2017 ISCB Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award: Pavel Pevzner
Fogg, Christiana N.; Kovats, Diane E.; Berger, Bonnie
The International Society for Computational Biology ( ISCB) recognizes an established scientist each year with the Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award for significant contributions he or she has made to the field. This award honors scientists who have contributed to the advancement of computational biology and bioinformatics through their research, service, and education work. Pavel Pevzner, PhD, Ronald R. Taylor Professor of Computer Science and Director of the NIH Center for Computational Mass Spectrometry at University of California, San Diego, has been selected as the winner of the 2017 Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award. The ISCB awards committee, chaired by Dr. Bonnie Berger of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, selected Pevzner as the 2017 winner. Pevzner will receive his award and deliver a keynote address at the 2017 Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology-European Conference on Computational Biology joint meeting ( ISMB/ECCB 2017) held in Prague, Czech Republic from July 21-July 25, 2017. ISMB/ECCB is a biennial joint meeting that brings together leading scientists in computational biology and bioinformatics from around the globe. PMID:28713548
Message from the ISCB: 2015 ISCB Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award: Cyrus Chothia.
Fogg, Christiana N; Kovats, Diane E
The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB; http://www.iscb.org) honors a senior scientist annually for his or her outstanding achievements with the ISCB Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award. This award recognizes a leader in the field of computational biology for his or her significant contributions to the community through research, service and education. Cyrus Chothia, an emeritus scientist at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology and emeritus fellow of Wolfson College at Cambridge University, England, is the 2015 ISCB Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award winner.Chothia was selected by the Awards Committee, which is chaired by Dr Bonnie Berger of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He will receive his award and deliver a keynote presentation at 2015 Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/European Conference on Computational Biology in Dublin, Ireland, in July 2015. dkovats@iscb.org. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
Helping Young People Engage with Scientists
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Leggett, Maggie; Sykes, Kathy
There can be multiple benefits of scientists engaging with young people, including motivation and inspiration for all involved. But there are risks, particularly if scientists do not consider the interests and needs of young people or listen to what they have to say. We argue that "dialogue" between scientists, young people and teachers…
Bollasina Receives 2013 James R. Holton Junior Scientist Award: Response
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bollasina, Massimo A.
I am deeply honored to have been selected as this year's recipient of the James R. Holton Junior Scientist Award, and I receive it with heartfelt gratitude and humility. I clearly remember Peter Webster's call announcing the amazing news and how I literally remained speechless and overwhelmed. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Atmospheric Sciences section of AGU and the members of the award committee. I am even more appreciative to have been presented this award handed by two outstanding scientists—Peter Webster and Bill Lau—who have remarkably contributed to our understanding of the Asian monsoon and tropical climate, my area of expertise.
Supporting Young Writers with Award-Winning Books
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
MacKay, Kathryn Lake; Ricks, Paul H.; Young, Terrell A.
This article presents a way to use award-winning books as mentor texts for very young writers. Books were selected as mentor texts from the winners of the Australian Early Childhood Children's Book of the Year Award and the American Theodor Seuss Geisel Award. The authors explain the value of using award-winning texts in the classroom and describe…
Tsai Receives 2012 Keiiti Aki Young Scientist Award: Response
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tsai, Victor C.
I am honored to receive the Aki Award, but I would not be receiving this award without the benefit of many collaborations and inspirations as well as extensive mentoring and infrastructural, personal, and financial support. Although there are more individuals to thank than can be listed here, special thanks are due to Jim Rice, Hiroo Kanamori, Dave Stevenson, and Göran Ekström, who have all been irreplaceable mentors. I am also indebted to many other teachers, colleagues, and friends and to my parents, who have inspired in me a curiosity about the world, taught me the importance of hard work and persistence, supported my endeavors, and provided unimaginably rich opportunities throughout my life.
Escobar-Alvarez, Sindy N; Myers, Elizabeth R
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Clinical Scientist Development Award (CSDA) supports early-career physician scientists in their transition to independent research funding. The authors aimed to analyze the characteristics associated with success in CSDA competitions, determine whether attainment of a CSDA is associated with receiving subsequent research funding, and assess whether alumni remain in research. In 2011, the authors tested for associations between gender, age, race/ethnicity, academic degree, National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding rank of the applicant's institution, and success in CSDA competitions. They compared NIH R01 grant attainment, defined as the percentage of individuals who received at least one R01 grant, between CSDA alumni and highly ranked but unsuccessful CSDA applicants (1998-2007). Finally, the authors surveyed alumni to learn more about their professional activities. Demographic factors were not predictors of success in CSDA competitions; academic degree and funding rank of the applicant's institution, however, were. A greater percentage of CSDA alumni than nonalumni received at least one R01 grant (62% [74/120] versus 42% [44/105]). For CSDA alumni who were 10 or more years from the start of their award, their median percent effort toward research activities was 68%. The factors associated with success in a CSDA competition included a combined clinical and doctoral research degree and affiliation with a well-funded institution. More alumni received NIH independent research funding than those who applied but did not receive the award. Thus, the CSDA is associated with physicians establishing independent and recognized research careers.
NREL Scientist Selected for Major Award by the American Chemical Society
Chemistry. The award recognizes his many research, teaching, writing and administrative accomplishments recognized surface scientist, Czanderna has educated thousands through his teaching and writing. He is an
Nittrouer Receives 2013 Luna B. Leopold Young Scientist Award: Response
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nittrouer, Jeffrey A.
I am grateful for receiving the Luna B. Leopold Award from the Earth and Planetary Surface Processes (EPSP) focus group at AGU. I am thankful to the mentors and colleagues who played important roles in shaping my science over the past 10 years. Significant credit goes to three people in particular: David Mohrig, Gary Parker, and Mead Allison. These gentlemen patiently developed and honed my skills for observing, modeling, and theorizing about the physical processes that produce fluvial-deltaic morphology and stratigraphy. It was an incredible opportunity to have worked with such a diverse set of thinkers, who regularly pushed me to consider and pursue new ideas, preventing too much comfort with the scientific status quo. Their mentoring fostered an independent and creative focus that produced the science for which this award has been generously given.
To Boldly Go: Practical Career Advice for Young Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fiske, P.
Young scientists in nearly every field are finding the job market of the 1990's a confusing and frustrating place. Ph.D. supply is far larger than that needed to fill entry-level positions in "traditional" research careers. More new Ph.D. and Master's degree holders are considering a wider range of careers in and out of science, but feel ill-prepared and uninformed about their options. Some feel their Ph.D. training has led them to a dead-end. I present a thorough and practical overview to the process of career planning and job hunting in the 1990's, from the perspective of a young scientist. I cover specific steps that young scientists can take to broaden their horizons, strengthen their skills, and present their best face to potential employers. An important part of this is the realization that most young scientists possess a range of valuable "transferable skills" that are highly sought after by employers in and out of science. I will summarize the specifics of job hunting in the 90's, including informational interviewing, building your network, developing a compelling CV and resume, cover letters, interviewing, based on my book "To Boldly Go: A Practical Career Guide for Scientists". I will also identify other resources available for young scientists. Finally, I will highlight individual stories of Ph.D.-trained scientists who have found exciting and fulfilling careers outside the "traditional" world of academia.
Advice to young behavioral and cognitive scientists.
Weisman, Ronald G
Modeled on Medawar's Advice to a Young Scientist [Medawar, P.B., 1979. Advice to a Young Scientist. Basic Books, New York], this article provides advice to behavioral and cognitive scientists. An important guiding principle is that the study of comparative cognition and behavior are natural sciences tasked with explaining nature. The author advises young scientists to begin with a natural phenomenon and then bring it into the laboratory, rather than beginning in the laboratory and hoping for an application in nature. He suggests collaboration as a way to include research outside the scientist's normal competence. He then discusses several guides to good science. These guides include Tinbergen's [Tinbergen, N., 1963. On aims and methods of ethology. Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, 20, 410-433. This journal was renamed Ethology in 1986. Also reprinted in Anim. Biol. 55, 297-321, 2005] four "why" questions, Platt's [Platt, J.R., 1964. Strong inference. Science 146, 347-353, (http://weber.ucsd.edu/~jmoore/courses/Platt1964.pdf)] notion of strong inference using multiple alternative hypotheses, and the idea that positive controls help scientists to follow Popper's [Popper, K.R., 1959. The Logic of Scientific Discovery. Basic Books, New York, p. 41] advice about disproving hypotheses. The author also recommends Strunk and White's [Strunk, W., White, E.B., 1979. The Elements of Style, third ed. Macmillan, New York] rules for sound writing, and he provides his personal advice on how to use the anticipation of peer review to improve research and how to decode editors' and reviewers' comments about submitted articles.
Hansen, Murphy, Receive Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Awards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lars N. Hansen and Caitlin A. Murphy were awarded the 2013 Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award, given annually to one or more promising young scientists for outstanding contributions achieved during their Ph.D. research. Recipients of this award are engaged in experimental and/or theoretical studies of Earth and planetary materials with the purpose of unraveling the physics and chemistry that govern their origin and physical properties.
Carlson, Drew E.; Balke, C. William; Jackson, Elizabeth A.; Madhur, Meena S.; Barac, Ana; Abdalla, Marwah; Brittain, Evan L.; Desai, Nihar; Kates, Andrew M.; Freeman, Andrew M.; Mann, Douglas L.
Nurturing the development of cardiovascular physician-scientist investigators is critical for sustained progress in cardiovascular science and improving human health. The transition from an inexperienced trainee to an independent physician-scientist is a multifaceted process requiring a sustained commitment from the trainee, mentors, and institution. A cornerstone of this training process is a career development (K) award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These awards generally require 75% of the awardee’s professional effort devoted to research aims and diverse career development activities carried out in a mentored environment over a 5-year period. We report on recent success rates for obtaining NIH K awards, provide strategies for preparing a successful application and navigating the early career period for aspiring cardiovascular investigators, and offer cardiovascular division leadership perspectives regarding K awards in the current era. Our objective is to offer practical advice that will equip trainees considering an investigator path for success. PMID:26483107
Lindman, Brian R; Tong, Carl W; Carlson, Drew E; Balke, C William; Jackson, Elizabeth A; Madhur, Meena S; Barac, Ana; Abdalla, Marwah; Brittain, Evan L; Desai, Nihar; Kates, Andrew M; Freeman, Andrew M; Mann, Douglas L
Nurturing the development of cardiovascular physician-scientist investigators is critical for sustained progress in cardiovascular science and improving human health. The transition from an inexperienced trainee to an independent physician-scientist is a multifaceted process requiring a sustained commitment from the trainee, mentors, and institution. A cornerstone of this training process is a career development (K) award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These awards generally require 75% of the awardee's professional effort devoted to research aims and diverse career development activities carried out in a mentored environment over a 5-year period. We report on recent success rates for obtaining NIH K awards, provide strategies for preparing a successful application and navigating the early career period for aspiring cardiovascular investigators, and offer cardiovascular division leadership perspectives regarding K awards in the current era. Our objective is to offer practical advice that will equip trainees considering an investigator path for success. Copyright © 2015 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Obstacles facing Africa's young climate scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dike, Victor Nnamdi; Addi, Martin; Andang'o, Hezron Awiti; Attig, Bahar Faten; Barimalala, Rondrotiana; Diasso, Ulrich Jacques; Du Plessis, Marcel; Lamine, Salim; Mongwe, Precious N.; Zaroug, Modathir; Ochanda, Valentine Khasenye
Current and future climate change poses a substantial threat to the African continent. Young scientists are needed to advance Earth systems science on the continent, but they face significant challenges.
Young Children's Conceptions of Science and Scientists
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Lee, Tiffany R.
This study explores young children's images of science and scientists, their sources for scientific knowledge, and the nature of their science-related experiences. A cross-sectional design was used to study how students' ideas differ over the first three years of elementary school. A modified version of the Draw-a-Scientist Test (DAST) and a…
New Program Aims $300-Million at Young Biomedical Researchers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Goodall, Hurley
Medical scientists just starting at universities have been, more and more often, left empty-handed when the federal government awards grants. To offset this, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to medical research, announced a new program that will award $300-million to as many as 70 young scientists. The Early…
NRAO Scientists on Team Receiving International Astronautics Award
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
The International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) is presenting an award to a pioneering team of scientists and engineers who combined an orbiting radio-astronomy satellite with ground-based radio telescopes around the world to produce a "virtual telescope" nearly three times the size of the Earth. The team, which includes two scientists from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), will receive the award in a ceremony Sunday, October 16, in Fukuoka, Japan. VSOP Satellite and Ground Telescopes Artist's conception of HALCA satellite and ground observatories together making "virtual telescope" (blue) about three times the size of Earth. CREDIT: ISAS, JAXA (Click on image for larger version) The IAA chose the VLBI Space Observatory Program (VSOP), an international collaboration, to receive its 2005 Laurels for Team Achievement Award, which recognizes "extraordinary performance and achievement by a team of scientists, engineers and managers in the field of Astronautics to foster its peaceful and international use." VSOP team members named in the IAA award include NRAO astronomers Edward Fomalont, of Charlottesville, Virginia, and Jonathan Romney, of Socorro, New Mexico. "This is a well-deserved award for an international team whose hard work produced a scientific milestone that yielded impressive results and provides a foundation for more advances in the future," said Dr. Fred K.Y Lo, NRAO Director. The VSOP program used a Japanese satellite, HALCA (Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications and Astronomy), that included an 8-meter (26-foot) radio telescope. HALCA was launched in 1997 and made astronomical observations in conjunction with ground-based radio telescopes from 14 countries. Five tracking stations, including one at NRAO's Green Bank, West Virginia, facility, received data from HALCA which later was combined with data from the ground-based telescopes to produce images more detailed than those that could have been made by ground-based systems alone
Saygitov, Ruslan T
The impact of grants on research productivity has been investigated by a number of retrospective studies. The results of these studies vary considerably. The objective of my study was to investigate the impact of funding through the RF President's grants for young scientists on the research productivity of awarded applicants. The study compared the number of total articles and citations for awarded and rejected applicants who in 2007 took part in competitions for young candidates of science (CoS's) and doctors of science (DoS's) in the scientific field of medicine. The bibliometric analysis was conducted for the period from 2003 to 2012 (five years before and after the competition). The source of bibliometric data is the eLIBRARY.RU database. The impact of grants on the research productivity of Russian young scientists was assessed using the meta-analytical approach based on data from quasi-experimental studies conducted in other countries. The competition featured 149 CoS's and 41 DoS's, out of which 24 (16%) and 22 (54%) applicants, respectively, obtained funding. No difference in the number of total articles and citations at baseline, as well as in 2008-2012, for awarded and rejected applicants was found. The combination of data from the Russian study and other quasi-experimental studies (6 studies, 10 competitions) revealed a small treatment effect--an increase in the total number of publications over a 4-5-year period after the competition by 1.23 (95% CI 0.48-1.97). However, the relationship between the number of total publications published by applicants before and after the competition revealed that this treatment effect is an effect of the "maturation" of scientists with a high baseline publication activity--not of grant funding.
NCI Scientists Awarded National Medal of Technology and Innovation by President Obama | Poster
Two NCI scientists received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the nation’s highest honor for technological achievement. The award was announced by President Obama in October. The honorees, John Schiller, Ph.D., Laboratory of Cellular Oncology (LCO), Center for Cancer Research, NCI, and Douglas Lowy, M.D., also from LCO and NCI deputy director, received their
Saygitov, Ruslan T.
The impact of grants on research productivity has been investigated by a number of retrospective studies. The results of these studies vary considerably. The objective of my study was to investigate the impact of funding through the RF President’s grants for young scientists on the research productivity of awarded applicants. The study compared the number of total articles and citations for awarded and rejected applicants who in 2007 took part in competitions for young candidates of science (CoS’s) and doctors of science (DoS’s) in the scientific field of medicine. The bibliometric analysis was conducted for the period from 2003 to 2012 (five years before and after the competition). The source of bibliometric data is the eLIBRARY.RU database. The impact of grants on the research productivity of Russian young scientists was assessed using the meta-analytical approach based on data from quasi-experimental studies conducted in other countries. The competition featured 149 CoS’s and 41 DoS’s, out of which 24 (16%) and 22 (54%) applicants, respectively, obtained funding. No difference in the number of total articles and citations at baseline, as well as in 2008–2012, for awarded and rejected applicants was found. The combination of data from the Russian study and other quasi-experimental studies (6 studies, 10 competitions) revealed a small treatment effect – an increase in the total number of publications over a 4–5-year period after the competition by 1.23 (95% CI 0.48–1.97). However, the relationship between the number of total publications published by applicants before and after the competition revealed that this treatment effect is an effect of the “maturation” of scientists with a high baseline publication activity – not of grant funding. PMID:24475203
Kraus Receives 2012 Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Richard Kraus received the 2012 Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award, given annually to one or more promising young scientists for outstanding contributions achieved during their Ph.D. research. Recipients of this award are engaged in experimental and/or theoretical studies of Earth and planetary materials with the purpose of unraveling the physics and chemistry that govern their origins and physical properties. Kraus's thesis is entitled "On the thermodynamics of planetary impact events." He was formally presented with the award at the 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, held 3-7 December in San Francisco, Calif.
NCI Scientists Awarded National Medal of Technology and Innovation by President Obama | Poster
Two NCI scientists received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the nation’s highest honor for technological achievement. The award was announced by President Obama in October. The honorees, John Schiller, Ph.D., Laboratory of Cellular Oncology (LCO), Center for Cancer Research, NCI, and Douglas Lowy, M.D., also from LCO and NCI deputy director, received their medals at a White House ceremony on Nov. 20.
about NREL's outstanding researchers and scientists, high-performance buildings, and R&D 100 Award -winning technologies. photo of R&D 100 awards R&D 100 Awards R&D 100 Awards are presented to
Education and Outreach: Advice to Young Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lopes, R. M. C.
Carl Sagan set an example to all scientists when he encouraged us to reach out to the public and share the excitement of discovery and exploration. The prejudice that ensued did not deter Sagan and, with the passing of years, more and more scientists have followed his example. Although at present scientists at all ranks are encouraged by their institutions to do outreach, the balancing of a successful scientific career with teaching and outreach is often not an easy one. Young scientists, in particular, may worry about how their outreach efforts are viewed in the community and how they will find the time and energy for these efforts. This talk will offer suggestions on how to balance an active science research program with outreach activities, the many different ways to engage in education and public outreach, and how the rewards are truly priceless.
Catalli, Sundberg receive Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Awards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Krystle Catalli and Marshall Sundberg have been awarded the 2010 Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award, given annually to one or more promising young scientists for outstanding contributions achieved during their Ph.D. research. Recipients of this award are engaged in experimental and/or theoretical studies of Earth and planetary materials with the purpose of unraveling the physics and chemistry that govern their origin and physical properties. Catalli's thesis is entitled “The effect of trivalent cation substitution on the major lower mantle silicates.” Sundberg's thesis is entitled “Chemical interactions amongst phases during diffusion creep: Applications to the Earth's upper mantle.”
The UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshop Programme...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Albone, Eric; Okano, Toru
The authors have been running UK-Japan Young Scientist Workshops at universities in Britain and Japan since 2001: for the past three years in England with Cambridge University and, last year, also with Kyoto University and Kyoto University of Education. For many years they have worked jointly with colleagues in a group of Super Science High…
Life science research in space - risks and chances for young scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Horn, Eberhard R.
Research in Space is well established in most fields of Life Science, and the number of scientific publications in highly ranked journals increases steadily. However, this kind of research, in particular, fundamental research is coming more and more under pressure, funding decreases, and the discussion about its benefit for men increases continuously. The question is whether these conditions are favorable to the young generation of scientists who are not only interested in this field of research but who is urgently needed for a successful continuation of Life Science research in Space. There are pros and cons that are related to science specific factors as well as to factors specific for space research and space technologies. A young scientist also faces obstacles such as the ever- coming questions about the benefit/cost relation and the sustainability of fundamental research in Space. Continuation of a successful Life Science research in Space with a high level of competitive power should be based on three columns, (1) high- ranked state- of- art experiments, (2) motivated young scientists, and (3) scientific security after completion of projects to avoid loss of knowledge. This aim has to be supported by politicians who express clearly (political) support of Space exploration programs, by universities and private research institutions including industry. Establishment of a European FALL- BACK PLAN (FBP) for situations when flight opportunities are lacking is a way to support young Space scientists in their efforts to regain competitiveness with respect to normal scientists on the basis of first rate peer reviewed research projects that will stand on its own, i.e., transiently with no competition with ground- researchers.
Jing and King Receive Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Awards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhicheng Jing and Daniel King have been awarded the 2011 Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award, given annually to one or more promising young scientists for outstanding contributions achieved during their Ph.D. research. Recipients of this award are engaged in experimental and/or theoretical studies of Earth and planetary materials with the purpose of unraveling the physics and chemistry that govern their origin and physical properties. Jing's thesis is entitled "Equation of state of silicate liquids." King's thesis is entitled "Stress-driven melt segregation and reactive melt infiltration in partially molten rocks deformed in torsion with applications to melt extraction from Earth's mantle." They both were formally presented with the award at the 2011 AGU Fall Meeting, held 5-9 December in San Francisco, Calif.
The Big Bang: UK Young Scientists' and Engineers' Fair 2010
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Allison, Simon
The Big Bang: UK Young Scientists' and Engineers' Fair is an annual three-day event designed to promote science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) careers to young people aged 7-19 through experiential learning. It is supported by stakeholders from business and industry, government and the community, and brings together people from various…
Mitchell Receives 2013 Ronald Greeley Early Career Award in Planetary Science: Citation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
McKinnon, William B.
The Greeley Early Career Award is named for pioneering planetary scientist Ronald Greeley. Ron was involved in nearly every major planetary mission from the 1970s until his death and was extraordinarily active in service to the planetary science community. Ron's greatest legacies, however, are those he mentored through the decades, and it is young scientists whose work and promise we seek to recognize. This year's Greeley award winner is Jonathan L. Mitchell, an assistant professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Jonathan received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, and after a postdoc at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, he joined the UCLA faculty, where he holds a joint appointment in Earth and space sciences and in atmospheric sciences.
Retaining clinician-scientists: nature versus nurture.
Culican, Susan M; Rupp, Jason D; Margolis, Todd P
In their IOVS article "Rejuvenating Clinician-Scientist Training" (published March 28, 2014), Balamurali Ambati and Judd Cahoon rightly point out the dearth of new clinician-scientists in ophthalmology. Within the context of their suggestions for increasing the number of successful clinician-scientists, they claim that the traditional MD-PhD training programs and K awards have failed to produce individuals who will carry on the important work of clinically relevant research that will improve patients' lives and sight. In this response we present data, including information on the career paths of graduates of the Washington University ophthalmology residency, that call into question the presumed failure of MD-PhD and K award programs and show that, in fact, graduates of these programs are more likely to succeed as clinician-scientists than are their peers who have not trained in such scientifically rigorous environments. We propose that, rather than a failure of early training programs, it may be obstacles that arise later in training and among junior faculty that prevent promising careers from reaching maturity. Funding, one rather large obstacle, takes the form of imbalanced start-up monies, less National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding awarded to young investigators, and study section composition that may work against those with clinically driven questions. We also explore the challenges faced in the culture surrounding residency and fellowship training. We agree with Ambati and Cahoon that there needs to be more innovation in the way training programs are structured, but we believe that the evidence supports supplementing the current model rather than scrapping it and starting over with unproven initiatives. The data on training programs supports the contention that those who have already made substantial investment and commitment to the clinician-scientist pathway through participation in MSTP or K training programs are the most likely to succeed on this
Kodadek, Lisa M; Kapadia, Muneera R; Changoor, Navin R; Dunn, Kelli Bullard; Are, Chandrakanth; Greenberg, Jacob A; Minter, Rebecca M; Pawlik, Timothy M; Haider, Adil H
The advancement of surgical science relies on educating new generations of surgeon-scientists. Career development awards (K Awards) from the National Institutes of Health, often considered a marker of early academic success, are one way physician-scientists may foster skills through a mentored research experience. This study aimed to develop a conceptual framework to understand institutional support and other factors leading to a K Award. A national, qualitative study was conducted with academic surgeons. Participants included 15 K Awardees and 12 surgery department Chairs. Purposive sampling ensured a diverse range of experiences. Semistructured, in-depth telephone interviews were conducted. Interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim, and 2 reviewers analyzed the transcripts using Grounded Theory methodology. Participants described individual and institutional factors contributing to success. K Awardees cited personal factors such as perseverance and team leadership skills. Chairs described the K Awardee as an institutional "investment" requiring protected time for research, financial support, and mentorship. Both K Awardees and Chairs identified a number of challenges unique to the surgeon-scientist, including financial strains and competing clinical demands. Institutional support for surgeons pursuing K Awards is a complex investment with significant initial costs to the department. Chairs act as stewards of institutional resources and support those surgeon-scientists most likely to be successful. Although the K Award pathway is one way to develop surgeon-scientists, financial burdens and challenges may limit its usefulness. These findings, however, may better prepare young surgeons to develop career plans and identify new mechanisms for academic productivity. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Jing and King Receive Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Awards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zhicheng Jing and Daniel King have been awarded the 2011 Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award, given annually to one or more promising young scientists for outstanding contributions achieved during their Ph.D. research. Recipients of this award are engaged in experimental and/or theoretical studies of Earth and planetary materials with the purpose of unraveling the physics and chemistry that govern their origin and physical properties. Jing's thesis is entitled “Equation of state of silicate liquids.” King's thesis is entitled “Stress-driven melt segregation and reactive melt infiltration in partially molten rocks deformed in torsion with applications to melt extraction from Earth's mantle.” They both were formally presented with the award at the 2011 AGU Fall Meeting, held 5-9 December in San Francisco, Calif.
DSM Science & Technology Awards (south) event 2011: the role of micronutrients in human nutrition.
On 21 June 2011, the DSM Science & Technology Awards recognized and rewarded outstanding innovative young scientists active in fundamental and applied research. As in previous years, an international judging committee honored creative and groundbreaking PhD research. Twelve finalists, the top candidates from Switzerland, Austria, France and southern Germany, were invited for the final competition followed by the award ceremony attended by numerous representatives of universities, non-governmental organizations, institutes of technology and industry. Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Fellowship Available: 2005 IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) near Vienna, Austria, will host its annual Young Scientists's Summer Program (YSSP) for a selected group of graduate students from around the world. These students, primarily doctoral, will work closely with IIASA's senior scientists on projects within the institute's theme areas: natural resources and environment (e.g., transboundary air pollution and greenhouse gas initiative), population and society (e.g., risk, modeling, and society, and sustainable rural development), and energy and technology (e.g., transitions to new technologies and dynamic systems). Applicants must be advanced graduate students at a U.S. university; have comparable experience with ongoing research at IIASA; students who would benefit from interactions with scientists worldwide; and be interested in investigating the policy implications of his/her work.The U.S. Committee for IIASA provides airfare and a living allowance for those selected to participate in the fellowship.
2009 Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award to Yu and Austin
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yonggang Yu and Nicholas J. Austin have been awarded the Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award, given annually to one or more promising young scientists for outstanding contributions achieved during their Ph.D. research. Recipients of this award are engaged in experimental and/or theoretical studies of Earth and planetary materials with the purpose of unraveling the physics and chemistry that govern their origin and physical properties. Yu's thesis is entitled “Structure properties and phase transitions in earth minerals: A first principles study.” Austin's thesis is entitled “Grain size evolution and strain localization in deformed marbles.” They were both formally presented with the award at the Mineral and Rock Physics focus group reception during the 2009 AGU Fall Meeting, held 14-18 December in San Francisco, Calif.
Representations in Award-Winning LGBTQ Young Adult Literature from 2000-2013.
Jiménez, Laura M
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer (LGBTQ) young adult (YA) literature is increasing in popularity, with novels like Bil Wright's Putting Makeup on the Fat Boy winning the two LGBTQ YA honors--the Lambda Literary and Stonewall Book Awards--as well awards commending their cultural diversity. Despite the upsurge of celebrated LGBTQ YA literature, a study of the protagonists in Lambda- and Stonewall-winning YA novels from 2000-2013 reveals three findings: the dominance of White, gay, male characters contradicts the trend toward strong female protagonists in mainstream YA; stories about lesbians are primarily tragic; and there are no bisexual protagonists.
Training young scientists across empirical and modeling approaches
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Moore, D. J.
The "fluxcourse," is a two-week program of study on Flux Measurements and Advanced Modeling (www.fluxcourse.org). Since 2007, this course has trained early career scientists to use both empirical observations and models to tackle terrestrial ecological questions. The fluxcourse seeks to cross train young scientists in measurement techniques and advanced modeling approaches for quantifying carbon and water fluxes between the atmosphere and the biosphere. We invited between ten and twenty volunteer instructors depending on the year ranging in experience and expertise, including representatives from industry, university professors and research specialists. The course combines online learning, lecture and discussion with hands on activities that range from measuring photosynthesis and installing an eddy covariance system to wrangling data and carrying out modeling experiments. Attendees are asked to develop and present two different group projects throughout the course. The overall goal is provide the next generation of scientists with the tools to tackle complex problems that require collaboration.
Quark Matter 2017: Young Scientist Support
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Evdokimov, Olga
Quark Matter conference series are amongst the major scientific events for the Relativistic Heavy Ion community. With over 30 year long history, the meetings are held about every 1½ years to showcase the progress made in theoretical and experimental studies of nuclear matter under extreme conditions. The 26th International Conference on Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2017) was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Chicago from Sunday, February 5th through Saturday, February 11th, 2017. The conference featured about 180 plenary and parallel presentations of the most significant recent results in the field, a poster session for additional presentations,more » and an evening public lecture. Following the tradition of previous Quark Matter meetings, the first day of the conference was dedicated entirely to a special program for young scientists (graduate students and postdoctoral researchers). This grant will provided financial support for 235 young physicists facilitating their attendance of the conference.« less
Meet EPA Scientist Mehdi S. Hazari, Ph.D.
EPA scientist Mehdi S. Hazari is a recipient of the 2011 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. This award was for his work demonstrating how breathing in low levels of air pollutants can increase susceptibility to heart attacks
Yewdell, Jonathan W.
Making discoveries is the most important part of being a scientist, and also the most fun. Young scientists need to develop the experimental and mental skill sets that enable them to make discoveries, including how to recognize and exploit serendipity when it strikes. Here, I provide practical advice to young scientists on choosing a research topic, designing, performing and interpreting experiments and, last but not least, on maintaining your sanity in the process. PMID:18401347
Yewdell, Jonathan W
Making discoveries is the most important part of being a scientist, and also the most fun. Young scientists need to develop the experimental and mental skill sets that enable them to make discoveries, including how to recognize and exploit serendipity when it strikes. Here, I provide practical advice to young scientists on choosing a research topic, designing, performing and interpreting experiments and, last but not least, on maintaining your sanity in the process.
Clinician-scientists in Canada: barriers to career entry and progress.
Lander, Bryn; Hanley, Gillian E; Atkinson-Grosjean, Janet
Clinician-scientists play an important role in translating between research and clinical practice. Significant concerns about a decline in their numbers have been raised. Potential barriers for career entry and progress are explored in this study. Case-study research methods were used to identify barriers perceived by clinician-scientists and their research teams in two Canadian laboratories. These perceptions were then compared against statistical analysis of data from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) databases on grant and award performance of clinician-scientists and non-clinical PhDs for fiscal years 2000 to 2008. Three main barriers were identified through qualitative analysis: research training, research salaries, and research grants. We then looked for evidence of these barriers in the Canada-wide statistical dataset for our study period. Clinician-scientists had a small but statistically significant higher mean number of degrees (3.3) than non-clinical scientists (3.2), potentially confirming the perception of longer training times. But evidence of the other two barriers was equivocal. For example, while overall growth in salary awards was minimal, awards to clinician-scientists increased by 45% compared to 6.3% for non-clinical PhDs. Similarly, in terms of research funding, awards to clinician-scientists increased by more than 25% compared with 5% for non-clinical PhDs. However, clinician-scientist-led grants funded under CIHR's Clinical thematic area decreased significantly from 61% to 51% (p-value<0.001) suggesting that clinician-scientists may be shifting their attention to other research domains. While clinician-scientists continue to perceive barriers to career entry and progress, quantitative results suggest improvements over the last decade. Clinician-scientists are awarded an increasing proportion of CIHR research grants and salary awards. Given the translational importance of this group, however, it may be prudent to adopt specific
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
The active involvement of young researchers in scientific processes and the acquisition of scientific experience by gifted youth currently have a great value for the development of science. One of the research activities of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, aimed at the preparing and formation of the next generation of scientists, is the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists ''Modern Techniques and Technologies'', which was held in 2014 for the twentieth time. Great experience in the organization of scientific events has been acquired through years of carrying the conference. There are all the necessary resources for this: a team of organizers - employees of Tomsk Polytechnic University, premises provided with modern office equipment and equipment for demonstration, and leading scientists - professors of TPU, as well as the status of the university as a leading research university in Russia. This way the conference is able to attract world leading scientists for the collaboration. For the previous years the conference proved itself as a major scientific event at international level, which attracts more than 600 students and young scientists from Russia, CIS and other countries. The conference provides oral plenary and section reports. The conference is organized around lectures, where leading Russian and foreign scientists deliver plenary presentations to young audiences. An important indicator of this scientific event is the magnitude of the coverage of scientific fields: energy, heat and power, instrument making, engineering, systems and devices for medical purposes, electromechanics, material science, computer science and control in technical systems, nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, physical methods in science and technology, control and quality management, design and technology of artistic materials processing. The main issues considered by young researchers at the conference were related to the analysis of contemporary
Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) Community
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Reed, K. A.; Langendijk, G.; Bahar, F.; Huang-Lachmann, J. T.; Osman, M.; Mirsafa, M.; Sonntag, S.
The Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community is compiled of early career researchers (including students) coming from a range of scientific backgrounds, spanning both natural and social sciences. YESS unifies young researchers in an influential network to give them a collective voice and leverage within the geosciences community, while supporting career development. The YESS community has used its powerful network to provide a unified perspective on the future of Earth system science (Rauser et al. 2017), to be involved in the organization of international conferences, and to engage with existing international structures that coordinate science. Since its founding in Germany in 2010, the YESS community has grown extensively across the globe, with currently almost 1000 members from over 80 countries, and has become truly interdisciplinary. Recently, the organization has carried elections for Regional Representatives and the Executive Committee as part of its self-sustained governance structure. YESS is ready to continue pioneering crucial areas of research which provide solutions to benefit society for the long-term advancement of Earth system science.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dany, F.; Mangematin, Vincent
This article analyses the early careers of young scientists in France. Since training and early career management are designed to cater almost exclusively for an academic career, a substantial proportion of PhDs lack support to design their training in relation to the job they will look for after graduation. Even if most young scientists manage to…
Children's Book Awards Annual 1998.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Berman, Matt; Dupuy, Marigny J.
This publication reviews the books from the major national children's book awards and lists. The following awards are covered: John Newberry Awards, Randolph Caldecott Awards, Coretta Scott King Awards, Mildred L. Batchelder Awards, Pura Belpre, Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, and the National Book Award for Young People's Literature. The lists are…
Clinician-Scientists in Canada: Barriers to Career Entry and Progress
Lander, Bryn; Hanley, Gillian E.; Atkinson-Grosjean, Janet
Background Clinician-scientists play an important role in translating between research and clinical practice. Significant concerns about a decline in their numbers have been raised. Potential barriers for career entry and progress are explored in this study. Methods Case-study research methods were used to identify barriers perceived by clinician-scientists and their research teams in two Canadian laboratories. These perceptions were then compared against statistical analysis of data from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) databases on grant and award performance of clinician-scientists and non-clinical PhDs for fiscal years 2000 to 2008. Results Three main barriers were identified through qualitative analysis: research training, research salaries, and research grants. We then looked for evidence of these barriers in the Canada-wide statistical dataset for our study period. Clinician-scientists had a small but statistically significant higher mean number of degrees (3.3) than non-clinical scientists (3.2), potentially confirming the perception of longer training times. But evidence of the other two barriers was equivocal. For example, while overall growth in salary awards was minimal, awards to clinician-scientists increased by 45% compared to 6.3% for non-clinical PhDs. Similarly, in terms of research funding, awards to clinician-scientists increased by more than 25% compared with 5% for non-clinical PhDs. However, clinician-scientist-led grants funded under CIHR's Clinical thematic area decreased significantly from 61% to 51% (p-value<0.001) suggesting that clinician-scientists may be shifting their attention to other research domains. Conclusion While clinician-scientists continue to perceive barriers to career entry and progress, quantitative results suggest improvements over the last decade. Clinician-scientists are awarded an increasing proportion of CIHR research grants and salary awards. Given the translational importance of this group, however
Nakazono, Terry; Davidson, Pamela L.
ABSTRACT Purpose To identify and disseminate the organizational characteristics of “top performing” National Institute of Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) institutions in regards to career development, using the number of new K awards received per year to rank institutions and comparing these with non‐CTSA institutions. Methods The authors analyzed the organizational characteristics of all 61 CTSA institutions from 2006 to 2013 using the American Association of Medical Colleges Organizational Characteristics Database and K Award funding details using NIH RePORT. Results Five of the “top 10 performing” institutions are in the western region, and six out of the ten are public schools. Three of the “top 10 performing” institutions receive most of their K awards through two funding mechanisms—the K08 (mentored clinical scientist research award) and K23 (mentored patient‐oriented research career development awards). Notably, these three institutions lack a KL2 program. Conclusion The CTSA network of institutions is committed to developing the next generation of physician scientists in order to meet the pressing health needs of society. Educators and evaluators within this network may need to provide training to junior investigators beyond the traditional KL2 programs in order to advance their career development as physician scientists and clinical translational researchers. PMID:25044058
Guerrero, Lourdes R; Nakazono, Terry; Davidson, Pamela L
To identify and disseminate the organizational characteristics of "top performing" National Institute of Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) institutions in regards to career development, using the number of new K awards received per year to rank institutions and comparing these with non-CTSA institutions. The authors analyzed the organizational characteristics of all 61 CTSA institutions from 2006 to 2013 using the American Association of Medical Colleges Organizational Characteristics Database and K Award funding details using NIH RePORT. Five of the "top 10 performing" institutions are in the western region, and six out of the ten are public schools. Three of the "top 10 performing" institutions receive most of their K awards through two funding mechanisms-the K08 (mentored clinical scientist research award) and K23 (mentored patient-oriented research career development awards). Notably, these three institutions lack a KL2 program. The CTSA network of institutions is committed to developing the next generation of physician scientists in order to meet the pressing health needs of society. Educators and evaluators within this network may need to provide training to junior investigators beyond the traditional KL2 programs in order to advance their career development as physician scientists and clinical translational researchers. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Butts, Peter; Halls, Kelly Milner; Horne, Claire; Roxburgh, Stephen; Cornish, Sarah; Jones, Patrick
Includes six articles that discuss the Michael L. Printz award for excellence in young adult literature, established by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) of the American Library Association (ALA). Highlights include a list of winners for the past three years; quality versus popularity; and perspectives from authors, teens, and…
115-year-old society knows how to reach young scientists: ASM Young Ambassador Program.
