NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Complex variations in dune forms within Hebes Chasma. This northern subframe image, frame 3506, is a 2.3 x 3.6 km area centered near 0.6 degrees south, 76.3 degrees west.
Figure caption from Science MagazineNASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Complex variations in dune forms within Hebes Chasma. This southern subframe image, frame 3506, is a 2.3 x 3.6 km area centered near 0.8 degrees south, 76.3 degrees west
Figure caption from Science Magazine2014-12-08
The THEMIS VIS camera contains 5 filters. The data from different filters can be combined in multiple ways to create a false color image. This false color image captured by NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft shows part of Hebes Chasma.
VLT/SPHERE observations and shape reconstruction of asteroid (6) Hebe
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Marsset, Michael; Carry, Benoit; Dumas, Christophe; Vernazza, Pierre; Jehin, Emmanuel; Sonnett, Sarah M.; Fusco, Thierry
(6) Hebe is a large main-belt asteroid, accounting for about half a percent of the mass of the asteroid belt. Its spectral characteristics and close proximity to dynamical resonances within the main-belt (the 3:1 Kirkwood gap and the nu6 resonance) make it a probable parent body of the H-chondrites and IIE iron meteorites found on Earth.We present new AO images of Hebe obtained with the high-contrast imager SPHERE (Beuzit et al. 2008) as part of the science verification of the instrument. Hebe was observed close to its opposition date and throughout its rotation in order to derive its 3-D shape, and to allow a study of its surface craters. Our observations reveal impact zones that witness a severe collisional disruption for this asteroid. When combined to previous AO images and available lightcurves (both from the literature and from recent optical observations by our team), these new observations allow us to derive a reliable shape model using our KOALA algorithm (Carry et al. 2010). We further derive an estimate of Hebe's density based on its known astrometric mass.
Investigating Mars: Hebes Chasma
This image shows the part of the southern cliff face of Hebes Chasma a the bottom of the image. At the top of the image is part of the large mesa located in the center of the chasma. Hebes Chasma is an enclosed basin not connected to Valles Marineris. The cliff faces of the chasma itself and the interior mesa appear quite different, which may provided information on how the chasma and the mesa formed. The Odyssey spacecraft has spent over 15 years in orbit around Mars, circling the planet more than 69000 times. It holds the record for longest working spacecraft at Mars. THEMIS, the IR/VIS camera system, has collected data for the entire mission and provides images covering all seasons and lighting conditions. Over the years many features of interest have received repeated imaging, building up a suite of images covering the entire feature. From the deepest chasma to the tallest volcano, individual dunes inside craters and dune fields that encircle the north pole, channels carved by water and lava, and a variety of other feature, THEMIS has imaged them all. For the next several months the image of the day will focus on the Tharsis volcanoes, the various chasmata of Valles Marineris, and the major dunes fields. We hope you enjoy these images! Orbit Number: 10052 Latitude: -1.5441 Longitude: 283.71 Instrument: VIS Captured: 2004-03-21 00:22
Investigating Mars: Hebes Chasma
The large mesa in the center of Hebes Chasma dominates this image. The top of the mesa is at the center of the image, with the cliff faces to the top and bottom of the image. The layering of the mesa is most easily identified in the lower part of the image. The long linear depression on the northern face indicate that wind action played a large part in eroding the mesa. Hebes Chasma is an enclosed basin not connected to Valles Marineris. The Odyssey spacecraft has spent over 15 years in orbit around Mars, circling the planet more than 69000 times. It holds the record for longest working spacecraft at Mars. THEMIS, the IR/VIS camera system, has collected data for the entire mission and provides images covering all seasons and lighting conditions. Over the years many features of interest have received repeated imaging, building up a suite of images covering the entire feature. From the deepest chasma to the tallest volcano, individual dunes inside craters and dune fields that encircle the north pole, channels carved by water and lava, and a variety of other feature, THEMIS has imaged them all. For the next several months the image of the day will focus on the Tharsis volcanoes, the various chasmata of Valles Marineris, and the major dunes fields. We hope you enjoy these images! Orbit Number: 15281 Latitude: -1.13682 Longitude: 283.509 Instrument: VIS Captured: 2005-05-25 12:52
A secondary origin for the central plateau of Hebes Chasma
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Peterson, C.
Hebes Chasma, one of the northern members of the Valles Marineris, can be divided into three physiographic provinces; chasma walls, chasma floor, and central plateau. Theories of origin of the 5-kilometer-high central plateau include (1) the plateau is an eroded remnant of the surrounding plains, and (2) the plateau is a secondary feature deposited after formation of the chasma. A secondary eolian or pyroclastic origin best explains the morphology of the plateau. The chasma probably formed by collapse of a pre-existing graben that was widened by landslides and subsequently filled with eolian or pyroclastic material. Continued mass wasting isolated the plateau from the chasma walls. The enclosed nature of Hebes Chasma may have inhibited eolian erosion and transport within the trough, so that the relatively fresh appearance of the plateau has been preserved.
Do We Already have Samples of CERES H Chondrite Haliites and the CERES-HEBE Link
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Fries, Marc D.; Messenger, S.; Steele, A.; Zolensky, M.
We investigate the hypothesis that halite grains in the brecciated H chondrites Zag and Monahans originate from Ceres. Evidence includes mineralogy of the halites consistent with formation on a large, carbonaceous, aqueously active body close to the H chondrite parent body >4 Ga ago. Evidence also includes orbital simularities between 1 Ceres and the purported H chondrite parent body (HPB) 6 Hebe, possibly facilitating a gentle transfer between the bodies. Halite grains in the Monahans and Zag Hchondrites are exogenous to the H chondrite parent body and were transported to the HPB >4 Ga ago. Examination of minerals and carboanceous materials entrained within the halites shows that the halite parent body (HaPB) is consistent with a carbonaceous body [1]. It is probably a large body due to the variety of entrained carbonaceous materials which probably accreted from multiple sources. The halite grains contain intact, HaPB-origin, ancient fluid inclusions indicating that transfer between the HaPB and the HPB was a gentle process resulting in a ?T of <25 degC. Ejection from the HaPB may have been via cryovolcanic processes similar to those on modern-day Enceladus, which have been interpreted to include halite from spectroscopic observations. The ?Tmax to preserve the brinebearing halite restricts the impact velocity to the HPB at less than ˜350-700 m/s, depending upon the fraction of kinetic energy used heat the sample. [2-6]. Therefore the HaPB and HPB must have shared nearby orbits at the time of the HaPB-HPB transfer. Evidence presented elsewhere indicates asteroid 6 Hebe is a favored candidate for the HPB based on reflectance spectrum similarity with H chondrites and dynamical arguments [7,8]. The modern orbits of Ceres and Hebe are reasonably similar, with aphelion/perihelion of Ceres and Hebe of 2.99/2.55 and 2.91/1.94 AU, respectively. Initial calculations indicate an approximate mean infall velocity of 1.20 to 1.38 km/s. While higher than 350- 700 m/s, the
Raclariu, Ancuta C.; Mocan, Andrei; Popa, Madalina O.; Vlase, Laurian; Ichim, Mihael C.; Crisan, Gianina; Brysting, Anne K.; de Boer, Hugo
Studying herbal products derived from local and traditional knowledge and their value chains is one of the main challenges in ethnopharmacology. The majority of these products have a long history of use, but non-harmonized trade and differences in regulatory policies between countries impact their value chains and lead to concerns over product efficacy, safety and quality. Veronica officinalis L. (common speedwell), a member of Plantaginaceae family, has a long history of use in European traditional medicine, mainly in central eastern Europe and the Balkans. However, no specified control tests are available either to establish the quality of derived herbal products or for the discrimination of its most common substitute, V. chamaedrys L. (germander speedwell). In this study, we use DNA metabarcoding and high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) to authenticate sixteen V. officinalis herbal products and compare the potential of the two approaches to detect substitution, adulteration and the use of unreported constituents. HPLC-MS showed high resolution in detecting phytochemical target compounds, but did not enable detection of specific plant species in the products. DNA metabarcoding detected V. officinalis in only 15% of the products, whereas it detected V. chamaedrys in 62% of the products. The results confirm that DNA metabarcoding can be used to test for the presence of Veronica species, and detect substitution and/or admixture of other Veronica species, as well as simultaneously detect all other species present. Our results confirm that none of the herbal products contained exactly the species listed on the label, and all included substitutes, contaminants or fillers. This study highlights the need for authentication of raw herbals along the value chain of these products. An integrative methodology can assess both the quality of herbal products in terms of target compound concentrations and species composition, as well as
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Marsset, M.; Carry, B.; Dumas, C.; Hanuš, J.; Viikinkoski, M.; Vernazza, P.; Müller, T. G.; Delbo, M.; Jehin, E.; Gillon, M.; Grice, J.; Yang, B.; Fusco, T.; Berthier, J.; Sonnett, S.; Kugel, F.; Caron, J.; Behrend, R.
Context. The high-angular-resolution capability of the new-generation ground-based adaptive-optics camera SPHERE at ESO VLT allows us to assess, for the very first time, the cratering record of medium-sized (D 100-200 km) asteroids from the ground, opening the prospect of a new era of investigation of the asteroid belt's collisional history. Aims: We investigate here the collisional history of asteroid (6) Hebe and challenge the idea that Hebe may be the parent body of ordinary H chondrites, the most common type of meteorites found on Earth ( 34% of the falls). Methods: We observed Hebe with SPHERE as part of the science verification of the instrument. Combined with earlier adaptive-optics images and optical light curves, we model the spin and three-dimensional (3D) shape of Hebe and check the consistency of the derived model against available stellar occultations and thermal measurements. Results: Our 3D shape model fits the images with sub-pixel residuals and the light curves to 0.02 mag. The rotation period (7.274 47 h), spin (ECJ2000 λ, β of 343°, +47°), and volume-equivalent diameter (193 ± 6 km) are consistent with previous determinations and thermophysical modeling. Hebe's inferred density is 3.48 ± 0.64 g cm-3, in agreement with an intact interior based on its H-chondrite composition. Using the 3D shape model to derive the volume of the largest depression (likely impact crater), it appears that the latter is significantly smaller than the total volume of close-by S-type H-chondrite-like asteroid families. Conclusions: Our results imply that (6) Hebe is not the most likely source of H chondrites. Over the coming years, our team will collect similar high-precision shape measurements with VLT/SPHERE for 40 asteroids covering the main compositional classes, thus providing an unprecedented dataset to investigate the origin and collisional evolution of the asteroid belt. Based on observations made with ESO Telescopes at the La Silla Paranal Observatory
Mocan, Andrei; Vodnar, Dan Cristian; Vlase, Laurian; Crișan, Ovidiu; Gheldiu, Ana-Maria; Crișan, Gianina
Aerial parts of Veronica species are used in Romanian traditional medicine for the treatment of various conditions like kidney diseases, cough, and catarrh, and are known for their wound-healing properties. In the present study, the phenolic and sterolic content and the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of three Veronica species (Plantaginaceae), V. officinalis L., V. teucrium L. and V. orchidea Crantz, were studied. The identification and quantification of several phenolic compounds and phytosterols were performed using LC/MS techniques and the main components were p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, luteoline, hispidulin and β-sitosterol. More than that, hispidulin, eupatorin and eupatilin were detected for the first time in the Veronica genus. Nevertheless, representatives of the Veronica genus were never investigated in terms of their phytosterol content. The antioxidant potential investigated by Trolox equivelents antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and EPR spectroscopy revealed that V. officinalis and V. orchidea extracts presented similar antioxidant capacities, whilst the values registered for V. teucrium extract are lower. Regarding the antimicrobial activity of the investigated species, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii were the most sensitive strains with MIC values between 3.9 and 15.62 mg/mL. The results obtained by this study may serve to promote better use of representatives from the genus Veronica as antioxidant and antimicrobial agents. PMID:26404257
Modelling radicalization: how small violent fringe sects develop into large indoctrinated societies
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Short, Martin B.; McCalla, Scott G.; D'Orsogna, Maria R.
We model radicalization in a society consisting of two competing religious, ethnic or political groups. Each of the `sects' is divided into moderate and radical factions, with intra-group transitions occurring either spontaneously or through indoctrination. We also include the possibility of one group violently attacking the other. The intra-group transition rates of one group are modelled to explicitly depend on the actions and characteristics of the other, including violent episodes, effectively coupling the dynamics of the two sects. We use a game theoretic framework and assume that radical factions may tune `strategic' parameters to optimize given utility functions aimed at maximizing their ranks while minimizing the damage inflicted by their rivals. Constraints include limited overall resources that must be optimally allocated between indoctrination and external attacks on the other group. Various scenarios are considered, from symmetric sects whose behaviours mirror each other, to totally asymmetric ones where one sect may have a larger population or a superior resource availability. We discuss under what conditions sects preferentially employ indoctrination or violence, and how allowing sects to readjust their strategies allows for small, violent sects to grow into large, indoctrinated communities.
Modelling radicalization: how small violent fringe sects develop into large indoctrinated societies
We model radicalization in a society consisting of two competing religious, ethnic or political groups. Each of the ‘sects’ is divided into moderate and radical factions, with intra-group transitions occurring either spontaneously or through indoctrination. We also include the possibility of one group violently attacking the other. The intra-group transition rates of one group are modelled to explicitly depend on the actions and characteristics of the other, including violent episodes, effectively coupling the dynamics of the two sects. We use a game theoretic framework and assume that radical factions may tune ‘strategic’ parameters to optimize given utility functions aimed at maximizing their ranks while minimizing the damage inflicted by their rivals. Constraints include limited overall resources that must be optimally allocated between indoctrination and external attacks on the other group. Various scenarios are considered, from symmetric sects whose behaviours mirror each other, to totally asymmetric ones where one sect may have a larger population or a superior resource availability. We discuss under what conditions sects preferentially employ indoctrination or violence, and how allowing sects to readjust their strategies allows for small, violent sects to grow into large, indoctrinated communities. PMID:28879010
Hughes, Nicole M.; Smith, William K.; Gould, Kevin S.
Background and Aims Red or purple coloration of leaf margins is common in angiosperms, and is found in approx. 25 % of New Zealand Veronica species. However, the functional significance of margin coloration is unknown. We hypothesized that anthocyanins in leaf margins correspond with increased phenolic content in leaf margins and/or the leaf entire, signalling low palatability or leaf quality to edge-feeding insects. Methods Five species of Veronica with red leaf margins, and six species without, were examined in a common garden. Phenolic content in leaf margins and interior lamina regions of juvenile and fully expanded leaves was quantified using the Folin–Ciocalteu assay. Proportions of leaf margins eaten and average lengths of continuous bites were used as a proxy for palatability. Key Results Phenolic content was consistently higher in leaf margins compared with leaf interiors in all species; however, neither leaf margins nor more interior tissues differed significantly in phenolic content with respects to margin colour. Mean phenolic content was inversely correlated with the mean length of continuous bites, suggesting effective deterrence of grazing. However, there was no difference in herbivore consumption of red and green margins, and the plant species with the longest continuous grazing patterns were both red-margined. Conclusions Red margin coloration was not an accurate indicator of total phenolic content in leaf margins or interior lamina tissue in New Zealand Veronica. Red coloration was also ineffective in deterring herbivory on the leaf margin, though studies controlling for variations in leaf structure and biochemistry (e.g. intra-specific studies) are needed before more precise conclusions can be drawn. It is also recommended that future studies focus on the relationship between anthocyanin and specific defence compounds (rather than general phenolic pools), and evaluate possible alternative functions of red margins in leaves (e.g. antioxidants
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Zhu, J; Penfold, S; Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, SA
Purpose: To investigate the robustness of dual energy CT (DECT) and single energy CT (SECT) proton stopping power calibration techniques and quantify the associated errors when imaging a phantom differing in chemical composition to that used during stopping power calibration. Methods: The CIRS tissue substitute phantom was scanned in a CT-simulator at 90kV and 140kV. This image set was used to generate a DECT proton SPR calibration based on a relationship between effective atomic number and mean excitation energy. A SECT proton SPR calibration based only on Hounsfield units (HUs) was also generated. DECT and SECT scans of a secondmore » phantom of known density and chemical composition were performed. The SPR of the second phantom was calculated with the DECT approach (SPR-DECT),the SECT approach (SPR-SECT) and finally the known density and chemical composition of the phantom (SPR-ref). The DECT and SECT image sets were imported into the Pinnacle{sup 3} research release of proton therapy treatment planning. The difference in dose when exposed to a common pencil beam distribution was investigated. Results: SPR-DECT was found to be in better agreement with SPR-ref than SPR- SECT. The mean difference in SPR for all materials was 0.51% for DECT and 6.89% for SECT. With the exception of Teflon, SPR-DECT was found to agree with SPR-ref to within 1%. Significant differences in calculated dose were found when using the DECT image set or the SECT image set. Conclusion: The DECT calibration technique was found to be more robust to situations in which the physical properties of the test materials differed from the materials used during SPR calibration. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the DECT and SECT SPR calibration techniques can Result in significantly different calculated dose distributions.« less
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
A Veronica plant showing mosaic symptoms was examined by electron microscopy, which revealed particles typical of carlaviruses. RNA extracted from virions partially purified by high speed centrifugation through a 30% sucrose cushion was used as template for random PCR to produce a viral cDNA librar...
Sharifi-Rad, M; Tayeboon, G S; Sharifi-Rad, J; Iriti, M; Varoni, E M; Razazi, S
Veronica genus (Plantaginaceae) is broadly distributed in different habitats. In this study, the inhibitory activity of free soluble and conjugated phenolic extracts of Veronica persica on key enzymes associated to type 2 diabetes (α-glucosidase and α-amylase) and hypertension (angiotensin I converting enzyme, ACE) was assessed, as well as their antioxidant power. Our results showed that both the extracts inhibited α-amylase, α-glucosidase and ACE in a dose-dependent manner. In particular, free phenolic extract significantly (P<0.05) inhibited α-glucosidase (IC50 532.97 µg/mL), whereas conjugated phenolic extract significantly (P<0.05) inhibited α-amylase (IC50 489.73 µg/mL) and ACE (290.06 µg/mL). The enzyme inhibitory activities of the extracts were not associated with their phenolic content. Anyway, the inhibition of α-amylase, α-glucosidase and ACE, along with the antioxidant capacity of the phenolic-rich extracts, could represent a putative mechanism through which V. persica exerts its antidiabetes and antihypertension effects.
Phytochemical compounds and anti-corrosion activity of Veronica rosea.
Ouache, Rachid; Harkat, Hassina; Pale, Patrick; Oulmi, Kafia
The aim of this work is the phytochemical study of the butanolic extract of the aerial parts of Veronica rosea. Four compounds 1-4 have been isolated using different chromatographic methods. The structures of these compounds were determined by NMR spectral analysis and mass spectroscopy. The adsorption and anticorrosion effects of this extract were investigated towards the corrosion of copper in 1 M HNO 3 aqueous by the weight loss technique and potentiodynamic polarization. The results showed that the butanolic extract is a good inhibitor and the inhibition efficiency increases with increasing of concentration of the inhibitor. The adsorption of this extract on the copper specimen surface was spontaneous and obeyed the Langmuir's adsorption isotherm. Large value of adsorption equilibrium Constant (K ads = 35 L g -1 ) was obtained. The polarization experiments confirmed the data obtained by gravimetric weight-loss. Tafel plot of polarization curves indicates that the extract acts as a mixed type inhibitor.
Surface composition of near-Earth Asteroid (4953) 1990 MU: Possible fragment of (6) Hebe
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kelley, Michael S.; Gaffey, Michael J.; Reddy, Vishnu; Sanchez, Juan A.
, California, pp. 17-43). This diameter is higher than the 2.8 km value from Harris et al. (Harris, A.W. et al. [2011]. Astron. J. 141, 10) using an albedo of 0.52 for 1990 MU. This albedo value is unusually high for H chondrites, which have an albedo range of 0.12-0.30. We compared olivine and pyroxene chemistries of 1990 MU with main belt Asteroid (6) Hebe, probable parent body of H chondrite meteorites and IIE irons (Gaffey, M.J., Gilbert, S.L. [1998]. Meteor. Planet. Sci. 33, 1281-1295), and found that 1990 MU has more high-calcium pyroxene than Hebe. Fayalite and ferrosilite values of the two asteroids are consistent with H chondrites but do not overlap each other. The differences could be due to compositional variations observed on Hebe by Gaffey and Gilbert (Gaffey, M.J., Gilbert, S.L. [1998]. Meteor. Planet. Sci. 33, 1281-1295), although the observed rotational variation in spectral parameters does not match well with those of 1990 MU.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hudobivnik, N; Dedes, G; Parodi, K
Purpose: Range uncertainty from X-ray CT number conversion to stopping power ratio (SPR) is one of the key factors limiting the potential of proton therapy. The large margins required for deep seated tumors degrade the organ sparing achievable with the technology. Of interest is the application of dual energy CT (DECT) to SPR estimation. In this planning study proton range differences between SECT and DECT have been quantified for brain cases. Methods: A last generation dual source DECT scanner was used to acquire SECT (150 kVp with Sn filtration) and DECT (additionally 90 kVp) scans of phantoms and 5 headmore » trauma patients, acting as surrogate cancer patients. Phantom materials were characterized in terms of SPR in a particle beam to obtain reference values. IMPT treatment plans were generated on the basis of SECT and DECT SPR images for hypothetical brain tumors using a short and a long beam path. Range differences between SECT and DECT from plan recalculations were evaluated in beam-eye-view (BEV) by comparing the 80% isodose. Results: For the 18 phantom materials the SECT RMS SPR errors were 2.6% compared to 1.1% for DECT. Group median relative range differences between SECT and DECT plans were −1.0% for the short beam path over the 5 patients investigated in this study. For the long beam path the median difference was −1.4%. These relative range differences corresponded to −0.5 mm and −1.4 mm shifts respectively. Conclusion: This is the first study performing proton therapy treatment planning on DECT patient images. Important range differences of more than 1 mm were observed between SECT and DECT treatment plans, and DECT SPR accuracy was found superior on the basis of phantom measurements. While the patients investigated in this study did not have brain tumors, the findings we observed should apply to cancer patients. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (MAP); Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung (01IB13001)« less
Novel species in Talaromyces sect. Islandici isolated from maize and other substrates
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Talaromyces sect. Islandici was reexamined to determine the prevalence of isolates from maize and the built environment. Using phenotypic analysis, DNA sequencing and phylogenetic and concordance analysis we discovered and described ten new species in section Islandici and one new species in section...
[A couple in the sect: between freedom of membership and risks of abuse].
Grattagliano, I; Tangari, D
Psychological cults are of particular interest to criminologists due to their complex and multi-faceted structures. They may come in the form of organizations, movements, and training centers that make promises to their victims of developing or strengthening their psycho-relational capacities, thus resulting in improvements in their social, professional, and personal lives. Starting from the complex and delicate story of a professional couple who join a cult, the authors describe one case of a organization that are referred to as "psycho-sects", and with a significant number of followers. These cases came to our attention through judicial authorities, and they offer us an opportunity to look at two aspects associated with psycho-sects: The need of individuals to belong to such groups; and the risk of abuse and violence that they face.
Li, Yuan-Cong; Zhong, Da-Lv; Rao, Guang-Yuan; Wen, Jun; Ren, Yi; Zhang, Jian-Qiang
Quaternary climatic oscillations have had tremendous effects on current distribution of species. Previous studies unraveled multiple microrefugia on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) in two woody plants. Still we know little whether herbs growing in forests responded to climatic oscillations similarly. We herein conducted a phylogeographic study on Rhodiola sect. Trifida, an herbaceous group endemic to the QTP, which mainly growing on the forest floors, using plastid and ITS sequences as well as ecological niche modeling. The origin and divergence of major clades of sect. Trifida were in accordance with the last phase of the QTP uplifts. Mismatch distribution analysis indicated a range expansion dated to ca. 135 thousand years ago. A high frequency and an even distribution of private haplotypes in both plastid and ITS data sets throughout the distribution of sect. Trifida were detected. The ecological niche modeling results showed that there were suitable habitats on the QTP platform during the LGM. Our results found that multiple microrefugia existed on the QTP platform, supporting the hypothesis that species with similar geographic distribution and inhabiting the same community had similar responses to the Quaternary climatic oscillations. Furthermore, species delimitations in sect. Trifida need to be tested based on integrative evidence from morphological, ecological and genetic data. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Krinitsyna, A A; Mel'nikova, N V; Belenikin, M S; Poltronieri, P; Santino, A; Kudriavtseva, A V; Savilova, A M; Speranskaia, A S
Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitor proteins of group A (KPI-A) are involved in the protection of potato plants from pathogens and pests. Although sequences of large number of the KPI-A genes from different species of cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) and a few genes from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) are known to date, information about the allelic diversity of these genes in other species of the genus Solanum is lacking. In our work, the consensus sequences of the KPI-A genes were established in two species of subgenus Potatoe sect. Petota (Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigenum--5 genes and Solanum stoloniferum--2 genes) and in the subgenus Solanum (Solanum nigrum--5 genes) by amplification, cloning, sequencing and subsequent analysis. The determined sequences of KPI-A genes were 97-100% identical to known sequences of the cultivated potato of sect. Petota (cultivated potato Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) and sect. Etuberosum (S. palustre). The interspecific variability of these genes did not exceed the intraspecific variability for all studied species except Solanum lycopersicum. The distribution of highly variable and conserved sequences in the mature protein-encoding regions was uniform for all investigated KPI-A genes. However, our attempts to amplify the homologous genes using the same primers and the genomes of Solanum dulcamarum, Solanum lycopersicum and Mandragora officinarum resulted in no product formation. Phylogenetic analysis of KPI-A diversity showed that the sequences of the S. lycopersicum form independent cluster, whereas KPI-A of S. nigrum and species of sect. Etuberosum and sect. Petota are closely related and do not form species-specific subclasters. Although Solanum nigrum is resistant to all known races of economically one of the most important diseases of solanaceous plants oomycete Phytophthora infestans aminoacid sequences encoding by KPI-A genes from its genome have nearly or absolutely no differences to the same from
Are white evangelical Protestants lower class? A partial test of church-sect theory.
Schwadel, Philip
Testing hypotheses derived from church-sect theory and contemporary research about changes in evangelical Protestants' social status, I use repeated cross-sectional survey data spanning almost four decades to examine changes in the social-class hierarchy of American religious traditions. While there is little change in the social-class position of white evangelical Protestants from the early 1970s to 2010, there is considerable change across birth cohorts. Results from hierarchical age-period-cohort models show: (1) robust, across-cohort declines in social-class differences between white evangelical Protestants and liberal Protestants, affiliates of "other" religions, and the unaffiliated, (2) stability in social-class differences between white evangelical Protestants and moderate, Pentecostal, and nondenominational Protestants, (3) moderate across-cohort growth in social-class differences between white evangelical Protestants and Catholics, and (4) these patterns vary across indicators of social class. The findings in this article provide partial support for church-sect theory as well as other theories of social change that emphasize the pivotal role of generations. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Baker, Robert A; Bronson, Shahna L; Dickinson, Timothy A; Fitzgerald, David C; Likosky, Donald S; Mellas, Nicholas B; Shann, Kenneth G
One of the roles of a professional society is to develop standards and guidelines of practice as an instrument to guide safe and effective patient care. The American Society of Extracorporeal Technology (AmSECT) first published its Essentials for Perfusion Practice, Clinical Function: Conduct of Extracorporeal Circulation in 1993. The International Consortium for Evidence-Based Perfusion (ICEBP), a committee within AmSECT, was tasked with updating this document in 2010. The aim of this report is to describe the method of development and content of AmSECT's new professional standards and guidelines. The ICEBP committee independently evaluated and provided input regarding the current "Essentials and Guidelines." Structural changes were made to the entire document, and a draft document was developed, presented, and circulated to the AmSECT Board of Directors and broader membership for comment. Informed by these reviews, a revised document was then presented to the Society for a membership vote. The final document consists of 15 areas of practice covered by 50 Standards and 38 Guidelines (see Appendix 1) with the first standard focusing on the development of institutional protocols to support their implementation and use. A majority of the membership voted to accept the document (81.2% of the voting membership accepting, 18.8% rejecting). After an audit of the balloting process by AmSECT's Ethics Committee, the results were reported to the membership and the document was officially adopted on July 24, 2013. The Standards and Guidelines will serve as a useful guide for cardiac surgical teams that wish to develop institution-specific standards and guidelines to improve the reliability, safety, and effectiveness of adult cardiopulmonary bypass. The ICEBP recognizes that the development of a Standards and Guidelines statement alone will not change care. Safe, reliable, and effective care will be best served through the development and implementation of institutional
Chung, Kuo-Fang; Leong, Wai-Chao; Rubite, Rosario Rivera; Repin, Rimi; Kiew, Ruth; Liu, Yan; Peng, Ching-I
The picturesque limestone karsts across the Sino-Vietnamese border are renowned biodiversity hotspot, distinguished for extremely high endemism of calciphilous plants restricted to caves and cave-like microhabitats that have functioned as biological refugia on the otherwise harsh habitats. To understand evolutionary mechanisms underlying the splendid limestone flora, dated phylogeny is reconstructed for Asian Begonia, a species-rich genus on limestone substrates represented by no less than 60 species in southern China, using DNA sequences of nrITS and chloroplast rpL16 intron. The sampling includes 94 Begonia species encompassing most major Asian clades with a special emphasized on Chinese species. Except for two tuberous deciduous species and a species with upright stems, a majority of Sino-Vietnamese limestone Begonia (SVLB), including sect. Coelocentrum (19 species sampled) and five species of sect. Diploclinium, Leprosae, and Petermannia, are rhizomatous and grouped in a strongly supported and yet internally poorly resolved clade (Clade SVLB), suggesting a single evolutionary origin of the adaptation to limestone substrates by rhizomatous species, subsequent species radiation, and a strong tendency to retain their ancestral niche. Divergence-time estimates indicate a late Miocene diversification of Clade SVLB, coinciding with the onset of the East Asian monsoon and the period of extensive karstification in the area. Based on our phylogenetic study, Begonia sect. Coelocentrum is recircumscribed and expanded to include other members of the Clade SVLB (sect. Diploclinium: B. cavaleriei, B. pulvinifera, and B. wangii; sect. Leprosae: B. cylindrica and B. leprosa; sect. Petermannia: B. sinofloribunda). Because species of Clade SVLB have strong niche conservatism to retain in their ancestral habitats in cave-like microhabitats and Begonia are generally poor dispersers prone to diversify allopatrically, we propose that extensive and continuous karstification of the
DeChaine, Eric G.; Anderson, Stacy A.; McNew, Jennifer M.; Wendling, Barry M.
Arctic-alpine plants in the genus Saxifraga L. (Saxifragaceae Juss.) provide an excellent system for investigating the process of diversification in northern regions. Yet, sect. Trachyphyllum (Gaud.) Koch, which is comprised of about 8 to 26 species, has still not been explored by molecular systematists even though taxonomists concur that the section needs to be thoroughly re-examined. Our goals were to use chloroplast trnL-F and nuclear ITS DNA sequence data to circumscribe the section phylogenetically, test models of geographically-based population divergence, and assess the utility of morphological characters in estimating evolutionary relationships. To do so, we sequenced both genetic markers for 19 taxa within the section. The phylogenetic inferences of sect. Trachyphyllum using maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses showed that the section is polyphyletic, with S. aspera L. and S bryoides L. falling outside the main clade. In addition, the analyses supported several taxonomic re-classifications to prior names. We used two approaches to test biogeographic hypotheses: i) a coalescent approach in Mesquite to test the fit of our reconstructed gene trees to geographically-based models of population divergence and ii) a maximum likelihood inference in Lagrange. These tests uncovered strong support for an origin of the clade in the Southern Rocky Mountains of North America followed by dispersal and divergence episodes across refugia. Finally we adopted a stochastic character mapping approach in SIMMAP to investigate the utility of morphological characters in estimating evolutionary relationships among taxa. We found that few morphological characters were phylogenetically informative and many were misleading. Our molecular analyses provide a foundation for the diversity and evolutionary relationships within sect. Trachyphyllum and hypotheses for better understanding the patterns and processes of divergence in this section, other saxifrages, and plants inhabiting
Corolla morphology influences diversification rates in bifid toadflaxes (Linaria sect. Versicolores)
Fernández-Mazuecos, Mario; Blanco-Pastor, José Luis; Gómez, José M.; Vargas, Pablo
Background and Aims The role of flower specialization in plant speciation and evolution remains controversial. In this study the evolution of flower traits restricting access to pollinators was analysed in the bifid toadflaxes (Linaria sect. Versicolores), a monophyletic group of ∼30 species and subspecies with highly specialized corollas. Methods A time-calibrated phylogeny based on both nuclear and plastid DNA sequences was obtained using a coalescent-based method, and flower morphology was characterized by means of morphometric analyses. Directional trends in flower shape evolution and trait-dependent diversification rates were jointly analysed using recently developed methods, and morphological shifts were reconstructed along the phylogeny. Pollinator surveys were conducted for a representative sample of species. Key Results A restrictive character state (narrow corolla tube) was reconstructed in the most recent common ancestor of Linaria sect. Versicolores. After its early loss in the most species-rich clade, this character state has been convergently reacquired in multiple lineages of this clade in recent times, yet it seems to have exerted a negative influence on diversification rates. Comparative analyses and pollinator surveys suggest that the narrow- and broad-tubed flowers are evolutionary optima representing divergent strategies of pollen placement on nectar-feeding insects. Conclusions The results confirm that different forms of floral specialization can lead to dissimilar evolutionary success in terms of diversification. It is additionally suggested that opposing individual-level and species-level selection pressures may have driven the evolution of pollinator-restrictive traits in bifid toadflaxes. PMID:24142920
Kroflič, Ana; Germ, Mateja; Golob, Aleksandra; Stibilj, Vekoslava
The present study describes the influence of extensive agriculture on the concentrations of As, Cr, Cu, Cd, Se, Pb and Zn in sediments and in the aquatic plant Veronica anagallis-aquatica. The investigation, spanning 4 years, was conducted on three watercourses in Slovenia (Pšata, Lipsenjščica and Žerovniščica) flowing through agricultural areas. The different sampling sites were chosen on the basis of the presence of different activities in these regions: dairy farming, stock raising and extensive agriculture. The concentrations of the selected elements in sediments and V. anagallis-aquatica were below the literature background values. The distribution of the selected elements among different plant parts (roots, stems and leaves) were also investigated. The majority of the studied elements, with the exception of Zn and Cu, were accumulated mainly in root tissues. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Królak, Elżbieta; Marciniuk, Jolanta; Popijantus, Katarzyna; Wasilczuk, Paulina; Kasprzykowski, Zbigniew
The genus Taraxacum is used in the assessment of soil contamination with heavy metals. There are relatively few studies using sections or species representing this genus. The presented research was conducted in Poland on two habitats, varied in terms of nutrients and metals content. The content of selected metals in leaves and roots of Taraxacum sect. Taraxacum was determined. It was found that in the conditions of increased content of metals in the soil, the analysed species representing sect. Taraxacum accumulate higher amounts of metals in their leaves and roots. Factors of translocation of selected metals from roots to leaves of Taraxacum species, representing the Taraxacum section, are affected by i.a. soil reaction and the content of Corg, Ntot. in the soil. No influence of soil properties on metal biological concentration factor was observed.
Majure, Lucas C.; Bécquer, Eldis R.; Judd, Walter S.
Abstract We describe two new species in Miconia sect. Lima, Miconia bullotricha Bécquer & Majure and Miconia hirtistyla Majure & Judd, from eastern, Cuba. We also provide illustrations and distribution maps for the two species, as well as a key to members of the Lima clade on Cuba. PMID:24526849
Csepregi, Rita; Bencsik, Tímea; Papp, Nóra
Anthyllis vulneraria L., Fuchsia sp., Galium mollugo L., and Veronica beccabunga L. were selected to analyse the phenolic content and the antioxidant activity by ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) assays. The highest polyphenol, tannin, and flavonoid contents were measured in Fuchsia species (7.40 ± 0.8, 5.62 ± 0.7 and 0.72 ± 0.1 g/100 g dry weight), while the lowest values were detected in Anthyllis vulneraria (0.68 ± 0.02, 0.17 ± 0.03 and 0.45 ± 0.01 g/100 g dry weight) and Galium mollugo (1.77 ± 0.05, 0.49 ± 0.04 and 0.16 ± 0.06 g/100 g dry weight). The leaf extract of Fuchsia sp. had the highest, while the herb of A. vulneraria had the lowest antioxidant effect measured by both methods, which is probably related to total polyphenol, tannin, and flavonoid contents.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sneath, Robyn
In 1874, 6000 Old Colony Mennonites, an ethno-religious minority sect, immigrated to the Canadian prairies from Russia, after negotiating a charter of privileges with the federal government. Chief among these freedoms was the right to educate their children without government interference. Between 1890 and 1922, tensions mounted between the…
de Oliveira Bünger, Mariana; Fernanda Mazine, Fiorella; Forest, Félix; Leandro Bueno, Marcelo; Renato Stehmann, João; Lucas, Eve J
Eugenia sect. Phyllocalyx Nied. includes 14 species endemic to the Neotropics, mostly distributed in the Atlantic coastal forests of Brazil. Here the first comprehensive phylogenetic study of this group is presented, and this phylogeny is used as the basis to evaluate the recent infrageneric classification in Eugenia sensu lato (s.l.) to test the history of the evolution of traits in the group and test hypotheses associated with the history of this clade. A total of 42 taxa were sampled, of which 14 were Eugenia sect. Phyllocalyx for one nuclear (ribosomal internal transcribed spacer) and four plastid markers (psbA-trnH, rpl16, trnL-rpl32 and trnQ-rps16). The relationships were reconstructed based on Bayesian analysis and maximum likelihood. Additionally, ancestral area analysis and modelling methods were used to estimate species dispersal, comparing historically climatic stable (refuges) and unstable areas. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inferences indicate that Eugenia sect. Phyllocalyx is paraphyletic and the two clades recovered are characterized by combinations of morphological characters. Phylogenetic relationships support a link between Cerrado and south-eastern species and a difference in the composition of species from north-eastern and south-eastern Atlantic forest. Refugia and stable areas identified within unstable areas suggest that these areas were important to maintain diversity in the Atlantic forest biodiversity hotspot. This study provides a robust phylogenetic framework to address important historical questions for Eugenia s.l. within an evolutionary context, supporting the need for better taxonomic study of one of the largest genera in the Neotropics. Furthermore, valuable insight is offered into diversification and biome shifts of plant species in the highly environmentally impacted Atlantic forest of South America. Evidence is presented that climate stability in the south-eastern Atlantic forest during the Quaternary contributed to the
de Oliveira Bünger, Mariana; Fernanda Mazine, Fiorella; Forest, Félix; Leandro Bueno, Marcelo; Renato Stehmann, João; Lucas, Eve J.
Background and Aims Eugenia sect. Phyllocalyx Nied. includes 14 species endemic to the Neotropics, mostly distributed in the Atlantic coastal forests of Brazil. Here the first comprehensive phylogenetic study of this group is presented, and this phylogeny is used as the basis to evaluate the recent infrageneric classification in Eugenia sensu lato (s.l.) to test the history of the evolution of traits in the group and test hypotheses associated with the history of this clade. Methods A total of 42 taxa were sampled, of which 14 were Eugenia sect. Phyllocalyx for one nuclear (ribosomal internal transcribed spacer) and four plastid markers (psbA-trnH, rpl16, trnL-rpl32 and trnQ-rps16). The relationships were reconstructed based on Bayesian analysis and maximum likelihood. Additionally, ancestral area analysis and modelling methods were used to estimate species dispersal, comparing historically climatic stable (refuges) and unstable areas. Key Results Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inferences indicate that Eugenia sect. Phyllocalyx is paraphyletic and the two clades recovered are characterized by combinations of morphological characters. Phylogenetic relationships support a link between Cerrado and south-eastern species and a difference in the composition of species from north-eastern and south-eastern Atlantic forest. Refugia and stable areas identified within unstable areas suggest that these areas were important to maintain diversity in the Atlantic forest biodiversity hotspot. Conclusion This study provides a robust phylogenetic framework to address important historical questions for Eugenia s.l. within an evolutionary context, supporting the need for better taxonomic study of one of the largest genera in the Neotropics. Furthermore, valuable insight is offered into diversification and biome shifts of plant species in the highly environmentally impacted Atlantic forest of South America. Evidence is presented that climate stability in the south-eastern Atlantic
Hardion, Laurent; Dumas, Pierre-Jean; Abdel-Samad, Farah; Bou Dagher Kharrat, Magda; Surina, Bostjan; Affre, Laurence; Médail, Frédéric; Bacchetta, Gianluigi; Baumel, Alex
Understanding the origin and evolution of Mediterranean vascular flora within the long-term context of climate change requires a continuous study of historical biogeography supported by molecular phylogenetic approaches. Here we provide new insights into the fascinating but often overlooked diversification of Mediterranean xerophytic plants. Growing in some of the most stressing Mediterranean environments, i.e. coastal and mountainous opened habitats, the circum-Mediterranean Astragalus L. sect. Tragacantha DC. (Fabaceae) gathers several thorny cushion-like taxa. These have been the subjects of recent taxonomical studies, but they have not yet been investigated within a comprehensive molecular framework. Bayesian phylogenetics applied to rDNA ITS sequences reveal that the diversification of A. sect. Tragacantha has roots dating back to the Pliocene, and the same data also indicate an eastern-western split giving rise to the five main lineages that exist today. In addition, AFLP fingerprinting supports an old east-west pattern of vicariance that completely rules out the possibility of a recent eastern origin for western taxa. The observed network of genetic relationships implies that contrary to what is widely claimed in the taxonomic literature, it is range fragmentation, as opposed to a coastal-to-mountain ecological shift, that is likely the main driver of diversification. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Ren, Guangpeng; Conti, Elena; Salamin, Nicolas
The historical orogenesis and associated climatic changes of mountain areas have been suggested to partly account for the occurrence of high levels of biodiversity and endemism. However, their effects on dispersal, differentiation and evolution of many groups of plants are still unknown. In this study, we examined the detailed diversification history of Primula sect. Armerina, and used biogeographic analysis and macro-evolutionary modeling to investigate a series of different questions concerning the evolution of the geographical and ecological distribution of the species in this section. We sequenced five chloroplast and one nuclear genes for species of Primula sect. Armerina. Neither chloroplast nor nuclear trees support the monophyly of the section. The major incongruences between the two trees occur among closely related species and may be explained by hybridization. Our dating analyses based on the chloroplast dataset suggest that this section began to diverge from its relatives around 3.55 million years ago, largely coinciding with the last major uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). Biogeographic analysis supports the origin of the section in the Himalayan Mountains and dispersal from the Himalayas to Northeastern QTP, Western QTP and Hengduan Mountains. Furthermore, evolutionary models of ecological niches show that the two P. fasciculata clades have significantly different climatic niche optima and rates of niche evolution, indicating niche evolution under climatic changes and further providing evidence for explaining their biogeographic patterns. Our results support the hypothesis that geologic and climatic events play important roles in driving biological diversification of organisms in the QTP area. The Pliocene uplift of the QTP and following climatic changes most likely promoted both the inter- and intraspecific divergence of Primula sect. Armerina. This study also illustrates how niche evolution under climatic changes influences biogeographic
Perrone, Giancarlo; Haidukowski, Miriam; Stea, Gaetano; Epifani, Filomena; Bandyopadhyay, Ranajit; Leslie, John F; Logrieco, Antonio
Aflatoxins are highly toxic carcinogens that contaminate crops worldwide. Previous studies conducted in Nigeria and Ghana found high concentrations of aflatoxins in pre- and post-harvest maize. However, little information is available on the population structure of Aspergillus Sect. Flavi in West Africa. We determined the incidence of Aspergillus Sect. Flavi and the level of aflatoxin contamination in 91 maize samples from farms and markets in Nigeria and Ghana. Aspergillus spp. were recovered from 61/91 maize samples and aflatoxins B1 and/or B2 occurred in 36/91 samples. Three samples from the farms also contained aflatoxin G1 and/or G2. Farm samples were more highly contaminated than were samples from the market, in terms of both the percentage of the samples contaminated and the level of mycotoxin contamination. One-hundred-and-thirty-five strains representative of the 1163 strains collected were identified by using a multilocus sequence analysis of portions of the genes encoding calmodulin, β-tubulin and actin, and evaluated for aflatoxin production. Of the 135 strains, there were 110 - Aspergillus flavus, 20 - Aspergillus tamarii, 2 - Aspergillus wentii, 2 - Aspergillus flavofurcatus, and 1 - Aspergillus parvisclerotigenus. Twenty-five of the A. flavus strains and the A. parvisclerotigenus strain were the only strains that produced aflatoxins. The higher contamination of the farm than the market samples suggests that the aflatoxin exposure of rural farmers is even higher than previously estimated based on reported contamination of market samples. The relative infrequency of the A. flavus SBG strains, producing small sclerotia and high levels of both aflatoxins (B and G), suggests that long-term chronic exposure to this mycotoxin are a much higher health risk in West Africa than is the acute toxicity due to very highly contaminated maize in east Africa. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An overview of the Small Engine Component Technology (SECT) studies
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Vanco, M. R.; Wintucky, W. T.; Niedzwiecki, R. W.
The objectives of the joint NASA/Army SECT Studies were to identify high payoff technologies for year 2000 small gas turbine engine applications and to provide a technology plan for guiding future research and technology efforts applicable to rotorcraft, commuter and general aviation aircraft and cruise missiles. Competitive contracts were awarded to Allison, AVCO Lycoming, Garrett, Teledyne CAE and Williams International. This paper presents an overview of the contractors' study efforts for the commuter, rotorcraft, cruise missile, and auxiliary power (APU) applications with engines in the 250 to 1,000 horsepower size range. Reference aircraft, missions and engines were selected. Advanced engine configurations and cycles with projected year 2000 component technologies were evaluated and compared with a reference engine selected by the contractor. For typical commuter and rotorcraft applications, fuel savings of 22 percent to 42 percent can be attained. For $1/gallon and $2/gallon fuel, reductions in direct operating cost range from 6 percent to 16 percent and from 11 percent to 17 percent respectively. For subsonic strategic cruise missile applications, fuel savings of 38 percent to 54 percent can be achieved which allows 35 percent to 60 percent increase in mission range and life cycle cost reductions of 40 percent to 56 percent. High payoff technologies have been identified for all applications.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Vogelmann, James E.; Gastony, Gerald J.
Genetic relationships among the seven species of Agastache sect. Agastache common in North America and the one found in eastern Asia were assessed using starch-gel electrophoresis of twelve enzymatic proteins. Nei's (1976) genetic distance and identity values, calculated among the 32 populations used in this study, partitioned the Agastache section into four discrete groups: (1) A. nepetoides (eastern North America), (2) A. scrophulariifolia and A. foeniculum (eastern and central North America), (3) the four species of the western U.S. (A. urticifolia, A. occidentalis, A. parvifolia, and A. cusickii), and (4) A. rugosa (eastern Asia). The Asian Agastache, separated from its American congeners for over 12 million years, differed from American populations at only two (the IDH-1 and LAP-1 alleles) of the fifteen loci surveyed; these alleles were not found in any of the North American plants. Nei's genetic distances between the Asian and North American populations ranged from 0.2877 to 0.6734.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Landsberger, D.; Meiner, V.; Reshef, A.
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal dominant disease caused by mutations in the LDL receptor gene. Here the authors characterize and LDL receptor mutation that is associated with a distinct haplotype and causes FH in the Druze, a small Middle Eastern Islamic sect with a high degree of inbreeding. The mutation was found in FH families from two distinct Druze villages from the Golan Heights (northern Israel). It was not found either in another Druze FH family residing in a different geographical area nor in eight Arab and four Jewish FH heterozygote index cases whose hypercholesterolemia cosegregates with an identicalmore » LDL receptor gene haplotype. The mutation, a single-base substitution, results in a termination codon in exon 4 of the LDL receptor gene that encodes for the fourth repeat of the binding domain of the mature receptor. It can be diagnosed by allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization of PCR-amplified DNA from FH patients.« less
Revision of the Lima clade (Miconia sect. Lima, Miconieae, Melastomataceae) of the Greater Antilles
Majure, Lucas C.; Bécquer, Eldis R.; Judd, Walter S.
Abstract Miconia sect. Lima is an entirely Greater Antillean clade that consists of 19 known species of shrubs and small trees, which were previously recognized under the polyphyletic genera Leandra and Ossaea. The highest species richness in the clade is represented on Cuba (10 species), followed by Hispaniola (8 species) and then Jamaica (1 species). Here we present a taxonomic revision of the clade based on the study of species in the field, herbarium specimens, as well as a DNA-based phylogeny reconstruction. The Lima clade most likely originated on Cuba and then spread to Jamaica once and Hispaniola multiple times. Species of this clade can be recognized by the well developed bulla-based hairs of the adaxial leaf surface, as well as the clavate-dendritic hairs produced along the primary, secondary and tertiary veins of the adaxial leaf surface, mostly towards the leaf base, terminal inflorescences, acute petal apices, slightly bulla-based hairs produced subapically along the petal abaxial surface, and anthers with a dorso-basal appendage and a single, dorsally oriented pore. Descriptions, synonymies, along with distribution maps and illustrations/figures, are given for each species. Miconia pagnolensis sp. nov. is newly described in this revision. PMID:27829802
Blue pigment in Hypocrea caerulescens sp. nov. and two additional new species in sect. Trichoderma
Jaklitsch, Walter M.; Stadler, Marc; Voglmayr, Hermann
Three new species of Hypocrea/Trichoderma sect. Trichoderma (Hypocreaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota, Fungi) are described from recent collections in southern Europe and the Canary Islands. They have been characterized by morphological and molecular methods, including microscopic examination of the teleomorph in thin sections, the anamorph, growth rate experiments and phylogenetic analyses based on a part of the translation elongation factor 1-alpha encoding gene (tef1) containing the two last introns and a part of the rpb2 gene, encoding the second largest RNA polymerase subunit. Analyses involving tef1 did not unequivocally resolve the sister clade relationship of Hypocrea caerulescens relative to the Koningii and Viride clades, while analyses based on rpb2 clearly suggest a close relationship with the former, although the phenotype of H. caerulescens is similar to H. viridescens, particularly by its warted conidia and a coconut-like odor in CMD culture. Hypocrea hispanica and T. samuelsii however are clearly related to the Viride clade by both phylogenetic markers, despite their morphological similarity to H. koningii and its relatives. An apparently specific blue pigment is formed in CMD cultures by Hypocrea caerulescens but could not be obtained by extraction with organic solvents. PMID:22453122
Arora, David; Frank, Jonathan L
The butter boletes (Boletus s.l. sect. Appendiculati) are an economically important group of ectomycorrhizal fungi whose basidiocarps have a yellow tube layer that often bruises blue, yellow reticulate stipe, mild flavor and firm yellow-tinged flesh that may or may not turn blue when exposed. Morphological characters and molecular data (ITS and LSU) place this group in a separate phylogenetic clade from Boletus sensu stricto. Here we establish a new genus, Butyriboletus, to accommodate 14 species of butter boletes that range from Asia to Europe, north Africa and North America. We recombine eight previously described butter bolete species and we describe six new species: four from western USA (Bu. persolidus, Bu. primiregius, Bu. autumnigius, Bu. querciregius) and two from Yunnan, China (Bu. yicibus, Bu. sanicibus). © 2014 by The Mycological Society of America.
Chiang, Yu-Chung; Huang, Bing-Hong; Chang, Chun-Wen; Wan, Yu-Ting; Lai, Shih-Jie; Huang, Shong; Liao, Pei-Chun
The Asian cycads are mostly allopatric, distributed in small population sizes. Hybridization between allopatric species provides clues in determining the mechanism of species divergence. Horticultural introduction provides the chance of interspecific gene flow between allopatric species. Two allopatrically eastern Asian Cycas sect. Asiorientales species, C. revoluta and C. taitungensis, which are widely distributed in Ryukyus and Fujian Province and endemic to Taiwan, respectively, were planted in eastern Taiwan for horticultural reason. Higher degrees of genetic admixture in cultivated samples than wild populations in both cycad species were detected based on multilocus scans by neutral AFLP markers. Furthermore, bidirectional but asymmetric introgression by horticultural introduction of C. revoluta is evidenced by the reanalyses of species associated loci, which are assumed to be diverged after species divergence. Partial loci introgressed from native cycad to the invaders were also detected at the loci of strong species association. Consistent results tested by all neutral loci, and the species-associated loci, specify the recent introgression from the paradox of sharing of ancestral polymorphisms. Phenomenon of introgression of cultivated cycads implies niche conservation among two geographic-isolated cycads, even though the habitats of the extant wild populations of two species are distinct. PMID:23591840
Introducing Internet Services.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Diaz, Karen R.; And Others
Four articles describe the usefulness of the Internet to reference librarians and discuss Internet search tools: "Getting Started on the Net" (Karen R. Diaz); "Gopher Searching Using VERONICA" (Lousie McGillis); "How to Use VERONICA To Find Information on the Internet" (Jackie Mardikian); and "The Internet…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
McDonald-O'Brien, Pat
Describes how an elementary school literacy specialist worked with and saw the dilemmas, frustrations, and heartaches of a new student from Puerto Rico. Notes that the literacy specialist learned valuable lessons and gained an appreciation for the need to honor and celebrate, engage and instruct all students from all over the globe. (SR)
STS/SCA/AmSECT Clinical Practice Guidelines: Anticoagulation during Cardiopulmonary Bypass.
Shore-Lesserson, Linda; Baker, Robert A; Ferraris, Victor; Greilich, Philip E; Fitzgerald, David; Roman, Philip; Hammon, John
Despite more than a half century of "safe" cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), the evidence base surrounding the conduct of anticoagulation for CPB has not been organized into a succinct guideline. For this and other reasons, there is enormous practice variability relating to the use and dosing of heparin, monitoring heparin anticoagulation, reversal of anticoagulation, and the use of alternative anticoagulants. To address this and other gaps, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (SCA), and the American Society of Extracorporeal Technology (AmSECT) developed an Evidence Based Workgroup. This was a group of interdisciplinary professionals gathered together to summarize the evidence and create practice recommendations for various aspects of CPB. To date, anticoagulation practices in CPB have not been standardized in accordance with the evidence base. This clinical practice guideline was written with the intent to fill the evidence gap and to establish best practices in anticoagulation for CPB using the available evidence. To identify relevant evidence a systematic review was outlined and literature searches were conducted in PubMed® using standardized MeSH terms from the National Library of Medicine list of search terms. Search dates were inclusive of January 2000 to December 2015. The search yielded 833 abstracts which were reviewed by two independent reviewers. Once accepted into the full manuscript review stage, two members of the writing group evaluated each of 286 full papers for inclusion eligibility into the guideline document. Ninety-six manuscripts were included in the final review. In addition, 17 manuscripts published prior to 2000 were included to provide method, context, or additional supporting evidence for the recommendations as these papers were considered sentinel publications. Members of the writing group wrote and developed recommendations based on review of the articles obtained and achieved more than
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kebukawa, Y.; Zolensky, M. E.; Fries, M.; Nakato, A.; Kilcoyne, A. L. D.; Takeichi, Y.; Suga, H.; Miyamoto, C.; Rahman, Z.; Kobayashi, K.;
Zag and Monahans meteorites (H5) contains xenolithic dark clasts and halite (NaCl) crystals [e.g., 1]. The proposed source of the H chondrites is asteroid 6 Hebe [2]. The modern orbits of 1 Ceres and 6 Hebe essentially cross, with aphelion/perihelion of Ceres and Hebe of 2.99/2.55 and 2.91/1.94 AU (Astronomical Units), respectively. Therefore, Ceres might be the source of the clasts and halite in Zag and Monahans meteorites. Recent results from NASA's Dawn mission shows that bright spots in Ceres's crater may be hydrated magnesium sulfate with some water ice, and an average global surface contains ammoniated phyllosilicates that is likely of outer Solar System origin. One dark clast and all halite crystals in Zag and Monahans meteorites contain carbon-rich particles. We report organic analyses of these carbon-rich particles using carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen X-ray absorption near edge structure (C-, N-, and O-XANES), in order to constrain the origin of the clast and halite crystals.
Petzold, Thomas; Steinwitz, Adrienne; Schmitt, Jochen; Eberlein-Gonska, Maria
Obligatory external quality assurance is an established method used to ensure the quality of inpatient care in Germany. The comprehensive approach is unique in international comparison. In addition to the statutory requirement, the health insurance funds require this form of external quality control in order to foster quality-based competition between hospitals. Ever since its introduction, healthcare providers have scrutinised the effects of the mandatory use of this survey. The study was based on all patients in the University Hospital Dresden, for whom a quality assurance sheet (n = 45,639) had to be recorded between 2003 and 2011. The documentation of these sheets was carried out by specially trained personnel. For each performance area, the duration of the documentation quality sheets was assessed, and a descriptive analysis of all quality assurance sheets was conducted. In the presence of statistical significance the so-called "Structured Dialogues" were analysed. Over the whole period, 167 statistically noticeable problems occurred. Nine of these have been rated as noticeable problems in medical quality by the specialised working groups of the project office quality assurance (PGSQS) at the Saxon State Medical Association (SLÄK). The remaining 158 statistical anomalies included 25 documentation errors; 96 were classified as statistically significant, and only 37 were marked to indicate that re-observation by the PGSQS was required. The total effort estimate for the documentation of quality assurance sheets was approximately 1,420 working days in the observation period. As far as the quality of patient care is concerned, the results can be considered positive because only a small number of quality indicators indicate noticeable qualitative problems. This statement is based primarily on the comparison of the groups of Saxony and Germany, which are included in the quality report of external quality assurance in accordance with sect. 137 SGB V. The majority of
Torres, Davi Coe; Lima, João Paulo Matos Santos; Fernandes, Afrânio Gomes; Nunes, Edson Paula; Grangeiro, Thalles Barbosa
Chamaecrista belongs to subtribe Cassiinae (Caesalpinioideae), and it comprises over 330 species, divided into six sections. The section Xerocalyx has been subjected to a profound taxonomic shuffling over the years. Therefore, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis using a cpDNA trnE-trnT intergenic spacer and nrDNA ITS/5.8S sequences from Cassiinae taxa, in an attempt to elucidate the relationships within this section from Chamaecrista. The tree topology was congruent between the two data sets studied in which the monophyly of the genus Chamaecrista was strongly supported. Our analyses reinforce that new sectional boundaries must be defined in the Chamaecrista genus, especially the inclusion of sections Caliciopsis and Xerocalyx in sect. Chamaecrista, considered here paraphyletic. The section Xerocalyx was strongly supported as monophyletic; however, the current data did not show C. ramosa (microphyllous) and C. desvauxii (macrophyllous) and their respective varieties in distinct clades, suggesting that speciation events are still ongoing in these specimens. PMID:21734825
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Landi Degl'Innocenti, Egidio
This course is intended to give a description of the basic physical concepts which underlie the study and the interpretation of polarization phenomena. Apart from a brief historical introduction (Sect. 1), the course is organized in three parts. A first part (Sects. 2 - 6) covers the most relevant facts about the polarization phenomena that are typically encountered in laboratory applications and in everyday life. In Sect. 2, the modern description of polarization in terms of the Stokes parameters is recalled, whereas Sect. 3 is devoted to introduce the basic tools of laboratory polarimetry, such as the Jones calculus and the Mueller matrices. The polarization phenomena which are met in the reflection and refraction of a beam of radiation at the separation surface between two dielectrics, or between a dielectric and a metal, are recalled in Sect. 4. Finally, Sect. 5 gives an introduction to the phenomena of dichroism and of anomalous dispersion and Sect. 6 summarizes the polarization phenomena that are commonly encountered in everyday life. The second part of this course (Sects. 7-14) deals with the description, within the formalism of classical physics, of the spectro-polarimetric properties of the radiation emitted by accelerated charges. Such properties are derived by taking as starting point the Liénard and Wiechert equations that are recalled and discussed in Sect. 7 both in the general case and in the non-relativistic approximation. The results are developed to find the percentage polarization, the radiation diagram, the cross-section and the spectral characteristics of the radiation emitted in different phenomena particularly relevant from the astrophysical point of view. The emission of a linear antenna is derived in Sect. 8. The other Sections are devoted to Thomson scattering (Sect. 9), Rayleigh scattering (Sect. 10), Mie scattering (Sect. 11), bremsstrahlung radiation (Sect. 12), cyclotron radiation (Sect. 13), and synchrotron radiation (Sect. 14
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Vanco, M. R.; Wintucky, W. T.; Niedwiecki, R. W.
The objectives of the joint NASA/Army SECT studies were to identify high payoff technologies for year 2000 small gas turbine engine applications and to provide a technology plan for guiding future research and technology efforts applicable to rotorcraft, commuter and general aviation aircraft and cruise missiles. Competitive contracts were awarded to Allison, AVCO Lycoming, Garrett, Teledyne CAE and Williams International. This paper presents an overview of the contractors' study efforts for the commuter, rotorcraft, cruise missile, and auxiliary power (APU) applications with engines in the 250 to 1,000 horsepower size range. Reference aircraft, missions and engines were selected. Advanced engine configurations and cycles with projected year 2000 component technologies were evaluated and compared with a reference engine selected by the contractor. For typical commuter and rotorcraft applications, fuel savings of 22 percent to 42 percent can be attained. For $1/gallon and $2/gallon fuel, reductions in direct operating cost range from 6 percent to 16 percent and from 11 percent to 17 percent respectively. For subsonic strategic cruise missile applications, fuel savings of 38 percent to 54 percent can be achieved which allows 35 percent to 60 percent increase in mission range and life cycle cost reductions of 40 percent to 56 percent. High payoff technologies have been identified for all applications.
Moody, Michael L; Rieseberg, Loren H
The annual sunflowers (Helianthus sect. Helianthus) present a formidable challenge for phylogenetic inference because of ancient hybrid speciation, recent introgression, and suspected issues with deep coalescence. Here we analyze sequence data from 11 nuclear DNA (nDNA) genes for multiple genotypes of species within the section to (1) reconstruct the phylogeny of this group, (2) explore the utility of nDNA gene trees for detecting hybrid speciation and introgression; and (3) test an empirical method of hybrid identification based on the phylogenetic congruence of nDNA gene trees from tightly linked genes. We uncovered considerable topological heterogeneity among gene trees with or without three previously identified hybrid species included in the analyses, as well as a general lack of reciprocal monophyly of species. Nonetheless, partitioned Bayesian analyses provided strong support for the reciprocal monophyly of all species except H. annuus (0.89 PP), the most widespread and abundant annual sunflower. Previous hypotheses of relationships among taxa were generally strongly supported (1.0 PP), except among taxa typically associated with H. annuus, apparently due to the paraphyly of the latter in all gene trees. While the individual nDNA gene trees provided a useful means for detecting recent hybridization, identification of ancient hybridization was problematic for all ancient hybrid species, even when linkage was considered. We discuss biological factors that affect the efficacy of phylogenetic methods for hybrid identification.
