to improve the behavior of a slope or hillside. The Valuation Factors are a set of parameters for assessing the influence of conditioning and triggering factors that influence the stability of slopes and hillsides. The characteristics of each factor must be properly categorized to involve its effect on behavior; a way to do this is by assigning a weighted value range indicating its effect on the stability of a slope. It is proposed to use Valuation Factors with weighted values between 0 and 1 (arbitrarily selected but common sense and logic), the first corresponds to no or minimal effect on stability (no effect or very little influence) and the second, the greatest impact on it (has a significant influence). The meddle effects are evaluated with intermediate values.

  9. The Measurement of Subjective Value and Its Relation to Contingent Valuation and Environmental Public Goods

    PubMed Central

    Khaw, Mel W.; Grab, Denise A.; Livermore, Michael A.; Vossler, Christian A.; Glimcher, Paul W.


    Environmental public goods—including national parks, clean air/water, and ecosystem services—provide substantial benefits on a global scale. These goods have unique characteristics in that they are typically “nonmarket” goods, with values from both use and passive use that accrue to a large number of individuals both in current and future generations. In this study, we test the hypothesis that neural signals in areas correlated with subjective valuations for essentially all other previously studied categories of goods (ventromedial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum) also correlate with environmental valuations. We use contingent valuation (CV) as our behavioral tool for measuring valuations of environmental public goods. CV is a standard stated preference approach that presents survey respondents with information on an issue and asks questions that help policymakers determine how much citizens are willing to pay for a public good or policy. We scanned human subjects while they viewed environmental proposals, along with three other classes of goods. The presentation of all four classes of goods yielded robust and similar patterns of temporally synchronized brain activation within attentional networks. The activations associated with the traditional classes of goods replicate previous correlations between neural activity in valuation areas and behavioral preferences. In contrast, CV-elicited values for environmental proposals did not correlate with brain activity at either the individual or population level. For a sub-population of participants, CV-elicited values were correlated with activity within the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, a region associated with cognitive control and shifting decision strategies. The results show that neural activity associated with the subjective valuation of environmental proposals differs profoundly from the neural activity associated with previously examined goods and preference measures. PMID:26221734

  10. "Cirque du Freak."

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rivett, Miriam


    Considers the marketing strategies that underpin the success of the "Cirque du Freak" series. Describes how "Cirque du Freak" is an account of events in the life of schoolboy Darren Shan. Notes that it is another reworking of the vampire narrative, a sub-genre of horror writing that has proved highly popular with both adult and…

  11. Public provision of four-wheeled walkers: contingent valuation study of economic benefit.


    Haines, Terry; Brown, Cassandra; Morrison, Jan


    To quantify the economic value of publicly provided four-wheeled walkers as judged by recipients in Queensland, Australia. Contingent valuation study using willingness-to-pay approach. A sample of 49 Australian older adults who received a publicly funded four-wheeled walker in the past 3 months completed the survey via telephone. A discrete choice bidding response format with a randomly selected starting bid was employed to glean valuations. This approach yielded only one non-response, and one zero dollar response. The mean (standard deviation) valuation provided was $ A 290 ($ A 167), which was $ A 84 in excess of the price paid by the public provider agency to purchase the equipment. Starting bid was significantly associated with values provided. The current public provision program of four-wheeled walkers is likely to generate net societal benefit. These findings coupled with arguments based on equity build a moderate case for the continuation of this program.

  12. Suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Sisler, Jeffrey; Chaput, Geneviève; Sussman, Jonathan; Ozokwelu, Emmanuel


    Résumé Objectif Offrir aux médecins de famille un résumé des recommandations fondées sur les données probantes pour guider les soins aux survivantes traitées pour le cancer du sein. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans MEDLINE entre 2000 et 2016 à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : breast cancer, survivorship, follow-up care, aftercare, guidelines et survivorship care plans, en se concentrant sur la revue des lignes directrices publiées récemment par les organismes nationaux de cancérologie. Les données étaient de niveaux I à III. Message principal Les soins aux survivantes comportent 4 facettes : surveillance et dépistage, prise en charge des effets à long terme, promotion de la santé et coordination des soins. La surveillance des récidives ne se traduit que par une mammographie annuelle, et le dépistage d’autres cancers doit suivre les lignes directrices basées sur la population. La prise en charge des effets à long terme du cancer et de son traitement aborde des problèmes courants tels la douleur, la fatigue, le lymphœdème, la détresse et les effets indésirables des médicaments, de même que les préoccupations à long terme comme la santé du cœur et des os. La promotion de la santé met en relief les bienfaits de l’activité chez les survivantes du cancer, avec l’accent mis sur l’activité physique. Les soins aux survivantes sont de meilleure qualité lorsque divers services et professionnels de la santé participent aux soins, et le médecin de famille joue un rôle important dans la coordination des soins. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont de plus en plus souvent les principaux fournisseurs de soins de suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein. Le cancer du sein doit être considéré comme une affection médicale chronique, même chez les femmes en rémission, et les patientes profitent de la même approche que celle utilisée pour les autres affections chroniques en

  13. 48 CFR 211.274-3 - Policy for valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Policy for valuation. 211.274-3 Section 211.274-3 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEFENSE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM...) The Government's unit acquisition cost of subassemblies, components, and parts embedded in delivered...

  14. Aiding priority setting in health care: is there a role for the contingent valuation method?


    Olsen, J A


    The paper discusses some methodological and measurement aspects with the contingent valuation (CV) method which appear to create problems when eliciting preferences for the relative social valuation of alternative health care programmes. After pointing to biases which tend to exaggerate the true valuations, emphasis is placed on framing issues when applied to health care. Thereafter the paper discusses the extent to which preferences elicited through one's willingness to pay can be used to infer how the respondent would prioritize between the health care programmes in question. New empirical evidence is presented which suggest discrepancies between a CV ranking and the ranking expressed when making a direct ordinal comparison.

  15. Quantifying Users' Interconnectedness in Online Social Networks - An Indispensible Step for Economic Valuation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gneiser, Martin; Heidemann, Julia; Klier, Mathias; Landherr, Andrea; Probst, Florian

    Online social networks have been gaining increasing economic importance in light of the rising number of their users. Numerous recent acquisitions priced at enormous amounts have illustrated this development and revealed the need for adequate business valuation models. The value of an online social network is largely determined by the value of its users, the relationships between these users, and the resulting network effects. Therefore, the interconnectedness of a user within the network has to be considered explicitly to get a reasonable estimate for the economic value. Established standard business valuation models, however, do not sufficiently take these aspects into account. Thus, we propose a measure based on the PageRank-algorithm to quantify users’ interconnectedness in an online social network. This is a first but indispensible step towards an adequate economic valuation of online social networks.

  16. Prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang à Kisangani, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Bassandja, Jacques Ossinga; Agasa, Salomon Batina; Likwela, Joris Losimba


    Introduction Le paludisme transfusionnel est une réalité en Afrique Sub-saharienne, en raison des transfusions sanguines répétées, peu ou non contrôlées et où les donneurs sont en majorité potentiellement porteurs d'hématozoaires. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang à Kisangani. Méthodes Une étude transversale a été menée au Centre Provincial de Transfusion Sanguine à Kisangani du 1er Décembre 2012 au 31 Mars 2013 et a concerné 480 donneurs bénévoles de sang. Résultats La prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang était de 28,3%. Plasmodium falciparum était l'espèce la plus répandue (96,3%). Près de la moitié des donneurs avait une parasitémie supérieure à 2000 parasites/µl. Les facteurs qui étaient significativement associés à la parasitémie étaient le jeune âge, le 1er don, et la non utilisation de la moustiquaire imprégnée d'insecticide à longue durée (MILD). Conclusion Les résultats de cette étude montrent que la prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang était élevée, constituant ainsi un risque important de transmission du parasite aux receveurs souvent en mauvais état général. Cependant, l'utilisation de la MILD et la fidélisation des donneurs bénévoles semblent constituer des moyens utiles de réduction du risque de portage asymptomatique du Plasmodium. Une sensibilisation et éventuellement des distributions ciblées de MILD aux donneurs, en particuliers les plus jeunes, pourraient réduire considérablement le portage du Plasmodium parmi les donneurs de sang et ainsi réduire le risque de paludisme transfusionnel. PMID:25328616

  17. 7 CFR 3015.53 - Valuation of donated services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Valuation of donated services. 3015.53 Section 3015.53 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNIFORM FEDERAL ASSISTANCE REGULATIONS Cost-Sharing or Matching § 3015...

  18. 48 CFR 211.274-3 - Policy for valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Policy for valuation. 211.274-3 Section 211.274-3 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEFENSE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM... unit acquisition cost of subassemblies, components, and parts embedded in delivered items need not be...

  19. 48 CFR 211.274-3 - Policy for valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Policy for valuation. 211.274-3 Section 211.274-3 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEFENSE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM... unit acquisition cost of subassemblies, components, and parts embedded in delivered items need not be...

  20. 48 CFR 211.274-3 - Policy for valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Policy for valuation. 211.274-3 Section 211.274-3 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEFENSE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM... unit acquisition cost of subassemblies, components, and parts embedded in delivered items need not be...

  1. 48 CFR 211.274-3 - Policy for valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 3 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Policy for valuation. 211.274-3 Section 211.274-3 Federal Acquisition Regulations System DEFENSE ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM... unit acquisition cost of subassemblies, components, and parts embedded in delivered items need not be...

  2. Application of Real Options Analysis in the Valuation of Investment in Biodiesel Production

    DTIC Science & Technology


    biodiesel) at time t, P(t) be assumed to evolve as the stochastic process given by the geometric Brownian motion (GBM). Then PdWPdtdP...Equation (3) Then in any differential time interval, dt, dX follows an arithmetic Brownian motion , which under risk neutral valuation, will be given by...valuation of American put options,” Journal of Finance 32 (May), pp.449-462. 5. Brennan, M. and E. Schwartz, 1978, “Finite difference methods and

  3. Profil anatomopathologique du cancer du sein dans le cap bon tunisien

    PubMed Central

    Sahraoui, Ghada; Khanchel, Fatma; Chelbi, Emna


    Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent de la femme en Tunisie et dans le monde. Dans le Cap Bon tunisien, les particularités anatomopathologiques de ce cancer n'ont pas été précisées auparavant. Leur connaissance est nécessaire pour l'adaptation des systèmes de prévention et de soins dans la région. Le but de notre étude était de déterminer le profil anatomopathologique des carcinomes mammaires dans l'unique laboratoire d'anatomie pathologique publique de la région. Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive rétrospective des carcinomes mammaires diagnostiqués chez 116 malades dans notre laboratoire sur une période de 5 ans de Juillet 2010 à Juillet 2015. Notre étude a inclus 116 patientes. L'âge moyen était de 51 ans. La taille tumorale histologique moyenne était de 31 mm. Le diagnostic initial était posé sur pièce de tumorectomie dans 83% des cas. Le carcinome infiltrant de type non spécifique était le type histologique le plus fréquent. Le grade SBR III était majoritaire. L'invasion lympho-vasculaire était présente dans 33% des cas. Le curage axillaire était positif dans 72% des cas. Les récepteurs hormonaux étaient positifs dans 73% des cas. Les récepteurs de l'Her2-Neu étaient surexprimés dans 19% des cas. Le ki67 était ≥ 14% dans 38%. Le sous-type moléculaire le plus fréquent était le luminal A. Le carcinome mammaire dans la région du Cap Bon se caractérise par sa survenue à un âge jeune, son importante taille tumorale et la fréquence de facteurs histopronostiques péjoratifs. PMID:28450990

  4. 26 CFR 25.2512-6 - Valuation of certain life insurance and annuity contracts; valuation of shares in an open-end...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... annuity. The value of the gift is the cost of the contract. Example (2). An annuitant purchased from a... Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) ESTATE AND GIFT TAXES GIFT TAX; GIFTS MADE AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1954 Transfers § 25.2512-6 Valuation of certain life insurance and annuity...

  5. 30 CFR 1206.152 - Valuation standards-unprocessed gas.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Valuation standards-unprocessed gas. 1206.152 Section 1206.152 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATURAL... section. The notification shall be by letter to the ONRR Director for Office of Natural Resources Revenue...

  6. 30 CFR 1206.152 - Valuation standards-unprocessed gas.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Valuation standards-unprocessed gas. 1206.152 Section 1206.152 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATURAL... section. The notification shall be by letter to the ONRR Director for Office of Natural Resources Revenue...

  7. 30 CFR 1206.152 - Valuation standards-unprocessed gas.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Valuation standards-unprocessed gas. 1206.152 Section 1206.152 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATURAL... section. The notification shall be by letter to the ONRR Director for Office of Natural Resources Revenue...

  8. 26 CFR 1.471-2 - Valuation of inventories.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...-2 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Inventories § 1.471-2 Valuation of inventories. (a) Section 471 provides two tests...-5.) Any goods in an inventory which are unsalable at normal prices or unusable in the normal way...

  9. 76 FR 30878 - Federal Oil and Gas Valuation

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... when gas is processed, in lieu of valuing residue gas and extracted liquid products separately... natural gas liquids (NGL) price similar to a ``frac spread'' or a ``processing margin.'' Certain plant... No. ONRR-2011-0005] RIN 1012-AA01 Federal Oil and Gas Valuation AGENCY: Office of Natural Resources...

  10. Not an Inexhaustible Resource: Valuation and Depreciation of Library Collections in the Queensland Department of Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cram, Jennifer


    Anecdotal evidence suggests that valuation of library collections is not being addressed by library managers, despite the growing popularity of accrual accounting in publicly funded institutions. This article discusses the implications of asset valuation and describes the development and implementation a method for valuing the library collections…

  11. Real options and asset valuation in competitive energy markets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Oduntan, Adekunle Richard

    The focus of this work is to develop a robust valuation framework for physical power assets operating in competitive markets such as peaking or mid-merit thermal power plants and baseload power plants. The goal is to develop a modeling framework that can be adapted to different energy assets with different types of operating flexibilities and technical constraints and which can be employed for various purposes such as capital budgeting, business planning, risk management and strategic bidding planning among others. The valuation framework must also be able to capture the reality of power market rules and opportunities, as well as technical constraints of different assets. The modeling framework developed conceptualizes operating flexibilities of power assets as "switching options' whereby the asset operator decides at every decision point whether to switch from one operating mode to another mutually exclusive mode, within the limits of the equipment constraints of the asset. As a current decision to switch operating modes may affect future operating flexibilities of the asset and hence cash flows, a dynamic optimization framework is employed. The developed framework accounts for the uncertain nature of key value drivers by representing them with appropriate stochastic processes. Specifically, the framework developed conceptualizes the operation of a power asset as a multi-stage decision making problem where the operator has to make a decision at every stage to alter operating mode given currently available information about key value drivers. The problem is then solved dynamically by decomposing it into a series of two-stage sub-problems according to Bellman's optimality principle. The solution algorithm employed is the Least Squares Monte Carlo (LSM) method. The developed valuation framework was adapted for a gas-fired thermal power plant, a peaking hydroelectric power plant and a baseload power plant. This work built on previously published real options valuation

  12. [Crisis in the valuation, emotional labor and occupational burnout among teachers of religion].


    Lachowska, Bogusława; Starczewski, Karol


    This article presents an analysis of the relationship between the crisis of values and in the valuation, the strategy of emotional labor, and occupational burnout in the group of lay teachers of religion. In addition, the role of emotional labor as a mediator of the relationship between the crisis of values and burnout was analyzed. Three strategies of emotional labor were considered in the study: surface acting, deep acting, and expression of naturally felt emotions. The study was conducted in a group of 169 lay teachers of religion (males - 24%, females - 76%), using the Questionnaire for Investigating Crisis in Valuation developed by Oleś, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and the Emotional Labour Scale developed by Diefendorff, Croyle and Gosserand. The crisis of values and in the valuation is an important factor responsible for occupational burnout in the group of lay teachers of religion. Surface acting and expression of naturally felt emotions mediate the relationship between crisis in the valuation and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment. Surface acting increases, while the expression of naturally felt emotions decreases occupational burnout. Deep acting is not related with occupational burnout. It is justified to seek factors favoring the expression of naturally felt emotions, and also those reducing surface acting. This work is available in Open Access model and licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0 PL license.

  13. 30 CFR 1206.153 - Valuation standards-processed gas.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Valuation standards-processed gas. 1206.153 Section 1206.153 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATURAL... notification shall be by letter to the ONRR Director for Office of Natural Resources or his/her designee. The...

  14. 30 CFR 1206.153 - Valuation standards-processed gas.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Valuation standards-processed gas. 1206.153 Section 1206.153 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATURAL... notification shall be by letter to the ONRR Director for Office of Natural Resources or his/her designee. The...

  15. 30 CFR 1206.153 - Valuation standards-processed gas.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Valuation standards-processed gas. 1206.153 Section 1206.153 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATURAL... notification shall be by letter to the ONRR Director for Office of Natural Resources or his/her designee. The...

  16. Environmental Economics for Watershed Restoration: Valuation for Non-Economists

    EPA Science Inventory

    EPA economists completed research projects and summarized related valuation methods and case studies, mostly dealing with acid mine drainage. Their recent book (edited by Thurston, et al.) is intended to make stakeholders more comfortable talking about economic jargon and to info...

  17. Prospect theory in the valuation of health.


    Moffett, Maurice L; Suarez-Almazor, Maria E


    Prospect theory is the prominent nonexpected utility theory in the estimation of health state preference scores for quality-adjusted life year calculation. Until recently, the theory was not considered to be developed to the point of implementation in economic analysis. This review focuses on the research and evidence that tests the implementation of prospect theory into health state valuation. The typical application of expected utility theory assumes that a decision maker has stable preferences under conditions of risk and uncertainty. Under prospect theory, preferences are dependent on whether the decision maker regards the outcome of a choice as a gain or loss, relative to a reference point. The conceptual preference for standard gamble utilities in the valuation of health states has led to the development of elicitation techniques. Empirical evidence using these techniques indicates that when individual preferences are elicited, a prospect theory consistent framework appears to be necessary for adequate representation of individual health utilities. The relevance of prospect theory to policy making and resource allocation remains to be established. Societal preferences may not need the same attitudes towards risks as individual preferences, and may remain largely risk neutral.

  18. Considerations on patent valuation based on patent classification and citation in biotechnological field

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mihara, Kenji

    Regarding innovation measurement utilizing patent information, a number of researchers are making great efforts to measure a "patent value (patent quality)." For patent valuation, patent classification and citation are often utilized as patent information. Also, biotechnological field is attracting attention from the viewpoint of application to environmental or medical study, and considerable researches on patent valuation are ongoing in this technical field. However, it is not enough recognized that researchers cannot be too careful when they deal with classification information in the biotech field because patent classification structure in this field is not well-established. And also, it is not known enough that citation patterns of both academic papers and patent documents are so complicated that the patterns cannot be easily generalized. In this article, the issues above were verified from a position based on working experiences of biotech patent examiner at Japan Patent Office, and considerations and implications were given on what patent valuation should be.

  19. The improved business valuation model for RFID company based on the community mining method.


    Li, Shugang; Yu, Zhaoxu


    Nowadays, the appetite for the investment and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in RFID companies is growing rapidly. Although the huge number of papers have addressed the topic of business valuation models based on statistical methods or neural network methods, only a few are dedicated to constructing a general framework for business valuation that improves the performance with network graph (NG) and the corresponding community mining (CM) method. In this study, an NG based business valuation model is proposed, where real options approach (ROA) integrating CM method is designed to predict the company's net profit as well as estimate the company value. Three improvements are made in the proposed valuation model: Firstly, our model figures out the credibility of the node belonging to each community and clusters the network according to the evolutionary Bayesian method. Secondly, the improved bacterial foraging optimization algorithm (IBFOA) is adopted to calculate the optimized Bayesian posterior probability function. Finally, in IBFOA, bi-objective method is used to assess the accuracy of prediction, and these two objectives are combined into one objective function using a new Pareto boundary method. The proposed method returns lower forecasting error than 10 well-known forecasting models on 3 different time interval valuing tasks for the real-life simulation of RFID companies.

  20. An Initial Design of ISO 19152:2012 LADM Based Valuation and Taxation Data Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Çağdaş, V.; Kara, A.; van Oosterom, P.; Lemmen, C.; Işıkdağ, Ü.; Kathmann, R.; Stubkjær, E.


    A fiscal registry or database is supposed to record geometric, legal, physical, economic, and environmental characteristics in relation to property units, which are subject to immovable property valuation and taxation. Apart from procedural standards, there is no internationally accepted data standard that defines the semantics of fiscal databases. The ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), as an international land administration standard focuses on legal requirements, but considers out of scope specifications of external information systems including valuation and taxation databases. However, it provides a formalism which allows for an extension that responds to the fiscal requirements. This paper introduces an initial version of a LADM - Fiscal Extension Module for the specification of databases used in immovable property valuation and taxation. The extension module is designed to facilitate all stages of immovable property taxation, namely the identification of properties and taxpayers, assessment of properties through single or mass appraisal procedures, automatic generation of sales statistics, and the management of tax collection, dealing with arrears and appeals. It is expected that the initial version will be refined through further activities held by a possible joint working group under FIG Commission 7 (Cadastre and Land Management) and FIG Commission 9 (Valuation and the Management of Real Estate) in collaboration with other relevant international bodies.

  1. The improved business valuation model for RFID company based on the community mining method

    PubMed Central

    Li, Shugang; Yu, Zhaoxu


    Nowadays, the appetite for the investment and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in RFID companies is growing rapidly. Although the huge number of papers have addressed the topic of business valuation models based on statistical methods or neural network methods, only a few are dedicated to constructing a general framework for business valuation that improves the performance with network graph (NG) and the corresponding community mining (CM) method. In this study, an NG based business valuation model is proposed, where real options approach (ROA) integrating CM method is designed to predict the company’s net profit as well as estimate the company value. Three improvements are made in the proposed valuation model: Firstly, our model figures out the credibility of the node belonging to each community and clusters the network according to the evolutionary Bayesian method. Secondly, the improved bacterial foraging optimization algorithm (IBFOA) is adopted to calculate the optimized Bayesian posterior probability function. Finally, in IBFOA, bi-objective method is used to assess the accuracy of prediction, and these two objectives are combined into one objective function using a new Pareto boundary method. The proposed method returns lower forecasting error than 10 well-known forecasting models on 3 different time interval valuing tasks for the real-life simulation of RFID companies. PMID:28459815

  2. Economic valuation for sustainable development in the Swedish coastal zone.


    Söderqvist, Tore; Eggert, Håkan; Olsson, Björn; Soutukorva, Asa


    The Swedish coastal zone is a scene of conflicting interests about various goods and services provided by nature. Open-access conditions and the public nature of many services increase the difficulty in resolving these conflicts. "Sustainability" is a vague but widely accepted guideline for finding reasonable trade-offs between different interests. The UN view of sustainable development suggests that coastal zone management should aim at a sustainable ecological, economic, and social-cultural development. Looking closer at economic sustainability, it is observed that economic analyses about whether changes in society imply a gain or a loss should take into account the economic value of the environment. Methods used for making such economic valuation in the context of the Swedish coastal zone are briefly reviewed. It is noted that the property rights context matters for the results of a valuation study. This general background is followed by a concise presentation of the design and results of four valuation studies on Swedish coastal zone issues. One study is on the economic value of an improved bathing water quality in the Stockholm archipelago. The other studies are a travel cost study about the economic value of improved recreational fisheries in the Stockholm archipelago, a replacement cost study on the value of restoring habitats for sea trout, and a choice experiment study on the economic value of improved water quality along the Swedish westcoast.

  3. 26 CFR 25.2512-3 - Valuation of interest in businesses.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... AND GIFT TAXES GIFT TAX; GIFTS MADE AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1954 Transfers § 25.2512-3 Valuation of... with the return, including copies of reports of examinations of the business made by accountants...

  4. The valuation of health care intangible assets.


    Reilly, R F; Rabe, J R


    Health care entities (and especially medical practices) are valued for a number of reasons: sale transaction pricing and structuring, merger formation and dissolution, taxation and regulatory compliance, and litigation support and dispute resolution. The identification and quantification of the entity's intangible assets are often the most important aspects of the valuation. This article illustrates the generally accepted methods for valuing health care-related intangible assets.

  5. A framework for the social valuation of ecosystem services.


    Felipe-Lucia, María R; Comín, Francisco A; Escalera-Reyes, Javier


    Methods to assess ecosystem services using ecological or economic approaches are considerably better defined than methods for the social approach. To identify why the social approach remains unclear, we reviewed current trends in the literature. We found two main reasons: (i) the cultural ecosystem services are usually used to represent the whole social approach, and (ii) the economic valuation based on social preferences is typically included in the social approach. Next, we proposed a framework for the social valuation of ecosystem services that provides alternatives to economics methods, enables comparison across studies, and supports decision-making in land planning and management. The framework includes the agreements emerged from the review, such as considering spatial-temporal flows, including stakeholders from all social ranges, and using two complementary methods to value ecosystem services. Finally, we provided practical recommendations learned from the application of the proposed framework in a case study.

  6. Analysis of the uncertainty in the monetary valuation of ecosystem services--A case study at the river basin scale.


    Boithias, Laurie; Terrado, Marta; Corominas, Lluís; Ziv, Guy; Kumar, Vikas; Marqués, Montse; Schuhmacher, Marta; Acuña, Vicenç


    Ecosystem services provide multiple benefits to human wellbeing and are increasingly considered by policy-makers in environmental management. However, the uncertainty related with the monetary valuation of these benefits is not yet adequately defined or integrated by policy-makers. Given this background, our aim was to quantify different sources of uncertainty when performing monetary valuation of ecosystem services, in order to provide a series of guidelines to reduce them. With an example of 4 ecosystem services (i.e., water provisioning, waste treatment, erosion protection, and habitat for species) provided at the river basin scale, we quantified the uncertainty associated with the following sources: (1) the number of services considered, (2) the number of benefits considered for each service, (3) the valuation metrics (i.e. valuation methods) used to value benefits, and (4) the uncertainty of the parameters included in the valuation metrics. Results indicate that the highest uncertainty was caused by the number of services considered, as well as by the number of benefits considered for each service, whereas the parametric uncertainty was similar to the one related to the selection of valuation metric, thus suggesting that the parametric uncertainty, which is the only uncertainty type commonly considered, was less critical than the structural uncertainty, which is in turn mainly dependent on the decision-making context. Given the uncertainty associated to the valuation structure, special attention should be given to the selection of services, benefits and metrics according to a given context. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Command and Control (C2) Agility (Agilite du commandement et du controle (C2))

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de la rigueur et de l’emploi des méthodes de mesure et d’amélioration de l’agilité du C2. Le spectre des missions... Control and Intelligence (C2I) Section DRDC Valcartier 2459 de la Bravoure Road Québec (Québec) G3J 1X5 CANADA Email: Micheline.Belanger@drdc...Agilité du commandement et du contrôle (C2) (STO-TR-SAS-085) Synthèse L’agilité est la capacité à effectuer avec succès, s’occuper de

  8. 26 CFR 20.2031-3 - Valuation of interests in businesses.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... individual or a corporation, would pay for the interest to a willing seller, neither being under any... § 20.2031-2 relating to the valuation of corporate stock, to the extent applicable. Special attention...

  9. 26 CFR 20.2031-3 - Valuation of interests in businesses.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... individual or a corporation, would pay for the interest to a willing seller, neither being under any... § 20.2031-2 relating to the valuation of corporate stock, to the extent applicable. Special attention...

  10. 26 CFR 20.2031-3 - Valuation of interests in businesses.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... individual or a corporation, would pay for the interest to a willing seller, neither being under any... § 20.2031-2 relating to the valuation of corporate stock, to the extent applicable. Special attention...

  11. 26 CFR 20.2031-3 - Valuation of interests in businesses.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... individual or a corporation, would pay for the interest to a willing seller, neither being under any... § 20.2031-2 relating to the valuation of corporate stock, to the extent applicable. Special attention...

  12. Valuation of preference-based measures: can existing preference data be used to generate better estimates?


    Kharroubi, Samer A


    Experimental studies to develop valuations of health state descriptive systems like EQ-5D or SF-6D need to be conducted in different countries, because social and cultural differences are likely to lead to systematically different valuations. There is a scope utilize the evidence in one country to help with the design and the analysis of a study in another, for this to enable the generation of utility estimates of the second country much more precisely than would have been possible when collecting and analyzing the country's data alone. We analyze SF-6D valuation data elicited from representative samples corresponding to the Hong Kong (HK) and United Kingdom (UK) general adult populations through the use of the standard gamble technique to value 197 and 249 health states respectively. We apply a nonparametric Bayesian model to estimate a HK value set using the UK dataset as informative prior to improve its estimation. Estimates are compared to a HK value set estimated using HK values alone using mean predictions and root mean square error. The novel method of modelling utility functions permitted the UK valuations to contribute significant prior information to the Hong Kong analysis. The results suggest that using HK data alongside the existing UK data produces HK utility estimates better than using the HK study data by itself. The promising results suggest that existing preference data could be combined with valuation study in a new country to generate preference weights, making own country value sets more achievable for low and middle income countries. Further research is encouraged.

  13. [Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Farmland Soil in Du'an Autonomous County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China].


    Wu, Yang; Yang, Jun; Zhou, Xiao-yong; Lei, Mei; Gao, Ding; Qiao, Peng-wei; Du, Guo-dong


    For a comprehensive understanding of the pollution characteristics and ecological risk of heavy metals of farmland soil in Du'an Autonomous County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, this study evaluated the cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), antimony (Sb), copper (Cu) and lead ( Pb) pollution situation using the single factor index, the Nemerow pollution index and the Hakanson ecological risk index. The results showed that heavy-metal pollution of farmland soil in Du'an County was serious. 74.6% of the soil samples had heavy metals concentrations higher than the Grade II of National Soil Environmental Quality Standard (GB 15618-1995). The over standard rates of Cd, As, Ni, Zn, Cr, Sb, Cu, Pb were 70.6%, 42.9%, 34.9%, 19.8%, 19.6%, 2.94%, 1.59%, 0.79%, respectively. Cd and As were the main contaminants in Du'an County, the pollution was far more serious than those of the national and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In terms of the ecological risk, heavy metals of farmland soil in Du'an County showed a "middle" ecological risk, with Cd accounting for 88% of the total ecological risk. The north-west of Jiudu Town and the zone between Bao'an Town and Dongmiao Town were two areas with high ecological risk in Du'an County. The contamination of farmland soils in Du'an County was caused by two main sources, whereas the pollution of As and Sb of farmland soils near Diaojiang River was mainly caused by the upstream mining industry.

  14. 78 FR 68089 - Proposed Information Collection; Visibility Valuation Survey

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR National Park Service [NPS-WASO-NRSS-SSD-14447; PPWONRADA0, PPMRSNR1Y.NA0000] Proposed Information Collection; Visibility Valuation Survey AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior. ACTION: Notice; request for comments. SUMMARY: We (National Park Service) will ask the Office of...

  15. 29 CFR 4281.17 - Asset valuation methods-in general.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 9 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Asset valuation methods-in general. 4281.17 Section 4281.17 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY CORPORATION INSOLVENCY, REORGANIZATION, TERMINATION, AND OTHER RULES APPLICABLE TO MULTIEMPLOYER PLANS DUTIES OF PLAN SPONSOR FOLLOWING...

  16. 29 CFR 4281.13 - Benefit valuation methods-in general.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 9 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Benefit valuation methods-in general. 4281.13 Section 4281.13 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY CORPORATION INSOLVENCY, REORGANIZATION, TERMINATION, AND OTHER RULES APPLICABLE TO MULTIEMPLOYER PLANS DUTIES OF PLAN SPONSOR FOLLOWING...