Karczewska-Golec, Joanna
With around 40,000 members in more than 150 countries, American Society for Microbiology (ASM) faces the challenge of meeting very diverse needs of its increasingly international members base. The newly launched ASM Young Ambassador Program seeks to aid the Society in this effort. Equipped with ASM conceptual support and financing, Young Ambassadors (YAs) design and pursue country-tailored approaches to strengthen the Society's ties with local microbiological communities. In a trans-national setting, the active presence of YAs at important scientific events, such as 16th European Congress on Biotechnology, forges new interactions between ASM and sister societies. The paper presents an overview of the Young Ambassadors-driven initiatives at both global and country levels, and explores the topic of how early-career scientists can contribute to science diplomacy and international relations. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Centralized Oversight of Physician–Scientist Faculty Development at Vanderbilt: Early Outcomes
Brown, Abigail M.; Morrow, Jason D.; Limbird, Lee E.; Byrne, Daniel W.; Gabbe, Steven G.; Balser, Jeffrey R.; Brown, Nancy J.
Purpose In 2000, faced with a national concern over the decreasing number of physician–scientists, Vanderbilt School of Medicine established the institutionally funded Vanderbilt Physician–Scientist Development (VPSD) program to provide centralized oversight and financial support for physician–scientist career development. In 2002, Vanderbilt developed the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Vanderbilt Clinical Research Scholars (VCRS) program using a similar model of centralized oversight. The authors evaluate the impact of the VPSD and VCRS programs on early career outcomes of physician–scientists. Method Physician–scientists who entered the VPSD or VCRS programs from 2000 through 2006 were compared with Vanderbilt physician–scientists who received NIH career development funding during the same period without participating in the VPSD or VCRS programs. Results Seventy-five percent of VPSD and 60% of VCRS participants achieved individual career award funding at a younger age than the comparison cohort. This shift to career development award funding at a younger age among VPSD and VCRS scholars was accompanied by a 2.6-fold increase in the number of new K awards funded and a rate of growth in K-award dollars at Vanderbilt that outpaced the national rate of growth in K-award funding. Conclusions Analysis of the early outcomes of the VPSD and VCRS programs suggests that centralized oversight can catalyze growth in the number of funded physician–scientists at an institution. Investment in this model of career development for physician–scientists may have had an additive effect on the recruitment and retention of talented trainees and junior faculty. PMID:18820531
Steltzer Receives 2013 Sulzman Award for Excellence in Education and Mentoring: Citation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Weintraub, Michael N.
Heidi Steltzer, an assistant professor at Fort Lewis College, received the 2013 Sulzman Award for Excellence in Education and Mentoring at the 2013 Fall Meeting. This award "recognizes women in AGU who have sustained an active research career in a field related to biogeosciences, while excelling in teaching and especially in mentoring young scientists." Awardees are to serve as critical role models for the next generation of female scientists by sharing their passion for the natural world. Those who know her best agree that Heidi's passion for teaching and training the next generation of researchers truly embodies the spirit of the Sulzman award. According to one nominator, "Heidi single-handedly pushed [her] department toward a more modern and integrated view of the biological sciences, revamping curricula in both majors' and non-majors' courses to include citizen science, cross-disciplinary investigation techniques, and thought-provoking forays into real-world/real-time problems." Another nominator commented that "Heidi has made an incredibly strong impact on the careers of countless students through both compassionate and enthusiastic mentoring, as well as leadership in institutional and programmatic efforts that foster student professional development and that provide research experiences. I think it is extraordinary that at this relatively early point in her career, she has already achieved a lasting legacy."
Geoscience communication in Namibia: YES Network Namibia spreading the message to young scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mhopjeni, Kombada
The Young Earth Scientists (YES) Network is an international association for early-career geoscientists under the age of 35 years that was formed as a result of the International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE) in 2007. YES Network aims to establish an interdisciplinary global network of early-career geoscientists to solve societal issues/challenges using geosciences, promote scientific research and interdisciplinary networking, and support professional development of early-career geoscientists. The Network has several National Chapters including one in Namibia. YES Network Namibia (YNN) was formed in 2009, at the closing ceremony of IYPE in Portugal and YNN was consolidated in 2013 with the current set-up. YNN supports the activities and goals of the main YES Network at national level providing a platform for young Namibian scientists with a passion to network, information on geoscience opportunities and promoting earth sciences. Currently most of the members are geoscientists from the Geological Survey of Namibia (GSN) and University of Namibia. In 2015, YNN plans to carry out two workshops on career guidance, establish a mentorship program involving alumni and experienced industry experts, and increase involvement in outreach activities, mainly targeting high school pupils. Network members will participate in a range of educational activities such as school career and science fairs communicating geoscience to the general public, learners and students. The community outreach programmes are carried out to increase awareness of the role geosciences play in society. In addition, YNN will continue to promote interactive collaboration between the University of Namibia, Geological Survey of Namibia (GSN) and Geological Society of Namibia. Despite the numerous potential opportunities YNN offers young scientists in Namibia and its presence on all major social media platforms, the Network faces several challenges. One notable challenge the Network faces is indifference among
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
O'Connell, E. A.
The Frontier Scientists National Science Foundation project titled Science in Alaska: Using Multimedia to Support Science Education produced research products in several formats: videos short and long, blogs, social media, a computer game, and a pop-up book. These formats reached distinctly different audiences. Internet users, public TV viewers, gamers, schools, and parents & young children were drawn to Frontier Scientists' research in direct and indirect ways. The analytics (our big data) derived from this media broadcast has given us insight into what works, what doesn't, next steps. We have evidence for what is needed to present science as an interesting, vital, and a necessary component for the general public's daily information diet and as an important tool for scientists to publicize research and to thrive in their careers. Collaborations with scientists at several Universities, USGS, Native organizations, tourism organizations, and Alaska Museums promoted accuracy of videos and increased viewing. For example, Erin Marbarger, at Anchorage Museum, edited, and provided Spark!Lab to test parents & child's interest in the pop-up book titled: The Adventures of Apun the Arctic Fox. Without a marketing budget Frontier Scientist's minimum publicity, during the three year project, still drew an audience. Frontier Scientists was awarded Best Website 2016 by the Alaska Press Club, and won a number of awards for short videos and TV programs.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Farland-Smith, Donna
At a 5-day summer camp designed for middle-school girls (N = 50), fifth through ninth-grade students were able to identify with individual scientists and learn more about the science field. Data from the girls' journals, pictorial representations, and field notes demonstrated that these young women related to scientists who actively engaged them…
Newly established AGU awards and lecture
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Paredes, Beth; Kumar, Mohi
The Sulzman Award for Excellence in Education and Mentoring (Biogeosciences section) recognizes AGU members who have sustained an active research career in a field related to biogeosciences while excelling as teachers and serving as role models for the next generation of female scientists. This new award acknowledges the importance of female mentors in enhancing gender balance in physical science career paths. The award is being endowed to honor Elizabeth Sulzman, an isotope biogeochemist and soil scientist, whose enthusiasm for teaching awed many undergraduates at Oregon State University. Current plans are to present the first Sulzman award at the 2013 Fall Meeting. Applicants must be women who are within 15 years of receiving their Ph.D., and nomination packages should include a cover letter, resumé, and three letters of recommendation. As they become available, more details will be posted on the Biogeosciences section Web site (http://www.agu.org/sections/biogeo/). The award will provide up to $1000 to one successful nominee each year, although the exact monetary amount is yet to be determined. AGU is currently accepting donations to endow this award; contact Victoria Thompson (vthompson@agu.org) to get involved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chanrion, O.; Crosby, N. B.; Arnone, E.; Boberg, F.; van der Velde, O.; Odzimek, A.; Mika, Á.; Enell, C.-F.; Berg, P.; Ignaccolo, M.; Steiner, R. J.; Laursen, S.; Neubert, T.
The four year "Coupling of Atmospheric Layers (CAL)" EU FP5 Research Training Network project studied unanswered questions related to transient luminous events (sprites, jets and elves) in the upper atmosphere. Consisting of ten scientific work-packages CAL also included intensive training and outreach programmes for the young scientists hired. Educational activities were based on the following elements: national PhD programmes, activities at CAL and other meetings, a dedicated summer school, and two European sprite observational campaigns. The young scientists were strongly involved in the latter and, as an example, the "EuroSprite2005" observational campaign is presented in detail. Some of the young scientists participated in the instrument set-up, others in the campaign logistics, some coordinated the observations, and others gathered the results to build a catalogue. During the four-month duration of this campaign, all of them took turns in operating the system and making their own night observations. The ongoing campaign activities were constantly advertised and communicated via an Internet blog. In summary the campaign required all the CAL young scientists to embark on experimental work, to develop their organisational skills, and to enhance their ability to communicate their activities. The campaign was a unique opportunity to train and strengthen skills that will be an asset to their future careers and, overall, was most successful.
GGD NSU: Tips to Teach Students as Young Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rakhmenkulova, I. F.; Zhitova, L.
Novosibirsk State University (NSU) is different from other universities in Russia. The campus is located in Academgorodok, a unique place where more than 30 scientific institutes and Academpark (Technopark) are located. The students are involved in scientific research from the third year of their study (some try to work part-time in scientific institutions even from their first year). All the university professors are highly-qualified scientists working full-time in scientific institutions. Geology and Geophysics Department (GGD) of NSU is currently reforming the education system and policy. The reform involves the following steps: 1. New scientific programs and courses on modern science have been introduced; the priority should be given to courses in English, as the international language. 2. A special annual conference for students and young scientists was organized in August 2013 in Shira (a place where GGD students have their field trips). 3. International scientists are invited to give seminars and teach on a regular basis. 4. International students are welcomed to study at GGD NSU. 5. GGD stuff is creating a new scientific laboratory within the university. All the above-mentioned steps should ';launch' GGD NSU into a new ';orbit': improve the study process and help the university to be integrated into the world's community.
Gordon F. Kirkbright bursary award, 2019
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
The Gordon F. Kirkbright bursary award is a prestigious annual award that assists a promising early career scientist of any nation to attend a recognised scientific meeting or visit a place of learning. (We define early career as being either a student, or an employee in a non-tenured academic post or in industry, within 7 years of award of PhD excluding career breaks).
Young Engineers & Scientists (YES) - Engaging Teachers in Space Research
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Reiff, P. H.
The Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) Program is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and local high schools in San Antonio. It provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real world, research experiences in physical sciences, information sciences, and engineering. YES consists of two parts: 1) An intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, C++ programming, the Internet, careers, science ethics, social impact of technology, and other topics; and select their individual research project with their mentor (SwRI staff member) to be completed during the academic year; and 2) A collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors and teachers during the academic year and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. YES has been highly successful during the past nineteen (19) years. A total of 258 students have completed or are currently enrolled in YES. Of these students, 38% are females and 57% are ethnic minorities, reflecting the local diversity of the San Antonio area. All YES graduates have entered college, several work or have worked for SwRI, two businesses have formed, and three scientific publications have resulted. Sixteen (16) teacher participants have attended the YES workshop and have developed classroom materials based on their experiences in research at SwRI in the past three (3) years. In recognition of its excellence, YES received the Celebrate Success in 1996 and the Outstanding Campus Partner-of-the-Year Award in 2005, both from Northside Independent School District (San Antonio
Young Investigator Research Program (YIP)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Robinson, Ellen
The Air Force YIP supports scientists and engineers who have received Ph.D. or equivalent degrees in the last five years and show exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research. The objective of this program is to foster creative basic research in science and engineering; enhance early career development of outstanding young investigators; and increase opportunities for the young investigator to recognize the Air Force mission and related challenges in science and engineering. Individual awards will be made to U.S. institutions of higher education, industrial laboratories or non-profit research organizations where the principal investigator is a U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident; employed on a full-time basis and hold a regular position. Researchers working at the Federally Funded Research and Development Centers and DoD Laboratories will not be considered for the YIP competition. Each award will be funded at the 120K level for three years. Exceptional proposals will be considered individually for higher funding levels and longer duration. http://www.wpafb.af.mil/Welcome/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/842100#anchor2 I will brief Air Force Office Of Scientific Research Young Investigator Research Program.
SunBlock '99: Young Scientists Investigate the Sun
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Walsh, R. W.; Pike, C. D.; Mason, H.; Young, P.; Ireland, J.; Galsgaard, K.
SunBlock `99 is a Web-based Public Understanding of Science and educational project which seeks to present the very latest solar research as seen through the eyes of young British scientists. These ``solar guides'' discuss not only their scientific interests, but also their extra-curricular activities and the reasons they chose scientific careers; in other words the human face of scientific research. The SunBlock '99 pages gather a range of solar images and movies from current solar space observatories and discuss the underlying physics and its relationship to the school curriculum. The instructional level is pitched at UK secondary school children (aged 13-16 years). It is intended that the material should not only provide a visually appealing introduction to the study of the Sun, but that it should help bridge the often wide gap between classroom science lessons and the research scientist `out in the field'. SunBlock '99 is managed by a team from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the Universities of St Andrews and Cambridge, together with educational consultants. The production has, in part, been sponsored by PPARC and the Millennium Mathematics Project. Web site addresss: http://www.sunblock99.org.uk
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Byrne, Richard; Monastersky, Richard
When the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize would be shared by Al Gore, the former U.S. vice president, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the award implicitly celebrated a third party--academic institutions. Much of the research on global warming has come from university scientists, and higher…
Kumwenda, Save; Niang, El Hadji A; Orondo, Pauline W; William, Pote; Oyinlola, Lateefah; Bongo, Gedeon N; Chiwona, Bernadette
Africa accounts for 14% of world's population, and the economies of most African countries are considered to be growing, but this is not reflected in the amount of research published by Africans. This study aimed at identifying the challenges that young African scientists face in their career development. This was a qualitative exploratory study involving young researchers who attended the Teaching and Research in Natural Sciences for Development (TReND) in Africa scientific writing and communication workshop, which was held in Malawi in September 2015. A semi-structured questionnaire was sent to all workshop participants who consented to taking part in the survey. In total, 28 questionnaires were sent via email and 15 were returned, representing a response rate of 53.6%. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Young Africans develop their research interests various ways. The most common career-promoting factors identified by the study participants included formal classroom learning, aspirations to attain academic qualifications, work satisfaction, and the desire to fulfill parents' dreams. Challenges cited by survey respondents included a lack of mentorship, funds, and research and writing skills. Lack of interest in research by policymakers, lack of motivation by peers, and heavy workload (leaving little time for research) were also reported as challenges. Respondents suggested that grants specifically targeting young scientists would be beneficial. Participants also urged for the establishment of mentorship programmes, increasing motivation for research, and more frequent training opportunities. There is need for improved funding for institutional and research network strengthening in Africa, with particular attention given to expanding opportunities for young researchers.
The first Latin American workshop on professional skills for young female scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ávila, A.; Meza-Montes, Lilia; Ponce-Dawson, Silvina
To effectively build capacity for research and training in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) across Latin America and the Caribbean, a gender perspective must be factored in. Working from an awareness of the gender situation as well as of the multiple personal challenges experienced due to gender disparity, a group of Latin American female scientists organized a workshop with the goal of empowering young female scientists and assessing the challenges they face. In this paper we summarize the outcomes of the workshop, highlighting the barriers that are common in the region. Among other aspects, the workshop stressed the need for resource platforms for finding technical and professional networks, jobs, and scholarships.
Biography Today: Profiles of People of Interest to Young Readers. Scientists & Inventors Series.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Abbey, Cherie D., Ed.
This volume on "Scientists and Inventors" was created to appeal to young readers in a format they can enjoy reading and can readily understand. Each volume contains alphabetically arranged sketches of outstanding people. Each entry provides at least one picture of the individual profiled, and bold-faced rubrics lead the reader to…
Presidential Teacher Award Winners
Recipients of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching stand together with NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and chief scientist Waleed Abdalati, center, at NASA Headquarters in Washington on Wednesday, May 19, 2011. Photo Credit: (NASA/Paul E. Alers)
Pier Oddone and Young-Kee Kim
Pier Oddone and Young-Kee Kim of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory lead an all-scientists meeting to discuss current and future work, scope of research, budget and funding information, and other information relating to the lab and its scientists.
2009 National Caring Awards Youth Winners.
Each year, the Caring Institute invites nominations of persons age 18 or younger for consideration as Young Adult Caring Award recipients. From the numerous applicants, the Caring Institute's prestigious Board of Trustees selects five award winners by secret ballot. This year's awardees are truly inspirational. Their accomplishments in caring for others are but a prologue of things to come. A short profile of each of these young people can be found on the following pages. Reading about them will give anyone confidence that the future of America is in good hands. To nominate a potential Caring Award Winner or to make a tax deductible donation, go to www.caring.org
2008 National Caring Awards youth winners.
Each year, the Caring Institute invites nominations of persons age 18 or younger for consideration as Young Adult Caring Award recipients. From the numerous applicants, the Caring Institute's prestigious Board of Trustees selects five award winners by secret ballot. This year's awardees are truly inspirational. Their accomplishments in caring for others are but a prologue of things to come. A short profile of each of these young people can be found on the following pages. Reading about them will give anyone confidence that the future of America is in good hands. To nominate a potential Caring Award Winner or to make a tax deductible donation, go to www.caring.org.
Special awards lighten up SPR banquet
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zwickl, Ron; Baker, Dan; Reiff, Pat
On December 8, 1982, Marcia Neugebauer, then president of the Solar and Planetary Relationships section, held the “First Occasional Awards Ceremony” in conjunction with the annual dinner banquet at the Fall AGU meeting. These awards were an attempt to add a little humor to our usually somber gatherings. This year we reincarnated Neugebauer's successful concept and presented a number of new and novel awards to our fellow scientists at the Fall AGU SPR dinner. Summarized for your enjoyment are the categories and the official winners, as announced at the December 6 banquet.
10 years of Elsevier/JQSRT awards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Stoop, José; Bernath, Peter F.; Mengüç, M. Pinar; Mishchenko, Michael I.; Rothman, Laurence S.
The Elsevier award program administered by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT) was conceived in June of 2006 at the 9th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference in St. Petersburg, Russia. Initially the program included three annual Elsevier/JQSRT awards for exceptional early-career scientists working in the main research fields covered by JQSRT: quantitative spectroscopy, radiative transfer, and electromagnetic scattering. In June of 2010 at the 12th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference in Helsinki, Finland, it was decided to expand the award program to include three biennial Elsevier awards intended to celebrate fundamental life-time achievements of internationally recognized leaders in the same research fields. Finally, in 2013 the Elsevier award program was augmented to include a fourth annual early-career award in the category of atmospheric radiation and remote sensing.
McSween Receives 2013 Whipple Award: Citation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
McKinnon, William B.
The Whipple Award is the highest honor given by the AGU Planetary Sciences section and is named for Fred Whipple, a famed space scientist most noted for his work on comets. This year, we have selected Harry "Hap" McSween Jr., Chancellor's Professor and distinguished professor of science at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, as the 2013 Whipple Award winner.
NICBR Announces First Collaboration Project Awards | Poster
Courtesy of the NICBR Public Affairs/Community Relations Subcommittee The National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR) announced the 2012 NICBR Collaboration Project Award (CPA) Program winners in December. The award, the first of its kind for NICBR, was adapted from the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) Young Investigator Award Program. This year, the
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ho-Shing, Olivia
In his book "Letters to a Young Scientist," renowned biologist Edward O. Wilson recounted his own coming-of-age story as a scientist, and distilled the motivating qualities of science down to curiosity and creativity. Individuals become scientists when they are curious about a phenomenon in the world around them and ask about the real…
NCI Research Specialist Award (R50)
Award enables scientists to pursue stable research careers within an existing cancer research program, but not serve as independent investigators. Letter of Intent due: January 2, 2017 Application due: February 2, 2017
Steltzer Receives 2013 Sulzman Award for Excellence in Education and Mentoring: Response
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Steltzer, Heidi
I am honored to receive the AGU Sulzman Award and am especially honored to be the first recipient of this award established in memory of Elizabeth Sulzman. At the 2013 Fall Meeting, I learned about the thought and work that went into establishing this award and want to thank all who contributed to its establishment. Awards that recognize outstanding female scientists are needed.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Involving young researchers in the scientific process, and allowing them to gain scientific experience, are important issues for scientific development. The International Conference for Students and Young Scientists ''Modern Technique and Technologies'' is one of a number of scientific events, held at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University aimed at training and forming the scientific elite. During previous years the conference established itself as a serious scientific event at an international level, attracting members which annually number about 400 students and young scientists from Russia and near and far abroad. An important indicator of this scientific event is the large number of scientific areas covered, such as power engineering, heat power engineering, electronic devices for monitoring and diagnostics, instrumentation, materials and technologies of new generations, methods of research and diagnostics of materials, automatic control and system engineering, physical methods science and engineering, design and artistic aspects of engineering, social and humanitarian aspects of engineering. The main issues, which are discussed at the conference by young researchers, are connected with analysis of contemporary problems, application of new techniques and technologies, and consideration of their relationship. Over the years, the conference committee has gained a lot of experience in organizing scientific meetings. There are all the necessary conditions: the staff of organizers includes employees of Tomsk Polytechnic University; the auditoriums are equipped with modern demonstration and office equipment; leading scientists are TPU professors; the status of the Tomsk Polytechnic University as a leading research university in Russia also plays an important role. All this allows collaboration between leading scientists from all around the world, who are annually invited to give lectures at the conference. The editorial board expresses gratitude to the
Kibbe, Melina R; Dardik, Alan; Velazquez, Omaida C; Conte, Michael S
The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Foundation partnered with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1999 to initiate a competitive career development program that provides a financial supplement to surgeon-scientists receiving NIH K08 or K23 career development awards. Because the program has been in existence for 15 years, a review of the program's success has been performed. Between 1999 and 2013, 41 faculty members applied to the SVS Foundation program, and 29 from 21 different institutions were selected as awardees, resulting in a 71% success rate. Three women (10%) were among the 29 awardees. Nine awardees (31%) were supported by prior NIH F32 or T32 training grants. Awardees received their K award at an average of 3.5 years from the start of their faculty position, at the average age of 39.8 years. Thirteen awardees (45%) have subsequently received NIH R01 awards and five (17%) have received Veterans Affairs Merit Awards. Awardees received their first R01 at an average of 5.8 years after the start of their K award at the average age of 45.2 years. The SVS Foundation committed $9,350,000 to the Career Development Award Program. Awardees subsequently secured $45,108,174 in NIH and Veterans Affairs funds, resulting in a 4.8-fold financial return on investment for the SVS Foundation program. Overall, 23 awardees (79%) were promoted from assistant to associate professor in an average of 5.9 years, and 10 (34%) were promoted from associate professor to professor in an average of 5.2 years. Six awardees (21%) hold endowed professorships and four (14%) have secured tenure. Many of the awardees hold positions of leadership, including 12 (41%) as division chief and two (7%) as vice chair within a department of surgery. Eight (28%) awardees have served as president of a regional or national society. Lastly, 47 postdoctoral trainees have been mentored by recipients of the SVS Foundation Career Development
Ice Stories: An Educational Collaboration between the Exploratorium and IPY Scientists.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Mary, M. K.
The Exploratorium, a renowned interactive science museum in San Francisco, has launched a major NSF-funded public education project to highlight research in the Arctic and Antarctic during the International Polar Year. "Ice Stories" will partner museum media and web producers with polar scientists working in the field to bring their research to the Internet and museum audiences via live Webcasts, video clips, blogs, podcasts, and other media platforms. To prepare scientists for their role as field correspondents, the Exploratoirum will train a cohort of 20- 30 young investigators in media collection, production and narrative story telling during an intensive one-week workshop in San Francisco. The museum will curate the polar field reports, and other IPY news and education events, into a continuously updated Web portal on the Exploratorium's award-winning Website and highlight the ongoing research in museum programming, floor demonstrations, and exhibits. These unique collaborations between formal and informal science can serve as a model for other partnerships during major scientific endeavors beyond the International Polar Year.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Charrière, Marie; De Pascale, Francesco; Gomez Cantero, Jonathan; Hassan, Tharwat; Mukosi, Ndivhuwo Cecilia; O'Brien, Craig
The International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) is a multidisciplinary, scientific platform for the debate on problems of Ethics applied to the Geosciences. The Young Scientists Club (YSC) of the IAPG represents the interface between the IAPG and the young geoscientists' community, organizations and groups. Its overall goal is to promote the topic of geoethics and the IAPG among its young colleagues. The YSC is considered to be the outpost of the IAPG and one of its greater strengths. It is believed that young people entering the professional world or evolving in academic settings can identify needs and expectations that geosciences can cover. The YSC seeks to give a status update on pertinent geoscience challenges and how geoethical principles can be integrated in tackling these challenges. They can also report new instances from the society and identify the potential innovative contributions that geosciences can provide as a service to the population. The YSC was initiated in the summer 2015. All IAPG members younger than 35 years old are part of the YSC. Its Executive Board is constituted by enthusiastic young geoscientists from various backgrounds and countries. Their tasks are to organize and coordinate the activities of the YSC: manage young geoscientists blog posts on Geoethics, set-up a forum platform to allow discussions about geoethics between young and senior geoscientists, organize IAPG-YSC sessions at international conferences for example to discuss the new values that allow to do research in geosciences and organize working groups on geoethical topics. The YSC eagerly anticipates meeting the young geoscientist community at the upcoming EGU Assembly and discuss all current geoethical issues. We look forward to garnering further support for this exciting initiative.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Abbey, Cherie D., Ed.
This book, a special volume focusing on computer-related scientists and inventors, provides 12 biographical profiles of interest to readers ages 9 and above. The Biography Today series was created to appeal to young readers in a format they can enjoy reading and readily understand. Each entry provides at least one picture of the individual…
How Middle Schoolers Draw Engineers and Scientists
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fralick, Bethany; Kearn, Jennifer; Thompson, Stephen; Lyons, Jed
The perceptions young students have of engineers and scientists are often populated with misconceptions and stereotypes. Although the perceptions that young people have of engineers and of scientists have been investigated separately, they have not been systematically compared. The research reported in this paper explores the question "How are…
Birth of prominent scientists.
Reyes Gonzalez, Leonardo; González Brambila, Claudia N; Veloso, Francisco
This paper analyzes the influence key scientists have in the development of a science and technology system. In particular, this work appraises the influence that star scientists have on the productivity and impact of young faculty, as well as on the likelihood that these young researchers become a leading personality in science. Our analysis confirms previous results that eminent scientist have a prime role in the development of a scientific system, especially within the context of an emerging economy like Mexico. In particular, in terms of productivity and visibility, this work shows that between 1984 and 2001 the elite group of physicists in Mexico (approximate 10% of all scientists working in physics and its related fields) published 42% of all publications, received 50% of all citations and bred 18% to 26% of new entrants. In addition our work shows that scientists that enter the system by the hand of a highly productive researcher increased their productivity on average by 28% and the ones that did it by the hand of a highly visible scientist received on average 141% more citations, vis-à-vis scholars that did not published their first manuscripts with an eminent scientist. Furthermore, scholars that enter the system by the hand of a highly productive researcher were on average 2.5 more likely to also become a star.
Reyes Gonzalez, Leonardo; Veloso, Francisco
This paper analyzes the influence key scientists have in the development of a science and technology system. In particular, this work appraises the influence that star scientists have on the productivity and impact of young faculty, as well as on the likelihood that these young researchers become a leading personality in science. Our analysis confirms previous results that eminent scientist have a prime role in the development of a scientific system, especially within the context of an emerging economy like Mexico. In particular, in terms of productivity and visibility, this work shows that between 1984 and 2001 the elite group of physicists in Mexico (approximate 10% of all scientists working in physics and its related fields) published 42% of all publications, received 50% of all citations and bred 18% to 26% of new entrants. In addition our work shows that scientists that enter the system by the hand of a highly productive researcher increased their productivity on average by 28% and the ones that did it by the hand of a highly visible scientist received on average 141% more citations, vis-à-vis scholars that did not published their first manuscripts with an eminent scientist. Furthermore, scholars that enter the system by the hand of a highly productive researcher were on average 2.5 more likely to also become a star. PMID:29543855
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kopanitsa, Natalia O.
In October 15-17, 2014 International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists: Advanced Materials in Construction and Engineering (TSUAB2014) took place at Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (Tomsk, Russia). The Conference became a discussion platform for researchers in the fields of studying structure and properties of advanced building materials and included open lectures of leading scientists and oral presentations of master, postgraduate and doctoral students. A special session was devoted to reports of school children who further plan on starting a research career. The Conference included an industrial exhibition where companies displayed the products and services they supply. The companies also gave presentations of their products within the Conference sessions.
First AGU Climate Communication Prize awarded
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
McEntee, Christine
Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and cofounder of the RealClimate blog (http://www.realclimate.org/), received the first AGU Climate Communication Prize at the honors ceremony. The prize recognizes excellence in climate communication as well as the promotion of scientific literacy, clarity of messaging, and efforts to foster respect and understanding for science-based values related to climate change. Sponsored by Nature's Own—a Boulder, Colo.-based company specializing in the sale of minerals, fossils, and decorative stone specimens—the prize comes with a $25,000 cash award. "AGU created this award to raise the visibility of climate change as a critical issue facing the world today, to demonstrate our support for scientists who commit themselves to the effective communication of climate change science, and to encourage more scientists to engage with the public and policy makers on how climate research can contribute to the sustainability of our planet," said AGU president Michael Mc Phaden. "That's why we are so pleased to recognize Gavin for his dedicated leadership and outstanding scientific achievements. We hope that his work will serve as an inspiration for others."
Young Engineers and Scientists: a Mentorship Program
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, Daniel C.; Wuest, Martin; Marilyn, Koch B.
The Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) Program is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and local high schools in San Antonio Texas (USA). It provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real-world research experiences in physical sciences and engineering. YES consists of two parts: 1) an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics computers and the Internet careers science ethics and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year; and 2) a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors during the academic year and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year students publicly present and display their work acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. YES has been highly successful during the past 10 years. All YES graduates have entered college several have worked for SwRI and three scientific publications have resulted. Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on their academic preparation and choice of college majors.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
DeBruin, Jerry
Designed to develop creativity in young learners, this book contains interdisciplinary activities which focus on the theme of scientists. Activity pages are provided that can serve as front and back covers of a student booklet and the suggested activities can be duplicated for insertion between the covers resulting in a booklet for each student. A…
Sripathi Receives 2009 Sunanda and Santimay Basu Early Career Award
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Samireddipalle Sripathi has been awarded the AGU Sunanda and Santimay Basu Early Career Award in Sun-Earth Systems Science. The award recognizes an individual scientist from a developing nation for making outstanding contributions to research in Sun-Earth systems science that further the understanding of both plasma physical processes and their applications for the benefit of society. Sripathi's thesis is entitled “VHF radar studies of E-region plasma irregularities at low latitude.” He was formally presented with the award at the Space Physics and Aeronomy section dinner during the 2009 AGU Fall Meeting, held 14-18 December in San Francisco, Calif.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Harris, Laurie Lanzen, Ed.; Abbey, Cherie D., Ed.
This issue of "Biography Today" looks at scientists and inventors and is created to appeal to young readers in a format they can and enjoy and easily understand. Each entry provides at least one picture of the individual profiled, and bold-faced rubrics lead the reader to information on birth, youth, early memories, education, first jobs, marriage…
PREFACE: PAGES 1st Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) - 'Retrospective views on our planet's future'
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Margrethe Basse, Ellen
'Retrospective views on our planet's future' - This was the theme of a tandem of meetings held by Past Global Changes (PAGES; http://www.pages-igbp.org), a project of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP). It reflects the philosophy of PAGES and its community of scientists that the past holds the key to better projections of the future. Climatic and environmental evidence from the past can be used to sharpen future projections of global change, thereby informing political and societal decisions on mitigation and adaptation. Young scientists are critical to the future of this endeavour, which we call 'paleoscience'. Their scientific knowledge, interdisciplinarity, international collaboration, and leadership skills will be required if this field is to continue to thrive. Meanwhile, it is also important to remember that science develops not only by applying new strategies and new tools to make new observations, but also by building upon existing knowledge. Modern research in paleoscience began around fifty years ago, and one could say that the third generation of researchers is now emerging. It is a wise investment to ensure that existing skills and knowledge are transferred to this generation. This will enable them to lead the science towards new accomplishments, and to make important contributions towards the wider field of global change science. Motivated by such considerations, PAGES organized its first Young Scientists Meeting (YSM), held in Corvallis (Oregon, USA) in July 2009 (http://www.pages-osm.org/ysm/index.html). The meeting took place immediately before the much larger 3rd PAGES Open Science Meeting (OSM; http://www.pages-osm.org/osm/index.html). The YSM brought together 91 early-career scientists from 21 different nations. During the two-day meeting, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and new faculty met to present their work and build networks across geographical and disciplinary borders. Several experienced and well
Possible portrait of Galileo Galilei as a young scientist
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Molaro, P.
We describe here the possible discovery of a portrait of Galileo Galilei in his youth. The painting is not signed and the identification is mainly physiognomic. In fact, the face reveals clear resemblance to Domenico Tintoretto's portrait and to Giuseppe Calendi's engraving derived from a lost portrait made by Santi di Tito in 1601. Along with the portraits by Tintoretto, Furini, Leoni, Passignano, and Sustermans this could be another portrait of Galileo made al naturale, but, unlike the others, it depicts the scientist before he reached fame. Galileo looks rather young, at age of about 20-25 years. His eyes in the portrait are clear and the expression intense and appealing. From Galileo's correspondence we know of a portrait made by his friend Ludovico Cigoli. Rather interesting, though admittedly quite improbable, is the possibility of a self-portrait whose existence is mentioned in the first biography of Galileo by Salusbury in 1664.
Research &Discover: A Pipeline of the Next Generation of Earth System Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hurtt, G. C.; Einaudi, F.; Moore, B.; Salomonson, V.; Campbell, J.
In 2002, the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) started the educational initiative Research &Discover with the goals to: (i) recruit outstanding young scientists into research careers in Earth science and Earth remote sensing (broadly defined), and (ii) support Earth science graduate students enrolled at UNH through a program of collaborative partnerships with GSFC scientists and UNH faculty. To meet these goals, the program consists of a linked set of educational opportunities that begins with a paid summer research internship at UNH for students following their Junior year of college, and is followed by a second paid summer internship at GSFC for students following their Senior year of college. These summer internships are then followed by two-year fellowship opportunities at UNH for graduate studies jointly supervised by UNH faculty and GSFC scientists. After 5 years of implementation, the program has awarded summer research internships to 22 students, and graduate research fellowships to 6 students. These students have produced more than 78 scientific research presentations, 5 undergraduate theses, 2 Masters theses, and 4 peer-reviewed publications. More than 80% of alums are actively pursuing careers in Earth sciences now. In the process, the program has engaged 19 faculty from UNH and 15 scientists from GSFC as advisors/mentors. New collaborations between these scientists have resulted in new joint research proposals, and the development, delivery, and assessment of a new course in Earth System Science at UNH. Research &Discover represents an educational model of collaboration between a national lab and university to create a pipeline of the next generation of Earth system scientists.
2011 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers: the PECASE Awards Ceremony
Poneman, Daniel
The winners for 2011 of the DOE PECASE Awards were recognized in a ceremony held August 01, 2012. Dr. Bill Brinkman, Director of the Office of Science introduced the main speaker, DOE Deputy Secretary Daniel B. Poneman. Leaders from across the Department and the fields of energy research and technology presented the 2011 winners. They are: Dr. Stanley Atcitty (SNL); Dr. Jeffrey W. Banks (LLNL); Dr. Amy J. Clarke (LANL); Derek R. Gaston (INL); Dr. Christopher Hirata (California Institute of Technology); Dr. Heileen Hsu-Kim (Duke University); Dr. Thomas Francisco (Jaramillo Stanford University); Dr.Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (MIT); Dr. Peter Mueller (ANL); Dr. Daniel B. Sinars (SNL); Dr. Jesse Thaler (MIT); and Dr. Heather Whitley (LLNL).
NREL and NASA Receive Regional FLC Award for Notable Technology | News |
NREL and NASA Receive Regional FLC Award for Notable Technology NREL and NASA Receive Regional FLC Award for Notable Technology August 25, 2016 NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) and the National Group Manager Ahmad Pesaran, along with NASA Scientist and collaborator Eric Darcy, will be honored
The Young Engineers and Scientists Mentorship Program
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Lin, C.; Clarac, T.
The Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) Program is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA). It provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real-world, research experiences in physical sciences (including space science and astronomy) and engineering. YES consists of two parts: 1) an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, computers and the Internet, careers, science ethics, and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year; and 2) a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors during the academic year and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. YES has been highly successful during the past 12 years. All YES graduates have entered college, several have worked for SwRI, and three scientific publications have resulted. Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on their academic preparation and choice of college majors. We acknowledge funding from local charitable foundations and the NASA E/PO program.
The Young Engineers and Scientists Mentorship Program
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Jahn, J.; Hummel, P.
The Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) Program is a ommunity partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA). It provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real-world, research experiences in physical sciences (including space science and astronomy) and engineering. YES consists of two parts: 1) an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, computers and the Internet, careers, science ethics, and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year; and 2) a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors during the academic year and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. YES has been highly successful during the past 10 years. All YES graduates have entered college, several have worked for SwRI, and three scientific publications have resulted. Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on their academic preparation and choice of college majors. We gratefully acknowledge partial funding for the YES Program from a NASA EPO grant.
