49 CFR Appendix D to Part 512 - Vehicle Identification Number Information
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 49 Transportation 6 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Vehicle Identification Number Information D.... 512, App. D Appendix D to Part 512—Vehicle Identification Number Information The Chief Counsel has...) characters, of vehicle identification numbers reported in information on incidents involving death or injury...
49 CFR Appendix D to Part 512 - Vehicle Identification Number Information
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 49 Transportation 6 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Vehicle Identification Number Information D.... 512, App. D Appendix D to Part 512—Vehicle Identification Number Information The Chief Counsel has...) characters, of vehicle identification numbers reported in information on incidents involving death or injury...
49 CFR Appendix D to Part 512 - Vehicle Identification Number Information
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 49 Transportation 6 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Vehicle Identification Number Information D.... 512, App. D Appendix D to Part 512—Vehicle Identification Number Information The Chief Counsel has...) characters, of vehicle identification numbers reported in information on incidents involving death or injury...
49 CFR Appendix D to Part 512 - Vehicle Identification Number Information
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 49 Transportation 6 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Vehicle Identification Number Information D.... 512, App. D Appendix D to Part 512—Vehicle Identification Number Information The Chief Counsel has...) characters, of vehicle identification numbers reported in information on incidents involving death or injury...
49 CFR Appendix D to Part 512 - Vehicle Identification Number Information
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Vehicle Identification Number Information D Appendix D to Part 512 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) NATIONAL.... 512, App. D Appendix D to Part 512—Vehicle Identification Number Information The Chief Counsel has...
41 CFR 102-34.85 - What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... require motor vehicle identification? 102-34.85 Section 102-34.85 Public Contracts and Property Management... 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Identification § 102-34.85 What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification? All Government motor vehicles must...
41 CFR 102-34.85 - What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... require motor vehicle identification? 102-34.85 Section 102-34.85 Public Contracts and Property Management... 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Identification § 102-34.85 What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification? All Government motor vehicles must...
41 CFR 102-34.85 - What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... require motor vehicle identification? 102-34.85 Section 102-34.85 Public Contracts and Property Management... 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Identification § 102-34.85 What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification? All Government motor vehicles must...
41 CFR 102-34.85 - What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... require motor vehicle identification? 102-34.85 Section 102-34.85 Public Contracts and Property Management... 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Identification § 102-34.85 What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification? All Government motor vehicles must...
41 CFR 102-34.85 - What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... require motor vehicle identification? 102-34.85 Section 102-34.85 Public Contracts and Property Management... 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Identification § 102-34.85 What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification? All Government motor vehicles must...
41 CFR 102-34.90 - What motor vehicle identification must we display on Government motor vehicles?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... identification must we display on Government motor vehicles? 102-34.90 Section 102-34.90 Public Contracts and... Vehicle Identification § 102-34.90 What motor vehicle identification must we display on Government motor...) Identification that readily identifies the agency owning the vehicle. ...
41 CFR 102-34.90 - What motor vehicle identification must we display on Government motor vehicles?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... identification must we display on Government motor vehicles? 102-34.90 Section 102-34.90 Public Contracts and... Vehicle Identification § 102-34.90 What motor vehicle identification must we display on Government motor...) Identification that readily identifies the agency owning the vehicle. ...
41 CFR 102-34.90 - What motor vehicle identification must we display on Government motor vehicles?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... identification must we display on Government motor vehicles? 102-34.90 Section 102-34.90 Public Contracts and... Vehicle Identification § 102-34.90 What motor vehicle identification must we display on Government motor...) Identification that readily identifies the agency owning the vehicle. ...
41 CFR 102-34.90 - What motor vehicle identification must we display on Government motor vehicles?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... identification must we display on Government motor vehicles? 102-34.90 Section 102-34.90 Public Contracts and... Vehicle Identification § 102-34.90 What motor vehicle identification must we display on Government motor...) Identification that readily identifies the agency owning the vehicle. ...
41 CFR 102-34.90 - What motor vehicle identification must we display on Government motor vehicles?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... identification must we display on Government motor vehicles? 102-34.90 Section 102-34.90 Public Contracts and... Vehicle Identification § 102-34.90 What motor vehicle identification must we display on Government motor...) Identification that readily identifies the agency owning the vehicle. ...
Hsu, Ling-Yuan; Chen, Tsung-Lin
This paper presents a vehicle dynamics prediction system, which consists of a sensor fusion system and a vehicle parameter identification system. This sensor fusion system can obtain the six degree-of-freedom vehicle dynamics and two road angles without using a vehicle model. The vehicle parameter identification system uses the vehicle dynamics from the sensor fusion system to identify ten vehicle parameters in real time, including vehicle mass, moment of inertial, and road friction coefficients. With above two systems, the future vehicle dynamics is predicted by using a vehicle dynamics model, obtained from the parameter identification system, to propagate with time the current vehicle state values, obtained from the sensor fusion system. Comparing with most existing literatures in this field, the proposed approach improves the prediction accuracy both by incorporating more vehicle dynamics to the prediction system and by on-line identification to minimize the vehicle modeling errors. Simulation results show that the proposed method successfully predicts the vehicle dynamics in a left-hand turn event and a rollover event. The prediction inaccuracy is 0.51% in a left-hand turn event and 27.3% in a rollover event.
Hsu, Ling-Yuan; Chen, Tsung-Lin
This paper presents a vehicle dynamics prediction system, which consists of a sensor fusion system and a vehicle parameter identification system. This sensor fusion system can obtain the six degree-of-freedom vehicle dynamics and two road angles without using a vehicle model. The vehicle parameter identification system uses the vehicle dynamics from the sensor fusion system to identify ten vehicle parameters in real time, including vehicle mass, moment of inertial, and road friction coefficients. With above two systems, the future vehicle dynamics is predicted by using a vehicle dynamics model, obtained from the parameter identification system, to propagate with time the current vehicle state values, obtained from the sensor fusion system. Comparing with most existing literatures in this field, the proposed approach improves the prediction accuracy both by incorporating more vehicle dynamics to the prediction system and by on-line identification to minimize the vehicle modeling errors. Simulation results show that the proposed method successfully predicts the vehicle dynamics in a left-hand turn event and a rollover event. The prediction inaccuracy is 0.51% in a left-hand turn event and 27.3% in a rollover event. PMID:23202231
Privacy Impact Assessment for the Light-Duty In-Use Vehicle Testing Program Information System
EPA's Light-Duty In-Use Vehicle Testing Program Information System contains car owner names, addresses, vehicle identification numbers, etc. The EPA uses this information to recruit and test vehicles for emissions standards compliance.
41 CFR 102-34.100 - Where is motor vehicle identification displayed?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Identification § 102-34.100 Where is motor vehicle identification displayed? Motor vehicle identification is displayed as follows: (a) For... Government motor vehicles may display motor vehicle identification on a decal in the rear window, or centered...
41 CFR 102-34.100 - Where is motor vehicle identification displayed?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Identification § 102-34.100 Where is motor vehicle identification displayed? Motor vehicle identification is displayed as follows: (a) For... Government motor vehicles may display motor vehicle identification on a decal in the rear window, or centered...
41 CFR 102-34.100 - Where is motor vehicle identification displayed?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Identification § 102-34.100 Where is motor vehicle identification displayed? Motor vehicle identification is displayed as follows: (a) For... Government motor vehicles may display motor vehicle identification on a decal in the rear window, or centered...
41 CFR 102-34.100 - Where is motor vehicle identification displayed?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle Identification § 102-34.100 Where is motor vehicle identification displayed? Motor vehicle identification is displayed as follows: (a) For... Government motor vehicles may display motor vehicle identification on a decal in the rear window, or centered...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... vehicle, what motor vehicle identification must we remove? 102-34.105 Section 102-34.105 Public Contracts... Vehicle Identification § 102-34.105 Before we sell a motor vehicle, what motor vehicle identification must we remove? You must remove all motor vehicle identification before you transfer the title or deliver...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... vehicle, what motor vehicle identification must we remove? 102-34.105 Section 102-34.105 Public Contracts... Vehicle Identification § 102-34.105 Before we sell a motor vehicle, what motor vehicle identification must we remove? You must remove all motor vehicle identification before you transfer the title or deliver...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... vehicle, what motor vehicle identification must we remove? 102-34.105 Section 102-34.105 Public Contracts... Vehicle Identification § 102-34.105 Before we sell a motor vehicle, what motor vehicle identification must we remove? You must remove all motor vehicle identification before you transfer the title or deliver...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... vehicle, what motor vehicle identification must we remove? 102-34.105 Section 102-34.105 Public Contracts... Vehicle Identification § 102-34.105 Before we sell a motor vehicle, what motor vehicle identification must we remove? You must remove all motor vehicle identification before you transfer the title or deliver...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... vehicle, what motor vehicle identification must we remove? 102-34.105 Section 102-34.105 Public Contracts... Vehicle Identification § 102-34.105 Before we sell a motor vehicle, what motor vehicle identification must we remove? You must remove all motor vehicle identification before you transfer the title or deliver...
49 CFR 580.7 - Disclosure of odometer information for leased motor vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... the vehicle, including its make, model, year, and body type, and its vehicle identification number; (7... motor vehicles. 580.7 Section 580.7 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation... DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS § 580.7 Disclosure of odometer information for leased motor vehicles. (a) Before...
49 CFR 580.7 - Disclosure of odometer information for leased motor vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... the vehicle, including its make, model, year, and body type, and its vehicle identification number; (7... motor vehicles. 580.7 Section 580.7 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation... DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS § 580.7 Disclosure of odometer information for leased motor vehicles. (a) Before...
49 CFR 580.7 - Disclosure of odometer information for leased motor vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... the vehicle, including its make, model, year, and body type, and its vehicle identification number; (7... motor vehicles. 580.7 Section 580.7 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation... DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS § 580.7 Disclosure of odometer information for leased motor vehicles. (a) Before...
49 CFR 580.7 - Disclosure of odometer information for leased motor vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... the vehicle, including its make, model, year, and body type, and its vehicle identification number; (7... motor vehicles. 580.7 Section 580.7 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation... DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS § 580.7 Disclosure of odometer information for leased motor vehicles. (a) Before...
40 CFR 86.079-36 - Submission of vehicle identification numbers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 19 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Submission of vehicle identification... identification numbers. (a) Upon request of the Administrator, the manufacturer of any light-duty vehicle or... identification number, the vehicle(s) covered by the certificate of conformity. (b) The manufacturer of any light...
40 CFR 86.079-36 - Submission of vehicle identification numbers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Submission of vehicle identification... identification numbers. (a) Upon request of the Administrator, the manufacturer of any light-duty vehicle or... identification number, the vehicle(s) covered by the certificate of conformity. (b) The manufacturer of any light...
40 CFR 86.079-36 - Submission of vehicle identification numbers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Submission of vehicle identification... identification numbers. (a) Upon request of the Administrator, the manufacturer of any light-duty vehicle or... identification number, the vehicle(s) covered by the certificate of conformity. (b) The manufacturer of any light...
40 CFR 86.079-36 - Submission of vehicle identification numbers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 19 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Submission of vehicle identification... identification numbers. (a) Upon request of the Administrator, the manufacturer of any light-duty vehicle or... identification number, the vehicle(s) covered by the certificate of conformity. (b) The manufacturer of any light...
40 CFR 86.414-78 - Submission of vehicle identification number.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 19 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Submission of vehicle identification... vehicle identification number. (a) Upon request by the Administrator, the manufacturer of any motorcycle covered by a certificate of conformity shall, within 30 days, identify by vehicle identification number...
40 CFR 86.414-78 - Submission of vehicle identification number.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 19 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Submission of vehicle identification... vehicle identification number. (a) Upon request by the Administrator, the manufacturer of any motorcycle covered by a certificate of conformity shall, within 30 days, identify by vehicle identification number...
40 CFR 86.414-78 - Submission of vehicle identification number.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 19 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Submission of vehicle identification... vehicle identification number. (a) Upon request by the Administrator, the manufacturer of any motorcycle covered by a certificate of conformity shall, within 30 days, identify by vehicle identification number...
40 CFR 86.414-78 - Submission of vehicle identification number.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Submission of vehicle identification... vehicle identification number. (a) Upon request by the Administrator, the manufacturer of any motorcycle covered by a certificate of conformity shall, within 30 days, identify by vehicle identification number...
40 CFR 86.414-78 - Submission of vehicle identification number.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 18 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Submission of vehicle identification... vehicle identification number. (a) Upon request by the Administrator, the manufacturer of any motorcycle covered by a certificate of conformity shall, within 30 days, identify by vehicle identification number...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification requirements? 102-34.185... Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.185 What license plates do we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification requirements? For motor vehicles that are exempt...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification requirements? 102-34.185... Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.185 What license plates do we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification requirements? For motor vehicles that are exempt...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification requirements? 102-34.185... Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.185 What license plates do we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification requirements? For motor vehicles that are exempt...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification requirements? 102-34.185... Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.185 What license plates do we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification requirements? For motor vehicles that are exempt...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification requirements? 102-34.185... Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.185 What license plates do we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification requirements? For motor vehicles that are exempt...
Route Sanitizer: Connected Vehicle Trajectory De-Identification Tool
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Carter, Jason M; Ferber, Aaron E
Route Sanitizer is ORNL's connected vehicle moving object database de-identification tool and a graphical user interface to ORNL's connected vehicle de-identification algorithm. It uses the Google Chrome (soon to be Electron) platform so it will run on different computing platforms. The basic de-identification strategy is record redaction: portions of a vehicle trajectory (e.g. sequences of precise temporal spatial records) are removed. It does not alter retained records. The algorithm uses custom techniques to find areas within trajectories that may be considered private, then it suppresses those in addition to enough of the trajectory surrounding those locations to protect against "inferencemore » attacks" in a mathematically sound way. Map data is integrated into the process to make this possible.« less
41 CFR 102-34.155 - What are the types of motor vehicle identification exemptions?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... motor vehicle identification exemptions? 102-34.155 Section 102-34.155 Public Contracts and Property... PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.155 What are the types of motor vehicle identification exemptions? The types of motor vehicle...
41 CFR 102-34.155 - What are the types of motor vehicle identification exemptions?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... motor vehicle identification exemptions? 102-34.155 Section 102-34.155 Public Contracts and Property... PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.155 What are the types of motor vehicle identification exemptions? The types of motor vehicle...
41 CFR 102-34.155 - What are the types of motor vehicle identification exemptions?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... motor vehicle identification exemptions? 102-34.155 Section 102-34.155 Public Contracts and Property... PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.155 What are the types of motor vehicle identification exemptions? The types of motor vehicle...
41 CFR 102-34.155 - What are the types of motor vehicle identification exemptions?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... motor vehicle identification exemptions? 102-34.155 Section 102-34.155 Public Contracts and Property... PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.155 What are the types of motor vehicle identification exemptions? The types of motor vehicle...
41 CFR 102-34.155 - What are the types of motor vehicle identification exemptions?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... motor vehicle identification exemptions? 102-34.155 Section 102-34.155 Public Contracts and Property... PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.155 What are the types of motor vehicle identification exemptions? The types of motor vehicle...
Vehicle Re-Identification by Deep Hidden Multi-View Inference.
Zhou, Yi; Liu, Li; Shao, Ling
Vehicle re-identification (re-ID) is an area that has received far less attention in the computer vision community than the prevalent person re-ID. Possible reasons for this slow progress are the lack of appropriate research data and the special 3D structure of a vehicle. Previous works have generally focused on some specific views (e.g., front); but, these methods are less effective in realistic scenarios, where vehicles usually appear in arbitrary views to cameras. In this paper, we focus on the uncertainty of vehicle viewpoint in re-ID, proposing two end-to-end deep architectures: the Spatially Concatenated ConvNet and convolutional neural network (CNN)-LSTM bi-directional loop. Our models exploit the great advantages of the CNN and long short-term memory (LSTM) to learn transformations across different viewpoints of vehicles. Thus, a multi-view vehicle representation containing all viewpoints' information can be inferred from the only one input view, and then used for learning to measure distance. To verify our models, we also introduce a Toy Car RE-ID data set with images from multiple viewpoints of 200 vehicles. We evaluate our proposed methods on the Toy Car RE-ID data set and the public Multi-View Car, VehicleID, and VeRi data sets. Experimental results illustrate that our models achieve consistent improvements over the state-of-the-art vehicle re-ID approaches.
41 CFR 102-34.100 - Where is motor vehicle identification displayed?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Government motor vehicles may display motor vehicle identification on a decal in the rear window, or centered on both front doors if the vehicle is without a rear window, or where identification on the rear window would not be easily seen. (b) For trailers, on both sides of the front quarter of the trailer in a...
Kalman and particle filtering methods for full vehicle and tyre identification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bogdanski, Karol; Best, Matthew C.
This paper considers identification of all significant vehicle handling dynamics of a test vehicle, including identification of a combined-slip tyre model, using only those sensors currently available on most vehicle controller area network buses. Using an appropriately simple but efficient model structure, all of the independent parameters are found from test vehicle data, with the resulting model accuracy demonstrated on independent validation data. The paper extends previous work on augmented Kalman Filter state estimators to concentrate wholly on parameter identification. It also serves as a review of three alternative filtering methods; identifying forms of the unscented Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter and particle filter are proposed and compared for effectiveness, complexity and computational efficiency. All three filters are suited to applications of system identification and the Kalman Filters can also operate in real-time in on-line model predictive controllers or estimators.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false What motor vehicle identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) display on motor vehicles it owns or leases commercially? 102... identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) display on motor vehicles it owns or leases commercially...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false What motor vehicle identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) display on motor vehicles it owns or leases commercially? 102... identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) display on motor vehicles it owns or leases commercially...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false What motor vehicle identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) display on motor vehicles it owns or leases commercially? 102... identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) display on motor vehicles it owns or leases commercially...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false What motor vehicle identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) display on motor vehicles it owns or leases commercially? 102... identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) display on motor vehicles it owns or leases commercially...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What motor vehicle identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) display on motor vehicles it owns or leases commercially? 102... identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) display on motor vehicles it owns or leases commercially...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...-0086] Identification of Interstate Motor Vehicles: City of Chicago, IL Registration Emblem Requirement...) requesting a determination that the Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) identification requirement imposed by the... categories of excepted requirements. The first includes identification requirements related to motor vehicle...
Model Identification and Control System Design for the Lambda Unmanned Research Vehicle
Bohil, Corey J; Higgins, Nicholas A; Keebler, Joseph R
We compared methods for predicting and understanding the source of confusion errors during military vehicle identification training. Participants completed training to identify main battle tanks. They also completed card-sorting and similarity-rating tasks to express their mental representation of resemblance across the set of training items. We expected participants to selectively attend to a subset of vehicle features during these tasks, and we hypothesised that we could predict identification confusion errors based on the outcomes of the card-sort and similarity-rating tasks. Based on card-sorting results, we were able to predict about 45% of observed identification confusions. Based on multidimensional scaling of the similarity-rating data, we could predict more than 80% of identification confusions. These methods also enabled us to infer the dimensions receiving significant attention from each participant. This understanding of mental representation may be crucial in creating personalised training that directs attention to features that are critical for accurate identification. Participants completed military vehicle identification training and testing, along with card-sorting and similarity-rating tasks. The data enabled us to predict up to 84% of identification confusion errors and to understand the mental representation underlying these errors. These methods have potential to improve training and reduce identification errors leading to fratricide.
Infrared and visible cooperative vehicle identification markings
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
O'Keefe, Eoin S.; Raven, Peter N.
Airborne surveillance helicopters and aeroplanes used by security and defence forces around the world increasingly rely on their visible band and thermal infrared cameras to prosecute operations such as the co-ordination of police vehicles during the apprehension of a stolen car, or direction of all emergency services at a serious rail crash. To perform their function effectively, it is necessary for the airborne officers to unambiguously identify police and the other emergency service vehicles. In the visible band, identification is achieved by placing high contrast symbols and characters on the vehicle roof. However, at the wavelengths at which thermal imagers operate, the dark and light coloured materials have similar low reflectivity and the visible markings cannot be discerned. Hence there is a requirement for a method of passively and unobtrusively marking vehicles concurrently in the visible and thermal infrared, over a large range of viewing angles. In this paper we discuss the design, detailed angle-dependent spectroscopic characterisation and operation of novel visible and infrared vehicle marking materials, and present airborne IR and visible imagery of materials in use.
Research on the transfer learning of the vehicle logo recognition
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhao, Wei
The Convolutional Neural Network of Deep Learning has been a huge success in the field of image intelligent transportation system can effectively solve the traffic safety, congestion, vehicle management and other problems of traffic in the city. Vehicle identification is a vital part of intelligent transportation, and the effective information in vehicles is of great significance to vehicle identification. With the traffic system on the vehicle identification technology requirements are getting higher and higher, the vehicle as an important type of vehicle information, because it should not be removed, difficult to change and other features for vehicle identification provides an important method. The current vehicle identification recognition (VLR) is mostly used to extract the characteristics of the method of classification, which for complex classification of its generalization ability to be some constraints, if the use of depth learning technology, you need a lot of training samples. In this paper, the method of convolution neural network based on transfer learning can solve this problem effectively, and it has important practical application value in the task of vehicle mark recognition.
Estimating spatial travel times using automatic vehicle identification data
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Prepared ca. 2001. The paper describes an algorithm that was developed for estimating reliable and accurate average roadway link travel times using Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) data. The algorithm presented is unique in two aspects. First, ...
Real-time identification of vehicle motion-modes using neural networks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wang, Lifu; Zhang, Nong; Du, Haiping
A four-wheel ground vehicle has three body-dominated motion-modes, that is, bounce, roll, and pitch motion-modes. Real-time identification of these motion-modes can make vehicle suspensions, in particular, active suspensions, target on the dominant motion-mode and apply appropriate control strategies to improve its performance with less power consumption. Recently, a motion-mode energy method (MEM) was developed to identify the vehicle body motion-modes. However, this method requires the measurement of full vehicle states and road inputs, which are not always available in practice. This paper proposes an alternative approach to identify vehicle primary motion-modes with acceptable accuracy by employing neural networks (NNs). The effectiveness of the trained NNs is verified on a 10-DOF full-car model under various types of excitation inputs. The results confirm that the proposed method is effective in determining vehicle primary motion-modes with comparable accuracy to the MEM method. Experimental data is further used to validate the proposed method.
Investigating RFID for Roadside Identification Involving Freight Commercial Vehicle Operators
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging technology to track commercial vehicles. This transcript describes research that investigates the ability for RFID technologies to work in license plates. Mile markers are common fixtures on the ro...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
...-0271] Identification of Interstate Motor Vehicles: New York City, Cook County, and New Jersey Tax Identification Requirements; Petition for Reconsideration. AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration... Commercial Motor Vehicle Tax (CMV Tax) is preempted. Federal law prohibits States and their political...
Estimation and identification study for flexible vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Jazwinski, A. H.; Englar, T. S., Jr.
Techniques are studied for the estimation of rigid body and bending states and the identification of model parameters associated with the single-axis attitude dynamics of a flexible vehicle. This problem is highly nonlinear but completely observable provided sufficient attitude and attitude rate data is available and provided all system bending modes are excited in the observation interval. A sequential estimator tracks the system states in the presence of model parameter errors. A batch estimator identifies all model parameters with high accuracy.
In-vehicle signing functions of an in-vehicle information system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Tufano, D.R.; Knee, H.E.; Spelt, P.F.
The definition of In-Vehicle Signing (IVS) functions was guided by the principles of traffic engineering as they apply to the design and placement of roadway signs. Because of the dynamic and active nature of computing, communications, and display technology, IVS can fulfill the signing principles of traffic engineering in ways that have been impossible with conventional signage. Current signing technology represents a series of compromises of these principles, especially the data and equations contributing to the calculation of required sight distance. A number of conditions relevant to sight distance are quite variable, e.g.: vehicle speed, visibility, weather, and driver reactionmore » time. However, conventional signing requires that there are fixed values of each variable for the determination of (e.g.) legibility distance. IVS, on the other hand, will be able to tailor the timing of sign presentation to the dynamically diverse variable values of all of these conditions. A clear, in-vehicle sign display, adaptive to ambient and driver conditions, will in fact obviate the entire issue of sign legibility. These capabilities, together with information filtering functions, will truly enhance the presentation of sign information to drivers. The development of IVS is a critical step in the development of an integrated In-Vehicle Information System (IVIS).« less
Modeling and Model Identification of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
setup, based on a quadrifilar pendulum , is developed to measure the moments of inertia of the vehicle. System identification techniques, based on...parametric models of the platforms: an individual channel excitation approach and a free decay pendulum test. The former is applied to THAUS, which can...excite the system in individual channels in four degrees of freedom. These results are verified in the free decay pendulum setup, which has the
Laser vibrometry exploitation for vehicle identification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nolan, Adam; Lingg, Andrew; Goley, Steve; Sigmund, Kevin; Kangas, Scott
Vibration signatures sensed from distant vehicles using laser vibrometry systems provide valuable information that may be used to help identify key vehicle features such as engine type, engine speed, and number of cylinders. Through the use of physics models of the vibration phenomenology, features are chosen to support classification algorithms. Various individual exploitation algorithms were developed using these models to classify vibration signatures into engine type (piston vs. turbine), engine configuration (Inline 4 vs. Inline 6 vs. V6 vs. V8 vs. V12) and vehicle type. The results of these algorithms will be presented for an 8 class problem. Finally, the benefits of using a factor graph representation to link these independent algorithms together will be presented which constructs a classification hierarchy for the vibration exploitation problem.
Roadway system assessment using bluetooth-based automatic vehicle identification travel time data.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This monograph is an exposition of several practice-ready methodologies for automatic vehicle identification (AVI) data collection : systems. This includes considerations in the physical setup of the collection system as well as the interpretation of...
Hybrid neuro-fuzzy approach for automatic vehicle license plate recognition
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lee, Hsi-Chieh; Jong, Chung-Shi
Most currently available vehicle identification systems use techniques such as R.F., microwave, or infrared to help identifying the vehicle. Transponders are usually installed in the vehicle in order to transmit the corresponding information to the sensory system. It is considered expensive to install a transponder in each vehicle and the malfunction of the transponder will result in the failure of the vehicle identification system. In this study, novel hybrid approach is proposed for automatic vehicle license plate recognition. A system prototype is built which can be used independently or cooperating with current vehicle identification system in identifying a vehicle. The prototype consists of four major modules including the module for license plate region identification, the module for character extraction from the license plate, the module for character recognition, and the module for the SimNet neuro-fuzzy system. To test the performance of the proposed system, three hundred and eighty vehicle image samples are taken by a digital camera. The license plate recognition success rate of the prototype is approximately 91% while the character recognition success rate of the prototype is approximately 97%.
Vehicle emissions and consumer information in car advertisements.
Wilson, Nick; Maher, Anthony; Thomson, George; Keall, Michael
The advertising of vehicles has been studied from a safety perspective but not in terms of vehicle air pollutants. We aimed to examine the content and trends of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution-related information, in light passenger vehicle advertisements. Content analysis of the two most popular current affairs magazines in New Zealand for the five year period 2001-2005 was undertaken (n = 514 advertisements). This was supplemented with vehicle data from official websites. The advertisements studied provided some information on fuel type (52%), and engine size (39%); but hardly any provided information on fuel efficiency (3%), or emissions (4%). Over the five-year period the reported engine size increased significantly, while fuel efficiency did not improve. For the vehicles advertised, for which relevant official website data could be obtained, the average "greenhouse rating" for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions was 5.1, with a range from 0.5 to 8.5 (on a scale with 10 being the best and 0.5 being the most polluting). The average CO2 emissions were 50% higher than the average for cars made by European manufacturers. The average "air pollution" rating for the advertised vehicles was 5.4 (on the same 1-10 scale). The yearly averages for the "greenhouse" or "air pollution" ratings did not change significantly over the five-year period. One advertised hybrid vehicle had a fuel consumption that was under half the average (4.4 versus 9.9 L/100 km), as well as the best "greenhouse" and "air pollution" ratings. To enhance informed consumer choice and to control greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions, governments should introduce regulations on the content of vehicle advertisements and marketing (as started by the European Union). Similar regulations are already in place for the marketing of many other consumer products.
Vehicle emissions and consumer information in car advertisements
Wilson, Nick; Maher, Anthony; Thomson, George; Keall, Michael
Background The advertising of vehicles has been studied from a safety perspective but not in terms of vehicle air pollutants. We aimed to examine the content and trends of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution-related information, in light passenger vehicle advertisements. Methods Content analysis of the two most popular current affairs magazines in New Zealand for the five year period 2001–2005 was undertaken (n = 514 advertisements). This was supplemented with vehicle data from official websites. Results The advertisements studied provided some information on fuel type (52%), and engine size (39%); but hardly any provided information on fuel efficiency (3%), or emissions (4%). Over the five-year period the reported engine size increased significantly, while fuel efficiency did not improve. For the vehicles advertised, for which relevant official website data could be obtained, the average "greenhouse rating" for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions was 5.1, with a range from 0.5 to 8.5 (on a scale with 10 being the best and 0.5 being the most polluting). The average CO2 emissions were 50% higher than the average for cars made by European manufacturers. The average "air pollution" rating for the advertised vehicles was 5.4 (on the same 1–10 scale). The yearly averages for the "greenhouse" or "air pollution" ratings did not change significantly over the five-year period. One advertised hybrid vehicle had a fuel consumption that was under half the average (4.4 versus 9.9 L/100 km), as well as the best "greenhouse" and "air pollution" ratings. Conclusion To enhance informed consumer choice and to control greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions, governments should introduce regulations on the content of vehicle advertisements and marketing (as started by the European Union). Similar regulations are already in place for the marketing of many other consumer products. PMID:18445291
Operator Informational Needs for Multiple Autonomous Small Vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Trujillo, Anna C.; Fan, Henry; Cross, Charles D.; Hempley, Lucas E.; Cichella, Venanzio; Puig-Navarro, Javier; Mehdi, Syed Bilal
With the anticipated explosion of small unmanned aerial vehicles, it is highly likely that operators will be controlling fleets of autonomous vehicles. To fulfill the promise of autonomy, vehicle operators will not be concerned with manual control of the vehicle; instead, they will deal with the overall mission. Furthermore, the one operator to many vehicles is becoming a constant meme with various industries including package delivery, search and rescue, and utility companies. In order for an operator to concurrently control several vehicles, his station must look and behave very differently than the current ground control station instantiations. Furthermore, the vehicle will have to be much more autonomous, especially during non-normal operations, in order to accommodate the knowledge deficit or the information overload of the operator in charge of several vehicles. The expected usage increase of small drones requires presenting the operational information generated by a fleet of heterogeneous autonomous agents to an operator. NASA Langley Research Center's Autonomy Incubator has brought together researchers in various disciplines including controls, trajectory planning, systems engineering, and human factors to develop an integrated system to study autonomy issues. The initial human factors effort is focusing on mission displays that would give an operator the overall status of all autonomous agents involved in the current mission. This paper will discuss the specifics of the mission displays for operators controlling several vehicles.
77 FR 18914 - National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS): Technical Corrections
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... 1121-AA79 National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS): Technical Corrections AGENCY... (OJP) is promulgating this direct final rule for its National Motor Vehicle Title Information System... INFORMATION CONTACT paragraph. II. Background The National Motor Vehicle Title Information System was...
Recognition of road information using magnetic polarity for intelligent vehicles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Young-Min; Kim, Tae-Gon; Lim, Young-Cheol; Kim, Kwang-Heon; Baek, Seung-Hun; Kim, Eui-Sun
For an intelligent vehicle driving which uses magnetic markers and magnetic sensors, it can get every kind of road information while moving the vehicle if we use the code that is encoded with N, S pole direction of makers. If there make it an only aim to move the vehicle, it becomes easy to control the vehicle the more we put markers close. By the way, to recognize the direction of a marker pole it is much better that the markers have no interference each other. To get road information and move the vehicle autonomously, the method of arranging magnetic sensors and algorithm of recognizing the position of the vehicle with those sensors was proposed. The effectiveness of the methods was verified with computer simulation.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pace, Paul W.; Sutherland, John
This project is aimed at analyzing EO/IR images to provide automatic target detection/recognition/identification (ATR/D/I) of militarily relevant land targets. An increase in performance was accomplished using a biomimetic intelligence system functioning on low-cost, commercially available processing chips. Biomimetic intelligence has demonstrated advanced capabilities in the areas of hand- printed character recognition, real-time detection/identification of multiple faces in full 3D perspectives in cluttered environments, advanced capabilities in classification of ground-based military vehicles from SAR, and real-time ATR/D/I of ground-based military vehicles from EO/IR/HRR data in cluttered environments. The investigation applied these tools to real data sets and examined the parameters such as the minimum resolution for target recognition, the effect of target size, rotation, line-of-sight changes, contrast, partial obscuring, background clutter etc. The results demonstrated a real-time ATR/D/I capability against a subset of militarily relevant land targets operating in a realistic scenario. Typical results on the initial EO/IR data indicate probabilities of correct classification of resolved targets to be greater than 95 percent.