    PubMed Central

    Contandriopoulos, André-Pierre; Rey, Lynda; Brousselle, Astrid; Champagne, François


    L’évaluation doit théoriquement aider les décideurs à relever les défis des systèmes de santé contemporains. Paradoxalement, malgré le développement rapide du domaine, l’utilisation des résultats des évaluations par ces décideurs reste faible. Le degré d’utilisation ne dépendrait-il pas de la capacité de l’évaluateur à rendre compte de la complexité des systèmes de santé? La nature complexe d’une intervention amène souvent les évaluateurs à adopter des approches non conventionnelles tenant compte du jeu des acteurs. L’évaluation d’une intervention complexe soulève des enjeux conceptuels, méthodologiques, et opérationnels que doit surmonter l’évaluateur pour accroître le degré d’utilisation des résultats par les décideurs. PMID:27293310

  18. “Tell me I’m sexy…and otherwise valuable:” Body Valuation and Relationship Satisfaction

    PubMed Central

    Meltzer, Andrea L.; McNulty, James K.


    Although extant research demonstrates that body valuation by strangers has negative implications for women, Studies 1 and 2 demonstrate that body valuation by a committed male partner is positively associated with women’s relationship satisfaction when that partner also values them for their non-physical qualities, but negatively associated with women’s relationship satisfaction when that partner is not committed or does not value them for their non-physical qualities. Study 3 demonstrates that body valuation by a committed female partner is negatively associated with men’s relationship satisfaction when that partner does not also value them for their non-physical qualities but unassociated with men’s satisfaction otherwise. These findings join others demonstrating that fully understanding the implications of interpersonal processes requires considering the interpersonal context. (120 words) PMID:24683309

  19. Formulaic expert method to integrate evaluation and valuation of heritage trees in compact city.


    Jim, C Y


    Urban trees serve important environmental, social and economic functions, but similar to other natural endowments they are not customarily depicted in monetary terms. The needs to augment protection, funding and community support for urban greening call for proper valuation. Heritage trees (HTs), the cream of urban-tree stock, deserve special attention. Existing assessment methods do not give justice to outstanding trees in compact cities deficient in high-caliber greenery, and to their social-cultural-historical importance. They artificially separate evaluation from valuation, which should be a natural progression from the former. Review of tree valuation methods suggested the formula approach to be more suitable than contingent valuation and hedonic pricing, and provided hints on their strengths and weaknesses. This study develops an alternative formulaic expert method (FEM) that integrates evaluation and valuation, maximizes objectivity, broadly encompasses the key tree, tree-environment and tree-human traits, and accords realistic monetary value to HTs. Six primary criteria (dimension, species, tree, condition, location, and outstanding consideration) branched into 45 secondary criteria, each allocated numerical marks. Each primary criterion was standardized to carry equal weight, and a tree's maximum aggregate score is capped at 100. A Monetary Assignment Factor (MAF) to consign dollar value to each score unit was derived from three-year average per m(2) sale price of medium-sized residential flats. The applicability of FEM was tested on selected HTs in compact Hong Kong. The aggregate score of a tree multiplied by MAF yielded monetary value, which was on average 66 times higher than the result from the commonly-adopted Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers method. The computed tree values could be publicized together with multiple tree benefits to raise understanding and awareness and rally support to protect HTs. The property-linked FEM could be flexibly

  20. 30 CFR 210.154 - What documents or other information must I submit for Federal oil valuation purposes?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... and Reports-Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources § 210.154 What documents or other information must I submit for Federal oil valuation purposes? (a) General. The MMS may require you to submit documents or... submit for Federal oil valuation purposes? 210.154 Section 210.154 Mineral Resources MINERALS MANAGEMENT...

  1. 31 CFR 223.9 - Valuation of assets and liabilities.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Valuation of assets and liabilities. 223.9 Section 223.9 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) FISCAL SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE SURETY COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS...

  2. 31 CFR 223.9 - Valuation of assets and liabilities.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 2 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Valuation of assets and liabilities. 223.9 Section 223.9 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) FISCAL SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE SURETY COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS...

  3. 31 CFR 223.9 - Valuation of assets and liabilities.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Valuation of assets and liabilities. 223.9 Section 223.9 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) FISCAL SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE SURETY COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS...

  4. 31 CFR 223.9 - Valuation of assets and liabilities.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 2 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Valuation of assets and liabilities. 223.9 Section 223.9 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) FISCAL SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE SURETY COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS...

  5. Consequences experimentales des effets des fluctuations du vide sur la fluorescence parametrique et la generation du second harmonique en milieu confine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robichaud, Luc

    Les fluctuations du vide, qui consistent en l'apparition momentanee de particules, ce qui est permit par le principe d'incertitude de Heisenberg, joue un role primordial dans les processus photoniques, en particulier les processus non-lineaires. Par la manipulation de ces fluctuations du vide a l'aide de confinement optique, on retrouve deux phenomenes particuliers : l'intensification de la fluorescence parametrique (Walker, 2008) et l'inhibition de la generation du second harmonique (Collette, 2013). Dans ce travail, on presente les resultats dans le cas classique ; c'est-a-dire sans fluctuations du vide et confinement. Par la suite, on presente les effets des fluctuations du vide et du confinement, ce qui mene aux deux effets mentionnes. Dans le cas de la fluorescence parametrique, le bruit quantique sur le champ interne et externe est calcule, le role du desaccord de phase dans le modele est expose et une generalisation tridimensionnelle est etudiee afin de generaliser la conception du modele d'un cas unidimensionnel a un cas tridimensionnel planaire. Dans le cas de la generation du second harmonique, les difficultes d'un modele purement tridimensionnel sont exposees et ensuite le cas limite planaire est etudie.

  6. Instream flow assessment and economic valuation: a survey of nonmarket benefits research

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Douglas, Aaron J.; Johnson, Richard L.


    Instream flow benefits for United States streams and rivers have recently been investigated by a number of resource economists. These valuation efforts differ in scope, method, and quantitative results. An assessment and review of these valuation efforts is presented. The various sources of differences in non‐market values produced by these studies are explored in some detail. The considerable difficulty of producing estimates of instream flow benefits values that consider all of the pertinent policy and technical issues is delineated in various policy contexts. Evidence is presented that indicates that the considerable policy impact of recent research on this topic is justified despite considerable variation in the magnitude of the estimates.

  7. Reconsidering the use of rankings in the valuation of health states: a model for estimating cardinal values from ordinal data

    PubMed Central

    Salomon, Joshua A


    Background In survey studies on health-state valuations, ordinal ranking exercises often are used as precursors to other elicitation methods such as the time trade-off (TTO) or standard gamble, but the ranking data have not been used in deriving cardinal valuations. This study reconsiders the role of ordinal ranks in valuing health and introduces a new approach to estimate interval-scaled valuations based on aggregate ranking data. Methods Analyses were undertaken on data from a previously published general population survey study in the United Kingdom that included rankings and TTO values for hypothetical states described using the EQ-5D classification system. The EQ-5D includes five domains (mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression) with three possible levels on each. Rank data were analysed using a random utility model, operationalized through conditional logit regression. In the statistical model, probabilities of observed rankings were related to the latent utilities of different health states, modeled as a linear function of EQ-5D domain scores, as in previously reported EQ-5D valuation functions. Predicted valuations based on the conditional logit model were compared to observed TTO values for the 42 states in the study and to predictions based on a model estimated directly from the TTO values. Models were evaluated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between predictions and mean observations, and the root mean squared error of predictions at the individual level. Results Agreement between predicted valuations from the rank model and observed TTO values was very high, with an ICC of 0.97, only marginally lower than for predictions based on the model estimated directly from TTO values (ICC = 0.99). Individual-level errors were also comparable in the two models, with root mean squared errors of 0.503 and 0.496 for the rank-based and TTO-based predictions, respectively. Conclusions Modeling health

  8. Workshop: Using Contingent Valuation to Measure Non-Market Values (1994)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Workshop co-hosted by USEPA and Dept of Energy on using contingent valuation to measure non-market values for improvement in health and the environment. Includes transcripts of presentations and discussion by attendees, later published as a book.

  9. Altered subjective reward valuation among drug-deprived heavy marijuana users: Aversion to uncertainty

    PubMed Central

    Hefner, Kathryn R.; Starr, Mark. J.; Curtin, John. J.


    Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States and its use is rising. Nonetheless, scientific efforts to clarify the risk for addiction and other harm associated with marijuana use have been lacking. Maladaptive decision-making is a cardinal feature of addiction that is likely to emerge in heavy users. In particular, distorted subjective reward valuation related to homeostatic or allostatic processes has been implicated for many drugs of abuse. Selective changes in responses to uncertainty have been observed in response to intoxication and deprivation from various drugs of abuse. To assess for these potential neuroadaptive changes in reward valuation associated with marijuana deprivation, we examined the subjective value of uncertain and certain rewards among deprived and non-deprived heavy marijuana users in a behavioral economics decision-making task. Deprived users displayed reduced valuation of uncertain rewards, particularly when these rewards were more objectively valuable. This uncertainty aversion increased with increasing quantity of marijuana use. These results suggest comparable decision-making vulnerability from marijuana use as other drugs of abuse, and highlights targets for intervention. PMID:26595464

  10. Fuzzy net present valuation based on risk assessment of Malaysian infrastructure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shaffie, Siti Salihah; Jaaman, Saiful Hafizah; Mohamad, Daud


    In recent years, built-operate-transfer (BOT) projects have profoundly been accepted under project financing for infrastructure developments in many countries. It requires high financing and involves complex mutual risk. The assessment of the risks is vital to avert huge financial loss. Net present value is widely applied to BOT project where the uncertainties in cash flows are deemed to be deterministic values. This study proposed a fuzzy net present value model taking consideration the assessment of risks from the BOT project. The proposed model is adopted to provide more flexible net present valuation of the project. It is shown and proven that the improved fuzzy cash flow model will provide a valuation that is closed to the real value of the project.

  11. 31 CFR 223.9 - Valuation of assets and liabilities.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 2 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Valuation of assets and liabilities. 223.9 Section 223.9 Money and Finance: Treasury Regulations Relating to Money and Finance (Continued) FISCAL SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY BUREAU OF THE FISCAL SERVICE SURETY COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS...

  12. 17 CFR 210.12-09 - Valuation and qualifying accounts.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... period Column C—Additions (1)—Charged to costs and expenses (2)—Charged to other accounts—describe Column... qualifying accounts and reserves by descriptive title. Group (a) those valuation and qualifying accounts... accounts. 210.12-09 Section 210.12-09 Commodity and Securities Exchanges SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION...

  13. A pseudo-sequential choice model for valuing multi-attribute environmental policies or programs in contingent valuation applications


    Dmitriy Volinskiy; John C Bergstrom; Christopher M Cornwell; Thomas P Holmes


    The assumption of independence of irrelevant alternatives in a sequential contingent valuation format should be questioned. Statistically, most valuation studies treat nonindependence as a consequence of unobserved individual effects. Another approach is to consider an inferential process in which any particular choice is part of a general choosing strategy of a survey...

  14. Survey Response-Related Biases in Contingent Valuation: Concepts, Remedies, and Empirical Application to Valuing Aquatic Plant Management


    Mark L. Messonnier; John C. Bergstrom; Chrisopher M. Cornwell; R. Jeff Teasley; H. Ken Cordell


    Simple nonresponse and selection biases that may occur in survey research such as contingent valuation applications are discussed and tested. Correction mechanisms for these types of biases are demonstrated. Results indicate the importance of testing and correcting for unit and item nonresponse bias in contingent valuation survey data. When sample nonresponse and...


    EPA Science Inventory

    The purposes of this project are: (1) to improve understanding of cognitive processes involved in the valuation of mortality risk reductions that occur in an environmental pollution context, and (2) to translate this understanding into survey language appropriate for future stat...

  16. 26 CFR 20.6324B-1 - Special lien for additional estate tax attributable to farm, etc., valuation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... attributable to farm, etc., valuation. 20.6324B-1 Section 20.6324B-1 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE... attributable to farm, etc., valuation. (a) General rule. In the case of an estate of a decedent dying after December 31, 1976, which includes any interest in qualified real property, if the executor elects to value...

  17. 26 CFR 1.475(a)-4 - Valuation safe harbor.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... may or may not be subject to mark-to-market accounting under section 475. (c) Eligible taxpayer. An... standard that arrives at fair value in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S.... (iii) Accounting for costs and risks. Valuations may account for appropriate costs and risks, but no...

  18. Implicit Valuation of the Near-Miss is Dependent on Outcome Context.


    Banks, Parker J; Tata, Matthew S; Bennett, Patrick J; Sekuler, Allison B; Gruber, Aaron J


    Gambling studies have described a "near-miss effect" wherein the experience of almost winning increases gambling persistence. The near-miss has been proposed to inflate the value of preceding actions through its perceptual similarity to wins. We demonstrate here, however, that it acts as a conditioned stimulus to positively or negatively influence valuation, dependent on reward expectation and cognitive engagement. When subjects are asked to choose between two simulated slot machines, near-misses increase valuation of machines with a low payout rate, whereas they decrease valuation of high payout machines. This contextual effect impairs decisions and persists regardless of manipulations to outcome feedback or financial incentive provided for good performance. It is consistent with proposals that near-misses cause frustration when wins are expected, and we propose that it increases choice stochasticity and overrides avoidance of low-valued options. Intriguingly, the near-miss effect disappears when subjects are required to explicitly value machines by placing bets, rather than choosing between them. We propose that this task increases cognitive engagement and recruits participation of brain regions involved in cognitive processing, causing inhibition of otherwise dominant systems of decision-making. Our results reveal that only implicit, rather than explicit strategies of decision-making are affected by near-misses, and that the brain can fluidly shift between these strategies according to task demands.

  19. Economic Valuation of Mortality Risk Reduction - Volumes 1 and 2 (2004)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Reports prepared on economic valuation of mortality risk reduction using information collected from sstated preference surveys of individuals, as well as using information on revealed behavior from safety expenditures in context of automobile purchases.

  20. Le role du phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) dans les variations des proprietes optiques des eaux du Saint-Laurent

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mas, Sebastien

    Les mesures satellitaires de couleur des oceans sont largement determinees par les proprietes optiques inherentes (IOPs) des eaux de surface. D'autre part, le phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) est le plus souvent dominant dans les oceans, et peut donc etre une source importante de variation des IOPs dans les oceans. Dans ce contexte, le but principal de ce doctorat etait de definir l'impact du phytoplancton (<20 mum) sur les variations des proprietes optiques de l'Estuaire et du Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Canada). Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, il etait necessaire de determiner en milieu controle les facteurs de variabilite des proprietes optiques cellulaires et des IOPs du phytoplancton (<20 mum) des eaux du Saint-Laurent, et d'evaluer la contribution du phytoplancton (<20 mum) aux proprietes optiques totales des eaux du Saint-Laurent. Des experiences en laboratoire ont montre que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques soumises a un cycle jour-nuit, ainsi qu'a des changements concomitants d'intensite lumineuse, peuvent contribuer significativement a la variabilite des proprietes optiques observee en milieu naturel. D'autres experiences ont, quant a elles, mis en evidence que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques dues aux phases de croissance peuvent alterer les IOPs des oceans, particulierement pendant les periodes de floraison. De plus, la presence de bacteries et de particules detritiques peut egalement affecter la variabilite des IOPs totales, notamment la diffusion. Au printemps, dans l'Estuaire et le Golfe du Saint-Laurent, la contribution du phytoplancton <20 mum aux IOPs presentait des differences regionales evidentes pour les proprietes d'absorption et de diffusion. En plus de la variabilite spatiale, les proprietes optiques cellulaires presentaient des variations journalieres, et ce particulierement pour le picophytoplancton. Enfin, la plupart des differences observees dans les

  1. Valuation of imaging centers: alternative methods and detailed description of the discounted cash flow approach.


    Russell, Philip J


    Medical imaging centers are an increasingly integral part of the medical services landscape in America. There are many instances in which owners and potential buyers of these enterprises want to ascertain the value of the businesses. There is an industry of professionals who provide expert valuation services for many types of businesses using various recognized alternative methods, some of which are more appropriate than others when valuing an imaging center. The federal government has prescribed parameters for all valuations if they lead to transactions in which fair market value is mandated, and it also expects transactions to adhere to more generalized laws relating to entities that provide services to Medicare patients. Radiologists who own, or who are contemplating ownership of, imaging center operations need to understand the principles of valuation, specifically the factors that are involved in a discounted cash flow determination of fair market value.

  2. Does the Valuation of Nutritional Claims Differ among Consumers? Insights from Spain.


    Jurado, Francesc; Gracia, Azucena


    The presence in the market of food products with nutritional claims is increasing. The objective of this paper is to assess consumers' valuation of some nutritional claims ('high in fiber' and 'reduced saturated fat') in a European country and to test for differences among consumers. An artefactual non-hypothetical experiment was carried out in a realistic setting (mock/real brick-and-mortar supermarket) with a sample of 121 Spanish consumers stratified by gender, age, and body mass index. A latent class model was specified and estimated with the data from the experiment. Results indicate that consumers positively valued both nutritional claims, but the valuation was heterogeneous, and three consumer segments were detected. Two of them positively valued both nutritional claims (named 'nutritional claim seekers'), while the third segment's valuation was negative (named 'nutritional claim avoiders'). This last segment is characterized by being younger males with university studies who give the least importance to health, natural ingredients, and the calorie/sugar/fat content when shopping. They pay less attention to nutritional information, and they stated that they use this information to a lesser extent. These consumers showed the least interest in healthy eating, and they reported that they do not have health problems related to their diet.

  3. Does the Valuation of Nutritional Claims Differ among Consumers? Insights from Spain

    PubMed Central

    Jurado, Francesc; Gracia, Azucena


    The presence in the market of food products with nutritional claims is increasing. The objective of this paper is to assess consumers’ valuation of some nutritional claims (‘high in fiber’ and ‘reduced saturated fat’) in a European country and to test for differences among consumers. An artefactual non-hypothetical experiment was carried out in a realistic setting (mock/real brick-and-mortar supermarket) with a sample of 121 Spanish consumers stratified by gender, age, and body mass index. A latent class model was specified and estimated with the data from the experiment. Results indicate that consumers positively valued both nutritional claims, but the valuation was heterogeneous, and three consumer segments were detected. Two of them positively valued both nutritional claims (named ‘nutritional claim seekers’), while the third segment’s valuation was negative (named ‘nutritional claim avoiders’). This last segment is characterized by being younger males with university studies who give the least importance to health, natural ingredients, and the calorie/sugar/fat content when shopping. They pay less attention to nutritional information, and they stated that they use this information to a lesser extent. These consumers showed the least interest in healthy eating, and they reported that they do not have health problems related to their diet. PMID:28208811

  4. Economic valuation of the ecosystem services provided by a protected area in the Brazilian Cerrado: application of the contingent valuation method.


    Resende, F M; Fernandes, G W; Andrade, D C; Néder, H D


    Considering that the economic valuation of ecosystem services is a useful approach to support the conservation of natural areas, we aimed to estimate the monetary value of the benefits provided by a protected area in southeast Brazil, the Serra do Cipó National Park. We calculated the visitor's willingness to pay to conserve the ecosystems of the protected area using the contingent valuation method. Located in a region under intense anthropogenic pressure, the Serra do Cipó National Park is mostly composed of rupestrian grassland ecosystems, in addition to other Cerrado physiognomies. We conducted a survey consisting of 514 interviews with visitors of the region and found that the mean willingness to pay was R$ 7.16 year-1, which corresponds to a total of approximately R$ 716,000.00 year-1. We detected that per capita income, the household size, the level of interest in environmental issues and the place of origin influenced the likelihood that individuals are willing to contribute to the conservation of the park, as well as the value of the stated willingness to pay. This study conveys the importance of conserving rupestrian grassland and other Cerrado physiognomies to decision makers and society.

  5. Congruence or Discrepancy? Comparing Patients' Health Valuations and Physicians' Treatment Goals for Rehabilitation for Patients with Chronic Conditions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nagl, Michaela; Farin, Erik


    The aim of this study was to test the congruence of patients' health valuations and physicians' treatment goals for the rehabilitation of chronically ill patients. In addition, patient characteristics associated with greater or less congruence were to be determined. In a questionnaire study, patients' health valuations and physicians' goals were…

  6. Foreign Exchange Value-at-Risk with Multiple Currency Exposure: A Multivariate and Copula Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Approach

    DTIC Science & Technology


    du taux de change, et les responsables de la gestion interne se voient donc pressés de trouver des ... mesurer les effets négatifs que peuvent avoir les fluctuations mo- nétaires sur le budget et la planification du MDN, il faut connaître le poids des ...qualités comparables et qu’ils permettent d’effectuer une meilleure évaluation du risque qu’avec la méthode courante. On obtient désormais des estimations de

  7. Rupture simultanée du ligament croisé antérieur et du ligament patellaire: à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Achkoun, Abdessalam; Houjairi, Khalid; Quahtan, Omar; Hassoun, Jalal; Arssi, Mohamed; Rahmi, Mohamed; Garch, Abdelhak


    La rupture simultanée du tendon rotulien et du ligament croisé antérieur est une lésion relativement rare. Son diagnostic peut facilement manquer lors de l'examen initial. Les options de traitement incluent la réparation immédiate du tendon rotulien avec soit la reconstruction simultanée ou différée de ligament croisé antérieur. Nous rapportons le cas d'une rupture combinée du tendon rotulien et du ligament croisé antérieur chez un jeune footballeur de 22 ans. Une approche de traitement en deux temps a été effectuée avec un excellent résultat fonctionnel. PMID:27366288

  8. La reconstruction du sourcil par greffon composite du cuir chevelu: une astuce pour faciliter la technique

    PubMed Central

    El Omari, Mounia; El Mazouz, Samir; Gharib, Noureddine; EL Abbassi, Abdallah


    Les sourcils jouent un rôle important dans l’équilibre esthétique du visage. Leur reconstruction ou ophriopoïése, après séquelle de brûlure fait partie intégrante du programme de réhabilitation de la face brûlée. Plusieurs techniques ont été décrites. Nous insistons ici sur l'intérêt d'une technique simple, à la portée de tous les chirurgiens, et dont la méthode et les résultats peuvent être améliorés par un dessin bien planifié des zones donneuse et receveuse: la greffe composite prélevée au niveau du cuir chevelu dessinée à l'aide d'un calque du sourcil controlatéral. PMID:26401195

  9. Is economic valuation of ecosystem services useful to decision-makers? Lessons learned from Australian coastal and marine management.


    Marre, Jean-Baptiste; Thébaud, Olivier; Pascoe, Sean; Jennings, Sarah; Boncoeur, Jean; Coglan, Louisa


    Economic valuation of ecosystem services is widely advocated as being useful to support ecosystem management decision-making. However, the extent to which it is actually used or considered useful in decision-making is poorly documented. This literature blindspot is explored with an application to coastal and marine ecosystems management in Australia. Based on a nation-wide survey of eighty-eight decision-makers representing a diversity of management organizations, the perceived usefulness and level of use of economic valuation of ecosystem services, in support of coastal and marine management, are examined. A large majority of decision-makers are found to be familiar with economic valuation and consider it useful - even necessary - in decision-making, although this varies across groups of decision-makers. However, most decision-makers never or rarely use economic valuation. The perceived level of importance and trust in estimated dollar values differ across ecosystem services, and are especially high for values that relate to commercial activities. A number of factors are also found to influence respondent's use of economic valuation. Such findings concur with conclusions from other studies on the usefulness and use of ESV in environmental management decision-making. They also demonstrate the strength of the survey-based approach developed in this application to examine this issue in a variety of contexts. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. 26 CFR 25.2702-1 - Special valuation rules in the case of transfers of interests in trust.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 14 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Special valuation rules in the case of transfers of interests in trust. 25.2702-1 Section 25.2702-1 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) ESTATE AND GIFT TAXES GIFT TAX; GIFTS MADE AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1954 Special Valuation Rules § 25.2702-1 Special...

  11. A Comparison of Japan and U.K. SF-6D Health-State Valuations Using a Non-Parametric Bayesian Method.


    Kharroubi, Samer A


    There is interest in the extent to which valuations of health may differ between different countries and cultures, but few studies have compared preference values of health states obtained in different countries. We sought to estimate and compare two directly elicited valuations for SF-6D health states between the Japan and U.K. general adult populations using Bayesian methods. We analysed data from two SF-6D valuation studies where, using similar standard gamble protocols, values for 241 and 249 states were elicited from representative samples of the Japan and U.K. general adult populations, respectively. We estimate a function applicable across both countries that explicitly accounts for the differences between them, and is estimated using data from both countries. The results suggest that differences in SF-6D health-state valuations between the Japan and U.K. general populations are potentially important. The magnitude of these country-specific differences in health-state valuation depended, however, in a complex way on the levels of individual dimensions. The new Bayesian non-parametric method is a powerful approach for analysing data from multiple nationalities or ethnic groups, to understand the differences between them and potentially to estimate the underlying utility functions more efficiently.

  12. 26 CFR 25.2702-2 - Definitions and valuation rules.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... instruments creating and governing the operation of the trust arrangement. (b) Valuation of retained interests... spouse for life. Upon the death of D's spouse, the trust is to terminate and the trust corpus is to be... which the income is to be paid to A for life. Upon termination of the trust, the trust corpus is to be...

  13. How dead is dead? Qualitative findings from participants of combined traditional and lead-time time trade-off valuations.


    Al Sayah, Fatima; Mladenovic, Ana; Gaebel, Kathryn; Xie, Feng; Johnson, Jeffrey A


    The EuroQol Valuation Technology (EQ-VT) uses traditional time trade-off (tTTO) for health states better than dead and lead-time TTO (LT-TTO) for states worse than dead to elicit a value (-1.0 to +1.0) for each health state. In the Canadian EQ-5D-5L Valuation study which used the EQVT platform, we observed an unexpected peak in frequency of "0" values and few negative values, particularly in the range of 0 to -0.5. To better understand this finding, we sought to explore respondents' thought processes while valuing a health state, and their understanding of the tTTO and LT-TTO exercises. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with EQVT task respondents. Questions focused on valuations of health states as: (a) Same as dead in tTTO, (b) Worse than dead in tTTO but changed to same as dead in LT-TTO, (c) Worse than dead in LT-TTO, and (d) Worse than dead in LT-TTO with trading off all 10 years. Data were analyzed using content and thematic analysis. Mean age of participants (N = 70) was 40 ± 18.1 years, 60% female, and 76% Caucasian. Participants provided similar reasons for valuing a health state same as or worse than dead. Many participants expressed confusion about worse than dead valuations, distinction between same as and worse than dead, and the transition from tTTO to LT-TTO. A few indicated that the addition of 10 years of full health in the LT-TTO influenced their valuations. The transition from tTTO to LT-TTO in the EQVT was confusing to participants, whereby some health state valuations around this transition appeared to be arbitrary.

  14. Using contingent valuation to value a noxious weeds control program: the effects of including an unsure response category


    Patricia A. Champ; Anna Alberini; Ignacio Correas


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Contingent Valuation panel recommended that a response category be included along with the vote in favor and vote against options associated with a referendum contingent valuation question that allows individuals to express lack of a well defined opinion. However, the recommendation did not include guidance on how to...

  15. Mise à jour sur le nouveau vaccin 9-valent pour la prévention du virus du papillome humain

    PubMed Central

    Yang, David Yi; Bracken, Keyna


    Résumé Objectif Informer les médecins de famille quant à l’efficacité, à l’innocuité, aux effets sur la santé publique et à la rentabilité du vaccin 9-valent contre le virus du papillome humain (VPH). Qualité des données Des articles pertinents publiés dans PubMed jusqu’en mai 2015 ont été examinés et analysés. La plupart des données citées sont de niveau I (essais randomisés et contrôlés et méta-analyses) ou de niveau II (études transversales, cas-témoins et épidémiologiques). Des rapports et recommandations du gouvernement sont aussi cités en référence. Message principal Le vaccin 9-valent contre le VPH, qui offre une protection contre les types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 et 58 du VPH, est sûr et efficace et réduira encore plus l’incidence des infections à VPH, de même que les cas de cancer lié au VPH. Il peut également protéger indirectement les personnes non immunisées par l’entremise du phénomène d’immunité collective. Un programme d’immunisation efficace peut prévenir la plupart des cancers du col de l’utérus. Les analyses montrent que la rentabilité du vaccin 9-valent chez les femmes est comparable à celle du vaccin quadrivalent original contre le VPH (qui protège contre les types 6, 11, 16 et 18 du VPH) en usage à l’heure actuelle. Toutefois, il faut investiguer plus en profondeur l’utilité d’immuniser les garçons avec le vaccin 9-valent contre le VPH. Conclusion en plus d’être sûr, le vaccin 9-valent protège mieux contre le VPH que le vaccin quadrivalent. Une analyse coûtefficacité en favorise l’emploi, du moins chez les adolescentes. Ainsi, les médecins devraient recommander le vaccin 9-valent à leurs patients plutôt que le vaccin quadrivalent contre le VPH.

  16. Connaissances des médecins généralistes de Mohammedia (Maroc) concernant le dépistage du cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Zine, Karima; Nani, Samira; Lahmadi, Imad Ait; Maaroufi, Abderrahmane


    Introduction Le cancer du sein représente un problème de santé publique majeur au Maroc. C'est le premier cancer chez la femme. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer les connaissances des médecins généralistes (MG) en matière de dépistage du cancer du sein dans la préfecture de Mohammedia Maroc. Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude transversale, descriptive, exhaustive incluant les 97 MG exerçant dans les établissements de soins de santé de base du secteur public et privé de la province de Mohammedia. Résultats Le taux de participation était de 87%. L'âge moyen des MG était de 49,6 ± 8,1. Quatre-vingt pour cent (n=55) des MG ont donné une incidence incorrecte, 77,6% (n=85) ont reconnu l'existence d'un plan national de prévention et de contrôle du cancer (PNPCC) au Maroc, et 67,1 des MG ont rapporté l'existence d'un registre du cancer au Maroc. Le secteur d'activité était associé significativement avec les connaissances des MG sur le PNPCC et sur l'existence d'un guide de détection précoce du cancer du sein avec respectivement (p=0,003 et p=0,001). Une association significative entre l'ancienneté et l'existence d'un guide de détection précoce du cancer du sein et d'un registre du cancer du sein a été retrouvée avec (respectivement p=0,005 et p=0.002). Conclusion À la lumière de ces résultats il faudra renforcer les connaissances et les pratiques des MG par la promotion de la formation initiale et continue sur le dépistage. PMID:27800098


    EPA Science Inventory

    In recent years there has been increasing use of conjoint analysis for environmental valuation. With conjoint analysis applications, respondents are simply asked to reveal their preferences - no published conjoint applications explicitly or implicitly describe how a good will ...