2011 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers: the PECASE Awards Ceremony
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Poneman, Daniel
The winners for 2011 of the DOE PECASE Awards were recognized in a ceremony held August 01, 2012. Dr. Bill Brinkman, Director of the Office of Science introduced the main speaker, DOE Deputy Secretary Daniel B. Poneman. Leaders from across the Department and the fields of energy research and technology presented the 2011 winners. They are: Dr. Stanley Atcitty (SNL); Dr. Jeffrey W. Banks (LLNL); Dr. Amy J. Clarke (LANL); Derek R. Gaston (INL); Dr. Christopher Hirata (California Institute of Technology); Dr. Heileen Hsu-Kim (Duke University); Dr. Thomas Francisco (Jaramillo Stanford University); Dr.Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (MIT); Dr. Peter Mueller (ANL); Dr.more » Daniel B. Sinars (SNL); Dr. Jesse Thaler (MIT); and Dr. Heather Whitley (LLNL).« less
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Gordov, E. P.; Lykosov, V. N.; Genina, E. Yu; Gordova, Yu E.
The paper describes a regular events CITES consisting of young scientists school and international conference as a tool for training and professional growth. The events address the most pressing issues of application of information-computational technologies in environmental sciences and young scientists’ training, diminishing a gap between university graduates’ skill and concurrent challenges. The viability of the approach to the CITES organization is proved by the fact that single event organized in 2001 turned into a series, quite a few young participants successfully defended their PhD thesis and a number of researchers became Doctors of Science during these years. Young researchers from Russia and foreign countries show undiminishing interest to these events.
Dr. Jacob Cohen presents the H. Julian Allen award to Anthony Colaprete.
Dr. Jacob Cohen Director Office of Chief Scientist with Dr. Anthony Colaprete recipient of the H. Julian Allen Award In recognition as co-author of the outstanding scientific paper entitled "Detection of Water in the LCROSS Ejecta Pluma." Shown here Dr. Jacob Cohen presents the H. Julian Allen award to Anthony Colaprete.
Minds That Matter: 2007 Gairdner International Awards Lectures
Krasnoshtein, F.; Nikolov, N.
On October 25 and 26, 2007, at the University of Toronto, the Gairdner Foundation in partnership with Canadian Institutes of Health Research presented a two-day international symposium titled Minds That Matter. The symposium featured academic lectures by Gairdner Award winners past and present and by other leading biomedical scientists. These distinguished researchers share many characteristics in common: creativity, vision, tenacity, and driving curiosity to illuminate discovery with high degree of relevance. The present article summarizes the 2007 Gairdner Award lectures.
Helping early career research scientists ascend the professional ladder.
King, Laina
The Keystone Symposia Early Career Investigator Travel Award initiative is a unique successful research mentoring program tailored for 'end of the pipeline' life and biomedical scientists from academia and industry. Using targeted educational, mentoring, and networking activities, the program benefits early career scientists in solving a specific laboratory-based research question that is limiting their evolving research and could increase their ability to obtain new grants and improve their career progression. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The 1996 Carter G. Woodson Book Awards.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Social Education, 1997
Discusses this year's recipients of the award that honors books dealing with subjects related to U.S. ethnic minorities and race relations in a manner suitable for young readers. The books include the story of a young Navajo girl learning to weave and an account of the Tuskegee airmen. (MJP)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
SOHO spacecraft artist's impression hi-res Size hi-res: 451 Kb Credits: ESA SOHO spacecraft SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA. SOHO's science ranges from the Sun's hot interior, through its visible surface and stormy atmosphere, and out to distant regions where the wind from the Sun battles with a breeze of atoms coming from among the stars. The award recognises both the outstanding achievements in designing, building and operating the mission, as well as the science it has performed. It is a tribute to a team that has contributed to one of the most successful space missions in history. The International Academy of Astronautics presents this award in recognition of extraordinary performance and achievement by teams of scientists, engineers and managers in the field of astronautics. This honour has been awarded only twice before - to the Russian Mir Space Station Team and the US Space Shuttle Team. Now the SOHO team joins this select group. The citation of the award for the SOHO team reads: "To the team of scientists, engineers and managers for the development and operation of a world-class mission leading to substantial advancements in understanding the Sun and the solar-terrestrial relationship." SOHO has an impressive and unique list of achievements. For instance, it produced the first ever images of the turbulent outer shell of the Sun and of the structure below sunspots. It gave the most precise measurements of the solar temperature structure, the interior rotation and the gas flows inside the Sun. It measured the acceleration of the fast and slow solar winds and discovered new solar phenomena, such as solar tornadoes. It revolutionised our ability to forecast space weather, and helped our understanding of the impact of solar variability on Earth's climate. During eight years of operation, the team has had to face several heart-stopping moments, but with extraordinary team spirit, skill and competence, they turned these
How Middle Schoolers Draw Engineers and Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fralick, Bethany; Kearn, Jennifer; Thompson, Stephen; Lyons, Jed
The perceptions young students have of engineers and scientists are often populated with misconceptions and stereotypes. Although the perceptions that young people have of engineers and of scientists have been investigated separately, they have not been systematically compared. The research reported in this paper explores the question "How are student perceptions of engineers and scientists similar and how are they different?" Approximately 1,600 middle school students from urban and suburban schools in the southeastern United States were asked to draw either an engineer or a scientist at work. Drawings included space for the students to explain what their person was doing in the picture. A checklist to code the drawings was developed and used by two raters. This paper discusses similarities and differences in middle school perceptions of scientists and engineers. Results reveal that the students involved in this study frequently perceive scientists as working indoors conducting experiments. A large fraction of the students have no perception of engineering. Others frequently perceive engineers as working outdoors in manual labor. The findings have implications for the development and implementation of engineering outreach efforts.
The Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) mentorship program
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Clarac, T.
The Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) Program is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA). It provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real-world, research experiences in physical sciences (including space science and astronomy) and engineering. YES consists of two parts: 1) an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, computers and the Internet, careers, science ethics, and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year; and 2) a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors during the academic year and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. YES has been highly successful during the past 11 years. All YES graduates have entered college, several have worked for SwRI, and three scientific publications have resulted. Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on their academic preparation and choice of college majors.
Garmire, Lana X; Gliske, Stephen; Nguyen, Quynh C; Chen, Jonathan H; Nemati, Shamim; VAN Horn, John D; Moore, Jason H; Shreffler, Carol; Dunn, Michelle
With the booming of new technologies, biomedical science has transformed into digitalized, data intensive science. Massive amount of data need to be analyzed and interpreted, demand a complete pipeline to train next generation data scientists. To meet this need, the transinstitutional Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Initiative has been implemented since 2014, complementing other NIH institutional efforts. In this report, we give an overview the BD2K K01 mentored scientist career awards, which have demonstrated early success. We address the specific trainings needed in representative data science areas, in order to make the next generation of data scientists in biomedicine.
ARC Accomplishments and Collaborations Pursuing Challenges with Vision and Focus
Navistar Defense LLC – Dr. Joe Lin, Eaton – Dr. Young Jae Kim, GM Hybrid Powertrain Eng. – Dr. Bin Wu, Mercedes - Benz Hybrid LLC – Dr. Vasilios Tsourapas...Fellows: 3 SAE, 4 ASME, 1 AAAS,1 IACM, 3 IEEE • 8 external Research and Educational Awards • 8 University Awards • 2 Young Scientists/Young Innovator
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Clark, Caroline T.; Blackburn, Mollie V.
This study examines LGBT-inclusive and queering discourses in five recent award-winning LGBT-themed young adult books. The analysis brought scenes of violence and sex/love scenes to the fore. Violent scenes offered readers messages that LGBT people are either the victims of violence-fueled hatred and fear, or, in some cases, showed a gay person…
Garrison, Howard H.; Deschamps, Anne M.
Physician scientists (researchers with either M.D. or M.D.-Ph.D. degrees) have the unique potential to combine clinical perspectives with scientific insight, and their participation in biomedical research has long been an important topic for policymakers and educators. Given the recent changes in the research environment, an update and extension of earlier studies of this population was needed. Our findings show that physician scientists are less likely to take a major role in biomedical research than they were in the past. The number of physician scientists receiving postdoctoral research training and career development awards is at an all-time low. Physician scientists today, on average, receive their first major research award (R01 equivalent) at a later age than in the 1980s. The number of first-time R01-equivalent awards to physicians is at the same level as it was 30 yr ago, but physicians now represent a smaller percentage of the grant recipients. The long-term decline in the number of physicians entering research careers was temporarily halted during the period of substantial U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget growth (1998–2003). These gains are lost, however, in the subsequent years when NIH budgets failed to keep pace with rising costs.— Garrison, H. H., Deschamps, A. M. NIH research funding and early career physician scientists: continuing challenges in the 21st century. PMID:24297696
The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN): Contribution to IPY's "Thermal State of Permafrost"
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Johansson, M.; Lantuit, H.; Frauenfeld, O. W.
The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN, www.pyrn.org) is a unique resource for students, young scientists, and engineers studying permafrost. It is an international organization fostering innovative collaboration, seeking to recruit, retain, and promote future generations of permafrost scientists and engineers. Initiated for and during IPY, PYRN directs the multi-disciplinary talents of its membership toward global awareness, knowledge, and response to permafrost-related challenges in a changing climate. Created as an education and outreach component of the International Permafrost Association (IPA), PYRN is a central database of permafrost information and science for more than 350 young researchers from 33 countries. PYRN distributes a newsletter, recognizes outstanding permafrost research by its members through an annual awards program, organizes training workshops (2007 in Abisko, Sweden and St. Petersburg, Russia), and contributes to the growth and future of the permafrost community. While networking forms the basis of PYRN's activities, the organization also seeks to establish itself as a driver of permafrost research for the IPY and beyond. We recently launched a series of initiatives on several continents aimed at providing young scientists and engineers with the means to conduct ground temperature monitoring in under-investigated permafrost regions. Focusing on sites not currently covered by the IPA's "Thermal State of Permafrost" project, the young investigators of PYRN will provide and use lightweight drills and temperature sensors to instrument shallow boreholes in those regions. The data and results will be incorporated in the global database on permafrost temperatures and made freely available to the scientific community, thereby contributing to the advance of permafrost science and the strengthening of the next generation of permafrost researchers.
Developing the next generation of nurse scientists.
Burkhart, Patricia V; Hall, Lynne A
This article describes an undergraduate nursing research internship program in which students are engaged in research with a faculty mentor. Since 2002, more than 130 undergraduate nursing students have participated. Interns coauthored publications, presented papers and posters at conferences, and received awards. This highly successful program provides a model that can be easily replicated to foster the development of future nurse scientists.
Young Children's Perceptions of Scientists: A Preliminary Study
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Buldu, Mehmet
Background: Since the 1950s, there has been a growing body of research dealing with perceptions children have of scientists. Typically, research studies in this area have utilized children's drawings in an effort to discern what those perceptions are. Studies assessing perceptions children have of scientists have shown that children have…
2017 ISCB Innovator Award: Aviv Regev
Fogg, Christiana N.; Kovats, Diane; Berger, Bonnie
2017 marks the second year of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Innovator Award, which recognizes an ISCB scientist who is within two decades of having completed his or her graduate degree and has consistently made outstanding contributions to the field. The 2017 winner is Dr. Aviv Regev, Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a Core Member and Chair of the Faculty of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and an HHMI Investigator. Regev will receive her award and deliver a keynote address during International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB/ECCB) 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic (July 21 - 25, 2017). PMID:28713547
The Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) Mentorship Program
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Clarac, T.; Lin, C.
The Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) Program is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA). It provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real-world, research experiences in physical sciences (including space science and astronomy) and engineering. YES consists of two parts: 1) an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, computers and the Internet, careers, science ethics, and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year; and 2) a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors during the academic year and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. YES has been highly successful during the past 11 years. All YES graduates have entered college, several have worked for SwRI, and three scientific publications have resulted. Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on their academic preparation and choice of college majors. We acknowledge funding from local charitable foundations and the NASA E/PO program.
Okeigwe, Ijeoma; Wang, Cynthia; Politch, Joseph A; Heffner, Linda J; Kuohung, Wendy
Obstetrics and gynecology departments receive the smallest amount of National Institutes of Health research funding and have significantly lower application success rates compared to pediatric, internal medicine, and surgery departments. The development of mentored early career development training grants (K awards) has been one strategy implemented by the National Institutes of Health to help aspiring physician-scientists establish independent research careers. The purpose of this study is to describe the cohort of obstetrics and gynecology physician-scientists who were K08, K12, and K23 recipients from 1988 through 2015 and to identify predictors of success in obtaining independent federal funding, as defined by acquisition of an R01, R21, R34, U01, U54, P01, or P50 award. We hypothesized that sex, subspecialty, type of K award, and dual MD/PhD would impact success rates. K08, K12, and K23 recipients from 1988 through 2015 were identified from the National Institutes of Health Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools, the office of the National Institutes of Health Freedom of Information Act, and the website of the Reproductive Scientist Development Program. Data were stratified by sex, educational degree, subspecialty, and type of K award. Data were analyzed using the Pearson χ 2 and Fisher exact tests. The Kaplan-Meier estimator was used to determine rates of conversion to independent funding over time. A total of 388 K recipients were identified. Women accounted for 66% of K awards while men accounted for 34%. Among K recipients, 82% were MDs, while 18% were MD/PhDs. K12 awards accounted for 82% of all K awards, while K08 and K23 awards accounted for 10% and 8%, respectively. Subspecialists in maternal-fetal medicine and reproductive endocrinology and infertility received the highest proportion of K awards, followed by generalists and gynecologic oncologists. Altogether, the 3 subspecialty groups accounted for 68% of all K awards. R01 awards made up the bulk
Uno, Jennifer; Walton, Kristen L W
This editorial continues with our Young Investigator Perspectives series. Drs. Uno and Walton are young investigators who hold faculty positions. They completed a K12 postdoctoral program through the IRACDA (Individual Research and Career Development Award) program sponsored through the NIGMS institute at NIH. IRACDA programs exist at multiple institutions in the USA to combine postdoctoral training with formal training in academic skills and teaching at partner institutions. I thank Drs. Walton and Uno for a thoughtful perspective on how this experience shaped their career goals to combine teaching and research and inspire undergraduates to science careers. Given the current national dialog on broadening career paths and outcomes for PhD scientists, this is a timely perspective. -P. Kay Lund.
de La Beaujardière Receives 2003 Charles S. Falkenberg Award
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Schell, David
Jeff de La Beaujardière received the Falkenberg Award at the AGU Fall Meeting Honors Ceremony, which was held on 10 December 2003, in San Francisco, California. The award honors ``a scientist under 45 years of age who has contributed to the quality of life, economic opportunities, and stewardship of the planet through the use of Earth science information and to the public awareness of the importance of understanding our planet''.
An overlooked source of physician-scientists.
Puljak, Livia
A shortage of physician-scientists in the United States is an ongoing problem. Various recommendations have been made to address this issue; however, none of them have ameliorated the situation. Foreign medical school graduates with postdoctoral training in the United States are an overlooked and untapped resource for combating the dearth of physician-scientists. Evaluation of the scientific staff at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center revealed that 11% of all postdoctoral fellows were international medical graduates. Interestingly, a survey taken by these individuals revealed a lack of institutional and/or mentor support for career development and preparation for becoming physician-scientists. Foreign postdoctoral fellows with medical degrees are not even eligible for physician-scientist grants and awards since they are not US citizens. Although physicians educated in the United States usually matriculate from medical school with high educational debt that prevents most of them from entering into scientific careers, doctors trained outside the United States generally have minimal, if any, debt. Furthermore, many of them have a keen interest in remaining in the United States once they complete their postdoctoral training. Thus, foreign-trained medical professionals who have pursued scientific training in the United States can be one of the solutions for the current dearth of physician-scientists.
CRD's Daniela Ushizima Receives DOE Early Career Award
Science. The award will fund research into developing new methods to help scientists extract more -the-art data analysis methods with emphasis on pattern recognition and machine learning emerging sources, multidisciplinary teams to interpret the data and the computational methods to automate some of
Tales of quakes and consequences garner 2012 AGU journalism awards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Weiss, Peter
When a court last month convicted seismologists of wrongdoing for how they characterized earthquake risk in the weeks preceding a deadly 2009 temblor in the city of L'Aquila, Italy, the verdict shocked scientists around the world. More than a year before that judgment came down, freelance reporter Stephen S. Hall had explored the legal case and its implications for scientists and for society in an article published in the 15 September 2011 issue of Nature. Because of the deep and compelling way in which Hall reported on the case, AGU in July chose Hall as the 2012 winner of the Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism - Features. Remarkable coverage of an earthquake also stood out for judges of the other of this year's AGU journalism honors: the 2012 David Perlman Award for Excellence in Journalism - News. Also in July, AGU selected a team at The Washington Post, including two staff writers, Brian Vastag and Steven Mufson, and the Post's graphics staff, to receive the Perlman Award for their superb reporting on the unusual 5.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the Washington, D. C., region in August 2011.
Media and the making of scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
O'Keeffe, Moira
This dissertation explores how scientists and science students respond to fictional, visual media about science. I consider how scientists think about images of science in relation to their own career paths from childhood onwards. I am especially interested in the possibility that entertainment media can inspire young people to learn about science. Such inspiration is badly needed, as schools are failing to provide it. Science education in the United States is in a state of crisis. Studies repeatedly find low levels of science literacy in the U.S. This bleak situation exists during a boom in the popularity of science-oriented television shows and science fiction movies. How might entertainment media play a role in helping young people engage with science? To grapple with these questions, I interviewed a total of fifty scientists and students interested in science careers, representing a variety of scientific fields and demographic backgrounds, and with varying levels of interest in science fiction. Most respondents described becoming attracted to the sciences at a young age, and many were able to identify specific sources for this interest. The fact that interest in the sciences begins early in life, demonstrates a potentially important role for fictional media in the process of inspiration, perhaps especially for children without access to real-life scientists. One key aspect to the appeal of fiction about science is how scientists are portrayed as characters. Scientists from groups traditionally under-represented in the sciences often sought out fictional characters with whom they could identify, and viewers from all backgrounds preferred well-rounded characters to the extreme stereotypes of mad or dorky scientists. Genre is another aspect of appeal. Some respondents identified a specific role for science fiction: conveying a sense of wonder. Visual media introduce viewers to the beauty of science. Special effects, in particular, allow viewers to explore the
Identity Matching to Scientists: Differences That Make a Difference?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Andersen, Hanne Moeller; Krogh, Lars Brian; Lykkegaard, Eva
Students' images of science and scientists are generally assumed to influence their related subject choices and aspirations for tertiary education within science and technology. Several research studies have shown that many young people hold rather stereotypical images of scientists, making it hard for them to see themselves as future scientists.…
What does it take to be a successful pediatric surgeon-scientist?
Watson, Carey; King, Alice; Mitra, Shaheel; Shaaban, Aimen F; Goldstein, Allan M; Morowitz, Michael J; Warner, Brad W; Crombleholme, Timothy M; Keswani, Sundeep G
The factors that contribute to success as a pediatric surgeon-scientist are not well defined. The purpose of this study is to define a group of NIH-funded pediatric surgeons, assess their academic productivity, and elucidate factors that have contributed to their success. Pediatric surgeons were queried in the NIH report database to determine NIH funding awarded. Academic productivity was then assessed. An online survey was then targeted to NIH-funded pediatric surgeons. Since 1988, 83 pediatric surgeon-investigators have received major NIH funding. Currently, there are 37 pediatric surgeons with 43 NIH-sponsored awards. The mean h-index of this group of pediatric surgeons was 18 ± 1.1, mean number of publications (since 2001) was 21 ± 2.1, and both increase commensurate with academic rank. In response to the survey, 81% engaged in research during their surgical residency, and 48% were mentored by a pediatric surgeon-scientist. More than 60% of respondents had significant protected time and financial support. Factors felt to be most significant for academic success included mentorship, perseverance, and protected time. Mentorship, perseverance, institutional commitment to protected research time, and financial support are considered to be important to facilitate the successes of pediatric surgeon-scientists. These results will be useful to aspiring pediatric surgeon-scientists and departments wishing to develop a robust research program. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Carter G. Woodson Book Awards.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Social Education, 1999
Presents the recipients of the 1999 Carter G. Woodson book awards that honor books focusing on ethnic minorities and race relations in a manner appropriate for young readers; the books cover topics that include the lives of Langston Hughes, Rosa Parks, and Ida B. Wells and the history of the Crow people. (CMK)
Berkeley Lab Scientist Co-Leads Breast Cancer Dream Team
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gray, Joe
An $16.5 million, three-year grant to develop new and more effective therapies to fight breast cancer was awarded today to a multi-institutional Dream Team of scientists and clinicians that is co-led by Joe Gray, a renowned cancer researcher with the U.S. Department of Energys Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. http://newscenter.lbl.gov/
Berkeley Lab Scientist Co-Leads Breast Cancer Dream Team
Gray, Joe
An $16.5 million, three-year grant to develop new and more effective therapies to fight breast cancer was awarded today to a multi-institutional Dream Team of scientists and clinicians that is co-led by Joe Gray, a renowned cancer researcher with the U.S. Department of Energys Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. http://newscenter.lbl.gov/
Researchers Dispute Notion that America Lacks Scientists and Engineers
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Monastersky, Richard
Researchers who track the American labor market told Congress last week that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the United States has more than enough scientists and engineers and that federal agencies and universities should reform the way they train young scientists to better match the supply of scientists with the demand for researchers. At a…
J. David Creswell: Award for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology.
APA's Awards for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology recognize excellent young psychologists who have not held a doctoral degree for more than nine years. One of the 2014 award winners is J. David Creswell, for "outstanding and innovative research on mechanisms linking stress management strategies to disease." Creswell's award citation, biography, and a selected bibliography are presented here. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Permafrost Young Researchers Get Their Hands Dirty: The PYRN-Thermal State of Permafrost IPY Project
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Johansson, M.; Lantuit, H.
The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) (www.pyrn.org) is a unique resource for students and young scientists and engineers studying permafrost. It is an international organization fostering innovative collaboration, seeking to recruit, retain, and promote future generations of permafrost scientists and engineers. Initiated for and during IPY, PYRN directs the multi-disciplinary talents of its membership toward global awareness, knowledge, and response to permafrost-related challenges in a changing climate. Created as an education and outreach component of the International Permafrost Association (IPA), PYRN is a central database of permafrost information and science for more than 500 young researchers from over 40 countries. PYRN distributes a newsletter, recognizes outstanding permafrost research by its members through an annual awards program, organizes training workshops (2007 in Abisko, Sweden and St. Petersburg, Russia, 2008 in Fairbanks, Alaska and St. Petersburg, Russia), and contributes to the growth and future of the permafrost community. While networking forms the basis of PYRN's activities, the organization also seeks to establish itself as a driver of permafrost research for the IPY and beyond. We recently launched a series of initiatives on several continents aimed at providing young scientists and engineers with the means to conduct ground temperature monitoring in under investigated permafrost regions. Focusing on sites not currently covered by the IPA's "Thermal State of Permafrost" project, the young investigators of PYRN successfully launched and funded the PYRN-TSP project. They use lightweight drills and temperature sensors to instrument shallow boreholes in those regions. The first phase of the project was started in the spring of 2008 at Scandinavian sites. The data and results will be incorporated in the global database on permafrost temperatures and made freely available to the scientific community, thereby contributing to the
Acceptance of the 2017 F.W. Clarke Award
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
McCubbin, Francis M.
Thank you, Steelie, for that very kind and touching citation. Madam President and delegates of the 2017 Goldschmidt, I stand before you today both humbled and honored to receive the 2017F.W. Clarke Award from the Geochemical Society. It is quite intimidating to see the distinguished list of past recipients of this award. The accomplished careers of these individuals attest to the prestige of this great honor, and I consider myself fortunate to be listed among these individuals. Although I was elated by the news that I will receive this award, I also recognize that there are many other early career scientists that are equally deserving of such accolades. I consider it an honor to be part of such a strong community of early career geochemists, and I look forward to seeing the scientific accomplishments that will be achieved by our generation in the coming decades.
The Impact of Scientist-Educator Collaborations: an early-career scientist's perspective
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Roop, H. A.
A decade ago, a forward-thinking faculty member exposed a group of aspiring scientists to the impacts and career benefits of working directly with K-12 students and educators. Ten years later, as one of those young scientists, it is clear that the relationships born out of this early experience can transform a researcher's impact and trajectory in science. Connections with programs like the NSF-funded PolarTREC program, the teacher-led Scientists in the Classroom effort, and through well-coordinated teacher training opportunities there are clear ways in which these partnerships can a) transform student learning; b) serve as a powerful and meaningful way to connect students to authentic research and researchers; and c) help researchers become more effective communicators by expanding their ability to connect their work to society. The distillation of science to K-12 students, with the expert eye of educators, makes scientists better at their work with tangible benefits to skills that matter in academia - securing funding, writing and communicating clearly and having high-value broader impacts. This invited abstract is submitted as part of this session's panel discussion and will explore in detail, with concrete examples, the mutual benefits of educator-scientist partnerships and how sustained engagement can transform the reach, connection and application of research science.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cummins, Sunday
Although students do need hands-on experiences to master key skills in science, technology, and engineering, Cummins asserts, K-12 teachers should also help students understand key STEM concepts by reading, writing, and talking about the work of professional scientists and engineers. Cummins lists high-quality texts that help young people…
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Rodgers, Lisa; Basca, Belinda
The natural world fascinates young children. Treasured leaves, shells, stones, and twigs always find their way into the kindergarten classroom. A kindergarten study of collections channels and deepens children's innate impulse to explore and collect. It also lays the foundation for understanding how scientists approach the study of objects in…
Carter G. Woodson Book Awards, 1997.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Social Education, 1998
Discusses the 1997 recipients of the award that honors books dealing with subjects related to ethnic minorities and race relations in a manner suitable for young readers. The books include the story of the Harlem Renaissance; works on the religious holidays, Ramadan and Hanukkah; and a Japanese-American family album. (MJP)
Haneen Shalabi receives The Children’s Cancer Foundation Next Gen Award | Center for Cancer Research
Haneen Shalabi, D.O., a Physician in the Pediatric Oncology Branch, received the 2017 Next Gen Award from the Children’s Cancer Foundation, Inc (CCF). As the highest award CCF presents to individual researchers, the Next Gen Award recognizes young investigators who are committed to pursuing a long-term career in pediatric oncology research. Read more...
Massey Award Given to Harvey Tananbaum
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dr. Harvey Tananbaum, director of the Chandra X-ray Center, has been selected as the recipient of the 2010 Massey Award for his career accomplishments in high-energy astrophysics in space. The Massey Award is given by the Royal Society of London and the Committee of Space Research (COSPAR) in memory of Sir Harrie Massey, past Physical Secretary of the Society and member of the COSPAR Bureau. The prestigious award recognizes outstanding contributions to the development of space research in which a leadership role is of particular importance. Dr. Harvey Tananbaum began his career at American Science and Engineering and has been an astrophysicist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory since 1973. He was involved with pioneering X-ray astronomy missions including UHURU and the Einstein Observatory. Beginning in 1976, Dr. Tananbaum, along with Nobel Prize winner Dr. Riccardo Giacconi, led the team that proposed to NASA to study and design a large X-ray telescope. This project was launched 23 years later in 1999 as the Chandra X-ray Observatory, becoming NASA's flagship X-ray telescope. Dr. Tananbaum has served as the director of the Chandra X-ray Center since 1991. Dr. Tananbaum has received numerous awards from NASA as well as from other agencies and institutions, including the American Astronomical Society's Bruno Rossi Award in 2004 along with Chandra Project Scientist Martin Weisskopf. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and in 2005 was elected as a member of the United States National Academy of Science. The presentation of the Massey Award, along with the gold medal that accompanies it, will be made at the upcoming 2010 COSPAR meeting in Bremen, Germany in July. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., manages the Chandra program for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory controls Chandra's science and flight operations from Cambridge, Mass. A complete
Lumley and Miller Student Scholarships Awarded to Ramos-Garcés and Ahmed
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
McCarthy, Lauren
As part of the strategic plan, AGU works to enhance engagement and involvement of students and early-career scientists with the scientific community and uses its position as a diverse and inclusive organization to build the global talent pool in Earth and space science. Student travel grants, awards, and scholarships are a few of the essential ways students and early-career scientists get involved in AGU every year.
Some Methodological Issues with "Draw a Scientist Tests" among Young Children
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Losh, Susan C.; Wilke, Ryan; Pop, Margareta
Children's stereotypes about scientists have been postulated to affect student science identity and interest in science. Findings from prior studies using "Draw a Scientist Test" methods suggest that students see scientists as largely white, often unattractive, men; one consequence may be that girls and minority students feel a science career is…
Melanocyte development: with a message of encouragement to young women scientists.
Mizoguchi, Masako
. In addition to the International Pigment Cell Conference (IPCC), I have also taken part in many annual meetings of the Japanese Society for Pigment Cell Research (JSPCR), Pan American Society for Pigment Cell Research (PASPCR) and European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR). Not only have I learned a great deal, I have enjoyed myself immensely at those meetings. Moreover, I have made many good friends there, some of whom I have collaborated with in my research. To conclude, I would like to give my message 'be ambitious' to young scientists, especially young women.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pasco, S.
The AAAS Mass Media Science &Engineering Fellowship program has succeeded in training scientists to become more effective communicators for more than 30 years. The program places advanced science, engineering and mathematics students at media sites to work as science reporters for ten weeks each summer. AAAS places between 15 to 20 students a year at newspapers, magazines and radio stations. Our goal is to create better science communicators who understand their role in fostering the public's understanding of science. Fellows leave the program with a greater awareness of how to communicate complex issues by making the connection as to why people should be interested in certain developments, and more specifically, how they will impact their communities. 2004 AGU Fellow Rei Ueyama put her lessons learned to good use during her Fellowship at the Sacramento Bee. "In a regional paper like The Bee, a (story) also had to have a local touch. I needed to show why people in Sacramento (or California) should bother to read the story. One example is the story I wrote about seeding the ocean with iron particles to fight global warming. Since ocean fertilization is a global issue, I had to clearly specify the reason why The Bee and not The New York Times was running the story. The local angle I chose was to point out that the core group of scientists involved in this study was from Monterey Bay, Calif." Many alumni tell us the program has been an integral force in shaping the course of their career. Similarly, sites often report that having a scientist on staff is an invaluable resource that allows them to cover additional science stories as well as report some technical stories in more depth. The American Geophysical Union has sponsored a Mass Media Fellow since 1997. Sponsorship allows affiliate program partners to establish connections with young professionals in their field. They are then also able to take advantage of the communication skills resident in their alumni base
Successful scientist: What's the winning formula?
Stull, April J; Ciappio, Eric D
What does it take to become a successful scientist? This question is usually asked or thought about at some point in a young scientist's career. The early stages of a scientific career are fraught with many hardships, and achieving success can seem impossible and daunting. After encountering many obstacles, it becomes easy to focus on failures and lose sight of career goals. The journey to success can seem so simple when looked upon from the outside, but even the best scientists have endured many hardships, which are often not communicated. This educational symposium featured a diverse panel of 5 accomplished scientists representing different work environments, such as government, industry, and academia. They discussed tips on how to have a successful career journey and the key qualities of a successful scientist. Also, they revealed the secret to what's in the winning formula for success. © 2014 American Society for Nutrition.
Sutton, Madeline Y; Lanier, Yzette A; Willis, Leigh A; Castellanos, Ted; Dominguez, Ken; Fitzpatrick, Lisa; Miller, Kim S
We reviewed data for the Minority HIV/AIDS Research Initiative (MARI), which was established in 2003 to support underrepresented minority scientists performing HIV prevention research in highly affected communities. MARI was established at the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control as a program of competitively awarded, mentored grants for early career researchers conducting HIV prevention research in highly affected racial/ethnic and sexual minority communities. We have described progress from 2003 to 2013. To date, MARI has mentored 27 scientist leaders using low-cost strategies to enhance the development of effective HIV prevention interventions. These scientists have (1) developed research programs in disproportionately affected communities of color, (2) produced first-authored peer-reviewed scientific and programmatic products (including articles and community-level interventions), and (3) obtained larger, subsequent funding awards for research and programmatic work related to HIV prevention and health disparities work. The MARI program demonstrates how to effectively engage minority scientists to conduct HIV prevention research and reduce racial/ethnic investigator disparities and serves as a model for programs to reduce disparities in other public health areas in which communities of color are disproportionately affected.
Lanier, Yzette A.; Willis, Leigh A.; Castellanos, Ted; Dominguez, Ken; Fitzpatrick, Lisa; Miller, Kim S.
Objectives. We reviewed data for the Minority HIV/AIDS Research Initiative (MARI), which was established in 2003 to support underrepresented minority scientists performing HIV prevention research in highly affected communities. Methods. MARI was established at the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control as a program of competitively awarded, mentored grants for early career researchers conducting HIV prevention research in highly affected racial/ethnic and sexual minority communities. We have described progress from 2003 to 2013. Results. To date, MARI has mentored 27 scientist leaders using low-cost strategies to enhance the development of effective HIV prevention interventions. These scientists have (1) developed research programs in disproportionately affected communities of color, (2) produced first-authored peer-reviewed scientific and programmatic products (including articles and community-level interventions), and (3) obtained larger, subsequent funding awards for research and programmatic work related to HIV prevention and health disparities work. Conclusions. The MARI program demonstrates how to effectively engage minority scientists to conduct HIV prevention research and reduce racial/ethnic investigator disparities and serves as a model for programs to reduce disparities in other public health areas in which communities of color are disproportionately affected. PMID:24134360
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Sharkawy, Azza
While several studies have documented young children's (K-2) stereotypic views of scientists and scientific work, few have examined students' views of the social nature of scientific work and the strategies effective in broadening these views. The purpose of this study is to examine how stories about scientists influence 1st-grade students' views…
Leslie S. Greenberg: Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Applied Research
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
American Psychologist, 2012
Presents a short biography of the 2012 winner of the American Psychological Association's Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Applied Research. Leslie S. Greenberg is an exemplary scientist-practitioner whose pioneering work has significantly altered the landscape of the field of psychotherapy research and practice. His seminal…
45 CFR 680.11 - Staff involvement with NSF proposals and awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RULES OF PRACTICE Rules of Practice for the National Science Foundation § 680.11 Staff involvement with NSF proposals and awards. (a)(1) Many scientists... field of science, engineering, or education, notwithstanding that the focus of the work may change in...
45 CFR 680.11 - Staff involvement with NSF proposals and awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RULES OF PRACTICE Rules of Practice for the National Science Foundation § 680.11 Staff involvement with NSF proposals and awards. (a)(1) Many scientists... field of science, engineering, or education, notwithstanding that the focus of the work may change in...
45 CFR 680.11 - Staff involvement with NSF proposals and awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RULES OF PRACTICE Rules of Practice for the National Science Foundation § 680.11 Staff involvement with NSF proposals and awards. (a)(1) Many scientists... field of science, engineering, or education, notwithstanding that the focus of the work may change in...
45 CFR 680.11 - Staff involvement with NSF proposals and awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION RULES OF PRACTICE Rules of Practice for the National Science Foundation § 680.11 Staff involvement with NSF proposals and awards. (a)(1) Many scientists... field of science, engineering, or education, notwithstanding that the focus of the work may change in...
Biographies of Women Scientists for Young Readers.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bettis, Catherine; Smith, Walter S.
The participation of women in the physical sciences and engineering woefully lags behind that of men. One significant vehicle by which students learn to identify with various adult roles is through the literature they read. This annotated bibliography lists and describes biographies on women scientists primarily focusing on publications after…
By Nancy Parrish, Staff Writer The Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) recently formed a partnership with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) to award a one-year fellowship to two scientists whose research will help lead to new therapies for pancreatic cancer. The scientists will focus on KRAS, a gene in the RAS family that is mutated in 95
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gillespie, John T.; Naden, Corinne J.
This comprehensive and practical guide to the influential Newbery and Printz awards for children's and young adult literature provides information on each year's winners and honor books, as well as on the awards themselves and the librarians for whom they are named. For each award-winning book, there is a plot summary, list of characters and…
76 FR 16630 - Announcement of an Award
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Families (ACF), Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Inter-Departmental Liaison for Early Childhood... Washington, DC, to work with ACF programs on hunger and obesity issues for young children. An award in the... CONTACT: George Askew, MD, FAAP, Senior Policy Advisor for Early Childhood Health and Development, Office...
Spiderman and science: How students' perceptions of scientists are shaped by popular media.
Tan, Aik-Ling; Jocz, Jennifer Ann; Zhai, Junqing
This study addresses the influence of popular media on how young children perceive science and the work of scientists. Using an adapted version of the Draw-A-Scientist Test, 15 classes of fourth graders (9-10 years old) at three different schools in Singapore were sampled ( n = 266). The students' drawings as well as their identification of three sources from which they obtained inspiration for their drawings were analyzed. Our results showed a strong relationship between students' drawings of scientists and their reported sources of inspiration. The results suggest that popular media play a large role in shaping how young children view scientists.
Among the Authentic Audience: Young Adults' Perceptions and Responses to Youth as Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Patchen, Amie K.
Lifelong science learning is important for making informed decisions on science topics, and there is a need to engage broader and more diverse audiences with science. One opportunity for engagement occurs when students share science topics with a public audience. Research indicates this interaction can have benefits for students, but little is known about the impact it may have on audience members’ thoughts about science. Youth are different from typical sources of science information, and may elicit different reactions. This dissertation examines the impact youth sources may have on adults’ perceptions of and responses to science topics. Young adults (N = 399) were randomly assigned to one of two scenarios. Both scenarios stated two individuals would describe research they had done about local air quality on the news. One scenario identified the individuals as local high school students, and the other as research scientists from a local institution. Dependent variables included perceptions of the warmth and competence of the presenters, expectations of the quality of the information they would share, willingness to take action based on that information, and general trust in scientists. A subset of participants (N=22) was selected for cognitive interviews and asked to explain the thoughts that influenced their survey responses. Results showed multiple reactions to the scenario. Three groups were identified in the perceptions data: one expressed trust in the presenters, one expressed skepticism, and one based their perceptions on personal experiences doing science. Participants said intertwined thoughts about trust in scientists and assumptions about the presenters’ intentions influenced perceptions, with an overall assumption that youth would have good intentions while adults might not. Participants did not appear to separate their expectations of the information from the people who would share it. However, their willingness to take action was related to the
The Current Situation of Female Scientists in Argentina
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Llois, Ana María; Dawson, Silvina Ponce
We report the changes that have taken place recently regarding the situation of female scientists in Argentina. We comment on the rules for maternity leave that have been passed recently for research scholars doing their PhDs and on the number of women scientists that occupy decision making-positions in science. We also present some evidence that seems to indicate that, among young scientists, women are more willing to occupy leadership positions and that the Argentinean society is more accepting of this new role.