36 CFR 1192.61 - Public information system.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Public information system... Rapid Rail Vehicles and Systems § 1192.61 Public information system. (a)(1) Requirements. Each vehicle... line identification information. (2) Exception. Where station announcement systems provide information...
The Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Network program, 2012.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and : Networks (CVISN) program supports that safety : mission by providing grant funds to States for: : Improving safety and productivity of motor : carriers, commercial motor vehicles : (CMVs), and thei...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pan, Chaofeng; Dai, Wei; Chen, Liao; Chen, Long; Wang, Limei
With the impact of serious environmental pollution in our cities combined with the ongoing depletion of oil resources, electric vehicles are becoming highly favored as means of transport. Not only for the advantage of low noise, but for their high energy efficiency and zero pollution. The Power battery is used as the energy source of electric vehicles. However, it does currently still have a few shortcomings, noticeably the low energy density, with high costs and short cycle life results in limited mileage compared with conventional passenger vehicles. There is great difference in vehicle energy consumption rate under different environment and driving conditions. Estimation error of current driving range is relatively large due to without considering the effects of environmental temperature and driving conditions. The development of a driving range estimation method will have a great impact on the electric vehicles. A new driving range estimation model based on the combination of driving cycle identification and prediction is proposed and investigated. This model can effectively eliminate mileage errors and has good convergence with added robustness. Initially the identification of the driving cycle is based on Kernel Principal Component feature parameters and fuzzy C referring to clustering algorithm. Secondly, a fuzzy rule between the characteristic parameters and energy consumption is established under MATLAB/Simulink environment. Furthermore the Markov algorithm and BP(Back Propagation) neural network method is utilized to predict the future driving conditions to improve the accuracy of the remaining range estimation. Finally, driving range estimation method is carried out under the ECE 15 condition by using the rotary drum test bench, and the experimental results are compared with the estimation results. Results now show that the proposed driving range estimation method can not only estimate the remaining mileage, but also eliminate the fluctuation of the
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This report is one of a series produced as part of a contract designed to develop precise, detailed, human factors design guidelines for Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO). The goals of the work cover...
Driver memory retention of in-vehicle information system messages
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Memory retention of drivers was tested for traffic- and traveler-related messages displayed on an in-vehicle information system (IVIS). Three research questions were asked: (a) How does in-vehicle visual message format affect comprehension? (b) How d...
Identification of pilot-vehicle dynamics from simulation and flight test
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hess, Ronald A.
The paper discusses an identification problem in which a basic feedback control structure, or pilot control strategy, is hypothesized. Identification algorithms are employed to determine the particular form of pilot equalization in each feedback loop. It was found that both frequency- and time-domain identification techniques provide useful information.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Schey, Stephen; Francfort, Jim
In Task 1, a survey was completed of the inventory of non-tactical fleet vehicles at the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCBCL) to characterize the fleet. This information and characterization was used to select vehicles for further monitoring, which involves data logging of vehicle movements in order to identify the vehicle’s mission and travel requirements. Individual observations of these selected vehicles provide the basis for recommendations related to PEV adoption. It also identifies whether a battery electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (collectively referred to as PEVs) can fulfill the mission requirements and provides observations related to placement ofmore » PEV charging infrastructure. This report provides the list of vehicles selected by MCBCL and Intertek for further monitoring and fulfills the Task 2 requirements.« less
49 CFR 568.4 - Requirements for incomplete vehicle manufacturers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... manufacturing operation on the incomplete vehicle. (3) Identification of the incomplete vehicle(s) to which the document applies. The identification shall be by vehicle identification number (VIN) or groups of VINs to... 49 Transportation 6 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Requirements for incomplete vehicle manufacturers...
49 CFR 568.4 - Requirements for incomplete vehicle manufacturers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... manufacturing operation on the incomplete vehicle. (3) Identification of the incomplete vehicle(s) to which the document applies. The identification shall be by vehicle identification number (VIN) or groups of VINs to... 49 Transportation 6 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Requirements for incomplete vehicle manufacturers...
49 CFR 568.4 - Requirements for incomplete vehicle manufacturers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... manufacturing operation on the incomplete vehicle. (3) Identification of the incomplete vehicle(s) to which the document applies. The identification shall be by vehicle identification number (VIN) or groups of VINs to... 49 Transportation 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Requirements for incomplete vehicle manufacturers...
Summerskill, Stephen; Marshall, Russell; Cook, Sharon; Lenard, James; Richardson, John
The aim of the study is to understand the nature of blind spots in the vision of drivers of Large Goods Vehicles caused by vehicle design variables such as the driver eye height, and mirror designs. The study was informed by the processing of UK national accident data using cluster analysis to establish if vehicle blind spots contribute to accidents. In order to establish the cause and nature of blind spots six top selling trucks in the UK, with a range of sizes were digitized and imported into the SAMMIE Digital Human Modelling (DHM) system. A novel CAD based vision projection technique, which has been validated in a laboratory study, allowed multiple mirror and window aperture projections to be created, resulting in the identification and quantification of a key blind spot. The identified blind spot was demonstrated to have the potential to be associated with the scenarios that were identified in the accident data. The project led to the revision of UNECE Regulation 46 that defines mirror coverage in the European Union, with new vehicle registrations in Europe being required to meet the amended standard after June of 2015. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Information Flow in the Launch Vehicle Design/Analysis Process
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Humphries, W. R., Sr.; Holland, W.; Bishop, R.
This paper describes the results of a team effort aimed at defining the information flow between disciplines at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) engaged in the design of space launch vehicles. The information flow is modeled at a first level and is described using three types of templates: an N x N diagram, discipline flow diagrams, and discipline task descriptions. It is intended to provide engineers with an understanding of the connections between what they do and where it fits in the overall design process of the project. It is also intended to provide design managers with a better understanding of information flow in the launch vehicle design cycle.
49 CFR 573.15 - Public Availability of Motor Vehicle Recall Information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Internet. The information shall be in a format that is searchable by vehicle make and model and vehicle... following requirements: (1) Be free of charge and not require users to register or submit information, other... (Internet link) to it conspicuously placed on the manufacturer's main United States' Web page; (3) Not...
49 CFR 573.15 - Public availability of motor vehicle recall information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Internet. The information shall be in a format that is searchable by vehicle make and model and vehicle... following requirements: (1) Be free of charge and not require users to register or submit information, other... (Internet link) to it conspicuously placed on the manufacturer's main United States' Web page; (3) Not...
Risk evaluation for in-vehicle sign information.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The goal of the study was to examine the influence of in-vehicle signing (IVS) pertaining to four types of changing : driving conditions and determine the utility and potential safety costs associated with the IVS information. Signage : displayed on ...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zichner, Ralf; Baumann, Reinhard R.
Vehicle tracking systems based on ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) technology are already introduced to control the access to car parks and corporate premises. For this field of application so-called Windshield RFID transponder labels are used, which are applied to the inside of the windshield. State of the art for manufacturing these transponder antennas is the traditional lithography/etching approach. Furthermore the performance of these transponders is limited to a reading distance of approximately 5 m which results in car speed limit of 5 km/h for identification. However, to achieve improved performance compared to existing all-purpose transponders and a dramatic cost reduction, an optimized antenna design is needed which takes into account the special dielectric and in particular metallic car environment of the tag and an roll-to-roll (R2R) printing manufacturing process. In this paper we focus on the development of a customized UHF RFID transponder antenna design, which is adopted for vehicle geometry as well as R2R screen printing manufacturing processes.
41 CFR 101-26.501-6 - Forms used in connection with delivery of vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... left in place during the warranty period to permit prompt identification of vehicles requiring dealer... order. (c) Instructions to Consignee Receiving New Motor Vehicles Purchased by General Services... and information contained in the document entitled “Instructions to Consignee Receiving New Motor...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
O'Keefe, Eoin S.
As thermal imaging technology matures and ownership costs decrease, there is a trend to equip a greater proportion of airborne surveillance vehicles used by security and defence forces with both visible band and thermal infrared cameras. These cameras are used for tracking vehicles on the ground, to aid in pursuit of villains in vehicles and on foot, while also assisting in the direction and co-ordination of emergency service vehicles as the occasion arises. These functions rely on unambiguous identification of police and the other emergency service vehicles. In the visible band this is achieved by dark markings with high contrast (light) backgrounds on the roof of vehicles. When there is no ambient lighting, for example at night, thermal imaging is used to track both vehicles and people. In the thermal IR, the visible markings are not obvious. At the wavelength thermal imagers operate, either 3-5 microns or 8-12 microns, the dark and light coloured materials have similar low reflectivity. To maximise the usefulness of IR airborne surveillance, a method of passively and unobtrusively marking vehicles concurrently in the visible and thermal infrared is needed. In this paper we discuss the design, application and operation of some vehicle and personnel marking materials and show airborne IR and visible imagery of materials in use.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Statistical Outlier Identification Procedure for Light-Duty Vehicles and Light Light-Duty Trucks Certifying to the Provisions of Part 86... (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) CONTROL OF EMISSIONS FROM NEW AND IN-USE HIGHWAY VEHICLES AND ENGINES...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 20 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Statistical Outlier Identification Procedure for Light-Duty Vehicles and Light Light-Duty Trucks Certifying to the Provisions of Part 86... (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) CONTROL OF EMISSIONS FROM NEW AND IN-USE HIGHWAY VEHICLES AND ENGINES...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Advisory Committee on the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System AGENCY: Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Justice. ACTION: Notice of establishment of the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Advisory Board. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This paper develops an algorithm for optimally locating surveillance technologies with an emphasis on Automatic Vehicle Identification tag readers by maximizing the benefit that would accrue from measuring travel times on a transportation network. Th...
Vehicle States Observer Using Adaptive Tire-Road Friction Estimator
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kwak, Byunghak; Park, Youngjin
Vehicle stability control system is a new idea which can enhance the vehicle stability and handling in the emergency situation. This system requires the information of the yaw rate, sideslip angle and road friction in order to control the traction and braking forces at the individual wheels. This paper proposes an observer for the vehicle stability control system. This observer consisted of the state observer for vehicle motion estimation and the road condition estimator for the identification of the coefficient of the road friction. The state observer uses 2 degrees-of-freedom bicycle model and estimates the system variables based on the Kalman filter. The road condition estimator uses the same vehicle model and identifies the coefficient of the tire-road friction based on the recursive least square method. Both estimators make use of each other information. We show the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed scheme under various road conditions through computer simulations of a fifteen degree-of-freedom non-linear vehicle model.
14 CFR 1203.301 - Identification of information requiring protection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... INFORMATION SECURITY PROGRAM Classification Principles and Considerations § 1203.301 Identification of information requiring protection. Classifiers shall identify the level of classification of each classified... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2011-01-01 2010-01-01 true Identification of information requiring...
14 CFR 1203.301 - Identification of information requiring protection.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... INFORMATION SECURITY PROGRAM Classification Principles and Considerations § 1203.301 Identification of information requiring protection. Classifiers shall identify the level of classification of each classified... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Identification of information requiring...
Mu, Dongdong; Wang, Guofeng; Fan, Yunsheng; Sun, Xiaojie; Qiu, Bingbing
This paper presents a complete scheme for research on the three degrees of freedom model and response model of the vector propulsion of an unmanned surface vehicle. The object of this paper is “Lanxin”, an unmanned surface vehicle (7.02 m × 2.6 m), which is equipped with a single vector propulsion device. First, the “Lanxin” unmanned surface vehicle and the related field experiments (turning test and zig-zag test) are introduced and experimental data are collected through various sensors. Then, the thrust of the vector thruster is estimated by the empirical formula method. Third, using the hypothesis and simplification, the three degrees of freedom model and the response model of USV are deduced and established, respectively. Fourth, the parameters of the models (three degrees of freedom model, response model and thruster servo model) are obtained by system identification, and we compare the simulated turning test and zig-zag test with the actual data to verify the accuracy of the identification results. Finally, the biggest advantage of this paper is that it combines theory with practice. Based on identified response model, simulation and practical course keeping experiments are carried out to further verify feasibility and correctness of modeling and identification.
Exploring driver acceptance of in-vehicle information systems
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This document is part of an integrated program to develop human factors guidelines for advanced in-vehicle information systems. This document provides both an analytic and empirical determination of the human factors issues specific to user acceptanc...
Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Information Study
Maritime Unmanned System NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization xi The use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the... Unmanned Aerial System UDA Underwater Domain Awareness UNISIPS Unified Sonar Image Processing System USV Unmanned Surface Vehicle UUV Unmanned Underwater...data distribution to ashore systems , such as the delay, its impact and the benefits to the overall MDA and required metadata for efficient search and
Optical security system for the protection of personal identification information.
Doh, Yang-Hoi; Yoon, Jong-Soo; Choi, Kyung-Hyun; Alam, Mohammad S
A new optical security system for the protection of personal identification information is proposed. First, authentication of the encrypted personal information is carried out by primary recognition of a personal identification number (PIN) with the proposed multiplexed minimum average correlation energy phase-encrypted (MMACE_p) filter. The MMACE_p filter, synthesized with phase-encrypted training images, can increase the discrimination capability and prevent the leak of personal identification information. After the PIN is recognized, speedy authentication of personal information can be achieved through one-to-one optical correlation by means of the optical wavelet filter. The possibility of information counterfeiting can be significantly decreased with the double-identification process. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique.
In-Vehicle Information Systems Demand Model (Research Update)
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The goal of in-vehicle information system (IVIS) technologies is to increase the mobility, improve the efficiency, and increase the safety and/or convenience of the motoring public. To achieve this goal, IVISs must be designed to include good human f...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yao, Guang-tao; Zhang, Xiao-hui; Ge, Wei-long
The underwater laser imaging detection is an effective method of detecting short distance target underwater as an important complement of sonar detection. With the development of underwater laser imaging technology and underwater vehicle technology, the underwater automatic target identification has gotten more and more attention, and is a research difficulty in the area of underwater optical imaging information processing. Today, underwater automatic target identification based on optical imaging is usually realized with the method of digital circuit software programming. The algorithm realization and control of this method is very flexible. However, the optical imaging information is 2D image even 3D image, the amount of imaging processing information is abundant, so the electronic hardware with pure digital algorithm will need long identification time and is hard to meet the demands of real-time identification. If adopt computer parallel processing, the identification speed can be improved, but it will increase complexity, size and power consumption. This paper attempts to apply optical correlation identification technology to realize underwater automatic target identification. The optics correlation identification technology utilizes the Fourier transform characteristic of Fourier lens which can accomplish Fourier transform of image information in the level of nanosecond, and optical space interconnection calculation has the features of parallel, high speed, large capacity and high resolution, combines the flexibility of calculation and control of digital circuit method to realize optoelectronic hybrid identification mode. We reduce theoretical formulation of correlation identification and analyze the principle of optical correlation identification, and write MATLAB simulation program. We adopt single frame image obtained in underwater range gating laser imaging to identify, and through identifying and locating the different positions of target, we can improve
77 FR 44258 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Exportation of Used Self-Propelled Vehicles
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Activities: Exportation of Used Self-Propelled Vehicles AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP... information collection requirement concerning the Exportation of Used Self-Propelled Vehicles. This request... clarity of the information to be collected; (d) ways to minimize the burden including the use of automated...
Pre-crash scenario framework for crash avoidance systems based on vehicle-to-vehicle communications
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This paper prioritizes and statistically describes precrash : scenarios as a basis for the identification of : crash avoidance functions enhanced or enabled by : vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technology. : Pre-crash scenarios depict vehicle ...
21 CFR 830.340 - Voluntary submission of ancillary device identification information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Identification Database § 830.340 Voluntary submission of ancillary device identification information. (a) You may not submit any information to the Global Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID) other than...
41 CFR 102-34.165 - What information must the limited exemption certification contain?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... REGULATION PERSONAL PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.165 What information must the limited exemption certification contain? The certification must state that identifying the motor vehicle would endanger the security of the vehicle occupants...
41 CFR 102-34.165 - What information must the limited exemption certification contain?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... REGULATION PERSONAL PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.165 What information must the limited exemption certification contain? The certification must state that identifying the motor vehicle would endanger the security of the vehicle occupants...
41 CFR 102-34.165 - What information must the limited exemption certification contain?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... REGULATION PERSONAL PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.165 What information must the limited exemption certification contain? The certification must state that identifying the motor vehicle would endanger the security of the vehicle occupants...
41 CFR 102-34.165 - What information must the limited exemption certification contain?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... REGULATION PERSONAL PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.165 What information must the limited exemption certification contain? The certification must state that identifying the motor vehicle would endanger the security of the vehicle occupants...
41 CFR 102-34.165 - What information must the limited exemption certification contain?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... REGULATION PERSONAL PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.165 What information must the limited exemption certification contain? The certification must state that identifying the motor vehicle would endanger the security of the vehicle occupants...
21 CFR 830.310 - Information required for unique device identification.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Information required for unique device identification. 830.310 Section 830.310 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND... Identification Database § 830.310 Information required for unique device identification. The contact for device...
CVISN business case (commercial vehicle information systems and networks)
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The objective was to evaluate economic justifications and institutional issues affecting motor carriers and State transportation agencies regarding the deployment of CVISN technologies. CVISN (Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks) incl...
The commercial vehicle information systems and networks program, 2013.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) grant program supports the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations (FMCSAs) safety mission by providing grant funds to States to: : Improve safety and productivity of moto...
An RFID-based intelligent vehicle speed controller using active traffic signals.
Pérez, Joshué; Seco, Fernando; Milanés, Vicente; Jiménez, Antonio; Díaz, Julio C; de Pedro, Teresa
These days, mass-produced vehicles benefit from research on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). One prime example of ITS is vehicle Cruise Control (CC), which allows it to maintain a pre-defined reference speed, to economize on fuel or energy consumption, to avoid speeding fines, or to focus all of the driver's attention on the steering of the vehicle. However, achieving efficient Cruise Control is not easy in roads or urban streets where sudden changes of the speed limit can happen, due to the presence of unexpected obstacles or maintenance work, causing, in inattentive drivers, traffic accidents. In this communication we present a new Infrastructure to Vehicles (I2V) communication and control system for intelligent speed control, which is based upon Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for identification of traffic signals on the road, and high accuracy vehicle speed measurement with a Hall effect-based sensor. A fuzzy logic controller, based on sensor fusion of the information provided by the I2V infrastructure, allows the efficient adaptation of the speed of the vehicle to the circumstances of the road. The performance of the system is checked empirically, with promising results.
An RFID-Based Intelligent Vehicle Speed Controller Using Active Traffic Signals
Pérez, Joshué; Seco, Fernando; Milanés, Vicente; Jiménez, Antonio; Díaz, Julio C.; de Pedro, Teresa
These days, mass-produced vehicles benefit from research on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). One prime example of ITS is vehicle Cruise Control (CC), which allows it to maintain a pre-defined reference speed, to economize on fuel or energy consumption, to avoid speeding fines, or to focus all of the driver’s attention on the steering of the vehicle. However, achieving efficient Cruise Control is not easy in roads or urban streets where sudden changes of the speed limit can happen, due to the presence of unexpected obstacles or maintenance work, causing, in inattentive drivers, traffic accidents. In this communication we present a new Infrastructure to Vehicles (I2V) communication and control system for intelligent speed control, which is based upon Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for identification of traffic signals on the road, and high accuracy vehicle speed measurement with a Hall effect-based sensor. A fuzzy logic controller, based on sensor fusion of the information provided by the I2V infrastructure, allows the efficient adaptation of the speed of the vehicle to the circumstances of the road. The performance of the system is checked empirically, with promising results. PMID:22219692
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Activities: Cargo Container and Road Vehicle Certification for Transport Under Customs Seal AGENCY: U.S... agencies to comment on an information collection requirement concerning the Cargo Container and Road... concerning the following information collection: Title: Cargo Container and Road Vehicle for Transport under...
Contextual information renders experts vulnerable to making erroneous identifications.
Dror, Itiel E; Charlton, David; Péron, Ailsa E
We investigated whether experts can objectively focus on feature information in fingerprints without being misled by extraneous information, such as context. We took fingerprints that have previously been examined and assessed by latent print experts to make positive identification of suspects. Then we presented these same fingerprints again, to the same experts, but gave a context that suggested that they were a no-match, and hence the suspects could not be identified. Within this new context, most of the fingerprint experts made different judgements, thus contradicting their own previous identification decisions. Cognitive aspects involved in biometric identification can explain why experts are vulnerable to make erroneous identifications.
Development of a conceptual integrated traffic safety problem identification database
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The project conceptualized a traffic safety risk management information system and statistical database for improved problem-driver identification, countermeasure development, and resource allocation. The California Department of Motor Vehicles Drive...
Orbital transfer vehicle launch operations study. Processing flows. Volume 3
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The Orbit Transfer Vehicle (OTV) processing flow and Resource Identification Sheets (RISs) for the ground based orbit transfer vehicle and for the space based orbit transfer vehicle are the primary source of information for the rest of the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) OTV Launch Operations Study. Work is presented which identifies KSC facility requirements for the OTV Program, simplifies or automates either flow though the application technology, revises test practices and identifies crew sizes or skills used. These flows were used as the primary point of departure from current operations and practices. Analyses results were documented by revising the appropriate RIS page.
49 CFR 575.301 - Vehicle Labeling of Safety Rating Information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... this section is to aid potential purchasers in the selection of new passenger motor vehicles by providing them with safety rating information developed by NHTSA in its New Car Assessment Program (NCAP... placed on new automobiles with the manufacturer's suggested retail price and other consumer information...
Visual identification system for homeland security and law enforcement support
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Samuel, Todd J.; Edwards, Don; Knopf, Michael
This paper describes the basic configuration for a visual identification system (VIS) for Homeland Security and law enforcement support. Security and law enforcement systems with an integrated VIS will accurately and rapidly provide identification of vehicles or containers that have entered, exited or passed through a specific monitoring location. The VIS system stores all images and makes them available for recall for approximately one week. Images of alarming vehicles will be archived indefinitely as part of the alarming vehicle"s or cargo container"s record. Depending on user needs, the digital imaging information will be provided electronically to the individual inspectors, supervisors, and/or control center at the customer"s office. The key components of the VIS are the high-resolution cameras that capture images of vehicles, lights, presence sensors, image cataloging software, and image recognition software. In addition to the cameras, the physical integration and network communications of the VIS components with the balance of the security system and client must be ensured.
21 CFR 830.320 - Submission of unique device identification information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Identification Database § 830.320 Submission of unique device identification information. (a) Designation of... Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID) in a format that we can process, review, and archive...
Cross-Correlation-Based Structural System Identification Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Yoon, Hyungchul; Hoskere, Vedhus; Park, Jong-Woong; Spencer, Billie F.
Computer vision techniques have been employed to characterize dynamic properties of structures, as well as to capture structural motion for system identification purposes. All of these methods leverage image-processing techniques using a stationary camera. This requirement makes finding an effective location for camera installation difficult, because civil infrastructure (i.e., bridges, buildings, etc.) are often difficult to access, being constructed over rivers, roads, or other obstacles. This paper seeks to use video from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to address this problem. As opposed to the traditional way of using stationary cameras, the use of UAVs brings the issue of the camera itself moving; thus, the displacements of the structure obtained by processing UAV video are relative to the UAV camera. Some efforts have been reported to compensate for the camera motion, but they require certain assumptions that may be difficult to satisfy. This paper proposes a new method for structural system identification using the UAV video directly. Several challenges are addressed, including: (1) estimation of an appropriate scale factor; and (2) compensation for the rolling shutter effect. Experimental validation is carried out to validate the proposed approach. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy and significant potential of the proposed approach. PMID:28891985
An efficient representation of spatial information for expert reasoning in robotic vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scott, Steven; Interrante, Mark
The previous generation of robotic vehicles and drones was designed for a specific task, with limited flexibility in executing their mission. This limited flexibility arises because the robotic vehicles do not possess the intelligence and knowledge upon which to make significant tactical decisions. Current development of robotic vehicles is toward increased intelligence and capabilities, adapting to a changing environment and altering mission objectives. The latest techniques in artificial intelligence (AI) are being employed to increase the robotic vehicle's intelligent decision-making capabilities. This document describes the design of the SARA spatial database tool, which is composed of request parser, reasoning, computations, and database modules that collectively manage and derive information useful for robotic vehicles.
An Approach Toward Understanding Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Litvaitis, John A.; Tash, Jeffrey P.
Among the most conspicuous environmental effects of roads are vehicle-related mortalities of wildlife. Research to understand the factors that contribute to wildlife-vehicle collisions can be partitioned into several major themes, including (i) characteristics associated with roadkill hot spots, (ii) identification of road-density thresholds that limit wildlife populations, and (iii) species-specific models of vehicle collision rates that incorporate information on roads (e.g., proximity, width, and traffic volume) and animal movements. We suggest that collision models offer substantial opportunities to understand the effects of roads on a diverse suite of species. We conducted simulations using collision models and information on Blanding’s turtles ( Emydoidea blandingii), bobcats ( Lynx rufus), and moose ( Alces alces), species endemic to the northeastern United States that are of particular concern relative to collisions with vehicles. Results revealed important species-specific differences, with traffic volume and rate of movement by candidate species having the greatest influence on collision rates. We recommend that future efforts to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions be more proactive and suggest the following protocol. For species that pose hazards to drivers (e.g., ungulates), identify collision hot spots and implement suitable mitigation to redirect animal movements (e.g., underpasses, fencing, and habitat modification), reduce populations of problematic game species via hunting, or modify driver behavior (e.g., dynamic signage that warns drivers when animals are near roads). Next, identify those species that are likely to experience additive (as opposed to compensatory) mortality from vehicle collisions and rank them according to vulnerability to extirpation. Then combine information on the distribution of at-risk species with information on existing road networks to identify areas where immediate actions are warranted.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act. 2.311 Section 2.311 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION Confidentiality of Business Information § 2.311 Special rules governing...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Department of Justice's (DOJ's) National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory... announcement of a meeting of DOJ's National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory.... FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Todd Brighton, Designated Federal Employee (DFE), Bureau of Justice...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Department of Justice's (DOJ's) National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory... announcement of a meeting of DOJ's National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory.... FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Todd Brighton, Designated Federal Employee (DFE), Bureau of Justice...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Department of Justice's (DOJ's) National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory... announcement of a meeting of DOJ's National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory... FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alissa Huntoon, Designated Federal Employee (DFE), Bureau of Justice...
Identification of potential locations of electric vehicle supply equipment
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Brooker, R. Paul; Qin, Nan
Proper placement of electric vehicle supply equipment (charging stations) requires an understanding of vehicle usage patterns. Using data from the National Household Travel Survey on vehicle mileage and destination patterns, analyses were performed to determine electric vehicles' charging needs, as a function of battery size and state of charge. This paper compares electric vehicle charging needs with Department of Energy electric vehicle charging data from real-world charging infrastructure. By combining the electric vehicles charging needs with charging data from real-world applications, locations with high electric vehicle charging likelihood are identified.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Department of Justice's (DOJ's) National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory... announcement of a meeting of DOJ's National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory... 7th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20531; Phone: (202) 305-1661. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alissa...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Department of Justice's (DOJ's) National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory... announcement of a meeting of DOJ's National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory... 7th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20531; Phone: (202) 305-1661. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alissa...
Sensor network based vehicle classification and license plate identification system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Frigo, Janette Rose; Brennan, Sean M; Rosten, Edward J
Typically, for energy efficiency and scalability purposes, sensor networks have been used in the context of environmental and traffic monitoring applications in which operations at the sensor level are not computationally intensive. But increasingly, sensor network applications require data and compute intensive sensors such video cameras and microphones. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of two such systems: a vehicle classifier based on acoustic signals and a license plate identification system using a camera. The systems are implemented in an energy-efficient manner to the extent possible using commercially available hardware, the Mica motes and the Stargate platform.more » Our experience in designing these systems leads us to consider an alternate more flexible, modular, low-power mote architecture that uses a combination of FPGAs, specialized embedded processing units and sensor data acquisition systems.« less
Online writer identification using alphabetic information clustering
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tan, Guo Xian; Viard-Gaudin, Christian; Kot, Alex C.
Writer identification is a topic of much renewed interest today because of its importance in applications such as writer adaptation, routing of documents and forensic document analysis. Various algorithms have been proposed to handle such tasks. Of particular interests are the approaches that use allographic features [1-3] to perform a comparison of the documents in question. The allographic features are used to define prototypes that model the unique handwriting styles of the individual writers. This paper investigates a novel perspective that takes alphabetic information into consideration when the allographic features are clustered into prototypes at the character level. We hypothesize that alphabetic information provides additional clues which help in the clustering of allographic prototypes. An alphabet information coefficient (AIC) has been introduced in our study and the effect of this coefficient is presented. Our experiments showed an increase of writer identification accuracy from 66.0% to 87.0% when alphabetic information was used in conjunction with allographic features on a database of 200 reference writers.
Commercial vehicle information systems and networks (CVISN) glossary : baseline version
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This document defines terms and acronyms used in current Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) documents and used in activities relevant to development of a national Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) system architecture fo...
Commercial vehicle information systems and networks (CVISN) glossary : preliminary issue
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This document defines terms and acronyms used in current Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) documents and used in activities relevant to development of a national Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) system architecture fo...
33 CFR 181.27 - Information displayed near hull identification number.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Information displayed near hull... displayed near hull identification number. With the exception of the characters “US-”, which constitute the... the 12-character hull identification number (HIN), that information must be separated from the HIN by...
Roadway weather information system and automatic vehicle location (AVL) coordination.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Roadway Weather Information System and Automatic Vehicle Location Coordination involves the : development of an Inclement Weather Console that provides a new capability for the state of Oklahoma : to monitor weather-related roadway conditions. The go...
49 CFR 567.5 - Requirements for manufacturers of vehicles manufactured in two or more stages.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
...) Vehicle Identification Number. (c) Intermediate manufacturers. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (f... that identified by the incomplete vehicle manufacturer. (v) Vehicle identification number. (d) Final...), and (d)(1), and 49 CFR 568.4(a)(9). (vi) Vehicle identification number. (vii) The type classification...
49 CFR 567.5 - Requirements for manufacturers of vehicles manufactured in two or more stages.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
...) Vehicle Identification Number. (c) Intermediate manufacturers. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (f... that identified by the incomplete vehicle manufacturer. (v) Vehicle identification number. (d) Final...), and (d)(1), and 49 CFR 568.4(a)(9). (vi) Vehicle identification number. (vii) The type classification...
49 CFR 567.5 - Requirements for manufacturers of vehicles manufactured in two or more stages.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
...) Vehicle Identification Number. (c) Intermediate manufacturers. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (f... that identified by the incomplete vehicle manufacturer. (v) Vehicle identification number. (d) Final...), and (d)(1), and 49 CFR 568.4(a)(9). (vi) Vehicle identification number. (vii) The type classification...
49 CFR 567.5 - Requirements for manufacturers of vehicles manufactured in two or more stages.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
...) Vehicle Identification Number. (c) Intermediate manufacturers. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (f... that identified by the incomplete vehicle manufacturer. (v) Vehicle identification number. (d) Final...), and (d)(1), and 49 CFR 568.4(a)(9). (vi) Vehicle identification number. (vii) The type classification...
In-vehicle signing concepts: An analytical precursor to an in-vehicle information system
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Spelt, P.F.; Tufano, D.R.; Knee, H.E.