  18. Beyond Level 4: Tying HPT to Valuation of Intangible Assets.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gayeski, Diane


    Considers how human performance technology (HPT) can achieve greater recognition in the mainstream business world by developing interventions that are framed in terms of enhancing the overall valuation of the organization's intangible assets. Discusses a consulting model that can be used with clients and stakeholders to identify barriers to…

  19. Real-Time Physiological and Psycho-Physiological Status Monitoring (Suivi en Temps reel de l’Etat Physiologique et Psycho-Physiologique)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    des Maquis du Grésivaudan 38702 La Tronche Cedex Phone: +33 4 7663 6975 Fax: +33 4 7663 6945 email: ICT Chantal JIMENEZ CRSSA/Unité de l’Exercice Physique & Hydromineral 24, av. des Maquis du Grésivaudan BP 87 38702 La Tronche Cedex...d’un état physiologique associé à une mesure de fiabilité des données, etc. Le chapitre du Dr. Gunga énumère les méthodologies d’évaluation des

  20. Une version canadienne française du Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) : L'Échelle fonctionnelle des membres inférieurs (ÉFMI), partie I

    PubMed Central

    René, Frédéric; Casimiro, Lynn; Tremblay, Manon; Lefebvre, Annabelle; Beaudouin, Martine; Belliveau, Véronik; Bergeron, Louis-Philippe


    RÉSUMÉ Introduction : Le Rehabilitation Network of Ottawa-Carleton (RENOC) recommande à ses établissements de santé d'utiliser le Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS). Puisque le RENOC dessert une clientèle anglophone et francophone, il s'imposait de traduire le LEFS pour l'évaluation de la clientèle francophone. But : Produire une traduction canadienne-française du LEFS sous l'appellation proposée « Échelle fonctionnelle des membres inférieurs (ÉFMI) » et examiner la validité de son contenu. Méthodologie : Nous avons utilisé une approche modifiée de la méthodologie de validation transculturelle de questionnaires de Vallerand (1989). Une traduction renversée parallèle du LEFS a d'abord été complétée. Ensuite, un comité d'experts a examiné les deux versions préliminaires et a créé la première version expérimentale de l'ÉFMI. Cette version fut évaluée par un deuxième comité d'experts, dont les commentaires menèrent à une deuxième version expérimentale. Finalement, 35 professionnels de la réadaptation évaluèrent la version expérimentale de l'ÉFMI sur une échelle d'ambiguïté et proposèrent les modifications finales. Résultats : Pour les différents énoncés de la version finale de l'ÉFMI, les moyennes sur l'échelle d'ambiguïté démontrent un niveau d'ambiguïté relativement faible puisqu'elles varient entre 1 et 2.54. Conclusion : Les quatre étapes rigoureuses du processus ont permis de produire une version valide du LEFS en français. PMID:22379265

  1. Cirque du Monde en tant qu’intervention en santé

    PubMed Central

    Fournier, Cynthia; Drouin, Mélodie-Anne; Marcoux, Jérémie; Garel, Patricia; Bochud, Emmanuel; Théberge, Julie; Aubertin, Patrice; Favreau, Gil; Fleet, Richard


    Résumé Objectif Présenter le programme Cirque du Monde du Cirque du Soleil et son potentiel en tant qu’intervention en soins de santé de première ligne pour les médecins de famille. Sources des données Une revue de la littérature menée dans les bases de données PubMed, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, La Presse, Eureka, Google Scholar et Érudit à l’aide des mots-clés circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde et Cirque du Soleil. Une initiative à Montréal nommée Espace Transition qui s’inspire directement de Cirque du Monde. Communication personnelle avec le conseiller principal en formation en cirque social du Cirque du Soleil. Sélection d’études Les 50 premiers articles ou sites Internet répertoriés pour chaque mot-clé dans chacune des bases de données ciblées ont été révisés sur la base des titres et des résumés, s’il s’agissait d’un article, ou sur la base du titre et du contenu de la page, s’il s’agissait d’une page Internet. Ensuite, les articles et les sites Internet qui étudiaient un aspect du cirque social ou qui présentaient une intervention impliquant le cirque étaient retenus pour une révision. Aucune contrainte d’année de publication n’a été appliquée étant donné qu’on cherchait une littérature générale sur le cirque social. Synthèse Aucun article n’a été trouvé sur le cirque social en tant qu’intervention en santé. Nous avons trouvé une étude sur l’utilisation du cirque en tant qu’intervention en milieu scolaire. Cette étude a démontré une augmentation de l’estime personnelle des enfants grâce à l’intervention. Nous avons trouvé une étude sur l’utilisation du cirque en tant qu’intervention sur une réserve amérindienne. Cette étude présente des résultats qualitatifs non spécifiques au programme du cirque social. Les autres articles répertoriés n’étaient que des descriptions du cirque social. Un site web concernant l’utilisation du cirque social pour

  2. Modelling and Computation in the Valuation of Carbon Derivatives with Stochastic Convenience Yields

    PubMed Central

    Chang, Shuhua; Wang, Xinyu


    The anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emission has risen dramatically during the last few decades, which mainstream researchers believe to be the main cause of climate change, especially the global warming. The mechanism of market-based carbon emission trading is regarded as a policy instrument to deal with global climate change. Although several empirical researches about the carbon allowance and its derivatives price have been made, theoretical results seem to be sparse. In this paper, we theoretically develop a mathematical model to price the CO2 emission allowance derivatives with stochastic convenience yields by the principle of absence of arbitrage opportunities. In the case of American options, we formulate the pricing problem to a linear parabolic variational inequality (VI) in two spatial dimensions and develop a power penalty method to solve it. Then, a fitted finite volume method is designed to solve the nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) resulting from the power penalty method and governing the futures, European and American option valuation. Moreover, some numerical results are performed to illustrate the efficiency and usefulness of this method. We find that the stochastic convenience yield does effect the valuation of carbon emission derivatives. In addition, some sensitivity analyses are also made to examine the effects of some parameters on the valuation results. PMID:26010900

  3. Modelling and computation in the valuation of carbon derivatives with stochastic convenience yields.


    Chang, Shuhua; Wang, Xinyu


    The anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emission has risen dramatically during the last few decades, which mainstream researchers believe to be the main cause of climate change, especially the global warming. The mechanism of market-based carbon emission trading is regarded as a policy instrument to deal with global climate change. Although several empirical researches about the carbon allowance and its derivatives price have been made, theoretical results seem to be sparse. In this paper, we theoretically develop a mathematical model to price the CO2 emission allowance derivatives with stochastic convenience yields by the principle of absence of arbitrage opportunities. In the case of American options, we formulate the pricing problem to a linear parabolic variational inequality (VI) in two spatial dimensions and develop a power penalty method to solve it. Then, a fitted finite volume method is designed to solve the nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) resulting from the power penalty method and governing the futures, European and American option valuation. Moreover, some numerical results are performed to illustrate the efficiency and usefulness of this method. We find that the stochastic convenience yield does effect the valuation of carbon emission derivatives. In addition, some sensitivity analyses are also made to examine the effects of some parameters on the valuation results.

  4. The Subjective Well-Being Method of Valuation: An Application to General Health Status.


    Brown, Timothy T


    To introduce the subjective well-being (SWB) method of valuation and provide an example by valuing health status. The SWB method allows monetary valuations to be performed in the absence of market relationships. Data are from the 1975-2010 General Social Survey. The value of health status is determined via the estimation of an implicit derivative based on a happiness equation. Two-stage least-squares was used to estimate happiness as a function of poor-to-fair health status, annual household income adjusted for household size, age, sex, race, marital status, education, year, and season. Poor-to-fair health status and annual household income are instrumented using a proxy for intelligence, a temporal version of the classic distance instrument, and the average health status of individuals who are demographically similar but geographically separated. Instrument validity is evaluated. Moving from good/excellent health to poor/fair health (1 year of lower health status) is equivalent to the loss of $41,654 of equivalized household income (2010 constant dollars) per annum, which is larger than median equivalized household income. The SWB method may be useful in making monetary valuations where fundamental market relationships are not present. © Health Research and Educational Trust.

  5. Workshop: Valuation of Ecological Benefits: Improving the Science Behind Policy Decisions (2005)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Two-day workshop includes research examining the benefits of improved coastal water quality, the value of improved fresh water quality, advances in the stated preference valuation method, balancing conservation and urban growth, and valuing biodiversity.

  6. An Overview of Intellectual Property and Intangible Asset Valuation Models

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Matsuura, Jeffrey H.


    This paper reviews the economic models most commonly applied to estimate the value of intellectual property and other forms of intangible assets. It highlights the key strengths and weaknesses of these models. One of the apparent weaknesses of the most commonly used valuation models is the failure to incorporate legal rights into their…

  7. 26 CFR 2.1-9 - Valuation of securities in fund.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...” (which shall be the basis for determining value, unless otherwise agreed to by the administration) and... no such sales were made, the “market value” thereof will be determined by the Administration on such... (CONTINUED) MARITIME CONSTRUCTION RESERVE FUND § 2.1-9 Valuation of securities in fund. (a) Equivalent values...

  8. 7 CFR 3015.55 - Valuation of donated equipment, buildings, and land.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Valuation of donated equipment, buildings, and land. 3015.55 Section 3015.55 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNIFORM FEDERAL ASSISTANCE REGULATIONS Cost...

  9. Individualism and the extended-self: cross-cultural differences in the valuation of authentic objects.


    Gjersoe, Nathalia L; Newman, George E; Chituc, Vladimir; Hood, Bruce


    The current studies examine how valuation of authentic items varies as a function of culture. We find that U.S. respondents value authentic items associated with individual persons (a sweater or an artwork) more than Indian respondents, but that both cultures value authentic objects not associated with persons (a dinosaur bone or a moon rock) equally. These differences cannot be attributed to more general cultural differences in the value assigned to authenticity. Rather, the results support the hypothesis that individualistic cultures place a greater value on objects associated with unique persons and in so doing, offer the first evidence for how valuation of certain authentic items may vary cross-culturally.

  10. 41 CFR 302-7.201 - Is temporary storage in excess of authorized limits and excess valuation of goods and services...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... excess of authorized limits and excess valuation of goods and services payable at Government expense? 302... Government expense? No, charges for excess weight, valuation above the minimum amount, and services obtained... HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PROFESSIONAL BOOKS, PAPERS, AND EQUIPMENT (PBP&E) Actual Expense Method § 302-7.201 Is...

  11. 41 CFR 302-7.201 - Is temporary storage in excess of authorized limits and excess valuation of goods and services...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... excess of authorized limits and excess valuation of goods and services payable at Government expense? 302... Government expense? No, charges for excess weight, valuation above the minimum amount, and services obtained... HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PROFESSIONAL BOOKS, PAPERS, AND EQUIPMENT (PBP&E) Actual Expense Method § 302-7.201 Is...

  12. Participation des médecins généralistes de la province de Benimellal (Maroc) dans le dépistage du cancer du col

    PubMed Central

    Nani, Samira; Benallal, Mohamed; Hassoune, Samira; Kissi, Dounia; Maaroufi, Abderrahmane


    Introduction Au Maroc, chaque année il y aurait environ 2000 nouveaux cas de cancer du col et les 2/3 des cas sont pris en charge à un stade très avancé. Nous avons mené une étude transversale, exhaustive incluant les 71 médecins généralistes exerçant dans les établissements de soins de santé de base du secteur public et privé de la province de Benimellal. Le but était d’évaluer leurs connaissances et leur participation au dépistage du cancer du col. Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude transversale, exhaustive incluant les 71 médecins généralistes exerçant dans les établissements de soins de santé de base du secteur public et privé de la province de Benimellal. Le but était d’évaluer leurs connaissances et leur participation au dépistage du cancer du col. Résultats Le niveau de connaissance était relativement modeste, 22 médecins généraliste avaient répondu à la question sur l'incidence du cancer du col au Maroc, Parmi eux (81,8%) avaient donné une réponse incorrecte. L'Herpes Papilloma virus comme facteur de risque du cancer du col a été identifié par seulement 21% des médecins généralistes. La participation au dépistage était également défaillante, 92,8% n'avaient jamais pratiqué le FCV chez leurs patientes à cause principalement du manque de formation (95,5%). Conclusion Les résultats montrent la nécessité d'améliorer les connaissances théoriques et pratique des médecins généralistes concernant le dépistage du cancer du col. PMID:23785557

  13. Séroprévalence et facteurs associés à l’acceptation du Conseil et Dépistage Volontaire du VIH chez l’enfant à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Ngwej, Dieudonné Tshikwej; Mukuku, Olivier; Malonga, Françoise Kaj; Luboya, Oscar Numbi; Kakoma, Jean-Baptiste Sakatolo; Wembonyama, Stanis Okitotsho


    Résumé Introduction Malgré le dépistage du VIH proposé lors de la naissance ou au cours des consultations préscolaires, la proportion des enfants qui croissent ou décèdent sous statut sérologique au VIH inconnu est importante en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la séroprévalence au cours d’un dépistage volontaire et d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’acceptation du conseil et dépistage du VIH (CDV) en dehors de la maladie ou de toute exposition au VIH dans une population pédiatrique à Lubumbashi, RDC. Méthodes Il s’agissait d’une étude prospective transversale à visée analytique menée du 1er août 2006 au 31 septembre 2007. Elle avait été réalisée dans 4 centres communautaires de CDV répartis dans 4 zones de santé de la ville de Lubumbashi en RDC (Lubumbashi, Ruashi, Kampemba et de Kenya). L’étude avait consisté à faire le dépistage volontaire du VIH chez les enfants de moins de 15 ans. Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les paramètres relatifs au conseil et dépistage volontaire ont été étudiés. Les analyses statistiques descriptives usuelles et une régression logistique ont été réalisées. Résultats Sur 463 enfants dépistés du VIH, 41 (8,9%; IC 95%: 6,5%-11,9%) ont été testés positifs. L’acceptation du conseil et dépistage volontaire du VIH en dehors de la maladie ou de l’exposition au VIH était significativement plus élevée lorsque l’enfant était âgé de plus de 2 ans (Odds ratio ajusté (ORa) = 3,6 [IC 95%: 1,1-12,2]), lorsque le statut sérologique du VIH des parents était négatif ou inconnu (ORa = 27,4 [IC 95%: 9,4-80,0]), lorsque l’un ou l’autre ou les deux parents biologiques étaient en vie (ORa = 24,9 [IC 95%: 2,4-250,8]) et lorsque la connaissance du lieu de dépistage était fait par des moyens autres que le professionnel de santé (ORa = 2,9 [IC 95%: 1,0-7,9]). Conclusion Notre étude montre une forte

  14. 26 CFR 20.2032A-3 - Material participation requirements for valuation of certain farm and closely-held business real...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... valuation of certain farm and closely-held business real property. 20.2032A-3 Section 20.2032A-3 Internal... requirements for valuation of certain farm and closely-held business real property. (a) In general. Under... trade or business. If this election is made, the property will be valued on the basis of its value for...

  15. 26 CFR 20.2032A-3 - Material participation requirements for valuation of certain farm and closely-held business real...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... valuation of certain farm and closely-held business real property. 20.2032A-3 Section 20.2032A-3 Internal... requirements for valuation of certain farm and closely-held business real property. (a) In general. Under... trade or business. If this election is made, the property will be valued on the basis of its value for...

  16. 26 CFR 20.2032A-3 - Material participation requirements for valuation of certain farm and closely-held business real...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... valuation of certain farm and closely-held business real property. 20.2032A-3 Section 20.2032A-3 Internal... requirements for valuation of certain farm and closely-held business real property. (a) In general. Under... trade or business. If this election is made, the property will be valued on the basis of its value for...

  17. Self-reported Health and Well-being Outcomes of ASERE Students

    DTIC Science & Technology


    mesure normalisée) des scores légèrement plus faibles dans l’évaluation de la santé physique à la fin du cours comparativement à ceux indiqués avant...faibles après le cours comparativement à ceux obtenus lors de l’évaluation antérieure au cours...Zachariassen, 2000, p. 334). Indeed, the need for control is so great in humans that stress can trigger a variety of behaviors specifically designed to

  18. L'Aventure du LHC

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Cette présentation s’adressera principalement aux personnes qui ont construit le LHC. La construction du LHC fut longue et difficile. De nombreux problèmes sont apparus en cours de route. Tous ont été résolus grâce au dévouement et à l’engagement du personnel et des collaborateurs. Je reviendrai sur les coups durs et les réussites qui ont marqués ces 15 dernières années et je vous montrerai combien cette machine, le fruit de vos efforts, est extraordinaire.

  19. 13 CFR 108.650 - Requirement to report portfolio valuations to SBA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Requirement to report portfolio valuations to SBA. 108.650 Section 108.650 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION NEW MARKETS VENTURE CAPITAL (âNMVCâ) PROGRAM Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Examination Requirements for NMVC...

  20. Non-destructive analysis of DU content in the NIF hohlraums

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gharibyan, Narek; Moody, Ken J.; Shaughnessy, Dawn A.


    The advantage of using depleted uranium (DU) hohlraums in high-yield deuterium-tritium (DT) shots at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) is addressed by Döppner, et al., in great detail [1]. This DU based hohlraum incorporates a thin layer of DU, ~7 μm thick, on the inner surface along with a thin layer of a gold coating, ~0.7 μm thick, while the outer layer is ~22 μm thick gold. A thickness measurement of the DU layer can be performed using an optical microscope where the total DU weight can be computed provided a uniform DU layer. However, the uniformity of the thicknessmore » is not constant throughout the hohlraum since CAD drawing calculations of the DU weight do not agree with the computed values from optical measurements [2]. Therefore, a non-destructive method for quantifying the DU content in hohlraums has been established by utilizing gamma-ray spectroscopy. The details of this method, along with results from several hohlraums, are presented in this report.« less


    EPA Science Inventory

    Sound environmental decisions require an integrated, systemic method of valuation that accurately accounts for environmental and social, as well as economic, costs and benefits. More inclusive methods are particularly needed for assessing ecological benefits because these are so...

  2. Valuation of buyout options in comprehensive development agreements : final report, December 2009.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This project investigates the feasibility of and develops an economic valuation model for buyout options in : Comprehensive Development Agreements (CDAs). A CDA is a form of public-private partnership in which : the right to price and collect revenue...

  3. Research on the Applicable Method of Valuation of Pure Electric Used vehicles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cai, yun; Tan, zhengping; Wang, yidong; Mao, pan


    With the rapid growth in the ownership of pure electric vehicles, the research on the valuation of used electric vehicles has become the key to the development of the pure electric used vehicle market. The paper analyzed the application of the three value assessment methods, current market price method, capitalized earning method and replacement cost method, in pure electric used vehicles, and draws a conclusion that the replacement cost method is more suitable for pure electric used car. At the same time, the article also conducted a parametric correction exploration research, aiming at the characteristics of pure electric vehicles and replacement cost of the constituent factors. Through the analysis of the applicability parameters of physical devaluation, functional devaluation and economic devaluation, the revised replacement cost method can be used for the valuation of purely used electric vehicles for private use.

  4. Contextual and social influences on valuation and choice.


    Engelmann, Jan B; Hein, Grit


    To survive in our complex environment, we have to adapt to changing contexts. Prior research that investigated how contextual changes are processed in the human brain has demonstrated important modulatory influences on multiple cognitive processes underlying decision-making, including perceptual judgments, working memory, as well as cognitive and attentional control. However, in everyday life, the importance of context is even more obvious during economic and social interactions, which often have implicit rule sets that need to be recognized by a decision-maker. Here, we review recent evidence from an increasing number of studies in the fields of Neuroeconomics and Social Neuroscience that investigate the neurobiological basis of contextual effects on valuation and social choice. Contrary to the assumptions of rational choice theory, multiple contextual factors, such as the availability of alternative choice options, shifts in reference point, and social context, have been shown to modulate behavior, as well as signals in task-relevant neural networks. A consistent picture that emerges from neurobiological results is that valuation-related activity in striatum and ventromedial prefrontal cortex is highly context dependent during both social and nonsocial choice. Alternative approaches to model and explain choice behavior, such as comparison-based choice models, as well as implications for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. 26 CFR 25.2512-1 - Valuation of property; in general.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... AND GIFT TAXES GIFT TAX; GIFTS MADE AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1954 Transfers § 25.2512-1 Valuation of property; in general. Section 2512 provides that if a gift is made in property, its value at the date of the gift shall be considered the amount of the gift. The value of the property is the price at which...

  6. 26 CFR 20.2031-2 - Valuation of stocks and bonds.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... day before the valuation date. Assume further, that there were sales on Thursday, March 29, 1973, and that the closing selling price on that day was $23. The price of $24.50 is taken as representing the... liquidation rights created after October 8, 1990. [T.D. 6296, 23 FR 4529, June 24, 1958; 25 FR 14021, Dec. 31...

  7. 26 CFR 20.2031-2 - Valuation of stocks and bonds.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ..., that is given to the option or contract price in determining the value of the securities for estate tax... AND GIFT TAXES ESTATE TAX; ESTATES OF DECEDENTS DYING AFTER AUGUST 16, 1954 Gross Estate § 20.2031-2 Valuation of stocks and bonds. (a) In general. The value of stocks and bonds is the fair market value per...

  8. 26 CFR 20.2031-2 - Valuation of stocks and bonds.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ..., that is given to the option or contract price in determining the value of the securities for estate tax... AND GIFT TAXES ESTATE TAX; ESTATES OF DECEDENTS DYING AFTER AUGUST 16, 1954 Gross Estate § 20.2031-2 Valuation of stocks and bonds. (a) In general. The value of stocks and bonds is the fair market value per...

  9. 26 CFR 20.2031-2 - Valuation of stocks and bonds.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ..., that is given to the option or contract price in determining the value of the securities for estate tax... AND GIFT TAXES ESTATE TAX; ESTATES OF DECEDENTS DYING AFTER AUGUST 16, 1954 Gross Estate § 20.2031-2 Valuation of stocks and bonds. (a) In general. The value of stocks and bonds is the fair market value per...

  10. 26 CFR 20.2031-2 - Valuation of stocks and bonds.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ..., that is given to the option or contract price in determining the value of the securities for estate tax... AND GIFT TAXES ESTATE TAX; ESTATES OF DECEDENTS DYING AFTER AUGUST 16, 1954 Gross Estate § 20.2031-2 Valuation of stocks and bonds. (a) In general. The value of stocks and bonds is the fair market value per...

  11. Portage vaginal du streptocoque du groupe B chez la femme enceinte au niveau de la région de Marrakech

    PubMed Central

    Bassir, Ahlam; Dhibou, Hanane; Farah, Majdi; Mohamed, Lharmis; Amal, Addebous; Nabila, Souraa; Abderahim, Aboulfalah; Asmouki, Hamid; Soummani, Abderraouf


    Introduction Le streptocoque du groupe B est le principal agent impliqué dans les infections materno-fœtales, les septicémies et les méningites du nouveau-né à terme. L'objectif est de déterminer le taux de portage maternel du streptocoque du groupe B (SGB) à terme. Méthodes Un prélèvement vaginal a été réalisé de manière prospective chez 275 parturientes lors de l'entrée en salle d'accouchement sur une période de 06 mois. Résultats Le taux de portage était de 20,2%. Le portage était variable en fonction de l’âge gestationnel, il constitue 57.5% entre 37 et 38 semaines d'aménorrhée. Aucun des facteurs de risque n'a était statistiquement prédictif du portage maternel du SGB. Conclusion Le dépistage doit être réalisé à partir de 37 semaines d'aménorrhée, et comme le portage est intermittent, un prélèvement négatif ne garantirait pas que le portage soit négatif à l'accouchement. PMID:27222693

  12. Quantitative valuation placed by children and teenagers on participation in two hypothetical research scenarios.


    Funnell, Dan; Fertleman, Caroline; Carrey, Liz; Brierley, Joe


    For paediatric medicine to advance, research must be conducted specifically with children. Concern about poor recruitment has led to debate about payments to child research participants. Although concerns about undue influence by such 'compensation' have been expressed, it is useful to determine whether children can relate the time and inconvenience associated with participation to the value of payment offered. This study explores children's ability to determine fair remuneration for research participation, and reviews payments to children participating in research. Forty children were interviewed before outpatient visits at two London Hospitals: Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital and the Whittington Hospital District General Hospital. Children were asked to value their involvement in two hypothetical research scenarios - the first an 'additional blood sample', the second also involving daily oral oil capsules taken for a fortnight before further venesection. Background knowledge about familiarity with money, and experience with hospitalisation was assessed. The mean valuation of involvement in the second scenario (£13.18) was higher than in the first (£2.84) (p<0.001). This higher valuation persisted when children were categorised into groups 'aged 12+' and 'below 12'. Those undergoing a blood test on the day placed a higher valuation on participation in the second scenario (£10.43, £21.67, p=0.044). These children aged 8-16 demonstrated the capacity to discern a fair valuation for participation in medical research. The monetary sums are influenced by the time and inconvenience involved in the research, and by the extent of recent experience with hospital procedures. The authors review current ethical thinking regarding payments to child research participants and suggest that a fair wage model might be an ethically acceptable way to increase participation of children in research.

  13. Use of ecosystem services economic valuation for decision making: questioning a literature blindspot.


    Laurans, Yann; Rankovic, Aleksandar; Billé, Raphaël; Pirard, Romain; Mermet, Laurent


    Ecosystem Services economic Valuation (ESV) is often seen as a tool that can potentially enhance our collective choices regarding ecosystem services as it factors in the costs and benefits of their degradation. Yet, to achieve this, the social processes leading to decisions need to use ESV effectively. This makes it necessary to understand if and how ESV is or is not used by decision-makers. However, there appears to be a literature blindspot as to the issue of the Use of Ecosystem Services economic Valuation (UESV). This paper proposes a systematic review on UESV in peer-reviewed scientific literature. It shows that this literature gives little attention to this issue and rarely reports cases where ESV has been put to actual use, even though such use is frequently referred to as founding the goal and justification of ESV. The review identifies three categories of potential UESV: decisive, technical and informative, which are usually mentioned as prospects for the valuations published. Two sets of hypotheses are examined to explain this result: either the use of ESV is a common practice, but is absent from the literature reviewed here; or the use of ESV is effectively rare. These hypotheses are discussed and open up further avenues of research which should make the actual use of ESV their core concern. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. The valuation of nursing begins with identifying value drivers.


    Rutherford, Marcella M


    Adequate investment in a profession links to its ability to define and document its value. This requires identifying those elements or value drivers that demonstrate its worth. To completely identify nursing's value drivers requires meshing the economic, technical, and caring aspects of its profession. Nursing's valuation includes assessing nursing's tangible and intangible assets and documenting these assets. This information communicates nursing's worth and ensures adequate economic investment in its services.

  15. Valuation of financial models with non-linear state spaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Webber, Nick


    A common assumption in valuation models for derivative securities is that the underlying state variables take values in a linear state space. We discuss numerical implementation issues in an interest rate model with a simple non-linear state space, formulating and comparing Monte Carlo, finite difference and lattice numerical solution methods. We conclude that, at least in low dimensional spaces, non-linear interest rate models may be viable.

  16. Individualism and the Extended-Self: Cross-Cultural Differences in the Valuation of Authentic Objects

    PubMed Central

    Gjersoe, Nathalia L.; Newman, George E.; Chituc, Vladimir; Hood, Bruce


    The current studies examine how valuation of authentic items varies as a function of culture. We find that U.S. respondents value authentic items associated with individual persons (a sweater or an artwork) more than Indian respondents, but that both cultures value authentic objects not associated with persons (a dinosaur bone or a moon rock) equally. These differences cannot be attributed to more general cultural differences in the value assigned to authenticity. Rather, the results support the hypothesis that individualistic cultures place a greater value on objects associated with unique persons and in so doing, offer the first evidence for how valuation of certain authentic items may vary cross-culturally. PMID:24658437

  17. Congruence or discrepancy? Comparing patients' health valuations and physicians' treatment goals for rehabilitation for patients with chronic conditions.


    Nagl, Michaela; Farin, Erik


    The aim of this study was to test the congruence of patients' health valuations and physicians' treatment goals for the rehabilitation of chronically ill patients. In addition, patient characteristics associated with greater or less congruence were to be determined. In a questionnaire study, patients' health valuations and physicians' goals were assessed in three chronic conditions [breast cancer (BC), chronic ischemic heart disease (CIHD), and chronic back pain (CBP)] using a ranking method. Sociodemographic variables and health-related quality of life were assessed as patient-related factors that influence congruence. Congruence was determined at the group (Spearman's ρ) and individual levels (percentage of congruence). Patient-related influencing factors were calculated after a simple imputation using multiple logistic regression analysis. At the group level, there were often only low correlations. The mean percentage of congruence was 34.7% (BC), 48.5% (CIHD), and 31.9% (CBP). Patients with BC or CIHD who have a higher level of education showed greater congruence. Our results indicate some high discrepancy rates between physicians' treatment goals and patients' health valuations. It is possible that patients have preferences that do not correspond well with realistic rehabilitation goals or that physicians do not take patients' individual health valuations sufficiently into consideration when setting goals.

  18. Neural correlates of economic value and valuation context: an event-related potential study.


    Tyson-Carr, John; Kokmotou, Katerina; Soto, Vicente; Cook, Stephanie; Fallon, Nicholas; Giesbrecht, Timo; Stancak, Andrej


    The value of environmental cues and internal states is continuously evaluated by the human brain, and it is this subjective value that largely guides decision making. The present study aimed to investigate the initial value attribution process, specifically the spatiotemporal activation patterns associated with values and valuation context, using electroencephalographic event-related potentials (ERPs). Participants completed a stimulus rating task in which everyday household items marketed up to a price of £4 were evaluated with respect to their desirability or material properties. The subjective values of items were evaluated as willingness to pay (WTP) in a Becker-DeGroot-Marschak auction. On the basis of the individual's subjective WTP values, the stimuli were divided into high- and low-value items. Source dipole modeling was applied to estimate the cortical sources underlying ERP components modulated by subjective values (high vs. low WTP) and the evaluation condition (value-relevant vs. value-irrelevant judgments). Low-WTP items and value-relevant judgments both led to a more pronounced N2 visual evoked potential at right frontal scalp electrodes. Source activity in right anterior insula and left orbitofrontal cortex was larger for low vs. high WTP at ∼200 ms. At a similar latency, source activity in right anterior insula and right parahippocampal gyrus was larger for value-relevant vs. value-irrelevant judgments. A stronger response for low- than high-value items in anterior insula and orbitofrontal cortex appears to reflect aversion to low-valued item acquisition, which in an auction experiment would be perceived as a relative loss. This initial low-value bias occurs automatically irrespective of the valuation context. NEW & NOTEWORTHY We demonstrate the spatiotemporal characteristics of the brain valuation process using event-related potentials and willingness to pay as a measure of subjective value. The N2 component resolves values of objects with a

  19. Economic valuation of environmental benefits from wastewater treatment processes: an empirical approach for Spain.


    Hernández-Sancho, Francesc; Molinos-Senante, María; Sala-Garrido, Ramón


    Economic research into the design and implementation of policies for the efficient management of water resources has been emphasized by the European Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC). The efficient implementation of policies to prevent the degradation and depletion of water resources requires determining their value in social and economic terms and incorporating this information into the decision-making process. A process of wastewater treatment has many associated environmental benefits. However, these benefits are often not calculated because they are not set by the market, due to inadequate property rights, the presence of externalities, and the lack of perfect information. Nevertheless, the valuation of these benefits is necessary to justify a suitable investment policy and a limited number of studies exist on the subject of the economic valuation of environmental benefits. In this paper, we propose a methodology based on the estimation of shadow prices for the pollutants removed in a treatment process. This value represents the environmental benefit (avoided cost) associated with undischarged pollution. This is a pioneering approach to the economic valuation of wastewater treatment. The comparison of these benefits with the internal costs of the treatment process will provide a useful indicator for the feasibility of wastewater treatment projects. Copyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Heterogeneity and Cooperation: The Role of Capability and Valuation on Public Goods Provision

    PubMed Central

    Kolle, Felix


    We experimentally investigate the effects of two different sources of heterogeneity - capability and valuation - on the provision public goods when punishment is possible or not. We find that compared to homogeneous groups, asymmetric valuations for the public good have negative effects on cooperation and its enforcement through informal sanctions. Asymmetric capabilities in providing the public good, in contrast, have a positive and stabilizing effect on voluntary contributions. The main reason for these results are the different externalities contributions have on the other group members’ payoffs affecting individuals’ willingness to cooperate. We thus provide evidence that it is not the asymmetric nature of groups per se that facilitates or impedes collective action, but that it is rather the nature of asymmetry that determines the degree of cooperation and the level of public good provision. PMID:29367794

  1. The valuation of the EQ-5D in Portugal.


    Ferreira, Lara N; Ferreira, Pedro L; Pereira, Luis N; Oppe, Mark


    The EQ-5D is a preference-based measure widely used in cost-utility analysis (CUA). Several countries have conducted surveys to derive value sets, but this was not the case for Portugal. The purpose of this study was to estimate a value set for the EQ-5D for Portugal using the time trade-off (TTO). A representative sample of the Portuguese general population (n = 450) stratified by age and gender valued 24 health states. Face-to-face interviews were conducted by trained interviewers. Each respondent ranked and valued seven health states using the TTO. Several models were estimated at both the individual and aggregated levels to predict health state valuations. Alternative functional forms were considered to account for the skewed distribution of these valuations. The models were analyzed in terms of their coefficients, overall fit and the ability for predicting the TTO values. Random effects models were estimated using generalized least squares and were robust across model specification. The results are generally consistent with other value sets. This research provides the Portuguese EQ-5D value set based on the preferences of the Portuguese general population as measured by the TTO. This value set is recommended for use in CUA conducted in Portugal.