Scientists want more children.
Ecklund, Elaine Howard; Lincoln, Anne E
Scholars partly attribute the low number of women in academic science to the impact of the science career on family life. Yet, the picture of how men and women in science--at different points in the career trajectory--compare in their perceptions of this impact is incomplete. In particular, we know little about the perceptions and experiences of junior and senior scientists at top universities, institutions that have a disproportionate influence on science, science policy, and the next generation of scientists. Here we show that having fewer children than wished as a result of the science career affects the life satisfaction of science faculty and indirectly affects career satisfaction, and that young scientists (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) who have had fewer children than wished are more likely to plan to exit science entirely. We also show that the impact of science on family life is not just a woman's problem; the effect on life satisfaction of having fewer children than desired is more pronounced for male than female faculty, with life satisfaction strongly related to career satisfaction. And, in contrast to other research, gender differences among graduate students and postdoctoral fellows disappear. Family factors impede talented young scientists of both sexes from persisting to research positions in academic science. In an era when the global competitiveness of US science is at risk, it is concerning that a significant proportion of men and women trained in the select few spots available at top US research universities are considering leaving science and that such desires to leave are related to the impact of the science career on family life. Results from our study may inform university family leave policies for science departments as well as mentoring programs in the sciences.
Shiue, Ivy; Samberg, Leah; Kulohoma, Benard; Dogaru, Diana; Wyborn, Carina; Hamel, Perrine; Jørgensen, Peter Søgaard; Lussier, Paul; Sundaram, Bharath; Lim, Michelle; Tironi, Antonio
Effective integration in science and knowledge co-production is a challenge that crosses research boundaries, climate regions, languages and cultures. Early career scientists are crucial in the identification of, and engagement with, obstacles and opportunities in the development of innovative solutions to complex and interconnected problems. On 25–31 May 2014, International Council for Science and International Social Science Council, in collaboration with the International Network of Next-Generation Ecologists and Institute for New Economic Thinking: Young Scholars Initiative, assembled a group of early career researchers with diverse backgrounds and research perspectives to reflect on and debate relevant issues around ecosystems and human wellbeing in the transition towards green economy, funded by the German Research Foundation, at Villa Vigoni, Italy. As a group of young scientists, we have come to a consensus that collaboration and communication among a diverse group of peers from different geographic regions could break down the barriers to multi-disciplinary research designed to solve complex global-scale problems. We also propose to establish a global systematic thinking to monitor global socio-ecological systems and to develop criteria for a “good” anthropocene. Finally, we aim to bridge gaps among research, the media, and education from a governance perspective linking with “sustainable development goals”. PMID:25390795
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Each year the RAS recognizes outstanding achievement in astronomy and geophysics by the award of medals and prizes. Candidates are nominated by Fellows and the awards made by a committee of Fellows, ensuring that these scientists have earned the respect and admiration of their peers in the research community.
Scientist impact factor (SIF): a new metric for improving scientists' evaluation?
Lippi, Giuseppe; Mattiuzzi, Camilla
The publication of scientific research is the mainstay for knowledge dissemination, but is also an essential criterion of scientists' evaluation for recruiting funds and career progression. Although the most widespread approach for evaluating scientists is currently based on the H-index, the total impact factor (IF) and the overall number of citations, these metrics are plagued by some well-known drawbacks. Therefore, with the aim to improve the process of scientists' evaluation, we developed a new and potentially useful indicator of recent scientific output. The new metric scientist impact factor (SIF) was calculated as all citations of articles published in the two years following the publication year of the articles, divided by the overall number of articles published in that year. The metrics was then tested by analyzing data of the 40 top scientists of the local University. No correlation was found between SIF and H-index (r=0.15; P=0.367) or 2 years H-index (r=-0.01; P=0.933), whereas the H-index and 2 years H-index values were found to be highly correlated (r=0.57; P<0.001). A highly significant correlation was also observed between the articles published in one year and the total number of citations to these articles in the two following years (r=0.62; P<0.001). According to our data, the SIF may be a useful measure to complement current metrics for evaluating scientific output. Its use may be especially helpful for young scientists, wherein the SIF reflects the scientific output over the past two years thus increasing their chances to apply to and obtain competitive funding.
Effective Models for Scientists Engaging in Meaningful Education and Outreach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Noel-Storr, Jacob; Gurule, Isaiah; InsightSTEM Teacher-Scientist-Communicator-Learner Team
We present a central paradigm, extending the model of "Teacher-Scientist" partnerships towards a new philosophy of "Scientist-Instructor-Learner-Communicator" Partnerships. In this paradigm modes of, and expertise in, communication, and the learners themselves, are held is as high status as the experts and teachers in the learning setting.We present three distinctive models that rest on this paradigm in different educational settings. First a model in which scientists and teachers work together with a communications-related specialist to design and develop new science exploration tools for the classroom, and gather feedback from learners. Secondly, we present a model which involves an ongoing joint professional development program helping scientists and teachers to be co-communicators of knowledge exploration to their specific audience of learners. And thirdly a model in which scientists remotely support classroom research based on online data, while the teachers and their students learn to become effective communicators of their genuine scientific results.This work was funded in part by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and by NASA awards NNX16AC68A and NNX16AJ21G. All opinions are those of the authors.
Effective Models for Scientists Engaging in Meaningful Education and Outreach
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Noel-Storr, Jacob; InsightSTEM SILC Partnership Team
We present a central paradigm, extending the model of "Teacher-Scientist" partnerships towards a new philosophy of "Scientist-Instructor-Learner-Communicator" Partnerships. In this paradigm modes of, and expertise in, communication, and the learners themselves, are held is as high status as the experts and teachers in the learning setting.We present three distinctive models that rest on this paradigm in different educational settings. First a model in which scientists and teachers work together with a communications-related specialist to design and develop new science exploration tools for the classroom, and gather feedback from learners. Secondly, we present a model which involves an ongoing joint professional development program helping scientists and teachers to be co-communicators of knowledge exploration to their specific audience of learners. And thirdly a model in which scientists remotely support classroom research based on online data, while the teachers and their students learn to become effective communicators of their genuine scientific results.This work was funded in part by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and by NASA awards NNX16AC68A and NNX16AJ21G. All opinions are those of the authors.
Han, Liwei; Wang, Yueyun; He, Wenbin; Zhang, Junjie; Bi, Minggang; Shang, Hongcai; Shang, Deyang; Wang, Chang'en
The applications accepted and approved by general program, young scientist fund and fund for less developed region of national natural science funds in the discipline of Chinese materia medica, NSFC in 2011 have been introduced. The character and problems in these applications have been analyzed to give a reference to the scientists in the field of Chinese material medica.
Award-Winning Animation Helps Scientists See Nature at Work | News | NREL
Scientists See Nature at Work August 8, 2008 A computer-aided image combines a photo of a man with a three -dimensional, computer-generated image. The man has long brown hair and a long beard. He is wearing a blue - simultaneously. "It is very difficult to parallelize the process to run even on a huge computer,"
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Alant, Busisiwe P.
This article critiques the role of the ESKOM Expo for Young Scientists as a particularly salient node in the constitution of young learners' identity as prospective participants in the field of science and technology. The ESKOM Expo is seen as a particularly exciting means of providing access to the niche area of science and technology. Yet this…
Hayes Receives 2012 Ronald Greeley Early Career Award in Planetary Science: Response
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hayes, Alexander G.
I am deeply honored to be the inaugural recipient of the Ronald Greeley Early Career Award. Ron was an icon in the field of planetary science, and the establishment of this award is a fitting way to pay tribute to his legacy. I applaud Laurie Leshin, Bill McKinnon, and the rest of the AGU Planetary Science section officers and selection committee for taking the time to organize this memorial. Ron is remembered not only for his fundamental scientific contributions but also for his mentorship and support of early-career scientists, both his own students and postdocs and those of his colleagues.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Hasenkopf, C. A.
Collaborative science in which scientists are able to form research questions based on the current body of scientific knowledge and get feedback from colleagues on their ideas and work is essential for pushing science forward. However, not all scientists are able to fully participate in the international science community. Scientists from developing countries can face barriers to communicating with the international community due to, among other issues: fewer scientists in their home country, difficulty in getting language-specific science writing training, fewer established pre-existing international collaborations and networks, and sometimes geographic isolation. These barriers not only result in keeping individual scientists from contributing their ideas, but they also slow down the progress of the scientific enterprise for everyone. Global Science Share (http://globalscienceshare.org/) is a new project, entering its pilot phase in Fall 2012, which will work to reduce this disparity by connecting young scientists and engineers from developing countries seeking to improve their technical writing with other scientists and engineers around the world via online collaborations. Scientist-volunteers act as mentors and are paired up with mentees according to their academic field and writing needs. The mentors give feedback and constructive technical and editorial criticisms on mentees' submitted pieces of writing through a four-step email discussion. Mentees gain technical writing skills, as well as make international connections with other scientists and engineers in fields related to their own. Mentors also benefit by gaining new international scientific colleagues and honing their own writing skills through their critiques. The Global Science Share project will begin its pilot phase by first inviting Mongolian science students to apply as mentees this fall. This abstract will introduce the Global Science Share program, present a progress report from its first
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Cecchini, Stephanie Anne
Young adults deserve our best as parents, educators and community members. The Michael L. Printz award winning books, instituted by the Young Adult Library Association, form a recent grouping of current literature. Novels worthy of the Printz Award explore physical, emotional, and social themes important in the lives of young adults. This library…
By Nancy Parrish, Staff Writer The Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) recently formed a partnership with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) to award a one-year fellowship to two scientists whose research will help lead to new therapies for pancreatic cancer. The scientists will focus on KRAS, a gene in the RAS family that is mutated in 95 percent of pancreatic cancers, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Huang, Ming-Qing; Han, Li-Wei; Wu, Xiu-Hong; Bi, Ming-Gang; Shang, Hong-Cai; Liu, Yun-Fang; He, Wei-Ming; Li, Dan-Dan; Dong, Yan; Wang, Chang-En
The applications accepted and approved by general program, young scientist fund and fund for less developed region of national natural science funds in the discipline of Chinese materia medica, NSFC in 2012 have been introduced. The research contents of the funded projects in the popular research areas have been summarized and the problems in the applications have been analyzed to give a reference to the scientists in the field of Chinese materia medica.
Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) - A Science Education Partnership
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Asbell, H. E.; Reiff, P. H.
Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA). YES has been highly successful during the past 15 years and YES 2K7 continued this trend. The YES program provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real world, research experiences in physical sciences (including space science and astronomy) and engineering. YES consists of two parts: 1) an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, computers and the Internet, careers, science ethics, and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year; and 2) a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors during the academic year and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. YES 2K7 developed a website for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) from the perspective of 20 high school students (yesserver.space.swri.edu). Over the past 15 years, all YES graduates have entered college, several have worked for SwRI, and three scientific publications have resulted. Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on their academic preparation and choice of college majors. Acknowledgements: We acknowledge funding and support from the NASA MMS Mission, SwRI, Northside Independent School District, and local charitable foundations.
Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeons Achieve High Rates of K-Award Conversion Into R01 Funding.
Narahari, Adishesh K; Mehaffey, J Hunter; Hawkins, Robert B; Baderdinni, Pranav K; Chandrabhatla, Anirudha S; Tribble, Curtis G; Kron, Irving L; Roeser, Mark E; Walters, Dustin M; Ailawadi, Gorav
Obtaining National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 funding remains extremely difficult. The utility of career development grants (K awards) for achieving the goal of R01 funding remains debated, particularly for surgeon-scientists. We examined the success rate for cardiothoracic and vascular (CTV) surgeons compared to other specialties in converting K-level grants into R01 equivalents. All K (K08 and K23) grants awarded to surgeons by the NIH between 1992-2017 were identified through NIH RePORTER, an online database combining funding, publications, and patents. Only grants awarded to CTV surgeons were included. Grants active within the past year were excluded. Mann-Whitney U-tests and Chi-squared tests were used to compare groups. A total of 62 K grants awarded to CTV surgeons were identified during this period. Sixteen grants were still active within the last year and excluded from analysis. Twenty-two (48%) of the remaining K awardees successfully transitioned to an R01 or equivalent grant. Awardees with successful conversion published 9 publications per K grant compared to 4 publications for those who did not convert successfully (p=0.01). The median time for successful conversion to an R grant was 5.0 years after the K award start date. Importantly, the 10-year conversion rate to R01 was equal for CTV surgeons compared to other clinician-investigators (52.6% vs 42.5%). CTV surgeons have an equal 10-year conversion rate to first R01 award compared to other clinicians. These data suggest that NIH achieves a good return on investment when funding CTV surgeon-scientists with K-level funding. Copyright © 2018 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
"I Have a Dream, Too!": The American Dream in Coretta Scott King Award-Winning Books
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Parsons, Linda T.; Castleman, Michele
The Coretta Scott King (CSK) Award, instituted in 1969 and recognized as an official award by the American Library Association (ALA) in 1982, is conferred annually to an African American author and an illustrator for their outstanding contributions to literature about the Black experience for children and young adults. A partial impetus for the…
Meybohm, Patrick; Lindau, Simone; Schürholz, Tobias; Larmann, Jan; Stehr, Sebastian N; Nau, Carla
A decreasing number of young physicians go for an academic career. The most frequently cited reasons are deficient structures and a lack of perspectives. The German Research Foundation warned against supply gaps in the medical sciences and in 2010 published recommendations for the improvement of professional development at all levels of medical education. A systematic survey of existing support tools and their dissemination among the medical societies has not yet been conducted. Network members of the AWMF were contacted by e-mail and asked to answer 59 questions regarding the support of junior scientists in their respective societies. 28 out of 147 societies replied to the questionnaire. Most of the societies offer at least one of the following tools (multiple responses; selective topics): award for oral presentations (n=27), free attendance at conferences (n=15), financial research funding (n=19), assessment of any funding application (n=10), mentoring (n=6), support of students working on their doctoral thesis (n=26), support of studies abroad (n=16), training course on statistics/ laboratory methods (n=17), support with clinical studies (n=22). Here, we present our survey findings on established support tools for junior scientists for the first time. Apart from the medical schools, several medical-scientific societies have also started to provide tools of support for their junior scientists. However, to ensure that long-term perspectives and attractive conditions are provided in the field of medical science for junior scientists, broader support and interdisciplinary exchange of established tools are needed. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
Connor receives David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism-News: Response
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Connor, Steve
Steve Connor, science editor of the Independent newspaper of London, received the David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism-News at the AGU Fall Meeting Honors Ceremony, held on 7 December 2011 in San Francisco, Calif. Connor was honored for his article "Expect more extreme winters thanks to global warming, say scientists," published 24 December 2010 in theIndependent. The article covers a computer modeling study that found that losses in sea ice north of Scandinavia and Russia caused by global warming could paradoxically cause harsh, cold winters in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. The Perlman award is for work published with a deadline pressure of 1 week or less.
Connor receives David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism-News: Citation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Duff, Oliver
Steve Connor, science editor of the Independent newspaper of London, received the David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism-News at the AGU Fall Meeting Honors Ceremony, held on 7 December 2011 in San Francisco, Calif. Connor was honored for his article "Expect more extreme winters thanks to global warming, say scientists," published 24 December 2010 in theIndependent. The article covers a computer modeling study that found that losses in sea ice north of Scandinavia and Russia caused by global warming could paradoxically cause harsh, cold winters in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. The Perlman award is for work published with a deadline pressure of 1 week or less.
Turkish Young Children's Views on Science and Scientists
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Ozgelen, Sinan
The purpose of the study was to investigate 3rd grade primary students' views on science and scientists. The sample consisted of 254 3rd grade public school students in Mersin. Primary students were asked to answer three basic questions; 1) What is science? 2) Who does science? 3) How is science done? Primary students were requested to give…
Acceptance of the 2014 V.M. Goldschmidt Award of the Gochemical Society by Timothy L. Grove
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Grove, Timothy L.
I am deeply honored to be the recipient of the 2014 V.M. Goldschmidt Award. Many of the past recipients of this award have been scientific heroes to me, and it is hard to express how it feels to be included in this distinguished group. My feelings run the full spectrum; from exhilaration and deep personal satisfaction for the recognition of the work that I have done, to humility and anxiety that maybe I am really not good enough to deserve this award. This is called impostor syndrome. You younger scientists should know that many of us, even those who appear very successful, still experience it - don't let it hold you back.
Engaging Students in Space Research: Young Engineers and Scientists 2008
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Asbell, H. E.; Reiff, P. H.
Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA) during the past 16 years. The YES program provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real world, research experiences in physical sciences (including space science) and engineering. YES consists of an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI and a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their professional mentors during the academic year. During the summer workshop, students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, computers and the Internet, careers, science ethics, and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. YES has developed a website for topics in space science from the perspective of high school students, including NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) (http://yesserver.space.swri.edu). Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on their academic preparation and choice of college majors. Over the past 16 years, all YES graduates have entered college, several have worked for SwRI, one business has started, and three scientific publications have resulted. Acknowledgements. We acknowledge funding and support from the NASA MMS Mission, Texas Space Grant Consortium, Northside Independent School District, SwRI, and several local charitable foundations.
Kelly, Thomas H; Mattacola, Carl G
The National Institutes of Health's Clinical and Translational Science Award initiative is designed to establish and promote academic centers of clinical and translational science (CTS) that are empowered to train and advance multi- and interdisciplinary investigators and research teams to apply new scientific knowledge and techniques to enhance patient care. Among the key components of a full-service center for CTS is an educational platform to support research training in CTS. Educational objectives and resources available to support the career development of the clinical and translational scientists, including clinical research education, mentored research training, and career development support, are described. The purpose of the article is to provide an overview of the CTS educational model so that rehabilitation specialists can become more aware of potential resources that are available and become more involved in the delivery and initiation of the CTS model in their own workplace. Rehabilitation clinicians and scientists are well positioned to play important leadership roles in advancing the academic mission of CTS. Rigorous academic training in rehabilitation science serves as an effective foundation for supporting the translation of basic scientific discovery into improved health care. Rehabilitation professionals are immersed in patient care, familiar with interdisciplinary health care delivery, and skilled at working with multiple health care professionals. The NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award initiative is an excellent opportunity to advance the academic development of rehabilitation scientists.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kaluzienski, Louis (Technical Monitor); Forman, William
In the initial awarding of the grant, we had difficulty phasing our proposed support of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and young US scientists with the meeting schedule and the grant cycle. Initially, the grant arrived too late to support the meeting. The following year, a combination of the renewal process and the meeting announcement prevented us from announcing the support opportunity sufficiently in advance to allow us to make awards and provide support. As described in the initial proposal, the Moriond and Blois meetings are a unique opportunity for younger researchers to make oral presentations of their work at an international venue. As noted above, the phasing of meetings combined with the difficulty of arranging foreign travel for scientists at other institutions precluded the possibility of supporting the proposed meetings and providing young US scientists and post-doctoral fellows support to attend these meetings.
The enduring effect of scientific interest on trust in climate scientists in the United States
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Motta, Matthew
People who distrust scientists are more likely to reject scientific consensus, and are more likely to support politicians who are sceptical of scientific research1. Consequently, boosting Americans' trust in scientists is a central goal of science communication2. However, while previous research has identified several correlates of distrust in climate scientists3 and scientists more broadly4, far less is known about potential long-term influences taking root in young adulthood. This omission is notable, as previous research suggests that attitudes towards science formulated in pre-teenage years play a key role in shaping attitudes in adulthood5. Using data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth, I find that interest in science at age 12-14 years is associated with increased trust in climate scientists in adulthood (mid thirties), irrespective of Americans' political ideology. The enduring and bipartisan effects of scientific interest at young ages suggest a potential direction for future efforts to boost mass trust in climate scientists.
APA/Psi Chi Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award: Meghan H. Puglia.
The Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award is given jointly by Psi Chi and APA. The award was established to recognize young researchers at the beginning of their professional lives and to commemorate both the 50th anniversary of Psi Chi and the 100th anniversary of psychology as a science (dating from the founding of Wundt's laboratory). The 2016 recipient is Meghan H. Puglia, who was chosen for "an outstanding foundational research paper that establishes a relationship between a functional epigenetic modification to the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) and neural response during social perception." Puglia's award citation, biography, and bibliography are presented here. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).
APA/Psi Chi Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award: Samantha F. Anderson.
The Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award is given jointly by Psi Chi and the American Psychological Association. The award was established to recognize young researchers at the beginning of their professional lives and to commemorate both the 50th anniversary of Psi Chi and the 100th anniversary of psychology as a science (dating from the founding of Wundt's laboratory). The 2017 recipient is Samantha F. Anderson, who was chosen for "an exceptional research paper that responds to psychology's 'replication crisis' by outlining a broader view of success in replication." Her award citation, biography, and a selected bibliography are presented here. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).
Connor H. G. Patros: Psi Chi/APA Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award.
The Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award is given jointly by Psi Chi and APA. The award was established to recognize young researchers at the beginning of their professional lives and to commemorate both the 50th anniversary of Psi Chi and the 100th anniversary of psychology as a science (dating from the founding of Wundt's laboratory). The 2015 recipient is Connor H. G Patros. Patros was chosen for "an excellent research paper that examines the complex relationship between working memory, choice-impulsivity, and the attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) phenotype." Patros's award citation, biography, and a selected bibliography are presented here. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).
Bethe, Oppenheimer, Teller and the Fermi Award: Norris Bradbury Speaks
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Meade, Roger Allen
In 1956 the Enrico Fermi Presidential Award was established to recognize scientists, engineers, and science policymakers who gave unstintingly over their careers to advance energy science and technology. The first recipient was John von Neumann. .1 Among those scientists who were thought eligible for the award were Hans Bethe, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and Edward Teller. In 1959 Norris Bradbury was asked to comment on the relative merits of each these three men, whom he knew well from their affiliation with Los Alamos. Below is a reproduction of the letter Bradbury sent to Dr. Warren C. Johnson of the AEC’s Generalmore » Advisory Committee(GAC) containing his evaluation of each man. The letter might surprise those not accustomed to Bradbury’s modus operandi of providing very detailed and forthright answers to the AEC. The letter, itself, was found in cache of old microfilm. Whether because of the age of the microfilm or the quality of the filming process, portions of the letter are not legible. Where empty brackets appear, the word or words could not be read or deduced. Words appearing in brackets are guesses that appear, from the image, to be what was written. These guesses, of course, are just that – guesses.« less
Henry Friesen Award Lecture. Work, the clinician-scientist and human biochemical genetics.
Scriver, C R
The pursuit of human biochemical genetics has allowed us to understand better how the person with the (genetic) disease differs from the disease the person has and to develop the concept that genetics belongs in all aspects of health care. It is a perspective that comes quite readily to the clinician-scientist, and the restoration of that "species" in the era of functional genomics is strongly recommended. Garrod, the initial founder of human "biochemical genetics" belonged to the clinician-scientist community. Archibald Edward Garrod introduced a paradigm, new for its day, in medicine: biochemistry is dynamic and different from the static nature of organic chemistry. It led him to think about metabolic pathways and to recognize that variation in Mendelian heredity could explain an "inborn error of metabolism." At the time, Garrod had no idea about the nature of a gene. Genes are now well understood; genomes are being described for one organism after another (including Homo sapiens) and it is understood that genomes "speak biochemistry (not phenotype)." Accordingly, in the era of genomics, biochemistry and physiology become the bases of functional genomics, and it is possible to appreciate why "nothing in biology makes sense without evolution" (and nothing in medicine will make sense without biology). Mendelian, biochemical and molecular genetics together have revealed what lies behind the 4 canonical inborn errors described by Garrod (albinisn, alkaptonuria, cystinuria and pentosuria). Both older and newer ideas in genetics, new tools for applying them (and renewed respect for the clinician-scientist) will enhance our understanding of the human biological variation that accounts for variant states of health and overt disease. A so-called monogenic phenotype (phenylketonuria) is used to illustrate, in some detail, that all disease phenotypes are, in one way or another, likely to be complex in nature. What can be known and what ought to be done, with knowledge about
PREFACE: FAIRNESS 2014: FAIR Next Generation ScientistS 2014
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
FAIRNESS 2014 was the third edition in a series of workshops designed to bring together excellent international young scientists with research interests focused on physics at FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) and was held on September 22-27 2014 in Vietri sul Mare, Italy. The topics of the workshops cover a wide range of aspects in both theoretical developments and current experimental status, concentrated around the four scientific pillars of FAIR. FAIR is a new accelerator complex with brand new experimental facilities, that is currently being built next to the existing GSI Helmholtzzentrum for Schwerionenforschung close to Darmstadt, Germany. The spirit of the conference is to bring together young scientists, e.g. advanced PhD students and postdocs and young researchers without permanent position to present their work, to foster active informal discussions and build up of networks. Every participant in the meeting with the exception of the organizers gives an oral presentation, and all sessions are followed by an hour long discussion period. During the talks, questions are anonymously collected in a box to stimulate discussions. The broad physics program at FAIR is reflected in the wide range of topics covered by the workshop: • Physics of hot and dense nuclear matter, QCD phase transitions and critical point • Nuclear structure, astrophysics and reactions • Hadron Spectroscopy, Hadrons in matter and Hypernuclei • New developments in atomic and plasma physics • Special emphasis is put on the experiments CBM, HADES, PANDA, NUSTAR, APPA and related experiments For each of these different areas one invited speaker was selected to give a longer introductory presentation. The write-ups of the talks presented at FAIRNESS 2014 are the content of this issue of Journal of Physics: Conference Series and have been refereed according to the IOP standard for peer review. This issue constitutes therefore a collection of the forefront of research that
In July 2012, members of a multidisciplinary research team of both SAIC-Frederick and NCI Center for Cancer Research scientists were recognized with the NIH Director’s Award for their outstanding work to rapidly evaluate a potential threat to the n
Report on DOE support for GSC13 travel award
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Gilbert, Jack Anthony
Consortium. The 3-day conference was held at the Kingkey Palace Hotel, Shenzhen, China, on March 5-7th, 2012, and was hosted by the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI). The meeting was entitled ‘From Genomes to Interactions to Communities to Models’ and aimed to be a scientific meeting that highlighted the role of data standards associated with genomic, metagenomic and amplicon sequence data, and the contextual information associated with the sample that data was generated from. To this end the meeting focused on genomic projects for animals, plants, fungi and viruses, metagenomic studies in host-microbe interactions, and community dynamics in microbial communities. Inmore » addition the meeting hosted a Genomic Observatories Network session, a GSC biodiversity working group session, and a Microbiology of the Built Environment session sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The meeting was very well organized by the local hosts at BGI, and all attendees reported that they were very happy with the outcome, service and quality of the science presented. Highlights were keynotes by Rita Colwell, Mitch Sogin and Jim Tiedje. The 5 attendees paid for by the DOE award were Daniel Smith and Jared Wilkening (University of Chicago); Patrick Chain (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Austin Davis-Richardson (University of Florida) and Greg Caporoaso (University of Northern Arizona). Each attendee was able to either present or become involved with the attending scientists, and each reported that they had got something significant out of the meeting. Here are detailed their personal accounts of the GSC13 meeting. We thank DOE for the helping to fund this valuable outreach initiative, and for supporting the attendance of these bright young scientists at this important meeting.« less
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
American Psychologist, 2009
Keith Humphreys, recipient of the Award for Distinguished Early Career Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest, is cited for creatively combining a scientist's commitment to rigor, a clinician's emphasis on high-quality mental health care, and a policy analyst's understanding of how to address and resolve social problems. His work as a…
Young Scientists Discuss Recent Advances, Future Challenges.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Baum, Rudy M.
Discusses a National Academy of Science forum at which a group of outstanding young researchers in astronomy, molecular and developmental biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, atmospheric science, and materials science met for three days of formal presentations and informal conversations. Provides a short synopsis of major speakers. (MVL)
Inhibitory Effects of Megakaryocytes in Prostate Cancer Bone Metastasis
meeting, Feb. 2010, Seattle, WA) 3. Inhibitory effects of megakaryocytes in prostate cancer bone metastasis. (Oral presentation and Young ...cancer bone metastasis. (Oral presentation and ASBMR-Harold M. Frost Young Investigator Award, Aug. 2009, Sun Valley, ID) 5. Career development...valuable new scientific information and also provided critical career development support for an a spiring young scientist. References Please refer
YES 2K5: Young Engineers and Scientists Mentorship Program
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Asbell, H. E.
The Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) Program is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA). YES has been highly successful during the past 13 years, and YES 2K5 continued this trend. It provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real-world, research experiences in physical sciences (including space science and astronomy) and engineering. YES 2K5 consists of two parts: 1) an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, computers and the Internet, careers, science ethics, and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year; and 2) a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors during the academic year and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. YES 2K5 developed a website for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) from the perspective of a high school student. Over the past 13 years, all YES graduates have entered college, several have worked for SwRI, and three scientific publications have resulted. Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on their academic preparation and choice of college majors. We acknowledge funding from the NASA MMS Mission, the NASA E/PO program, and local charitable foundations.
43 CFR 32.9 - Consideration and criteria for awarding grants.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Consideration and criteria for awarding grants. 32.9 Section 32.9 Public Lands: Interior Office of the Secretary of the Interior GRANTS TO STATES FOR ESTABLISHING YOUNG ADULT CONSERVATION CORPS (YACC) PROGRAM § 32.9 Consideration and criteria for...
43 CFR 32.9 - Consideration and criteria for awarding grants.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Consideration and criteria for awarding grants. 32.9 Section 32.9 Public Lands: Interior Office of the Secretary of the Interior GRANTS TO STATES FOR ESTABLISHING YOUNG ADULT CONSERVATION CORPS (YACC) PROGRAM § 32.9 Consideration and criteria for...
7 CFR 2502.8 - Pre-award, award, and post-award procedures and administration of grants.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... (ACE) GRANTS PROGRAM Grant Applications and Administration § 2502.8 Pre-award, award, and post-award... CFR part 2500, subparts A, B, C, D, and E. (b) For purposes of the ACE Grants Program, the provisions...
7 CFR 2502.8 - Pre-award, award, and post-award procedures and administration of grants.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... (ACE) GRANTS PROGRAM Grant Applications and Administration § 2502.8 Pre-award, award, and post-award... CFR part 2500, subparts A, B, C, D, and E. (b) For purposes of the ACE Grants Program, the provisions...
7 CFR 2502.8 - Pre-award, award, and post-award procedures and administration of grants.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... (ACE) GRANTS PROGRAM Grant Applications and Administration § 2502.8 Pre-award, award, and post-award... CFR part 2500, subparts A, B, C, D, and E. (b) For purposes of the ACE Grants Program, the provisions...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jortner, Joshua
This is the story of a young person who grew up in Tel-Aviv during the period of the establishment of the State of Israel and was inspired to become a physical chemist by the cultural environment, by the excellent high-school education, and by having been trained by some outstanding scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and, subsequently, by the intellectual environment and high-quality scientific endeavor at the University of Chicago. Since serving as the first chairman of the Chemistry Department of the newly formed Tel-Aviv University he has been immersed in research, in the training of young scientists, and in intensive and extensive international scientific collaboration. Together with the members of his "scientific family" he has explored the phenomena of energy acquisition, storage and disposal and structure-dynamics-function relations in large molecules, condensed phase, clusters and biomolecules, and is looking forward to many future adventures in physical chemistry. "What to leave out and what to put in? That's the problem." Hugh Lofting, Doctor Dolittle's Zoo, 1925
Insights into an Award-Winning Summer Internship Program: The First Six Years.
Kashou, Anthony; Durairajanayagam, Damayanthi; Agarwal, Ashok
Since its inception in 2008, the American Center for Reproductive Medicine's summer internship program in reproductive research and writing has trained 114 students from 23 states within the United States and 10 countries worldwide. Its fundamental goal is to inspire pre-medical and medical students to embrace a career as a physician-scientist. During this intensive course, established scientists and clinicians train interns in the essential principles and fundamental concepts of bench research and scientific writing. Over the first six years (2008~2013), interns have collectively published 98 research articles and performed 12 bench research projects on current and emerging topics in reproductive medicine. Interns have also developed and honed valuable soft skills including time management, communication and presentation skills, as well as life values, which all enhance personal and professional satisfaction. Program graduates are able to recognize the value of medical research and its potential to impact patient care and gain insight into their own career pathway. Between 2011 and 2014, the internship program was thrice awarded a Scholarship in Teaching Award by Case Western Reserve School of Medicine for its innovative teaching approach and positive impact on medical education and student careers. This report highlights the demographics, logistics, implementation, feedback, and results of the first six years of the American Center for Reproductive Medicine's summer internship program at Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, OH, USA). This may be helpful to other research and academic institutions considering implementing a similar program. In addition, it creates awareness among potential physician-scientists of what the world of research has to offer in both scientific writing and bench research. Finally, it may stimulate further discussion regarding narrowing the gap between physicians and scientists and refinement of the current program.
Insights into an Award-Winning Summer Internship Program: The First Six Years
Kashou, Anthony; Durairajanayagam, Damayanthi
Since its inception in 2008, the American Center for Reproductive Medicine's summer internship program in reproductive research and writing has trained 114 students from 23 states within the United States and 10 countries worldwide. Its fundamental goal is to inspire pre-medical and medical students to embrace a career as a physician-scientist. During this intensive course, established scientists and clinicians train interns in the essential principles and fundamental concepts of bench research and scientific writing. Over the first six years (2008~2013), interns have collectively published 98 research articles and performed 12 bench research projects on current and emerging topics in reproductive medicine. Interns have also developed and honed valuable soft skills including time management, communication and presentation skills, as well as life values, which all enhance personal and professional satisfaction. Program graduates are able to recognize the value of medical research and its potential to impact patient care and gain insight into their own career pathway. Between 2011 and 2014, the internship program was thrice awarded a Scholarship in Teaching Award by Case Western Reserve School of Medicine for its innovative teaching approach and positive impact on medical education and student careers. This report highlights the demographics, logistics, implementation, feedback, and results of the first six years of the American Center for Reproductive Medicine's summer internship program at Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, OH, USA). This may be helpful to other research and academic institutions considering implementing a similar program. In addition, it creates awareness among potential physician-scientists of what the world of research has to offer in both scientific writing and bench research. Finally, it may stimulate further discussion regarding narrowing the gap between physicians and scientists and refinement of the current program. PMID:27169124
Career development for women scientists in Asia.
Ip, Nancy Y
Previously, challenges faced by women scientists have made it difficult for them to realize their dreams. The remarkable growth of Asian bioscience over the past decade, however, has created opportunities for young women in their home countries. The time is ripe for women in Asia to pursue their scientific aspirations. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
PREFACE: FAIRNESS 2013: FAIR NExt generation of ScientistS 2013
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Petersen, Hannah; Destefanis, Marco; Galatyuk, Tetyana; Montes, Fernando; Nicmorus, Diana; Ratti, Claudia; Tolos, Laura; Vogel, Sascha
FAIRNESS 2013 was the second edition in a series of workshops designed to bring together excellent international young scientists with research interests focused on physics at FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) and was held on 16-21 September 2013 in Berlin, Germany. The topics of the workshop cover a wide range of aspects in both theoretical developments and current experimental status, concentrated around the four scientific pillars of FAIR. FAIR is a new accelerator complex with brand new experimental facilities, that is currently being built next to the existing GSI Helmholtzzentrum for Schwerionenforschung close to Darmstadt, Germany. The spirit of the conference is to bring together young scientists, e.g. advanced PhD students and postdocs and young researchers without permanent position to present their work, to foster active informal discussions and build up of networks. Every participant in the meeting with the exception of the organizers gives an oral presentation, and all sessions are followed by an hour long discussion period. During the talks, questions are anonymously collected in box to stimulate discussions. Since the physics program of FAIR is very broad, this is reflected in the wide range of topics covered at the Conference: Physics of hot and dense nuclear matter, QCD phase transitions and critical point Nuclear structure, astrophysics and reactions Hadron spectroscopy, Hadrons in matter and Hypernuclei Special emphasis is put on the experiments CBM, HADES, PANDA, NuSTAR, as well as NICA and the RHIC low beam energy scan New developments in atomic and plasma physics For all of these different areas one invited speaker was selected to give a longer introductory presentation. The write-ups of the talks presented at FAIRNESS 2013 are the content of this issue of Journal of Physics: Conference Series and have been refereed according to the IOP standard for peer review. This issue constitutes therefore a collection of the forefront of
PREFACE: FAIRNESS 2012: FAIR NExt Generation of ScientistS 2012
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Arcones, Almudena; Bleicher, Marcus; Fritsch, Miriam; Galatyuk, Tetyana; Nicmorus, Diana; Petersen, Hannah; Ratti, Claudia; Tolos, Laura
FAIRNESS 2012 was the first in a series of workshops designed to bring together excellent international young scientists with research interests focused on physics at FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) and was held on 3-8 September 2012 in Hersonissos, Greece. The workshop covered a wide range of topics, both theoretical developments and current experimental status, that concentrated around the four scientific pillars of FAIR. FAIR is a new accelerator complex with brand new experimental facilities, that is currently being built next to the existing Helmholtzzentrum for Schwerionenforschung close to Darmstadt, Germany. The spirit of the conference was to bring together young scientists, e.g. advanced PhD students and postdocs and young researchers without permament position to present their work and to foster active informal discussions and the build-up of networks. Every participant at the meeting, with the exception of the organizers, gave an oral presentation and all sessions were followed by an hour long discussion period. During the talks questions were collected anonymously in a circulating box to stimulate these discussions. Since the physics program of FAIR is very broad, this was reflected in the wide range of topics covered at the conference: Physics of hot and dense nuclear matter, QCD phase transitions and critical point Nuclear structure, astrophysics and reactions Hadron Spectroscopy, Hadrons in matter and Hypernuclei Special emphasis is put on the experiments CBM, HADES, PANDA, NuSTAR, as well as NICA and the RHIC low beam energy scan New developments in atomic and plasma physics In each of these different areas one invited speaker was selected to give a longer introductory presentation. The write-ups of the talks presented at FAIRNESS 2012 are the content of this issue of Journal of Physics: Conference Series and have been refereed according to the IOP standard for peer review. This issue constitutes therefore a collection of the
Developing Research Capabilities in Energy Biosciences
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Brown, Donald D.