Stratigraphy and erosional landforms of layered deposits in Valles Marineris, Mars
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Komatsu, G.; Geissler, P. E.; Strom, R. G.; Singer, R. B.
Satellite imagery is used to identify stratigraphy and erosional landforms of 13 layered deposits in the Valles Marineris region of Mars (occurring, specifically, in Gangis, Juventae, Hebes, Ophir-Candor, Melas, and Capri-Eos Chasmata), based on albedo and erosional styles. Results of stratigraphic correlations show that the stratigraphy of layered deposits in the Hebes, Juventae, and Gangis Chasmata are not well correlated, indicating that at least these chasmata had isolated depositional environments resulting in different stratigraphic sequences. On the other hand, the layered deposits in Ophir-Candor and Melas Chasmata appear to have been connected in each chasma. Some of the layered deposits display complexities which indicate changes in space and time in the dominant source materials.
40 CFR 52.1770 - Identification of plan.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... FR 61213 Sect .0507 Particulates from Chemical Fertilizer Manufacturing Plants 04/01/03 09/17/03, 68... Organic Compounds Sect .0901 Definitions 07/01/96 08/01/97, 62 FR 41277 Sect .0902 Applicability 07/01/00... FR 61213 Repealed. Sect .0939 Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions 07/01/88 01/16/90...
40 CFR 52.1770 - Identification of plan.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 61213 Sect .0515 Particulates from Miscellaneous Industrial Processes 04/01/03 09/17/03, 68 FR 54362... Utility Boilers 08/01/91 02/14/96, 61 FR 5689 Sect .0540 Particulates from Fugitive Non-process Dust... Sect .0955 Thread Bonding Manufacturing 04/01/95 02/01/96, 62 FR 3589 Sect .0956 Glass Christmas...
Berndt, Bianca; Landry, Guillaume; Schwarz, Florian; Tessonnier, Thomas; Kamp, Florian; Dedes, George; Thieke, Christian; Würl, Matthias; Kurz, Christopher; Ganswindt, Ute; Verhaegen, Frank; Debus, Jürgen; Belka, Claus; Sommer, Wieland; Reiser, Maximilian; Bauer, Julia; Parodi, Katia
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the ability of single and dual energy computed tomography (SECT, DECT) to estimate tissue composition and density for usage in Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of irradiation induced β + activity distributions. This was done to assess the impact on positron emission tomography (PET) range verification in proton therapy. A DECT-based brain tissue segmentation method was developed for white matter (WM), grey matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The elemental composition of reference tissues was assigned to closest CT numbers in DECT space (DECT dist ). The method was also applied to SECT data (SECT dist ). In a validation experiment, the proton irradiation induced PET activity of three brain equivalent solutions (BES) was compared to simulations based on different tissue segmentations. Five patients scanned with a dual source DECT scanner were analyzed to compare the different segmentation methods. A single magnetic resonance (MR) scan was used for comparison with an established segmentation toolkit. Additionally, one patient with SECT and post-treatment PET scans was investigated. For BES, DECT dist and SECT dist reduced differences to the reference simulation by up to 62% when compared to the conventional stoichiometric segmentation (SECT Schneider ). In comparison to MR brain segmentation, Dice similarity coefficients for WM, GM and CSF were 0.61, 0.67 and 0.66 for DECT dist and 0.54, 0.41 and 0.66 for SECT dist . MC simulations of PET treatment verification in patients showed important differences between DECT dist /SECT dist and SECT Schneider for patients with large CSF areas within the treatment field but not in WM and GM. Differences could be misinterpreted as PET derived range shifts of up to 4 mm. DECT dist and SECT dist yielded comparable activity distributions, and comparison of SECT dist to a measured patient PET scan showed improved agreement when compared to SECT Schneider . The agreement between predicted
Xiang, Xiao-Guo; Schuiteman, André; Li, De-Zhu; Huang, Wei-Chang; Chung, Shih-Wen; Li, Jian-Wu; Zhou, Hai-Lang; Jin, Wei-Tao; Lai, Yang-Jun; Li, Zhen-Yu; Jin, Xiao-Hua
Dendrobium is one of the three largest genera and presents some of the most intricate taxonomic problems in the family Orchidaceae. Based on five DNA markers and a broad sampling of Dendrobium and its relatives from mainland Asia (109 species), our results indicate that mainland Asia Dendrobium is divided into eight clades (with two unplaced species) that form polytomies along the spine of the cladogram. Both Dendrobium and Epigeneium are well supported as monophyletic, whereas sect. Dendrobium, sect. Densiflora, sect. Breviflores, sect. Holochrysa, are paraphyletic/polyphyletic. Many ignored phylogenetic relationships, such as the one of major clades formed by D. jenkinsii and D. lindleyi (two members of sect. Densiflora), the Aphyllum group, the Devonianum group, the Catenatum group, the Crepidatum group, and the Dendrobium moniliforme complex are well supported by both molecular and morphological evidence. Based on our data, we propose to broaden sect. Dendrobium to include sect. Stuposa, sect. Breviflores, and sect. Holochrysa and to establish a new section to accommodate D. jenkinsii and D. lindleyi. Our results indicated that it is preferable to use a broad generic concept of Dendrobium and to pursue an improved infrageneric classification at sectional level, taking into account both morphology and current molecular findings. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Ricarda Riina; Benjamin van Ee; Alex C. Wiedenhoeft; Alfonso Cardozo; Paul E. Berry
Most of the arborescent Croton species in the New World were treated by Webster as belonging either to C. sect. Cyclostigma Griseb. or C. sect. Luntia (Neck. ex Raf.) G.L. Webster. The circumscription of C. sect. Cyclostigma has been treated recently. In this paper we focus on C. sect. Luntia, which was subdivided by Webster into two subsections, C. subsect....
Zhang, Lu; Cai, You-Ming; Zhuge, Qiang; Zou, Hui-Yu; Huang, Min-Ren
Xinjiang is a center of distribution and differentiation of genus Dianthus in China, and has a great deal of species resources. The sequences of ITS region (including ITS-1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS-2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA from 8 species of genus Dianthus wildly distributed in Xinjiang were determined by direct sequencing of PCR products. The result showed that the size of the ITS of Dianthus is from 617 to 621 bp, and the length variation is only 4 bp. There are very high homogeneous (97.6%-99.8%) sequences between species, and about 80% homogeneous sequences between genus Dianthus and outgroup. The sequences of ITS in genus Dianthus are relatively conservative. In general, there are more conversion than transition in the variation sites among genus Dianthus. The conversion rates are relatively high, and the ratios of conversion/transition are 1.0-3.0. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences the species of Dianthus in China would be divided into three sections. There is a distant relationship between sect. Barbulatum Williams and sect. Dianthus and between sect. Barbulatum Williams and sect. Fimbriatum Williams, and there is a close relationship between sect. Dianthus and sect. Fimbriatum Williams. From the phylogenetic tree of ITS it was found that the origin of sect. Dianthusis is earlier than that of sect. Fimbriatum Williams and sect. Barbulatum Williams.
Davies, Kevin L.; Stpiczyńska, Malgorzata
Background and Aims Floral secretions are common in Bulbophyllum Thouars, and the labella of a number of Asian species are said to produce secretions rich in lipids that act as food rewards for insect pollinators. Although some of these reports are based on simple histochemical tests, a much greater number are anecdotal and, hitherto, neither the ultrastructure of the labellum nor the secretory process has been investigated in detail. Furthermore, sophisticated histochemical approaches have generally not been applied. Here, both the labellar structure and the secretory process are investigated for four species of Asian Bulbophyllum sect. Racemosae Benth. & Hook. f., namely Bulbophyllum careyanum (Hook.) Spreng., B. morphologorum Kraenzl., B. orientale Seidenf. and B. wangkaense Seidenf., and compared with those of unequivocal lipid-secreting orchids. Methods Labellar, secretory tissue was investigated using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and histochemistry. Key Results The adaxial median longitudinal groove of the labellum contained secretory tissue comprising palisade-like epidermal cells, similar to those of certain lipid-secreting Oncidiinae Benth. However, these cells and their secretions gave positive results mainly for protein and mucilage, and their organelle complement was consistent with that of cells involved in protein and mucilage synthesis. Sub-cuticular accumulation of secretion resulted in cuticular distension and blistering. The sub-epidermal layer of isodiametric parenchyma contained starch and, like the epidermal cells, ultrastructure consistent with mucilage synthesis. Lipids were mainly confined to the cuticle, and hardly any intracellular lipid droplets were observed. Conclusions It is proposed that mucilage is produced by dictyosomes present in the palisade-like epidermal cells. Mucilage precursors may also be produced by these same organelles in sub-epidermal cells and are thought to pass
Herklotz, V; Ritz, C M
Polyploidy and hybridization are important factors for generating diversity in plants. The species-rich dog roses ( Rosa sect. Caninae ) originated by allopolyploidy and are characterized by unbalanced meiosis producing polyploid egg cells (usually 4 x ) and haploid sperm cells (1 x ). In extant natural stands species hybridize spontaneously, but the extent of natural hybridization is unknown. The aim of the study was to document the frequency of reciprocal hybridization between the subsections Rubigineae and Caninae with special reference to the contribution of unreduced egg cells (5 x ) producing 6 x offspring after fertilization with reduced (1 x ) sperm cells. We tested whether hybrids arose by independent multiple events or via a single or few incidences followed by a subsequent spread of hybrids. Population genetics of 45 mixed stands of dog roses across central and south-eastern Europe were analysed using microsatellite markers and flow cytometry. Hybrids were recognized by the presence of diagnostic alleles and multivariate statistics were used to display the relationships between parental species and hybrids. Among plants classified to subsect. Rubigineae , 32 % hybridogenic individuals were detected but only 8 % hybrids were found in plants assigned to subsect. Caninae . This bias between reciprocal crossings was accompanied by a higher ploidy level in Rubigineae hybrids, which originated more frequently by unreduced egg cells. Genetic patterns of hybrids were strongly geographically structured, supporting their independent origin. The biased crossing barriers between subsections are explained by the facilitated production of unreduced gametes in subsect. Rubigineae . Unreduced egg cells probably provide the highly homologous chromosome sets required for correct chromosome pairing in hybrids. Furthermore, the higher frequency of Rubigineae hybrids is probably influenced by abundance effects because the plants of subsect. Caninae are much more abundant
Fröhlichová, Alena; Száková, Jiřina; Najmanová, Jana; Tlustoš, Pavel
Central Bohemia (Czech Republic) has highly developed industry and a dense rail network. Here, we aimed to determine the content of risk elements in dandelion plants (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia) growing near train stations, industrial enterprises, and in the city parks of 16 cities in the Central Bohemian region. The highest element contents in the soils were found in industrial areas affected by the historical mining and smelting activities; contemporary industry showed no substantial effect on the soil element contents. The median values of element contents (As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) at the railway station sites were the highest among the monitored sites, where the differences between park and station sites were significant for Be, Co, and Zn. Although the intensity of the traffic at the individual stations differed, we found that long-term regular traffic enhanced the element contents in the soils and, subsequently, in the plants. For Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, V, and Zn, the highest median element contents were found in plant roots, regardless of the sampling site. For Cd and Zn, the contents in leaves were higher than in the inflorescences, and the opposite pattern was recorded for Co and Cu. As and Be were distributed equally among the plant parts. Among the sampling sites, the As, Be, Cd, Zn, and Pb contents in the plant roots tended to have higher median values at the station sites, confirming the results of our soil analyses. We detected a fairly good correlation between soil and plant content for cadmium, regardless of the sampling site, soil element content, or analyzed part of the plant. Thus, we propose that dandelion is a suitable bioindicator of cadmium pollution of soil.
as a Geospatial Technician ( Geotech ). Specialist ( 4) TpHQ (1:4) Manning: 1 Offr : 45 Enlisted EODDet (2) Lane metres: 127.0 2xEDDteams Plus: I I...CAPT and Geotech with CT HQ I I I I L CE Sect- Mech (0:10) CE Sect- Mech (0:10) CE Sect - Light (0:8) Support Sect (0:9) M113AS4 Armoured...such as asbestos. An RAE Captain is included in the JTF Headquarters, as well as a Geotech . It is also more than likely that a technically qualified
Davies, Kevin L; Stpiczyńska, Malgorzata
Floral secretions are common in Bulbophyllum Thouars, and the labella of a number of Asian species are said to produce secretions rich in lipids that act as food rewards for insect pollinators. Although some of these reports are based on simple histochemical tests, a much greater number are anecdotal and, hitherto, neither the ultrastructure of the labellum nor the secretory process has been investigated in detail. Furthermore, sophisticated histochemical approaches have generally not been applied. Here, both the labellar structure and the secretory process are investigated for four species of Asian Bulbophyllum sect. Racemosae Benth. & Hook. f., namely Bulbophyllum careyanum (Hook.) Spreng., B. morphologorum Kraenzl., B. orientale Seidenf. and B. wangkaense Seidenf., and compared with those of unequivocal lipid-secreting orchids. Labellar, secretory tissue was investigated using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and histochemistry. The adaxial median longitudinal groove of the labellum contained secretory tissue comprising palisade-like epidermal cells, similar to those of certain lipid-secreting Oncidiinae Benth. However, these cells and their secretions gave positive results mainly for protein and mucilage, and their organelle complement was consistent with that of cells involved in protein and mucilage synthesis. Sub-cuticular accumulation of secretion resulted in cuticular distension and blistering. The sub-epidermal layer of isodiametric parenchyma contained starch and, like the epidermal cells, ultrastructure consistent with mucilage synthesis. Lipids were mainly confined to the cuticle, and hardly any intracellular lipid droplets were observed. It is proposed that mucilage is produced by dictyosomes present in the palisade-like epidermal cells. Mucilage precursors may also be produced by these same organelles in sub-epidermal cells and are thought to pass along the symplast via plasmodesmata into the adjoining
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Zhu, Jiahua; Penfold, Scott N., E-mail:
Purpose: The accuracy of proton dose calculation is dependent on the ability to correctly characterize patient tissues with medical imaging. The most common method is to correlate computed tomography (CT) numbers obtained via single-energy CT (SECT) with proton stopping power ratio (SPR). CT numbers, however, cannot discriminate between a change in mass density and change in chemical composition of patient tissues. This limitation can have consequences on SPR calibration accuracy. Dual-energy CT (DECT) is receiving increasing interest as an alternative imaging modality for proton therapy treatment planning due to its ability to discriminate between changes in patient density and chemicalmore » composition. In the current work we use a phantom of known composition to demonstrate the dosimetric advantages of proton therapy treatment planning with DECT over SECT. Methods: A phantom of known composition was scanned with a clinical SECT radiotherapy CT-simulator. The phantom was rescanned at a lower X-ray tube potential to generate a complimentary DECT image set. A set of reference materials similar in composition to the phantom was used to perform a stoichiometric calibration of SECT CT number to proton SPRs. The same set of reference materials was used to perform a DECT stoichiometric calibration based on effective atomic number. The known composition of the phantom was used to assess the accuracy of SPR calibration with SECT and DECT. Intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) treatment plans were generated with the SECT and DECT image sets to assess the dosimetric effect of the imaging modality. Isodose difference maps and root mean square (RMS) error calculations were used to assess dose calculation accuracy. Results: SPR calculation accuracy was found to be superior, on average, with DECT relative to SECT. Maximum errors of 12.8% and 2.2% were found for SECT and DECT, respectively. Qualitative examination of dose difference maps clearly showed the dosimetric
Schneeweiss, G.M.; Palomeque, T.; Colwell, A.E.; Weiss-Schneeweiss, H.
Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of species of Orobanche, Cistanche, and Diphelypaea (Orobanchaceae) were investigated, and 108 chromosome counts of 53 taxa, 19 counted for the first time, are presented with a thorough compilation of previously published data. Additionally, karyotypes of representatives of these genera, including Orobanche sects. Orobanche and Trionychon, are reported. Cistanche (x = 20) has large meta- to submetacentric chromosomes, while those of Diphelypaea (x = 19) are medium-sized submeta-to acrocentrics. Within three analyzed sections of Orobanche, sects. Myzorrhiza (x = 24) and Trionychon (x = 12) possess medium-sized submeta- to acrocentrics, while sect. Orobanche (x = 19) has small, mostly meta- to submetacentric, chromosomes. Polyploidy is unevenly distributed in Orobanche and restricted to a few lineages, e.g., O. sect. Myzorrhiza or Orobanche gracilis and its relatives (sect. Orobanche). The distribution of basic chromosome numbers supports the groups found by molecular phylogenetic analyses: Cistanche has x = 20, the Orobanche-group (Orobanche sect. Orobanche, Diphelypaea) has x = 19, and the Phelipanche-group (Orobanche sects. Gymnocaulis, Myzorrhiza, Trionychon) has x = 12, 24. A model of chromosome number evolution in Orobanche and related genera is presented: from two ancestral base numbers, xh = 5 and xh = 6, independent polyploidizations led to x = 20 (Cistanche) and (after dysploidization) x = 19 (Orobanche-group) and to x = 12 and x = 24 (Phelipanche-group), respectively.
Stratigraphy of the layered terrain in Valles Marineris, Mars
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Komatsu, G.; Strom, Roger G.
The layered terrain in Valles Marineris provides information about its origin and the geologic history of this canyon system. Whether the terrain is sedimentary material deposited in a dry or lacustrine environment, or volcanic material related to the tectonics of the canyon is still controversial. However, recent studies of Gangis Layered Terrain suggests a cyclic sequence of deposition and erosion under episodic lacustrine conditions. The stratigraphic studies are extended to four other occurrences of layered terrains in Valles Marineris in an attempt to correlate and distinguish between depositional environments. The Juvantae Chasma, Hebes Chasma, Ophir and Candor Chasmata, Melas Chasma, and Gangis Layered Terrain were examined. Although there are broad similarities among the layered terrains, no two deposits are exactly alike. This suggests that there was no synchronized regional depositional processes to form all the layered deposits. However, the similar erosional style of the lower massive weakly bedded unit in Hebes, Gangis, and Ophir-Candor suggests it may have been deposited under similar circumstances.
Phylogenetic Insights into Chinese Rubus (Rosaceae) from Multiple Chloroplast and Nuclear DNAs
Wang, Yan; Chen, Qing; Chen, Tao; Tang, Haoru; Liu, Lin; Wang, Xiaorong
Rubus L. is a large and taxonomically complex genus, species of which exhibit apomixis, polyploidy, and frequent hybridization. Most of Chinese Rubus are assigned in two major sections, Idaeobatus and Malachobatus. To explore the phylogenetic relationships within Chinese Rubus, inferences upon three chloroplast DNA (rbcL, rpl20-rps12, and trnG-trnS), nuclear ribosomal ITS, and two low-copy nuclear markers (GBSSI-2 and PEPC) were deduced in 142 Rubus taxa from 17 subsections in 6 sections. nrITS and GBSSI-2 were the most informative among the six DNA regions assessed. Phylogenetic relationships within Rubus were well-resolved by combined nuclear datasets rather than chloroplast markers. The phylogenetic inferences strongly supported that section Idaeobatus was a polyphyletic group with four distant clades. All samples of sect. Malachobatus formed a monophyletic clade, in which R. tsangorum and R. amphidasys of sect. Dalibardastrum, and R. peltatus from subsection Peltati of sect. Idaeobatus were always nested. Rubus pentagonus (2n = 2x = 14) from subsect. Alpestres of sect. Idaeobatus was a sister group to the polyploid sect. Malachobatus, as well as the polytomy of three sect. Cyalctis members. This suggests that some polyploids of Malachobatus might originate from common ancestors, via polyploidization of hybrids between R. pentagonus and sect. Cylactis species. They had experienced species explosion in a short time. Section Dalibardastrum species have potential parental lineages from subsects. Moluccani and Stipulosi of sect. Malachobatus. Based on molecular phylogenies, we also provided recommendations for the taxonomic treatments of four taxa. In addition, our results showed certain incongruence between chloroplast and nuclear markers, which might be due to hybridization and introgression. PMID:27446191
Kinoshita, Takeshi
This review concerns the taxonomic status of the genus Murraya in tribe Clausenae, subfamily Aurantioideae, family Rutaceae, and presents a new system integrating both morphology-based taxonomy and chemotaxonomy. This genus has been morphologically divided into the sects Murraya and Bergera. This dichotomy is justified by the noticeable difference of secondary metabolites with 3-prenylindoles in Murraya and carbazoles in Bergera. As for other metabolites of genus Murraya, coumarins are found in both sects, but differ clearly in types; 8-prenylcoumarins occur throughout the sect Murraya whereas geranylated furocoumarins are known from some species of the sect Bergera. As far as chemical properties are concerned, sect Bergera is much closer to genus Clausena than sect Murraya, suggesting the dichotomy of genus Murraya to be generic rather than sectional. 8-Prenylcoumarins characterizing sect Murraya play a decisive role in the distinction of M. exotica from M. paniculata that occurs most widely in subtropical and tropical Asia and is well known for morphologic as well as chemical diversity. Though the morphological difference between the two species is slight only in leaves and leaflets, the distinction is well substantiated by the following chemical feature: 7-OMe-8-prenylcoumarins occur in M. exotica whereas 5,7-di-OMe-8-prenylcoumarins in M. paniculata. Sect Murraya has a very close relation to genus Merrillia that is chemically characterized by similar types of 8-prenylcoumarins, and is also related to a certain extent to genus Micromelum. M. exotica is philologically surveyed in view of the delicate relationships between Okinawa, the only habitat of this plant in Japan, and China in order to clarify its historical background.
Phylogeny and reclassification of Aconitum subgenus Lycoctonum (Ranunculaceae)
Hong, Yu; Luo, Yan; Gao, Qi; Ren, Chen; Yuan, Qiong; Yang, Qin-Er
Phylogenetic analyses were performed using multiple nuclear (ITS and ETS) and chloroplast regions (ndhF-trnL, psbA-trnH, psbD-trnT, and trnT-trnL) to test the monophyly of Aconitum subgen. Lycoctonum (Ranunculaceae) and reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within the subgenus. The subgenus as currently circumscribed is revealed to be polyphyletic. To achieve its monophyly, sect. Galeata and sect. Fletcherum, both being unispecific and each having a unique array of characters (the latter even having the aberrant base chromosome number of x = 6), must be removed from the subgenus. The subgenus Lycoctonum should thus be redefined to include only two sections, the unispecific sect. Alatospermum and the relatively species-rich sect. Lycoctonum. The section Alatospermum, which is both morphologically and karyologically in the primitive condition, is resolved as the first diverging lineage of the subgenus Lycoctonum clade. The monophyly of sect. Lycoctonum is strongly supported, but all the ten series currently recognized within the section are revealed to be para- or poly-phyletic. Five major clades are recovered within the section. We propose to treat them as five series: ser. Crassiflora, ser. Scaposa, ser. Volubilia, ser. Longicassidata, and ser. Lycoctonia. Thus, a formal reclassification of subgen. Lycoctonum is presented, which involves segregating both sect. Galeata and sect. Fletcherum from the subgenus as two independent subgenera within the genus Aconitum, reinstating one series (ser. Crassiflora) and abolishing six series (ser. Laevia, ser. Longibracteolata, ser. Micrantha, ser. Ranunculoidea, ser. Reclinata, and ser. Umbrosa) within sect. Lycoctonum. The series affiliation of some species within the section is adjusted accordingly. PMID:28141851
Alternaria section Alternaria: Species, formae speciales or pathotypes?
Woudenberg, J.H.C.; Seidl, M.F.; Groenewald, J.Z.; de Vries, M.; Stielow, J.B.; Thomma, B.P.H.J.; Crous, P.W.
The cosmopolitan fungal genus Alternaria consists of multiple saprophytic and pathogenic species. Based on phylogenetic and morphological studies, the genus is currently divided into 26 sections. Alternaria sect. Alternaria contains most of the small-spored Alternaria species with concatenated conidia, including important plant, human and postharvest pathogens. Species within sect. Alternaria have been mostly described based on morphology and / or host-specificity, yet molecular variation between them is minimal. To investigate whether the described morphospecies within sect. Alternaria are supported by molecular data, whole-genome sequencing of nine Alternaria morphospecies supplemented with transcriptome sequencing of 12 Alternaria morphospecies as well as multi-gene sequencing of 168 Alternaria isolates was performed. The assembled genomes ranged in size from 33.3–35.2 Mb within sect. Alternaria and from 32.0–39.1 Mb for all Alternaria genomes. The number of repetitive sequences differed significantly between the different Alternaria genomes; ranging from 1.4–16.5 %. The repeat content within sect. Alternaria was relatively low with only 1.4–2.7 % of repeats. Whole-genome alignments revealed 96.7–98.2 % genome identity between sect. Alternaria isolates, compared to 85.1–89.3 % genome identity for isolates from other sections to the A. alternata reference genome. Similarly, 1.4–2.8 % and 0.8–1.8 % single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were observed in genomic and transcriptomic sequences, respectively, between isolates from sect. Alternaria, while the percentage of SNPs found in isolates from different sections compared to the A. alternata reference genome was considerably higher; 8.0–10.3 % and 6.1–8.5 %. The topology of a phylogenetic tree based on the whole-genome and transcriptome reads was congruent with multi-gene phylogenies based on commonly used gene regions. Based on the genome and transcriptome data, a set of core
Environmental PCB and Pesticide Exposure and Risk of Endometriosis
Germaine M. Buck1, John M. Weiner2, Hebe Greizerstein3, Brian Whitcomb1, Enrique Schisterman1, Paul Kostyniak3, Danelle Lobdell4, Kent Crickard5, and Ralph Sperrazza5
1Epidemiology Branch, Division o...
A revision of the Dulcamaroid Clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae)
Knapp, Sandra
Abstract The Dulcamaroid clade of Solanum contains 45 species of mostly vining or weakly scandent species, including the common circumboreal weed Solanum dulcamara L. The group comprises members of the previously recognised infrageneric groupings sect. Andropedas Rusby, sect. Californisolanum A. Child, sect. Dulcamara (Moench) Dumort., sect. Holophylla (G.Don) Walp., sect. Jasminosolanum (Bitter) Seithe, sect.Lysiphellos (Bitter) Seithe, subsect. Nitidum A.Child and sect. Subdulcamara Dunal. These infrageneric groups are not monophyletic as traditionally recognised, and the complex history of the classification of the dulcamaroid solanums is reviewed. Many of the species in the clade are quite variable morphologically; plants are shrubs, herbaceous vines or woody canopy lianas, and habits can vary between these states in a single locality. Variation in leaf shape and pubescence density and type is also extreme and has lead to the description of many minor morphological variants as distinct species. The flowers of members of the group are generally very showy, and several species (e.g., Solanum crispum Ruiz & Pav., Solanum laxum Spreng., Solanum seaforthianum Andrews) are popular ornamental plants that have occasionally escaped from cultivation and become naturalised. The clade is here divided into five morphologically and geographically delimited species groups to facilitate further study. One new species from southern Ecuador, Solanum agnoston S.Knapp sp. nov., is described here. Full descriptions and synonymies (including designations of lectotypes or neotypes), preliminary conservation assessments, illustrations, distribution maps, and an extensive list of localities are provided for all species. PMID:23794937
Sitnikov cyclic configuration of N+1-body problem
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Shahbaz Ullah, M.; Hassan, M. R.
This manuscript deals with the generalisation of all previous works on series solutions and linear stability of equilibrium points of the Sitnikov problem. Following Giacaglia (1967), in Sect. 2 we have derived the equation of motion of the infinitesimal mass moving along the z-axis about which the plane of motion is rotating with unit angular velocity. In Sects. 3, 4 and 5 the series solutions of the Sitnikov problem have been developed by the method of MacMillan, Lindstedt-Poincaré and iteration of Green's function respectively. In Sect. 6 the three series solutions have been compared graphically by putting N=2, 3, 4. In Sect. 7 the coordinates of equilibrium points have been calculated. In Sect. 8 the linear stability of equilibrium points has been examined by the method of Murray and Dermott (Solar System Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999) and it was found that the equilibrium points are stable in Sitnikov problem.
[Fast catalogue of alien invasive weeds by Vis/NIR spectroscopy].
Yu, Jia-Jia; Zou, Wei; He, Yong; Xu, Zheng-Hao
The feasibility of visible and short-wave near-infrared spectroscopy (VIS/WNIR) techniques as means for the nondestructive and fast detection of alien invasive weeds was evaluated. Selected sensitive bands were found validated. In the present study, 3 kinds of alien invasive weeds, Veronica persica, Veronica polita, and Veronica arvensis Linn, and one kind of local weed, Lamiaceae amplexicaule Linn, were employed. The results showed that visible and NIR (Vis/NIR) technology could be introduced in classification of the alien invasive weeds or local weed with the similar outline. Thirty x 4 weeds samples were randomly selected for the calibration set, while the remaining 20 x 4 samples for the prediction set. Smoothing methods of moving average and standard normal variate (SNV) were used to pretreat spectra data. Based on principal components analysis, soft independent models of class analogy (SIMCA) were applied to make the model. Four frontal principal components of each catalogues were applied as the input of SIMCA, and with a significance level of 0.05, recognition ratio of 78.75% was obtained. The average prediction result is 90% except for Veronica polita. According to the modeling power of each spectra data in SIMCA, some possible sensitive bands, 496-521, 589-626 and 789-926 nm, were founded. By using these possible sensitive bands as the inputs of least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM), and setting the result of LS-SVM as the object function value of genetic algorithm (GA), mutational rate, crossover rate and population size were set up as 0.9, 0.5 and 50 respectively. Finally recognition ratio of 95.63% was obtained. The prediction results of 95.63% indicated that the selected wavelengths reflected the main characteristics of the four weeds, which proposed a new way to accelerate the research on cataloguing alien invasive weeds.
The next detectors for gravitational wave astronomy
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Blair, David; Ju, Li; Zhao, ChunNong; Wen, LinQing; Miao, HaiXing; Cai, RongGen; Gao, JiangRui; Lin, XueChun; Liu, Dong; Wu, Ling-An; Zhu, ZongHong; Hammond, Giles; Paik, Ho Jung; Fafone, Viviana; Rocchi, Alessio; Blair, Carl; Ma, YiQiu; Qin, JiaYi; Page, Michael
This paper focuses on the next detectors for gravitational wave astronomy which will be required after the current ground based detectors have completed their initial observations, and probably achieved the first direct detection of gravitational waves. The next detectors will need to have greater sensitivity, while also enabling the world array of detectors to have improved angular resolution to allow localisation of signal sources. Sect. 1 of this paper begins by reviewing proposals for the next ground based detectors, and presents an analysis of the sensitivity of an 8 km armlength detector, which is proposed as a safe and cost-effective means to attain a 4-fold improvement in sensitivity. The scientific benefits of creating a pair of such detectors in China and Australia is emphasised. Sect. 2 of this paper discusses the high performance suspension systems for test masses that will be an essential component for future detectors, while sect. 3 discusses solutions to the problem of Newtonian noise which arise from fluctuations in gravity gradient forces acting on test masses. Such gravitational perturbations cannot be shielded, and set limits to low frequency sensitivity unless measured and suppressed. Sects. 4 and 5 address critical operational technologies that will be ongoing issues in future detectors. Sect. 4 addresses the design of thermal compensation systems needed in all high optical power interferometers operating at room temperature. Parametric instability control is addressed in sect. 5. Only recently proven to occur in Advanced LIGO, parametric instability phenomenon brings both risks and opportunities for future detectors. The path to future enhancements of detectors will come from quantum measurement technologies. Sect. 6 focuses on the use of optomechanical devices for obtaining enhanced sensitivity, while sect. 7 reviews a range of quantum measurement options.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Hudobivnik, Nace; Dedes, George; Parodi, Katia
Purpose: Dual energy CT (DECT) has recently been proposed as an improvement over single energy CT (SECT) for stopping power ratio (SPR) estimation for proton therapy treatment planning (TP), thereby potentially reducing range uncertainties. Published literature investigated phantoms. This study aims at performing proton therapy TP on SECT and DECT head images of the same patients and at evaluating whether the reported improved DECT SPR accuracy translates into clinically relevant range shifts in clinical head treatment scenarios. Methods: Two phantoms were scanned at a last generation dual source DECT scanner at 90 and 150 kVp with Sn filtration. The firstmore » phantom (Gammex phantom) was used to calibrate the scanner in terms of SPR while the second served as evaluation (CIRS phantom). DECT images of five head trauma patients were used as surrogate cancer patient images for TP of proton therapy. Pencil beam algorithm based TP was performed on SECT and DECT images and the dose distributions corresponding to the optimized proton plans were calculated using a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation platform using the same patient geometry for both plans obtained from conversion of the 150 kVp images. Range shifts between the MC dose distributions from SECT and DECT plans were assessed using 2D range maps. Results: SPR root mean square errors (RMSEs) for the inserts of the Gammex phantom were 1.9%, 1.8%, and 1.2% for SECT phantom calibration (SECT{sub phantom}), SECT stoichiometric calibration (SECT{sub stoichiometric}), and DECT calibration, respectively. For the CIRS phantom, these were 3.6%, 1.6%, and 1.0%. When investigating patient anatomy, group median range differences of up to −1.4% were observed for head cases when comparing SECT{sub stoichiometric} with DECT. For this calibration the 25th and 75th percentiles varied from −2% to 0% across the five patients. The group median was found to be limited to 0.5% when using SECT{sub phantom} and the 25th and 75th
Unconventional States of Matter with Cold Atoms and Dipolar Molecules
ferromagnetic state. For alkaline-earth fermions, the large SU(2N) symmetry greatly enhances quantum spin fluctuations, which give rises to novel...both bosons and fermions, novel quantum magnetism with large spin SU(2N) al- kaline fermions, novel topological states with synthetic gauge fields...presented in Sect. 1.1. The study of novel quantum magnetism with large spin alkaline earth atoms is presented in Sect. 1.2. In Sect. 1.3, we present our
Woudenberg, J.H.C.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Binder, M.; Crous, P.W.
breviramosa Woudenb. & Crous, Alternaria chlamydosporigena Woudenb. & Crous, Alternaria concatenata Woudenb. & Crous, Alternaria embellisia Woudenb. & Crous, Alternaria heterospora Woudenb. & Crous, Alternaria papavericola Woudenb. & Crous, Alternaria terricola Woudenb. & Crous. Resurrected names - Alternaria cetera E.G. Simmons, Alternaria chartarum Preuss, Alternaria consortialis (Thüm.) J.W. Groves & S. Hughes, Alternaria cucurbitae Letendre & Roum., Alternaria dennisii M.B. Ellis, Alternaria eureka E.G. Simmons, Alternaria gomphrenae Togashi, Alternaria malorum (Ruehle) U. Braun, Crous & Dugan, Alternaria phragmospora Emden, Alternaria scirpicola (Fuckel) Sivan. New sections, all in Alternaria - sect. Chalastospora Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Cheiranthus Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Crivellia Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Dianthicola Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Embellisia Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Embellisioides Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Eureka Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Infectoriae Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Japonicae Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Nimbya Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Phragmosporae Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Pseudoulocladium Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Teretispora Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Ulocladioides Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Ulocladium Woudenb. & Crous, sect. Undifilum Woudenb. & Crous. New genus - Paradendryphiella Woudenb. & Crous. PMID:24014900
Phylogeny of Penicillium and the segregation of Trichocomaceae into three families
Houbraken, J.; Samson, R.A.
are proposed. Analysis of Penicillium below genus rank revealed the presence of 25 clades. A new classification system including both anamorph and teleomorph species is proposed and these 25 clades are treated here as sections. An overview of species belonging to each section is presented. Taxonomic novelties: New sections, all in Penicillium: sect. Sclerotiora Houbraken & Samson, sect. Charlesia Houbraken & Samson, sect. Thysanophora Houbraken & Samson,sect. Ochrosalmonea Houbraken & Samson, sect. Cinnamopurpurea Houbraken & Samson, Fracta Houbraken & Samson, sect. Stolkia Houbraken & Samson, sect. Gracilenta Houbraken & Samson, sect. Citrina Houbraken & Samson, sect. Turbata Houbraken & Samson, sect. Paradoxa Houbraken & Samson, sect. Canescentia Houbraken & Samson. New combinations: Penicillium asymmetricum (Subramanian & Sudha) Houbraken & Samson, P. bovifimosum (Tuthill & Frisvad) Houbraken & Samson, P. glaucoalbidum (Desmazières) Houbraken & Samson, P. laeve (K. Ando & Manoch) Houbraken & Samson, P. longisporum (Kendrick) Houbraken & Samson, P. malachiteum (Yaguchi & Udagawa) Houbraken & Samson, P. ovatum (K. Ando & Nawawi) Houbraken & Samson, P. parviverrucosum (K. Ando & Pitt) Houbraken & Samson, P. saturniforme (Wang & Zhuang) Houbraken & Samson, P. taiwanense (Matsushima) Houbraken & Samson. New names: Penicillium coniferophilum Houbraken & Samson, P. hennebertii Houbraken & Samson, P. melanostipe Houbraken & Samson, P. porphyreum Houbraken & Samson. PMID:22308045
Zhao, Liang-Cheng; Zhang, Zhi-Xiang
Celastrus and Tripterygium species, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine, have attracted much attention due to their anti-tumor promoting and neuroprotective activities, in addition to their applications in autoimmune disorders. However, systematic relationships between them and among species are unclear, and it may disturb their further medicinal utilization. In the present study, the molecular analysis of combined chloroplast and nuclear markers of all Chinese Celastrus and Tripterygium was performed, and clear inter- and intra-genus relationships were presented. The result suggests that Tripterygium constitute a natural monophyletic clade within Celastrus with strong support value. Fruit and seed type are better than inflorescence in subgeneric classification. Chinese Celastrus are classified for three sections: Sect. Sempervirentes (Maxim.) CY Cheng & TC Kao, Sect. Lunatus XY Mu & ZX Zhang, sect. nov., and Sect. Ellipticus XY Mu & ZX Zhang, sect. nov. The phylogenetic data was consistent with their chemical components reported previously. Owing to the close relationship, several evergreen Celastrus species are recommended for chemical and pharmacological studies. Our results also provide reference for molecular identification of Chinese Celastrus and Tripterygium. PMID:28081198
Yamamoto, Masaya; Ohtani, Masato; Kurata, Kaoruko; Setoguchi, Hiroaki
Recent biogeographic studies have illustrated that Quaternary climatic changes and historical orogenies have driven the development of high levels of biodiversity. In this context, phylogenetic niche conservatism may play a role as a major precursor of allopatric speciation. However, the effects of niche evolution on the diversification patterns of plant species under rapid habitat changes are still unknown. Here, Primula section Reinii, one of the few primroses endemic to the Japanese Archipelago, was investigated. This study aimed to clarify the phylogenetic position and relationships of section Reinii, interpret the biogeographic and diversification patterns of this group and gain a better understanding of the role of climatic niche evolution in the Japanese endemic primroses. Dated phylogeny for Primula section Reinii is presented based on the sequences of six chloroplast genes and one nuclear gene. Biogeographic history was reconstructed using statistical dispersal-vicariance analysis. Macro-evolutionary modelling of the climatic niche was combined with biogeographic inferences. Section Reinii was shown to be monophyletic based on chloroplast and nuclear sequences. Fossil-calibrated dating analysis estimated that this section diverged from its sister taxon, sect. Cortusoides, around 1.82 million years ago, and intraspecific diversification occurred within the last million years. This time frame was characterized by Quaternary climatic oscillations and uplift of high mountains in Japan. Biogeographic inference suggested that this section originated at the northern end of the Japanese Archipelago and then dispersed southward to other islands. Models of climatic niche evolution indicated that the closely related species P. reinii and P. tosanensis have contrasting niche optima and rates of niche evolution. Our results highlight that spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the Japanese islands may play a significant role in the biogeographic history of Japanese endemic
Background According to international guidelines, the goal of asthma management is to achieve and maintain control of the disease, which can be assessed using composite measures. Prospective studies are required to determine how these measures are associated with asthma outcomes and/or future risk. The ‘InternationaL cross-sectIonAl and longItudinal assessment on aSthma cONtrol (LIAISON)’ observational study has been designed to evaluate asthma control and its determinants, including components of asthma management. Methods/design The LIAISON study will be conducted in 12 European countries and comprises a cross-sectional phase and a 12-month prospective phase. Both phases will aim at assessing asthma control (six-item Asthma Control Questionnaire, ACQ), asthma-related quality of life (Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire, Mini-AQLQ), risk of non-adherence to treatment (four-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, MMAS-4), potential reasons for poor control, treatment strategies and associated healthcare costs. The cross-sectional phase will recruit > 8,000 adult patients diagnosed with asthma for at least 6 months and receiving the same asthma treatment in the 4 weeks before enrolment. The prospective phase will include all patients with uncontrolled/poorly controlled asthma at the initial visit to assess the proportion reaching control during follow-up and to examine predictors of future risk. Visits will take place after 3, 6 and 12 months. Discussion The LIAISON study will provide important information on the prevalence of asthma control and on the quality of life in a broad spectrum of real-life patient populations from different European countries and will also contribute to evaluate differences in management strategies and their impact on healthcare costs over 12 months of observation. Trial registration identifier, NCT01567280. PMID:23530817
Hieracium sinoaestivum (Asteraceae), a new species from North China
Sennikov, Alexander N.
Abstract Hieracium sinoaestivum Sennikov sp. nov. is described as new to science and illustrated. This presumably apomictic species is solely known from two old collections made in a single locality in the Shanxi Province of China. It belongs to the hybridogenous group Hieracium sect. Aestiva (Hieracium sect. Prenanthoidea × Hieracium sect. Umbellata) and is most similar to Hieracium veresczaginii from southern Siberia. The new species occurs at low altitudes in the forest belt of Lülian Mts. and belongs to taiga forest elements. PMID:25197222
Koopman, W J; Guetta, E; van de Wiel, C C; Vosman, B; van den Berg, R G
Internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) sequences from 97 accessions representing 23 species of Lactuca and related genera were determined and used to evaluate species relationships of Lactuca sensu lato (s.l.). The ITS-1 phylogenies, calculated using PAUP and PHYLIP, correspond better to the classification of Feráková than to other classifications evaluated, although the inclusion of sect. Lactuca subsect. Cyanicae is not supported. Therefore, exclusion of subsect. Cyanicae from Lactuca sensu Feráková is proposed. The amended genus contains the entire gene pool (sensu Harlan and De Wet) of cultivated lettuce (Lactuca sativa). The position of the species in the amended classification corresponds to their position in the lettuce gene pool. In the ITS-1 phylogenies, a clade with L. sativa, L. serriola, L. dregeana, L. altaica, and L. aculeata represents the primary gene pool. L. virosa and L. saligna, branching off closest to this clade, encompass the secondary gene pool. L. virosa is possibly of hybrid origin. The primary and secondary gene pool species are classified in sect. Lactuca subsect. Lactuca. The species L. quercina, L. viminea, L. sibirica, and L. tatarica, branching off next, represent the tertiary gene pool. They are classified in Lactuca sect. Lactucopsis, sect. Phaenixopus, and sect. Mulgedium, respectively. L. perennis and L. tenerrima, classified in sect. Lactuca subsect. Cyanicae, form clades with species from related genera and are not part of the lettuce gene pool.
[The 14 plants in Issenheim's altarpiece. An updated pharmaco-chemical approach].
Trépardoux, Francis
Fourteen vegetal species were identified by Kühn in 1948 among which scrophualaria, veronica, lamium and vincetoxicum. These exhibit antigangrenous, antiinflammatory and antimicrobial activities due to iridoid components, mainly aucubin, catalpol and harpagosid.
77 FR 55233 - Hispanic Council on Federal Employment
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Federal workforce. The Council is co-chaired by the Chief of Staff of the Office of Personnel Management... CONTACT: Veronica E. Villalobos, Director for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Personnel...
77 FR 37077 - Hispanic Council on Federal Employment
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Federal workforce. The Council is co-chaired by the Chief of Staff of the Office of Personnel Management... INFORMATION CONTACT: Veronica E. Villalobos, Director for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of...
77 FR 5582 - Hispanic Council on Federal Employment
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... in the Federal workforce. The Council is co-chaired by the Chief of Staff of the Office of Personnel... FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Veronica E. Villalobos, Director for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion...
SH Bell Consent Decree Entered
EPA complaint, Consent Decree, against S.H. Bell alleging that emissions of ambient manganese from its facility in East Liverpool, OH & in Ohioville, PA present an imminent and public health or welfare under CAA Sect. 303, CERCLA Sect. 106
76 FR 67233 - Hispanic Council on Federal Employment
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... in the Federal workforce. The Council is co-chaired by the Chief of Staff of the Office of Personnel... INFORMATION CONTACT: Veronica E. Villalobos, Director for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of...
76 FR 54811 - Hispanic Council on Federal Employment
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... in the Federal workforce. The Council is co-chaired by the Chief of Staff of the Office of Personnel... INFORMATION CONTACT: Veronica E. Villalobos, Director for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of...
76 FR 18263 - Hispanic Council on Federal Employment
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... workforce. The Council is co-chaired by the Chief of Staff of the Office of Personnel Management and the... CONTACT: Veronica E. Villalobos, Director for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Personnel...
77 FR 23513 - Hispanic Council on Federal Employment
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... in the Federal workforce. The Council is co-chaired by the Chief of Staff of the Office of Personnel... INFORMATION CONTACT: Veronica E. Villalobos, Director for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of...
Filograna, Laura; Magarelli, Nicola; Leone, Antonio; Guggenberger, Roman; Winklhofer, Sebastian; Thali, Michael John; Bonomo, Lorenzo
The aim of this ex vivo study was to assess the performance of monoenergetic dual-energy CT (DECT) reconstructions to reduce metal artefacts in bodies with orthopedic devices in comparison with standard single-energy CT (SECT) examinations in forensic imaging. Forensic and clinical impacts of this study are also discussed. Thirty metallic implants in 20 consecutive cadavers with metallic implants underwent both SECT and DECT with a clinically suitable scanning protocol. Extrapolated monoenergetic DECT images at 64, 69, 88, 105, 120, and 130 keV and individually adjusted monoenergy for optimized image quality (OPTkeV) were generated. Image quality of the seven monoenergetic images and of the corresponding SECT image was assessed qualitatively and quantitatively by visual rating and measurements of attenuation changes induced by streak artefact. Qualitative and quantitative analyses showed statistically significant differences between monoenergetic DECT extrapolated images and SECT, with improvements in diagnostic assessment in monoenergetic DECT at higher monoenergies. The mean value of OPTkeV was 137.6 ± 4.9 with a range of 130 to 148 keV. This study demonstrates that monoenergetic DECT images extrapolated at high energy levels significantly reduce metallic artefacts from orthopedic implants and improve image quality compared to SECT examination in forensic imaging.
Glimpses of Health Programs in the People's Republic of China.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Journal of School Health, 1983
Three articles describe health programs in the People's Republic of China: (1) "Health Education in Schools" (Nicholas K. Iammarino); (2) "Health Care System and Nursing" (Veronica D. Feeg); and (3) "Family Planning Education" (Marian V. Hamburg). (CJ)
32 CFR 1645.6 - Considerations relevant to granting or denying a claim for Class 4-D.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... with the ceremonial ritual or discipline of a church, religious sect, or organization established on the basis of a community of faith and belief, doctrines and practices of religious character, to... full-time profession, preaches and teaches the principles of religion of a church, a religious sect, or...
Park, Mi-Jeong; Choi, Young-Joon; Hong, Seung-Beom; Shin, Hyeon-Dong
Ampelomyces quisqualis complex is well known as the most common and widespread hyperparasite of the family Erysiphaceae, the cause of powdery mildew diseases. As commercial biopesticide products it is widely used to control the disease in field and plastic houses. Although genetic diversity within Ampelomyces isolates has been previously recognized, a single name A. quisqualis is still applied to all pycnidial intracellular hyperparasites of powdery mildew fungi. In this study, the phylogenetic relationships among Ampelomyces isolates originating from various powdery mildew fungi in Korea were inferred from Bayesian and maximum parsimony analyses of the sequences of ITS rDNA region and actin gene. In the phylogenetic trees, the Ampelomyces isolates could be divided into four distinct groups with high sequence divergences in both regions. The largest group, Clade 1, mostly accommodated Ampelomyces isolates originating from the mycohost Podosphaera spp. (sect. Sphaerotheca). Clade 2 comprised isolates from several genera of powdery mildews, Golovinomyces, Erysiphe (sect. Erysiphe), Arthrocladiella, and Phyllactinia, and was further divided into two subclades. An isolate obtained from Podosphaera (sect. Sphaerotheca) pannosa was clustered into Clade 3, with those from powdery mildews infecting rosaceous hosts. The mycohosts of Ampelomyces isolates in Clade 4 mostly consisted of species of Erysiphe (sect. Erysiphe, sect. Microsphaera, and sect. Uncinula). The present phylogenetic study demonstrates that Ampelomyces hyperparasite is indeed an assemblage of several distinct lineages rather than a sole species. Although the correlation between Ampelomyces isolates and their mycohosts is not obviously clear, the isolates show not only some degree of host specialization but also adaptation to their mycohosts during the evolution of the hyperparasite. Copyright © 2010 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Limit load solution for electron beam welded joints with single edge weld center crack in tension
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lu, Wei; Shi, Yaowu; Li, Xiaoyan; Lei, Yongping
Limit loads are widely studied and several limit load solutions are proposed to some typical geometry of weldments. However, there are no limit load solutions exist for the single edge crack weldments in tension (SEC(T)), which is also a typical geometry in fracture analysis. The mis-matching limit load for thick plate with SEC(T) are investigated and the special limit load solutions are proposed based on the available mis-matching limit load solutions and systematic finite element analyses. The real weld configurations are simplified as a strip, and different weld strength mis-matching ratio M, crack depth/width ratio a/ W and weld width 2H are in consideration. As a result, it is found that there exists excellent agreement between the limit load solutions and the FE results for almost all the mis-matching ration M, a/ W and ligament-to-weld width ratio ( W-a)/ H. Moreover, useful recommendations are given for evaluating the limit loads of the EBW structure with SEC(T). For the EBW joints with SEC(T), the mis-matching limit loads can be obtained assuming that the components are wholly made of base metal, when M changing from 1.6 to 0.6. When M decreasing to 0.4, the mis-matching limit loads can be obtained assuming that the components are wholly made of base metal only for large value of ( W-a)/ H. The recommendations may be useful for evaluating the limit loads of the EBW structures with SEC(T). The engineering simplifications are given for assessing the limit loads of electron beam welded structure with SEC(T).
32 CFR 1645.1 - Purpose; definitions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... ceremonial ritual or discipline of a church, religious sect, or organization established on the basis of a community of faith and belief, doctrines and practices of a religious character; and (ii) Who preaches and... church, a religious sect, or organization of which he is a member, without having been formally ordained...
32 CFR 1645.1 - Purpose; definitions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... ceremonial ritual or discipline of a church, religious sect, or organization established on the basis of a community of faith and belief, doctrines and practices of a religious character; and (ii) Who preaches and... church, a religious sect, or organization of which he is a member, without having been formally ordained...
32 CFR 1645.1 - Purpose; definitions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... ceremonial ritual or discipline of a church, religious sect, or organization established on the basis of a community of faith and belief, doctrines and practices of a religious character; and (ii) Who preaches and... church, a religious sect, or organization of which he is a member, without having been formally ordained...
20 CFR 404.1075 - Members of certain religious groups opposed to insurance.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... OLD-AGE, SURVIVORS AND DISABILITY INSURANCE (1950- ) Employment, Wages, Self-Employment, and Self-Employment Income Self-Employment § 404.1075 Members of certain religious groups opposed to insurance. (a...-employment tax if— (1) You are a member of a recognized religious sect or division of the sect; and (2) You...
20 CFR 404.1075 - Members of certain religious groups opposed to insurance.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... OLD-AGE, SURVIVORS AND DISABILITY INSURANCE (1950- ) Employment, Wages, Self-Employment, and Self-Employment Income Self-Employment § 404.1075 Members of certain religious groups opposed to insurance. (a...-employment tax if— (1) You are a member of a recognized religious sect or division of the sect; and (2) You...
20 CFR 404.1075 - Members of certain religious groups opposed to insurance.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... OLD-AGE, SURVIVORS AND DISABILITY INSURANCE (1950- ) Employment, Wages, Self-Employment, and Self-Employment Income Self-Employment § 404.1075 Members of certain religious groups opposed to insurance. (a...-employment tax if— (1) You are a member of a recognized religious sect or division of the sect; and (2) You...
20 CFR 404.1075 - Members of certain religious groups opposed to insurance.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... OLD-AGE, SURVIVORS AND DISABILITY INSURANCE (1950- ) Employment, Wages, Self-Employment, and Self-Employment Income Self-Employment § 404.1075 Members of certain religious groups opposed to insurance. (a...-employment tax if— (1) You are a member of a recognized religious sect or division of the sect; and (2) You...
20 CFR 404.1075 - Members of certain religious groups opposed to insurance.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... OLD-AGE, SURVIVORS AND DISABILITY INSURANCE (1950- ) Employment, Wages, Self-Employment, and Self-Employment Income Self-Employment § 404.1075 Members of certain religious groups opposed to insurance. (a...-employment tax if— (1) You are a member of a recognized religious sect or division of the sect; and (2) You...
On merging Acer sections Rubra and Hyptiocarpa: Molecular and morphological evidence.
Harris, A J; Chen, Yousheng; Olsen, Richard T; Lutz, Sue; Wen, Jun
In this study, we expanded Acer sect. Rubra Pax to include A. sect. Hyptiocarpa Fang. Traditionally, section Rubra comprises two iconic species, Acer rubrum Linnaeus (red maple) and A. saccharinum Linnaeus (silver maple), of eastern North American forests as well as the rare Japanese montane species, A. pycnanthum K. Koch. Section Hyptiocarpa consists of A. laurinum Hasskarl and A. pinnatinervium Merrill, which occur in subtropical and tropical regions of southwestern China to southeast Asia. Here, we confirm prior phylogenetic results showing the close relationship between sects. Rubra and Hyptiocarpa , and we use scanning electron microscopy to demonstrate that leaves of species within these sections have similar arrangements of cuticular waxes, which account for the silvery color of their abaxial surfaces. We describe that the sections also share labile sex expression; inflorescences that range from compound racemose thyrses, to racemes or umbels and that may have undergone evolutionary reduction; and several features of their fruits, such as seed locules without keels, basal portion of wings straight, acute attachment angle between mericarps, and production of some mericarps that are seedless and partially developed at maturity. Our expansion of sect. Rubra to include sect. Hyptiocarpa better elucidates the biogeographic and evolutionary history of these species. Additionally, we show that A. laurinum and A. pinnatinervium have intergrading morphology and are probably synonymous, but we note that further studies are required to conclude their taxonomic status.
The Internet for Educators: A User's Guide.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Monahan, Brian D.; Dharm, Matthew
Presents a practical guide to use of the Internet. Topics discussed include getting connected; the UNIX operating system; electronic mail; FTP (File Transfer Protocol); Finger; Telnet; Archie; Veronica; Gopher; teacher education; the Yanoff List; and expansion of the Internet. (three references) (LRW)
College Board Response to "Harvard Educational Review" Article by Santelices and Wilson
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
College Board, 2010
This is the College Board's response to a research article by Drs. Maria Veronica Santelices and Mark Wilson in the Harvard Educational Review, entitled "Unfair Treatment? The Case of Freedle, the SAT, and the Standardization Approach to Differential Item Functioning" (see EJ930622).
The Sino-Indian Border Dispute: India’s Current Options
Thus came into being the ’Red Hat’ sect of Lamaism which enjoyed the ruler’s patronage. This, however, had adverse affects and the Red Hats slowly...north, seized power and established the ’Yellow Hat’ sect of Lamaism which purported to follow a refined doctrine. The fourth reincarnation of Tsong Khapa
Mario Bunge's Scientific Realism
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cordero, Alberto
This paper presents and comments on Mario Bunge's scientific realism. After a brief introduction in Sects. 1 and 2 outlines Bunge's conception of realism. Focusing on the case of quantum mechanics, Sect. 3 explores how his approach plays out for problematic theories. Section 4 comments on Bunge's project against the background of the current…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Remy, Charlotte; Lalonde, Arthur; Béliveau-Nadeau, Dominic; Carrier, Jean-François; Bouchard, Hugo
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of a novel tissue characterization method using dual-energy over single-energy computed tomography (DECT and SECT) on Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculations for low-dose rate (LDR) prostate brachytherapy performed in a patient like geometry. A virtual patient geometry is created using contours from a real patient pelvis CT scan, where known elemental compositions and varying densities are overwritten in each voxel. A second phantom is made with additional calcifications. Both phantoms are the ground truth with which all results are compared. Simulated CT images are generated from them using attenuation coefficients taken from the XCOM database with a 100 kVp spectrum for SECT and 80 and 140Sn kVp for DECT. Tissue segmentation for Monte Carlo dose calculation is made using a stoichiometric calibration method for the simulated SECT images. For the DECT images, Bayesian eigentissue decomposition is used. A LDR prostate brachytherapy plan is defined with 125I sources and then calculated using the EGSnrc user-code Brachydose for each case. Dose distributions and dose-volume histograms (DVH) are compared to ground truth to assess the accuracy of tissue segmentation. For noiseless images, DECT-based tissue segmentation outperforms the SECT procedure with a root mean square error (RMS) on relative errors on dose distributions respectively of 2.39% versus 7.77%, and provides DVHs closest to the reference DVHs for all tissues. For a medium level of CT noise, Bayesian eigentissue decomposition still performs better on the overall dose calculation as the RMS error is found to be of 7.83% compared to 9.15% for SECT. Both methods give a similar DVH for the prostate while the DECT segmentation remains more accurate for organs at risk and in presence of calcifications, with less than 5% of RMS errors within the calcifications versus up to 154% for SECT. In a patient-like geometry, DECT-based tissue segmentation provides dose
On merging Acer sections Rubra and Hyptiocarpa: Molecular and morphological evidence
Harris, AJ; Chen, Yousheng; Olsen, Richard T.; Lutz, Sue; Wen, Jun
Abstract In this study, we expanded Acer sect. Rubra Pax to include A. sect. Hyptiocarpa Fang. Traditionally, section Rubra comprises two iconic species, Acer rubrum Linnaeus (red maple) and A. saccharinum Linnaeus (silver maple), of eastern North American forests as well as the rare Japanese montane species, A. pycnanthum K. Koch. Section Hyptiocarpa consists of A. laurinum Hasskarl and A. pinnatinervium Merrill, which occur in subtropical and tropical regions of southwestern China to southeast Asia. Here, we confirm prior phylogenetic results showing the close relationship between sects. Rubra and Hyptiocarpa, and we use scanning electron microscopy to demonstrate that leaves of species within these sections have similar arrangements of cuticular waxes, which account for the silvery color of their abaxial surfaces. We describe that the sections also share labile sex expression; inflorescences that range from compound racemose thyrses, to racemes or umbels and that may have undergone evolutionary reduction; and several features of their fruits, such as seed locules without keels, basal portion of wings straight, acute attachment angle between mericarps, and production of some mericarps that are seedless and partially developed at maturity. Our expansion of sect. Rubra to include sect. Hyptiocarpa better elucidates the biogeographic and evolutionary history of these species. Additionally, we show that A. laurinum and A. pinnatinervium have intergrading morphology and are probably synonymous, but we note that further studies are required to conclude their taxonomic status. PMID:29033667
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Landry, Guillaume; Parodi, Katia; Wildberger, Joachim E.; Verhaegen, Frank
Dedicated methods of in-vivo verification of ion treatment based on the detection of secondary emitted radiation, such as positron-emission-tomography and prompt gamma detection require high accuracy in the assignment of the elemental composition. This especially concerns the content in carbon and oxygen, which are the most abundant elements of human tissue. The standard single-energy computed tomography (SECT) approach to carbon and oxygen concentration determination has been shown to introduce significant discrepancies in the carbon and oxygen content of tissues. We propose a dual-energy CT (DECT)-based approach for carbon and oxygen content assignment and investigate the accuracy gains of the method. SECT and DECT Hounsfield units (HU) were calculated using the stoichiometric calibration procedure for a comprehensive set of human tissues. Fit parameters for the stoichiometric calibration were obtained from phantom scans. Gaussian distributions with standard deviations equal to those derived from phantom scans were subsequently generated for each tissue for several values of the computed tomography dose index (CTDIvol). The assignment of %weight carbon and oxygen (%wC,%wO) was performed based on SECT and DECT. The SECT scheme employed a HU versus %wC,O approach while for DECT we explored a Zeff versus %wC,O approach and a (Zeff, ρe) space approach. The accuracy of each scheme was estimated by calculating the root mean square (RMS) error on %wC,O derived from the input Gaussian distribution of HU for each tissue and also for the noiseless case as a limiting case. The (Zeff, ρe) space approach was also compared to SECT by comparing RMS error for hydrogen and nitrogen (%wH,%wN). Systematic shifts were applied to the tissue HU distributions to assess the robustness of the method against systematic uncertainties in the stoichiometric calibration procedure. In the absence of noise the (Zeff, ρe) space approach showed more accurate %wC,O assignment (largest error of
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dealy, Jacqueline
Offers instructions and resources for Internet novices wanting to access Internet services. Instructions are offered for connecting to 13 education listservs, 9 electronic journals and newsletters, 3 education databases, 7 Telnet gopher sites, Veronica and Archie search tools, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP). (Contains 16 references.) (SLW)
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Asensio, Mireia, Ed.; Foster, Jonathan, Ed.; Hodgson, Vivien, Ed.; McConnell, David, Ed.
This document contains 59 papers presented at a conference in England on approaches to lifelong learning and higher education through the Internet. Representative papers include the following: "The University of the Highlands and Islands Project: A Model for Networked Learning?" (Veronica Adamson, Jane Plenderleith); "The Costs of…
Scebba, Francesca; Canaccini, Francesca; Castagna, Antonella; Bender, Jürgen; Weigel, Hans-Joachim; Ranieri, Annamaria
The effects of two-year early season ozone exposure on physiological and biochemical stress response were investigated in model plant communities. Achillea millefolium and Veronica chamaedrys target plants were grown in monocultures and in mixed cultures with Poa pratensis (phytometer) and exposed in open-top chambers over two years for five weeks to charcoal-filtered (CF) air plus 25 nl l(-1) O3 (control) and non-filtered (NF) air plus 50 nl l(-1) O3. Significant O3 effects were detected in different physiological and biochemical parameters, evidencing interspecific differences in metabolic stress responses and a strong influence of the competition factor. O3 induced strong oxidative effects in Achillea irrespective to the different growth modality. Veronica showed less O3-induced effects in monoculture than when grown in competition with the phytometer. Poa exhibited a different behaviour against O3 depending on the species in competition, showing an overall higher sensitivity to O3 when in mixture with Achillea.