  2. Reward and social valuation deficits following ventromedial prefrontal damage.


    Moretti, Laura; Dragone, Davide; di Pellegrino, Giuseppe


    Lesion and imaging studies have implicated the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) in economic decisions and social interactions, yet its exact functions remain unclear. Here, we investigated the hypothesis that the vmPFC represents the subjective value or desirability of future outcomes during social decision-making. Both vmPFC-damaged patients and control participants acted as the responder in a single-round ultimatum game. To test outcome valuation, we contrasted concrete, immediately available gains with abstract, future ones. To test social valuation, we contrasted interactions with a human partner and those involving a computer. We found that, compared to controls, vmPFC patients substantially reduced their acceptance rate of unfair offers from a human partner, but only when financial gains were presented as abstract amounts to be received later. When the gains were visible and readily available, the vmPFC patients' acceptance of unfair offers was normal. Furthermore, unlike controls, vmPFC patients did not distinguish between unfair offers from a human agent and those from a computerized opponent. We conclude that the vmPFC encodes the expected value of abstract, future goals in a common neural currency that takes into account both reward and social signals in order to optimize economic decision-making.

  3. Incorporating sociocultural phenomena into ecosystem-service valuation: The importance of critical pluralism

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Ecosystem services (ES) scholarship has largely focused on monetary valuation and the material contributions of ecosystems to human well-being. Increasingly, research is calling for a deeper understanding of how less tangible, non-material values shape management and stakeholder decisions. Such rese...

  4. DSS Investment Options with Damage Cost Valuation of Water Pollution at a River Basin Scale

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    El-Fadel, M.; Maroun, R.; Abou Najm, M. R.; Bou Fakhr Aldeen, R.; Lichaa El-Khoury, D.


    Poor water quality coupled with inadequate water sanitation services and hygiene practices has long been associated with higher water-borne diseases resulting in a serious cost to society in the form of cost of illness and forgone earnings directly related to increased morbidity and premature mortality, as well as cost of protective measures. This paper presents a socio-economic assessment of water quality in the Upper Litani river basin, Lebanon. For this purpose, field surveys were first conducted followed by the application of 1) the human capital and the willingness to pay approaches for mortality valuation, 2) the cost of illness, pain and suffering approach for morbidity valuation, and 3) the market price approach for the valuation of agricultural impacts. Economic benefits of improving water quality and sanitation were examined in the context of a cost- benefit analysis using a Decision Support System to evaluate various investment options in the construction and operation of wastewater treatment plants. The estimated damage costs ranged between 0.22-3.26 percent of the GDP in the study area with an expected return on investment in treatment facilities within 10 to 25 years depending on economic parameters used.

  5. Valuation of Real Options as Competitive Prototyping in System Development

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Brealey & Meyers, 2000; Dixit & Pindyck, 1994; Kulatilaka, 1995; Lander, 1997; Lander & Pinches, 1998; McDonald, 2006; Quigg, 1993; Teisberg, 1995...Brennan & Trigeorgis, 2000; Dixit & Pindyck, 1994; Kemna, 1993; Miller & Lessard, 2000; Trigeorgis, 1995). Examples include valuation of options to... Dixit , A. K., & Pindyck, R. S. (1994). Investment under uncertainty. NJ: Princeton University Press. Ford, D. N., & Bhargav, S. (2006, Spring). Project

  6. Revealed and stated preference valuation and transfer: A within-sample comparison of water quality improvement values

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ferrini, Silvia; Schaafsma, Marije; Bateman, Ian


    Benefit transfer (BT) methods are becoming increasingly important for environmental policy, but the empirical findings regarding transfer validity are mixed. A novel valuation survey was designed to obtain both stated preference (SP) and revealed preference (RP) data concerning river water quality values from a large sample of households. Both dichotomous choice and payment card contingent valuation (CV) and travel cost (TC) data were collected. Resulting valuations were directly compared and used for BT analyses using both unit value and function transfer approaches. WTP estimates are found to pass the convergence validity test. BT results show that the CV data produce lower transfer errors, below 20% for both unit value and function transfer, than TC data especially when using function transfer. Further, comparison of WTP estimates suggests that in all cases, differences between methods are larger than differences between study areas. Results show that when multiple studies are available, using welfare estimates from the same area but based on a different method consistently results in larger errors than transfers across space keeping the method constant.

  7. Assessing the Warm Glow Effect in Contingent Valuations for Public Libraries

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lee, Soon-Jae; Chung, Hye-Kyung; Jung, Eun-Joo


    This article aims to present evidence of the warm glow effect in a public library setting. More specifically, it tests whether individual respondents with different values for the warm glow component report different values for their willingness to pay (WTP). The data come from a contingent valuation survey conducted on randomly selected citizens…

  8. Valuation and Presentation Conventions in News Communication: A Formula for Measurement.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Corrigan, Dennis M.

    To increase knowledge about the nature of news (particularly its valuation and presentation conventions), to enrich understanding of communication conventions in our society through the study of news communication, and to fashion a tool that can be used to charge and change such conventions, a study examined the content of all news articles…

  9. Forgetting the Past: Individual Differences in Recency in Subjective Valuations from Experience

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ashby, Nathaniel J. S.; Rakow, Tim


    Recent research investigating decisions from experience suggests that not all information is treated equally in the decision process, with more recently encountered information having a greater impact. We report 2 studies investigating how this differential treatment of sequentially encountered information affects subjective valuations of risky…

  10. Cirque du Monde as a health intervention

    PubMed Central

    Fournier, Cynthia; Drouin, Mélodie-Anne; Marcoux, Jérémie; Garel, Patricia; Bochud, Emmanuel; Théberge, Julie; Aubertin, Patrice; Favreau, Gil; Fleet, Richard


    Abstract Objective To present Cirque du Soleil’s social circus program, Cirque du Monde, to explore its potential as a primary health care tool for family physicians. Data sources A review of the literature in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, LaPresse, Eureka, Google Scholar, and Érudit using the key words circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde, and Cirque du Soleil; a Montreal-based initiative, Espace Transition, modeled on Cirque du Monde; and personal communication with Cirque du Soleil’s Social Circus Training Advisor. Study selection The first 50 articles or websites identified for each key word in each of the databases were examined on the basis of their titles and abstracts in the case of articles, and on the basis of their titles and page content in the case of websites. Articles and websites that explored an aspect of social circuses or that described an intervention that involved circuses were then retained for analysis. Because all literature on social circuses was searched, no criterion for year of publication was used. Synthesis No articles on the social circus as a health intervention were found. One study on the use of the circus as an intervention in schools was identified. It demonstrated an increase in self-esteem in the children who took part. One study on the use of the circus in a First Nations community was found; it contained nonspecific, qualitative findings. The other articles identified were merely descriptions of social circuses. One website was identified on the use of the social circus to help youth who had been treated in a hospital setting for major psychiatric disorders to re-enter the community. The team in the pediatric psychiatry department at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, the children’s hospital in Montreal, Que, was contacted; they were leading this project, called Espace Transition. The unpublished preliminary findings of its pilot project demonstrate substantial improvements in overall patient

  11. Do Portuguese and UK health state values differ across valuation methods?


    Ferreira, Lara N; Ferreira, Pedro L; Rowen, Donna; Brazier, John E


    There has been an increasing interest in developing country-specific preference weights for widely used measures of health-related quality of life. The valuation of health states has usually been done using cardinal preference elicitation techniques of standard gamble (SG) or time trade-off (TTO). Yet there is increasing interest in the use of ordinal methods to elicit health state utility values as an alternative to the more conventional cardinal techniques.This raises the issue of firstly whether ordinal and cardinal methods of preference elicitation provide similar results and secondly whether this relationship is robust across different valuation studies and different populations. This study examines SG and rank preference weights for the SF-6D derived from samples of the UK and Portuguese general population. The preference weights for the Portuguese sample (n = 140) using rank data are estimated here with 810 health state valuations. The study further examines whether the use of these different preference weights has an impact when comparing the health of different age and severity groups in the Portuguese working population (n = 2,459). The rank model performed well across the majority of measures of goodness of fit used. The preference weights for the Portuguese sample using rank data are systematically lower than the UK weights for physical functioning and pain. Yet our results suggest higher similarity between preference weights derived using rank data than using standard gamble across the UK and Portuguese samples. Our results further suggest that the SF-6D values for a sample of the Portuguese working-age population and differences across groups are affected by the use of different preference weights. We suggest that the use of a Portuguese SF-6D weighting system is preferred for studies aiming to reflect the health state preferences of the Portuguese population.

  12. Attributing a monetary value to patients' time: A contingent valuation approach.


    van den Berg, Bernard; Gafni, Amiram; Portrait, France


    It is hard to ignore the importance of patient time investment in the production of health since the influential paper by Grossman (1972). Patients' time includes time to admission, travel time, waiting time, and treatment time and can be substantial. Patients' time is, however, often ignored in economic analyses. This may lead to biased results and inappropriate policy recommendations, which may eventually influence patients' health, wellbeing and welfare. How to value patient time is not straightforward. Although there is some emerging literature on the monetary valuation of patient time, an important challenge remains to develop an approach that can be used to monetarily value time of patients not participating in the labour market. We aim to contribute to the health economics literature by describing and empirically illustrating how to monetarily value the time of patients not participating in the labour market comprehensively, using the contingent valuation method. It is worth noting that our method can also be applied to people participating in the labour market. This paper describes the development of the contingent valuation survey. We apply our survey approach to a sample of 238 Dutch patients not participating in the labour market: n = 107 Radiotherapy department (data collected between November 2011 and January 2013); n = 44 Rehabilitation department (March 2012-May 2012); n = 87 Orthopaedics department (January to June 2013). Results show that those patients value waiting time the highest (€30.10 per hour) and value travel and treatment time equally with respectively €13.20 and €13.32 per hour. This paper encourages future empirical research refining and applying the developed survey methodology to create more data on how other subgroups of individuals value their patients' time. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    EPA Science Inventory

    In October 2003, a Pellston Workshop on Valuation of Ecological Resources was organized by SETAC to examine the integration of ecological assessment and socioeconomics to improve environmental decision-making. The workshop brought together a multidisciplinary group of distinguis...

  14. A comparison of Hong Kong and United Kingdom SF-6D health states valuations using a nonparametric Bayesian method.


    Kharroubi, Samer A; Brazier, John E; McGhee, Sarah


    There is interest in the extent to which valuations of health may differ between different countries and cultures, but few studies have compared preference values of health states obtained in different countries. The present study applies a nonparametric model to estimate and compare two HK and UK standard gamble values for six-dimensional health state short form (derived from short-form 36 health survey) (SF-6D) health states using Bayesian methods. The data set is the HK and UK SF-6D valuation studies in which two samples of 197 and 249 states defined by the SF-6D were valued by representative samples of the HK and UK general populations, respectively, both using the standard gamble technique. We estimated a function applicable across both countries that explicitly accounts for the differences between them, and is estimated using the data from both countries. The results suggest that differences in SF-6D health state valuations between the UK and HK general populations are potentially important. In particular, the valuations of Hong Kong were meaningfully higher than those of the United Kingdom for most of the selected SF-6D health states. The magnitude of these country-specific differences in health state valuation depended, however, in a complex way on the levels of individual dimensions. The new Bayesian nonparametric method is a powerful approach for analyzing data from multiple nationalities or ethnic groups to understand the differences between them and potentially to estimate the underlying utility functions more efficiently. Copyright © 2014 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. The topic is the Relevance of wetland economic valuation in Uganda Acase study of Kiyanja-Kaku wetland in Lwengo District-Central Uganda.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Namulema, Mary Jude


    This study examined the relevance of economic valuation of wetlands in Uganda. A case study was done on Kiyanja-Kaku wetland in Lwengo District in Central Uganda using a semi-structured survey. Three objectives were examined i.e.: (i) To identify wetland ecosystem services in Uganda (ii) To identify the economic valuation methods appropriate for wetlands in Uganda (iii) To value clean water obtained from Kiyanja-Kaku wetland. The wetland ecosystem services were identified as provisioning, regulating, habitat, cultural and amenities services. The community had knowledge about 17 out of the 22 services as given by TEEB (2010). The economic valuation methods identified were, market price, efficiency price, travel cost, contingent valuation, hedonic pricing, and production function and benefit transfer methods. These were appropriate for valuation of wetlands in Uganda but only three methods i.e. market price, contingent valuation and productivity methods have been applied by researchers in Uganda so far. The economic value of clean water from Kiyanja-Kaku wetland to the nearby community was established by using the market price of clean water the National water and Sewerage Corporation charges for the water in Uganda to obtain the low value and the market price of water from the survey was used to obtain the high value. The estimated economic value of clean water service for a household ranges from UGX. 612174 to 4054733 (US 168.0-1095.0). The estimated economic value of clean water service from Kiyanja-Kaku wetland to the entire community ranges from UGX. 2,732,133,000.0 to 18,096,274,000.0 (US 775,228.0-4,885,994.0).

  16. Facteurs d’ambiance dans l’industrie textile en République Démocratique du Congo: état de lieu

    PubMed Central

    Kitronza, Panda Lukongo; Philippe, Mairiaux


    Introduction Ce travail vise à faire une évaluation des nuisances dans le milieu de travail du secteur textile en République Démocratique du Congo. Méthodes Nous avons effectué une étude transversale et analytique. Sur 257 travailleurs sélectionnés par échantillonnage systématique, 229 travailleurs ont été retenus. 223 postes de travail ont fait l'objet de mesures pour le bruit, l'éclairage, et la chaleur. Les informations recueillies l'ont été à partir de la consultation des documents de l'entreprise, de l'interrogatoire mené par questionnaire dirigé portant essentiellement sur les renseignements socio professionnels et par des mesurages. L'analyse descriptive a été faite pour les données sociodémographiques et professionnelles et l'approche analytique pour les mesurages. Résultats Dans cette entreprise 88% des travailleurs sont des ouvriers. Le département de tissage englobe presque 68% des travailleurs. La plupart travaillent en trois pauses (85%). La population d'étude est majoritairement masculine à 85%, vieillissante avec 52% de plus de 40 ans et instruite (80%). Dans l'entreprise, seuls 12,1 % des postes de travail respectent les normes en matière de bruit et 18 % des postes en matière d'éclairage. 94% des postes ne respectent pas les normes en matière de chaleur pour un travail lourd. Conclusion Notre étude a permis de mettre en évidence les nuisances au sein de l'industrie, montrant un écart important par rapport aux normes prescrites pour les nuisances mesurées. Ces résultats est un plaidoyer pour développer des mesures de prévention appropriées. Ils sont à confronter à ceux d'autres études plus approfondies dans ce milieu. PMID:28154733

  17. Effects of social sustainability signaling on neural valuation signals and taste-experience of food products

    PubMed Central

    Enax, Laura; Krapp, Vanessa; Piehl, Alexandra; Weber, Bernd


    Value-based decision making occurs when individuals choose between different alternatives and place a value on each alternative and its attributes. Marketing actions frequently manipulate product attributes, by adding, e.g., health claims on the packaging. A previous imaging study found that an emblem for organic products increased willingness to pay (WTP) and activity in the ventral striatum (VS). The current study investigated neural and behavioral processes underlying the influence of Fair Trade (FT) labeling on food valuation and choice. Sustainability is an important product attribute for many consumers, with FT signals being one way to highlight ethically sustainable production. Forty participants valuated products in combination with an FT emblem or no emblem and stated their WTP in a bidding task while in an MRI scanner. After that, participants tasted—objectively identical—chocolates, presented either as “FT” or as “conventionally produced”. In the fMRI task, WTP was significantly higher for FT products. FT labeling increased activity in regions important for reward-processing and salience, that is, in the VS, anterior and posterior cingulate, as well as superior frontal gyrus. Subjective value, that is, WTP was correlated with activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). We find that the anterior cingulate, VS and superior frontal gyrus exhibit task-related increases in functional connectivity to the vmPFC when an FT product was evaluated. Effective connectivity analyses revealed a highly probable directed modulation of the vmPFC by those three regions, suggesting a network which alters valuation processes. We also found a significant taste-placebo effect, with higher experienced taste pleasantness and intensity for FT labeled chocolates. Our results reveal a possible neural mechanism underlying valuation processes of certified food products. The results are important in light of understanding current marketing trends as well as

  18. Simulation Tool for Optimizing Non-Combatant Evacuation (STONE): Optimization of Evacuation Time and Transportation Resource Utilization

    DTIC Science & Technology


    2015 © Sa Majesté la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que représentée par le ministre de la Défense nationale, 2015 Abstract A Non-Combatant Evacuation...Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade recommended that more frequent assessments of NEO plans be conducted...étrangères et du commerce international a recommandé que des évaluations dans ses missions à l’étranger soient faites plus fréquemment

  19. Specific Contributions of Ventromedial, Anterior Cingulate, and Lateral Prefrontal Cortex for Attentional Selection and Stimulus Valuation

    PubMed Central

    Kaping, Daniel; Vinck, Martin; Hutchison, R. Matthew; Everling, Stefan; Womelsdorf, Thilo


    Attentional control ensures that neuronal processes prioritize the most relevant stimulus in a given environment. Controlling which stimulus is attended thus originates from neurons encoding the relevance of stimuli, i.e. their expected value, in hand with neurons encoding contextual information about stimulus locations, features, and rules that guide the conditional allocation of attention. Here, we examined how these distinct processes are encoded and integrated in macaque prefrontal cortex (PFC) by mapping their functional topographies at the time of attentional stimulus selection. We find confined clusters of neurons in ventromedial PFC (vmPFC) that predominantly convey stimulus valuation information during attention shifts. These valuation signals were topographically largely separated from neurons predicting the stimulus location to which attention covertly shifted, and which were evident across the complete medial-to-lateral extent of the PFC, encompassing anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and lateral PFC (LPFC). LPFC responses showed particularly early-onset selectivity and primarily facilitated attention shifts to contralateral targets. Spatial selectivity within ACC was delayed and heterogeneous, with similar proportions of facilitated and suppressed responses during contralateral attention shifts. The integration of spatial and valuation signals about attentional target stimuli was observed in a confined cluster of neurons at the intersection of vmPFC, ACC, and LPFC. These results suggest that valuation processes reflecting stimulus-specific outcome predictions are recruited during covert attentional control. Value predictions and the spatial identification of attentional targets were conveyed by largely separate neuronal populations, but were integrated locally at the intersection of three major prefrontal areas, which may constitute a functional hub within the larger attentional control network. PMID:22215982

  20. Geoenvironments from the vicinity of Arctowski Station, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica: vulnerability and valuation assessment

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Schaefer, Carlos Ernesto G.R.; Santana, Rogério Mercandelle; Simas, Felipe Nogueira Bello; Francelino, Márcio R.; Filho, Elpídio Inácio Fernandes; Albuquerque, Miriam Abreu; Calijuri, Maria Lúcia


    The use of a geographic information system (GIS) allows the mapping and quantification of biotic and physical features of importance to the environmental planning of Antarctic areas. In this paper we examined the main aspects of the geoenvironments of Arctowski Station vicinity (Admiralty bay, Maritime Antartica), by means of a photointerpretation of an orthomosaic at 1:6000 scale, produced by non-conventional aerial photographs obtained by the Brazilian Cryosols project. We carried out a preliminary environmental valuation and vulnerability assessment of the area. Hence, geoenvironments were classified and ranked according with their biological valuation and vulnerability (fragility), mapping 20 units covering approximately 150 ha. The most fragile geoenvironmental units were former and present penguin rookeries with different vegetation covers, all very prone to degradation by over-trampling and human perturbations. The relationships between each geoenvironment were also explored, emphasizing the ecological aspects and their valuation. In quantitative terms, the most vulnerable and fragile units (classes 4 and 5) occupy nearly 22 % of the total area, being highly concentrated near the coastal areas. There, ornithogenic input is an important factor favoring the vegetation development.

  1. Value for money? A contingent valuation study of the optimal size of the Swedish health care budget.


    Eckerlund, I; Johannesson, M; Johansson, P O; Tambour, M; Zethraeus, N


    The contingent valuation method has been developed in the environmental field to measure the willingness to pay for environmental changes using survey methods. In this exploratory study the contingent valuation method was used to analyse how much individuals are willing to spend in total in the form of taxes for health care in Sweden, i.e. to analyse the optimal size of the 'health care budget' in Sweden. A binary contingent valuation question was included in a telephone survey of a random sample of 1260 households in Sweden. With a conservative interpretation of the data the result shows that 50% of the respondents would accept an increased tax payment to health care of about SEK 60 per month ($1 = SEK 8). It is concluded that the results indicate that the population overall thinks that the current spending on health care in Sweden is on a reasonable level. There seems to be a willingness to increase the tax payments somewhat, but major increases does not seem acceptable to a majority of the population.

  2. L'Aventure du LHC




    Cette présentation s’adressera principalement aux personnes qui ont construit le LHC. La construction du LHC fut longue et difficile. De nombreux problèmes sont apparus en cours de route. Tous ont été résolus grâce au dévouement et à l’engagement du personnel et des collaborateurs. Je reviendrai sur les coups durs et les réussites qui ont marqués ces 15 dernières années et je vous montrerai combien cette machine, le fruit de vos efforts, est extraordinaire.

  3. Dedicated Caravan Sites for French Gens du Voyage

    PubMed Central


    Abstract In France, gens du voyage (“people who travel” or “travellers”) is a term used by the government to categorize various itinerant populations, the majority of which are diverse Romani groups. People categorized as gens du voyage are legally required to reside in particular locations called “dedicated caravan sites.” Parliamentary debates about these dedicated caravan sites have clarified that one of the objectives of such sites is to help fulfill the gens du voyage’s right to health. However, there is a significant gap between the officially stated goals of such sites and the reality of life within them. This paper draws on research finding that the conditions in most dedicated caravan sites do not conform with the rights of gens du voyage to acceptable sanitary conditions and other underlying determinants of health. PMID:29302165

  4. Workshop: Improving the Assessment and Valuation of Climate Change Impacts for Policy and Regulatory Analysis: Modeling Climate Change Impacts and Associated Economic Damages (2010 - part 1)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    The purpose of this workshop Improving the Assessment and Valuation of Climate Change Impacts for Policy and Regulatory Analysis. focused on conceptual and methodological issues - integrated assessment modeling and valuation.

  5. 26 CFR 1.170A-12T - Valuation of a remainder interest in real property for contributions made after July 31, 1969...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... depreciation factor. If the valuation of the remainder interest in depreciable property is dependent upon the... 26 Internal Revenue 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Valuation of a remainder interest in real property for contributions made after July 31, 1969 (temporary). 1.170A-12T Section 1.170A-12T Internal...

  6. Grade 12 Diploma Examination. Examen en vue du diplome douzieme annee. Complete Set, January 1990.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alberta Dept. of Education, Edmonton.

    The Alberta (Canada) Department of Education issues "Grade 12 Diploma Examinations" for various disciplines every six months (dated January and June of each year). Except for the English and Francais examinations (which are issued only in their own language), the examinations are issued in an English edition and a French edition. The…

  7. Management of low-grade cervical abnormalities detected at screening: which method do women prefer?


    Whynes, D K; Woolley, C; Philips, Z


    To establish whether women with low-grade abnormalities detected during screening for cervical cancer prefer to be managed by cytological surveillance or by immediate colposcopy. TOMBOLA (Trial of Management of Borderline and Other Low-grade Abnormal smears) is a randomized controlled trial comparing alternative management strategies following the screen-detection of low-grade cytological abnormalities. At exit, a sample of TOMBOLA women completed a questionnaire eliciting opinions on their management, contingent valuations (CV) of the management methods and preferences. Within-trial quality of life (EQ-5D) data collected for a sample of TOMBOLA women throughout their follow-up enabled the comparison of self-reported health at various time points, by management method. Once management had been initiated, self-reported health in the colposcopy arm rose relative to that in the surveillance arm, although the effect was short-term only. For the majority of women, the satisfaction ratings and the CV indicated approval of the management method to which they had been randomized. Of the minority manifesting a preference for the method which they had not experienced, relatively more would have preferred colposcopy than would have preferred surveillance. The findings must be interpreted in the light of sample bias with respect to preferences, whereby enthusiasm for colposcopy was probably over-represented amongst trial participants. The study suggests that neither of the management methods is preferred unequivocally; rather, individual women have individual preferences, although many would be indifferent between methods.

  8. Présentation de l’adaptation française de « l’échelle de coparentage » de McHale pour familles avec jeunes enfants

    PubMed Central

    Frascarolo, F.; Dimitrova, N.; Zimmermann, G.; Favez, N.; Kuersten-Hogan, R.; Baker, J.; McHale, J.


    Le but de cet article est de présenter l’autoquestionnaire américain de McHale permettant l’évaluation de la qualité du coparentage ainsi qu’un premier pas en direction de sa validation structurelle et de construit en langue française. Quarante et une familles suisses francophones et 84 familles nord-américaines ont rempli ce questionnaire ainsi qu’un autre portant sur leur satisfaction conjugale (Dyadic Adjustment Scale [DAS]). Les résultats des familles suisses correspondent aux résultats américains : d’une part, la distribution des items en quatre facteurs (intégrité familiale, conflit, affection et dénigrement) est retrouvée et, d’autre part, un lien relatif entre la qualité du coparentage et celle des relations conjugales est observé. Ce deuxième résultat confirme la validité de construit du questionnaire, vu le lien reconnu entre ces deux sous-systèmes. Étant donné l’influence de la qualité du coparentage sur le développement socio-affectif de l’enfant, disposer d’un outil permettant son évaluation, dans ses aspects tant positifs (soutien, chaleur, etc.) que négatifs (dénigrement, conflit, etc.), est un atout important aussi bien en recherche qu’en clinique. PMID:19655028

  9. 7 CFR 3015.54 - Valuation of donated supplies and loaned equipment or space.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Valuation of donated supplies and loaned equipment or space. 3015.54 Section 3015.54 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNIFORM FEDERAL ASSISTANCE REGULATIONS...

  10. 76 FR 71491 - Gross Estate; Election to Value on Alternate Valuation Date

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...'s estate may elect to exclude from the gross estate a portion of the fair market value of property includible in the decedent's gross estate by granting a qualified conservation easement on that property... the alternate valuation period, but only to the extent that the reduction in value is due to market...

  11. Polymorphisme de l'apolipoprotéine E dans la population du nord du Maroc: fréquence et influence sur les paramètres lipidiques

    PubMed Central

    Benyahya, Fatiha; Barakat, Amina; Ghailani, Naima; Bennani, Mohcine


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail est de déterminer les fréquences alléliques et génotypiques des sites polymorphes situés dans le gène de l'apolipoprotéine E (apo E) ainsi que leur impact sur les paramètres cliniques et lipidiques dans un échantillon de la population du nord du Maroc cliniquement diagnostiqué ADH. Méthodes Le génotype de l'apo E a été analysé par séquençage direct chez 46 patients cliniquement diagnostiqués ADH selon les critères standards. Résultats Les fréquences des allèles epsilon 3, epsilon 2 et epsilon 4 ont été respectivement 78.3%, 2.2% et 19.6%. La fréquence de l'allèle epsilon 4 est très élevée chez la population du nord du Maroc en comparaison avec les populations des autres régions marocaines. Elle est similaire à celle rapportée dans les pays de l'Europe du nord. Les taux du cholestérol total, du cholestérol LDL ainsi que la présence des xanthomes et les maladies cardiovasculaires ne différent pas entre les génotypes de l'apoE. En revanche, les résultats ont montré une influence de l'allèle epsilon4 sur le taux des triglycérides chez les sujets obèses. Conclusion Le génotype de l'apoE ne peut expliquer le phénotype clinique et biochimique présenté par des patients du Nord du Maroc cliniquement diagnostiqués ADH. PMID:24396563

  12. Pharmacological and Expectancy Effects of a Low Amount of Alcohol Drinking on Outcome Valuation and Risk Perception in Males and Females

    PubMed Central

    Tsurugizawa, Tomokazu; Tokuda, Shinsuke; Harada, Tokiko; Takahashi, Taiki; Sadato, Norihiro


    The high-dose, alcohol-induced influences on risk perception and loss aversion depend on sex. On the other hand, low-dose alcohol has less effect on risky behavior. However, the effect of low-dose alcohol on subjective valuation of gain or loss and also the effect of placebo (expectancy of alcohol) on risk perception have not been fully investigated. We investigated the effects of low-dose alcohol (0.02 g/100 ml blood alcohol concentration) and placebo effects on subjective risk perception and subjective valuation of uncertain gain and loss in females and males. Participants in the control group and the placebo group were served alcohol-free, wine-flavored beverage and participants of alcohol group were served wine (14% alcohol). The placebo group was not informed that the drink was not alcohol but the control group was informed. Then paper–pencil tasks for subjective risk perception and valuation of gain or loss were performed 45 min after drinking the beverage. The participants were asked to draw the line on a 180 mm scale for each question. The placebo effects as well as the low-dose alcohol effects were observed in subjective valuations of gain or loss. Except for effect of beverages, a gender difference was also observed for subjective likelihood. The females estimated a low-probability loss as more likely and estimated a high-probability gain as less likely than did the males. From the Stevens’ law fitting analysis, the placebo, not alcohol, significantly induced the psychophysical effect of the subjective valuation of gain or loss. These results indicate that the psychological effects of expectancy of alcohol (placebo) could be a major factor in changing the subjective valuation of gain or loss over the pharmacological effects of a small amount of alcohol (like a glass of wine). Furthermore, these results also indicate that gender differences should be taken into account when investigating pharmacological or psychological effect on decision-making. PMID

  13. Chemistry 30: Grade 12 Diploma Examination = Chimie 30: Examen en vue du diplome 12 annee.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alberta Dept. of Education, Edmonton. Student Evaluation Branch.

    This document, in both French and English versions, is the Chemistry 30 Grade 12 Diploma Examination from Alberta Education. It is a 2.5 hour closed-book examination consisting of 44 multiple-choice and 12 numerical-response questions of equal value that are worth 70% of the examination, and 2 written-response questions of equal value worth 30% of…

  14. Biology 30: Grade 12 Diploma Examination = Biologie 30: Examen en vue du diplome 12 annee.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alberta Dept. of Education, Edmonton. Student Evaluation Branch.

    This document, in both English and French versions, is the Biology 30 Grade 12 Diploma Examination from Alberta Education. It is a 2.5 hour closed-book examination consisting of 48 multiple-choice and 8 numerical-response questions of equal value that are worth 70% of the examination, and 2 written-response questions of equal value worth 30% of…

  15. Physics 30: Grade 12 Diploma Examination = Physique 30: Examen en vue du diplome 12 annee.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alberta Dept. of Education, Edmonton. Student Evaluation Branch.