The purpose of the project described in this report is to develop alternative In-Vehicle Signing (IVS) system concepts based on allocation of the functions associated with driving a road vehicle. In the driving milieu, tasks can be assigned to one of three agents, the driver, the vehicle or the infrastructure. Assignment of tasks is based on a philosophy of function allocation which can emphasize any of several philosophical approaches. In this project, function allocations were made according to the current practice in vehicle design and signage as well as a human-centered strategy. Several IVS system concepts are presented based onmore » differing functional allocation outcomes. A design space for IVS systems is described, and a technical analysis of a map-based and sever beacon-based IVS systems are presented. Because of problems associated with both map-based and beacon-based concepts, a hybrid IVS concept was proposed. The hybrid system uses on-board map-based databases to serve those areas in which signage can be anticipated to be relatively static, such as large metropolitan areas where few if any new roads will be built. For areas where sign density is low, and/or where population growth causes changes in traffic flow, beacon-based concepts function best. For this situation, changes need only occur in the central database from which sign information is transmitted. This report presents system concepts which enable progress from the IVS system concept-independent functional requirements to a more specific set of system concepts which facilitate analysis and selection of hardware and software to perform the functions of IVS. As such, this phase of the project represents a major step toward the design and development of a prototype WS system. Once such a system is developed, a program of testing, evaluation, an revision will be undertaken. Ultimately, such a system can become part of the road vehicle of the future.« less
48 CFR 404.203 - Taxpayer identification information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... furnishes taxpayer identification number (TIN) and type of organization information pursuant to solicitation... Office of Procurement and Property Management. (b) Separate submission of the TIN or type of organization...
48 CFR 404.203 - Taxpayer identification information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... furnishes taxpayer identification number (TIN) and type of organization information pursuant to solicitation... Office of Procurement and Property Management. (b) Separate submission of the TIN or type of organization...
48 CFR 404.203 - Taxpayer identification information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... furnishes taxpayer identification number (TIN) and type of organization information pursuant to solicitation... Office of Procurement and Property Management. (b) Separate submission of the TIN or type of organization...
48 CFR 404.203 - Taxpayer identification information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... furnishes taxpayer identification number (TIN) and type of organization information pursuant to solicitation... Office of Procurement and Property Management. (b) Separate submission of the TIN or type of organization...
48 CFR 404.203 - Taxpayer identification information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... furnishes taxpayer identification number (TIN) and type of organization information pursuant to solicitation... Office of Procurement and Property Management. (b) Separate submission of the TIN or type of organization...
Calculation of ground vibration spectra from heavy military vehicles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Krylov, V. V.; Pickup, S.; McNuff, J.
The demand for reliable autonomous systems capable to detect and identify heavy military vehicles becomes an important issue for UN peacekeeping forces in the current delicate political climate. A promising method of detection and identification is the one using the information extracted from ground vibration spectra generated by heavy military vehicles, often termed as their seismic signatures. This paper presents the results of the theoretical investigation of ground vibration spectra generated by heavy military vehicles, such as tanks and armed personnel carriers. A simple quarter car model is considered to identify the resulting dynamic forces applied from a vehicle to the ground. Then the obtained analytical expressions for vehicle dynamic forces are used for calculations of generated ground vibrations, predominantly Rayleigh surface waves, using Green's function method. A comparison of the obtained theoretical results with the published experimental data shows that analytical techniques based on the simplified quarter car vehicle model are capable of producing ground vibration spectra of heavy military vehicles that reproduce basic properties of experimental spectra.
21 CFR 830.330 - Times for submission of unique device identification information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Times for submission of unique device identification information. 830.330 Section 830.330 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF... Identification Database § 830.330 Times for submission of unique device identification information. (a) The...
Vehicle Theft Identification and Intimation Using GSM & IOT
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Eswar Kumar, M.; Thippa Reddy, G.; Sudheer, K.; Reddy, M. Praveen Kumar; Kaluri, Rajesh; Singh Rajput, Dharmendra; Lakshmanna, Kuruva
Internet of Things is the most predominant innovation associates the things through web. IoT is a technology which interfaces things from different places on the planet. Home mechanization is a wide range innovation in IoT technology on the planet. Home automation constitutes in security issues, controlling gadgets and so on. In existing model, the vehicle theft is distinguished and controlled by physically with GSM module. Furthermore, there are a few in controlling the vehicle is major issue for owner from theft. Here in this paper a technique described to overcome issue of existing one. In this the vehicle is identified, controlled and connected updates with Internet in a simple way. By utilization of AT commands of GSM module a message will be send to the owner that the vehicle is recognized. Action can be taken by sending a reply to GSM module to stop motor of vehicle. Arduino uno board is used to interface the GSM and engine of vehicle with appropriate sensors. Visual studio, Arduino uno are the programming software used to outline this application.
Jain, Trevor; Sibley, Aaron; Stryhn, Henrik; Hubloue, Ives
Introduction The proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) has the potential to change the situational awareness of incident commanders allowing greater scene safety. The aim of this study was to compare UAV technology to standard practice (SP) in hazard identification during a simulated multi-vehicle motor collision (MVC) in terms of time to identification, accuracy and the order of hazard identification. A prospective observational cohort study was conducted with 21 students randomized into UAV or SP group, based on a MVC with 7 hazards. The UAV group remained at the UAV ground station while the SP group approached the scene. After identifying hazards the time and order was recorded. The mean time (SD, range) to identify the hazards were 3 minutes 41 seconds (1 minute 37 seconds, 1 minute 48 seconds-6 minutes 51 seconds) and 2 minutes 43 seconds (55 seconds, 1 minute 43 seconds-4 minutes 38 seconds) in UAV and SP groups corresponding to a mean difference of 58 seconds (P=0.11). A non-parametric permutation test showed a significant (P=0.04) difference in identification order. Both groups had 100% accuracy in hazard identification with no statistical difference in time for hazard identification. A difference was found in the identification order of hazards. (Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2018;page 1 of 4).
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Office of Justice Programs [OJP (BJA) Docket No. 1531] Meeting of the Department of Justice's (DOJ's) National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory... announcement of a meeting of DOJ's National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Office of Justice Programs [OJP (BJA) Docket No. 1613] Meeting of the Department of Justice's (DOJ's) National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory... announcement of a meeting of DOJ's National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) Federal Advisory...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Office of Justice Programs [OJP (BJA) Docket No. 1597] Meeting of the Department of Justice National Motor Vehicle Title Information System Federal Advisory Committee AGENCY... a meeting of Department of Justice's (DOJ's) National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS...
An Automatic Vehicle Classification System.
addi- tion, various portions of the system design can be used by other vehicle study projects, e.g. for projects concerned with vehicle speed or for...traffic study projects that require an axle counter or vehicle height indicator. A *4 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(W1en Data Enrerod...optoelectronic components as the basis for detection. Factors of vehicle length, height, and number of axles are used as identification characteristics. In
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhou, Tingting; Gu, Lingjia; Ren, Ruizhi; Cao, Qiong
With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, the spatial resolution and temporal resolution of satellite imagery also have a huge increase. Meanwhile, High-spatial-resolution images are becoming increasingly popular for commercial applications. The remote sensing image technology has broad application prospects in intelligent traffic. Compared with traditional traffic information collection methods, vehicle information extraction using high-resolution remote sensing image has the advantages of high resolution and wide coverage. This has great guiding significance to urban planning, transportation management, travel route choice and so on. Firstly, this paper preprocessed the acquired high-resolution multi-spectral and panchromatic remote sensing images. After that, on the one hand, in order to get the optimal thresholding for image segmentation, histogram equalization and linear enhancement technologies were applied into the preprocessing results. On the other hand, considering distribution characteristics of road, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference water index (NDWI) were used to suppress water and vegetation information of preprocessing results. Then, the above two processing result were combined. Finally, the geometric characteristics were used to completed road information extraction. The road vector extracted was used to limit the target vehicle area. Target vehicle extraction was divided into bright vehicles extraction and dark vehicles extraction. Eventually, the extraction results of the two kinds of vehicles were combined to get the final results. The experiment results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm has a high precision for the vehicle information extraction for different high resolution remote sensing images. Among these results, the average fault detection rate was about 5.36%, the average residual rate was about 13.60% and the average accuracy was approximately 91.26%.
40 CFR 600.006-08 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 29 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles. 600.006-08 Section 600.006-08 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) ENERGY POLICY FUEL ECONOMY AND CARBON-RELATED EXHAUST EMISSIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLES Fuel Economy Regulations for 1977 and Later...
40 CFR 600.006-89 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 29 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles. 600.006-89 Section 600.006-89 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) ENERGY POLICY FUEL ECONOMY AND CARBON-RELATED EXHAUST EMISSIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLES Fuel Economy Regulations for 1977 and Later...
40 CFR 600.006-87 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 29 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles. 600.006-87 Section 600.006-87 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) ENERGY POLICY FUEL ECONOMY AND CARBON-RELATED EXHAUST EMISSIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLES Fuel Economy Regulations for 1977 and Later...
40 CFR 600.006-86 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 29 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Data and information requirements for fuel economy vehicles. 600.006-86 Section 600.006-86 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) ENERGY POLICY FUEL ECONOMY AND CARBON-RELATED EXHAUST EMISSIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLES Fuel Economy Regulations for 1977 and Later...
78 FR 68817 - Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Northeast Region Gear Identification
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... provide vessel and gear identification information (e.g., hull identification number, Federal fishing... submitted to the NMFS as a result of this collection. The vessel's hull identification number or other means...
Lipid Informed Quantitation and Identification
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kevin Crowell, PNNL
LIQUID (Lipid Informed Quantitation and Identification) is a software program that has been developed to enable users to conduct both informed and high-throughput global liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)-based lipidomics analysis. This newly designed desktop application can quickly identify and quantify lipids from LC-MS/MS datasets while providing a friendly graphical user interface for users to fully explore the data. Informed data analysis simply involves the user specifying an electrospray ionization mode, lipid common name (i.e. PE(16:0/18:2)), and associated charge carrier. A stemplot of the isotopic profile and a line plot of the extracted ion chromatogram are also provided to showmore » the MS-level evidence of the identified lipid. In addition to plots, other information such as intensity, mass measurement error, and elution time are also provided. Typically, a global analysis for 15,000 lipid targets« less
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
ADVANCE was an in-vehicle advanced traveler information system (ATIS) providing route guidance in real time that operated in the northwestern portion and northwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. It used probe vehicles to generate dynamically travel ti...
Identification of Vibrotactile Patterns Encoding Obstacle Distance Information.
Kim, Yeongmi; Harders, Matthias; Gassert, Roger
Delivering distance information of nearby obstacles from sensors embedded in a white cane-in addition to the intrinsic mechanical feedback from the cane-can aid the visually impaired in ambulating independently. Haptics is a common modality for conveying such information to cane users, typically in the form of vibrotactile signals. In this context, we investigated the effect of tactile rendering methods, tactile feedback configurations and directions of tactile flow on the identification of obstacle distance. Three tactile rendering methods with temporal variation only, spatio-temporal variation and spatial/temporal/intensity variation were investigated for two vibration feedback configurations. Results showed a significant interaction between tactile rendering method and feedback configuration. Spatio-temporal variation generally resulted in high correct identification rates for both feedback configurations. In the case of the four-finger vibration, tactile rendering with spatial/temporal/intensity variation also resulted in high distance identification rate. Further, participants expressed their preference for the four-finger vibration over the single-finger vibration in a survey. Both preferred rendering methods with spatio-temporal variation and spatial/temporal/intensity variation for the four-finger vibration could convey obstacle distance information with low workload. Overall, the presented findings provide valuable insights and guidance for the design of haptic displays for electronic travel aids for the visually impaired.
40 CFR 1051.135 - How must I label and identify the vehicles I produce?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... your vehicles must have three labels: a vehicle identification number as described in paragraph (a) of... identification number and permanently affix, engrave, or stamp it on the vehicle in a legible way. (b) At the... vehicles I produce? 1051.135 Section 1051.135 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY...
40 CFR 1051.135 - How must I label and identify the vehicles I produce?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... your vehicles must have three labels: a vehicle identification number as described in paragraph (a) of... identification number and permanently affix, engrave, or stamp it on the vehicle in a legible way. (b) At the... vehicles I produce? 1051.135 Section 1051.135 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY...
40 CFR 1051.135 - How must I label and identify the vehicles I produce?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... your vehicles must have three labels: a vehicle identification number as described in paragraph (a) of... identification number and permanently affix, engrave, or stamp it on the vehicle in a legible way. (b) At the... vehicles I produce? 1051.135 Section 1051.135 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY...
40 CFR 1051.135 - How must I label and identify the vehicles I produce?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... your vehicles must have three labels: a vehicle identification number as described in paragraph (a) of... identification number and permanently affix, engrave, or stamp it on the vehicle in a legible way. (b) At the... vehicles I produce? 1051.135 Section 1051.135 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The FHWA has commissioned the Commercial Vehicle Fleet Management and Information Systems study to determine if there are fleet management needs that the public sector can address through the development of ITS for commercial vehicle operations. As p...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... vehicles designed to operate on a single fuel, identify the appropriate fuel. For example, identify the... information, include the expression “The best vehicle rates 99 MPGe.” (6) Comparative five-year fuel costs... appropriate for vehicles designed to operate on different fuels. (vii) Below the combined fuel economy value...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... vehicles designed to operate on a single fuel, identify the appropriate fuel. For example, identify the... information, include the expression “The best vehicle rates 99 MPGe.” (6) Comparative five-year fuel costs... appropriate for vehicles designed to operate on different fuels. (vii) Below the combined fuel economy value...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... vehicles designed to operate on a single fuel, identify the appropriate fuel. For example, identify the... information, include the expression “The best vehicle rates 99 MPGe.” (6) Comparative five-year fuel costs... appropriate for vehicles designed to operate on different fuels. (vii) Below the combined fuel economy value...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The purpose of this research was to develop a behavioral model and prototype computer program for evaluation of modern in-vehicle information systems (IVIS). These systems differ from earlier in-vehicle instruments and displays in that they may requi...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
15 CFR 718.2 - Identification of confidential business information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... business information. 718.2 Section 718.2 Commerce and Foreign Trade Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade (Continued) BUREAU OF INDUSTRY AND SECURITY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CHEMICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION REGULATIONS CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION 718.2 Identification of confidential business...
He, Bo; Zhang, Hongjin; Li, Chao; Zhang, Shujing; Liang, Yan; Yan, Tianhong
This paper addresses an autonomous navigation method for the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) C-Ranger applying information-filter-based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and its sea trial experiments in Tuandao Bay (Shangdong Province, P.R. China). Weak links in the information matrix in an extended information filter (EIF) can be pruned to achieve an efficient approach-sparse EIF algorithm (SEIF-SLAM). All the basic update formulae can be implemented in constant time irrespective of the size of the map; hence the computational complexity is significantly reduced. The mechanical scanning imaging sonar is chosen as the active sensing device for the underwater vehicle, and a compensation method based on feedback of the AUV pose is presented to overcome distortion of the acoustic images due to the vehicle motion. In order to verify the feasibility of the navigation methods proposed for the C-Ranger, a sea trial was conducted in Tuandao Bay. Experimental results and analysis show that the proposed navigation approach based on SEIF-SLAM improves the accuracy of the navigation compared with conventional method; moreover the algorithm has a low computational cost when compared with EKF-SLAM. PMID:22346682
He, Bo; Zhang, Hongjin; Li, Chao; Zhang, Shujing; Liang, Yan; Yan, Tianhong
This paper addresses an autonomous navigation method for the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) C-Ranger applying information-filter-based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and its sea trial experiments in Tuandao Bay (Shangdong Province, P.R. China). Weak links in the information matrix in an extended information filter (EIF) can be pruned to achieve an efficient approach-sparse EIF algorithm (SEIF-SLAM). All the basic update formulae can be implemented in constant time irrespective of the size of the map; hence the computational complexity is significantly reduced. The mechanical scanning imaging sonar is chosen as the active sensing device for the underwater vehicle, and a compensation method based on feedback of the AUV pose is presented to overcome distortion of the acoustic images due to the vehicle motion. In order to verify the feasibility of the navigation methods proposed for the C-Ranger, a sea trial was conducted in Tuandao Bay. Experimental results and analysis show that the proposed navigation approach based on SEIF-SLAM improves the accuracy of the navigation compared with conventional method; moreover the algorithm has a low computational cost when compared with EKF-SLAM.
Methods for Automated Identification of Informative Behaviors in Natural Bioptic Driving
Luo, Gang; Peli, Eli
Visually impaired people may legally drive if wearing bioptic telescopes in some developed countries. To address the controversial safety issue of the practice, we have developed a low cost in-car recording system that can be installed in study participants’ own vehicles to record their daily driving activities. We also developed a set of automated identification techniques of informative behaviors to facilitate efficient manual review of important segments submerged in the vast amount of uncontrolled data. Here we present the methods and quantitative results of the detection performance for six types of driving maneuvers and behaviors that are important for bioptic driving: bioptic telescope use, turns, curves, intersections, weaving, and rapid stops. The testing data were collected from one normally sighted and two visually impaired subjects across multiple days. The detection rates ranged from 82% up to 100%, and the false discovery rates ranged from 0% to 13%. In addition, two human observers were able to interpret about 80% of targets viewed through the telescope. These results indicate that with appropriate data processing the low-cost system is able to provide reliable data for natural bioptic driving studies. PMID:22514200
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The CVISN Pilot Project will prototype the use of a comprehensive interface to state and federal motor carrier data systems and will deliver real-time, decision-making information to weigh stations and commercial vehicle enforcement officers. In addi...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
May, Christopher M.; Maurer, Tana O.; Sanders, Jeffrey S.
There is a ubiquitous and never ending need in the US armed forces for training materials that provide the warfighter with the skills needed to differentiate between friendly and enemy forces on the battlefield. The current state of the art in battlefield identification training is the Recognition of Combat Vehicles (ROCV) tool created and maintained by the Communications - Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (CERDEC NVESD). The ROC-V training package utilizes measured visual and thermal imagery to train soldiers about the critical visual and thermal cues needed to accurately identify modern military vehicles and combatants. This paper presents an approach that has been developed to augment the existing ROC-V imagery database with synthetically generated multi-spectral imagery that will allow NVESD to provide improved training imagery at significantly lower costs.
[Computer simulation by passenger wound analysis of vehicle collision].
Zou, Dong-Hua; Liu, Nning-Guo; Shen, Jie; Zhang, Xiao-Yun; Jin, Xian-Long; Chen, Yi-Jiu
To reconstruct the course of vehicle collision, so that to provide the reference for forensic identification and disposal of traffic accidents. Through analyzing evidences left both on passengers and vehicles, technique of momentum impulse combined with multi-dynamics was applied to simulate the motion and injury of passengers as well as the track of vehicles. Model of computer stimulation perfectly reconstructed phases of the traffic collision, which coincide with details found by forensic investigation. Computer stimulation is helpful and feasible for forensic identification in traffic accidents.
A Hybrid Positioning Strategy for Vehicles in a Tunnel Based on RFID and In-Vehicle Sensors
Song, Xiang; Li, Xu; Tang, Wencheng; Zhang, Weigong; Li, Bin
Many intelligent transportation system applications require accurate, reliable, and continuous vehicle positioning. How to achieve such positioning performance in extended GPS-denied environments such as tunnels is the main challenge for land vehicles. This paper proposes a hybrid multi-sensor fusion strategy for vehicle positioning in tunnels. First, the preliminary positioning algorithm is developed. The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is introduced to achieve preliminary positioning in the tunnel. The received signal strength (RSS) is used as an indicator to calculate the distances between the RFID tags and reader, and then a Least Mean Square (LMS) federated filter is designed to provide the preliminary position information for subsequent global fusion. Further, to improve the positioning performance in the tunnel, an interactive multiple model (IMM)-based global fusion algorithm is developed to fuse the data from preliminary positioning results and low-cost in-vehicle sensors, such as electronic compasses and wheel speed sensors. In the actual implementation of IMM, the strong tracking extended Kalman filter (STEKF) algorithm is designed to replace the conventional extended Kalman filter (EKF) to achieve model individual filtering. Finally, the proposed strategy is evaluated through experiments. The results validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed strategy. PMID:25490581
A hybrid positioning strategy for vehicles in a tunnel based on RFID and in-vehicle sensors.
Song, Xiang; Li, Xu; Tang, Wencheng; Zhang, Weigong; Li, Bin
Many intelligent transportation system applications require accurate, reliable, and continuous vehicle positioning. How to achieve such positioning performance in extended GPS-denied environments such as tunnels is the main challenge for land vehicles. This paper proposes a hybrid multi-sensor fusion strategy for vehicle positioning in tunnels. First, the preliminary positioning algorithm is developed. The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is introduced to achieve preliminary positioning in the tunnel. The received signal strength (RSS) is used as an indicator to calculate the distances between the RFID tags and reader, and then a Least Mean Square (LMS) federated filter is designed to provide the preliminary position information for subsequent global fusion. Further, to improve the positioning performance in the tunnel, an interactive multiple model (IMM)-based global fusion algorithm is developed to fuse the data from preliminary positioning results and low-cost in-vehicle sensors, such as electronic compasses and wheel speed sensors. In the actual implementation of IMM, the strong tracking extended Kalman filter (STEKF) algorithm is designed to replace the conventional extended Kalman filter (EKF) to achieve model individual filtering. Finally, the proposed strategy is evaluated through experiments. The results validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
Detection of vehicle parts based on Faster R-CNN and relative position information
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Mingwen; Sang, Nong; Chen, Youbin; Gao, Changxin; Wang, Yongzhong
Detection and recognition of vehicles are two essential tasks in intelligent transportation system (ITS). Currently, a prevalent method is to detect vehicle body, logo or license plate at first, and then recognize them. So the detection task is the most basic, but also the most important work. Besides the logo and license plate, some other parts, such as vehicle face, lamp, windshield and rearview mirror, are also key parts which can reflect the characteristics of vehicle and be used to improve the accuracy of recognition task. In this paper, the detection of vehicle parts is studied, and the work is novel. We choose Faster R-CNN as the basic algorithm, and take the local area of an image where vehicle body locates as input, then can get multiple bounding boxes with their own scores. If the box with maximum score is chosen as final result directly, it is often not the best one, especially for small objects. This paper presents a method which corrects original score with relative position information between two parts. Then we choose the box with maximum comprehensive score as the final result. Compared with original output strategy, the proposed method performs better.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.175 What motor... identification? Motor vehicles used primarily for investigative, law enforcement, intelligence, or security... identification when identifying these motor vehicles would interfere with those duties. ...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.175 What motor... identification? Motor vehicles used primarily for investigative, law enforcement, intelligence, or security... identification when identifying these motor vehicles would interfere with those duties. ...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.175 What motor... identification? Motor vehicles used primarily for investigative, law enforcement, intelligence, or security... identification when identifying these motor vehicles would interfere with those duties. ...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.175 What motor... identification? Motor vehicles used primarily for investigative, law enforcement, intelligence, or security... identification when identifying these motor vehicles would interfere with those duties. ...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.175 What motor... identification? Motor vehicles used primarily for investigative, law enforcement, intelligence, or security... identification when identifying these motor vehicles would interfere with those duties. ...
Driver response to unexpected situations when using and in-vehicle information system
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This investigation is one of a series of studies aimed at investigating Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO) applications and their effect on driver behavior and performance. A field experiment was cond...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The purpose of this research was to develop a behavioral model and prototype computer program for evaluation of modern in-vehicle information systems (IVIS). These systems differ from earlier in-vehicle instruments and displays in that they may requi...
Privacy Implications Arising From Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
A numerical study of sensory-guided multiple views for improved object identification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Blakeslee, B. A.; Zelnio, E. G.; Koditschek, D. E.
We explore the potential on-line adjustment of sensory controls for improved object identification and discrimination in the context of a simulated high resolution camera system carried onboard a maneuverable robotic platform that can actively choose its observational position and pose. Our early numerical studies suggest the significant efficacy and enhanced performance achieved by even very simple feedback-driven iteration of the view in contrast to identification from a fixed pose, uninformed by any active adaptation. Specifically, we contrast the discriminative performance of the same conventional classification system when informed by: a random glance at a vehicle; two random glances at a vehicle; or a random glance followed by a guided second look. After each glance, edge detection algorithms isolate the most salient features of the image and template matching is performed through the use of the Hausdor↵ distance, comparing the simulated sensed images with reference images of the vehicles. We present initial simulation statistics that overwhelmingly favor the third scenario. We conclude with a sketch of our near-future steps in this study that will entail: the incorporation of more sophisticated image processing and template matching algorithms; more complex discrimination tasks such as distinguishing between two similar vehicles or vehicles in motion; more realistic models of the observers mobility including platform dynamics and eventually environmental constraints; and expanding the sensing task beyond the identification of a specified object selected from a pre-defined library of alternatives.
Remote Video Monitor of Vehicles in Cooperative Information Platform
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Qin, Guofeng; Wang, Xiaoguo; Wang, Li; Li, Yang; Li, Qiyan
Detection of vehicles plays an important role in the area of the modern intelligent traffic management. And the pattern recognition is a hot issue in the area of computer vision. An auto- recognition system in cooperative information platform is studied. In the cooperative platform, 3G wireless network, including GPS, GPRS (CDMA), Internet (Intranet), remote video monitor and M-DMB networks are integrated. The remote video information can be taken from the terminals and sent to the cooperative platform, then detected by the auto-recognition system. The images are pretreated and segmented, including feature extraction, template matching and pattern recognition. The system identifies different models and gets vehicular traffic statistics. Finally, the implementation of the system is introduced.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Southall, J. W.
The engineering-specified requirements for integrated information processing by means of the Integrated Programs for Aerospace-Vehicle Design (IPAD) system are presented. A data model is described and is based on the design process of a typical aerospace vehicle. General data management requirements are specified for data storage, retrieval, generation, communication, and maintenance. Information management requirements are specified for a two-component data model. In the general portion, data sets are managed as entities, and in the specific portion, data elements and the relationships between elements are managed by the system, allowing user access to individual elements for the purpose of query. Computer program management requirements are specified for support of a computer program library, control of computer programs, and installation of computer programs into IPAD.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Unique Device Identification Database. 830.350 Section 830.350 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG... Global Unique Device Identification Database § 830.350 Correction of information submitted to the Global Unique Device Identification Database. (a) If FDA becomes aware that any information submitted to the...
[Dynamic road vehicle emission inventory simulation study based on real time traffic information].
Huang, Cheng; Liu, Juan; Chen, Chang-Hong; Zhang, Jian; Liu, Deng-Guo; Zhu, Jing-Yu; Huang, Wei-Ming; Chao, Yuan
The vehicle activity survey, including traffic flow distribution, driving condition, and vehicle technologies, were conducted in Shanghai. The databases of vehicle flow, VSP distribution and vehicle categories were established according to the surveyed data. Based on this, a dynamic vehicle emission inventory simulation method was designed by using the real time traffic information data, such as traffic flow and average speed. Some roads in Shanghai city were selected to conduct the hourly vehicle emission simulation as a case study. The survey results show that light duty passenger car and taxi are major vehicles on the roads of Shanghai city, accounting for 48% - 72% and 15% - 43% of the total flow in each hour, respectively. VSP distribution has a good relationship with the average speed. The peak of VSP distribution tends to move to high load section and become lower with the increase of average speed. Vehicles achieved Euro 2 and Euro 3 standards are majorities of current vehicle population in Shanghai. Based on the calibration of vehicle travel mileage data, the proportions of Euro 2 and Euro 3 standard vehicles take up 11% - 70% and 17% - 51% in the real-world situation, respectively. The emission simulation results indicate that the ratios of emission peak and valley for the pollutants of CO, VOC, NO(x) and PM are 3.7, 4.6, 9.6 and 19.8, respectively. CO and VOC emissions mainly come from light-duty passenger car and taxi, which has a good relationship with the traffic flow. NO(x) and PM emissions are mainly from heavy-duty bus and public buses and mainly concentrate in the morning and evening peak hours. The established dynamic vehicle emission simulation method can reflect the change of actual road emission and output high emission road sectors and hours in real time. The method can provide an important technical means and decision-making basis for transportation environment management.
On the Green Vehicle Guide you can search for green vehicles and see information on light duty vehicles, including emerging vehicle technology and alternative fuels. The site also addresses transportation's role in climate change.
Broadband vehicle-to-vehicle communication using an extended autonomous cruise control sensor
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Heddebaut, M.; Rioult, J.; Ghys, J. P.; Gransart, Ch; Ambellouis, S.
For several years road vehicle autonomous cruise control (ACC) systems as well as anti-collision radar have been developed. Several manufacturers currently sell this equipment. The current generation of ACC sensors only track the first preceding vehicle to deduce its speed and position. These data are then used to compute, manage and optimize a safety distance between vehicles, thus providing some assistance to car drivers. However, in real conditions, to elaborate and update a real time driving solution, car drivers use information about speed and position of preceding and following vehicles. This information is essentially perceived using the driver's eyes, binocular stereoscopic vision performed through the windscreens and rear-view mirrors. Furthermore, within a line of vehicles, the frontal road perception of the first vehicle is very particular and highly significant. Currently, all these available data remain strictly on-board the vehicle that has captured the perception information and performed these measurements. To get the maximum effectiveness of all these approaches, we propose that this information be shared in real time with the following vehicles, within the convoy. On the basis of these considerations, this paper technically explores a cost-effective solution to extend the basic ACC sensor function in order to simultaneously provide a vehicle-to-vehicle radio link. This millimetre wave radio link transmits relevant broadband perception data (video, localization...) to following vehicles, along the line of vehicles. The propagation path between the vehicles uses essentially grazing angles of incidence of signals over the road surface including millimetre wave paths beneath the cars.
Tracking state deployments of commercial vehicle information systems and networks : national report
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The ITS Joint Program Office (ITS/JPO) of the USDOT has begun tracking progress by state governments in the deployment of Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) in all 50 states through the year 2005. FHWAs goal is to have bet...
Person identification from aerial footage by a remote-controlled drone.
Bindemann, Markus; Fysh, Matthew C; Sage, Sophie S K; Douglas, Kristina; Tummon, Hannah M
Remote-controlled aerial drones (or unmanned aerial vehicles; UAVs) are employed for surveillance by the military and police, which suggests that drone-captured footage might provide sufficient information for person identification. This study demonstrates that person identification from drone-captured images is poor when targets are unfamiliar (Experiment 1), when targets are familiar and the number of possible identities is restricted by context (Experiment 2), and when moving footage is employed (Experiment 3). Person information such as sex, race and age is also difficult to access from drone-captured footage (Experiment 4). These findings suggest that such footage provides a particularly poor medium for person identification. This is likely to reflect the sub-optimal quality of such footage, which is subject to factors such as the height and velocity at which drones fly, viewing distance, unfavourable vantage points, and ambient conditions.
Shimazu, Chisato; Hoshino, Satoshi; Furukawa, Taiji
We constructed an integrated personal identification workflow chart using both bar code reading and an all in-one laboratory information system. The information system not only handles test data but also the information needed for patient guidance in the laboratory department. The reception terminals at the entrance, displays for patient guidance and patient identification tools at blood-sampling booths are all controlled by the information system. The number of patient identification errors was greatly reduced by the system. However, identification errors have not been abolished in the ultrasound department. After re-evaluation of the patient identification process in this department, we recognized that the major reason for the errors came from excessive identification workflow. Ordinarily, an ultrasound test requires patient identification 3 times, because 3 different systems are required during the entire test process, i.e. ultrasound modality system, laboratory information system and a system for producing reports. We are trying to connect the 3 different systems to develop a one-time identification workflow, but it is not a simple task and has not been completed yet. Utilization of the laboratory information system is effective, but is not yet perfect for patient identification. The most fundamental procedure for patient identification is to ask a person's name even today. Everyday checks in the ordinary workflow and everyone's participation in safety-management activity are important for the prevention of patient identification errors.
49 CFR 574.10 - Requirements for motor vehicle manufacturers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) TIRE IDENTIFICATION AND... designee, shall maintain a record of the new tires on or in each vehicle shipped by him or a motor vehicle... other than resale of each vehicle equipped with such tires. These records shall be maintained for a...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This research seeks to explore vehicle-to-vehicle information networks to understand the interplay : between the information communicated and traffic conditions on the network. A longer-term goal is to : develop a decision support tool for processing...