The University of Mississippi Studies in English (1990), New Series Volume VIII.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fisher, Benjamin Franklin, IV, Ed.
This book, a new series in literary criticism and English studies, presents 24 essays. Essays in the book are: "Melville and the Question of Camoes" (George Monteiro); "Calvin Daniel Yost, Jr." (Benjamin Franklin Fisher IV); "'The Haystack in the Floods': An Uncharacteristic Preraphaelite Poem" (Veronica M. S.…
Kramer, Harald; Pickhardt, Perry J; Kliewer, Mark A; Hernando, Diego; Chen, Guang-Hong; Zagzebski, James A; Reeder, Scott B
The purpose of this study was to prospectively evaluate the accuracy of proton-density fat-fraction, single- and dual-energy CT (SECT and DECT), gray-scale ultrasound (US), and US shear-wave elastography (US-SWE) in the quantification of hepatic steatosis with MR spectroscopy (MRS) as the reference standard. Fifty adults who did not have symptoms (23 men, 27 women; mean age, 57 ± 5 years; body mass index, 27 ± 5) underwent liver imaging with un-enhanced SECT, DECT, gray-scale US, US-SWE, proton-density fat-fraction MRI, and MRS for this prospective trial. MRS voxels for the reference standard were colocalized with all other modalities under investigation. For SECT (120 kVp), attenuation values were recorded. For rapid-switching DECT (80/140 kVp), monochromatic images (70-140 keV) and fat density-derived material decomposition images were reconstructed. For proton-density fat fraction MRI, a quantitative chemical shift-encoded method was used. For US, echogenicity was evaluated on a qualitative 0-3 scale. Quantitative US shear-wave velocities were also recorded. Data were analyzed by linear regression for each technique compared with MRS. There was excellent correlation between MRS and both proton-density fat-fraction MRI (r 2 = 0.992; slope, 0.974; intercept, -0.943) and SECT (r 2 = 0.856; slope, -0.559; intercept, 35.418). DECT fat attenuation had moderate correlation with MRS measurements (r 2 = 0.423; slope, 0.034; intercept, 8.459). There was good correlation between qualitative US echogenicity and MRS measurements with a weighted kappa value of 0.82. US-SWE velocity did not have reliable correlation with MRS measurements (r 2 = 0.004; slope, 0.069; intercept, 6.168). Quantitative MRI proton-density fat fraction and SECT fat attenuation have excellent linear correlation with MRS measurements and can serve as accurate noninvasive biomarkers for quantifying steatosis. Material decomposition with DECT does not improve the accuracy of fat quantification over
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Budzikiewicz, Herbert
Iron is of great importance for many metabolic processes since the redox potential between its two valence states Fe2+ and Fe3+ lies within the range of physiological processes. Actually, iron is not a rare element, it is fourth in abundance in the earth crust, but it is not readily available for microorganisms. In the soil ferric oxide hydrates are formed at pH values around seven and the concentration of free Fe3+ is at best 10-17 mol/dm3 while about 10-6 mol/dm3 would be needed. In living organisms iron is usually strongly bound to peptidic substances such as transferrins. To increase the supply of soluble iron microorganisms other than those living in an acidic habitat may circumvent the problem by reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ (182), which seems to be of major importance for marine phytoplankton (151); see also amphiphilic marine bacteria (Sect.2.8) and Fe2+ binding ligands (Sect. 7) below. An important alternative is the production of Fe3+ chelating compounds, so-called siderophores. Siderophores are secondary metabolites with masses below 2,000 Da and a high affinity to Fe3+. Small iron-siderophore complexes can enter the cell via unspecific porins, larger ones need a transport system that recognizes the ferri-siderophore at the cell surface. In the cell, iron is released mostly by reduction to the less strongly bound Fe2+ state (137), and the free siderophore is re-exported ("shuttle mechanism"); for a modified shuttle system see pyoverdins (Sect. 2.1) and amonabactins (Sect. 2.7). Rarely the siderophore is degraded in the periplasmatic space as, e.g. enterobactin (Sect. 2.7). Alternatively Fe3+ is transferred at the cell surface from the ferri-siderophore to a trans-membrane transport system ("taxi mechanism"). A probably archaic and unspecific variety of the taxi mechanism comprises the reduction of Fe3+ at the cell surface (see ferrichrome A, Sect. 2.6 (99, 105)). The terms "shuttle" and "taxi mechanism" were coined by Raymond and Carrano (296).
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Baer, E; Royle, G; Lalonde, A
Purpose: Dual energy CT can predict stopping power ratios (SPR) for ion therapy treatment planning. Several approaches have been proposed recently, however accuracy and practicability in a clinical workflow are unaddressed. The aim of this work is to provide a fair comparison of available approaches in a human-like phantom to find the optimal method for tissue characterization in a clinical situation. Methods: The SPR determination accuracy is investigated using simulated DECT images. A virtual human-like phantom is created containing 14 different standard human tissues. SECT (120 kV) and DECT images (100 kV and 140 kV Sn) are simulated using themore » software ImaSim. The single energy CT (SECT) stoichiometric calibration method and four recently published calibration-based DECT methods are implemented and used to predict the SPRs from simulated images. The difference between SPR predictions and theoretical SPR are compared pixelwize. Mean, standard deviation and skewness of the SPR difference distributions are used as measures for bias, dispersion and symmetry. Results: The average SPR differences and standard deviations are (0.22 ± 1.27)% for SECT, and A) (−0.26 ± 1.30)%, B) (0.08 ± 1.12)%, C) (0.06 ± 1.15)% and D) (−0.05 ± 1.05)% for the four DECT methods. While SPR prediction using SECT is showing a systematic error on SPR, the DECT methods B, C and D are unbiased. The skewness of the SECT distribution is 0.57%, and A) −0.19%, B) −0.56%, C) −0.29% and D) −0.07% for DECT methods respectively. Conclusion: The here presented DECT methods B, C and D outperform the commonly used SECT stoichiometric calibration. These methods predict SPR accurately without a bias and within ± 1.2% (68th percentile). This indicates that DECT potentially improves accuracy of range predictions in proton therapy. A validation of these findings using clinical CT images of real tissues is necessary.« less
• Background and Aims Rheum, a highly diversified genus with about 60 species, is mainly confined to the mountainous and desert regions of the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau and adjacent areas. This genus represents a good example of the extensive diversification of the temperate genera in the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau, in which the forces to drive diversification remain unknown. To date, the infrageneric classification of Rheum has been mainly based on morphological characters. However, it may have been subject to convergent evolution under habitat pressure, and the systematic position of some sections are unclear, especially Sect. Globulosa, which has globular inflorescences, and Sect. Nobilia, which has semi-translucent bracts. Recent palynological research has found substantial contradictions between exine patterns and the current classification of Rheum. Two specific objectives of this research were (1) to evaluate possible relationships of some ambiguous sections with a unique morphology, and (2) to examine possible occurrence of the radiative speciation with low genetic divergence across the total genus and the correlation between the extensive diversification time of Rheum and past geographical events, especially the recent large-scale uplifts of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. • Methods The chloroplast DNA trnL-F region of 29 individuals representing 26 species of Rheum, belonging to seven out of eight sections, was sequenced and compared. The phylogenetic relationships were further constructed based on the sequences obtained. • Key Results Despite the highly diversified morphology, the genetic variation in this DNA fragment is relatively low. The molecular phylogeny is highly inconsistent with gross morphology, pollen exine patterns and traditional classifications, except for identifying all samples of Sect. Palmata, three species of Sect. Spiciformia and a few species of Sect. Rheum as corresponding monophyletic groups. The monotypic Sect. Globulosa
Metals and Ceramics Division progress report for period ending December 31, 1993
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Craig, D.F.; Bradley, R.A.; Weir, J.R. Jr.
This report provides an overview of activities and accomplishsments of the division from October 1992 through December 1993; the division is organized to provide technical support, mainly in the area of high-temperature materials, for technologies being developed by DOE. Activities span the range from basic research to industrial interactions (cooperative research and technology transfer). Sections 1-5 describe the different functional groups (engineering materials, high-temperature materials, materials science, ceramics, nuclear fuel materials). Sect. 6 provides an alternative view of the division in terms of the major programs, most of which cross group lines. Sect. 7 summarizes external interactions including cooperative Rmore » and D programs and technology transfer functions. Finally, Sect. 8 briefly describes the division`s involvement in educational activities. Several organizational changes were effected during this period.« less
Small Engine Component Technology (SECT)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Early, M.; Dawson, R.; Zeiner, P.; Turk, M.; Benn, K.
A study of small gas turbine engines was conducted to identify high payoff technologies for year-2000 engines and to define companion technology plans. The study addressed engines in the 186 to 746 KW (250 to 1000 shp) or equivalent thrust range for rotorcraft, commuter (turboprop), cruise missile (turbojet), and APU applications. The results show that aggressive advancement of high payoff technologies can produce significant benefits, including reduced SFC, weight, and cost for year-2000 engines. Mission studies for these engines show potential fuel burn reductions of 22 to 71 percent. These engine benefits translate into reductions in rotorcraft and commuter aircraft direct operating costs (DOC) of 7 to 11 percent, and in APU-related DOCs of 37 to 47 percent. The study further shows that cruise missile range can be increased by as much as 200 percent (320 percent with slurry fuels) for a year-2000 missile-turbojet system compared to a current rocket-powered system. The high payoff technologies were identified and the benefits quantified. Based on this, technology plans were defined for each of the four engine applications as recommended guidelines for further NASA research and technology efforts to establish technological readiness for the year 2000.
Native Americans: 23 Indian Biographies.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Axford, Roger W.
The lives and careers of 24 contemporary American Indians, including Dr. Louis W. Ballard (musician and composer, Cherokee and Sioux); Charles Banks Wilson (artist and historian); Veronica L. Murdock (President of the National Congress of American Indians, Mohave); Peter MacDonald, Sr. (Chairman of the Navajo Tribal Council, Navajo); and Jim…
Emerald Field, Natrona County, Wyoming
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Swirczynski, R.P.
The Emerald Field is located on the W.-central Casper Arch in Sect. Nos. 7, 8, 9, and 18, T37N, R84W, Natrona County, Wyo. The Notches Field located in Sect. Nos. 3 and 10, T37N, R85W is 5 miles west of the Emerald Field. Both the Emerald and Notches Field produce oil from structural traps in the Tensleep formation (Pennsylvanian).
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Baer, E; Jee, K; Zhang, R
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical performance of dual-energy CT (DECT) in determining proton stopping power ratios (SPR) and demonstrate advantages over conventional single-energy CT (SECT). Methods: SECT and DECT scans of tissue-equivalent plastics as well as animal meat samples are performed with a Siemens SOMATOM Definition Flash. The methods of Schneider et al. (1996) and Bourque et al. (2014) are used to determine proton SPR on SECT and DECT images, respectively. Waterequivalent path length (WEPL) measurements of plastics and tissue samples are performed with a 195 MeV proton beam. WEPL values are determined experimentally using the depth-dose shift and dosemore » extinction methods. Results: Comparison between CT-based and experimental WEPL is performed for 12 tissue-equivalent plastic as well as 6 meat boxes containing animal liver, kidney, heart, stomach, muscle and bones. For plastic materials, results show a systematic improvement in determining SPR with DECT, with a mean absolute error of 0.4% compared to 1.7% for SECT. For the meat samples, preliminary results show the ability for DECT to determine WEPL with a mean absolute value of 1.1% over all meat boxes. Conclusion: This work demonstrates the potential in using DECT for determining proton SPR with plastic materials in a clinical context. Further work is required to show the benefits of DECT for tissue samples. While experimental uncertainties could be a limiting factor to show the benefits of DECT over SECT for the meat samples, further work is required to adapt the DECT formalism in the context of clinical use, where noise and artifacts play an important role.« less
Service, Sex Work, and the Profession
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Potts, Donna L.
The author serves as the chair of the American Association of University Professors' (AAUP) Assembly of State Conferences, the umbrella organization for individual state AAUP conferences; a moderator for Pandora's Project, a website for survivors of sexual abuse and assault; a volunteer for Veronica's Voice, a support program for women and girls…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rogers, John; Terriquez, Veronica
This study examines the ways that participation in youth organizing groups while in high school impacts the educational and civic trajectories of young adults. The study, conducted by UCLA Professor John Rogers and USC Professor Veronica Terriquez, compares the experiences of former members of youth organizing groups to those of a randomly…
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Will, M.E.; Suter, G.W. II
An important step in ecological risk assessments is screening the chemicals occur-ring on a site for contaminants of potential concern. Screening may be accomplished by comparing reported ambient concentrations to a set of toxicological benchmarks. Multiple endpoints for assessing risks posed by soil-borne contaminants to organisms directly impacted by them have been established. This report presents benchmarks for soil invertebrates and microbial processes and addresses only chemicals found at United States Department of Energy (DOE) sites. No benchmarks for pesticides are presented. After discussing methods, this report presents the results of the literature review and benchmark derivation for toxicity tomore » earthworms (Sect. 3), heterotrophic microbes and their processes (Sect. 4), and other invertebrates (Sect. 5). The final sections compare the benchmarks to other criteria and background and draw conclusions concerning the utility of the benchmarks.« less
Linguistics, cognitive psychology, and the Now-or-Never bottleneck.
Endress, Ansgar D; Katzir, Roni
Christiansen & Chater (C&C)'s key premise is that "if linguistic information is not processed rapidly, that information is lost for good" (sect. 1, para. 1). From this "Now-or-Never bottleneck" (NNB), C&C derive "wide-reaching and fundamental implications for language processing, acquisition and change as well as for the structure of language itself" (sect. 2, para. 10). We question both the premise and the consequentiality of its purported implications.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Mendoza, Veronica
While a graduate student at Stanford University, Veronica Mendoza, the author, conducted research on six Latino students from a troubled high school in San Jose, California. The school, located in a crime- and poverty-riddled neighborhood, is predominately Latino. Some of the students may go on to community college, at best, after graduation.…
A Teacher's Project Guide to the Internet.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Crotchett, Kevin R.
This book is a step-by-step guide to the Internet, suggesting creative K-12 classroom projects ranging from one of the most basic Internet functions, e-mail, to one of the more difficult, writing World Wide Web homepages. Intervening chapters describe projects using Usenet Newsgroups, File Transfer Protocols (FTP), Gopher, Veronica, the World Wide…
Transport of Gas and Solutes in Permeable Estuarine Sediments
and determination of transport rates, dispersion and interfacial flux of solutes and colloidal material. Participating Scientists and students ...Scientists and students participating in this work are Dr. Markus Huettel (PI), Dr. Parthasarathi Chakraborty (Postdoc), Sucharita Chakraborty (graduate... student ), Veronica Cruz (undergraduate student ) and Allison Rau (undergraduate student ). WORK COMPLETED Two field campaigns were conducted, the
Evolution of the Earth Observing System (EOS) Data and Information System (EOSDIS)
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Ramapriyan, Hampapuram K.; Behnke, Jeanne; Sofinowski, Edwin; Lowe, Dawn; Esfandiari, Mary Ann
One of the strategic goals of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is to "Develop a balanced overall program of science, exploration, and aeronautics consistent with the redirection of the human spaceflight program to focus on exploration". An important sub-goal of this goal is to "Study Earth from space to advance scientific understanding and meet societal needs." NASA meets this subgoal in partnership with other U.S. agencies and international organizations through its Earth science program. A major component of NASA s Earth science program is the Earth Observing System (EOS). The EOS program was started in 1990 with the primary purpose of modeling global climate change. This program consists of a set of space-borne instruments, science teams, and a data system. The instruments are designed to obtain highly accurate, frequent and global measurements of geophysical properties of land, oceans and atmosphere. The science teams are responsible for designing the instruments as well as scientific algorithms to derive information from the instrument measurements. The data system, called the EOS Data and Information System (EOSDIS), produces data products using those algorithms as well as archives and distributes such products. The first of the EOS instruments were launched in November 1997 on the Japanese satellite called the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the last, on the U.S. satellite Aura, were launched in July 2004. The instrument science teams have been active since the inception of the program in 1990 and have participation from Brazil, Canada, France, Japan, Netherlands, United Kingdom and U.S. The development of EOSDIS was initiated in 1990, and this data system has been serving the user community since 1994. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the history and evolution of EOSDIS since its beginnings to the present and indicate how it continues to evolve into the future. this chapter is organized as follows. Sect
The Human Voice in Speech and Singing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lindblom, Björn; Sundberg, Johan
This chapter
The Human Voice in Speech and Singing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lindblom, Björn; Sundberg, Johan
This chapter describes various aspects of the human voice as a means of communication in speech and singing. From the point of view of function, vocal sounds can be regarded as the end result of a three stage process: (1) the compression of air in the respiratory system, which produces an exhalatory airstream, (2) the vibrating vocal folds' transformation of this air stream to an intermittent or pulsating air stream, which is a complex tone, referred to as the voice source, and (3) the filtering of this complex tone in the vocal tract resonator. The main function of the respiratory system is to generate an overpressure of air under the glottis, or a subglottal pressure. Section 16.1 describes different aspects of the respiratory system of significance to speech and singing, including lung volume ranges, subglottal pressures, and how this pressure is affected by the ever-varying recoil forces. The complex tone generated when the air stream from the lungs passes the vibrating vocal folds can be varied in at least three dimensions: fundamental frequency, amplitude and spectrum. Section 16.2 describes how these properties of the voice source are affected by the subglottal pressure, the length and stiffness of the vocal folds and how firmly the vocal folds are adducted. Section 16.3 gives an account of the vocal tract filter, how its form determines the frequencies of its resonances, and Sect. 16.4 gives an account for how these resonance frequencies or formants shape the vocal sounds by imposing spectrum peaks separated by spectrum valleys, and how the frequencies of these peaks determine vowel and voice qualities. The remaining sections of the chapter describe various aspects of the acoustic signals used for vocal communication in speech and singing. The syllable structure is discussed in Sect. 16.5, the closely related aspects of rhythmicity and timing in speech and singing is described in Sect. 16.6, and pitch and rhythm aspects in Sect. 16.7. The impressive control
86. Sugar Creek (Keeler-Wolf 1984d, 1989f, Sawyer and Thornburgh 1971)
Sheauchi Cheng
This candidate RNA is on the Klamath National Forest. The area is located largely within the Russian Wilderness and is about 6 miles (9.7 km) W. of Callihan. It occupies portions of sects. 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, and 31 T40N, R9W and sects. 25 and 36 T40N, R10W MDBM (41°17'N., 122°56'W.), USGS Eaton Peak quad (fig. 171). Ecological subsection...
Taxonomic changes in Oenothera sections Gaura and Calylophus (Onagraceae).
Wagner, Warren L; Krakos, Kyra N; Hoch, Peter C
The long-recognized genus Gaura was shown recently to be deeply nested within one of two major clades of Oenothera. New molecular data indicate further taxonomic changes are necessary in Oenothera sect. Gaura. We make these changes here, including three new combinations, in advance of the Onagraceae treatment for the Flora of North America. The new phylogenetic studies show that several pairs of taxa treated as subspecies in the most recent revision by Raven and Gregory (1972) had independent origins within sect. Gaura, and are here elevated to species level (Oenothera nealleyi for Gaura suffulta subsp. nealleyi; Oenothera dodgeniana for Gaura neomexicana subsp. neomexicana; and Oenothera podocarpa for Gaura hexandra subsp. gracilis). Also, a nomenclatural problem in Oenothera sect. Calylophus is corrected by adopting the name Oenothera capillifolia Scheele for the species known previously, and nomenclaturally correct, as Calylophus berlandieri Spach. This problem necessitates a new combination Oenothera capillifolia subsp. berlandieri.
Lewis, Emily M; Fant, Jeremie B; Moore, Michael J; Hastings, Amy P; Larson, Erica L; Agrawal, Anurag A; Skogen, Krissa A
Eleven nuclear and four plastid microsatellite markers were screened for two gypsum endemic species, Oenothera gayleana and O. hartwegii subsp. filifolia, and tested for cross-amplification in the remaining 11 taxa within Oenothera sect. Calylophus (Onagraceae). Microsatellite markers were tested in two to three populations spanning the ranges of both O. gayleana and O. hartwegii subsp. filifolia. The nuclear microsatellite loci consisted of both di- and trinucleotide repeats with one to 17 alleles per population. Several loci showed significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which may be evidence of chromosomal rings. The plastid microsatellite markers identified one to seven haplotypes per population. The transferability of these markers was confirmed in all 11 taxa within Oenothera sect. Calylophus. The microsatellite loci characterized here are the first developed and tested in Oenothera sect. Calylophus. These markers will be used to assess whether pollinator foraging distance influences population genetic parameters in predictable ways.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Taasti, Vicki T.; Michalak, Gregory J.; Hansen, David C.; Deisher, Amanda J.; Kruse, Jon J.; Krauss, Bernhard; Muren, Ludvig P.; Petersen, Jørgen B. B.; McCollough, Cynthia H.
Dual energy CT (DECT) has been shown, in theoretical and phantom studies, to improve the stopping power ratio (SPR) determination used for proton treatment planning compared to the use of single energy CT (SECT). However, it has not been shown that this also extends to organic tissues. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate the accuracy of SPR estimation for fresh pork and beef tissue samples used as surrogates of human tissues. The reference SPRs for fourteen tissue samples, which included fat, muscle and femur bone, were measured using proton pencil beams. The tissue samples were subsequently CT scanned using four different scanners with different dual energy acquisition modes, giving in total six DECT-based SPR estimations for each sample. The SPR was estimated using a proprietary algorithm (syngo.via DE Rho/Z Maps, Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany) for extracting the electron density and the effective atomic number. SECT images were also acquired and SECT-based SPR estimations were performed using a clinical Hounsfield look-up table. The mean and standard deviation of the SPR over large volume-of-interests were calculated. For the six different DECT acquisition methods, the root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) for the SPR estimates over all tissue samples were between 0.9% and 1.5%. For the SECT-based SPR estimation the RMSE was 2.8%. For one DECT acquisition method, a positive bias was seen in the SPR estimates, having a mean error of 1.3%. The largest errors were found in the very dense cortical bone from a beef femur. This study confirms the advantages of DECT-based SPR estimation although good results were also obtained using SECT for most tissues.
Native__Salix lasiolepis 334 Bromus spp., Lactuca serriola Melilotus indica, Polypogon monspeliensis, Vitis californica, Xanthium strumarium , Populus...Veronica anagallis VERANA Lepidospartum squamatum LEPSQU Vitis californica VITCAL Limonium californicum LIMCAL Xanthium strumarium XANSTR Table 7...cracca Salix exigua Vulpia myuros Salix gooddingii Xanthium strumarium Salsola kali 72 ERDC/CRREL TR-03-4 APPENDIX H: VEGETATION MAP UNITS
Luxenburger, Bernd
There are two new rules of the German Health System Modernisation Act (GMG) affecting the activity of specialists in private practice: the authorization of a hospital according to Sect. 116 a (SGB V; Title Five of the Social Code) subsidiary to the registration of a SHI physicians and the authorization of a hospital-based physician. Negative effects on office-based physician in private practice will only occur if, for example, an ambulatory healthcare centre (MVZ) is being established by the hospital owner. Currently, Sect. 116 b SGB V also does not have any negative impact on office-based specialists. The benefits catalogue according to Sect. 116 b Para 3 SGB V has so far been narrowly defined. And, in the face of the diverging interests within the Joint Federal Committee Health Insurances/NationalAssociation of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and Health Reform Consensus Act (GKG)--a noticeable broadening of this catalogue is not to be expected. Also, such a broadening of the scope of this catalogue will be counteracted by the fact that no legal right exists to the conclusion of a contract with the health insurance companies and that the health insurers will actually have to additionally reimburse for medical services according to the catalogue of Sect. 116b Para 3 SGB V beyond the total reimbursement budget.
Nute, Jessica L.; Roux, Lucia Le; Chandler, Adam G.; Baladandayuthapani, Veera; Schellingerhout, Dawid; Cody, Dianna D.
Objectives Calcific and hemorrhagic intracranial lesions with attenuation levels of <100 Hounsfield Units (HU) cannot currently be reliably differentiated by single-energy computed tomography (SECT). The proper differentiation of these lesion types would have a multitude of clinical applications. A phantom model was used to test the ability of dual-energy CT (DECT) to differentiate such lesions. Materials and Methods Agar gel-bound ferric oxide and hydroxyapatite were used to model hemorrhage and calcification, respectively. Gel models were scanned using SECT and DECT and organized into SECT attenuation-matched pairs at 16 attenuation levels between 0 and 100 HU. DECT data were analyzed using 3D Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), as well as a simplified threshold plane metric derived from the 3D GMM, to assign voxels to hemorrhagic or calcific categories. Accuracy was calculated by comparing predicted voxel assignments with actual voxel identities. Results We measured 6,032 voxels from each gel model, for a total of 193,024 data points (16 matched model pairs). Both the 3D GMM and its more clinically implementable threshold plane derivative yielded similar results, with >90% accuracy at matched SECT attenuation levels ≥50 HU. Conclusions Hemorrhagic and calcific lesions with attenuation levels between 50 and 100 HU were differentiable using DECT in a clinically relevant phantom system with >90% accuracy. This method warrants further testing for potential clinical applications. PMID:25162534
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dvorak, R.; Henrard, J.
Topics addressed include planetary theories, the Sitnikov problem, asteroids, resonance, general dynamical systems, and chaos and stability. Particular attention is given to recent progress in the theory and application of symplectic integrators, a computer-aided analysis of the Sitnikov problem, the chaotic behavior of trajectories for the asteroidal resonances, and the resonant motion in the restricted three-body problem. Also discussed are the second order long-period motion of Hyperion, meteorites from the asteroid 6 Hebe, and least squares parameter estimation in chaotic differential equations.
43. Indian Creek (Keeler-Wolf 1986c, 1990d)
Sheauchi Cheng
This recommended RNA is on the Lassen National Forest, Tehama County. It is about 9 miles (14 km) SE. of Paynes Creek. It occupies portions of sects. 33 and 34 T28N, R1E, sects. 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 T27N, R1E MDBM (40°13'N., 121°50'W.), USGS Panther Spring and Dewitt Peak quads (fig. 89). Ecological subsection â Tuscan...
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, If different from Report) 18 . SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side...OANCH. OSTRUCT By 0~ OCIVIL QELEC. 0 DING. NO. OR ITEM COMMENTS ACTION BY PAGE NO. NO. REV. CONF. PROJ. ENGR. 18 Sect 1.3, last paragraph; third line...2.1.2, second paragraph, second line: What caused most reduction? Explain! (See Comment 18 ) A F -L 16 23 Sect 2.1.2, second line on page 16: (See
Lewis, Emily M.; Fant, Jeremie B.; Moore, Michael J.; Hastings, Amy P.; Larson, Erica L.; Agrawal, Anurag A.; Skogen, Krissa A.
Premise of the study: Eleven nuclear and four plastid microsatellite markers were screened for two gypsum endemic species, Oenothera gayleana and O. hartwegii subsp. filifolia, and tested for cross-amplification in the remaining 11 taxa within Oenothera sect. Calylophus (Onagraceae). Methods and Results: Microsatellite markers were tested in two to three populations spanning the ranges of both O. gayleana and O. hartwegii subsp. filifolia. The nuclear microsatellite loci consisted of both di- and trinucleotide repeats with one to 17 alleles per population. Several loci showed significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, which may be evidence of chromosomal rings. The plastid microsatellite markers identified one to seven haplotypes per population. The transferability of these markers was confirmed in all 11 taxa within Oenothera sect. Calylophus. Conclusions: The microsatellite loci characterized here are the first developed and tested in Oenothera sect. Calylophus. These markers will be used to assess whether pollinator foraging distance influences population genetic parameters in predictable ways. PMID:26949578
Taxonomic changes in Oenothera sections Gaura and Calylophus (Onagraceae)
Wagner, Warren L.; Krakos, Kyra N.; Hoch, Peter C.
Abstract The long-recognized genus Gaura was shown recently to be deeply nested within one of two major clades of Oenothera. New molecular data indicate further taxonomic changes are necessary in Oenothera sect. Gaura. We make these changes here, including three new combinations, in advance of the Onagraceae treatment for the Flora of North America. The new phylogenetic studies show that several pairs of taxa treated as subspecies in the most recent revision by Raven and Gregory (1972) had independent origins within sect. Gaura, and are here elevated to species level (Oenothera nealleyi for Gaura suffulta subsp. nealleyi; Oenothera dodgeniana for Gaura neomexicana subsp. neomexicana; and Oenothera podocarpa for Gaura hexandra subsp. gracilis). Also, a nomenclatural problem in Oenothera sect. Calylophus is corrected by adopting the name Oenothera capillifolia Scheele for the species known previously, and nomenclaturally correct, as Calylophus berlandieri Spach. This problem necessitates a new combination Oenothera capillifolia subsp. berlandieri. PMID:24399892
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Kippen, Karen Elizabeth
This is Los Alamos National Laboratory's (LANL) June 2016 newsletter of the Materials Science and Technology Division. The following are major topics in this newsletter: MST-8 scientists guide national efforts to overcome nuclear energy technical challenges, first-ever scanning probe microscopy capabilities for plutonium, laboratory metallurgists make thorium targets for production of cancer-fighting isotopes, and a spotlight on Veronica Livescu.
Small Engine Component Technology (SECT) studies
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Meyer, P. K.; Harbour, L.
A study was conducted to identify component technology requirements for small, expendable gas turbine engines that would result in substantial improvements in performance and cost by the year 2000. A subsonic, 2600 nautical mile (4815 km) strategic cruise missile mission was selected for study. A baseline (state-of-the-art) engine and missile configuration were defined to evaluate the advanced technology engines. Two advanced technology engines were configured and evaluated using advanced component efficiencies and ceramic composite materials; a 22:1 overall pressure ratio, 3.85 bypass ratio twin-spool turbofan; and an 8:1 overall pressure, 3.66 bypass ratio, single-spool recuperated turbofan with 0.85 recuperator effectiveness. Results of mission analysis indicated a reduction in fuel burn of 38 and 47 percent compared to the baseline engine when using the advanced turbofan and recuperated turbofan, respectively. While use of either advanced engine resulted in approximately a 25 percent reduction in missile size, the unit life cycle (LCC) cost reduction of 56 percent for the advanced turbofan relative to the baseline engine gave it a decisive advantage over the recuperated turbofan with 47 percent LCC reduction. An additional range improvement of 10 percent results when using a 56 percent loaded carbon slurry fuel with either engine. These results can be realized only if significant progress is attained in the fields of solid lubricated bearings, small aerodynamic component performance, composite ceramic materials and integration of slurry fuels. A technology plan outlining prospective programs in these fields is presented.
Small Engine Component Technology (SECT) study
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Larkin, T. R.
The objective of this study is to identify high payoff technologies for year 2000 small gas turbine engines, and to provide a technology plan to guide research and technology efforts toward revolutionizing the small gas turbine technology base. The goal is to define the required technology to provide a 30 percent reduction in mission fuel burned, to reduce direct operating costs by at least 10 percent, and to provide increased reliability and durability of the gas turbine propulsion system. The baseline established to evaluate the year 2000 technology base was an 8-passenger commercial tilt-rotor aircraft powered by a current technology gas turbine engine. Three basic engine cycles were studied: the simple cycle engine, a waste heat recovery cycle, and a wave rotor engine cycle. For the simple cycle engine, two general arrangements were considered: the traditional concentric spool arrangement and a nonconcentric spool arrangement. Both a regenerative and a recuperative cycle were studied for the waste heat recovery cycle.
A revision of Boletellus sect. Ixocephali
Roy E. Halling; Beatriz Ortiz-Santana
Taxa included in Boletellus section Ixocephali sensu Singer are re-evaluated and species limits are clarified in a morphological context. In this revision, we recognize four distinct morphological species: B. jalapensis, B. elatus, B. longicollis, and B. singerii. Among these, we have...
Small Engine Component Technology (SECT) study
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Singh, B.
Small advanced (450 to 850 pounds thrust, 2002 to 3781 N) gas turbine engines were studied for a subsonic strategic cruise missile application, using projected year 2000 technology. An aircraft, mission characteristics, and baseline (state-of-the-art) engine were defined to evaluate technology benefits. Engine performance and configuration analyses were performed for two and three spool turbofan and propfan engine concepts. Mission and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analyses were performed in which the candidate engines were compared to the baseline engines over a prescribed mission. The advanced technology engines reduced system LCC up to 41 percent relative to the baseline engine. Critical aerodynamic, materials, and mechanical systems turbine engine technologies were identified and program plans were defined for each identified critical technology.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Editors: Giorgio Giardina (University of Messina), Avazbek K Nasirov (JINR of Dubna) and Giuseppe Mandaglio (CSFNSM of Catania) Chairman: Giorgio Giardina (Messina) Co-Chairman: Avazbek Nasirov (JINR-Dubna) Co-Chairman: Giuseppe Mandaglio (Messina) Co-Chairman: Katsuhisa Nishio (JAEA-Tokai) Scientific Secretaries: Francesca Curciarello and Veronica De Leo (Messina) Website: Further details of the committees and sponsors are available in the PDF
Algebraic Systems and Pushdown Automata
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Petre, Ion; Salomaa, Arto
We concentrate in this chapter on the core aspects of algebraic series, pushdown automata, and their relation to formal languages. We choose to follow here a presentation of their theory based on the concept of properness. We introduce in Sect. 2 some auxiliary notions and results needed throughout the chapter, in particular the notions of discrete convergence in semirings and C-cycle free infinite matrices. In Sect. 3 we introduce the algebraic power series in terms of algebraic systems of equations. We focus on interconnections with context-free grammars and on normal forms. We then conclude the section with a presentation of the theorems of Shamir and Chomsky-Schützenberger. We discuss in Sect. 4 the algebraic and the regulated rational transductions, as well as some representation results related to them. Section 5 is dedicated to pushdown automata and focuses on the interconnections with classical (non-weighted) pushdown automata and on the interconnections with algebraic systems. We then conclude the chapter with a brief discussion of some of the other topics related to algebraic systems and pushdown automata.
Phylogeny of holoparasitic Orobanche (Orobanchaceae) inferred from nuclear ITS sequences
Schneeweiss, G.M.; Colwell, A.; Park, J.-M.; Jang, C.-G.; Stuessy, Tod F.
Orobanche is the largest genus among the holoparasitic members of Orobanchaceae. We present the first molecular phylogenetic analysis (using nuclear ITS sequences) that includes members of all sections of Orobanche, Gymnocaulis, Myzorrhiza, Trionychon, and Orobanche. Orobanche is not monophyletic, but falls into two lineages: (1) the Orobanche group comprises Orobanche sect. Orobanche and the small Near Asian genus Diphelypaea and is characterized by a chromosome base number of x = 19 and (2) the Phelipanche group contains Orobanche sects. Gymnocaulis, Myzorrhiza, and Trionychon and possesses a chromosome base number of x = 12. The relationships between these two groups and to other genera such as Boschniakia or Cistanche remain unresolved. Within the Orobanche group, Orobanche macrolepis and Orobanche anatolica (including Orobanche colorata) constitute two phylogenetically distinct lineages. Intrasectional structurings proposed by some authors for O. sect. Orobanche are not confirmed by the molecular data. In most cases, intraspecific sequence divergence between accessions, if present, is negligible and not correlated with morphological or ecological traits. In a few cases, however, there is evidence for the presence of cryptic taxa. ?? 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Duan, Lei; Yang, Xue; Liu, Peiliang; Johnson, Gabriel; Wen, Jun; Chang, Zhaoyang
Abstract Based on sequence data of nuclear ITS and plastid matK, trnL-F and psbA-trnH markers, the phylogeny of the subtribes Caraganinae and Chesneyinae in tribe Caraganeae was inferred. The results support the monophyly of each of the subtribes. Within subtribes Caraganinae, Calophaca and Halimodendron are herein transferred into Caragana to ensure its generic monophyly. The subtribe Chesneyinae is composed of four well-supported genera: Chesneya, Chesniella, Gueldenstaedtia and Tibetia. Based on phylogenetic, morphological, distributional and habitat type evidence, the genus Chesneya was divided into three monophyletic sections: Chesneya sect. Chesneya, Chesneya sect. Pulvinatae and Chesneya sect. Spinosae. Chesneya macrantha is herein transferred into Chesniella. Spongiocarpella is polyphyletic and its generic rank is not maintained. The position of Chesneya was incongruent in the nuclear ITS and the plastid trees. A paternal chloroplast capture event via introgression is hypothesized for the origin of Chesneya, which is postulated to have involved the common ancestor of Chesniella (♂) and that of the Gueldenstaedtia – Tibetia (GUT) clade (♀) as the parents. PMID:27829801
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Taasti, Vicki Trier, E-mail:; Høye, Ellen Marie; Hansen, David Christoffer
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the stopping power ratio (SPR) of a deformable, silicone-based 3D dosimeter could be determined more accurately using dual energy (DE) CT compared to using conventional methods based on single energy (SE) CT. The use of SECT combined with the stoichiometric calibration method was therefore compared to DECT-based determination. Methods: The SPR of the dosimeter was estimated based on its Hounsfield units (HUs) in both a SECT image and a DECT image set. The stoichiometric calibration method was used for converting the HU in the SECT image to a SPR valuemore » for the dosimeter while two published SPR calibration methods for dual energy were applied on the DECT images. Finally, the SPR of the dosimeter was measured in a 60 MeV proton by quantifying the range difference with and without the dosimeter in the beam path. Results: The SPR determined from SECT and the stoichiometric method was 1.10, compared to 1.01 with both DECT calibration methods. The measured SPR for the dosimeter material was 0.97. Conclusions: The SPR of the dosimeter was overestimated by 13% using the stoichiometric method and by 3% when using DECT. If the stoichiometric method should be applied for the dosimeter, the HU of the dosimeter must be manually changed in the treatment planning system in order to give a correct SPR estimate. Using a wrong SPR value will cause differences between the calculated and the delivered treatment plans.« less
Extracting oscillation frequencies from sparse spectra: Fourier analysis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jerzykiewicz, M.
I begin by explaining the properties of spectral windows of time-series data. Emphasis is on data obtained at a single geographic longitude, but ground-based multi-longitude cam- paigns and space missions such as MOST and Hipparcos are not entirely neglected. In the second section, I consider the Fourier transform of time-series data and the procedure of pre-whitening. Sect. 3 is devoted to the pioneers of the subject. In Sect. 4, I suggest how to avoid pitfalls in the practice of periodogram-analysing variable-stars observations. In the last section, I venture an opinion.
Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Lensing
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mediavilla, Evencio; Muñoz, Jose A.; Garzón, Francisco; Mahoney, Terence J.
Contributors; Participants; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Lensing basics Sherry H. Suyu; 2. Exoplanet microlensing Andrew Gould; 3. Case studies of microlensing Veronica Motta and Emilio Falco; 4. Microlensing of quasars and AGN Joachim Wambsganss; 5. DM in clusters and large-scale structure Peter Schneider; 6. The future of strong lensing Chris Fassnacht; 7. Methods for strong lens modelling Charles Keeton; 8. Tutorial on inverse ray shooting Jorge Jimenez-Vicente.
The State of Leadership in DHS - Is There a Model for Leading?
Security Directors Reports Findings (2008) logistica /public/news.cfm?category=SPB&article_id=5544&sidebar=archive (accessed...Prosperous (Washington, D.C.: The Heritage Foundation, 2008), 18. 20 Veronica de Rugy, “Facts and Figures About Seven Years of Homeland Security...banding scale in the case of the Transportation Security Administration or equivalent pay grade/rank with respect to the U.S. Coast Guard). The
Latin America Report, No. 2716
presidents are: Councillor Minna Wilmot, Mrs. Violet Neilson, and Mrs. Veronica Palmer. General Secretary of the party, Dr. Paul Rob- ertson...reached on the basis of legal opinions formulated by a group of national investors — headed by ex-Minister Rodrigo Llorente Martinez — which, along...Provincial Bank stock and Llorente Martinez , Fernando Gaviria Cadavid (ex-minister of communications) and other Colombians got in as new stockholders. 2k
Building a Library Network from Scratch: Eric & Veronica's Excellent Adventure.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sisler, Eric; Smith, Veronica
Describes library automation issues during the planning and construction of College Hill Library (Colorado), a joint-use facility shared by a community college and a public library. Discuses computer networks; hardware selection; public access to catalogs and electronic resources; classification schemes and bibliographic data; children's…
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Xie, Y; Yin, L; Ainsley, C
Purpose: The conversion of Hounsfield Unit (HU) to proton stopping power ratio (SPR) is a main source of uncertainty in proton therapy. In this study, the SPRs of animal tissues were measured and compared with prediction from dual energy CT (DECT) and single energy CT (SECT) calibrations. Methods: A stoichiometric calibration method for DECT was applied to predict the SPR using CT images acquired at 80 kVp and 140 kVp. The dual energy index was derived based on the HUs of the paired spectral images and used to calculate the SPRs of the materials. Tissue surrogates with known chemical compositionsmore » were used for calibration, and animal tissues (pig brain, liver, kidney; veal shank, muscle) were used for validation. The materials were irradiated with proton pencil beams, and SPRs were deduced from the residual proton range measured using a multi-layer ion chamber device. In addition, Gafchromic EBT3 films were used to measure the distal dose profiles after irradiation through the tissue samples and compared with those calculated by the treatment planning system using both DECT and SECT predicted SPRs. Results: The differences in SPR between DECT prediction and measurement were −0.31±0.36% for bone, 0.47±0.42% for brain, 0.67±0.15% for liver, 0.51±0.52% for kidney, and −0.96±0.15% for muscle. The corresponding results using SECT were 3.1±0.12%, 1.90±0.45%, −0.66±0.11%, 2.33±0.21%, and −1.70±0.17%. In the film measurements, average distances between film and calculated distal dose profiles were 0.35±0.12 mm for DECT calibration and −1.22±0.12 mm for SECT calibration for a beam with a range of 15.79 cm. Conclusion: Our study indicates that DECT is superior to SECT for proton SPR prediction and has the potential to reduce the range uncertainty to less than 2%. DECT may permit the use of tighter distal and proximal range uncertainty margins for treatment, thereby increasing the precision of proton therapy.« less
Hubka, Vit; Lyskova, Pavlina; Frisvad, Jens C; Peterson, Stephen W; Skorepova, Magdalena; Kolarik, Miroslav
The identity of nine clinical isolates recovered from Czech patients and presumptively identified as Aspergillus sp. section Candidi based on colony morphology was revised using sequences of β-tubulin, calmodulin gene sequence, and internal transcribed spacer rDNA. Six isolates were from suspected and proven onychomycosis, one from otitis externa, and two associated with probable invasive aspergillosis. The results showed that one Aspergillus candidus isolate was the cause of otitis externa, and both isolates obtained from sputa of patients with probable invasive aspergillosis were reidentified as A. carneus (sect. Terrei) and A. flavus (sect. Flavi). Three isolates from nail scrapings were identified as A. tritici, a verified agent of nondermatophyte onychomycosis. One isolate from toenail was determined to be A. candidus and the two isolates belonged to a hitherto undescribed species, Aspergillus pragensis sp. nov. This species is well supported by phylogenetic analysis based on β-tubulin and calmodulin gene and is distinguishable from other members of sect. Candidi by red-brown reverse on malt extract agar, slow growth on Czapek-Dox agar and inability to grow at 37°C. A secondary metabolite analysis was also provided with comparison of metabolite spectrum to other species. Section Candidi now encompasses five species for which a dichotomous key based on colony characteristics is provided. All clinical isolates were tested for susceptibilities to selected antifungal agents using the Etest and disc diffusion method. Overall sect. Candidi members are highly susceptible to common antifungals. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Kottek, Samuel
The Essenes were a Jewish sect, which flourished around the first century. We have limited our study to hygienic and medical aspects, as documented in the works of Josephus Flavius, Philo of Alexandria, and Pliny the Elder; Josephus and Philo were personally in contact with these sectarian Jews. We have described the regimen of life of these communities, who lived in strictly organised fashion, their meals taken in common, their bathing in cold water, their clothing, the Sabbath rest, the lavatories, and more. Most Essenes remained single, they adopted however small children, and educated them in accordance to their principles. There was no private property, but old people and sick residents were taken care of by the community. The Essenes, as well as the Therapeuts described by Philo, were knowledgeable in medical lore, they treasured old books and studied the virtues of medicinal plants. There is no clear-cut consensus whether the Essenes, the Therapeuts, and the Qumran residents were one and the same sect, or whether they were similar sub-sects. The calm, strictly regulated and frugal way of life of the Essenes enabled them to attain old age, often beyond 100 years.
Veronica McGregor, NASA public affairs officer, known on twitter as @veronicamcg, speaks during a two-day NASA Tweetup event held at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla, Sunday, Nov. 15, 2009. NASA Twitter followers in attendance will have the opportunity to take a tour of NASA's Kennedy Space Center, view the STS-129 space shuttle launch and speak with shuttle technicians, engineers, astronauts and managers. Photo Credit: (NASA/Carla Cioffi)
Marques, R N; Teixeira, D C; Yamamoto, P T; Lopes, J R S
Huanglongbing (HLB) is a severe citrus (Citrus spp.) disease associated with the bacteria genus Candidatus Liberibacter, detected in Brazil in 2004. Another bacterium was found in association with HLB symptoms and characterized as a phytoplasma belonging to the 16SrIX group. The objectives of this study were to identify potential leafhopper vectors of the HLB-associated phytoplasma and their host plants. Leafhoppers were sampled every other week for 12 mo with sticky yellow cards placed at two heights (0.3 and 1.5 m) in the citrus tree canopy and by using a sweep net in the ground vegetation of two sweet orange, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, groves infected by the HLB-phytoplasma in São Paulo state. Faunistic analyses indicated one Agalliinae (Agallia albidula Uhler) and three Deltocephalinae [Balclutha hebe (Kirkaldy), Planicephalus flavicosta (Stål), and Scaphytopius (Convelinus) marginelineatus (Stål)] species, as the most abundant and frequent leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Visual observations indicated an association of leafhopper species with some weeds and the influence of weed species composition on leafhopper abundance in low-lying vegetation. S. marginelineatus and P. flavicosta were more frequent on Sida rhombifolia L. and Althernantera tenella Colla, respectively, whereas A. albidula was observed more often on Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq. and B. hebe only occurred on grasses. DNA samples of field-collected S. marginelineatus were positive by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing tests for the presence of the HLB-phytoplasma group, indicating it as a potential vector. The association of leafhoppers with their hosts may be used in deciding which management strategies to adopt against weeds and diseases in citrus orchards.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Example of FERRE code spectra (Aguado+, 2017)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Aguado, D. S.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J. I.; Allende Prieto, C.; Rebolo, R.
FERRE matches physical models to observed data. It was created to deal with the common problem of having numerical models that are costly to evaluate, and need to be used to interpret large data sets. ferre.pdf file contains the FERRE uses's guide. The code can be obtained from Example : f_crump3h.dat is a tool usable with FERRE with the parameters shown in its header: Resolving Power:10.000 3600 <= λ <= 9000Å, -6 <= [Fe/H] <=-2, -1 <= [C/Fe] <= 5, 4750 <= Tefff <= 7000, 1.0 <= logg <= 5.0, It is the grid used for the paper. (2 data files).
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Vatsavai, Raju; Burk, Thomas E; Lime, Steve
The components making up an Open Source GIS are explained in this chapter. A map server (Sect. 30.1) can broadly be defined as a software platform for dynamically generating spatially referenced digital map products. The University of Minnesota MapServer (UMN Map Server) is one such system. Its basic features are visualization, overlay, and query. Section 30.2 names and explains many of the geospatial open source libraries, such as GDAL and OGR. The other libraries are FDO, JTS, GEOS, JCS, MetaCRS, and GPSBabel. The application examples include derived GIS-software and data format conversions. Quantum GIS, its origin and its applications explainedmore » in detail in Sect. 30.3. The features include a rich GUI, attribute tables, vector symbols, labeling, editing functions, projections, georeferencing, GPS support, analysis, and Web Map Server functionality. Future developments will address mobile applications, 3-D, and multithreading. The origins of PostgreSQL are outlined and PostGIS discussed in detail in Sect. 30.4. It extends PostgreSQL by implementing the Simple Feature standard. Section 30.5 details the most important open source licenses such as the GPL, the LGPL, the MIT License, and the BSD License, as well as the role of the Creative Commons.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hoffmann, Achim; Mahidadia, Ashesh
The purpose of this chapter is to present fundamental ideas and techniques of machine learning suitable for the field of this book, i.e., for automated scientific discovery. The chapter focuses on those symbolic machine learning methods, which produce results that are suitable to be interpreted and understood by humans. This is particularly important in the context of automated scientific discovery as the scientific theories to be produced by machines are usually meant to be interpreted by humans. This chapter contains some of the most influential ideas and concepts in machine learning research to give the reader a basic insight into the field. After the introduction in Sect. 1, general ideas of how learning problems can be framed are given in Sect. 2. The section provides useful perspectives to better understand what learning algorithms actually do. Section 3 presents the Version space model which is an early learning algorithm as well as a conceptual framework, that provides important insight into the general mechanisms behind most learning algorithms. In section 4, a family of learning algorithms, the AQ family for learning classification rules is presented. The AQ family belongs to the early approaches in machine learning. The next, Sect. 5 presents the basic principles of decision tree learners. Decision tree learners belong to the most influential class of inductive learning algorithms today. Finally, a more recent group of learning systems are presented in Sect. 6, which learn relational concepts within the framework of logic programming. This is a particularly interesting group of learning systems since the framework allows also to incorporate background knowledge which may assist in generalisation. Section 7 discusses Association Rules - a technique that comes from the related field of Data mining. Section 8 presents the basic idea of the Naive Bayesian Classifier. While this is a very popular learning technique, the learning result is not well suited for
[Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on weeds growth and nitrogen uptake].
Jiang, Qiqing; Tang, Jianjun; Chen, Xin; Chen, Jing; Yang, Ruyi; Hu, S
In this paper, a greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the responses of different functional groups weeds to simulated nitrogen deposition (4.0 g N.m(-2).yr(-1)). Native weed species Poa annua, Lolium perenne, Avena fatua, Medicago lupulina, Trifolium repens, Plantago virginica, Veronica didyma, Echinochloa crusgalli var. mitis, Eleusine indica and Amaranthus spinosus in orchard ecosystem were used test materials, and their above-and underground biomass and nitrogen uptake were measured. The results showed that under simulated N deposition, the total biomass, shoot biomass and root biomass of all weed species tended increase, while the total biomass was differed for different functional groups of weeds. The biomass of C4 grass, legumes and C3 grass was significantly increased under N deposition, while that of C3 and C4 forbs was not significantly impacted. The root/shoot biomass ratio of Avena fatua and Plantago virginica was enhanced by N deposition, but that of Poa annu, Lolium perenne, Medicago lupulina, Trifolium repens and Amarathus spinosus was not impacted significantly. N deposition had no significant effect on plant N concentration, but significantly enhanced the N uptake of all test weed species except Amarathus spinosus, Poa annua and Veronica didyma. was suggested that the further increase of N deposition might speed up the changes of the community structure weed species due to their different responses to N deposition.
Privatized Military Operations
James C. Becker Jr, U.S. Marine Corps Lt Col Harry A. Berry , U.S. Air Force LTC Kenneth L. Boehme, U.S. Army Ms. Veronica R. Crutches, Department of...A. Wyche, Defense Logistics Agency Col Lawrence K. Grubbs, U.S. Air Force, PMO Faculty Col Patrick M. Shaw , U.S. Air Force, PMO Faculty LTC (P...unique services to Fortune 100 companies for whom PMO business is a minuscule portion of their annual revenue. Apart from a few dozen large, widely
Women, Innovation and Aerospace Event
Veronica Villalobos, Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Personnel Management, participates in a panel discussion at the Women, Innovation and Aerospace event celebrating Women's History Month at the George Washington University Jack Morton Auditorium, Thursday, March 8, 2012 in Washington. The WIA day-long event will help to foster a discussion for students and early career professionals about how to continue to encourage women to enter and succeed in the field of aerospace. Photo Credit: (NASA/Carla Cioffi)
Data mining the Kansas traffic-crash database : summary.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Traffic crashes results from the interaction of different parameters which includes highway geometrics, traffic : characteristics and human factors. Geometric variables include number of lanes, lane width, median width, shoulder : width, roadway sect...
Application of tissue mesodissection to molecular cancer diagnostics.
Krizman, David; Adey, Nils; Parry, Robert
To demonstrate clinical application of a mesodissection platform that was developed to combine advantages of laser-based instrumentation with the speed/ease of manual dissection for automated dissection of tissue off standard glass slides. Genomic analysis for KRAS gene mutation was performed on formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) cancer patient tissue that was dissected using the mesodissection platform. Selected reaction monitoring proteomic analysis for quantitative Her2 protein expression was performed on FFPE patient tumour tissue dissected by a laser-based instrument and the MilliSect instrument. Genomic analysis demonstrates highly confident detection of KRAS mutation specifically in lung cancer cells and not the surrounding benign, non-tumour tissue. Proteomic analysis demonstrates Her2 quantitative protein expression in breast cancer cells dissected manually, by laser-based instrumentation and by MilliSect instrumentation (mesodissection). Slide-mounted tissue dissection is commonly performed using laser-based instruments or manually scraping tissue by scalpel. Here we demonstrate that the mesodissection platform as performed by the MilliSect instrument for tissue dissection is cost-effective; it functions comparably to laser-based dissection and which can be adopted into a clinical diagnostic workflow. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Berndt, B; Wuerl, M; Dedes, G
Purpose: To improve agreement of predicted and measured positron emitter yields in patients, after proton irradiation for PET-based treatment verification, using a novel dual energy CT (DECT) tissue segmentation approach, overcoming known deficiencies from single energy CT (SECT). Methods: DECT head scans of 5 trauma patients were segmented and compared to existing decomposition methods with a first focus on the brain. For validation purposes, three brain equivalent solutions [water, white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) – equivalent with respect to their reference carbon and oxygen contents and CT numbers at 90kVp and 150kVp] were prepared from water, ethanol, sucrosemore » and salt. The activities of all brain solutions, measured during a PET scan after uniform proton irradiation, were compared to Monte Carlo simulations. Simulation inputs were various solution compositions obtained from different segmentation approaches from DECT, SECT scans, and known reference composition. Virtual GM solution salt concentration corrections were applied based on DECT measurements of solutions with varying salt concentration. Results: The novel tissue segmentation showed qualitative improvements in %C for patient brain scans (ground truth unavailable). The activity simulations based on reference solution compositions agree with the measurement within 3–5% (4–8Bq/ml). These reference simulations showed an absolute activity difference between WM (20%C) and GM (10%C) to H2O (0%C) of 43 Bq/ml and 22 Bq/ml, respectively. Activity differences between reference simulations and segmented ones varied from −6 to 1 Bq/ml for DECT and −79 to 8 Bq/ml for SECT. Conclusion: Compared to the conventionally used SECT segmentation, the DECT based segmentation indicates a qualitative and quantitative improvement. In controlled solutions, a MC input based on DECT segmentation leads to better agreement with the reference. Future work will address the anticipated improvement of
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Almeida, Isabel P.; Schyns, Lotte E. J. R.; Vaniqui, Ana; van der Heyden, Brent; Dedes, George; Resch, Andreas F.; Kamp, Florian; Zindler, Jaap D.; Parodi, Katia; Landry, Guillaume; Verhaegen, Frank
Proton beam ranges derived from dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) images from a dual-spiral radiotherapy (RT)-specific CT scanner were assessed using Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculations. Images from a dual-source and a twin-beam DECT scanner were also used to establish a comparison to the RT-specific scanner. Proton ranges extracted from conventional single-energy CT (SECT) were additionally performed to benchmark against literature values. Using two phantoms, a DECT methodology was tested as input for GEANT4 MC proton dose calculations. Proton ranges were calculated for different mono-energetic proton beams irradiating both phantoms; the results were compared to the ground truth based on the phantom compositions. The same methodology was applied in a head-and-neck cancer patient using both SECT and dual-spiral DECT scans from the RT-specific scanner. A pencil-beam-scanning plan was designed, which was subsequently optimized by MC dose calculations, and differences in proton range for the different image-based simulations were assessed. For phantoms, the DECT method yielded overall better material segmentation with >86% of the voxel correctly assigned for the dual-spiral and dual-source scanners, but only 64% for a twin-beam scanner. For the calibration phantom, the dual-spiral scanner yielded range errors below 1.2 mm (0.6% of range), like the errors yielded by the dual-source scanner (<1.1 mm, <0.5%). With the validation phantom, the dual-spiral scanner yielded errors below 0.8 mm (0.9%), whereas SECT yielded errors up to 1.6 mm (2%). For the patient case, where the absolute truth was missing, proton range differences between DECT and SECT were on average in ‑1.2 ± 1.2 mm (‑0.5% ± 0.5%). MC dose calculations were successfully performed on DECT images, where the dual-spiral scanner resulted in media segmentation and range accuracy as good as the dual-source CT. In the patient, the various methods showed relevant
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Berndt, Bianca; Landry, Guillaume; Schwarz, Florian; Tessonnier, Thomas; Kamp, Florian; Dedes, George; Thieke, Christian; Würl, Matthias; Kurz, Christopher; Ganswindt, Ute; Verhaegen, Frank; Debus, Jürgen; Belka, Claus; Sommer, Wieland; Reiser, Maximilian; Bauer, Julia; Parodi, Katia
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the ability of single and dual energy computed tomography (SECT, DECT) to estimate tissue composition and density for usage in Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of irradiation induced β + activity distributions. This was done to assess the impact on positron emission tomography (PET) range verification in proton therapy. A DECT-based brain tissue segmentation method was developed for white matter (WM), grey matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The elemental composition of reference tissues was assigned to closest CT numbers in DECT space (DECTdist). The method was also applied to SECT data (SECTdist). In a validation experiment, the proton irradiation induced PET activity of three brain equivalent solutions (BES) was compared to simulations based on different tissue segmentations. Five patients scanned with a dual source DECT scanner were analyzed to compare the different segmentation methods. A single magnetic resonance (MR) scan was used for comparison with an established segmentation toolkit. Additionally, one patient with SECT and post-treatment PET scans was investigated. For BES, DECTdist and SECTdist reduced differences to the reference simulation by up to 62% when compared to the conventional stoichiometric segmentation (SECTSchneider). In comparison to MR brain segmentation, Dice similarity coefficients for WM, GM and CSF were 0.61, 0.67 and 0.66 for DECTdist and 0.54, 0.41 and 0.66 for SECTdist. MC simulations of PET treatment verification in patients showed important differences between DECTdist/SECTdist and SECTSchneider for patients with large CSF areas within the treatment field but not in WM and GM. Differences could be misinterpreted as PET derived range shifts of up to 4 mm. DECTdist and SECTdist yielded comparable activity distributions, and comparison of SECTdist to a measured patient PET scan showed improved agreement when compared to SECTSchneider. The agreement between predicted and measured PET
Guggenberger, R; Winklhofer, S; Osterhoff, G; Wanner, G A; Fortunati, M; Andreisek, G; Alkadhi, H; Stolzmann, P
To evaluate optimal monoenergetic dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) settings for artefact reduction of posterior spinal fusion implants of various vendors and spine levels. Posterior spinal fusion implants of five vendors for cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine were examined ex vivo with single-energy (SE) CT (120 kVp) and DECT (140/100 kVp). Extrapolated monoenergetic DECT images at 64, 69, 88, 105 keV and individually adjusted monoenergy for optimised image quality (OPTkeV) were generated. Two independent radiologists assessed quantitative and qualitative image parameters for each device and spine level. Inter-reader agreements of quantitative and qualitative parameters were high (ICC = 0.81-1.00, κ = 0.54-0.77). HU values of spinal fusion implants were significantly different among vendors (P < 0.001), spine levels (P < 0.01) and among SECT, monoenergetic DECT of 64, 69, 88, 105 keV and OPTkeV (P < 0.01). Image quality was significantly (P < 0.001) different between datasets and improved with higher monoenergies of DECT compared with SECT (V = 0.58, P < 0.001). Artefacts decreased significantly (V = 0.51, P < 0.001) at higher monoenergies. OPTkeV values ranged from 123-141 keV. OPTkeV according to vendor and spine level are presented herein. Monoenergetic DECT provides significantly better image quality and less metallic artefacts from implants than SECT. Use of individual keV values for vendor and spine level is recommended. • Artefacts pose problems for CT following posterior spinal fusion implants. • CT images are interpreted better with monoenergetic extrapolation using dual-energy (DE) CT. • DECT extrapolation improves image quality and reduces metallic artefacts over SECT. • There were considerable differences in monoenergy values among vendors and spine levels. • Use of individualised monoenergy values is indicated for different metallic hardware devices.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Miller, J; Huang, J; Szczykutowicz, T
Purpose: To perform an initial evaluation of a novel split-filter dual-energy CT (DECT) system with the goal of understanding the clinical utility and limitations of the system for radiation therapy. Methods: Several phantoms were imaged using the split-filter DECT technique on the Siemens Edge CT scanner using a range of clinically-relevant doses. The optimum-contrast reconstruction, the mixed reconstruction, and the monoenergetic reconstructions (ranging from 40 keV to 190 keV) were evaluated. Each image was analyzed for CT number accuracy, uniformity, noise, low-contrast visibility (LCV), spatial resolution and geometric distortion. For comparison purposes, all parameters were evaluated on 120 kVp single-energymore » CT (SECT) scans used for treatment planning, as well as, a sequential-scan DECT technique for corresponding doses. Results: For all DECT reconstructions no observable geometric distortion was found. Both the optimal-contrast and mixed images demonstrated slight improvements in LCV and noise when compared to the SECT, and slight reductions in CT number accuracy and spatial resolution. The CT numbers trended as expected for the monoenergetic reconstructions, with CT number accuracy within 50 HU for materials of density <2 g/cm3. Spatial resolution increased with energy, and for monoenergetic reconstructions >70 keV the spatial resolution exceeded that of the SECT. The noise in the monoenergetic reconstructions increased with decreasing energy. Thus, the image uniformity, signal-to-noise ratio and LCV were diminished at lower energies (70 keV). Applying iterative reconstruction techniques to the low-energy images reduced noise and improved LCV. The signal-to-noise ratio was stable for energies >100 keV. Conclusion: The initial commissioning of the novel split-filter DECT technology demonstrated favorable results for clinical implementation. The mixed reconstruction showed potential as a replacement for the treatment planning SECT. The image
[Social security law and evidence-based health care in Germany].