    This document, in both English and French versions, is the Physics 30 Grade 12 Diploma Examination from Alberta Education. It is a 2.5 hour closed-book examination consisting of 37 multiple-choice and 12 numerical-response questions of equal value that are worth 70% of the examination, and 2 written-response questions of equal value worth 30% of…

  16. Étude des déterminants individuels de l’adoption du dossier de santé électronique du Québec

    PubMed Central

    Mezni, H; M-P, Gagnon; Duplantie, J


    Résumé Objectif Selon des études précédentes, les dossiers de santé électroniques peuvent améliorer l’efficacité, la sécurité et la qualité de la prise en charge médicale. Cependant, les prestataires de soins restent réticents quant à son utilisation, ce qui limite son impact sur le système de santé. La présente étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer les perceptions des médecins face au dossier de santé du Québec. Méthodes À partir d’une revue de la littérature sur les facteurs influençant l’adoption des nouvelles technologies de l’information et des communications (NTIC) en général et de la cybersanté en particulier, nous avons élaboré un questionnaire semi-structuré. Au total, 12 médecins utilisateurs potentiels du dossier de santé du Québec (DSQ) ont complété et retourné le questionnaire. Par la suite, nous avons opéré une analyse thématique de contenu, suivie par une théorisation des concepts obtenus. Résultats L’intention d’adopter le DSQ est influencée positivement par l’utilité perçue, la facilité d’utilisation perçue, la démonstrabilité des résultats, la compatibilité du système avec la pratique et l’autoefficacité informatique perçue par les médecins. Inversement, la résistance au changement influence négativement l’adoption du DSQ par les médecins. Conclusion L’identification des déterminants de l’adoption du dossier de santé du Québec est cruciale pour les responsables du secteur de la santé au Québec. Il sera ainsi possible de saisir les attentes des utilisateurs potentiels et d’ajuster les stratégies d’implantation en vue de favoriser une meilleure intégration de cette technologie dans les pratiques médicales. PMID:27867453

  17. Partitioning Stakeholders for the Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services: Examples of a Mangrove System

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Micheletti, Tatiane, E-mail:; Jost, François; Berger, Uta

    Although the importance of ecosystem services provided by natural forests, especially mangroves, is well known, the destruction of these environments is still ubiquitous and therefore protection measures are urgently needed. The present study compares the current approach of economic valuation of ecosystem services to a proposed one, using a study case of a mangrove system as an example. We suggest that a cost-benefit analysis for economically valuing environmental services should be performed with three additional modifications consisting of (i) a categorization of local stakeholders as demanders of particular ecosystem services, (ii) acknowledgement of the government as one of these demandermore » groups, and (iii) the inclusion of opportunity costs in the valuation. The application of this approach to the mangrove area in the east portion of Great Abaco Island, the Bahamas, reveals that not only the ecosystem services received differ between demander groups, but the monetary benefits and costs are also specific to each of these groups. We show that the economic valuation of the ecosystem should be differentiated for each category, instead of being calculated as a net ‘societal value’ as it is currently. Applying this categorization of demanders enables a better understanding of the cost and benefit structure of the protection of a natural area. The present paper aims to facilitate discussions regarding benefit and cost sharing related to the protection of natural areas.« less

  18. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique: une localisation exceptionnelle

    PubMed Central

    Hamdane, Mohamed Moncef; Bougrine, Fethi; Msakni, Issam; Dhaoui-Ghozzi, Amen; Bouziani, Ammar


    L’ hydatidose est une anthropo-zoonose due au développement chez l'homme de la forme larvaire du taenia Echinococcus granulosis. La plupart des kystes hydatiques se localisent dans le foie et les poumons. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique est extrêmement rare avec seulement 4 cas rapportés dans la littérature. Les auteurs rapportent dans cet article un nouveau cas d'hydatidose du cordon spermatique. Il s'agissait d'un homme de 40 ans qui consultait pour des douleurs scrotales évoluant depuis huit mois. L'examen clinique a mis en évidence une tuméfaction mobile, inguino-scrotale, droite. L’échographie testiculaire a objectivé une hernie inguinale droite associée à deux kystes épididymaires bilatéraux. Le patient a été opéré pour cure de son hernie avec découverte en per-opératoire d'un kyste du cordon spermatique qui a été réséqué. L'examen anatomopathologique a conclu à une hydatidose du cordon spermatique. PMID:22384304

  19. 25 CFR 162.524 - Will BIA require a valuation for a WEEL?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Will BIA require a valuation for a WEEL? 162.524 Section 162.524 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAND AND WATER LEASES AND PERMITS Wind and Solar Resource Leases Weel Monetary Compensation Requirements § 162.524 Will BIA require a...

  20. 25 CFR 162.524 - Will BIA require a valuation for a WEEL?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Will BIA require a valuation for a WEEL? 162.524 Section 162.524 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAND AND WATER LEASES AND PERMITS Wind and Solar Resource Leases Weel Monetary Compensation Requirements § 162.524 Will BIA require a...

  1. Industrial and Commercial Property and the Dispersion of Assessed Valuation per Pupil

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Boltz, Paul W.


    Examines the dispersion of assessed valuation per pupil in Illinois and evaluates some proposals that might reduce this dispersion. The major proposal considered by the author is removal of industrial and commercial property (I & C) from local rolls. The conclusion is drawn that removing I & C from the property tax base has little or no…

  2. Insulinome de haut grade découvert après 5 ans d’hypoglycémies graves

    PubMed Central

    Anoun, Nadia; Hasnaoui, Hamza; Hassani, Firdaous Ameziane; Idrissi, Mehdi Bourakkadi; Ousadden, Abdelmalek; Ouahabi, Hanan El; Taleb, Khalid Ait


    Les tumeurs endocrines fonctionnelles du pancréas sont des lésions rares, parmi lesquelles les insulinomes sont les plus fréquents. La majorité des patients atteints d'insulinome ont entre 30 et 60 ans et 59% d'entre eux sont des femmes. La plupart des insulinomes sont sporadiques, alors que 10% sont développés chez des patients atteints de NEM. Le diagnostic repose sur la clinique et sur le bilan biologique. Le bilan d'imagerie préopératoire (Echo-endoscopie, TDM, IRM) est essentiel localisant la tumeur dans plus de 80% des cas. Le traitement de référence est l'exérèse chirurgicale de la tumeur. Nous rapportons ici un cas d'insulinome de haut grade développé sur la face antérieure de la queue du pancréas chez une patiente de 50 ans. PMID:28979651

  3. Contingent Valuation Assessment of the Economic Damages of Pollution to Marine Recreational Fishing (1989)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Paper develops a fully utility-theoretic model for the demand for recreational fishing access days, applied to a sample of Texas Gulf Coast anglers. The model employs contingent valuation and travel cost data jointly to calibrate a utility function.

  4. Acceptabilité du test VIH proposé aux nourrissons dans les services pédiatriques, en Côte d'Ivoire, Significations pour la couverture du diagnostic pédiatrique

    PubMed Central

    Oga, Maxime; Brou, Hermann; Dago-Akribi, Hortense; Coffie, Patrick; Amani-Bossé, Clarisse; Ékouévi, Didier; Yapo, Vincent; Menan, Hervé; Ndondoki, Camille; Timité-Konan, M.; Leroy, Valériane


    Résumé Problème: Le dépistage VIH chez les enfants a rarement été au centre des préoccupations des chercheurs. Quand le dépistage pédiatrique a retenu l'attention, cela a été pour éclairer seulement sur les performances diagnostiques en ignorant même que le test pédiatrique comme bien d'autres peut s'accepter ou se refuser. Cet article met au cœur de son analyse les raisons qui peuvent expliquer qu'on accepte ou qu'on refuse de faire dépister son enfant. Objectif: Etudier chez les parents, les mères, les facteurs explicatifs de l'acceptabilité du test VIH des nourrissons de moins de six mois. Méthodes: Entretien semi-directif à passages répétés avec les parents de nourrissons de moins de six mois dans les formations sanitaires pour la pesée/vaccination et les consultations pédiatriques avec proposition systématique d'un test VIH pour leur nourrisson. Résultats: Nous retenons que la réalisation effective du test pédiatrique du VIH chez le nourrisson repose sur trois éléments. Primo, le personnel de santé par son discours (qui dénote de ses connaissances et perceptions même sur l'infection) orienté vers les mères influence leur acceptation ou non du test. Secundo, la mère qui par ses connaissances et perceptions même sur le VIH, dont le statut particulier, l'impression de bien-être chez elle et son enfant influence toute réalisation du test pédiatrique VIH. Tertio, l'environnement conjugal de la mère, particulièrement caractérisé par les rapports au sein du couple, sur la facilité de parler du test VIH et sa réalisation chez les deux parents ou chez la mère seulement sont autant de facteurs qui influencent la réalisation effective du dépistage du VIH chez l'enfant. Le principe préventif du VIH, et le désir de faire tester l'enfant ne suffisent pas à eux seuls pour aboutir à sa réalisation effective, selon certaines mères confrontées au refus du conjoint. A l'opposé, les autres mères refusant la r

  5. Functionality and Usability Assessment of the Complement Generation Tool (CGT): A Preliminary Review (Evaluation de la Fonctionnalite et de la Convivialite de Generation de Complements (CGT) - Examen Preliminaire)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2011 © Sa Majesté la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle...l’utilité et la convivialité du CGT en ce qui concerne la détermination des besoins de main- d’œuvre au cours de la phase initiale de la conception d’une...lesquelles il a été conçu. L’évaluation a confirmé l’utilité du CGT en ce qui concerne la détermination des besoins de main-d’œuvre au cours de la phase

  6. Economic Valuation of Selected Illnesses in Environmental Public Health Tracking.


    Zhou, Ying; Nurmagambetov, Tursynbek; McCord, Matthew; Hsu, Wan-Hsiang

    In benefit-cost analysis of public health programs, health outcomes need to be assigned monetary values so that different health endpoints can be compared and improvement in health can be compared with cost of the program. There are 2 major approaches for estimating economic value of illnesses: willingness to pay (WTP) and cost of illness (COI). In this study, we compared these 2 approaches and summarized valuation estimates for 3 health endpoints included in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network-asthma, carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, and lead poisoning. First, we compared results of WTP and COI estimates reported in the peer-reviewed literature when these 2 methods were applied to the same study participants. Second, we reviewed the availability and summarized valuations using these 2 approaches for 3 health endpoints. For the same study participants, WTP estimates in the literature were higher than COI estimates for minor and moderate cases. For more severe cases, with substantial portion of the costs paid by the third party, COI could exceed WTP. Annual medical cost of asthma based on COI approach ranged from $800 to $3300 and indirect costs ranged from $90 to $1700. WTP to have no asthma symptoms ranged from $580 to $4200 annually. We found no studies estimating WTP to avoid CO or lead poisoning. Cost of a CO poisoning hospitalization ranged from $14 000 to $17 000. For patients who sustained long-term cognitive sequela, lifetime earnings and quality-of-life losses can significantly exceed hospitalization costs. For lead poisoning, most studies focused on lead exposure and cognitive ability, and its impact on lifetime earnings. For asthma, more WTP studies are needed, particularly studies designed for conditions that involve third-party payers. For CO poisoning and lead poisoning, WTP studies need to be conducted so that more comprehensive economic valuation estimates can be provided. When COI

  7. 26 CFR 25.2701-2 - Special valuation rules for applicable retained interests.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... stock. Assume that at the time of the transfer, the fair market value of X is $1,500,000, and the fair market value of P's annual cumulative dividend right is $1,000,000. Because the preferred stock confers... applying the valuation method of § 25.2701-3, the value of P's preferred stock is its fair market value...

  8. 17 CFR 270.2a-1 - Valuation of portfolio securities in special cases.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Valuation of portfolio securities in special cases. 270.2a-1 Section 270.2a-1 Commodity and Securities Exchanges SECURITIES AND... of portfolio securities in special cases. (a) Any investment company whose securities are qualified...

  9. The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex mediates the interaction between moral and aesthetic valuation: a TMS study on the beauty-is-good stereotype

    PubMed Central

    Ferrari, Chiara; Nadal, Marcos; Schiavi, Susanna; Vecchi, Tomaso; Cela-Conde, Camilo J.


    Abstract Attractive individuals are perceived as possessing more positive personal traits than unattractive individuals. This reliance on aesthetic features to infer moral character suggests a close link between aesthetic and moral valuation. Here we aimed to investigate the neural underpinnings of the interaction between aesthetic and moral valuation by combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with a priming paradigm designed to assess the Beauty-is-Good stereotype. Participants evaluated the trustworthiness of a series of faces (targets), each of which was preceded by an adjective describing desirable, undesirable, or neutral aesthetic qualities (primes). TMS was applied between prime and target to interfere with activity in two regions known to be involved in aesthetic and moral valuation: the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC, a core region in social cognition) and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC, critical in decision making). Our results showed that when TMS was applied over vertex (control) and over the dlPFC, participants judged faces as more trustworthy when preceded by positive than by negative aesthetic primes (as also shown in two behavioral experiments). However, when TMS was applied over the dmPFC, primes had no effect on trustworthiness judgments. A second Experiment corroborated this finding. Our results suggest that mPFC plays a causal role linking moral and aesthetic valuation. PMID:28158864

  10. Brain stem hypoplasia associated with Cri-du-Chat syndrome.


    Hong, Jin Ho; Lee, Ha Young; Lim, Myung Kwan; Kim, Mi Young; Kang, Young Hye; Lee, Kyung Hee; Cho, Soon Gu


    Cri-du-Chat syndrome, also called the 5p-syndrome, is a rare genetic abnormality, and only few cases have been reported on its brain MRI findings. We describe the magnetic resonance imaging findings of a 1-year-old girl with Cri-du-Chat syndrome who showed brain stem hypoplasia, particularly in the pons, with normal cerebellum and diffuse hypoplasia of the cerebral hemispheres. We suggest that Cri-du-Chat syndrome chould be suspected in children with brain stem hypoplasia, particularly for those with high-pitched cries.

  11. Real options valuation and optimization of energy assets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thompson, Matthew

    In this thesis we present algorithms for the valuation and optimal operation of natural gas storage facilities, hydro-electric power plants and thermal power generators in competitive markets. Real options theory is used to derive nonlinear partial-integro-differential equations (PIDEs) for the valuation and optimal operating strategies of all types of facilities. The equations are designed to incorporate a wide class of spot price models that can exhibit the same time-dependent, mean-reverting dynamics and price spikes as those observed in most energy markets. Particular attention is paid to the operational characteristics of real energy assets. For natural gas storage facilities these characteristics include: working gas capacities, variable deliverability and injection rates and cycling limitations. For thermal power plants relevant operational characteristics include variable start-up times and costs, control response time lags, minimum generating levels, nonlinear output functions, structural limitations on ramp rates, and minimum up/down time restrictions. For hydro-electric units, head effects and environmental constraints are addressed. We illustrate the models with numerical examples of a gas storage facility, a hydro-electric pump storage facility and a thermal power plant. This PIDE framework is the first in the literature to achieve second order accuracy in characterizing the operating states of hydro-electric and hydro-thermal power plants. The continuous state space representation derived in this thesis can therefore achieve far greater realism in terms of operating state specification than any other method in the literature to date. This thesis is also the first and only to allow for any continuous time jump diffusion processes in order to account for price spikes.

  12. Information non précise sur la taille du pénis en République Démocratique du Congo: à propos de 21 sources

    PubMed Central

    Mulenga, Philippe Cilundika; Kazadi, Alex Bukasa


    Introduction La taille du pénis constitue une préoccupation de beaucoup des gens actuellement et certains ne sont pas satisfaits de la dimension de leur pénis comme le montre l’étude de Tiggemann en 2008. Il existe relativement peu d'études sur le pénis en érection. Cela peut refléter les tabous culturels des chercheurs ou des médecins en interaction avec les hommes qui sont dans un état d’excitation sexuelle. Toutes fois, il est important pour les personnes qui annoncent des détails sur la taille du pénis d’annoncer d’abord les repères de la mesure du pénis puis ensuite donner les chiffres que proposent les chercheurs. Méthodes Notre enquête de type descriptif transversale s’est effectuée dans les deux grandes villes de la République Démocratique du Congo à savoir la ville de Kinshasa et la ville de Lubumbashi, pendant une période de deux ans soit de Mai 2014 à Mai 2016. Au total, 21 sources d’information ont constitué notre échantillon dont 8 à Kinshasa et 13 à Lubumbashi et nous avons trouvé cela suffisant car les sujets à caractère sexuel sont souvent rares chez nous. Les paramètres étudiés étaient: la nature de la source, la précision de la technique de la mesure, la présence de référence bibliographique, la longueur annoncée du pénis. Résultats La majorité des sources d’information sont faites des émissions de radio et de télévision (23,8%), ceci pourra s’expliquer par le fait que dans notre milieu il y a de plus en plus des chaines de radio et télévision et surtout dans les grandes villes. Concernant la précision de la technique de la mesure du pénis lors du partage du message sur la taille du pénis, l’étude nous montre que la majorité des sources d’information ne signale pas cela lorsqu’elles annoncent la taille du pénis au public soit 85,7%. Plusieurs sources ne déclarent pas les références bibliographiques (57,1%). Lorsqu’on regarde même les chiffres de la taille du p

  13. A Method for Analyzing Volunteered Geographic Information to Visualize Community Valuation of Ecosystem Services

    EPA Science Inventory

    Volunteered geographic information (VGI) can be used to identify public valuation of ecosystem services in a defined geographic area using photos as a representation of lived experiences. This method can help researchers better survey and report on the values and preferences of s...

  14. 12 CFR 223.22 - What valuation and timing principles apply to asset purchases?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false What valuation and timing principles apply to asset purchases? 223.22 Section 223.22 Banks and Banking FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (CONTINUED) BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN MEMBER BANKS AND THEIR AFFILIATES (REGULATION W...

  15. 12 CFR 223.21 - What valuation and timing principles apply to credit transactions?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false What valuation and timing principles apply to credit transactions? 223.21 Section 223.21 Banks and Banking FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (CONTINUED) BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN MEMBER BANKS AND THEIR AFFILIATES (REGULATION W...

  16. Construction of an Instrument to Measure Social Valuation in an Emerging Market Context

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Katono, Isaac Wasswa


    Purpose: This study aims to construct a parsimonious instrument to measure social valuation in a collective setting using Uganda as an example. Design/methodology/approach: A triangulation technique was used in this study. Conversations with students, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff at Uganda Christian University (UCU) main campus were…

  17. Cancer du sein au Maroc: profil phénotypique des tumeurs

    PubMed Central

    Khalil, Ahmadaye Ibrahim; Bendahhou, Karima; Mestaghanmi, Houriya; Saile, Rachid; Benider, Abdellatif


    Le cancer du sein est le plus fréquent chez la femme et figure parmi les principales causes de mortalité liées au cancer. La curabilité de ce type tumoral est en augmentation, grâce aux programmes de dépistage et aux progrès thérapeutiques, qui ont certes augmenté la survie des patients. Mais des défis restent à relever en rapport avec l’instabilité phénotypique des cellules cancéreuses. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier le profil phénotypique du cancer du sein chez les patients pris en charge au Centre Mohammed VI pour le traitement des Cancers, durant les années 2013-2014. Il s’agit d’une étude transversale sur deux années, incluant les cas du cancer du sein pris en charge au Centre. Le recueil des données était fait à partir des dossiers des patients et analysés par le logiciel Epi Info. 1277 patients ont été pris en charge au sein de notre centre. 99,5% des cas de sexe féminin, l’âge moyen était 50,20 ± 11,34 ans. Le type histologique le plus fréquent était le carcinome canalaire infiltrant (80,7% des cas). Le stade diagnostic était précoce (56,9%). Le phénotype moléculaire le plus fréquent était le luminal A (41,4% des cas). Le luminal B, le HER2 et les triples négatifs étaient dans respectivement 10,4%, 6,3%, 11,2% des cas. L’étude du phénotype tumoral des patients atteints du cancer du sein permet l’orientation du clinicien dans le choix du traitement, et des décideurs dans la planification de programmes de lutte contre cette pathologie. PMID:28292037

  18. Identification d'une loi thermo-élasto-viscoplastique en vue de la modélisation du laminage à chaud du cuivre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moureaux, P.; Moto Mpong, S.; Remy, M.; Bouffioux, C.; Lecomte-Beckers, J.; Habraken, A. M.


    la mise au point d'un modèle de simulation de la dernière passe du laminage à chaud du cuivre ne présente à priori pas de problème du point de vue numérique pour un code d'éléments finis non linéaire. La collecte d'informations précises tant sur le procédé industriel que sur le comportement du matériau est par contre une opération non triviale. Cet article présente les diverses méthodes expérimentales mises en œuvre pour caractériser le matériau : essais de compression à chaud, mesures d'analyse thermique différentielle, essais de dilatométrie et de diffusivité. Les méthodes permettant d'identifier les paramètres de la loi élasto-visco-plastique de type Norton-Hoff à partir des essais sont présentées et une analyse bibliographique investigue le problème de la détermination du module de Young à haute température. Tant les hypothèses supplémentaires relatives au procédé et nécessaires au modèle que les résultats finaux sont résumés.

  19. Ecosystem's Modeling of Bhoj Wetland - A Base For Economic Valuation and Sustainable Management

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Verma, M.; Bakshi, N.; Nair, R.

    terms of productivity losses and health impacts? How feedback can be taken from these impacts to revise or develop management policies and to seek participation of stakeholders to check wet- land degradation or losses? What type of benefits accrues to people from this wetland? What is the willingness of the people to pay to conserve this important water body? Lake degradation is due to multiple causes hence lakeSs restoration requires multi- ple interventions. To suggest such interventions and above all their prioritizations, an 1 ecosystem model for the lake has been developed following the systemSs dynamics approach. The main objective of the Ecosystem Modeling of the wetland was to under- stand the changes in the hydrology of the wetland first on account of certain changes in the conditions of the surroundings such that valuation process can be followed with current and future scenarios of the lakes hydrology in hand. A sophisticated computer software called as STELLA was used for the modeling exercise. The model used wa- ter quality parameters to show the impact of flow of sewage on dissolved oxygen, bio-chemical oxygen demand, pH, total hardness, total alkalinity, bacterial count and growth of weeds. A base scenario has been created and various simulation runs have been performed for the pre and ongoing restoration activities for next 25 years so as to represent the health of the wetlandSs ecosystem. These scenarios have then been used in the valuation exercise to estimate the conservation value of the lake. Various valuation techniques like contingent valuation, production function approach, hedonic pricing and supply cost have been used to capture the economic values as perceived by different stakeholders. These scenarios and the valuation exercises further throw light on the prioritization of future policy intervention for sustainable management of this urban wetland. Key words: Ecosystem Services, Water Quality Parameters, EcosystemSs Modeling, Economic

  20. Risk Assessment References: Documented Literature Search

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the Minister of National Defence, 2012 © Sa Majesté la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que représentée par le ministre de la Défense nationale...vise à démontrer la valeur de l’approche scientifique pour améliorer les capacités de gestion des situations d’urgence en se concentrant sur...l’évaluation des risques et les infrastructures essentielles. Au cours de la première phase du projet, RDDC a effectué une analyse documentaire

  1. Assessing quality of life in a clinical study on heart rehabilitation patients: how well do value sets based on given or experienced health states reflect patients' valuations?


    Leidl, Reiner; Schweikert, Bernd; Hahmann, Harry; Steinacker, Juergen M; Reitmeir, Peter


    Quality of life as an endpoint in a clinical study may be sensitive to the value set used to derive a single score. Focusing on patients' actual valuations in a clinical study, we compare different value sets for the EQ-5D-3L and assess how well they reproduce patients' reported results. A clinical study comparing inpatient (n = 98) and outpatient (n = 47) rehabilitation of patients after an acute coronary event is re-analyzed. Value sets include: 1. Given health states and time-trade-off valuation (GHS-TTO) rendering economic utilities; 2. Experienced health states and valuation by visual analog scale (EHS-VAS). Valuations are compared with patient-reported VAS rating. Accuracy is assessed by mean absolute error (MAE) and by Pearson's correlation ρ. External validity is tested by correlation with established MacNew global scores. Drivers of differences between value sets and VAS are analyzed using repeated measures regression. EHS-VAS had smaller MAEs and higher ρ in all patients and in the inpatient group, and correlated best with MacNew global score. Quality-adjusted survival was more accurately reflected by EHS-VAS. Younger, better educated patients reported lower VAS at admission than the EHS-based value set. EHS-based estimates were mostly able to reproduce patient-reported valuation. Economic utility measurement is conceptually different, produced results less strongly related to patients' reports, and resulted in about 20 % longer quality-adjusted survival. Decision makers should take into account the impact of choosing value sets on effectiveness results. For transferring the results of heart rehabilitation patients from another country or from another valuation method, the EHS-based value set offers a promising estimation option for those decision makers who prioritize patient-reported valuation. Yet, EHS-based estimates may not fully reflect patient-reported VAS in all situations.

  2. Assessment and valuation of forest ecosystem services: State of the science review


    Seth Binder; Robert G. Haight; Stephen Polasky; Travis Warziniack; Miranda H. Mockrin; Robert L. Deal; Greg Arthaud


    This review focuses on the assessment and economic valuation of ecosystem services from forest ecosystems—that is, our ability to predict changes in the quantity and value of ecosystem services as a result of specific forest management decisions. It is aimed at forest economists and managers and intended to provide a useful reference to those interested in developing...

  3. Properties, use and health effects of depleted uranium (DU): a general overview.


    Bleise, A; Danesi, P R; Burkart, W


    Depleted uranium (DU), a waste product of uranium enrichment, has several civilian and military applications. It was used as armor-piercing ammunition in international military conflicts and was claimed to contribute to health problems, known as the Gulf War Syndrome and recently as the Balkan Syndrome. This led to renewed efforts to assess the environmental consequences and the health impact of the use of DU. The radiological and chemical properties of DU can be compared to those of natural uranium, which is ubiquitously present in soil at a typical concentration of 3 mg/kg. Natural uranium has the same chemotoxicity, but its radiotoxicity is 60% higher. Due to the low specific radioactivity and the dominance of alpha-radiation no acute risk is attributed to external exposure to DU. The major risk is DU dust, generated when DU ammunition hits hard targets. Depending on aerosol speciation, inhalation may lead to a protracted exposure of the lung and other organs. After deposition on the ground, resuspension can take place if the DU containing particle size is sufficiently small. However, transfer to drinking water or locally produced food has little potential to lead to significant exposures to DU. Since poor solubility of uranium compounds and lack of information on speciation precludes the use of radioecological models for exposure assessment, biomonitoring has to be used for assessing exposed persons. Urine, feces, hair and nails record recent exposures to DU. With the exception of crews of military vehicles having been hit by DU penetrators, no body burdens above the range of values for natural uranium have been found. Therefore, observable health effects are not expected and residual cancer risk estimates have to be based on theoretical considerations. They appear to be very minor for all post-conflict situations, i.e. a fraction of those expected from natural radiation.

  4. Vaccines: from valuation to resource allocation.


    Bloom, David E; Madhavan, Guruprasad


    This review focuses on selected challenges and opportunities concerning broader valuation of vaccines and immunization. The challenges involve conceptualizing and measuring the value of vaccines, while the opportunities relate to the strategic and systematic use of that information in health policy decisions that range from the adoption of particular vaccines in national immunization plans to the allocation of resources to vaccine research, development, and delivery. Clarifying the demonstrable individual, family, and community-level benefits of vaccines will allow the public health community to make better-informed and more meaningful comparisons of the costs of vaccines in relation to their full benefits. Taking advantage of this opportunity will require enhanced data collection and the development of strategic planning tools for transparently assessing trade-offs among the myriad attributes of different vaccines in various social and economic contexts. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Effort-based cost-benefit valuation and the human brain

    PubMed Central

    Croxson, Paula L; Walton, Mark E; O'Reilly, Jill X; Behrens, Timothy EJ; Rushworth, Matthew FS


    In both the wild and the laboratory, animals' preferences for one course of action over another reflect not just reward expectations but also the cost in terms of effort that must be invested in pursuing the course of action. The ventral striatum and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACCd) are implicated in the making of cost-benefit decisions in the rat but there is little information about how effort costs are processed and influence calculations of expected net value in other mammals including the human. We carried out a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study to determine whether and where activity in the human brain was available to guide effort-based cost-benefit valuation. Subjects were scanned while they performed a series of effortful actions to obtain secondary reinforcers. At the beginning of each trial, subjects were presented with one of eight different visual cues which they had learned indicated how much effort the course of action would entail and how much reward could be expected at its completion. Cue-locked activity in the ventral striatum and midbrain reflected the net value of the course of action, signaling the expected amount of reward discounted by the amount of effort to be invested. Activity in ACCd also reflected the interaction of both expected reward and effort costs. Posterior orbitofrontal and insular activity, however, only reflected the expected reward magnitude. The ventral striatum and anterior cingulate cortex may be the substrate of effort-based cost-benefit valuation in primates as well as in rats. PMID:19357278

  6. The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex mediates the interaction between moral and aesthetic valuation: a TMS study on the beauty-is-good stereotype.


    Ferrari, Chiara; Nadal, Marcos; Schiavi, Susanna; Vecchi, Tomaso; Cela-Conde, Camilo J; Cattaneo, Zaira


    Attractive individuals are perceived as possessing more positive personal traits than unattractive individuals. This reliance on aesthetic features to infer moral character suggests a close link between aesthetic and moral valuation. Here we aimed to investigate the neural underpinnings of the interaction between aesthetic and moral valuation by combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with a priming paradigm designed to assess the Beauty-is-Good stereotype. Participants evaluated the trustworthiness of a series of faces (targets), each of which was preceded by an adjective describing desirable, undesirable, or neutral aesthetic qualities (primes). TMS was applied between prime and target to interfere with activity in two regions known to be involved in aesthetic and moral valuation: the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC, a core region in social cognition) and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC, critical in decision making). Our results showed that when TMS was applied over vertex (control) and over the dlPFC, participants judged faces as more trustworthy when preceded by positive than by negative aesthetic primes (as also shown in two behavioral experiments). However, when TMS was applied over the dmPFC, primes had no effect on trustworthiness judgments. A second Experiment corroborated this finding. Our results suggest that mPFC plays a causal role linking moral and aesthetic valuation. © The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press.

  7. Implementing GIS in real estate price prediction and mass valuation: the case study of Nicosia District

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yiorkas, Charalambos; Dimopoulos, Thomas


    When the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank arrived in Cyprus to assist for a sustainable solution on the crisis on the banking sector, one of the first things they ordered was a New General Valuation (a mass appraisal that would revalue all properties in Cyprus as on 1st of January 2013), that it would be used for taxation purposes. The above indicates the importance of property mass appraising tools. This task was successfully conducted by the Department of Lands and Surveys. Authors aim to move a step further and implement the use of GIS and GWR techniques to improve the results of the New General Valuation. On a sample of comparative evidences for flats in Nicosia District, GIS was used to measure the impact of spatial attributes on real estate prices and to construct a prediction model in terms of spatially estimating apartment values. In addition to the structural property characteristics, some spatial attributes (landmarks) were also analysed to assess their contribution on the prices of the apartments, including the Central Business District (CBD), schools and universities, as well as the major city roads and the restricted zone that divides the country into two parts; the occupied by Turkish area and the Greek area. The values of the spatial attributes, or locational characteristics, were determined by employing GIS, considering an established model of multicriteria analysis. The price prediction model was analysed using the OLS method and calibrated based on the GWR method. The results of the statistic process indicate an accuracy of 81.34%, showing better performance than the mass valuation system applied by the Department of Land and Surveys in Cyprus with accuracy of 66.76%. This approach suggests that GIS systems are fundamentally important in mass valuation procedures in order to identify the spatial pattern of the attributes, provided that the database is comprised by a sufficient number of comparable

  8. The Q theory of investment, the capital asset pricing model, and asset valuation: a synthesis.


    McDonald, John F


    The paper combines Tobin's Q theory of real investment with the capital asset pricing model to produce a new and relatively simple procedure for the valuation of real assets using the income approach. Applications of the new method are provided.

  9. Option Price Estimates for Water Quality Improvements: A Contingent Valuation Study for the Monongahela River (1985)

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    This paper presents the findings from a contingent valuation survey designed to estimate the option price bids for the improved recreation resulting from enhanced water quality in the Pennsylvania portion of the Monongahela River.