Scientists founded the Life Sciences Research Foundation (LSRF) in 1983 as a non-profit pass through foundation that awards post doctoral fellowships in all areas of the life sciences. LSRF scientists review hundreds of applications each year from PhDs seeking support. For example this year, our 26th, we received 800 applications and our peer review committee will choose about 50 finalists who are eligible for these awards. We have no endowment so we solicit sponsors each year. The fellowships are sponsored by research oriented companies, foundations, philanthropists, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and other organizations who believe in the value ofmore » awarding fellowships to the best and the brightest young scientists. Our web site has a complete listing of all details about LSRF (http://www.lsrf.org/). In the late 1980s the Division of Bioscience in the Office of Basic Energy Science, a granting agency of the Department of Energy, joined this partnership. Bioscience's mandate was to support non-medical microbiology and plant sciences. LSRF received a series of 5 year grants from DOE to award fellowships to our top applicants in these fields of research. We began to support DOE-Energy Bioscience post doctoral fellows in 1989. From 1989 through 2004 when DOE funding ended our partnership awarded 41 DOE-Energy Bioscience Fellows of the Life Sciences Research Foundation. Each of these was a three year fellowship. DOE-Energy Biosciences was well matched with LSRF. Our extensive peer review screened applicants in all areas of the life sciences. Most LSRF sponsors are interested in supporting fellows who work on diseases. At the time that we began our partnership with DOE we had no sponsors willing to support plant biology and non medical microbiology. For 15 years DOE played a major role in the training of the very best young scientists in these important fields of research simply through its support of LSRF post doctoral fellows. Young scientists interested
23 CFR 635.114 - Award of contract and concurrence in award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... TRAFFIC OPERATIONS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE Contract Procedures § 635.114 Award of contract and concurrence in award. (a) Federal-aid contracts shall be awarded only on the basis of the lowest responsive... 23 Highways 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Award of contract and concurrence in award. 635.114...
Young engineers and scientists - a mentorship program emphasizing space education
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, Daniel; Asbell, Elaine; Reiff, Patricia
Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA) during the past 16 years. The YES program provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real world, research experiences in physical sciences (including space science) and engineering. The first component of YES is an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, computers and the Internet, careers, science ethics, and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year. Afterwards, students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors during the academic year and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. During these years, YES has developed a website for topics in space science from the perspective of high school students, including NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) (http://yesserver.space.swri.edu). High school science teachers participate in the workshop and develop space-related lessons for classroom presentation in the academic year. Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on their academic preparation and choice of college majors. Over the past 16 years, all YES graduates have entered college, several have worked for SwRI, one business has started, and three scientific publications have resulted. Acknowledgements. We acknowledge funding and support from the NASA MMS Mission, Texas Space Grant Consortium, Northside Independent School District, SwRI, and several local charitable foundations.
Web-Based Student Feedback: Comparing Teaching-Award and Research-Award Recipients
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Symbaluk, Diane G.; Howell, Andrew J.
We examined web-based ratings and open-ended comments of teaching-award winners (n = 120) and research-award winners (n = 119) to determine if teaching-award winners received more favourable ratings and comments on RateMyProfessors.com. As predicted, students rated teaching-award winners higher than research-award winners on measures of teaching…
Huss Receives 2013 Cryosphere Young Investigator Award: Citation: Response
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Huss, Matthias
I would like to thank the AGU Cryosphere focus group for this award. Gaining such an important recognition at this stage of a scientific career is indeed both a great honor and a motivation to me. I was a little child when I first stepped onto a glacier. There was an unforgettable sensation of attraction and interest that touched me—one might call it a magic moment. Back then, I would never have imagined being a glaciologist one day. But it feels right, and I am grateful to have received the opportunity of exploring this wonderful element of nature.
Le Duc, James W.; DeAcetis, Judy
During 1991–2010, 456 persons from 62 countries were provided financial support to attend the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Winners came from 17 African, 16 Asia-Pacific, 14 Latin American and Caribbean, and 13 European and Middle Eastern countries, and from Canada and the United States. Virtually equal numbers of awards were offered to women and men. Winners were selected from U.S. academic centers (30%), foreign universities (26%), international centers, institutes or research units (30%), and approximately 5% from U.S. government agencies. Almost all winners (73 of 76, 96%) had scientific publications subsequent to receiving the travel award. Less than 10% of award winners continued their membership in the Society after their one-year complementary membership. Winners indicated that the travel awards program facilitated international exchange and fostered collaborations between Society members and international scientists. PMID:21896796
American Academy of Forensic Sciences
... Academy News PDF Library Proceedings Journal of Forensic Sciences Information for Authors Searchable Index Contact Information Forensic Links ... Dale Stewart Award 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting Registration ... in Forensic Science … Now What? Young Forensic Scientists Forum (YFSF) Annual ...
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Henry, Colette; Titterington, Albert; Wiseman, Kate
A partnership among Dundalk Institute of Technology (Ireland), Coca Cola, and government encourages young entrepreneurs through formal education in business management, workshops, mentoring, and financial rewards provided by the corporation's National Enterprise Award. (SK)
YES 2K6: A mentorship program for young engineers and scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Asbell, H. E.
The Young Engineers and Scientists 2006 YES 2K6 Program is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute SwRI and local high schools in San Antonio Texas USA YES has been highly successful during the past 14 years and YES 2K6 continues this trend This program provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real world research experiences in physical sciences including space science and astronomy and engineering YES 2K6 consists of two parts 1 an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics computers and the Internet careers science ethics and other topics and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year and 2 a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors during the academic year and earn honors credit At the end of the school year students publicly present and display their work acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers YES 2K6 developed a website for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission MMS from the perspective of high school students Over the past 14 years all YES graduates have entered college several have worked for SwRI and three scientific publications have resulted Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on
Portrayal of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Young Adult Literature
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Black, Rhonda S.; Tsumoto, Courtney A.
Characters with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have become increasingly popular in young adult literature. Using a case-study format, this article describes the communication, sensory, and social characteristics of eight protagonists in award-winning young adult novels. All told in the first person, these novels provide insight for young readers…
Two Basic Scientists Walk into a Translational Space.
When John Schiller first joined Douglas Lowy's lab at the National Cancer Institute of the NIH, he could have not predicted that their common interest in the molecular biology of oncogenes would set them in path for discoveries that ultimately enabled the development of a vaccine for the human papillomavirus, which causes the majority of cervical cancers worldwide. John and Doug, the recipients of the 2017 Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Award, have joined Cell editor João Monteiro in a Conversation about science, public health, and the joys and challenges of being basic scientists in a translational space. Annotated excerpts from this conversation are presented below. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Recruiting and retaining future generations of physician scientists in mental health.
Kupfer, David J; Hyman, Steven E; Schatzberg, Alan F; Pincus, Harold A; Reynolds, Charles F
The authors discuss 6 challenges facing the recruitment and retention of physician scientists as career mental health researchers. These challenges include (1) early identification and recruitment at the undergraduate and medical student level; (2) recruitment of a more diverse group of trainees; (3) safety nets for reducing attrition; (4) strategies to promote successful competition for K awards; (5) definition of appropriate roles and career development opportunities in multisite clinical trials; and (6) strategies for the mentoring "cost." A coalition of stakeholders--federal, academic, foundational, and in the pharmaceutical industry--is needed to meet these challenges.
Surgeon Scientists Are Disproportionately Affected by Declining NIH Funding Rates.
Narahari, Adishesh K; Mehaffey, J Hunter; Hawkins, Robert B; Charles, Eric J; Baderdinni, Pranav K; Chandrabhatla, Anirudha S; Kocan, Joseph W; Jones, R Scott; Upchurch, Gilbert R; Kron, Irving L; Kern, John A; Ailawadi, Gorav
Obtaining National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding over the last 10 years has become increasingly difficult due to a decrease in the number of research grants funded and an increase in the number of NIH applications. National Institutes of Health funding amounts and success rates were compared for all disciplines using data from NIH, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), and Blue Ridge Medical Institute. Next, all NIH grants (2006 to 2016) with surgeons as principal investigators were identified using the National Institutes of Health Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools Expenditures and Results (NIH RePORTER), and a grant impact score was calculated for each grant based on the publication's impact factor per funding amount. Linear regression and one-way ANOVA were used for analysis. The number of NIH grant applications has increased by 18.7% (p = 0.0009), while the numbers of funded grants (p < 0.0001) and R01s (p < 0.0001) across the NIH have decreased by 6.7% and 17.0%, respectively. The mean success rate of funded grants with surgeons as principal investigators (16.4%) has been significantly lower than the mean NIH funding rate (19.2%) (p = 0.011). Despite receiving only 831 R01s during this time period, surgeon scientists were highly productive, with an average grant impact score of 4.9 per $100,000, which increased over the last 10 years (0.15 ± 0.05/year, p = 0.02). Additionally, the rate of conversion of surgeon scientist-mentored K awards to R01s from 2007 to 2012 was 46%. Despite declining funding over the last 10 years, surgeon scientists have demonstrated increasing productivity as measured by impactful publications and higher success rates in converting early investigator awards to R01s. Copyright © 2018 American College of Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pratt, K.; Fellowes, J.; Giovannelli, D.; Stagno, V.
Building a network of collaborators and colleagues is a key professional development activity for early career scientists (ECS) dealing with a challenging job market. At large conferences, young scientists often focus on interacting with senior researchers, competing for a small number of positions in leading laboratories. However, building a strong, international network amongst their peers in related disciplines is often as valuable in the long run. The Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) began funding a series of workshops in 2014 designed to connect early career researchers within its extensive network of multidisciplinary scientists. The workshops, by design, are by and for early career scientists, thus removing any element of competition and focusing on peer-to-peer networking, collaboration, and creativity. The successful workshops, organized by committees of early career deep carbon scientists, have nucleated a lively community of like-minded individuals from around the world. Indeed, the organizers themselves often benefit greatly from the leadership experience of pulling together an international workshop on budget and on deadline. We have found that a combination of presentations from all participants in classroom sessions, professional development training such as communication and data management, and field-based relationship building and networking is a recipe for success. Small groups within the DCO ECS network have formed; publishing papers together, forging new research directions, and planning novel and ambitious field campaigns. Many DCO ECS also have come together to convene sessions at major international conferences, including the AGU Fall Meeting. Most of all, there is a broad sense of camaraderie and accessibility within the DCO ECS Community, providing the foundation for a career in the new, international, and interdisciplinary field of deep carbon science.
Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) - Engaging Students and Teachers in Research
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, Daniel C.; Reiff, P.
Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) has been a community partnership between local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA), and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) for the past 20 years. The goals of YES are to increase the number of high school students, especially those from underrepresented groups, seeking careers in science and engineering and to enhance their success in entering the college and major of their choice. This is accomplished by expanding career awareness, including information on "hot" career areas through seminars and laboratory tours by SwRI staff, and allowing students to interact on a continuing basis with role models at SwRI in a real-world research experiences in physical sciences (including astronomy), information sciences, and a variety of engineering fields. YES consists of two parts: 1) An intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment and 2) a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of SwRI mentors during the academic year. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. Twenty-one YES 2012 students developed a website for the Dawn Mission (yesserver.space.swri.edu) and five high school science teachers are developing space-related lessons for classroom presentation. Partnerships between research institutes, local high schools, and community foundations, like the YES Program, positively affect students’ preparation for STEM careers via real-world research experiences with mentorship teams consisting of professional staff and qualified teachers. Acknowledgements. We acknowledge support from the NASA MMS Mission, SwRI, and local charitable foundations.
Editor's note: Reviews in Modern Astronomy 27
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Berlepsch, Regina v.
In order to make the scientific events of the meetings of the Astronomische Gese llschaft (AG) more international and bring them to the attention of the worldwide astronomical community, it was decided to devote the Reviews in Modern Astronomy} to the outcomes of the large annual fall meetings of the AG. In particular, it emphasized the Karl Schwarzschild Lectures, the Ludwig Biermann Award Lectures, the invited reviews, and the highlight contributions on recent progress and achievements from leading scientists. The most prestigious of them, the Karl Schwarzschild Lectures, constitutes a special series of reviews by outstanding scientists who have been awarded the Karl Schwarzschild Medal during the fall meeting of the AG. At the same time, excellent young astronomers are honored by the Ludwig Biermann Award. In 2010 the ``Doctoral Thesis Award'' was established to honor the most outstanding Doctoral Thesis of the past year.
Purposeful Leadership: The Life Calling of Successful Women Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
West, Ja-Quel April
The experiences of six women who are successful in the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are examined through lenses constructed from self-efficacy, resiliency, social capital, and identity. Each of the women successfully earned a doctorate in STEM, in spite of being the minority in a male-dominated career field. Examination of individual discoveries and experiences provides a platform for enhancing an understanding of what facilitates women scientists' achievements when pursuing meaningful work. All women in this study display, how social networks and personal characteristics have helped women scientists, become leaders and advance in their field. The findings of this research provides a scaffold for young students to will better understand, and appreciate how women scientists overcome many barriers, how women in science gained their strength, and fulfilled their purposeful leadership.
Psi Chi/APA Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award.
The Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award is sponsored jointly by Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology, and the APA. The award is presented annually to the psychology graduate student who submits the best research paper that was published or presented at a national, regional, or state psychological association conference during the past calendar year. The Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award was established in 1979. The award was established to recognize young researchers at the beginning of their professional lives and to commemorate both the 50th anniversary of Psi Chi and the 100th anniversary of psychology as a science (dating from the founding of Wundt's laboratory). It was named for Dr. Edwin B. Newman, the first national president of Psi Chi (1929) and one of its founders. He was a prolific researcher and a long-time chair of the Department of Psychology at Harvard University. Newman was a member of APA's Board of Directors, served as recording secretary of the board from 1962 to 1967, and was parliamentarian for the APA Council of Representatives for many years. He served both Psi Chi and APA in a distinguished manner for half a century. The Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award is given jointly by Psi Chi and APA. Members of the 2017 Edwin B. Newman Award Committee were Shawn Carlton, PhD, Psi Chi representative; Christina Frederick-Recascino, PhD; John Norcross, PhD, APA representative; Karenna Malavanti, PhD, Psi Chi representative; Steven Kohn, PhD, Psi Chi representative; Warren Fass, PhD, Psi Chi representative; Chris Lovelace, PhD, Psi Chi representative; and Cathy Epkins, PhD, APA representative. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).
The Scarcity of Orthopaedic Physician Scientists.
Buckwalter, Joseph A; Elkins, Jacob M
Breakthrough advances in medicine almost uniformly result from the translation of new basic scientific knowledge into clinical practice, rather than from assessment, modification or refinement of current methods of diagnosis and treatment. However, as is intuitively understood, those most responsible for scientific conception and creation-scientists - are generally not the ones applying these advances at the patient's bedside or the operating room, and vice versa. Recognition of the scarcity of clinicians with a background that prepares them to develop new basic knowledge, and to critically evaluate the underlying scientific basis of methods of diagnosis and treatment, has led to initiatives including federally funded Physician-Scientist programs, whereby young, motivated scholars begin a rigorous training, which encompasses education and mentorship within both medical and scientific fields, culminating in the conferment of both MD and PhD degrees. Graduates have demonstrated success in integrating science into their academic medical careers. However, for unknown reasons, orthopaedic surgery, more than other specialties, has struggled to recruit and retain physician-scientists, who possess a skill set evermore rare in today's increasingly complicated medical and scientific landscape. While the reasons for this shortfall have yet to be completely elucidated, one thing is clear: If orthopaedics is to make significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and injuries, recruitment of the very best and brightest physician-scientists to orthopaedics must become a priority. This commentary explores potential explanations for current low-recruitment success regarding future orthopaedic surgeon-scientists, and discusses avenues for resolution.
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Baker, Erin Shammel; Muddiman, David C.; Loo, Joseph
This special focus issue of the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry celebrates the accomplishments of Dr. Richard D. Smith, the recipient of the 2013ASMS Award for a Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry, and who serves as a Battelle Fellow, Chief Scientist in the Biological Sciences Division, and Director of Proteomics Research at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, WA. The award is for his development of the electrodynamic ion funnel.
John R. Delaney Receives 2012 Athelstan Spilhaus Award: Response
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Delaney, John R.
It is humbling and exhilarating to be honored as this year's recipient of the Spilhaus Award. Humbling because Athelstan himself set the standard as a highly productive scientific innovator with a gift for making science not just accessible but engaging to the public at large. Exhilarating because we are all now poised on the threshold of being able to achieve universal scientific engagement with a global audience. Rapidly emerging technologies, global societal problems, shifting international attitudes, and novel social media are converging to power a new paradigm of scientific inquiry and engagement. Scientists are now enabled to operate transparently on a stage of planetary to microscopic scale. The boundaries between research and education begin to blur as this convergence embraces scientific investigation, the arts, the environment, the economy, ethics, energy, health, and entertainment. It is into this complex cultural tapestry that we scientists must weave our stories of struggle and success to engage entire communities in the essential roles that science, technology, and people play.
It's a wonderful life: a career as an academic scientist.
Vale, Ronald D
Many years of training are required to obtain a job as an academic scientist. Is this investment of time and effort worthwhile? My answer is a resounding "yes." Academic scientists enjoy tremendous freedom in choosing their research and career path, experience unusual camaraderie in their lab, school, and international community, and can contribute to and enjoy being part of this historical era of biological discovery. In this essay, I further elaborate by listing my top ten reasons why an academic job is a desirable career for young people who are interested in the life sciences.
7 CFR 2903.17 - Award document and notice of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 15 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Award document and notice of award. 2903.17 Section 2903.17 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) OFFICE OF ENERGY POLICY AND NEW USES, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BIODIESEL FUEL EDUCATION PROGRAM Award Administration § 2903...
7 CFR 2903.17 - Award document and notice of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 15 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Award document and notice of award. 2903.17 Section 2903.17 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) OFFICE OF ENERGY POLICY AND NEW USES, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BIODIESEL FUEL EDUCATION PROGRAM Award Administration § 2903...
7 CFR 2903.17 - Award document and notice of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 15 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Award document and notice of award. 2903.17 Section 2903.17 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) OFFICE OF ENERGY POLICY AND NEW USES, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BIODIESEL FUEL EDUCATION PROGRAM Award Administration § 2903...
7 CFR 2903.17 - Award document and notice of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 15 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Award document and notice of award. 2903.17 Section 2903.17 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) OFFICE OF ENERGY POLICY AND NEW USES, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BIODIESEL FUEL EDUCATION PROGRAM Award Administration § 2903...
7 CFR 2903.17 - Award document and notice of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 7 Agriculture 15 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Award document and notice of award. 2903.17 Section 2903.17 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) OFFICE OF ENERGY POLICY AND NEW USES, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BIODIESEL FUEL EDUCATION PROGRAM Award Administration § 2903...
Physician Scientist Training in the United States: A Survey of the Current Literature.
Kosik, R O; Tran, D T; Fan, Angela Pei-Chen; Mandell, G A; Tarng, D C; Hsu, H S; Chen, Y S; Su, T P; Wang, S J; Chiu, A W; Lee, C H; Hou, M C; Lee, F Y; Chen, W S; Chen, Q
The declining number of physician scientists is an alarming issue. A systematic review of all existing programs described in the literature was performed, so as to highlight which programs may serve as the best models for the training of successful physician scientists. Multiple databases were searched, and 1,294 articles related to physician scientist training were identified. Preference was given to studies that looked at number of confirmed publications and/or research grants as primary outcomes. Thirteen programs were identified in nine studies. Eighty-three percent of Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) graduates, 77% of Clinician Investigator Training Program (CI) graduates, and only 16% of Medical Fellows Program graduates entered a career in academics. Seventy-eight percent of MSTP graduates succeeded in obtaining National Institute of Health (NIH) grants, while only 15% of Mayo Clinic National Research Service Award-T32 graduates obtained NIH grants. MSTP physician scientists who graduated in 1990 had 13.5 ± 12.5 publications, while MSTP physician scientists who graduated in 1975 had 51.2 ± 38.3 publications. Additionally, graduates from the Mayo Clinic's MD-PhD Program, the CI Program, and the NSRA Program had 18.2 ± 20.1, 26.5 ± 24.5, and 17.9 ± 26.3 publications, respectively. MSTP is a successful model for the training of physician scientists in the United States, but training at the postgraduate level also shows promising outcomes. An increase in the number of positions available for training at the postgraduate level should be considered. © The Author(s) 2014.
Career Track of Society of University Surgeons Resident Research Award Recipients
Hassan, Burhan; Bernstam, Elmer; Hines, Joe; Simeone, Diane M.; Weber, Sharon; Geller, David; Evers, B. Mark; Meric-Bernstam, Funda
Background Society of University Surgeons (SUS) has an ongoing competitive funding program to support research training for residents. We sought to determine the career track of award recipients. Methods SUS resident awardees who completed awards from 1989-2007 were included in the study. Characteristics of awardees and their academic productivity were extracted from curriculum vitae provided by awardees (n=24), or from online sources (n=7). Results The awardees spent an average of 2.7 years (range 1-4) of dedicated research time during residency. Awardees averaged 9.8 publications (range 1-32) with 5.4 as first author (range 1-17) with their mentor within three years of award completion, with an average maximum impact factor of 5.7. Twenty-five residents (81%) pursued fellowships. At an average follow-up of 11.4 years (range 4-22) from end of the award, and 7.2 years (0-18) from end of their clinical training, the awardees had an h-index of 14.5 (2-48). At the time of the study, 26 awardees (84%) were in academic surgery. Of the 23 awardees that had completed surgical training three years earlier or more, 11 (48%) received independent research funding, of which 7 (30%) received R01 or equivalent funding. Conclusions The SUS resident research awardees had a very productive research experience. Although our retrospective study cannot determine causation, the SUS award mechanism delivers on its promise of supporting junior surgeon-scientists that pursue academic careers and establish independent research programs. Further studies are needed to determine how rates of subsequent independent research funding can be improved. PMID:23751805
Career track of Society of University Surgeons Resident Research Award recipients.
Hassan, Burhan; Bernstam, Elmer; Hines, O Joe; Simeone, Diane M; Weber, Sharon M; Geller, David A; Evers, B Mark; Meric-Bernstam, Funda
The Society of University Surgeons (SUS) has an ongoing competitive funding program to support research training for residents. We sought to determine the career track of award recipients. We included in the study SUS resident awardees who completed awards from 1989-2007. Characteristics of awardees and their academic productivity were extracted from curriculum vitae provided by awardees (n = 24), or from online sources (n = 7). Awardees spent an average of 2.7 y (range, 1-4 y) of dedicated research time during residency. Awardees averaged 9.8 publications (range, 1-32), with 5.4 as first author (range, 1-17), with their mentor within 3 y of award completion, with an average maximum impact factor of 5.7. A total of 25 residents (81%) pursued fellowships. At an average follow-up of 11.4 y (range, 4-22 y) from the end of the award and 7.2 y (range, 0-18 y) from end of clinical training, awardees had a Hirsch index of 14.5 (range, 2-48). At the time of the study, 26 awardees (84%) were in academic surgery. Of the 23 awardees who had completed surgical training ≥ 3 y earlier, 11 (48%) received independent research funding, seven of whom (30%) received R01 or equivalent funding. The SUS resident research awardees had a productive research experience. Although our retrospective study cannot determine causation, the SUS award mechanism delivers on its promise of supporting junior surgeon-scientists who pursue academic careers and establish independent research programs. Further studies are needed to determine how rates of subsequent independent research funding can be improved. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
One More Legacy of Paul F. Brandwein: Creating Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Fort, Deborah C.
This paper studies the influence of Paul F. Brandwein, author, scientist, teacher and mentor, publisher, humanist, and environmentalist, on gifted youngsters who later became scientists, based primarily on information gathered from surveys completed by 25 of his students and one colleague. It also traces his profound interactions with science educators. It illuminates the theories of Brandwein and his protégés and colleagues about the interaction of environment, schooling, and education and Brandwein's belief in having students do original research (that is, research whose results are unknown) on their way to discovering their future scientific paths. It tests Brandwein's 1955 hypothesis on the characteristics typical of the young who eventually become scientists, namely: Three factors are considered as being significant in the development of future scientists: a Genetic Factor with a primary base in heredity (general intelligence, numerical ability, and verbal ability); a Predisposing Factor, with a primary base in functions which are psychological in nature; an Activating Factor, with a primary base in the opportunities offered in school and in the special skills of the teacher. High intelligence alone does not make a youngster a scientist (p xix).
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Larison, Karen D.
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States 2013) mandates that schools provide students an understanding of the skills and knowledge that scientists use to engage in scientific practices. In this article, I argue that one of the best ways to accomplish this goal is to have students take the perspective of the scientist by reading nonfiction narratives written by scientists and science writers. I explore the anthropological and neurological evidence that suggests that perspective-taking is an essential component in the learning process. It has been shown that by around age 4, the human child begins to be able to take the perspective of others—a process that neuroscientists have shown engages episodic memory, a memory type that some neurocognitive scientists believe is central in organizing human cognition. Neuroscientists have shown that the brain regions in which episodic memory resides undergo pronounced anatomical changes during adolescence, suggesting that perspective-taking assumes an even greater role in cognition during adolescence and young adulthood. Moreover, I argue that the practice of science itself is narrative in nature. With each new observation and experiment, the scientist is acting to reveal an emerging story. It is the story-like nature of science that motivates the scientist to push onward with new experiments and new observations. It is also the story-like nature of the practice of science that can potentially engage the student. The classroom studies that I review here confirm the power of the narrative in increasing students' understanding of science.
Glynn, Pierre D.
Describes the impact of USGS scientist David Parkhurst's influential contributions to the fields of aqueous geochemistry and hydrogeology. Parkhurst is the recipient of the 2012 O.E. Meinzer award of the Geological Society of America's Hydrogeology Division.
The Young Artist as Scientist: What Can Leonardo Teach Us?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Pollman, Mary Jo
This is the first in-depth look at the important connections between the arts and science specifically for early childhood education (pre-K-3rd grade). Highlighting their many commonalities, such as the processes involved in creative problem solving, the author draws on what we can learn from Leonardo da Vinci as the supreme artist-scientist.…
Greatest barrier is retaining young scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Chandler, Mark; Hopper, John
The National Science Foundation's top priorities as listed by director Neal Lane in Eos (November 9) are to strengthen NSF and its support of scientific research and education, to better articulate to the public why it is so important that support of science and engineering be strengthened, and to continue to lower barriers that discourage young people from choosing careers in science.While we firmly support the first two priorities, we are concerned about the underlying assumptions and implications of the third. Barriers discouraging women and minorities from considering careers in math and science do exist within our educational system, and there is now abundant statistical evidence showing these groups are under-represented in most fields of science. However, as stated in the Eos article, solving these problems and leveling the playing field is not the primary goal of the NSF policy.
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden (l) and NASA Small Business Programs Associate Administrator Glenn Delgado (r) present NASA's Small Business Administrator's Cup Award to Stennis Space Center in recognition of its stellar small business program for fiscal year 2011. Receiving the award April 20, 2012, are (l to r) Stennis Procurement Office personnel Michelle Stracener and Rob Harris, along with Stennis Space Center Director Patrick Scheuermann. Bolden and Delgado presented the award during an onsite visit April 20.
Writing a Successful NIH Mentored Career Development Grant (K Award)
Brock, Malcolm V.; Bouvet, Michael
Surgery is a labor-intensive, time-consuming profession. Young faculty members in surgery are saddled with many clinical time constraints that often allow precious few moments for academic pursuits. Consequently, K award submissions from surgeons trail nonsurgeons. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), however, is actively trying to encourage participation of surgeons in basic science research, translational research, clinical outcomes research, and even in prevention/control research. But, at the same time, the NIH has newly implemented a policy that has made the grant review process more restrictive by only allowing 2 submissions of any grant application. It is imperative, therefore, for junior faculty surgeons to learn “grantsmanship” and have the ability to construct succinct, competitive K award grants. Although most of this information is public knowledge and made available by the NIH itself, many of the practical points presented here are tailored to the special needs of clinically active surgical researchers. Often, these “hints” are buried on expansive websites that require considerable time to read and navigate. The authors have a long combined experience on a study section dedicated to adjudicating K awards. The goal of this review is to present concise, useful information about common errors, research plan dos and don’ts, template examples of superior mentored letters, and many other suggestions that may assist any first-time candidate for these awards. PMID:20485135
YES 2K7: A Mentorship Program for Young Engineers and Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, Daniel C.; Asbell, E.; Reiff, P.
The Young Engineers and Scientists 2007 (YES 2K7) Program is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA). YES has been highly successful during the past 15 years, with YES 2K7 continuing this trend. The YES program provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real world, research experiences in physical sciences (including space science and astronomy) and engineering. YES 2K7 consists of two parts: 1) an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand; develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, computers and the Internet, careers, science ethics, and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year; and 2) a collegial mentorship where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors during the academic year and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, acknowledging their accomplishments and spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. YES 2K7 developed a website for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) from the perspective of 20 high school students (yesserver.space.swri.edu). Over the past 15 years, all YES graduates have entered college, several have worked for SwRI, and three scientific publications have resulted. Student evaluations indicate the effectiveness of YES on their academic preparation and choice of college majors. Acknowledgements: We acknowledge funding and support from the NASA MMS Mission, SwRI, Northside Independent School District, and local charitable foundations.
Working with and promoting early career scientists within a larger community
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pratt, K.
For many scientific communities, engaging early career researchers is critical for success. These young scientists (graduate students, postdocs, and newly appointed professors) are actively forming collaborations and instigating new research programs. They also stand to benefit hugely from being part of a scientific community, gaining access to career development activities, becoming part of strong collaborator networks, and achieving recognition in their field of study — all of which will help their professional development. There are many ways community leaders can work proactively to support and engage early career scientists, and it it is often a community manager's job to work with leadership to implement such activities. In this presentation, I will outline ways of engaging early career scientists at events and tailored workshops, of promoting development of their leadership skills, and of creating opportunities for recognizing early career scientists within larger scientific communities. In this talk, I will draw from my experience working with the Deep Carbon Observatory Early Career Scientist Network, supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Report About the NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Awards in 2015
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Liu, Jianguo (Jack); Gutman, George
With support from NASA and Michigan State University (MSU), 17 "NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award" recipients were able to attend the 2015 World Congress of Landscape Ecology. This year's conference was held in Portland (Oregon) during July 5-10, 2015 (http://www.ialeworldcongress.org/). On May 6, a dinner gathering was organized for the new NASA-MSU Award recipients. At the gathering, the participants first made a brief self-introduction regarding their background and research interests. Then they formed five groups to work on manuscripts. Furthermore, each new awardee was recognized with a certificate at the conference luncheon on July 6. In addition, the awardees attended a "Student/Mentor Lunch" on July 8 when the awardees (and other students) met with leading scientists. The awardees also attended a workshop on telecoupling on July 5. The awardees had a great time and were very productive at the conference, and many are continuing to collaborate on preparing manuscripts after the conference and preparing presentations for next year's meeting of US-IALE.
NREL to Receive R & D 100 Awards at Annual Awards Ceremony | News | NREL
5 » NREL to Receive R & D 100 Awards at Annual Awards Ceremony News Release: NREL to Receive R Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will receive two R&D 100 awards during a black tie awards ceremony hosted by Research & Development (R&D) Magazine on Oct. 20 at
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Award. 20.605 Section 20.605 Money...-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 20.605 Award. Award means an award of financial... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Award. 20.605 Section 20.605 Money...-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 20.605 Award. Award means an award of financial... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Award. 20.605 Section 20.605 Money...-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 20.605 Award. Award means an award of financial... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Award. 20.605 Section 20.605 Money...-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 20.605 Award. Award means an award of financial... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Award. 20.605 Section 20.605 Money...-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 20.605 Award. Award means an award of financial... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... court awards (including jury or commission awards) where such awards do not exceed the highest testimony... Commissioner's Report, court award or jury verdict. This recommendation should include a discussion of any...
A Shorty Award is seen Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at NASA Headquarters in Washington. NASA's official Twitter feed, @NASA, has won its second consecutive Shorty award for the best government use of social media. The Shorty Award honors the best of social media across sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Foursquare and others. NASA took the prize Monday, April 8, at the fifth Shorty Awards ceremony in New York. The @NASA acceptance tweet was, "We're sharing the universe 1 tweet at a time. Be inspired! Follow @NASA & RT if you love science & space. #ShortyAwards." Photo Credit: (NASA/Carla Cioffi)
Funding research in the twenty-first century: current opinions and future directions.
Squitieri, Lee; Chung, Kevin C
For all academic biomedical researchers, the process of submitting grants and securing research funding is a critical part of advancing one's career. In the current era of decreasing new grant awards and renewals leading to significantly worse success rates, it is hard for young aspiring physician-scientists to remain optimistic regarding their future in academic medicine. It is important that today's young surgeon-scientists prepare for and adapt to the inevitably changing climate of research funding. This article provides a primer on developing a successful career as a funded surgeon-scientist and pathways for building a robust research platform worthy of extramural National Institutes of Health funding in the twenty-first century. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Leading by Example: Creating Motivation That Fosters Positive Change in Young People
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Aikens, Curtis G., Sr.
It is not what one has in life; rather, what is left as the legacy. Personally I have received many awards. However, I feel so much better when I help people receive their own awards. Now, I want to use positive language and positive action to help motivate young people, encouraging them to achieve their own success, as well as foster success in…
Dewsbury, Donald A
The Karl Spencer Lashley Award for Distinguished Achievement in the Neurosciences has been bestowed upon 50 of the world's leading neuroscientists of the last half century but is not well known. It originated in 1953 when Lashley accumulated excess stock holdings and established a Fund for Neurobiology with 52,000 dollars to provide small grants for neurobiological research. Several years later the assets were transferred to the American Philosophical Society to administer and convert to an award for achievement in neurobiology The nature, amount, and format of the award have evolved ever since. These changes in the award and the characteristics of its recipients are described.
Identity Matching to Scientists: Differences that Make a Difference?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Andersen, Hanne Moeller; Krogh, Lars Brian; Lykkegaard, Eva
Students' images of science and scientists are generally assumed to influence their related subject choices and aspirations for tertiary education within science and technology. Several research studies have shown that many young people hold rather stereotypical images of scientists, making it hard for them to see themselves as future scientists. Adolescents' educational choices are important aspects of their identity work, and recent theories link individual choice to the perceived match between self and prototypical persons associated with that choice. In the present study, we have investigated images of scientists among the segment of the upper secondary school students (20 % of the cohort) from which future Danish scientists are recruited. Their images were rather realistic, only including vague and predominantly positive stereotypical ideas. With a particular Science-and-Me (SAM) interview methodology, we inquired into the match between self- and prototypical-scientists ( N = 30). We found high perceived similarity within a core of epistemological characteristics, while dissimilarities typically related to a social domain. However, combining interview data with survey data, we found no significant statistical relation between prototype match and aspirations for tertiary education within science and technology. Importantly, the SAM dialogue revealed how students negotiate perceived differences, and we identified four negotiation patterns that all tend to reduce the impact of mismatches on educational aspirations. Our study raises questions about methodological issues concerning the traditional use of self-to-prototype matching as an explanatory model of educational choice.
U.S. EPA SBIR Award Recipient Receives 2015 Tibbetts Award
Precision Combustion Inc. (PCI), an EPA SBIR award recipient , received the 2015 Tibbetts Award for developing and manufacturing advanced performance catalytic reactors and systems for energy, defense and environmental applications.
Superheroes and supervillains: reconstructing the mad-scientist stereotype in school science
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Avraamidou, Lucy
Background. Reform recommendations around the world call for an understanding about the nature of science and the work of scientists. However, related research findings provide evidence that students hold stereotypical views of scientists and the nature of their work. Purpose The aim of this case study was to examine the impact of an intervention on 15 elementary school students' views of scientists. Sample An urban, fifth-grade, European elementary school classroom defined the context of this study. Design and method The intervention was an 11-week-long investigation of a local problem concerning water quality. In carrying out this investigation the students collaborated with a young metrology scientist to collect and analyse authentic data that would help them to construct a claim about the quality of the water. The students' initial views of scientists were investigated through a drawing activity, classroom discussions and interviews. Results Analysis of these data indicated that all students but one girl held very stereotypical views on scientists and the nature of their work. Analysis of interviews with each student and classroom discussions after the intervention illustrated that they reconstructed their stereotypical views of scientists and the nature of their work owing to their personal engagement in the investigation and their collaboration with the scientist. Conclusions The findings of this study suggest that more in-depth study into project-based approaches, out-of-school learning and school-scientist partnerships is warranted, for the purpose of determining appropriate pedagogies that support students in developing up-to-date understanding about scientists and the nature of their work.
Kokes Awards for the 22nd North American Catalysis Society Meeting, June 5-10, 2011
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Ribeiro, Fabio H.
The biennial North American Catalysis Society (NACS) Meetings are the premiere conferences in the area of catalysis, surface science, and reaction engineering. The 22nd meeting will be held the week of June 5-10, 2011 in Detroit, Michigan. The objective of the Meetings is to bring together leading researchers for intensive scientific exchange and interactions. Financial support that offsets some of the associated costs (specifically, registration fee, airline tickets, and hotel accommodations) would encourage graduate students, and for the first time undergraduate students, to attend and participate meaningfully in this conference. The funds sought in this proposal will help support themore » Richard J. Kokes Travel Award program. Graduate students eligible for these merit-based Awards are those who study at a North American university and who will present at the Meeting. We have currently 209 applications and we expect to be able to fund about half of them. The NACS has traditionally sought to encourage graduate student, and this year for the first time undergraduate studies, participation at the National Meetings and providing financial support is the most effective means to do so. Their attendance would contribute significantly to their scientific training and communication and presentation skills. They would be exposed to the leading researchers from the US and abroad; they would meet their peers from other universities; they would learn about cutting-edge results that could benefit their research projects; and they may become interested in becoming active participants in the catalysis community. These young investigators represent the next generation of scientists and engineers, and their proper training will lead to future scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations that benefit the US economy. Advances in catalysis can come in the form of more energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly chemical processes, improved fuel cell performance
Explaining Scientists' Plans for International Mobility from a Life Course Perspective
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Netz, Nicolai; Jaksztat, Steffen
We identify factors influencing young scientists' plans for research stays abroad by embedding theories of social inequality, educational decision making, and migration into a life course framework. We test the developed model of international academic mobility by calculating a structural equation model using data from an online survey of…
Three-Dimensional Approaches to Assembling Negative Index Metamedia
Davanco, K. Maller, T. W. Jarvis , C. H. Wu, D. Korobkin, Y. Urzhumov, X. Q. Li, G. Shvets, and S. R. Forrest, unpublished work. [18 ] R. Merlin...and received the 2004 Genzel Prize, awarded to a young scientist for exceptional contributions to the field of condensed-matter spectroscopy. Steve
A Shorty Award is seen Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at NASA Headquarters in Washington. The award was presented to NASA astronaut Doug Wheelock for an image of the moon he took and posted to his Twitter account, @Astro_Wheels, while living aboard the International Space Station last year. The awards ceremony was held at the TimesCenter in New York City on Monday, March 28. Photo Credit: (NASA/Paul E. Alers)
Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) 2010 - Engaging Teachers in Space Research
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Reiff, P. H.