Welti, Felix
The present contribution examines whether German Social Security Law requires or allows the German health care system to follow the principles of evidence-based health care. The discussion will be based on the relevant example of statutory health insurance (Book of Social Code V-SGB V). According to Sect. 2 SGB V health care provision has to follow medical standards, acknowledging medical progress. It has to be effective and efficient. Special therapies are not outlawed, but also have to follow these principles. Efficiency is defined (Sect. 12 SGB V) by the benefits being sufficient and necessary. The responsibility for achieving these goals and supplying the benefits for all people according to need lies with the health care insurance funds along with the physicians' associations (Kassenirztliche Vereinigung) and the hospitals (Sect. 70 SGB V). These organisations cooperate in the Federal Joint Committee (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss, G-BA, Sect. 92 SGB V), where they have to hear organisations of patients and of the disabled also. The G-BA is allowed by law to exclude therapies not meeting the SGB V criteria. The Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) advises the G-BA and is also responsible for generating evidence. A major political and constitutional controversy has been triggered on the legitimation of the Federal Joint Committee. In its statute the G-BA recurs on evidence-based health care. It examines therapies according to the degree of available evidence and the usability of the evidence in the respective supply setting. The Federal Social Court (Bundessozialgericht, BSG) decided that the decisions of the G-BA could not be challenged for being medically incorrect. In 2005, the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht-BVerfG) decided that a stricter control over the G-BA by the social courts was needed and that in the case of serious disease a lower evidence level might be sufficient. BSG and G-BA will continue to accept
Susca, Antonia; Moretti, Antonio; Stea, Gaetano; Villani, Alessandra; Haidukowski, Miriam; Logrieco, Antonio; Munkvold, Gary
Fumonisin contamination of maize is considered a serious problem in most maize-growing regions of the world, due to the widespread occurrence of these mycotoxins and their association with toxicosis in livestock and humans. Fumonisins are produced primarily by species of Fusarium that are common in maize grain, but also by some species of Aspergillus sect. Nigri, which can also occur on maize kernels as opportunistic pathogens. Understanding the origin of fumonisin contamination in maize is a key component in developing effective management strategies. Although some fungi in Aspergillus sect. Nigri are known to produce fumonisins, little is known about the species which are common in maize and whether they make a measurable contribution to fumonisin contamination of maize grain. In this work, we evaluated populations of Aspergillus sect. Nigri isolated from maize in USA and Italy, focusing on analysis of housekeeping genes, the fum8 gene and in vitro capability of producing fumonisins. DNA sequencing was used to identify Aspergillus strains belonging to sect. Nigri, in order to compare species composition between the two populations, which might influence specific mycotoxicological risks. Combined beta-tubulin/calmodulin sequences were used to genetically characterize 300 strains (199 from Italy and 101 from USA) which grouped into 4 clades: Aspergillus welwitschiae (syn. Aspergillus awamori, 14.7%), Aspergillus tubingensis (37.0%) and Aspergillus niger group 1 (6.7%) and group 2 (41.3%). Only one strain was identified as Aspergillus carbonarius. Species composition differed between the two populations; A. niger predominated among the USA isolates (69%), but comprised a smaller percentage (38%) of Italian isolates. Conversely, A. tubingensis and A. welwitschiae occurred at higher frequencies in the Italian population (42% and 20%, respectively) than in the USA population (27% and 5%). The evaluation of FB2 production on CY20S agar revealed 118 FB2 producing and 84
Small Engine Component Technology (SECT) study. Program report
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Almodovar, E.; Exley, T.; Kaehler, H.; Schneider, W.
The study was conducted to identify high payoff technologies for year 2000 small gas turbine applications and to provide a technology plan for guiding future research and technology efforts. A regenerative cycle turboprop engine was selected for a 19 passenger commuter aircraft application. A series of engines incorporating eight levels of advanced technologies were studied and their impact on aircraft performance was evaluated. The study indicated a potential reduction in fuel burn of 38.3 percent. At $1.00 per gallon fuel price, a potential DOC benefit of 12.5 percent would be achieved. At $2.00 per gallon, the potential DOC benefit would increase to 17.0 percent. Four advanced technologies are recommended and appropriate research and technology programs were established to reach the year 2000 goals.
Helping Residents Protect Water Sources
Building on the successful early engagement of the Plain Sect agricultural community, the Eastern Lancaster County Source Water Protection Collaborative is expanding its efforts to involve local residents in the work of protecting drinking water sources.
Vulnerabilities and rights of migrant sex workers in Europe.
Brussa, Licia; Munk, Veronica
In recent years, Europe has witnessed a rise in the number of migrant sex workers, in part because of increased mobility for citizens of European Union member states. However, migrant sex workers find themselves in a highly vulnerable position in regard to having their rights respected and accessing HIV prevention services. In this article, based on a presentation at AIDS 2010, Licia Brussa and Veronica Munk outline the current situation of migrant sex workers in Europe and the steps that need to be taken to ensure that their rights are respected.
Liu, Pei-Liang; Wen, Jun; Duan, Lei; Arslan, Emine; Ertuğrul, Kuddisi; Chang, Zhao-Yang
The legume family (Fabaceae) exhibits a high level of species diversity and evolutionary success worldwide. Previous phylogenetic studies of the genus Hedysarum L. (Fabaceae: Hedysareae) showed that the nuclear and the plastid topologies might be incongruent, and the systematic position of the Hedysarum sect. Stracheya clade was uncertain. In this study, phylogenetic relationships of Hedysarum were investigated based on the nuclear ITS, ETS, PGDH, SQD1, TRPT and the plastid psbA-trnH, trnC-petN, trnL-trnF, trnS-trnG, petN-psbM sequences. Both nuclear and plastid data support two major lineages in Hedysarum: the Hedysarum s.s. clade and the Sartoria clade. In the nuclear tree, Hedysarum is biphyletic with the Hedysarum s.s. clade sister to the Corethrodendron + Eversmannia + Greuteria + Onobrychis clade (the CEGO clade), whereas the Sartoria clade is sister to the genus Taverniera DC. In the plastid tree, Hedysarum is monophyletic and sister to Taverniera. The incongruent position of the Hedysarum s.s. clade between the nuclear and plastid trees may be best explained by a chloroplast capture hypothesis via introgression. The Hedysarum sect. Stracheya clade is resolved as sister to the H. sect. Hedysarum clade in both nuclear and plastid trees, and our analyses support merging Stracheya into Hedysarum. Based on our new evidence from multiple sequences, Hedysarum is not monophyletic, and its generic delimitation needs to be reconsidered. PMID:28122062
Liu, Pei-Liang; Wen, Jun; Duan, Lei; Arslan, Emine; Ertuğrul, Kuddisi; Chang, Zhao-Yang
The legume family (Fabaceae) exhibits a high level of species diversity and evolutionary success worldwide. Previous phylogenetic studies of the genus Hedysarum L. (Fabaceae: Hedysareae) showed that the nuclear and the plastid topologies might be incongruent, and the systematic position of the Hedysarum sect. Stracheya clade was uncertain. In this study, phylogenetic relationships of Hedysarum were investigated based on the nuclear ITS, ETS, PGDH, SQD1, TRPT and the plastid psbA-trnH, trnC-petN, trnL-trnF, trnS-trnG, petN-psbM sequences. Both nuclear and plastid data support two major lineages in Hedysarum: the Hedysarum s.s. clade and the Sartoria clade. In the nuclear tree, Hedysarum is biphyletic with the Hedysarum s.s. clade sister to the Corethrodendron + Eversmannia + Greuteria + Onobrychis clade (the CEGO clade), whereas the Sartoria clade is sister to the genus Taverniera DC. In the plastid tree, Hedysarum is monophyletic and sister to Taverniera. The incongruent position of the Hedysarum s.s. clade between the nuclear and plastid trees may be best explained by a chloroplast capture hypothesis via introgression. The Hedysarum sect. Stracheya clade is resolved as sister to the H. sect. Hedysarum clade in both nuclear and plastid trees, and our analyses support merging Stracheya into Hedysarum. Based on our new evidence from multiple sequences, Hedysarum is not monophyletic, and its generic delimitation needs to be reconsidered.
The "Bestie di Satana" murders.
Birkhoff, Jutta; Candelli, Chiara; Zeroli, Stefania; La Tegola, Donatella; Carabellese, Felice
In recent years, satanic groups have been responsible for various types and degrees of crimes. We report the case of a number of murders committed in Italy by a group of young people calling themselves the "Bestie di Satana". Forensic psychiatric assessment of the members of a satanic sect charged with the crime revealed that all the young people had a fragile, immature personality, a very low level of education and were socially disadvantaged. The trial of the members of the "Bestie di Satana" sect was concluded with the verdict of deliberate murder, and all the members were given long jail sentences. This report should lead us to explore social and cultural responses to juvenile satanism, statistically shown to be a relatively rare phenomenon but with a high criminal potential. © 2013 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Hu, Chao; Tian, Huaizhen; Li, Hongqing; Hu, Aiqun; Xing, Fuwu; Bhattacharjee, Avishek; Hsu, Tianchuan; Kumar, Pankaj; Chung, Shihwen
A molecular phylogeny of Asiatic species of Goodyera (Orchidaceae, Cranichideae, Goodyerinae) based on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and two chloroplast loci (matK and trnL-F) was presented. Thirty-five species represented by 132 samples of Goodyera were analyzed, along with other 27 genera/48 species, using Pterostylis longifolia and Chloraea gaudichaudii as outgroups. Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods were used to reveal the intrageneric relationships of Goodyera and its intergeneric relationships to related genera. The results indicate that: 1) Goodyera is not monophyletic; 2) Goodyera could be divided into four sections, viz., Goodyera, Otosepalum, Reticulum and a new section; 3) sect. Reticulum can be further divided into two subsections, viz., Reticulum and Foliosum, whereas sect. Goodyera can in turn be divided into subsections Goodyera and a new subsection. PMID:26927946
Hu, Chao; Tian, Huaizhen; Li, Hongqing; Hu, Aiqun; Xing, Fuwu; Bhattacharjee, Avishek; Hsu, Tianchuan; Kumar, Pankaj; Chung, Shihwen
A molecular phylogeny of Asiatic species of Goodyera (Orchidaceae, Cranichideae, Goodyerinae) based on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and two chloroplast loci (matK and trnL-F) was presented. Thirty-five species represented by 132 samples of Goodyera were analyzed, along with other 27 genera/48 species, using Pterostylis longifolia and Chloraea gaudichaudii as outgroups. Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods were used to reveal the intrageneric relationships of Goodyera and its intergeneric relationships to related genera. The results indicate that: 1) Goodyera is not monophyletic; 2) Goodyera could be divided into four sections, viz., Goodyera, Otosepalum, Reticulum and a new section; 3) sect. Reticulum can be further divided into two subsections, viz., Reticulum and Foliosum, whereas sect. Goodyera can in turn be divided into subsections Goodyera and a new subsection.
Continued monitoring of instrumented pavement in Ohio
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
Performance and environmental data continued to be monitored throughout this study on the Ohio SHRP Test Road. : Response testing included three new series of controlled vehicle tests and two sets of nondestructive tests. Cracking in two : SPS-2 sect...
Optimize pollutant emissions through adaptive highway management.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
In this project, we investigated the possibility to reduce green house emission : (mainly CO2) from urban highways by adaptive ramp meter control. QUADSTONE : PARAMICS software was used to build a microscopic traffic model for a 4-lane highway : sect...
Swainsonine biosynthesis genes in diverse symbiotic and pathogenic fungi
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Swainsonine, a cytotoxic fungal alkaloid and a potential cancer therapy drug, is produced by the insect pathogen and plant symbiont, Metarhizium robertsii, the clover pathogen Slafractonia leguminicola, locoweed symbionts belonging to Alternaria sect. Undifilum, and a recently discovered morning glo...
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of soil cement shrinkage crack mitigation techniques. The contents of this report reflect an evaluation of the construction of the test sections and a two-year evaluation of the test sect...
The built environment, neighborhood safety, and physical activity among low-income children.
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
There is a growing body of evidence that environmental factors are related to physical activity and active modes of transportation. There is a separate body of research that links neighborhood safety to physical activity. This study used a cross sect...
Fingerprint recognition of alien invasive weeds based on the texture character and machine learning
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yu, Jia-Jia; Li, Xiao-Li; He, Yong; Xu, Zheng-Hao
Multi-spectral imaging technique based on texture analysis and machine learning was proposed to discriminate alien invasive weeds with similar outline but different categories. The objectives of this study were to investigate the feasibility of using Multi-spectral imaging, especially the near-infrared (NIR) channel (800 nm+/-10 nm) to find the weeds' fingerprints, and validate the performance with specific eigenvalues by co-occurrence matrix. Veronica polita Pries, Veronica persica Poir, longtube ground ivy, Laminum amplexicaule Linn. were selected in this study, which perform different effect in field, and are alien invasive species in China. 307 weed leaves' images were randomly selected for the calibration set, while the remaining 207 samples for the prediction set. All images were pretreated by Wallis filter to adjust the noise by uneven lighting. Gray level co-occurrence matrix was applied to extract the texture character, which shows density, randomness correlation, contrast and homogeneity of texture with different algorithms. Three channels (green channel by 550 nm+/-10 nm, red channel by 650 nm+/-10 nm and NIR channel by 800 nm+/-10 nm) were respectively calculated to get the eigenvalues.Least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVM) was applied to discriminate the categories of weeds by the eigenvalues from co-occurrence matrix. Finally, recognition ratio of 83.35% by NIR channel was obtained, better than the results by green channel (76.67%) and red channel (69.46%). The prediction results of 81.35% indicated that the selected eigenvalues reflected the main characteristics of weeds' fingerprint based on multi-spectral (especially by NIR channel) and LS-SVM model.
Strategic Forum Number 208: Turbulent Transition in Iraq: Can It Succeed?
ministers including a prime minister, and a judiciary. There is separation of powers —legislative, executive, and judicial. The assembly will elect the... separation of powers based on geographic and historical realities and not race, ethnicity, nationality, or religious sect (confession). Formulation of
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Antitrust Division Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993--Connected Media Experience, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on February 8, 2011... sect. (``the Act''), Connected Media Experience, Inc. (``CMX'') has filed written notifications...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
This assessment report is for public review and comment and was prepared under the provision of Sect. 13(b) of the 1974 Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act. It includes only a preliminary assessment of the commercial project as currently planned.
Quantum Information Theory - an Invitation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Werner, Reinhard F.
Quantum information and quantum computers have received a lot of public attention recently. Quantum computers have been advertised as a kind of warp drive for computing, and indeed the promise of the algorithms of Shor and Grover is to perform computations which are extremely hard or even provably impossible on any merely ``classical'' computer.In this article I shall give an account of the basic concepts of quantum information theory is given, staying as much as possible in the area of general agreement.The article is divided into two parts. The first (up to the end of Sect. 2.5) is mostly in plain English, centered around the exploration of what can or cannot be done with quantum systems as information carriers. The second part, Sect. 2.6, then gives a description of the mathematical structures and of some of the tools needed to develop the theory.
Thongbai, Benjarong; Miller, Steven L.; Stadler, Marc; Wittstein, Kathrin; Hyde, Kevin D.; Lumyong, Saisamorn
Amanita ballerina and A. brunneitoxicaria spp. nov. are introduced from Thailand. Amanita fuligineoides is also reported for the first time from Thailand, increasing the known distribution of this taxon. Together, those findings support our view that many taxa are yet to be discovered in the region. While both morphological characters and a multiple-gene phylogeny clearly place A. brunneitoxicaria and A. fuligineoides in sect. Phalloideae (Fr.) Quél., the placement of A. ballerina is problematic. On the one hand, the morphology of A. ballerina shows clear affinities with stirps Limbatula of sect. Lepidella. On the other hand, in a multiple-gene phylogeny including taxa of all sections in subg. Lepidella, A. ballerina and two other species, including A. zangii, form a well-supported clade sister to the Phalloideae sensu Bas 1969, which include the lethal “death caps” and “destroying angels”. Together, the A. ballerina-A. zangii clade and the Phalloideae sensu Bas 1969 also form a well-supported clade. We therefore screened for two of the most notorious toxins by HPLC-MS analysis of methanolic extracts from the basidiomata. Interestingly, neither α-amanitin nor phalloidin was found in A. ballerina, whereas Amanita fuligineoides was confirmed to contain both α-amanitin and phalloidin, and A. brunneitoxicaria contained only α-amanitin. Together with unique morphological characteristics, the position in the phylogeny indicates that A. ballerina is either an important link in the evolution of the deadly Amanita sect. Phalloideae species, or a member of a new section also including A. zangii. PMID:28767681
Poster — Thur Eve — 14: Improving Tissue Segmentation for Monte Carlo Dose Calculation using DECT
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Di Salvio, A.; Bedwani, S.; Carrier, J-F.
Purpose: To improve Monte Carlo dose calculation accuracy through a new tissue segmentation technique with dual energy CT (DECT). Methods: Electron density (ED) and effective atomic number (EAN) can be extracted directly from DECT data with a stoichiometric calibration method. Images are acquired with Monte Carlo CT projections using the user code egs-cbct and reconstructed using an FDK backprojection algorithm. Calibration is performed using projections of a numerical RMI phantom. A weighted parameter algorithm then uses both EAN and ED to assign materials to voxels from DECT simulated images. This new method is compared to a standard tissue characterization frommore » single energy CT (SECT) data using a segmented calibrated Hounsfield unit (HU) to ED curve. Both methods are compared to the reference numerical head phantom. Monte Carlo simulations on uniform phantoms of different tissues using dosxyz-nrc show discrepancies in depth-dose distributions. Results: Both SECT and DECT segmentation methods show similar performance assigning soft tissues. Performance is however improved with DECT in regions with higher density, such as bones, where it assigns materials correctly 8% more often than segmentation with SECT, considering the same set of tissues and simulated clinical CT images, i.e. including noise and reconstruction artifacts. Furthermore, Monte Carlo results indicate that kV photon beam depth-dose distributions can double between two tissues of density higher than muscle. Conclusions: A direct acquisition of ED and the added information of EAN with DECT data improves tissue segmentation and increases the accuracy of Monte Carlo dose calculation in kV photon beams.« less
Large-spored Alternaria pathogens in section Porri disentangled
Woudenberg, J.H.C.; Truter, M.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Crous, P.W.
The omnipresent fungal genus Alternaria was recently divided into 24 sections based on molecular and morphological data. Alternaria sect. Porri is the largest section, containing almost all Alternaria species with medium to large conidia and long beaks, some of which are important plant pathogens (e.g. Alternaria porri, A. solani and A. tomatophila). We constructed a multi-gene phylogeny on parts of the ITS, GAPDH, RPB2, TEF1 and Alt a 1 gene regions, which, supplemented with morphological and cultural studies, forms the basis for species recognition in sect. Porri. Our data reveal 63 species, of which 10 are newly described in sect. Porri, and 27 species names are synonymised. The three known Alternaria pathogens causing early blight on tomato all cluster in one clade, and are synonymised under the older name, A. linariae. Alternaria protenta, a species formerly only known as pathogen on Helianthus annuus, is also reported to cause early blight of potato, together with A. solani and A. grandis. Two clades with isolates causing purple blotch of onion are confirmed as A. allii and A. porri, but the two species cannot adequately be distinguished based on the number of beaks and branches as suggested previously. This is also found among the pathogens of Passifloraceae, which are reduced from four to three species. In addition to the known pathogen of sweet potato, A. bataticola, three more species are delineated of which two are newly described. A new Alternaria section is also described, comprising two large-spored Alternaria species with concatenate conidia. PMID:25492985
Large-spored Alternaria pathogens in section Porri disentangled.
Woudenberg, J H C; Truter, M; Groenewald, J Z; Crous, P W
The omnipresent fungal genus Alternaria was recently divided into 24 sections based on molecular and morphological data. Alternaria sect. Porri is the largest section, containing almost all Alternaria species with medium to large conidia and long beaks, some of which are important plant pathogens (e.g. Alternaria porri, A. solani and A. tomatophila). We constructed a multi-gene phylogeny on parts of the ITS, GAPDH, RPB2, TEF1 and Alt a 1 gene regions, which, supplemented with morphological and cultural studies, forms the basis for species recognition in sect. Porri. Our data reveal 63 species, of which 10 are newly described in sect. Porri, and 27 species names are synonymised. The three known Alternaria pathogens causing early blight on tomato all cluster in one clade, and are synonymised under the older name, A. linariae. Alternaria protenta, a species formerly only known as pathogen on Helianthus annuus, is also reported to cause early blight of potato, together with A. solani and A. grandis. Two clades with isolates causing purple blotch of onion are confirmed as A. allii and A. porri, but the two species cannot adequately be distinguished based on the number of beaks and branches as suggested previously. This is also found among the pathogens of Passifloraceae, which are reduced from four to three species. In addition to the known pathogen of sweet potato, A. bataticola, three more species are delineated of which two are newly described. A new Alternaria section is also described, comprising two large-spored Alternaria species with concatenate conidia.
Turbulent Transition in Iraq: Can It Succeed? (Strategic Forum, Number 208, June 2004)
council, a council of ministers including a prime minister, and a judiciary. There is separation of powers —legislative, executive, and judicial. The...defined as a system of separation of powers based on geographic and historical realities and not race, ethnicity, nationality, or religious sect
Miscellaneous: Various Low-Mach-Number Fluid Problems and Motions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zeytounian, Radyadour Kh.
In this last chapter, we consider, first, in Sect. 7.1, mainly the asymptotic derivation of the KZK equation of nonlinear acoustics, which generalizes the well-known Burgers' unsteady one-dimensional dissipative model equation (Burgers 1948) to an equation with a diffraction and parabolic effect.
40 CFR 52.1770 - Identification of plan.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... Particulates from Mica or Feldspar Processing Plants 04/01/03 09/17/03, 68 FR 54362 Sect .0510 Particulates..., approving Paragraph (g) excluding the following language: “excluding startups, shutdowns, maintenance... facilities producing ethanol by natural fermentation under the North American Industry Classification System...
40 CFR 52.1770 - Identification of plan.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... .0509 Particulates from Mica or Feldspar Processing Plants 04/01/03 09/17/03, 68 FR 54362 Sect .0510... Paragraph (g). Also, approving Paragraph (g) excluding the following language: “excluding startups... production facilities producing ethanol by natural fermentation under the North American Industry...
40 CFR 52.1770 - Identification of plan.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... Particulates from Mica or Feldspar Processing Plants 04/01/03 09/17/03, 68 FR 54362 Sect .0510 Particulates..., approving Paragraph (g) excluding the following language: “excluding startups, shutdowns, maintenance... facilities producing ethanol by natural fermentation under the North American Industry Classification System...
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Background: Cotton fiber maturity refers the degree of fiber cell wall development and is an important factor for determining commercial value of cotton. The molecular mechanism regulating the fiber cell wall development has not been well characterized. Microscopic image analysis of the cross-sect...
Full depth bituminous recycling of I-70, Thomas County, Kansas
DOT National Transportation Integrated Search
In 1990, 13 full depth asphalt pavement test sections were built on a portion of I-70 in Thomas County, Kansas. Various combinations of hot mix and cold recycle mixes with different additives were used to build the test sections. Two of the test sect...
New Porcini (Boletus sect. Boletus) from Australia and Thailand.
Halling, Roy E; Desjardin, Dennis E; Fechner, Nigel; Arora, David; Soytong, Kasem; Dentinger, Bryn T M
Boletus albobrunnescens and B. austroedulis are described as new species in section Boletus from Thailand and Australia respectively. The former is easily characterized by the pure white basidiomata that stain brown. Boletus austroedulis has a gray-brown, slightly rugulose pileus with hymeniform pileipellis producing pileocystidia, and the stipe is only apically reticulate if at all. These new species represent ancient lineages inferred from prior molecular phylogenetic analyses. © 2014 by The Mycological Society of America.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Antitrust Division Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993--Joint Venture To Perform Project Entitled Robotic Rehabilitation of Aging Water... Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993, 15 U.S.C. 4301 et sect. (``the Act''), Joint [[Page 14191...
Contrasting andean geodynamics drive evolution of lowland taxa in western Amazonia
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Using a palm lineage of 15 species (Astrocaryum sect. Huicungo), we tested an hypothesis that past geologic events in western Amazonia influenced the modern configuration of the upper Amazon drainage and thus diversification and distribution of these palsm, which found only in this region. The chang...
China Report, Red Flag, Number 9, 1 May 1986.
Qing Dynasties also made use of its Lamaism sect and Islam as a spiritual mainstay to rule the minority nationalities concerned. In modern times...attaches importance to academic study and Lamaism pays attention to medicine. Buddhism and Taoism are noted for their martial arts and skills for
Israel, Schools, and Arab Conflict in the Middle East.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Parker, Franklin
This paper examines how Israel's educational system attempts to deal with major social, geographic, religious, economic, and political problems. Problems are presented in two main categories--internal and external. Internal problems include high immigration levels, religious and cultural differences among various Jewish sects and between Jews and…
Developmental and Environmental Regulation of AaeIAP1 Transcript in Aedes aegypti
libitum. Emerged adults were transferred to a new screened cage, and adult samples were col- lected at different times after emergence. Bovine blood...and J. Zhang. 2007. The Aedes albopictus inhibitor of apoptosis 1 gene protects verte- brate cells from bluetongue virus-induced apoptosis. In- sect
Entoloma subgenus Leptonia in boreal-temperate Eurasia: towards a phylogenetic species concept.
Morozova, O V; Noordeloos, M E; Vila, J
This study reveals the concordance, or lack thereof, between morphological and phylogenetic species concepts within Entoloma subg. Leptonia in boreal-temperate Eurasia, combining a critical morphological examination with a multigene phylogeny based on nrITS, nrLSU and mtSSU sequences. A total of 16 taxa was investigated. Emended concepts of subg. Leptonia and sect. Leptonia as well as the new sect. Dichroi are presented. Two species (Entoloma percoelestinum and E. sublaevisporum) and one variety (E. tjallingiorum var. laricinum) are described as new to science. On the basis of the morphological and phylogenetical evidence E. alnetorum is reduced to a variety of E. tjallingiorum, and E. venustum is considered a variety of E. callichroum. Accordingly, the new combinations E. tjallingiorum var. alnetorum and E. callichroum var. venustum are proposed. Entoloma lepidissimum var. pauciangulatum is now treated as a synonym of E. chytrophilum. Neotypes for E. dichroum, E. euchroum and E. lampropus are designated.
Aspergillus asper sp. nov. and Aspergillus collinsii sp. nov., from Aspergillus section Usti.
Jurjevic, Zeljko; Peterson, Stephen W
In sampling fungi from the built environment, two isolates that could not confidently be placed in described species were encountered. Phenotypic analysis suggested that they belonged in Aspergillus sect. Usti. In order to verify the sectional placement and to assure that they were undescribed rather than phenotypically aberrant isolates, DNA was isolated and sequenced at the beta-tubulin, calmodulin, internal transcribed spacer and RNA polymerase II loci and sequences compared with those from other species in the genus Aspergillus. At each locus, each new isolate was distant from existing species. Phylogenetic trees calculated from these data and GenBank data for species of the section Usti excluded the placement of these isolates in existing species, with statistical support. Because they were excluded from existing taxa, the distinct species Aspergillus asper (type strain NRRL 35910 T ) and Aspergillus collinsii (type strain NRRL 66196 T ) in sect. Usti are proposed to accommodate these strains.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... requirements. See section 307(b)(2). List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52 Environmental protection, Air pollution... Explanation Subchapter 2D Air Pollution Control Requirements * * * * * * * Section .0900 Volatile Organic... Miscellaneous Metal 9/1/2010 5/9/2013 [Insert citation of and Plastic Parts publication]. Coatings. Sect .0968...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
This document is the combined Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) Report for the Clinch River/Poplar Creek Operable Unit (CR/PC OU), an off-site OU associated with environmental restoration activities at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR). As a result of past, present, and potential future releases of hazardous substances into the environment, the ORR was placed on the National Priorities List in December 1989 (54 FR 48184). Sites on this list must be investigated for possible remedial action, as required by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9601, et seq.). This report documentsmore » the findings of the remedial investigation of this OU and the feasibility of potential remedial action alternatives. These studies are authorized by Sect. 117 of CERCLA and were conducted in accordance with the requirements of the National Contingency Plan (40 CFR Part 300). DOE, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) have entered into a Federal Facility Agreement (FFA), as authorized by Sect. 120 of CERCLA and Sects. 3008(h) and 6001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (42 U.S.C. 6901, et seq.). The purpose of this agreement is to ensure a coordinated and effective response for all environmental restoration activities occurring at the ORR. In addition to other responsibilities, the FFA parties mutually define the OU boundaries, set remediation priorities, establish remedial investigation priorities and strategies, and identify and select remedial actions. A copy of this FFA is available from the DOE Information Resource Center in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.« less
[Medical doctors as the state presidents and prime ministers--a biographical analysis].
Lass, Piotr; Szarszewski, Adam; Gaworska-Krzemińska, Aleksandra; Sławek, Jarosław
The authors overviewed the biographies of 29 medical doctors who became the heads of the state or the prime ministers of their countries. Most of them ruled in a countries of fresh or unstable democracies, most often in Asia, Africa and Latin America, three of them were bloody dictators. With the exemptions of Georges Clemenceau and Sun-Yat-Sen they were not famous as historical figures, although some were good administrators like the prime minister of Norway, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Malayan prime minister Mahatir bin Mohamad, Brasilian and Chilean presidents, Juscelino Kubitschek and Veronica Bachelet. Regarding specialisation was mostly general medics or they specialised in public health.
Women, Innovation and Aerospace Event
Catherine Didion, far right, Senior Fellow, National Academy of Engineering, participates in a panel discussion at the Women, Innovation and Aerospace event celebrating Women's History Month at the George Washington University Jack Morton Auditorium, Thursday, March 8, 2012 in Washington. Didion is joined by Marcia Smith, President, Space Policy, and Veronica Villalobos, Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Personnel Management, far left. The WIA day-long event will help to foster a discussion for students and early career professionals about how to continue to encourage women to enter and succeed in the field of aerospace. Photo Credit: (NASA/Carla Cioffi)
Educational Disparities and Conflict: Evidence from Lebanon
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tfaily, Rania; Diab, Hassan; Kulczycki, Andrzej
This article examines the impact of Lebanon's civil war (1975-1991) on disparities in education among the country's main religious sects and across various regions. District of registration is adopted as a proxy for religious affiliation through a novel, detailed classification to assess sectarian differentials by region and regional differentials…
Forming Social Capital: The Bruderhof Schools.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Spielhagen, Frances R.; Cooper, Bruce S.
Examines schools of the Bruderhof, a small, German, Protestant sect which arrived in the United States in 1954. This self-sufficient, educational community runs two businesses directly related to children's needs. Bruderhof education has its roots in the educational philosophy of Friedrich Froebel. The Bruderhof community provides in full four…
Anthropometric Relationships of Body and Body Segment Moments of Inertia
platform balanced on a knife edge ( Borelli , 1679). While weight, volume, center of mass and moments of inertia of the whole body can be measured in a...Segments, Paper No. 720964, SAE Transactions, Vol. 81, Sect. 4, pp. 2818-2833. Borelli , J. A., 1679, De Motu Animalium. Lugduni Batavorum. Braune, W
What Is Amish in Old Amish Education.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ediger, Marlow
The Old Order Amish society is unique among diverse Mennonite sects. Their traditions and simplicity of lifestyle are evident in their manner of dress, non-mechanized farming practices, and rejection of electricity or running water in their homes. In an Old Order Amish education, children are taught the "four R's:" reading, writing,…
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Solanum series Conicibaccata is the second largest series in sect. Petota, containing 40 species widely distributed from southern Mexico to central Bolivia. It contains diploids (2n = 2x = 24), tetraploids (2n = 4x = 48) and hexaploids (2n = 6x = 72), and a limited number of examined species have be...
Impact of low-energy CT imaging on selection of positive oral contrast media concentration.
Patino, Manuel; Murcia, Diana J; Iamurri, Andrea Prochowski; Kambadakone, Avinash R; Hahn, Peter F; Sahani, Dushyant V
To determine to what extent low-energy CT imaging affects attenuation of gastrointestinal tract (GIT) opacified with positive oral contrast media (OCM). Second, to establish optimal OCM concentrations for low-energy diagnostic CT exams. One hundred patients (38 men and 62 women; age 62 ± 11 years; BMI 26 ± 5) with positive OCM-enhanced 120-kVp single-energy CT (SECT), and follow-up 100-kVp acquisitions (group A; n = 50), or 40-70-keV reconstructions from rapid kV switching-single-source dual-energy CT (ssDECT) (group B; n = 50) were included. Luminal attenuation from different GIT segments was compared between exams. Standard dose of three OCM and diluted solutions (75%, 50%, and 25% concentrations) were introduced serially in a gastrointestinal phantom and scanned using SECT (120, 100, and 80 kVp) and DECT (80/140 kVp) acquisitions on a ssDECT scanner. Luminal attenuation was obtained on SECT and DECT images (40-70 keV), and compared to 120-kVp scans with standard OCM concentrations. Luminal attenuation was higher on 100-kVp (328 HU) and on 40-60-keV images (410-924 HU) in comparison to 120-kVp scans (298 HU) in groups A and B (p < 0.05). Phantom: There was an inverse correlation between luminal attenuation and X-ray energy, increasing up to 527 HU on low-kVp and 999 HU on low-keV images (p < 0.05). 25% and 50% diluted OCM solutions provided similar or higher attenuation than 120 kVp, at low kVp and keV, respectively. Low-energy CT imaging increases the attenuation of GIT opacified with positive OCM, permitting reduction of 25%-75% OCM concentration.
Ex vivo validation of a stoichiometric dual energy CT proton stopping power ratio calibration
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Xie, Yunhe; Ainsley, Christopher; Yin, Lingshu; Zou, Wei; McDonough, James; Solberg, Timothy D.; Lin, Alexander; Teo, Boon-Keng Kevin
A major source of uncertainty in proton therapy is the conversion of Hounsfield unit (HU) to proton stopping power ratio relative to water (SPR). In this study, we measured and quantified the accuracy of a stoichiometric dual energy CT (DECT) SPR calibration. We applied a stoichiometric DECT calibration method to derive the SPR using CT images acquired sequentially at 80 kVp and 140 kVp . The dual energy index was derived based on the HUs of the paired spectral images and used to calculate the effective atomic number (Z eff), relative electron density ({{ρ }e} ), and SPRs of phantom and biological materials. Two methods were used to verify the derived SPRs. The first method measured the sample’s water equivalent thicknesses to deduce the SPRs using a multi-layer ion chamber (MLIC) device. The second method utilized Gafchromic EBT3 film to directly compare relative ranges between sample and water after proton pencil beam irradiation. Ex vivo validation was performed using five different types of frozen animal tissues with the MLIC and three types of fresh animal tissues using film. In addition, the residual ranges recorded on the film were used to compare with those from the treatment planning system using both DECT and SECT derived SPRs. Bland-Altman analysis indicates that the differences between DECT and SPR measurement of tissue surrogates, frozen and fresh animal tissues has a mean of 0.07% and standard deviation of 0.58% compared to 0.55% and 1.94% respectively for single energy CT (SECT) and SPR measurement. Our ex vivo study indicates that the stoichiometric DECT SPR calibration method has the potential to be more accurate than SECT calibration under ideal conditions although beam hardening effects and other image artifacts may increase this uncertainty.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: PCA-based inversion of stellar parameters (Gebran+, 2016)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gebran, M.; Farah, W.; Paletou, F.; Monier, R.; Watson, V.
Inverted effective temperatures, surface gravities, projected rotational velocities, metalicities, and radial velocities for the selected A stars. The "closest" are the values found in Vizier catalogues closest to our inverted parameters, while "median" are the median of the catalogue values. Outliers are marked as "1" in the "outliers" column (see sect. 6) (1 data file).
J. L. Anderson; S. Richmond-Williams; O. Williams
The red-flowered member of Penstemon sect. Chamaeleon from southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico has been treated taxonomically both as part of the Mexican species, P. lanceolatus Benth., and as a separate species, P. ramosus Crosswhite. Under the former treatment the Arizona and New Mexico populations are peripheral populations of a primarily Mexican...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Saha, Subhajit; Mondal, Anindita
We would like to rectify an error regarding the validity of the first law of thermodynamics (FLT) on the apparent horizon of a spatially flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe for the gravitationally induced particle creation scenario with constant specific entropy and an arbitrary particle creation rate (see Sect. 3.1 of original article)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bourdarot, G.; Le Coarer, E.; Bonfils, X.; Alecian, E.; Rabou, P.; Magnard, Y.
We introduce to astrophysical instrumentation and space optics the use of virtually imaged phased array (VIPA) to shrink échelle spectrometers and/or increase their resolution. Here, we report on both a concept of an echelle spectrometer with resolution R=50{,}000 (@653nm), which fits a 6U nanosatellite platform ({{1U= 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm}}), and on our laboratory tests on a R=200{,}000 demonstrator. The outline of our paper is as follows: Sect. 1 introduces our concept of a 6U payload comprising an échelle spectrometer based on the VIPA. We present also the science cases of monitoring young stars, and the wider science landscape amenable with larger telescopes. Section 2 gives a more detailed description of the VIPA and of its implementation in a cross-dispersed spectrometer. Section 3 shows the first results at R=200{,}000 we already achieved at the Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG). Finally, Sect. 4 is a discussion on the remaining technical points to study.
Gabriele Veneziano: A Concise Scientific Biography and an Interview
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gasperini, M.; Maharana, J.
The aim of these notes is to present a broad brush profile of the scientific activity of Gabriele Veneziano, whose wide spectrum of interests and variety of contributions to fundamental theoretical physics is also reflected by the articles of his collaborators and friends in this book. We thank Gabriele for his kind help in preparing these notes, and for disclosing to us some aspects of his life that we were not aware of. The responsibility of any omission and imprecision will rest on the authors, of course, and we apologize in advance for the (unavoidable) incompleteness of Sect. 1, warning the reader that a full survey of all of Gabriele’s activities is outside the scope of this introduction. Finally, we thank Gabriele for his patience in answering our questions that made possible the interview reported in Sect. 3 where, starting from the evocation of his past experience, he illustrates his personal point of view on the present status of fundamental physics, and his expectations for the future.
The composition of the leaf essential oils of all the species of Juniperus in sect. Juniperus (=sect. Oxycedrus) are reported and compared (J. brevifolia, J. cedrus, J. communis, J. c. var. saxatilis, J. c. var. oblonga, J. formosana, J. oxycedrus, J. o. subsp. badia, J. o. subsp. macrocarpa, J. o. subsp. transtagana, J. rigida, J. r. subsp. conferta, J. sibirica, J. taxifolia and J. t. var. lutchuensis). In addition, DNA fingerprinting by RAPDs was utilized. Based on these data, several taxa remained at the same taxonomic level: J. brevifolia, J. cedrus, J. communis, J. c. var. saxatilis, J. formosana, J. oxycedrus, J. rigida, J. r. var. conferta, and J. taxifolia. However, several taxa exhibited considerable differentiation that warranted their recognition at the specific level: J. oblonga M.-Bieb. (=J. communis var. oblonga), J. badia H. Gay (=J. oxycedrus subsp. badia), J. macrocarpa Sibth. and Sm. (=J. oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa), J. navicularis Gand. (=J. oxycedrus subsp. transtagana), J. sibirica Brugsd. (=J. communis var. saxatilis in part), and J. lutchuensis Koidz. (= J. taxifolia var. lutchuensis).
Rai, Mahendra Kumar; Tiwari, Vaibhav V; Irinyi, László; Kövics, György János
Phoma is a highly polyphyletic genus with its unclear species boundaries. The conventional system of identification is functional but it has its limitations. Besides morphological studies, chemotaxonomy, secondary metabolite and protein profiling have been assessed for the classification and identification of these fungi. Molecular datasets have provided a better outlook towards the phylogenetic and evolutionary trends of Phoma. Molecular markers such as ITS-rDNA, tubulin, actin, translation elongation factor have been widely used by the taxonomists to demarcate species. However, outcomes gained up till now represent preliminary step towards the study of Phoma systematics and a combined approach would be beneficial in the understanding of this polyphyletic group members. Lately, on the base of molecular phylogeny of the type species of the seven Phoma sections a new teleomorph family, Didymellaceae has been established, besides the Phaeosphaeriaceae related to sect. Paraphoma anamorphs, and the Leptosphaeriaceae to sect. Heterospora anamorphs. The estimated ratio is about 70 % of the recognized Phoma-like species can be associated with the Didymellaceae ascomycetous family.
Mycena sect. Hygrocyboideae in the mountains of the Dominican Republic
D. Jean Lodge; B.A. Perry; D.E. Desjardin
A collection of Mycena epipterygia from montane cloud forest in the Dominican Republic was found to have one-fourth to one-half monosporous basidia mixed with bisporous basidia. It is described as a new variety, M. epipterygia var. domingensis Lodge, differing from M. epipterygia var. epipterygioides and other two-spored varieties in having smaller dimensions of spores...
Women, Innovation and Aerospace Event
Lori Garver (far right) NASA Deputy Administrator, participates in a panel discussion at the Women, Innovation and Aerospace event celebrating Women's History Month at the George Washington University Jack Morton Auditorium, Thursday, March 8, 2012 in Washington. Garver is seen with Kathy Sullivan, NOAA Deputy Administrator; Catherine Didion, Senior Fellow, National Academy of Engineering; Marcia Smith, President, and Veronica Villalobos, Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Personnel Management (far left). The WIA day-long event will help to foster a discussion for students and early career professionals about how to continue to encourage women to enter and succeed in the field of aerospace. Photo Credit: (NASA/Carla Cioffi)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Grothkopf, U.
Librarianship is currently undergoing major changes. New information sources, accessible via the "network of networks", the Internet, offer opportunities which were previously unknown, but which require continuous ongoing learning. The Internet seems to be organized badly or not at all. The poor appearance might lead to an underestimation of its value. In the following, an introduction to the main functions will be given in order to facilitate understanding and use of the Internet. E-Mail, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and Telnet will be covered, as well as Mailing lists, Newsgroups and the tools Archie, Gopher, Veronica, WAIS (Wide Area Information Server) and the World Wide Web (WWW). Examples will be given to show possible applications for library services.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Côté, Nicolas; Bedwani, Stéphane; Carrier, Jean-François, E-mail:
Purpose: An improvement in tissue assignment for low-dose rate brachytherapy (LDRB) patients using more accurate Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculation was accomplished with a metallic artifact reduction (MAR) method specific to dual-energy computed tomography (DECT). Methods: The proposed MAR algorithm followed a four-step procedure. The first step involved applying a weighted blend of both DECT scans (I {sub H/L}) to generate a new image (I {sub Mix}). This action minimized Hounsfield unit (HU) variations surrounding the brachytherapy seeds. In the second step, the mean HU of the prostate in I {sub Mix} was calculated and shifted toward the mean HUmore » of the two original DECT images (I {sub H/L}). The third step involved smoothing the newly shifted I {sub Mix} and the two original I {sub H/L}, followed by a subtraction of both, generating an image that represented the metallic artifact (I {sub A,(H/L)}) of reduced noise levels. The final step consisted of subtracting the original I {sub H/L} from the newly generated I {sub A,(H/L)} and obtaining a final image corrected for metallic artifacts. Following the completion of the algorithm, a DECT stoichiometric method was used to extract the relative electronic density (ρ{sub e}) and effective atomic number (Z {sub eff}) at each voxel of the corrected scans. Tissue assignment could then be determined with these two newly acquired physical parameters. Each voxel was assigned the tissue bearing the closest resemblance in terms of ρ{sub e} and Z {sub eff}, comparing with values from the ICRU 42 database. A MC study was then performed to compare the dosimetric impacts of alternative MAR algorithms. Results: An improvement in tissue assignment was observed with the DECT MAR algorithm, compared to the single-energy computed tomography (SECT) approach. In a phantom study, tissue misassignment was found to reach 0.05% of voxels using the DECT approach, compared with 0.40% using the SECT method. Comparison of the DECT and
The Lebanese in America. In America Series.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Harik, Elsa Marston
The history of Lebanese immigrants to the United States is reviewed, and the contributions of this ethnic group to the American fabric are explored in this book which is part of a series for children. For at least 1,500 years Lebanon was a sort of haven for religious sects that would not have been allowed such freedom elsewhere. As a result, the…
Climate Change, National Security, and the Quadrennial Defense Review. Avoiding the Perfect Storm
consequently, higher ocean water temperatures are increasing the occurrence of coral bleaching and coral reef die-offs.57 The IPCC concludes that...unprecedented combination of climate change, associated disturbances (e.g., flooding, drought, wildfire, in- sects, ocean acidification ), and other global...instance, the disintegration of saltwater fishing indus- tries due to ocean acidification could spark inter- and intrastate conflict as numerous
Summary of the Bulgarian Provincial Press (31 March - 6 April 1960) (No. 69).
Seventh Day Adventist sect and its ministers in the city. Subsequent issues carry letter...Conference ■^Jflarxist Theory ^ 3 17. SOCIOLOGICAL ITEMS ’^V. ■ - ■- ^ Ao Seventh - Day Adventists ^ Bo Anti-Religious...8217•;■’.,- ...’!. ..;’.’.:’’■’ ’ ^« SOCIOLOGICAL ITEMS’ ’’ A. - Seventh ^ Day / Adventists . There are Seventh Day Adyentists in the city
M. T. Mmbaga; N. B. Klopfenstein; M. -S. Kim; N. C. Mmbaga
The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of rDNA and the intervening 5.8S rRNA gene for the powdery mildew fungi Erysiphe (sect. Microsphaera) pulchra and Phyllactinia guttata were amplified using standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocols and the universal primer pairs, ITS1 and ITS4. PCR products for ITS were analysed by electrophoresis in a 1.5% agarose...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sax, Gilbert
The paper states that quantification is neither ethical nor unethical, but is ethically neutral. It is the behavior or intent of the human being that is clearly a matter of ethical concern. Like numerology and the sects of inumerates and qualitatives, there is not so much an unethical practice that is supported as there is a lack of vision and…
Mishmarot Calendars from Qumran Cave 4: Congruence and Divergence
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Snyder, George, Jr.
This study examines the calendar observed by the sect whose writings have been found in the caves of the Judean desert. Chapter I introduces the Qumran calendar as an outgrowth of the 364-day pseudo-solar year described in the astronomical chapters of 1 Enoch and defended in the Book of Jubilees. The Temple Scroll completes a calendric foundation by making canonical several summer harvest festivals not found in the Hebrew Scriptures. Chapters II through VII detail the eight mishmarot manuscripts, providing text, translation, and analysis toward understanding the fully developed calendric structure. These investigations manifest arguments that establish the beginning of the sect's lunar month at the full moon, present coordination methodologies that balance the 364-day solar year with the 354-day lunar one, and reveal two different arrangements of the festival cycle. The Conclusion gathers under the heads of Enoch and Jubilees evidence to propose two sectarian calendar traditions and brings forward other texts which could be similarly categorized. Three appendices and a glossary support the discussion from non-mishmarot calendars and presenting an eclectic six-year calendar in full detail.
Aum Shinrikyo's Chemical and Biological Weapons: More Than Sarin.
Tu, A T
The radical religious group Aum Shinrikyo was founded in Japan in the 1980s and grew rapidly in the 1990s. Aum members perpetrated a mass murder in Matsumoto City in 1994, where they used sarin as a chemical weapon to poison approximately 500 civilians. On March 20, 1995, Aum deployed sarin in an even larger terrorist attack on the Tokyo Subway System, which poisoned some 6,000 people. After the Tokyo Subway attack, the Japanese Police arrested the sect's senior members. From 2005 through 2011, 13 of these senior members were sentenced to death. In this article, aspects of Aum's chemical and biological terrorism are reviewed. Sarin production efforts by the sect are described, including how the degradation product of sarin in soil, methylphosphonic acid, enabled the detection of sarin production sites. Also, Aum's chemical-warfare agents other than sarin are described, as are its biological weapons. The author was permitted by the Japanese government to interview Dr. Tomomasa Nakagawa, one of the senior members of Aum Shinrikyo. From Dr. Nakagawa the author obtained valuable inside information about Aum's chemical and biological weapons programs. Copyright © 2014 Central Police University.
The attitude of Iranian nurses about do not resuscitate orders.
Mogadasian, Sima; Abdollahzadeh, Farahnaz; Rahmani, Azad; Ferguson, Caleb; Pakanzad, Fermisk; Pakpour, Vahid; Heidarzadeh, Hamid
Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders are one of many challenging issues in end of life care. Previous research has not investigated Muslim nurses' attitudes towards DNR orders. This study aims to investigate the attitude of Iranian nurses towards DNR orders and determine the role of religious sects in forming attitudes. In this descriptive-comparative study, 306 nurses from five hospitals affiliated to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUOMS) in East Azerbaijan Province and three hospitals in Kurdistan province participated. Data were gathered by a survey design on attitudes on DNR orders. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) software examining descriptive and inferential statistics. Participants showed their willingness to learn more about DNR orders and highlights the importance of respecting patients and their families in DNR orders. In contrast, in many key items participants reported their negative attitude towards DNR orders. There were statistical differences in two items between the attitude of Shiite and Sunni nurses. Iranian nurses, regardless of their religious sects, reported negative attitude towards many aspects of DNR orders. It may be possible to change the attitude of Iranian nurses towards DNR through education.
Design of tubesheet for U-tube heat exchangers
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Paliwal, D.N.; Saxena, R.M.
Thorough analysis of two-side integral tubesheet of U-tube heat exchanger is carried out, using Panc's component theory of plates. Effects of solid annular rim and interaction between tubesheet and shell/channel are considered. A design procedure based on foregoing analysis is proposed. Fictive elastic constants due to Osweiller, as well as effective elastic constants due to Slot and O'Donnell, are employed. Deformations, internal forces and primary stress intensities are evaluated in both pitch and diagonal directions. Stress category concept of ASME Sect. VIII Div. 2 is used. Design thickness obtained by this method is compared with the thicknesses calculated, using ASMEmore » Sect. VIII Div. 1, TEMA and BS-5500. This method enables us to calculate stresses in shell and channel in the junction region as well. Present analysis and design procedure thoroughly investigates the tubesheet behavior and leads to a thinner tubesheet. It is concluded that though all the codes based on Gardner's work provide safe and efficient design rules, and lie on firm footing, still there is further scope for reducing the design thickness of tubesheet by about ten percent.« less
Wari, David; Yamashita, Jun; Kataoka, Yoko; Kohara, Yoko; Hinomoto, Norihide; Kishimoto, Hidenari; Toyoshima, Shingo; Sonoda, Shoji
A population survey of phytoseiid mites and spider mites was conducted on peach leaves and wild plants in Japanese peach orchards having different pesticide practices. The phytoseiid mite species composition on peach leaves and wild plants, as estimated using quantitative sequencing, changed during the survey period. Moreover, it varied among study sites. The phytoseiid mite species compositions were similar between peach leaves and some wild plants, such as Veronica persica, Paederia foetida, Persicaria longiseta, and Oxalis corniculata with larger quantities of phytoseiid mites, especially after mid-summer. A PCR-based method to detect the ribosomal ITS sequences of Tetranychus kanzawai and Panonychus mori from phytoseiid mites was developed. Results showed that Euseius sojaensis (specialized pollen feeder/generalist predator) uses both spider mites as prey in the field.
A three-dimensional geological reconstruction of Noctis Labyrinthus slope tectonics from CaSSIS data
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Massironi, M. M.; Pozzobon, R. P.; Lucchetti, A. L.; Simioni, E. S.; Re, C. R.; Mudrič, T. M.; Pajola, M. P.; Cremonese, G. C.; Pommerol, A. P.; Salese, F. S.; Thomas, N. T.; Mege, D. M.
In November 2016 the CaSSIS (Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System) imaging system onboard the European Space Agency's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) acquired 18 images (each composed by 30 framelets for each of the 4 colour channels) of the Martian surface. The first stereo- pairs were taken during the closest approach, at a distance of 520 km from the surface, over the Hebes Chasma and Noctis Labyrithus regions. In the latter case a DTM was prepared over a north facing slope bounding to the north a 2000 m deep depression and to the south a plateau complicated by extensional fault networks. Such slope is characterised by a downthrown block that can be interpreted as a Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DSGSD) sensu. In this work we will present a 3D geological reconstruction of the phenomenon that allowed us to constrain the possible main sliding surface, the volumes involved in the gravitational process and the kinematics of the mass movement.
a Theoretical Search for AN Electronic Spectrum of the He-BeO Complex
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gardner, Adrian; Heaven, Michael
The surprisingly high dissociation energy of the He-Be bond in the He-BeO complex was first reported 25 years ago. Following which, a number of theoretical studies have investigated similar closed shell helium containing complexes. However, despite these investigations, a complex containing a strong He-X bond has thus far eluded experimental detection. In this work, potential energy surfaces of electronically excited states of the He-BeO complex have been calculated employing high level CASSCF+MRCI+Q methodologies and utilizing extended basis sets. Several excited states show strong interactions between helium and BeO lying in Franck-Condon accessible windows of electronic transitions arising from the vibrationless electronic ground state. It is hoped that the conclusions of this study will result in the observation an electronic spectrum of this long hypothesized strongly bound complex in the near future. W. Koch, J. R. Collins and G. Frenking, Chem. Phys. Lett. 1986, 132 330-333.
Self-interested agents create, maintain, and modify group-functional culture.
Singh, Manvir; Glowacki, Luke; Wrangham, Richard W
We agree that institutions and rules are crucial for explaining human sociality, but we question the claim of there not being "alternatives to CGS [that] can easily account for the institutionalized cooperation that characterizes human societies" (target article, sect. 7). Hypothesizing that self-interested individuals coercively and collaboratively create rules, we propose that agent-based hypotheses offer viable alternatives to cultural group selection (CGS).
Forest Health in the Southeastern United States: Assessment of the State of the Science
pathogens, including imbalances in populations of in- sect pests and root-infesting fungi (e.g., Leptographium species), that may degrade tree physiological...reintroduction exacerbates stress levels and contributes to further root colonization by fungi such as Leptographium sp. Root disease caused by the...Coleoptera: Scolytidae), are likely vectors for the Leptographium/Ophiostomatoid fungi (Eckhardt et al. 2004). Spores of these fungi are not suited to
Extremist Religious Ideologies and Military Strategy
on bogus tips anonymously supplied by the IRA disinformation operations. Unfortunately, the Royal Ulster Constabulary’s intelligence-gathering...2005. 43John Pike, Federation of American Scientist, Intelligence Resource Services, Serb Volunteer Guard [ SDG / SSJ] “Arkan’s Tigers;” 1 February...learn more about the religion of Islam and the various fundamentalist sects within Islam. This knowledge should be disseminated throughout the chain
Factors of Religious Violence and a Path to Peace: A Study of the 16th Century Anabaptists
45 Figure 11. Clauset, Newman , Moore Grouping of the Overall 16th Century Leadership Network...access to an enormous amount of information. Additionally, I would like to thank my parents for being a sounding board of ideas, as well as helping to...have left another religious group (it could be a church or sect) to “correct” the beliefs of the parent religious group
Euler, André; Obmann, Markus M; Szucs-Farkas, Zsolt; Mileto, Achille; Zaehringer, Caroline; Falkowski, Anna L; Winkel, David J; Marin, Daniele; Stieltjes, Bram; Krauss, Bernhard; Schindera, Sebastian T
To compare image quality and radiation dose of abdominal split-filter dual-energy CT (SF-DECT) combined with monoenergetic imaging to single-energy CT (SECT) with automatic tube voltage selection (ATVS). Two-hundred single-source abdominal CT scans were performed as SECT with ATVS (n = 100) and SF-DECT (n = 100). SF-DECT scans were reconstructed and subdivided into composed images (SF-CI) and monoenergetic images at 55 keV (SF-MI). Objective and subjective image quality were compared among single-energy images (SEI), SF-CI and SF-MI. CNR and FOM were separately calculated for the liver (e.g. CNR liv ) and the portal vein (CNR pv ). Radiation dose was compared using size-specific dose estimate (SSDE). Results of the three groups were compared using non-parametric tests. Image noise of SF-CI was 18% lower compared to SEI and 48% lower compared to SF-MI (p < 0.001). Composed images yielded higher CNR liv over single-energy images (23.4 vs. 20.9; p < 0.001), whereas CNR pv was significantly lower (3.5 vs. 5.2; p < 0.001). Monoenergetic images overcame this inferiority in CNR pv and achieved similar results compared to single-energy images (5.1 vs. 5.2; p > 0.628). Subjective sharpness was equal between single-energy and monoenergetic images and diagnostic confidence was equal between single-energy and composed images. FOM liv was highest for SF-CI. FOM pv was equal for SEI and SF-MI (p = 0.78). SSDE was significant lower for SF-DECT compared to SECT (p < 0.022). The combined use of split-filter dual-energy CT images provides comparable objective and subjective image quality at lower radiation dose compared to single-energy CT with ATVS. • Split-filter dual-energy results in 18% lower noise compared to single-energy with ATVS. • Split-filter dual-energy results in 11% lower SSDE compared to single-energy with ATVS. • Spectral shaping of split-filter dual-energy leads to an increased dose-efficiency.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Buchalla, G.; Komatsubara, T. K.; Muheim, F.; Silvestrini, L.; Artuso, M.; Asner, D. M.; Ball, P.; Baracchini, E.; Bell, G.; Beneke, M.; Berryhill, J.; Bevan, A.; Bigi, I. I.; Blanke, M.; Bobeth, Ch.; Bona, M.; Borzumati, F.; Browder, T.; Buanes, T.; Buchmüller, O.; Buras, A. J.; Burdin, S.; Cassel, D. G.; Cavanaugh, R.; Ciuchini, M.; Colangelo, P.; Crosetti, G.; Dedes, A.; de Fazio, F.; Descotes-Genon, S.; Dickens, J.; Doležal, Z.; Dürr, S.; Egede, U.; Eggel, C.; Eigen, G.; Fajfer, S.; Feldmann, Th.; Ferrandes, R.; Gambino, P.; Gershon, T.; Gibson, V.; Giorgi, M.; Gligorov, V. V.; Golob, B.; Golutvin, A.; Grossman, Y.; Guadagnoli, D.; Haisch, U.; Hazumi, M.; Heinemeyer, S.; Hiller, G.; Hitlin, D.; Huber, T.; Hurth, T.; Iijima, T.; Ishikawa, A.; Isidori, G.; Jäger, S.; Khodjamirian, A.; Koppenburg, P.; Lagouri, T.; Langenegger, U.; Lazzeroni, C.; Lenz, A.; Lubicz, V.; Lucha, W.; Mahlke, H.; Melikhov, D.; Mescia, F.; Misiak, M.; Nakao, M.; Napolitano, J.; Nikitin, N.; Nierste, U.; Oide, K.; Okada, Y.; Paradisi, P.; Parodi, F.; Patel, M.; Petrov, A. A.; Pham, T. N.; Pierini, M.; Playfer, S.; Polesello, G.; Policicchio, A.; Poschenrieder, A.; Raimondi, P.; Recksiegel, S.; Řezníček, P.; Robert, A.; Rosner, J. L.; Ruggiero, G.; Sarti, A.; Schneider, O.; Schwab, F.; Simula, S.; Sivoklokov, S.; Slavich, P.; Smith, C.; Smizanska, M.; Soni, A.; Speer, T.; Spradlin, P.; Spranger, M.; Starodumov, A.; Stech, B.; Stocchi, A.; Stone, S.; Tarantino, C.; Teubert, F.; T'jampens, S.; Toms, K.; Trabelsi, K.; Trine, S.; Uhlig, S.; Vagnoni, V.; van Hunen, J. J.; Weiglein, G.; Weiler, A.; Wilkinson, G.; Xie, Y.; Yamauchi, M.; Zhu, G.; Zupan, J.; Zwicky, R.
The present report documents the results of Working Group 2: B, D and K decays, of the workshop on Flavor in the Era of the LHC, held at CERN from November 2005 through March 2007. With the advent of the LHC, we will be able to probe New Physics (NP) up to energy scales almost one order of magnitude larger than it has been possible with present accelerator facilities. While direct detection of new particles will be the main avenue to establish the presence of NP at the LHC, indirect searches will provide precious complementary information, since most probably it will not be possible to measure the full spectrum of new particles and their couplings through direct production. In particular, precision measurements and computations in the realm of flavor physics are expected to play a key role in constraining the unknown parameters of the Lagrangian of any NP model emerging from direct searches at the LHC. The aim of Working Group 2 was twofold: on the one hand, to provide a coherent up-to-date picture of the status of flavor physics before the start of the LHC; on the other hand, to initiate activities on the path towards integrating information on NP from high- p T and flavor data. This report is organized as follows: in Sect. 1, we give an overview of NP models, focusing on a few examples that have been discussed in some detail during the workshop, with a short description of the available computational tools for flavor observables in NP models. Section 2 contains a concise discussion of the main theoretical problem in flavor physics: the evaluation of the relevant hadronic matrix elements for weak decays. Section 3 contains a detailed discussion of NP effects in a set of flavor observables that we identified as “benchmark channels” for NP searches. The experimental prospects for flavor physics at future facilities are discussed in Sect. 4. Finally, Sect. 5 contains some assessments on the work done at the workshop and the prospects for future developments.
SU-F-T-270: A Technique for Modeling a Diode Array Into the TPS for Lung SBRT Patient Specific QA
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Curley, C; Leventouri, T; Ouhib, Z
Purpose: To accurately match the treatment planning system (TPS) with the measurement environment, where quality assurance (QA) devices are used to collect data, for lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) patient specific QA. Incorporation of heterogeneities is also studied. Methods: Dual energy computerized tomography (DECT) and single energy computerized tomography (SECT) were used to model phantoms incorporating a 2-D diode array into the TPS. A water-equivalent and a heterogeneous phantom (simulating the thoracic region of a patient) were studied. Monte Carlo and pencil beam planar dose distributions were compared to measured distributions. Composite and individual fields were analyzed for normallymore » incident and planned gantry angle deliveries. γ- analysis was used with criteria 3% 3mm, 2% 2mm, and 1% 1mm. Results: The Monte Carlo calculations for the DECT resulted in improved agreements with the diode array for 46.4% of the fields at 3% 3mm, 85.7% at 2% 2mm, and 92.9% at 1% 1mm.For the SECT, the Monte Carlo calculations gave no agreement for the same γ-analysis criteria. Pencil beam calculations resulted in lower agreements with the diode array in the TPS. The DECT showed improvements for 14.3% of the fields at 3% 3mm and 2% 2mm, and 28.6% at 1% 1mm.In SECT comparisons, 7.1% of the fields at 3% 3mm, 10.7% at 2% 2mm, and 17.9% at 1% 1mm showed improved agreements with the diode array. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that modeling the diode array in the TPS is viable using DECT with Monte Carlo for patient specific lung SBRT QA. As recommended by task groups (e.g. TG 65, TG 101, TG 244) of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), pencil beam algorithms should be avoided in the presence of heterogeneous materials, including a diode array.« less
Potential of Iraqi Local Councils to facilitate Iraqi National Unity
U.S. forces to form a multi-tribal grassroots council involving both sects. Abu Ahmed currently serves as a local contractor in Baghdad. He has...worked with local councils and supported their efforts in reconstruction. Abu Ahmed offers insight into local councils from a unique third...responded on average in agreement when asked whether reform was more effective if local leaders sought to achieve it. Abu Ahmed , a prominent
Unfinished Business: The Sons of Iraq and Political Reconciliation
out in the National Strategy for Victory in Iraq. 3 of sectarian cleansing in Baghdad, population centric tactics by CF, and increased... cleansed neighborhoods of one sect or the other as the two sides vied for power. Shia families in Sunni dominated areas packed up as many belongings...and Selected Neighborhoods18 8 The Shia controlled government reinforced JAM’s ethnic cleansing operations through a denial of essential
Elements of the Iraqi Insurgency and the Role of Security for Achieving Victory in Iraq
context, it is important to note that Iraq is still a very young nation, particularly when viewed thru the prism of ancient Mesopotamian cultures ...ethnic groups, two major languages, two competitive sects of Islam; and with a communal culture numbering hundreds of tribes.5 With the collective force...a better understanding of the Iraqi culture , see William R. Polk, Understanding Iraq, (New York, Harper Collins, 2005) 3 stabilize the security
Time Series Model Identification by Estimating Information, Memory, and Quantiles.