Vehicle Information Exchange Needs for Mobility Applications
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Connected Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) safety applications heavily rely on the BSM, which is one of the messages defined in the Society of Automotive standard J2735, Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary, November 2009. The B...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... agency is required to furnish its Tax Identification Number (TIN) to that agency. 31 U.S.C. 3325(d... and submitted to a disbursing official, the TIN of the contractor receiving payment under the voucher... other information, its TIN. The TIN may be used by the Government to collect and report on any...
16 CFR 309.21 - Labeling requirements for used covered vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... numbers, bar codes, and vehicle identification numbers consistent with Figure 6. (c) Type size and setting... vehicles. 309.21 Section 309.21 Commercial Practices FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION REGULATIONS UNDER SPECIFIC ACTS OF CONGRESS LABELING REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTERNATIVE FUELS AND ALTERNATIVE FUELED VEHICLES...
16 CFR 309.21 - Labeling requirements for used covered vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... numbers, bar codes, and vehicle identification numbers consistent with Figure 6. (c) Type size and setting... vehicles. 309.21 Section 309.21 Commercial Practices FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION REGULATIONS UNDER SPECIFIC ACTS OF CONGRESS LABELING REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTERNATIVE FUELS AND ALTERNATIVE FUELED VEHICLES...
16 CFR 309.20 - Labeling requirements for new covered vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... numbers, bar codes, and vehicle identification numbers consistent with Figures 4, 5, and 5.1. (c) Type... vehicles. 309.20 Section 309.20 Commercial Practices FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION REGULATIONS UNDER SPECIFIC ACTS OF CONGRESS LABELING REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTERNATIVE FUELS AND ALTERNATIVE FUELED VEHICLES...
16 CFR 309.20 - Labeling requirements for new covered vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... numbers, bar codes, and vehicle identification numbers consistent with Figures 4, 5, and 5.1. (c) Type... vehicles. 309.20 Section 309.20 Commercial Practices FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION REGULATIONS UNDER SPECIFIC ACTS OF CONGRESS LABELING REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTERNATIVE FUELS AND ALTERNATIVE FUELED VEHICLES...
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Morelli, Eugene A.
Flight test maneuvers are specified for the F-18 High Alpha Research Vehicle (HARV). The maneuvers were designed for open loop parameter identification purposes, specifically for optimal input design validation at 5 degrees angle of attack, identification of individual strake effectiveness at 40 and 50 degrees angle of attack, and study of lateral dynamics and lateral control effectiveness at 40 and 50 degrees angle of attack. Each maneuver is to be realized by applying square wave inputs to specific control effectors using the On-Board Excitation System (OBES). Maneuver descriptions and complete specifications of the time/amplitude points define each input are included, along with plots of the input time histories.
Vehicle Transponder for Preemption of Traffic Lights
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Foster, Conrad; Bachelder, Aaron
The purpose of this article is to describe, in more detail, the transponder installed in each vehicle that participates in the emergency traffic-light-preemption system described in the immediately preceding article. The transponder (see figure) is a fully autonomous data--collection, data-processing, information-display, and communication subsystem that performs robustly in preemption of traffic lights and monitoring of the statuses of street intersections. This transponder monitors the condition of the emergency vehicle in which it is installed and determines when the vehicle has been placed in an emergency-response condition with its siren and/or warning lights activated. Upon detection of such a condition, the transponder collects real-time velocity and acceleration data from the onboard diagnostic (OBD) computer of the vehicle. For this purpose, the transponder contains an OBD interface circuit, including a microprocessor that determines the manufacturer and model of the vehicle and then sends the appropriate commands to the OBD computer requesting the speed and acceleration data. At the same time, data from an onboard navigation system are collected to determine the location and the heading of the vehicle. Then acceleration, speed, position, and heading data are processed and combined with a vehicle-identification number and the resulting set of data is transmitted to monitoring and control units located at all intersections within communication range. When the unit at an intersection determines that this vehicle is approaching and has priority to preempt the intersection, it transmits a signal declaring the priority and the preemption to all participating vehicles (including this one) in the vicinity. If the unit at the intersection has determined that other participating vehicles are also approaching the intersection, then this unit also transmits, to the vehicle that has priority, a message that the other vehicles are approaching the same intersection. The
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 26 Internal Revenue 2 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Safe-harbor lease information returns concerning qualified mass commuting vehicles (temporary). 1.168(f)(8)-1T Section 1.168(f)(8)-1T Internal Revenue... information returns concerning qualified mass commuting vehicles (temporary). In general. Form 6793, Safe...
[Two cases of personal identification from dental information].
Yamaguchi, T; Yamada, Y; Ohtani, S; Kogure, T; Nagao, M; Takatori, T; Ohira, H; Yamamoto, I; Watanabe, A
We describe two cases in which unknown bodies were positively identified from dental information and biochemical examination using tooth materials. In one case, a charred body was positively identified with little effort by comparison of antemortem dental records (dental chart and dental X-ray film) with postmortem data. In the other case, although the unknown individual had dental treatment, the police were unable to obtain the antemortem dental records of the victim. We then conducted biochemical analysis of teeth, facilitating personal identification using DNA analysis and age estimation based on aspartic acid racemization. The mutation obtained from the sequence of mtDNA and the genotypes of HLADQ alpha, HPRTB and ABO blood groups including the data for estimated age supported the kinship between the unknown individual and his mother. The data for maternally inherited mtDNA were of great importance in this case, since it was possible to obtain DNA from the mother. Dental identification in one of the most accurate methods of personal identification if suitable antemortem records are available. In the absence of such records, biochemical analysis of teeth also makes it possible to increase the probability of correct personal identification.
Shi, Qi; Abdel-Aty, Mohamed; Yu, Rongjie
In traffic safety studies, crash frequency modeling of total crashes is the cornerstone before proceeding to more detailed safety evaluation. The relationship between crash occurrence and factors such as traffic flow and roadway geometric characteristics has been extensively explored for a better understanding of crash mechanisms. In this study, a multi-level Bayesian framework has been developed in an effort to identify the crash contributing factors on an urban expressway in the Central Florida area. Two types of traffic data from the Automatic Vehicle Identification system, which are the processed data capped at speed limit and the unprocessed data retaining the original speed were incorporated in the analysis along with road geometric information. The model framework was proposed to account for the hierarchical data structure and the heterogeneity among the traffic and roadway geometric data. Multi-level and random parameters models were constructed and compared with the Negative Binomial model under the Bayesian inference framework. Results showed that the unprocessed traffic data was superior. Both multi-level models and random parameters models outperformed the Negative Binomial model and the models with random parameters achieved the best model fitting. The contributing factors identified imply that on the urban expressway lower speed and higher speed variation could significantly increase the crash likelihood. Other geometric factors were significant including auxiliary lanes and horizontal curvature. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Terrestrial Environment (Climatic) Criteria Handbook for Use in Aerospace Vehicle Development
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Johnson, Dale L.; Vaughan, William W.
Aerospace Meteorology provides the identification of that aspect of meteorology that is concerned with the definition and modeling of atmospheric parameters for use in aerospace vehicle development, mission planning and operational capability assessments. One of the principal sources of this information is the NASA-HDBK-1001 "Terrestrial Environment (Climatic) Criteria Handbook for Use in Aerospace Vehicle Development'. This handbook was approved by the NASA Chief Engineer in 2000 as a NASA Preferred Technical Standard . Its technical contents were based on natural environment statistics/models and criteria developed mostly in the early 1990's. A task was approved to completely update the handbook to reflect the current state-of-the-art in the various terrestrial environment climatic areas.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
.... The purpose of this section is to aid potential purchasers in the selection of new passenger motor vehicles by providing them with safety rating information developed by NHTSA in its New Car Assessment... label means the label placed on new automobiles with the manufacturer's suggested retail price and other...
Effects of vehicle power on passenger vehicle speeds.
McCartt, Anne T; Hu, Wen
During the past 2 decades, there have been large increases in mean horsepower and the mean horsepower-to-vehicle weight ratio for all types of new passenger vehicles in the United States. This study examined the relationship between travel speeds and vehicle power, defined as horsepower per 100 pounds of vehicle weight. Speed cameras measured travel speeds and photographed license plates and drivers of passenger vehicles traveling on roadways in Northern Virginia during daytime off-peak hours in spring 2013. The driver licensing agencies in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia provided vehicle information numbers (VINs) by matching license plate numbers with vehicle registration records and provided the age, gender, and ZIP code of the registered owner(s). VINs were decoded to obtain the curb weight and horsepower of vehicles. The study focused on 26,659 observed vehicles for which information on horsepower was available and the observed age and gender of drivers matched vehicle registration records. Log-linear regression estimated the effects of vehicle power on mean travel speeds, and logistic regression estimated the effects of vehicle power on the likelihood of a vehicle traveling over the speed limit and more than 10 mph over the limit. After controlling for driver characteristics, speed limit, vehicle type, and traffic volume, a 1-unit increase in vehicle power was associated with a 0.7% increase in mean speed, a 2.7% increase in the likelihood of a vehicle exceeding the speed limit by any amount, and an 11.6% increase in the likelihood of a vehicle exceeding the limit by 10 mph. All of these increases were highly significant. Speeding persists as a major factor in crashes in the United States. There are indications that travel speeds have increased in recent years. The current findings suggest the trend toward substantially more powerful vehicles may be contributing to higher speeds. Given the strong association between travel speed and crash
Using the lead vehicle as preview sensor in convoy vehicle active suspension control
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rahman, Mustafizur; Rideout, Geoff
Both ride quality and roadholding of actively suspended vehicles can be improved by sensing the road ahead of the vehicle and using this information in a preview controller. Previous applications have used look-ahead sensors mounted on the front bumper to measure terrain beneath. Such sensors are vulnerable, potentially confused by water, snow, or other soft obstacles and offer a fixed preview time. For convoy vehicle applications, this paper proposes using the overall response of the preceding vehicle(s) to generate preview controller information for follower vehicles. A robust observer is used to estimate the states of a quarter-car vehicle model, from which road profile is estimated and passed on to the follower vehicle(s) to generate a preview function. The preview-active suspension, implemented in discrete time using a shift register approach to improve simulation time, reduces sprung mass acceleration and dynamic tyre deflection peaks by more than 50% and 40%, respectively. Terrain can change from one vehicle to the next if a loose obstacle is dislodged, or if the vehicle paths are sufficiently different so that one vehicle misses a discrete road event. The resulting spurious preview information can give suspension performance worse than that of a passive or conventional active system. In this paper, each vehicle can effectively estimate the road profile based on its own state trajectory. By comparing its own road estimate with the preview information, preview errors can be detected and suspension control quickly switched from preview to conventional active control to preserve performance improvements compared to passive suspensions.
A benchmark for vehicle detection on wide area motion imagery
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Catrambone, Joseph; Amzovski, Ismail; Liang, Pengpeng; Blasch, Erik; Sheaff, Carolyn; Wang, Zhonghai; Chen, Genshe; Ling, Haibin
Wide area motion imagery (WAMI) has been attracting an increased amount of research attention due to its large spatial and temporal coverage. An important application includes moving target analysis, where vehicle detection is often one of the first steps before advanced activity analysis. While there exist many vehicle detection algorithms, a thorough evaluation of them on WAMI data still remains a challenge mainly due to the lack of an appropriate benchmark data set. In this paper, we address a research need by presenting a new benchmark for wide area motion imagery vehicle detection data. The WAMI benchmark is based on the recently available Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB09) dataset and the Temple Resolved Uncertainty Target History (TRUTH) associated target annotation. Trajectory annotations were provided in the original release of the WPAFB09 dataset, but detailed vehicle annotations were not available with the dataset. In addition, annotations of static vehicles, e.g., in parking lots, are also not identified in the original release. Addressing these issues, we re-annotated the whole dataset with detailed information for each vehicle, including not only a target's location, but also its pose and size. The annotated WAMI data set should be useful to community for a common benchmark to compare WAMI detection, tracking, and identification methods.
Clay, Fiona J; Collie, Alex; McClure, Roderick J
Given the burden associated with vehicle-related trauma, there is interest in time and cost effective methods of providing information to assist recovery. This systematic review aims to address the question: "Do targeted early information interventions improve outcomes following vehicle--related injuries for persons of working age?" Ovid Medline, EMBASE, PsychINFO and Cochrane databases were searched for studies published between 1990-April 2011. Included studies were randomized or pseudo--randomized controlled trials of information interventions delivered to working age persons following vehicle-related injuries. Two reviewers independently selected and appraised the studies. Sixteen publications (13 primary studies) met the inclusion criteria and were assessed for bias. Hetero-geneity in terms of the information interventions and measured outcomes was encountered. In 4 of the included studies, the intervention was positively associated with at least one outcome reported. Methodological issues limited the conclusions that could be drawn. Following vehicle-related trauma, people often experience difficulties in ongoing functioning. The current evidence neither supports nor fails to support the effectiveness of information interventions in promoting injury recovery. There is a need for larger more methodologically and conceptually rigorous randomized controlled trials that better consider the type and timing of the intervention.
In-Vehicle Signing Concepts: An Analytical Precursor to an In-Vehicle Information System
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The purpose of the project described in this report is to develop alternative In-Vehicle Signing (IVS) system concepts based on allocation of the functions associated with driving a road vehicle. In the driving milieu, tasks can be assigned to one of...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
A detailed re-analysis of previously collected bicycle/motor-vehicle accident data (Cross and Fisher, 1977) was conducted to define potential countermeasures. Countermeasure development was then undertaken in the areas of Public Education (this Volum...
Stephens, Keri K; Pastorek, Angie; Crook, Brittani; Mackert, Michael; Donovan, Erin E; Shalev, Heidi
Health information dissemination options have expanded to include workplaces and employer-sponsored efforts. This study focuses on a core relational concept found in workplaces, organizational identification-the feeling of belongingness-and the impact of partnering with employers and health clinics in health information dissemination. We use social-identity theory and multiple identification to test our predictions from a sample of working adults representing more than 100 different employers. We found that when people strongly identify with their employer, they have increased health behavioral intentions and they intend to talk about the health information with coworkers. The significant models explain more than 50% and 30% of the variance in these two outcomes. The experimental results examining single and multiple organizational sources revealed no differences on any outcomes. These findings offer a contribution to health information dissemination research by articulating how identification with an employer functions to affect behavioral intentions.
Determination of vehicle density from traffic images at day and nighttime
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mehrübeoğlu, Mehrübe; McLauchlan, Lifford
In this paper we extend our previous work to address vehicle differentiation in traffic density computations1. The main goal of this work is to create vehicle density history for given roads under different weather or light conditions and at different times of the day. Vehicle differentiation is important to account for connected or otherwise long vehicles, such as trucks or tankers, which lead to over-counting with the original algorithm. Average vehicle size in pixels, given the magnification within the field of view for a particular camera, is used to separate regular cars and long vehicles. A separate algorithm and procedure have been developed to determine traffic density after dark when the vehicle headlights are turned on. Nighttime vehicle recognition utilizes blob analysis based on head/taillight images. The high intensity of vehicle lights are identified in binary images for nighttime vehicle detection. The stationary traffic image frames are downloaded from the internet as they are updated. The procedures are implemented in MATLAB. The results of both nighttime traffic density and daytime long vehicle identification algorithms are described in this paper. The determination of nighttime traffic density, and identification of long vehicles at daytime are improvements over the original work1.
Naito, Yoshihito; Meinar, Ashrin N; Iwawaki, Yuki; Kashiwabara, Toshiya; Goto, Takaharu; Ito, Teruaki; Sakuma, Tetsuro; Ichikawa, Tetsuo
The placement of individual identification on a prosthesis is very important for forensic dentistry and traceability. This article describes the unique naming/labeling of dentures with information for individual identification using a method in which information is invisible under natural light but visible under ultraviolet light-emitting diode/black light exposure. The use of laser beam machining with this method will enable the recording of a large amount of information.
Underwater electro-optical system for mine identification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Strand, Michael P.
The Electro-Optic Identification (EOID) Sensors project is developing a Laser Visual Iidentification Sensor (LVIS) for identification of proud, partially buried, and moored mines in shallow water/very shallow water. LVIS will be deployed in small diameter underwater vehicles, including unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). Since the mission is mine identification, LVIS must: a) deliver high quality images in turbid coastal waters, while b) being compatible with the size and power constraints imposed by the intended deployment platforms. This project is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, as a part of the AOA Mine Reconnaissance/Hunter program. High quality images which retain target detail and contrast are required for mine identification. LVIS will be designed to produce images of minelike contacts (MLC) of sufficient quality to allow identification while operating in turbid coastal waters from a small diameter UUV. Technology goals for the first generation LVIS are a) identification range up to 40 feet for proud, partially buried, and moored MLCs under coastal water conditions; b) day/night operation from a UUV operating at speeds up to 4 knots; c) power consumption less than 500 watts, with 275 watts being typical; and d) packaged within a 32-inch long portion of a 21-inch diameter vehicle section.
49 CFR 565.24 - Motor vehicles imported into the United States.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN Requirements In Effect for Limited Period § 565.24 Motor vehicles imported into... 49 Transportation 6 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Motor vehicles imported into the United States...
49 CFR 565.24 - Motor vehicles imported into the United States.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN Requirements In Effect for Limited Period § 565.24 Motor vehicles imported into... 49 Transportation 6 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Motor vehicles imported into the United States...
49 CFR 565.24 - Motor vehicles imported into the United States.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN Requirements In Effect for Limited Period § 565.24 Motor vehicles imported into... 49 Transportation 6 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Motor vehicles imported into the United States...
49 CFR 565.24 - Motor vehicles imported into the United States.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN Requirements In Effect for Limited Period § 565.24 Motor vehicles imported into... 49 Transportation 6 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Motor vehicles imported into the United States...
49 CFR 565.24 - Motor vehicles imported into the United States.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN Requirements In Effect for Limited Period § 565.24 Motor vehicles imported into... 49 Transportation 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Motor vehicles imported into the United States...
Path planning and energy management of solar-powered unmanned ground vehicles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kaplan, Adam
Many of the applications pertinent to unmanned vehicles, such as environmental research and analysis, communications, and information-surveillance and reconnaissance, benefit from prolonged vehicle operation time. Conventional efforts to increase the operational time of electric-powered unmanned vehicles have traditionally focused on the design of energy-efficient components and the identification of energy efficient search patterns, while little attention has been paid to the vehicle's mission-level path plan and power management. This thesis explores the formulation and generation of integrated motion-plans and power-schedules for solar-panel equipped mobile robots operating under strict energy constraints, which cannot be effectively addressed through conventional motion planning algorithms. Transit problems are considered to design time-optimal paths using both Balkcom-Mason and Pseudo-Dubins curves. Additionally, a more complicated problem to generate mission plans for vehicles which must persistently travel between certain locations, similar to the traveling salesperson problem (TSP), is presented. A comparison between one of the common motion-planning algorithms and experimental results of the prescribed algorithms, made possible by use of a test environment and mobile robot designed and developed specifically for this research, are presented and discussed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hoffer, Nathan Von
Remote sensing has traditionally been done with satellites and manned aircraft. While. these methods can yield useful scientificc data, satellites and manned aircraft have limitations in data frequency, process time, and real time re-tasking. Small low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide greater possibilities for personal scientic research than traditional remote sensing platforms. Precision aerial data requires an accurate vehicle dynamics model for controller development, robust flight characteristics, and fault tolerance. One method of developing a model is system identification (system ID). In this thesis system ID of a small low-cost fixed-wing T-tail UAV is conducted. The linerized longitudinal equations of motion are derived from first principles. Foundations of Recursive Least Squares (RLS) are presented along with RLS with an Error Filtering Online Learning scheme (EFOL). Sensors, data collection, data consistency checking, and data processing are described. Batch least squares (BLS) and BLS with EFOL are used to identify aerodynamic coecoefficients of the UAV. Results of these two methods with flight data are discussed.
Linking information needs with evaluation: the role of task identification.
Weir, C. R.
Action Identification Theory was used to explore user's subjective constructions of information tasks in a primary care setting. The first part of the study involved collecting clinician's descriptions of their information tasks. These items were collated and then rated by another larger group of clinicians. Results clearly identified 6 major information tasks, including communication, patient assessment, work monitoring, seeking science information, compliance with policies and procedures, and data integration. Results discussed in terms of implications for evaluation and assessing information needs in a clinical setting. PMID:9929232
Crack identification for rigid pavements using unmanned aerial vehicles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bahaddin Ersoz, Ahmet; Pekcan, Onur; Teke, Turker
Pavement condition assessment is an essential piece of modern pavement management systems as rehabilitation strategies are planned based upon its outcomes. For proper evaluation of existing pavements, they must be continuously and effectively monitored using practical means. Conventionally, truck-based pavement monitoring systems have been in-use in assessing the remaining life of in-service pavements. Although such systems produce accurate results, their use can be expensive and data processing can be time consuming, which make them infeasible considering the demand for quick pavement evaluation. To overcome such problems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be used as an alternative as they are relatively cheaper and easier-to-use. In this study, we propose a UAV based pavement crack identification system for monitoring rigid pavements’ existing conditions. The system consists of recently introduced image processing algorithms used together with conventional machine learning techniques, both of which are used to perform detection of cracks on rigid pavements’ surface and their classification. Through image processing, the distinct features of labelled crack bodies are first obtained from the UAV based images and then used for training of a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model. The performance of the developed SVM model was assessed with a field study performed along a rigid pavement exposed to low traffic and serious temperature changes. Available cracks were classified using the UAV based system and obtained results indicate it ensures a good alternative solution for pavement monitoring applications.
41 CFR 102-34.120 - Do we need to register Government motor vehicles?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... and motor vehicle identification, you do not need to register it in the jurisdiction where the vehicle... Government motor vehicles? 102-34.120 Section 102-34.120 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal... VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles License Plates § 102-34.120 Do we need to...
41 CFR 102-34.120 - Do we need to register Government motor vehicles?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... and motor vehicle identification, you do not need to register it in the jurisdiction where the vehicle... Government motor vehicles? 102-34.120 Section 102-34.120 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal... VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles License Plates § 102-34.120 Do we need to...
41 CFR 102-34.120 - Do we need to register Government motor vehicles?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... and motor vehicle identification, you do not need to register it in the jurisdiction where the vehicle... Government motor vehicles? 102-34.120 Section 102-34.120 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal... VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles License Plates § 102-34.120 Do we need to...
41 CFR 102-34.120 - Do we need to register Government motor vehicles?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... and motor vehicle identification, you do not need to register it in the jurisdiction where the vehicle... Government motor vehicles? 102-34.120 Section 102-34.120 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal... VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles License Plates § 102-34.120 Do we need to...
41 CFR 102-34.120 - Do we need to register Government motor vehicles?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... and motor vehicle identification, you do not need to register it in the jurisdiction where the vehicle... Government motor vehicles? 102-34.120 Section 102-34.120 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal... VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles License Plates § 102-34.120 Do we need to...
40 CFR 79.33 - Motor vehicle diesel fuel.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... (CONTINUED) REGISTRATION OF FUELS AND FUEL ADDITIVES Designation of Fuels and Additives § 79.33 Motor vehicle...: (1) Mechanisms of action of each additive he reports; (2) Reactions between such additives and motor vehicle diesel fuel; (3) Identification and measurement of the emission products of such additives when...
40 CFR 79.33 - Motor vehicle diesel fuel.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... (CONTINUED) REGISTRATION OF FUELS AND FUEL ADDITIVES Designation of Fuels and Additives § 79.33 Motor vehicle...: (1) Mechanisms of action of each additive he reports; (2) Reactions between such additives and motor vehicle diesel fuel; (3) Identification and measurement of the emission products of such additives when...
40 CFR 79.33 - Motor vehicle diesel fuel.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... (CONTINUED) REGISTRATION OF FUELS AND FUEL ADDITIVES Designation of Fuels and Additives § 79.33 Motor vehicle...: (1) Mechanisms of action of each additive he reports; (2) Reactions between such additives and motor vehicle diesel fuel; (3) Identification and measurement of the emission products of such additives when...
40 CFR 79.33 - Motor vehicle diesel fuel.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... (CONTINUED) REGISTRATION OF FUELS AND FUEL ADDITIVES Designation of Fuels and Additives § 79.33 Motor vehicle...: (1) Mechanisms of action of each additive he reports; (2) Reactions between such additives and motor vehicle diesel fuel; (3) Identification and measurement of the emission products of such additives when...
Management, Acquisition, and Use of Motor Vehicles
CHAPTER 10. SAFETY , ACCIDENT PREVENTION , AND REPORTING Section 10-1. General ................................................ 10-1 Section 10-2. Policy...10-6. Safety and Accident Prevention ........................... 10-2 CHAPTER 11. IDENTIFICATION AND MARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES VEHICLE MARKING...points to warrant disciplinary action consideration. 9-5 C 1 SAFETY . ACCIDENT PREVENTION . AND REPORTING 10-1. General. This Chapter contains policies
Vehicles instability criteria for flood risk assessment of a street network
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arrighi, Chiara; Huybrechts, Nicolas; Ouahsine, Abdellatif; Chassé, Patrick; Oumeraci, Hocine; Castelli, Fabio
The mutual interaction between floods and human activity is a process, which has been evolving over history and has shaped flood risk pathways. In developed countries, many events have illustrated that the majority of the fatalities during a flood occurs in a vehicle, which is considered as a safe shelter but it may turn into a trap for several combinations of water depth and velocity. Thus, driving a car in floodwaters is recognized as the most crucial aggravating factor for people safety. On the other hand, the entrainment of vehicles may locally cause obstructions to the flow and induce the collapse of infrastructures. Flood risk to vehicles can be defined as the combination of the probability of a vehicle of being swept away (i.e. the hazard) and the actual traffic/parking density, i.e. the vulnerability. Hazard for vehicles can be assessed through the spatial identification and mapping of the critical conditions for vehicles incipient motion. This analysis requires a flood map with information on water depth and velocity and consistent instability criteria accounting for flood and vehicles characteristics. Vulnerability is evaluated thanks to the road network and traffic data. Therefore, vehicles flood risk mapping can support people's education and management practices in order to reduce the casualties. In this work, a flood hazard classification for vehicles is introduced and an application to a real case study is presented and discussed.
41 CFR 109-38.204-50 - Records of exempted motor vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... motor vehicles. 109-38.204-50 Section 109-38.204-50 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal... AVIATION, TRANSPORTATION, AND MOTOR VEHICLES 38-MOTOR EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT 38.2-Registration, Identification, and Exemptions § 109-38.204-50 Records of exempted motor vehicles. The Director, Office of...
Meystre, Stéphane M; Ferrández, Óscar; Friedlin, F Jeffrey; South, Brett R; Shen, Shuying; Samore, Matthew H
As more and more electronic clinical information is becoming easier to access for secondary uses such as clinical research, approaches that enable faster and more collaborative research while protecting patient privacy and confidentiality are becoming more important. Clinical text de-identification offers such advantages but is typically a tedious manual process. Automated Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods can alleviate this process, but their impact on subsequent uses of the automatically de-identified clinical narratives has only barely been investigated. In the context of a larger project to develop and investigate automated text de-identification for Veterans Health Administration (VHA) clinical notes, we studied the impact of automated text de-identification on clinical information in a stepwise manner. Our approach started with a high-level assessment of clinical notes informativeness and formatting, and ended with a detailed study of the overlap of select clinical information types and Protected Health Information (PHI). To investigate the informativeness (i.e., document type information, select clinical data types, and interpretation or conclusion) of VHA clinical notes, we used five different existing text de-identification systems. The informativeness was only minimally altered by these systems while formatting was only modified by one system. To examine the impact of de-identification on clinical information extraction, we compared counts of SNOMED-CT concepts found by an open source information extraction application in the original (i.e., not de-identified) version of a corpus of VHA clinical notes, and in the same corpus after de-identification. Only about 1.2-3% less SNOMED-CT concepts were found in de-identified versions of our corpus, and many of these concepts were PHI that was erroneously identified as clinical information. To study this impact in more details and assess how generalizable our findings were, we examined the overlap between
Efficient Numerical Simulation of Aerothermoelastic Hypersonic Vehicles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Klock, Ryan J.
speed and overall solution fidelity. A number of enhancements to this framework are made through 1. the implementation of a publish-subscribe code architecture for rapid prototyping of physics and process models. 2. the implementation of a selection of linearization and model identification methods including high-order pseudo-time forward difference, complex-step, and direct identification from ordinary differential equation inspection. 3. improvements to the aeroheating and thermal models with non-equilibrium gas dynamics and generalized temperature dependent material thermal properties. A variety of model reduction and surrogate model techniques are applied to a representative hypersonic vehicle on a terminal trajectory to enable complete aerothermoelastic flight simulations. Multiple terminal trajectories of various starting altitudes and Mach numbers are optimized to maximize final kinetic energy of the vehicle upon reaching the surface. Surrogate models are compared to represent the variation of material thermal properties with temperature. A new method is developed and shown to be both accurate and computationally efficient. While the numerically efficient simulation of high-speed vehicles is developed within the presented framework, the goal of real time simulation is hampered by the necessity of multiple nested convergence loops. An alternative all-in-one surrogate model method is developed based on singular-value decomposition and regression that is near real time. Finally, the aeroelastic stability of pressurized cylindrical shells is investigated in the context of a maneuvering axisymmetric high-speed vehicle. Moderate internal pressurization is numerically shown to decrease stability, as showed experimentally in the literature, yet not well reproduced analytically. Insights are drawn from time simulation results and used to inform approaches for future vehicle model development.
Skin sensitisation, vehicle effects and the local lymph node assay.
Basketter, D A; Gerberick, G F; Kimber, I
Accurate risk assessment in allergic contact dermatitis is dependent on the successful prospective identification of chemicals which possess the ability to behave as skin sensitisers, followed by appropriate measurement of the relative ability to cause sensitisation; their potency. Tools for hazard identification have been available for many years; more recently, a novel approach to the quantitative assessment of potency--the derivation of EC3 values in the local lymph node assay (LLNA)--has been described. It must be recognised, however, that these evaluations of chemical sensitisers also may be affected by the vehicle matrix in which skin exposure occurs. In this article, our knowledge of this area is reviewed and potential mechanisms through which vehicle effects may occur are detailed. Using the LLNA as an example, it is demonstrated that the vehicle may have little impact on the accuracy of basic hazard identification; the data also therefore support the view that testing ingredients in specific product formulations is not warranted for hazard identification purposes. However, the effect on potency estimations is of greater significance. Although not all chemical allergens are affected similarly, for certain substances a greater than 10-fold vehicle-dependent change in potency is observed. Such data are vital for accurate risk assessment. Unfortunately, it does not at present appear possible to predict notionally the effect of the vehicle matrix on skin sensitising potency without recourse to direct testing, for example by estimation of LLNA EC3 data, which provides a valuable tool for this purpose.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 1901 et seq. (2) Average fuel economy has the meaning given it in section 501(4) of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 2001(4). (3) Fuel economy has the meaning given it in section 501(6) of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 2001(6). (4) Fuel economy data means any measurement or...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 1901 et seq. (2) Average fuel economy has the meaning given it in section 501(4) of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 2001(4). (3) Fuel economy has the meaning given it in section 501(6) of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 2001(6). (4) Fuel economy data means any measurement or...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 1901 et seq. (2) Average fuel economy has the meaning given it in section 501(4) of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 2001(4). (3) Fuel economy has the meaning given it in section 501(6) of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 2001(6). (4) Fuel economy data means any measurement or...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 1901 et seq. (2) Average fuel economy has the meaning given it in section 501(4) of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 2001(4). (3) Fuel economy has the meaning given it in section 501(6) of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 2001(6). (4) Fuel economy data means any measurement or...
Evaluating common de-identification heuristics for personal health information.