During the past 18 years, Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) has been a community partnership between local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA), and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI). The goals of YES are to increase the number of high school students, especially those from underrepresented groups, seeking careers in science and engineering, to enhance their success in entering the college and major of their choice, and to promote teacher development in STEM fields. This is accomplished by allowing students and teachers to interact on a continuing basis with role models at SwRI in real-world research experiences in physical sciences (including space science), information sciences, and a variety of engineering fields. A total of 239 students have completed YES or are currently enrolled. Of these students, 38% are females and 56% are ethnic minorities, reflecting the local ethnic diversity, and 67% represent underserved groups. Presently, there are 21 students and 9 secondary school teachers enrolled in the YES 2010/2011 Program. YES consists of an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students and teachers experience the research environment and a collegial mentorship where they complete individual research projects under the guidance of SwRI mentors during the academic year. YES students develop a website (yesserver.space.swri.edu) for topics in space science (this year was ESA's Rosetta Mission) and high school STEM teachers develop space-related lessons for classroom presentation. Teachers participate in an in-service workshop to share their developed classroom materials and spread awareness of space-related research. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. Partnerships between research institutes, local high schools, and community foundations, like the YES Program, can positively affect students’ preparation for STEM careers via real
Young Solid Earth Researchers of the World Unite!
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Simons, Frederik J.; Becker, Thorsten W.; Kellogg, James B.; Billen, Magali; Hardebeck, Jeanne; Lee, Cin-Ty A.; Montési, Laurent G. J.; Panero, Wendy; Zhong, Shijie
In early January 2004, one of us attended a workshop on ``science priorities and educational opportunities that can be addressed using ocean observatories.'' The attendees constituted a broad group-men and women, scientists, engineers, educators, representatives from the private and public sector-but lacked diversity in at least one important aspect: age. A well-known marine geophysicist (with a published record stretching over 30 years) came to me at the ice-breaker party and said (and I paraphrase): ``I'm glad you're here: you're young, you might actually see this project flourish before you retire. There're not enough young people here.`` At some point or another, every young scientist may have a similar experience.
BudBurst Buddies: Introducing Young Citizen Scientists to Plants and Environmental Change
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ward, D.; Gardiner, L. S.; Henderson, S.
As part of Project BudBurst, the BudBurst Buddies recently moved to the National Ecological Network (NEON) as part of its Education and Public Engagement efforts. The BudBurst Buddies (www.budburstbuddies.org) were created to engage elementary school age children in the science of observing plants and the timing of phenological (life cycle) events. BudBurst Buddies is a part of the Project BudBurst national citizen science initiative (www.budburst.org), which allows individuals to engage in the scientific process, contributing to a better understanding of climate change while increasing public awareness of phenology and the impacts of climate change on plants. As a first step towards engaging the next generation of citizen scientists, BudBurst Buddies provides the opportunity for children to gain experience with scientific research and increases awareness of how plants change throughout the year. Hundreds of young students have participated in the inaugural year of BudBurst Buddies. Children can participate in BudBurst Buddies on their own, with their families, or in formal or informal education settings. The program was recently highlighted by education staff at the New York Hall of Science and numerous classrooms have been implementing this resource as part of their curriculum. Each child who participates creates a journal about a plant of his or her choosing, makes observations of the plant over the growing season and submits findings online, earning an official BudBurst Buddies certificate. An online storybook for kids tells how two children, Lily and Sage, observed plants in their neighborhood and became BudBurst Buddies. This presentation will provide an overview of the BudBurst Buddies resources including a new implementation guide and will also share feedback from the first year of implementation.
2016 ISCB Overton Prize awarded to Debora Marks
Fogg, Christiana N.; Kovats, Diane E.
The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) recognizes the achievements of an early- to mid-career scientist with the Overton Prize each year. The Overton Prize was established to honor the untimely loss of Dr. G. Christian Overton, a respected computational biologist and founding ISCB Board member. Winners of the Overton Prize are independent investigators in the early to middle phases of their careers who are selected because of their significant contributions to computational biology through research, teaching, and service. 2016 will mark the fifteenth bestowment of the ISCB Overton Prize. ISCB is pleased to confer this award the to Debora Marks, Assistant Professor of Systems Biology and director of the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Laboratory for Computational Biology at Harvard Medical School. PMID:27429747
2016 ISCB Overton Prize awarded to Debora Marks.
Fogg, Christiana N; Kovats, Diane E
The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) recognizes the achievements of an early- to mid-career scientist with the Overton Prize each year. The Overton Prize was established to honor the untimely loss of Dr. G. Christian Overton, a respected computational biologist and founding ISCB Board member. Winners of the Overton Prize are independent investigators in the early to middle phases of their careers who are selected because of their significant contributions to computational biology through research, teaching, and service. 2016 will mark the fifteenth bestowment of the ISCB Overton Prize. ISCB is pleased to confer this award the to Debora Marks, Assistant Professor of Systems Biology and director of the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Laboratory for Computational Biology at Harvard Medical School.
Laboratory earned international awards from the Society for Technical Communications (STC). The awards were part of STC's International Technical Publications Competition. Fifteen publications (including the six international winners) also won awards in STC's Rocky Mountain Chapter's annual Publications, Art & Online
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 42 Public Health 1 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Awards. 66.106 Section 66.106 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS Direct Awards § 66.106 Awards. (a) Within the limits of funds available, the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 42 Public Health 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Awards. 66.106 Section 66.106 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS Direct Awards § 66.106 Awards. (a) Within the limits of funds available, the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 42 Public Health 1 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Awards. 66.106 Section 66.106 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS Direct Awards § 66.106 Awards. (a) Within the limits of funds available, the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 42 Public Health 1 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Awards. 66.106 Section 66.106 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS Direct Awards § 66.106 Awards. (a) Within the limits of funds available, the...
NREL Electrochromic Window Research Wins Award
Winners of the CO-LABS Governor's Award for High-Impact Research in Energy Efficiency, Dr. Satyen Deb at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) discovered that a small electrical charge can change the opacity of tungsten oxide from clear to tinted. He, Dr. Dane Gillaspie, and their fellow scientists at NREL then applied this knowledge to develop and transfer the technologies required to construct an electrochromic window, which can switch between clear and heavily tinted states. Electrochromic windows allow natural light in while adding tint to reduce summer heat and glare, and going clear to allow sunlight through in the winter. Broad adaptation of these windows could reduce US total energy use by four percent and reduce building cooling loads by 20%, much of this during expensive peak hours. Windows based on these discoveries are now being installed worldwide.
Pre-Award Administrators Are from Pluto: Post-Award Administrators Are from Saturn, Or Are They?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Spina, Mary T.
An experienced research administrator who has worked in both pre-award and post-award administrative roles offers her perspectives of both sides and suggests that a smooth relationship between pre-award and post-award research administrators is critical to the conduct of research. (DB)
Climate Leadership Award for Excellence in GHG Management (Goal Achievement Award)
Apply to the Climate Leadership Award for Excellence in GHG Management (Goal Achievement Award), which publicly recognizes organizations that achieve publicly-set aggressive greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS Direct Awards § 66.106 Awards. (a) Within the limits of funds available, the...) Whose proposed research or training would, in the judgment of the Secretary, best promote the purposes... need for personnel in the subject area of the proposed research or training. (b) In making Awards, the...
Five scientists at Johns Hopkins in the modern evolution of neuroscience.
Harrison, T S
Neuroscience's evolution at Johns Hopkins, from neurophysiology to the new field of neurobiology, though unplanned, was rapid and important. Beginning in 1933 when Philip Bard became professor of physiology at Johns Hopkins, members of his department concentrated initially on neuroanatomical control of placing reactions and sexual activity. Vernon Mountcastle, extending available techniques, discovered vertical somato-sensory columns in the 1950's. Stephen Kuffler, who arrived at Hopkins in 1947, was a pioneer in single unit microelectrode recording techniques. He soon attracted scientists from all over the world to his laboratory. Among them, Torsten Wiesel and David Hubel discovered vertical neuronal columns in the visual cortex. During several decades at Johns Hopkins, these five scientists set extremely high scientific standards and established a climate of inquiry in which ideas were shared and young scientists encouraged. They contributed significantly to the emerging discipline of neuroscience.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 630.605 Award. Award means an award of...) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 630.605 Award. Award means an award of...) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 630.605 Award. Award means an award of...) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 630.605 Award. Award means an award of...) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 630.605 Award. Award means an award of...) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
BHP Billiton Science Teacher Awards
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Chittleborough, Gail; Campbell, Coral
The prestigious BHP Billiton Science Teacher Awards are awarded annually to one teacher from each state of Australia. The awards recognise and value the time and effort that teachers give to the profession and to students conducting scientific research projects. This paper examines the Science Award scheme to identify the characteristics common to…
Scientists not Sponges: STEM Interest and Inquiry in Early Childhood
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jipson, J. L.; Callanan, M. A.; Schultz, G.; Hurst, A.
Young children are fascinated by the natural world. They explore endlessly, with both a sense of wonder and determination, usually in self-directed investigations or informal interactions with peers and adults. Capitalizing on this early period of spontaneous interest and inquiry is critical to efforts to promote lifelong STEM literacy. To inform education and public outreach efforts, it is important to consider common assumptions about how children of this age learn and consider how such assumptions influence the ways we support children's learning. Four metaphors for children learning are investigated in this paper: the young child as sponge, the young child as unlit match, the young child as scientist, and the young child as apprentice. As we critically evaluate these views on learning, we share research findings from developmental psychology that demonstrate that children's engagement with STEM begins well before kindergarten, that children between three and five years of age develop surprisingly sophisticated scientific reasoning capacities and conceptual knowledge, and that parents play an important role in structuring and supporting preschool children's learning.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Pearson, Helen
Stephen Hall, a freelance science writer and science-communication teacher, received the Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism-Features at the AGU Fall Meeting Honors Ceremony, held on 5 December 2012 in San Francisco, Calif. Hall was honored for the article "At Fault?" published 15 September 2011 in Nature. The article examines the legal, personal, and political repercussions from a 2009 earthquake in L'Aquila, Italy for seismologists who had attempted to convey seismic risk assessments to the public. The 6.3 magnitude quake devastated the medieval town and caused more than 300 deaths. Six scientists and one government official were subsequently convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to prison for inadequately assessing and mischaracterizing the risks to city residents, despite the inexact nature of seismic risk assessment. The Sullivan award is for work published with a deadline pressure of more than 1 week.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
...-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1472.605 Award. Award means an award of financial.... (a) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
...-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1472.605 Award. Award means an award of financial.... (a) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
...-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1472.605 Award. Award means an award of financial.... (a) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 26.605 Award. Award means an award of... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant is...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 26.605 Award. Award means an award of... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant is...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 26.605 Award. Award means an award of... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant is...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 26.605 Award. Award means an award of... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant is...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 26.605 Award. Award means an award of... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant is...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
...-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1472.605 Award. Award means an award of financial.... (a) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
...-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1472.605 Award. Award means an award of financial.... (a) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Naumova, A. V.; Khodanovich, M. Y.; Yarnykh, V. L.
The Second International Conference and Young Scientist School ''Magnetic resonance imaging in biomedical research'' was held on the campus of the National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia) on September 7-9, 2015. The conference was focused on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications for biomedical research. The main goal was to bring together basic scientists, clinical researchers and developers of new MRI techniques to bridge the gap between clinical/research needs and advanced technological solutions. The conference fostered research and development in basic and clinical MR science and its application to health care. It also had an educational purpose to promote understanding of cutting-edge MR developments. The conference provided an opportunity for researchers and clinicians to present their recent theoretical developments, practical applications, and to discuss unsolved problems. The program of the conference was divided into three main topics. First day of the conference was devoted to educational lectures on the fundamentals of MRI physics and image acquisition/reconstruction techniques, including recent developments in quantitative MRI. The second day was focused on developments and applications of new contrast agents. Multinuclear and spectroscopic acquisitions as well as functional MRI were presented during the third day of the conference. We would like to highlight the main developments presented at the conference and introduce the prominent speakers. The keynote speaker of the conference Dr. Vasily Yarnykh (University of Washington, Seattle, USA) presented a recently developed MRI method, macromolecular proton fraction (MPF) mapping, as a unique tool for modifying image contrast and a unique tool for quantification of the myelin content in neural tissues. Professor Yury Pirogov (Lomonosov Moscow State University) described development of new fluorocarbon compounds and applications for biomedicine. Drs. Julia Velikina and Alexey
Andriole, Dorothy A; Yan, Yan; Jeffe, Donna B
Mentored K (K01/K08/K23) career development awards are positively associated with physicians' success as independent investigators; however, individuals in some racial/ethnic groups are less likely to receive this federal funding. The authors sought to identify variables that explain (mediate) the association between race/ethnicity and mentored K award receipt among U.S. Liaison Committee for Medical Education-accredited medical school graduates who planned research-related careers. The authors analyzed deidentified data from the Association of American Medical Colleges and the National Institutes of Health Information for Management, Planning, Analysis, and Coordination II grants database for a national cohort of 28,690 graduates from 1997-2004 who planned research-related careers, followed through August 2014. The authors examined 10 potential mediators (4 research activities, 2 academic performance measures, medical school research intensity, degree program, debt, and specialty) of the association between race/ethnicity and mentored K award receipt in models comparing underrepresented minorities in medicine (URM) and non-URM graduates. Among 27,521 graduates with complete data (95.9% of study-eligible graduates), 1,147 (4.2%) received mentored K awards (79/3,341 [2.4%] URM; 1,068/24,180 [4.4%] non-URM). All variables except debt were significant mediators; together they explained 96.2% (95%, CI 79.1%-100%) of the association between race/ethnicity and mentored K award. Research-related activities during/after medical school and standardized academic measures largely explained the association between race/ethnicity and mentored K award in this national cohort. Interventions targeting these mediators could mitigate racial/ethnic disparities in the federally funded physician-scientist research workforce.
3rd annual symposium of chemical and pharmaceutical structure analysis.
Weng, Naidong; Zheng, Jenny; Lee, Mike
The 3rd Annual Symposium on Chemical and Pharmaceutical Structure Analysis was once again held in Shanghai, where a rich history of 'East meets West' continued. This meeting is dedicated to bringing together scientists from pharmaceutical companies, academic institutes, CROs and instrument vendors to discuss current challenges and opportunities on the forefront of pharmaceutical research and development. The diversified symposia and roundtables are highly interactive events where scientists share their experiences and visions in a collegial setting. The symposium highlighted speakers and sessions that provided first-hand experiences as well as the latest guidance and industrial/regulatory thinking, which was reflected by the theme of this year's meeting 'From Bench to Decision Making - from Basics to Application.' In addition to the highly successful Young Scientist Excellence Award, new events were featured at this year's meeting, such as the Executive Roundtable and the inaugural Innovator Award.
Contract Award on Initial Proposals
3 2. Competition in Contracting Act ... ......... 6 3. Federal Property and Administrative Services Act 10 B. Basic Rules for Award Without...Discussions Before CICA . 11 C. Basic Rules for Award Without Discussions After Passage of CICA .......... ........................ ... 12 D. Award...controlled by statute. This chapter will explore those statutes and their antecedents. The basic rules for awarding contracts without discussions
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 48.605 Award. Award means an award of.... (a) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 48.605 Award. Award means an award of.... (a) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 48.605 Award. Award means an award of.... (a) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 48.605 Award. Award means an award of.... (a) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 48.605 Award. Award means an award of.... (a) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Gene Goldman (left), deputy director of NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center, accepts an Award of Excellence from Jack Zink, executive director of the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission, during the 2008 Annual Hancock County Awards Gala. The Award of Excellence was presented to recognize Stennis Space Center's contribution to NASA's 50 years of excellence in space exploration.
76 FR 7224 - National Institute of Mental Health; Notice of Closed Meetings
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Emphasis Panel; Biobehavioral Research Awards for Innovative New Scientists (BRAINS). Date: March 1, 2011... . (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 93.242, Mental Health Research Grants; 93.281, Scientist Development Award, Scientist Development Award for Clinicians, and Research Scientist Award; 93...
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Slater, Lee D.
This project provided travel awards for scientists engaged in research relevant to the DOE mission to participate in the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Chapman Conference on Biogeophysics held October 13-16, 2008, in Portland, Maine (http://www.agu.org/meetings/chapman/2008/fcall/). The objective of this Chapman Conference was to bring together geophysicists, biophysicists, geochemists, geomicrobiologists, and environmental microbiologists that are leaders in their field and have a personal interest in exploring this new interdisciplinary field or are conducting multidisciplinary research with potential impact on biogeophysics in order to define the current state of the science, identify the critical questions facing the community and to generate amore » roadmap for establishing biogeophysics as a critical subdiscipline of earth science research. The sixty participants were an international group of academics, graduate students and scientists at government laboratories engaged in biogeophysics related research. Scientists from Europe, Israel and China traveled to engage North American colleagues in this highly focused 3.5 day meeting. The group included an approximately equal mix of microbiologists, biogeochemists and near surface geophysicists. The recipients of the DOE travel awards were [1] Dennis Bazylinski (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), [2] Yuri Gorby (Craig Venter Institute), [3] Carlos Santamarina (Georgia Tech), [4] Susan Hubbard (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory), [5] Roelof Versteeg (Idaho National Laboratory), [6] Eric Roden (University of Wisconsin), [7] George Luther (University of Delaware), and [8] Jinsong Chen (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)« less
NanoMech, US EPA SBIR Award Recipient: 2014 Tibbetts Award Winner
NanoMech, a EPA SBIR award recipient in 2004 and 2005, received the 2014 Tibbetts Award for its coating technology, which can improve manufacturing processes by extending the life of tools used in automotive and aerospace industries.
Moniz, Ernest; Dehmer, Patricia
The Fermi Award is a Presidential award and is one of the oldest and most prestigious science and technology honors bestowed by the U.S. Government. On February 3, 2014 it was conferred upon two exceptional scientists. The first to be recognized is Dr. Allen J. Bard, 'for international leadership in electrochemical science and technology, for advances in photoelectrochemistry and photocatalytic materials, processes, and devices, and for discovery and development of electrochemical methods including electrogenerated chemiluminescence and scanning electrochemical microscopy.' The other honoree is Dr. Andrew Sessler, 'for advancing accelerators as powerful tools of scientific discovery, for visionary direction of the research enterprise focused on challenges in energy and the environment, and for championing outreach and freedom of scientific inquiry worldwide.' Dr. Patricia Dehmer opened the ceremony, and Dr. Ernest Moniz presented the awards.
The Role of Awards Programs in Stimulating Energy Efficient Behavior: A Study of Award Winners
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
McDermott, Christa; Malone, Elizabeth L.
The value of formal awards programs may be principally in gaining wider recognition for achievements in energy efficiency. But how do these programs contribute to the goal that is presumably behind this value, i.e., stimulating further energy efficient behavior, beyond publicizing the awards ceremonies and describing the projects via websites, posters, and the like? Interviews with 22 individuals and teams of award winners under the Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program (DOE FEMP) yield insights on the roles that awards programs can play in stimulating energy efficient behavior, especially with regard to institutional dimensions of such behavior. Award winnersmore » identified institutional facilitators and barriers in their projects and programs as well as factors in their implementation processes, thus providing information that can guide other efforts. Although only one of the interviewees affirmed that winning an award was a motivating factor, awards do validate often-hard-won achievements through recognition and, in some cases, additional resources, thus stimulating both the winners themselves and those who see the achievements to further energy-saving activities. Finally, award winners’ responses demonstrated the importance of behavioral and institutional change in energy efficiency.« less
Sümeyra Tosun: Psi Chi/APA Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award.
The Edwin B. Newman Graduate Research Award is given jointly by Psi Chi and APA. The award was established to recognize young researchers at the beginning of their professional lives and to commemorate both the 50th anniversary of Psi Chi and the 100th anniversary of psychology as a science (dating from the founding of Wundt's laboratory). The 2014 recipient is Sümeyra Tosun. Tosun was chosen for "an outstanding research paper that examines the cognitive repercussions of obligatory versus optional marking of evidentiality, the linguistic coding of the source of information. In English, evidentiality is conveyed in the lexicon through the use of adverbs. In Turkish, evidentiality is coded in the grammar. In two experiments, it was found that English speakers were equally good at remembering and monitoring the source of firsthand information and the source of non-firsthand information. Turkish speakers were worse at remembering and monitoring non-firsthand information than firsthand information and were worse than English speakers at remembering and monitoring non-firsthand information." Tosun's award citation, biography, and a selected bibliography are presented here. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.
Young Scientists Explore the Sun, Moon and Stars. Book 9 Primary Level.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Penn, Linda
Designed to present interesting facts about science and to heighten the curiosity of primary age students, this book contains activities about the natural world and numerous black and white illustrations. The activities specifically focus on space science and allow the children to view themselves as future space scientists. Section one contains…
Semenkovich, Clay F
The Edwin Bierman Award Lecture is presented in honor of the memory of Edwin L. Bierman, MD, an exemplary scientist, mentor, and leader in the field of diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia, and atherosclerosis. The award and lecture recognizes a leading scientist in the field of macrovascular complications and contributing risk factors in diabetes. Clay F. Semenkovich, MD, the Irene E. and Michael M. Karl Professor and Chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, received the prestigious award at the American Diabetes Association's 76th Scientific Sessions, 10-14 June 2016, in New Orleans, LA. He presented the Edwin Bierman Award Lecture, "We Know More Than We Can Tell About Diabetes and Vascular Disease," on Sunday, 12 June 2016. Diabetes is a disorder of abnormal lipid metabolism, a notion strongly supported by the work of Edwin Bierman, for whom this eponymous lecture is named. This abnormal lipid environment continues to be associated with devastating vascular complications in diabetes despite current therapies, suggesting that our understanding of the pathophysiology of blood vessel disease in diabetes is limited. In this review, potential new insights into the nature of diabetic vasculopathy will be discussed. Recent observations suggest that while the concept of distinct macrovascular and microvascular complications of diabetes has been useful, vascular diseases in diabetes may be more interrelated than previously appreciated. Moreover, the intermediary metabolic pathway of de novo lipogenesis, which synthesizes lipids from simple precursors, is robustly sensitive to insulin and may contribute to these complications. De novo lipogenesis requires fatty acid synthase, and recent studies of this enzyme suggest that endogenously produced lipids are channeled to specific intracellular sites to affect physiology. These findings raise the possibility that novel approaches
Award-Winning Books: A Selected List for Teens.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Dayton, Sandra
Lists adolescent fiction and nonfiction titles that received Boston Globe/Horn Book Award, Carnegie Medal, Child Study Children's Book Committee at Bank Street College Award, Christopher Award, Edgar Allen Poe Award, Golden Kite Award, Nebula Award, and National Book Award/American Book Award. Each entry includes bibliographic information and…
International Humanitarian Award.
The International Humanitarian Award recognizes extraordinary humanitarian services and activism by psychologists, including professional and volunteer work conducted primarily in the field with underserved populations. Award recipients are psychologists who, by their extraordinary service at a difficult time, improve the lives and contribute to the well-being of people in a large or small geographic area anywhere in the world. The 2016 recipient of the APA International Humanitarian Award was selected by the 2015 Committee on International Relations in Psychology (CIRP). The members of the 2015 CIRP were Rehman Abdulrehman, PhD (Chair); Gonzalo Bacigalupe, EdD; Silvia S. Canetto, PhD; Amanda Clinton, PhD; Melissa L. Morgan Consoli, PhD; Chryse G. Hatzichristou, PhD; Arpana G. Inman, PhD; Lori Foster Thompson, PhD; and Danny Wedding, PhD. Dr. Abdulrehman, Dr. Morgan Consoli, Dr. Thompson, and Dr. Wedding were members of the subcommittee for the 2016 award. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).
International Humanitarian Award.
The International Humanitarian Award recognizes extraordinary humanitarian services and activism by psychologists, including professional and volunteer work conducted primarily in the field with underserved populations. Award recipients are psychologists who, by their extraordinary service at a difficult time, improve the lives and contribute to the well-being of people in a large or small geographic area anywhere in the world. The 2017 recipient of the APA International Humanitarian Award was selected by the 2016 Committee on International Relations in Psychology (CIRP). The members of the 2016 CIRP were Melissa Morgan Consoli, PhD, and Arpana G. Inman, PhD (Co-chairs); Rehman Abdulrehman, PhD; Gonzalo Bacigalupe, EdD; Frederic Bemak, EdD; Brigitte Khoury, PhD; Susan Nolan, PhD; Nancy Sidun, PsyD; and Danny Wedding, PhD. Dr. Morgan Consoli, Dr. Inman, Dr. Nolan, and Doctor Sidun were members of the subcommittee for the 2017 award. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).
Women in physics in Mexico: The question of the female scientist
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Delgadillo-Holtfort, Isabel; Fernández-Sabido, Silvia; González-Fernández, Belinka; Cárdenas, Ana Laura; Martínez, Amalia; Meza-Montes, Lilia
This report covers the three principal strategies have been implemented over the last three years to promote better conditions for Mexican women in science: organization of events, forming alliances, and supporting young female scientists. Additionally, figures and facts demonstrate changing gender demographics during the last decade of research as well as numbers of men vs. women in physics, mathematics, and earth sciences.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Showstack, Randy
The Association of Women in Science (AWIS) and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) were two of 19 institutions and individuals that received presidential awards for excellence in science, mathematics, and engineering mentoring, on September 11.Neal Lane, Director of the National Science Foundation, says the awards, which include $10,000 grants, recognize “individuals and institutions working to heighten the participation of underrepresented groups in science, mathematics, and engineering.”
Young Engineers and Scientists (YES 2K6): Independent and Group Mentorship Projects
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Asbell, H. E.
The Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) Program is a community partnership between Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA). YES has been highly successful during the past 14 years, and YES 2K6 continued this trend. It provides talented high school juniors and seniors a bridge between classroom instruction and real-world, research experiences in physical sciences and engineering. YES 2K6 consists of two parts: 1) a three-week summer workshop and 2) a mentorship where students complete individual research projects during their academic year. The intensive workshop is held at SwRI where students experience the research environment first-hand. They also develop skills and acquire tools for solving scientific problems, attend mini-courses and seminars on electronics, computers and the Internet, careers, science ethics, and other topics; and select individual research projects to be completed during the academic year. YES 2K6 students developed a website for the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission from the perspective of a high school student. The collegial mentorship takes place during their academic year where students complete individual research projects under the guidance of their mentors and earn honors credit. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work at their schools. This acknowledges their accomplishments and spreads career awareness to other students and teachers. Over the past 14 years, all YES graduates have entered college, several have worked for SwRI, and three scientific publications have resulted. Student evaluations indicate the benefits of YES for their academic preparation and choice of college majors. We acknowledge E/PO funding from the NASA MMS Mission and local charitable foundations.
Ice Stories: Engaging Polar Scientists as Field Correspondents for IPY
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Miller, M. K.
The International Polar Year (IPY 2007-09) gives the public, teachers, and students an extraordinary opportunity to experience the process of scientific discovery in action. The Exploratorium, working in partnership with international scientists at both poles, will create educational resources for museum and online visitors that celebrate life, legacy and science in the world's polar regions. In this session, Senior Science Producer Mary Miller will discuss the Exploratorium's proposed IPY project, Ice Stories. This unique educational project will provide a public face for IPY by using the power of contemporary media to bring current research to mass audiences with unprecedented intimacy and immediacy. Ice Stories includes: a media-rich, dynamic and continuously updated public Web site; a media-assets database for journalists, media producers, educators, and museum partners; a training program in media production and story-telling for polar scientists Ice Stories provides the public with access to IPY research through the development of a network of Exploratorium-trained polar field correspondents. It makes use of the design, education and production capacity of an informal science center to create a bridge between scientific discovery and interested members of the public. Ice Stories employs sophisticated media production and communication technology as well as strong partnerships with allied research groups and with scientists and international organizations at the poles. The Exploratorium has pioneered in translating current science research into exhibits and presentations accessible to museum and Web audiences. It also has long experience creating award-winning Web sites, professional-development workshops, community outreach, and institutional alliances.
Nothing to lose: why early career scientists make ideal entrepreneurs.
Thon, Jonathan N
An entrepreneurial movement within science strives to invert the classical trajectory of academic research careers by positioning trainees at the apex of burgeoning industries. Young scientists today have nothing to lose and everything to gain by pursuing this 'third road', and academic institutes and established companies only stand to benefit from supporting this emerging movement of discovery research with economic purpose. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Probing scientists' beliefs: how open-minded are modern scientists?
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Coll, Richard K.; Taylor, Neil
Just how open-minded are modern scientists? In this paper we examine this question for the science faculty from New Zealand and UK universities. The Exeter questionnaire used by Preece and Baxter (2000) to examine superstitious beliefs of high school students and preservice science teachers was used as a basis for a series of in-depth interviews of scientists across a variety of disciplines. The interviews sought to understand the basis on which scientists form beliefs and how they judge evidence for various propositions, including those from the Exeter questionnaire and other contentious beliefs introduced during discourse. The scientists are dismissive of traditional superstitions like bad luck associated with black cats and inauspicious numbers such as 13, seeing such beliefs as socially grounded. There is a strong socio-cultural aspect to other beliefs and personal experiences, and strongly held personal beliefs are influential, resulting in the scientists keeping an open mind about contentious beliefs like alien life and the existence of ghosts. Testimony of others including media reports are deemed unreliable unless provided by credible witnesses such as 'educated people' or 'experts', or if they coincide with the scientists' personal beliefs. These scientists see a need for potential theoretical explanations for beliefs and are generally dismissive of empirical evidence without underlying explanations.
5 CFR 534.405 - Performance awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Performance awards. 534.405 Section 534... SYSTEMS Pay and Performance Awards Under the Senior Executive Service § 534.405 Performance awards. (a) This section covers the payment of performance awards to career appointees in the Senior Executive...
5 CFR 534.405 - Performance awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Performance awards. 534.405 Section 534... SYSTEMS Pay and Performance Awards Under the Senior Executive Service § 534.405 Performance awards. (a) This section covers the payment of performance awards to career appointees in the Senior Executive...
5 CFR 534.405 - Performance awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Performance awards. 534.405 Section 534... SYSTEMS Pay and Performance Awards Under the Senior Executive Service § 534.405 Performance awards. (a) This section covers the payment of performance awards to career appointees in the Senior Executive...
5 CFR 534.405 - Performance awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Performance awards. 534.405 Section 534... SYSTEMS Pay and Performance Awards Under the Senior Executive Service § 534.405 Performance awards. (a) This section covers the payment of performance awards to career appointees in the Senior Executive...
5 CFR 534.405 - Performance awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Performance awards. 534.405 Section 534... SYSTEMS Pay and Performance Awards Under the Senior Executive Service § 534.405 Performance awards. (a) This section covers the payment of performance awards to career appointees in the Senior Executive...
SED Alumni---breeding ground for scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bederson, Benjamin
In 1943 the US Army established the Special Engineering Detachment (SED), in which mostly drafted young soldiers possessing some scientific credentials (though usually quite minimal) were reassigned from other duties to the Manhattan Project to assist in various research and development aspects of nuclear weapons. The Los Alamos contingent, never more than a few hundred GIs, worked with more senior scientists and engineers, often assuming positions of real responsibility. An unintended consequence of this circumstance was the fact that being in the SEDs turned out to be a fortuitous breeding ground for future physicists, chemists, and engineers. SEDs benefited from their close contacts with established scientists, working with them side by side, attended lectures by luminaries, and gained invaluable experience that would help them establish academic and industrial careers later in life. I will discuss some of these individuals (I list only those of whom I am personally aware). These include Henry ``Heinz'' Barschall*, Richard Bellman*-RAND Corporation, Murray Peshkin-ANL, Peter Lax-Courant Institute, NYU, William Spindel*-NRC,NAS, Bernard Waldman- Notre Dame, Richard Davisson*-U of Washington, Arnold Kramish- RAND, UNESCO, Josef Hofmann- Acoustic Research Corp, Val Fitch- Princeton U. *deceased
DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)
Moniz, Ernest; Dehmer, Patricia
The Fermi Award is a Presidential award and is one of the oldest and most prestigious science and technology honors bestowed by the U.S. Government. On February 3, 2014 it was conferred upon two exceptional scientists. The first to be recognized is Dr. Allen J. Bard, 'for international leadership in electrochemical science and technology, for advances in photoelectrochemistry and photocatalytic materials, processes, and devices, and for discovery and development of electrochemical methods including electrogenerated chemiluminescence and scanning electrochemical microscopy.' The other honoree is Dr. Andrew Sessler, 'for advancing accelerators as powerful tools of scientific discovery, for visionary direction of themore » research enterprise focused on challenges in energy and the environment, and for championing outreach and freedom of scientific inquiry worldwide.' Dr. Patricia Dehmer opened the ceremony, and Dr. Ernest Moniz presented the awards.« less
Ideas versus Labor: What Do Children Value in Artistic Creation?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Li, Vivian; Shaw, Alex; Olson, Kristina R.
As scientists, we primarily award authorship, as well as legal patents, to those who generate ideas, often without formally crediting others who executed the actual experiments. However, little is known about how and when people come to value ideas. Here, we investigate whether young children also value ideas over labor. In Study 1, we found that…
Your Career and Nuclear Weapons: A Guide for Young Scientists and Engineers.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Albrecht, Andreas; And Others
This four-part booklet examines various issues related to nuclear weapons and how they will affect an individual working as a scientist or engineer. It provides information about the history of nuclear weapons, about the weapons industry which produces them, and about new weapons programs. Issues are raised so that new or future graduates may make…
46 CFR 502.409 - Arbitration awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 46 Shipping 9 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Arbitration awards. 502.409 Section 502.409 Shipping... Alternative Dispute Resolution § 502.409 Arbitration awards. (a)(1) The award in an arbitration proceeding... appeal of an arbitrator's decision may not be filed with the Commission. (b) An award entered in an...
46 CFR 502.409 - Arbitration awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 46 Shipping 9 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Arbitration awards. 502.409 Section 502.409 Shipping... Alternative Dispute Resolution § 502.409 Arbitration awards. (a)(1) The award in an arbitration proceeding... appeal of an arbitrator's decision may not be filed with the Commission. (b) An award entered in an...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1401.205 Award. Award means an award of...) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A...: (1) Technical assistance that provides services instead of money. (2) Loans. (3) Loan guarantees. (4...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1401.205 Award. Award means an award of...) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A...: (1) Technical assistance that provides services instead of money. (2) Loans. (3) Loan guarantees. (4...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1401.205 Award. Award means an award of...) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A...: (1) Technical assistance that provides services instead of money. (2) Loans. (3) Loan guarantees. (4...
Brawer, James; Steinert, Yvonne; St-Cyr, Julie; Watters, Kevin; Wood-Dauphinee, Sharon
Teaching awards are commonly regarded as an incentive to encourage pedagogic excellence. Inasmuch as their effectiveness depends on how they are perceived by faculty, the authors investigated the impact of a teaching award in the Faculty of Medicine (Faculty Honor List for Educational Excellence) on the attitudes of award recipients and departmental chairs. A questionnaire was designed to sample opinion on the extent to which the Honor List program was publicized, whether the award contributed to recognition and/or stature in the academic unit, and whether it was personally valued by recipients. The questionnaire was sent to all 23 departmental chairs and to all 43 faculty members who had received the award between 1998 and 2002; 78% of the chairs and 77% of the recipients responded. The results revealed marked discrepancies between the perceptions of chairs and recipients. Chairs, although uncertain of the effect on quality of teaching, largely regarded the award as prestigious and well publicized within their departments. A notably smaller percentage of award recipients shared these views. Nonetheless, 93% of recipients valued the award highly, and 45% of recipients indicated that the award inspired them to enhance the quality of their teaching.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 182.605 Award. Award means an award of... grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or... that provides services instead of money. (2) Loans. (3) Loan guarantees. (4) Interest subsidies. (5...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (GRANTS) Definitions § 21.605 Award. Award means an award of... of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program... include: (1) Technical assistance that provides services instead of money. (2) Loans. (3) Loan guarantees...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 182.605 Award. Award means an award of... grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or... that provides services instead of money. (2) Loans. (3) Loan guarantees. (4) Interest subsidies. (5...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 36.605 Award. Award means an award of...: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2... include: (1) Technical assistance that provides services instead of money. (2) Loans. (3) Loan guarantees...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (GRANTS) Definitions § 21.605 Award. Award means an award of... of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program... include: (1) Technical assistance that provides services instead of money. (2) Loans. (3) Loan guarantees...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 2 Grants and Agreements 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Award term. 175.15 Section 175.15 Grants and... grant or cooperative agreement to a private entity, as defined in § 175.25(d); and (2) A grant or... subawards under the award. 2. We as the Federal awarding agency may unilaterally terminate this award...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 2 Grants and Agreements 1 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Award term. 175.15 Section 175.15 Grants and... grant or cooperative agreement to a private entity, as defined in § 175.25(d); and (2) A grant or... subawards under the award. 2. We as the Federal awarding agency may unilaterally terminate this award...