Standards, Sect. D, 68D, 937-951. Parzen, Emanuel (1969) "Multiple time series modeling" Multivariate Analysis - II, edited by P. Krishnaiah , Academic... Krishnaiah , North Holland: Amsterdam, 283-295. Parzen, Emanuel (1979) "Forecasting and Whitening Filter Estimation" TIMS Studies in the Management...principle. Applications of Statistics, P. R. Krishnaiah , ed. North Holland: Amsterdam, 27-41. Box, G. E. P. and Jenkins, G. M. (1970) Time Series Analysis
Cleaning Rules to Shipyards SDO\\SECT1 1-1 1. Introduction Background The Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) established a program to restore and maintain the...2-1 2. MP&M Rulemaking Process EPA Categorical Discharge Standards Program The Clean Water Act established a program to restore and... microfiltration and reverse osmosis. • Oil and grease content is used as a surrogate for monitoring toxic organics. • The technical and financial
Convergence and Religious Terrorism in America
William Miller, 18 progenitor of today’s Seventh Day Adventist Church, and Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church. Despite the apparent...situation as we analyze the formation of present- day cults and sects that diverge from the social norm. We take note, too, of the fact that growth...Bartholomew’s Day Massacre of French Protestants; mass arrests and executions of Protestants across Europe; and persecutions and executions by
69. Red Butte-Red Fir Ridge (Shasta Red Fir) (Imper 1988b, Cheng 1996d)
Sheauchi Cheng
This established RNA is located on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. The area is about 6.5 miles (10.5 km) N. of McCloud and occupies portions of sects. 33, 34, 35, and 36 T41N, R3W MDBM (41°21'N., 122°10'W.), USGS Mt. Shasta quad (fig. 139). Ecological subsection â High Cascades (M261Df).
expert systems will certainly find management applications a fertile field for research and practice." Elam and Henderson (1983) also discuss concepts ...Shortliffe, E.H. (1983). Expert systems research. Science, 220, 261-268, 15 Apr. * Elam, J.J. and Henderson, J.C. (1983). Knowledge engineering concepts for...Symposium on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Advanced Concepts and Pioneering Perspectives, Dayton, OH, Sect 4, (pp 1-9), Nov 14-15. Dreyfus, H
1. Adorni (Cheng 1997a, Sawyer 1981a)
Sheauchi Cheng
This established RNA is on the Six Rivers National Forest. It lies about 3 miles (5 km) N. of Weitchpec, Humboldt County, covering portions of sects. 25 and 26 T10N, R4E HBM (41°14'N., 123°41'W.), USGS Weitchpec quad (fig. 3). Ecological subsections â Gasquet Mountain Ultramafics (M261Ab) and Eastern Franciscan (M261Ba).
Sheauchi Cheng
This established RNA is on the San Dimas Experimental Forest, within the Angeles National Forest. It is approximately 6 miles (10 km) N. of the city of Claremont. It occupies portions of seven sects. in T1N, R8W SBBM (34°12'N., 117°43'W.), USGS Mt. Baldy quad (fig. 58). Ecological subsection â San Gabriel Mountains (M261Bd).
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ozeren, M. S.; Sengor, A. M. C.; Acar, D.; Ülgen, S. C.; Onsel, I. E.
Valles Marineris is the most significant near-linear depression on Mars. It is some 4000 km long, up to about 200 km wide and some 7 km deep. Although its margins look parallel at first sight, the entire structure has a long spindle shape with significant enlargement in its middle (Melas Chasma) caused by cuspate slope retreat mechanisms. Farther to its north is Hebes Chasma which is an entirely closed depression with a more pronounced spindle shape. Tithonium Chasma is a parallel, but much narrower depression to its northeast. All these chasmae have axes parallel with one another and such structures occur nowhere else on Mars. A scabland surface exists to the east of the Valles Marineris and the causative water mass seems to have issued from it. The great resemblance of these chasmae on mars to poljes in the karstic regions on earth have led us to assume that they owed their existence to dissolution of rock layers underlying them. We assumed that the dissolving layer consisted of water ice forming substantial layers, in fact entirely frozen seas of several km depth. We have simulated this geometry by using bentonite and flour layers (in different experiments) overlying layers of ice in which a resistant coil was used to simulate a dyke. We used different thicknesses of bentonite and flour overlying ice layers again of various thicknesses. The flour seems to simulate the Martian crust better because on Mars, g is only about 3/8ths of its value on Earth, so (for equal crustal density) the depth to which the cohesion term C remains important in the Mohr-Coulomb shear failure criterion is about 8/3 times greater. As examples we show two of those experiments in which both the rock analogue and ice layers were of 1.5 cm. thick. Perfect analogues of the Valles Marineris formed above the dyke analogue thermal source complete with the near-linear structure, overall flat spindle shape, cuspate margins, a central ridge, parallel side faults, parallel depressions resembling
Silva, Luís; Dias, Elisabete Furtado; Sardos, Julie; Azevedo, Eduardo Brito; Schaefer, Hanno; Moura, Mónica
Research dedicated to rare endemic plants is usually focused on one given aspect. However, holistic studies, addressing several key issues, might be more useful, supporting management programmes while unravelling basic knowledge about ecological and population-level processes. A more comprehensive approach to research is proposed, encompassing: phylogenetics/systematics, pollination biology and seed dispersal, propagation, population genetics, species distribution models (SDMs), threats and monitoring. We present a holistic study dedicated to Veronica dabneyi Hochst. ex Seub., an endangered chamaephyte endemic to the Azores. Veronica dabneyi was mainly found associated with other endemic taxa; however, invasive plants were also present and together with introduced cattle, goats and rabbits are a major threat. Most populations grow at somewhat rocky and steep locations that appeared to work as refuges. Seed set in the wild was generally high and recruitment of young plants from seed seemed to be frequent. In the laboratory, it was possible to germinate and fully develop V. dabneyi seedlings, which were planted at their site of origin. No dormancy was detected and time for 50 % germination was affected by incubation temperature. Eight new microsatellite markers were applied to 72 individuals from 7 sites. A considerable degree of admixture was found between samples from the two islands Flores and Corvo, with 98 % of the genetic variability allocated within populations. Levels of heterozygosity were high and no evidence of inbreeding was found. Species distribution models based on climatic and topographic variables allowed the estimation of the potential distribution of V. dabneyi on Flores and Corvo using ecological niche factor analysis and Maxent. The inclusion of land-use variables only slightly increased the information explained by the models. Projection of the expected habitat in Faial largely coincided with the only historic record of V. dabneyi on that island
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – At Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Fla., Veronica Franco of NASA's Education Office at Kennedy Space Center explains the intricacies of a space suit to students and teachers attending an educational presentation, part of the festivities to welcome toy space ranger Buzz Lightyear home from space. The 12-inch-tall action figure spent more than 15 months aboard the International Space Station and returned to Earth aboard space shuttle Discovery on Sept. 11 with the STS-128 crew. Lightyear's space adventure, a collaboration between NASA and Disney Parks, is intended to share the excitement of space exploration with students around the world and encourage them to pursue studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. For additional information, visit Photo credit: NASA/Dimitri Gerondidakis
Nolde, Svetlana B.; Vassilevski, Alexander A.; Rogozhin, Eugene A.; Barinov, Nikolay A.; Balashova, Tamara A.; Samsonova, Olga V.; Baranov, Yuri V.; Feofanov, Alexey V.; Egorov, Tsezi A.; Arseniev, Alexander S.; Grishin, Eugene V.
This study presents purification, activity characterization, and 1H NMR study of the novel antifungal peptide EcAMP1 from kernels of barnyard grass Echinochloa crus-galli. The peptide adopts a disulfide-stabilized α-helical hairpin structure in aqueous solution and thus represents a novel fold among naturally occurring antimicrobial peptides. Micromolar concentrations of EcAMP1 were shown to inhibit growth of several fungal phytopathogens. Confocal microscopy revealed intensive EcAMP1 binding to the surface of fungal conidia followed by internalization and accumulation in the cytoplasm without disturbance of membrane integrity. Close spatial structure similarity between EcAMP1, the trypsin inhibitor VhTI from seeds of Veronica hederifolia, and some scorpion and cone snail toxins suggests natural elaboration of different functions on a common fold. PMID:21561864
The Attitude of Iranian Nurses About Do Not Resuscitate Orders
Mogadasian, Sima; Abdollahzadeh, Farahnaz; Rahmani, Azad; Ferguson, Caleb; Pakanzad, Fermisk; Pakpour, Vahid; Heidarzadeh, Hamid
Background: Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders are one of many challenging issues in end of life care. Previous research has not investigated Muslim nurses’ attitudes towards DNR orders. Aims: This study aims to investigate the attitude of Iranian nurses towards DNR orders and determine the role of religious sects in forming attitudes. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-comparative study, 306 nurses from five hospitals affiliated to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUOMS) in East Azerbaijan Province and three hospitals in Kurdistan province participated. Data were gathered by a survey design on attitudes on DNR orders. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) software examining descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Participants showed their willingness to learn more about DNR orders and highlights the importance of respecting patients and their families in DNR orders. In contrast, in many key items participants reported their negative attitude towards DNR orders. There were statistical differences in two items between the attitude of Shiite and Sunni nurses. Conclusions: Iranian nurses, regardless of their religious sects, reported negative attitude towards many aspects of DNR orders. It may be possible to change the attitude of Iranian nurses towards DNR through education. PMID:24600178
Dittrich, Birger; Wandtke, Claudia M; Meents, Alke; Pröpper, Kevin; Mondal, Kartik Chandra; Samuel, Prinson P; Amin Sk, Nurul; Singh, Amit Pratap; Roesky, Herbert W; Sidhu, Navdeep
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) is often considered the gold standard in analytical chemistry, as it allows element identification as well as determination of atom connectivity and the solid-state structure of completely unknown samples. Element assignment is based on the number of electrons of an atom, so that a distinction of neighboring heavier elements in the periodic table by XRD is often difficult. A computationally efficient procedure for aspherical-atom least-squares refinement of conventional diffraction data of organometallic compounds is proposed. The iterative procedure is conceptually similar to Hirshfeld-atom refinement (Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A- 2008, 64, 383-393; IUCrJ. 2014, 1,61-79), but it relies on tabulated invariom scattering factors (Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B- 2013, 69, 91-104) and the Hansen/Coppens multipole model; disordered structures can be handled as well. Five linear-coordinate 3d metal complexes, for which the wrong element is found if standard independent-atom model scattering factors are relied upon, are studied, and it is shown that only aspherical-atom scattering factors allow a reliable assignment. The influence of anomalous dispersion in identifying the correct element is investigated and discussed. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
General notes about Lebanon are presented: political history, government, population, geography, economy and foreign relations. Lebanon lies on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, and is composed of a coastal plain bound on the east by high mountains. The population numbers about 2.5 million, although no census has been taken since 1932. 6 different types of Christian sects and 3 of Muslims contribute to instability. The strife has been aggravated by invasions by Israel against Palestinians encamped there, and by Syria as part of an Arab peace-keeping force. Despite constant civil war since the 1950s, the Lebanese government has continued to function, a parliamentary constitutional system with a judicial system based on the Napoleonic code. Amendments to the 1926 constitution have mandated that representation in the National Assembly and among top government positions be apportioned based on distribution of significant religious groups. Political parties in Lebanon are extremely complex, and include parties loyal to clan or local leaders, those ranging from the right to left, those resembling Arab parties in other nations, and those dedicated to religious sects. The economy is normally based on agriculture, and on commerce and banking in the primary coastal cities, but is in decline currently.
Peterson, Paul M.; Soreng, Robert J.
Abstract In this study the peculiar Andean grass genus Aphanelytrum, with two species, is reduced to Poa subsect. Aphanelytrum comb. & stat. nov. A third species, Festuca reclinata, is assigned to the subsection, which shows states transitional between a more typical Poa and Aphanelytrum. Poa subgen. Poa supersect. Homalopoa sect. Dioicopoa subsect. Aphanelytrum comb. & stat. nov. is characterized in having stooling perennials with decumbent to spreading culm bases that continuously branch and often root at low to mid-culm nodes, glabrous spikelets with long rachillas 1.2–4.2 mm long, short glumes less than ½ the length of the florets, and lemmas with bifid apexes that are mucronate to short-awned. We provide for the three species taxonomic discussions, morphological and anatomical descriptions, keys, illustrations, and a list of specimens. Also, we provide two new names, Poa hitchcockiana nom. nov. and Poa sanchez-vegae nom. nov., and one new combination, Poa reclinata comb. nov. A new species, Poa auriculata sp. nov. from Peru, not thought to be a member of Poa subsect. Aphanelytrum, is presented. It is the first in the genus with prominent auricles. In addition, we place Poa apiculata in Poa subgen. Poa supersect. Homalopoa sect. Dioicopoa subsect. Tovarochloa comb. & stat. nov. PMID:27489482
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
West, O.R.; Siegrist, R.L.; Mitchell, T.J.
Fine-textured soils and sediments contaminated by trichloroethylene (TCE) and other chlorinated organics present a serious environmental restoration challenge at US Department of Energy (DOE) sites. DOE and Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. initiated a research and demonstration project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The goal of the project was to demonstrate a process for closure and environmental restoration of the X-231B Solid Waste Management Unit at the DOE Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. The X-231B Unit was used from 1976 to 1983 as a land disposal site for waste oils and solvents. Silt and clay deposits beneath the unit were contaminatedmore » with volatile organic compounds and low levels of radioactive substances. The shallow groundwater was also contaminated, and some contaminants were at levels well above drinking water standards. This document begins with a summary of the subsurface physical and contaminant characteristics obtained from investigative studies conducted at the X-231B Unit prior to January 1992 (Sect. 2). This is then followed by a description of the sample collection and analysis methods used during the baseline sampling conducted in January 1992 (Sect. 3). The results of this sampling event were used to develop spatial models for VOC contaminant distribution within the X-231B Unit.« less
Retrotransposon-Based Molecular Markers for Analysis of Genetic Diversity within the Genus Linum
Melnikova, Nataliya V.; Kudryavtseva, Anna V.; Zelenin, Alexander V.; Lakunina, Valentina A.; Yurkevich, Olga Yu.; Speranskaya, Anna S.; Dmitriev, Alexey A.; Krinitsina, Anastasia A.; Belenikin, Maxim S.; Uroshlev, Leonid A.; Snezhkina, Anastasiya V.; Sadritdinova, Asiya F.; Koroban, Nadezda V.; Amosova, Alexandra V.; Samatadze, Tatiana E.; Guzenko, Elena V.; Lemesh, Valentina A.; Savilova, Anastasya M.; Rachinskaia, Olga A.; Kishlyan, Natalya V.; Rozhmina, Tatiana A.; Bolsheva, Nadezhda L.; Muravenko, Olga V.
SSAP method was used to study the genetic diversity of 22 Linum species from sections Linum, Adenolinum, Dasylinum, Stellerolinum, and 46 flax cultivars. All the studied flax varieties were distinguished using SSAP for retrotransposons FL9 and FL11. Thus, the validity of SSAP method was demonstrated for flax marking, identification of accessions in genebank collections, and control during propagation of flax varieties. Polymorphism of Fl1a, Fl1b, and Cassandra insertions were very low in flax varieties, but these retrotransposons were successfully used for the investigation of Linum species. Species clusterization based on SSAP markers was in concordance with their taxonomic division into sections Dasylinum, Stellerolinum, Adenolinum, and Linum. All species of sect. Adenolinum clustered apart from species of sect. Linum. The data confirmed the accuracy of the separation in these sections. Members of section Linum are not as closely related as members of other sections, so taxonomic revision of this section is desirable. L. usitatissimum accessions genetically distant from modern flax cultivars were revealed in our work. These accessions are of utmost interest for flax breeding and introduction of new useful traits into flax cultivars. The chromosome localization of Cassandra retrotransposon in Linum species was determined. PMID:25243121
Reasoning from Incomplete Knowledge
control , and the copulation explosion. T Why didn’t that haonen in Siberia? S Yeah, there’s probably a pretty stronq interaction between the birth ...some parts are predominantly Hindu but most I think is Moslem. Neither of those sects are particularly strong on birth control . Climate differences...the West Coast, birth control from China, climate and food supplies from the difference between Siberia and China, soil and terrain (the latter was
DI Diesel Performance and Emissions Models
Skeletal mechanism for NOx chemistry in diesel engines ,” SAE Paper 981450, 1998 SAE Transactions, Vol. 107, Sect. 4, J. Fuels and... mechanism for NOx chemistry proposed by Mellor et al. (1998a) is incorporated in an engine simulation code. The two-zone model, also proposed by Mellor et...34Dynamic Application of a Skeletal Mechanism for DI Diesel NOx Emissions," SAE Paper 2001-01-1984, SAE Trans., J. Fuels & Lubricants,
Muslims to liberate them from human rulers and their false laws, values, and traditions. Like other major religions , Islam has several sects. The...costs of failing to do so. They approach the development of strategy in their writings in a sec- ular tone that sets religion aside (but does not take...and methods of engagement are in accord with operational realit[ y ]… that calls for the independent formation and activation of [global] resistance
Military Use of the International Space Station
profile projects. Touting the attributes of any military system publicly hardly comported with the peaceful image the Administration was trying to...Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 , Pub. L. No. 100-180, 101 Stat. 1019, Sect. 255 (1987). 53DoD, Potential Department of Defense Use of a...requirement to consult with its partners, what it wants to do, whether the activity comports with international law, and how it will carry out the
Developments and Tendencies in Fission Reactor Concepts
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Adamov, E. O.; Fuji-Ie, Y.
This chapter describes, in two parts, new-generation nuclear energy systems that are required to be in harmony with nature and to make full use of nuclear resources. The issues of transmutation and containment of radioactive waste will also be addressed. After a short introduction to the first part, Sect. 58.1.2 will detail the requirements these systems must satisfy on the basic premise of peaceful use of nuclear energy. The expected designs themselves are described in Sect. 58.1.3. The subsequent sections discuss various types of advanced reactor systems. Section 58.1.4 deals with the light water reactor (LWR) whose performance is still expected to improve, which would extend its application in the future. The supercritical-water-cooled reactor (SCWR) will also be shortly discussed. Section 58.1.5 is mainly on the high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), which offers efficient and multipurpose use of nuclear energy. The gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) is also included. Section 58.1.6 focuses on the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) as a promising concept for advanced nuclear reactors, which may help both to achieve expansion of energy sources and environmental protection thus contributing to the sustainable development of mankind. The molten-salt reactor (MSR) is shortly described in Sect. 58.1.7. The second part of the chapter deals with reactor systems of a new generation, which are now found at the research and development (R&D) stage and in the medium term of 20-30 years can shape up as reliable, economically efficient, and environmentally friendly energy sources. They are viewed as technologies of cardinal importance, capable of resolving the problems of fuel resources, minimizing the quantities of generated radioactive waste and the environmental impacts, and strengthening the regime of nonproliferation of the materials suitable for nuclear weapons production. Particular attention has been given to naturally safe fast reactors with a closed fuel cycle (CFC
A high etendue spectrometer suitable for core charge eXchange recombination spectroscopy on ITER.
Jaspers, R J E; Scheffer, M; Kappatou, A; van der Valk, N C J; Durkut, M; Snijders, B; Marchuk, O; Biel, W; Pokol, G I; Erdei, G; Zoletnik, S; Dunai, D
A feasibility study for the use of core charge exchange recombination spectroscopy on ITER has shown that accurate measurements on the helium ash require a spectrometer with a high etendue of 1mm(2)sr to comply with the measurement requirements [S. Tugarinov et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74, 2075 (2003)]. To this purpose such an instrument has been developed consisting of three separate wavelength channels (to measure simultaneously He/Be, C/Ne, and H/D/T together with the Doppler shifted direct emission of the diagnostic neutral beam, the beam emission (BES) signal), combining high dispersion (0.02 nm/pixel), sufficient resolution (0.2 nm), high efficiency (55%), and extended wavelength range (14 nm) at high etendue. The combined measurement of the BES along the same sightline within a third wavelength range provides the possibility for in situ calibration of the charge eXchange recombination spectroscopy signals. In addition, the option is included to use the same instrument for measurements of the fast fluctuations of the beam emission intensity up to 2 MHz, with the aim to study MHD activity.
Asteroid spectral reflectivities.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Chapman, C. R.; Mccord, T. B.; Johnson, T. V.
We measured spectral reflectivities (0.3-1.1 micron) for 32 asteroids. There are at least 14 different curve types. Common types are: (a) reddish curves with 10% absorptions near 0.95 micron or beyond 1.0 micron, due to Fe(2+) in minerals such as pyroxenes; (b) flat curves in the visible and near-IR with sharp decreases in the UV and (c) flat curves even into the UV. Several asteroids show probable color variations with rotation, especially 6 Hebe. A sample of 102 asteroids with reliably known colors is derived from the reflectivities and from earlier colorimetry. Several correlations of colors and spectral curve types with orbital and physical parameters are examined: (1) asteroids with large aphelia have flat reflectivities while those with small perihelia are mostly reddish, (2) curve types show evidence for clustering on an a vs e plot, with 0.95 micron bands occuring mainly for Mars-approaching asteroids, (3) no strong correlation exists between color and either proper eccentricity or proper inclination.
Astrometric Masses of 21 Asteroids, and an Integrated Asteroid Ephemeris
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Baer, James J.; Chesley, S. R.
We apply the technique of astrometric mass determination to measure the masses of 21 main-belt asteroids; the masses of 6 Hebe (7.59 +/- 1.42 x 10-12 SM), 9 Metis (1.03 +/- 0.24 x 10-11 SM), 17 Thetis (6.17 +/- 0.64 x 10-13 SM), 19 Fortuna (5.41 +/- 0.76 x 10-12 SM), and 189 Phthia (1.87 +/- 0.64 x 10-14 SM) appear to be new. The resulting bulk porosities of 11 Parthenope (12%) and 16 Psyche (45%) are smaller than previous values; while the bulk porosities of 52 Europa (41%) and 189 Phthia (64%) are significant. The variations in density within the C- and S-classes are consistent with either heteorogenous mineralogical compositions within each class, significant variations in porosity, or both. To accurately model the forces on these asteroids during the mass determination process, we created an integrated ephemeris of the 300 large asteroids used in preparing the DE-405 planetary ephemeris; this new BC-405 integrated asteroid ephemeris also appears useful in other high-accuracy applications.
Kinetics and Mechanism of Chemical Marker Formation and Water-Activated Heat Generation
activated chemical heaters. It has recently been discovered at the Army’s Natick, Massachusetts Research, Development & Engineering Center that certain...FUNDING NUMBERS 0 i Kinetics and Mechanism of Chemical Marker Formation and Water-Activated Heat Generation ~~ 3 6. AUTHOR(S) I-GZ05 Kenneth Kustin DI N...unlimited. rpIC Q.UA y uI sECTED 5 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) n Research has been conducted on two projects: intrinsic chemical markers and water
Insurgency in Ancient Times: The Jewish Revolts Against the Seleucid and Roman Empires, 166 BC-73 AD
apocalyptic doctrine. One particular sect of the Essenes was the Qumran which is fairly well known today because they are believed to be the authors of...the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Qumran is believed to have come into existence in the late Hasmonean period and they are illustrative of one of many...Jewish nation. The Qumran also refers to a Teacher of Righteousness, who is a priest and a prophet. Additionally, this individual is referred to in
SECTION 3 : SECTION 4 SCIN SECTION 1 .2 .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . 12 a Cp’..... . 4~ . . ... ... .. ~F ~ -12 J Cy/C 13 -2 SECTION I...Upper real 0 Apha - .584 Degr. - Upper imag Daipha = .502 Degr. Harm - I-AN Cp’ 4. -4- 12 .... .. .. 4 . 12 L r -SECTION; 3 : SCIN ETINSSETO CP’ 4 -4...x /c -/ x c .:. .: - : . .:. .: , , *’*c:. . . . . . ..:. : L. . . .. . 9 94 -2 SELO .. -SECT .ON .2 bat* IS1-12-19S1 Tubes... : SCIN I &Upper stat
Computation of Calcium Score with Dual Energy CT: A Phantom Study
Kumar, Vidhya; Min, James K.; He, Xin; Raman, Subha V.
Dual energy computed tomography (DECT) improves material and tissue characterization compared to single energy CT (SECT); we sought to validate coronary calcium quantification in advancing cardiovascular DECT. In an anthropomorphic phantom, agreement between measurements was excellent, and Bland-Altman analysis demonstrated minimal bias. Compared to the known calcium mass for each phantom, calcium mass by DECT was highly accurate. Noncontrast DECT yields accurate calcium measures, and warrants consideration in cardiac protocols for additional tissue characterizations. PMID:27680414
The U.S. Andean Drug Strategy: Why it is Failing in Peru
Area 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL Thomas C. Bruneau C(,le) Code NS/Be (408) 656-2521 DD 1O 1473. 84 MAR 83 APR edton may be tued until exhauted SECT Ri...which is ethnically and culturall divided, with a substantially wide margin existing between state authority and rural social autonomy. This...reduces or eliminates the illegitimate activity. States which are internally weak in any of these areas become susceptible to a variety of social and
Jewish sect that fought the Roman occupation of what is now the state of Israel between 66-73AD, or the “Thugs”, an Indian association of...and cell formation. At the heart of their recruitment was the Al Tarbiyah Luminal Hakiem Islamic boarding School outside the southern Malaysian of Johor Baru that was purchased in the mid-1990. The school master, Ali Guhfron, later became the head of the Jamaah Islamiah’s (JI) Malaysian
searchrequired for SPH are described in Sect. 3. Section 4 contains aperformance analysis of the algorithm using Kepler -type GPUcards. 2. Numerical...generation of Kepler architecture, code nameGK104, which is also implemented in Tesla K10. The Keplerarchitecture relies on a Graphics Processing Cluster ( is 512 KB large and has a bandwidth of 512 B/clockcycle. Constant memory (read only per grid): 48 KB per Kepler SM.Used to hold constants
well as regional and international relations in these three nations have been complicated by the Kurdish issue in varying degrees. In each country , the... Country : The Kurds and Kurdistan (London: Zed Press, 1980), p. 115. 5 Kurds "who are Ali-Ilahi, a sect even farther from the Sunni creed than the to the boundaries of the country that Kurdish nationalists seek to establish. Due to population shifts over the years, Kurds have settled in
A Survey of Probabilistic Methods for Dynamical Systems with Uncertain Parameters.
J., "An Approach to the Theoretical Background of Statistical Energy Analysis Applied to Structural Vibration," Journ. Acoust. Soc. Amer., Vol. 69...1973, Sect. 8.3. 80. Lyon, R.H., " Statistical Energy Analysis of Dynamical Systems," M.I.T. Press, 1975. e) Late References added in Proofreading !! 81...Dowell, E.H., and Kubota, Y., "Asymptotic Modal Analysis and ’~ y C-" -165- Statistical Energy Analysis of Dynamical Systems," Journ. Appi. - Mech
The Efficiency of Delone Coverings of the Canonical Tilings T^*(A4) and T^*(D6)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Papadopolos, Zorka; Kasner, Gerald
This chapter is devoted to the coverings of the two quasiperiodic canonical tilings T^*(A4) and T^*(D6) T^*(2F), obtained by projection from the root lattices A4 and D6, respectively. In the first major part of this chapter, in Sect. 5.2, we shall introduce a Delone covering C^sT^*(A4) of the 2-dimensional decagonal tiling T^*(A4). In the second major part of this chapter, Sect. 5.3, we summarize the results related to the Delone covering of the icosahedral tiling T^*(D6), CT^*(D6) and determine the zero-, single-, and double- deckings and the resulting thickness of the covering. In the conclusions section, we give some suggestions as to how the definition of the Delone covering might be changed in order to reach some real (full) covering of the icosahedral tiling T^*(D6). In Section 5.2 the definition of the Delone covering is also changed in order to avoid an unnecessary large thickness of the covering.
An, Kwang-Deuk; Kiyuna, Tomohiko; Kigawa, Rika; Sano, Chie; Miura, Sadatoshi; Sugiyama, Junta
Penicillium appeared as the major dweller in the Takamatsuzuka Tumulus (TT) and Kitora Tumulus (KT) stone chambers, both located in the village of Asuka, Nara Prefecture, in relation to the biodeterioration of the 1,300-year-old mural paintings, plaster walls and ceilings. Of 662 Penicillium isolates from 373 samples of the TT (sampling period, May 2004-2007) and the KT (sampling period, June 2004-Sep 2007), 181 were phenotypically assigned as Penicillium sp. 1 which shared similar phenotypic characteristics of sect. Roqueforti in Penicillium subg. Penicillium. Fifteen representative isolates of Penicillium sp. 1, 13 from TT and 2 from KT, were selected for molecular phylogenetic analysis. The 28S rDNA D1/D2, ITS, beta-tubulin, and lys2 gene sequence-based phylogenies clearly demonstrated that the three known species P. roqueforti, P. carneum and P. paneum in sect. Roqueforti, and all TT and KT isolates grouped together. In addition to this, TT and KT isolates formed a monophyletic group with the ex-holotype strain CBS 101032 of P. paneum Frisvad with very strong bootstrap supports. So far, P. paneum has been isolated only from mouldy rye breads, other foods, and baled grass silage. Therefore, this is the first report of P. paneum isolation from samples relating to the biodeteriorated cultural properties such as mural paintings on plaster walls.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Möhler, Christian; Russ, Tom; Wohlfahrt, Patrick; Elter, Alina; Runz, Armin; Richter, Christian; Greilich, Steffen
An experimental setup for consecutive measurement of ion and x-ray absorption in tissue or other materials is introduced. With this setup using a 3D-printed sample container, the reference stopping-power ratio (SPR) of materials can be measured with an uncertainty of below 0.1%. A total of 65 porcine and bovine tissue samples were prepared for measurement, comprising five samples each of 13 tissue types representing about 80% of the total body mass (three different muscle and fatty tissues, liver, kidney, brain, heart, blood, lung and bone). Using a standard stoichiometric calibration for single-energy CT (SECT) as well as a state-of-the-art dual-energy CT (DECT) approach, SPR was predicted for all tissues and then compared to the measured reference. With the SECT approach, the SPRs of all tissues were predicted with a mean error of (-0.84 ± 0.12)% and a mean absolute error of (1.27 ± 0.12)%. In contrast, the DECT-based SPR predictions were overall consistent with the measured reference with a mean error of (-0.02 ± 0.15)% and a mean absolute error of (0.10 ± 0.15)%. Thus, in this study, the potential of DECT to decrease range uncertainty could be confirmed in biological tissue.
from any angle of approach. An angular impetus is imparted to the particle 25 7. motion via the eight evenly spaced entrance vanes. As the particles...measurement cycle. 2 f.. 27 VA NE S M= VANE ASSEMBLY BASE IN SECT SCREEN TUBE PROTECTIVE CPLUGHOUSING HOUSING-DEFLECTORAEOYMIINT SPACING PHAEO YNAI N...AERODYNAMIC FLOW DEFLECTOR OUTER TUJBE TAPERED p. Figure 3 r Wedding PM 1 0 Inlet [I]J 28 . .I .. II | I I J . 1 _1 ! I 7 I ! . ?. . . - 120 -- WEDDING INLET
USSR Report: Military Affairs, No. 1777, Communist of the Armed Forces
achieve significant successes in the socialist competition, to greet the 60th anni- versary of the founding of the USSR with new achievements in the...of the socialist economy. Rural and urban workers and fight- ingmen of the army and navy greeted the 60th anniversary of the founding of the USSR with...moment mentally to the sect. He recalled a certain incident. One of the visitors to the house of prayer had stuck his hand into the treasury. He soon
East Europe Report: Political, Sociological and Military Affairs, Number 2086
the problems that are at present experienced by Poland. Attempts at interfering in our internal affairs, using pressures and extortion by means of...representatives of the church and religious sects and antisocial groups in the CSSR. All of this urges us on to greater concern about the young...principle of "whoever is not against us is with us ," and also because of the widely held view that this man is thousand times better than any kind of a
Typification of Zapałowicz’s names in Aconitum section Aconitum
Wacławska-Ćwiertnia, Klaudia; Mitka, Józef
Abstract Hugo Zapałowicz described and named 27 taxa in Aconitum sect. Aconitum. Their names are typified here. Two of them (Aconitum berdaui, Aconitum bucovinense) are deemed correct for currently accepted species of the Carpathians, 24 are reduced to synonymy under five taxa, and for one no original material has been located. The correct place and exact date of their publication, which differs from those usually assumed, have been ascertained by bibliographic verification and the study of archival documents. PMID:26884711
A Marriage of Convenience: Arab Capital and Western Expertise, The Recent Growth of Arab Airlines,
to award crig I nec t ’ l u g di ’ g i O O S Soc Sect ion I I 1 1 t w i t I p a r t l v meet t h e nude t l y t u g need I or ma jot mat ~t t...According to one report , f i f teen defe cts , three of wh ich were considered major and dangerous , were found during a technical inquiry ; 1 Soviet
U.S. Air Force Aircraft in Southeast Asia Tested by the Air Force Flight Test Center
rivalries of religious sects and powerful political factions. The United States, France, Great Britian, Thailand, Pakistan, New Zealand , Australia, and...Background A-lb Sky raider 0-1 Bird Dog 0-2 WU-2 U-3 F-U Phantom II and RF-fc F-5 Freedom Fignter A-7 Corsair II C-7 Caribou OV-10 Bronco...Aug 69 A new world speed record for piston engine airplanes was established by civilian pilot Darryl Greenamyer over a three-kilometer course laid
[Influences of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism on Chinese Medical Formulas in Jin-Tang Dynasties].
Wu, Xiao-xiang
In the Jin-Tang Dynasties, when Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism contended, conflicted and well blent, forming a state of mingled thoughts of the three sects. It exerted profound influences on Chinese Medical Formulas and promoted the academic fashion of compiling books about medical formulas characterized by collecting various formulas especially the simple and proved recipes. This plays a role in the formation of the formulas used in the Jin-Tang Dynasties, featuring simplicity, convenience, cheapness, and effectiveness, different from those of other periods.
sibly explain why the absence of dystrophin in Duchenne muscular dystrophic muscle results in TRPC1 channels being abnormally gated open (see Sect...135 7/30/2007 6:35:10 PM 136 O.P. Hamill, R. Maroto TRPC1 in Muscular Dystrophy Both TRPC1 and MscCa are expressed in skeletal muscle and...both have been implicated in the muscular degeneration that occurs in Duchenne muscular dystro- phy (DMD). In particular, muscle fibers from the mdx
FabI, but share low sequence identity and are poorly inhibited by triclosan.25,26 S. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa contain FabK,24 and Vibrio cholerae,27...with 0.2 mM IPTG. The cells were harvested after an overnight induction period at 17 °C. The cells were lysed and sonicated and loaded onto a nickel...of enoyl- (acyl-carrier protein) reductase, FabV, from Vibrio fischeri. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. F: Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 2012, 68, 78−80. (27
into the crew compartment, the steel top of the frame was bolted to the top of the surrogate and the sling was anchored to the bottom steel plate of...subcutaneously from near the right scapula to the skull surface, where the ends of these leads were attached to the screws, the ends of which rested on...dis- sected near the right scapula , and the positive lead for channel 3 was advanced within this pocket under the skin around the left rib cage to a
Pavement Maintenance Management for Roads and Parking Lots.
PAVEMENT INSPECTION SHEET aRANCH SECT ION DA TE SAMPLE UNIT SURVEYED BY SLAB SIZE * 0 0 0 Distress Types !0 2f Blow- Up 3’ Polished Buckling/Shattering...10 21 Blow- up 31 Poisnec Buckling/Shatternrg Aggregate 0 1 22. Corner Break 32 Porouis 23. D’viOea SIcD 33 Ptmo,nq 9 24 Durability . " 34 Pancnout...Load Durability Drainage Other Factors Corner Break Blow- up Corner Break Faulting Divided Slab Ŕ" Cracking Divided Slab Lane/Shoulder Dropoff
Antenna Impedance Measures in a Magnetized Plasma. Part 1. Spherical Antenna
3436 (1964) [2] Crawford FW, J. Appl. Phys 36 (10) 3142, (1965) [3] Dote T , Ichimiya T , Journal of Applied Physics 36 (6): 1866 (1965) [4] Oya H...Obayashi T , Report of Ionosphere and Space Research in Japan 20 (2): 199 (1966) [5] Balmain, K. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation : 402 (1966) [6] Uramoto J Physics Of Fluids 13 (3): 657 (1970) 5 [7] T . H. Y. Yeung and J. Sayers, Proc. Phys. Soc. London, Sect. B 70, 663
Ultra-Dense Quantum Communication Using Integrated Photonic Architecture: Second Quarterly Report
photon ( bpp ), while guaranteeing absolute security at high communication rates of 1 Gbps or more. The following sections detail the progress for 400-ps period in QKD protocol. In Year 3, we target 0.1-0.2 dB/cm to achieve 5 ns delay and 8 bpp . Total loss in the Franson interferometer is...and spatial degrees of freedom. This component is described in more detail in Sect. III A. 5. Multiplexing is used to scale up data rate beyond 10 bpp
Parametric Blade Study Test Report Rotor Configuration. Number 4
Figure 2. The rotor shaft is mounted on an oil-damped roller bearing at the forward location and a ball bearing at the aft location; radial runout does...thermodynamic properties. 22 d. Corrections were made to measured compressor temperatures and pressures, facility flowrate, and rotor wheel speed to...1152 .Z660 .1024 STRM- BLADE BLADE WHEEL LINE SECT. LEAN SPEED NUMBER ANGLE ANGLE 1 -55.15 7.32 1497.9 2 -53.85 8.09 1434.7 3 -52.96 7.11 1372.1 4
Parametric Blade Study Test Report Rotor Configuration. Number 1
location and a ball bearing at the aft location; radial runout does not exceed 0.001 inch. Forward and aft buffer controlled gap carbon seals were used...made to measured compressor temperatures and pressures, facility flowrate, and rotor wheel speed to correspond to standard inlet conditions of...0662 .1034 STRM- BLADE BLADE WHEEL LINE SECT. LEAN SPEED NUMBER ANGLE ANGLE I -53.96 7.35 1497.5 2 -52.68 8.11 1434.6 3 -51.88 7.15 1372.5 4 -50.49
Four new morel (Morchella) species in the Elata Subclade (sect. Distantes) from Turkey
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
Four Turkish Morchella species identified in published multilocus molecular phylogenetic analyses are described here as new, using detailed macro- and microscopic data: M. mediterraneensis (Mel-27), M. fekeensis (Mel-28), M. magnispora (Mel-29), and M. conifericola (Mel-32). A distribution map of m...
Marked hybridization and introgression in Ophrys sect. Pseudophrys in the western Iberian Peninsula.
Cotrim, Helena; Monteiro, Filipa; Sousa, Eva; Pinto, Manuel J; Fay, Michael F
Orchids in the genus Ophrys represent extraordinary cases of tight coevolution between plants and their pollinators, and as a result, they present opportunities for studying hybridization, or a lack thereof, during speciation. However, few studies assess the real effect of hybridization in diversification. The three most representative species of section Pseudophrys in the western Iberian Peninsula-O. dyris, O. fusca, and O. lutea-were chosen to study evolutionary relationships and examine speciation. Using eight specific nuclear microsatellite loci, 357 individuals from 28 locations were studied; 142 of these samples were also studied with four plastid microsatellite loci. Data were analyzed using Bayesian cluster analysis, a median-joint network, and multivariate analysis. Many O. dyris and O. fusca specimens had three or four alleles and were therefore treated as tetraploid. Ophrys dyris is poorly genetically separated from O. fusca, and pure populations are rare. Ophrys fusca and O. lutea are distinct, but hybrids/introgressed individuals were detected in most of the populations and supported by plastid haplotypes. Ophrys fusca is subdivided into three well-delimited genetic lineages with a strict geographic correspondence confirmed by plastid haplotypes. Because postzygotic barriers are weak, leakage in this highly specialized orchid-pollinator system contributes to hybridization and introgression. These leakages may have occurred during periods of past climate change, promoting homogenization and the potential for generations of new biodiversity via production of novel genotypes/phenotypes interacting with pollinators. © 2016 Botanical Society of America.
Lóriga, Josmaily; Schmidt, Alexander R; Moran, Robbin C; Feldberg, Kathrin; Schneider, Harald; Heinrichs, Jochen
• Closing gaps in the fossil record and elucidating phylogenetic relationships of mostly incomplete fossils are major challenges in the reconstruction of the diversification of fern lineages through time. The cosmopolitan family Dryopteridaceae represents one of the most species-rich families of leptosporangiate ferns, yet its fossil record is sparse and poorly understood. Here, we describe a fern inclusion in Miocene Dominican amber and investigate its relationships to extant Dryopteridaceae.• The morphology of the fossil was compared with descriptions of extant ferns, resulting in it being tentatively assigned to the bolbitidoid fern genus Elaphoglossum. This assignment was confirmed by reconstructing the evolution of the morphological characters preserved in the inclusion on a molecular phylogeny of 158 extant bolbitidoid ferns. To assess the morphology-based assignment of the fossil to Elaphoglossum, we examined DNA-calibrated divergence time estimates against the age of the amber deposits from which it came.• The fossil belongs to Elaphoglossum and is the first of a bolbitidoid fern. Its assignment to a particular section of Elaphoglossum could not be determined; however, sects. Lepidoglossa, Polytrichia, and Setosa can be discounted because the fossil lacks subulate scales or scales with acicular marginal hairs. Thus, the fossil might belong to either sects. Amygdalifolia, Wrightiana, Elaphoglossum, or Squamipedia or to an extinct lineage.• The discovery of a Miocene Elaphoglossum fossil provides remarkable support to current molecular clock-based estimates of the diversification of these ferns. © 2014 Botanical Society of America, Inc.
Tonial, Fabiana; Maia, Beatriz H L N S; Gomes-Figueiredo, Josiane A; Sobottka, Andrea M; Bertol, Charise D; Nepel, Angelita; Savi, Daiani C; Vicente, Vânia A; Gomes, Renata R; Glienke, Chirlei
In this study, we analyzed the antimicrobial activity of extracts harvested from 17 endophytic fungi isolated from the medicinal plant Schinus terebinthifolius. Morphological and molecular analyses indicated that these fungal species belonged to the genera Alternaria, Bjerkandera, Colletotrichum, Diaporthe, Penicillium, and Xylaria. Of the endophytes analyzed, 64.7 % produced antimicrobial compounds under at least one of the fermentation conditions tested. Nine isolates produced compounds that inhibited growth of Staphylococcus aureus, four produced compounds that inhibited Candida albicans, and two that inhibited Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The fermentation conditions of the following endophytes were optimized: Alternaria sp. Sect. Alternata-LGMF626, Xylaria sp.-LGMF673, and Bjerkandera sp.-LGMF713. Specifically, the carbon and nitrogen sources, initial pH, temperature, and length of incubation were varied. In general, production of antimicrobial compounds was greatest when galactose was used as a carbon source, and acidification of the growth medium enhanced the production of compounds that inhibited C. albicans. Upon large-scale fermentation, Alternaria sp. Sect. Alternata-LGMF626 produced an extract containing two fractions that were active against methicillin-resistant S. aureus. One of the extracts exhibited high activity (minimum inhibitory concentration of 18.52 µg/mL), and the other exhibited moderate activity (minimum inhibitory concentration of 55.55 µg/mL). The compounds E-2-hexyl-cinnamaldehyde and two compounds of the pyrrolopyrazine alkaloids class were identified in the active fractions by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Altered Redox Balance in the Development of Chronic Hypoxia-induced Pulmonary Hypertension.
Jernigan, Nikki L; Resta, Thomas C; Gonzalez Bosc, Laura V
Normally, the pulmonary circulation is maintained in a low-pressure, low-resistance state with little resting tone. Pulmonary arteries are thin-walled and rely heavily on pulmonary arterial distension and recruitment for reducing pulmonary vascular resistance when cardiac output is elevated. Under pathophysiological conditions, however, active vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling lead to enhanced pulmonary vascular resistance and subsequent pulmonary hypertension (PH). Chronic hypoxia is a critical pathological factor associated with the development of PH resulting from airway obstruction (COPD, sleep apnea), diffusion impairment (interstitial lung disease), developmental lung abnormalities, or high altitude exposure (World Health Organization [WHO]; Group III). The rise in pulmonary vascular resistance increases right heart afterload causing right ventricular hypertrophy that can ultimately lead to right heart failure in patients with chronic lung disease. PH is typically characterized by diminished paracrine release of vasodilators, antimitogenic factors, and antithrombotic factors (e.g., nitric oxide and protacyclin) and enhanced production of vasoconstrictors and mitogenic factors (e.g., reactive oxygen species and endothelin-1) from the endothelium and lung parenchyma. In addition, phenotypic changes to pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMC), including alterations in Ca 2+ homeostasis, Ca 2+ sensitivity, and activation of transcription factors are thought to play prominent roles in the development of both vasoconstrictor and arterial remodeling components of hypoxia-associated PH. These changes in PASMC function are briefly reviewed in Sect. 1 and the influence of altered reactive oxygen species homeostasis on PASMC function discussed in Sects. 2-4.
Nozaki, Hisayoshi; Mahakham, Wuttipong; Athibai, Sujeephon; Yamamoto, Kayoko; Takusagawa, Mari; Misumi, Osami; Herron, Matthew D; Rosenzweig, Frank; Kawachi, Masanobu
Pleodorina sphaerica Iyengar was considered to be a phylogenetic link between Volvox and the type species Pleodorina californica Shaw because it has small somatic cells distributed from the anterior to posterior poles in 64- or 128-celled vegetative colonies. However, cultural studies and molecular and ultrastructural data are lacking in P. sphaerica , and this species has not been recorded since 1951. Here, we performed light and electron microscopy and molecular phylogeny of P. sphaerica based on newly established culture strains originating from Thailand. Morphological features of the present Thai species agreed well with those of the previous studies of the Indian material of P. sphaerica and with those of the current concept of the advanced members of the Volvocaceae. The present P. sphaerica strains exhibited homothallic sexuality; male and facultative female colonies developed within a single clonal culture. Chloroplast multigene phylogeny demonstrated that P. sphaerica was sister to two other species of Pleodorina ( P. californica and Pleodorina japonica Nozaki) without posterior somatic cells, and these three species of Pleodorina formed a robust clade, which was positioned distally in the large monophyletic group including nine taxa of Volvox sect. Merrillosphaera and Volvox (sect. Janetosphaera ) aureus Ehrenberg. Based on the present phylogenetic results, evolutionary losses of posterior somatic cells might have occurred in the ancestor of P. californica and P. japonica . Thus, P. sphaerica might represent an ancestral morphology of Pleodorina , rather than of Volvox .
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Nearby B-type stars abundances (Morel+, 2008)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Morel, T.; Butler, K.
This Table gives the adopted loggf values, EW measurements (in mA) and line-by-line abundances (on the scale in which log[epsilon(H)]=12). A blank indicates that the EW was not reliably measurable, the line was considered blended for the relevant temperature range or yielded a discrepant abundance. The accuracy of the EW measurements is discussed in Sect.3 of the paper. The wing of HeI 4387.9 was taken as pseudo continuum in the case of NeII 4391.99. (2 data files).
On 24 June 1974 Packer applied to the St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) for a DOA permit under Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of...exercised jurisdiction under Section 404 of P.L. 92-500 to the ordinary high water mark of the • Mississippi River, Thu’, even though the proposed project...Corps of Engineers was to expand their regulatory IT ril ct ion under Sect ion 404 of P.l.. 92-500 ,nd to promulgate new r- ’~giiI.,t .; ill conjunct
On exponential stability of linear Levin-Nohel integro-differential equations
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tien Dung, Nguyen
The aim of this paper is to investigate the exponential stability for linear Levin-Nohel integro-differential equations with time-varying delays. To the best of our knowledge, the exponential stability for such equations has not yet been discussed. In addition, since we do not require that the kernel and delay are continuous, our results improve those obtained in Becker and Burton [Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh, Sect. A: Math. 136, 245-275 (2006)]; Dung [J. Math. Phys. 54, 082705 (2013)]; and Jin and Luo [Comput. Math. Appl. 57(7), 1080-1088 (2009)].
facilitant la transition entre les plans d’ing~nierie 6lectronique et la matrice pertinente d’interconnexions requise pour le montage par c~blage enroul6 Wire...Wrap. Le d~veloppement de prototypes 6lectroniques s’est vu consid6rablement acc6l6r6 par la preparation plus rapide des donn~es d’, all located in *APL files (Sect. 7.0). A matrix called BANQUE is also formed by the program L to regroup those chip descriptions of the main
Nute, Jessica L; Jacobsen, Megan C; Chandler, Adam; Cody, Dianna D; Schellingerhout, Dawid
The aim of this study was to develop a diagnostic framework for distinguishing calcific from hemorrhagic cerebral lesions using dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) in an anthropomorphic phantom system. An anthropomorphic phantom was designed to mimic the CT imaging characteristics of the human head. Cylindrical lesion models containing either calcium or iron, mimicking calcification or hemorrhage, respectively, were developed to exhibit matching, and therefore indistinguishable, single-energy CT (SECT) attenuation values from 40 to 100 HU. These lesion models were fabricated at 0.5, 1, and 1.5 cm in diameter and positioned in simulated cerebrum and skull base locations within the anthropomorphic phantom. All lesion sizes were modeled in the cerebrum, while only 1.5-cm lesions were modeled in the skull base. Images were acquired using a GE 750HD CT scanner and an expansive dual-energy protocol that covered variations in dose (36.7-132.6 mGy CTDIvol, n = 12), image thickness (0.625-5 mm, n = 4), and reconstruction filter (soft, standard, detail, n = 3) for a total of 144 unique technique combinations. Images representing each technique combination were reconstructed into water and calcium material density images, as well as a monoenergetic image chosen to mimic the attenuation of a 120-kVp SECT scan. A true single-energy routine brain protocol was also included for verification of lesion SECT attenuation. Points representing the 3 dual-energy reconstructions were plotted into a 3-dimensional space (water [milligram/milliliter], calcium [milligram/milliliter], monoenergetic Hounsfield unit as x, y, and z axes, respectively), and the distribution of points analyzed using 2 approaches: support vector machines and a simple geometric bisector (GB). Each analysis yielded a plane of optimal differentiation between the calcification and hemorrhage lesion model distributions. By comparing the predicted lesion composition to the known lesion composition, we identified the
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – At Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Fla., NASA astronaut Mike Fincke introduces toy space ranger Buzz Lightyear to students and teachers attending an education presentation, as Veronica Franco of NASA's Education Office at Kennedy Space Center looks on. The event is part of the festivities to welcome Lightyear home from space. Fincke was commander of the International Space Station from October 2008 to April 2009. The 12-inch-tall action figure spent more than 15 months aboard the International Space Station and returned to Earth aboard space shuttle Discovery on Sept. 11 with the STS-128 crew. Lightyear's space adventure, a collaboration between NASA and Disney Parks, is intended to share the excitement of space exploration with students around the world and encourage them to pursue studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. For additional information, visit Photo credit: NASA/Dimitri Gerondidakis
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – At Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Fla., NASA astronaut Mike Fincke observes as Veronica Franco of NASA's Education Office at Kennedy Space Center explains the intricacies of a space suit to students and teachers attending an educational presentation, part of the festivities to welcome toy space ranger Buzz Lightyear home from space. Fincke was commander of the International Space Station from October 2008 to April 2009. The 12-inch-tall action figure spent more than 15 months aboard the International Space Station and returned to Earth aboard space shuttle Discovery on Sept. 11 with the STS-128 crew. Lightyear's space adventure, a collaboration between NASA and Disney Parks, is intended to share the excitement of space exploration with students around the world and encourage them to pursue studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. For additional information, visit Photo credit: NASA/Dimitri Gerondidakis
Prefazione al terzo volume di GERBERTVS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sigismondi, Costantino
The symposium dedicated to Gerbert on 12.52012 was held at the Vallicelliana Library, in the Borromini hall. The title was Gerberto and Borromini, in order to evidence the link between Gerbert (938 ca. - 1003) and the Ticinese architect who saved his tumb, during the restauration of the Cathedral of Rome St. John in Laterano in 1648. It is possibile that from his residence in the Lateran Gerbert could observe the stars with his tubes, which are presented by C. Sigismondi in this volume. During his trips to Italy, alone and following the archbishop Adalbero of Reims Gerbert could have passed in the Chiusa Valley and influence with his astronomical knowledges the builders of the Sacra of S. Michele, this is the subject of Laura C. Paladino study. Abbo of Fleury is contemporary to Gerbert and he had the same vast interests. He studied in England and they are presented together in the paper of Paolo Rossi. Veronica Regoli shows the link between Gerbert, Dante and Jerusalem.
Kuhls, K; Lieckfeldt, E; Samuels, G J; Kovacs, W; Meyer, W; Petrini, O; Gams, W; Börner, T; Kubicek, C P
The relationship of the important cellulase producing asexual fungus Trichoderma reesei to its putative teleomorphic (sexual) ancestor Hypocrea jecorina and other species of the Trichoderma sect. Longibrachiatum was studied by PCR-fingerprinting and sequence analyses of the nuclear ribosomal DNA region containing the internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) and the 5.8S rRNA gene. The differences in the corresponding ITS sequences allowed a grouping of anamorphic (asexual) species of Trichoderma sect. Longibrachiatum into Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Trichoderma pseudokoningii, and Trichoderma reesei. The sexual species Hypocrea schweinitzii and H. jecorina were also clearly separated from each other. H. jecorina and T. reesei exhibited identical sequences, suggesting close relatedness or even species identity. Intraspecific and interspecific variation in the PCR-fingerprinting patterns supported the differentiation of species based on ITS sequences, the grouping of the strains, and the assignment of these strains to individual species. The variations between T. reesei and H. jecorina were at the same order of magnitude as found between all strains of H. jecorina, but much lower than the observed interspecific variations. Identical ITS sequences and the high similarity of PCR-fingerprinting patterns indicate a very close relationship between T. reesei and H. jecorina, whereas differences of the ITS sequences and the PCR-fingerprinting patterns show a clear phylogenetic distance between T. reesei/H. jecorina and T. longibrachiatum. T. reesei is considered to be an asexual, clonal line derived from a population of the tropical ascomycete H. jecorina. Images Fig. 2 PMID:8755548
Yeats, Trevor H.; Buda, Gregory J.; Wang, Zhonghua; Chehanovsky, Noam; Moyle, Leonie C.; Jetter, Reinhard; Schaffer, Arthur A.; Rose, Jocelyn K.C.
Summary The cuticle covers the aerial epidermis of land plants and plays a primary role in water regulation and protection from external stresses. Remarkable species diversity in the structure and composition of its components, cutin and wax, have been catalogued, but few functional or genetic correlations have emerged. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is part of a complex of closely related wild species endemic to the northern Andes and the Galapagos Islands (Solanum Sect. Lycopersicon). Although sharing an ancestor less than seven million years ago, these species are found in diverse environments and are subject to unique selective pressures. Furthermore, they are genetically tractable, since they can be crossed with S. lycopersicum, which has a sequenced genome. With the aim of evaluating the relationships between evolution, structure and function of the cuticle, we characterized the morphological and chemical diversity of fruit cuticles of seven species from Solanum Sect. Lycopersicon. Striking differences in cuticular architecture and quantities of cutin and waxes were observed, with wild species wax coverage exceeding that of S. lycopersicum by up to seven fold. Wax composition varied in the occurrence of wax esters and triterpenoid isomers. Using a S. habrochaites introgression line population, we mapped triterpenoid differences to a genomic region that includes two S. lycopersicum triterpene synthases. Based on known metabolic pathways for acyl wax compounds, hypotheses are discussed to explain the appearance of wax esters with atypical chain lengths. These results establish a model system for understanding the ecological and evolutionary functional genomics of plant cuticles. PMID:22007785
Synthesis of Novel Basic Skeletons Derived from Naltrexone
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nagase, Hiroshi; Fujii, Hideaki
We will describe eight interesting reactions using naltrexone derivatives. Almost all these reactions are characteristic of naltrexone derivatives, and can lead to the synthesis of many novel skeletons that provide new interesting pharmacological data. Some of the new reactions that were found with naltrexone derivatives were expanded into general reactions. For example, the reaction of 6α-hydroxyaldehyde derived from naltrexone led to the oxazoline dimer and the 1,3,5-trioxazatriquinane skeleton (triplet drug); this reaction was applied to general ketones which were converted to α-hydroxyaldehydes, followed by conversion to dimers and trimers, as described in Sect. 7.
Internal Medicine in World War 2. Volume 1. Activities of Medical Consultants
8217 Administration, Washington, D.C. (on leave of absence from University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison , Wis.). Formerly Colonel, MC, AUS. HUGmH J MORGAN...4i 0) 400: .W 42 uW C- 1 .., imEI)rEIIIANEAN THEATER IS7 lKwoile clear t hat tilie M\\ edical Sect ion, AFI’IQ. b~ecauise or its p)osit ion lit tlie( th... UW AIIzIt C. i’’vh jiary ill :i rmiti), I Wiw),). New NYoTk: The NInacM~illan Co.. 194. p. ~ 5 EUROPEAN THEATER OF OP1ERATIONS, 36:3 linust ion
The TENCompetence Infrastructure: A Learning Network Implementation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Vogten, Hubert; Martens, Harrie; Lemmers, Ruud
The TENCompetence project developed a first release of a Learning Network infrastructure to support individuals, groups and organisations in professional competence development. This infrastructure Learning Network infrastructure was released as open source to the community thereby allowing users and organisations to use and contribute to this development as they see fit. The infrastructure consists of client applications providing the user experience and server components that provide the services to these clients. These services implement the domain model (Koper 2006) by provisioning the entities of the domain model (see also Sect. 18.4) and henceforth will be referenced as domain entity services.
Self-Inflicted Wounds: Debates and Divisions within al-Qa’ida and its Periphery
Genetics : The Afghan Origins Al‐Qa’ida’s current efforts to unify disparate Islamist groups and struggles into a global conflict against the so‐called...upon. The site has a special page dedicated to the Shi’a under the rubric of “sects and schools,” a section that is modeled on
Vander Kloet, S P; Dickinson, T A
The taxonomic integrity of Vaccinium section Bracteata sensu Sleumer was assessed using a variety of numerical measures on a data matrix created from 46 OTUs scored for 65 descriptors. These analyses supported a much restricted ambit for section Bracteata and the concomitant resurrection of section Nesococcus and section Euepigynium, a more cosmopolitan interpretation for section Eococcus and section Pyxothamnus as well as a new taxon, Vaccinium section Baccula-nigra Kloet, sect. nov. to accommodate V. fragile Franch. and its conspecifics. A key to all the sections as well as a brief description for each section is also provided.
New stability conditions for mixed linear Levin-Nohel integro-differential equations
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dung, Nguyen Tien
For the mixed Levin-Nohel integro-differential equation, we obtain new necessary and sufficient conditions of asymptotic stability. These results improve those obtained by Becker and Burton ["Stability, fixed points and inverse of delays," Proc. - R. Soc. Edinburgh, Sect. A 136, 245-275 (2006)], 10.1017/S0308210500004546 and Jin and Luo ["Stability of an integro-differential equation," Comput. Math. Appl. 57(7), 1080-1088 (2009)], 10.1016/j.camwa.2009.01.006 when b(t) = 0 and supplement the 3/2-stability theorem when a(t, s) = 0. In addition, the case of the equations with several delays is discussed as well.
Practical Session: Logistic Regression
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Clausel, M.; Grégoire, G.
An exercise is proposed to illustrate the logistic regression. One investigates the different risk factors in the apparition of coronary heart disease. It has been proposed in Chapter 5 of the book of D.G. Kleinbaum and M. Klein, "Logistic Regression", Statistics for Biology and Health, Springer Science Business Media, LLC (2010) and also by D. Chessel and A.B. Dufour in Lyon 1 (see Sect. 6 of This example is based on data given in the file evans.txt coming from
VizieR Online Data Catalog: SAMI Galaxy Survey: gas streaming (Cecil+, 2016)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Cecil, G.; Fogarty, L. M. R.; Richards, S.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Lange, R.; Moffett, A.; Catinella, B.; Cortese, L.; Ho, I.-T.; Taylor, E. N.; Bryant, J. J.; Allen, J. T.; Sweet, S. M.; Croom, S. M.; Driver, S. P.; Goodwin, M.; Kelvin, L.; Green, A. W.; Konstantopoulos, I. S.; Owers, M. S.; Lawrence, J. S.; Lorente, N. P. F.
From the first ~830 targets observed in the SGS, we selected 344 rotationally supported galaxies having enough gas to map their CSC. We rejected 8 whose inclination angle to us is too small (i<20°) to be established reliably by photometry, and those very strongly barred or in obvious interactions. Finally, we rejected those whose CSC would be smeared excessively by our PSF (Sect. 2.3.1) because of large inclination (i>71°), compact size, or observed in atrocious conditions, leaving 163 SGS GAMA survey sub-sample and 15 "cluster" sub-sample galaxies with discs. (3 data files).
VizieR Online Data Catalog: DIBs in APOGEE telluric standard star spectra (Elyajouri+, 2017)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Elyajouri, M.; Lallement, R.; Monreal-Ibero, A.; Capitanio, L.; Cox, N. L. J.