El Emam, Khaled; Jabbouri, Sam; Sams, Scott; Drouet, Youenn; Power, Michael
With the growing adoption of electronic medical records, there are increasing demands for the use of this electronic clinical data in observational research. A frequent ethics board requirement for such secondary use of personal health information in observational research is that the data be de-identified. De-identification heuristics are provided in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule, funding agency and professional association privacy guidelines, and common practice. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether the re-identification risks due to record linkage are sufficiently low when following common de-identification heuristics and whether the risk is stable across sample sizes and data sets. Two methods were followed to construct identification data sets. Re-identification attacks were simulated on these. For each data set we varied the sample size down to 30 individuals, and for each sample size evaluated the risk of re-identification for all combinations of quasi-identifiers. The combinations of quasi-identifiers that were low risk more than 50% of the time were considered stable. The identification data sets we were able to construct were the list of all physicians and the list of all lawyers registered in Ontario, using 1% sampling fractions. The quasi-identifiers of region, gender, and year of birth were found to be low risk more than 50% of the time across both data sets. The combination of gender and region was also found to be low risk more than 50% of the time. We were not able to create an identification data set for the whole population. Existing Canadian federal and provincial privacy laws help explain why it is difficult to create an identification data set for the whole population. That such examples of high re-identification risk exist for mainstream professions makes a strong case for not disclosing the high-risk variables and their combinations identified here. For professional subpopulations with published
Evaluating Common De-Identification Heuristics for Personal Health Information
Jabbouri, Sam; Sams, Scott; Drouet, Youenn; Power, Michael
Background With the growing adoption of electronic medical records, there are increasing demands for the use of this electronic clinical data in observational research. A frequent ethics board requirement for such secondary use of personal health information in observational research is that the data be de-identified. De-identification heuristics are provided in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule, funding agency and professional association privacy guidelines, and common practice. Objective The aim of the study was to evaluate whether the re-identification risks due to record linkage are sufficiently low when following common de-identification heuristics and whether the risk is stable across sample sizes and data sets. Methods Two methods were followed to construct identification data sets. Re-identification attacks were simulated on these. For each data set we varied the sample size down to 30 individuals, and for each sample size evaluated the risk of re-identification for all combinations of quasi-identifiers. The combinations of quasi-identifiers that were low risk more than 50% of the time were considered stable. Results The identification data sets we were able to construct were the list of all physicians and the list of all lawyers registered in Ontario, using 1% sampling fractions. The quasi-identifiers of region, gender, and year of birth were found to be low risk more than 50% of the time across both data sets. The combination of gender and region was also found to be low risk more than 50% of the time. We were not able to create an identification data set for the whole population. Conclusions Existing Canadian federal and provincial privacy laws help explain why it is difficult to create an identification data set for the whole population. That such examples of high re-identification risk exist for mainstream professions makes a strong case for not disclosing the high-risk variables and their combinations identified here
Vehicle following controller design for autonomous intelligent vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chien, C. C.; Lai, M. C.; Mayr, R.
A new vehicle following controller is proposed for autonomous intelligent vehicles. The proposed vehicle following controller not only provides smooth transient maneuvers for unavoidable nonzero initial conditions but also guarantees the asymptotic platoon stability without the availability of feedforward information. Furthermore, the achieved asymptotic platoon stability is shown to be robust to sensor delays and an upper bound for the allowable sensor delays is also provided in this paper.
77 FR 60134 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Application for Identification Card
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... previously approved. CBP is proposing that this information collection be extended with no change to the... other technological techniques or other forms of information. Title: Application for Identification Card... with no change to the burden hours or to CBP Form 3078. Type of Review: Extension (without change...
In-Vehicle Signing Functions of an In-Vehicle Information System
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The definition of In-Vehicle Signing (IVS) functions was guided by the principles of traffic engineering as they apply to the design and placement of roadway signs. Because of the dynamic and active nature of computing, communications, and display te...
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Morelli, Eugene A.
Flight test maneuvers are specified for the F-18 High Alpha Research Vehicle (HARV). The maneuvers were designed for closed loop parameter identification purposes, specifically for longitudinal and lateral linear model parameter estimation at 5, 20, 30, 45, and 60 degrees angle of attack, using the NASA 1A control law. Each maneuver is to be realized by the pilot applying square wave inputs to specific pilot station controls. Maneuver descriptions and complete specifications of the time/amplitude points defining each input are included, along with plots of the input time histories.
Schubert, Teresa; Reilhac, Caroline; McCloskey, Michael
How are reading and writing related? In this study, we address the relationship between letter identification and letter production, uncovering a link in which production information can be used to identify letters presented dynamically. By testing an individual with a deficit in letter identification, we identified a benefit which would be masked by ceiling effects in unimpaired readers. In Experiment 1 we found that letter stimuli defined by the direction of dot motion (tiny dots within letter move leftward, background dots move rightward) provided no advantage over static letters. In Experiment 2, we tested dynamic stimuli in which the letter shapes emerged over time: drawn as they would be written, drawn in reverse, or with the letter shape filled in randomly. Improved identification was observed only for letters drawn as they are typically written. These results demonstrate that information about letter production can be integrated into letter identification, and point to bi-directional connections between stored letter production information (used for writing) and abstract letter identity representations (used in both reading and writing). The links from stored production information to abstract letter identities allow the former to activate the latter. We also consider the implications of our results for remediation of acquired letter identification deficits, including letter-drawing treatments and the underlying cause of their efficacy. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wells, Gary L; Yang, Yueran; Smalarz, Laura
We provide a novel Bayesian treatment of the eyewitness identification problem as it relates to various system variables, such as instruction effects, lineup presentation format, lineup-filler similarity, lineup administrator influence, and show-ups versus lineups. We describe why eyewitness identification is a natural Bayesian problem and how numerous important observations require careful consideration of base rates. Moreover, we argue that the base rate in eyewitness identification should be construed as a system variable (under the control of the justice system). We then use prior-by-posterior curves and information-gain curves to examine data obtained from a large number of published experiments. Next, we show how information-gain curves are moderated by system variables and by witness confidence and we note how information-gain curves reveal that lineups are consistently more proficient at incriminating the guilty than they are at exonerating the innocent. We then introduce a new type of analysis that we developed called base rate effect-equivalency (BREE) curves. BREE curves display how much change in the base rate is required to match the impact of any given system variable. The results indicate that even relatively modest changes to the base rate can have more impact on the reliability of eyewitness identification evidence than do the traditional system variables that have received so much attention in the literature. We note how this Bayesian analysis of eyewitness identification has implications for the question of whether there ought to be a reasonable-suspicion criterion for placing a person into the jeopardy of an identification procedure. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).
41 CFR 109-38.203 - Agency identification.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... § 109-38.203 Agency identification. Standard DOE motor vehicle window decals (DOE Form 1530.1), and door decals to be used only on vehicles without windows (DOE Form 1530.2), are available from the Office of...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.190 What special requirements apply to exempted... and motor vehicle identification. The agency head must provide the name and signature of that official... requirements apply to exempted motor vehicles using District of Columbia or State license plates? 102-34.190...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.190 What special requirements apply to exempted... and motor vehicle identification. The agency head must provide the name and signature of that official... requirements apply to exempted motor vehicles using District of Columbia or State license plates? 102-34.190...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.190 What special requirements apply to exempted... and motor vehicle identification. The agency head must provide the name and signature of that official... requirements apply to exempted motor vehicles using District of Columbia or State license plates? 102-34.190...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.190 What special requirements apply to exempted... and motor vehicle identification. The agency head must provide the name and signature of that official... requirements apply to exempted motor vehicles using District of Columbia or State license plates? 102-34.190...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.190 What special requirements apply to exempted... and motor vehicle identification. The agency head must provide the name and signature of that official... requirements apply to exempted motor vehicles using District of Columbia or State license plates? 102-34.190...
Vehicle-to-vehicle communications : readiness of V2V technology for application.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The purpose of this research report is to assess the readiness for application of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) : communications, a system designed to transmit basic safety information between vehicles to facilitate warnings to : drivers concerning impend...
Pellet bed reactor for nuclear propelled vehicles: Part 2: Missions and vehicle integration trades
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Haloulakos, V. E.
Mission and vehicle integration tradeoffs involving the use of the pellet bed reactor (PBR) for nuclear powered vehicles is discussed, with much of the information being given in viewgraph form. Information is given on propellant tank geometries, shield weight requirements for conventional tank configurations, effective specific impulse, radiation mapping, radiation dose rate after shutdown, space transfer vehicle design data, a Mars mission summary, sample pellet bed nuclear orbit transfer vehicle mass breakdown, and payload fraction vs. velocity increment.
Research on natural frequency based on modal test for high speed vehicles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ma, Guangsong; He, Guanglin; Guo, Yachao
High speed vehicle as a vibration system, resonance generated in flight may be harmful to high speed vehicles. It is possible to solve the resonance problem by acquiring the natural frequency of the high-speed aircraft and then taking some measures to avoid the natural frequency of the high speed vehicle. Therefore, In this paper, the modal test of the high speed vehicle was carried out by using the running hammer method and the PolyMAX modal parameter identification method. Firstly, the total frequency response function, coherence function of the high speed vehicle are obtained by the running hammer stimulation test, and through the modal assurance criterion (MAC) to determine the accuracy of the estimated parameters. Secondly, the first three order frequencies, the pole steady state diagram of the high speed vehicles is obtained by the PolyMAX modal parameter identification method. At last, the natural frequency of the vibration system was accurately obtained by the running hammer method.
He, Bo; Liu, Yang; Dong, Diya; Shen, Yue; Yan, Tianhong; Nian, Rui
In this paper, a novel iterative sparse extended information filter (ISEIF) was proposed to solve the simultaneous localization and mapping problem (SLAM), which is very crucial for autonomous vehicles. The proposed algorithm solves the measurement update equations with iterative methods adaptively to reduce linearization errors. With the scalability advantage being kept, the consistency and accuracy of SEIF is improved. Simulations and practical experiments were carried out with both a land car benchmark and an autonomous underwater vehicle. Comparisons between iterative SEIF (ISEIF), standard EKF and SEIF are presented. All of the results convincingly show that ISEIF yields more consistent and accurate estimates compared to SEIF and preserves the scalability advantage over EKF, as well. PMID:26287194
He, Bo; Liu, Yang; Dong, Diya; Shen, Yue; Yan, Tianhong; Nian, Rui
In this paper, a novel iterative sparse extended information filter (ISEIF) was proposed to solve the simultaneous localization and mapping problem (SLAM), which is very crucial for autonomous vehicles. The proposed algorithm solves the measurement update equations with iterative methods adaptively to reduce linearization errors. With the scalability advantage being kept, the consistency and accuracy of SEIF is improved. Simulations and practical experiments were carried out with both a land car benchmark and an autonomous underwater vehicle. Comparisons between iterative SEIF (ISEIF), standard EKF and SEIF are presented. All of the results convincingly show that ISEIF yields more consistent and accurate estimates compared to SEIF and preserves the scalability advantage over EKF, as well.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This document is a summary of all responses the USDOT received from the Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Programs Request for Information (RFI) Notice put out by the Federal Highway Administration on 03/12/2014.
Connected vehicles and cybersecurity.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Connected vehicles are a next-generation technology in vehicles and in infrastructure that will make travel safer, cleaner, and more efficient. The advanced wireless technology enables vehicles to share and communicate information with each other and...
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Batterson, James G. (Technical Monitor); Morelli, E. A.
Flight test maneuvers are specified for the F-18 High Alpha Research Vehicle (HARV). The maneuvers were designed for closed loop parameter identification purposes, specifically for longitudinal and lateral linear model parameter estimation at 5,20,30,45, and 60 degrees angle of attack, using the Actuated Nose Strakes for Enhanced Rolling (ANSER) control law in Thrust Vectoring (TV) mode. Each maneuver is to be realized by applying square wave inputs to specific pilot station controls using the On-Board Excitation System (OBES). Maneuver descriptions and complete specifications of the time / amplitude points defining each input are included, along with plots of the input time histories.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
A template of pre-crash scenarios is presented to depict national crash statistics and kinematic information of time-to-collision for the design of appropriate crash countermeasures based on vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. This template serv...
40 CFR 79.32 - Motor vehicle gasoline.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... specifically for him concerning the following items: (1) Mechanisms of action of each additive he reports; (2) Reactions between such additives and motor vehicle gasoline; (3) Identification and measurement of the...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
In this report, we study information propagation via inter-vehicle communication along two parallel : roads. By identifying an inherent Bernoulli process, we are able to derive the mean and variance of : propagation distance. A road separation distan...
77 FR 73458 - Vehicle Technologies Program; Request for Information
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... well as vehicles running on alternative fuels such as electricity, ethanol, natural gas, or biodiesel... a specific type of alternative fuel vehicle (biodiesel, compressed natural gas, E85, and electric...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Data Devices as Transponders for the Commercial Motor Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN...; announcement of policy. SUMMARY: FMCSA announces that Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS) network devices... information between the driver and the inspection site as the dedicated short-range communication (DSRC...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Sera White
This thesis presents a research study using one year of driving data obtained from plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) located in Sacramento and San Francisco, California to determine the effectiveness of incorporating geographic information into vehicle performance algorithms. Sacramento and San Francisco were chosen because of the availability of high resolution (1/9 arc second) digital elevation data. First, I present a method for obtaining instantaneous road slope, given a latitude and longitude, and introduce its use into common driving intensity algorithms. I show that for trips characterized by >40m of net elevation change (from key on to key off), themore » use of instantaneous road slope significantly changes the results of driving intensity calculations. For trips exhibiting elevation loss, algorithms ignoring road slope overestimated driving intensity by as much as 211 Wh/mile, while for trips exhibiting elevation gain these algorithms underestimated driving intensity by as much as 333 Wh/mile. Second, I describe and test an algorithm that incorporates vehicle route type into computations of city and highway fuel economy. Route type was determined by intersecting trip GPS points with ESRI StreetMap road types and assigning each trip as either city or highway route type according to whichever road type comprised the largest distance traveled. The fuel economy results produced by the geographic classification were compared to the fuel economy results produced by algorithms that assign route type based on average speed or driving style. Most results were within 1 mile per gallon ({approx}3%) of one another; the largest difference was 1.4 miles per gallon for charge depleting highway trips. The methods for acquiring and using geographic data introduced in this thesis will enable other vehicle technology researchers to incorporate geographic data into their research problems.« less
Spectral analysis methods for vehicle interior vibro-acoustics identification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hosseini Fouladi, Mohammad; Nor, Mohd. Jailani Mohd.; Ariffin, Ahmad Kamal
Noise has various effects on comfort, performance and health of human. Sound are analysed by human brain based on the frequencies and amplitudes. In a dynamic system, transmission of sound and vibrations depend on frequency and direction of the input motion and characteristics of the output. It is imperative that automotive manufacturers invest a lot of effort and money to improve and enhance the vibro-acoustics performance of their products. The enhancement effort may be very difficult and time-consuming if one relies only on 'trial and error' method without prior knowledge about the sources itself. Complex noise inside a vehicle cabin originated from various sources and travel through many pathways. First stage of sound quality refinement is to find the source. It is vital for automotive engineers to identify the dominant noise sources such as engine noise, exhaust noise and noise due to vibration transmission inside of vehicle. The purpose of this paper is to find the vibro-acoustical sources of noise in a passenger vehicle compartment. The implementation of spectral analysis method is much faster than the 'trial and error' methods in which, parts should be separated to measure the transfer functions. Also by using spectral analysis method, signals can be recorded in real operational conditions which conduce to more consistent results. A multi-channel analyser is utilised to measure and record the vibro-acoustical signals. Computational algorithms are also employed to identify contribution of various sources towards the measured interior signal. These achievements can be utilised to detect, control and optimise interior noise performance of road transport vehicles.
49 CFR Appendix D to Part 580 - Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... certify that the odometer reading is NOT the actual mileage. Make Model Body Type Vehicle Identification... 49 Transportation 7 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle D Appendix D to... Pt. 580, App. D Appendix D to Part 580—Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle Odometer Disclosure...
49 CFR Appendix D to Part 580 - Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... certify that the odometer reading is NOT the actual mileage. Make Model Body Type Vehicle Identification... 49 Transportation 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle D Appendix D to... Pt. 580, App. D Appendix D to Part 580—Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle Odometer Disclosure...
49 CFR Appendix D to Part 580 - Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... certify that the odometer reading is NOT the actual mileage. Make Model Body Type Vehicle Identification... 49 Transportation 7 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle D Appendix D to... Pt. 580, App. D Appendix D to Part 580—Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle Odometer Disclosure...
49 CFR Appendix D to Part 580 - Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... certify that the odometer reading is NOT the actual mileage. Make Model Body Type Vehicle Identification... 49 Transportation 7 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle D Appendix D to... Pt. 580, App. D Appendix D to Part 580—Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle Odometer Disclosure...
49 CFR Appendix D to Part 580 - Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... certify that the odometer reading is NOT the actual mileage. Make Model Body Type Vehicle Identification... 49 Transportation 7 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle D Appendix D to... Pt. 580, App. D Appendix D to Part 580—Disclosure Form for Leased Vehicle Odometer Disclosure...
State-of-the-art assessment of electric and hybrid vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Data are presented that were obtained from the electric and hybrid vehicles tested, information collected from users of electric vehicles, and data and information on electric and hybrid vehicles obtained on a worldwide basis from manufacturers and available literature. The data given include: (1) information and data base (electric and hybrid vehicle systems descriptions, sources of vehicle data and information, and sources of component data); (2) electric vehicles (theoretical background, electric vehicle track tests, user experience, literature data, and summary of electric vehicle status); (3) electric vehicle components (tires, differentials, transmissions, traction motors, controllers, batteries, battery chargers, and component summary); and (4) hybrid vehicles (types of hybrid vehicles, operating modes, hybrid vehicles components, and hybrid vehicles performance characteristics).
Sensor Technology for Integrated Vehicle Health Management of Aerospace Vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Prosser, W. H.; Brown, T. L.; Woodard, S. E.; Fleming, G. A.; Cooper, E. G.
NASA is focusing considerable efforts on technology development for Integrated Vehicle Health Management systems. The research in this area is targeted toward increasing aerospace vehicle safety and reliability, while reducing vehicle operating and maintenance costs. Onboard, real-time sensing technologies that can provide detailed information on structural integrity are central to such a health management system. This paper describes a number of sensor technologies currently under development for integrated vehicle health management. The capabilities, current limitations, and future research needs of these technologies are addressed.
Experiments in automatic word class and word sense identification for information retrieval
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gauch, S.; Futrelle, R.P.
Automatic identification of related words and automatic detection of word senses are two long-standing goals of researchers in natural language processing. Word class information and word sense identification may enhance the performance of information retrieval system4ms. Large online corpora and increased computational capabilities make new techniques based on corpus linguisitics feasible. Corpus-based analysis is especially needed for corpora from specialized fields for which no electronic dictionaries or thesauri exist. The methods described here use a combination of mutual information and word context to establish word similarities. Then, unsupervised classification is done using clustering in the word space, identifying word classesmore » without pretagging. We also describe an extension of the method to handle the difficult problems of disambiguation and of determining part-of-speech and semantic information for low-frequency words. The method is powerful enough to produce high-quality results on a small corpus of 200,000 words from abstracts in a field of molecular biology.« less
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
In Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), Congress established a goal to complete Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) deployment in a majority of states by September 30, 2003. Through the CVISN Deployment Pro...
Vehicle logo recognition using multi-level fusion model
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ming, Wei; Xiao, Jianli
Vehicle logo recognition plays an important role in manufacturer identification and vehicle recognition. This paper proposes a new vehicle logo recognition algorithm. It has a hierarchical framework, which consists of two fusion levels. At the first level, a feature fusion model is employed to map the original features to a higher dimension feature space. In this space, the vehicle logos become more recognizable. At the second level, a weighted voting strategy is proposed to promote the accuracy and the robustness of the recognition results. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, extensive experiments are performed, which demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve high recognition accuracy and work robustly.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Permitting, Vessel Identification, and Vessel Monitoring System Requirements for... satellite- based vessel monitoring system (VMS). This collection of information is needed for permit...
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Report characterizes state-of-the-art electric and hybrid (combined electric and heat engine) vehicles. Performance data for representative number of these vehicles were obtained from track and dynamometer tests. User experience information was obtained from fleet operators and individual owners of electric vehicles. Data on performance and physical characteristics of large number of vehicles were obtained from manufacturers and available literature.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pahadiya, Pallavi; Gupta, Rajni
An approach to overcome the accidental problem happens in the night, while the driver is drunk or feels sleepy. This system controls the speed of the vehicle at steep turns. It is designed, to provide the information to the driver, whether the next turn is right/left, is there any traffic jam or land sliding in the coming way. It also assists during heavy rains and mist conditions. It may be implemented by using computer or by using a dedicated microcontroller. If we have a group of vehicles connected with the system then we can locate them by using the cameras, at different places. Information regarding any vehicle can be transmitted anywhere using Internet provided at the monitoring system, so as to prevent accidents or provide information during any calamity.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Collection; Comment Request; Identification of Human Cell Lines Project AGENCY: National Institute of... by short tandem repeat (STR) profiling up to 1500 human cell line samples as part of the Identification of Human Cell Lines Project. All data and corresponding information will be posted in a publically...
Training in Temporal Information Processing Ameliorates Phonetic Identification.
Szymaszek, Aneta; Dacewicz, Anna; Urban, Paulina; Szelag, Elzbieta
Many studies revealed a link between temporal information processing (TIP) in a millisecond range and speech perception. Previous studies indicated a dysfunction in TIP accompanied by deficient phonemic hearing in children with specific language impairment (SLI). In this study we concentrate in SLI on phonetic identification, using the voice-onset-time (VOT) phenomenon in which TIP is built-in. VOT is crucial for speech perception, as stop consonants (like /t/ vs. /d/) may be distinguished by an acoustic difference in time between the onsets of the consonant (stop release burst) and the following vibration of vocal folds (voicing). In healthy subjects two categories (voiced and unvoiced) are determined using VOT task. The present study aimed at verifying whether children with SLI indicate a similar pattern of phonetic identification as their healthy peers and whether the intervention based on TIP results in improved performance on the VOT task. Children aged from 5 to 8 years ( n = 47) were assigned into two groups: normal children without any language disability (NC, n = 20), and children with SLI ( n = 27). In the latter group participants were randomly classified into two treatment subgroups, i.e., experimental temporal training (EG, n = 14) and control non-temporal training (CG, n = 13). The analyzed indicators of phonetic identification were: (1) the boundary location (α) determined as the VOT value corresponding to 50% voicing/unvoicing distinctions; (2) ranges of voiced/unvoiced categories; (3) the slope of identification curve (β) reflecting the identification correctness; (4) percent of voiced distinctions within the applied VOT spectrum. The results indicated similar α values and similar ranges of voiced/unvoiced categories between SLI and NC. However, β in SLI was significantly higher than that in NC. After the intervention, the significant improvement of β was observed only in EG. They achieved the level of performance comparable to that observed
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Model Deployment Initiative (CVISN MDI) is funded by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) and managed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA),...
Xu, Xinxing; Li, Wen; Xu, Dong
In this paper, we propose a new approach to improve face verification and person re-identification in the RGB images by leveraging a set of RGB-D data, in which we have additional depth images in the training data captured using depth cameras such as Kinect. In particular, we extract visual features and depth features from the RGB images and depth images, respectively. As the depth features are available only in the training data, we treat the depth features as privileged information, and we formulate this task as a distance metric learning with privileged information problem. Unlike the traditional face verification and person re-identification tasks that only use visual features, we further employ the extra depth features in the training data to improve the learning of distance metric in the training process. Based on the information-theoretic metric learning (ITML) method, we propose a new formulation called ITML with privileged information (ITML+) for this task. We also present an efficient algorithm based on the cyclic projection method for solving the proposed ITML+ formulation. Extensive experiments on the challenging faces data sets EUROCOM and CurtinFaces for face verification as well as the BIWI RGBD-ID data set for person re-identification demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
Identification of damping in a bridge using a moving instrumented vehicle
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
González, A.; OBrien, E. J.; McGetrick, P. J.
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of bridges which are being instrumented and monitored on an ongoing basis. This is in part due to the introduction of bridge management systems designed to provide a high level of protection to the public and early warning if the bridge becomes unsafe. This paper investigates a novel alternative; a low-cost method consisting of the use of a vehicle fitted with accelerometers on its axles to monitor the dynamic behaviour of bridges. A simplified half-car vehicle-bridge interaction model is used in theoretical simulations to test the effectiveness of the approach in identifying the damping ratio of the bridge. The method is tested for a range of bridge spans and vehicle velocities using theoretical simulations and the influences of road roughness, initial vibratory condition of the vehicle, signal noise, modelling errors and frequency matching on the accuracy of the results are investigated.
This edition of Energy 101 highlights the benefits of electric vehicles, including improved fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, and lower maintenance costs. For more information on electric vehicles from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, visit the Vehicle Technologies Program website: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/vehiclesandfuels/
Connected vehicles and your privacy.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Connected vehicles communicate wirelessly with other vehicles and our roads, : sharing important safety and mobility information and generating new data about : how, when, and where vehicles travel. The unprecedented level of data generated : will be...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
On December 4, 2015, the Fixing Americas Surface Transportation Act, 2015 (FAST Act) (Pub. L. 114-94) established the Innovative Technology Deployment (ITD) Grant Program, replacing the long-standing Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Netw...
Identification of Vehicle Health Assurance Related Trends
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Phojanamongkolkij, Nipa; Evans, Joni K.; Barr, Lawrence C.; Leone, Karen M.; Reveley, Mary S.
Trend analysis in aviation as related to vehicle health management (VHM) was performed by reviewing the most current statistical and prognostics data available from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) accident, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) incident, and the NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) incident datasets. In addition, future directions in aviation technology related to VHM research areas were assessed through the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) Safety Enhancements Reserved for Future Implementations (SERFIs), the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Most-Wanted List and recent open safety recommendations, the National Research Council (NRC) Decadal Survey of Civil Aeronautics, and the Future Aviation Safety Team (FAST) areas of change. Future research direction in the VHM research areas is evidently strong as seen from recent research solicitations from the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), and VHM-related technologies actively being developed by aviation industry leaders, including GE, Boeing, Airbus, and UTC Aerospace Systems. Given the highly complex VHM systems, modifications can be made in the future so that the Vehicle Systems Safety Technology Project (VSST) technical challenges address inadequate maintenance crew's trainings and skills, and the certification methods of such systems as recommended by the NTSB, NRC, and FAST areas of change.
41 CFR 101-25.110-3 - Tires accompanying new motor vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... motor vehicles. 101-25.110-3 Section 101-25.110-3 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal...-GENERAL 25.1-General Policies § 101-25.110-3 Tires accompanying new motor vehicles. The tire identifications and recordkeeping regulations issued by the Department of Transportation require each motor...
State-of-the-art assessment of electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1976 (PL 94-413) requires that data be developed to characterize the state of the art of vehicles powered by an electric motor and those propelled by a combination of an electric motor and an internal combustion engine or other power sources. Data obtained from controlled tests of a representative number of sample vehicles, from information supplied by manufacturers or contained in the literature, and from surveys of fleet operators of individual owners of electric vehicles is discussed. The results of track and dynamometer tests conducted by NASA on 22 electric, 2 hybrid, and 5 conventional vehicles, as well as on 5 spark-ignition-engine-powered vehicles, the conventional counterparts of 5 of the vehicles, are presented.
2016 Vehicle Technologies Market Report
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Davis, Stacy Cagle; Williams, Susan E.; Boundy, Robert Gary
This is the seventh edition of this report, which details the major trends in U.S. light-duty vehicle and medium/heavy truck markets. This report is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy s (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO), and, in accord with its mission, pays special attention to the progress of high-efficiency and alternative-fuel technologies. After opening with a discussion of energy and economics, this report features a section each on the light-duty vehicle and heavy/medium truck markets, and concluding with a section each on technology and policy. The first section on Energy and Economics discusses the role of transportation energymore » and vehicle markets on a national (and even international) scale. For example, Figures 12 through 14 discuss the connections between global oil prices and U.S. GDP, and Figures 21 and 22 show U.S. employment in the automotive sector. The following section examines Light-Duty Vehicle use, markets, manufacture, and supply chains. Figures 27 through 69 offer snapshots of major light-duty vehicle brands in the United States and Figures 73 through 85 examine the performance and efficiency characteristics of vehicles sold. The discussion of Medium and Heavy Trucks offers information on truck sales (Figures 94 through 98) and fuel use (Figures 101 through 104). The Technology section offers information on alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure (Figures 109 through 123), and the Policy section concludes with information on recent, current, and near-future Federal policies like the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standard (Figures 135 through 142). In total, the information contained in this report is intended to communicate a fairly complete understanding of U.S. highway transportation energy through a series of easily digestible nuggets. Suggestions for future expansion, additional information, or other improvements are most welcome.« less
Lai, Yeong-Lin; Chou, Yung-Hua; Chang, Li-Chih
Collisions between emergency vehicles for emergency medical services (EMS) and public road users have been a serious problem, impacting on the safety of road users, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and the patients on board. The aim of this study is to develop a novel intelligent emergency vehicle warning system for EMS applications. The intelligent emergency vehicle warning system is developed by Internet of Things (IoT), radio-frequency identification (RFID), and Wi-Fi technologies. The system consists of three major parts: a system trigger tag, an RFID system in an emergency vehicle, and an RFID system at an intersection. The RFID system either in an emergency vehicle or at an intersection contains a controller, an ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) RFID reader module, a Wi-Fi module, and a 2.4-GHz antenna. In addition, a UHF ID antenna is especially designed for the RFID system in an emergency vehicle. The IoT system provides real-time visual warning at an intersection and siren warning from an emergency vehicle in order to effectively inform road users about an emergency vehicle approaching. The developed intelligent IoT emergency vehicle warning system demonstrates the capabilities of real-time visual and siren warnings for EMS safety.
2015 Vehicle Technologies Market Report
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Davis, Stacy C.; Williams, Susan E.; Boundy, Robert G.
This is the seventh edition of the Vehicle Technologies Market Report, which details the major trends in U.S. light-duty vehicle and medium/heavy truck markets as well as the underlying trends that caused them. This report is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy s (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO), and, in accord with its mission, pays special attention to the progress of high-efficiency and alternative-fuel technologies. After opening with a discussion of energy and economics, this report features a section each on the light-duty vehicle and heavy/medium truck markets, and concluding with a section each on technology and policy. Themore » first section on Energy and Economics discusses the role of transportation energy and vehicle markets on a national (and even international) scale. For example, Figures 12 through 14 discuss the connections between global oil prices and U.S. GDP, and Figures 22 and 23 show U.S. employment in the automotive sector. The following section examines Light-Duty Vehicle use, markets, manufacture, and supply chains. Figures 27 through 63 offer snapshots of major light-duty vehicle brands in the United States and Figures 70 through 81 examine the performance and efficiency characteristics of vehicles sold. The discussion of Medium and Heavy Trucks offers information on truck sales (Figures 90 through 94) and fuel use (Figures 97 through 100). The Technology section offers information on alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure (Figures 105 through 118), and the Policy section concludes with information on recent, current, and near-future Federal policies like the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standard (Figures 130 through 137). In total, the information contained in this report is intended to communicate a fairly complete understanding of U.S. highway transportation energy through a series of easily digestible nuggets. Suggestions for future expansion, additional information, or other improvements are most welcome.« less
41 CFR 109-38.204-4 - Report of exempted motor vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Report of exempted motor..., TRANSPORTATION, AND MOTOR VEHICLES 38-MOTOR EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT 38.2-Registration, Identification, and Exemptions § 109-38.204-4 Report of exempted motor vehicles. DOE offices shall provide upon request the...
41 CFR 109-38.204-4 - Report of exempted motor vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Report of exempted motor..., TRANSPORTATION, AND MOTOR VEHICLES 38-MOTOR EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT 38.2-Registration, Identification, and Exemptions § 109-38.204-4 Report of exempted motor vehicles. DOE offices shall provide upon request the...
A usability evaluation toolkit for In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVISs).
Harvey, Catherine; Stanton, Neville A; Pickering, Carl A; McDonald, Mike; Zheng, Pengjun
Usability must be defined specifically for the context of use of the particular system under investigation. This specific context of use should also be used to guide the definition of specific usability criteria and the selection of appropriate evaluation methods. There are four principles which can guide the selection of evaluation methods, relating to the information required in the evaluation, the stage at which to apply methods, the resources required and the people involved in the evaluation. This paper presents a framework for the evaluation of usability in the context of In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVISs). This framework guides designers through defining usability criteria for an evaluation, selecting appropriate evaluation methods and applying those methods. These stages form an iterative process of design-evaluation-redesign with the overall aim of improving the usability of IVISs and enhancing the driving experience, without compromising the safety of the driver. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Recent technological innovations and the need for increased safety and congestion reduction on the world's roads have led to the introduction of In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS). These systems will provide navigation and advisory information to ...