  10. Le traumatisme du colon: l'expérience du CHU Hassan II de Fès

    PubMed Central

    Benjelloun, El Bachir; Hafid, Hasnai; Karim, Ibnmajdoub; Ousadden, Abdelmalek; Mazaz, Khalid; Taleb, Kahlid Ait


    Introduction Les traumatismes du colon sont associés à un risque majeur de complications septiques et de mortalité. Le but de notre étude est d’évaluer les circonstances, la prise en charge, le suivi et les facteurs pronostic de morbidité postopératoire des malades victimes d'un traumatisme colique. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective sur une série de 49 patients opérés pour des plaies coliques aux services de chirurgie viscérale du CHU HASSAN II de Fès sur une période de 8 ans de juillet 2003 à juillet 2011. Résultats L’âge moyen de nos patients était de 25ans (16-70) avec une nette prédominance masculine (93.8%). Les plaies coliques secondaires à un traumatisme par arme blanche représentent 85% des cas (42 patients), suivi par les plaies iatrogènes au cours d'une coloscopie chez 6 patients (13%), puis les contusions abdominales chez 1 patient (2%). Les parties du cadre colique les plus touchées étaient le colon transverse chez 19 patients (38%) et le colon descendant chez 12 patients (24, 5%). Le colon sigmoïde était le segment le plus touché au cours d'une coloscopie4/6. Quarante-deux patients (85%) ont eu une suture primaire des plaies coliques, six patients (13%) une diversion fécale et un patient (2%) une résection-anastomose. Deux patients (4%) sont décédés suite à un choc septique. La morbidité globale était de 38,7% dominé essentiellement par l'infection de la paroi chez 14 patients et une péritonite post opératoire chez 3 patients. L'analyse univarié a montré une différence significatif en terme d'infection de la paroi entre le groupe colostomie versus suture simple (50% vs 20,9% p<0,05). L'atteinte du colon gauche et la réalisation d'une colostomie sont associés à un risque plus élevés de complications postopératoires. Conclusion La suture primaire peut être effectuée avec un faible taux de complications postopératoire chez la majorité des patients suite à un traumatisme du colon. PMID

  11. La Peur de L'évaluation: Évaluation de L'enseignement ou du Sujet?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kosmidou-Hardy, Chryssoula; Marmarinos, Jean


    This article addresses first of all the question why nowadays evaluation is so intensively promoted. It then goes on to analyse the reasons why there is currently a resistance to evaluation among teachers. It refers especially to the situation in Greece, where evaluation has been absent since 1981, whereas before that date it was applied in an oppressive manner, more resembling discipline and punishment than the personal development of the teachers. The authors refer particularly to the work of Michel Foucault but also to that of J. F. Lyotard. They point out that it is the teachers' fear of evaluation of their personal identity rather than their professional competence that lies behind the resistance to evaluation. Emphasis is placed on the necessity to support teachers in their personal and professional development. The use of action research, termed "critical active research" in Greek, is advocated as a basic strategy for the development of the teacher as well as of the curriculum and of society in general.

  12. Valuation of active blind spot detection systems by younger and older adults.


    Souders, Dustin J; Best, Ryan; Charness, Neil


    Due to their disproportional representation in fatal crashes, younger and older drivers both stand to benefit from in-vehicle safety technologies, yet little is known about how they value such technologies, or their willingness to adopt them. The current study investigated older (aged 65 and greater; N=49) and younger (ages 18-23; N=40) adults' valuation of a blind spot monitor and asked if self-reported visual difficulties while driving predicted the amount participants were willing to pay for a particular system (BMW's Active Blind Spot Detection System) that was demonstrated using a short video. Large and small anchor values ($250 and $500, respectively) were used as between subjects manipulations to examine the effects of initial valuation, and participants proceeded through a short staircase procedure that offered them either the free installation of the system on their current vehicle or a monetary prize ($25-$950) that changed in value according to which option they had selected in the previous step of the staircase procedure. Willingness to use other advanced driver assistance systems (lane-departure warning, automatic lane centering, emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, and self-parking systems) was also analyzed, additionally controlling for prior familiarity of those systems. Results showed that increased age was associated with a higher valuation for the Active Blind Spot Detection System in both the large and small anchor value conditions controlling for income, gender, and technology self-efficacy. Older adults valued blind spot detection about twice as much ($762) as younger adults ($383) in the large anchor condition, though both groups' values were in the range for the current cost of an aftermarket system. Similarly, age was the most robust positive predictor of willingness to adopt other driving technologies, along with system familiarity. Difficulties with driving-related visual factors also positively predicting acceptance levels for

  13. A comparison of cheap talk and alternative certainty calibration techniques in contingent valuation


    Mihail Samnaliev; Thomas Stevens; Thomas More


    A field test of cheap talk and two types of certainty calibration in contingent valuation of public lands indicated that cheap talk does not reduce WTP estimates. Use of a ten point certainty calibration scale reduces WTP estimates by about half. However, adjusting for uncertainty using a 'Not Sure' option does not reduce WTP estimates but increases the...

  14. Teacher Valuation and Use of Posters to Promote Sustainability of Wetlands in Kenya

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ndaruga, Ayub Macharia


    Posters have a long history of use as tools to promote awareness on diverse issues including environmental conservation. A study was done using 39 primary school teachers in Kenya to explore their valuation and use of a wetlands poster during their teaching at school and within the community. The teachers were sampled using a non-purposive,…

  15. Human Factors Research Conducted under the COMDAT Technology Demonstrator Project

    DTIC Science & Technology


    tableau de l’interface opérateur-système au moyen du DT définitif. Les résultats détaillés des travaux en FH ont été publiés dans une série...nécessaires pour constituer le tableau tactique dans la salle des opérations des navires de la classe Halifax. De plus, nous avons élaboré des ...contribution des utilisateurs à la MSDF; • le soutien d’une évaluation du rendement de compilation d’un tableau de

  16. Annealing of (DU-10Mo)-Zr Co-Rolled Foils

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pacheco, Robin Montoya; Alexander, David John; Mccabe, Rodney James


    Producing uranium-10wt% molybdenum (DU-10Mo) foils to clad with Al first requires initial bonding of the DU-10Mo foil to zirconium (Zr) by hot rolling, followed by cold rolling to final thickness. Rolling often produces wavy (DU-10Mo)-Zr foils that should be flattened before further processing, as any distortions could affect the final alignment and bonding of the Al cladding to the Zr co-rolled surface layer; this bonding is achieved by a hot isostatic pressing (HIP) process. Distortions in the (DU-10Mo)-Zr foil may cause the fuel foil to press against the Al cladding and thus create thinner or thicker areas in the Almore » cladding layer during the HIP cycle. Post machining is difficult and risky at this stage in the process since there is a chance of hitting the DU-10Mo. Therefore, it is very important to establish a process to flatten and remove any waviness. This study was conducted to determine if a simple annealing treatment could flatten wavy foils. Using the same starting material (i.e. DU-10Mo coupons of the same thickness), five different levels of hot rolling and cold rolling, combined with five different annealing treatments, were performed to determine the effect of these processing variables on flatness, bonding of layers, annealing response, microstructure, and hardness. The same final thickness was reached in all cases. Micrographs, textures, and hardness measurements were obtained for the various processing combinations. Based on these results, it was concluded that annealing at 650°C or higher is an effective treatment to appreciably reduce foil waviness.« less

  17. An alternative for cost-effective remediation of depleted uranium (DU) at certain environmental restoration sites.


    Miller, M; Galloway, B; VanDerpoel, G; Johnson, E; Copland, J; Salazar, M


    Numerous sites in the United States and around the world are contaminated with depleted uranium (DU) in various forms. A prevalent form is fragmented DU originating from various scientific tests involving high explosives and DU during weapon development programs, at firing practice ranges, or war theaters where DU was used in armor-piercing projectiles. The contamination at these sites is typically very heterogeneous, with discreet, visually identifiable DU fragments mixed with native soil. That is, the bulk-averaged DU activity is quite low, while specific DU fragments, which are distinct from the soil matrix, have much higher specific activity. DU is best known as a dark, black metal that is nearly twice as dense as lead, but DU in the environment readily weathers (oxidizes) to a distinctive bright yellow color that is readily visible. While the specific activity (amount of radioactivity per mass of soil) of DU is relatively low and presents only a minor radiological hazard, the fact that it is radioactive and visually identifiable makes it desirable to remove the DU "contamination" from the environment. The typical approach to conducting this DU remediation is to use radiation detection instruments to identify the contaminant and separate it from the adjacent soil, packaging it for disposal as radioactive waste. This process can be performed manually or by specialized, automated equipment. Alternatively, in certain situations a more cost-effective approach might be simple mechanical or gravimetric separation of the DU fragments from the host soil matrix. At SNL/NM, both the automated and simple mechanical approaches have recently been employed. This paper discusses the pros/cons of the two approaches.

  18. W.E.B. DuBois and the Concepts of Race and Class.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Green, Dan S.; Smith, Earl


    Summarizes and analyzes W.E.B. DuBois's publications on race and class, particularly as he observed the relationships between White and Black Americans from about 1890 to the 1960s. Contends that DuBois's work has been seriously underrated and cites William J. Wilson's work as corroborating and extending DuBois's theories. (CJM)

  19. Une version québécoise du Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 2 (SCAT2)—Outil d'évaluation des commotions cérébrales dans le sport 2 : Québec (SCAT2-Qc)

    PubMed Central

    Boyd, Jami; Boyer-Rémillard, Marie-Eve; Pilon-Piquette, Michael; McKinley, Patricia


    RÉSUMÉ Objectif : traduire le Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 2 (SCAT2) dans la langue française parlée au Québec et en vérifier l'acceptabilité pour la population québécoise francophone. Méthodologie : le processus de traduction de la version originale du SCAT2 a fait appel à une variante de la méthode de traduction et d'adaptation d'outils proposée par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé. Une traduction parallèle a d'abord été réalisée. Ensuite, un comité a révisé cette traduction parallèle dans le but de produire une version préliminaire du SCAT2-Qc. Puis, on a procédé à une rétrotraduction parallèle, que l'on a comparée à la version originale. La version préliminaire a été modifiée. Pour parvenir à la version finale, on a intégré les suggestions et les commentaires formulés par deux sujets sains lors de l'essai de l'outil, et lors de la comparaison du SCAT2-Qc à la version française existante par trois réviseurs du domaine de la santé. On a ensuite testé la version finale du SCAT2-Qc auprès de douze sujets sains pour en vérifier l'acceptabilité. Résultats : les douze sujets sains n'ont eu aucun problème de compréhension en utilisant le SCAT2-Qc. Conclusion : les différentes étapes de traduction ont permis de créer le SCAT2-Qc. Son contenu ayant été validé, il peut à présent être utilisé dans le milieu sportif et scientifique québécois. PMID:24396168

  20. Sustainable growth, the DuPont way.


    Holliday, C


    Like many manufacturers, DuPont traditionally has grown by making more and more "stuff." And its business growth has been proportional to the amount of raw materials and energy used--as well as the resulting waste and emissions from operations. Over the years, though, DuPont became aware that cheap supplies of nonrenewable resources wouldn't be endlessly available and that the earth's ecosystems couldn't indefinitely absorb the waste and emissions of production and consumption. Chad Holliday, chairman and CEO of DuPont, believes strongly in the challenge of sustainable growth and makes the business case for it: By using creativity and scientific knowledge effectively, he says, companies can provide strong returns for shareholders and grow their businesses--while also meeting the human needs of societies around the world and reducing the environmental footprint of their operations and products. In fact, a focus on sustainability can help identify new products, markets, partnerships, and intellectual property and lead to substantial business growth. Holliday describes how DuPont developed a three-pronged strategy to translate the concept of sustainability into nuts-and-bolts business practices. Focusing on integrated science, knowledge intensity, and productivity improvement, the strategy was accompanied by a new way to measure progress quantitatively. Sustainable growth should be viewed not as a program for stepped-up environmental performance but as a comprehensive way of doing business, one that delivers tremendous economic value and opens up new opportunities. Ultimately, companies will find that they can generate substantial business value through sustainability while both enhancing the quality of life around the world and protecting the environment.

  1. Ecosystems, ecological restoration, and economics: does habitat or resource equivalency analysis mean other economic valuation methods are not needed?


    Shaw, W Douglass; Wlodarz, Marta


    Coastal and other area resources such as tidal wetlands, seagrasses, coral reefs, wetlands, and other ecosystems are often harmed by environmental damage that might be inflicted by human actions, or could occur from natural hazards such as hurricanes. Society may wish to restore resources to offset the harm, or receive compensation if this is not possible, but faces difficult choices among potential compensation projects. The optimal amount of restoration efforts can be determined by non-market valuation methods, service-to-service, or resource-to-resource approaches such as habitat equivalency analysis (HEA). HEA scales injured resources and lost services on a one-to-one trade-off basis. Here, we present the main differences between the HEA approach and other non-market valuation approaches. Particular focus is on the role of the social discount rate, which appears in the HEA equation and underlies calculations of the present value of future damages. We argue that while HEA involves elements of economic analysis, the assumption of a one-to-one trade-off between lost and restored services sometimes does not hold, and then other non-market economic valuation approaches may help in restoration scaling or in damage determination.

  2. L’évaluation et le traitement du nourrisson exposé au virus d’immunodéficience humaine de type 1

    PubMed Central


    RÉSUMÉ Dans les pays industrialisés, des soins et un traitement sont offerts aux femmes enceintes et aux nourrissons, afin de faire chuter à 2 % ou moins le taux d’infection périnatale au virus d’immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH-1). Le pédiatre joue un rôle de premier plan dans la prévention de la transmission du VIH-1 de la mère à l’enfant par le dépistage des nourrissons exposés au VIH dont l’infection au VIH de la mère n’a pas été diagnostiquée avant l’accouchement. Il prescrit une prophylaxie antirétrovirale à ces nourrissons, afin de réduire le risque d’acquisition de l’infection au VIH-1 et d’en éviter le plus possible la transmission par le lait maternel. De plus, le pédiatre peut soigner les nourrissons exposés au VIH-1 en les surveillant pour obtenir un dépistage précoce de l’infection au VIH-1 et évaluer les toxicités à court et à long terme de l’exposition aux antirétroviraux, assurer une chimioprophylaxie de la pneumonie à Pneumocystis et soutenir les familles qui vivent avec une infection au VIH-1, grâce à des conseils thérapeutiques aux parents ou aux soignants.

  3. Le domaine des co-infections et des maladies concomitantes du Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des IRSC : lignes directrices canadiennes pour la prise en charge et le traitement de la co-infection par le VIH et l’hépatite C chez les adultes

    PubMed Central

    Hull, Mark; Giguère, Pierre; Klein, Marina; Shafran, Stephen; Tseng, Alice; Côté, Pierre; Poliquin, Marc; Cooper, Curtis


    HISTORIQUE : De 20 % à 30 % des Canadiens qui vivent avec le VIH sont co-infectés par le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC), lequel est responsable d’une morbidité et d’une mortalité importantes. La prise en charge du VIH et du VHC est plus complexe en raison de l’évolution accélérée de la maladie hépatique, du choix et des critères d’initiation de la thérapie antirétrovirale et du traitement anti-VHC, de la prise en charge de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies, des obstacles socioéconomiques et des interactions entre les nouvelles thérapies antivirales à action directe du VHC et les antirétroviraux OBJECTIF : Élaborer des normes nationales de prise en charge des adultes co-infectés par le VHC et le VIH dans le contexte canadien. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Le Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada a réuni un groupe d’experts possédant des compétences cliniques en co-infection par le VIH et le VHC pour réviser les publications à jour ainsi que les lignes directrices et les protocoles en place. Après une vaste sollicitation afin d’obtenir des points de vue, le groupe de travail a approuvé des recommandations consensuelles, qu’il a caractérisées au moyen d’une échelle de qualité des preuves fondée sur la classe (bienfaits par rapport aux préjudices) et sur la catégorie (degré de certitude). RÉSULTATS : Toutes les personnes co-infectées par le VIH et le VHC devraient subir une évaluation en vue de recevoir un traitement du VHC. Les personnes qui ne sont pas en mesure d’entreprendre un traitement du VHC devraient être soignées pour le VIH afin de ralentir l’évolution de la maladie hépatique. La norme de traitement du VHC de génotype 1 est un régime comprenant de l’interféron pégylé et de la ribavirine dosée en fonction du poids, associés à un inhibiteur de la protéase du VHC. Pour les génotypes 2 ou 3, une bithérapie classique est recommandée pendant 24 semaines s

  4. Dissonance-Based Eating Disorder Prevention Program Reduces Reward Region Response to Thin Models; How Actions Shape Valuation

    PubMed Central

    Stice, Eric; Yokum, Sonja; Waters, Allison


    Research supports the effectiveness of a dissonance-based eating disorder prevention program wherein high-risk young women with body dissatisfaction critique the thin ideal, which reduces pursuit of this ideal, and the theory that dissonance induction contributes to these effects. Based on evidence that dissonance produces attitudinal change by altering neural representation of valuation, we tested whether completing the Body Project would reduce response of brain regions implicated in reward valuation to thin models. Young women with body dissatisfaction were randomized to this intervention or an educational control condition, completing assessments and fMRI scans while viewing images of thin versus average-weight female models at pre and post. Whole brain analyses indicated that, compared to controls, Body Project participants showed greater reductions in caudate response to images of thin versus average-weight models, though participants in the two conditions showed pretest differences in responsivity of other brain regions that might have contributed to this effect. Greater pre-post reductions in caudate and putamen response to thin models correlated with greater reductions in body dissatisfaction. The finding that the Body Project reduces caudate response to thin models provides novel preliminary evidence that this intervention reduces valuation of media images thought to contribute to body dissatisfaction and eating disorders, providing support for the intervention theory by documenting that this intervention alters an objective biological outcome. PMID:26641854

  5. Dissonance-Based Eating Disorder Prevention Program Reduces Reward Region Response to Thin Models; How Actions Shape Valuation.


    Stice, Eric; Yokum, Sonja; Waters, Allison


    Research supports the effectiveness of a dissonance-based eating disorder prevention program wherein high-risk young women with body dissatisfaction critique the thin ideal, which reduces pursuit of this ideal, and the theory that dissonance induction contributes to these effects. Based on evidence that dissonance produces attitudinal change by altering neural representation of valuation, we tested whether completing the Body Project would reduce response of brain regions implicated in reward valuation to thin models. Young women with body dissatisfaction were randomized to this intervention or an educational control condition, completing assessments and fMRI scans while viewing images of thin versus average-weight female models at pre and post. Whole brain analyses indicated that, compared to controls, Body Project participants showed greater reductions in caudate response to images of thin versus average-weight models, though participants in the two conditions showed pretest differences in responsivity of other brain regions that might have contributed to this effect. Greater pre-post reductions in caudate and putamen response to thin models correlated with greater reductions in body dissatisfaction. The finding that the Body Project reduces caudate response to thin models provides novel preliminary evidence that this intervention reduces valuation of media images thought to contribute to body dissatisfaction and eating disorders, providing support for the intervention theory by documenting that this intervention alters an objective biological outcome.

  6. Do alcohol expectancy outcomes and valuations mediate peer influences and lifetime alcohol use among early adolescents?


    Zamboanga, Byron L; Schwartz, Seth J; Ham, Lindsay S; Jarvis, Lorna Hernandez; Olthuis, Janine V


    Building on the theory of reasoned action (I. Ajzen & M. Fishbein, 1973, 1980; M. Fishbein & I. Ajzen, 1975) and expectancy theory, the authors examined the mediating role of alcohol expectancies in adolescent drinking behaviors by testing whether alcohol expectancy outcomes and valuations (the extent to which these outcomes are perceived as good or bad) mediate the association between peer influences and lifetime alcohol use. Early adolescents (N = 904) from 2 public middle schools in western Michigan completed a battery of questionnaires. Overall, results showed that alcohol expectancies and valuations partially mediated the relations between peer influences (peer use and peer approval) and lifetime alcohol use. The findings suggest that associating with peers who are perceived as using alcohol and approving of drinking may influence adolescents' alcohol expectancies. The authors briefly discuss future research directions and implications for prevention.

  7. 30 CFR 210.153 - What reports must I submit for Indian gas valuation purposes?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... INTERIOR MINERALS REVENUE MANAGEMENT FORMS AND REPORTS Special-Purpose Forms and Reports-Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources § 210.153 What reports must I submit for Indian gas valuation purposes? (a) General. For... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What reports must I submit for Indian gas...

  8. Lambeaux autofermants pour le traitement des brulures electriques du scalp par haut voltage

    PubMed Central

    Hafidi, J.; El Mazouz, S.; El Mejatti, H.; Fejjal, N.; Gharib, N.E.; Abbassi, A.; Belmahi, A.M.


    Summary Les brûlures électriques par haut voltage sont responsables de gros dégâts tissulaires en immédiat et dans les jours suivant l’accident du fait de la chaleur importante dégagée par effet joule et de la thrombose microvasculaire évolutive. Les pertes de substances du scalp secondaires à ces brûlures nécessitent une couverture par lambeaux vu la destruction du périoste et du calvarium en regard. De juin 1997 à juin 2008, 15 patients ont été traités pour des pertes de substance du scalp secondaires à des brûlures électriques par haut voltage de diamètre allant de 8 à 11 cm et siégeant dans la région tonsurale. Ces patients ont été opérés dans la première semaine suivant l’accident. Les pertes de substance du scalp de taille moyenne secondaires à ces brûlures peuvent être couvertes per primam de façon fiable par des lambeaux locaux axialisés et multiples. Nous relatons l’expérience du Service de Chirurgie Plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina, Rabat, Maroc, dans la gestion et la prise en charge de ces brûlures. PMID:22262963

  9. Survie au cancer du sein à Rabat (Maroc) 2005-2008

    PubMed Central

    Mechita, Nada Bennani; Tazi, Mohammed Adnane; Er-Raki, Abdelouahed; Mrabet, Mustapha; Saadi, Asma; Benjaafar, Noureddine; Razine, Rachid


    Introduction Le cancer du sein représente un problème de santé publique au Maroc. L’objectif de ce travail était d’estimer le taux de survie au cancer du sein chez les patientes habitant la ville de Rabat. Méthodes Etude pronostique réalisée chez les patientes diagnostiquées pour cancer du sein de 2005 à 2008, habitant la ville de Rabat et enregistrées au registre des cancers de Rabat. La date d’inclusion dans l’étude correspondait à la date de confirmation histologique du cancer. L’estimation de la survie a été réalisée par la méthode de Kaplan Meier, et la comparaison entre les différentes classes d’une variable a été réalisée par le test de log rank. L’étude des facteurs associés à la survie a été effectuée par le modèle de Cox. Résultats Durant la période d’étude 628 cas de cancer du sein ont été collectés. Le pourcentage de décès était de 19,9%. La survie globale à un an était de 97,1%, elle était de 89,2% à 3 ans et de 80,6 % à 5 ans. En analyse multivariée la survie au cancer du sein était statistiquement moins bonne chez les patientes âgées de plus de 70 ans (p<0,001), ayantune grande taille de tumeur (p<0,001), un stade avancé d’adénopathies (p=0,007), présentant des métastases (p<0,001) et non traitées par hormonothérapie (p=0,002). Conclusion Une grande taille de la tumeur et la présence de métastases sont des facteurs de mauvais pronostic du cancer du sein d’où la nécessité de renforcer les programmes de dépistage. PMID:28292106


    EPA Science Inventory


    The use of willingness-to-pay (WTP) survey techniques based on multi-attribute utility (MAU) approaches has been recommended by some authors as a way to deal simultaneously with two difficulties that increasingly plague environmental valuation. The first of th...

  11. 26 CFR 1.6662-5T - Substantial and gross valuation misstatements under chapter 1 (temporary).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ..., DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Additions to the Tax, Additional... persons). (iii) Property. For purposes of this section, the term property refers to both tangible and... adjustments. For rules relating to the penalty imposed with respect to a substantial or gross valuation...

  12. 76 FR 67105 - Cash Balance Plans; Benefit Determinations and Plan Valuations for Statutory Hybrid Plans...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Balance Plans; Benefit Determinations and Plan Valuations for Statutory Hybrid Plans; Pension Protection... rules for determining benefits upon the termination of a statutory hybrid plan, such as a cash balance... cash balance plan presents unique issues for PBGC.\\2\\ In contrast to a traditional defined benefit plan...

  13. A study of the user's perception of economic value in nursing visits to primary care by the method of contingent valuation.


    Martín-Fernández, Jesús; Pérez-Rivas, Francisco Javier; Gómez-Gascón, Tomás; del Cura-González, Isabel; Tello Bernabé, Eugenia; Rodríguez-Martínez, Gemma; Polentinos-Castro, Elena; Domínguez-Bidagor, Julia; Ariza-Cardiel, Gloria; Conde-López, Juan Francisco; Beamud-Lagos, Milagros; Aguado-Arroyo, Oscar; Sanz-Bayona, Teresa; Gil-Lacruz, Ana Isabel


    The identification of the attribution of economic value that users of a health system assign to a health service could be useful in planning these services. The method of contingent valuation can provide information about the user's perception of value in monetary terms, and therefore comparable between services of a very different nature. This study attempts to extract the economic value that the subject, user of primary care nursing services in a public health system, attributes to this service by the method of contingent valuation, based on the perspectives of Willingness to Pay (WTP) and Willingness to Accept [Compensation] (WTA). This is an economic study with a transversal design. The contingent valuation method will be used to estimate the user's willingness to pay (WTP) for the care received from the primary care nurse and the willingness to accept [compensation] (WTA), were this service eliminated. A survey that meets the requisites of the contingent valuation method will be constructed and pilot-tested. Subsequently, 600 interviews will be performed with subjects chosen by systematic randomized sampling from among those who visit nursing at twenty health centers with different socioeconomic characteristics in the Community of Madrid. The characteristics of the subject and of the care received that can explain the variations in WTP, WTA and in the WTP/WTA ratio expressed will be studied. A theoretical validation of contingent valuation will be performed constructing two explanatory multivariate mixed models in which the dependent variable will be WTP, and the WTP/WTA relationship, respectively. The identification of the attribution of economic value to a health service that does not have a direct price at the time of use, such as a visit to primary care nursing, and the definition of a profile of "loss aversion" in reference to the service evaluated, can be relevant elements in planning, enabling incorporating patient preferences to health policy decision-making.

  14. A study of the user's perception of economic value in nursing visits to primary care by the method of contingent valuation

    PubMed Central


    Background The identification of the attribution of economic value that users of a health system assign to a health service could be useful in planning these services. The method of contingent valuation can provide information about the user's perception of value in monetary terms, and therefore comparable between services of a very different nature. This study attempts to extract the economic value that the subject, user of primary care nursing services in a public health system, attributes to this service by the method of contingent valuation, based on the perspectives of Willingness to Pay (WTP) and Willingness to Accept [Compensation] (WTA). Methods/Design This is an economic study with a transversal design. The contingent valuation method will be used to estimate the user's willingness to pay (WTP) for the care received from the primary care nurse and the willingness to accept [compensation] (WTA), were this service eliminated. A survey that meets the requisites of the contingent valuation method will be constructed and pilot-tested. Subsequently, 600 interviews will be performed with subjects chosen by systematic randomized sampling from among those who visit nursing at twenty health centers with different socioeconomic characteristics in the Community of Madrid. The characteristics of the subject and of the care received that can explain the variations in WTP, WTA and in the WTP/WTA ratio expressed will be studied. A theoretical validation of contingent valuation will be performed constructing two explanatory multivariate mixed models in which the dependent variable will be WTP, and the WTP/WTA relationship, respectively. Discussion The identification of the attribution of economic value to a health service that does not have a direct price at the time of use, such as a visit to primary care nursing, and the definition of a profile of "loss aversion" in reference to the service evaluated, can be relevant elements in planning, enabling incorporating patient

  15. Pavlovian valuation systems in learning and decision making

    PubMed Central

    Clark, Jeremy J.; Hollon, Nick G.; Phillips, Paul E. M.


    Environmental stimuli guide value-based decision making, but can do so through cognitive representation of outcomes or through general-incentive properties attributed to the cues themselves. We assert that these differences are conferred through the use of alternative associative structures differing in computational intensity. Using this framework, we review scientific evidence to discern the neural substrates of these assumed separable processes. We suggest that the contribution of the mesolimbic dopamine system to Pavlovian valuation is restricted to an affective system that is only updated through experiential feedback of stimulus-outcome pairing, whereas the orbitofrontal cortex contributes to an alternative system capable of inferential reasoning. Finally we discuss the interactions and convergence of these systems and their implications for decision making and its pathology. PMID:22749132

  16. DU Processing Efficiency and Reclamation: Plasma Arc Melting

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Imhoff, Seth D.; Aikin, Jr., Robert M.; Swenson, Hunter

    The work described here corresponds to one piece of a larger effort to increase material usage efficiency during DU processing operations. In order to achieve this goal, multiple technologies and approaches are being tested. These technologies occupy a spectrum of technology readiness levels (TRLs). Plasma arc melting (PAM) is one of the technologies being investigated. PAM utilizes a high temperature plasma to melt materials. Depending on process conditions, there are potential opportunities for recycling and material reclamation. When last routinely operational, the LANL research PAM showed extremely promising results for recycling and reclamation of DU and DU alloys. The currentmore » TRL is lower due to machine idleness for nearly two decades, which has proved difficult to restart. This report describes the existing results, promising techniques, and the process of bringing this technology back to readiness at LANL.« less

  17. Application and project portfolio valuation using enterprise architecture and business requirements modelling

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Quartel, Dick; Steen, Maarten W. A.; Lankhorst, Marc M.


    This article describes an architecture-based approach to IT valuation. This approach offers organisations an instrument to valuate their application and project portfolios and to make well-balanced decisions about IT investments. The value of a software application is assessed in terms of its contribution to a selection of business goals. Based on such assessments, the value of different applications can be compared, and requirements for innovation, development, maintenance and phasing out can be identified. IT projects are proposed to realise the requirements. The value of each project is assessed in terms of the value it adds to one or more applications. This value can be obtained by relating the 'as-is' application portfolio to the 'to-be' portfolio that is being proposed by the project portfolio. In this way, projects can be ranked according to their added value, given a certain selection of business goals. The approach uses ArchiMate to model the relationship between software applications, business processes, services and products. In addition, two language extensions are used to model the relationship of these elements to business goals and requirements and to projects and project portfolios. The approach is illustrated using the portfolio method of Bedell and has been implemented in BiZZdesign Architect.

  18. 7 CFR 810.105 - Grades and grade requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) GRAIN INSPECTION, PACKERS AND STOCKYARD ADMINISTRATION (FEDERAL GRAIN INSPECTION SERVICE), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OFFICIAL UNITED STATES STANDARDS FOR GRAIN General Provisions Grades, Grade Requirements, and Grade Designations § 810.105 Grades and grade...

  19. Valuation Challenges of Riparian Restoration in a Dynamic Decision Support Context: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

    EPA Science Inventory

    A dynamic simulation model is constructed to compare benefit-cost ratios of riparian restoration options for the Middle Rio Grande riparian corridor in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. The model is built from original choice experiment valuation data, regional benefit-transfer studi...

  20. Nitrogen, ecosystem services and environmental justice: How can a spatial valuation approach inform responsible nutrient management?

    EPA Science Inventory

    Spatially-explicit ecosystem service valuation (ESV) allows for the identification of the location and magnitude of services provided by natural ecosystems along with an economic measure of their value based upon benefit transfer. While this provides an important function in term...

  1. Pesticides and health: a review of evidence on health effects, valuation of risks, and benefit-cost analysis.


    Tago, Damian; Andersson, Henrik; Treich, Nicolas


    This study presents literature reviews for the period 2000-2013 on (i) the health effects of pesticides and on (ii) preference valuation of health risks related to pesticides, as well as a discussion of the role of benefit-cost analysis applied to pesticide regulatory measures. This study indicates that the health literature has focused on individuals with direct exposure to pesticides, i.e. farmers, while the literature on preference valuation has focused on those with indirect exposure, i.e. consumers. The discussion highlights the need to clarify the rationale for regulating pesticides, the role of risk perceptions in benefit-cost analysis, and the importance of inter-disciplinary research in this area. This study relates findings of different disciplines (health, economics, public policy) regarding pesticides, and identifies gaps for future research.