A subset of ~60 target stars from the APOGEE TSS list described in Sect. 3 has been observed in the visible with NARVAL, the spectropolarimeter of the Bernard Lyot telescope (2m) at Pic du Midi observatory, used in high-resolution spectroscopic mode (R~=80000). For all data the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is between 50 and 100. Two targets were observed twice in order check the estimated uncertainties. An additional subset of five targets was observed with the SOPHIE spectrograph at the 1.93m telescope of the Haute-Provence Observatory at a resolving power R~=39000. (1 data file).
Nigeria and the Boko Haram Sect: Adopting a Better Strategy for Resolving the Crisis
questions will allow for the identification of a solution-based framework that requires a well formulated plan, is effectively communicated , and effectively...Muslim community in the long run.59 The declaration of Muslims as takfirs is frequently a stepping-stone to violence. Many Boko Haram adherents and... communities . However, many of the foot soldiers have now joined the leadership which has since re-prioritized their interests (that is, experienced a
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kebukawa, Y.; Ito, M.; Zolensky, M. E.; Rahman, Z.; Kilcoyne, A. L. D.; Nakato, A.; Takeichi, Y.; Suga, H.; Miyamoto, C.; Mase, K.;
Xenolithic clasts are often found in a wide variety of meteorite groups. Some ordinary chondrite clasts are interesting since these clasts might have originated from Ceres which shares crossing orbits with a possible ordinary chondrite parent body, Hebe. The Zag meteorite contains a dark clast dominated by saponite, serpentine, carbonates, sulfides, magnetite, minor olivine and pyroxene, which is consistent with formation on a large, carbonaceous, aqueously active body, e.g., Ceres. Abundant large C-rich grains up to 20 microns were found in the Zag clast as well. Such large C-rich grains are unique among any other meteorites in our knowledge, and will provide important clues to decipher the origin of the clast and accretion history. C-rich grains were selected in the Zag dark clast using SEM and approximately 100 nm-thick sections were prepared using a focused ion beam (FIB) at NASA-JSC. The sections were analyzed using the scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM) on beamline at Advanced Light Source, LBNL, and BL-13A at the Photon Factory, KEK. Subsequently, the FIB section was analyzed for H, C and N isotopic compositions using a CAMECA NanoSIMS 50L ion microprobe at Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMSTEC
Notes on "Quantum Gravity" and Noncommutative Geometry
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gracia-Bondía, J. M.
I hesitated for a long time before giving shape to these notes, originally intended for preliminary reading by the attendees to the Summer School "New paths towards quantum gravity" (Holbaek Bay, Denmark, May 2008). At the end, I decide against just selling my mathematical wares, and for a survey, necessarily very selective, but taking a global phenomenological approach to its subject matter. After all, noncommutative geometry does not purport yet to solve the riddle of quantum gravity; it is more of an insurance policy against the probable failure of the other approaches. The plan is as follows: the introduction invites students to the fruitful doubts and conundrums besetting the application of even classical gravity. Next, the first experiments detecting quantum gravitational states inoculate us a healthy dose of scepticism on some of the current ideologies. In Sect. 1.3 we look at the action for general relativity as a consequence of gauge theory for quantum tensor fields. Section 1.4 briefly deals with the unimodular variants. Section 1.5 arrives at noncommutative geometry. I am convinced that, if this is to play a role in quantum gravity, commutative and noncommutative manifolds must be treated on the same footing, which justifies the place granted to the reconstruction theorem. Together with Sect. 1.3, this part constitutes the main body of the notes. Only very summarily at the end of this section do we point to some approaches to gravity within the noncommutative realm. The last section delivers a last dose of scepticism. My efforts will have been rewarded if someone from the young generation learns to mistrust current mindsets.
Ethical issues in human reproduction: Islamic perspectives.
Serour, G I
Sexual and reproductive rights of women are essential components of human rights. They should never be transferred, renounced or denied for any reason based on race, religion, origin, political opinion or economic conditions. Women have the right to the highest attainable standard of health care for all aspects of their reproductive and sexual health (RSH). The principle of autonomy emphasizes the important role of women in the decision-making. Choices of women in reproduction, after providing evidence based information, should be respected. Risks, benefits and alternatives should be clearly explained before they make their free informed consent. Justice requires that all be treated with equal standard and have equal access to their health needs without discrimination or coercion. When resources are limited there is tension between the principle of justice and utility. Islamic perspectives of bioethics are influenced by primary Sharia namely the Holy Quran, authenticated traditions and saying of the Profit Mohamed (PBUH), Igmaa and Kias (analogy). All the contemporary ethical principles are emphasized in Islamic Shariaa, thus these principles should be observed when providing reproductive and sexual health services for Muslim families or communities. The Family is the basic unit in Islam. Safe motherhood, family planning, and quality reproductive and sexual health information and services and assisted reproductive technology are all encouraged within the frame of marriage. While the Shiaa sect permits egg donation, and surrogacy the Sunni sect forbids a third party contribution to reproduction. Harmful practices in RSH as FGM, child marriage and adolescent pregnancy are prohibited in Islam. Conscientious objection to treatment should not refrain the physician from appropriate referral.
[Analysis of varieties and standards of Scrophulariaceae plants used in Tibetan medicine].
Cao, Lan; Mu, Ze-jing; Zhong, Wei-hong; Zhong, Wei-jin; He, Jun-wei; Du, Xiao-lang; Zhong, Guo-yue
In this paper, the popular domestic varieties and quality standard of Scrophulariaceae plants used in Tibetan medicine were analyzed. The results showed that there were 11 genera and 99 species (including varieties), as well as 28 medicinal materials varieties of Scrophulariaceae plants were recorded in the relevant literatures. In relevant Tibetan standards arid literatures, there are great differences in varieties, sources, parts, and efficacies of medicinal plant. Among them, about 41.4% (including 41 species) of endemic plants, about 15.2% (including 15 species) of the original plants have medicinal standard legal records, except the medicinal materials of Scrophalaria ningpoensis, Lagotis brevituba, Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora, Veronica eriogyne general, most varieties have not completed quality standard. Consequently it is necessary to reinforce the herbal textual, resources and the use present situation investigation, the effects of the species resources material foundation and biological activity, quality standard, specification the medical terms of the plants, and promote Tibetan medicinal vareties-terminologies-sources such as the criterion and quality standard system for enriching the varieties of Tibetan medicinal materials and Chinese medicinal resources.
Performance Evaluation of Integrated Constructed Wetland for Domestic Wastewater Treatment.
Sehar, Shama; Naz, Iffat; Khan, Sumera; Naeem, Sana; Perveen, Irum; Ali, Naeem; Ahmed, Safia
Simple, budget friendly, laboratory-scale integrated constructed wetland (ICW) was designed to assess domestic wastewater treatment performance at a loading rate of 75 mm/d, planted with native plant species: Veronica-angallis aquatica and compared with non-vegetative control system at various residence times of 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 days. Results revealed that the vegetated ICW demonstrated superior performance over non-vegetated control: 69.12 vs 17.12%, 67.77 vs 16.04%, 68 vs 16.48%, 71.19 vs 6.56%, 71.54 vs 14.80%, and 72.04 vs 11.41% for total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, phosphates (PO4(-)), sulfate (SO4(-)), nitrate (NO3(-)), and nitrite (NO2(-)), respectively, at 20 days residence times. Reduction in bacterial counts (2.79 × 10(4) CFU/mL) and fecal pathogens (345.5 MPN index/100 mL) was observed in V. aquatica at 20 days residence time. Therefore, the present study highlights not only the presence of vegetation but also appropriate residence time in constructed wetlands for better performances.
Aquatic biology in Nederlo Creek, southwestern Wisconsin
Kammerer, Phil A.; Lidwin, R.A.; Mason, J.W.; Narf, R.P.
The aquatic community is diverse and reasonably stable with little indication of environmental disturbance. Aquatic macrophyte population (dominated by Ranunculus aquatilis L., Veronica catenata Penn., and Nasturtium offlcinale) varies little from spring to fall. Periphytic and planktonic algae are predominantly diatoms, with the genus Achnanthes dominating both communities. Most genera of planktonic algae originate in the periphyton, but some true planktonic algae were identified. The benthic invertebrate population is dominated by Trichoptera and is a major food source for trout and forage fish. Biotic index values calculated from benthic invertebrate data indicate that water quality is very good to excellent. The trout population is low and represents only a small part of the total fish population both in biomass and numbers. Brown trout are usually stocked annually in the spring to enhance sport fishing, but by fall most trout are wild. The major environmental factors limiting trout population seem to be insufficient cover, insufficient pool depth and volume, and small spawning areas. The wild trout population is highly dependent on spawning success the previous fall.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Barred & unbarred galaxies N, O abundance ratio (Florido+, 2015)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Florido, E.; Zurita, A.; Perez, I.; Perez-Montero, E.; Coelho, P. R. T.; Gadotti, D. A.
The tables contain nebular emission line fluxes for the central region of 251 barred and 324 unbarred galaxies. The sample contains all spiral face-on galaxies (axial ratio b/a>=0.9) in the SDSS DR-2, with stellar masses larger than 1010 the solar mass, redshift 0.02
Practical Session: Multiple Linear Regression
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Clausel, M.; Grégoire, G.
Three exercises are proposed to illustrate the simple linear regression. In the first one investigates the influence of several factors on atmospheric pollution. It has been proposed by D. Chessel and A.B. Dufour in Lyon 1 (see Sect. 6 of and is based on data coming from 20 cities of U.S. Exercise 2 is an introduction to model selection whereas Exercise 3 provides a first example of analysis of variance. Exercises 2 and 3 have been proposed by A. Dalalyan at ENPC (see Exercises 2 and 3 of
will be required to de - liver the 651 gpm (41 l/s) needed for peak water use at the LSC. The existing Air Force test well at 3S-64E-12ca has been pumped...Valley is probably over 10,000 feet (3048 m) thick in the central part of the valley and is composed of alluvial fan, fluvial, playa , srl lacustrine...VALLEY T3.NSmIP STATION T EP SP. or SS. SILICA C AL C IU4 ACG. E5SILJ4 SCDIU I QANSA-SECT 5 6 C1 Ŕ VQ %;,. DES C CONE PH SOLIDS (5102) CA V$ A% 1 IN/6
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Panontin, Tina L.; Sheppard, Sheri D.
The use of small laboratory specimens to predict the integrity of large, complex structures relies on the validity of single parameter fracture mechanics. Unfortunately, the constraint loss associated with large scale yielding, whether in a laboratory specimen because of its small size or in a structure because it contains shallow flaws loaded in tension, can cause the breakdown of classical fracture mechanics and the loss of transferability of critical, global fracture parameters. Although the issue of constraint loss can be eliminated by testing actual structural configurations, such an approach can be prohibitively costly. Hence, a methodology that can correct global fracture parameters for constraint effects is desirable. This research uses micromechanical analyses to define the relationship between global, ductile fracture initiation parameters and constraint in two specimen geometries (SECT and SECB with varying a/w ratios) and one structural geometry (circumferentially cracked pipe). Two local fracture criteria corresponding to ductile fracture micromechanisms are evaluated: a constraint-modified, critical strain criterion for void coalescence proposed by Hancock and Cowling and a critical void ratio criterion for void growth based on the Rice and Tracey model. Crack initiation is assumed to occur when the critical value in each case is reached over some critical length. The primary material of interest is A516-70, a high-hardening pressure vessel steel sensitive to constraint; however, a low-hardening structural steel that is less sensitive to constraint is also being studied. Critical values of local fracture parameters are obtained by numerical analysis and experimental testing of circumferentially notched tensile specimens of varying constraint (e.g., notch radius). These parameters are then used in conjunction with large strain, large deformation, two- and three-dimensional finite element analyses of the geometries listed above to predict crack
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Magnan, Gabriel; van Bellen, Simon; Davies, Lauren; Froese, Duane; Garneau, Michelle; Mullan-Boudreau, Gillian; Zaccone, Claudio; Shotyk, William
Northern boreal peatlands are major terrestrial sinks of organic carbon and these ecosystems, which are highly sensitive to human activities and climate change, act as sensitive archives of past environmental change at various timescales. This study aims at understanding how the climate changes of the last 1000 years have affected peatland vegetation dynamics in the boreal region of Alberta in western Canada. Peat cores were collected from five bogs in the Fort McMurray region (56-57° N), at the southern limit of sporadic permafrost, and two in central Alberta (53° N and 55° N) outside the present-day limit of permafrost peatlands. The past changes in vegetation communities were reconstructed using detailed plant macrofossil analyses combined with high-resolution peat chronologies (14C, atmospheric bomb-pulse 14C, 210Pb and cryptotephras). Peat humification proxies (C/N, H/C, bulk density) and records of pH and ash content were also used to improve the interpretation of climate-related vegetation changes. Our study shows important changes in peatland vegetation and physical and chemical peat properties during the Little Ice Age (LIA) cooling period mainly from around 1700 CE and the subsequent climate warming of the 20th century. In some bogs, the plant macrofossils have recorded periods of permafrost aggradation during the LIA with drier surface conditions, increased peat humification and high abundance of ericaceous shrubs and black spruce (Picea mariana). The subsequent permafrost thaw was characterized by a short-term shift towards wetter conditions (Sphagnum sect. Cuspidata) and a decline in Picea mariana. Finally, a shift to a dominance of Sphagnum sect. Acutifolia (mainly Sphagnum fuscum) occurred in all the bogs during the second half of the 20th century, indicating the establishment of dry ombrotrophic conditions under the recent warmer and drier climate conditions.
Conidial germination patterns in powdery mildews.
Cook, R T A; Braun, U
Four conidial germination types namely, polygoni (syn. Pseudoidium), cichoracearum (syn. Reticuloidium), pannosa (syn. Fibroidium) and fuliginea (syn. Magnicellulatae) are commonly used as an aid in the identification of the Oidium anamorphs of powdery mildews. However, results of germination tests and a survey of the literature showed that these types did not adequately distinguish all taxa and did not reflect the range of species covered. Hence two new main types, Striatoidium and Blumeria, are proposed for the newly created genus Neoerysiphe and for the unique pattern of B. graminis. Two new names, orthotubus and brevitubus subtypes of Fibroidium, are proposed for the pannosa and fuliginea types respectively. Also proposed is a special longitubus pattern for the long, undifferentiated, negatively hydrotropic germ tubes prevalent in Erysiphe trifolii and species in Golovinomyces sect. Depressi. The recognition of the Striatoidium type of N. galeopsidis as distinct from the Pseudoidium type of E. elevata facilitated the detection of a simultaneous infection of Catalpa by these two powdery mildews. A key is provided for the identification of Oidium genera based on germination types. A review of germination patterns in the tribe Phyllactinieae found no consistent differences amongst the genera. Golovinomyces sect. Depressi is re-described to accommodate Golovinomyces spp. often having a longitubus pattern of germination. It includes G. cichoracearum var. latisporus, now considered a separate species based on its germination type, other anamorphic morphology and previous molecular sequence analyses. A new combination, Golovinomyces ambrosiae, is proposed for this species. Other anomalies within G. cichoracearum s. lat. were addressed by proposing another new combination, G. fischeri for the former G. cichoracearum var. fischeri that differs from G. cichoracearum s. str. in having larger chasmothecia and a well distinguished anamorph, and by proposing a new species, G
Peretto, Carlo; Arnaud, Julie; Moggi-Cecchi, Jacopo; Manzi, Giorgio; Nomade, Sébastien; Pereira, Alison; Falguères, Christophe; Bahain, Jean-Jacques; Grimaud-Hervé, Dominique; Berto, Claudio; Sala, Benedetto; Lembo, Giuseppe; Muttillo, Brunella; Gallotti, Rosalia; Thun Hohenstein, Ursula; Vaccaro, Carmela; Coltorti, Mauro; Arzarello, Marta
Isernia La Pineta (south-central Italy, Molise) is one of the most important archaeological localities of the Middle Pleistocene in Western Europe. It is an extensive open-air site with abundant lithic industry and faunal remains distributed across four stratified archaeosurfaces that have been found in two sectors of the excavation (3c, 3a, 3s10 in sect. I; 3a in sect. II). The prehistoric attendance was close to a wet environment, with a series of small waterfalls and lakes associated to calcareous tufa deposits. An isolated human deciduous incisor (labelled IS42) was discovered in 2014 within the archaeological level 3 coll (overlying layer 3a) that, according to new 40Ar/39Ar measurements, is dated to about 583–561 ka, i.e. to the end of marine isotope stage (MIS) 15. Thus, the tooth is currently the oldest human fossil specimen in Italy; it is an important addition to the scanty European fossil record of the Middle Pleistocene, being associated with a lithic assemblage of local raw materials (flint and limestone) characterized by the absence of handaxes and reduction strategies primarily aimed at the production of small/medium-sized flakes. The faunal assemblage is dominated by ungulates often bearing cut marks. Combining chronology with the archaeological evidence, Isernia La Pineta exhibits a delay in the appearance of handaxes with respect to other European Palaeolithic sites of the Middle Pleistocene. Interestingly, this observation matches the persistence of archaic morphological features shown by the human calvarium from the Middle Pleistocene site of Ceprano, not far from Isernia (south-central Italy, Latium). In this perspective, our analysis is aimed to evaluate morphological features occurring in IS42. PMID:26457581
Simo-Droissart, Murielle; Plunkett, Gregory M; Droissart, Vincent; Edwards, Molly B; Farminhão, João N M; Ječmenica, Vladimir; D'haijère, Tania; Lowry, Porter P; Sonké, Bonaventure; Micheneau, Claire; Carlsward, Barbara S; Azandi, Laura; Verlynde, Simon; Hardy, Olivier J; Martos, Florent; Bytebier, Benny; Fischer, Eberhard; Stévart, Tariq
Despite significant progress made in recent years toward developing an infrafamilial classification of Orchidaceae, our understanding of relationships among and within tribal and subtribal groups of epidendroid orchids remains incomplete. To reassess generic delimitation among one group of these epidendroids, the African angraecoids, phylogenetic relationships were inferred from DNA sequence data from three regions, ITS, matK, and the trnL-trnF intergenic spacer, obtained from a broadly representative sample of taxa. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses yielded highly resolved trees that are in clear agreement and show significant support for many key clades within subtribe Angraecinae s.l. Angraecoid orchids comprise two well-supported clades: an African/American group and an Indian Ocean group. Molecular results also support many previously proposed relationships among genera, but also reveal some unexpected relationships. The genera Aerangis, Ancistrorhynchus, Bolusiella, Campylocentrum, Cyrtorchis, Dendrophylax, Eurychone, Microcoelia, Nephrangis, Podangis and Solenangis are all shown to be monophyletic, but Angraecopsis, Diaphananthe and Margelliantha are polyphyletic. Diaphananthe forms three well-supported clades, one of which might represent a new genus, and Rhipidoglossum is paraphyletic with respect to Cribbia and Rhaesteria, and also includes taxa currently assigned to Margelliantha. Tridactyle too is paraphyletic as Eggelingia is embedded within it. The large genus Angraecum is confirmed to be polyphyletic and several groups will have to be recognized as separate genera, including sections Dolabrifolia and Hadrangis. The recently segregated genus Pectinariella (previously recognized as A. sect. Pectinaria) is polyphyletic and its Continental African species will have to be removed. Similarly, some of the species recently transferred to Angraecoides that were previously placed in Angraecum sects. Afrangraecum and Conchoglossum will have to be moved and
Phylogenetic fragrance patterns in Nicotiana sections Alatae and Suaveolentes.
Raguso, Robert A; Schlumpberger, Boris O; Kaczorowski, Rainee L; Holtsford, Timothy P
We analyzed floral volatiles from eight tobacco species (Nicotiana; Solanaceae) including newly discovered Brazilian taxa (Nicotiana mutabilis and "Rastroensis") in section Alatae. Eighty-four compounds were found, including mono- and sesquiterpenoids, nitrogenous compounds, benzenoid and aliphatic alcohols, aldehydes and esters. Floral scent from recent accessions of Nicotiana alata, Nicotiana bonariensis and Nicotiana langsdorffii differed from previously published data, suggesting intraspecific variation in scent composition at the level of biosynthetic class. Newly discovered taxa in Alatae, like their relatives, emit large amounts of 1,8-cineole and smaller amounts of monoterpenes on a nocturnal rhythm, constituting a chemical synapomorphy for this lineage. Fragrance data from three species of Nicotiana sect. Suaveolentes, the sister group of Alatae, (two Australian species: N. cavicola, N. ingulba; one African species: N. africana), were compared to previously reported data from their close relative, N. suaveolens. Like N. suaveolens, N. cavicola and N. ingulba emit fragrances dominated by benzenoids and phenylpropanoids, whereas the flowers of N. africana lacked a distinct floral scent and instead emitted only small amounts of an aliphatic methyl ester from foliage. Interestingly, this ester also is emitted from foliage of N. longiflora and N. plumbaginifolia (both in section Alatae s.l.), which share a common ancestor with N. africana. This result, combined with the synapomorphic pattern of 1,8 cineole emission in Alatae s.s., suggests that phylogenetic signal explains a major component of fragrance composition among tobacco species in sections Alatae and Suaveolentes. At the intraspecific level, interpopulational scent variation is widespread in sect. Alatae, and may reflect edaphic specialization, introgression, local pollinator shifts, genetic drift or artificial selection in cultivation. Further studies with genetically and geographically well
VizieR Online Data Catalog: xi Tau UBV and MOST light curves (Nemravova+, 2016)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nemravova, J. A.; Harmanec, P.; Broz, M.; Vokrouhlicky, D.; Mourard, D.; Hummel, C. A.; Cameron, C.; Matthews, J. M.; Bolton, C. T.; Bozic, H.; Chini, R.; Dembsky, T.; Engle, S.; Farrington, C.; Grunhut, J. H.; Guenther, D. B.; Guinan, E. F.; Korcakova, D.; Koubsky, P.; Kiek, R.; Kuschnig, R.; Mayer, P.; McCook, G. P.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Nardetto, N.; Pra, A.; Ribeiro, J.; Rowe, J.; Rucinski, S.; Skoda, P.; Slechta, M.; Tallon-Bosc, I.; Votruba, V.; Weiss, W. W.; Wolf, M.; Zasche, P.; Zavala, R. T.
We present reduced observations, that were used in study of the quadruple hierarchical binary xi Tauri. The observational material consists of radial-velocity measurements (tabled1.dat), photometric measurements in the MOST filter (tabled2.dat), and Johnson's U (tabled3.dat), B (tabled4.dat), and V (tabled5.dat), and spectro-interferometric measurements represented by squared visibility moduli (tabled6.dat), and closure phases (tabled7.dat). The~description of the reductions is given in Appendices A (the spectroscopy), B (the photometry), and C (the spectro-interferometry). The procedure of radial-velocity measuring is described in Sect. 3.1. Headers of Tables D.1-D.7 published electronically are also given in Appendix D. (7 data files).
Beyond pluralism: psychoanalysis and the workings of mind.
Pine, Fred
Subjects that Freud excluded or incompletely explored have been sites of theoretical expansion in over a century of observation: the role of the other, the self, the preoedipal period, action, the countertransference, limits to neutrality/anonymity/abstinence, the loci of the analytic drama, effects beyond interpretation, agency, and basic needs (versus wishes). These developments have led to conflicting theories and sect-like groupings within the field. Group psychological processes underlying this are discussed; and a broad and inclusive view of psychoanalysis is proposed under the heading of the study of the workings of mind. Additionally, substantial integrative proposals are offered with respect to the central tasks of individual development, theories of mind, the relational turn, and aspects of technique.
Fiscal year 1988 program report: Pennsylvania Center for Water Resources Research
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
McDonnell, A.J.
Three projects and a program of technology transfer were conducted under the Pennsylvania Fiscal Year 1988 State Water Resources Research Grants Program (PL 98-242, Sect. 104). In a completed study focused on the protection of water supplies, mature slow sand filters were found to remove 100 percent of Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts. A site specific study examined the behavior of sedimentary iron and manganese in an acid mine drainage wetland system. A study was initiated to link a comprehensive non-point source model, AGNPS with current GIS technology to enhance the models' utility for evaluating regional water quality problems related tomore » non-point source agricultural pollution.« less
Design and Fabricate a Metallic Hydride Heat Pump with a Cooling Capacity of 9000 BTU/H
al-,’’’n e u’ I -n~ 1’r - t 31 al h,3 ) X harg .jor ~~ A-i 1 3Z art , > E u 1i qt ex !a .er kj 5i~ iu Sect-onal View of Hydri -de *0 3 c -x:"uding the...previus hydrie heat minutes, but can De varied from 30 sec, up to 10 transfer systems. The tubular nature of the de- mmn. _vice enables water that is...8217 iriding Kinetics", The ’an’t licf ecuaion. --an thtrfr be Journal of the Less-Common Metals, -(1983) t0 predict h-.d:rcoe p-ressure and,’or hydri u
Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, Part 15
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Contents include the following: Impact Metamorphism of Subsurface Organic Matter on Mars: A Potential Source for Methane and Surface Alteration. Preliminary Study of Polygonal Impact Craters in Argyre Region, Mars. Geochemistry of the Dark Veinlets in the Granitoids from the Souderfjarden Impact Structure, Finland: Preliminary Results. An Experimental Method to Estimate the Chemical Reaction Rate in Vapor Clouds: An Application to the K/T Impact. Study of the Apollo 16 Landing Site: Re-Visit as a Standard Site for the SELENE Multiband Imager. First X-Ray Observation of Lunar Farside from Hayabusa X-Ray Spectrometer. Lunar X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry from SELENE Lunar Polar Orbiter. Origin and Thermal History of Lithic Materials in the Begaa LL3 Chondrite. Evidence of Normal Faulting and Dike Intrusion at Valles Marineris from Pit Crater Topography. Evidence of Tharsis-Radial Dike Intrusion in Southeast Alba Patera from MOLA-based Topography of Pit Crater Chains. Are They Really Intact? Evaluation of Captured Micrometeoroid Analogs by Aerogel at the Flyby Speed of Stardust. Numerical Simulations of Impactor Penetration into Ice-Over-Water Targets. A Probable Fluid Lava Flow in the Hebes Mensa (Mars) Studied by HRSC Images. New Drill-Core Data from the Lockne Crater, Sweden: The Marine Excavation and Ejection Processes, and Post-Impact Environment. Cross-Sectional Profile of Baltis Vallis Channel on Venus: Reconstruction from Magellan SAR Brightness Data.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Salvador, Bianca; Bersano, José Guilherme F.
Spatial and temporal dynamics of zooplankton assemblages were studied in the Paranaguá Estuarine System (southern Brazil), including data from the summer (rainy) and winter (dry) periods of 2012 and 2013. Zooplankton and environmental data were collected at 37 stations along the estuary and examined by multivariate methods. The results indicated significantly distinct assemblages; differences in abundance were the major source of variability, mainly over the temporal scale. The highest abundances were observed during rainy periods, especially in 2012, when the mean density reached 16378 ind.m-3. Winter assemblages showed lower densities but higher species diversity, due to the more extensive intrusion of coastal waters. Of the 14 taxonomic groups recorded, Copepoda was the most abundant and diverse (92% of total abundance and 22 species identified). The coastal copepods Acartia lilljeborgi (44%) and Oithona hebes (26%) were the most important species in both abundance and frequency, followed by the estuarine Pseudodiaptomus acutus and the neritic Temora turbinata. The results indicated strong influences of environmental parameters on the community structure, especially in response to seasonal variations. The spatial distribution of species was probably determined mainly by their preferences and tolerances for specific salinity conditions. On the other hand, the abundances were strongly related to higher water temperature and precipitation rates, which can drive nutrient inputs and consequently food supply in the system, due to intense continental drainage.
Bass, David; van der Gast, Christopher; Thomson, Serena; Neuhauser, Sigrid; Hilton, Sally; Bending, Gary D.
Microbial communities closely associated with the rhizosphere can have strong positive and negative impacts on plant health and growth. We used a group-specific amplicon approach to investigate local scale drivers in the diversity and distribution of plasmodiophorids in rhizosphere/root and bulk soil samples from oilseed rape (OSR) and wheat agri-systems. Plasmodiophorids are plant- and stramenopile-associated protists including well known plant pathogens as well as symptomless endobiotic species. We detected 28 plasmodiophorid lineages (OTUs), many of them novel, and showed that plasmodiophorid communities were highly dissimilar and significantly divergent between wheat and OSR rhizospheres and between rhizosphere and bulk soil samples. Bulk soil communities were not significantly different between OSR and wheat systems. Wheat and OSR rhizospheres selected for different plasmodiophorid lineages. An OTU corresponding to Spongospora nasturtii was positively selected in the OSR rhizosphere, as were two genetically distinct OTUs. Two novel lineages related to Sorosphaerula veronicae were significantly associated with wheat rhizosphere samples, indicating unknown plant-protist relationships. We show that group-targeted eDNA approaches to microbial symbiont-host ecology reveal significant novel diversity and enable inference of differential activity and potential interactions between sequence types, as well as their presence. PMID:29503632
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Salançon, Evelyne; Degiovanni, Alain; Lapena, Laurent; Morin, Roger
An event-counting method using a two-microchannel plate stack in a low-energy electron point projection microscope is implemented. 15 μm detector spatial resolution, i.e., the distance between first-neighbor microchannels, is demonstrated. This leads to a 7 times better microscope resolution. Compared to previous work with neutrons [Tremsin et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 592, 374 (2008)], the large number of detection events achieved with electrons shows that the local response of the detector is mainly governed by the angle between the hexagonal structures of the two microchannel plates. Using this method in point projection microscopy offers the prospect of working with a greater source-object distance (350 nm instead of 50 nm), advancing toward atomic resolution.
Chowaniec, Czesław; Jałfoński, Christian; Kabiesz-Neniczka, Stanisława; Kobek, Mariusz; Rygol, Krystian
In recent years, an increased activity of various sects, especially Satanist ones, has been observed in Poland. This is associated with an increase in the number of various crimes, including offences against life and health. The ideology of Satanism came to Poland in the early eighties of the last century, along with heavy metal music and its variants. In 1999, two cases of the murders of a 21-year-old woman and a 19-year-old man committed by Satanist cult members during their ritual mass were reported at the Forensic Medicine Department in Katowice. In the report, the authors present some issues associated with Satanism, the circumstances of these two murders and the results of medico-legal examinations of the victims.
Premkumar, Ashish; Salem, Karma; Akhtar, Sarah; Deeb, Mary E; Messersmith, Lisa J
The role of confessionalism in the Lebanese healthcare sector, especially since the resolution of the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990), has yet to discussed at length in reproductive health research. Using biopolitical and structural violence models to describe how community leaders in two low-income neighbourhoods in Beirut describe reproductive healthcare - specifically through judgments of perceived sect size vis-à-vis perceived use of birth control measures - this paper attempts to provide critical analysis of the state of reproductive health in this setting. By using a theoretical model of analysis, which we refer to as the political anatomy of reproduction, we hope to unmask how confessionalism is perpetuated through discussions of reproductive health and how public health and medical communities can challenge this technique of power.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: NIBLES. I. The Nancay HI survey (van Driel+, 2016)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
van Driel, M.; Butcher, Z.; Schneider, S.; Lehnert, M.; Minchin, R.; Blyth, S.-L.; Chemin, L.; Hallet, N.; Joseph, T.; Kotze, P.; Kraan-Korteweg, R. C.; Olofsson, H.; Ramatsoku, M.
HI 21cm line spectra of the 1870 clearly or marginally detected SDSS sources obtained for NIBLES at the Nancay Radio Telescope. Please note that these include the six detections with velocities below the 900 km/s lower limit for the NIBLES statistical sample, which are listed in Table A.5 (NIBLES sources 0347, 1572, 1734, 1897, 2259, and 2326). See Sect. 3 of the paper for further details on data acquisition and reduction. Data have been smoothed in velocity to 18 km/s resolution (see exact number in the spectrum headers). A fitted polynomial baseline was substracted from the observed spectra. Velocities (first column) are heliocentric in the optical convention in units of km/s and flux densities (second column) are in Janskys. (4 data files).
Two New Isomers of Palmityl-4-hydroxycinnamate from Flowers of Taraxacum Species.
Dudáš, Matej; Vilková, Mária; Béres, Tibor; Repcák, Miroslav; Mártonfi, Pavol
Two isomers, (Z)- and (E)-palmityl 4-hydroxycinnamate [hexadecyl(2Z)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoate and hexadecyl(2E)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoate] were isolated for the first time from ligulate flowers of Taraxacum linearisquameum Soest (sect. Taraxacum). The highest amount of these compounds was detected in pollen grains; 0.26 mg/100 mg DW of the (E)-isomer and 0.096 mg/100 mg DW of the (Z)-isomer. The structures of these compounds were elucidated by a combination of HPLC-ESI-Qtof-MS and 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. Their presence was confirmed in other species of Taraxacum, but they were not found in the male - sterile triploid agamospermous taxon T. parnassicum.
Fierascu, Radu Claudiu; Georgiev, Milen I; Fierascu, Irina; Ungureanu, Camelia; Avramescu, Sorin Marius; Ortan, Alina; Georgescu, Mihaela Ioana; Sutan, Anca Nicoleta; Zanfirescu, Anca; Dinu-Pirvu, Cristina Elena; Velescu, Bruno Stefan; Anuta, Valentina
The present study aims to evaluate the potential uses of hydroalcoholic extracts obtained from Romanian native wild-growing plants. The hydroalcoholic extracts were obtained from the burdock roots and respectively the aerial parts of birdeye speedwell. The extracts were characterised by HPLC (quantifying 13 compounds in the V. persica extract, 6 compounds in the A. lappa extract and confirming the presence of arctiin and arctigenin in the burdock extract). The antioxidant potential of the crude extracts was evaluated using two methods: the DPPH assay (79.91% for speedwell extract, 76.23% for burdock extract) and the phosphomolybdate method (296.5 mg/g ascorbic acid equivalents for burdock, 324.4 mg/g for speedwell). The crude extracts were found to be active against both fungal lines used (Aspergillus niger and Penicillium hirsutum), inhibition zones - 17.1 mm and 13.1 mm against P. hirsutum, respectively ca. 22 mm for both extracts against A. niger. The cytogenetic effects (assessed using the Allium cepa assay) revealed a series of chromosomal aberrations and nuclear aberrations induced in the meristematic root cells. The anti-inflammatory effect, estimated in two inflammation experimental models, showed a significant effect, especially for the speedwell extract. The results recommend the evaluated extracts as promising sources of biologically-active compounds. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
[figure removed for brevity, see original site] The landslide in the VIS image occurs in the Tharsis region of Mars, just north of Hebes Chasma. The volcanic flows forming the lower surface in the image have a platy texture. The landslide is younger than the volcanic flow, as the landslide sits on top of the flow surface. Image information: VIS instrument. Latitude 5, Longitude 282.4 East (77.6 West). 19 meter/pixel resolution. Note: this THEMIS visual image has not been radiometrically nor geometrically calibrated for this preliminary release. An empirical correction has been performed to remove instrumental effects. A linear shift has been applied in the cross-track and down-track direction to approximate spacecraft and planetary motion. Fully calibrated and geometrically projected images will be released through the Planetary Data System in accordance with Project policies at a later time. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) was developed by Arizona State University, Tempe, in collaboration with Raytheon Santa Barbara Remote Sensing. The THEMIS investigation is led by Dr. Philip Christensen at Arizona State University. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, is the prime contractor for the Odyssey project, and developed and built the orbiter. Mission operations are conducted jointly from Lockheed Martin and from JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.Gravitational lensing in quasar samples
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Claeskens, Jean-François; Surdej, Jean
The first cosmic mirage was discovered approximately 20 years ago as the double optical counterpart of a radio source. This phenomenon had been predicted some 70 years earlier as a consequence of General Relativity. We present here a summary of what we have learnt since. The applications are so numerous that we had to concentrate on a few selected aspects of this new field of research. This review is focused on strong gravitational lensing, i.e. the formation of multiple images, in QSO samples. It is intended to give the reader an up-to-date status of the observations and to present an overview of its most interesting potential applications in cosmology and astrophysics, as well as numerous important results achieved so far. The first section follows an intuitive approach to the basics of gravitational lensing and is developed in view of our interest in multiply imaged quasars. The astrophysical and cosmological applications of gravitational lensing are outlined in Sect. 2 and the most important results are presented in Sect. 5. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to the observations. Finally, conclusions are summarized in the last section. We have tried to avoid duplication with existing (and excellent) introductions to the field of gravitational lensing. For this reason, we did not concentrate on the individual properties of specific lens models, as these are already well presented in Narayan and Bartelmann (1996) and on a more intuitive ground in Refsdal and Surdej (1994). Wambsganss (1998) proposes a broad view on gravitational lensing in astronomy; the reviews by Fort and Mellier (1994) and Hattori et al. (1999) deal with lensing by galaxy clusters; microlensing in the Galaxy and the local group is reviewed by Paczynski (1996) and a general panorama on weak lensing is given by Bartelmann and Schneider (1999) and Mellier (1999). The monograph on the theory of gravitational lensing by Schneider, Ehlers and Falco (1992) also remains a reference in the field.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Granoszewski, W.; Demske, D.; Nita, M.; Heumann, G.; Andreev, A. A.
A pollen record from the core sediments collected in the northern part of Lake Baikal represents the latest stage of the Taz (Saale) Glaciation, Kazantsevo (Eemian) Interglacial (namely the Last Interglacial), and the earliest stage of the Zyryanka (Weichselian) Glaciation. According to the palaeomagnetic-based age model applied to the core, the Last Interglacial in the Lake Baikal record lasted about 10.6 ky from 128 to 117.4 ky BP, being more or less synchronous with the Marine Isotope Stage 5e. The reconstructed changes in the south Siberian vegetation and climate are summarised as follows: a major spread of shrub alder ( Alnus fruticosa) and shrub birches ( Betula sect. Nanae/ Fruticosae) in the study area was a characteristic feature during the late glacial phase of the Taz Glaciation. Boreal trees e.g. spruce ( Picea obovata) and birch ( Betula sect. Albae) started to play an important role in the regional vegetation with the onset of the interglacial conditions. Optimal conditions for Abies sibirica- P. obovata taiga development occurred ca. 126.3 ky BP. The maximum spread of birch forest-steppe communities took place at the low altitudes ca. 126.5-125.5 ky BP and Pinus sylvestris started to form forests in the northern Baikal area after ca. 124.4 ky BP. Re-expansion of the steppe communities, as well as shrubby alder and willow communities and the disappearance of forest vegetation occurred at about 117.4 ky BP, suggesting the end of the interglacial succession. The changes in the pollen assemblages recorded in the sediments from northern Baikal point to a certain instability of the interglacial climate. Three phases of climate deterioration have been distinguished: 126-125.5, 121.5-120, and 119.5-119 ky BP. The penultimate cooling signal may be correlated with the cool oscillation recorded in European pollen records. However, such far distant correlation requires more careful investigation.
Bolsheva, Nadezhda L; Melnikova, Nataliya V; Kirov, Ilya V; Speranskaya, Anna S; Krinitsina, Anastasia A; Dmitriev, Alexey A; Belenikin, Maxim S; Krasnov, George S; Lakunina, Valentina A; Snezhkina, Anastasiya V; Rozhmina, Tatiana A; Samatadze, Tatiana E; Yurkevich, Olga Yu; Zoshchuk, Svyatoslav A; Amosova, Аlexandra V; Kudryavtseva, Anna V; Muravenko, Olga V
The species relationships within the genus Linum have already been studied several times by means of different molecular and phylogenetic approaches. Nevertheless, a number of ambiguities in phylogeny of Linum still remain unresolved. In particular, the species relationships within the sections Stellerolinum and Dasylinum need further clarification. Also, the question of independence of the species of the section Adenolinum still remains unanswered. Moreover, the relationships of L. narbonense and other species of the section Linum require further clarification. Additionally, the origin of tetraploid species of the section Linum (2n = 30) including the cultivated species L. usitatissimum has not been explored. The present study examines the phylogeny of blue-flowered species of Linum by comparisons of 5S rRNA gene sequences as well as ITS1 and ITS2 sequences of 35S rRNA genes. High-throughput sequencing has been used for analysis of multicopy rRNA gene families. In addition to the molecular phylogenetic analysis, the number and chromosomal localization of 5S and 35S rDNA sites has been determined by FISH. Our findings confirm that L. stelleroides forms a basal branch from the clade of blue-flowered flaxes which is independent of the branch formed by species of the sect. Dasylinum. The current molecular phylogenetic approaches, the cytogenetic analysis as well as different genomic DNA fingerprinting methods applied previously did not discriminate certain species within the sect. Adenolinum. The allotetraploid cultivated species L. usitatissimum and its wild ancestor L. angustifolium (2n = 30) could originate either as the result of hybridization of two diploid species (2n = 16) related to the modern L. gandiflorum and L. decumbens, or hybridization of a diploid species (2n = 16) and a diploid ancestor of modern L. narbonense (2n = 14). High-throughput sequencing of multicopy rRNA gene families allowed us to make several adjustments to the
Mutke, Jens; Jacobs, Rana; Meyers, Katharina; Henning, Tilo; Weigend, Maximilian
The tropical Andes are a hotspot of biodiversity, but detailed altitudinal and latitudinal distribution patterns of species are poorly understood. We compare the distribution and diversity patterns of four Andean plant groups on the basis of georeferenced specimen data: the genus Nasa (Loasaceae), the two South American sections of Ribes (sect. Parilla and sect. Andina, Grossulariaceae), and the American clade of Urtica (Urticaceae). In the tropical Andes, these often grow together, especially in (naturally or anthropogenically) disturbed or secondary vegetation at middle to upper elevations. The climatic niches of the tropical groups studied here are relatively similar in temperature and temperature seasonality, but do differ in moisture seasonality. The Amotape–Huancabamba Zone (AHZ) between 3 and 8° S shows a clear diversity peak of overall species richness as well as for narrowly endemic species across the groups studied. For Nasa, we also show a particular diversity of growth forms in the AHZ. This can be interpreted as proxy for a high diversity of ecological niches based on high spatial habitat heterogeneity in this zone. Latitudinal ranges are generally larger toward the margins of overall range of the group. Species number and number of endemic species of our taxa peak at elevations of 2,500–3,500 m in the tropical Andes. Altitudinal diversity patterns correspond well with the altitudinal distribution of slope inclination. We hypothesize that the likelihood and frequency of landslides at steeper slopes translate into temporal habitat heterogeneity. The frequency of landslides may be causally connected to diversification especially for the numerous early colonizing taxa, such as Urtica and annual species of Nasa. In contrast to earlier hypotheses, uplift history is not reflected in the pattern here retrieved, since the AHZ is the area of the most recent Andean uplift. Similarly, a barrier effect of the low-lying Huancabamba depression is not retrieved
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Turk, M. A.; Zeiner, P. K.
In connection with the significant advances made regarding the performance of larger gas turbines, challenges arise concerning the improvement of small gas turbine engines in the 250 to 1000 horsepower range. In response to these challenges, the NASA/Army-sponsored Small Engine Component Technology (SECT) study was undertaken with the objective to identify the engine cycle, configuration, and component technology requirements for the substantial performance improvements desired in year-2000 small gas turbine engines. In the context of this objective, an American turbine engine company evaluated engines for four year-2000 applications, including a rotorcraft, a commuter aircraft, a supersonic cruise missile, and an auxiliary power unit (APU). Attention is given to reference missions, reference engines, reference aircraft, year-2000 technology projections, cycle studies, advanced engine selections, and a technology evaluation.
Fletcher, L. B.; Zastrau, U.; Galtier, E.; ...
Here, we present the first spectrally resolved measurements of x-rays scattered from cryogenic hydrogen jets in the single photon counting limit. The 120 Hz capabilities of the LCLS, together with a novel hydrogen jet design [J. B. Kim et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. (these proceedings)], allow for the ability to record a near background free spectrum. Such high-dynamic-range x-ray scattering measurements enable a platform to study ultra-fast, laser-driven, heating dynamics of hydrogen plasmas. This measurement has been achieved using two highly annealed pyrolytic graphite crystal spectrometers to spectrally resolve 5.5 keV x-rays elastically and inelastically scattered from cryogenic hydrogen andmore » focused on Cornell-SLAC pixel array detectors [S. Herrmann et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 718, 550 (2013)].« less
Pellegrini, Marco O. O.
Abstract Throughout the years, three infrageneric classifications were proposed for Tradescantia along with several informal groups and species complexes. The current infrageneric classification accepts 12 sections – with T. sect. Tradescantia being further divided into four series – and assimilates many concepts adopted by previous authors. Recent molecular-based phylogenetic studies indicate that the currently accepted sections might not represent monophyletic groups within Tradescantia. Based on newly gathered morphological data on the group, complemented with available micromorphological, cytological and phytochemical data, I present the first morphology-based evolutionary hypothesis for Tradescantia. Furthermore, I reduce subtribe Thyrsantheminae to a synonym of subtribe Tradescantiinae, and propose a new infrageneric classification for Tradescantia, based on the total evidence of the present morphological phylogeny, in accordance to the previously published molecular data. PMID:29118649
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Fletcher, L. B., E-mail:; Galtier, E.; Gamboa, E. J.
We present the first spectrally resolved measurements of x-rays scattered from cryogenic hydrogen jets in the single photon counting limit. The 120 Hz capabilities of the LCLS, together with a novel hydrogen jet design [J. B. Kim et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. (these proceedings)], allow for the ability to record a near background free spectrum. Such high-dynamic-range x-ray scattering measurements enable a platform to study ultra-fast, laser-driven, heating dynamics of hydrogen plasmas. This measurement has been achieved using two highly annealed pyrolytic graphite crystal spectrometers to spectrally resolve 5.5 keV x-rays elastically and inelastically scattered from cryogenic hydrogen and focusedmore » on Cornell-SLAC pixel array detectors [S. Herrmann et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 718, 550 (2013)].« less
Thunder among the pines: defining a pan-Asian soma.
Dannaway, Frederick
Many ancient cultures and religions engaged in various techniques and used various substances to instigate religious experience and to alter perception. These techniques of psycho-sexual drug yoga reached an unparalleled level of sophistication that arose and was often cloaked in practical terms of alchemy and metallurgy. The Vedic tradition describes this plant-based ritualism as soma, which has been identified by Gordon Wasson as the mushroom Amanita muscaria. This article traces these soma-influenced sects of esoteric Buddhism that exerted influences from India, China and Tibet to Japan. Some of the key components, practices and symbolism are retained despite numerous cultural filters. Japan's tradition of esoteric Buddhism can thus be seen to have preserved and incorporated the soma/amrita mushroom lore into its own traditions of mountain ascetic mystics.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Not Available
The text of the third draft, issued in April 1983 and approved by the bishops on 3 May 1983, focuses on the morality of the use of nuclear weapons in a first strike, the threat to use them, and their use as a deterrent to war, but it also includes discussions of the just war theory, nonviolence, and peacemaking. Viewed in the context of the traditional modes of accommodation between religion and the state, and in the light of contemporary disharmony between more fundamentalist sects and modern science, the document affords an interesting point for discussion of the moral basesmore » of the uses of technology. More than simply a dogmatic statement of one religious organization, the pastoral letter represents a vigorous new current in moral discretion and responsibility. 114 references.« less
Tariq, Akash; Adnan, Muhammad; AbdElsalam, Naser M; Fouad, Hassan; Hussain, Kamran; Ullah, Riaz; Ullah, Ahsan
Pakistani Himalaya stretches over a wide range of altitudinal gradients and supports high diversity of medicinal plants that are an important source for rural livelihood. Altitudinal effects on ground vegetation have already been indicated but ground vegetation is also under severe threat of grazing and over collection. The present study investigated the effect of altitude on medicinal plants abundance in both old-growth and derived woodland forests. Each of the five line transects was selected in old-growth and derived woodland forests. Each line transect consisted of four plots distributed at four altitudinal levels (2200, 2300, 2400, and 2500 m asl). Species richness under derived woodland had shown strong negative correlation (r = -0.95) with altitude while it was found to be nonsignificant under old-growth. Cover of most of the species such as Veronica laxa (r = -0.95, P ≤ 0.05) had shown significant negative correlation with altitude under derived woodland. Cover abundance of some species like Valeriana jatamansi and Viola canescens has also shown significant negative correlation under old-growth forest. Derived woodland can decrease the cover abundance of valuable medicinal plants towards extension at higher altitudes. Thus, protection of the derived woodland could serve as a tool for the improvement of rural livelihood and ecological restoration.
Tariq, Akash; Adnan, Muhammad; AbdElsalam, Naser M.; Fouad, Hassan; Hussain, Kamran; Ullah, Ahsan
Pakistani Himalaya stretches over a wide range of altitudinal gradients and supports high diversity of medicinal plants that are an important source for rural livelihood. Altitudinal effects on ground vegetation have already been indicated but ground vegetation is also under severe threat of grazing and over collection. The present study investigated the effect of altitude on medicinal plants abundance in both old-growth and derived woodland forests. Each of the five line transects was selected in old-growth and derived woodland forests. Each line transect consisted of four plots distributed at four altitudinal levels (2200, 2300, 2400, and 2500 m asl). Species richness under derived woodland had shown strong negative correlation (r = −0.95) with altitude while it was found to be nonsignificant under old-growth. Cover of most of the species such as Veronica laxa (r = −0.95, P ≤ 0.05) had shown significant negative correlation with altitude under derived woodland. Cover abundance of some species like Valeriana jatamansi and Viola canescens has also shown significant negative correlation under old-growth forest. Derived woodland can decrease the cover abundance of valuable medicinal plants towards extension at higher altitudes. Thus, protection of the derived woodland could serve as a tool for the improvement of rural livelihood and ecological restoration. PMID:25032237
Bills, Gerald F; Yue, Qun; Chen, Li; Li, Yan; An, Zhiqiang; Frisvad, Jens C
The invalidly published name Aspergillus sydowii var. mulundensis was proposed for a strain of Aspergillus that produced new echinocandin metabolites designated as the mulundocadins. Reinvestigation of this strain (Y-30462=DSMZ 5745) using phylogenetic, morphological, and metabolic data indicated that it is a distinct and novel species of Aspergillus sect. Nidulantes. The taxonomic novelty, Aspergillus mulundensis, is introduced for this historically important echinocandin-producing strain. The closely related A. nidulans FGSC A4 has one of the most extensively characterized secondary metabolomes of any filamentous fungus. Comparison of the full-genome sequences of DSMZ 5745 and FGSC A4 indicated that the two strains share 33 secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters. These shared gene clusters represent ~45% of the total secondary metabolome of each strain, thus indicating a high level intraspecific divergence in terms of secondary metabolism.
Influence of Tantra on ayurveda and Kamasutra.
Rao, B Rama
A close study of ancient works of ayurveda and Kamasutra shows that the knowledge of anatomy and physiology of different parts of reproductive organs particularly of female genitals is lacking. Hymen, defloration and clitoris do not find any mention in earlier works. Works of medieval and late medieval period mention the different parts and their utility and function especially in the sexual enjoyment. Worship of vagina or Yonipuja was a common practice in some sects of Tantrists like Kaulas, Kapalikas and others. This practice resulted in the close observation of different parts and thereby knowing their importance and role in the sexual enjoyment, which was also a part of the practices of Tantrism. This knowledge appears to have been incorporated in works like Bhavaprakasa of ayurveda and Paururavamanasijasutra and others of Kamasutra. They describe three Nadis in the female genitalia and clitoris others.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Servali, A.; Levin, V. L.; VanTongeren, J. A.
In this study we evaluate crustal thickness and Moho sharpness beneath seismic stations in three different tectonic units of the North American continent: the Archean Superior Province, the Proterozoic Grenville Province, and the Paleozoic Appalachian Orogen. Our analysis involves two steps. First, for each site, we produce P-to-S receiver functions (RFs) organized by backazimuth and epicentral distance, and use them to identify the phase most likely representing a conversion from the Moho. Second, we construct averaged RFs for groups of telesismic events located in a similar geographic region, which we employ to examine shapes of Moho P-to-S converted phases in time series with maximum frequencies increasing from 0.25Hz to 2-3 Hz. At some sites we observe a progressive narrowing of a simple Moho converted phase with an increase in frequency, typical of a vertically instantaneous boundary, while at others the converted phase becomes progressively more complex, typical of a diffuse Moho. Thus, we adopt this difference in converted wave shape dependence on increasing frequency as a measure of Moho thickness. Our estimates of Moho thickness range from less than 300 m to over 2 km, with some locations showing evidence for multiple converting boundaries in the 35-50 km depth range. In this study we define "sharp" Moho at those sites where its vertical thickness is less than 1 km. Our results show that sharp Moho is universal in the Archean terranes regardless of surface lithology, likely due to higher Moho temperatures facilitating wide-spread delamination of dense lower crustal rocks. While a sharp Moho is not unique to the Superior Province, all Grenville and Appalachians sites where we find sharp Moho are in regions of granitic plutonism, suggesting a possible general association with reworking and density sorting of the crustal material (e.g. volcanic arc).
Hilke Schroeder; Richard Cronn; Yulai Yanbaev; Tara Jennings; Malte Mader; Bernd Degen; Birgit Kersten; Dusan Gomory
To detect and avoid illegal logging of valuable tree species, identification methods for the origin of timber are necessary. We used next-generation sequencing to identify chloroplast genome regions that differentiate the origin of white oaks from the three continents; Asia, Europe, and North America. By using the chloroplast genome of Asian Q. mongolica...
Zachow, Christin; Berg, Christian; Müller, Henry; Monk, Jana; Berg, Gabriele
Trichoderma strains exhibit enormous potential for applications in biotechnology, in particular as biocontrol agents against pathogens. However, little is known about the diversity of plant-associated Trichoderma communities at a global scale and their antagonistic spectrum. In order to gather information about structure and function, we compared Trichoderma biomes of endemic (Aeonium, Diospyros, Hebe, Rhododendron) and cosmopolitan plants (Zea mays) in a global study encompassing the area Northwest Africa to New Zealand via the European Alps and Madagascar. At the quantitative level we found no differences between cosmopolitan and endemic plants. Statistically significant differences were detected at the qualitative level: Trichoderma populations of endemic plants were highly specific and diverse with hot spots appearing in Madagascar and New Zealand. By contrast, maize plants from all sites shared the majority of Trichoderma species (65.5%). Interestingly, the high above ground biodiversity in ecosystems containing endemic plants was confirmed by a high below ground Trichoderma diversity. Despite the differences, we found a global Trichoderma core community shared by all analysed plants, which was dominated by T. koningii and T. koningiopsis. Amplicon-based network analyses revealed a high similarity between maize Trichoderma grown world-wide and distinct populations of endemic plants. Furthermore, Trichoderma strains from endemic plants showed a higher antagonistic activity against fungal pathogens compared to maize-associated strains. Our results showed that endemic plants are associated with a specific Trichoderma microbiome which possesses a high antagonistic activity indicating that it has potential to be used for biocontrol purposes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan: country profile.
Newcomb, L
This discussion of Pakistan covers the following: regions and cities; the dominant Islamic sect; ethnicity and language; population growth; housing; households and families; the labor force; and information sources. Currently, Pakistan is in a period of transition. In 1985 Pakistan was ruled under martial law. On December 30, 1985, martial law was lifted, and a modified version of the 1973 constitution was adopted, restoring fundamental rights of Pakistanis and powers of the judiciary. Pakistan is divided into 4 provinces. The last census recorded the 1981 population at 84.3 million, nearly double the 1961 figure of 42.9 million. By 1983, the population had tripled to nearly 93 million, making Pakistan the world's 9th most populous country, although in area it ranked 34th. Its 3% annual growth rate placed it among the world's fastest growing countries. Although created as a sanctuary for followers of Islam, Pakistan suffers from periodic disputes between the members of Islam's various sects. Generally, ethnic groups and the use of their native languages divide along provincial boundaries. Punjabi, the native tongue of Pakistan's predominant group, is spoken in 48% of all Pakistani households and in about 80% of Punjab and Islamabad Federal Territory households. Pakistan's sixth 5-year plan recognizes the need for an additional 1.4 million dwellings to adequately house the current population. In 1980, Pakistan's 12.6 million housing units averaged nearly 7 people per unit. The ideal Pakistani household is an extended family consisting of a married couple, their sons, and their sons' wives and children. At the death of the patriarch, each son establishes a separate household. Marriage solidifes all social relationships. Single adults have little place in society. Women, although protected by law, often are deprived of their legal rights where marriage is concerned. Only 23% of the population aged 10 or older has completed primary school. Fewer than 1% hold university
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
This environmental baseline survey (EBS) report documents the baseline environmental conditions of a land parcel referred to as 'ED-4' (ED-4) at the U. S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP). DOE is proposing to transfer the title of this land to the Heritage Center, LLC. Parcel ED-4 is a land parcel that consists of two noncontiguous areas comprising a total of approximately 18 acres located east of the ETTP. The western tract of ED-4 encompasses approximately 8.5 acres in the northeastern quadrant of the intersection of Boulevard Road and Highway 58. The eastern tract encompasses an areamore » of approximately 9.5 acres in the northwestern quadrant of the intersection of Blair Road and Highway 58 (the Oak Ridge Turnpike). Aerial photographs and site maps from throughout the history of the ETTP, going back to its initial development in the 1940s as the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (ORGDP), indicate that this area has been undeveloped woodland with the exception of three support facilities for workers constructing the ORGDP since federal acquisition in 1943. These three support facilities, which were located in the western tract of ED-4, included a recreation hall, the Town Hall Camp Operations Building, and the Property Warehouse. A railroad spur also formerly occupied a portion of Parcel ED-4. These former facilities only occupied approximately 5 percent of the total area of Parcel ED-4. This report provides supporting information for the transfer of this government-owned property at ETTP to a non-federal entity. This EBS is based upon the requirements of Sect. 120(h) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). In order to support a Clean Parcel Determination (CPD) in accordance with CERCLA Sect. 120(h)(4)(d), groundwater and sediment samples were collected within, and adjacent to, the Parcel ED-4 study area. The potential for DOE to make a CPD for ED-4 is further supported
Dall'Acqua, Stefano; Peron, Gregorio; Ferrari, Sara; Gandin, Valentina; Bramucci, Massimo; Quassinti, Luana; Mártonfi, Pavol; Maggi, Filippo
Thymus alternans Klokov (Lamiaceae) is a neglected species of the genus Thymus (Sect. Serpyllum) endemic to Carpathian area, where it is used as a flavouring agent and for medicinal purposes. The aim of the work was to identify antiproliferative constituents from the flowering aerial parts of this plant. Thymus alternans extracts were analyzed by HPLC-MS n and subjected to extensive chromatographic separations. The isolated compounds (phenolics and triterpenes) were structurally elucidated by MS and 1D and 2D NMR experiments. Essential oil (EO) composition was determined by GC-FID and GC-MS. Six purified triterpenes and EO were assayed for in vitro antiproliferative activity against a panel of human cancer cells, namely, breast (MDA-MB 231), colon (HCT-15 and HCT116), lung (U1810), pancreatic (BxPC3), melanoma (A375) and cervical carcinoma (A431) cells. The structures of the isolated compounds were achieved on the basis of H-NMR and MS experiments. Luteolin-4'-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (P1), chrysoeriol-7-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (P2), chrysoeriol-5-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (P3), apigenin-7-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (P4), rosmarinic acid (P5), rosmarinic acid-3'-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (P6), caffeic acid-3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (P7), 3α-hydroxy-urs-12,15-diene (T1), α-amyrin (T2), β-amyrin (T3), isoursenol (T4), epitaraxerol (T5), and oleanolic acid (T6). GC-MS analysis revealed that the EO of T. alternans was devoid of phenols and belonged to the nerolidol-chemotype, that is typical of the Sect. Serpyllum. The six purified triterpenes (T1-T6) were active with IC 50 ranging from 0.5 to 5 μM being comparable or better than those of reference compounds betulinic acid and cisplatin. The EO exhibited significant effects on A375, MDA-MB 231 and HCT116 cell lines with IC 50 in the range of 5-8 μg/mL. The reported results suggest that T. alternans can be considered as a good source of phytoconstituents with possible importance in the pharmaceutical field.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Nute, J; Jacobsen, M; Popnoe, D
Purpose: Intracranial hemorrhage and calcification with Single-Energy CT (SECT) attenuation below 100HU cannot be reliably identified using currently clinically available means. Calcification is typically benign but hemorrhage can carry a risk of intracranial bleeding and contraindicate use of anticoagulant therapies. A biologically-relevant phantom was used to investigate identification of unknown intracranial lesions using dual-energy CT (DECT) as a verification of prior lesion differentiation results. Methods: Prior phantom work investigating calcification and hemorrhage differentiation resulted in 3D-DECT raw data (water density, calcium density, 68keV) for a range of DECT protocol variations: image thicknesses (1.25, 2.5, 3.75, 5mm), CTDIvol (36.7 to 132.6mGy)more » and reconstruction algorithms (Soft, Standard, Detail). Acquisition-specific raw data were used to create a plane of optimal differentiation based on the geometric bisector of 3D-linear regression of the two lesion distributions. Verification hemorrhage and calcification lesions, ranging in size from 0.5 to 1.5cm, were created at varying attenuation from 50 to 100HU. Lesions were inserted into a biologically-relevant brain phantom and scanned using SECT (3.75mm images, Standard, 67mGy) and a range of DECT protocols (3.75mm images, Standard, [67, 105.6, 132.6mGy]). 3D-DECT data were collected and blinded for analysis. The 3D-DECT distribution of the lesion was then compared to the acquisition-matched geometric bisector plane and the mean lesion value’s position relative to the plane, indicating lesion identity, and the percentage of voxels on the identified side of the plane, indicating identification confidence, were derived. Results: 98% of the 120 lesions investigated were identified correctly as hemorrhage or calcification. 74% were identified with greater than 80% confidence. Increases in CTDIvol and lesion diameter were associated with increased identification confidence. Conclusion
Electronic and crystal structure of NiTi martensite
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Sanati, M.; Albers, R.C.; Pinski, F.J.
All of the first-principles electronic-structure calculations for the martensitic structure of NiTi have used the experimental atomic parameters reported by Michal and Sinclair [Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Crystallogr. Cryst. Chem. {bold B37}, 1803 (1981)]. We have used first-principles, full-potential, linear muffin-tin orbital calculations to examine the total energy of all the experimental martensitic structures reported in the literature. We find that another crystal structure, that of Kudoh {ital et al.} [Acta Metall. Mater. {bold 33}, 2049 (1985)], has the lowest total energy at zero temperature. Ground-state and formation energies were calculated for all of the experimental structures. Total andmore » local densities of states were calculated and compared with each other for the structures of both Kudoh {ital et al.} and Michal and Sinclair thinsp {copyright} {ital 1998} {ital The American Physical Society}« less
Ayahuasca in adolescence: a preliminary psychiatric assessment.