Development of a Data Acquisition System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) System Identification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lear, Donald Joseph
Aircraft system identification techniques are developed for fixed wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). The use of a designed flight experiment with measured system inputs/outputs can be used to derive aircraft stability derivatives. This project set out to develop a methodology to support an experiment to model pitch damping in the longitudinal short-period mode of a UAV. A Central Composite Response Surface Design was formed using angle of attack and power levels as factors to test for the pitching moment coefficient response induced by a multistep pitching maneuver. Selecting a high-quality data acquisition platform was critical to the success of the project. This system was designed to support fixed wing research through the addition of a custom air data vane capable of measuring angle of attack and sideslip, as well as an airspeed sensor. A Pixhawk autopilot system serves as the core and modification of the device firmware allowed for the integration of custom sensors and custom RC channels dedicated to performing system identification maneuvers. Tests were performed on all existing Pixhawk sensors to validate stated uncertainty values. The air data system was calibrated in a low speed wind tunnel and dynamic performance was verified. The assembled system was then installed in a commercially available UAV known as an Air Titan FPV in order to test the Pixhawk's automated flight maneuvers and determine the final performance of each sensor. Flight testing showed all the critical sensors produced acceptable data for further research. The Air Titan FPV airframe was found to be very flexible and did not lend itself well to accurate measurement of inertial properties. This realization prohibited the construction of the required math models for longitudinal dynamics. It is recommended that future projects using the developed methods choose an aircraft with a more rigid airframe.
Detection of foliage-obscured vehicle using a multiwavelength polarimetric lidar
Tan, S.; Stoker, J.; Greenlee, S.
Foliage obscured man-made targets detection and identification is of great interest to many applications. In this paper, the backscattered laser signals from a multiwavelength polarimetric lidar were used to detect a vehicle hidden inside a vegetated area. The Polarimetric reflectance data from the lidar at two separate laser wavelengths at 1064 nm and 532 nm revealed distinct target characteristics from both the vehicle and the vegetation. The results from this case study demonstrated the validity of the proposed lidar detection technique. Furthermore, the results could potentially lead to a lidar detection and identification technique for a wide variety of foliage-obscured man-made targets under various application scenarios. ?? 2007 IEEE.
Dynamic Stiffness Transfer Function of an Electromechanical Actuator Using System Identification
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kim, Sang Hwa; Tahk, Min-Jea
In the aeroelastic analysis of flight vehicles with electromechanical actuators (EMAs), an accurate prediction of flutter requires dynamic stiffness characteristics of the EMA. The dynamic stiffness transfer function of the EMA with brushless direct current (BLDC) motor can be obtained by conducting complicated mathematical calculations of control algorithms and mechanical/electrical nonlinearities using linearization techniques. Thus, system identification approaches using experimental data, as an alternative, have considerable advantages. However, the test setup for system identification is expensive and complex, and experimental procedures for data collection are time-consuming tasks. To obtain the dynamic stiffness transfer function, this paper proposes a linear system identification method that uses information obtained from a reliable dynamic stiffness model with a control algorithm and nonlinearities. The results of this study show that the system identification procedure is compact, and the transfer function is able to describe the dynamic stiffness characteristics of the EMA. In addition, to verify the validity of the system identification method, the simulation results of the dynamic stiffness transfer function and the dynamic stiffness model were compared with the experimental data for various external loads.
Nirula, R; Pintar, F A
Thoracic trauma secondary to motor vehicle crashes (MVC) continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Specific vehicle features may increase the risk of severe thoracic injury when striking the occupant. We sought to determine which vehicle contact points were associated with an increased risk of severe thoracic injury in MVC to focus subsequent design modifications necessary to reduce thoracic injury. The National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) databases from 1993 to 2001 and the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) databases from 1996 to 2004 were analyzed separately using univariate and multivariate logistic regression stratified by restraint use and crash direction. The risk of driver thoracic injury, defined as an abbreviated injury scale (AIS) of score > or =3, was determined as it related to specific points of contact between the vehicle and the driver. The incidence of severe chest injury in NASS and CIREN were 5.5% and 33%, respectively. The steering wheel, door panel, armrest, and seat were identified as contact points associated with an increased risk of severe chest injury. The door panel and arm rest were consistently a frequent cause of severe injury in both the NASS and CIREN data. Several vehicle contact points, including the steering wheel, door panel, armrest and seat are associated with an increased risk of severe thoracic injury when striking the occupant. These elements need to be further investigated to determine which characteristics need to be manipulated in order to reduce thoracic trauma during a crash.
Fincannon, Thomas; Keebler, Joseph R; Jentsch, Florian; Curtis, Michael
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of environmental and cognitive factors on the identification of targets from an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). This was accomplished by manipulating obstruction, camouflage and familiarity of objects in the environment, while also measuring spatial ability. The effects of these variables on target identification were studied by measuring performance of participants that observed pre-recorded video from a 1:35 scaled military operations in urban terrain facility. Analyses indicated that a combination of camouflage and obstruction caused the most detrimental effects on performance, and that there were differences in the recognition of familiar and unfamiliar targets. Further analysis indicated that these detrimental effects could only be overcome with a combination of target familiarity and spatial ability. The findings highlight the degree to which environmental factors hinder performance and the need for a multidimensional approach for improving performance under these conditions. Areas in need of future research are also discussed. Cognitive theory is applied to the problem of perception from UGVs. Results from an experimental study indicate that a combination of camouflage and obstruction caused the most detrimental effects on performance, with differences in the recognition of both familiar and unfamiliar targets. Familiarity and spatial ability interacted to predict the performance.
41 CFR 102-34.195 - Must we submit a report concerning motor vehicles exempted under this subpart?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... REGULATION PERSONAL PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.195 Must we submit a report concerning motor vehicles exempted under this... concerning motor vehicles exempted under this subpart? 102-34.195 Section 102-34.195 Public Contracts and...
41 CFR 102-34.195 - Must we submit a report concerning motor vehicles exempted under this subpart?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... REGULATION PERSONAL PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.195 Must we submit a report concerning motor vehicles exempted under this... concerning motor vehicles exempted under this subpart? 102-34.195 Section 102-34.195 Public Contracts and...
41 CFR 102-34.195 - Must we submit a report concerning motor vehicles exempted under this subpart?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... REGULATION PERSONAL PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.195 Must we submit a report concerning motor vehicles exempted under this... concerning motor vehicles exempted under this subpart? 102-34.195 Section 102-34.195 Public Contracts and...
41 CFR 102-34.195 - Must we submit a report concerning motor vehicles exempted under this subpart?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... REGULATION PERSONAL PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.195 Must we submit a report concerning motor vehicles exempted under this... concerning motor vehicles exempted under this subpart? 102-34.195 Section 102-34.195 Public Contracts and...
41 CFR 102-34.195 - Must we submit a report concerning motor vehicles exempted under this subpart?
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... REGULATION PERSONAL PROPERTY 34-MOTOR VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Identifying and Registering Motor Vehicles Identification Exemptions § 102-34.195 Must we submit a report concerning motor vehicles exempted under this... concerning motor vehicles exempted under this subpart? 102-34.195 Section 102-34.195 Public Contracts and...
Vehicle dynamic analysis using neuronal network algorithms
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Oloeriu, Florin; Mocian, Oana
Theoretical developments of certain engineering areas, the emergence of new investigation tools, which are better and more precise and their implementation on-board the everyday vehicles, all these represent main influence factors that impact the theoretical and experimental study of vehicle's dynamic behavior. Once the implementation of these new technologies onto the vehicle's construction had been achieved, it had led to more and more complex systems. Some of the most important, such as the electronic control of engine, transmission, suspension, steering, braking and traction had a positive impact onto the vehicle's dynamic behavior. The existence of CPU on-board vehicles allows data acquisition and storage and it leads to a more accurate and better experimental and theoretical study of vehicle dynamics. It uses the information offered directly by the already on-board built-in elements of electronic control systems. The technical literature that studies vehicle dynamics is entirely focused onto parametric analysis. This kind of approach adopts two simplifying assumptions. Functional parameters obey certain distribution laws, which are known in classical statistics theory. The second assumption states that the mathematical models are previously known and have coefficients that are not time-dependent. Both the mentioned assumptions are not confirmed in real situations: the functional parameters do not follow any known statistical repartition laws and the mathematical laws aren't previously known and contain families of parameters and are mostly time-dependent. The purpose of the paper is to present a more accurate analysis methodology that can be applied when studying vehicle's dynamic behavior. A method that provides the setting of non-parametrical mathematical models for vehicle's dynamic behavior is relying on neuronal networks. This method contains coefficients that are time-dependent. Neuronal networks are mostly used in various types' system controls, thus
2014 Vehicle Technologies Market Report
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Davis, Stacy Cagle; Diegel, Susan W; Boundy, Robert Gary
This is the sixth edition of this report, which details the major trends in U.S. light-duty vehicle and medium/heavy truck markets as well as the underlying trends that caused them. This report is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy s (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO), and, in accord with its mission, pays special attention to the progress of high-efficiency and alternative-fuel technologies. After opening with a discussion of energy and economics, this report features a section each on the light-duty vehicle and heavy/medium truck markets, and concluding with a section each on technology and policy. The first section onmore » Energy and Economics discusses the role of transportation energy and vehicle markets on a national (and even international) scale. The following section examines Light-Duty Vehicle use, markets, manufacture, and supply chains. The discussion of Medium and Heavy Trucks offers information on truck sales and technologies specific to heavy trucks. The Technology section offers information on alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure, and the Policy section concludes with information on recent, current, and near-future Federal policies like the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards. In total, the information contained in this report is intended to communicate a fairly complete understanding of U.S. highway transportation energy through a series of easily digestible tables and figures.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pearre, Nathaniel S.
The substitution of electrical energy for gasoline as a transportation fuel is an initiative both with a long history, and one made both pressing and important in today's policy discussion by renewed interest in plug-in vehicles. The research presented in this dissertation attempts to inform the policy discussion for governments, for electric utilities, for the makers of electric cars, and for the industries developing and planning charging infrastructure. To that end, the impacts of variations to several possible system design parameters, on several metrics of evaluation, are assessed. The analysis is based on a dataset of vehicle trips collected by Georgia Institute of Technology, tracking almost 500 vehicles that commute to, from or within the Atlanta city center, comprising Atlanta `commuter-shed'. By assuming that this dataset of trips defines the desired travel behavior of urban and suburban American populations, the effects of travel electrification in personal vehicles can be assessed. Several significant and novel findings have emerged from this research. These include the conclusion that at-work charging is not necessarily the logical next step beyond home-charging, as it will in general add little to the substitutability of electric vehicles. In contrast, high power en-route charging, combined with modest power home charging is shown to be surprisingly effective, potentially requiring of EV drivers a total time spent at en-route recharging stations similar to that for liquid fueled cars. From the vehicle marketing perspective, a quantification of the hybrid household effect, wherein multi-vehicle households own one EV, showed that about a quarter of all households could adopt a vehicle with 80 miles of range with no changes to travel patterns. Of interest to grid management, this research showed an apparent maximum fleet-wide load from unregulated charging of about 1 kW per vehicle, regardless of EVSE power or EV battery size. This contrasts with a
An Agent-Based Information System for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deployment
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The current scarcity of public charging infrastructure is one of the major barriers to mass household adoption of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). Although most PEV drivers can recharge their vehicles at home, the limited driving range of the vehicl...
49 CFR 565.10 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS VIN Requirements... vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle recall campaigns. ...
49 CFR 565.10 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS VIN Requirements... vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle recall campaigns. ...
49 CFR 565.10 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS VIN Requirements... vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle recall campaigns. ...
49 CFR 565.10 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS VIN Requirements... vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle recall campaigns. ...
49 CFR 565.10 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS VIN Requirements... vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle recall campaigns. ...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks Model Deployment Initiative (CVISN MDI) is funded by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) and managed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA),...
Pedestrians' perception and response towards vehicles during road-crossing at nighttime.
Balasubramanian, Venkatesh; Bhardwaj, Rahul
Pedestrian being involved in road traffic accidents (RTA) is about 22% of all road traffic related deaths. In this study, we have estimated the pedestrian's response towards an approaching vehicle and the time taken to correctly recognize it while they crossed the road in dim-light nighttime conditions. This is also extendable to cycles and other low powered vehicles. Thirty volunteers participated in this study. A collection of six videos, which comprised of different vehicle scenarios were shown to each of the participants. It was observed that correct identification and time to recognize the vehicle was fastest when light emitting diode (LED) strip was fixed between headlights of a four-wheeler. Average time to recognize a low beam car and a high beam car with an LED strip was 7.62±2.39s and 11.23±2.94s respectively, whereas correct identification rates of the said low beam and high beam cars with LED strips were 93.33% and 86.67% respectively. Earlier when no LED was used, time to recognize low beam car and high beam car without LED strip were 20.55±3.50s and 25.57±4.14s respectively whereas correct identification of low beam car without LED strip and high beam car without LED strip were 90.00% and 56.67% respectively. Pedestrians are therefore less confused and can take right decision while crossing the road - particularly in a poor lighting environment - when there is a demarcating illumination between headlights of vehicle. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Unger, Johannes; Hametner, Christoph; Jakubek, Stefan; Quasthoff, Marcus
An accurate state of charge (SoC) estimation of a traction battery in hybrid electric non-road vehicles, which possess higher dynamics and power densities than on-road vehicles, requires a precise battery cell terminal voltage model. This paper presents a novel methodology for non-linear system identification of battery cells to obtain precise battery models. The methodology comprises the architecture of local model networks (LMN) and optimal model based design of experiments (DoE). Three main novelties are proposed: 1) Optimal model based DoE, which aims to high dynamically excite the battery cells at load ranges frequently used in operation. 2) The integration of corresponding inputs in the LMN to regard the non-linearities SoC, relaxation, hysteresis as well as temperature effects. 3) Enhancements to the local linear model tree (LOLIMOT) construction algorithm, to achieve a physical appropriate interpretation of the LMN. The framework is applicable for different battery cell chemistries and different temperatures, and is real time capable, which is shown on an industrial PC. The accuracy of the obtained non-linear battery model is demonstrated on cells with different chemistries and temperatures. The results show significant improvement due to optimal experiment design and integration of the battery non-linearities within the LMN structure.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false What information on support vessels, offshore vehicles, and aircraft you will use must accompany the EP? 250.224 Section 250.224 Mineral Resources BUREAU... GAS AND SULPHUR OPERATIONS IN THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF Plans and Information Contents of...
49 CFR 580.5 - Disclosure of odometer information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... the vehicle, including its make, model, year, and body type, and its vehicle identification number. (d... the mileage disclosed by the transferor when ownership of the vehicle was transferred and contain a... vehicle, each transferor shall disclose the mileage to the transferee in writing on the title or, except...
49 CFR 580.5 - Disclosure of odometer information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... the vehicle, including its make, model, year, and body type, and its vehicle identification number. (d... the mileage disclosed by the transferor when ownership of the vehicle was transferred and contain a... vehicle, each transferor shall disclose the mileage to the transferee in writing on the title or, except...
49 CFR 580.5 - Disclosure of odometer information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... the vehicle, including its make, model, year, and body type, and its vehicle identification number. (d... the mileage disclosed by the transferor when ownership of the vehicle was transferred and contain a... vehicle, each transferor shall disclose the mileage to the transferee in writing on the title or, except...
49 CFR 580.5 - Disclosure of odometer information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... the vehicle, including its make, model, year, and body type, and its vehicle identification number. (d... the mileage disclosed by the transferor when ownership of the vehicle was transferred and contain a... vehicle, each transferor shall disclose the mileage to the transferee in writing on the title or, except...
49 CFR 565.1 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS General... requirements for a vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle recall campaigns. ...
49 CFR 565.1 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS General... requirements for a vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle recall campaigns. ...
49 CFR 565.1 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS General... requirements for a vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle recall campaigns. ...
49 CFR 565.1 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS General... requirements for a vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle recall campaigns. ...
49 CFR 565.1 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS General... requirements for a vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of vehicle recall campaigns. ...
In-vehicle VOCs composition of unconditioned, newly produced cars.
Brodzik, Krzysztof; Faber, Joanna; Łomankiewicz, Damian; Gołda-Kopek, Anna
The in-vehicle volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentrations gains the attention of both car producers and users. In the present study, an attempt was made to determine if analysis of air samples collected from an unconditioned car cabin can be used as a quality control measure. The VOCs composition of in-vehicle air was analyzed by means of active sampling on Carbograph 1TD and Tenax TA sorbents, followed by thermal desorption and simultaneous analysis on flame ionization and mass detector (TD-GC/FID-MS). Nine newly produced cars of the same brand and model were chosen for this study. Within these, four of the vehicles were equipped with identical interior materials and five others differed in terms of upholstery and the presence of a sunroof; one car was convertible. The sampling event took place outside of the car assembly plant and the cars tested left the assembly line no later than 24 hr before the sampling took place. More than 250 compounds were present in the samples collected; the identification of more than 160 was confirmed by comparative mass spectra analysis and 80 were confirmed by both comparison with single/multiple compounds standards and mass spectra analysis. In general, aliphatic hydrocarbons represented more than 60% of the total VOCs (TVOC) determined. Depending on the vehicle, the concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons varied from 12% to 27% of total VOCs. The very short period between car production and sampling of the in-vehicle air permits the assumption that the entire TVOC originates from off-gassing of interior materials. The results of this study expand the knowledge of in-vehicle pollution by presenting information about car cabin air quality immediately after car production. Copyright © 2014 The Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Jiang, Wen; Cao, Ying; Yang, Lin; He, Zichang
Specific emitter identification plays an important role in contemporary military affairs. However, most of the existing specific emitter identification methods haven't taken into account the processing of uncertain information. Therefore, this paper proposes a time-space domain information fusion method based on Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, which has the ability to deal with uncertain information in the process of specific emitter identification. In this paper, radars will generate a group of evidence respectively based on the information they obtained, and our main task is to fuse the multiple groups of evidence to get a reasonable result. Within the framework of recursive centralized fusion model, the proposed method incorporates a correlation coefficient, which measures the relevance between evidence and a quantum mechanical approach, which is based on the parameters of radar itself. The simulation results of an illustrative example demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively deal with uncertain information and get a reasonable recognition result.
Jayaratne, E R; Morawska, L; Ristovski, Z D; He, C
Pollutant concentrations measured in the exhaust plume of a vehicle may be related to the pollutant emission factor using the CO2 concentration as a measure of the dilution factor. We have used this method for the rapid identification of high particle number (PN) emitting on-road vehicles. The method was validated for PN using a medium-duty vehicle and successfully applied to measurements of PN emissions from a large fleet of on-road diesel buses. The ratio of PN concentration to CO2 concentration, Z, in the exhaust plume was estimated for individual buses. On the average, a bus emitted about 1.5 x 10(9) particles per mg of CO2 emitted. A histogram of the number of buses as a function of Z showed, for the first time, that the PN emissions from diesel buses followed a gamma distribution, with most of the values within a narrow range and a few buses exhibiting relatively large values. It was estimated that roughly 10% and 50% of the PN emissions came from just 2% and 25% of the buses, respectively. A regression analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between Z and age of buses, with the slope of the best line being significantly different from zero. The mean Z value for the pre-Euro buses was significantly greater than each of the values for the Euro I and II buses.
49 CFR 599.502 - Record retention.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... facility information, owner eligibility information, vehicle eligibility information (including vehicle fuel economy), dealer applications for reimbursement under the program, vehicle identification number data, vehicle ownership information, vehicle title, registration and insurance information, sales...
49 CFR 599.502 - Record retention.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... facility information, owner eligibility information, vehicle eligibility information (including vehicle fuel economy), dealer applications for reimbursement under the program, vehicle identification number data, vehicle ownership information, vehicle title, registration and insurance information, sales...
49 CFR 599.502 - Record retention.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... facility information, owner eligibility information, vehicle eligibility information (including vehicle fuel economy), dealer applications for reimbursement under the program, vehicle identification number data, vehicle ownership information, vehicle title, registration and insurance information, sales...
49 CFR 599.502 - Record retention.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... facility information, owner eligibility information, vehicle eligibility information (including vehicle fuel economy), dealer applications for reimbursement under the program, vehicle identification number data, vehicle ownership information, vehicle title, registration and insurance information, sales...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... solicits comments on information needed to issue a Personal Identity Verification (PIV) identification card... Personnel Security and Identity Management (07C), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue NW...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The objective was to evaluate economic justifications for motor carriers to participate in CVISN deployment. CVISN (Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks) includes: interstate credentials administration (registration and permitting), el...
Using Climate Information for Disaster Risk Identification in Sri Lanka
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zubair, L.
We have engaged in a concerted attempt to undertake research and apply earth science information for development in Sri Lanka, with a focus on climate sciences. Here, we provide details of an ongoing attempt to harness science for disaster identification as a prelude to informed disaster management. Natural disasters not only result in death and destruction but also undermine decades of development gains as highlighted by recent examples from Sri Lanka. First, in May 2003, flooding and landslides in the South-West led to 260 deaths, damage to 120,000 homes and destruction of schools, infrastructure and agricultural land. Second, on December 26, 2000, a cyclone in the North-Central region left 8 dead, 55,000 displaced, with severe damage to fishing, agriculture, infrastructure and cultural sites. Third, an extended island-wide drought in 2001 and 2002 resulted in a 2% drop in GDP. In the aftermath of these disasters, improved disaster management has been deemed to be urgent by the Government of Sri Lanka. In the past the primary policy response to disasters was to provide emergency relief. It is increasingly recognized that appropriate disaster risk management, including risk assessment, preventive measures to reduce losses and improved preparedness, can help reduce death, destruction and socio-economic disruption. The overwhelming majority of hazards in Sri Lanka - droughts, floods, cyclones and landslides -have hydro-meteorological antecedents. Little systematic advantage has, however, been taken of hydro-meteorological information and advances in climate prediction for disaster management. Disaster risks are created by the interaction between hazard events and vulnerabilities of communities, infrastructure and economically important activities. A comprehensive disaster risk management system encompasses risk identification, risk reduction and risk transfer. We undertook an identification of risks for Sri Lanka at fine scale with the support of the Global Disaster
communication from the gunner who is able to offer enhanced visual information about the entity (e.g., insignia, type of weaponry) or radio contact may...1999 (Fuzzy Logic); Clemen & Winkler, in press (Bayes Theorem); Sentz & Ferson, 2002 (Dempster-Shafer)). Humansystems® Combat Identification...incidents when other units get lost and appear in unexpected locations. The formation radios for additional information from the operations officer
Han, In Hee; Choi, Sung-Up; Nam, Dae Young; Park, Young Mi; Kang, Myung Joo; Kang, Kyoung Hoon; Kim, Yong Min; Bae, Gunho; Oh, Il Young; Park, Jong Hyeok; Ye, Jin Soo; Choi, Yoon Bae; Kim, Duk Ki; Lee, Jaehwi; Choi, Young Wook
As an initial step to develop the transdermal delivery system of glucosamine hydrochloride (GL-HCl), the permeation study across the rat skin in vitro was performed to identify the most efficient vehicle with regard to the ability to deliver GL-HCl transdermally. The GL-HCl formulations such as o/w cream, liposome suspension, liposomal gel, and liquid crystalline vehicles were prepared and compared for transdermal flux of GL-HCl. The liquid crystalline vehicles were more effective in increasing the skin permeation of GL-HCl than o/w cream and liposomal vehicles. Of the liquid crystalline vehicles tested, the permeation enhancing ability of the cubic phase was greater than that of the hexagonal phase when the nanoparticle dispersion was used. The skin permeation enhancing ability of the cubic nanoparticles for GL-HCl was further increased by employing both oleic acid and polyethylene glycol 200. Therefore, the cubic liquid crystalline nanodispersion containing oleic acid and PEG 200 can provide a possibility of clinical application of transdermal GL-HCl.
Vehicle Information Exchange Needs for Mobility Applications : Version 2.0
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Connected Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) safety applications heavily rely on the BSM, which is one of the messages defined in the Society of Automotive standard J2735, Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary, November 2009. The B...
Northwest passage: Trade route for large air cushion vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Anderson, J. L.
A conceptual vehicle and powerplant (10,000-ton) nuclear-powered air-cushion vehicle (ACV) that could open the Northwest Passage and other Arctic passages to commercial traffic is identified. The report contains a description of the conceptual vehicle, including the powerplant and operations, an assessment of technical feasibility, estimates of capital and operating costs, and identification of eligible cargo and markets. A comparison of the nuclear ACV freighter with nuclear container ships shows that for containerized or roll-on/roll-off cargo the ACV would provide greatly reduced transit time between North Atlantic and North Pacific ports at a competitive cost.
40 CFR 600.006 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy data vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... for electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles to allow for properly... fuel economy data vehicles. 600.006 Section 600.006 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) ENERGY POLICY FUEL ECONOMY AND GREENHOUSE GAS EXHAUST EMISSIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLES...
40 CFR 600.006 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy data vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... for electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles to allow for properly... fuel economy data vehicles. 600.006 Section 600.006 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) ENERGY POLICY FUEL ECONOMY AND GREENHOUSE GAS EXHAUST EMISSIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLES...
40 CFR 600.006 - Data and information requirements for fuel economy data vehicles.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... for electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles to allow for properly... fuel economy data vehicles. 600.006 Section 600.006 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) ENERGY POLICY FUEL ECONOMY AND GREENHOUSE GAS EXHAUST EMISSIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLES...
Letter-case information and the identification of brand names.
Perea, Manuel; Jiménez, María; Talero, Fernanda; López-Cañada, Soraya
A central tenet of most current models of visual-word recognition is that lexical units are activated on the basis of case-invariant abstract letter representations. Here, we examined this assumption by using a unique type of words: brand names. The rationale of the experiments is that brand names are archetypically printed either in lowercase (e.g., adidas) or uppercase (e.g., IKEA). This allows us to present the brand names in their standard or non-standard case configuration (e.g., adidas, IKEA vs. ADIDAS, ikea, respectively). We conducted two experiments with a brand-decision task ('is it a brand name?'): a single-presentation experiment and a masked priming experiment. Results in the single-presentation experiment revealed faster identification times of brand names in their standard case configuration than in their non-standard case configuration (i.e., adidas faster than ADIDAS; IKEA faster than ikea). In the masked priming experiment, we found faster identification times of brand names when they were preceded by an identity prime that matched its standard case configuration than when it did not (i.e., faster response times to adidas-adidas than to ADIDAS-adidas). Taken together, the present findings strongly suggest that letter-case information forms part of a brand name's graphemic information, thus posing some limits to current models of visual-word recognition. © 2014 The British Psychological Society.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Vehicle re-identification methods can be used to anonymously match vehicles crossing two different locations based on vehicle attribute data. : This research builds upon a previous study and investigates different methods for solving the re-identific...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Tardiff, Mark F.; Runkle, Robert C.; Anderson, K. K.
The goal of primary radiation monitoring in support of routine screening and emergency response is to detect characteristics in vehicle radiation signatures that indicate the presence of potential threats. Two conceptual approaches to analyzing gamma-ray spectra for threat detection are isotope identification and anomaly detection. While isotope identification is the time-honored method, an emerging technique is anomaly detection that uses benign vehicle gamma ray signatures to define an expectation of the radiation signature for vehicles that do not pose a threat. Newly acquired spectra are then compared to this expectation using statistical criteria that reflect acceptable false alarm rates andmore » probabilities of detection. The gamma-ray spectra analyzed here were collected at a U.S. land Port of Entry (POE) using a NaI-based radiation portal monitor (RPM). The raw data were analyzed to develop a benign vehicle expectation by decimating the original pulse-height channels to 35 energy bins, extracting composite variables via principal components analysis (PCA), and estimating statistically weighted distances from the mean vehicle spectrum with the mahalanobis distance (MD) metric. This paper reviews the methods used to establish the anomaly identification criteria and presents a systematic analysis of the response of the combined PCA and MD algorithm to modeled mono-energetic gamma-ray sources.« less
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This report describes the results of an on-road study that examined how Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) information influences driver behavior. The objective of the study was to develop ATIS design guidelines, primarily for In-Vehicle Si...
Sun, Rui; Cheng, Qi; Xue, Dabin; Wang, Guanyu; Ochieng, Washington Yotto
The increasing number of vehicles in modern cities brings the problem of increasing crashes. One of the applications or services of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) conceived to improve safety and reduce congestion is collision avoidance. This safety critical application requires sub-meter level vehicle state estimation accuracy with very high integrity, continuity and availability, to detect an impending collision and issue a warning or intervene in the case that the warning is not heeded. Because of the challenging city environment, to date there is no approved method capable of delivering this high level of performance in vehicle state estimation. In particular, the current Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) based collision avoidance systems have the major limitation that the real-time accuracy of dynamic state estimation deteriorates during abrupt acceleration and deceleration situations, compromising the integrity of collision avoidance. Therefore, to provide the Required Navigation Performance (RNP) for collision avoidance, this paper proposes a novel Particle Filter (PF) based model for the integration or fusion of real-time kinematic (RTK) GNSS position solutions with electronic compass and road segment data used in conjunction with an Autoregressive (AR) motion model. The real-time vehicle state estimates are used together with distance based collision avoidance algorithms to predict potential collisions. The algorithms are tested by simulation and in the field representing a low density urban environment. The results show that the proposed algorithm meets the horizontal positioning accuracy requirement for collision avoidance and is superior to positioning accuracy of GNSS only, traditional Constant Velocity (CV) and Constant Acceleration (CA) based motion models, with a significant improvement in the prediction accuracy of potential collision.
Cheng, Qi; Xue, Dabin; Wang, Guanyu; Ochieng, Washington Yotto
The increasing number of vehicles in modern cities brings the problem of increasing crashes. One of the applications or services of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) conceived to improve safety and reduce congestion is collision avoidance. This safety critical application requires sub-meter level vehicle state estimation accuracy with very high integrity, continuity and availability, to detect an impending collision and issue a warning or intervene in the case that the warning is not heeded. Because of the challenging city environment, to date there is no approved method capable of delivering this high level of performance in vehicle state estimation. In particular, the current Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) based collision avoidance systems have the major limitation that the real-time accuracy of dynamic state estimation deteriorates during abrupt acceleration and deceleration situations, compromising the integrity of collision avoidance. Therefore, to provide the Required Navigation Performance (RNP) for collision avoidance, this paper proposes a novel Particle Filter (PF) based model for the integration or fusion of real-time kinematic (RTK) GNSS position solutions with electronic compass and road segment data used in conjunction with an Autoregressive (AR) motion model. The real-time vehicle state estimates are used together with distance based collision avoidance algorithms to predict potential collisions. The algorithms are tested by simulation and in the field representing a low density urban environment. The results show that the proposed algorithm meets the horizontal positioning accuracy requirement for collision avoidance and is superior to positioning accuracy of GNSS only, traditional Constant Velocity (CV) and Constant Acceleration (CA) based motion models, with a significant improvement in the prediction accuracy of potential collision. PMID:29186851
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Requirements § 585.16 Records. Each manufacturer shall maintain records of the Vehicle Identification Number of each vehicle for which information is reported under § 585.15(c) until December 31, 2011. Each manufacturer shall maintain records of the Vehicle Identification Number of each vehicle for which information...
Yaw rate control of an air bearing vehicle
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Walcott, Bruce L.