Oscillations and Analogies: Thomas Young, MD, FRS, Genius.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Martindale, Colin
Thomas Young was a renowned genius in his time who did important work in many scientific disciplines. In today's specialized environment, scientists in each discipline do not appreciate his work. Despite his current obscurity, Young exemplifies traits found in a first-order genius (analogical thinking, high intelligence, hard work, wide interests,…
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 3001.605 Award. Award means an award of... grant, cooperative agreement or reimbursable agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant is exempted from...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1212.605 Award. Award...) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 3001.605 Award. Award means an award of... grant, cooperative agreement or reimbursable agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant is exempted from...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1212.605 Award. Award...) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 3001.605 Award. Award means an award of... grant, cooperative agreement or reimbursable agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant is exempted from...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1212.605 Award. Award...) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1212.605 Award. Award...) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
The International Association of Hydrological Sciences awarded its 1990 International Hydrology Prize to Z. Kaczmarek of Warsaw, Poland. The award was presented on March 16 in Paris, France, during Unesco's Commemorative Symposium on 25 Years of the International Hydrological Decade/International Hydrological Program.The IAHS International Hydrology Prize, a silver medal, was first approved in 1979 as an annual award to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to hydrology and gives the candidate universal recognition of his international stature. The IAHS national committees give nominations to the IAHS Secretary General for consideration by a nominating committee, which consists of the IAHS president, the first and second vice presidents and representatives of Unesco and the World Meteorological Organization. The citation for the award to Kaczmarek, which was given by IAHS president Vit Klemes, follows.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 2 Grants and Agreements 1 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Award term. 175.15 Section 175.15 Grants and... section in— (1) A grant or cooperative agreement to a private entity, as defined in § 175.25(d); and (2) A... performance of the award or subawards under the award. 2. We as the Federal awarding agency may unilaterally...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 2 Grants and Agreements 1 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Award term. 175.15 Section 175.15 Grants and... section in— (1) A grant or cooperative agreement to a private entity, as defined in § 175.25(d); and (2) A... performance of the award or subawards under the award. 2. We as the Federal awarding agency may unilaterally...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) (Eff. 1-21-2011) Definitions § 1401.205 Award. Award means... award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant is...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... in Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and Recipient Responsibilities for Informing... Awards and Recipient Responsibilities for Informing Subrecipients. The award term described in this...,” recipients agree to separately identify the expenditures for Federal awards under the Recovery Act on the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... in Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and Recipient Responsibilities for Informing... Awards and Recipient Responsibilities for Informing Subrecipients. The award term described in this...,” recipients agree to separately identify the expenditures for Federal awards under the Recovery Act on the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... in Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and Recipient Responsibilities for Informing... Recipients of Recovery Act Funds § 176.210 Award term—Recovery Act transactions listed in Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and Recipient Responsibilities for Informing Subrecipients. The award term...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Tsurutani, Bruce
Because the Solar-Planetary Relationships section of AGU has officially changed its name to Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA), the December 10, 1991, section dinner award ceremony at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco was the last of the series. Presumably an SPA dinner award series will be started under President-elect Andy Nagy.We have followed our tradition of recognizing the special talents of section members at the annual dinner. This year we had eight awardees. These awards are given in fun and are intended to be humorous. The selection committee defining the awards (the awards are changed regularly to keep people from trying to win one) and selecting the awardees will have to remain anonymous. (The committee is similar to Skull and Bones, but we are politically correct in that we allow women as members.)
40 CFR 35.548 - Award limitations.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Assistance Program (gap) § 35.548 Award limitations. (a) Each grant awarded under the General Assistance... exceed four years. (d) No award under this program shall result in reduction of total EPA grants for...
40 CFR 35.548 - Award limitations.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Assistance Program (gap) § 35.548 Award limitations. (a) Each grant awarded under the General Assistance... exceed four years. (d) No award under this program shall result in reduction of total EPA grants for...
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Doran, Rosa
simulate experiments, in order to spark young people’s interest in science and in following scientific careers.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Back, Bill
John G. Ferris, a U.S. Geological Survey retiree, received the National Water Well Association (NWWA) Science Award for 1985 on September 10, 1985, in Baltimore, Md. The award recognizes Ferris's renowned contributions to the science of groundwater.
Mountain campus is designed to meet the Gold or Platinum standards of the U.S. Green Building Council's Research Facility. South Site Entrance Building South Site Entrance Building 2013 U.S. Green Buildings Building Awards Building Awards NREL's high-performance buildings are sustainability models for the
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Woods, Nancy Anne
The thrust in education today is to encourage young women to enter nontraditional fields of study such as chemistry, physics, and biology. In order to better prepare the next generation of women scientists, then, we should examine the experiences of women participants already working within these areas. We can learn from their experiences. What…
Ernest W. Beck: 1991 Association of Medical Illustrators Lifetime Achievement Award.
Sadler, L L
On August 15, 1991, the Association of Medical Illustrators bestowed its highest honor, the Lifetime Achievement Award, on Ernest W. Beck. Ernie has been a pioneer in the profession, who has selflessly contributed his time and energy toward the advancement of the AMI. Ernie serves as an inspiration and example for the young illustrators today who seek to find their way in the profession, maintaining the highest level of professional conduct and ethical business practice. It is altogether fitting and proper that the Association of Medical Illustrators has recognized Ernie's unselfish contributions to its success.
Park, Kyoungmin; Li, Qian
The Edwin Bierman Award Lecture is presented in honor of the memory of Edwin L. Bierman, MD, an exemplary scientist, mentor, and leader in the field of diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia, and atherosclerosis. The award and lecture recognizes a leading scientist in the field of macrovascular complications and contributing risk factors in diabetes. George L. King, MD, of the Section of Vascular Cell Biology and Complications, Dianne Nunnally Hoppes Laboratory for Diabetes Complications, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, received the prestigious award at the American Diabetes Association’s 75th Scientific Sessions, 5–9 June 2015, in Boston, MA. He presented the Edwin Bierman Award Lecture, “Selective Insulin Resistance and the Development of Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes,” on Sunday, 7 June 2015. This review is focused on the factors and potential mechanisms that are causing various cardiovascular pathologies. In diabetes, insulin’s actions on the endothelium and other vascular cells have significant influence on systemic metabolisms and the development of cardiovascular pathologies. Our studies showed that insulin receptors on the endothelium are important for insulin transport across the endothelial barrier and mediate insulin’s actions in muscle, heart, fat, and the brain. Insulin actions on the vascular cells are mediated by two pathways involving the actions of either IRS/PI3K/Akt or Grb/Shc/MAPK. Insulin’s activation of IRS/PI3K/Akt results in mostly antiatherogenic actions, as this pathway induces activation of eNOS, the expressions of HO-1 and VEGF, and the reduction of VCAM-1. In contrast, insulin’s activation of the Grb/Shc/MAPK pathway mediates the expressions of ET-1 and PAI-1 and migration and proliferation of contractile cells, which have proatherogenic actions. Elevated levels of glucose, free fatty acids, and inflammatory cytokines due to diabetes and insulin resistance selectively inhibit insulin
King, George L; Park, Kyoungmin; Li, Qian
The Edwin Bierman Award Lecture is presented in honor of the memory of Edwin L. Bierman, MD, an exemplary scientist, mentor, and leader in the field of diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia, and atherosclerosis. The award and lecture recognizes a leading scientist in the field of macrovascular complications and contributing risk factors in diabetes. George L. King, MD, of the Section of Vascular Cell Biology and Complications, Dianne Nunnally Hoppes Laboratory for Diabetes Complications, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, received the prestigious award at the American Diabetes Association's 75th Scientific Sessions, 5-9 June 2015, in Boston, MA. He presented the Edwin Bierman Award Lecture, "Selective Insulin Resistance and the Development of Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes," on Sunday, 7 June 2015.This review is focused on the factors and potential mechanisms that are causing various cardiovascular pathologies. In diabetes, insulin's actions on the endothelium and other vascular cells have significant influence on systemic metabolisms and the development of cardiovascular pathologies. Our studies showed that insulin receptors on the endothelium are important for insulin transport across the endothelial barrier and mediate insulin's actions in muscle, heart, fat, and the brain. Insulin actions on the vascular cells are mediated by two pathways involving the actions of either IRS/PI3K/Akt or Grb/Shc/MAPK. Insulin's activation of IRS/PI3K/Akt results in mostly antiatherogenic actions, as this pathway induces activation of eNOS, the expressions of HO-1 and VEGF, and the reduction of VCAM-1. In contrast, insulin's activation of the Grb/Shc/MAPK pathway mediates the expressions of ET-1 and PAI-1 and migration and proliferation of contractile cells, which have proatherogenic actions. Elevated levels of glucose, free fatty acids, and inflammatory cytokines due to diabetes and insulin resistance selectively inhibit insulin's antiatherogenic actions
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Rosser, Sue V.; Lane, Eliesh O'neil
At the end of a special meeting held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in January 2001, a statement released on behalf of the most prestigious U. S. research universities suggested that institutional harriers have prevented viomen from having a level playing field in science and engineering. In 2001, the National Science Foundation initiated a new awards program, ADVANCE, focusing on institutional rather than individual solutions to empower women to participate fully in science and technology. In this study, the authors evaluate survey responses from almost 400 Professional Opportunities for Women in Research and Education awardees from fiscal years 1997 to 2000 to elucidate problems and opportunities identified by female scientists and engineers. Besides other issues, the respondents identified balancing a career and a family as the most significant challenge facing female scientists and engineers today. Institutions must seek to remove or at least lower these and other harriers to attract and retain female scientists and engineers. Grouping the survey responses into four categories forms the basis for four corresponding policy areas, which could be addressed at the institutional level to mitigate the difficulties and challenges currently experienced by female scientists and engineers.
Personal Characteristics That Distinguish Creative Scientists from Less Creative Scientists
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Tang, Chaoying; Kaufman, James C.
What are the personal characteristics that distinguish the creative scientist from the less creative scientist? This study used the concept of implicit theory in a four-part study of scientists and graduate students in science. In the first part, we collected 1382 adjective words that describe the personal characteristics of the creative scientist…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zimmerman Brachman, R.; Piazza, E.
The Cassini Outreach Group for the Cassini mission to Saturn at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory runs an international essay contest called “Cassini Scientist for a Day.” Students write essays about Saturn and its rings and moons. The program has been run nine times, increasing in scope with each contest. Students in grades 5-12 gain skills in critical thinking, decision-making, researching, asking good questions, and communicating their ideas to scientists. Winners and their classes participate in teleconferencing question and answer sessions with Cassini scientists so students can ask questions to professional scientists. Videos of young Cassini scientists are included in the contest reference materials to provide role models for the students. Thousands of students in 27 countries on 6 continents have participated in the essay contest. Volunteers run the international contests outside of the United States, with their own rules, languages, and prizes.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Zimmerman Brachman, R.; Wessen, A.; Piazza, E.
The outreach team for the Cassini mission to Saturn at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) runs an international essay contest called "Cassini Scientist for a Day." Students write essays about Saturn and its rings and moons. The program has been run nine times, increasing in scope with each contest. Students in grades 5 to 12 (ages 10 to 18) gain skills in critical thinking, decision-making, researching, asking good questions, and communicating their ideas to scientists. Winners and their classes participate in teleconferencing question-and-answer sessions with Cassini scientists so students can ask questions to professional scientists. Videos of young Cassini scientists are included in the contest reference materials to provide role models for the students. Thousands of students in 50 countries on 6 continents have participated in the essay contest. Volunteers run the international contests outside of the United States, with their own rules, languages, and prizes.
14 CFR 1240.112 - Presentation of awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... CONTRIBUTIONS Awards for Scientific and Technical Contributions § 1240.112 Presentation of awards. (a) Monetary awards and accompanying written acknowledgments to employees of NASA will be presented in a formal... cognizant field installation or designee. (b) Monetary awards and accompanying written acknowledgments to...
Highlighting 2004 award-winning initiatives.
This issue takes a closer look at how five award-winning healthcare organizations are finding--and continually refining--innovative ways to provide high-quality healthcare. One of those organizations is Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton, which recently was named the fourth healthcare winner of the annual Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations recently selected two facilities in the hospital category--Stamford Hospital and Staten Island University Hospital--as recipients of the eighth annual Codman Award for their work in using outcomes measurement to promote quality care. The Reading Hospital and Medical Center received a Cheers Award from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices for its toolkit promoting patient safety. Sentara Healthcare System, top winner of the American Hospital Association's Quest for Quality Award, has been cited for its efforts to align its quality and safety goals with its organizational goals.
Nuclear Fusion Award 2009 speech Nuclear Fusion Award 2009 speech
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Sabbagh, Steven Anthony
This is an exceptional moment in my career, and so I want to thank all of my teachers, colleagues and mentors who have made this possible. From my co-authors and myself, many thanks to the International Atomic Energy Agency, IOP Publishing, the Nuclear Fusion journal team, and the selection committee for the great honor of receiving this award. Also gratitude to Kikuchi-sensei, not only for the inventive and visionary creation of this award, but also for being a key mentor dating back to his efforts in producing high neutron output in JT-60U. It was also a great honor to receive the award directly from IAEA Deputy Director General Burkart during the 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in Daejeon. Receiving the award at this venue is particularly exciting as Daejeon is home to the new, next-generation KSTAR tokamak device that will lead key magnetic fusion research areas going forward. I would also like to thank the mayor of Daejeon, Dr Yum Hong-Chul, and all of the meeting organizers for giving us all a truly spectacular and singular welcoming event during which the award was presented. The research leading to the award would not have been possible without the support of the US Department of Energy, and I thank the Department for the continued funding of this research. Special mention must be made to a valuable co-author who is no longer with us, Professor A. Bondeson, who was a significant pioneer in resistive wall mode (RWM) research. I would like to thank my wife, Mary, for her infinite patience and encouragement. Finally, I would like to personally thank all of you that have approached and congratulated me directly. There are no units to measure how important your words have been in this regard. When notified that our paper had been shortlisted for the 2009 Nuclear Fusion Award, my co-authors responded echoing how I felt—honored to be included in such a fine collection of research by colleagues. It was unfathomable—would this paper follow the brilliant work
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Hill, Margaret; White, Maureen; Brodie, Carolyn
Children are naturally drawn to award-winning books. Those who work with children know that the appeal of these books often comes from the shiny gold, silver, or bronze seals affixed to the covers of these special books. Teachers and librarians, however, need to be aware of the fact that the Newbery and Caldecott, and lesser known awards, are…
Hit List: Frequently Challenged Books for Young Adults.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Monks, Merri M.; Pistolis, Donna Reidy
This book presents descriptions of 26 young adult titles that have been frequent targets of censorship attempts. Each entry provides an annotation for the book in question; examples of recent challenges; citations to reviews of the book and background articles; a list of awards garnered by the book or its author; references about the author;…
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Baeseman, J. L.; Apecs Leadership Team
Efforts like the International Polar Year 2007-2008 (IPY) have helped to increase research efforts as well as enhancing the integration of education and outreach into research projects and developing the next generation of researchers. One of the major legacies of the IPY was the creation of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), which was developed in 2006 by young researchers and focuses on helping each other develop the skills needed for successful careers in research by working with senior mentors. APECS is an international and interdisciplinary organization of over 2000 early career researchers and educators with interests in the Polar Regions and the wider cryosphere from 45 countries. APECS aims to stimulate interdisciplinary and international research collaborations, and develop effective future leaders in polar research, education and outreach. This is achieved by - Facilitating international and interdisciplinary networking opportunities to share ideas and experiences and to develop new research directions and collaborations, - Providing opportunities for professional career development for both academic and alternative research professions, and - Promoting education and outreach as an integral component of polar research and to stimulate future generations of polar researchers. Since its inception, APECS has strived to develop a strong network of partnerships with senior international organizations and scientific bodies to provide career development opportunities for young researchers. These partnerships have led to early-career representation on science planning bodies at an international level, the mandate of early career researchers serving as co-chairs at science conferences, the development of a mentorship program, field schools and techniques workshops, mentor panel discussions at conferences and increased funding for young researchers to attend conferences. APECS has also worked with an international teachers network to develop
Young transplant surgeons and NIH funding.
Englesbe, M J; Sung, R S; Segev, D L
Transplant surgeons have historically been instrumental in advancing the science of transplantation. However, research in the current environment inevitably requires external funding, and the classic career development pathway for a junior investigator is the NIH K award. We matched transplant surgeons who completed fellowships between 1998 and 2004 with the NIH funding database, and also queried them regarding research effort and attitudes. Of 373 surgeons who completed a fellowship, only 6 (1.8%) received a K award; of these, 3 subsequently obtained R-level funding. An additional 5 individuals received an R-level grant within their first 5 years as faculty without a K award, 3 of whom had received a prior ASTS-sponsored award. Survey respondents reported extensive research experience during their training (78.8% spent median 24 months), a high proportion of graduate research degrees (36%), and a strong desire for more research time (78%). However, they reported clinical burdens and lack of mentorship as their primary perceived barriers to successful research careers. The very low rate of NIH funding for young transplant surgeons, combined with survey results that indicate their desire to participate in research, suggest institutional barriers to access that may warrant attention by the ASTS and the transplant surgery community. ©2010 The Authors Journal compilation©2010 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Bleicher, Markus; Caines, Helen; Calderón de la Barca Sanchez, Manuel; Fries, Rainer; Granier de Cassagnac, Raphaël; Hippolyte, Boris; Mischke, André; Mócsy, Ágnes; Petersen, Hannah; Ruan, Lijuan; Salgado, Carlos A.
The 5th edition of the Workshop for Young Scientists on the Physics of Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Hot Quarks 2012) was held in Copamarina, Puerto Rico from 14-20 October 2012. As in previous years, this meeting gathered more than 70 participants in the early years of their scientific careers. This issue contains the proceedings of the workshop. As in the past, the Hot Quarks workshop offered a unique atmosphere for a lively discussion and interpretation of the current measurements from high energy nuclear collisions. Recent results and upgrades at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Brookhaven's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) were presented. Measurements from the proton-led run at the CERN-LHC were shown for the first time at this meeting. Recent theoretical developments were also extensively discussed, as well as the proposals for future facilities such as the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at Darmstadt, the Electron-Ion Collider at Brookhaven, and the LHeC. The conference's goal to provide a platform for young researchers to learn and foster their interactions was successfully met. We wish to thank the sponsors of the Hot Quarks 2012 Conference, who supported the authors of this volume: Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), European Laboratory for Particle Physics CERN (Switzerland), European Research Council (EU), ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI (Germany), Helmholtz International Center for FAIR (Germany), IN2P3/CNRS (France) and the European Research Council via grant #259612, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA), Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA), National Science Foundation (USA), and Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (Netherlands). Marcus BleicherAndré Mischke Goethe-University Frankfurt and HIC4FAIRUtrecht University and Nikhef Amsterdam GermanyThe Netherlands Helen CainesÁgnes Mócsy Yale UniversityPratt Institute and Brookhaven National
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
The 6th edition of the Workshop for Young Scientists on the Physics of Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Hot Quarks 2014) was held in Las Negras, Spain from 21-28 September 2014. Following the traditions of the conference, this meeting gathered more than 70 participants in the first years of their scientific careers. The present issue contains the proceedings of this workshop. As in the past, the Hot Quarks workshop offered a unique atmosphere for a lively discussion and interpretation of the current measurements from high energy nuclear collisions. Recent results and upgrades at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Brookhaven's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) were presented. Recent theoretical developments were also extensively discussed as well as the perspectives for future facilities such as the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at Darmstadt and the Electron-Ion Collider at Brookhaven. The conference's goal to provide a platform for young researchers to learn and foster their interactions was successfully met. We wish to thank the sponsors of the Hot Quarks 2014 Conference, who supported the authors of this volume: Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), CPAN (Spain), Czech Science Foundation (GACR) under grant 13-20841S (Czech Republic), European Laboratory for Particle Physics CERN (Switzerland), European Research Council under grant 259612 (EU), ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI (Germany), Helmholtz Association and GSI under grant VH-NG-822, Helmholtz International Center for FAIR (Germany), National Science Foundation under grant No.1359622 (USA), Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR (Czech Republic), Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife (Spain) and the Universidad de Granada (Spain). Javier López Albacete, Universidad de Granada (Spain) Jana Bielcikova, Nuclear Physics Inst. and Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) Rainer J. Fries, Texas A&M University (USA) Raphaël Granier de Cassagnac, CNRS-IN2P3 and École polytechnique (France
22 CFR 226.14 - Special award conditions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Special award conditions. 226.14 Section 226.14 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION OF ASSISTANCE AWARDS TO U.S. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Pre-award Requirements § 226.14 Special award conditions. If an applicant or...
22 CFR 226.11 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Pre-award policies. 226.11 Section 226.11 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION OF ASSISTANCE AWARDS TO U.S. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Pre-award Requirements § 226.11 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of grants and...
Lee, Gloria; Kranzler, Jay D; Ramasamy, Ravichandran; Gold-von Simson, Gabrielle
PhDs and post-doctoral biomedical graduates, in greater numbers, are choosing industry based careers. However, most scientists do not have formal training in business strategies and venture creation and may find senior management positions untenable. To fill this training gap, "Biotechnology Industry: Structure and Strategy" was offered at New York University School of Medicine (NYUSOM). The course focuses on the business aspects of translational medicine and research translation and incorporates the practice of business case discussions, mock negotiation, and direct interactions into the didactic. The goal is to teach scientists at an early career stage how to create solutions, whether at the molecular level or via the creation of devices or software, to benefit those with disease. In doing so, young, talented scientists can develop a congruent mindset with biotechnology/industry executives. Our data demonstrates that the course enhances students' knowledge of the biotechnology industry. In turn, these learned skills may further encourage scientists to seek leadership positions in the field. Implementation of similar courses and educational programs will enhance scientists' training and inspire them to become innovative leaders in the discovery and development of therapeutics.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Betteley, Pat; Lee, Richard E., Jr.
In an integrated science/language arts/technology unit called "How Scientists Learn," students researched famous scientists from the past and cutting-edge modern-day scientists. Using biography trade books and the internet, students collected and recorded data on charts, summarized important information, and inferred meaning from text. Then they…
Examining faculty awards for gender equity and evolving values.
Abbuhl, Stephanie; Bristol, Mirar N; Ashfaq, Hera; Scott, Patricia; Tuton, Lucy Wolf; Cappola, Anne R; Sonnad, Seema S
Awards given to medical school faculty are one important mechanism for recognizing what is valued in academic medicine. There have been concerns expressed about the gender distribution of awards, and there is also a growing appreciation for the evolving accomplishments and talents that define academic excellence in the 21st century and that should be considered worthy of award recognition. Examine faculty awards at our institution for gender equity and evolving values. Recipient data were collected on awards from 1996 to 2007 inclusively at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (SOM). Descriptions of each award also were collected. The female-to-male ratio of award recipients over the time span was reviewed for changes and trends. The title and text of each award announcement were reviewed to determine if the award represented a traditional or a newer concept of excellence in academic medicine. There were 21 annual awards given to a total of 59 clinical award recipients, 60 research award recipients, and 154 teaching award recipients. Women received 28% of research awards, 29% of teaching awards and 10% of clinical awards. Gender distribution of total awards was similar to that of SOM full-time faculty except in the clinical awards category. Only one award reflected a shift in the culture of individual achievement to one of collaboration and team performance. Examining both the recipients and content of awards is important to assure they reflect the current composition of diverse faculty and the evolving ideals of leadership and excellence in academic medicine.
Examining Faculty Awards for Gender Equity and Evolving Values
Abbuhl, Stephanie; Bristol, Mirar N.; Ashfaq, Hera; Scott, Patricia; Tuton, Lucy Wolf; Cappola, Anne R.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Awards given to medical school faculty are one important mechanism for recognizing what is valued in academic medicine. There have been concerns expressed about the gender distribution of awards, and there is also a growing appreciation for the evolving accomplishments and talents that define academic excellence in the 21st century and that should be considered worthy of award recognition. OBJECTIVE Examine faculty awards at our institution for gender equity and evolving values. METHODS Recipient data were collected on awards from 1996 to 2007 inclusively at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (SOM). Descriptions of each award also were collected. The female-to-male ratio of award recipients over the time span was reviewed for changes and trends. The title and text of each award announcement were reviewed to determine if the award represented a traditional or a newer concept of excellence in academic medicine. MAIN RESULTS There were 21 annual awards given to a total of 59 clinical award recipients, 60 research award recipients, and 154 teaching award recipients. Women received 28% of research awards, 29% of teaching awards and 10% of clinical awards. Gender distribution of total awards was similar to that of SOM full-time faculty except in the clinical awards category. Only one award reflected a shift in the culture of individual achievement to one of collaboration and team performance. CONCLUSION Examining both the recipients and content of awards is important to assure they reflect the current composition of diverse faculty and the evolving ideals of leadership and excellence in academic medicine. PMID:19727968
The Oratorical Scientist: A Guide for Speechcraft and Presentation for Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Lau, G. E.
Public speaking organizations are highly valuable for individuals seeking to improve their skills in speech development and delivery. The methodology of such groups usually focuses on repetitive, guided practice. Toastmasters International, for instance, uses a curriculum based on topical manuals that guide their members through some number of prepared speeches with specific goals for each speech. I have similarly developed a public speaking manual for scientists with the intention of guiding scientists through the development and presentation of speeches that will help them hone their abilities as public speakers. I call this guide The Oratorical Scientist. The Oratorical Scientist will be a free, digital publication that is meant to guide scientists through five specific types of speech that the scientist may be called upon to deliver during their career. These five speeches are: The Coffee Talk, The Educational Talk, Research Talks for General Science Audiences, Research Talks for Specific Subdiscipline Audiences, and Taking the Big Stage (talks for public engagement). Each section of the manual focuses on speech development, rehearsal, and presentation for each of these specific types of speech. The curriculum was developed primarily from my personal experiences in public engagement. Individuals who use the manual may deliver their prepared speeches to groups of their peers (e.g. within their research group) or through video sharing websites like Youtube and Vimeo. Speeches that are broadcast online can then be followed and shared through social media networks (e.g. #OratoricalScientist), allowing a larger audience to evaluate the speech and to provide criticism. I will present The Oratorical Scientist, a guide for scientists to become better public speakers. The process of guided repetitive practice of scientific talks will improve the speaking capabilities of scientists, in turn benefitting science communication and public engagement.
Next Generation Scientists, Next Opportunities: EPA's Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Program
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Jones, M.
Scientific research is one of the most powerful tools we have for understanding and protecting our environment. It provides the foundation for what we know about our planet, how it has changed, and how it could be altered in the future. The National Center for Environmental Research (NCER) in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Research and Development (ORD) supports high-quality, extramural research by the nation's leading scientists and engineers to strengthen the basis for decisions about local and national environmental issues. NCER works with academia, state and local governments, other federal agencies, and scientists in EPA to increase human knowledge of how to protect our health and natural resources through its three major programs: · Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Grants · Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) · Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowships STAR, NCER's primary program, funds research grants and graduate fellowships in environmental science and engineering. Developing the next generation of environmental scientists and engineers is one of NCER's most important objectives. Each year, NCER helps between 80 and 160 students achieve Master's or Ph.D. degrees in environmental science and engineering through its STAR and Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) fellowships. Some of these students have moved on to careers in government while others are now full-time professors and researchers. Still others are working for state environmental agencies or furthering their studies through postdoctoral positions at universities. Since the inception of the NCER program, STAR fellowships (along with grants and SBIR projects) have been awarded in every state in the country. With the help of STAR, current and future scientists and engineers have been able to explore ways to preserve and protect human health and our precious resources.
45 CFR 74.11 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... FOR AWARDS AND SUBAWARDS TO INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, HOSPITALS, OTHER NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS, AND COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS Pre-Award Requirements § 74.11 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of Grants and... 45 Public Welfare 1 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Pre-award policies. 74.11 Section 74.11 Public...
Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) 2009 - Engaging Students and Teachers in Space Research
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Boice, D. C.; Reiff, P. H.
During the past 17 years, Young Engineers and Scientists (YES) has been a community partnership between local high schools in San Antonio, Texas (USA), and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI). The goals of YES are to increase the number of high school students, especially those from underrepresented groups, seeking careers in science and engineering, to enhance their success in entering the college and major of their choice, and to promote teacher development in STEM fields. This is accomplished by allowing students and teachers to interact on a continuing basis with role models at SwRI in real-world research experiences in physical sciences (including space science), information sciences, and a variety of engineering fields. A total of 218 students have completed YES or are currently enrolled. Of these students, 37% are females and 56% are ethnic minorities, reflecting the local ethnic diversity, and 67% represent underserved groups. Presently, there are 20 students and 3 teachers enrolled in the YES 2009/2010 Program. YES consists of an intensive three-week summer workshop held at SwRI where students and teachers experience the research environment and a collegial mentorship where they complete individual research projects under the guidance of SwRI mentors during the academic year. At the end of the school year, students publicly present and display their work, spreading career awareness to other students and teachers. Teachers participate in an in-service workshop to share classroom materials and spread awareness of space-related research. YES students develop a website (yesserver.space.swri.edu) for topics in space science (this year was NASA's MMS Mission) and high school science teachers develop space-related lessons for classroom presentation. Partnerships between research institutes, local high schools, and community foundations, like the YES Program, can positively affect students’ preparation for STEM careers via real-world research experiences with
Teacher-Scientist-Communicator-Learner Partnerships: Reimagining Scientists in the Classroom.
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Noel-Storr, Jacob; Terwilliger, Michael; InsightSTEM Teacher-Scientist-Communicator-Learner Partnerships Team
We present results of our work to reimagine Teacher-Scientist partnerships to improve relationships and outcomes. We describe our work in implementing Teacher-Scientist partnerships that are expanded to include a communicator, and the learners themselves, as genuine members of the partnership. Often times in Teacher-Scientist partnerships, the scientist can often become more easily described as a special guest into the classroom, rather than a genuine partner in the learning experience. We design programs that take the expertise of the teacher and the scientist fully into account to develop practical and meaningful partnerships, that are further enhanced by using an expert in communications to develop rich experiences for and with the learners. The communications expert may be from a broad base of backgrounds depending on the needs and desires of the partners -- the communicators include, for example: public speaking gurus; journalists; web and graphic designers; and American Sign Language interpreters. Our partnership programs provide online support and professional development for all parties. Outcomes of the program are evaluated in terms of not only learning outcomes for the students, but also attitude, behavior, and relationship outcomes for the teachers, scientists, communicators and learners alike.
Meet the Scientist: The Value of Short Interactions between Scientists and Students
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Woods-Townsend, Kathryn; Christodoulou, Andri; Rietdijk, Willeke; Byrne, Jenny; Griffiths, Janice B.; Grace, Marcus M.
Students have been reported to have stereotypical views of scientists as middle-aged white men in lab coats. We argue that a way to provide students with a more realistic view of scientists and their work is to provide them with the opportunity to interact with scientists during short, discussion-based sessions. For that reason, 20 scientists from…
48 CFR 452.216-70 - Award Fee.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Award Fee. 452.216-70... SOLICITATION PROVISIONS AND CONTRACT CLAUSES Texts of Provisions and Clauses 452.216-70 Award Fee. As prescribed in 416.405, insert a clause substantially as follows: Award Fee (FEB 1988) The amount of award fee...
INTRODUCTION: David Sherrington as a mentor of young scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Goldbart, Paul M.
courtesy David kindly invited me in and we chatted about physics. After a while, I summoned up the courage to ask if I could do postgraduate research. At Imperial College. Under David's supervision. That term! And, to my eternal delight, he agreed. And even more than that, shortly thereafter he set about the task of finding a studentship to support me. This generosity of spirit towards people at early stages in their careers is by no means confined to members of David's own research group. One of David's most remarkable and impressive qualities is his ability to recognise and be an early proponent of exciting work being done by young and not yet widely known researchers, and to enthusiastically foster the dissemination of this work. Jorge Kurchan has told me how David was one of the very first established scientists to take a close interest in Jorge's now-famous work, done jointly with Leticia Cugliandolo, on the dynamics of spin glasses, and that this interest and the invitations, discussions and talks that followed from it, were a tremendous source of inspiration and encouragement to Jorge and Leticia. Jorge is but one of several people who have told me how grateful and impressed they have been by David's similar treatment of them, and for his invitations to visit Oxford and benefit from interacting with and being stimulated by the theoretical physics group there. But David's dedication to others is by no means restricted to his juniors. All of us who have got to know David are deeply aware of the devotion he has to his scientific mentors, Sam Edwards and Walter Kohn, and the rightful pride he takes in being a member of their scientific families. With postgraduate and postdoctoral advisors in Sam Edwards and Walter Kohn, with professorships at Imperial College and then Oxford University, with election to Fellowship at the Royal Society and an invitation to deliver its Bakerian Lecture, and with the Dirac Medal from the Institute of Physics, David more or less defines
Pabst, R; Linke, P B; Neudeck, N B A; Schmiel, M; Ernst, S B
German medical faculties currently have severe financial problems. There is the conflict between financing teaching medical students, inpatient and outpatient costs and supporting basic and applied research. Young postdocs can apply for a grant to start research projects to establish techniques on publishing data as a basis for applying for grants from the German Research Foundation or foundations with a critical review system. Successful applicants from the years 1998-2011 were asked to answer a questionnaire. The annual number of applications ranged from 28 to 96 per year. Within the first period of our analysis ranging from 1998 to 2004, a mean number of 69.5 % ± 14.0 % of submitted grant applications were approved annually in comparison to an average approval of 30.9 % ± 11 % in the years 2006-2001. In total 353 projects were funded with a mean amount of money for a project of approximately 18,640 EUR. The mean amount of external grant money following the start-up period was 7.2 times the money initially spent. That is an excellent return of investment. There were no differences between applicants from the department of surgery or department of internal medicine. In the meantime, 56 % of men and 42 % of women have achieved the academic degree university lecturer (privatdozent). Furthermore, 71 % of the participants evaluated this start-up research as supportive for their postdoctoral qualification (habilitation). The program for initial investment for young postdocs by internal start-up grants is overall successful.
10 CFR 600.17 - Contents of Award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... of DOE and the recipient, consistent with the requirements of this part. [74 FR 44276, Aug. 28, 2009] ... 10 Energy 4 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Contents of Award. 600.17 Section 600.17 Energy DEPARTMENT... Award. Each financial assistance award shall be made on a Notice of Financial Assistance Award (NFAA...
10 CFR 600.17 - Contents of Award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... of DOE and the recipient, consistent with the requirements of this part. [74 FR 44276, Aug. 28, 2009] ... 10 Energy 4 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Contents of Award. 600.17 Section 600.17 Energy DEPARTMENT... Award. Each financial assistance award shall be made on a Notice of Financial Assistance Award (NFAA...
10 CFR 600.17 - Contents of Award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... of DOE and the recipient, consistent with the requirements of this part. [74 FR 44276, Aug. 28, 2009] ... 10 Energy 4 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Contents of Award. 600.17 Section 600.17 Energy DEPARTMENT... Award. Each financial assistance award shall be made on a Notice of Financial Assistance Award (NFAA...
10 CFR 600.17 - Contents of Award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... of DOE and the recipient, consistent with the requirements of this part. [74 FR 44276, Aug. 28, 2009] ... 10 Energy 4 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Contents of Award. 600.17 Section 600.17 Energy DEPARTMENT... Award. Each financial assistance award shall be made on a Notice of Financial Assistance Award (NFAA...
10 CFR 600.17 - Contents of Award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... of DOE and the recipient, consistent with the requirements of this part. [74 FR 44276, Aug. 28, 2009] ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Contents of Award. 600.17 Section 600.17 Energy DEPARTMENT... Award. Each financial assistance award shall be made on a Notice of Financial Assistance Award (NFAA...
Creativity Awards: Great Expectations?
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Kilgour, Mark; Sasser, Sheila; Koslow, Scott
Given the creativity inherent in advertising, one useful measure of creativity may be the advertising creativity award. Although creativity awards have been used by academics, agencies, and clients as indicators of exemplary creative work, there is surprisingly little research as to what creative elements they actually represent. Senior agency…
Cost Reduction Incentive Awards. 1981 Winners.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
National Association of College and University Business Officers, Washington, DC.
Brief descriptions of 47 college programs recognized for awards in the National Association of College and University Officers/U. S. Steel Foundation Cost Reduction Incentive Awards Program are given. They include awards for: shower stall repair; chemical waste exchange; vibrating alarms for hearing-imparied; self-funding insurance consortium;…
,; ,
The scientists of the U.S. Geological Survey are engaged in a wide range of geologic, geophysical, geochemical, hydrologic, and cartographic programs, including the application of computer science to them. These programs offer exciting possibilities for scientific achievement and professional growth to young scientists through participation as Research Associates.
Waterman Award nominations sought
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Showstack, Randy
The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) is accepting nominations for the 2013 Alan T. Waterman Award. The award, established in 1975 to commemorate NSF's first director, is the foundation's highest honor for promising, early-career researchers. Nominees are accepted from all sources, from any field of science and engineering that NSF supports. In addition to receiving a medal, the award recipient will also receive a $1,000,000 grant over 5 years for scientific research or advanced study in any field of science or engineering supported by NSF. Completed nomination packages are due by 31 October. For more information, see http://www.nsf.gov/od/waterman/waterman.jsp.
Precursors to the Development of Anxiety Disorders in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-14-1-0526 TITLE: Precursors to the Development of Anxiety Disorders in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder...2015 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Precursors to the Development of Anxiety Disorders in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder...SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Anxiety disorders are extremely common among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The presence of an anxiety
Precursors to the Development of Anxiety Disorders in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-14-1-0527 TITLE: Precursors to the Development of Anxiety Disorders in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder ...AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Precursors to the Development of Anxiety Disorders in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 5b. GRANT...ABSTRACT Anxiety disorders are extremely common among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The presence of an anxiety disorder
Elsevier/Spectrochimica Acta Atomic Spectroscopy Award 2014
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Omenetto, Nicolo'; de Loos, Greet
This is to announce the 2014 Elsevier/Spectrochimica Acta Award, the annual award honoring the most significant article(s) published in a volume. Elsevier makes this award on behalf of Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, to encourage the publication of top articles in this journal. All papers published during one year are considered for this award and the Editorial Advisory Board and the Guest Editor(s) of the special issue(s) are responsible for the selection. The award consists of a monetary prize of 1000 together with a presentation certificate.
Elsevier/Spectrochimica Acta atomic spectroscopy award 2015
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Omenetto, Nicolo; de Loos-Vollebregt, Margaretha
This is to announce the 2015 Elsevier/Spectrochimica Acta award, the annual award honoring the most significant article(s) published in a volume. Elsevier makes this award on behalf of Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, to encourage the publication of top articles in this journal. All papers published during one year are considered for this award and the Editorial Advisory Board and the Guest Editor(s) of the special issue(s) are responsible for the selection. The award consists of a monetary prize of 1000 together with a presentation certificate.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 1212.605 Award. Award...) The term award includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money. (2) A block grant or a grant in an entitlement program, whether or not the grant...