  2. Valuation of Drug Abuse: A Review of Current Methodologies and Implications for Policy Making

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schori, Maayan


    This article reviews the use of several valuation methods as they relate to drug abuse and places them within the context of U.S. policy. First, cost-of-illness (COI) studies are reviewed and their limitations discussed. Second, three additional economic methods of valuing drug abuse are reviewed, including cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA),…

  3. Individual responsibility and health-risk behaviour: a contingent valuation study from the ex ante societal perspective.


    van der Star, Sanne M; van den Berg, Bernard


    This study analyzes peoples' social preferences for individual responsibility to health-risk behaviour in health care using the contingent valuation method adopting a societal perspective. We measure peoples' willingness to pay for inclusion of a treatment in basic health insurance of a hypothetical lifestyle dependent (smoking) and lifestyle independent (chronic) health problem. Our hypothesis is that peoples' willingness to pay for the independent and the dependent health problems are similar. As a methodological challenge, this study also analyzes the extent to which people consider their personal situation when answering contingent valuation questions adopting a societal perspective. 513 Dutch inhabitants responded to the questionnaire. They were asked to state their maximum willingness to pay for inclusion of treatments in basic health insurance package for two health problems. We asked them to assume that one hypothetical health problem was totally independent of behaviour (for simplicity called chronic disease). Alternatively, we asked them to assume that the other hypothetical health problem was totally caused by health-risk behaviour (for simplicity called smoking disease). We applied the payment card method to guide respondents to answer the contingent valuation method questions. Mean willingness to pay was 42.39 Euros (CI=37.24-47.55) for inclusion of treatment for health problem that was unrelated to behaviour, with '5-10' and '10-20 Euros' as most frequently stated answers. In contrast, mean willingness to pay for inclusion treatment for health-risk related problem was 11.29 Euros (CI=8.83-14.55), with '0' and '0-5 Euros' as most frequently provided answers. Difference in mean willingness to pay was substantial (over 30 Euros) and statistically significant (p-value=0.000). Smokers were statistically significantly more (p-value<0.01) willing to pay for the health-risk related (smoking) problem compared with non-smokers, while people with chronic

  4. Distinct patterns of outcome valuation and amygdala-prefrontal cortex synaptic remodeling in adolescence and adulthood

    PubMed Central

    Stolyarova, Alexandra; Izquierdo, Alicia


    Adolescent behavior is typified by increased risk-taking, reward- and novelty-seeking, as well as an augmented need for social and environmental stimulation. This behavioral phenotype may result from alterations in outcome valuation or reward learning. In the present set of experiments, we directly compared adult and adolescent animals on tasks measuring both of these processes. Additionally, we examined developmental differences in dopamine D1-like receptor (D1R), dopamine D2-like receptor (D2R), and polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) expression in animals that were trained on an effortful reward valuation task, given that these proteins play an important role in the functional development of the amygdala-prefrontocortical (PFC) circuit and mesocorticolimbic dopamine system. We found that adolescent animals were not different from adults in appetitive associative learning, but exhibited distinct pattern of responses to differences in outcome values, which was paralleled by an enhanced motivation to invest effort to obtain larger rewards. There were no differences in D2 receptor expression, but D1 receptor expression was significantly reduced in the striatum of animals that had experiences with reward learning during adolescence compared to animals that went through the same experiences in adulthood. We observed increased levels of PSA-NCAM expression in both PFC and amygdala of late adolescents compared to adults that were previously trained on an effortful reward valuation task. PSA-NCAM levels in PFC were strongly and positively associated with high effort/reward (HER) choices in adolescents, but not in adult animals. Increased levels of PSA-NCAM expression in adolescents may index increased structural plasticity and represent a neural correlate of a reward sensitive endophenotype. PMID:25999830

  5. Cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone au Maroc: caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques

    PubMed Central

    Boufettal, Houssine; Samouh, Naïma


    Préciser la fréquence, les facteurs de risque et le pronostic du cancer du sein bilatéral, à partir d'une étude rétrospective de 22 cas de cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone dans un pays du Maghreb. De 2002 à 2010, 625 patientes étaient prises en charge pour cancer du sein au service de Gynécologie-Obstétrique «C» du centre hospitalier universitaire de Casablanca. 22 cas de cancer bilatéral synchrone étaient diagnostiqués. Nos résultats sont comparés avec ceux de la littérature. La fréquence de la bilatéralité du cancer du sein synchrone était de 3,52% (22/625). L'intervalle de temps moyen entre les deux cancers est de 4 mois (0 à 6 mois). Les patientes âgées de moins de 40 ans lors du premier cancer avaient six fois plus de risque de développer un cancer au niveau du sein controlatéral que les femmes âgées de plus de 40 ans. Les patientes atteintes d'une tumeur T3 ou T4 avaient un risque neuf fois plus élevé que les autres. 90,9% (2/22) des cas des premiers cancers sont des adénocarcinomes infiltrants. Les types histologiques du premier et du douzième cancer étaient identiques dans 86,4% (19/22) des cas. Quant au pronostic, il dépend à la fois du stade du premier et du deuxième cancer et le traitement de ce dernier doit obéir aux mêmes règles du traitement du premier cancer. L'incidence du cancer bilatéral synchrone du sein est de 3,52% dans notre série. Le cancer du sein unilatéral constitue un facteur de risque de développement d'un cancer du sein controlatéral. Une surveillance à vie est nécessaire au cours d'un cancer du sein pour détecter un cancer controlatéral. PMID:26090066

  6. Les inconvénients de perdre du poids

    PubMed Central

    Bosomworth, N. John


    Résumé Objectif Explorer les raisons pour lesquelles la perte de poids à long terme échoue la plupart du temps et évaluer les conséquences de diverses trajectoires pondérales, y compris la stabilité, la perte et le gain. Source des données Les études qui évaluent les paramètres pondéraux dans la population sont en majorité observationnelles. Des données probantes de niveau I ont été publiées pour évaluer l’influence des interventions relatives au poids sur la mortalité et la qualité de vie. Message principal Seulement un petit pourcentage des personnes qui désirent perdre du poids réussissent à le faire de manière durable. La mortalité est la plus faible chez les personnes se situant dans la catégorie de poids élevé-normal et surpoids. La trajectoire pondérale la plus sécuritaire est la stabilité du poids avec une optimisation de la condition physique et métabolique. Il est démontré que la mortalité est plus faible chez les personnes ayant des comorbidités reliées à l’obésité si elles perdent du poids. Il est aussi établi que la qualité de vie sur le plan de la santé est meilleure chez les personnes obèses qui perdent du poids. Par contre, la perte de poids chez une personne obèse autrement en santé est associée à une mortalité accrue. Conclusion La perte de poids est recommandable seulement chez les personnes qui ont des comorbidités reliées à l’obésité. Les personnes obèses en santé qui veulent perdre du poids devraient être informées qu’il peut y avoir des risques à le faire. Une stratégie qui se traduit par un indice de masse corporelle stable avec une condition physique et métabolique optimisée, peu importe le poids, est l’option d’intervention la plus sécuritaire en ce qui concerne le poids.

  7. Improving Grading Consistency through Grade Lift Reporting

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Millet, Ido


    We define Grade Lift as the difference between average class grade and average cumulative class GPA. This metric provides an assessment of how lenient the grading was for a given course. In 2006, we started providing faculty members individualized Grade Lift reports reflecting their position relative to an anonymously plotted school-wide…

  8. L’évaluation et la prise en charge des enfants et des adolescents victimes d’une commotion liée à un sport

    PubMed Central

    Purcell, Laura K


    RÉSUMÉ Les commotions sont des blessures sportives fréquentes, et elles sont particulièrement courantes chez les enfants et les adolescents qui participent à des sports organisés ou à des activités récréatives. Les symptômes de commotion peuvent être subtils et négligés par les athlètes, les entraîneurs et les parents. Un enfant ou un adolescent qui est victime d’une commotion devrait être immédiatement retiré du jeu et être évalué par un médecin dans les plus brefs délais. Il devrait éviter les activités physiques et cognitives pour se remettre de la commotion. Une fois les symptômes complètement résorbés au repos, l’athlète peut suivre un protocole d’effort graduel, supervisé par un médecin, avant d’obtenir l’autorisation médicale de retourner au jeu. Il est essentiel que tous ceux qui participent aux activités sportives pour les enfants et les adolescents connaissent les signes et symptômes de commotion afin qu’on puisse poser un diagnostic exact et rapide et amorcer une évaluation et une prise en charge convenables. Le présent document de principes remplace celui qui a été publié en 2006.

  9. How can we value an environmental asset that very few have visited or heard of? Lessons learned from applying contingent and inferred valuation in an Australian wetlands case study.


    Gregg, Daniel; Wheeler, Sarah Ann


    To date, the majority of environmental assets studied in the economic valuation literature clearly have high amenity and recreational use values. However there are many cases where small, but nevertheless unique and important, ecosystems survive as islands amongst large areas of modified, productive, or urban, landscapes. Development encroaches on the landscape and as urban landscapes become more concentrated these types of conservation islands will become increasingly more important. Previous experience with economic valuation suggests that lower total values for smaller contributions to conservation are more liable to be swamped by survey and hypothetical bias measures. Hence there needs to be more understanding of approaches to economic valuation for small and isolated environmental assets, in particular regarding controlling stated preference biases. This study applied the recently developed method of Inferred Valuation (IV) to a small private wetland in South-East Australia, and compared willingness to pay values with estimates from a standard Contingent Valuation (CV) approach. We found that hypothetical bias did seem to be slightly lower with the IV method. However, other methods such as the use of log-normal transformations and median measures, significantly mitigate apparent hypothetical biases and are easier to apply and allow use of the well-tested CV method. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. A test of concordance between patient and psychiatrist valuations of multiple treatment goals for schizophrenia

    PubMed Central

    Bridges, John F. P.; Slawik, Lara; Schmeding, Annette; Reimer, Jens; Naber, Dieter; Kuhnigk, Olaf


    Abstract Background  While much discussion has been placed on the problem of poor compliance in the treatment of schizophrenia, there has been little discussion on the concordance between patients and psychiatrists, an important contributing factor to patient‐centred care. Objective  To estimate the concordance between patients’ and psychiatrists’ (ordinal and cardinal) valuations of multiple goals for schizophrenia treatment and to illustrate the utility of the self‐explicated method in valuing a large number of treatment goals. Design  Twenty treatment goals were identified during focus groups and literature review and were presented to patients and psychiatrists during structured interviews. Respondents were asked to rank the multiple treatment goals and rate them on a 5‐point Likert scale. Three scores were calculated based on the ranking (1–20), rating (Likert scale) (1–5) and a self‐explicated method estimated as the product of rating and ranking score (1–100). Concordance was tested using Spearman’s rho for overall ordinal rankings and via anova and F‐test for the cardinal values assigned to a specific treatment goal. Participants  A total of 105 outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia and 160 psychiatrists in Germany. Results  Patient and psychiatrist values were concordant when the ordinal properties of their valuations were assessed by rating (ρ = 0.63; P = 0.002), ranking (ρ = 0.51; P = 0.02) and self‐explicated methods (ρ = 0.54; P = 0.01). Significant discordances were found when comparing the cardinal value placed on any given treatment goal using all three approaches, but the self‐explicated method produced a more discerning statistic. Relative to patients, psychiatrists significantly (P < 0.05) overvalued reduced lack of emotion, improved sexual pleasure and improved communication while undervaluing reuptake of activities of daily living, improved satisfaction and recovered capacity

  11. 17 CFR 270.2a41-1 - Valuation of standby commitments by registered investment companies.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ..., and will be considered to be from the party to whom the investment company will look for payment of... standby commitment is not used to affect the company's valuation of the security or securities underlying the standby commitment; and (2) Any consideration paid by the company for the standby commitment...

  12. An Investigation into Appraisal Bias: The Role of Decision Support Tools in Debiasing Valuation Judgments

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tidwell, Owen Alan


    Given the nature of the valuation task environment appraisers are often made aware of previous value opinions rendered by appraisers, commonly in the form of an historic appraisal. And, because an appraisal task involves the rendering of market value, a hypothetical, unobservable construct based on probabilities, direct feedback against this…

  13. [Valuation and prospect of function preserving gastrectomy].


    Wang, Shuchang; Yu, Site; Xu, Jia; Zhao, Gang


    Preserving gastric function and improving quality of life (QOL) is the tendency of surgery for early gastric cancer. Function preserving gastrectomy (FPG) is applied to modify the extent of surgery and to achieve better quality of life at the premise of radical resection. Pylorus-preserving gastrectomy is the most favorable approach of FPG with oncological safety, which can improve nutritional status and QOL via preserving pylorus and vagal nerve. Proximal gastrectomy is widely accepted as FPG for early upper 1/3 gastric cancer. However, the most optimal way of anastomosis is not yet solved. Sentinel node navigation is currently the most accurate approach for intraoperative diagnosis of lymph node metastasis, which stimulates the development of many kinds of FPG procedures for individual treatment. Nevertheless, more efforts should be made to reduce false negative rate of sentinel node biopsy. Herein we discuss the valuation and prospect of FPG.

  14. Cadastral valuation of lands polluted with radionuclides

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Makarov, O. A.; Tsvetnov, E. V.; Shcheglov, A. I.; Romashkina, A. D.; Ermiyaev, Ya. R.


    The major method to correct the cadastral value of land for contamination with radionuclides is to reduce it by the sum of expenses necessary for land remediation and for special measures ensuring the obtaining of agricultural and forestry products satisfying safety norms. Lands contaminated with radionuclides and used in agriculture and forestry are often removed from the system of land taxation. In this case, their cadastral value becomes an excessive element of the state cadaster of real estate. An approach toward cadastral valuation of such lands suggested by the authors assumes the creation of a system of compensation payments as the main source of financing of land rehabilitation and soil conservation measures. An original system of calculation of such payments has been tested for radioactively contaminated lands in Plavsk district of Tula oblast. It is argued that compensation payments for radioactively contaminated agrocenoses should be higher than those for natural cenoses.

  15. Hazardous Waste Cleanup: DuPont Imaging Department in Parlin, New Jersey

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    DuPont has owned and operated a chemical manufacturing plant on Cheesequake Road in Parlin, New Jersey, since 1904. DuPont manufactured a variety of products at the plant including, photographic films, automotive paints, pigments, adhesives, thinners,

  16. Post-learning infusion of anisomycin into the anterior cingulate cortex impairs instrumental acquisition through an effect on reinforcer valuation

    PubMed Central

    Jonkman, Sietse; Everitt, Barry J.


    The integrity of the rodent anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is essential for various aspects of instrumental behavior, but it is not clear if the ACC is important for the acquisition of a simple instrumental response. Here, it was demonstrated that post-session infusions of anisomycin into the rat ACC completely prevented the acquisition of instrumental responding. The experimental use of post-session intracranial infusions of plasticity inhibitors is assumed to affect local consolidation of plasticity, but not behavioral task performance. However, in associative appetitive conditioning, post-session intracranial infusion of pharmaco-active compounds could actually interfere with subsequent task performance indirectly through retrospective effects on the valuation of ingested rewards. Thus, it was subsequently demonstrated that the intracranial infusion of anisomycin into the ACC after sucrose pellet consumption significantly reduced subsequent pellet consumption, suggesting that the infusion of anisomycin into the ACC produced conditioned taste avoidance. In the third experiment, an innovative procedure was introduced that dissociated the effects of intracranial infusions after conditioning sessions on task-learning and unconditioned stimulus valuation. With this procedure, the infusion of anisomycin into the ACC after instrumental sessions did not affect instrumental reinforcer valuation or the acquisition of instrumental responding, suggesting that plasticity in the ACC is not necessary for the acquisition of instrumental behavior. PMID:19864297

  17. Replacement Beef Cow Valuation under Data Availability Constraints

    PubMed Central

    Hagerman, Amy D.; Thompson, Jada M.; Ham, Charlotte; Johnson, Kamina K.


    Economists are often tasked with estimating the benefits or costs associated with livestock production losses; however, lack of available data or absence of consistent reporting can reduce the accuracy of these valuations. This work looks at three potential estimation techniques for determining the value for replacement beef cows with varying types of market data to proxy constrained data availability and discusses the potential margin of error for each technique. Oklahoma bred replacement cows are valued using hedonic pricing based on Oklahoma bred cow data—a best case scenario—vector error correction modeling (VECM) based on national cow sales data and cost of production (COP) based on just a representative enterprise budget and very limited sales data. Each method was then used to perform a within-sample forecast of 2016 January to December, and forecasts are compared with the 2016 monthly observed market prices in Oklahoma using the mean absolute percent error (MAPE). Hedonic pricing methods tend to overvalue for within-sample forecasting but performed best, as measured by MAPE for high quality cows. The VECM tended to undervalue cows but performed best for younger animals. COP performed well, compared with the more data intensive methods. Examining each method individually across eight representative replacement beef female types, the VECM forecast resulted in a MAPE under 10% for 33% of forecasted months, followed by hedonic pricing at 24% of the forecasted months and COP at 14% of the forecasted months for average quality beef females. For high quality females, the hedonic pricing method worked best producing a MAPE under 10% in 36% of the forecasted months followed by the COP method at 21% of months and the VECM at 14% of the forecasted months. These results suggested that livestock valuation method selection was not one-size-fits-all and may need to vary based not only on the data available but also on the characteristics (e.g., quality or age) of the

  18. Health care contingent valuation studies: a review and classification of the literature.


    Diener, A; O'Brien, B; Gafni, A


    The contingent valuation method (CVM) is a survey-based approach for eliciting consumer's monetary valuations for programme benefits for use in cost-benefit analysis (CBA). We used the conceptual framework of O'Brien and Gafni (1996) to classify and critically appraise health care CVM studies. Search of computerized health care and economic citation databases (e.g. MEDLINE, ECONLIT) and manual search for papers published between 1984 1996 reporting primary data valuing health programme benefits in monetary units by CVM using willingness-to-pay (WTP) or accept (WTA). We classified studies using both empirical (i.e. who was surveyed and how) and conceptual criteria (i.e. which measure of consumer utility was measured and why). 48 CVM studies were retrieved; the majority (42) undertook money valuation in the context of cost benefit analysis (CBA), with the remainder being pricing/demand studies. Among the 42 CBA studies, the consumer utility being measured (i.e. compensating (CV) vs. equivalent variation (EV) was explicitly stated in only three (7%) studies). WTP was measured in 95% of studies and WTA in 5%. By cross-tabulation, 42 (91%) studies were designed as WTP/CV, two (4%) were WTP/EV, two (4%) were WTA/CV and no studies used WTA/EV. Most studies were administered by mail (52%) with 38% being in-person interviews. Value elicitation techniques included open-ended questions (38%), payment cards (19%) discrete choice questions (26%) or bidding games (29%). Some form of construct validation tests, particularly associations between WTP and income, were done in 21 studies (50%). (i) The number of health care CVM studies is growing rapidly and the majority are done in the context of CBA; (ii) there is wide variation among health care CVM studies in terms of the types of questions being posed and the elicitation formats being used; (iii) classification and appraisal of the literature is difficult because reporting of methods and their relationship with the conceptual

  19. Early-stage valuation of medical devices: the role of developmental uncertainty.


    Girling, Alan; Young, Terry; Brown, Celia; Lilford, Richard


    At the concept stage, many uncertainties surround the commercial viability of a new medical device. These include the ultimate functionality of the device, the cost of producing it and whether, and at what price, it can be sold to a health-care provider (HCP). Simple assessments of value can be made by estimating such unknowns, but the levels of uncertainty may mean that their operational value for investment decisions is unclear. However, many decisions taken at the concept stage are reversible and will be reconsidered later before the product is brought to market. This flexibility can be exploited to enhance early-stage valuations. To develop a framework for valuing a new medical device at the concept stage that balances benefit to the HCP against commercial costs. This is done within a simplified stage-gated model of the development cycle for new products. The approach is intended to complement existing proposals for the evaluation of the commercial headroom available to new medical products. A model based on two decision gates can lead to lower bounds (underestimates) for product value that can serve to support a decision to develop the product. Quantifiable uncertainty that can be resolved before the device is brought to market will generally enhance early-stage valuations of the device, and this remains true even when some components of uncertainty cannot be fully described. Clinical trials and other evidence-gathering activities undertaken as part of the development process can contribute to early-stage estimates of value.

  20. Ensemble des troubles causés par l'alcoolisation fœtale : lignes directrices canadiennes concernant le diagnostic

    PubMed Central

    Chudley, Albert E.; Conry, Julianne; Cook, Jocelynn L.; Loock, Christine; Rosales, Ted; LeBlanc, Nicole


    Résumé LE DIAGNOSTIC DE L'ENSEMBLE DES TROUBLES CAUSÉS PAR L'ALCOOLISATION FÉTALE (ETCAF) est complexe et l'élaboration de lignes directrices concernant le diagnostic est justifiée. Un sous-comité du Comité consultatif national de l'Agence de santé publique du Canada sur l'Ensemble des troubles causés par l'alcoolisation fœtale a examiné, analysé et intégré les méthodes de diagnostic actuelles afin de parvenir à une méthode de diagnostic normalisée faisant le consensus au Canada. L'objet du présent document est d'examiner et de clarifier l'utilisation des systèmes de diagnostic actuels et de formuler des recommandations quant à leur application pour le diagnostic des déficiences liées à l'ETCAF chez des individus de tous les âges. Les lignes directrices sont fondées sur un vaste consensus de praticiens et d'autres intervenants spécialisés dans le domaine. Ces lignes directrices ont été organisées en sept catégories, soit le dépistage et l'orientation vers les spécialistes, l'examen physique et le diagnostic différentiel, l'évaluation du comportement neurologique, le traitement et le suivi, les antécédents de consommation d'alcool de la mère pendant la grossesse, les critères du diagnostic pour le syndrome d'alcoolisation fœtale (SAF), SAF partiel et troubles neurologiques du développement liés à l'alcool, l'harmonisation de l'Institute of Medicine (IOM) et des approches du Code diagnostique à 4 chiffres. Le diagnostic exige une évaluation complète des antécédents, ainsi qu'un examen physique et du comportement neurologique, tout en recourant à une approche multidisciplinaire. Les présentes lignes directrices pour le diagnostic du syndrome d'alcoolisation fœtale et des déficiences qui y sont associées sont les premières à avoir été élaborées au Canada et elles sont fondées sur la consultation d'un grand éventail de spécialistes du diagnostic.

  1. Explaining the discrepancy between intentions and actions: the case of hypothetical bias in contingent valuation


    Icek Ajzen; Thomas C. Brown; Franklin Carvajal


    An experiment was designed to account for intention-behavior discrepancies by applying the theory of planned behavior to contingent valuation. College students (N = 160) voted in hypothetical and real payment referenda to contribute $8 to a scholarship fund. Overestimates of willingness to pay in the hypothetical referendum could not be attributed to moderately...

  2. 26 CFR 1.6662-5T - Substantial and gross valuation misstatements under chapter 1 (temporary).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... under chapter 1 (temporary). 1.6662-5T Section 1.6662-5T Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE..., Additional Amounts, and Assessable Penalties § 1.6662-5T Substantial and gross valuation misstatements under chapter 1 (temporary). (a)-(e)(3) [Reserved]. For further information, see § 1.6662-5(a) through (e)(3...

  3. 75 FR 71733 - Requirements for Measurement Facilities Used for the Royalty Valuation of Processed Natural Gas

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... measurement of inlet production, residue gas, fuel gas, flare gas, condensate, natural gas liquids, or any... governing gas and liquid hydrocarbon production measurement. We have recently completed the first phase of... Requirements for Measurement Facilities Used for the Royalty Valuation of Processed Natural Gas AGENCY: Bureau...

  4. Systems resilience for multihazard environments: definition, metrics, and valuation for decision making.


    Ayyub, Bilal M


    The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction reported that the 2011 natural disasters, including the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan, resulted in $366 billion in direct damages and 29,782 fatalities worldwide. Storms and floods accounted for up to 70% of the 302 natural disasters worldwide in 2011, with earthquakes producing the greatest number of fatalities. Average annual losses in the United States amount to about $55 billion. Enhancing community and system resilience could lead to massive savings through risk reduction and expeditious recovery. The rational management of such reduction and recovery is facilitated by an appropriate definition of resilience and associated metrics. In this article, a resilience definition is provided that meets a set of requirements with clear relationships to the metrics of the relevant abstract notions of reliability and risk. Those metrics also meet logically consistent requirements drawn from measure theory, and provide a sound basis for the development of effective decision-making tools for multihazard environments. Improving the resiliency of a system to meet target levels requires the examination of system enhancement alternatives in economic terms, within a decision-making framework. Relevant decision analysis methods would typically require the examination of resilience based on its valuation by society at large. The article provides methods for valuation and benefit-cost analysis based on concepts from risk analysis and management. © 2013 Society for Risk Analysis.

  5. Etude des facteurs liés à l'observance au traitement antirétroviral chez les patients suivis à l'Unité de Prise En Charge du VIH/SIDA de l'Hôpital de District de Dschang, Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Mbopi-Kéou, François-Xavier; Dempouo Djomassi, Lucienne; Monebenimp, Francisca


    Introduction Etudier les facteurs liés à l'observance au traitement antirétroviral chez les patients adultes suivis à l'Unité de Prise en Charge du VIH/SIDA (UPEC) de l'hôpital de District de Dschang. Méthodes Dans une étude descriptive transversale conduite à l'hôpital de District de Dschang, l'observance a été évaluée sur la base des déclarations des patients et sur la régularité du renouvellement de leurs ordonnances (observance calculée). Résultats Parmi les 389 patients répondant à nos critères d'inclusion, 356 ont été interrogés. La durée moyenne du suivi était de 27 mois. La moyenne d’âge était égale à 41 ans et le sexe ratio 2,46 en faveur du sexe féminin. Le statut sérologique était découvert pour 60,56% des patients à l'occasion d'un épisode maladif. Le niveau d'observance déclarée était significativement plus élevé que le niveau global de l'observance calculée (80,2% vs 51,5%, p<10−5). Les deux principales barrières à l'observance étaient l'oubli et le travail. Les patients référés dans cette UPEC étaient moins bien observants (p<10−4). L'observance au traitement antirétroviral était d'autant meilleure quand le taux de CD4 en début de traitement était élevé (p= 0,01) et que la durée du traitement était prolongée (p=0,00). Conclusion La discordance observée entre les résultats des deux méthodes utilisées pour estimer l'observance, tout en soulévant les contraintes liées à l’évaluation de l'observance thérapeutique, souligne l'importance des méthodes biologiques. Les facteurs individuels se sont avérés être les principales raisons de non-observance. Enfin, un accent devrait être mis sur les consultations d’éducation thérapeutique et le suivi psycho-social des patients sous traitement antirétroviral dans cette UPEC. PMID:22937195

  6. 7 CFR 810.304 - Grades and grade requirements for canola.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Grades and grade requirements for canola. 810.304 Section 810.304 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) GRAIN INSPECTION... Grade Requirements § 810.304 Grades and grade requirements for canola. Grading factors Grades, U.S. Nos...

  7. 7 CFR 810.304 - Grades and grade requirements for canola.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Grades and grade requirements for canola. 810.304 Section 810.304 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) GRAIN INSPECTION... Grade Requirements § 810.304 Grades and grade requirements for canola. Grading factors Grades, U.S. Nos...

  8. Factors affecting patient valuations of caries prevention: Using and validating the willingness to pay method.


    Vernazza, Christopher R; Wildman, John R; Steele, Jimmy G; Whitworth, John M; Walls, Angus W G; Perry, Ross; Matthews, Roger; Hahn, Petra; Donaldson, Cam


    Determining the value of, or strength of preference for health care interventions is useful for policy makers in planning health care services. Willingness to pay (WTP) is an established economic technique to determine the strength of preferences for interventions by eliciting monetary valuations from individuals in hypothetical situations. The objective of this study was to elicit WTP values for a dental preventive intervention and to analyze the factors affecting these as well as investigating the validity of the WTP method. Patients aged 40 years plus attending dental practices in the UK and Germany were recruited on a consecutive basis over one month. Participants received information about a novel root caries prevention intervention. They then completed a questionnaire including a WTP task. Where the coating was indicated, patients were offered this for a payment and acceptance was recorded. Analysis included econometric modelling and comparison of expected (based on stated WTP) versus actual behaviour. The mean WTP for the coating was £96.41 (standard deviation 60.61). Econometric models showed that no demographic or dental history factors were significant predictors of WTP. 63% of the sample behaved as expected when using stated WTP to predict whether they would buy the coating. The remainder were split almost equally between those expected to pay but who did not and those who were expected to refuse but paid. Values for a caries preventive intervention had a large and unpredictable variance. In comparing hypothetical versus real preferences both under- and over-valuation occurs. Wide and unpredictable variation in valuations for prevention may mean that there are difficult policy questions around what resource should be allocated to dental prevention and how to target this resource. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Information bias in contingent valuation: effects of personal relevance, quality of information, and motivational orientation


    Icek Ajzen; Thomas C. Brown; Lori H. Rosenthal


    A laboratory experiment examined the potential for information bias in contingent valuation (CV). Consistent with the view that information about a public or private good can function as a persuasive communication, willingness to pay (WTP) was found to increase with the quality of arguments used to describe the good, especially under conditions of high personal...

  10. Hazardous Waste Cleanup: E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Company is located at 2000 Cannonball Road, Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. The DuPont Pompton Lakes Works site (DuPont) occupies approximately 570 acres of land in Pompton Lakes and Wanaque.

  11. Prospective Primary Teachers' Prior Experiences, Conceptions, and Pedagogical Valuations of Experimental Activities in Science Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    García-Carmona, Antonio; Criado, Ana M.; Cruz-Guzmán, Marta


    A diagnostic study is presented of the prior experiences, conceptions, and pedagogical valuations of prospective primary teachers (PPTs) about experimental activities (ExA's) in science education. The participants were 121 PPTs who, in small teams, responded to various questions related to ExA. Their responses were analysed interpretively with…

  12. Grading Rigor in Counselor Education: A Specifications Grading Framework

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bonner, Matthew W.


    According to accreditation and professional bodies, evaluation and grading are a high priority in counselor education. Specifications grading, an evaluative tool, can be used to increase grading rigor. This article describes the components of specifications grading and applies the framework of specifications grading to a counseling theories course.

  13. Localisation inhabituelle de la tuberculose: ostéoarthrite tuberculose du pouce

    PubMed Central

    Mortaji, Aziz; Koulali, Khalid; Galuia, Farid


    L'ostéoarthrite tuberculose est rare au niveau des doigts. Nous rapportons une observation d'atteinte du pouce chez un patient de 55 ans. Il avait présenté une tuméfaction douloureuse du pouce droit suite à un traumatisme du pouce. L’étude bactériologique et une biopsie avaient permis de confirmer le diagnostic. Un traitement antibacillaire de 12 mois avait donné des résultats satisfaisants. Les particularités de la prise en charge sont discutées par rapport aux données de la littérature. PMID:25932075

  14. Etude thermo-hydraulique de l'ecoulement du moderateur dans le reacteur CANDU-6

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mehdi Zadeh, Foad

    Etant donne la taille (6,0 m x 7,6 m) ainsi que le domaine multiplement connexe qui caracterisent la cuve des reacteurs CANDU-6 (380 canaux dans la cuve), la physique qui gouverne le comportement du fluide moderateur est encore mal connue de nos jours. L'echantillonnage de donnees dans un reacteur en fonction necessite d'apporter des changements a la configuration de la cuve du reacteur afin d'y inserer des sondes. De plus, la presence d'une zone intense de radiations empeche l'utilisation des capteurs courants d'echantillonnage. En consequence, l'ecoulement du moderateur doit necessairement etre etudie a l'aide d'un modele experimental ou d'un modele numerique. Pour ce qui est du modele experimental, la fabrication et la mise en fonction de telles installations coutent tres cher. De plus, les parametres de la mise a l'echelle du systeme pour fabriquer un modele experimental a l'echelle reduite sont en contradiction. En consequence, la modelisation numerique reste une alternative importante. Actuellement, l'industrie nucleaire utilise une approche numerique, dite de milieu poreux, qui approxime le domaine par un milieu continu ou le reseau des tubes est remplace par des resistances hydrauliques distribuees. Ce modele est capable de decrire les phenomenes macroscopiques de l'ecoulement, mais ne tient pas compte des effets locaux ayant un impact sur l'ecoulement global, tel que les distributions de temperatures et de vitesses a proximite des tubes ainsi que des instabilites hydrodynamiques. Dans le contexte de la surete nucleaire, on s'interesse aux effets locaux autour des tubes de calandre. En effet, des simulations faites par cette approche predisent que l'ecoulement peut prendre plusieurs configurations hydrodynamiques dont, pour certaines, l'ecoulement montre un comportement asymetrique au sein de la cuve. Ceci peut provoquer une ebullition du moderateur sur la paroi des canaux. Dans de telles conditions, le coefficient de reactivite peut varier de maniere

  15. 7 CFR 51.1575 - U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade A Large.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade A Large. 51.1575 Section 51.1575 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of... Potatoes Grades § 51.1575 U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade...

  16. 7 CFR 51.1576 - U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade B Large.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade B Large. 51.1576 Section 51.1576 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of... Potatoes Grades § 51.1576 U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade...