The results of a 6 week project which focused on the problem of controlling the yaw (rotational) rate the air bearing vehicle used on NASA's flat floor facility are summarized. Contained within is a listing of the equipment available for task completion and an evaluation of the suitability of this equipment. The identification (modeling) process of the air bearing vehicle is detailed as well as the subsequent closed-loop control strategy. The effectiveness of the solution is discussed and further recommendations are included.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Han, Xuebing; Ouyang, Minggao; Lu, Languang; Li, Jianqiu; Zheng, Yuejiu; Li, Zhe
When lithium-ion batteries age with cycling, the battery capacity decreases and the resistance increases. The aging mechanism of different types of lithium-ion batteries differs. The loss of lithium inventory, loss of active material, and the increase in resistance may result in battery aging. Generally, analysis of the battery aging mechanism requires dismantling of batteries and using methods such as X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. These methods may permanently damage the battery. Therefore, the methods are inappropriate for the battery management system (BMS) in an electric vehicle. The constant current charging curves while charging the battery could be used to get the incremental capacity and differential voltage curves for identifying the aging mechanism; the battery state-of-health can then be estimated. This method can be potentially used in the BMS for online diagnostic and prognostic services. The genetic algorithm could be used to quantitatively analyze the battery aging offline. And the membership function could be used for onboard aging mechanism identification.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhang, Jie-Lin; Wang, Jun-hu; Zhou, Mi; Huang, Yan-ju; Xuan, Yan-xiu; Wu, Ding
The modern Earth Observation System (EOS) technology takes important role in the uranium geological exploration, and high resolution remote sensing as one of key parts of EOS is vital to characterize spectral and spatial information of uranium mineralization factors. Utilizing satellite high spatial resolution and hyperspectral remote sensing data (QuickBird, Radarsat2, ASTER), field spectral measurement (ASD data) and geological survey, this paper established the spectral identification characteristics of uranium mineralization factors including six different types of alaskite, lower and upper marble of Rössing formation, dolerite, alkali metasomatism, hematization and chloritization in the central zone of Damara Orogen, Namibia. Moreover, adopted the texture information identification technology, the geographical distribution zones of ore-controlling faults and boundaries between the different strata were delineated. Based on above approaches, the remote sensing geological anomaly information and image interpretation signs of uranium mineralization factors were extracted, the metallogenic conditions were evaluated, and the prospective areas have been predicted.
Spot the match – wildlife photo-identification using information theory
Speed, Conrad W; Meekan, Mark G; Bradshaw, Corey JA
Background Effective approaches for the management and conservation of wildlife populations require a sound knowledge of population demographics, and this is often only possible through mark-recapture studies. We applied an automated spot-recognition program (I3S) for matching natural markings of wildlife that is based on a novel information-theoretic approach to incorporate matching uncertainty. Using a photo-identification database of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) as an example case, the information criterion (IC) algorithm we developed resulted in a parsimonious ranking of potential matches of individuals in an image library. Automated matches were compared to manual-matching results to test the performance of the software and algorithm. Results Validation of matched and non-matched images provided a threshold IC weight (approximately 0.2) below which match certainty was not assured. Most images tested were assigned correctly; however, scores for the by-eye comparison were lower than expected, possibly due to the low sample size. The effect of increasing horizontal angle of sharks in images reduced matching likelihood considerably. There was a negative linear relationship between the number of matching spot pairs and matching score, but this relationship disappeared when using the IC algorithm. Conclusion The software and use of easily applied information-theoretic scores of match parsimony provide a reliable and freely available method for individual identification of wildlife, with wide applications and the potential to improve mark-recapture studies without resorting to invasive marking techniques. PMID:17227581
Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle Publications | Transportation Research | NREL
Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle Publications Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle Publications The following technical papers and fact sheets provide information about NREL's hydraulic hybrid fleet vehicle evaluations . Refuse Trucks Project Startup: Evaluating the Performance of Hydraulic Hybrid Refuse Vehicles. Bob
In-Vehicle Signing Functions and Systems Concepts
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This paper describes functional requirements and system concepts for an In-Vehicle Signing (IVS) system, which will bring information from roadway signs, signals, and pavement markings into the vehicle for presentation to the driver. Information filt...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This document constitutes the project plan for the Maryland Commercial Vehicle : Information Systems and Networks Prototype, a project undertaken by the State of : Maryland in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration, the Commonwealth of :...
Concussion in Motor Vehicle Accidents: The Concussion Identification Index
Motor Vehicle Accidents; TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury); Brain Contusion; Brain Injuries; Cortical Contusion; Concussion Mild; Cerebral Concussion; Brain Concussion; Accidents, Traffic; Traffic Accidents; Traumatic Brain Injury With Brief Loss of Consciousness; Traumatic Brain Injury With no Loss of Consciousness; Traumatic Brain Injury With Loss of Consciousness
Knowledge Navigation for Virtual Vehicles
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Gomez, Julian E.
A virtual vehicle is a digital model of the knowledge surrounding a potentially real vehicle. Knowledge consists not only of the tangible information, such as CAD, but also what is known about the knowledge - its metadata. This paper is an overview of technologies relevant to building a virtual vehicle, and an assessment of how to bring those technologies together.
40 CFR 600.007 - Vehicle acceptability.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... a different maximum value for electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell... 600.007 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) ENERGY POLICY FUEL... Administrator will judge the acceptability of a fuel economy data vehicle on the basis of the information...
40 CFR 600.007 - Vehicle acceptability.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... a different maximum value for electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell... 600.007 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) ENERGY POLICY FUEL... Administrator will judge the acceptability of a fuel economy data vehicle on the basis of the information...
40 CFR 600.007 - Vehicle acceptability.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... a different maximum value for electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell... 600.007 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) ENERGY POLICY FUEL... Administrator will judge the acceptability of a fuel economy data vehicle on the basis of the information...
An Information Extraction Framework for Cohort Identification Using Electronic Health Records
Liu, Hongfang; Bielinski, Suzette J.; Sohn, Sunghwan; Murphy, Sean; Wagholikar, Kavishwar B.; Jonnalagadda, Siddhartha R.; Ravikumar, K.E.; Wu, Stephen T.; Kullo, Iftikhar J.; Chute, Christopher G
Information extraction (IE), a natural language processing (NLP) task that automatically extracts structured or semi-structured information from free text, has become popular in the clinical domain for supporting automated systems at point-of-care and enabling secondary use of electronic health records (EHRs) for clinical and translational research. However, a high performance IE system can be very challenging to construct due to the complexity and dynamic nature of human language. In this paper, we report an IE framework for cohort identification using EHRs that is a knowledge-driven framework developed under the Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA). A system to extract specific information can be developed by subject matter experts through expert knowledge engineering of the externalized knowledge resources used in the framework. PMID:24303255
An information extraction framework for cohort identification using electronic health records.
Liu, Hongfang; Bielinski, Suzette J; Sohn, Sunghwan; Murphy, Sean; Wagholikar, Kavishwar B; Jonnalagadda, Siddhartha R; Ravikumar, K E; Wu, Stephen T; Kullo, Iftikhar J; Chute, Christopher G
Information extraction (IE), a natural language processing (NLP) task that automatically extracts structured or semi-structured information from free text, has become popular in the clinical domain for supporting automated systems at point-of-care and enabling secondary use of electronic health records (EHRs) for clinical and translational research. However, a high performance IE system can be very challenging to construct due to the complexity and dynamic nature of human language. In this paper, we report an IE framework for cohort identification using EHRs that is a knowledge-driven framework developed under the Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA). A system to extract specific information can be developed by subject matter experts through expert knowledge engineering of the externalized knowledge resources used in the framework.
Vehicle fault diagnostics and management system
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gopal, Jagadeesh; Gowthamsachin
This project is a kind of advanced automatic identification technology, and is more and more widely used in the fields of transportation and logistics. It looks over the main functions with like Vehicle management, Vehicle Speed limit and Control. This system starts with authentication process to keep itself secure. Here we connect sensors to the STM32 board which in turn is connected to the car through Ethernet cable, as Ethernet in capable of sending large amounts of data at high speeds. This technology involved clearly shows how a careful combination of software and hardware can produce an extremely cost-effective solution to a problem.
Real-time flutter identification
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Roy, R.; Walker, R.
The techniques and a FORTRAN 77 MOdal Parameter IDentification (MOPID) computer program developed for identification of the frequencies and damping ratios of multiple flutter modes in real time are documented. Physically meaningful model parameterization was combined with state of the art recursive identification techniques and applied to the problem of real time flutter mode monitoring. The performance of the algorithm in terms of convergence speed and parameter estimation error is demonstrated for several simulated data cases, and the results of actual flight data analysis from two different vehicles are presented. It is indicated that the algorithm is capable of real time monitoring of aircraft flutter characteristics with a high degree of reliability.
identification and tracking algorithm. 14. SUBJECT TERMS unmanned ground vehicles , pure pursuit, vector field histogram, feature recognition 15. NUMBER OF...located within the various theaters of war. The pace for the development and deployment of unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) was, however, not keeping...DEVELOPMENT OF UNMANNED GROUND VEHICLES The development and fielding of UGVs in an operational role are not a new concept in the battlefield. In
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hegab, Hisham E.
The purpose of this project was to perform a thermal analysis for the NASA Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring (IVHM) Technology Experiment for X-vehicles (NITEX). This electronics package monitors vehicle sensor information in flight and downlinks vehicle health summary information via telemetry. The experiment will be tested on the X-34 in an unpressurized compartment, in the vicinity of one of the vehicle's liquid oxygen tanks. The transient temperature profile for the electronics package has been determined using finite element analysis for possible mission profiles that will most likely expose the package to the most extreme hot and cold environmental conditions. From the analyses, it was determined that temperature limits for the electronics would be exceeded for the worst case cold environment mission profile. The finite element model used for the analyses was modified to examine the use of insulation to address this problem. Recommendations for insulating the experiment for the cold environment are presented, and were analyzed to determine their effect on a nominal mission profile.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Hegab, Hisham E.
The purpose of this project was to perform a thermal analysis for the NASA Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring (IVHM) Technology Experiment for X-vehicles (NITEX). This electronics package monitors vehicle sensor information in flight and downlinks vehicle health summary information via telemetry. The experiment will be tested on the X-34 in an unpressurized compartment, in the vicinity of one of the vehicle's liquid oxygen tanks. The transient temperature profile for the electronics package has been determined using finite element analysis for possible mission profiles that will most likely expose the package to the most extreme hot and cold environmental conditions. From the analyses, it was determined that temperature limits for the electronics would be exceeded for the worst case cold environment mission profile. The finite element model used for the analyses was modified to examine the use of insulation to address this problem. Recommendations for insulating the experiment for the cold environment are presented, and were analyzed to determine their effect on a nominal mission profile.
Bunn, T; Singleton, M; Nicholson, V; Slavova, S
Prescription drug overdoses, abuse, and sales have increased dramatically in the United States in the last decade. The purpose of the present study was to link crash data with emergency department (ED) and inpatient hospitalization data to assess the concordance between the data sets in the identification of the presence of drugs among injured motor vehicle drivers (passenger cars, passenger trucks, light trucks, and semi-trucks) in Kentucky. Kentucky CRASH data were probabilistically linked to ED data sets for years 2008-2010 and to inpatient hospitalization data sets for years 2000-2010. Statistical analyses were performed. Of the 72,529 linked crash/ED visits, there were 473 drivers with an associated nondependent abuse of drugs diagnosis in the ED, and 930 drivers had drug involvement recorded in the CRASH data (only 163 cases overlapped with drug involvement both recorded in CRASH data and coded as nondependent abuse of drugs in the ED); 64 drivers had multiple drug types present in their system. Of the 20,860 total linked crash/inpatient hospitalization cases, there were 973 drivers diagnosed with nondependent abuse of drugs in the inpatient hospitalization record and 499 drivers had drug involvement recorded in the CRASH data (only 207 overlapped); 250 drivers were diagnosed with multiple drugs in their system. Surveillance data from multiple public health data sets is necessary to identify the presence of drugs in injured drivers involved in motor vehicle crashes. The use of a single surveillance data set alone may significantly underreport the number of drugged drivers who were injured in a motor vehicle collision.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Northeast Region Gear Identification Requirements AGENCY: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce, as part of its...
Display integration for ground combat vehicles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Busse, David J.
The United States Army's requirement to employ high resolution target acquisition sensors and information warfare to increase its dominance over enemy forces has led to the need to integrate advanced display devices into ground combat vehicle crew stations. The Army's force structure require the integration of advanced displays on both existing and emerging ground combat vehicle systems. The fielding of second generation target acquisition sensors, color digital terrain maps and high volume digital command and control information networks on these platforms define display performance requirements. The greatest challenge facing the system integrator is the development and integration of advanced displays that meet operational, vehicle and human computer interface performance requirements for the ground combat vehicle fleet. The subject of this paper is to address those challenges: operational and vehicle performance, non-soldier centric crew station configurations, display performance limitations related to human computer interfaces and vehicle physical environments, display technology limitations and the Department of Defense (DOD) acquisition reform initiatives. How the ground combat vehicle Program Manager and system integrator are addressing these challenges are discussed through the integration of displays on fielded, current and future close combat vehicle applications.
Emergency vehicle traffic signal preemption system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Foster, Conrad F. (Inventor); Bachelder, Aaron D. (Inventor)
An emergency vehicle traffic light preemption system for preemption of traffic lights at an intersection to allow safe passage of emergency vehicles. The system includes a real-time status monitor of an intersection which is relayed to a communications controller for transmission to emergency vehicles as well as to a central dispatch office. The system also provides for audio warnings at an intersection to protect pedestrians who may not be in a position to see visual warnings or for various reasons cannot hear the approach of emergency vehicles. A transponder mounted on an emergency vehicle provides autonomous control so the vehicle operator can attend to getting to an emergency and not be concerned with the operation of the system. Activation of a Code 3 situation provides communications with each intersection being approached by an emergency vehicle and indicates whether the intersection is preempted or if there is any conflict with other approaching emergency vehicles. On-board diagnostics handle various information including heading, speed, and acceleration sent to a communications controller which is transmitted to an intersection and which also simultaneously receives information regarding the status of an intersection.
49 CFR 565.20 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN... and physical requirements for a vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of...
49 CFR 565.20 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN... and physical requirements for a vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of...
49 CFR 565.20 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN... and physical requirements for a vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of...
49 CFR 565.20 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN... and physical requirements for a vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of...
49 CFR 565.20 - Purpose and scope.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) REQUIREMENTS Alternative VIN... and physical requirements for a vehicle identification number (VIN) system and its installation to simplify vehicle identification information retrieval and to increase the accuracy and efficiency of...
Topic Identification and Categorization of Public Information in Community-Based Social Media
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kusumawardani, RP; Basri, MH
This paper presents a work on a semi-supervised method for topic identification and classification of short texts in the social media, and its application on tweets containing dialogues in a large community of dwellers in a city, written mostly in Indonesian. These dialogues comprise a wealth of information about the city, shared in real-time. We found that despite the high irregularity of the language used, and the scarcity of suitable linguistic resources, a meaningful identification of topics could be performed by clustering the tweets using the K-Means algorithm. The resulting clusters are found to be robust enough to be the basis of a classification. On three grouping schemes derived from the clusters, we get accuracy of 95.52%, 95.51%, and 96.7 using linear SVMs, reflecting the applicability of applying this method for generating topic identification and classification on such data.
Emergency vehicle traffic signal preemption system
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bachelder, Aaron D. (Inventor); Foster, Conrad F. (Inventor)
An emergency vehicle traffic light preemption system for preemption of traffic lights at an intersection to allow safe passage of emergency vehicles. The system includes a real-time status monitor of an intersection which is relayed to a control module for transmission to emergency vehicles as well as to a central dispatch office. The system also provides for audio warnings at an intersection to protect pedestrians who may not be in a position to see visual warnings or for various reasons cannot hear the approach of emergency vehicles. A transponder mounted on an emergency vehicle provides autonomous control so the vehicle operator can attend to getting to an emergency and not be concerned with the operation of the system. Activation of a priority-code (i.e. Code-3) situation provides communications with each intersection being approached by an emergency vehicle and indicates whether the intersection is preempted or if there is any conflict with other approaching emergency vehicles. On-board diagnostics handle various information including heading, speed, and acceleration sent to a control module which is transmitted to an intersection and which also simultaneously receives information regarding the status of an intersection. Real-time communications and operations software allow central and remote monitoring, logging, and command of intersections and vehicles.
Introduction to LNG vehicle safety
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bratvold, Delma; Friedman, David; Chernoff, Harry; Farkhondehpay, Dariush; Comay, Claudia
Basic information on the characteristics of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is assembled to provide an overview of safety issues and practices for the use of LNG vehicles. This document is intended for those planning or considering the use of LNG vehicles, including vehicle fleet owners and operators, public transit officials and boards, local fire and safety officials, manufacturers and distributors, and gas industry officials. Safety issues and mitigation measures that should be considered for candidate LNG vehicle projects are addressed.
Predicting vehicle fuel consumption patterns using floating vehicle data.
Du, Yiman; Wu, Jianping; Yang, Senyan; Zhou, Liutong
The status of energy consumption and air pollution in China is serious. It is important to analyze and predict the different fuel consumption of various types of vehicles under different influence factors. In order to fully describe the relationship between fuel consumption and the impact factors, massive amounts of floating vehicle data were used. The fuel consumption pattern and congestion pattern based on large samples of historical floating vehicle data were explored, drivers' information and vehicles' parameters from different group classification were probed, and the average velocity and average fuel consumption in the temporal dimension and spatial dimension were analyzed respectively. The fuel consumption forecasting model was established by using a Back Propagation Neural Network. Part of the sample set was used to train the forecasting model and the remaining part of the sample set was used as input to the forecasting model. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Unmanned aerial vehicle applications for highway transportation : initial stage reference search.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Identification of research (2006present) focusing on autonomous micro unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for transportation applications, including the examination of other industries that may also utilize micro UAVs.
Discussion of flight experiments with an entry research vehicle
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Potter, J. L.
The focus of interest is the maneuvering flight of advanced entry vehicles operating at altitudes above 50 km and at velocities of 5 to 8 km/s. Information resulting in more accurate aerodynamic analysis is sought and measurement techniques that appear to be applicable are identified. Measurements discussed include: shock layer or boundary layer profiles of velocity, temperature, species mass fractions, and other gas properties associated with aerodynamic heating; surface energy transfer process; nonequilibrium flow processes and pressure distribution; separated, vortic leeside flow of nonequilibrium fluid; boundary layer transition on highly swept configurations; and shock and surface slip and gas/surface interaction. Further study should focus on evolving measurement techniques, installation requirements, and on identification of the portions of flights where successful results seem probable.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... USE DEVICES General Hospital and Personal Use Miscellaneous Devices § 880.6300 Implantable... identification code is used to access patient identity and corresponding health information stored in a database...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR Parts 16, 801, 803, 806, 810, 814, 820, 821, 822, and 830 [Docket No. FDA-2011-N-0090] RIN 0910-AG31 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Unique Device Identification System; Extension of Comment Period...
Intelligent Vehicle Initiative : needs assessment
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The aim of the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) is to accelerate the development and availability of advanced safety and information systems for a variety of vehicle types. Public transit, through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), is an a...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... U.S.C. 1231-1233 (also known as the “Automobile Information Disclosure Act label”). (5) Other air... legible and prominent fashion. The label must be rectangular in shape with a minimum height of 4.5 inches...,” as shown in the appendix to this section. (C) Identify plug-in hybrid electric vehicles with the...
Vehicle Counting and Moving Direction Identification Based on Small-Aperture Microphone Array.
Zu, Xingshui; Zhang, Shaojie; Guo, Feng; Zhao, Qin; Zhang, Xin; You, Xing; Liu, Huawei; Li, Baoqing; Yuan, Xiaobing
The varying trend of a moving vehicle's angles provides much important intelligence for an unattended ground sensor (UGS) monitoring system. The present study investigates the capabilities of a small-aperture microphone array (SAMA) based system to identify the number and moving direction of vehicles travelling on a previously established route. In this paper, a SAMA-based acoustic monitoring system, including the system hardware architecture and algorithm mechanism, is designed as a single node sensor for the application of UGS. The algorithm is built on the varying trend of a vehicle's bearing angles around the closest point of approach (CPA). We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method with our designed SAMA-based monitoring system in various experimental sites. The experimental results in harsh conditions validate the usefulness of our proposed UGS monitoring system.
Identification of adequate vehicles to carry nerve regeneration inducers using tubulisation.
do Nascimento-Elias, Adriana Helena; Fresnesdas, Bruno César; Schiavoni, Maria Cristina Lopes; de Almeida, Natália Fernanda Gaspar; Santos, Ana Paula; de Oliveira Ramos, Jean; Junior, Wilson Marques; Barreira, Amilton Antunes
Axonal regeneration depends on many factors, such as the type of injury and repair, age, distance from the cell body and distance of the denervated muscle, loss of surrounding tissue and the type of injured nerve. Experimental models use tubulisation with a silicone tube to research regenerative factors and substances to induce regeneration. Agarose, collagen and DMEM (Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium) can be used as vehicles. In this study, we compared the ability of these vehicles to induce rat sciatic nerve regeneration with the intent of finding the least active or inert substance. The experiment used 47 female Wistar rats, which were divided into four experimental groups (agarose 4%, agarose 0.4%, collagen, DMEM) and one normal control group. The right sciatic nerve was exposed, and an incision was made that created a 10 mm gap between the distal and proximal stumps. A silicone tube was grafted onto each stump, and the tubes were filled with the respective media. After 70 days, the sciatic nerve was removed. We evaluated the formation of a regeneration cable, nerve fibre growth, and the functional viability of the regenerated fibres. Comparison among the three vehicles showed that 0.4% agarose gels had almost no effect on provoking the regeneration of peripheral nerves and that 4% agarose gels completely prevented fibre growth. The others substances were associated with profuse nerve fibre growth. In the appropriate concentration, agarose gel may be an important vehicle for testing factors that induce regeneration without interfering with nerve growth.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL HOSPITAL AND PERSONAL... identification code is used to access patient identity and corresponding health information stored in a database...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL HOSPITAL AND PERSONAL... identification code is used to access patient identity and corresponding health information stored in a database...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL HOSPITAL AND PERSONAL... identification code is used to access patient identity and corresponding health information stored in a database...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES GENERAL HOSPITAL AND PERSONAL... identification code is used to access patient identity and corresponding health information stored in a database...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Song, Ke; Li, Feiqiang; Hu, Xiao; He, Lin; Niu, Wenxu; Lu, Sihao; Zhang, Tong
The development of fuel cell electric vehicles can to a certain extent alleviate worldwide energy and environmental issues. While a single energy management strategy cannot meet the complex road conditions of an actual vehicle, this article proposes a multi-mode energy management strategy for electric vehicles with a fuel cell range extender based on driving condition recognition technology, which contains a patterns recognizer and a multi-mode energy management controller. This paper introduces a learning vector quantization (LVQ) neural network to design the driving patterns recognizer according to a vehicle's driving information. This multi-mode strategy can automatically switch to the genetic algorithm optimized thermostat strategy under specific driving conditions in the light of the differences in condition recognition results. Simulation experiments were carried out based on the model's validity verification using a dynamometer test bench. Simulation results show that the proposed strategy can obtain better economic performance than the single-mode thermostat strategy under dynamic driving conditions.
Saturn V Vehicle for the Apollo 4 Mission in the Vehicle Assembly Building
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
This photograph depicts the Saturn V vehicle (SA-501) for the Apollo 4 mission in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC). After the completion of the assembly operation, the work platform was retracted and the vehicle was readied to rollout from the VAB to the launch pad. The Apollo 4 mission was the first launch of the Saturn V launch vehicle. Objectives of the unmanned Apollo 4 test flight were to obtain flight information on launch vehicle and spacecraft structural integrity and compatibility, flight loads, stage separation, and subsystems operation including testing of restart of the S-IVB stage, and to evaluate the Apollo command module heat shield. The Apollo 4 was launched on November 9, 1967 from KSC.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Mascarin, Anthony; Hannibal, Ted; Raghunathan, Anand
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office, Materials area commissioned a study to model and assess manufacturing economics of alternative design and production strategies for a series of lightweight vehicle concepts. The strategic targets were a 40% and a 45% mass reduction relative to a standard North American midsize passenger sedan at an effective cost of $3.42 per pound (lb) saved. The baseline vehicle was an average of several available vehicles in this class. Mass and cost breakdowns from several sources were used, including original equipment manufacturers’ (OEMs’) input through U.S. Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office programs andmore » public presentations, A2Mac1 LLC’s teardown information, Lotus Engineering Limited and FEV, Inc. breakdowns in their respective lightweighting studies, and IBIS Associates, Inc.’s decades of experience in automotive lightweighting and materials substitution analyses. Information on lightweighting strategies in this analysis came from these same sources and the ongoing U.S. Department of Energy-funded Vehma International of America, Inc. /Ford Motor Company Multi-Material Lightweight Prototype Vehicle Demonstration Project, the Aluminum Association Transportation Group, and many United States Council for Automotive Research’s/United States Automotive Materials Partnership LLC lightweight materials programs.« less
Analyses in support of risk-informed natural gas vehicle maintenance facility codes and standards :
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ekoto, Isaac W.; Blaylock, Myra L.; LaFleur, Angela Christine
Safety standards development for maintenance facilities of liquid and compressed gas fueled large-scale vehicles is required to ensure proper facility design and operation envelopes. Standard development organizations are utilizing risk-informed concepts to develop natural gas vehicle (NGV) codes and standards so that maintenance facilities meet acceptable risk levels. The present report summarizes Phase I work for existing NGV repair facility code requirements and highlights inconsistencies that need quantitative analysis into their effectiveness. A Hazardous and Operability study was performed to identify key scenarios of interest. Finally, scenario analyses were performed using detailed simulations and modeling to estimate the overpressure hazardsmore » from HAZOP defined scenarios. The results from Phase I will be used to identify significant risk contributors at NGV maintenance facilities, and are expected to form the basis for follow-on quantitative risk analysis work to address specific code requirements and identify effective accident prevention and mitigation strategies.« less
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Collection; Comment Request; Identification of Northeast Regional Ocean Council Information Network Using Social Network Analysis AGENCY: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). ACTION: Notice... in many capacities. A social network analysis will serve to identify the network of people working on...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Northeast Region Vessel Identification Collection AGENCY: National Oceanic and... in the Northeast Region display the vessel's name and official number. The name and number must be of...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pan, Chu-Dong; Yu, Ling; Liu, Huan-Lin
Traffic-induced moving force identification (MFI) is a typical inverse problem in the field of bridge structural health monitoring. Lots of regularization-based methods have been proposed for MFI. However, the MFI accuracy obtained from the existing methods is low when the moving forces enter into and exit a bridge deck due to low sensitivity of structural responses to the forces at these zones. To overcome this shortcoming, a novel moving average Tikhonov regularization method is proposed for MFI by combining with the moving average concepts. Firstly, the bridge-vehicle interaction moving force is assumed as a discrete finite signal with stable average value (DFS-SAV). Secondly, the reasonable signal feature of DFS-SAV is quantified and introduced for improving the penalty function (∣∣x∣∣2 2) defined in the classical Tikhonov regularization. Then, a feasible two-step strategy is proposed for selecting regularization parameter and balance coefficient defined in the improved penalty function. Finally, both numerical simulations on a simply-supported beam and laboratory experiments on a hollow tube beam are performed for assessing the accuracy and the feasibility of the proposed method. The illustrated results show that the moving forces can be accurately identified with a strong robustness. Some related issues, such as selection of moving window length, effect of different penalty functions, and effect of different car speeds, are discussed as well.
The use of ethanol:diethylphthalate as a vehicle for the local lymph node assay.
Betts, Catherine J; Beresford, L; Dearman, R J; Lalko, J; Api, A P; Kimber, I
The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) is used for the prospective identification of contact allergens. This method is not only accepted as a stand-alone test for the identification of contact allergenic hazard but also used increasingly for the measurement of the relative potency of skin-sensitizing chemicals as an integral component of the risk assessment process. During the development and validation phases of the method, a list of standard vehicles for use in the LLNA was identified, among them being the vehicle most commonly used acetone/olive oil (4:1, AOO). We have now explored the performance in the LLNA of a non-standard vehicle, ethanol:diethyl phthalate (1:3, EtOH:DEP), that is used frequently to evaluate dermal effects of fragrance materials in both human and experimental studies. Current investigations have demonstrated that EtOH:DEP induces similar levels of background proliferative responses in lymph nodes comparable with the standard vehicle AOO. Moreover, expected levels of activity are observed when EtOH:DEP is used to deliver a known contact allergen in the LLNA. The conclusion drawn is that EtOH:DEP provides a suitable vehicle for use in the LLNA and that the approach described provides a basis for future evaluation of novel vehicles.
Taylor, John; Galanis, Eleni; Wilcott, Lynn; Hoang, Linda; Stone, Jason; Ekkert, Judi; Quibell, Doug; Huddleston, Mark; McCormick, Rachel; Whitfield, Yvonne; Adhikari, Bijay; Grant, Christopher C R; Sharma, Davendra
Salmonella Chester infection has rarely been reported in the literature. In 2010, 33 case patients were reported in 2 months in four Canadian provinces. We conducted an outbreak investigation in collaboration with public health agencies, food safety specialists, regulatory agencies, grocery store chains, and the product distributor. We used case patient interviews, customer loyalty cards, and microbiological testing of clinical and food samples to identify nationally distributed head cheese as the food vehicle responsible for the outbreak. The rare serotype, a limited affected demographic group, and an uncommon exposure led to the rapid identification of the source. Control measures were implemented within 9 days of notification of the outbreak.
Area coverage provided by vehicle to vehicle communication in an urban network.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The information obtained from connected vehicle has the potential of providing local and area-wide traffic : management solutions by improving safety and mobility. The reliability and the frequency of this transmitted : information have to be address...
Liu, Jun; Han, Jiuqiang; Lv, Hongqiang; Li, Bing
With the continuing growth of highway construction and vehicle use expansion all over the world, highway vehicle traffic rule violation (TRV) detection has become more and more important so as to avoid traffic accidents and injuries in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Since very few works have contributed to solve the TRV detection problem by moving vehicle measurements and surveillance devices, this paper develops a novel parallel ultrasonic sensor system that can be used to identify the TRV behavior of a host vehicle in real-time. Then a two-dimensional state method is proposed, utilizing the spacial state and time sequential states from the data of two parallel ultrasonic sensors to detect and count the highway vehicle violations. Finally, the theoretical TRV identification probability is analyzed, and actual experiments are conducted on different highway segments with various driving speeds, which indicates that the identification accuracy of the proposed method can reach about 90.97%.
Liu, Jun; Han, Jiuqiang; Lv, Hongqiang; Li, Bing
With the continuing growth of highway construction and vehicle use expansion all over the world, highway vehicle traffic rule violation (TRV) detection has become more and more important so as to avoid traffic accidents and injuries in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Since very few works have contributed to solve the TRV detection problem by moving vehicle measurements and surveillance devices, this paper develops a novel parallel ultrasonic sensor system that can be used to identify the TRV behavior of a host vehicle in real-time. Then a two-dimensional state method is proposed, utilizing the spacial state and time sequential states from the data of two parallel ultrasonic sensors to detect and count the highway vehicle violations. Finally, the theoretical TRV identification probability is analyzed, and actual experiments are conducted on different highway segments with various driving speeds, which indicates that the identification accuracy of the proposed method can reach about 90.97%. PMID:25894940
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Scholz, A. L.; Hart, M. T.; Lowry, D. J.
The Technology Information Sheet was assembled in database format during Phase I. This document was designed to provide a repository for information pertaining to 144 Operations and Maintenance Instructions (OMI) controlled operations in the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF), Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), and PAD. It provides a way to accumulate information about required crew sizes, operations task time duration (serial and/or parallel), special Ground Support Equipment (GSE). required, and identification of a potential application of existing technology or the need for the development of a new technolgoy item.
Rain/No-Rain Identification from Bispectral Satellite Information using Deep Neural Networks
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tao, Y.
Satellite-based precipitation estimation products have the advantage of high resolution and global coverage. However, they still suffer from insufficient accuracy. To accurately estimate precipitation from satellite data, there are two most important aspects: sufficient precipitation information in the satellite information and proper methodologies to extract such information effectively. This study applies the state-of-the-art machine learning methodologies to bispectral satellite information for Rain/No-Rain detection. Specifically, we use deep neural networks to extract features from infrared and water vapor channels and connect it to precipitation identification. To evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology, we first applies it to the infrared data only (Model DL-IR only), the most commonly used inputs for satellite-based precipitation estimation. Then we incorporates water vapor data (Model DL-IR + WV) to further improve the prediction performance. Radar stage IV dataset is used as ground measurement for parameter calibration. The operational product, Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks Cloud Classification System (PERSIANN-CCS), is used as a reference to compare the performance of both models in both winter and summer seasons.The experiments show significant improvement for both models in precipitation identification. The overall performance gains in the Critical Success Index (CSI) are 21.60% and 43.66% over the verification periods for Model DL-IR only and Model DL-IR+WV model compared to PERSIANN-CCS, respectively. Moreover, specific case studies show that the water vapor channel information and the deep neural networks effectively help recover a large number of missing precipitation pixels under warm clouds while reducing false alarms under cold clouds.