40 CFR 35.548 - Award limitations.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 40 Protection of Environment 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Award limitations. 35.548 Section 35... Assistance Program (gap) § 35.548 Award limitations. (a) Each grant awarded under the General Assistance Program shall be not less than $75,000. This limitation does not apply to additional funds that may become...
13 CFR 308.2 - Performance awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Performance awards. 308.2 Section... PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES § 308.2 Performance awards. (a) A Recipient of Investment Assistance under parts 305 or 307 of this chapter may receive a performance award in connection with an Investment made on or after...
13 CFR 308.2 - Performance awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Performance awards. 308.2 Section... PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES § 308.2 Performance awards. (a) A Recipient of Investment Assistance under parts 305 or 307 of this chapter may receive a performance award in connection with an Investment made on or after...
13 CFR 308.2 - Performance awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Performance awards. 308.2 Section... PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES § 308.2 Performance awards. (a) A Recipient of Investment Assistance under parts 305 or 307 of this chapter may receive a performance award in connection with an Investment made on or after...
EDITORIAL: The Nuclear Fusion Award The Nuclear Fusion Award
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Kikuchi, M.
The Nuclear Fusion Award ceremony for 2009 and 2010 award winners was held during the 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in Daejeon. This time, both 2009 and 2010 award winners were celebrated by the IAEA and the participants of the 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. The Nuclear Fusion Award is a paper prize to acknowledge the best distinguished paper among the published papers in a particular volume of the Nuclear Fusion journal. Among the top-cited and highly-recommended papers chosen by the Editorial Board, excluding overview and review papers, and by analyzing self-citation and non-self-citation with an emphasis on non-self-citation, the Editorial Board confidentially selects ten distinguished papers as nominees for the Nuclear Fusion Award. Certificates are given to the leading authors of the Nuclear Fusion Award nominees. The final winner is selected among the ten nominees by the Nuclear Fusion Editorial Board voting confidentially. 2009 Nuclear Fusion Award nominees For the 2009 award, the papers published in the 2006 volume were assessed and the following papers were nominated, most of which are magnetic confinement experiments, theory and modeling, while one addresses inertial confinement. Sabbagh S.A. et al 2006 Resistive wall stabilized operation in rotating high beta NSTX plasmas Nucl. Fusion 46 635-44 La Haye R.J. et al 2006 Cross-machine benchmarking for ITER of neoclassical tearing mode stabilization by electron cyclotron current drive Nucl. Fusion 46 451-61 Honrubia J.J. et al 2006 Three-dimensional fast electron transport for ignition-scale inertial fusion capsules Nucl. Fusion 46 L25-8 Ido T. et al 2006 Observation of the interaction between the geodesic acoustic mode and ambient fluctuation in the JFT-2M tokamak Nucl. Fusion 46 512-20 Plyusnin V.V. et al 2006 Study of runaway electron generation during major disruptions in JET Nucl. Fusion 46 277-84 Pitts R.A. et al 2006 Far SOL ELM ion energies in JET Nucl. Fusion 46 82-98 Berk H.L. et al 2006
24 CFR 578.21 - Awarding funds.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... procedures provided in the NOFA and will award funds to recipients through a national competition based on... withdraw an award if the applicant does not satisfy all conditions imposed on it. Correcting all issues and... 24 Housing and Urban Development 3 2014-04-01 2013-04-01 true Awarding funds. 578.21 Section 578...
24 CFR 578.21 - Awarding funds.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... procedures provided in the NOFA and will award funds to recipients through a national competition based on... withdraw an award if the applicant does not satisfy all conditions imposed on it. Correcting all issues and... 24 Housing and Urban Development 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Awarding funds. 578.21 Section 578...
An Earth System Scientist Network for Student and Scientist Partnerships
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Ledley, T. S.
Successful student and scientist partnerships require that there is a mutual benefit from the partnership. This means that the scientist needs to be able to see the advantage of having students work on his/her project, and the students and teachers need to see that the students contribute to the project and develop the skills in inquiry and the content knowledge in the geosciences that are desired. Through the Earth System Scientist Network (ESSN) for Student and Scientist Partnerships project we are working toward developing scientific research projects for the participation of high school students. When these research projects are developed they will be posted on the ESSN web site that will appear in the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE). In DLESE teachers and students who are interested in participating in a research program will be able to examine the criteria for each project and select the one that matches their needs and situation. In this paper we will report on how the various ESSN research projects are currently being developed to assure that both the scientist and the students benefit from the partnership. The ESSN scientists are working with a team of scientists and educators to 1) completely define the research question that the students will be addressing, 2) determine what role the students will have in the project, 3) identify the data that the students and teachers will work with, 4) map out the scientific protocols that the students will follow, and 5) determine the background and support materials needed to facilitate students successfully participating in the project. Other issues that the team is addressing include 1) identifying the selection criteria for the schools, 2) identifying rewards and recognition for the students and teacher by the scientist, and 3) identifying issues in Earth system science, relevant to the scientists data, that the students and teachers could use as a guide help develop students investigative
10 CFR 603.1260 - Expenditure-based award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... adjustment does not exceed the total Government funds obligated to the award. Most Federal Government grants... Used in this Part § 603.1260 Expenditure-based award. A Federal Government assistance award for which...
75 FR 71133 - National Institute of Mental Health; Notice of Closed Meeting
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... Emphasis Panel; Competitive Revision for Stem Cell Repository Relevant to Mental Disorders. Date: December... Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 93.242, Mental Health Research Grants; 93.281, Scientist Development Award, Scientist Development Award for Clinicians, and Research Scientist Award; 93.282, Mental Health National...
Degrees and Certificates Awarded, 2001-2002.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Coperthwaite, Corby A.; Jones, Dennis
This document reports on degrees and certificates awarded by the Connecticut community colleges during the 2001-02 academic year, using a set of eight categories. The colleges awarded 3,977 degrees and certificates in 2001-02. This represents a 1.3% increase over the previous year, and a 7.2% decrease since 1998. The colleges awarded 735…
Rebecca Knuth: LJ Teaching Award 2009
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Berry, John N., III
This article profiles Rebecca Knuth, winner of the LJ Teaching Award for 2009. The way she plans a class she's teaching illustrates why she was nominated by her students and won the award. The award, which comes with a $5000 honorarium and a celebration at the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting, is sponsored by ProQuest. For…
Michael Tomasello: Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions.
The APA Awards for Distinguished Scientific Contributions are presented to persons who, in the opinion of the Committee on Scientific Awards, have made distinguished theoretical or empirical contributions to basic research in psychology. One of the 2015 award winners is Michael Tomasello, who received this award for "outstanding empirical and theoretical contributions to understanding what makes the human mind unique. Michael Tomasello's pioneering research on the origins of social cognition has led to revolutionary insights in both developmental psychology and primate cognition." Tomasello's award citation, biography, and a selected bibliography are presented here. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... in Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and Recipient Responsibilities for Informing... Recipient Responsibilities for Informing Subrecipients. The award term described in this section shall be...,” recipients agree to separately identify the expenditures for Federal awards under the Recovery Act on the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... in Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and Recipient Responsibilities for Informing... Recipient Responsibilities for Informing Subrecipients. The award term described in this section shall be...,” recipients agree to separately identify the expenditures for Federal awards under the Recovery Act on the...
Ozone Gardens for the Citizen Scientist
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Pippin, Margaret; Reilly, Gay; Rodjom, Abbey; Malick, Emily
NASA Langley partnered with the Virginia Living Museum and two schools to create ozone bio-indicator gardens for citizen scientists of all ages. The garden at the Marshall Learning Center is part of a community vegetable garden designed to teach young children where food comes from and pollution in their area, since most of the children have asthma. The Mt. Carmel garden is located at a K-8 school. Different ozone sensitive and ozone tolerant species are growing and being monitored for leaf injury. In addition, CairClip ozone monitors were placed in the gardens and data are compared to ozone levels at the NASA Langley Chemistry and Physics Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment (CAPABLE) site in Hampton, VA. Leaf observations and plant measurements are made two to three times a week throughout the growing season.
Brock, Malcolm V; Bouvet, Michael
Surgery is a labor-intensive, time-consuming profession. Young faculty members in surgery are saddled with many clinical time constraints that often allow precious few moments for academic pursuits. Consequently, K award submissions from surgeons trail nonsurgeons. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), however, is actively trying to encourage participation of surgeons in basic science research, translational research, clinical outcomes research, and even in prevention/control research. But, at the same time, the NIH has newly implemented a policy that has made the grant review process more restrictive by only allowing 2 submissions of any grant application. It is imperative, therefore, for junior faculty surgeons to learn "grantsmanship" and have the ability to construct succinct, competitive K award grants. Although most of this information is public knowledge and made available by the NIH itself, many of the practical points presented here are tailored to the special needs of clinically active surgical researchers. Often, these "hints" are buried on expansive websites that require considerable time to read and navigate. The authors have a long combined experience on a study section dedicated to adjudicating K awards. The goal of this review is to present concise, useful information about common errors, research plan dos and don'ts, template examples of superior mentored letters, and many other suggestions that may assist any first-time candidate for these awards.
Colorado Scientists Win National Award
environmentally friendly products, such as biodegradable pesticides and gasoline additives. Dr. Joseph Bozell and manufacture biodegradable herbicides and pesticides and an oxygenate for cleaner burning gasoline. Biomass
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Yore, Larry D.; Hand, Brian M.; Prain, Vaughan
This study attempted to establish an image of a science writer based on a synthesis of writing theory, models, and research literature on academic writing in science and other disciplines and to contrast this image with an actual prototypical image of scientists as writers of science. The synthesis was used to develop a questionnaire to assess scientists' writing habits, beliefs, strategies, and perceptions about print-based language. The questionnaire was administered to 17 scientists from science and applied science departments of a large Midwestern land grant university. Each respondent was interviewed following the completion of the questionnaire with a custom-designed semistructured protocol to elaborate, probe, and extend their written responses. These data were analyzed in a stepwise fashion using the questionnaire responses to establish tentative assertions about the three major foci (type of writing done, criteria of good science writing, writing strategies used) and the interview responses to verify these assertions. Two illustrative cases (a very experienced, male physical scientist and a less experienced, female applied biological scientist) were used to highlight diversity in the sample. Generally, these 17 scientists are driven by the academy's priority of publishing their research results in refereed, peer-reviewed journals. They write their research reports in isolation or as a member of a large research team, target their writing to a few journals that they also read regularly, use writing in their teaching and scholarship to inform and persuade science students and other scientists, but do little border crossing into other discourse communities. The prototypical science writer found in this study did not match the image based on a synthesis of the writing literature in that these scientists perceived writing as knowledge telling not knowledge building, their metacognition of written discourse was tacit, and they used a narrow array of genre
UK businesses bag innovation awards
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Banks, Michael
Five UK firms have received innovation awards from the Institute of Physics (IOP), which publishes Physics World. Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging, Metrasens, M Squared Lasers, Silixa and Tracerco have all won an IOP award for developing new innovative products.
Scientists Shaping the Discussion
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Abraham, J. A.; Weymann, R.; Mandia, S. A.; Ashley, M.
Scientific studies which directly impact the larger society require an engagement between the scientists and the larger public. With respect to research on climate change, many third-party groups report on scientific findings and thereby serve as an intermediary between the scientist and the public. In many cases, the third-party reporting misinterprets the findings and conveys inaccurate information to the media and the public. To remedy this, many scientists are now taking a more active role in conveying their work directly to interested parties. In addition, some scientists are taking the further step of engaging with the general public to answer basic questions related to climate change - even on sub-topics which are unrelated to scientists' own research. Nevertheless, many scientists are reluctant to engage the general public or the media. The reasons for scientific reticence are varied but most commonly are related to fear of public engagement, concern about the time required to properly engage the public, or concerns about the impact to their professional reputations. However, for those scientists who are successful, these engagement activities provide many benefits. Scientists can increase the impact of their work, and they can help society make informed choices on significant issues, such as mitigating global warming. Here we provide some concrete steps that scientists can take to ensure that their public engagement is successful. These steps include: (1) cultivating relationships with reporters, (2) crafting clear, easy to understand messages that summarize their work, (3) relating science to everyday experiences, and (4) constructing arguments which appeal to a wide-ranging audience. With these steps, we show that scientists can efficiently deal with concerns that would otherwise inhibit their public engagement. Various resources will be provided that allow scientists to continue work on these key steps.
Robotic Mining Competition Awards Ceremony
Team Astrobotics from The University of Alabama won the top award, the Joe Kosmo Award for Excellence, and several other awards, during NASA's 8th Annual Robotic Competition award ceremony inside the Apollo-Saturn V Center at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida. More than 40 student teams from colleges and universities around the U.S. used their uniquely-designed mining robots to dig in a supersized sandbox filled with BP-1, or simulated Martian soil, and participated in other competition requirements, May 22-26, at the visitor complex. The Robotic Mining Competition is a NASA Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate project designed to encourage students in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM fields. The project provides a competitive environment to foster innovative ideas and solutions that could be used on NASA's Journey to Mars.
Rescuing the physician-scientist workforce: the time for action is now.
Milewicz, Dianna M; Lorenz, Robin G; Dermody, Terence S; Brass, Lawrence F
The 2014 NIH Physician-Scientist Workforce (PSW) Working Group report identified distressing trends among the small proportion of physicians who consider research to be their primary occupation. If unchecked, these trends will lead to a steep decline in the size of the workforce. They include high rates of attrition among young investigators, failure to maintain a robust and diverse pipeline, and a marked increase in the average age of physician-scientists, as older investigators have chosen to continue working and too few younger investigators have entered the workforce to replace them when they eventually retire. While the policy debates continue, here we propose four actions that can be implemented now. These include applying lessons from the MD-PhD training experience to postgraduate training, shortening the time to independence by at least 5 years, achieving greater diversity and numbers in training programs, and establishing Physician-Scientist Career Development offices at medical centers and universities. Rather than waiting for the federal government to solve our problems, we urge the academic community to address these goals by partnering with the NIH and national clinical specialty and medical organizations.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 32 National Defense 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false May I award or administer TIAs if I am... INVESTMENT AGREEMENTS General § 37.125 May I award or administer TIAs if I am authorized to award or administer other assistance instruments? (a) You must have specific authorization to award or administer TIAs...
48 CFR 852.273-74 - Award without exchanges.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Award without exchanges... Award without exchanges. As prescribed in 873.110(e), insert the following provision: Award Without Exchanges (JAN 2003) The Government intends to evaluate proposals and award a contract without exchanges...
Clark Receives Ocean Sciences Award
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Roman, Michael R.; Clark, H. Lawrence
H. Lawrence Clark received the 2008 Ocean Sciences Award at the 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting, held 2-7 March 2008 in Orlando, Fla. The award is given in recognition of outstanding and long-standing service to the ocean sciences.
a cost of about $.50/watt. Learn more HP Apollo 8000 System HP Apollo 8000 System Uses component Award - HP Apollo 8000 System - Steve Hammond and Team 2008 Editor's Choice Award - Hybrid CIGS (copper
14 CFR 1274.202 - Methods of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Aeronautics and Space NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS WITH COMMERCIAL FIRMS Pre-Award Requirements § 1274.202 Methods of award. (a) Competitive agreements. Consistent with 31 U.S.C. 6301(3), NASA uses competitive procedures to award cooperative agreements whenever possible...
NRAO Astronomer Wins Max-Planck Research Award
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Dr. Christopher Carilli, a National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) astronomer in Socorro, New Mexico, has been chosen to receive the prestigious Max Planck Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Max Planck Society in Germany. Christopher Carilli Dr. Christopher Carilli Click on image for more photos CREDIT: NRAO/AUI/NSF Carilli, a radio astronomer, and German particle physicist Christof Wetterich are the 2005 recipients of the award, conferred on "one researcher working in Germany and one working abroad who have already gained an international reputation and who are expected to produce outstanding achievements in the framework of international collaboration," according to an announcement from the Humboldt Foundation. "This is a great honor for Chris, and we are proud to see him receive such important international recognition for the excellence of his research," said NRAO Director Fred K.Y. Lo. Carilli's research has focused on studying very distant galaxies in the early Universe, and a quest to find the first luminous objects, such as stars or galaxies, to emerge. His most recent interests focus on unveiling the mysteries of what cosmologists call the "Epoch of Reionization," when the first stars and galaxies ionized the neutral hydrogen that pervaded the young Universe. Carilli and his research colleagues have used NRAO's Very Large Array and other radio telescopes to discover that the molecular raw material for star formation already was present in a galaxy seen as it was about 800 million years after the Big Bang, less than 1/16 the current age of the Universe. The Max Planck Research Award provides 750,000 Euros (currently about $900,000), to be used over five years, for research. The funding is provided by the German Ministry of Education and Research. Carilli will use the funding to support young researchers and to build scientific instrumentation, with a focus on fostering radio studies of cosmic reionization and the first
49 CFR 663.21 - Pre-award audit requirements.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 49 Transportation 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Pre-award audit requirements. 663.21 Section 663.21 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PRE-AWARD AND POST-DELIVERY AUDITS OF ROLLING STOCK PURCHASES Pre-Award Audits § 663.21 Pre-award audit...
Environmental Protection Agency Award Recipient Responsibilities
Itemized Award Phase information. Information about the Recipient's Responsibilities Upon Notification of the Award, The EPA Project Officer Responsibilities, and EPA Grant Specialists Responsibilities.
How to Grow Project Scientists: A Systematic Approach to Developing Project Scientists
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Kea, Howard
The Project Manager is one of the key individuals that can determine the success or failure of a project. NASA is fully committed to the training and development of Project Managers across the agency to ensure that highly capable individuals are equipped with the competencies and experience to successfully lead a project. An equally critical position is that of the Project Scientist. The Project Scientist provides the scientific leadership necessary for the scientific success of a project by insuring that the mission meets or exceeds the scientific requirements. Traditionally, NASA Goddard project scientists were appointed and approved by the Center Science Director based on their knowledge, experience, and other qualifications. However the process to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities was not documented or done in a systematic way. NASA Goddard's current Science Director, Nicholas White saw the need to create a pipeline for developing new projects scientists, and appointed a team to develop a process for training potential project scientists. The team members were Dr. Harley Thronson, Chair, Dr. Howard Kea, Mr. Mark Goldman, DACUM facilitator and the late Dr. Michael VanSteenberg. The DACUM process, an occupational analysis and evaluation system, was used to produce a picture of the project scientist's duties, tasks, knowledge, and skills. The output resulted in a 3-Day introductory course detailing all the required knowledge, skills and abilities a scientist must develop over time to be qualified for selections as a Project Scientist.
Forensic scientists' conclusions: how readable are they for non-scientist report-users?
Howes, Loene M; Kirkbride, K Paul; Kelty, Sally F; Julian, Roberta; Kemp, Nenagh
Scientists have an ethical responsibility to assist non-scientists to understand their findings and expert opinions before they are used as decision-aids within the criminal justice system. The communication of scientific expert opinion to non-scientist audiences (e.g., police, lawyers, and judges) through expert reports is an important but under-researched issue. Readability statistics were used to assess 111 conclusions from a proficiency test in forensic glass analysis. The conclusions were written using an average of 23 words per sentence, and approximately half of the conclusions were expressed using the active voice. At an average Flesch-Kincaid Grade level of university undergraduate (Grade 13), and Flesch Reading Ease score of difficult (42), the conclusions were written at a level suitable for people with some tertiary education in science, suggesting that the intended non-scientist readers would find them difficult to read. To further analyse the readability of conclusions, descriptive features of text were used: text structure; sentence structure; vocabulary; elaboration; and coherence and unity. Descriptive analysis supported the finding that texts were written at a level difficult for non-scientists to read. Specific aspects of conclusions that may pose difficulties for non-scientists were located. Suggestions are included to assist scientists to write conclusions with increased readability for non-scientist readers, while retaining scientific integrity. In the next stage of research, the readability of expert reports in their entirety is to be explored. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Entrepreneurship for Creative Scientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Parker, Dawood; Raghu, Surya; Brooks, Richard
Through patenting and commercialization, scientists today can develop their work beyond a publication in a learned journal. Indeed, universities and governments are encouraging today's scientists and engineers to break their research out of the laboratory and into the commercial world. However, doing so is complicated and can be daunting for those more used to a research seminar than a board room. This book, written by experienced scientists and entrepreneurs, deals with businesses started by scientists based on innovation and sets out to clarify for scientists and engineers the steps necessary to take an idea along the path to commercialization and maximise the potential for success, regardless of the path taken.
Step 4: Award Negotiation & Issuance
Before a grant can be awarded and accepted, several pre-award activities must happen to formalize the partnership. Ensuring compliance with federal laws, a review of costs and a negotiation of the appropriate funding level must all happen in order to rece
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Subramaniam, Karthigeyan; Esprívalo Harrell, Pamela; Wojnowski, David
Background and purpose : This study details the use of a conceptual framework to analyze prospective teachers' images of scientists to reveal their context-specific conceptions of scientists. The conceptual framework consists of context-specific conceptions related to positive, stereotypical and negative images of scientists as detailed in the literature on the images, role and work of scientists. Sample, design and method : One hundred and ninety-six drawings of scientists, generated by prospective teachers, were analyzed using the Draw-A-Scientist-Test Checklist (DAST-C), a binary linear regression and the conceptual framework. Results : The results of the binary linear regression analysis revealed a statistically significant difference for two DAST-C elements: ethnicity differences with regard to drawing a scientist who was Caucasian and gender differences for indications of danger. Analysis using the conceptual framework helped to categorize the same drawings into positive, stereotypical, negative and composite images of a scientist. Conclusions : The conceptual framework revealed that drawings were focused on the physical appearance of the scientist, and to a lesser extent on the equipment, location and science-related practices that provided the context of a scientist's role and work. Implications for teacher educators include the need to understand that there is a need to provide tools, like the conceptual framework used in this study, to help prospective teachers to confront and engage with their multidimensional perspectives of scientists in light of the current trends on perceiving and valuing scientists. In addition, teacher educators need to use the conceptual framework, which yields qualitative perspectives about drawings, together with the DAST-C, which yields quantitative measure for drawings, to help prospective teachers to gain a holistic outlook on their drawings of scientists.
Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions: Terry E. Robinson.
The APA Awards for Distinguished Scientific Contributions are presented to persons who, in the opinion of the Committee on Scientific Awards, have made distinguished theoretical or empirical contributions to basic research in psychology. One of the 2016 award winners is Terry E. Robinson, who received this award for "outstanding contributions to understanding the psychological and neural mechanisms underlying stimulant drug responses." Robinson's award citation, biography, and a selected bibliography are presented here. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).
10 CFR 1023.329 - Payment of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... official. The agency will pay the amount awarded to the applicant within 60 days. ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Payment of award. 1023.329 Section 1023.329 Energy DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (GENERAL PROVISIONS) CONTRACT APPEALS Procedures Relating to Awards Under the Equal...
32 CFR 37.1285 - Expenditure-based award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... purposes for which the award was made. Most Federal Government grants and cooperative agreements are... National Defense Department of Defense OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE DoD GRANT AND AGREEMENT...-based award. A Federal Government contract or assistance award for which the amounts of interim payments...
36 CFR 1210.11 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... RULES UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, HOSPITALS, AND OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Pre-Award Requirements § 1210.11 Pre-award policies... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Pre-award policies. 1210.11...
13 CFR 308.3 - Planning performance awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Planning performance awards. 308.3 Section 308.3 Business Credit and Assistance ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES § 308.3 Planning performance awards. (a) A Recipient of Investment Assistance awarded...
Redefining Normal: A Critical Analysis of (Dis)ability in Young Adult Literature
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Curwood, Jen Scott
This literary analysis examines constructions of normalcy and disability within contemporary young adult literature, including "Jerk," "California" (Friesen, 2008), "Marcelo in the Real World" (Stork, 2009), and "Five Flavors of Dumb" (John, 2010). As recent winners of the Schneider Family Book Award from the American Library Association, these…
14 CFR 1260.111 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations Pre-Award Requirements § 1260.111 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of grants and cooperative agreements, and contracts. In each instance, NASA... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Pre-award policies. 1260.111 Section 1260...
28 CFR 70.11 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... AND AGREEMENTS (INCLUDING SUBAWARDS) WITH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, HOSPITALS AND OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Pre-Award Requirements § 70.11 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of grants and cooperative... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Pre-award policies. 70.11 Section 70.11...
14 CFR 1260.111 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations Pre-Award Requirements § 1260.111 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of grants and cooperative agreements, and contracts. In each instance, NASA... 14 Aeronautics and Space 5 2011-01-01 2010-01-01 true Pre-award policies. 1260.111 Section 1260...
10 CFR 600.111 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations Pre-Award Requirements § 600.111 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of Grants and... 10 Energy 4 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Pre-award policies. 600.111 Section 600.111 Energy...
28 CFR 70.11 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... AND AGREEMENTS (INCLUDING SUBAWARDS) WITH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, HOSPITALS AND OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Pre-Award Requirements § 70.11 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of grants and cooperative... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Pre-award policies. 70.11 Section 70.11...
28 CFR 70.11 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... AND AGREEMENTS (INCLUDING SUBAWARDS) WITH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, HOSPITALS AND OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Pre-Award Requirements § 70.11 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of grants and cooperative... 28 Judicial Administration 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Pre-award policies. 70.11 Section 70.11...
32 CFR 22.420 - Pre-award procedures.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... REGULATIONS DoD GRANTS AND AGREEMENTS-AWARD AND ADMINISTRATION Recipient Qualification Matters-General... the grants officer decides to make the award to the recipient, unless there are compelling reasons to... Defense at 2 CFR 1125.425) checking the EPLS for: (i) Potential recipients of prime awards; and (ii) A...
22 CFR 145.11 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Pre-award policies. 145.11 Section 145.11 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE CIVIL RIGHTS GRANTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, HOSPITALS, AND OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Pre-Award Requirements § 145.11 Pre-award policies...
22 CFR 145.14 - Special award conditions.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Special award conditions. 145.14 Section 145.14 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE CIVIL RIGHTS GRANTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, HOSPITALS, AND OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Pre-Award Requirements § 145.14 Special award...
Designing an effective recognition award program. Dispelling the myths.
Cherrington, D J
Recognition award programs are effective when valuable symbolic awards are presented in a meaningful award ceremony. Valuable symbolic awards are more than just expensive merchandise. The best awards are functional jewelry or office/home accessories made of precious materials (such as gold and diamonds) that contain some form of symbolism, such as the company logo or colors. Meaningful presentations make employees feel genuinely appreciated and increase their job satisfaction and company commitment. The awards should be presented in the presence of coworkers by a higher-level manager who can articulate the employee's contribution to the company. A careless and casual award presentation can make employees feel demeaned and unappreciated.
Frank H. Spedding award citation
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Soderholm, Lynda
Today it is my honor and my pleasure to present the Frank H. Spedding Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Science and Technology of the Rare Earths. Professor Spedding, after whom this award is named, was the former director of Ames Laboratory at Iowa State University. He received his Ph.D. in 1929 under the supervision of Professor G.N. Lewis and went on to receive the Langmuir Award in Pure Chemistry, awarded to a chemist, under 31 years old. With the advent of World War II he became involved with the Manhattan Project, and was present with Enrico Fermi during the first sustained pile reaction at the University of Chicago. Among Professor Spedding's most notable achievements was the development in the 1950s of a form of ion exchange displacement chromatography that permits the remarkably effective separation of neighboring rare-earth elements. Additionally, the Spedding team established the efficacy of EDTA in performing such separations.
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
... LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Notice of Intent To Award--Grant Awards for the Provision of Civil Legal Services to Eligible Clients in Louisiana (Service Area LA- 1) Beginning June 2011 AGENCY: Legal...: The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) hereby announces its intention to award grants and contracts to...
Who's the Scientist? Seventh graders describe scientists before and after a visit to Fermilab really liked this description. Was it written before or after the visit to Fermilab? See what the kids
Indies Campaign Medal Women’s Army Corps Service Medal World War II Victory Medal Yangtze Service Medal Table 3. Foreign Awards Awarded...Philippine Islands who served on active duty at any time between December 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946. (45) Yangtze Service Medal. Department of...operations in the Yangtze River Valley, China, between September 3, 1926, and October 21, 1927, and between March 1, 1930, and December 31, 1932
43 CFR 12.911 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations Pre-Award Requirements § 12.911 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of Grants and Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts. In each... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Pre-award policies. 12.911 Section 12.911...
49 CFR 19.11 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... AGREEMENTS WITH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, HOSPITALS, AND OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Pre-Award Requirements § 19.11 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of grants and cooperative agreements, and contracts. In each... 49 Transportation 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Pre-award policies. 19.11 Section 19.11...
22 CFR 518.11 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... AGREEMENTS WITH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, HOSPITALS, AND OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Pre-Award Requirements § 518.11 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of Grants and Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts. In each... 22 Foreign Relations 2 2011-04-01 2009-04-01 true Pre-award policies. 518.11 Section 518.11...
43 CFR 12.911 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations Pre-Award Requirements § 12.911 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of Grants and Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts. In each... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Pre-award policies. 12.911 Section 12.911...
43 CFR 12.911 - Pre-award policies.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations Pre-Award Requirements § 12.911 Pre-award policies. (a) Use of Grants and Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts. In each... 43 Public Lands: Interior 1 2012-10-01 2011-10-01 true Pre-award policies. 12.911 Section 12.911...
45 CFR 63.17 - Amount of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... award. Federal assistance shall be provided only to meet allowable costs incurred by the award recipient... 45 Public Welfare 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Amount of award. 63.17 Section 63.17 Public Welfare DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL ADMINISTRATION GRANT PROGRAMS ADMINISTERED BY THE...
45 CFR 63.17 - Amount of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... award. Federal assistance shall be provided only to meet allowable costs incurred by the award recipient... 45 Public Welfare 1 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Amount of award. 63.17 Section 63.17 Public Welfare DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL ADMINISTRATION GRANT PROGRAMS ADMINISTERED BY THE...
45 CFR 63.17 - Amount of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... award. Federal assistance shall be provided only to meet allowable costs incurred by the award recipient... 45 Public Welfare 1 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Amount of award. 63.17 Section 63.17 Public Welfare Department of Health and Human Services GENERAL ADMINISTRATION GRANT PROGRAMS ADMINISTERED BY THE...
45 CFR 63.17 - Amount of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... award. Federal assistance shall be provided only to meet allowable costs incurred by the award recipient... 45 Public Welfare 1 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Amount of award. 63.17 Section 63.17 Public Welfare DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL ADMINISTRATION GRANT PROGRAMS ADMINISTERED BY THE...
Project #OPE-FY18-0003, January 9, 2018. The OIG plans to begin preliminary research to evaluate the agency's Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards and how the agency uses the data from the award nominations.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... GOVERNMENTWIDE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Definitions § 182.605 Award. Award... includes: (1) A Federal grant or cooperative agreement, in the form of money or property in lieu of money... include: (1) Technical assistance that provides services instead of money. (2) Loans. (3) Loan guarantees...
An Analysis of Past Surgical Infection Society Award Recipients.
Claridge, Jeffrey A; Banerjee, Aman; Zosa, Brenda M; Hydo, Lynn J; Lipsett, Pamela A; Barie, Philip S
The Surgical Infection Society (SIS) through its foundation (FDTN) confers awards to individuals who demonstrate interest in researching infection in the surgical setting. We sought to characterize the research output from prior award recipients and determine the impact of these awards on the individual and the SIS. The SIS website was queried for the names of all past award recipients. A MEDLINE search of the recipients was performed. Total number of publications and publications in the society's journal, Surgical Infections (SI), were identified. Gender and leadership positions within SIS were determined. Meeting attendance and participation were assessed. Donations by scholarship recipient to the FDTN were evaluated. Between 1984 and 2012, 116 individuals received an SIS award or scholarship. Of these, 72% were male. There were 101 scholarships awarded, totaling nearly $3 million. Of the 19 new Junior Faculty Scholarships awarded, four were to consecutive recipients (CR). There were 11 clinical evaluative award scholarships awarded, three to CR. There were 100 Resident/Fellow scholarships awarded, and of these, 22 were awarded to CR. Past recipients had multiple publications (median total publications = 27; interquartile range (IQR): Nine to 62) and published multiple papers on the topic for which they received an award (median two; IQR: Zero to four). Recipients did not publish in SI (median SI publications = zero; IQR: Zero to one). There was no substantial difference in the number of publications by gender. Multiple awards (MA) were conferred to 26 (22%) individuals. Six (5.1%) assumed an executive position within SIS, two (1.7%) became SIS president. Those who received MA were more likely to serve as an officer than those who only received one award (15% vs. 2%, p = 0.02). Scholarships have a large benefit for individual recipients; however, the benefit to the society remains harder to quantify.
5 CFR 2610.311 - Payment of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... THE EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE ACT Procedures for Considering Applications § 2610.311 Payment of award..., Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20005-3917. The Office will pay the amount awarded to the applicant within 60 days, unless judicial review of the award or of the underlying decision of...
22 CFR 134.30 - Payment of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... will pay the amount awarded to the applicant within 60 days, unless judicial review of the award or of... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Payment of award. 134.30 Section 134.30 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE MISCELLANEOUS EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE ACT; IMPLEMENTATION Procedures for...
17 CFR 201.59 - Payment of award.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... as authorized by law, unless judicial review of the award has been sought by the applicant. [54 FR... Regulations Pertaining to the Equal Access to Justice Act § 201.59 Payment of award. An applicant seeking... decision granting the award, accompanied by a sworn statement that the applicant will not seek review of...
Scientists feature their work in Arctic-focused short videos by FrontierScientists
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Nielsen, L.; O'Connell, E.
Whether they're guiding an unmanned aerial vehicle into a volcanic plume to sample aerosols, or documenting core drilling at a frozen lake in Siberia formed 3.6 million years ago by a massive meteorite impact, Arctic scientists are using video to enhance and expand their science and science outreach. FrontierScientists (FS), a forum for showcasing scientific work, produces and promotes radically different video blogs featuring Arctic scientists. Three- to seven- minute multimedia vlogs help deconstruct researcher's efforts and disseminate stories, communicating scientific discoveries to our increasingly connected world. The videos cover a wide range of current field work being performed in the Arctic. All videos are freely available to view or download from the FrontierScientists.com website, accessible via any internet browser or via the FrontierScientists app. FS' filming process fosters a close collaboration between the scientist and the media maker. Film creation helps scientists reach out to the public, communicate the relevance of their scientific findings, and craft a discussion. Videos keep audience tuned in; combining field footage, pictures, audio, and graphics with a verbal explanation helps illustrate ideas, allowing one video to reach people with different learning strategies. The scientists' stories are highlighted through social media platforms online. Vlogs grant scientists a voice, letting them illustrate their own work while ensuring accuracy. Each scientific topic on FS has its own project page where easy-to-navigate videos are featured prominently. Video sets focus on different aspects of a researcher's work or follow one of their projects into the field. We help the scientist slip the answers to their five most-asked questions into the casual script in layman's terms in order to free the viewers' minds to focus on new concepts. Videos are accompanied by written blogs intended to systematically demystify related facts so the scientists can focus
Scientists in the public sphere: Interactions of scientists and journalists in Brazil.
Massarani, Luisa; Peters, Hans P
In order to map scientists' views on media channels and explore their experiences interacting with journalists, the authors conducted a survey of about 1,000 Brazilian scientists. Results indicate that scientists have clear and high expectations about how journalists should act in reporting scientific information in the media, but such expectations, in their opinion, do not always seem to be met. Nonetheless, the results show that surveyed scientists rate their relation with the media positively: 67% say that having their research covered by media has a positive impact on their colleagues. One quarter of the respondents expressed that talking to the media can facilitate acquisition of more funds for research. Moreover, 38% of the total respondents believe that writing about an interesting topic for release on media channels can also facilitate research publication in a scientific journal. However, 15% of the respondents outright agree that research reported in the media beforehand can threaten acceptance for publication by a scientific journal. We hope that these results can foster some initiatives for improving awareness of the two cultures, scientists and journalists; increasing the access of journalists to Brazilian scientific endeavors; stimulating scientists to communicate with the public via social networks.
Scientists: Engage the Public!
Shugart, Erika C.
ABSTRACT Scientists must communicate about science with public audiences to promote an understanding of complex issues that we face in our technologically advanced society. Some scientists may be concerned about a social stigma or “Sagan effect” associated with participating in public communication. Recent research in the social sciences indicates that public communication by scientists is not a niche activity but is widely done and can be beneficial to a scientist’s career. There are a variety of approaches that scientists can take to become active in science communication. PMID:26695633
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Directorate for Science and Engineering Education.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) provides awards for education and research in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering. This publication contains information on fiscal year 1986 awards. An introductory section reviews the goals of NSF's education program and the long-range goals of the Directorate for Science and Engineering Education.…
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Awards. 64.6 Section 64.6 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE TRAINING GRANTS § 64.6 Awards. (a) Criteria. Within the limits of available funds, the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR
... 42 Public Health 1 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Awards. 64.6 Section 64.6 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE TRAINING GRANTS § 64.6 Awards. (a) Criteria. Within the limits of available funds, the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR
... 42 Public Health 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Awards. 64.6 Section 64.6 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE TRAINING GRANTS § 64.6 Awards. (a) Criteria. Within the limits of available funds, the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 42 Public Health 1 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Awards. 64.6 Section 64.6 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE TRAINING GRANTS § 64.6 Awards. (a) Criteria. Within the limits of available funds, the...
Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR
... 42 Public Health 1 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Awards. 64.6 Section 64.6 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE TRAINING GRANTS § 64.6 Awards. (a) Criteria. Within the limits of available funds, the...
15 CFR 18.6 - Standards for awards.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR
... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Standards for awards. 18.6 Section 18.6 Commerce and Foreign Trade Office of the Secretary of Commerce ATTORNEY'S FEES AND OTHER EXPENSES General Provisions § 18.6 Standards for awards. (a) A prevailing applicant may receive an award for fees...
23 CFR 1350.7 - Post-award requirements.
Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR
... 23 Highways 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Post-award requirements. 1350.7 Section 1350.7 Highways... MOTORCYCLIST SAFETY PROGRAM § 1350.7 Post-award requirements. (a) Within 30 days after notification of award but in no event later than September 12 of each year, a State must submit electronically to the agency...