  17. 7 CFR 51.1575 - U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade A Large.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade A Large. 51.1575 Section 51.1575 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of... Potatoes Grades § 51.1575 U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade...

  18. 7 CFR 51.1576 - U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade B Large.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade B Large. 51.1576 Section 51.1576 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of... Potatoes Grades § 51.1576 U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade...

  19. 7 CFR 51.1575 - U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade A Large.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade A Large. 51.1575 Section 51.1575 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of... Potatoes Grades § 51.1575 U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade...

  20. 7 CFR 51.1576 - U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade B Large.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade B Large. 51.1576 Section 51.1576 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of... Potatoes Grades § 51.1576 U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade...

  1. A two-layered diffusion model traces the dynamics of information processing in the valuation-and-choice circuit of decision making.


    Piu, Pietro; Fargnoli, Francesco; Innocenti, Alessandro; Rufa, Alessandra


    A circuit of evaluation and selection of the alternatives is considered a reliable model in neurobiology. The prominent contributions of the literature to this topic are reported. In this study, valuation and choice of a decisional process during Two-Alternative Forced-Choice (TAFC) task are represented as a two-layered network of computational cells, where information accrual and processing progress in nonlinear diffusion dynamics. The evolution of the response-to-stimulus map is thus modeled by two linked diffusive modules (2LDM) representing the neuronal populations involved in the valuation-and-decision circuit of decision making. Diffusion models are naturally appropriate for describing accumulation of evidence over the time. This allows the computation of the response times (RTs) in valuation and choice, under the hypothesis of ex-Wald distribution. A nonlinear transfer function integrates the activities of the two layers. The input-output map based on the infomax principle makes the 2LDM consistent with the reinforcement learning approach. Results from simulated likelihood time series indicate that 2LDM may account for the activity-dependent modulatory component of effective connectivity between the neuronal populations. Rhythmic fluctuations of the estimate gain functions in the delta-beta bands also support the compatibility of 2LDM with the neurobiology of DM.

  2. Secondary Principals' Perceptions of Grading and Grade Reporting Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Akins, Jeremie


    Effective grading practices in the classroom as well as reporting practices such as standards-based grading (SBG) is one way to report learning (Marzano, 2010). The focus of this particular study was to address alternative ways to tackle the issue of grading and grade reporting in comparison to the traditional grading methods. Specifically, this…

  3. Do Alcohol Expectancy Outcomes and Valuations Mediate Peer Influences and Lifetime Alcohol Use among Early Adolescents?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zamboanga, Byron L.; Schwartz, Seth J.; Ham, Lindsay S.; Jarvis, Lorna Hernandez; Olthuis, Janine V.


    Building on the theory of reasoned action (I. Ajzen & M. Fishbein, 1973, 1980; M. Fishbein & I. Ajzen, 1975) and expectancy theory, the authors examined the mediating role of alcohol expectancies in adolescent drinking behaviors by testing whether alcohol expectancy outcomes and valuations (the extent to which these outcomes are perceived…

  4. Hedonic valuation with translating amenities: Mountain Pine Beetles and host trees in the Colorado Front Range


    Jed Cohen; Christine E. Blinn; Kevin J. Boyle; Tom Holmes; Klaus Moeltner


    In hedonic valuation studies the policy-relevant environmental quality attribute of interest is often costly to measure, especially under pronounced spatial and temporal variability. However, in many cases this attribute affects home prices and consumer preferences solely through its impact on a readily observable, spatially delineated, and time-invariant feature of...

  5. Le schwannome malin du nerf grand sciatique chez l'enfant

    PubMed Central

    Lechqar, Maryem; Elbiache, Imad; Atarraf, Karima; Bouabdellah, Youssef; Afifi, My Abderahman


    Le schwannome malin est une tumeur très rare chez l'enfant (1 à 2% des tumeurs des tissus mous), elle se développe au dépend des cellules de schwanne. Dans ce travail, les auteurs rapportent un cas de schwannome malin développé au dépend du nerf grand sciatique. La radiographie de la cuisse de face et de profil était normale. L'imagerie par résonance magnétique a identifié une lésion le long du trajet du nerf grand sciatique. La tumeur a été réséquée en totalité emportant le nerf grand sciatique. L'examen anatomo-pathologique a confirmé le diagnostic. PMID:23133710

  6. Introducing Valuation Effects-Based External Balance Analysis into the Undergraduate Macroeconomics Curricula: A Simple Framework with Applications

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brust, Peter; Jayakumar, Vivekanand


    Global imbalances and the sustainability of large U.S. current account deficits have dominated international macroeconomics of late. Pedagogically, a clear disconnect exists between graduate-level open-economy macroeconomics that emphasizes intertemporal current account models and net foreign asset adjustment featuring valuation effects, and,…

  7. Les accidents du travail dans le transport urbain en commun de la ville province de Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo: une étude transversale descriptive

    PubMed Central

    Wangata, Jemima; Elenge, Myriam; De Brouwer, Christophe


    Introduction Le transport en commun urbain constitue un secteur où les travailleurs sont très exposés aux accidents du travail. Cette étude visait une description épidémiologique des accidents du travail dans le secteur informel du transport en commun à Kinshasa en vue d'apporter les pistes d'amélioration de la sécurité des travailleurs dans cette activité. Méthodes Un questionnaire sur les accidents du travail, administré en Décembre 2012 a permis d'explorer les tendances significatives entre les accidents et leurs circonstances, leurs facteurs associés, leurs conséquences au sein d'une population des travailleurs (n = 472) du transport en commun à Kinshasa. Résultats Durant les 12 derniers précédant l’étude 76.5% des travailleurs ont connu au moins un accident du travail, 54,8% ont connu un arrêt d'au moins 1jour. Les accidents liés à la circulation routière étaient plus important suivis des chutes. Les facteurs ayant montré des différences significatives étaient le travail sous l'influence de l'alcool et le port des équipements de protection individuelle. Les plaies (46,3%) et les contusions (39,4%) étaient les lésions les plus courantes. Les membres supérieurs (51,3%) et inférieurs (30,7%) étaient les plus atteints. 76,6% des travailleurs ont assumé seuls leur prise en charge médicale. Conclusion L'incidence des accidents du travail dans ce secteur est très élevée. La mise en place d'une politique de prévention et gestion de différents facteurs associés ainsi qu'un système de déclaration d'accidents est nécessaire dans ce secteur. Les patrons ainsi que les politiques devraient veiller à une prise en charge médicale correcte pour des travailleurs accidentés. PMID:25667703

  8. On groupoid gradings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Calderón Martín, Antonio Jesús; Martín González, Cándido; Ndoye, Daouda


    We introduce the notion of groupoid grading, give some nontrivial examples and prove that groupoid gradings on simple commutative or anti-commutative algebras are necessarily group gradings. We also take advantage of the structure of groupoids to prove some results about groupoid gradings and certain coarsenings of these which turn out to be group gradings. We also study set gradings on arbitrary algebras, by characterizing their homogeneous semisimplicity and their homogeneous simplicity in terms of a property satisfied by the supports of the gradings, and also relate set gradings with groupoid gradings via coarsenings. Finally we study a class of set gradings on Mn(C) , the orthogonal gradings, and show that all of them which are fine are necessarily groupoid gradings.

  9. [Valuation of health-related quality of life and utilities in health economics].


    Greiner, Wolfgang; Klose, Kristina


    Measuring health-related quality of life is an important aspect in economic evaluation of health programmes. The development of utility-based (preference-based) measures is advanced by the discipline of health economics. Different preference measures are applied for valuing health states to produce a weighted health state index. Those preference weights should be derived from a general population sample in case of resource allocation on a collective level (as in current valuation studies of the EuroQol group). Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier GmbH.

  10. Non-monetary valuation using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Sensitivity of additive aggregation methods to scaling and compensation assumptions

    EPA Science Inventory

    Analytical methods for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) support the non-monetary valuation of ecosystem services for environmental decision making. Many published case studies transform ecosystem service outcomes into a common metric and aggregate the outcomes to set land ...

  11. Une forme exceptionnelle de la luxation perilunaire du carpe

    PubMed Central

    Elouakili, Issam; Ouchrif, Younes; Najib, Abdeljaouad; Ouakrim, Redouane; Lamrani, Omar; Kharmaz, Mohammed; Ismael, Farid; Lahlou, Abdo; Elouadghiri, Mohammed; El Bardouni, Ahmed; Mahfoud, Mustapha; Berrada, Mohammed Saleh; El Yaccoubi, Mouradh


    Les luxations périlunaires (LPL) du carpe sont des lésions extrêmement rares, qui peuvent passer inaperçue en raison d'un tableau clinique souvent trompeur, des radiographies en profil non strict ou d'interprétation difficile. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une luxation périlunaire stade III selon la classification de Witvoët et Allieu chez un patient de 32 ans, il s'agit d'une forme encore plus rare voire exceptionnelle et qui peut induire de sérieux problèmes en raison de la sévérité des dommages ligamentaires et du risque de nécrose du semilunaire plus important dans ce type de lésions. Le traitement est toujours chirurgical et doit être réalisé dans les plus brefs délais afin d’éviter les complications. PMID:25404968

  12. Marihuana: A Conversation with NIDA's Robert L. DuPont.


    Maugh, T H


    Robert L. DuPont, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), made headlines recently when he became one of the first Administration officials publicly to recommend a liberalization of marihuana laws. The occasion was a press conference accompanying the release of Marihuana and Health, NIDA's fifth annual report to the Congress on marihuana research. Recently, Science talked with DuPont and asked him to elaborate on those views. DuPont, a 40-year-old Harvard M.D., served as Director of the District of Columbia's Narcotics Treatment Administration from 1970 to 1973, where he conducted a comprehensive program for treatment of heroin addiction. In June 1973, Richard Nixon appointed him director of the White House Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention. He held that position until the office was terminated on 30 June 1975. He has been director of NIDA since September 1973.

  13. Niveaux d'étude du cerveau, et sagesse physique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Toulouse, Gérard


    The brain is a complex spatio-temporal affair. Several brain theories propose the definition of three superposed levels of study. But physics, though the experience of condensed matter physics, suggests that it is unwise to enforce onto brain theories a unified hierarchical scheme, the inspiration for which seems to come from the realm of sub-molecular physics. Le cerveau est une affaire spatio-temporelle complexe. Plusieurs théories du cerveau proposent de définir trois niveaux d'études superposés. Mais la physique, à travers l'expérience de la physique de la matière condensée, suggère qu'il n'est pas sage d'imposer sur les théories du cerveau un schéma hiérarchique unifié, dont l'inspiration semble provenir du domaine de la physique sub-moléculaire.

  14. How people respond to contingent valuation question: A verbal protocol analysis of willingness to pay for an environmental regulation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Schkade, D.A.; Payne, J.W.

    This paper investigates what a respondent is thinking when answering a willingness-to-pay question in a contingent valuation, using a [open quotes]think aloud[close quotes] technique for psychology called verbal protocol analysis. The willingness-to-pay responses we observed seem to be constructed from a variety of considerations, including an obligation to pay a fair share of the cost of the solution and signaling concern for a larger set of environmental issues. The finding that respondents seem to construct their values at the time they are asked, rather than reporting a more well-defined value, is seen as consistent with over two decades of researchmore » on the psychology of decision making. Potential uses of verbal protocols in contingent valuation studies are also discussed. 64 refs., 6 tabs.« less

  15. Physical Properties of Normal Grade Biodiesel and Winter Grade Biodiesel

    PubMed Central

    Sadrolhosseini, Amir Reza; Moksin, Mohd Maarof; Nang, Harrison Lau Lik; Norozi, Monir; Yunus, W. Mahmood Mat; Zakaria, Azmi


    In this study, optical and thermal properties of normal grade and winter grade palm oil biodiesel were investigated. Surface Plasmon Resonance and Photopyroelectric technique were used to evaluate the samples. The dispersion curve and thermal diffusivity were obtained. Consequently, the variation of refractive index, as a function of wavelength in normal grade biodiesel is faster than winter grade palm oil biodiesel, and the thermal diffusivity of winter grade biodiesel is higher than the thermal diffusivity of normal grade biodiesel. This is attributed to the higher palmitic acid C16:0 content in normal grade than in winter grade palm oil biodiesel. PMID:21731429

  16. Assessing the benefits of reducing fire risk in the wildland urban interface: A contingent valuation approach


    Jeremy Fried; Greg J. Winter; Keith J. Gilless


    Wildland-urban interface (WUI) residents in Michigan were interviewed using a contingent valuation protocol to assess their-willingness-to-pay (WT) for incremental reductions in the risk of losing their homes to wildfire. WTP was elicited using a probability model which segments the risk of structure loss into "public" and "private" components.

  17. Influence of Helicobacter pylori Colonization on Histological Grading of Chronic Gastritis in Korean Patients with Peptic Ulcer

    PubMed Central

    Park, Joongwon; Kim, Mi Kyung; Park, Sill Moo


    Objectives: We conducted an analysis of correlation between histological grading of chronic gastritis and the presence of H. pylori infection to investigate if H. pylori influences histological severity of chronic gastritis in Korean patients with peptic ulcers. Methods: Gastroscopic antral biopsy specimens and peripheral venous blood were taken from 80 patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers. H. pylori was identified microscopically in sections with Giemsa staining and quantitative grading of cultured H. pylori was reported on a scale 0 to 3. The histopathological features of biopsy specimens were reported according to the Sydney classification of chronic gastritis. Serum gastritis and pepsinogen concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay. Results: H. pylori was identified in 62.5% (20 of 32 GU, 30 of 48 DU) of the study group. Gastric clonization rate of H. pylori did not increased with age. Forty of 50 biopsy specimens with H. pylori and also 23 of 30 biopsy specimens without H. pylori showed active chronic gastritis. There was no significant correlation overall between the presence of H. pylori and histological grading of chronic gastritis, including activity, and also no association was found between the quantitative grading of H. pylori and the histological grading of chronic gastritis. With and without H. pylori, a mean of serum gastritis concentration (79.4±43.0 pg/ml and 80.2±31.9 pg/ml) showed no significant difference, but a mean of serum pepsinogen concentration (87.7±41.6 ng/ml and 119±34.4 ng/ml) showed significant difference between the populations with and without H. pylori (p=0.001) Conclusions: The influence of H. pylori on histological grading of chronic gastritis in Korean is less than that in prior studies of Western countries, and further investigation of pathogenesis of H. pylori in chronic gastritis and peptic ulceration is necessary. PMID:7495770

  18. Evaluation d'impact sur la santé et évaluation d'impact sur l'équité en santé : éventail de pratiques et questions de recherche.


    Villeval, Mélanie; Bidault, Elsa; Lang, Thierry


    L'Evaluation d'Impact sur la Santé (EIS) se développe au niveau international et est encore au stade émergent en France. Elle vise à évaluer les effets positifs et négatifs potentiels d'un projet, d'un programme ou d'une politique sur la santé. L'objectif est de produire des recommandations en direction des décideurs, afin d'en maximiser les effets positifs et d'en diminuer les effets négatifs. L'EIS est un moyen particulièrement intéressant d'action sur les déterminants de la santé au-delà des comportements individuels et du système de santé. Les politiques de logement, de transport, de solidarité, économiques, etc. ont, en effet, des impacts souvent non prévus sur la santé. Au-delà des effets sur la santé, l'EIS doit aussi permettre d'apprécier la distribution de ces effets dans la population.Si la préoccupation pour l'équité en santé est centrale dans l'EIS, elle reste cependant difficilement traduite en pratique. Face à cette difficulté, des démarches d'évaluation d'impact ont été développées pour renforcer la prise en compte de l'équité à chaque étape de l'EIS ou « Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment », ou prendre en compte les impacts sur les inégalités de santé de façon spécifique. Ainsi, l'Evaluation de l'Impact sur l'Equité en Santé (EIES) semble, par exemple, particulièrement intéressante pour évaluer l'impact sur les inégalités de projets dans le champ sanitaire.L'EIS et l'EIES posent de nombreuses questions de recherche, notamment autour de la réunion, dans une même démarche, du politique, du citoyen et de l'expert. La participation des populations vulnérables potentiellement affectées par la politique évaluée est une valeur centrale de l'EIS, mais pose des questions d'acceptabilité sociale. La collaboration avec les décideurs politiques est également un enjeu majeur. Les difficultés méthodologiques, notamment de quantification des impacts, peuvent constituer des freins à la promotion

  19. MRI differentiation of low-grade from high-grade appendicular chondrosarcoma.


    Douis, Hassan; Singh, Leanne; Saifuddin, Asif


    To identify magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features which differentiate low-grade chondral lesions (atypical cartilaginous tumours/grade 1 chondrosarcoma) from high-grade chondrosarcomas (grade 2, grade 3 and dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma) of the major long bones. We identified all patients treated for central atypical cartilaginous tumours and central chondrosarcoma of major long bones (humerus, femur, tibia) over a 13-year period. The MRI studies were assessed for the following features: bone marrow oedema, soft tissue oedema, bone expansion, cortical thickening, cortical destruction, active periostitis, soft tissue mass and tumour length. The MRI-features were compared with the histopathological tumour grading using univariate, multivariate logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analyses. One hundred and seventy-nine tumours were included in this retrospective study. There were 28 atypical cartilaginous tumours, 79 grade 1 chondrosarcomas, 36 grade 2 chondrosarcomas, 13 grade 3 chondrosarcomas and 23 dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that bone expansion (P = 0.001), active periostitis (P = 0.001), soft tissue mass (P < 0.001) and tumour length (P < 0.001) were statistically significant differentiating factors between low-grade and high-grade chondral lesions with an area under the ROC curve of 0.956. On MRI, bone expansion, active periostitis, soft tissue mass and tumour length can reliably differentiate high-grade chondrosarcomas from low-grade chondral lesions of the major long bones. • Accurate differentiation of low-grade from high-grade chondrosarcomas is essential before surgery • MRI can reliably differentiate high-grade from low-grade chondrosarcomas of long bone • Differentiating features are bone expansion, periostitis, soft tissue mass and tumour length • Presence of these four MRI features demonstrated a diagnostic accuracy (AUC) of 95.6 % • The findings

  20. Le surpoids, l’obésité et le contrôle glycémique chez les diabétiques du centre de référence provincial de diabète (CRD), Kénitra, Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Lotfi, Zeghari; Aboussaleh, Youssef; Sbaibi, Rachid; Achouri, Imane; Benguedour, Rachid


    Introduction Le diabète est définit comme un trouble de l'assimilation, de l'utilisation et du stockage des sucres apportés par l'alimentation, sa prise en charge est assurée par le suivi du surpoids et l'obésité et le contrôle glycémique régulier. L'objectif de ce travail était l'étude du surpoids, l'obésité et le contrôle glycémique chez 2227 diabétiques de différent type (type 1, 2 et gestationnel), consultants le centre de référence provincial de diabète (CRD), Kénitra-Maroc. Méthodes L'étude s'est déroulée sur une période d'une année du mois janvier au mois décembre 2015, L'évaluation du surpoids et l'obésité a été effectuée par le calcul de l'Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC=Poids/Taille2 (Kg/m2)), elles sont définit respectivement par IMC > 25 Kg/m2, et IMC > 30 Kg/m2, le poids et la taille ont été mesurés selon les recommandations de l'organisation mondiale de santé (OMS), Le contrôle glycémique a été effectué par l'analyse sanguine de l'Hémoglobine glycosylée et de la Glycémie à jeun. Les normes sont 7% pour l'Hémoglobine glycosylée et 0,70g/l à 1,10g/l pour la Glycémie à jeun. Résultats L'intervalle d'âges des patients est compris entre 8 mois et 80 ans, avec une dominance des diabétiques provenant du milieu urbain (74%) par rapport à ceux provenant du milieu rural (26%). Le surpoids touche l'ensemble de cette population. L'IMC moyen des femmes tends vers l'obésité (IMC≈30): (29,21 Kg/m2 ± 3,1) pour le diabète gestationnel et (29,15 Kg/m2 ± 3,2) pour le diabète de type 2. Les valeurs du contrôle glycémique sont supérieures aux normes: avec 8,5% ± 2,6 > 7% pour l'hémoglobine glycosylée et 1,5 g/l ± 1,3 > 1,10g/l pour la Glycémie à jeun. La différence entre les valeurs de l'hémoglobine glycosylée entre les hommes (8,5 7% ± 2,6) et les femmes (8,1% ± 2,3) n'est pas significative (P > 0,05), même chose pour la Glycémie capillaire à jeun: pour les hommes (1,44 g/l ± 1,1) et les

  1. Assessing the comprehensive restoration of an urban river: an integrated application of contingent valuation in Shanghai, China.


    Zhao, Jun; Liu, Qiuxia; Lin, Liqing; Lv, Huafang; Wang, Yao


    Around 2000, China began to address the comprehensive restoration of its urban rivers and attempt to restore river ecosystem services. This paper reports an integrated contingent valuation of the ecosystem services of Zhangjiabang Creek in Shanghai, which is in the most developed region of China. A total of 1440 questionnaires were delivered, and 1153 were returned as usable in August 2008. The willingness to pay for the restoration of the urban river is 20.22 RMB (2.91 USD) per month per household under the payment card and 110.64 RMB (15.92 USD) under the dichotomous format. Several important methodological issues of the contingent valuation method (CVM) are observed, including the disparity between willingness to pay and willingness to accept, the difference between payment card and dichotomous choice question formats, and the comparison of different models in welfare estimation using dichotomous choice data. Several new findings are disclosed for these three issues of CVM. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Variability of Valuation of Non-Monetary Incentives: Motivating and Implementing the Combinatorial Retention Auction Mechanism

    DTIC Science & Technology


    homeport, geographic stability for two tours and compressed work week; homeport, lump sum SRB, and telecommuting ). The Monte Carlo simulation...Geographic stability 2 tours, and compressed work week). The Add 2 combination includes home port choice, lump sum SRB, and telecommuting ...VALUATION OF NON-MONETARY INCENTIVES: MOTIVATING AND IMPLEMENTING THE COMBINATORIAL RETENTION AUCTION MECHANISM by Jason Blake Ellis March 2009

  3. 7 CFR 51.1576 - U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade B Large.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade B Large. 51.1576 Section 51.1576 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of...) United States Consumer Standards for Potatoes Grades § 51.1576 U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U...

  4. 7 CFR 51.1575 - U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade A Large.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade A Large. 51.1575 Section 51.1575 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of...) United States Consumer Standards for Potatoes Grades § 51.1575 U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U...

  5. 7 CFR 51.1576 - U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade B Large.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U.S. Grade B Medium to Large; U.S. Grade B Large. 51.1576 Section 51.1576 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of...) United States Consumer Standards for Potatoes Grades § 51.1576 U.S. Grade B Small; U.S. Grade B Medium; U...

  6. 7 CFR 51.1575 - U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade A Large.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U.S. Grade A Medium to Large; U.S. Grade A Large. 51.1575 Section 51.1575 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of...) United States Consumer Standards for Potatoes Grades § 51.1575 U.S. Grade A Small; U.S. Grade A Medium; U...

  7. 7 CFR 810.804 - Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain. 810.804... OFFICIAL UNITED STATES STANDARDS FOR GRAIN United States Standards for Mixed Grain Grades and Grade Requirements § 810.804 Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain. (a) U.S. Mixed Grain (grade). Mixed grain...

  8. 7 CFR 810.804 - Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain. 810.804... OFFICIAL UNITED STATES STANDARDS FOR GRAIN United States Standards for Mixed Grain Grades and Grade Requirements § 810.804 Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain. (a) U.S. Mixed Grain (grade). Mixed grain...

  9. 7 CFR 810.804 - Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain. 810.804... OFFICIAL UNITED STATES STANDARDS FOR GRAIN United States Standards for Mixed Grain Grades and Grade Requirements § 810.804 Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain. (a) U.S. Mixed Grain (grade). Mixed grain...

  10. 7 CFR 810.804 - Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain. 810.804... OFFICIAL UNITED STATES STANDARDS FOR GRAIN United States Standards for Mixed Grain Grades and Grade Requirements § 810.804 Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain. (a) U.S. Mixed Grain (grade). Mixed grain...

  11. 7 CFR 810.804 - Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain. 810.804... OFFICIAL UNITED STATES STANDARDS FOR GRAIN United States Standards for Mixed Grain Grades and Grade Requirements § 810.804 Grades and grade requirements for mixed grain. (a) U.S. Mixed Grain (grade). Mixed grain...

  12. Students' Self-Grading, Professor's Grading and Negotiated Final Grading at Three University Programmes: Analysis of Reliability and Grade Difference Ranges and Tendencies

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lopez-Pastor, Victor M.; Fernandez-Balboa, Juan-Miguel; Santos Pastor, Maria L.; Aranda, Antonio Fraile


    This study was undertaken at three teacher education programmes and was designed to determine the following within each programme: (1) the reliability correlations among students' self-grade (SSG), the grade granted by the professor (PG) and the negotiated final grade (NFG); (2) the range and frequency of grade differences between SSG and PG; and…

  13. Hispanic valuation of the EQ-5D health states: a social value set for Latin Americans.


    Zarate, Victor; Kind, Paul; Chuang, Ling-Hsiang


    Cost-effectiveness analysis has been recommended by national health agencies worldwide. In the United Kingdom, the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence supports the use of generic health-related quality of life instruments such as EuroQol EQ-5D when quality-adjusted life-years are used to measure health benefits. Despite the urgent need for appropriate methodologies to improve the use of scarce resources in Latin American countries, little is known about how health is valued. A national population survey was conducted in the United States in 2002, based on a sample of 1603 non-Hispanic nonblacks and 1115 Hispanics. Participants provided time trade-off utilities for a subset of 42 EQ-5D health states. Hispanic respondents were grouped according to their language preferences (Spanish or English). Mean utilities were compared for each health state. A random-effects model was used to determine whether real population differences exist after adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics. A population value set for all 243 EQ-5D health states was developed using only the data from Spanish-speaking Hispanics. Mean valuations differed slightly between non-Hispanic nonblacks and English-speaking Hispanics. Spanish-speaking Hispanics, however, tended to give higher valuations than non-Hispanic nonblacks (P < 0.05) corresponding to an average of 0.034 point. A regression model was developed for Spanish-speaking Hispanics with a mean absolute error of 0.031. Values estimated using this model show marked differences when compared with corresponding values estimated using the UK (N3) and US (D1) models. The availability of a Hispanic model for EQ-5D valuations represents a significant new option for decision-makers, providing a set of social preference weights for use in Latin American countries that presently lack their own domestic value set.

  14. 42 CFR 21.29 - Eligibility; grades above senior assistant grade.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Eligibility; grades above senior assistant grade... PERSONNEL COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Appointment § 21.29 Eligibility; grades above senior assistant grade. Every candidate for examination for appointment in grades above that of senior assistant shall meet the...

  15. External Validity of Contingent Valuation: Comparing Hypothetical and Actual Payments.


    Ryan, Mandy; Mentzakis, Emmanouil; Jareinpituk, Suthi; Cairns, John


    Whilst contingent valuation is increasingly used in economics to value benefits, questions remain concerning its external validity that is do hypothetical responses match actual responses? We present results from the first within sample field test. Whilst Hypothetical No is always an Actual No, Hypothetical Yes exceed Actual Yes responses. A constant rate of response reversals across bids/prices could suggest theoretically consistent option value responses. Certainty calibrations (verbal and numerical response scales) minimise hypothetical-actual discrepancies offering a useful solution. Helping respondents resolve uncertainty may reduce the discrepancy between hypothetical and actual payments and thus lead to more accurate policy recommendations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  16. 7 CFR 810.404 - Grades and grade requirements for corn.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Grades and grade requirements for corn. 810.404... OFFICIAL UNITED STATES STANDARDS FOR GRAIN United States Standards for Corn Principles Governing the Application of Standards § 810.404 Grades and grade requirements for corn. Grade Minimum test weight per...

  17. 7 CFR 810.404 - Grades and grade requirements for corn.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 7 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Grades and grade requirements for corn. 810.404... OFFICIAL UNITED STATES STANDARDS FOR GRAIN United States Standards for Corn Principles Governing the Application of Standards § 810.404 Grades and grade requirements for corn. Grade Minimum test weight per...

  18. Determinants of time trade-off valuations for EQ-5D-5L health states: data from the Canadian EQ-5D-5L valuation study.


    Sayah, Fatima Al; Bansback, Nick; Bryan, Stirling; Ohinmaa, Arto; Poissant, Lise; Pullenayegum, Eleanor; Xie, Feng; Johnson, Jeffrey A


    Previous studies suggest that population subgroups have different perceptions of health, as well as different preferences for hypothetical health states. To identify determinants of health states preferences elicited using time trade-off (TTO) for the 5-level EQ-5D questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L) in Canada. Data were from the Canadian EQ-5D-5L Valuation Study, which took place in Edmonton, Hamilton, Montreal, and Vancouver. Each respondent valued 10 of 86 hypothetical health states during an in-person interview using a computer-based TTO exercise. The TTO scores were the dependent variable and explanatory variables including age, sex, marital status, education, employment, annual household income, ethnicity, country of birth, dwelling, study site, health literacy, number of chronic conditions, previous experience with illness, and self-rated health. Average [standard deviation (SD)] age of respondents (N = 1209) was 48 (17) years, and 45 % were male. In multivariable linear regression models with random effects, adjusted for severity of health states and inconsistencies in valuations, older age [unstandardized regression coefficient (β) = -0.077], male sex (β = 0.042), being married (β = 0.069), and urban dwelling (β = -0.055) were significantly associated with health states scores. Additionally, participants from Edmonton (β = -0.124) and Vancouver (β = -0.156), but not those from Hamilton, had significantly lower TTO scores than those from Montreal. Socio-demographic characteristics were the main determinants of preferences for EQ-5D-5L health states in this study. Interestingly, preferences were significantly lower in western Canadian cities compared to eastern ones, bringing into question whether a single preference algorithm is suitable for use in all parts of Canada.

  19. Kyste épidermoïde du testicule : Étude de cas

    PubMed Central

    Diarra, Alkadri; Elammari, Jalal Eddine; Kassogue, Amadou; El Fassi, Mohammed Jamal; Farih, My Hassan


    Résumé Le kyste épidermoïde (KE) du testicule est une tumeur bénigne rare. Le diagnostic peut être évoqué par l’échographie et l’IRM. En cas de lésion unique de petite taille, il est possible d’effectuer une chirurgie conservatrice. Ce traitement nécessite une confirmation anatomopathologique. Le présent article fait état de l’observation d’un patient de 34 ans ayant été admis en consultation d’urologie pour désir d’enfant. Le diagnostic de KE associé à une varicocèle gauche a été retenu. L’énucléation du kyste avec cure de varicocèle a été réalisée sans complications postopératoires. Une revue de la littérature nous a permis de mettre en évidence les différents aspects du KE du testicule et les méthodes thérapeutiques envisageables. PMID:24282476

  20. Des proprietes de l'etat normal du modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lemay, Francois

    Depuis leur decouverte, les etudes experimentales ont demontre que les supra-conducteurs a haute temperature ont une phase normale tres etrange. Les proprietes de ces materiaux ne sont pas bien decrites par la theorie du liquide de Fermi. Le modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel, bien qu'il ne soit pas encore resolu, est toujours considere comme un candidat pour expliquer la physique de ces composes. Dans cet ouvrage, nous mettons en evidence plusieurs proprietes electroniques du modele qui sont incompatibles avec l'existence de quasi-particules. Nous montrons notamment que la susceptibilite des electrons libres sur reseau contient des singularites logarithmiques qui influencent de facon determinante les proprietes de la self-energie a basse frequence. Ces singularites sont responsables de la destruction des quasi-particules. En l'absence de fluctuations antiferromagnetiques, elles sont aussi responsables de l'existence d'un petit pseudogap dans le poids spectral au niveau de Fermi. Les proprietes du modele sont egalement etudiees pour une surface de Fermi similaire a celle des supraconducteurs a haute temperature. Un parallele est etabli entre certaines caracteristiques du modele et celles de ces materiaux.