Da Silveira, Dartiu Xavier; Grob, Charles S; de Rios, Marlene Dobkin; Lopez, Enrique; Alonso, Luisa K; Tacla, Cristiane; Doering-Silveira, Evelyn
Ayahuasca is believed to be harmless for those (including adolescents) drinking it within a religious setting. Nevertheless controlled studies on the mental/ psychiatric status of ritual hallucinogenic ayahuasca concoction consumers are still lacking. In this study, 40 adolescents from a Brazilian ayahuasca sect were compared with 40 controls matched on sex, age, and educational background for psychiatric symptomatology. Screening scales for depression, anxiety, alcohol consumption patterns (abuse), attentional problems, and body dysmorphic disorders were used. It was found that, compared to controls, considerable lower frequencies of positive scoring for anxiety, body dismorphism, and attentional problems were detected among ayahuasca-using adolescents despite overall similar psychopathological profiles displayed by both study groups. Low frequencies of psychiatric symptoms detected among adolescents consuming ayahuasca within a religious context may reflect a protective effect due to their religious affiliation. However further studies on the possible interference of other variables in the outcome are necessary.
Michael, J Robert; Koritsanszky, Tibor
The convergence of nucleus-centered multipolar expansion of the quantum-chemical electron density (QC-ED), gradient, and Laplacian is investigated in terms of numerical radial functions derived by projecting stockholder atoms onto real spherical harmonics at each center. The partial sums of this exact one-center expansion are compared with the corresponding Hansen-Coppens pseudoatom (HC-PA) formalism [Hansen, N. K. and Coppens, P., "Testing aspherical atom refinements on small-molecule data sets," Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A 34, 909-921 (1978)] commonly utilized in experimental electron density studies. It is found that the latter model, due to its inadequate radial part, lacks pointwise convergence and fails to reproduce the local topology of the target QC-ED even at a high-order expansion. The significance of the quantitative agreement often found between HC-PA-based (quadrupolar-level) experimental and extended-basis QC-EDs can thus be challenged.
Garrido, Pilar; Sánchez, Marcelo; Belda Sanchis, José; Moreno Mata, Nicolás; Artal, Ángel; Gayete, Ángel; Matilla González, José María; Galbis Caravajal, José Marcelo; Isla, Dolores; Paz-Ares, Luis; Seijo, Luis M
Lung cancer (LC) is a major public health issue. Despite recent advances in treatment, primary prevention and early diagnosis are key to reducing the incidence and mortality of this disease. A recent clinical trial demonstrated the efficacy of selective screening by low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) in reducing the risk of both lung cancer mortality and all-cause mortality in high-risk individuals. This article contains the reflections of an expert group on the use of LDCT for early diagnosis of LC in high-risk individuals, and how to evaluate its implementation in Spain. The expert group was set up by the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), the Spanish Society of Thoracic Surgery (SECT), the Spanish Society of Radiology (SERAM) and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM). Copyright © 2017 SEPAR. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Schultz, A.L.
The Lopez Field was discovered June 27, 1936, by the Mills Bennett Production Co.'s Jesus Lopez No. 1 near the middle of the west half of Sect. 73 (Tract 10) in Webb County, Texas. Over 380 wells have been drilled in the Lopez Field and over 180 of these were in what is now the South Lopez Unit. In 1959, water injection commenced and since then the field has been under some type of secondary recovery program. The first Mirando sand is an eocene lenticular sand composed of 2 units separated by a limy sand permeability barrier. The upper unitmore » appears to have been associated with a transgressive nearshore environment and the lower unit has been deposited in the Delta Plain facies of the high-constructive Delta. The abundance of lignite seen in cores in various wells places the deposition of both units very nearshore.« less
Nagaraj, Anil Kumar Mysore; Nanjegowda, Raveesh Bevinahalli; Purushothama, S. M.
One of the mysteries puzzling human mind since the origin of mankind is the concept of “reincarnation” which literally means “to take on the flesh again.” As the civilizations evolved, beliefs got discriminated and disseminated into various religions. The major division manifested was “East” and “West.” The eastern religions being more philosophical and less analytical, have accepted reincarnation. However, the different eastern religions like Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism have differed in their faith on rebirth. Further, the Islam as well as the most dominant religion of the world, Christianity, having its origin in the west, have largely denied reincarnation, though some sub-sects still show interest in it. Also many mystic and esoteric schools like theosophical society have their unique description on rebirth. This article describes reincarnation as perceived by various religions and new religious movements as well as some research evidence. PMID:23858250
Some Quantum Symmetries and Their Breaking II
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Selesnick, S. A.
We consider symmetry breaking in the context of vector bundle theory, which arises quite naturally not only when attempting to "gauge" symmetry groups, but also as a means of localizing those global symmetry breaking effects known as spontaneous. We review such spontaneous symmetry breaking first for a simplified version of the Goldstone scenario for the case of global symmetries, and then in a localized form which is applied to a derivation of some of the phenomena associated with superconduction in both its forms, type I and type II. We then extend these procedures to effect the Higgs mechanism of electroweak theory, and finally we describe an extension to the flavor symmetries of the lightest quarks, including a brief discussion of CP-violation in the neutral kaon system. A largely self-contained primer of vector bundle theory is provided in Sect. 4, which supplies most of the results required thereafter.
Raghavan, Chinnambedu Murugesan; Chen, Tzu-Pei; Li, Shao-Sian; Chen, Wei-Liang; Lo, Chao-Yuan; Liao, Yu-Ming; Haider, Golam; Lin, Cheng-Chieh; Chen, Chia-Chun; Sankar, Raman; Chang, Yu-Ming; Chou, Fang-Cheng; Chen, Chun-Wei
Organic-inorganic hybrid two-dimensional (2D) perovskites have recently attracted great attention in optical and optoelectronic applications due to their inherent natural quantum-well structure. We report the growth of high-quality millimeter-sized single crystals belonging to homologous two-dimensional (2D) hybrid organic-inorganic Ruddelsden-Popper perovskites (RPPs) of (BA) 2 (MA) n-1 Pb n I 3 n+1 ( n = 1, 2, and 3) by a slow evaporation at a constant-temperature (SECT) solution-growth strategy. The as-grown 2D hybrid perovskite single crystals exhibit excellent crystallinity, phase purity, and spectral uniformity. Low-threshold lasing behaviors with different emission wavelengths at room temperature have been observed from the homologous 2D hybrid RPP single crystals. Our result demonstrates that solution-growth homologous organic-inorganic hybrid 2D perovskite single crystals open up a new window as a promising candidate for optical gain media.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Michael, J. Robert; Koritsanszky, Tibor
The convergence of nucleus-centered multipolar expansion of the quantum-chemical electron density (QC-ED), gradient, and Laplacian is investigated in terms of numerical radial functions derived by projecting stockholder atoms onto real spherical harmonics at each center. The partial sums of this exact one-center expansion are compared with the corresponding Hansen-Coppens pseudoatom (HC-PA) formalism [Hansen, N. K. and Coppens, P., "Testing aspherical atom refinements on small-molecule data sets," Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A 34, 909-921 (1978)] commonly utilized in experimental electron density studies. It is found that the latter model, due to its inadequate radial part, lacks pointwise convergence and fails to reproduce the local topology of the target QC-ED even at a high-order expansion. The significance of the quantitative agreement often found between HC-PA-based (quadrupolar-level) experimental and extended-basis QC-EDs can thus be challenged.
Jastreboff, P W
Time histograms of neural responses evoked by sinuosidal stimulation often contain a slow drifting and an irregular noise which disturb Fourier analysis of these responses. Section 2 of this paper evaluates the extent to which a linear drift influences the Fourier analysis, and develops a combined Fourier and linear regression analysis for detecting and correcting for such a linear drift. Usefulness of this correcting method is demonstrated for the time histograms of actual eye movements and Purkinje cell discharges evoked by sinusoidal rotation of rabbits in the horizontal plane. In Sect. 3, the analysis of variance is adopted for estimating the probability of the random occurrence of the response curve extracted by Fourier analysis from noise. This method proved to be useful for avoiding false judgements as to whether the response curve was meaningful, particularly when the response was small relative to the contaminating noise.
[Herbal textual research on origins of Chonglou].
Jiang, Lu; Kang, Li-Ping; Liu, Da-Hui; Peng, Hua-Sheng; Xie, Jin; Chen, Min
Based on the field investigation, this paper researched the germplasms and geoherbs habitat of Chonglou in ancient herbal books systematically. The results showed that, Chonglou in ancient herbal books sometimes referred to certain specific germplasm, while sometimes it referred to many species derived from genus Paris except Sect. Paris. The medicinal material Chonglou in Chinese Materia Medica Bencaotujing and Bencaomengquan was verified as P. polyphylla var. chinensis, which could be P. polyphylla in Xinxiubencao, and it should include P. polyphylla or P. polyphylla var. stenophylla in Bencaogangmu. However, it proved to be a variety of species from Paris that can used as Chonglou in Diannanbencao and Zhiwumingshitukao. Moreover, the origins of Chonglou were correspondingly more diverse, with its producing areas changed from North to South. Therefore, with the resources increasing endangered, the botanical origin of Chonglou should be further studied. Copyright© by the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.
Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers for Begonia luzhaiensis (Begoniaceae)1
Tseng, Yu-Hsin; Huang, Han-Yau; Xu, Wei-Bin; Yang, Hsun-An; Liu, Yan; Peng, Ching-I; Chung, Kuo-Fang
Premise of the study: Microsatellite primers were developed for Begonia luzhaiensis (Begoniaceae) to assess genetic diversity and population genetic structure. Methods and Results: Based on the transcriptome data of B. luzhaiensis, 60 primer pairs were selected for initial validation, of which 16 yielded polymorphic microsatellite loci in 57 individuals. The number of alleles observed for these 16 loci ranged from one to nine. The observed and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.000 to 1.000 and from 0.000 to 0.804 with averages of 0.370 and 0.404, respectively. Five loci could be successfully amplified in B. leprosa. Conclusions: The expressed sequence tag–simple sequence repeat markers are the first specifically developed for B. luzhaiensis and the first developed in Begonia sect. Coelocentrum. These markers will be useful for future studies of the genetic structure and phylogeography of B. luzhaiensis. PMID:28529834
Assembly of Landsat's TIRS Instrument
Aleksandra Bogunovic (left) and Veronica Otero (right) look on while Pete Steigner (in the middle) adds a flow tube that will make sure that nitrogen gas flows through the instrument while it's being shipped. The gas will keep contaminating particles from infiltrating the instrument. The Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) will fly on the next Landsat satellite, the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM). TIRS was built on an accelerated schedule at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. and will now be integrated into the LDCM spacecraft at Orbital Science Corp. in Gilbert, Ariz. The Landsat Program is a series of Earth observing satellite missions jointly managed by NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey. Landsat satellites have been consistently gathering data about our planet since 1972. They continue to improve and expand this unparalleled record of Earth's changing landscapes for the benefit of all. For more information on Landsat, visit: Credit: NASA/GSFC/Rebecca Roth NASA image use policy. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center enables NASA’s mission through four scientific endeavors: Earth Science, Heliophysics, Solar System Exploration, and Astrophysics. Goddard plays a leading role in NASA’s accomplishments by contributing compelling scientific knowledge to advance the Agency’s mission. Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Find us on Instagram
Lima, Mauricio; Navarrete, Luis; González-Andujar, José Luis
Pest control is one of the areas in which population dynamic theory has been successfully applied to solve practical problems. However, the links between population dynamic theory and model construction have been less emphasized in the management and control of weed populations. Most management models of weed population dynamics have emphasized the role of the endogenous process, but the role of exogenous variables such as climate have been ignored in the study of weed populations and their management. Here, we use long-term data (22 years) on two annual weed species from a locality in Central Spain to determine the importance of endogenous and exogenous processes (local and large-scale climate factors). Our modeling study determined two different feedback structures and climate effects in the two weed species analyzed. While Descurainia sophia exhibited a second-order feedback and low climate influence, Veronica hederifolia was characterized by a first-order feedback structure and important effects from temperature and rainfall. Our results strongly suggest the importance of theoretical population dynamics in understanding plant population systems. Moreover, the use of this approach, discerning between the effect of exogenous and endogenous factors, can be fundamental to applying weed management practices in agricultural systems and to controlling invasive weedy species. This is a radical change from most approaches currently used to guide weed and invasive weedy species managements.
Samad, Abdul; Trognitz, Friederike; Compant, Stéphane; Antonielli, Livio; Sessitsch, Angela
Weeds and crop plants select their microbiota from the same pool of soil microorganisms, however, the ecology of weed microbiomes is poorly understood. We analysed the microbiomes associated with roots and rhizospheres of grapevine and four weed species (Lamium amplexicaule L., Veronica arvensis L., Lepidium draba L. and Stellaria media L.) growing in proximity in the same vineyard using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. We also isolated and characterized 500 rhizobacteria and root endophytes from L. draba and grapevine. Microbiome data analysis revealed that all plants hosted significantly different microbiomes in the rhizosphere as well as in root compartment, however, differences were more pronounced in the root compartment. The shared microbiome of grapevine and the four weed species contained 145 OTUs (54.2%) in the rhizosphere, but only nine OTUs (13.2%) in the root compartment. Seven OTUs (12.3%) were shared in all plants and compartments. Approximately 56% of the major OTUs (>1%) showed more than 98% identity to bacteria isolated in this study. Moreover, weed-associated bacteria generally showed a higher species richness in the rhizosphere, whereas the root-associated bacteria were more diverse in the perennial plants grapevine and L. draba. Overall, weed isolates showed more plant growth-promoting characteristics compared with grapevine isolates. © 2016 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
de Souza, Bruno C; Roazzi, Antonio
Introduction: The successful "Divergent" sci-fi trilogy by writer Veronica Roth portrays a dystopian and post-apocalyptic society where the population is divided into five groups called "Factions," each with a specific social role and associated to a specific set of psychological traits. Though fictional, such typology is compelling and may provide a significant contribution to personality studies. Objectives: To investigate the accuracy of the classification of psychological and sociocultural traits into five Factions as described in Divergent and their potential practical usefulness for understanding work life choices and experiences in organizations. Method: A total of 217 Brazilian adult men and women of various ages, socioeconomic status and ethnicities were submitted to measures of several psychological and sociocultural variables, as well as of how strongly they supposedly manifest each Faction. The resulting dataset was studied using Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) and Facet Theory. Results: The Factions were shown not only to be associated to psychological variables in ways consistent with the descriptions from Divergent, but also to be related to specific aspects of one's work life in organizations. Conclusion: The five Factions conceived by Roth appear to constitute an original set of constructs that are psychologically valid and, at the same time, of practical use in predicting work life choices and experiences. This justifies engaging in future empirical and theoretical work toward a new scientific model of potential practical value.
Lima, Mauricio; Navarrete, Luis; González-Andujar, José Luis
Pest control is one of the areas in which population dynamic theory has been successfully applied to solve practical problems. However, the links between population dynamic theory and model construction have been less emphasized in the management and control of weed populations. Most management models of weed population dynamics have emphasized the role of the endogenous process, but the role of exogenous variables such as climate have been ignored in the study of weed populations and their management. Here, we use long-term data (22 years) on two annual weed species from a locality in Central Spain to determine the importance of endogenous and exogenous processes (local and large-scale climate factors). Our modeling study determined two different feedback structures and climate effects in the two weed species analyzed. While Descurainia sophia exhibited a second-order feedback and low climate influence, Veronica hederifolia was characterized by a first-order feedback structure and important effects from temperature and rainfall. Our results strongly suggest the importance of theoretical population dynamics in understanding plant population systems. Moreover, the use of this approach, discerning between the effect of exogenous and endogenous factors, can be fundamental to applying weed management practices in agricultural systems and to controlling invasive weedy species. This is a radical change from most approaches currently used to guide weed and invasive weedy species managements. PMID:22272362
Preston, Jill C.; Martinez, Ciera C.; Hileman, Lena C.
Angiosperms exhibit staggering diversity in floral form, and evolution of floral morphology is often correlated with changes in pollination syndrome. The showy, bilaterally symmetrical flowers of the model species Antirrhinum majus (Plantaginaceae) are highly specialized for bee pollination. In A. majus, CYCLOIDEA (CYC), DICHOTOMA (DICH), RADIALIS (RAD), and DIVARICATA (DIV) specify the development of floral bilateral symmetry. However, it is unclear to what extent evolution of these genes has resulted in flower morphological divergence among closely related members of Plantaginaceae differing in pollination syndrome. We compared floral symmetry genes from insect-pollinated Digitalis purpurea, which has bilaterally symmetrical flowers, with those from closely related Aragoa abietina and wind-pollinated Plantago major, both of which have radially symmetrical flowers. We demonstrate that Plantago, but not Aragoa, species have lost a dorsally expressed CYC-like gene and downstream targets RAD and DIV. Furthermore, the single P. major CYC-like gene is expressed across all regions of the flower, similar to expression of its ortholog in closely related Veronica serpyllifolia. We propose that changes in the expression of duplicated CYC-like genes led to the evolution of radial flower symmetry in Aragoa/Plantago, and that further disintegration of the symmetry gene pathway resulted in the wind-pollination syndrome of Plantago. This model underscores the potential importance of gene loss in the evolution of ecologically important traits. PMID:21282634
Riccobono, Luana; Maggio, Antonella; Bruno, Maurizio; Spadaro, Vivienne; Raimondo, Francesco Maria
The chemical composition of the essential oils isolated from the aerial parts of Anthemis arvensis L. subsp. arvensis, Anthemis cretica subsp. messanensis (Brullo) Giardina & Raimondo and from flowers and leaves of Anthemis cretica subsp. columnae (Ten.) Frezén were determinated by GC-FID and GC-MS analyses. Torreyol (85.4%) was recognised as the main constituent of the Anthemis arvensis subsp. arvensis essential oil, while in the essential oils of Anthemis cretica subsp. messanensis, collected on the rock and cultivated in Hortus Botanicus Panormitanus, (E)-chrysanthenyl acetate (28.8 and 24.2% resp.), 14-hydroxy-α-humulene (8.1 and 5.3% resp.), santolina triene (8 and 5.8% resp.) and α-pinene (6.7 and 5.4% resp.) prevailed. 18-cineole (13.3 and 12.2% resp.), was the main component of both flower and leaf oils of Anthemis cretica subsp. columnae together with δ-cadinene (9.0 and 8.2% resp.) and (E)-caryophyllene (8.3 and 5.6% resp.).
The karyotype structure of Arachis trinitensis was studied by conventional Feulgen staining, CMA/DAPI banding and rDNA loci detection by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in order to establish its genome status and test the hypothesis that this species is a genome donor of cultivated peanut. Conventional staining revealed that the karyotype lacked the small “A chromosomes” characteristic of the A genome. In agreement with this, chromosomal banding showed that none of the chromosomes had the large centromeric bands expected for A chromosomes. FISH revealed one pair each of 5S and 45S rDNA loci, located in different medium-sized metacentric chromosomes. Collectively, these results suggest that A. trinitensis should be removed from the A genome and be considered as a B or non-A genome species. The pattern of heterochromatic bands and rDNA loci of A. trinitensis differ markedly from any of the complements of A. hypogaea, suggesting that the former species is unlikely to be one of the wild diploid progenitors of the latter. PMID:21637581
Gelardi, Matteo; Simonini, Giampaolo; Ercole, Enrico; Davoli, Paolo; Vizzini, Alfredo
Cupreoboletus is erected as a new monospecific genus of Boletaceae to accommodate the thermophilic southern European species Boletus poikilochromus, characterized by discoloration toward copper-red tints overall, hymenophore forming tiny crystals on drying, a pervasive and long lasting sweet odor and presence of pseudocystidia. Macro- and microscopic descriptions of the species based on re-examination of the type material and recent Italian collections including additional topotypical samples are provided and accompanied by photos and line drawings of the main anatomical structures. In addition, an epitype specimen is selected. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred from multigene molecular analysis based on partial sequences of the nuc rDNA 28S D1/D2 (28S) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and genes for ribosomal RNA polymerase II subunits 1 (rpb1) and 2 (rpb2) and translation-elongation factor 1-α (tef1α). Ecological context, geographical range and delimitation from closely allied taxa also were elucidated. B. martaluciae is treated as a synonym of C. poikilochromus according to the morphological and molecular comparative study. © 2015 by The Mycological Society of America.
a Photogrammetric Pipeline for the 3d Reconstruction of Cassis Images on Board Exomars Tgo
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Simioni, E.; Re, C.; Mudric, T.; Pommerol, A.; Thomas, N.; Cremonese, G.
CaSSIS (Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System) is the stereo imaging system onboard the European Space Agency and ROSCOSMOS ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) that has been launched on 14 March 2016 and entered a Mars elliptical orbit on 19 October 2016. During the first bounded orbits, CaSSIS returned its first multiband images taken on 22 and 26 November 2016. The telescope acquired 11 images, each composed by 30 framelets, of the Martian surface near Hebes Chasma and Noctis Labyrithus regions reaching at closest approach at a distance of 250 km from the surface. Despite of the eccentricity of this first orbit, CaSSIS has provided one stereo pair with a mean ground resolution of 6 m from a mean distance of 520 km. The team at the Astronomical Observatory of Padova (OAPD-INAF) is involved into different stereo oriented missions and it is realizing a software for the generation of Digital Terrain Models from the CaSSIS images. The SW will be then adapted also for other projects involving stereo camera systems. To compute accurate 3D models, several sequential methods and tools have been developed. The preliminary pipeline provides: the generation of rectified images from the CaSSIS framelets, a matching core and post-processing methods. The software includes in particular: an automatic tie points detection by the Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) operator, an initial search for the correspondences through Normalize Cross Correlation (NCC) algorithm and the Adaptive Least Square Matching (LSM) algorithm in a hierarchical approach. This work will show a preliminary DTM generated by the first CaSSIS stereo images.
Ceres Revealed in a Grain of Salt
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Zolensky, M. E.; Bodnar, R. J.; Fries, M.; Chan, Q. H.-S.; Kebukawa, Y.; Mikouchi, T.; Hagiya, K.; Komatsu, M.; Ohsumi, K.; Steele, A.
Introduction: Zag and Monahans (1998) are H chondrite regolith breccias containing 4.5 giga-year-old halite crystals which contain abundant inclusions of aqueous fluids, solids and organics. These all originated on a cryo-volcanically-active C class asteroid, probably 1 Ceres; the halite was transported to the regolith of the H chondrite parent asteroid, potentially 6 Hebe. Detailed analysis of these solids will thus potentially reveal the mineralogy of Ceres. Mineralogy of solids in the Monahans Halite Solid grains are present in the halites, which were entrained within the mother brines during eruption, including material from the interior and surface of the erupting body. The solids include abundant, widely variable organics that could not have been significantly heated (which would have resulted in the loss of fluids from the halite). Our analyses by Raman microprobe, SEM/EDX, synchrotron X-ray diffraction, UPLC-FD/QToF-MS, C-XANES and TEM reveal that these trapped grains include macromolecular carbon (MMC) similar in structure to CV3 chondrite matrix carbon, aliphatic carbon compounds, olivine (Fo99-59), high- and low-Ca pyroxene, feldspars, phyllosilicates, magnetite, sulfides, metal, lepidocrocite, carbonates, diamond, apatite and zeolites. Conclusions: The halite in Monahans and Zag derive from a water and carbon-rich object that was cryo-volcanically active in the early solar system, probably Ceres. The Dawn spacecraft found that Ceres includes C chondrite materials. Our samples include both protolith and aqueously-altered samples of the body, permitting understanding of alteration conditions. Whatever the halite parent body, it was rich in a wide variety of organics and warm, liquid water at the solar system's dawn.
Measurement of elastic φ photoproduction at HERA
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Derrick, M.; Krakauer, D.; Magill, S.; Mikunas, D.; Musgrave, B.; Okrasinski, J. R.; Repond, J.; Stanek, R.; Talaga, R. L.; Zhang, H.; Mattingly, M. C. K.; Bari, G.; Basile, M.; Bellagamba, L.; Boscherini, D.; Bruni, A.; Bruni, G.; Bruni, P.; Cara Romeo, G.; Castellini, G.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Contin, A.; Corradi, M.; Gialas, I.; Giusti, P.; Iacobucci, G.; Laurenti, G.; Levi, G.; Margotti, A.; Massam, T.; Nania, R.; Palmonari, F.; Polini, A.; Sartorelli, G.; Zamora Garcia, Y.; Zichichi, A.; Bornheim, A.; Crittenden, J.; Doeker, T.; Eckert, M.; Feld, L.; Frey, A.; Geerts, M.; Grothe, M.; Hartmann, H.; Heinloth, K.; Heinz, L.; Hilger, E.; Jakob, H.-P.; Katz, U. F.; Mengel, S.; Mollen, J.; Paul, E.; Pfeiffer, M.; Rembser, Ch.; Schramm, D.; Stamm, J.; Wedemeyer, R.; Campbell-Robson, S.; Cassidy, A.; Cottingham, W. N.; Dyce, N.; Foster, B.; George, S.; Hayes, M. E.; Heath, G. P.; Heath, H. F.; Piccioni, D.; Roff, D. G.; Tapper, R. J.; Yoshida, R.; Arneodo, M.; Ayad, R.; Capua, M.; Garfagnini, A.; Iannotti, L.; Schioppa, M.; Susinno, G.; Caldwell, A.; Cartiglia, N.; Jing, Z.; Liu, W.; Parsons, J. A.; Ritz, S.; Sciulli, F.; Straub, P. B.; Wai, L.; Yang, S.; Zhu, Q.; Borzemski, P.; Chwastowski, J.; Eskreys, A.; Zachara, M.; Zawiejski, L.; Adamczyk, L.; Bednarek, B.; Jeleń, K.; Kisielewska, D.; Kowalski, T.; Przybycień, M.; Rulikowska-Zarȩbska, E.; Suszycki, L.; Zajaç, J.; Kotański, A.; Bauerdick, L. A. T.; Behrens, U.; Beier, H.; Bienlein, J. K.; Deppe, O.; Desler, K.; Drews, G.; Flasiński, M.; Gilkinson, D. J.; Glasman, C.; Göttlicher, P.; Große-Knetter, J.; Haas, T.; Hain, W.; Hasell, D.; Heßling, H.; Iga, Y.; Johnson, K. F.; Joos, P.; Kasemann, M.; Klanner, R.; Koch, W.; Kötz, U.; Kowalski, H.; Labs, J.; Ladage, A.; Löhr, B.; Löwe, M.; Lüke, D.; Mainusch, J.; Mańczak, O.; Monteiro, T.; Ng, J. S. T.; Notz, D.; Ohrenberg, K.; Piotrzkowski, K.; Roco, M.; Rohde, M.; Roldán, J.; Schneekloth, U.; Schulz, W.; Selonke, F.; Surrow, B.; Voß, T.; Westphal, D.; Wolf, G.; Youngman, C.; Zeuner, W.; Grabosch, H. J.; Kharchilava, A.; Mari, S. M.; Meyer, A.; Schlenstedt, S.; Wulff, N.; Barbagli, G.; Gallo, E.; Pelfer, P.; Maccarrone, G.; De Pasquale, S.; Votano, L.; Bamberger, A.; Eisenhardt, S.; Trefzger, T.; Wölfle, S.; Bromley, J. T.; Brook, N. H.; Bussey, P. J.; Doyle, A. T.; Saxon, D. H.; Sinclair, L. E.; Utley, M. L.; Wilson, A. S.; Dannemann, A.; Holm, U.; Horstmann, D.; Sinkus, R.; Wick, K.; Burow, B. D.; Hagge, L.; Lohrmann, E.; Milewski, J.; Pavel, N.; Poelz, G.; Schott, W.; Zetsche, F.; Bacon, T. C.; Brümmer, N.; Butterworth, I.; Harris, V. L.; Howell, G.; Hung, B. H. Y.; Lamberti, L.; Long, K. R.; Miller, D. B.; Prinias, A.; Sedgbeer, J. K.; Sideris, D.; Whitfield, A. F.; Mallik, U.; Wang, M. Z.; Wang, S. M.; Wu, J. T.; Cloth, P.; Filges, D.; An, S. H.; Cho, G. H.; Ko, B. J.; Lee, S. B.; Nam, S. W.; Park, H. S.; Park, S. K.; Kartik, S.; Kim, H.-J.; McNeil, R. R.; Metcalf, W.; Nadendla, V. K.; Barreiro, F.; Cases, G.; Fernandez, J. P.; Graciani, R.; Hernández, J. M.; Hervás, L.; Labarga, L.; Martinez, M.; del Peso, J.; Puga, J.; Terron, J.; de Trocóniz, J. F.; Corriveau, F.; Hanna, D. S.; Hartmann, J.; Hung, L. W.; Lim, J. N.; Matthews, C. G.; Patel, P. M.; Riveline, M.; Stairs, D. G.; St-Laurent, M.; Ullmann, R.; Zacek, G.; Tsurugai, T.; Bashkirov, V.; Dolgoshein, B. A.; Stifutkin, A.; Bashindzhagyan, G. L.; Ermolov, P. F.; Gladilin, L. K.; Golubkov, Yu. A.; Kobrin, V. D.; Korzhavina, I. A.; Kuzmin, V. A.; Lukina, O. Yu.; Proskuryakov, A. S.; Savin, A. A.; Shcheglova, L. M.; Solomin, A. N.; Zotov, N. P.; Botje, M.; Chlebana, F.; Engelen, J.; de Kamps, M.; Kooijman, P.; Kruse, A.; van Sighem, A.; Tiecke, H.; Verkerke, W.; Vossebeld, J.; Vreeswijk, M.; Wiggers, L.; de Wolf, E.; van Woudenberg, R.; Acosta, D.; Bylsma, B.; Durkin, L. S.; Gilmore, J.; Li, C.; Ling, T. Y.; Nylander, P.; Park, I. H.; Romanowski, T. A.; Bailey, D. S.; Cashmore, R. J.; Cooper-Sarkar, A. M.; Devenish, R. C. E.; Harnew, N.; Lancaster, M.; Lindemann, L.; McFall, J. D.; Nath, C.; Noyes, V. A.; Quadt, A.; Tickner, J. R.; Uijterwaal, H.; Walczak, R.; Waters, D. S.; Wilson, F. F.; Yip, T.; Abbiendi, G.; Bertolin, A.; Brugnera, R.; Carlin, R.; Dal Corso, F.; De Giorgi, M.; Dosselli, U.; Limentani, S.; Morandin, M.; Posocco, M.; Stanco, L.; Stroili, R.; Voci, C.; Zuin, F.; Bulmahn, J.; Feild, R. G.; Oh, B. Y.; Whitmore, J. J.; D'Agostini, G.; Marini, G.; Nigro, A.; Tassi, E.; Hart, J. C.; McCubbin, N. A.; Shah, T. P.; Barberis, E.; Dubbs, T.; Heusch, C.; Van Hook, M.; Lockman, W.; Rahn, J. T.; Sadrozinski, H. F.-W.; Seiden, A.; Williams, D. C.; Biltzinger, J.; Seifert, R. J.; Schwarzer, O.; Walenta, A. H.; Zech, G.; Abramowicz, H.; Briskin, G.; Dagan, S.; Levy, A.; Fleck, J. I.; Inuzuka, M.; Ishii, T.; Kuze, M.; Mine, S.; Nakao, M.; Suzuki, I.; Tokushuku, K.; Umemori, K.; Yamada, S.; Yamazaki, Y.; Chiba, M.; Hamatsu, R.; Hirose, T.; Homma, K.; Kitamura, S.; Matsushita, T.; Yamauchi, K.; Cirio, R.; Costa, M.; Ferrero, M. I.; Maselli, S.; Peroni, C.; Sacchi, R.; Solano, A.; Staiano, A.; Dardo, M.; Bailey, D. C.; Benard, F.; Brkic, M.; Hartner, G. F.; Joo, K. K.; Levman, G. M.; Martin, J. F.; Orr, R. S.; Polenz, S.; Sampson, C. R.; Simmons, D.; Teuscher, R. J.; Butterworth, J. M.; Catterall, C. D.; Jones, T. W.; Kaziewicz, P. B.; Lane, J. B.; Saunders, R. L.; Shulman, J.; Sutton, M. R.; Lu, B.; Mo, L. W.; Bogusz, W.; Ciborowski, J.; Gajewski, J.; Grzelak, G.; Kasprzak, M.; Krzyżanowski, M.; Muchorowski, K.; Nowak, R. J.; Pawlak, J. M.; Tymieniecka, T.; Wróblewski, A. K.; Zakrzewski, J. A.; Żarnecki, A. F.; Adamus, M.; Coldewey, C.; Eisenberg, Y.; Karshon, U.; Revel, D.; Zer-Zion, D.; Badgett, W. F.; Breitweg, J.; Chapin, D.; Cross, R.; Dasu, S.; Foudas, C.; Loveless, R. J.; Mattingly, S.; Reeder, D. D.; Silverstein, S.; Smith, W. H.; Vaiciulis, A.; Wodarczyk, M.; Bhadra, S.; Cardy, M. L.; Fagerstroem, C.-P.; Frisken, W. R.; Khakzad, M.; Murray, W. N.; Schmidke, W. B.; ZEUS Collaboration
The production of φ mesons in the reaction e+p → e+φp ( gf → K+K-) at a median Q2 of 10 -4 GeV 2 h been studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The differential φ photoproduction cross section {dσ}/{dt} has an exponential shape and has been determined in the kinematic range 0.1 < | t| < 0.5 GeV 2 and 60 < W < 80 GeV. An integrated cross sect σγp→ φp = 0.96±0.19 -0.18+0.21μb has been obtained by extrapolating to t = 0. When compared to lower energy data the results show a weak energy dependence of both σγp→ φp and the slope of the t distribution. The φ decay angular distributions are consistent with s-channel helicity conservation. From lower energies to HERA energies, the features of φ photoproduction are compatible with those of a soft diffractive process.
[The right to self-determination versus the obligation to protect one's health].
Höfling, Wolfram
"Individual responsibility" and the abidance by any "health-related obligations" are key words of the present political and legal German healthcare debate. In the process of adjusting the German welfare state by focussing the ideal allocation of common health resources patients who do not meet their "health-related obligations" are thus expected to accept cutbacks in medical care services. However, from the perspective of constitutional law there is no "health-related obligation" deriving from the German constitution - the right to self-determination guaranteed in Art. 2 Sect. 2 Sent. 1 of the German constitution has not been amended to impose a corresponding duty. Hence, health-related obligations may only refer to indirect ways of exercising individual responsibility, no more and no less. The present article highlights the few possibilities which the German constitution provides for the implementation of "health-related obligations" and reminds us of the conceptual aspects which have to be considered by the legislator.
Hopple, J.A.; Hannon, J.E.; Coplen, T.B.
A comparison of the new hydrogen isotope-ratio technique of Vaughn et al. ([Vaughn, B.H., White, J.W.C., Delmotte, M., Trolier, M., Cattani, O., Stievenard, M., 1998. An automated system for hydrogen isotope analysis of water. Chem. Geol. (Isot. Geosci. Sect.), 152, 309-319]; the article immediately preceding this article) for the analysis of water samples utilizing automated on-line reduction by elemental uranium showed that 94% of 165 samples of Antarctic snow, ice, and stream water agreed with the ??2H values determined by H2-H2O platinum equilibration, exhibiting a bias of +0.5??? and a 2 - ?? variation of 1.9???. The isotopic results of 10 reduction technique samples, however, gave ??2H values that differed by 3.5??? or more, and were too negative by as much as 5.4??? and too positive by as much as 4.9??? with respect to those determined using the platinum equilibration technique.
Convergent close-coupling calculations of positron-magnesium scattering
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Savage, Jeremy S.; Fursa, Dmitry V.; Bray, Igor
The single-center convergent close-coupling method has been applied to positron-magnesium scattering at incident energies from 0.01 to 100 eV. Cross sections are presented for elastic scattering and excitation of 3 {sup 1}P, as well as for the total ionization and total scattering processes. We also provide an estimate of the positronium formation cross section. The results agree very well with the measurements of the total cross section by Stein et al. [Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B 143, 68 (1998)], and consistent with the positronium formation measurements of Surdutovich et al. [Phys. Rev. A 68, 022709 (2003)] for positronmore » energies above the ionization threshold. For energies below the positronium formation threshold (0.8 eV) we find a large P-wave resonance at 0.17 eV. A similar resonance behavior was found by Mitroy and Bromley [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 173001 (2007)] at an energy of 0.1 eV.« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bemiller, James N.
Carbohydrates are important in foods as a major source of energy, to impart crucial textural properties, and as dietary fiber which influences physiological processes. Digestible carbohydrates, which are converted into monosaccharides, which are absorbed, provide metabolic energy. Worldwide, carbohydrates account for more than 70% of the caloric value of the human diet. It is recommended that all persons should limit calories from fat (the other significant source) to not more than 30% and that most of the carbohydrate calories should come from starch. Nondigestible polysaccharides (all those other than starch) comprise the major portion of dietary fiber (Sect. 10.5). Carbohydrates also contribute other attributes, including bulk, body, viscosity, stability to emulsions and foams, water-holding capacity, freeze-thaw stability, browning, flavors, aromas, and a range of desirable textures (from crispness to smooth, soft gels). They also provide satiety. Basic carbohydrate structures, chemistry, and terminology can be found in references (1, 2).
Praying until Death: Apostolicism, Delays and Maternal Mortality in Zimbabwe
Religion affects people’s daily lives by solving social problems, although it creates others. Female sexual and reproductive health are among the issues most affected by religion. Apostolic sect members in Zimbabwe have been associated with higher maternal mortality. We explored apostolic beliefs and practices on maternal health using 15 key informant interviews in 5 purposively selected districts of Zimbabwe. Results show that apostolicism promotes high fertility, early marriage, non-use of contraceptives and low or non-use of hospital care. It causes delays in recognizing danger signs, deciding to seek care, reaching and receiving appropriate health care. The existence of a customized spiritual maternal health system demonstrates a huge desire for positive maternal health outcomes among apostolics. We conclude that apostolic beliefs and practices exacerbate delays between onset of maternal complications and receiving help, thus increasing maternal risk. We recommend complementary and adaptive approaches that address the maternal health needs of apostolics in a religiously sensitive manner. PMID:27509018
Personality disorders in DSM-5: emerging research on the alternative model.
Morey, Leslie C; Benson, Kathryn T; Busch, Alexander J; Skodol, Andrew E
The current categorical classification of personality disorders, originally introduced in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III), has been found to suffer from numerous shortcomings that hamper its usefulness for research and for clinical application. The Personality and Personality Disorders Work Group for DSM-5 was charged with developing an alternative model that would address many of these concerns. The developed model involved a hybrid dimensional/categorical model that represented personality disorders as combinations of core impairments in personality functioning with specific configurations of problematic personality traits. The Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association did not accept the Task Force recommendation to implement this novel approach, and thus this alternative model was included in Sect. III of the DSM-5 among concepts requiring additional study. This review provides an overview of the emerging research on this alternative model, addressing each of the primary components of the model.
Bigna, Jean Joel R
The World Health Organization aims to eradicate wild poliovirus worldwide by the end of 2018. Cameroon and Nigeria, neighboring countries, have been affected by the terrorist and militant activities of the Islamist sect Boko Haram. Impacted regions are mainly the far North of Cameroon and Northern Nigeria. Targets of Boko Haram aggression in these zones include violence against polio workers, disruption of polio immunization campaigns, with consequent reduced access to health care and immunization. In addition to this significant problem, Northern Nigeria has historically seen rejection of polio virus vaccine initiatives. It remains to know how health systems can continue operations against polio in areas where Boko Haram operates. If appropriate measures are not urgently taken, it will be not possible to meet the 2018 goal of polio virus eradication. The response should include specialized immunization activities in conflict zones, will engagement of leaders. Countries should also explore immunization activities by soldiers and military personnel.
Płachno, Bartosz J; Musiał, Krystyna; Swiątek, Piotr; Tuleja, Monika; Marciniuk, Jolanta; Grabowska-Joachimiak, Aleksandra
An evolutionary trend to reduce "unnecessary costs" associated with the sexual reproduction of their amphimictic ancestors, which may result in greater reproductive success, has been observed among the obligatory apomicts. However, in the case of the female gametophyte, knowledge about this trend in apomicts is not sufficient because most of the ultrastructural studies of the female gametophyte have dealt with amphimictic angiosperms. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that, in contrast to amphimictic plants, synergids in apomictic embryo sacs do not form a filiform apparatus. We compared the synergid structure in two dandelions from sect. Palustria: the amphimictic diploid Taraxacum tenuifolium and the apomictic tetraploid, male-sterile Taraxacum brandenburgicum. Synergids in both species possessed a filiform apparatus. In T. brandenburgicum, both synergids persisted for a long time without any degeneration, in spite of the presence of an embryo and endosperm. We propose that the persistent synergids in apomicts may play a role in the transport of nutrients to the embryo.
Rheological Principles for Food Analysis
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Daubert, Christopher R.; Foegeding, E. Allen
Food scientists are routinely confronted with the need to measure physical properties related to sensory texture and processing needs. These properties are determined by rheological methods, where rheology is a science devoted to the deformation and flow of all materials. Rheological properties should be considered a subset of the textural properties of foods, because the sensory detection of texture encompasses factors beyond rheological properties. Specifically, rheological methods accurately measure "force," "deformation," and "flow," and food scientists and engineers must determine how best to apply this information. For example, the flow of salad dressing from a bottle, the snapping of a candy bar, or the pumping of cream through a homogenizer are each related to the rheological properties of these materials. In this chapter, we describe fundamental concepts pertinent to the understanding of the subject and discuss typical examples of rheological tests for common foods. A glossary is included as Sect. 30.6 to clarify and summarize rheological definitions throughout the chapter.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gaffey, M. J.
(IV) objects are viable OC-parent bodies [3 Juno, 6 Hebe, and 7 Iris are the leading candidates], their proximity to the 3:1 chaotic zone would allow them to contribute a significant portion of the ordinary chondrites. In particular, dynamical models suggest that Hebe should be a major contributor to the terrestrial meteorite flux [9]. Each leading contender is currently undergoing detailed spectral evaluation as a potential OC source. From both asteroid observational constraints and from chemical and isotopic studies of meteorites, the ordinary chondrites appear to represent an extensive and relatively complete (by meteoritic standards) sample of a few asteroid source bodies. In a similar fashion, the Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenite suite sample a single primary parent body (Vesta) and are over-represented in meteorite collections due to a fortuitous (and temporary on a solar system timescale) emplacement of Vesta ejecta fragments close to the 3:1 resonance. This suggests that the particular value of the ordinary chondrites lies in the good sample provided for each source body rather than as representatives of an abundant asteroid type. Acknowledgments: Various portions of this research were supported by NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics grant NAGW-642 and NSF Planetary Astronomy grant AST-9012180. References: [1] Wetherill G. W. and Chapman C. R. (1988) in Meteorites and the Early Solar System, pp. 35-67, Univ. of Arizona. [2] Bell J. F. et al. (1989) in Asteroids II, pp. 921-945, Univ. of Arizona. [3] Gaffey M. J. et al. (1989) in Asteroids II, pp. 98-127, Univ. of Arizona. [4] Britt D. T. and Pieters C. M. (1991) LPS XXII, 141-142. [5] Gaffey M. J. (1984) Icarus, 60, 83-114. [6] Binzel R. P. et al. (1993) Science, 262, 1541-1543. [7] Shui X. et al. (1995) Icarus, 115, 1-35. [8] Gaffey M. J. et al. (1993) Icarus, 106, 573-602. [9] Farinella P. et al. (1993) Icarus, 101, 174-187.
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – An educational news conference to explore "Why Mars Excites and Inspires Us" begins in NASA Kennedy Space Center's Press Site auditorium in Florida during prelaunch activities for the agency’s Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) launch. Participants are, from left, Leland Melvin, NASA associate administrator for Education; Clara Ma, student, NASA contest winner for naming Curiosity, Shawnee Mission East High School, Prairie Village, Kansas; Scott Anderson, teacher and science department chairman, Da Vinci School for Science and the Arts, El Paso, Texas; Lauren Lyons, graduate student, Harvard University, FIRST robotics alumna; and Veronica McGregor, manager, Media Relations Office, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. MSL's car-sized Martian rover, Curiosity, has 10 science instruments designed to search for signs of life, including methane, and help determine if the gas is from a biological or geological source. Ma's entry was selected the winner from 9,000 entries in NASA's nationwide student contest to name the rover. At the time, she was a twelve-year-old sixth-grade student at the Sunflower Elementary school in Lenexa, Kansas. Liftoff of MSL aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station is planned during a launch window which extends from 10:02 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. EST on Nov. 26. For more information, visit Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – An educational news conference to explore "Why Mars Excites and Inspires Us" is under way in NASA Kennedy Space Center's Press Site auditorium in Florida during prelaunch activities for the agency’s Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) launch. Participants are, from left, moderator George Diller, NASA Public Affairs, NASA Kennedy Space Center; Leland Melvin, NASA associate administrator for Education; Clara Ma, student, NASA contest winner for naming Curiosity, Shawnee Mission East High School, Prairie Village, Kansas; Scott Anderson, teacher and science department chairman, Da Vinci School for Science and the Arts, El Paso, Texas; Lauren Lyons, graduate student, Harvard University, FIRST robotics alumna; and Veronica McGregor, manager, Media Relations Office, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. MSL's car-sized Martian rover, Curiosity, has 10 science instruments designed to search for signs of life, including methane, and help determine if the gas is from a biological or geological source. Ma's entry was selected the winner from 9,000 entries in NASA's nationwide student contest to name the rover. At the time, she was a twelve-year-old sixth-grade student at the Sunflower Elementary school in Lenexa, Kansas. Liftoff of MSL aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station is planned during a launch window which extends from 10:02 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. EST on Nov. 26. For more information, visit Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
de Souza, Bruno C.; Roazzi, Antonio
Introduction: The successful “Divergent” sci-fi trilogy by writer Veronica Roth portrays a dystopian and post-apocalyptic society where the population is divided into five groups called “Factions,” each with a specific social role and associated to a specific set of psychological traits. Though fictional, such typology is compelling and may provide a significant contribution to personality studies. Objectives: To investigate the accuracy of the classification of psychological and sociocultural traits into five Factions as described in Divergent and their potential practical usefulness for understanding work life choices and experiences in organizations. Method: A total of 217 Brazilian adult men and women of various ages, socioeconomic status and ethnicities were submitted to measures of several psychological and sociocultural variables, as well as of how strongly they supposedly manifest each Faction. The resulting dataset was studied using Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) and Facet Theory. Results: The Factions were shown not only to be associated to psychological variables in ways consistent with the descriptions from Divergent, but also to be related to specific aspects of one’s work life in organizations. Conclusion: The five Factions conceived by Roth appear to constitute an original set of constructs that are psychologically valid and, at the same time, of practical use in predicting work life choices and experiences. This justifies engaging in future empirical and theoretical work toward a new scientific model of potential practical value. PMID:29056922
The Dynamics of Flow and Three-dimensional Motion Around a Morphologically Complex Aquatic Plant
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boothroyd, R.; Hardy, R. J.; Warburton, J.; Marjoribanks, T.
Aquatic vegetation has a significant impact on the hydraulic functioning of river systems. The morphology of an individual plant can influence the mean and turbulent properties of the flow, and the plant posture reconfigures to minimise drag. We report findings from a flume and numerical experiment investigating the dynamics of motion and three-dimensional flow around an isolated Hebe odora plant over a range of flow conditions. In the flume experiment, a high definition video camera recorded plant motion dynamics and three-dimensional velocity profiles were measured using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter. By producing a binary image of the plant in each frame, the plant dynamics can be quantified. Zones of greatest plant motion are on the upper and leeward sides of the plant. With increasing flow the plant is compressed and deflected downwards by up to 18% of the unstressed height. Plant tip motions are tracked and shown to lengthen with increasing flow, transitioning from horizontally dominated to vertically dominated motion. The plant acts as a porous blockage to flow, producing spatially heterogeneous downstream velocity fields with the measured wake length decreasing by 20% with increasing flow. These measurements are then used as boundary conditions and to validate a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. By explicitly accounting for the time-averaged plant posture, good agreement is found between flume measurements and model predictions. The flow structures demonstrate characteristics of a junction vortex system, with plant shear layer turbulence dominated by Kelvin-Helmholtz and Görtler-type vortices generated through shear instability. With increasing flow, drag coefficients decrease by up to 8%, from 1.45 to 1.34. This is equivalent to a change in the Manning's n term from 0.086 to 0.078.
Food Insecurity and Its Sociodemographic Correlates among Afghan Immigrants in Iran
Omidvar, Nasrin; Sadeghi, Rasoul; Mohammadi, Fatemeh; Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal
The study determined the prevalence of food insecurity and its sociodemographic determinants among Afghan immigrants in two major cities of Iran. This cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 310 adult females from immigrant Afghan households in Tehran (n=155) and Mashhad (n=155), who were recruited through multistage sampling. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews, using a questionnaire. Food security was measured by a locally-adapted Household Food Insecurity Access Scale. More than 60% suffered from moderate-to-severe food insecurity, 37% were mildly food-insecure while about 23% were food-secure. Food insecurity was significantly more prevalent in female-headed households, households whose head and spouse had lower level of education, belonged to the Sunni sect, and those with illegal residential status, unemployment/low job status, not owning their house, low socioeconomic status (SES), and living in Mashhad. Prevalence of food insecurity was relatively high among Afghan immigrants in Iran. This calls for the need to develop community food security strategies for ensuring their short- and long-term health. PMID:24288950
Sorainen, A
The article discusses a number of court cases on women's same-sex fornication in the Finnish countryside in the 1950s. Based on a close reading of the minutes of the police investigations and the court records, the article shows how the notion of sexual acts between women, and the notion of certain modes of conduct as "sexual," were constructed in these proceedings. The authorities could conceive sexual relations only in terms of the "heterosexual matrix" (cf. Judith Butler); hence they assumed that the alleged sexual encounters between the women were a copy of a heterosexual sexual intercourse. As for the accused women, many of whom were connected with a Christian sect, they often insisted that the physical expressions of their mutual affection were not sexual, and they opposed the interpretation that their conduct might have anything to do with homosexuality, which they considered a pathology. As the women nevertheless often ended up repenting their conduct, they reproduced the conventional image of sexually passive "soft" woman, though perhaps partly because of strategic reasons.
Finding Frequent Closed Itemsets in Sliding Window in Linear Time
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chen, Junbo; Zhou, Bo; Chen, Lu; Wang, Xinyu; Ding, Yiqun
One of the most well-studied problems in data mining is computing the collection of frequent itemsets in large transactional databases. Since the introduction of the famous Apriori algorithm [14], many others have been proposed to find the frequent itemsets. Among such algorithms, the approach of mining closed itemsets has raised much interest in data mining community. The algorithms taking this approach include TITANIC [8], CLOSET+[6], DCI-Closed [4], FCI-Stream [3], GC-Tree [15], TGC-Tree [16] etc. Among these algorithms, FCI-Stream, GC-Tree and TGC-Tree are online algorithms work under sliding window environments. By the performance evaluation in [16], GC-Tree [15] is the fastest one. In this paper, an improved algorithm based on GC-Tree is proposed, the computational complexity of which is proved to be a linear combination of the average transaction size and the average closed itemset size. The algorithm is based on the essential theorem presented in Sect. 4.2. Empirically, the new algorithm is several orders of magnitude faster than the state of art algorithm, GC-Tree.
[Self-immolation as an effort of self-rescue during a psychotic episode].
Niethammer, Rainer; Breitmaier, Jörg
Self-immolation as reported in the literature usually happens in the context of suicide acts or political martyrdom. We report a case in which a patient during a first psychotic episode attempted to immolate herself: she covered her legs with pieces of clothing and set them a fire. Severe burning made amputation of both her legs necessary, one above, one below the knee. The patient had not acted in this way in order to die, but to save herself from the impending end of the world. She was convinced the earth was going to explode, and she would only be able to flee to Venus by self-immolation. She acted under the influence of imperative acoustic hallucinations encouraging her and pressing her to proceed. Antipsychotic treatment with clozapine resulted in complete remission of all psychotic symptoms. Other than during psychosis the patient didn't believe in life on other planets, had no fantasies about the end of the earth, no contact with sects and no religious or cultural motives for self-immolation.
Coalescent Simulations Reveal Hybridization and Incomplete Lineage Sorting in Mediterranean Linaria
Blanco-Pastor, José Luis; Vargas, Pablo; Pfeil, Bernard E.
We examined the phylogenetic history of Linaria with special emphasis on the Mediterranean sect. Supinae (44 species). We revealed extensive highly supported incongruence among two nuclear (ITS, AGT1) and two plastid regions (rpl32-trnLUAG, trnS-trnG). Coalescent simulations, a hybrid detection test and species tree inference in *BEAST revealed that incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization may both be responsible for the incongruent pattern observed. Additionally, we present a multilabelled *BEAST species tree as an alternative approach that allows the possibility of observing multiple placements in the species tree for the same taxa. That permitted the incorporation of processes such as hybridization within the tree while not violating the assumptions of the *BEAST model. This methodology is presented as a functional tool to disclose the evolutionary history of species complexes that have experienced both hybridization and incomplete lineage sorting. The drastic climatic events that have occurred in the Mediterranean since the late Miocene, including the Quaternary-type climatic oscillations, may have made both processes highly recurrent in the Mediterranean flora. PMID:22768061
A phylogenetic study of Boletus section Boletus in Europe.
Beugelsdijk, D C M; van der Linde, S; Zuccarello, G C; den Bakker, H C; Draisma, S G A; Noordeloos, M E
A phylogenetic study of the species in Boletus sect. Boletus was undertaken using the molecular markers ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and GAPDH. Four well-supported lineages, one comprising Boletus edulis s.l., the others referring to B. aereus, B. reticulatus and B. pinophilus have been distinguished. The ML and MP trees of ITS showed remarkably low resolution within the B. edulis clade, and confirmed earlier published results, despite the use of samples from a wider geographical area and different hosts. The results of GAPDH demonstrate clearly that this low resolution must be ascribed to a low genetic variability with the B. edulis clade, and make clear that morphological and ecological characters have been overestimated within this species complex. Boletus edulis is therefore defined as a variable species with a wide morphological, ecological and geographic range, and includes several specific and subspecific taxa described in the literature (e.g. B. betulicola, B. persoonii, B. quercicola and B. venturii). Three other European species (B. aereus, B. pinophilus and B. reticulatus) are well delimited species based on morphology and our genetic data.
Phenolic antioxidants from green tea produced from Camellia crassicolumna Var. multiplex.
Liu, Qing; Zhang, Ying-Jun; Yang, Chong-Ren; Xu, Mei
Camellia crassicolumna var. multiplex (Chang et Tan) Ming belonging to Camellia sect. Thea (Theaceae), is endemic to the southeastern area of Yunnan province, China, where the leaves have been commonly used for making tea and beverages consumed widely. HPLC analysis showed that there was no caffeine or theophylline contained in the leaves; however, thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis suggested the abundant existence of phenolic compounds. Further detailed chemical investigation of the green tea produced from the leaves of the plant led to the identification of 18 phenolic compounds, including four flavan-3-ols (1-4), six flavonol glycosides (5-10), three hydrolyzable tannins (11-13), two chlorogenic acid derivatives (14, 15), and three simple phenolic compounds (16-18). The isolated compounds were evaluated for their antioxidant activities by 1,1'-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging and tyrosinase inhibitory assays. Most of them exhibited significant DPPH radical scavenging activities, whereas flavan-3-ols and hydrolyzable tannins showed stronger inhibitory activities on tyrosinase. The results suggest that C. crassicolumna could be an ideal plant resource for a noncaffeine beverage.
Abortion in the United States' Bible Belt: organizing for power and empowerment.
Castle, Mary Ann
Over the last 30 years, conservative power in the United States, financed and organized by Christian fundamentalist sects, the Catholic Church, and conservative corporate and political leadership, has become more threatening and potentially destabilizing of progressive democratic principles and practices. Powerful interlocking political, financial and social forces are arrayed against women in many Southern and Western states. They are having destructive effects on women's ability to control their fertility and maintain bodily integrity and health. Poor women and women of color are disproportionately affected by restrictions on abortion services. Strategically developed interventions must be initiated and managed at every level in these localities. It is urgent to coordinate and empower individuals, multiple organizations and communities to engender effective changes in attitudes, norms, behavior and policies that will enable women to obtain reproductive health services, including abortion care. This paper describes contextual factors that continue to decimate U.S. women's right to health and, then, describes a community organizing-social action project in a number of US' states aimed at reversing the erosion of women's right to have or not to have children.
Zhu, Li-Fang; Xu, Min; Zhu, Hong-Tao; Wang, Dong; Yang, Shi-Xiong; Yang, Chong-Ren; Zhang, Ying-Jun
Camellia taliensis (W. W. Smith) Melchior, belonging to the genus Camellia sect. Thea (Theaceae), is an endemic species distributed from the west and southwest of Yunnan province, China, to the north of Myanmar. Known as a wild tea tree, its leaves have been used commonly for producing tea beverages by the local people of its growing area. One new flavan-3-ol dimer, talienbisflavan A (1), was isolated from green tea prepared from the leaves of C. taliensis collected from the east side of the Ai-Lao mountains, Yuanjiang county of Yunnan province, China. In addition, five hydrolyzable tannins (2-6), five flavonols and flavonol glycosides (9-13), three flavan-3-ols (14-16), nine simple phenolic compounds and glycosides (7, 8, and 17-23), and caffeine (24) were identified. Their structures were determined by detailed spectroscopic analysis. All of the isolated phenolic compounds were tested for their antioxidant activities by DPPH and ABTS(+) radical scavenging assays. The contents of its main chemical compositions were also compared with those collected from the Lincang area of Yunnan province by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis.
Phenolic Antioxidants from the Leaves of Camellia pachyandra Hu.
Gao, Da-Fang; Xu, Min; Yang, Chong-Ren; Xu, Mei; Zhang, Ying-Jun
Camellia pachyandra Hu. is a species in Camellia sect. Heterogenea (Theaceae), whose leaves have been used for making tea and consumed by the local people living in Yunnan province, China. This is the first investigation of the chemical constituents in the leaves of C. pachyandra, from which 22 phenolic compounds including nine hydrolyzable tannins (1-9), 11 flavonol glycosides (10-20), and two simple phenolics (21, 22) were isolated. It was noted that the leaves of the title plant contained no caffeine and no catechin, whereas hydrolyzable tannins were found to be the major constituents, of which the content of ellagitannin 5 reached to 3.7%. All the isolates were evaluated for their antioxidant activities by DPPH radical scavenging and tyrosinase inhibitory assays. Though the secondary metabolites without caffeine and catechins are different from the commonly consumed tea plants, the results suggested that the leaves of C. pachyandra, rich in hydrolyzable tannins as potent antioxidants, could be developed as an ideal resource for a natural beverage without caffeine.
Pallett, Ken; Cole, Jon; Oberwalder, Christian; Porch, John
The inclusion of 52 potential non-crop or wild species in new OECD guidelines for terrestrial non-target plant (TNTP) testing led to a ring test conducted by four laboratories experienced in regulatory testing. Species selected had shown potential to meet validity criteria of emergence for TNTP studies in a previous evaluation of the 52 species. OECD 208 guideline conditions were applied, with and without seed pretreatments recommended to enhance germination. These species were Abutilon theophrasti (L.) Medic., Avena fatua L., Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Adans., Galium aparine L., Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacq. and Veronica persica Poir. Only I. hederacea met the validity criterion of 70% emergence in all laboratories and showed a low variability in biomass. Of the other species, none led to 70% emergence in all four laboratories. The recommended pretreatments did not have a major impact on emergence. Biomass was also investigated with A. theophrasti, A. fatua, Centaurea cyanus L., I. hederacea and Rumex crispus L. Variability of biomass, a key parameter in TNTP regulatory studies, exceeded normal biomass variability of crop species used for TNTP studies. The addition of a thin layer of quartz sand to the soil surface resulted in improved emergence of C. cyanus, G. aparine and V. persica; however, such a procedure, while routine in screening studies to improve germination, is a deviation from the TNTP guidelines. These initial studies indicate that some species could meet the emergence criteria for TNTP testing. However, there is a need for further studies on seed source, seed quality and conditions for uniform emergence before their use in routine regulatory testing.
Areal, F J; Touza, J; MacLeod, A; Dehnen-Schmutz, K; Perrings, C; Palmieri, M G; Spence, N J
This paper analyses the cut flower market as an example of an invasion pathway along which species of non-indigenous plant pests can travel to reach new areas. The paper examines the probability of pest detection by assessing information on pest detection and detection effort associated with the import of cut flowers. We test the link between the probability of plant pest arrivals, as a precursor to potential invasion, and volume of traded flowers using count data regression models. The analysis is applied to the UK import of specific genera of cut flowers from Kenya between 1996 and 2004. There is a link between pest detection and the Genus of cut flower imported. Hence, pest detection efforts should focus on identifying and targeting those imported plants with a high risk of carrying pest species. For most of the plants studied, efforts allocated to inspection have a significant influence on the probability of pest detection. However, by better targeting inspection efforts, it is shown that plant inspection effort could be reduced without increasing the risk of pest entry. Similarly, for most of the plants analysed, an increase in volume traded will not necessarily lead to an increase in the number of pests entering the UK. For some species, such as Carthamus and Veronica, the volume of flowers traded has a significant and positive impact on the likelihood of pest detection. We conclude that analysis at the rank of plant Genus is important both to understand the effectiveness of plant pest detection efforts and consequently to manage the risk of introduction of non-indigenous species.
Camargo, Julio A
Macrophyte responses to anthropogenic pressures in two rivers of Central Spain were assessed to check if simple metrics can exhibit a greater discriminatory and explanatory power than complex indices at small spatial scales. Field surveys were undertaken during the summer of 2014 (Duraton River) and the spring of 2015 (Tajuña River). Aquatic macrophytes were sampled using a sampling square (45 × 45 cm). In the middle Duraton River, macrophytes responded positively to the presence of a hydropower dam and a small weir, with Myriophyllum spicatum and Potamogeton pectinatus being relatively favored. Index of Macrophytes (IM) was better than Macroscopic Aquatic Vegetation Index (MAVI) and Fluvial Macrophyte Index (FMI) in detecting these responses, showing positive and significant correlations with total coverage, species richness, and species diversity. In the upper Tajuña River, macrophytes responded both negatively and positively to the occurrence of a trout farm effluent and a small weir, with Leptodictyum riparium and Veronica anagallis-aquatica being relatively favored. Although IM, MAVI, and FMI detected both negative and positive responses, correlations of IM with total coverage, species richness, and species diversity were higher. Species evenness was not sensitive enough to detect either positive or negative responses of aquatic macrophytes along the study areas. Overall, traditional and simple metrics (species composition, total coverage, species richness, species diversity) exhibited a greater discriminatory and explanatory power than more recent and complex indices (IM, MAVI, FMI) when assessing responses of aquatic macrophytes to anthropogenic pressures at impacted specific sites.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Visible colors of Centaurs and KBOs (Peixinho+, 2015)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Peixinho, N.; Delsanti, A.; Doressoundiram, A.