49 CFR 585.75 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
..., upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the... vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the vehicle-to-pole test...
49 CFR 545.4 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... information identifying the vehicles (by make, model, and vehicle identification number) that have been... vehicles (by make, model, and vehicle identification number) that are excluded from the requirements of 49... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT PREVENTION STANDARD PHASE-IN AND SMALL...
49 CFR 585.75 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
..., upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the... vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the vehicle-to-pole test...
49 CFR 545.4 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... information identifying the vehicles (by make, model, and vehicle identification number) that have been... vehicles (by make, model, and vehicle identification number) that are excluded from the requirements of 49... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT PREVENTION STANDARD PHASE-IN AND SMALL...
49 CFR 545.4 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... information identifying the vehicles (by make, model, and vehicle identification number) that have been... vehicles (by make, model, and vehicle identification number) that are excluded from the requirements of 49... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT PREVENTION STANDARD PHASE-IN AND SMALL...
49 CFR 585.75 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
..., upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the... vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the vehicle-to-pole test...
49 CFR 585.75 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
..., upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the... vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the vehicle-to-pole test...
49 CFR 585.75 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
..., upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the... vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the vehicle-to-pole test...
49 CFR 545.4 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... information identifying the vehicles (by make, model, and vehicle identification number) that have been... vehicles (by make, model, and vehicle identification number) that are excluded from the requirements of 49... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT PREVENTION STANDARD PHASE-IN AND SMALL...
Identification of vehicle suspension parameters by design optimization
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tey, J. Y.; Ramli, R.; Kheng, C. W.; Chong, S. Y.; Abidin, M. A. Z.
The design of a vehicle suspension system through simulation requires accurate representation of the design parameters. These parameters are usually difficult to measure or sometimes unavailable. This article proposes an efficient approach to identify the unknown parameters through optimization based on experimental results, where the covariance matrix adaptation-evolutionary strategy (CMA-es) is utilized to improve the simulation and experimental results against the kinematic and compliance tests. This speeds up the design and development cycle by recovering all the unknown data with respect to a set of kinematic measurements through a single optimization process. A case study employing a McPherson strut suspension system is modelled in a multi-body dynamic system. Three kinematic and compliance tests are examined, namely, vertical parallel wheel travel, opposite wheel travel and single wheel travel. The problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem with 40 objectives and 49 design parameters. A hierarchical clustering method based on global sensitivity analysis is used to reduce the number of objectives to 30 by grouping correlated objectives together. Then, a dynamic summation of rank value is used as pseudo-objective functions to reformulate the multi-objective optimization to a single-objective optimization problem. The optimized results show a significant improvement in the correlation between the simulated model and the experimental model. Once accurate representation of the vehicle suspension model is achieved, further analysis, such as ride and handling performances, can be implemented for further optimization.
Connected Vehicle Applications : Road Weather Management
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Connected vehicle applications related to road weather management and enabling systems are being designed to collect and take advantage of connected vehicle data and information transmissions to increase situational awareness, improve roadway levels ...
49 CFR 580.13 - Disclosure of odometer information by power of attorney.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... vehicle, including its make, model year, body type and vehicle identification number. (c) In addition to.... (b) In connection with the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle, each transferor to whom a title...
49 CFR 580.13 - Disclosure of odometer information by power of attorney.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... vehicle, including its make, model year, body type and vehicle identification number. (c) In addition to.... (b) In connection with the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle, each transferor to whom a title...
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Collection; Comment Request; Alaska Region Gear Identification Requirements AGENCY: National Oceanic and... gear aids law enforcement and enables other fishermen to report on misplaced gear. II. Method of Collection No information is submitted; this is a gear-marking requirement. III. Data OMB Control Number...
Alternative Fuels Data Center: Natural Gas Vehicle Availability
options for converting conventional vehicles to run on natural gas. Pre-Owned Vehicles Learn about buying and selling pre-owned alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles. More Information For more
Man-rating of a launch vehicle
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Soeffker, D.
Analysis techniques for hazard identification, classification, and control, developed for Spacelab, are presented. Hazards were classified as catastrophic (leading to crew or vehicle loss) critical (could lead to serious injury or damage) and controlled (counteracted by design). All nonmetallic materials were rated for flammability in oxygen enriched atmospheres, toxic offgassing, and odor. Any element with less than 200 mission capability was rated life limited.
2007 South Dakota motor vehicle traffic crash summary
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Summary is divided into two main sections, Historical : Trends and 2007 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Profile. The Historical Trend section : provides information on alcohol involvement in motor vehicle crashes, severity...
2006 South Dakota motor vehicle traffic crash summary
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Summary is divided into two main sections, Historical : Trends and 2006 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Profile. The Historical Trend section : provides information on alcohol involvement in motor vehicle crashes, severity...
2008 South Dakota motor vehicle traffic crash summary
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Summary is divided into two main sections, Historical : Trends and 2008 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Profile. The Historical Trend section : provides information on alcohol involvement in motor vehicle crashes, severity...
2009 South Dakota motor vehicle traffic crash summary
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Summary is divided into two main sections, Historical : Trends and 2009 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Profile. The Historical Trend section : provides information on alcohol involvement in motor vehicle crashes, severity...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yang, Liqin; Sang, Nong; Gao, Changxin
Vehicle parts detection plays an important role in public transportation safety and mobility. The detection of vehicle parts is to detect the position of each vehicle part. We propose a new approach by combining Faster RCNN and three level cascaded convolutional neural network (DCNN). The output of Faster RCNN is a series of bounding boxes with coordinate information, from which we can locate vehicle parts. DCNN can precisely predict feature point position, which is the center of vehicle part. We design an output strategy by combining these two results. There are two advantages for this. The quality of the bounding boxes are greatly improved, which means vehicle parts feature point position can be located more precise. Meanwhile we preserve the position relationship between vehicle parts and effectively improve the validity and reliability of the result. By using our algorithm, the performance of the vehicle parts detection improve obviously compared with Faster RCNN.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Bonet, John T.; Schellenger, Harvey G.; Rawdon, Blaine K.; Elmer, Kevin R.; Wakayama, Sean R.; Brown, Derrell L.; Guo, Yueping
NASA has set demanding goals for technology developments to meet national needs to improve fuel efficiency concurrent with improving the environment to enable air transportation growth. A figure shows NASA's subsonic transport system metrics. The results of Boeing ERA N+2 Advanced Vehicle Concept Study show that the Blended Wing Body (BWB) vehicle, with ultra high bypass propulsion systems have the potential to meet the combined NASA ERA N+2 goals. This study had 3 main activities. 1) The development of an advanced vehicle concepts that can meet the NASA system level metrics. 2) Identification of key enabling technologies and the development of technology roadmaps and maturation plans. 3) The development of a subscale test vehicle that can demonstrate and mature the key enabling technologies needed to meet the NASA system level metrics. Technology maturation plans are presented and include key performance parameters and technical performance measures. The plans describe the risks that will be reduced with technology development and the expected progression of technical maturity.
VEEP: A Vehicle Economy, Emissions, and Performance simulation program
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Klose, G. J.
The purpose of the VEEP simulation program was to: (1) predict vehicle fuel economy and relative emissions over any specified driving cycle; (2) calculate various measures of vehicle performance (acceleration, passing manuevers, gradeability, top speed), and (3) give information on the various categories of energy dissipation (rolling friction, aerodynamics, accessories, inertial effects, component inefficiences, etc.). The vehicle is described based on detailed subsystem information and numerical parameters characterizing the components of a wide variety of self-propelled vehicles. Conventionally arranged heat engine powered automobiles were emphasized, but with consideration in the design toward the requirement of other types of vehicles.
Multi-Object Tracking with Correlation Filter for Autonomous Vehicle.
Zhao, Dawei; Fu, Hao; Xiao, Liang; Wu, Tao; Dai, Bin
Multi-object tracking is a crucial problem for autonomous vehicle. Most state-of-the-art approaches adopt the tracking-by-detection strategy, which is a two-step procedure consisting of the detection module and the tracking module. In this paper, we improve both steps. We improve the detection module by incorporating the temporal information, which is beneficial for detecting small objects. For the tracking module, we propose a novel compressed deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) feature based Correlation Filter tracker. By carefully integrating these two modules, the proposed multi-object tracking approach has the ability of re-identification (ReID) once the tracked object gets lost. Extensive experiments were performed on the KITTI and MOT2015 tracking benchmarks. Results indicate that our approach outperforms most state-of-the-art tracking approaches.
2010 South Dakota motor vehicle traffic crash summary
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Summary is divided into two main sections, Historical Trends and 2010 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Profile. The Historical Trend section provides information on alcohol involvement in motor vehicle crashes, severity of ...
Commercial vehicle safety : technology and practice in Europe
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The United States and Europe share common commercial vehicle safety issues, including a debate over access for longer combination vehicles; a shortage of commercial vehicle drivers; the need to integrate emerging public and private information techno...
Development of statistical models to forecast crossing times of commercial vehicles.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Border crossing time measurement systems for commercial vehicles are being implemented throughout : the U.S.-Mexico border. These systems are based on radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. : With funding from the Federal Highway Administr...
Intelligent Vehicle Health Management
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Paris, Deidre E.; Trevino, Luis; Watson, Michael D.
As a part of the overall goal of developing Integrated Vehicle Health Management systems for aerospace vehicles, the NASA Faculty Fellowship Program (NFFP) at Marshall Space Flight Center has performed a pilot study on IVHM principals which integrates researched IVHM technologies in support of Integrated Intelligent Vehicle Management (IIVM). IVHM is the process of assessing, preserving, and restoring system functionality across flight and ground systems (NASA NGLT 2004). The framework presented in this paper integrates advanced computational techniques with sensor and communication technologies for spacecraft that can generate responses through detection, diagnosis, reasoning, and adapt to system faults in support of INM. These real-time responses allow the IIVM to modify the affected vehicle subsystem(s) prior to a catastrophic event. Furthermore, the objective of this pilot program is to develop and integrate technologies which can provide a continuous, intelligent, and adaptive health state of a vehicle and use this information to improve safety and reduce costs of operations. Recent investments in avionics, health management, and controls have been directed towards IIVM. As this concept has matured, it has become clear the INM requires the same sensors and processing capabilities as the real-time avionics functions to support diagnosis of subsystem problems. New sensors have been proposed, in addition, to augment the avionics sensors to support better system monitoring and diagnostics. As the designs have been considered, a synergy has been realized where the real-time avionics can utilize sensors proposed for diagnostics and prognostics to make better real-time decisions in response to detected failures. IIVM provides for a single system allowing modularity of functions and hardware across the vehicle. The framework that supports IIVM consists of 11 major on-board functions necessary to fully manage a space vehicle maintaining crew safety and mission
78 FR 35094 - Denial of Motor Vehicle Defect Petition, DP12-001
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... ``Goldwing'' and was the heaviest motorcycle in BMW's lineup during those model years. As a ``full- dress... motorcycles (with distinct vehicle identification numbers) alleging final drive failures. These reports were...
Remote sensing of on-road vehicle emissions: Mechanism, applications and a case study from Hong Kong
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huang, Yuhan; Organ, Bruce; Zhou, John L.; Surawski, Nic C.; Hong, Guang; Chan, Edward F. C.; Yam, Yat Shing
Vehicle emissions are a major contributor to air pollution in cities and have serious health impacts to their inhabitants. On-road remote sensing is an effective and economic tool to monitor and control vehicle emissions. In this review, the mechanism, accuracy, advantages and limitations of remote sensing were introduced. Then the applications and major findings of remote sensing were critically reviewed. It was revealed that the emission distribution of on-road vehicles was highly skewed so that the dirtiest 10% vehicles accounted for over half of the total fleet emissions. Such findings highlighted the importance and effectiveness of using remote sensing for in situ identification of high-emitting vehicles for further inspection and maintenance programs. However, the accuracy and number of vehicles affected by screening programs were greatly dependent on the screening criteria. Remote sensing studies showed that the emissions of gasoline and diesel vehicles were significantly reduced in recent years, with the exception of NOx emissions of diesel vehicles in spite of greatly tightened automotive emission regulations. Thirdly, the experience and issues of using remote sensing for identifying high-emitting vehicles in Hong Kong (where remote sensing is a legislative instrument for enforcement purposes) were reported. That was followed by the first time ever identification and discussion of the issue of frequent false detection of diesel high-emitters using remote sensing. Finally, the challenges and future research directions of on-road remote sensing were elaborated.
49 CFR 585.95 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... time during the production year, each manufacturer must, upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number... make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the...
49 CFR 585.95 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... time during the production year, each manufacturer must, upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number... make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the...
49 CFR 585.95 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... time during the production year, each manufacturer must, upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number... make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the...
49 CFR 585.95 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... time during the production year, each manufacturer must, upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number... make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the...
49 CFR 585.95 - Response to inquiries.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... time during the production year, each manufacturer must, upon request from the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, provide information identifying the vehicles (by make, model and vehicle identification number... make, model and vehicle identification number) that have been certified as complying with the...
Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program Phase 2, Data Management Plan
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This document represents a data management plan that delineates all of the data types and data treatment throughout the New York City Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment (NYC CVPD). This plan includes an identification of the New York City connected v...
Concrete Crack Identification Using a UAV Incorporating Hybrid Image Processing
Lee, Junhwa; Ahn, Eunjong; Cho, Soojin; Shin, Myoungsu
Crack assessment is an essential process in the maintenance of concrete structures. In general, concrete cracks are inspected by manual visual observation of the surface, which is intrinsically subjective as it depends on the experience of inspectors. Further, it is time-consuming, expensive, and often unsafe when inaccessible structural members are to be assessed. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies combined with digital image processing have recently been applied to crack assessment to overcome the drawbacks of manual visual inspection. However, identification of crack information in terms of width and length has not been fully explored in the UAV-based applications, because of the absence of distance measurement and tailored image processing. This paper presents a crack identification strategy that combines hybrid image processing with UAV technology. Equipped with a camera, an ultrasonic displacement sensor, and a WiFi module, the system provides the image of cracks and the associated working distance from a target structure on demand. The obtained information is subsequently processed by hybrid image binarization to estimate the crack width accurately while minimizing the loss of the crack length information. The proposed system has shown to successfully measure cracks thicker than 0.1 mm with the maximum length estimation error of 7.3%. PMID:28880254
Concrete Crack Identification Using a UAV Incorporating Hybrid Image Processing.
Kim, Hyunjun; Lee, Junhwa; Ahn, Eunjong; Cho, Soojin; Shin, Myoungsu; Sim, Sung-Han
Crack assessment is an essential process in the maintenance of concrete structures. In general, concrete cracks are inspected by manual visual observation of the surface, which is intrinsically subjective as it depends on the experience of inspectors. Further, it is time-consuming, expensive, and often unsafe when inaccessible structural members are to be assessed. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies combined with digital image processing have recently been applied to crack assessment to overcome the drawbacks of manual visual inspection. However, identification of crack information in terms of width and length has not been fully explored in the UAV-based applications, because of the absence of distance measurement and tailored image processing. This paper presents a crack identification strategy that combines hybrid image processing with UAV technology. Equipped with a camera, an ultrasonic displacement sensor, and a WiFi module, the system provides the image of cracks and the associated working distance from a target structure on demand. The obtained information is subsequently processed by hybrid image binarization to estimate the crack width accurately while minimizing the loss of the crack length information. The proposed system has shown to successfully measure cracks thicker than 0.1 mm with the maximum length estimation error of 7.3%.
Reliability Assessment for Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Freeman, Paul Michael
Existing low-cost unmanned aerospace systems are unreliable, and engineers must blend reliability analysis with fault-tolerant control in novel ways. This dissertation introduces the University of Minnesota unmanned aerial vehicle flight research platform, a comprehensive simulation and flight test facility for reliability and fault-tolerance research. An industry-standard reliability assessment technique, the failure modes and effects analysis, is performed for an unmanned aircraft. Particular attention is afforded to the control surface and servo-actuation subsystem. Maintaining effector health is essential for safe flight; failures may lead to loss of control incidents. Failure likelihood, severity, and risk are qualitatively assessed for several effector failure modes. Design changes are recommended to improve aircraft reliability based on this analysis. Most notably, the control surfaces are split, providing independent actuation and dual-redundancy. The simulation models for control surface aerodynamic effects are updated to reflect the split surfaces using a first-principles geometric analysis. The failure modes and effects analysis is extended by using a high-fidelity nonlinear aircraft simulation. A trim state discovery is performed to identify the achievable steady, wings-level flight envelope of the healthy and damaged vehicle. Tolerance of elevator actuator failures is studied using familiar tools from linear systems analysis. This analysis reveals significant inherent performance limitations for candidate adaptive/reconfigurable control algorithms used for the vehicle. Moreover, it demonstrates how these tools can be applied in a design feedback loop to make safety-critical unmanned systems more reliable. Control surface impairments that do occur must be quickly and accurately detected. This dissertation also considers fault detection and identification for an unmanned aerial vehicle using model-based and model-free approaches and applies those
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... this section is to aid potential purchasers in the selection of new passenger motor vehicles by providing them with safety rating information developed by NHTSA in its New Car Assessment Program (NCAP... and rating program. (c) Definitions. (1) Monroney label means the label placed on new automobiles with...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
This report demonstrates a unique solution to the challenge of providing accurate, timely estimates of arterial travel times to the motoring public. In particular, it discusses the lessons learned in deploying the Vehicle Tag Project in San Antonio, ...
40 CFR 86.1712-99 - Maintenance of records; submittal of information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... model year 1999 or 2000, the California engine family; (iv) Assembly plant; (v) Vehicle identification... (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) CONTROL OF EMISSIONS FROM NEW AND IN-USE HIGHWAY VEHICLES AND ENGINES (CONTINUED) General Provisions for the Voluntary National Low Emission Vehicle Program for Light-Duty...
40 CFR 86.1712-99 - Maintenance of records; submittal of information.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... model year 1999 or 2000, the California engine family; (iv) Assembly plant; (v) Vehicle identification... (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) CONTROL OF EMISSIONS FROM NEW AND IN-USE HIGHWAY VEHICLES AND ENGINES (CONTINUED) General Provisions for the Voluntary National Low Emission Vehicle Program for Light-Duty...
Identification of the Fire Threat in Urban Transit Vehicles
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
To improve mass transportation, UMTA tasked the Transportation Systems Center (TSC) to assess the overall fire threat in transit systems and to identify and recommend suitable remedial actions. This report presents the identification of the fire thre...
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
The purpose of the Advanced Transportation System Studies (ATSS) Technical Area 2 (TA-2) Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle Development contract was to provide advanced launch vehicle concept definition and analysis to assist NASA in the identification of future launch vehicle requirements. Contracted analysis activities included vehicle sizing and performance analysis, subsystem concept definition, propulsion subsystem definition (foreign and domestic), ground operations and facilities analysis, and life cycle cost estimation. This document is Volume 2 of the final report for the contract. It provides documentation of selected technical results from various TA-2 analysis activities, including a detailed narrative description of the SSTO concept assessment results, a user's guide for the associated SSTO sizing tools, an SSTO turnaround assessment report, an executive summary of the ground operations assessments performed during the first year of the contract, a configuration-independent vehicle health management system requirements report, a copy of all major TA-2 contract presentations, a copy of the FLO launch vehicle final report, and references to Pratt & Whitney's TA-2 sponsored final reports regarding the identification of Russian main propulsion technologies.
49 CFR 574.9 - Requirements for motor vehicle dealers.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) TIRE IDENTIFICATION AND... equipped with new tires is considered, for purposes of this part, to be a tire dealer and shall meet the... other than resale, that is equipped with new tires that were not on the motor vehicle when shipped by...
Zhang, Guangnan; Li, Yanyan; King, Mark J; Zhong, Qiaoting
Motor vehicle overloading is correlated with the possibility of road crash occurrence and severity. Although overloading of motor vehicles is pervasive in developing nations, few empirical analyses have been performed on factors that might influence the occurrence of overloading. This study aims to address this shortcoming by seeking evidence from several years of crash data from Guangdong province, China. Data on overloading and other factors are extracted for crash-involved vehicles from traffic crash records for 2006-2010 provided by the Traffic Management Bureau in Guangdong province. Logistic regression is applied to identify risk factors for overloading in crash-involved vehicles and within these crashes to identify factors contributing to greater crash severity. Driver, vehicle, road and environmental characteristics and violation types are considered in the regression models. In addition to the basic logistic models, association analysis is employed to identify the potential interactions among different risk factors during fitting the logistic models of overloading and severity. Crash-involved vehicles driven by males from rural households and in an unsafe condition are more likely to be overloaded and to be involved in higher severity overloaded vehicle crashes. If overloaded vehicles speed, the risk of severe traffic crash casualties increases. Young drivers (aged under 25 years) in mountainous areas are more likely to be involved in higher severity overloaded vehicle crashes. This study identifies several factors associated with overloading in crash-involved vehicles and with higher severity overloading crashes and provides an important reference for future research on those specific risk factors. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.
49 CFR 599.502 - Record retention.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... under this subpart include all documentary materials and other information-storing media that contain... facility information, owner eligibility information, vehicle eligibility information (including vehicle fuel economy), dealer applications for reimbursement under the program, vehicle identification number...
Anti-collision radio-frequency identification system using passive SAW tags
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sorokin, A. V.; Shepeta, A. P.
Modern multi sensor systems should have high operating speed and resistance to climate impacts. Radiofrequency systems use passive SAW tags for identification items and vehicles. These tags find application in industry, traffic remote control systems, and railway remote traffic control systems for identification and speed measuring. However, collision of the passive SAW RFID tags hinders development passive RFID SAW technology in Industry. The collision problem for passive SAW tags leads for incorrect identification and encoding each tag. In our researching, we suggest approach for identification of several passive SAW tags in collision case.
Assessment of roadway surface conditions using vehicle-intrinsic sensors, phase II.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Using onboard vehicle sensors to provide real-time identification of hazardous road surface conditions, such as the presence of ice, will allow drivers to receive warnings to proceed with caution on compromised road sections, thus reducing crash risk...
Ensuring Safe Exploration: Ares Launch Vehicle Integrated Vehicle Ground Vibration Testing
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Tuma, M. L.; Chenevert, D. J.
team expects to collect important information about the new launch vehicles, greatly increasing astronaut safety as NASA prepares to explore the Moon and beyond.
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications for Safer Intersections : Virtual Traffic Lights
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Increasing the use of information technology (IT) in future vehicles can solve or mitigate many of the fundamental problems we face today in transportation such as energy efficiency, reduced carbon footprint for cars, greener environment, and several...
Talati, Ravi; Stegmuller, Angela; Niiler, Tim; Xiang, Huiyun; Atanda, Alfred
Pediatric pedestrian motor vehicle-associated of injuries correlated with a particular census tract's trauma is a significant public health concern for children. demographic composition. GIS mapping software was used We aimed to use geographic information systems (GIS) to examine the relationship between motor vehicle pedestrian injuries in children and the demographics of the region in which they occurred for the state of Delaware. This is a retrospective analysis of collected data from the Delaware State Trauma Registry form January 1, 2002, to December 31, 2012. The records of all patients younger than 18 years who went to one of the state's six trauma centers during the study were reviewed. For each injury event, patient demographic information was recorded, and latitude/longitude coordinates of the injury site were determined. Median income, minority population, education level, and percentage of males and children in the census tract were obtained from state census data. Analysis of variance was used to characterize how the frequency of injuries correlated with a particular census tract's demographic composition. GIS mapping software was used to identify specific "hot spots" throughout the state where the examine the relationship between motor vehicle pedestrian frequency of traffic crash events was the highest. Urban and poorer areas had tile highest number of injury events, with Wilmington having the highest frequency Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of collected data of injuries per capita. Census tracts with low median income, from the Delaware State Trauma Registry from January 1, lack of high school degree, and increased percentage of 2002, to December 31, 2012. The records of all patients African Americans and females had significantly higher injury younger than 18 years who went to one of the state's six counts compared with other census tracts. In the state of Delaware, children in urban and poor areas are disproportionately affected by
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Do, Trong Hop; Yoo, Myungsik
This paper proposes a vehicle positioning system using LED street lights and two rolling shutter CMOS sensor cameras. In this system, identification codes for the LED street lights are transmitted to camera-equipped vehicles through a visible light communication (VLC) channel. Given that the camera parameters are known, the positions of the vehicles are determined based on the geometric relationship between the coordinates of the LEDs in the images and their real world coordinates, which are obtained through the LED identification codes. The main contributions of the paper are twofold. First, the collinear arrangement of the LED street lights makes traditional camera-based positioning algorithms fail to determine the position of the vehicles. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed to fuse data received from the two cameras attached to the vehicles in order to solve the collinearity problem of the LEDs. Second, the rolling shutter mechanism of the CMOS sensors combined with the movement of the vehicles creates image artifacts that may severely degrade the positioning accuracy. This paper also proposes a method to compensate for the rolling shutter artifact, and a high positioning accuracy can be achieved even when the vehicle is moving at high speeds. The performance of the proposed positioning system corresponding to different system parameters is examined by conducting Matlab simulations. Small-scale experiments are also conducted to study the performance of the proposed algorithm in real applications.
Kim, In-Ho; Jeon, Haemin; Baek, Seung-Chan; Hong, Won-Hwa; Jung, Hyung-Jo
Bridge inspection using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with high performance vision sensors has received considerable attention due to its safety and reliability. As bridges become obsolete, the number of bridges that need to be inspected increases, and they require much maintenance cost. Therefore, a bridge inspection method based on UAV with vision sensors is proposed as one of the promising strategies to maintain bridges. In this paper, a crack identification method by using a commercial UAV with a high resolution vision sensor is investigated in an aging concrete bridge. First, a point cloud-based background model is generated in the preliminary flight. Then, cracks on the structural surface are detected with the deep learning algorithm, and their thickness and length are calculated. In the deep learning method, region with convolutional neural networks (R-CNN)-based transfer learning is applied. As a result, a new network for the 384 collected crack images of 256 × 256 pixel resolution is generated from the pre-trained network. A field test is conducted to verify the proposed approach, and the experimental results proved that the UAV-based bridge inspection is effective at identifying and quantifying the cracks on the structures.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Wu, Bitao; Wu, Gang; Yang, Caiqian; He, Yi
A novel damage identification method for concrete continuous girder bridges based on spatially-distributed long-gauge strain sensing is presented in this paper. First, the variation regularity of the long-gauge strain influence line of continuous girder bridges which changes with the location of vehicles on the bridge is studied. According to this variation regularity, a calculation method for the distribution regularity of the area of long-gauge strain history is investigated. Second, a numerical simulation of damage identification based on the distribution regularity of the area of long-gauge strain history is conducted, and the results indicate that this method is effective for identifying damage and is not affected by the speed, axle number and weight of vehicles. Finally, a real bridge test on a highway is conducted, and the experimental results also show that this method is very effective for identifying damage in continuous girder bridges, and the local element stiffness distribution regularity can be revealed at the same time. This identified information is useful for maintaining of continuous girder bridges on highways.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Blaylock, Myra L.; LaFleur, Chris Bensdotter; Muna, Alice Baca
Safety standards development for maintenance facilities of liquid and compressed natural gas fueled vehicles is required to ensure proper facility design and operating procedures. Standard development organizations are utilizing risk-informed concepts to develop natural gas vehicle (NGV) codes and standards so that maintenance facilities meet acceptable risk levels. The present report summarizes Phase II work for existing NGV repair facility code requirements and highlights inconsistencies that need quantitative analysis into their effectiveness. A Hazardous and Operability study was performed to identify key scenarios of interest using risk ranking. Detailed simulations and modeling were performed to estimate the location and behaviormore » of natural gas releases based on these scenarios. Specific code conflicts were identified, and ineffective code requirements were highlighted and resolutions proposed. These include ventilation rate basis on area or volume, as well as a ceiling offset which seems ineffective at protecting against flammable gas concentrations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge Bill Houf (SNL -- Retired) for his assistance with the set-up and post-processing of the numerical simulations. The authors also acknowledge Doug Horne (retired) for his helpful discussions. We would also like to acknowledge the support from the Clean Cities program of DOE's Vehicle Technology Office.« less
A Web-based geographic information system for monitoring animal welfare during long journeys.
Ippoliti, Carla; Di Pasquale, Adriano; Fiore, Gianluca; Savini, Lara; Conte, Annamaria; Di Gianvito, Federica; Di Francesco, Cesare
Animal welfare protection during long journeys is mandatory according to European Union regulations designed to ensure that animals are transported in accordance with animal welfare requirements and to provide control bodies with a regulatory tool to react promptly in cases of non-compliance and to ensure a safe network between products, animals and farms. Regulation 1/2005/EC foresees recourse to a system of traceability within European Union member states. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) has developed a prototype system fulfilling the requirements of the Regulation which is able to monitor compliance with animal welfare requirements during transportation, register electronic identification of transported animals and store data in a central database shared with the other member states through a Web-based application. Test equipment has recently been installed on a vehicle that records data on vehicle position (geographic coordinates, date/time) and animal welfare conditions (measurements of internal temperature of the vehicle, etc.). The information is recorded at fixed intervals and transmitted to the central database. The authors describe the Web-based geographic information system, through which authorised users can visualise instantly the real-time position of the vehicle, monitor the sensor-recorded data and follow the time-space path of the truck during journeys.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Khelifi, Rachid; Sparrow, Laurent; Casalis, Severine
This study aimed at examining sensitivity to lateral linguistic and nonlinguistic information in third and fifth grade readers. A word identification task with a threshold was used, and targets were displayed foveally with or without distractors. Sensitivity to lateral information was inferred from the deterioration of the rate of correct word…
A Method for Extracting Road Boundary Information from Crowdsourcing Vehicle GPS Trajectories.
Yang, Wei; Ai, Tinghua; Lu, Wei
Crowdsourcing trajectory data is an important approach for accessing and updating road information. In this paper, we present a novel approach for extracting road boundary information from crowdsourcing vehicle traces based on Delaunay triangulation (DT). First, an optimization and interpolation method is proposed to filter abnormal trace segments from raw global positioning system (GPS) traces and interpolate the optimization segments adaptively to ensure there are enough tracking points. Second, constructing the DT and the Voronoi diagram within interpolated tracking lines to calculate road boundary descriptors using the area of Voronoi cell and the length of triangle edge. Then, the road boundary detection model is established integrating the boundary descriptors and trajectory movement features (e.g., direction) by DT. Third, using the boundary detection model to detect road boundary from the DT constructed by trajectory lines, and a regional growing method based on seed polygons is proposed to extract the road boundary. Experiments were conducted using the GPS traces of taxis in Beijing, China, and the results show that the proposed method is suitable for extracting the road boundary from low-frequency GPS traces, multi-type road structures, and different time intervals. Compared with two existing methods, the automatically extracted boundary information was proved to be of higher quality.
A Method for Extracting Road Boundary Information from Crowdsourcing Vehicle GPS Trajectories
Yang, Wei
Crowdsourcing trajectory data is an important approach for accessing and updating road information. In this paper, we present a novel approach for extracting road boundary information from crowdsourcing vehicle traces based on Delaunay triangulation (DT). First, an optimization and interpolation method is proposed to filter abnormal trace segments from raw global positioning system (GPS) traces and interpolate the optimization segments adaptively to ensure there are enough tracking points. Second, constructing the DT and the Voronoi diagram within interpolated tracking lines to calculate road boundary descriptors using the area of Voronoi cell and the length of triangle edge. Then, the road boundary detection model is established integrating the boundary descriptors and trajectory movement features (e.g., direction) by DT. Third, using the boundary detection model to detect road boundary from the DT constructed by trajectory lines, and a regional growing method based on seed polygons is proposed to extract the road boundary. Experiments were conducted using the GPS traces of taxis in Beijing, China, and the results show that the proposed method is suitable for extracting the road boundary from low-frequency GPS traces, multi-type road structures, and different time intervals. Compared with two existing methods, the automatically extracted boundary information was proved to be of higher quality. PMID:29671792