Table 2: significant Spearman-rho correlations detected between all colors and all orbital parameters of Centaurs, scattered disk objects, scattered or detached objects, Plutinos, other resonants, classical KBOs, binary or multiple KBOs, KBOs (without Haumea family and retrograde orbits), all objects (also without Haumea family and retrograde orbits), and KBOs except classical KBOs (also without Haumea family and retrograde orbits). First and second columns indicate the variables, third column the number of objects with both variables measured, forth column indicate the correlation value and its 68.2% error interval, fifth column indicates the p-value of the correlation, sixth column indicate the equivalent confidence level of the p-value in Gaussian sigmas, columns seven to nine indicate the detail of the False Discovery Correction for confidence levels of 2.5σ and 3σ (see Sect. 3.4), tenth column indicates the maximum detectable rho at a 2.5σ confidence level with a 10% risk of missing it, eleventh column indicates the maximum detectable rho at a 3σ confidence level with a 10% risk of missing it (see Sect. 3.2) Table 5: Compilation of R-band absolute magnitude, not corrected for the phase-angle, of Spectral gradient, B-V, V-R, R-I, V-I, B-I, B-R, and corresponding orbital and orbital related parameters of 366 Centaurs and KBOs. For each object/observation, we computed the reflectance spectrum using equation (3) from Delsanti et al. (2001A&A...380..347D), when 2 or more filters were available. The resulting spectra were manually checked, and obviously deviant data from a given filter were removed from the dataset. Color indexes are computed within one given epoch, leading to colors obtained from "simultaneous" photometry (the different bands were observed over a maximum timespan of 2 hours). Then the average colors indexes and their one σ errors from different papers and epochs are computed for each object using equations (1) and (2) from Hainaut and Delsanti
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
In 1990, the latest comprehensive taxonomic monograph of Solanum section Petota Dumort, recognized 232 species partitioned into 21 series. PBI-sponsored research has drastically altered knowledge of their species boundaries and interrelationships. The series contains diploids (2n = 2x = 24), tetrapl...
USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database
In 1990, the latest comprehensive taxonomic monograph of Solanum section Petota Dumort recognized 232 species partitioned into 21 series. PBI-sponsored research has drastically altered knowledge of their species boundaries and interrelationships. The series contains diploids (2n = 2x = 24), tetraplo...
The genus Hebeloma in the alpine belt of the Carpathians including two new species.
Eberhardt, Ursula; Ronikier, Anna; Schütz, Nicole; Beker, Henry J
Between 2002 and 2012 regular visits to the Carpathians were made and a number of Hebeloma spp. were collected from the alpine area. In total 44 collections were made that represent 11 species, two of which, Hebeloma grandisporum and H. oreophilum, are described here as new. Of the 11 species, four (H. alpinum, H. marginatulum and the two species described as new) are known only from alpine or Arctic habitats. Hebeloma dunense and H. mesophaeum are commonly found in, but not restricted to, alpine habitats. The other five species (H. aanenii, H. laterinum, H. naviculosporum, H. vaccinum, H. velutipes) are usually found in lowland or boreal habitats. Hebeloma naviculosporum is reported for the first time from the alpine zone and H. alpinum for the first time as growing with Helianthemum. All but two species (H. alpinum, H. marginatulum) are reported for the first time from the Carpathian alpine zone. In this paper we discuss the habitat, the 11 recorded species and give detailed descriptions of the two new species, both morphologically and molecularly. A key for Hebeloma species from sect. Hebeloma occurring in Arctic-alpine habitats is provided. © 2015 by The Mycological Society of America.
Wood, Kennetah R.; Appelhans, Marc S.; Wagner, Warren L.
Abstract Melicope oppenheimeri K.R. Wood, Appelhans & W.L. Wagner (section Pelea (A. Gray) Hook. f., Rutaceae), a rare endemic tree from West Maui, Hawaiian Islands, is described and illustrated with notes on its ecology, conservation, and phylogenetic placement. The new species differs from Hawaiian congeners by its carpels basally connate 1/5, narrowed into a strongly reflexed beak 10–15 mm long. It also differs in a combination of leaves with 7–10 pair of secondary veins; cymes to 3 cm long; peduncles 5–6.5 mm long; flowers perfect; capsules 4–9 × 40–52 mm; and a densely appressed short-sericeous ovary. Melicope oppenheimeri is known only from an isolated cliff-base plateau in upper Waihe‘e Valley, West Maui. Its discovery brings the number of recognized Melicope J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. species in the Hawaiian Islands to 49. A table is included indicating the conservation status of Hawaiian Melicope and Platydesma H. Mann., which is nested within Melicope sect. Pelea. Melicope oppenheimeri falls into the IUCN Critically Endangered (CR) Red List category. PMID:27698584
Herbivory as an important selective force in the evolution of floral traits and pollinator shifts
Overson, Rick P.; Raguso, Robert A.; Skogen, Krissa A.
Abstract Floral trait evolution is frequently attributed to pollinator-mediated selection but herbivores can play a key role in shaping plant reproductive biology. Here we examine the role of florivores in driving floral trait evolution and pollinator shifts in a recently radiated clade of flowering plants, Oenothera sect. Calylophus. We compare florivory by a specialist, internal feeder, Mompha, on closely related hawkmoth- and bee-pollinated species and document variation in damage based on floral traits within sites, species and among species. Our results show that flowers with longer floral tubes and decreased floral flare have increased Mompha damage. Bee-pollinated flowers, which have substantially smaller floral tubes, experience on average 13% less Mompha florivory than do hawkmoth-pollinated flowers. The positive association between tube length and Mompha damage is evident even within sites of some species, suggesting that Mompha can drive trait differentiation at microevolutionary scales. Given that there are at least two independent shifts from hawkmoth to bee pollination in this clade, florivore-mediated selection on floral traits may have played an important role in facilitating morphological changes associated with transitions from hawkmoth to bee pollination. PMID:28011456
Development of students' interest in particle physics as effect of participating in a Masterclass
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gedigk, Kerstin; Pospiech, Gesche
The International Hands On Particle Physics Masterclasses are enjoying increasing popularity worldwide every year. In Germany a national program was brought to live in 2010, which offers these appreciated events to whole classes or courses of high school students all over the year. These events were evaluated concerning the issues of students' interest in particle physics and their perception of the events. How several interest variables interact with each other and the perception of the events is answered by structural equation modelling (sect. 5.2). The results give information about the events' effects on the students' interest development in particle physics, show which event features are important ( e.g. the authenticity) and give information about practical approaches to improve the effects of the Masterclasses. Section 5.3 deals with a group of participants which have a high interest in particle physics 6-8 weeks after the participation. The number of these students is remarkable large, with 26% of all participants. The investigation of this group shows that the Masterclass participation has the same positive effect on both sexes and all levels of physics education.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Somogyvári, Zoltán; Érdi, Péter
The neural topodynamics theory of Tozzi et al. [13] has two main foci: metastable brain dynamics and the topological approach based on the Borsuk-Ulam theorem (BUT). Briefly, metastable brain dynamics theory hypothesizes that temporary stable synchronization and desynchronization of large number of individual dynamical systems, formed by local neural circuits, are responsible for coding of complex concepts in the brain and sudden changes of these synchronization patterns correspond to operational steps. But what dynamical network could form the substrate for this metastable dynamics, capable of entering into a combinatorially high number of metastable synchronization patterns and exhibit rapid transient changes between them? The general problem is related to the discrimination between ;Black Swans; and ;Dragon Kings;. While BSs are related to the theory of self-organized criticality, and suggests that high-impact extreme events are unpredictable, Dragon-kings are associated with the occurrence of a phase transition, whose emergent organization is based on intermittent criticality [9]. Widening the limits of predictability is one of the big open problems in the theory and practice of complex systems (Sect. 9.3 of Érdi [2]).
Assessment of Waco, Texas FLIR videotape
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Frankel, Donald S.
The FLIR video recorded by the FBI on 19 April 1993, records the final assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and the fire in which some 80 members of the sect died. Attention has focused on a number of flashes recorded on the videotape. The author has examined the 1993 videotape and the recorded videotapes of the re-enactment conducted at Fort Hood, Texas on 19 March 2000. The following conclusions have been reached: 1) The flashes seen on the tape cannot be weapons muzzle flash. Their duration is far too long and their spatial extent is far too great. They are almost certainly the result of solar energy or heat energy form nearby vehicles reflected toward the FLIR by debris or puddles. 2) The FLIR video technology has a very low probability of detecting small arms muzzle flash. 3) As a consequence of 2) above, the absence of muzzle flash detection on the FLIR tape does not prove that no weapons were actually fired during the final assault. Indeed, there is ample evidence (not presented here) that the Davidians fired at the federal agents, but none of their muzzle flashes are detectable on the videotape.
Hussain, R
Knowledge of historical demography and contemporary social stratification can be valuable in understanding disease patterns, including genetic disorders, especially in communities that have a high prevalence of endogamous and/or consanguineous marriages. This paper provides a background to the religious, historical and socio-cultural factors that have helped define the bounds of endogamy for Muslims in undivided India and more specifically since the creation of Pakistan. The preference for endogamous marriage is based on the clan-oriented nature of the society, which values and actively seeks similarities in social group identity based on several factors, including religious, sectarian, ethnic, and tribal/clan affiliation. Religious affiliation is itself multi-layered and includes religious considerations other than being Muslim, such as sectarian identity (e.g. Shia or Sunni, etc.) and religious orientation within the sect (Isnashari, Ismaili, Ahmedi, etc.). Both ethnic affiliation (e.g. Sindhi, Baloch, Punjabi, etc.) and membership of specific biraderis or zat/quoms are additional integral components of social identity. Within the bounds of endogamy defined by the above parameters, close consanguineous unions are preferential due to a congruence of key features of group- and individual-level background factors.
Abortion in the United States' bible belt: organizing for power and empowerment
Over the last 30 years, conservative power in the United States, financed and organized by Christian fundamentalist sects, the Catholic Church, and conservative corporate and political leadership, has become more threatening and potentially destabilizing of progressive democratic principles and practices. Powerful interlocking political, financial and social forces are arrayed against women in many Southern and Western states. They are having destructive effects on women's ability to control their fertility and maintain bodily integrity and health. Poor women and women of color are disproportionately affected by restrictions on abortion services. Strategically developed interventions must be initiated and managed at every level in these localities. It is urgent to coordinate and empower individuals, multiple organizations and communities to engender effective changes in attitudes, norms, behavior and policies that will enable women to obtain reproductive health services, including abortion care. This paper describes contextual factors that continue to decimate U.S. women's right to health and, then, describes a community organizing-social action project in a number of US' states aimed at reversing the erosion of women's right to have or not to have children. PMID:21208420
Kepler, A.K.; Kepler, C.B.
conclusion: Lushly wooded Caroline Atoll, with the majority of its 39 islets (399 ha of land) either in near-pristine condition or having recovered remarkably from past disturbance, is one of the least spoiled atolls in the Pacific. Uninhabited, it harbors plant ecosystems and breeding seabirds (Pt. II) of national and international importance. Its marine and terrestrial ecosystems are prime outdoor ecological laboratories for research on geological processes including ground water, sea level changes, the dynamics of motu formation, fish poisoning, and numerous facets of ecology including plant succession and Pisonia growth rates. Caroline boasts prime coral reefs thickly studded with Tridacna clams, substantial numbers of coconut crabs, breeding sites for green turtles, wintering grounds for shorebirds including the rare Bristle-thighed Curlew, ancient Tuamotuan marae, and a crystalline, unpolluted lagoon. The variety, abundance, and quality of its flora and fauna qualify it for status as an officially recognized international preserve (Pt. II, Sect. G). Efforts toward its conservation have thus far been unsuccessful: in 1992 it was leased to a private French businessman who is currently fishing the reefs for commercial profit, as well as disturbing seabird, turtle and coconut crab populations.
Kepler, C.B.; Kepler, A.K.; Ellis, D.H.
conclusion: Lushly wooded Caroline Atoll, with the majority of its 39 islets (399 ha of land) either in near-pristine condition or having recovered remarkably from past disturbance, is one of the least spoiled atolls in the Pacific. Uninhabited, it harbors plant ecosystems and breeding seabirds (Pt. II) of national and international importance. Its marine and terrestrial ecosystems are prime outdoor ecological laboratories for research on geological processes including ground water, sea level changes, the dynamics of motu formation, fish poisoning, and numerous facets of ecology including plant succession and Pisonia growth rates. Caroline boasts prime coral reefs thickly studded with Tridacna clams, substantial numbers of coconut crabs, breeding sites for green turtles, wintering grounds for shorebirds including the rare Bristle-thighed Curlew, ancient Tuamotuan marae, and a crystalline, unpolluted lagoon. The variety, abundance, and quality of its flora and fauna qualify it for status as an officially recognized international preserve (Pt. II, Sect. G). Efforts toward its conservation have thus far been unsuccessful: in 1992 it was leased to a private French businessman who is currently fishing the reefs for commercial profit, as well as disturbing seabird, turtle and coconut crab populations.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
This document provides the Environmental Restoration Program with information about the results of investigations performed at Waste Area Grouping (WAG) 5. It includes information on risk assessments that have evaluated long-term impacts to human health and the environment. Information provided in this document forms the basis for decisions regarding the need for subsequent remediation work at WAG 5. Sections B1.1 through B1.4 present an overview of the environmental setting of WAG 5, including location, population, land uses, ecology, and climate, and Sects. B1.5 through B1.7 give site-specific details (e.g., topography, soils, geology, and hydrology). The remediation investigation (RI) of WAGmore » 5 did not entail en exhaustive characterization of all physical attributes of the site; the information presented here focuses on those most relevant to the development and verification of the WAG 5 conceptual model. Most of the information presented in this appendix was derived from the RI field investigation, which was designed to complement the existing data base from earlier, site-specific studies of Solid Waste Storage Area (SWSA) 5 and related areas.« less
Borovička, J; Oborník, M; Stříbrný, J; Noordeloos, M E; Parra Sánchez, L A; Gryndler, M
Five Psilocybe species with unresolved systematic position (P. atrobrunnea, P. laetissima, P. medullosa, P. pelliculosa, and P. silvatica) were investigated using four molecular markers (EF1-α, ITS, LSU, and IGS). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that with the exception of P. laetissima, which is now rightfully classified in the genus Leratiomyces, all investigated species belong to Psilocybe sect. Psilocybe. For the first time, psychotropic compounds psilocin and psilocybin were detected in P. medullosa using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. On the contrary, neither psilocin, nor psilocybin was detected in P. atrobrunnea and negative results were also obtained from mycelia grown in vitro on tryptamine/tryptophan-amended media. These results strongly suggest that biosynthesis of these alkaloids was lost in P. atrobrunnea. With the exception of minor differences detected in EF1-α marker, all sequences of American and European collections of P. atrobrunnea were identical. On the other hand, a thorough nomenclatural study revealed that the name P. atrobrunnea must be considered dubious; the oldest available candidate name, P. fuscofulva, was therefore adopted. The molecular data suggests that morphologically identical American P. silvatica and European P. medullosa likely represent distinct species; epitypes of both taxa were therefore designated.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Period-mass-loss rate relation of Miras (Uttenthaler, 2013)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Uttenthaler, S.
Table 1 is a collection of information on the technetium (Tc) content, pulsation period, and IR photometry of AGB variables, without claim of completeness, in particular for the semi-regular variables (SRVs). Up to three references on the Tc content are given. The pulsation period is the most up-to-date value possible, for many objects based on an analysis of AAVSO data with the Period04 program (Lenz & Breger, 2005CoAst.146...53L). The spectral (or chemical) type of the star is taken from the same literature as the information on Tc. A mean K magnitude and J-K colour is computed from all available literature, as listed in Sect. 2 of the paper; they are meant to be as close as possible to cycle-averaged values, to average out the variability of the objects. Finally, magnitudes are given in the IRAS 12, 25, and 60 micron bands, Akari 9 and 18 micron bands, and WISE 22 micron bands are given, where fluxes have been converted to magnitudes given the zero-magnitude fluxes as given in the Note to Table 1. (1 data file).
Drabik, Anna; Graf, Christian; Büscher, Guido; Stock, Stephanie
Disease management programs (DMPs) were implemented in the German Statutory Health Insurance (SHI) in a nationwide rollout in 2002. The explicit goal of the programs is to improve coordination and quality of care for the chronically ill (Sect. 137f, SGB V). To reach this goal extensive quality assurance measures in the programs are mandatory, enrolment and coordination of care rests with the primary care or DMP physician, treatment is based on evidence-based care guidelines, and patients are offered diabetes education classes to support self-management. The present study evaluates the DMP diabetes mellitus type II, a nationwide program offered by the BARMER, a German health insurance company. To minimize selection bias we formed a control group of administrative data using a propensity score matching approach. In comparison to the control group DMP participants have a significantly lower mortality rate, and their average drug and hospital costs are reduced. Enrolled patients also had a lower mean number of hospital stays and shorter hospital stays. These results indicate that the programs meet the initial goal of improving the quality of care for the chronically ill. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
Development of Wien filter for small ion gun of surface analysis
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Bahng, Jungbae; Busan Center, Korea Basic Science Institute, Busan 609-735; Hong, Jonggi
The gas cluster ion beam (GCIB) and liquid metal ion beam have been studied in the context of ion beam usage for analytical equipment in applications such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). In particular, small ion sources are used for the secondary ion generation and ion etching. To set the context to this study, the SIMS project has been launched to develop ion-gun based analytical equipment for the Korea Basic Science Institute. The objective of the first stage of the project is the generation of argon beams with a GCIB system [A. Kirkpatrick, Nucl. Instrum.more » Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 206, 830–837 (2003)] that consists of a nozzle, skimmer, ionizer, acceleration tube, separation system, transport system, and target. The Wien filter directs the selected cluster beam to the target system by exploiting the velocity difference of the generated particles from GCIB. In this paper, we present the theoretical modeling and three-dimensional electromagnetic analysis of the Wien filter, which can separate Ar{sup +}{sub 2500} clusters from Ar{sup +}{sub 2400} to Ar{sup +}{sub 2600} clusters with a 1-mm collimator.« less
Bosmia, Anand N; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Tubbs, R Shane
The purpose of this article is to discuss the use of the human calvaria and skull as alms bowls and drinking vessels by a sect of Hindu ascetics in present-day India known as the Aghoris. The authors attempt to explain the rationale behind the Aghoris' use of the human calvaria and skull in this manner. A review of the literature using standard search engines was conducted to obtain information about the history and philosophy of the Aghori ascetics. Multiple academic references confirm the persistence of the practice of using the human calvaria and skull as alms bowls and drinking vessels among Aghori ascetics in present-day India. This practice is inspired by the Aghoris' monistic philosophy, a principle of which is that observance of social convention deters the individual soul in its journey towards liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. Certain anatomical features of the human body have had religious significance in the past. Multiple academic references concerning the Aghoris argue that religious significance continues to be ascribed to certain components of human anatomy. In the case of the Aghoris, these components are the calvaria and skull.
Milutinović, Violeta; Niketić, Marjan; Krunić, Aleksej; Nikolić, Dejan; Petković, Miloš; Ušjak, Ljuboš; Petrović, Silvana
Four sesquiterpene lactones (SLs), including three undescribed proline-SL conjugates, the guaianolides calophyllamine A and 8-epiixerisamine A, and the eudesmanolide calophyllamine B, were isolated from the methanol extract of Hieracium calophyllum R. Uechtr. (Compositae) flowering heads. Another known guaianolide, crepiside E, was detected in Hieracium L. species for the first time. Their structures were elucidated using extensive 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy in combination with HRMS. The isolated SLs were used as external standards for qualitative and quantitative LC-MS analysis of the dry methanol extracts of the flowering aerial parts of 28 Hieracium species from the Balkan Peninsula. Guaianolides were the dominant SLs in 27 species studied. The chemosystematic significance of detected SLs was evaluated using multivariate statistics (PCA, nMDS and UPGMA). Differentiation between the main groups was well supported. All four compounds significantly and equally contributed to the differences between the species. In addition, the eudesmanolide calophyllamine B could be a significant chemosystematic marker for H. sect. Villosa (Griseb.) Gremli s.l. and Glauciformia (Freyn) Zahn-Italica (Fr.) Av. Touv. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wen, Jun; Boggan, John; Nie, Ze-Long
Abstract The genus Nekemias (Vitaceae) was first recognized by Rafinesque in 1838. It has been treated as a synonym of Ampelopsis Michx. Recent phylogenetic studies suggest that Ampelopsis as traditionally delimited is paraphyletic. To maintain the monophyly of each of the genera of Vitaceae, we herein segregate the Ampelopsis sect. Leeaceifoliae lineage from Ampelopsis and recognize these taxa in Nekemias Raf., which has a disjunct distribution in eastern to southeastern Asia and eastern North America. Nomenclatural changes are made for nine species and one variety: Nekemias arborea (L.) J. Wen & Boggan, Nekemias cantoniensis (Hook. & Arn.) J. Wen & Z.L. Nie, Nekemias celebica (Suess.) J. Wen & Boggan, Nekemias chaffanjonii (H. Lév. & Van.) J. Wen & Z.L. Nie, Nekemias gongshanensis (C.L. Li) J. Wen & Z.L. Nie, Nekemias grossedentata (Hand.-Mazz.) J. Wen & Z.L. Nie, Nekemias hypoglauca (Hance) J. Wen & Z.L. Nie, Nekemias megalophylla (Diels & Gilg) J. Wen & Z.L. Nie, Nekemias megalophylla var. jiangxiensis (W.T. Wang) J. Wen & Z.L. Nie, and Nekemias rubifolia (Wall.) J. Wen & Z.L. Nie. A taxonomic key is provided for the genus to facilitate identification. PMID:25383008
Benítez-Benítez, Carmen; Fernández-Mazuecos, Mario; Martín-Bravo, Santiago
Plants growing in high-mountain environments may share common morphological features through convergent evolution resulting from an adaptative response to similar ecological conditions. The Carex flava species complex (sect. Ceratocystis, Cyperaceae) includes four dwarf morphotypes from Circum-Mediterranean mountains whose taxonomic status has remained obscure due to their apparent morphological resemblance. In this study we investigate whether these dwarf mountain morphotypes result from convergent evolution or common ancestry, and whether there are ecological differences promoting differentiation between the dwarf morphotypes and their taxonomically related large, well-developed counterparts. We used phylogenetic analyses of nrDNA (ITS) and ptDNA (rps16 and 5’trnK) sequences, ancestral state reconstruction, multivariate analyses of macro- and micromorphological data, and species distribution modeling. Dwarf morphotype populations were found to belong to three different genetic lineages, and several morphotype shifts from well-developed to dwarf were suggested by ancestral state reconstructions. Distribution modeling supported differences in climatic niche at regional scale between the large forms, mainly from lowland, and the dwarf mountain morphotypes. Our results suggest that dwarf mountain morphotypes within this sedge group are small forms of different lineages that have recurrently adapted to mountain habitats through convergent evolution. PMID:29281689
Petzold, Thomas; Hertzschuch, Diana; Elchlep, Frank; Eberlein-Gonska, Maria
Process management (PM) is a valuable method for the systematic analysis and structural optimisation of the quality and safety of clinical treatment. PM requires a high motivation and willingness to implement changes of both employees and management. Definition of quality indicators is required to systematically measure the quality of the specified processes. One way to represent comparable quality results is the use of quality indicators of the external quality assurance in accordance with Sect. 137 SGB V—a method which the Federal Joint Committee (GBA) and the institutions commissioned by the GBA have employed and consistently enhanced for more than ten years. Information on the quality of inpatient treatment is available for 30 defined subjects throughout Germany. The combination of specified processes with quality indicators is beneficial for the information of employees. A process-based indicator dashboard provides essential information about the treatment process. These can be used for process analysis. In a continuous consideration of these indicator results values can be determined and errors will be remedied quickly. If due consideration is given to these indicators, they can be used for benchmarking to identify potential process improvements. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
Impact of fertilizing pattern on the biodiversity of a weed community and wheat growth.
Tang, Leilei; Cheng, Chuanpeng; Wan, Kaiyuan; Li, Ruhai; Wang, Daozhong; Tao, Yong; Pan, Junfeng; Xie, Juan; Chen, Fang
Weeding and fertilization are important farming practices. Integrated weed management should protect or improve the biodiversity of farmland weed communities for a better ecological environment with not only increased crop yield, but also reduced use of herbicides. This study hypothesized that appropriate fertilization would benefit both crop growth and the biodiversity of farmland weed communities. To study the effects of different fertilizing patterns on the biodiversity of a farmland weed community and their adaptive mechanisms, indices of species diversity and responses of weed species and wheat were investigated in a 17-year field trial with a winter wheat-soybean rotation. This long term field trial includes six fertilizing treatments with different N, P and K application rates. The results indicated that wheat and the four prevalent weed species (Galium aparine, Vicia sativa, Veronica persica and Geranium carolinianum) showed different responses to fertilizer treatment in terms of density, plant height, shoot biomass, and nutrient accumulations. Each individual weed population exhibited its own adaptive mechanisms, such as increased internode length for growth advantages and increased light interception. The PK treatment had higher density, shoot biomass, Shannon-Wiener and Pielou Indices of weed community than N plus P fertilizer treatments. The N1/2PK treatment showed the same weed species number as the PK treatment. It also showed higher Shannon-Wiener and Pielou Indices of the weed community, although it had a lower wheat yield than the NPK treatment. The negative effects of the N1/2PK treatment on wheat yield could be balanced by the simultaneous positive effects on weed communities, which are intermediate in terms of the effects on wheat and weeds.
Impact of Fertilizing Pattern on the Biodiversity of a Weed Community and Wheat Growth
Tang, Leilei; Cheng, Chuanpeng; Wan, Kaiyuan; Li, Ruhai; Wang, Daozhong; Tao, Yong; Pan, Junfeng; Xie, Juan; Chen, Fang
Weeding and fertilization are important farming practices. Integrated weed management should protect or improve the biodiversity of farmland weed communities for a better ecological environment with not only increased crop yield, but also reduced use of herbicides. This study hypothesized that appropriate fertilization would benefit both crop growth and the biodiversity of farmland weed communities. To study the effects of different fertilizing patterns on the biodiversity of a farmland weed community and their adaptive mechanisms, indices of species diversity and responses of weed species and wheat were investigated in a 17-year field trial with a winter wheat-soybean rotation. This long term field trial includes six fertilizing treatments with different N, P and K application rates. The results indicated that wheat and the four prevalent weed species (Galium aparine, Vicia sativa, Veronica persica and Geranium carolinianum) showed different responses to fertilizer treatment in terms of density, plant height, shoot biomass, and nutrient accumulations. Each individual weed population exhibited its own adaptive mechanisms, such as increased internode length for growth advantages and increased light interception. The PK treatment had higher density, shoot biomass, Shannon-Wiener and Pielou Indices of weed community than N plus P fertilizer treatments. The N1/2PK treatment showed the same weed species number as the PK treatment. It also showed higher Shannon-Wiener and Pielou Indices of the weed community, although it had a lower wheat yield than the NPK treatment. The negative effects of the N1/2PK treatment on wheat yield could be balanced by the simultaneous positive effects on weed communities, which are intermediate in terms of the effects on wheat and weeds. PMID:24416223
Prefazione al quarto volume di GERBERTVS
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sigismondi, Costantino
The fourth volume of GERBERTVS contains the acts of the symposia held in Rome, at the Odeion hall of Lettere faculty in Sapienza University on December 7, 2012 Gerbert Homo Novus and on March 13, 2013 on the pre and post humanistic figures. Laura C. Paladino presents the didactical activity of Gerbert as from Richer of Reims who completed his Historia Francorum in 998, before the election of Gerbert to the pontifical soil. Among these activities there is the teaching of astronomy and mathematics and the abacus, to which a special article of Jorge Nuno Silva is dedicated. The abacus increased dramatically the rapidity of the computations and some algoritms thaught by Gerbert and reported by his former student Bernelinus is very reliably invented by Gerbert himself, as Silva demostrates in his paper. Giancarlo Pani presents the relation between Galileo and Kepler, at the end of the humanistic period, showing interesting insights on the rather asymmetrical exchange of information between the two greater astronomer of 1600. Veronica Regoli presents the Cosmos of Dante, the ideal structure of the Divine Comedy. Patrick Demouy presents the new biography of Flavio G. Nuvolone where the great novelty is the noble origin of Gerbert from Carlat family, but before the marriage of his (presumed) father. His birth is shifted back to 938 with technical demostrations. Paolo Zanna compares the magisterium of Gerbert-Sylvester II and that one of John Paul II and pope Francesco. Finally C. Sigismondi presents the work and the activities of Pawel Max Maksym (1983-2013) who founded the Observatory &"Pope Sylvester II" in the town of Bukowiec, near Lodz, Poland.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Andrade, Marcela P.; Magalhães, André; Pereira, Luci C. C.; Flores-Montes, Manuel J.; Pardal, Emarielle C.; Andrade, Thamara P.; Costa, Rauquírio M.
The influences of the 2011 La Niña event on the hydrological patterns and copepod community structure were investigated in a shallow tropical estuary, the Taperaçu, in northern Brazil. Specifically, this study aimed to explore the response of the most dominant copepod species and ecological indices (diversity, evenness and richness) to temporal changes in rainfall regime and water parameters in a tropical meso-macro tidal setting. Zooplankton samples were collected from three sampling sites using a conical plankton net (120 μm mesh), with both water and zooplankton samples analyzed by standard methods. In 2011, the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the water were exacerbated by increased rainfall levels resulting from the La Niña event. This resulted in a reduction in the salinity and an increase in dissolved nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton biomass in the study area. These conditions had a direct effect on the monthly dynamics of copepods as a whole, and in particular of five species, O. oswaldocruzi (169,090 ± 254,609 ind. m- 3; p < 0.0001), P. acutus (301,133 ± 518,065 ind. m- 3; p < 0.05), P. marshi (329,391 ± 563,009 ind. m- 3; p > 0.05), O. hebes (40,888 ± 64,893 ind. m- 3; p < 0.05) and A. tonsa (10,680 ± 13,877 ind. m- 3; p > 0.05), all of which were represented by higher densities in February. An extremely high recruitment rate of copepod nauplii was also observed during this month (3,088,309 ± 5,206,645 ind. m- 3; p < 0.05), with this peak in density thus overlapping that of the adult forms. The anomalous period of rainfall was also reflected in reduced species richness and diversity, which not only affected the structure of the copepod community, but may also have provoked shifts in trophic dynamics at higher levels, such as zooplanktivorous fishes.
Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, Part 16
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Contents include the folowing: Experimental Study of Fe-, Co- and Ni-partitioning Between Forsterite and low-Co Fe,Ni-Alloys: Implications for Formation of Olivine Condensates in Equilibrium with Primitive Metal. Channels and Fan-like Features on Titan Surface Imaged by the Cassini RADAR. The Oxygen Isotope Similarity of the Earth and Moon: Source Region or Formation Process? The Mn-53-Cr-53 System in CAIs: An Update. Comparative Planetary Mineralogy: Valence State Partitioning of Cr, Fe, Ti, and V Among Crystallographic Sites in Olivine, Pyroxene, and Spinel from Planetary Basalts. CAI Thermal History Constraints from Spinel: Ti Zoning Profiles and Melilite Boundary Clinopyroxenes. Noble Gas Study of New Enstatite SaU 290 with High Solar Gases. A Marine Origin for the Meridiani Planum Landing Site? A Mechanism for the Formation and Evolution of Tharsis as a Consequence of Mantle Overturn: Large Scale Lateral Heterogeneity in a Stably Stratified Mantle. Endolithic Colonization of Fluid Inclusion Trails in Mineral Grains. Microbial Preservation in Sulfates in the Haughton Impact Structure Suggests Target in Search for Life on Mars. Ascraeus Mons Fan-shaped Deposit, Mars: Geological History and Volcano-Ice Interactions of a Cold-based Glacier. Weathering Pits in the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Insolation-induced Heating and Melting, and Applications to Mars. Mineralogy and Petrography of Lunar Mare Regolith Breccia Meteorite MET 01-210. Geological Mapping of Ganymede. A Quantitative Analysis of Plate Motion on Europa: Implications for the Role of Rigid vs. Nonrigid Behavior of the Lithosphere. Comparison of Terrestrial Morphology, Ejecta, and Sediment Transport of Small Craters: Volcanic and Impact Analogs to Mars. An Integrated Study of OMEGA-Identified Mineral Deposits in Eastern Hebes Chasma, Mars. Global Spectral and Compositional Diversity of Mars: A Test of CRISM Global Mapping with Mars Express OMEGA Data. On Origin of Sedna. Processing ISS Images of Titan s
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
George, J. A.; Clifford, S. M.
Over its 3,500 km length, Valles Marineris exhibits an enormous range of geologic and environmental diversity. At its western end, the canyon is dominated by the tectonic complex of Noctis Labyrinthus; while in the east it grades into an extensive region of chaos where scoured channels and streamlined islands provide evidence of catastrophic floods that spilled into the northern plains. In the central portion of the system, debris derived from the massive interior layered deposits of Candor and Ophir Chasmas spills into the central trough. In other areas, 6 km-deep exposures of Hesperian and Noachian-age canyon wall stratigraphy have collapsed in massive landslides that extend many tens of kilometers across the canyon floor. Ejecta from interior craters, aeolian sediments, and possible volcanics emanating from structurally controlled vents along the base of the scarps, further contribute to the canyon's geologic complexity. Following the initial rifting that gave birth to Valles Marineris, water appears to have been a principal agent in the canyon's geomorphic development an agent whose significance is given added weight by its potential role in both sustaining and preserving evidence of past life. In this regard, the interior layered deposits of Candor, Ophir, and Hebes Chasmas, have been identified as possible lucustrine sediments that may have been laid down in long-standing ice-covered lakes. The potential survival and growth of native organisms in such an environment, or in the aquifers whose disruption gave birth to the chaotic terrain and outflow channels to the north and east of the canyon, raises the possibility that fossil indicators of life may be present in the local sediment and rock. Because of the enormous distances over which these diverse environments occur, identifying a single landing site that maximizes the opportunity for scientific return is not a simple task. However, given the fluvial history and narrow geometry of the canyon, the presence
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
George, J. A.; Clifford, S. M.
Over its 3,500 km length, Valles Marineris exhibits an enormous range of geologic and environmental diversity. At its western end, the canyon is dominated by the tectonic complex of Noctis Labyrinthus; while in the east it grades into an extensive region of chaos where scoured channels and streamlined islands provide evidence of catastrophic floods that spilled into the northern plains. In the central portion of the system, debris derived from the massive interior layered deposits of Candor and Ophir Chasmas spills into the central trough. In other areas, 6 km-deep exposures of Hesperian and Noachian-age canyon wall stratigraphy have collapsed in massive landslides that extend many tens of kilometers across the canyon floor. Ejecta from interior craters, aeolian sediments, and possible volcanics emanating from structurally controlled vents along the base of the scarps, further contribute to the canyon's geologic complexity. Following the initial rifting that gave birth to Valles Marineris, water appears to have been a principal agent in the canyon's geomorphic development an agent whose significance is given added weight by its potential role in both sustaining and preserving evidence of past life. In this regard, the interior layered deposits of Candor, Ophir, and Hebes Chasmas, have been identified as possible lucustrine sediments that may have been laid down in long-standing ice-covered lakes. The potential survival and growth of native organisms in such an environment, or in the aquifers whose disruption gave birth to the chaotic terrain and outflow channels to the north and east of the canyon, raises the possibility that fossil indicators of life may be present in the local sediment and rock. Because of the enormous distances over which these diverse environments occur, identifying a single landing site that maximizes the opportunity for scientific return is not a simple task. However, given the fluvial history and narrow geometry of the canyon, the presence
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fenkart, R.
general disposition; it is, therefore, recommended to be consulted, if a more detailed view of the whole project is desired. The present paper, after a short introduction (Sect. 1), is concerned with the extensive discussion of the comparison results for each of its four fields, in both photometric systems (Sect. 2), and summarizes, in section 3, the general findings which consist in the acknowledgement of a significantly better performance of the RGU-system with respect to the comparison procedure, and, overall, in the confirmation (SA 82, SA 57, SA 54), or at least not exclusion (SA 133) of the existence of a Thick Disk component in the involved directions.
Discriminating crop, weeds and soil surface with a terrestrial LIDAR sensor.
Andújar, Dionisio; Rueda-Ayala, Victor; Moreno, Hugo; Rosell-Polo, Joan Ramón; Escolá, Alexandre; Valero, Constantino; Gerhards, Roland; Fernández-Quintanilla, César; Dorado, José; Griepentrog, Hans-Werner
In this study, the evaluation of the accuracy and performance of a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor for vegetation using distance and reflection measurements aiming to detect and discriminate maize plants and weeds from soil surface was done. The study continues a previous work carried out in a maize field in Spain with a LIDAR sensor using exclusively one index, the height profile. The current system uses a combination of the two mentioned indexes. The experiment was carried out in a maize field at growth stage 12-14, at 16 different locations selected to represent the widest possible density of three weeds: Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv., Lamium purpureum L., Galium aparine L.and Veronica persica Poir.. A terrestrial LIDAR sensor was mounted on a tripod pointing to the inter-row area, with its horizontal axis and the field of view pointing vertically downwards to the ground, scanning a vertical plane with the potential presence of vegetation. Immediately after the LIDAR data acquisition (distances and reflection measurements), actual heights of plants were estimated using an appropriate methodology. For that purpose, digital images were taken of each sampled area. Data showed a high correlation between LIDAR measured height and actual plant heights (R2 = 0.75). Binary logistic regression between weed presence/absence and the sensor readings (LIDAR height and reflection values) was used to validate the accuracy of the sensor. This permitted the discrimination of vegetation from the ground with an accuracy of up to 95%. In addition, a Canonical Discrimination Analysis (CDA) was able to discriminate mostly between soil and vegetation and, to a far lesser extent, between crop and weeds. The studied methodology arises as a good system for weed detection, which in combination with other principles, such as vision-based technologies, could improve the efficiency and accuracy of herbicide spraying.
Discriminating Crop, Weeds and Soil Surface with a Terrestrial LIDAR Sensor
Andújar, Dionisio; Rueda-Ayala, Victor; Moreno, Hugo; Rosell-Polo, Joan Ramón; Escolà, Alexandre; Valero, Constantino; Gerhards, Roland; Fernández-Quintanilla, César; Dorado, José; Griepentrog, Hans-Werner
In this study, the evaluation of the accuracy and performance of a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor for vegetation using distance and reflection measurements aiming to detect and discriminate maize plants and weeds from soil surface was done. The study continues a previous work carried out in a maize field in Spain with a LIDAR sensor using exclusively one index, the height profile. The current system uses a combination of the two mentioned indexes. The experiment was carried out in a maize field at growth stage 12–14, at 16 different locations selected to represent the widest possible density of three weeds: Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv., Lamium purpureum L., Galium aparine L.and Veronica persica Poir.. A terrestrial LIDAR sensor was mounted on a tripod pointing to the inter-row area, with its horizontal axis and the field of view pointing vertically downwards to the ground, scanning a vertical plane with the potential presence of vegetation. Immediately after the LIDAR data acquisition (distances and reflection measurements), actual heights of plants were estimated using an appropriate methodology. For that purpose, digital images were taken of each sampled area. Data showed a high correlation between LIDAR measured height and actual plant heights (R2 = 0.75). Binary logistic regression between weed presence/absence and the sensor readings (LIDAR height and reflection values) was used to validate the accuracy of the sensor. This permitted the discrimination of vegetation from the ground with an accuracy of up to 95%. In addition, a Canonical Discrimination Analysis (CDA) was able to discriminate mostly between soil and vegetation and, to a far lesser extent, between crop and weeds. The studied methodology arises as a good system for weed detection, which in combination with other principles, such as vision-based technologies, could improve the efficiency and accuracy of herbicide spraying. PMID:24172283
Luebert, Federico; Hilger, Hartmut H; Weigend, Maximilian
The uplift of the Andes was a major factor for plant diversification in South America and had significant effects on the climatic patterns at the continental scale. It was crucial for the formation of the arid environments in south-eastern and western South America. However, both the timing of the major stages of the Andean uplift and the onset of aridity in western South America remain controversial. In this paper we examine the hypothesis that the Andean South American groups of Heliotropium originated and diversified in response to Andean orogeny during the late Miocene and a the subsequent development of aridity. To this end, we estimate divergence times and likely biogeographical origins of the major clades in the phylogeny of Heliotropium, using both Bayesian and likelihood methods. Divergence times of all Andean clades in Heliotropium are estimated to be of late Miocene or Pliocene ages. At least three independent Andean diversification events can be recognized within Heliotropium. Timing of the diversification in the Andean lineages Heliotropium sects.Heliothamnus, Cochranea, Heliotrophytum, Hypsogenia, Plagiomeris, Platygyne clearly correspond to a rapid, late Miocene uplift of the Andes and a Pliocene development of arid environments in South America. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Comparative genetics of hybrid incompatibility: sterility in two Solanum species crosses.
Moyle, Leonie C; Nakazato, Takuya
The genetic basis of hybrid sterility can provide insight into the genetic and evolutionary origins of species barriers. We examine the genetics of hybrid incompatibility between two diploid plant species in the plant clade Solanum sect. Lycopersicon. Using a set of near-isogenic lines (NILs) representing the wild species Solanum pennellii (formerly Lycopersicon pennellii) in the genetic background of the cultivated tomato S. lycopersicum (formerly L. esculentum), we found that hybrid pollen and seed infertility are each based on a modest number of loci, male (pollen) and other (seed) incompatibility factors are roughly comparable in number, and seed-infertility QTL act additively or recessively. These findings are remarkably consistent with our previous analysis in a different species pair, S. lycopersicum x S. habrochaites. Data from both studies contrast strongly with data from Drosophila. Finally, QTL for pollen and seed sterility from the two Solanum studies were chromosomally colocalized, indicating a shared evolutionary history for these QTL, a nonrandom genomic distribution of loci causing sterility, and/or a proclivity of certain genes to be involved in hybrid sterility. We show that comparative mapping data can delimit the probable timing of evolution of detected QTL and discern which sterility loci likely evolved earliest among species.
Liu, Ya-Nan; Li, Yan; Yang, Fu-Sheng; Wang, Xiao-Quan
Floral nectar is thought to be one of the most important rewards that attract pollinators in Pedicularis; however, few studies have examined variation of nectary structure and/or nectar secretion in the genus, particularly among closely related species. Here we investigated nectary morphology, nectar quality, and nectar production dynamics in flowers of Pedicularis section Cyathophora. We found a conical floral nectary at the base of the ovary in species of the rex-thamnophila clade. Stomata were found on the surface of the nectary, and copious starch grains were detected in the nectary tissues. In contrast, a semi-annular nectary was found in flowers of the species of the superba clade. Only a few starch grains were observed in tissues of the semi-annular nectary, and the nectar sugar concentration in these flowers was much lower than that in the flowers of the rex-thamnophila clade. Our results indicate that the floral nectary has experienced considerable morphological, structural, and functional differentiation among closely related species of Pedicularis. This could have affected nectar production, leading to a shift of the pollination mode. Our results also imply that variation of the nectary morphology and nectar production may have played an important role in the speciation of sect. Cyathophora. © 2015 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Report on psychoactive drug use among adolescents using ayahuasca within a religious context.
Doering-Silveira, Evelyn; Grob, Charles S; de Rios, Marlene Dobkin; Lopez, Enrique; Alonso, Luisa K; Tacla, Cristiane; Da Silveira, Dartiu Xavier
Ritual use of ayahuasca within the context of the Brazilian ayahuasca churches often starts during late childhood or early adolescence. Premature access to psychoactive drugs may represent a risk factor for drug misuse. Conversely, religious affiliation seems to play a protective role in terms of substance abuse. The objective of this study was to describe patterns of drug use in a sample of adolescents using ayahuasca within a religious setting. Forty-one adolescents from a Brazilian ayahuasca sect were compared with 43 adolescents who never drank ayahuasca. No significant differences were identified in terms of lifetime substance consumption. Throughout the previous year period, ayahuasca adolescents used less alcohol (46.31%) than the comparison group (74.4%). Recent use of alcohol was also more frequent among the latter group (65.1%) than among ayahuasca drinkers (32.5%). Although not statistically significant, slight differences in terms of patterns of drug use were definitely observed among groups. Despite their early exposure to a hallucinogenic substance, adolescents using ayahuasca in a controlled setting were mostly comparable to controls except for a considerably smaller proportion of alcohol users. Religious affiliation may have played a central role as a possible protective factor for alcohol use. Thus, ayahuasca seems to be a relatively safe substance as far as drug misuse is concerned.
Clinical applications and implications of common and founder mutations in Indian subpopulations.
Ankala, Arunkanth; Tamhankar, Parag M; Valencia, C Alexander; Rayam, Krishna K; Kumar, Manisha M; Hegde, Madhuri R
South Asian Indians represent a sixth of the world's population and are a racially, geographically, and genetically diverse people. Their unique anthropological structure, prevailing caste system, and ancient religious practices have all impacted the genetic composition of most of the current-day Indian population. With the evolving socio-religious and economic activities of the subsects and castes, endogamous and consanguineous marriages became a commonplace. Consequently, the frequency of founder mutations and the burden of heritable genetic disorders rose significantly. Specifically, the incidence of certain autosomal-recessive disorders is relatively high in select Indian subpopulations and communities that share common recent ancestry. Although today clinical genetics and molecular diagnostic services are making inroads in India, the high costs associated with the technology and the tests often keep patients from an exact molecular diagnosis, making more customized and tailored tests, such as those interrogating the most common and founder mutations or those that cater to select sects within the population, highly attractive. These tests offer a quick first-hand affordable diagnostic and carrier screening tool. Here, we provide a comprehensive catalog of known common mutations and founder mutations in the Indian population and discuss them from a molecular, clinical, and historical perspective. © 2014 WILEY PERIODICALS, INC.
Botanical features for identification of Gymnosporia arenicola dried leaf.
Da Silva, Gustavo; Serrano, Rita; Gomes, Elsa Teixeira; Silva, Olga
Gymnosporia arenicola Jordaan (Celastraceae) is a shrub or small tree, which naturally occurs in coastal sand dunes of Southern Mozambique and South Africa. Its dried leaf is often used in traditional medicine for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Hereby, we present results of studies carried out according to the pharmacopoeia standards for the identification of herbal drugs, in the whole, fragmented, and powdered plant material. These results were complemented with scanning electron microscopy and histochemical techniques. The leaf microscopic analysis revealed a typical dorsiventral mesophyll with a corresponding spongy parenchyma-palisade parenchyma ratio of 0.60, anomocytic and paracytic stomata, papillate cells with a diameter of 4.00 ± 0.40 µm, multicellular uniseriate nonglandular trichomes with a length of 27.00 ± 4.10 µm and cristalliferous idioblasts containing calcium oxalate cluster crystals with a diameter of 23.04 ± 5.84 µm. The present findings demonstrate that the G. arenicola leaf has both nonglandular trichomes and hypoderm, features not previously described in the corresponding botanical section (Gymnosporia sect. Buxifoliae Jordaan). The establishment of these new botanical markers for the identification of G. arenicola leaf is essential for quality, safety and efficacy reasons. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Hansen, Leonhard
In our society, taking personal responsibility is basically regarded as a key step to adopting a more active lifestyle. In health care, however, personal responsibility is primarily equated with higher levels of financial contribution from patients. Obviously, the individual's responsibility for his or her health and towards the mutually supportive community is a highly emotional and ideological issue, so the debate is usually rather heated. This is, however, at odds with the "empowered patient" concept. In the present paper "personal responsibility in practice" will be understood to include both physician and patient responsibility. Examples will be employed to demonstrate that, on an individual level, physicians are responsible for diagnosing and treating their patients as indicated and that, on a collective level, they are expected to make responsible use of the resources allocated. Here, patient responsibility will be defined as both taking care for one's own health and the individual's obligation to contribute to the maintenance of our solidarity-based health care system. The tensions between solidarity and subsidiarity and personal responsibility, respectively, will be outlined, and a readjustment of the relation between external support and individual strengths, between solidarity and personal responsibility in terms of Sect. 1 of the Social Book Code V will be advocated. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
Co-citation Network Analysis of Religious Texts
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Murai, Hajime; Tokosumi, Akifumi
This paper introduces a method of representing in a network the thoughts of individual authors of dogmatic texts numerically and objectively by means of co-citation analysis and a method of distinguishing between the thoughts of various authors by clustering and analysis of clustered elements, generated by the clustering process. Using these methods, this paper creates and analyzes the co-citation networks for five authoritative Christian theologians through history (Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Jean Calvin, Karl Barth, John Paul II). These analyses were able to extract the core element of Christian thought (Jn 1:14, Ph 2:6, Ph 2:7, Ph 2:8, Ga 4:4), as well as distinctions between the individual theologians in terms of their sect (Catholic or Protestant) and era (thinking about the importance of God's creation and the necessity of spreading the Gospel). By supplementing conventional literary methods in areas such as philosophy and theology, with these numerical and objective methods, it should be possible to compare the characteristics of various doctrines. The ability to numerically and objectively represent the characteristics of various thoughts opens up the possibilities of utilizing new information technology, such as web ontology and the Artificial Intelligence, in order to process information about ideological thoughts in the future.
Psychometric properties of the Image of God Scale in breast cancer survivors.
Schreiber, Judy A
To examine the psychometric properties of the Image of God Scale (IGS) in a clinical population. Descriptive, cross-sectional. University and community oncology practices in the southeastern United States. 123 breast cancer survivors no more than two years from completion of treatment. Scale reliability was determined with the coefficient alpha. Instrument dimensionality was examined using principal component analysis. Construct validity was evaluated by examining correlations with other instruments used in the study. An individual's image of God. Internal consistency was strong (anger subscale = 0.8; engagement subscale = 0.89). The principle component analysis resulted in a two-factor solution with items loading uniquely on Factor 1-Engagement (8) and Factor 2-Anger (6). Significant correlations between the IGS and religious coping support convergence on a God concept. Correlations with psychological well-being, psychological distress, and concern about recurrence were nonsignificant (engagement) or inverse (anger), supporting discrimination between concepts of God and psychological adjustment. The IGS is a unique measure of how God is viewed by the depth and character of His involvement with the individual and the world. The IGS may be a measure that can transcend sects, denominations, and religions by identifying the image of God that underlies and defines an individuals' worldview, which influences their attitudes and behaviors.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rodríguez-Riaño, Tomás; Valtueña, Francisco J.; López, Josefa; Navarro-Pérez, María Luisa; Pérez-Bote, José Luis; Ortega-Olivencia, Ana
Approximately 30 % of the genera of Scrophulariaceae s.str. have a staminode, which is the remnant of a sterile stamen. However, there are no studies of the functionality or evolutionary pattern of staminodes in that family. This paper investigates three Scrophularia species with different staminode sizes to determine if the staminode safeguards nectar from dilution by rainwater and if it influences pollinator behavior. We also study staminode evolution and ancestral state reconstruction onto a phylogeny containing 71 species and subspecies with four different staminode developmental stages: tiny, large, enormous, and absent. The results showed that large staminodes did not hinder nectar collection or modify pollinator-visiting time but acted as a barrier to reduce rainwater entry. The latter reduced the dilution of nectar, which did not occur with tiny staminodes. The phylogenetic study revealed that the ancestral state in the genus corresponds with the presence of a large staminode vs. the tiny and enormous staminodes that are considered as derived. The complete disappearance of the staminode has occurred independently at least twice. Events occurred that increased or reduced the staminode size in one of the clades (Clade II), which includes species of sect. Caninae; most of these events occurred during the Pleistocene (0.6-2.7 Ma).
Di-μ-but-2-enoato-bis[diaquabis(but-2-enoato)neodymium(III)] 2,6-diaminopurine disolvate
Atria, Ana María; Astete, Alan; Garland, Maria Teresa; Baggio, Ricardo
The title Nd complex [Nd2(C4H5O2)6(H2O)4]·2C5H6N6 is isotypic with two previously reported Dy and Ho isologues. It is composed of [Nd(crot)3(H2O)2]2 dimers [crot(onate) = but-2-enoate = C4H5O2], built up around symmetry centres and completed by 2,6-diaminepurine molecules acting as solvates. The neodymium cations are coordinated by three chelating crotonato units and two water molecules. One of the chelating carboxylates acts also in a bridging mode, sharing one oxygen with both cations, and the final result is a pair of NdO9 tricapped prismatic polyhedra linked to each other through a central (Nd—O)2 loop. A most attractive aspect of the structures resides in the existence of a complex intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interaction scheme involving two sets of tightly interlinked, non-intersecting one-dimensional structures, one of them formed by the [Nd(crot)3(H2O)2]2 dimers running along [100] and the second by the solvate molecules evolving along [010]. PMID:22058842
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Andreicheva, L. N.; Marchenko-Vagapova, T. I.
The data obtained from investigation of the Middle and Late Neopleistocene lake sediments in the European Subarctic Region of Russia are reported. Chirva, Rodionovo (Scklov), Sula (Mikulino), and Byzovaya (Leningrad) sediments were subject to palynological analysis and investigation of particle size distribution and mineral composition. The spore-pollen spectra of the Chirva sediments demonstrate two climatic optima: the lower optimum is dominated by the pollen of Pinus sylvestris and broad-leaved species (up to 10%); the upper optimum is dominated by Picea sp. and Pinus sylvestris, while the pollen of Picea sect. Omorica and broad-leaved species are sporadic. The Rodionovo flora is characterized by a more xerophilous composition relative to the Chirva flora and a higher pollen content of pine, birch, wormseed plants, and wormwood. The climatic optimum of the Sula interglacial is distinguished by boreal vegetation, including spruce, birch, and birch-spruce forests with sparse broad-leaved species. The Byzovaya interstadial is marked by seven stages of changes in the vegetation: from tundra and forest-tundra communities to taiga forests with some broad-leaved species. The natural climatic sedimentation conditions in the Middle and Late Neopleistocene interglacial periods are reconstructed. The mineral composition of sediments was largely formed owing to underlying deposits.
Rethinking 'Efficacy': Ritual Healing and Trance in the Mahanubhav Shrines in India.
Ranganathan, Shubha
Ritual healing has been one of the core topics in anthropology and, to a lesser extent, in psychology as well. Much of the research on ritual healing has focused on how healing works, and what factors constitute the efficacy of healing. In answering this question, scholars have focused primarily on two main factors-the symbolic significance of rituals, and the relationship between the healer and the patient. This paper explores understandings about efficacy in a context where elaborate rituals do not occur, the role of the healer is minimal, and the sufferers do not have expectations of complete wellness. In the Mahanubhav temples in India, healing is not understood as the removal of symptoms. The healing process involves amplifying unpleasant and painful symptoms, thereby 'drawing out' the illness from the body. Moreover, the temple narratives emphasize the transient nature of temple healing, where people rarely become completely well. They therefore frequently return to stay in the temple as and when their symptoms recur, thus forging long-term bond with the temple community and sect. These findings suggest that temple healing is powerful not so much for the practice of specific exorcist rituals, but for providing a refuge and a community for suffering individuals.
Särkinen, Tiina; Gonzáles, Paúl; Knapp, Sandra
Abstract A new species of Solanum sect. Solanum from Peru is described here. Solanum pseudoamericanum Särkinen, Gonzáles & S.Knapp sp. nov. is a member of the Morelloid clade of Solanum, and is characterized by the combination of mostly forked inflorescences, flowers with small stamens 2.5 mm long including the filament, and strongly exerted styles with capitate stigmas. The species was first thought to be restricted to the seasonally dry tropical forests of southern Peru along the dry valleys of Río Pampas and Río Apurímac. Results from species distribution modelling (SDM) analysis with climatic predictors identified further potential suitable habitat areas in northern and central Peru. These areas were visited during field work in 2013. A total of 17 new populations across the predicted distribution were discovered using the model-based sampling method, and five further collections were identified amongst herbarium loans. Although still endemic to Peru, Solanum pseudoamericanum is now known from across northern, central and southern Peru. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of SDM for predicting new occurrences of rare plants, especially in the Andes where collection densities are still low in many areas and where many new species remain to be discovered. PMID:24399901
Särkinen, Tiina; Gonzáles, Paúl; Knapp, Sandra
A new species of Solanum sect. Solanum from Peru is described here. Solanum pseudoamericanum Särkinen, Gonzáles & S.Knapp sp. nov. is a member of the Morelloid clade of Solanum, and is characterized by the combination of mostly forked inflorescences, flowers with small stamens 2.5 mm long including the filament, and strongly exerted styles with capitate stigmas. The species was first thought to be restricted to the seasonally dry tropical forests of southern Peru along the dry valleys of Río Pampas and Río Apurímac. Results from species distribution modelling (SDM) analysis with climatic predictors identified further potential suitable habitat areas in northern and central Peru. These areas were visited during field work in 2013. A total of 17 new populations across the predicted distribution were discovered using the model-based sampling method, and five further collections were identified amongst herbarium loans. Although still endemic to Peru, Solanum pseudoamericanum is now known from across northern, central and southern Peru. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of SDM for predicting new occurrences of rare plants, especially in the Andes where collection densities are still low in many areas and where many new species remain to be discovered.
Luebert, Federico; Jacobs, Pit; Hilger, Hartmut H; Muller, Ludo A H
The genetic structure of populations of closely related, sympatric species may hold the signature of the geographical mode of the speciation process. In fully allopatric speciation, it is expected that genetic differentiation between species is homogeneously distributed across the genome. In nonallopatric speciation, the genomes may remain undifferentiated to a large extent. In this article, we analyzed the genetic structure of five sympatric species from the plant genus Heliotropium in the Atacama Desert. We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to characterize the genetic structure of these species and evaluate their genetic differentiation as well as the number of loci subject to positive selection using divergence outlier analysis (DOA). The five species form distinguishable groups in the genetic space, with zones of overlap, indicating that they are possibly not completely isolated. Among-species differentiation accounts for 35% of the total genetic differentiation (FST = 0.35), and FST between species pairs is positively correlated with phylogenetic distance. DOA suggests that few loci are subject to positive selection, which is in line with a scenario of nonallopatric speciation. These results support the idea that sympatric species of Heliotropium sect. Cochranea are under an ongoing speciation process, characterized by a fluctuation of population ranges in response to pulses of arid and humid periods during Quaternary times. PMID:24558582
Luebert, Federico; Jacobs, Pit; Hilger, Hartmut H; Muller, Ludo A H
The genetic structure of populations of closely related, sympatric species may hold the signature of the geographical mode of the speciation process. In fully allopatric speciation, it is expected that genetic differentiation between species is homogeneously distributed across the genome. In nonallopatric speciation, the genomes may remain undifferentiated to a large extent. In this article, we analyzed the genetic structure of five sympatric species from the plant genus Heliotropium in the Atacama Desert. We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to characterize the genetic structure of these species and evaluate their genetic differentiation as well as the number of loci subject to positive selection using divergence outlier analysis (DOA). The five species form distinguishable groups in the genetic space, with zones of overlap, indicating that they are possibly not completely isolated. Among-species differentiation accounts for 35% of the total genetic differentiation (F ST = 0.35), and F ST between species pairs is positively correlated with phylogenetic distance. DOA suggests that few loci are subject to positive selection, which is in line with a scenario of nonallopatric speciation. These results support the idea that sympatric species of Heliotropium sect. Cochranea are under an ongoing speciation process, characterized by a fluctuation of population ranges in response to pulses of arid and humid periods during Quaternary times.
Rodríguez-Reyes, Gerardo; López-Gavito, Eduardo; Pérez-Sanpablo, Alberto Isaac; Galván Duque-Gastélum, Carlos; Alvarez-Camacho, Michelín; Mendoza-Cruz, Felipe; Parra-Téllez, Patricia; Vázquez-Escamilla, Jesús; Quiñones-Urióstegui, Ivett
Percutaneous surgical techniques are suitable for the correction of the hallux valgus deformity. Satisfactory aesthetic and functional results obtained with the Reverdin- Isham osteotomy have been reported. The aim of this study was to describe dynamic plantar pressure redistribution after the correction of the deformity using this technique. A sample of 20 feet with mild or moderate hallux valgus was conformed and surgically treated using the Reverdin-Isham osteotomy. Clinical, radiological, surface and pressure assessments were performed pre and postoperatively. Postoperative mean (± SD) values of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score, metatarsophalangeal, first intermetatarsal and proximal articular sect angles were 95.7 (3.3), 15.5° (5.4), 9.5° (1.5) y 5.3° (3.0), respectively. A significant decrease was observed in surface values of both lateral (P = 0.003) and medial (P = 0.001) masks of the forefoot. Mean pressure values of the lateral forefoot region denoted a significant increase (P < 0.001) while the medial forefoot region showed no change (P = 0.137). There is evidence that this particular surgical technique promotes a new plantar pressure pattern in the foot that might significantly favour the increase of the pressure observed under the lesser metatarsal heads and might not induce meaningful changes in the mean pressure registered under the first metatarsal head and hallux.
VizieR Online Data Catalog: Spectra of 13 lensed quasars (Sluse+, 2012)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sluse, D.; Hutsemekers, D.; Courbin, F.; Meylan, G.; Wambsganss, J.
Extracted flux calibrated spectra of 13 lensed quasars following the methodology described in Sect. 2.1. of the oaoer. The data were obtained with the FORS spectrograph at VLT in multi-object spectroscopy mode. The typical wavelength coverage is from 4200 to 8200Å. The data concern the following objects: HE0047-1756 (HE0047), Q0142-100 (Q0142), SDSSJ0246-0825 (SDSS0246), HE0435-1223 (HE0435), SDSSJ0806+2006 (SDSS0806), FBQ0951+2635 (FBQ0951), BRI0952-0115 (BRI0952), SDSSJ1138+0314 (J1138), J1226-0006 (J1226), SDSSJ1335+0118 (J1335), Q1355-2257 (Q1355), WFI2033-4723 (WFI2033), and HE2149-2745 (HE2149). For each object, we provide the 1D flux calibrated spectrum of the 2 individual images in the slit. In addition, we also provide the 2D reduced spectrum and corresponding 1σ error frame (corresponding files are named "objectnamedata" and "objectnameerr"), and the 2D processed spectra associated to the deconvolution, as shown in Fig.1 of the paper. These processed 2D spectra are the deconvolved frame ("dec"), the extended component of the flux emission ("ext") and the residual frame in σ units ("_res") corresponding to panel (b), (c) and (d) of Fig.1. A pdf file file similar to Fig.1 is also provided for each object. (4 data files).